Offshore Industry 2018 Issue 1

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OSI 2018 | VOLUME 11 | ISSUE 1

OSI VOL. 11 ISSUE 1 | 2018

i n d u s t r y

BER-PA Oil & Gas sealing solutions OUTLOOK 2018


EXCELLENCE IN THE GASKET INDUSTRY SINCE 1984 O-rings and sealing systems ideal for applications in extremely hostile environments, both from a chemical and climatic point of view. Compounds and materials capable of resisting exposure to high concentrations of lubricants, steam, gas and hydrocarbons, to the phenomena of RGD (Rapid Gas Decompression) and to the rigid arctic or desert temperatures typical of extractive environments. O-Rings in compound VB90BMED / VB90CMED / VB90TMED supplied by BER-PA S.R.L have been tested according to the requirements of NORSOK M-710 Edition 3 and ISO 23936-2 (Rapid gas decompression resistance) and obtained PASSED with the highest possible rating of “0000”.


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Flame cutting

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Structural strength in heavy steel plates

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Steel plates

• over 100,000 tons in stock: 25,000 m2 roofed surface • offshore grades S355G10+M / S420G2+M / S460G2+M, acc. EN 10225, S460NL (Z35-US) acc. EN 10025-3 • shipbuilding grades: Grade A LRS, DH36 LRS, EH36 LRS, VLD36, VLE36, VLE36 / EH36 (+Z35), VLE36TM, VLF36TM • construction plates S235JR / S355J2+N / S355K2+N acc. EN 10025-2 • fine grained construction plates S355 acc. EN 10025-3 • high strength fine grained plates - Dillimax 690-1100 (+Z35) • wear-resistant plates - Dillidur 400/450/500/550 • SA516GR70 / P355NL2 / P355NH • DICREST®5 (HIC resistant) acc. ASME SA 516 Gr. 60/65/70


shorecranes up to 208 tons

Publisher’s note

Predictions and Expectations TradiTionally, aT The sTarT of a new ediTorial year, offshore indusTry looks aT predicTions and expecTaTions for The indusTry. aT The end of 2017, iT already became clear from posiTive signs ThaT the oil & gas industry was slowly leaving a very dark episode. Research from various recognised institutes released in the last few months show that things are indeed looking better for this sector, although it is expected that most suppliers will not profit from the recovery before 2019. When looking at offshore wind, it seems as though there is no stopping the further growth of this energy source. but this success has a possible downside, due to the continuous growing demand for technicians. This growth will soon lead to a drastic scarcity in skilled workers for the construction, operation, and maintenance of turbines. Together with the industry, the educational system is searching for solutions. but for the short term, other ways need to be found to get all hands on deck. A possible solution might come from the oil & gas industry, a field in which many skilled and experienced workers became redundant in the last decade. A positive effect from the crisis, alongside the successful offshore wind industry, is the growing number of innovations. Innovations lead to cost reductions in the oil & gas industry, and they improve offshore wind operations. In this issue of Offshore Industry, you can read lots of stories about interesting innovations, and it will give you an idea of what to expect in the near future. enjoy reading this issue!

charles van den oosterkamp managing direcTor chARles@ynfpublIsheRs.cOm


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Voorwoord 11-1.indd 1

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22-02-18 15:08


Shell OffShOre recently annOunced One Of itS largeSt uS gulf Of MexicO exploration finds in the past decade from the Whale deep-Water Well. the Well encountered more than 427m of oil bearing pay.


hale is operated by Shell (60%) and coowned by chevron usa (40%). it was discovered in the alaminos canyon Block 772, adjacent to the shell-operated silvertip field, and approximately 16km from the Shell-operated perdido platform. “Whale builds on shell’s successful, nearly 40-year history in the deep waters of the gulf of mexico, and is particularly special in that it offers a combination of materiality, scope and proximity to existing infrastructure,” says marc gerrits, executive Vicepresident exploration for royal dutch shell. shell currently has three gulf of mexico deep-water projects under construction – appomattox, Kaikias, and coulomb phase 2 – as well as investment options for additional subsea tiebacks and Vito, a potential new hub in the region. the group expects its global deep-water production to exceed 900,000 boe per day by 2020 from already discovered, established areas.

deep-water oil discovery at the Ballymore prospect. ballymore is located in the mississippi canyon area, approximately 5km from chevron’s blind faith platform, at a water depth of 1,992m. chevron is ballymore’s operator, with a 60% share. total e&p usa owns the remaining 40%. the initial ballymore well reached a total measured depth of 8,900m, and encountered more than 204m net oil pay with excellent reservoir and fluid characteristics. “the gulf of mexico deep-water is an integral part of our company’s long-term strategy,” explains Jeff shellebarger, president of chevron north america exploration and production. “this discovery is an important addition to our portfolio, specially with its combination of size, quality and proximity to existing infrastructure.” i. i.

meanwhile, shell’s Whale partner chevron announced a significant gulf of mexico

Image courtesy of Shell

The Whale discovery is located in approximately 2,438m of water.

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Photo courtesy of Pacific Drilling

The Ballymore well was drilled by Pacific Drilling’s Sharav deep-water drillship.

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22-02-18 13:19

transport & HEaVY LIFtIng

oos internationaL signs mou with Cmih

The OOS Zeelandia: World’s Largest LNG Crane Vessel Holding ooS international group (ooS international) HaS Signed a memorandum of understanding with China merChants industry holdings (Cmih), a fully-owned subsidiary of China merchants group, for the basic design and construction of the largest SSCV in the world, the ooS Zeelandia; a revolutionary new Semi-Submersible Crane Vessel.


The OOS Serooskerke keel laying ceremony marked an important milestone, as OOS International moves closer towards bringing the company’s first state-of-the-art semi-submersible heavy lift crane vessel to the market.

oS international revealed the new vessel during the eu-China Blue industry Cooperation Forum, but the Mou with CMiH was already signed in July 2017. the basic design is already in progress. By signing this agreement, both parties have confirmed their commitment to establish and maintain a strategic partnership based on the engineering and construction phase for this unexcelled new vessel.

Next Generation SSCV

the company enhances its capabilities by introducing a next generation SSCV suitable for platform removal and installation in deep water. the platform will be equipped with two cranes with an impressive lifting capacity of 12,000t per crane. the aft crane is fitted with a 360° rotating dp work bridge where dPo’s and crane drivers are located next to each other, an enormous open deck space for positioning and transport of heavy modules, an unprecedented 112m between cranes, and a large hotel capacity integrated in the deck box. this iCe Class 1B lng vessel can reach a high transit speed up to 15.4kn, and has a low fuel consumption due to its ship-shaped asymmetric design.

Great Value

mr Léon overdulve, Ceo and founder of ooS international, confirms that this platform is the largest and most powerful lng SSCV ever constructed. “these immense volumes that go beyond the capacity of our current fleet will be of great value to the decommissioning and subsea installation market, based on client demands concerning the removal and installation of ample platforms. the new vessel will be designed with the highest safety and ecological standards. We strongly value sustainable relationships and found a reliable partner in China merchants industry

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22-02-18 13:20

transport & HEaVY LIFtIng

A revolutionary new semi-submersible crane vessel.

SSAV Tiradentes, the former CR-600, will be stationed in Brazil under contract of Petrobras.

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21-02-18 11:18

Local engineering For a variety of offshore Exploration & Production (E&P) operators in the Southern North Sea, our teams in Capelle aan den IJssel (The Netherlands) deliver design and engineering services related to production assets for both brown and greenfields projects: field life time extension enhanced oil recovery debottlenecking re-routing studies flow assurance tie-in of new wells boosting capacity with additional equipment and modules We provide the best possible framework to ensure safe and reliable asset operation and comply with applicable law and industry standards. Contact us: T. +31 10 2207070 Discover more.

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21-02-18 11:18

transport & HEaVY LIFtIng

The new vessel will be designed with the highest safety and ecological standards. holdings, engaged and highly experienced in building offshore equipment and vessels.’’


two ooS international SSCV’s, the ooS gretha and ooS promotheus, are currently working on the renovation and maintenance of the petrobras production platforms in Brazil. ooS international named at the end of 2017 its latest acquisition, the ooS tiradentes, in collaboration with CiMC raffles. the SSaV, the former Cr-600, is due to enter ooS international’s offshore operations for petrobras in Q1, 2018. on december 19 of last year, the keel laying ceremony for the new ooS Serooskerke was held at China merchants heavy industry (Jiangsu) in Haimen. a total of 166 blocks are now being constructed, and 38 blocks are ready to begin. the vessel is expected to remain in the dock for approximately nine months, after which she will complete the rest of

her commissioning along the quayside.

Huisman Cranes

the contract for ooS Serooskerke and its sister SSCV ooS Walcheren was signed in 2016. Both vessels are also destined for dismantling, lifting and removing platforms. they will be equipped with two heavy lift, active heave compensated Huisman cranes with a total crane capacity of 4,400t for executing subsea lifts. there will also be a sizeable hotel capacity of 750 persons on board of each vessel. the SSCV’s are designed in accordance with the aBs habitability notation for crew comfort, and also comply with uK HSe standards, and are designed to operate under stringent requirements. the delivery of ooS Serooskerke is planned for Q2, 2019 and the ooS walcheren will be delivered later in 2019.

Delivery of the OOS Serooskerke and the identical OOS Walcheren is planned for 2019.

i. Both the OOS Gretha and OOS Promotheus are currently working on the renovation and maintenance of the Petrobras production platforms in Brazil.

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21-02-18 11:19

RecR uItment, tRaInIng & educatI on

iPS is expanding their pool of qualified offshore wind technicians.

It is All About People EvEryonE is awarE of thE many changEs that havE takEn placE in communication, automation and digitalisation ovEr thE past few decades. One of the sectors greatly influenced by these changes, is the recruitment business. iPS Powerful People, founded 30 years ago, sees the huge impact of this new industrial revolution.

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he origin of iPS dates back even thirteen years earlier, around 43 years ago, when Leo Oostendorp and Theo Wanders met on a job in Bahrain. In the years that followed, they kept running into each other and at a certain moment decided to start their own company. Mr Wanders and Mr Oostendorp are still the sole shareholders in the company that specialises in recruiting and cross border pay rolling. Nowadays, Hans van Burk (Sales), Rob Kooijmans (Finance) and Patrick Mans (Operations) are the directors. “As a team we manage the company in very close collaboration with each other,” explains Mr van Burk. We meet with our founders on a regular basis to discuss business and our plans.”

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21-02-18 11:21

RecR uI tment, tRaInIng & educatIon

Searching for Excellent Technicians

Today, the industry offers ample opportunities for recruitment. “Although the oil & gas as a whole is not doing so well, this does not mean that there is no business for us. A lot is happening in Mexico, for instance. To prepare for this, we already decided to establish an office in Mexico City several years ago.” The booming renewables market is obviously also important. “For this relatively new market, we are expanding our pool of qualified offshore wind technicians. Even the shipbuilding and maintenance industry holds numerous chances for us. This industry is searching for excellent technicians. Although we have built a large track record in the maritime industry, shipbuilding is still relatively new to us.”

Turn-Around Teams

Mr van Burk looks towards the future with confidence. “Our speciality is the recruitment and staffing of highly educated technicians. They are needed all over the world, and to stay healthy in this business, we are building an international platform for global visibility. Like the industry itself, we must also constantly innovate. One of our latest developments is the creation of internationally operating turn-around teams. There is high demand for these teams.” A good relationship with contractors and the team on site is of great importance for iPS. To stay attuned with daily business, project managers are on the project site as

often as possible. The company also closely collaborates with training centres. “As the industry is changing rapidly, our people need to constantly keep their skills and knowledge up to date.”

Client Focus

iPS has managed to survive the economic crisis fairly well. “In the past few years, we have been focusing on the future. We have made changes towards an even more client focused approach. By doing so, we want to act more proactively, rather than reactively. This was a great step for us, but so far it is paying off. We have furthermore been working on an improved international profiling. We founded the Dutch Energy Association in Mexico, in which other Dutch companies act together to promote themselves in this market.”

How to Get Better

“For us, it is important to at all times be aware of how to get better,” concludes Mr van Burk. “Whatever might have changed throughout the years, in our company it will always be about people. All about the people working worldwide on our clients’ projects. All about the people that are working at our head office and at other branches. Only in the way we work, are we able to distinguish ourselves from competitors, and the basis for this was laid by our founders thirty years ago.” i.

The shipbuilding and maintenance industry holds numerous chances for iPS.

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Mr van Burk, “As a team we manage the company in very close collaboration with each other.”

Today, the industry offers ample opportunities for recruitment.

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21-02-18 11:21

Carbon Capture & Storage


Photo courtesy of Ă˜yvind Hagen/Statoil.

CCUS teChnology CaptUreS Carbon dioxide (Co2) from large emitting SoUrCeS and either StoreS it permanently in the deep SUbSUrfaCe or employS it in USefUl prodUCtS, faCilitating significant cuts in emissions from industrial and power sectors. together with better energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy, its deployment is recognised as crucial to reach our goals of limiting global temperatures.

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he carbon capture storage (CCS) chain consists of three parts: capturing the carbon dioxide, transporting the Co2, and securely storing the carbon dioxide emissions underground. first, capture technologies allow the separation of carbon dioxide from gases produced in electricity generation and industrial processes. after capturing, the carbon dioxide is transported by pipeline or by ship for safe storage. for the storage, geological rock formation, which are typically located several kilometres below the earth’s surface, are used. depleted offshore oil and gas fields are considered a useful option for this, as

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21-02-18 11:26

Carbon Capture & Storage

The Sleipner CCS project already began storing CO2 in 1996.

the existing infrastructure of installations and pipelines that were used for the transport of oil and gas from the fields, can be made suitable for the transport of carbon dioxide to the fields.

Established Technology

CCS is an established technology that has been around for several decades. according to Statoil, there are currently 21 full-scale carbon capture and storage projects worldwide in the development or operations phase. the world’s first industrial scale offshore CCS project is the Sleipner CCS project, operated by Statoil that began storing Co2 in 1996. Sleipner is a natural gas field located in the north Sea. CO2 must be separated from the gas for the natural gas to meet market specifications. around one million tonnes of Co2 is annually injected into a saline formation

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located one kilometre below the seabed. Statoil also operates a CCS project at the Snøhvit liquefied natural gas (lng) plant. the Co2 is separated from natural gas before the gas is liquefied as lng. the project began operation in 2008 and stores up to 700,000t of Co2 per year in a depleted natural gas reservoir deep below the seabed. together with Shell and total, the norwegian company now participates in a project that will store Co2 captured from onshore industrial facilities. an investment decision on the project implementation is expected to be made by norwegian parliament in 2019.

