Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club News & Results to 02.07.2021.

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Friday, 2 July 2021

Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

“Bunya Street Garage Finally Opens” The ExxonMobil Australia group has been operating in Australia since 1895 and is part of the ExxonMobil Corporation and now the newest Mobil Filling Station has opened in Bunya Street, Maleny. Albeit without the ying red horse that was customary associated with Mobil Filling Stations in earlier years of Mobil trading in Australia. With the garage opening at 2.30p.m. on Friday June 18th there was no “honey moon” period as customers lined up to get fuel at this days bargain

price of $124.7 whilst other fuel retailers were charging in the vicinity of $1.37. Wth the continuing stream of cars topping up their fuel at the new Mobil garage it was not too long before the price of fuel at other Maleny retailers also dropped. It will be interesting to see just how long this will last and what the end results will be in relation to which of the local businesses survive this initial period of lower fuel pricing!

Please support businesses mentioned herein! Shopping Local encourages you to do just that: shop local and rediscover the quality, savings and bene ts of shopping right here at home.

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Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston To contact Cr Winston Johnston

Mass Transport Survey

Sunshine Coast Budget

Thousands of submissions will be carefully analysed over the coming weeks ahead of an updated draft Mass Transit Options Analysis report being considered by council later this year.

It is expected that the Sunshine Coast Council will scrap discounts for those who pay their rates early in its 2021-22 budget in an effort to return the budget to surplace within the 2021-22 nancial year.

A comprehensive eight-week consultation period which was announced to the community on 12 April on the future of transport on the Sunshine Coast was held from 28 April until June 26th, 2021. Council will now spend the next few months examining and analysing the feedback followed by a review of the draft Options Analysis Report before presenting the report to a future council meeting.

Councillors will soon vote if they should adopt the proposed $816 million nancial plan for the next 12 months with a positive operating result of $18.8 million.

An agenda and meeting details will be published on council’s website prior to the report being considered. Subject to council’s agreement, a nalised report will be provided to the State Government for consideration and further assessment prior to development of a Detailed Business Case.

It is proposed to have no increase to the minimum general rate and a $4 increase to the environmental levy.

The Council had a strong response to the engagement phase; the next phase will take several weeks to ensure that all of the valuable feedback can be carefully considered.

In this budget there is $200,000 allocated to continue the Maleny Business Centre Streetscape planning and design works for Maple Street, Maleny and $30,000 to install a “Welcome to Maleny” sign.

The analysis phase will involve reviewing input from meetings and forums and individually analysing the surveys received. The survey provided an important opportunity for the community to respond to questions about their current views on growth and transport preferences and how they might change in the future.

Also included is $470,000 for the master planning of Mary Cairncross Ecological Park, Landsborough-Maleny Road, Maleny. This is to establish a council-wide destination recreation park/ecological parkland.

A nal tally of all responses will be made available in the engagement report once they have been reviewed. Public transport is a state government responsibility. Council has an important planning role to encourage investment by the relevant levels of government.

$462,000 is also included to upgrade the surface of Mountain View Road between McCarthy Road and Byrne Lane, Maleny and $120,000 to construct a new pathway along Palm Street, Maleny.

Any mass transit system will need to be supported by more bus services, improved routes and timetables, and better connections to reduce travel times to areas not directly serviced by mass transit.

This budget is designed to support, safety and local recovery.

Visit council’s website for information about the mass transit project and future project updates.

You can tune into the meeting live on Thursday, 25 March at 9am by visiting Council’s website. at:



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Friday, 2 July 2021

Friday, 2 July 2021

Around Glass house Electorate with Mr Andrew Powell Cost more for your rubbish

According to the recent Palaszczuk Labor budget, the state government will stop reimbursing councils for collecting rubbish. Beyond this year councils will be forced to pass on the costs associated with the state governments waste levy – effectively putting a tax on every wheelie bin across Queensland.

It did not even bring forward the urgent funding for the much needed Maleny Kenilworth Road upgrade at Cambroon. This dangerous section of roadway is not slated to commence until 2023-24.

Glass House Small Business Awards Maleny region

In Metropolitan areas, ratepayers could expect to pay an additional $88. That gure could be in excess of $100 in regional Queensland. Also in the State Government budget handed down for the coming year unfortunately it failed to address many of the glaring problems and concerns facing the Glass House electorate and broader Queensland.

Easton Lawyers employee Sharon Scho eld has been nominated and is now keen for your vote in the Glass House Small Business Awards - Maleny region. One of Sharon's nominees said she was 'the hardest working person I know'. A full list of nalists will be displayed on my website and voting will conclude at the close of business on Tuesday 6th July - so you will have to get in quick.

Miss Showgirl Awards

Maple Street Co-Op moves in to the future

Queensland Country Life Showgirl Awards are conducted annually by Queensland Agricultural Shows to raise the pro le of agricultural shows across the state. The Awards, started in 1983 are hosted by Queensland Agricultural Shows .

The Maleny Street Co-Op is going to move into the future as it will be the rst Maleny business to provide a community fast charging station for electronic vehicles in the town business centre. The Co-Op is to install an Elanga Fast Charge station. Elanga is an Electric Vehicle Charging solution-driven company which provides charging stations for the electric vehicle market.

