Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club Results for the period to 11.04.2022

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Monday, 11 April 2022

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter “Saving the Dark in Maleny” The skies over the Maleny Observatory (North Maleny) are recognised as some of the darkest skies that are least affected by light pollution in coastal SE Qld. Positive action now can keep them that way! What if by simply replacing our town's streetlight ttings and bulbs, we could safely reduce light pollution, preserve the beautiful night skies, protect wildlife, improve our sleeping patterns - and it would actually be more cost effective? It seems like a no brainer! Well that is what a petition started here in Maleny aims to do. If by signing the petition we can enact this change, it could see Maleny as a test case and mean State-wide action in the future. Maleny and surrounding districts enjoy diverse wildlife, much of which is adversely affected by excessive arti cial lighting at night. A good example is the Northern Wetlands, established by UnityWater on the Maleny Precinct. Shaping up as one of the

Sunshine Coast's prime waterbird habitats, it has an extensive area of mixed aquatic vegetation, providing refuge to and attracting wildlife. Glare from arti cial lights impacts such wetland habitats, home to amphibians such as frogs and toads, whose nighttime croaking is part of the breeding ritual. Arti cial lights disrupt this nocturnal activity, interfering with reproduction and reducing populations. Scienti c evidence suggests that arti cial night lighting has negative and deadly effects on many creatures including amphibians, birds, mammals, insects and plants. The major contributor to light pollution is street lights, particularly those that shine light above the horizontal (unshielded) and have a high blue content in their light. It is hoped the petition can lead lights suppliers Energy Qld to start replacing the old-style mercury bulb streetlights with the approved new dark sky sensitive amber lights, with shielded ttings. Action is needed now so that the mercury bulbs are not replaced with even worse blue-rich LED bulbs. The money saved by moving to more energy ef cient lights completely offsets the changeover cost in just a few years. Here is the link to the petition and it’s easy and

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Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Your Club News If your club or organisation is an associate member of the Maleny District Sports and Recreation Club then you can publicise your club results and news in this, our “Community Billboard”. Keep your events diary up to date on the MDSARC Inc Web site so that we all know about your communities important events. This is your newsletter - let all of Maleny know the latest info from your club every week! All articles, results, posters and photos (as large sized jpegs, please do not embed these in a Word doc) for inclusion in the weekly sports results should be emailed to

Monday, 11 April 2022

Changed Traf c Conditions, Road Closures Anzac Day 25th April 2022 Dawn Service Roads will be closed from 0415am to 0500am from Maple Street and Bunya Street between Coral Street (roundabout) and Landsborough Maleny Road intersections. March in Maple Street Roads will be closed from 1000am to 1045 from Maple Street and Bunya Street between Myrtle Street and the Landsborough Maleny Road intersections. This includes Fig Street, Teak Street and Coral Street. Main Day Service Roads will be closed from 1045am to 1230pm Maple Street and Bunya Street between Coral Street (roundabout) and Landsborough Maleny Road intersections. Also due to safety reasons the Woolworths Maleny car park will be closed during these times and NO EXIT will be allowed. SES Traf c Control and detour signage will be in place during theses times. This is a directive from Queensland Police Service.

no later than 12 noon every Monday.

Club website:

Web Page Impressions Last 30 days 10089 Average Read Time 13min 07 secs



Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

“Saving the Dark in Maleny” Continued from Page 3 private - just click the link and follow the prompts: Petitions/Petition-Details?id=3730 The Astronomical Society of Australia of cially declared the Brisbane Astronomical Society’s operations (conducted at the Maleny Golf Club) to be the Maleny Observatory, in July 2021. One comment by a happy visitor on their FB page https:// said it all “‘I've been telling everyone how blown away I've been by the incredibe equipment available, similar or better than most observatories I’ve experienced. I just hope it doesn't get too busy that it becomes booked out! Congratulations on all the hard work and effort they all go to. The experience is nothing short of “astronomical!" This may just turn some of our Maleny kids into future astronomers. It's great for our town in so many ways. Now let's get on board with retaining our "dark sky" and rally behind the dark sky movement worldwide. Let's all get our outdoor lighting sorted and encourage retail and political parties to take this seriously.” Maleny Observatory’s Dr Ken Wishaw said "The Standards Association of Australia and New Zealand recognise the need for restrictions on outdoor lighting in the vicinity of designated observatories, so this will assist in keeping the Maleny Precinct dark”. But he needs our community support to go further. Already, Andrew Powell MP has taken up the cudgel, by sponsoring the petition, which has attracted 635 signatures already. Let's not be blinded by the light – and keep our starry skies. Please sign and share the petition! Dark Sky and National Light Pollution Guidelines links at: light-pollution

Monday, 11 April 2022

Maleny Calendar of Events 2022 Have a Go at Tennis 5 & 6 April 9 11 am Maleny Tennis Club Maleny Showgrounds Kids Fun Tennis Day 13 April 8.00 am - 12 noon Witta Tennis Club Playhouse Creatures Maleny Players 22 April - 1 May Playhouse Maleny Showgrounds Anzac Day Services 25 April Witta, Maleny RSL and Maple Street Pattemore House Open Day 30 April 1 - 4 pm 15, Porters Lane North Maleny Wonderful Weekend of Wood Montville Woodies 30 April 1 May Montville Sportsground Alice in Wonderland Croquet Party 1 May 10.00 am Maleny Croquet Lawns Showgrounds Maleny Show Personalities High Tea 7 May Tranquil Park Autumn Fashion Parade by Flaunt & Imelda’s Shoes 19 May 9.30 am Pat Daley Centre Maleny Catholic Church Maleny Show 27 - 28 May 2.00 pm Maleny Showgrounds Muscle on the Mountain 3 July 6.30 am Maleny Showgrounds A Springtime Affair Fashion Parade and Morning tea 15 September Maleny Hospital Auxiliary Maleny Community Centre Maleny Garden Club Spring Fair 1st October see details…….. Find out more at: goe-2022/ To add your local organisation events to this list simply email details to:


Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

Maleny Show is All Go

The welcome news is that the Maleny Show 2022 is to go ahead – and is just 6 weeks away, on the 27th and 28th May! The rst Maleny Show was held on April 24th, 1923.

Meanwhile, we thought you’d enjoy this picture of a very early Maleny Show and a few words about it from Desley Malone’s Maleny Historical Memories. This year’s show is a special Centenary Show, celebrating 100 years of Maleny Shows. So while the Maleny Show is always a great occasion, it’s extra special this year, with historical displays planned of memories of shows from a bygone era.

In this photo of an early Maleny Show, C1930, note Skerman and Mof tt’s sawmill on the hill on the left and the second butter factory, on the right. It looks like a patch of corn on the left. Photo Above: Maleny Show, c 1930

2022 Maleny Show Society 100 Years Lorna - A Champion of Champions There are champions. And then there’s Lorna of Arley. The story starts when Ernest Edward Downes Lawley married Minnie Almira Catherine Clark in 1917. They moved to the 84 acres of scrub land at Reesville which they called “Arley” (named after the village which the Lawley’s originally came from in Shropshire, England. They cleared the scrub, built their home, dairy and farm buildings, and planted pasture and turned it into prime dairy farm land. Their children were Evelyn, Alan and Val.

