LTD Magazine January/February 2017

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A R I S K E A | 2 2 769 - B AU W E R K | U R B A N G A R D E N S | B O H E M I A N | OV E R C A S T C O L O R O F T H E Y E A R | WAT E R F E AT U R E S | S H O R E L I F E



jan / feb 2017 - newsletter

A Positive Outlook. . . ! We are so excited that 2017 has arrived and we can finally release our premiere issue of the year. So much time and effort goes into the production of every page you read by our talented, dedicated and committed team, and all of that is for you, the reader. At the end of 2016, we were named ‘ the best magazine/periodical in Second Life® ’ by voters of the Avi Choice Awards. As publishers of this magazine, we have never focussed on winning awards, but the surprise of winning this one, made us extremely grateful and proud and, if anything, determined to work harder to producer higher quality content in the year to come. During the Summer of 2016, we announced that in 2017 we plan to make LTD a monthly publication, rather than bi-monthly, which we have always been. After a lot of meetings with the team and heavy brainstorming, we decided to back away from this idea and remain and continue as a bi-monthly. This will allow us to be able to work on other exciting projects at the same time and enable us to utilize our wonderful LTD family. The development and production of LTD is exciting, stressful, complex, challenge and rewarding all in one. We as publishers, along with you the readers, have witnessed the growth in talent within our organization in each and every issue. We are so very proud of the team we have now. Our J anuary/February 2017 Issue of LTD MAGAZINE is, as always, packed with high design, skillfully crafted interiors and high quality work from our content creators. We feature three brands this issue, Diaxm Resident of ARISKEA , a brand that has risen to the top in the last year. And Paco Pooley and partner Manuel Ormidale of 22769~BAUWERK, who have been supporters of LTD from the very beginning and a company we have watched grow tremendously! We hope you enjoy what our team has worked so hard to produce this issue. Since we released our first issue 3 years ago today, we have always had one goal - To be the number one resource for Home & Garden design in Second Life®. And with that, we hope you find inspiration, ideas and let your inner creativity out to make something wonderful in your Second Life®. Enjoy and always, LOVE TO DECORATE!

y t i r a y l e l t C r a l H a i i r o v l t i E Ed Editorial Clarity D I R E C TO R o f LTD

Elvi Hartley C E O o f LTD




jan / feb 2017 - editor’s note

R... Oh my, how time flies by fast. . . Welcome to our 3rd year anniversary edition!!! My god, 3 years and I can’ t believe it is now 2 years since I started to work with LTD. If I consider the past issues, it makes me happy to see how far we’ve come. It is so impressive to see how everyone of us have improved ourselves and how we all, as a team, have grown. The magazine started with 152 pages, and now we have almost reached the 300 mark. And with the start of 2017, we have a full packed issue to celebrate it all. For our featured designers, we choose two amazing stores: Ariskea by Diaxm Resident and 22769 - B auhaus by Paco Pooley & Manuel Ormidale. I happy that even in the stressful month of December they found time to meet up with our writers and talk about their visions and work. And while December is gone, mostly everyone's struggle with their new year resolutions, I’m happy not to have any. What I like most about this issue are the lightweight topics… for 100 Years of Deco we chose Bohemian, Living In will show you light grey tones mixed with dark blue-ish tones and for the Lifestyle feature we go into the cities and looking for urban gardens and so much more. So, better to keep this short so you can go on with browsing. I hope all of you have a wonderful 2017, and like always, and I can’ t say it enough, thank you for the continued support during the past 3 years and for the issues to come. Take care. <3

Happy reading,

t n a i G n a J ord Jordan Giant E d i to r i n C h i e f o f LTD M a g azi n e




jan / feb 2017

DI RECTOR OF LTD: Editorial Clarity

INTERIOR STYLISTS: Aaisling Resident Amelie Fravoisse Amelie Knelstrom Anala Royal AspenCicada Resident Augusta Godenot B ambi Foxdale Brent Lockhearst Britain Knave Damien Powell Divos Titanium Eden Taylor Elvi Hartley Eva Weimes Frederick Lancaster J ackson Verlack J ack Hanby Johanna Frost Jordan Giant J aysun Dagger J une Fallon Lauren Minuet Lemon Panda Manis Lane May Vossie Michiko Umino Pokute Burt RockaBill ySun Dethl y Rooky Yootz Sasifraz Foxtrot Sawa Gothl y SeleneDark Neximus Shocking Wonder Skippy Beresford Tab Tatham Tracei Moore Wendz Tempest



WRITERS: Eden Taylor Liat Reina LoganCallaghan Resident Miwa Menna Mozart Loordes Rosal yn Macarthur SisterButta Resident Taylor Wassep Victoria Brinner


PHOTOGRAPHERS: Abihaska Absinthe Aaisling Resident Amelie Fravoisse AspenCicada Resident Elvi Hartley Harlow Heslop Johanna Frost Jordan Giant Kiana J arman Lauren Minuet Lulu J ameson May Vossie Nariko Okawa Nikolai Warden Pokute Burt RockaBill ySun Dethl y Sawa Gothl y Shocking Wonder Skippy Beresford Tab Tatham VeronicaLynn Parx

WEBSITE STAFF: Gabrielle Somersley Mozart Loordes Silver Shine Donardson Wendz Tempest ADVERTISING: Gabrielle Somersley Rooky Yootz FOUNDERS OF LTD: Editorial Clarity RicoRacer Flux

F IND US ONL INE Join us online: www. Plurk: http://www. Facebook: Twitter: Flickr: The Event Flickr:






22769 - Bauwerk

Decorating With

Meet the faces of 22769, introducing Paco Pooley and Manuel Ormidale.

We have nominated the talented June Fallon to show us her flair for style.




Family Living

Meet the talented Diaxm Resident.

Well it is time for After School Activities!



Decorators Block

Living In

The house from No. 13 is our Block for this issue.

Overcast is our theme for this issue. Taupes, creams, greys, grey-blues.



Lifestyle Feature

At Home

Forget typical gardens, have something different such as an Urban Garden.

Take a trip to the Attic.



Color of the Year

100 Years of Decor

Pantone has selected Greenery as the Color of the Year.

Boho, Bohemian. Drooling scenes that make you want to change your home completely.

jan / feb 2017



Focus On

The Art of Food

Forget mesh, bring on the prims and sculpts.

Time to get your Feast on with these delicious spreads.

204 Home & Garden Some gorgeous ways to make your garden look so serene.

224 New Land To the shore we go! Makes you want to live there.

284 Make It Your Own Bambi Foxdale showing you a unique way to make wall art.

288 The Directory All designers used in this current issue is listed here.

240 The Difference One couch from Concept} used in two different ways.

250 The Challenge We have challenged our Stylists Divos and Wendz to the Gym!


22769 -





jan / feb 2017 - featured designer


[bauwerk] is the brainchild of Paco Pooley and Manuel Ormidale two artists residing in Germany who have found a very particular outlet for very specific design ideas; it is not just about functionality, but expression and creativity as well. Behind each piece they create a whole creation process comes into play, from Pinterest® boards to sketches that may take up to weeks, each design and furniture piece holds a piece of the love they both share for art and the process behind creating something unique for Second Life®. I met up with both creators Paco Pooley and Manuel Ormidale, or as they like to be called Paco and Manu, in their creation platform to get inside what 22769 is, how did it came into existence and what inspires them to create and keep on designing in Second Life® and after discussing their love for elf ears and dino slippers, which Paco kept on the whole time, we sat down in a couple of ball chairs they created and began talking about what the brand is and how did it come to be. The first thing I was curious about was how and why had they come into Second Life® “We were watching T.V. seven (7) years ago and there was a report that Second Life® will close its doors forever and that it will be soon gone for good” said Paco “so Manu said to me: ‘Ok before it is gone I will try it at least once’; so we made our accounts, made all the noob stuff and found ourselves soon in sandboxes pushing and shoving prims”. Manu comments that through experience and teamwork, they discovered what building in Second Life® allowed the user, from finding out how to make holes, to the wonders of flexi prims. So, after joining the Second Life® community around the end of 2009, Paco and Manu opened 22769’s doors on February 14th, 2010. Back then though, they were not making furniture, but clothing and accessories instead. However, it was through clothing that 22769’s eye for decor and design began to show its head, as they started to be featured in more and more events, Paco and Manu started decorating their booths with their own creations; soon their own clients began asking about the decor and where could they get the pieces, to which both Paco and Manu took an instant liking and saw an opportunity and decided to give it a shot; “actually I was way more satisfied in making furniture then dresses and blouses and pants” Paco says in between jokes. And so, 22769 [bauwerk] was born. Inside 22769, Paco has become the designer or “mesh squisher” as he calls himself and Manu is the scripter and front man, the one that handles clients, people, events, keeps track of deadlines and pushes Paco to keep on track when it seems like he is not paying attention. Their dynamic is unique in the sense that they work together, live together and are a couple in their native Germany. “When I need a script, I just yell across the table” Paco jokes. Working on furniture, home and decor is not exactly simpler than making clothes. They mention that making furniture, just like making clothes in Second Life®, has its ups and downs; for example Paco hated alpha layers, the ones they had to be created for mesh clothing; and in the case of furniture, his Achilles’ heel is flowers “It became better thanks to Manu’s push and the challenges he is giving me - but I still always feel insecure doing them” Paco says.


Since everything they do come from a deep understanding of a creative process, both being Bauhaus (the German art school that closed its doors in 1933) disciples and lovers, behind the creation of each piece there is conscious decision to make it look, or not look, a certain way. Some of the examples of this creative process’ results include The Frame Chair, a piece created for the Gallery Gift Shop event, in which they decided to make the avatar the “art” inside the painting; or the Birdhouse in your Soul Chair for The House Hunt that was born after listening to the They Might be Giants’™ song of the same name; or The Garden Atelier, created for THE CHALLENGE for builders in which there was an art theme, and it was in late spring so they created something that embodied the desire of doing things outside, just to mention a few. Regardless if a piece is created for the store showroom or if it will go into an event, their creative process is the same, it starts with an idea, from different sources, wandering around outside, magazines, T.V. shows, something someone mentioned or a theme that they never heard of, the specific case they can recall is the Toad chair, created around the “Thumbelina” fairytale theme for the Enchantment event, “I never read or heard this fairy tale” Paco said. “so I read it and there is this big mean toad and I thought ‘well a toad - let's start with that’ and things went from there” It involved finding inspiration, getting an idea board together, setting up a timeline and finally sketching. After that it was just a matter of days before the chair finished, Manu as always performed the “manu-check”, a process that involves Manu seeing and pointing out all problems the item may or may not have, and finally getting the pictures together and setting everything up. By listening to both Paco and Manu talk about how things were created, you could get a sense of how well they work together as a team, and what makes their brand style so unique, it’s very difficult not to spot a 22769 piece from across the room, just think of their octopi inspired pieces or their out of the ordinary yet so relatable furniture. When asked about what it was like working with someone they trust so much they both said that “it is pretty great” not just because Paco can shout at Manu when he needs a script or because Manu keeps very tight schedule for releases, but also because they have found a rhythm to their dynamic, that allows them to be one individual with a same goal in mind: art and creativity in Second Life®. As we kept on talking about what is to come for their brand “A set for the Gacha Guardians, then we will have The Seasons Story coming up, the Liaison Collaborative, The Epiphany, Romp and I think also Kinki and Memento Mori” they both mention. Also, another change is that as of January 2017, [bauwerk] will no longer exist but instead, the whole store will be merged into 22769 and focusing exclusively on furniture, home and decor items, which is definitely great news for all interior design lovers. By the end of the interview, Paco and Manu started joking about the whole experience, working with LTD, being interviewed, their involvement with design, both in Real Life and in Second Life® and the joy creating brings to them, it can be from actually something they created or from wearing the Dino slippers that a friend of them made so dearly and that they love so much; in the end, 22769 is a brand formed by two people who love design and wish to share it with everyone they come in contact with. Informations and Links: • • • • • • •


22769 22769 22769 22769 22769 22769 22769


Bauwerk on the Marketplace Bauwerk In-World Bauwerk on Flickr - Paco Pooley Bauwerk on Flickr - Manuel Ormidale Bauwerk on Facebook Bauwerk on Plurk - Paco Pooley Bauwerk on Plurk - Manuel Ormidale

jan / feb 2017 - featured designer

22769 is a brand formed by two people who love design and wish to share it with everyone they come in contact with.



jan / feb 2017 - featured designer


STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: English Country House B y 22769 - B auwerk.

LIVING ROOM: Decor: Wrecked Chandelier Iron B y 22769 - B auwerk, Rug: Old Rug B y 22769 B auwerk, Chair: Oberons Chair Darkbrown B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: B anana Tree B y 22769 - B auwerk, Tabl e: Tentacle B ackgammon Table B y 22769 B auwerk, Wal l Ar t: Pallet Art B rookl yn B ridge B y 22769 - B auwerk, Circus Ar t: Hit Will y B y 22769 - B auwerk, Lamp: Moroccan Table Lamp B y 22769 - B auwerk, Tabl e: Coffee Marble Table B y 22769 - B auwerk, Tabl e: Eagle Gl ass End Table B y 22769 - B auwerk, Cl oche: Skull Cloche Table B y 22769 B auwerk, Decor: Rusty B all In B ucket B y 22769 - B auwerk, Light: B roken Star B y 22769 - B auwerk, Ceil ing: Amsterdam Dinner Lamp B y 22769 - B auwerk, Fl owers: Gold Vase With Flowers B y 22769 - B auwerk, Game: B abble Game B y 22769 - B auwerk, Tea Set: Tea With Tim B y 22769 - B auwerk, Organ: Gothic Pipe Organ B y 22769 - B auwerk, Decor: Goblet Horn B y 22769 - B auwerk, Light: Light For Thoughts B y 22769 - B auwerk, B ooks: Pile Of Books B y 22769 B auwerk, Wal l Ar t: Rusty Arrow B y 22769 - B auwerk, Stool: Gothic Pipe Organ Stool B y 22769 - B auwerk, Chair: Old Library Chair B rown B y 22769 - B auwerk, Ottoman: Fur Ottoman B y 22769 - B auwerk, Wal l Ar t: Pallet Art Golden Gate B ridge B y 22769 - B auwerk, Cigarettes: Cigarettes & Tra y B y Apple Fall.

KITCHEN: B ox: Newport Bl anket Box B y 22769 - B auwerk, Chandel ier: Iron Chandelier B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Great Cactus B y 22769 - B auwerk, Cupboard: Shabby Cupboard B y 22769 - B auwerk, Cur tains: Pavilion Drapes B y 22769 - B auwerk, Rug: Shabby Rug B y 22769 - B auwerk, Chair: Landhaus Chair Distressed White B y 22769 - B auwerk, Tabl e: Shabby Dinner Table B y 22769 B auwerk, Pl ates: Festive Dinner Pl ates B y 22769 - B auwerk, Fruit: Maple Bowl White B y 22769 - B auwerk, Candl e: B aroque Candle Holder Silver B y 22769 B auwerk, Tabl e Wreath: Festive Wreath B y 22769 - B auwerk, Tabl e: Newport Side Table With Drape B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Face Pot White Cl a y B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Succulent B y 22769 - B auwerk, B ooks: Books With Rope B all B y 22769 - B auwerk, Decor: Seahorse Figurine B y 22769 - B auwerk, Fruit: Pl ate With Lemons B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pot: Kitchen Cauldron B y 22769 - B auwerk, Wal l Ar t: Pallet Art Windmill B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Interior Pl ant B y Apple Fall, Cur tains: Wood B eaded Curtain B y Dust B unny, Tabl e Cl oth: Throw Cloth B y Apple Fall, Wine: Wine Botttles B y B azar.

BEDROOM 1: Rug: Amsterdam Rug B y 22769 - B auwerk, Rug: Art Deco Rug Greyscale B y 22769 - B auwerk, Lamp: Moroccan Floor Lamp B y 22769 - B auwerk, B ookshelf: Shabby Bookshelf B y 22769 - B auwerk, B irdcage: Tales Of Mystery And Imagination B y 22769 - B auwerk, Mirror: Shabby Cottage Mirror B y 22769 - B auwerk, Chair: Woven Dinner Chair B y 22769 - B auwerk, Desk: Shabby Console B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Fox Pot Orange B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pot: Closed Pot B y 22769 - B auwerk, J ewel r y B ox: Moroccan Step Chest B y 22769 - B auwerk, Statue: Titania B ust White Marble B y 22769 - B auwerk, B ooks: Books With Bookends B y 22769 - B auwerk, Side Tabl e: Shabby Cottage Dresser B y 22769 - B auwerk, B ed: Bookworms B ed B y 22769 - B auwerk, Tabl e: Shabby Side Table B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Succulent In Pot B y 22769 B auwerk, Pouf: Reading Pouf B y 22769 - B auwerk, Chair: Newport Armchair B y 22769 - B auwerk, Statue: Stone Head B y 22769 - B auwerk, Wal l Ar t: Pallet Art Eiffel Tower B y 22769 - B auwerk, Wal l Ar t: Porcell ain Deer Head B y 22769 - B auwerk, Wal l Ar t: Earth, Mars, J upiter And The Moon B y 22769 - B auwerk, Decor: B all Decoration B y 22769 - B auwerk, Fl owers: Gl ass Vase With Flowers) B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Pl ant In Cookware B y 22769 - B auwerk, Magazine: New York Magazine B y 22769 - B auwerk, Cur tain: Long Drape B y Pixel Mode, Pil l ow: LTD Bow Tie Cushion B y Apple Fall, Pil l ow: Gra y Arrows Pillow B y Fancy Decor.

BEDROOM 2: B ench: Moroccan B ench B y 22769 - B auwerk, Drape: Elephant Wall Drape B y 22769 - B auwerk, Wal l Ar t: Water Lotus B y 22769 - B auwerk, B ed: Moroccan B ed B y 22769 - B auwerk, Tabl e: Moroccan Dining Table B y 22769 - B auwerk, Statue: Water Dragon Statue B y 22769 - B auwerk, Statue: Secret Garden B uddha Statue B y 22769 - B auwerk, Magazine: Art Magazine B y 22769 B auwerk, Rug: Moroccan Rug B y 22769 - B auwerk, Rug: Sloppy Cottage Rug B y 22769 - B auwerk, Cabinet: Moroccan Cabinet B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Gomba Pl anter B rown Cl a y B y 22769 - B auwerk, Fl owers: Vase With Tulips B y 22769 - B auwerk, Tabl e: Moroccan End Table B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pouf: Moroccan Square Leather Pouf B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Pl ant In Pot B y 22769 - B auwerk, Candl e: Table Candle B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Snake Pl ant B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Succulent B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Vipers Bowstring Hemp B y 22769 - B auwerk, Vase: Secret Garden Amphore With Holder B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Cattail B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Vipers Bowstring Hemp B y 22769 - B auwerk, Pl ant: Acred Lotus In Zinc B asin B y Keke, Decor: Condoms B y Dutchie, Pil l ow: Moon Pillow B y Fancy Decor, Pil l ow: Throw Pillow B y Fancy Decor, Pil l ow: Boho Pillows B y Ariskea, Drinks: Elderflower Cordial B y Apple Fall, Wal l Ar t: The Boudoir Wire B y Floorpl an.



jan / feb 2017 - featured designer



diaxm resident



s the sim around me began to load, a sudden rush of awe sent chills down my spine. What caught my eye first was this gigantic moss covered atrium that welcomed me to this wondrous space. Beyond the atrium sat a conservatory fashioned to be the home of Ariskea. The old-world architecture and landscaping that Aris (Diaxm Resident), owner of Ariskea, created to showcase her store in, is nothing short of sheer elegance. Behind where I landed was a luscious and vibrate French formal garden surrounded by water. The prestige of this open area gave me the impression of how much the french influences are intertwined into the underlining style of Ariskea. Walking around this garden felt as if I was teleported to the southern shores of France. Looking out onto the bewitching waters of the Mediterranean Sea. After taking some time to look around the Ariskea sim, I invited Aris to come over to my home. So we could talk about her time in Second Life®. Why she has dedicated her virtual life to being a content creator and sharing with us her creations. Over the past three and half years, Aris has been working day in and day out trying to bring to the grid a different viewpoint of what home decor can be. Her approach to style is simply Bohemian Chic. A mixture of modern decor fashioned with a vintage aesthetic all of which encompassed by an eclectic, earthy flair. As an artist, Aris’ artistic style seems to have been transposed into Ariskea. The two matching as one harmonious creative entity. Aris has such a deep connection to her art, that if she couldn’t even use a paint brush or hold a pen. She would feel like she is not enjoying life to its fullest extent. I was a little speechless when Aris equated herself to a simple little bird that roams around and makes nests. This analogy makes sense if you can look beyond the creative way she speaking. To surmise, whatever Aris does in her real life or virtual life, art is going to be a constant. It’s the reason she breathes and it’s the reason she exists. Hearing this made me appreciate her work ethic so much more knowing that she cares so much about her craft. In all honesty, spending time with Aris was such a delight. I felt so comfortable around her because of her light-heart personality and beautiful soul. Mixed with a large abundance of humor and just flat out craziness; all of which is said with the highest admiration for Aris. A great example of her humor would be how she came to name her store Ariskea. “I named it because when I was in IMVU®, 5 years ago, my friend told me one day you will make a store like IKEA. I told her I will never!! Guess what happen, I decide to put my name aris kea part of it haha simple as that,” she said. It’s kind of hilarious to think that Aris almost created a virtual version of IKEA in Second Life®. She did clarify though that she didn’t want her store to be like the Swedish megastore. The name, “Ariskea”, just sound good to Aris and her friends were having a good laugh about the whole thing. I must confess that when Aris mentioned she use to play


