Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club Results for the period to 08.06.2020

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Inc Newsletter Maleny Garden Club This week-end would, in normal times, have seen one of Maleny’s most popular events taking place Gardening on the Edge. This big event is run annually by the Maleny Garden Club, whose goal amongst other things is to foster friendship through a love of growing plants, further member’s knowledge and enjoyment of horticulture and to raise awareness in the community of our local environment.

club was held in 1952 at Rixon Burnett’s’ home. Ann Lockwood, Rixon Burnett, Alan Webster, Mrs Bergann, Mrs BJ Nothling and possibly Doris Waddell were in attendance, with the new club then known as the Maleny & District Horticultural Society. Alan Lockwood was elected as the first President, Rixon Burnett Secretary and Alan Webster Treasurer.

Whilst we may not be able to tour the gorgeous local gardens that were to participate in 2020, let’s take a look at this very active club and what makes them tick.

The second meeting was held at the Beerwah Forestry Nursery and in addition to the above people; Bessie Humphries and Edna Hawkins were present.

The following brief history of their early days was provided by Olga Webster. It appears the first meeting of a group of people interested in forming a garden

Records are sparse from those early days but by 1965 membership had reached 64, by 2002 it was over 100, and today membership stands at 120. The club enjoys many regular activities, including inviting guest speakers to their well attended monthly meetings, bus trips, “Show and Tell” and “Sip and Snip” sessions.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Their major fund-raiser, the marvellous Gardening on the Edge, is a "Garden Trail and Garden Market” providing an opportunity for locals and visitors to the area to see a number of beautiful gardens at the one time and to attend the Garden Market at the Maleny Showgrounds. It has been held each year since 2005 and has now raised in excess of $100,000, with the money raised distributed and donated back to local community organisations. GOTE draws many people to the area, yearly up to 2,000 people visit our local gardens and contribute to business activity on the Range. As with all well organised events, it looks seamless - but the organisers can guarantee there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to make it so successful for the garden owners, the Garden Club members and the visitors their event attracts. Why not browse the selection of photos from previous years’ gardens on their website at and let’s make sure to support Maleny Garden Club by attending Gardening on the Edge in 2021!

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Your Club News If your club or organisation is an associate member of the Maleny District Sports and Recreation Club then you can publicise your club results and news in this, our “Community Billboard”. Keep your events diary up to date on the MDSARC Inc Web site so that we all know about your communities important events. This is your newsletter - let all of Maleny know the latest info from your club every week! All articles, results, posters and photos (as large sized jpegs, please do not embed these in a Word doc) for inclusion in the weekly sports results should be emailed to

Monday, 8 June 2020

Rugby to Return Sunshine Coast Rugby Union has confirmed dates for the code to make its comeback at a community level. After meeting with senior and junior Presidents of Sunshine Coast Rugby Clubs, Sunshine Coast Rugby has announced plans for the return of rugby on the coast. Clubs will begin full contact training on July 11th leading up to the resumption of both competitions. The senior competition will commence on Saturday August 1 and will run for 11 weeks. The junior competition will commence on Friday/Saturday July 24/25 and run for 9 weeks. Twelve clubs will be involved in the junior competition with teams being entered by Gympie and Nambour for the first time. There is also a 7 a side series planned for October 3, 10 and 17. For further details and updates, visit no later than 12 noon every Monday.

Club website:

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

Witta Tennis Unfortunately, all fixtures have been postponed until after Easter. Social tennis has also been postponed until further notice. You are still able to hire the courts at the Witta Recreation Club Complex. Court bookings 0437 295 501 or

QUOTA INTERNATIONAL OF MALENY A non-profit Organisa/on empowering women, children, the deaf, Hard-of-hearing and speech impaired in local communi/es around the world. Quota Interna/onal of Maleny meet the first Thursday of the month 6pm at the Maleny Hotel. New members welcome.


Suspended as a

Maleny Show Society Maleny Show 2020 Cancelled http://

For more information contact President Val France on 0419 599042 or email.

The Maleny Contract

d e l BridgelClub l i r e t e c Sessions n n hMonday - 12.30pm. - Tuesday - 6.30pm. U a t Wednesday - 9.30am. (Supervised) C r are run Thursday - 12.30pm. - Bridge Classes regularly. u F http:// Visit the website

15, Parklands Drive, Maleny. (off Porters Lane, North Maleny)

Maleny Senior Citizens

It is a very social activity while being constantly mentally stimulating”

All Activities have been cancelled for the present time.

