Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club Results for the period to 02.08.2024

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Maleny Shop Local News is free local Online Newsletter published online on the first and third Friday of each month at:

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Maleny Paint Supplies Pty. Ltd Shed 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny. 4552 Contact Phone 0754942002

Over the past 30 days there have been 6176 Page Impressions with a read time of 3min 53 secs

Contact for advertising

Email or phone Les at Maleny Paint Supplies on 54942002.

Who remembers this - 1930’s + 40’s

Remember when Mum used to prepare all of the ingredients for the meals she prepared. Nothing came fully prepared in plastic bags in the 1930’s.

Some low cost tips to lower your heating bill

Check your threads - we're not trying to be cheeky, but a few extra layers could stop you reaching for the heat switch. A pair of socks can make a world of difference, especially with tile flooring.

Ditch the degree - the sweet spot for your thermostat is 18-20°C. Each degree up could mean a 10% energy cost hike. So, before you crank that dial, check out these nifty, cost-free tips.

Assess your space - if there are rooms you're not using, keep the doors shut. There's no point in paying to heat a room with no one in it.

Clock it in - scan those thermostat instructions and set it to warm things up when you're home. Consider switching it off while you're snoozing and set it to fire up 30 minutes before your alarm. Do the same while you're out.

Drape it up - windows can let through 40% of your home's heat. If you're lacking curtains or similar, this could be a smart investment. Check out charity stores or invest in thermal curtains. Floor-toceiling curtains and pelmets can also reduce heat loss.

Block those draughts - fancy or frugal, a good old door snake can help keep your room toasty.

Fan flip - most ceiling fans have a switch to reverse the direction of the blades. This will push the warm air down and the cool air up.

Harness the sun - make the most of natural light. Open those curtains when the sun's out and close them when it's not.

Shower smart - avoid using the shower as a heat source. Stick to a 4-minute rinse and save on your hot water bill.

Air-dry apparel - dial down on dryer use and let the sun and wind work their magic. If that's not an option, indoor racks are super easy to use.

Shop around - the energy market is competitive. You could be missing out on a better deal. If you're attached to your current provider, let them know you're considering a switch. They might have a better plan for you.

Around Glass house Electorate with Mr Andrew Powell M.P. Unlock Your Future

$1,000 Bursary

Open for Ambitious High Schoolers

Member for Glass House, Andrew Powell MP, is calling for applications for his annual Joyce Newton OAM Memorial Bursary for high schoolers.

“In 2018, I and the communities of Glass House lost a true community champion – Joyce Newton OAM of Maleny,” said Mr Powell.

“Among many other hats she wore in the Maleny community, Joyce was a high school teacher, she was interested and involved in civic society and she was determined that Queensland’s best days were still ahead of us.”

To honour her legacy, in 2019 Mr Powell launched an annual bursary for Year 11 and 12 students.

The bursary is for students who reside in the electorate of Glass House who wish to undertake further study after graduation.

Not all Glass House students attend schools in the electorate, so students wishing to apply can confirm whether or not they reside in the electorate by checking where-is-my-electorate

“I understand high schoolers already have a lot on their plate, so I’ve made the application process pretty simple.”

To apply, students need only send through the following information:

• Name, address, best contact number and school they attend;

• Achievements at school (academic, sporting, community and extracurricular);

• The study they wish to undertake after school and where this study is based;

• Why they want to undertake this study;

• How a bursary will assist them to undertake this study; and

• What did Joyce Newton do/contribute to her community?

“The winner will receive a $1,000 gift voucher for Concept IT in Maleny, acknowledgement of their achievement in Queensland Parliament and dinner for the winner and their family in Parliament.”

Applications need to be sent through to by Monday 12th August 2024. Students must also be willing to complete a panel interview at the Glass House Electorate Office (in Maleny) or via video call.

Just some local news from Fisher

Australians shouldn't be playing second fiddle to foreign investors when it comes to achieving the Australian dream. A Coalition Government will implement a 2-year ban on foreign residents

purchasing existing homes, to unlock more homes for aspirational Australians.

This is just one measure that can be taken.

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston

To contact Cr Winston Johnston

Landholder Environment Grants now open

Rural landowners can apply for financial help to complete onground environment projects on their private property.

Grants of up to $15,000 are available for projects, including bush regeneration, reducing sediment loss on farms, excluding stock from waterways, controlling environmental weeds, modifying nonboundary fencing to make it wildlife-friendly, revegetating degraded areas and establishing vegetation corridors and buffer zones.

Year on year, the Landholder Environment Grants continue to support rural property owners restore their properties and Council is very proud to be a partner in their success.

