Face2Face Pre - Intermediate 2nd Edition

Page 18

Vocabulary relationships (1)

How we met Q U IC K R EV IEW P a s t S im p le

Grammar Past Continuous:

positive and negative, questions

M a ke a lis t o f

fiv e th in g s yo u d id la s t w e e k . W o rk in g ro u p s o r m o ve a ro u n d th e c la s s . A s k q u e s tio n s w ith D id y o u ... ? a nd tr y to fin d o n e s tu d e n t w h o d id e a ch th in g on y o u r list.

Listening and Speaking Q

a Look at the photos. Where are the people, do you think?


Match sentences 1-3 to photos A-C.


I was travelling back from China and we met on the plane. 2 We first met when she w as renting a room in my sister’s flat. 3 We w ere standing at a bus stop and he said hello. c 1 3 ^ ^ 1 5 Listen and check.

a Helen is talking about how she met Simon. Choose the

correct verb forms.



I first(me?)/was meeting Simon when we waited/were waiting for a bus. 2 It rained/was raining and he offered/was offering me his umbrella. 3 While we sat/were sitting on the bus, he gave/was giving me his business card. 4 But when I got/was getting home I couldn’t find the card anywhere.

P a s t C o n tin u o u s : p o s itiv e a n d n e g a tiv e


a Look at this sentence. Then answer the questions. I was tra ve llin g back from China and we m et on the plane.

1 2 3 4 5

Which action started first? Which action was shorter? Which action was longer? Did the ‘travelling’ continue after they met? Which verb is in the Past Simple and which is in the Past Continuous?

b Complete Helen’s story. Put the verbs in brackets in the

Past Simple or Past Continuous. 5 A week later I was walking (walk) to the bus stop after work and I (see) him in the street. 6 He _ (talk) to a woman so I (not say) hello. 7 But while I (wait) for my bus, a car (stop) next to me. It was Simon. 8 He (offer) to drive me home and I (invite) him in for a coffee. That (be) 22 years ago!

b Fill in the gaps for the Past Continuous with was, wasn’t, were or w eren’t. POSITIVE

l/he/she/it + you/we/they +

+ verb+Zng + verb+Zng


l/he/she/it + you/we/they + c


Check in EE

+ verb+/'ng + verb+ing •T O p130.

1 ^ 3 ^ 1 6 PRONUNCIATION Copy the stress.

Listen and practise.

travelling back from China -* I was /w a z / travelling back from China -* I was /w a z / travelling back from China and we m et on the plane.


Listen and check.

Vocabulary m

R e la t io n s h ip s (1)

a Work in pairs. iairs. Tick the phrases you know. Then check in ------------ m EK p129.

go out with someone get engaged to someone ask someone out get married to someone fall in love with someone meet someone for the first time break up with someone go on a date get divorced b Work in pairs. Put the phrases in 5 a in order. There is more than one possible order.

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