Offshore Industry Vol.7 No.4

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The Climbing Dutchman


OSI 2014 | VOLUME 7 | ISSUE 4

Jack-Up Barge

OSI VOL. 7 ISSUE 4 | 2014

i n d u s t r y

ONS 2014

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Publishers’ note



developments in this ever-progressing industry. In particular I’m keen to find out more about the innovation driving development of small fields as the larger sites head increasingly towards maturity. A robust example of small field development is the recent installation of Wintershall’s L6-B platform. It’s the first time a platform has been installed as a single-piece using suction pile technology. You can read more in this issue on pg 14. We’ve interviewed some of the key players in the project, including main contractor Scaldis and operator Wintershall. At ONS we’ll no doubt see and hear from key industrial players about all the latest trends and advances, as well as the challenges facing us in the future. The future is something you’ll find plenty of in this issue of Offshore Industry. As well as a close examination of some of the latest innovations gracing the subsea exploration corner of the industry, we also look at the future of offshore wind. With offshore wind farms being developed further from the coastline it is becoming apparent that there is not yet an industry standard for dealing with the challenge of getting the energy to shore in the most efficient manner. Different philosophies are being applied. In this issue we look at TenneT’s DC export of power and also the AC system to be used at the Gemini wind farm. Find out more about these projects on pg 22 and pg 12 respectively. Speaking of the future, I find myself wondering if the current crisis in Russia and Ukraine will add stimulus to European offshore investment. A recent report from John Westwood of energy business advisors Douglas-Westwood suggests that the situation could force a different approach to energy in the near future. Russia’s Gazprom, supplier of 30 percent of European gas, has warned that increasing sanctions, coupled with their own reduced supply to Ukraine could well lead to diminished quantities of gas reaching Europe. If this does act as a trigger for further investment offshore, this can only be a good thing – Douglas-Westwood have been cautioning for some time that Europe’s over-reliance on imported energy will cause problems in the future. One thing is certain, however, the quicker we move on this, the better; increasing investment in European offshore energy is a long-term plan that will take some time to realise.

VINCENT VINKOERT M +31 613 759 629

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31-07-14 09:50


HALL B2 EG STANDNO. 201. 9-12 SEPT 2014



Content OSI 7-4.indd 2

31-07-14 12:06

contents OSI



12 Twins Supply the Power – Offshore Wind Farm




Gets Off the Mark


14 Whole in One – Wintershall Single-Piece, Suction Pile Installation


22 Clean Powerhouse – TenneT’s latest Convertor Platform Installed

36 Mock-Up Mission – Onshore Testing Benefits Offshore Operations



26 Deep Helder – Shipyard De Hoop Gets Versatile SUBSEA TECHNOLOGY

30 Norwegian Subsea Industry – Making Waves

Below the Surface

40 Picking up the Challenge – Independent Deepwater ROV Solutions

44 Changes Afoot – Seafox Addresses P&A and


Renewables Challenges


48 ONS 2014


51 Sensing the Future – SKF Conditioning Monitoring

55 Showing the Way – Safety Signage in the Offshore Sector REGULARS

1 Publisher’s Note 7 News in Brief 59 Outfitters Page

61 Yellow & Finch Pages 64 Word on the Sea www. o f f s h o r e - i n d u s t r

Content OSI 7-4.indd 3

On the Cover Wintershall’s L6-B gas production platform has been installed in the Dutch North Sea using SPT Offshore’s suction pile technology. It is the first time a platform has been transported and installed as a single piece. The method opens up new possibilities for rapid, safe and cost-effective minimum facility platform installation, paving the way for profitable marginal field development. Assembly of the structure was carried out in the Port of Rotterdam by NAMI over just 3 weeks. The completed platform was transported to the offshore location by main contractor Scaldis’ heavy lift vessel Rambiz. Once on site the installation was carried in the record time of only 3 hours. Read more on pg 14. (Photo courtesy of SPT Offshore) OSI 2014 | Vo l u me 7 | I s s u e 4 | 3

31-07-14 15:25

Professional and innovative technical solutions

Products: • • • • • •

Winches Cranes Jacking systems Special deck equipment Thrusters

i n d u s t r y CHARLES VAN DEN OOSTERKAMP Chief Executive Officer

DENNIS VINKOERT Publisher & Executive Editor

NATHALIE GEELS - VINKOERT Chief Financial Officer

MARCO GEELS Chief Commercial Officer



JOHN GAULDIE Managing Editor

ROB VAN AKKEREN Business Development Manager



HERMAN BARKMEIJER Business Development Manager


VINCENT VINKOERT Business Development Manager


ROSANNA STATTERS Commercial Assistant


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4 | O S I 2 0 1 4 | Vo l u me 7 | Issue 4

• News in brief OSI 7-4.indd 4

31-07-14 09:27


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31-07-14 21.07.14 09:27 14:56

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31-07-14 24-07-14 09:27 15:46



Cable-Laying Contract for Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm VSMC – a joint venture of Boskalis and VolkerWessels – has been awarded a contract by Dudgeon Offshore Wind Limited – owned by Norwegian companies Statoil and Statkraft – for the export and inter-array cabling for the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm. The project has a total contract value of EUR 110 million. VSMC will perform two 1,100m horizontal directional

drillings at the landfall in 2015, followed by the installation of two 42km export cables in 2016. The Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm is located 32km off the coast of North Norfolk in the United Kingdom. The 67 wind turbines can generate a total capacity of 400MW.

Strong Tensile Strength DSR Corp, the Korean shipbuilding and offshore rope maker, recently launched its innovative fibre rope, SuperMax78. The special fibre rope of Ultra-highmolecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) has stronger tensile strength and weighs less than an eighth of steel wire ropes of the same diameter. SuperMax78 is specially designed so that its life span and performance is not affected by a wide range of weather conditions. Recently, DSR was awarded a significant offshore project in Brazil where they provided 3,300t Minimum Breaking Load slings.



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• News in brief OSI 7-4.indd 7

OSI 2014 | Vo l u me 7 | I s s u e 4 | 7

31-07-14 15:34

Continuous growth and outstanding innovations on highest technical level will be presented at VALVE WORLD EXPO 2014 in Düsseldorf. Valves, the whole range of equipment as well as up- and downstream technologies will take center stage. The VALVE WORLD CONFERENCE as major event of the valve industry analyses the markets’ future, considering scientific evaluations. Düsseldorf turns it on !

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• News in brief OSI 7-4.indd 8

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31-07-14 09:27



New Staff at Auxilium Offshore

Customised Gas Genset

Auxilium Offshore enriched their team with internationally experienced professionals with practical knowledge and expertise, specifically in the offshore energy sector’s subsea operations. The new Managing Director of Auxilium Offshore is Fleur Loef. “We constantly aim to recognise the possible issues of our clients and make sure that we deliver a tailor-made answer for each possible question beforehand. Our aim is to truly unburden our clients,” she states.

DBR Generatorsets is on course to complete construction of a gas engine driven generator set for GDF Suez E&P Nederland in time for installation on the E17a-A platform at the end of the year. Due to space restrictions on the existing platform, DBR is fabricating a custom engineered generator set. They selected a MAN E2842 E312 lambda 1 engine, which has an optimum oxygen to gas ratio, and a Leroy Somer air-to-air cooled generator. The gas engine driven package will be able to operate for up to 1,200 hours between maintenance intervals due to its DBR Long Running System.

Mobilising Sea Challenger Mid May, A2Sea’s Sea Challenger arrived in Esbjerg. At the moment she is mobilising for the first project – installation of 35 Siemens 6MW turbines on Dong Energy’s project Westermost Rough. The 132m long and 39m wide vessel will start installation on Westermost Rough in the middle of July and Esbjerg will be the loading port. The project team expects installation of the 35 turbines to be completed in the beginning of 2015. When Westermost Rough is fully commissioned, the wind farm will provide enough electricity to power around 200,000 homes.


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• News in brief OSI 7-4.indd 9


December OSI 2014 | Vo l u me 7 | I s s u e 4 | 9

31-07-14 15:28


NEWS IN BRIEF World’s Most Advanced Offshore Heavy Lift Simulator

Emergency & Essential Diesel Generator Sets for Gina Krog

Heerema Marine Contractors has selected Kongsberg Maritime’s K-Sim Offshore simulation platform to enhance crane operator training and the safe, efficient implementation of heavy lift operations. With the contract signed on 21 May, delivery of what will become the world’s most advanced offshore heavy lift crane simulator is planned for September 2015. It will be installed at a new simulation centre in the HMC Academy at the company’s HQ in Leiden, the Netherlands.

