LTD Magazine March/April 2017

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D U TC H I E | K U N S T | B O L D WA L L PA P E R S | M A S C U L I N E B E D RO O M S F LOW E R S H O P S | JA PA N E S E FO O D | W I N E C E L L A R S | E A S T E R



mar / apr 2017 - newsletter

Goodbye snow, hello lavender! Trying to think of what to say each issue can be a task and a half because all the things we want to mention, we have to stop ourselves because we do not want to spoil the issue before you even get to take a look. Every issue, we always say how amazing the LTD Staff are and how each issue, they keep surprising us with their sets. This issue is no different. Jordan; our amazingly talented Editor in Chief pulled out a big fresh line-up for all of us, and the staff did everything perfectly. This issue, we feature the talented Froukje Hoorenbeek from Dutchie and Kunst Himmel from Kunst. The articles on both of these creative artists are beautiful to read. It is a must read. It was a pleasure to have both of them be featured in this issue. You will not be disappointed with this issue, there are some new sections to this issue, lot's of ideas to freshen up your home. We are super pleased to see Homme Living has returned which we are sure, all of you will be happy to see again. Too many awesome sections to choose a favourite this issue. Finally, we want to thank all of you for continuing your support for LTD and help keep this Magazine going. We do this for the residents of Second LifeÂŽ and showcase all the stores out there. It is because of all of you and the staff at LTD as to why this Magazine exists. So, thank you for everything. As always, happy reading and love to decorate,

y t i r a y l e l t C r a l H a i i r o v l t E Edi Editorial Clarity D I R E C TO R o f LTD

Elvi Hartley C E O o f LTD




mar / apr 2017 - editor’s note

R... Don't let the sun go down. . . Right now, everything feels like a fresh new start to me. I don’ t know even why, but the year did not start well for me and now, I feel like I can finally inhale deeply without heavy things that are laying on my chest. The last few weeks were stuffed with heavy rain and storm and this isn’ t helpful for when you are in a mood. I felt like a small worm crawling through a field of mud, but lately the sun slowly made her way through and I had the feeling that I slowly got better but in the end, it all can just be my pure imagination. Even if it might be, who cares if it helps, it just does. So, the work on this issue was a pleasure since there are a lot of bright, colorful and fresh topics that were and are very mood uplifting. If it might be our Living in Feature which is focused on pastel candy colors or our Retrowave Topic that is focused on the bright colors and style of the 80s, it brought up my mood. But that was the idea I had, I wanted to have this issue to be colorful, airy, fresh and bright and I must say that our stylists did well with their sets. They created airy vegetable gardens and landscapes that were inspired by the Yosemite National Park and I could go on with all the tasty J apanese Food they found or the up cheerful flower shops that they had created, but just keep on browsing and see for yourselves. I am also very happy that we have the pleasure of having two very talented people with us for this issue: Froujke Hoorenbeek from Dutchie and Kunst Himmel from Kunst – I just want to say a huge thank you to you both for wanting to be part of this issue. So, I hope you all will enjoy this issue, thank you for your support and if you have feedback of anything to share, please feel free to send me an email to So, bye for now… until next time and happy browsing.

t n a i G n a d r Jo Jordan Giant E d i to r i n C h i e f o f LTD M a g azi n e




mar / apr 2017

DI RECTOR OF LTD: Editorial Clarity

INTERIOR STYLISTS: Aaisling Resident Amelie Fravoisse Anala Royal Augusta Godenot B ambi Foxdale Brent Lockhearst Britain Knave Damien Powell Eden Taylor Elvi Hartley Eva Weimes Frederick Lancaster Giovanni Levesque J ackson Verlack J ack Hanby Johanna Frost Jordan Giant J une Fallon Lauren Minuet Lemon Panda LoganCallaghan Resident Manis Lane May Vossie Michiko Umino Monika Forman Pokute Burt RockaBill ySun Dethl y Rooky Yootz Sasifraz Foxtrot Sawa Gothl y SeleneDark Neximus Shocking Wonder Skippy Beresford Tracei Moore



WRITERS: Eden Taylor Liat Reina LoganCallaghan Resident Miwa Menna Mozart Loordes Rosal yn Macarthur SisterButta Resident Taylor Wassep Victoria Brinner


PHOTOGRAPHERS: Absinthe Aaisling Resident Amelie Fravoisse Britain Knave Elvi Hartley Johanna Frost Jordan Giant Kiana J arman Lauren Minuet LoganCallaghan Resident Lulu J ameson May Vossie Nariko Okawa Nikolai Warden Pokute Burt RockaBill ySun Dethl y Sawa Gothl y Skippy Beresford VeronicaLynn Parx

WEBSITE STAFF: Gabrielle Somersley Mozart Loordes Silver Shine Donardson Wendz Tempest ADVERTISING: Gabrielle Somersley Rooky Yootz FOUNDERS OF LTD: Editorial Clarity RicoRacer Flux

F IND US ONL INE Join us online: www. Plurk: http://www. Facebook: Twitter: Flickr: The Event Flickr:







Lifestyle Journal

Take a peak into Froukje Hoorenbeeks world.

Mozart Loordes and Jordan Giant explored Second LifeÂŽ and came across a beautiful piece of land.




Homme Living

Meet the creator behind it all, Kunst Himmel.

Masculine Bedrooms that scream all the right things at you.



Life on Walls

Decorating With

Let the walls come alive in your home and express your inspiration.

Jackson Verlack showing his dream home to us all.



At Home

New Land

Creating your perfect wine cellar.

Inspired by Yosemite National Park, it makes you want to move there.



LTD Special

In the Streets

LTD has taken a trip to the MadPea International Food Fair.

Let's take a trip to the streets, and pick up some beautiful flowers for our home.

mar / apr 2017 - contents



Designs By Knave

The Shopping List

Britain Knave is back with her flair for decorating with dreamy homes.

The staff favourites of the moment.



Home & Garden

Functional Spaces

Vegetable gardens and greenhouses!

Micro apartments that can be used in many ways.




The Difference

Time to warp back to the eighties!

Soy Bath Set used in two different ways.



Family Living

The Art of Food

The families have gone on an adventure for Easter!

Let's take a trip to Japan!



Living In

Make It Your Own

Candy Tones. Bringing out the pastels.

Custom made DIY Bathroom Vanities.


LT D MA R CH/A P R I L 2 01 7 I S S U E FE AT U R E D D ES I G N E R S



froukje hoorenbeek


here are three types of people in Second Life®. The first are those that do not have a home and depend on public sandboxes for rezzing privileges; the second is residents that have their own home but tend to decorate and walk away and only change things when they buy something amazing. The third types consist of people who change their home furnishings frequently and usually with regularity, often ensuring it becomes part of their weekly routine. Obviously, the latter is generally the kind that designers can depend on to put their children through college and can usually be spotted at every shopping event on the grid or just off the little overflow side of the Arcade as the doors open. I tend to identify with type number two. I like to set up my house up as I like it and only change it when I either must move, fall in love with a new home or find that must have item. Regardless of your own preference it is important to ensure that the furniture or home you choose is your own individual style and functional to your needs. With so many different designers out there creating amazing items and homes, the choices in décor available to you is huge with some very well-known brands still continuing to provide Second Life® residents with some of the most amazing and realistic furniture, homes and décor items. Dutchie is a well-known brand within Second Life® and has been featured at various events around the grid. With somewhat more of a focus on homes and builds rather than the smaller decor pieces, this brand has been established as one of the most creative and quality focused on the grid. With such creative skill and talent, I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet with Froukje Hoorenbeek to get insight into the newest houseboat project she has been working on as well as her own future aspirations. Dutchie, aptly named after the nationality of Froukje, specializes in homes and builds with inspirations taken from real life buildings seen around the Netherlands and through work of local Dutch Builders. While building, she lives inside the home so she can get a real feel for the camera angles and décor options and really gets to know every inch of the space. Working on a full-time designer basis now, Froukje joined Second Life® with no building experience. Crediting her useful first landlord and neighbors with assisting her at first, her interest was piqued in designing when trying to make builds lower prim and improving on the then freebie houses available. Through YouTube and asking fellow designers for tips and tricks, she has since developed skills in mesh, scripting, texturing, marketing and doing her own vendor boards and pictures. Froukje uses programs such as Blender, Sculptris, Marvelous designer and Photoshop drawing ideas from various sources such as Pinterest and items seen around her everyday life even including the sectional in her own home modelled on her Real-Life sectional. She is continually working to improve on her own skills and considers designers around Second Life® such as Colleen Desmoulins from Loft, Apple Fall and Alecat Breda from N4RS as some of her personal and professional motivators. While her own learning curve has most definitely been very steep, Froukje is committed to continuing to move with technological advances within Second Life® and ensuring her items continue to be as mainstream and functional as possible for the general population. Her most valuable advice for other new designers looking to get into their own stores and events would be to “make the designs your yourself, make what you want or what you need.


mar / apr 2017 - featured designer




mar / apr 2017 - featured designer



mar / apr 2017 - featured designer

It will make the time it takes to make these items worth it. And once you find your niche, run with it as far as you can” When walking into the Dutchie location, it is very easy to find something you like and want to use on your own land. Froukje brings the Dutch touch to life within Second Life®. She tends to build what she sees around her and at times, may build something in Second Life® and then purchase it in Real Life for herself. When asked to pick a favorite creation, Froukje was clear that she loves every design she works on for different reasons and pours her heart and soul into each one, including the new houseboat due for release very soon. She calls her designs “toys for adults” ensuring we have all the items we need to fulfill the fantasies we have for our homes within Second Life® When asked what we can expect to see coming up for Dutchie, Froukje is careful not to reveal too much stating “something exciting is definitely in the works” in the form of a potential collaboration. She feels that she is changing with the times and does not plan too much instead relying on her instincts, culture and curiosity. When finished with her houseboat, she does plan to make some outside furnishings stating that she has always wanted to create a sauna or boathouse to add to her already vast collection available in Second Life® Generally, it can be easy to forget that designers are just normal people like you and me, who are working hard to make their own legacy within Second Life®. I was fortunate to be reminded of this fact again through my meeting of Froukje Hoorenbeek. The style, grace, humility and sense of humor she exudes is impressive. While she is already creating beautiful homes and furnishings, she is still committed to getting better and to continue making our Second Life® homes beautiful. It is very easy to see why Dutchie has been so successful with the commitment and creativity she has shown in projects in both Second Life® and Real Life. Informations and Links: • • • •

Dutchie on the Marketplace Dutchie In-World Dutchie on Flickr Dutchie's Website



mar / apr 2017 - featured designer


STYLING CREDITS. . . MAIN HOUSE DECOR B uil ds: Vill a: Vill a Utrecht B y Dutchie, B oat: House Boat B y Dutchie, B each Cottages: B each Cottage B y Dutchie.

PORCH Cl og: Hanging Clog B y Dutchie, Door Mat: Door Mat B y Swa y's, Fl owers: Neva's Laundry B asket B y Apple Fall, Hanging Pl anter: Summer Hanging B asket B y Heart, Lamp: Countryside Outdoor Lamp B y Trompe Loeil, Lavender Pl ant: Lavender B y Dutchie, Mail B ox: Vintage Porch Mailbox B y Botanical, Potted Pl ants: Philodendron B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ants: Schefflera B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ants: Portico Potted Cal adium B y The Lof t & Aria, Rocking Chair: B ramley Rocking Chair B y What Next, Window Pl anters: Pl anter With Lavender B y Dutchie.

LANDSCAPE B each: Tropical B each B y Studio Skye, B ushes: Shrubs B y We're Closed, B ushes: Shrub B y Happy Mood, Car t: Wooden Cart B y Botanical, Cl if fs: Lofoten B y Fanatik, Dock: Dock B y Ilo, Dock Lamps: Waterfront Street Light B y What Next, Fern: Sword Fern B y Botanical, Fountain: Valiano Fountain B y Trompe Loeil, Grasses: Wild Grasses B y Studio Skye, Grasses: Pampas Grass B y Cube Republic, Grasses: Downy Grasses B y Alirium, Ivy: Fallen Ivy B y 3D Trees, Path: Whitehall Pathwa y B y Apple Fall, R apeseed: Nanohana B y Alirium, Trees: Enchanted Woods B y Studio Skye, Trees: Alder Trees B y Heart, Trees: Alder B y Forest Floor, Trees: Scots Pines B y Studio Skye, Trees: Oak Tree B y Studio Skye, Wheel barrow: New B eginnings Wheelbarrow B y 8f8.

LIVING ROOM Ar t: The Sketch B y Gertrude Kasebier B y Dutchie, B asket W/ Pil l ows: Pillow Holder B y The Lof t, B ooks: Paint Books B y Mudhoney, B ooks: Fashion Books B y Mudhoney, B ooks: Interior Books B y Mudhoney, B ooks: Design Books B y Apple Fall, Cacti: Thea Potted Cactus B y Aria, Cactus: Cactus B all B y J unk, Candl es: Low Candlestick B y Dutchie, Candl es: Pl aster Candles B y Apple Fall, Chairs: Art Deco Chair B y Dutchie, Chandel ier: Cl assic Chandelier B y Fancy Decor, Cl ock: Carriage Clock B y Apple Fall, Cof fee Tabl e: Ines Coffee Table B y Trompe Loeil, Consol e: Amelie Console Table B y What Next, Firepl ace: Stone Firepl ace B y Dutchie, Firepl ace Screen: Scrollwork Screen B y The Lof t, Horse: Pl aster Horse B y Apple Fall, Lamp: Antique Copper Standing Lamp B y Dutchie, Log B asket: Wood B asket B y Dutchie, Log Stand: B ailey Firepl ace Tools B y Alouette, Mirror: Stone Mirror B y The Lof t, Photo Ar t: Photo Coll age B y Dutchie, Pil l ows: Roxy Square Pillow B y The Lof t, Pil l ows: Serendipity Throw Pillow B y Aria, Potted Lavender: Lavande B y Cinphul, Potted Pl ant: Schefflera B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Fl ax B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Serendipity Potted Monstera Deliciosa B y Aria, Potted Pl ant: Ponytail Palm B y Soy, Rug: Art Deco Rug B y Dutchie, Screen: Ines Weave Screen B y Trompe Loeil, Sofa: Art Deco Sofa B y Dutchie, Squirrel: Ceramic Chubby Squirrel B y Apple Fall, Tray: Laura Tra y B y Mudhoney, Vase: B abybreath Vase B y Dust B unny.

STUDY A sh Tray: Ezra A shtra y B y Second Spaces, B asket: Knitting B asket B y Vespertine, B oard Game: Let's Pl a y Scrabble B y Apple Fall, B ook: Open Book B y Apple Fall, B ook Shelves: Library B y Dutchie, B ooks: Antique Books B y Dutchie, B ooks: Dictionary And Thesaurus B y Dutchie, B ooks: Books W/ Deer Head Bookends B y Apple Fall, Chairs: Wingback Club Chair B y Dutchie, Chess: Chess Set B y Theosophy (Store Closed), Dog B ed: Sleepy Italian Greyhound In Dog B ed B y Half Deer, Firepl ace: Ambrose Firepl ace B y The Lof t & Aria, Firepl ace Screen: New B eginnings Firepl ace Fence B y 8F8, Fl owers: Lillies B y Apple Fall, Lamp: Standing Library Lamp B y Dutchie, Laptop: Laptop B y Dutchie, Mirror: Antique Mirror B y Dutchie, Mug: Coffee Mug B y Dutchie, Pil l ows: Bl air Decorative Cushion B y Aria, Potted Pl ant: Schefflera B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Boston Fern On Pot Stand B y Mesh Pl ants, Pouf: Leather Pouf B y Dutchie, Rug: Persian Rug B y Dutchie, Side Tabl e: Side Table B y Dutchie, Stool: Mont Bl anc Step Stool B y Atelier Visconti, Tabl e: B ackgammon Table B y Apple Fall, Tabl e Lamp: Small Study Lamp B y Dutchie.

KITCHEN Ar t: Wall Art Green Teapot B y Minuet, B akeware: Kitchen B asics B akeware B y Tres Bl ah, B asket: Hanging Wicker B asket B y Apple Fall, B l ender: B lender B y Dust B unny, B read: Sourbread Loaf In Tin B y Apple Fall, B read B asket: Poppy Seed Loaves B y Apple Fall, Cabinets: Kitchen Cabinets B y Dutchie, Canisters: Coffee, Tea, Sugar B y Dutchie, Cof fee Maker: Coffee Machine B y Dust B unny, Cook B ook Stand: Prepared 4 B aking B y Vespertine, Cutting B oards: Kitchen Essentials Chopping Boards B y S ari-S ari, Fl ower Tin: Rusted Flour Tin B y Apple Fall, Fl owers: Daffodils J ug B y Apple Fall, Fl owers: Milk Urn W/ Wild Geraniums B y Apple Fall, Gourds: Gourds In Vintage Bowl B y Apple Fall, I roning B oard: Ironing Board B y Dutchie, I sl and: Kitchen Isl and B y Dutchie, Laundr y B asket: Laundry B asket B y Dutchie, Mop: B ucket With Mop B y Dutchie, Oil s: Olive Oil Bottles B y Dutchie, Pan: Pan B y Dutchie, Pie: Neva's Fresh Apple Pie B y Apple Fall, Recipe B ox: Recipebox B y Vespertine, Refrigerator: 1930' S Refrigerator B y Dutchie, Scal e: Neva's Antique Scales B y Apple Fall, Shelf: Neva's Kitchen Shelf B y Apple Fall, Sif ter: Primavera In Toscana Sif ter With Roses B y 8F8, Stacked B owl s: Kitchen B asics Bowls B y Tres B l ah, Stool s: B arrel Stool B y Trompe Loeil, Storage Pots: Rice And Pasta B y Dutchie, Stove: Cooker B y Dutchie, Tea Set: J uliette Tea Set B y Apple Fall, Toaster Oven: Toaster Oven B y Dust B unny.

DINING ROOM Ar t: Night In Shinagawa B y Negoro Raizan B y Dutchie, Ar tichokes: Decorative Artichokes B y Apple Fall, B ar Car t: Pepta Drink Cart Set B y The Lof t, Cabinet: B iedermeier Cupboard B y Dutchie, Candl es: Amy Candlesticks B y Mudhoney, Car t: Drink Cart Silver B y The Lof t, Chairs: Meeting Chair B y Dutchie, Drapes: Meid Drapes B y The Lof t, Fl owers: Call a Lilies B y Apple Fall, Gl ass B ottl es: Gl ass Decanters B y Dutchie, Pl ace Settings: Casol are Pl ace Setting B y The Lof t, Pl ates: Decorative Standing Pl ates B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Schefflera B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: L'olivier B y Apple Fall, Rug: B eige Floral Rug B y The Lof t, Sideboard: Fleur Sideboard B y Apple Fall, Tabl e: Dining/ Meeting Table B y Dutchie, Tea Cups: Lemon Tea B y Apple Fall, Tea Cups: Cups And S aucers With Milk And Sugar Set B y Dutchie, Tea Pot: Tiffany Tea Pot B y Apple Fall, Tiered Pl atter: Treats Pl atter B y Apple Fall, Wine Gl asses: Red Wine Gl asses B y Dutchie.

COTTAGE B ike: Pl anter's Habitat B ike Pl anter B y Consignment, B irdhouse: B irdhouse Wicked B y Zigana, B ucket: Our Little Garden B ucket of Tools B y S ari-S ari, Cof fee Pot: Kitchen B asics Coffee Pot B y Tres B l ah, Cottage: Hedwigepolder B y Dutchie, Door Mat: Door Mat Home B y Swa y's, Drink Tray: Elderflower Cordial B y Apple Fall, Empty Pots: Empties B y Zigana,


mar / apr 2017 - featured designer



mar / apr 2017 - featured designer

Envel opes: Envelopes B y Dutchie, Fence: Crandfield Fence B y Apple Fall, Gnome: Friendl y Gnome B y Mutresse, Hanging Pl anter: Summer Hanging B asket B y Heart, Hedges: Trimmed Box Hedge B y Apple Fall, Ivy: Ivy B y Elibail y, Log B asket: Wood B asket B y Dutchie, Newspaper: Rainey B istro Newspaper B y Cheeky Pea, Parasol: Spring Parasol B y Apple Fall, Patio Stones: Via Appia B y Fanatik, Pl ant Stand: Rustic Garden Step Displ a y B y Death Row Designs, Pot Characters: Our Little Garden Potman B y S ari-S ari, Potted Fl owers: Tulips B y Heart, Potted Herbs: Herbs B y Zigana, Potted Pl ant: Schefflera B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Pl ants B y Zigana, Potting Tabl e: The Happy Gardener Set B y Pixel Mode, Shed: North Sea Shed B y Vespertine, Tabl e & Chairs: Garden Set B y Dutchie, Topi ar y Pl anter: Design A Pl anter B y Apple Fall, Tul ip Pl anters: Spring Bloom Tulip Pl anter B y What Next, Vase: Emma Tulips Bouquet B y What Next, Wheel barrow: Rustic Garden Wheelbarrow Displ a y B y Death Row Designs, Wreath: B lossom Wreath B y Apple Fall, Grasses: Wild Grasses B y Studio Skye, Ivy: Fallen Ivy B y 3D Trees, R apeseed: Nanohana B y Alirium, Trees: Alder Trees B y Heart, Trees: Honeysuckle B y Heart.

