Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club Results for the period to 01.02.2020

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Inc Newsletter Corvid 19 restric.on for Queensland eased Further Start planning your Qld holiday! As of midday on June 1st, Queenslanders will be able to undertake unlimited travel, including overnight stays throughout the entire state, in a major easing of COVID-19 restrictions. In further good news for business, more locals will be allowed in cafés, restaurants, pubs and clubs, with an increase in the number of patrons increasing from 10 to 20. From noon on Friday, June 5, venues with more space will be allowed up to 20 people in each defined area if they follow an approved COVID Safe Industry Plan.

It has been our state’s outstanding response to the COVID-19 pandemic that has allowed restrictions to be lifted ahead of a planned move to Stage Two – originally scheduled for June 12. The Premier stood firm on the state's borders remaining closed to interstate travellers, and news on this front will be available shortly.

So if you have been going completely cabin crazy, and with the school holidays just around the corner, now’s your chance to dust off your wheels and take the family to see places in Queensland you may have always wanted to see. Queensland’s accommodation and tourism bodies will welcome your visit with open arms!

Gatherings of up to 20 people will also be allowed from tomorrow. And from midday June 12, all restaurants and cafes that have extra room beyond the four square metre rule will be allowed to cater for up to 20 people in each section of the venue. The Qld Govt. said the easing of restrictions was brought forward due to the "remarkable" work the public has done in abiding by restrictions and keeping the number of COVID-19 cases low. So well done, Queensland. Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

World Record Attempt Coming to Maleny

Your Club News If your club or organisation is an associate member of the Maleny District Sports and Recreation Club then you can publicise your club results and news in this, our “Community Billboard”.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Register now to be a part of the light pollution world record attempt! This is an international event organised by The Australasian Dark Sky Alliance co-founded by Sunshine Coast’s Dr Ken Wishaw, convenor of the popular astronomy nights held at Maleny Golf Club. The record being attempted is “the world’s largest online sustainability lesson” and we need 10,000 participants to register.

Keep your events diary up to date on the MDSARC Inc Web site so that we all know about your communities important events. This is your newsletter - let all of Maleny know the latest info from your club every week! All articles, results, posters and photos (as large sized jpegs, please do not embed these in a Word doc) for inclusion in the weekly sports results should be emailed to no later than 12 noon every Monday.

Club website:

It will occur on June 21st and involve a 30 minute family friendly online session and quiz followed by going outside with your phone or pad and recording the amount of light pollution where you live. This will automatically upload to the international data base for scientists to analyse. Prior to the event you will receive some short videos about light pollution, how it affects the sky, wildlife and your own health. You will also be able to practice the light pollution readings by learning how to do a reading (and add it to the database) in the moonless nights of the week before the record attempt. Then you can add to the database whenever and wherever you are. Its simple, family friendly, fun, and COVID 19 safe! For Details Go to the Web Site:

Photo Above: Large Magellanic Cloud, a companion galaxy to our Milky Way, taken from Maleny Golf Club.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Witta Tennis Unfortunately, all fixtures have been postponed until after Easter. Social tennis has also been postponed until further notice. You are still able to hire the courts at the Witta Recreation Club Complex. Court bookings 0437 295 501 or

QUOTA INTERNATIONAL OF MALENY A non-profit Organisa/on empowering women, children, the deaf, Hard-of-hearing and speech impaired in local communi/es around the world. Quota Interna/onal of Maleny meet the first Thursday of the month 6pm at the Maleny Hotel. New members welcome.


Suspended as a

Maleny Show Society Maleny Show 2020 Cancelled http://

For more information contact President Val France on 0419 599042 or email.

The Maleny Contract


e l l e Bridgeil Club r c n t e a Sessions n h e C U t Monday - 12.30pm. - Tuesday - 6.30pm. c r (Supervised) Wednesday - 9.30am. i Thursday - 12.30pm. u - Bridge Classes are run Fregularly. ot Visit the website N http://

15, Parklands Drive, Maleny. (off Porters Lane, North Maleny)

Maleny Senior Citizens

It is a very social activity while being constantly mentally stimulating”

All Activities have been cancelled for the present time.