Chloe Lanham, MalenyShowGirl has won the 2021 Near North Coast Sub Chamber nals and will shortly be off to the Brisbane Ekka for the State Finals.

Fast charging is around 10 to 15 times a person charging at home on a domestic 10 amp socket. Fast Charging stations will become a critical part in promoting the global transition away from fossil fuels to the greener technologies, such as driving an electric vehicle.

These young women are selected from hundreds of entrants across the 128 agricultural shows throughout Queensland.

According to Elaga Australia the cost of charging an EV is equivalent to 30c per litre for petrol, if you drive an average of 20 to 30 km per day.

The Showgirl competition provides these young women with the amazing opportunity to gain personal development, learn life-long skills and pursue leadership roles in the community and in the workplace.

The Co-Op solar panels have been upgraded and the charging point will be on the gable end of the building with a dedicated parking spot so the customers can pop the tire on the charge while they pop in the shop. Car owners can use the Elanga app to pay for the charge.

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Maleny Accident Repair Centr Shed 3/16 Lawyer Street, Maleny

5499 9200

In Motor Vehicle Repairs, Experience Counts

Panel Beating

Our professional Panel Beaters operate to industry best practice standards and have exceptional attention to detail. Precision is optimised through our stateof-the-art working facilities and our safe and ergonomic working environment. At Maleny ARC, nothing is left to chance. No detail is overlooked, and we constantly look for ways to improve our processes to streamline the repair cycle time. Spray Painting The MARC team of dedicated Spray Painters has an uncompromising focus on quality paint nishes. Our specialised spray equipment and state-of-the-art spray booth allows our tradespeople to deliver high quality factory nishes every time. Our Paint Technicians are highly trained in colour matching to ensure the nished result is a perfect match to the factory nish. We use and recommend only AkzoNobel Re nish products in the re nishing of your vehicle. In this group is Sikkens which is one of the world’s leading re nish coatings brands. We recognise the importance of environmental sustainability when we selected our premier re nish system it was with environmental sustainability in mind. All for the good of your repair.

Maleny Accident Repair Centre Services

Another thing we do for our clients When we do a repair and repaint we give our customers a small touch up bottle of paint for free. This ensures that there is always some paint for those little touchups that are needed from time to time. Also are you having trouble with the paint on your car peeling? The cause of this generally is the use of poor quality paint and the clear top coat disintegrating in the harsh Australian conditions. This leads to rust patches forming. We use the best quality paint applied correctly

Maleny Apprentice rises to the challenge The smash repair services in Maleny has a great future and is in great hands with our very own Gwilyn Black getting nominated for rising apprentice of the year. Maleny Accident Repair Centre owner, Juan said, “We are so lucky to have this young man working for us and super proud of how far he has come.” So you can be assured that your car will be in good hands should you need repairs.


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Friday, 2 July 2021

Friday, 2 July 2021

Maleny Paint Supplies 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny.

Ph 54942002 Australian Owned and made brands of Ultra-Premium paints

“Northane Gloss” “Food grade Clear Coating” NorthaneGloss is a premium two-pack aliphatic linear polyurethane is especially suitable for surfaces where durability and fade resistance is required. It has outstanding chemical abrasion resistance, waterproo ng and weathering properties It has excellent chemical, waterproo ng and weathering properties and is ideal for

refurbishing most surfaces, especially where a superior long lasting coating is required. Home, leisure, commercial, industry and suitable as a food grade coating. It comes in15 standard colours including Black and White and clear in satin and white. It can be either brushed or sprayed. This makes it a great product to use for repainting kitchen cupboards rather than completing a full kitchen renewal. Other uses include refurbishing most surfaces and where a superior long lasting coating is required including aircraft exteriors, breglass boats, buses, earthmoving equipment, anti-graf ti applications, hospital walls and oors, furniture, sh ponds and food surfaces. Ideal on timber, steel, aluminium and breglass as a durable waterproof nish coat.

This beautiful local bar is coated with Norglass Northane Clear. It’s the perfect protective nish as it’s food-grade, chemical resistant for any alcohol spills and heat resistant for hot plates or coffee.

When they’re not working at our factory the staff at Norglass are busy helping save the world

For detailed information showing the process in detail visit the web page below: Colourtrend Paints have a range of Ultra-Premium Paints to service your needs! Follow Maleny District Sports & Recreation Cub news visit:



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Change to Vaccine advice “A message from local Federal Member for Fisher, Mr. Andrew Wallace” Recently the medical experts on the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation have updated their advice to recommend the P zer vaccine against COVID-19 for adults under the age of 60.

AstraZeneca, clearly outweigh the risks of TTS. People who have had their rst dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine without any serious adverse effects, including me, should still receive their second dose. This includes adults under 60 years of age. The 21 Commonwealth Vaccination Clinics already administering the P zer vaccine will immediately start accepting people aged 50-59.

