Belize Times January 29, 2023 - Barrow pulls an Ashcroft

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Boledo control sold to a foreign interest? So says, ah me King Dean, the once self-professed "Master of the Game" who has lost his lustre in the spinning of his web of lies and deceit. There is no glitter and evidently no darned substance left in extinct-UDP Dean Oliver. One can almost hear him singing in his head "and now the end is near, I face the final curtain...." walking down the lonely road with a crippled gait. Oh how the mighty has fallen!

For context, in 2009, without public fanfare and what could be considered the cover of darkness, the Prince of Bel-Air and Brads were gifted the People’s Boledo contract by giving them administrative power. This was done through the blessings of a kangaroo Lotteries Tender Committee with king kangaroo Godwin Hulse. Did Hulse tip the scale in favor of a chosen one? Veiled in utter cunning, the Boledo and Sunday Lottery were outsourced to private interest. It was reasoned that mechanism for oversight, efficiency, accountability and transparency was lacking. The Barrow administration suggested that a mere $0.9 million in revenue from sales of books and licenses would not cut it and up the ante to 2 million dollars to administrate the Boledo contract. However, for nine years plus "Brads made

THE BELIZE TIMES 1 29 JAN 29 JANUARY 2023 | ISSUE NO: 5336 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 Pg. 11 MOTOCYCLE SAFETY: WEAR A HELMET; AVOID BLIND SPOTS; LIMIT SPEED! PCC Meets to Discuss 2022-2024 Strategic Plan The Belize Times Established 1957
Pg. 2
LAUNCH PUP Northern Caucus Supports Commission of Inquiry
Pg. 2 Pg. 2 Pg. 7 Pg. 5 PM IN NY - NYSE BELL RINGING Why no Commercial Agreement
Combatting Gender-Based Violence PlanBelize MIDTERM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY


Continued from page 1

no effort to properly report or record their sales." Hence, the Government of Belize has been unable to properly assess the taxes purportedly paid into the revenue coffers and believes that there may have been a serious case of underreporting.

In 2020, in what was considered a dubious fashion, Barrow disallowed the bill regarding the renewal of the Boledo contract to be debated by the PUPs, then in opposition, resulting in a negative resolution. Thereafter, Prime Minister Briceño had vouched to investigate the Bradsledo contract regarding irregularities upon taking over the office of Government. This was nestled in PlanBelize that was tabled at a House of Representatives sitting.

The Lotteries Tender Committee was first to fire a shot across the bow of BGGL asking the company in a letter, to show cause why the contract should not be revoked. The Committee cited 12 violations tantamount to breach. There have been manifest failures and breach, from the inception of the Bradsledo contract to Brads, Goodlee and now the sudden appearance of another silent partner named Countach in the latest iteration of Brads. Barrow, representing BGGL, responded to the letter and followed up with the threat to invoke the Bilateral Investment Treaty on behalf of his client Contach Technologies Limited, a Caymanyan offshore company, registered in Grand Cayman, if the revocation is pursued. Barrow considered the intent to revoke, as a vendetta by GOB notwithstanding the myriad of violations. This GoB step is to cure the injustices inflicted upon the masses for thirteen years who were denied access to the millions of dollars in proceeds profited into the pockets of Brads. We do not have to wait for history to show that


this was unfair in the very least and greedy definitely. Barrow is still using the word ‘settlement.’ If you ask the Boledo buyers, Belizeans, you can NEVER credit a piece of Boledo. Belizeans have settled endlessly.

When questioned by Jules Vasquez, in a recent interview, about the connection of prized son to the Brads Gaming Group Ltd. contract, Barrow almost blew a fuse. Barrow offered shameless hypotheticals of his son owning shares in Brads. In deflecting Jules’ pointed question, Barrow went on a rant regarding Countach and the possibility of the initiating of lawsuits and International arbitration against the Government if Brads’ license to operate is revoked. A sought legal opinion is that Countach is merely a shareholder and lacks locus standi to move the Court to bring action against the Government. In caselaw Foss v Harbottle (1843), it was established that “If a wrong is done to the company, the company is to be the proper plaintiff that only the company may sue and an individual shareholder or a group of shareholders may not sue."

Barrow is without shame and has fallen to the level of an ambulance chaser or simply antiBelizean-case chaser. Barrow frowned on Jules notion that the red hydra knows the duress that these litigations create for the state and, by extension, its people. Nonetheless, Barrow cares not. He is glad to be using a page directly from his Miami hotel deal where he signed off half a billion of Belize’s hard earned money to the lord. Ashcroft could be proud in seeing his foreign investor technique in action. UDP actors like Tracy who was deeply involved in the 2020 Lottery committee seem to be satisfied with cricket-like silence. There is UDP silence, but what can we expect when UDPs do not really exist.


The People’s United Party Northern Caucus supports a Commission of Inquiry into the failure to arrive at a Commercial Agreement between American Sugar Refining /Belize Sugar Industries and the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA)

Trial Farm, January 21, 2023

The Northern Caucus (NC) of the People’s United Party (PUP) held its first meeting of the year and has voted to support the call for a Commission of Inquiry (COI) to investigate the cause of failed negotiations to arrive at a fair and equitable commercial agreement between American Sugar Refining (ASR)/Belize Sugar Industries (BSI) and Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA). Members of the PUP NC are overwhelmingly concerned for the thousands of farmers, their families, and employees at risk if a commercial agreement is not signed. The Sugar Cane Industry has been and continues to be the livelihood of generations of Norteños and a significant contributor

to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of our country and an important investment to the ASR/BSI group.

The Northern Caucus of the PUP is convinced that this matter can only be properly, fairly, and transparently resolved by appointing a Commission of Inquiry with clear and objective terms of reference that will lead to a modern and fair legal framework to benefit all stakeholders.

The Northern Caucus of the People’s United Party unanimously supports and calls for a Sugar Cane Industry Commission of Inquiry to be established by the Government of Belize which will:

1. Provide benchmark data along the cane value chain required to determine industry costs;

January 2023 - The Office of the Prime Minister informed Belize that Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño departed the country en route to New York City to attend a Blue Bond meeting and LatinFinance’s Latin America Capital Markets Summit.

The Prime Minister on behalf of the people and Government of Belize will also receive a Sovereign Restructuring Award of the Year. This award was received just after printing time late Thursday evening January 26. The invite to the award: “The Republic of Belize has won the award for Sovereign Restructuring of the Year for last November’s groundbreaking $550m debt-for-nature swap. Many congratulations to you and your colleagues on this outstanding achievement.”

During the day he was at the New York Stock Exchange present at the Bell Podium for the ceremonial ringing of the bell. At the Latin America Capital Summit he participated on a panel. On Wednesday he met with Citibank officials. Citibank was key in the negotiating of the Blue Bond. So his visit to New York just as in Belize was a tightly work scheduled as he represented

2. Form the basis for the enactment of a modern cane industry regulatory framework;

3. Provide for dispute resolution;

4. Build trust between miller and cane producers;

5. Investigate the equitable distribution of the proceeds of sugarcane and its by-products between producer and miller;

6. Investigate how to make the cane industry more efficient and profitable to all stakeholders;

7. Make proposals therefrom.


Prime Minister Briceño returns to the country on Saturday, January 28, 2023. During his absence, Hon. Cordel Hyde, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Mining, will hold over as Prime Minister.

serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.

Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus


Fay Castillo EDITOR José Jiménez LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams OFFICE ASSISTANT Roberto Peyrefitte

Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00


Every world citizen has rights and planBelize encased this into a dream package of five deliverables that a People’s United Party government would build Belize around. At the planBelize Midterm Development Strategy(MTDS) launch these five were not a secret. Prime Minister John Briceño in many words gave Education, Healthcare, Jobs, Land and Housing the super-priority not forgetting what the PUP campaigned on. The MTDS proved that planBelize is a living document with a dynamism that allows it to be reviewed and upgraded. We will remember that the meat of planBelize-original was finalized in 2020 smack in the midst of the most fear-filled days of the Covid-19 pandemic. John Briceño and his team were then unrelenting and determined to serve the people. Since November 2020, the PUP has led the Belizean people in braving existential threats from rampant unemployment, unsustainable debt, and dwindling exports all contributing to social decadence revealed to us as a crime. Covid-19 had exposed the stench of UDP corruption and recession as they strangled the Belizean economy. Barrow administration's misfeasance and malfeasance had marinated to nonfeasance and criminal conviction for crimes against constitutional spending. Today, real stories of planBelize’s rapid success can be heard from Toledo to New York, literally around the world. The colossal success of this George Price-inspired 2020 manifesto included Health care system upgrades like a San Pedro Hospital, it included homes for the neediest, envisioned debt restructuring that needed world-class innovation, it laid out the farm-to-table that is now at an international level, and it foresaw that bolstering job opportunities via increased economic activity would put a dent into crime. Now the question this innovative Cabinet had at two years in office, can planBelize possibly be enhanced? A Midterm Development Strategy was forged and launched, 26 months after planBelize, laden with 271 projects and programs. The plan aims to strengthen the building of a nation that is expectant of plenty from a government that succeeded 13 years of decrepitude. The good news is that Belize is ready and the MTDS is a much-needed boost.

The MTDS is a basis for further growth, development and transformation for the next five years. All Belizeans are a part of this progress. The more jobs are available, the more everyone can participate and to this end, the MTDS addresses these: Poverty Reduction, Economic Transformation and Growth, Trade deficit reduction, Citizen Security, Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources and Good Governance. Each of these is oriented to essential human development. This is in stark contrast to the Imer/Infrastructure push the campaign-financing dollars-thirsty UDP got addicted to. Here we have all 18 ministries working towards the same goal with a precision focus on improving the lives of the citizenry. The 15-member Core Working Group and the 10-member Technical Committee all put together the MTDS with a planBelize focus. The level of detail in the Action Agenda is astounding: it includes 271 programs or projects as follows: 31 for poverty reduction, 102 for economic transformation, 35 for trade deficit reduction, 20 for citizen security, 60 for the protection of the environment and natural resources, 23 for no corruption and good governance. There is a definite need for a shift in the level of work within the public sector. This level of heightened work will require more human resources along with higher efficiency in the present workforce.

Of course, the Prime Minister is ultimately responsible for the overall success of this multipronged drive to improve planBelize. Poverty alleviation is actually the upliftment of individuals to perform in grand unison. When unemployment is historically low then the planBelize mantra of everybody fih win is arguably true. So, as the MTDS unfurls into action, Belizeans will truly experience a Belize building everyone’s dream into reality.


EDITORIAL en Español


Todos los ciudadanos del mundo tienen derechos, y planBelice los ha plasmado en un paquete de sueños con cinco objetivos en torno a los cuales un gobierno del Partido Unido del Pueblo construiría Belice. En la presentación de la Estrategia de Desarrollo a Mitad de Periodo (EDMP) de planBelice, estos cinco objetivos no eran un secreto. El primer ministro, John Briceño, dio la máxima prioridad a la educación, la sanidad, el empleo, la tierra y la vivienda, sin olvidar los temas sobre los que el PUP hizo campaña. La MTDS demostró que el planBelice es un documento vivo, con un dinamismo que le permite ser revisado y actualizado. Recordaremos que el contenido del planBelice-original se ultimó en 2020 justo en medio de los días más llenos de miedo de la pandemia del Covid-19. John Briceño y su equipo estaban entonces incesantes y decididos a servir al pueblo. Desde noviembre de 2020, el PUP ha liderado al pueblo beliceño para hacer frente a las amenazas existenciales del desempleo galopante, la deuda insostenible y la disminución de las exportaciones, todo lo cual ha contribuido a la decadencia social que se nos ha revelado como un crimen. Covid-19 había expuesto el hedor de la corrupción y la recesión del UDP mientras estrangulaban la economía beliceña. Los abusos y las felonías de la administración Barrow se habían convertido en incumplimiento en el cargo y convicciones penales por delitos contra el gasto constitucional.

Hoy en día, las historias reales del rápido éxito de PlanBelice pueden escucharse desde Toledo hasta Nueva York, literalmente en todo el mundo. El colosal éxito de este manifiesto para 2020 inspirado en George Price incluía mejoras en el sistema sanitario como un hospital en San Pedro, viviendas para los más necesitados, una reestructuración de la deuda que requería una innovación de talla mundial, el programa "de la granja a la mesa", que ahora es internacional, y la previsión de la que el aumento de las oportunidades de empleo a través de una mayor actividad económica haría mella en la delincuencia. Ahora la pregunta que se planteaba este Gabinete innovador a los dos años de mandato era: ¿es posible mejorar el planBelice? 26 meses después del planBelice se forjó y lanzó una Estrategia de Desarrollo a Medio Periodo, cargada de 271 proyectos y programas. El plan pretende fortalecer la construcción de una nación que espera mucho de un gobierno que sucedió a 13 años de decrepitud. La buena noticia es que Belice está preparado y la MTDS supone un impulso muy necesario.

La MTDS es la base de un mayor crecimiento, desarrollo y transformación para los próximos cinco años. Todos los beliceños forman parte de este progreso. Cuantos más puestos de trabajo haya disponibles, más podrá participar todo el mundo y, con este fin, la MTDS aborda estos aspectos: Reducción de la Pobreza, Transformación y Crecimiento Económico, Reducción del Déficit Comercial, Seguridad Ciudadana, Protección del Medioambiente y los Recursos Naturales y Buena Gobernanza. Cada una de ellas está orientada al desarrollo humano esencial. Esto contrasta fuertemente con el impulso Imer/Infraestructuras al que se hizo adicto el UDP, sediento de dólares para financiar la campaña. Aquí tenemos a los 18 ministerios trabajando hacia el mismo objetivo con un enfoque preciso en la mejora de la vida de los ciudadanos. El Grupo de Trabajo Central, compuesto por 15 miembros, y el Comité Técnico, compuesto por 10 miembros, elaboraron la MTDS con un enfoque planBelice. El nivel de detalle de la Agenda de Acción es asombrosa: incluye 271 programas o proyectos distribuidos del siguiente modo: 31 para la reducción de la pobreza, 102 para la transformación económica, 35 para la reducción del déficit comercial, 20 para la seguridad ciudadana, 60 para la protección del medioambiente y los recursos naturales, 23 para la no-corrupción y la buena gobernanza. Existe una clara necesidad de un cambio en el nivel de trabajo dentro del sector público. Este nivel de trabajo elevado requerirá más recursos humanos juntos con una mayor eficacia de la mano de obra actual.

