February is one of the most challenging months to continue on your fitness journey and to achieve those goals. It’s cold, it’s still dark early, still recovering from festivities, finances and that overwhelming feeling of ‘this is too hard’
If you have not got back on the ‘active’ horse yet, then February is a great month to start as we are approaching spring, light nights and warmer weather.
So what can you do about this dip in motivation or to get motivated your mind rules your body not the other way round. Here are reasons for this such as not having enough sleep.not eating a cleaner diet, not resting and not getting enough sleep. You need to recognize what you are doing and use your mind to change it, pushing your body through the dip. It is not too dissimilar to ‘hitting the wall’.We have all heard this term before, in simple terms
the body becomes exhausted because it has run out of energy but the body has more to give. You may hit the wall after 10 minutes or 30minutes. If you push over or through the wall, your body will kick into another source of energy. If you can just keep going for a few more minutes you will feel a rush of refreshment through your body and you will be good to carry on. Breathing correctly when exercising will help with this. I have trained people who need to stop running after 2 minutes because they cannot breathe. No oxygen no energy = exercise is too hard.
It is important to focus on your breathing, slow it down, make it deeper; get into a rhythm. If you focus on your breathing you will be surprised how your thoughts move away from what you are doing, before you know it you have exercised for longer, gone further, lifted more than before. If you are in the gym, breathe out when you push or pull, breathe in when you are lowering or relaxing the weight. You need to sound like a steam train, but not too loud.
We have all gone to bed early and then got stuck on social media for another hour or three. Sleep is so important to your exercise routine. In simple terms your body recovers when you sleep. Your body does all sorts of funky things whilst it is asleep so you can get up and go again. You need at least 7-9 hours of sleep at night.
When you get your joggers on, tie up your trainers the next step is warming up your body before going all out during your routine. Warming up is you basically saying to your body that n about 5 minutes you are going to get your ass kicked
Your body has a quick word with your muscles and energy systems, in effect saying ‘on your marks, get set’. Imagine someone waking you up in the middle of the night asking you to run 5km compared to someone bringing you a cup of tea in bed and saying ‘be ready to leave in 5 minutes’
Eat or not to eat, that is the question? This part is definitely not rocket science. To drive your car, you need petrol/diesel. If you fill the car up too much it overflows, so manage what goes into your body to give it enough energy to exercise and recover. You need twice as many grams of protein than your body weight in kg’s. So eat more chicken and have a few protein shakes on the go Get this bit right and when you are sleeping for 7-9 hours your body will be recovering real good. Before your workout get some porridge, fruit, brown or wholemeal bread down you. My favourite is peanut butter on toast with chocolate spread and a banana.
Some of us can get carried away at times and get consumed by needing to exercise every day. Rest is as good as a visit to the gym. If you are in a good routine and are training hard make sure you rest. You may get that guilty feeling of being lazy but your body will love you. You will see improvements quicker and you will avoid injury. It sounds crazy but if you are on it like a car bonnet your body will need 2-3 days to recover if you are doing similar exercise during each exercise session. If you are focusing on strength or building muscle, then you can get away with training each body part twice a week.
In about 5 minutes you are going to get your ass kicked
-PapaIt’s February and the month of romance. For me it’s all about loving yourself first which always begins by going to the gym every morning. I shallbe spending Valentine’s Day on a flight back to the UK to spend time with my children and loving my lifestyle as always.
That’s the thing about living you best lifestyle is to enjoy it without limitations. When you live this way it boosts you confidence, self esteem and reduces anxiety. It’s a bit like going to the gym, and why I run fitness bootcamps with my trainer, Papa Luckman.
We are running these in April, May and June in Cyprus for a maximum of 10 people and don’t worry if you’re not fit and active, our sessions are for all capabilities and involve lots of walking along the beautifulcoastline of Ayia Napa in the sunshine.
For more details contact me or visit www.papaluckmanfitness.com, together we guarantee to improve your lifestyle by making small, healthier changes.
