Offshore Industry 2017 Issue 4

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OSI 2017 | VOLUME 10 | ISSUE 4


OSI VOL. 10 ISSUE 4 | 2017

i n d u s t r y


out with the old, in with the new



De Radiamatic® HTS IIsealing is een solutions, PTFE variant uit de Simmerring® Freudenberg High-tech prevent saltwater from familie. Deze hoogwaardige PTFE Afdichting (FDA,systems EC 1935)and zetoil defrom nieuwe stanentering the drive-enclosure of propulsion leaking daard voor roterende en spindels welke worden ingezet in de proces into the ocean. This is assen fundamental Freudenberg Sealing technologies. industrie. Hoge temperatuur chemische We work unseen and invisibly en – but we keep bestendigheid, things moving !lage wrijving, geen stick-slip en een hygiënisch design zijn slechts een paar van de vele voordelen bij gebruik van de Radiamatic® HTS II.

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shorecranes up to 208 tons

Editor’s note

Back to Business Summer IS a perfect tIme In whIch to relax, enjoy and reflect. halfway through the year, many companIeS look back, SummarISIng theIr reSultS So far and the fIrSt fIgureS on how the entIre InduStry IS performIng can be extracted from the numerous surveys that have been carried out. and yes, one swallow doesn’t make a summer, but there are ample signals that the industry is recovering, having weathered the worst of the storm. It is good to see that companies are willing to make investments again. of course, everyone is still treading cautiously and many companies are still suffering, but research from institutions such as the aberdeen & grampian chamber of commerce show that confidence and optimism are on the rise again, resulting in more investments and increasing production. the last few months have shown us that offshore oil and gas, as well as offshore wind, are taking further steps in their development. after a long delay, a number of floating lng projects are now reaching their commercialisation stage. In the offshore wind industry, companies are constantly searching for improvements, not only to the turbines, but also to the foundations. Several projects that will soon end their test-phase are showing that floating foundations are likely to become one of the most feasible and suitable solutions for less shallow locations. In order to improve safety in subsea operations, a lot of progress has been made in the use of roVs and auVs in the oil, gas and offshore wind industries. this issue of offshore Industry will provide you with more information about the above-mentioned topics. you will also, of course, find a lot of other exciting material, showing you that, after a long and pleasant holiday, the industry is back in business. arno dirkzwager | editor

enjoy reading!

arno dIrkzwager

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Voorwoord 10-4.indd 1

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03-08-17 14:04

i n d u s t r y chArlEs VAn DEn oostErkAMp Chief Executive Officer



nAthAliE gEEls-VinkoErt Chief Financial Officer

MArco gEEls Chief Commercial Officer



arno dirkZWager Editor

rob van akkeren Account Manager

sanny ensing Editor

tom dietvorst Account Manager


alex diJkstra Office Manager

nathalie putman Art Director

stAFF EDitors Julia ross | Julia ZaltZman Joanna van koert-hughes | niCky ongenae-hardWiCke

stAFF photogrAphErs hans van der linden | dave Jansen | rene van der kloet danny Cornelissen | Chris WiJmans

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Content OSI 10-4 def.indd 2

07-08-17 13:34

contents osi





36 Will Yards Become a Bottleneck? 54 Buchan Oil Production Vessel



11 New Industry Initiative on Subsea Welding 24 Escape From Dangerous Diving



18 The North Sea Opportunity

22 Doubling the Resource Estimate for the Barents Sea 29 Benchmark Record for Production Start Jangkrik Project 43 Delfin the First FLNG Export Project in the US Gulf of Mexico 46 Confidence in Oil and Gas Rises from Historic Lows 48 Introduction to Pipeline Flow-Induced Vibration 52 Major Milestone: PDO’s for Njord and Bauge Approved



35 Floating Offshore Wind Comes of Age

40 Preliminary Design Approval for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine



44 EDF Energy Renewables Supply Life Cells


30 Reliable Software is the Key TRADESHOW

13 Offshore Europe Aberdeen


1 Editor’s Note 5 News In Brief 57 People

58 Outfitters Pages

61 Yellow & Finch Pages 64 Word On The Sea www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str

Content OSI 10-4 def.indd 3

On the Cover Improvements in oil and gas contractor confidence suggest some businesses are seeing signs of recovery and are focussed on the future, according to the 26th Oil & Gas Survey conducted by Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Fraser of Allander Institute. On the cover a look inside one of the legs of Statoil’s Troll A production platform – Photo courtesy of Harald Pettersen/Statoil. OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 3

07-08-17 13:34


Production sites in Vlissingen (NL), Middelburg (NL), Roosendaal (NL), and Malle

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Technical expertise in steel, concrete and timber construction, offshore and bridge construction


Innovative and creative elaboration for each (turnkey) project

Production capacity per year: circa 50,000 tons of steel


Offshore (High-grade) construction


Offshore equipment (production/installation)


Offshore service crew


Fabrication yards and own quays, beside open water (Vlissingen & Middelburg)

HILLEBRAND Frankrijkweg 5 Harbour number 5994 4389 PB Vlissingen East The Netherlands

• News in brief OSI 10-4 def.indd 4

03-08-17 16:04


news in brief Keep a Firm Grip on Your IT Systems

IMAP DB&S becomes IMAP Netherlands

New technologies, such as big data, the internet of things and the cloud, are depending on ICT. But data processing and storage is vulnerable for the privacy of individuals and the security of company data. Stakeholders (customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders) expect IT systems and data to be adequately protected. Laws and regulations also set out requirements. Consider, for example, the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which come into effect in May 2018. A first step to gain insight into the status of ICT security is an IT Privacy & Security scan. Testing organisational and technical system measures will provide insight into the risks and reveal if additional measures are required. A security scan almost always reveals significant data leaks and risks. Crowe Horwath Peak provides this scan and is able to process the findings into formal reporting and IT assurance statements, if requested.

Independent Corporate Finance Advisors IMAP DB&S have changed their name to IMAP Netherlands, to further express their seamless collaboration and to underline their global reach. The exclusive Dutch member of the international mergers & acquisition partnership believes that rebranding to IMAP is a natural step in their 350 35 development. Formed in 1973, IMAP is a leading global M&A partnership focused on the mid-market. With more than 60 offices across the globe, IMAP advisors work together seamlessly to deliver exceptional value to clients. This extensive global footprint coupled with strong sector expertise gives IMAP a distinct advantage in identifying and reaching out to potential targets by making use of their trans- national, trans-continental multi-office teams.

Centrica First in Low NOx Emissions



OSI FEATURE Centrica is the first operator in the Dutch North Sea to implement low NOx emissions equipment. As of 1 January 2019, the operators in the Dutch sector have to comply with new emission regulations. These emission regulations are among the most stringent in Europe and surrounding countries are closely monitoring the approach of the Dutch operators. Two gas turbines of 37.5MWth each on the Markham J6-A platform will be equipped with a selective catalyst reduction (SCR) technology catalyst reactor, in order to reduce the overall NOx emission. The project involves the removal of 20MT of steel and the installation of 36MT of new structures and equipment. The most challenging works involve the removal of the existing exhaust structure and the installation of a new catalyst module.

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• News in brief OSI 10-4 def.indd 5

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03-08-17 16:04


news in brief Prelude FLNG Left Technip Shipyard for Australia Royal Dutch Shell’s Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility has left the Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard in Geoje, South Korea, marking a significant milestone for the project. The facility, constructed by Technip Samsung Consortium, is being towed to North West Australia, where the next phase of the project will begin. On arrival at the Prelude offshore gas field, 475km north-north east of Broome, Western Australia, sixteen pre-installed mooring chains will secure the facility. Once secure, the hook-up and commissioning process will begin, which is expected to take between 9-12 months.

Start of Construction for SSCV OOS Serooskerke A steel cutting ceremony has signalled the start of construction for the first of two newbuild SemiSubmersible Crane Vessels (SSCV), the OOS Serooskerke. Holding OOS International Group and China Merchants Industry Holdings welcomed government officials to the shipyard in Haimen City to cut the first metal as the starting point for the production of building a third SSCV for OOS International. Once completed, the OOS Serooskerke will feature hotel capacity for 750 persons on board for preparation work, two heavy lift Huisman cranes with a total tandem lift capacity of 4,400t and will have the capability to reach a speed of up to twelve knots. The OOS Walcheren, which will be identical to the OOS Serooskerke, is scheduled to have its steel-cutting ceremony later on this year.

Seabed Geosolutions Awarded Largest OBN Survey

Seabed Geosolutions has been awarded a large 3D ocean bottom node (OBN) survey in the Santos Basin in Brazil. Partnering with Petrobas, they have acquired the industry’s largest ever OBN survey, spanning more than 1,600km2. Seabed Geosolutions’ new, highly efficient Manta node system will be used on this high-profile project, delivering a breakthrough in efficiency of ocean bottom surveys and setting new safety, data quality and efficiency standards for deep-water nodal surveys. The seven-month contract is valued at around 90 million USD and is scheduled to commence at the end of the fourth quarter of 2017 or early 2018. | Read more on

6 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Vo l um e 10 | Issue 4

• News in brief OSI 10-4 def.indd 6

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03-08-17 16:04

The NorTh Sea will play a crucial role iN The eNergy TraNSiTioN faciNg NorTh-weST europe. if goverNmeNTal iNSTiTuTioNS aNd buSiNeSSeS work TogeTher cloSely, beTweeN eur 100 billioN aNd eur 200 billioN of value caN be geNeraTed from ThiS TraNSiTioN from foSSil To reNewable eNergy. read more oN page 18.

ABUCO Constructs Bridges in Record Time On 19 April this year, ABUCO delivered a 20m-long steel connection bridge for the Seafox 5 accommodation platform, an undertaking which took them a total of four weeks to build and test. ABUCO was also responsible for the 5m extension of an existing bridge for the Seafox 2 accommodation platform, providing a total length of 20m, together with a gangway turntable elevation. In a further project, ABUCO has constructed a steel sub-structure for the Icemann (N-type), a special telescopic gangway developed by Ampelmann for use in temperatures as low as 28°C. It will be deployed for ten years at the Sakhalin-2 field in East Russia. This follows hot on the heels of ABUCO’S fabrication and delivery of components for the 50th Ampelmann Walk to Work System.

Ampelmann Launches Improved A400 Transfer System Ampelmann has launched an improved version of its industry-leading A-type system for transferring people and cargo in the offshore wind industry. The A400 has been redesigned in conjunction with leading operators to include greater capacity for equipment transportation between vessels and wind turbines. The system has a number of advantages, including widened gangways to support the use of trolleys that can carry up to 400kg of cargo on Euro-sized industry standard pallets, the ability to transfer several members of staff simultaneously, the provision of an elevator to support ‘no-step’ policies and the capacity for transferring pallets via the gangway system, thus alleviating the need for operators to install platform cranes.


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O E ffs ve h n or ts e




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• News in brief OSI 10-4 def.indd 7

November OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 7

07-08-17 13:35


news in brief

Another Milestone for CAPE Holland Dutch vibro-piling specialist CAPE Holland recently provided Scaldis’ Rambiz with a large 960kg Vibro Lifting Tool for the successful installation of the NAM L13-FI platform in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. The Vibro Lifting Tool (VLT), a Lloyd’s Register-certified lifting appliance, can be configured with an upending option and reduces both installation costs and noise emissions. For the installation of the NAM L13-FI platform, the tool picked up a 4.7m-diametre, 40.5m-long monopile weighing 360t from a barge, upended it to vertical position and drove it in at 0.2° verticality (well within the 0.5° required tolerance) without any gripper frame or seabed installation frame.


N-Sea: One Million Man Hours Without LTI Subsea IMR provider, N-Sea Offshore Limited, has reached an industry milestone of one million man-hours without a lost time incident (LTI). Their recently launched N-Sea Golden Rules programme, which ensures excellence in SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environment, Quality), illustrates their focus on protecting their people from common hazards. It has set a benchmark for their approach to raising awareness of their commitment to SHEQ both internally and externally with its partners around the world.

8 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Vo l um e 10 | Issue 4

• News in brief OSI 10-4 def.indd 8

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03-08-17 16:04


news in brief Resato Develops Containerised Pressure Test Bay


FMTC now provides GWO and VR training



With 25 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry under their belt, Resato have developed a turnkey, containerised pressure test bay. During high pressure testing procedures, operators are constantly exposed to risks, especially when connecting an object, starting a pressure test, and disconnecting the object after a successful test. In order to optimise the workflow, the new mobile test bay contains a modified floor that allows a tugger to pull tools through the test bay. The reinforced walls prevent the breakthrough of objects during pressure-testing. The separated high-pressure unit effectively separates the high pressure components from the operating console.

