Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club Results for the period to 01.12.2023

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Friday, 1 December 2023

Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

Maleny Visitors Information Centre Volunteers celebrate Christmas 2023 VIC Volunteers recuperate after a busy year!

Please support businesses mentioned herein! Shopping Local encourages you to do just that: shop local and rediscover the quality, savings and bene ts of shopping right here at home.


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 1

Friday, 1 December 2023

Maleny RSL Celebrates Christmas 2023 The Maleny RSL Sub Branch never let an opportunity to party pass without having that party. So it was on November 29th when they celebrated their Christmas 2023.

Maleny Shop Local News is free local Online Newsletter published online on the rst and third Friday of each month at: Why not bookmark this site and come back regularly to check out local group’s news and Maleny District Sporting results and news. For Tablet & Phone users download the ISSUU App from your app store and search for Maleny Grapevine Published by Maleny Paint Supplies Pty. Ltd Shed 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny. 4552 Contact Phone 0754942002 Over the past 30 days there have been 9109 Page Impressions with a read time of 4min 40 secs

Contact for advertising Email or phone Les at Maleny Paint Supplies on 54942002.

Members and guests were treated to a proper mat and veggie meal whilst being entertained by their resident band, “Ray and the Sunshines”. It was not a night to listen to old diggers reminisce . It was the younger generation that took to the dance oor and wowed those in attendance. More than one “matronly” woman was heard to say; “I would just love to have a pair of those red shoes”. No Christmas party would be complete without a visit from that important visitor for the North Pole and he did make the trip to be in Maleny for this party - delivering some gifts to those who attended, much to the delight o the younger people in attendance. Whilst it might be traditional to dance the night away friends did get into their dancing, but it was “not the night away” as they appeared to be willing to leave at a reasonable hour, some saying that they were going “night clubbing” at the coast to make a great nish to a great night. Those who missed out this year will need to book a little earlier next year to ensure a place as this is a very popular event at the Maleny RSL. The RSL Sub committee wish you all a very happy and SAFE Christmas holiday and may Santa treat you well!.

Ready to visit friends - 1920’s Ready to visit friends in the 1920’s for a “young lady” was not as easy and carefree as today. Hat - handbag and gloves were prerequisites before leaving home!




Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 2

Friday, 1 December 2023

Around Glass house Electorate with Mr Andrew Powell M.P. Water, but At What Price? Water Desalination Plant on Bribie?

Rent up 9.5%

Despite what the Member for Pumicestone says, the Minister for Water had the opportunity to rule out a desalination plant on Bribie Island, and didn't.

Health up 7.0%

Transport up 6.4% Cost to play sports 10.3%

The Deputy Premier may now have stepped in and said it won't go on Bribie Island. But does that mean it will be at Ningi, Sandstone Point, Toorbul, Beachmere or Caloundra.

Queenslanders are paying more every day.

The only way you can ensure there's no desalination plant built in the electorate of Pumicestone is to vote LNP at next year's state election.

Maleny-Kenilworth Road has seen a whole host of upgrades recently, and they’re almost all complete!

Whistle-blowers have revealed up to 21 full time equivalent positions are set to be impacted at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital and Nambour Hospital after leaked documents revealed that the Health Department is making cuts to frontline positions.

The Booloumba Creek section now has a brand new road. North of Lees Road, construction is well and truly underway and on-track for completion in early 2024. At Bakers Gully, the slope stabilisation works are nally nished, which means resurfacing should occur in the coming weeks.

Queenslanders are experiencing cost of living rises and the data proves it. ABS data shows in the past year Queenslanders have been hit with the steepest cost rises in the nation on everyday expenses compared with people in other states. The skyrocketing costs include:

Maleny Kenilworth Road nearly Completed - Finally

Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard over so many years to get these improvements. And to everyone in Witta and Curramore, I haven’t forgotten you! I know we still need to get the stretch of road out of Maleny sorted.

Just some local news from Fisher Mr. Andrew Wallace Federal MP for Fisher Christmas ……the reason for the season!

Christmas is all about giving and gratitude. Sometimes, I think we get caught up in the busyness of it all. To celebrate Christmas this year, I’m doing something a little different. The

is a

chance to honour local community groups and help someone in need with a #FisherFirst hamper or gift. Over



























these 12 Days, I want to challenge YOU to think about how you can do the same. Keep an eye on my social media for more at sher/ It would not be possible without the support of some local businesses; Amaze World, SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast Aquarium, Montville Mist Spring Water, The Happy Snack Company, Maleny Botanical Gardens & Bird World. Thank you all for your support. Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 3

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston To contact Cr Winston Johnston

2024 Council Heritage Calendars now available From camping, sailing, and beach activities, to just nding cool escapes, these are just some of the images celebrated in the 2024 Cultural Heritage Calendar, Happy Snaps…Holiday times on the Sunshine Coast. It’s jam-packed with a stunning collection of photos that have been drawn from the private collections of seven local residents who were winners of the heritage calendar photo competition and council’s own Picture Sunshine Coast collection. The annual Sunshine Coast Council Heritage Calendar is produced to celebrate and showcase the important cultural heritage of our region and is proudly supported by our community’s Arts and Heritage Levy. Copies of the calendar are available for purchase from council’s library branches for just $6.00.

Hell!, it’s Dry, But that might change!

It has been so dry of late and this has caused bush res to be moDashboard.


