Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club Results for the period to 22.06.2020

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Inc Newsletter Conondale’s Quiet Achievers The Sunshine Coast’s pioneer history would not be complete without the stories of the pioneers who took up land and lived in the sheltered fertile valleys of the Conondale district where creeks flow into the headwaters of the Mary River valley. In 1841, the Archer brothers took up Durundur Station which was about seven kilometres from what is now the town of Woodford. This country was very desirable as it contained rich stands of fine timbers, including blackbutt, ironbark and cedar along the river banks. Cleared grassed areas made the area one of promise for settlers looking for grasslands to raise cattle, sheep and horses. In 1851, Donald McKenzie lodged a land tender for the head water of the Mary River and named his station ‘Conondale’. Though experienced with sheep, he was not an experienced stockman and his cattle in the Conondale hills became unruly and unworkable. A mortgage was foreclosed on the property as Mr McKenzie could not meet his liabilities. A J McConnel then bought Conondale Station and his homestead looked over the fine Mary River country.

Three routes that traversed the Conondale Range were used by early explorers and settlers. One went past Durundur, along the Stanley River, and up the steep spur to the crest of the Conondale Range crossing and continued down the northern slopes to Conondale Station, following the Mary River. An extremely steep path on the southern side of the range was the Postman’s Track which was used to provide a weekly postal service with packhorse and is still in use today. When gold was discovered in Gympie in 1867, hundreds of gold seekers passed that way to the Gympie gold fields by the rough track. The gold seekers travelled through the isolated region along Postman’s Track then followed the rich flats of the Mary River towards Gympie, passing the selections of Durundur and Conondale. The only transport that could cross the range were bullock drays and people pushing wheel barrows and tramping along on foot. When the station at Conondale was divided for settlement, the township kept the name Conondale. Some of the early Conondale pioneers included Carl Ehlerth, who arrived in 1891. He and his son Carl, aged 11, built

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

their home on Portion 148V, Conondale from pit sawn timber. Ernest Ehlerth, born in 1892, later became a world champion axeman.

Ernie Ehlerth axeman competing at the Brisbane Show 1910

Pioneer George Ahern came to Conondale in 1897 soon after Conondale was cut up into smaller blocks. There was no road when George Ahern took up his selection so for years the family herded their pigs and turkeys to market with the aid of kelpie dogs. Later his descendant, Conondale’s Mike Ahern, would become Premier of Queensland. George and Annie Tilney came from the Woodford district to a selection at Conondale in 1909.

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Your Club News If your club or organisation is an associate member of the Maleny District Sports and Recreation Club then you can publicise your club results and news in this, our “Community Billboard”. Keep your events diary up to date on the MDSARC Inc Web site so that we all know about your communities important events. This is your newsletter - let all of Maleny know the latest info from your club every week! All articles, results, posters and photos (as large sized jpegs, please do not embed these in a Word doc) for inclusion in the weekly sports results should be emailed to no later than 12 noon every Monday.

Club website:

Monday, 22 June 2020

Strange Bedfellows at Ziza With the Light Horse’s Ziza Field in the news lately, some readers have asked about the significance of the name. Troop President Terry Murphy provided this great rendition of the story of the surrender at Ziza that highlights the relevance to their 5th Light Horse Regiment. It serves as as an unusual tale of peace between enemies in the midst of a bloody war. A bizarre situation occurred on September 28, 1918, as 5,000 despondent soldiers retreating from Arabia from the Turkish Maan garrison, arrived at the village of Ziza, south of Amman. The Maan garrison was hopelessly cut off and had been fleeing northwards. The Turkish soldiers were being harassed by a Bedouin Arab tribe numbered in their thousands called the Beni Sakr, who intimidated and circled them like vultures waiting to collect the booty, as they were wont to do. Soon after daylight, a resourceful young pilot dropped a message into the Turkish camp, telling the commander that Amman with all the water to the north was held by Major General Chaytor, that resistance was useless and that if he did not surrender his force, he would be heavily bombed from the air that evening. Not receiving a reply, two squadrons of the 5th Light Horse Regiment from Queensland were sent to investigate. They discovered that whist he was willing to surrender to a British force strong enough to defend his disarmed men against the Arabs, the Turkish Commander could not risk doing so to a handful of Light Horsemen. Lieutenant Colonel Cameron, the cluey leader of the 5th Light Horse Regiments, promptly took two Arab chiefs hostage, put the Turks around them and ordered the Turks to hold their arms and protect themselves (thus protecting the Australians who were outnumbered eight to one), and told the Arabs that if they attacked, their chiefs would immediately be shot!

