Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club News & Results to 05.12.2022

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Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

The Great Maleny Safe Robbery of 1937

Recently, a spate of robberies in our dear little town has brought home to everyone that we are not immune to the whims of criminals arriving to break and enter and steal from our Maleny businesses. Woolworths has been broken into twice, IGA had its front door glass smashed and was robbed, and last week an (unsuccessful) attempt was made to smash Maleny Jeweller’s windows in. Thankfully, CCTV footage is helping the Qld Police Force to try and catch these individuals. This week we are reproducing a spectacular and detailed account, as recorded by Christopher Lee for the Maleny Historical Society, that reminds us, wherever there are businesses, there will be those who seek to rob them.

As a community, please be aware and report any suspicious activities you may see on our street to the Maleny Police station or the Qld Police.

In the early hours of 1st December 1937, the night air of the small town of Maleny was shattered by a thunderous explosion. As the smoke cleared, down in the bed of Obi Obi creek, two men rifled through a shattered safe. From the nearby streets the two men could hear shouts and see torches flashing as a crowd ran down towards the creek. Grabbing what they could from the safe the two men sprinted into the darkness.

In 1937, Maleny was a quiet little town in the hills above what would later become the Sunshine Coast. The majority of the area was given over to dairying or timber cutting. The main street, lined with shops, wound uphill from the bridge over Obi Obi Creek. It was not far from this bridge, on the site of the former Maleny butter factory, that Victor Alexander Magee had his shop, a drapery which sold Manchester, clothing and shoes.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
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Maleny Pool - needs you!

"Built for the Community By the Community"

39 years ago, following an enormous community fund-raising effort to build a pool for the families of Maleny, a large crowd gathered for the official opening of the Maleny Swimming Pool. Built on land owned by Education Queensland, the highlight of that March 1983 day was seeing Olympian Tracey Wickham swim the first two laps of honour in the new pool!

In 1984 Maleny swimmers started competitive swimming and the Maleny Swimming Club Inc. was formed in 1992. In the pool grounds stands a granite rock bearing the wording “Built for the Community – By the Community”. It was carved by Carl Michel

But fast forward to 2022 and the Maleny Pool, like so many venues, has been impacted by the effects of the Corona virus. The resultant cancelling of fund-raising activities by the Maleny Swim Club due to Covid restrictions meant that a real crisis was presented for the last 3 seasons, as their committee, who operate the pool under lease, was not able to secure the required Coach/ Manager to run the pool under such limited conditions. Thus the pool was not able to open to the general public, only to the school students.

Please remember that the pool has never been available at all to the public during school hours, due to it being built on school grounds. It is owned by the School and Department of Education. Zoltan Bourne, President of the MSS P & C has released the following information for the benefit of the community. "The P&C Executive and the MSS Principal have met several times with the Swimming Club Executive this year and the news is that an amount of $10,000 is required for compliance issues that would see the pool being able to open for the rest of this summer. The funds are required to repair items at the pool that were not attended to in the last 3 seasons for the reasons stated, in order for the pool to comply with Department of Eduction compliance rules.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
News If your club or organisation is an associate member of the Maleny District Sports and Recreation Club then you can publicise your club results and news in this, our “Community Billboard”. Keep your events diary up to date on the MDSARC Inc Web site so that we all know about your communities important events. This is your newsletter - let all of Maleny know the latest info from your club every week! To read the newsletter each week. For desktop computers visit: For Tablet & Phone users download the ISSUU App from your app store and search for Maleny Grapevine Web Page Impressions Last 30 days 10522 Average Read Time 7 min 57 secs All articles, results, posters and photos (as large sized jpegs, please do not embed these in a Word doc) for inclusion in the weekly sports results should be emailed to: no later than 12 noon every Monday. Club website:
Your Club
Continued Page 3

Maleny Pool - needs you!

"Built for the Community By the Community"

The Maleny Swim Club has worked hard and now successfully secured a qualified Coach Manager who is ready to open the pool once these items have been repaired to the standard required.