FMTC safety courses in Dordrecht have now expanded to include XVR Simulation training capabilities and GWO (Global Wind Organization) training. This latter has already been on offer in Amsterdam since last year, and now FMTC is also certified for their Dordrecht location. With regard to XVR Simulation, the company aims to expand their existing courses of theoretical and practical training with virtual reality training, providing FMTC with a blended learning environment. They aim to be fully operational with XVR Simulation after the summer. FMTC is proud of their new standard ISO 9001:2015 certification. They are certified by Bureau Veritas.

Ecosse Subsea Systems Complete Beatrice Windfarm Clearance Ecosse Subsea Systems (ESS) deployed its SCAR2 Seabed System from the Siem Ruby vessel to carry out a seabed clearance assignment for the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd project, on behalf of client Siem Offshore Contractors. The Beatrice project, located approximately 13km off the Caithness coast, took fourteen days and entailed the removal of several hundred boulders over a 15km route in water depths of between 38 - 60m. The underlying terrain was predominantly sand and gravel overlying stiff clay. Beatrice Offshore Windfarm will consist of 84 turbines and is expected to power approximately 450,000 homes on completion in 2019.

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• News in brief OSI 10-4 def.indd 9

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 9

03-08-17 16:04


With proprietary technologies and production systems, integrated expertise, and comprehensive solutions, we are transforming our clients’ project economics across subsea, onshore/offshore and surface. We are uniquely positioned to deliver greater efficiencies across project lifecycles from concept to project delivery and beyond. We are driven by a steady commitment to clients and a culture of purposeful innovation, challenging industry conventions and rethinking how the best results are achieved.

Quick facts

TechnipFMC is active in the business segments:  Subsea, Offshore/Onshore and Surface  45,000 people in 48 countries  Industrial assets on five continents  A fleet of 21 vessels  Annual revenues around € 14 billion Dutch office located: TechnipFMC Fascinatioboulevard 522, Capelle aan de IJssel Tel. +31(0)10-2207070 Email.

Technip Welding.indd OSI.indd 1 10 Subsea

TechnipFMC Offshore Engineering

For a variety of Offshore Exploration & Production (E&P) operators, TechnipFMC delivers design and engineering services related to production assets for development and operation of oil & gas fields. Scope of work: Engineering services we deliver are conceptual, basic (FEED) and detail engineering of E&P assets for green field and brown field projects. In the North Sea multiple fixed platform projects have been executed for the delivery of new assets, to counter reservoir depletion, OPEX improvement or environmental compliance. As part of the TechnipFMC Norway organization, TechnipFMC, execution centre Capelle a/d IJssel is appointed as a FPSO (redeployment) execution centre. Within this Group of three companies TechnipFMC, Capelle a/d IJssel will deliver project management/engineering, KANFA is able to deliver process modules and Inocean the marine expertise. This Group is able to deliver a complete scope for FPSO conversions.

20-03-17 14:08 11:23 03-08-17

17 11:23


The JIP on subsea welding can deliver significant cost reductions.


New Industry Initiative on Subsea Welding Photo courtesy of Atlantic Diving Contractors

THE quALITy OF THE wELD IN SubSEA PRESSuRE-RETAINING EquIPMENT IS KEy IN ENSuRING A SAFE, HIGH-STANDARD PERFORMANcE. HOwEVER, DIFFERENT END-uSER REquIREMENTS ARE OFTEN ADDED TO THE REGuLATORy requirements for subsea welding, without a clear guidance on best practice. A DNV GL-led joint industry project (JIP) now addresses this by harmonising the enduser requirements into one industry standard. The project is still welcoming new participants.


Significant Cost Reductions

everal specifications and standards for the welding of subsea pressurecontaining equipment exist today, ranging from the major oil and gas operators’ company-specific requirements to regulatory requirements and standards issued by API, ASME and ISO. This is causing a range of challenges, such as a big difference in welding quality, repeated qualification processes, difficulties in planning procurement and unclear requirements for inspection and testing.

and two fabricators. Tone Hasle, Principal Engineer at DNV GL Oil & Gas, says, “Evaluation of end-user specifications and requirements for subsea welding showed that there were more similarities than differences. It was a pleasure to see that the JIP participants had much the same understanding of the important restrictions which apply to subsea welding. This forms a sound foundation for the work ahead and will help us achieve effective results quickly.”

The Same Understanding

Moving Up the Investment Agenda

The new DNV GL JIP, which kicked off in February 2017, aims to tackle the lack of standardisation. The objective is to reduce costs and time while improving quality through reduced project uncertainty and non-value added work. So far, eleven participants have signed up for the JIP, including five operators, four contractors

DNV GL Oil & Gas, says: “Subsea solutions are currently moving up the investment agenda as they fit nicely into unmanned, automated and digitised oil and gas fields. However, to stay competitive compared to conventional solutions, the subsea industry needs to keep focused on standardisation and innovation.”

During spring 2017, the first of three scheduled workshops were conducted to discuss and agree technical topics and to lay the groundwork for the new Guideline. The next workshop will take place in September 2017. Kjell Eriksson, Regional Manager Norway at

“DNV GL’s efforts in this field are targeting areas where the greatest efficiency and achievement can be gained. Our new JIP on subsea welding can deliver significant cost reductions while also increasing quality, putting the subsea industry on a competitive footing,” Mr Eriksson adds. The JIP is scheduled for completion in q2 2018 and then the Guideline will be issued as a new DNV GL recommended practice. i.

The welding of subsea pressure-retaining equipment is key in ensuring safe and high-quality performance.

Image courtesy of DNV GL

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Subsea Welding.indd 11

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03-08-17 14:09



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01-05-17 14:07 10:15 03-08-17


TRADE SHOW A multitude of demonstrations and case studies will be on display across the exhibition floor.

Photo courtesy of SPE Offshore Europe.

sPe offshore euroPe focuses oN a brighter future, with reiNveNtioN at the fore.

Out with the Old, In with the New Now celebratiNg its 22Nd year, sPe offshore euroPe, which takes place in aberdeen from 5-8 september, is the largest and techNically foremost offshore e&P coNfereNce aNd exhibitioN outside of north america. offering visitors the chance to keep up with new business trends, gain technical expertise, connect with global industry leaders, and discover thousands of the latest ‘upstream technologies’, the four-day event attracts a global audience of more than 50,000 attendees.

WORDS BY Julia ZaltZmaN

nder the 2017 theme ‘embracing new realities: reinventing our industry’, the event promises to explore how the industry can, and is, reinventing itself, as well as find new ways of working in what has proven to be a prolonged low oil price environment. “following the toughest downturn of the past thirty years, as we start to see signs of recovery, this event is a fantastic opportunity for the oil and gas sector to embrace new technologies and ways of working, rethink collaborations and business models that will lead to new sustainable outcomes,” says spe offshore europe 2017 chair, catherine macgregor.

On the Show Floor

spe offshore europe is recognised by offshore e&p professionals as europe’s leading e&p event. it provides visitors with the opportunity to


17 10:15



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Offshore Europe Aberdeen.indd 13

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03-08-17 14:07


Offshore Europe provides visitors with the opportunity to engage directly with thousands of technical experts.

Photo courtesy of SPE Offshore Europe.

Fact & Figures Show Dates: 5 sep 2017: 09:30 - 18:00 6 sep 2017: 09:30 - 18:00 7 sep 2017: 09:30 - 18:00 8 sep 2017: 09:30 - 14:00 Location: aecc (aberdeen exhibition & conference centre), exhibition avenue, bridge of don, aberdeen, ab23 8bl, Uk Some Statistics: 1,542 exhibitors 56,000+ total attendance 33 international pavilions 6 halls 108 countries represented 336 new exhibitors in 2015 42nd year 27,000+ m2 net 100+ hours of conference sessions 120,000+ leads generated

1 4 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 4

Offshore Europe Aberdeen.indd 14

engage directly with thousands of technical experts on the exhibition floor, from international market leaders to new innovative technology companies. With a focus on improving technical knowledge and gaining insight into best practice a multitude of demonstrations and case-studies will be on display across the exhibition floor, which this year boasts a diverse range of companies booking space for the first time, and the return of major players such as Wood group and petrofac after absences of several years. in addition, more than twenty national and international pavilions will be represented at spe offshore europe, each showcasing a truly international base of suppliers. featuring debuting exhibitors, such as brazil and mexico, these pavilions will bring a wide range of companies from their countries to showcase products and services.

Hear from the Experts

the 2017 conference programme features hundreds of specialist speakers, and is free to attend across the four days. the inspire programme caters for individuals from ages fourteen to 35, and is tailored to engage the next generation of talent. this year will include a series of activities, workshops and lectures specifically focused on supporting

and informing young people, such as the school engagement programme, Young member programmes, spe cares – beach cleaning at the river don, and the opito school tour. in addition, the plenary session will see a top ceo line-up and senior global representatives from the industry speak on the opening day, including ben van beurden, ceo of royal dutch shell plc, bob dudley, chief executive of bp, pedro parente, ceo of petrobras, and robin Watson, chief executive of Wood group.

A Keynote Focus

one of the main visitor attractions are the eleven panel sessions that will cover the gamut of topical issues relevant in the current climate. from people safety, big data, cyber and physical security, to making capital work, the talent pool, breakthroughs in supply chain effectiveness and learning from other industries, it offers rare access to thought-leaders, industry experts and government officials. the keynote programme will cover such topics as ‘new business models to address mature basin challenges’ taking place on the tuesday, ‘cyber and physical attacks – understanding & managing the risks’ scheduled for the Wednesday, and ‘how are

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03-08-17 14:07

TRADE SHOW we going to embrace and deliver sustainability in the sector?’ taking place on the thursday.

The Technical Programme

This event is a fantastic opportunity for the oil and gas sector to embrace new technologies and ways of working, rethink collaborations and business models that will lead to new sustainable outcomes.

across the four days, a further 65 technical presentations and a programme of business breakfasts and topical lunches will provide opportunities to debate, knowledge-share and take new courses of action that will shape the future of the industry. providing sixty hours of technical content, the technical presentations will address topics including ‘improvements in safety and environment’, ‘data driven decision support’, and ‘pipelines, drilling, Well automation and analytics’ – the latter often proving to be a lively and at times controversial session. two interactive ‘special sessions’ will also be addressing topics in subsea standardisation and small pools.

Zone. prompted by feedback from over 11,000 visitors who attended the 2015 edition, the decom zone will hold specialist exhibits, as well as a dedicated conference programme presented in association with decom north sea (the decommissioning industry’s only independent members organisation), itf, sUt and imeche. decommissioning in the north sea looks set to grow over the coming years with the sector forecasted to be worth eUr 57 billion, according to the Ukcs maximising

Decommissioning Zone

new for 2017, and again free to attend, is the highly-anticipated decommissioning


Venue Plan












A90 Ellon Road North Bound






recover review: final report. With this in mind, the decom Zone promises to be a hive of networking activity, and a hub of innovation.

New Features for 2017

also new this year is the technology Zone, which promises to highlight new and innovative technologies through presentations, as well as host a village of start-ups and smes, encouraging operators and big companies in the supply chain to look at the solutions they have or are developing. and lastly techtrek is a new initiative designed to make it easier for visitors to find new technologies, products and solutions from the past twelve months at the show. gareth rapley, spe offshore europe exhibition director comments: “one of the recurring comments from visitors has been that they would like a way to easily find new technologies and innovations among all the exhibition stands. We are launching techtrek as a means to highlight these features and enable visitors to find what’s new, more easily.” i.




CONFERENCE ENTRANCE A956 Ellon Road South Bound to Aberdeen


























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Photo courtesy of SPE Offshore Europe.

Image courtesy of SPE Offshore Europe

The conference programme is free to attend across the four days.

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03-08-17 14:07


Who Can You Meet At Offshore Europe in Aberdeen? oN the followiNg Pages you will fiNd a sPecial selectioN of iNterNatioNally oPeratiNg companies represented at this Year’s spe offshore eUrope conference and eXhibition in aberdeen. but apart from this selection, all companies will naturally be very pleased to see you at their booths. an overview of all company booth numbers is listed on the tradeshow’s website at

High Tech Metal Seals (HTMS)

Heerema Group

high tech metal seals design and manufacture elastic and resilient metal seals that are highly equipped to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, making them flexibly adaptive to a wide array of environments. the seals’ versatility in extreme conditions includes cryogenic to high temperatures, ultra-high vacuum to intensely elevated pressures (reaching 10,000 bars), subsea settings, radiation and corrosive media. htms’ highly flexible metal seals offer a long-life sealing dependability as a result of the self-energised design principle and employment of super alloys.

the heerema group designs, constructs, transports, installs and removes offshore facilities for the global oil and gas industry and consists of two divisions: heerema fabrication group (hfg) and heerema marine contractors (hmc). hfg specialises in the engineering and fabrication of large and complex structures for the offshore oil & gas and renewable energy industries. hfg offers a comprehensive range of services, including initial conception, front-end engineering, detailed fabrication design, procurement, construction and commissioning. hmc is a world-leading marine contractor in the international offshore oil and gas industry, which excels in transporting, installing and removing offshore facilities, including fixed and floating structures, subsea pipelines and HEEREMA GROUP infrastructures in shallow waters and (ultra) BOOTH NO. deep waters.