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Conondale’s Quiet Achievers (Con5nued from Page 1) They rode horses and in steep parts walked and carried all of their possessions. Life was lonely and Annie Tilney was determined that her children would be educated. She rode a horse to Landsborough, took a train to Brisbane and visited the Department of Instruction to see if a teacher could be appointed. How did Annie feel when she was told that the minister was engaged that day? She must have met with some success because by 1912 a provisional school had started in Conondale. The Tilney family established a dairy and young teenager Daisy Tilney used to pack saddle the cream on horseback in five gallon cans up the isolated range to Witta. Daisy would leave the cans of cream in a hollow tree for the cream carter to pick up and take to

Jack Beausang in his tennis whites

the Maleny Co-operative butter factory which started operations in 1904. In the early 1920s, Richard and Elizabeth Beausang moved from Gympie to Conondale. Elizabeth had seven children, including son Jack Beausang who became the long standing shire chairman of Landsborough Shire and the first mayor of Caloundra City. He also became president of the Queensland Local Government Association. When Eumundi-born Minnie English moved to Conondale in 1928 her 14-year-old son “Tiger” and a school friend walked their dairy herd from Eumundi to their new Conondale farm, taking three days to reach their destination. Another Conondale identity was Sir Manuel Richard Hornibrook OBE who was born on August 7, 1893. He was the second son of seven children of Irish-born John and Catherine Hornibrook who took up farming near Conondale in 1896. At the age of 13, Manuel became an apprentice to HW Fookes of Adelaide Street, Brisbane and learned the building and joinery trade. Manuel Hornibrook made his reputation as a bridge builder, including the construction of such bridges as the William Jolly and the Story Bridge in Brisbane, with the Hornibrook Highway named after him. The majority of the ironbark timber used in the construction of the Hornibrook Highway was supplied from the Conondale and

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Maleny areas by Hornibrooks Conondale mill. Two other mills in the Obi Obi district, run by Hamilton Sawmills Pty. Ltd., which was a subsidiary, also supplied timber for the famous Hornibrook Highway bridge. The Conondale Timbers Sawmill is now listed on the Queensland Heritage Register. Another claim to fame was that his company Hornibrook Constructions was responsible for the super structure of the Sydney Opera House including the saillike roof. Manuel was awarded an OBE in 1957 and knighted in 1960. Sir Manuel’s lack of formal education was compensated for by common sense, vision and a hard-working spirit. Times were difficult for the early pioneer families in the isolated region of Conondale. Names such as Fleiter, Ahern, Tilney, Sirl, Raddatz, Minchenton, English, Tesch, Layt and many others are to be acknowledged in the development of the region. Their sheer tenacity and remarkable accomplishments in the face of such adversity, showed a group of people that “got on with it”, achieving so much with so little during tough times whilst appreciating the good. Today Conondale is a small thriving community with a store, school, a swimming pool and magnificent state forests which can be accessed with guided walks and camping areas for all to enjoy.

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Conondale’s Quiet Achievers (Con5nued from Page 3) Conondale Memorial Recreation Park is the home of the Australian Motocross Championship, a major event that attracts participants and spectators from throughout Australia. Thanks to Sunshine Coast Council’s Heritage Library for this story and Picture Sunshine Coast for the images.

School Holiday Children ac5vi5es School holidays are just around the corner, and Sunshine Coast Council, Sunshine Coast Libraries and the Caloundra Regional Gallery have some free activities to get you out of the house – or keep kids entertained inside on a rainy day. A list of activities bing organised by the Sunshin Coast council is available at: News-Centre/Free-Sunshine-Coast-winter-schoolholiday-activities.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Strange Bedfellows at Ziza (Continued from Page 2)

The 7th Light Horse Regiment assisted in the defence of the position overnight and this unlikely coupling of Turkish and Australian troops stood guard until daylight. By the next morning the New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade had arrived and it was safe to disarm the Turks and formally take them prisoner. Thus the Turks and Australians, who had fought one another for 4 years, spent the night happily together until reinforcements arrived in the morning and they were escorted safely away from the disapproving Arabs into the custody of the Allied forces.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Do you recognise where this photo was taken? This photoshops the Hoper Dairy Farm in McCarthy’s Road, Maleny. The site now includes the Maleny Dairy Factory and the improved pasture. The farm is still owned and operated by the Hopper Family and it is an important for Maleny employment.