This month I am also hopping on a plane to New York to visit my brothers. I love travelling as you can be anywhere in the world within a day and reminds me to live life without limitations. When you tell yourself you can’t afford something or deny yourself something you want, you are actually filling your mind with doubts and negative thoughts. remind yourself you deserve everything and see the blessings flow into your life. So remember to treat yourself this month When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace"
-Jimi HendrixWhatever you do this month, keep smiling and remember, someone loves you!
Jennifer Lynn Lopez – a chameleon of modern culture who has combined clever career reinvention with a refusal to bow down to the preconceptions of age. In doing so, the 53-year-old actress, singer, businesswoman and philanthropist has cemented her place as an inspiration for a demographic so wide that, no matter your age, your gender or your background, JLo will always be an incon
Jennifer Lopez is enjoying a career renaissance, as well as also looking fitter than ever. The singer, dancer and fashion designer, producer and businesswoman decided a few years ago that it was time to take stock of her life in the lingering aftermath of her divorce from Marc Anthony. Not only did she return to the studio to work on a new album – A.K.A., released in 2014 – she also decided to embark on a rigorous fitness campaign. And the fruits of that labour have equated to much more than would be caught in a photographer’s lens.
As a result, critics raved about Lopez's fabulous form almost as much as they have her acting return in the likes of NBC series Shades of Blue, and movies Second Act and Hustlers; while Marry Me and Shotgun Wedding proved well-judged fun turns, and exactly the sort of material we’d expect from a woman who has rediscovered love.
It all adds up to the fact the Bronx-born icon has rediscovered a sense of purpose that was noticeably bereft in much of her work postMillennium. What we are seeing – professionally and personally… her rekindled romance and subsequent marriage to Affleck is like something out of the Hollywood playbook of scriptwritten perfection – is the JLo of the Nineties, with all the vigour, veracity and zeal for life.
“I think at the heart of it is the fact I continue to learn about myself and try to keep evolving as a woman and as a person and as a human being,” she begins. “And yet, I think that the most important lesson I've learned is to love yourself first.
“I am not unique in going through challenges and trials, nor am I unique in, at times, struggling to find the answer to the puzzle. I believe we all get there in the end though.”
JLo and Affleck is one of those Tinseltown stories that ticks so many boxes; it’s something the whole industry wants to chat about and celebrate. The two were a bona fide item almost two decades ago, splitting in 2004 after a two-year romance during which they got engaged. That they’ve gone their separate ways and come back to the centre reinforces a need in both to perhaps take a more settled, secure view to the future.
By her own admission, in the past, the buoyancy of the actress’s her career has, ultimately, deflected attention away from a haphazard love life that, while providing elation in some quarters – in 14-year-old twins Maximilian and Emme – has left the performer downtrodden. Even as recently as 2019 she was announcing her engagement to former baseball star Alex Rodriguez – yet something didn’t seem right in the same way that her reuniting with Affleck does.
“It’s flattering that people follow your career and your fortunes so intently, but the truth is I genuinely feel I have nothing left to prove to myself,” she says. “That is one of those flippant statements that you find yourself coming out withover the course of your career, and it’s very easy to say, even if sometimes you may question whether you mean it.
“We have all told someone we love them as a quick response to them saying it, and it is that same feeling of uncertainty. Dare you let the words come out?
“Well, for me, I can say that I have nothing left to prove to myself now, and for the first time I honestly mean it, so that is very comforting to me
“That’s not to say I don’t still strive to go out there and do amazing things, but for the moment I am where I want to be.”
Hitting the half-century doesn’t seem to have had any sort of adverse effect on Jennifer Lopez. She carries herself with the same style and swagger that she always did, perhaps with a shimmering of greater self-awareness – for art, for dynamism, in her passion for the environment, and through an obvious dedication to health and fitness. Mostly though, what radiates is contentment, and an acceptance of the past.