ISO 9001









rotork actuators and flowcontrol products are used on oil and gas applications throughout virtually all upstream, midstream and downstream activities, ranging from offshore production facilities through refining and processing to transportation of finished products via pipelines or vessels. they deliver reliable and accurate performance, operating valves and controlling the flow in every area, often at high pressures and in difficult environments where safety is paramount. rotork products exhibited at offshore europe 2017 will represent the full range of electric, electro-hydraulic and fluid power actuators, valve gearboxes, flowcontrol instrumentation and control systems used in every area of offshore oil and gas operations, including subsea installations. ROTORK

established in 2001 and with its headquarters in gdansk, protea is already well-known globally for delivering highquality lifting and handling equipment. its extensive portfolio includes pedestal cranes, gantry cranes, winches, launch and recovery systems and other specialised equipment for use in a wide scope of applications ranging from drilling rigs, oil-producing installations and specialist vessels through to offshore windfarms. protea engineers and manufactures equipment for global customers such as aker solutions, heerema, helix Wellops, siemens, statoil, total, transocean and many more. these high-profile clients value protea’s ability to rapidly deliver high-quality handling equipment tailored to their specific needs, on a turnkey basis and at an affordable price. PROTEA




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Offshore Europe Aberdeen.indd 16




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03-08-17 14:07


Resato Resato is a Dutch provider of smart, high-pressure solutions which aims to increase the productivity of its worldwide customers. They develop and manufacture components and systems for testing, injection and controlling up to 14,000 bars with the mission to meet and exceed the expectations of their customers. Their core competence lies in providing solutions for the oil and gas industry. With 25 years of experience in high-pressure technology, they are equipped with the knowledge to provide reliable and safe solutions for many reputable oilfield service providers and refinery operators.

Off Visit o sho u re E r stan d uro pe – at 1D1 11 Keeping the World Flowing




Improving efficiency & minimising downtime It’s in our DNA

Activities: Sinus Jevi Electric heating is based in Medemblik, the Netherlands and from there operates as the Electrical Heating specialist and supplier throughout the world.

Fan Heater type VLEx

We serve several industries such as the Petrochemical On- and Offshore industry, the Chemical and Process industry, Food, Building and other industries with electrical heating products and associated controls equipment. As one of the pioneers in the field of Explosion proof Heating equipment we today still operate at the forefront. We run IEC-Ex as well as Atex and TR-CU Ex- certified product lines.

60 years of innovative & reliable flow control solutions

A single source for: • Reliable, energy saving solutions • Electric and pneumatic technologies • Isolating, modulating and failsafe duties • Industry-preferred network compatibility • Outage maintenance and upgrade services

For all Heaters we can offer the appropriate Control Panel of our own design. Both our engineered and our standardized products are ATEX and IEC-Ex certified. The associated Vessels are engineered and calculated to EN 13445, ASMI-VIII, RtoD or AD2000. Sinus Jevi Electric Heating B.V. is part of the NIBE group, listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange

Inline Heater

Sinus-Jevi Electric Heating B.V. Aambeeld 19 1671 NT Medemblik

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Offshore Europe Aberdeen.indd 17

T +44 (0)113 236 3312 E OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 1 7

03-08-17 14:08


Energy transformation in the North Sea is creating new industries.

Photo courtesy of Senvion

1 8 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 4

Exploration North Sea.indd 18

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03-08-17 14:09



The North Sea Opportunity THE NORTH SEA WILL PLAY A CRUCIAL ROLE IN THE ENERGY TRANSITION FACING NORTHWEST EUROPE. IF GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTIONS AND BUSINESSES WORK TOGETHER closely, between EUR 100 billion and EUR 200 billion of value can be generated from this transition from fossil to renewable energy.


his is revealed in the report ‘The North Sea Opportunity’ of the World Energy Council Netherlands (WEC). The report was recently presented to Christopher Jones, Deputy Director of the Energy Directorate-General of the European Commission in Brussels. The call for clean energy in Europe is increasing. The North Sea is playing a crucial role in the search for efficient routes for this energy transition.

Significant Cost Reductions

Cooperation can achieve significant cost reductions for decommissioning oil and gas assets, constructing offshore windfarms and creating smart networks or combinations thereof. As a result, the costs to society of the energy transition will fall. New commercial activity can also be generated by the development of new markets, such as seaweed production, carbon storage and the production of hydrogen on former platforms. These findings had already been confirmed at the WEC conference ‘Unlocking the energy potential of the North Sea’, which took place in early 2017. At this conference, approximately 180 experts from the North Sea countries jointly explored the most promising routes and preconditions for speeding up the process. At the event, Jeroen van Hoof, the Chair of WEC Netherlands, noted: “The diversity of opportunities in the North Sea is huge. Energy transformation in the North Sea is creating new industries. We can benefit from huge economic advantages by installing large windfarms. What is more, a coordinated removal and smart reuse of former oil and gas assets can generate new economic activities. The potential is enormous.”

Prosperous Region

“The region around the North Sea is one of the most prosperous in the world and the North Sea has been, and still is, one of the sources of that wealth. The North Sea and its


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Exploration North Sea.indd 19

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 1 9

03-08-17 14:09


The North Sea will play a crucial role in the energy transition facing North-West Europe.

Oil and gas assets could find a new life.

Photo courtesy of Harald Pettersen/Statoil

Contributors The World Energy Council is the principal impartial network of leaders and practitioners promoting an affordable, stable and environmentally sensitive energy system for the greatest benefit to all. On behalf of WEC Netherlands, its members, DNV GL, ECN, EBN, PwC, Rabobank, Shell, Siemens, TNO, and TenneT, contributed to the report that also includes contributions from the World Energy Council in the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Norway and Denmark.

Photo courtesy of NASA

harbours make up the transport supply line for the entire continent of Europe. The fishing grounds are an important source of our protein needs, and oil and gas production generates a significant contribution to our competitive position, public finances and foreign currency holdings,” says Jan-Willem Velthuijsen, principal author of the report and Chief Economist of PwC Europe. He continues, “Particularly at a time when President Trump is announcing the withdrawal of the US from the Paris Climate Agreement, it’s encouraging to see a variety of viable opportunities being offered by energy transition. In Europe, we must therefore continue to make every effort to seize these opportunities, both for ourselves and for future generations.”


The amount of activity in the North Sea is likely to increase. While some activities may co-exist, or even enhance one another, other activities may be mutually exclusive and require tough choices to be made

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between competing interests. Several recommendations included in the report are currently being worked out in more detail with officials in Brussels. For instance, various workflows have been initiated to bring European legislation for offshore grids and platforms into alignment and to optimise the required cross-border maritime and spatial planning. Efforts are also being focused on the question of how the European subsidy and financing system can best support the realisation of these opportunities. Furthermore, the WEC Netherlands has announced that it will carry out a subsequent study into the onshore implications of these North Sea developments over the next six months.

Value Pools

The North Sea has vast, untapped potential to add value across the three dimensions of the energy trilemma: affordability, sustainability and security of supply. In the report, four main value pools are selected, based on their potential to reduce costs and create value. According to the report, at the

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07-08-17 13:42


The diversity of opportunities in the North Sea is huge. current juncture, not all value pools are feasible. The specific challenges differ strongly per value pool. • Value Pool 1 – Decommissioning optimisation: how to ensure cost-efficient decommissioning? In most countries around the North Sea, a large part of decommissioning costs are borne by the tax-payers. As such, cost reduction is a great priority for the whole of society. Adequate planning and economies of scale are important drivers to reduce the costs of decommissioning old oil and gas assets.

The opportunities are diverse and not yet fully identified.

Next Practical Steps

In order to harness the full potential of the North Sea, the report addresses a shortlist of the next practical steps to be undertaken. • Government should ensure a shared vision for energy transformation in the North Sea, and invest in researching synergies. • Stakeholders, such as WEC, should organise an annual international North Sea conference to drive change.

• Market players should share knowledge of business cases where international cooperation has been successful and financial benefits have been shared between companies. • Stakeholders should urge the EU to provide funding for offshore projects within its Interreg North Sea Region Programme. (Negotiations for the next funding cycle in 2020-2027 will start shortly). • Market players should explore opportunities for EU funding through the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

• Value Pool 2 – Prolonging life and repurposing oil and gas assets: finding a new (renewable) life for existing oil and gas assets. After oil and gas production has ceased, operators may deem platforms and infrastructure worthless for further use. Nonetheless, those assets could find a new life and be used for the storage of renewable energy, as well as CO2. This would support the transition to a low carbon energy system in the North Sea. • Value Pool 3 – Efficient offshore wind energy: how to develop wind energy at scale and cost-efficiently? The cost of offshore wind is rapidly decreasing, but further cost reductions are still needed. Becoming costcompetitive is not only essential in its own right, but is also central to maintaining government support. Costefficient design and application of infrastructure in the North Sea is key. • Value Pool 4 – Maritime synergies and spatial planning: how to combine energy and maritime activities optimally? There are various maritime activities in the North Sea. Combining energy activities with other maritime activities may add value and also reduce costs. New ecosystems could be created in synergy with both old and new energy assets if good spatial planning is applied.


Photo courtesy of RWS

Combining the various activities at the North Sea may add value and also reduce costs.

Adequate planning and economies of scale are important drivers to reduce the costs of decommissioning.

Photo courtesy of Royal IHC

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Exploration North Sea.indd 21

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 2 1

07-08-17 13:51


Doubling the Resource Estimate for the Barents Sea ACCORDING TO THE NORWEGIAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORATE’S NEW CALCULATIONS, THE UNDISCOVERED oil and gas resources in the Barents Sea are twice as large as previously assumed.


he Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has recently mapped the eastern part of the northern Barents Sea – an area of about 170,000km2; 10,000km2 larger than the Norwegian part of the North Sea. A large part of this is located in the area which was previously under dispute, and most of the new information has been collected since the demarcation-line agreement with Russia entered into force in the summer of 2011. The scope of undiscovered resources in the Barents Sea has thus been increased from 50% to nearly 65% of the total undiscovered resources on the Norwegian shelf. The resources in the new area are estimated to be equivalent to 1.4 billion cubic metres of oil. This is comparable to fourteen Johan Castberg fields, and more than five times the Snøhvit field.

The estimated resources are equivalent to fourteen Johan Castberg fields.

About 60% of the resources are likely to be liquids and the rest is gas.

Photo courtesy of Harald Pettersen/Statoil.

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07-08-17 13:42


“Naturally, this figure is associated with some uncertainty. It could turn out to be lower or it could be much higher,” says Director General Bente Nyland, adding that about 60% of the resources are likely to be liquids and the rest is gas. The expected total resources are about the same in the mapped part of the northern Barents Sea as in the southern Barents Sea, but the northern part is only half the size of the southern part. “This means that the mapped area in the north has about twice the resource potential per km2 as the southern Barents Sea,” says Ms Nyland. Since 2012, the NPD has been working on an assignment from the Norwegian Parliament to map the Norwegian Sea area in the eastern part of the northern Barents Sea. The area has not been opened for petroleum activities. The updated map of the northern Barents Sea shows an exciting landscape that consists of basins, platforms and highs. According to Ms Nyland, ridges are most important from a geological viewpoint. “In the northern part of the Barents Sea it is particularly the Storbank high, the Sentralbank high and the Kong Karl platform that we consider to be promising,” concludes the Director General. The report, which contains the new resource estimates for the eastern part of the northern Barents Sea, is available both online and as hard copy.

The undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Barents Sea are twice as large as previously assumed. Image courtesy of NPD


The updated map of the northern Barents Sea shows an exciting landscape that consists of basins, platforms and highs. Image courtesy of NPD

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Barents Sea.indd 23

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 2 3

03-08-17 14:11


First Use oF roV-operated tool in Monopile installation Work

Escape from Dangerous Diving

Photo courtesy of Bluestream

For the First tiMe in the history oF the oFFshore Wind indUstry, condition Monitoring and iccp systeMs haVe been installed on the inside oF FiVe FoUndation piles in a reMarkable, innoVatiVe approach. the client’s initial intention was to have the work undertaken by divers in the enclosed space inside the monopile. according to bluestream, the installation operation could have been very hazardous for divers.