jan / feb 2017 - featured designer

IMVU®, I was taken aback a little bit. IMVU® is a game that I personally never experienced. I mean, I just imagined we all began our virtual experiences through Second Life®. For those of who may not know what IMVU® is, it’s quite like Second Life® in a few ways. It a social virtual network that allows players to create avatars and create content in-game. Even as a novice player, Aris found a way to bring her love of home decor and artistry into that virtual world. As time went by though, Aris felt stagnant in IMVU®. Her love for creating had all but vanished. That the little bird she spoke so passionately about wasn’t building her nests anymore. That is, until one day when some of her friends talked about another virtual world that Aris might want to check out. Of course, that game they were talking about was Second Life®. Which, in the end, became the place Aris now calls home. We continued to talk about her earlier years in Second Life® and how Ariskea became an actual business for her. When in IMVU®, she was only able to retexture preexisting items. So, with the new possibilities she found in Second Life®, her passion for creating was reignite and Ariskea was born. A little fun fact I found out was that the Ariskea we all know and love, almost never came to be. When Aris first opened Ariskea, she was only going to sell fashion accessories and nothing else. Once she started creating accessories, she soon found out that she couldn’t shake her love of home decor. Of course, each piece she created was made with love, but her real passion was always with home decor. Yet, Aris still felt unfulfilled, even after going back to creating home decor again. It dawned on her that maybe the reason she felt this way was because of the limitations with her creations. Aris couldn’t create her own mesh, and that was something she needed to fix. She just needed to figure out how to create mesh, and the best way would be to use a 3D program. Personally, I’ve tried using a 3D program before and I just couldn’t understand it at all. So, making original mesh sounds pretty difficult from my point of view. Aris explained that using a 3D program was something completely foreign to her too. Especially since she always had the advantage of having her materials right at her fingertips in real life. Opposed to now having to sculpt something through a computer program and then needing to apply a texture to it. That would be quite the adjustment to overcome for anyone. Luckily, Aris’ real life boyfriend knew about those kinds of programs and helped her navigate through them. She didn't sugar coat anything when she told me about the frustrations she had with learning how to use a 3D program. As anyone who has used one of these programs before knows that the learning process isn’t easy at first. So, Aris and her boyfriend would take their time figuring out how to master this 3D program. Until one day when Aris made her breakthrough that was months in the making. I could really feel her excitement as she talked about the little cup of coffee she made. She was so proud of that little cup since it was the very first mesh item she could make all on her own. As time went by, creating other things became


that much easier to make. The first home decor piece Aris made was a bouquet of flowers, inspired by a drawing of roses she did. Like with anything new, her nerves get to her. Doubting if this thing she created is worth releasing to her customers. Fearing that if that bouquet wasn’t perfect, then nobody would bother wanting it. The nerves were wreaking havoc on her mind. All of the doubt she had came shooting back and her neves overtook mind. Nevertheless, just as the nerves and doubt started to feaster, they both vanished without a trace. Once Aris released that bouquet, everything changed for the better. Since then, she has been actively releasing items ranging from whole sets intended for the garden, all the way to interior decor for the home. There was a recent blimp in Aris’ timeline that marked an important point in her life. It was around the winter of 2015 and Aris was about to release her submission for the winter cycle of The Arcade Gacha Events. Her submission was a collection of beautiful home decor pieces simple titled, “Petite Paris”, an ode to Paris. What made this collection so impactful to Aris was because it was released around the same time as the horrific terrorist attacks happened in Paris. We talked about the pain and anguish she felt watching a city she loves left broken by pure hatred. It was a moment that made her reflect on all the positive things in her life Aris loves each and every piece that comes out of Ariskea, but there is just a special place for “Petite Paris” in her heart. Having the chance to dedication something to Paris with her art meant the world to Aris. Knowing what she created helped her, and hopefully others, through a grim moment felt throughout the world. In addition to that, there were some other opportunities,or gifts, that Aris felt she received because of the work she has done with Ariskea. One gift was overcoming hardships through her artistry. There was an internal struggle with wanting to change directions when she first came to Second Life®. Unsure of what direction to go, Aris listened to herself and made the decision to do what she loves. Home decor is where her heart is at, and it is where she feels most comfortable with. The hardship of the unknown is the toughest thing to overcome. Another gift was having her artistry accepted by others. To have people find Aris’ home decor pieces so beautiful, that they want to create moments with them. That is why Aris does what she does and what she tries to achieve with Ariskea; to have her customers dream in her art. Throughout Aris’ life as a content creator in various virtual worlds, she has tried to take every advantage she can in pushing her artistry. No matter if it had her starting over and pursuing a new ventures when she came to Second Life®. To ultimately finding her way back to home decor and taking control over what she creates. All the while remembering who she is and what she loves about home decor. For anyone out there who is facing an unsure future pursing something they love. Aris has some solid advice that she wanted to pass on the readers. “The most important [thing] in life is that you remain yourself no matter the situations. If you listen to your inner self you will find the answer. Believing in your dreams and not to give up is the key. Because there is no limitations of what you can do, the only obstacle in life is not the other, is you.” Informations and Links: Ariskea on the Marketplace Ariskea In-World Ariskea on Flickr Ariskea’s Flickr Group Ariskea on Facebook


jan / feb 2017 - featured designer


Of course, that game they were talking about was Second LifeÂŽ. Which, in the end, became the place Aris now calls home.


jan / feb 2017 - featured designer


STYLING CREDITS. . . TROPICAL BREEZE - IMAGE ONE: B uil d: Paradise Hut B y Ariskea, Chair: Paradise Hanger Chair B y Ariskea, Pl ant: Porcel ain Tropical Pl ant B y Ariskea, Rug: Paradise Fiber Rug B y Ariskea, Sidetabl e: Paradise Gold Table B y Ariskea, Stone Decor: Paradise Stone Polish Owl J ade B y Ariskea, Wood Frame: Paradise Upon The Sea Wood Frame B y Ariskea, Surfboard: Porcel ain Stack Of Surfboard B y Ariskea, Wal l Candl e: Paradise Candle Wall B y Ariskea, Fishing Net: Nautica Fishing Net B y Isil, B eaded Cur tain: Wood B eaded Curtain B y Dust B unny, Pal m Pl ant: Potted Ponytail Palm B y Soy, Cof fee Tabl e: Gra yish Da y Wooden Frame Table B y Soy, Rug: B raided Rug B y Dust B unny, B asket: Getawa y B asket B y Dust B unny, Pitcher: Fresh Strawberry Water B y Dust B unny, Pineappl e: Pineapple Drink B y Dust B unny, Potted Pl ant: Potted Traveler's Palm Tree B y Soy, B each Tote: B each Towel Tote B y Dust B unny, R adio: Retro Radio B y Apple Fall, Fl ower Decor: B ali Offerings B asket B y 8F8, Towel B asket: Antilles Towel B asket B y The Lof t, Hat B asket: Antilles Hat B asket B y The Lof t.

ABANDONED SANCTUARY - IMAGE TWO: Daybed: Le Secret Da ybed B y Ariskea, Cof fee Tabl e: Petite Paris La Table B y Ariskea, Wardrobe: Le Secret Wardrobe B y Ariskea, Frame Canvas: Le Secret The Valley Frame B y Ariskea, Pl anks: Le Secret Table Pl ank B y Ariskea, Cl ock: Le Secret Clock B y Ariskea, Fl ower: Le Secret Spring Flower Pot Orange B y Ariskea, Drapes: Le Secret Mystery Lace Curtain B y Ariskea, Moss y Pots: Le Secret Mossy Pots B y Ariskea, B ush Pot: B ushy Pl ant B y Ariskea, Mor tar And Pestl e: Le Secret Making Of B y Ariskea, Stone B ird Decor: B irdy & Eggs B y Ariskea, Tree Stump: Terre Automne Tree Stump B y Ariskea, Ivy: Le Secret Ivy B y Ariskea, Chandel ier: Le Secret Magic Chandelier B y Ariskea, Rose B ucket: B rise' Red Roses B ucket B y Atelier Visconti, B ucket Of Roses: Toscana B ucket Of Roses B y 8F8, Rug: Sisal Rug B y Revival, B ird B ath: B ird B ath B y 22769 - B auwerk, Lantern: Le Secret Lantern B y Ariskea, Potted Pl ant: Potted Pothos B y Soy, Rosemar y Pl ant: Rosemary B y Apple Fall, Grass Pl ant: Grass B y Apple Fall, Candl e: Cinnamon Stick Candle B y Hive, Letters: Dear John - Letters From John B y Omen, J ournal: Storybook Living Researcher's Journal B y Dust B unny, B ackpack: Storybook Living Old B ackpack B y Dust B unny, B uil d: Le Secret Secret B uild B y Ariskea.

DANCING WITH AUTUMN LEAVES - IMAGE THREE: Shed: No Pl ace Of Ours Autumnal B y 8F8, Garden B ench: Isabelle Garden B ench B y Ariskea, Doors: Terre Automne Doors B y Ariskea, Chest: Terre Automne Wood Chest B y Ariskea, Pots: Pot Pourri Ceramic Pots B y Ariskea, Wal l Shelf With Decor: Mellow Entrance Wa y Decors B y Ariskea, Pl ant Shelf: Pot Pourri Ciboulette B ac B y Ariskea, Pl ant Shelf: Pot Pourri Aloe Herb B ac B y Ariskea, Fl owers I n J ug: Mellow Autumn Poppy Flowers B y Ariskea, Shelf With Pots: Potting Shelf B y Apple Fall, Garden Crate: Garden Supplies B y Pilot, Wagon Wheel s: Fall Harvest - Wagon Wheels B y Pixel Mode, B arrel s: Fall Harvest B arrel Displ a y B y Pixel Mode, Mil k Cans: New B eginnings Milk Containers B y 8F8, Haybal e: Round Ha y B ale B y Botanical.

VINEYARD - IMAGE FOUR: B ench: California Vineyard Vineyard Seater B y Ariskea, Chair: Mocorra Chair B y Ariskea, Tabl e: Mocorra Table B y Ariskea, Vases: California Vineyard Vineyard Vases B y Ariskea, Pl ant: Mocorra B ushy Pl ant B y Ariskea, Pergol a: California Vineyard Vineyard Hideout B y Ariskea, Vines: California Vineyard Vines B y Ariskea, Hydrangea: Isabelle Hydrangea Vase Rosy B y Ariskea, Tree Pl ant: Mocorra Tree Pl ant B y Ariskea, Lights: California Vineyard Lights B ulb B y Ariskea, B arrel s: Toscana Half Full B y 8F8, B arrel s: Toscana Half Empty B y 8F8, Menu Card: Forest - Menu Card B y B azar, Wine B ottl e: Cheverny Bottle B y Kunst, Wine Gl asses: Wine Gl asses B y Kunst, Cheese Pl atter: Toscana Gourmet Set B y 8F8, Wal l Ivy: Ivy B y Elibail y, Tote: Canvas Tote B y Apple Fall, Hanging Pl ant: Hanging Fern B y Mesh Pl ants, Lantern: Feuilles Lantern B y Apple Fall, Urn: Urne De Terra Cuite B y Apple Fall, Wine R ack: A Good Vintage - Wine Rack B y Ex Machina, Fence: Cranfield Fence B y Apple Fall, Hedges: J uniper Hedge B y Apple Fall, B ush: Privet B all B y Apple Fall, Shrub: Flowering Shrub B y Apple Fall, Cypress Tree: Mediterranean Cypress B y Botanical, A ppl e Tree: Apple Tree B y Little B ranch.

BIENVENUE PARIS - IMAGE FIVE: Loveseat: Lounge Chair B y Ariskea, Sofa Chair: Le Sofa Chair B y Ariskea, Cof fee Tabl e: La Table B y Ariskea, Pouf: Le Pouf Parisien B y Ariskea, Rug: Le Tapis B y Ariskea, Pendant Lamps: Pendant Lamp B y Ariskea, Frame: Mais Putain Frame B y Ariskea, Frame: Oh Lal a Frame B y Ariskea, Fl owers: Les Roses Anges B y Ariskea, Tabl e Card: B ienvenue A Paris B y Ariskea, Cur tains: Curtain B y Ariskea, Fl ower: Les Roses Rose B y Ariskea, Rose Vase: Rose Vase Pink B y Ariskea, Rose Vase: Rose Vase Ivoire B y Ariskea, Cl ock: La Clock B y Ariskea, Wood Decor: Les Mains B y Ariskea, Side Tabl e: Side Table Bl ack B y Ariskea, B ooks: Design Books B y Apple Fall, Candl es: Story Candle Stick B y Aria, Teacup: Teacup Rose B y Apple Fall, B l ueberries: Blueberries B y Apple Fall, Teaset: Tea Time Teaset B y Apple Fall, Food Pl atter: Treats Pl atter B y Apple Fall, Teacup With Pearl s: Teacup Pearls B y Apple Fall, Vintage Trunk: Fashion Trunk B y Apple Fall, B ooks: Books B y Apple Fall, Horse Statue: Horse B ust Fragment B y Apple Fall, Letterings: Paris Letter B y Ariskea, Dressform: B ridal Parlour - Dressform- Fancy B y Aria, Lamp: Modern Morocco Night Lamp B y S a yo, Mirror: Gl am Vintage Filigree Mirror B y S a yo, Flowers: Gl am Vintage Blossoms B y S a yo, Hat B oxes: The Nook -Hat Boxes B y Pixel Mode, B ust: Percival 's B ust B y Kalopsia, Tabl e Lamp: Goldie Table Lamp B y Redgrave, Drink Tray: Happy Hour Tra y B y Dust B unny, Pil l ow: LTD Ruffles Cushion (Lipstick) B y Apple Fall, Skybox: Petite Paris Skybox B uild Rare B y Ariskea.



jan / feb 2017 - featured designer


New One



jan / feb 2017 - new ones



derick lancaster

Introducing the new team members to LTD Magazine.



s Block:

house by no.13



STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: Narrow House by No. 13

KITCHEN: Stool s: European Taste Stools B y Ys&Ys Tabl e: European Taste - Table Rare B y Ys&Ys Wire Frame: Kitchen Essentials - Wire Shelf Rare B y S ari-S ari Smal l Pl ants: Livin Eco Tiny Pl ant B y Lagom Pl acesetting: La Masure Gacha - Soup Bowl Empty B y Ideza Kitchen Unit: Industrial Kitchen (Mod) B y Chez Moi Dish R ack: Shabby Dish Rack B y Chez Moi Cutting B oards: The Gathering Gacha Cutting Boards Rare B y Serenity Style Cutting B oard: Giovani's Cutting Board Empty B y Unkindness Knifes: Kitchen Collection - Knife B lock B y Second Spaces B erries B ranch: Dark Purple B erries B y Soy Kettl e: Amy's Kettle (Mod) B y Dust B unny B ar Soap: Laundry Da y - Old Fashioned Soaps B y Second Spaces/ Sope B ottl es: Laundry Da y - Fancy Cleaners B y Second Spaces Washer And Dr yer: Laundry Da y - Washer & Dryer Rare B y Second Spaces Laundr y B asket: Emil y's Laundry B asket B y Kalopsia Cabinet: Cage Shelf B y Hideki B ooks: Kitchen Collection - Cookbooks B y Second Spaces Red Wine: Bow B ells Boozer Red Wine Bottle B y Madpea White Wine: Bow B ells Boozer White Wine Bottle B y Madpea Lemons: Indiana Harvest Lemon Box (Mod) B y Serenity Style Pears: Indiana Harvest Pear B y Serenity Style Pl ates & B owl s: Ossory B asic Pl ates & Bowls B y Ispachi - Closed I ron B oard: Laundry Da y - Ironing Board B y Second Spaces

LIVING ROOM: Pil l ows: Pillow Stack S and B y We're Closed Sofa: Linen Sofa B y Revival Ottoman: Livin Eco Poof B y Lagom Magazines: B eginning Of The Da y - Magazines B y Zerkalo Consol e: B arn Door Console White B y The Hive Littl e Frame: Hope Special Collections B y Ariskea Lighted Twigs: Twig Lights B y Tarte Metronome: The Memories Metronome B y Serenity Style Knit B asket: Knitted Set Knitting B asket - Cream B y Kalopsia B oxes: Storage Box -Colours 3 B y What Next Letter: Letter B y Ariskea Succul ent: Hope Special Collections B y Ariskea B ooks: La Cantina Wine Books B y Ys&Ys B ookend: Of Cozy - Cat Bookend B y S ari-S ari B ooks I nside The Consol e: Books B y Apple Fall B ooks I nside The Consol e: Books B y Apt B Tel evision: B ingewatchers Television (Rare) B y Madpea Dvd Pl ayer: B ingewatchers Dvd Pl a yer B y Madpea Game B oxes: Boy Night In Game Boxes B y Kalopsia Dvd B oxes: B ingewatchers Dvds B y Madpea Game Station: Boy Night In Game Station B y Kalopsia B ig Pl ant: Livin Eco Pl anter (Mod) B y Lagom Grass: Wildgrass Green B y The Little B ranch Hanging Frames: Essential Cats B y Ys&Ys

BEDROOM: B ig Pl ant: Shitamachi Alley Garden - Potted Pl ant - I B y Soy Cl ay Pl ant: Shitamachi Alley Garden - Potted Pl ant - J B y Soy Ivy: Holborn Hanging Ivy B y Ys&Ys Long Pl ant: Shitamachi Alley Garden - Potted Pl ant - L B y Soy Cabinet: Nostalgia Cabinet B y Serenity Style B l ankets: Stack Of Bl ankets B y Vespertine Lamp: Paper Lamp Round B y Trompe Loeil B l ackboard: Nostalgia Wall Rare (Mod) B y Serenity Style Rug: Nostalgia Rug B y Serenity Style B ag: Vintage Schoolbag Leather & Cyan B y Thor Stool: Vanity Table & Stool Set B y Soy Desk: Teacher Desk B y Thor J ournal: Storybook Living Researcher's Journal B y Dust B unny Nail pol ish Tray: Emil y's Nailpolish Tra y B y Kalopsia Dish: Emil y's Trinket Dish B y Kalopsia Makeup B rushes: Eclectic Collection - B rushes B y Tres Bl ah Eyel ashes Kit: Eclectic Collection - Pamper B y Tres Bl ah Mirror: Emil y's Mirror B y Kalopsia Perfume And Makeup: Cosmetic Decor Set (Mod) B y Soy B ed: Metal Pl atform B ed B y Soy Frames Shelf: Escape Shelf (White) B y Fancy Decor B ook Shelf: Edison Pipe Bookshelf B y Apt B Cur tain: Livin Eco B edcurtain B y Lagom


jan / feb 2017 - decorator’s block





jan / feb 2017 - decorator’s block



Lifestyle... I

t's an interesting thing that despite living amidst the energy and bustle of cities, we still feel the need for a garden. It's the creation of such oases of beauty and calm that seem to restore the balance of a more natural existence. Mostly, these sought out spaces are small. This leads to the question of use, what do we want to use an urban garden for? Answers revolve around an escape from our busy lifestyles, examples may be working on a laptop in the fresh air, sitting and reading a good book, enjoying a glass of wine in the evening, perhaps entertaining friends in this extended room. And then, it's all down to how much time we're prepared to lavish on maintaining our gardens. Obviously the climate has a lot to do with what we can achieve and expect from our outdoor spaces, although having said that, there are more than a few tropical style gardens in the middle of urban London, UK! Entertaining means we need seating and tables along with the greenery. Where possible, it's a good idea to consider having built-in seating, preferably incorporating storage space. Extra chairs can always be stored elsewhere. The secret of good design in most spaces, and definitely in small ones, is to keep it simple. Don't try to pack too much in and decide on a theme - minimalist, exotic, traditional, whatever - then stick to it. Use only two or three different materials (brick and stone or glass and steel or wood and slate, maybe) and repeat textures and colours. These tricks give urban

gardens harmony, cohesion and a sense of space. Go for a small number of large things rather than the other way around. This includes plants, planters and furniture. Sticking to a restricted colour palette can be a way to increase the perception of space. Too many different colours make the space seem smaller. Try using plants with contrasting leaf colour and texture and which grow into interesting shapes. These will certainly better earn their keep in your precious small space. Planters are a great way to maximise impact in smaller spaces while keeping maintenance as low as possible. Plain, unadorned styles in fibreglass, steel or stone for a modern look and terracotta for a more traditional feel are some of the possibilities. In first life we need to consider watering and position of plants with regards to the available light, in virtual space we're fortunate that our landscaping will remain pristine, regardless. However, Inworld we can use all sorts of lighting and particle effects, cleverly placed to create atmosphere. Adjusting the Windlight setting of the sim we're on can have huge effects on the feel of a landscaped space, no matter how small. Front gardens in first life are a paradoxical thing. We tend not to notice them as the space is familiar to our eyes but for visitors, it's the first thing they notice. Large front gardens give more scope for horticultural and design impact, but the small garden can still be designed and planted to create a welcoming space. Space for dustbins,

