The Fabulous Lipitones is a hilarious take on what happens when a barbershop quartet is forced to take on an unconventional replacement when one of their members suddenly dies. When they meet face to face with their replacement, he is definitely not what they expected. Will the four of them have perfect harmony or will the clash of cultures be too great? This comical and moving story about the power of song, prejudice, and friendship will fill the LTA auditorium with both laughs, tears, and the close harmonies of barbershop quartets.
Sendy Kurniawan, The Barbershop Quartet. ©2016. producedby Jamie Blake and Rebecca Sheehy directedby ChuckLeonard presents
writtenby JohnChapman and Dave Freeman producedby JeanCoyle and RebeccaPatton directedby EleanoreTapscott
Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French Inc., 235 Park Avenue South, Fifth Floor, New York, NY 10003
PRESIDENT Lloyd Bittinger
ARTISTIC SUPPORT............................................................................................................................Beverley Benda
BOX OFFICE............................................................................................................................................Rae Edmonson
BUILDING.................................................................................................................................................... David B. Hale
DEVELOPMENT............................................................................................................................................Jim Howard
EDUCATION........................................................................................................................................Michael Baker, Jr.
FRONT OF HOUSE........................................................................................................................................Jean Coyle
MEMBERSHIP Maria Ciarrocchi
PRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................Margaret Evans-Joyce
PUBLIC RELATIONS..............................................................................................................................Rachel Alberts
SEASONAL PLANNING..................................................................................................................Frank D. Shutts II
TECHNICAL SUPPORT............................................................................................................................Robert Kraus
Treasurer....................................................................................................................................................David B. Hale
Secretary to the Board......................................................................................................................Carolyn Winters
Executive Secretary............................................................................................................................Ashley Amidon
Archivist................................................................................................................................................Barbara Helsing
Business Manager..................................................................................................................................Virginia Lacey
Box Office Manager..................................................................................................................................Tina McCrea
Office Assistant........................................................................................................................................Cristina Wilke
Legal Counsel..................................................................................................................Brian T. Goldstein, Esquire
The Little Theatre of Alexandria, 600 Wolfe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Public Performances: Wed.–Sat. at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday at 3:00 p.m.
Those folks who know me well and, in fact, strangers who have just met me will quickly learn that I love theater. I am particularly enamored of farce. I totally buy into regular folks who get caught in outrageous situations as the mistaken identities multiply, the lies spill, and the doors slam with merry abandon.
Key for Two is a happy collaboration between two writers, John Chapman and Dave Freeman, who are known for writing well-crafted comedies, particularly for television. John Chapman has also written jointly with Ray Cooney, who is a master of farce. These playwrights write scripts that induce laughter by making fun of personal situations. This script incorporates the best elements of British sketch comedy and music hall routines. Farce reminds us that theater doesn’t have to keep pushing out to the edges of human experience. Plays like Key for Two are fun for fun’s sake as the characters witlessly work themselves into ridiculous situations and then wittily work their way out. So please enjoy this valentine to one of my favorite types of plays.
Eleanore TapscottHere’s a gift idea you can wrap your arms around! For the person who has everything, memorialize their love of theatre by purchasing a seat in our lovely theatre. An engraved plate, with up to three lines of engraving, will be placed on the arm rail.To purchase a seat, contact Virginia Lacey in the LTA Business Office at 703-683-5778 x2. By request, a Seat Purchase Certificate can be obtained for your presentation to the recipient of your gift.
Follow us on instagram@littletheatrealex
703-684-1655 ! burkeandherbertbank.com
Cast (in order of appearance)
Gordon...................................................................................................................................... Peter Harrold
Harriet.................................................................................................................................. Charlene Sloan
Alec.......................................................................................................................................... Cal Whitehurst
Anne.......................................................................................................................................... Dana Gattuso
Richard........................................................................................................................................ Justin Latus
Magda............................................................................................................................Elizabeth Replogle
Mildred Liz LeBoo
Time Period and Setting
1980s, Brighton, England, in the sitting room/bedroom of Harriet’s Regency flat
Act I
Scene 1 Monday morning
Scene 2 Sometime later
Scene 3 Wednesday afternoon
Act II
Later Wednesday night
Key for Two is performed in two acts with one 15-minute intermission.
Aldersgate Church Community Theater, Charles Dragonette, One Brick
Feb. 24 • Old Town Civic Association Feb. 28 • Rotary Club of Springfield March 7 • Northern Virginia Panhellenic Association
For your own safety, look for your nearest EXIT. In case of emergency, WALK, DO NOT run, to the exit. We regret that no sound recording or photographic equipment may be operated during the performance.