Far-Reaching Project

among the many projects that are in the development phase is the ‘accelerating low Carbon industrial growth through Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage’

(align-CCUS) project that, like the norwegian project, aims at capturing Co2 from various industries. this international partnership of science and industry has initiated a far-reaching project to help transform six european industrial regions into economically robust, low-carbon centres by 2025. the multi-partner project which has won nearly eUr 15 million in funding from the european era-net aCt fund, will look at different yet interlinking areas of research that will support the quick and cost-effective delivery of largescale CCUS. the align-CCUS project will focus on specific regions in five european countries: north rhine-Westphalia in germany, rotterdam in the netherlands, grenland in norway, oltenia in romania, and teesside and grangemouth in the UK. the results will be used to draw up a blueprint for delivering CCUS in each


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21-02-18 11:26












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CCS.indd 26

Subsea Spreader Beams

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21-02-18 11:26

Carbon Capture & Storage

CCS is an established technology that has been around for several decades.

Photo courtesy of Shell.

region. the project has a total operating budget of eUr 23 million, which includes funding from national agencies in the five participating countries, the european Commission and approximately 35% is inkind financing from industrial participants.

Integrated Approach

as part of the three-year project, which will be led by dutch research institute tno, the team will also focus on optimising and reducing the costs of Co2 capture technology, planning large-scale Co2 transport, providing sufficient and safe offshore Co2 storage, developing the use of CO2 in energy storage and conversion, as well as on supporting societal CCUS awareness. project leader peter van os from tno explains: “the align-CCUS project has a unique, integrated approach that will significantly accelerate the transition of the current industry and power sector into a future of continued economic activity with low-carbon emissions.” the project’s technical research will make use of existing pilot and demonstration projects, which are in various phases of development. it will furthermore focus on real-life industrial clusters, where companies have already identified CCUS as a key technology for reducing the environmental footprint of their operations.

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Image courtesy of ALIGN-CCUS.

The multi-partner ALIGN-CCUS project unites science and industry in a shared goal of transforming six European industrial regions into economically robust, low-carbon centres by 2025.

niels berghout from the international energy agency states: “our analysis demonstrates that approximately 14% of the emissions reductions required up to 2060 will have to come from CCS to meet the 2°C target, and 19% to remain below this target. international research collaborations such as align-CCUS, which unite science and industry in a common purpose, are vital to deepen our technological understanding and for moving CCS forward.” one third of the project’s participants are industry partners that recognise the benefit of developing a largescale CCUS network for europe’s industrial zones. i.

The ALIGN-CCUS project has a unique, integrated approach that will significantly accelerate the transition of the current industry and power sector into a future of continued economic activity with lowcarbon emissions.

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21-02-18 11:27


MPs are not made for horizontal lifting and shipping.

The TPs were secured with extensive grillage on the tank top.

To ship a rather sensitive, yet tall and heavy piece of cargo, requires a tailor-made solution.

The TPs for Walney Extension are among the largest ever built.

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SAL.indd 28

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21-02-18 11:50


transporting Components for Walney extension offshore Windfarm

The Absolute Optimum What began in 2010 With the delivery of foundations for the first Walney offshore Windfarm concession, had a successful sequel in 2017. SAL Heavy Lift’s MV Svenja played a fundamental role in the third extension of the Walney Offshore Windfarm.


he vessel transported a total of 87 MPs from Rostock to Belfast. In addition, 87 TPs were carried from Tees and Aalborg to the project harbour. With a length of up to 72.56m, diameter of up to 8.4m and single weight of up to 561t, the TPs were amongst the largest ever built – a job that kept MV Svenja busy for almost a year.

Loading MPs in Rostock, with only 10m space forward and aft the moored vessel.

Challenging Conditions

This long-term project was characterised by several challenges. Two different types of cargo, each requiring their own mobilisation settings on board, being shipped alternately; a tight schedule from the customer side, demanding flawless workflows for a pinpointed delivery from three different loading ports; limited possibilities at the Port of Rostock, with only 10m space forward and aft of the moored vessel; and a special sea-fastening system, designed to cope with the cargo variety and to ensure quick handling, even during harsh weather conditions. Philip Stackmann, Project Manager at SAL, explains: “At the start of the project, we faced an exciting puzzle. We had a great variety of MPs with different diameters, lengths and weights.” Sebastian Wenzel, Project Engineer at SAL, adds: “The Walney TPs are among the heaviest and tallest ever built. But we already proved our expertise within the Veja Mate project. The real challenge was handling and securing the MPs. Their highest stability is in an upright position. They are not really made for horizontal lifting and shipping. The diameter to wall thickness ratio was so high, there was the risk of squeezing or deforming the piles during lifting and transport.”

solution. A combination of specially designed steel cradles with wooden inlets served as sea-fastening arrangement for the MPs. The cradles were installed within an easy-to-install and easy-to-remove plug & play system. When the vessel’s crew changed the cargo setting from MPs to TPs, they could easily remove the steel MP cradles from the hatch covers and the tween deck. This way, the TPs could be secured with extensive grillages on the tank top, with the MV Svenja sailing with open hatch. “The cooperation between Van Oord and SAL has been excellent – in particular because we needed SAL to comply with our extremely tight construction programme. And SAL has proven they can do the job,” adds Floren Verweij, Project Manager at Van Oord Offshore Wind Projects.

remarkable parts are its huge blades. While MV Svenja was delivering MPs and TPs, SAL’s MV Annegret brought tower sections and blades from Nakskov, Aabenraa, and Esbjerg in Denmark. In eleven voyages, the vessel transported 40 tower mid sections, 40 tower top sections and 24 blades. A single voyage contained either ten tower sections or eight blades. Due to their length of over 80m, the blades became quite a challenging cargo that demanded every centimeter of space onboard the vessel. Stowed in the lower hold and in two layers, the blades had an all-in-all distance of only 500mm from the forward and engine bulkhead. A challenge that was successfully met. “The stowage plan proved to be the absolute optimum on site,” explains Marian Röpke, Project Engineer at SAL Heavy Lift.

The Solution

A Job for Two


To ship a rather sensitive, yet tall and heavy piece of cargo, requires a tailor-made

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An offshore wind turbine does not only consist of its foundation. The most

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Transport of steel sections to the welding area. Photo courtesy of Sif Netherlands B.V.

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Dillinger.indd 30

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21-02-18 11:50


Steel that Beats Conventional Grades OFFSHORE FACILITIES ARE EXPOSED TO HIGH STATIC AND DYNAMIC LOADS GENERATED BY WATER, WIND, WAVES AND LOW TEMPERATURES. IN SOME LOCATIONS, SUCH STRUCTURES ARE required to reliably withstand waves of over 25m in height and gale-force winds gusting at up to 160km per hour or more. In the North Sea, or even further north in particular, temperatures can reach -10°C or below, demanding dependable material toughness properties at test temperatures of -40°C or even lower.


ecause of these severe circumstances, requirements made on the grades of steel used for the construction of monopiles for offshore windfarms are high. Only absolutely excellent mechanical properties appropriate to the application, consisting of yield strength, tensile strength and toughness, can give such structures the necessary stability and safety. In addition, the availability of large plate formats, with excellent dimensional and flatness tolerances and weldability properties, are definitive preconditions for costefficient production. The offshore industry uses two differing groups of standards, which are selected on the basis of construction conditions. The differentiation criterion is, above all, the precise origin of the Charpy V-notch impact test specimen, which is taken either at one quarter (the EN 10025, series of standards on hot-rolled structural steels for offshore use) or at half plate thickness (the classical EN 10225 series, dealing with ‘Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore structures’). The origin of the samples from zones of differing solidification morphologies makes it possible to achieve differing maximum thicknesses, depending on the group of standards.

Thermo-Mechanically Rolled Plates

Dillinger, one of Europe’s leading producers of heavy plates, meets these offshore industry requirements with thermo-


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Gemini Offshore Windfarm

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Photo courtesy of Sif Netherlands B.V.

Offshore facilities are exposed to high static and dynamic loads generated by water, wind, waves and low temperatures.

Photo courtesy of

Sif Group is one of the most important manufacturers of steel tubular elements for the construction of oil & gas platforms and the foundations of offshore windfarms. The company has for decades used heavy plates sourced from Dillinger, completing more than 1,700 offshore foundations, in the form of deliveries of tubular elements for offshore oil, gas and wind projects. At the parent site in Roermond, tubular shell sections are produced around the clock using highly automated processes in twelve fabrication buildings housing five production lines. These sections are then joined together at the new Rotterdam site to make XL monopiles with diameters of up to 11m, and up to 2,000t finished weight. To give an example of the big figures that are common for offshore windfarms, for the Gemini offshore windfarm, Sif used a total of 94,500t of Grade S355ML – with individual plate weights of 32t – for the monopiles and transition pieces ordered. The length of the piles varied from 66m to 73m, depending on the exact position of the turbines in the overall field, and thus as a function of differences in seabed or in water depth. The diameter tapered from 6.8m for the bottom shell sections, to 5.5m at the top on the flange, on which the tower is supported. The piles consisted of twenty to twentytwo shell sections, with wall thicknesses of up to 85mm and a weight of up to 914t.

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i n d u s t r y EDitoriAl


arno dirkZwager Editor

marco geels Commercial Director

yara rood Editor

tom dietvorst Account Manager


alex diJkstra Office Manager

nathalie putman Art Director

charles van den oosterkamp Managing Director

contributinG EDitors Julia ZaltZman | Joanna van koert-hughes


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Content OSI 11-1 def.indd 2

22-02-18 13:13

contents osi






34 Unmanned Discovery of the Deep Sea 58 Saudi Aramco’s First AUV


24 Align-CCUS Wins EU Funds



30 Steel That Beats Conventional Grades


16 Large Deep-Water Discoveries in Gulf of Mexico


41 Partner Group Largest Investor in Borssele III/IV 42 Innovative Offshore Wind Substructures Inspection 52 Catching High Winds



10 The Tipping Point



22 It is All About People 36 Digitalisation Sets New Challenges in Offshore Industry 44 A Mega Job SOLAR ENERGY

56 Project Solar-at-Sea Begins


18 The OOS Zeelandia 28 The Absolute Optimum 48 Innovation Rules


1 Editor’s Note 4 News In Brief 59 People

60 Outfitters Pages

62 Yellow & Finch Pages 64 Word On The Sea www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str

Content OSI 11-1 def.indd 3

On the Cover Today, around 15GW of electrical power is installed by offshore wind worldwide. European ambitions are aiming at a power supply of 70GW in 2030. This means that on average, two 10MW turbines need to be installed each working day. Apart from this, many existing turbines need to be re-commissioned and once installed, turbines require maintenance and repair. Read more on page 44 – Photo courtesy of MHI-Vestas Offshore Wind. OSI 2018 | Vo l u me 11 | I s s u e 1 | 3

22-02-18 13:13

news in brief France Powerhouse of Global Tidal Energy Secretary of State for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, Sébastien Lecornu, recently announced preliminary studies to the launch of a tidal energy tender in Paris. The announcement is an important first step and strong message to the sector. A tender for tidal energy will see France become the global centre of tidal energy manufacturing. The tides in northern France are among the most powerful in the world. Following a decade of R&D development, tidal energy technology is now ready to use this resource. Tidal farms will generate predictable renewable energy, while creating significant jobs opportunities and local economic activity. Rémi Gruet, CEO of Ocean Energy Europe, welcomed the announcement and called for the launch of a tender for tidal energy as soon as possible.

Enpro Subsea Wins Frame Agreement with Tullow Oil Enpro Subsea has been awarded a frame agreement contract to support Tullow Oil as part of the operator’s strategic activities in Ghana. The contract will see the firm delivering its subsea intervention technologies to support Tullow’s plans with new and existing wells in the Jubilee & TEN fields. The campaign will see a consignment of up to fifteen of its patented flow access modules (FAMs) being deployed in phases during 2018 and 2019 to facilitate a range of immediate applications including, multiphase metering, scale squeeze and acid stimulation in addition to potential future applications like fluid sampling and water cut metering. The FAM system provides capital efficient, fast track field development using standard subsea hardware. The work will continue to be delivered by Enpro Subsea personnel as they work towards establishing a permanent presence in the region.

BP Begins Production from Egypt’s Atoll Gas Field BP recently started producing gas from the Atoll Phase One project, offshore Egypt. The project in the North Damietta concession of the East Nile Delta was delivered in February, seven months ahead of schedule and 33% below the initial cost estimate. The project now produces 350 million cubic feet of gas a day (MMSCFD) and 10,000bpd of condensate. Gas production from the field is directed to Egypt’s national grid. BP announced the Atoll discovery in March 2015. The main reservoir in the field contains an estimated 1.5 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of gas and 31 million barrels of condensates. Further segments are under evaluation.

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22-02-18 15:21

news in brief Repsol Sinopec Chooses Sparrows Group

Sparrows Group has secured a three year contract with Repsol Sinopec Resources to provide crane management services across its operating assets in the North Sea. The award, which was won by competitive tender, will see Sparrows deliver crane operations and maintenance services across ten of the operator’s assets in the region. Transfer of the contract to Sparrows will take place in March, when the company will commence the delivery of operation, maintenance, engineering and inspection services to ensure the reliability and safety of 38 cranes. The scope includes development and implementation of planned maintenance routines, as well as undertaking planning and risk assessment for all lifting operations.

Tuco Marine Presents ProZero 8m Full Cabin Tuco Marine presents the brand new ProZero 8m Full Cabin – a super compact service boat. The new vessel complements Tuco’s range of ProZero workboats and support vessels and is dedicated to the workboat, diving and subsea markets. The boat is designed and optimised to serve as a platform for service and subsea operations. Operations include transport of personnel, underwater inspection and research, repair and maintenance of machinery and structures, and recovery of sunken assets. In addition to the spacious driver and control cabin that has room for up to six extra passengers, the boat is equipped with a wellorganised working deck. The eight metre ProZero vessel standardly comes with a single inboard diesel engine and Z-drive. It can be equipped for single point lifting, so the boat can easily function as daughter craft for much larger vessels. It can therefore serve as a mothership extension that allows pinpoint operations in close proximity to installations like oil platforms and similar structures.

Umoe Mandal Unveils Voyager 38 X Wavecraft Voyager 38 X is a new crew transfer vessel for the oil & gas sector. Voyager 38 X incorporates proven air-cushion catamaran and Surface-Effect-Ship (SES) technologies with a sophisticated motion control system, which compensates for vertical wave motion, offering comfortable transit and safe access to other vessels and installations offshore. The vessel may be outfitted with a gangway and a SeaSpyder personnel transfer system. With a sleek composite hull design and optional smart interior layout that offers modern facilities, Voyager 38 X is optimised to deliver a comfortable transit for up to 150 passengers and a crew of six. With a maximum speed of 55 knots, excellent seakeeping capabilities and superior fuel efficiency, the new Voyager 38 X offers reduced logistical costs by effectively servicing multiple platforms in a single transit.



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• News in brief OSI 11-1 def.indd 5

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22-02-18 14:59


The World Leader in Arctic Transport RED BOX ENERGY SERVICES pioneered the opening of the Northern Sea Route for year-round transportation of energy infrastructure modules.

