Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club Results for the period to 07.06.2024

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Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 1 Please support businesses mentioned herein! Shopping Local encourages you to do just that: shop local and rediscover the quality, savings and benefits of shopping right here at home. Shopping local keeps your money in your community! It wouldn’t be the Maleny Show without the rain!

Maleny Shop Local News is free local Online Newsletter published online on the first and third Friday of each month at:

Why not bookmark this site and come back regularly to check out local group’s news and Maleny District Sporting results and news.

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Maleny Paint Supplies Pty. Ltd

Shed 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny. 4552 Contact Phone 0754942002

Over the past 30 days there have been 6176 Page Impressions with a read time of 3min 53 secs

Contact for advertising

Email or phone Les at Maleny Paint Supplies on 54942002.

Just another Maleny wet Show 2024

The Maleny Agricultural Show is the premier agricultural event for 2024 and site is well used to wet weather, but one cool only wonder who sits on judgement of the show when most years the Maleny weather is fine and dry until the morning of the show then the heavens just open up. The day after the show the weather returns to fine and dry.

Never mind though as the show committee always presents a first class family event.

One of the mementos of the show was when Past President, Ivan Hankinson was acknowledged for his long voluntary service to the Maleny Show Society by having the “show ring hill” named in his honour. His family were in attendance to witness the event.

Another important event at the show is the presentation of the beef cattle exhibits, especially with the schools exhibits. This year great results were received by the Dakabin State High School and Noosa State High School. Unfortunately, the Maleny High School did not enter any of their champion cattle as they have in previous years

There were plenty of entertainment for the whole family, even the “privileged class. And one could only wonder just what was keeping so many male patrons so entertained by leaning on the show ring fence as per the photo below!!.

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 2
Who remembers this - 1930’s + 40’s

Around Glass house Electorate with Mr Andrew Powell M.P.

Maleny District Glassie winners announced

On Monday May 27th, I joined Chambers of Commerce and local businesses to celebrate another Small Business Awards Gala ... the Glassies!

The gala event is the culmination of two months of nominations and voting to celebrate all that small business is and does for the region. Almost 2,000 votes were cast for the 90 businesses and 41 employees that were nominated by their customers, peers and bosses this year.


Bronze Business: Easton Lawyers

Silver Business: Concept Coffee

Bronze Employee: Kirsten Dance from Maleny Veterinary Services

Silver Employee: Tilly Beckett from Concept Coffee


Clock Shop

Maleny Jewellers

While the silver “Glassy” is purely a popularity contest based on the number of votes received, the bronze “Glassies” are selected by local the Chamber of Commerce

Crystal Multiverse Rosetta Books

Presidents. The two coveted gold glassies are handpicked by myself, in consultation with the Chamber Presidents.

Many of you have contacted me about street lighting outages on our roads in the southern end of the electorate. The reason for the outages is something you may not think of straight off the bat - copper theft. T. hat's right, there are people out there stripping the cabling around light posts to steal and sell the copper.

TMR are currently investigating a solution, as whenever they fix an outage, the thieves come back to steal the copper again. I urge them to come up with the solution as quickly as possible to assist driver safety.

Just some local news from Fisher Working for Fisher

Andrew Wallace Federal MP for Fisher

I have received advice from Telstra to state that works are underway currently to upgrade mobile reception in Maleny. These works will continue until Monday,10 June, all going well. Technicians will need to switch off some sectors during this time but will make every attempt to keep disruptions to a minimum.

Please see here for further information:https://

Thank you to everyone in #Fisher who took part in AUSactive's recent #MillionMoves campaign, which saw Fisher take the title for the most active Electorate!

POLITICAL COMMENT MADE BY Queensland Treasure Cameron Dick

“The state government will spend billions more than it can earn in the upcoming financial year”.

In this year for Safer Internet, Australians are being called to Connect. - Reflect. - Protect. More information can be found here:

Friday 7 June 2024
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 3

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston

To contact Cr Winston Johnston

part of what makes our Sunshine Coast so special!

Our community values the protection of our natural assets and retaining the distinct character and lifestyle of our region. This project aims to recognise, protect and celebrate our dark skies as a natural asset contributing to the liveability of our region. The protection of our dark skies is also important for:

• Our health and wellbeing

• Wildlife that move and feed at night

• Helping to reduce our carbon emissions

• Supporting local businesses. A Dark Sky Reserve in the Sunshine Coast hinterland through the International Dark Sky Places Program is being considered by Council and we are seeking your feedback on the proposal.

Council invites you to have your say between Monday, 20 May and 5pm Sunday, 16 June 2024. Feedback will help Council to determine whether to pursue a formal application under the International Dark Sky Places Program at:

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 4
You can
into the meeting live by visiting Council’s website at:
A sky
filled with stars: it’s

Why Shop Locally?

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News Maleny Commerce News

Have you got your Local Shopping Gift Card Yet? Maleny Commerce supports local businesses

Maleny Commerce seek to have working relationships with all local businesses and desire to create an environment of mutual concern for sustainable living and the betterment of our Maleny community.

While it may not be possible to source all our needs from our local retailers and tradesman, here are a few reasons to think twice before you make your next purchase:

It Creates local jobs and it is personal;

Shopping locally helps Australia grow; Shopping locally gives better consumer choice and better customer service because you are shopping with a friend; Assists local businesses support local community & sporting groups; It reduces your carbon footprint

Will you really support local businesses?

About Maleny Commerce

Maleny and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. is an incorporated body representing the business community since 1986. It is now known as Maleny Commerce. The Chamber represents the local Maleny and District business community. Join us at one of our monthly business breakfasts.