Join us at our beautiful Old Town location, where we offer the best in theater education for children ages three through 14. Now in its ninth year, LTA is the premier Alexandria location for summer fun and drama! Featuring fantastic teachers that include RADA-trained television personality Heather Sanderson; Screen Actors Guild member and radio/television voiceover actress Roberta Masters-Cullen, popular children’s vocal instructor Linda Wells; veteran acting teacher Kathy Dillaber; experienced director, actor and improv instructor John Waldron; and choreographer, acting and musical theater instructor, and camp director Michael Page.
We have something for everyone!
Ages: 3–5
DramaTots; DramaTots/Music & Movement
Grades: K–2nd
Performer’s Playground; The Play’s the Thing; Little Stars; Little Stars-Musical Theater; Musical Stories; Playmakers; Filmmakers;Frozen Camp!
Grades: 3rd–5th
Performer’s Playground; Singingfor Musical Theater; Scripts on Stage; Dr. Seuss World; Film Favorites; Who Dunnit?; Heroes and Villains; On Broadway-Musical Theater; Frozen Camp!
Grades: 6th–8th
Performer’s Playground; Scripts on Stage; Mythological Madness; Rising Stars-Musical Theater; Death by Shakespeare; Triple ThreaterMusical Theater; On Broadway-Musical Theater; Act Out The Song; Singing for Musical Theater
Visit www.thelittletheatre.com and click on the Education tab to view a complete schedule with descriptions, teacher bios and registration information.
Questions: call Virginia Lacey 703-683-5778, ext. 2
Producers......................................................................................................Jean Coyle, Rebecca Patton
Assistant to the Producers................................................................................................Rance Willis
Director..............................................................................................................................Eleanore Tapscott
Stage Managers......................................................................Sherry Clarke, Margaret Evans-Joyce
Assistant Stage Manager........................................................................................Shannon Starcher
Set Design............................................................................................................................Travis Downing
Set Construction..................................................................................................................John Downing
Assisted by Jim Hutzler, Robert Kraus, One Brick, Alex Bryce, Shelby Baker, Elizabeth Simoneau
Set Painting....................................................................................................................Adrienne Kammer
Assisted byMona Vargo, Susan Burkhead, Shelby Baker
Set Decoration............................................................................................................Charles Dragonette
Assisted by Travis Downing, Alan Wray
Lighting Design........................................................................................................Marzanne Claiborne
Master Electricians........................................................Micheal J. O’Connor, Pamela Leonowich
Assisted by Jay Bartol, Lloyd Bittinger, Kimberly Crago, Charles Dragonette, Iris Ellis, Jim Hartz, Donna Reynolds, Sherry Singer, Marg Soroos, Alan Wray
Sound Design............................................................................................................................Jon Roberts
Costume Design........................................................................................................Juliana Cofrancesco
Assisted by Megan Murphy, Rosemary Grefe, Claudia Atherton, Carol Pappas, Ross Creason
Wardrobe..............................................................................................................................Margaret Snow
Assisted by Carol Stark
Property Design......................................................................................................................Kirstin Apker
Assisted by Hilary Adams, Charles Palmer, Brendan Quinn, Tameka Taylor
Dialect Coach..............................................................................................................Cheryl Sinsabaugh
Fight Choreography......................................................................................................................Ian Claar
Rigging.................................................................................................................................. Russell Wyland
Photographer..........................................................................................................................Keith Waters
Double Tech Dinner..................................................................................................................Larry Grey
Assisted by Jennifer Lyman
Opening Night Party........................................Big Man Catering (Kadira Coley and Chin Duru)
Assisted by Maali Alkoukbi
Our special thanks to all those people whose names were not available when this program went to press.
Alexandria Convention & Visitors Association invites you to visit www.artseventsalexandria.com to view the arts calendar and schedule of events.
(in alphabetical order)
Dana Gattuso (Anne) is excited to be back at LTA. Past credits include Mama, Distracted (ATC), received “Best Performance in a Play in Professional Theatre” from DC Metro Theater Arts; Ouisa in Six Degrees of Separation (PCP); Sarah in Company; Vi in Footloose; Stepmother in Into the Woods (LTA); Rose in Dancing at Lughnasa (SMP); Little Mary in Little Mary Sunshine (DS); Maria in West Side Story (SMP); and Antonia in Man of La Mancha (ESP), among others. Thanks to James, Peter and Lindsey for indulging me, and Merry and Bill for passing down their passion for theater.
