OSI 2017 | VOLUME 10 | ISSUE 6
OSI VOL. 10 ISSUE 6 | 2017
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Editor’s note
Transition We are noW In the last feW months of thIs year and lIke many other organIsatIons, yelloW & fInch PublIshers has fInalIsed Its Plans for 2018. makIng Plans for a neW year Is hardly PossIble WIthout lookIng back and In doIng so, 2017 can In many Ways be consIdered as a year of transItIon. If there was a contest in our industry for the word of the year, then I think ‘transition’ would be a clear 2017 winner. transition was one of the main topics talked about at almost every exhibition or conference. In the media, transition was the recurring theme and many companies named transition in their plans for meeting market requirements. nobody can deny the issue of energy transition. to realise the co2 reduction goals of many countries, steps are required for decreasing the energy supply from oil and gas in favour of renewables. With this in mind, 2017 is the year in which this energy transition passed a point of no return, with recordbreaking price reductions in tenders for new to build offshore windfarms. In our industry 2017 was a year of transition, and not only regarding renewable energy. after years of hardships, the past twelve months have shown signs of recovery in oil and gas business, with companies once again investing in new and existing facilities. It is certainly too early to state that the industry is in healthy shape again, but for the market as a whole, it looks like the worst is over. though we should not underestimate the fact that many sectors in our industry still have a long way to go. offshore Industry is a magazine reflecting the many industry’s occurrences. this issue will cover ample interesting stories from a broad range of companies and organisations. they share with us their enthusiasm about the things they are doing, and reveal all the impressive things that our industry is capable of. arno dirkzwager | editor arno@ynfpublishers.com
enjoy reading!
arno dIrkzWager
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Voorwoord 10-6.indd 1
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 1
02-11-17 10:18
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2 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Vo l um e 10 | Issue 6
Content OSI 10-6 def.indd 2
Offshore Industry | ShipBuilding Industry SuperYacht Industry | Maritime Services Directory w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
02-11-17 10:19
contents osi
12 The Solution for the Future 42 A Long Track Record
16 CO Storage Partnership 2
20 Reducing Risks of Annular Pressure Build-Up
40 Unlocking World’s Smaller Offshore Gas Assets
42 30
30 Marea, the Highest-Capacity Atlantic Subsea Cable
10 Wind Can Provide 30% of Europe’s Power by 2030 19 MOU for Offshore Wind in Taiwan 37 The Sky is the Limit 46 World’s First Floating Windfarm 48 Blasting on a Higher Level
34 Transport Engineering
26 Focus on Local Impact and Global Leadership
50 A Corporate View on an Industry in Transition
1 Editor’s Note 4 News In Brief 57 People
58 Outfitters Pages 62 Yellow & Finch Pages 64 Word On The Sea www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str y.eu
Content OSI 10-6 def.indd 3
On the Cover Hywind Scotland, the first floating windfarm in the world, has started to deliver electricity to the Scottish grid. It was officially opened on 18 October by the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon. Read more on page 46. Photo courtesy of Ørjan Richardsen/ Woldcam/Statoil. OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 3
02-11-17 10:19
news in brief Royal IHC to Build New Reel Lay Vessel Royal IHC and Subsea 7 have signed a contract for the design and construction of a new reel-lay vessel. This high specification vessel will be capable of installing complex, rigid flowlines including pipe-inpipe systems. In close cooperation with Subsea 7, IHC has incorporated several innovative features to make this the most technologically advanced vessel to date. The vessel’s compact dimensions are facilitated by the creative positioning of its three engine rooms and main reel, efficient use of the superstructure, and low-profile pipelay ramp. The smart use of space opens a large aft working deck, whilst the optimised mass distribution minimises the ballast water requirement. With model tank testing already having been performed, Subsea 7 can be confident that it will receive a vessel from IHC that excels in performance, both in transit and in DP conditions, and provides maximum comfort for the crew. Delivery of the vessel is planned for early 2020.
4 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Vo l um e 10 | Issue 6
• News in brief OSI 10-6 def.indd 4
Congratulations to Damen Shipyards on their 90th anniversary!
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02-11-17 10:21
news in brief DONG Energy will Become Ørsted Following its profound strategic transformation from black to green energy and the recent divestment of the upstream oil and gas production, DONG Energy has asked its shareholders to approve a change of its company name to Ørsted. Thomas Thune Andersen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, says: “DONG was originally short for Danish Oil and Natural Gas. With our profound strategic transformation and the divestment of our upstream oil and gas business, this is no longer who we are. It is therefore the right time to change our name.” The new name references the innovative Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted (1777-1851). Ørsted spearheaded several scientific discoveries, including the discovery of electromagnetism in 1820, which helped lay the scientific foundation for how today’s societies are powered.
Successful Tests Stevshark Rex in Australian Calcarenite Rock Vryhof has successfully completed extensive field tests with the Stevshark Rex anchor in Australian waters, proving its suitability for hard soils and carbonate rocks. This completely new anchor, with its radically new fluke and shank geometries, has already been designated by insiders as the ‘game changer’ in the mooring industry. In 2016, tests were carried out with positive results in the North Sea, famed for anchoring problems with stiff clays. In early 2017, the new anchor was used successfully in the United Arab Emirates on cemented soils. For the most recent test, Vryhof selected test sites offshore Australia in close collaboration with Woodside Energy. The 18t anchor with 7.2t ballast was tested in one hundred meters of water at four different locations, each with their own ‘extreme’ soil characteristics. For the execution of the tests, Farstad’s Far Scorpion, having a bollard pull of 251t, was deployed. All of the tests were successful with the holding power of the Stevshark Rex exceeding all expectations.
GustoMSC Reveals SEA-3250-LT In 2008 the European offshore wind market had a desperate need for new installation equipment as the older civil construction jack-ups were much too small. Since history seems to repeat itself in the emerging US offshore wind market, GustoMSC introduced specific US jack-up designs earlier this year. Now this reputable design & engineering company complements the series of Jones Act compliant installation units with an economical alternative for safe and efficient wind turbine installation in the US: the SEA-3250-LT installation jackup. With various US design solutions, ranging from the large self-propelled jack-up design (NG-98000C-US) and the NG-3750C feeder unit to a low cost installation jackup, GustoMSC provides a full range of options to resolve this bottleneck for the US offshore wind market based on different operational and financial scenarios.
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• News in brief OSI 10-6 def.indd 5
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 5
02-11-17 14:04
§ § §
Production sites in Vlissingen (NL), Middelburg (NL), Roosendaal (NL), and Malle
§ (BE)
Excellent design and engineering department Technical expertise in steel, concrete and timber construction, offshore and bridge construction Innovative and creative elaboration for each (turnkey) project
Production capacity per year: circa 50,000 tons of steel
Offshore (High-grade) construction
Offshore equipment (production/installation)
Offshore service crew
Fabrication yards and own quays, beside open water (Vlissingen & Middelburg)
HILLEBRAND Frankrijkweg 5 Harbour number 5994 4389 PB Vlissingen East The Netherlands
6 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Vo l um e 10 | Issue 6
• News in brief OSI 10-6 def.indd 6
w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
02-11-17 14:04
High Tech Metal Seals (HTMS) is a privately owned company, founded in 1999 by a group of sealing specialists. They design and manufacture elastic and resilient metal seals which are highly equipped to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, making them flexibly adaptive to a wide array of environments. • Metal O-Seals • Spring Energised Metal O-Seals • Metal C-Seals • Spring Energised Metal C-Seals • Spring Energised Aluminum C-Seals • Metal Oysterseals® • Metal Commaseals® Their versatility in extreme conditions includes: cryogenic to high temperatures, ultra-high vacuum to intensely elevated pressures (reaching 10,000 bars), subsea settings, radiation and corrosive media. Whereas conventional sealing yields to fatigue, permeability and fugitive emissions, HTMS highly flexible metal seals offer a long-life sealing dependability as a result of its self-energised design principle and its use of super alloys. Particularly, super alloy fabricated metal seals such as Alloy 625 and Alloy 718 measure up to the NACE or API 6A standards of resilience in extreme conditions. • Seal diameter range from 5mm up to 4m • Seal cross sections from 0.79mm to 12.70mm • Temperatures from -270°C up to +650°C (higher temperatures on request) • Subsea, radiation, corrosive media, etc. • Unlimited shelf life • In-house plating and coating facilities (silver, nickel, gold, tin, PTFE, PEEK)
ov W em i n be Am d E u r 2 s ro 8 w ter p e – 3 in d 0 d e am C o n , 2 u r , f e 01 t o p he r e 7 e. N nc D or e e ec g / the & I r em c o rl E x an b n f an h i er i e x ds b i t Ki m e 1 io sh x 2 20 n 17 i r Is 2 0 – 1 a n la 1 4 7 n ,2 im d 01 ex 7 .ir /p Fe or br ta S u ua l/ b s ry en 7 e Ab a -U S er E x – 9 w de p o , 2 w e 0 18 w n, .s U ub K se ae M ar xp o. A s ch co i a 14 m M P – ar a c 16 i w na i f i , 2 w B c w a M 018 .a y ar p m Sa i t a r nd i m e M i t s, ar im S 20 e . ing 1 8 O T ch co a C 20 m po A Ku s – re al i a 23 ,2 20 a L 01 1 8 um 8 .o p t c ur as , M ia a Ap . o la r r g ys D e il 6 ia M –7 Am a r , 2 s it 0 w ter i m e 18 w d , w am O f .c ar , N fsh r i et o r er h e Ap e b er & e u lan D r ril M 9 r s ds e d CE – .n gi ng l M D e 11 ila e , 2 Ca p n 0 rr w m , c e Ita a t 18 iè re d d ly e r be De .c ur om ve s lo pm en t
O E ffs ve h n or ts e
ISO 9001
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• News in brief OSI 10-6 def.indd 7
April OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 7
02-11-17 14:05
news in brief Subsea 7 Acquires Normand Oceanic Luxembourg Subsea 7 SA has announced an agreement to acquire the remaining 50% shareholdings in its equity accounted joint ventures, Normand Oceanic AS and Normand Oceanic Chartering AS, from Solstad Farstad ASA for a nominal cash consideration. Effective from the date of the transaction, the Group will become the sole owner of Normand Oceanic, a flex-lay and heavy construction vessel that is being managed by Solstad Farstad while under long-term charter to a third party. The Group will assume all obligations related to an outstanding loan of approximately $100 million. Normand Oceanic AS and Normand Oceanic Chartering AS will become wholly owned subsidiaries of the Group.
Strategic Partnership Hyundai Electric and Bachmann Pays Off with New Hardware Platform Recently Hyundai Electric and Bachmann Electronic signed a strategic partner agreement. A first sign of their collaboration could be seen at Kormarine, where both companies showed their jointly developed new hardware platform and interface. The M1 integrated technology strengthens Hyundai Electric as a system provider, being able to offer their customers the best performing maritime approved platform for the best price on the market. “The Korean market for maritime industry automation clearly shows signs of a paradigm shift from threat towards innovation” says Ronald Epskamp, Director of Bachmann’s Maritime Business Unit. With their focus on the maritime market, Bachmann has developed dedicated hardware and software products. Hyundai Electric & Energy Systems will add their knowledge of the shipping industry and realise state of the art solutions for their customers.
From right to left: Min Guk Kim, Head of Department at Hyundai Electric & Energy Systems and Bachmann’s Management Board Bernhard Zangerl and Werner Elender.
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SPECIALIST IN HEAT TREATMENT 8 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Vo l um e 10 | Issue 6
• News in brief OSI 10-6 def.indd 8
+31(0)187 - 496940 | WWW.DELTA-HEAT-SERVICES.COM w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
02-11-17 14:05
news in brief Van Oord’s First Coral Engine Operational Van Oord has reached a major achievement in environmentally responsible maritime infrastructure development with the formal delivery and handover of the first coral engine in the Bahamas. The in-house developed innovation is groundbreaking in the maritime industry. A coral engine is an underwater coral nursery that contains both locally sourced coral fragments and sexually produced coral juveniles of varying ages. As the corals grow, the coral engine provides a continuous source of outplaceable corals with which local stakeholders can create and, if necessary, rehabilitate their coral reefs. Recently, the maintenance of the coral engine was handed over to local partners Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas, Bahamas Reef Environment Education Foundation and Royal Bahamas Defence Force. They will maintain the nursery and encourage conservation groups, schools, members of the public and tourists to visit the site and become actively involved with its continued development and the subsequent outplacement activities.
New Service Takes Off At Zeeland Airport Peterson has announced plans to extend its portfolio by developing a passenger terminal at Zeeland Airport to service customers in the renewables industry in the region. Zeeland Airport is located in the province of Zeeland, a mere 3.5km from the port of Vlissingen. Peterson’s new passenger terminal at the site will be just a 15-minute flight from the Borssele Windfarms. Peterson already provides a complete aviation service for personnel that covers the Dutch sector of the North Sea at Den Helder Airport, including the revolutionary helicopter-sharing concept that has taken off in the Netherlands.