Por supuesto, el primer ministro es el responsable último del éxito global de este esfuerzo múltiple para mejorar el planBelice. El alivio de la pobreza es en realidad la elevación de los individuos para que actúen al unísono. Cuando el desempleo es históricamente bajo, el mantra de planBelice de todos ganan puede considerarse cierto. Así pues, a medida que el MTDS se ponga en marcha, los beliceños experimentarán un Belice que hará realidad el sueño de todos.


Combatting Gender-Based Violence

Social & Behaviour Change Communications Campaign

lenge gender inequitable social norms, attitudes and behaviours change at the community and individual levels to prevent violence against women and girls, including family violence and those affecting women’s sexual health and reproduction.

en’s Commission, and it also marks 20 years since UNFPA began its operations here.”

January 25, 2023 - A Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Campaign to end Violence Against Women and Girls was launched today in Belize. The launch, which gathered the participation of government, civil society and private sector representatives as well as women’s groups and church leaders, took place at the Best Western Plus Belize Biltmore Plaza in Belize City.

The campaign will be implemented by the Government of Belize through the National Women’s Commission (NWC) and CSO partners in collaboration with UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, with funding from the European Union under the Spotlight Initiative. Critical communication assets that were expertly developed to address family violence in Belize were presented at the launch. The product development was buttressed in the draft Social and Behavior Change Communication strategy which builds on existing prevention intervention and identifies key entry points at all levels of the social ecology. It focused on some of the most marginalized groups which includes adolescent girls, indigenous women and girls, rural women and girls, migrant women and girls, sex workers, women and girls with disabilities, transwomen and lesbian women, women and girls living with HIV and elderly persons. This is in keeping with national goals to leave no one behind.

Keynote speaker, Hon. Dolores Balderamos Garcia, Minister of Human Development, Families & Indigenous People’s Affairs, in her remarks at the event stated that, “Social and behaviour change is critical for addressing gender-based violence and the House of Representatives has unanimously agreed to denounce and condemn domestic violence in all its forms as a crime and a violence of fundamental human rights, and commits to taking action for the prevention and elimination of gender- based violence in Belize… We’re launching the presentation today of the social and Behaviour Change Communication Strategy to continue to fight again domestic and gender-based violence. We have our UN partners, governmental partners National Women Commission, NGO and Civil Society partners. I think it is important as it’s a never-ending struggle in the fight against gender-based violence.”

As she noted in her remarks giv-

en, “The National Gender Policy has 6 pillars which are: health, education, wealth, employment, and income generation for women, Fighting against Gender-based Violence, Women empowerment in decision-making, and institutional strengthening.””

The SBCC products included videos, banners and posters for digital and social media platforms and print circulation. Taking a collaborative approach with both state and non-state actors, UNFPA, the National Women’s Commission, the Belize Family Life Association (BFLA) and the National Commission for Families and Children (NCFC) engaged in a step-by-step process to develop the assets. This included the undertaking of pretesting activities led by BFLA that involved consultations with 200 persons across the country which included representatives from social partners, youth, women and men. The pretesting phase was crucial to ensure an inclusive process and feedback from the stakeholders and participants were consolidated and the recommendations helped to shape the concept and direction of the products.

H.E. Marianne Van Steen, EU Ambassador emphasized that “Gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment are top priorities of the European Union at home and globally. It is only through collaboration that we can see meaningful change happen and I believe that the Social and Behaviour Change Communication Campaign that we are launching today, within the framework of a draft strategy, is a right step in this direction. This campaign belongs to everyone and it is for everyone to take it forward because everyone has a role to play: public and private sectors, policy and decision makers, faith-based organizations, community leaders, school at all levels, entrepreneurs and small business owners, you and I.”

Brigit Gerstenberg, UN Resident Coordinator, in her remarks said that, “Social norms are dynamic as they both influence and are influenced by interactions among agents in a society and can therefore be changed over time. This is the contribution we expect of the campaign launched today: To promote change in knowledge, attitudes, norms and practices to bring an end to violence against women, girls and boys in Belize.”

The SBCC Campaign will address 5 key categories - policy and decision-makers, workplace, community leaders, families and schools and will be rolled out on a national scale as well as at the community level. The Campaign is positioned to chal-

The Spotlight Initiative, an initiative by the United Nations (UN) funded by the European Union (EU), is a global, multiyear initiative focused on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG). The Initiative brings focused attention to this issue, moving it into the spotlight and placing it at the center of efforts to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs), specifically SDG 5 on Gender Equality. Spotlight encompasses six pillars and pillar three focuses on prevention to address the root causes underpinning existing social norms, attitudes, and behaviors. The communication products are hinged on the development of the national SBCC Strategy that will be the central pivot of the social and behavioural strategic efforts to be championed in Belize.

The National Women's Commission currently is in its fourth year of implementing its Spotlight Initiative to End Violence Against Women and Girls. The key focus of today’s initiative is to address the social norms and behaviours which promote inequality and violence against women and girls through comprehensive prevention interventions.

Mrs. Thea Garcia Ramirez, President of the National Women’s Commission, “We are indeed kick-starting 2023 with lots of energy and redoubling our efforts to achieving transformative changes in Belizean Society. 2023 marks 41 years since the establishment of the National Wom-

For context, in her speech Mrs. Ramirez stated, “Since 2018, the UNFPA began efforts toward ending gender-based violence and harmful practices.” Also noted, “It challenges individuals, communities, workplaces, policy and decision-makers, and families to critically examine some common gender norms that have become deeply entrenched in daily practices and to consider how these norms can contribute to VAWG.”

Hon. Dolores Balderamos Garcia went on to note, “that behaviour change is the absolute key to the attitudes that we have, not because a little girl is a little she mustn’t play with a truck, or a little boy mustn’t ehm be a cook or something like that. Let us begin that change in the stereotypes of the roles that we as men and women can play because I believe nobody, and I repeat nobody, must be beating up on anybody or abused by anybody; that’s the message today in a nutshell.”

Hon. Balderamos-Garcia hopes with the support of her cabinet colleagues to get the Human Rights Agenda passed this year 2023. The campaign will be rolled out country-wide in collaboration with stakeholders from the government and civil society. The campaign promotes norms and calls for individuals at all levels to collectively take a stand and break these stereotypes.

National Women’s Commission encourages anyone who is in a situation and needs assistance to please reach out to 0-800-A-WAY-OUT or text/ WhatsApp 672-9628 for urgent help.


Prime Minister John Briceño had the opportunity to meet with the Senior Team of Citi Capital Markets in New York City, to discuss developmental, and financing opportunities for Belize.

PM Briceño, “Though Belize’s macro-economic profile has improved dramatically during the last two years, there is much progress yet to be made and Citibank, a key partner in the recent Blue Bond success, is well positioned to continue to support Belize’s public and private sector programs.”

Broad areas of engagement included carbon credits, infrastructure improvements, foreign direct investment, renewable energy and generally, the financing for Belize’s Medium-Term Development Strategy.

On Thursday, the PM will participate in a panel discussion at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) focusing on emerging market opportunities and, later, received an award from Latin Finance for the 2022 Sovereign Debt Restructuring of the Year.


Question(s) Week of the

January 26, 2023

Who are the principals behind the Cayman company, Countach Technologies Ltd, involved in the Boledo contract? Is Anwar Barrow a shareholder in the Brads Gaming Group Ltd?



Northern Medical Plaza is accepting applications from experienced, dynamic, energetic, self-motivated and professional individuals for the following vacancy.


General Surgeon

General Practitioner with specialty in General Surgery.


General Surgeon must be registered with the Belize Medical Council.

Applications close: January 25th , 2023. Please submit application letter and three

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Human Resource Manager

Northern Medical Specialty Plaza Ltd. Orchid Drive, BSI Area, Orange Walk Town



Belmopan, January 12, 2023.

Belmopan, January 12, 2023.

The Gaming Control Board (GCB) of Belize informs gaming machine (Gaming Establishments) license holders that received approval for the period of April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023, to submit their renewal applications fortheperiod ofApril 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024.

Licensees wishing to renew their licenses are asked to submit their original application forms to the Ministry of Investment, located at No.46 Nanche Street in Belmopan onor before Monday, February13 ,2023.Application forms areavailable at the Ministry.

The Gaming Control Board (GCB) of Belize informs gaming machine (Gaming Establishments) license holders that received approval for the period of April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023, to submit their renewal applications for the period of April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024.

We can be contacted via:

Telephone: (501) 828-6704


Facebook: Investment, Policy& ComplianceUnit

Licensees wishing to renew their licenses are asked to submit their original application forms to the Ministry of Investment, located at No.46 Nanche Street in Belmopan on or before Monday, February 13, 2023. Application forms are available at the Ministry.

We can be contacted via:

Telephone: (501) 828-6704


Facebook: Investment, Policy & Compliance Unit


Prime Minister John Briceño

Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment


Good morning and thank you for joining us at what I believe is a very special event. I am happy to see present here today a majority of our Ministers and their CEOs. I join with our Master of Ceremonies to acknowledge the presence of a number of our ambassadors and othe r members of the diplomatic corps, our partners in development from international agencies, members of civil and religious society and, yes, Bel izeans who are here and who have joined us virtually. We are glad you came.

Now, I know we live in a culture where there is always a sense of skepticism where politicians and their promises are concerned, today however, we are here because we are delivering on our promise to build Belize. We are here to celebrate a vision that has come to life. The foundation upon which #planBelize was built is people centered and people driven. Why? Because it was birthed through a long process of grassroots consultations nationwide, and it sets out a path to fulfilling the Belizean dream. After listening to the people, we were determined that every Belizean desired to live in a nation and deserved a government that could deliver on 5 basic needs. Through this process we knew Belizeans wanted to live in a nation where our children and young people could have access to relevant education, have access to adequate healthcare, be able to hav e a good job, where most if not all of us would have access to a piece of land so we can put a proper roof over our heads.

So, our first and most important task was to develop a plan with these rights at its core. We knew that if we could do these things, then we would build a Belize that works for everyone. We also knew that in fulfilling these goals we would move Belize toward a more democratic, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient society in which all Belizeans would benefit. After all, we were bold enough to proclaim “todos Ganamos.”

That plan is now a reality, and its aims and objectives are now laid out for all in the Medium-Term Development Strategy. Now for context, I am obliged to tell you how this process started. In November 2020, when my administration began its work, we inherited an economy withering from a prolonged recession, battered by COVID-19 lockdowns, strangled by rocketing debt and deficits, squeezed by costly credit, and r acked by scandals that were being played out on television daily. Corruption and incompetence, malaise, and a lack of vision resulted in a society where in all aspects of governance, confidence was lost. Our administration inherited from our predecessors: surging unemployment, out of control crime, overall uncertainty and there was no realistic plan to turn things around. Simply put, the Barrow Administration had given up.

As such we had to immediately change this backdrop because we know that without some bold, positive and decisive initiatives, B elizeans would not and could not see a future free from economic and social afflictions. The plan we are rolling out this morning lays out our initiatives and sets a path that every Belizean can see. It lays out a path that shows... that yes, a government can listen... yes, the government can restore confidence in the system, and yes government can deliver to all layers of society, especially those most vulnerable. Already we have shown you we can deliver.

When we saw that children could not access education we listened and introduced the Free Education Pilot Project to get our you th and children back in schools -- free!

When COVID revealed the weaknesses in our healthcare system, we listened to the experts and responded by rolling out the Nation al Health Insurance to other parts of our nation with a plan to have every Belizean covered by NHI by the end of our first term in office. In the new fiscal year, we will roll out NHI in the OW District, that means that over two hundred and sixty-nine thousand Belizeans will be registered in this life changing program.

When our labor force downsized and we stood at a stark 30 percent unemployment rate, we encouraged business investments; we res tored confidence by embarking on meaningful reforms and we aggressively embarked on enhancing MSMEs and creating an environment in which they can thrive.

The result of this aggressive plan is an unprecedented 5percent unemployment rate, a figure never before recorded in the histor y of Belize... and we have only just begun.

When land inequality was rampant and our people clamored for equity and access, we listened and held Mobile Land Clinics all ov er the country. Our land clinics give everyone convenience and opportunity, and yes, more initiatives are on the way.

When heartbreaking stories unfolded, one after another, of people with no adequate shelter, we listened and initiated the Affordable Housing Program. Already hundreds of houses have been built for those most in need, and hundreds more repaired. I believe we are one of the only developing countries in the world to engage in such a program amid a global pandemic. And this is but a glimpse at all we have and continue to do to improve citizen security and achieve our core goals.

The Medium Term Development Strategy lays out 226 projects and programs. It boldly sets before you our plans to improve and increase the quality of life for all Belizeans. It sets out government’s priorities and explains how we continue to realize our initiatives. Let me assure you: every single ministry, through the efforts of our public officers along with the help of our partners, has made the MTDS, and the vision it encapsulates, the driving force behind their actions. Also, our remarkable results in a short span of time should inspire in everyone the confidence that the outcomes and targets detailed in the MTDS are not arbitrary objectives, but rational, genuine, and achievable targets. Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen the one constant in life we must all accept is change. As the world changes around us, Belize, a small nation, will always be exposed and affected by internal and external shocks. Our priorities then must reflect our flexibility; however, we must remain laser-focused and we must adapt to ensure that we are able to do what must be done to build Belize. Nation-building is at the center of our plan and what is laid out in this document is our realistic, proactive plans and commitments to build a progressive nation that fulfills those noble principles set forth in the preamble to our Constitution.