Peter Harrold (Gordon) is very excited to return to the LTA stage after an absence of more than 20 years (when he appeared in a different role in this same play!). Favorite recent roles have included Andrew in Sleuth (VTC), Mr. Burley in An Inspector Calls (RLT) and Ferris in Bedside Manners and Bernard in Don’t Dress for Dinner (both BP). Since retiring after 30 years at the World Bank, Peter has been teaching at George Washington University and enjoying long summers in France.
Justin Latus (Richard) LTA audiences may remember Justin in Ragtime, in which he played a racist fireman who destroyed the protagonist’s car and a policeman who accidentally kills the protagonist’s wife. Justin is marginally more appealing in this show as Richard. Justin gets in character every night by getting trashed at one of Old Town’s many watering holes. To those who think he has a drinking problem, he slurs, “Shut up, you little brat. You have the drinking problem!”
Liz LeBoo (Mildred) is excited to be making her debut with LTA. She has been involved in theater for many years, performing as a student in the D.C. area, then with companies in the Czech Republic and Indonesia. Recent credits include The Twelve Plays of Christmas (PCP) and Into the Woods with the Jakarta Players. Favorite roles include Jester in Once Upon a Mattress and Lizzy Curry in The Rainmaker.
Elizabeth Replogle (Magda) is so excited to be back at LTA! Previous roles here include Renée in The Odd Couple (Female Version), Marie-Celèste in Nude with Violin and Irma in Picnic. Elsewhere, she has performed as Marmee in Little Women (ACCT), Inspector Goring in The Game’s Afoot (MCP), Miss Casewell in The Mousetrap (SSS) and Esther in To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (PCP). She is, as ever, so grateful to her friends and family, especially her parents, for their unending support and encouragement.
Charlene Sloan (Harriet) is thrilled to return to LTA after playing Jean Perkins in Funny Money and a Bad Idea Bear and Mrs. T in Avenue Q! Other favorite roles include Lynn McCarthy in Red Herring (PPF), The Queen in Snow White and the Family Dwarf (PPF), Chris Gorman in Rumors (PPF), and Ruth Condomine in Blithe Spirit (PTC). Charlene also hosts “Lifestyles” on MeTV at 10 a.m. on Saturdays. Please support homeless animals and donate to broadwaybarks.org! Don’t shop, adopt!
Cal Whitehurst (Alec) is extremely pleased to appear in a naughty bedroom farce and to work with a talented cast and crew under the skilled direction of Eleanore Tapscott. His other LTA credits include Bob Cratchit in A Christmas Carol, Mr. Jordan in Heaven Can Wait and Mr. Gilmer in To Kill a Mockingbird. He would also like to call your attention to his performances as Tom Duffy in Farragut North (PCP), The Common Man in A Man for All Seasons (TAP) and George in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Zemfira).
2FT –2nd Flight Productions
2SP –Second Star Productions
ACCT –Aldersgate Church
Community Theater
ACT –Alliance of Community Theaters
AMS –American Music Stage
ATC –Arcturus Theater Company
BCT –Bowie Community Theatre
BP –British Players
CAPPIE –Critics & Awards Program for High School Theater
CHAW –Capitol Hill Arts Workshop
CAST –Community Alliance Supporter Theatre
CCDC –Capital City Players of DC
CCP –Chevy Chase Players
CCS –Clinton County Showcase
CFTC – City of Fairfax Theatre Company
CNT – Christopher Newport University
CRT –Castaways Repertory Theatre
CT –Chalice Theater
DT – Discovery Theater
DLC –Drama Learning Center
DS –Dominion Stage
ESP –Elden Street Players (now NST)
ESP/TFYA –Elden Street Players Theatre for Young Audiences
FB –Firebelly Productions
FCT –Fauquier Community Theatre
FP –Foundry Players (now CCDC)
GAC –Greenbelt Arts Center
GFP –Great Falls Players (now MCP)
GMUO – George Mason University Opera
GTP –Group Therapy Productions
HBP –Hard Bargain Players
KAT –Kensington Arts Theatre
KT –Keegan Theatre
LBT – Little Butterfly Theatre Company
LGP –Looking Glass Playhouse
LSDT –Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre
LTA –The Little Theatre of Alexandria
LTC –Landless Theatre Company
MCP –McLean Community Players
MP –Montgomery Playhouse
MPAT –Metropolitan Performing Arts Theatre
MTA –McLean Theatre Alliance (now MCP)
MTC – Musical Theater Center
MVCCT –Mount Vernon Community
Children’s Theatre
NST –NextStop Theatre
PCP –Port City Playhouse
PGLT –Prince George’s Little Theatre
PPF –Providence Players of Fairfax
PTC –Potomac Theatre Company Inc.