"The School spends a considerable amount of its limited budget (and the Principal's personal time and action) to maintain and ready the pool for PE Swimming lessons in Terms 1 and 4. The P&C and the Principal are very proud of the School's Pool and regards it as an amazing asset.

The Maleny Swim Club, as the Lessee, cannot legally open the pool to the public until 3 years' worth of Lessee obligations for safety requirements have been completed.”

But the good news is that the Maleny community can now help make this happen by making donations. Already, as of 5th December, $4,08041% of the target figure - has been raised by

Zonta International is an international service organisation with the mission of advancing the status of women.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Zonta Club here on the Range, please contact the President

Ann Koenig 0407138182 or

individuals in our community after a plea by the MSS P & C. Details of where you can donate to the MSS P & C account specifically for these repairs (and managed by school P & C) are in the following article.

Maleny families can thank the hundreds of volunteers who have served on the pool committee to keep the pool open to the public each year since it first opened. It takes a huge commitment from all involved. They have worked tirelessly to improve the pool enclosure over the past years, with new seating, umbrellas, solar, clubhouse improvements, swimming equipment.

The list never fades it just increases, as let's face it, it is an ageing pool and there is always extra money that is required. The previous funding and operating model is under review by all parties, including Andrew Powell MP, the School, the Dept. of Eduction and Minister Grace Grace of the Qld Govt.

Please remember that the Swim Club committee are a committee made up of all volunteers who have jobs of their own and do not need pressure by misinformation being circulated. Without the Swimming Club there would have been no community pool open to the public, only school swimming would have been available.

We are sure that the community appreciates all this effort being made with the School and the Swim Club to be able to use the pool again this summer.

Division 5 Councillor

Winston Johnston

Contact details

Cr Winston Johnston's office is located in the Eddie DeVere building on the corner of Currie and Bury Streets, Nambour.

If you would like to meet with Cr Johnston, please call to arrange an appointment. Phone: (07) 5441 8043. Mobile. 0429 076 066. Email:

Maleny Calendar of Events


Maleny Singers’ Carols which will be on Friday 9th December at the RSL at 6.30pm.

Late Night Christmas Party! 9 December 5 - 8 pm Maple St, Riverside Centre, Banksia House and Maleny RSL

Christmas Gift Wrapping! Lions Maleny Blackall Range 21, 22, 23 December 10 am2.00 pm 19 Maple St To add your local organisation events to this list simply email details to:

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022

The Great Maleny Safe Robbery of 1937

Victor Magee worked for his family drapery business in Brisbane and would regularly travel to Maleny with samples and wares. It was during these visits he saw an opportunity to open a branch of the family drapery business in the town. Taking over the premises at the lower end of the main street, on 6th December, 1926, he opened Magee & Co. General Drapers.

At about 2am on Wednesday, 1st December, 1937, Cyril William McKillop, a butcher, noticed a light on in Magee & Co and immediately phoned Victor Magee. Upon hearing the news Magee immediately phoned the Landsborough Police Station before heading towards his shop. At the time Maleny was too small to have its own police. However, before he was able to investigate there was a loud explosion. As Magee and other townspeople rushed to the site they found the safe blown apart beneath the bridge over the creek, some small change scattered around on the ground and the cash draw missing.

In the darkness two men were seen running away on the other side of the creek but, despite an extensive search of the area, they were not found. On investigating the scene at Magee’s store it was found the thieves had broken a large hole in a fibro wall to gain access. Exiting by the back door, they had used a grocer’s barrow to wheel the safe down to the creek.

Despite their efforts, all the thieves managed to make off with were two leather overcoats to the value of about £20, and cash worth about £3. However, despite the meagre haul the spectacular manner in which they had carried out the robbery ensured the two men were the subject of an intensive manhunt. At the time it was thought they had made their getaway in a waiting car and the police in Landsborough stopped and searched any cars coming from the direction of Maleny.