Contact. Alan Robinson - 0400016502 or Jean Coffey - 0488182504 Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Monday, 1 June 2020

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Hello from MSHS Youth Support Coordinator From : Sue Krucker – Youth Support Coordinator @ Maleny State High School

Are you getting enough SILENCE ? Shhhh. Our brain needs silence. It could in fact be more important than eating the right food and getting regular exercise. In order to control our stress levels and do its job properly, our brain needs certain amounts of the quiet stuff … and more than likely, we’re not getting enough of it. Whilst there’s no way to avoid noise completely (let’s not eliminate the sounds of nature and laughter, please), an excess of it can be detrimental to our well-being – with links to a reduction in our immunity, increase in our stress levels, heart disease and insomnia. So, once everything is turned down, off and silenced, what happens to our body in this quiet?

Well, our body responds when there’s an absence of noise. During an Italian study on the effects of types of music on the body (in 2006) researchers accidentally discovered that the participants relaxed more during the two minutes of silence when they were changing tracks than they did when listening to the music itself. But the benefits of silence are not just enjoyed physically. Recent studies show that it can rejuvenate our brain cells, which allows us to get into a more creative mindset. According to Perth-based Simplicity Expert, Speaker and Coach, Eve Broenland, “you recharge yourself with silence — even the biggest extrovert needs some time in peace and quiet or you’ll burn out”. Rest shouldn’t be limited to sleep. In this day and age our brain is tirelessly assaulted with stimulation, and we’re desperately trying to keep up with all the information we’re fed. It’s more important than ever to pause and savour those moments of quiet when we can. Are you cringing at the idea of absolute quiet? For some, the opportunity is rare, whilst for others, the idea is disconcerting. Studies have revealed that as much as our brain needs silence, it can also fear it. “Silence can be very confronting and it can take some getting used to,” explains Broenland, and she suggests adopting the principle of three levels of silence.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

“The first level is simply exposing yourself to the lack of sound while you do other things — maybe just sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee with no other stimulation. The second is adding no movement — so, you actually sit completely still in silence. The third level also sees you being able to ignore your thoughts — and this is when silence tips into meditation.”

The Top 12 Benefits of Silence 1. 2. 3. 4.

You Become Calmer Boost your intui/on Improve your awareness Lower your stress and blood pressure 5. It’s a mental detox 6. Improve your pa/ence level 7. Decrease muscle tension 8. Improve focus and concentra/on 9. Our mind ages at a slower rate 10. May cure headaches and migraines 11. Brings body, mind and spirit into harmony 12. Develops mindfulness The fact is, since we can train our brain to get used to noise and distraction, then surely we can train it to get used to silence, too. All it takes is just two to three minutes of silence a day to start to show the positive effects on our physical and mental well-being. So what are you waiting for? … sshhhh.

(Continued Next page)

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Hello from MSHS Youth Support Coordinator (Con.nued from previous page) 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Answers to last week’s Winter Quiz 6. Which country has won the most medals throughout "Now is the winter of our discontent" is the opening line from which Winter Olympic history? William Shakespeare play? ANSWER : Richard III ANSWER: Norway True or false. No country in the Southern Hemisphere has hosted, 7. 'Christmas won't be Christmas or even been an applicant to host, the Winter Olympics? without any presents!' is the ANSWER : True opening line of what classic The Winter Palace can be visited in which city? ANSWER: Saint novel? ANSWER: Li_le Women Petersburg 8. Which simple sled differs from Which James Bond actor made his film debut in the 1968 historical most sleds or sleighs in that it period drama The Lion in Winter? ANSWER : Timothy Dalton has no runners or skis (or only Which fruit has a variety called 'Winter Banana'? ANSWER: Apple low ones) on the underside? ANSWER: A toboggan 9. In fic/on, where is the land of talking animals and mythical creatures that one White Witch has ruled for 100 years of deep winter? ANSWER: Narnia (in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”) 10. Which winter sport is some/mes known as "the roaring game"? ANSWER: Curling