PTP –Port Tobacco Players
PWLT –Prince William Little Theatre
RBTC –Red Branch Theatre Company
RC –Riverside Center
RCP –Reston Community Players
RLT –Rockville Little Theatre
RMT –Rockville Musical Theatre
RTP –Rooftop Productions
SCT – Springfield Community Theater
SHAPE –Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe
SMP –St Mark’s Players
SSS –Silver Spring Stage
ST –Signature Theatre
STC – Street Theater Company
TACT –The American Century Theater
TAP –The Arlington Players
TAT –The Alliance Theatre
TCP –Tantallon Community Players
TFT –Taking Flight Theatre Company (formerly 2FT)
UMW –University of Mary Washington
VLOC –Victorian Lyric Opera Company
VTC –Vienna Theatre Company
WATCH –Washington Area Theatre
Community Honors
WS –Washington Savoyards
WST –Wildwood Summer Theatre
ZVP –Zoon Vader Productions
(in alphabetical order)
Kirstin Apker (Properties Design) has co-designed props for LTA’s Laughing Stock and decorated the set for Steel Magnolias (WATCH nomination), in addition to assistant stage managing A Party to Murder, Plaza Suite and Sweeney Todd. She has also appeared onstage in To Kill a Mockingbird, and she serves as coordinator of the theater’s Floodlight newsletter. Kirstin thanks Becky and Jean for inviting her along for this delightful comic romp and wishes the cast and crew broken appendages all around (not just Gordon)!
Ian Claar (Fight Choreographer) has been active in the theater and performing arts community for nearly 15 years. Ian is an actor/combatant with the Society of American Fight Directors and has been studying the art of stage combat for three years now. Most recently he directed the dagger and unarmed fights for Romeo and Juliet (Cape Henry Collegiate).
Marzanne Claiborne (Lighting Design) is delighted to be designing for Key for Two. Previous designs at LTA include Dirty Blonde, The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife, To Kill a Mockingbird (LTA Award winner for Excellence in Lighting Design) and Steel Magnolias. Lighting designs at ACCT include The Miracle Worker and Dixie Swim Club. Thanks to Pam Leonowich and Micheal J. O’Connor for once again bringing their master electrician skills to this show.
Sherry Clarke (Co-Stage Manager) first dabbled in the arts with the typical neighborhood plays as a child, fast forwarded to high school/college plays and musicals and began a very gratifying 13-year career as a vocalist based out of Seattle. She traveled north to Alaska (quite literally) and south along the western coastline before settling in Alexandria, discovering a new home with wonderful community theaters in the area. Sherry’s very pleased to be working under the creative direction of Eleanore Tapscott once again.
Juliana Cofrancesco (Costume Design) is thrilled to be back at LTA for this special production of Key for Two and is grateful for the opportunity to work with the fabulous cast and crew on this show. Recent costume credits include A Christmas Carol at LTA; Footloose, 1776, and Calendar Girls with McLean Community Players, and American Idiot with the Little Butterfly Theatre Company at First Stage. She cherishes and applauds her awesome costume team: Megan, Rosemary, Claudia, Carol and Ross.
Jean Coyle (Co-Producer) is currently serving as LTA’sGovernor of Front of House and has worked as an assistant to the stage manager for A Christmas Carol (2012),props for Proof and wardrobe for 33 Variations, Ragtime, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Rocky Horror Show and Boeing Boeing. She also co-chaired wardrobe for A Christmas Carol (2014) and was assistant to the producers for God of Carnage. At ACCT, Jean has produced Dixie Swim Club, assisted with Little Women and was wardrobe chief for The Miracle Worker.
Travis Downing (Set Design) has built sets, produced special effects and constructed costumes for various theaters here and abroad. He is as comfortable onstage as backstage, with favorite roles including Mr. Lawrence in Little Women and Prospero in The Tempest, both at ACCT, the King in Cinderella, Orsino in Twelfth Night, Theseus in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Lancelot in Spamalot, Howie in Rabbit Hole and Lt. Cioffi in Curtains, all abroad. T.J. would like to thank his darling bride, Lise, for putting up with him.
There are many ways to be involved with The Little Theatre of Alexandria!
Volunteers are an important aspect of LTA. There are many opportunities to be a part of LTA with a variety of events and times! All are welcome to participate regardless of experience.