This updated advice is based on new evidence demonstrating a higher risk than originally thought of a rare blood-clotting condition in the 50-59 year-old age group. It is important to understand that for people aged 60 years or above, the bene ts of vaccination, with any vaccine including

There will be 70 clinics administering P zer by 5th July, with all of the 136 Commonwealth

Vaccination Clinics doing so by the end of July. The Australian Government is also fast-tracking the transition of General Practice to administering P zer. From 5th July the progressive on boarding of 1,300 general practices to provide the P zer vaccine, including for people aged 50-59. While the advice from ATAGI requires us to adjust, it can be accommodated within the plans already in place. We anticipate everyone who wishes to be vaccinated will still be offered a rst dose in 2021.

Australian Nature at its nest!

The Kookaburra is native to Australia and New Guinea and the loud, distinctive call of the laughing kookaburra is widely associated with Australian bush settings. Another favourite Australian is our loveable native bear, the Koala. Both these Australian icons hold very rm places in most Australian hearts.

The picture at right shows the strong sense of bonding between the two icons of Australia. It is just a pity that Australian Homo sapiens just cannot show the same sense of bonding as do our native icons.

Who Gives A Crap? -

We Do!

What do we really mean when we say our toilet paper helps build toilets? We trust that our partner organisations know how to best improve global access to proper sanitation – that means our donation could go to building toilets. To put it into perspective, a child under ve dies every two minutes from diarrhoea diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. Pro ts from the sale of this toilet paper is used our donation could go to building toilets, but could also mean it supports larger clean water projects.


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Friday, 2 July 2021

Friday, 2 July 2021

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Inc Is an incorporated umbrella organisation whose aims are to promote. sport and recreation facilities for Maleny and surrounding districts.

Maleny Players Presents:

Maleny Calendar of Events 2021


KnitFest Yarn & Fibre Festival 3 & 4 July Maleny’s Main Street.

Secrets is an exploration of the secrets we all have. Some will come out. some will stay buried.

Public Star Gazing Night Brisbane Astronomical Society 3 July 5.00 pm Maleny Golf Club Porters Lane.

Through music, humour, drama, the human voice and movement this sequin-less Kabaret takes the audience on an emotional roller coaster ride.

“Talking Crime” from Celebrating Books team 4 July 10 am Maleny Community Centre.

We all have secrets and some we will go to extraordinary lengths to protect theirs.

Maleny Handmade Markets 24 & 25 July 8 am 3 pm Maleny Community Centre.

Performances will be on the weekend of the 30th; 31st July and 1st of August.

Friendship Morning Tea with the Maleny Hospital Auxiliary 29 July 10 am Maleny Community Centre Veranda Room.

Book Online at eid=782758&

Secrets a Kabaret from the Maleny Players 30, 31 July & 1 August Maleny Playhouse, Showgrounds. Drag Queen Bingo Beyond Blue Fundraiser 7 August 6.00 pm Maleny RSL.

Meet you Over a Cuppa! Please join us for a 'Friendship Morning Tea' with the Maleny Hospital Auxiliary, on Thursday 29 July, 10am at the Verandah Room, Maleny Community Centre.

The Idea of North (a cappella ensemble) Maleny Arts Council 8 August 2pm Maleny Community Centre. Vix & The Slick Chick 20th August 6.30 pm Maleny RSL.

This Morning Tea is open to everyone - feel free to bring a friend, or perhaps someone new to Maleny. Devonshire morning tea/ coffee $10 per person.

Kevin Howell Open Day 28 August Maleny Historical Society, Mens Shed & the Blackall Range Horseless Carriage Club Pioneer Village.

Bookings at Rosetta Books (cash only) or at Hospital Auxiliary meetings or phone 5435 2134 and direct deposit.

John Mays 3 September 6.30 Maleny RSL “Welcome to Maleny" Maleny Lions 11th September 3.00 pm MDSRC Clubhouse and Ziza Field.

You can follow the MalenyHospital Auxiliary news through their Facebook page at:

Springtime High Tea and Fashion Show 16 September 10 am Maleny Community Centre. Spring Fair by the Maleny Garden Club 2nd October 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Showgrounds Pavilion. We hope to see you there!

Like the naked city there are a thousand stories in theSunshine Coast Hinterland Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 7

Tell us your story.....

Friday, 2 July 2021

Maleny Service 16 Lawyer Street, Maleny.


Ph 54943444

One Stop Mechanical Services Shop Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises

Do you know how to “merge” correctly It seems like the easiest thing in the world – yet how many times have you heard the irate complaint: “No-one knows how to merge in this country!” The image clearly depicts two vehicles driving in adjacent lanes separated with a broken white line. The orange car on the left-hand side is slightly ahead of the blue car, as the left-hand lane ends parallel to a “form one lane” sign. “The two cars need to merge into one lane,” asks the quiz. “Who goes rst?” But most insisted the car travelling ahead had the right of way. The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads gave clarity as debate continued to rage. “When lines of traf c merge, you must give way to any vehicle that's ahead of you,” same the response. “Lines of traf c refers to adjacent rows of vehicles that don't have a lane separation line between them.

Maleny Service Centre is supplied with tyres by Neta which is the Queensland distributor for Gecko Wheels and the warehouse distributor for some of Australia's best value tyre brands of passenger car, 4x4 and light commercial tyres.

