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portfolio marcella arruda

selected works 2010|2014

projects | escola da cidade college works and papers Other perspective guarda-sol sente-se Library of memories Catedral Port Au Prince Pavilhão Calder Monte sua praça! projects | MUDA_coletivo city, people, change | with Naiara Abrahão, Julia Pinto PARK[ING] DAY ocupa Largo da Batata Sinta-se em casa Bolha Imobiliária | with Basurama Brasil Parque de diversões MINHOCAO | with Basurama Brasil, Sociedade Anônima Ocupação | with Basurama Brasil, Recooperar, Partizaning projects | URBZ user generated cities | with Fernando Botton, Gabriela Santana


50 houses, 1 territory Canteiro de obras Mobiliário urbano

about personal Brazilian, single, 21 years marcella_arruda@hotmail.com | marcellasmparruda@gmail.com I develop a research on the participation of citizens in urban development, the sense of belonging of the public spaces and the idea of community. As a student and researcher, I participated on different workshops and conferences around Latin America and India. Today, I’m studying architecture and urbanism in Escola da Cidade college, in São Paulo. Founder of MUDA_coletivo (“change it”), a group of people that aims to create other possibilities of city and sense of collectivity, I organized seminars, gave workshops and lectures about the work with urban interventions. Part of the URBZ team in São Paulo, Brazil, working in the slum of Paraisopolis. education undergraduate and complementary programs 2014 Escola da Cidade - Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo | São Paulo, Brazil coursing the 5th year of architecture and urbanism. experience internships, jobs and workshops participated 2013 - 2014 Um novo ensino para outra prática: Rural Studio e Canteiro Experimental, contribuições para o ensino de arquitetura no Brasil | São Paulo, Brazil master thesis on architecture and urbanism layout, graphic design, images research and text revision. 2013 - 2014 Taller de Obra de la Universidad de Talca | Talca, Chile built intervention course analysis of the place, design of the project, management and logistics, contact and relation with community, sponsors and partners, investigation of the material (concrete) and build of the intervention. 2011 - 2013 Núcleo de Aplicação da Escola da Cidade | Bahia, Brazil participatory urban design office social, environmental and phisical analysis of the city, elaboration of preliminary study, basic and executive project. 2012 - 2013 Um Teto para meu País | São Paulo, Brazil poverty dealing NGO contact with community, coordination of volunteers, logistics and construction of emergency houses. 2008-2009 Miniempresa da Junior Achievement e PriceWaterhouseCoopers | São Paulo, Brazil entrepreunership program coordinator of the production area, development of the project, contact with partners and consumers.

other perspective 2010 | S達o Paulo

The urban intervention, located in a viaduct in S達o Paulo, aims to discuss the dialetics man-nature, once (like in reality) that both are put aside. The skyline, seen from above the viaduct, is reproduced in the panel intervention, overlayed in the natural topography. The product, theoretically ordenated, reproduced by men in cities all over the world (the buildings, the skyline), appears now above the irregular and desoriented - the nature. developing a critic to the lack of horizon line in the city of S達o Paulo, the work sugests another perspective on the ocupied space and, specially, on its modification. Besides, the intervention proposes a reflexion on the imensitude of nature and the role and the power of men related to it; for greater that is the construction of men, it cannot be compared to the own nature.

escola da cidade

guarda-sol 2011 | S達o Paulo | with Marcelo Venzon

Guarda-sol as keeping the sun: an umbrella with photovoltaic tissue. The idea of the project is to capture sun rays during the day, keep the light on it, and emit it during the night. A way of playing with the composition of words (guarda=keep + sol=sun) in a creative and literary way, besides achieving an interesting plastic potential. It was built a prototype to understand the capacity of the equipment, and also to think about other possibilities of design and spaciality that can be thought of.

sente-se 2011 | São Paulo

Have a sit: an invite for people to stop, to sit and look to the city in a different way. Were printed the letters of the word (sente-se) and positioned in several places in the city where the views were specific, unusual or that show an overlay of time and dynamics territorialized. The idea of the intervention was to propose to bystanders other relation to the city landscape and to instigate a step out of alienation and programation - an urge to affect the urban space and let it affect you. ”We know that, in the course of flânerie, far-off times and places interpenetrate the landscape and the present moment”, Walter Benjamin.


Library of memories 2011 | São Paulo | with Gabriela Santana and

The propostiion of the workshop Summer School, with Myriam Gautschi, from HTWG in Konstanz, Germany, was to understand what does a library mean in the context of a neighbourhood isolated in the forest of Serra da Cantareira, north of São Paulo, Brazil. The group was interested about the idea of a Library of Memories, where one can take your memories, share with others their stories, but also know other’s memories and build new ones in this place and in this time. Comprehending that our memory is fragmented, the project materializes it in its central element: this repetition of walls in the diagonal, forming a mismatched element, therefore conforming an unique and multiple-relation square.

metal roof cover

Catedral Port Au Prince metalic perforated skin

2012 | S達o Paulo | with Jo達o Paulo Rossi, Jo達o Pedro Cilli, Isabel Hergueta, Aline Setton, Felipe Biagi

route through structure modular steel frame structure

multiple use space baptistry new pedestrian axis water mirror altar zenith opening

access to new catedral

After the destruction provoked by the earthquake in 2010, the government opened a international competition for a project to the Cathedral of Port Au Prince, as a symbolic image to the reconstruction of the country. The proposition of the project implantation is to maintain the site of the old Cathedral, but invert the axis, creating a new public plaza and aligning it with the Government Palace of the city. The destruction here is seen as fact establisher of a renewal to the city and society life. From the inside of the old ruined Cathedral urges a new metallic cube, an allusion to the spaciality of the domes of Catholic churches. The pattern of the perfurated metallic skin allows the entrance of natural light and also the exit of hot air, provinding a natural air circulation in the environment.