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• News in brief OSI 10-6 def.indd 9
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 9
02-11-17 10:21
UK is one of the leading countries in generating electricity with on and offshore wind, for instance with the Dudgeon offshore windfarm.
Wind Can Provide 30% of Europe’s Power by 2030 Image courtesy of Jan Arne Wold/Statoil.
ccording to WindEurope’s projections, Europe could be on course for an average installation rate of 12.6GW per year in the years up to 2020. This would take Europe to a total of 204GW by 2020. By this time, wind (onshore and offshore) would be Europe’s largest renewable energy source, surpassing hydro and providing 16.5% of Europe’s electricity demand. However, this growth is likely to be concentrated in just six countries (Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and UK), with Central and Eastern Europe lagging well behind. The Scenarios for 2030 Report illustrates that wind energy still has enormous growth potential. It shows that wind could provide 30% of Europe’s power by 2030, 10% of this generated by offshore wind. This would also include the repowering or life-extension of roughly half of the EU’s existing wind
1 0 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
Wind Scenarios.indd 10
capacity that will reach the end of its operational life before 2030. Reaching this milestone will be possible if the right policies are in place and significant changes to the energy system are made. This includes greater certainty on long-term revenue stability; significant progress on the system integration of variable renewables, including build-out of the grid and interconnectors, as well as clear policy commitments on electrification. Germany, France and the UK would have the most installed capacity, with respectively 85GW, 43GW and 38GW. France would leapfrog the UK and Spain to second place thanks to the policies being put in place by the new government. Meanwhile, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, and the Netherlands would form an exclusive club of countries sourcing more than 50% of their electricity from wind
w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
02-11-17 10:25
by 2030. This growth would mean 382t million of avoided CO2 emissions annually, unlocking EUR 239 billion in investment from 2017-2030, enabling the wind industry to support 569,000 European jobs by 2030. It would also avoid importing EUR 13.2 billion worth of fossil fuels per year. WindEurope’s CEO, Giles Dickson, explains: “Wind energy is now firmly established as the cheapest form of new power generation. But the outlook from 2020 onwards is uncertain. The industry needs binding and ambitious National Energy & Climate Action Plans that provide clarity on post-2020 volumes, which will allow cost reductions to continue. This requires a good outcome on the EU Clean Energy Package. With an ambitious European renewables target of at least 35% by 2030, the wind industry could deliver even bigger volumes at a competitive cost.” i. www.windeurope.org
Offshore wind power cumulative capacity (GW) to 2030 LOW United Kingdom
Installed capacity onshore and offshore in Europe by 2030.
Installed capacity, power generation and percentage of EU electricity demand met in 2030 INSTALLATIONS (GW)
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Wind Scenarios.indd 11
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 1 1
02-11-17 14:42
StreSS jointS in Steel
The Solution for the Future Words by: peter janSSon – managing director at Scana SubSea ab, willem koningS – technical director and alfred van aartSen – welding engineer at Schelde exotech bv. this article is based on the whitepaper published by the writers on behalf of Sme-cladding bv.
Internal bore cladding of risers is available for lengths up to 18.5m.
PWHT furnace with test risers.
1 2 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
Schelde Exotech.indd 12
Steel catenary riSerS (Scr) are uSed to tranSfer fluidS like oil, gaS and injection water between platformS and the pipelineS. they have been uSed for many yearS for fixed platformS (tlp), and today the trend is that they are seen more and more as an attractive, cost saving riser solution for deep-water, flexible floating offshore facilities, such as semi-submersible platforms and fpSos.
ue to load and environmental conditions, the predominant solution for the Scr to vessel interface has been flexible joints and stress joints in titanium with only a relatively small number of installations with a steel stress joint. this article presents the possibilities that are available with (low alloyed) steel stress joints, and the recent developed manufacturing capabilities. the manufacturing of large and long forgings has improved as a result of developments in steel making, forging and heat-treatment practice. this led to increased cross-section properties and larger forgings made out of most commonly used low alloy steel grades. these stress joints forgings have a specified minimum yield strength level of SmyS 80ksi with good fracture toughness. the properties are achieved and can be maintained as well, with increased yield strength to 90ksi, and still meet tensile strength and hardness limits for sour service. it was proven that the strength of the steel is maintained even after corrosion resistant alloy (cra) clad welding and subsequent post weld heat treatment (pwht). in finite element analysis (fea) calculations for load and fatigue life length, a lower yield strength is used after pwht. Steel grades and manufacturing processes are available for even higher strengths (SmyS up to 120ksi) with relatively good fracture toughness. this improves the ratio of yield strength, which in turn impacts
the design to give the required bending properties and improves stress joint design in non-sour service applications, resulting in both a technical and commercial interesting alternative for flex-joints and titanium stress joints. the development of cra inside diameter (id) clad welding of long heavy wall forgings capability increases the competiveness of the use of steel as it limits the corrosion in high load and fatigue sensitive areas of the stress joint, especially with high quality welds.
Mechanical Properties
in many cases simulated post weld heat treatment (Spwht) was also performed, which has proven that the base material properties are maintained, also after welding and stress leaving. a significant possibility to improve designs with steel, if actual values are achieved instead of traditional material models in fea work for steels structures. with the pwht today, the yield strength drop is less than 2%, which results in 80ksi yield forgings. they remain 80ksi, also after pwht. there is even room to increase strength with the use of new steel grades and manufacturing methods. Steel produced has a large range of properties. it is up to the designers to use the properties they need in their design. today’s machining equipment are so well developed that machining these large sizes of forgings with narrow tolerances are possible. of course, there is experience
w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
02-11-17 14:06
The new welding station uses a twin torch set-up, with each torch using a patented twin electrode head.
Macro of two-layer cladding.
needed to understand how the forgings behave in relation to the machine tools, in order to keep control of cutting data and shape stability when a large amount of steel from a high-strength forging is removed.
CRA Clad Welding
With the recent possibilities to ID clad with low heat input (HI; <0.3kJ/mm), it is possible to PWHT with a comfortable margin to the tempering temperature of the steel. With this PWHT, the sour service requirements of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) were met. The PWHT temperature was significantly lower as the SPWHT at which the original material was tested. With reference to the clad layer after PWHT, the yield strength of the CRA after PWHT was proven to be 90ksi, with an elongation of 44%. The tensile strength of the fusion
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Schelde Exotech.indd 13
Stress Joint Sizes and Mechanical Properties Stress joint design data
Mechanical test data (average as built)
NPS [in]
Length total]/ taper [m]
Taper wall thickness max/min [mm]
Weight/ max OD [kg/mm]
Steel grade
YS/ SMYS [ksi]
Hardness [HB]
Fracture toughness [CTOD, mm at -10°C]
18.1/ 14.6
185/ 59
18120/ 610
A336 F22
84/ 80
18.1/ 16.5
152/ 32
9550/ 650
A182 F22
84/ 80
18.2/ 16.5
170/ 48
14050/ 1143
A182 F22
85/ 80
15.5/ 12.8
169/ 50
13360/ 1143
A707 GR 3W
85/ 80
18.2/ 14.0
98/ 21
10750/ 1143
A707 GR 3W
84/ 80
* Stress joints produced with CRA ID cladding full length.
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 1 3
02-11-17 14:40
SCH 16_003 IMAGE ANZEIGEN_OSI_223x297_RZ.indd 1 Schelde Exotech.indd 14
17.05.16 13:08 02-11-17 10:26
16 13:08
CONSTR UCTION & FABRICATION The YS drop of a large number (90) of SPWHT performed on A182 F22 SMYS 80/85ksi, with conversion of time and temperature to HollomonJaffe parameter Hp.
bonding between the cra layer and the a182 f22 base material, was found to be on the same level as the base material; 110ksi. this was all in line with yield properties of previous tested cra samples. these samples were welded with a conventional gtaw (hot wire) process, and an hi of 1.1-1.7kj/mm. yield strengths of cra after pwht; 90 ksi, or a little more depending on soak time in the pwht procedure. all the cra samples had a chemical composition well below 5% fe, and a fusion line at base material of fl +3mm. this internal bore cladding of stress joints is available for lengths up to 18.5m.
The Cladiator
for cladding 18m long steel risers, Sme cladding, developed the cladiator. the new welding station uses a twin torch set-up, with each torch using a patented twin electrode head. this ensures an extremely high quality weld with a high deposit rate.
the process of the twin electrode furthermore ensures low heat input and dilution rate, enabling lower post-weld heat treatment (pwht) temperatures and thus protecting base material properties. the riser also has to be pre-heated during welding and, after welding, the complete riser requires a post weld heat-treatment. a dedicated pwht furnace was built for this task.
Great Potential
the aforementioned indicates a great potential for further development of designing steel Scr stress joints, for use with existing and new installations, as long as the new manufacturing capabilities are evaluated and introduced early on in a new developmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s design phase. i. www.exotech.nl
The Cladiator
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Schelde Exotech.indd 15
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 1 5
02-11-17 10:26
President for New Energy Solutions. “we are confident that this robust partnership is well-positioned to develop this first-of-akind project”. The three companies share a common vision of a carbon storage infrastructure.
Photo courtesy of Ole Jørgen Bratland
Signing of the partnership agreement. Front – left to right: Stephen Bull, (Statoil, SVP Wind and Low Carbon Solutions), Rich Denny (Shell, Managing Director Norske Shell), Torger Rød, (Statoil, Head of Project Development), Pierre Bang (Total, TEP Norge Managing Director). Back row: Monica Hausenblas (Shell, EVP Safety & Environment), Trude Sundset (Gassnova, CEO), Jérôme Schmitt (Total, Senior VP Innovation & Energy Efficiency).
ecently, Gassnova awarded Statoil the contract for the first phase of the project. Norske Shell and Total E&P Norge are now entering as equal partners, while Statoil will lead the project. All the partners will contribute people, experience, and financial support. The first phase of this CO2 project could reach a capacity of approximately 1.5 million tons per year. The project will be designed to accommodate additional CO2 volumes aiming to stimulate new commercial carbon capture projects in Norway, Europe and across the world. In this way, the project has the potential to be the first storage project site in the world receiving CO2 from industrial sources in several countries. An investment decision
1 6 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
CCS.indd 16
for project implementation is expected to be made by the Norwegian Parliament in 2019.
Robust Partnership
“Statoil believes that without carbon capture and storage, meeting the global climate target as defined in the Paris Agreement is not realistic. A massive scaleup of the number of CCS projects is needed and collaboration and sharing of knowledge are essential to accelerating its development. we are very pleased to have Shell and Total as partners and believe their experience and capabilities will further strengthen this project,” says Irene rummelhoff, Statoil’s Executive vice
“Shell sees CCS as a transformative technology that can significantly reduce emissions from those industrial sectors that will continue to rely on hydrocarbons for decades to come. Shell has significant experience in working with governments and other experts to support the development and wide-scale deployment of CCS and are pleased to be joining forces with our joint venture partners,” says monika hausenblas, Shell’s Executive vice President for Environment and Safety. “Total is integrating the climate challenge into its strategy. Total’s involvement in this first commercial-scale storage project is thus fully aligned with our low-carbon roadmap and our strategy to ultimately become a global CCuS leader,” adds Philippe Sauquet, President, gas, renewables & Power and President, Strategy-Innovation at Total. “The aim of this first integrated industrial-scale project, supported by the Norwegian government, is to develop viable, reproducible commercial CCuS (carbon capture, utilisation and storage) models with a view to carrying out other major projects around the world.”
A Basis for Further Partnership
The storage project will store CO2 captured from onshore industrial facilities in eastern Norway. This CO2 will be transported by ship from the capture facilities to a receiving
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02-11-17 10:27
CO2 will be transported through a pipeline on the seabed to injection wells east of the Troll field on the NCS.
Photo courtesy of Harald Pettersen/Statoil
terminal located onshore on the west coast of Norway. At the receiving terminal, CO2 will be transferred from the ship to intermediate storage tanks, prior to being sent through a pipeline on the seabed to injection wells east of the Troll field on the NCS. There are three possible locations for the receiving terminal; a final selection will be made later this year. The objective for the project, which is supported by Gassnova and other relevant governmental stakeholders, is to stimulate necessary development of CCS so the longterm climate targets in Norway and the EU can be reached. The collaboration will form the basis for establishing a further partnership for the construction and operational phases.
Image courtesy of Statoil
The storage project will store CO2 captured from onshore industrial facilities in eastern Norway.
i. www.statoil.com i. www.shell.com i. www.total.com i. www.gassnova.no
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CCS.indd 17
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 1 7
02-11-17 10:27
PONTOON-CRANE capacity: 200 ton at 25 m; 50 ton at 50 m
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Taiwan.indd 18
02-11-17 10:28
Global Maritime Signs MOU for Development of Offshore Wind in Taiwan Global MaritiMe has siGned a MeMoranduM of understandinG (Mou) with a nuMber of leadinG taiwanese orGanisations to develop closer cooperation on offshore wind technoloGies includinG Marine warranty surveys, inspections and testinG services.