Certainly, she found help arriving at that place throughthe process of writing her 2014 autobiography, True Love. “When pressed to put into words things you have pocketed away, it becomes quite a tough experience, but one that is ultimately very satisfying,” she says. “I’ve not met anyone who hasn’t expressed some sort of feeling of therapy when it comes to writing an
autobiography. It proved an extremely valuable experience for me, and I am definitely more at peace as a result of doing it.
“I think it makes you realise that, as life goes on, you never have all the answers, and never did you have them in the past. So with that in mind you need to be quite forgiving to yourself. It’s easy to beat yourself up over the past but, when you have the time to really drill down on the detail of what happened, why it happened and why you did what you did, you realise all you ever did at any one point in time was put everything you had into it.
“It’s so easy tobeat yourself up over things that, in hindsight, you realise you shouldn’t have.”
While in the years after that bestseller there were still hurdles to overcome, just as there will be many more in future, JLo at least has a focusthese days on diversity in creativity ,and the ability to have fun without the pressure to perform
“When the shackles are off, we produce our best work,” she says. “That’s true of so many people in so many parts of life. It’s just the getting to that point that’s the difficult bit!”
JLo credits much of renewed, optimistic outlook to her regular fitness regimen. She has an appearance that makes those half her age envious – something she praises celebrity fitness trainer Tracy Anderson for – but at the same time provides an inspirational role model to women (and men), particularly those who refuse to subscribe to the fact that advancing age should mean a dissolution of energy, ambition and excitement.
“I know this is only one part of it, but I think women should be proud of their bodies. There shouldn't be one concept of what is beautiful or ideal-looking. I've had to overcome a lot of negative things that were said to me when I first started working in Hollywood.
“I was constantly being told to lose weight, but I basically told people, ‘Look, I'm okay with my shape and the way I look’.
“The way we look feeds in very closely to mental health. Whether we like it or not, a lot comes from that first place of what people make of us from our visual appearance.
“Ultimately, we are always beating ourselves up,” she continues. “If it's not our bodies, it's whether we're spending enough time with our kids… are we doing a good job, are we making them happy? All those things are weighing on us. It's hard.”
And yet, as a veteran of over 40 movies and eight albums, JLo’s desire to move to explore the next project has never departed. Whether TV, film or music, there remains an urgency to constantly do more, constantly do better.
“My mom was the one who taught me that if you worked hard in life then you can achieve your dreams. Then when you do achieve something, you’re always looking forward to what comes next. Stopping isn’t an option.”
Certainly, JLo’s success nowadays comes from a very different place compared to that early time in the spotlight when global audiences danced to Jenny from the Bloc. “I feel more secure, and I've learned to feel good about myself,” she says. “That's been a big step for me, because while we all crave validation in one form or another, I realise I don’t have to be governed or defined by the approval or others, and I certainly don’t need that to make me happy. I've also never felt better about my work, my image ormy body than I do now.
“I don't have any longing for the past – I don’t want to be 20 again!” she concludes.
“Maybe that's the secret of feeling freer and happier as you get older –want to be the person you will be in the future, not the one who lives in your past.”
The winter season is one ofthe most beautiful times of year. With crisp white snow, frosted flowers and icy scenes it’s a season that demands to be photographed. To celebrate the very best of the winter season, CEWE has released a collection of new images from the CEWE PhotoAward,theworld’slargest photo competition, showcasing stunningwinterlandscapes.
The 10 snaps have been submitted in this year’s competition, which launched in May and aims to celebrate the best in photography across the globe. The competition is open to everyone – from keen amateur photographers to establishedprofessionals.
Until the end of May 2023, entrants can submit photos for free that celebrate the competition’s ‘Our World is Beautiful’ theme. There are 10 categories for budding photographers to enter – from aerial shots and animals to landscapes, travel and culture, highlighting the true beauty of theworldaroundus.
The 1000 overall winners can look forward to prizes totalling more than €250,000. In addition, three monthly winners will be chosen, each receiving a voucher for CEWE photo productsworth€100.