GETAWAY BEDROOM B uil d: Tea Dome De Vecht B y Dutchie, Ar t: Man And Woman In Grey And In Green B y Yo Sugano B y Dutchie, B ag: Valise B y Dutchie, B ag: B each B ag B y Dutchie, B ed: Gustavian B ed B y Dutchie, B l inds: Painted Wooden Blinds B y Dutchie, B ooks: Antique Books B y Dutchie, Camera: Vintage Camera W/ Tripod [Mod] B y Apple Fall, Canopy: All White Canopy B y Zerkalo, Case: Jolie Train Case B y Tres Bl ah, Cl ock: Travel Clock B y Dutchie, Cur tains: Long Sheer Curtains B y Dutchie, Dresser: Gustavian Dresser B y Dutchie, Envel opes: Envelopes B y Dutchie, Fl owers: Lillies B y Dutchie, Lamp: Antique Copper Standing Lamp B y Dutchie, Lamps: Trellis Lamp B y The Lof t, Laptop: Laptop B y Dutchie, Makeup: Makeup An Toiletries B y Dutchie, Mirror: Antique Mirror B y Dutchie, Open B ook: Book With Gl asses B y Dutchie, Pl ant: Enamelled Chinese Vase With Palm Leaves B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Blue Fern B y Dutchie, R adi ator: Antique Cast Iron Radiator B y Dutchie, R adio: Old Radio B y Dutchie, Rug: Art Decor Rug B y Dutchie, Side Tabl es: B edside Table B y Dutchie, Suitcase: Suitcase B y Dutchie, Suitcases: Bon Voyage Stacked Suitcases B y Tres Bl ah, Tray: Tra y With Bl ack Coffee B y Dutchie, Trunk: Trunk B y Dutchie.

BATHROOM B uil d: St. J ames Manor B y DAD Design, Ar t: A Gust Of Wind B y Emil Orlik B y Dutchie, Ar t: Swan Study B y Apple Fall, B ook: Book With Gl asses B y Dutchie, Cur tain: Toronto B athroom Curtain B y B azar, Fl owers: Closed Poppies B y MudHoney, Fl owers: Orchid B y Dutchie, Hamper: Cl assic B athroom Hamper B y Trompe Loeil, Hanging B ucket: B athroom Clutter B ucket Of Things B y Second Spaces, Hanging Robe: B athrobe B y Dutchie, Medicine Cabinet: Cl assic Medicine Cabinet B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Agl aonema B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Red Agave B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Vivien Potted Dieffenbachia B y Aria, Potted Pl ant: L'Olivier B y Apple Fall, Potted Pl ant: Lavender B y Dutchie, R adio: The Odyssey Radio On Books B y Ispachi (Store Closed), Roses: Roses Box B y Apple Fall, Rug: B athroom Mat B y Dutchie, Scal e: B remen Scale B y Cheeky Pea, Shelf: Toronto B athroom Shelf B y B azar, Sink: Vintage Washstand B y Dutchie, Soap B ottl e: Vivien Soap Dispenser B y Aria, Tabl es: Annan Sidetable B y Apple Fall, Toil et: Vintage Toilet B y Dutchie, Towel: Towel On The Ground B y Dutchie, Towel R ack: Vivien Towel Rack B y Aria, Tray: Karen Vanity Tra y B y Mudhoney, Tray: Spa Necessities B y Dutchie, Tub: Iron Cast B ain De B ateau B y Dutchie, Tub Shelf: B axter B athtub Tra y B y The Lof t & Aria.

COUNTRY BEDROOM B uil d: Leafy Hollow Cottage B y The Domineaux Effect, Armoire: Teak B edroom Closet B y Dutchie, Ar t: J apanese Panel Winter B y Dutchie, Ar t: Eclectic Collection Trio B y Tres Bl ah, B ag: Handbag & Scarf B y Apple Fall, B ed: Teak Canopy B ed B y Dutchie, B ooks: Eclectic Collection Charmed Books B y Tres Bl ah, B oxes: Eclectic Collection Nesting Box Set B y Tres Bl ah, Cl ock: Vintage Russian Al armclock B y Dutchie, Drapes: Drape B y The Lof t, Dress Form: Dress Form W/ Dress B y Apple Fall, Fl owers: Daffodils J ug B y Apple Fall, Fl owers: Lilies Lil ac B y The Lof t, Fl owers: Orchidaceae B y Fancy Decor, Hat B ox: Hat Box B y Apple Fall, J ewel r y B ox: Silver J ewelry Box B y Zaara Home, Luggage: Monogram Luggage B ag B y Apple Fall, Makeup: Jolie Makeup Clutter B y Tres B l ah, Makeup B ag: Eclectic Collection Makeup B ag B y Tres B l ah, Makeup Pots: Kohl-Tikka Pots B y Zaara Home, Mirror: Vanity Mirror B y Tres Bl ah, Perfume: Eclectic Collection Perfume B y Tres B l ah, Perfume: Jolie Vintage Bottle B y Tres Bl ah, Perfume: Attar Perfume Bottles B y Zaara Home, Phone: Antique Telephone B y Zaara Home, Pil l ows: Pillow Tree B y Apple Fall, Pil l ows: Eclectic Collection Cat Face Pillow B y Tres Bl ah, Pl ant: Reaching Pl ant B y Apple Fall, Potted Pl ant: Philodendron B y Dutchie, Potted Pl ant: Schefflera B y Dutchie, Rug: Rug Green Striped B y Dutchie, Screen: Teak Folding Screen B y Dutchie, Side Tabl e: Teak B edside Table B y Dutchie, Tea Tray: Cozy Winter Tea Tra y B y Tres Bl ah, Trunk: Fashion Trunk B y Apple Fall, Vanity: Colonial Vanity Table B y Zaara Home, Vanity Stool: Colonial Vanity Stool B y Zaara Home, Wal l Sconce: Wareham Sconce B y The Lof t, Wal l Sconce Panel: Pl ank Panels B y Fancy Decor.



mar / apr 2017 - featured designer


LT D MA R CH/A P R I L 2 01 7 I S S U E FE AT U R E D D ES I G N E R S



kunst himmel



mar / apr 2017 - featured designer


f you are looking for products ranging from home decor to avatar accessories such as cigarettes, you are likely to be directed toward Kunst Himmel, the mastermind behind the Kunst brand. The Kunst has literally taken Second Life® by storm and can be seen in multiple events around the grid including The Men’s Department, Shiny Shabby, Kustom9 and Uber. With somewhat more of a focus on avatar accessories rather than the raditional decor pieces, this brand has been established as one of the most creative and quality focused on the grid in office furnishings and décor. With such creative skill and talent, I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet with Kunst Himmel to get insight into the Kunst brand and talk about the décor items he specializes in. Kunst was named by the designer Kunst Himmel as a namesake to his own Second Life® first name. Coming from Europe, Kunst first joined Second Life® nine years ago, after a referral by a Real-Life friend promoting the opportunities around the grid. With no real background in building or design, Kunst had basic photoshop skills only and started experimenting with prims and texture uploading mostly. Learning how to build sculpts and later mesh was made easier with the help of online YouTube videos and tutorials and continuous development and practice. Identifying his earlier building and design style more traditionally Bauhaus, Kunst focused on sleek modern furniture and decoration marrying together Second Life® and his own personal favorite style of design. After meeting his partner, Ilaya Himmel, he has evolved his own style to match more current trends with a focus on industrial and shabby as well as art deco. Inspiration for work is very much based on what Kunst sees around him within his own Real Life, making things that he personally owns as well as finding pictures on Pinterest and internet searches. He aspires to make items he personally loves and feels Second Life® needs whenever possible. Additionally, naturally he also draws inspiration from various other designers from around Second Life®. Kunst considers Apple Fall, 8f8, Abiss, Pilot, Junk, Post, Dutchie, Trompe Loeil, Fanatik, [we're CLOSED] and Floorplan some of his own personal favorite brands but was very quick to admit that there are plenty more names and brands out there that he loves and decorates his own Second Life® home with. Kunst has in the past worked in multiple collaborative efforts with brands such as Abiss an ILAYA and has been able to work creatively in doing so. While this is something he identifies as really enjoying doing, it does come with its own challenges including time management and particular difficulties with time zones. This is


something most of us could probably relate to! When walking into the Kunst store, it is very easy to find something you like and could use in your own home or even as avatar accessories. While Kunst likes to model designs on items in real life or using inspirations as already mentioned, this store is filled with something for everyone. He creates items that he loves himself and this translates very well and is a definite way to entice buyers into believing not only in the items but the brand itself. While Kunst does not have a favorite item from his creations, he does make mention of a penny farthing based on his Real-Life grandfather as well as the vintage audio systems. When asked on what advice he would give to someone that is just beginning their journey into content creation on the grid, Kunst is quick to mention the importance of finding original ideas to achieve a personal brand personality. “Working with passion and dedication will show a love for what you do and will translate into the quality of work you put out into Second Life®”. He is quick to add that it is important to learn from other designers because there is some amazing 3D art out there. With the huge presence that the Kunst brand is creating within Second Life® currently and the events it is participating in around the grid, Kunst is one of the busiest creators I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. His pure love and passion for what he does is a credit to the beauty and the interesting designs we can see coming from this exciting brand. His items are worth a look at and a visit to his mainstore is definitely in order for anyone looking for new items for their Second Life® home, office or avatar. Informations and Links: Kunst on the Marketplace Kunst In-World Kunst on Flickr Kunst’s Flickr Group


mar / apr 2017 - featured designer




mar / apr 2017 - featured designer

STYLING CREDITS. . . LIVING ROOM B uil ding: Stardust Cottage B y Scarlet Creative, Rug: Parlor Rug B y Fancy Decor, Crate: Crate And Water Bottles B y Kunst, Trunk: Vintage Trunk B y Kunst, Pl ant: Cell Pl anter B y Kunst, Cups: Stacked J uliette Tea Cups B y Apple Fall, Vase: Iris Vase B y Lode, Sofa: Valencia Sofa B y Kunst, Stool s: Fling Stool B y Kunst, Scal es: Vintage Kitchen Scale B y Kunst, Lamps: Hamilton Lamp B y B al acl ava, Vase: Snapdragon Vase B y Lode, Cup: J uliette Tea Cup B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Potted Pl ant With Stand B y Kunst, Pl ant: Melody Pot B y Lode, Crate: Stamped Crate B y Kunst, Pl ants: Potted Pl ant B y Kunst, Picture: Fling Frame B y Kunst, Picture: Fling Frame With Ivy B y Kunst, Tabl e: Fling Table B y Kunst, Pl ant: Cell Pl anter B y Kunst, B ooks: Chained Books B y Fancy Decor, Open B ook: Old Guest Book B y Thor, Cage: The Mad Scientist's B irdcage B y Half Deer, Pl ant: Potted Pothos B y Soy, Logs: Log B ucket B y J unk, Cabinets: Fashion Cabinet B y Apple Fall, Mirror: Gilded Sunburst Mirror B y Vespertine, B asket: Hanging Wicker B asket B y Apple Fall, Wal l Lamps: Orsett Wall Lantern B y Apple Fall, Mol ds: Vintage J ell y Molds B y Apple Fall, B ottl es: Muskare Bottle B y Lode, Pl ant: Mesh Pl ant B y Ccdesign, Ar t: Welcome Home Palette B y Kunst, Demi johns: Old Demijohn B y Thor, B ottl es: Antique Water Bottle B y Kunst, Pl ant: Pl ant B y Haikei, Pl ant: Rose Vintage B ucket B y Lode, Pl ant: B a y Leaf Topiary And Square Lead Pl anter B y Apple Fall, Cur tain: Milton Curtains B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Hanging Hedera B y Soy.

INDUSTRIAL LIVING ROOM B uil ding: Industrial Lof t Skybox B y Kunst, Tabl e: Industrial Low Table B y Kunst, Tabl e: B arrel Table With Bottles B y Kunst, Rug: Raw Carpet B y Kunst, Pl ant: Cell Pl anter B y Kunst, B ook And Mug: Cooper Book And Fl at White B y Mudhoney, B ook: Old Book B y Not So B ad, Camera: Socialmatik Instant Camera B y Kunst, Pl ant: Cell Pl anter B y Kunst, Pl ant: Potted Tree B y Kunst, Weights: Kettlebells B y Nomad, Tabl e: Industrial Coffee Table B y Kunst, Sketchbook: Notebook B y Sorgo, A shtray: Gear-Wheel A shtra y B y Kunst, Sketchbook: Sketchbook With Sheets B y Thor, Suppl ies: Art Clutter B y Tres Bl ah, Lamp: Industrial B ench Lamp B y Kunst, B ook: School Gradebook B y Thor, B ooks: Design Books B y Apple Fall, Heater: Radiator B y Kunst, Sunbl ind: Industrial Lof t's Door B y Kunst, Hanger: B ranch Photo Hanger B y Kunst, Light: Hanging Log Lights B y Pixel Mode, Locker: Industrial Locker B y Kunst, Pl ant: Potted Pl ant B y Soy, B ooks: Books B y Apple Fall, B oat: Harry's Boat B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Melody Pot B y Lode, Pl ant: Mashroom With Moss B all B y Soy, Pipe: Air Duct B y Kunst, Door: Industrial Lof t's Door B y Kunst, Wine R ack: Wine Stave Wall Rack B y Kunst, B oard: Pegboard B y Kunst, Screwdrivers: Screwdrivers B y Kunst, Poster: Fasteners List B y Kunst, Lamp: J ar Wall Lamp B y Kunst, Skul l: Skull B y Tentacio, Wrenches: Wrenches B y Kunst, Pincers: Pincers B y Kunst, Tabl e: Welder B ench B y Kunst, Vise: Vise B y Kunst, Cl oth: Mechanic's Cloth B y Kunst, J ar: Bolts J ar B y Kunst, Mal l et: Mallet B y Kunst, B ook: Books & Map B y Apple Fall, Fl ower: One Gerbera In B eer Bottle Vase B y Soy, B ol ts: Bolts And Nuts B y Kunst, Hol der: Industrial Wine Holder B y Kunst, Crates: Wine Crate With Bottles B y B al acl ava, Pl ant: Potted Pl ant B y Soy, Crate: Stamped Crate B y Kunst, Pl ant: Potted Pl ant B y Lode, B ottl es: Wine Bottles B y Lode, Logs: Log B ucket B y J unk, Speakers: Vintage Music Centre Speaker B y Kunst, Cl ock: Vintage Table Clock B y Kunst, Pl ayer: Vintage Music Centre B y Kunst, Cabinet: Vintage Music Centre Console B y Kunst, Vinyl Al bums: Vinyl Albums Pile B y Kunst, Tapes: Tapes On Rack B y Kunst, Wal l R ack: Wine And Gl asses Wall Rack B y Kunst, Pl ant: Potted Pl ant B y Soy, B ook: Little Woman Book B y Thor, B ook: Very Good To Laugh Book B y Thor, Shelves: Pipe Shelves B y Kunst, B ottl es: Don Perdigon Bottle B y Kunst, Pl ant: Potted Pl ant B y Soy, B ooks: Encyclopedia B y Thor, Pl ant: Hanging Hedera B y Soy, Pl ant: Potted Pothos B y Soy.

SMALL TABLE SCENE B uil ding: Mansion B y 8F8, Pl ant: B anana Tree B y Apple Fall, Tel escope: Telescope B y Kunst/Abiss, Rug: B raided Rug B y Dust B unny, Stool: Fling Stool B y Kunst, Tabl e: Fling Table B y Kunst, Scal e: Vintage Kitchen Scale B y Kunst, B ooks: Encyclopedia B y Thor, B ook: Ancient Open Book B y Ionic, B ottl e: Antique Water Bottle B y Kunst, Crate: Stamped Crate B y Kunst, Pl ant: Potted Pl ant B y Kunst, Pl ant: Cell Pl anter B y Kunst, Cur tains: Milton Curtains B y Apple Fall, Picture: Fling Frame And Ivy B y Kunst, Shelf: Book Shelf B y Apple Fall, Gl ass: B randy Gl ass B y Kunst.



mar / apr 2017 - featured designer


Life on Wal



bold wallpapers



mar / apr 2017 - l ife on wal ls

STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: Foxford Hill House B y Roost Lamp: My Diy Lamp B y Soy Cabinet: Sunda y Morning Cabinet B y Mishmish Dif fuser: Ceramic Friend Reed Diffuser B y Mishmish Succul ents: Ceramic Friend Pot With Succulents B y Mishmish Tissue: Tissue B y Soy Tree Stump: Adel aide Tree Stump Side Table B y Aria B l ankets: Neatl y Folded Bl ankets B y Half-Deer Rug: Wool Zag Rug B y Dust B unny Frame: Lazy Square Frame B y Floorpl an B ear: B ernie The B ear B y Cute B ytes B l anket: Bl anket B y The Lof t Crib: Modern Crib B y Niche Cushion: Fox Malmo Chair (Mod) B y What Next Shelf: Metallic B racket Shelf B y Half-Deer Fox: Fox Plush Sitting B y Liminality Toys: Let's Pl a y Xylophone B y Roost Frame: Sleep Tight Floor Print B y What Next Cactus: S andbag Cuctas B y Soy Chair: Folding Fur Chair B y Dust B unny Nesting Tabl es: Dipped Nesting Tables B y Dust B unny Wooden Panda: Wooden Panda B y Boogers Drapes: Drapes Solids B y Mudhoney Paper Cranes: Paper Cranes Rain Curtain B y Attic B ooks: Book Pile B y Dust B unny



mar / apr 2017 - l ife on wal ls



mar / apr 2017 - l ife on wal ls




STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: East Ives Guest House B y Roost Sofa: Lennox Sofa B y The Lof t & Aria Pil l ows: Sunda y Morning Decorative Throw Pillows B y Aria Lamps: B abette Standing Lamp (Modified) B y The Lof t & Aria Cof fee Tabl es: Rosalind Coffee Table B y Aria B ooks: Hargrave Decorative Books B y The Lof t & Aria Orb: Decorative Orb B y Fancy Decor Hands Figure: J ewelry Holder B y Aria Rug: B &W Rug B y Fancy Decor Chair: Charlie Chair B y Mudhoney Pil l ow: Ruffled Pillow B y The Lof t Tabl e: Ramses Side Table B y Fancy Decor Lamp: Gold Circle Lamp B y Fancy Decor B ookshelf: Adler Shelf B y Fancy Decor B oxes: Worlidge Box B y Fancy Decor Pl ant: Adam Head B y One Grid Vase: Marrakesh Vase B y Meshworx Horse Figure: Pl aster Horse B y Apple Fall B ooks: Ramses Bookends B y Fancy Decor B ooks: Interior Books B y Mudhoney B oxes: Decorative Box B y Fancy Decor Pl ant: Patio Snake Pl ant (Modified) B y 22769 Picture Frame: London Subwa y Sign (Modified) B y B rixley (Store Closed) Chair: Ramses Chair B y Fancy Decor Tel ephone: Retro Telephone B y The Lof t Room Divider: Rosalind Screen B y Aria Chandel ier: Ramses Chandelier B y Fancy Decor


mar / apr 2017 - l ife on wal ls



mar / apr 2017 - l ife on wal ls


At Home


wine cellars




mar / apr 2017 - at home

B uil d: S ave Room For My Love B y Haikei Lamps: Unlinked From The Drama B uild B y Abiss Wine Shelfs (Long & Modded): Industrial Wall Shelf B y The Hive B ottl es I n Shelf: Cabernet Suavignon 2012 B y Kunst B owed Wine Shelf: Wine Stave Wall Rack B y Kunst Crossed Wine Shelf: Industrial Wine Rack B y Kunst Cross Light: Darkroom S afelight B y Anc Hanging Pl ant: Super Long Hanging Hedera B y Soy Music Center: Vintage Music Centre B y Kunst Neon: The Midnight Society B y Floorpl an Pipe Shelves: Pipe Shelves B y Kunst B ottl es: Chardonna y 201 6 Bottles B y Kunst, Merlot 2012 Bottles B y Kunst, Cabernet Suavignon 2012 Bottles B y Kunst, Don Perdigon