Contact. Alan Robinson - 0400016502 or Jean Coffey - 0488182504 Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Monday, 8 June 2020

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

Hello from MSHS Youth Support Coordinator From : Sue Krucker – Youth Support Coordinator @ Maleny State High School 4. “Don’t take too much hay on your pitchfork” (Dutch Proverb) Meaning : Don’t try and do too much all at once.

What’s that you say ? According to the Collins Dictionary, “a proverb is a short sentence that people often quote, which gives advice or tells you something about life.”

written conversations we have using text, email and messenger. Clarification is always wise, with a “checking in” that you have been understood, in the very least. Through researching this topic, I was not surprised to learn that many proverbs (aka: sayings) are

Communication of any message is often undertaken at the risk of it being misinterpreted, to some degree. One’s communication style can sometimes lead to confusion, especially when the message we send is being received differently. This is often exacerbated by the instant,

6. “A hungry stomach has no ears” (French Proverb) Meaning : You can’t concentrate without food in your tummy. 7. “He who digs a pit for others will fall in it himself” (Romanian Proverb) Meaning : What goes around, comes around.

Some proverbs resonate with us strongly, whilst others can leave you perplexed. The fact is, proverbs probably appeared not long after the emergence of spoken language, planting easily memorised seeds of wisdom to flourish through the decades and generations. The curious thing about proverbs is that there's often one for every point of view (makes for an interesting argument!). For every "Look before you leap" there's a "He who hesitates is lost". "A fool and his money are soon parted" can be refuted with "To make money you have to spend money" … see what I mean?

5. “Empty barrels make the most noise” (Icelandic Proverb) Meaning : People who are all talk, often don’t know a lot.

similar across the globe. Today I’ve selected a variety of proverbs to represent the diversity of our community. How many of these are familiar to you ? … or do you know of, stated in a similar way ? 1. “When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets hurt” (Kenyan Proverb) Meaning : Fights of the powerful only hurt the little guys. 2. “The pillow is the best advisor” (Swedish Proverb) Meaning : Sleep on a problem and see how you feel in the morning. 3. “If the world flooded, it wouldn’t matter to a duck” (Turkish Proverb) Meaning : Things that are bad for you, are not always bad for everyone.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

8. “Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie” (Russian Proverb) Meaning : The bitter truth is better than sweet lies. 9. “Fruits from the same tree have different tastes” (Chinese Proverb) Meaning : Members of the same family have different personalities. 10.“Fall seven times, stand up eight” (Japanese Proverb) Meaning : Don’t let defeat hold you back. 11.“He who has a head of wax must not walk in the sun” (Italian Proverb) Meaning : Know your weaknesses.

(Continued Next page)

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

Hello from MSHS Youth Support Coordinator (ConAnued from previous page) 12.“A dog bitten by a snake is afraid of sausages” (Brazilian Proverb) hurt you get a lot more careful. 13.“A good ploughman can plough even with a goose” (Lithuanian Proverb) Meaning : Good workers can do their work, even with rubbish tools. 14.“Don’t ride an elephant to catch a grasshopper” (Thai Proverb) Meaning : Don’t use a tool too big for the job.

24. “The dragon rises up from the stream” (Korean Proverb) Meaning : Great successes can come from very humble beginnings. 25. “The bigger the hat, the smaller the property” (Australian Proverb) Meaning : The more time spent big-noting yourself, the less time spent actually doing anything. Until next week, stay well and warm … and enjoy the “Complete the Proverbs” quiz

15.“A monkey dressed in silk is still a monkey” (Spanish Proverb) Meaning : You can over things up, but it doesn’t change what they are. 16.“A ‘thank you’ doesn’t pay the fiddler” (Gaelic Proverb) Meaning : Gratitude is nice, but people usually work for money. 17.“Accusation always follows the cat” (Iraqi Proverb) Meaning : It’s easy to blame someone who can’t argue back. 18.“Those who rest grow rusty” (German Proverb) Meaning : Keep active while you still have the energy. 19.“The honey only sticks to the moustache of he who licked it” (Arabic Proverb) Meaning : Evidence of a crime will follow you around. 20. “Dance by yourself and you can jump as much as you want” (Greek Proverb) Meaning : Being independent means you’re in charge. 21. “However long the day, the evening will come” (Irish Proverb) Meaning : All good things must come to an end.


