Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club News & Results to 03.09.2021.

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Friday, 3 September 2021

Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

“Big Pineapple turns 50” In 1970 Bill and Lyn Taylor decided to build the Big Pineapple tourist attraction in Nambour. The Big Pineapple opened in 1971, as part of the Sunshine Plantation – an early example of agricultural tourism. Inspired by local farming practices. On August 15th the Big Pineapple turns 50. The area around Nambour had grown pineapples since the late 1940’s and they were sent to Northgate in Brisbane where they were canned by Golden Circle Cannery. This particular farm was a working pineapple farm.

The Big Pineapple tourist park included the 16m-high landmark breglass pineapple and was soon joined by the Plantation Train Ride, a one kilometre two-foot gauge track which still has the steepest incline and sharpest bend of any Queensland passenger rail track. This train was pulled by a former sugar cane train. The train ran through a train station/ machinery shed and then around a circuit of the pineapple plantation, the orchard, wild fowl lagoon, and animal nursery. Many families from our area have very fond memories of visiting the Big Pineapple to ride on the train and to feast on the ice cream sundaes. One of the big events at the Big Pineapple came In 1983 when Prince Charles and Princess Diana visited it.

In the 1980’s the Big Pineapple would see as many as 50 full tourist coaches a day visit apart from the hundreds of tourists travelling north and south along the Bruce Highway and day trippers from Brisbane and around the Sunshine Coast.

As a side note this was the day that Queensland Football icon, Mal Meninga worked one of his last shifts as a police constable in the Queensland Police Service before becoming a PE Instructor at the Queensland Police Academy with Wayne Bennett before embarking on a long career and distinguished as a professional footballer.

Please support businesses mentioned herein! Shopping Local encourages you to do just that: shop local and rediscover the quality, savings and bene ts of shopping right here at home.

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Friday, 3 September 2021

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston To contact Cr Winston Johnston

Graf ti Incident at Gardners Falls


Police arrested two persons for graf ti at Gardners Falls as a result of information from a member of the public. The men, aged 21 and 24 from Caboolture are due to appear at the Caloundra Magistrates Court on September 15. Police attended the scene on August 22nd and arrested the two men in the act. There was extensive graf ti/art work done to the rock wall face downstream from the main swimming hole. Police have spoken with Sunshine Coast Council of cers about looking to clean it and they will apply to the court for costs against the offenders for the clean up.

Pet Registration Renewal due soon!

Renewal of pet registration is due by 30 September 2021.

There are several convenient payment methods available, including online payments via MyCouncil or BPay, over the phone or at a council customer contact centre. Where possible, online payment is preferred. Pet owners can also update their pet’s details, including changes to de-sexing, micro-chipping and pensioner details or cancelling your pet’s registration if you no longer own your pet, via MyCouncil or an online form on council’s website. For more information visit council’s website and search for ‘Pet Registration’.

You can tune into Council meeting live by visiting Council’s website at: Council/Council-Meetings/MeetingSchedule-2021

Dalton Bridge Works

Balmoral Lookout Upgrade

The minor refurbishment works at the popular Balmoral lookout at Balmoral Ridge have been completed. The rotunda, seats and pads have been pressure cleaned as well as the roof of the shelter. As you can see in the before and after photos – there’s quite a difference, and it’s all thanks to Council’s Parks and Gardens Built Infrastructure crew for doing such a fabulous job

The refurbishment and repairs to the timber and under-decking are necessary to extend the life of the bridge and ensure road users a safe crossing. Unfortunately, temporary road closure is unavoidable, due to the bridge being a single lane, closure of Eastern Mary River Road will be necessary from, 9am - 2pm Monday to Friday. I appreciate your patience and consideration while we deliver the works which are planned to be undertaken during the September School Holidays. Follow me on Facebook at: https://

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Strengthening and repair works will be undertaken on Dalton Bridge spanning Mary River at the north eastern end of Eastern Mary River Road, Conondale.

Friday, 3 September 2021

Around Glass house Electorate with Mr Andrew Powell

Australian National Flag Day September 3rd

This year’s Australian National Flag Day, on 3 September 2021, marks 120 years since the Australian National Flag was rst of cially own in 1901 at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne – the site of Australia’s rst Parliament.

Blackall Range Horseless Carriage Club AGM

It was wonderful to see another social gathering going ahead again as the Blackall Range Horseless Carriage Club held their AGM on August 25th.

Australian National Flag Day was rst proclaimed in 1996 and is an opportunity for all Australians to observe this milestone anniversary by ying or displaying the ag. Initially, the ag was known as the Commonwealth blue ensign; later, the ag became known as the Australian National Flag.

Not only were there amazing cars to look at, but they have also secured a $18,000 grant to create an outdoor space for future gatherings. Some nishing touches still need to be completed!

It is Australia's foremost national symbol and has become an expression of Australian identity and pride. Since 1901 The Australian National Flag has been used as an of cial declaration by Australian service men and women in many con icts including two world wars. Our Nation’s Flag represents the values and beliefs our diggers cherished and the courageous men and women who fought and died under our National Flag. Each time we raise our great ag – we honour those men and women.

Regional Telecommunica ons Review Submission Invita on Local Federal Member for Fisher, Mr. Andrew Wallace advises residents in Fisher’s Hinterland region that are invited to make a written submission to the 2021 Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee (the Committee).