Written by Ed Lawley

Evelyn was born at home before Maleny had a hospital. In 1922, Ernie had high hopes for his favourite cow which he had bred (Lorna of Arley) so he decided to walk her all the way to Landsborough railway siding, loaded with a couple of weeks provisions for them both. They had two train changes to Brisbane RNA Exhibition grounds, and Lorna won the prestigious prize of Champion Butterfat Cow of Queensland 1922, with such incredible production gures - she produced 59kg of milk and 3.5kg of butter in 48 hours - considering the ordeal she had gone through to get there. Lorna went on to win the same accolade at the rst Maleny Show in 1923. The milking record stood unbroken for over 40 years. That was his rst “Lorna”






and her bloodline is still being shown at agricultural shows around Australia today. Amongst a collection of champion ribbons and trophy’s he gathered over a forty year period is a Champion's ribbon from the 1922 Brisbane Royal National, preserved and on display at Maleny Show 2022 along with other memorabilia. Ernie and Alex Bryce ,along with another unknown put in 10 pounds each to kickstart the Maleny Agricultural Show at a meeting in 1922. His son, Alan, and then grandson Edward followed in his footsteps to carry on the family dairying tradition with pride. (With thanks to the Glasshouse County and Maleny News) Photo: Lorna of Arley Butterfat Cow of Queensland 1922 at the RNA 2022 Maleny Show Society 100 Years: Lorna - A Champion of Champions

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

Maleny Golf Club

Golf scores and news from Maleny Golf Club. Tuesday 05 April, 2022: Maleny Golf Club held a Mixed 4BBB (four ball best ball) Mixed Competition with rst place going to Brian Norman & Colin Mcdonald with 50 nett, (these two players also won the Memorial Trophy) as this day was allotted to recognise all of the past members of our Club who participated in forming a cattle farm into the wonderful golf club which we all enjoy. Runners-up were Paul Dean & Chris Zilverschoon with 47 nett and third place went to Grant Flynn & Paul Viertel with a 45 nett. Nearest to the pins went to Derek McDowell on the rst hole, Heath Gray on the eighth and twelfth holes and Paul Viertel on the seventeenth holes. Wednesday 06 April, 2022: The ladies played in the Judi Coey Monthly Medal 18 hole Stroke plus putts competition with Toni Bishop coming in rst place with 73 nett on a count-back from Kerry Nieper, also with 73 nett, runner-up went to Pauline Fraley with 74 nett and third place went to Penny Edwards with 75 nett, also on a count-back with

Christine Lemon. Nearest to the Pins went to Pauline Fraley on the eighth hole and Toni Bishop on the twelfth hole. Saturday 09 April, 2022: There was a Mixed Stableford played with rst place going to Dale Cowie with 38 points, runner-up was Chris Small with 35 points and third place went to Ryan Northover with 34 points. Nearest to the Pins went to Adam Denmeade on the rst hole, Billy Perske on the eighth hole and Jeff Southwell on the fourteenth hole. Please phone our clubhouse on 5499 9960 to book yourselves in for a game of golf or go to our website at: Maleny Golf Club welcomes members, visitors, families and friends to enjoy golf on an awardwinning course set high on the range in a beautiful natural environment. It is open to members and visitors 7 days a week.

Get Active On the Move with Rachel Lockman Due to the Maleny Show and the week leading to it, Rachel would like to advise her clients that her Get Active classes from Wednesday 18th until Monday 30th May (inclusive) will be held at the MDSRC Clubhouse on the Maleny Precinct. During this time, the Monday and Thursday 5:30pm class will be H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training) a mixture of cardio, strength and core in a fun and effective short workout.

The Monday 5:45am and the Wednesday 5:30p class will be RIP or pump which is done with a step, a bar and weights a very popular class. The Wednesday 6am Circuit class is a Circuit workout with a mixture of different exercises in a circuit layout. These are all fun and effective full body workouts. Until then and for info on Rachel's regular classes at their usual venue of the Maleny Showgrounds. Rachael said, “I am passionate about my own health and tness and very excited to be able to help others to reach their health, tness and weight goals.”








Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

Wonderful Weekend of Wood Coming Up! Here’s one not to miss and to mark in your diaries now - the Blackall Range Woodcrafters Guild (the Montville Woodies) is holding a two-day Open Day of all things wood on 30th April - 1st May. The event will be held at the Woodies Clubhouse 230-238 Balmoral Road, Montville, 3km south of the Montville town centre.