“Here the blue car must give way to the orange.” So how did you go? Are you on the same (correct) page as the Qld department, or are you likely to risk

Your One Stop Shop for Automotive Repairs – you don’t need to do the running around, we do it for you!:. We are dedicated and passionate about servicing, repairing and maintaining one of your most valuable assets, your Motor Vehicle.

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 8





Friday, 2 July 2021

Maple Street Meats Specialising in quality product and service.

Shop2/4 Maple Street, Maleny

5429 6499

When only the best Ingredients will do!

Recipes from Jeremi Beer Braised Corned Beef

1.2kg corned beef silverside, excess fat trimmed

Preheat oven to 150°C (130° fan-forced). Wash beef and pat dry with paper towel. Place onions in centre of an ovenproof casserole dish and place beef on top, fat side up. Sprinkle top of beef with sugar and add bay leaves and peppercorns to dish. Pour beer and stock around beef, ensuring the liquid covers beef. Cover and place in oven for 1 ½ hours or until cooked to your liking. Remove beef from liquid and set aside on a plate loosely covered with foil to rest for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, in a large bowl place zucchini, peas, egg, our, haloumi and mint. Season and stir well to combine. Heat oil in a large non-stick frying pan medium heat. Spoon ¼ cup portions of zucchini mixture into pan and cook, in batches, for 3-4 minutes each side until golden. Set aside on a plate lined with paper towel. Repeat with remaining zucchini batter. Slice corned beef and serve with fritters, sweet potato mash, baby spinach, tzatziki and mint leaves.


1 large brown onion, thinly sliced 2 tbsp brown sugar 2 bay leaves 1 tsp black peppercorns 3 cups (750ml) beer3 cups (750ml)


salt-reduced beef stock 2 zucchini, grated, liquid squeezed out ½ cup frozen peas, thawed


1 egg, lightly beaten 1/3 cup self-raising our 80g haloumi, coarsely grated


2 tbsp mint leaves, nely chopped +extra leaves, to serve 1 tbsp olive oilSweet potato mash, baby spinach leaves, tzatziki, to serve


The longer you cook the corned beef the more tender it will become – for pull apart corned beef cook for 3-4 hours.


Use leftover corned beef to make healthy Reuben sandwiches with coleslaw and yoghurt dressing, corned beef hash or even a corned beef potato salad.


Swap beer for more stock, if desired; swap peas for corn kernels; serve with pre-made gravy instead of tzatziki, if desired.

Support Sam the Travelling Jackaroo by donating to Dolly’s Dream

Dolly’s Dream was set up in memory of Amy “Dolly” Everett, aged 14 years who took her life after an extended period of bullying and cyberbullying. Dolly’s parents Tick and Kate and sister Meg are working to help prevent other families from going through the same devastating experience.

Maple Street Meats

Provides quality product and good old fashioned service.

Beef, chicken, pork and lamb.

Special orders available. Retail and wholesale. Come in and see us,

nd us on Facebook or call us on 54296499.


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 9




Friday, 2 July 2021

Local Tradespersons When you use a local tradesperson and you know who you are dealing with!

Tony & Di’s Home Maintenance

Brett Cooper Builder Builders Lic . 15045940. -

HIA. 863583

Talk to us about your new home!

ABN. 47988681738


No job too small - Carpentry - Painting Tiling General Repairs & Maintenance



AA Plus Jobs

Arandall Painting

Adrian Gault

Paul & Jamie

When only the best will do! QBCC No 1113664

At your Service

Quality Painting & Decorating with over 40 years experience

All odd jobs, Small Renovations, Landscaping. Floor Sanding + installation, Restoration and Painting



Matt Billing Maintenance

Here is a local Facebook Page worth having a look at especially at this time of year

Brushcutting, hedging, small and big chainsaw pruning you name it

Give us a Go!

Sustainable Living

Matthews garden maintenance we can deliver/ spread mulch for your gardens. Lawn mowing + Pruning. 589804454430776


Advertise your local business here for just $15 per mth Published Digitally on First & Third Friday of each month. Visit web site at http://www.issuu/hinterlandgrapevine (then pick the issue wanted)

For more information contact Maleny Paint on 54942002

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 10

Friday, 2 July 2021

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News Maleny Chamber




Have you got your Local Shopping Gift Card Yet?

“Shop Local Cards a Success

The Chamber is hosting a special event on July 29th, 2021 at 6p.m. at Tranquel Park..

Why Shop Locally?

speakers in the world. His Motivational CSP award is a testimonial to his ability to adapt and receive high ratings from his audiences. The small number of professional speakers who have earned the CSP designation speaks to the dif culty of meeting the qualifying criteria.

This events includes a delicious 2 course dinner and complimentary glass of mulled wine and special guest speaker. Only 100 tickets available and open to everyone!

While it may not be possible to source all our needs from our local retailers and tradesman, here are a few reasons to think twice before you make your next purchase:

Christmas in July Dinner and Guest Speaker, Eric Bailey who is a Global Motivation Speaker

It Creates local jobs and it is personal;

Eric is known as Australia’s Most Versatile Motivational Speaker and has the ability to touch everyone in the room with openness, authenticity, energy and passion.

For over 30 years, Eric has been unlocking new peaks to conquer, and the best part, he is not stopping yet.