DSME and Aker Solutions awarded Pon Power Scandinavia and Fischcon the contract for the EPC delivery of the Emergency and Essential Diesel Generator (ADG) sets for the Statoil – Gina Krog Project. When finished the EDG enclosure will be 12 x 4 x 5m, A-60 insulated, and weigh approx 70t. It will be equipped with a 690VAC Leroy Somer generator, powered by a 3512 Caterpillar V12 diesel engine. The enclosure will comply with ATEX requirements and exhaust gasses will therefore be cooled to <200°C.

Troll Under Pressure

Photo courtesy of Øyvind Hagen - Statoil ASA

Two new compressors were lifted aboard the Troll A platform in the North Sea. Once the compressors are up and running next year, they will boost recovery from Troll by more than 83 billion standard m3 of gas – 522 million barrels of oil equivalent. That’s more than Aasta Hansteen and Valemon put together. Troll already has two compressors, which will now be joined by compressor numbers three and four.

UK Subsea Sector Strengthens Asian Industry Subsea UK was strengthening and expanding links between British subsea companies and the burgeoning Asian industry when it hosted its biennial conference, Subsea Asia, in Malaysia last June. With the Malaysian government recently approving new incentives for exploration activity in more challenging deepwater fields, the Chief Executive of Subsea UK, Neil Gordon, says this focus will not only place subsea at the heart of Malaysia’s renewed growth, but open up even more opportunities for Scottish companies.

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• News in brief OSI 7-4.indd 10

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31-07-14 15:28

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• News in brief OSI 7-4.indd 11

31-07-14 17:00



Twins Supply the Power

Gemini CEO Matthias Haag

DUTCH OFFSHORE WIND CAPACITY HAS GOT OFF TO A SLOW START – BUT SIGNIFICANT GROWTH IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. DUE FOR COMPLETION IN 2017, THE GEMINI OFFSHORE WIND FARM WILL RAISE THE BAR FOR OFFSHORE wind capacity. The Gemini team has not only broken records in terms of project financing, it also represents Dutch firsts in terms of size, capacity, technology and distance from shore. Offshore Industry’s Tom Scott went to Amsterdam to meet the man heading Gemini’s growing team – CEO Matthias Haag.

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Gemini def.indd 12


et’s begin with some figures – in 2017, the 600MW capacity Gemini offshore wind farm will start supplying more than 1.5 million people with electricity. Consisting of 150 Siemens turbines, Gemini signifies a record EUR 2.8 billion investment. Canada’s Northland Power leads the shareholders with a 60 percent stake. To put that into perspective – the Princess Amalia wind farm, currently the Netherlands’ largest productive offshore

wind farm, churning out a decent 120MW from 60 turbines, required an investment of ‘only’ EUR 350 million. In other words, Gemini is a big step forward for Dutch offshore wind.

Best Solution

“Of course this is a big step and a big challenge,” says Mr Haag. “A challenge for all parties involved, including the Gemini team.” Located 85km from the coast, Gemini is considerably farther from land than previous Dutch

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31-07-14 09:37

WIND TECHNOLOGY offshore wind farms. “Also, this is a wind farm with 150 turbines – this means better planning and logistics.” Reflecting the Latin root of the name Gemini, meaning ‘twins’, the wind farm will be divided into two areas of 34km2, each accommodating 75 turbines. The electricity produced will be handled by two offshore substations and transported to the mainland by two separate export cables – two are required because of the sheer amount of electricity produced. “Contingency is another reason – if one cable, for whatever reason, breaks or malfunctions, the second one can still keep up the supply. One cable cannot carry all the energy, but definitely more than half,” explains Mr Haag. “We will deliver an AC electricity supply” – something that at this distance is rarely seen. “For the distance involved, we think it is the best solution. The advantages of DC supply are not that great – you need a considerable offshore substation and an onshore transformer station to convert back to AC.”

It is more complicated to finance a project if there are ten contracts involved. construction of the foundations and TPs to spread the risks involved and because of the time issues involved with supplying such quantities of steel.

Service Hub Eemshaven

Close to the action, the Dutch port of Eemshaven will act as the onshore logistics hub for Gemini’s

to learn from that,” says Mr Haag. “During offshore construction there are similar risks. Look at cable laying, heavy lifting and electrical installation for example. During operations, there are different risks involved.”

Finding the Finances During his career, Mr Haag has worked for Shell at the

contract and Siemens will supply and install the turbines. “Later this year we will be issuing the remaining maintenance contracts, for the array cables and systems maintenance and foundation maintenance, too.” Gemini has a team of about 25 people; all with experience in the offshore wind farm sector, says Mr Haag. The organisation is structured into three parts that are concerned with the three major parts of the project – offshore construction and offshore electrical installation. “And of course the onshore transformer station which is a large project in itself.” With construction commencing this year, the

So Much Steel

Gemini exhibits a number of technical innovations. “The TPs will be placed with flanges meaning that we won’t have any grouting issues.” The rotor blades are designed to enable a greater and more stable production of energy in a high range of wind speeds – up to Force 11. With one 70m monopile weighing 900t, there is a lot of steel involved. “Components come from Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands – so logistically, it’s complicated.” Mr Haag continues by saying that Gemini chose three companies (SIF, EEW and Smulders) for the

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Gemini def.indd 13

construction, maintenance and operating phases. “One of Eemshaven’s advantages is that it has the space,” informs Mr Haag. “To make such a large project possible, it is important to have enough storage space.” The port has undergone significant quay strengthening modifications to cope with a project of such magnitude. Safety will play a significant role in Gemini’s construction. “The oil & gas industry has given us of a lot of experience and we try

Egmont-aan-Zee wind farm. “The set-up there was one contract with two contractors,” he says. “Gemini also has just two parties involved – Van Oord and Siemens.” According to Mr Haag, this project structure yields definite financial advantages: “We think that our way of project setup has greater advantages – especially in terms of project financing. It is more complicated to finance a project if there are ten contracts involved.” Van Oord will carry out the EPC

team at Gemini’s Amsterdam office will undoubtedly expand. Their job will be to ensure that manufacture takes place as specified in the contract. “There will be changes – in any project there will always be changes – we have to ensure that those changes do not bring any disadvantages,” concludes Mr Haag. i.

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31-07-14 15:30


1 4 | O S I 2 0 1 4 | Vo l u m e 7 | Issue 4

Wintershall Nami def.indd 14

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31-07-14 09:32



Whole in One

WINTERSHALL’S L6-B PLATFORM IN THE DUTCH NORTH SEA REPRESENTS A NEW SOLUTION FOR MINIMUM FACILITY STRUCTURES: SINGLE-PIECE INSTALLATION USING SUCTION PILE technology. Offshore Industry’s Ben Littler speaks to Wintershall and key players in the fabrication and installation process about the benefits of such a method and considers whether we might see larger-scale projects of this nature in the future. WORDS BY BEN LITTLER

L6-B is not the first Wintershall platform to be installed using suction pile technology, though it is the first to be transported and positioned as a complete structure. Wintershall hit upon the idea as an answer to the time and cost reduction required for small-scale platform set-up; an alternative to the costs associated with large heavy lift installation vessels.

Economies of Scale

Having ruled out a subsea production unit, the question facing Wintershall was how to ensure T&I costs for a platform were commensurate with marginal field scale profitability. Daniel Regenboog, Engineering Manager at Wintershall Nordzee and Project Manager for the L6-B installation, explains, “To have such a small platform installed using large and expensive heavy lift vessels was something we tried to avoid. The design was based on simple and short offshore installation. For a typical foundation with driven piles, more time is required for pile handling, pile driving and grouting. Use of suction piles can offer significant reduction in offshore


Photo courtesy of Scaldis

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Wintershall Nami def.indd 15