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Bluestream.indd 24

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03-08-17 14:11


The offshore support vessel Island Crown positioned near one of the monopiles.


n response, Bluestream developed a technical solution according to which a specially designed installation tool was operated by an roV. the 332MW nordsee one offshore wind project is situated approximately 40km north of the Island of Juist, in German territorial waters. With a total area of about 41km², the project’s 54 turbines will be located in one of the most favourable locations in the north sea (high wind speed, <30m water depth, travel times within a one-day window). the project is owned by northland power (85%), and innogy (15%).

Fatal Accidents

Bluestream was aware that similar projects have led to fatal accidents in the past. For

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Bluestream def.indd 25

the company, this was sufficient reason to investigate the possibility of developing a solution to eradicate the need to deploy divers inside the piles. the suggestion was made to the client, nordsee one, not to have the tasks carried out by divers, but by an roV with a specially designed remotely operated underwater installation tool. a fully-fledged alternative, with a leading role for one of the company’s remote operated Vehicles (roVs), was developed and elaborated for this brand-new concept. the challenge lay in the design phase of the monopile, where account had been taken of the fact that divers were intended to fit the monitoring system, with the provisions installed during construction requiring the sensor to be

bolted on. In principle, this made these provisions unsuitable for installation by an ROV. In response, the company developed a special installation tool that enabled one of its compact roV systems to fit the sensors, as well as elaborating a modification to the original attachment mechanism with bolts, which was initially considered to only be suitable for manual installation by divers.

Niche Player

“in a very short period of time, we succeeded in creating a solution for the remote installation of bolts in a monopile with limited working space,” explains adriaen Winckers, responsible for Business development at Bluestream. “innovation



OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 2 5

07-08-17 13:46

Constructive Solutions

Rometal B.V. Patrijsweg 10 4791 RV Klundert The Netherlands

Your Structural On- and Offshore Supplier

T +31 (0)168 331 490 F +31 (0)168 331 494 E


Rometal adv2.indd 1

18-09-13 15:54

Specialist in exhaust gas systems Array Industries is specialised in the design and manufacturing of exhaust gas systems. Our systems are designed in line with the applicable design codes and comply with the required noise-, NOx- and dust emission requirements. Manufacturing takes place according to the highest quality standards in our fully certified workshop in the Netherlands. Please feel free to contact us for; • Exhaust gas systems for; - Gas & diesel generators - Gas turbines and steam boilers • NOx reductions solutions • Modifications & repair • Site survey and inspection

Hoogeveenenweg 29 - 2913 LV Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel - - +31 (0) 180 331655

2 6 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 4

Bluestream def.indd 26 w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u

07-08-17 08:49


Limited available workspace was another challenge.

In-house testing of accelerometer tool in progress.

Photo courtesy of Bluestream

and safety are the lifeblood of our company. We are a niche player that is constantly pushing the envelope, concentrating on those segments of the market that cannot be served by just anyone. We are dedicated in the work we do for our clients. We, as management, are responsible for safely deploying our people on these projects. We believe in innovative technology and ideas often emerge from practice when the traditional solution is either insufficient, overly expensive or too risky.” based on the investment made in developing this new solution, the price quoted by the company was higher than for a conventional diverbased solution. Winckers continues, “it is evidence of a clear sense of reality that the management of nordsee one nonetheless opted for our roV solution according to which the entire operation could be carried out efficiently, effectively and, above all, safely.”

Fully Under Control

at the end of February this year, bluestream received the official order to install accelerometers and impressed current cathodic protection (iccp) reference cells on the inside of five foundation monopiles,

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Bluestream.indd 27

Photo courtesy of Bluestream

using an roV. divers were also instructed to install two sonar transponders on the outside of the monopiles, to inspect water exchange openings and to fit two aWac (acoustic Waves and current) sensors on the seabed. a start was made on actual implementation of the work from on-board the offshore support vessel island crown. seb bevers, project Manager at bluestream explains: “although the sum of the parts of this innovation was new, each individual part was in fact proven technology. in technical terms, therefore, this innovation, which has undergone extensive testing at our own test facility in den helder, was fully under control. the project was also a demonstration of the cooperation between the various disciplines within our company: diving, roV operations and rope access. to start with, the roV had to be inserted in the monopile via a narrow opening by our rope access technicians before our roV operators could set to work. their greatest challenge was manoeuvring the roV in the confined working space with a maximum diameter of just 6.5m, as well as holding the panel fitted with the condition monitoring and iccp systems still, while the M24 bolts were tightened. due to the limited visibility we

deployed a second small roV to give us an extra set of eyes in the water. prior to the offshore implementation of the entire installation process, members of our rope access team first carried out a site inspection to make sure we had a perfect picture of the situation in the monopile.”after three weeks of working night and day, the nordsee one offshore windfarm project was successfully completed. during the project highpoint, a project team of no less than 23 people was on site. i.

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 2 7

03-08-17 14:11

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2 8 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 4

Jangkrik.indd 28

26.04.17 10:30

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03-08-17 14:12


Benchmark Record for Production Start Jangkrik Project ENI hAS STARTED GAS PRODUCTION FROM ThE JANGKRIK DEvELOPMENT PROJECT, IN DEEP-WATER OFFShORE Indonesia, ahead of schedule. The project comprises the gas fields Jangkrik and Jangkrik North East, located in the Muara Bakau block, Kutei basin, in the deep waters of the Makassar Strait.


roduction from ten deepwater subsea wells, connected to the newly built Floating Production Unit (FPU) ‘Jangkrik’, will gradually reach 450 million standard cubic feet per day, equivalent to 83,000boed. The gas, once processed onboard the Jangkrik, will flow via a dedicated 79km pipeline to the Onshore Receiving Facility, both built by Eni, and then through the East Kalimantan Transportation System, finally reaching the

Bontang gas liquefaction plant. Gas volumes from Jangkrik will supply the local domestic market as well as the LNG export market, providing a significant contribution to Indonesia’s current energy requirements and future economic development.

Within Three and a Half Years

Production start-up within three and a half years from the sanctioning of the project is a

benchmarking record in the industry and a major step forward for Eni’s activities in Indonesia. “We are very proud of what we have achieved with the Jangkrik Development Project,” says Claudio Descalzi, CEO at Eni. “The completion of the project and the start-up of production ahead of schedule further confirm Eni’s strategy and global capabilities. Furthermore, it provides the opportunity for the Jangkrik Floating Production Unit to become a hub for the development of our nearby gas discovery Merakes (Eni 85%, Pertamina 15%), which could start production within the next two years. We will consolidate our near-field exploration strategy and operating model and maximise the integrated

development of our projects, also in Indonesia.”


Eni is the operator of Muara Bakau with a 55% stake through its subsidiary Eni Muara Bakau. The other partners are ENGIE E&P (through its subsidiary GDF SUEZ Exploration Indonesia) with 33.334% and PT Saka Energi Muara Bakau with 11.666%. As operator, Eni is under the supervision and monitoring of SKK Migas as the representative of the Government of Indonesia. i.

Photo courtesy of Eni

Mr Descalzi, CEO at Eni: “We are very proud of what we have achieved with the Jangkrik Development Project”

Production start-up within three and a half years from the sanctioning of the project is a benchmarking record.

Photo courtesy of Eni

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Jangkrik.indd 29

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 2 9

03-08-17 14:12


In the offshore market every project is unique.

Photo courtesy of Lift2Work

3 0 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 4

Marilogic.indd 30

w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u

04-08-17 14:35


Digital SolutionS for Motion CoMpenSation anD DynaMiC poSitioning

Reliable Software is the Key CoMplex appliCationS SuCh aS Motion CoMpenSation anD DynaMiC positioning (Dp) are in common use in our business toDay, anD allow for safe, comfortable anD efficient movement. HarDly anyone tHinks about the way things actually work nowadays, but underneath the hardware lies a world of digits: software is the key that opens the door to the most delicate and difficult autonomous actions performed by cranes, gangways and vessels. words by arno Dirkzwager all Photos CourteSy of MarilogiC


utch company marilogic has built a wide range of motion-compensation and dynamic-positioning software. it all began with cranes. managing Director mr alex kempkes explains, “when we started marilogic in 2008, i’d already had almost twenty years’ experience in creating software for cranes. this, together with the knowledge i had built up in finding solutions for the subsea sector, made me decide to use this experience in the growing market of heave compensation for offshore cranes and walk to work (w2w) gangways. as a matter of fact, most of the latter are quite similar to cranes in the way they function.” apart from developing and supplying software and control-hardware, the company also advises clients in this field. “the interesting thing about the offshore market is that every project is unique,” mr kempkes continues. “this often means that we have to start from scratch, making every project an intellectual challenge.” these challenges are numerous and varied. the company has designed a sinking system for gravity-based foundations and also a complete package for a 60,000t jacking system for lifting oil rigs. “for the latter, like in many other situations, we worked closely together with our partner asisto engineering, who supplied not only

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Marilogic.indd 31

the complete wiring but also a fully equipped control cabin.” the jacking system was a giant project for both companies, which altogether took four years of designing, implementation and installation. “one of the difficult things in this project was making the jack-lifting procedure accessible to the operator, mr kempkes explains. “the 48 cylinders have to work simultaneously, and to visualise this process in a way that the operator can see at one glance what is going on, was something that took us quite some time to figure out. but in the end we had a simple and intuitive picture. the jacking


Apart from software, Marilogic also develops control-hardware such as the RS-HD high accuracy encoder for harsh environments.

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 3 1

04-08-17 14:35

Schelde Exotech is a highly qualified and certified manufacturer of industrial equipment. We build equipment, but we think in solutions. This is why we offer our clients high quality design approach, production techniques and choice of materials. -

3 2 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 4

Marilogic.indd 32

w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u

04-08-17 10:45


1,000t full electric offshore crane.

system has already been used successfully by our client on numerous projects in a very fast, but safe and reliable manner,” Mr Kempkes adds. A relatively new market is that of W2W applications. Mr Kempkes: “Today there are many types of applications on the market. It is only possible to keep the W2W gangways stable for a safe transfer from the vessel to a platform or wind turbine by using reliable software. With our software, it is possible to keep a W2W gangway stable without attaching it with the object people have to walk to. This way a gangway can be used more easily, faster and with more flexibility. Apart from gangways, we are also investigating solutions for motion compensated lift to work (L2W) and pilegripper applications.

Dynamic Positioning

Dynamic positioning can also only be realised using proper software, and throughout the years, Marilogic has built up a knowledge base for DP programs for vessels. “One of our customers asked us to help them to make the subsea dumping of rocks easier and more accurate. For this assignment, we simulated the system upfront and developed a software program that arranged the dynamic positioning of the vessel in connection with the surveying system. A heave-compensation application was included for the fall pipe.” This way, the rock-dumping could be executed more efficiently and accurately, optimising the amount of rock which needed to be dumped..

The Perfect Solution

In searching for the right solution, one of the strengths of Marilogic is the willingness to collaborate. “Together with Asisto, our combined knowledge of systems, software and control hardware is evident, but this is just part of the solution. We work closely with partners in the field of mechanical engineering and hydraulics and act as an intermediare for our international clients. This way, we manage the streamlining of the process towards the perfect solution, resulting in a growing portfolio of satisfied customers,” Mr Kempkes ends. i.

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Marilogic.indd 33

For a jacking system for lifting oil rigs, Marilogic worked closely together with Asisto.

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 3 3

07-08-17 08:31


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3 4 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 4

Floating Wind.indd 34 w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u

03-08-17 14:13


Floating Offshore Wind Comes of Age

Transport of a floating foundation for the Hywind Floating Offshore Windfarm

Photo courtesy of Olaf Nagelhus/Statoil

FLOATING OFFSHORE WIND IS NO LONGER CONSIGNED TO THE LABORATORY: IT’S A VIABLE TECHNOLOGY READY TO BE ROLLED OUT ON AN INDUSTRIAL scale, according to the latest report from WindEurope released at the Offshore Wind Energy 2017 event in London.


ot only has the technology for floating offshore wind reached maturity, costs are also predicted to plummet in the coming years. One of the key advantages of floating offshore wind is that turbines are located further away from shores in areas with higher average wind speeds without depth constraints. Turbines can be significantly larger on floating installations and construction, installation, operation and maintenance costs could be lower than on fixed sites. Capacity can thus be improved, leading to an increased generation of electricity, allowing for cost reductions of 10% by 2020 and 25% by 2030.

Ready to be Commercialised

Ivan Pineda, WindEurope Director for Public Affairs, comments: “Floating offshore wind

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is no longer an R&D exercise. The technology has developed rapidly in recent years and it is now ready to be fully commercialised in utility-scale projects. Adding this option to the market means more offshore wind in total and it’s this extra capacity that we will need to meet the 2030 goals.”

Floating offshore wind offers a vast potential for growth. 80% of all the offshore wind resource is located in waters 60m and deeper in European seas, where traditional bottom-fixed offshore is less attractive. At 4,000GW, it is significantly more than the resource potential of the US and Japan combined. i.