Shopping locally helps Australia grow;

From starting as a successful basketball player to pivoting into one of the foremost motivational

Shopping locally gives better consumer choice and better customer service because you are shopping with a friend;

Purchase tickets at: malenycommercechristmasinjuly

Assists local businesses support local community & sporting groups; It reduces your carbon footprint Will you really support local businesses?

About Maleny Commerce Maleny and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. is an incorporated body representing the business community since 1986.

To nd out which local businesses accept these cards visit the web site: For businesses wishing to join Maleny Commerce go to the web address:

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 11



Friday, 2 July 2021

Maleny RFB

Maleny SES

Volunteer group

Volunteer group

Volunteer with Maleny RFB We are looking for volunteers

Maleny RFB is part of Rural Fire Service Queensland. The Maleny Group covers over 100 sq kilometres and have 3 re ghting trucks and 1 Command Vehicle. The group also assists other volunteer groups.

We are always looking for more volunteers so if you think you can help come along and join our friendly group.

The State Emergency Service Groups are designed to empower people to help themselves and others in their community in times of emergency and disaster. SES assistance is provided for non-life threatening emergency situations during oods, storms or other similar events. SES volunteers also support other agencies such as Queensland Police Service and Queensland Fire and Rescue Service to perform additional functions and different types of disasters and emergencies. SES volunteers train and respond to emergencies together, and the experiences they share lay the foundations for life-long friendships. Uniforms are provided free to volunteers.

Two men found dead in light aircraft wreck in thick bushland at Peacheste Two male persons were killed in a light aircraft crash into bushland at Commissioners Flat Road, Peachester on Wednesday June 24th. The aircraft was found at about 8.50p.m. that night after a major search conducted by a number of aircraft, including a specially equiped search aircraft from Melbourne The two-seater Cessna-150 Aerobat plane owned by the Sunshine Coast Aero Club failed to return to the airport at Maroochydore Airport earlier that day. It is known that often planes doing training exercises in the area but it is believed that there have not been any crashes in the area in the past.

If you require SES assistance please contact 132500. We are also looking for volunteers who are looking for some fun and adventure whilst helping your community.

Fundraiser for “Beyond Blue” Another great night of fun whilst raising funds for “Beyond Blue”. This night organised by SES Member, Jared. Its going to be a Ball Dropping Good Time!

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau staff from Brisbane travelled to the site on Thursday June 24th to take over the investigation from police. Spare a thought for the family of Senior Constable David Masters - killed on duty.





Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 12

Friday, 2 July 2021

Truthful Jones says

An Old Codger’s Thoughts & Opinions One thing that the COVID pandemic should cause Australians to consider is the abolition of the states. Australia should consider the growing cost and mounting problems of the federation. It is an unfortunate fact that politics play too much in uence in important decisions to be made in the best interest of Australia. This can be seen in the antagonistic “war of words” between the Queensland Premier and the Federal Government Health Department. Even health experts have criticised the political back swiping because it has confused the average Australian. At its worst, having both a state and federal government not only is a compromise pandering to jealousies between state and federal governments., but also creates an unnecessarily complex and expensive form of government for Australia. It would be much simpler if Australia had a single set of laws for the country thus making it easier in today’s society to easier shift from one part of Australia to another chasing employment and better living conditions. Consider the idea of simple matters such as car registration or entry into a new school system experienced by anyone who has moved interstate.

Truthful tells us that he recently went for a bike ride with a friend who was riding his Harley along a Victorian beach road when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, God said, "Because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish." The biker pulled over and said, "Build a bridge to Tasmania so I can ride over anytime I want." God replied, "Your request is materialistic; think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking; the supports required reaching the bottom of the Paci c and the concrete and steel it would take! I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind." The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally, he said, "God, I wish that I, and all men, could understand women. I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, why she snaps and complains when I try to help, and how I can make a woman truly happy." God replied: "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"

Australia would only need one department of education, one department of agriculture, one department of the environment and so on, instead of multiple agencies currently.

Even the “Good Lord” knows his boundaries when it comes to allocating his miracles!

Disputes over shares of Commonwealth revenue allocated to the states is a constant feature of federal-state relations and that would be a thing of the past.

Channel Seven breakfast show “Sunrise” weather person Sam Mac visited Maleny Dairies on Tuesday June 28th and presented the weather from there.

There would be no ability for “buck passing” over whose responsibility certain government responsibilities were as lines of responsibility would be well de ned. It will most likely never happen, but only because the people who need to push the idea are throw into panic by the prospects of not having their troughs in which to keep their snouts.

Sunrise at Maleny Dairies

We didn’t need Sam Mac to tell us that it was a bitterly cold start to the morning. This was a great opportunity to bring some of the tourist bene ts to the viewers of the Sunrise Breakfast program. Hopefully this will entice interstate tourists to book a holiday here soon.


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 13




And he swears that it 100% true. - No Bulls##t”

Friday, 2 July 2021

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 14

Friday, 2 July 2021

Local Groups News There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!

Maleny Ukulel

Maleny Senior Citizens Notes July 2021

Tom Richter and his ukulele players will entertain patrons at the Maleny RSL Hall on Friday 23rd July at 6p.m.