Oenotheque B y Kunst, Don Perdigon Rose B y Kunst, Don Perdigon B rut B y Kunst. Cur tain: Long Drape B y Pixel Mode Sofa: Aurora Modul ar Sectional B y Aria (Not Avail able) Wine B ottl e Hol der: Industrial Wine Holder B y Kunst Sofa Tabl e: Aurora Modul ar Sectional B y Aria Sofa Tabl e (Surface): Industrial Table B y Revival A shtray: Ultimate A shtra y B y Nikotin Tabl e Lamps: Egg Of J ewels B y Half Deer Side Lamps: Tube Lamps B y Revival



mar / apr 2017 - at home



mar / apr 2017 - at home






mar / apr 2017 - at home

B uil d: Wine Cell ar Skybox B y Commoner, Gl ass Wal l With Door: Greenwich Apartment B y Pixel Mode, Potted Monstera: Serendipity Potted Monstera Deliciosa B y Aria, Frame Ar t B l ack: Subwa y Art Red Wine B y Roost, Frame Ar t White: Subwa y Art White Wine B y Roost, Tabl e: Sl at Table B y Fancy Decor, B oxed Wine: Boxed Wine (Merlot) B y Commoner, B oxed Wine: Boxed Wine (Chardonna y) B y Commoner, Consol e: Wood Console B y Fancy Decor, B ar Stool: B ar Stool B y Commoner, Ivy: Holborn Hanging Ivy B y Ys&Ys, Pot: Cactus Pot B y Floorpl an, Tabl et: Tablet Register B y Fancy Decor, Wine Set: Wine Set B y B azar, Stopper Window: Stopper Window B y 220Ml, Shelving: Wood B lock Shelves B y J unk, Wine Gl asses: Wine Gl ass Shelf B y Commoner, B ooks: Wine Books B y Ys&Ys, Wine B ag: Drink Me B y B rocante, Wine B ag: Rose B y B rocante, Wine B ag: Pull Out B y B rocante, Hanging Pl ant: Vine Orb B y Kaerri, Wal l Ivy: The Ivy Vineage B y Leijin, B ottl e Hol der: Vineyard Bottle Holder B y Blue Sky, Wine B ottl e Rose: Table Wine (Rose) B y Commoner, Wine B ottl e White: Table Wine (White) B y Commoner, Wine B ottl e Red: Table Wine (Red) B y Commoner, Wine R ack: Rack Of Wine (Rose) B y Commoner, Wine R ack: Rack Of Wine (White) B y Commoner, Wine R ack: Rack Of Wine (Red) B y Commoner, Tabl e: Roxanne Industrial Table B y The Lof t, Chair: Roxanne Chair B y The Lof t, Tabl e Runner: Table Runner B y Mudhoney, Wine B otttl es: Wine Botttles B y B azar, Wine Gl asses: Wine Cup B y 220Ml, Cheese: Cheese Pl ate Round B y Velvet Whip, Succul ents: Succulents B y The Secret Store, Smal l B ox Of Chocol ates: Desir B y Pewpew, B ig B ox Of Chocol ates: Rocher B y Pewpew, Wine B ottl e: Bottle With Stopper And Corkscrew B y 220Ml, Wine B ottl e Open: Bottle Open B y 220Ml, Empty Wine Gl ass: Empty Cup B y 220Ml.



mar / apr 2017 - at home


LTD Specia P

eople who are not familiar with our virtual world occasionally ask me why I am wasting my time playing in a world where nothing can be said to have been created in reality. Well, it's at least partially true, unlike other real life hobbies there's nothing creatively produced at the end that can be felt or touched. What we do produce sometimes are good photographs and mesh items that are accessible through a computer and can be enjoyed that way. One of the good things about Second LifeÂŽ is that when fundraising happens it becomes something more than the virtual world in that other folk's hearts can be touched. We contribute to such things out of the goodness of our hearts in the hope that we can make a difference to a section of people in the real world. Sometimes we are concerned that our contributions might not always reach the people who really need them, but quite honestly, this is the same in first life. You pay your lindens or you hand over a portion of your wages and you cross your fingers! The recent MadPea Productions International Food Fair has addressed some of these issues in their recent fundraising efforts for the "Feed a Smile" project. So where does your money go? MadPea are working with the registered non-profit charity "Live and Learn in Kenya Int" (LLK) which is based in Selb,

Germany and Nakuru, Kenya. The charity aims to to feed, educate and support impoverished children who live the slums of Nakuru. These are places where the child mortality rate is so high that they are fortunate to reach the age of six and they are tasked with multiple challenges such as malnutrition, dysentery and malaria. The fund-raising money is to go towards the construction of a permanent kitchen at the LLI School in Kenya which the Kenyan Ministry of Education has insisted be built. At present, the charity is supporting 180 children with breakfast and lunch each school day, and 480 children on Saturdays and during school breaks. They do their best under poor conditions but it isn't easy and a permanent, clean kitchen has become a necessity. They had to begin construction by the end of February 2017, so the timing of MadPea Productions' fundraiser was spot on. MadPea Productions opened the fair on February 19th, and it hosted 59 designers, 14 Sponsors, 13 Artists and 36 Live Entertainers. 50% of every item bought at the Fair and 100% of direct donations were given to the Feed a Smile project. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of Second LifeÂŽ residents over 2 million Lindens have been raised at the time of writing, that's over 8 thousand real life dollars and building has begun on the kitchen!



madpea international food fair

The end goal to finish the kitchen is over 9 million Lindens, that's 37 thousand US dollars. Even though this Second LifeÂŽ project has now finished, you can still make a donation through GlobalGiving where you'll receive a donation receipt ( Organiser, Brique Topaz, has been fund raising for LLK's Feed a Smile project for a number of years now, and you can still support this effort by attending her charity event venue, a virtual club called "The Lavender Field" which Second LifeÂŽ musicians have formed for free. They give their tips to Feed a Smile. Donating just 100 Lindens which is 30 cents in real terms, is the cost of a warm meal for a Kenyan child. Brique says that her board of directors at LLK are amazed that virtual fundraising now pays for a third of the meals cooked at the school in Nakuru a month. In addition, the charity also provides medical and dental care for children, including checkups and vaccinations. 100% of the donations received by LLK are transferred directly to Kenya to care for children, provide education, medicine, food, shelter and foster care. Nothing is lost to salaries, fees or administrative costs at LLK. Sometimes there's 5 or 6 shows a week at The Lavender Field, there's sure to be one that most residents can attend. This is also a place to meet people and relax, there's even monthly art shows, so why not go along one evening. LINKS: Sim: The Lavender Field Venue Website: Live & Learn GoFund MeDonations: GoFundMe Kitchen for Kenya

Donations: Feed a Smile


mar / apr 2017 - ltd special




mar / apr 2017 - ltd special

STYLING CREDITS. . . Foxcity: S atomi Masukami B y S atomi Masukami B uil d: Scenery B uildings Pack B y Co*Ffee Counter Tabl e With Chairs: La Petite Serre B ar B y Lagon Patbingsoo Dishes: Patbingsoo B y Random Matter Candl e: Single Stone Candle B y Roawenwood Pink Mil kshake: Cocktail Pink B y La B aguette Verrine: One Verrine B y La B aguette Mel ting Pot: Dark Chocol ate Melting Pot B y Roawenwood Green Tea: Green Tea Set B y B ellequipe Frames: Kitchen Creed Frames B y Krescendo Magazine Shelf: Magazine Shelf B y Hideki Gol d Mil kshake: Cocktail Gold B y La B aguette B l ue Mil kshake: Cocktail Blue B y La B aguette Tabl es: Dinkum Dingo Diner B ar Table B y Madpea Stool s: Dinkum Dingo Diner B ar Stool B y Madpea Cheese Pl atter: Hors D'oeuvre Cheese Pl atter B y Lucas Lameth Counter: Autum Counter B y A xix Showcase: Senzation's B akery Showcase B y Serenity Style Cash Register: Vintage Cash Register B y Vespertine Cake On The Counter: Ice Cream Cone Drip Cake B y Duvet Da y B l ueberr y Cake: Blueberry Cake B y Merak Chocol ate Cake: Chocol ate Hearty Cake B y Merak Strawberr y Cake: Strawberry Drip Cake B y Duvet Da y Rol l ing Pins And Wooden B owl s: Northern Life Rolling Pins & Wooden Bowls B y Ionic Cocoa & B utter: GOFB B Cocoa & B utter B y MadPea Eggs: GOFB B Eggs B y MadPea Cooking Pan: GOFB B Cooking Pan B y MadPea Cooking Pot: GOFB B Cooking Pot B y MadPea B ean Rol l: Red bean roll B y B ellEquipe R angeHood: Hill Side Deli Kitchen HSD RangeHood Silver B y Pl aaka Cookware and B read: Cookware & Loaves B y Ionic B aking Tins: GOFB B B aking Tins B y MadPea Whisk: GOFB B Whisk B y MadPea Measuring Spoons: GOFB B Measuring Spoons B y MadPea B owl of Fl our: GOFB B Bowl of Flour B y MadPea Whipping Cream: GOFB B Whipping Cream B y Madpea J ug: GOFB B Milk J ug B y Madpea

Rol l ing Pin: GOFB B Rolling Pin B y Madpea B ag of Sugar: GOFB B B ag of Sugar B y Madpea B ag of Fl our: GOFB B B ag of Flour B y Madpea Piping B ags: B ake Me a Cake Piping B ags B y Second Spaces B l ack Scal e: GOFB B Kitchen Scale Bl ack B y Madpea Strawberr y Chocol ate Cake: Strawberry Chocol ate Cake B y Merak B l ue Scal e: GOFB B Old Food Scale B y Madpea B aking Powder: GOFB B Tin of B aking Powder B y Madpea I cing Sugar: GOFB B Tin of Icing Sugar B y Madpea Cof fee Cups: Industrial Coffee Cup Scatter B y Cheeky Pea B rown Sugar: GOFB B Tin of B rown Sugar B y Madpea Caster Sugar: GOFB B Tin of Caster Sugar B y Madpea Kitchen: Aveline Kitchenette B y Trompe Loeil Cof fee Machine: Colonna Coffee Machine B y What Next Cof fee and Muf fin: Coffee and a muffin B y Duvet Da y Cupcakes: Cupcake Stall B y B al ackava Chairs: Garden Cafe Natural Wood Set B y Goose Fl ags: Deco Fl ag (mod) B y Decor Depot B ig Tabl e and B ench: Industrial Kitchen B y Chez Moi Paell a: Tapas y Mas Gacha Paell a Valenciana B y Serenity Style Pincho de tor til l a: Tapas y Mas Gacha Pincho de tortill a B y Serenity Style Patatas B ravas: Tapas y Mas Gacha Patatas B ravas B y Serenity Style Yorkshire Pudding: Mad Meals Yorkshire Pudding B y Madpea B eef B roth: Cawl Cig Eidion B y Cwtch B eer: B eer Cane B y Serenity Style Wel sh Cakes: Mad Meals Welsh Cakes B y Madpea I dl y Dos a: Indian Food Gacha Idl y Dosa Set B y Mesh India Store Egg Curr y: Indian Food Gacha Egg Curry B y Mesh India Store J angiri Decor: Indian Food Gacha J angiri Decor B y Mesh India Store Tuna Casserol e: Mad Meals Tuna Casserole B y Madpea Pizza: Mad Meals Pizza Margherita B y Madpea Ol iebol l en: Mad Meals Oliebollen B y Madpea B oerenkool Met Worst: Mad Meals Boerenkool met Worst B y Madpea Sushi: Sushi Time B y Disorderl y Lamps: B edside Rope Light B y Tarte String Lights: Boho Ceiling Lights B y Tarte Ceil ing Light: Large B ulb Light B y Tarte



mar / apr 2017 - ltd special



mar / apr 2017 - ltd special




travel diary


t for he r pa rtn er, icc a Am at as a gif is wa s bu ilt by Bo ud Sim c sti My e Wi nd lig ht wh ich the ny on dl y. Try the es tat en fri hy An Un ce rta in De sti ap gr oto d is ph op en to vis ito rs an on an Ad ult sim . An tho ny . It is no w alt ho ug h it is bu ilt PG y l ict str is elf its ce pla the ul, be au tif of Na rn ia" by C. S. of "T he Ch ron icl es fe Ca e stl Ca the gs at atu res an d ep ic ice we ek l y rea din wo rld , fan tas tic cre Bo ud icc a giv es tw s to the en d of the ey urn "Jo , Th e bo ok tha t ha s as ? es sc rib as k for in on e bo ok ne yo Le wi s wh ich sh e de an uld co wi s re mo ple s Le wi s. Bu t Le od an d ev il - wh at 194 9 by Cli ve Sta in en ba ttl es be tw ee n go itt wr e", irob Wa rd ow n as ... Th e Ch ron the Wi tch an d the er the y be ca me kn eth it all is "T he Lio n, tog d an y , da ed low da y an d We dn es Six mo re bo ok s fol by Bo ud icc a - Tu es ice did no t sto p the re. Vo on d rea are es e liv e ins tal me nts cle s of Na rn ia. " Th T. fro m 3.1 5 - 4 pm SL g's ple nty of lus h ve dle ss rai n! Th ere en s ha it d an u yo ere e os ph y thi ng s, too , ma yb ny ha s lot s of atm ac k. Lo ts of qu irk sn t An Un ce rta in De sti ho a or tea no on s to fin d for aft er eta tio n wi th pla ce o. or tw ca n so lve a pu zz le t stl e wi th its qu ain bo tto m ha lf is a ca the t tha t jus is It's ich ng ou tsi de . the Ca stl e Ca fe, wh ca fet er ia wi th se ati A vis ito r lan ds by ha lf co nta ins the top the d an ca stl e ha s a m the roo of inn er sq uir rel ! Th e rig ht ing pu b slo tte d into an er nd wa the t for iet ha ve n fro m y pla ce . Wa tch ou s of bo ok s, it's a qu a mu ch lig hte r, air r se ati ng an d ma sse the lea th wi lue nc e of Na rn ia inf m, g roo ite ea sy to se e the qu co mf or tab le rea din It's d. bir nix Ph oe let he r in. nta ins the ma gic al for so me bo dy to the rai n. It als o co the do or wa itin g at es ch rat sc t ca ce . A thr ou gh ou t thi s pla ll the ba ck an d it wi sto ne pa th rou nd the w llo Fo . go to ys Tim e". So on , yo u re are a co up le wa an d "O nc e Up on a Fro m the ca stl e, the zy, " Fa r, Fa r Aw ay " sa ts os np Sig nc h in fro nt of a bla s. wo od p an d laze on a be sto n tak e yo u thr ou gh ca u yo s an ck me ph oto gr ap hy ba ere a co sy co tta ge uld ma ke a gr ea t rea ch a pla tea u wh t me ru ins wh ich wo so s re' the u, an d yo u co me ou tea pla a few mo re ste ps nd ce ing fir e. Als o on the As ht. lig de ds a re is vin g. Th is lea wa ter fou nta in he nta in an d sto ne pa dr op . Th e dr ag on , a ma gn ific en t fou ing dg he x nt ag ain st on e bo lea th r wi de are a Th ere 's ev en a lad t. into a for ma l pa rk ou rk wo a d an try oth er wo od ed are ze , wh ich is fun to ps lea d do wn to an ste , to a wo nd er ful ma ze ma the le m tab fro an an cie nt ch es s lp yo u! Fu rth er on y aw ay , inc lud ing da of the he dg es to he the e lat mp co nte pla ce s to sit an d tha t ba ck the n. wh ich ha s va rio us e the y pla ye d lik e yb ma , rd oa sb es ch nd rou a s ha wh ich ht u'l l fin d yo urs elf rig to the lef t, an d yo ps ste ze ma the the st rd 's tab le in the wo od s an d pa ne cir cle wi th wi za Wa lk ba ck thr ou gh ma gic al sp ot. A sto er oth an s un de r an old re' on He r . cli ffs . Wa lk a bit fur the on the ed ge of the cli ff, it's qu ite ee rie of ge tor y wh ere ed va er the ns on ht lea ds to litt le co mi dd le. Pe rch ed rig ne l of gr as s wh ich tun a r de the co ns er va un ide ss Ins pa l s. u'l s an d wi tty ph ra se ke ch urc h ga te an d yo ca d an tea l be u yo to Fli ck r an d yo u'l is wa itin g to se rve ga lle ry co nn ec ted e Ro na ld the bu tle r tur pic a y ll wh y rea It is thi ng mo ve s yo u, me yo u ca n pla y. wa lls . So , if so me the tor y, the re' s a ga on n ow sh es ulp pic tur re are lot s of sc co mm en ts to the le ga rd en he re, the litt ab le to ad d yo ur the d un s aro re' lk wa thi s ga rd en , the en t. Do n't for ge t to . At the far en d of no t ma ke a co mm is dis co ve r an d en joy to rs we flo ld no t ex pe cti ng it. Th wi t d an de an d yo u'r e jus ma ll tur es , pla ce s to sit we so of it's t ul, lef htf is pe rch ed to the rd en wh ich is de lig Bo ud icc a's ho us e . int a se cre t wa lle d ga po s thi at c bli at is op en to the pu is the ex ten t of wh . the wa lle d ga rd en nch a litt le wh ite sa s tim e an d yo u'l l rea thi wn do ps ste en d e the are a. Sto p an Ca fe, yo u ca n tak t an oth er se ati ng B ac k at the Ca stl e s the rig ht the re' s ye to re, the t sc e ab ou t ho lid ay ge u ini yo rem for e on the flo or an d up dy be ac h. J us t be ed pil rs . pe int pa po ws be ac h at thi s nd on Ch ron icl e ne e ov erl oo kin g the joy rea din g the Lo on the be nc h. Yo u'r t lef t or ssp r the su n um br ell a. pa a de un ev en air s an d sh elt er ch ck to Eu rop e, the re' s de on sit n ca u an t aft er no on . sti ll rai nin g bu t yo the en d of a ple as On the be ac h, it's pic nic ba ske t, it's the t ou k ec ch in, rol l Wa tch the wa ve s ee of Bo ud icc a's ev d ma yb e att en d on an ce pla al gic in ma by bu ild ing up thi s be au tif ul an d a qu ar ter of a sim We ho pe yo u en joy ca n be do ne wi th at wh s ow sh t jus It . nin gs of sto ryt ell ing of im ag ina tio n. lot a ing us d an lay ers

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mar / apr 2017 - l ifestyle



mar / apr 2017 - l ifestyle



mar / apr 2017 - l ifestyle



mar / apr 2017 - l ifestyle


Homme Liv T

he design aesthetic that is often associated with masculine design is solid, sturdy, functional, broad and grand. In real life, comfort is an important factor in the design scheme with practicality being a close second. After that comes style. If you look through several designs for men's bedrooms, they will focus on a simple palette of colors - greys, black, cream/ white, chocolate and taupe. Occasionally one might see a splash of red or metallic. It makes it seem all rather monotonous at first until one realizes that these colors are meant to evoke comfort and calm. In this way, a man's bedroom can become an escape from the rest of the house and somewhere to keep beloved and valuable treasures. Secondary colors might be deep reds, blues or purples but used in such a way as to not draw too much attention. Industrial is a style often used nowadays but how about mixing in something more luxurious such as a fur bedspread or soft neon wall lighting. A bedroom with a masculine vibe is all about finding that balance between elegant comfort and

a deep, unassuming look. Contemporary bedrooms can go much beyond the generic rooms clad in steely grey. An interesting focus wall can make a lot of difference; maybe paneled leather, grey plaid or one strong color, black shelving with strip lighting that picks out a treasured collection, or a group of photographs depicting a feeling of ease or an interesting geographical region of the world. A bedroom needs to be cohesive, and each piece should pair harmoniously with every other element in the room. Of course, it’s perfectly acceptable to have feature walls or a design element that pops but it should still flow. It's quite possible to be minimal with a couple of arty and expensive pieces that are a focus in the room. If one of these decorative items is a bedside lamp, then it also adds that practical touch. Classic style is always fashionable with warm shades, squared patterns and vintage suitcases or chests masquerading as bedside tables. Modern Art Deco with its paneled wall decoration, touches of metallic and vintage lighting is another good style for masculine bedrooms.