A search was made of the area around Maleny but no trace of the men was found. As news of the robbery spread, the police in Brisbane were told to be on the lookout for any suspicious characters. Among other things they were searching all trains heading towards Brisbane. At 3.45am on Thursday, a south bound freight train pulled into Zillmere station. Plainclothes constables Moses Murphy and William Brown from the Criminal Investigation Branch and the stationmaster searched the train as it waited there. As they approached an open truck they spotted a young man crouched in the corner wearing a leather overcoat. As Constable Murphy and the stationmaster approached him, the man hurriedly attempted to push past them.

Struggling with the two men, he managed to break free and sprinted away. At that moment, another man wearing a leather overcoat appeared from beneath a tarpaulin covering a nearby carriage. He ran off into the darkness, leaving his hat behind and abandoning the leather overcoat as he went.

Constable Murphy pursued the first man out of the station and onto Zillmere Road while Constable Brown took off after the second man. Seeing the first man getting away from him, Constable Murphy

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
Continued Next Page

The Great Maleny Safe Robbery of 1937

drew his revolver and, calling on the man to stop, fired two warning shots. However, the man only ran faster, jumping a fence and fleeing through backyards.

Chasing him over several fences and out on to Murphy Road, Constable Murphy again fired a warning shot calling on the man to stop. This time he stopped. Catching up with him, Constable Murphy asked the man why he had run away, to which he replied, “It’s pretty rough a man getting pinched for train jumping.” However, Murphy had a clear idea of who he was dealing with and immediately stated that he believed the man he had just caught was Ronald Stokes and the other man had been Jacob Russell. The young man confirmed that he was indeed Ronald Stokes but refused to say who the other man had been. Later, upon being questioned, having been caught wearing one of the leather overcoats stolen from Magee’s, the man admitted that he and ‘his mate’ had carried out the safe robbery in Maleny, saying, “I suppose I’d better make a clean breast of it. I suppose I'll get a good stretch for it.”

In the meantime an extensive manhunt was mounted for the second man who had fled Zillmere railway station. Despite being pursued for some distance in the direction of Geebung by Constable Brown the man managed to escape by fleeing into dense scrub.

The suspect was later spotted on Robinson Road, Geebung, by a milkman doing his early morning deliveries. Around 100 police officers and even police cadets were brought in to search the area but there was no sign of the fugitive. Convinced that the man who had escaped was Jacob Russell, the police issued an arrest warrant in his name.

On Saturday, 4th December a man fitting Russell’s description was seen near a picture theatre in Fortitude Valley. Russell was known to frequent the Shamrock Hotel in the Valley as well as the notorious ‘The Hole in the Wall’ cafe on Ann Street in the Valley. However, by the time the police were able to throw a cordon around the area, he was nowhere to be found.

There was no sign of the wanted man until a few days later when police in Toowoomba were made aware that a man fitting the fugitive’s description had been spotted in the town. At about 8am on Tuesday 7th December Detective Sergeant Elford and Detective Constable Nesbitt were driving along Campbell Street when they spotted the man they were looking for. As the police car approached, the man fled into a lane connecting Campbell Street with Norwood Street. The lane was too narrow for the police car so the officers took after the fugitive on foot.

In Norwood Street the man jumped a fence and attempted to hide in a hedge. However, closely pursued by Detective Sergeant Elford, the man made a break for Mort Street and was eventually overtaken after running back on to Campbell Street.

The police were then able to confirm that the man they had arrested was indeed Jacob Russell. However, when told an arrest warrant had been issued for him because of the safe robbery in Maleny he claimed he had been in Toowoomba on that day and denied all knowledge of the event.

Of the two men arrested for the robbery, Ronald Hubert Stokes was the younger, twenty five years old at the time of his arrest but already possessed of an extensive criminal history. He had a long string of convictions in New South Wales and Queensland for robbery, theft and petty crimes.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
Continued Next Page

The Great Maleny Safe Robbery of 1937

The previous year, in August 1936, he had been sentenced to a year in prison for bag snatching in Brisbane and would have been out of prison only about three months before carrying out the robbery in Maleny.

Russell was the senior of the two, 32 years old, and with a long criminal history and well known to the police. He was regarded as highly dangerous, “a daring and desperate criminal; of a violent disposition; is invariably armed when operating and will not hesitate to shoot when cornered”.

