central city area
The Pedestrian Program : The Pedestrian Analysis of Amol City Analysis oldincontext The Old location : Amol Context Year:2017
Forty-seven hectares of the total eighty-seven hectares of the central section of Amol consist of the old urban textures. The recreation of urban settlements is an effort of the reproduction of the surrounding environment.
central city area Forty-seven hectares of the total available infrastructure eighty-seven hectares of the problematic of central sectioninterference of Amol consist traffic, lack of ofpedestrian the old and urban textures. The safety for pedestrian, insufficient recreation of urban settlements is standards of spaces for convenient anpedestrian effort of the reproduction of the movement. surrounding environment.
he Pedestrian Analysis of Amol City old context Group Project Year:2017
(Moyaralty ofMaryam Amol) Group Members: Ali Mohammadi, Baharvandi
Ali Mohammadi location : Amol My Role: All diagram development
Maryam Baharvandi
available infrastructure
The site and historical architecture texture of the Group Project city of Amol which is located in Mazandaran province .s. this research project, the goal was set to analysis of Amol) of(Moyaralty the decay of the old urban texture throughout time Ali Mohammadi and city development process. The place demonstrated Maryam Baharvandi in the following picture, are indications of what needs to be done to achieve a revival in this part of the city with an improvement for pedestrians, are arrangements historical architecture texture of the regarding forbidding the vehicle›s movement in this which area. is located in Mazandaran province
ch project, the goal was set to analysis f the old urban texture throughout time opment process. The place demonstrated g picture, are indications of what needs achieve a revival in this part of the city ement for pedestrians, are arrangements bidding the vehicle›s movement in this
problematic interference sorting the architectural age of pedestrian and traffic, lack of of neighborhoods historical sites, formulate an safety for pedestrian, insufficient essential ofinteraction the standards spaces for with convenient passerby people, following in a pedestrian movement.
meaningful reproduction of urban spaces.
geographical boundary old Amol
expansion boundaries by the decade
Revitalizing the central texture of cities, and their sustainable developments, are a serious issue in urban planning.
Amol's geographical location is based on a plain with a flat topography. Throughout history, other sections of the city have been revolved around the city's core.
sorting the architectural neighborhoods boundariesage ofinquiry neighborhoods of inhabitants walking
frequency per week, formulate as a scale ofan historical sites, their interactivity with effective essential interaction with the environmental passerby people, features, following inis a a method of measuring the meaningful reproduction of urban pedestrian qualities. spaces.
Babol Identifying the Amol's central area's border.
The central part of Amol with an area of 87 hectares includes only three percent of the whole city. However, its density and numerous urban functions there, profoundly exceed other parts of the city. Contemporary urban development had required, new routes connecting the rural parts of the city to its core area.
geographical boundary old Amol
expansion boundaries by the decade
Revitalizing the central texture of cities, and their sustainable developments, are a serious issue in urban planning.
Amol's geographical location is based on a plain with a flat topography. Throughout history, other sections of the city have been revolved around the city's core.
geographical boundary
geographical boundary The principal structure of the old
neighborhoods urban texture of boundaries Amol, and what
inquiry of of, inhabitants walking it consists are in a thriving frequency week, as a scale correlationperwith today›s urban of context. their interactivity with effective environmental features, is a method of measuring the pedestrian qualities.
Identifying the Amol's central area's border. The central part of Amol with an area of 87 hectares includes only three percent of the whole city. However, its density and numerous urban functions there, profoundly exceed other parts of the city. Contemporary urban development had required, new routes connecting the rural parts of the city to its core area.
geographical boundary
geographical boundary The principal structure of the old urban texture of Amol, and what it consists of, are in a thriving correlation with today›s urban context.