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31-07-14 09:32


G r oup oflargest com pa nie s PTR Holland is the world’s producer of APPROVED Pilot & Embarkation ladders - always according to the latest regulations. G roup of com pa nie PTR Holland is the world’s largest producer ofs APPROVED Production plants in Rotterdam (NL), Houston (TX-USA) (Asia). G roup of G r com oup pa of nie com s pa s & Singapore G roup of com pa nie snie Pilot & Embarkation ladders always according to the latest regulations. If you are elsewhere, airfreight be delivered 48 hours worldwide. PTR Holland is the goods world’scan largest producerwithin of APPROVED Production plants in Rotterdam (NL), Houston (TX-USA) &APPROVED Singapore (Asia). PTR Holland is the world’s largest producer of APPROVED PTR Holland is the world’s largest producer of APPROVED PTR Holland is the world’s largest producer of Pilot & Embarkation ladders - always according to the latest regulations. If you are elsewhere, airfreight can beaccording delivered within 48 hours worldwide. Pilot &plants Embarkation ladders -MED-ISO5489:2008 always according tolatest the latest regulations. Pilot & Embarkation ladders -goods always according to the latest regulations. Pilot & Embarkation ladders - always to the regulations. Complies: MED-ISO799:2004 &(NL), Production in Rotterdam Houston (TX-USA) & Singapore (Asia). Production plants in Rotterdam (NL), Houston (TX-USA) & Singapore (Asia). Production plants in Rotterdam (NL), Houston (TX-USA) & Singapore (Asia). Production plants in Rotterdam (NL), Houston (TX-USA) & Singapore (Asia). If you are elsewhere, airfreight goods can be delivered within 48 hours worldwide. Complies: MED-ISO799:2004 & MED-ISO5489:2008 Ifelsewhere, youelsewhere, are elsewhere, airfreight candelivered be delivered 48 hours If youIfare airfreight goods cangoods be delivered within 48 within hours worldwide. you are airfreight goods can be within 48 hours worldwide. PTR worldwide. Holland is an ISO 9001 certified company

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PTR Holland is an ISO 9001 certified company

PTR Holland also stock a wide variety of marine & offshore PTR Holland is an certified company products which can be found at our websites, or simply give us a call or send usISOais9001 fax. PTR Holland is an PTR HollandPTR anHolland is an PTR Holland also stock a wide variety of marine & offshore ISO 9001 certified company ISO 9001 certifi company ISOed 9001 certifi ed company PTR stock a wide variety of marine & offshore PTR Holland also stock aalso wide variety ofor marine & offshore PTRcan Holland also stock awebsites, wide variety of marine & products which beHolland found at our simply give usoffshore a call or send us a fax. products can beour found atwebsites, ouror websites, or simply give us aor call or send us a fax. products which can which be found at simply give us a call send us a fax. products which can be found atwebsites, our or simply give us aorcall send us a fax.

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Photo courtesy of NAMI

time with something of this size. “Additionally, with lifting the platform in one piece, there is no welding required for the typical substructure and deck interface and, thus, no hook-up and commissioning these interfaces.” Having settled on a course of action, Wintershall selected Scaldis as main contractor for this unique project, with their heavy lift vessel, Rambiz.

completed platform is 72m. That’s too high to pass all the bridges between our yard in Ridderkerk and the open sea,” Mr Van der Zande explains. “In Rotterdam we set out the suction buckets. Two days after that we installed the main column and braces and 1 week later the topsides. In total the assembly in Rotterdam took just 3 weeks.” The stage had been set for an extremely time-efficient operation.

Setting the Scene

Need for Speed

First though, the platform needed to be built. Fabrication and assembly fell to Netherlandsbased NAMI. “Our scope of work started in September last year,” says Managing Director Hans van der Zande. “By December we had completed fabrication of the topsides. Whilst the piping was being installed we commenced work on the main column, including the braces and internal pipes.” After this the components were transported to Heijsehaven, Rotterdam for assembly. “The

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Marc Voorhuis, General Manager at Scaldis, explains that there was a tight timeframe in which to carry out the installation of the platform. “Everything was on a tight schedule. We were told the platform would be on the quay in Rotterdam on 1 June and had to be installed by 1 July. But we were confident this was going to happen. We said ‘this is going to fly!’ And it did.” Mr Voorhuis spells out the issues associated with conventional installation methods,

saying, “If you take jacket and piles, you are hammering four piles for 2 days. Then there’s levelling and grouting, making it 4 to 5 days, dependent on the weather. And that’s just the foundation! This way, you arrive, put it down and in 12 hours you’re home and dry.” The installation certainly was swift. After leaving IJmuiden one fine Friday morning, Rambiz was back, mission completed, in time for breakfast on Monday. SPT Offshore’s Managing Director Mark Riemers says, “Just 3 days and we were finished – that’s sailing there, carrying out the installation and getting back. Ordinarily this would have taken at least a week.” In fact, once the Rambiz was on site, SPT’s installation of the platform took only 3 hours, with the three suction piles installed simultaneously. Of course, speed is all very well and good, but there are other things to bear in mind. Accuracy is also of great importance and


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S e a Tr u c k s G r o u p

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Rigid and Flexible Pipe Installation | Platform Installation | Accommodation, Hook Up and Commissioning | SURF Installation | Decommissioning | Marine Support

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Wintershall def.indd 18 Ad OffshoreNami Ind. pre ONS 223x297mmFC.indd 1

31-07-141:54 09:32 10/7/14 PM

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Photo courtesy of Scaldis


The market is growing day by day. We are seeing more and more interest. A lot of interest.

here, too, this project excelled. Tolerance for verticality was 0.5° from vertical – which sounds quite a tall order, though in the event this proved more than possible and the platform was installed at just 0.01° from vertical. Mr Voorhuis concludes, “There was a lot of preparatory work of course and this helped to reduce the installation time dramatically. We had a plan and it went by the book.”

Close ‘IJ’ on the Weather

Speed of installation is important not only from a cost point of view, but also to ensure that operations can be carried out during potentially short windows of opportunity. The greatest concern was perhaps the weather, Mr Regenboog says. “The transport is weather sensitive and this needs to be taken into account when selecting the installation window. This is why we chose June.” It proved to be a sound move; although Rambiz did need to shelter in IJmuiden after leaving Rotterdam, it proved to be a very short stopover and the weather during installation was perfect.

Rising Interest Rate

“This is the first time I am aware that this has been done,” says Mr Riemers. “Heerema did a tripod structure in one piece in deep water, but that was with a revolving crane, heavy lift, semi-submersible barge. For a platform of this size using Rambiz was an elegant and cheaper solution. Rambiz is a good machine to install at low cost.” It is SPT’s suction pile concept that enables this single-lift installation method to take place. There are other advantages besides speed and cost, however. “It’s not just faster and cheaper,” Mr Riemers says. “It’s also cleaner, quieter. And, when it comes to decommissioning there are also clear benefits. Decom is just installation in reverse. It’s just as quick and it leaves nothing behind.” As might be anticipated, there is a lot of enthusiasm for this method currently. “The market is growing day by day. We are seeing more and more interest. A lot of interest.”

Location, Location, Location

So, with all these pros, is there anything bad to say about single-piece, suction pile installation? Mr Van der Zande points out


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Dutch Collaboration Scaldis contracted Innovative Input to provide a special, submersible, lifting frame for the L6-B project. Innovative Input collaborated with PTS Machinery on the delivery of the spreader bar, which is 34.2m in length and weighs 165t. It has the capacity to support lifts up to 4,000t and has been designed for use on both the Rambiz and Rambiz 4000. There is an optional clamping system that can be fitted to the beam. In this configuration, the beam can handle up to 3,000t and a horizontal force of 200t. Innovative Input and PTS Machinery worked with Vandergrijp on the spreader beam. Vandergrijp’s scope was the rolling and assembly of the main beam and facilitation of Innovative Input and PTS Machinery’s in their 100 x 265 x 16m production hall during final assembly. Vandergrijp were also responsible for the final load out with their new roll on roll off facility onto a pontoon for transportation to Rotterdam.

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For Mr Regenboog, aside from the weather window, the only considerations are the location and scale of the project. “The soil needs to be suitable for the use of suction piles and the weather sensitivity means transit duration and distance to port need to be taken into account. I don’t think we’ll install larger units with more process facilities or more living quarters, but it could be interesting for the smaller developments in the southern North Sea.” Photo courtesy of NAMI


There is strong potential for this… time needed for installation was amazing. It really is amazing!

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Looking Ahead that a single structure does require working at increased heights during assembly. However, he also says that, provided all preparations are carried out – the scaffolding for the welding was erected during assembly whilst the platform was still horizontal – and standards maintained, “working at 70m is the same as working at ground level.” Mr Voorhuis certainly expects to see more installations of this type. “This method has impressed me. I can see a whole new development here. As UK and Dutch reserves get lower and sites that were previously infeasible economically are used, then I can see a place for this. You can install the platform and, after a few years when the field is no longer performing as it was, simply move it to the next marginal project site.”

But what of the future? Is there any chance that we may see larger installations taking place with this method further down the line? According to Mr Voorhuis it’s certainly a possibility. “We’re building a vessel bigger than the current Rambiz – the Rambiz 4000 – that will lift bigger platforms. We can do different sizes – bigger platforms will be an option.” Mr Van der Zande concurs with the view that single-piece installation has not yet peaked. “There is strong potential for this technology – the time needed for installation was amazing! It really is amazing! And we can do bigger platforms with this.” i. i. i. i.