This is an opportunity for people living in regional, rural and remote areas to have their say and share their experience about using telecommunications services in their area. The Review will examine the adequacy of existing telecommunications services in these regions and will consider issues including service reliability,

regional development and improving coordination between tiers of government. For those who struggle with the business of everyday life, submissions can be brief! Mr. Wallace also encourages anyone who has previously contacted his of ce to express concerns or ideas to take as little as ten minutes to participate. You can nd more information about the2021 Regional Telecommunications Review can be made at the web site: 2021-regional-telecommunications-review Submissions will close 30 September 2021.






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Friday, 3 September 2021

Around the Fisher Electorat with Mr. Andrew Wallace. Federal MP for Fisher Sunshine Coast University “Get the Jab Now”

Second dose done! I recently received my second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, joining almost 6 million Australians who are now fully protected against COVID-19. Vaccination is our best and only way out of this COVID-19 crisis so if you haven’t yet, get registered today and help protect yourself, your family and our community.

Are you interested in up-skilling your Quali cations Mr. Andrew Wallace, Federal Member for Fisher says: “I am living proof that a trade can take you anywhere! This week is National Skills Week and it's an important time to remember that it's never too late to take up a new trade or to upskill. The Morrison Government is spending $6.4 billion just this nancial year on skills and training, including a 2 year extension of the government's JobTrainer fund which has already supported 230,000 Australians to break into new career opportunities. If you are considering a new career path I would encourage you to take advantage of one of the webinars and events taking place across the country this week.” Find out more at:

researches Bush Fire Risks

The University of the Sunshine Coast ) has received a $498,426 Federal grant to deliver a new ‘NOBURN’ mobile app, which is designed to engage the public.

Federal Member for Fisher, Mr. Andrew Wallace said; “Bush res will always be a risk on the Sunshine Coast, but with the help of Sunshine Coast

locals, the University of the Sunshine Coast, and the Federal Government’s support we can gather the data we need to mitigate against that risk and to reduce the impact bush res have when they do happen.” Though much of our community was spared the worst of the Black Summer bush res, parts of our region were impacted. If we don’t act to monitor and understand local risks, then next time it could be much worse. The cost to Australia was estimated to run into the billions and has had a devastating impact on the agriculture, forestry and tourism industries. The outcomes of the research project will assist in disaster resilience, preparedness and response to bush res. As part of the research project Sunshine Coast residents are being urged to become ‘citizen scientists’ and help predict the severity of future bush res in the region by capturing photo evidence of fuel loads, dryness and structure of forests. Arti cial intelligence tools will then be used to predict the probability, severity and burn area of potential bush res, based on images submitted. USC’s grant will enable ‘citizen scientists’ on the Sunshine Coast to work hand in hand with the community and make a direct contribution to a scienti c research project that will have national signi cance. “To make this project a success the University researchers will need as many locals as possible to sign up and get involved, so please, keep an eye out for the NOBURN app which will become available later this year.


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Maleny Paint Supplies 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny.

Ph 54942002 Australian Owned and made brands of Ultra-Premium paints

“Australis Perfect Prep”

Australis Perfect Prep

The Perfect base for the Perfect nish

Acrylic Sealer, Primer and Undercoat When it comes to painting, preparation is the key. That's why it's important to apply an undercoat, especially on a new wall. An undercoat provides a layer for paint to adhere to, makes a surface atter, lls in the grain, and can even be used to seal in stains.

Australis PerfectPrep is an Ultra Premium Pure Acrylic Sealer, Primer and Undercoat all-in-one product.

Primers, on the other hand, adhere to timber surfaces and contain stain inhibiting tannin blockers, while an undercoat is ideal for preparing plasterboard.

PerfectPrep can be used for interior and exterior surfaces. PerfectPrep’s unique formulation requires no sanding on gloss enamels.

Australis Perfect Prep is a combination of Primer - Sealer -Undercoat, all in one product. This makes it a great all round prep coat for all your painting jobs, interior or exterior.

Coverage is an approximately 14 square metres per litre. PerfectPrep will provide excellent adhesion on most surfaces. The product is low odour and easy to apply without messy spatter.

PerfectPrep’s unique formulation requires no sanding on gloss enamels. PerfectPrep will provide excellent adhesion on most surfaces. The product is a water based low odour product that is easy to apply without messy spatter. iIt is suitable for direct application to all types of timber, masonry, brick, bre cement, gyprock, vinyl & aluminium sidings, ceramic tiles, laminates and galvanised iron and can be applied with a brush, roller or spray. Perfect Prep is Dry touch in 30 Minutes and can be re-coated in 1 Hour. It is available in 1 Ltr, 2 Ltr, 4 Ltr, 10 Ltr and15 Ltr sizes. Coverage generally is 10 to 12 sq meters per litre. It has a 15 year guarantee on the product if applied correctly. It is available at Maleny Paint Place. For more information visit the web site: preparatory/perfect-prep/

Who Gives A Crap? -

We Do!

What do we really mean when we say our toilet paper helps build toilets? We trust that our partner organisations know how to best improve global access to proper sanitation – that means our donation could go to building toilets. To put it into perspective, a child under ve dies every two minutes from diarrhoea diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. Pro ts from the sale of this toilet paper is used our donation could go to building toilets, but could also mean it supports larger clean water projects.

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Friday, 3 September 2021

Friday, 3 September 2021

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Inc Is an incorporated umbrella organisation whose aims are to promote. sport and recreation facilities for Maleny and surrounding districts.