masculine bedrooms



mar / apr 2017 - hom me l ivi ng

STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: Concept Town House B y Diamandis B ed: Giada Grid Tuf ted Upholstered B ed (Modified) B y Aria, B ed Comfor ter: Countryfolk B ed (Modified) B y Apple Fall, Headboard: B abette Three Sitter Sofa (Modified) B y Aria, Laptop: iFall Notebook B y Apple Fall, B ench: B abette Three Sitter Sofa (Modified) B y Aria, Pil l ow: Pillow Toss- Fl at B y Trompe Loeil, Di ar y: Traveler Diary B y B azar, B ook: Hargrave Decorative Books B y Aria, Shoes: Monk shoes B y Deadwool, S afe: S afebox B y B azar, Cushion: Cube Cushion B y Revival, B oots: Patmos Boots B y Deadwool, Rug: Panel Rug B y Fancy Decor, Chair: B entl y Chair B y Pixel Mode, B ag: Cameo B ag B y David Heather, Lamp: Aidan Table Light B y Aria, Stand: Displ a y Stand B y Consignment, Pl ant: Troubadour Potted Prickl y Pear Cactus B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ant: Troubadour Potted Fern B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ant: B anana Tree B y Apple Fall, Torso: Male Mannequin B ust B y Consignment, Cabinet: Stockholm B edroom Cabinet B y B azar, Candl e: The B ird House Candle B y Concept, Cl ock: Wire Clock B y Fancy Decor, Fragment: Strenght Fragment B y Apple Fall, Magazines & B eauty Products: Magazines & B eauty Products B y Zerkalo, Torso: Marble Torso B y Culprit, Shoes: The Grounded B eezys B y Vale Koer, Pl anter: Square Lead Pl anter w/ Lion Head B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Interior Pl ant (Modified) B y Apple Fall, Ar t: Original Artwork L' Homme de l a Nuit B y Apple Fall, B ench Press: B ench Press B y N4RS , Dumbel l s: Kettlebells B y Nomad, Gym B ag: Gym B ag B y David Heather, Water B ottl e: Gym B ag B y David Heather, Shoes: Gym B ag B y David Heather, Mirror: Serendipity Floor Mirror B y Aria, Mannequin: Male Mannequin B y David Heather, Lamp: Hexa Lamp B y The Lof t & Aria, Side Tabl e: Tra y Side Table B y Llorisen, Mug: Coffee Mug B y Pilot, Watch: Watch B y Sorgo, Wal l et: Concept Wallet B y Tartessos Arts, Gl asses: Maestro Shades B y Sorgo, Newspaper: Crumpled Newspaper B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: B ird Of Paradise B y Soy, B ooks: B eginning Of The Da y Books B y Zerkalo, Hanging Pl ant: Super long Hanging Hedera B y Soy, Letters: Block Wood Letter B y Consignment, iPhone: MyPhone B y Muschi, Cl ock: Exalt Wall Clock B y Tartessos Arts.



mar / apr 2017 - hom me l ivi ng


Keeping close to nature is a further expression of masculine design. So, using stone, wood, glass and leather in bedroom design is useful and becomes an extension of the Industrial style. Rough concrete, rustic wood and brick walls all suit a rugged styling. Complimenting these with textures like suede, leather natural fabrics and bold window treatments retain a balance between the rough and the smooth. Natural light through windows can be exploited by careful placement of the main furniture pieces and semi opaque screens to create a pleasing atmosphere for the morning wake up time. In this way, even small bedrooms can have dark ceilings and not be overwhelming but rather create a dreamy cocoon. If the bedroom is large enough, it may be worth trying a small sitting area. This can be a couple of chairs by the window very simple, or making a separate living space with a few couches or a chaise and a coffee table. The aim is always to make the bedroom the most relaxing and serene room in the house. Reading up on real life interior designers, they suggest that items of decor such as deer skulls and antlers, vintage weapon displays and decor associated with travel can indicate a masculine bedroom, but it's all a matter of personal taste. From sculptures to wall hangings, there is no limit to creativity. Mirrors are seldom used, except in en-suite bathrooms. It is the expression of a perceived reality rather than a reflection that seems to suit, and here the term man cave is quite apt! Enjoy what our designers have come up with for their masculine bedrooms. Why not try out some of their ideas in your own home, you may be pleasantly surprised.


mar / apr 2017 - hom me l ivi ng





mar / apr 2017 - hom me l ivi ng

STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil ding: The Artists Studio B y Pixel Mode, B uil ding: The Heights Studio Apt Modified B y Pixel Mode. Wal l: Farrow Garden Modified B y Apple Fall, Ar t: Dorset Wheel B y Cheeky Pea, Ar t: Alwa ys Print B y Floorpl an, Ar t: Photography Mechanics Print B y Floorpl an, Ar t: Mr Darcy Print B y Floorpl an, Ar t: Dreadful Print B y Floorpl an, Ar t: Pinboard S alem B y Floorpl an, Lamp: Engineers Lamp B y Dust B unny, Guitar: Martins B usker Guitar B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Traveler Pl ant B y B azar, Paper: Sunda y Paper B y Dust B unny, Tabl e: Stepl adder Table B y Apple Fall, Sign: Simple Man Sign B y Mudhoney, Paper: Book And Papers B y Sorgo, B ook: Notebookstack B y Sorgo, Pencil: Pencil Holder B y Fancy Decor, Pencil: Pencils & Marker B y Sorgo, Computer: Workspace & Computer B y Tres Bl ah, Disk: External Disk B y Sorgo, Scanner: Geek Scanner B y Sorgo, Drawers: Travel Drawers B y Apple Fall, Boots: Chelsea Boots B y Kunst & Hoorenbeek, Rug: Grafik Rug B y Mudhoney, Fan: Aircraf t Propeller Ceiling Fan B y Soy, B ed: Stockholm B ed B y B azar, Frame: Chain Frame B y Fancy Decor, B ike: Rat Rod B ike B y Consignment, Stool: Crete Stool B y B azar, Shelf: B are Gallery Shelf Modified B y Commoner, Typewriter: Upcycled Typewriter B y Dust B unny, B ag: Luggage B ag B y Apple Fall, Trunk: Vintage Trunk B y Kunst, Painting: Container Pl an 5 B y Haikei, Ar t: Miles Deer Art B y Mudhoney, Magazines: Magazines B y Kunst, Ladder: Lazy Sunda y 3 B y Haikei, Tabl e: Travelers Table B y Dust B unny, Light: Reflector Light B y Apple Fall, B oard: Dorset Inspire Board B y Cheeky Pea, Cabinet: Miles Cabinet B y Mudhoney, Coins: B adges And Coins B y Sorgo, Watch: Watch B y Sorgo, Fragment: Strength' Fragment B y Apple Fall, Shoes: Leather Moccasins B y Apple Fall, Typewriter: Stockholm Typewriter B y B azar, Wal l et: Leather Wallet B y Sorgo, Cl ock: Retro Fl ap Clock B y Soy, B ooks: World Atl as Books B y Kunst, Stool: Wood Pl anks B y Kunst & Hoorenbeek, Pil l ow: LTD Studded Cushion B y Apple Fall, Chair: Vintage Chair B y Kunst, B uf fet: Stephanie B uffet B y Apple Fall, Key: Room Key E B y Sorgo, B ottl e: Globe Whiskey Bottle B y Kunst, B ox: Gl am Watch Box B y B azar, Sign: Filmore London Sign B y Seven Emporium, J ug: Vintage J ug B y Kunst, Pl ant: Reaching Pl ant B y Apple Fall, Statue: Hectors Penny Farthing B y Kunst, Pl ayer: Suitcase Pl a yer B y J unk, Towel s: Stack Of Towels B y Dutchie, B ox: Gl am S afebox B y B azar, Crate: Storage Crate B y Kunst, A xe: Lumberjacks A xe B y Dust B unny, B ottl e: Mineral Fizz Seltzer Bottle B y Keke, Gl ass: Omg Its Hot Gl ass Cucumber B y Keke, Lamp: The Zone B y Abiss, Fl oor Texture: Not Avail able B y Apolo Technologies (Store Closed).



mar / apr 2017 - hom me l ivi ng





jackson verlack


mar / apr 2017 - decorati ng with



mar / apr 2017 - decorati ng with




mar / apr 2017 - decorati ng with

STYLING CREDITS. . . Mansion: Greystone Mansion B y Redgrave

ENTRANCE HALL Ar tichoke Stone Decor: Stone Artichoke Lichen B y Apple Fall, Singl e Suitcase: Monogram Suitcases B y Apple Fall, Stone Leaf Wal l Decor: Acanthus Fragment B y Apple Fall, Cr ystal Lamp: Joanne Crystal Lamp B y Apple Fall, Horned Skul l Decor: Springbok Skull B y Apple Fall, Frames With Light: Antique Art B y Apple Fall, Pil e Of Suitcases: Stack Of Suitcases B y Death Row Design, Red Carpet: Oriental Dancing Rugs [Modded] B y Zerkalo, Pl ants: Potted Pothos B y Soy, Wal l Tabl e Drawers: Table With Drawers Aged Dark Wood B y Soy, B rown B inds: Cord And Pulls B y Lisp B azaar, Landscape Painting: Dutch Landscape B y Fancy Decor, Smal l Print Frame: Remedium Print B y Fancy Decor, Opened B ook: Music Book B y Fancy Decor, B eethoven Painting: B eethoven Portrait B y Fancy Decor, Framed Writings: Framed Manuscript B y Fancy Decor, Pi ano Stool: Cl avichord Stool B y Fancy Decor, Pi ano: Cl avichord B y Fancy Decor, Pi ano Notes: Cl avichord Music B y Fancy Decor, Oval Painting: Mozart Portrait B y Fancy Decor, Writer S atchel: Leather Writing Set Moss B y Velvet Whip, Writing Cases: Writing Set B y Velvet Whip, Gol d Tel escope Ar t Decor: Alquimia Set B y Ionic, Gol d Arrow Ar t Decor: Alquimia Ancient Vane B y Ionic, Fl oor Pot: Pot B y Kunst.

LIVING ROOM Cr ystal Lamp: Joanne Crystal Lamp B y Apple Fall, B l ack Sofa: Sofa [Modded] B y The Lof t, B l ack Sofa Pil l ows: Corvus Pillow B y The Lof t, Red Carpet: Oriental Dancing Rugs [Modded] B y Zerkalo, Tal l Tabl e With Cl oth: Stephanie B uffet B y Apple Fall, Open Map With B ooks: Books & Map B y Apple Fall, Wrapped Package: Ariskea Package B y Ariskea, Wine Case: Wine Case Open B y David Heather, Cotton Pl ant: Cotton Cluster B y Apple Fall, Seal ed B ox: Kalopsia Package B y Kalopsia, B rown B inds: Cord And Pulls B y Lisp B azaar, Paintings: Legacy Frames B y Fancy Decor, Firepl ace Painting: The Garden Of Earthl y Delights B y Fancy Decor, Firepl ace: Clif ton Cast Iron Firepl ace [Modded] B y Apple Fall, Corner B ookcases: Storyteller's B urrow Single Bookcase Full B y 8F8, Red Sofa Chairs: Kings Chair B y Trompe Loeil, Potted Pl ants: Potted Ponytail Palm B y Soy, Worn Out Pots: Pot B y Kunst, Wheel B ar Tabl e: Masculine B ar B y Apple Fall, Wil d Thistl es Vase: Wild Thistles B y Apple Fall, J ournal s: Journals B y David Heather, Tied Postcards: Postcard B undle B y Fancy Decor, Wal l Pockets: Flea Market B y Thor, Wal l Cross Tabl es: Gothic Table [Modded] B y Nomad, Rifl e Case: Pineapples Grenadier's Case B y B amse, Cof fin Gun Case: Vampire Sl a yer Displ a y Case B y B amse, Fancy B ooks: Rare Antique Book B y Fancy Decor, Pl ate B al l Decor: Ines Triangle Pl ate B y Trompe Loeil, Succul ent B owl: Succulent Bowl [Modded] B y The Lof t, Candel abra: B rocante Candel abra B y Nomad, Center Gl ass Tabl e: Audrey's Table Metal B y Trompe Loeil.

DINING ROOM Drapes: B ennet Drapes White [Modded] B y The Lof t, Pl ants: Potted Pothos B y Soy, Cr ystal Lamp: Joanne Crystal Lamp B y Apple Fall, Red Carpet: Oriental Dancing Rugs [Modded] B y Zerkalo, Chairs: Shabby Chic Chair B y Apt B , Center Carpet: Antique Rug B y Fancy Decor, B l ack Corner Chair: Kings Chair B y Trompe Loeil, B ookcase: Kensington Bookcase B y Apple Fall, Hourgl ass: Librarium Hourgl ass B y Random Matter, Gl ass Mini Pl ant: Fern Specimen B y Apple Fall, Writing Cases: Writing Set B y Velvet Whip, Silver B ox: Pure Poison Package B y Pure Poison, Frames With Light: Antique Art B y Apple Fall, Wal l B arrel Decor: Wall B arrel Decor B y World Of Wood, Decor Around B arrel: Ezra Mirror B l ack B y The Lof t, Wine B ottl es Wal l R ack: Wine Bottles Wall Rack B y Kunst, B ottl es And Gl ass Displ ay: Wine Bottles And Gl asses Wall Rack B y Kunst, Gl ass Round Container: Shotgl ass Container B y David Heather, Tal l Round Tabl e: Side Table B y Dutchie, Wine B ottl es: Wine Bottles B y Kunst, Parchment And Quil l: Librarium Quill B y Random Matter, A shtray: Cigar A shtra y B y Kunst, Fruit And Candl es Tray: Fruit And Candles Tra y B y Nomad, Gl asses Hol der: Wine Bottle And Gl asses Holder B y Kunst, Octopus Gl ass Tabl e: Octopus Table Marble Green B y Trompe Loeil, Displ ay Cabinet: Vintage Lab Cabinet B y Nomad, Absinthe B ottl es: Absinthe Bottle B y Kunst, Monkey Statue: Leev Monkey Confused Marble B y Cutehat, Mirror Decor: Ezra Mirror Bl ack B y The Lof t, Worl d Map Wal l Decor: Antique World Map B y Nomad, Pi ano: Piano Bl ack B y Abiss Design, Smal l B inds: Mesh B linds B y Lisp B azaar, Gavin Gauge B ust Displ ay: Gavin Gauge B ust B y Contraption, Decorative Design Panel s: Hacienda Scrollwork B y Artisan Fantasy, Center Gl ass Candl e: Casol are Hurricane B y The Lof t, Spiral B owl: Lol a Bowl B y The Lof t, Horn Decor: Horn Accent Spiral B y The Lof t, Tarot Cards And Cl oth: Tarot Set B y Hextraordinary, Pl ants: Potted Pothos B y Soy, Absinthe Fountain: Absinthe Fountain B y Kunst, Tabl e Runner: Casol are Table Runner B y The Lof t, A shtray Stand: Moon Light Lounge A shtra y Stand B y Anc Ltd, Mini A shtray: A shtra y B y Cl avv, Geode: Smokey Quartz Geode B y Hextraordinary, Pl ate Set: Casol are Pl ace Setting Red B y The Lof t, Dining Tabl e: Gothic Table B y Nomad.

BEDROOM Singl e B ook Shelf: Storyteller's B urrow Double Bookcase B y 8F8, Pl ants: Memories Pl ant B y Yourskin And Yourshape, Circul ar B ookcase: Mark 's Revolving Book Case B y Contraption, Chair: Writer's Room Chair B y Pixel Mode, Shelf Over Desk: Storyteller's B urrow Grand Cabinet B y 8F8, Wal l B ranch Decor: Paint It Bl ack Wall B ranches B y Random Matter, Thick B ooks: Old Books B y 22769 B auwerk, Copper Vil es: Mystery Memory B y Nomad, J ewel r y B ox: Lost And Forgotten J ewelry Box B y Random Matter, Open Thick B ook: Magician's Texts Single Book B y Refined Wild, Geode: Ruby Geode B y Hextraordinary, Sun Gl ass Decor: The Sun B y Nomad,


Smal l Cabinet Over Desk: Collector's Cabinet B y Artisan Fantasy, Smal l B ooks: Collector's Books B y Artisan Fantasy, B utterfl y Frame: Collector's B utterflies For Cabinet B y Artisan Fantasy, Smal l B ottl es: Collector's Bottles B y Artisan Fantasy, Desk: Writer's Room Writer's Desk B y Pixel Mode, Armil l ar y Sphere: A stronomer Set Armill ary Sphere B y Random Matter, Desk Cl ock: Writer's Room Desk Clock B y Pixel Mode, Desk Candel abra: Librarium Candel abra B y Random Matter, Open B ook On Desk: A stronomer Set Guide Book B y Random Matter, Parchment And Quil l: Librarium Quill B y Random Matter, Caramel Patbingsoo B owl: Caramel Patbingsoo B y Random Matter, Letters: Writer's Room Confidential Note B y Pixel Mode, Red Cushion Seat: Book Ottoman B y 22769 B auwerk, Hear t Page B ook: The Book Of Love B y 22769 B auwerk, Paintings On The Ground: Lost And Forgotten Frames B y Random Matter, Smal l B inds: Mesh Blinds Wide Short B y Lisp B azaar, B ed's Wooden Posts: Conquistador B ed B y Artisan Fantasy, B ed: The Aristocrats B ed B y Tia, B ed Drapes: Gothic Vampire B ed Drapes B y Death Row Design, B ed Canopy: The Aristocrats B ed Canopy B y Tia, Rug: Mesh Green Dirty Antique French Rug B y Noctis, Cur tains: Mesh Curtain B y L&T Designs, B ooks On Half Cabinet: Half Moon Cabinet With Books And B irdskull B y Noctis, Half Moon Cabinet: Victorian Living Set Wall Table B y Upper Room, Candl e Lamp: Conquistador Lamp B y Artisan Fantasy, Gol d Tel escope: Lost And Forgotten Telescope B y Random Matter, Corner Displ ay Cabinet: Lost And Forgotten Corner Cabinet B y Random Matter, Moon Gl ass Decor: The Moon B y Nomad, B ook P yramid: Memories Books B y Zerkalo, Pil e Of B ooks: Pile Of Books B y Zerkalo, Suitcase Desk: Adventurer's Desk B y Nomad, Stool: Adventurer's Stool B y Nomad, Gavin Gauge B ust Displ ay: Gavin Gauge B ust B y Contraption, B rown Cabinet: Capturado Cabinet B y Artisan Fantasy, Towel s I nside Cabinet: Evelin's B athroom Towels B y Zerkalo, B ig Moon Decor: Moon Light B y B ellequipe Design, Armil l ar y Sphere: Armill ary B y Nomad, B l ack Lounge: Gothic Settee B y Nomad, B ooks And Papers: Turn And Cough Study Materials B y Nefarious Inventions (Store Closed), Dividor: Folding Screen Refinement B y Power Mesh, B l ack Carpet: Bl ack Mel anchol y Carpet B y Noctis, Antique Game Container: Sun Versus Moon B y Nomad, Cof fee Tabl e: Storyteller's B urrow Coffee Table B y 8F8, Sofa: Conquistador Couch B y Artisan Fantasy, Spider Robot B ox: Contraption Package B y Contraption, Spathiph yl l um Pl anter: Housepl ant Spathiphyllum B y Artisan Fantasy, Displ ay Cabinet: Vintage Lab Cabinet B y Nomad, Vampire Hunter Displ ay: Vampire Hunter Suppl y Chest B y Souzou Eien, Tooth Col l ection: Vampire Hunter Trophy Rack B y Souzou Eien, Potion B ottl es: Bottled Potions Set B y Soy, B al ance Scal e: Old Scale B y Soy, Ameth yst Cl uster: Amethyst Cluster B y Soy, A strol ogy Frames: A stronomer Set Constell ation Art B y Random Matter, Wine B ottl es: Wine Bottle B y Zen Creations, Vodka B ottl es: Vodka Bottles B y Kunst, Vodka Gl asses: Vodka Gl asses B y Kunst, Wal l Decor S ymbol: A sil ah Ii Decorative S ymbol B y Artisan Fantasy, Near Ceil ing Ar t: Hacienda Scrollwork B y Artisan Fantasy.