One success story is a 7.3-hectare former grazing property in Bald Knob that has previously received grant funding as well as advice through Land for Wildlife.

Starting out as beginners, the owners have planted more than 8600 trees in the past eight years and are now seasoned veterans when it comes to rainforest revegetation.

The landholders have contributed their own labour as well as funds towards the total project cost and I congratulate them for their determination to improve their local environment.

Applying is a three-stage process:


Queensland Queensland Attorney-General Tim Nicholls in Budget Estimates Committee following LNP Deputy Leader Jarrod Bleijie being removed after a certain line of questioning!

“It’s not the role of the chair of the committee to tell Opposition members what questions they can ask, which increasingly seems to be the modus operandi of the of the Labor chairs and committees.

1. Expressions of Interest open July 8, 2024. Submit an Expression of Interest before August 12, 2024.

2. Site visit from a Sunshine Coast Council Conservation Partnerships Officer to assess the project and provide any additional guidance.

3. Apply online before September 30, 2024. See below for details https:// Landholder...

Sunshine Coast Council Libraries

When you visit your local library and can request of staff to borrow from a range of items in the technology collection. Some items can also be borrowed for home use.

Did you know that you can find a comprehensive list of events being held within local libraries at the web sire below: https:// u/events/calendar

You can tune into the meeting live by visiting Council’s website at:

Maleny Community groups in the Glass Hous

In this year for Safer Internet, Australians are being called to Connect. - Reflect. - Protect. More information can be found here:

Why Shop Locally?

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News

Maleny Commerce News

Have you got your Local Shopping Gift Card Yet? Maleny Commerce supports local businesses

Maleny Commerce seek to have working relationships with all local businesses and desire to create an environment of mutual concern for sustainable living and the betterment of our Maleny community.

While it may not be possible to source all our needs from our local retailers and tradesman, here are a few reasons to think twice before you make your next purchase:

It Creates local jobs and it is personal;

Shopping locally helps Australia grow;

Shopping locally gives better consumer choice and better customer service because you are shopping with a friend; Assists local businesses support local community & sporting groups; It reduces your carbon footprint

Will you really support local businesses?

About Maleny Commerce

Maleny and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. is an incorporated body representing the business community since 1986. It is now known as Maleny Commerce. The Chamber represents the local Maleny and District business community. Join us at one of our monthly business breakfasts.

One of the major items has been the “Why Leave Town” gift cards which can be redeemed at many local businesses. The whole idea of the Why Leave Town Gift Card is that it can only be spent in the participating businesses of that town…hence keeping the money local!

To find out where they can be redeemed visit:

Who remembers some of the days past around Maleny.

In 1937 the Maleny School of Arts was transformed into a carnival scene and twenty-five debutantes were presented to Mrs A E Moore. This was the start of a tradition. In the early 2000’s the Maleny Apex Club held a “Mock Deb Ball” to raise funds for Relay for Life.. See how many people you can recognise!

In 2023 there were almost 300,000 crime victims in Queensland. - This was the most ever, but 2024 is beginning to look like beating the 2023 number. The 2023 figures were more than any other Australian State. The causes of juvenile crime are complicated and not easily defined.

Never the less, as a society we have to tackle the causes, whatever they are otherwise as a society we will always be vulnerable to that small group of people who has no thought for the damage they do.

In Queensland, like in many parts of the world, juvenile crime is a complex issue influenced by a multitude of factors ranging from socioeconomic conditions to family dynamics and community environments. Understanding the causes behind juvenile crime is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies that can help mitigate its impact on young individuals and society as a whole. Causes of juvenile crime is a subject that even many “professional people” who claim knowledge in such subjects cannot always agree. Differing opinions about he causes brings challenges in itself as to how to handle the matter.

One significant cause of juvenile crime in Queensland is socio-economic disadvantage. Research consistently shows that children and adolescents from economically disadvantaged backgrounds are at a higher risk of engaging in criminal behaviour. Poverty often limits access to quality education, healthcare, and recreational activities, leaving young people feeling marginalised and with limited opportunities for positive development.

In such circumstances, some juveniles may turn to crime as a means of survival or as a result of peer pressure and a desire for material goods.

Family factors also play a pivotal role in shaping juvenile behaviour. Dysfunctional family dynamics, including parental neglect, abuse (both physical and emotional), substance abuse within the family,

and parental criminality, can significantly increase the likelihood of children engaging in delinquent activities. Lack of parental supervision and positive role models can leave children vulnerable to negative influences and peer pressure, fostering an environment where criminal behaviour may seem acceptable or even necessary for acceptance or self-preservation.