Raf e Winner at the Drag Queen Bingo!

Maleny Calendar of Events 2021

A very happy local, Shelley Dauth, was the major raf e prize winner on Sunday night at the Drag Queen Bingo event held at the Maleny RSL. The event, that was sold out, was a huge success and a ton of fun. Organiser Jared Ashcroft, who is donating all the proceeds to the Beyond Blue Charity, was pleased with how it all went, saying “Well, we certainly did put the fun back into fund-raising! I’ll be letting everyone know next week exactly how much we all raised but it is a signi cant amount. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and came along, to the generous local businesses and to everyone who helped me stage this event.”

John Mays 3 September 6.30 Maleny RSL

Great work Jared and all of the local businesses who donated such great items for the raf e prizes! Three million Australians are living with anxiety or depression - Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live. Visit their website to nd out more at:

Spring Fair by the Maleny Garden Club 2nd October 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Showgrounds Pavilion.

“Welcome to Maleny" Maleny Lions 11 September 2.00pm for 2.30pm start MDSRC Clubhouse and Ziza Field. Springtime High Tea and Fashion Show 16 September 10 am Maleny Community Centre.

Maleny Singers and Brisbane City Pops Orchestra 21 November (details TBA) Maleny Singers Christmas Concert 10 December Maleny RSL

Photo Above: Andrew Powell MP presents the lucky winner Shelley Dauth (far right) along with Bingo Queen Melony Brests and organiser, Jared Ashcroft

WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENTS! Maleny Trail park run every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606 Ukulele Group every Monday time TBA Pioneer Village Badminton every Monday 6.30-8.30 pm High School Activity Centre Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon Pattemore House 15, Porters Lane Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL Club Acoustic local musicians rst Thursday monthly 6.30pm Maleny RSL Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL Maleny PickleBall every Monday 6.30pm to 8.30pm Maleny High School Activities Centre. Please email your weekly regular event to


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for inclusion every week

Friday, 3 September 2021

Maleny Service 16 Lawyer Street, Maleny.


Ph 54943444

One Stop Mechanical Services Shop Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises

Cars of Yesteryear Electric vehicles not. a new idea!! The 1942 Oeuf électrique, or electric egg, had three wheels and ran on batteries decades after gasoline became the dominant way to power cars, and decades before Elon Musk decided to make electricity cool again.

Its designer, Parisian Paul Arzens, worked as a painter and Frence industrial designer. He designed railway locomotives before moving on to cars. The bubble is made of hand-formed aluminium and curved Plexiglass, a novel material at the time. This Egg was the designers personal vehicle and only one was ever made. So, it is quite a rarity by all means. His rst ever automobile product was a 6-Speed automatic transmission. “Everything old is new again” Your One Stop Shop for Automotive Repairs – you don’t need to do the running around, we do it for you!:. We are dedicated and passionate about servicing, repairing and maintaining one of your most valuable assets, your Motor Vehicle.

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Friday, 3 September 2021

Maple Street Meats Specialising in quality product and service.

Shop2/4 Maple Street, Maleny

5429 6499

When only the best will do! Ingredients 500g lean beef mince

Recipes from Jeremi Meatballs and zucchini noodles

1 small brown onion, nely diced ¼ cup basil leaves, nely chopped plus extra small leaves, to serve 1 tbsp olive oil

In a large bowl combine the mince, onion and chopped basil. Season and roll into heaped tablespoon sized meatballs (makes approximately 20 balls). In a large non-stick frying pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Cook the meatballs for 6 to 7 minutes, browning on all sides. Add the pasta sauce and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, or until slightly reduced and heated through. Add the zoodles, and toss to coat.

400g quality napolitana pasta sauce

Place meatballs and zoodles into bowls, top with parmesan and basil leaves and serve with baby rocket and lemon wedges, if desired.

3 medium zucchini, spiralised into zoodles

Why freezer storage times for cooked beef dishes are shorter than fresh beef

¼ cup shaved or nely grated parmesan

Certain avours in cooked dishes, such as onion and garlic, oxidise in the freezer over time – it's known as avour tainting. Because many cooked beef dishes contain one or both of these ingredients, we recommend storing for no more than one month to keep the avours tasting fresh.

Baby rocket salad and lemon wedges, to serve

Handy Tip

You will need a vegetable spiraliser for this recipe – alternatively you can use a vegetable peeler and cut the strips with a knife into “zoodles”.

What is a traditional Aussie meal? A typical Aussie barbecue is with sausages, burgers, steak, fresh seafood, bread and tomato or barbecue sauce, they sometimes include salad but it's mainly about the meat and sh (and of course a few stubbies – that's beer to the non-Australians.

Support Sam the Travelling Jackaroo by donating to Dolly’s Dream Dolly’s Dream was set up in memory of Amy “Dolly” Everett, aged 14 years who took her life after an extended period of bullying and cyberbullying. Dolly left behind her parents Tick and Kate and sister Meg, who are now focused on using the money that has been kindly donated by he community to help prevent other families from going through the same devastating experience.

Maple Street Meats

Provides quality product and good old fashioned service.

Beef, chicken, pork and lamb. Special orders available. Retail and wholesale. Come in and see us, nd us on Facebook or call us on 54296499.


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Friday, 3 September 2021

Local Tradespersons When you use a local tradesperson and you know who you are dealing with!

