European Law
TROMSØ SJØFRONT LABORATORIUM MERKNADSDOKUMENT D PLAN 0225 - Kommentarer og analyser av planbeskrivelsen
EUROPEISK BYPROFIL European laws guarantee freedom of trade and movement: a municipality cannot totally ban access to nonlabeled delivery companies, unless duly justified.
For eksempel brukes begrepet europeisk byprofil gjentatte ganger i planbeskrivelsen, for å argumentere From: Sustainable Urban Mobility Pathways, 2019 for hvordan byens form og høyder skal være i fremtiden. For det første er begrepet generelt perifert i en hver diskusjon om byutvikling, og for det andre stammer det fra en analyse av overordnede Related terms: utviklingstrekk i store (over 1 mill innbyggere) byer i ulike deler av verden, laget på 90-tallet. Det har derfor naturlig nok Union, ingenCivil relevans i beskrivelsen de spesifikke naturgitte European Law, Intellectual Property,av Customary Law, Court of Justice og historiske forhold som har formet Tromsø. Videre er det et deskriptivt begrep som i sentrumsplanen brukes normativt, og som det heller ikke gis ytterligere forklaring av. Når planen bruker et slikt begrep autorativt (planen er en Viewnoen all Topics lov), må det minimum forventes at det tydelig relateres til Tromsø, og at det sannsynliggjøres at begrepet faktisk er relevant. Når det derimot helt åpenbart ikke har relevans, vil en hver slutning om planens form som bygger på dette premisset nødvendigvis bli feil. Fra kronikk ”Trenger vi en sentrumsplan?” av Magdalena Haggärde & Gisle Løkken
Cities: Internal Structure European Law Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, E. Lichtenberger, in International 2001 European laws guarantee freedom of trade and movement: a municipality cannot totally ban access to nonlabeled delivery companies, unless duly justified.
2.4.1 The third dimension
From: Sustainable Urban Mobility Pathways, 2019 Vertical growth means high-rise construction. Up to the 1970s, when some cities Related terms: changed their laws, European cities could not expand vertically because of strict European Union, Civil forced Law, Intellectual Property, Law, of Justice zoning laws, but were to grow laterally. ThisCustomary necessitated theCourt conversion of dwelling space into office space, e.g., in Paris and Vienna. High-rise construction in View all Topics European cities started relatively late (see Fig. 7). Its location within the city—frequently subject to special permission—is different from that in North America. There, the vertical structure of urban skylines shows that land prices peak in the center while in European cities ‘monument protection’ bars high-rises from the centers. Thus, the new landmarks of banks, insurance firms, corporation headquarters, and
Cities: Internal Structure
hotels keep a polite distance from the old landmarks of churches, town halls, and castles. E. Lichtenberger, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001
2.4.1 The third dimension Vertical growth means high-rise construction. Up to the 1970s, when some cities changed their laws, European cities could not expand vertically because of strict zoning laws, but were forced to grow laterally. This necessitated the conversion of dwelling space into office space, e.g., in Paris and Vienna. High-rise construction in European cities started relatively late (see Fig. 7). Its location within the city—frequently subject to special permission—is different from that in North America. There, the vertical structure of urban skylines shows that land prices peak in the cenFigure 7. Skylines of European, North-American, and Russian million-cities (Stadtter while in European cities ‘monument protection’ bars high-rises from the centers. geographie (Urban Geography) 1998, p. 198) Thus, the new landmarks of banks, insurance firms, corporation headquarters, and hotels distance from the old landmarks of churches, town halls, For thekeep sakeaofpolite access to the various supply and disposal mains, high-rises areand castles. located along urban ‘scars’: at the interfaces of traditional zones where preferably former boundaries still show in open space or low physical objects. Frequently, new high-rises accent not only the edge of traditional inner cities but, centripetally, also major points of access to older outer cities and suburbs. High-rises also mark the front of growth of the CBD, busy commuter train stations, as well as ‘satellite’ districts. They are also instrumental in slum clearing. Fra artikkel av Elisabeth Lichtenberger (2001) Figuren Europeisk byprofil opprinnelig publisert i 1998 som illustrasjon av hvordan mange byer er vokst frem - ikke prinsippe for byutvikling. > Read gir fullbare chapter Googling av begrepet treff som peker på ”Utkast: Planbeskrivelse 31.04.2020 - KOMMUNEDELPLAN FOR TROMSØ SENTRUM 2020-2032”
+ Berit Steenstrup