22. “The pen is mightier than the sword” (English Proverb) Meaning : The written word is more powerful than physical force. 23. “The kumara (sweet potato) does not say how sweet he is” (Maori New Zealander Proverb) Meaning : a humble person does not boast about their abilities Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

"Talking LAW" with Lember and Williams Solicitors COVID-19 and Your Commercial and Retail Lease

Lember and Williams are naturally fielding calls from concerned Landlord and Tenant clients who are pondering what to do in an environment where businesses face a major economic shock to their revenue, interruption to the flow of supply, issues fulfilling their obligations to the health and

safety of their staff and in some cases, facing lockdown of the premises they occupy. The Covid-19 situation appears to be uncharted territory for the world of leasing, with restrictions on human movement, and impacts on both customer flows and the ability of people to occupy their business operations. However, the current circumstances parallel with any other economic shock that we’ve experienced throughout history and in that regard, it will come down to the willingness of parties to be reasonable and to negotiate variations to current arrangements to ride through the storm. If you are a Tenant or a Landlord and require assistance with a lease or negotiating a new agreement, please do not hesitate to get in touch with experienced Business Lawyer Carolyn Williams who would be more than happy to assist you. For more info, visit or call for an appointment 5499 149

Australia Day Awards Nominations Open 2020 has been unlike anything the Sunshine Coast has experienced before and the community response has been nothing short of inspirational. The Sunshine Coast is home to so many unsung heroes, which is why Sunshine Coast Council has opened nominations for the 2021 Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards earlier than usual. Mayor Mark Jamieson said it was humbling to see the way our community had banded together in times of crisis this year. “Throughout it all, we’ve heard inspirational stories of individuals and community organisations going above and beyond to support their fellow Sunshine Coast locals, and others well beyond our region,” Mayor Jamieson said “What better way

to honour and celebrate their efforts than by nominating them for a Sunshine Coast Australia Day Award? I encourage everybody to nominate. We’re looking for everyday people, whose efforts in our community often go unrecognised, and who are working to make our Sunshine Coast a better place.” If you know a person, community group or organisation making a difference to the Sunshine Coast community, help them to achieve the recognition they deserve by nominating them for a 2021 Sunshine Coast Australia Day Award. Nominate now in one of the following categories: ❖

Citizen of the Year

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Senior Citizen of the Year

Young Citizen of the Year

Community – Group or Organisation



Sport and Recreation,

Nominations for the 2021 Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards will close on November 16, 2020. You can nominate online via council’s website. Sunshine Coast Australia Day Award 2021 recipients will be announced at a special ceremony to be held on Friday, January 22, 2021. For more information, visit council’s website or email:

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

Hinterland Water Holes Re-open

Up to 20 people are now able to access Gardners Falls at Maleny. While we're pleased with this news and we’re sure you are too just keep in mind there are restrictions on patron numbers up to 20 people in each location and ongoing social distancing and hygiene requirements are still in place. Take your own hand sanitiser, for example. Take care as our council officers can't be everywhere at once. If your fave spot is too busy, make sure you have a plan B. Consider searching Adventure Sunshine Coast for all local trail options: Council facilities already reopened: ✔


Skate parks

Outdoor exercise equipment

For more information on council services and COVID-19. visit:

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

RSL Meals are Back!

At last we are able to eat together again, albeit 20 at a time, and share our lockdown stories - but not our viruses. The key points to safe dining: ๏

Open for dinner on Friday 5th June 2020

Limit of 20 patrons and a booking system will apply. Please phone RSL 5435 2672 between 8am to 1pm.

2 sessions will be available (4.30pm - 6.30pm) and (6.45pm - 8.45pm) to enable more than 20 on the night.

New COVID Safe requirements and procedures need to be followed and these will be signposted and/or explained as required

Social distancing of 1.5m needs to be observed

Table seating only i.e., no standing around and minimal movement, to and from bar and food collection table

Steph, our chef, has proposed a great menu which now excludes battered bats.

