Offshore Industry 2017 Issue 2

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OSI 2017 | VOLUME 10 | ISSUE 2

OSI VOL. 10 ISSUE 2 | 2017

i n d u s t r y


otc houston building a better future OFFSHORE-INDUSTRY.EU

offshore Support Vessels lOOKING FOR NICHES



OTC 2017

Experience the progress.


With proprietary technologies and production systems, integrated expertise, and comprehensive solutions, we are transforming our clients’ project economics across subsea, onshore/offshore and surface. We are uniquely positioned to deliver greater efficiencies across project lifecycles from concept to project delivery and beyond. We are driven by a steady commitment to clients and a culture of purposeful innovation, challenging industry conventions and rethinking how the best results are achieved.

Quick facts

TechnipFMC is active in the business segments:  Subsea, Offshore/Onshore and Surface  45,000 people in 48 countries  Industrial assets on five continents  A fleet of 21 vessels  Annual revenues around € 14 billion Dutch office located: TechnipFMC Fascinatioboulevard 522, Capelle aan de IJssel Tel. +31(0)10-2207070 Email.

TechnipFMC Offshore Engineering

For a variety of Offshore Exploration & Production (E&P) operators, TechnipFMC delivers design and engineering services related to production assets for development and operation of oil & gas fields. Scope of work: Engineering services we deliver are conceptual, basic (FEED) and detail engineering of E&P assets for green field and brown field projects. In the North Sea multiple fixed platform projects have been executed for the delivery of new assets, to counter reservoir depletion, OPEX improvement or environmental compliance. As part of the TechnipFMC Norway organization, TechnipFMC, execution centre Capelle a/d IJssel is appointed as a FPSO (redeployment) execution centre. Within this Group of three companies TechnipFMC, Capelle a/d IJssel will deliver project management/engineering, KANFA is able to deliver process modules and Inocean the marine expertise. This Group is able to deliver a complete scope for FPSO conversions.

The new HLC 295000 heavy lift offshore crane • Rated capacity: 3,000 tonnes at 50 metres • Maximum radius: 157 metres • Maximum lifting height: 170 metres • Range of application: Wind farm installation & platform decommissioning

Editor’s note

Snakes and Cladiators In our magazIne, we try to coVer as many InterestIng noVeltIes and storIes as possIble concernIng the offshore sector, and eVery tIme we approach the deadline for printing I am afraid of missing the latest news. fortunately, our website and digital newsletter help us to keep up-to-date with the latest innovations. Just a few days after the publication of this issue, I will be in the middle of all the latest offshore developments at the otc in houston. I am really looking forward to this event, as it will give me a new shipment of interesting things to write about. this is not only because of the many companies that will present themselves and their products and services, but also because of the interesting conference programme. although everyone is cautious about being too optimistic about the near future, it certainly looks as if the industry is slowly adopting a more positive mood. the offshore renewables industry is flourishing in many parts of the world, and in the oil and gas sector, companies seem to be slowly emerging from the rough patch they were going through during the last decade. without a doubt, these signs of recovery will be visible at the otc, giving an extra boost to everyone who attends. this issue of offshore Industry also shows that business is getting better. companies are innovating and investing again in the new design and construction of a broad range of equipment. ‘snakes’, ‘cladiators’, nippleless flanges, subsea liquid storage, cantilever jack-ups and dual-fuel osVs; you can read all about these and many more interesting developments in the following pages. arno dirkzwager | editor

enjoy reading!

arno dIrkzwager


1629 OTC 2017

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i n d u s t r y chArlEs VAn DEn oostErkAMp Chief Executive Officer

nAthAliE gEEls-VinkoErt Chief Financial Officer

MArco gEEls Chief Commercial Officer



arno dirkZWager Editor

rob van akkeren Account Manager

sanny ensing Editor

tom dietvorst Account Manager


alex diJkstra Office Manager

nathalie putman Art Director



stAFF EDitors Julia ross | Julia ZaltZman Joanna van koert-hughes | niCky ongenae-hardWiCke

stAFF photogrAphErs hans van der linden | dave Jansen | rene van der kloet danny Cornelissen | Chris WiJmans

pres. rooseveltlaan 739 4383 ng Vlissingen, the netherlands | t: +31 118 473 398 E: | F: +31 118 461 150 | i: Copyright & Disclaimer offshore industry is owned and published by Yellow & Finch publishers.

Contact us at or check and find out what we can do for you. iPS - Powerful People: Rivium Boulevard 101, 2909 LK Capelle aan den IJssel The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)88 447 94 94

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Content OSI 10-2.indd 2

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contents osi





24 The Right Amount of Attention 28 Fit for Offshore


40 The Cladiator – Next Level in Bore Cladding of Risers 50 Lift to Work – Multi-Functional Tool for Offshore Operators DECOMMISSIONING

56 Heading for a Storm – IHS Markit Reports Significant Increase



11 First Live Trials of the Eelume Underwater Robot 43 Reliable Long-Term Subsea Storage of Liquid 53 Design-Led Approaches to Oil Transfer



27 GustoMSC’s Self-Propelled Cantilever Jack-Up

30 Looking for Niches – Small Signs of Recovery for OVSs


39 Den Helder’s Kooyhaven Officially Open

44 Block Island Wind Farm open for business – US Offshore Wind



12 OTC Houston – Building A Better Future

63 Nor-Shipping 2017 – Set to Make Sustainability Centre Stage


20 2030 Climate Roadmap – Statoil Aims at Profitable Growth in Renewables and Low Carbon Solutions


1 Editor’s Note 5 News In Brief 65 People 67 Outfitters Page

69 Yellow & Finch Pages 72 Word On The Sea www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str

Content OSI 10-2.indd 3

On the Cover Oil and gas may fall below today’s share, but will continue to make up a sizeable part of the energy mix for the next decades. A night time view of a support vessel next to the illuminated BP-operated Ensco DS3 drillship at sea in the Gulf of Mexico, USA – Photo courtesy of BP. OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 2 | 3

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DESIGN BUILD CONNECT Jan De Nul Group is a leading expert in dredging and marine construction activities, and provides services related to the installation of offshore wind farms and related subsea export cables and umbilicals. The combination of design and detailed engineering and all aspects of civil works, dredging and rock and marine installation enable Jan De Nul Group to offer a total package on an EPC basis.

Adv Offshore industry_2017_15_03.indd 1 • News in brief OSI 10-2 def.indd 4

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news in brief Heinen & Hopman Supply HVAC for OHVS Borkum Riffgrund 2 Heinen & Hopman has been granted an order from HSM Offshore for the supply of the dehumidification system, the ventilation system (including natural ventilation), the heating & cooling system as well as the HVAC controls systems for the Borkum Riffgrund 2 Offshore High Voltage Substation (OHVS). Offshore substations require a controlled indoor climate to maintain the temperature, relative humidity and air quality within the design limits in order to ensure optimum operation of installed electrical and electronic equipment.




ExxonMobil Commissions Sevan for FLNG Studies


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Sevan Marine has entered into a long-term framework agreement with ExxonMobil concerning its cylindrical hull technology. The two parties have worked together since 2015 when Sevan was awarded a feasibility study to explore the use of its hull shape for a floating LNG (FLNG) development. Currently, Sevan is working on a follow-up study focused on the hull and marine aspects. The total value of the framework agreement is subject to the calling-off of individual orders.

OTC 2017

Island Venture Commissioned


The Norwegian Ulstein Verft shipyard has commissioned offshore construction vessel Island Venture, which sets new standards in terms of multifunctionality. The Island Venture is the product of a European joint venture with building work carried out at two different locations. While the stern was produced at the Crist shipyard in Poland, the bow was built at Ulstein in Norway, where both parts were also assembled. The vessel is designed for operation as an offshore construction vessel with multifunctional applications. Its equipment includes a 400t crane for deep-sea drilling operations down to a depth of 4,000m, a 140t crane with 3,000m cable capacity and three moonpools. Preparations have already been made to enable a subsequent changeover to passenger and cargo operations, including special measures for use as a module carrier.

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news in brief EEW Opens Production Plant at Verbrugge Zeeland Terminal Erndtebrücker Eisenwerk (EEW) officially opened a new production facility at the Verbrugge Zeeland Terminal in Vlissingen, the Netherlands, on 9 March. In Vlissingen, EEW produces pin piles and monopiles for the offshore industry. In addition to providing a specifically adapted warehouse, Verbrugge is also responsible for the logistics support. In the warehouse, 4m to 12m-long pipes, manufactured in Erndtebrück, are assembled into pin piles with a length of 40m to 50m. After that, Verbrugge takes care of loading the pin piles destined for the North Sea offshore windfarms. The EEW production plant at the Verbrugge Zeeland Terminal has a surface area of 11,000m2 and is equipped with three overhead cranes, customised doors, a welding line and coating facilities.

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Held annually in Houston, texas, from 1-4 may and featuring more tHan 2,400 exHibitors, tHe otC is widely regarded as tHe premier venue to see and learn about new teCHnologies and tHis year in partiCular presents some of tHe best opportunities for upstream Companies to move forward during tHe Current eConomiC downturn. read more on page 12.


Keppel Delivers FPSO P-66 for Brazil


1723 OTC 2017

Keppel Offshore & Marine’s shipyard in Brazil, BrasFELS, has delivered P-66, the first of the Replicante series of Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) units, to Tupi. Tupi is a consortium formed by: Petrobras (operator, 65%), BG E&P Brazil (a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell, 25%) and Petrogal Brasil (10%). P-66 will be deployed in the Lula Sul field, Santos Basin, Brazil. BrasFELS has been engaged for two Replicante projects, P-66 and P-69. The shipyard’s work scope for the projects includes the fabrication, integration, testing and commissioning of topside modules.


New DNV GL Standard Ensures Reliable DP Capability Assessments


4253 OTC 2017

DNV GL has presented its new standard for assessing the stationkeeping capability of dynamic-positioning (DP) vessels. The ability to assess and compare the position-keeping capability of a ship equipped with dynamic positioning technology is vital during the planning and design phases, and provides valuable operational decision support. The DNVGL-ST-0111 standard is the first to provide a unified approach to these assessments, ensuring verifiable results and increasing transparency in the market.


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• News in brief OSI 10-2 def.indd 7



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Visit us at OTC Houston Booth 1615

• News in brief OSI 10-2 def.indd 8

30-03-17 09:52


news in brief Growth. Shaping the Future. On 30 March IMAP Netherlands kicked off IMAP ‘s annual global Spring conference of with an event: ‘Growth. Shaping the future’. Today’s dealmakers and tomorrow’s shapers of the future gathered to listen to trend watchers, economists and well-known entrepreneurs. Trend watcher Adjiedj Bakas foresees that the port of Rotterdam will no longer continue its ranking in the top 10 of world ports. For the first time since World War II, a full week passed with no cargo ships in transit between Europe and North America. To maintain growth in the rocky area of oil & gas, other directions must be explored. IMAP’s dedicated oil & gas sector team helps to create new windows of opportunity by advising when buying, selling, financing and evaluating companies.

Impact of New European Privacy Legislation

In May 2018 the new EU privacy regulation comes into force: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Maritime companies with international operations should prepare themselves as the GDPR must be met both inside and outside the EU in order to continue being able to do business internationally with European organisations. Technological developments have led to a big increase in digital data. Organisations must be aware of what personal data is being processed, whether this information is sufficiently protected and whether additional measures must be taken. Crowe Horwath Peak offers scans and seminars to assist with appropriate and punctual preparation for the impact of the GDPR.


Delivery First Crane by Huisman Brazil



Huisman has delivered the first crane built and tested at their production facility in Navegantes, Santa Catarina state, in the south of Brazil. This crane is the first of an order of two 50mt (deck) knuckle boom cranes for DOF/Technip’s ‘Skandi Olinda’ and ‘Skandi Recife’ which are currently being built at Brazilian shipyard VARD Promar. These 50mt cranes (built to an SMST design) are completely manufactured and tested at Huisman Brazil. In addition to these two cranes, Huisman Brazil will deliver two 50mt subsea knuckle boom cranes and two 2,500mt flex-pipe storage baskets for the same DOF/Technip vessels. Huisman the Netherlands will deliver two 340mt VLS pipe-lay systems.