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31-07-14 15:44


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31-07-14 09:32






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THE LINKING OF THE HDVC PLATFORM HELWIN BÈTA TO HELWIN ALPHA IN THE GERMAN PART OF THE NORTH SEA IS WELL UNDERWAY. THE TOPSIDE OF THE offshore wind converter platform, constructed by the Heerema Fabrication Group (HFG), has been recently installed. By spring 2015, TenneT’s HelWin bèta will bring 690MW of clean energy to land. w w w. o ffs h o re -i n d u s tr y. e u

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Photo courtesy of Imtech

offshore wind power via the path of least resistance.

Remotely Operated

HelWin bèta is designed as an unmanned platform and can be remotely operated from multiple control centres, including one from the grid in Lehrte and one from the land station in Büttel. TenneT awarded HFG and Siemens with the platform’s EPCI contract. The steel structure measures 98 by 42m and stands 26m tall, weighing 10,200t. The topsides of the platform were built at HFG’s premises in Zwijndrecht, whilst the HFG yard in Vlissingen took on the job of constructing the jacket and bridge. Siemens was responsible for providing all highvoltage equipment. Iv-Oil & Gas delivered the engineering and design of the topsides, as well as the procurement of equipment falling outside of Siemens’ scope.

Photo courtesy of Siemens


ermany is rapidly being covered by a green blanket in terms of energy generation. Already 25 percent of German energy comes from renewable resources such as solar and wind. The goal, however, is to generate more than 40 percent of its energy needs through renewable resources

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by the year 2025. Offshore wind power plays a key role in this energy transition, as does TenneT as a leading transmission system operator for the German and Dutch markets. The HelWin bèta project is one of the ten TenneT projects enabling the conduction of electricity generated by

Navigating the Rivers

Before heading off to the German North Sea, the topside of the HelWin bèta platform was transported from Zwijndrecht to the Mammoet premises in Schiedam, for extra outfitting. Kotug executed this shipment,


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a feat comparable to manoeuvring a London double-decker bus in Monte Carlo. The seven decked platform had to pass two narrow bridges: the Spijkenisse bridge and Botlek bridge. To accomplish this two rotor tugs were connected to Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) H-542 pontoon in an unconventional manner, ensuring maximum manoeuvrability. One boat was coupled by the bow to the aft of the pontoon, which turned out to be a direct and powerful combination. The operation started early in the morning and resulted in passing the Botlek bridge with just 3m of clearance on both sides of the transport, just before four o’clock in the afternoon. Once on site, HMC’s Thialf installed the platform on its jacket.

Converting Current

HelWin bèta connects to Amrumbank West, a large wind farm cluster near the German island of Helgoland some 55km from the German mainland. The 288MW wind park covers 32km2 and consists of 80 wind turbines, each with a capacity of 3.6MW. They are connected to transformer substations in the middle of the wind farm, that convert the energy to 155kV alternating current (AC). Arriving at HelWin bèta the 155kV is stepped up and converted into 320kV, before being transformed to 320kV direct current (DC) and transported onshore via subsea cables. This transformation process ensures a minimum loss of energy during transport from sea to shore. The energy conversion also generates a lot of heat, which is released in the transformers and converters. Therefore, the platform has a large cooling water and HVAC scheme to reduce the temperature of this equipment, a job executed by Imtech Marine. Imtech Marine modified the pre-design and opted for the water-based cooling. Now just three air conditioning systems are needed instead of the eight planned. This makes a significant difference in terms of the required external air, cooling capacity, air ducts and weight.

Steel Wire

The grid connection runs through 85km of cables from the platform to the landing point in Büsum. From there the electricity will travel another 45km to the converter station in Büttel. The system consists of two cables with steel wire reinforcement, both 131km

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Photo courtesy of Heerema Fabrication Group

long. Prysmian has provided a turn-key solution with complete supply, installation and commissioning of the submarine and land cable connections. For this project, it uses extruded HVDC cables combined with Siemens HVDC Plus converter technology to make the connection to the onshore grid. Over the last years Prysmian Group has dedicated itself to developing new technology for HVDC cable systems, particularly meant for connecting offshore wind farms over long distances with a high power rating. The company has invested nearly EUR 130 million to increase the production capacity of submarine power cables in Arco Felice (Italy), Pikkala (Finland) and Drammen (Norway).

Clean Power

The platform links up with the HelWin alpha HVDC platform. This converter station is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2014 and has a maximum capacity of 576MW. HelWin bèta surpasses that with ease, as it is destined to bring 690MW of clean energy to land by spring 2015. This electricity can provide some 700,000 households with energy.

Photo courtesy of Piet Sinke

Crane Outreach Whilst in Schiedam, HelWin bèta was outfitted with a Liebherr ram luffing crane, type RL 2650-35 Litronic. The ram luffing series, which is available in a range of sizes with lifting capacities up to 100t, is a compact solution for both manned and unmanned installations, suited to floating and fixed applications alike. The HelWin bèta platform has a lifting capacity of 35t and a 58m boom – the longest outreach for a ram luffing offshore crane Liebherr have ever produced. Liebherr produced all of the crane’s main components in-house.


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DEEP HELDER, LAUNCHED IN APRIL AT SHIPYARD DE HOOP’S SITE IN THE NORTH OF THE NETHERLANDS, HAS RECENTLY COMPLETED SEA TRIALS AND BEEN DELIVERED TO OWNERS SeaMar. The vessel’s multi-functional capabilities are being put to use by DeepOcean, who have chartered the vessel for the coming 5 years. De Hoop CEO Patrick Janssens spoke to OSI’s Ben Littler about the construction of a flexible OSV. WORDS BY BEN LITTLER


r Janssens explained that, for a relatively small operation, Shipyard De Hoop is currently exceedingly busy. “Deep Helder is just one of several projects we are involved with currently,” he said, shortly after the launch of the vessel earlier this year. Amongst the other projects De Hoop were working on at the time was a PSV for Trinidad and Tobago, a transmix vessel for Nigeria, seven FSVs and no less than ten PSVs for ESNAAD-ADNOC, the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. Shipyard De Hoop, in operation since 1889, are specialists in the production of high-end, technologically advanced vessels, constructed to the clients’ very specific requirements. The company operates out of two shipyards, both of which are located in the north of the Netherlands.

Traditions with a Modern Twist

Deep Helder’s journey began in November last year with a keel laying ceremony held at De Hoop’s yard in Foxhol, Groningen. The keel laying was attended by representatives of both SeaMar and DeepOcean. At the ceremony, yard Managing Director Leo Balkema carried out the traditional placing of the coin. The observation of tradition continued throughout the building process and emerged as a persistent theme when Deep Helder touched water for the first time to the sounds of a shanty choir singing old sailors’ songs. This should not convey the image of a vessel stuck within the murky depths of some mythical maritime past,

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however. On the contrary, as Mr Janssens explains, Deep Helder is at the cutting edge of offshore support. “Deep Helder is a multi-purpose vessel, able to fulfill a very wide range of offshore support duties, with cross-sector coverage. Not only that, she is designed to meet the strictest environmental requirements and has been built to the highest possible standards of comfort.”

Multi-Functional Flexibility

The multi-functionality required of Deep Helder was made abundantly clear by DeepOcean’s General Manager, the Netherlands, Rick Green at the time the company entered into the charter agreement with SeaMar. Mr Green stated, “Deep Helder will be a cost effective vessel that we plan to operate on survey – geophysics, inspection and geotechnical – IMR and lightweight trenching, excavation and mattress installation projects for our customers in the oil and gas and renewable markets.” De Hoop have certainly equipped the vessel to achieve all these requirements. The DP2 Deep Helder is 64.8 x 15.77m with a draught of 4.5m and a considerable deck area of 500m2. She has been outfitted with survey and ROV systems, an offshore crane and no less than three moonpools. The De Hoop design provides suitability for platform maintenance, accommodation support, survey support, inspection, repair works, diving support and ROV operations.


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Photo courtesy of Shipyard De Hoop

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NAMI, the perfect match in heavy steel fabrication!