urban gardens


STYLING CREDITS. . . Fl ying Trees: Windswept Tree Set B y Skye, Metal Arch: Station A B y Ten Thousand & Co, Windmil l s: Picnic Flower Wind Turbine B y Anc Ltd., Tiny B utterfl ies: Picnic Swallow Tailed B utterfl y B y Anc Ltd., Doves: No Limits Flock of Doves B y Anc Ltd., Red Roses: Camellia B ranch B y Anc Ltd., Sitting Rings: Camellia Waning Moon Chair B y Anc Ltd., Orange Lanterns: Camellia Lantern B y Anc Ltd., Gol den Tal l A shtray: MoonLight Lounge A shtra y Stand B y Anc Ltd., Swal l ows: Forget Swallow B y Anc Ltd., Parasol: Hatsuyume Wind Parasol B y Anc Ltd., Fl ying Paper: Fl ying Paper B y Kalopsia, R ail ings: Railing for Garden B y Anhelo, Street Lamp: Street Light B y Anhelo, Metal Gate: Garden Gate B y Anhelo, Wal l Power B ox & Thick Pipes: B uilding Install ations B y Anhelo, Middl e Gazebo: Um Mirante B y Anhelo, B ushes: Seasonal Boxwood Set B y Botanical, Ivy Wood Archway: Wooden Arbor with Ivy B y Botanical, Tree B ottom: Tree Pl ants Composition B y Sweet Klee, Fl owers on Red Crate: Wild Flowers Campion Lil ac B y Heart, Red Crate with Fl owers: Carriage [Modded] B y Alesta, Hanging Notes: Our Secret Hideout Meadow Poems B y 8f8, Hanging B utterfl ies: Our Secret Hideout B utterfl y Spot B y 8f8, Thin Shrub: Our Secret Hideout Meadow Shrub B y 8f8, Sketch B ook: Our Secret Hideout Little Sketchbook B y 8f8, Drawings: Our Secret Hideout Arts 'n' Craf ts B y 8f8, Open Al bum: Our Secret Hideout Our Memories B y 8f8, Smal l Notes B ox: Our Secret Hideout Precious Thoughts B y 8f8, Wrapped B ook: Our Secret Hideout Secret Diary B y 8f8, Fountain: Green Grocers Fountain B y 8f8, Silver Tin Pl ants: Indoor DIY Spring Tree Tin B y 8f8, Smal l Pl ant in B ox: Indoor DIY Spring Tree Box B y 8f8, B ed: Indoor DIY Spring B ed B y 8f8, B ooks on Crate: Indoor DIY Spring Books Box B y 8f8, B ricked Gazebo House: No Pl ace of Ours Autumnal B y 8f8, Pots: Primavera in Toscana Cl a y Pots B y 8f8, Hanging Cages: Hanging Victorian B irdcage B y Vespertine, Scattered Letters: Stack of Letters B y Vespertine, B ird Cage: B irdy Robin B y J ian, Squirrel: Squirrel Wanderer B y J ian, B l ock Pl anters: Cinder B lock Pl anter Set B y Morgan Sim Designs, B ike Pl anter: Vintage B icycle Pl anter Garden - Hall y B y Morgan Sim Designs, Tea Set Pl ants: Cups Of Flowers Drinda B y Morgan Sim Designs, Acorns: Scattered Acorns B y Half Deer, Typewriter Pl anter: Wanderlust Upcycled Typewriter B y Dust B unny, Rose Teacup in Cabinet: Wanderlust Rose Teacup B y Dust B unny, Fl owers Teacup in Cabinet: Wanderlust Bouquet Teacup B y Dust B unny, Dais y Teacup in Cabinet: Wanderlust Daisy Teacup B y Dust B unny, B ook Pl anter: Wanderlust Book Pl anter B y Dust B unny, Nest: Robin Nest B y Dust B unny, Pink Pump: Garden Pump Pink B y Dust B unny, Long Tabl e: Window Table B y Dust B unny, Cl ock Pl anter: Over Grown Clock Rusted B y Nefarious Inventions - Shop Closed, Drawer Pl anter: Over Grown Herb Drawers Chipped B y Nefarious Inventions - Shop Closed, B ucket Pl ant: Over Grown Stacked B uckets B y Nefarious Inventions - Shop Closed, Tea Cans Pl anter: Over Grown Tea Cans B y Nefarious Inventions - Shop Closed, Cactus B ook: Over Grown Cacti Book B y Nefarious Inventions - Shop Closed, Green Wood Tabl e: Creative Outdoors Table Green B y Apt B , B ench: Creative Outdoors B ench B rown B y Apt B , Pots: Tiny Flea Market Pots B y Apt B , B ench Shelf: Creative Outdoors Shelf Without Pl ants Green B y Apt B , B ench Shelf Pl anter: Creative Outdoors Shelf With Pl ants Green B y Apt B , Stairs Ladder: Rusty Steep Stairs B y Flea Yatsenko Industries, Three Doors: Three Old Doors B y Razor B ird, Chair Pl anter: Vintage Pl anter Zinc B y Cheeky Pea, White S ack: Shitamachi Alley Garden Soil bag & Scoop B y Soy, Various Potted Pl ants: Shitamachi Alley Garden Potted Pl ant Gatcha B y Soy, Tire Pl ant: Fast & Curious Set Tyres Pl ant B y YS &YS , Side Cupboard: Industrial Sideboard B y YS &YS , Yel l ow Cabinet: Industrial Cabinet B y YS &YS , Pil l ow B asket: European Taste B asket B y YS &YS , Wine B ottl es & Gl asses: La Cantina Wine Set Used B y YS &YS , Water Can Hose: Shower B y Cinphul, B asket of Signs: Sign B asket B y J unk, Theatre Seats: Recycled Theatre Seats Vintage B y J unk, Camera: Vintage Camera Light B y J unk, B ook on B ench: Vintage Journal B y David Heather, Vines: Garden Vine B y HPMD, Wheel Wal l Decor: Mill Collection Windmill B y Consignment, Green Watering Can: Watering Can B eatle B y Keke, Hanging Lil y: Wall Flower Lil y B y Keke, Square Bottles in Cabinet: Vintage Tea Tins B y Keke, Sprouts in Cabinet: Tea Tin Sprout B y Keke, Paperbag Herb: Paperbag Herb Gatcha B y Keke, Hanging Herb: Hanging Herb B asil B y Keke, Gol den Cage: Lost & Forgotten B irdcage B y Random Matter, Love Letter: Letter and Rose Petals B y Fancy Decor, Wal l Wires: Electric Box B y Total Destruction, Smal l Tank: Old Tank B y Total Destruction, Thin Wal l Pipes: Pipes Set B y Total Destruction, S atel l ite Dishes: S atellite Dish Decor B y CobyDot Products, Strawberr y Stocks: Strawberry Totem B y Dysfunctionality, Wood Fence: Wood & Rope Picket Fence Set B y Dysfunctionality, Tomatoes Growth: New Tomato Garden Plot B y Dysfunctionality, Onion Patch: New Onion Garden Plot B y Dysfunctionality, Carrots Patch: New Carrot Garden Plot B y Dysfunctionality, Tool Shelf: Tool Shelf B y Revival, Pipe Lights: Pipe Light B y Revival, Newspaper Spread: Newspaper B y Revival, Wal l Pots: Vertical Herb Garden B y S ari S ari, Garden Tabl e: Herb Garden Table B y S ari S ari, Hanging Paper Ar t: J apanese Garden Rain Catcher B y UR B uilding Components, Cl oths on Fl oor: Look Through The Window Gatcha 4 B y Haikei, Pil l ow B ench: A Vacant Gouse Gatcha 1 B y Haikei, B owl of Strawberries: Strawberries Bowl B y Aisling, Potted Strawberries: Hyacinth potted strawberries B y Aria, S acked Pl ant in Tub: The Smiling Garden Washtub Pl ants B y Omen, Sead Packets: The Smiling Garden Seed Packets B y Omen, Potted Pl ants in B ox: The Arcade J une 1 5 Rosemary Pl ant B y Scarlet Creative, Pond Pl ate Decor: My Little Pond Pl ate B y Maru Kado, B uil dings: City Filler B y Urban J ungle, B ig Tank: Roof top Water Tower B y Urban J ungle.


jan / feb 2017 - l ifestyle



recycling boxes and bicycle stores need to be carefully calculated, as does access to them. Every square meter has to be used to maximum effect to provide visual form and functional use. Inworld, nothing enlivens the front of a house more than some greenery. Water in the form of fountains and small pools can provide focal points, the sound of water and wildlife can further enhance a sense of realism. Many designers now provide small native animals and birds to give our virtual gardens life. Trees, flowers and shrubs wave in the virtual breeze. It's an exciting time in the Home & Garden world - we have so much to play with and at such low Land Impact. However, we can still overdo things so maybe if we keep in mind the first life principles for gardening in small spaces, it'd be a good idea! Talking of wildlife, don't forget to include bees and bee hives in your virtual spaces. Quite a few first life cities now have urban bee projects. Hives have been placed on the top of towers, complete with flowers suitable for the insects to gather honey from. The same thing applies to urban flats with their balconies and other sundry small front gardens - it all adds up. Not only do the tower gardens provide a pleasant place for office workers to relax in at lunch times but they also give the humble bee a chance of survival. With lowered numbers in the countryside due to pesticides and modern farming methods, the bee projects are to be welcomed. Bees do well in the city due to the variety of plants in the parks, railway sidings and tree-lined roads so adding the tower gardens can only increase numbers of these very valuable insects. Of course there are much larger horticultural projects connected with various first life cities. An example is Southeast Asia's Singapore Harbour Gardens. This project is a conservation and renewable energy venture that consists of extensive landscaped gardens and ponds. It looks surreal as the city skyscrapers provide a backdrop of concrete, steel and glass to these gardens. There are two domes, one featuring an artificial mountain and cloud forest and the other a Mediterranean garden. Tall trees rise up from the gardens and are connected by a slim bridge which actually sways in the breeze and terrifies the unwary visitors when they attempt to walk across it! The 'trees' are actually vertical gardens topped with solar panels which generate enough energy to power the entire complex several times over. If watched carefully, visitors are enchanted to see jewel coloured hummingbirds visit the many blossoms that grow from the trees structure. For all the birds are concerned, the solar trees are actually the same as any other garden, just a bit higher up. It would be spectacular to see this amazing garden complex recreated in Second LifeÂŽ. Another fascinating urban project is GrowNYC's Garden Program which looks after community gardens in New York, USA. They help with the building and sustaining of these valuable resources which extend to urban farms, school gardens and rainwater harvesting systems across the city. To date, they've built 90 plus gardens, and support hundreds more through renovations, volunteer days, annual plant sales and other fundraisers. They recently released a couple of community garden manuals, the object of which is to provide information on making urban gardens more resilient, for instance there's a section on how to minimize storm damage. They contribute to research about the effects of rainfall on urban environments, needed even more now with our turbulent weather. Here's a few more ideas, this time from the city of Berlin, Germany, which has undergone a transformation in urban agriculture over the past twelve years and is very active in fostering a wide variety of gardening and agriculture projects within the city. These are all part of the Food Tank project, a non-profit organisation focused on building a global community for a safe, healthy, nourished population. A formerly empty and unused urban wasteland was converted into a highly productive vegetable and fruit garden. Local residents maintain and expand the garden adding beehives. A project called Nomadic Green, grows produce in burlap sacks and other reusable containers. These can be put on bike trolleys to set up gardens on unused space anywhere in the area. An urban garden was created on the grounds of the Berlin Templehof airport. Fresh from the Roof is an aquaponics project that started on the rooftop of a former malt factory, the farm there creates a symbiotic cycle of aquaculture with vegetable gardening using the nutrient rich aquaculture water to irrigate plants. It's all done to accommodate a growing city with these moveable food based projects. Why not include vegetable and fruits in your virtual garden with raised beds, planters, vines on walls and small fruit trees. We hope this article has inspired you to create your own virtual urban gardens, both fantasy and realistic. It certainly is very rewarding, especially as an enhancement to architectural design and adds greatly to the overall content of a city build.


jan / feb 2017 - l ifestyle



jan / feb 2017 - l ifestyle



jan / feb 2017 - l ifestyle




jan / feb 2017 - l ifestyle


STYLING CREDITS. . . Fence: B ushmead Railing B y Apple Fall, Lanterns: Orsett Lantern Set B y Apple Fall, B ench: Vondel Park B ench - Rusted B y N4RS , Fl agstones: Fl agstones B y Apple Fall, Grapevines: Grapevine Set B y Botanical, Chairs And Tabl e: Terrace Table & Chairs (Green) B y What's Next, Vase: Terrace Flowers Vase (Grey) B y What's Next, Umbrel l a: Alize Umbrell a B y Newchurch, Grass: Wildgrass (Green) B y The Little B ranch, B irdhouses: Vill a B irdhouses Fall Set B y Vespertine, Tree: B radford Pear 4 Seasons B y The Little B ranch, Path: Edged B rick Park Path B y Botanical, B ench With Pl ants: Pot People - Old Couple B y Goose, Tal l Grass: Dotty Wild Grass B y Anc, Grass: Seasonal Boxwood B ushes Set (Mod) B y Botanical, Round B ushes: Seasonal Boxwood B ushes Set (Mod) B y Botanical, Path Stone: Path And Patio Stone Walkwa y B y Chic B uildings, Shed: Indian Summer Shed Dust B y Revival, Pots: Pot People - Diy Kit B y Goose, Watering Can: In The Garden Watering Can B y Runic Design, Chair: A shi Mizu Set B y Soy, Tool s: Garden Tools B y Pilot, Shelves: B asket Ladder B y Floorpl an, Tin Cans: Maple Vintage Decor B y Kalopsia, Tool s R ake: Spring B ackyard - Repurposed Rake B y S ari-S ari, Pot With Wheel barrow: Pot People - Garden Helper B y Goose, Ivy: Ivy B y Elibail y, Tabl e With Pots: GH Gardenpots B y Death Row Design, Wal l Pl ants: GH Flowerpots B y Death Row Design, B icycl e: Spring Garden B ike B y What's Next, Hanging Pl ant: Super Long Hanging Hedera B y Soy, White Fl owers: Wild Flowers - Queen Anne's Lace B y Heart, Pipe: Pipe Light B y Revival, Water B arrel: La Petite Serre Lill ypad B arrel (Mod) B y Lagom, Tal l Grass: Grass 01 B y Runic Design, Hanging Fl owerpot: Gh Flowerpots B y Death Row Design, B uil ding: Roofs Of Paris - The Roofs - Rare (Mod) B y Milk Motion.



jan / feb 2017 - l ifestyle



jan / feb 2017 - l ifestyle




jan / feb 2017 - l ifestyle


STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: The Skwer B y Maven Homes, Fence: Palm View Fence B y Roost, Fl oor Lights: The Skwer (mod) B y Maven Homes, Grass Circl es: Serena Mirror (mod) B y Aria, Grass Circl es: Grass field green B y We're Closed, Pavil ion: Pavilion (mod) B y The Den, Pavil ion Fl oor: Thea Coffee Table B y Aria, Pergol a: The Skwer (mod) B y Maven Homes, Pergol a Wal l s: Palm View Fence (mod) B y Roost, Pl anters: Paving Kit (mod) B y Maven Homes, Pl anters: Palm View Pl anter Box (mod) B y Roost, R aised Lounge: Paving Kit (mod) B y Maven Homes, Pl ants: B romel i ad: Portico Potted B romeliad (Mod) B y Aria & The Lof t, B ushes: J uniper Topiary (Mod) B y Apple Fall, Cal adium: Portico Potted Cal adium (Mod) B y Aria & The Lof t, Fern: Hanging Fern (Mod) B y Mesh Pl ants, Fl owers: Winslow Potted Amaryllis (Mod) B y Aria & The Lof t, Grasses: Wild Grass B y Studio Skye, Hanging Pl ants: Super Long Hanging Hedera B y Soy, Hedges: J uniper Hedge B y Apple Fall, Ivy: Ivy B y Elibail y, Pl ants: Temperate Shrubs B y Studio Skye, Pots: Fern Pl anter (Mod) B y Fancy Decor, Pots: Grass Pl anter (Mod) B y Fancy Decor, Potted Fern: Fern Pl anter B y Fancy Decor, Potted Pl ant: Potted Pothos B y Soy, Trees: Alder Trees B y Heart Botanicals, Candl es: Sherwood Tealights B y Elibail y, Chairs: Round Wire Chair B y The Lof t, Cof fee Tabl e: Marlowe Table B y Fancy Decor, Couch: Marlowe Sofa B y Fancy Decor, Di amonds: Diamond B y Floorpl an, Fern: Hanging Fern (Mod) B y Mesh Pl ants, Fern Pot: Fern Pl anter (Mod) B y Fancy Decor, Hanging Candl es: Candle Drop B y Revival, Ivy: Holborn Hanging Ivy B y YS &YS , Lantern: Metal Lantern Drif t B y The Lof t, Orb Lamps: Gazing B all (Mod) B y Surge, Ottoman: Harmon Rattan Ottoman B y Aria & The Lof t, Pil l ows: Bl ack And White Pillow B y Fancy Decor, Pil l ows: Sunda y Morning Decorative Throw Pillows (Mod) B y Aria, Poufs: Serena Leather Pouf B y Aria, Rug: Meyer Fringe Rug B y The Lof t, Side Tabl e: Bl ack Tra y Side Table (Mod) B y Llorisen, Side Tabl e: Concrete Garden Table B y Aria & The Lof t, Side Tabl e Top: Table 950 (Mod) B y Mori, Succul ent: Ha yden Potted Succulent B y Aria, Tea Tray: Clive Tea Set B y B igbull y, Cal adium: Portico Potted Cal adium (Mod) B y Aria & The Lof t, Chairs: B istro Chair B y Fancy Decor, Cheese & Fruit: Arlette Decorative Cheese Pl atter (Mod) B y Aria, Cheese Pl ate: Hard To Find Pl ate B y Keke, Cl oche: Sunda y Morning Cloche B y Aria, Fl owers: Winslow Potted Amaryllis (Mod) B y Aria & The Lof t, Orb Lamps: Gazing B all (Mod) B y Surge, Pil l ows: Throw Pillow B y Fancy Decor, Pots: Fern Pl anter (Mod) B y Fancy Decor, Pots: Grass Pl anter (Mod) B y Fancy Decor, Tabl e: B istro Table B y Fancy Decor, B ench: Trenton Retro Seat B y Llorisen, Chairs: Clive Chair B y B igbull y, Fire B asket: Fire B asket (Mod) B y Striped Mocha, Fire B asket B ase: Kira Tree Stump Coffee Table Group (Mod) B y Aria, Lanterns: Metal Lantern Drif t B y The Lof t, Orb Lamps: Gazing B all (Mod) B y Surge, S'mores Tray: Antilles B each Treats B y The Lof t, Side Tabl e: Concrete Garden Table B y Aria & The Lof t, Side Tabl e Top: Table 950 (Mod) B y Mori, B oxes: Madagascar Boxes B y Mudhoney, Car t: Lux B ar Cart B y Aria, Decanters & Coasters: Lux B ar Cart Decorated (Mod) B y Aria, Fl ower: Shitamachi Alley Garden Potted Pl ant K B y Soy, Gl asses: Pepta Gl ases B y The Lof t, Napkins: Leslie Pl ace Setting B y MudHoney, Orb Lamps: Gazing B all (mod) B y Surge, Stool s: Industrial Cafe Stool B y Hideki, Chairs: Ainsley Dining Chair B y Aria, Di amonds: Diamond B y FloorPl an, Lamp: Roxanne B al ance Pendant B y The Lof t, Succul ents: Ha yden Potted succulent B y Aria, Tabl e: Grow Streak Concrete Table B y The Lof t, Charger: S al ad pl ate B y L&K Prefabs, Di amonds: Diamond B y FloorPl an, Dishes: Hard to Find set (mod) B y Keke, Fern B ranch: Fern Pl ant B ranch B y Mesh Pl ants, Mug: Rust empty cup B y L&K Prefabs, Napkin: Leslie Pl ace Setting B y Mudhoney, Succul ents: Ha yden Potted succulent B y Aria, B romel i ad: Portico Potted B romeliad (mod) B y Aria & The Lof t, Cal adium: Portico Potted cal adium (mod) B y Aria & The Lof t, Di amonds: Diamond B y FloorPl an, Fern: Hanging Fern (mod) B y Mesh Pl ants, Lanterns: Metal Lantern Drif t B y The Lof t, Loungers: J enny Chaise B y Mudhoney, Orb Lamps: Gazing B all (mod) B y Surge, Pots: Fern Pl anter (mod) B y Fancy Decor, Pots: Grass Pl anter (mod) B y Fancy Decor, Side Tabl e: bl ack tra y side table (mod) B y Llorisen, Side Tabl e Top: Table 950 (mod) B y Mori, Succul ents: Ha yden Potted succulent B y Aria, City Sourround: City Skyscrapers B y Chic B uildings.



jan / feb 2017 - l ifestyle


New One 96

jan / feb 2017 - new ones



jack hanby

Introducing the new team members to LTD Magazine.


Color of th Through the years we have taken for granted all of the wonderful shades and colors; we fall in love with perusing for new garments to adorn our bodies and pieces to spruce up our living spaces. If you ever walked into your closet, and noticed the repetition of a particular color, that you happened to buy at a specific time of the year, it may not be accidental or coincidental. Quiet as it’s kept, there is a very important panel of individuals who specialize in selecting colors and creating trends that inspire fabrics for furniture, clothing as well as interior and exterior colors. More often than not, the inspiration stems from current events, environmental as well as social. Pantone may be a name that rings familiar although you’re not quite sure why, the answer is because of how much of an influence the Company has had as it relates to current trends. Although it has most recently grown to become more of a household name, it is a company that has been around since the mid-1950s. Originally beginning as a commercial printing company, Pantone revolutionized colors and shades as we know it. Specializing in its very own color matching process and creating a color matching system that was instrumentally useful in industries such as Graphic Arts and other color-critical industries including textiles, digital technology, architecture, contract interiors, paints and plastics.

Pantone began to become a ma jor influence in the year 2000, when the Company not only took the onus of creating colors and shades, they also began to identify and select colors that they felt would trend for the upcoming year. For approximately sixteen years this has been an industry tradition. Why this is so important to the industries, it’s because Decorators, Fashion Designers, and other artists that rely on color to create are trained to understand the psychology behind colors, and what they represent. It is also safe to presume that colors can represent something totally different depending on what part of the world you live in; however, it remains important to understand. It’s nice to know that every color has meaning and the colors that you prefer say a lot about what you think and what you feel and even where you’re from sometimes. For 2017, this year’s color is Green, the shade is called Pantone Greenery. A clean and energetic shade of green with intent as natural as air and vivid in tone. The color embodies everything reminiscent of nature from the vibrant color of a green apple to the freshness of endless fields of growing untampered blades of grass. Another reason this color was selected, is due to the growing push for us to become environmentally friendly. The demand for materials and designs that coincide with clean green living is ever increasing.


he Year

pantone greenery


STYLING CREDITS. . . Rug: J ewel Summer Rug - Zesty Lime B y Lisp Cof fee Tabl e: Hexa Coffee Table White B y The Lof t & Aria Peonies: Lainey Vase With Peonies B y The Lof t & Aria Tray: Lainey Tra y B rass B y The Lof t & Aria Cake: Calie Cake: S age B y Petite Maison Tea: Callie Tea & Macarons: S age B y Petite Maison Design B ooks: Design Books B y Apple Fall Chair: Alexand Porter Chair S and B y The Lof t B ar Car t: Lux B ar Cart (Decorated) B y Aria Side Tabl e: Reigine Side Table: White B y Petite Maison Sofa: Working From Home Sofa Cotton Linen B y Scarlet Creative B ooks: Paris - Books B y B azar Fl owers: Paris - Flowers B y B azar Candl e Displ ay: Candle Displ a y B y Fancy Decor Cur tains: Meid Drapes Lime Stripe B y The Lof t Pl ant Stand: Jodie Pl ant Stand - White B y Sequel Wal l Light: Lainey Sconce B rass B y The Lof t B oxes: Stud Cl asp Boxes B y Fancy Decor Vanity Tabl e: Lainey Vanity Table - White B y The Lof t Urn: Wooden Urn B y Mudhoney Vase W/ B ranches: Vase W/ B ranches B y The Lof t Painting: Ambrose Frame Texture Change B y The Lof t & Aria Candl e: Alderan Candle Green B y The Lof t Firepl ace: Firepl ace B y Fancy Decor Statue: Titania B ust White Marble B y 22769 - B auwerk Mirror: J acqson Mirror Lime B y The Lof t Consol e B ar: Sorrel Decorated Console B ar B y Aria Armchair: Armchair (White Linen) B y Fancy Decor Hanging Pl ant: Super Long Hanging Hedera B y Soy. Fashion Cabinet: Fashion Cabinet B y Apple Fall Mari a Potted Pl ant: Maria Potted Pl ant B y Di'cor Decor: Gilded Blumen Mirror B y Vespertine B ook Pil e: Signe Decorative Book Pile B y Aria Lamp: Abalone Table Light B y The Lof t & Aria Consol e Tabl e: Abalone Console Table B y The Lof t & Aria Peacock Print: Peacock Print B y Fancy Decor Peacock Feathers: Abalone Vases With Peacock Feathers B y The Lof t & Aria Cl assic Chandel ier: Cl assic Chandelier B y Fancy Decor Trinket B ox: Amy Trinket Box B y Mudhoney Paint B ooks: Paint Books B y Mudhoney I nterior B ooks: Interior Books B y Mudhoney


jan / feb 2017 - color of the year

Four years ago green was selected by Pantone, however the shade was more reminiscent of that which you would find in an emerald stone, representing opulence and luxury. In such a short time span the current has shifted, and this year’s selection represents minimalism. This year’s color selection is such a fun one, that can be used in an exciting manner but can also be used just as efficiently in a more conservative design as well. It’s amazing how this shade of green is so surprisingly versatile. Using such a vibrant color takes a true understanding and familiarity of this shade of green. Once you visualize the color in its true nature, using it is so easy. This shade can be accompanied with just about every shade imaginable, because it is a botanical color that in nature you would normally see in many groups of flowers that are diverse in color. One of the simplest ways to use this color is by mixing it with a white or cream palette. This makes it easy to open-up a closed in smaller space, and just as easily gives a larger space character when Pantone’s Greenery is used strategically throughout. Using green in a minimalist fashion or using it to make a bold statement to give the room a bit more of an electric energy solely depends on the colors you choose to partner with this shade of green, but you have a huge selection of colors to choose from.