Like Stokes, he had a long string of convictions for breaking into shops, warehouses, factories and car theft. He was also known to have considerable experience in using explosives to blow safes, having done so on several previous occasions. Indeed, Russell cannot have been out of prison very long either as, in June 1932, he had been sentenced to five years for breaking into the office of Northgate railway station and blowing open the safe. It is quite likely Stokes and Russell had become acquainted with each other while they were in prison.

When the case came to trial in mid-December, 1937, Ronald Stokes pleaded guilty. He explained that he and his mate had ‘jumped’ a train at the Bowen Hills

The Maleny Historical Society

has a new website: Their new Facebook page is : MalenyHistoricalSociety

railway yards and got off at Landsborough before making their way to Maleny. After picking a store to rob, Stokes said he had first tried to kick in the front door of Magee’s shop but instead had to break through the fibro wall. After moving the safe and blowing it open beneath the bridge, he grabbed the cash draw and they ran as people came to investigate. However, after a short distance he threw the whole cash draw away because it had rattled too much when he ran.

After they had fled the scene it had started raining and they were soaked as they hid in bushes by the side of the road while cars searching for them went past. They then walked a fair distance in the rain before encountering a mail truck heading north. Clambering on to the back of it they ended up in Gympie where they managed to get on the south bound freight train, their journey coming to an abrupt end at Zillmere.

Stokes seemingly hoped for leniency due to his early guilty plea and asked the judge to give him a chance. Despite this, due to his previous convictions, he was sentenced to three years in prison. But, when pressed about the identity of the other man Stokes consistently refused to say anything, only that it had not been Russell.

As such, Russell pleaded not guilty to the charge, claiming he had nothing to do with it. Regardless, due to his long criminal history, experience in blowing safes and the fact that he had not long since been released from prison, the police were convinced that Russell had been the second man, even going so far as to demonstrate that the hat discarded at Zillmere fit Russell’s head.

However, when the trial commenced in June, 1938, the prosecution case quickly ran into trouble. When

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
Continued Next Page
Jacob Russell Ronald Stokes

The Great Maleny Safe Robbery of 1937

the first witness for the prosecution, Constable Murphy, took the stand, he was questioned as to how he could be so sure that Russell had been the second man. With no clear identification of the second man, no evidence found to link Russell to the crime and Stokes’ assertion that he had not been involved, the case against Russell quickly collapsed. The prosecution withdrew the case and Russell was released.

The robbery of Magee’s had been not a wellplanned heist but instead was a rather shambolic affair. Despite going to the effort of traveling from Brisbane to Maleny, breaking into Magee’s, manhandling the safe to beneath the Obi Obi Bridge and blowing it apart, all they got away with was a small amount of cash which was quickly thrown away and two leather overcoats, one of which was discarded, the other leading to a prison sentence.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022

JP's in the Community

The Maleny Neighbourhood Centre is part of the JP's in the Community Program. This program is available to witness signatures and certify your routine legal documents such as wills, affidavits, statutory declarations. Hours that J.P’s are in attendance are 9.30am–12.30pm Monday to Friday.

Social Tango and Latin Dancing

Have you always wanted to Cha-Cha-Cha? Social Tango and Latin Dancing is coming to the Maleny RSL! Come along and enjoy drinks, dinner and – let’s dance! For more information text Elle or Peter 0425 151 788 or 0429 061 444.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022 New from Get Active Fitness! FUN Low-Impact Seniors Strength Class! On: Mondays between 9:30am- 10:15am ✦ Lower the risk of heart attack and stroke ✦ Increase or maintain muscle strength and bone density ✦ Improve balance coordination and mobility ✦ Promote mental and emotional health and over all well being at the EXHIBITION HALL MALENY SHOWGROUNDS Get Active Fitness. Ph Rachel on: 0423618945 Lions Club of Maleny Blackall Range JOIN LIONS & MEET NEW FRIENDS Lions Club Members strive to make a difference in their local community as well as in communi9es worldwide. Lions Clubs support local community needs, childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Vision care and other health and educa9on needs worldwide. For further informa9on contact Membership Chair Mark Henderson Mobile 0414 899 933.

more than just books?