Thank you to the team who devoted their time and effort to ensuring that we achieve this document and its completion. To all those development agencies, ambassadors, IFI’s and other stakeholders, who continue to play an active role and show an enduring interest in Belize – thank you. We are confident that your presence here today signifies even greater cooperation and partnership. Consequently, we have laid out our plan for the Belizean people who I am sure will use this as a kind of report card by which to judge our performance.

To you, we offer not just our thanks, but more so our commitment to #PlanBelize, which sets us all on a path to meaningful human and economic development and toward the transformation of our beloved Belize. Thank you.


Inauguration of new Laboratory Spaces for Histopathology and Toxicology at the National Forensic Science Service

The European Union together with the Ministry of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries today officially inaugurated the new Laboratory Spaces for Histopathology and Toxicology at the Belize National Forensic Science Service (NFSS) and handed over state of the art scientific and medical equipment that will greatly enhance the NFSS capacity moving forward.

This donation is the last in a series of donations of equipment to the NFSS by the European Union (EU) and included a set of histopathology equipment and a liquid chromatograph with tandem mass spectrometry detector for toxicology analysis by the EU through its regional programme “AC1/I-CRIME Project for Cooperation on Criminal Investigation in Central America to Combat Transnational Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking”. This regional initiative

US Donates to Education in San Jose

Today, Hon. Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, and Ms Yolanda Gongora, Chief Education Officer, were honoured to join H.E. Michelle Kwan, Ambassador of the United States to Belize, and Hon. Ramon Cervantes, Minister of State and Area Representative for Orange Walk North, for a visit to the San Jose Government School in the Orange Walk District.

Highlights of their visit included:

• US Embassy's handover of school backpacks to students of San Jose Government School

• Tour of the new school building being built by the US Army Corps of Engineers; this will provide much-needed classrooms to accommodate the growing school population

• Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology's handover of stationery and sanitary supplies to the school and,

• Cultural performances presented by students and teachers of San Jose Government School

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology is grateful for the steadfast support of the US Embassy in #Belize, and

that of the government and people of the #UnitedStates. The donation made today reflects their continued commitment to helping us #MakeEducationWorkForBelize.

#YourMoECST #EducationBelize


Transportation of Fuel to Caye Caulker

BEL invites tenders for the Transportation of Fuel to Caye Caulker.

The bidding documents , which outline all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, are available on BEL’s website at

Bids must be submitted via email to no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 17, 2023, and labelled BID #2023-805 Transportation of Fuel to Caye Caulker.

was implemented from 2019 to 2022 through a grant to a consortium of EU Member States, led by the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP) and benefited from a partnership with the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System - SICA Directorate of Democratic Security. This regional programme, with a total budget of EUR 21.5 million, aimed at supporting criminal investigation and prosecution chains at different levels in SICA-member countries, focusing on transnational cooperation between the police, forensic departments, prosecutors and the judiciary.

The EU funded AC1/I-CRIME Project in particular contributed to strengthening the technical capacity of national and regional institutions to fight against organized crime. As part of this effort, the capacity of forensic laboratory facilities and legal medicine services in several SICA Member States including Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama, was improved with the donation of latest generation equipment.

Questions and clarifications will be addressed to no later than 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15, 2023.

For more information or queries, send email to

THE BELIZE TIMES 8 29 JAN 2023 8 08
Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the sole responsibility of the bidder. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted

Belize National Prayer

Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country.

God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.

Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives.

With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge.

We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give.

And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.

Mai Appoints New Shrimp Industry Task Force

Shrimp production in Belize peaked at 16 million pounds in 2014, earning over $90 million in foreign exchange. However, in 2015, the industry was hit with the Early Mortality Syndrome, which decimated the industry. Production went downhill and since 2016, annual production has hovered between one and two million pounds, barely enough to supply the local market.


January 25, 2023 - Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, has appointed a new task force for the shrimp industry. The task force will address constraints and a way forward to revive the industry.

Appointments to the task force take effect today at its inaugural meeting held at the Belize Agriculture Health Authority (BAHA) conference room in Belmopan. Minister Mai, who joined virtually, expressed his confidence in the members appointed and outlined his expectations of the task force.

The Task Force comprises eight members:

1. Hugh O’Brien, Program Director for Citrus and Diversification, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise - Chairman

2. Alvin Henderson, Chairman of the Shrimp Growers Association

3. Charlie Naresh Punwani, Owner of Quality Shrimp Farm

4. Silvia Mendez, Animal Health Officer, BAHA

5. Digno Polanco, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise

6. Dr. Osmond Martinez, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Economic Development

7. Richard Reid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade

8. Representative from the Development Finance Corporation

A three-month timeframe is being granted to the task force to complete its work and submit recommendations to the Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, who will then submit them to Cabinet for final consideration.

Anthony Sylvestre

11th November, 194527th January, 2019

Gone but not forgotten, gone but ever here.

No longer living in this world but always and ever near.

Missed by Family and Friends


San Ignacio, Cayo District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Sagicor Life Inc., Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following property. Sale currently running until 27th March 2023. Public Auction Sale will expire fortnightly on the date and time listed on the website until the property is sold.

Parcel No. 519 Cahal Pech Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District:


San Ignacio 23 519

The freehold property of Ms. Maria Juan

(Being a 2-storied concrete structure [1,0757 sq. ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen + 2 Porch: an APARTMENT [675 sq. ft.] 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Kitchenette TOGETHER with lot [60 ft. X 90ft.] situate on Cahal Pech Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District, the freehold property of Ms. Maria Juan.)



San Pedro, Ambergris Caye; Belize District; Little Belize Settlement, Corozal Town, Corozal District; August Pine Ridge Village, San Felipe Village, Orange Walk Town; Hattieville, Potts Creek/Salt Creek,Belize District; Georgeville Village, Cayo District; Dangriga, Stann Creek District; Bella Vista Village, Toledo District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Atlantic Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 27th March 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.


ALL THOSE pieces or parcels of land being Lots Nos. 43 and 44 situate Southwest of the Phillip Goldson Highway at Mile 13, Belize District, Belize being a portion of land comprised in Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 15 of 1989 date 23rd February 1989 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 2 vacant lots situate in the Fred Hunter Subdivision near Mile 13 on the Northern Highway, South of Los Largos in the Belize District, the freehold properties of Mr. Gildardo Cardona and Mrs. Rocio Aguilar Cardona)

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 307 situated at Belizean American Site near Mile 17 ½ South of George Price Highway, Hattieville Village, Belize District comprising 613.44 square meters TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Mr. Sean Delroy Nicholas)

ALL THAT piece or parcel of vacant land being Lot No. 193 Minister's Fiat 606 of 2013 of Georgeville Village, Cayo District, comprising of 1026.481 Square Meters, TOGETHER with all buildings and erection standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Ms. Tanesha Salazar)




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1.Parcel No. 6824 Colonia Diego, San Pedro Ambergris Caye, Belize District: A: San Pedro, Ambergris
District: B: COROZAL DISTRICT: C: ORANGE WALK DISTRICT: D. BELIZE DISTRICT: E: CAYO DISTRICT: F: STANN CREEK DISTRICT G: TOLEDO DISTRICT: 2.Parcel No. 6824 Colonia Diego, San Pedro Ambergris Caye, Belize District: 13.Parcel Nos. 440 Dangriga, Stann Creek District: 14.Parcel Nos. 440 Dangriga, Stann Creek District: 3.Parcel No. 2601 San Pedro Ambergris Caye, Belize District: 4.Parcel No. 799 Waree Bight Area, near Little Belize, Corozal District: 5.Parcel No. 929 8th Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District: 6.Parcel No. 1124 August Pine Ridge Village, Orange Walk District: 7.8,953.41 ACRES OF ALMOST FULLY DEVELOPED RICE FARMLAND, NEAR SAN FELIPE VILLAGE & BOOTHS RIVER, ORANGEWALK DISTRICT: 8.995 Acres situate at Intersection Potts Creek Road & Western Boundary of Salt Creek Work, Belize District: 9. 5 Acres situate at Junction Potts Creek Road & north bank Potts Creek, Belize District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 4093, 4094, 4095, 4872, 4873, 4874 Freehold properties of Messrs. Casa Katerina Limited. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 6824 Freehold property of Mr. Pablo Sosa. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Dangriga South 31 44 Freehold property of Messrs. Dangriga Cable Vision. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Dangriga South 31 61 Freehold property of Messrs. Dangriga Cable Vision. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 2601 Freehold property of Mr. Pablo Sosa. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Waree Bight/Freshwater Creek 3 799 Freehold property of
David Neufeld of Little Belize Corn Mill. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Corozal Central 1 929 Freehold property of Mr. Abraham Nicholson. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL August Pine Ridge 9 1124 Freehold property of Mr.
Freisen. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Sierra De Agua Central 13 120, 121, 122, 123 & 124 The freehold properties of Messrs. Hillbank Agricultural Company Limited/Dyck
Company Limited.
Caye, Belize
10. Lots Nos. 43 & 44 Hunter’s Subdivision, Mile 13 Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize District: 11. Lot No. 307 Hattieville Village, Belize District: 12. Lot No. 193 Georgeville Village, Cayo District: 15. Lot No. 2 Bella Vista Village, Toledo District: ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land containing 995 acres situated on the intersection of Potts Creek Road and the western boundary of Salt Creek Work TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Messrs. Smuggler’s Run Holdings Limited) ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land containing 995 acres situated on the intersection of Potts Creek Road and the western boundary of Salt Creek Work TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Messrs. Smuggler’s Run Holdings Limited)
Belize Auctions
All That piece or parcel of land known as Lot #2 located in Bella Vista Village, Stann Creek District compromising 445.892 square meters Together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Freehold property of Mr. Robert Andrew August and Ms. Roselia E. Lizama)

PCC Meets to Discuss 2022-2024 Strategic Plan

The People’s Constitution Commission (PCC) met in Belmopan on January 18, 2023, to review and discuss a draft strategic plan developed by the Secretariat to guide the work of the commission for the ensuing 15 months.

Representatives of the various organizations present considered suggestions made on how best to improve the draft document. At the end of the meeting, the Secretariat was tasked with incorporating the suggested decisions before presenting a clean draft with the changes at the next meeting of the commission for unanimous adoption of its approved plan.

The draft strategic plan outlines the five strategic objectives of the PCC to achieve its vision and mission. It also sets distinct milestones and actions to achieve these strategic objectives. These are:

1. To have a fully capacitated People’s Constitution Commission and Secretariat with a well-defined strategic plan, communication and public outreach strategy and a working budget

2. To develop and execute a national public education campaign and a consultation strategy pertaining to constitutional reform.

3. To complete the first draft report of the People’s Constitution Commission based on consultations with the Belizeans.

4. To conduct national public consultations based on the first draft report.

5. To complete and submit the final report to the Prime Minister.

Commissioners were invited to participate in the formation of two technical committees - the Outreach, Education and Consultation Technical Committee and the Research and Orientation Technical Committee. The staffing of the committees signals that the work of the PCC has now moved out of its formative stage into the rolling out of its action plan.

The vision of the PCC is to faithfully represent the interests of Belizeans and secure the common good for generations yet unborn. The mission seeks to advance the common good of Belize, through a transparent, wide-ranging, impartial and meaningful process of consultations and to reflect and deliberate on constitutional changes, if any, agreed upon by Belizeans, at home and in the diaspora, for a new or amended Constitution.

UNESCO Joins MoECST, NICH, and stakeholders Post-Disaster Needs Assessment of Culture Sector after the Hurricane Lisa

January 23, 2023 - Hurricane

Lisa made landfall as a category one hurricane on November 2, 2022, just south of Belize City. This natural disaster brought flooding to the low-lying regions of Belize City and exposed much of the central part of the country to hurricane force winds and rain.

The Belizean cultural sector, which has been slowly rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic, was, unfortunately, not spared from the devastation brought on by Hurricane Lisa. As with most sectors, the cultural and creative community were significantly affected.

A Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) has been launched by the Government of Belize to compile information into a comprehensive report which will detail the physical impact of Hurricane Lisa, the economic value of the damage and losses, the human impacts as experienced by affected populations, and related recovery needs and priorities.

In a first for Belize, a PDNA of the Culture Sector is assessing the pre- and post- disaster situation, the physical impacts of the disaster, the economic value of damage and losses, the human impact in relation to cultural and research institutions, built heritage and archaeological sites, moveable heritage, collections, depositories, living heritage and culture and creative industries.


Notice is hereby given that Jeremy Spooner is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Spoonaz Photo Café & Bar” located at # 89 North Front Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Maria S. Santos is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Suly’s Restaurant” located at # 8 Farmer’s Market, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Lavell M. Sazo is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Miragua Sports Bar” located at #223 Mahogany Heights, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Justin A. Meyers/Fredy A. Pensamiento are applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “The Iguana Stop” located in Burrell Boom Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Monique D.N. Bartley is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Altun Ha Grill & Swim Restaurant” located in Altun Ha, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance

Revised Edition 1980.

Related recovery needs and priorities of the Cultural Sector will also be determined. A thorough PDNA report with Culture as a separate sector will contribute to the comprehensive recovery framework of Belize.

The PDNA of the cultural sector is being undertaken with contributions from the National Institute of Culture and History (NICH) and its four institutes: namely, the Institute of Archaeology, Institute of Creative Arts, Museum of Belize and Houses of Culture and the Institute for Social and Cultural Research. Overall coordination is being provided by the Belize National Commission for UNESCO, with the technical assistance of the UNESCO Office for the Caribbean.