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Division 5 - Councillor Winston Johnston Contact details

Cr Winston Johnston's office is located in the Eddie DeVere building on the corner of Currie and Bury Streets, Nambour. If you would like to meet with Cr Johnston, please call to arrange an appointment. Phone:

(07) 5441 8043

Mobile. 0429 076 066. Email:

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Are Your Panels Squeaky Clean? There’s nothing anywhere quite like our great Queensland winter weather. To make sure your solar panels are soaking up as much of that sun as possible, now’s the time to give Tobes at Squeejee Ninja a call. Tobes has the very latest equipment for making your panels sparkle, with his pure water treatment system that can reach anywhere. Why not give him a call and book your system in? And it’s not just your solar panels. Squeejee Ninja has now been working for 15yrs with specialist skills in cleaning difficult access and high architectural glass. Jobs include small weekly shopfronts, general residential work and specialist access jobs for architecturally designed estates. Recently, Tobes purchased a new pure water treatment system that uses sediment and carbon filters and deionising resin to process your water so that it leaves no water mark when dried on glass. It’s perfect for really high glass that cannot be reached by ladders but it can be reached by a pole and brush and also brings pool balustrades to a supa-shiny state. Tobes enjoy the diversity of the beautiful environments that he works in everyday and the challenge of achieving excellent results that are clear to the customer. Special consideration for clients during Covid19 recommendations for external work only if requested or internal work to be completed with safe work practices to 1.5m social distancing.

Squeejee Ninja specialise in Window & Screen & Track Cleaning Solar Panel Cleaning & Gutter Cleaning Exterior House & Roof Pressure Cleaning Pool Balustrades & All Glass Areas You can contact Tobes from Squeegee Ninja on 0417481090 or Look up Squeegee NINJA on Facebook at or on his web page at:

Wishing everyone health and safety and a bit of sparkle! Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Monday, 8 June 2020

Ride On Mower for Light Horse Regiment Thanks to a grant from the Sunshine Coast Council, Maleny 5th Light Horse Regiment are able to put the funding towards the purchase of their own ride-on mower to maintain their training facility, the Ziza Field, on the Maleny Precinct. “We’re grateful for these funds” said Regiment President Terry Murphy. “Keeping up with maintaining the grassy field definitely needs a good mower and this has made our volunteer’s lives much easier”. The troop will be sharing the mower with other users on Maleny Sports Park, meaning that Settlers Green and the entire area will always be picture perfect. Proudly Supported by the Sunshine Coast Council’s grants program

Maleny Paint Supplies 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny

for all of your painting supplies. Australian Made & Australian Family Owned Ultra Premium Paints. We are situated behind Maleny Motor Trimmers - there is plenty of parking so just drive on down Call in now to see our large range of products.

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston

Maleny Community Precinct footpath upgrade.

The Precinct walking trail was identified after extensive consultation, and prior to the adoption of the endorsed Maleny Community Precinct Master Plan in 2010. Given the intended dual pedestrian and bicycle use, the construction of the trail was recommended to be concrete. However, following a site inspection with council officers, a compromise has been identified that will now see the use of

80%. The majority of the trail will now be constructed with compacted decomposed granite. I must inform you though that there are two sections of the trail (total length approx. 200 meters) that, due to the complications of slope and drainage, will still need to be concrete. Officers will monitor the performance of the decomposed granite trail to inform asset management programs.

without direct consultation with neighbouring leasee groups within the precinct and the change to the scope of works is as a result of discussions with Green Hills and numerous emails from concerned community members. The original intention was to construct a concrete pathway from the Platypus Viewing Platform to approximately 300 to 400 metres, now the entire pathway length is just over 1 kilometre and the only sections requiring concrete for safety and erosion purposes, will be 90 metres on the slope down from Platypus Viewing Platform and 120 metres east from the 2.7 kilometre marker, which is indicated on the pathway. It is recognised that the walkway is currently widely used and in the future it is important that everybody, including the infirm and disabled are able to use the pathway.

concrete reduced for the one kilometre trail currently under construction by approximately

In regards to community consultation, I can assure you that the work did not commence

The current track is starting to exhibit wear and tear which will eventually result in greatly reduced grass cover and will become a muddy track, especially as the trees grow and shade the pathway. Consequently, when this happens access by the entire community will be restricted. Picture: area shown in red are the new path works