jan / feb 2017 - color of the year



jan / feb 2017 - color of the year



All that is required is a clear knowledge of what your usage of the room is going to be, so you make the right decision on color proportion creating the ideal balance in its usage; so that it’s not only gorgeous but it’s also practical for everyday use. If you love the color but are not particularly fond of a contemporary look, there is no reason to shy away from using this color. The versatility of this color cannot be stressed enough because of it being a natural color. Playing with textures, aged wood finishes ranging from light to dark gives you the option of creating a shabby chic look. Not being afraid of oddly shaped fixtures and accessories that add curvature and shapes to your space is an option. Contemporary design is about clean, straight lines, with that in mind, if contemporary isn’t your particular taste palette do the exact opposite, but make sure it makes sense. If you’re still not confident about your selection of colors, whether they will or will not work. Refer to a great source, Nature. Botanicals, gardens, flower arrangements, if the colors work together in a bouquet then it will work put together in your home. If you share your space with your partner who prefers a masculine feel and is dead set against this color altogether, try mixing it with chocolates or navy’s. There is one certainty with this year’s color selection, and that is it’s a color that can please just about anyone, because we all appreciate nature and its ability to sooth us and create tranquility in any environment. 2017 has been marked as a year signifying new beginnings with cultural and political changes in tow and this year’s color selection is symbolic of this. Although the following colors were not selected as color of the year, these ten colors were part of Pantone’s 2017 Spring selection process for what will be trending this year. 1. Niagara a practical blue shade similar in likeness to denim (PANTONE 17-4123). 2. Primrose Yellow a vibrant shade of yellow, a sister in likeness to a sunflower (PANTONE 13-0755 ). 3. Lapis Blue an energetic shade of blue that has a natural navy essence yet remains vibrant and intense (PANTONE 19-4045). 4. Flame a gorgeous, hot sexy Orange with deep bursts of red infusion (PANTONE 17-1462). 5. Island Paradise- a Blue that is true to its name, a blue that you will only find in a paradise setting, deep blue waters and even a clear blue sky (PANTONE 14-4620). 6. Pale Dogwood- is a soft shade of pink that shares the tone and warmth of warm island sand (PANTONE 13-1404). 7. Greenery- A green that encompasses all that is Nature with deep rich yellow undertones (PANTONE 15-0343). 8. Pink Yarrow- A bright fuchsia/ magenta inspired pink (PANTONE 17-2034). 9. Kale- A deeper warmer shade of green that is also inspired by Nature (PANTONE 18-0107). 10. Hazelnut- A neutral earthy color true to its name, a nutty shade of brown (PANTONE 14-1315). If you’re onboard with new beginnings, a great way to start is by making a bold color statement at home and adding change that symbolizes what your objective for the new year is, change.


jan / feb 2017 - color of the year


STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: The Kira B y Maven Homes

LIVING ROOM Ar t: Minimal Art (mod) B y Fancy Decor, B ook Pil e: Serena Book Pile B y Aria, B ox: Worlidge Box B y Fancy Decor, Candl e: Serena Candle B y Aria, Chairs: Llias Chair B y Aria & The Lof t, Chandel ier: Aradia Chandelier B y Aria & The Lof t, Cof fee Tabl e: Triangle Table B y Fancy Decor, Decorative B al l s: Orb B y MudHoney, Dish w/ Decor: Fl at Bowl B y Maven Homes, Dish w/ Decor: Orb B y MudHoney, Dish w/ Decor: Fern Pl ant B ranch B y Mesh Pl ants, Fl oor Lamp: Harmon Floor Lamp B y Aria & The Lof t, Fl oor Lamp: Disc Lamp B y B igB ull y, Fl owers: Lainey Vase With Peonies B y Aria & The Lof t, Gl ass Vase w/ Leaves: Stemless Watergl ass (mod) B y Fancy Decor, Gl ass Vase w/ Leaves: Monaco Potted Strelitzia Reginae (mod) B y Aria, Horn: Abalone Decorative Metal Horn B y Aria & The Lof t, Logs: Portable Mantle B y Second Spaces, Magazines: Magazine Stack B y Fancy Decor, Mirror: Serena Mirror B y Aria, Orchid: Serena Potted Orchid B y Aria, Pil l ows: White and B l ack Pillow B y Fancy Decor, Pl ant: Sunda y Morning Potted Palm B y Aria, Pl ant Pot: Grass Pl anter (mod) B y Fancy Decor, Pouf: Serena Leather Pouf B y Aria, Rug: B &W Rug B y Fancy Decor, Rug Hide: Corvus Hide Rug B y The Lof t, Scul pture: Actaeon B y The Vordun, Sectional Sofa: Eva sectional B y MudHoney, Side Tabl e: Bl ack Tra y Side Table B y Llorisen, Throw B l anket: Delil ah decorative throw B y Aria, Vase: Skinny Vase - metal B y MudHoney, Vase: Oren Amsonia Vase (Mod) B y The Lof t, Vases: Sunda y Morning Vases Group (mod) B y Aria, Wal l Accent: Palm View Firepl ace Wall B y Roost, Wood Pl anter: Wood Block Pl anter B y Fancy Decor.

DESK AREA: B ook Pil e: Serena Book Pile B y Aria, Candl e: Serena Candle B y Aria, Chair: Abalone Office Chair B y Aria & The Lof t, Fl oor Lamp: Disc Lamp B y B igB ull y, Laptop: Summer Moved On Laptop B y Aria, Pl ant: A strid succulent pl ant B y Aria, Tabl e: Serena Console Table B y Aria, Leaf B owl s: Leaf Trinket Bowls B y MudHoney,

DINING: B ench Legs: Grow Streak Concrete Table B y The Lof t, B ench Seat: El ah Tuf ted Sof t B ench (mod) B y Aria, Chairs: Impact Throne Chair (mod) B y Apple Fall, Chandel ier: Cordova Pendant Light (mod) B y The Lof t, Consol e: Serena Console Table B y Aria, Fl oor Lamp: Disc Lamp B y B igB ull y, Leaf B owl s: Leaf Trinket Bowls B y MudHoney, Pl ant: Sunda y Morning Potted Palm B y Aria, Pl ant: A strid succulent pl ant B y Aria, Pl ant Pot: Grass Pl anter (mod) B y Fancy Decor, Pouf: Llias Pouf B y Aria & The Lof t, Rug: Panel Rug B y Fancy Decor, Tabl e: Renee Desk B y MudHoney, Tabl e Accent: Wire Wall Flower B y MudHoney, Dishes: Hard to Find set (mod) B y Keke, Gl ass: Stemless Watergl ass (mod) B y Fancy Decor, Leaf: Sunda y Morning Vases Group (mod) B y Aria, Pl ace Mat: Custom B y N/A , Utensil s: Tableware (mod) B y Keke, Candl es: Geometric Candlesticks B y Fancy Decor, Fern B ranch: Fern Pl ant B ranch B y Mesh Pl ants, Geospheres: Geospheres B y Fancy Decor, Moss B al l: B ushy Pl ant B y Ariskea, Pal m Leaf: Sunda y Morning Vases Group (mod) B y Aria, Roses: B ell a Vase with a Rose B y Aria, Wine: Arlette decorative cheese pl atter B y Aria.

FOYER BACKGROUND: Tabl e: Waves Sideboard B y B igB ull y, Rug: Fabric round rug B y Haikei, B ench: Piper uphostered bench B y Aria, Ar t: Minimal Art B y Fancy Decor, Pl ant: Potted Cheese Pl ant B y Soy, Dish w/ Decor: Fl at Bowl B y Maven Homes, Dish w/ Decor: Orb B y MudHoney, Dish w/ Decor: Fern Pl ant B ranch B y Mesh Pl ants.

PATIO BACKGROUND: B owl w/ A ppl es: Thea stone bowl with apples B y Aria, Couch: Thea Sectional B y Aria, Dining Chair: Moderno Chair B y Fancy Decor, Dining Tabl e: Cindy side table B y Aria, Hedge: J uniper Hedge B y Apple Fall, Hedge Pl anter: Palm View Pl anter Box B y Roost, Pl ate: Curved pl ate B y Maven Homes, Round Pl anters: Patio Pl anter B y Maven Homes, Tabl es: Thea Table B y Aria.

LANDSCAPE SCENE: B uil dings: The Kira B y Maven Homes, Fence: York Vale B y Roost, Trees: Cypress tree B y 3DTrees, Trees: Alder Trees B y Heart Botanicals.



jan / feb 2017 - color of the year




jan / feb 2017 - color of the year



jan / feb 2017 - color of the year


STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: Chestnut Street Apt (Mod) B y Pixel Mode

LIVING ROOM: Firepl ace Tool Set: Firepl ace Tool Set B y Abiss Design, Pl anter: Super Long Hanging Hedera B y Soy, Firewood: Firewood Storage B ench (Mod B y Swa y, Projector Screen: Projector Screen B y Random Matter, Firepl ace: Firepl ace - Gas - Insert (Mod) B y Pixel Mode, Rug: Hexa Rug B y The Lof t & Aria, Pouf: Pouf Ottoman B y The Lof t, B asket: Weave B asket B y We're Closed, Cheese Pl ant: Potted Cheese Pl ant B y Soy, Storage B ox: Storage Box B y Fancy Decor, B l ankets: Neatl y Folded Bl ankets B y Half-Deer, Knitting B asket: Yarn B asket B y Dust B unny, Couch: Roxy Sectional B y The Lof t, Pil l ows: Harmon Sofa (Mod) B y The Lof t & Aria, Pil l ows: Delil ah Decorative Cushions B y Aria, Throw: Delil ah Decorative Throw B y Aria, B ench: Napa B ench (Mod) B y The Lof t, Cof fee Tabl e: Wood Console B y Fancy Decor, Remote: Emergency Remote B y Mad Pea, Tray: Monaco Decorative Tra y B y The Lof t & Aria, B ook And Tabl et: Book And Tablet Stack B y Pilot, B ottl e: Mtn B uzz Bottle B y Lost J unction, Ar t: Dots Art B y Apple Fall, Fl oorl amp: Harmon Floor Lamp B y The Lof t & Aria, Cur tains: Drapes Solids B y Mudhoney, B l inds: Venetian B linds A B y Teddyjr Store, Side Tabl es: Little Mid-Century Side Table B y Llorisen, B ook Stack: Book Stack Decor B y Eli B ail y, Tray: Studded Tra y B y Fancy Decor, Orchid: Aradia Orchid B y The Lof t & Aria, El ephant Candl es: Elephant Candle Holder B y S ari-S ari, Projector: Projector (Mod B y The Lof t & Aria.

KITCHEN: Kitchen: Palm View Kitchen (Mod) B y Roost, Water Cooker: Water Cooker B y B azar, Tea Cup: Tea Cup B y Tres Bl ah, Kitchen Ustensil s: Mil ano Kitchen Deco Utensils B y Aria, Cutting B oards: Chopping Boards B y S ari-S ari, Magnetic Condiments: Magnetic Condiments B y B azar, B l ock With Knifes: Knifes B y B azar, Paper Towel: Ginevra Decorative Paper Towels B y Aria, R ack: Kichen Cup Holder (Mod) B y B azar, Mint: Mil ano Potted Mint B y Aria, B asil: Ginevra Potted B asil B y Aria, Lemon B asket: Lemon B asket B y B azar, B owl s: Mil ano Kitchen Deco Bowls B y Aria, Canisters: Mil ano Kitchen Canisters B y Aria, Cups: Cup Stack B y The Lof t, Pl ants: Travelling Pl ants B y B reno, Wal l R ack: Fenton Wall Rack B y Petite Maison, B ooks: Cook Books (Mod) B y Pixel Mode, B ooks: Study Da y B y Tentacio, Canvas: Sticks Canvas B y Apple Fall, B owl: Mil ano Kitchen Decorative Bowl B y Aria, Lemon B asket: Lemon B asket B y B azar, Stool: Palm View Kitchen Stool B y Roost.

DINING ROOM Octagon Mirror: Devon Octagon Mirror Coll age B y The Lof t & Aria, Rug: Hexa Rug B y The Lof t & Aria, Tabl e: Wood Console B y Fancy Decor, B ench: Wood Console B y Fancy Decor, Chair: S avannah Dining Chair B y Aria, Tabl e Runner: Table Runner B y Mudhoney, Mirror: Rosalind B racket Mirror B y Aria, Candl es: Tra y Candle B y Cheeky Pea, Vases: Vase With Roses (Mod) B y Aria, Pears: Daphne Decorative Bowel With Pears (Mod) B y Aria, Lemons: Lemon B y Kittann, Fl owers: Hydrangea White In Vase (Mod) B y Mesh Pl ants, A ppl es: Books With Vase (Mod) B y Merak, Lights: Ladder Light B y Fancy Decor, B ooks With Vase: Books With Vase B y Merak, Dresser: Albany Dresser B y Digs, B owl With Pears: Charlotte's Pears B y Apple Fall, Candl e Displ ay: Candle Displ a y B y Fancy Decor, Frames: Bl ack Framed Fern B y Fancy Decor, Candl es: Vertical Candles B y Fancy Decor, Cur tains: Drapes Solids B y Mudhoney, B l inds: Venetian Blinds A B y Teddyjr Store, Frame Cl uster: Into The Woods Frames - Stars B y Keke, Picture Frame: Wire Frame B y Fancy Decor, Picture Frame: Herringbone Frame B y Fancy Decor, B ooks: Books B y B azar, Cactus: Cactus Pot (Mod) B y Floorpl an, Dif fuser: Cooper Diffuser B y Mudhoney, Frame With Quote: Frame Hope Poem B y Ariskea, Succul ent: Succulent 1 B y Ariskea, Succul ent: Succulent 2 B y Ariskea, Pl ant: Greeny Pl ant B y Ariskea, Lamp: Abalone Table Light B y The Lof t & Aria, Vase: Seido Decorative Vase B y Pixel Mode.



jan / feb 2017 - color of the year




june fallon


jan / feb 2017 - decorati ng with



jan / feb 2017 - decorati ng with



jan / feb 2017 - decorati ng with



jan / feb 2017 - decorati ng with



jan / feb 2017 - decorati ng with


STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: Hardwick Manor B y Apple Fall

EXTERIOR: Wreath: Hope Wreath - Dark B y Zerkalo, Lights: Rings Candle Holder B y J unk, Fl ower: Tulips Round Pot B y Artisan Fantasy, Fl ower: Tulips Tall Pot B y Artisan Fantasy, Dog: Holida y Huskies B y J ian, B ike: Vintage Road B ike (Ivory) B y Anhelo, Newspaper: Crumpled Newspaper B y Apple Fall, Doormat: Hello There Doormat B y What Next, B oots: Hello There Wellies B y What Next, Fl owers: B lossoms B y Lucas Lamenth, Vines: Garden Vines B y Happy Mood.

LIVING ROOM: Stool: Aden B ench White B y The Lof t, Desk: Long Sideboard B y Floorpl an, Vase: Milk Gl ass J ars B y Willow (Store Closed), Wal l Ar t: Unfinished Wallpaper B y Floorpl an, Rug: Old Rug B y Death Row Designs, Teapot: Tea Time - Kettle B y Random Matter, Tabl e: Lennox Coffee Table B y The Lof t & Aria, Dresser: Vintage Diy Drawers B y Thor, Tray: Inn Mail Tra y B y Artisan Fantasy, Keys: Hacienda Desk Keys B y Artisan Fantasy, Fl owers: Hybrid Roses Yellow B y Ariskea, Gl obe: Floor Globe (Gold) B y Fancy Decor, Laptop: Austri Laptop B y David Heather, Couch: Sunbleached Setee B y Apple Fall, Pil l ow: B ritain's B edroom - Pillow W/ Roses B y Zerkalo, Pil l ow: Compass Pillow B y Fancy Decor, Pil l ow: La Vie De Chateau - Pillow B y Knick Knacks, Cur tain: Lace Curtain B y Knick Knacks, Mirror: Octagonal Mirror B y Fancy Decor, Lighting: Tivoli Pendant Old Gold B y Keke, Tea: Tea Time - Cup Of Tea B y Random Matter, Pastries: Tea Time - Pastry Tower - Rare B y Random Matter, Fl owers: Tea Time - Flowers B y Random Matter, Flowers: Forest Flower Pot B y B azar, Trunk: Wooden Trunk B y Apple Fall, Letters: Old Letters B y Kalopsia, Pl ant: Super Long Hanging Hedera B y Soy, B ookcase: Edward Bookcase B y Fancy Decor, B ooks: Old Books B y Soy, S atue: B astet Cat Figure B y Keke, J ewel r y B ox: The Nook - J ewelry Box B y Pixel Mode, Decor: Faux Horse Taxidermy (Gold) B y Ison, Wreath: Rose Wreath B y Anc.

KITCHEN: I sl and: Isl and Kitchen B y B ellequipe, Stool: B ar Stool - Yellow B y Toiz, Food: Ravioles De Ricota B y Ionic, Vase: Vintage Spa Rustic - J ug B y Zerkalo, Fl ower: Flower Cart Lavender B y Artisan Fantasy, Cutting B oard: Cutting Board Empty B y Lost J unction, Herbs: Paperbag Herb B y Keke, Lemons: Hard To Find Bowl W Lemons B y Keke, Rug: Aurora's Hideout - Rug B y Zerkalo, Tabl e: Landhaus Kitchen Table - Distressed White B y B auwerk, Wal l Ar t: Green Print 2 B y Keke, Lighting: Hanging Cage Light B y B rocante, J ar: Gl ass J ar B y Soy, Cur tain: Long Drape B y Pixel Mode, Frame: Kitchen Frame B y Kalopsia, Counter: Country Kitchen Counter Teal B y Unkindness, Tin: Rusted Flour Tin B y Apple Fall, J ars: Holborn Kitchen J ars B y Your Skin & Your Shape, B asket: Hanging Wicker B asket B y Apple Fall, Pots & Pans: Holborn Kitchen Shelf B y Your Skin & Your Shape, Tray: B arton Kitchen Tra y B y Digs, Refridgerator: Small Spaces Kitchen - Vintage Fridge B y Dust B unny, B owl s: Hard To Find Bowls 3 B y Keke, B owl s: Hard To Find Bowls 2 B y Keke, Utensil s: Rolling Pins A ssorted B y Apple Fall, Col ander: Col ander B y Apple Fall, Shelf: Vintage Life B ucket Shelf B y Apt B , Cl ock: Nerites Clock B y Scarlet Creative, Cabinet: Country Kitchen Cabinet Teal B y Unkindness, J ars: Rice And Pasta B y Dutchie, Spices: Well-Stocked Pantry - Spices B y Second Spaces, Spices: Apothecary Ingredient Bowls B y Souzou Eien, Spices: The Kitchen - Spices B y Pixel Mode, Herbs: Hanging Herbs B y Keke, Pl ates: Hard To Find Pl ates Stack B y Keke, Utensil s: Hard To Find Cutlery In Gl ass B y Keke, Gl ass: Hard To Find - Gl ass Of Water B y Keke, Pl ant: Holborn Hanging Ivy B y Your Skin & Your Shape, Phone: Iza yoi - Phone B y Rh Design House, Chair: Kitchen Chair B y B rocante, Ivy: Ivy B y Elibail y, Rug: Old Rug B y Death Row Designs, Couch: Camellia Couch B y Dust B unny, Gl ass: Tall Wine Gl ass B y Trompe Loeil, Lighting: Wanderlust - B ranch Chandelier B y Dust B unny, Pl ace Setting: Oma's Kitchen - Typical Tableware B y Gl am Affair, Dogs: Countryside Collies - Famil y Rug B y J ian, Pl ants: Stacked Pots - Herisson Option B y Soy, Fl ower: Hydrangea Botle White Rosey (Mod) B y Ariskea.

BEDROOM: Cur tain: Curtain - Chevron B eige B y Kalopsia, Wal l Ar t: London Chic - Painting B y Le Primitif, Fl owers: S akura Arrangement B y Silvery K , Lighting: Rainy Da y Table Lamp B y Keke, Desk: Nerites Small Cabinet B y Scarlet Creative, Phone: Nerites Telephone B y Scarlet Creative, Night Tabl e: Nikoletta Dark - B edside Table B y Zerkalo, Frames: S al ad Da ys - Framed B allerinas B y Tres Bl ah, Al arm Cl ock: B ritain's B edroom - Al arm Clock Light B y Zerkalo, B ooks: Tied Books B y Apple Fall, B ed: Metal Frame B ed B y B rocante, Pil l ow: Vintage Music Room - Violin Pillow B y Zerkalo, Pil l ow: Fenris Pillow B y Zerkalo, Pil l ow: Compass Pillow B y Fancy Decor, Pil l ow: Little Pillow - Dot B rown B y Anc, Pil l ow: Vintage Rose Pillow B y Anc, B l ankets: Neatl y Folded Bl ankets - White B y Half Deer, Trunk: Vintage Trunk - Dark B y Kunst, Rug: Sweet Tea - Rug B y Zerkalo, Mirror: Looking Gl ass Oval Mirror B y Anc, Lighting: Gl ass Hearts - Gold B y Keke, Fl owers: Golden Cage - Peonies B y Tres Bl ah, Camera: Austri Camera B y David Heather, Coat R ack: Coat Rack B y B ackbone, Mirror: Radiance Mirror - Dark Wood B y Bokeh, Pil l ow: Cozy Winter - B ig Pillow B y Tres Bl ah, Pouf: Leather Pouf - Tan B y Kalopsia, Shoes: Quinn - Pl atforms - B lush B y Frida y.