AUDAX and PUGNAX are the largest polar ice breaking ships in the world. They performed safely and reliably during the Arctic Winter in minus 50°C temperatures; sailing through two meters of ice.

For the Yamal LNG Project, RED BOX safely executed 25 voyages above the Arctic Circle from September 2015 until November 2017, transporting 99 modules with a total weight of 290,000 tonnes - over 60 percent of the total modules fabricated in ten different construction yards across Asia.

The RED BOX Team on board trained for many months on Russian nuclear icebreakers to prepare themselves for the challenges of operating in some of the most extreme marine conditions in the world.

As a result of this new milestone in Arctic navigation, the Yamal LNG Project remained on schedule, successfully achieving its target of ‘first gas’ in December 2017.

The AUDAX and PUGNAX and the highly skilled professionals that sail and support them allow Team RED BOX to uniquely serve our clients seeking safe and reliable marine heavy transportation services above the Arctic Circle.

ANTICIPATE – COMMUNICATE – COOPERATE - LEAD 6 | O S I 2 0 1 8 | Vo l um e 11 | Issue 1

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news in brief N-Sea Awarded EUR 45 Million of Contracts N-Sea has secured major contracts to the value of EUR 45 million during Q4 of 2017 and in early Q1 2018, providing a sound backlog for the coming season. Known for its work as offshore subsea contractor, N-Sea’s expertise in the fields of UXO (unexploded ordnance) survey, ROV and tooling solutions, diving, and subsea maintenance and construction will be employed. The projects, which include UK east coast windfarm work, interconnector cable projects and German Baltic scopes, will be delivered with a variety of vessels on behalf of customers in the oil & gas, renewables and utilities sectors.

Fugro’s Rig Positioning Services For Statoil

e r

Fugro has won a long-term contract for the provision of rig positioning services to Statoil Petroleum. The contract includes positioning of all the Statoil operated rigs on the Norwegian continental shelf, together with the company’s associated vessels. Fugro’s satellite positioning systems, utilising all available navigation satellites (GPS, GLONASS, Beidou and Galileo), will be permanently installed on the Statoil operated rigs and vessels. Developments in technology will bring two significant benefits to Statoil: by remotely configuring the offshore systems from Fugro’s onshore bases, mobilisation time will be reduced and fast track operations will be enabled.




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O E ffs ve h n or ts e


March www.o f f s h o r e - i n d u str

• News in brief OSI 11-1 def.indd 7


May OSI 2018 | Vo l u me 11 | I s s u e 1 | 7

22-02-18 14:59

news in brief Kværner to Construct Johan Castberg Topsides Statoil has awarded Kværner the contract for the Johan Castberg topsides. The contract includes the construction and installation of the topside structure for the FPSO to be located on the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea. The contract has a total value of about EUR 0.4 billion. Kværner will utilise a number of yards along the Norwegian coast for the construction work. Yards in Sandnessjøen, Verdal, Stord and Egersund will all be used. The construction work is scheduled to last until 2021, followed by a complex assembly period. In this period the topside structure will be installed on the hull and connected to the turret. The first oil from the field is scheduled for the first half of 2022. Johan Castberg will be the sixth project on stream in Northern Norway. The field has been important to the further development of the oil & gas industry in the north.

Total-Led Consortium Enters Lebanon with Two Deep-water E&P Contracts

Expediting – Investment in Profitability Many companies have recognised that the early and consistent use of expediting ensures both the quality and punctuality of suppliers, resulting in considerable cost savings. Delays in the delivery of individual components can have a considerable negative effect, sometimes causing quality problems, and usually involving high additional costs. The specialists at IWT analyse the supply and manufacturing chain right from the start of the project, to quickly identify potential bottlenecks and work with the manufacturers to find solutions at an early stage. Expediting assures proper and effective commissioning of plants. IWT also has permanent access to a wide range of test equipment, including PMI, mobile hardness testing and holiday testing, and can therefore conduct quality assurance tests and inspections parallel to expediting. This all-in-one concept safeguards not only deadlines, but also quality, and increases the efficiency of on-site visits while saving costs.

Total-led international consortium (Total 40%, ENI 40%, Novatek 20%) signed two Exploration and Production Agreements with the Republic of Lebanon, covering Blocks 4 and 9, located in the deep waters offshore Lebanon. The agreements are the result of the first International Competitive Offshore Licensing Round launched by Lebanese Petroleum Authority. The consortium’s priority will be to drill a first exploration well in Block 4 in 2019. The blocks were awarded to the consortium in the frame of the first offshore licensing round, launched by the Lebanese government in January 2017.

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22-02-18 15:23

news in brief Sonardyne Deep Tracking Technology for Maria S. Merian Sonardyne International has announced that its deep-water acoustic tracking technology, Ranger 2, has been installed on one of the most modern vessels in the German research fleet, the Maria S. Merian. The system was chosen as a replacement for the vessel’s existing thirdparty Ultra-Short BaseLine (USBL) acoustic equipment to enable science teams to precisely track the position of deep-water science systems, including unmanned robotic platforms and seafloor landers to beyond 7km. Operated by the German Research Vessels Control Station at the Institute of Geology, University of Hamburg, the Maria S. Merian is equipped to conduct sea bottom, water column and atmospheric observations in the Mediterranean, North Atlantic and, thanks to its ice-breaking reinforced hull, the subpolar Norwegian Sea.

HFG Awarded EPCI Contract by Tulip Oil

Tulip Oil Netherlands Offshore has awarded Heerema Fabrication Group (HFG) an EPCI contract for the Q10-A unmanned offshore platform. The topside of the Q10-A platform will have a weight of approximately 500t. The jacket will have a weight of around 600t, and will stand in 21m of water. The Q10-A platform will be installed late 2018. The Q10 gas field is located 20km offshore the Netherlands in a shallow water environment. The Q10-A platform will be tied back to the P15d platform.



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• News in brief OSI 11-1 def.indd 9

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oiL & gAs

nd gas industry in 2018


n its latest Oil and Gas Outlook, DNV GL publishes the results of a global survey among 813 senior industry professionals and executives, along with fifteen in-depth interviews with a range of experts, business leaders and analysts. According to the report, oil and gas companies are entering 2018 with a more positive outlook than recent years. This sentiment, while not universal, is built on more than the prices of NDUSTRY oil CONFIDENCE or gas. For many, it is built on a belief that their organisation has sufficiently nd gas industry Graham Bennett, vice president of DNV GL – Oil & Gas. “But instead the senior oil because industry participants now have their levels and undereven evolved in recent years tocost cope, bout growth control and can make a reasonable margin, even at USD55 or thrive, against a backdrop of lower-forNDUSTRY USD65 oil.”CONFIDENCE longer prices, the rise of unconventional oil, of 2014, Many industry leaders share this view, including Thore Kristiansen, nd year gas industry Graham Bennett,officer vice president of executive DNV GL – Oil &“But instead ne ago. chief operating E&P, and director Galp. growing demand for LNG, and the long-term the senior oil because industry participants now have theirthe cost levels of under “It seems to be that we are perhaps beyond bottom this onfidence energy transiti on. It also looks as though bout growth control and can make a reasonable USD55 or cycle and that we are slowly headingmargin, up,” heeven“But we are ng revenue USD65 oil.”for lower-for-longer prices. We do not believe that preparing this evolution has only just begun. later in this

nd gas industry in 2018

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Clear Shift

“It seems be that we perhaps beyond the bottom of this Oil priceto volatility hasare fallen cycle and that we are slowly heading up,” he says. we are Much of the industry’s new confidence is driven by“But stronger, Industry confi denceWe has increased much preparing formore lower-for-longer dooil not believe that and perhaps importantly,prices. less volatile, prices in 2017. we will go up towards the past highs, but that we will stay at the faster than the oil price, as globally two1 The Cboe Global Markets Crude Oil ETF Volatility Index (OVX), levels around where we are currently for many years toand come.” which had a monthly average of 46 OVX units in 2015 44 in

thirds of senior professionals plan to 2016, averaged just 28 2017. It is now around its lowest level Oil price volatility hasinfallen maintain or increase capital spending in since Much September of the industry’s confidence is driven by stronger, and perhaps more importantly, less volatile, prices32% in 2017. 2018, compared with last year. “I think one of the main reasons why theremerely is oil generally more The Cboe Global Markets Crude ETF Volatility Index (OVX), optimism in the industry is that the Oil oil price has stabilized.” says Two thirds (66%) of respondents say their which had a monthly average of 46 OVX units 2015 44 in Frank Ketelaars, regional manager, Americas, DNVinGL – Oiland & Gas. 2016, averaged just 28 in 2017. It is now around its lowest level company will maintain or increase capital “When prices are volatile there is more uncertainty about strategy, since September 2014. leaders don’t know whatin kind of adjustments to make, arelast spending 2018, compared todeals 39% harder agree – stability allows some predictability to return.” “I think to one of the main reasons why there is generally more year. 36% expect to increase investment in optimism in the industry is thatto the oil pricethrough has stabilized.” says Many expect these conditions continue 2018. Just 37% Frank Ketelaars, regional manager, Americas, DNV GL – Oil & Gas. R&D and innovati on – the highest level of our survey respondents name the oil price as an expected “When to prices arefor volatile is more uncertainty about barrier growth 2018,there compared with 64% a year ago. strategy, There has recorded inkind fouradjustments years. Digitalisati on (37%) leaders don’t know what to 16% make, deals also been a fall – from 42% twoofyears ago to just this yearare – in harder to agree – stability allows some predictability to return.” and cyber security (36%) will form those who expect the global economy to hold back growth. the Many expect these conditions continue 2018. Just 37% principal areasto of R&Dthrough investment focus this of our survey respondents name the oil price as an expected year. barrier to growth for 2018, compared with 64% a year ago. There has also been “Our a fall – from 42% two years ago to just 16%the this year in research indicates that oil –and gas those who expect the global economy to hold back growth. industry is becoming more confident that its successful focus on cutting costs and building new efficiencies into the value

are steadfast in their efforts to increase cost control measures in 2018, consistent with 2017 (51%), suggesting permanent new discipline in the industry. Close to two-thirds (62%) believe that these are permanent 07 changes, mirroring the results from last year’s survey (63%). This may suggest that the industry is going through a sustainable 07 period of change. “Intentions to increase capital and innovation spending in 2018 come alongside a clear signal that oil and gas industry costs will not return to pre-2014 norms. The need to invest in R&D is urgent for some parts of the sector and our research shows that industry leaders plainly see the need to maintain a tight control over costs to

chain will last. A new optimism is now emerging, driven from a common understanding that cost levels are under control and operators can make reasonable margins from an oil price that is expected to stay lower for much longer. The winners in our industry this year are those who can continue to make a clear shift from an expansion mindset to a margin mindset, and recognise the importance of implementing new models and technologies to improve operational efficiency,” says Liv Hovem, CEO at DNV GL Oil and Gas.

Cost Control

Strict discipline will nevertheless remain in the oil and gas industry. Half of respondents

Oil price versus overall industry confidence. Source DNV GL. USD 105



76% USD 82 82% USD 105

89% USD 101

76% USD 82

88% USD 98


65%USD 82 82%

USD 101

USD 82

USD 47 USD 98



USD 47

USD 49

USD 49 28%

30% USD 47

USD 47 32%

63% USD 55


USD 55



Oct 2010


Oct 2010

on of 30-day volatility of crude oil prices:

1 0 | O S I 2 0 1 8 | Volum e 11 | Issue 1


Oct 2011

Oil price

Oct 2011

Oil price

Oct 2012

Oct 2013

Oct 2014

Jan 2015


Oct 2015


Oct 2016

Oct 2017

Oil price calculation: average oil price (WTI, Brent) during relevant fieldwork periods (Source:

Oct 2012

Oct 2013

Oct 2014

Jan 2015

Oct 2015

Oct 2016

Oct 2017

Oil price calculation: average oil price (WTI, Brent) during relevant fieldwork periods (Source:

w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u

on of 30-day volatility of crude oil prices:

Offshore Wind Outlook.indd 10

22-02-18 13:15


Two-thirds of senior professionals plan to maintain or increase capital spending in 2018, compared with merely 32% last year.


Confidence and Control: the outlook for the oil and gas industry in 2018

Photo courtesy of Statoil.

support the leaner, smarter projects and operations that will be necessary to maintain margins in the years ahead,” adds Hovem. Other key findings from DNV GL’s research include: • Rising confidence is also regionally evident. Europe has the most improved outlook for the oil and gas sector (up from 25% last year to 64%), with Latin America at 77% (46% in 2017) and Asia Pacific at 57% (30% in 2017), while the trend is less distinct in North America (up from 49% to 57%). • Just 37% of senior industry professionals named the oil price as an expected barrier for growth in 2018, compared to 64% one year ago. • Nearly two-thirds (62%) of respondents expect their organisation to maintain, or increase, headcount in 2018, compared to 43% in 2017. • 58% of respondents expect to maintain, or increase, operating expenditure in 2018, up from 41% last year. • An ever-growing share of renewable energy sources within the portfolios of oil and gas companies as 38% of respondents expect to increase their renewable energy investments in 2018, up from 27% a year ago.

Many of the majors see enormous potential in digitalization. “We’ve been digital for decades, but it has had limited impact beyond becoming more energy efficient,” says Statoil’s Wærness. “What we see now is that the different types of technology development come together at an increasingly rapid speed. That means we can make large changes more quickly. Things like blockchain, artificial intelligence, robotics – they allow for different operational models.” Throughout the value chain, there are examples of digitalization’s potential. In the upstream segment, the IEA estimates that digital technologies could decrease production costs by 10–20% with more advanced use of sensors, seismic data, and reservoir modelling. The research also concludes that digitalization could increase technically recoverable oil and gas resources by 5% globally.32 With its history of narrow margins, the downstream sector is digitalizing operations faster than its upstream counterparts. Modern refineries are highly automated, with sensors allowing small teams to monitor and control operations in real time.33 The midstream, meanwhile, is catching up, with increasingly automated, digitally monitored facilities, predictive analytics 34 and robotic pipeline Photo courtesy of OLT inspectors. Offshore LPG Toscana.

The industry is catching up on innovation investment, but realizing the benefits of digitalization depends on more than simply increasing the budget allocation. Our survey finds that a lack of required skills is the biggest barrier to greater digitalization. This reflects the shift in the industry’s focus: last year, the top barrier was a lack of funding, and access to the right skills was fourth. This year, funding has fallen to fifth. This suggests that funds are increasingly available for digitalization initiatives, but that the challenge is now more in the implementation. With such strong investment on the way, we could see a battle for digitalization skills – not only among traditional rivals, but also with parallel industries where these sought-after skill sets overlap. A lack of digital skills can introduce new, complex and serious risks, from safety accidents to environmental disasters. It is crucial then, that digitalization in high-risk areas are, not just installed by temporary experts, but managed and maintained by leaders and teams with the requisite knowledge.