H Septimus Power is well known for his superb largescale paintings of horses in battle. In ‘Ziza' the artist has captured this remarkable desert drama. This dramatic painting depicts the unique event where members the Australian Light Horse for one night shared food and fire with soldiers of the Turkish Army and joined forces with the Turks against Arabs from the Beni Sakhr tribes.

Maleny Paint Supplies 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny

for all of your painting supplies. Australian Made & Australian Family Owned Ultra Premium Paints. We are situated behind Maleny Motor Trimmers - there is plenty of parking so just drive on down Call in now to see our large range of products. Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Another major change made to Maleny

Another major change has been made to the Maleny landscape. People who have lived in Maleny a little longer will remember this site across from the

Maleny State School as the “Heading House” where the Heading Family stabled their school busses. Maleny’s history in Bunya Street is about to begin.

The next stage of

Sunshine Coast Libraries With the further easing of COVID-19 restrictions, Libraries are open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Customers can pick up reservations, browse and borrow items. Twenty customers are permitted in the library at any one time and the service is limited to ensure the safety of our community and staff.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Hello from MSHS Youth Support Coordinator From : Sue Krucker – Youth Support Coordinator @ Maleny State High School 3. appearing anxious or irritable when away from the computer 4. ongoing headaches, eye strain, sleep disturbance, excessive tiredness

Teens and Screens Following on from last week’s article about the importance of sleep, it seemed appropriate to share research and guidelines pertaining to our time spent on screens, especially our children, and the adverse effects on our physical and mental health. (Source : Queensland Health) Yes, watching TV, playing on an iPad and surfing the web can be entertaining and, sometimes, even educational, but too much time sitting in front of a screen can be bad for your health. Neuroimaging research shows excessive screen time damages the brain. The EFFECTS of too much screen time The possible physical effects of too much screen time and sedentary (still) behaviour range from poor posture, headaches and deteriorating eyesight, to weight gain due to unhealthy snacking and a range of sleep problems that can affect a teen’s physical reflexes and school performance. The mental effects of too much screen time include everything from social isolation, mood

swings and poor concentration, to memory impairment, risk-taking behaviour and an increase in ‘sick days’ and truancy. Teens can also be exposed to potentially harmful material and build unhealthy psychological habits that they can continue into their adult lives.

Try turning off the WiFi at night so teenagers aren’t on their devices when they should be sleeping.

It’s sometimes hard to know whether your child’s increased online time and changes in behaviour are just developmental or whether there is a problem. Usually if you are observing that online time is interfering with other aspects of you or your child’s life, then it’s time for a discussion about expectations and time limits.

5. obsession with particular websites or games 6. anger when being asked to take a break from online activity, negative changes in behaviour and declined interest in social activities like meeting friends or playing sport 7. a decline in academic performance and failing to complete schoolwork How to MINIMISE screen time Set some rules Negotiate rules according to your child’s lifestyle, educational needs and age. Work out a schedule that strikes the right balance between screen time and active time each day. Set family-wide rules (which means parents too!) such as no devices at meal times. Limit their usage to two hours per day (maximum).

1. general health and wellbeing neglected or reduced personal hygiene

Stick to time limits Set a timer for 20 – 30 minutes so your child knows when to take a break from sitting. Give your child a 5minute warning before their screen time is up. Set boundaries so your child knows what to expect. You may wish to try apps that can lock a device once the time limit has been reached.

2. isolated or withdrawn for long periods of time

Make screen time a privilege Make sure your teen does

Some behaviour changes to look out for (Source : Australian Parents Council Inc.)

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Hello from MSHS Youth Support Coordinator homework fi rst before they switch on the TV or computer, and make it clear that screen time needs to be earned and that it can be taken away at any time. Have screen-free days Have a screen-free day every once in a while where everyone turns everything off. Instead, plan a fun family activity or a meal out that doesn’t involve screens of any kind. Limit (or ban!) screen time in the bedroom The overuse of screen time and the stimulation that comes with it can signifi cantly affect the amount and quality of your teen’s sleep, and make it diffi cult for them to get out of bed in the morning. This is because exposure to ‘blue light’ throws out our body clock, which keeps our sleep cycles in check. Limit TV watching to shared areas & encourage your teen to switch off their phone before bed. Know what your children are watching and playing Take an interest in your children’s screen-based activities and stay aware of what they’re doing and how long they’re spending on different activities. Insist they

(Con5nued from previous page) use their devices where you can see them, regularly monitor what they’re looking at, and don’t allow TVs and computers in bedrooms.

games or activities for your children, so that you can suggest alternatives to watching TV or playing on the computer.