Maleny Service Centre

One Stop Shop

1/16 Lawyer Street Maleny Ph: 5494 3444 Website http:// Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

Witta Market is Back The Witta Market is REOPENING on Saturday 20 June! There will be some changes in place and new exciting stall holders offering amazing produce and food products (more information soon!). We ask you to please read the changes listed below and come along to the market informed. This helps us ensure the continuation of the market. When attending the market please be aware: 🥑

If you feel unwell, please do not attend

🥦 Maintain social distancing and stay 1.5m from others 🌶 Shop and Go – We know this is hard, as the market has always been a place to gather and be social, however we need to minimise groups of people congregating at the market (for now). 🥕 All ready to eat food, needs to be taken home to eat 🍄 Please only handle produce you wish to purchase 🍞 There will be hand sanitiser at entrances to the market with signage 🍅 There will be 1.5m marks at the front of stalls, please line up at these markers to ensure social distancing With community cooperation we are striving to make the market a safe place for everyone! We are thrilled to have a fantastic range of stall holders back and even some very exciting new stall holders joining us! With all stall holders now welcome to return, we can’t wait for the market to be on again. See you there!

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Local Business, Business Locals!

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

Maleny Golf Club Tuesday 02/06/2020: The Maleny Golf Club held a Mixed Single Stableford Competition with A Grade – fi rst place went to Scott Heywood with 37 points, runner-up was Doug Evans with 36 points and third place going to Mike Hallam with 35 points. Players in the run-down were – Trevor Fairley, Connor McLachlan, Peter Eason, Don Lemon and Jon Fairman. B Grade – fi rst place went to Vivien Powell with 36 points, runner-up went to Rod Waldron with 35 points and third place went to Merv Schulz with 34 points. Those players in the ball run-down were Dan Casey, Neil Stenhouse, Peter Trounce, Ian Lee and Jillian Jones. Wednesday 03/06/2020: There was a Ladies’ Single Stableford Competition played with fi rst place going to Heather Shortus with 39 points, runner-up went to Narelle Thamm with 37 points and third place went to Karen Heading with 36 points. Players in the ball run-down were Debbie Hansen, Toni Bishop and Kerry Nieper. Saturday 06/06/2020: A Mixed Single Stableford was held with A Grade – fi rst place going to Mick McCombe with 44 points, runner-up went to Marcus Wellington with 39 points and third place went to Jan Johnston with 38 points. B Grade – fi rst place went to Andy McKechnie with 39 points, runner-up was Paul Viertel with 38 points on a count-back from Eric Hecht, also with 38 points and third place went to Mark Green with 32 points. C Grade – fi rst place went to Billy Perske with 39 points on a count-back from Chris Pottinger, also with 39 points, runner-up went to Ian Lee with

36 points, third place went to Sarah Harding with 35 points on a count-back from Narelle Thamm, also with 35 points. If you wish to get out in the crisp mountain air and play golf on our 18 hole course, please phone our clubhouse on 5499 9960 and book yourselves in or go to our website at and put yourself in for that all important and enjoyable game of GOLF!

Maleny Rotary Club Last Chance to Get your Photos In

The Rotary Photographic Competition needs your fabulous photos asap. The deadline is this Friday 12th June!

Entry Forms are available from the Maleny Newsagency. ✦

First prize: $500

Second prize: $200

Third prize: $150

All winning photos included in the 2021 Rotary Calendar

RangeCare Menus Expand! In more good news for those at home, Café Mapleton owners John and Lai Fun have now also joined three other businesses in partnering with RangeCare, Mapleton, to help feed vulnerable people. When you purchase three meals or more from: The Barn on Flaxton, Le Relais Bressan, Café Mapleton or Clouds on Montville … well you will also receive a complimentary meal from RangeCare's Cottage range. And even better - RangeCare will also donate a meal to a vulnerable community member. For more information about RangeCare’s services, or to place your order, call 5445 7044 or visit Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

‘Pride of Workmanship’ Awards

It was Aristotle some 2400 years ago, who first said “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”

The Rotary Club of Maleny is recommencing their Pride of Workmanship Awards this year to provide businesses and organisations with an opportunity and a way to acknowledge and thank employees for this habit of excellence. Given the COVID19 times, some employees have gone to exceptional lengths to help their managers and businesses in this difficult period.