Floating offshore wind projects in Europe Project name Hywind Scotland Kincardine Dounreay Tri WindFloat Atlantic Pre-commercial Atlantis/Ideol Gaelectic

Capacity 30 MW 48 MW 2 x 5 MW 30 MW 4 x 25 MW 100 MW 30 MW

Country Scotland Scotland Scotland Portugal France UK Ireland

Expected commissioning date 2017 From 2018 2018 2018-2019 2020 2021 2021

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03-08-17 14:13


Will Yards Become a Bottleneck? In Its Western europe DecommIssIonIng market Forecast 20172040, Douglas-WestWooD Forecasts that betWeen 2017 anD 2040, EUR 94 billion will be spent on decommissioning in Western Europe, as the region becomes the first area outside the gulf of mexico to see large-scale decommissioning activity. words by ben WIlby, analyst at WestWooD energy


he key to governing a late-life oil province like the north sea is getting the balance right between initiatives to maximise recovery in late-life assets and the practicalities of planning for decommissioning. Fail on the first and oil is left in the ground that could have generated tax revenues. Fail on the second and decommissioning costs far more than necessary, with the uk government covering roughly half the expense. this is the challenge that the UK’s Oil and Gas regulatory authority is currently wrestling with.

Onshore Challenge

an example of the planning challenge is the capacity for deconstruction work by onshore yards in the uk. between 2017 and 2040, Douglas Westwood anticipate the removal of 261 fixed platforms in the uk, equating to 2.6 million tons. this will require a large amount of onshore infrastructure to ensure that projects are not delayed, potentially causing cost overruns or the use of yards outside the uk which have availability. With the recent removal and subsequent delivery of the 24,000t brent Delta platform to a yard in hartlepool and the award of a

Photo courtesy of Allseas.

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Some facts and figures deconstruction contract for the buchan alpha Fpss to Veolia’s Dales Voe facility in scotland, the decommissioning industry in the united kingdom is now very visibly underway – making open, industry-wide, discussions vital.

Shared Philosophy

The mindset towards decommissioning is changing for the better with many operators setting up dedicated departments, and indeed several political parties making references to it in their recent uk election manifestos – a far cry from 2015, when decommissioning was not mentioned at all. the uk government will be liable for around half the costs – equating to an estimated eur 25 billion between 2017 and 2040. thus, they need to be actively involved in ensuring that overall costs are minimised while the value of decommissioning to the uk in contract awards and job creation is maximised. on this, they share a philosophy with operators and with the Managing Director of repsol, stating that they are “pleased the decommissioning phase (of buchan alpha) will create further sustained value


The Western Europe Decommissioning Market Forecast covers croatia, Denmark, germany, greece, Ireland, Italy, the netherlands, norway, spain & uk. • between 2017 and 2040, eur 94bn will be spent on decommissioning in Western Europe, as the region becomes the first area outside the gulf of mexico to see large-scale decommissioning activity. • Well decommissioning is forecast to account for the majority of decommissioning expenditure, representing 65% of the total market over the 2017-2040 period. • expenditure for well decommissioning will be particularly high in the more established producing nations with large numbers of subsea wells, notably norway and the uk. • substructure and topside removal combined will represent 20% of expenditure over 2017-2040, with the majority of platforms being removed using reverse installation methods. • single lift Vessels are becoming established technology and have the potential to significantly impact the cost and time of decommissioning operations. • With the largest population of ageing platforms, the uk is expected to account for the largest proportion of decommissioning activity in Western europe over 2017-2040, representing 54% of total expenditure, and 45% of platform removals. • the market is expected to experience a series of peaks and troughs over 2017-2040. the 2031-2035 period is forecast to see particularly high levels of expenditure as activity increases in norway and the uk.

Expenditure (€ bn)

Total Decommissioning Expenditure in Western Europe.

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FPS Removal Heavy Transport Onshore Deconstruction PSV Substructure Removal Topside Removal Well Decommissioning

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system integrating solutions for the offshore energy & renewables sector • extensive hydraulic, electrical and mechanical expertise • from engineering and logistics support to complete turnkey projects • young, dynamic team of pro-active project managers

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Hartlepool is one of the UK ports for decommissioning and deconstruction activities.

Photo courtesy of PD Ports

for the uk supply chain and additional employment.” this echoed the sentiment at a recent east of england energy group event, where representatives of shell and centrica confirmed that they planned to use uk yards wherever possible for the decommissioning of platforms in the uk.


time pressures for the building of new yards have been reduced somewhat, however, as the uk offshore sector has been more resilient than expected. many fields that were forecast to be abandoned in the current price environment have continued to produce as opeX costs offshore uk have fallen dramatically. the latest edition of Douglas Westwood’s World offshore maintenance, modifications & operations report forecasts that prices in 2017 are expected to be 25% lower than at peak in 2014. as a result, the consultants forecast that the majority of decommissioning expenditure will come after 2025 – providing enough time for the continued development of decommissioning yards across the uk.

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Decommissioning Challenge Fund

ensuring that the uk has the capacity for decommissioning is likely to require government support, especially in the next few years when the business case for new yards will be weaker. the uk has already seen some commitment, with the scottish government announcing a eur 4.5 million Decommissioning Challenge Fund, specifically to ensure that the supply chain in scotland benefits from decommissioning – including support for infrastructure upgrades and the developing of business cases for new yards. Following this, several party manifestos called for a deep water port to be built specifically for decommissioning, demonstrating a commitment to ensuring that the UK maximises the value of decommissioning to the uk economy.

Photo courtesy of Westwood

Douglas Westwood anticipate the removal of 261 fixed platforms in the UK.


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Preliminary Design Approval for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine

Bureau Veritas has issued a Preliminary design aPProVal for a floating offshore Wind turBine (FOWT) FOundaTiOn designed by dCns energies. The floating foundation is based on a semi-submersible floater and is designed to be competitive, adaptable to mass production, easy to connect and disconnect and able to be modified according to site conditions and local industrial environments.

Image courtesy of Bureau Veritas

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his approval was provided as part of the general electric (ex-alstom) and dCns energies sea reed project, a FOWT product development initiative supported by adeMe, the French environment and energy Management agency. Matthieu de Tugny, COO, senior Vice-President and Head of Offshore at bureau Veritas, says, “as demand for wind power increases, we are seeing increasing interest in FOWT technology. FOWTs, fabricated onshore, can be installed in deep water and on variable seafloor topographies. because of their low environmental impact during installation and their application in deeper waters, we can foresee a considerable increase in the demand for FOWTs.”

FOWT, fabricated onshore, can be installed in deep water.

No Idiosyncrasies a Preliminary design approval for bureau Veritas signifies that the basis of design has been approved. The design is feasible, achievable, and contains no technological idiosyncrasies that may prevent the design from reaching maturity. bureau Veritas engineers verified the design methodologies, covering hydrodynamics, structure, stability and electricity. They also checked that the design was suitable for use in all phases of operation, including transit to field, installation and commissioning, and they provided recommendations for subsequent phases of the project.

Step Forward

Thierry Kalanquin, Chief executive Officer at dCns energies, comments, “The approval of our latest foundation design by bureau Veritas is a step towards the further development of our FOWT solutions. What is more, it validates our system in the short-term for our on-going projects in France and in the united states, and also in the mid and long-term for our future commercial windfarm projects all around the world.”

GE Haliade Turbines

Cooperation between bureau Veritas and dCns energies in the floating offshore wind sector will continue to grow, with a floating wind project to be deployed between the groix and belle-ile islands. The array will comprise four 6MW ge Haliade turbines, installed on a hybrid version (steel and concrete) of the floating foundations. bureau Veritas has been awarded, for the entire project, certification rights to the floating wind array covering the different phases. The units are expected to be operational in 2020. i. i.

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The floating foundation is based on a semisubmersible floater.

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03-08-17 14:18

STRUGGLING WITH SAFETY AND RELIABILITY DURING HIGH PRESSURE TESTING? High pressure technology is our core competence With over 25 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, we help our customers make quality business decisions to increase the productivity of their business in a cost-efficient way. We engineer safe and reliable high pressure solutions for pressure testing, controlling, injection, filling, and other applications



think do make

ensuring safety & performance 4 2 Metagro | O S I 2 0adv 1 7 193x132_Do_v1.indd | Volum e 10 | Issue1 4

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Delfin the First FLNG Export Project in the US Gulf of Mexico DELFIN MIDSTREAM AND GOLAR LNG HAvE SIGNED A JOINT DEvELOpMENT AGREEMENT TO DEvELOp THE Delfin LNG project, off the coast of Cameron parish, Lousiana, utilising Golar’s FLNG technology. The joint development agreement will facilitate the financing, marketing, construction, development and operation of Delfin LNG.


elfin LNG is the first and only legally endorsed floating LNG export project in the US. Delfin LNG is a brownfield deepwater port requiring minimal additional infrastructure investment for the support of up to four FLNG vessels producing up to 13 million tons of LNG per year. Delfin purchased the UTOS pipeline, the largest natural gas pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico, in 2014 and submitted its deepwater port license application in 2015. Delfin LNG received a positive Record of

Decision from MARAD on 13 March 2017. On 1 June 2017, Delfin received approval from the Department of Energy for long-term exports of LNG to countries that do not have a Free Trade Agreement with the US.

Lowest Cost Solution

Golar has successfully designed, financed, contracted, and built its first FLNG vessel, the FLNG Hilli Episeyo, which is scheduled to sail away from Keppel shipyard in Q3 2017 for the development of Cameroon’s

Kribi offshore fields. Subject to a final investment decision (FID) by the project partners, a second vessel of the same design, the FLNG Gandria, is soon to be converted for Africa’s second deepwater FLNG project, Fortuna. Golar is currently developing the Mark II next-generation floating liquefaction solution that is based on its industry-leading Hilli and Gandria designs. The Mark II solution, as used in the Delfin LNG project, will have >3.0 mmtpa of liquefaction capacity and will be the lowestcost liquefaction solution in North America.

Delfin LNG is uniquely positioned in the North American LNG market as a proven low-cost solution; modular, scalable, requiring limited additional investments in fixed infrastructure and having already completed its environmental permit procedure and received NonFTA export authorisations. Oscar Spieler, Chief Executive of Golar, comments, “Golar’s proven-execution model will allow Delfin to deliver the lowest-cost liquefaction solution in the North American market with a construction time of less than three years.”

Proven Low-Cost Solution

i. i.

It is expected that the FID on the Delfin project will take place in 2018 with the first LNG to be delivered in 2021/22. Image courtesy of Delfin LNG

Four FLNG vessels can produce up to 13 million tons of LNG per year. Delfin project overview

Image courtesy of Delfin LNG

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EDF Energy Renewables Supply Life Cells THE NORTH SEA IS RAPIDLY CHANGING INTO EUROPE’S NUMBER ONE LOCATION FOR THE GENERATION OF WIND ENERGY. ALTHOUGH MANY ARE PROMOTING AND SUPPORTING THIS TYPE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY, OFFSHORE WINDFARMS, during construction and operation, influence the environment in different ways, a question which requires sound environmental management skills from the offshore wind operators.


perators have to communicate with all stakeholders in order to keep them informed about the possible effects of the windfarms on their surroundings. They also have to look for ways to co-exist with all users of the area. EDF Energy operates the Teesside Offshore Windfarm close to the UK coast. To show the importance of good neighbourliness, the company has developed a programme to provide essential safety equipment to fishermen operating from coastal locations between Hartlepool and Saltburn by the Sea, who have traditionally used the fishing grounds in and around the Teesside offshore windfarm.

Essential Safety Equipment

The project aims at providing essential safety equipment for personnel and vessels in line with Marine and Coastguard Agency requirements for fishing vessel operators.

EDF expects to hand over fifty to eighty Life Cells.

Photo courtesy of Pinpoint Electronics

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The scheme will provide Life Cell models to local fishermen, ensuring they have essential safety equipment in a readily accessible location in the event of an emergency. The Life Cell is used as a flotation device, which can float freely or be easily removed from a vessel. The bonus is that it can also be safely and easily removed after each day’s fishing, to reduce the possibility of theft.

Close Contact

James Wilson, Local Fishing Liaison Officer with EDF Energy Renewables, says, “Our aim has always been to ensure that the windfarm can co-exist safely and effectively with local fishing activities. We have maintained close contact with the local fishermen at all stages of the project and we are delighted to be able to provide support for this very important local activity and community. The dedicated new fishing support programme will provide targeted assistance for specific fishing activity requirements and will hopefully provide a positive contribution to the activities of local fishing groups and individual operators.”