LTA is one of the oldest community theatres in the Washington D.C. area thanks to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. A successful stage production requires many volunteers working behind the scenes before and during the run of the show. Everyone performing in and nearly everyone you see working on an LTA show is a volunteer.
As a volunteer community theatre group, LTA welcomes anyone interested in becoming involved. There are lots of opportunities at LTA, for all experience levels! So, come play with us.
For more information visit our website www.thelitletheatre.com and click on “Volunteer”, or call the business office at 703-683-5778.
Charles Dragonette (Set Decoration) is delighted to help create someone else’s reality in this fun excursion into the world of an independent and determined woman. His props and set dressing have been seen at ACCT, PCP and, most recently, in LTA’s A Christmas Carol, and he loves prowling thrift stores and consignment shops with a sense of purpose!
Margaret Evans-Joyce (Co-Stage Manager) has produced about a dozen productions and stage managed almost twice that many. She served four years as LTA’s President and is currently the Governor of Production. She recently received the Outstanding Service to LTA Award and shared the award for the 2014 Outstanding Production of the Year for Avenue Q. She is an adjunct professor at Howard University in the area of speech and language pathology.
Adrienne Kammer (Set Painting) is back for her second show with LTA, having painted A Party to Murder earlier this season. She has painted many shows at MCP, including Company. She started painting scenic sets with S.H.A.P.E. Players in Belgium and won several awards for painting and scenic design. When not painting for the theater, she paints custom murals and reproductions, sews and designs costumes and takes many walks with her husband and doggies. She looks forward to working with LTA in the future.
Pam Leonowich (Co-Master Electrician) has been climbing the light ladders at LTA for over 10 years and is proud to follow in her mother’s theater footsteps. Her mother managed and designed productions for the troops during World War II with the British Entertainments National Service Association (ENSA). Pam always enjoys teaming up with lighting designer Marzanne and co-master electrician Mike.
Micheal J. O’Connor (Co-Master Electrician) works as master electrician at many local community theaters—most recently Anything Goes, Steel Magnolias, The History Boys and A Christmas Carol for LTA and Mary Poppins for RCP. He is happy to be back as co-ME with Pam Leonowich, a favorite partner. He can often be found backstage or in the tech booth, always in the dark.
Rebecca Patton (Co-Producer) is a utility player in the Northern Virginia theatre community, working at ACCT, Port City, and Dominion Stage in addition to LTA. She has directed, produced, stage managed, designed sets (and built them), designed props, set dressing, costumes, wardrobe, and run lights and sound. She serves on the ACCT Council coordinating costumes and publicity and the Port City Playhouse Board as VP for Financial Development.
Jon Roberts (Sound Design) is pleased to return to LTA, having previously designed projection for All the King’s Women. Just back from a year at Yale (as the oldest student), he is putting that tuition to work. Other credits include: Virgil in Bus Stop, Sound design for 33 Variations (WATCH nominee), Sound and projection for Shrek (WATCH nominee), Sound design for Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (RCP); Circle Mirror Transformation, Willy Wonka (VTC); Legally Blonde, Rumors, Time Stands Still, Footloose, Unnecessary Farce (MCP), D.C. Fringe, and six sound designs for Yale Cabaret. Love to Jessie!
Cheryl Sinsabaugh (Dialect Coach) has spent her life in community theater worldwide, mainly onstage, but of late she has been backstage as stage manager and doing lighting, makeup and props. She has worked as dialect/accent coach at LTA and Bishop Ireton High School. Recent plays she has coached are A Christmas Carol, Funny Money, Something’s Afoot and The History Boys (LTA) and Pride and Prejudice and The Miracle Worker (ACCT). Cheryl lives in Annandale with her husband, Michael, and two Siamese cats.
Margaret Snow (Wardrobe) is pleased to be the wardrobe mistress and delighted to be working once again with the director (I’m Not Rappaport in 1998 and more recently Caught in the Net in 2013), the producers and cast. Inspired by this and previous shows’ themes, Margaret thinks all ladies are entitled to at least two husbands and, for equal time’s sake, would like to lobby for a production of Paint Your Wagon with a promise of wardrobing Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood replicas.
Eleanore Tapscott (Director) is thrilled to be back at LTA. She is a classically trained actress and director whose previous directorial work includes Caught in the Net, I’m Not Rappaport, Noises Off (LTA), Coming Home and Blues for an Alabama Sky (PCP), Arcadia and School for Scandal (TAP) and Proposals and Universal Language (RCP). Many thanks to my fantastic producers, Becky and Jean, my totally awesome design/production team, and my absolutely fab cast.
