Face2Face Pre - Intermediate 2nd Edition

Page 54

Real World taking phone messages; leaving phone messages

Q U IC K R EV IEW A d je c tiv e s a n d p re fix e s W o rk in p a irs . H o w ca n y o u d e s c rib e th e s e c h a ra c te rs fro m th e ra d io d ra m a


Lydia, C live , Trudy,

D arren , K athy, E liza b e th , Eve K in g a n d N ic k ? W h a t h a p p e n e d in th e e p is o d e y o u lis te n e d to ?

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Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.


How often do you use your mobile or landline every day?

2 Which three people do you call or text the most? 3 Do you ever need to speak English on the phone? If so, who do you have to speak to? 4 How often do you check your phone messages? Do you always phone people back? Why?/Why not?


REAL WORLD Taking phone messages

|t§ a Fill in the gaps with these words. •

• •

called meeting afraid line leave message

1 I’m he isn’t here this afternoon. ? 2 Can I take a ? 3 Shall I tell him you please. I’ll put you through 4 Hold the 5 I’m sorry, he’s in a a message? 6 Would you like to b

2 ^ 2 5 Listen and check.


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|2 }2 ^ 2 5 ■jjmian.’iHMiTiKl Listen again and practise. Copy the stress and polite intonation. I’m afraid he isn’t here this afternoon.

U | a B E E * 6.1 1323^26 Look at the photos. David wants to talk to his friend Matt. Watch or listen to three conversations. Are these sentences true or false?


Matt’s in a meeting at the recording studio.

2 Carol thinks Matt is at work. 3 David is at home when Matt calls him back. b Listen again and answer these questions.


Does David call Matt’s mobile?

2 Why is Carol at home today? 3 Why does David want to talk to Matt? 4 Where is David going to be this evening? 5 Is David going to call Matt again later?


REAL WORLD Leaving phone messages

fc l Match these headings to the sentences from the • phone conversations. •


• ; ;

saying where people can contact you leaving a message asking to speak to someone


l I

Can I speak to (Matt Robertson), please? Is (Matt) there, please?


Could I speak to (David Baxter), please?


b Could you ask him/her to phone me tomorrow? Can you ask him/her to call me back? Just tell him/her (Matt Robertson) called. He/She can ring me at the office. He/She can get me on my mobile. He/She can call me at home this evening.

TIP • When we tell people who we are on the phone, we say: It’s David, not I’m David. E m m ^ p i3 9

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