Folding frames Marcella Arruda
The beauty of art has so much more to do with the frame than the artwork itself.
Chuck Palahniuk, Choke.
Beauty is strictly related to value, and therefore, to a distance established towards things: to the understandment and measurement of its qualities. The origin of the notion of beauty was based on comparison: the real world should mimic the ideal one, divine and abstract. After humanism, the ideal world was replaced by the elevation of man: the white, conqueror, noble and european. Making a jump to globalized world, the pattern of beauty starts to be dictated by the mass media: brands that establish a model to be followed, in which the consumers need to fit in. As the Situationists would put, during the 20th century pulsates the Society of the Spectacle: individuals are alienated, mere followers, non thinkers or creators. It is in the contempory society that the distance between art and life, creator and spectator, is blurred, if not broken. The frame that used to establish value and delimitate this distance is now stretched through artworks: the boundary is not visible anymore, but the tension can be felt. The brief timeline presented above, beyond pointing out the trajectory of beauty, also illustrates the shift of power in social relations. Since Renassaince art, beauty was appreciated through distance: what was inside the frame had value per se, in relation to the spectator. It’s aim was to establish a strong identity of the ones portrayed: nobleman that reasserted their power and importance through art, conveying value also to the court artists who painted them. The idea of God and the religious moral, or the abstract world of the theory of forms by Plato1 , are then replaced by an exaltation of the man and the establishment of another role model to be followed. There was still a idealization of how things should be done and how life should be lived, which mere citizens should obbey to. The techniques implied and the figures’ posture also contributed to create status, and therefore, a notion of beauty and admiration towards both painter and painted. During the 15th century, economy and art were strictly related: artists depended on patrons to foster their activity and, thus, the supporters used their benefits from trading economy to reveal their nobleness also throughout art. That was the case of Giovanni II Bentivoglio, the tyrant of Bologna, in Italy. The signore was portrayed with his wife Ginevra by Ercole de’ Roberti, in 1480, right after he fought in service to Florence, Milan and Naples. The 1