Signing of the MOU. From left to right: Mr. Tso, ChunTo, Director, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research; Mr. Wei, Chia-Min, VP, Metal Industries Research and Development Centre; Mr. Chao, Kuo-Liang, Chairman of the Taiwan C R Classification Society; Egil Kvannli, CEO, Global Maritime; Dr Liou, Ming-Jong, Director General of the Bureau of Standard, Metrology and Inspection (MOEA); Mr. Chang, Chung-Liang, Chairman, Taiwan Electric Research & Testing Center; and Mr. Li, Hai-Ching, President, Electronics Testing Center, Taiwan.
Image courtesy of ITRI
Photo courtesy of Global Maritime.
he signatories to the MOU with Global Maritime included taiwan’s cr classification society (cr); the Metal industries research and development centre (Mirdc); the taiwan institute of economic research (tier); the taiwan electric research & testing center (tertec); and the electronics testing center, taiwan. dr liou, Ming-Jong, director General of the bureau of standard, Metrology and inspection (Moea) witnessed the Mou. Global Maritime provides design, engineering, and marine warranty expertise to support offshore renewable operations whilst reducing risk and environmental impact.
3,000MW Target
the government in taiwan has set a target of 3,000Mw of offshore wind to be constructed by 2025 and decided that nuclear power will be phased out by 2025, cip said. in May 2017, taiwan’s Ministry of economic affairs issued a first-ever
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Taiwan.indd 19
commercial operating license for an offshore windfarm in the country. this 8Mw formosa i phase i windfarm is located 3km off the coast of Miaoli county in north-west taiwan. formosa i is being developed in two phases. the two siemens 4Mw turbines comprising the phase i were installed in october 2016. in phase ii, a further 120Mw of capacity is planned to be added by 2019, subject to final investment decision. in January 2017, Ørsted and Macquarie capital agreed to acquire stakes in the formosa i project. Macquarie capital holds a 50% share in the project; Ørsted controls a 35% stake, and swancor industries the remaining 15%. Ørsted is providing advisory services on the project, with swancor renewable leading the project through site development and construction. Macquarie capital is also working with Ørsted and swancor renewable to complete the development and construction of the project.
Photo courtesy of IHC IQIP
Construction of Formosa 1. The first commercially operated offshore windfarm in Taiwan.
i. www.globalmaritime.com
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 1 9
02-11-17 10:28
Crushable Foam Wrap is a passive APB mitigation system specifically designed to collapse.
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Trelleborg.indd 20
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02-11-17 10:29
Reducing the Risks of Annular Pressure Build-up Due to a continually rising DemanD for hyDrocarbons, the exploration of offshore oil anD gas has moveD past shallow reservoirs to even greater depths. as such, deep-water subsea production systems must now go deeper and reach further than ever before to extract more oil and gas from harsher stores in new locations around the world. as exploration and drilling go deeper, the need to reduce the risk of uncontrolled release of formation fluids throughout the life cycle of a well becomes paramount. WORDS BY anDy smith, customer group manager, trelleborg offshore
he risks associated with annular pressure build-up between the oil well casings cannot be ignored. looking at the evolving market for well integrity, we review how preventing excessive overpressure can protect the steel casing and reduce unplanned downtime.
Under Pressure Andy Smith, Customer Group Manager at Trelleborg.
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Trelleborg.indd 21
annular pressure buildup (apb) refers to pressure increase due to temperature changes in the wellbore that takes place during normal production life of deep-water wells or in worst-case discharge (wcD) conditions. it occurs when the heat generated during production increases the temperature of the fluids confined within the annular spaces of the casings. this increase in the temperature will result in volumetric expansion of fluids and consequently pressure increase, as they are within a sealed annulus. the temperature will vary over the life of the well as a function of the flow rate and fluid composition. on land, opening the casing valve and
venting the pressure to a tank can relieve pressure, but this is not possible in deepwater wells. with no means for the fluid to vent, heat from normal drilling and production operations can cause the trapped fluids to expand. the resulting possible pressures in excess of 10,000psi can create a burst load on the outer casing, and a collapse load on the inner casing. if not managed properly, apb-induced loads can compromise well integrity during production operations. this could potentially lead to a fluid leak or a catastrophic rupture of the inner casing, halting production and shutting down operations.
Mitigation Solutions
over the last twenty years, a wide variety of apb mitigation techniques have been deployed to prevent apb from compromising well designs. the main mitigation solutions currently available include burst disks, collapse disks, nitrified spacers, open shoes, syntactic foam, and vacuum insulated tubing.
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 2 1
02-11-17 10:29
Schelde Exotech is a highly qualified and certified manufacturer of industrial equipment. We build equipment, but we think in solutions. This is why we offer our clients high quality design approach, production techniques and choice of materials.
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EU-1161-Offshore 193x132M.indd 1
2 2 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
Trelleborg.indd 22
12.04.17 20:04
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02-11-17 10:29
Collapsible barriers, like Trelleborg’s Crushable Foam Wrap, are installed in the casing annulus.
Onsite installation of Crushable Foam Wrap.
Installing a collapsible barrier in the casing annulus could prevent catastrophic failure from happening before any potentially dangerous pressure occurs.
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Trelleborg.indd 23
these solutions can be broken down into two types of apb mitigation: • type i mitigation techniques control apb by reducing heat loss from the production tubing to the wellbore, reducing apb in the annuli. • type ii mitigation techniques control apb by reducing annular stiffness (psi/°F) by modifying the annulus contents and wellbore boundaries, or placing pressure regulating devices in the annulus. syntactic foam is classified as a type ii mitigation technique. Vacuum insulated tubing is classified as a type i mitigation technique. while these innovative techniques have developed over time and helped expand the apb mitigation toolkit, selecting the proper mitigation technique is dependent on well, fluids and pipe characteristics. the most effective mitigation solutions for apb allow the fluid trapped within the casing annulus to expand. one such solution currently available is called crushable foam wrap (cfw), a collapsible material manufactured from a rigid polymeric material with a closed cell foam
micro-structure. classified as a type ii mitigation technique, cFw is a passive apb mitigation system specifically designed to collapse within a specified temperature and pressure envelope. this collapsible barrier is typically installed onto the casing’s outer wall, within the b or c annuli of a subsea well, before being immersed within the annulus fluid. this displaces the liquid in the casing annulus when the well is completed. when heat from drilling and production operations causes the trapped liquids to expand, the collapsible barrier acts as a mechanical fuse and collapses within a pre-determined pressure and temperature envelope, allowing expansion of the annulus fluids and dissipation of any potentially hazardous pressure increases. installing a collapsible barrier in the casing annulus could prevent catastrophic failure from happening before any potentially dangerous pressure occurs.
Designed to Collapse
cfw is designed to collapse within a narrow-specified temperature and pressure envelope, which defines the upper limits of
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02-11-17 10:29
Worldwide Solutions in Steel MHF Group designs, engineers and manufactures steel structures and pipe work, principally for the oil and gas, petrochemical, and waste processing industries, and for large-scale harbour installations. MHF Contracting B.V. Scheelhoekweg 1 3251 LZ Stellendam, The Netherlands
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ISO compliant training courses and VCA accredited on-site assistance Lloyds accredited service for Marine & Offshore
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Trelleborg.indd 24
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02-11-17 10:29
pressure and temperature for the well. this increases the remaining volume in the annulus and facilitates a pressure reduction. in the start-up phase, the cfw remains intact, with no significant volume change, unless temperature increases beyond the pre-determined pressure and temperature collapse criteria. as the pressure and temperature in the well rise during operations, the materials begin to compress and relieve pressure in the narrow, confined space of the annulus. if conditions reach certain preset limits, the cfw undergoes a progressive and significant collapse, preventing excessive overpressure and thus protecting the steel casing from failure. the crush mechanism occurs well before the casing collapse pressure, preventing excessive overpressure and reducing the risk of cracking. normally, in a fully sealed annulus, once the foam is crushed there is no need for additional crushing cycles. however, to protect the steel casing from a possible second pressure increase, different foam compositions can be installed to guarantee additional annular volume.
Two different foam compositions installed on pipe to guarantee additional annular volume.
An Issue of Control
the collapse volume is specified by the client and is defined as the calculated volume increase of the annulus fluid brought about by thermal expansion between the installation (or ambient) temperature and the operating temperature. the crush percentage is defined as the amount of compression under isostatic load; the foam will yield as a percentage of the syntactic foam volume. this value is usually between 25â&#x20AC;&#x2030;-â&#x20AC;&#x2030;35%, depending on the particular foam formulation. From the collapse value and crush percentage, a total volume of foam required may be calculated. safety factors are employed during this design stage, ensuring target criteria are always reached.
Case Study
trelleborg manufactured and installed cfw in wells located in the north sea for a major operator. the well had been in service for a number of years when production was suspended. while the well was not producing, a portion of the crushable foam wrap was recovered and returned to trelleborg for testing in its laboratory to establish if it had collapsed in service.
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Crushable Foam Wrap installed and waiting deployment.
Following testing, trelleborg established the foam still had its entire collapse capacity remaining, meaning no over-pressure situation had occurred. this information was fed back to the operator, who confirmed the monitored pressure within the well had not spiked during service. the operator was also pleased to know that after several years of operation, the foam still had its entire collapse capacity remaining intact, indicating no loss of buoyancy or volume over time.
unscheduled downtime due to pipe damage and failures. when the risk of subsea annular pressure build-up exists, well designers should consider appropriate mitigation in the fundamental well design, and look at the entire apb mitigation toolkit to ensure they select the most appropriate mitigation technique for the life of their well. as drilling continues to travel to greater depths in a wide variety of operating temperatures, this requirement will become even greater.
The Most Appropriate Mitigation Technique
i. www.trelleborg.com
throughout the world, many deep-water wells have been identified as having conditions that could cause a trapped annulus and allow apb to affect well integrity, causing a very real risk within the oil and gas industry that result in
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 2 5
02-11-17 10:29
Focus on Local Impact and Global Leadership As the wind industry continues its unprecedented growth, over 8,000 pArticipAnts will be converging At the windeurope conference & exhibition in the AmsterdAm rAi exhibition And convention centre from 28 to 30 november.
35 conference sessions, covering eight topics, will keep attendees up to speed with the latest developments in every aspect of the wind sector.
he event, organised in partnership with windeurope and the netherlands wind Energy Association (NWEA), will build on the tremendous momentum that wind power has achieved in recent years. “Considerable efforts have been made by industry to make renewable energy cheaper than fossil fuels”, says Event Ambassador and Vestas CEO Anders Runevad. “It’s now time for markets, infrastructure and policies to reflect this reality.”
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WindEurope 2017def.indd 26
Local Growth and Global Leadership
The event will have two interlocking areas of focus: a macro-economic overview will demonstrate that wind is powering europe’s transition from fossil fuels to clean energy, while a micro-economic focus will show the immediate benefits wind brings to specific countries and regions in terms of jobs, industry and innovation. This two-tiered approach is the core of WindEurope’s
flagship report, ‘Local Impact, Global Leadership,’ to be presented in Amsterdam. “Wind energy is making significant contributions to national and regional economies,” says WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson. “Amsterdam will highlight this and set out an agenda for how regions in europe and elsewhere can reap the economic benefits of wind.” Over the course of three days, the Dutch capital will become the epicentre of
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02-11-17 13:16
Over 400 exhibitors will be doing business at the event.
WindEurope Conference & Exhibition Date: 28 - 30 November 2017 Venue: RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre (Entrance K), Europaplein 22, NL-1078 GZ Amsterdam Opening hours
Registration desks
Tuesday 28 November
8:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:30*
9:30 - 17:45
Wednesday 29 November
8:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:30
9:30 - 17:30
Thursday 30 November
8:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:30 - 17:00
* You are welcome to attend our official Opening Reception from 17:30 - 19:30
www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str y.eu
WindEurope 2017def.indd 27
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 2 7
02-11-17 14:12
EPCI Providers of
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HSM Offshore BV | P.O. Box 212, 3100 AE Schiedam NL | T +31 (0)10 - 427 92 00 | E sales@hsm.nl | I www.hsmoffshore.com
2 8 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
WindEurope 2017def.indd 28
w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
02-11-17 13:16
WINDEUROPE 2017 AMSTERDAM knowledge exchange, thought-leadership and debate in the wind energy sector. This comes at a particularly urgent time, according to Event Ambassador Markus Tacke, CEO of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, who says, “The challenges of climate change, energy security and europe’s industrial stability are more intense than ever before. Wind power is an important part of the solution.”