Maleny Paint Supplies 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny

for all of your painting supplies. Australian Made & Australian Family Owned Ultra Premium Paints. We are situated behind Maleny Motor Trimmers there is plenty of parking so just drive on down Call in now to see our large range of products. Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Maleny Commerce - Another first Thanks to the efforts of Maleny Commerce, Maleny will be the first Sunshine Coast region to implement a local EVpos giV card solu.on aimed at keeping money within Maleny by encouraging people to shop locally therefore local businesses. Maleny Commerce has been awarded a $5000 Sunshine Coast Council Major Grant to implement this initiative working with Why Leave Town Promotions (WLT). Maleny Commerce, with the help of the grant, will fund the program entirely which means no costs to our businesses to be part of this exciting new chamber program. Now customers can buy the local gift card and know that the funds are 100% supporting local business. The potential income to our businesses could be between $100,000 to $200,000 annually. Of course, there is no limit as to what we will be able to do with this card to increase income to local businesses. It can be used by clubs as raffle prizes, employers as Christmas gifts to their employees. The chamber runs a 'Live Love Shop Local' campaign a few times a year giving away a $500 Eftpos card. We had no control over where those funds were spent - now we know they will be spent locally. We intend to promote this card in the greater Sunshine Coast Region and Brisbane. How lovely to receive a Maleny Gift Card to spend on your next visit to our town!


Why Leave Town’s (WLT) Gift Card program is an EFTPOS based system (excludes Square Readers) aimed at keeping money within communities by encouraging people to shop locally.

Cards can be purchased at a select number of stores that we call “Load Up Stores”.

There are no additional fees for businesses apart from their normal bank transaction fees.

When a customer purchases a card they decide how much money to load onto the card and this money can then be used by the card holder to purchase goods in any participating store within the market where the card was purchased.

The card will NOT be able to be used outside of the participating stores.

This means that every time one of these cards is purchased, the MONEY STAYS LOCAL!


The first Sunshine Coast region to implement such a program guarantees extensive media coverage – print; radio; tv and social media; No cost to your business to sign up and be a part of this program; Maleny Commerce is funding this program to benefit all businesses in year one of the program; Benefits retail and service businesses, everyone can benefit.


All you need is an eftpos machine to reap the benefits. It is a normal eftpos transaction.


Register your business at: (please select Redemption store only) or email or call 0404 232 770 and we will come to you or call you and do the registration with you.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Ready Set Go!

Community Centre re-opening

Ready, Set, Go!: Andrew Wallace, Federal Member for Fisher has created a new Sunshine Coast bursary called Ready, Set, Go! The Maleny Community Centre is of up to $1,000 for one student in the electorate of Fisher, three slowly reopening according to the times a year, to help them get into the world of work at this Stages for easing of restrictions that the diffi cult time. Queensland Government has It is available to students under the age of 25 living in Fisher who introduced. are in their final year of education and preparing to get a full time For enquiries contact the job, to help them with whatever they need to get that leg up as we Administration Manager via email recover from COVID-19. Mr Wallace is passionate about apprenticeships and traineeships,

or phone 07 5429 6043 or mobile 0475 which will also be central to the Federal Government’s JobMaker plan for economic recovery nationally. As such, in 2020, the 916 286 during office hours: bursaries will be specifically provided for students who are aiming Office Hours to begin an apprenticeship or traineeship in the coming year. Monday 8.00am to 1.00pm Eligible students can make an application for the first round online Tuesday 8.00am to 1.00pm

Wednesday 8.00am to 1.00pm Thursday 8.00am to 1.00pm Friday 8.00am to 11.00am

now, until the closing date of 15 June, at,

explaining why they need support to prepare for the workplace and what they would use the bursary toward. MalenyVisitorInformationCentre ReadySetGo-483/

Say Cheese! Maleny cheese Factory is ready to make your day with coffee, cake, cheese boards and wines. We are open 10am to 3pm, Wednesday to Sunday for dine-in, takeaway and shopping - find us at

for more details of our delicious products!

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Life is Just a Picnic! Undoubtedly one of the side benefits of the Corona situation has been the re-emergence of popular family past times - like walking, playing outdoors and picnicking together.

And if you are looking for a venue that’s still tucked away from the crowds of the usual spots, why not pick up some local deliciousness and take the family to the Maleny Community Precinct? The spacious Ziza Field, in front of the Maleny District Sport and Rec Club’s building, has now been safely prepared for sharing with the public and is a perfect spot for a picnic.

Several Maleny eateries have put together scrumptious hampers and delights ready for you to pick up - so all you need is the family, a rug and perhaps some toys!