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
The Maleny Community Gym "Building a Stronger Community"
your personal
welcome First
Free! Free Personal
included in membership 2 Fully Qualified Trainers Discounts available for Family Memberships
and membership fees.
Maleny Gym trainers can help you achieve
health and fitness goals.
Started Vouchers
Visit is
Check out
website for
opening times Phone: 5429611 or email on. Did you know Sunshine Coast Libraries offer
On December 7th between 9.30am and 10a.m. you can use Sunshine Coast Libraries photo preservation station to digitise photos, slides and negatives. Registration is required for this free session.

Maleny Trail Parkrun Every Saturday

A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you! Dogs welcome on a lead.

When is it?

Every Saturday at 7:00am Where

is it?

Maleny Trail starts at the MDSRC Clubhouse on the Maleny Community Precinct - Parklands Drive via Porters Lane, North Maleny

What does it cost to join in?

Nothing - it's free! But come early and register (only once needed) before you first come along.

How fast do I have to be?

We all take part for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!

Maleny Trail Parkrun needs you!

It is entirely organised by volunteers - email to help.

We're friendly!

Every week we grab a post Parkrun coffee at Concept Coffee Maleny - please come and join us!

Se course maps, photo gallery and much more at:

Help Make a Child's Christmas

Books 4 Kids is back! Give the gift of reading by donating a brand-new children's or young adult book at any Sunshine Coast Libraries branch between the 14th November and 13th December. Books will be distributed to local children in need in time for Santa's visit. Books can be donated to any Sunshine Coast Libraries branch between 14 November to 13 December.

Maleny Bowls Club News

New bowlers always welcome - no previous experience necessary. Whether you are an avid lawn bowler, haven't played for years or new to the game Tuesday Morning Bowls is a fabulous experience for all. We play 10 ends of bowls, break for morning tea and then play another 10 ends of bowls - all for $12. We would love to see you there. More information visit:

Witta Handcraft Markets

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022

Range Care Chess Club in Maleny

Learn a new skill and make new connections! Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, our new Chess Club is a great way to practice your skill, whilst also meeting new people.

We are flexible to your needs and can provide whatever social support services best suit you or your loved one

For more information on how you can join, contact our Lifestyle Coordinator, Hayley on 07 5445 7044.

Maleny Singers

It’s that Merry time of the year! Come and listen to the beautiful Christmas song arrangements from the Maleny Singers, laced with enchanting solo pieces - and support Maleny Hospital with a voluntary donation! It will be held at the Maleny RSL on Friday 9th December at 6.30 pm

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022

Maleny Outside School Hours Childcare

Hi parents and guardians! Maleny Outside School Hours Childcare (OSHC) at Maleny State School would love to officially introduce ourselves to the beautiful neighbourhood.

Where is Maleny OSHC?

* We are located at Maleny State School What are we offering?

* Before School Care from 6.30am to 8.30am (includes a light breakfast)

* After School Care from 3.00pm to 6.30pm (includes afternoon snacks)

* Vacation Care from 6.30am to 6.30pm (includes some snacks but children bring their own lunches as normal during Term)

* Pupil Free Days from 6.30am to 6.30pm (includes some snacks but children bring their own lunches as normal during Term Who can enrol to Maleny OSHC?

* Children in Prep to Year 6

Is it only for children at Maleny State School?

* NO! EVERY kid regardless of whether they are studying at Maleny State School are welcome to join us.

How much does it cost?

* Before School Care: base rate per session $24.40 (2 hours)

* After School Care: base rate per session $34.15 (3.5 hours)

* Vacation Care: casual rate per session $85.00 (12 hours)

* Pupil Free Days: casual rate per session $85.00 (12 hours)

*. Multiple day/session discount rates apply.

*. Casual bookings attract a 15% loading.