One of the major items has been the “Why Leave Town” gift cards which can be redeemed at many local businesses. The whole idea of the Why Leave Town Gift Card is that it can only be spent in the participating businesses of that town…hence keeping the money local!

To find out where they can be redeemed visit:


remembers some of the days past around Maleny.

Some people complain about the state of today’s roads, but spare a thought for drivers on some of the roads from days past. The photo below shows one of the local spider bridge dated about 1920. Those were the days and not too many complained about the “potholes”.

Friday 7 June 2024
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 5

According to theOxford English Dictionary

“Being woke is a person who is progressive or with left-wing attitudes or practices, especially those opposing social injustice or discrimination, that are viewed as insincere, dogmatic, or sanctimonious.”

Following comments made by the ABC’s political correspondent, Laura Tingle at a panel discussion for the Sydney Writers Festival recently about Australia’s culture being racist. She said; ““We are a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been and it’s very depressing.”

These comments were made as a result of Opposition Federal Leader Peter Dutton pledging to slash Australia’s permanent migration to just 140,000 a year.

Dutton’s comments were made during the 2024 reply to the budget whereby he was attempting to address Australia’s dire present housing situation. If Australia is such a racist country then why are so many migrants from every country doing all they can to come to Australia to live? Over the past 80 to 90 years Australia has become not only one of the most multi-racial countries in the world, but one which accepts multiculturalism so freely.

Show me a country that is less racial than Australia - I bet you have some trouble finding one.

This outburst about whether Australia has a racist culture begs the question; “Is wokeism damaging Australia’s culture”.

Australia's political landscape has been significantly impacted by woke ideologies, especially in recent years. Politicians and political parties have increasingly embraced progressive stances on issues such as climate change, Indigenous rights,

and gender equality. The Australian Greens, for example, have been at the forefront of advocating for comprehensive environmental policies and social justice initiatives.

They have pushed for policies that not only address environmental degradation but also tackle systemic inequalities that disproportionately affect marginalised communities.

Indigenous rights have been a focal point of wokeism in Australia. The push for recognition of the historical injustices faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples has gained substantial momentum. Movements such as "Change the Date," which advocates for moving Australia Day from January 26 due to its association with colonialism and Indigenous suffering, reflect this shift. The proposal for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, which would provide Indigenous Australians with a formal mechanism to influence legislation, has also been a significant aspect of the woke agenda.

The education sector in Australia has seen substantial changes driven by woke ideologies. Curricula at various levels have increasingly incorporated teachings about social justice, environmental sustainability, and cultural diversity. There is a growing emphasis on understanding Australia's colonial history and its ongoing impact on Indigenous communities. Educational institutions are also promoting inclusivity and diversity through policies that support LGBTQ+ students and staff, address gender inequality, and encourage multicultural understanding.

Cultural change in Australia has also

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been influenced by wokeism. Media representation has shifted to become more inclusive and reflective of the country's diversity. Australian television, film, and literature now feature more stories that explore themes of racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination.

It has been suggested that this has helped to foster a broader understanding of the experiences of marginalised groups and challenge existing stereotypes.

This has been particularly noticeable at Australia’s National Broadcaster, The Australian Broadcasting Commission, especially the television arm. Incidentally this is where Ms Tingle is employed as a senior political reporter.

popular, with consumers favouring companies that demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. This shift is not only changing the way businesses operate but also influencing market dynamics and consumer behaviour.

This has recently been evident particularly when it came to “same sex marriage and the the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum whereby the likes of QANTAS, and they were not the only company, expended vast amounts of money to paint slogans on their aircraft promoting one side of the discussion. This was irrespective of what their shareholders were thinking.

Being Woke is a political slang adjective derived from AfricanAmerican Vernacular English originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination.

Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights.

For some time now there have been complaints made about this broadcaster as being too woke and not impartial in their broadcasts, as their charter stipulates. There have also been calls over a period of time now to defund the ABC and allow it to compete with Free to Air commercial broadcasters such is their perceived woeness and lack of impartibility.

Wokeism has permeated the corporate sector as well, with many Australian businesses adopting corporate social responsibility initiatives that align with progressive values. Companies are increasingly recognising the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This includes implementing policies that promote gender parity, support LGBTQ+ employees, and ensure fair treatment for all workers regardless of their background.

Moreover, businesses are responding to consumer demand for ethical practices. Sustainable and ethically produced goods are becoming more

At the same time some of these companies were holding out their hands to get money from the Australian government to get them out of financial

.Despite its positive contributions, wokeism in Australia has faced significant criticism and backlash. Critics argue that the movement can lead to excessive political correctness, stifling free speech and open debate. They claim that wokeism can sometimes prioritise symbolic gestures over substantive change, creating a culture of virtue signalling rather than addressing root causes of inequality.

There are also concerns about the potential for wokeism to foster division rather than unity. Some Australians feel that an excessive focus on identity politics can undermine social cohesion and create an environment where individuals are judged based on their group affiliations rather than their personal actions and merits.

To some Australian’s this is already appearing as governments pander to some

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Continued from previous page sections of the community more than other sections.

The future of wokeism in Australia will likely involve a balancing act between advancing social justice and addressing the concerns of its critics. It is essential for advocates to engage in constructive dialogue and find common ground with those who may be skeptical of progressive changes. This includes ensuring that initiatives aimed at promoting equality and inclusivity are effective and genuinely beneficial, rather than merely performative.