Charitypartner,SOSChildren's Villages Worldwide, has been selected, with 10 Euro cents being donated to the children's relief organisation for every photosubmitted.
A photo expert at CEWE UK, said: “Winter has officially started as the days are getting colder and frostier. Although thecoldweathercansometimes make us want to stay indoors and get cosy, it’s one of the most picturesque times of the year,soaperfectopportunityto capturestunningphotographs.
“From snowy landscapes and frost gathered on flowers in your local park, to the icicles hanging on your windows - the delicate details are simply beautiful. We hope you enjoy these wintery images as much as we do, and that they inspire you to make the most of the seasonthroughphotography.”
CEWE shares some of its favourite winter images from the landscapes and nature categories of its currentcompetition.
The play tells the story of Rita and Sue, two working class girls from a rundown council estate who are about to finish their final year at school.
In their spare time, they earn money babysitting for married couple Bob and Michelle
Behind Michelle’s back, Bob embarks on an affair with both Rita and Sue, who take it in turns with him in his car in the countryside. Michelle eventually finds out and leaves lothario Bob.
When Bob later develops a preference for Rita, the two girls fall out but when Sue ends up in an abusive relationship, the trio are reunited.
Michael Parr will play the role of Bob. He will be joined by a fantastic castincludingcomedian Crissy Rockas Mother and Jamie Greer as Dad, along with Jessica Ellis as Michelle; Jenna Sian O’Hara as Sue and Kay NicholsonasRita.
The show runs from February 11th-19th .
It's February and there's lots to celebrate. Valentine's Day is growing close, Shrove Tuesday where we can delve into scrummy pancakes and it is also my birthday!
I decided as I'm another year older, I really need to start looking after myself more from the inside out! We all look after our skin, hair, nails and body but what goes on insideofourbodies?
I was so fed up of feeling bloated after meals, lethargic and pretty awful drinking and eating certain foods.
Guthealthissoimportant,so I booked to have 3 sessions of colonic hydrotherapy. The Treatment Rooms in Skelmersdale Lancashire ownedbyTracyJohnsonisa fabulousclinicwitharelaxed vibe.
Tracy made me feel comfortable and at ease havingthetreatment.Iknow what you're thinking... who wants a pipe up your bum and watch poo floating out ofthetube!
Letmeletyou,thetreatment was amazing, fascinating in fact and the benefits I have felt are incredible. Not only did I lose some weight but I have more energy, reduced bloating,I'vesleptbetter,IBS symptoms have gone, my mind feels clear and I feel incrediblyfocused.Ihadno
idea the benefits of having Colonic Hydrotherapy were sogreat.
Did you know that having a totalclearoutcanhelpwith depression, anxiety and also helps with allergies! The actual treatment is painless, in fact I took calls, did some work on line and enjoyed the mellow music playing in the background. I highly recommend Colonic Hydrotherapy and believe everyone should have a goodoldclearout! Start working on the inside aswellasyourouterbody. Check
wish you all a very happy Valentine's Day, Pancake Day and I'm going to enjoy being a year older feeling on top of the world. Happy Birthday little old me!
Please check out my new website at www.claudinehope.co.uk and give me a follow on Instagram: claudine_hope_ See you month babes
Following a year on from the when i officially launched my clinic, its kind of been like a nonstopworldwind.
I haveaddedlaser treatments for hair removal, skin rejuvenation, carbon facials and tattoo removal to my portfolio and in September of last year i was excited to opened my own training academy. I thoroughly enjoy teaching and introducing new students to the industry and i feel i am able to offer people on the course advice and hopefully how to avoid pit fallsintheindustry.
I have been nominated for awards within the industry which i have been totally over whelmed about, its so nice to be recognised for doing a job you love. I strive toofferbothclients and students an enjoyable and professional experience, weathertheyjustcomefora consultation, treatment or attend a course. I love seeing the reactions from my clients when they have their treatments. I find its not just physical change/appearance its also the emotional and mental change it makes. I have seen clients growso much in confidence and reallycomeout
In an ever changing and growing industry its important to keep on top of things so i can offer my clients the most up to date treatments, and offer my students the most relevant information when delivering my courses.