A Real Difference

The new programme will be managed by Tees Valley Community Foundation (TVCF) in

association with Coastwatch Redcar. Trevor Smith, Chairman of Coastwatch Redcar, adds, “We are delighted to participate in this initiative. Ensuring that local fishingboat operators are equipped with vital safety equipment is a natural extension of our role in supporting HM Coastguard with local surveillance activities and helping those in trouble at sea. The new equipment being provided could make a real difference to the safety of small fishing-boat operators and their crews who find themselves in difficulty and we would encourage all local fishermen to take up this generous offer from EDF Energy Renewables.”

Training included

EDF expects to hand over fifty to eighty Life Cells, which will be supplied by UK distributor Pinpoint Electronics, equipped with an EPIRB with integrated GPS, coastal flare pack, VHF radio, and life jackets with integrated Weatherdock AIS MOB beacons. Apart from the equipment, the programme also includes training in its correct use. The first devices will be handed over this summer. i. i. Windfarms can co-exist safely and effectively with local fishing activities.

Photo courtesy of EDF

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07-08-17 13:54


More than half the contractors and operators believe that the sector has reached the bottom of the current cycle.

Photo courtesy of BP

Confidence in Oil and Gas Rises from Historic Low Improvements In oIl and gas contractor confIdence, both on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) and internationally, SUggeSt Some bUSineSSeS are Seeing SignS of reCovery and are focussed on the future, according to the 26th oil & gas survey conducted by aberdeen & grampian chamber of commerce (agcc) in partnership with the fraser of allander institute.

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licensees reporting a 2.5% decline in their fte workforce, and a 6% decline for contractors, in the 12 months to march 2017. although operators and licensees continue to anticipate a decline over the next twelve months at a rate of 2%, contractors expect to increase their workforce by 0.8%. With regard to sectorspecific activity, the majority 81% (79% in 2016) of contractors expect to be involved

90 80 70



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Overseas work levels Overseascontract contract work levels

UKCS contract work levels UKCS contract work levels

Figure 2 - Contractors: business confidence in international markets

Contractors’ Business Confidence in International Markets 80









Increasing Workforce





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Image courtesy of AGCC.

the survey found that excess capacity remains with 24% of contractors reporting working at, or above, optimum levels on the UKCS and 43% are working at or above their optimum levels overseas, up from record lows of 12% and 24% respectively six months ago. While more contractors have reported working at or above optimum levels, there are still signs of more labour market challenges with operators and


Image courtesy of AGCC.

James bream, research and policy director at agCC, says, “We’re seeing some signs of recovery for the industry and the global outlook is certainly more positive than it was six months ago but it is clear that most companies are still suffering. We will hopefully be stepping into a more prosperous period in due course, but it is not upon us right now. it seems clear that many believe that we won’t return to previous levels of activity and that perhaps we shouldn’t call this a downturn. this isn’t a ‘new norm’, it is just normal.”


Net balance (%)

No Return to Previous Levels


Percentage of contractors reporting working above or at optimum levels

The Bottom of the Current Cycle

more than half (52%) of contractors and operators / licensees believe that the sector has already reached the bottom of the current cycle and 26% consider it will do so within the next year. When asked what position businesses expect to be in by January 2018, 42% expect their business to be growing, up from 16% who expected to be growing by January 2017, while only 2% anticipate further decline. Contractors’ investment spend is moving in a positive direction with more contractors (26%) anticipating increased investment, rather than reduced investment (19%) over the next two years however, increases are limited to certain areas and again cannot be seen consistently across all parts of the industry.

in decommissioning in the next three to five years; with just over half of respondents 54% (53% in 2016) reporting similar interests in renewables. 69% (70% in 2016) expect to be involved in unconventional oil and gas activity in the UK in the medium term, with 65% expecting to be involved outside the UK.

Figure 3 - Percentage of contractors reporting working above or at optimum levels

ay -

he findings of the survey reveal that 38% of contractors surveyed are more confident about business on the UKCS compared to just 10% who are less confident. this is a notable rise from historic lows six months ago when only 12% of contractors were more confident and 47% were less confident. however, 52% report no change in their outlook, indicating that significant challenges still remain in the marketplace. it is too early to say a recovery is being universally felt.



Business optimism compared to a year ago

Business optimism over next year

OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 4 7

03-08-17 14:21


Introduction to Flow-Induced Vibration in Pipelines VIBraTIon can causE a rangE oF IssuEs From unPlannEd sHuTdoWns To dEcrEasEd EquIPmEnT lIFE or EVEn loss oF conTaInmEnT. IT Is an IssuE For EngInEErs dEsIgnIng sysTEms In many IndusTrIEs and Is oF specific concern in oil and gas production and processing. This article focuses on the phenomena termed flow-induced vibration (FIV), where the internal flow of process fluids causes risk of pipe vibration. words by maTT sTraW (norTon sTraW consulTanTs) and alEx rEad (sIEmEns Plm soFTWarE)


low-induced vibration is a complex situation and its avoidance has led engineering design to rely on empirical methods. Empirical assessment methods are often, by necessity, conservative. This can result in engineers identifying vibration risks, the elimination of which constrains designs, limits operations, increases design and build costs and also impacts operational economics. Here we discuss how simulation of flow and structural behaviour offers engineers greater insight into the identification of vibration issues. The most critical aim of production system design is to ensure safety, reliability and efficiency during operation. Engineering simulation can help to meet these aims while reducing conservatism and cost.

valves, cavitation or other large variations in pressure. The seminal guidance document used in flow-induced vibration assessment is published by the Energy Institute (EI). It provides a desktop-based method to determine the likelihood of FIV when designing a new plant, modifying existing pipework or for a problem caused by an operating process. But what happens in the event that vibration risk is identified? In the case of the EI approach, the engineer has three options: – redesign or re-support the pipe section;

– perform a detailed analysis; and/or – carry out vibration monitoring during operation. While redesign may be possible for new facilities, the options available for the modification of existing facilities are often limited. Where designs cannot be changed, the options are restricted to a detailed analysis or monitoring the vibration during operation. If the monitoring approach is taken, equipment could be expensive and, if vibration is subsequently observed, it could result in operating restrictions with a significant economic impact. Performing a detailed analysis is therefore the preferable choice; potentially offering engineers greater understanding of the vibration risk or the actual response of the system to the operating conditions. The question is ‘what do we mean by detailed analysis?’ While there is very little available in terms of industry best practices, there are analysis and simulation approaches which engineers can turn to in order to further assess the risk of vibration. These will be discussed here.

Table 1 – Results from EI guidelines for assessment of three operating conditions for pipe section considered.

Identifying flow-induced vibration risk

FIV of pipelines and piping can be caused by mechanisms including: – pumps and compressors which could produce pressure pulsations; – fluctuating flow past obstructions or objects in the flow and dead-legs; – multiphase flow, e.g. slug flows; – rapid changes in flowing conditions or fluid properties caused by opening Image courtesy of Siemens

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Vibration Assessment Using EI Guidelines

Vibrations can cause a range of issues.

Figure 1 shows a piping system that was investigated using the EI guidelines. The investigation is based on the piping system at an existing process facility with a view to accommodating an increase in production rate. Table 1 summarises the findings relating to the likelihood of failure using the EI approach, for three operating cases. The pipework is identified as having vibration risk in various vibration mechanisms and requires more detailed investigation. The issues identified through the EI guidelines indicate that the system should be redesigned, a detailed analysis should be performed or monitoring equipment should be installed. In this case we look into detailed analysis and assess how an engineer can gain further information to enable them to make an informed decision on how to proceed.

Flow and Structural Analysis

With modern computing power, it is practical to simulate flow and structural responses of larger systems; even using desktop workstations. In this case, we demonstrate how the flow field within the piping can be simulated and used to predict the subsequent structural response of the system. The two modelling approaches used for the system (shown in figure 1) were: a. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to simulate the flow. This was performed using the STAR-CCM+ software (by Siemens PLM). b. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to assess the structural response. This used Wave6 FEA software (by Wave6). CFD simulation of the multiphase flow confirmed that the flow regime was dominated by annular flow for all three operating cases, with some liquid carried in a dispersed manner (as large droplets). This corroborated the empirical assessment made during the EI guidelines approach. This is demonstrated in figure 2, showing contours of liquid speed on gas-liquid interfaces. The contours at the pipe wall show the location, thickness and speed of the liquid film formed; confirming the annular-dominated flow regime. Some large droplets of liquid are carried along in the gas through the main bore of the pipe but these do not form slug flow. Detailed analysis of the flow around the thermowells (not presented here) showed no signs of adverse response or onset of

Photo courtesy of Harald Pettersen – Statoil

Figure 1 – A piping system that was investigated using the Energy Institute guidelines.


Image courtesy of Siemens

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EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT vortex-induced vibration (VIV), which removes the issue identified through the EI guidelines method. Figure 3 shows the frequency content of the flow-induced pressures on the pipe wall. Two dominant spectral peaks were generated by the flow at 4Hz and 32Hz. The flow predictions, using CFD, allowed the causes of these peaks to be investigated further and it was identified that the:

Figure 2 – Contours flow speed on gas-liquid interfaces clearly shows a layer of liquid along the pipe walls and some dispersed (large) droplets in the flow.

– 4Hz peak was the characteristic frequency of the large liquid droplets passing through the pipe, shown in figure 2; – 32Hz peak was related to the liquid film interaction with the first thermowell housing (deadleg). The forces predicted from the CFD analysis were applied to the structural (FEA) model to assess the response. Figure 4 shows the pointwise maximum Von Mises stress for one of the operating cases. The peak stresses correspond to the structure’s modal frequencies and demonstrated that there are no ‘line-up’ effects, where a forcing frequency from the fluid, and the structure’s modal frequencies, coincide to produce excessive vibration. Results presented are for a single operating condition. The same simulations, combining CFD and FEA, were undertaken across the operating range and no system response was observed. No significant vibration risks were identified by the detailed analysis.

Image courtesy of Siemens

Figure 3 – Surface-average RMS pressure on internal pipe wall.

Closing remarks

Application of the EI guidelines to assess FIV identified a number of vibration risks in the system assessed, so detailed analysis was needed. The detailed analysis using CFD and FEA demonstrated that there was no significant vibration risk in the system. The starting point for a FIV assessment will continue to be based on desktop approaches like the EI guidelines. In cases where a vibration risk is identified, flow and structural analysis has the potential to better inform engineers of actual system behaviour and the options available. Analysis best practices are not yet widely available but the tools are there and methods exist to help ensure the design and operation of safe and efficient production systems.

Image courtesy of Siemens

Figure 4 – Pointwise maximum Von-Mises stress. 17 Hz

37 Hz

i. i.

Image courtesy of Siemens

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The Njord A platform is currently at Kvaerner’s yacht in Stord for refurbishment.

Photo courtesy of Thomas Sola/Statoil

Major Milestone: PDO’s for Njord and Bauge Approved Plans for develoPment and oPerations (Pdo) for the njord and Bauge fields in the norwegian sea have Been approved by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

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Facts and Figures

The project targets to keep Njord in production until 2040.


he original PDO for the Njord field was submitted more than twenty years ago. The field will now produce for another twenty years, and the project partners have decided to upgrade and reuse both the Njord A platform and the Njord Bravo FSO in order to extend the lifetime of the Njord and Hyme fields. The Bauge field is planned to be developed and tied back to the Njord platform, taking advantage of the existing Hyme infrastructure. The Bauge field development concept includes one subsea template, two oil producers and one water injector. Next year, the Njord partners will award the contract for upgrading the Njord Bravo FSO. Total gross capital expenditures for both fields will be around EUR 2 billion. First oil is scheduled for the end of 2020.

and Bauge are important fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and key fields in DEA’s portfolio,” says Hans-Hermann Andreae, Managing Director of DEA Norge. “The project targets to keep Njord in production until 2040, and both this development and the extended lifetime are important for the Norwegian oil and gas industry,” adds Mr Andreae. Mr Torger Rød, Head of Project Development at Statoil, comments, “We are pleased that the authorities have now approved the plans for Njord and Bauge, two important fields on the Norwegian continental shelf. The investments will trigger high activities and spin-offs for Norwegian citizens and the Norwegian supply industry.”

High Activities and Spin-Offs

i. i.

“The approval of the PDO marks an important milestone for the projects. Njord

Image courtesy of Statoil

Artist impression of the Bauge field.