Queensland Transport Minister Mark Bailey when questioned on a number of cost blowouts on projects he oversees: “Taxpayers aren’t interested in the numbers – – they just care that infrastructure gets built.”

Maleny to Conondale FlexilinkService Earlier this year, Conondale, Maleny and Witta residents were asked for their thoughts on how we can improve the Flexilink service, and we thank the 201 respondents for taking the time to provide their feedback! Based on the feedback received, we are pleased to advise that the Conondale to Maleny Flexilink service will include an additional return Monday-Friday trip to allow residents to be in town for a shorter period. Other schedule changes have also been made to better suit passenger needs. The new timetable will take effect on the 1st December 2023. The new timetable now offers 4 return trips, Monday to Friday, and 3 return trips on Saturdays and public holidays, and will provide trips, as required, to the corner of Gumland Drive, Witta. The timetable will be in place for a trial period of six months to determine whether it has improved patronage and provided a better service to residents. Please give it a go! Requests have also been received for trips to other streets in and around Conondale and Maleny (including Crystal Waters). Unfortunately, under the current contract and schedule arrangements, these changes are unable to be made at this time. These requests have been recorded for consideration in future service changes. According to the Brisbane Astronomical Society the Sunshine Coast could become an astro-tourism and sustainability star thanks to a proposal to create an expansive Dark Sky Reserve. The dark-sky movement is a global campaign to reduce light pollution thus allowing an increased number of stars visible at night. The proposed dark sky reserve would cover 38 per cent of the region.

You can tune into the meeting live by visiting Council’s website at:



Friday, 1 December 2023

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 4

Friday, 1 December 2023

The Hinterlandgrapevine






Have you got your Local Shopping Gift Card Yet?

Why Shop Locally? While it may not be possible to source all our needs from our local retailers and tradesman, here are a few reasons to think twice before you make your next purchase: It Creates local jobs and it is personal;

Maleny Commerce supports local businesses Maleny Commerce seek to have working relationships with all local businesses and desire to create an environment of mutual concern for sustainable living and the betterment of our Maleny community. One of the major items has been the “Why Leave Town” gift cards which can be redeemed at many local businesses. The whole idea of the Why Leave Town Gift Card is that it can only be spent in the participating businesses of that town…hence keeping the money local! To nd out where they can be redeemed visit:

Shopping locally helps Australia grow; Shopping locally gives better consumer choice and better customer service because you are shopping with a friend; Assists local businesses support local community & sporting groups; It reduces your carbon footprint Will you really support local businesses?

Who remembers when, where and how these groups served Maleny.

Maleny Singers about 2018

With Christmas quickly approaching the Maleny Singers are having a busy time out carolling around Maleny. Any funds raised during this Christmas time go to the Maleny Rural Fire Brigade. Don’t forget that they will be singing at the Maleny RSL hall on December 8th in conjunction with the Maleny Late Night Shopping event.

About Maleny Commerce Maleny and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. is an incorporated body representing the business community since 1986. It is now known as Maleny Commerce.

The Chamber represents the local Maleny and District business community. Join us at one of our monthly business breakfasts.


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 5

Continued on next Page


ush res have long been a part of Australia's natural landscape, shaped by its arid climate and eucalyptus-rich forests. However, in recent years, the frequency and intensity of these res have escalated, leading to profound and lasting changes in Australia's environment. This transformation is primarily attributed to the combined effects of climate change, land management practices, and the increasing human presence in re-prone regions. One of the most noticeable consequences of these changing bush re patterns is the impact on Australia's ora and fauna. The res have led to signi cant habitat loss, resulting in population declines and even local extinctions of some species. For example, the koala, an iconic Australian marsupial, has seen a sharp decline in its populations due to the loss of eucalyptus forests, its primary food source.

Additionally, res have disrupted breeding cycles and migration patterns of various bird species and have severely affected already vulnerable species like the Western Ground Parrot. The ecological changes are not limited to the immediate aftermath of res. Long-term effects are also emerging. Repeated res in the same area can lead to the replacement of native vegetation with readapted species, altering the composition of ecosystems. This transformation can disrupt the intricate balance of predator-prey relationships and native plantpollinator interactions.

The frequency and intensity of bush res are intrinsically linked to climate change. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and prolonged droughts have created a conducive environment for res.




















climate change, as they release signi cant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, further contributing to the greenhouse effect. Beyond the immediate ecological consequences, bush res are reshaping Australia's landscape in various ways. Soil erosion and the loss of vegetation cover can lead to degraded soil quality, making it harder for the land to regenerate. The exposure of bare ground to heavy rainfall can also result in increased runoff, leading to ooding and water quality issues.

As re-tolerant species gain dominance, there is a risk of decreased biodiversity in these ecosystems.

Climate change-driven factors like increased evaporation rates, extended re seasons, and more frequent lightning strikes have ampli ed the risk of bush res. Consequently, it is essential to understand that these res are both a result and a driver of





Friday, 1 December 2023

The serious Beerburrum State Forest res of 1994 still burns in the memories of many locals who were either caught up in them or were required to extinguish them. The total devastation of those forests saw over 330,000ha burned requiring total clearing of the burnt trees. In that instance weather. Conditions and the age of trees allowed crown res in the tree tops to run further. Unfortunately, at that time in 1994 plantation owners and Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 6

Continued from previous Page government authorities were not suf ciently prepared for such large res, either with equipment and vehicles or with suf cient personnel with experience of ghting those res. In the past two decades the effects of climate change on our environment has become better understood and slowly changes are being made to the management of forests and how to best ght those res. The human impact of these changing bush res is profound. Not only do they threaten lives and properties, but they also put pressure on emergency services, health systems, and the economy. The 2019-2020 bush re season, known as "Black Summer," demonstrated the devastating consequences of these infernos, leading to numerous human casualties, billions of dollars in damage, and smoke haze that affected air quality across the continent.