• Jackets • Subsea manifolds • Deck structures • Living quarters • Pipe line protection covers • Habitats • Pipe lay equipment • Templates NAMI Constructions B.V. is a fabrication company specialising in the fabrication of offshore structures. The company has gained a sound reputation for timely completion and a totally flexible approach to construction management, heavy steel fabrication and pipe fabrication and is fully geared to perform a wide range of offshore construction work including jackets, subsea manifolds, deck structures, living quarters, pipe line protection covers, habitats, pipe lay equipment and templates. NAMI operates in compliance with health, safety and environment (HSE) management systems to meet the respective policy objectives of the offshore and onshore oil and gas operators. Located on the banks of the river Nieuwe Maas, the company has its own loadout quay. The company’s premises enjoy easy access to the open sea and there are no river restrictions to module loadout and no barge size restrictions.

Ringdijk 486 | P.O. Box 65 | 2980 AB Ridderkerk T +31 (0)180 - 416060 | F +31(0)180 414740 | NAMI opmaak.indd De Hoop.indd 28 1

30-07-14 31-07-14 11:22 09:50


Photo courtesy of Shipyard De Hoop

Sitting Comfortably

Deep Helder’s main crane is from Lagendijk and offers a 20t @ 200m lifting capacity, active heave compensation and single fall 20m winch capability. The accommodation that Mr Janssens spoke of is designed to meet the full North Sea requirements of Comfort Class 1 notation. Cabins are provided, both single and double, for up to 50 persons, with full air-conditioning. Additionally the vessel has dayroom, messroom, galley, laundry and fitness facilities. The environmental credentials of De Hoop’s vessel design can be seen in the Deep Helder’s clean ship, green passport and SPS2008 notations.

Keeping Station

De Hoop fitted a Navis DP2 system to the Deep Helder’s aft bridge. The control station is located at the forward navigational bridge. The system is capable of keeping position in beam seas with speeds up to 30 knots. De Hoop’s design features a diesel electric propulsion system with four Caterpillar C32 main generator sets with individual outputs of 950kW, making for a total of 3,800kW. Veth Propulsion delivered the thrusters:

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There are two Z-drive type VZ-900 thrusters, one type VL-400 L-drive thruster and a retractable Veth Tunnel Thruster type VT-700e.

Getting to Work

In June, prior to De Hoop’s delivery of the vessel, DeepOcean announced the award of a contract from Dong Energy, which represents Deep Helder’s debut project. Starting this year, the vessel will be employed to carry out IMR and ROV inspection services on Dong’s subsea assets in Danish and Norwegian territorial waters. The contract is fixed for a period of 2 years with options for extension after this. Mr Janssens summed up the project, saying, “This vessel makes us proud as it is a good example of a tailor made Dutch design, a high quality Dutch vessel built for a Dutch owner with a high level of operations. This combination assures a high earning power for our client. With this vessel we prove again to the world that Dutch yards can really compete internationally.” i. i. i.

Feline Intelligence DeepOcean selected Saab Seaeye’s new Leopard ROV for Deep Helder. Saab claim that the Leopard, with its range of technically innovative features, is Photo courtesy of Saab Seaeye the world’s most powerful ROV. Certainly its eleven thrusters, eight horizontal and three vertical, ensure steadiness in cross-currents. As DeepOcean’s Rick Green says: “Environmentally we wanted an electric vehicle – yet one with work class performance. For our application the Leopard gives us the equivalent capability of a much larger hydraulic work class vehicle – and its thrusters mean it can handle strong currents – and that’s important to us.” The Leopard employs Saab Seaeye’s iCON architecture. This distributes the intelligence throughout the vehicle via sensors and actuators as opposed to a more conventional, centrally located ‘brain’. What this means, Saab say, is increased information to the operator, combined with greater space for interchangeable equipment and fast, easy maintenance access without the need for partial dismantling of the vehicle. The ROV will be permanently mobilised to Deep Helder. i.

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04-08-14 11:47



NORWAY IS THE EPICENTRE OF SUBSEA TECHNOLOGY. THIS IS ESPECIALLY THE CASE FOR THE OSLO, BERGEN AND HORDALAND county areas, which are significant energy regions. OSI’s Executive Editor Dennis Vinkoert toured the country’s leading subsea companies, charting the latest innovations and advancements in the field. WORDS BY DENNIS VINKOERT

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orway is not only a beautiful country, it is also home to some major subsea players. It is at the forefront in operation, maintenance and modification as well as supply of innovative and technically advanced products. Bergen – since 1980 host city of the UTC – has become the subsea capital of the world.

Subsea Factory

With Brazil still No. 1, the world’s second largest subsea operator is Norway’s Statoil. Statoil’s expertise with advanced technology is key to developing new oil and gas resources cost-effectively while protecting the environment. Half of the company’s production comes from its 500 subsea wells. One objection to subsea wells has been that one cannot produce the volumes associated with traditional wells. However, with new smart wells it is possible to obtain more information from reservoirs and perform efficient interventions, almost eliminating this gap. A new generation of subsea technology has formed the basis for Statoil’s development of a standard subsea catalogue and a new range of successful fast-track subsea tie-backs. The sixth generation of subsea production is set to start next year. The first vital decisions for this generation have been taken by

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sanctioning the seabed gas compression projects for Gullfaks and Åsgard. These projects will see technologies proven which will be an important part of future subsea factories. This period is also likely to be dominated by deeper waters, longer stepout distances and the start of Arctic challenges. The Aasta Hansteen development is expected to lead the way into deeper waters, and subsea will play an important role in the development of the new Barents discoveries such as Skrugard and Havis.

Longer, Deeper & Colder

According to Statoil the trend in subsea is longer, deeper and colder. Through innovative thinking and collaboration with partners and suppliers, the company is developing the elements required for a subsea factory by 2020. Statoil is convinced that compact separation facilities on the seabed will be critical to Arctic and deepwater operations. Statoil has made the world’s first complete subsea solution for separation and injection of water and sand from the Tordis wellstream, and developed the first subsea facility for injection of raw seawater on Tyrihans. Projects such as the oil-dominated multi-phase transport on Tyrihans and

Snøhvit’s gas condensate transport are at the forefront of the development of multiphase transport over long distances. The next step is to realise subsea gas compression.

Complete Logistics Solutions

Located at Ågotnes in Fjell municipality, the Coast Center Base AS (CCB) has considerable expertise in technical maintenance and harbour operations. The base covers about 7ha, has 1,000m of quays, 68,600m2 of workshops and warehouses and 20,600m2 of office buildings. CCB has become the main base for supply to fields in the Tampen area of the North Sea – including Gullfaks and Troll. Further facilities include a test well, harbour terminal services for traditional shipping and IRM services for rigs and vessels.

Step Change

“Only a fully integrated approach, from the reservoir through the well and subsea production system, to the surface will realise the maximum potential for increased recovery,” stressed Jon Arve Svaeren, Vice President Processing with OneSubsea. Specialised in subsea tree installations, OneSubsea has EUR 1.8 billion revenue and over 6,000 employees internationally.


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31-07-14 10:00


We Repair Anything that Floats... Visit us at the ONS 2014. Look forward to see you at our Stand 340 in Hall C.

Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH Hermann-Blohm-Str. 2 20457 Hamburg 路 Germany Phone: +49-40 - 31 19 - 14 00 Fax: +49-40 - 31 19 - 33 05 email:

Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH

Subsea Tour.indd 32

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Over the past years Coast Centre Base has been heavily involved with providing service and maintenance for semi-submersible rigs, FPSOs and other maritime projects.

A Cameron and Schlumberger Company, it offers a step change in reservoir recovery for the subsea oil and gas industry through integration and optimisation of the entire production system over the life of the field. Recently OneSubsea has shipped its 100th subsea tree from its manufacturing facility at Port of Tanjung Pelepas in Johor, Malaysia. The first was shipped in 2008. OneSubsea has also been awarded a contract of more than EUR 59 million from Pharaonic Petroleum Company to supply subsea equipment, including production equipment, wet gas flow meters, HIPPS and installation and operational spares.

Solutions at Any Depth

The DOF Subsea Group is operational in the North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Brazil, Asia, and West Africa with a team of 1,667 skilled subsea personnel and a marine crew. It has established a reputation for safe, efficient and cost effective project delivery. The fleet stands at 25 offshore vessels, 59 ROVs and ten diving spreads. Recently DOF Subsea AS has secured several contracts, with a total value around EUR 58.5 million. In the Asia Pacific region, DOF Subsea has been awarded several contracts including IMR services and subsea installation work. The company has also won several contracts in the Atlantic region. Maersk Oil UK awarded DOF Subsea a contract to undertake replacement of the Dumbarton Drill Cluster Centre (DCC) flexible production riser at the Global Producer 3 FPSO located in UK waters. Furthermore, Statoil awarded the company a call-off under an existing survey frame agreement for MBE and AUV survey services in the North Sea. Teekay awarded DOF Subsea with a contract for turret mooring and riser installation on the Gina Krog FSO. In the North America region, DOF Subsea has successfully completed pipeline survey project support with the Skandi Inspector.