There’s lots more to come and look forward to this coming year from Under the Palms Aesthetics and I am so grateful and excited to be on this crazy journey.
Air fryers have become a current must-have kitchen gadget because they provide a healthy and budget-friendly way to cook family favourites. And they’re ready in a matter of minutes.
According to an energy calculator, cooking a roast dinner in a conventional oven costs 60p, while using an air fryer would drive the cost down to 43.4p. As having a roast dinner is a Sunday tradition for many families, the weekly savings will add up quickly. With a MuscleFood meal kit it’s possible to prepare a whole roast chicken dinner for one in just 10 minutes.
Mexican-style chicken combined with delicious veggies makes a nutritious dinner that’s full of flavours. Plus it’s super easy to make - just pop paprika, lime and garlic coated chicken into an air fryer along with sweet potatoes and sweetcorn for a perfectly balanced meal in minutes.
Skip takeaway and create a healthier and cheaper fast food alternative, that can take less time to prepare than getting food delivered home. Add breaded chicken breasts, chips and a corn on the cob into an air fryer for a crispy and delicious fakeaway.
Preparing a full English breakfast can be a real hassle, especially if you're pressed for time in the morning. However, by using an air fryer, a tasty fry up can be made in the same amount of time as a bowl of porridge.
You can get scrumptiously golden results by cooking Chicken Kyiv in the air fryerand what’s even better is that they’ll be ready in just 5 minutes. You can also put a twist on this classic dish by adding jerk seasoning to create a Levi Roots’ Spiced Chicken Kyiv.
Air fryer can be used to cook impeccably tender and juicy steak in just 10-12 minutes. Add some chips and veggies and you’ve got yourself a restaurant worthy meal.
Online searches for ‘work from home jobs’ have hit their highest point in five years this month spiking 123%.
Experts at Financial-world have analysed Google Trends data to reveal the five year high spike in searches. The increased interest in moving from in-office positions to those that are home-based comes amid strikes and the continuing cost-of-living crisisintheUK.
Google Trends data also reveals that searches for ‘hybridroles’arealsoatafive yearhighintheUK,exploding by 614% this month when comparing to December searches.
Coordinated industrial actions, namely train strikes, havebeenrifeinthe UK as living costs remain high and workers demand fairer pay. The ramifications of these strikes fall on workers who depend ontrainstogetinto their place of work. With no assurances that these train strikes will stop in the future, a workfrom-home role becomes more enticing to workers who wish to save time and money on commuting.
According to a recent survey reported on by The Guardian, 62.5% of 597 managers across the UK believe that working from home boosts motivation, and three-quarters believe that it increases productivity. Flexible working is becoming increasinglymorewidely accepted and this is reflected in online searchesforsuchroles.
Decide which part of your life you want to start from and end...
(The childhood that shaped you? The start of a relationship that changed you? The trauma that moved you? The successes that empowered you? The job you walked away from to pursue your dream?)
Write a list of the essential themes and stories around this, the emotions you experienced and how they impacted your life. Focus on key turning points that will resonate
with your readers.
Write a brief bullet list of events in chronological order.
Draft scenes from your life and describe them illustratively, such as meeting your best friend, giving birth, breaking a bone, listening to your favourite piece of music for the first time, waking up in a new country for the first time.
Piece them all together with emotion and humour.
‘Silent George’ is Robbie’sfirstbookand tellsthestoryofa timid Gorilla called Georgewhostruggles with his speech and confidence as he embarks on his first day of school. On his journey,Georgemeets a number of characters who help him develop his confidenceandfindhis voice.
Inspired by his son, George,whowasfearful ofstartingschooldue to his speech and language difficulties, Robbie hopes ‘Silent George’ will comfort and inspire other families who have faced similar challenges.