BATHROOM B athroom Cabinet: B axter B athroom Cabinet B y The Lof t, Trol l ey B asket: Neva's Laundry B asket B y Apple Fall, Fl oor Towel: B l ackwell Decorative Floor Towel B y Aria, Toil et: Bl ackwell Toilet B y Aria, Towel Ladder: Cordelia Laundry Ladder B y Scarlet Creative, Cur tain: Cordelia Curtains Cream B y Scarlet Creative, B l ack Laundr y Hamper: Bl ackwell Decorative Laundry Hamper B y Aria, Pl ants On Window: Home Pl ants B y Gl am Affair, Swan Painting: Swan Study B y Apple Fall, Smal l Wal l Lamp: Oriana Sconce B y The Lof t, Towel B asket: Oriana Towel B asket B y The Lof t, Round Tabl e: Secret Refuge Caroline Table B y S a yo, Side Shelf: My Love My B eard Shelf B y The Lof t, Mirror Lights: Oriana B athroom Light B y The Lof t, Mirror: My Love My B eard Mirror B y The Lof t, Singl e Towel B asket: Towels B asket B y Velvet Whip, Pl ants And Feather: Abalone Vases With Peacock Feathers B y The Lof t & Aria, Rug: Oriana B ath Rug White B y The Lof t, Sink: My Love My B eard Sink B y The Lof t, Fire Cut Decor: J abode Laser Cut Decor B y The Lof t & Aria, Soap B ottl es: Victoria's B ath B ath Accessories B y Pixel Mode, Empty B asket: My Love My B eard Empty B asket B y The Lof t, Silver J ars: Home Vintage J ars B y Gl am Affair, Lady's Accesories: B ell a Mirror And Makeup B ag B y Aria, Essenti al Tray: Oriana B athside Tra y B y The Lof t, Smal l Sheer B ottl es: B athroom Clutter Flow B y Keke, Smal l Towel B asket: My Love My B eard Towel B asket B y The Lof t, Skin Products: Secret Refuge Skin B y S a yo, Perfume Tray: B ell a Perfume Tra y B y Aria, Wal l Vines: Ivy B y Elibail y, Fire Wal l: Secret Refuge Gacha Firewall B y S a yo, B irch Logs: Delil ah Decorative B irch Trio B y Aria, Towel R ack: Amelie Towel Rack B y Scarlet Creative, Red Wine Gl asses: Il aria Decorative Two Gl asses Of Red Wine B y Aria, Soap Tray: Handmade Soap Bowl Labelled B y Velvet Whip,B l ue Soap And Cotton J ars: J ars With Soap Cotton B y Gl am Affair, Tower Tray Of Spa Items: Lotus Spa B ath Caddy B y Cheeky Pea, B athtub Pl atform: Otho Concrete Table [Modded] B y The Lof t, Exotic J ug: Surahi Wine J ug B y Zaara, B ath Tub: Cordelia B ath Tin B y Scarlet Creative, B l ue Singl e Soap: Design Soap B y Velvet Whip,


mar / apr 2017 - decorati ng with



mar / apr 2017 - decorati ng with


LT D MA R CH/A P R I L 2 01 7 I S S U E COVE R

New Land



by yosemite national park



mar / apr 2017 - new land

STYLING CREDITS. . . Mountains: Lofoten B y Fanatik Mountains: Cliff B y Skye Water: Water B y Skye Firs: Dougl as Fir B y Cube Republic Smal l Trees: Shrub B y Happy Mood B ench: Country B ench B y Atelier Visconti Stone Path (I n Water): Pond Kit B y Cube Republic Picnic B ench: Picnic B ench B y Amal a Grass: Field Grass B y We're Closed Shrubs Near Water: Wild Grass B y Skye



mar / apr 2017 - new land



mar / apr 2017 - new land





mar / apr 2017 - new land

STYLING CREDITS. . . Pine Trees: Wild Mountain Pine Set B y Heart Oak Trees: Giant Forest Oak Set B y Heart White Fl owers: Wild Flowers Quenn Ann's Lace Set B y Heart Grass: Grass Field Lush B y We're Closed B ushes: Dwarf Forest Ember B y Alirium River B anks: Riverbank Set B y Skye Water Fal l: Waterfall Set B y Skye Water Grass: Wild Grasses Fescue B y Heart B oul ders: Rock B y Happy Mood Cl if fs: Cliff Cover B y Fanatik Architecture



mar / apr 2017 - new land


In the Stree



flower shops


STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: Shop B uilding B y Fancy Decor

INTERIOR B el l: Desk B ell B y Fancy Decor, B enches: El ah Tuf ted B ench B y Aria, B ouquet: Georgia Tulip bouquet B y Aria, Candl e: Scented Candle B y Fancy Decor, Candl e B ox: Candle Box B y Fancy Decor, Candl e Lamp: Candle Lamp B y Fancy Decor, Candl e Snuf fer: Candle Snuffer B y Fancy Decor, Chandel ier: Hargrave Chandelier B y The Lof t & Aria, Counters: Modern Kitchen Set [mod] B y Aethis Creations, Frames: Simple Texture Change Frames [mod] B y Keke, Peony: Summer Moved On B reakfast Tra y [mod] B y Aria, Pl ant: Portico Potted Cal adium B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ant: B a y Leaf Topiary B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Harmon Potted Snake Pl ant B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ant: Portico Potted B romeliad B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ant Stands: Harmon Potted Pl ant B y The Lof t & Aria, Reception Counter Front: Waves Sideboard B y B igB ull y, Reception Counter Top: B l air gl ass console [mod] B y Aria, Register: Tablet Register B y Fancy Decor, Rug: Meyer Fringe Rug B y The Lof t, Shelves: Wall Shelf B y Fanatik, Tabl es: B ell a Side Table B y Aria, Taper Candl e Pox: Box of Candles B y Fancy Decor.

WINDOW DISPLAY Carnations: Summer Moved On Vase With Carnations [mod] B y Aria, Ferns: Fern B ranch B y Mesh Pl ants, Fl oating Roses: Hanging Candles [mod] B y Fancy Decor, Gypsophil as: Story Vase With Gypsophil as [mod] B y Aria, Roses: B ell a Vase with Roses [mod] B y Aria, Vase: Ceramic J ars [mod] B y Fancy Decor.

PREPARED FLOWERS Amsoni a: Oakley Amsonia [mod] B y Aria, B ranches: Vase with B ranches B y Fancy Decor, Carnations: Summer Moved On Vase With Carnations [mod] B y Aria, Eucal yptus: Ainsley Gl ass Bottle With Eucal yptus [mod] B y Aria, Ferns: Fern B ranch B y Mesh Pl ants, Gypsophil as: Story Vase With Gypsophil as [mod] B y Aria, Hydrangea: Hydrangea B ush [mod] B y Mesh Pl ants, Leaves: Monaco Potted Strelitzia Reginae B y The Lof t & Aria, Long Leaves: Sunda y Morning Vases Group [mod] B y Aria, Paper Whites: Attwell Potted Paper Whites B y The Lof t & Aria, Roses: B ell a Vase with Roses [mod] B y Aria, Snow Drops: Serendipity Snowdrop Flowers [mod] B y Aria, Tul ips: Sorrel Tulips [mod] B y Aria, Fl ower Storage Pots: Grass Pl anter [mod] B y Fancy Decor.

VASES ON SHELVES Col our B l ock Vase: B icolore Vase B y Kalopsia, Gl ass Vase Tal l: B ell a Vase with Roses [mod] B y Aria, Geometric Vase: Bl anche vases group [mod] B y Aria, Gl ass Pot: B ridal Parlour Vase with Roses [mod] B y Aria, Gl ass Vase: Avery Vase With Lililies [mod] B y Aria, Metal ic Vase: Skinny Vase B y MudHoney, Mil k Vase: Leslie Milkgl ass Vase B y MudHoney, Tal l Ceramic Vase: Vase B y Llorisen, Tal l Vases: Summer Moved On Vase With Carnations B y Aria, Textured Vase: Textured Vase B y MudHoney, Vintage Vase: Vintage Vase B y Fancy Decor.


mar / apr 2017 - i n the streets



mar / apr 2017 - i n the streets



mar / apr 2017 - i n the streets





mar / apr 2017 - i n the streets

STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: Carnaby Row Store B y Apple Fall Path: Whitehall Pathwa y B y Apple Fall Cat: Cat Looking B y Full Perm (Not Avail able) Path: Dirt Road B y Happy Mood Stool: Flower Cart Stoo B y Artisan Fantasy Rose Crate: Crate Of Roses B y Ariskea Fl owers: Flower Cart Coneflowers - Purple B y Artisan Fantasy Petal s: Winter Flower Ground B y Keke Water Can: Watering Cans B y Keke Fl owers: Hydrangea Botle - White Rosey B y Ariskea Roses: Hybrid Roses Yellow B y Ariskea Hydrangeas: Hydrangea Vase - Greeny B y Ariskea Daises: Flower Cart Daisies B y Artisan Fantasy Fl owers: Flower Cart Coneflowers - Yellow B y Artisan Fantasy Fl owers: Flower Cart Hosta B y Artisan Fantasy B ucket: Old Metal B ucket B y Thor Cut Roses: Wild Roses - A sorted Colors B y Keke Chair: Flower Chair B y Keke Crates: Cloudy Crates B y Bokeh Cut Fl owers: Winter Flowers B y Keke B ouquet: Green Cone B y Ariskea Vines: Garden Vines - Light Green B y Happy Mood Sign: Flower Cart Sign B y Artisan Fantasy Pipe: Distressed Pipe Unit B y B al acl ava Lavender: Flower Cart Lavender B y Artisan Fantasy J ar: Gl ass J ar B y Soy Tray: Zink Tra ys W Paper Whites B y Keke Tin: Tea Tin Sprouts B y Keke Tray With: Zink Tra y W Lil y B y Keke Roses: All Roses B y Keke Crates: Carol 's Christmas Crates B y Kalopsia Paper Rol l: Flower Cart Paper & Twine B y Artisan Fantasy Wal l Ar t: Stars B y Hideki Fl owers: Wall Flower - Lil y B y Keke R ail ing: B ushmead Railing Wide B y Apple Fall Sign: Vintage Signs B y Zerkalo

Fl owers: Meadow Flowers B y Apple Fall Rug: Rug 43 - Oriental Blush B y Keke Tul ips: Tulips In Bloom - A sorted Colors B y Ariskea Stool: Grungy Varnished Stool B y Thor Tul ips: Sunshine - Tulips - A ssorted Colors B y Ariskea Petal s: Acred Lotus Petals Ground Few - Pink B y Keke Tabl e: Kitchen Work Table B y Ionic Scissors: Scissors Silver B y Minimal Tul ips: Tulips Round Pot - A ssorted Colors B y Artisan Fantasy Fl owers: Sea B reeze B y Zerkalo Pots: Stacked Pots B y Soy Wal l Ar t: Unfinished Wallpaper - Floral B y B rocante Lighting: Ramses Chandelier B y Fancy Decor Pots: B ianco - Pots B y Knick Knacks Fl owers: Spring B rise B y Little B ranch Fl owers: Decor - Crocus Pot - A ssorted Colors B y Lode Petal s: Damned - Roses Petals B y Ariskea Roses: Hybrid Roses Cherry B y Ariskea Hanging Fl owers: Blossoms In Gl ass B y Lode Shelf: Potting Shelf B y Apple Fall Ladder: B asket Ladder B y Floorpl an Pots: Paint Your Life - The Pots B y Knick Knacks Roses: Faedreams - Roses Of Red B y Ariskea Fl owers: Paper Whites B y Keke Fl owers: Crocus - A ssorted Colors B y Keke B oxes: Gif t Boxes White B y Ariskea Crates: Wooden Crates Cabinet B y Goose Pl ant: B ibi's Can Pl ant - A ssorted Colors B y Kalopsia Ladder: Rustic Garden - Decor - Step Displ a y B y Death Row Designs Shelf: Minimal Needs - Pallet Pl ants Shelf B y Ionic Register: Tablet Register B y Fancy Decor Cup: Coffee Cup B y Floorpl an Pots: Mauricette Pots B y Serenity Style Fl owers: Forest Friend.wreath B y Fawny Keys: Keys B y Ersch Topi ar y: Fall J uniper Topiary B y Apple Fall Lantern: Orsett Double Lantern B y Apple Fall



mar / apr 2017 - i n the streets








mar / apr 2017 - by k nave

STYLING CREDITS. . . House: The New Old Cabin B y DaD Design

BEDROOM B ed: Trengove B ed - Dark B y Digs, B l inds: S avannah Roman B linds B y Aria, Letters: B uild A Frame White Letters B y Cheeky Pea, Chandel ier: Fabric Chandelier B y Revival, B ed Decor: Autumn's Calling Pumpkin Centerpiece (Modified) B y Dust B unny, B asket: Linen Candle B ag (Modified) B y Revival, B ed Decor: Large B uxus B all B y Apple Fall, Car t: Drink Cart - Silver B y The Lof t, Cl ock: Stockholm Flip Clock B y B azar, J ars: White Milk Gl ass J ars B y Willow Home, Fl owers: Paper Whites J ar B y Keke, Phone: Rotary Phone - Cream B y Tres Bl ah, Watering Can: White Watering Can B y Keke, Fl owers: Freesia Hand Accesory - White B y Lode, B ooks: Design Books B y Apple Fall, B ench: Piper Upholstered B ench B y Aria, Pil l ow: Free Pillow Toss Fl at B y Trompe Loeil, Candl e B asket: Linen Candle B ag B y Revival, Empty B asket: Empty Wire B asket B y Floorpl an, Rocks: Priya Rock Pl acemat B y MudHoney, Sofa: Monaco B anquette Sofa - White B y Aria & The Lof t, Lemonade: Lemonade Tra y B y Pilot, B ooks: Leather Book Pile - B rown B y Revival, B eaded Cur tain: Wood B eaded Curtain B y Dust B unny, Pl anter: Lil as Kentia Palm Pl anter B y Aria & The Lof t.

SPA B ath Tub: B axter B athtub B y Aria & The Lof t, Shelf: Potting Shelf B y Apple Fall, Roses: Vase With Roses B y Aria, Lotions: Lotions B y Apple Fall, Soap: Fresh Peppermint Soap - Wrapped B y Vespertine, Wal l Panel: Pl ank Panels - White B y Fancy Decor, Chair: Flower Chair B y Keke, B ath Tray: Log B ridge - Bleached B y Studio Skye, Towel s: Antilles Towel B asket B y The Lof t, Wal l Ivy: Ivy B y EliB ail y, Mass age Tabl e: Insouciance Massage B ed B y Pixel Mode, Cur tain: Long Drape - White Sheer B y Pixel Mode, B ench: Woven B ench B y Revival, Candl es: B ucket Of Candles White B y Revival, Towel: Towel B y Soy, Sl ippers: Devon Deco Slippers B y Aria & The Lof t, Sink: Vivien Concrete Sink B y Aria, Mirror: J acqson Mirror - White B y The Lof t, Towel s: Stacking Towels B y Soy, Rol l ed Towel s: Rolled Towels B y Aria, B ath Products: B athroom Clutter - Flow B y Keke, Fl ower Vase: Freesia Vase - White B y Lode, Tray: Zink Tra ys with Paper Whites B y Keke, Fl owers: Nerine Amsonia Flower In A Vase B y Aria, Hanging Candl e: Candle Drop - Silver B y Revival.

DINING Dining Tabl e: Smores Party Table - B url ap B y Pilot, Dining Chair: Wingback Chair B y Apple Fall, Dining B ench: Old Stained B ench B y Apple Fall, Pl ace Setting: Autumn's Calling Pl ate Setting (Modified) B y Dust B unny, Vase: Criss Cross Vase B y The Lof t, Candl e: Alderan Candle B y The Lof t, Hanging Light: Edi's Lamp (Modified) B y Apple Fall, Hanging Sheet: Hanging Sheet B y Zigana.

KITCHEN Cabinet: Pl antation Cabinet B y Apple Fall, Kitchen Counter: Pl antation Counter B y Apple Fall, Sink: Pl antation Sink B y Apple Fall, I sl and: Pl antation Dining Table B y Apple Fall, Stool: Metal B arstool B y Trompe Loeil, B ench: Card Catalog B y Apple Fall, Tote: Canvas Tote B y Apple Fall, Phone: B acall Accesory Tra y B y The Lof t, Stove: Finley Kitchenette (Stove Onl y) B y Trompe Loeil, Shelf: Emmerich Kitchen Shelf B y Aria, Cof fee Maker: Industrial Coffee Maker B y Cheeky Pea, Knife Strip: Kitchen Essentials - Knife Strip B y S ari S ari, Kitchen Utensil s: Amaryllis Kitchen Decorative Utensils B y Aria, Ar t: Annan Recl aimed Frame B y Apple Fall, B ottl es: Ceramic Bottles B y Apple Fall, B ottl es: Gl ass Water Bottles B y Zenith, Dish Rack: Empty Wire B asket B y Floorpl an, Tea Cups: J uliette Tea Cups - Stacked B y Apple Fall, Mol ds: Vintage J ell y Molds B y Apple Fall, Cl oth B asket: B asket With Cloths B y Zenith, Recipe B ox: Recipe Box B y Vespertine, B read B ox: Weave B asket - Close (Modified) B y ILO, Scal e: Fresh Fruit Stand Scale B y Dust B unny, Hanging B asket: Hanging Wicker B asket B y Apple Fall, Pot R ack: Pot Rack B y The Lof t, Gl asses: Drinking Gl ass Set B y The Lof t, Pl ates: Hard To Find Pl ates Stack B y Keke, B owl s: Hard To Find Bowls B y Keke, Cups: Hard To Find Cups B y Keke, Fl our: B ags Of Flour B y Apple Fall, R abbit: Silver Antiqued Rabbit B y Apple Fall, Tea: Vintage Tea Tin B y Keke, Wine Tray: Primavera in Toscana Gourmet Set B y 8f8, Col ander: Green Col ander B y Apple Fall, Mor tar: Pestle & Mortar B y Apple Fall.

OUTDOOR LIVING ROOM Pool: Double Roman Swimming Pool B y DaD Design, Fountain: Valiano Fountain Stone - Dirty B y Trompe Loeil, Cabana: Antilles B each Cabana B y The Lof t, Cafe Tabl e: Oakley Dining Table B y Aria, Cafe Chair: Oakley Dining Chair B y Aria, Parasol: Spring Parasol B y Apple Fall, Sofa: Nixie Linen Sofa B y Aria, Cof fee Tabl e: Pl an Chest B y Apple Fall, Side Tabl e: B ennet End Table B y The Lof t, Lamp: Twigs Lamp B y Kalopsia, Chair: Peacock Chair B y Revival, B oat Decor: Ralph's Boat B y Apple Fall, Frame: Frame 2 B y Fancy Decor, Scul pture: Egrets Sculpture B y The Lof t, Map: Books & Map B y Apple Fall, Shoes: Leather Moccasins B y Apple Fall, Pil l ow: Post B ag Cushion B y J unk, Rug: Mimi's Rug - Ironwork B y Lame.



mar / apr 2017 - by k nave



mar / apr 2017 - by k nave


Home & Ga




egetable garden / greenhouses


STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: Dorthy's Shed Without Shadow Casting B y Pixel Mode B uil d: Autumn Cottage B y Trompe Loeil B uil d: The Lake Cabin B y DaD Design B uil d: Stardust Cottage B y Scarlet Creative Tree: Mysticoak B y Little B ranch Tree: Mesh Mediterranean Cypress B y Botanical Tree: Apple Tree B y Little B ranch Gate: Cranfield Fence Gate B y Apple Fall Fence: Cranfield Fence B y Apple Fall Pathway: Edged B rick Park Path B y Botanical Pl ant: Ivy B y EliB ail y Pl ant: Wild Grass B y Skye Pl ant: Boxwood Hedge B y Botanical Tree: Orange tree B y Little B ranch Tree: Small Fig Tree B y PL A AKA Pl ant: Privet B all B y Apple Fall Pl ant: Aloe B y Dutchie Fountain: B eatrix B ird B ath B y Kalopsia Fountain: Fountain Gra y B y EFE DESIGN Pl ant: Lavande B y Cinphul Pl ant: Potato Pl ant B y Dysfunctionality Pl ant: Tomatoes B y Dysfunctionality Pl ant: Carrots B y Dysfunctionality Pl ant: Onions B y Dysfunctionality Pl ant: Peas B y Dysfunctionality Pl ant: Zucchini Marrow Courgette B y Dysfunctionality Pl ant: Snakeweed B y Little B ranch Can: Watering can B y Pixel Mode Wheel barrow: Pl anters Habitat B y Consignment Cool er: Drinks Cooler Modified B y What Next Feed: Fall Harvest Cluckys Feed B y Pixel Mode Ar t: Pl anters Habitat Flowert Art B y Consignment Ladder: Primavera In Toscana Ladder B y 8f8 B ush: Ox Eye Daisies B y Heart Chickens: New B eginnings Hen Set B y 8f8 Chickens: New B eginnings Chicken Coop B y 8f8 Water Tap: Standpipe B y B rickWerkz Wheel s: New B eginnings Wheels B y 8f8 Chair: Yorkshire B ench B y Apple Fall Container: New B eginnings Milk Containers B y 8f8 B ricks: Concrete Block Stand B y booN kura Rug: RoundJ uteRug B y PL A AKA Pl ant: RhubarbB asket B y PL A AKA Pots: Primavera In Toscana Cl a y Pots B y 8f8 B ags: Culture Kit B ag B y NikotiN B ags: Garden Soil B y PL A AKA Kit: Tools Kit B y NikotiN Can: Watering Can B y Kunst B ottl e: Fertilizer B y PL A AKA R adio: 80s Radio B y HIDEKI Pots: Pots B y NikotiN Pl ant: Canned pl ant B y Kunst B ox: Garden Tool Box B y PL A AKA Oil er: Vintage oiler B y Kunst Shelf: Tool Shelf B y Revival B oard: Pegboard B y Kunst Tool s: Wrenches B y Kunst Tool s: Coiled Wire B y Kunst Tool s: Pincers B y Kunst Tool s: Screwdrivers phillips B y Kunst Pl ant: Hanging Pl ant B y Swa ys


mar / apr 2017 - home & garden



mar / apr 2017 - home & garden



mar / apr 2017 - home & garden





mar / apr 2017 - home & garden

STYLING CREDITS. . . Greenhouse: Old Greenhouse Rusty B y Culprit Cur tain: Lace Curtain Straight B y Knick Knacks Pil ars: Forgotten Pil ars B y Ionic Car t: Old Push Cart B y Culprit Pears: Pear Crate B y 8f8 Tomatoes: Tomato Crate B y 8f8 Garl ic: Garlic Crate B y 8f8 S al ad: S al ad Crate B y 8f8 Potatoes: Potato Crate B y 8f8 Tool s: Garden Tools B y Pilot Water Hose: Water Hose B y Pilot Headboard: Serendipity B ed B y Tia Wind Chime: Sunrise B amboo Chime B y Vespertine B ench: Stone B ench B y Kalopsia Pl ant: Interior Pl ant B y Apple Fall B asket: Hexa B asket B y Aria & The Lof t Door: Farrow Garden Wall With Door B y Apple Fall B ath Tub: Victoria Cl awfoot Tub B y Apple Fall Fl owers: Quenn Ann's Lace Wildflowers B y Heart Roses: B rise' White Roses B ucket B y Atelier Visconti Gate: Garden Gate B y Hive Topi ar y: B a y Leaf Topiary B y Apple Fall Pot: Terracotta Pot B y Apple Fall Pl ant: Lil as Kentia Palm Pl anter B y Aria & The Lof t Shelf: White Twiddl y Framed Shelf B y Llorisen Pots: Primavera in Toscana Cl a y Pots B y 8f8 Gate: Tall Cranfield Fence Gate B y Apple Fall B ust: Amore B ust B y Nomad Car t: Yard Mule Cart B y Seven Emporium Fl owers: White Meid Lil acs B y The Lof t Garden Tool: Cultivator B y Pixel Mode Garden Tool: Hand Fork B y Pixel Mode B ird Cage: B ird Cage with Flowers B y Zenith Gate: Light Fresh Flower Fence B y Hive B unny Ar t: B unny Frame B y Hive Lamp: Daisy's Floor Lamp B y Hive B ust: Cl assical B ust B y Nomad Cl ock: Nerites Clock B y Scarlet Creative Fragment: Acanthus Fragment B y Apple Fall