*. The OSHC service is registered for the Federal Government's Child Care Subsidy. Would you like to learn more? Ring 0428 058 037 today for more information about vacation care enquires. go to

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022

News from Maleny Swim Club Inc. about Upcoming Maleny Pool Hours and Activities

The new contract details have been finalised and we are delighted to warmly welcome Dennye Mosley as new coach/ manager. The Maleny Pool will be open as soon as the immediate safety compliance standards are met.

We wish to thank everyone who has supported the Maleny Swimming Club as we have worked our way to getting the pool ready to be reopened. A further update regarding this will follow in the week. Stay tuned for details.

A sincere 'Thank You' to the amazing Maleny Swimming Club Committee - who have worked tirelessly to see the centre reopen through trials and tribulations and also to the Maleny Community for not giving up and providing financial support. We are excited for the opportunity to manage the centre for the season and look forward to meeting the Maleny Community.

Meanwhile here is what is coming up for the community this coming summer. Details about the new pool hours for the public will be released as soon as the compliance issues are completed. For news updates go to:

Aqua Aerobics starting December 13th from 7.00 am till 8.00 am. For more details go to: 678299723693390/678299833693379?ref=newsfeed

Learn to Swim Intensive Block from Monday 16th January 2023 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm

Our Learn to Swim Intensive Programs run during the school holidays to help students develop and progress by attending swimming lessons at an increased frequency. For more details go to: 493098299295814/493098315962479/? ref=newsfeed

Term 1 2023 Learn to Swim Lessons 23rd January onwards 2023 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm

For more details go to 1476588746198490/1476588756198489/? ref=newsfee

Keep up to date on Facebook at:

Witta Tennis “Kids Fun Day”

Kid’s Fun Day: Katya's Tennis Drills Thrills and Fitness is on Friday Nights at 5:45pm. Cost is $20. Why not come along and join in the fun. All levels of tennis skills are welcome. Enquiries can be made on 0437 295 501

Social tennis: Monday 8am and Saturday 1pm. All are welcome. Court bookings 0437 295 501 or

Consider your pet!!

With a taste of summer in Queensland, RSPCA Queensland is urging pet owners to keep their pets cool with ample shade and water.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
Maleny District Sport

Maleny Men’s Shed News

The Maleny and District Men's Shed has over 50 members and meets Tuesdays and Fridays from 8am to midday. It was formed in 2006 for the fellowship & education of guys.

Coordinator Secretary Malcolm Baker Phone. 0417785548

Address: 7 Bryce Lane, Maleny Qld 4552


Shed Activities

Woodworking, Metal Work, Blacksmith work shop. Also have an opportunity to assist the Historical Society renovating buildings or working on old farm machinery.

Two of our members, Graham and Russell are still working on our popular cow bells, but we are trying a new idea: we are making smaller goat bells which swing in a horse stirrup.

Opening Hours. Tuesday & Friday 8am to noon

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022

Maleny Community Gym

Christmas Raffle Tickets on sale NOW!!! Tickets at the Maleny Gym, Maleny Showgrounds. Thank You to our Members & Seasons IGA for the prizes. Winning Tickets will be drawn on Monday 19th December.... just in time to help with the Christmas Shopping!

Spark a child’s imagination through book donations

The season of giving is now upon us, and Sunshine Coast residents are encouraged to give the gift of the love of reading to vulnerable families though the Books4Kids initiative.

Now in its 23rd year the Sunshine Coast Libraries-run initiative has distributed more than 11,000 books to children and teenagers via local charities. Donations of books are accepted between now and December 13 at the Maleny Library.

More information is available at:

Christmas is just around the corner “Ho Ho Ho” Christmas is just around the corner “Ho Ho Ho”

Don’t forget to shop locally with a “Shop Maleny” loyalty card. Don’t forget to shop locally with a “Shop Maleny” loyalty card.

Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
Maleny District


Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606. Social Tennis every Monday 8.00 am Witta Tennis Club. All Welcome. Mixed Social Tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30am to 8.30am Maleny Showgrounds

Ladies Social Tennis every Thursday at 7.30am Maleny Showgrounds

Badminton every Monday 6.30-8.30 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. PickleBall every Monday 6.30p.m. to 8.30p.m. Maleny High School Activities Centre.