The release of ‘Silent George’ will also be in support of Speech and Language UK, a charity that supports the 1.7 million children*inthe
UK who are struggling with their talking and understandingwords..
Robbie Blackhurst, said: “I wrote this book for my son, George, and I’m so excited to see how it will be received by other young children who need support with their confidence and their families.‘
. ‘Silent George’ is an endearing tale for any child who can get nervousaboutstartingschooland strugglingtofindtheirvoice.
“Thanks to the support and guidance of Speech and Language UK, I hope the book actsasaninspiringstorytoshare with any young child who might benervousaboutembarkingupon newmilestoneswithintheirlives.”
LIVERPOOL children’s author Robbie Blackhurst has published his first book and donate 50% of the profit to national charity, Speech and Language UK.We are thrilled to announce that for the first time ever the Ukrainian National Opera®istouringtheUK from 9 February to 5 April2023.Comingallthe wayfromDnipro,Ukraine, this opera company, featuring an impressive cast and accompanied by a large liveorchestra comprising over thirty musicians, will première the exquisite Aida opera thisseason.
Ifyou’venevertriedopera before you will love the full orchestra experience with brand new settings and fantastic costumes, along with exquisite singing and wonderful tunes that you will be humming to yourself all thewayhome.
Verdi brings ancient Egypt tothestagewithanevolving love story against the backdrop of war. The Princess of Ethiopia (Aida) fallsinlovewiththeE
Egyptian General (Radames) who is equally besotted with her. Radames is chosen by the king to lead the war with Ethiopia and Aida is left to choose between her lover or her father and her country.
Tue 14 Feb – 7.30pm New Brighton, Floral Pavilion 0151 666 0000Arias such as ‘Se quel Guerrier io fossi!’ sung by Radames in the first act is one of the most famous arias of the operatic world. This opera will be sung in original language with Englishsurtitles.
The Ukrainian Opera from Dnipro is especially worth seeing as their creative development has moved forward in recent years, masteringandpopularisingthe world'sclassicalmusicheritage and turning to the works of modern composers, music of the 20th century, and in particular the Ukrainian classics. Producer, Alexej Ignatow of Amande Concerts Ltd. said: “We are really excited to be presenting this opera company to UK audiences in these difficulttimes.
The journey has been extremely challenging, but I amgladwehaveovercomethe many extraordinary obstacles and have now received all the necessary visas and clearances fortheUkrainianartists.
The cast has been rehearsing vigorously over the last five weeks, and will continue to do so until the very moment when they will be leaving for the UK. We in the production office are now fully focussed on marketing these operas and raising awareness. We hope to see you very soon at oneofourvenues!”
Amande Concerts Ltd,isaUK established production company dedicated to delivering highest quality classical art to British theatres. Ukrainian National Opera®, is a registered brand name of Amande Concerts Ltd. Over the last 16 years we have entertained audiences in London and all over the UK with performances by worldclass dancers and singers. We have presented the ballets Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Giselle, Romeo & Juliet, Sleeping Beauty and Don Quixote as well as operas such as Carmen, La Traviata, MadamaButterfly,LaBoheme, Rigolettoandmanymore.
07886548334 alexej@amande-concerts.co.uk
For further information, images, review tickets and interview requests contact Alexej Ignatow
An arts activities guide, designed specially for people living with dementia, has launched as part of a collaboration between leading dementia specialist, Belong, and Bluecoat, Liverpool's contemporary arts centre, offering an inspiring collection of pursuits to enhance the wellbeing of those who work withit.
Little Golden Moments' brings together an array of one-to-one andgroupexercisesinmusicand sound, storytelling, movement and dance, and working with clay. All have been devised by some of the country's most acclaimed creatives commissioned by Bluecoat, and piloted by Belong for the ongoing research partnership betweentheorganisations.