Efforts are being made to mitigate the impact of bush res on Australia's environment. These include controlled burns to reduce fuel loads in re-prone areas, investment in more ef cient re ghting techniques and equipment, and research into reresistant native plant species.

Severe re storms are often named according to the day on which they peaked, including the three most deadly blazes: Black Saturday 2009 in Victoria (173 people killed, 2,000 homes lost); Ash Wednesday 1983 in Victoria and South Australia (75 dead, nearly 1,900 homes); Black Friday 1939 in Victoria (71 dead, 650 houses lost). Climate change mitigation and adaptation measures are also being explored to address the root causes of escalating bush re risks.

Who Gives A Crap? -

In conclusion, the changing bush re patterns in Australia are having a profound and multifaceted impact on the country's environment. From the disruption of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity to the ongoing effects of climate change, these res are transforming the Australian landscape in ways that require urgent attention and comprehensive solutions. Adapting to this new reality and addressing the underlying causes of bush re escalation are vital steps to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of Australia's unique and fragile ecosystems. Research has found that more than 1,800 of Australia’s plant and animal species are at risk of extinction. They must be identi es and which of those species are a priority, where they are, and how to protect them from bush res The only sure thing is that severe res will continue to burn and burn more ercely.

We Do!

What do we really mean when we say our toilet paper helps build toilets? We trust that our partner organisations know how to best improve global access to proper sanitation – that means our donation could go to building toilets. To put it into perspective, a child under ve dies every two minutes from diarrhoea diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. Pro ts from the sale of this toilet paper is used to building toilets, but could also mean it supports larger clean water projects. This is a win - win situation!



























Friday, 1 December 2023

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 7

Maleny Paint Supplies 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny.

Ph 54942002

Fiddes Woodworking Products Fiddes has a long, proud history of caring for wood that began with the founder, Albert Fiddes, in the United Kingdom in the early part of last century and continues to this day.


Fiddes Australia

- Woodworking Products

hrough more then 100 years and four generations, the name Fiddes has become synonymous with quality throughout the UK and now Australia through Fiddes Australia Fiddes has always had a progressive outlook, and today operates from modern, purpose built premises, utilising the very latest technology to develop and produce a comprehensive range of wood nishes from the very nest raw materials available.

This has lead to the development of safer, more environmentally friendly wood nishes, typi ed by the introduction of the highly successful Supreme Wax Polish and Hard wax Oil range. Fiddes Supreme Wax range of products were developed in the 1980’s as a result of a rapid expansion of the antique pine furniture market Fiddes products are now available through Maleny Paint Supplies. For hints and tips about using Fiddes products view the videos at the below web site:

For detailed information showing the process in detail visit the web page below: Colourtrend Paints have a range of Ultra-Premium Paints to service your needs! Follow Maleny District Sports & Recreation Cub news visit:






Friday, 1 December 2023

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 8




16 Lawyer Street, Maleny. Ph 54943444

One Stop Mechanical Services Shop Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises

Surviving that Christmas long journey! If you’re gearing up for a long road trip, make sure you understand what you may have to deal with on the trip and how to stay safer in what can sometimes become very challenging driving conditions. First and foremost make sure that you are personally ready to take that trip, be well rested before commencing. Should you begin to feel fatigued, stop and have a break. Ensure that the car is properly and safely packed, especially if it has a roof rack. Drive safe taking considering the road condition and within the suggested speeds. Come home safely.

Need a Roadworthy Certi cate?

Maleny Service Centre have a Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises and we know only too well what it takes to make your vehicle safe and roadworthy. All vehicles (including trucks, motorbikes and trailers) must have a Safety or Roadworthy Certi cate (RWC) if being sold, registered for the rst time or being re-registered in Queensland. Registered Vehicles cannot be solid without a RWC. Your One Stop Shop for Automotive Repairs – you don’t need to do the running around, we do it for you!:. We are dedicated and passionate about servicing, repairing and maintaining one of your most valuable assets, your Motor Vehicle.




Friday, 1 December 2023

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 9

Friday, 1 December 2023

Local Tradespersons When you use a local tradesperson and you know who you are dealing with! Important Emergency Phone Numbers Emergency (POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE): 000 Moreton Bay Regional Council – 3205 0555 Sunshine Coast Council – 5475 7272 Crime Stoppers – 1800 333 000 Policelink – 131 444 Energex general enquiries – 131 253

Tony & Di’s Home Maintenance ABN. 47988681738

No job too small - Carpentry - Painting Tiling General Repairs & Maintenance


Loss of electricity supply – 13 62 62 Priority emergency (electrical hazards) – 13 19 62 Unitywater – 1300 086 489 Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800

Brett Cooper Builder Builders Lic . 15045940. -

HIA. 863583

Talk to us about your new home!

Lifeline – 131 114 Poison Hotline – 131 126


SES – 132500

Traf c Reports – 131 940


Translink – 131 230

It is always interesting to see what is happening in other parts of the world. It is easy to explore through Online Newspapers

Matt Billing Maintenance

Brush cutting, hedging, small and big chainsaw pruning you name it

Give us a Go!

