Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club Results for the period to 23.05.2022

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Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter “A History of the Maleny Showgrounds Reserve” This week as we head towards Friday and Saturday’s Maleny Show 2022, we are sharing a beaut little historical story, as recorded in the Nambour Chronicle and North Coast Advertiser on Friday 15th May 1925, by a writer with the nom de plume of “Pioneer”. The journalist wrote in the rich, owery language of the time. For those who are keen on local history, here is the story how Maleny came to have its own grounds and Agricultural Show in 1923. Maleny Show and Recreation Reserve "On the southern banks of the Obi Creek, the Maleny Show and Recreation Reserve contains an area of 18 acres and 2 roods on Portion 1271,

Parish of Maleny, County of March. It is one of the most conveniently situated public reserves outside the cities in Queensland. Yes! One only has to look over it to discover the natural advantages it has as a show and sports ground. "A beautiful at of several acres, with a gradual rising hill on the western side — an ideal spot from which to view the activities of the ring, and the beautiful creek running along the northern boundary, where cattle and horses can be watered most conveniently” Willow trees have been planted along the banks of this creek and ornamental trees are to be planted around the ring, adding beauty to the grounds. The acquisition of this ground, forms rather interesting reading — so let me to my task.

Continued on Page 2



Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Your Club News If your club or organisation is an associate member of the Maleny District Sports and Recreation Club then you can publicise your club results and news in this, our “Community Billboard”. Keep your events diary up to date on the MDSARC Inc Web site so that we all know about your communities important events. This is your newsletter - let all of Maleny know the latest info from your club every week!

Monday, 23 May 2022

A History of the Maleny Showgrounds Reserve Continued from Page 1 Some twenty odd years ago, when the dairy pioneers of the Blackall Range thought it desirable to build a butter factory, the spot selected was centrally situated on the banks of the Obi Creek. The name chosen was the Maleny Co-operative Dairy Company, and gradually the township spread out in this vicinity. At this time, and for a few years afterwards, there was no provision made for a public reserve for recreation purposes, Maleny township having been built on private property. As years rolled by, this want became more and more pronounced.

All articles, results, posters and photos (as large sized jpegs, please do not embed these in a Word doc) for inclusion in the weekly sports results should be emailed to no later than 12 noon every Monday.

Club website:

Donkeys tethered in the Showgrounds C1922 In the early pioneer days most of the local sports meetings were held in Walker's paddock, and later, in Dunlop's paddock. (Note: Dunlops Paddock is now the back oval of the Maleny Primary School). The district owes a deep debt of gratitude to the owners of these properties, where many pleasant days were spent by old and young alike, and where much money was raised for local purposes.” (Written by 'Pioneer’) We pick up the rest of the story with records about Maleny Show's history regarding the development of the Maleny Showgrounds, taken from Trove and the Nambour Chronicle

Continued on Page 3 Web Page Impressions Last 30 days 8090 Average Read Time 14 min 29 secs

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

A History of the Maleny Showgrounds Reserve

and North Coast Advertiser as follows.

time was lost in convening a public meeting.

The necessity of a public reserve was often spoken of by early residents. It was the Maleny branch of the Queensland Famers Union that took the rst steps, which ultimately resulted in the procuring of the present site.

Discussion ensued whether a Show and Recreation Society to be formed, or an Agricultural, Industrial, Pastoral and Recreational Society. Cr Tytherleigh presided, and the following resolution was carried unanimously: ‘That in the opinion of this meeting it is desirable to form a Show and Recreation Society in Maleny.’ The role of provisional show committee had ended.

