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Contar la historia del “Pato” Silva, se me hace difícil. Difícil porque cuesta separar al hombre del talento, al ser humano del ídolo, al joven del hombre que en materia de automovilismo pudiera parecer centenario. Porque en todo caso repasar su historia, las categorías transitadas, sus innumerables triunfos o campeonatos, propondría una utópica tarea en materia de periodismo, siempre limitada por tiempo y espacio.

Lo conocí hace años y su gesto para con un joven hemipléjico que lo tenía por ídolo, me emocionó y entonces me dije, además de un piloto de una gran capacidad, aquí hay un ser humano indescriptible. Por entonces lo escribí en una de mis columnas y en el hoy, a muchas banderas de distancia, lo ratifico.

Telling the story of “Pato” Silva, I find it difficult. Difficult because it is difficult to separate man from talent, the human being from the idol, the young man who in matters of motorsport might seem centenary. Because in any case reviewing its history, the busy categories, and its innumerable triumphs or championships, would propose a utopian task in journalism, always limited by time and space.

I met him years ago and his gesture to a young hemiplegic who had him as an idol, excited me and then I said, besides a pilot of a great capacity, here is an indescribable human being. At that time, I wrote it in one of my columns and today, many flags away, I ratified it.

“Look; retirement in this profession is very hard, it is difficult to get out of the car and think never again. Then

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