When not in use for event training by the Maleny 5th Light Horse Regiment horses, the troopers have kindly made their dedicated training field available for public use. “It’s a lovely quiet spot and we want the public to know it’s open to them when the horses are not training” said President of the Regiment, Terry Murphy. “We’ve

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

got families kicking a ball, playing frisbee and just running around, it’s a great open space for everyone.” MDSRC who leases the fields from the Sunshine Coast Council, has seen its volunteers spend many months making sure the grassy field is well mown and is weedfree.

”It’s gratifying to see families getting out and about together – and in these times of restrictions, it’s been difficult for fitness groups

Continued next page

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Life is Just a Picnic! Continued from Previous Page who cannot use inside venues to get together. We’re very pleased to be able to offer the Ziza Field as a safe venue for outdoor classes and for families to play and picnic on ” said an MDSRC spokesperson. In the recent breezy conditions, it is proving particularly suitable for some old fashioned kite flying! The Ziza Field has easy gate access at the top and bottom of the new adjoining Settlers Green park, where shady seats under the fig tree are also a great spot to relax and take in the views of the surrounding Maleny Precinct. There is plenty of parking - and as with the entire Precinct, dogs must always be on a leash, and if using the fields, please pick up and take home any little doggy offerings, for the comfort and hygiene of all. Horses are generally in training on the last Saturday of each month and look out for them at other times. For more info visit the Sport and Recreation website:

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Golfers use ‘COVID-safe carts’ at Maleny Maleny Golf Club has fitted its fleet of golf carts with innovative COVID-safe partitions so golfers can share a ride with another player whilst complying with social- distancing protocols. Club manager and PGA professional Wayne Perske said the partitions were made from

wear and tear on the course and every golf club in the country is grappling with the same problem.” The partitions were designed by one of the club’s members who is an upholsterer and reflect similar, but generally more expensive, approaches being adopted by

sharing its design approach with other clubs looking for a quick, inexpensive solution and could also assist with manufacture if needed. “Of course players sharing these carts must still adhere to all social distancing protocols while selecting clubs from their bags and use separate sand buckets to fill divots,” Mr Perske said. Visitor patronage has soared over the past month since the world’s No.6-ranked golfer Adam Scott used Instagram to live broadcast a nine-hole match-play round from Maleny with Perske — a long-time friend.

inexpensive clear PVC plastic sheeting and were used simple low-tech fixings. “Over the past couple of months we have permitted only one person to use a cart in response to coronavirus social distancing requirements,” Perske said. “Unfortunately, this resulted in a significant loss of potential income and additional

Perske said Adam’s generosity and patronage had given Maleny Golf Club a “massive credibility boost” which had put the course on the international golfing map.

golf clubs abroad. Among the first golfers to try out one of Maleny’s COVID-safe golf carts were recent visitors Michael Moore and Steve “Tubby” Connors who were keen to promote the idea at their home club of Maroochy River. Perske said Maleny Golf Club was now

The course, serviced by a topdrawer maintenance facility, is comprised of two Par 5's, 10 Par 4's and 6 Par 3's featuring unique revetted greenside bunkering, Tiffdwarf Bermuda Grass greens and Kikuyu fairways within a peaceful, scenic hinterland setting. Bookings are a must - to book your round visit their website: Photo Left : Maroochy River golfers Michael Moore and Steve Connors test out the new COVID-safe carts at Maleny Golf Course.

Maleny Service Centre

One Stop Shop

1/16 Lawyer Street Maleny Ph: 5494 3444 Website http:// Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Sport is Back Getting Queenslanders active is a key priority of the government, and restarting activities in stages will ensure we keep everyone safe, healthy and moving. From noon on June 1st, non-contact indoor and outdoor activities and community sports clubs can return to play for groups of up to 20 people. ➡ Sport spectators and nonessential personnel should be minimised. ➡ Outdoor gyms and equipment are permitted to operate with up to 20 people. ➡ Pools can operate for up to 20 people.