Moreover, the influence of peers cannot be underestimated in the context of juvenile crime. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to peer pressure, seeking acceptance and validation from their peers. In some cases, peer groups may promote delinquent behaviour as a way of gaining status or coping with personal challenges.

The desire to belong and be respected within a peer group can lead young people to participate in criminal activities, sometimes without fully understanding the consequences of their actions. This is well demonstrated in the way that groups such as “bikie groups” stick together and are very disciplined in their overt visibility to not only the general community, but other “bikie groups”.

Over the past 25 years there has been a steep decline in attitudes towards “better behaviour and the lack of self discipline”.

There has also at the same time been a rise in the demand for ones personal rights and this has helped lead to a decline in personal better behaviour.

Continued on next page

Another significant contributing factor to juvenile crime in Queensland is substance abuse. Drug and alcohol use among young people can impair judgment, lower inhibitions, and increase aggression, all of which can contribute to criminal behaviour such as theft, vandalism, or violent acts. Substance abuse can also exacerbate existing socioeconomic and family problems, creating a cycle of disadvantage and criminality that is difficult to break without targeted intervention and support.

Furthermore, systemic issues within the juvenile justice system itself can inadvertently contribute to juvenile crime rates. Inadequate access to rehabilitation programs, over-reliance on punitive measures rather than restorative justice practices, and the stigma associated with a criminal record can all hinder a young person's ability to reintegrate into society positively.

Without effective rehabilitation and support, juveniles may find themselves trapped in a cycle of reoffending, perpetuating the problem of juvenile crime.

Addressing the causes of juvenile crime in Queensland requires a comprehensive and multifaceted approach. Investing in early intervention programs that target at-risk youth and provide support to families experiencing difficulties can help prevent delinquent behaviour before it escalates.

Improving access to education, vocational training, and employment opportunities can empower young people and provide them with alternative paths to success.

The Queensland Government strategy focuses on children, offering wraparound preventative and intervention services to prevent their involvement in the criminal justice system.

Detention remains an option only as a last straw or when it is considered to be contributing to community confidence and safety. This option has been very seldomly used, although there is a louder public cry for detention to be more widely used.

Strengthening community support networks and promoting positive youth development initiatives can also help create environments where young people feel valued and supported.

It is important that young people are taught to be to more responsible for their behaviour.

In conclusion, juvenile crime in Queensland is influenced by a complex interplay of socioeconomic, family, peer, and systemic factors.

Parents must stand up and take some responsibility for their children’s behaviour. Governments need to assist those parents who are unable to manage their children. Perhaps some thought could be given to the withdrawal of child financial support when parents fail to properly guide their children’s improper behaviour.

By addressing these root causes through targeted policies and programs that prioritise prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation, it is possible to reduce juvenile crime rates and create safer, more supportive communities for all young people to thrive.

By putting some teeth back into the ability of the various authorities such as schools to set better standards and support those authorities when the do.

Detention by itself is not the answer. Any detention must be linked with education and training. Any support given to young people to re-engage with genuine,” note” genuine as distinct from just another feel good program” education, training or employment is an investment in the future, not only of the young offender, but the community at large. There must be a measurement of performance such as a reduction in the rate of youth reoffending or a reduction in the rate of serious offending…The performance cannot be measured in the number of dollars spent as is presently done by politicians as that is an easy way to measure but has no real meaning or benefit. It is critical that we see a real measurable benefit to society.

6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny. Ph 54942002

Fiddes Woodworking Products

Fiddes has a long, proud history of caring for wood that began with the founder, Albert Fiddes, in the United Kingdom in the early part of last century and continues to this day

Fiddes Australia - Woodworking Products

Through more then 100 years and four generations, the name Fiddes has become synonymous with quality throughout the UK and now Australia through Fiddes Australia

Fiddes has always had a progressive outlook, and today operates from

This has lead to the development of safer, more environmentally friendly wood finishes, typified by the introduction of the highly successful Supreme Wax Polish and Hard wax Oil range. Fiddes Supreme Wax range of products were developed in the 1980’s as a result of a rapid expansion of the antique pine furniture market

Can you save another person’s life

Queenslanders will be prompted to register as an organ donor when they renew their driver’s licence or vehicle registration, in a bid to increase the state’s share of donors.

Anyone aged 16 or over is encouraged to make the potentially lifesaving pledge, and then tell their family their wishes. This comes amid a plea from Australia’s Organ and Tissue Authority for existing donors to recruit a “plus one” to the lifesaving cause, as part of DonateLife Week.

Almost 1400 people nationwide received transplants in 2023, from 513 deceased donors. Please don’t take it with you!.

Need a Roadworthy Certificate?

Maleny Service Centre have a Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises and we know only too well what it takes to make your vehicle safe and roadworthy.