Chair: Oxford Wingback Chair B y Apple Fall Shelf: Simple Comforts Shelf B y Apt B Hanging Pl ant: Darling Hanging Pl ant B y Dust B unny Chair: Steadfast Dining Chair B y Apple Fall Tabl e: Pl antation Dining Table B y Apple Fall Mil k Urn: Milk Urn with Wild Geraniums B y Apple Fall Tray: Zink Tra ys with Paper Whites B y Keke Tea Tin: Tea Tin Sprout B y Keke Pl ant: Winslow Potted Amaryllis B y Aria & The Lof t B ook: Wanderlust Book Pl anter B y Dust B unny Pl ant Cuttings: Mrs. B umpkin's Garden Pl ant Cuttings B y S ari S ari J ournal: Storybook Living Researcher's Journal B y Dust B unny Pl ant Markers: Pl ant Markers B y Pixel Mode Seeds: Mrs. B umpkin's Garden Seed Packets B y S ari S ari Pl ant: Kira Potted Orchid B y Aria Camera: Varane's Custom Camera B y Anc Hat: Winslow Decorative Floppy Hat B y Aria & The Lof t Col ander: Green Col ander B y Apple Fall Fl owers: Amsonia Flower In A Vase B y Aria Wagon: Little Green Wagon B y Seven Emporium Watering Can: Watering Can B y Pixel Mode Watering Can: White Watering Can B y Keke Seeds: Hanging Seed B ags B y Pixel Mode Fl owers: Oxeye Daisy Patch B y Apple Fall Pot: Square Lead Pl anter with Lion Head B y Apple Fall Pots: Extra Pots B y Hive B oy Statue: A Boy and His Pet Fish B ronze S atue B y Ohmai Pl ant: Signe Potted Narcissus Papyraceus B y Aria Ol d Windows: A Pile of Antique Windows B y Ionic Sink: Stained Garden B asin B y ILO Shelf: Potting Shelf B y Apple Fall Fl owers: Zink Tra y with Lil y B y Keke Fl owers: Silver B irch Vase B y Lode Pl ant: Winslow Potted Poppies B y Aria & The Lof t Gate: Rosemary Garden Gatewa y B y Vespertine Statue: B eatrix Venus Statue B y Kalopsia Wash Tub: Rusted Wash Tub B y Hive Avi ar y: Aviary B y Vespertine Hanging Light: The Industrial Side Hanging Light B y Apt B



mar / apr 2017 - home & garden


Retrowave Each generation will make a name of itself through various delicious and ideas that are put out there by the people of the time. The 80’s fashion dictated that era of pop culture; it was nearly unescapable and is still beloved today. Sadly, there is one facet of this great generation that many people ridicule and make fun of because of how “out there” it was. That would be the homes of the 1980s. Synthesized to its primary origins, home decor was just as loud and in your face as the fashion was during this time. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I was not born during this time period. So, I have no frame of reference from which I could draw from. I was able to sit down with two stylists who created a couple of rooms styled with the retro 80’s in mind; Damien Powell was one of those stylists. He recounted from his childhood that black furniture was king back then. Crushed velvet and animal prints fabrics were quite popular back during the 80’s. The usage of marble was a trend that a lot of people had in their homes; and not just on tables. Whole walls would be covered in marble, again, with accents of metallic pieces. Like gold and black trimming on decor would tie in this authentically 80’s feel to a home. Since Damien was too young to clearly remember every detail and trend of the 80’s. He relied on some films from the 80’s to find that authentically “80’s look”. Films like “Beetlejuice”, “Ferris Bueller's

Day Off”, “Back to the Future” and “The Heather’s” were a few sources he used to find inspiration from. These films were the quintessential representation of what home decor was like back in the 80’s. The houses in these films had these brightly colors walls that added wallpaper boarders around the wall themselves. Retro decor was a big in the 80’s. Retro, from their point of view, would be what we, in the modern era, would call vintage decor. Like vintage Hollywood mirrors on the bathrooms or vintage wardrobes that had feet on them in the bedrooms. The other stylist I had the chance to interview was Bambi, who’s ambition was to create a room that she wanted to be as realistic and authentic to the 80’s as possible. She did find it a bit challenging though to create something realistic as she wanted in the metaverse that is Second Life®. It was so nice of her to teleport me to her room she decorated, so I can experience the 80’s through her eyes. As I cammed around the room, I could see the mixing of bright colors on the walls was a must have during the 80’s, as we all know. A fun fact about her color pallet was that it was inspired by a computer game she loved called “Alley Cat”. With that, she explained to me that this room was a bit of everything. From the neon wall mounts, to the laminate checkered flooring and to the mixing of monotone and colorful graphic instillations in their rooms.


the eighties



mar / apr 2017 - retrowave

STYLING CREDITS. . . Sofa (retextured): Famous Sofa B y N4RS Seaters: Velvet Lounge Chair B y Soy Pouf: Powpon Pouf B y Soy Sofatabl e: Retrowave Neon Chair B y Nomad Rug: Shag Shag Stool B y Soy Phone: Hot Lips Phone B y Tres Bl ah Drink: Pineapple Drink B y Dust B unny Pl ant (On Tabl e): Troubadour Potted Fern B y The Lof t & Aria Pl ant (I nfront): Rue Pl ant B y The Lof t & Aria Gol den Mirrors: Gilded Mirrors B y Vespertine B ear Statues: Holo Wire B ear B y Soy Frame: Vacant Frame B y Soy Ar t I n Frame: Drive B y Signalnoise Pl ant (Sofa Right): Potted Pothos B y Soy Pl ants (I n Wal l ): Potted Cheese Pl ant B y Soy, Potted Traveler's Palm Tree B y Soy, Temperate Shrubs B y Skye, : B anana Pl ant B y Skye. Rug (Retextured): Cl assic Rug B y Haikei Locker: Industrial Locker B y Kunst Pineappl e: Fruity Pink Pineapple B y Rama Hanging Pl ant: Super Long Hanging Hedera B y Soy B ed (Retextured): Metal Pl atform B ed B y Soy B unny Lamp: Hare B y Mutresse Giraf fe Lamp: Giraffe B y Mutresse B ig Pl ant: Potted Ponytail Palm B y Soy Smal l Pl ant: Troubadour Potted S ansevieria B y The Lof t & Aria B l inds: Corrugated Blinds B y Soy Cactus: Superlong Potted Cactus B y Soy



mar / apr 2017 - retrowave


As we continued our conversation, Bambi talked about other inspirations for her room. I was surprised to hear that she too used films and music videos from the 80’s to grab inspiration from. More specifically, the movie “Batman Returns” which featured a young Michelle Pfeiffer as the seductive antagonist, Selina Kyle aka Catwoman. Bambi told me that she loved this character and especially Selina’s home. Like Bambi’s room, Selina Kyle’s home was entirely this dusty pink color with the neon lights on the walls and a lot of pink floral accents. Not to mention the essence of cat around both Bambi’s Ms. Kyle’s rooms. Granted, both of these rooms decorated by Damien and Bambi are just a few takes of what an 80’s home could look like. From my own research, I found that both pastel and bright color were mixed and paired with geometric shapes was quite the popular trend in the 80’s. Much like the exterior of the homes in the Tim Burton film, “Edward Scissorhands”. Remember those eerie one-colored homes that were identical in construction. To me, that is what I think of that 80’s, just these loud and overly decorated rooms that felt jammed packed with items. Of course, not all 80’s home decor was this hodgepodge of a grandmother’s dream of pastels and floral prints. There were people who enjoyed the more adventurous take of home decor. Pop culture was also a huge influence for homes during this decade. With Memphis Design being at the head of the pack when it comes to the idea of pop art in a home. This style was created by a group of Italian architects in the early 1980s. An artistic movement that drew its own inspiration from the Art Deco and Pop Art movements of the time. Consisting of a kind of postmodern aesthetic with blast of colors and asymmetry. This is the group who is to thank for all these strange and exotic furniture pieces and installations during the 1980s. It seemed there was no singular preferred way of properly decorating a home during the 80’s; nor should there be. A home during this time ran the gambit of being filled to the brim with pastel colors and florals prints, bizarre Memphisesque or a more minimalistic sleek take on of a home thanks to the mega popular television show, “Miami Vice.” The verge of the 80’s was in full swing with the old and new style of home decor merging and the next generation of trends which started to swell. Homes began to mellow out and started to move away from the high energy feel that was the 80’s. I am sure that we can all look back and shakes our heads while asking what where we thinking? If you do that, then ask yourself why not? Why not just enjoy the fact that these trends happened? That we got to experience this time, and people were able to express their creativity through their homes. It’s not like each generation didn’t or won’t have their own visceral reactions questionable tastes when it comes to home decor of the next generation’s homes. So please, be patient with the generations to come. For example, I’m sure they won’t understand our vision for home decor that we enjoy today. Home decor and style can define a period. The 80’s was defined as loud and obnoxious by some people. The decades to follow reinvented that same approach to home decors and pushed out their own versions of this. The neon lights became twinkling lights strung about the room, the bright wall colors changed to more earthy tones and the country style kitchen changed to the stainless-steel kitchen. At the end of the day, home decor evolves and takes from the previous generations. So before judging trends from decades ago, just remember that the homes of the 80’s could have easily been the homes of today.


mar / apr 2017 - retrowave





mar / apr 2017 - retrowave

STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: The Writer's Shed B y L 2 Studio Neon Purpl e Cat: Neon Sign Cat 3 B y The Lof t Fl amingo Statue: Yard Fl amingo B y Nature's Call Grass Lights: Cup Of Spring B y 8F8 Grass: Grass 01 B y Runic Design Cats Frames: Meow B y Ionic Armchairs: Shell Armchair - Cotton (Mod) B y Kalopsia B l inds: Corrugated Blinds (Mod) B y Soy Neon Yel l ow Cat: Neon Sign Cat 2 B y The Lof t Round Pl ants: Alize Accessory Set B y Newchurch Firepl ace Frame: Ce Bon Vieux Louis Set B y Knick Knacks Penguin Pl ant: Penguin Pl anter B y Swa y' S Fl amingo Neon Sign: Tyler Fl amingo Neon Sign B y Swa y's B al l oons: Cat B alloons B y B irch Gl ass Wal l: Kitchen Tiles Distressed (Mod) B y Mori Tabl e: Tess Table (Mod) B y Swa y's Stool s: Parchis B y Anxiety Tabl e Setting: Mad Hot Summer Party B y Madpea Candy J ars: Candy J ars B y Malo Hanging Pl ants: Darling Hanging Pl ant (Mod) B y Dust B unny Locker: Gym Locker B y S ari-S ari Guitar And Guitar Stand: College Da ys B y Thunk! Shelves: Triangul ar Single Shelf B y Hideki Cubes: Mad Hot Summer Party B y Madpea B ag: Lilo's Summer B y Kalopsia Chair: Dorm Life - Desk Chair Yellow B y Random Matter Tabl e: Memories Table (Mod) B y Minimal Phone: Eclectic Collection - Hot Lips Phone B y Tres B l ah Typewriter: Ttypewriter Turquoise B y Floorpl an Makeup And J ewl er y: Emil y's B eauty Set B y Kalopsia B oxes: Madeleine Decor B y What Next Neon Arrow: Neon Iii Gacha Arrow B y Floorpl an Wal l Ar t: Cassette Tape Wall Art B y Swa y's B ed: Metal Pl atform B ed B y Soy B ooks: Dorm Life - Textbooks B y Random Matter Lamp: B ird Fancy Lamps B y Mutresse Neon Stars: Neon Iii Gacha B y Floorpl an Ceil ing Lamps: Koba Lamps B y Swa y's Lanterns: Spring Gazebo. Paper Lantern B y Swa y's



mar / apr 2017 - retrowave


Family Livi



easter adventure



mar / apr 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng

STYLING CREDITS. . . Deck: Sweet Dreams Path Square B y Dad Design Garl and: Happy End Park Pennant Garl and Stand B y Anc Lantern: White Kerosine Lantern B y We're Closed Garl and: Vertical Vintage Tea Party Lace Garl and B y Zerkalo Garl and: Horizontal Vintage Tea Party Lace Garl and B y Zerkalo Fence: Garden Fence B y Hive Garl and: Heart String B y Apple Fall B unny Ar t: Milk And Glue Prints - J ackelope B y Willow Home Wooden B unny: Pretty Wooden B unny Silver Clock B y Serenity Style B al l oons: Fairylight B alloons - Pastel B y Half Deer B al l oon B asket: Tilting B asket - Blue B y Floorpl an B unnies: Cotton B unny - Sugar B y Anc Catal og: Card Catalog - White B y Apple Fall Tabl e: Autumn's Calling Wood Table With Tablecloth B y Dust B unny Crate: Vegetables Crate B y Vespertine B ottl es: Ceramic Bottles B y Apple Fall Lemonade: Lemonade B ucket B y Apple Fall Lemonade: Soiree Lemonade B y Tres Bl ah Pie: Apple Pie B y Dust B unny Carrot J uice: Carrot J uice B y 8F8 Chick: New B eginnings Chicken B y 8F8 Cookies: Christmas Cookies B y Apple Fall Cake: Lemon Whip Drizzle Cake B y Apple Fall B unny: New B eginnings B unny & Chickens B y 8F8 Eggs: New B eginnings Egg Stand B y 8F8 Cookies: B unny Cookies B y Little Closet B read: B read Tra y B y Dust B unny Chocol ate: Chocol ate B unny B y Zerkalo S andwiches: Summer Picnic Deli S andwiches B y Dust B unny Cheese: Summer Picnic Cheese Wheel B y Dust B unny B read: Wanderlust B read B asket B y Dust B unny B anner: Chalk B anner B y Second Spaces Crate: Vintage Crate B y Floorpl an Lemons: Fresh Fruit Stand Lemons B y Dust B unny Lemons: Lemon B ucket B y Pilot Duck B ucket: Duck B ucket Trolley B y S ari S ari Duck Toy: White Puddle Duck B y Kalopsia Stuf fed B unny: White B unny Foofoo - Sitting B y Kalopsia Carrots: Carrot Crate B y 8F8 B asket Tabl e: B asket Table B y Dust B unny B ird Nest: Robin Nest - Natural B y Dust B unny Silverware: Summer Picnic Silverware B y Dust B unny Ar tichokes: Decorative Artichokes B y Apple Fall J ars: White Milk Gl ass J ars B y Willow Home Fl owers: Paper Whites J ar B y Keke Fl owers: Freesia White Vase B y Lode Rug: Fabrique B y Apple Fall Pil l ow: Spring Gif ts B unny Pillow B y Zerkalo B asket: Flower Girl B asket B y The Lof t Chick: Happy End Park Little Chick B y Anc S andwich: Tiny Dwelling Refreshment B y Vespertine Water: Bottle Of Spring Water B y Keke Carri age: Vintage B aby Carriage B y B ad Seed Easter Egg: Spring Gif ts Easter Egg B y Zerkalo Easter B asket: Spring Gif ts B asket - Light B y Zerkalo B aby: A Prince Is Born B y Bl ack B antam



STYLING CREDITS. . . Stand: Farmer's Market Hut B y Kuro & [Con.] B unting: Easter B unting Fl ags B y Roost Free R ange: Fresh Eggs Sign B y J unk. Eggs Displ ay: New B eginnings Egg Stand B y 8F8 Eggs Wal l: New B eginnings Egg Carrier B y 8F8 Preserves: Kitchen B asics B y Tres Bl ah Pink B asket: Easter B asket B y *Cutiecakes* Fruit Pie: Picnic Gacha B y Cbox Strawberries: #11 Fruit Stand B y Lost J unction B l ackberries: #14 Fruit Stand B y Lost J unction Lemons: # 09 Fruit Stand B y Lost J unction Peaches: # 06 Fruit Stand B y Lost J unction Tul ips: Sunshine Tulips B y Ariskea Mil k Carrier: Southern Shelties 14 B y J ian Chickies: Chicks B y Gearwolf Studios Piggy: Mini Piggy - Nice 2 Meet U B y Half-Deer Goat: B aaah Goat B y J ian Happy Easter Sign: Easter Sign B y Chez Moi Pl astic Easter Eggs: Eggs B y Second Star Cow: Southern Shelties 6 B y J ian Cow's Hat: Easter Bonnet B y Aleymart Chicken: Chicken Collection Wanderer B y J ian Easter Tree: Easter Tree B y The B l ack Forest Pink Easter Hunt: Sign B y Ocd Mesh B ench: Easter B ench B y Laura Liberty House: Primavera In Toscana Mansion B y 8F8 Grass: Winter Grass B y Aa B uild & Design Egg Sign: B rown B y Floorpl an Dress: Annie - Pl aid Pink B y Vicarious Youth Knee Socks: White B y Vicarious Youth Easter B asket: B rown B y Bowtique


mar / apr 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng




mar / apr 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng

STYLING CREDITS. . . House: Cordelia Chateau B y Scarlet Creative Chapel: Chapel B y Scarlet Creative Fence: Cranfield Fence B y Apple Fall Fence: B ushmead Railing B y Apple Fall Swing Set: Rusty Swing B y Pewpew Fl owers: Spring Bloom Tulips B y What Next Pl ants: Privet B all B y Apple Fall Pl ants: B a y Leaf Topiary B y Apple Fall Pl ants: B ilbo Shrubs B y Little B ranch Trees: Blooming Tree B y Little B ranch Fl ying Seeds: Dandelion Fluff B y Anc Prints: Botanical Prints B y Apple Fall Tabl e: Working Farmhouse Table B y Apple Fall Chair: Steadfast Dining Chairs B y Apple Fall Tel escope: Telescope B y Kunst & Abiss B icycl e: Peewee B icycle B y Consignment Wagon: Shabby Finds Wagon B y Apt B Crate: Green Grocers Carrot Crate B y 8F8 Chickens: New B eginnings B aby Chicks B y 8F8 B unnies: Cotton B unnies B y Anc



mar / apr 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng




STYLING CREDITS. . . Tabl e: Industrial Coffee Table B y NOMAD Paint Tubes: Artists Box Of Paint Tubes B y Vive Atelier Paint Tubes: Artists Used Paint Tubes B y Vive Atelier Pal ette: Art Cl ass Palette B y S ari S ari Painted Eggs: Spring B ackyard Painted Eggs B y S ari S ari Egg Pack: Gofbb B roken Eggs B y MadPea Egg Pack: Gofbb Eggs B y MadPea Teapot: J uliette Teapot B y Apple Fall Tea Cup: J uliette Tea Cup Empty B y Apple Fall Tea Cup: J uliette Tea Cup Honey & Lemon Tea B y Apple Fall Stacked Cup: J uliette Tea Cups Stacked B y Apple Fall Fl ower: Snowdrops In Cloche B y Apple Fall R abbit: Silver Antiqued Rabbit B y Apple Fall Macarons: Macarons On Sketchbook B y Apple Fall Macarons: Macarons In Box B y Apple Fall Newspaper: Crumpled Newspaper B y Apple Fall B aby Chicken: New B eginnings Chicken B y 8f8 Donut Set: Mug & Donut Set B y Soy Chair: Shag Shag Stool B y Soy Pl ant: Snake Pl ant B y Dust B unny House: Wanderlust Hedera Cabin B y Dust B unny