Matthews garden maintenance we can deliver/ spread mulch for your gardens. Lawn mowing + Pruning.


Advertise your local business here for just $15 per mth Published Digitally on First & Third Friday of each month. Visit web site at http://www.issuu/hinterlandgrapevine (then pick the issue wanted)

For more information contact Maleny Paint on 54942002 fi

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 10

Friday, 1 December 2023

Maleny SES looking Police to assist with Shopping Centre security during Christmas period for volunteers Maleny State Emergency Service Group is looking for some volunteers to help get our community through the next disaster season. You can put your desire to get involved to good use and serve our community. An easy way to do that by becoming a State Emergency Service (SES) volunteer. Active SES members perform a diverse range of functions to respond to local, state and national disasters and emergencies. By joining the SES you may respond to many different types of activations as a result of disasters and emergencies. An SES volunteer has an opportunity to participate in and develop a variety of emergency and rescue skills, including chainsaw operations, ood boat operations, road crash rescue and land search.

The last 20 years have brought signi cant social, behavioural and technological change and the pace of change is forecast to increase.

As locals ock to shopping centres ahead of Christmas, Sunshine Coast police are enhancing highvisibility patrols to disrupt and deter offending and support a safe experience for the public and staff during this exhausting shopping period. They will be out and about in a high visibility capacity doing all they can to disrupt the minority who seek to commit crime and any anti-social behaviour. This extra police activity at shopping centres will also include other crime hotspot locations such as public parks, skate parks and public transport hubs. The Operation will include targeted patrols in consultation with shopping centre management and security, shop owners and staff to ensure safety is best supported during the expected increase in attendance.

Not only will you be helping your community, you will make some great mates along the way.

You too can do your part by locking your car and taking your car keys with you, and ensuring any valuables or shopping bags you leave in your vehicle are out of sight.

Volunteers are given training to ensure that they have enough skills to be able to handle whatever task you need to do..

Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers or by calling 1800 333 000 or report online at

Maleny Visitor Information Centre The Maleny Visitor Information Centre is a not for pro t, long-standing, independent community service, run by volunteers. The Centre is a ticket selling agency for Maleny Film Society movie screenings along with a range of quality souvenirs and postcards, with a distinctively Maleny avour along with information about places and events around the area.

The Centre is situated at 2/23 Maple Street, Maleny. It is open 7 days a week between 9.30am-4.00pm. Closed only on Good Friday and Christmas Day. If you have lost something on your visit to Maleny check with the centre as often items are handed in there. Phone: 07 5499 9033

To nd out more about the Maleny Visitors Information Centre and talk to the volunteers or visit the web site:

In this year for Safer Internet, Australians are being called to Connect. - Re ect. - Protect. More information can be found here:








Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 11

Serious home invasion & assault gets closer to home Beerwah police are investigating a robbery with violence at a house on Burys Road in Beerwah around 11.30pm last night, November 27. Whilst Beerwah is still a little way from the Maleny area, it is not that far and Malenyites should take notice of the types of people visiting our areas as four males smashed their way into the house via a glass door, while armed with baseball bats and a gun. The four men made threats to the two occupants of the home before striking the male victim on the arm with a bat, then stealing a quantity of personal items and eeing the scene.

Maleny SES Volunteer group

Be Prepared for severe weather events What to do if you need assistance

For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000).For storm and ood related property damage.

Call the

State Emergency Service: 132 500.

The 75-year-old man suffered injuries to his arm during the incident.

To keep up to date with Emergency Warnings Tune into warnings and updates from your local ABC radio and TV stations

Anyone with information that could assist with the investigation is urged to contact police via crimestoppers on 1800333000 quoting the reference number QP2301987176.

Important Phone numbers for assistance during or after a major emergency service.


When disaster strikes you need to follow the advice of authorities on staying put or evacuating and follow your emergency plan.

To nd out where to nd assistance during or after a major emergency service.

Make Australia emergencies

Make Again! If you want to live in a country that builds things you have to buy things that your country builds!

Concept IT Systems Riverside Centre, Maleny Computer Sales and Authorised Service: Both Apple and Windows Includes Onsite and remote service. Repairing PCs, Laptops, iPhones, Macs, iPads, and other tech devices..

Contact Us Email: Phone: (07) 5429 6750

Spend over $100 & get a Free Coffee!


Trading Hours Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm Closed Sunday & Public Holidays

Click below for a virtual tour of our store:





Friday, 1 December 2023

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 12

Friday, 1 December 2023


Community Groups & When they meet!

Community Groups that form the back bone of the Maleny Community

Maleny Rotary Club Meeting. Times 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. 6-30pm for 7pm Maleny Hotel, Bunya St. Maleny Email:

Maleny Probus Club

Apex Club of Maleny Meeting. Times 1ST & 3RD MONDAYS, 7.00PM. Email Postal PO BOX 39. MALENY, QLD 4552 0487770653

Maleny Senior Citizens

Meeting. Times

Meetings at

Maleny Uniting Church, Landsborough Road, Maleny

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month. Activities include card games, meetings and regular bus trips Email:

Meet 10 am on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Feb to November

1300 856 859

Queensland Country Women's Association - Maleny Branch Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month.


The Zonta Club of Blackall Range Meetings at

Various between Montville and Maleny. Dinner meeting 3rd Tuesday of month 6pm.