Tony & Di’s Home Maintenance

Brett Cooper Builder Builders Lic . 15045940. -

HIA. 863583

Talk to us about your new home!

ABN. 47988681738


No job too small - Carpentry - Painting Tiling General Repairs & Maintenance



AA Plus Jobs

Arandall Painting

Adrian Gault

Paul & Jamie

When only the best will do! QBCC No 1113664

At your Service

Quality Painting & Decorating with over 40 years experience

All odd jobs, Small Renovations, Landscaping. Floor Sanding + installation, Restoration and Painting



Matt Billing Maintenance

Here is a local Facebook Page worth having a look at especially at this time of year

Brushcutting, hedging, small and big chainsaw pruning you name it

Give us a Go!

Sustainable Living

Matthews garden maintenance we can deliver/ spread mulch for your gardens. Lawn mowing + Pruning. 589804454430776


Advertise your local business here for just $15 per mth Published Digitally on First & Third Friday of each month. Visit web site at http://www.issuu/hinterlandgrapevine (then pick the issue wanted)

For more information contact Maleny Paint on 54942002

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Friday, 3 September 2021

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News Maleny Chamber




Have you got your Local Shopping Gift Card Yet?

Covid Restrictions are easing in South East Queensland

Why Shop Locally?

As From 4pm on Friday 20th August, restrictions were ease in Brisbane, Moreton Bay, Ipswich, Logan City, Redlands, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Somerset, Lockyer Valley and Scenic Rim.

While it may not be possible to source all our needs from our local retailers and tradesman, here are a few reasons to think twice before you make your next purchase:

As we continue to monitor the outbreak in New South Wales, some restrictions in SEQ remain.

It Creates local jobs and it is personal; Shopping locally helps Australia grow;

Masks will not be required outdoors anymore, aside from people attending sporting events at stadiums

Gatherings restricted to 30 people in homes (including residents) and public spaces

Community sport to resume, with spectators in line with stadiums and indoor and outdoor event requirements

Indoor and outdoor events and stadiums can have 75% ticketed and allocated seating capacity For more information, visit

Shopping locally gives better consumer choice and better customer service because you are shopping with a friend;

Guest Speaker Networking Breakfast Tuesday 14 September 2021

The next Chamber Guest Speaker Networking Breakfast will be held on Tuesday 14 September 2021 between 7.00am to 8:30am at Tranquil Park Maleny.

Assists local businesses support local community & sporting groups;

There will be three guest speakers.

It reduces your carbon footprint Will you really support local businesses?

Presentation by Maleny and Districts NBN Working Group

Andrew Fairbairn - Visit Sunshine Coast - Sunshine Coast Tourism moving forward

Marlene Murray - Hinterland Tourism Sunshine Coast - How their social media platforms are bene tting the region and businesses

A Breakfast Menu will be available to choose from on the morning. The Cost will be $25 for members and $30 for non-members.

About Maleny Commerce

To book please email To nd out which local businesses accept Maleny Local Business Loyalty cards visit the web site:

Maleny and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. is an incorporated body representing the business community since 1986. For businesses wishing to join Maleny Commerce go to the web address:

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Friday, 3 September 2021

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News

Where’s Sam, ….the Travelling Jackaroo?

We can reliably report that Sam left Cloncurry and has now reached Mt Isa safely - and as is his style, he’s had plenty of adventures and activities along the way.

He took time out to give a Dolly's Dream talk to the students at Julia Creek State School and before that, dropped into Hughenden State School to give the kids there a quick talk on the importance of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and Dolly's Dream in their community. Photo:

Sam continues to hold "Movie Nights" on remote properties/ stations as he passes through, something he’s always happy to do in exchange for a donation - he even carries a small jumping castle for the kids to entertain the whole family!

Whilst in Richmond Shire, Councillor Nick Buick and Deputy Mayor June Kuhl presented Sam

Sam and Bob Katter singing "Cunnamulla Fella" with Luke Geiger & Bareback!

with a cheque for Royal Flying Doctor Service for $4,500! Photo: Sam with the students of Hughendon State School

Sam could not resist a quick stopover at the Royal Flying Doctor Service Museum in Cloncurry on the way to to the world famous Mt Isa Rodeo. Having the time of his life, at the Mt Isa races, he bumped into Bob Katter, where they ended up on stage together. You can follow Sam’s travels and adventures o his blog page at: thetravellingjackaroo. Keep going your fella, you’re a true inspiration.

Sams proposed route - Maleny to Maleny!

Here's to a cheeky-faced young Australian with a big heart and n even bigger dream. Bon voyage from Maleny, and safe travels Sam.

Be a real “Mate” Make sure that you look after your mates - Treat them all well!.

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Friday, 3 September 2021

Maleny RFB

Maleny SES

Volunteer group

Volunteer group

Donation of $5000 to Maleny Rural Fire Brigade Following the recent Maleny Singers production of “Yeoman of the Guard”, Maleny Singer Musical Director, Margaret Taylor, presented a cheque for $5000 to the Maleny Fire Brigade. Brigade First Of cer Scott Perrie was delighted with the outcome. “We have had our eye on a new trailer, pump, and in atable dam, that will enable us to make much better use of our equipment on the bigger res,” he said. “This donation will go a long way towards funding that equipment. Margaret stated that the Singers annual charity donations to the local community now totalled over $70,000 since 2004. One concertgoers said “What a fantastic production, well

done all”.

Come join us for some fun!