Nominees for the Pride of Workmanship program will be presented with a special plaque, which has their name engraved on it, in recognition of their achievements.

A dinner will be held at Tranquil Park on Saturday 29th August where the recipients will be presented with their plaques. Nominators will explain the reasons and the achievement behind why each recipient was chosen. This is a great way to publicly recognise their employees for their efforts.

Nominations commence now and the close off date is August 1st. Members of the Rotary Club of Maleny will be going around the community and talking to as many businesses and organisations as possible and giving out nomination forms. As it is impossible to get to everyone, please contact Paulette at if you want a nomination form or more information. It was Mark Twain who said, “Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered – either by themselves or by others.” Let us hope that in our small way, the Rotary Club of Maleny can ensure the light is shone on someone who might otherwise go unnoticed. The Pride of Workmanship Program enables managers in our society to help employees achieve the goal of job satisfaction, and publicly recognise them for their efforts.

Maleny Community Blogs! MDSRC has a Blog Page on their website. It contains stories contributed by local groups with a local focus The site also also contains other local community information. blog/ Check it Out for a local read!

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

J.P. Services in Maleny Just how often have you needed to see a Justice of the Peace in a hurry to sign those pesky legal forms and not known just where to find one? Justices of the Peace (JP) or Commissioners for Declarations (C.Decs) play such an important part in our community as quasi legal practitioners in such roles as witnessing documents such as statutory declarations, affidavits and certifying copies of original documents. We have been very fortunate in the Covid situation that Brian Allen JP was most willing to meet with us privately over the last 9 weeks and help with our needs. The Maleny Library and Neighbourhood Centre will reopen sometime in the future too for JP services but for JP’s to be able to operate, all signing stations firstly are to be properly vetted by the Justice Dept. Before you meet with a JP or Cdec! Do not meet with a JP or Cdec if you: feel unwell • are in self-quarantine or • isolation. If you believe your document urgently requires witnessing, contact the requesting agency or organisation to see if they can accept an alternative arrangement. In the mean time visit the web site below to find a Justice of the Peace or a Cdec.

after-hours Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 8 June 2020

The Range Croquet Club - Maleny Musings from a newly minted croquet player

On Monday Janelle Wilson and Kath Smith played a 5 all draw with Helen Uhlmann and Ken Barker.

beaten by Sarah Widin and Ken 21 –9.On lawn 2, Helen Andrews and Gillian Bradley drew 7 –7 with Priscilla Vickers and Wallace Roy.

Jan Trendle played Ken on Wednesday with another 5 all draw the result.

Both lawns were busy during Saturday practice. Wallace, Sarah and Priscilla played a practice match on lawn 2. The attached photo shows Gillian Bradley, Helen U., and Janelle watching Jan play a shot under instruction from Vince.

Thursday saw Nick Cram and Vince Carbery play singles on lawn 1 where Nick won 17 –9. Donna Manning and Kath were

Wallace and Helen A. played 3 games of golf croquet on Sunday with identical scores in each, Wallace winning 7 –5. On lawn 1 Donna went down to Nick Cram 12 –19 while Ken and Sarah 14 beat Kath and Vince 10. Club championships are imminent. The tournament season is beginning. Put your name on the blackboard outside the clubhouse to be in it. Play days have resumed! Thursday and Sunday afternoons are now available for up to twenty people with restrictions which cover everything down to tea and coffee, but not the colour of hair. Please arrive at 1 pm for games to be arranged by 1.30. Supervised practice is available on Saturday mornings at 8 am on our excellent lawns, 200 m in on the right side of the showgrounds on entry. Play days: Thursday and Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Sunday 1.00 pm for 1.30. Contact Sarah for other days. Supervised practice: Saturday 8.00 amOur web address is:

For details contact Sarah Widin 0417640704 (President), Vince Carbery 54942193 (vicepresident), or Priscilla Vickers 54943555 (secretary).

Driving Tests Are Back Queensland learner drivers will be able to sit for their Pplates from June 15 after testing was suspended due to COVID-19. To make sure tests are conducted safely, there will be some new measures in place including a prescreening health checklist, cleaning and disinfectant procedures. Extra driving examiners and Saturday driving tests will mean more tests can be conducted sooner, and priority will be given to learner drivers who had tests booked prior to COVID-19. For more information visit

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