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Njord – Upgrading of Existing Platform • First oil in 1997. • Njord has been on stream for 6,821 days, and 54 wells have been drilled so far. Ten new production wells are planned in the field. • In 2016, the Njord A platform was towed to Kvaerners yard at Stord, where it now is undergoing refurbishment. The Njord Bravo FSU was towed ashore to Kristiansund. • 2P Reserves (certified by RPS Group): 138 million barrel oil equivalent (gross). • Capital expenditure Njord Future: about EUR 1.7 billion. • Partners: DEA Norge AS 50%, Statoil (operator) 20%, Engie E&P Norge AS 20%, Faroe Petroleum 7.5% and VNG Norge AS 2.5%. Bauge – New Field • Located some 16km north-east of the Njord A platform; • The development concept includes one subsea template, two oil producers and one water injector. • 2P Reserves (certified by RPS Group): 59 million barrel oil equivalent (gross). • Capital expenditures: about EUR 400 million • Partners: DEA Norge AS 27.5%, Statoil (operator) 35%, ENGIE E&P Norge AS 10%, Point Resources AS 17.5%, Faroe Petroleum Norge AS 7.5%, VNG Norge AS 2.5%.

Image courtesy of Statoil

Njord and Bauge are important fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

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07-08-17 14:01


Buchan Oil Production Vessel to be Decommissioned in Shetland After 36 yeArs And Almost 150mm bArrels of oil, the buchan Alpha facility in the UK north sea ceased production.

Photo courtesy of Repsol Sinopec

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Developing competitive decommissioning capability in the UK’s supply chain is a priority outlined in both of the OGA’s decommissioning and supply chain strategies.


uchan Alpha is a semi-submersible moored floating production vessel (originally a drilling rig). The decommissioning plans had been developed well, and ultimate dismantling and recycling of the vessel was competitively tendered. repsol sinopec resources UK awarded the contract to Veolia to be carried out at its Dales Voe site in Lerwick, Shetland. Bill Dunnett, Managing Director of Repsol sinopec resources UK, says, “buchan Alpha has made a huge contribution to the UK economy throughout its life, producing more than three times the volume of oil that was originally predicted. We are pleased the decommissioning phase will create further sustained value for the UK supply chain and additional employment for Shetland, building a new model for full facility decommissioning in the UK. I would also like to pay tribute to the offshore asset team, who have safely and professionally operated this facility up to its planned cessation of operations date and will continue to do so through decommissioning.”

Buchan Alpha has produced more than three times the volume of oil that was originally predicted.

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Paul Wheelhouse, Scottish Government Minister for Business, Innovation and energy, states: “this is great news, which clearly demonstrates the skills, capabilities and competitiveness of Scotland’s supply chain in securing this contract. Decommissioning is an emerging, but growing, activity, with EUR 20 billion expected to be spent in the North Sea over the next decade, as mature fields reach this stage in their project lifecycle. We are already seeing Scottish-based firms seizing opportunities, and securing the lion’s share of value from a range of decommissioning activities, including project management of decommissioning programmes and highvalue well-plugging and abandonment activity. The Scottish Government is committed to supporting Scottish industry

to win decommissioning activities such as the buchan Alpha, with, among other things, the EUR 5.7 million Decommissioning Challenge fund and the decommissioning Action Plan developed by our enterprise agencies.” Gunther Newcombe, Operations Director of the Oil & Gas Authority, says: “Developing competitive decommissioning capability in the UK’s supply chain is a priority outlined in both of the OGA’s decommissioning and supply chain strategies. The OGA is delighted to see the award of buchan Alpha decommissioning to Veolia’s dales Voe site in shetland as this represents a major step in developing a deeper water decommissioning facility in the UK.” Estelle Brachlianoff, Senior Executive VicePresident Veolia UK & Ireland adds: “We are delighted with the award of the prestigious Buchan Alpha decommissioning contract. We will be targeting a recycling rate of over 98% at the new Dales Voe decommissioning facility in lerwick where we will develop strong relationships with the local community and work closely with our partners, Peterson and Lerwick Port Authority to boost the local economy by creating 35 jobs.” The vessel commenced production in 1981 from the Buchan field, located in blocks 21/1A and 20/5A, approximately 156km northeast of Aberdeen, and has subsequently also produced from the nearby Hannay field. Repsol Sinopec resources UK has secured oil & Gas Authority approval to suspend production of both the Buchan and Hannay fields and is conducting an area strategy review to screen potential field redevelopment options. i.

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03-08-17 14:23

Created and produced by




Register now Offshore Energy attracts a global audience of more than 12,000 offshore energy industry professionals. The three-day event, features an exhibition where over 650 companies will showcase their products and services. The accompanying conference addresses current and future issues in the offshore industry, covering developments in oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy. See you in Amsterdam!

Supported by

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Platinum Sponsors

03-08-17 14:40

People Christoph Slichter

Kjersti Kleven

Craig Smith

Oliver Stettner

General Manager Brazil


Marine Projects Manager

Country Manager Indonesia

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

DEA has appointed Christoph Schlichter new General Manager for Brazil. Mr Schlichter, who will be responsible for evaluating market opportunities in the Brazilian upstream industry, joined DEA in 2001. Within the organisation he assumed various management roles.

SEA Europe has appointed Kjersti Kleven as the Association’s new Chair for a period of two years, starting on 1 July 2017. Ms Kleven is co-owner and Chair of the Board of the Norwegian shipbuilder Kleven Maritime. She has served as a board member and Chair of the Norwegian Association of Maritime Industries for a total of seven years, and was one of the Vice Chairmen of SEA Europe.

Viking SeaTech has continued its global expansion by setting up a new office in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. To support this growth, the company has appointed industry expert Craig Smith as Marine Projects Manager to head up business activity in the region. Mr Smith, a Canadian Master Mariner with more than 20 years’ marine experience, joins the company in response to growing demand for Viking SeaTech’s services in Newfoundland.

Global Maritime has appointed Oliver Stettner as Country Manager for Indonesia. He will be tasked with growing Global Maritime’s Indonesian business, as well as spearheading the company’s renewables efforts across the Asia Pacific. Mr Stettner has extensive experience in hydrodynamic and structural analysis and marine warranty surveying, particularly in the offshore-wind industry.

Michael Glavind

John Lloyd

Les Wood




Clément Mochet Evan Zimmerman


sea europe

appointment at


A2SEA’s Board of Directors has appointed Michael Glavind as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of A2SEA. Mr Glavind previously held the position of Chief Financial Officer at the company. Mr Glavind replaces Jens Frederik Hansen, who is leaving A2SEA by mutual agreement.

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appointment at

nautical institute Captain John Lloyd has been appointed as the Nautical Institute’s new Chief Executive Officer. He takes over from Philip Wake, who is retiring after fourteen years in the job. In his previous role as Chief Operating Officer, Mr Lloyd had overall responsibility for the Institute’s specialised training services, including the industry-standard Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) accreditation and certification scheme.

Viking seatech

global maritime

appointment at

appointment at

Following an executive search process led by the Nominations Committee, the Board of Tullow has appointed Les Wood as Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Mr Wood joined Tullow in 2014 and was the Group’s Vice President for Commercial and Finance before being appointed interim CFO. Previously, he worked for BP plc for 28 years in various positions including regional CFO roles in Canada and the Middle East.

Vryhof has made two senior appointments; Evan Zimmerman (r) as Vice President and Chief Technology Officer and Clément Mochet (l) as Commercial Director for Vryhof’s business unit, Vryhof Anchors. In particular, Mr Zimmerman will support Vryhof in strengthening its mooring equipment technologies. Mr Mochet’s responsibilities will be to grow the Vryhof Anchors’ business worldwide, as well as to serve existing clients.

tullow oil



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03-08-17 14:40

OSI OUTFITTERS PAGES Powerbox Reveals Subsea Power Solution

Safety Partnership Builds on its Success

Powerbox has announced a new technology platform to power industrial applications requiring high reliability and resilience in extreme environments. Designed to power subsea equipment such as gas and oil monitoring and control systems situated on the seafloor, fed from an AC or DC high-voltage line feeder, the PRBX VB410-380 power solution delivers 48V DC with very high reliability and resilience. The unit comprises a pre-stage converter and a secondary stage with redundant power modules and, for monitoring and control, a full set of communications and interfaces.

Salvare has secured a number of orders for its Seapod and Mini-Pod life-saving systems through its UK sales agent, SeaSafe, over the last year. The Seapod system is a lightweight, easily deployed, fully interlocking inflatable life-saving platform based on the Carley Liferaft concept. Because of its compactness, it can be stowed on large ships, coastal vessels, small boats, helicopters and aircraft alike. Its smaller cousin, the Mini-Pod, is proving to be just as popular across even more markets. Although it doesn’t take the place of a liferaft or life jacket, the device solves the age-old problems of quick deployment, visibility and staying safely out of the water to avoid hypothermia.



Orlaco’s HD IP-Cameras: Perfect Vision, More Flexibility Dutch manufacturer Orlaco have introduced their new line of HD IP cameras for the maritime and offshore industry. The new AF and PTZ network cameras support TCP/IP and enable digital streaming of high-resolution images. Thanks to the IP technology, the cameras can be connected to any location in a network. Assembly, configuration and adjustments are easier and more time-efficient compared to analog systems. The same goes for service and maintenance. The cameras distinguish themselves by their shock and vibration resistance. They are IP69K watertight and resistant to seawater. Whether it is -40°C or +60°C or a storm is raging, the cameras always provide excellent vision in any location. The HD image sensor provides image quality from 1280x720 pixels with 60 fps, and can be adjusted to 1920x1080 pixels with 30 fps. The light-sensitive camera is equipped with a retractable infrared filter for optimal vision in the dark. The cameras use the ONVIF protocol and meet all IMO recycling guidelines. Every camera is delivered with a Green Passport/IHM certificate. Design, engineering, production and testing of the camera, monitor systems and accessories are all carried out in the Netherlands, according to the highest international quality standards. i.

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04-08-17 09:30

OSI OUTFITTERS PAGES Hatenboer-Water Introduces Tethys

A First-of-Its-Kind Gas Sampling System

Hatenboer-Water introduces Tethys, a new range of Reverse Osmosis (RO) water generators. The RO unit desalinates seawater and offers a safe and durable alternative to standard, fresh-water bunker facilities. Due to its robust and compact format, Tethys provides the perfect solution for unmanned platforms and vessels requiring up to 6m3 of fresh water per day. It is set up modularly, with different filtration options and a plug-andplay frame, which is easily installed and commissioned.

Explosions following a gas release are a major offshore hazard due to the catastrophic consequences that tend to result. Martek Marine has developed a first-ofits-kind system to improve offshore crew safety through the use of advanced gas sampling technology. Based on the MM5001 Gas Sampling System, the bespoke setup comprises four independent systems designed for the sequential sampling of hydrocarbon gas, as well as sequential sampling and continuous monitoring of oxygen. The sampling activities are focused on the ballast and condensate tanks in addition to continuous monitoring of supply headers within the FPU.



IndraControl XM2201: Robust hardware for extreme environments

High-Pressure Hydraulic Solutions

Six European and American certification boards have approved Bosch Rexroth’s IndraControl XM22 control hardware for use on ships and offshore installations even under extreme ambient conditions. The certifications include the control hardware and extension modules for the expansion of the communication interfaces, as well as the applicationspecific modules of the fast IndraControl S20 I/O portfolio. IndraControl XM is the latest powerful controller with IP20 protection. The XM embedded controller uses IEC 61131-compliant programming tools for PLC programs as well as motion-control tasks to regulate electric, hydraulic and electro-hydraulic drives. i.

Many industrial applications require effective and reliable hydraulic power supplies, but high-pressure applications bring an added dimension that demands specific design solutions. Oilgear has applied almost 100 years of design experience to deliver a range of solutions that incorporate innovation and flexibility. One of the key products in the high-pressure arena is Oilgear’s PFCM range. The PFCM pumps are made using heavyduty construction materials that have enabled many of these units to operate for over 40,000 hours before inspection and reconditioning becomes necessary. Designed to deliver high-pressure supplies, up to 14,500 psi (1,000 bar) with most hydraulic fluids, this range of hydraulic pumps is well-suited to a broad scope of applications. i.

>> www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str

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04-08-17 09:30

OSI OUTFITTERS PAGES VOSSRingM Certified for Marine and Gas Applications

World’s First 600mm Thick Slab Cast Dillinger’s continuous casting machine CC6 has set a record, producing the world’s first slab with a thickness of 600mm. Precisely one year after the official introduction of this new line, high-quality input material for the Dillinger heavy plate rolling mill can now be manufactured in the largest slab dimensions – up to 2,200mm x 600mm. Such slabs are used in the manufacture of plate with extremely large dimensions and unit weights. Dillinger states that benefits for customers in the offshore wind power industry include less welding for larger components. The company will employ the line to continue the development of new steels with extreme surface requirements and unusual dimensions. i.

Vibrations, saltwater and high pressures – hardly any sector places such strict requirements on coupling technology as the marine and offshore industry. With the metallic sealing VOSSRingM, VOSS Fluid provides an appropriate solution with overtightening protection. DNV GL has tested the cutting ring and released it for the international market for a maximum nominal pressure of 800 bar. The release also applies to operation with hydraulic and lubricating oil, heavy fuel oil, steam and even for the safe transport of fresh water and seawater. The auditors also performed bursting pressure, leakage and combined pressure impulse and bending fatigue strength tests. During this, the VOSSRingM with its optimum tube notching and its geometric reinforcements achieved the highest degree of protection against leaks and compressive strength. i.

