robbers would do?”, “In the film, who is your favorite character and why? Who is the ugliest and / or you disliked most?” etc. The answers to this questions take us into writing and/or speaking. One final type of activity we will introduce in each parable is using the audio of the DVD of the parable without images. Why? As a training for KET. KET (and PET) examinations make audio listening without video. Listening has two parts and in both of them children are asked to select an item out of several. For this reason, we will select a scene from the parable. Children will be told the setting: where it takes place, characters, order in the sequence of events in the story and other details. This introductions can go as follows: “We are going to listen (no watching) a part of the parable of the Good Samaritan. We will listen the innkeeper, his son and two robbers (named Nadab and Kish), the ones who attacked the man. Robbers are staying at Gaal’s inn. More possible answers than questions are given. Listen carefully and try to guess the answer for each question”: Example: 0 → C 0
What part were the robbers sitting?
What did they have for dinner?
How did the robbers pretend to leave those attacked?
One robber, Kish, calls Nadab…
The innkeeper decides to call the…
Fish and chips
Robbers decide to leave the inn because they do not want
Key: 1→ soup
2→ dead
3→ delightful
4→ soldiers
5→ trouble
5 ASSESMENT Testing, evaluation and assessment are not quite the same (Vale & Feunteun, 1995). Without diving deep into the differences, for us, assessment is the method and result of finding out what children know and understand about gospel parables and stories as well as certain language objectives as a result of the classroom – teaching – learning process that has taken place during a certain period. When it comes to RE, learning about religion and learning from religion are two aspects to evaluate; the first one account for what a child knows about a parable like the Good Samaritan: does he now who are the characters or the resolutions and moral? Learning from it is more difficult to assess as it includes aspects such as connection to previous personal or known contexts and application to our 38