Notice is hereby given that Dorita Dawson is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “D & R Grocery” located in Gardenia Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance

Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Jeremy Flowers is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Castleton Entertainment Park” located in Burrell Boom Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance

Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Doris A. Escobar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Carlito’s Shop” located on Green Street, Belama Ph. IV, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Brian M. Walker/Rondre D. Walker are applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Mistah Barbee Que” located at # 120 Cemetery Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Sonia Jex is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “El Asador Restaurant & Bar” located in Sand Hill Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Sandra Teichroeb is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Sandra’s Shop” located in Burrell Boom Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Baining Ye is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Yes Store” located in Santa Famalia Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Cinthya M. Westby is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Di Fish Box” located at # 12 Joseph Andrews Drive, San Ignacio, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Gladis Requena is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Hill Top Sports Bar & Restaurant” located at # 7 Cristo Rey Road, Santa Elena, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Josephine Gongora is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Hide Away Restaurant & Bar” located in Unitedville Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Victor Tut is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Crystal Paradise Resort” located in Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Doris E. Zelaya is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Leni’s Catracha” located in Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Henry Mojica is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “D’ Diamond Cool Spot” located in San Felipe Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Juan R. Gongora is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “D’ Flag Store” located at # 115 A Belize Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 671-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@


Notice is hereby given that Edilberto Moh is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “ Bendicion Shop” located in Douglas Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Cristina Rajo is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “C & M Mini Shop” located at # 8 Stadium Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Ramon N. Babb is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “ Babox” located at # 2 Park Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Osmar F. J. Carrillo is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Las Palmas Restaurant” located on Macaw Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Doris E. Zelaya is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Leni’s Catracha” located in Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Indalecia I. Caceres is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Cacere’s Mini Shop” located in San Jose Palmar Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Gregorio Rodriguez is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Camino Mayan ” located in Indian Church Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.


Dr. Amin Hegar of Belize Vision Center has an available post for a Retinologist eye specialist to practice at his clinic at # 9 Daly Street, Belize City. Call 610-2293 for more information.


Santa Elena Town, Belmopan, Cayo District; San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District; Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District; Hope Creek Village, Pomona Village, San Juan Village, Stann Creek District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 31st December 2022. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly within this period on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.

(Being a fabulous two storied timber/concrete dwelling house [3,106 sq. ft.] containing: Ground Floor – Office + Laundry + Garage; First Floor - 3 Bedrooms + 3 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Spacious Verandas and Double Lots [1,266.033 S.M.] situate at corner San Narciso & Eden Streets, Santa Elena, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Audomaro Bedran)

(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [619 sq. ft.], containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen TOGETHER with lot [7,500 sq. ft.] situate on St. Mary Road, Belmopan, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. David Briceno.)

(Being an elevated [2 ½ ft.] timber dwelling house [22’4” x 24’ + 3’4” x 24’] containing: 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Covered Veranda and Lot [2,439.36 sq. ft. or 271.04 S.Y.] situate west of the San Pedro Airstrip, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Joel Herrarta)

Walk District:

(Being a 2-storied concrete dwelling structure: Ground floor – 3 APARTMENT UNITS: Unit 1 [23 ft. x 27 ft.] containing: 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen: Units 2 and 3 [19 ft. x 37 ft.] containing: 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom [7ft. x 9 ft.] + shared Living/Dining/Kitchen + Porch [210 sq. ft.]: First floor – incomplete [23ft. x 27ft.] and parcel [585.922 S.M.] situate on the Northern Highway between Belize-Corozal Road and Santa Famila Street, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Ms. Rosemary Tillett)

5.Parcels Nos. 42 & 43 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District:

Lots Nos. 43 and 44 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all building erections and developments standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [1,189 sq. ft.] containing 3 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Laundry + covered veranda TOGETHER with 2 lots [1,444.940 S.M.] situate beside the Hummingbird Highway in the Village of Hope Creek, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Wilburn Cuthkelvin and Ms. Ycela Yvette Puc.)

6.Parcels No. 15A Pomona Village, Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 5A comprising 696.567 square meters of land situate in Pomona Village, Stann Creek District, bounded and described as shown by Entry 7205 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 239/2013 together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [1,556 sq. ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Laundry TOGETHER with lot [7,498 sq. ft.] situate Pomona Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Nohe Lima.)

7.Lot No. 152 San Juan Village, Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 152 comprising 458.531 Square Meters of land situate in San Juan Village, Stann Creek District, bounded and described as shown by Entry 3058 of 1997, attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 219 of 2002 together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.(Being two concrete bungalow structure: Building 1 [2,052 sq. ft.] containing an open space + 1 Bathroom: Building 2 – 2 unit residential structure. [936 sq. ft.] each with 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen TOGETHER with lot [458.531 S.M] situate San Juan Village Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mrs. Juana A. Morey.)



TELEPHONE: 223-4488


Email: Facebook: Belize Auctions

25 SEP 2020
1.Parcels Nos. 2711 & 2712 Corner San Narciso & Eden Streets, Santa Elena, Cayo District: 2.Parcel No. 2072 St. Mary Road, Belmopan, Cayo District: 3.Parcel No. 715 (west of airstrip) San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District: 4.Parcel No. 4923 on the Phillip Goldson Highway between Belize- Corozal Road and Santa Familia Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Santa Elena/Cayo 23 2711 & 2712 The freehold properties of
Bedran REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Belmopan 20 2072 The freehold properties of Mr.
Briceno REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 715 The freehold property of Joel
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 4923 The freehold
of Ms.
Mr. Audomaro
Rosemary Tillett
of Employment:
29 JAN 2023 18 JAN 2015THE BELIZE TIMES 15 THE BELIZE TIMES 58 14 29 JAN 2023 29JAN 2023 Progress and Success Prime Minister John Briceño
Henry Charles Usher Min. Julius Espat, Infrastructure Development and Housing
Dolores Balderamos-Garcia and the NWC PlanBelize MidTerm Development Strategy Launch Hon. Oscar Mira, Belmopan Min. Orlando Habet, SD & Risk Management Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Stann Creek West Min. Francis Fonseca, MoECST Working Meeting with Citibank, instrumental in Blue Bond negotiations In his constituency OW Central, along with Mayor Sheppard With Hon. Cervantes in OW North and Ambassador Kwan visiting US personnel constructing of school building with Ambassador Michelle Kwan at CARSI-ESF donation for Anti-Human Trafficking Funding Always on the streets of the Capital City Launch of the Social and Behavior Change Communication Campaign to end Violence Against Women and Girls San Pablo Benque Viejo Del Carmen Sunday Wood/Corazon, Toledo Accepting 113k for Belmopan Fire station from Ambassador Michelle Kwan Donating to an ITVET Delivering on planBelize, handing our Land Certificates in Riversdale

Maya Mopan Receives a New Police Precinct 2020 PUBLIC AUCTION SALE

In a response to the recent crime/ violence in the community of Maya Mopan, this afternoon, Jan. 25th, the Area Representative of Belmopan, Hon. Oscar Mira - Belmopan, along with COMPOL Chester Williams, Officer Commanding Belmopan ASP Elroy Carcamo and personnel from RECONDEV Belmopan, visited the construction site of the (work in progress) on the new building of the Maya Mopan Police Precinct.

This new building is planned to officially be opened & handed over in the first week of February 2023.

Minister of Religious Affairs Speaks at the 8th Jalsa Salana

Belmopan. January 20, 2023.

Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform and Religious Affairs, was a speaker at the opening of the 8th Jalsa Salana, an annual gathering of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. The two-day event of prayer, reflection and community building is being hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at in Belize City.

In his remarks, Minister Usher extended heartfelt congratulations to the organizers of the event for their great accomplishment in bringing the community together. He stated that such an event is important at a time when there is so much division and conflict in the world, and emphasised the importance of unity, understanding and peace.

Minister Usher also bid farewell and shared his best wishes to Mr. Naveed Mangla, the outgoing president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Belize, who has been a tireless leader, dedicated to the growth and development of the community.

As members of the Muslim community gather, the Ministry of Religious Affairs reminds everyone that events like this are not limited to just Muslims but welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds to participate.

The ministry extends its warmest wishes to all participants in the gathering and looks forward to the positive impact it will have on the Belizean community for years to come.

*Fourth Publication*

BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed.

At No. 55 Sunset Park, Mile 8 ½ George Price Highway, Belize District on Friday 3rd February 2023 at 10:00am.


ALL THAT lot, piece or parcel of land being Lot. No. 55, comprising 749.947 square metres situate in the Sunset Park Area, near Mile 8.5 on the George Price Highway, Belize District, more particularly delineated and described as shown on Sub-Division Plan of Survey by C. B. Samuels, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 18th November 1996 TOGETHER with a 35ft x 63ft concrete/plycem open-concept bungalow house containing two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living/family room and kitchen, in a clean and fenced yard with room for expansion, the freehold property of BEVERLY MCKENZIE.

DATED this 17th day of January 2023

All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact:



Phone: (501) 224-5644

Fax: (501) 223-0738



Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

media today instead of receiving at least two dozen applications as was the case in the past, if they receive a dozen applications now they are lucky.

statistics show that crime in Belize especially murders have been on the decline in both 2021 and 2022.

“There is no substitute for hard work” –Thomas

One of the best ways to measure economic growth in a country is by its rate of unemployment. Rising unemployment rate is evidence of less economic growth which means fewer employment opportunities in the economy. On the flipside, decreasing unemployment rate is proof of more economic development which increases the availability of jobs.

Recent figures released by the Statistical Institute of Belize (S.I.B.) show that since 2020 the rate of employment has decreased significantly under the Briceño administration. The finding is supported by Dyon A. Elliott respected economist and financial adviser, and Chief Policy Analyst for the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI).

In a Facebook post on Monday January 23rd, with the hash tag #twoWRONGScantMAKEright

Mr. Elliott noted that the rate of unemployment can be measured with two methodologies. He stated that using the old methodology unemployment declined from 30% in September 2020 to 11.7% today.

Mr. Elliott also noted that with the new methodology unemployment declined from 13.2% or 23,175 persons unemployed in September 2020 to 5 % or 9,644 unemployed presently.

It’s therefore a fact that whichever method is used to measure the level of unemployment from September 2020 to 2023 shows that there has been a major decrease in the rate of unemployment during that period. Such information is very good news for the Briceño administration and Belizeans who need jobs to improve their lives. As a result of the need for additional employees created as a result of the rapid economic growth, a number of businesses have been forced to advertise vacancies for the first time.

Earlier this week, a sign in Twin Supermarket on St Thomas St. in Belize City stated that the business needed a cashier as well as a person to stock shelves. A sign at a tortilla factory in San Pedro Town stated that it had vacancies for clerks. And when business advertise vacancies in the main stream

Restaurants are a good indicator of proof of healthy economic growth and more persons gainfully employed. In the past many restaurants experienced heavy losses consistently with unsold food. Today when a number of persons visit their favorite restaurant they are informed that “everything sold out.” The factors that have led to excellent economic growth, creation of thousands of jobs, and steep decline in the rate of unemployment are many.

In November 2021 the administration held a successful Business Investment Summit in San Pedro Town in which it outlined many incentives for local and foreign entrepreneurs to invest in the country. Immediately after COVID the Ministry of Tourism launched a massive marketing campaign to persuade more airlines and tourists to include Belize on their itinerary, and all outdate fees and regulations for visitors were abandoned. The Ministry of Tourism also conducted intensive training with tour guides, hoteliers, and other stakeholders in the tourism industry to help ensure visitors are satisfied with their experience in the country and encourage their relatives and friends abroad to also visit the Jewel. With the full support of the government the new Minister of Agriculture and Food Security immediately took the necessary steps to enable farmers to export cattle, grains, chicken, and numerous other products to Mexico and Guatemala as well as to some Caribbean countries.

The government also took steps to ensure the farmers have greater access to low cost financing from the Development Finance Corporation and the National Bank to expand their investments. The commercial banks have also been asked to make every effort to support the economic development of the country by making loans available with the best possible terms. By being truly business friendly, this administration has increased the number of employees at Call Centers (BPO’s) from approximately 2,000 in early 2021 to over 12,000 at the start of 2023. Call Centers or BPO’s are therefore playing a major role in the creation of thousands of additional jobs in the country.

The horrendous murder of a tourist in gang violence in San Pedro Town on December 30, 2022 and the triple murder in Belmopan City on New Year’s Eve allegedly by a rogue police officer were not normal occurrences. Those incidents however caused very bad publicity for the country at home and abroad. Nevertheless, while every crime, especially murder, is one too much,

The steady reduction in crime especially murders have played a major role in convincing the public that the country is safe to engage in whichever activities they choose. Catering to such desires lead to more economic activity and the creation of more employment opportunities.

Part of the reduction in crime can be attributed to the increase in the number of policemen to maintain law and order, and the programs implemented by 1) the Department of Youth Services, 2) the Leadership Intervention Unit (LIU) that was headed by the late William Dawson, 3) the Job Placement Program, and 4) the Evening Division of Gwen Liz. High School. The various programs offer counseling, skills training, and evening classes among other things to at risk and marginalized youths to afford them opportunities to turn their lives around to become law-abiding and productive citizens. The can-do spirit of Belizeans has also contributed to the country’s economic development and the creation of job opportunities. Those small business operators including carpenters, contractors, lawn keepers, food vendors, mechanics, plumbers, and tour guides among others, hire numerous persons to offer their services.

Government’s beginning of the year decision to increase the minimum wage from $3.30 per hour to $5.00 per hour which is a living wage will result in further economic development and the creation of more employment opportunities. A minimum of 30,000 persons will now each take home a minimum of $75.00 more weekly or in excess of $2 million altogether. That’s a lot of new purchasing power. The recipients of the increase in salaries will use the additional funds for a wide range of services that were not affordable when the minimum wage was $3.30 per hour which was really starvation wage. To provide the additional services business will have to increase their orders of various items; suppliers will need more employees to fill the orders, and the recipients of the orders will need to hire more hands to offer the additional services requested of them. The domino effect.

By replacing the unbearable and unsustainable Super Bond with the Blue Bond on very favorable terms, the administration saved the country over $500 million dollars, and made more funds available for community projects which also promoted economic growth and resulted in more job opportunities for Belizeans. It is all of those programs and many other initiatives of this administration that have resulted in healthy economic development, the creation of

January 25, 2023 - Following Cabinet's decision in July 2021, the Department of Local Government resumed activities to complete the Municipal Boundaries Re-Delineation Exercise that began in 2012.