0409 266 507


Maleny Uniting Church Hall On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm Monthly Dinner Meeting held at The Orangery, 10 Mountain View Rd, at 6.30pm on 4th Tuesday of month


Maleny Commerce Meetings at

Monthly breakfast networking meetings. 2nd Tuesday of the month. Venues to be advised.


Being a part of a community can make us feel as though we are a part of something greater than ourselves.

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 13

An Old Codger’s Thoughts & Opinions

Truthful Jones says

Queensland Speed Cameras do save lives!! There is no doubt that the old adage that “the speed that thrills is the speed that kills”. That has not changed over the years. Of course, whilst many people can handle speed there are a lot who cannot control a car at speed when something goes wrong. When somebody is involved in any accident there is a large economic hit, not only to the persons involved, but to the community and taxpayers through the use of emergency services such as ambulances and hospitals. Many people also say that using speed cameras to penalise drivers who exceed the speed limits is nothing more than “revenue raising”. There is no doubt that the more drivers caught speeding does increase revenue for the government. Also the more drivers who learn and not drive so fast, also either reduces the number of accidents involving speed or reduces the severity of injuries received in accidents. One only has to read the papers on a regular basis to see that a large number of serious accidents are caused by speed. There have been complaints about speed cameras in rural far North Queensland are catching many more speedsters than the state average. There have been complaints that the camera is not properly calibrated. This should be an easy x as it does not take long to actually calibrate the machine, so why not double check it, even though it is unlikely to by not properly calibrated.

And he swears that it 100% true - No Bulls##t”

Truthful Jones tells of the time that he was ying to see friends in Sydney. He went to the Brisbane airport and was surprised to nd that there was a security scare in full operation. An individual, later discovered to be a state school teacher, was arrested trying to board a ight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a square, a slide rule, and a calculator. Queensland’s Attorney General believes the man is a member of the notorious Algebra movement. He is being charged with carrying weapons of math instruction. “Al-gebra is a very fearsome cult, indeed”, the Attorney General said. “They desire average solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on a tangent in a search of absolute value. They consist of quite shadowy gures, with names like “x” and “y”, and, although they are frequently referred to as “unknowns”, we know they really belong to a common denominator and are part of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country.

The other complaint is that it is placed discretely and many motorists do not see it until too late and the offence is detected. “As the great Greek philanderer Isosceles The visibility of the machine may be enough to slow down the used to say, there are three sides to every driver, however once past up goes the speed again and the triangle.” usefulness of the machine is downgraded. Once it was necessary to place signs out to warn motorists that they were approaching a speed detecting device and that too was eventually rejected for the same reason. Perhaps another solution would be to place these machines in groups of two or even three, after all the speed nes pay for them. The rst machine would be fully visible with all of the appropriate waning signage. The next machine would be more discrete, but would be more effective. The rst machine might result in a warning letter being sent to the vehicle owner with no other penalty. Drivers then would have no excuse as they had been warned.

When asked to comment on the arrest, Premier Palaszczuk said, “If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more ngers and toes.”

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people” Eleanor Roosevelt.

Drivers have responsibilities that come with holding a licence.










Friday, 1 December 2023

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 14

Friday, 1 December 2023

Local Groups


There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!

WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENTS! Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606. Social Tennis every Monday 8.00 am Witta Tennis Club. All Welcome. Mixed Social Tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30am to 8.30am Maleny Showgrounds Ladies Social Tennis every Thursday at 7.30am Maleny Showgrounds. Maleny Bowls Club. – TUESDAY AM BOWLS, 8.30am for 9.00am . 2 games + morning tea $12 per player. Rink Winner Prizes. Visitors and players welcome. Call Joe 0401 987 900 to book your place WEDNESDAY- 6 pm. TWILIGHT BOWLS & BURGER. $17 p.p. Bowls only $12 p.p. Learners welcome, bowls provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604. FRIDAY PM play SCROUNGERS ‘BOWLS WITH A MATE ’ 1pm for 1.30pm (winter), 2 pm (from November). Bowls can be provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604. Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823 Muzika Maleny local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL. Pattemore House Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon 15, Porters Lane. Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL. Tennis Under Lights every Friday Witta Tennis Club. BYO drinks and nibbles Contact. Pauline 0428 253 070. Hinterland Country Music Day. Second Saturday each month in the big shed at the Maleny Museum Precinct. Maleny Trail Parkrun every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct. Witta Tennis Club Social Tennis every Saturday 1.00 pm. All Welcome. Witta Wheels every 3rd Sunday each month 8.00 am - 11.00 am Witta Recreation Club Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL. Social Table Tennis every Sunday 1 - 5 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. All welcome! Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823 Please email your weekly regular event to for inclusion every week

Today’s Thought “Wisdom is patiently waiting for the clouds to part and the sun to shine.”