Are you looking for something to do and at the same time wanting a way to serve your community? Why not join the Maleny SES. Are you happy to climb on roofs, build sandbag walls, participate in searches, on land and in the boat, or do a bit of traf c control and radio communications. If you want to learn a few new skills and practice a few rusty ones? Maleny SES Group is looking for new members to become part of the Operational teams. Uniforms provided, all training provided. Want to know more about the SES Contact the Group Leader on 0407 587 266 or send us a FB message. AFAC, the National Council for re and emergency services, has released the Bush re Seasonal Outlook for Spring 2021, with varied re potential for locations across Australia. The Spring 2021 Outlook presents above normal re potential for conditions over south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales, driven by grass and crop growth in these areas. Queensland is likely to see a slight increase in localised areas of grassland res across the South East area. So before time runs out to carry out any re control management get in and get the job done. We will be out assisting our RFB brothers during times of community need.

Volunteer with Maleny RFB We are looking for volunteers

Maleny RFB is part of Rural Fire Service Queensland. The Maleny Group covers over 100 sq kilometres and have 3 re ghting trucks and 1 Command Vehicle. The group also assists other volunteer groups.

If you require SES assistance please contact:


We are also looking for volunteers.

We are always looking for more volunteers so if you think you can help come along and join our friendly group.


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Friday, 3 September 2021

An Old Codger’s Thoughts and opinion You might think that this is a bit far away to worry us, but the recent withdrawal of coalition military forces from Afghanistan should be a worry for all of us. It is surprising the number of young people from the Sunshine Coast hinterland area who have served with the Australian Defence Forces in that country over the past 20 years. There has been an extraordinary amount of effort and money spent on building up the ability of that country to become a more peaceful place for the population there to live. All for it to disintegrate in just a few hours once the coalition forces have been withdrawn. The fact that the Taliban is back in control should be a real worry, not only for the people of Afghanistan, but for us all. Within hours of the Taliban taking charge a signi cant humanitarian crises developed with Afghani people attempting to leave the country as they are aware of what the future holds for them. For several months now the Australian government has been working to re-locating those people who had helped the Australian forces over the past 20 years, however bureaucracy travels very slowly and many of those people who help Australia are now trapped helpless in Afghanistan and their only future is certain death, not only for those who helped, but their whole family. Why has it taken so long to re-locate those Aussie helpers? In future who would put their hands up to help Australians when there is uncertainty that they would be protected in the longer term. Apart from this the situation should be a worry as already there has been a relationship between the Taliban and the governments of Pakistan - China Russia and North Korea. Apart from doing closer business with other Paci c nations such at PNG, Fiji and Vanuatu, China will now take more positive action to claim Taiwan and Hong Kong and surrounding seas and North Korea will similarly take on South Korea. These actions will create much instability in the Paci c area. With China and North Korea having interests in the Paci c rim of countries countries such as Australia should be concerned. If you are not then I am!








Truthful Jones says

And he swears that it 100% true. - No Bulls##t” Truthful reports that one of his neighbours, a man who was trying to cook a steak in his toaster was unsuccessful. Whilst the steak was cooking in the toaster the man left the house to go and buy some hot chips from the Fish Shop in Riverside Shopping Centre. On returning to his house he was disappointed to nd that he had set re to his house and burned everything down. You may be wondering why the unnamed man decided to cook some steak in toaster. Where would you get an idea like this? Well, there are currently plenty of videos trending on social media and YouTube of people cooking steak in toaster. The man was even more disappointed when he discovered that his insurance company was not going to give him a full payout. The man and his partner have since contacted the IFSO (Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman) to lodge a complaint and attempt to get a further 200k paid out. The reason that the insurance company is only paying out 418k and not a penny more is because the couples insurance policy had changed from replacement cover to total sum insured. The IFSO Ombudsman Karen Stevens said that in this particular case, the re was preventable. “Cooking steak in a toaster is literally a recipe for disaster. To have then left the house and toaster unattended for the sake of hot chips must be a constant source of regret. Never, never leave cooking unattended, even if you think you’ll just be a minute – and please, use your appliances for the purpose for which they designed. Toasters are for toast.” Morale: There appears to be no end to what people believe if they see it on You Tube. You can never insure against “stupidity”. By the way “have you had your COVID shot yet? I think it is time we should have had it!” Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 13

Friday, 3 September 2021

Local Groups News There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!

‘The New Wave Fest’

Continued Next

Sunshine coast teenagers band together to help protect our oceans from plastic through a unique festival in Chevallum. We often hear that the next generation will have a big undertaking to take care of the environment. We hope they can do a better job than past generations but often all we can do is throw our arms up in the air in despair. However, a group of local teenagers motivated by the state of our oceans have decided to roll their sleeves up and do something about it. They gure that one of the most effective ways to reduce plastic in our oceans is to help fund the efforts of The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS).

staffed by a committed group of scientists, educators and passionate advocates who have defended Australia’s oceans for over 55 years. The paid and volunteer staff work every day to protect our coasts and oceans. This organisation has been at the cutting edge of protecting our

The New Wave Fest presented by youth-run NPO The Modern Generation Great family fundraiser day for ocean conservation Buy your tickets to help protect the ocean, and enjoy amazing entertainment, fun workshops, special talks and yummy food!