OTC 2017

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The snake-like design allows the Eelume vehicle to shift into a U-shaped dual arm configuration.


First Live Trials of the Eelume Underwater Robot Photo courtesy of Eelume


First live trials of the Eelume underwater robot took place in Trondheim, Norway.

KONGSBERG MARITIME AS A DEVELOPMENT PARTNER, THE NEW EELUME ROBOT has torn up the marine robotics rulebook to create a futuristic, snake-like vehicle designed to live permanently underwater and carry out intervention tasks that would normally require the mobilisation of expensive surface vehicles for divers or launch and retrieve ROVs or AUVs.


he footage captured at the Prezioso Linjebygg Subsea Test Centre during trials in the Trondheimsfjord shows the potential of the Eelume vehicle to significantly improve inspection and light intervention operations on subsea installations. The modular, snake-like design allows the Eelume vehicle to access hard-to-reach points on subsea structures while its ability to shift into a U-shaped dual arm configuration allows intricate interactions using a diverse toolset including torque tools, grippers and specialised maintenance equipment. The trials verified and demonstrated the features of the underwater robot in a deepwater, marine environment. The trial confirmed that the vehicle has superior manoeuvrability, in a stable sensor and actuator platform, and can provide easy access to restricted areas not accessible by conventional underwater vehicles. The Eelume solution will save costs by reducing the use of expensive surface vessels. The

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The system has proved itself to be a very capable inspection tool, able to reach confined areas with ease. solution can be installed in both existing and new fields where typical jobs include visual inspection and cleaning and operating valves and chokes. These jobs account for a large part of the total subsea inspection and intervention costs. “Everything is progressing on schedule for the intervention demonstration during the latter part of 2018. The system has proved

Photo courtesy of Eelume

itself to be a very capable inspection tool, able to reach confined areas with ease. Potential operators and customers have shown a lot of interest in Eelume, not just because of its interesting technology, but also because it can do things that no other vehicle can,” says Arne Kjørsvik, CEO at Eelume. i.

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OTC HOusTOn fOCuses On fuelling ideas TO break OuT Of THe CurrenT eCOnOmiC dOwnTurn

Building a Better Future

Photo courtesy of OTC



OTC 2017

THe largesT evenT in THe wOrld fOr THe Oil and gas indusTry, THe annual OffsHOre TeCHnOlOgy COnferenCe (OTC) HOusTOn is wHere energy prOfessiOnals represenTing more than 100 countries meet to exchange ideas, make critical decisions, and develop business partnerships to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters.

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The exhibition features more than 2,600 exhibitors made up of 47 nationalities.


eld annually in Houston, Texas, from 1-4 May, the OTC is widely regarded as the premier venue to see and learn about new technologies and this year in particular presents opportunities for upstream companies to move forward during the current economic downturn. with a specific focus on new world-class projects and technical exploration, the OTC’s conference programme includes groundbreaking initiatives, such as shell’s gulf of Mexico stones project, billed as the world’s deepest subsea development, and a new cement integrity evaluation system developed by Baker Hughes.

Shifting Paradigms

sponsored by thirteen non-profit organisations in the energy industry who

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work cooperatively to develop the technical programme, 2017’s event features more than 300 technical papers from leading upstream firms, more than 60 technical sessions, 24 topical breakfasts and luncheons, and several in-depth panel discussions. During enormous change, shifting business, political, and economic paradigms have altered the complexion of the event, but OTC remains a ‘must attend’ technical conference for engineers and scientists. An important discussion point within OTC’s 2017 seminar programme will be new developments in major offshore basins, especially those of Mexico and Brazil, two countries that have made significant changes in the regulation and development of their offshore resources. This is realised with panel sessions featuring

executives from key oil corporations sharing views on how recently announced government incentives will affect Brazil’s offshore future, as well as breakfast and luncheon forums on business opportunities in Brazil.

Cornerstones of Success

Keeping abreast of new and existing topics, this year’s conference is also set to tackle the contemporary issues of big data and the growing importance of cybersecurity, as well as the more traditional discussions on how to improve business operations. Other key discussion areas include strategies for adapting to a lower priced environment, and in turn ensuring safety and environmental responsibility remain the cornerstones of success during that


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Think light. Bayards offshore structures: • Lightest weight • Least maintenance • Lowest cost of ownership •

Longest life span

Visit us at OTC in Houston booth 1629

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transitional phase, and the highly topical area of designing and developing offshore renewable energy structures and infrastructure.

International Representation

The exhibition floor itself sprawls across an impressive 62,400m2, including outdoor exhibits, featuring more than 2,600 exhibitors made up of 47 nationalities. Last year’s show witnessed nearly 300 new exhibitors, with international companies spanning the spectrum of the oil and gas industry accounting for 51%. Commenting at the close of the 2016 exhibition, Joe Fowler, OTC’s Chairman said: “As it has since 1969, the world came to OTC to make critical decisions, share ideas and develop business partnerships to meet global energy demands. The commitment from OTC’s volunteers and staff ensured, regardless of the price of oil per barrel, that OTC upheld its unwavering commitment to delivering attendees unparalleled information on new technologies and global developments.”

Growing Networks

To foster the growth of attendees’ professional skills there will be a number of networking events. These include the ‘Second Annual Reaching Out and Reaching Up: Networking in the Downturn’ held on Monday from 16:00 - 18:00, and Tuesday’s ‘Efficient Organisations: Leaning Up in the Low Price Environment’, taking place from

16:00-18:00, both with a focus on industry networking to help maintain visibility in the current market. New for this year is the OTC Poster Lounge in the NRG Centre which will be open every day from 09:00 - 16:00, while among this year’s returning highlights is the University R&D Showcase, a daily event which provides universities with the opportunity to share with attendees their current and planned R&D projects that are relevant to offshore technology. In a separate event, the Rice Alliance Start-up Roundup will also give 50 young upstreamfocused firms a chance to pitch their innovations to potential investors and interested attendees.

Facts & Figures Date: 1-4 May 2017 Venue: NRG Park, 1 NRG Pkwy, Houston, Texas 77054 USA • 2,400 exhibitors • 300 technical papers from leading upstream firms • Over 60 technical sessions • 24 topical breakfasts and luncheons • Over 100 nationalities

The Brightest Minds

All OTC 2017 events will be held at the NRG Park in Houston with the exception of OTC Night at the Ballpark and d5: The Next Big Thing. With game time commencing at 19:05 on Tuesday 2 May, and taking place in Minute Maid Park, OTC Night at the Ballpark is an exciting evening of Major League Baseball in which the Houston Astros play their in-state rival Texas Rangers! While on Friday 5 May, d5: The Next Big Thing will bring together the brightest minds across multiple industries for talks to spark creativity and innovation in the offshore energy industry. Now in its third year, the focus for d5 this year will be on ‘Impactful Innovation Throughout the Economic Cycle’.

IRO Dutch Pavilion IRO, the Association of Dutch IRO Suppliers in the Oil, Gas & BOOTh NO. Renewables Industry, returns 1629 to OTC in 2017 with its popular Dutch pavilion. This OTC 2017 year, 45 Dutch companies join the Association to participate in the Houston show. IRO has a strong history in organising companies to join them at international exhibitions, with participation open to both IRO members and non-members. IRO provides assistance before, during and after the show in helping with all necessary forms, orders and deadlines, stand construction, transport and publicity.



Photo courtesy of IRO

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Kenz Figee Group is a leader in the design, manufacturing and maintenance of offshore hoisting and lifting systems. Our decades of experience and our constant focus on innovation allow us to offer one of the best product and service portfolios in the industry.


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Who Can You Meet At OTC 2017? On the following pages you will find a special selection of internationally operating companies represented at this year’s OTC in Houston. But obviously, all companies will be very pleased to see you at their booths. An overview of all company booth numbers is listed on the OTC Houston website at

Breman Machinery

Heating Group International

Breman Machinery has the experience to make your wishes become reality. A team of 130 well-experienced employees have the knowledge to create workpieces of extreme sizes with maximum precision. The company has a good record of projects for oil and gas companies, mechanical engineers, aerospace companies and industrial firms. They see in Breman a partner in the construction of machines and the implementation of projects as the company does not down any challenge.

Heating Group International, developed a flange heater with retractable elements especially for the oil and gas industry and for other chemical/highly corrosive environments. This construction allows during maintenance or inspection the replacement of internal heating elements without having to drain the system. The heater consists of one or more heating elements, consisting of wire-wound resistances mounted in a ceramic body. The ceramic body ensures a high electrical insulation and good mechanical resistance. The coils are manufactured using high temperature resistant wires and are designed to transfer the heat to the metallic HEATING GROUP INTERNATIONAL sheath and, finally, to the fluid.







OTC 2017

OTC 2017

High Tech Metal Seals (HTMS)

Leine & Linde

High Tech Metal Seals design and manufacture elastic and resilient metal seals that are highly equipped to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, making them flexibly adaptive to a wide array of environments. The seals’ versatility in extreme conditions includes cryogenic to high temperatures, ultra- high vacuum to intensely elevated pressures (reaching 10,000 bars), subsea settings, radiation and corrosive media. HTMS’ highly flexible metal seals offer a long life sealing dependability as a result of its selfenergised design principle and its HIGH TECH METAL SEALS employment of super alloys.

Leine & Linde has been providing condition-monitoring solutions in harsh encoder applications for many years, including Ex zone 1/21. The company’s new generation of rotary encoders for Ex environments is about to be released. Bearingless encoder model 2854 will feature ADS Uptime, for real-time collection of condition monitoring data, used in process management systems and for cost-efficient predictive maintenance. Encoder status, ambience temperature, vibration, and time in motion are just some of the collected values. i.

ISO 9001



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OTC 2017

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IMT2001 Oceanographic Research Vessel Designed for Taiwanese Ocean Research Institute Dimensions 76m x 16m DE propulsion DP1 and SPS

The vessel has a comprehensive suite of survey equipment, with sensors/arrays mounted in a gondola to reduce the impact of bubble sweep down. The aft deck is arranged to allow for a range of operating conditions including ROV operations, Seismic surveying, Seabed Drilling and General scientifi c research.

The Netherlands

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United Kingdom


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Offshore Ship Designers (OSD) Offshore Ship Designers is a global one-stop resource, delivering naval architecture and marine engineering skills to the shipping and offshore energy industries. OSD draws on an experienced global workforce to provide high quality feasibility studies and conceptual, detailed designs for tugs and offshore support vessels of all types. OSD is based in IJmuiden, the Netherlands and has offices in the UK and Singapore.



OFFCO is dedicated to creating solutions for people and companies by looking for new business opportunities in the offshore related market. These solutions can be new business partnerships, as well as new fit to purpose equipment and dedicated systems. They develop opportunities for specific problems with maximum results, whilst safeguarding safety for people and the planet by developing and sharing knowledge and technology and in promoting research. OFFCO assists European and Chinese companies in forming mutually-beneficial partnerships to expand their market share worldwide. i.






OTC 2017

OTC 2017

Resato Resato is a Dutch provider of smart high pressure solutions for increasing productivity of its global customers. The company develops and manufactures components and systems for testing, injection, and controlling up to 14,000 bars with the mission to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers. With 25 years of experience in the industry, Resato has the knowledge to provide reliable and safe solutions for oil and gas customers. i.

Red Box Energy Services Red Box Energy Services provides marine transportation solutions for energy infrastructure projects developed by leading Energy & EPC companies with our modern fleet of heavy transport vessels. Red Box Energy Services focuses on high-value niche markets in the offshore and onshore energy services industry where high standards require capital, technical skill, operational capabilities, client focus, dedication to safety and environmental stewardship. i.


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OTC 2017

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Statoil aimS at Profitable Growth in renewableS and low Carbon SolutionS

2030 Climate Roadmap Statoil’S new Climate roadmaP detailS itS tarGetS for Co2 emiSSion reductions and improved carbon intensity, energy efficiency, as well as profitable growth in renewables and low carbon solutions.


il and gas may fall below today’s 50% share, but will almost certainly continue to make up a sizeable part of the energy mix for the next decades, as sectors such as heavy transport, aviation, industry, petrochemicals and heating/cooling of buildings will continue to rely on oil and gas in many regions. with the roadmap, Statoil introduces a new portfolio target for CO2 emissions per barrel produced, delivering 20% reductions by 2030, from 10kg to 8kg, well below the industry average.