Drawn Thursday 14th April 2022 at 8p.m.

There will be woodworking demonstrations, timber for sale and a broad range of craft items and toys available for purchase. In addition, there will be a ’Tool Cave’ stocked with preloved hand and power tools for sale at attractive prices. You’ll be able to indulge your inner woodworker, or buy some early Christmas presents for the family and we’ll bring you more details and photos of what to expect in upcoming editions.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

JP's in the Community The Maleny Neighbourhood Centre have been informed that the JP's in the Community Program at Maleny Neighbourhood Centre will commence again from Monday 7 February 2022 9.30am– 12.30pm Monday to Friday.

Rosetta Books Providing Covid Safe Options Great service from Rosetta Books of Maleny - as well as home delivery, you can phone your order through on 5435 2134 and collect at the door if you'd rather not enter shops at present.

Monday, 11 April 2022

Greetings all 'Theatre goers'

Just a reminder to buy your tickets for Playhouse Creatures. Book now and avoid disappointment. Our opening night is on Friday April 22nd at 7pm, tickets. Tickets cost $30 which includes complimentary drink and nibbles. All other performances $25 - we look forward to seeing you at the Playhouse. (Age 15 years and over Includes Strong language/sexual references) Tickets are available at or directly at trybooking; All audience to be fully vaccinated against Covid 19 and be prepared to show proof upon entry to theatre.

Helping you to shop local and helping to support local business!

Maleny Cultural and Historical Society Pioneer Village. 7 Bryce Lane Maleny

Opening Days: Tuesday and Saturday 9am to 4 pm

Entry by donation. Contact 5499 9030 or

Division 5 Councillor Winston Johnston

Contact details

Cr Winston Johnston's of ce is located in the Eddie building on the corner of Currie and Bury Streets, Nambour.

If you would like to meet with Cr Johnston, please call to arrange an appointment. Phone:

(07) 5441 8043. Mobile. 0429 076 066.



Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

Teutoburg to Witta European settlers arrived on the Blackall Range in the 1880's to carve out a place to live among thick vine scrub. They cleared the land and created their own little settlement. Now you can read about it in the book, “Teutoberg to Witta”. This richly illustrated book of the fascinating story of Witta from 1880's to 1916, written by local historians Dale Lorna Jacobsen and Dr Steve Chaddock is now well and truly out and selling well! Do you have your copy yet? At just $25 - it is a bargain and is available from local outlets: The Crooked Fringe at Witta Sommer's Fuel Supplies at Witta Rosetta Books in Maple Street Maleny Info Centre in Maple Street and, of course, from the authors Steve and Dale. Look out for info on their upcoming of cial launch that will be at the Witta Rec Club. See more at the FB page:


Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

Maleny Trail Parkrun You too can be leaping for joy EVERY Saturday morning at the Maleny Trail Parkrun on the Maleny Community Precinct. What is Maleny Parkrun? It’s a 5km trail, 6.40 am for 7.00 am start every Saturday and you must register, just once, to be a participant as many times as you like - and its all FREE! Register at the web site below: The event starts at the Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club building at the bottom of Parklands Drive via Porters Lane, North Maleny. Please come along and join in, whatever your pace! Run, jog or walk, everyone is welcome - and your pooches too on a lead. For full results, pix and more, visit:

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Hello all

Monday, 11 April 2022

Wi a Tennis Kid’s Fun

The weather and Covid have impacted our Kid's Clinics and Fun Days. Let's try again during the upcoming Easter Break. Witta Tennis is holding a Fun Day on Wednesday 13 April - 8am. Please see attached Flyer and rsvp to Maree 0437 295 501 or by return email.