The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS). is an independent charity,


oceans for the past 50 years. They lobbied to preserve the Great Barrier Reef long before it was known to be a signi cant part of the world’s eco system and a major tourist attraction. For future generations to enjoy our oceans as much as we have, AMCS is currently at the forefront of legislation changes to ban single use plastics in Queensland. In 2019, two local year 11 students Emily and Sophie got together with their teenage friends on the Sunshine Coast and organised two charity concerts. Through these events, they donated $2200 to AMCS. Then, early this year, Emily and Sophie founded their own NPO called The Modern Generation (TMG) to support the cause of AMCS. TMG has already donated more than $1600 to AMCS this year through a fundraising concert at the local Club Acoustic open mic night at the Maleny RSL. With the help of like-minded volunteers The Modern Generation aim to raise further funds for AMCS through organising one more music event this year. heir upcoming event is a daytime music event called ‘NEW WAVE FEST’. There will be live music, presentations and workshops. It will truly be a rare event in the area

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Friday, 3 September 2021

Local Groups News There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires! The Queensland Government’s ban on single-use plastics will commence on 1 September 2021, banning single-use plastic straws, drink stirrers, cutlery, plates, bowls and polystyrene food & beverage containers. that has been planned, executed and run all by teenage volunteers.

Hope to see you all at this incredible event. All the details are below

They have lined up very special performers – some of the most talented teen acts around southeast Qld who are sure to woo the audience. Along with presentations by young inspirational changemakers, Shane Cucow from The Australian Marine Conservation Society will share some of the positive changes that are happening in Queensland. A representative from the Sunshine Coast Council will also be on hand to help clarify the recycling of everyday items. Creative workshops will be run for reducing waste, upcycling and taking care of the environment and there will even be a relaxing yoga class at 10am.

Sensational live music by some of the Queensland's most talented youth performers – string duet, folk band, jazz vocals, ukulele band, musical theatre hits, concert jazz band, rock band, classical singing and more! Information booths by experts on ocean conservation and local recycling systems Presentations by young change-makers, sharing their passions, perspectives and experiences

Due to Covid, there is the possibility and uncertainty

100% of proceeds will be donated to the Australian Marine Conservation Society. that restrictions could be put in place and the festival could be cancelled. As the goal of the festival is to support The Australian Marine Conservation Society, all online ticket sales will go to AMCS regardless of whether the festival takes place or not. This means there will be no refunds and that your ticket purchase will bene t our oceans no matter what happens. This also means that if you are not able to attend the event due to living too far away from the venue you can still support the fundraising drive by purchasing tickets as donation to AMCS. Delicious food will be on sale including sausages, sweets, and vegetarian. Coffee and tea will also be available. Please bring your own drinking water. On site car parking is free.

Delicious food selection provided by various local eco-friendly caterers Other fun activities include upcycling workshops, art gallery, yoga and a raf e When: 10:00am–3:00pm, Saturday, 25th of September, 2021 Where: Old Chevallum School, 24 Chevallum School Road, Chevallum, QLD 4555 Find The Modern Generation: Facebook: The Modern Generation Instagram: @the.modern.generation Contacts: Emily: 0492 995 333, Sophie: 0435 011 904, Tickets: $15 adult, $10 student – available online at (simply search “The Modern Generation New Wave Fest”) Tickets will also be available at the door (cash only)

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 15



Friday, 3 September 2021

Local Groups News There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires! Lions Club of Maleny - Blackall Range recycles spectacles!

Club of Maleny Community Grants 2021

Collection of Eyeglasses for 3rd world countrie Do you have reading glasses sitting around your home looking for a new home? We have found one! You can drop them off at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre or contact the Lions Club of Maleny Blackall Range and we they will organise to collect them. The used eyeglasses are delivered to regional Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers, where volunteers clean, sort by prescription strength and package the glasses. Most of the recycled glasses are distributed to people in need in developing countries where they will have the greatest impact. Just another way Lions’ Clubs make a difference.

The 2022 Rotary Maleny Calendars are now for sale!

Featuring fabulous photos of Maleny and surrounds, showcasing why we love living up here. The calendars cot only $6 each. Little more than a cup of coffee. They make great Christmas gifts for family and friends interstate & overseas. Major outlets selling them are: Mountain View Café

Maleny Veterinary Services

Maleny Visitor Information Centre

Maleny Newsagency

Boxsells Real Estate

Tranquil Park

The Rotary Community Grants 2021 is on again and applications are now open for grants up to $2000 from the Rotary Club of Maleny Rotary is a worldwide organisation of likeminded women and men committed to working for the bene t of local and international communities. The Rotary Club of Maleny is pleased to invite applications for grants from community groups and organisations that run, manage, conduct or implement programs or projects bene ting communities in the Maleny, Conondale and Montville areas. Applications for grants up to $2000 will be considered. Applications will not be considered from “for pro t” entities, political parties, or individuals.

Maleny Rotary Calendars now on sale


Applications, on the prescribed form, close at Close of business, 5pm on Friday, 29 October 2021. Application forms can be obtained from the Secretary, Rotary Club of Maleny via Email: or by Phone: Home 07 5494 2561 or Mob 0419942561 The Rotary Club of Maleny has a diverse membership and serves the community making a positive difference in the world, locally and internationally. Rotary Club of Maleny Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month 6:30 pm for 7:00 at The Maleny Hotel.

All monies raised through this project goes towards funding community projects so it is a “win-win” cause.