The Conference and the Exhibition
In light of this, the Amsterdam conference will deliver insight from the industrial and scientific community, providing delegates with an agenda which encompasses technical, political and commercial content. Event Ambassador Hans-Dieter Kettwig of enercon states that, “the main requirement for the wind industry and green, sustainable growth in Europe is a stable, reliable and long-term political framework post-2020.” Echoing this, Event Ambassador Gunnar Groebler of Vattenfall adds, “Together with European policymakers, we need to discuss how the regulatory environment for renewable energy can support both competitive renewable energy and a firm social and
Seaway Heavy Lifting
political outlook for the energy transition and further renewable growth.” The conference in Amsterdam is where such a regulatory environment will be discussed. These political and market-oriented discussions will make up part of a wideranging conference programme, where 35 conference sessions, covering eight topics, will keep attendees up to speed with the latest developments in every aspect of the wind sector, including market developments, supply chain, turbine technology and much more. In the meantime, the exhibition floor will give major players in the wind industry the chance to connect – over 400 exhibitors will be doing business at this event. Delegates will also have the opportunity to benefit from an abundance of exclusive networking opportunities with confirmed exhibitors including industry leaders such as siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Senvion, Vestas and Prysmian Group. Speaking about the opportunities available at WindEurope’s Conference and Exhibition, Mr Dickson states, “whether you are an industry leader or an emerging player, on or offshore, there is simply no better place to be this year.”
The conference will deliver insight from the industry and scientific community.
List of Conference Topics • • • • • •
Onshore and offshore turbine technology. Resource assessment onshore and offshore. Supply chain, logistics and O&M on land and at sea. Integrating wind power into the electricity market. Health & safety on land and at sea. Environmental impacts, social acceptance & planning on land and at sea. • Financing onshore and offshore wind energy. • Sector coupling / wind supporting the transition in other sectors.
i. www.windeurope.org
Booth No. 2C50
Seaway Heavy Lifting (SHL) is a leading offshore contractor in the global renewables and oil & gas industry, offering tailored solutions for transport & installation (T&I) and engineering, procurement, construction & installation (EPCI). The company owns and operates crane vessels Stanislav Yudin and Oleg Strashnov (2,500mt and 5,000mt lift capacity). In May 2016, SHL was awarded an EPCI contract by Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Limited (BOWL). The contract value is in excess of EUR 1.2 billion. The scope of work includes the engineering, procurement, construction and installation of turbine foundations and array cables and the transport and installation of transmission modules. In April 2017 SHL started with the pre-piling of the turbine foundations as part of this EPCI contract. Seaway Heavy Lifting is performing the work in alliance with Subsea 7.
SPM Marine & Offshore
Booth No. 2B54-B
Many offshore contractors have learned that lengthy forewarning is a prerequisite when bearing and gear failures are developing; maintenance has to be planned well ahead to prevent costly downtime for operation-critical machinery. spm marine & Offshore provides reliable condition monitoring solutions for critical assets like thrusters, cranes, gearboxes and wind turbine drive trains, including main bearings. The patented HD-technology for vibration and shock-pulse monitoring with online and portable instrumentation is Industry 4.0-compatible. With a high level of built-in intelligence, SPM’s condition monitoring solutions provide instant feedback for onshore and offshore stakeholders regarding critical asset machine condition. SPM Marine & Offshore addresses the condition-monitoring needs of the global marine and offshore industry and delivers turnkey solutions.
i. www.spminstrument.com
i. www.seawayheavylifting.com
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WindEurope 2017def.indd 29
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 2 9
02-11-17 13:16
Marea, the Highest-Capacity Atlantic Subsea Cable
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Marea.indd 30
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02-11-17 10:38
LIVING AND WORKING WITHOUT THE INTERNET IS HARD TO IMAGINE. PEOPLE AND COMPANIES ARE GETTING MORE AND MORE DEMANDING WITH REGARD TO WHAT IS EXPECTED FROM THE NETWORK, COUNTING ON 24/7 operation for worldwide communication. On the one hand, it is true that most people are aware of their daily dependence on the internet, but few understand the critical role played by the subsea networks spanning the planet in providing that connectivity.
Spanish for Tide
In order to better meet the demands of their customers, Microsoft and Facebook have agreed to form a partnership for the development, design and implementation of a new 6,400km-long subsea cable connecting Virginia Beach, Virginia, US, and Bilbao, Spain. Global telecommunication infrastructure company Telxius, a subsidiary of telecom provider Telefónica, has joined as the third partner to manage the construction process and operate the cable. Dubbed ‘Marea’, Spanish for ‘tide’, it is the first subsea cable connecting Virginia and Spain. Situating the cable many kilometres south of the current connection points on both continents helps safeguard against natural disasters or other major events disrupting connectivity across the Atlantic. Marea is the highest-capacity subsea cable to cross the Atlantic, providing up to 160 terabits of data per second. That is more than 16 million times faster than the average home internet connection, with the capability to stream 71 million high-definition videos simultaneously.
Marea, 6,400km-long subsea cable, providing up to 160 terabits of data.
The construction of MAREA was granted to TE SubCom.
Photo courtesy of Microsoft/RUN Studios.
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Marea.indd 31
Image courtesy of Microsoft.
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 3 1
02-11-17 10:38
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3 2 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
Marea.indd 32
Adjustable Lifting/ Spreader Beams
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02-11-17 10:39
The Marea cable coiled on ship.
Photo courtesy of Microsoft/RUN Studios.
Increasing Role
Northern Virginia has long been one of the main internet data centre hubs in the world, and for that reason Virginia Beach, on the south-eastern tip of the state, was chosen as the US landing point. Additionally, Marea’s landing point in Bilbao provides a convenient path to network hubs in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, and its enormous bandwidth will help meet the increasing demand for internet and cloud services. The project highlights the increasing role of private companies in building the infrastructure of the future. Microsoft and Facebook designed the cable to be interoperable with a variety of networking equipment. This new open design reduces costs and simplifies equipment upgrades. Also, the cable can evolve alongside technology, ensuring the highest performance for current and future users, even as the global population of internet users continues to grow. “Marea comes at a critical time,” says Mr Brad Smith, President of Microsoft. “Submarine cables in the Atlantic already carry 55% more data than trans-Pacific
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Marea.indd 33
routes and 40% more data than between the US and Latin America. There is no question that the demand for data-flows across the Atlantic will continue to increase and Marea will provide a critical connection for the United States, Spain, and beyond.”
Photo courtesy of Microsoft/RUN Studios
The project required charting a course with average depths of almost 3,400m.
Three Times Faster
The construction of MAREA, which was granted to TE SubCom, required charting a course with average depths of almost 3,400m and hazards ranging from active volcanoes and earthquake zones to coral reefs. The cable, which is about 1.5 times the diameter of a garden hose, contains eight pairs of fibre optic cables encircled by copper, a hard-plastic protective layer and a waterproof coating. Some portions closer to shore are buried to protect the cable from fishing and ship traffic, but for most of its route, the cable lies on the ocean floor. From design through to construction, Marea was completed in less than two years, nearly three times faster than the typical subsea cable project. “The unique partnership between Microsoft, Facebook, and Telxius enabled a
faster technical design and approval process for system engineering. In addition, the unique commercial and operational structure aided TE Subcom, enabling them to accelerate the manufacturing and deployment of the cable,” says Mr Frank Rey, Director of Global Network Strategy at Microsoft’s Cloud Infrastructure and Operations division. Construction of Marea started in August 2016, and the cable began its journey across the Atlantic approximately five months ago. The physical work to manufacture and lay the cable has now been completed, and it is planned to be operational in early 2018. i. www.te.com i. www.microsoft.com
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 3 3
02-11-17 14:14
sEArChINg for A solId TrANsPorT soluTIoN
Transport Engineering ThroughouT ThE PAsT fEw dECAdEs, ThE offshorE rENEwAblEs INdusTry hAs bEEN ProgrEssINg TowArds ModulAr CoNsTruCTIoNs of EvEr bigger and heavier units. This has lead to an inevitable evolution in the transportation process of main components for larger projects.
HAIL SURFACE FACILITIES EPS PROJECT. Modular offshore project. The whole route was followed from the premises located at Mussafah (Abu Dhabi) to the construction site.
nticipating and identifying the needs of the changing market early on, Coordinadora, a transport company founded in 1982 and headquartered in Madrid, is able to offer a full logistics solution to the main contractors of the offshore industry. This strategy has been successful, thanks to a dedicated group of specialised technicians in several disciplines such as Civil Engineering, Naval Architecture and Industrial Processes. The team, with its negotiation and chartering skills, has a good reputation in contract dealing, and is willing to deliver best performance in every project.
OPTARA MODULAR PROJECT. 30 Modules manufactured entirely in Tarragona (Spain) were transported in five impressive shipments.
Adequate Strategy
The company’s working method comes into operation at the first tendering phase of every
3 4 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
Coordinadora.indd 34
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02-11-17 10:44
OPTARA MODULAR PROJECT. Fourteen months of hard work by a multidisciplinary team composed of marine engineers, civil engineers, structural engineers and naval architects in charge of the technical development but also the coordination and the management of the logistics project.
project, with a deep study of feasibility, resulting in the most adequate transport strategy. The scanning of the extensive, continually evolving fleet, capable of transporting every kind of demanding cargo, gives useful information for decision-making when it comes to the bidding phase. The transport strategy is then refined to optimise the costs while providing a technically appropriate alternative with regard to the main means of transport and auxiliary equipment selection. The goal is to assemble a solid solution including risk assessment and contingency measures. In view of this, and despite the fact that quotations are very complete from a technical perspective, the real engineering transport management phase is launched and deployed only once the project has been awarded. At that stage, detailed engineering studies and calculations are developed to ensure that even the most minor detail of the transport operation has been taken care of or considered. It includes
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Coordinadora.indd 35
every possible transportation construction, ensuring the use of devices or lifting tools that are designed in-house and manufactured by well-known, highly reputable workshops.
ETM Metholodogy
One of the distinctive characteristics of Coordinadoraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Engineering Transport Management (ETM) methodology is that it offers supervision and direction for all required operations at yards, ports and offshore locations. Furthermore, operational reports are provided live, which complements the communications system with the client, giving remote access to field reality. This highly informative way of working takes into account all parties involved in the project, such as dockers, pilots, stevedores, skippers, vessel Masters and port agents. This full control and support for transportation and installation projects includes a standby crew, with worldwide
availability throughout the year, which is kept at the ready for immediate mobilisation to any hot-points to take control of the project. In order to provide this level of commitment and service, offices are established at strategic locations around the world as a key resource.
Diverse Offshore Equipment
In its recent years of being intensely immersed in the offshore market, Coordinadora has successfully managed the transport and delivery process of diverse offshore equipment for impressive projects such as Merkur, Rentel, Moray Firth, Osterild, Mubarraz and HornSea. Aspiring to excellence, Coordinadora ensures that the cargo is always delivered on time and costeffectively, but above all, under safe conditions, coherent with the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s philosophy of providing the security based on extensive knowledge. i. www.coordinadora.eu
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 3 5
02-11-17 14:15
Evolving Energy Through Innovation
15 February 2018 Mainport Hotel Rotterdam As the world strives to lessen its dependence on fossil fuels, how can the experience of oil and gas companies drive innovation and make alternative energy sources more credible and efficient?
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w w w. o ffs h10-05-17 o re -i n d u s09:40 tr y. e u
02-11-17 10:45
The Sky is the Limit The offshore wind indusTry is rapidly moving Towards a sTage of maTuriTy in The norTh sea area, wiTh many windfarms already consTrucTed and many under way. This does noT mean ThaT wind turbines have reached their final stage of development. On the contrary, ample lessons are learned with every installed wind turbine, and operators, as well as contractors, are constantly looking for improvements.
major challenge in the construction of turbines is realising a stable and robust connection between a turbine’s monopile and transition piece (TP). Initially the two were simply fixed together with bolts, but this soon appeared to be a vulnerable solution. Alternatives are available in the use of grout, and/or combining bolts and grout. But recent observations have shown that grouted connections are not stable either.
Prinses Amalia Offshore Windfarm Connection can be made deep under water (weight split 50%).
KCI started a project with Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in 2014 to search for a better solution, and Offshore Industry talks with Dirk Pulles, Manager Renewables at KCI, about the results so far. “We were involved in the offshore wind for a few years when we were asked to solve the problems with the grouted connection of one of the turbines at the Dutch Princess Amalia offshore windfarm,” Pulles begins. “From these problems, we learned that grout is probably not the best way of connecting pieces of a turbine at sea. The often harsh salty conditions with a lot of wind put great force on the connections, damaging the grout.”
Single Slip Joint
KCI knew about the single slip joint as a possible solution, an existing concept currently being researched by TU Delft to see if it is suitable for offshore wind. The
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KCI def.indd 37
University still has some challenges with the concept, e.g. for reaching fabrication tolerances for larger monopiles. Together with students from the university, KCI decided to review the idea and see if there were aspects that could be improved. Pulles continues: “No doubt the single slip joint has certain benefits compared to grout and/or bolts, but we were convinced that this idea could be further improved. A single slip joint may seem a simple solution, but this is certainly not the case. Our R&D department came up with the double slip joint as a large improvement, and we decided to further investigate this option.”