In 1919 the Landsborough Shire Council was asked to procure ground in Maleny suitable for recreation purposes. Eventually “18 acres and 2 roods” were procured. A public meeting of rate payers was called and a 'provisional committee' with Mr. A. M. Hunt as chairman and Mr. W. H. Simmons as secretary was appointed. This committee eventually recommended the block of land now known as the Maleny Show and Recreation Reserve. Steps were taken to purchase this property from Mrs Chas Walker, but the price asked was prohibitive: therefore, it only remained for the Council to take the necessary action, and resume the portion required. It was not until 1922 that Chairman Tytherleigh was of cially noti ed that the reserve had been vested in the Council, as trustees. When this news came to the provisional committee, no

The 1925 Nambour Chronicle and North Coast Advertiser (15 May 1925) lists the 42 men on the rst Show Committee: Messrs. A. C. K. Cooke, A. M. Hunt, junr. Tytherleigh, A. Fleming, C. H. Dinning, J. N. Robinson, Thomas Porter, P. Daley, E. S. Webster, A. N. Webster, Geo. McCarthy, S. A. Sallaway, A. McLean, G. Smith, A. J. Bryce, Robt. Bryce, Chas. Bryce, E. Hunt, D. C. Johnstone, Jno. Grigor, senr, A. S. Cooke, H. O. Rees, junr, E. Thynne, R. Gibson, A. J. French, W. Walker,







It was decided to hold the rst Maleny Show on the 26th and 27th of April, 1923. The new committee was then faced with the Herculean task of changing a veritable wilderness of lantana, wild tobacco, and undergrowth into a ground suf ciently well improved so that a show could be held This photo is a forerunner to our annual show, taken in 1917 at a Sports Day on Dunlops Flats, to raise money for Maleny’s Ambulance. Jumping has a long history at the Maleny Show where many National Champion Horses have performed. The rider in the photo was Lou Rough, an uncle to the late Frank Rough, who worked at the Butter Factory at the time.

A Sunday School and Community Picnic in Dunlops Paddock 1910/11


F. H. B. Hirst, Thomas McLean, G. B. Sutton, Ben Bryce, F. E. Knott, J. B. Gibson, Alf Robinson, Jas. Robinson, R. J. Bodley, J. Grigor, junr, Reg. Cox, Alf. Kropp, A. Boxsell, A. Horn, C. Mof t and W. H. Harder.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Maleny Calendar of Events 2022

Pattemore House Open Day 28 May 1 - 4 pm 15, Porters Lane North Maleny Maleny Show 27 - 28 May 2.00 pm Maleny Showgrounds Leo’s Trivia Night - 04.06.22 at 6.30p.m. Maleny RSL. The Merry Widow Maleny Singers 11 - 19 June Maleny Community Centre. SEE POSTER FOR DETAILS!

Muscle on the Mountain 3 July 6.30 am Maleny Showgrounds The Mane Event Inspiration Choir 3 July 2.00 pm Maleny Primary School Hall A Springtime Affair Fashion Parade and Morning tea 15 September Maleny Hospital Auxiliary Maleny Community Centre Maleny Garden Club Spring Fair 1st October see details…….. Find out more at: To add your local organisation events to this list simply email details to:

Monday, 23 May 2022

“Sunshine Coast Ecological Park Master Plan Have Your Say” The Sunshine Coast Council is proposing to establish an ecological park in the Hinterland. What is an ecological park? It is a type of park that will support nature-based recreation, education and research, whilst protecting, celebrating and restoring the sites inherent environmental, natural and cultural heritage values. The vision for the ecological park is to create a place of cherished nature and ecological wonder for generations to discover and enjoy. Community engagement Join Council and share your ideas to help plan for the creation of a cherished ecological park on the Sunshine Coast. The ecological park will be inspired by the beautiful natural environment and will strengthen and expand accessible green space for all residents and visitors to the Sunshine Coast. Help council bring this vision to life by completing the questionnaire at this link and registering your interest in the project.

New from Get Active Fitness! FUN Low-Impact Seniors Strength Class! Starting: Monday 2 May 9:30am- 10:15am Lower the risk of heart attack and stroke ✦ Increase or maintain muscle strength and bone density ✦ Improve balance coordination and mobility ✦ Promote mental and emotional health and over all well being at the EXHIBITION HALL MALENY SHOWGROUNDS ✦

Get Active Fitness - Ph Rachel on: 0423618945


The Rain is not Gone Remember - If it is




Take care on our roads. Already we have had 112 people die on our roads in 2022.