BATHROOM: Cur tain: Lace Curtain B y Knick Knacks, Wal l Ar t: B ell a Framed Prints B y Aria, Pl ants: Hanging Pl ant - Pothos B y Artisan Fantasy, Ivy: Ivy B y Elibail y, B athtub: Hannah's B athtub Rare B y Kalopsia, Towel s: Vivien Rolled Towels B y Aria, R ack: Hannah's Towel Rack B y Kalopsia, B asket: Vintage Spa B ronze - B asket With Towels B y Zerkalo, Pl ant: Super Long Hanging Hedera B y Soy, Lotions: Cooper Moisturizers B y Mudhoney, Soap: Cooper Soap Dish B y Mudhoney, Shampoo: Cooper Shampoos B y Mudhoney, B asket: B asket (With Cloths) - Dark B y Kalopsia, Canopy: All White - Canopy B y Zerkalo, Sl ippers: House Slippers - Queen B y Erratic, Rug: Traveler Rug B y Apple Fall, Pipes: Distressed Pipe Units B y B al acl ava, Toil et: Lange Toilet B y Apple Fall, Mirror: Panel Mirror (Mod) B y Fancy Decor, Candl e: Crystal T-Lite Holder B y Lucas Lameth, Lighting: B ulb Stand - Copper B y Keke, Sink: Lange Washstand B y Apple Fall, Soaps: Healing Soaps B y Lucas Lameth, Cup: Cooper Toothbrush Cup B y Mudhoney, Lotion: Body B utter B y Apple Fall, Rug: Old Rug B y Death Row Designs, B owl: Cooper B ath Bowl B y Mudhoney, Perfume: Vintage Fragrances B y David Heather, Towel: Hortensia Hand Towel B rass B y Digs, B asket: B asket (With Flowers) - Dark B y Kalopsia, Robe: B athrobe White B y Dutchie, Roses: Fall Roses 2 B y Keke, Tray: Lil ac Tra y B y Pilot, I ncense: Leaf Incense Holder B y Lucas Lameth, Magazine: Art Magazine B y B auwerk, Ottoman: Lovers Ottoman B y Stockholm & Lima, Armoire: Victoria's Armoire B y Apple Fall, B asket: Storage B asket B y Pilot, B ench: Leather Padded B ench B y Culprit, Rug: Fiber Rug B y Apple Fall.



jan / feb 2017 - decorati ng with


New One 132

jan / feb 2017 - new ones



michiko umino

Introducing the new team members to LTD Magazine.


Family Livi T

he joy on a child’s face is said to be so priceless. That unequivocal jubilance that spreads across their face when fully enjoying what they are doing. It could be playing a pickup game of soccer, during recess, with some classmates on a humid afternoon. Or trying to stay warm when hiding during a snowball fight with some friends on a snow day. Both of those activities can be thought of as some kind of an after-school activity. After school activities range so wildly and can be honestly anything a child would love to do after a tedious day of classes. Though, I will admit that it can be more difficult to mimic these same experiences when the family might be thousands of miles apart. Being able to only communicate through the matrix of a computer is a growing trend now-adays. That means that we need to get more creative in what constitutes as an after-school activity in a virtual world. I get that having a family in Second Life® usually stems from a role-playing mindset. That doesn't lessen the actual joy and bonds that these families have made. Sociologically, the purpose of an after-school activity, in the real world, is meant to help influence a child’s social development. In a virtual world, the term of an after-school activity has to take on a new form. That is why I ventured out to some of the family-centered sims and talked to parents about what they do with their children “after school”. Some parents

told me that their children like to participate in the more conventional after school activities, like football practice or going to an art club. Though, a large ma jority of the parents shared a common activity that’s popular in Second Life®. One that I didn’t know even existed until I went to one of these places to see it for myself. A Fun Park, which I was told to call it, was hands down the best place parents like to take their children too. All the activities and games that people can do blew my mind. Many of the games were, of course, the virtual spin on some of the more well-known real life games. So right there, there is some nostalgic feelings going on. I just must say, I went to a Fun Park during the day. There had to have been at least five or six families; running around and doing something altogether. I think the reason that Fun Parks works so well Second Life® is that they bring out that sentimental factor we all have from our own experiences when we were kids. Some of the games that were playable were games I use to play when I was a kid. That got me thinking back to some of the activities I would do after school. I wanted to see if some of the things I use to do, as a kid, were here in Second Life®. Bowling was something I was told was fun to do in Second Life®. And it just so happened to be something I would to do after school with friends.



after school


jan / feb 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng


STYLING CREDITS. . . SPORTS CLUB: Gymnasium: Gymnasium B y Nomad, Lockers: 6Locker B y Soy, Lockers: Aussie Boxing Gym Lockers B y Kei Spot, Lockers: B unk 07 Locker B y N4rs, Lockers: Vintage Lockers B y Apple Fall, Lockers: School Lockers B y Amitomo, Lockers: Station Lockers B y Xin, Scoreboard: Scoreboard B y Seven Emporium, Wal l Signs: Stadium Sign B y B rocante, Wal l Signs: Duncan Purple Pennant B y Cheeky Pea, Wal l Signs: Duncan Green Pennant B y Cheeky Pea, Wal l Signs: Teams Photographs B y Nefarious Inventions (Store Closed), B enches: Aussie Boxing Gym B ench B y Kei Spot, Chairs: Aussie Boxing Gym Chairs B y Kei Spot, Equipment: B asketball Goal B y Pilot, Equipment: B asketball B y Pilot, Equipment: B aseball Equipment B y Haikei, Equipment: B aseball Glove B y Pewpew! , Equipment: Vintage Gym B y Nomad, Equipment: Kettlebells B y Nomad, Equipment: Punching B ag B y Nomad, Equipment: Match Point Tennis Set B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Equipment: American Football Helmet And Football B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Equipment: Duncan Equipment Shelf B y Cheeky Pea, Equipment: Crew Oar And B ag B y Nefarious Inventions (Store Closed), Equipment: Megaphone B y Nefarious Inventions (Store Closed), Water B ottl es: Sports Bottle B y B ad Unicorn, Water B ottl es: Water Bottle B y N4rs, Water B ottl es: Water Bottle B y Kalopsia, Trees: Oak Wood Trees B y Little B ranch, Skippy's Cl othes: Boxlogo Hoodie B y Vale Koer, Skippy's Cl othes: High Cardnial Sneakers B y Vale Koer, Skippy's Cl othes: Thermal Socks B y Vale Koer, Skippy's Cl othes: Workout Watch B y Vale Koer.

MUSIC CLUB: Music Room: Life Is Noise B uilding B y Haikei, Guitars: Dhalif Guitar B y [S au] , Guitars: Martins' B usker Guitar B y Apple Fall, Guitars: B usking On Acoustic Guitar B y B al acl ava, Guitars: B usking On B ass Guitar B y B al acl ava, Guitars: Guitar And Stand B y Le Primitif, Guitars: Atomic Ukulele B y Hideki, Guitars: Heart Hole Guitar B y Thunk! , Guitars: Retrowave Guitar B y Nomad, Guitars: Guitar In Case B y David Heather, Drums: B usking On Drum Set B y B al acl ava, Drums: Silent Series Drumset B y Thunk! , Pi anos: White Edition Piano B y Seven Emporium, Pi anos: Doll y Piano B y Apple Fall, El ectronics: Super-Sl9000 B y Xin, El ectronics: New Cl assic S ynth B y Xin, El ectronics: Mk2 B y Xin, El ectronics: Mixer B y O yasumi, El ectronics: Sumikorg B y O yasumi, El ectronics: Boxradio B y O yasumi, El ectronics: Turntables B y Untitled, El ectronics: Mixer B y Untitled, Microphones: Microphone B y Hideki, Microphones: Vintage Microphone B y Xin, Microphones: Vintage Microphone B y Floorpl an, Amps: Portable Amp B y Xin, Amps: Amp B y Hideki, Amps: Seven Music Co. Amp B y Seven Emporium, Recording Equipment: Tape Recorder B y Seven Emporium, Recording Equipment: Reel To Reel Tape Recorder B y Seven Emporium, Recording Equipment: Atr B y Standby Inc, Recording Equipment: Reel To Reel Recorder B y Thunk! , Recording Equipment: Mini Amp Studio B y Hideki, Speakers: Floor Speaker B y S a yo, Headphones: P/ R/O Monitor Headphones B y Soy, Tapes: Stockholm Music Tapes B y B azar, Papers: Scattered Music Scores B y Soy, Trees: Maple Forest Trees B y Little B ranch.

ASTRONOMY CLUB: B uil ding: Country Hall B y Apple Fall, Desk: Storyteller's B urrow Study Desk B y 8F8, Tabl es: Storyteller's B urrow Dining Table B y 8F8, Chairs: Storyteller's B urrow Study Chair B y 8F8, Chairs: Storyteller's B urrow His Dining Chair B y 8F8, Chairs: Storyteller's B urrow Hers Dining Chair B y 8F8, B ookcases: Storyteller's B urrow Double Bookcase B y 8F8, Tel escopes: Vintage Telescope B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Tel escopes: Telescope B y The Forge, Tel escopes: Lenses Telescope B y 22769 ~ B auwerk, Tel escopes: Table Telescope B y 22769 ~ B auwerk, Tel escopes: Rusty Telescope B y Kunst & Abiss, Tel escopes: Kepler Telescope B y Lisp, Tel escopes: Handheld Telescope B y Anc, Orreries: The Moon B y Nomad, Orreries: The Sun B y Nomad, Orreries: Wall Pl anetarium B y Nomad, Orreries: Comet Orrery B y Anc, Orreries: Orrery B y Ionic, Orreries: Sol ar S ystem Desk Displ a y B y Boogers, Orreries: SunEarth-Moon Orrery B y The Bl ack Forest, Orreries: Table Of Pl anets B y 22769 ~ B auwerk, B ooks: Math Studies B y Nomad, B ooks: A stronomer Guide Book B y Random Matter, B ooks: Old Books B y Anc, B ooks: Storyteller's B urrow Knowledge Cart B y 8F8, B ooks: Reference Books B y Floorpl an, B ooks: Ancient Open A stronomy Book B y Ionic, B ooks: Book Of Scientist B y Vespertine, Maps: Star Map B y Seven Emporium, Maps: The A stro Maps B y Ariskea, Posters: Star Science Poster B y Seven Emporium, Posters: Sol ar S ystem Hanging Poster B y Floorpl an, Posters: A stronomy Hanging Poster B y Floorpl an, Posters: Comet Hanging Poster B y Floorpl an, Worksheet: Mathematics Worksheet B y Seven Emporium, Ladder: Library Ladder B y Seven Emporium, Toy Rocket: Retro Rocket B y Nomad, Fox: Red Fox B y J ian, Stars: Shooting Stars B y Anc, Trees: Wild S assafras Trees B y Little B ranch.



jan / feb 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng

A family I ran into at one of these fun parks showed me the ropes on how to virtually bowl. If memory serves me right, all someone needs to is point, click and hold to charge the throw and release their click to throw the bowling ball. It took me a few tries to get used to it, but once I was totally hooked after I got the hang of it. I had to have spent at least an hour and a half bowling with this family. As I watched the little kids go up to bowl, and the encouraging words from the parents. I could see how bowling can be a great after school activity for the whole family. Like for me, it took be a good bit of time to figure it out. This family take time to show me how to blow and allowed me to join them; and we had a blast. Now I have this totally randomly, amazing moment I can look back on and remember happily on. Trying something and failing at it in the beginning can always lead to a much more enriched experience, overall. So, after this eventful afternoon, I went back to one of the previous family-centered sim I visited earlier in the week. I wanted to find out more after school activities parents like to do with their children. I could snag a few minutes from this lovely woman and we talked about what her family does together. I think it could constitute as an after-school activity, especially for Second Life®. Her family loves to play Greedy for house on end. For those unfamiliar to this dice game, Greedy entails players to roll six dice with a goal of reaching over 10,000 points. Depending on what is rolled during a tern, it will dictate the amount of points a player gets. Players can test their luck and become greedy in their attempt to roll for more points. But, if there are no other possible parings with the dice you have. The player’s turn is over and will lose all those points they racked up for that turn. From my own experience playing this game, it can get real competitive quickly. She even said that her family gets competitive too, but always looks forward to spending this time together when they can. As anyone knows who plays Second Life®, real life is always a driving factor in when we can login. That time spent together, while in-world, is so precious to so many of us. Just like this woman I talked too and I’m sure like so many others. I bet that this same sentiment is shared among a lot of families in Second Life®. That these mushy moments can come so far and few between; especially within a virtual game. Spending time together, either after school or in whenever composite we can, are moments that I think a lot of us try not to take for granted. That’s why I suggest that whomever is reading this article, and you have an amazing family that you love to bits. Make sure to spend time with them, make some time to go out and do something with your family. Go and play a round of mini-golf, or go to an amusement park and ride on some rollercoasters. If being out and about isn’t something that your child likes, find out what they like to do. Just go and spend time with them and find something they want to do. One parent that I talked to said that his daughter loves going to ballet classes. So, he takes her when they are both able to go. Spending quality time doesn’t need to be some crazy adventure. Simply just taking your child to learn a skill or take a class would be what your child needs. Listen to them and help foster their curiosities with activities they find interesting. I mean, we are only kids once after all.



STYLING CREDITS. . . Train: Last Stop Tram Two Tone Orange B y Culco El ectric Pol e: Utility Pole C B y No13 El ectric Pol e: Utility Pole B B y No13 El ectric Wire: Electric Wire B y No13 El ectric Wire: Electric Wire C B y No13 El ectric Wire: Electric Wire X2 B y No13 Light House: Lighthouse Ver 1.1 B ig B y Reflex Vintage Car: G01r1 1 68Ga Yakiimo Car B y Anhelo B ench: Csc Promotional B ench B y Soy Trash B ox: Csc Full Of Trash Box B y Soy Vending Machine: Csc Vending Machine Drink B y Soy Fence: B luebell Fencing Mid Post Short B y Apple Fall Fence: B luebell Fencing Short B y Apple Fall Road: Dirt Road Straight B y Botanical Tree: Snow Covered Woods Wood B B y Soy Tree: Snow Covered Woods Wood A B y Soy Tree: Enchanted Woods V2 3 Trees B y Skye Studio Stone: A Snow Covered Rock One For Small Use Soy Stone: A Snow Covered Rock Two For Small Use B y Soy Stone: A Snow Covered Rock Three For Small Use B y Soy Stone: A Snow Covered Cliff Fl at For Small Use B y Soy Stone: A Snow Covered Cliff Middle For Small Use B y Soy Snow B ase: Snow Covered Woods Snow B ase Low B y Soy Grass: Grass Field Dry 03 Random B y We're Closed Grass: Wild Grass Type 6 B rown B y Skye Studio


jan / feb 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng




jan / feb 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng



jan / feb 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng


STYLING CREDITS. . . DECOR: Studio: Studios Set Forest B y Drd Cur tains: Curtain 3 Red B y Fanatik House: Autumn Cottage B y Trompe Loeil Fence: Cranfield Fence Gate B y Apple Fall B ushes: Rose B ush - Potted B y Dysfunctionality B irds: Fatty Puff B y B irdy B ench: Heart B ench B y B rixley Spotl ights: Mesh Industrial Spotligh B y Aethis Creations Speakers: Stage Speaker B y Space Engineer B unny: B unny Foofoo B y Kalopsia Projector: Vintage Stage Light B y J unk Chair: Oakley Dining Chair B y Aria B ackpack: B earnotes B ackpack B y Miseria B ackpack: Zebra B ackpack B y Zenith B ackpack: Hippo B ackpack B y Zenith B ooks: Study Da y B y Tentacio A ppl e: Apple B y Soy Stringl ight: Fairy Light 1 B y Floorpl an B ear: Cinco De Ma yo B ear B y Boogers Papers: J ack 's Scattered Manuscript B y Floorpl an Marquee Letters: Texas Marquee B y Floorpl an Ladder: Librarian's Ladder B y B rocante Chair W B ucket And Stars: Falling Stars Pose Prop B y Click

DRAMA TEACHER: Hair: Ari B y Truth Hair Heaband: Ari Headband B y Truth Hair Earrings: Pearl Anna earrings B y Rama Sweater: v neck shoulder sweater B y Ison Pants: moto jogger B y Ison Shoes: Tabatha Heels B y Ingenue

PRINCE: Hair: F11 07 hair B y tram Sweater: Food J unky Sweater B y tiptoes Shor ts: Tiny Student Uniform Shorts B y Snips and Snails Shoes: Bl ack Sneakers B y The Spunkey Monkey Sword: Sword 2 B y Click Shiel d: Shield 2 B y Click Crown: Princess crown B y Candy Cloud

VILLAIN: Hair: F121 5 hair B y tram Scarf: Cold Scarf Vine B y CandyDoll B l azer: Tiny Student Uniform Bl azer B y Snips and Snails Shor ts: Tiny Student Uniform Shorts B y Snips and Snails Shoes: Monster Slipper Boots B y tiptoes Sword: Sword 1 B y Click Shiel d: Shield 1 B y Click

KITTY: Hair: F1228 hair B y tram Onsie: Kigurumi K Cat B y Wildflowers

BEAR: Hair: F1228 hair B y tram Onsie: Kigurumi K B ear B y Wildflowers

WOLF: Hair: MF912 hair B y tram Mask: Fox Mask B y BoWillow Onsie: Fox Costume B y BoWillow

REDHOOD: Hair: F1201 hair B y tram Hood: Little Red Hood B y Polkatots B ow: Lorelei Hairclip B ig Bow B y Glitter Kids Dress: Lorelei dress B y Glitter Kids Shoes: Lorelei Shoes B y Glitter Kids B racel ets: Lorelei B angles B y Glitter Kids B ear: Hold Me B earny Light B y Boogers B asket: Apple B asket B y 8f8

TREE GIRL: Hair: B uttons B y Chemistry Top: Tiny Student Uniform Bl azer B y Snips and Snails Skir t: Student Uniform Skirt B y Snips and Snails Shoes: Monster Slipper Boots B y tiptoes Tree Costume: Tree Disguise B y Boof



jan / feb 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng


Living In... According to the World Meteorological Organisation, the phenomenon of overcast weather occurs when clouds obscure the sky by at least 95%. Fog does not count. This makes it sound so dry but if you observe the sky in the early morning when the sun backs those clouds and the light quality is softer then the colours are a warmer grey, a soft creamy white and tonal hints of palest pink and blue. If there's a single type of cloud such as stratus, then the whole sky will be a creamy white. Our Editor, Jordan, used the phrase "overcast" to describe these early morning colours. Grey is a very popular colour in the world of interior design at the moment. Grey paint effects applied to a wall which gets sunlight on it during the day will change the tonal qualities of the paint to all shades of blue, lilac and pink, then back to grey. It's fascinating that such a seemingly innocuous colour can have these tonal qualities built in. However, it is quite a controversial colour as some people find it quite depressing and the UK Guardian newspaper did an article on it, describing it as the drabbest colour in the palette. Grey, as a colour, is virtually absent of colour in that it draws no attention to itself but remains separate from the environment. Think of industrial environments, they are utilitarian and functional so they don't need to be starkly represented... grey is a suitable colour. The current trend of grey interiors may be seen as fashionable

or aspirational so they give a sense of belonging, inclusion and acceptance. In uncertain times perhaps it is necessary for homes to reflect a sense of security. Grey is the only colour that doesn't appear to have any positive psychological properties in that if you don't want to be seen, you wear grey and cloak the personality. It can, conversely, denote seriousness and the message, "I mean business". If grey is seen as a negative colour in the home it rather like cocooning yourself from the outside world and going into hibernation! It's an extreme way of using the colour to feel calm as it can be draining without the support of other colours. It's all a matter of interpretation. People react differently to colours, no two reactions will be the same because we build a lifetimes worth of association to colour that we actually use to determine what colours make us feel good or not. An example of using grey that I read about in a friend's blog is this. She was meeting a friend at a cafe and was running late. She rushed into the place, quite out of breath. The walls of cafe were grey and she found herself instantly relax, unwind and become calmer. That calming down feeling continued over the time she talked to her pal, and after a couple of hours they both left. However the feeling then was a bit drained and tired. Grey needs splashes of colour to enliven it. Using grey in interior must resonate with the people that have to live there.




jan / feb 2017 - l ivi ng i n


STYLING CREDITS. . . LIVING ROOM: Sofa: Panel Sofa B y Fancy Decor, Ottoman: Suede Ottoman B y Fancy Decor, Urn: Ceramic J ar B y Fancy Decor, Tray: Vases Tra y B y Mudhoney, Lamp: Ceramic Lamp B y Fancy Decor, Sidetabl e: Penelope Table B y Mudhoney, Cof fee Tabl e: Ma ytown Pouffe B y Digs, B owl: Lol a Bowl Stone B y The Lof t, Candl es: Story Candlesticks B y Aria, B ooks: Design Books B y Apple Fall, Tul ips: Nardyas' Tulips In Mason J ar B y Apple Fall, Vase: Troubadour Orchids B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ant: Tropical Pl ant B y Gl am Affair, Terrarium: Triangle Terrarium B y Soy, Pl ant: Potted Pothos B y Soy, Orb: Fern Orb B y Kaerri, Ceil ing Light: Geometric Hanging Light B y Pixel Mode, Pouf: Autumn Abode Gacha - Ivory Pouf B y S a yo, Rug: Alderan Rug Greige B y The Lof t, Round Rug: Sisal Rug B y Revival, Cowhide Rug: B ell a Metalic Faux Cowhide B y Aria, Chair: Charley Chair - Greige B y Mudhoney, Pil l ows: J enny Chaise (Modified) B y Mudhoney, Sidetabl e: B l ack Tra y Side Table B y Llorisen, Lamp: Abalone Table Light B y The Lof t & Aria, Fl ower Vase: Sunda y Morning Decorative Stool (Modified) B y Aria, Magazine Hol der: Copper Magazine Holder B y Fancy Decor, B askets: Hexa B asket - Natural B y The Lof t & Aria, Pil l ows: Eider Chair (Modified) B y Trompe Loeil, Pil l ows: Hexa Sofa With A Throw (Modified) B y The Lof t & Aria, Pil l ows: S askia Couch (Modified) B y Trompe Loeil, Frames: Art Frames B y Revival, Mirror: Neha Mirror B y One Grid, Cur tains: White Drape B y The Lof t, Consol e: Factory Cabinet B y Meshworx, Decor B oxes: Wooden Boxes W/ Metal Diamond B y Mudhoney, Lamp: Alderan Table Lamp B y The Lof t, Studded B ox: Stud Cl asp Boxes B y Fancy Decor, Horn: Abalone Decorative Metal Horn B y The Lof t & Aria, Frame: Font Frame B y Apple Fall, Frame: Stockholm - B edroom Painting B y B azar, B ooks: Ophelia Decorative Books And Steel B alls B y Aria, J ars: Ceramic J ars B y Fancy Decor, Pl ant: Hope Greeny Pl ant B y Ariskea, Fl oor J ars: Wooden Tribal J ars B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Llias Kentia Palm Pl anter B y The Lof t & Aria, Mirror: Studio Mirror B y The Lof t, Firepl ace: Palm View Firepl ace B y Roost.