Two Sets of Rings
The double slip joint consists of two sets of rings welded on the monopile and transition piece at a certain distance from each other. This connection eliminates any disadvantages of the single slip joint. The double slip joint creates a stable connection; more accurate with higher tolerance, and no risk of corrosion. Another great disadvantage of the single slip joint is that it is impossible to know exactly how and where both pieces will connect and clutch. This is mainly due to the conic shape of both pieces, and fabrication tolerances of rolling and welding the large cone area’s. The double slip joint has small contact areas concentrated at the two rings for settling and full contact, so it is clear where the monopile and TP will connect and grip.
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 3 7
02-11-17 10:45
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3 8 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
KCI def.indd 38
DBR BV Lelystraat 53 3364AH Sliedrecht P +31(0)184 613 200 F +31(0)184 612 654 E info@dbr-bv.nl W www.dbr-bv.nl
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02-11-17 10:45
Photo courtesy of KCI
Prototype testing at WMC.
“The nice thing about the construction is that the gripping gets better over time, because of the weight of the turbine and of its movements and vibrations caused by the wind forces faced by the turbine at sea,” adds Pulles. So far, the new construction has only been tested on smaller scale (diameter 1.6m). The next step will consist of testing real-size at sea. For this testing, KCI has participated in the tender for the Borssele V Offshore Wind Test location. Before the first offshore wind turbine with double slip joint is installed, several decisive steps need to be taken. “Right now, we have not decided whether the double slip joint will be placed below or above sea level. Both solutions have advantages and disadvantages. We would in principle not exclude any of these options, and would review the optimal height for a DSJ connection based on specific project conditions as to maximise the benefit.”
A Real Gamechanger
According to Pulles, the double slip joint can become a real game changer. “Offshore wind turbines monopiles and TPs can be made with shorter pieces, resulting in a much
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KCI def.indd 39
A major challenge in the construction of turbines is realising a stable and robust connection.
faster, easier and safer installation. Smaller vessels are required for the installation, saving a lot of money. Wind turbine towers can also be constructed using double slip joints. Turbines can then be built deeper and higher, providing a good alternative to floating wind turbines. In fact, the sky is the limit, and together with our partners SIF Group and Van Oord, we are working hard on realising the next step in the ‘TKI Wind op Zee’ project. At KCI, we thoroughly enjoy working on solving issues and improving concepts. A new idea that could change the way of constructing offshore turbines for the production of renewable energy, wouldn’t
that make every engineer happy?” concludes Pulles with a smile. i. www.kci.nl
Advantages of the Double Slip Joint – – – – – – – –
No grout or bolts Fast and fail-safe installation Connection can be deep under water (weight split 50%) Controlled contact between rings Moment is fully transferred by friction (as if welded) Settling by natural turbine loads (no tools) Fast manufacturing, reduced costs Corrosion-free connection
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 3 9
02-11-17 14:16
Using small Flng Vessels For stranded Fields will saVe Billions oF eUros
Unlocking Worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Smaller Offshore Gas Assets 4 0 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
Small Scale Gas Fields.indd 40
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02-11-17 10:46
add energy, an international energy consUltancy proVider, has partnered with transborders energy (tbe) and joined forces with technipfMc and modec to create a deployment business model for the Flng industry that will free up smallscale stranded resources around the world and establish a new concept in global gas field development.
reach Final investment he new business-model decision by 2020. tbe is also targets gas resources of in discussion with resource up to 0.6m3 trillion of gas that owners of other jurisdictions have little value to their to pursue global current owners because they The concept enables opportunities. are either in remote locations eduardo robaina, Vp for well where tieback is capitalthe development of engineering at add energy, intensive, or lack an previously uneconomic says: “lng development is economically viable currently focused on fields development concept. resources at a much with large-scale volumes Key to the model is the faster pace. between 1.5m3 and 3.0m3 deployment of an innovative, small scale Flng vessel. trillion or more. however, a rather than investing up to five years in supply shortage in Lng is expected from mid identifying a gas resource, understanding its size 2020 due to demand growth and a failure to and potential and creating a bespoke proceed with new mega project developments. development concept, the new model large-scale lng projects typically involve up to establishes a pre-defined concept incorporating five years of front-end engineering and design the use of a 1.0t million per annum Flng vessel work and a further six years for epc activities, and applies it to fields that fit the concept. but new projects need to progress now to capture this upside.
A Radical Change
this low-cost concept represents a radical change in gas-field development and will unlock hundreds of the world’s previously uneconomic smaller natural gas plays. tBe managing director daein cha says, “the economies of scale pursued by mega projects have not eventuated. they are too capital-intensive and risky in terms of resilience and flexibility for what is a commoditising business. however, the deployment of a pre-determined, low-cost, small-scale Flng concept, on already-discovered but stranded resources, with financial and commercial structures delivered by a small but high-calibre team, establishes a new value proposition to the resource owners and Lng buyers.” Key to the model is the use of a small-scale FLNG vessel.
Pilot Project
offshore australia has been identified as suitable for an initial pilot project, with a target resource to be confirmed early 2018 and the project to
A Much Faster Pace
he continues: “the transborders’ concept enables the development of previously uneconomic resources at a much faster pace than that of mega projects and will help feed the growing demand for energy, initially in asia and elsewhere.” add energy will manage the drilling operations, maintenance, safety and risk management of the projects and is the partner to engineer, procure, drill and operate the wells. technipFmc is the partner for tBe to epci subsea, umbilicals, risers and flowlines (sUrf) and the Flng vessel. modec is the technical adviser for the epci of the hull, Lng tank and turret mooring system of the fLng vessel, together with the operations and maintenance of tBe’s Flng vessel. i. addenergy.no i. transbordersenergy.com
Image courtesy of Add Energy
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Small Scale Gas Fields.indd 41
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 4 1
02-11-17 10:46
HSM enterS DutcH nOrtH Sea WitH 55 YearSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience in OffSHOre
A Long Track Record HSM yard in Schiedam, the Netherlands.
EvEr sincE HsM dElivErEd tHEir first jackEts in 1962, tHEy HavE bEEn continuously activE as a rEputablE Epci suppliEr of platforMs, jackEts, modules and special steel structures including subsea hardware. Being active in the Oil & Gas market, the company expanded their portfolio at an early stage towards the booming Offshore Wind industry.
4 2 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
HSM.indd 42
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02-11-17 10:47
n 2002, HSM delivered the offshore high-voltage substation for the Horns Rev A Offshore Windfarm under an EPCI contract awarded by Eltra (Energinet). This was the first-ever offshore wind substation to be delivered, and was followed by many more in a market which has seen strong growth, both in size and in quantity. Given the cyclic character of Oil & Gas, this was of strategic importance for HSM. Today, the current orderbook comprises three substation projects. The 450MW substation for the Ă&#x2DC;rsted
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HSM.indd 43
Borkum Riffgrund 2 Offshore Windfarm is the first one for the German sector. The scope of work features a 2,500mt topside and a 1,700mt jacket. The jacket was delivered and installed earlier this year, whilst the topside is scheduled for sailaway first half of 2018.
Borssele Substations
By far the largest project with an extensive EPCI scope of work, and the first HSM project in the Dutch North Sea,
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 4 3
02-11-17 14:43
28 - 30 NOVEMBER 2017
Amsterdam RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre
To become an exhibitor or sponsor please contact: sales@windeurope.org In partnership with:
4 4 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
HSM.indd 44
Find out more at:
windeurope.org/confex2017 w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
02-11-17 10:47
CONSTR UCTION & FABRICATION Borssele Alpha and Beta HV substations for TenneT TSO.
This is the first large-scale offshore wind project in the Netherlands. covers the provision of two identical 700MW substations for the Borssele 1 & 2 Offshore Windfarms. this is the first largescale offshore wind project in the netherlands. client for this project is tennet tSO, who have been assigned by the Dutch Government to establish and operate the grid connections associated with all current and future Dutch offshore windfarms. the total weight per project of 8,000t is divided into a 3,700t topside, a 2,900t six-legged jacket and six 1,400t piles. in additional to the general activities as covered by an epci contract, HSM will also be responsible for soil investigations, anti-scour protection by means of rock dumping, full HV integration and the provision of a jack-up unit to support offshore hook-up and commissioning activities. construction has recently started on the borssele alpha Substation, a special first-cut-of-steel event was attended by customer tennet tSO, which coincided with the formal contractsigning for the Borssele Beta Substation.
Monotower platform NAM L13-FI-1.
manifold to a pipeline-end manifold. Work in progress includes a contract for the provision of a subsea crossover manifold, which will facilitate the re-routing of gas from a pipeline to shore to a host platform. for fpSO conversion and redeployment projects, HSM have built up a great deal of experience in the provision of dedicated modules with various functions, including compression, processing and accommodation.
Mono Tower Platform
in upstream Oil & Gas, signs of recovery are visible, mostly associated with the development of (sub) marginal or otherwise challenging reservoirs with development solutions ranging from minimal facility platforms (Mfp) to subsea manifolds and fpSO conversions. Shell/naM took delivery this year of a mono-tower platform for development of the L13-fi-1 gas field, being the fifth mono-tower platform built by HSM for this customer. in the current market, this mono-tower concept proves to be a very viable solution for marginal field development, featuring low capex/Opex and being capable of unmanned operation, requiring a maximum of two maintenance visits per year and thus ensuring minimum exposure of personnel to safety hazards. another feature is the electrical power, which is fully supplied from renewable sources consisting of wind turbines and solar panels, being backed up by battery banks. despite its compact design, this
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HSM.indd 45
Potential Synergies in the Offshore Energy Market Photo courtesy of Iain Murdoch
platform can accommodate up to six wells and a maximum daily gas production of 6m3 million and has a 25-year design life. finally, the concept benefits to a large extent from recent developments in the Offshore renewables sector, in particular large-scale production of large-diameter monopiles as well as a significant growth in the fleet of specialised vessels for transport, installation and flowline/umbilical laying and burial.
Having been actively involved in both the offshore Oil & Gas and renewables industries for decades, HSM is ideally positioned to actively pursue projects and developments which seek to combine both. HsM are keen to take on the challenges associated with these prospects and to further enhance their role in the energy transition for many years to come. i. www.hsmoffshore.com
Subsea Hardware
HSM have previously delivered subsea hardware to facilitate development by means of subsea tie-backs of marginal and satellite fields, ranging from a 2,500t subsea
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 4 5
02-11-17 10:47
All five turbines were assembled onshore at StordBase prior to installation on a floating foundation
Photo courtesy of Odd Henning Gilje/NSG/Statoil
World’s First Floating Windfarm Starts Producing Hywind Scotland, tHe firSt floating windfarm in tHe world, HaS Started to deliver electricity to tHe ScottiSH grid. it waS officially opened on 18 october by tHe firSt miniSter of Scotland, nicola Sturgeon. the 30mw windfarm, operated by Statoil in partnership with Masdar, is located 25km offshore Peterhead in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and will power approximately 20,000 households.
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Hywind.indd 46
ywind can be used for water depths of up to 800m, thus opening up areas that have so far been inaccessible to offshore wind. the lessons learnt from Hywind Scotland will pave the way for new global market opportunities for floating offshore wind energy. through the support of their governments in the development the Hywind Scotland project, the UK and Scotland are now at the forefront of the development of this exciting new technology. Statoil is looking forward to exploring the next steps in floating offshore wind,” says Irene Rummelhoff, Executive Vice President of the New Energy Solutions business area in Statoil.
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02-11-17 10:48
Hywind Scotland shows that floating wind technology can be commercially viable wherever sea depths are too great for conventional fixed offshore wind power. Accessible Deeper Waters
The onshore operations and maintenance base for Hywind Scotland is in peterhead, while the operations centre is located in great yarmouth. linked to the Hywind Scotland project, Statoil and their partner masdar will also install batwind, a 1mwh Lithium battery storage solution for offshore wind energy. Battery storage has the potential to mitigate intermittency and optimise output. Crown Estate Scotland leases seabed to renewables developers and works to encourage development and attract investment. Sian Wilson of Crown Estate Scotland says, “It is fantastic to see Hywind Scotland up and running. the project is a great success for the teams at Statoil and masdar and also for Scotland, where floating wind could really flourish due to our accessible deeper waters. we are committed to continuing our work to encourage floating offshore wind projects, which will, in turn, drive down costs, benefitting the whole sector, as well as the climate and consumers.”