Maleny Bowls Club visit on 6th July. BUSY NEEDLES 8th and 22n

INDOOR BOWLS 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th DROP IN … NO DROP IN on the 2nd it is Good Friday then the 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th MANAGEMENT MEETING …19th July at Lynda”s place 830am GENERAL MEETING 26th 915am for 930am start. This will be a “back to front” meeting. We will have a “bring & buy” table (be prepared to take home any items not sold). We are having a HOT lunch. Cost for this day will be $5.00 plus the usual raf es, membership draw $25 and lucky door. 27th July visit to Glasshouse Seniors. At Andrew Wallace's Fisher Awards night on the 28th June our Maleny Senior Citizens Club won the Senior Community Group of the year for 2020.

Tom is one of Maleny's best and most versatile musicians and is back by popular demand.

Create a life that feels good on the inside not just one that looks good on the outside.

WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENTS! Maleny Trail park run every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606 Ukulele Group every Monday time TBA Pioneer Village Badminton every Monday 6.30-8.30 pm High School Activity Centre "Monday Balance" Every Monday take an hour out for yourself immersed in sound. Maleny RSL 4 - 5 pm Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon Pattemore House 15, Porters Lane Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL Club Acoustic Encore local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL Social Table Tennis all welcome Maleny High School Activity Centre Sundays 1 - 5 pm Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL Maleny PickleBall every Monday 6.30p.m. to 8.30p.m. Maleny High School Activities Centre. Please email your weekly regular event to

for inclusion every week

Maleny Visitor Information Centre The Maleny Visitor Information Centre is situated at 2/23 Maple Street, Maleny. It is open 7 days a week between 9.30am-4.00pm. Closed only on Good Friday and Christmas Day.

If you have lost something on your visit to Maleny check with the centre as often items are handed in there. Phone: 07 5499 9033 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 15




Friday, 2 July 2021

Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History Some Maleny history with Harvey Bryce

The Early History of the SES in Maleny

The State Emergency Service (SES) is a volunteer organisation, established by an Act of Parliament in 1975. Under the Act, every local authority in Queensland is responsible for maintaining SES Units within their communities. SES volunteers do not receive payment. As with most organisations necessity is the mother of invention. The forming of the Maleny State Emergency Group in 1981 was no different. One could say that it all started with a nasty black looking sky and a sudden windstorm accompanied by strong winds and what happened next is history. At the end of the storm there was a house - roo ess - the roof being deposited some two hundred metres down the paddock. With darkness fast approaching there was a dilemma what to do to stop further damage being caused to the contents of this home as it appeared that the storm was to return. A solution of sort was found after much searching and inquiring. What did come out of this particular incident was a move by a number of concerned people in the Maleny community to attempt to provide some help in similar circumstances in the future. As a result a meeting was held at the

Maleny State School and a large number of people attended and as a result it was decided to form a State Emergency Service Volunteer Group. Lloyd Larney became the rst Group Leader and local school teacher, Vince Carbery the Deputy.

a result local businesses came to the front offering assistance. George Mof tt of Mof tts Garage, for the newer members of the community George was a wellknown local character who helped everyone. He ran a garage in Maple Street, Maleny. George had a great array of equipment that could be used in many situations and he was always ready to put his equipment at the disposal of the group.

The rst meetings were held at the Maleny State School with the good will of the school community, in fact a number of teachers initially joined the group. Scott Battersby, one of the teachers went on to be a long serving member of the group and eventually became First Of cer of the Maleny Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade which was a sister organisation formed under the branch of the State Emergency Services Department.

Another stalwart of the group was then local ambulance of cer now deceased, Ron Keleher. Ron had been in the area since the dinosaurs disappeared and he knew everybody and how to get everywhere. At about this time, 1982 there was a series of bush searches and rescues around the area. Tourists appeared to nd places that they should never nd and they explored those places - often to their own peril and subsequent peril of local rescue teams. In this initial time it was always

First things rst though. The beginnings were very elementary and equipment was scarce and as

Information here. is. supplied. by Maleny Cultural & Historical Society In "To collect, store, preserve, restore and display examples of past life in Maleny so we can effectively tell and show the story of our community

(07) 5499 9030.



Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 16













Web Address:


PO Box 5, Maleny Qld 455

Phone :

7 Bryce Lane, Maleny.



Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History”

The Early History of the SES in Maleny (Continued from previous Page)

Kondalilla Falls and the Obi-Obi Gorge were places of numerous rescue missions. Most of them ended happily but on a couple of occasions endings were sorrowful events. Early 1982 saw ve or six rescue missions in that area. On one occasion a woman and three young people rode through the gorge on tyre tubes after there had been heavy rainfall. They became stuck and spent a night in the gorge before being found by a search team and subsequently being lifted out the following day by helicopter. Within a few days a Melbourne woman became stuck in the same area also attempting to oat through the gorge on a tyre tube. Becoming frightened of the fast owing water so left the

gorge and attempted to walk out but became lost. She too was found the following day by a search team of SES members led by Sergeant Les Fawkes Of cer in Charge of Maleny police. This became the pattern of the workload of the group for some time. As earlier indicated not all the searches ended happily. Again in early 1982 an elderly woman was killed when she fell over Kondalilla falls whilst it was in ood. She fell about 80 metres. Police and SES volunteers had the unenviable job of retrieving the body from the bottom of the falls. These were early days of the now famous Energex Rescue Helicopter service.