Top priorities for R&D and innovation in 2018. Source DNV GL.






Enhanced oil recovery


Smart emission reduction


Energy storage

37+63+K 29+71+K 20+80+K 16+84+K 12+88+K 01










36+64+K 24+76+K 19+81+K 16+84+K 12+88+K 36%

Cyber security

Offshore Wind Outlook.indd 11

Bridging the digital skills gap

The market for digitalization in the energy sector – including things According thecollection DNV GL report, oil and companies like sensors,todata and analytics – isgas expected to groware entering 2018 with a more positive outlook than recent years.


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to USD64 (bn) by 2025, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, with the biggest share being used to “to improve the bottom line of fossil fuel generators”.35

32. 33. 34. 35.

24% Pipelines


Advanced materials

Digitalization and Energy: For Now, NOC Refiners Winning the Digital Maturity Race – Rigzone: Digital Transformation Initiative - White Paper: Market for Digitalization in Energy Sector – Bloomberg New Energy Finance:

16% FLNG


Power to gas

OSI 2018 | Vo l u me 11 | I s s u e 1 | 1 1

22-02-18 13:15




any oil and gas operators are trying to postpone decommissioning for as long as possible. Still, it leaves no doubt that to meet the OSPAR Commission 98/3 Decision requiring all offshore structures to be removed once they are taken out of operation in the upcoming decades, much of the North Sea oil and gas suprastructure and infrastructure will have to be decommissioned after a long period of production.

Decommissioning Insight

As there is ample work and money involved, the industry hopes to profit from this development. Many investigations have been carried out to predict the actual size of the decommissioning market. Most of them only focus on specific countries. Oil and Gas UK has now released its Decommissioning Insight 2017, claiming it as the first survey that covers four regions of the North Sea as a whole: the Danish, Dutch, Norwegian and UK Continental Shelves (CS). The survey provides a comprehensive overview of the North Sea status of decommissioning.

Total Volume of 1,421,641t

According to the report, decommissioning will from 2017 to 2025 take place on 349 fields: six fields on the Danish CS, 23 fields on the Norwegian CS, 106 fields on the Dutch CS and 214 fields on the UK CS. Across the four regions, over 200 platforms are forecast for complete or partial removal. Approximately 2,500 wells are planned for plug and abandon (P&A), and nearly 7,800km of pipeline will be decommissioned. These figures reflect a total volume of approximately 1,421,641t of material to be taken ashore for further handling.

Timing is a Challenge

Many operators are delaying decommissioning activities. The timing around this so-called Cessation of Production (CoP) and subsequent decommissioning is a genuine challenge, affected by variables such as oil price, asset integrity, production efficiency, field interdependencies and brownfield

Forecast Decommissioning Activity Across the North Sea, 2017 to 2025. Source Oil and Gas UK.

Northern North Sea and West of Shetland

Central North Sea

Southern North Sea and Irish Sea

Total UKCS

Norwegian Continental Shelf

Danish Continental Shelf

Dutch Continental Shelf










Number of fields with decommissioning activity Number of wells for P&A









Proportion of wells that are platform wells

70% (399)

49% (297)

76% (345)

64% (1,041)

85% (254)

98% (111)

84% (345)

72% (1,751)

Number of platforms for removal









Topside weight to be removed

238,110 tonnes

224,458 tonnes

78,760 tonnes

541,328 tonnes

123,205 tonnes

75,602 tonnes

119,665 tonnes

859,800 tonnes

Substructure weight to be removed

52,655 tonnes

128,024 tonnes

68,979 tonnes

249,658 tonnes

115,176 tonnes

58,602 tonnes

84,502 tonnes

507,938 tonnes

Subsea infrastructure to be removed

13,586 tonnes

31,015 tonnes

4,772 tonnes

49,373 tonnes

2,555 tonnes

590 tonnes

1,385 tonnes

53,903 tonnes

Length of pipelines to be decommissioned

778 kilometres

2,624 kilometres

2,112 kilometres

5,514 kilometres

222 kilometres

217 kilometres

1,827 kilometres

7,780 kilometres

Total tonnage coming onshore

304,351 tonnes

383,497 tonnes

152,511 tonnes

840,359 tonnes

240,936 tonnes

134,794 tonnes

205,552 tonnes

1,421,641 tonnes

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The current low oil price has so far resulted in just several earlier planned decommissioning projects.

Photo courtesy of AllSeas.

investment potential. The current low oil price has so far resulted in just several earlier planned projects.

Well P&A

Well P&A is the largest category of decommissioning activity. The region with the highest number of wells forecast for P&A is the central North Sea in which a quarter of the wells (604) are located. The Danish CS shows the least amount of activity, with 113 wells due to be plugged and abandoned by 2025.

Topside and Substructure Removal

The removal of 206 platforms, both topsides and substructures, is forecast across the UK, Norwegian, Danish and Dutch Continental Shelves up to 2025. As the extensive pipeline network across the North Sea is critical when assessing the economics of field-life extension projects or new developments, it is essential that pipelines are not decommissioned prematurely. Around 7,800km of the total of

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Offshore Wind Outlook.indd 13

45,000km of North Sea pipeline (including cables and umbilicals) are forecast to be decommissioned up to 2025. Operators forecast that over 15,200 mattresses will be decommissioned across the UK, Norwegian and Danish CS from 2017 up to 2025. Approximately 54,000t of other subsea infrastructure will also likely be removed.

UKCS Largest in Value

Calculations of Oil and Gas UK indicate that the UKCS is the largest decommissioning market in the North Sea region in value, at approximately EUR 2 billion in 2017. This stands for 11% of the total UKCS expenditure, which could further increase to around 17% by 2025 due to the growing number of fields to be decommissioned, as well as reduced expenditures in other areas. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate forecasts that decommissioning expenditure in Norway is expected to rise to approximately EUR 900 million by 2021. Decommissioning expenditure in the Netherlands will total between EUR 737900 million over the next five years.

Decommissioning will from 2017 to 2025 take place on 349Â fields.


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21-02-18 11:13

OFFSHORE ENERGY OUTLOOK Hywind floating offshore windfarm started producing its first energy at the end of 2017.

offshore winD


he first heavy storm of the year hit Europe on 3 January. According to WindEurope, this storm resulted in a total of 2,128GW of energy produced by wind, covering 22.7% of Europe’s electricity demand on that day. Approximately 229GW, more than 10%, was produced by offshore wind.

Stage of Maturity

Last year was a good year for offshore wind in many ways. Most important was the price of European tenders that, after the breakthrough in 2016, continued its downward trend in 2017. According to WindEurope’s Offshore Wind in Europe – Key trends and statistics 2017, offshore wind in Europe saw a record 3,148MW of net additional installed capacity in 2017. This corresponds to 560 new offshore wind turbines across seventeen windfarms. Europe now has a total installed offshore wind capacity of 15,780MW, resulting from 4,149 wind turbines across eleven countries. Offshore wind in Europe seems to have reached a certain stage of maturity, with new developments such as the first floating windfarm, and Statoil’s Hywind offshore windfarm that has just started producing its first energy at the end of 2017.

Few Tenders for 2018

In 2019, Europe will see another record of offshore wind power connected to the grid. 400MW are currently being constructed in the UK, which will connect to the grid throughout 2018. Germany will this year also connect turbines from Merkur and Borkum Riffgrund projects, and Rentel and Norther will start producing in Belgium. Winning projects of recent tenders in Denmark and the Netherlands will start to connect capacity by the end of 2018. Only a few new European tenders are planned for 2018, according to WindEurope: a tender for a total volume of 1.6GW in Germany; in the Netherlands, 700MW for Hollandse Kust Zuid III & IV and the relatively small 20MW Borssele V innovation farm. Projects expected to go through FID in 2018 have an estimated combined capacity of 3.9GW. This includes a number of projects in the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, as well as floating offshore wind projects in Portugal and France. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe recently announced the launch in 2018 of preliminary studies on the development of (floating) offshore windfarms, in order to get the country back on track for offshore wind.

Photo courtesy of Øyvind Gravås/Statoil

Asia will be closing the gap with Europe within the next decade.

At a Slow Pace

The capacity of offshore wind in Asia will surpass Europe’s volume around 2023. Source: Make

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Today, Europe is leading in the production of offshore wind energy. But according to figures of MAKE research institute, Asia will be closing the gap with Europe within the next decade, with China, just like in solar energy, acting as the driving force. It is expected that by 2023, the power capacity provided from offshore wind in China will surpass Europe’s volume. Until then, offshore wind developments outside Europe will occur at a slow pace. The US market has not yet taken off, mainly because of legal barriers. Last year, the US celebrated the country’s first with the 30MW Block Island offshore windfarm. New York Governor

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3,500 3,000

18,000 16,000 16,000 14,000

3,000 2,500

14,000 12,000

2,500 2,000

12,000 10,000

2,000 1,500

10,000 8,000

1,500 1,000

8,000 6,000 6,000 4,000

1,000 500

4,000 2,000

500 0

2,000 0


0 Annual




Source: WindEurope 18,000 Source: WindEurope

3,500 Project Pipeline

Installed capacity (MW) Annual installed capacity (MW)

Cumulative Cumulative installed installed capacity capacity (MW) (MW)




14,000 2,500 4,500

12,000 UK

4,000 2,000 3,500

Cumulative installed capacity (MW)

Annual installed capacity (MW) Annual installed capacity (MW)

Cumulative annual offshore wind energy installation

10,000 Germany

1,500 3,000

8,000 Netherlands

2,500 1,000 2,000 500 1,500

6,000 France 4,000 Belgium

i. i. i.

2,000 Denmark

1,000 0 500

0 Italy



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Offshore Wind Outlook.indd 15

Andrew Cuomo recently announced he wants to make New York the US offshore wind frontrunner. In his 2017 State of the State address, the governor declared a target of 2.4GW of wind by 2030, and with two major auctions scheduled for 2018 and 2019, there‘s now momentum behind this objective. In India, 5GW is planned for auctioning in 2018. Feasibility studies will be carried out in the second half of 2018 for the first Australian offshore windfarm. This 2GW ‘Star of the South’ project recently secured financial backing from a major international green energy investment fund, bringing the project one step closer to its commissioning in 2024.


Annual 2020

Cumulative 2021


Source: WindEurope

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21-02-18 11:13


Large Deep-Water Discoveries in Gulf of Mexico

Whale was discovered in the Alaminos Canyon Block 772, approximately 16km from the Shell-operated Perdido platform.

Photo courtesy of Shell

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Deepwater.indd 16

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22-02-18 13:19

CONSTR UCTION & FABRICATION Dillinger meets the offshore requirements with thermo-mechanically rolled heavy plates.

Plates for wind turbines are ordered readyprepared for welding.

The large dimensions available make a decisive constribution to cost-efficient fabrication.

Sif manufactures XL monopiles from thermo-mechanically rolled steels from Dillinger in thicknesses of up to 140mm.

mechanically rolled heavy plates (TM plates) of up to 35t in weight, which can be supplied with maximum degrees of deformation in thicknesses of up to 150mm in the case of structural grades, and of up to 110mm for classical offshore grades. The company’s delivery range also includes normalised and quenched + tempered (QT) steels, in some cases in even greater thicknesses. This performance profile assures safety at all points. The plates, with their specifically tailored properties, large formats and high item weights, also assure optimum preconditions for efficient production and constantly dependable fabricated structures. The large dimensions available from Dillinger make a decisive contribution to cost-efficient fabrication, since the size of the plates supplied means

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Dillinger.indd 33

that the scope of welding work can be significantly reduced compared to the use of smaller plate formats.

Ready-Prepared for Welding

Plates for wind turbines are generally ordered from Dillinger ready-prepared for welding, with milled edges and a coat of weldable primer to protect against corrosion. The milled edges, made precisely to the customer’s specifications using two large-format milling machines, assure the making of significantly better welds. The extremely fine grain structure of TM plates assures the high-required mechanical strength and toughness with simultaneously excellent weldability. Thanks to higher toughness reserves, the structure also assures particular safety and stability, even

in the heat-affected zone of the welds. The significantly lower CET carbon equivalent has a positive effect on the weldability properties of these plates. They therefore require, despite the high plate thicknesses involved, significantly less preheating, as is also reflected in correspondingly shorter cooling times and thus greater overall costefficiency. Whether Charpy V-notch impact testing, crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD) testing, minimal segregation (thanks to the Soft Reduction technology used during continuous casting at Dillinger), or the high degree of deformation from slab to plate assured by the large feed-material thicknesses, on the criterion of safety, these steels easily beat conventional grades. i.

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21-02-18 11:51

A utomAtion, Control And meAsurement teC hnology

unmanned explOraTiOn OF The deep sea

Ocean Discovery XPRIZE

OFG’s HUGIN AUV in action during the technology ready tests of the GEBCO-NF Alumni Team.

Photo courtesy of OFG

Ocean FlOOr GeOphysics (OFG) recently announced that the GeBcO-nF alumni Team has cOmpleTed The TechnOlOGy readiness tests of the shell ocean discovery XPriZe, using a cOmBined uaV and auV sysTem.

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fg is working with the geBco-nf alumni team to advance the state of the art in autonomous seafloor survey through operations support, expertise, and OFG’s hugin autonomous underwater vehicle (auV) chercheur. this project is a world premiere in using the hugin auv and a usv mothership for launch, synchronised autonomous auV survey operations, and recovery of the auV back into the usV. The project demonstrates that combined auV and usV systems are a viable option for future offshore survey and

inspection projects. GeBcO-nF alumni Team is one of nineteen teams competing in the shell Ocean discovery xpriZe contest.

Physical Challenges

the oceans cover more than two thirds of our planet, and only 5% has until now been explored, due to the physical challenges of exploring such an extreme environment. The eur 5.7 million shell Ocean discovery xpriZe is a global competition, challenging teams to advance deep-sea technologies for autonomous, fast and high-resolution ocean

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21-02-18 13:32

A utomAtion, Control And meAsurement teChnology

About XPRIZE xpriZe is a non-profit organisation that designs and manages public competitions intended to encourage technological development that could benefit humanity. The xpriZe mission is to bring about ‘radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity’ through incentivised competition. it fosters high-profile competitions to motivate individuals, companies and organisations across all disciplines to develop innovative ideas and technologies that help solve the grand challenges that restrict humanity’s progress. an XPriZe must meet the following criteria: • Focus on problems currently believed to be unsolvable, or that have no clear path toward a solution; • Target a range of market failures; • solution-agnostic, defining the challenge and incentivising teams around the world to find the most effective solutions; • audacious, but achievable; • Winnable by a small team; • reasonable time frame (two to seven years); • clear, objective and simple rules; • Telegenic and easy to convey; • leverageable; • drive investment; • create ‘back end’ business; • provide vision and hope. currently, apart from the shell Ocean discovery xpriZe, seven other competitions are ongoing, including the Google lunar xpriZe, the iBm Watson ai xpriZe, and the Water abundance xpriZe.