Co2 emissions from Statoil’s oil and gas production are already at a low level compared to the industry average and this strategy will further strengthen Statoil’s industry position in climate performance, further increasing the company’s competitiveness. Bjørn Otto Sverdrup, Statoil’s Senior Vice President for Sustainability explains: “Statoil is already outperforming industry peers on carbon intensity and, according to the latest

Statoil’s Climate Roadmap.

We will develop our business in support of the Paris climate agreement.



Build a high value, lower carbon portfolio.

Embed climate into our strategy, incentives and decision making.

Create a material industrial position in new energy solutions.

Amplify our climate actions through collaboration.

Paris climate agreement




we aim to reduce the carbon intensity of our upstream oil and gas portfolio to 8kg CO2/boe by 2030 *Statoil-operated.

Capturing and storing more than

of gas delivered to the market.

tonnes of CO2 to date Aiming to eliminate continuous production flaring at our installations by 2030* *Statoil-operated.

Powering 650.000 homes with offshore wind

2030 15-20% of capex to new energy solutions Carbon intensity ambition 8kg CO2/boe

2017-2030: Aiming to achieve CO2 emission reductions of 3 million tonnes per year

Aiming to achieve annual CO2 emission reductions of 3 million tonnes by 2030 Our wind farms are on track compared to 2017. to deliver electricity to

1,000,000 Break-even of next generation portfolio*:

2020 Carbon intensity target 9kg CO2/boe

3 million

23 million



2008-2016: CO2 emission reductions of 1.8 million tonnes per year

1996-2016: Stored more than 23 million tonnes of CO2

Methane emissions from our gas value chain to Europe are below


Carbon intensity of 10kg CO2/boe

Sleipner CO2 storage



1990-2030: EU/Norway: 40% CO2 reduction target

By 2020 we expect up to

By 2030 new energy has the potential to constitute

25% of research funds to be devoted to new energy solutions & energy efficiency



of investments/annual capex

homes in Europe

USD 27/bbl

$2.3 billion

* Statoil- and partner-operated projects, sanctioned since 2015 or planned for sanction, with start-up by 2022.

invested in our offshore wind portfolio so far

Over the next 4-7 years, we plan to invest USD 200 million through our Statoil Energy Ventures

We are a partner in the USD 1 billion OGCI Climate Investments

Image courtesy of Statoil

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CDP benchmark, we are the oil and gas company best prepared for a low carbon future. Fundamental changes are happening in our industry and in global policy on climate change. We see these changes as opportunities. First, we are building a high value oil and gas portfolio with low carbon footprint, ensuring that the right hydrocarbons are produced and that they are produced as efficiently as possible. We furthermore position ourselves to capture the growth and value creation opportunities offered in renewables and new energy solutions.”

Mr Sverdrup, Senior Vice President for Sustainability at Statoil

All the Cars in Norway

Statoil also discloses a new target to reduce emissions from its operations by three million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2030, compared to 2017. The company is already on track to deliver 1.2t million in CO2 emissions savings from the Norwegian continental shelf by 2018, two years ahead of schedule and 50% above the targets established by the Norwegian petroleum industry in 2008. In combination with other reductions, the already delivered savings in Statoil’s upstream and midstream activities and the new 2030 target amount to around five million tonnes of CO2 reductions, which is similar to the emissions of all the cars in Norway.

Photo courtesy of Statoil

Natural Gas to Replace Coal

Delivery of natural gas to replace coal in power production and complement intermittent renewables is an important part of Statoil’s contribution to a low carbon future. A study of methane emissions in the entire gas value chain from Norway to Europe demonstrates that emissions are below 0.3%, confirming the climate benefits of gas. Statoil recently announced plans to build a material industrial position in profitable renewables and low-carbon solutions, with the potential to constitute 15-20% of investments by 2030, four times today’s share. By 2020, Statoil now plans to direct 25% of its research funds to new energy solutions and energy efficiency to support this ambition, including offshore wind, carbon capture and storage and hydrogen. Mr Sverdrup: “We see the big growth in renewable energy as a business opportunity for Statoil, however we do not have a specific target other than our investment figure, which is indeed very ambitious. With

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Industry Average


Image courtesy of Statoil, source: IOGP Environmental Performance Data 2015

Carbon-Efficient Oil and Gas Producer: CO2 Intensity (kg CO2 per barrel)

our current offshore wind projects in operations, we will deliver renewable energy for one million households – we will continue to deliver on our offshore wind roadmap, and develop opportunities in solar energy.”


Statoil continually recognises the importance of carbon pricing and will keep cooperating with governments and peers, including the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), to help reduce overall emissions

Eldar Sætre, Statoil’s President and CEO: “The world needs affordable and reliable oil and gas for decades to come. At the same time, it needs to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Statoil is committed to developing its business in support of the Paris agreement ambitions. We believe that being able to produce oil and gas with lower emissions while also growing in profitable renewables will give competitive advantages and provide attractive business opportunities in the transition to a low carbon economy.”

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SARENS IS THE MARKET LEADER AND GLOBAL REFERENCE in crane rental services, heavy lifting, and engineered transport.

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16.03.17 12:02

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ENERGY DEMAND World energy demand 2013-2040 TPED (Total primary energy demand), billion toe (tonnes of oil equivalents) New renewables Biomass Hydro Nuclear Gas Oil Coal

New renewables include wind, solar, geothermal and marine power, plus small scale hydro power, biofuels and biomass used for power generation. Reference scenario

Renewal scenario

Rivalry scenario

Image courtesy of Statoil

Oil and gas will continue to make up a sizeable part of the energy mix.

while meeting the world’s growing demand for energy. In november, the ten oGCi member companies announced a new EUR 930 million investment fund for low carbon oil and gas technology development and emission reduction initiatives. Statoil’s contribution to this fund comes on top of the previously announced EUR 186 million for Statoil Energy Ventures, a new energy venture fund established in 2016.

A Platform for Engaging Employees and Suppliers

“Statoil provides energy to millions of people every day and we want to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and capture new opportunities. With this ambitious new roadmap, we demonstrate how we have fully embedded climate in our strategy and decision-making. The roadmap is also a platform for engaging all our employees and an invitation to suppliers, governments and others to work with us in realising our vision of shaping the future of energy,” says mr Sverdrup. “When we look at our own efforts, Statoil is working on small and bigger projects every day to reduce the carbon footprint. Our employees have used their technical expertise to find better ways of operating the plants and identifying small and medium size rebuilds of rotating machinery, such as pumps and compressors. a few examples include: • Updating turbine control system on Oseberg Sør: 10,000t Co2 reduction per year • Modifying two gas compressors on Åsgard A: 8,200t CO2 reduction per year • Changing freshwater production on Statfjord A: 4,800t CO2 reduction per year most of the 200 energy measures Statoil have completed on the Norwegian Continental Shelf have been a result of strong employee engagement,” concludes Sverdrup.

Photo courtesy of Øyvind Hagen/Statoil

Delivery of natural gas to replace coal in power production is an important part of Statoil’s contribution to a low carbon future.

Key Actions in Statoil’s Climate Roadmap Build a high value and lower carbon oil and gas portfolio • CO2 emission reductions of 3t million per year by 2030 compared to 2017 • Portfolio carbon intensity of 8kg CO2 per barrel by 2030 • Methane emissions from the Norwegian gas value chain below 0.3% • Eliminate routine flaring by 2030 Create material industry position in new energy solutions • New energy solutions to potentially represent 15-20% of capex by 2030 • Up to 25% of research funds to new energy solutions and energy efficiency by 2020 • Invest EUR 186 million via our New Energy Ventures fund • Partner in the EUR 930 million OGCI Climate Investment fund Accountability and collaboration • Continued support for carbon pricing and other cost-efficient energy and climate policies • Minimum internal carbon price of EUR 46 per tonne CO2 • Climate risk and performance embedded into strategy, incentives, reporting and decision-making • Amplify climate actions through collaboration with suppliers, customers, governments and peers


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VDS produced a complete transition piece for Eneco Luchterduinen. Coating/painting was executed in accordance with Norsok System M501 including Thermal Spray Coating (TSA).

The Right Amount of Attention The offshore wind business involves a broad range of acTiviTies in design, consTrucTion, painTing and coaTing, mainTenance, sTorage and installation of structures. Ample companies provide these services, but only a few are able to take care of everything, as this requires different knowledge and skills. But as always, there is an exception that proves the rule.

Photo courtesy of VDS

At the Vlissingen terminal, VDS has plenty of open space and covered workshops close to the quayside.

Photo courtesy of VDS

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DS has its roots in the design and construction of civil engineering structures such as bridges, jetties and locks, but for about a decade it has been using this experience for the offshore (wind) industry as well, offering a broad range of tailormade solutions ranging from (de) mobilising OSV’s to building complete topsides for HV stations. From the development of steel and aluminium structures and machines, engineering, procurement, design, construction, production, manufacturing, conservation, assembly, all the way to start up and installation, the list of services provided is extensive.

Shift to EPC

There has been a considerable amount of investment in the past five years to expand and strengthen the VDS portfolio. Originally based in the port of Vlissingen, the company has opened branches in the port of Eemshaven (in the north of the Netherlands) and, most recently in the port of Rotterdam, to be as close as possible to customers and projects. Throughout the years and based on customer demands, VDS has shifted from construction to offering a comprehensive service package of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC). Robert van der Loos, CEO at VDS, explains: “The customer and the constructions that we build are at all times our primary objective. We do our very best to ensure projects are executed efficiently, and with the right amount of attention to detail and focus on quality. We therefore like to keep everything in our own hands. A testament to this approach is that we always have returning customers.”

constructed a flexible pile upending frame, incorporating hydraulic and E&I systems for the Oleg Strashnov,” adds Mr Van der Loos. VDS has already mobilised vessels and barges for a broad range of wind parks, including Dudgeon, Blighbank, Gemini, West of Suddon Sands, Veja Mate, Luchterduinen, Westermeerwind and Walney.

Focussing on Customer Satisfaction

VDS’s service however extends further than mobilisation. Complete top decks are designed and constructed, such as the recent deck for Dong’s Walney offshore windfarm. Two top decks for HV stations will be delivered for the Northern and Hohe Sea offshore windfarms this year. The company recently finished a new hall in Vlissingen for a new project. “A new four storey high top deck that we are building does not fit in our existing construction halls, so we needed a new, higher hall (78 x 36 x 16m, l x w x h),” says Mr Van der Loos with a smile. “For this purpose we also decided to have a new 2x70t gantry crane installed; one of the largest in the region. We are not a mass producer, but a company specialising in projects ranging to no more than one to six pieces of work per project.” “This way we are able to meet almost any request. No matter what type of project, bigger ones such as transition pieces and top decks and smaller, for instance grillages and blade

racks, it is always our ambition to coordinate the projects from design to final installation, focussing on our customer’s satisfaction,” concludes Van der Loos. i.

Mr Van der Loos in front of one of the top decks constructed by VDS.

Photo courtesy of Scherp!Fotografie

Monopile gripper frame, with a TP frame in front.

Longer-Term Solutions

With regard to vessel demobilisation, VDS executes the job from scratch to execution. The company prepares the vessel for a new job and it designs, constructs and installs all necessary structures. Depending on the vessel’s task, this may include WTG and foundation grillages and blade racks. Vessels from companies such as Van Oord and Seaway Heavylifting are regular VDS terminal visitors. “As no wind turbine is the same, we look for longer-term mobilisation solutions. This ultimately saves our customers a lot of money. To name a recent example of this, we designed and

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Photo courtesy of VDS

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29-03-17 11:03




drilling and well intervention in a large number of mature fields in the southern North Sea, Middle East and South-East Asia. These fields are characterised by water depths of 50 to 80m, depending on the region. Until now, this was the domain of classic drilling jack-ups and tender barges with the associated day rates and operational restrictions. With the light drilling cantilever, the NG-5500X-LD bridges the gap between the shallow to midwater service units and the fully-fledged drilling rigs. As with all NG series designs, one of the key features of the NG-5500X-LD is that it is designed with practical and survival capability in mind. The unit can remain offshore when adverse weather conditions

occur, resulting in an increase in workable days, greatly enhancing efficiency and ensuring a minimum of non-productive hours during operational charters. With the excellent manoeuvrability (DP2), diagonal pre-loading, fast transit (up to eight knots) and maximum safety and accuracy when making use of the Variable Frequency Drive controlled jacking system, the NG-5500X-LD enjoys all the benefits of the GustoMSC NG series.