For the past four years, the relationship, entitled Where the ArtsBelong,hasexploredtheuse ofartsincareenvironmentswith the artists taking-up ‘arts residencies' in Belong's care villages, leading workshops for residents in their respective disciplinesIn response to lockdowns, a spin-off initiative, We Belong Together, supported Belong's independent living apartment tenants and those in thewidercommunitiesitserves, helping to tackle loneliness by providingaweeklyfocusatatime when interaction outside of support bubbles was limited to virtualmeans.
Now,alltheactivitieshavebeen packaged as Little Golden Moments, servingas an invaluable tool for loved ones, care providers and anyone supporting someone living with dementia. With the option to tailor tasks to participants' preferencesandability,theaim istoengagetheminmeaningful occupation,whilstinvitingtheir input, such as favourite memories, personal interpretations or new ideas. The result is increased wellbeing, connection, and a sense of purpose for those involved.
Caroline Baker, head of dementia and care quality at Belong commented: "When your loved ones or those in your care live with dementia, it can be difficult to keep them engaged with worthwhile activity. We're pleased that the Bluecoat's work with our customers to-date means we can offer this resource to carers everywhere. I'm sure many will recognise the small, special moments they have with those they care for and this will help to bring about more positive experiences."
TabithaMoses,projectfacilitatoratBluecoat,added: "We hope Little Golden Moments will inspire creative engagement with people we love and support. Each activity has been tried and tested, both in-person and on a digital screen - all are dementia-friendly and Zoom-friendly. You don't need to have any arts experience, just a willingness to have a go!"
1. Lock down your privacy settings
our Instagram is set to “public” by default, allowing anyone to see yourposts.Toprotectyour privacy, set your account to “private” so only followers you approve can see your posts, make comments, and send you direct messages. On Facebook, while you can never hide your profile pictures or cover photos, you can hide almost everythingelsefromthose outside your friends list throughyoursettings.
3. Keep track of third-party apps
Over time, you have likely connected several thirdparty applications to your Instagram account. You should regularly review these applications to ensure no suspicious connections have been made and delete any you do not recognise or no longeruse.
4. Only buy from verified profiles and brand accounts
6. Decline friend requests from anyone you do not know
Get in the habit of declining friend requests from anyone you are not familiar with. The more friends you have that you do not know, the higher the risk you will be approachedwithascam.
7. Never click on suspicious links sent to you or respond to unsolicited messages
2. Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication
Oneoftheeasiestwaysto prevent unwanted logins onyouraccountsistouse strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication.Withthisin place, anytime someone tries logging in from an unrecognised location or device, they will also have toenteraone-timecodein addition to your username andpasswordsenttoyour phone.
Before you buy anything on social media, check to makesuretheaccountyou aredealingwithisverified. All legitimate brands on Instagram and Facebook are verified with a blue circle checkmark next to theirname.
5. Search regularly for accounts in your name
To avoid the damage of someone cloning your accounts and using these fake accounts maliciously, get into the habit of regularly searching Facebook and Instagram for your name. This only takes a minute and is an easy way to identify and reportimpostoraccounts.
Whether it is a phishing emailoraprivatemessage from a friend, avoid clicking on unsolicited videosorlinks.Ifyouthink a friend sent you something, double-check with them before clicking. Especiallywhenwhatthey sent you involves compromising information about you or says something like, “OMG! Is this you?” or “Have you seenthisyet?!”.
GEMINI ( 21 MAY – 20 JUNE)
–This is a good time to clear things out of your life that you no longer need to make room for the good things to come. An exciting friendship connection couldbe made in that opens up doors for you–but do watch for deceptions andself-deceptions.
CANCER ( 21 JUNE – 22 JULY )
It’s time to make a change in your life, not a small one, but one that really transforms you and/or your life. You are radiating energy that makes you more attractive, and, as a result, opportunities are that much stronger for romantic attention.
LEO ( 23 JULY – 22 AUGUST )
-You could have an easier time dealing with your career. Any moves you make have a greater chance of going well. Those of you in business for yourself could see an especially profitable month. This is a good period for your relationships. You are ready to pursue romance and to take the lead.
