SuperYacht Industry 2015 Issue 3

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to congratulate the owner of Malahne for returning this classic British 50 metre motor yacht to her former glory. In her heyday, Malahne played host to tycoons, royalty, Hollywood stars and movie moguls; but a 1980s refit stripped her of both her style and her dignity. It fell to her present day owner to restore her elegant lines and create an interior that evoked her original 1930s splendour. Drawing inspiration from the grand art deco houses, a wealth of bespoke joinery - from chevronpatterned sycamore veneers to roto-cut Japanese tamo ash and European tiger oak - reflects the passion of the era for mixing exotic woods and unique cuts. The result is a vessel that, from stem to stern, has spectacularly recaptured not just her youth, but her beauty. And, as has always been our maxim, true beauty lies within.

mo n a c o y a c h t s h o w 2 0 1 5 S U P E R Y ACHT- I N D U S T R Y. C O M

At Ruiter Quality Interiors we have nothing but admiration for people of vision. That is why we wish

SYI 2015 | VOLUME 10 | ISSUE 3

Malahne - beauty reborn

SYI 2015 | Volume 10 | Issue 3

i n d u s t r y

Lßrssen’s Ester III ele g a n c e de f i n ed

Monaco Yacht Show 2015 2 5 th a n n i v e r s a r y s p e c i a l

A Growing List interior innovation

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