A Downward Trajectory
In recent years, there have been significant cost reductions in both the onshore and bottom-fixed offshore wind sectors. Floating wind is expected to follow a similar downward trajectory over the next decade, making it cost-competitive with other renewable energy sources. “Statoil has an ambition to reduce the costs of energy from the Hywind floating wind farm to EUR 40-60/MWh by 2030. Knowing that up to 80% of the offshore wind resources are in deep waters (>60m), where traditional bottom-fixed installations are not suitable, floating offshore wind is expected to play a significant role in the growth of offshore wind going forward,” says Mrs Rummelhoff. Statoil already has a sizeable renewables portfolio, with offshore wind providing over 1 million homes with renewable energy. mohamed al ramahi, ceo of masdar, states: “Hywind Scotland shows that floating wind technology can be commercially viable
Photo courtesy of Ørjan Richardsen / Woldcam/Statoil
Mating of the wind turbines with the floating foundations performed by OSV Saipem 7000.
After completion, the floating wind turbines were transported to their final destination.
wherever sea depths are too great for conventional fixed offshore wind power. This opens up a number of new geographical areas, and we are already looking at future opportunities with our partners.” i. www.statoil.com i. www.masdar.ae
Photo courtesy of Øyvind Gravås/Statoil
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Hywind.indd 47
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 4 7
02-11-17 10:48
When looking at a wind tower with a height of 75m and a total blasting area of around 1,800m2 for the internal and external surface combined, the total costs of blasting are between EUR 4,000 - 10,000.
Photo courtesy of Siemens
Blasting on
ample opporTuniTies for suppliers. each windfarm provides loTs of
n the production of tower elements (cones), one of the time and labour consuming elements is the process of internal and external blasting. Blasting is essential for removing rust and contaminations, to create a correct surface cleanness and roughness for further treatment of the cones (such as welding and coating). The possibility of simultaneously blasting both internal and external surfaces will yield significant benefits for wind tower manufacturers, and therefore selmers recently introduced a revolutionary automated internal and external blasting method.
knowledge for everyone involved in this booming industry. with this knowledge,
Dramatic Drop in Costs
a HigHer LeveL The growing number of offshore windfarm projecTs provides
operators and suppliers are constantly trying to improve the turbines, along with their production and installing.
4 8 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
Selmers.indd 48
chris baars, area sales manager at selmers, explains: â&#x20AC;&#x153;internal surfaces have mainly always been manually blasted, which requires lots of production capacity, labour, abrasives and energy, and thus leads to high expenses. when looking at a wind tower with a height of 75m and a total blasting area of around 1,800m2 for the internal and external surface combined, the costs of
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02-11-17 10:49
With our new system, the costs will drastically drop to approximately EUR 400. labour, abrasives and energy are between EUR 4,000 - 10,000. With our new system, the costs will drastically drop to approximately EUR 400.” With this in mind, it is expected that the investment can be earned back within a year. This of course depends on the location, set-up and production capacity of a plant. Baars adds: “Every situation is different, but the revenues from our new machine will result in impressive cost savings.”
manual blasting, alongside saving time and money, is the constant and stable quality offered. “Automated blasting will always result in a more stable result, as the blast head will move around the object in a constant, stable and steady flow. No one can do this more accurately. An additional benefit is that an exact amount of blasting material is used. This is not only good money-wise, but for the environment as well.”
Positive Impact on HSE
Successful in Oil & Gas
Besides the importance of efficiency, blasting processes have a big impact on the health, safety and environmental footprint. “Conventional methods of blasting make use of open or vacuum nozzles. This way of blasting requires heavy physical work and cause a lot of noise and dust.” Selmers’ automated blast system reduces the physical work and because of mechanical instead of pneumatic blasting, the level of noise is reduced to a minimum. “Apart from reducing physical work, and noise, the blast turbines in our system are sealed and dust is extracted with a closed loop system leading to a cleaner and healthier working area.”
The wind tower blasting system can be used for cones, as well as for monopile foundations. Baars continues: “Part of the monopiles need to be blasted before coating too, and our system is perfect for this task as well.” Selmers’ system has already successfully lifted blasting in the oil and gas industry to a higher level, and now the offshore wind sector will profit as well. “From now on, offshore wind component producers can too profit from a faster, cheaper, cleaner and more sustainable blasting solution.” i. www.selmers.com
The Wind Tower Blast System’s Pros The wind tower blast system uses a longitudinal blasting movement. Benefits of this movement include: • Minimising positioning time of wind tower cone. • Minimising repositioning of wind tower blasting system. • Increased efficiency by simultaneous internal and external blasting. • Integration in existing blasting cabins. • Wide range of adjustments with Selmers’ technology. Other advantages are: • Low operation costs; quick return on investment (12-18 months). • Increased capacity. • Consistent blasting process. • Reduces physical labour. • Reduces noise level. • Closed loop system reduces abrasive consumption. • Small environmental footprint.
The possibility of simultaneously blasting both internal and external surfaces will yield significant benefits.
Stable Quality
One of the great advantages of an automated system, when compared to
Selmers’ automated blast system reduces the physical work.
The system can be integrated in existing blasting cabins.
www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str y.eu
Selmers.indd 49
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 4 9
02-11-17 11:18
SPECIAL FEATURE The oil & gas and renewables industry should protect their internetconnected assets with utmost care.
Photo courtesy of BP
A Corporate View on an Industry in Transition In theIr daIly busIness as trusted advIsors, IMaP netherlandsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ManagIng Partner Jan-Pieter Borst and associate director Frank ruiJgrok come across a variety oF comPanies with a variety oF challenges. as exPerts, they Pilot these comPanies through the reasoning Process with regard to their ProBlems or challenges. From an it security and international tax perspective, geert-Jan krol (Partner itadvisory) and Peter de heer (Partner international tax) of crowe horwath Peak give guidance to multinational businesses. they are currently preparing companies for the new, extensive european privacy regulation, effective as of may 2018. offshore industry met with them to learn about their point of view on the many challenges confronting their clients.
5 0 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
Imap def.indd 50
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02-11-17 10:50
The Future is Not What it Used to Be
“Until recently, major organisations in the sector continued to grow stronger and larger,” Mr Borst explains. “It used to be a question of ‘the sky’s the limit’, and the future looked bright. Todays’ future is completely different from the one these optimistic companies of the past decades dreamt of. Transformation didn’t use to be a necessary evil. However, the recent past has changed everything. Since the economic slump in 2014, everyone has been feeling the breeze of the winds of change. Oil prices remain a big issue. The ability to adapt to new circumstances has become essential and the sector has started redefining itself. New approaches, innovative thinking and new investments have become a necessity.” Mr Ruijrok adds, “We still believe that unconventional ways of approaching the market can lead to success. Partnerships or joint approaches and the ability to adapt quickly are essential success factors.” Will the effects of the past persist? Mr Ruijgrok: “For a sector that was conservative, time consuming, bureaucratic, complex and not cost-
Photo courtesy of IMAP Netherlands
Imap def.indd 51
Are the challenges companies faced in the recent past a herald of the future? Mr Borst: “We see that a lot of challenges from the past few years are still present. Companies are uncertain of what the future will bring them. There is no absolute solution to the various problems. But we sense a new sentiment. A growing, optimistic energy.”
Major Increase Transaction Value Does this new sentiment mean that transactions take place on a more frequent basis? Mr Ruijgrok: “Recently, we published our Oil & Gas sector report. We look at the sector from a transactional angle. We based our report on a time-
Photo courtesy of IMAP Netherlands
Mr Jan-Pieter Borst, Managing Partner at IMAP Netherlands: “Everyone has been feeling the breeze of the winds of change.”
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effective, change can be a blessing in disguise. We do witness a major difference between the various companies and there is a lot of competition. Mr Borst: “The overcapacity in the market is enormous. More competitive and lower priced. There are big projects and companies’ futures depend on their winning a contract for one of them”.
Mr Frank Ruijgrok, Associate Director at IMAP Netherlands: “A change can be a blessing in disguise.”
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 5 1
02-11-17 14:20
frame between January 2010 and h1-2017. the number of transactions in h1-2017 decreased slightly (vs h1-2016). whilst the number of transactions decreased, we witnessed a major increase in transaction value.” If you had a crystal ball, what would you say the future holds? Mr Borst: “we expect a growth in alternative energy. the numbers support that forecast. the h1-2017 transaction multiples in alternative energy are much higher than those in oil & gas.” Mr Ruijgrok: “it seems that all stock transactions are a developing trend, which makes sense since it keeps your liquidity secure in an insecure market.”
Data is the New Oil Mr Geert-Jan Krol, Partner IT-Advisory at Crowe Horwath Peak: “Cybercrime is not only about data anymore. It can hit the real world as well.”
Photo courtesy of Crowe Horwath Peak
Digitalisation and IT Security are hot topics in many sectors. What are the cybercrime threats for the oil & gas and renewables industry? Mr Krol: “we see a threat when every device goes online, from control panels that operate entire vessels or platforms, to smaller internet of things devices. security is often not built-in and/or of poor quality, giving hackers opportunities to breach the companies’ internet-connected infrastructure. so, what if hackers break into a poorly secured system that gives real time information about a vessel’s location, it’s destination and it’s cargo? cybercrime is not only about data any more. it can hit the real world as well.
Continuous vibration monitoring solutions for Marine & Offshore vessels and wind turbines Bearing and gear monitoring using patented HD technology Unrivalled performance on ultra-low RPM Allianz approved vibration monitoring systems Class approved condition monitoring services provider (DNV-GL, LR, ABS)
Please come visit us in booth no. 2B54-b
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Imap def.indd 52
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02-11-17 10:51
therefore, the oil & gas and renewables industry should protect their internet-connected assets with utmost care.” The European Union is taking measures to protect personal data. What should be done with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)? Mr Krol: “data is the new oil indeed. it can provide prosperity when treated well. gdPr is about personal data, and the way companies should protect the privacy of people whose personal data they process. sensitive personal data, however, should be treated like nuclear waste, because when that starts leaking you are in serious trouble. the eu has issued a Privacy regulation, which has to be implemented before the end of may 2018. gdPr applies to all companies processing data about eu citizens. implementation time may vary, depending on the size and nature of the personal data a company processes.”
Investment in Tax Compliance of Utmost Importance Brexit, the US tax reform and other global developments, such as BEPS, will have an impact on international business and (tax) regulations. What are attractive investments for this industry in an insecure global market? Mr de Heer: “what we have seen in the last five years is an unprecedented pace of change in the way society thinks about the taxation of multinationals and an unparalleled number of legislative responses to it. investment in tax compliance will be of utmost importance in the coming years and virtually every international structure needs to be reassessed. i sincerely believe that the firms that will be the first to get all the new regulations under control will be the ones with the competitive edge.
Furthermore, the question about tax sovereignty will be asked over and over again. the us and the uk, but also the Bric countries, will continually fight for their national interests. in order to withstand that, there is no other possibility within the eu other than giving up national tax sovereignty in favour of eu tax sovereignty, which would also create a stronger eu. investment in knowledge will therefore be key, not only in the sense of dealing with issues when they arise, but also having a proper tax strategy in place, in which optimisation is created within the boundaries of compliance.” The sector is recovering and in transition. What tax incentives are applicable to this industry? Mr de Heer: “with the economy becoming stronger and tax revenues increasing accordingly, more resources will become available for governments. no doubt a serious part of these resources will flow towards tax incentives that will reward greener energy and renewables. what is also true is that a great deal of innovation is aimed at renewability and responsible entrepreneurship. although innovation boxes have been frowned upon slightly since the oecd-BePs project, their role does extend to responsible innovation as well.” i. www.crowehorwathpeak.nl i. www.imap.nl Mr Peter de Heer, Partner International Tax at Crowe Horwath Peak: “The firms that will be the first to get all the new regulations under control will be the ones with the competitive edge.”
IMAP Netherland’s Oil & Gas sector report looks at the sector from a transactional angle.
Photo courtesy of Crowe Horwath Peak.
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MAKING WAVES IN THE MARITIME MARKET International sanctions have held back Iran’s investment plans and ideals for a long time. Since they were lifted nearly two years ago, Iran has been transforming into the booming market place that economists had long been predicting. The country once again has access to funds that were previously frozen in foreign accounts and is actively attracting international business. The IMF expects the general economic growth in Iran to culminate between 4% and 5.5% towards the end of 2017. A Maritime Nation A country that borders the Caspian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf is a maritime nation by definition. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that many of the largest investments in the last two years have been in this field. The Persian Gulf is of particular interest, since Iran has the largest coastline along these strategic waters and an important part of the Iranian Maritime Industry is located there. Iran sits on both the third largest oil field in the world as well as the second largest in natural gas. The international demand for natural resources creates a
huge export market for the country. On the other hand, the demand for luxury items by its 81 million inhabitants accelerates the import market, making both tankers and container vessels a focal point for internationally operating ship owners. Port development will lead to a growing fleet of work and patrol boats, as well as necessary dredging operations. Ever-important offshore exploration activities and the expanding oil and gas sector will demand their own new ships, platforms and services. Iran, in short, has something to offer to virtually anyone in both the maritime and the offshore industry.