Meetings were by now being held at the disused Maleny butter factory where there was some storage area for equipment something that was not possible at the Maleny school. The then

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 17





During this time the Maleny SES group had attempted to get funding for much needed equipment. This proved a dif cult task. Through contacts in the State Emergency Service Department it was learned that there were some ex-government 4 wheel drive vehicles coming up for resale. Unfortunately there was no Santa Clause to be found so some members of the group guaranteed the payment for one of the vehicles and this was the start of the group gaining some equipment of its own.

"Mof e" who provided the transport as he had a new 4 wheel drive vehicle.




Friday, 2 July 2021

Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History”

The Early History of the SES in Maleny (Continued from previous Page)

Here the group had its rst real home. In early 1984 an incident occurred in the Booloumba Falls area of the Conondale Ranges when a male adult and 10 youths became disorientated. The male person lost his footings on a steep wet hillside and plunged down a bushy ridge and into a pool at the bottom. He suffered serious leg and spine injuries and it was later revealed that any unforeseen movement could most likely have caused him to become a paraplegic. This was a most memorable memory of those volunteers who attended that night as not only was the task very dif cult, but dangerous. It required the use of the government helicopter in the hover working in very close proximity to the ground crew. This task was successfully completed and the bushwalker fully recovered. The Group now saved for and equipped an ex-army International 4 wheel drive truck speci cally for the purpose of re ghting.

At this time there was no Rural Fire Brigade in this area and no sign that a group would be formed in the near future. It was this information that the decision for the SES group to also attend rural res. This truck provided splendid service in some very rugged areas for well over a decade when it too became the victim of Murphy's Law at the scene of a re where it received considerable damage. It was not economic to repair and this truck has since been decommissioned. It was a sentimental favourite vehicle of some members although it could be a bitch to drive in some of the situations that it found itself. There was a period in 1991 when the area was covered with res

Again many community members came to the fore in providing valuable equipment and knowledge. Water tankers were regularly provided by Ron Hankinson and Rod Wild. They were available at any time and on many occasions they had turned away their own work to be available in times of need. Community members owe much to people like them who unsel shly give their time and equipment.

and that culminated in the Beerwah res.

Working away slowly but patiently they covered a lot of area at the re-face reducing the amount of fuel available to the re.

These res did considerable damage to the pine forests in the Beerwah area along with damage to bridges and buildings. This time of community danger again

Had it not been for the many heroic efforts put in by the members of the group the damage and possibility of loss of life could have been greater. Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 18












This period required many hours to be spent at numerous res around the area. Many were lit by local residents to back burn and they subsequently got away and others were as a result of natural causes.

Many stories can be told about Fraser Skerman and his side kick, Ray Lucas who were always too ready to provide their four wheel drive tractors to push re breaks and assist with back burning.


showed the ability and the determination of the emergency service groups - especially the volunteers.

Caloundra Shire Council allowed the group to store equipment and have meetings at the Maleny




Friday, 2 July 2021

Friday, 2 July 2021

Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History”

The Early History of the SES in Maleny (Continued from previous Page) In 1994 State Emergency Service volunteers showed that they

and all the service clubs put in a lot of effort to ensure that desperately needed equipment was available.

assist the community in other ways when they assisted police with bush and river searches after two bodies were found in the Mary River at Conondale. The bodies were dumped as a result of a bizarre double murder that was subsequently found to be drug related.

The female person was trapped in the car for almost two hours whilst special equipment was brought from the coast to assist in extricating her from the crumpled car. She subsequently died whilst being transported to Nambour hospital by helicopter. Local medico Dr. Greg Wren called on the community to put together some basic extrication equipment to be on hand at Maleny.

Bush searches again were the order of the day after the disappearance of two women in the Conondale Forest area in the late 1990’s. The tasks handled by State Emergency Service Volunteers varied. Maleny SES volunteers also assisted with the building of the building of the shed now commonly known as the SES-Show Society Cattle pavilion in the Maleny Show-grounds. This was

Within a few short months approximately $60,000 was raised within the community and the necessary equipment was handed to the Queensland Fire Service for use in the Maleny and near area. Fire Of cer Laurie Benecke and his crew soon became expert in its use.

a joint project with the Maleny Show Society, Maleny SES Group and the Caloundra Shire Council.

This equipment unfortunately has had to be used on numerous occasions and a number of local residents owe if not their lives then their physical health to the use of this equipment.

Following one particularly horri c accident at Witta in which a female passenger was seriously injured many local businesses

This is a community working together for the good of our community.

Maleny SES Today The Maleny Community is in good hands should a major incident or disaster occur. Today a new group of well trained and enthusiastic and active volunteers have taken over control of the Maleny SES Group. They have been excited by the soon to be provisioned new dedicated building in Dixon Avenue for the combined Emergency Services Groups. This will take the group into the next stage of growth in our area. Thanks to all the volunteers in our various community groups.

You can keep up to date with the Maleny SES Group via their Facebook page at

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 19



Friday, 2 July 2021

Maleny Community Groups & When they meet!