Furthermore, ongoing education and awarenessraising efforts will be crucial in fostering a more informed and empathetic society. By encouraging a deeper understanding of the complexities of social issues, Australia can continue to evolve as a nation that values fairness, justice, and respect for all its citizens.

In conclusion, wokeism in Australia is a multifaceted phenomenon that has brought significant positive changes to the country's political, social, and economic landscape. While wokeism faces challenges and criticisms, there are two sides to the discussion and

The core principles of promoting equality and addressing systemic injustices remain vital to Australia’s progress.

The continued evolution of promoting equality will shape Australia's future, ensuring that it becomes a more inclusive and just society. It cannot be allowed to be hijacked by some revolutionary organisation led by individuals pushing their own self-satisfying agenda.

It is also important that wokeism is not allowed to catastrophically change the overall fabric of Australian society whereby Australia’s culture slides further to the left and becomes more like a socialist community.

After all over the past century Australians have opened their arms to many immigrants who have come from socialist countries and they came seeking something different and the ability to enjoy personal freedoms and security.

Getting back to the original Dutton alleged racial comments one should remember that there is only so many pieces that can be cut from a pie and when the need to cut more and more pieces then there is always going to be pain for those who were to originally to share the pie. Is it racist to say that :” enough is enough”.

Who said “playing golf” doesn’t pay off?

Golfers; young - old - male - female - good and bad gathered at the Maleny Golf Club on May 17th to help out the Maleny Hospital Auxiliary’s fundraising at the Maleny Golf annual fundraiser. In spite of showery weather golfers took to the greens with relish and a determination to see just how much funding they could raise to provide improvements at the Maleny Hospital, especially as this project is directed towards palliative care.

From a shotgun start at 9a.m. the game was on. All the golfers thought that they had a good chance of

“acting” the 17th hole. This resulted in an extra $1000 being added to the pot.

Auxiliary President Ms Carole Lewis says “Thank you to all the golfers, sponsors and Maleny Golf Club members for your generous contribution to the Maleny Golf Club/Maleny Hospital Auxiliary Golf Day!

For more information on the Maleny Hospital Auxiliary simply visit:

Maleny Paint Supplies

6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny. Ph 54942002

Australian Owned and made brands of Ultra-Premium paints

“Can You Paint On Terracotta Roof Tiles?”

Nutech Paint products are designed and manufactured in Australia to the highest standards that ensure longevity and unrivaled performance in all conditions. All Nutech products utilise advanced technology and polymer science.

The Answer May Surprise You

Often a topic of great conjecture between roof restoration and paint companies is the topic of repainting of terracotta roof tiles.

Dealing with difficult surfaces such as unglazed, glazed and vitrified terracotta roof tiles and ensuring an enduring, lasting serviceable finish has been a challenge in the terracotta roof restoration industry. The common misconception that these types of roof tiles cannot be coated is now indeed a myth.

Nutech Paint has been a tried and trusted manufacturer of premium roof coatings for almost 50 years. Whilst other paint companies and terracotta roof restoration businesses shy away

from committing to refinishing unglazed, glazed and vitrified terracotta roof tiles, our wealth of formulation development knowledge has now made this possible.

Nutech Elite Terracotta Primer has been specifically formulated to provide superior adhesion and long term performance over properly prepared unglazed, glazed and vitrified terracotta roof tiles. Used in conjunction with any of the Nutech Paint top coat roof finishes, such as NXT Cool Zone, TileFlex, Flexi-shield and Nuflex, Nutech Paint can provide long term durability, with guaranteed performance.

Nutech’s Elite Terracotta Primer is a water based, solvent free primer specifically developed with superior adhesion enhancing properties for glazed terracotta and vitrified terracotta roof tiles.

It is designed for use on both vertical and horizontal surfaces, achieving high adhesion without the need for etching solutions.

Who Gives A Crap? - We Do!

What do we really mean when we say our toilet paper helps build toilets?

We trust that our partner organisations know how to best improve global access to proper sanitation – that means our donation could go to building toilets. To put it into perspective, a child under five dies every two minutes from diarrhoea diseases caused by poor water and sanitation.

Profits from the sale of this toilet paper is used our donation could go to building toilets, but could also mean it supports larger clean water projects.

Todays Little Known Fact or handy hint.

While there is a myriad of weird stuff people used before TP, the first documented use of paper for your bum was in 6th century Medieval China. While paper had been used for padding and wrapping material for centuries before, it wasn’t until scholar Yan Zhitui documented its first wipe in 589 AD.

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 9

Maleny Service Centre

Muscle on the Mountain

The 11th running of Maleny Muscle on the Mountain will be on the 7th of July, 2024 at the Maleny Show Grounds. There will be hundreds of cars on display. Gates open about 6a.m. This is a great opportunity to see some of the greatest Australian cars from the past, all in “tip-top” condition.

The new Muscle of the Mountain T-Shirts are now available to purchase at Maleny and Hinterland Real Estate or online at:.

Maleny Muscle on the Mountain is a Maleny APEX and Maleny Show Society event and is a fundraising event for Prostate Cancer Foundation, raising funds and awareness of Men's Health.

Need a Roadworthy Certificate?

Maleny Service Centre have a Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises and we know only too well what it takes to make your vehicle safe and roadworthy. All vehicles (including trucks, motorbikes and trailers) must have a Safety or Roadworthy Certificate (RWC) if being sold, registered for the first time or being re-registered in Queensland. Registered Vehicles cannot be solid without a RWC.

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 10
16 Lawyer Street, Maleny. Ph 54943444 One Stop Mechanical Services Shop Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises Your One Stop Shop for Automotive Repairs – you don’t need to do the running around, we do it for you!:. We are dedicated and passionate about servicing, repairing and maintaining one of your most valuable assets, your Motor Vehicle.