Make use of tools like WiFi passwords that will give you better control over how much and what your children can access online.

Establish routines Evening routines help families unwind from their busy days and will help children (especially younger ones) go to bed easier. Eating in front of a screen can stop kids from recognising when they are full, which can lead to overeating. Enjoy meal times together at the dining table and use it as an opportunity to share news and reconnect before bedtime.

Screen time can reduce sleep quality in many ways. Using electronic devices can delay bedtime, keep the mind busy, and disrupt the body’s natural circadian (sleep/wake) rhythm. These factors make it harder to get good quality sleep. Support better sleep habits by shutting down devices at least an hour before bedtime and keeping them out of the bedroom. Encourage healthy behaviours Encourage your kids to read, be physically active, take part in creative play and enjoy social time with both family and friends. Draw up a list of indoor and outdoor

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Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Be a good role model Be aware of your own screen use and be a good role model. Some families fi nd that everyone participating in a ‘phone fast’ for an hour each day can be a good way of breaking screen time habits. In a ‘phone fast’ everyone commits to not using their phone for a period of time each day, for example from 6-7pm each evening. Shut down that laptop, turn off the TV, grab the kids and enjoy some time in the great outdoors!

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Maleny Service Centre

One Stop Shop 1/16 Lawyer Street Maleny Ph: 5494 3444

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Hello from MSHS Youth Support Coordinator Recommended age-based screen time guidelines

(Con5nued from page 6)

Kids aged 5-17 should have no more than two hours of screen time a day.

Kids aged 2-5 should have no more than one hour of unrestrained (as in not sitting still) screen time a day – less is better. Evidence suggests that long periods of screen time are connected with slower development of language skills. Young children will benefi t more from talking, singing, reading or playing with other kids.

Children under 2 should have no screen time.

The less time spent inactive in front of a screen, the better their health will be. Break up long periods of sitting as often as possible with playing games outside, doing chores or playing with other kids.

Classification of Diseases (ICD), released June 18 2018. The definition of the condition states that gaming behaviour could be a disorder if it meets three characteristics: 1. if a person loses control over their gaming habits 2. if they start to prioritise gaming over many other interests or activities 3. if they continue playing despite clear negative consequences. Until next week, stay well and warm. Sue

The World Health Organisation recently decided to add “gaming disorder” to its list of mental health conditions in the update of the International

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Photo Below

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Night sky at Pattemore

Monday, 22 June 2020

Witta Tennis Unfortunately, all fixtures have been postponed until after Easter. Social tennis has also been postponed until further notice. You are still able to hire the courts at the Witta Recreation Club Complex. Court bookings 0437 295 501 or

QUOTA INTERNATIONAL OF MALENY A non-profit Organisa/on empowering women, children, the deaf, Hard-of-hearing and speech impaired in local communi/es around the world. Quota Interna/onal of Maleny meet the first Thursday of the month 6pm at the Maleny Hotel. New members welcome.


Suspended as a

Maleny Show Society Maleny Show 2020 Cancelled http://

For more information contact President Val France on 0419 599042 or email.

The Maleny Contract


e l l e Bridgeil Club r c n t e a Sessions n h e C U t Monday - 12.30pm. - Tuesday - 6.30pm. c r (Supervised) Wednesday - 9.30am. i Thursday - 12.30pm. u - Bridge Classes are run Fregularly. ot Visit the website N http://

15, Parklands Drive, Maleny. (off Porters Lane, North Maleny)

Maleny Senior Citizens

It is a very social activity while being constantly mentally stimulating”

All Activities have been cancelled for the present time.