“Fancy a Chat and a Cuppa”

Maleny Library Tuesday 10.30a.m. - 11.30a.m. Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 15

Friday, 1 December 2023

The merits of buying Australian made have been advocated in Federal Parliament since Federation, and chambers of manufactures have been championing the cause in publications and press advertisements since the 1930s Rural towns such as Maleny mainly were self suf cient through agriculture and family owned and managed businesses. Today those same businesses cannot survive because of multi national cost pressures and unfair competition.


aleny, like most other regional towns and areas grew from products that were able to be produced in that area. In Maleny’s case, rstly it was timber, then came the dairy industry. Those industries were, in the early 1900’s self sustainable within the family groups. Today hardly a genuine family owned and operated business is really self sustainable. Those same family businesses paid their fair share of taxation to the Australian government to assist with the provision of services needed by all Australians. Today big corporations are casting a long and ominous shadow over not only the Australian family farm, but general genuine Australian family businesses, threatening the very fabric of rural life and agriculture. The encroachment of these corporate giants into the oncethriving landscape of familyowned farms and businesses is a multifaceted issue with severe economic, social, and environmental consequences. One of the primary ways big corporations are affecting

Australian family farms is through aggressive market dominance. These giants, armed with signi cant nancial resources, can manipulate markets, control prices, and undercut small-scale farmers and businesses. As they wield their power in the various supply chains, they often exploit their advantage to push family businesses out of business. Smaller operations struggle to compete with the economies of scale that large corporations achieve, leading to a gradual erosion of family-owned farms and businesses. A good example of this was the establishment of Bunnings Hardware group in West Australia 1994. Bunnings initially started as a family business started in 1886 by brothers, Arthur and Robert Bunning who emigrated from England and set up in West Australia as sawmills. Today Bunnings has about 512 stores Australia wide where they employ53,000 part time casual workers. These stores are centred on larger population areas. As a result the number of independent hardware stores throughout Australia fall from

Smaller businesses just are not able to keep up with the “Big Box” competition. Another detrimental impact on our farmers comes from the corporatisation of the food production system. Large corporations tend to prioritise ef ciency and pro t margins over environmental sustainability and local community well-being. This can result in the degradation of the land, excessive use of chemical inputs, and a shift towards monoculture, all of which have adverse effects on biodiversity and long-term soil health. As family farms are pushed out, there is a loss of traditional farming practices that are often more in tune with the local environment. Furthermore, the corporatisation of agriculture contributes to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, leaving rural communities economically vulnerable.

Continued on next page Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 16







20,920 to 14,050 with a further 6142 independent retailers set to close by 2024.

Friday, 1 December 2023

Continued from previous page Multi national corporations have the ability to arti cially distribute pro ts legally in a manner that they are able to pay very little taxation. In doing so governments have no choice but to reduce community services to less populated areas.

the lowering of the farm gate pricing it was necessary for the federal government to subsidise that price, all for the bene t os multinational companies.

their services. None of this worries the multi national corporations as they have no loyalty to one area over another and local people do not count to them - merely cannon fodder. All in the name of bigger pro ts and greed.

These companies do not care about the real welfare of the Australian economy or the average Australian citizen. For the average Aussie globalisation has meant a widening inequality, job losses, and lack of opportunities for domestic workers.

This was evident as trade liberalisation undertaken When large corporations take control of the by Australia over the period 1986 to 2016 has agricultural sector, they often centralise seen Australia become more integrated into the operations, reducing the need global economy. This was as a 'When Bunnings, Woolworths, or any for local labor. This can lead to result of lobbying by other large multi national company job losses, depopulation of rural multinational companies to the comes to town, it's always bad news areas, and a decline in the Federal Australian government, for local businesses and local overall quality of life for those I.e the taxpayer, to embrace communities.’ who remain there. globalisation and enhance pro ts for multinational companies who bought up This is often the start of an area “shutting down”. Australian land as family farmers were forced to First the government agencies and banking sell out. The farm gate pricing drop did not lead facilities are lost and those employed in them to any long termed price drop to the average leave the town. As a result smaller businesses Aussie family. wither because there are less customers needing

Government policies, sometimes in uenced by corporate interests, also play a role in the demise of family farms and businesses. Subsidies and regulations may be crafted to favour large-scale agribusinesses, putting smaller farmers at a distinct disadvantage. The lobbying power of big corporations can in uence policy decisions, creating an uneven playing eld that hinders the survival of family farms and businesses. This was evidenced by the deregulation of the Australian dairy industry in 2000. In general the industry was subjected to signi cant negative impacts on average prices received by farmers, on farm viability, and ultimately on the number of farmers remaining in the industry. Today we can see the results in our own community where the number of dairy farms was decimated. In order to assist farmers deal with













It is ironical that The rst Holden rolled off the assembly line at Fishermen's Bend on 29 November 1948. The last vehicle to come off the end of the general assembly line late morning of 19th October 2017. This decline came as a result of a world widespread of brand buying by one manufacturer to reduce any opposition along with the cost of manufacture in Australia against the small numbers of units sold. This in itself is a whole different story and a lack of will to preserve Australian manufacture against company pro ts and some forward thinking It is now important that not only Australian companies get back into the eld of Australian made and owned, but the average Aussie family also buys Australian made and Australian owned for Australia’s better future. Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 17

Friday, 1 December 2023

WITHHOLDING TAX REQUIREMENTS SELLING PROPERTY! With Trove Easton of Easton Lawyers, Maleny If you’re selling Australian real estate in Queensland (vacant land, buildings, residential and commercial property), with a market value of $750,000.00 or more there is a capital gains withholding requirement of 12.5%. The buyer is responsible for withholding the amount and sending it to the tax authorities. To avoid any monies being withheld, the sellers need to apply and be eligible for a clearance certi cate from the ATO. The seller is required to provide the buyer with a Clearance Certi cate and on receipt of this (each seller to provide) no amount will be withheld.

However, if a clearance certi cate cannot be obtained prior to settlement, the required sum will be withheld (remitted to the ATO) and the seller/s will need to lodge an income tax return and claim a credit for the amount withheld. Foreign resident vendors may apply for a variation of the withholding rate or make a declaration that a membership interest is not an indirect Australian real property interest and therefore not subject to withholding.

understand your obligations under the Corporations Act, please don’t hesitate to contact us on (07)5494 3511 Take care everyone!