Maleny Bowls Club. – TUESDAY AM BOWLS, 8.30am for 9.00am . 2 games + morning tea $12 per player. Rink Winner Prizes. Visitors and players welcome. Call Joe 0401 987 900 to book your place WEDNESDAY- 6 pm. TWILIGHT BOWLS & BURGER. $17 p.p. Bowls only $12 p.p. Learners welcome, bowls provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604.

FRIDAY PM play SCROUNGERS ‘BOWLS WITH A MATE ’ 1pm for 1.30pm (winter), 2 pm (from November). Bowls can be provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604.

Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823

Club Acoustic Encore local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL.

Pattemore House Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon 15, Porters Lane.

Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL.

Tennis Under Lights every Friday Witta Tennis Club. BYO drinks and nibbles Contact. Pauline 0428 253 070. Hinterland Country Music Day. Second Saturday each month in the big shed at the Maleny Museum Precinct.

Maleny Trail Parkrun every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct. Witta Tennis Club Social Tennis every Saturday 1.00 pm. All Welcome. Witta Wheels every 3rd Sunday each month 8.00 am - 11.00 am Witta Recreation Club

Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL.

Social Table Tennis every Sunday 1 - 5 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. All welcome!

Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823

Please email your weekly regular event to for inclusion every week

Donate to the Maleny Pool!

If you would like to make a secure donation to the Maleny state School P & C to see the pool open again this summer, with no fees whatsoever being extracted for anything else from your donation, go to: and type “Pool” in the comments box when making your donation. See story on a previous page about pool opening hours.

& Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
District Sport

Maleny Show-grounds Camping

Maleny Showgrounds is open for camping. This ground offers camping year-round (maximum 3 night stay), except during major events & seasonal blackout dates.

All campers who can adhere to the Qld Health, Sunshine Coast Council and Qld Government regulations pertaining to Covid-19 social distancing and hygiene guidelines are welcome.

Enjoy a peaceful environment close to town. Groups and caravanning clubs are welcome. Cost is just $25 per night.

Electricity, water, toilet/shower facilities, access to Dump Point are all available. Find all the details at the web site:

& Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
District Sport
Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022
Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community

The Range Croquet Club - Maleny

There was no play on Thursday because it was too wet, however we had a good turnout on Saturday for training. The attached photograph below shows David Kerr, a beginning player being coached by Sarah Widin, with a nice follow through on a single ball shot playing green. Stuart Craig, in the background is attempting the penultimate hoop with pink waiting on his way to a peg out.

Saturday morning sessions are good for players of all levels, a chance to improve your game without having the pressure of competing.

Ted and Lorraine Singleton visited on Sunday. Ted played Sarah in a game of singles where, as happens to all players sometimes, nothing worked for Sarah. Ted won 22 – 7. Lynette Evans and Wallace Roy playing on lawn 2 had an enjoyable game where Lynette managed to make eleven hoops to Wallace’s four.

Please arrive at 1 pm for games to be arranged by 1.15.

Coaching: is available on Saturday mornings at 8 am.

You can introduce your kids and grandkids to croquet at the web site below:

Our web address is:

For details contact Sarah Widin 0417640704 (President )

Court Hire.

Our courts may be available for community use or for special events, like workplace teambuilding or social gathering.

Our croquet equipment may be available for your guests in some special occasion (e.g. wedding) if suitable grounds are available.

If you are interested, please phone, email or use the contact page above.

Ken Barker and Nick Cram had an interesting game where Ken ended up taking his green ball to the peg over several breaks while Nick took pink and white to hoop seven, resulting in tied scores, twelve all at the close of play.

Despite the threat of rain, we managed a good afternoon of play, a pleasant afternoon tea and a convivial post-mortem of the games after play. On this occasion there was quite a deal of helpful discussion about the Macrobertson Shield, recently played in Melbourne in which Australia was narrowly beaten into second place by England in the third test.

Play days: Thursday and Sunday 1.00 pm for 1.30. Contact Sarah Widin for other days.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter Monday, 5 December 2022

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