BALCONY: Lounger: Skyler Chair B y Mudhoney, Stool: Leslie Garden Stool B y Mudhoney, B ench: Ta ylor B ench B y The Lof t, B ooks: Abalone Decorative Books B y The Lof t & Aria, Tray: Lemonade Tra y B y Pilot, Pil l ow: Portico B ench Pillow B y The Lof t & Aria, Pil l ow: J udy Throw Pillow B y Mudhoney, Rug: Meyer Fringe Rug B y The Lof t, Lantern: Metal Lantern B y The Lof t, Watering Can: Winslow Watering Can B y The Lof t & Aria, Strawberr y Pl ant: Emmerich Potted Blooming Strawberries B y Aria, Lantern: Sheryl Garden Lantern B y Mudhoney, Pl ants: Potted Ponytail Palm B y Soy, Pl ants: Hanging Hedera B y Soy, Pl ants: Portico Potted Cal adium B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ants: Winslow Potted Amaryllis B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ants: Portico Potted B romeliad B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ants: Winslow Potted Poppies B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ants: Lavander B y Dutchie, Pl ants: Rosemary B y Apple Fall, Pl ants: Grass B y Apple Fall, Pl ants: Skyler Pl ant B y Mudhoney, Pl ants: Potted Cheese Pl ant B y Soy, R ail ings: B ushmead Railing Set B y Apple Fall.



jan / feb 2017 - l ivi ng i n




jan / feb 2017 - l ivi ng i n

There are warm greys which are yellow based and cool greys which are blue based. Interior designers suggest that grey is best avoided in the bedroom, nurseries and any rooms for infants and children. It should also be avoided in any rooms that require creativity. The key is to choose a grey that is from the same harmonious colour family as the rest of the colours that you use in a room. That way it will harmoniously resonate and not jar or drain the other colours. If you had a room which was overpowering in it's colour, you could use grey to tone it down. Here's some examples of using grey: ~ A living room is decorated with light grey porcelain tiles and a black leather suite. To add warmth to this room with a contemporary colour, light aqua is used. ~ A bedroom is decorated in warm greys with lots of glass and mirror surfaces in the decor. A comforter on the bed is a silver grey reminding us of moonlight reflecting on ocean waves. It's calming and enjoyable but over time is a little draining. By adding some deep and rich navy or indigo and a little white in the accessories, that draining effect is cancelled out. Blue is a good colour to include in grey bedrooms. The hotel company Travelodge did a study on this and found that bedrooms with blue in them in some shape or form created a peaceful and calming environment and their clients got the best rest and more of it - 7 to 8 hours on average. ~ A lounge has warm grey walls all round and is carpeted with a light grey plush carpet. The accessories used have colours of teal, plum purples, rich copper browns and puce. Thus the room is balanced with uncompetitive colours which are supported by the grey. ~ A private restaurant used a satinwood grey to compliment the existing red carpets. The room has a high ceiling with period features. Grey is used on the panelling leaving a predominance of pale cream walls. This muted grey colour palette combined with warm red is a successful combination. ~ Grey is used as a statement wall in an all white space. It gives a structural feel, and the darker grey used makes for a useful background against which all colours pop. Grey has the quality to take a back seat and let the other colours stand out. ~ Dove grey walls in a French restaurant are combined with grey upholstered chairs with lots of white accents, including the wooden chair frames and table linen. The overall effect is very sophisticated, allowing the diners and the food to take centre stage. The more delicate shades of grey can make a soothing background, providing the room proportions are good and there are plenty of bright colours to provide interest. Grey can work well in rooms of elegant proportions, with high ceilings and lots of natural light which adds warmth. In conclusion, when used thoughtfully grey can give an elegant formality that is subtle without being overly conservative. It can create an air of calm, understated confidence when combined with white and neutral colours. It can be an excellent background colour for other more intense colours, and can stir a room into a more adventurous colour scheme. It has a practical property that makes it very useful for manipulating paint colours. When decorating with ready mixed paints, a bit of grey stirred into these will take off the synthetic edge to them. The colour grey often contains other colours, from yellowish to orange brown to purplish, bluish and greenish grey and their psychological effects can be quite different, especially when used over large areas. A neutral shade of grey will tend to look clean and crisp in most colour combinations. If there is too much grey in an environment, it can be dull and moody, so throw in some white (remember those colours of the overcast morning), combine with more intense colours in the accessories and the colour grey will become a chic, sophisticated canvas. Remember, grey can bring any colour to life!




jan / feb 2017 - l ivi ng i n

STYLING CREDITS. . . B rown Lamps: Alderan Hanging Light B y The Lof t Hol es Vase: Alderan Candle Vase B y The Lof t Pil l ow B asket: Cordova B asket B y The Lof t Rug: Highl and Hide Rug B y The Lof t Fat Candl es: Caso Candle B y The Lof t Cushions: B ahama Cushions B y The Lof t Marbl e Decor: Grow Streak Concrete Table B y The Lof t B l ue Fan Wal l Decor: Neiman Mirror Silver B irch [Modded] B y The Lof t Spiral Vases: Twisted Vase Silver B irch B y The Lof t Spiral B owl: Lol a Bowl Ebony B y The Lof t Wal l Tabl es: Otho Concrete Table B y The Lof t Canoe Decor: Canoe B y The Lof t Round Decor: Oslo Decor B y The Lof t White B irch Woods: Delil ah decorative B irch Trio B y Aria Snake Pl ant: Sloane Potted Snake Pl ant B y Aria Lounge Chair: Finley Chaise Lounge B y Aria Stumps: Kira Tree Stump Coffee Table Group B y Aria Sofa: Signe Sectional Sofa B y Aria B l inds: S avannah Roman Blinds B y Aria B askets: Hexa B asket Pair White B y The Lof t & Aria Tabl es: Hexa Coffee Table White B y The Lof t & Aria Rope Chair: Llias Chair White [Modded] B y The Lof t & Aria Wood Sign Decor: B arrel Stave Sign B y Kunst Cl ock: Amsterdam Gacha Tripods Clock B y No Concept Fox Decor: Fox Scratch B y Drot Carri age Decor: Winter Wonderl and Carriage Clutch Coal B y Bl ack B antam White B ottl es: Solstice Dreams Bottles B y Serenity Style Pebbl es on Marbl e: Mocorra Stone Path B y Ariskea Wine Case: Wine Case Open B y David Heather Kettl e: Kettle B y Dust B unny Candl e Phone: Storybook Living White Candlestick Phone B y Dust B unny Cotton Fl owers: Blossoming Flowers B y Dust B unny Poppy Fl owers: Cotton Cluster B y Apple Fall Striped B ook: S al ad Da ys Striped Pl anner B y Tres Bl ah Wood Decor: Petrified Wood Large B y Artisan Fantasy ampers and decor: B rass & Statuette B y Fancy Decor Magazine Stand: Look Through The Window Gacha 2 B y Haikei Frames: Bl ack Roof B rick House Gacha 5 B y Haikei House: Industrial Lof t Skybox B y Haikei Outdoor Trees: Silver B irch Set B y Heart



jan / feb 2017 - l ivi ng i n


At Home



STYLING CREDITS. . . Skybox: Little Attic B y Pixel Mode B ooks: La Cantina Wine Books B y Ys&Ys B ooks: Tied Books B y Apple Fall B ooks: Mesh Book Stack C / E B y Construct B ooks: Nook Strapped Books B y Cheeky Pea B ooks: S al ad Da ys - Vintage Books B y Tres Bl ah B ooks: Collector's Books B y Artisan Fantasy B ooks: Print Books B y Fancy Decor B ooks: Workspace Print And Books B y Tres Bl ah B ooks: Eclectic Collection Charmed Books B y Tres B l ah B ooks: Carriage Clock & Books B y Apple Fall B ooks: Industrio Book Stack1 B y David Heather B ooks: B reakfast Books B y Apple Fall B ooks: Book Pile Lamp B y Kalopsia B ooks: Garden Whitebook B y A . n.c Ltd B ooks: B irdl andia Pop Up Book B y Vespertine B ooks: Design Books B y Apple Fall Cl ock: Rico's Clock B y Apple Fall


jan / feb 2017 - at home

Vase: Hogweed In Vase B y Keke Postcards: Postcards B y Dust B unny Maps: A stronome The A stro Maps B y Ariskea Lamp: J ali Lamp Tara B y Zaara Home Ol d Cl ock: September Old Clock B y Ariskea Vase: Australia Memory Of Life B y Ariskea Cabinet: Australia Apothecary Cabinet B y Ariskea Pl ant: Australia Orchid Pl ant B y Ariskea Twigs: Australia Olive Twigs B y Ariskea Ladder: Australia Ladder B y Ariskea Canvases: Paxton Canvases 1 B y Trompe Loeil Firepl ace: Haldis Firepl ace B y Trompe Loeil Sign: Vintage Corner Sign B y Apt B Teacup: Wanderlust Daisy Teacup B y Dust B unny Teacup: Wanderlust Bouquet Teacup B y Dust B unny Teacup: Wanderlust Rose Teacup B y Dust B unny Teacup: Teacup Rose B y Apple Fall Vase: A Faint Glow B y Haikei

Cl ock: B roken Clock B y Ma y's Soul B asket: All White B asket B y Zerkalo Couch: All White Couch B y Zerkalo Cl ock: All White Clock B y Zerkalo Mirror: All White Mirror B y Zerkalo Canopy: All White Canopy B y Zerkalo Pil l ow: Halloween In White Pillow B y Zerkalo Rug: Noel Frilled Furrug B y A . n.c Ltd Shelf: Vintage Corner Shelf B y Apt B Tray Tabl e: B utlers' Tra y Table B y Apple Fall Cof fee: Coffee & Muffin B y Apple Fall Lamp: Doll y Lamp B y Apple Fall Phone: Storybook Living White Candlestick Phon B y Dust B unny Door: Crete Door Decoration B y B azar B askets: Hexa B askets B y The Lof t & Aria Cl ock: Grandfather Clock B y Nomad Chandel ier: Wanderlust B ranch Chandelier B y Dust B unny B l inds: S avannah Roman Blinds B y Aria



jan / feb 2017 - at home




jan / feb 2017 - at home




jan / feb 2017 - at home


B ed: Sense B ed In B rass B y N4rs Chaise: B ennet Chaise B y The Lof t Side Tabl e: Sense B edside Table B y N4rs Dresser: Travel Drawers (Stained) B y Apple Fall A ssosr ted B ooks: Books B y Apple Fall Decor: Hat Box B y Apple Fall Lamps: Doll y Lamp B y Apple Fall Pi ano: Doll y Piano B y Apple Fall Decor: Dress Form W/ Dress B y Apple Fall Decor: Parisienne Horloge B y Apple Fall Decor: Coffee & Muffin B y Apple Fall Chair: Pottery Dining Chair B y Apple Fall Rug: Vintage Rug B y Revival Ar t: Verdant Oil Painting B y Apple Fall Fl owers: Qing Vase (Modified) B y Post Pl ant: Palm Pl ant B y Compulsion



jan / feb 2017 - at home


100 Years A

t its core, bohemian decorating is about telling a story and creating a comfortable space in which to let the spirit free so that it can simply be. It became wildly popular in the sixties during the age of peace and love and bright colors for this reason and due to the economy which the look can be achieved. This isn't a style that can be achieved by purchasing a matched living room set or a fully coordinated bed and dresser. Instead the core pieces in any boho space should be unique, a blend of the old and the new but always inviting one to settle back and take a deep breath. Items with a vintage look and feel pair beautifully with a simple wooden end table especially if they hold some sentimentality for you or carry reminders of special times. Color is one of the most important aspects when creating a bohemian dĂŠcor. There really isn't any palette which is off limits or a combination to be avoided. To keep from overwhelming a space, it is typically best to begin with a base of neutral colors; though white isn't often the best choice. From there the sky's the limit! Pastels and neon colors aren't really the best options but a brilliant pop of crimson coupled with a burning umbra and a verdant green along with accents of azure blue can all be powerful and pleasingly combined in one single room. The only limit is your own imagination and personal preference. One more way to keep this explosion of color from becoming pure chaos is to find one or two colors which will repeat throughout your

design and tie in the rest, either in compliment or contrast. This leads us to textures. Once more the theme lends itself to the more variety you can include, the better! Here again the selection of one or two unifying colors will create a more cohesive finished look; but everything from burlap to woven silk is fair game. Cover classic wooden floors with a wooly throw that reminds you of a trip to Tibet overlapping a hand-woven cotton rug and a simple sisal mat. Drape diaphanous scarves over table tops and hang a vibrant sari beside an ornate oriental tapestry to completely cover one wall. The more you can layer different textiles and patterns, the more you will fill your space and create an inviting space in true boho fashion. Often it will be Asian and Indian influences that will surface in this style of decorating as they share many of the same basic principles and pallets. Whereas a traditional Oriental dĂŠcor would be designed around the principles of nature and balance, a bohemian look is meant to tell the tale of those who inhabit the space. So, while an intricate throw rug might be hung upon the wall in place of a headboard, it is there more because it reminds you of a favorite childhood tale or trip as opposed to providing spiritual balance. Also, the statue of Shiva on the book shelf is there because it was a gift from a beloved friend and brings memories of an afternoon spent dancing rather than a way to honor any ancestors.

of Decor




jan / feb 2017 - 100 years of decor


STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil ding: Del Mar Farmhouse (Mod) B y Redgrave, Trees: Cherry Tree B y Little B ranch, Rock: Rocky Mountain Modified B y Fanatik.

DINING: Door: B arn Door Slider Modified B y Consignment, Cl ock: Wood Pl anks Clock B y Kunst, Wood Panel: Boho Wood Arrow B y Ariskea, Pl anter: Shitamachi Alley Garden C B y Soy, Statue: Giraffe Deco B y Mirage, Pl anter: Private Palm B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Pl anter: Ocean Dracaena B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Pl anter: Shitamachi Alley Garden M B y Soy, B ag: Canvas Tote B y Apple Fall, Stool: Bl anket Stool B y Dust B unny, Frame: Leslie's Postcards Frame - Wood B y Kalopsia, Painting: Still Life Observation Dust Sheet B y Apple Fall, Sideboard: His Sideboard Rare B y Apple Fall, Candl e: Unburned Ceramic Candle B y Mirage, Candl e: Tealights Dark B y Newchurch, J ar: Concept Old J ar B y Tartessos Arts, Pl anter: Monaco Potted Strelitzia Reginae Modified B y The Lof t & Aria, Painting: Greyhound Painting B y Apple Fall, Painting: New Arrival Painting B y Apple Fall, Frame: Annan Recl aimed Frame B y Apple Fall, Lantern: Storm Lamp B y Apple Fall, B ook Shelf: Shelf Large Table B y Maq, B ooks: Boho Sideboard Modified B y Tar tessos Ar ts, B ooks: Stockholm-B edroom Books 02 B y B azar, Pl anter: Peridot Potted Succulent Pl ant B y Aria, Cur tain: Wood B eaded Curtain Modified B y Dust B unny, Pl anter: B anana Tree B y Apple Fall, Sideboard: Chinese Credenza B y Apple Fall, Tapestr y: Boho Tapestry Green Mandal a B y Ariskea, Hanging Pl anter: Boho Pl ant Hanger Foliage B y Ariskea, Hanging Pl anter: Boho Pl ant Hanger Suculent B y Ariskea, Lantern: Mandal a Lantern Silver B y Revival, Statue: Ego Pouffe B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Pl anter: Shitamachi Alley Pl ant A B y Soy, Hanging Feature: Feather Stained Gl ass B y Soy, Hanging Pl anter: Darling Hanging Pl ant B y Dust B unny, Ceil ing Lamp: Wicker B all Lamp Natural B y Apple Fall, B ooks: Book Pile Modified B y Apple Fall, Ladder: B asket Ladder B y Floorpl an, Chair: Cottage Chair Bleached B y Apple Fall, Chair: Cottage Chair Wood B y Apple Fall, Rug: Darling Rug B y Dust B unny, Tabl e: Old Stained Table B y Apple Fall, Runner: Casol are Table Runner B y The Lof t, Lantern: Multi-Candle Lantern J ava B y The Lof t, Tin: Sourbread Loaf In Tin B y Apple Fall, B owl: Gourds In Vintage Bowl B y Apple Fall, Pl atter: Indian Meal ' Thali' Rare B y Zaara, Pot: Cardamom B y Zaara, Pot: 12 J aipur Blue Pottery B y Zaara, Pl anter: Green Fl ax B y Dutchie, Pl anter: Till andsiaionanta B y Pl aaka, Candl e: Gl ass Tealight Copper B y Pixel Mode, Candl e: Candle Sticks B y Kalopsia, Pl anter: Fern Specimen Modified B y Apple Fall, Pl anter: A Simple Pl ace Pl ants B y Apt B , Pl anter: Shitamachi Alley Pl ant K Modified B y Soy, Statue: Silver Antiqued Rabbit B y Apple Fall, B ottl e: Wine Bottle B y B al acl ava, Gl ass: Wine Gl ass For White B y B al acl ava, Pl acemat: Eva Pl acemat Modified B y Mudhoney, Pl acemat: Alderan Pl acemat Modified B y The Lof t, Pl ates: Pl ates B y Mori, Pl acemat: Forest Pl ace Setting (Mod) B y B azar, Chair: Autumns Calling Chair Type C B y Dust B unny, Chair: Autumns Calling B ench B y Dust B unny, Chair: Autumns Calling Chair Type D B y Dust B unny, Chair: Autumns Calling Chair Type B B y Dust B unny, Chair: Look Through The Window Gacha 3 B y Haikei, Pil l ow: Patchwork Cushion Elephant B y Zaara.

LOUNGE: Door: B arn Door Slider (Mod) B y Consignment, Firepl ace: Mid Century Fire Modified B y Lisp, Ladder: New B eginnings Ladder Modified B y 8F8, Pl anter: Llias Kentia Palm Pl anter B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl anter: Huge Fan Palm B y Apple Fall, Dreamcatcher: Kaleidoscope Dreamcatcher B y Cheeky Pea, Cur tain: Wood B eaded Curtain Modified B y Dust B unny, Pl anter: Superlong Potted Cactus B y Soy, Chair: Round Chair B y Revival, Hanging Pl anter: Boho Pl ant Hanger Foliage Modified B y Ariskea, Camera: Vintage Camera W/ Tripod B y Apple Fall, Frame: Pinboard S alem B y Floorpl an, Frame: Antler Print B erries B y Floorpl an, Frame: Antler Print Flowers B y Floorpl an, Frame: B utterfl y Diagram Print B y Floorpl an, Frame: B ee Diagram Print B y Floorpl an, Frame: Mr Darcy Print B y Floorpl an, Frame: Alwa ys Print B y Floorpl an, Frame: Photography Mechanics Print B y Floorpl an, Frame: Dreadful Print B y Floorpl an, Frame: Wanderlust Ticket Office Window B y Consignment, Frame: Athena Dining B y Consignment, Frame: Drawing Fl y Awa y B y Mori, Frame: Drawing Love B irds B y Mori, Frame: Starry Blossom Print B y Zinnias, Frame: Cactus Blossom Prints B y Zinnias, Frame: Laundry Art B y Dutchie, Tapestr y: Wyatt Tapestry B y Digs, Tapestr y: Venetian Tapestry B y Apple Fall, Pl anter: Noor Palm B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Pl anter: Grass B y Apple Fall, Ottoman: Harmon Rattan Ottoman B y The Lof t & Aria, Frame: Power Of Love B y Revival, Suitcase: Monogram Suitcases B y Apple Fall, Frame: Annan Recl aimed Frame B y Apple Fall, Guitar: Semi-Acoustic Guitar J uke B y Thor, Lamp: Rusted Floor Lamp B y The Hive, Dreamcatcher: [Gypsysoul] Dreamcatcher Feathers B y Ariskea, Sideboard: Card Catalog White B y Apple Fall, Statue: S awadee B uddhas B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Candl e: Lovebirds Candle B y Apple Fall, J ar: 212 J ar B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Pl anter: Succulent Pl ants B y Zaara, Lamp: J ali Lamps Kamal B y Zaara, Lamp: J ali Lamp Tara B y Zaara, J ug: Surahi Wine J ug B y Zaara, Stand: Incense Stand B y Soy, Stick: Stick Incense B y Soy, Lamp: Storm Lamp Old Wood B y Apple Fall, Hanging Pl anter: Hanging Pot Lstyle B B y Ailsing, Hanging Pl anter: Hanging Pot Lstyle A B y Ailsing, Pl anter: Potted Yucca Pl ant Modified B y Zinnias, Chair: Autumns Calling Chair Type A B y Dust B unny, Vase: Sweetwater Vase Sky B y Cheeky Pea, Vase: Sweetwater Vase Blush B y Cheeky Pea, J ar: Sensation J ar B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Pl anter: B anana Tree B y Apple Fall, Pl anter: Huge Fan Palm B y Apple Fall, Ceil ing Light: Fabric Chandelier B y Revival, Hanging Pl anter: Skypl anter Ivy B y Pl aaka, Shoes: Leather Moccasins B y Apple Fall, Pl anter: Shitamachi Alley Garden J B y Soy, Rug: Animal Rug B y J unk, Rug: Wooden Rug B y The Lof t, Trunk: Fashion Trunk Teal Wood B y Apple Fall, Pl anter: Sweetwater Cacti Terrarium B y Cheeky Pea, B all: Wicker B all Decor B y Pilot, Ottoman: Moroccan Pouf Orange B y Soy, Couch: Luana Linen Sofa B y Aria, Pil l ows: Portico B ench Pillow Modified B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl anter: Ainsley Gl ass Bottle With Eucal yptus (Modified) B y Aria, Can: Martha Milk Can B y Cheeky Pea, Lantern: Ocean Lantern B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Statue: S andstone Elephant B y Zaara, J ars: Wooden Tribal J ars Modified B y Apple Fall, B l ocks: B lock Prints B y Zaara, Tray: Elderflower Cordial B y Apple Fall, Candl e: Natuurlijk Candle B y Gl am Affair Home, Rug: Granny's Winter Cottage Throw Rug B y 8F8, Suitcase: Valise B y Dutchie, Suitcase: Suitcase B y Dutchie, B ooks: Stockholm B edroom Book B y B azar, B ooks: Toronto Art Books B y B azar, Trunk: Old Metal Trunk B y Soy, Crate: Pillow Crate B y Consignment, Consol e: Mara Console Table Warm Amber B y The Lof t.