Fortunate events occur as a direct result of your willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box. You are feeling brave, positive, and optimistic. New opportunities through friendships, group associations, and other forms ofnetworkingmightarise.
Your creativity and social life are stimulated this month and plenty of opportunities to express yourself uniquely will present themselves. Pleasure-seeking activities, recreation, and amusement are increased. Your personality could be more nurturingorencouraging.
Youfeelmoreenthusiasticandwanttotry new things. You could find you’re put in the spotlight for something, or get recognition for work you’ve done. You’re finding more than usual enjoyment from grouporfriendactivities.
Thiscouldbeagoodtimeforyouto look for a new job or get a second job, try to get recognition at work, or improve your working environment. You may see things that you’ve been working on for a long time finally come to fruition now.
Your goals and wishes tend to be broad and perhaps unusual or ahead of the times just now. You may particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future. Others especially value your advice and oftenturntoyouforhelp.
Youaremoredeterminedtoachieve your personal goals, and more strategic in the manner you go about doing so. Pouring your heart and soul into your efforts comes naturally now. Income from your business or career is likely to increase.
Hectic days in career are ahead this month. You may begin to take on more responsibilities on the job or in another service-oriented capacity. There is likely going to be a big struggle regarding your career for many of you–whether to stay where you are or to explore new opportunities.
You are open to new energies, approaches,and attitudes. Your mind is quicker, sharper, and you come up withideasfaster.
Surprising events occur now that serve to jolt you out of your usual routine, particularly when it comes to friendships,finances,andcareer..
This is a time when you invest in yourselfandinthe people around you that you respect. Projects begun now canhavelong-term benefits. Finances are likely to be quite reliable or under control now. You could become more active with friendsorinyourcommunity.
Sixteen years ago the Morton Family relocated from Essex to Paphos, with four young children.
Soon after arriving Peter and Debbie started PMR Cyprus. At first it was only going to be a small man with a van service but they soon
saw a huge gap in the removals industry. This was something Peter had done when he first left school.
They employed their first couple of staff and started taking on the larger removals. Within a short timespan customers were
asking them to ship their goods primarily back to the UK.
They looked in to the option of this and found it was another service they could offer. Leading on from this they found partners in the UK to start importing customers personal effects back to them in Cyprus.
From starting within their kitchen with a computer and just one van, they now boast 26 full time employees, 17 removal trucks and have a 7500 square meter storage facility incorporating the offices.
The storage facility holds over 700 storage crates starting from just 12 euros plus VAT per
week. They can also offer outside container storage if needed.
They have vast amounts of open storage areas within the warehouse and outside for storage of vehicles, boats or oversized items.
services in the UK and indeed worldwide.
To this end they decided to look in to opening PMR UK!
They now have a storage facility in Essex, not the size of the Cyprus one
This makes them the only company both sides of the water owned by the same people. This is totally unique and it also allows them to be in full control of your shipments. The office staff whilst miles apart are working together as if in the same office. They offer the full in-house services to assist you with either Transfer of Residency (TOR) or if you are paying Duties & Taxes along with full car registration in Cyprus, should you require it.
To summarise, if you need any advice or guidance on a local move, worldwide relocations both to and from Cyprus, along with first class storage facilities please do not hesitate to contact us.
Post Brexit they have realized, as with all industries, the huge increase in costs with shipping and destination
but a solid base for future growth.
They are running two vehicles and have five full time staff on board.
Take a look at their website, Facebook pages and Instagram to see exactly what they are all about, along with some excellent reviews from customers. Visit their website www.petermortonremoval.com or call us on on 26923588 - Paphos office or 25722180 - Limassol office.
Facebook: Peter Morton Removals for Cyprus and PMR UK for England Instagram: peter_morton_removals – petermorton.removals – petermortonremovals for Cyprus and pmrbranchuk for England
Email: Cyprus – headoffice@petermortonremovals.com England – ukbranch@petermortonremovals.com