An Old Codger’s Thoughts & Opinions


“Is there an election in the air?”

Is it only me or have you noticed it too?

Nightly on television, radio and even on You Tube and social media there is a continual bombardment of advertisements by the Queensland Government advising us all about the major projects that the government is presently working on. These adds all go with photos and video of Queensland Government ministers cutting ribbons, being interviewed about the benefits of this or that major project.

Have you also noticed that some of those projects have been announced a number of times before and not started so they are again announced!!

When are we going to see some of these projects, not only commenced, but finished so that they are a beef it to the people of Queensland.

At the same time the government has also made a number of funding promises to relieve financial pressure on Queensland households who are really doing it hard at the moment. Those promises include a $1000 electricity rebate, half price transport fares and a 20 per cent discount on car rego to name a few.

Have you noticed another thing and that is that they all expire in six months. This is a date that would be after the due date of the next election. Could this be just a coincidence?

There will also bean expansion of the FairPlay vouchers program, which will rise from $150 to $200 for children aged between five and 17 years of age.

With the State budget to be handed down on June 11th it would appear that most of the “golden sunbeams” will have already been announced and profusely publicised. Now comes what is left!!!

If you have ever tried to find out Queensland’s total deficit then “good luck”. It would also be of interest to see total amounts of money spent on cost over runs, planning investigations that are completed many times or projects that will not go ahead.

Truthful Jones says And he swears that it 100% trueNo Bulls##t”

Truthful had, his Irish cousin moved to Maleny. He was dreadfully lonely. One evening on the way home from work he took a new route and passed a pub. He strolled in and felt right at home.

He went to the bar and asked the bar staff , 'Sir, could you pour me thee rounds o' your best whiskey?' The bar keeper obliged. The man quickly downed the rounds, said his thanks, left his tip and strolled out the door. . He did this again the following day, and the next, and the next. One day the barkeep asked the man why he always came in, ordered three shots of whiskey, quickly drank them, and then left.

Truthful’s cousin replied, 'You see, back home in Dublin my elderly father, brother and I all worked in the same shop. On the way home we would always duck into the pub and have a quick dram before going home to the missus. I miss my family and I'm drinking in honour of them.’

Deeply touched the barkeep told him the drinks were on him.

The man continued this routine until Spring. Then one day he came in and ordered two drinks. The barkeep was taken aback. He'd already set the glasses when he saw the man stroll into the bar. His eyes moistened. He asked the Irishman, 'Was it your dad? Has he passed?'

The Irishman looking somber and grieving replied, 'Ah, no. It is just that I've been to the doctor and I must quit drinking.’

Important Emergency Phone Numbers

Emergency (POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE): 000

Moreton Bay Regional Council – 3205 0555

Sunshine Coast Council – 5475 7272

Crime Stoppers – 1800 333 000

Policelink – 131 444

Energex general enquiries – 131 253

Loss of electricity supply – 13 62 62

Priority emergency (electrical hazards) – 13 19 62

Unitywater – 1300 086 489

Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800

Lifeline – 131 114

Poison Hotline – 131 126

SES – 132500

Traffic Reports – 131 940

Translink – 131 230

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 12 Advertise your local business here for just $15 per mth Published Digitally on First & Third Friday of each month. Visit web site at http://www.issuu/hinterlandgrapevine (then pick the issue wanted) For more information contact Maleny Paint on 54942002
When you use a local tradesperson and you know who you are dealing with! Tony & Di’s Home Maintenance ABN. 47988681738 No job too small - Carpentry - PaintingTiling General Repairs & Maintenance 0487770653 Brett Cooper Builder Builders Lic . 15045940. - HIA. 863583 Talk to us about your new home! email: 0409987995 Matt Billing Maintenance Brush cutting, hedging, small and big chainsaw pruning you name it Give us a Go! Matthews garden maintenance we can deliver/ spread mulch for your gardens. Lawn mowing + Pruning. 0459076019
Local Tradespersons
It is always interesting to see what is happening in other parts of the world. It is easy to explore through Online Newspapers

Friday 7 June 2024
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 13

Help shape the Sunshine Coast’s new Active Transport Plan

The Sunshine Coast Council adopted its current Active Transport Plan in 2011 and it’s time for a new one to better meet the needs of our region.

Council wants to see more people choosing to use ‘active transport’ for short trips.

The new Active Transport Plan will help Council to achieve its goal of delivering a connected, safe, healthy and sustainable transport system by 2041.

A transport system that works for the whole Sunshine Coast community, enhancing quality of life, contributing to economic viability, and adding to the region’s sustainability.

Achieving this vision may include: improving the walking and riding network of paths building new infrastructure where connections are missing, or support more comfortable travel prioritising user safety encouraging behaviour change. It is now time, and you have until 5p.m. on June th to tell council what will work best for you and your community.

To find out more simply go to the web site at: planning-and-projects/council-plans/sunshine-coastactive-transport-plan


Phone: (07) 5429 6750


What to do if you need assistance

For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000).For storm and flood related property damage.

Call the

State Emergency Service: 132 500. To keep up to date with Emergency Warnings Tune into warnings and updates from your local ABC radio and TV stations

Important Phone numbers for assistance during or after a major emergency

service. When disaster strikes you need to follow the advice of authorities on staying put or evacuating and follow your emergency plan.