Under Section 2 of the Town Council Act, the Minister of Local Government is responsible for the declaration of municipal boundaries. Seven of the nine municipalities are currently engaged in a process for the re-delineation of their respective municipal jurisdiction. The clear delineation of municipal boundaries is an important element of local governance as it provides the legal basis for the provision of municipal services, collection of revenue, municipal elections, enforcement of local regulations and by-laws, and the general good governance and administration of the local space.

In the implementation of the re-delineation exercise, the Department of Local Government with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Elections and Boundaries Department is engaging with key stakeholders, including town councils, respective village councils and communities where there are no readily distinguishable boundaries or where traditional boundary lines are not definitive.

In the case of the Benque Viejo Town boundaries, two meetings between the Benque Viejo Town Council and the Succotz Village Council have been convened to review the proposed re-delineation of the Benque Viejo Town boundary. The most recent meeting was held on December 19, 2022. Succotz Village Council was represented by the chairperson and three councillors. The Benque Viejo Town Council was represented by the mayor and three councillors. At this meeting, it was determined, based on the dialogue between the two parties, that the proposed delineation be revisited and re-proposed in consideration that all lands, dwellings, properties and other public and private assets that are traditionally known to be a part of the respective communities remain as is and/or clearly delineated for the elimination of any doubt as to which jurisdiction they belong to.

A subsequent meeting of the parties is yet to be convened to validate the revised proposition before the matter is to be taken for public review in both communities before its final confirmation.

In this regard, the ministry clarifies that no final declaration of new municipal boundaries for any of the seven participating municipalities has been completed at this stage.

Continued on page 19
Local Government Resumes Municipal Boundaries

Joint United Nations Development Program – Government of Belize Equipment Handing Over Ceremony

Yesterday, January 24th, 2023, the Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance, through the E-Governance and Digitalization Unit, alongside the Attorney General’s Ministry through the Vital Statistics Unit, were both recipients of ICT equipment in support of the Digital Inclusion Grant Programme and the Strengthening Civil Registry Grant Project respectively courtesy of the UNDP.

1. The Digital Inclusion Grant Programmme, which is guided by Belize’s National Digital Agenda and driven by the E-Governance and Digitalization Unit, will see a network of Digital Connect Centers being established countrywide, connecting Belizeans to the wider world through General Adult Digital Literacy Training, Specialized Digital Skills Bootcamps, and continuous digital access. As such, the ICT equipment received will complement the Digital Skills Train -

GCF Approves

ing provided within these centers and will serve as tools to empower Belizeans. The handed-over equipment includes, but is not limited to, desktop computers, headsets, and printers.

Grant to Enhance

Climate Risk Management in the Upper Regions of the Belize River Watershed

The Ministry of Economic Development (MED), Belize’s National Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and the Climate Finance Unit (CFU), are proud to announce that the GCF has approved a Project Preparation Facility (PPF) application for a project titled, “Integrated Flood Management in the Upper Regions of the Belize River Watershed.”

Valued at BZ$1.3 million, the PPF grant will investigate the feasibility of flood protection measures along with its associated social and environmental impacts and the impacts of climate change on flood and flood risk. The outputs of these assessments will be used to inform the development of a full funding proposal to access BZ$20 million. As a result, support received will be used to conduct an Economic and Financial Analysis Climate Impact Assessment, Engineering Designs and Project Level Indicators. These will be accompanied by Environmental Social and Gender Studies, Risk Assessment, Register and Mitigation Plan and Legal Due Diligence, inclusive of Regulation and Insurance Analysis.

The direct beneficiary of this project is the municipality of San Ignacio and Santa Elena towns and surrounding villages along the Belize River. This project is the first phase of the Government of Belize’s (GOB) programmatic approach to building the resilience of municipalities to climate change across the country as they are susceptible to flooding, which has become more frequent and intense over the past three decades due to climate change. These changes put the lives and livelihoods of residents at risk. As such, the GOB in corporation with municipalities and their partners, are committed to taking a bottom-up approach to increase the adaptive capacity of urban communities.

The Caribbean Community Climate Change Center (CCCCC) will act as the accredited entity, while the MED and the San Ignacio/Santa Elena Town Council will be responsible for the implementation of the project.

On behalf of the Government of Belize, Dr. Osmond Martinez, Belize’s NDA and Chief Executive Officer for the MED, expresses gratitude to the GCF for approving this PPF request, as well as to the team that led this initiative, including Hon. Michel Chebat, Minister of Public Utilities, Logistics and E-governance; Hon. Alex Balona, Area Representative for Cayo Central; His Worship Earl Trapp, Jr., Mayor of San Ignacio and Santa Elena towns, and councillors; Dr. Geraldo Flowers, Programme Manager of Resilient Rural Belize; Mr. Ryan Zuniga, Project Development Specialist within the CCCCC; Mr. Leroy Martinez, Economist and GCF Focal Point within the CFU; and Mr. Ramon Frutos, consultant.

2. The Strengthening of Civil Registry Grant Project, driven by the Attorney General’s Ministry and supported by the E-Governance and Digitalization Unit, will see the Vital Statistics Unit developing a comprehensive

brand and communication strategy, improving the visual identity of the VSU and the improvement and establishing of new communication channels for the public. In addition, this project will also allow for the creation of a comprehensive organizational management strategy and plan to strengthen the VSU’s capacity to improve customer satisfaction, service quality, and awareness. The handed-over equipment includes, but is not limited to desktop computers, headsets, and printers.

The total value of the goods handed over by Mr. Ian King, Deputy Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme Belize, is USD 63,000.00. The equipment was received by Hon. Minister Michel Chebat S.C., Hon. Magali Marin-Young S.C., Attorney General of Belize, and Ms. Elisa Montalvo, Solicitor General and Registrar of the Vital Statistics Unit.

Through the support of the UNDP, both the Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance, and the Attorney General’s Ministry will continue bridging the digital divide and creating public value.

BELTRAIDE Presents Action Plan for CENPROMYPE Pro-Tempore Presidency

On Monday January 23, 2023, at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Center for the Regional Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprise in Central America (CENPROMYPE), the Belize Trade, and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) presented their plan to coordinate the Regional MSME Agenda during Belize's Pro-Tempore Presidency from January through June 2023.

The Executive Director of BELTRAIDE, Dr. Leroy Almendarez, highlighted plans to consolidate the institutional mechanism that enables the continuity and streamlining of the MSME agenda in the region in accordance with CENPROMYPE’s functional transformation. He also emphasized three priority areas: thematics, institutions, and interinstitutional collaboration which are necessary to have reliable information for decision making, to promote business development and entrepreneurial culture, and to garner funding from regional and international financial institutions to support implementation of the regional agenda.

In addition, he indicated that it is important to:

• resume the quota payment agreements and institutional reforms as part of the institutional priorities,

• establish commissions to address priority issues,

• establish a mechanism to display regional issues in national agendas,

• establish a communication and visibility channel of regional activities, and

• develop a mechanism to balance bi-

lateral and regional cooperation to maximize its use and complementation.

Finally, as part of the inter-institutional priorities, he emphasized the impact of MSMEs on the economic subsystem, the importance of mainstreaming the MSME topic into the integration agenda, and the need to strengthen the relationship with international organizations and strategic partners.

Also in attendance were the Vice Minister of MIPYME of Guatemala, Fernando Escalante; the President of the National Commission for Micro and Small Enterprises (CONAMYPE) of El Salvador, Paul Steiner; the Executive Director of the National Service for Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses (SENPRENDE) of Honduras, Dennis Corrales; the Vice Minister of Family, Community, Cooperative and Associative Economy of Nicaragua, Benito Aragón; the Vice Minister of Economy of Costa Rica, Christian Rucavado; the Director General of the Panamanian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Authority (AMPYME), Oscar Ramos; the Vice Minister of Development of MSMEs of the Dominican Republic, Jorge Morales Paulino; Shirley Hernández from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and David Cabrera, Executive Director of Cenpromype.


Donation of Satellite Equipment and Tracking Monitoring System to the Belize Fisheries Department


The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) in an amount equivalent to USD$10,000,000 towards the cost of the Belize Social Investment Fund III Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under this contract. Payment by CDB will be made only at the request of (GOBZ) and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than (GOBZ) shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

The Project is being implemented by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) through the Social Investment Fund (BSIF).BSIF has contracted Consultants who will assist with delivering the project.

BSIF now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Construction of Administration Building, Dormitories and Ancillary Works for Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center Replacement Facility, Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize: Lot 1 and/or Lot 2. The works include, but are not limited to the following:

Lot 1: Construction of Dormitories and Ancillary Works for Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center Replacement Facility, Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize.

The proposed scope includes the construction of two (2) separate single storey reinforced concrete dormitories each containing an interior floorspace of approximately 3,800 square feet. Each dormitory shall be equipped with restroom facilities, activity areas, bedroom facilities, kitchenettes, sick bays, staff monitoring facilities, and access for persons with disabilities.

Works shall also include the construction of site fencing, the construction of a playground area - complete with a gazebo, and the undertaking of relevant site works. Provisions for the installation of electrical, plumbing, water supply and wastewater systems, in accordance with the regulations of the respective authorities, will also be included.

Lot 2: Construction of Administration Building for Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center Replacement Facility, Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize

The proposed scope includes the construction of one (1) single storey reinforced concrete structure containing an interior floorspace of approximately 4,900 square feet. The building shall be equipped with dining facilities, kitchen facilities, storage spaces, bathrooms, laundry facilities, office spaces, conference facilities, a computer room, and access for persons with disabilities. Works shall also include the installation of electrical, plumbing, water supply and wastewater systems in accordance with the regulations of the respective authorities.

Bidders may Bid for one or both lots, as further defined in the bidding document. Bidders wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded more than one contract will be allowed to do so, provided those discounts are included in the Letter of Bid.

On January 19, 2023, the Belize Fisheries Department received a donation of 61 vessel monitoring system devices from the Central American Integration System (SICA) through the Organization of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector of the Central American Isthmus (OSPESCA). The equipment was acquired through a project entitled “Integration of the Value Chain in Fisheries and Aquaculture” with financial support from the Republic of China (Taiwan). The three beneficiary countries in this project included Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras.

vessel monitoring system is still being piloted globally for small-scale fishing fleets, such as the case in Belize. As we continue to modernize the fishing industry, it is hugely important especially in this era where fishing vessels are operating further and further away from the coastline to be equipped with the necessary equipment so the necessary monitoring is done to ensure better management of the resources but most importantly their safety at sea.

Consideration will be limited to firms or joint ventures of firms, which are legally incorporated or otherwise organised in, and have their principal place of business in an eligible country and are either:

(a) more than 50% beneficially owned by a citizen or citizens and/or a bona fide resident or residents of an eligible country, or by a body corporate or bodies corporate meeting these requirements; or

(b) owned or controlled by the Government of an eligible country provided that it is legally and financially autonomous and operated under the commercial law of an eligible country and otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of the CDB Guidelines for Procurement (2006).

Eligible countries are member countries of CDB.

Eligible bidders will be required to submit full qualification information with their bids establishing their eligibility to bid and qualification to perform the contract if the bid is accepted. Tender and qualification information are to be submitted in the English Language on the prescribed forms inserted in the Bid Documents. Submissions that do not provide the information required, or do not demonstrate the prospective contractor’s ability to perform satisfactorily, will not qualify and will not be considered for further evaluation.

Qualification requirements include, inter alia:

(a) an average annual turnover (defined as certified payments received for works in progress or completed) within the last 5 years of at least for Lot 1 : Nine Hundred Thousand Belize Dollars (BZ$900,000) (USD$460,000); Lot 2: Eight Hundred Thousand Belize Dollars (BZ$800,000) (USD$405,000)

(b) a demonstrable cash flow (including access to credit) for Lot 1: Fifty One Thousand United States dollars (USD$ 51,000); for Lot 2: Forty One Thousand United States dollars (USD$41,000); and

The vessel monitoring system will be piloted in small-scale fishing vessels in Belize. The use of the satellite equipment will not only improve the safety of fishers at sea but will help to ensure the traceability of the fishery resources, which will improve management and conservation of our fishery resources, on which more than 3,200 fishers and their families depend.

This use of modern technology for tracking and traceability of fishery products has been in use for decades in developed countries only for large-scale commercial fishing fleets. The use of

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Continued from page 17

It’s always better to support one’s family by taking available employment opportunities now until more suitable employment is identified. The alternative is to stay at home or hangout on the street because a dream job isn’t available and suffer the indignity of relying on handouts from relatives, friends, and others to survive. Such handouts can never address the needs of one’s family in comparison to when the head of the home shoulders his responsibility and

brings home the bacon daily, weekly, 15th and ending, or monthly.

Belize is also presently hosting Pro-Tempore Presidency for SICA from January to June 2023. The Fisheries Department, under the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, is the focal point for the OSPESCA Presidency. During this six-month period, the department will continue to ensure that key actions are implemented to ensure the improved regional management of the fisheries resources. Some of the main priorities include addressing IUU trans-boundary fishing, improved management of lobster and conch resources, seeking alternative livelihood opportunities for fisher folks, and developing areas of regional cooperation with the Republic of China (Taiwan). needed jobs, and a steep decline in the rate of unemployment.

On average more than 90% of the persons on a street can find a job in the excellent job market. It is however even more important to keep one’s job to enjoy the benefits of steady long-term employment. One of the best ways for a person to ensure steady employment is by giving a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay.

Belizeans should take advantage of the tremendous increase in the availability of jobs to seek employment to ensure a better life for themselves and their families.

(c) experience as prime contractor in the construction of at least three (3) assignments of a nature, scope and complexity comparable to the proposed project activity within the last five (5) years (to comply with this requirement, works quoted should be at least 80 percent complete).