Witta Tennis Social Tennis

Don’t forget social tennis at Witta on Mondays at 8a.m. and Saturdays at 1p.m. For more information contact Pauline 0428 253 070


Kids - all ages and levels


Wednesday 13 April 8.00am – 12.30pm


Tennis Fun and Games, Mini Round Robyn Tournament Targets and the Piñata Homemade Morning Tea, Fruit & Hot Dogs

What to Wear:

Sunscreen, Hat and Trainers

What to Bring:


Cost: $25.00 Register at: email: or text 0437 295 501

WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENTS! Please check with the below organisation during COVID to ensure that they are still operating as per the below list.

Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606. Social Tennis every Monday 8.00 am Witta Tennis Club. All Welcome. Mixed Social Tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30am to 8.30am Maleny Showgrounds Ladies Social Tennis every Thursday at 7.30am Maleny Showgrounds Badminton every Monday 6.30-8.30 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. PickleBall every Monday 6.30p.m. to 8.30p.m. Maleny High School Activities Centre. Maleny Bowls Club. Pairs/triples competition each Tuesday 8.30am for 9am. All welcome. Call Joe 0401 987 900 Burger & Bowls Twilight Bowls every Wednesday from 6 pm. Learners welcome, bowls provided ph Wendy 0438 399 604. Scroungers With a Mate Bowls every Friday 2 pm. Club Acoustic Encore local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL. Pattemore House Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon 15, Porters Lane. Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL. Tennis Under Lights every Friday Witta Tennis Club. BYO drinks and nibbles Contact. Pauline 0428 253 070. Maleny Trail Parkrun every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct. Witta Tennis Club Social Tennis every Saturday 1.00 pm. All Welcome. Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL. Social Table Tennis every Sunday 1 - 5 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. All welcome! Please email your weekly regular event to for inclusion every week


Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

Flexilink - Transport for Locals Do you live between Conondale and Maleny? Then Flexilink might be the way to go. Even more valuable in the school holidays is Council’s Conondale to Maleny Flexilink transport service - for only $2 per trip. Funded by Council and using Maleny’s Taxi service, the service operates 3 return trips per day, Monday to Saturday, and where possible, the service connects with buses in Maleny. Bookings essential by phoning 1300 511 163. If there are no bookings for a scheduled service, a vehicle will not be dispatched.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

Maleny Show-grounds Camping

Maleny Showgrounds is open for camping. This ground offers camping year-round (maximum 3 night stay), except during major events & seasonal blackout dates. All campers who can adhere to the Qld Health, Sunshine Coast Council and Qld Government regulations pertaining to Covid-19 social distancing and hygiene guidelines are welcome. Enjoy a peaceful environment close to town. Groups and caravanning clubs are welcome. Cost is just $25 per night. Electricity, water, toilet/shower facilities, access to Dump Point are all available. Find all the details at the web site:

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Digital Books at the

Maleny Library?


Did you know that you can access 1000s of free eAudiobooks using your Sunshine Coast Libraries

Search various titles suitable for adults, teens and children. Library members can borrow up to 30 eAudiobooks from each provider for a period of two weeks. Get the Sunshine Coast Library App It is a simple tool for smartphones and tablets. With the myLibrary app, Libraries are always open. With this app you have fast access to your member account, loans and reservations To nd out more about borrowing visit: eAudiobooks

Monday, 11 April 2022

Maleny Men’s Shed News The Maleny and District Men's Shed has over 50 members and meets Tuesdays and Fridays from 8am to midday. It was formed in 2006 for the fellowship & education of guys. Coordinator Secretary Malcolm Baker Phone. 0417785548 Address: 7 Bryce Lane, Maleny Qld 4552 Email: Shed Activities Woodworking, Metal Work, Blacksmith work shop. Also have an opportunity to assist the Historical Society renovating buildings or working on old farm machinery. Opening Hours. Tuesday & Friday 8am to noon Follow our progress at:

WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENTS! Please check with the below organisation during COVID to ensure that they are still operating as per the below list.

Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606. Social Tennis every Monday 8.00 am Witta Tennis Club. All Welcome. Mixed Social Tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30am to 8.30am Maleny Showgrounds Ladies Social Tennis every Thursday at 7.30am Maleny Showgrounds Badminton every Monday 6.30-8.30 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. PickleBall every Monday 6.30p.m. to 8.30p.m. Maleny High School Activities Centre. Maleny Bowls Club. Pairs/triples competition each Tuesday 8.30am for 9am. All welcome. Call Joe 0401 987 900 Burger & Bowls Twilight Bowls every Wednesday from 6 pm. Learners welcome, bowls provided ph Wendy 0438 399 604. Scroungers With a Mate Bowls every Friday 2 pm. Club Acoustic Encore local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL. Pattemore House Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon 15, Porters Lane. Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL. Tennis Under Lights every Friday Witta Tennis Club. BYO drinks and nibbles Contact. Pauline 0428 253 070. Maleny Trail Parkrun every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct. Witta Tennis Club Social Tennis every Saturday 1.00 pm. All Welcome. Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL. Social Table Tennis every Sunday 1 - 5 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. All welcome! Please email your weekly regular event to for inclusion every week


Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Petrina Fox Counsellor

Need to talk? Counselling is available with Petrina Fox at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre.

Social Tango and Latin Dancing

Have you always wanted to Cha-Cha-Cha? Social Tango and Latin Dancing is coming to the Maleny RSL! The upcoming date for these sessions are 18th March and 20th May 2022, from 5:30 pm to 7:30’ish.

Appointments are available every Monday between 9am and 12:30pm. Petrina Fox, BSW, M.Soc.Sc (Couns) M.Ed., is an experienced social worker and counsellor. Her counselling approach is person-centred and her experience includes relationship, grief and loss issues, mild mood disorders and traumas. Her main goal is to support the quality of a client's intra and interpersonal relationships and social functioning and to help reduce their stress/ distress.

Monday, 11 April 2022

Come along and enjoy drinks, dinner and – let’s dance! For more information text Elle or Peter 0425 151 788 or 0429 061 444

To book: please call MNC on 5499 9345 Cost: a suggested donation of $10 per session to the MNC. (If you are experiencing hardship please discuss with us).

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

What’s On at the Maleny Library? International Travel Update Tuesday 19th April 10- 11.30 am Tips for iPhones Wednesday 27th April 10-11.30am Cybersafety Wednesday 4th May 10-11.30am Wills and Estates. Thursday 5th May 10-11.30am Tips for Android Wednesday 11th May 10-11.30am Taming Your Muse. Tuesday 24th May 10-11.30am Digital Storage. Wednesday. 25th. May 10-11.30am Small Business Law Thursday 9th June 10-11.30am Selling Online. Wednesday 22nd June 10-11.30am Contact Gayle Pope Library Of cer 5435 3125 To nd out more about the Sunshine Coast Library visit:

Monday, 11 April 2022


Maleny Branch of the QCWA will be hosting an open day where you can come along and learn all about our Country Kitchens health promotion program.

The day will involve a recipe demonstration with taste testers, with a focus on native Australian ingredients. Come along to learn about healthy eating and try some delicious Country Kitchens recipes featuring native Australian bush foods! Date: Tuesday, 26th April Time: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Venue: Girl Guide Hut, 17 Cedar St, Maleny RSVP: 22nd April Spots are limited! To register your interest before the RSVP date or to book your seat please call Cynthia Daniels on 07 5499 9639 between 5-7pm or email Judy Stubbs on:



Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

Maleny Pool still closed

The Maleny Community Pool; has remained closed this year because of circumstances beyond the control of the facility. The pool is owned by the Education Department and is located in the grounds of the Maleny State School. It is a 6 lane 25 meter heated pool. The pool has been closed since March 2021. Whilst it was expected to re-open in February 2022, but is now expected to open in August 2022. Anita from Water Resist will be opening the pool. The club is still trying to recruit a casual lifeguard In the short term swimmers can use the pools at either Conondale or Beerwah.