Contact. Alan Robinson - 0400016502 or Jean Coffey - 0488182504 Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Winter Blues Drive-In Tickets are NOW available online for the Winter Blues Drive-In Concert on Saturday night 18 July at Maleny Showgrounds. Commencing at 5.00pm and running through to approximately 9.15pm, there is a fabulous and diverse line-up of local musical acts: Kevin Borich Express Vix & the Slick Chix The Spirit Blues Band Accidentally on Purpose

Monday, 22 June 2020

Maleny Bushrangers Junior Rugby Union It’s time for rugby again....and we’re looking for Junior players…u’ 10 boys, and u ’ 17 girls. Registration costs.only $50! We’d also like to hear from players of other age groups! Contact us at if you have juniors wanting to play this season.

Not only is it a drive-in, but to keep our musicians warm on these typically cold Maleny winter nights, they will perform on the stage in the Show Pavilion. This means there will be some seating for a limited number of people at tables indoors. There will be a large screen out on the oval which will live stream the musicians’ performances and people will be able to tune into our FM frequency on their car radios. The Maleny Hotel will provide yummy hot food which will be delivered to both tables and vehicles by a pre-ordering method. The licensed bar inside will only be for people seated indoors. Get in fast to get your tickets as limited seating inside due to COVID social distancing regs. Outside, bring your vehicle with a carload and it could work out as low as $10 each. You can bring your own food and get cosy with your rugs/blankets as Maleny gets cold on winter nights!

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston

Here are before and after photos of the maintenance work recently carried out at Gerrards Lookout, Balmoral Ridge. My thanks to Council's Asset Maintenance Department head, Tom Jamieson and Council's road maintenance crew for the prompt and efficient manner that they carried out my request for repairs to the parking area at Gerrards Lookout, Balmoral Ridge. I am looking forward to all the other requested works being completed at this and every other lookout within Division 5. Thanks Guys.

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Division 5 - Councillor

Winston Johnston Contact details

Cr Winston Johnston's office is located in the Eddie DeVere building on the corner of Currie and Bury Streets, Nambour. If you would like to meet with Cr Johnston, please call to arrange an appointment.

Phone: (07) 5441 8043 Mobile. 0429 076 066. Email:

Monday, 22 June 2020

Around Division 5 with

Cr Winston Johnston The Sunshine Coast Council advises members of the Sunshine Coast’s multicultural community and sector are encouraged to apply to join a key advisory group to help drive crucial cultural diversity matters and opportunities for our region. Members will provide key advice to council on implementing the Action Plan objectives and providing consultation between multicultural communities, the not-for-profit sector and government agencies. Nominations to be part of the Sunshine Coast Multicultural Advisory Group (MAG), are invited and applications can be made through the council web site at: MAG meetings will be held six times a year. Membership is voluntary and members are appointed for a two-year term. Nominations close 13 July. If you are a member of the multicultural community and live on the Sunshine Coast, you are welcome to apply.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Maleny Visitor Information Centre is Recruiting

The Maleny Visitor Information Centre is recruiting! MVIC is a not for profit, long-standing, independent community service, run by volunteers. The volunteers provide information to locals and visitors about ‘All Things Maleny’. If you are interested in joining the MVIC Call into the Centre and talk to some of the Vollies and apply at.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Workmanship Awards to Create a Habit of Excellence

It was Aristotle some 2400 years ago, who first said “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”

The Rotary Club of Maleny is recommencing their Pride of Workmanship Awards this year to provide businesses and organisations with an opportunity and a way to acknowledge and thank employees for this habit of excellence. “Given the COVID19 times, some employees have gone to exceptional lengths to help their managers and businesses in this difficult period,” said Rotary Club of Maleny Youth Director Paulette Steele. “This is a great way to publicly recognise their employees for their efforts. It seems it’s even more appropriate than ever to do so. Talking to a couple of businesses last Friday, there are some employees who have stood out with their massive efforts.”

“Members of the Rotary Club of Maleny will be going around the community and talking to as many businesses and organisations as possible and giving out nomination forms,” said President Elect Greg Williams. Nominees for the Pride of Workmanship program will be presented with a special plaque, which has their name engraved on it, in recognition of their achievements at a dinner at Tranquil Park on Saturday August 29. Nominators will explain the reasons and the achievement behind why each recipient was chosen.