50% of 500km2 at 4,000m depth. For both rounds, teams must launch their vehicle from shore or air, with restricted human intervention. The entries will have a limited number of hours to explore the competition area, in order to produce a high resolution bathymetric map, two images of a specified object, and to identify archaeological, biological or geological features. For the nOaa bonus, they also have to track a chemical or biological signal to its source.

Acceleration of Innovation

The competition will result in the acceleration of innovation for the rapid and unmanned exploration of unchartered deep sea. it will furthermore catalyse markets in deep ocean exploration and discovery, sustainable resource development, and protection. in doing so, it will also illuminate the most mysterious part of the planet, and ignite the public imagination.

exploration and discovery to facilitate exploration. a eur 800,000 bonus price, awarded by the national Oceanographic and atmospheric administration (nOaa), will motivate participating teams to develop technologies for detecting the source of chemical and biological signals underwater.

Restricted Human Intervention

participating teams will compete in two rounds. in round 1, teams must map at least 20% of a 500km2 area at 2,000m depth. in round 2, the area mapped should be at least

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Nineteen Teams

xpriZe initiated this prize in 2015. in 2017, an impressive number of nineteen teams from all over the world took part in round 1. the ten remaining teams for the second round will be formally recognised and awarded at Oceanology international’s catch the next Wave conference in london on 15 march, during a closing keynote by dr. Jyotika Virmani, ph.d., prize lead and senior director of Planet and environment at xpriZe. each finalist receives an equal share of a eur 800,000 milestone prize purse for the cutting-edge ocean mapping

The GEBCO-NF Alumni Team’s project is a world premiere in using the Hugin AUV and a USV mothership for launch, synchronised autonomous AUV survey operations, and recovery of the AUV back into the USV.

technologies they have developed. The ultimate winners will be announced at the end of 2018. i.

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21-02-18 13:32

A utomAtion, Control & meAsurement teChnology

offshore industry embrAces dAtA AnAlytics

Digitalisation Sets New Challenges in Offshore Industry According to the lAst oil & gAs outlook of dnV gl, the oil And gAs industry expects digitAlisAtion And cybercrime to be Among the major investment goals. Dealing with these challenges requires investing in the knowledge and expertise of staff at all levels.


any training institutes are providing new courses and helping the industry with research programmes providing answers on how to deal with the digitalisation of offshore assets. The Dutch HZ University of Applied Sciences in Vlissingen recently appointed a new professor in Data Science, demonstrating the university’s interest in the countless new digital developments.

E-Learning System

The professor and his research team help organisations and companies with solving issues through, among other things, largescale and long-term research projects. students, together with researchers associated to the university, work out these issues in partial projects. This works both ways, as students learn from real issues and companies have their problems solved. Professor Mischa Beckers explains, “We receive a lot of IT related requests from companies and organisations. For O.O.S. International, a supplier of heavy lift and accommodation services for the offshore industry, we have developed an e-learning system. With this online system, new crewmembers and workers can obtain the necessary certificates from any location in the world. for damen shipyards, we have been working on an augmented reality programme for the training of vessel crew through virtual simulations.”

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Big Data.indd 36

Big Data Success Stories

Looking at data science, big data techniques especially receive ample attention from the offshore industry, as they can play an important role in many aspects. mr beckers was already involved in data mining in an early stage. he received his phd in chemometrics in 1997 on the use of statistical and mathematical modelling in chemistry. Although data mining already exists for decades, this technique only recently became a hot topic in many industries. According to mr beckers, this hype is partly incited by data analytics services suppliers. “Many success stories told by companies such as Google are the cause of everyone talking about the possibilities of data science. And although these stories sometimes seem overstated, it leaves no doubt that data analytics is a highly acknowledged method in many sciences and industries. It is therefore not surprising that others, such as the offshore oil, gas and renewables industry, are starting to embrace these techniques as well.”

Predictable Maintenance

Closely related to big data, remote maintenance is another interesting ICT development. through wireless communication, assets can be constantly monitored, both digitally and visually. This can help to keep equipment and installations reliable. By comparing current


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21-02-18 11:55

A utomAtion, Control & meA surement teChnology

At the HZ, students work on project-based tasks in a broad range of assignments from the industry.

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21-02-18 11:56

Schelde Exotech is a highly qualified and certified manufacturer of industrial equipment. We build equipment, but we think in solutions. This is why we offer our clients high quality design approach, production techniques and choice of materials. -



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21-02-18 11:56

A utomAtion, Control & meA surement teChnology

Wireless communication requires careful and constant validation and verification.

data with filed data, the maintenance of offshore assets can be made predictable. One of the concerns related to this topic is that wireless communication can be vulnerable. Mr Beckers continues, “Wireless communication requires careful and constant validation and verification. Are systems running well, and do they realise the things they should do? finding the right balance in checking is difficult and depends of the situation. This requires a proper risk analysis, and we can support companies with this.”

Photo courtesy of GE Renewables

By comparing current data with filed data, the maintenance of offshore assets can be made predictable.

Image Problem

data science and other it driven developments are the cause of a growing demand for software engineers. Mr Beckers adds, “Attracting youngsters to start an IT study is a challenge, as they have so many studies to choose from. And in all fairness, IT is still dealing with an image problem. Apart from this, it is sometimes difficult to explain to future students what IT exactly is, and what they will learn. data science is not new, but it is constantly being optimised, demanding new IT skills from students. But on top of this, today’s software engineers need, compared with traditional software developers, other skills as well. Alongside developing software solutions, they also need to get out of their comfort zone to talk to customers. What are their problems? How can these be solved in a way that is good for the customer? So business and communicative skills are necessary as well, leading to much more all-round and openminded IT engineers.”

Centres of Expertise

At the HZ, students perform project-based tasks in a broad range of assignments from the industry. Most of the projects come from the lectorates. lectorates receive many assignments from the regional organisations

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Mr Beckers, Professor Data Science at HZ University of Applied Sciences.

and companies, and from consortia that are often financed through European or Dutch research funding. In the Netherlands, the Centres of Expertise are important promoters of project-based education. These centres are public-private partnerships. The HZ collaborates in the Centre of Expertise Water & energy with, among others, nhl university of Applied Sciences and the offshore renewables industry.

IT Really Matters

“Working in multi-skill teams, sometimes even from different universities, can be very challenging for students. One of the many projects they could be dealing with, is that

of predictive maintenance for the oil & gas industry. to give an example, maintenance projects often run out of time. In order to better plan these kinds of projects, many aspects of influence should be taken into account, ranging from weather conditions to the price of oil. More available relevant data will lead to better predictions. Time after time, these projects demonstrate that IT really matters in everyday life. It is very motivating for the teams to come up with solutions that are ultimately adopted by companies. Who could think of a better reason to join this fascinating IT world?” i.

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21-02-18 11:56




Place a half page company profile for EUR 625 or full page for EUR 925.

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+31 (0)118 473398


+31 (0)118 461150



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22-02-18 13:36


Partners Group Largest Investor in Borssele III/IV OWF Partners GrouP has aGreed to acquire a 45% stake in Borssele iii/iV (‘Borssele’), a 731.5MW construction-ready offshore WindfarM in the netherlands, on behalf of its clients. the investment makes Partners Group the largest shareholder in a consortium of investors that also includes shell, diamond Generating europe, eneco Group and Van oord.


he windfarm will comprise of 77 9.5MW Vestas turbines placed across two sites in the Borssele Windfarm Zone, which is 22km off the coast of the province of Zeeland, on the southern border of the netherlands’ exclusive economic Zone. Grid connectivity has already been secured for the project, which is due to begin construction soon. the windfarm will benefit from the dutch offshore feed-in tariff for a period of 15+1 years from the commencement of commercial operations in early 2021.

Attractive Opportunity

Photo courtesy of Sapphire Windfarm

david daum, senior Vice President, Private infrastructure europe, Partners Group, states: “Borssele is an attractive opportunity to invest in a high-quality offshore wind project alongside experienced partners. With the dutch government committed to achieving 16% of its energy production from sustainable sources by 2023 as part of a national renewable energy action Plan, we believe the project is both timely and critical in helping the country achieve that aim.”

A Transformative Trend

Brandon Prater, Partner, head Private infrastructure europe, Partners Group, adds: “renewable energy continues to be a transformative trend within the infrastructure asset class, and an important component in the future energy security of many countries. in wind energy alone, Partners Group has committed to invest in onshore and offshore projects totalling over 1.8GW in europe, asia and australia since 2011.” Previous onshore wind energy projects include the 240MW ararat Windfarm and 270MW sapphire Windfarm in australia, into which Partners Group invested in respectively June 2015 and december 2016. the Group in august 2016 invested in the construction of Merkur offshore, an approximately 400MW offshore windfarm in Germany.

Photo courtesy of Sapphire Windfarm

Recently Partners Group invested in the 270MW Sapphire Windfarm in Australia.


Borssele Offshore Windfarm Zone.

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21-02-18 11:54


carbon trust offshore wind accelerator

Innovative Offshore Wind Substructures Inspection

Jackets, which are constructed using welded nodes, are also becoming more common, presenting new inspection challenges for the offshore wind industry.

Photo courtesy of Alpha Ventus/Matthias Ibeler.

With the deployment of offshore Wind set to almost triple in the next ten years, the need for innovative and low-risk solutions to inspect assets is crucial. current estimates show that around 35-40% of the existing monopile fleet which accounts for the majority of the pre-2012 structures, has potentially been affected by issues relating to grouted joints. many of the structures built post-2012 will require performance monitoring. new designs such as jackets, which are constructed using welded nodes, are also becoming more common, presenting new inspection challenges for the offshore wind industry.

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22-02-18 13:37


With the deployment of offshore wind set to almost triple in the next ten years, the need for innovative and low-risk solutions to inspect assets is crucial.

This competition has once again shown the impressive level of innovation and ingenuity that exists within the industry. Photo courtesy of Kayana Szymczak/The New York Times


he winners of a competition organised by the carbon trust to find novel methods for offshore wind substructures inspection were recently announced. the competition launched as part of the carbon trust’s offshore wind accelerator (owa) programme, targeting companies with new or adaptable techniques for inspection of offshore wind foundations. entries were sought to address four specific challenges. the winners will initially receive a range of tailored support from the carbon trust, the owa partners, and technical contractors innosea and everoze. this will include marketing advice, as well as engineering and industry-specific support. following this phase, the techniques with significant potential will be tested in real life conditions at operational offshore windfarms.

Impressive Level of Innovation

michael stephenson, project manager of the foundations working area in the offshore wind accelerator, comments, “this competition has once again shown the impressive level of innovation and ingenuity that exists within the industry. the range of winners also highlights the transferability of many techniques from other industries into offshore wind, and the potential for other players in these markets to offer services and technologies that could improve operations from both a cost and health & safety perspective.” the winners of the challenge were: • weld inspection for monopile foundations: an inspection tool adapted from previous use in oil and gas. • weld inspection for jacket foundations; two winners: an innovative technique for

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inspection of nodes, and a high resolution laser imaging sensor for inspection of subsea assets. • grout inspection for jacket foundations: a technique based on the use of innovative sonar to detect gaps, cracks and disbanding of grout. • grout inspection for monopile foundations; two winners: ultrasonic interferometric technique and a technique based on the use of innovative sonar to detect gaps, cracks and disbanding of grout (same technique as for the jackets).

125 Projects Delivered

in the past decade, the carbon trust has been working closely with governments, developers, suppliers, and innovators to reduce the cost of offshore wind energy through informing policy, supporting business decision-making, and commercialising innovative technology. the owa was set up between the carbon trust and nine offshore wind developers in 2008. the current phase involves nine offshore wind developers; these owa partners account for 76% of europe’s installed offshore wind capacity. the owa has over the last ten years delivered more than 125 projects, ranging from feasibility studies to multimillion-pound, full-scale technology demonstrations. many of the innovations commercialised through the owa are being deployed today, resulting in immediate cost reductions.

to develop black start capabilities for offshore wind turbines. this competition explores the need for offshore wind turbines to be used for supplying power to restart windfarms and parts of the electricity grid. rory shanahan, project manager electrical systems research area at the carbon trust states, “offshore windfarms can play an important role in restarting the electricity grid, helping to replace the diesel generators that are currently required to deliver black start services. with this call, we hope that we find yet another innovative way to help accelerate the development of the offshore wind industry and reduce carbon emissions, while future-proofing a grid increasingly made up of renewable sources.” i.

Research areas of the Carbon Trust Offshore Wind Accelerator.

Black Start

in february, the carbon trust called for expressions of interest in a new competition

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21-02-18 11:58


Because of the large variety in job functions it is very difficult to make predictions for offshore wind employment as a whole.

Photo courtesy of TKI Wind op Zee

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RT&E.indd 44

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21-02-18 11:57


seekinG Technicians

A Mega Job Today, around 15GW of offshore Wind poWer is insTalled WorldWide. Most wind turbines (14Gw) are installed on the north sea. european ambiTions are aiminG aT a poWer supply of 70GW in 2030. This means that on average, two 10mW turbines need to be installed each working day. apart from this, many existing turbines need to be re-commissioned and once installed, turbines require maintenance and repair.


mple technicians are needed for this mega job, and many expect a shortage in skilled workers to meet the great demand. because of the large variety in job functions in the offshore wind industry, it is very difficult to make predictions for offshore wind employment as a whole. This is one of the conclusions of a report published by the netherlands enterprise agency (nea). The report is the result of a study, conducted by researchers erik knol of bureau Qeam and John baken from overview on behalf of Topsector energy, to investigate the possibility of meeting the demand for technicians in offshore wind by looking at the oil & gas industry. although the report is written from a dutch perspective, many of its conclusions apply to the entire european offshore industry. this is mainly because offshore wind projects on the north sea are executed by a relatively restricted number of operators, contractors and suppliers.

Structural Employment

a large variety of job roles can be found in the offshore wind sector. because of this, it is almost impossible to obtain an overall picture of the number of workers involved in the industry. The researchers therefore developed a method in which each functional area within the offshore wind industry is separately investigated. For the survey, they have used this method to gain a proper view on the demand for WTGs repair and maintenance technicians. The researchers recommend further

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examination of other functional areas and job roles using this method to gain a better understanding of the entire offshore wind job market. a growing demand for technicians is expected in the operations & Maintenance job segment, and this line of work will lead to structural employment. Jobs mainly focus on turbine maintenance and repair; foundation maintenance, repair and cleaning; array cable maintenance and repair; and export cable maintenance and repair. for the turbines, which are considered as the most crucial components of a windfarm, maintenance and repair will be necessary on mechanical systems, hydraulics, electrical systems, electronica, and computer systems. These tasks should be carried out by technicians with various educational backgrounds. For the dutch situation, it is estimated that in 2030, employment for repair and maintenance, based on 11.5GW on the netherlands Continental shelf, will reach 550 - 1,350Fte.