Alice in Wonderland Croquet

Don’t be late for a very important date! Sunday the 1st of May will see the Range Croquet Club’s lawns decorated for an Alice in Wonderland Croquet Party, to celebrate a Centenary of Croquet in Qld. Everyone is invited to join in the fun from 10.00 am until 1.00 pm – come dressed in your best Alice-themed costumes for Wonderland croquet for all ages! Playing cards and amingos, fun family games, biscuit bags for the kids, tea, coffee and scones for the grown ups - and all for a gold coin donation. The croquet lawns are situated in the Maleny Showgrounds. Contact Sarah 0417640704 for full details.

Support the Maleny Hospital Auxiliary Maleny Hospital Auxiliary are a volunteer organisation that raises funds to support patient comfort while at the Maleny Hospital and new members are welcome! Did you know that the Maleny Hospital Auxiliary works in all sorts of different ways to bene t our community? Currently, they're working diligently on the Hospital gardens, particularly in preparation for the upcoming Anzac Day service, and fundraising in earnest for the refurbishment of the Palliative Care Rooms. If you can help the in any way, or would like to attend a meeting, please contact them at:



Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 11 April 2022

The Range Croquet Club - Maleny Our club has been humming with our involvement in the Sunshine Coast Regional Championships for two weeks. Bill Habner (Nambour) and Ken Barker won the Regional ricochet doubles competition played at Nambour on the 28th of March.

Sarah 11 squeezing victory from Kath and Sally 6 while Wallace and Vince could not contain a rampant Donna losing 8 – 20.

On the 30th March the regional open association competition was held on our lawns with two of our players Sarah Widin and Ken playing well but not placing. Mike Bertram (Caloundra) and Bill Habner (Nambour) were the winner and runner up respectively. The regional assciation second division was hosted by Nambour with three of our players performing well. Sarah winning three from ve, Donna Manning three and Ken ve. Ken won the event, Bill Habner (Nambour) with four wins was runner up. This report, however, will focus on the 3rd and 4th division regional tournament which was hosted by The Range, Maleny and elded the maximum 8 players. Competition was erce, but friendly, with two blocks of four and the winner of each playing a nal on the 5th of April. Ricki Barrett (Caloundra) met Bernadette Luck (Bribie) in a tense encounter which went right to the wire, Ricki winning by just one hoop. The attached photo shows Ricki and Bernadette with their prizes. Congratulations to all players who participated. It’s worth noting that an 88 years young player performed very well in his event. Many thanks also to those who of ciated, especially Donna for her organization, Sarah, Vince, and Val Carbery for refereeing and to Wallace Roy and Robert Lee for their preparation of our lawn which was commented favourably on by all who played. Play returned to normal on Thursday 7th with Priscilla Vickers and Sarah beating Kath Smith and Sally Adams 13 – 10 while Helen Uhlman went down to Wallace Roy 8 – 15. Nick Cram nearly pegged Ken’s ears back losing narrowly 12 – 14. Sunday 10th with Stuart Craig and







Note that with cooler weather and shorter days approaching our play times will revert to 1 pm for 1.30 pm start. Play days: Thursday and Sunday 1.00 pm for 1.30. Contact Sarah Widin for other days. Please arrive at 1 pm for games to be arranged by 1.15. Coaching: is available on Saturday mornings at 8 am Our web address is: https:// For details contact Sarah Widin 0417640704 (President ) Attached photo left: Ricki Barrett (Caloundra) and Bernadette Luck (Bribie) winner and runner up respectively of the regional association 3rd and 4th division tournament played at Maleny. Photo above: Club coach, Vince Carbery coaching members.



Our courts may be available for community use or for special events, like workplace teambuilding or social gathering. Our croquet equipment may be available for your guests in some special occasion (e.g. wedding) if suitable grounds are available. If you are interested, please phone, email or use the contact page.

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