Bidding Documents may be obtained by eligible bidders from the first address below for a nonrefundable fee of BZ$200 (USD$100). Requests may be made by written application including email. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Request for Bidding Documents for the Construction of Administration Building/Dormitories and Ancillary Works for Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center Replacement Facility, Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize: Lot 1 and/ or Lot 2”, along with the name, address and contact information of the bidder for which Bidding Documents are being requested. Payment should be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.

Applicants who request that documents be forwarded to them must submit an account number from a local courier agent that accepts freight collect charges. Documents will be promptly dispatched, but under no circumstance will the Government of Belize or their authorised agent be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so transmitted. Submissions in sealed envelopes clearly marked “Bid for the Construction of Administration Building/Dormitories and Ancillary Works for Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center Replacement Facility, Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize: Lot 1 and/or Lot 2”, must be received at the second address below not later than 10:00am (Belize Local Time) on 6th February 2023. Bid opening will take place immediately after the deadline for submission at the address below in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend. Qualification information only must be simultaneously submitted electronically to the third address below.

All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of: BZ$14,000 (USD$7,080) for lot 1; for Lot 2 BZ$12,000 (USD$6,070) for lot 2 and BZ$26,000 (USD13, 150) for both lot 1 and lot 2.Late bids will be rejected. The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for the Government of Belize action. The Government of Belize will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids.

2.Address for Bid Submission and Bid Opening Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund

3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: 822-0239/822-0508

E-mail: cc:

3.Email Address for Completed Qualification Information Only Procurement Officer Email:

E-mail: cc:

Procurement Officer
Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: 822-0239/822-0508

Belmopan. January 17, 2023.

On January 12 and 13, 2023, a delegation of education stakeholders, led by Dr. Hon. Louis Zabaneh, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MoECST), visited primary school teachers and principals of the Corozal District to continue consultations on the new national competency-based curriculum.

The teachers and principals expressed their concerns and ideas on the pilot implementation of the new curriculum during this transition year, in preparation for full implementation in the 2023-24 academic year. They were introduced to the work of the newly established pro-tempore Teacher Support Team, made up of exemplary teachers whose main responsibilities will be to assist with clarifying questions and responding to concerns in a timely manner. The MoECST’s virtual platform will also be used to create a Community of Practice for teachers, principals, and the Support Team to discuss and share ideas on the implementation and improvement of the competency-based curriculum.

The delegation will continue its countrywide tour and a similar effort will commence in March of this year for high schools. The new competency-based curriculum addresses the need to develop skills

and attitudes, in addition to knowledge, in children to prepare them for a successful life of contribution to the sustainable human development of Belize.

The delegation of education stakeholders that accompanied Minister Zabaneh included Senator Hon. Elena Smith, President of the Belize National Teachers’ Union; Reverend Alvaro Pott, Representative of the Managing Authorities; Ms. Consuelo Godfrey, Pathlight Belize Education Specialist; Ms. Michelle Turton and Mr. Alejandro Perez from the MoECST’s Curriculum and Assessment Unit; Mr. Emmanuel Yam and other officers from the Corozal District Education Centre; and Ms. Miriam Paz, Head of the Teacher Support Team.

To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 671-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@

United States Provides Humanitarian Assistance to Belize


Belmopan – In two separate ceremonies today in Belmopan, U.S. Ambassador Michelle Kwan donated equipment and supplies to Ministry of Health and Wellness and to Belize Fire Department to help both with providing lifesaving care to the Belizean public. The two donations were both made through the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) Humanitarian Assistance Program, coordinated by the U.S. Embassy Security Cooperation Office.

At an afternoon ceremony at Western Regional Hospital, Ambassador Kwan donated three oxygen generators and medical equipment valued at USD $678,000 to Minister of Health and Wellness Hon. Kevin Bernard, which will support Belize in rendering essential lifesaving care. Earlier that morning, Ambassador Kwan had donated USD $113,000 to Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management Hon. Orlando Habet to better equip the firefighters to train, plan and respond to emergencies.

This USD $678,000 donation to the Ministry of Health and Wellness will in-

clude three state of the art oxygen generators that will provide Belize with a longterm sustainable solution to support the country’s media oxygen needs. The donation will also contain 16 hospital beds, and hundreds of medical equipment items. The USD $113,000 donation to the Belize Fire Department will provide needed furniture, appliances, tools, and generators to outfit several fire stations across Belize. As Ambassador Kwan noted, “These two projects reflect the strong partnership between Belize and the United States to better protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of the Belizean people. We are proud to stand with Belize to advance a safer and healthier future for all Belizeans.”

Since 2021, the U.S. Southern Command Humanitarian Assistance Program has donated ventilators, a mobile field hospital, medical services and supplies worth over USD $3.5M to the Ministry of Health and Wellness. In May 2021, U.S. Government handed over a state-of-the-art fire station in Belmopan to the National Fire Service funded by U.S. Southern Command Humanitarian Assistance Program.


The Government of Belize via the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) intends to procure twelve (12) new Dump Trucks to facilitate the Ministry with undertaking maintenance of the Public Road Network.

The MIDH now invites sealed quotations from eligible and qualified suppliers for the supply of the following item:

Twelve (12) New Dump Trucks – (15 cubic yards capacity) Bidding will be conducted through Open National Competitive Bidding Procedures.



Belmopan, Belize. January 11, 2023. Hon. Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management handed over an assortment of refrigeration tools and equipment worth approximately $15,000 to Reuel Black, General Manager of the Institute for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ITVET) at a brief handing over ceremony held today. The tools and equipment will be used to strengthen the Institute’s refrigeration & air conditioning (RAC) Certification Program; building capacity in students to work with new alternative refrigerants and modern equipment in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector to provide high quality service to the public.

Similar donations will be done at ITVET in Corozal/Orange Walk and at the Cayo Center for Employment Training in San Ignacio. The donations are the result of the collaboration between the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministry of Environment, Canada under the project entitled “Enabling Activities for the Early Ratification of the Kigali Amendment”.

The Kigali Amendment will promote the use of more environmentally friendly refrigerants and the use of more energy efficient RAC equipment. It will also phase down of the use of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) refrigerant with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emission and the rise of global temperature.

Emphasizing the strong partnerships with Belize ITVET, Minister Habet noted that this collaboration demonstrates Belize’s continued commitment with the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Interested eligible suppliers may obtain the full Invitation to Quote for the twelve (12 new Dump Trucks as of Monday, January 30, 2023 from the MIDH’s Offices located at #1 Power Lane, Belmopan from Monday through to Friday 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM. Quotations must utilize forms provided in the Invitation to Quote. One (1) Original and two (2) copies are to be submitted in sealed labelled envelopes to the address indicated below. Quotations by email WILL NOT be accepted.

Offers will be submitted on the Quote Submission Sheet including a detailed description of specifications offered, price and delivery Schedule for Goods and Related Services. These templates are annexed in the full Invitation to Quote. All documents must be completed without any alterations in format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information requested. Suppliers are informed that they can only quote for the type of equipment specified. Price quotations should be exclusive of both Import Duty and 12.5% General Sales Tax.The Purchaser shall award the Contract to the Supplier who complies substantially with the technical specifications and other requirements in these documents and submitted the lowest evaluated price.

All sealed Quotes must be delivered to the address below by 10.00 AM local time on March 17, 2023 and they will be opened on the same day at 10.15 A.M, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected.

Belize Tel: 501-822-2136/39


Tel: 501-822-2136/39 E-mail:

U.S. Embassy-Belmopan Awards US$710,000 to Civil Society Organizations at Grants Award Ceremony


ture Development and Housing (MIDH) intends to pro cure twelve (12) new Dump Trucks to facilitate the Ministry with undertaking maintenance of the Public Road Network.

Belmopan – U.S. Ambassador Michelle Kwan awarded grant recipients of the 2022 Central America Regional Security Initiative - Economic Support Fund (CARSI-ESF) and Fiscal Transparency and Innovation Fund at a ceremony held today at the Ambassador’s Residence. The recipients will partner with government agencies on projects to build the capacity of public officers and civil society for accountability and increased fiscal transparency as well as training frontline personnel and transport sector stakeholders to enhance identification of human trafficking victims. The total value of the four grants is US $710,000.

The MIDH now invites sealed quotations from eligible and qualified suppliers for the supply of the following item:

Twelve (12) New Dump Trucks – (15 cubic yards capacity) Bidding will be conducted through Open National Competitive Bidding Procedures.

the Human Trafficking Institute, the Accountability Lab, and RET International. The Human Trafficking Institute received a US$250,000 grant for a project to prevent trafficking in person through implementing government protocols and national training. The Accountability Lab also received a US$250,000 grant to promote government innovation inside and outside of government. RET International received at US$130,000 grant for a project to prevent human trafficking by empowering transportation leaders through education, awareness, and policy changes.

Interested eligible suppliers may obtain the full Invitation to Quote for the twelve (12 new Dump Trucks as of Monday, January 30, 2023 from the MIDH’s Offices located at #1 Power Lane, Belmopan from Monday through to Friday 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM. Quotations must utilize forms provided in the Invitation to Quote. One (1) Original and two (2) copies are to be submitted in sealed labelled envelopes to the address indicated below. Quotations by email WILL NOT be accepted.

Ambassador Kwan emphasized, “The United States is proud to support these U.S.-funded programs that will promote civil society engagement to strengthen democracy at all levels of government. These projects will combat trafficking in persons, promote anti-corruption and transparency and improve public service delivery to vulnerable communities, helping to create a safer and more just and equitable Belize.”

The Love Foundation was selected as the 2022 Fiscal Transparency Grantee. The foundation received US$80,000 in government funding for a project to bolster Belize’s fiscal transparency and accountability systems.



The Government of Belize via the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) intends to procure eight (8) Utility Trucks to facilitate the Ministry with undertaking maintenance of the Public Road Network.

The MIDH now invites sealed quotations from eligible and qualified suppliers for the supply of the following items:

a) Six (6) New Utility Trucks – 4.009L Engine Minimum (3.4 tons rated loaded Capacity)

b) Two (2) New Utility Trucks – 4.6L Engine minimum (7.5 tons minimum payload capacity)

Bidding will be conducted through Open National Competitive Bidding Procedures.

Interested eligible suppliers may obtain the full Invitation to Quote for the two types of Utility Trucks as of Friday, January 27, 2023 from the MIDH’s Offices located at #1 Power Lane, Belmopan from Monday through to Friday 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM.

Quotations must utilize forms provided in the Invitation to Quote. One (1) Original and two (2) copies are to be submitted in sealed labelled envelopes to the address indicated below. Quotations by email WILL NOT be accepted.

The 2022 CARSI-ESF grantees are

Since 2012, the United States has invested more than US$10.2 million through CARSI-ESF funding to support good governance, economic prosperity, and citizen security. This is the first year that Belize has been awarded a grant through the Department of State’s Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund.

Offers will be submitted on the Quote Submission Sheet including a detailed description of specifications offered, price and delivery Schedule for Goods and Related Services. These templates are annexed in the full Invitation to Quote. All documents must be completed without any alterations in format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information requested. Suppliers are informed that they can only quote for the type of equipment specified. Price quotations should be exclusive of both Import Duty and 12.5% General Sales Tax.The Purchaser shall award will be opened on the same day at 10.15 A.M, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected.

Belizean Businesswomen Receive Business Leadership Training

January 23, 2023 - As part of The Promotion of Women's Entrepreneurship (PREFEM) Project II, business advisors from BELTRAIDE, the Department of Youth Services, and Promoting Empowerment Through Awareness for Lesbian/Bisexual Women (PETAL) participated in a hybrid, train of trainers, Business Leadership Training, from December to January 2023.

The main objective was to provide business advisors with knowledge to improve the skills and capacities of female-owned Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in business leadership, with an emphasis on gender equality, human rights, and environmental sustainability.

Offers will be submitted on the Quote Submission Sheet including a detailed description of specifications offered, price and delivery schedule for Goods and related Services. These templates are annexed in the full Invitation to Quote.

All documents must be completed without any alterations in format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information requested. Suppliers are informed that they can only quote for the type of equipment specified. Price quotations should be exclusive of both Import Duty and 12.5% General Sales Tax.The Purchaser shall award the Contract to the Supplier who complies substantially with the technical specifications and other requirements in these documents and submitted the lowest evaluated price.

All sealed Quotes must be delivered to the address below by 10.00 AM local time on February 20, 2023 and they will be opened on the same day at 10.15 A.M, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected.

Tel: 501-822-2136/39


Tel: 501-822-2136/39

The program was then replicated in Belize with 12 female-owned MSMEs who were trained between January 17-21, 2023 on leadership skills and how to incorporate innovation and development for business growth.


The PREFEM project is led by the Regional Center for Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises in Central America (CENPROMYPE) and financed by the Duchess of Luxembourg.

Tel: 501-822-2136/39


Tel: 501-822-2136/39


1. Victor Espat Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing #1 Power Lane Belmopan, Belize 2.Darren Azueta Mechanical Administrator Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing #1 Power Lane Belmopan, Belize

Belize Receives Hurricane Lisa Relief Funds from the Republic of Lithuania

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Individual Consultancy Project Support Officer

Institution: Ministry of Finance

Country: BELIZE

Project: Strengthening of Tax Administration Project

Sector: Finance Project No.: BL-L10315

Operation No: 4839/OC-BL

Deadline: Friday, February 10, 2023, at 4:00 pm local Belize time

The Government of Belize (GoB) has entered into a US$ 14 Million Loan Contract Agreement (No. 4839/OC-BL) with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the execution of a five-year tax modernization project entitled “Strengthening of Tax Administration”. The Ministry intends to apply a part of the proceeds towards payments for the services of Project Support Officer.

The objective of the position is to provide general administrative and clerical support to the PEU in compliance with IDB and national regulations.

January 19, 2023 - As part of the ongoing efforts by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration to engage with its bilateral and multilateral partners in securing Hurricane Lisa relief, Belize today received a cheque for the equivalent of 20,000 Euros from the people and Government of Lithuania.