Improved Material Handling

The light drilling rig will be deployed extensively, as it can serve a wide range of brownfield needs, such as light drilling, well



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rin e 1



NG-5500X-LD is a solution for light

The NG-5500X-LD is a solution for light drilling and well intervention in a large number of mature fields.

intervention and plugging & abandonment. The large, clear main deck allows for flexible use while the cantilever featuring the X-Y Skidding System provides a generous 18.3 x 7.9m drilling envelope. This ensures access to a vast majority of brownfield platform layouts. Another advantage comes from the fact that the entire cantilever and drill-floor structure is raised above the main deck by approximately 3.6m. This allows for improved material handling as it provides enough room for a forklift to drive underneath, thus reducing crane lifts from the PS to the SB side and vice versa. It also provides additional deck space for container storage and, crucially, provides additional ways in which to handle mud return, cuttings and swarf. With 250t of hook load at 18m and up to 350t (just over 770 kips) at 15m, the rig can perform light drilling operations with a drilling depth of 3,660m.

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30-03-17 09:46


Veth Propulsion is supplier for many offshore vessels, such as Acta Marine’s Acta Orion.

Photo courtesy of Veth Propulsion

Fit for Offshore THE MARITIME SECTOR IS SUFFERING AND MANY SHIP OWNERS ARE HESITATING TO BUY NEW EQUIPMENT, BUT DESPITE the current market situation, Veth Propulsion is doing well. Keywords for this accomplishment are quality, innovation, service and sustainability.


he Dutch company likes to do everything in-house. Every piece of work that leaves their brand-new premises in Papendrecht is developed, designed and constructed on the premises by a dedicated team of around 160 employees. Since the early 1950s, this way of working, with a focus on shallow draught thrusters, has lead to a broad range of innovative propulsion solutions for the maritime and offshore industry.


Retractable L-drive and retractable tunnel bow thruster. Photo courtesy of Veth Propulsion

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Offshore support vessels can take advantage of Veth Propulsion’s broad range of thrusters. The retractable thruster uses a vertical retraction system to minimise space requirement in the vessel. The retractable L-drive rudder propellor provides hydraulic lifting and lowering of the unit, enabling it to retract into the hull when not in use. This reduces the vessel’s resistance and enables sailing in shallow waters. By rotating the underwater part through 360°, the full propulsive power can also be used for manoeuvring and for the dynamic positioning of the vessel during offshore operations. When looking at shallow draught

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Noise and vibration reduction make life and work on board more comfortable, more efficient and safer. The flexible mounted tunnel

bow thrusters, the retractable tunnel bow thruster is widely used on OSVs. It serves as a BB-SB propellor in the upper position and in the lower position it offers 360-degree steering for DP systems or can be used as emergency propulsion.

Safety and Comfort

Image courtesy of Veth Propulsion

Reduction of noise and vibration makes life and work at sea safer, more efficient and more comfortable for crew as well as for offshore workers on board the vessel. In the field of tunnel thrusters, Veth Propulsion has recently introduced the flexible mounted tunnel. This flexible mounted tunnel thruster reduces the noise and vibration created by the propeller and surrounding structure. Apart from this, the construction also makes it possible to access the tunnel without dry-docking if the draught allows it.

Active Noise Suppression

A recent innovation is active noise suppression (ANS) by means of air-injection for tunnel thrusters. Cavitation bubbles, caused by the rotation of the propeller, implode, resulting in noise and damage inside the tunnel. By injecting air into the tunnel in front of the propeller’s direction of flow, pressurised bubbles carry the cavitation bubbles off before they implode. This means that noise levels can be kept down to 15dB. ANS is also very useful for seismic research vessels, as the reduction in propulsion noise makes research easier. Combining ANS with a flexible mounted tunnel thruster improves the reduction of noise and vibration even more. i.

Photo courtesy of Veth Propulsion

Photo courtesy of Veth Propulsion

Image courtesy of Veth Propulsion

Active Noise Suppression keeps noise level down to 15dB.

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smAll sIgns oF recovery For osvs

Looking for Niches In recenT TImes, THe mArkeT For oFFsHore suPPorT vessels (osvs) HAs been deAlIng wITH A lArge overcAPAcITy. However, THere seems To be A glImmer oF lIgHT As, AccordIng To vArIous market studies, the worldwide market is currently showing signs of recovery. mordor Intelligence estimates that the global offshore support vessels industry will grow from eur 36.6 billion in 2014 to eur 64.4 billion by the end of 2020. According to mordor, the Asia Pacific region is one of the fastest-growing markets, with the market estimated to be eur 9 billion by 2020.


learly, the demand for offshore support vessels fluctuates with the performance of the offshore sector and, in addition, the offshore supply vessel industry has its own challenges to contend with. However, with the introduction of new technologies and regulations, the market is expected to achieve considerable growth in the coming decade. There has been a significant evolution in offshore support vessels in terms of reliability and diversification and also in their worldwide operation and waterdepth capabilities. Furthermore, there is an increase in the variety of different categories of offshore support vessels available today.

Different Tasks

As oil and gas exploration moves towards deeper waters, multifunctional offshore support vessels have to perform an increasing variety of tasks, creating various niches within the market. Present-day offshore support vessels are equipped with increased cargo capacity, panoramic navigation bridge visibility, large accommodation areas, enhanced crew amenities and state-of-theart, more environmentally friendly propulsion and automation systems.


Photo courtesy of Jan De Nul

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Adhémar de Saint-Venant at the AVIC shipyard in Weihai, China.

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Multifunctional offshore support vessels have to perform an increasing variety of tasks.

Efforts are now underway globally to explore new areas for oil and gas in view of decreasing reserves. Operators and explorers are now moving into much deeper seas, where the use of subsea systems is prominent. Factors such as declining oil and gas reserves, increasing energy demand and growth in subsea exploration activities are driving the market.

To Change Tack

On the flip side, environmental barriers such working in harsh environments, high initial costs, volatile oil prices and lack of skilled labour are constraining the growth of the market. No matter how the oil and gas market develops in the years to come, it will have the biggest share of OSV newbuilds. On the other hand, the growing offshore wind market and the expected decommissioning of many oil and gas

platforms is giving shipbuilders and shipowners the opportunity to change their tack. This has already resulted in the development of vessels suitable for these industries. Existing vessels are being refitted for new and additional services and new concepts are being designed and are already underway. i.

Some Recent Projects

Although far from a complete list, Offshore Industry introduces a number of recent projects on the following pages. Some of them are already under construction and others are still on the drawing board. Each of them shows how companies are dealing with the various challenges they meet in the offshore wind and decommissioning market.

DEME Orders Next Generation Offshore Installation Vessel


EME’s forthcoming vessel Orion will feature a combination of high transport and load capacity, impressive lifting heights and green technology. The vessel will be built at COSCO in China and is to be delivered in 2019. The OSV will be deployed by DEME’s subsidiary GeoSea for the construction of the largest offshore windfarms, to service the oil and gas industry and for the decommissioning of offshore installations. With a total installed capacity of 44,180kW, Orion will be equipped with a high-tech Liebherr crane with a lifting capacity of 3,000t at more than 50m. The loads can be lifted to an height of more than 170m. Deck space has been maximised to provide exceptionally high transport and load capacity. The vessel can take the heaviest monopiles, jackets, wind turbine components and structures in a single shipment. With this combination of high load and lifting capacity, Orion can transport and install the next generation of giant multi-megawatt wind turbines. The 216.5m-long Orion can accommodate a crew of up to 131 people. Environmental considerations have been an important element of the vessel design. Orion has dual-fuel engines and can run on natural gas (LNG). It will have a Green Passport and Clean Design notation. It will

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Orion will be deployed for the construction of the largest offshore windfarms, to service the oil and gas industry and for the decommissioning of offshore installations. Image courtesy of Deme

also have other environmental innovations on board, such as a waste-heat recovery system that converts heat from the exhaust gases and cooling water to electrical energy. Luc Vandenbulcke, Managing Director at GeoSea says, “With Orion, we will be uniquely positioned to meet the future requirements of our customers and the trend towards larger capacity turbines and

bigger windfarm projects, delivering energy at lower costs. Orion will be capable of installing mega monopiles at greater depths. With DP3 technology, the offshore installation vessel can continue operations under the most challenging conditions.” i.

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SOUL Jack-Up Vessel – The Next Step Up for Offshore Wind

All loading and installation operations can be performed without the need of ballast water.


4139 Image courtesy of Ulstein

OTC 2017


he offshore wind industry has triggered a race in shipbuilding. With the rapid growth of the offshore wind industry and the everincreasing size of turbines, shipbuilders are having to pull out all the stops to keep ahead of developments. However, this does not mean they are sticking to simply resizing their ship designs. Recently, SeaOwls and Ulstein launched a pioneering heavy lift jack-up vessel design, the SOUL (SeaOwlsULstein). The cruciform structural layout makes the patent-pending solution more than 10% lighter than conventional jack-up vessel designs. In combination with a high-capacity crane, SOUL enables operators to take the next step in developing offshore windfarms. The concept aims to install the next generation wind turbines (10 - 12MW) in the same time-frame as currently used for installing 6 - 8MW units, a significant efficiency gain over any jackup vessel design currently available on the market. “The development of this jack-up vessel is the logical next step in our strategy to widen our portfolio and become a leading company in supporting the offshore wind industry with more efficient assets,” says Tore Ulstein, deputy CEO at Ulstein Group. “Combining the vast track record in heavy lift vessel designs from our Dutch Ulstein branch with SeaOwls’ experience in jack-up technology has resulted in an innovative jack-up vessel concept based on proven technologies.”

The optimal jack-up design, a square platform with the legs spaced out as much as possible. Image courtesy of Ulstein

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Scaling-up conventional heavy lift jack-up vessel designs proves challenging due to the disproportional weight increase compared to gain in variable deck load (VDL). “We noticed this


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Reducing your Logistical Costs OOS International is your partner for decommissioning projects. We understand that decommissioning projects are different to regular operations and require a specific approach. Our large dynamically positioned construction semi-submersible crane vessels OOS Serooskerke and OOS Walcheren, with a sizeable hotel capacity of 750 people and 4,400T cranes with heavecompensated subsea installation capacity on board, are designed to accomplish the most advanced decommissioning, heavy lift installation and maintenance projects worldwide. Are you interested in lowering your logistical costs? Please contact us. We look forward to being of assistance to you.

OOS International B.V. | P.O. Box 40 | 4353 ZG Serooskerke | The Netherlands | | Tel. +31 (0)118 726 200

Lifting your Projects OOS International OSI 10-2.indd 1 Offshore Support Vessels layout2.indd 34

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17 11:08

OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSELS created uncertainty among turbine manufacturers, windfarm operators and installation contractors on how to install the future generation wind turbines, as floating vessels are not a viable alternative,” comments Erik Snijders, founder and Managing Director at SeaOwls. He continues, “So we went back to the optimal jack-up design, a square platform with the legs spaced out as much as possible. Rotating the platform by 45° provided a natural bow shape with two legs and the crane on vessel centre line.”

“This seemingly simple twist in the design allowed us to make a huge improvement in operational aspects as well,” adds Bram Lambregts, Deputy Managing Director at Ulstein Design & Solutions. “With the main crane around the stern leg, optimal main deck reach and over-the-side lifting capability is created. And as the hull now houses much larger leg footings, bearing pressures on the seabed are reduced, while the wake of the spud cans does not interfere with the inflow to the propulsion thrusters,” he concludes.

The SOUL series will come in various sizes, allowing the transport of three to six 1012MW wind turbines. All loading and installation operations can be performed without the need of ballast water. A preview of the SOUL concept has been presented to a select group of industry players, which has resulted in valuable and very positive feedback from prospective clients. i.