Easton Lawyers 07 5494 3511 Monday to Friday btn 08:30 and 17:00 AEST.

Trove Easton

When we are acting for you in a sale, we can attend to this on your behalf. At Easton Lawyers our Senior Associate, Michelle Kleinig would be happy to assist you,

Easton Lawyers are your Local Lawyers in Maleny. Whilst the practice has had a few name changes over its 30 plus years, it has been owned by Tove Easton since 2007. Easton Lawyers remains an integral part of a wonderful, diverse community,

Easton Lawyers are your Local Lawyers in Maleny, Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Queensland, Australia. Easton Lawyers. 62 Maple Street, Maleny. Qld. 4552.

Phone 0754943511.

P.O. Box 255 Maleny. Qld. 4552. Email:

Royal Australian Mint releases new 50c coin to Honour Queen Elizabeth 11 This new 50cent coin honours the Second Elizabethan Era. Just to please our local coin collectors, The Royal Australian Mint has released a Fine Silver Proof 2023 - 50c coin to celebrate the Queen’s seven decades of devotion and service to the people of Australia. This special edition coin is now for sale at the Royal Australian Mint in Canberra through the Mint’s Contact Centre on 1300 352 020




This coin shows seven portraits of The Queen at various stages of her life as The Queen of the Commonwealth. The coin is inscribed “Elizabeth II 1952- 2022”. Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 18

Friday, 1 December 2023

News from Witta Recreational Club Proudly bought to you by David Lowden Excavations

Did you Know?

Hire of Club Facilities

That in Maleny the average annual The vision of the club is to provide country club services to be enjoyed by the local community and rainfall is about 2,000 mm - 79 in; however, during unusually wet years 12-month rainfall visitors to the area. totals of up to 4,000 mm or 160 inches can be The excellent facilities of the Witta Recreation Club recorded, with monthly totals over 1,000 mm or 39 are available for hire for events such as weddings, inches can be reached and 24-hour totals of up to sports days, family gatherings. 300 mm 12 inches have been recorded. The club has a Certi ed Kitchen/Catering facilities Maleny was commonly known as “Rainy Maleny”. including a stove, pots & pans, dishwasher, In the past that is what used to keep the rolling hills crockery and utensils. The Bushman’s Bar is that emerald green colour. practically tted out with a large capacity for the cold storage of a range of beverages. The Bushman’s Bar is located at the core of the Witta Recreation Club. Service from the bar can be Bar Open Wednesday afternoons 4.30pm to provided to customers on the covered hard 6.30pm. standing overlooking the playing pitches, or All Welcome directly into the Clubroom. Touch Season has started with the Canteen and Bar

Witta Recreational Club

operating every FRIDAY Night from 6pm Available for Hire for Private functions – Birthday Celebrations – Weddings etc. You can nd out more about the Witta Recreation We are always looking for new members and Club at their web site at: volunteers. Contact us by email at. Inquiries can be made via the internet at:




3 & 14 tonne excavators for hire Bobcat - Tracked Bobcat & Truck Hire &

Maleny Tree Services Phone. 0407 710 993 Find out more on Facebook at: fi



Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 19

Friday, 1 December 2023

RedEarth Energy Storage is an Australian-owned and operated manufacturer of energy storage systems

Australian-made On-grid and off-grid energy storage systems



How much battery power do I need for my home? Purchasing a battery is a big decision and you want to make sure you make the right choice – especially when we’re talking about battery size. At Redback, we get it. It’s dif cult to know what battery will work best for your home and your lifestyle. We always recommend talking with an accredited installer in your area, as they’re fully trained to look at all your individual needs and advise on the correct sized system.

Homes” RedEarth’s PowerOasis is a fully integrated, ready-to-run and modular Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) catering for the niche 50-400kVA power range. It has the option to use both the inbuilt solar PV MPPT or AC-coupled solar PV inverters can be added.

Certi ed Energy Solutions

WE ARE PROUD TO BE A NETCC APPROVED RETAILER We keep tabs on our customers systems to ensure they are working as intended. Every morning we are greeted by our live feed showing hundreds of past and current installs.

We have also just installed a RedEarth Energy Storage honeybadger system on a remote Clermont Gold mine on that features on the TV show “Adventure Gold Diggers”.

Should a system have an issue we are noti ed and generally know well before our customers so we can get on top of the issue

If you want to catch the action you can stream the series as it is released on 7 mate.

CES helps keep your investment in top form.

Talk to us soon.

Home battery sales are rising with volatile power prices

Contact Phone. Craig on 0408173383 https://www.certi

1300 232322 Email info@certi






Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 20

Friday, 1 December 2023

Maleny Hardware & Rural Supplies Hardware - Farm Supplies - Pet Products - Garden - Fencing - Camping

Andrea & Mark Porter Maleny Hardware and Rural Supplies is located in the centre of Maleny in the picturesque Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Thy offer good old fashioned service to your car for those heavy items. There is also ample parking at the front and pick up at the rear of the store.

Did you know we can deliver items in surrounding suburbs for a small fee.

We are independently owned and supply the local community with rural and hardware supplies at competitive prices.

Come and browse through our extensive range of products and say hi!

The signs of summer are well and truely around us as the days lengthen and the earth begins to warm…

Now is an ideal time to check out our “Garden Section”

Need Christmas Camping Supples?

