Roles people play
Vocabulary relationships (2) Grammar superlatives
Q U IC K R E V IE W A d je c tiv e s (2): c h a r a c te r W rite s ix c h a ra c te r a d je c tiv e s . T he n th in k o f o n e p e rs o n y o u k n o w fo r e a c h a d je c tiv e . W o rk in p a irs . Tell y o u r p a rtn e r a b o u t th e p e o p le .
Vocabulary and Speaking HI
Relationships (2)
Make a list of all the roles you play in life.
a Work in pairs. Put these words into two groups:
I’m a stepfather, a brother, a neighbour...
1 family relationships, 2 other relationships. Check new words in m m m m p138.
b Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.
uncle 1 aunt boss niece nephew flatmate • • • • cousin close friend ex-girlfriend neighbour stepfather grandmother twin brother colleague relative great-grandfather employer employee sister-in-law b How many other words can you make with ex-, step,
grand, great-, and -in-law ?
1 Which of your roles do you like? Which don’t you like? 2 How many of the same roles do you have? I really like being a stepfather. I like being a mother, but I don’t like being a boss. s r