Jan De Nul’s Multipurpose Vessel Adhémar de Saint-Venant


VIC shipyard in Weihai, China has launched Jan De Nul Group’s new multipurpose vessels Adhémar de SaintVenant and sister vessel, Daniel Bernoulli. Diverse equipment is available and can be installed on the vessels to perform a variety of functions: subsea rock installation through an inclined fall pipe or a flexible fall pipe, subsea trenching, installation of cables and umbilicals, installation works by means of a heave compensated crane, etc. To safely and efficiently perform these functions, the vessels are provided with Dynamic Positioning (DP2), a fully dieselelectric machinery arrangement, comfortable accommodation for 60 persons and an SPS notation. The vessels have a ‘STRENGTHBOTTOM’ class notation; this allows the vessels to be beached, enabling, for instance, cable installation works in very shallow waters. Over the past eight years, Jan De Nul Group has considerably expanded its fleet and as a result the Group now owns the most cutting-edge dredging fleet in the world. Nowadays, Jan De Nul Group is adjusting its investment strategy and is focusing more than ever on niche markets. The construction of multipurpose vessels allows

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Jan De Nul to better meet the clients’ requests to have a project executed by one contractor or one vessel and to reduce the mobilisation costs for its clients. i.

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SCH 16_003 IMAGE ANZEIGEN_OSI_223x297_RZ.indd 1 Offshore Support Vessels layout2.indd 36


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A New Decommissioning Concept


amen Shipyards already has a broad market focus on the decommissioning market. Next to current assets such as pontoons, the state of the art Walk-2-Work vessel currently being built for Bibby Marine will also play a role in the decommissioning market. Last year, the shipbuilder introduced a new vessel concept onto the decommissioning market: the Damen Decommissioning Series. This series will cover three core areas of the oil and gas decommissioning sector: topside decommissioning, offshore platform removal and subsea cleaning and removal. The monohull design has a split stern; a characteristic that will come into play during platform removal operations. The preliminary estimations of the vessels’ capabilities show that they will be able to perform fixed-platform decommissioning of up to 1,600t in weight. This figure signifies a considerable number of global fixed platforms, with over half of those located in the North Sea. In order to deliver maximum flexibility to clients, the concept design includes modular add-ons. These will address the possibility


1723 OTC 2017

The vessel’s monohull design has a split stern; a characteristic that will come into play during platform removal operations.

Image courtesy of Damen

that such a vessel will not be solely active in the decommissioning market. This versatility will ensure that owners can optimise productivity: bridging the potential gap between decommissioning contracts and other roles. These modular additions to the existing design include the (temporary) installation of a crane or a helideck. Functionality can be further boosted with

the addition of accommodation modules to increase personnel capacity. Another option will be the addition of a temporary platform to create a solid stern. The subsequent increase in deck capacity could be used for transporting and installing monopiles and foundations for the offshore wind industry. i.

CIMC Raffles Constructs Three Decommissioning Vessels for Shandong Twin Marine the transport of the dismantled parts. Each semi-submersible hull will be 206.3m long, 42m wide and will be able to accommodate 200 people. The two dismantling vessels will be equipped with multiple heavy-duty cranes with a maximum lifting capacity of 34,000t that can be used on platforms of different sizes. The company says that the global decommissioning market provides great opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, Southeast Asia, Brazil, and other important offshore oilfield locations. Shandong Twin Marine was established in August 2014 as a Joint Venture between Norway-based marine heavy lift contractor Twin Marine Heavylift AS and China’s Shandong Shipping Corporation of Qingdao.

Image courtesy of Shandong Twin Marine



o enable vessels to take care of the decommissioning of oil and gas installations, diverse concepts are being developed. The Twin Marine Lifter (TLM)

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Offshore Support Vessels layout2.indd 37

system that CIMC Raffles is constructing for Shandong Twin Marine is a concept consisting of three vessels. Two will be used for the actual dismantling and the third for

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30-03-17 10:26




Your offshore construction and logistic terminal for all your wind, oil & gas projects



Vlissingen Visiting Address: Estlandweg 6 4455 SV Nieuwdorp The Netherlands

Rotterdam Visiting Address: Heijplaatweg 4 3089 JC Rotterdam The Netherlands

Eemshaven Visiting Address: Westlob 8 9979 XJ Eemshaven The Netherlands

+31 [0]113 67 08 70

Kooyhaven.indd 38


29-03-17 11:11


Den Helder’s Kooyhaven Officially Open Overview of the new Kooyhaven.


1629 OTC 2017

KOOYHAVEN, THE NEW REGIONAL PORT-RELATED BUSINESS PARK IN DEN HELDER, HAS OFFICIALLY OPENED. THE FIRST COMPANY TO ESTABLISH A business presence here was announced during the opening ceremony, which was held to celebrate the occasion. “A flying start,” according to Port of Den Helder Director Jacoba Bolderheij.


The official opening at the Kooyhaven quay.

lomar Offshore is the first company to confirm their position in the Kooyhaven. The company operates a diverse fleet of purpose-built offshore support vessels and is regarded as a prominent player in the offshore market. Speaking about the development, Glomar Offshore CEO Klaas Weij comments: “I am proud that, with this expansion, we can offer even more service to both the oil and gas, and the wind industry.” Glomar Offshore is extending its activities to Kooyhaven with the establishment of warehouses for minor vessel repairs and mobilisations for the wind industry. “The arrival of Glomar clearly shows the benefits that can be gained for the whole offshore market by establishing their activities in a forward-looking business park as Kooyhaven,” says Bolderheij.

An Ideal Pit Stop

The development of the Kooyhaven began last year. The business park offers space for

companies within the energy market supply chain requiring port or waterfront connections. Kooyhaven also provides additional space for other sectors that can benefit from the location, port and waterfront facilities. Kooyhaven also has good road connections and is less than an hour’s drive from Schiphol International Airport. Given its strong geographical location, close to one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world and within the shortest distance from the offshore oil and gas market and the rapidly emerging offshore wind energy market, Den Helder serves as an ideal national and international pit stop for companies that are directly or indirectly active in the offshore industry. Operations based out of Den Helder include North Sea windfarm construction, as well as operations and maintenance activities. i.

Photos courtesy of Port of Den Helder

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Kooyhaven.indd 39

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 2 | 3 9

30-03-17 10:26


Next LeveL iN Bore CLaddiNg of risers

The Cladiator What do you do When a high-esteemed client asks for something that no one has ever asked for before? taking on such challenges ofteN makes the difference in business. and schelde exotech took on the challenge. Jos mols, managing director at schelde exotech and Willem konings, technical director at schelde exotech, unveil the birth of the cladiator to offshore industry.


r Mols explains: “as a manufacturer of equipment, our roots lie in the (petro) chemical and nuclear industry. We specialise in welding pressure and vacuum equipment in exotic metals, including titanium, aluminum, nickel alloys and high-grade carbon steels. in 2012, one of our clients asked for assistance in further developing the clad (overlay) welding of flange facings (ring grooves) of subsea risers and specialty joints. for the chemical and petrol industry, we already used the gas tungsten arc welding (gatW hot wire) process for cladding tube sheets, nozzles, flanges and other parts of pressurised equipment. this process in the conventional layout with high quality weld deposit required for ring grooves formed the basis of developing the cladding of riser forgings.”

Hang-Off Stress Joint

schelde exotech has further built upon this first experience from 2012 onwards, and is now qualified for several subsea and deepsea contractors, executing numerous contracts for cladding riser forgings for international operators and subsea companies, such as shell, statoil, fMC and Cameron. “in 2015, shell Houston approached us about exploring the possibilities of cladding a 176mm bore, 18m long, f22 hang-off stress-joint forging with alloy 625 (inconel),” adds mr konings. “a hang-off stress joint is used as the top riser connection, connecting the production unit with the riser. this connection is subject to high stress and fatigue. today the most common used solution for hang-off stress joints risers is flexible joints or solid titanium

joints. in order to provide similar flexibility, a steel (f22) solution must be longer than both the flexible and titanium solution, around 18m long. a big advantage in today’s market is that the use of steel is significantly more cost-effective, creating savings of up to 50% per riser!”

Patented Twin Electrode Head

together with their partners scana subsea and Machinefabriek amersfoort, schelde exotech decided to order a new welding station for id cladding of 18m long risers. to fulfill the technical requirements of bore cladding such large forgings, a new cladding rig had to be developed together with Polysoude Nantes; the ‘Cladiator’ was born. mr konings continues: “the new welding station uses a twin torch set-up, with each

The Cladiator can weld up to 170mm bore, with the option of up to 130mm.

Cladiator operator

Photo courtesy of Schelde Exotech

Photo courtesy of Schelde Exotech

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With a length of 45m, the Cladiator takes up almost the complete length of Schelde Exotech’s riser shop.

Photo courtesy of Schelde Exotech

torch using a patented twin electrode head. this ensures an extremely high quality weld with a high deposit rate. the process of the twin electrode furthermore ensures low heat input and dilution rate, enabling lower post-weld heat treatment (PWHt) temperatures and thus protecting base material properties.”

Impressive Cost Reductions

the development of the cladding rig was however not the only technical challenge. the riser also has to be pre-heated during welding and after welding, the complete riser requires a post weld heat-treatment. “these issues were solved in-house by our engineers by building a dedicated PWHt furnace, among other things. to meet the stringent quality requirements, including 100% Pt inspection of the cladded bore,

specific ndt procedures were developed and tested together with our partner MMe. With this welding station, we have created a unique position in the subsea and deep-sea riser business, creating impressive costreductions for our clients,” concludes Mr Mols.

A dedicated PWHTfurnace was built in-house.


Facts & figures the new welding station is capable of bore cladding risers of the following dimensions: Length up to 19m id > 170mm, with option of > 130mm Weight up to 25t Photo courtesy of Schelde Exotech

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29-03-17 11:13

. g u t r o t o R y B Seatools.indd 42

29-03-17 11:15


Reliable Long-Term Subsea Storage of Liquid IN JANUARY THIS YEAR, SEATOOLS COMPLETED AN R&D PROGRAMME ON A SUBSEA LIQUID STORAGE TECHNOLOGY – the so-called Subsea Storage System. During the programme, the system successfully passed a full product qualification test-programme. The system will now be applied to a pile installation frame operated by Seaway Heavy Lifting.


he oil and gas industry’s shift towards the seabed positioning of equipment such as pumps, compressors, and related power grids that can compromise switch gear and power transformers, demands the highly reliable, long-term subsea storage of liquids. In addition to compensating for hydrostatic pressure, subsea storage is required to accommodate oil volume fluctuations caused by temperature changes, or may,

for example, harbour control fluids. The subsea storage of liquids is also of interest with regard to other types of equipment, such as largevolume subsea hydraulic systems with significant differential volumes caused by a large number of actuators, as is the case with pile installation frames.

Barrier Reliability

One of the decisive design criteria for a long-term storage

reservoir is the reliability of the barrier between fluid and seawater. During the recently completed R&D programme, which was a continuation of an earlier engineering study performed on behalf of Statoil, ageing tests were performed to facilitate a quantified prediction of the lifetime of the fluid barrier. In addition, a fullyfledged product qualification programme on a full-scale version of the reservoir was carried out, together with an extensive analysis of the dynamic behaviour of the compensator and a study of the pressure compensation performance under various conditions. The successful completion of these qualification tests brought the technology up to TRL 4, and will now see it applied in the field.

Chemical Compatibility In addition to gaining field feedback and continuing the development of the system’s design, additional research will be conducted into the chemical compatibility of various fluids with the barrier material. Potential findings in this area are expected to widen the scope of application. i.

Seatools’ Subsea Storage System

Photo courtesy of Seatools

Seabed positioning of equipment demands highly reliable, long-term subsea storage of liquids.


1615 Image courtesy of Seatools

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Seatools.indd 43

OTC 2017 OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 2 | 4 3

30-03-17 10:27


can the us offshore Wind industry noW enjoy ‘fair Winds and folloWing seas’?