All vehicles (including trucks, motorbikes and trailers) must have a Safety or Roadworthy Certificate (RWC) if being sold, registered for the first time or being re-registered in Queensland. Registered Vehicles cannot be solid without a RWC.

An Old Codger’s Thoughts & Opinions

Olympics 2032

“What was the real truth about the Olympic Venues?”

The possibility of Queensland hosting the 2032 Olympic Games has been the hottest news since first announced in 2015. In March 2018 it was announced that a full feasibility study had been completed in respect to holding the 2032 Olympic Games. The Premier attended the the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan to “push for a successful bid”, during a time of uncertainty because of COVID lockdowns.

Premier Palaszczuk had met with the IOC to spruik Brisbane's hosting capabilities. The successful bid for Brisbane was announced on the 21st July 2021 by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. She then appointed herself as Minister for the 2032 Olympics after promising the IOC transparency of decision making.

Hosting the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games will generate $8 billion in economic and social benefits in addition to 91,600 jobs," the Premier said.

She continued to say, “planning required the complete demolition of The Gabba Cricket grounds with removal of a historic neighbouring school and a full rebuild of the stadium. According to the Premier costings show that this would cost $1 Billion dollars to complete.

In December 2023 following a change in Queensland Premiers the government moved to commission an independent Sport Venue Review led by former Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk. His report was released on March 18th, 2024.

This review recommended building an entirely new stadium on a greenfield site at Victoria Park. Premier Miles was quick to rule out that recommendation, revealing he had already been working for some weeks on an alternative proposal.

In that case the cost of the review was just added to the already massive costs that has been wasted.

The provision of infrastructure for the Brisbane Olympic Games were heading in the wrong direction with “a lot of buck passing but no building”. Even solid plans and costings have not been provided to the Queensland public.

In July 2024 a high-ranking bureaucrat conceded the state government does not yet know how much the plan will cost as the original cost of $1 Billion was an estimate by the then Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. What is the Olympics really costing?

Truthful Jones says

And he swears that it 100% trueNo Bulls##t”

Truthful had, his Irish cousin Paddy flying over to Maleny to visit.

On the flight over Paddy happen to be sitting next to an English lawyer. The Englishman thinks that Irishmen are so dumb that he could put something over on them easily. So, the lawyer asks if Paddy would like to play a game to pass the time. Paddy just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and tries to catch a few winks.

The English lawyer persists and says, “I ask you a question, and if you don’t know the answer, you pay me only €5.00, then you ask me one, and if I don’t know the answer, I will pay you €500.00.”

This catches Paddy’s attention and to keep the lawyer quiet, he agrees to play the game. The lawyer asks the first question. “What’s the distance from the Earth to the Moon?” Paddy doesn’t say a word, reaches in his pocket pulls out a five euro note and hands it to the lawyer.

Then Paddy asks the lawyer, “What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?” The lawyer uses his laptop and searches. He sends e-mails to all his elite English collogues, all to no avail. After over an hour of searching, he finally gives up. He wakes Paddy and hands him €500.00 who pockets the notes and goes right back to sleep.

The lawyer is going nuts not knowing the answer. He wakes the Irishman up and asks, “Well, so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?” Paddy reaches in his pocket, hands the Englishman a five euro note, and goes back to sleep.

Important Emergency Phone Numbers

Emergency (POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE): 000

Moreton Bay Regional Council – 3205 0555

Sunshine Coast Council – 5475 7272

Crime Stoppers – 1800 333 000

Policelink – 131 444

Energex general enquiries – 131 253

Loss of electricity supply – 13 62 62

Priority emergency (electrical hazards) – 13 19 62

Unitywater – 1300 086 489

Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800

Lifeline – 131 114

Poison Hotline – 131 126

SES – 132500

Traffic Reports – 131 940

Translink – 131 230 It is always interesting to see what is happening in other parts of the world.

It is easy to explore through Online Newspapers

Maleny Paint Supplies

We can custom design your freestanding cabinet to suit your exact

As with much of the local Maleny - Witta and Conondale areas those areas were originally opened up as a result of the search for good millable timber. This is also the area which is the headwaters of the Mary River which flows through Gympie and through to the Pacific Ocean.

Most locals know the area around the Booroobin area between the back of Conondale and Beerwah which is known as “the 4000”.

The 4000 is now the name given to a track between Conondale and Peachester, but originally it was an area which formed part of the original Durundur Station. This track forged its way up the steep spur to the crest of the Conondale Range then crossing and continued down the northern slopes to Conondale Station, following the Mary River. It originally was used by those travelling from Brisbane to the Gympie goldfields

The area is believed to have been first named by a timber cutter with the surname of Pointon in about 1860. He was looking for cedar timber along the upper Stanley River when he came upon an area of grassland which ran up to the Conondale Range. He estimated that the area covered about 4000 acres thus the name was born.