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Division 5 - Councillor Winston Johnston Contact details

Cr Winston Johnston's office is located in the Eddie DeVere building on the corner of Currie and Bury Streets, Nambour. If you would like to meet with Cr Johnston, please call to arrange an appointment. Phone:

(07) 5441 8043

Mobile. 0429 076 066. Email:

➡ Indoor and outdoor noncontact personal training with up to 20 people and with 4m2 per person when indoors. ➡ Indoor gyms, studios and health clubs are permitted to open with up to 20 people or more if they follow a COVID Safe Plan and with 4m2 per person when indoors. It’s as important as ever to practice everything we have learned to continue to keep everyone safe washing hands and equipment frequently, practice safe distancing and ensure there is hand sanitiser available in your venues. As part of Return to Play, the government will be helping community sport, recreation and fitness organisations with a range of funding and grants to assist with the restart of sports plan. Visit: sports/funding/fairplay For more info visit

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Phoebe or Piebe?

We’ve had wonderful feed-back about the snippets of Maleny history being reproduced each week, so this week as we reflect with a little pang, on the cancellation of our dear Maleny Show, it seemed appropriate to meander through an early tale of dairying in North Maleny with thanks to the Friends of Pattemore House for this story. When the Pattemore family first came to Maleny and built Fairview (Pattemore House) in 1907, J.R. Pattemore also wanted to establish an operational dairy farm.

With Fairview completed, his sons very quickly built their dairy bails to enable the family to earn a living. They were constructed as traditional walk-through bails, whereby each cow enters a stall, is milked, and then continues forward through a door back into the paddocks. The “Old Bails” still stand, and continue to delight visitors to the Precinct, situated as they are very close to the Heritage Trail on the Maleny Precinct. J.R. Pattemore retired from dairying in 1914, aged 64, however for the next 33 years he operated his farm on a sharefarming basis until he died, aged 96 yrs.

Pattemore's Friesian herd daily.

The Dickson family lived in a house named ‘Mosman’ also built on the Pattemore property by Albert Pattemore in approximately 1910. The house was, situated approximately 200 metres away from ‘Fairview’. The house was removed to Caloundra in the 1950’s by the Porter family and has since been demolished. It’s widely reported that the first Friesian cattle were introduced to Maleny when Bill Dickson and J.R. Pattemore returned with 2 bulls from a Kingaroy sale in the 1930’s; one of them name Phoebe! It is also thought that the bulls might have been bought from the Goomeri Burnbrae Friesian stud, which was quite near Kingaroy. J.R.’s oddly named bull was probably a misunderstanding of the stud name Piebe, which was well known at the time – a stud name used for many fine Friesian sires, including: “Dominion Woodcrest Piebe Mercedes” “King Peitertje Ormsby Piebe” and “Burnbrae Pontiac Piebe”.

At first, his sons were the share-farmers but William Dickson, his wife Maude, son Alex and daughters Jean (Janet) and Lillian Rose became the Pattemore’s share farmers from 1927 to the late 1930s, and the whole family helped with milking the Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Due to their excellent milking capacity, black and white Friesians soon dotted the fertile hillsides of Maleny’s many diaries. The Friends of Pattemore House interviewed Jean Dickson (now Larney) before she passed away, who told how she was aged 5 years old when her family moved into 'Mosman' in 1927.

Jean lived there until 1945, when she married Jack Larney, and recalled how she was a little girl when her father brought the bull home. After the death of JR, the Pattemores sold their farm, and there was a series of owners, with most continuing to employ share farmers to keep running the dairy. The share farmers lived in Fairview, rather than Mosman. Jean Howard, the wife of share farmer Horace Howard, recalling that in the 1950's she used to walk across to the bails every day to help with the milking, until she learned to drive the tractor! Most Maleny district houses of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were built of pit sawn local timber and as a result there was for some years a timber mill operated by Thynne and Pattemore on Fairview.