Fierce Competition

Working at sea requires, apart from technical skills, certain physical qualities, including having no fear of heights, claustrophobia, or seasickness. Workers should furthermore be willing to work in stringent schedules of, for example, two weeks at sea and two weeks at home. They should also be able to work in small teams that heavily depend on each other. because of these demands, numerous individuals that have chosen to be trained for work at


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22-02-18 14:12


Offshore wind employment (FTE) Direct + indirect

europe (2016)*



Germany (2015)**


denmark (2015)**


the netherlands (2014)***


uk (2016)****


10,000 (o&M: 1,500)


prognose 1 uk (2032)****


21,000 (o&M: 4,500)


prognose 2 uk (2030)*****

Photo courtesy of Semco Maritime


18,000 (domestic) & 8,000 (export)

It is very difficult to make predictions for offshore wind employment as a whole (Source: *WindEurope 2017; **IRENA 2016/2017; ***Ecofys 2014; ****University of Hull 2017; *****BVG Associates 2015).

De totale omvang van de certain werkgelegenheid van offshore wind in Nederland kan op dit moment niet op een Working at sea requires physical qualities, including having no fear of heights.

betrouwbare wijze in kaart worden gebracht zonder aanvullend onderzoek. De beschikbare bronnen en de up de quitting, as the ontwikkelingen work does not in kwaliteit van de bronnen laten veel te wensen over, zekersea, ookend gezien stormachtige meet their expectations. due to the heavy offshore wind. Met grote omzichtigheid kunnen enige indicaties worden gegeven wat betreft de omvang physical work load, most technicians look van de werkgelegenheid in offshore wind in / voor Nederland. Ecofys heefttodeten economische for a new job(2014) after four years of impact

working at sea.inschatting as a resultqua of this, van offshore windenergie in Nederland geanalyseerd en gaf de volgende aantal banen in companies must constantly offshore wind omstreeks het jaar 2014: circa 2.200 banen. EIB (2016) spreekt over eenfocus brutoon keeping employees on board, as well as on werkgelegenheidseffect van offshore wind (NCP) van circa 2.000 arbeidsjaren in 2016 en circa 6.500 attracting new technicians. as the number arbeidsjaren in 2020. Redwave (2017) geeft op basis vanof een interne analyse aan dat hetthese aantalefforts banen turbines at sea increases,

of oil and gas assets, as well as the offshore wind industry, are considered as new interesting opportunities for these workers, as there are certain similarities when looking at requirements. several segments and functional areas in the oil & gas industry are comparable with those in the offshore wind industry. project management, development services, array cables, offshore (steel) structures, installation equipment, installation support services, crew transfer, o&M, and more, are considered favourable for unemployed oil & gas technicians.

become more andFTE more gerelateerd aan offshore wind op het NCP in 2016 lag hetwill niveau op circa 5.400 enimportant in 2020 ligtinop het upcoming decades. The problem is ĂŠn indirecte niveau van circa 10.000. Bij de bovengenoemde cijfers gaat het om de combinatie van directe worsened by the fact that other sectors, werkgelegenheid (zie paragraaf 3.3). such as the onshore energy industry, are also in great need of technicians, so 3.3. Enkele invalshoeken m.b.t. analyseren werkgelegenheid offshore wind competition is fierce. Skills Gap Zoals hierboven aangegeven is op dit moment de totale omvang van de werkgelegenheid van offshore wind but it is not just a copy paste matter. there Segments in Nederland en voor Nederlandse bedrijven minder goedComparable in kaart te brengen. Om meer inzicht te krijgen is is a skills gap between o&M offshore oil & gas towards o&M offshore wind in many one possible solution to solve part of the het essentieel om de arbeidsmarkt op het niveau van functiegebieden (en job roles) te analyseren. Daarbij is areas, such as in the handling of tools & problem can be found in the oil & gas het van belang om - bij vervolgprojecten - rekening te houden met many enkeleskilled invalshoeken: equipment for (dis)assembling and repair of industry. workers, especially turbine parts; working with mechanical, the flexible workforce, have had to leave the 1) Analyseren arbeidsmarkt en skillsbehoefte op het niveau functiegebieden en job roles hydraulic, electric and electrical oil & gas sector since 2014, and it is components, and measurement tools; expected that employment will not recover Om meer inzicht te krijgen in de werkgelegenheid en skillsbehoefte is het essentieel om de arbeidsmarkt working at height and in small, closed within the next years. The decommissioning voor offshore wind op het niveau van functiegebieden (en job roles) te analyseren, waarbij in deze rooms; working with composites; quality verkenning de focus is gericht op technici voor het onderhoud van windturbines. Behulpzaam bij dat procedures and regulations for windfarms; analyseren is de indeling van Green Port Hull & BVG Associates (2017) (zie figuur 2): and rules and regulations concerning health, safety and environment. most of the skills Development & Crane operator gap can be easily overcome with training project management and education. a more serious matter is that Operations & hse certificates for the oil & gas industry are Job role 2 Turbine maintenance not valid in offshore wind. there is also a fundamental difference in dynamics of both Turbine & f oundation Function 2 B alance of plant Job role 3 installation sectors, as the urge to innovate is much higher in the offshore wind industry when Installation & Function 3 Package 2 commissioning compared with the mature oil & gas sector. this might require a different mindset. Operations & Package 3 The industry is rapidly changing, with a maintenance decline in oil & gas and a growth in wind Decommissioning and decommissioning resulting in numerous / recommissioning interesting opportunities. there are also Segmenten Functiegebieden Job Packages Segments Packages Functional Areas Jobroles Roles plans to seek synergy by connecting the Figuur 2 Indeling offshore wind t.b.v. overzichten job roles (Green Port Hull & BVG Associates 2017) oil & gas infrastructure with the offshore wind, for power-to-gas, for instance. but as There are many job roles in offshore wind (Source Green Port Hull & BVG Associates 2017). Afhankelijk van de gehanteerde methode en afbakeningen zijn in de offshore windsector vijf tot zeven segmenten te onderscheiden, die in totaal een paar dozijn packages en functiegebieden omvatten.

Vervolgens zijn binnen een functiegebied een veelheid aan job roles te onderscheiden die voor een 4 6 | O S I 2 0 1 8 | Volum e 11 | Issue 1

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Invulling groeiende arbeidsvraag in offshore windsector vanuit offshore olie- en gassector – pagina 10 uit 38 RT&E.indd 46

21-02-18 11:57

RECR UITMENT, TRAINING & EDUCATION On average, two 10MW turbines need to be installed each working day.

Photo courtesy of Ă˜rsted.

the offshore industry as a whole is supplied by the same regional (type of) contractors and suppliers (crew, accommodation, logistics, vessels, machinery, port infrastructure, and so on), the question remains if this will lead to synergy from an employment point of view.

Close Collaboration

apart from the short-term solution of searching for people in the oil & gas sector, a longer-term solution is necessary, which can be provided by education and training. for the next few years, the current educational capacity at schools, universities, and training centres is necessary to meet the growing demand. a very close collaboration between education and the industry in developing tailor-made solutions is inevitable. the Centre of expertise water & energy is a public private partnership of educational institutes and the offshore wind sector focusing on applied research. This creates a long-term cooperation that benefits both industry and education. a more extensive follow-up study is required to obtain a good view of employment per functional area, and of the competences required from technicians. The centre of expertise water & energy is prepared to take part in this study.

Functional areas Operations & Maintenance equipment maintenance supporting operations

turbine maintenance & repair: 1) turbine systems & 2) blades

array cable maintenance

Foundation maintenance & cleaning

export cable and grid connection

onshore logistics

operations, back office / administration

offshore logistics, including maintenance

health, safety & environment and training

Functional areas Operations & Maintenance (Based on van Garrad Hassan, 2013; BVG Associates 2016; Green Port Hull & BVG Associates 2017).

Knowledge and Competence maintenance in general

wind turbine types; inspections and maintenance programs (preventive, corrective, predictive)


Mechanical safety; principles of bolted and welded connections; use of manual tightening and measuring tools; hydraulic torque and tension; gearbox; braking system; yaw system; cooling system; lubrication system


electrical safety; electrical components; electrical circuits; sensors; electrical measuring instruments (electronics, control systems / plc)


hydraulic safety; pumps; actuators; valves; accumulators; sensors; pipes, hoses and connections; oil and filters; hydraulic diagrams; pressure measuring tools

personal and turbine safety

health & safety (Gwo), firefighting; working at heights and rescue; environmental awareness and protection

Education should meet the required knowledge and competence areas to train technicians for the maintenance of wind turbines at sea (Source: GWO 2017; Skillwind 2016).


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RT&E.indd 47

OSI 2018 | Vo l u me 11 | I s s u e 1 | 4 7

21-02-18 11:57

TransporT & Heavy LifTing

Innovation Rules

The leightweight Foldable Offshore Crane combines lifting heigths and more than sufficient lifting capcity with a foldable boom.

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21-02-18 11:53

TransporT & Heavy LifTing

Many in our industry are looking at offshore renewables as a welcoMe opportunity to fill the gap caused by disappointing revenues froM the offshore oil and gas business. huisMan has, since entering the offshore wind market over fifteen years ago, seen numerous newcomers. However, according to the Dutch family-owned company, some reservation is called for, as even in the flourishing offshore wind industry things do not just happen by coincidence.


imon Ligterink, Sales Manager at Huisman, explains, “The offshore renewables industry is promising, with many new projects under construction and underway. Still, we notice that despite the many plans, our prospects are very cautious in investing in offshore wind. Unlike in the oil & gas industry, where investments are often speculatively made, investors in the offshore wind want to know exactly when and how to make return on their investment.”

Two-Decade Capacity Predictions

According to Mr Ligterink, this situation is caused by ample uncertainties. He continues, “When looking at our business, which includes providing lifting and hoisting facilities for the construction of wind turbines, operators of new to build offshore windfarms are not always aware of the exact capacity of future windfarms, and the

The new fibre rope system for ultra deepwater operations.

size and number of turbines that will be installed. As long as these figures are unknown, it is very difficult for a contractor to choose the right equipment.” One of the challenges Huisman faces, is that they have to look many years ahead. “Take a vessel that is constructed based on a 20 year lifespan. This means we have to supply equipment based on two-decade capacity predictions. For this, we are constantly in discussion with wind turbine developers to get an idea of their thoughts on future offshore wind developments.”

Foldable Offshore Crane

Cees van Veluw, Product Manager Cranes, adds, “Of course we do not just look ahead. The current jack up vessels are too small for the maintenance of today’s larger types of turbines. To solve this problem, they can be equipped with our lightweight Foldable Offshore Crane. This crane combines lifting heights and more than sufficient lifting capacity with a foldable boom, resulting in less required deck space and a low own weight of the crane which makes them perfect for smaller vessels.” The crane is also very cost-effective. “Take for instance the replacement of a rotor blade. Operators at present need to hire large size vessels that are too expensive for this kind of work. A smaller vessel, with our foldable crane, makes the operation much cheaper.”

Inovative, Cost-Saving Solutions

Despite offshore wind, oil & gas remains an important market. Mr Ligterink says, “It is good to see that because of the crisis, the traditionally very conservative oil & gas industry is now willing to look for new innovative, cost-saving solutions. This is our strength. The Huisman Innovation Tower, for example, meets the desire of the oil & gas


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21-02-18 11:53

Constructive Solutions

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Rometal adv2.indd 1

18-09-13 15:54

PRUFTECHNIK KEEPS YOUR WORLD ROTATING Predictive maintenance technology for on-site service

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 ISO compliant training courses and VCA accredited on-site assistance  Lloyds accredited service for Marine & Offshore

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Huisman.indd 50

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21-02-18 11:53

TransporT & Heavy LifTing

The Huisman Innovation Tower meets the desire of the oil & gas industry to operate more sustainably.

Load testing of the 3D printed offshore crane hook.

industry to operate more sustainably. This tower is safer and more efficient in drilling a deepwater well, and is suitable for use on smaller vessels, resulting in higher fuel efficiency.” Mr van Veluw continues, “We have furthermore used the lee in the oil & gas business to pick up some R&D projects we were unable to execute in the prosperous years before. Apart from our foldable crane, this also resulted in the Huisman Innovation Tower, the Hybrid Boom Crane, an ultra deepwater fibre rope system and most recently, the development of the world’s first 3D printed offshore crane hook.”

Life Extension

Mr Ligterink adds, “Today, we see a change in the use of specialised, often smaller, vessels. The installation of turbine foundations requires a different type of equipment compared to work related to the wind turbine generator itself. Instead of fitting one vessel with all kinds of gears requiring a lot of deck space, contractors want smaller vessels with dedicated equipment for each task, making them more flexible and cost-efficient in operation.” The oil & gas life extension programmes appear to be another opportunity for Huisman. “As operators are extending the life of many existing platforms, equipment such as cranes also need replacing. Ample operators

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Huisman.indd 51

relevant data from their cranes, for further improvement of new-build cranes.”


3D printing can become the new future manufacturing technology for all kind of crane parts reveal once again their conservative side, asking for the exact same cranes as the original ones, and it is our challenge to make them opt for the modern, ‘greener’ solutions that we offer.”

Remote Maintenance

Many cranes supplied by Huisman are operational all over the world. An in-house service team takes care of maintenance and service on request. Huisman is a frontrunner when it comes to remote maintenance. Mr van Veluw exclaims that, “For years, we have been equipping all our cranes with sensors and remote access to the crane’s software. Abundant data can be obtained with these sensors. This is highly efficient in problem solving, and some customers even give us free access to all

One of the latest developments at Huisman is 3D printing. Mr van Veluw states, “3D printing can become the new future manufacturing technology for all kind of crane parts, as it has many pros compared to traditional production methods. As 3D printing is perfect for high grade steel one-offs, this production method fits us perfectly, as one-offs are our specialty.” “Innovation has always been one of our main strengths, and this really helped us through the recent crisis. As a family-owned company, we look further than short-term profit. We are also able to act with great agility whenever market circumstances change. One of the opportunities we are currently looking at, are the Asian markets. Countries such as China, Taiwan and Japan are investing heavily in offshore wind, asking for dedicated equipment. We are, of course, fully prepared to be one of the first to supply this equipment,” concludes Mr Ligterink with a smile. i.

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21-02-18 11:53


The SUMR concept is inspired by the way palm trees act during heavy winds.

Photo courtesy of

US TeAM InveSTIgATeS 50MW MegA-SIzed WInd TUrBIne COnCepT

Catching High Winds The firsT offshore windfarm, Vindeby in denmark, generaTed power wiTh 0.45mw Turbines in 1991. bigger Turbines and larger rotor blades lead to higher energy output per wind turbine and lower cost of energy as a windfarm needs fewer wind turbines, leading to cheaper construction. Operators and suppliers have been working hard to increase the turbine size.


n 2020, the Borssele I Offshore windfarm will start producing energy with 94 units of siemens 8mw turbines with rotor blades of 167m. 8mw is at present the highest available output, but operators are already investigating 10MW+ turbines to cut down the costs of offshore wind energy. Bigger turbines also mean taller masts, larger nacelles and larger rotor blades. This ongoing race results in logistic and construction challenges that require ample flexibility and resourcefulness from contractors and logistic service providers.

