06 Counter-Industrial Movements [Introduction: Architecture in the craft and the industrial age ] Cesar D. While the industrial revolution changed how we design and build structures throughout the world in this age of industrialization, growth in size and volume did not come without its opposition. The Beaux-Arts style and Arts and Crafts movement was a response to the changing architectural and building styles. This arts style stemming from French neoclassicism and mixing artisan detailed work that is far from the industrialized architecture with new materials like large pane glass and steel.As we dive deeper into Art and Crafts we also see the push back to industrialization from art nouveau followers. This type of architecture and building uses nature as its inspiration for form and building, creating structures with organic shapes and using materials that are less processed like wood and clay-brick as opposed to steel.Going hand in hand with this more natural form of construction is the movement of japaneseism where buildings used large wooden beams for their primary structures and have a strong connection with nature.This influence from japanese architecture are paintings was very prominent during the rize of the industrial revolution. This connection
with nature was a big part of the push back against the industrialization of entire cities and can be seen in many different movements at the time. Throughout this writing piece we will explore the connection between art, nature and architecture and how this connection developed throughout the industrial revolution regardless of push back.
Counter-Industrial Movements