To find out where to find assistance during or after a major emergency service. emergencies

Trading Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm

Closed Sunday & Public Holidays

Click below for a virtual tour of our store:

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 14
SES Volunteer
Be Prepared for severe weather events
Riverside Centre, Maleny Contact Us
Concept IT Systems
Computer Sales and Authorised Service: Both Apple and Windows Includes Onsite and remote service. Repairing PCs, Laptops, iPhones, Macs, iPads, and other tech devices.. Spend over $100 & get a Free Coffee!

Maleny Community Groups & When they meet!

Community Groups that form the back bone of the Maleny Community

Maleny Rotary Club

Meeting. Times

1st and 3rd Wednesdays. 6-30pm for 7pm

Maleny Hotel, Bunya St. Maleny



Probus Club Meeting. Times

Maleny Uniting Church, Landsborough Road, Maleny

Meet 10 am on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Feb to November 1300 856 859

Queensland Country Women's Association - Maleny Branch Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month. Email:

The Zonta Club of Blackall Range Meetings at

Various between Montville and Maleny. Dinner meeting 3rd Tuesday of month 6pm. Email:

Being a part of a community

Apex Club of Maleny

Meeting. Times

1ST & 3RD MONDAYS, 7.00PM. Email Postal PO BOX 39.

MALENY, QLD 4552 0487770653


Senior Citizens Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny 8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month. Activities include card games, meetings and regular bus trips

Email: 0409 266 507


Maleny Uniting Church Hall

On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm

Monthly Dinner Meeting held at The Orangery, 10 Mountain View Rd, at 6.30pm on 4th Tuesday of month


Maleny Commerce Meetings at

Monthly breakfast networking meetings. 2nd Tuesday of the month. Venues to be advised.


Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 15
can make us feel as though
something greater than ourselves.
we are a

Selling or buying a property!

Here are a few things to consider during the process With Tove Easton of Easton Lawyers, Maleny

It has hardly gone unnoticed there’s a bit of a stampede underway from the more intensely COVID affected southern states to the beautiful and considerably less affected Sunshine State.

However as physics tells us everything has an equal and opposite reaction and in this case that result has been a different kind. The outbreak of a whooper of a property boom in South-East Queensland!

Fourteen Day Finance

Pre the current frantic market, the standard Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) Contracts which document the bulk of house, townhouse, unit, apartment and rural land and building sales in Queensland had an average finance approval time frame of about fourteen days. However, due to the massive increase in demand currently being placed on real estate agents, finance brokers, banks and other financial institutions [should I include law firms and government agencies] twentyone days is the minimum and it can take longer to get finance approval.

This being the case the flood of Southerners moving north expecting a quick settlement may have unreasonable expectations about how quickly their new property will move through the settlement process, as Queensland always had a reputation for fast thirty-day

settlements as opposed to the slower Southern states.

And we did, in a normal market. But this is not a normal market cycle and Queensland notwithstanding a highly advanced electronic property titling system, can only work as fast as the people within it.

The Pest in Inspections

While I hope by now ,I’m starting to preach to the choir, while we are delighted to have you join us here in the best state in Australia, not that we don’t all love a trip to the south for skiing, shopping, eating and well, all the other great stuff you have on offer… we just prefer to live here in Queensland (I’ll spare you the slogan).

So, another hurdle you will need to climb over to come join us here in the beautiful north will be the timing of your inspections.

While we have a great many well qualified building and pest inspectors, when sales are happening at the rate they are during a property boom as we are currently experiencing, there are going to be delays.

There are a finite number of qualified inspectors and at the moment an infinite number of properties to be inspected.

So like the finance when purchasing in Queensland be mindful that you allow at least 14 days for if possible for property inspections, noting to the purchaser that it is difficult during this boom to get a booking due

to the overload of work at present.

Better to ask up front now than try to negotiate and extension under the contract and have it fall over after you have told your family and friends you’re moving to the beautiful Sunshine Coast.

Thirty Day Settlements a Myth

Once upon a time (pre COVID) in Queensland the wonderful magical land settlement on a contract only took 30 days even if subject to finance.

However, now post COVID, mid property boom, mid overloaded finance infrastructure and inspection systems the reality is closer to forty-five days for settlement.

Snail Mail

Now I mentioned above that we are pretty darn tech savvy here in the Sunshine State. So we might like to spend our days sitting under a palm tree sipping a cool one, but we do it with a laptop while designing code!

So the bulk of our conveyancing in Queensland is electronic, none of this waddling off to a registry office nonsense we just press a button and it’s done.

However, the law is still a bit ancient and try as it would to keep up with the modern world

Continued next page

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 16

buying a property!

(and it is trying) it does from time-to-time lag behind just a bit.

One area where it can lag is verification of identification. There are restraints on verifying identification for example, that require law firms to ‘physically’ view or witness certain items. This means we must rely on good old snail mail.

If any of you have tried using mail lately, you will know that the term ‘express’ can be a tad exaggerated, further slowing down the process of the contract progressing to completion.

No Quickies in Queensland

So I guess my conclusions are and my advice to those of you moving north (as you should) from the Southern states to beautiful

Queensland is this, the quicky settlement days of Queensland are in the past.

While we are pretty much COVID free we are suffering from a bit of cue of folks wanting to get through the border bubble and into our trouble-free sunshine filled zone.

So while we welcome you with open arms, please exercise calm and patience as there are an awful lot of you in the cue and we will serve you as quickly as we can.

Should you need assistance with property or any other legal matters in Queensland please contact Easton Lawyers.

Easton Lawyers awarded “Bronze Glassie” for Maleny small business

Office Manager, Sharon Schofield receiving a Bronze Glassie on behalf of Easton Lawyers in the 2024 Glass House Small Business Awards.