Continued next page

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Phoebe or Piebe? Continued from previous page The historical track used to travel between Fairview and the bails can be seen in early aerial

photos, and these references were used to determine the accurate placement of the ’new' trail by the Sunshine Coast Council. So the next time you are taking a stroll across the walk between Fairview and the Old Bails, you are walking in the once daily footsteps of the Pattemores and the share farming families, with some of the tale delightfully reflected in the poetry and sculptures along the way. Fairview was listed on the Queensland Heritage Register on the 4th September 2003 having satisfied all the necessary criteria Photo Previous Page: Jean Dickson hand feeding calves at ‘Mosman’ Photo Above: The walk between Fairview and the Old Bails

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards. Nominations to be made to the Sunshine Coast Council and will close on November 16, 2020.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Maleny Golf Club Tuesday 26/05/2020: Maleny Golf Club held a Mixed Single Stableford with fi rst place going to Vivien Powell with 37 pooints, runner-up went to Andrew Charlton with 35 points and third place going to Mike Hallam with 34 points on a count-back from Graham Waldron, also with 34 points.

your place and time slot you desire or go to our website and put yourself in for that all important and enjoyable game of GOLF!

Those in the run-down and receiving a ball each were, Graham Thompson 33 pts, Neil Stenhouse with 33 points, Scott Heywood with 32 points and Peter Eason with 31 points. Wednesday 27/05/2020: Our Ladies competed in the Judi Coey Monthly Medal 18 Hole Single Stroke Competition (count putts). First place went to Kerry Nieper with 68 nett, runners-up went to Margaret Trigger with 31 nett on a countback from Karen Heading, also with 71 nett and third place going to Penny Edwards with 74 nett on a count-back from Heather Shortus, also with 74 nett. Saturday 30/05/2020: The Men's Monthly Medal Stroke Event (blue tees) was held with fi rst place going to Mick McCombe with 66 nett, runners-up went to James Hocking with 67 nett and on count-backs all with 67 nett were Garth Bailo, Corey Wallyn and Eric Hecht and third place went to Colin McDonald with 68 nett on a count-back from Mike Hallam, also with 68 nett. Garth Bailo was the Gross Winner with 68 nett. As the weeks pass by and the number of golfers wanting to play in our competitions grows, it is even more imperative that you phone the clubhouse on 5499 9960 and book in for

RangeCare Menus Expand! In more good news for those at home, Café Mapleton owners John and Lai Fun have now also joined three other businesses in partnering with RangeCare, Mapleton, to help feed vulnerable people. When you purchase three meals or more from: The Barn on Flaxton, Le Relais Bressan, Café Mapleton or Clouds on Montville … well you will also receive a complimentary meal from RangeCare's Cottage range. And even better - RangeCare will also donate a meal to a vulnerable community member. For more information about RangeCare’s services, or to place your order, call 5445 7044 or visit Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston

Lookouts - kipper Musk Lookout works are well underway. The weeds (privets, lantana and Chinese elms) have been removed, the bank along the road has been slashed and slashing area extended. In addition the following works have been scoped: Gerrards Lookout – stump grinding of the old dead stumps, dead tree and shrub removal. This lookout is contract mowed so the contracts team are meeting with the contractors to discuss extending the mowing area. Balmoral Lookout – removal of the dead trees and stumps towards the northern end of the park, extend mowing area also towards the northern end, mulching beneath the canopies of the park trees; McCarthys Lookout – the weeds (Mexican sunflower and morning glory) have been treated and will be removed completely, the privet trees will be removed. Officers will reinspect the old avocado once the morning glory has been removed and assess

whether this tree should be removed or pruned.

The tree works will to be issued each month as we have a limited budget per month for tree works. It's a great job being done and I would like to personally thank all council officers involved. Thank you for the great community feedback resulting from Parks and Gardens officers mulching adjacent to the stairs from Tamarind Street to Carinya Close. Sunshine Coast Councillors have unanimously agreed to not accept a 2% wage increase proposed by the Local Government Remuneration Commission. The decision was made in recognition of the impact of COVID-19 on the Sunshine Coast community, the biggest health and economic challenge faced in more than a century. “With this in mind, our focus in developing Council’s budget for 2020-2021 is very much on the needs of our community as we all start our way through the recovery process” said Mayor Jamieson “On this basis, all councillors have agreed that not accepting the wage increase proposed by the Commission is the right thing to do during this very difficult time.” Wages for elected local government members in Queensland are determined by an

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

independent Local Government Remuneration Commission under section 247 of the Local Government Regulation 2012. The Commission determines the maximum remuneration payable to a mayor and councillors from July 1 each year. A council may resolve prior to July 1, to pay remuneration at a lesser amount to that proposed by the Commission.

