Face2Face Pre - Intermediate 2nd Edition

Page 80

Vocabulary verbs often used in the passive


The collectors

Grammar Present Simple passive; Past Simple passive

Q U IC K R EV IEW In v ita tio n s a n d m a k in g a rra n g e m e n ts

a Read the article and answer these questions.

Im a g in e y o u a re h a vin g a p a rty

1 What is ‘memorabilia’? 2 Whose memorabilia is very valuable? 3 How much did someone pay for John Lennon’s piano? 4 Do people always pay a lot for items of memorabilia?

n e x t w e e k. D e c id e o n th e d a y a n d tim e . In vite o th e r s tu d e n ts to y o u r p a rty . H o w m a n y p e o p le ca n c o m e ?

b Read about the items of memorabilia in the photos. Then try to fill in gaps 1-6 with these prices.

Speaking and Reading U

£15,000 £154,492 £250,000 £2,600,000 £650,000 £631,871

Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1 What were the last three things you bought (not food or drink)? Where did you buy them? 2 Have you (or people you know) ever bought or sold anything on websites like eBay? If so, what was it?

c Work in pairs. Compare answers, d

Listen and check.

This glove was worn by Michael Jackson in 1983

The memorabilia business A lot of people collect things th at w ere o w ned or signed by fam ous m usicians, film stars an d sp ortsm en an d w om en. M em orabilia is big business an d th o u san d s of item s are b o u g h t an d so ld every day. Beatles m em orabilia is extrem ely valuable an d is collected by fans all over the w orld. In 2000 Jo h n L en n o n ’s w hite p iano w as sold for £140,000. It w as b o u g h t by the singer, G eorge M ichael. T hen in 2010 the h a n d w ritte n lyrics of a Beaties’ song, A Day in the Life’, w ere b o u g h t in the USA for £810,000. But n o t all m em orabilia is expensive. You can buy autographs of fam ous footballers like Pele for ab o u t £100. You can even get David B eckham ’s au to g rap h for as little as £5 on eBay - b u t d o n ’t forget th at you have to pay the postage!

when he first 'moonwalked' It was sold in New York in 2009 fo r 1

The first ever Batman story was in this 1939 comic. The comic was sold for in February 2010. The previous record for a comic was ■That was for a 1938 Action Comic with the first ever Superman story.

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>9er. it Was sold for

in October 2010

This poster was designed for the classic 1933 film King Kong and it was sold in New York in 1997 f o r 5

First edition Harry Potter boo


now very valuable, particularly rf L w ere signed by the author

JK Rowling. A signed first edition copy of a Harry Potter book was sold

^o r 6

in February 2010-

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