With Christmas holiday period coming on maybe it is a good time to go camping and commune with some nature to refresh “the soul”. We stock a large range of camping supplies including a large range of KINGS 4WD products. Why not just call in and look around our large range of products. Who knows we might even have the kitchen sink and camp oven to make sure you are self suf cient.

This is another reason for shopping local!

Veggie & Plant Seedlings for Sale We have a large range of veggie seedlings to get that garden growing. Also stocked is all the organic fertilisers and soil nutrients available. Before planting, dunk your seedling punnet in a bucket of organic-based liquid fertiliser. Now water, but don’t ood. Follow up with frequent light applications of water. Sugar Cane mulch is also available to mulch your garden to keep the water from escaping into the air. Now that we have had some rainfall and the soil is moist, it is a good time to get those veggies in - why not try out a “no dig garden” to save on some back breaking digging work!.

To check out the extensive range of products stocked visit the web site:

Phone. 07 5494 2302 For a detailed list of products and services provided go to

31 Coral Street, Maleny Queensland 4552, Australia Like us on Facebook for up-to-date special offers and upcoming events.



Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 21

Friday, 1 December 2023

Local Groups


There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!


Maleny Calendar of Events 2023. ✦

Christmas Carols in the Park: Friday 1 December, 2023 - Tesch Park, Maleny.

Unlock: Sylph Circus Student Show 2023. - Maleny State High School Dec 2nd 4p.m. - 7p.m.

A Very Merry Christmas with Kim Kirkman - Maleny Anglican Church. December 3rd btw 3p.m. and 4.30p.m.

Maleny Singers annual Carols at the RSL on Friday 8th December 2023 at 6.30pm.

Maleny Players. “A Cracker Christmas”. Dec 7th 6p.m. - Dec 9th. 11am and 3p.m. - Dec 10th 2p.m. Tickets Maleny Arts Direct.

Late Night Christmas Shopping: Friday 8 December, 2023. - 5p.m. to 8p.m. Maple Street + Riverside Centre.

November 2023 BUSY NEEDLES 9th and 23st . INDOOR BOWLS INDOOR BOWLS …. 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th DROP IN

3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th

COMMITTEE MEETING 20th (at Lynda’s 830am) (Last meeting for the year) GENERAL MEETING … 27 th Usual time. BAROON POCKET DAM Usual time and happenings. (Last meeting for the year.) 12th Sausage Sizzle 13th Bus trip to Caloundra. 21st Noosa River Cruise with Glasshouse Seniors. 745am departure Maleny Showgrounds

December 2023 “Merry Christmas to All” 4th Christmas Party Tranquil Park NOON start … 7th

BUSY NEEDLES INDOOR BOWLS … 6th and 13th DROP IN …. 1st, 8th and 15th.


To add your local organisation events to this list simply email details to:

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 22

Friday, 1 December 2023

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News Travelling Jackaroo “Getting to the Top”

“Back in Northern Territory”

….. continuing on with my mission!

You just never know what you will see on your travels. Was just walking along through a paddock when I was confronted by these monsters from a past era - the Triassic period or about 250 million years ago. They are closely related to dinosaurs. Whilst the ones I came across might not be that old, by the looks of them they could last another 250 million years. I rst was a bit worried as they can strike quicker than a human can react, but then I looked a bit closer.

I can now add “breaking and entry” to my resume as I was required to open up a car that the owner had locked the keys inside. With a couple go wedges and a bit of fencing wire and boom. - I was in. Maybe I have now found a new employment opportunity - maybe I have found your calling My hat is starting to look battered, but it is comfortable. I have worn this hat everywhere since I left Maleny more than 3 years ago. It is serving me well. Do you see the difference - “same hat same Sam”.

I recently had a trip out to Old Tailem Town Pioneer Village at 8552 Princes Highway, Tailem Bend in South Australia where I met the owner, Peter Squires. The property has been in his family’s care for over 100 years. The historical village was established in 1982 and gives insight into what life was like for the settlers of South Australia from 1860 - 1960. If you get a chance you must go and take a look - it is really worthwhile. See their web site at: Also, there have been two major movie productions made there. They were 'Twin Rivers' and Village Roadshow's 'Disappearance'. A chance to see the original backdrops to those movies.

Be a real “Mate” Make sure that you look after your mates Treat them all well!. There are no places for bullies or abusers.


Follow Sam’s Travels You can follow Sam’s adventures via his Facebook Page at “The Travelling Jackaroo” thetravellingjackaroo

Sam’s proposed route - Maleny to Maleny! Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 23

Friday, 1 December 2023




“Lady members of the Bowling Clubs Association, Maleny, 1950s” Lawn Bowls was rst played in Maleny in the mid 1930s on a private rink on the town side of the Maleny Hotel. The hotel and the two bowls rinks were owned by the Burnett Family. The inaugural meeting of the Maleny Bowls Club was held in 1937 and in November 1938 the Maleny Bowls Club was of cially opened in 1938. The Club House was of cially opened in January 1940 followed closely by the opening of the Club's pavilion. In 1947 the extra rinks were added. They were of cially opened on November 18th, 1947 and the Club House was extended in 1950. Today the Maleny Bowls Club is still going strongly with a new breed of local bowlers, including some junior members.

The Hinterlandgrapevine



The Local Shopper Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

To follow “The Local Shopper” Newsletter go to: The Local Shopper will be digitally published on the First and Third Friday of each month via the ISSUU web site. To subscribe email:


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 24




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