Barung Landcare Bulk Earthworks, Parkland Drive, Maleny Community Precinct - I am pleased to advise that the bulk earthworks portion of the Barung Landcare Community Gardens redevelopment is due to commence this week. Works include; Site establishment and disestablishment Site bulk earthworks Erosion and Sediment control Retaining Wall construction Drainage and Bio Retention system Works are expected to take 4-5 weeks (weather permitting) and in further good news, the tender was awarded to local contractor Shadforth Constructions. These works are being funded from Div 5 Minor Capital Works Funds. Photos: Coastal views are back at Skipper Musk Teahouse Lookout

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Lessons can be learnt from many sources! Last Sunday our minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars. The first worm was put into a container of alcohol. The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup. The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil. At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results: The first worm in alcohol . . . . . .. Dead. The second worm in cigarette smoke . . Dead! Third worm in chocolate syrup . . . Dead! Fourth worm in good clean soil . .Alive?! So the Minister asked the congregation, "So, my friends? What did you learn from this demonstration?” Maxine, sitting in the back, quickly raised her hand and said: "As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won't have worms!s That pretty much ended the service!

Monday, 1 June 2020

J.P. Services in Maleny Just how often have you needed to see a Justice of the Peace in a hurry to sign those pesky legal forms and not known just where to find one? Justices of the Peace (JP) or Commissioners for Declarations (C.Decs) play such an important part in our community as quasi legal practitioners in such roles as witnessing documents such as statutory declarations, affidavits and certifying copies of original documents. We have been very fortunate in the Covid situation that Brian Allen JP was most willing to meet with us privately over the last 9 weeks and help with our needs. This is to advise that he will be away from Tuesday 19th until Thursday 28th May - but will continue to offer his assistance to you in the future. The Maleny Library and Neighbourhood Centre will reopen sometime in the future too for JP services but for JP’s to be able to operate, all signing stations firstly are to be properly vetted by the Justice Dept. A big thank you to Brian for all of the assistance you have provided throughout, it’s very much appreciated – and we’ll see you on your return! In the mean time visit the web site below to find a Justice of the Peace or a Cdec.

after-hours Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 1 June 2020

The Range Croquet Club - Maleny Musings from a newly minted croquet player

We had the MAN (maximum allowable number) on the lawns on Thursday. On lawn 2, the Ted Singleton lawn, Helen Andrews and Gillian Bradley drew with Priscilla Vickers and Wallace Roy 7 all. Vince Carbery 9 lost to Nick Cram 17 in a game that was tighter than the scores indicate. Kath Smith and Donna Manning went down to Sarah Widin and Ken Barker 9 -21 in a tactically complicated game which was dominated by interesting “leaves” from both teams.

Queenland. It was donated by Lindsay David (Graceville), the Queensland agent for the mallets.

The lawns were full on Saturday for practice. It’s good to see so many familiar faces back and things starting to return to normal.

The above photo shows club president Sarah (right) presenting Priscilla with the mallet, which she is seeing for the first time, while Vince Carbery (centre) checks that it is all done legally–especially as far as social distancing is concerned.

Priscilla recently won a Terminator mallet in a raffle run by Croquet

before the T.S.Centaur clubhouse. Play days: Thursday and Sunday 1.00 pm for 1.30. Contact Sarah for other days. Supervised practice: Saturday 8.00 amOur web address is:

For details contact Sarah Widin 0417640704 (President), Vince Carbery 54942193 (vicepresident), or Priscilla Vickers 54943555 (secretary).

Play on Sunday resulted in a win to Kath Smith and Wallace 9 against Helen and Priscilla 5 on lawn 1, the Eileen Harrison lawn. On lawn 2, Sarah played well to beat Vince 20 –5 while Ken 14 and Donna 13 played patchy croquet to end up practically even after two and a half hours. Play days have resumed! Thursday and Sunday afternoons are now available for up to twenty people with restrictions which cover everything down to tea and coffee, but not the colour of hair. Please arrive at 1 pm for games to be arranged by 1.30. Supervised practice is available on Saturday mornings at 8 am on our excellent lawns on the starboard side of the show-grounds just Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Maleny Community Blogs! MDSRC has a Blog Page on their website. It contains stories contributed by local groups with a local focus The site also also contains other local community information. blog/ Check it Out for a local read!

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