Community Groups that form the back bone of the Maleny Community

Maleny Rotary Club Meeting. Times 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. 6-30pm for 7pm Maleny Hotel, Bunya St. Maleny Email:

Maleny Probus Club Meeting. Times

Maleny Uniting Church, Landsborough Road, Maleny

Meet 10 am on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Feb to November

1300 856 859

Apex Club of Maleny Meeting. Times MALENY HOTEL/MALENY BOWL'S CLUB 1ST & 3RD MONDAYS, 7.00PM. Email Postal PO BOX 39. MALENY, QLD 4552 0487770653

Maleny Senior Citizens Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month. Activities include card games, meetings and regular bus trips Email:

0409 266 507

Queensland Country Womens Association - Maleny Branch Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month.


The Zonta Club of Blackall Range Meetings at

Various between Montville and Maleny. Dinner meeting 3rd Tuesday of month 6pm.



Maleny Uniting Church Hall On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm Monthly Dinner Meeting held at The Orangery,10 Mountain View Rd, at 6.30pm on 4th Tuesday of month


Maleny Commerce Meetings at

Monthly breakfast networking meetings. 2nd Tuesday of the month. Venues to be advised.


Being a part of a community can make us feel as though we are a part of something greater than ourselves.

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 20

Friday, 2 July 2021

Maleny Hardware & Rural Supplies Hardware - Farm Supplies - Pet Products - Garden - Fencing - Campin

Andrea & Mark Porter Maleny Hardware and Rural Supplies is located in the centre of Maleny in the picturesque Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Thy offer good old fashioned service to your car for those heavy items. There is also ample parking at the front and pick up at the rear of the store. We are independently owned and supply the local community with rural and hardware supplies at competitive prices.

Did you know we can deliver items in surrounding suburbs for a small fee. Come and browse through our extensive range of products and say hi to the new owners Andrea & Mark Porter.

Now is an ideal time to check out our new “Garden Section”

Winter Gardening Jobs To help protect vulnerable plants from cold and frost: ✓

Move potted plants to a protected area such as on a veranda or up against a north facing wall.

Don’t dig or disturb the soil around plants, which can make the soil cooler and increase potential cold damage.

Drape frost or shade cloth over sensitive plants.

Water the garden well during the morning so the soil is moist – moist soil holds more warmth than dry soil.

Avoid watering plants in the afternoon, so that the foliage has a chance to dry off before nightfall.

Remove weeds and grasses under and around trees and shrubs, to allow more sunlight and warmth to penetrate into the soil.

Don’t prune off any damaged foliage until the risk of frost has passed, as the damaged leaves can help protect the rest of the plant. We have all your needs for your winter gardening jobs along with “in-season” seedlings.

To check out the extensive range of products stocked visit the web site:

Phone. 07 5494 2302 For a detailed list of products and services provided go to

31 Coral Street, Maleny Queensland 4552, Australi Like us on Facebook for up-to-date special offers and upcoming events.



Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 21

Friday, 2 July 2021

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News Travelling Jackaroo NAME THE WASHING “Doing it for Dolly’s Dream”



ne of my sponsored groups is Dolly’s Deam

Dolly Everett’s family said nurturing and strengthening mental health in regional and rural areas, especially young people, was “imperative”. “Support from a mental health professional isn’t cheap and it’s not always accessible,” Mrs Everett said. “Which is why Dolly’s Dream has partnered with registered mental health charity TIACS (This Is A Conversation Starter) to offer a free mental health support from quali ed mental health professionals with recognised quali cations in psychology or counselling.” Dolly’s mum said the service wasn’t just for young people, but also for their parents and carers who might be struggling to start a conversation.

Travelling Jackaroo “In time for the Rocky Show”

I recently met with Neil Fisher Deputy Mayor at Rockhampton Regional Council at the Rockhampton Show.

Before you all blow up about weight it’s about 10kg, I’m paying $4 a load at the laundry twice a week. This just connects to a tap and power and boom, washing done happy days. Just another needy item to add to my luxurious home on wheels. Here's to a cheeky-faced young Australian with a big heart and n even bigger dream. Bon voyage from Maleny, and safe travels Sam. You can follow Sam’s adventures via his Facebook Page at “The Travelling Jackaroo” thetravellingjackaroo

He showed a lot of interest in what I was doing and why I was doing it! It was good to spread our cause to the Rocky community

Sams proposed route - Maleny to Maleny!

Be a real “Mate” Make sure that you look after your mates - Treat them all well!.

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 22



Friday, 2 July 2021




With the present situation with a plague of mice and a very good grain crop this year!

How to reduce mouse damage during plagues! Maybe today’s farmers could learn from their forefathers

This is how the old farmers kept the mice out of their seed wheat. Note the smooth tin tacked around the posts and the inverted kerosene tins on top of the posts. That was how it was done in early days and then sheared it over with gal iron and curtains to protect it from sun and rain. May be not so practicable with the bulk amounts of grain to be stored.

It is an Aussie thing!

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News

The Local Shopper Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

To follow “The Local Shopper” Newsletter go to: The Local Shopper will be digitally published on the First and Third Friday of each month via the ISSUU web site. To subscribe email: Web Page Impressions Last

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 23

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