50MW Turbine

Although the country already has significant experience with onshore wind power, the us is not known as a frontrunner when it comes to offshore wind. The first offshore windfarm came into operation last year, the 30mw block island windfarm of deepwater

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Wind and alongside this US first, more offshore windfarms are planned for construction. either way, it will take years for the us to reach the same level as the european offshore wind energy supply. although european operators, contractors and producers still play an important role in the us market, this does not mean that researchers of US Universities and institutes are lagging behind their european colleagues in improving offshore wind turbines. one of the concepts they are looking at is the challenge of constructing a 50mw turbine.

Eiffel Tower

so far, the growing size of wind turbines have not resulted in any technical impossibilities but still, larger wind turbines, will require special features. The longer a rotor blade the greater the risk of the blade

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22-02-18 09:59


striking the mast during operation. To avoid this, blades are constructed stronger, with less flexibility. This construction makes the blades more expensive, which conflicts with the aim of reducing the costs by up-scaling the wind turbines. us researchers are now investigating the construction of a new type of large rotor blade that will make giant 50mw turbines feasible. once it becomes operational, this mega-turbine will change the offshore wind energy landscape. With a height greater than the eiffel tower in paris, and with 200m long rotor blades, it is expected to further reduce the cost of offshore wind power.

Faced Downwind

a federal three-year grant of eur 3 million was awarded for the project to the university of Virginia by the us department of energy’s advanced research projects

agency – energy (arpa-e). during this period the project team, led by professor eric Loth, Chair of the university’s department of mechanical and aerospace engineering, will design and build a 20% scale prototype of a 13mw turbine with this new type of blade. Typical for the new idea is that only two blades will be used instead of the common three, and that they are faced downwind, instead of upwind. Two blades are cheaper, but less efficient compared to three, but this is compensated by an improved aerodynamic design of the blades. facing the turbines downwind is to prevent the blades of striking the tower during operation.

It is a very new concept, with no guarantee that it will work. But if it does, it can revolutionise offshore wind energy.


The most striking and innovative feature of the new concept is however the fact that the blades fold together during hazardous


Image courtesy of the University of Virginia.

Artist impression of the turbine concept. The image on the right shows the hinge and actuation system that can enable morphing to change the coning angle.

The most striking and innovative feature of the new concept is the fact that the blades fold together during hazardous weather conditions.

Image courtesy of the University of Virginia.

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50MW.indd 53

OSI 2018 | Vo l u me 11 | I s s u e 1 | 5 3

22-02-18 09:59


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5 4 | O S I 2 0 1 8 | Volum e 11 | Issue 1

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22-02-18 14:07 13:55

18 13:55


Professor Eric Loth, Chair of the University of Virginia’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

weather conditions. This design, known as Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor (SUMR), is inspired by the way palm trees act during heavy winds. With this in mind, the team designed a turbine with a morphing capability to bend and adapt to the flow and centrifugal forces. Taller wind turbines will be able to catch stronger winds at higher altitudes. The adaptive design will assist the turbines with handling windspeeds of more than 253km per hour when not operating. At wind speeds of 80 to 95km per hour, the system shuts down and the blades bend away from the wind, and will even fold together when necessary. The blades are built up from segments that will be constructed onsite. Transport of segments, rather than of the 200m long blades, allows for smaller and therefore cheaper transport vessels. Because of the adaptability to the wind flow, the blades can be constructed with lighter material, once more resulting in lower costs.

Optimal Height

Regardless of how much the price of offshore wind will decrease in the years to

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50MW.indd 55

Image courtesy of the University of Virginia.

Photo courtesy of the University of Virginia.

With a height greater than the Eiffel tower, the mega-turbine is expected to further reduce the cost of offshore wind power.

come, everyone is convinced of the advantages of higher towers. And although no one precisely knows the most optimal height of the turbines, segmented rotor blades will certainly contribute to further optimising the design. The 20% scale downwind rotor prototype will begin operations in July 2018 at the US National Renewable Energy Lab. Professor Loth admits it is yet uncertain if whether the

giant 50MW turbine will actually be built, but according to him the new morphing design is certainly worth testing. “It is a very new concept, with no guarantee that it will work. But if it does, it can revolutionise offshore wind energy.” i.

OSI 2018 | Vo l u me 11 | I s s u e 1 | 5 5

26-02-18 08:46

SOLAR eneRgy

new conSortium BuildS world’S firSt offShore floating Solar energy farm

Project Solar-at-Sea Begins

Photo courtesy of China Stringer Network.

Six companieS and reSearch inStituteS have Started the deSign, conStruction, and operation of the world’S firSt offShore floating solarfarm. With financial support from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (NEA), the consortium is building a floating solar energy power plant that can provide clean energy to locations where space on land is scarce.

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he consortium is formed by ECN, TNO, MARIN, TAQA, and Oceans of Energy for a three year collaboration. Utrecht University will also perform scientific research together with Oceans of Energy, to compare the electricity production of floating solar at sea in comparison to land – the power yield of photovoltaic solar modules is expected to be about 15% higher compared to on land.

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21-02-18 12:00

SOLAR eneRgy

Photo courtesy of Ulstein.

By using the available space in-between wind turbines, the energy output of offshore windfarms can be multiplied several times.

Dutch offshore industry, we are convinced that we will be successful,” says Allard van Hoeken, founder and CEO of leading party Oceans of Energy.

Floating Solarfarms for Island and Remote Regions

Solarfarms are already being deployed at inshore water bodies such as lakes.

“What we will do in this project has not been done before, and it is exceptional. Solarfarms are already being deployed at inshore water bodies such as lakes, but a project at sea has never been done before, as this is much more challenging. The destructive wind and wave forces at sea cause others to withhold. With the competences of the project partners and building further on the expertise of the

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Solar at Sea.indd 57

Large scale offshore floating solar energy systems do not yet exist. Solar at sea is a unique source of renewable energy, as it does not use scarce land space, making it ideal for islands and other remote regions. On the long run, by using the available space in-between wind turbines, the energy output of offshore windfarms per square kilometre can be multiplied several times. This is of great significance for the Netherlands. Wijnand van Hooff, Programme Director ‘Solar Energy TKI Urban Energy’ states, “The potential of solar energy is enormous. It is estimated in the Dutch National Solar Trend Report 2018 that solar energy can contribute to 75% of the Dutch energy supply. There is tremendous potential for floating solarfarms to contribute significantly to this goal, but the challenges are significant as well. By combining the Dutch expertise on solar energy technology and the Dutch offshore competences, a whole new solar application can be developed. Projects of this kind are of great importance to eventually capture the commercial and energetic potential of solar energy applications.”

solar panels at sea, and to pioneer this innovative and challenging application of solar energy.”

Financial Support for Project Realisation

The consortium receives financial support for realising the project in the next three years via NEA from the ‘Topsector Energie’ of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. “This is an important innovation project, as it has a high potential for replicability. Next to additional renewable energy production, the solution also allows oil and gas production platforms to become more sustainable. We are looking forward to the results, including the power yields and the system’s lifetime, in these challenging sea-conditions,” states Frank Witte, Manager Energy Innovation at NEA.

A Good Fit

Solar at sea seems a good fit with the Dutch maritime background, with new hope for unlimited amounts of clean energy for the whole world. Mr van Hoeken concludes, “Offshore floating solar is a product that fits well with the Dutch offshore competences and expertise. This will be a solution for the entire world, as the majority of the earth’s population is concentrated in coastal regions. By starting to make solar at sea a reality, we expect to create a positive and lasting impact worldwide.” i.

Dr Wilfried van Sark, expert on solar energy from Utrecht University, continues, “We are very pleased to be a partner in this research focusing on the performance of floating

OSI 2018 | Vo l u me 11 | I s s u e 1 | 5 7

21-02-18 12:00

A utomAtion, Control & meAsurement teC hnology

In addition to its cost avoidance benefits, the AUV’s technological innovation and modular design allows for interchangeable modifications based on mission needs.

Saudi Aramco’s First AUV A new Autonomous underwAter

debris was recently inaugurated by Saudi

camera used for subsea inspection projects, and also acts as the environmental module for oil leak detection surveys. An additional battery module can be added to the assembly, allowing the AUv to extend the duration of its mission.


Safe and Reliable

vehicle (AUv) thAt cAn condUct offshore platform debris surveys to identify seabed clearance and potential


he AUv, which can also conduct offshore pipeline inspections to determine subsea asset integrity and accurately locate possible leaks, is also cost efficient. A job that could require a eUR 41.6 million large survey vessel, can now be swiftly executed with this eUR 2 million AUv. in addition to cost avoidance benefits, the AUv’s technological innovation and modular design allows for interchangeable modifications based on mission needs. the side-scan sonar/bathymetric module for geophysical operations is, for instance, a

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Saudi Aramco.indd 58

the AUv resembles a shrunken vessel, but it is safer, as the team remotely operates it onshore, or from a boat controlling the vehicle via Wi-Fi when nearing its connection limit. When at depth, the AUv works its mission’s route using its inertial navigation System. Simon Squibb, the AUv Field team leader in the hydrographic Survey Unit, highlights the safety and reliability of the vehicle. “it hosts a selection of safety features that enables it to abort missions and avoid danger with its collision safety systems, and eases the search and recovery with an embedded satellite phone and a pinger locator.”

From Chat to Reality

Starting from a casual conversation, the AUv concept went from an interesting chat to a reality by in-depth research and strong proposals. A demonstration was performed by the AUv field team during the inauguration of the orange torpedo-shaped AUv at the Ju’aymah pier. Badr M. Burshaid, Acting Manager of Aramco’s Project Management office department (PMod), praises the team’s efforts. “the success of these bright individuals in reflecting the need and use of this technology is what gave us confidence to invest in it, as venturing into technologies that increase profitability, safety, and efficiency is something we always seek. Pursuing the implementation of technologies and innovation is how PMod continuously strives toward operational excellence.” i.

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21-02-18 12:02


Christian Blinkenberg

Eirik Kydland

General Manager

DSO & HSSE Manager

appointment at

Eric Houston

Environment Impact Assessment Manager

Mark Brown Engineering Manager

appointment at


appointment at

appointment at

J2 subsEa

J2 Subsea has appointed Christian Blinkenberg as General Manager based in Aberdeen. According to J2 Subsea, Blinkenberg brings with him ample industry experience. He has over fifteen years of experience in the oil and gas sector, spending time in the UK, Brazil, USA, and Nordic regions.

CSA Ocean announces the addition of an experienced and versatile team member Eirik Kydland, who will serve a dual position of Diving Safety Officer (DSO) and Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE). Mr Kydland brings substantial expertise to support and enhance CSA’s scientific diving programme, global health and safety programmes, and extensive operational activities.

Xodus Group has strengthened its offshore energy and environmental teams with the appointment of Eric Houston as its EIA manager. Mr Houston is an experienced principal consultant and project manager, with more than 25 years of marine environmental consultancy experience. He was an offshore client representative for BP, working on oil spill monitoring following the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

Ecosse Subsea Systems (ESS) signalled its intent to expand in 2018 by appointing the company’s first Engineering Manager. Mark Brown recently joined the company. His previous position was Operations Manager at PDi. He has over sixteen years of experience working for engineering consultancies, oil and gas operators and subsea contractors, including technical roles at TAQA Bratani, Maersk Oil and Subsea 7.

Ross Moloney (l) and Paul Fulcher (r)

John Truschinger

Gavin Sherwood

Peter Forhaug

Chief Information Officer

Base Manager

Chief Executive Officer

appointment at


Lifting Equipment Engineers Association is delighted to announce the appointment of Paul Fulcher as the new Chairperson, and to welcome Dr Ross Moloney as Chief Executive Officer of the Association. Fulcher, MD of Rigging Services, takes up the appointment of Chairperson from Oliver Auston.

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People.indd 59

appointment at

spEEdcast Speedcast is pleased to reveal that John Truschinger has been appointed as Chief Information Officer (CIO), reporting to CEO Pierre-Jean Beylier. Truschinger will be based in Houston and will assume global responsibility for IT, supply chain, QHSE and facilities. He will also be in charge of a new digital transformation department, which is currently being created, as Speedcast intends to further enhance our customers’ experience.


EcossE subsEa systEms

appointment at

appointment at

Simmons Edeco has appointed Gavin Sherwood for the position of Base Manager Denmark. In his new role, Sherwood oversees all aspects of operations, marketing and financial management of the company’s new base in Denmark, which was established to support its growing customer base. With 28 years of experience in the oilfield service industry, he brings in-depth knowledge of well services engineering, operations and management.

Peter Forhaug has been appointed by MMT board as acting CEO from January 1 2018, while the recruitment of a new permanent CEO is on-going. He has a background in finance, and has acted as a senior advisor to the board of MMT. He represents MMT at the board of the SMaRC research project. Ola Oskarsson, founder of MMT, will assist Forhaug in his role of Vice President.

simmons EdEco



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outfitters Versatile and Fast-Drying Cargo Tank Coating

ATAM ‘Build It Clean’ Technologies

Hempel launched its high performance, chemical resistant, two component epoxy coating – Hempadur 15600 – to the offshore industry. This coating is specifically designed specifically for FPSO cargo tank protection. Its main characteristics include a versatile cargo resistance, high temperature resistance up to 90°C, a wide application window from -5°C to 40°C, and low VOC emissions. The assured coating performance – which is IMO/PSPC cargo oil tank compliant – ensures long service life, reducing longterm maintenance costs. Another feature is the reduced interior surface staining due to oil immersion, aiding visual inspection and remote monitoring. i.

ATAM Group launched its proprietary ‘Build It Clean’ process, utilising the ATAM Air Jet. The new process is designed to eliminate reworks, delayed start-up dates and inflated project budgets, often resulting from piping construction cleanliness issues. The ATAM Air Jet, which was developed in-house, is environmentally friendly, as it greatly reduces wash water usage and contaminated water disposal. Capable of both cleaning and visual inspection, the new product used with ATAM Group’s ‘Build It Clean’ process replaces longstanding industry methods, whilst providing a 100% internal inspection record of completed piping systems. i.