Follow Maleny Rotary on their Facebook Page at:

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 16





Friday, 3 September 2021

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 17

Friday, 3 September 2021

Local Groups News There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!

4th Red Bench in Maleny

Maleny Senior Citizens Notes September. - 2021 BUSY NEEDLES 2nd, 16th and 23rd INDOOR BOWLS 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd. NO BOWLS 29th due to an Eistedford DROP IN … 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th STREET STALL 24th COMMITTEE MEETING .20th. (830am Lynda’s place) GENERAL MEETING 27th will be down at Baroon Pocket Dam 930am for Morning Tea for which we all might be able to bring a plate to share. Bring your own ask, cup and whatever else you might like to drink.

October - 2021 BUSY NEEDLES 14th and 28th INDOOR BOWLS 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th DROP IN … 1st at WITTA REC CLUB (Verandah room not available) then. 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th Don’t forget the visit to the Maleny Car Club on Monday 12th in the Maleny Historical Society grounds. Committee MEETING…..


at Lynda’s place 830am

BUS TRIP …… Thursday 21st October GENERAL MEETING …25th. We will have Gabrielle, a speaker from Relationship Australia with us on this morning. She has approached us to speak, mainly about Elder Abuse and Isolation. Should be interesting. The usual raf es, membership draw and lucky door will be on.

The unveiling of Maleny's 4th red bench at Pioneer Village took place on Tuesday 31st August 2021 at 10am.

This project was co-ordinated by Speak Up Now - Stop Domestic & Family Violence - Maleny & Blackall Range. The purpose of Red Benches is to start a conversation about domestic and family violence within our local community and lead on to how we as a community can help to end this kind of violence so that our men, women, children and young people, can live their lives safely. Other benches are located at The Neighbourhood Centre, outside the Post Of ce and in Maple Street, Maleny. To follow on events organised by Speak Up Now - Stop Domestic & Family Violence Maleny & Blackall Range visit their Facebook page at: SpeakUpNowStopDomesticViolenceMalenyBlac kallRange/.

Maleny Visitor Information Centre The Maleny Visitor Information Centre is situated at 2/23 Maple Street, Maleny. It is open 7 days a week between 9.30am-4.00pm. Closed only on Good Friday and Christmas Day.

If you have lost something on your visit to Maleny check with the centre as often items are handed in there. Phone: 07 5499 9033

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 18




Friday, 3 September 2021

Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History Some Maleny history with Harvey Bryce

The Watson Family - Maleny Walter Leonard WATSON born on the 7th February.1900 and died on the 24th December 1961 married Christina Hodgetts, born 24th July,1903 and died on the 12th March 1958 were the head of the Watson family of Maleny. Walter and Chris moved to Maleny in 1944 with their ve children Doug, Dawn, Thelma, Nev and Glenda. Walter purchased a local coordinated goods transport and bus service from Harry Lyon, which included a 1937 Bedford Truck, which was converted into a bus by Athol Hedges, who later became Domino Hedges, a well-known Motor-body Builders company in Northgate, Brisbane. Later Doug's son Bryan did his Motor

Trimming Apprenticeship at that same business.

organised to Caloundra Beach about once a month during summer. Also popular were trips to the Dances and Balls at Conondale, Kenilworth, Beerwah, Glasshouse Mountains, Landsborough and Caloundra.

Bryan and his wife, Joy now own and operate Maleny Motor Trimmers in Lawyer Street, Maleny. They complete work doing auto upholstery,awnings, blinds and upholsterers as well as tting out cabins for an international trucking company.

There were two bus trips per day and besides passengers, the mail was collected from mailboxes enroute and delivered to Landsborough Of ce. Incoming mail was sorted and delivered on the return trip.

During the war years and with a shortage of workers, Nev, then only 16 years old, was allowed to drive the bus. The bus and truck depot was situated opposite Cooke Park at the corner of Maple and Fig Streets, Maleny.

The Watson family purchased a home off Mr. & Mrs. A. Cooke (who donated land for Cooke Park). Walter extended the large house into a Boarding Home run by Chris.

The butter produced at the Maleny Factory was transported to Landsborough Railway by the Watson family. Then goods arriving at the railway station were transported back to Maleny. The Taxi service was available 24 hours a day.

Dawn followed a Nursing career until her marriage to Ralph Prentis in 1948. Thelma worked in the old Post Of ce. She married Colin Fritz in 1949. Glenda attended the old Primary School in Cedar Street where a Manual Arts and Domestic Science building were added and taught in the early 1950's. She went onto High School in Nambour.

Bus trips were Photo Left: Watson Family 1945

Information here is supplied by Maleny Cultural & Historical Society In "To collect, store, preserve, restore and display examples of past life in Maleny so we can effectively tell and show the story of our community 7 Bryce Lane, Maleny.

Phone : (07) 5499 9030.




Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 19






Web Address:


PO Box 5, Maleny Qld 455



Friday, 3 September 2021

Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History Some Maleny history with Harvey Bryce

The Watson Family - Maleny

A ashback to 1964

(Continued from previous page)

After school she went onto work at the ANZ Bank until her marriage to Kev Braden in 1957.

Walter remarried in September 1961 but passed away suddenly in December of the same year.

After Nev married Glad Larney in 1951, Walter and the boys set about making blocks to build Nev and Glad’s home. In late 1954 they built the present Garage and Workshop, rushing to get it completed before Doug's marriage to Betty Kelly in January 1955 and Chris and Walter's departure for their overseas trip to visit Chris’s relations in England.