Easton Lawyers Contact details are: Easton Lawyers 62 Maple Street, Maleny. Qld. 4552 Phone. 0754943511

FAX: (07) 5494 2477

P.O. Box 255 Maleny. Qld. 4552.


Web Address:

Easton Lawyers are your Local Lawyers in Maleny, Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Queensland, Australia. The practice has had a few name changes over its 30 plus years but has been owned by Tove Easton, Principal Lawyer since 2007.

Visit our web site to find out more about our areas of expertise

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 17
Here are a few things to consider during the process With Tove Easton of Easton Lawyers, Maleny
Continued from previous page

Maleny Hardware and Rural Supplies is located in the centre of Maleny in the picturesque Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Thy offer good old fashioned service to your car for those heavy items. There is also ample parking at the front and pick up at the rear of the store.

We are independently owned and supply the local community with rural and hardware supplies at competitive prices.

Did you know we can deliver items in surrounding suburbs for a small fee.

Come and browse through our extensive range of products and say hi!

The signs of winter are now well and truely around us. Now is

Need Camping Supples?

We stock a large range of camping supplies including: Camp chairs. -Camp tables


Sleeping bags. - Swags


Camp ovens, cups, dinnerware & utensils

Gas cookers & gas canisters

Fire lighters

Rope, tent pegs, tarpaulins



Suncream. - Hat & sunglasses

We have all your camping needs

Maxisafe are trusted safety equipment suppliers in Australia We have a new Maxisafe SAFETY stand..everything from heavy-duty hand protection to functional eye protective wear. We have your safety covered!

To check out the extensive range of products stocked visit the web site:

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 18 Maleny Hardware & Rural Supplies Hardware - Farm Supplies - Pet Products - Garden - Fencing - Camping Andrea & Mark Porter Phone. 07 5494 2302 For a detailed list of products and services provided go to 31 Coral Street, Maleny Queensland 4552, Australia Like us on Facebook for up-to-date special offers and upcoming events.
still a
“Garden Section” We are an accredited STIHL dealership!
good time to check out our
This is another reason for shopping local! Safety items for sale

News from Witta Recreational Club

Proudly bought to you by David Lowden Excavations

Hire of Club Facilities

The vision of the club is to provide country club services to be enjoyed by the local community and visitors to the area.

The excellent facilities of the Witta Recreation Club are available for hire for events such as weddings, sports days, family gatherings.

The club has a Certified Kitchen/Catering facilities including a stove, pots & pans, dishwasher, crockery and utensils. The Bushman’s Bar is practically fitted out with a large capacity for the cold storage of a range of beverages. The Bushman’s Bar is located at the core of the Witta Recreation Club. Service from the bar can be provided to customers on the covered hard standing overlooking the playing pitches, or directly into the Clubroom.

Inquiries can be made via the internet at:

You can find out more about the Witta Recreation Club at their web site at:

Did you Know? Maleny Show

That a public meeting was held on Monday11th March 1940 it was decided that the Maleny Show Society go into recess for the duration of the war. The motion was moved by Mr. J. Waddell moved, and seconded by Mr. A. J.Bryce.

A committee was maintained to attend to any necessary business on behalf of the show society during this period. This committee consisted of President, Mr W Collard; treasurer, Mr. W. Read;' secre tary, Mr. A. Cash; Messrs. J. Waddell, J. Grigor, J. Rapp, B. Rickaby and Dr. A. J. Parer. As committee members.

Witta Recreational Club

Bar Open Wednesday afternoons 4.30pm to 6.30pm. All Welcome

Touch Season has started with the Canteen and Bar operating every FRIDAY Night from 6pm Available for Hire for Private functions – Birthday Celebrations – Weddings etc.

We are always looking for new members and volunteers.

Contact us by email at. -

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 19
David Lowden Excavations 3 & 14 tonne excavators for hire Bobcat - Tracked Bobcat & Truck Hire & Maleny Tree Services Phone. 0407 710 993 Find out more on Facebook at:

Local Groups News

There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!


Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606. Social Tennis every Monday 8.00 am Witta Tennis Club. All Welcome.

Mixed Social Tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30am to 8.30am Maleny Showgrounds

Ladies Social Tennis every Thursday at 7.30am Maleny Showgrounds.

Maleny Bowls Club. – TUESDAY AM BOWLS, 8.30am for 9.00am . 2 games + morning tea $12 per player. Rink Winner Prizes. Visitors and players welcome. Call Joe 0401 987 900 to book your place

WEDNESDAY- 6 pm. TWILIGHT BOWLS & BURGER. $17 p.p. Bowls only $12 p.p. Learners welcome, bowls provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604.

FRIDAY PM play SCROUNGERS ‘BOWLS WITH A MATE ’ 1pm for 1.30pm (winter), 2 pm (from November). Bowls can be provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604.

Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823

Muzika Maleny local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL. Pattemore House Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon 15, Porters Lane.

Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL.

Tennis Under Lights every Friday Witta Tennis Club. BYO drinks and nibbles Contact. Pauline 0428 253 070. Hinterland Country Music Day. Second Saturday each month in the big shed at the Maleny Museum Precinct.

Maleny Trail Parkrun every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct. Witta Tennis Club Social Tennis every Saturday 1.00 pm. All Welcome.

Witta Wheels every 3rd Sunday each month 8.00 am - 11.00 am Witta Recreation Club

Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL.

Social Table Tennis every Sunday 1 - 5 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. All welcome!

Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823

Please email your weekly regular event to for inclusion every week

Today’s Thought

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 20
“Fancy a Chat and a Cuppa” Maleny Library Tuesday 10.30a.m.
- 11.30a.m.

How much battery power do I need for my home?

Purchasing a battery is a big decision and you want to make sure you make the right choice – especially when we’re talking about battery size. At Redback, we get it. It’s difficult to know what battery will work best for your home and your lifestyle.

We always recommend talking with an accredited installer in your area, as they’re fully trained to look at all your individual needs and advise on the correct sized system.

RedEarth’s PowerOasis is a fully integrated, ready-to-run and modular Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) catering for the niche 50-400kVA power range. It has the option to use both the inbuilt solar PV MPPT or AC-coupled solar PV inverters can be added.

Certified Energy Solutions

We have options for all budgets

Here at CES we have hand-picked and forged relationships direct with manufacturers to ensure that the solutions we offer and not just backed by us, but the company that makes them directly!

This guarantees that your system will remain in top condition for the life of the system with a quick response should assistance be required. You will see that on top of some of our global brands which are well known in the industry we are also avid supporters of Australian innovation, manufacturing and keeping jobs on our shores.

Unsure which one is more suited to your requirements or budget just give us a call.

Home battery sales are rising with volatile power prices

Friday 7 June 2024 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 21 Australian-made On-grid and off-grid energy storage systems RedEarth Energy Storage is an Australian-owned and operated manufacturer of energy storage systems “Off Grid Homes” Contact Phone. Craig on 0408173383 1300 232322 Email

6th, 2024 saw

“Remembering the Normanby Landing - 80 years on”

As we mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, it is important to recognise the sacrifice, resilience and contributions of all who served. After being postponed 24 hours due to bad weather, on 6th June 1944 soldiers from the world over, including Australia came to fight in Normandy to defeat Nazism and to re-establish Freedom. Normandy will forever bear the scars of the moment in history.

In the early hours of Tuesday, June 6, 1944, Allied forces landed, by launching a major amphibious assault on the coast of Normandy in an operation known as “Operation Overlord” in an attempt to open up a new front. On the day young soldiers, waded through breaking waves and gunfire to battle the Nazis

The largest body of Aussies involved were airmen bomber crews pounding enemy defences and running decoy missions for weeks before the invasion.

The weeks before and after D-Day were the worst in terms of the highest casualties for the Royal Australian Air Force for all of the Second World War.

Although the success of the landings initially suggested a quick end to the war, the campaign to break out of Normandy lasted until mid-August, due to determined German resistance. The war in Europe continued until May 1945.

It was the landing on June 6, 1944, and the battles in Normandy that followed that ultimately drove the Nazis from France and bring WW11 to an end.

Many veterans of World War II returned to Normandy Beaches on Tuesday June 4th, to what was on June 6, 1944 the bloodiest Allied landing beaches to remember their colleagues and mates who fell on that day..

It is most likely that the 2024 official remembrance ceremony for D Day will be the last of this magnitude because of the passing of so many of those who actually landed on the day. But commemorations will never simply fade away!

Sad Farewell

As a sad late note, United States World War II veteran and D. Day soldier, Robert Persichitti died aged 102 while traveling to France for D-Day’s 80th anniversary. He also served at Iwo Jima and he was present when U S troops raised theUnited States Flag!

Local Community News

Latest Community Groups news and updates

Maleny Senior Citizens Notes


June 2024

BUSY NEEDLES 11th. - 25th is ANZAC DAYam

INDOOR BOWLS 3rd 10th, 17th and 24th

DROP IN 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th

COMMITTEE MEETING 15th at Lynda’s place 8.30am (many thanks)

GENERAL MEETING … 22nd. Usual time 915am for a 930am start. A speaker from the Stroke Foundation should be with us 14th Sausage Sizzle.

July 2024

Due to the local council elections on 16th March there will be a few changes.

BUSY NEEDLES 14th (in the Bicentennial Room) and 28th

INDOOR BOWLS NO BOWLS 6th or 13th then 20th and 27th

DROP IN 1st, 8th and 15th( in Bicentennial Room) then 22nd NO DROP IN 29th – GOOD FRIDA

COMMITTEE MEETING 18th at Lynda’s place 8.30am (many thanks)

GENERAL MEETING … 25th 915am for 930am start.

Bus Trip to Nambour … 12th

Sausage Sizzle …10th.

Time to think about joining the Glasshouse Seniors as they are arranging another trip to Esk Bush Bash in August.

Maleny Bowls Club

Have you ever thought about taking up lawn bowls?

The Maleny Club, situated behind the Maleny Hotel is a great place to start - even if it is only for playing socially. Why not check it out you are sure to enjoy it!

Maleny Calendar of Events 2024.

✦ Maleny Singers. - The Mikado. June 8th - 9th -15th. 16th. Tickets Maleny Info Centre.

✦ Maleny Arts Council. -Sunday June 30th 2p.m. - Maleny Community XCdentre.

✦ The Rainbow Festival - Multiple Sites around area - Thur Aug 1st - Sun 4th Aug.

✦ Maleny Muscle on the Mountain - July 7th. - Early AM.. - Maleny Show Grounds - 11th year of this event.

✦ Maleny APEX “Paws of Thunder”. Maleny Show Grounds. - August 18th

✦ Maleny Arts & Crafts Quilt Show Sept 28th + 29th - Maleny Show-Grounds.

✦ Maleny Garden Club Spring FairMaleny Show-grounds - Sat Oct 5th.

✦ Maleny Music Festival - Maleny Showgrounds - Fri Nov 8th - Sun Nov 10th.