Block Island Windfarm Open for Business Way behind european counterparts, the first us offshore Windfarm is noW delivering energy to the neW england poWer grid. deepwater wind’s 30Mw, five-turbine block island windfarM (rhode island) started commercial operations at the end of 2016. More than 300 local workers contributed to this historic project, working from four port facilities over a two-year installation period. words by nicky ongenae-Hardwicke

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Blades for Block Island. Photo courtesy of LM Wind Power


hode island’s governor gina M. raimondo welcomes the start-up, saying, “rhode island is proud to be home to the nation’s first offshore windfarm, and i am proud to be the only governor in the us who can say we have steel in the water and blades spinning over the ocean. as the ocean state, we’re motivated by our shared belief that we need to produce and consume cleaner, more sustainable energy and leave our kids a healthier planet, but also by this tremendous economic opportunity. with this project, we have put hundreds of our local workers to work at sea

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US Offshore Wind.indd 45

and at our world-class ports and are growing this innovative industry.” Jeffrey grybowski, ceo at deepwater wind, also pays homage to the local community, “our success here is a testament to the hard work of hundreds of local workers who helped build this historic project, and to the block islanders and the thousands more around the us who have supported us every step of the way. “we have made history here, but our work is far from over. we are more confident than ever that this is just the start of a new us renewable energy industry that will put thousands of americans to work and power

communities up and down the east coast for decades to come.”

Meet Renewable Energy Goals

following on from block island, deepwater Wind is now working on two new projects. the 90Mw, fifteen-turbine south fork windfarm will be the largest us offshore windfarm. situated 50km south-east of Montauk, ny, it will be the first windfarm constructed in the deepwater one Wind energy area. deepwater one is a 412m2 site, located between montauk, ny, and martha’s


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29-03-17 11:20

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of removing coatings and rust. BERGEN


4 6 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 2

US Offshore Wind.indd 46




KUALA LUMPUR w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u

30-03-17 10:35


Image courtesy of NREL

US Offshore Windfarm Status Name




development Zone


concept/early planning


consent application submitted


consent authorised


fully commissioned

2 (1 prototype)

source:; March 2017

US Offshore Wind Energy Pipeline by State state

Expected total capacity by of projects to be added by 2020 (Mw)

Maryland rhode island Massachusetts

500 1,000 400

new Jersey




source: environment new Jersey research and policy center; January 2016

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US Offshore Wind.indd 47

vineyard, Mass. it offers the potential for about 1,500Mw offshore windpower. south fork will help ensure new york can meet renewable-energy goals and avoid costly new energy infrastructure. it could provide energy for more than 50,000 households and work is planned to commence in 2019. the long island power authority has already agreed to purchase all electricity generated. skipjack windfarm will rise up further south, off Maryland, some 32km north-east of ocean city. this 120Mw windfarm will utilise eighteen innovative turbines to generate energy for Maryland’s eastern shore. construction is scheduled to start in 2021, with the windfarm becoming operational in 2022.

Consent Authorised

deepwater wind is not the only company investing in us offshore development. according to the website 4coffshore, at this moment almost 80 projects are known, of which the status range from ‘development zone’ to ‘fully commissioned’. of this 80, four projects have authorised consent. only two of them are for commercial power supply: cape wind and fisherman’s atlantic city windfarm phase 1. it is no surprise that experienced european companies try to set foot in the us offshore wind industry. companies such as us wind (a subsidiary of

Although wind speeds off the Atlantic coast are lower than those on the Pacific side, shallower waters make development there the more attractive proposition.

renexia, which itself is part of italy’s conglomerate toto holding), dong energy from danmark and norwegian company statoil have advanced plans for commercial offshore windfarms.

US Expertise

statoil is not the only oil company showing increasing interest in the offshore wind industry. Mr grybowski says, “it is a tremendous advantage that we have a big robust offshore construction supply chain in the us. it just happens to not be building offshore wind right now. from a construction perspective, it does not matter if you are putting a drill rig on top of [a foundation] or a wind turbine, it is the same thing.” so far, most offshore windfarms worldwide have been built by european companies, but Mr grybowski believes us companies have the expertise to take on their own projects, “building offshore wind in the us does not mean you take all the european companies and move them here to build things. it is to take us companies and get them into a new line of business. for me, that is a big thing. a really important aspect of getting this industry moving.”

Some Black Clouds

while Mr grybowski remains optimistic, some black clouds still hang over us offshore wind supporters. despite


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29-03-17 11:20


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Abuco B.V. Havenkade 26

4 8 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 2

US Offshore Wind.indd 48

1775 BA Middenmeer, NL Telephone: +31 (0)227 501 328

E-mail: Internet:

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29-03-17 11:20


Ongoing maintenance work will provide permanent work.

Photo courtesy of Dong Energy

impressive statistics and obvious benefits, an estimated capacity of 4,180GW on the East Coast alone, creation of energy security and a drastic reduction in air pollution, there has always been strong opposition to windfarms, with some local residents protesting long and hard. The drawn-out preparation and approval process, taking up to nine years compared to three years for a fossil fuel power station, is an additional hurdle confronting companies such as Deepwater Wind. After spending years promoting their business case in a country that largely views offshore wind with suspicion, the job of offshore wind companies may have been further complicated by the election of Republican President Donald Trump. It is no secret that Mr Trump is a fervent supporter of fossil fuels and sceptical when it comes to climate change. He has considered dismantling the Environmental Protection Agency, reversing pro-renewableenergy initiatives and undoing US commitments to counter climate change, including tearing up the Paris Agreement.

A Great Story to Tell

On the plus side for the President, building turbines offshore is in line with some important campaign promises; thousands of well-paying jobs will be created, both during and after construction, when ongoing maintenance work will provide permanent work. Windfarms can also help restore US’s energy independence and reduce carbon

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US Offshore Wind.indd 49

A billion-dollar heavy industry set to build, employ and invest.

Photo courtesy of Dong Energy

pollution. As Nancy Sopko from the American Wind Energy Association emphasises, “We are a billion-dollar heavy industry set to build, employ and invest. We have a great story to tell this administration!” While electricity from Block Island is not cheap at present, it is by far the most affordable option for those living locally. Prices for wind and solar energy are already lower than coal in some areas. As other installations become operational, overall offshore wind prices are expected to fall by around 30% over the next two decades. With 86GW of offshore wind likely to be installed by 2050, total capacity could reach 3,000 times that of Block Island. Growing the US offshore wind portfolio also makes geographical sense, since coastal states generate 80% of the country’s electricity demand. Although wind speeds off the Atlantic coast are lower than those on the Pacific side, shallower waters make development there the more attractive proposition, at least for the time being.

creating markets and policies for renewable energy. Decisions are often taken locally and the energy enjoys bipartisan support. The removal of subsidies may hurt the offshore wind industry, but cannot reverse the momentum built up over recent years. Many uncertainties remain. The US offshore wind industry still lags behind Europe and certainly faces a tougher landscape, continued bureaucratic hurdles and fewer incentives. However, the consensus is that this frustrating start is likely to ‘sort the men from the boys’ in the long run and provide a solid base for a new direction in energy policy for the country. i. i.

A Solid Base

Even if renewable energy tax credits were to be abolished and reallocated to coal, political winds are already blowing strongly in a new direction. Actions to stagnate the renewable energy progress will not be able to bolster up the coal industry and the offshore wind industry will continue its move to commercial-scale development. US states have tremendous control over

Photo courtesy of AP Photo/Michael Dwyer

Mr Grybowski, CEO at Deepwater Wind at Block Island Windfarm, still under construction.

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 2 | 4 9

29-03-17 11:20


Multi-Functional tool For oFFshore operators

Lift to Work EvEr sincE thE birth of thE offshorE industry, companiEs havE bEEn sEarching for safE and simplE solutions for thE transfEr of goods and pErsonnEl to offshorE installations. using a hElicoptEr is a trustworthy, but in many cases costly, option and therefore frequent use is made of vessels which are equipped with all kinds of transfer equipment. Many of these solutions are based on the walk-to-work concept. But why walk when you can get a lift?


Image courtesy of OFFCO


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Offco.indd 50

ffshore cooperation (oFFco) has introduced the new, patented offshore passenger transfer system (opts): a flexible, multi-purpose piece of equipment that saves time and money in the offshore transfer of people and cargo. it can be regarded as a new method of transfer, as no other offshore apparatus with the same simple concept has ever been made for such an application. contrary to other solutions, crew-transfer is not by a bridge or walk-towork gangway, but by an operatorcontrolled, fully compensated platform basket. it is easy to use when accessing wind turbine platforms, oil & gas platforms, sea-going vessels and other offshore and marine structures. Basically a cherry picker, opts has the ability to move freely through 360 degrees with an outreach of 24m and a vertical range of more than 20m in height above deck to 6m below deck. With an arm length of 9m and a footprint of only 2.44m x 12.20m, the system is designed as a standard piece of equipment to be used on every support or supply vessel. With special fasteners, it can be reduced to even 2.44m x 2.44m. stored and transported in a 40-foot container, it can be (de) mobilised within one day, making it very easy to use the opts on various vessels.

personnel. it is equipped for a broad range of applications, such as passenger transfer, load lifting, (remote) fire fighting, rescue operations and decommissioning tool. characteristics are: – 24m outreach; vertical reach from 20m above to 6m below deck – low weight: 15t – easily transportable based on hQ container – service frequency of six months – easy to operate after a short training – accurate lifting operations – Maintenance indication by full operational logging – reduced price level for sales and rental opportunities – any unsafe operation or situation will bring basket back to base – the operator can see his target and feels the movement of the opts the opts is fully redundant and safe within the boundaries of the operations. it is a lightweight multi-purpose solution, easy to operate and mobilise, with a simple and therefore cost-conscious outfitting. i.

All Kinds of Operations

opts is a multi-purpose system as it can be used for more than just the transfer of

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Image courtesy of OFFCO

Joint Efforts


offshore cooperation (oFFco) is an organisation bringing offshore-related expertise and specialised knowledge together. the cooperation consists of a group of people and companies with diversified fields of experience aiming to extend their business through new reliable relations. the cooperation works as a consultant, an agent, a business developer and a service provider, focusing on the european and chinese market. Mainly operating at the request of a buyer or a seller, oFFco establishes a solid relationship between two parties. Due to culture differences between europe and china, the intermediary role of oFFco helps

to realise the successful outcome of a project. oFFco clients are companies in the offshore oil & gas industry, heavy lifting construction industry, and fields of industries related to the expertise of the members. By representing a wide range of companies with all their specific areas of expertise, oFFco can provide the right connection between two parties. oFFco employees have a long track record in the maritime industry and are therefore able to develop new equipment, such as the new opts.

Image courtesy of OFFCO

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Offco.indd 51

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 2 | 5 1

30-03-17 10:42

Schelde Exotech is a highly qualified and certified manufacturer of industrial equipment. We build equipment, but we think in solutions. This is why we offer our clients high quality design approach, production techniques and choice of materials. -




5 2 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 2

Trelleborg.indd 52

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29-03-17 11:31


Design-Led Approaches to Oil Transfer OIl InDuSTRy pROFeSSIOnalS expeCT CuRRenT COST-CuTTIng meaSuReS TO beCOme a new RealITy aS THe InDuSTRy ReCOgnISeS THe neeD TO beCOme leaneR anD mORe efficient. Suppliers have a crucial role to play in effecting this transition, starting at the design stage. by examining and understanding how equipment operates under varying conditions, designers can find innovative, field-proven solutions that deliver the reliability and efficiency their customers need. WORDS By DavID pOnCHOn, TeCHnICal manageR, anD JOnaTHan peTIT, pRODuCT manageR, TRellebORg FluID HanDlIng SOluTIOnS


y recommending smart design choices, suppliers can help their customers employ solutions that are easy to maintain, reliable and flexible. This is why R&D and technical departments should be involved at the earliest possible stage on any project, in order to create bespoke designs that are truly based on an understanding of a customer’s needs. This discovery

process starts with a detailed understanding of the environment and operating conditions in which the equipment will function. To accurately assess the impact of environmental and situational conditions, Trelleborg’s R&D team for oil and marine hoses, based in Clermont-Ferrand, France, routinely use prototypes to undergo rigorous mechanical and chemical testing, as well as hydrodynamic analysis. This helps to determine material behaviour, establish ageing models within realistic service conditions and provides a detailed analysis of performance under fatigue.