mar / apr 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng



mar / apr 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng





mar / apr 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng

STYLING CREDITS. . . B ike: Storybook Living B akers Boy Farthing B y Dust B unny Pl anter: Pl anter's Habitat Rock Pl anter B y Consignment Greenhouse: Pl ants Cabinet B y Dust B unny Packages: Owl Post White B y Floorpl an Pots: Extra Pots B y Hive B roken Pots: Recycled Pots B y Dust B unny Square Pl anter: Square Lead Pl anter With Lion Head B y Apple Fall Daisies: Oxeye Daisy Patch B y Apple Fall Door Mat: Hello There Doormat B y What Next Tal l Pl anter: Victorian Chimney Pl ant B y Apple Fall Topi ar y: B a y Leaf Topiary, 3-Tier B y Apple Fall Roses: White Roses B ucket B y Atelier Visconti B ird House: Primitive B irdhouse Set B y Hive Tool s: Pl anter's Habitat Garden Tools B y Consignment Pl ant: Spring Garden Potted Climber B y Cheeky Pea Wel l: Storybook Living Wishing Well B y Dust B unny B ike: B ike B y Lark B ird House: Large B irdhouse B y Hive Roses: White Roses B ucket B y Atelier Visconti Mail box: Makeshif t Mailbox B y Dust B unny Wheel barrow: Garden Wheelbarrow B y Dust B unny Mil k Cans: New B eginnings Milk Containers B y 8F8 B ag: Green Grocers Leek Paper B ag B y 8F8 Easter B asket: Easter B asket B y Bowtique Crate: Kitchen Crate Herbs B y Vespertine B ucket With Ducks: New B eginnings First Swim B y 8F8 Pol es With String Lights: Potted String Light B y Floorpl an Water Pump: Garden Pump B y Dust B unny Wooden B unnies: Poetry Spring B unnies B y Cheeky Pea Chairs: Dream Wrought Iron Tea Chair B y Cheeky Pea Tabl e: Dream Wrought Iron Table With Parasol B y Cheeky Pea Pl ace Setting: Dream Pl ace Setting B y Cheeky Pea Teacup: Vintage Tea Party Cupcake In A Cup B y Zerkalo B ucket: B ucket Of Lemonades Blue B y Keke Tul ips: Sunshine Tulips B y Ariskea Frame: B unny Frame B y Hive Pl atter: Vintage Tea Party Cupcakes Displ a y B y Zerkalo B unny: Arley B unny Cake B y The Lof t B asket: Easter B asket B y Bowtique I ce B ucket: Lemonade B ucket B y Apple Fall B unny: Arley B unny's Wife Cake B y The Lof t



mar / apr 2017 - fam i ly l iv i ng


Living In...





mar / apr 2017 - l ivi ng i n

STYLING CREDITS. . . Pl ant: Potted Pothos B y Soy Mirror: J abode Mirror B y The Lof t & Aria Fl owers: Bottle Vase B y Kalopsia Cur tains: Milton Curtains B y Apple Fall Pil l ow: Golden Cage Stacked Pillows B y Tres Bl ah Firepl ace: Lil ' Maison Firepl ace B y Tia Lights: Industrial Wall Lamp B y YS &YS Shop Cl ock: Riviera deco clock white B y Second Spaces Candl e: Lil ' Maison Candlesticks B y Tia Tin Cl ock: Tin Clock B y YS &YS Shop Wreath: Val arie Silverleaf Wreath B y Tia Ivor y Fl owers: Rose Vase B y Ariskea Gl ass J ar: Milk Gl ass J ars B y Willow Home (Store Closed) Yel l ow Fl owers: Nordica Hybrid Roses B y Ariskea Smal l Vase: Industrial Pl ant Vase B y YS &YS Shop Wooden B ird: B irdy & Eggs B y Ariskea B anner: B anner With Bows B y Dream Pl ant: Val arie Silverleaf Gl ass Vase B y Tia Vase: Bottle Vase B y Kalopsia Chair: New B eginnings Cardigan Chair B y 8f8 Pil l ows: J abode B ench Pillows B y The Lof t & Aria Frame Cl uster: Eclectic Collection Trio B y Tres Bl ah Window: Portico Window Decor B y The Lof t & Aria Shelf: Spring B ric a B rac Shelf B y B irdy Chair: Camellia Chair B y Dust B unny Rug: Ruffle Rug B y Dust B unny Rug: Boudoir Rug B y B irdy Tabl e: Val arie Coffee Table B y Tia Candl es: Lil ' Maison Candlesticks B y Tia Vase: Industrial Pl ant Vase B y YS &YS Shop Pear: Pear Trinket Box B y The Lof t Candl es: Lil ' Maison Candlesticks B y Tia B ook: A B it of Wonderl and Book Stack and Keys B y S ari-S ari B ook With Fl owers: Spring Reading B y Dust B unny Teacup: Vintage Teacup Pl anter B y J unk Couch: Camellia Couch B y Dust B unny



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mar / apr 2017 - l ivi ng i n





mar / apr 2017 - l ivi ng i n



B uil d: Paris Apartment B y Apple Fall TV: Oled TV B y Neurol ab Mirror: Panel Mirror B y Fancy Decor Firepl ace: Ambrose Firepl ace B y Aria & The Lof t Picture Frame: B acall Portrait B y The Lof t Vase: Vase w/ B ranches (Modified) B y The Lof t Sidetabl e: Wall Console Table B y Keke Pl anter: Succulent (modified) B y Pilot B ush: Seasonal Boxwood B ush B y Botanical Fl owers: Lavender B y Dutchie Pl ant: Reaching Pl ant B y Apple Fall Logs: Log Storage B y The Lof t Rug: Alderan Rug B y The Lof t B owl of Lemons: Hard to Find Bowl w/ Lemons B y Keke Rose: B ell a Vase w/ A Rose B y Aria B ooks: Paris Books B y B azar Fl owers: Hydrangea Vase B y Ariskea Cof fee Tabl e: Highl and Coffee Table B y The Lof t Fl owers: Hydrangea botle B y Ariskea B ooks: Lennox Coffee Table Decor B y The Lof t B owl of Eggs: Easter Eggs B y 8f8 Sofa: Ophelia Three Sitter Sofa B y Aria Pil l ows: Verona Dining Chair (Modified) B y The Lof t Lamp: Chelsea Floor Lamp B y Mudhoney Chair: Ophelia Arm Chair B y Aria Lamp: Highl and Side Table B y David Heather Mirror: Serena Mirror B y Aria Consol e: Greek Key Console Table B y Commoner Lamp: B ubble Lamp B y Floorpl an Vase: Oakley Amsonia Flowers (Modified) B y Aria Fl owers: Cordova Flowers B y The Lof t Mannequin: Rabbit Mannequin B y Maru Kado Roses: Roses Box B y Apple Fall Decor: B irdy & Eggs B y Ariskea B ooks: Papercovered Books B y The Lof t B ox: Stud Cl asp Boxes (Modified) B y Fancy Decor

Tabl e: Nested Consoles (Modified) B y The Lof t Chairs: Ambrose Dining Chair B y Aria & The Lof t Pl ate Setting: Decorative Pl ate Setting B y Merak Silverware: Casol are Pl ace Setting (Modified) B y The Lof t Candl e: Cubic Candle B y B irch Ar tichokes: Decorative Artichokes B y Apple Fall Fl owers: Meid Lil acs B y The Lof t Lamp: Gl ass Pendant Lamp B y B reno Lamp Shade: Wirefram Lamp B y The Lof t Sideboard: Ambrose Sideboard B y Aria & The Lof t B unny: Easter Surprise B y Creativ Garden B owl: Troubadour Bowl Decor B y Aria & The Lof t Eggs: 1 Egg 2 Egg B y Hardware Wal l Candl es: Vertical Candls B y Fancy Decor Ar t: Dots Art (Modified) B y Apple Fall

MISC Cur tains: Ambrose Curtains B y Aria & The Lof t Pl anter: Square Lead Pl anter w/ Lion Head B y Apple Fall Cypress: Mediterranean Cypress B y Botanical



mar / apr 2017 - l ivi ng i n


The Shoppi


ing List

our favorites of the moment



Cabinet: Card Catalog By Apple Fall Lamp: Max Lamp By The Loft Plant: Valarie Silverleaf Glass Vase By Tia Clock: Alarm Clock By Belle Epoque


mar / apr 2017 - shoppi ng l ist


Sofa: Leather Sofa By Purple Poses & Me Jewelry Frame: Framed Fossils By Consignment Coat Rack: Propeller Coat Rack By BlueSky



Plant: Mirtille Plant By Ariskea Cloche: Cloche By Fancy Decor Clock: Meyer Clock By The Loft

5. Cloche: The Moon By Nomad


mar / apr 2017 - shoppi ng l ist

4. Rug: Classic Rug By Haikei


Clothing Rack: Forever Yours Gacha By Haikei Potted Plant: Eucalyptus Potted By Ariskea Tree: Bare tree By Soy


Functional T

he micro apartment or micro flat is a one room living space packed with all the constituents of home and has become most prevalent in cities where space is limited and accommodation costs are high. Make no mistake, this is an upmarket modern living space and quite a way from the old suburban bedsit of the UK upon which the concept is based. These smart spaces must be around 400 square feet to quality for micro status. They are rising in popularity as young professionals seek the best locations and luxury amenities. It's not all about saving money but sometimes the value of living goes far beyond the cost of rent and to live in a neighborhood may mean much more. However, micro apartments are generally available in central areas where many buyers and tenants have previously found themselves priced out of the market so lower housing costs as a reason for choosing to live in a micro apartment is a very valid one. So, how are these spaces styled so that everything fits magically into 400 square feet? Micro apartments are rather akin to sailing boats where everything must fit into a given space and the more streamlined the design

is, the better chance it has of becoming a sanctuary and not a restrictive box. These homes make use of every square inch to make a tiny living space not so tiny. It's a matter of reducing the clutter and using lots of built-in designs which serve multiple functions. Interior designers use furniture that makes use of walls, the height of the room and sometimes even the ceiling! Here's some examples of micro apartments around the world. New York City's first micro unit community launched in January 2013. There were 55 modular spaces that varied between 250 and 370 square feet. Ceilings were kept high to add spaciousness and each apartment had sliding glass doors to Juliette balconies. Although compact, there was 70 cubic feet worth of overhead loft space, deep wardrobes and kitchens with full height pull out pantries and fold out counters. Purchasers then employed various interior design features such as custom modern cabinetry, strategically placed wall dividers, handmade lighting and other space saving features, an example of which was a "staircase dresser" with risers that faced into drawers and led to a loft sleeping space.



micro apartments

STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: The Camden B y Maven Homes.

BUILD MODIFICATIONS B athroom Door: The Skwer [Mod] B y Maven Homes, B athroom/ Kitchen Par tition: Custom B y N/A , Fire Pl ace: The Avanti [Mod] B y Maven Homes, Fire Pl ace Logs: Fire Bowl B y Revival, Firepl ace B races: Lantern B racket B y Post, Ladder: Carino Wa y [Mod] B y Roost, Ladder Track: B arn Door Slider [Mod] B y B rocante, Privacy Par tition: Kehoe Room Divider B y B al acl ava, Sl eeping Lof t R ail ing: The Skwer [Mod] B y Maven Homes.

LIVING & DINING ROOM Ar t: Simple Frames [Mod] B y Keke, B ook: Rue Decorative Book B y The Lof t & Aria, B ook Ends: Quotes Bookend B y Mudhoney, B ook Stack: Palermo Decorative Books B y Aria, B ooks: Book Decor B y Digs, Candl e: Scented Candle B y Fancy Decor, Candl e B ox: Candle Box B y Fancy Decor, Candl e Hol der: Sof t & Subtle Tiered Candle B y The Lof t, Candl e Lamp: Candle Lamp B y Fancy Decor, Chair: Lounge Chair [Mod] B y No Concept, Cl oche: Cloche B y Fancy Decor, Cof fee Tabl e: Clive Coffee Table B y B igbull y, Consol e: Tredegar Console B y Theosophy (Closed), Oral Orb: Decorative Orb B y The Lof t & Aria, Eucal yptus: Ainsley Gl ass Bottle With Eucal yptus B y Aria, Fl owers: Serendipity Snowdrop Flowers [Mod] B y Aria, Hour Gl ass: Cmyk Hourgl ass B y Commoner, I sosphere: Serendipity Isosphere Decor B y Aria, Key Ar t: Antique Key Shadow Box B y The Lof t, Lamp: Ind Lamp B y Ilo, Magazine B ox: Magazine Files B y Apple Fall, Magazines: Magazine Stack B y Fancy Decor, Matches: Matches B y Fancy Decor, Mirror: Serena Mirror B y Aria, Orb: Orb B y Mudhoney, Ottoman: Serendipity Pouf B y Aria, Photo B oxes: Storage Box B y Fancy Decor, Pil l ow: Pillow B y Fancy Decor, Pil l ow: Rue Decorative Pillow B y The Lof t & Aria, Pil l ow Lumbar: Meyer Pillow B y The Lof t, Pil l ow Ruf fl ed: Serendipity Throw Pillow B y Aria, Pot: Ophelia Potted Amaryllis [Mod] B y Aria, Potted Cactus: Superlong Potted Cactus B y Soy, Potted Fl ower: Shitamachi Alley Garden Potted Pl ant B y Soy, Potted Ivy: Holborn Hanging Ivy B y Yourskin & Yourshape, Potted Pl ant: Money Pl ant B y J unk, Potted Pl ant: Tinned Pl ant B y J unk, Potted Topi ar y: B a y Leaf Topiary B y Apple Fall, P yramid: Giada Decorative Concrete P yramid B y Aria, Rug Sheepskin: Sunda y Morning Faux Sheepskin Rug B y Aria, Rug Stripped: Fabric Round Rug B y Haikei, Sidetabl e Log: Kira Tree Stump Coffee Table [Mod] B y Aria, Sidetabl e Log Wheel s: Superlong Potted Cactus [Mod] B y Soy, Sidetabl e Metal: Serendipity Side Table B y Aria, Sidetabl e Wood: Mara Sidetable B y The Lof t, Sofa: Rue Sofa B y The Lof t & Aria, Throw B l anket: Serendipity Throw B y Aria, Vase: Kizi Red Pot B y Concept, Wire Cacti: Metal Cactus B y J unk, Cactus: Rue Cactus B y The Lof t & Aria, Chandel ier: Wood Chandelier [Mod] B y Revival, Chandel ier B ase: Ind Lamp B y Ilo, Chairs: Roxanne Chair B y The Lof t, Cl oche: Cloche B y Fancy Decor, Coaster: Coasters [Mod] B y Fancy Decor, Laptop: Summer Moved On Laptop B y Aria, Pot: Ophelia Potted Amaryllis [Mod] B y Aria, Pot: Kizi Red Pot B y Concept, Potted Cactus: Superlong Potted Cactus B y Soy, Potted Pal m: Potted Ponytail Palm B y Soy, Potted Topi ar y: B a y Leaf Topiary B y Apple Fall, Rug: Fabric Round Rug B y Haikei, Tabl e: Nixie Side Table [Mod] B y Aria.

KITCHEN A ppl es: Rue Decorative Book With Apples B y The Lof t & Aria, Ar t: Delish Print [Mod] B y B igbull y, Ar t Cof fee: Abstract Canvas [Mod] B y J unk, Cabinets: Modern Kitchen [Mod] B y Aethis Creations, Cl ock: Rue Clock B y The Lof t & Aria, Coasters: Coasters [Mod] B y Fancy Decor, Cof fee Maker: Espresso Machine B y Fancy Decor, Consol e: Industrial Sidebpard [Mod] B y Apple Fall, Counter Top: Emmerich Kitchen [Mod] B y Aria, Cream & Sugar: Hard To Find Cream & Sugar B y Keke, Fridge: Emmerich Kitchen Fridge B y Aria, I sl and: Emmerich Kitchen B y Aria, Kitchen Utensil s: Amaryllis Kitchen Decorative Utensils B y Aria, Mugs: Hard To Find Cups B y Keke, Oven Mitts: Ginevra Kitchen Mitts B y Aria, Pantr y Doors: Emmerich Kitchen [Mod] B y Aria, Pantry Handles: Modern Kitchen [Mod] B y Aethis Creations, Paper Towel: Ginevra Decorative Paper Towels B y Aria, Pl ant: Potted B romeliad [Mod] B y Aria, Potted Herb: Amaryllis Potted B asil B y Aria, R ange Hood: Emmerich Kitchen Range Hood B y Aria, Sink: Emmerich Kitchen [Mod] B y Aria, Stool s: Metal B arstool B y Trompe Loeil, Storage Canisters: Canisters B y Pixel Mode, Stove Top: Ginervera Kitchen [Mod] B y Aria, Vase: Vase B y Llorisen, Wal l Oven: Ginervera Kitchen [Mod] B y Aria,

SLEEPING LOFT Ar t: Simple Frames [mod] B y Keke, B ags: Traveler B ags B y B azar, B ed: Pl atform B ed B y Fancy Decor, Cabinets: Industrial Sidebpard [mod] B y Apple Fall, Cactus: Troubadour Potted Cactus B y The Lof t & Aria, Chair: Operators Chair B y J unk, Cl othing: Dover Clothes Gacha B y EliB ail y, Fur B l anket: Ha yden B ed B y Aria, Headboard: Padded Headboard B y Mudhoney, Lamps: B ubsy B ar Light B y J unk, Mirror: Studio Mirror B y The Lof t, Pil l ows: Rue Decorative Pillow B y The Lof t & Aria, Pl ant: Portico Potted A spidistra B y The Lof t & Aria, Wood B ed Shelf: B each Log Table B y Llorisen.


mar / apr 2017 - functional spaces




mar / apr 2017 - functional spaces


Micro flats are popular in Hong Kong where average home prices have soared beyond the reach of average salary earners. This trend has prompted developers to scale down. Up to five thousand flats are in the pipeline every year until 2019 which will triple the average in the last decade. Emperor's building comprises of 68 apartment units, all of which measure 61 square feet, except for four larger flats at 122 square feet. This does not consider the space allocated for kitchen and bathroom arrangements but even so, this is a very small living space. As can be imagined, families in Hong Kong are also getting smaller therefore, with the ratio of two person households expected to be around 29% by 2020 per the government's Domestic Household projections. There's even disposable micro apartments! In the Netherlands, this year, architects DUS, a studio based in Amsterdam, offered a solution for temporary housing, using bio-plastic to 3D print an 8-square meter cabin. When the apartment is no longer needed, the structure can be destroyed and almost all the materials can be reused, they are simply shredded and re-printed into new designs. The bio-based 3D printing filament is a product with linseed oil as its main component. A small amount of concrete was also used to provide a durable flooring surface. It fills a patterned grid which extends out from the cabin to form a pebbled pathway across a small garden. The Urban Cabin is now a research into compact and sustainable dwelling solutions in urban environments or in disaster areas. Meanwhile, in Sweden, architects Tengbom designed a 10-square meter wooden house as an affordable and sustainable option for students. It included a kitchenette with shelving and green storage cupboards, a small bathroom and a loft for sleeping that was accessed via small wooden steps fixed to the wall. Two window shutters on the lower level can be folded down to use as a dining table and a desk. They took care to make round corners rather than sharp 90 degree angles. Tengbom's main issue was to design smart units with no unnecessary space, especially designed for micro living. Through an efficient layout and the use of cross laminated wood as a construction material, the ecological impact and carbon footprint was also significantly reduced. Please enjoy the designs that our stylists have made using housing, furniture and decor from across our virtual world.


mar / apr 2017 - functional spaces




mar / apr 2017 - functional spaces


STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil d: Spirit House B y Ionic.

ENTRY Wal l Deco: Muscare Wall Pl ate B y Lode, Crate: Pl ant Collection Crates B y Pilot, Mil k B ottl es: Leche En Botell as B y Ionic, B ag: Shopping B ag B y Vespertine, B ag: Canvas Tote B y Apple Fall, Pal l et: Pallet Pl ants Shelf B y Ionic.