Keith Waters (Photographer) is photographing his 10th production at LTA. His photographs have been published in national and local magazines and newspapers. Keith is also an actor who has appeared in principal roles in network, cable and independent productions and on several area stages, including LTA. www.KxPhotos.com
Rance Willis (Assistant to the Producers) last co-produced God of Carnage (LTA) with Sharon Field. Since 2007 he has co-produced The Philadelphia Story, 1776, Gypsy, Company, Woman in Black and Ragtime, all at LTA. The first LTA show heco-produced was Something’s Afoot in 1979.He was LTA President in 1983-85 and is currently an LTA Financial Trustee, serves on the budget committee, sometimes ushers, house manages and has worked in the box office.
Russell Wyland (Rigging) has been the LTA rigging chairman for the past 15 years. When he is not hanging the stage curtains, which he does for most shows, he dresses sets (most recently Anything Goes) and produces (most recently A Christmas Carol and Red, White, and Tuna this coming June).
For information about The Little Theatre of Alexandria when you need it, visit our website! www.thelittletheatre.com
Best Wishes for a Successful Season From The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association SPRINGFIELD CHAPTER 893 Serving Our Members
For more information contact Pat Harahan, President harahan@verizon.net 703-569-9684
Publicity..................................Rachel Alberts Graphics..............................Simmons Design Playbill Editor..................Carol Hutchinson Playbill Coordinator..........Bobbie Herbst
For information concerning Playbill advertising, please call 703-683-5778.
Alexandria Convention & Visitors Association invites you to visit www.artseventsalexandria.com to view the arts calendar and schedule of events.
In case of an emergency, LTA has three AEDs (automated external defibrillators)
They are located as follows:
1. in the lobby, near the Council Green Room
2. in the cast entrance hallway, near backstage door
3. in the Alexandria Academy, on the first floor
• Commercial and Residential
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• Emergency Cleaning Services
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• Gardening Services
• Carpet Cleaning and Steaming Services
• Floor Polish and Waxing Services 703-868-6499
Arnoldo.duran@ad-cleaning.com www.ad-cleaning.com
LTA wishes to recognize and thank
Tina Anderson
Lloyd Bittinger
Tammy Preston Boyd
Peter Butler
Jean Coyle
Betty Dolan
Rae Edmonson
Sharon Field
Ira Forstater
Gary Gladstone
Sue Gladstone
Barbara Helsing
Bobbie Herbst
Marian Holmes
Caterina Lillis
Michelle Mattox
Steve Percy
Rachel Pharr
Charlene Pritzker
David Pritzker
Margaret Snow
Kirstin Apker
Jim Barthmaier
Lloyd Bittinger
Jamie Blake
Amanda Bullman
Angela Cannon
Nancy Cefalo
Sandra Champion
Rita Costello
Jean Coyle
Joel Durgavich
Ira Forstater
Jean Miller Frane
Marcia Gillespie
Patty Greksouk
Barbara Hayes
John Johnson
Rebecca Johnson
Robyn Kaplan
Mary Kelly
Rachel Knapp
Jayn Rife
Ann Rowan
Gloria Saez
Linda Shank
Howard Soroos
Shannon Starcher
Paula Vickers
Katherine Ward
Frank Winters
Eve Young
Bill Young
Carol Strachan
Pam Unger
Leslie Wilkes
Don Wilson
Katherine Wouters
Bill Young
Richard Young
Founding Fathers
Jim Barthmaier
Laura Beauchamp & Chris Feldmann
Maggie Bush in memory of Roland B. Gomez
Marzanne Claiborne & Leslie Wilkes
In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
Peter M. Fannon
Steffen & Jennifer Krause
In Memory of Anne Lash
David & Michelle McNally
Jean S. Moore
Thomas & Alice O’Connor
Continental Congress
Leonard & Betty Brown
Kevin Deardorff & Lisa Blumerman
Jack & Kelly Fannon
John & Julia Gluck
In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
Marian Holmes
Law Office of Margo B. Owen, Esquire
Greg & Nancy Saunders
Howard & Margaret Soroos
John & Laurie Stackpole
Andrew Terrell & Megan Waterhouse
Steve Topetzes
John & Electra Beahler
Mrs. Barbara Becker
Keith Bell
Lloyd Bittinger
Patricia Cosler
Larry Dempsey & Emily Cole
Christopher Dykton
Lori & John Foster In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
Hamel Family in memory of Roland B. Gomez
Jim & Alexandra Hartz
Barbara Helsing
Jake & Celia Jacoby
James & Catherine Kelley
Will & Anne Monahan
Melissa Nielson & Ed Yawn
Peter & Mary O'Konski
Frank & Donna Pasqualino in Memory of Bruce
Jeanne & Dan Porter
Leslie Reed
Richard & Rochelle Schwab
Susan Swain
Michael & Mary Beth Toomey
Katherine Ward, Long and Foster Realtor
Kelley Wells
Anne Paine & Fowler West
Kathy Wood
Neale Ainsfield & Dr. Donna Sieckmann
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Martha E. Alliston
Lois & Peter Ancona
The Apker Family
Michael J. Baker, Jr.