A Cost-Effective Solution

Photo courtesy of Trelleborg

A crucial element in the design of a hose is the flange that connects it to other hoses or equipment. Trelleborg offers two different types of technology – nipple and nippleless flanges. In most cases, the suitable solution for non-harsh, low cost extraction environments will be a single or double carcass nipple hose such as Trelleborg’s Sealine. This design consists of binding steel wires that are fixed on a nipple, using a standard metallic flange and pipe to connect with the hose body structure. High operational resistance is achieved through a perfect link and adhesion between hose body structure and


Reeline submarine lines have nippleless flanges imbedded in the rubber itself for extra flexibility.

Adjustable buoyance modules maximise flow, minimise risk of breakage or leaks, while allowing the hose to submerge or float as necessary. Image courtesy of Trelleborg

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Trelleborg.indd 53

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ISO 9001

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Vertical connection of floating hoses.


1928 Photo courtesy of Trelleborg

flange. The main advantage of this configuration is its adaptability and compatibility with a wide range of other attachments, in both floating and submarine configurations. Nipple hoses are also often the most cost-effective solutions as they can withstand all but the most extreme environments with ease, and are certified to the stringent GMPHOM 2009 guidelines.

Extra Flexibility

For more challenging environments, specialised applications or where a particularly long service life is required, nippleless technology is recommended – a field-proven technology that is unique to Trelleborg. With this technology there is no stiff metal connector to reduce flexibility – instead, the flange is embedded in the rubber itself. This design can be optimised for reeling with products such as Reeline, allowing extra space on deck when transporting or handling. The extra flexibility also reduces wear, meaning that service operations of up to 25 years can be achieved.

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Trelleborg.indd 55

OTC 2017

Buoyancy Modules

Design innovation also requires an understanding of the wider environment in which a product functions. An example of this is the ABM, the Adjustable Buoyancy Module. This came from two observations. In congested areas, it is necessary to create submersible lines that allow traffic to pass. It is also important to adjust the shape and angle of a submarine line to accommodate density changes in the conveyed product. To address these issues simultaneously, Trelleborg has developed buoyancy modules that can be placed along the line, maintaining the hose’s ideal shape and configuration. This maximises flow and minimises risk of breakages or leaks, while allowing the hose to submerge or float as necessary.

A Welcome Trend

Adapting to the new climate will not be easy – but the industry is learning and changing. A recent study by Trelleborg’s offshore operation found that 61% of facilities are willing to spend more on a project upfront

Photo courtesy of Trelleborg

Installation of a submarine line.

to ensure longevity and reduce the need for future upgrades. This is a welcome trend, but integral to the success of these investments is a focus on analysis and innovation at the design stage – in collaboration with suppliers - to create solutions that make projects safe, efficient and reliable. i.

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More than 600 projects are expected to be disposed of during the next five years alone.

Photo courtesy of Versabar

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ihs markit reports significant increase

Heading for a Storm While everyone is speaking of it as being one of the life-buoys for the offshore supply chain, decommissioning is still Waiting to reach its full potential. in the meantime, several surveys have shown the potential of the market and the growing necessity for operators to take decommissioning seriously. us-based ihs markit recently published its offshore decommissioning study report. the report gives a detailed market analysis and assessment of legal, regulatory and financial requirements for decommissioning in the uk, norway, us gulf of mexico and australia.


ccording to the survey, the decommissioning of aging offshore oil and gas platforms, subsea wells and related assets is increasing dramatically, with more than 600 projects expected to be disposed of during the next five years alone. as a result of this, ihs markit expects yearly spending on decommissioning projects to increase from approximately eur 2.2 billion in 2015, to eur 12 billion by 2040, an increase of nearly 540%. an additional 2,000 offshore projects will be decommissioned between 2021 and 2040, the report states, and total expenditure from 2010 to 2040 will amount to eur 197 billion. during the next five years, europe will absorb approximately 50% of global decommissioning expenditure as the industry removes major offshore structures from the north sea. the industry is currently decommissioning an average of 120 projects on a global basis each year, ihs markit says.

A Perfect Storm

“in terms of decommissioning, the global offshore industry is headed for a perfect storm,” says bjorn hem, senior manager of ihs markit upstream costs and technology service and one of the

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study’s authors. “We see increasingly stringent decommissioning regulations coming into force at the same time that the inventory of structures nearing endof-life status is getting larger and more complex,” mr hem says. “at the same time, the providers of decommissioning services are very fragmented as there are no dominant players. this makes it even more difficult for offshore e&p companies and offshore service companies to accurately predict decommissioning costs and risks. this is why we have embarked on a comprehensive analysis of the costs associated with the supply side of this market.”

A Shift to Deeper Waters

as e&p activity has shifted to deeper waters, harsher environments and increasingly complex projects, some of which comprise hundreds of wells and miles of risers tied back to a few ultralarge platforms, the report shows that operators now face enormous challenges when planning the removal of these assets. some of these decommissions can cost billions of euros and may take years to be successfully executed, bearing in mind that not only does decommissioning deliver no return on


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think do make

understanding the challenge Metagro adv 193x132_Think_v1.indd 1

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21-03-16 20:05

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29-03-17 11:38

DECOMMISSIONING The effective decommissioning of subsea wells is an important challenge facing the industry.

investment or revenue, but it also carries significant environmental and regulatory liabilities. “the effective decommissioning of offshore platforms, subsea wells, and related assets is one of the most important business challenges facing the oil and gas industry today and in the future,” says bill redman, senior director of upstream costs and technology commercial strategy at ihs markit. “decommissioning represents a considerable shift in terms of sustainable business planning for most operators.” “despite e&p activity in open water that dates back more than 60 years, the offshore decommissioning industry is still essentially in its infancy. as a result, decommissioning activities only play a minor role, if any, in many operators’ or vendors’ business plans,” mr hem continues. “however, due to the increasing number of assets that are destined for decommissioning, along with the increasingly stringent regulatory and environmental considerations which apply to offshore operations, this is quickly becoming a business priority for offshore operators.”

Operational Challenge

key environmental issues in decommissioning include dealing with any potential direct effects on the marine ecosystem, ensuring the appropriate use and containment of hazardous substances, and addressing waste management issues, including seabed debris accumulated during the life of the platform. navigating the myriad environmental and waste management regulatory requirements that individual countries have regarding decommissioning is a significant operational challenge for operators and offshore vendors, and that equation is getting even more complex as decommissioning activity shifts from individual assets to entire fields, and to larger, more complex structures.

Photo courtesy of Oceaneering

The Gulf of Mexico is home to the largest artificial reef system in the world.

Habitat for Marine Life

historically, the gulf of mexico (gom) and the north sea regions, which entered the oil and gas industry first, have dominated the demand for decommissioning. older offshore installations also exist in other regions, such as the middle east, but because of their longer field life, ihs markit expects these assets to operate for many years to come. according to the report, the

>> Photo courtesy of Rig2Reef Explorers

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29-03-17 11:38

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29-03-17 11:44


Other Surveys gom is the largest region in terms of the number of platforms already decommissioned (approximately 4,000), and with more than 5,000 oil and gas structures in place, it also has the largest number of platforms still to be decommissioned. since these offshore facilities provide significant habitats for marine life, the gom is home to the largest artificial reef system in the world. many global operators participate in rigs to reef programmes, which allow the re-targeting of decommissioned rigs as artificial reef structures.

OGUK Decommissioning Report Forecasts UK and Norway Growth oil and gas uk have also presented a survey on decommissioning. decommissioning insight 2016 forecasts a gradual but steady rise in offshore oil and gas decommissioning in the uk and norway over the next ten years. the report is the first survey of both the uk and norwegian decommissioning markets and provides the most comprehensive picture to date of anticipated activity in these two countries between now and 2025. it confirms that decommissioning is a growing, if still emerging market, despite low oil prices continuing to challenge the economics of the more mature offshore assets around the north sea. the report shows that between 2016 and 2024 more than 100 offshore installations are to be removed in uk and norway north sea. on top of this, 1,800 wells will be plugged and abandoned and 7,500km of pipelines and cables will be decommissioned. i.

Largest Spending for Europe

“While north america is the largest market for decommissioning, the european region has the highest amount of offshore decommissioning expenditure, based on the size and volume of the structures being decommissioned in the north sea, including concrete gravity-based structures (gbss),” adds grigorij serscikov, senior manager upstream oil gas at ihs markit and co-author of the study. so far, statoil, total, chevron, exxonmobil and conocophillips round out the top-five operators globally in terms of spending per operator, the report says. beyond north america and europe, angola and nigeria will drive decommissioning expenditure in africa, while shallow-water

Atlantic Marine & Offshore Updates Decom Report atlantic marine & offshore recently updated its report on the european decommissioning market with a survey dedicated to the dutch part of the north sea. according to this survey, more than 100 fields in this region will reach end of life between 2017 and 2025, resulting in more than 90 installations needing to be removed, p&a for more than 400 wells, 2,050km of pipelines and cables to be decommissioned and 190,000t of steel to be recycled. i.

australia will drive demand in the asiapacific region. mexico and brazil will be the focus of decommissioning demand in central and south america, says ihs markit.


Decommissioning activities only play a minor role in many operators’ or vendors’ business plans.

Photo courtesy of Tor Resser/

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29-03-17 11:38

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VAT services

Legal services

Expat services

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30-03-17 11:04


on 30 may To 2 June The global mariTime evenT is seT To make susTainabiliTy cenTre sTage

Nor-Shipping 2017 The presence of leading figures from The enTire mariTime value chain has made nor-shipping, the leading maritime event week, a recognised arena for strategic deal making and networking for the past 50 years. for 2017 it is the theme of disruptive sustainability that is taking centre stage.

the key players in the norwegian centres of expertise maritime cleanTech cluster, a global leader in developing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies, have already signed up to exhibit in hall a. This has raised expectations for some exciting collaborative discussions around green hybrid and electric solutions that could impact upon every link in the maritime value chain, from subsea, to marine and throughout the energy sector.

Innovation at the Fore


aking place in oslo and Lillestrøm, norway, nor-shipping gathers more than 35,000 delegates from over 80 countries, and showcases 22,500m2 of the best and latest in maritime technology, services and solutions spread across six themed halls. in addition to iT & navigation, safety & rescue, shipbuilding & repair, maritime services & Logistics, and propulsion & machinery, this year nor-shipping has dedicated the whole of hall a to disruptive sustainability in a bid to take ideas and influences from outside arenas, such as the tech and business sectors, to build a platform for fresh collaborations. seven of

covering the full spectrum of maritime products, services and solutions, the fourday event promises a diverse and powerful speaker and event line-up, a packed programme of business and social gatherings across city centre of oslo and its facilities in Lillestrøm, not to mention almost 1,000 exhibitors. The Waves of change leadership conference, next generation owner’s Forum and ocean opportunity pitch sessions are among 200 conferences and events open for delegates during the nor-shipping week, organised by and for the industry. Young professionals are an integral part of the nor-shipping mix, made evident this

Photo courtesy of Nor-Shipping.

Nor-Shipping gathers more than 35,000 delegates from over 80 countries.

year by the new Young@nor-shipping programme. developed in partnership with the non-profit organisation Youngship, it offers seminars, company presentations, social events and the prestigious Young entrepreneur award. Taking place on 30 may, it publicly recognises an innovative under-40 leader, and is presented alongside the energy efficiency award and next generation ship award. i.

Photo courtesy of Nor-Shipping.

Around 200 conferences and events are open for delegates during the Nor-Shipping week.

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29-03-17 12:03

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29-03-17 12:01

People Mark Gillespie

Claus Hjoerringgaard

Allan Nairn

David Mair

Managing Director

Director of Clean Energy

Director of Diving

Business Development Director

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

Ecosse Subsea Systems (ESS) has appointed Mark Gillespie as Managing Director in a move which positions the subsea technology company for significant growth over the next five years. Mark has more than 25 years experience in the oil and gas industry, holding senior technical, commercial and contractual management roles in Technip, CSL, GE Oil & Gas, Centrica and Talisman.

