Santa Claus stuck in power lines
Explosion in Rettungswache Augsburger Allgemeine
Sacramento Fire Department / Twitter
In december 2020, firefighters in Sacramento, California, encountered a very special rescue mission. A man dressed as Santa Claus wanted to deliver candy canes to children in the suburbs of the city. However, instead of using his traditional sleigh pulled by reindeers, Santa decided to take a more ‘modern’ approach by using a motorized personal aircraft. Unfortunately, due to motor problems, his vehicle stopped abrupt ly and ended up getting entangled in a power line. After turning off the electrical current, the firefighters of the Sacramento Fire Department were able to rescue Santa Claus and bring him back to safety. Later on Twitter, the Sacramento Fire Department posted: “We are happy to report #Santa is uninjured and will be ready for #Christmas next week, but perhaps with a new sleigh!”
A devastating bushfire destroys nearly half of Fraser Island QFES / Reuters
Fraser Island, a World Heritage- listed island off the northeastern coast of Australia, is considered to be the largest sand island in the world. In October 2020, more than 87,000 hectares of this popular vacation spot got destroyed by a bushfire. Since then 4 people have been charged with illegally lighting a camp fire that caused the devastating incident. Over a period of 9 weeks, firefighters struggled to gain control over the flames. Finally, in December, heavy rains helped to contain and stop the blaze. Fortunately, no injuries or deaths were reported.. Volunteer fire crews were also able to save a nearby community named Happy Valley, helping it to escape destruction and making sure that no buildings were destroyed.
Am Morgen des 5. Februars kam es in einer Rettungswache im schwäbischen Memmingen zu einer Explosion. Vier Mitarbeiter des BRK mussten ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden, einer wurde wegen Kopfverletzungen stationär aufgenommen. Eine externe Reinigungskraft wurde schwer verletzt und musste mit dem Rettungshelikopter in die Unfallklinik geflogen werden. An der Rettungswache kam es zu erheblichen materiellen Schäden. Die Explosion war so stark, dass ein Anbau einsturzgefährdet ist. Vor allem der Innenbereich der Wache ist enorm beschädigt. Vorerst übernehmen andere Hilfsorganisationen den entstandenen Ausfall. Grund für die Explosion war womöglich ein Gasaustritt, welcher schnell eingegrenzt und behoben werden konnte.