Vesper Marine Releases DeckWatch App Versatile Linear Luminaire Barthelme LED Solutions has developed a fully encapsulated plastic linear LED luminaire, AQUALUC S:OLID, offering a genuine alternative to conventional linear luminaires with metal housing. The LED technology is protected by a closely meshed polyurethane-ceramic encapsulation, which shields it from its surroundings. The luminaire has a rating of IP 68 and can be operated permanently underwater. Ceramic content in the polyurethane ensures efficient heat dissipation and a long lifetime of more than 60,000 hours. In addition, the linear luminaire has an impact test rating of IK 10 and is therefore highly robust. i.

Vesper Marine has released the deckWatch smartwatch app. With this new app users can obtain critical safety information instantly and anywhere at sea. Safety data and alerts are sent directly from Vesper Marine smartAIS devices to a smartwatch, without the need for a ‘phone or tablet to relay the information. Users can see the bearing and distance of a vessel that is a collision risk. The smartwatch is simply tapped to mark the precise location once the anchor is dropped and will also monitor if the anchor is dragging. If a MOB situation is registered, a dedicated audible alarm is triggered. The user is simultaneously alerted with continuously updated bearing and range to the person in the water. Additional information, such as depth, speed and wind speed, is also available for at-a-glance accessibility. i.

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AncoferWaldram Steelplates bv P.O. Box 190 4900 AD Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 491 500 F +31 (0)162 429 806 E I Over 100,000 tons of quality heavy steel plates in stock AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. (AWS) is a stockholding wholesaler and steel service center, specializing in the supply of hot-rolled heavy carbon steel (quarto) plates, and profiled parts for more than 40 years now. Over the years, AWS has developed into a business that sets the standard for its industry. Plates from stock or profiled parts The choice is yours! It is the combination of comprehensive stocks of over 100,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant that gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.


Cramm HLS BV P.O. Box 186, 9100 AD Dokkum The Netherlands T +31 (0)88 457 0457 F +31 (0)88 457 0458 E I Contact: Paul Boelens Cramm HLS BV is a sister company of Cramm Yachting Systems (www. Cramm HLS delivers equipment for safe and secure landing and handling of helicopters. One of the products is the helicopter landing grid (, which is used for safe landing in rough conditions. We also provide helicopter moving systems and deliver hangardoors. Our 60-year anniversary ensures that we offer quality based on our experience. www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str

yellowpages 10-4.indd 61

DBR BV Lelystraat 53 – NL-3364 AH P.O. Box 1039 – NL-3360 BA Sliedrecht –The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 613 200 F +31 (0)184 612 654 E I Contact: H.J. Hafkamp DBR BV is the Dutch specialist in diesel and gas generator sets up to 4,000kVA, pumps and diesel pump sets up to 2,000kW in the oil and gas, wind farm, dredging and shipping industry worldwide. The well-engineered generator and pump sets are custom-built and assembled by DBR in accordance to high quality offshore standards and marine classification rules.

Delta SubSea 550 Club Dr, Suite 345 Montgomery, Texas 77316, USA T +1936-582-7237 I Delta SubSea (DSS) is a leading integrated independent provider of ROV Services and Solutions. Delta SubSea’s ROV fleet is focused on solutions for customers in the inspection, repair and maintenance, construction, drilling and decommissioning market segments. In addition to ROV Services, DSS also provides Subsea Project Management, Subsea Project Support Services, Subject Matter Experts and Client Representation for Diving/ROV/Subsea Construction.

Gebhard Electro Innovatiepark 14, 4906 AA Oosterhout P.O. Box 61, 4900 AB Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 452 888

F +31 (0)162 433 761 E I Contact: Ton Versluis / Richard van de Wiel Gebhard Electro is a globally operating company specialised in the design, production, installation and maintenance of electrical systems for the maritime shipping industry. We collaborate with leading shipyards on every continent. Gebhard Electro has been specialised in the high-tech world of shipbuilding since 1946. Our activities vary greatly: from just one specific task to the execution of entire projects or the management and co-ordination of all activities of all participating contractors. From our own facility in China we are in a position to deliver at competitive rates. Gebhard Electro, your one-stopshop for development / engineering / production / installation / repair service

Heinen & Hopman Produktieweg 12 3751 LN Spakenburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)33 299 25 00 F +31 (0)33 299 25 99 E I Contact: J.W.E. Hopman Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: – Superyachts. – Commercial shipping. – Offshore industry. – Navy vessels. Our mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 Pantone 299

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service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres.

Hubel Marine B.V. Karel Doormanweg 5, 2nd Floor 3115 JD Schiedam P.O. Box 3219 3003 AE Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 458 7338 F +31 (0)10 458 7662 E I Twitter: HubelMarine Contact: Mr Erik A. de Koning M +31 (0)6 53724457 Hubel Marine is a full-service firm for advice regarding Vessel Registration, Mortgage Registration, Seafarer Endorsements and Technical Flag State matters. We represent the flags of Panama, Belize and St.Kitts & Nevis. We are fully authorised to perform Safety Surveys and issue Statutory & Class Certification including ISM, ISPS and MLC audits. We provide services for any type or tonnage of vessel worldwide.

Nicoverken Marine Services BV Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 E I Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 4 | 6 1

03-08-17 14:16

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YELLOW & FINCH PAGES including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!

equipped with own shore cranes up to 208 tons. Floating cranes up to 1,500 tons are available.

Constructive Solutions

Orga Offshore Strickledeweg 13 3125 AT Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 208 5566 F +31 (0)10 437 8445 E I Contact: Cindy J ouvenaar - Heskes Driving innovation with safety always in mind Dutch company Orga has over 40 years’ experience providing customised explosion-proof safety lighting and aids with navigation solutions for the offshore oil and gas industries. Widely used around the world, Orga products meet all local and international code requirements providing robust, reliable and cost effective service in some of the harshest offshore environments. With increasing demands from the oil and gas industries for pioneering technology, improved safety and reduced total cost of ownership, Orga’s continuing drive for innovation has developed the very latest cuttingedge in helideck lighting, marine navigational aids and remote power systems. For more information please visit

rhb stevedoring & warehousing Waalhaven N.Z. 4 3087 BL Rotterdam Portnumber 2157 The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 94 33 F +31 (0)10 429 02 61 E I rhb stevedoring & warehousing is your independent partner for project cargoes, heavy lifts and assisting offshore vessels during mobilisation or demobilisation. Our private terminal with 730 metres quay length is www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str

Rometal B.V. Patrijsweg 10 4791 RV Klundert The Netherlands T +31 (0)168 331 490 E I Contact: Martijn van Manen We are your partner in delivering all kinds of high-tension (S690, S890 and S960) steel structures and even inclusive electrical and hydraulics, if so required. We can be your turn-key partner in the supply, engineering and on-board installation of heavy lift equipment, land and offshore wind structures and (de)mobilisations. Also complete document control according to the class bodies lies in our expertise. With our two facilities we have all disciplines in house to enable us to serve our clients in an efficient and reliable way. We are completely certified according to our customer standard. For more details, please phone us and/or check our website:

Seaway Heavy Lifting Albert Einsteinlaan 50 2719 ER Zoetermeer The Netherlands T +31 (0)79 363 77 00 F +31 (0)79 363 77 99 E I Seaway Heavy Lifting is a leading offshore contractor in the global Oil & Gas and Renewables industry, offering tailored T&I and EPCI solutions*. Seaway Heavy Lifting owns and operates crane vessels Stanislav Yudin and Oleg Strashnov, which have a revolving lift capacity of 2,500mt and 5,000mt respectively. * T&I: Transport & Installation, EPCI: Engineering,

CERTIFIED ROBOT WELDING Vlotstaal Energieweg 16, 2964 LE Groot Ammers The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 601108 E I Contact: Jan van Oosten Vlot Staal is a leading robot welding production company for industrial components. Where other welding companies work mostly with hand welders for certified products, Vlot Staal uses mainly welding robots for component welding within the offshore and crane industries and other highly demanding industries. All activities are certified with the well-known ISO 9001:2014 for organisation and ISO 3834-2 (highest execution class) for welding work. Welding qualifications are certified according to: AWS D1.1, ISO 15614 and ASME IX for robot welding and hand welding. Delivering machined and painted products with a complete manufacturing data book is standard procedure. Check out our website for the full overview. If you want reliability and guaranteed top quality for a fair price, don’t hesitate to contact us. “Once you’ve placed the order, you can let it go”

G.J.Wortelboer Jr. B.V. Quarantaineweg 5, 3089 KP Rotterdam P.O. Box 5003, 3008 AA Rotterdam Harbournr: 2637 The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 2222 F +31 (0)10 429 6459 E I Every now and then anchors and chains must be replaced, so we understand your need for quality and speedy delivery. Wortelboer has what you are looking for. Our enormous stock of anchors and chain cables of all sizes and diameters in both our Rotterdam and China ports gives you the certainty that we can deliver the required materials very quickly and to any port in the world! All our materials are approved by any of the well-known class societies such as LRS, BV, RINA, DNV/GL, ABS and RMRS. Do you have problems with finding the right anchors? Could you use a hand while fitting anchors and chain cables aboard your vessel? We are more than happy to help you with it. Wortelboer has been a reliable partner in the shipping industry for more than 50 years. And that is why our customers keep coming back for more. Do you need anchors and chain cables? Come to WORTELBOER.

Next Issue Main Themes Offshore Energy Amsterdam Adipec Abu Dhabi OTS Brasil Rio de Janeiro FPSO/FLNG Transport & Heavy Lifting

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Please contact us for availability 30 August 2017

Procurement, Construction and Installation Subjects can be changed without prior notice.

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Word on the Sea

Yellow & Finch Publishers’ Tom Dietvorst

Fully Charged During the months before the summer holidays, Group, Rhenus Logistics and Ridderflex. After this, all 85 participants were invited to board a ship we had the pleasure of attending a number of exciting meetings and exhibitions at some beautiful and visit the Broekman terminal, which was very impressive and interesting with its warehouses, locations. cranes, cargos and innovations. The meeting ended North Sea Offshore in Den Helder is an event with a cruise through the Rotterdam port area, for the Dutch oil, gas and wind industry. This year, providing the opportunity to network while enjoying the morning was taken up with presentations the view and good weather. and workshops given by various companies. The Oil & Gas Conference, Bluestream Offshore gave organised by Deloitte, was held in a perfect insight into the Rotterdam. This 15th occurrence development and possibilities offered by the Remote Operated of the event was once again Vehicle. They presented their a great success, with around points of view on both the 300 international attendees. In We are ready for the the Cruise Terminal, speakers impact and the opportunities created by this innovation. In the EBN, KVGN, Shell and host second half of the year! from afternoon, the well-organised company Deloitte inspired the event continued at the beautiful audience to contemplate the Theater de Kampanje, with presentations and time various ways of preparing for the energy transition to network. and how best to seize the opportunities it brings And, of course, there was Offshore Wind and utilise digitalisation. Energy in London. An amazing event, which took Now, after a long and warm summer, batteries place in East-London. A positive atmosphere, not are fully charged again at Yellow & Finch Publishers very crowded, but once again a good exhibition, and we are ready for the second half of the year. attended by thousands of leading and emerging I hope you are too and I look forward to seeing you players in the wind energy sector from all over in Aberdeen! the globe, confirming the growing importance of offshore wind. On 13 June, Broekman Logistics hosted an IRO member meeting in Rotterdam. Five new IRO members had the chance to introduce themselves: Tom Dietvorst Auxilium Offshore, OOS International, Prysmian

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OSI 2017 | VOLUME 10 | ISSUE 4


OSI VOL. 10 ISSUE 4 | 2017

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De Radiamatic® HTS IIsealing is een solutions, PTFE variant uit de Simmerring® Freudenberg High-tech prevent saltwater from familie. Deze hoogwaardige PTFE Afdichting (FDA,systems EC 1935)and zetoil defrom nieuwe stanentering the drive-enclosure of propulsion leaking daard voor roterende en spindels welke worden ingezet in de proces into the ocean. This is assen fundamental Freudenberg Sealing technologies. industrie. Hoge temperatuur chemische We work unseen and invisibly en – but we keep bestendigheid, things moving !lage wrijving, geen stick-slip en een hygiënisch design zijn slechts een paar van de vele voordelen bij gebruik van de Radiamatic® HTS II.

Escape from Dangerous Diving DIVINg EqUIPMENT & SERVIcES

Confidence in Oil and Gas ExPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT


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