SgurrEnergy has appointed Claus Hjoerringgaard as new Director of Clean Energy. Based at SgurrEnergy’s Glasgow headquarters, Claus will be responsible for heading up the leading renewable energy and grid integration consultancy, which provides engineering and technical advisory services in onshore and offshore wind, solar, wave and energy storage projects.

Bibby Offshore announces the promotion of Allan Nairn to Director of Diving. Allan joined Bibby Diving Services in 2010 as Offshore Project Manager with over 30 years experience in the subsea sector. In his new role, Allan will be responsible for leading all diving related activity within the business. He will ensure day-to-day diving operations are executed safely, efficiently and continue to meet the high standards Bibby Offshore is known for.

Ashtead Technology has strengthened its senior management team with the appointment of a Business Development Director. With a career spanning more than twenty years in the oil and gas industry, David Mair joins Ashtead from Hoover Ferguson Group where he held the position of Global Business Development Director. Based in Aberdeen, he will be responsible for Ashtead’s global business development activities.

Jarle Tautra

Eric Hathon

Claes Rudling

Chairman of the Board

Director of Exploration

Peter Boyle John Morgan

ecOsse suBseA systems

appointment at

OptimA suBseA Jarle Tautra has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Norwegian subsea well access company Optime Subsea. Mr Tautra is a seasoned industry leader, having previously held executive Vice President positions in major international companies such as Aker Solutions and Hydro, as well as the CEO role at Eureka Pumps. Mr Tautra has a master’s degree in Engineering from the Norwegian Technical University in Trondheim.

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appointment at


Cairn is pleased to announce the appointment of Eric Hathon as Director of Exploration. Mr Hathon, who has more than 25 years experience in the international oil and gas industry, will join Cairn from Marathon Oil Corporation where he hold the position of Director Conventional Exploration. Eric will be responsible for leading all of Cairn’s future exploration activities.

BiBBy OffshOre

Business Area President, Offshore and Merchant

AshteAd technOlOgy

appointment at

appointment at

Evac Group appoints Claes Rudling as Business Area President, Offshore and Merchant, effective as per 23 January, 2017. Mr Rudlings will continue as CEO of Uson Marine, which was acquired by Evac Group in December 2016. Mr Rudling is a member of the Evac Group Management Team. He is based in Stockholm and reports to Tomi Gardemeister, President and CEO of Evac Group.

DNV GL has appointed Peter Boyle (l) as Aberdeen Operations Manager and John Morgan (r) as UK Business Development Leader for Risk Advisory Services. Both positions will be based in DNV GL’s Aberdeen office. Mr Boyle has worked for DNV GL for 22 years. Mr Morgan, a Senior Principal Consultant, has 22 years leadership and technical experience with DNV GL and its predecessor companies.

eVAc grOup

dnV gl

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29-03-17 11:50

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22/03/2017 10:27 29-03-17 11:53

OSI OUTFITTERS PAGE The Easy Connect Fender

Tuco Marine Group has updated their standard bow fender for the ProZero Windfarm series. The new standard fender design has been named Easy Connect. The main advantages of the Easy Connect fender design are that the users will experience an enhanced fender grip function, relating both to the extended friction surfaces and also to the way the boat landings can be entered. This leads to faster and safer operations, as the easy connect fender will assist the captain in performing first-attempt landings. The fender profile is designed for a better fit to the boat landings for successful first contacts, resulting in safer and faster operations. i.

Webtool Introduces Subsea Resettable Emergency Disconnect Cutter Webtool has introduced a resettable emergency disconnect cutter for light and medium subsea well intervention. As an integral part of either a work-over tool or dedicated emergency disconnect package, the Webtool guillotine cutter can now be reset subsea by ROV, avoiding the need to return the cutter to the surface vessel for resetting. Multiple fluid transfer lines and hydraulic flying leads (HFL), steel tension member, fibre rope, reinforced hoses, electrical conductors, cables and electrical flying leads (EFL) are all cut in a single guillotine action taking just a few seconds. i.

W 7

017 10:27

Evac Quality: Now in a Smaller Package Evac has introduced the new ROSYS M freshwater generator range. This new range includes plants with a daily freshwater generation capacity of 30m3, 60m3, 90m3, or 120m3 per 24-hour period. These capacities are ideal for offshore platforms and vessels. Reverse osmosis entails a multiplestep process taking in seawater, pressurising it, filtering out solids and suspended particles, and putting it under pressure again to push it through a membrane. The resulting fresh water is treated with chlorine and undergoes pH checks to meet World Health Organisation standards. i.

Viper Subsea Launches V-Supply Topsides Electrical Power Module Viper Subsea has introduced V-Supply, a topsides electrical power module, which, as well as providing a stable and reliable source of electrical power for subsea equipment, incorporates state-of-the-art monitoring technology. Not only does V-Supply provide the latest control and monitoring technology, it also delivers improved safety performance and cost savings for operators as it provides remote umbilical testing without the need for technicians to be mobilised offshore. The remote testing capability is a novel technology proprietary to Viper Subsea. i.

New Generation Workwear Wenaas Workwear, in collaboration with Norwegian research institute SINTEF, has launched a new generation of workwear, which increases the recommended time of workers outdoors in the Arctic by 100%. The oil and gas industry is stepping up its activity in the Arctic Circle, but the extreme weather conditions of the Barents Sea represents a massive challenge. In order to create the workwear range, researchers at SINTEF’s headquarters in Trondheim have carefully monitored a variety of simulated offshore tasks in a laboratory where temperatures are set to -25°C, emulating the conditions awaiting oilrig workers in the northeastern part of the Barents Sea. i.

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29-03-17 11:53

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29-03-17 11:54



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Delta SubSea 550 Club Dr, Suite 345 Montgomery, Texas 77316, USA T +1936-582-7237 I Delta SubSea (DSS) is a leading integrated independent provider of ROV Services and Solutions. Delta SubSea’s ROV fleet is focused on solutions for customers in the inspection, repair and maintenance, construction, drilling and decommissioning market segments. In addition to ROV Services, DSS also provides Subsea Project Management, Subsea Project Support Services, Subject Matter Experts and Client Representation for Diving/ROV/Subsea Construction.

Gebhard Electro Innovatiepark 14, 4906 AA Oosterhout P.O. Box 61, 4900 AB Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 452 888 F +31 (0)162 433 761 E I Contact: Ton Versluis / Richard van de Wiel Gebhard Electro is a globally operating company specialised in the design, production, installation and maintenance of electrical systems for the maritime shipping industry. We collaborate with leading shipyards on every continent. Gebhard Electro has been specialised in the high-tech world of shipbuilding since 1946. Our activities vary greatly: from just one specific task to the execution of entire projects or the management and co-ordination of all activities of all participating contractors. From our own facility in China we are in a position to deliver at competitive rates.

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Nicoverken Marine Services BV Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 E I Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!

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Rometal B.V. Patrijsweg 10, 4791 RV Klundert The Netherlands T +31 (0)168 331 490 E I Contact: Martijn van Manen We are your partner in delivering all kinds of high-tension (S690, S890 and S960) steel structures and even inclusive electrical and hydraulics, if so required. We can be your turn-key partner in the supply, engineering and on-board installation of heavy lift equipment, land and offshore wind structures and (de)mobilisations. Also complete document control according to the class bodies lies in our expertise. With our two facilities we have all disciplines in house to enable us to serve our clients in an efficient and reliable way. We are completely certified according to our customer standard. For more details, please phone us and/or check our website:

Seaway Heavy Lifting Albert Einsteinlaan 50 2719 ER Zoetermeer The Netherlands T +31 (0)79 363 77 00 F +31 (0)79 363 77 99 E I Seaway Heavy Lifting is a leading offshore contractor in the global Oil & Gas and Renewables industry, offering tailored T&I and EPCI solutions*. Seaway Heavy Lifting owns and operates crane vessels Stanislav Yudin and Oleg Strashnov, which have a revolving lift capacity of 2,500mt and 5,000mt respectively. * T&I: Transport & Installation, EPCI: Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation

CERTIFIED ROBOT WELDING Vlotstaal Energieweg 16, 2964 LE Groot Ammers The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 601108 E I Contact: Jan van Oosten Vlot Staal is a leading robot welding production company for industrial components. Where other welding companies work mostly with hand welders for certified products, Vlot Staal uses mainly welding robots for component welding within the offshore and crane industries and other highly demanding industries. All activities are certified with the well-known ISO 9001:2014 for organisation and ISO 3834-2 (highest execution class) for welding work. Welding qualifications are certified according to: AWS D1.1, ISO 15614 and ASME IX for robot welding and hand welding. Delivering machined and painted

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29-03-17 11:55

Word on the Sea

Yellow & Finch Publishers’ Tom Dietvorst

a lot is going on in our business It has been quite a busy period for me in the past few months. If have been speaking a lot with my clients and prospects about their expectations for this year and it looks like most of them are cautiously positive. The various events I have attended had the same good feeling toward the near future, although everyone is convinced of the fact there are still a lot of uncertainties to overcome. Apart from the Oil & Gas Industry forecast organised by IRO together with Ernst & Young, I attended two events that focussed on more handson issues. The first took place in The Hague, where Peutz organised the Comfort and Safety at Sea Symposium; the second was an invitation to IRO members to visit the Delta Safety training centre. At these two events, I found out that the industry is doing a lot in order to meet customers’ demands and to conform to governmental rules on safety. In Ostend I visited the Belgian Offshore Days, where I learned that there is a lot going on in Belgium concerning the offshore wind industry, as

Ostend is aiming not only at windfarms constructed in the Belgian North Sea but at other North Sea farms as well. For us, and many of our readers, May is the month of OTC Houston. But before that, I will visit the Maritime Career Event in Rotterdam. This event proves there is still a great demand for skilled people in our sector.

For us, and many of our readers, May is the month of OTC Houston.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon wherever the action is, like at OTC Houston at our booth 1629 (Dutch Pavilion). Together with my colleagues I am more than happy to assist and advise you with your marketing-communication needs.

Tom Dietvorst


1629 OTC 2017 7 2 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 2

Word on the Sea.indd 72

w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u

30-03-17 11:18

Experience the progress.


With proprietary technologies and production systems, integrated expertise, and comprehensive solutions, we are transforming our clients’ project economics across subsea, onshore/offshore and surface. We are uniquely positioned to deliver greater efficiencies across project lifecycles from concept to project delivery and beyond. We are driven by a steady commitment to clients and a culture of purposeful innovation, challenging industry conventions and rethinking how the best results are achieved.

Quick facts

TechnipFMC is active in the business segments:  Subsea, Offshore/Onshore and Surface  45,000 people in 48 countries  Industrial assets on five continents  A fleet of 21 vessels  Annual revenues around € 14 billion Dutch office located: TechnipFMC Fascinatioboulevard 522, Capelle aan de IJssel Tel. +31(0)10-2207070 Email.

TechnipFMC Offshore Engineering

For a variety of Offshore Exploration & Production (E&P) operators, TechnipFMC delivers design and engineering services related to production assets for development and operation of oil & gas fields. Scope of work: Engineering services we deliver are conceptual, basic (FEED) and detail engineering of E&P assets for green field and brown field projects. In the North Sea multiple fixed platform projects have been executed for the delivery of new assets, to counter reservoir depletion, OPEX improvement or environmental compliance. As part of the TechnipFMC Norway organization, TechnipFMC, execution centre Capelle a/d IJssel is appointed as a FPSO (redeployment) execution centre. Within this Group of three companies TechnipFMC, Capelle a/d IJssel will deliver project management/engineering, KANFA is able to deliver process modules and Inocean the marine expertise. This Group is able to deliver a complete scope for FPSO conversions.

The new HLC 295000 heavy lift offshore crane • Rated capacity: 3,000 tonnes at 50 metres • Maximum radius: 157 metres • Maximum lifting height: 170 metres • Range of application: Wind farm installation & platform decommissioning

OSI 2017 | VOLUME 10 | ISSUE 2

OSI VOL. 10 ISSUE 2 | 2017

i n d u s t r y


otc houston building a better future OFFSHORE-INDUSTRY.EU

offshore Support Vessels lOOKING FOR NICHES



OTC 2017

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