Nominations commence now and the cutoff date is August 1st. As it is impossible to get to everyone,

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

please contact Paulette by email at if you want a nomination form or more information. It was Mark Twain who said,

“Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered – either by themselves or by others.” Let us hope that in our small way, the Rotary Club of Maleny can ensure the light is shone on someone who might otherwise go unnoticed. Photo: Rotary’s Paulette Steele with Hotel Maleny Manager Jo Veniamakis and incoming Rotary President Greg Williams

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MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

Maleny Golf Club Monday 15/06/2020: The Pelican Waters Vets Competition was held, playing in a Mixed Stableford Event with fi rst place going to Peter Tanner with 37 points, runner-up went to Chris Zilverschoon with 36 points and third place went to Bill Eykman with 34 points on a count-back from Paul Dean, also with 34 points. Tuesday 16/06/2020: Competition played was a Mixed Single Stableford. A Grade – fi rst place went to Richard Clayton with 39 points, runner-up went to Doug Evans with 36 points and third place went to Paul Dean with 35 points on a count-back from Scott Heywood and Trevor Fairley, also with 35 points each. B Grade – fi rst place went to Rod Thamm with 40 points, runner-up went to John Hay with 35 points on a count-back from Neil Stenhouse, also with 35 points and third place went to Mike Railton with 34 points. Wednesday 17/06/2020: The ladies in our Club played in a Single Stroke Nett competition with fi rst place going to Debbie Hansen with 68 nett, runner-

up was Sarah Harding with 69 nett and third place went to Christine Lemon with 71 points. Saturday 20/06/2020: There was a Mixed Single Stableford played with fi rst place going to Ian Dickson with 41 points, runner-up was Rupert Hohls with 39 points and third place went to Paul Dean with 37 points on a count-back from Steevie Marriner also with 37 points. Maleny Golf Club is a public golf course in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, operating within a picturesque links-style setting bounded by the Obi Obi Creek. If you wish to play golf on our NOW 18 hole golf course, please phone the Maleny Golf Club clubhouse and book yourself in for a game or go to our website at and put your name down to play. If you wish to find out more about the Maleny Golf Course simply visit the website:

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

MDSRC Inc Sports Results for the week ending

Monday, 22 June 2020

The Range Croquet Club - Maleny Musings from a newly minted croquet player

Whether it is an eagerness to participate in open-air activity, or a desire to put into action some of the plans formulated in the lock down,our lawns have seen a flurry of activity recently. Sarah Widin welcomed Miggy Mackey back with a friendly game on Thursday. Good scores of 17 – 12 were recorded in Sarah’s favour.

Vince Carbery played well against Ken Barker. Ken put together a couple of lucky breaks to get up 21 –17. Wallace Roy and Helen Andrews 10 played a tight game against Priscilla Vickers and Gillian Bradley 9.

On Sunday Kath Smith and Vince teamed up to beat Donna Manning and Stuart Craig 12 –8. Sarah and Helen 15 overpowered Wallace and Priscilla 6. Nick Cram and Ken played a topsyturvy-game, dogged by small miscalculations. The result was a win for Ken 18 –14.

For details contact Sarah Widin 0417640704 (President), Vince Carbery 54942193 (vice-president), or Priscilla Vickers 54943555 (secretary).

Maleny Botanical Gardens + Bird World Have you ever visited Maleny Botanical Gardens and Bird World or indeed did you eve know it existed?

In the attached photo Wallace shows good form executing what appears, by the position of his hands, a pass roll. In this shot the strikers ball travels further than the croquet ball. Play days have resumed! Thursday and Sunday afternoons are back. Please arrive at 1 pm for games to be arranged by 1.30.Supervised practice is available on Saturday mornings at 8am on our excellent lawns, 200 m in on the right side of the show grounds on entry. Please arrive at 1 pm for games to be arranged by 1.30. Supervised practice is available on Saturday mornings at 8 am on our excellent lawns, 200 m in on the righthand side of the showgrounds on entry. Contact Sarah for other days. Supervised practice: Saturday 8.00 amOur web address is:

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Set on over seven hectares the magnificent Gardens are positioned high on the escarpment in Stanley River Road, Maleny just past the Mountain View Road turnoff. The gardens are set in a panorama of waterfalls, lakes, ponds and colourful plantings. Uniquely landscaped layers, idyllic rainforest surroundings and a spectacular view of he Glasshouse Mountains. There is also an interactive Bird Encounter in the four adjoining Bird Aviaries bringing you up close and personal with colourful birds of the world from Finches to Macaws. Enjoy a Devonshire teas any time during the day in one of the gazebos. The gardens are open 9am to 4.30pm 7 days a week. With school holidays fast approaching it is well worth visit.

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