Monday, 23 May 2022

Maleny Singers Scale New Heights with Merry Widow Maleny Singers are bringing back Franz Lehar’s timeless classic, The Merry Widow, with four performances over the middle two weekends of June at the Maleny Community Centre. Directed and conducted by Margaret Taylor, the Singers are accompanied by a 25piece orchestra and joined by dancers as the party scales new heights in this spectacular production.

With a witty libretto and stunning music brought back to prominence by Andre Rieu, you’ll be swept along as the plot unfolds. Will Danilo declare his love for Anna and save Pontevedro? Or will the Frenchman, Camille, played by Colin Dunn, win the day, and condemn the state to nancial ruin?

The story is centred around a nancial crisis in the ctional state of Pontevedro. Unless the newly-widowed Anna Glavari marries a Pontevedrian, the state will be plunged into bankruptcy. Viera Keogh sings the widow, a role such Australian luminaries as Joan Sutherland, June Bronhill and Yvonne Kenny played many times. Viera is joined by Rod Johnson, singing the playboy Count Danilo, Ian McMaster as Baron Zeta, the Pontevedrian Ambassador in Paris, Evalee Sharples as the Baroness, and Ian Rix as Njegus, the Embassy Secretary. Performances are June 11 and 12 and June 18 and 19 at the Maleny Community Centre. Tickets are selling in Maleny Information Centre and With thanks to the Sunshine Valley Gazette for this story: SunshineValleyGazette Pictured: Maleny Singers are preparing for their upcoming performances of The Merry Widow. Photo: Marsha Photography

Katya's Tennis Drills Katya's Tennis Drills Thrills and Fitness is on Friday Nights at 5:45pm. Cost is $20. Come along and join in the fun. All levels are welcome.



0437 295 501


Club Tournament Sunday 3 July. Entries and enquiries to




Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

The Mane Event

Renowned former Ten Tenors’ founder Kim Kirkman, is conducting a concert featuring his Maleny Inspiration Choir and the Caloundra Community Choir in Maleny on July 3rd at 2p.m.. His concerts are always a treat and this one focuses on horse songs hence the name – The Mane Event - so mark your diaries now!

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

JP's in the Community The Maleny Neighbourhood Centre have been informed that the JP's in the Community Program at Maleny Neighbourhood Centre will commence again from Monday 7 February 2022 9.30am– 12.30pm Monday to Friday.

Rosetta Books Providing Covid Safe Options Great service from Rosetta Books of Maleny - as well as home delivery, you can phone your order through on 5435 2134 and collect at the door if you'd rather not enter shops at present. Helping you to shop local and helping to support local business!

Maleny Cultural and Historical Society Pioneer Village. 7 Bryce Lane Maleny

Opening Days: Tuesday and Saturday 9am to 4 pm

Entry by donation. Contact 5499 9030 or

Monday, 23 May 2022

Sunshine Coast Table Tennis Closed Championships

The Sunshine Coast Table Tennis Closed Championship is on Saturday June 4th at Jubilee Hall, Maroochydore State High School from 8.30am to 4.15pm. Entries close on May 26th and entry forms are available at: competition-guide- xtures Players will be coming from Noosa, Maleny, Nambour and the Sunshine Coast Table Tennis Club. We are expecting between 60-80 players whose ages range from 11 to 84! Former German professional Patrick Wuertz is the Men’s A grade defending champion and Linda Yap our Women’s defending champion. Find out more at: SunshineCoastTableTennisClub

or phone: 0414369412. Sponsorship packages are available from $195 to $1500, the latter includes naming rights to the event.

Division 5 Councillor Winston Johnston

Contact details

Cr Winston Johnston's of ce is located in the Eddie building on the corner of Currie and Bury Streets, Nambour.

If you would like to meet with Cr Johnston, please call to arrange an appointment. Phone:

(07) 5441 8043. Mobile. 0429 076 066.




Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Small Grants Now Available

Petrina Fox Counsellor

Need to talk? Counselling is available with Petrina Fox at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre. Appointments are available every Tuesday between 9am and 12:30pm. Petrina Fox, BSW, M.Soc.Sc (Couns) M.Ed., is an experienced social worker and counsellor. Her counselling approach is person-centred and her experience includes relationship, grief and loss issues, mild mood disorders and traumas. Her main goal is to support the quality of a client's intra and interpersonal relationships and social functioning and to help reduce their stress/distress. To book: please call MNC on 5499 9345 Cost: a suggested donation of $10 per session to the MNC. (If you are experiencing hardship please discuss with us).

Monday, 23 May 2022

MCU Ltd (formerly the Maleny Credit Union) is still operating the MCU Charitable Trust. The Trust is funding a number of small grants to eligible groups or organisations to support community activities that provide bene t to the Maleny Community. To be eligible you must be: •

A community group within the Maleny and District area;

An incorporated not for pro t organisations; or

An unincorporated peer support, advocacy or community group that is auspiced by an incorporated organisation that has aims and objectives compatible with the Trust’s.

There is a maximum of $1000.00 available for each grant and applications are now invited. The small grant funding can be used for a range of projects, events or activities which have an overall bene t to our community by fostering the environment; diversity; education; sport and recreation; by supporting those in need, or by raising community awareness of any of these issues. Preference will be given to grant requests that are not available to be resourced through other funding sources. Applications are to be completed online at They must be received by 5:00pm on 31st May 2022.

Social Tango and Latin Dancing

Have you always wanted to Cha-Cha-Cha? Social Tango and Latin Dancing is coming to the Maleny RSL! The upcoming date for these sessions are 18th March and 20th May 2022, from 5:30 pm to 7:30’ish. Come along and enjoy drinks, dinner and – let’s dance!




For more information text Elle or Peter 0425 151 788 or 0429 061 444

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

Maleny Trail Parkrun You too can be leaping for joy EVERY Saturday morning at the Maleny Trail Parkrun on the Maleny Community Precinct. What is Maleny Parkrun? It’s a 5km trail, 6.40 am for 7.00 am start every Saturday and you must register, just once, to be a participant as many times as you like - and its all FREE! Register at the web site below: The event starts at the Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club building at the bottom of Parklands Drive via Porters Lane, North Maleny. Please come along and join in, whatever your pace! Run, jog or walk, everyone is welcome - and your pooches too on a lead. For full results, pix and more, visit:

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

Leos Trivia Night

NEW DATE! Sat. 4th June • 6:30pm at the Maleny RSL Hall. Bunya Street, Maleny. Entry: $15p/ money collected at the door Proceeds to fund local service projects BYO food. Register with the link below

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

We are excited to invite representatives of your club to a special event:

‘OFF-FIELD KILLERS’ MONDAY 13th JUNE 5 – 7pm at the Maleny Sport & Rec Clubhouse Maleny Sports Park – bottom of Parklands Drive (off Porters Lane) Guest presenter Adair Donaldson (Principal at Donaldson Law Toowoomba) will outline how volunteer sports, recreational and other clubs can deal effectively with behavioural issues and claims encountered in their activities – and protect themselves by the way they respond. Adair’s presentation will cover the legal consequences of ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

inappropriate behaviour impact of breaching codes of conduct illicit drugs sexual assaults and harassment consent the use of social media/mobile phones

Adair often uses short videos of real- life situations that clubs can relate to. The presentation will be interactive, thought -provoking and include a good dose of humour. His aim is to dispel many of the myths that abound, with an emphasis on how split-second decisions can have life altering consequences.

Monday, 23 May 2022

Maleny's First 12 Selections

This map shows the rst post European land selectors and land selections made on the Blackall Range. The highlighted names are the rst selectors, whereas the names visible underneath may re ect later owners. Isaac Burgess made the rst selection on 12th November 1878. It is interesting that all except one selection have frontage on the Obi Obi Creek, and one property, that of Joseph McCarthy, actually straddles the creek. Note the position of the Walker and the Dunlop selections, that relate to the front page story of where folk used to gather for community and sporting events prior to the development of the Maleny Showgrounds. Walkers land is the land upon which the Maleny Showgrounds were later built. The hatched selection indicated is that of Joseph Eyles - where the Pattemore family built their dairying property in 1907 after purchasing their blocks from Boxsells in a land sale in 1906.