It wasn’t long before the Durundur Station owners heard about the good find and wanted to have that land attached to their selection as cattle grazing land. Initially, that application was not allowed, but subsequently 4000 acres were leased to Durundur Station.

In the 1890’s the lease was returned to the Crown as the government wanted closer settlement of this area. Part of this area was leased 1902. Soon after neighbouring blocks were selected by

the Ferris Family who retained that land up to recent times.

Those families harvested timber from the land then transported it by bullock wagon to both Peachester and Beerwah where there were timber mills.

Today the track is still used by local motorists but most likely is in no better condition than in past times.

We trust that our partner organisations know how to best improve global access to proper sanitation – that means our donation could go to building toilets. To put it into perspective, a child under five dies every two minutes from diarrhoea diseases caused by poor water and sanitation.

Profits from the sale of this toilet paper is used our donation could go to building toilets, but could also mean it supports larger clean water projects.

Is this Global Warming?

Another freezing morning in southern Queensland and it feels like temperatures are well below -9C. According to figures from the Bureau of Meteorology some areas are experiencing their coldest starts in five years.

This cold spell is here because Australia is getting a continuous flow of cold southerly air and it is continuing on across Queensland bringing down our winter temperatures. Temperatures will be below the July averages, especially early in the mornings by about 2-6°C.

Queensland will all have a run of cold nights and cold mornings running well into August 2024, but by late August the easterly weather pattern will see nightly temperatures "a little on the warmer side for the time of year”.

Sometimes we look at the thermometer and think that it is a lot colder than what it really is. The reason is because as wind blows across our bodies it takes the heat we naturally emit and blows it away from our bodies. The faster the wind speed the faster our body heat is taken away and the colder it feels.

It is also a fact that if you don’t allow your body to adjust and you stay in the warmth most often when it’s cold, your body won’t adapt as well. If you brave the cold and spend more time outside in the colder elements, your body will lower your temperature threshold.

What to do if you need assistance

For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000).For storm and flood related property damage.

Call the

State Emergency Service: 132 500. To keep up to date with Emergency Warnings Tune into warnings and updates from your local ABC radio and TV stations

Important Phone numbers for assistance during or after a major emergency

service. When disaster strikes you need to follow the advice of authorities on staying put or evacuating and follow your emergency plan.

To find out where to find assistance during or after a major emergency service. emergencies

Concept IT Systems


Phone: (07) 5429 6750


Trading Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm

Closed Sunday & Public Holidays

below for a virtual tour of our store:

Maleny Community Groups & When they meet! Community Groups that form the back bone of the Maleny Community

Maleny Rotary Club

Meeting. Times

1st and 3rd Wednesdays. 6-30pm for 7pm

Maleny Hotel, Bunya St. Maleny



Probus Club Meeting. Times

Maleny Uniting Church, Landsborough Road, Maleny

Meet 10 am on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Feb to November 1300 856 859

Queensland Country Women's Association - Maleny Branch Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month. Email:

The Zonta Club of Blackall Range Meetings at

Various between Montville and Maleny. Dinner meeting 3rd Tuesday of month 6pm. Email:

Being a part of a community

Apex Club of Maleny

Meeting. Times

1ST & 3RD MONDAYS, 7.00PM. Email Postal PO BOX 39.

MALENY, QLD 4552 0487770653


Senior Citizens Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month. Activities include card games, meetings and regular bus trips

Email: 0409 266 507


Maleny Uniting Church Hall

On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm

Monthly Dinner Meeting held at The Orangery, 10 Mountain View Rd, at 6.30pm on 4th Tuesday of month



Commerce Meetings at

Monthly breakfast networking meetings. 2nd Tuesday of the month. Venues to be advised.


Selling or buying a property!

Don’t be alarmed!


are a few things to consider during the process

With Trove Easton of Easton Lawyers, Maleny

The new year has brought with it numerous changes in the law around real estate sales in Queensland, not the least of which involve utterly essential smoke alarms.

For example, the new laws state that smoke alarms must: be installed in each bedroom; on each storey of a house and in hallways which connect bedrooms to the rest of the house; be photoelectric and comply with AS 3786-2014; be powered by either 240 volt or a 10-year lithium battery; and be interconnected with every other smoke alarm in the house so they all activate together.

Smoke alarms must meet these requirements prior to the contract being signed and if the

seller doesn’t comply, the buyer is entitled to an adjustment (read penalty) at settlement equal to 0.15% of the purchase price If the seller has not complied after settlement, the buyer must install compliant smoke alarms. With so many new laws to adhere to, it is recommended that sellers use a professional smoke alarm provider to upgrade the smoke alarms in their properties.