In honor of Jamie Blake
John Brettell &
Nicole Zuchetto
Mary Katherine Baumeister
Carol & Jim Becker
Beverley Benda
Lloyd Bittinger in memory of Roland B. Gomez
Jim & Sue Buchanan
Nick & Diane Burakow
Nancyanne M. Burton
Carolyn L. Cain
Lucy Capaldi
The Light Crew in Memory of Peggy C. Leonowich
In honor of Marzanne
Claiborne & Leslie Wilkes
Kathe & Roger Conrad
David Correia
Brian & Paula Coupe
Kimberly & Steve Crago
Robert B. Crane
Ann S. Daniels
Susan Devine
P. Michele Donahue
The Reverend
Stanley A. Dubowski
Dennis & Myrna Dunn
Alice Fitzgerald
Oliver & Carol Flint
Thomas & Rita Foss
Michael & Sarah Gale
Jeff & Donna Gathers
James & Maria Gentle
Trish & Cam Gibson
Molly Gimmel
In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
The Honorable & Mrs. John Harper, Jr.
Jim & Terry Howard
Dr. David Hunt & Dr. Kimberly Wells
John & Rebecca Johnson
Kenneth & Therese Johnston
Carla Jones-Batka & William Batka
Al & Suzanne Kalvaitis
Orron & Judy Kee in memory of Roland Gomez
Michael Kharfen
Col. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Knapp, USMC (Ret)
Philip & Karen Kopp
Gordon Kromberg
Ladies’ & Gentleman’s Matinee Society
Valerie Larkin, Psy.D.
In Memory of Anne D. Lash
Pamela Leonowich
Susan & Andre’ L’Heureux
William W. Lohr
P. Lord
Mike & Gigi Louden
Jennifer Lyman
Bob & Joanne Madison
The Maibach Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Linda L. Mayer
In Memory of Diane R. Mayers
Sandra McKinney
Louise Meng
John & Karen Misura
Gene & Dorothy Mulligan
Andy & Kate Nelson
Jeff & Diane Nesmeyer
Douglas A. Olmsted
Jeff & Mary Palmer
Lisa Platske
Elena Polyak
The Rampy Family
Gary & Ana Rasmussen
George & Fran Rhodes
Mary Jo Roos
James Rorke
Ann Rowan
Tami & Peter Salmon
Chad & Christina Sarchio
Jean & Jim Schlichting
Patricia Spencer Smith
Aubrey & Carolyn Smith
Bob & Sharon Spivey
Laszlo & Barbara Steingaszner
In Memory of Jean Stuhl
Donald Street
April Stull
Hugh & Sue Van Horn
David & Sue Wilkes
Linda W. Windsor
Gail & Jim Woolwine
Frank & Lynda Adamson
Ronald & Sheila Barrett
Richard & Judith Bednar
Robert & Joann Bingham
Herb & Dee Brooks
Mary Lynne Brown
Cheri L. Brown
In Memory of Roland Gomez
Peter Butler in memory of Evelyn Butler
Felicia Carretta
Ronald E. Cogan
Margaret Evans-Joyce
Ira Forstater & Robin Fradkin
Bill & Francine Gemmill
Kathy Giannetti
In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
Kacie Greenwood in memory of Roland B. Gomez
Ruth Guirard (Long and Foster)
Fritz & Pat Haberman
Clint & Kathy Hall
Ruth Hare
Bruce Harrison
Barbara Hayes
Ray & Judy Isaacs
Jiggs Kaliher
Alma Kasulaitis
James & Charlene Kegerreis
Dr. Steven & Carolyn King
Jean B. Kistler
In loving memory of Anne Lash
Norma Jean Lawton
Walt & Manette Lazear
Nathan & Kara Macek
Sara Maddux
Donna Malarkey
Estelle Marlor
Carlton E. Martin
Bill & Joan McCulla
Madeline Metcalfe
J.J. & Pat Miller
Becky Patton
Jim Pearson & Laurie Marichak
Laura Peterson
Roger & Cheryl Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Rigby
Don & Sue Rogich
Col. Melvin H. &
Barbara Rosen
Gerald & Denice Salter
Jack Seaver
Mary Sellman
Robert & Maureen Simoniz
Capt. & Mrs. Donald Taggart
John & Myrna Templeton
In Memory of Michael Toomey
Lois Van Bergen
Don & Erdine Walter
Marilyn I. Wiener
Jerry & Doris Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. James Albanese
Anne A. Andrews
Mary Catherine Arend
Caroline Austin
Walter & Andrea Baumann
Dave & Brenda Beck
Joan Burg
Patricia Koepsel
Anne Crowther
Robert & Jayne Eckert
Dan & Marie Ernst
Mel & Sara Friedman
Harry & Mary Clair Gildea
Rance R. Willis
W. Jack Green
Edith C. Heilberg
John Henderson
Barbara Hendrickson
Melissa Keiser
Jean Keppler
William Markland