Facts & Figures Iranimex • 20,000m2 exhibition area • 9,000 visitors from 17 countries • 400 national and international conference delegates • 300 exhibitors • 114 international exhibitors from 21 countries • 4 international pavilions (China, India, Romania, The Netherlands) • 92% of the visitors of Iranimex 2016 based investments on their visit
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Iranimex, powered by Europort The need for modernisation in Iran is huge in all economic areas. There is an urgent demand for technological renewal, which Iran’s industry is not equipped to satisfy. Exhibitions play a pivotal role in establishing new business relations, of which Iranimex is a shining example. Some 18 editions ago, Iranimex started as a local event, connecting visitors from all maritime branches and government organisations. After commencing an intensive cooperation with the world-renowned exhibition Europort in 2016 and rebranding itself as ‘Iranimex, powered by Europort’, the 2016 edition of the event grew by almost 30% compared to 2015, covering an exhibition area of 21,000 m2. Back in 2015, Europort’s trade fair organiser, Rotterdam Ahoy, was one of the first foreign parties to recognise the potential in Iran’s growing maritime market. Europort was the first international maritime show to host an Iran pavilion even before the Iranian trade sanctions were lifted. Europort’s involvement in Iranimex saw the international participation rate grow from 10 companies in 2015 to 114 companies in 2016. Visitor numbers soared to over 9,000, making it, in fact, the number one maritime event in the region. Iranimex is supported by a host of influential associations and organisations, including the Iranian Association of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering and the Kish Investment and Development Co. The 2017 event offers plenty of opportunities to make new contacts and establish business ties with one of the fastest-growing maritime markets in the world. www.iranimex.ir
Kish Island The 19th edition of Iranimex will be held from 12-14 December 2017 on the tropical island of Kish, an Economic Free Zone. This popular holiday resort island is only a short (30 minute) flight away from Dubai International Airport and caters for international travellers on a daily basis. The important shipbuilding region of Iran is right across the water. Kish has a large selection of hotels, restaurants and activities. Average December temperatures are a balmy 23 degrees. No entry visa is required to enter Kish Island. Those who intend to enter the mainland of the I.R. of Iran before or after entering Kish Island should, however apply for an entry visa in good time. The organisation of Iranimex has selected an experienced international freight forwarder and travel agent to assist in getting materials and personnel to Kish and can help to arrange hotels.
Exhibition organiser Iranian Association of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in Cooperation with Kish Investment and Development Company and KTP Group Overseas partner Europort Contact details for international exhibitors Rotterdam Ahoy Ahoyweg 10 3084 BA Rotterdam, the Netherlands T +31 10-2933250 E info@iranimex.nl Exhibition venue Kish International Exhibition’s Center, Kish Island, I.R. of Iran Exhibition opening hours 12-14 December 2017 from 16.00 to 22.00 daily
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02-11-17 10:52
Maritime Charity Golf Event Raises EUR 6,500 for CliniClowns IN SEPTEMBER, AROUND A HUNDRED INTERNATIONAL MARITIME PROFESSIONALS TOOK PART IN THE ANNUAL MARITIME CHARITY GOLF EVENT, ORGANISED BY YELLOW & FINCH PUBLISHERS IN FAVOUR OF THE CLINICLOWNS. This is the seventh time the event has been organised by the maritime publishers. This year, at the beautiful Gerelingenhout golf course in Bruinisse, the Netherlands, participants of both the golf tournament and the clinic enjoyed a pleasant day of sport and networking. At the end of the day, Marco Geels, Commercial Director, handed out a cheque worth EUR 6,500 to John Donks, representing CliniClowns. “We are extremely happy to have been able to raise this amount of money together with all the participants and sponsors,” Mr Geels stated, followed by a warm thank you by Mr Donks to all present.
Save the date! Yellow & Finch Publishers will continue their commitment to good causes and organise another maritime charity golf event next year on September 13.
i. www.ynfpublishers.com
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People Tommy Hillock
Emma Carter
Paul Warwick
Bjarte Røed
Regional Manager
Operations Manager
Non-Executive Chairman
appointment at
appointment at
appointment at
appointment at
Fulkrum Technical Services has announced the appointment of Tommy Hillock as Regional Manager for the Middle East and Caspian regions. Mr Hillock spent the last fifteen years as Managing Director of Global Energy SCS. He supported over 100 customers worldwide and led the firm’s expansion with new offices in Perth, Australia and Houston, Texas, before establishing operations for SCS in the Middle East.
BiSN has underlined its commitment to the North Sea and wider Eastern Hemisphere with the appointment of Emma Carter as Operations Manager. Ms Carter, who joins the organisation from Vital Energy, brings more than seventeen years of management experience to the role and will be responsible for the growth of BiSN’s services and products in the region, from research and development through to enhancing client support.
Ardyne has appointed Paul Warwick as Non-Executive Chairman. Mr Warwick has been a non-executive director of Ardyne since shortly after the launch of the company in 2016. He will take the role over from Glynn Williams, who has stepped down to become a non-executive director. The changes in board structure support Ardyne’s international growth strategy and serve to balance the commitments of the directors.
Aqualis Offshore has appointed Dr Bjarte Røed as Director of its Norwegian operation. Since August 2015, he has been Head of Engineering & Risk Consulting at Aqualis. Prior to joining Aqualis Offshore, Mr Røed held roles as Technology Manager and Managing Director of Future Subsea AS in Norway, senior Principle Consultant for Lloyd’s Register and he was a Naval Officer with the Norwegian armed forces.
Larry Rigdon
Niels Versfeld
Bjarne Eia
Frank Ketelaars
Interim CEO
Technical Sales Manager
Director – Region Americas
appointment at
tIDEwAtER Tidewater has appointed Larry T. Rigdon as Interim President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), while a search committee seeks a permanent successor to Jeffrey M. Platt, who has elected to retire from his role as Director, President and CEO, effective 15 October, 2017. Mr Rigdon currently serves as a director on the Board of Professional Rental Tools.
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appointment at
SImmONS EDEcO Simmons Edeco announces the appointment of Niels Versfeld as CEO, effective as of 1 October, 2017. Mr Versfeld brings in-depth management experience in the oil and gas industry, with particular emphasis upon building and leading growth initiatives. With 14 years of experience in the energy industry, Mr Versfeld has dedicated ten years to managing sales, operations and business development for energy services companies.
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Harris Pye Engineering Group has opened an office in Oslo to pursue new business opportunities in Norway, and to support existing clients in the Scandinavian region. Bjarne Eia, former Managing Director of TECO Solutions, has been appointed Technical Sales Manager, and will be the principal contact at Harris Pye Norway. Mr Eia has a long history in coatings and will therefore act as in-house specialist for protective coatings.
Frank Ketelaars took up the position of Director of Region Americas in DNV GL – Oil & Gas on 1 October. Mr Ketelaars brings a wealth of relevant experience to his new role, from both within DNV GL and outside the company. In his previous role, he was responsible for DNV GL’s risk advisory operations in the UK. Mr Ketelaars succeeds Peter Bjerager, who has been in charge of Region Americas for the last nine years.
OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 5 7
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OSI OUTFITTERS PAGES Benchmarking Module As technology advances, today’s projects become more complex, and large cost overruns become inevitable. Constant improvement in project controls can only be achieved through project benchmarking and big data analysis, closing the loop between cost management and cost estimate. With twenty years of experience in various industries, including oil & gas, chemical and offshore, Cost Engineering Consultancy is launching the Benchmarking Module of Cleopatra Enterprise, the total cost management software. Benchmarking Module provides feedback of metrics and KPIs through big data analysis. This allows to sufficiently implement the changes of progress and scope into the project forecast, improving future estimates. With this new module, Cleopatra Enterprise offers an integrated approach that includes all phases of project controls: estimating, scheduling, cost management and benchmarking.
Stauff Expands Modular Fastening System
i. www.costengineering.eu
Stauff is expanding its range of tube, hose and cable clamps for modular use in the standard series as per DIN 3015 (part 1), with a special clamp body version of type CHC for guiding and fixing corrugated conduit hoses commonly used on mobile machinery and in stationary hydraulics. These hoses are typically applied for protecting and bundling electrical or other lines. In contrast to using conventional clamp designs that usually have a smooth or profiled inner surface, the corrugated cable protection hoses are now firmly and securely held in place – but without significant pretension – due to the special design with a single, all-round rib in the clamp body. i. www.stauff.com
New Sealing Solution Simplifies Digitalisation The ongoing modernisation and digitalisation onboard ships, vessels and offshore units require smart solutions for retrofit and upgrades, for example when it is time to install new communication systems. Cable transit specialist company Roxtec presents a new non-weld solution to help the marine and offshore industry players efficiently handle these demands. The Roxtec SLA sealing solution, which includes well-proven Roxtec R transits, or RS seals with newly developed adaption sleeves, simplifies the addition of cables later in a project and enables upgrades and repair work without welding. i. www.boschrexroth.com
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02-11-17 14:21
OSI OUTFITTERS PAGES Stromag Geared Cam Limit Switches
New Advanced Heat Treatment Solution
Part of the Altra Industrial Motion Corporation, Stromag offers a comprehensive range of Geared Cam Limit Switches in main current and control current variants. The control current version includes planetary geared, worm geared, spur geared and lever type. The main current range incorporates spindle geared, lever type and counterweight options. A range of different housings are available, incorporating IP65-rated, aluminium casings, seawater-resistant variants and specialised housings rated up to IP66. Supported applications include cranes, stage technology, wind turbines, bucket conveyors, gantry systems, trolleys and other heavy-duty applications. i. www.stromag.com
Superheat is unveiling Superheat Smartway, its new advanced heat treatment solution. By incorporating emerging communication technology and equipment advances with software solutions, Smartway is an efficient, state-of-the-art, on-site heat treatment solution. Superheat has furthermore implemented a ground-breaking construction management app called Superheat SmartView. Superheatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s revolutionary new approach to on-site heat treatment drastically reduces labour costs by up to 40%, and explicit technology diminishes on-site labour exposure to hazardous areas. i. www.superheat.com
Expro Launches New TCP Gun System Expro has launched a new, extremely highpressure tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) gun system. Designed specifically for challenging deep-water environments in the Gulf of Mexico, the Extreme Pressure Series 30,000 PSI TCP gun system utilises super big hole charge technology, providing best-inclass area-open-to-flow (AOF) to support frac-and gravel-pack operations. Developed in collaboration with GEODynamics, the system is complemented by Exproâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fully-rated dual hydraulic firing heads and drill stem testing (DST) tools for underbalanced perforating applications. i. www.exprogroup.com
>> www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str y.eu
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OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 5 9
02-11-17 10:55
OSI OUTFITTERS PAGES New Drill Bit for High Energy Applications Halliburton has released GeoTech HE, a robust drill bit that incorporates new features and materials to deliver enhanced performance and increased reliability in high energy drilling systems characterised by very high weight-on-bit and drilling torque. GeoTech HE (high energy) bits are built to function in challenging conditions. Both the matrix and steel platforms incorporate unique design geometries and features focused on high energy systems. The new matrix body incorporates a blend of materials and the new steel body is machined from an advanced alloy material. Both are formulated for increased strength and durability under high torsional and axial loads.
Emerson Expands Reservoir Simulation Software
i. www.halliburton.com
Emerson Automation Solutions has launched the latest version of its reservoir management software suite - Roxar Tempest 8.1. The release complements and enhances the advanced uncertainty analysis delivered by Ensemble Smoother Based History Matching, previously introduced in the Tempest 8.0 release, and provides new means of representing flow behaviour near fractures. The Roxar Software Solution portfolio now also provides a complete seismic-to-simulation package, runnable in Big Loop workflows for advanced decision support. i. www.emerson.com
Trolex Engineering Adds 72ø Slip Ring to the Range New Release Offshore Insights OOS International has announced the official new release of Offshore Insights, providing major updates to the program. The release offers users new features and an improved performance. Offshore Insights supports users in need of transport to track vessels using the selection of data that best fits their business. The platform allows users to easily and efficiently manage a wide range of strategic activities by analysing and monitoring big data with a ready-to-use online map for new business opportunities. i. www.offshore-insights.com Trolex Engineering have recently added the TX4849 Slip Ring to their range. The weather-protected Slip Ring is a compact 316L stainless steel unit, which has a cover diameter of only 72mm. The unit can house up to sixteen rings, rated 12Amps, 1,000V per ring. In addition to electrical passes, the unit can also be combined with a fibre optic rotary joint, both single and multimode options. Suitable for a variety of applications including ROVs, winches and seismic surveying, the unit has been design-tested to meet IP66 ratings. The TX4849 has precious metal plated rings for low loss signal and is available with up to an M25 tapped entry, or connectors as a cost option. i. www.trolexengineering.co.uk
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02-11-17 12:53
EDITORIAL PROGRAMME 2018 OUTFITTERS PAGES Readership Now in its 11th year, Offshore Industry (OSI) magazine has built up a strong reputation with its readers, including operators, marine contractors, offshore construction companies and their subcontractors in offshore oil, gas and renewables. In many European countries, including Norway and the UK, as well as Asia-Pacific, Brazil and other markets, management, engineers and buyers choose OSI for its informative editorial, rich photography and high quality production. The magazine offers wider coverage via its digital edition, which is accessed via the dedicated website www.offshore-industry.eu.