jan / feb 2017 - 100 years of decor


The use of accessories may be a finishing touch, but it is likely to be the most time-consuming part of assembling your authentic bohemian space. More is more in this endeavor and the more imaginative the better when it comes to filling a room. Repurposing items in creative ways is one of the most exciting and challenging aspects to this design choice. Converting a modern chandelier into a candle holder, creating wall paper from the pages of well-loved books, turning a quilt into a book end are all simple ways to achieve this. The bohemian heart loves to travel as well as to express itself, so maps sewn into pillow or dishes hung upon the wall from exotic lands are common. Once more, each element should help to tell the story of you. Your passions, your pleasures, your history told in a thousand little ways. Such as the tiny pill boxes circling the base of the antique lamp, a display that honors a beloved relative. Or the old poncho draped over the chaise which always has a photo album on it filled with images of your trek through the Andes. Or perhaps the circle of pillows in the middle of the room beneath a dangling incense burner where good friends end every evening discussing philosophy. Remember, the only rules in this style of home dĂŠcor is that there are no rules. In the end, you simply want the space to reflect you and your story. It is easy to see how this style can become dizzying and garish when one isn't mindful about the combinations being used. Yet if you take care to keep these few simple guidelines in mind, you can craft a space that is both whimsical and inviting while all the while sharing the story of you with your guests. This look will always teeter on the edge of excess, but it is always possible to keep it cohesive and true to you. One of the best parts about the boho home as previously mentioned, is that it can be done very economically. Chances are you already have a collection of items that would fill a room beautifully in your inventory. The key is to work with what you have in new and creative ways until you can step back and see elements of yourself reflected from every corner of the room. So, throw caution to the wind. Abandon the rules and let your artistic, free spirit loose while creating a beautifully bohemian home. Celebrate life with unconventional color combinations. Relish your rebellion by layering every type of texture you can find. Surround yourself with accessories to impart all the facets of your rich life and personality. Do away with most the furniture and create a relaxing space upon the floor. Whatever you do, make sure that it is fully about you. Tell your story through your space and in the end, you'll have a virtual haven that you and your guest will never want to leave. That is what the bohemian spirit is all about after all. Living and loving deeply, unabashedly and openly. Free from fear of judgment or censorship. Celebrating the beauty in the everyday and sharing it with all those who are willing to breathe in the moment.


jan / feb 2017 - 100 years of decor




STYLING CREDITS. . . Decor: Windmill Wall Decor B y Floorpl an Pl ant: Potted Mint 1 B y Keke Armoir: Boho Armoir B y Death Row Designs B askets: Boho B asket B y Death Row Designs Mil k Urn: Milk Urn W/ Wild Geraniums B y Apple Fall B reakfast Tabl e: B reakfast Table B y Death Row Designs B oho Chair: Boho Chair Blue B y Death Row Designs Rug: Darling Rug B y Dust B unny Hanging Candl e: Hanging Candle V1 B y Floorpl an Hanging Guitar: Hanging Guitar (Americana) B y What Next Hanging Guitar: Hanging Guitar (Cl assic) B y What Next Cabinet: Americana Pie S afe - Icy B lue B y Second Spaces Decor: Neon Cactus Light (Pink) B y Tarte Sectional Sofa: Darling Sectional Cushion B y Dust B unny Cactus: Troubadour Potted Cactus B y The Lof t & Aria Decor: Boho Wood [Arrow] B y Ariskea Decor: One Love Sign B y Floorpl an Decor: Boho Fl ag B y Death Row Designs Potted Cactus: Potted Cactus B y Floorpl an Fl owers: Falling Over Books B y Cheeky Pea Fl owers: Preserved Poppies B y Apple Fall Deer Skul l: Deer Skull B y Apple Fall


Hanging Lights: Pom Pom Garl and B y Dust B unny Rug: Boho Rug B y Death Row Designs Crates Of Pl ants: Pl ant Collection Crates B y Pilot Tapestr y: Darling String Light Tapestry B y Dust B unny Lamp: Boho Detailed Lamp B y Death Row Designs Framed Photo: Peacock Frame B y J unk Potted Pl ant: Traveler's Palm Tree [ Yellow] B y Soy Decor: Phoebe's Pl ank Wall Art B y Cheeky Pea Cur tain: Boho Curtain. B y J unk Record Pl ayer: Suitcase Pl a yer. B y J unk Daybed: Boho Da ybed B y Ariskea Pil e Of B ooks: Pile Of Books B y Kalopsia Drum Pl anter: Drum Pl anter B y 22769 - B auwerk Leaning Lamp: Street Sign Love Lane Bl ack Leaning B y J unk Cactus: Cactus B all B y J unk Cactus: Cactus S aguaro B y J unk Wal l Drape: Mandal a Wall Drape B y 22769 - B auwerk Lantern: Desert Rose Lantern Sea B y Cheeky Pea Ceil ing Drapes: Ceiling Drapes B y Cheeky Pea Trunk: Priya Trunk Teal B y Mudhoney Leather Moccasins: Leather Moccasins B y Apple Fall

jan / feb 2017 - 100 years of decor



jan / feb 2017 - 100 years of decor


New One



jan / feb 2017 - new ones



nedark neximus

Introducing the new team members to LTD Magazine.


Focus On: D

o you recall a time in your Second Life® where you didn’t have to worry about how many prims would a piece of furniture took in your home, whether it was a skybox or land? Prim counting was a very difficult matter before the invention of mesh, just ask those who joined before the official introduction of mesh in 2011; because they could tell you a completely different story. For those who still cannot fathom the idea of being able to design a home on a prim budget and still make it look amazing, just picture this: “It was 2009, and you got your very first piece of land, with a prim count of 1200. For this very long time, you had this vision of getting a Victorian home you saw once somewhere, you go back to the store and get this beautifully built house, which was your ideal space, a dream with lots of small details on the façade, great texturing, among other things. You get it and go back home to lay it down finally and when you check your prim count, you only have 550 prims left to decorate; because that beautiful home you were dreaming of, with all those small details, happens to take up over 750 prims; so now, you are on a crossroads, either you take down your home, the one you’ve been dreaming of since you saw it on display, the one you planned on decorating in such fancy manners, or you get a house with a lower prim count, sacrificing the Victorian dream for a better chance to decorate your home.”

That was, more or less, what one would have to think of in a world where mesh was non-existent, prims were a valuable thing, one had to take into account the amount and not go over it. Every little thing you placed had to be counted so your prims would not go overboard; and this was not limited to home owners, this also applied for creators, store owners, designers, fashion show creators, landscapers or pretty much anyone who would love to share its love for decoration, everything that went into a space had to be thought of thoroughly, sometimes you had to sacrifice a great piece for a better chance to get the look you wanted in the space you were assigned to decorate. Non-mesh pieces were everywhere from homes, store buildings, displays, furniture of all kind and purposes, it was everywhere. Second Life® was a place where one could create a space to live in or perform some sort of business, one was able to fulfill ideas one would simply come up with, it allowed for creativity and for that there were amazing furniture creators that sometimes brought those things to life; and when one find it, it was the most amazing feeling in the world. Even though all of this was a pain for anyone that wanted to decorate a space or fill up a booth, in the case of designers and fairs, it also allowed creators room for inspiration and creativity, they had to come up with ideas, ways to work around the prim count, some designers had to either

non mesh



jan / feb 2017 - focus on


STYLING CREDITS. . . House: La Lutiniere B y Never Totall y Dead Rose Pl anters: Cermonial Pl anter B y 3D Republic Shrubar y: Terebinth B y Forest Floor Trees: Cypress B y Forest Floor Trees: Elder Tree B y Forest Floor Trees: Elm Tree B y Forest Floor Trees: Scrub Maple B y Forest Floor Trees: Deep Forest Fern B y Forest Floor Undergrowth: Elm Scrub Grouping B y Forest Floor Undergrowth: Alder Scrub Grouping B y Forest Floor Undergrowth: B irch Scrub Grouping B y Forest Floor Undergrowth: B irch Scrub Grouping B y Forest Floor Shrubar y: Shrub B y Ee Oh Fl owers: B aptisia B y Forest Floor Fountain: Catriana Fish Fountain B y Pe Designs - Closed Vehicl e: Emh Prodigy B y Emh Motors - Closed



jan / feb 2017 - focus on


make low-prim oriented furniture, there were even stores dedicated exclusively to low-prim items, or they had to think of ways to create sculpted pieces that allowed for less prims in-world, and this is where the revolution really started. On one hand, creators were on the lookout for more ways to lower prims and create amazing design that interior design enthusiasts and lovers would use in specific situations, whether it was for their own home or for something more massive, like a fashion show, where prims and scripts counted by the ton. I believe that it was so incredible and exciting for designers to think of ways to lower the prim count without sacrificing the design that one had in mind, just idealizing the way they would display them in the store and thinking of how it would need to be presented in the showroom, every little detail matter. On the other hand, there was the interior design enthusiasts or those who had a vision for their ideal space, they would roam the showrooms examining every little piece they liked, counting prims, noticing just how many would each one of those pieces would take up in their home and then decide if such luxury was affordable for them, prim-wise. Nevertheless, the lack of mesh in the world before 2011 was not an impediment for good design to show its amazing head, most of the time, you could go to stores and check out in which way they had decided to use their pieces, some other times, one would be shopping for clothes or skin and see a piece in a store and maybe check out the creator and prim count to see if it would fit in your land, based on prims. Decoration opportunities were all around, everywhere you looked, even If you were not furniture shopping, one could find a piece that was perfect for the space you were decorating, some other times you would realized it was a luxury and perhaps not a good thing to own, but some others, one would not care, and then you changed your mind and find a way to sacrifice prims to own that piece you were in love with and in some cases, one would even go get bigger land to be able to have more opportunities for decoration. To this day, some non-mesh pieces are being created, although not by many designers, however mesh has facilitated a lot the prim count allowing for great design at lower-prim counts. Oh, and if you are wondering what happened in that story I shared at the beginning, I can tell you the answer now, I sacrificed the Victorian home for a better chance to decorate a space. It was a difficult decision, but I wanted to live in a properly decorated space, rather than an empty house. Decorating before 2011 and the invention of mesh was hard, not because of the lack of creativity, but for the amount of space available on the grid, that lack of prim space sometimes became an impediment for fulfilling a vision, some others you had to sacrifice what you wanted or change it for something similar. Mesh has changed the game since its introduction in 2011, thanks to it now we are able to decorate without thinking so hard on prim counts, but to those of us who suffered by counting prims and keeping tabs on how things were placed, non-mesh furniture still holds dear to our hearts, even if we no longer have the prim-space to use it.


jan / feb 2017 - focus on




jan / feb 2017 - focus on


STYLING CREDITS. . . House: Sunnanby Hus B y Post B uoy: Marker B uoy B y The Golden Oriole Fence: Wooden B reakwater B y Minn's B its ' N Bobs Mapl e Trees: Sugar Maple Tree B y Botanical Oak: Oaks B y Heart Pine: Maritime Pines B y Heart Waves: Ocean Waves B y Real Waves Rocks: Rocks B y 1St Act Lighthouse: Lighthouse Of Lost S ailors B y Cat's Dirt Project Shrubs: Autumn Shrubs B y Ee Oh's Ferns: Ferns B y New Trails - Closed B oat: Row Boat B y Tuff



jan / feb 2017 - focus on



Home & Ga


water features


STYLING CREDITS. . . Trees Outside: B radford Cluster B y The Little B ranch B ushes: Seasonal Boxwood Hedge And Arches Set B y Botanical Water: Water S ystem B y Skye Studio Running Water: Sink - Dark (Mod) B y Keke Cheese Pl ant: Potted Cheese Pl ant B y Soy Spider Pl ant: Caliza Small Round Pl anter 3 B y Newchurch Fern: Caliza Small Round Pl anter 2 B y Newchurch Fan Pal m: Caliza Small Round Pl anter 1 B y Newchurch Livistona Pal m: Caliza Small Round Pl anter 4 B y Newchurch Water- Mashroom: Water-Mashroom W/ Water Bowl (Mod) B y Soy Tal l Grass: Grass 01 B y Runic Design Tree: S alon Tent & Tree Set B y Soy Pal m Tree: Potted Traveler's Palm Tree B y Soy Sofa And Chairs: Iron Patio Set B y Chez Moi Tabl e: Alpha Industrial Dining Table (Mod) B y Newchurch Moss B al l Pl ant: Water-Mashroom W/ Moss B all B y Soy Hanging Pl ant: Super Long Hanging Hedera B y Soy Hanging Pl ant: Darling Hanging Pl ant B y Dust B unny House: The Newold Cabin B y Dad Design


jan / feb 2017 - home & garden



jan / feb 2017 - home & garden




jan / feb 2017 - home & garden




jan / feb 2017 - home & garden

STYLING CREDITS. . . B igger B ushes: Dwarf Forest Old Gold B y Alirium Trees: Twisted Tree B y Skye Studio Water: Water B y Skye Studio Water Fal l ing & Water Spray: Waterfall Set (mod) B y Skye Studio Waterfal l B odies: Waterfall Set B y Skye Studio Rippl e Over Water: Ripple Oil B y Anc Ltd Moss: Garden Vine Olive B y HPMD Dark Pl anter: Distressed Formal Pl anter B y Cube Republic Red Pl ants on Pl anter: Eranthemum Section Arrangement B y Cube Republic B ush y Reeds: Pampas Grass B y Cube Republic Umbrel l a Pl ant: Gunnera B y Cube Republic Water Lil ies: Waterlil y Cluster B y Botanical B ig Padded Lotus: Lotus B y Botanical Hedge: Seasonal Boxwood Set B y Botanical White Lotuses & Weeds: Nymphaea Nouchali Set B y Heart B oul ders: Wildwood Mossy Rocks B y Heart Crane: Crane the Lightbringer Red B y Half Deer B igger Gazebo: Rome B aldachin B y Atelier Visconti B roken Statue: B roken Stone Statue B y Jomo Water Reeds: Cat Tail Cluster B y Little B ranch R ail ings: Railing for Garden B y Anhelo Ruins: Ruins Set B y Fanatik Architecture Cl if fs: Cliff Cover B y Fanatik Architecture Manor: The Arcade Venice Pal azzo Vinci B y Scarlet Creative Smal l Gazebo: The Arcade Mar 1 6 Anastasia Gazebo B y Scarlet Creative



jan / feb 2017 - home & garden



jan / feb 2017 - home & garden




STYLING CREDITS. . . House: Amarillion Modern Prefab B y Scarlet Creative Tree: Shingleoak B y Little B ranch Pergol a: Pergol a Pavillion (Mod) B y Abiss Tabl e: Thea Coffee Table (Mod) B y Aria Consol e: Locker Console Bl ack B y B rixley Tabl e: Caliza Fire B y New Church B ench: B ench B y Toro Couch: Thea Sectional B y Aria Pl anter: Hexa Succulent (Mod) B y The Lof t & Aria Pl anter: Martina Outdoor Patio (Mod) B y Aria Statue: Actaeon B y The Vordun Statue: Diana B y The Vordun Light: Garden Light B y Botha Designs Fountain: Modern Luxury Fountain B y Nova Furnishings


Pl ant: Waterlil y Cluster B y Botanical Pl ant: Cattail B y Botanical Pl ant: Boxwood Hedge B y Botanical Pl ant: Grass B y Apple Fall House: Modern Luxury (Mod) B y Diamandis Tree: Wildoak B y Little B ranch Pl ant: Hosta Leaf B y Skye Studio Pl ant: B uckeye B y Skye Studio Pl ant: Fern B y Skye Studio Pl acemat: Priya Rock B y Mudhoney Pl ant: Ox Eye Daisies B y Heart Pl ant: Green Fl ax B y Dutchie Pl ant: Till andsiaionanta B y Pl aaka Water: Realistic Water B y Dt Material Collection Grass: Hills Forest Ground B y Fanatik

jan / feb 2017 - home & garden



jan / feb 2017 - home & garden





jan / feb 2017 - new land


STYLING CREDITS. . . Grass: Reed Green B y Cube Republic Grass: Sedge Green B y Cube Republic Pl ant: Marsh Pl ant B y 3D Trees Pl ant: Frogbit B y Cube Republic Shrub: Naupaka B y Las Isl as Shrub: Eranthemum B y Cube Republic Shrub: B rambles B y Cube Republic Pl ant: Gunnera B y Cube Republic Shrub: Hosta Leaf B y Studio Skye Shrub: Hebe B y Studio Skye Tree: B amboo Palm B y Studio Skye Tree: Twisted Tree B y Studio Skye Tree: Forest Trunks With Pol ypore B y 3D Trees Decor: B each Piling B y Cube Republic Decor: J etty B y Cube Republic Decor: Crane Mesh B y J ust Animals Decor: Frog Mesh B y J ust Animals Rocks: Mossy Set B y B ad Katz Rocks: Rock Grouping Sets B y B ad Katz Seafoam: Seafoam B y 2Xtreme Rocks: Cliff Cover B y Fanatik



jan / feb 2017 - new land




jan / feb 2017 - new land





jan / feb 2017 - new land

Fog: Mist Cloud Sungold B y Anc Ltd. Fir Trees: Dougl as Fir Set B y Botanical Red Path: Edged B rick Park Path B y Botanical B irch Trees & B ushes: Silver B irch Set B y Heart TI ny B ushes: Fl y Honeysuckle B ush Green B y Heart Tiny White Fl owers: Wild Flowers Garlic Mustard Set B y Heart White Flowers: Wild Flowers Quenn Ann's Lace Set B y Heart Fl ower y Stems Patch: Wild Flowers Campion White Group B y Heart Path & Water Leaves: Marsh Pl ant B y 3D Trees Sun R ays: Sunlight 2014 B y HPMD Moss: Garden Vine Olive B y HPMD B igger B ushes: Dwarf Forest Old Gold B y Alirium Green Grass: Grass Field Lush B y We're Closed Lamps: Drif twood Pathwa y Lantern Ground B y Trompe Loeil Curved B rick Fence: Tiered Garden Wall Set B y Skye Log: Fallen Tree B ridge Horizontal B y Skye Rocks: Cliff Cover Isl and B y Fanatik Architecture Long Wave: Long Shore Wave B y Real Waves Spl ash Waves: Spl ashing Wave B urst B y Real Waves Round Swirl Waves: Sea and Water Foam B y Virtual Nature



jan / feb 2017 - new land



The Differe


concept}'s grey room sofa


jan / feb 2017 - the difference


STYLING CREDITS. . . Sofa: Grey Room Sofa B y Concept Rug: Hexa Rug B y The Lof t & Aria Cat Toys: Toys Toys Toys B y Half-Deer Food B owl: Bowl Of Kibble B y Half-Deer Scratching Post: Scratching Post B y Half-Deer B askets: Hexa B asket Pair B y The Lof t & Aria Photos Pl ant: Potted Pothos B y Soy B asket: Hexa B asket B y The Lof t & Aria Throw Pil l ows: Decorative Throw Pillows B y Aria Magazines: Stacked Magazines B y Tres Bl ah Throw Piil l ow: Throw Piillow B y Mudhoney Hanging Pl anter: Hanging Pl anter B y Pilot Frames: Mesh Art Print Frame B y Meli Imako Frames: Mesh Picture Frame B y LD Mesh I ncense: Cooper Incense B y Mudhoney Cactus: Cactus S aguaro B y J unk Cat: Grey Tabby Cat Paw Lick B y J ust Animals B utterfl ies: Daphne Wall Flutter B y Aria Snake Pl ant: Piper Snake Pl ant B y Mudhoney Succul ent: Piper Succulent B y Mudhoney Frame With Lips: Lip Service: Envy 201 6 B y Can' t Even Ivy: Holborn Hanging Ivy B y Ys&Ys Lamp: Retrowave B ird Lamp B y Nomad Cactus: Potted Cactus B y Floorpl an Print And B ooks: Print And Books B y Tres Bl ah Frame: Moon Drops Gacha 5 B y Haikei Neon: Neon Cactus Light B y Tarte Pl ant: B ird Of Paradise B y Soy Wal l Frames: Hexa Wall Art (Mod) B y The Lof t & Aria Neon: Books B y Floorpl an B ooks: Memories Books B y Ys&Ys B ooks: Arts Shelf Books1 B y B azar B ook: Book One Is Reading B y Soy B ooks: Books 03 B y B azar B ooks: Art Books B y B azar B ooks: Books 02 B y B azar B ooks: Books 01 B y B azar Side Tabl es: Side Tables B y Aria Cactus: Cactus B y Tres Bl ah Cl utter: Catch All B y Tres Bl ah Al oe Pl ant: Wanabe Aloe B y Ariskea Make Up Cl utter: Makeup B ag B y Tres Bl ah Perfume: Chic Perfume B y Tres Bl ah Cactus: Parma Potted Cactus B y Aria Records: Record Storage B y Tres Bl ah Side Tabl e: Aradia Table B y The Lof t & Aria Headphones And Phone: Easy Listening B y Tres Bl ah B ook Stack: Book Stack Decor B y Eli B ail y Hanging Lamp: The Hanging Light B y Amal a Pl ant: Zamioculcas Potted Pl ant B y Aria B uil d: Chestnut Street Apt (Mod) B y Pixel Mode



jan / feb 2017 - the difference






jan / feb 2017 - the difference

Sofa: Grey Room Sofa B y Concept Wal l Ar t: B abette Abstract Wall Art B y The Lof t Sconces: Lainey Sconce B rass B y The Lof t Lamps: Austri Lamp B y David Heather Side Tabl es: Austri Side Table B y David Heather Vase: Austri Vase B y David Heather Laptop: Austri Laptop B y David Heather B ox: Worlidge Box (Bl ack) B y Fancy Decor Stud: Wall Stud B y Fancy Decor Chair: Ontario Nightcap Chair B y S a yo

Lantern: B ungalow Retreat Geo Lanterns B y S a yo Prisms: Nightshade Garden Gold Prisms B y S a yo Pouf: Mission Pouf Rnd Blk Leather Solo B y Artisan Fantasy Cof fee Tabl e: Ophelia Coffee Table B y Aria Throw Pil l ows: Sunda y Morning Decorative Throw Pillows B y Aria Throw: Delil ah Decorative Throw B y Aria B owl: Troubadour Bowl Decor B y The Lof t & Aria Rug: Roxanne Hide Rug B y The Lof t Cushion: LTD Studded Cushion (24K) B y Apple Fall Wal l Panel s: Simple Wall Panel B y Fancy Decor