Innovative Technologies

FMC Technologies is an oilfield services and equipment company with 19,500 employees worldwide and 30 production facilities in seventeen countries. Last year’s EUR 5.24 billion revenue derived from Subsea Technologies (66 percent), Surface Technologies (25 percent) and Energy Infrastructure (9 percent).

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Riserless Light Well Intervention (RLWI) enables the increasing of the oil and gas recovery rate from subsea oil wells.

The company’s focus is on subsea systems where complexity and value per well is increasing. Subsea tree growth will be consistent with deepwater expansion, according to FMC Technologies. The company’s subsea systems business encompasses a wide range of equipment such as high-pressure, high-temperature trees and wellheads, subsea controls and systems or production optimisation services. FMC Technologies continues to capitalise on the growing demand for deepwater oil and gas production with its subsea separation, boosting and processing systems, providing the technology to increase oil recovery for mature projects and to develop new

Subsea Valley Preben Strom, CEO Subsea Valley: “Through continuous training and working together whenever possible, Subsea Valley members are focused on cutting edge engineering in the global subsea market.” The Subsea Valley consists of 135 companies, including three of the five major subsea engineering companies. The major engineering companies within the SV are FMC Technologies, Aker Solutions and GE Vetco. The SV cluster organisation was established in June 2010.


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31-07-14 10:01

Seaway Heavy Lifting

Seaway Heavy Lifting iS a Leading offSHore contractor in tHe oiL & gaS and renewabLeS induStry WE OffER TAIlOREd T&I & EPCI SOlUTIONS: Oil & Gas T&I Platforms Deepwater structures Platform decommissioning Renewables EPCI and T&I Substations Wind Turbine Generators Foundations Cables

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Norway stands at the forefront of subsea operations and supply of innovative and technically advanced products. projects that may otherwise be considered unviable. The expanding fleet adds capacity for subsea well completions. It is expected that in 2016, 73 new deepwater rigs will increase the fleet by 26 percent. At that time rigless tree installations will be more common. The company is expanding its subsea solutions scope with both core and new products. Core products include trees, manifolds, control systems, template systems and flowline connection systems. New products include subsea processing, well intervention services, ROVs and ROV manipulator systems.

Joint Industry Projects

DNV GL combines the technical expertise of its people, its customers and industry stakeholders to build joint industry project teams. Associated projects create solutions to complex industry challenges. These include developing new offshore standards and guidelines, such as standardisation of

Centres of Expertise In spring 2006, the Bergen subsea cluster received Norwegian Centre of Expertise (NCE) status. The NCE programme was established to enhance innovation in the most expansive and internationally oriented industries in Norway. Focusing on the markets for maintenance, modification and operation, as well as innovative and cutting edge production, the Bergen cluster provides a full spectrum of products and services for the industry. More than 100 companies and organisations are part of the cluster network. NCE Subsea contributes to closer relations between companies in the industry. More than 60 percent of its members say NCE Subsea has assisted in initiating projects and collaboration with other companies.

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Roll out of the Horsoy Draugen pump station at the premises of OneSubsea.

subsea documentation. The documentation needed within the international subsea industry has grown considerably. Preparing and maintaining this is time consuming, complex and costly. Furthermore, requirements differ significantly between major operators. To address this, DNV GL has launched a Joint Industry Project to facilitate standardisation. The outcome of this will be a DNV GL Recommended Practice aimed at establishing industry-wide guidelines and recommendations, with an associated minimum set of documentation. Another Joint Industry Project is a new concept that combines mature water injection technology with the latest developments in offshore wind to achieve more cost effective EOR. Initial studies show this will reduce the cost of water injection, avoid costly topside modifications and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “Our studies show that such a stand-alone system can quickly become cost competitive to traditional solutions for injection wells far from the platform, and even more when one considers the retrofitting of water injection equipment into an existing facility and coping with the disruptions that this modification can have on production. Operators can obtain a new and costefficient way to develop marginal reservoirs and enhance production in mature fields. Financial benefits will vary depending on factors such as reservoir characteristics and

OneSubsea’s Vice President Processing, Mr Jon Arve Svaeren: “Only a fully integrated approach, from the reservoir through the well and subsea production system, to the surface will realise the maximum potential for increased recovery.”

step-out distance from the production well,” says Christian Markussen, Subsea Business Development Leader at DNV GL Oil & Gas.


For Norway, the subsea industry is of fundamental significance. It is recognised as one of the sectors propelling the whole world into the future. Technological boundaries are moving, yielding innovative solutions that can be used in other sectors and areas. The Norwegian subsea industry is truly making waves below the surface.

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External line up tool

Control cabin for the RJ workstation coordinator

WSMU Functions As well as sharing the dimensions of the DCV Aegir’s original RJ workstation, the final design of the WSMU at Scotland-based PTL also has the same functions enabling sequential welding and coating cycles.

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Pipe hang off module under rotating welding floor

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Mock-Up Mission

Tool manipulator

TESTING PIPE-LAY PROCEDURES AND TRAINING OFFSHORE CREW IN AN ONSHORE LOCATION IN SCOTLAND IS SAFER THAN ON-THE-JOB LEARNING AT SEA IN PLACES LIKE ANGOLA – AND IT SAVES valuable vessel time. Completed on time and on budget, KENC Oil & Gas’ Workstation Mock-Up (WSMU) is a custom-built facility that allows Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) to assess equipment and staff prior to stepping aboard their DCV Aegir. The project’s three key players – from KENC Oil & Gas, Managing Director Eric Buining and Project Manager Cor Hilbrink, and from HMC, Pipeline Production Coordinator Arthur van Opstal – tell the story.

Specific Testing

From left to right: KENC’s Cor Hilbrink and Eric Buining and Arthur van Opstal from HMC.

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Serving as a testing platform for equipment and working procedures, KENC’s WSMU is a functional copy of DCV Aegir’s pipe-lay workstation. The WSMU will bring numerous advantages: the crew will be trained, equipment tested and safety issues addressed, says Mr Van Opstal from HMC’s Pipeline Production Department (PPD). “Previous complex pipe-lay projects have proven that having a full scale testing environment in which we can identify new problem areas upfront is essential for the success of

operations offshore.” With exactly the same dimensions, positions and functions of movement as DCV Aegir’s workstation, the WSMU will help the PPD ensure that offshore pipeline installation activities and equipment are ready for action. Mr Van Opstal goes on to explain that the purpose of the WSMU is to train on- and offshore crew, simulate offshore production equipment operations, improve maintenance of the production equipment and identify and mitigate safety issues. “The main reason for creating a WSMU is to be


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Seajacks Scylla

‘World’s largest and most technically advanced offshore wind vessel’ With 5,000 m² of available deck space, a high-performance 1,500t crane and a maximum load capacity of 8,000t, Scylla will be the perfect vessel to safely load and install the next generation of XL foundations and 6MW+ turbines. For further information please visit, alternatively call +44 (0) 1493 841 400 or email

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able to test specific pipeline production processes before the work is executed on board DCV Aegir, thus minimising on-the-job lessons and any vessel time this may require.”

Tight Schedule

After discussing various design options, HMC decided to build a WSMU that maintained the overall functions and dimensions as the original workstation on board DCV Aegir. This is where KENC Oil & Gas joined the team: the Dutch engineering company were commissioned to design, manufacture and install the WSMU at Pipeline Technique Limited’s (PTL) facility in Huntly, Scotland. In order to accommodate the WSMU, PTL’s premises had to undergo significant modifications: The roof had to be raised to make room for the external line up tool (ELUT) and a 3m deep pit had to be excavated to house the pipe hang off module (HOM). “Due to the size of the project, we divided it into several parts,” informs Mr Hilbrink. “This enabled streamlined production, assembly and installation.” KENC and PTL carefully coordinated the planning to ensure fast but safe and responsible installation. “We started production of the first components in December last year. The schedule was tight as the mock-up had to be operational in June.” After manufacture, assembly and electrical connection in the Netherlands, KENC transported the whole project to Scotland, continues Mr Hilbrink. After installation and load testing, the first instructors received their training. “These people will, in turn, train the operators. It’s good to hear from them that the WSMU is a very good representation of conditions on board. This has been a successful project for HMC and KENC.”