BER-PA HPSealing Ideal for the Oil & Gas Industry It is with the HPSealing brand that BER-PA manufactures and sells its products with high quality and high performance mixes. Formulas that can provide an ideal solution, even in critical conditions where other materials fail to meet the complex technical specifications. The innovative compounds VB90BMED, VB90CMED, and VB90TMED are composed of fluorinated elastomers used for applications in extremely hostile environments from both a chemical and climatic point of view. They are capable of resisting exposure to high concentrations of steam, gas, hydrocarbons, and lubricants, to the rapid gas decompression phenomena and to severe arctic or desert temperatures. Each formulation was found to comply with NORSOK standards M-710 edition 3 and ISO 23936-2 and obtained the Approved ranking, with the best obtainable rating of 0000. BER-PA is able to offer the widest range of customised solutions thanks to wellestablished collaboration with excellent research labs and raw material suppliers. The company takes scrupulous care, both internally and directly, to safeguard all phases of the production process via a sophisticated production monitoring and control system. Robotic sorting machines and automatic measuring systems ensure the highest quality at every stage of Processing, and consistent matching with the standards required by the customer. i.

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outfitters Sonardyne’s Smallest Ever Underwater Tracking System Sonardyne International has unveiled its smallest ever underwater target tracking system, Micro-Ranger 2. Micro-Ranger 2 is Sonardyne’s third Ultra-Short Baseline acoustic tracking system to be built around its SixthGeneration (6G) hardware and Wideband 2 digital acoustic technology platform. But whereas Ranger 2 and Mini-Ranger 2 are designed for complex and deep-water survey and positioning operations, the new entry-level model in Sonardyne’s USBL family introduces features that make it ideal for supporting diving and small vehicle operations in rivers, lakes and coastal waters. i.

Rotational Buoyancy Modules

Trelleborg recently developed a new Rotating Buoyancy Module system for buckling mitigation for subsea pipelines. Buckling occurs during startup and shutdown sequences, as the thermal fluctuations cause pipelines to expand and contract. Trelleborg’s new modules can roll on the seabed, reducing lateral friction, berm creation and allowing repeatable and predictable pipeline behaviour, as well as eliminating rogue buckles and reducing axial walking in the pipeline. As a lower quantity of buoyancy modules are used to create safe buckling zones, it furthermore reduces project costs. i.

Smart Torque Tool Advances All Electric Future

Siemens Compression Train for Johan Castberg FPSO

A new electric torque tool was recently launched in a collaboration agreement between Saab Seaeye and Total Marine Technology. The tool is smart, light, simple to fit, and fast to set-up. It has an advanced, high accuracy torque control system and can operate across the Saab Seaeye range of e-robotic vehicles, opening up new market opportunities. With a singlehanded weight of just 24kg, it weighs only half of a typical hydraulic torque tool, reducing the risk of manual handling injuries. i.

Siemens was selected to engineer, manufacture and commission the SGT-750 gas turbinedriven compression train for Statoil’s FPSO vessel, which is located in the Johan Castberg oil field in the Barents Sea. The project represents the first offshore application for the SGT-750 gas turbine. Equipment delivery is anticipated mid-2019, with first oil planned for 2022. The SGT-750 gas turbine enables long maintenance intervals, which increases production uptime and profitability. i.

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AncoferWaldram Steelplates bv P.O. Box 190 4900 AD Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 491 500 F +31 (0)162 429 806 E I Over 100,000 tons of quality heavy steel plates in stock AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. (AWS) is a stockholding wholesaler and steel service center, specializing in the supply of hot-rolled heavy carbon steel (quarto) plates, and profiled parts for more than 40 years now. Over the years, AWS has developed into a business that sets the standard for its industry. Plates from stock or profiled parts The choice is yours! It is the combination of comprehensive stocks of over 100,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant that gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.


Cramm HLS BV P.O. Box 186, 9100 AD Dokkum The Netherlands T +31 (0)88 457 0457 F +31 (0)88 457 0458 E I Contact: Paul Boelens Cramm HLS BV is a sister company of Cramm Yachting Systems (www. Cramm HLS delivers equipment for safe and secure landing and handling of helicopters. One of the products is the helicopter landing grid (, which is used for safe landing in rough conditions. We also provide helicopter moving systems and deliver hangardoors. Our 60-year anniversary ensures that we offer quality based on our experience. 6 2 | O S I 2 0 1 8 | Volum e 11 | Issue 1

yellowpages 11-1.indd 62

DBR BV Lelystraat 53 – NL-3364 AH P.O. Box 1039 – NL-3360 BA Sliedrecht –The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 613 200 F +31 (0)184 612 654 E I Contact: H.J. Hafkamp DBR BV is the Dutch specialist in diesel and gas generator sets up to 4,000kVA, pumps and diesel pump sets up to 2,000kW in the oil and gas, wind farm, dredging and shipping industry worldwide. The well-engineered generator and pump sets are custom-built and assembled by DBR in accordance to high quality offshore standards and marine classification rules.

Delta SubSea 550 Club Dr, Suite 345 Montgomery, Texas 77316, USA T +1936-582-7237 I Delta SubSea (DSS) is a leading integrated independent provider of ROV Services and Solutions. Delta SubSea’s ROV fleet is focused on solutions for customers in the inspection, repair and maintenance, construction, drilling and decommissioning market segments. In addition to ROV Services, DSS also provides Subsea Project Management, Subsea Project Support Services, Subject Matter Experts and Client Representation for Diving/ROV/Subsea Construction.

Gebhard Electro Innovatiepark 14, 4906 AA Oosterhout P.O. Box 61, 4900 AB Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 452 888

F +31 (0)162 433 761 E I Contact: Ton Versluis / Richard van de Wiel Gebhard Electro is a globally operating company specialised in the design, production, installation and maintenance of electrical systems for the maritime shipping industry. We collaborate with leading shipyards on every continent. Gebhard Electro has been specialised in the high-tech world of shipbuilding since 1946. Our activities vary greatly: from just one specific task to the execution of entire projects or the management and co-ordination of all activities of all participating contractors. From our own facility in China we are in a position to deliver at competitive rates. Gebhard Electro, your one-stopshop for development / engineering / production / installation / repair service

Heinen & Hopman Produktieweg 12 3751 LN Spakenburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)33 299 25 00 F +31 (0)33 299 25 99 E I Contact: J.W.E. Hopman Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: – Superyachts. – Commercial shipping. – Offshore industry. – Navy vessels. Our mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 Pantone 299

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Pantone Coated (C) voor coated papierdrukwerk en en andere gecoate ondergronden, zoals stickers etc. Versie 2014-02-18 Edward Newland /

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service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres.

Hubel Marine B.V. Karel Doormanweg 5, 2nd Floor 3115 JD Schiedam P.O. Box 3219 3003 AE Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 458 7338 F +31 (0)10 458 7662 E I Twitter: HubelMarine Contact: Mr Erik A. de Koning M +31 (0)6 53724457 Hubel Marine is a full-service firm for advice regarding Vessel Registration, Mortgage Registration, Seafarer Endorsements and Technical Flag State matters. We represent the flags of Panama, Belize and St.Kitts & Nevis. We are fully authorised to perform Safety Surveys and issue Statutory & Class Certification including ISM, ISPS and MLC audits. We provide services for any type or tonnage of vessel worldwide.

Nicoverken Marine Services BV Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 E I Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u

22-02-18 14:28

including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!

Orga Offshore Strickledeweg 13 3125 AT Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 208 5566 F +31 (0)10 437 8445 E I Contact: Cindy J ouvenaar - Heskes Driving innovation with safety always in mind Dutch company Orga has over 40 years’ experience providing customised explosion-proof safety lighting and aids with navigation solutions for the offshore oil and gas industries. Widely used around the world, Orga products meet all local and international code requirements providing robust, reliable and cost effective service in some of the harshest offshore environments. With increasing demands from the oil and gas industries for pioneering technology, improved safety and reduced total cost of ownership, Orga’s continuing drive for innovation has developed the very latest cuttingedge in helideck lighting, marine navigational aids and remote power systems.

OTC Houston, 2017

For more information please visit

rhb stevedoring & warehousing Waalhaven N.Z. 4 3087 BL Rotterdam Portnumber 2157 The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 94 33 F +31 (0)10 429 02 61 E I rhb stevedoring & warehousing is your independent partner for project cargoes, heavy lifts and assisting offshore vessels during mobilisation or demobilisation. Our private terminal with 730 metres quay length is equipped with own shore cranes up to 208 tons. Floating cranes up to 1,500 tons are available.

Constructive Solutions

Rometal B.V. Patrijsweg 10 4791 RV Klundert The Netherlands T +31 (0)168 331 490 E I Contact: Martijn van Manen We are your partner in delivering all kinds of high-tension (S690, S890 and S960) steel structures and even

inclusive electrical and hydraulics, if so required. We can be your turn-key partner in the supply, engineering and on-board installation of heavy lift equipment, land and offshore wind structures and (de)mobilisations. Also complete document control according to the class bodies lies in our expertise. With our two facilities we have all disciplines in house to enable us to serve our clients in an efficient and reliable way. We are completely certified according to our customer standard. For more details, please phone us and/or check our website:

Seaway Heavy Lifting Albert Einsteinlaan 50 2719 ER Zoetermeer The Netherlands T +31 (0)79 363 77 00 E I Seaway Heavy Lifting is a leading offshore contractor in the global Oil & Gas and Renewables industry, offering tailored T&I and EPCI solutions*. Seaway Heavy Lifting owns and operates crane vessels Stanislav Yudin and Oleg Strashnov, which have a revolving lift capacity of 2,500mt and 5,000mt respectively. * T&I: Transport & Installation, EPCI: Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation

G.J.Wortelboer Jr. B.V. Quarantaineweg 5, 3089 KP Rotterdam P.O. Box 5003, 3008 AA Rotterdam Harbournr: 2637 The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 2222 F +31 (0)10 429 6459 E I Every now and then anchors and chains must be replaced, so we understand your need for quality and speedy delivery. Wortelboer has what you are looking for. Our enormous stock of anchors and chain cables of all sizes and diameters in both our Rotterdam and China ports gives you the certainty that we can deliver the required materials very quickly and to any port in the world! All our materials are approved by any of the well-known class societies such as LRS, BV, RINA, DNV/GL, ABS and RMRS. Do you have problems with finding the right anchors? Could you use a hand while fitting anchors and chain cables aboard your vessel? We are more than happy to help you with it. Wortelboer has been a reliable partner in the shipping industry for more than 50 years. And that is why our customers keep coming back for more. Do you need anchors and chain cables? Come to WORTELBOER.


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OTC Houston Design & Engineering Offshore Support- & Accommodation Vessels QHSE


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OSI 2018 | Vo l u me 11 | I s s u e 1 | 6 3

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word on the sea

Yellow & Finch Publishers’ Tom Dietvorst

Fully Charged for 2018 Just like every year, we see the IRO and NMT New Year receptions as genuine kick-offs. As always, both receptions were very well organised at unique locations, and attended by many interesting people.

from the Government (DEA), DNV-GL and Rabobank, presenting long-term visions for wind at sea from different angles, with a particular focus on the North Sea. Please let me remind you that we will in our next issue offer exclusive exposure business opportunities with the main OTC Houston theme, with a bonus distribution from the IRO booth at the Dutch pavilion. Let us create the undivided attention of your existing and potential business relations. Together with my colleagues, I am more than happy to assist you with, and advise you on your marketing communication needs.

The Offshore Seminar offered a varied programme of discussion and debate.

Another very inspiring event was the Offshore Seminar, which took place 15 February in the Mainport Hotel Rotterdam. This new seminar is organised by Brandmarion and Costa Renewables, and introduced speakers including Jaco Fleumer from HSM Offshore, Julius Ansenk from NAM, and Joep Athmer from Van Oord Offshore. The seminar offered a varied programme of discussion and debate, from the current state of energy portfolios and LCOE, to the policies, projects and industry initiatives driving innovation and change. The theme of the CEDA-NL / IRO meeting in Voorschoten on 8 March was the future of wind at sea. There were speakers

After a dynamic 2017, our batteries are once again fully charged at Yellow & Finch Publishers. We are ready for 2018. I hope you are too, and look forward to seeing you! Tom Dietvorst


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stevedoring & warehousing rotterdam

OFFSHORE GRADES in stock 8 - 200 mm


• S355G10+M /+N acc. EN 10225 (NORSOK) • S460G2+M acc. EN 10225 (NORSOK)

Lifting your cargoes faster


Flame cutting

• reliable highly experienced partner for heavy parts / high thicknesses • thickness 6-350 mm: 5 oxy-fuel cutting machines; 3 plasma cutting machines with automatic bevel cutting features • authorised by DNV GL, LRS, TüV for transfer of markings (restamping) • 150 x 6 meter cutting tables • automatic two sided deburring line • bevelling robot, shotblasting / painting, additional tooling




Structural strength in heavy steel plates

AncoferWaldram Steelplates bv

Expertise, skills and true competence in heavy steel plate processing

AncoferWaldram Steelplates bv is a company of Dillinger


Joost van Dijk, e-mail:

T +31(0)162 49 15 00 | E | I

Waalhaven n.z. 4 3087 BL Rotterdam P.O. Box 55092 3008 EB Rotterdam Portnumber 2157 TELEPHONE

+31 (0)10 429 94 33 FA X

+31 (0)10 429 02 61 E-MAIL WEB


Steel plates

• over 100,000 tons in stock: 25,000 m2 roofed surface • offshore grades S355G10+M / S420G2+M / S460G2+M, acc. EN 10225, S460NL (Z35-US) acc. EN 10025-3 • shipbuilding grades: Grade A LRS, DH36 LRS, EH36 LRS, VLD36, VLE36, VLE36 / EH36 (+Z35), VLE36TM, VLF36TM • construction plates S235JR / S355J2+N / S355K2+N acc. EN 10025-2 • fine grained construction plates S355 acc. EN 10025-3 • high strength fine grained plates - Dillimax 690-1100 (+Z35) • wear-resistant plates - Dillidur 400/450/500/550 • SA516GR70 / P355NL2 / P355NH • DICREST®5 (HIC resistant) acc. ASME SA 516 Gr. 60/65/70


shorecranes up to 208 tons

OSI 2018 | VOLUME 11 | ISSUE 1

OSI VOL. 11 ISSUE 1 | 2018

i n d u s t r y

BER-PA Oil & Gas sealing solutions OUTLOOK 2018


EXCELLENCE IN THE GASKET INDUSTRY SINCE 1984 O-rings and sealing systems ideal for applications in extremely hostile environments, both from a chemical and climatic point of view. Compounds and materials capable of resisting exposure to high concentrations of lubricants, steam, gas and hydrocarbons, to the phenomena of RGD (Rapid Gas Decompression) and to the rigid arctic or desert temperatures typical of extractive environments. O-Rings in compound VB90BMED / VB90CMED / VB90TMED supplied by BER-PA S.R.L have been tested according to the requirements of NORSOK M-710 Edition 3 and ISO 23936-2 (Rapid gas decompression resistance) and obtained PASSED with the highest possible rating of “0000”.


BER-PA srl | Via Faletti, 16 | 25031 Capriolo (Bs) | Italy Tel. +39 030 7461509 | Fax +39 030 7772296 | |

THE TIPPING POINT Catching High Winds offshore wind

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