The Challen


the gym



STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: The Heights Studio Apartment B y Pixel Mode, B ench: Changing Room B ench B y NOMAD, Lockers: Neva's Vintage Lockers B y Apple Fall, Wal l R ack: Pil ates Mat Rack B y Pilot, Mat: Non-Slip Mat B y Fancy Decor, B ag: Kali's B ag B y Kalopsia, Light: Reflector Light B y Apple Fall, B ench: Old Stained B ench B y Apple Fall, Ar twork: Original Artwork L' Homme B y Apple Fall, Towel: Towel on the Ground B y Dutchie, B ottl es: Lotions B y Apple Fall, Shower Head: Vintage Shower Antique B y Surge, Soap: S and, Soap and Sode Set B y Dutchie, Tray: Oriana B athside Tra y B y The Lof t, Stepl adder: Stepl adder B y Apple Fall, Towel: Hammie & Towel Tower B y MishMish, Sink: B arber's Sink B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: B anana Tree B y Apple Fall, Shoes: Leather Moccasins B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Cotton Cluster B y Apple Fall, Ar twork: Strength Fragment B y Apple Fall, Sign: Route 66 Sign B y Apple Fall, Cabinet: Apothecary Cabinet B y Apple Fall, Coat: Old Coat B y Apple Fall, Towel s: Stacks of Towels B y Dutchie, Scal e: Medical Scale B y Diders Designs, J eans: Real Folded J eans B y Fanatik, Sweaters: Real Folded Sweaters B y Fanatik, Towel s: My Love, My B eard Towel B asket B y The Lof t, Stacked B oxes: Boxed Supplies B y Apple Fall, Suppl ies: B arber Suppl y Cabinet B y Apple Fall, B ottl es: Hair Products B y Floorpl an, Col ogne B ottl es: Colognes B y David Heather, Footbal l: American Footbal B y Consignment, B asketbal l: B asketball B y Consignment, Scul pture: Metal Cactus B y J unk, Towel B asket: Oriana Towel B asket B y The Lof t, Newspaper: Crumpled Newspaper B y Apple Fall, Gym B ag: B each B ag B y Aitui, Gym B ag: Gym B ag B y David Heather, B asebal l: B aseball B y Consignment, Rug: Traveler Rug B y Apple Fall, Drawers: Vintage B arbers Drawers B y J unk, B ottl es: Violet Gl ass Bottles B y Apple Fall, Camera: Vintage Camera with Tripod B y Apple Fall, Sign: Industry Letters B y Apple Fall, Mirror: Wall Mirrors B y Soy, Weights: Vintage Gym B y NOMAD, B al l: Kali's Yoga B all B y Kalopsia, B ench Press: B ench Press B y N4RS , Towel: Towel Folded B y N4RS , Water B ottl e: Water Bottle B y N4RS , B icycl e: B icycle on the Wall B y B azar, Shelf: Carved Corbel Shelf B y Apple Fall, Oars: Boat Oars B y Apple Fall, Free Weights: Kali's Weights B y Kalopsia, Cabinet: B edroom Cabinet B y B azar, B al l R ack: Medicine B all Rack B y Pilot, Weights: Kettlebells B y NOMAD, Punching B ag: Punching B ag B y David Heather, Light: Atelier Pendant Lamp B y Apple Fall, Light: Industrial Lamp with Extender B y Apple Fall, Light: Vintage Stage Light B y J unk, Chair: B arrel Chair B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Potted Cheese Pl ant B y Soy, Pl ant: Potted Traveler's Palm Tree B y Soy, Ar twork: J ersey B y Consignment, Cabinet: Old Metal Shelf B y Vespertine, Trophies: Winner Trophies B y Apple Fall, Ar twork: American Fl ag Sketch B y Apple Fall, Pl ane: Model Pl ane B y Apple Fall, Ar twork: Adonis Gold B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: B istro Pl anter B y Apple Fall, Open Sign: Vintage Neon B y Apple Fall, Zebra Mask: Hand Carved Zebra Mask B y Apple Fall, B uf fal o Head: B uffalo Taxidermy B y Apple Fall, B oat: Ralph's Boat B y Apple Fall, Skul l: Springbok Skull B y Apple Fall, Skul l: Deer Skull B y Apple Fall, R adio: Boombox Keyboard B y Seven Emporium, Ropes: B attle Ropes B y Pilot, Ladder: Provence Ladder B y Fanatik, B el l: Boxing Gym B ell B y Kei Spot, Fl ag: Boneyard Fl ag - America B y Consignment, B oxing Ring: Urban Boxing Ring B y Tasty, Stool: Old Painters' Stool B y Apple Fall, B al ance Trainer: B al ance Trainer B y Pilot, Cl ock: High Time Clock B y 8f8, Lights: String Party Lights B y Floorpl an, Pl ant: J uniper Topiary B y Apple Fall.


jan / feb 2017 - the chal lenge



jan / feb 2017 - the chal lenge



jan / feb 2017 - the chal lenge




jan / feb 2017 - the chal lenge


STYLING CREDITS. . . Equipment: Koan Treadmill B y Pixelwear, Equipment: Exercise B ike Bl ack B y Emil y Hearts, Decor: Television 2.0 B y The Lof t, Decor: Stockholm B icycle On The Wall B y B azar, Decor: Unfenced Road Sign B y Seven Emporium, Rug: Camden Rug B y B al acl ava, Desk: Moderna Office Desk B y Cheeky Pea, Decor: Road Warning Sign B y Seven Emporium, Decor: Bottle Vases B y B ig B ull y, Decor: Do Not Walk Sign B y Seven Emporium, Decor: Aloe Pot B y Toiz (Not Avail able), Decor: Logpot B y Pl aaka, Decor: Potted Aloe B y Fancy Decor, Decor: Neon Cactus Light B y Tarte, Equipment: Latpulldown Machine B y Devmuscle, Equipment: Weight B ench B y Pilot, Equipment: Large Floor Dumbell B y Pilot, Equipment: Vintage Gym B y Nomad, Equipment: Floor Spare Weights B y Pilot & Exposeur, B ench: Aussie Boxing Gym B ench B y Kei's Spot, Decor: Isl a yneon Sign B y B ueno, Decor: La Neon Sign B y Ten Thousand & Co, Equipment: Fitness Boxing Punch B ag B y Tar tessos Ar ts, Equipment: Hand Weights Rack B y Pilot & Exposeur, Equipment: Floor Handweights B y Pilot & Exposeur, Decor: No Sleep Sign B y The Horror! , Decor: Poppy Inspirational Sign B y Cheeky Pea, Decor: Pink B albo B icycle B y Pewpew! , Decor: Towel B y Soy, Decor: Stacking Towels B y Soy, Decor: Stockholm-Sneakers Decor B y B azar, Decor: Stockholm-Sneakers Decor B y B azar, Decor: Duffle B ag For Him B y Le Primitif, Equipment: Lockers Grate, Closed B y Akimeta, B ench: Chelsea Dining B ench B y Newchurch, Decor: Divya Yoga Mat Wall Rack B y Cheeky Pea, Decor: Divya Mat B asket B y Cheeky Pea, Equipment: Exercise B all B y Pilot & Exposeur, Equipment: Aerobic Step B y Pilot & Exposeur, Rug: Greenwich Rug B y What Next, Equipment: Divya Yoga Mat Teal B y Cheeky Pea, Decor: Spa Necessities B y Dutchie, Decor: Memories Pl ant B y Ys&Ys, B ench: Creative Outdoors - B ench B y Apt B , Decor: Decorative Ventura B icycle B y What Next, Decor: B icycle Rack B y What Next, Decor: Outdoor Lights B y Pixel Mode, Decor: Alize Umbrell a B y Newchurch, Tabl e: B istro Table B y Fancy Decor, Chair: B istro Chair B y Fancy Decor, Decor: Moderna Laptop B y Cheeky Pea, Decor: Catherine Flower B y Cheeky Pea, Pl ant: Mocorra Tree Pl ant B y Ariskea, Stones: Tobiishi Stones B y Rh Design House, Wal l & Fl oor: Mesh Floor & Wall Panel B y Lakrya Mesh Templ ates, B uil d: Packup Home B y The Den.



jan / feb 2017 - the chal lenge






STYLING CREDITS. . . B ig Cheese Pl ate: Cheese Wheel B y Dust B unny, Oak Wooden Pl ate Underl iner: Autumns Calling Pl ate Setting (mod) B y Dust B unny, Muf fins: Muffin Tin B y Dust B unny, Round Leaf y Decor: Autumn's Calling Set (mod) B y Dust B unny, Cinnamon Rol l Pl ate: Cinnamon Roll Pl ate B y Dust B unny, B read B asket: Wanderlust B read B asket B y Dust B unny, B l ueberr y Pancake With S yrup: Blueberry Pancakes B y Dust B unny, Rowan B erries Pot: Potted Rowan B erries B y Dust B unny, Acorn: Autumns Calling Pumpkin Centerpiece (mod) B y Dust B unny, B l ueberr y Waf fl es: Blueberry Waffles B y Dust B unny, Cinnamon Rol l s Skil l et: Cinnamon Roll Skillet B y Dust B unny, Smal l Spiral Pl ate: Autumns Calling Pl ate Setting (mod) B y Dust B unny, Strawberr y Water: Fresh Strawberry Water B y Dust B unny, Fig & B l ackberries Smal l Dish: Fig & B l ackberry Cake (mod) B y Apple Fall, Cherr y Voul evants: Cherry Voulevants B y Apple Fall, Wreath Around Pl ates: Cranfield Fence (mod) B y Apple Fall, Cotton Fl owers: Cotton Cluster B y Apple Fall, B l ueberr y Teacup: Blueberries B y Apple Fall, Fig White Cake: Fig & B l ackberry Cake B y Apple Fall, Menu Card: Forest Menu Card B y B azar, Center Tabl e Fl ower Decor: Forest Flower Pot (mod) B y B azar, Wine B ottl es: Forest Wine Botttles B y B azar, B read Sl ices: Sliced B read With Oatmeal (mod) B y A zalea B luebell Creations, Wrapped Stick Candl e: Cinnamon Stick Candle B y Hive, Candl e On Stand: Rustic Candle Gra y B y Pixel Mode, B rown Displ ay Tray: Cheese Displ a y Table (mod) B y Velvet Whip, Oysters Pl ate: O ysters Gourmet B y Velvet Whip, Cl osed Oysters: Fresh O ysters B y Velvet Whip, Tuna Pl ate: Ahi Tuna Gourmet Round B y Velvet Whip, Hamburger Pl ate: Hamburger Gourmet B y Velvet Whip, Cheese A ssorment: Cheese Displ a y Table (mod) B y Velvet Whip, Spiral B owl: Lol a Bowl Ebony B y The Lof t, Tabl e Cl oth: Casol are Table Runner Long B y The Lof t, Tabl es: Vill a Casol are Round Colonial Walnut B y The Lof t, Rug: Highl and Hide Rug B y The Lof t, Wal l Tabl e: Hallsey Console Cherry B y The Lof t, Trol l ey Displ ay: B ar Shelf Gold B y The Lof t, Pear J el l y Desser t: Oma's Kitchen Stoof Peren B y Gl am Affair, Shrimp Pl ate: Grilled Scampi With Cocktail Dressing B y Gl am Affair, Mushroom Soup: Porcini Mushroom Soup B y Gl am Affair, Pickel s: Oma's Kitchen Pickels B y Gl am Affair, Sl iced S al mon With A sparagus: Grilled S almon With A sparagus B y Gl am Affair, S aus age Soup: Oma's Kitchen Erwtensoep B y Gl am Affair, Oval Lights String: Starry Fairylights Wreath Copper B y Vespertine, Koi Fish Dish: Irori A yu B y Rh Design House, Green Mugwor t B al l s: Dango Yomogi B y Rh Design House, Mahogany Log Displ ay: Raleigh Decor Log B y Trompe Loeil, Tofu B al l s Curr y: Curry And Spinach Tofu B alls B y Ionic, B l ueberr y Pancake: Blueberry Pancake (mod) B y Ionic, Vegetabl e Green Soup: Crema De Cal abacin B y Ionic, Cranberr y Pancake: Cranberry Pancake B y Ionic, Coated Pretzel Sticks: Candy B ar Pretzels White Chocol ate B y Pilot, Pl ate For B l ueberr y Pancake: Hamburger Gourmet (mod) B y Velvet Whip, Thinner Log Displ ay: Rustic Candle Logs (mod) B y 7Mad Ravens, Fish Steak Pl ate: Sword Fish Steak Gourmet B y Ginger Line, Ribs Pl ate: Prime Ribs Home Gourmet Round Pl ate B y Ginger Line, Steaming Potatoes: Chorizo & Potatoes B y Ginger Line, White Pl ant: Housepl ant Spathiphyllum With Shadow B y Artisan Fantasy, Green B ig Pl ants: Potted Pothos B y Soy, B inds: S avannah Roman Blinds B y Aria, Frames: Vostre Set B y Fancy Decor, Smal l Gl asses: Vodka Gl ass B y Kunst, Absinthe B ottl e: Absinthe Bottle B y Kunst, Fancy Gl ass: Absinthe Gl asses B y Kunst, Cazador B ottl e: Cazador Tequil a Reposado B y Kunst, Vodka B ottl es: Vodka Bottles B y Kunst, B l ack B ottl es: B alleys Vanill a B y Kunst, Tal l er Vodka B ottl es: Absolutel y Vodka B y Kunst, House: B luebell Manor Rare B y Dust B unny.


jan / feb 2017 - the ar t of food



jan / feb 2017 - the ar t of food



jan / feb 2017 - the ar t of food




STYLING CREDITS. . . Tabl e: Wooden Pl ank Table B y Thor, B arrel: Gabriel 's B arrel B y Kalopsia, Food: Macaron P yramid B y Kalopsia, Food: Macaron Box B y Kalopsia, Food: S akuramochi B y Kalopsia, Cake: Sponge Cake B y Kalopsia, Food: Le Dome Tra y B y Kalopsia, Pudding: Cherry Pudding B y Kalopsia, Food: Le Dome Stand - Strawberry B y Kalopsia, Food: Le Dome Stand - Lemon B y Kalopsia, Cake: Peach Cake B y Dust B unny, Food: Choux Pastry Tower B y Dust B unny, Fl ower: Blossoms B y Lode, Drink: Champagne B y Anc, Drink: Moonlightlounge Champagne Tower B y Anc, Logs: Logs B y Lucas Lameth, Food: Rose Cake B y Dust B unny & Windsong, Food: Macaron Displ a y B y B irdy, Food: Wanderlust - Apple Pie B y Dust B unny, Food: Soiree - Pastries B y Tres Bl ah, Food: Cake Pops B y Tarte, Doughnuts: Donut Pl ates B y Ariskea, Cupcakes: Cupcakes Vanille B y Ariskea, Cake: Gateau Rose B y Ariskea, Cake: Gateau Menthe B y Ariskea, Doughnuts: Iced Doughnuts B y What Next, Cake: Gateau Peache B y Ariskea, Cake: Lemon Whip Drizzle Cake B y Apple Fall, Food: Tea Time - Pastry Tower - Rare B y Random Matter, Cupcake: Floral Cupcake B y Pink Acid, Food: Vintage Tea Party - Grand Pl ate B y Zerkalo, Drink: Don Perdigon B y Kunst, Drink: Don Perdigon Gl ass B y Kunst, Macarons: Macaron Stand B y Kalopsia, Cupcakes: Vintage Tea Party - Cupcakes B y Zerkalo, Candy: Spilled Candy Hearts B y Half Deer, Vase: Magnolia Wedding - Vase B y Lost J unction, Candl e: Like A B ird - Bowl Candle Light B y Zerkalo, Vase: Vase Flower B y Ariskea, Pergol a: Alderaan Park Pergol a B y Stockholm & Lima, I cecream: Vintage Tea Party - Icecream Light B y Zerkalo, I cecream: Vintage Tea Party Icecream Colorful B y Zerkalo, Cupcakes: Vintage Tea Party - Cupcake In A Cup Colorful B y Zerkalo, Cupcakes: Cupcakes B leuet B y Ariskea, Cupcakes: Cupcakes B anane B y Ariskea, Ground: Ground Panel B y Anc, Cur tain: Long Curtain B y Fix Fax, Arch: B lown Awa y Rowan Arch - Sof t Pink B y Keke, Pl ant: Garden Vines B y Happymood, Tree: Dwarfforest B y Alirium, Candl e: Fall Candlestick - Gold B y Mudhoney.


jan / feb 2017 - the ar t of food



jan / feb 2017 - the ar t of food



jan / feb 2017 - the ar t of food




STYLING CREDITS. . . Cake: B erry Cake B y Dust B unny, Sourbread: Au Pain B y Apple Fall, Sourbread Loaf: Sourbread Loaf In Tin B y Apple Fall, B read B asket: Wanderlust B read B asket B y Dust B unny, Cutting B oard: Nomnom Cutting Board B y Vespertine, Mil k Can: Martha Milk Can B y Cheeky Pea, Lavender Tin: Storybook Living Lavender Tin B y Dust B unny, B ouquet: Storybook Living Fresh Bouquet B y Dust B unny, B read Tray: Summer Picnic B read Tra y B y Dust B unny, Donuts: Soiree Donuts B y Tres Bl ah, Lemonade: Lemonade Dispenser B y Tarte, Pastr y Tower: Storybook Living Choux Pastry Tower B y Dust B unny, Pastr y Tower: High Tea Etagere B y Erratic, Cheese Wheel: Summer Picnic Cheese Wheel B y Dust B unny, Cheese Tray: Soiree Cheese Tra y B y Tres Bl ah, Cake: Fig & Bl ackberry Cake B y Apple Fall, B read B asket: Famil y Dinner B read B asket B y O. m.e. n., Cheese B oard: Cheese Board B y Digs, Loaves: Poppy Seed Loaves B y Apple Fall, B asket Of Cherries: Country Living B asket W/Cherries B y Zerkalo, B read B asket: Holida y B read B asket B y Gl am Affair, B read B asket: Summer Da y B asket W/ B read B y Zerkalo, B aguette: B aguette Snack B y Vespertine, Lemonade Dispenser: Soiree Lemonade B y Tres Bl ah, Picnic B asket: Summer Picnic Picnic B asket B y Dust B unny, Lemon Cake: Lemon Whip Drizzle Cake B y Apple Fall, Pl atter: Treats Pl atter B y Apple Fall, Lemons: Hard To Find Bowl With Lemons B y Keke, Fruit Pl atter: Fruit Set Grand Displ a y B y Zerkalo, A ppl es: Natural Apples B y Apple Fall, Pretzel s: Pretzel Stand B y Erratic, Gourds: Gourds In Vintage Bowl B y Apple Fall, Peach Cake: Soiree Peach Cake B y Tres Bl ah, Cake: Harvest Cake B y Apple Fall, B agel s: B agels On A Stick B y Artisan Fantasy, B agel B asket: B agel B asket A siago B y Artisan Fantasy, B agel B asket: B agel B asket Oat B y Artisan Fantasy, B read & Honey J ars: Morning Set B y Vespertine, Snack B asket: Snack B asket B y Dust B unny, Rowan B erries: Potted Rowan B erries B y Dust B unny, Picnic B asket: Autumn Woods Picnic B asket B y Vespertine, Cage: All Wired Up B irdcage B y Apt B , Twig Vase: Twig Vase B y B rixley, Candl es: Pl aster Candles B y Apple Fall, Wood Pil e: Woodstock B y Apple Fall, Lavender B ucket: Lavande B y Cinphul, Pears: Charlotte's Pears B y Apple Fall, R abbit: Silver Antiqued Rabbit B y Apple Fall, Candl es: Forest Candle B y B azar, B ucket: Withering B ucket B y J unk, B owl s: Hand Painted Scandinavian Bowls B y Apple Fall, Candl e: Autumns Calling Candle Cup B y Dust B unny, Tul ips: Nardyas' Tulips In Mason J ar B y Apple Fall, B l ueberries: Blueberries B y Apple Fall, Wine B ottl e: Autumns Calling Wine Bottle B y Dust B unny, Pil l ar: Pill ar Table B y Apple Fall, B irdcage: B ird Cage With Flowers B y Zenith, Stump: Kira Tree Stump B y Aria, A pothecar y Cabinet: Wanderlust Ivy Apothecary Cabinet B y Dust B unny, Crate: Autumn Picnic Crate B y Cheeky Pea, Wine B ottl es: Forest Winebottles B y B azar, Wine B ottl e: Bow B ells Boozer Red Wine Bottle B y Madpea, Wine B ottl e: Bow B ells Boozer White Wine Bottle B y Madpea, Ar tichokes: Decorative Artichokes B y Apple Fall, Stump: Autumns Calling Pl ate Setting B y Dust B unny, Fl ower Pot: Forest Flower Pot B y B azar, Mor tar & Pestl e: Pestle & Mortar B y Apple Fall, Garl ic: Garlic B raid B y Gl am Affair, Candl e: B ean Candle B y Mudhoney, Candl e: Artichoke Candle B y Mudhoney, Honey Pot: Honey Pot B y Apple Fall, Cactus Pl anter: Larkin Set Cactus Pl anter B y Pilot, Wood Sl ab: Wooden Pl ank Table B y Thor, Pl ant: Storybook Living Cake Tin Pl anter B y Dust B unny, B ooks: Books B y Apple Fall, Dahl i as: Dahlia J ug B y Dust B unny, Wine Crate: Wine Crate B y B al acl ava, Gramophone: Storybook Living Gramaphone B y Dust B unny, Candl es: Stockholm-Bottle Candles B y B azar, Ivy: Holborn Hanging Ivy B y Ys & Ys, Strawberry J ams: Green Grocers Strawberry J am B y 8F8, Herbs: Kitchen Essentials Chives And Parsley B y Vespertine, Tabl e Card: Forest Menu Card B y B azar, Sunfl ower B asket: Spring Picnic B asket With Sunflowers B y Zenith, J ams: Preserves B y Lark (Store Closed), Cup Of Dais y: Wanderlust Daisy Teacup B y Dust B unny, Cup Of B ouquet: Wanderlust Bouquet Teacup B y Dust B unny, Pl ant: Reaching Pl ant B y Apple Fall, Cl uster Of Cotton: Cotton Cluster B y Apple Fall, J ar Of Honey: Honey Pot B y Lark (Store Closed), Cheese: A siago Cheese B y Lark (Store Closed).


jan / feb 2017 - the ar t of food



jan / feb 2017 - the ar t of food



ur Own:

wall art

Instructions... GUIDE BY BAMBI FOXDALE / STYLING BY BAMBI FOXDALE / PHOTOGRAPHY BY JORDAN GIANT The Steps: 1. Rezz Vespertine’s Never stop dreaming glass jar and right click for the Edit menu. Tick the Select Face option and click the lid of the jar. In the Texture tab increase the Transparency to 100% . This will open the J ar for you.

Whether you are decorating your home in Second Life® or in your real home, one of the best tips out there is to have more than one source of light (sunlight, lamps, candles etc.). This little piece will add both light and colour to your home in just a few easy steps and can give you a nice Do it Yourself idea for your real home.

4. 2.




jan / feb 2017 - make it your own

2. Rezz o flowerpo flowers. R Again, Ti click pot the Trans metal fra

ne of DRD’s Gardenhouse ots. Unlink the pot and delete the Right click for the Edit menu. ck the Select Face option and itself. In the Texture tab increase sparency to 100% . Now you have a ame.

3. Place the jar in the frame and modify its size and shape to fit the frame. Link the two together and by pressing Shift on your keyboard and dragging the now frames jar, create a copy.

5. Rezz UnKindness May Flowers Fence and place the framed flower jars on the fence and link them all together.

4. Rezz the bottles with the flowers from LODE’s Muskare Bottles Collection. Unlink the items and delete the bottles. Place the flowers in the jars and play with their sizes and shapes to fit them as you like and then link them together. 6. Enjoy your new item.



































jan / feb 2017 - di rector y































*All stores listed are from what was used in this issue.



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