We strongly recommended sellers book their properties in for a smoke alarm upgrade when listing their properties for sale as they are competing for available smoke alarm providers, with hundreds of rental properties that also need to comply with the new 2022 laws.

From 1 January 2022 all rental properties must comply with the new law at commencement of a new lease or a lease renewal.

Research suggests only 50% of Queensland rentals are currently compliant, creating a wait time of four to six weeks for a smoke alarm upgrade according to the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ).

Web Address:

Easton Lawyers are your Local Lawyers in Maleny, Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Queensland, Australia. Easton Lawyers. 62 Maple Street, Maleny. Qld. 4552 Phone. 0754943511. P.O. Box 255 Maleny. Qld. 4552. Email:

Don’t get caught by this scam being used on Sunshine Coast Detectives from the Financial and Cyber Crime Group have issued a warning about a scam using Queensland Police Service (QPS) phone numbers to impersonate police in an attempt to obtain personal details over the phone. Recent reports indicate the scammers are using a practice known as caller ID spoofing, a tactic used by offenders which allows them to hide their number and display a different number to indicate the incoming call is from a trusted organisation.

Maleny Hardware and Rural Supplies is located in the centre of Maleny in the picturesque Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Thy offer good old fashioned service to your car for those heavy items. There is also ample parking at the front and pick up at the rear of the store.

We are independently owned and supply the local community with rural and hardware supplies at competitive prices.

Did you know we can deliver items in surrounding suburbs for a small fee.

Don’t forget that we are accreditation as a STIHL dealership.

The STIHL name has stood for revolutionary technology and innovative ideas ever since the firm was founded. Throughout their 90plus year history STIHL has developed a name for state-of-the-art engineering.

The STIHL brand is known round the world today for quality and service. In more than 160 countries our products are helping people at work - and that has made STIHL the world's leading chainsaw brand.

Come in and see our range of electric, battery and petrol Stihl equipment and accessories which includes Personal Protective Equipment

check out the extensive range of

Come and browse through our extensive range of products and say hi!

The signs of winter are now well and truely around us.

Remember used batteries should never be disposed of in general

visit the web site:

News from Witta Recreational Club

Proudly bought to you by David Lowden Excavations

Hire of Club Facilities

The vision of the club is to provide country club services to be enjoyed by the local community and visitors to the area.

The excellent facilities of the Witta Recreation Club are available for hire for events such as weddings, sports days, family gatherings.

The club has a Certified Kitchen/Catering facilities including a stove, pots & pans, dishwasher, crockery and utensils. The Bushman’s Bar is practically fitted out with a large capacity for the cold storage of a range of beverages. The Bushman’s Bar is located at the core of the Witta Recreation Club. Service from the bar can be provided to customers on the covered hard standing overlooking the playing pitches, or directly into the Clubroom.

Inquiries can be made via the internet at:

You can find out more about the Witta Recreation Club at their web site at:

Did you Know?

You cannot have a front fence in Canberra

Did you know that since 1924 there has been a ban on front fences for residences in Canberra . It grew out of a design debate and was implemented by Sir John Sulman when he took over the planning of Canberra. It was what was called a garden city idea, which was that every house should be a sort of self-contained cottage on its own block that would encourage people to be good citizens.

It was about making a community and not allowing people to form ghettos.

Witta Recreational Club

Bar Open Wednesday afternoons 4.30pm to 6.30pm. All Welcome

Touch Season has started with the Canteen and Bar operating every FRIDAY Night from 6pm

Available for Hire for Private functions – Birthday Celebrations – Weddings etc.

We are always looking for new members and volunteers.

Contact us by email at. -

Local Groups News

There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!


Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606. Social Tennis every Monday 8.00 am Witta Tennis Club. All Welcome.

Mixed Social Tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30am to 8.30am Maleny Showgrounds

Ladies Social Tennis every Thursday at 7.30am Maleny Showgrounds.

Maleny Bowls Club. – TUESDAY AM BOWLS, 8.30am for 9.00am . 2 games + morning tea $12 per player. Rink Winner Prizes. Visitors and players welcome. Call Joe 0401 987 900 to book your place

WEDNESDAY- 6 pm. TWILIGHT BOWLS & BURGER. $17 p.p. Bowls only $12 p.p. Learners welcome, bowls provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604.

FRIDAY PM play SCROUNGERS ‘BOWLS WITH A MATE ’ 1pm for 1.30pm (winter), 2 pm (from November). Bowls can be provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604.

Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823

Muzika Maleny local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL. Pattemore House Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon 15, Porters Lane.

Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL.

Tennis Under Lights every Friday Witta Tennis Club. BYO drinks and nibbles Contact. Pauline 0428 253 070. Hinterland Country Music Day. Second Saturday each month in the big shed at the Maleny Museum Precinct.

Maleny Trail Parkrun every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct. Witta Tennis Club Social Tennis every Saturday 1.00 pm. All Welcome.

Witta Wheels every 3rd Sunday each month 8.00 am - 11.00 am Witta Recreation Club

Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL.

Social Table Tennis every Sunday 1 - 5 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. All welcome!

Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823

Please email your weekly regular event to for inclusion every week


“If you have a dream, never let go of it, chase it till the end.”

Clothing - Kitchenware - Tools - House goods! August 11th btw 11.30am and 2p.m. Light Horse Museum - North Maleny

“Off Grid Homes”

How much battery power do I need for my home?

Purchasing a battery is a big decision and you want to make sure you make the right choice – especially when we’re talking about battery size. At Redback, we get it. It’s difficult to know what battery will work best for your home and your lifestyle.

We always recommend talking with an accredited installer in your area, as they’re fully trained to look at all your individual needs and advise on the correct sized system.

RedEarth’s PowerOasis is a fully integrated, ready-to-run and modular Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) catering for the niche 50-400kVA power range.

It has the option to use both the inbuilt solar PV MPPT or AC-coupled solar PV inverters can be added.

Picking the right sized system is crucial to ensuring your new investment ticks the boxes for your complete energy needs. If you are new to this process and would like help we are only a phone call away.

Our consultants look after customers Australia wide and can step you thorough everything from installation to monitoring of your new off grid solution.

Purchase your new system and have it delivered within a 1 to 2 week timeframe from order.

Local Community News

Latest Community Groups news and updates

Maleny Senior Citizens Notes





& Flu. AWARE

August 2024

BUSY NEEDLES 1st, 15th and 29th

INDOOR BOWLS 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th

DROP IN 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th

COMMITTEE MEETING 19th 830am at Lynda’s (many thanks)

GENERAL MEETING … 22nd. Usual time 915am for a 930am start. A speaker from the Stroke Foundation should be with us

11t.h. Sausage Sizzle Esk Bus Trip

730am depart Maleny show grounds … 27th

September 2024.

BUSY NEEDLES 12th and 26th

INDOOR BOWLS 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th

DROP IN 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th

COMMITTEE MEETING date to be changed due to bus trip to Nannango)

GENERAL MEETING … 23rd Spring theme Come in all your spring

Movie afternoon … 1st Sausage Sizzle … 8th Bus trip to Nanango Seniors … 16th with time and cost to be finalised. A list will go Up on the Noticeboard.

Yearly street stall … 27th

Maleny Bowls Club

Don’t forget the Tuesday Jackpot Pair Bowls EVERY Tuesday 8.30a.m. for 9a.m. start.

Maleny Calendar of Events 2024.

✦ FREE MART. - August 11th 11.30aa.m.2p.m. At Light Horse Museum.Clothing - Kitchen - tools - house goods.

✦ Maleny APEX “Paws of Thunder”. Maleny Show Grounds. - August 18th.

✦ Maleny Arts & Crafts Quilt Show Sept 28th + 29th - Maleny Show-Grounds.

✦ Maleny Garden Club Spring FairMaleny Show-grounds - Sat Oct 5th.

✦ Maleny Arts Council - Oct 13th - 2p.m. Maleny Community Centre. - Nicole Zuraitis . Tickets through Maleny Arts Council

✦ Blackall 100: Saturday 19 October –Sunday 19 October, 2023. The event is open to runners and walkers with distances of 100 kilometres and 50 kms.

✦ Maleny Music Festival - Maleny Showgrounds - Fri Nov 8th - Sun Nov 10th.8.30am-11.30pm.

✦ LateNight Christmas Shopping: Friday 8 December, 2023. - 5p.m. to 8p.m. Maple Street + Riverside Centre.

✦ Woodford Folk Festival at Woodfonia.Wed Dec 27th - Mon Jan 1st 2025.

To add your local organisation events to this list simply email details to:

Maleny SES looking for volunteers

Maleny State Emergency Service Group is looking for some volunteers to help get our community through the next disaster season.

You can put your desire to get involved to good use and serve our community. An easy way to do that by becoming a State Emergency Service (SES) volunteer.

How precious is your life?

As the price of copper increases and increasing amounts of copper is needed in our communities people are risking their lives to steal copper wire.

Active SES members perform a diverse range of functions to respond to local, state and national disasters and emergencies. By joining the SES you may respond to many different types of activations as a result of disasters and emergencies.