Pavilhao Calder 2012 | S達o Paulo

The aim was to design a pavillion to expose the mobile of Alexander Calder in a square downtown S達o Paulo. The project proposed a pavillion with urban furniture, understanding that the surroundings lack of spaces to stay. The project consists in variations on combinations of the wooden module, creating different possibilities of space and situations. A reinterpretation on the Modulor, of Le Corbusier, was made to understand the heights that can arise relations to the body: to sit, to lean, to lay down...

Monte sua praca! 2013 | São Paulo | with Alberto Rheingantz, Beatriz Matuck, Mariana Gonçalves, Martha Levy

Make your square was a flexible and experimental intervention made in Jardim Romano (west region of São Paulo, place where will be connected to the rest of the city by the Hidroanel - a conection ring between rivers in the city). The idea was to reactivate this space, where which used to be abandoned and full of garbage, with the participation of inhabitants of the surroundings, and making the square with furniture of pallets, used as modules, that composed, create different fitments. A manual was made to explain how was the process, incentivate this temporary ocupation of urban spaces through simple, low cost and easy tools and to initiate a discussion about the place and show other possibilities of use and life.



PARK[ING] DAY 2012 | S達o Paulo

Every year, in many cities of the world, people occupy spaces for cars parking in the streets with situations and events to promote encounter, interaction and collective use of this normally prived space. In the area where one car can park, were built, during a workshop with architecture and urbanism students, in the sidewalk way benches and in the street way bicycle racks, showing how much city space is underutilized.

ocupa Largo da Batata 2012 | S達o Paulo

Event of protest and occupation of Largo da Batata, a space in S達o Paulo that used to have informal commerce and exchange, but, after a revitalization project, has been totally uncharacterized. The contribution of the collective to the event was the design and construction of the human scale Domino, to play in the square. The domino brings this idea of putting all togheter and tearing it down: the notions of control and destruction, but also as a different way of relating to the public space: ludic and funny.

sinta-se em casa 2013 | S達o Paulo


After a lecture and visits to the place, the collective organized a workshop called Sinta-se em casa (suit yourself, feel like home) during the National Encounter of Architecture Students, in Campinas, Brazil. The objective was to appropriate and create prosthesis of human scale equipments with the students in a major infra-structure in the downtown of the city, made for big concerts and events, but rarelly used in the everyday life.

Bolha Imobiliaria 2012 | São Paulo

The Immobiliary Bubble is an inflatable built in a vulnerable region of São Paulo (Glicério), during a workshop. The Bubble is a poetic dispositive that makes one reflect on the effect of the same name’s phenomeno in the imobiliary market in many cities of the world. Besides bringing this reflection (many times is inflated in contexts like these), the Bubble opens a temporary fissure in the urban brutality, presenting another vision and experience of the city.


An urban scar in the tissue of São Paulo, Minhocão is a infra-structure that represents the urban development of the city, driven by self interests. Reinterpreting it, the collective proposes another use to it: a park. Using the viaduct as support, the intervention (hanged swings) reassembles it, creating another spaciality and another relation of people with this structure. Besides, another area, today closed for prived use, is transformed into a “zoo”, calling the attention to the place in a ludic way.

Ocupacao 2013 | São Paulo

To establish conection with people and rehearse a possibility of developing sense of belonging and appropriation of public space, the collective went to a residence in a squad downtown São Paulo, living there and producing events in the street in front with the inhabitants. This activation was made through dispositives, such as a breakfast in the middle of the street, invinting bystanders to interact, and also through carts - the children’s cart, cooking, playing...

50 houses, 1 territory 2013 | São Paulo

Some studies have been developed to make a research book about the slums: the way of living and building in the informal context. For it, 50 houses constructed by the mason Ataide in the slum of Paraisopolis, São Paulo, will be surveyed: materials, techniques, people involved, cost of the work, time... And with this approximation and understandment of this context, we, as architects, will have the basis to intervent in it, designing better housing projects, that are coherent in this context.

Canteiro de obras 2013 | São Paulo

During 6 months of 2013, was developed a course called Construction Site. Once a week, students of architecture and urbanism interested went to the slum to participate on the built of a house. An approximation of this social context, the necessities and potentialities, and also a comprehension of the technichal part - materials, techniques, dificulties of logistics to arrive with the material in the site... An approach of the future architect to the in-formal context.

Mobiliario urbano 2013 | São Paulo


After a first approach of the slum, one can realize that the life in the streets is the one most complex and strong in an urban context. Thinking of this, the project aim to provide a mininal infra-structure to this existent use: of sitting in front of one’s house, to meet friends for a beer in the sidewalk, the lack of garbage cans. Using a module fixed in the facade of the houses, the element is flexible and depending on the high, can suggest a different use.

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