Real World offers, suggestions and requests
begoingto yes/no begoingto Areyougoingtodosomesport nextweekend? Yes, Iam./No, I’mnot. Q U IC K R EV IEW
W o rk in p a irs. A s k
and answ er q u e s tio n s w ith a b o u t n e x t w e e k e n d . F ind fo u r th in g s y o u ’re b o th g o in g to d o. A
REAL WORLD Offers, suggestions and requests a Write these headings in the correct places a -d in the table.
making suggestions making requests making offers responding to offers Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
1 What are the biggest charities in your country?
2 Have you (or people you know) ever raised money for a charity? If yes, what did you/they do?
I’ll do that, if you like. Shall I make some posters? Do you w an t me to do that? Can I give you a hand?
Yes, that’d be great. Yes, (that’s a) good idea. Yes, if you don’t mind. No, don’t worry. Thanks anyway.
Shall we start? Let’s decide who does what. W hy d o n ’t w e ask Jason?
C ould you give me a hand? Will you organise that? Can you do that?
3 What kind of charity is the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)? What does it do?
Look at the photo. Then watch or listen to these people planning a charity event for the WWF. Which of these events are they planning? a
a concert a 10 km run a quiz night a karaoke night a sponsored walk b Watch or listen again. Tick the things they
plan to do. • • • •
organise tickets
get tables and chairs put an advert inthe local paper Natalia
Check in
Look at Audio and Video Script E E S h 13 P158. Read the conversation and find all the offers, suggestions, requests and responses.
get food and drink have a band
make posters
b Which verb form comes after the phrases in bold? Which verb form comes after Do you want me ... ?
write quiz questions
hire a karaoke machine
^1 4 Listen and practise the sentences in 3a. Copy the stress and intonation. I’ll do that, if you like.