An SES volunteer has an opportunity to participate in and develop a variety of emergency and rescue skills, including chainsaw operations, flood boat operations, road crash rescue and land search.

Not only will you be helping your community, you will make some great mates along the way.

Volunteers are given training to ensure that they have enough skills to be able to handle whatever task you need to do.

It is easier to join and train when it is a quieter part of the year rather than waiting until there is urgent need.

All across the country copper thefts are making the news day after day and, in many areas, they are reaching epidemic proportions. As the market for copper fluctuates, so does the theft activity and in recent times copper has been financially worth the risk and identifying stolen metal is not always possible. Copper thieves are receiving cash from recyclers who often fill orders for commercial scrap dealers.

To find larger quantities of copper thieves may target locations such as railway lines, electricity sub-stations, water/sewage works, hospitals, schools, building sites, scrap yards, storage yards, historical sites, cemeteries and war memorials, farms, solar farms, churches and battery storage. All these types of sites are vulnerable and also cause considerable inconvenience to the general community.

Copper crime on Queensland's electricity network has tripled since 2020, with almost 400 incidents last year alone, many of them in the southern Sunshine Coast Region. The laters being on Peachester Road in a busy school zone near the Beerwah school. The theft inn this instance meant that over a dozen street lights were not operating for a couple of weeks until repairs could be carried out.

Another thief was at Roys Road, Beerwah in June resulting in street lights not working for over 5 weeks.

An Energy Queensland spokesperson said:“Stealing copper from the electricity network is an extremely high risk for very little reward. We are worried someone is going to get hurt, or worse, for the sake of a few bucks.”

Maleny Visitor Information Centre

The Maleny Visitor Information Centre is a not for profit, long-standing, independent community service, run by volunteers. The Centre is a ticket selling agency for Maleny Film Society movie screenings along with a range of quality souvenirs and postcards, with a distinctively Maleny flavour along with information about places and events around the area.

The Centre is situated at 2/23 Maple Street, Maleny. It is open 7 days a week between 9.30am-4.00pm. Closed only on Good Friday and Christmas Day. If you have lost something on your visit to Maleny check with the centre as often items are handed in there. Phone: 07 5499 9033

To find out more about the Maleny Visitors Information Centre and talk to the volunteers or visit the web site:

“I now have over 258,000 followers”

“Unofficial World Record”

Well I’ve now unofficially set the world record for the longest Tractor Trip in History by clocking in over 25,500kms and I’ve still gotta get home.

I bought Slim up the Dorrigo Ranges and this would have to have easily been one of the steepest and longest sections of a slope I’ve done on this trip. I picked to go on a Sunday to avoid as much traffic as possible, was watching gauges like a hawk all the way up. In this sorta situation I just pick a gear and stay in it, no shifting. I called into Akubra Hats in Kempsey NSW, caught up with some of the awesome team they’ve got there both in the office and on the floor. They’ve very kindly given me a new hat, but never fear, my old one is going to finish this journey with me before I retire it, granted it’s gonna feel a bit weird not wearing him daily like I have been for the past 4 years - then he’s to be hung up on the ole hook.

Make sure that you look after your matesTreat them all well!.

There are no places for bullies or abusers.

Back on the Mainland!

I was privileged enough to be invited out to see Slim Dustys boyhood home at Nulla Nulla Creek near Kempsey. Mary and Cathy Dunbar whose family were neighbours of Slim (and the Kirkpatrick family) drove me out to see the old homestead known to them as Melody Ranch out in the sticks.

It’s a wonderful spot and one I’ve been looking forward to visiting for a very long time, here is where young Slim wrote his first song and where so many of his songs originated from. Greatest Aussie singer songwriter ever!

To all those hard working legends living and working on the land you don’t have to tough it out alone. TIACS is a free phone and text counselling service offering mental health support to Australia’s blue collar community. TIACS is just a call/text away 0488 846 988

Remember you don’t have to do it alone, Don’t Keep It Under Your Hat!



“1910 - Maleny Life on the farm at Maleny

Living conditions at first were harsh. No electric blankets and fireplaces to create warmth. Our forefathers were tough!

As reported in the Nambour Chronicle on Friday September 13th, 1940. Alf Skerman feeding the horses on the farm at Maleny. Bertha Skerman is sitting side saddle on her horse. A rough sawn timber residence with an open verandah is visible behind the animals.

Though bullock teams assisted the region's early settlers with cartage, it was the horse that provided fast transport and was relied upon in emergencies.

Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

To follow “The Local Shopper” Newsletter go to:

The Local Shopper will be digitally published on the First and Third Friday of each month via the ISSUU web site. To subscribe email:

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