The cheque was officially handed over to Ambassador Amalia Mai, CEO in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, by Mr. Carlos Perera, the Republic of Lithuania’s Honorary Consul to Belize. Colonel (Ret’d) Shelton De Four, National Emergency

Coordinator for the National Emergency Management Organization, was also present for the handing over.

Ambassador Mai said that the donation is a “testament to the willingness of Lithuania to continue forging the partnership with Belize” and that Belize is “committed to this process and will continue to meaningfully engage on a bilateral level.”

The Government of Belize expresses gratitude to the government and people of the Republic of Lithuania for this sincere gesture of kindness and commitment to the development of a strong bilateral partnership between both countries.

Belize Receives Donation of Building Supplies for Hurricane Lisa Relief from Panama

The Project Support Officer is responsible for the overall daily affairs of the PEU as it pertains to the effective and successful completion of the various activities under the project portfolio of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and ensuring that all Projects’ activities are executed in accordance with the applicable MoF and the Bank’s requirements.

The main responsibilities of the Project Support officer include, among others:

(a)Provide secretarial services for the PEU.

(b)Provide clerical services for the PEU.

(c)Work closely with the project team in coordination of a wide range of activities in order to meet project and organizational objectives, targets and demands.

(d)Work closely with the project team to ensure that internal and external policies and procedures are followed.

(e)Maintaining an adequate filing system for the PEU records, including the payment records, among others.

Qualification and Experience requirements:

Education: Associate degree in Business Administration, Public Administration or related fields. Participation in relevant courses/training in fields of project management, Microsoft Project, time-management, computer skills, Microsoft Office and records management would also be considered an asset.

General Experience: A minimum of one (1) year general working experience.

Specific Experience:

• Specific Experience 1: A minimum of one (1) year of work experience in performing administrative support services and/or secretarial duties.

• Specific Experience 2: One (1) year experience working with SmartStream system is considered an asset.

• Specific Experience 3: One (1) year experience working with international or national development agencies is considered an asset.

Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the InterAmerican Development Bank GN-2350-15 section 5 – individual consultants and is open to all eligible candidates as defined in the IDB policies.

Expression of Interest package should contain:

(i) Cover letter briefly explaining interest, experience, and competence of the consultant.

(ii) Comprehensive resume with the Individual Consultant’s experience in the assignment of similar nature. Description of similar assignments specifying start and end dates of assignments. Please provide dates, name of employing organization, titles of positions held, types of activities performed and location of the assignment.

(iii) Copy of degrees/certificates

(iv) List of at least two references

(v) Proof of nationality: copy of documentation of nationality.

January 19, 2023 - Today, Belize received a donation of zinc from the Embassy of the Republic of Panama that will be used in the rebuilding efforts to assist persons impacted by Hurricane Lisa.

Ambassador Amalia Mai, CEO in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, officially received the donation from H.E. Martha Irene Boza, Panama’s ambassador to Belize. Colonel (Ret’d) Shelton De Four, National Emergency Coordinator for the National Emergency Management Organization, was also present for the handing over.

In her remarks, CEO Mai said, “The donation of the zinc will assist

in rebuilding efforts of those most impacted by the storm. Home repairs and reconstruction efforts continue; and as indicated by Prime Minister Briceño, the plan of the Government of Belize supports the rebuilding of structures with material that can withstand hurricane-force winds.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration continues to engage with its bilateral and multilateral partners to secure relief support. The Government of Belize expresses gratitude to the people and Government of the Republic of Panama for their generous donation and commitment to the strong bilateral partnership between the two countries.

Interested individuals may obtain further information and request the full Terms of Reference for this post at the address below during the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm local Belize time, Monday to Friday.

Qualified Individual Consultant must submit their expression of interest via e-mail to Michelle. copied to no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, February 10, 2022, marked STAP- Project Support Officer in the subject header; or applicants may also submit a hardcopy at the following address:

Director General

Belize Tax Service

Strengthening of Tax Administration Project

Eleanor Hall Building

Lake I. Boulevard, Belize City

For clarifications kindly contact:

Procurement Specialist

Strengthening of Tax Administration Project

Ministry of Finance

Eleanor Hall Building

Lake I. Boulevard, Belize City Email:


Eulogy of Maestro Rafael Angel Nunez

Good afternoon, Today we gather to celebrate the life of Rafael Angel Nuñez, Teacher Nuñez, Principal Nuñez, Sir, Dad. One final assembly for “el Gran Maestro!”

It has been most comforting to hear from all his friends, family and students. You’ve made me realize that the man I knew as dad was so different from what most of you knew. So I’d like to share a glimpse of Angel the Dad and husband with you.

Waffle, can I borrow a power tool? Waffle how do I save this plant? Waffle what do you remember about so and so? If you haven’t caught on, we called him Waffle, a nickname bestowed upon him by his grandson Gaven. As a tiny toddler, Gaven could not pronounce his first name (Rafael) so Waffle it was and so it stuck.

Waffle was a romantic, loving man who adored his wife Ligia immeasurably. She and his children were his world and he showed it daily with actions so much more than with his words.

At school he may have taught with words and textbooks, but at home he never told us what to do or what not to. He modeled determination, honesty, sharing with others, good manners, love and kindness and so we learned, hoping to be just a little like him.

Dad was the cook in the family. He made all the local favorites and the mess in the kitchen was almost always as great as the meals, but that just meant mom would spend more time with him in the

kitchen cleaning up after him. They existed as one and did everything together.

Sunday’s were his favorite days as we gathered at the gazebo in his garden. Food, drinks, family and lots of laughs mostly thanks to his seemingly endless supply of jokes.

(Read by Gaven Zapata, Grandson)

- "My grandfather, WAFFLE, is one of the biggest role models in my life. He was my personal teacher enlightening me with all of his lessons, tips and tricks from an early age. It was only until I was older I was able to teach him the vastly unknown knowledge of… the INTERNET! As a trade for my knowledge, he would cook me delicious meals to enjoy. Waffle would only cook the most divine meals for me, and yes that included waffles on the menu. As a young boy, he would put me to bed on his beloved hammock with stimulating


stories while he re-enacted the scenes for me. He would rock, and shake, and twist and swing the hammock to add an unforgettable emotion I still remember to this day. We did gardening, cooking, writing, swimming, and a list of activities that could go on forever. My grandfather was the best grandfather I could have gotten, he will always live on in my heart and I will continue to learn something new every day with him by my side, watching over me like the angel he is."

Waffle and mom also shared a special bond and I have some words from her to share.

"From a very young age, my dad took me under his wing. From hammering nails on the roof, to painting t-shirts in the living room. We did it all and he would always cheer me on. He was my biggest fan. I was daddy’s girl. He encouraged me to pursue all my dreams and helped me to develop my artistic talent as well as my musical talent. I knew I could always count on him. I will miss him dearly but will live cherishing all the good times and the lessons he thought me. Thank you dad for allowing me to always be by your side. I promise I will keep making you proud."

I’m honored to call him dad knowing fully that my sister and I were not the only ones that he fathered. I cannot think of a better way to honor dad than to read the testimonials that have been shared with my family and I, by some who’s lives he touched.

Pamela Zetina shared

“You were my friend, my teacher, my tutor, my inspiration, my dad, I am sorry I am not there but my spirit is with you all.”

cerca de su corazón. Gracias por vivir con alegria. Gracias por inspirar. Gracias por sus bromas. Gracias por ser el mejor maestro de clase y dar un gran ejemplo a su comunidad. Gracias Tio. Hasta pronto. Que en paz descanse su alma.”

Pastor Clive Welsh

Maestro Angel Nunez, a life that has touched generations upon generations, countless lives that have impacted us all. We will all grieve, mourn, treasure memories, but most of all give thanks for a life well lived.

These are just a few memories shared among hundreds and my family and I are forever grateful for your kindness and sympathies.

Dad wore many hats in the community. He was well loved and respected as an educator, a mentor, MC, author, family man, fire fighter, musician, choir teacher, sports coach, sports commentator, radiothon announcer, newspaper columnists, songwriter, historian, founder of San Pedro High School and San Pedro Junior College, Justice of the Peace, Member of the Most Excellent order of the British Empire, Town Councilor, Deputy Mayor, Community Activist, Member and Advisor to the People’s United Party, Lions Member, member of the San Pedro Fishing Cooperative…and much, much, more.

We almost always wait for our loved ones and friends to pass before we let them know how important and loved they are. This was not the case with my dad. His entire family, extended family, students, coworkers and friends constantly reminded him of the impact he had on their lives and I want you all to know that he passed knowing and grateful.

shall conduct a pre-operation check and test run of the crane to ensure that it is ready and fit for work.

• Responsible for the upkeep of the equipment by assisting with minor maintenance from time to time

• Assist with refueling the mobile harbor crane (MHC) in preparation for the next operation and park the MHC in the designated area as directed by the Operations Foreman

• Report all accidents damage incidents and performance issues immediately to the Operations Foreman on duty.

• Actively multi-skill in order to have ability to operate other PBL equipment including towheads, forklifts, vehicles etc.

• Any other duties and functions, of a related nature that ma y be assigned from time to time.

Job Qualifications/Requirement:

• High School Diploma

• Minimum five (5) years’ experience working as a heavy equipment Operator; Crane Operator certification would be an asset

• A valid class E (All) driver’s license


• Able to work as a team

• Ethical

• Ability to work independently

• Able to work flexible hours

• Supervisory and leadership skills required

• Proactive in addressing Operational emergencies

• Computer literate

Package: Will be commensurate (in

Lincoln E Eiley wrote “Gracias por ser un gran ejemplo para toda su familia, Tia Ligia, Dorian, Perlita. Gracias por querer a mi mama tanto y tenerla

Rafael Angel Nuñez was a legend. Descansa Angelito, we will remember you and honor you in our actions just as you taught us to, Anchored in Success.



both males/females are encouraged to apply for the available post.


Reports to: Operations Manager summary of Responsibilities: The primary duties of the Towhead Operator are to safely operate and maneuver towhead truck and chassis around the container yard and pier, safely transporting containers (20’, 40’ 45’) and flat racks with out-of-gauge (OOG) cargo.

Job Responsibilities: He/she is responsible for to safely drive within the facility and abide by PBL speed limits a nd safety measures put in place In house training will be provided.

• Check, fuel and service Towheads before commencement of vessel

• Prompt reporting of all faults to the Cargo Operations Manager in order for him to put in a work order to the Mechanical Manager for repairs.

• Daily equipment inspection per Checklist, servicing and all preventative maintenance of the equipment as assigned

• Maintain and update the Container Stacker Logbook with all required relevant information including engine hours / mileage, repairs and maintenance

• Position and fuel equipment (both stacker and towheads) at allocated time as coordinated with Technical Dept.

• Operate towheads to facilitate loading and unloading of container/bulk vessels from Pierhead to yard and vice versa.

• Assist with stripping of containers at the warehouse as required

• Report all accidents and damage incidents immediately to the Operations Supervisor on Duty. Take pictures of the accident scene in order to assist with the investigation.

• Actively multi-skill in order to have ability to operate other PBL equipment including vehicles, towheads, forklifts and ultimately stackers

• Wearing proper PPE at all times, and report any safety non-compliance issues to the Operations Foreman

• At the end of operations ensure the towheads are parked in its designated area as assigned

• Any other duties of a related nature assigned from time to time.

25 SEP 2020 ) Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following post in the Operations Department. In the Port ’s continued effort to promote diversity both males/females are encouraged to apply for the available post. TEMPORARY CRANE OPERATOR Reports to: Operations Manager Summary of Responsibilities: The Crane Operator reports to the Cargo Operations Manager (COM). He/she works on a roster determined by the vessel schedule and berthing plan. He/she are responsible to safely load/unload cargo ships that are berthed at the pierhead In house training and mentorship will be provided as required Job Responsibilities: • Operate PBL Mobile Harbor Cranes (MHC) at the Pierhead to facilitate the unloading and loading of container/cargo vessels in a safe and efficient manner. • Operate ‘Dragline Crane’ as needs arise and directed by Supervisor/Manager • Assist in operating any other PBL equipment/vehicles when needed and operations/driving duties that may arise from time to time • Daily equipment inspection per Checklist, servicing and all preventative maintenance of the equipment as assigned • Maintain and update the MHC Logbook with all required relevant information including engine hours / mileage, service and repairs and maintenance • Prompt reporting of all faults to the Operations Foreman in order for him to put in a work order to the Mechanical Manager for repairs. • He/she
of two
Applications should be emailed to: Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, February 3rd, 2023
accordance with the Company's Salary Structure). To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager), copy of valid social security card, valid
are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following post in the Operations Departmen t. In the Port’s continued effort to promote diversity
Job Qualifications/Requirement: • High School Diploma • Minimum five (5) years’ experience working as a heavy equipment Operator • Experience operating container handling equipment such as forklift, container stackers and/or Crane Operator certification would be an asset • A valid class E (All) driver’s license Skills/Competencies: • Able to work as a team • Ethical • Ability to work independently • Able to work flexible hours • Proactive in identifying operational improvements and addressing operational emergencies • Computer literate Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure). To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager), copy of valid social security card, valid police report, vaccination card, name and phone number of two (2) previous employers. Applications should be emailed to: Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, February 3rd, 2023

15 Best Warm Places to Visit in March

While spring arrives in March, many places will still be dealing with ice and snow. After months of battling the cold, a getaway to a warm destination this time of year can be a great way to refresh and recharge, returning home ready to embrace the final chilly days of the season with the promise of sunshine soon on the way. There are plenty of fabulous beach destinations for soaking up some rays, but you’ll also find a wide range of options for taking advantage of warmer weather and enjoying everything from exploring rich history to wildlife watching too.