& Donna Nash
Paula Mathews
Edward Neisis
Gayle Nichols-Grimes
Diedre K. Nicholson-Lamb
Effie Oellers
Charles Pellegrini
Bob & Elaine Peoples
Jackie Phillips
Irene Rebbock
Philip Reeves
Al Romaneski
A. Leo Romaneski
Jacqueline & Ralph Schenkel
Audrey Scruggs
Gil & Marcia Siegert
Barbara Slavik
Randal C. Teague, Sr.
Wayne & Irene Wittig
Raymond M. &
Sheri H. Wolfe
Linda Ysewyn
Every effort has been made to ensure that this list of contributors is correct and complete as of the date this program went to press. If your name has been omitted or misspelled, please accept our apologies and inform us of the error so that the correction can be made.
Carolyn Winters................................................................................................................................Director
Tina Anderson..........................................................................................................................Vice Director
Grace Manly Machanic................................................................................................................Secretary
Sharon Field......................................................................................................................Financial Officer
Lloyd Bittinger................................................................................Honorary Member, LTA President
Helga Ingrid Adams
Ashley Amidon
Brooke Angel
Emma Baskir
Genie & Geoff Baskir
Jamie Blake
Luana Bossolo
Lesley Buckles
Nancyanne Burton
Jay Cohen
Steve Cohen & Mary Elizabeth McGowan
Franklin C. Coleman
Emory & Susan Damron
Eileen Doherty
Sharon Dove
Charles Dragonette & Alan Wray
Julia Duncan
Margaret Evans-Joyce
Peter Fannon
Duane Goddard
Jane Godfrey *
John Guinn &
Elizabeth Yowell-Guinn *
Doris Hamel*
Ronnie Hardcastle
Adriana Hardy
Barbara Hayes
Larissa Heyman
Bobbie Herbst
Kira Hogan
Marian Holmes
Jim Howard
John & Rebecca Johnson
Bonnie Jourdan*
Algis & Suzanne Kalvaitis
Judith Kee
Mel & Lidia Kollander
Robert Kraus
Vivian Kronstedt
Virginia Lacey **
Lois D. Ligoske
David McCallum
Tina McCrea **
Carlos Moctezuma
Will & Anne Monahan
Lynn O’Connell
Thomas & Alice O’Connor*
Eddie Page
Becky Patton
Leslie Reed
Jayn Rife
Benjamin Robles
Jean Schlichting
Joseph Schubert*
Dick Schwab
Margo Shiffert
Kim Smith-Salmon
Mary Beth Smith-Toomey
Arthur & Margaret Snow
Howard & Margaret Soroos
Adrian Steel
Allen Stuhl*
Rance Willis
Frank Winters
Robin Worthington
Janice Yeadon
The Council of the Little Theatre of Alexandria is a support group of interested and dedicated people who support the theatre with special contributions. Additionally, the Council has three social events per year, provides for the winter holiday decorations for the theatre, and maintains the Council Memorial Garden. The Council was organized in 1961 and presently has about 80 members, most of whom are long-term and wellestablished LTA members. Past contributions include: a new range for the Council Green Room of LTA, folding chairs and tables throughout the theatre, brass plates for the new theatre seats, new draperies in the Council Room, the computerized box office system, several grand drapes over the years, and many varied technical enhancements. Contributions to LTA from the Council have exceeded $200,000 and we gratefully accept donations from friends and members to assist in our support of LTA. We welcome new members and if you would like to become a member of the Council please feel free to contact the theatre or any of the Council officers. We are very pleased and honored to be a part of the Alexandria artistic community and are proud to be supporting one of the best community theatres in America today.