Full Automated Movement

“The WSMU is suitable for working with pipe diameters from 6 to 28” at pipe-laying angles of between 90 to 50 degrees,” informs Mr Buining. “Two vertical pipe ends are aligned, welded and then inspected.” There is also an option to coat the pipes. In order to save material, the WSMU works with so-called PUPs. “These are short pieces of pipe that are used to test all work procedures and equipment.” The WSMU includes a manipulator for handling of

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KENC.indd 39

The WSMU tool manipulator can handle pipe production equipment weighing up to 4,000 kg.

pipeline production equipment weighing up to 4,000kg. Under the rotating welding floor, the HOM aligns the lower half of the pipe with an accuracy of less than 0.1mm. KENC have realised the function of Aegir’s pipe-lay tower with the so-called ELUT. “The ELUT positions pipe pieces below the desired angle of between 50 and 90 degrees in the firing line,” continues Mr Buining. “This represents a complete newly developed control system that allows fully automated movement of all equipment.” Although the WSMU is functionally equivalent to the tower of the Aegir station, each of the sub-systems described had been completely redesigned, he says. “This was necessary because the product it handles – PUPs – differ from the long pipe pieces on board.” Different conditions apply in an onshore testing facility; for example, very high tensile forces are directed to the concrete floor. “Despite the differences, the operation of the system is a reflection of the actual situation on board.”

High Level Project Execution

KENC undertook all aspects of the WSMU project from design and manufacturing to

Low-Down on the Aegir Heerema Marine Contractors’ (HMC) DCV Aegir’s primary task is the installation of flowlines and riser systems on the seabed at depths of up to 3,500m by means of the J-lay method. The vessel can also install pipelines with the R-lay method, using transportable reels lifted on board the vessel. Apart from pipe-lay systems, the 210m vessel also has sufficient lifting capacity to install fixed platforms in relatively shallow waters and can perform nonpipeline related offshore installation and removal tasks.

installation and training. They will also carry out any future maintenance of the set up. “We have shown that we are technically capable of executing such a high level project,” concludes Mr Buining. Smoothly completed on time and on budget, “this project highlights the growth that KENC has made in recent years. The development of the WSMU has been a key project for us.” i. i.

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Photo courtesy of Delta SubSea

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Picking up the Challenge Jan Wijnhoven of Delta SubSea

THE OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY IS EXPERIENCING A SIGNIFICANT SHIFT TO DEEP-WATER DEVELOPMENT GLOBALLY. DELTA SUBSEA HAS PICKED up this challenge. In early 2012 Delta Marine Technologies (DMTI) identified a need in the deepwater market for an independent ROV service. The result of this has been the rebranding of the company, which re-emerged as Delta SubSea (DSS) in May 2013.


Trio of Distinction

During the first year of its existence, DSS, which is based in Texas, with centres in Belgium, Trinidad & Tobago, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and Israel, has successfully entered the market and has 10 work-class ROVs fully operational, mainly in the Gulf of Mexico and Central America. The company has created three distinct business units – ROV Services, Consulting & Engineering and Tooling Solutions Jan Wijnhoven, who is responsible for business development in Europe for DSS, says, “The way DSS has developed over the initial year and the associated philosophy of bringing total solutions to the scene is refreshing. The set-up of the three divisions is a critical step in strengthening DSS’s presence in the subsea oil and gas industry.” Delta SubSea’s ROV Services business unit focuses on the inspection, maintenance, repair (IMR), construction, drilling and decommissioning market segments, with

a range of systems. Included are the UHD GEN III, 250 HP, which is capable of performing all subsea tasks, including the most demanding field construction/drilling support operations. The HD (Heavy Duty) 150 HP vehicle provides a multi-level platform for use in the drill support and IMR segments and offers heavy-duty capabilities for construction operations

Custom Solutions

Delta SubSea’s Consulting & Engineering business unit provides customised engineering solutions for all phases of a project, from design to execution, including project and contract management and installation leads. The new DSS Tooling Solutions Group has recently designed, fabricated and tested two Best in Class deep water drilling BOP override pumping skids. The tooling group has also redesigned standard everyday tooling with client and crew feedback.


Photo courtesy of Delta SubSea

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The way DSS has developed… is a critical step in strengthening [our] presence in the oil and gas industry.

Photo courtesy of Delta SubSea

An example of this is a more effective super grinder for daily cutting operations. The development of the grinder has been assisted with lessons learned from super grinders currently available as industry standard models. DSS also offers a unique ‘tool pool’ providing customers a chance to save money by hiring the equipment they would previously have purchased.

In-House Training

ROV operation, like the offshore industry generally, requires compliance with a range of legislation and standards. In addition to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 accreditations, DSS has its own training centres, ROV pools, ROV simulators, personal development plans and a competency program to ensure its personnel are prepared to safely work in the challenging offshore environment. The basic offshore training components emphasize safety while to, from and on a vessel and a platform, and specifics such as fire safety, first aid and helicopter emergency escape.

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Delta Subsea.indd 43

Mr Wijnhoven says, “Because of the evolving technological sophistication of subsea systems, technical training is key to the effective operation of ROVs. For example, ROV pilot technicians must develop technical expertise to maintain, inspect and operate ROV systems and associated equipment.” DSS provides its ROV pilot technicians with a logbook to record specifics such as operating hours, offshore assessments and tooling hours. These elements support competency guidelines for pilot technicians, as well as supervisors and superintendents. Simulators are used to train pilot technicians on land before they work offshore.

Proud Portfolio

DSS have already built up a portfolio of work within their first year. For example, when an International E&P wanted to have urgent IMR work completed off the coast of Trinidad & Tobago, DSS responded immediately deploying at 12:01AM, the day after signing the contract. Scott Dingman, President and CEO of DSS, says customer service is a top priority for

Photo courtesy of Delta SubSea

DSS. “We treat our customers the way we want to be treated,” he says. “We make sure we deliver our highest level of expertise, cost-efficiencies, quality, promptness and our highly-trained global personnel who keep safety a top priority.” He says that experienced and responsive crews are the foundation of DSS’s customer commitment. “Many companies like to say that people are their best asset, but we are unique because many of our employees are ‘shareholders’ so they do indeed have the company and its customers’ best interests at heart.” i.

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Photo courtesy of Seafox


Changes Afoot THERE ARE CHANGES AFOOT IN THE OFFSHORE INDUSTRY. IN THE NORTH SEA AND THE GULF OF MEXICO MANY OIL AND GAS PROJECTS ARE APPROACHING THE END OF THEIR LIFE cycle. Simultaneously, a new spate of European offshore wind projects are set to take place, many of them farther offshore than previous projects. Seafox Commercial Director Erwin Lammertink tells OSI’s Ben Littler how his company is preparing to tackle the future. WORDS BY BEN LITTLER

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t the same time as these new challenges arise, the ever-present push for more cost-effective solutions is asserting itself, fuelled by the presence of so much competition in the market. It’s an interesting time for offshore operators but, then again, when isn’t it? It’s the dynamic nature of the industry that gives rise to so many of its innovations. Seafox’s solution stems from

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Our units are significantly cheaper… the capacity for removal… is the cherry on the cake. a flexible and efficient fleet of offshore work and accommodation platforms and vessels, able to offer a competitive advantage across a range of project scenarios – present and future.

Good Potential

Industry estimates suggest the presence of as many as 12,000 wells in the Gulf of Mexico that are candidates for plug and abandonment (P&A) activity in the not too distant future. Add to this the approximately 6,700 wells in the UK and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea and you begin to see the emergence of a high-potential market, even before taking platform decommissioning into consideration. At the same time as these older non-renewable sites are approaching the end of their life, a fresh spate of wind energy projects look set to go ahead in the North Sea. “At the moment we are still relying for more than half of revenue on normal bread and butter work. The majority of our units have been working on accommodation work or well service work,” Mr Lammertink begins. “Both oil and gas projects and renewable projects like wind farms and decommisioning – both P&A and removal – are under growth and development. The volume is not sustainable yet, but we will

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Keppel Seafox.indd 45

be seeing stronger growth,” he says.