✦ LateNight Christmas Shopping: Friday 8 December, 2023. - 5p.m. to 8p.m. Maple Street + Riverside Centre.

✦ Woodford Folk Festival at Woodfonia.Wed Dec 27th - Mon Jan 1st 2025.

To add your local organisation events to this list simply email details to:

MAMA Make Australia Make Again! If you want to live in a country that builds things you have to buy things that your country builds!

Maleny SES looking for volunteers

Maleny State Emergency Service Group is looking for some volunteers to help get our community through the next disaster season.

You can put your desire to get involved to good use and serve our community. An easy way to do that by becoming a State Emergency Service (SES) volunteer.

Active SES members perform a diverse range of functions to respond to local, state and national disasters and emergencies. By joining the SES you may respond to many different types of activations as a result of disasters and emergencies.

An SES volunteer has an opportunity to participate in and develop a variety of emergency and rescue skills, including chainsaw operations, flood boat operations, road crash rescue and land search.

Not only will you be helping your community, you will make some great mates along the way.

Volunteers are given training to ensure that they have enough skills to be able to handle whatever task you need to do..

Highly invasive fire ants have been detected on the Sunshine Coast.

Fire ants were first found in Australia in 2001 and are believed to have entered through the Port of Brisbane. The fire ants in South East Queensland have now spread to over 850,000 hectares so far.

The National Fire Ant Eradication Program has confirmed two fire ant nests were detected in Nirimba near Bells Creek. An emergency response now underway to assess the extent of the fire ant infestation and develop a treatment plan.

Fire ants were last detected on the Sunshine Coast in Beerwah in 2017 and declared eradicated in 2020. Fire ants are attracted to disturbed soil and other organic materials, and they can be transported through humanassisted movement of such products.

Fire ants can have devastating impacts on our environment, economy, human and animal health, and our outdoor way of life.

If you think you may have fire ants, take a close-up image of the ants or nest and report it on the National Fire Ant Eradication Program website or by calling 13 25 23 as soon as possible.

For more information including fire ant first aid, maps of detected nests and more simply visit:

Maleny Visitor Information Centre

The Maleny Visitor Information Centre is a not for profit, long-standing, independent community service, run by volunteers. The Centre is a ticket selling agency for Maleny Film Society movie screenings along with a range of quality souvenirs and postcards, with a distinctively Maleny flavour along with information about places and events around the area.

The Centre is situated at 2/23 Maple Street, Maleny. It is open 7 days a week between 9.30am-4.00pm. Closed only on Good Friday and Christmas Day. If you have lost something on your visit to Maleny check with the centre as often items are handed in there. Phone: 07 5499 9033

To find out more about the Maleny Visitors Information Centre and talk to the volunteers or visit the web site: In this year for Safer Internet, Australians are being called to Connect. - Reflect.

Protect. More information can be found here:


“I am now in Tassie”

I am now chugging along at 40km/h through Tasmania, hoping to cover as much ground as possible. Firstly, I caught up with the Royal Flying Doctor Service TAS at their base in Launceston.

On the way to Hobart I got a fantastic demonstration by the Campbell Town SES and Fireies on how to remove a patient from a crashed car.

Just another great helper to me

I’d like to say a big thank you to someone who helped me out when I first started this trip nearly 3 years ago.

Marvin the founder and owner of SAVITREK who’s also a Maleny local donated several thousand dollars in fuel towards my travels throughout QLD and the NT when I first started out back in 2021.

As part of his sponsorship I also delivered several of his extremely warm waterproof safety blankets to various outback RFDS bases around QLD on my travels.

As well as still using one of them today in my camp. It is great in cold and/ or wet weather.

Make sure that you look after your matesTreat them all well!.

There are no places for bullies or abusers.



a great feeling!

I am happy to announce that I’ve now raised a combined total of $240,000 for my 3 charities, The Royal Flying Doctor Service, Dolly's Dream and Farm Angels who were previously known Drought Angels only $10k to go and I’ll have reached my goal of a Quarter of a Million dollars raised for them. Each will use their share to provide more services for Australians living in our regional areas.

Hope that there is still more to be raised.


To all those hard working legends living and working on the land you don’t have to tough it out alone. TIACS is a free phone and text counselling service offering mental health support to Australia’s blue collar community. TIACS is just a call/text away 0488 846 988

Remember you don’t have to do it alone, Don’t Keep It Under Your Hat!

You can follow Sam’s adventures via his Facebook Page at “The Travelling Jackaroo” thetravellingjackaroo

Friday 7 June 2024
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 25
Be a real “Mate”
The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News Travelling Jackaroo “Getting to the Top” Sam’s proposed
Maleny to Maleny!
route -
Follow Sam’s Travels
“Now I am in Tasmania” ….. continuing on with my mission!

“2024 - Maleny a New Era has begun!” Things have changed over the past 90 plus years, but more changes are coming in the next 90. You too are at the start of a new era in Maleny’s history. Will you remember it?

This photo shows the concrete slab of the first of the houses on the new estate, which was formerly Hopper’s Dairy Farm off Bunya Street, Maleny. In April, 2024 the first of the building blocks was levelled and the concrete slab was laid and very soon after the construction of the first house on that estate was under construction. Since this photo was taken just a couple of weeks ago there have been a number of other houses commenced.

Friday 7 June 2024
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 26 Who Remembers this? The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News The Local Shopper
Shopping local keeps your money in your community! To follow “The Local Shopper” Newsletter go to: The Local Shopper will be digitally published on the First and Third Friday of each month via the ISSUU web site. To subscribe email:

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