Editorial Regulars
• • • • •
• • •
Oil & Gas Upstream Offshore Wind Decommissioning Industry Leaders Innovation & Development
6,500 copies EU Countries Rest of the World
82% 18%
Editorial Programme | Magazine Vol. 11
Issue 1
Offshore Wind Outlook 2018 Automation, Control & Measurement Technology Recruitment, Training & Education Transport & Heavy Lifting
Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date
18-01-18 13-03-18
Issue 2
OTC Houston Design & Engineering Offshore Support- & Accommodation Vessels QHSE
Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date
22-02-18 17-04-18
Issue 3
Operations & Maintenance Offshore Passenger Transfer Systems Subsea Decom- & Heavy Lift Vessels
Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date
11-04-18 05-06-18
Issue 4
Wind Energy Hamburg Diving Services & Equipment Oil & Gas West Africa Pipe & Cable Laying
Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date
19-07-18 11-09-18
Issue 5
Offshore Energy Amsterdam Construction, Fabrication & Installation Deepwater Offshore Equipment
Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date
16-08-18 09-10-18
Issue 6
German Offshore Wind FPSO & FLNG Offshore Wind Ports Plugging & Abandonment
Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date
11-10-18 04-12-18
* Subjects can be changed without prior notice. – ** Please note deadline dates may be subject to change.
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02-11-17 12:53
AncoferWaldram Steelplates bv P.O. Box 190 4900 AD Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 491 500 F +31 (0)162 429 806 E sales@aws.dillinger.biz I www.ancoferwaldram.com Over 100,000 tons of quality heavy steel plates in stock AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. (AWS) is a stockholding wholesaler and steel service center, specializing in the supply of hot-rolled heavy carbon steel (quarto) plates, and profiled parts for more than 40 years now. Over the years, AWS has developed into a business that sets the standard for its industry. Plates from stock or profiled parts The choice is yours! It is the combination of comprehensive stocks of over 100,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant that gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.
Cramm HLS BV P.O. Box 186, 9100 AD Dokkum The Netherlands T +31 (0)88 457 0457 F +31 (0)88 457 0458 E info@crammhls.com I www.crammhls.com Contact: Paul Boelens p.boelens@crammhls.com Cramm HLS BV is a sister company of Cramm Yachting Systems (www. cramm.nl). Cramm HLS delivers equipment for safe and secure landing and handling of helicopters. One of the products is the helicopter landing grid (www.heligrid.com), which is used for safe landing in rough conditions. We also provide helicopter moving systems and deliver hangardoors. Our 60-year anniversary ensures that we offer quality based on our experience. 6 2 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
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DBR BV Lelystraat 53 – NL-3364 AH P.O. Box 1039 – NL-3360 BA Sliedrecht –The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 613 200 F +31 (0)184 612 654 E info@dbr-bv.nl I www.dbr-bv.nl Contact: H.J. Hafkamp DBR BV is the Dutch specialist in diesel and gas generator sets up to 4,000kVA, pumps and diesel pump sets up to 2,000kW in the oil and gas, wind farm, dredging and shipping industry worldwide. The well-engineered generator and pump sets are custom-built and assembled by DBR in accordance to high quality offshore standards and marine classification rules.
Delta SubSea 550 Club Dr, Suite 345 Montgomery, Texas 77316, USA T +1936-582-7237 I www.deltasubsea-rov.com Delta SubSea (DSS) is a leading integrated independent provider of ROV Services and Solutions. Delta SubSea’s ROV fleet is focused on solutions for customers in the inspection, repair and maintenance, construction, drilling and decommissioning market segments. In addition to ROV Services, DSS also provides Subsea Project Management, Subsea Project Support Services, Subject Matter Experts and Client Representation for Diving/ROV/Subsea Construction.
Gebhard Electro Innovatiepark 14, 4906 AA Oosterhout P.O. Box 61, 4900 AB Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 452 888
F +31 (0)162 433 761 E info@gebhard.nl I www.gebhard.nl Contact: Ton Versluis / Richard van de Wiel Gebhard Electro is a globally operating company specialised in the design, production, installation and maintenance of electrical systems for the maritime shipping industry. We collaborate with leading shipyards on every continent. Gebhard Electro has been specialised in the high-tech world of shipbuilding since 1946. Our activities vary greatly: from just one specific task to the execution of entire projects or the management and co-ordination of all activities of all participating contractors. From our own facility in China we are in a position to deliver at competitive rates. Gebhard Electro, your one-stopshop for development / engineering / production / installation / repair service
Heinen & Hopman Produktieweg 12 3751 LN Spakenburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)33 299 25 00 F +31 (0)33 299 25 99 E pr@heinenhopman.com I www.heinenhopman.com Contact: J.W.E. Hopman Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: – Superyachts. – Commercial shipping. – Offshore industry. – Navy vessels. Our mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 Pantone 299
Pantone 354
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Pantone Coated (C) voor coated papierdrukwerk en en andere gecoate ondergronden, zoals stickers etc. Versie 2014-02-18 Edward Newland / en@heinenhopman.com
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service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres.
Hubel Marine B.V. Karel Doormanweg 5, 2nd Floor 3115 JD Schiedam P.O. Box 3219 3003 AE Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 458 7338 F +31 (0)10 458 7662 E info@hubelmarine.com I www.hubelmarine.com Twitter: HubelMarine Contact: Mr Erik A. de Koning M +31 (0)6 53724457 Hubel Marine is a full-service firm for advice regarding Vessel Registration, Mortgage Registration, Seafarer Endorsements and Technical Flag State matters. We represent the flags of Panama, Belize and St.Kitts & Nevis. We are fully authorised to perform Safety Surveys and issue Statutory & Class Certification including ISM, ISPS and MLC audits. We provide services for any type or tonnage of vessel worldwide.
Nicoverken Marine Services BV Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 E info@nicoverken.nl I www.nicoverken.nl Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
02-11-17 10:58
YELLOW & FINCH PAGES including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!
equipped with own shore cranes up to 208 tons. Floating cranes up to 1,500 tons are available.
Constructive Solutions
Orga Offshore Strickledeweg 13 3125 AT Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 208 5566 F +31 (0)10 437 8445 E offshore@orga.nl I www.orga-offshore.nl Contact: Cindy J ouvenaar - Heskes Driving innovation with safety always in mind Dutch company Orga has over 40 years’ experience providing customised explosion-proof safety lighting and aids with navigation solutions for the offshore oil and gas industries. Widely used around the world, Orga products meet all local and international code requirements providing robust, reliable and cost effective service in some of the harshest offshore environments. With increasing demands from the oil and gas industries for pioneering technology, improved safety and reduced total cost of ownership, Orga’s continuing drive for innovation has developed the very latest cuttingedge in helideck lighting, marine navigational aids and remote power systems. For more information please visit www.orga-offshore.nl
rhb stevedoring & warehousing Waalhaven N.Z. 4 3087 BL Rotterdam Portnumber 2157 The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 94 33 F +31 (0)10 429 02 61 E office@rhb.nl I www.rhb.nl rhb stevedoring & warehousing is your independent partner for project cargoes, heavy lifts and assisting offshore vessels during mobilisation or demobilisation. Our private terminal with 730 metres quay length is www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str y.eu
yellowpages 10-6.indd 63
Rometal B.V. Patrijsweg 10 4791 RV Klundert The Netherlands T +31 (0)168 331 490 E sales@rometal.nl I www.rometal.nl Contact: Martijn van Manen We are your partner in delivering all kinds of high-tension (S690, S890 and S960) steel structures and even inclusive electrical and hydraulics, if so required. We can be your turn-key partner in the supply, engineering and on-board installation of heavy lift equipment, land and offshore wind structures and (de)mobilisations. Also complete document control according to the class bodies lies in our expertise. With our two facilities we have all disciplines in house to enable us to serve our clients in an efficient and reliable way. We are completely certified according to our customer standard. For more details, please phone us and/or check our website: www.rometal.nl.
Seaway Heavy Lifting Albert Einsteinlaan 50 2719 ER Zoetermeer The Netherlands T +31 (0)79 363 77 00 F +31 (0)79 363 77 99 E ba@shl.nl I www.shl.com.cy Seaway Heavy Lifting is a leading offshore contractor in the global Oil & Gas and Renewables industry, offering tailored T&I and EPCI solutions*. Seaway Heavy Lifting owns and operates crane vessels Stanislav Yudin and Oleg Strashnov, which have a revolving lift capacity of 2,500mt and 5,000mt respectively. * T&I: Transport & Installation, EPCI: Engineering,
CERTIFIED ROBOT WELDING Vlotstaal Energieweg 16, 2964 LE Groot Ammers The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 601108 E info@vlotstaal.nl I www.vlotstaal.nl Contact: Jan van Oosten Vlot Staal is a leading robot welding production company for industrial components. Where other welding companies work mostly with hand welders for certified products, Vlot Staal uses mainly welding robots for component welding within the offshore and crane industries and other highly demanding industries. All activities are certified with the well-known ISO 9001:2014 for organisation and ISO 3834-2 (highest execution class) for welding work. Welding qualifications are certified according to: AWS D1.1, ISO 15614 and ASME IX for robot welding and hand welding. Delivering machined and painted products with a complete manufacturing data book is standard procedure. Check out our website for the full overview. If you want reliability and guaranteed top quality for a fair price, don’t hesitate to contact us. “Once you’ve placed the order, you can let it go” www.vlotstaal.nl
G.J.Wortelboer Jr. B.V. Quarantaineweg 5, 3089 KP Rotterdam P.O. Box 5003, 3008 AA Rotterdam Harbournr: 2637 The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 2222 F +31 (0)10 429 6459 E info@wortelboer.nl I www.wortelboer.nl Every now and then anchors and chains must be replaced, so we understand your need for quality and speedy delivery. Wortelboer has what you are looking for. Our enormous stock of anchors and chain cables of all sizes and diameters in both our Rotterdam and China ports gives you the certainty that we can deliver the required materials very quickly and to any port in the world! All our materials are approved by any of the well-known class societies such as LRS, BV, RINA, DNV/GL, ABS and RMRS. Do you have problems with finding the right anchors? Could you use a hand while fitting anchors and chain cables aboard your vessel? We are more than happy to help you with it. Wortelboer has been a reliable partner in the shipping industry for more than 50 years. And that is why our customers keep coming back for more. Do you need anchors and chain cables? Come to WORTELBOER.
Next Issue Main Themes Offshore Wind Outlook 2018 Automation, Control & Measurement Technology Recruitment, Training & Education Transport & Heavy Lifting
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OSI 2017 | Vo l u me 10 | I s s u e 6 | 6 3
02-11-17 10:58
Word on the SeA
Yellow & Finch Publishers’ Tom Dietvorst
A must-attend occasion The event celebrated its tenth birthday this year. On 14 September, approximately one hundred This was yet another must-attend occasion for the maritime professionals from the Netherlands industry, with three days of showcasing innovations and abroad took part in the annual Maritime and releases and making many valuable contacts. Charity Golf Event. The event was organised by Yellow & Finch Publishers for the seventh time. I look forward to meeting you in person during Participants enjoyed a pleasant day full of sport the next exhibition, which is the Wind Europe and networking on the beautiful Grevelingenhout Conference & Exhibition, hosted by WindEurope in golf course in Bruinisse (the Netherlands). cooperation with the Netherlands At the end of the Wind Energy Association (NWEA). day, Marco Geels, CCO of This event will take place in Yellow & Finch Publishers, the Amsterdam RAI Exhibition handed out a cheque worth and Convention Centre from EUR 6,500 to John Donks, 28 - 30 November. You will find representing CliniClowns. We can meet up at the Offshore Industry at the Dutch We look back on a very where I will gladly discuss nice day, and we really look Dutch Village during Village, with you your communication plans forward to meeting you at next WindEurope. and wishes for next year. year’s event, which will take place on 13 September. If you are unable to meet me in Amsterdam, I hope to see you at one of the many events next More than fifty IRO members travelled to year. Assen to attend the members meeting hosted by Resato International. This enterprise on 5 October Let us all go into 2018 with full power! introduced us to the world of high pressure technology and water jet cutting. Companies such as Vonk, Kwint Offshore, Sandvik, SIRI Marine, Rosen Europe, Astava and Stiko gave short presentations on their companies. Each year, October is for many of us dedicated to the Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference.
6 4 | O S I 2 0 1 7 | Volum e 10 | Issue 6
Word on the Sea.indd 64
Tom Dietvorst tom@ynfpublishers.com
w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u
02-11-17 14:23
Track Record:
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E-mail: projects@verbrugge.nl
Tel.: +31 (0) 118 42 60 00
OSI 2017 | VOLUME 10 | ISSUE 6
OSI VOL. 10 ISSUE 6 | 2017
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