KITCHEN Stove: Stove B y Scarlet Creative, Dishes: Dinner Is Ready B y Ionic, Col ander: Col ander B y Apple Fall, Pan R ack: Pan Rack B y Apple Fall, Pins: Pins A ssorted B y Apple Fall, Ar t: J e Suis Charlie B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Dahlia J ug B y Dust B unny, Spatul as: Spatul as Tins B y Vespertine, Light: Gl ass Lamp B y Industry 7, Cur tain: Translucent Curtain B y Ionic, Fl owers: Emma Tulips Bouquets B y What Next, Sink: Marquette Sink B y Post, B ottl e: Elderflower Cordial B y Apple Fall, Drawers: Piled Drawers B y Ionic, Pl ant: Potted Olive Tree Lucia B y What Next, Rug: Fabrique B y Apple Fall, Chairs: Toile Chair B y Apple Fall, Tabl e: Country Table B y Apple Fall, Cake: Party Cake B y Ionic, Pl ant: Cotton Cluster B y Apple Fall, B ook: Prepared B aking B y Vespertine, Recipes: Recipebox B y Vespertine, Cl oth: Teacloth B y Apple Fall, B room: Straw B room B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Oberlin Potted Cal adium B y The Lof t & Aria, Light: Pendant Lamp B y No Concept, Cabinet: Country Pantry B y Apple Fall, Cabinet: Medicine Cabinet B y Nomad, Pitcher: Milk Pitcher B y Lode, Mol ds: Vintage J ell y Molds B y Apple Fall, Fl ower: B abybreath Vase B y Dust B unny, B ox: Hat Box B y Apple Fall, B asket: Hanging Wicker B asket B y Apple Fall, Ladder: Antique Ladder With Hearts B y Apple Fall, Shoe Cl eaning Set: Vintage Shoe Shine Set B y Second Spaces, Shoes: Leather Moccasins B y Apple Fall, Coat: Old Coat B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: Hanging Hedera B y Soy, Dividers: Ivy Divider B y Ionic, Mirror: Gilded Sunburst Mirror B y Vespertine, Wreath: Twig Wreath B y Apple Fall, Fl ower: One Gerbera In Cider Bottle B y Soy, Frames: Vintage Frames B y Dust B unny, Tabl e: Canvas And Other Stuff Table B y Ionic, Tins: Paint Tins B y Apple Fall, Light: Ceiling String Lights B y Tarte.

BATHROOM Wal l Deco: Wall Compass B y B rocante, Light: It's A Hipster Thing Lamp B y Apt B , Mirrors: Cooper Vanity Mirror B y Mudhoney, Suppl ies: Cooper His Supplies B y Mudhoney, Suppl ies: Cooper Her Supplies B y Mudhoney, Soap: Cooper Soap Dish B y Mudhoney, B rushes: Cooper Toothbrush Cup B y Mudhoney, Sink: Cooper Vanity B y Mudhoney, Pl ant: Interior Pl ant B y Ionic, Chair: B ea Reading Chair B y Apple Fall, Pl ant: B anana Tree B y Apple Fall, Shelves: Autumn Picture Shelf B y What Next, Fl ower: B irch Vase B y Lode, Cabinet: Apothecary Cabinet B y Apple Fall, Wreath: Blossom Wreath B y Apple Fall, Towel s: Cooper Rolled Towels B y Mudhoney, Towel s: Cooper B ath Towels B y Mudhoney, Towel s: Cooper Hand Towels B y Mudhoney, Crate: Cooper Crate B y Mudhoney, I ncense: Cooper Incense B y Mudhoney, Shampoos: Cooper Shampoos B y Mudhoney, Lotions: Cooper Moisturizers B y Mudhoney, Magazines: Cooper Magazines B y Mudhoney, B rush: Cooper Body B rush B y Mudhoney, R ack: Studio Storage Shelves B y Artisan Fantasy, Pl ant: Potted Photos B y Soy, Tub: Victoria Cl awfoot B ath B y Apple Fall, Mat: B ath Mat B y Pixel Mode, Wal l Deco: Frames (Modified) B y Ionic, Easel: Painter´S Easel B y Ionic, Tabl e: Painter´S Little Table B y Ionic.

BEDROOM Cabinet: Mirror B y Apt B , Fl ower: Camellia Potted Pl ant B y Dust B unny, Fl ower: Charlotte Lillies B y What Next, Mirror: Gilded Blumen Mirror B y Vespertine, Lamp: Hamilton Lamp B y B al acl ava, B ooks: Chained Books B y Fancy Decor, Fl ower: Summer Bottle B y Keke, Hol der: J ewerl y Displ a y B y Zerkalo, Hol der: Mannequin With Neckl ace B y Zerkalo, Cur tain: Window Curtain B y 8F8, Cabinet: Refurbished Spring Drawer B y Keke, Lamp: Orsett Wall Lantern B y Apple Fall, B ed: Cavalieri B ed B y Fancy Decor, B asket: B asket With Towels B y Zerkalo, I ncense: Improvised Incense B y Nomad, Cupboard: Linen Cupboard B y Nomad, Sl ippers: Toronto Slippers B y B azar, Airpl ane: Model Pl ane B y Apple Fall, Cl ock: Vanite Al arm Clock B y Atelier Visconti, Cl ock: Al arm Clock B y Erratic, B ooks: Garden Whitebook B y Anc.



mar / apr 2017 - functional spaces


The Differe



soy bath set


mar / apr 2017 - the difference


STYLING CREDITS. . . Mirror: B athroom Mirror B y B azar Roses: Workspace Gold Mason J ar Of Roses B y Tres Bl ah Cup: Cooper Toothbrush Cup B y Mudhoney Nail Pol ish Cl utter: Slumber Party Nail Polish Clutter B y Tres B l ah Cup: Cooper Her Supplies B y Mudhoney B oxes: Eclectic Collection Nesting Boxes B y Tres Bl ah B ook And Cup: Cooper Book And Fl at White B y Mudhoney Counter: Cooper Vanity B y Mudhoney Pl ant: Australia Olive Twigs B y Ariskea Dress Form: Serendipity Dressform With A Robe B y Aria Orchid: Australia Orchid Pl ant B y Ariskea B asket: Hexa B asket Pair B y The Lof t & Aria Pl ank: Fall In Love Pl ank B y Floorpl an Car t: Jolie Makeup Tower B y Tres Bl ah Nail Pol ish Cl utter: Slumber Party Nail Polish Collection B y Tres B l ah Toil et Paper: Cooper Tp Stack B y Mudhoney Case: Slumber Party Makeup B ag B y Tres Bl ah B athtub: B athtub And Shower Fishtank B y Soy Tray: Board For B athtub B y Soy Macarons: Macarons In Box B y Apple Fall Pl anner: S al ad Da ys Striped Pl anner B y Tres Bl ah I ncense: Cooper Incense B y Mudhoney Tabl et: Golden Cage Tablet B y Tres Bl ah B ath B ombs: Eclectic Collection B ath Bombs B y Tres Bl ah Rug: Alderan Rug B y The Lof t Rug: Ruffle Rug B y Dust B unny Frame: Framed Picture Unicorn B y Tres Bl ah Chair: Eclectic Collection Sofa Chair B y Tres Bl ah Towel s: Hanged Towels B y Gl am Affair Home Robe: B ath Robe White B y Dutchie Tabl e: Rose Table B y Dust B unny Lamp: B eaded Lamp B y Dust B unny J ewel r y B ox: J ewelry Box B y Dust B unny Frame: Workspace Print And Books B y Tres Bl ah Hands: Summer Moved On J ewelry Holder B y Aria Makeup B rushes: B rush Set Vase B y Ariskea B asket: Vintage Spa Rustic B asket B y Zerkalo Sl ippers: Fuzzy Slippers B y Reign B ag: Sleepover B ag B y Reign Tul ips: Sunshine Tulips B y Ariskea Pl ant: Australia Olive Twigs B y Ariskea



mar / apr 2017 - the difference






mar / apr 2017 - the difference

B uil ding: Concrete Haus B y NOMAD B ath Tub: Fishtank B athtub And Shower B y Soy Figure: Antique Wooden Figure B y Soy B ottl e: Opend White Wine Bottle B y Soy Gl ass: Gl ass Of White Wine B y Soy B oard: Board For B athtub B y Soy Tel evision: Transistor Television B y Soy Mats: Sudare Reed Screen B y Soy Sunbl inds: Sudare Reed Screen B y Soy Picture: Handpainted Target B y Seven Emporium Chair: Mickey Chair B y J unk B asket: Laundry B asket B y NOMAD Pl ant: Snapdragon Vase B y Lode Pl ant: Hanging Hedera B y Soy

Mirror: Lavatory Mirror B y Soy Sink: Marquette Sink B y Post Fl ower: One Gerbera In B eer Bottle B y Soy Pl ant: Potted Traveler's Palm Tree B y Soy B asket: J udy B asket B y Mudhoney Cabinet: Metal Cabinet B y J unk B ooks: J udy Books B y Mudhoney Pl ant: J udy Pl ant B y Mudhoney Candl es: J udy Candle B y Mudhoney Lamp: J udy Lamp B y Mudhoney B ooks: Encyclopedia B y Thor Pl ant: Snake Pl ant B y S ari-S ari Picture: State Hospital Sign B y Seven Emporium


The Art of T

he Japanese people are as enthusiastic about their food as the Italians and the Indians. In fact, many towns and cities are known for their local specialties first and foremost! Careful preparation and meticulous presentation are crucial elements of Japanese cuisine, food is an art form and in restaurants even the simplest dishes are often prepared by chefs who have trained for many years. Rice has been a staple food for the Japanese people for over two thousand years and still accompanies or forms the base of many meals. Harvesting the rice is labor intensive and so it's very rarely wasted. Apart from sushi, popular dishes include donburi which is simmered fish, meat or vegetables served over rice, onigiri - small parcels of rice wrapped in dried seaweed, kayu which is a rice porridge, mochi or pounded rice cakes and chazuke which is cooked rice with green tea and is often served with salmon or cod roe. Japan has four distinctive seasons and each season has its own delicious offerings, these seasonal dishes are known as meibutsu, and there is no shortage of restaurants proudly dedicated to serving local dishes. For instance, one of the best known regional dishes is okonomiyaki, a type of savory pancake which is famous in Hiroshima

and Osaka. Kaiseki cuisine are small dishes containing up to 12 courses of steamed, simmered or grilled dishes, sliced raw fish sashimi, tempura, soup, pickles and a small dessert. Dishes reflect what is available and in season. Kyoto is a great place to enjoy this treat. Fish is an integral part of the Japanese diet and has numerous methods of preparation. The Tsukiji Fish Market is the world's largest wholesale fish and seafood market and is a must for an early morning breakfast of fresh sushi. There are plenty of sushi restaurants or kaiten zushi all over Japan. Almost live fish is called odorigui which means still dancing, raw is known as nama or sashimi, grilled is called yaki and deep fried is known as tempura. Japan has a huge variety of fruit and vegetables and there are plenty of vegetarian options. Actually, meat was prohibited in Japan for more than a thousand years prior to 1868. Examples of vegetarian dishes are zaru soba - buck wheat noodles served cold with a dipping sauce, udon which is a delectable mountain vegetable soup and tofu steak known as okonomiyaki and is every bit as meaty as beef. The Japanese equivalent of Marmite is called natto, a sticky concoction made of fermented soya bean. People usually love it or hate it!



japanese food



mar / apr 2017 - the ar t of food

STYLING CREDITS. . . B uil ding: Agemono B y RH Design House Fl ower: Honeysuckle In Vase Orange, Large & Small B y Keke Cake: Maccha Cake B y RH Design House S aucer: J apanese Atelier B y Anc Screen: Reed Screen B y Soy Sushi: Sushi Displ a y B y Monkey B anana Origami: Origami B utterflies, Red, B lue, Purple B y Maru Kado S aucers: S aucers B y Anc Chopstick: Chinese Chopsticks B y Apple Fall Tea: Green Tea B y Rh Design House Teapot: Tea Time Set B y Maru Kado S ake: S ake Bottle, E, D & B B y Monkey B anana B ottl es: Soy S auce B y Monkey B anana Tray: Sushi B y Candy Crunchers Tray: S akura B y Rh Design House Sushi: Sushi Server B y Monkey B anana Fl ower: Honeysuckle In Vase Red B y Keke Lamp: Origami Lamp B y Caco's Greenhouse Lantern: Paper Lantern B y Tarte

Chair: Chair - Zabuton - Bl ack & Blue B y RH Design House Sushi: Nyotaimori Body Sushi B y A stralia Sushi: Extra - Sushi Piece B y Lost J unction Food: Avocado B y Disorderl y Food: Cha ya - Senbei B y RH Design House Rice B owl: Sushi Rice B y Monkey B anana Fish B owl: My Little Pond B y Maru Kado Sushi: Fish Case B y Monkey B anana Sushi: Sushi Prep B y Disorderl y Food: Crab Meat B y Disorderl y Food: Cucumbers B y Disorderl y Knife: Cooking Board B y Monkey B anana Tabl e: Working Table B y RH Design House B amboo: Green B amboo B y Little B ranch Grass: Snakeweed B y Little B ranch Sign: Nobori B y RH Design House Soup: Mushroom Soup W Truffle Mousse Single B y Shi



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Eating out in Japan is as much about the experience as the food. Many restaurants tend to specialize and there are many different styles including the sushi bars. Typical examples are restaurants that specialize in food on skewers (kushiyaki), ramen which is noodles in a broth, tempura (deep fried fish or vegetables), cook your own Korean style barbecue where a hotplate is used on the table, teriyaki which is marinated beef, chicken or fish seared on a hot plate, sukiyaki - thin slices of beef, bean curd and vegetables cooked in soy sauce and then dipped in egg. These are only a few of the styles. For a more general selection, the best place to go is to an izakaya, a Japanese pub, where for a set price customers can gorge themselves with as much food and drink as they like. These are called tabehodai or nomihodai deals. There are also Japanese style family restaurants called famiresu which are based on the concept of the western chains such as Harvester in the United Kingdom and Burger King in the west coast United States. They offer exceptionally good value and tasty food with great service. Some of the more well-known restaurants are Gusto, Coco-ichi which specialises in Japanese style curry, and Joyful. Festival food is another option which offers an array of interesting dishes including takoyaki - small pieces of octopus cooked in a bread dough dumpling, and kakigori which is shaved rice, are examples of such festive faire. There is an etiquette involved in Japanese dining which adds to the experience. Wet towels called oshibori are provided to clean hands before eating. After ordering, guests wait for everyone's order before starting the meal with the phrase itadakimasu which means I gratefully receive. If a dish is better served at once rather than waiting for everyone else to be served, the phrase osaki ni itadakimasu is used, allow me to start before you. Blowing your nose at the table, burping and noisy munching are considered bad manners! After finished the meal it is good manners to return the dishes to how they were at the start of the meal, so guests would replace lids on dishes and chopsticks back on the chopstick rack or in their paper holders. Meals are concluded with the phrase gochisosama deshita. This means thank you for the feast and includes gratitude both to the chef and to the ingredients consumed. In our virtual world, we have quite a few designers who make Japanese dishes both traditional and modern, Japanese dining furniture and various dining paraphernalia. These include Plaaka, RH Design House, Tentacio & Blackjack, Hosoi Ichiba, anc and Half-Deer. Put "Japanese Food" into Marketplace and there are all sorts of lovely things to peruse, from an Asian rice field and traditional Japanese dishes and dĂŠcor to modern sushi booths and noodle bars. Many of these are gacha resellers and there's real bargains to be had if you're thinking of decorating your dining room in Japanese style. We'll finish by raising a glass of sake or two and wishing you, Kampai!


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STYLING CREDITS. . . Tabl e: Grow Streak Concrete Table B y The Lof t, Nyuuhakus yoku Pl ates: J apanese Atelier S aucers Nyuuhakusyoku B y Anc Ltd, Koniro Pl ate: J apanese Atelier S aucers Koniro B y Anc Ltd, Soshoku Pl ate: J apanese Atelier S aucers Soshoku B y Anc Ltd, Kokihi Pl ate: J apanese Atelier S aucers Kokihi B y Anc Ltd, Ruriiro Red B ridge Pl ate: J apanese Atelier S aucers Ruriiro B y Anc Ltd, B enihi B l ue B ridge Pl ate: J apanese Atelier S aucers B enihi B y Anc Ltd, Kinaka Pl ate: J apanese Atelier S aucers Kinaka B y Anc Ltd, Hachimituiro Pl ate: J apanese Atelier S aucers Hachimituiro B y Anc Ltd, Kogane Pl ate: J apanese Atelier S aucers Kogane B y Anc Ltd, Gl ass J ar with Spoon: J apanese Atelier Glue B y Anc Ltd, Gl ass J ar with Pl ates: J apanese Atelier B rush and S aucers and Bl ank Bottle B y Anc Ltd, Pink Fishes: B loom Orchid Guppy Floor S akura Pink B y Anc Ltd, White Smal l Fl owers: Fish Shop Daughters Lotus White [Modded] B y Anc Ltd, Round Gl ass Ornament Decor: B loom Bottle Chair Milk White [Modded] B y Anc Ltd, Smal l Displ ay Stands: Otho Concrete Table [Modded] B y The Lof t, Oshi Zushi Pl ate: Rising Sun Delicates Oshi Zushi B y 8f8, Phil l y Maki Pl ate: Rising Sun Delicates Phill y Maki B y 8f8, Spring Wagashi Pl ate: Rising Sun Delicates Spring Wagashi B y 8f8, Nori Maguro Maki Pl ate: Rising Sun Delicates Nori Maguro Maki B y 8f8, Daikon Gari Was abi B owl s: Rising Sun Delicates Daikon Gari Wasabi B y 8f8, Gunkan Maki Pl ate: Rising Sun Delicates Gunkan Maki B y 8f8, Miso Shiru B owl: Rising Sun Delicates Wakame Miso Shiru B y 8f8, Kyuri Pl ate: Rising Sun Delicates Kyuri Cups B y 8f8, Taro Pl ates: Rising Sun Delicates Taro with Kuro Goma [Modded] B y 8f8, Ringo Stars Pl ates: Rising Sun Delicates Ringo Stars B y 8f8, Fukus a Zushi Pl ate: Rising Sun Delicates Chakin & Fukusa Zushi B y 8f8, Uramaki Zushi Pl ate: Rising Sun Delicates Uramaki Zushi B y 8f8, Caramel Patbingsoo B owl: Caramel Patbingsoo B y Random Matter, Long Hedge: Seasonal Boxwood Hedge B y Botanical, Dragon Statues: Dragon Statue B ronze B y J ade Leaf Studio, B ig Fl owers: Fish Shop Daughters Lotus Red [Modded] B y Anc Ltd, Trees: Skye Twisted Tree B y Skye, Dragon Eggs: Dragon Egg with Stand B y Figment, Pl ants: Maples B y RH Design House.


mar / apr 2017 - the ar t of food



mar / apr 2017 - the ar t of food


Make It You

ur Own:


bathroom vanities

Instructions... ARTICLE BY ROOKY YOOTZ / STYLING BY ROOKY YOOTZ / PHOTOGRAPHY BY JORDAN GIANT & ROCKABILLYSUN DETHLY When we decorate our virtual homes, many of us overlook the rooms we don’ t reall y need in Second Life. The bathroom for example, a room that seldom, if ever, sees any use in our pixel homes. I want to challenge that by making a unique modern glass top vanity. For this DIY all you need is a bowl style sink basin, and a shelf, super simple right? I chose to use a glass shelf for a sleek minimal modern style, but you can opt for a wooden shelf, or even use a low dresser, cabinet or console table for a completel y custom look.

The Steps: 1.Once you have chosen your sink (in my case the Deloros B athroom Vanity by Aria), hide everything but the sink and taps. You can do this by unlinking them from the object. However if you prefer the sink to still be usable, make the unneeded parts invisible with the transparency settings in build mode.

1. 1.


mar / apr 2017 - make it your own

2. Select furniture In my cas prim size the desir keeping i sink, the standard

the shelf, or other piece of you wish to convert into a vanity. se I created a glass shelf with a ed as desired. Place the shelf in red location in your bathroom, in mind that with a bowl basin counter must be lower than a d sink.

3. Position the sink basin on top of the shelf, you may choose to center the basin on the shelf, I however chose to offset my basin, and added a second sink, since this is the ensuite in my home. *Op tional * Because I used a glass shelf, I needed to add a drain pipe, I took this one from a kitchen set I had.

4. Style as desired. I kept the clutter limited, to keep with the minimal modern appeal by adding a large round mirror, a simple piece of art, and small decor items. This DIY has many different variations, you may choose to opt for a wooden shelf, or replace the shelf idea for a dresser. You may also try replacing the sink with a unique bowl or decorative dish you love. The options are onl y limited by your inventory.







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mar / apr 2017 - di rector y






























*All stores listed are from what was used in this issue.


LOV E TO D E CO R AT E – M A R C H / A P R I L 2 01 7 LOV E TO D E C O R AT E S L . C O M

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