Doug and Nev continued their services to the town, operating as W.L. Watson & Sons. They had the mail run for 30 years and due to more road transport for town supplies they diverted to carrying molasses and had a school bus run.

The family home, now known as ‘Maleny Lodge’, was sold in 1959. Walter previously subdivided the land into eight blocks with Fig Street dividing them - four on each side and only a gravel road. He also moved two houses onto two of the blocks.

2005 & 2006 respectfully, then Nev in 2011. Doug and Betty and Glad have now all passed.

Murray Roberts supplied this photo taken in 1964 of his mother, Dianah Roberts, taken outside the community centre Maleny on her wedding day following her marriage to Grant Roberts.

They retired after 45 years. Dawn, Ralph and family owned and operated the Boarding House Sadly Chris passed away suddenly for a couple of years after Walters in March 1958 at only 58 Years Death. old. Dawn and Ralph passed away

Thellie Fritz all reside in Maleny. Most of their children attended the Maleny School at some stage.

Who knew Maleny had its own Abattoir until 1986 Maleny had an abattoir situated in North Maleny Road on the way to Baroon Pocket Dam. The abattoir was originally built by Ivor Bonney, a Landsborough butcher. During 1985 -1986 local residents mounted a successful campaign to have the abattoir closed and the building was later converted to a private residence. For detailed information showing the process in detail visit the web page below: Colourtrend Paints have a range of Ultra-Premium Paints to service your needs! Follow Maleny District Sports & Recreation Cub news visit:


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 20


Friday, 3 September 2021

Maleny Community Groups & When they meet!

Community Groups that form the back bone of the Maleny Community

Maleny Rotary Club Meeting. Times 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. 6-30pm for 7pm Maleny Hotel, Bunya St. Maleny Email:

Maleny Probus Club Meeting. Times

Maleny Uniting Church, Landsborough Road, Maleny

Meet 10 am on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Feb to November

1300 856 859

Apex Club of Maleny Meeting. Times MALENY HOTEL/MALENY BOWL'S CLUB 1ST & 3RD MONDAYS, 7.00PM. Email Postal PO BOX 39. MALENY, QLD 4552 0487770653

Maleny Senior Citizens Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month. Activities include card games, meetings and regular bus trips Email:

0409 266 507

Queensland Country Womens Association - Maleny Branch Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month.


The Zonta Club of Blackall Range Meetings at

Various between Montville and Maleny. Dinner meeting 3rd Tuesday of month 6pm.



Maleny Uniting Church Hall On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm Monthly Dinner Meeting held at The Orangery,10 Mountain View Rd, at 6.30pm on 4th Tuesday of month


Maleny Commerce Meetings at

Monthly breakfast networking meetings. 2nd Tuesday of the month. Venues to be advised.


Being a part of a community can make us feel as though we are a part of something greater than ourselves.

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 21

Friday, 3 September 2021

Maleny Hardware & Rural Supplies Hardware - Farm Supplies - Pet Products - Garden - Fencing - Campin

Andrea & Mark Porter Maleny Hardware and Rural Supplies is located in the centre of Maleny in the picturesque Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Thy offer good old fashioned service to your car for those heavy items. There is also ample parking at the front and pick up at the rear of the store. We are independently owned and supply the local community with rural and hardware supplies at competitive prices.

toN retteb eht si ohw erus !!koohc gnikool

Did you know we can deliver items in surrounding suburbs for a small fee.

Come and browse through our extensive range of products and say hi to the new owners Andrea & Porter.


The signs of spring are beginning to happen around us as the days lengthen and the earth begins to warm…

Now is an ideal time to check out our new “Garden Section”

Spring has Sprung!

This is another reason for shopping local!


is the time to prepare the edible garden beds that will be planted during the spring. The more natural goodness added to the soil now – the more home-grown goodness will be produced. Dig in plenty of organic compost and animal manure to prepare garden beds for the season of growth and abundance ahead.

Johnson’s Horse Products

We are now stocking a range of Johnson’s Horse Products. Johnsons ensure that their customers receive the best quality product and service available. This South Australian company is currently under fourth generation management and remains 100% family owned and has been since 1923. WHY NOT TRY IT AND LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.

Rocky Point ActivGrow Soil Improver is the low fuss way to prepare vegetable and herb beds. Rocky Point ActivGrow is supercharged with over sixteen active ingredients including a blend of organic compost, composted chicken and cow manure, blood and bone, gypsum, sh meal, seaweed extract, iron, zeolite and trace elements.


To check out the extensive range of products stocked visit the web site:

Phone. 07 5494 2302 For a detailed list of products and services provided go to

31 Coral Street, Maleny Queensland 4552, Australi Like us on Facebook for up-to-date special offers and upcoming events.



Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 22


Friday, 3 September 2021




First bridge over Obi Creek, Maleny 1930 Harry Lyons' motor garage, Maple Street, Maleny, ca 1930. Harry also operated a car rental business and bus depot from the lower end of Maple Street. He pioneered the rst motor service between Maleny and Landsborough in ca 1923 and in October 1938 he took over the main contract and passenger service. This business was later purchased by the Watson family and the building still exists today.

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News

The Local Shopper Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

To follow “The Local Shopper” Newsletter go to: The Local Shopper will be digitally published on the First and Third Friday of each month via the ISSUU web site. To subscribe email: Web Page Impressions Last

30 days 10982

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