Adair has worked with the NRL and other sporting organisations at the top level. He specialises in the development of programs that deal with consequences of inappropriate behaviour. There will be snacks and a cash bar from 5.00 pm. Please RSVP for catering purposes to by 10th June. Protect your club, members and players by being informed. We hope to see you on 13 June. This program has been made possible by the Speak up Now. Stop Domestic and Family Violence collaboration between the Rotary Club of Maleny, Zonta Club of Blackall Range, and the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre and is supported by:

Green Bins on the way The Sunshine Coast Council will roll out a bin speci cally for garden waste as from July 2022. These bins will be emptied on the same day as the general waste bin. This bin is to reduce further the amount of waste going to land ll.







Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

Saving the Dark

Have you signed the petition yet to save Maleny’s dark skies? Details are below and we know our star-studded skies and wildlife would love to have your support. Did you know that Maleny is recognised as the last area of coastal South East Queensland not severely affected by light pollution – and we’d like to keep it that way! The major contributor to light pollution is street lights, especially those that shine light above the horizontal – with dire consequences for nocturnal wildlife such as owls and moths – and viewing of our starry nights. To enjoy the stars and protect nocturnal wildlife for years to come, here’s a good petition to change bulbs and ttings with the

objectives to bene t wildlife, preserve the precious Maleny night sky environment and – big plus – be more energy ef cient! Click the link to open the E-Petition: OR Point your mobile’s camera at the QR Code here to take you all the details on where to sign! Unfortunately the Qld Parliament Website was down last week so you may have encountered their error page if you tried to sign then - never give up!




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or contact your preferred agent

the MDSRC Weekly Newsletter reaches local readers every week! To advertise your business in the MDSRC Weekly Newsletter email


Maleny Office 13 Bunya Street, Maleny Q 4552 Caboolture Office 7 Annie Street, Caboolture Q 4510 Both offices phone 5495 1499

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENTS! Please check with the below organisation during COVID to ensure that they are still operating as per the below list.

Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606. Social Tennis every Monday 8.00 am Witta Tennis Club. All Welcome. Mixed Social Tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30am to 8.30am Maleny Showgrounds Ladies Social Tennis every Thursday at 7.30am Maleny Showgrounds Badminton every Monday 6.30-8.30 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. PickleBall every Monday 6.30p.m. to 8.30p.m. Maleny High School Activities Centre. Maleny Bowls Club. Tuesday 8.30 for 9am. Pairs/triples competition. Bookings phone Joe W. 0401 987 900. Visitors welcome. Wednesday 6.00pm. Burger & Twilight Bowls -Learners welcome, bowls available. Ph. Wendy B. 0438 399 604. Friday 1.00 for 1.30pm (winter time) Play Scroungers with a Mate. Bowls available. All welcome. Ph. Wendy B. 0438 399 604. Club Acoustic Encore local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL. Pattemore House Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon 15, Porters Lane. Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL. Tennis Under Lights every Friday Witta Tennis Club. BYO drinks and nibbles Contact. Pauline 0428 253 070. Maleny Trail Parkrun every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct. Witta Tennis Club Social Tennis every Saturday 1.00 pm. All Welcome. Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL. Social Table Tennis every Sunday 1 - 5 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. All welcome! Please email your weekly regular event to for inclusion every week

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Maleny Show-grounds Camping

Monday, 23 May 2022

Maleny Showgrounds is open for camping. This ground offers camping year-round (maximum 3 night stay), except during major events & seasonal blackout dates. All campers who can adhere to the Qld Health, Sunshine Coast Council and Qld Government regulations pertaining to Covid-19 social distancing and hygiene guidelines are welcome. Enjoy a peaceful environment close to town. Groups and caravanning clubs are welcome. Cost is just $25 per night. Electricity, water, toilet/shower facilities, access to Dump Point are all available. Find all the details at the web site:

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

Maleny Men’s Shed News The Maleny and District Men's Shed has over 50 members and meets Tuesdays and Fridays from 8am to midday. It was formed in 2006 for the fellowship & education of guys. Coordinator Secretary Malcolm Baker Phone. 0417785548 Address: 7 Bryce Lane, Maleny Qld 4552 Email: Shed Activities Woodworking, Metal Work, Blacksmith work shop. Also have an opportunity to assist the Historical Society renovating buildings or working on old farm machinery. Opening Hours. Tuesday & Friday 8am to noon Follow our progress at:

WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENTS! Please check with the below organisation during COVID to ensure that they are still operating as per the below list.

Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606. Social Tennis every Monday 8.00 am Witta Tennis Club. All Welcome. Mixed Social Tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30am to 8.30am Maleny Showgrounds Ladies Social Tennis every Thursday at 7.30am Maleny Showgrounds Badminton every Monday 6.30-8.30 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. PickleBall every Monday 6.30p.m. to 8.30p.m. Maleny High School Activities Centre. Maleny Bowls Club. Pairs/triples competition each Tuesday 8.30am for 9am. All welcome. Call Joe 0401 987 900 Burger & Bowls Twilight Bowls every Wednesday from 6 pm. Learners welcome, bowls provided ph Wendy 0438 399 604. Scroungers With a Mate Bowls every Friday 2 pm. Club Acoustic Encore local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL. Pattemore House Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon 15, Porters Lane. Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL. Tennis Under Lights every Friday Witta Tennis Club. BYO drinks and nibbles Contact. Pauline 0428 253 070. Maleny Trail Parkrun every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct. Witta Tennis Club Social Tennis every Saturday 1.00 pm. All Welcome. Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL. Social Table Tennis every Sunday 1 - 5 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. All welcome! Please email your weekly regular event to for inclusion every week

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 23 May 2022

The Range Croquet Club - Maleny Thursday 19th we ventured out with rain appearing imminent and warnings of it on the BOM site. We were lucky. It held off for most of the afternoon allowing us some decent play though the lawns were very heavy with water in the ground and fast growing grass slowing it even further. The ground is so wet that when hoops are pulled there’s a de nite peaty smell to the ground which is only a good thing if you are into making whisky. Donna Manning and Lynette Evans played an instructional game of ricochet. Sarah Widin and Wallace Roy played a “friendly” against Helen Andrews and Dianne Horsman with no scores recorded. On lawn 2 Ken Barker and Nick Cram played a game where Ken won 26 – 7, pegging out just as the rain arrived. Next day, Friday 20th, we went to Nambour to play in “rain, hail, or shine” against a Nambour club team. We played three games of Association two singles and one doubles and the same in Ricochet to determine which Sunshine Coast clubs would go to Brisbane to play in the Centenary of Croquet tournament for each of those codes.

Fortunately the rain stayed away until the end of play. Play days: Thursday and Sunday 1.00 pm for 1.30. Contact Sarah Widin for other days. Please arrive at 1 pm for games to be arranged by 1.15. Coaching: is available on Saturday mornings at 8 am Our web address is: For details contact Sarah Widin 0417640704 (President )



Our courts may be available for community use or for special events, like workplace team-building or social gathering. Our croquet equipment may be available for your guests in some special occasion (e.g. wedding) if suitable grounds are available. If you are interested, please phone, email or use the contact page.

The attached photo below left shows Bill Habner on Nambour lawn 4 attempting hoop 10 with the yellow ball behind ready to go to hoop 11 with the black ball waiting as a pioneer.

Time constraints meant the games had to be played as nal teams must be selected by the middle of June. Our team consisted of Donna, Sarah, Wallace, Lynette, and Ken. Nambour elded Bill Habner, Robyn Pettman, Noel Stoddart and Judy Starr. Once again waterlogged lawns made play more dif cult. The Range won the Association section two games to one moving us to the next round. Nambour prevailed in the ricochet event, also winning 2 games to 1.





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