Cyprus | Bermuda | Cancun | Miami | Oaxaca | Sedona | Seville

| New Orleans | Sicily | Sri Lanka

| Dubai | Sabah | Joshua Tree | Oman

Placencia, Belize

While March is part of the high season in Belize, the weather will be idyllic with little chance of rain. If you want to enjoy some of the country’s best beaches, consider Placencia, which sits on a 16-mile-long peninsula boasting miles of soft sands. The small fishing village itself is home to the world’s narrowest street and offers the opportunity to delve into the rich culture of the Creole and Garifuna. It’s a cultural mosaic with a wide range of tasty eats, art and music in addition to all the usual beach activities like snorkeling and swimming.

Mr. Gregorio Choc

By joining a cruise on the Monkey River just 12 miles south, you can watch for birds like toucans, herons and tanagers along with howler monkeys, iguanas, and the occasional crocodile. For the full article:

25 SEP 2020

US SC Donates 113K for Fire stations

At a ceremony at the Belmopan Fire Station presided over by Ambassador Michelle Kwan and Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management

Hon. Orlando Habet, the Belize Fire Department received furniture and equipment to outfit several fire stations across the country valued at over US $113,000.

These donations were made possible by funding from the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) Humanitarian Assistance Program.

The United States is committed to contributing to Belize’s ongoing efforts to build resilient communities by preparing for disasters before they strike—and by giving them the training and tools to respond expeditiously. The new equipment will ensure that first responders can better respond to emergencies, mitigate disasters, and save lives.


We are proud of our longstanding partnership with the government and people of Belize, as we work together to make the country more secure and more resilient.

Development Finance Corporation (DFC) hereby requires the below listed Loan Borrower/s to visit the DFC office on or before the expiry of three weeks from the first publication hereof to make suitable arrangements for loan repayment.

Failure to comply herewith will result in DFC forwarding these cases to its Attorney for loan recovery through the Courts. You are reminded that based on the Promissory Note and Loan Agreement executed with DFC, you will be fully responsible for all costs (legal and others) incurred from the loan recovery measures.

Corozal District, Belize

6 Abraham Harder Camp 57, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

7 Abraham Harder Camp 57, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

8 Abraham Harder Camp 57, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

Born March 9, 1963

Died January 22, 2023

The Hon. Andre Perez, the Belize Rural South Executive committee, and staff would like to express our sincerest condolences to the Choc family. Mr. Choc will be remembered as a true soldier of the People’s United Party.

One fond memory was when he presented his PUP membership card signed by the father of the nation George Cadle Price.

May he rest in peace and rise in eternal glory

Peter Loewen Camp 37, Little Belize Community, Corozal District, Belize

Abraham Andres Friessen aka Abram Andres

Camp 57, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

Jacob Olfert Camp 57, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

David Klassen Camp 57, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

9 Misael Isai Rivero Sarteneja Village. Corozal District, Belize Arnold Roman Canul Sarteneja Village. Corozal District, Belize

10 Guermo Henry Santa Cruz Area, Caledonia Village, Corozal Distriict, Belize

11 Leroy Charles Westby Hermelinda Layout, Corozal Town, Corozal District, Belize

12 Ronal Yuviny Rosalez Chanbenque Area, Caledonia Village, Corozal District, Belize

13 Seydy Paulina Nah Copper Bank Village, Corozal District, Belize Adelita Filiberta Lucero No. 73 Otro Benque Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, Belize.

14 Lucerito Amparito Hall Mangrove Drive, San Pedro Town, Ambergis Caye, Belize District, Belize

15 Carlos Paz(Borrower) & Dorila Bautista(CoBorrower)

Santa Cruz Village, Stann Creek District, Belize

16 Jacob Thiessen Camp 57, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

17 Bernhard Friesen Camp 62 (Laskot Area), Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

18 Isaac Shroeder Camp 105, Neuland Community, Corozal District, Belize

19 Isaac Shroeder Camp 105, Neuland Community, Corozal District, Belize

20 Alexander Ruiz Trio

Reynaldo Manuel Ek Mangrove Drive, San Pedro Town, Ambergis Caye, Belize District, Belize

Gonzalo Martinez Santa Cruz Village, Stann Creek District, Belize

Peter Redecop Camp 57, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

Heinrich Friesen Camp 51, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

David Penner Camp 105, Neuland Community, Corozal District, Belize

Franz Enns Camp 110,Little Belize Community, Corozal District, Belize

Wilhelm Harder Camp 53, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

Manuel Jesus Ye Bullet Tree Fall, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District, Belize

Franz Schmitt Camp 50, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

David Schmitt Camp 58, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

Johan Thiessen Camp 50, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize

TO: LOAN BORROWER/S No. NAME OF BORROWER LAST KNOWN ADDRESS OF BORROWER NAME OF GUARANTOR LAST KNOWN ADDRESS OF GUARANTOR NAME OF GUARANTOR LAST KNOWN ADDRESS OF GUARANTOR NAME OF GUARANTOR LAST KNOWN ADDRESS OF GUARANTOR 1 Heinreich Wiebe Camp 57, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize Abram Wiebe Camp 50, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize Isaac Wiebe Camp 50, Indian Creek Community, Orange Walk District, Belize 2 Johann Braun Camp 110, Neuland Community, Corozal District, Belize Franz Enns Camp 110, Neuland Community, Corozal District, Belize 3 Gierhard Elias Camp 37, Little Belize Community, Corozal District, Belize Jacob Enns Camp 39, Little Belize Community, Corozal District, Belize 4 Franz Wall Camp 34, Little Belize Community, Corozal District, Belize David Wall Camp 35, Little Belize Community, Corozal District, Belize Gierhard Elias Camp 37, Little Belize Community, Corozal District, Belize Abram Friesen Camp 39, Little Belize Community, Corozal District, Belize 5 Johan Penner Camp 37, Little Belize Community,
Village, Toledo District, Belize Wilmer Rondolfo Ruiz Trio Village, Toledo District, Belize

Graciano Warren “Charro” Briceno William Dawson

August 1, 1979 - January 23, 2023

It is with profound sadness that, the Hon. Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries, the Commissioner of Police, Chester C. Williams, Deputy Commissioners, Bartholomew Jones, Dr. Richard Rosado, and Aaron Guzman; the other senior ranks and file of the Belize Police Department announce the untimely passing of our fellow brother, Graciano Warren Briceno “Charro”, Inspector of Police

May his family, loved ones, colleagues, and friends find solace in the arms of the Lord. You have left us suddenly Charro, but your dedication to the Government of Belize, the Belize Police Department, and the people of Belize will never be forgotten.

Sleep on “Charro” until we meet again.

October 9, 1979 - January 25, 2023

Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, "Our sincerest condolences to the Dawson family as they mourn the passing of their dear son, brother, husband and uncle Mr. William Dawson. William as we would call him, was a very gentle and kind soul. He was the head of our Leadership Intervention Unit which contributed significantly to the stemming of gang violence on the streets of Belize City. He worked tirelessly with the at risk youths to guide them away from the destructive gang path.

He never watched the clock once something happens no matter the time of the day or night He is sure to respond. He truly had the heart of a lion and the tendency of a tiger. We at the police department are surely going to miss this kind soul, this gentle human being, this good citizen and loving husband.

Another young soul gone to soon, rest in eternal peace my brother. Our lord now has a great interventionist on his side".

Minister Kareem Musa: We cannot let the legacy of William Dawson pass. He is not only a colleague he is our leader.

Renz Hay: My heart ACHES…why you of all person? Ik that some point we all leave this world…but you left way too early! Thank you for all you’ve instilled in me sir…all the knowledge I’ve gain from you…you were always a father figure to me, you never failed to check on me. You loved all your students like your own child!! I was always happy to see..I’ll definitely miss your warm hugs…

William Dawson know that My love for u is always there because you thought me like no other!! This is really a shock for us!!! You will always be remembered and your good memories will instilled in all of us!! Sleep on sir!! I will miss you and our daily convos!




25 SEP 2020
Election Village Candidates Name Position No. of Votes Remarks # of Registered Electors Total Votes % of Votes Polled % of Voter Turnout Rejected Date Received Polled Votes 1/15/2023 Forest Home Chairperson 221 95 42.99% 0 2 Bo, Mariano Chairperson 33 34.74% Coleman, Charmini Renee Chairperson 62 Elected 65.26% Election Village Candidates Name Position No. of Votes Remarks # of Registered Electors Total Votes % of Votes Polled % of Voter Turnout Rejected Date Received Polled Votes 1/15/2023 Medina Bank Chairperson 105 77 73.33% 0 2 Caal, Marcus Chairperson 27 35.06% Tox, Carlos Chairperson 50 Elected 64.94%


Resilient Rural Belize Programme

Assignment title: Finance Officer

Reference no. RRB.CS.59

The Government of Belize has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) towards the cost of the Resilient Rural Belize Programme, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the recruitment of consulting services provided by an individual consultant as part of the post of Finance Officer

The consulting services (“the services”) include managing and coordinating the overall financial management activities of the Programme in strict compliance with the requirements of the Financing Agreements between the Government of Belize and IFAD and GCF, respectively, for the period of one (1) year.

The Resilient Rural Belize Programme now invites eligible Individual consultants (“consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services in the form of a curriculum vitae (CV). A consultant will be selected in accordance with the individual consultant selection (ICS) method set out in IFAD’ Project Procurement Handbook that can be accessed via the IFAD website at Interviews will be conducted as part of the selection process.

The shortlisting criteria are:

• A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance or business administration.

• At least five years’ experience in financial accounting and in a financial management position.

• At least five years’ experience with project accounting and managing accounting systems.

• At least five years’ experience with financial accounting for internationally funded projects: IFAD, World Bank, Caribbean Development Bank financed projects, etc.

• At least five years’ experience preparing budgets, financial reports and financial statements.

• At least five years’ experience working with a computerized accounting system. Experience working with QuickBooks would be an asset.

• At least five years’ experience working with other computer software (primarily Microsoft Excel, but includes Microsoft Word).

• Knowledge of International donor disbursement procedures (i.e., IFAD procedures would be an asset).

The full document of the REOI including the specific formats for submission of the EOI and the Terms of Reference for this assignment can be obtained by a direct request to the email:

Any request for clarification on this REOI should be sent via e-mail to the address below, no later than January 31, 2023. The client will provide responses to all clarification requests by February 3, 2023.

Expressions of interest in the form of Curriculum Vitae (CV) following the format included in the REOI document must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by email) by February 15, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

Resilient Rural Belize Programme

Attn: Geraldo Flowers, Programme Manager

Resilient Rural Belize Programme

National Agriculture Showgrounds

Belmopan City, Cayo, Belize




Resilient Rural Belize Programme

Assignment title: Rural Organization Development Officer

Reference no. RRB.CS.60

The Government of Belize has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) towards the cost of the Resilient Rural Belize Programme, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the recruitment of consulting services provided by an individual consultant as part of the post of Rural Organization Development Officer

The Resilient Rural Belize Programme now invites eligible Individual consultants (“consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the individual consultant selection (ICS) method set out in IFAD’ Project Procurement Handbook that can be accessed via the IFAD website at Interviews will be conducted as part of the selection process.

The shortlisting criteria are:

• A bachelor’s degree in business development, business administration or related field.

• At least five years of proven experience in community and rural development, strategic planning for small organizations, participatory methodologies and applied and practical training method.

• At least five years’ experience working with gender equity and inclusion of rural youth in rural organizations.

• At least five years’ experience working with age and gender disaggregated indicators.

• At least three years’ experience working with rural organizations (producers’ groups, associations, cooperatives, women’s groups) in the agriculture sector, specific to the Belize context.

• At least three years’ experience working IFIs (IFAD, IDB, World Bank, etc.). Successful work experience in similar projects would be considered an asset.

• Excellent command of the English language, spoken and written. Spanish language proficiency is required.

Individual Consultants interested in receiving the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) document for this consultancy should register their interest by sending an e-mail (with subject: Request for REOI – Rural Organization Development Officer to the Procurement Officer at giving full contact details of the Consultant. This will ensure that the Consultants receive updates regarding this consultancy.

Any request for clarification on this REOI should be sent via e-mail to the address below, no later than January 31, 2023. The client will provide responses to all clarification requests by February 3, 2023.

The REOI must be delivered/submitted to the address below (in person, or by e-mail) by February 15, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

Resilient Rural Belize Programme

Attn: Geraldo Flowers, Programme Manager

Resilient Rural Belize Programme

National Agriculture Showgrounds

Belmopan City, Cayo, Belize




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Articles inside


pages 25-26

Graciano Warren “Charro” Briceno William Dawson

page 25

US SC Donates 113K for Fire stations

page 24

15 Best Warm Places to Visit in March

page 24


page 23

Eulogy of Maestro Rafael Angel Nunez

page 23

Belize Receives Hurricane Lisa Relief Funds from the Republic of Lithuania

page 22

Belizean Businesswomen Receive Business Leadership Training

page 21

U.S. Embassy-Belmopan Awards US$710,000 to Civil Society Organizations at Grants Award Ceremony

page 21


page 20

United States Provides Humanitarian Assistance to Belize

page 20

Donation of Satellite Equipment and Tracking Monitoring System to the Belize Fisheries Department

pages 18-19

BELTRAIDE Presents Action Plan for CENPROMYPE Pro-Tempore Presidency

page 17

Grant to Enhance

page 17

Joint United Nations Development Program – Government of Belize Equipment Handing Over Ceremony

page 17

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

page 16

Minister of Religious Affairs Speaks at the 8th Jalsa Salana

page 15


pages 12, 14

UNESCO Joins MoECST, NICH, and stakeholders Post-Disaster Needs Assessment of Culture Sector after the Hurricane Lisa

pages 11-12

PCC Meets to Discuss 2022-2024 Strategic Plan

page 11


page 10


page 9


page 9


pages 8-9

US Donates to Education in San Jose

page 8

Question(s) Week of the

pages 6-8


page 5

Combatting Gender-Based Violence Social & Behaviour Change Communications Campaign

page 5


page 4


page 3


page 2


page 2


page 1
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