Keeping Busy

Until that time, Mr Lammertink explains, conventional offshore projects can appear more attractive than those he expects to be more plentiful in the future. “The offshore wind industry has set itself some remarkable goals,” he says. “The biggest challenge we see is the uncertainty of projects and awards. We are sometimes confronted with oil and gas projects that have a shorter turnaround time from prospect to award. This means that, although we are working very hard to get contracts in the wind industry, oil and gas work can be awarded in the meantime and take the potential vessel slot of the wind project.” The company is keeping particularly busy with accommodation projects in the North Sea, with all units currently active and a promising order book for the future. “It feels healthy, especially with client relationships. They like us because we perform or outperform what we need to do. This gives us a good basis to go back to them and get extensions or new contracts.”

take off, Seafox will be ready. “The key advantage of our units for the future, especially with the smaller, standard, jack-ups, is the combination of T&I and decommissioning. I truly believe if you want to remove a platform – and our units have a UK safety case to enable them to do plug and abandonment – then we can provide huge benefits for our clients. Our units are significantly cheaper than the drill rigs which are conventionally used for plug and abandonment and the

capacity to do removal work at the same time and mitigate risk is the cherry on the cake.”

Range of Options

A current trend is an increase in self-propelled DP units – such as the Seafox 5, a joint venture between Seafox and Keppel FELS constructed with the deeper waters of the central and south North Sea in mind. Mr Lammertink, however, says there will always be a place for tug assisted units. “I think there will be both, although self-propelled


Seafox Commercial Director Erwin Lammertink is planning for the future.

Poised for Action

But, Mr Lammertink says, when the time comes for the new markets to really

Photo courtesy of Seafox

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31-07-14 09:57

Wintershall L6-B

Only 3 days for transport • • Only 3 days for transport and installation incl. demob and installation incl. demob Only 3 hours suction time • • Only 3 hours suction time Verticality 0.01 degrees • • Verticality 0.01 degrees SPT Offshore, Korenmolenlaan 2, 3447 GG Woerden, The Netherlands, T +31 (0)348 435260, F +31(0)348 435261,,, Mark Riemers - Managing Director

SPT-Wintershall L6-B Offshore Engineer 193x132DEF.indd 1

22-07-14 12:38

r at ge us an sit av Vi St S N


Expanding the Range Zone 2 SafePackTM Power Units Come and see our latest addition to the SafePackTM range at ONS Stavanger  Powered by reliable and robust Cummins engine technology  Complies with ATEX 94/9/EC and NORSOK Z-015  Includes DNV approved 3GHI ProtectionTM safety system, which is: - designed for increased uptime and lower maintenance costs - certified to operate without exhaust flame arrestors and additional safety components - up to Safety Integration Level (SIL) 2 compliant +31 78 6 18 12 00   

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Photo courtesy of Seafox

units seem have an edge on projects where you have to move often, like on wind farms. When it comes to weather vulnerability and duration of projects, both methods are almost the same. “Whether or not a selfpropelled vessel makes sense or not depends on how often she moves. We believe that when a unit moves ten times or more per year then a selfpropelled system is more economical. However, for a decommissioning project where the unit is to remain at the same location for a longer period, it doesn’t add up to the cost of the investment.”

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Keppel Seafox.indd 47

Flexible Cost Reduction

Seafox is planning a new addition to their fleet for just such projects. They have recently signed an agreement with Keppel FELS to embark upon an engineering study for Seafox 8. The vessel will be built to the specifications of Keppel FELS J Class and be put to work in the P&A market. In keeping with the need for flexibility as this market matures, however, she will be given wide-ranging capabilities. As well as P&A, she will cover well intervention services, accommodation and crane support services. The Keppel design also ensures that the vessel can be

Photo courtesy of Seafox

The Seafox 8 will be a versatile vessel poised to enter the emerging plug and abandonment market.

configured for other offshore support services. Seafox reports that, as well as being more versatile, the Seafox 8 will be 25 - 30 percent more economical in comparison to drilling rig day rates – just what the industry is calling for. i.

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Photo courtesy of ONS/Kallen.


ONS 2014


uch has changed since the ONS was first held in 1974, including huge technological leaps and a move to subsea. During this time, the exhibition has also evolved, becoming one of the leading oil and gas events with a stand area of 23,907m².

ONCE AGAIN NORWAY WILL WELCOME THE INTERNATIONAL OIL AND GAS COMMUNITY TO STAVANGER FROM 25 TILL 28 AUGUST FOR ONS 2014. THE trade fair will host an exhibition, conference and festival dedicated to offshore activity on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. This year the main theme of the event is change.

Norwegian Continental Shelf



Fabrication of Heavy Winches


Gina Krog Welding Specs

Exploration in Norwegian waters remains vigorous. Thirteen discoveries have been made this year. In the Gullfaks area Statoil made four discoveries. Oil and gas were proven in wells 34/10-54 S and A. Estimates

65,000 Hours Saved

EnergomontazPolnoc Gdynia (EPG) will fabricate a 800t winch for a Floating Storage Unit for a Mariner project in its new workshop in Gdynia, Poland. It is already the seventh winch to be supplied by this Polish company and the fourth for its Norwegian customer NOV, with two more orders for the Gina Krog and the Kraken projects expected in August. The direct access to the quay and the CNC machines for large elements allow EPG to send the complete winch directly to Korea for final installation. The winch will be used during the connection of a Submerged Turret Loading System supplied by NOV APL with umbilicals and flowlines. i.

DSME and Aker Solutions awarded Pon Power Scandinavia and Fischcon the EPC delivery of the Emergency and Essential Diesel Generator (EDG) sets for the Statoil – Gina Krog Project. Fischcon is responsible for the EPC for the EDG, which is an enclosure fully compliant to NORSOK and Statoil requirements. Statoil’s project specifications require suppliers to be fully compliant with the ISO 3834-2 and NORSOK/ Statoil welding specifications, which affect the entire company. In order to comply with the welding requirements, 50 Welding Procedure Qualification Records (WPQR) are currently being carried out and welders are being certified. Results for this test-welding looks promising and Fischcon was expected to be fully compliant by end of July 2014. i.

Thus far Skuld has been the quickest and largest of Statoil’s rapid build projects, measured from discovery to production. It is Aibel in Stjørdal that was in charge of the project loading the 163t Skuld module on board the Nornes vessel using Saipem 7000. According to the original plan, the module, which contains heat exchangers, phase-splitters and a Palfinger crane, would be built bit by bit offshore. The decision to fabricate the module on land has turned out to be a good move, says Project Manager Jan Hølland: “By building the module on land we have saved 2 years.” There is still extensive work to be implemented on deck before the Norne upgrades are completed. Aibel’s work offshore on Norne will continue for the rest of the year. i.

ONS 2014

ONS 2014

ONS 2014

→ Hall N 1378

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→ Hall U 45

→ Hall C 326

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Exhibition ONS 2014

Monday, 25 – Thursday 28 August. Monday, 25 August 09.30 – 17.30 Tuesday, 26 August 09.30 – 17.30 Wednesday, 27 August 09.30 – 17.30 Thursday 28, August 09.30 – 15.00


Monday, 25 – Wednesday, 27 August 17.00 – midnight Key figures from ONS 2012 – 59,913 visitors – 21,077m2 exhibition area (expanded to 24,000m2 in 2014) – 1,264 exhibiting companies – 34 exhibiting nations – 109 participating nations

indicate between 3 and 12 million m3 recoverable oil equivalent at these two sites. Three discoveries have been made in the Norwegian and Barents seas. Statoil found gas in well 7220/4-1 in the Stø and Nordmela formations and deeper in the Snadd formation. Estimates suggest between 2 and 4 million m3 recoverable gas. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate says robust exploration activity is expected to continue.

Oil, Gas & Energy Business

With nearly 60,000 visitors and 1,264 exhibitors, the ONS is one of the most important oil, gas and energy fora. Every ONS conference brings together key players in the industry to consider the big questions, giving the delegates a peek into the future of the energy world. A unique feature of ONS is the ONS Festival: a chance to mix business with pleasure. With the festival, ONS aims to provide entertainment in the evenings as well as the day. i.


USD 95 Million Contract

EMAS has won contracts around the world and across its Subsea Services and Offshore Support Services divisions totalling more than USD 95 million. EMAS’s Subsea Services arm, EMAS AMC, continues its winning momentum in the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico with a variety of cable lay and subsea installation contract wins for a total value of almost USD 40 million. Amongst the projects EMAS AMC is scheduled to carry out, is one of the longest HVAC cable lays in the world, at 160km in the North Sea. With the latest wins, the Group orderbook stands at more than USD 2 billion of contracts, with a majority expected to be executed over the next 12-18 months. i.

ONS 2014

→ Hall J 1062

Hydraulic Power Packs

Fire Fighting Systems PASSIONATE ABOUT OUR WORK. AND ABOUT YOU. We are Fischcon. Over the past few years, we have developed into a turn-key producer and supplier of customer-specific on/offshore fire-fighting installations, generator sets and hydraulic power packs. Alongside equipment for use in safe environments, we also specialise in supplying equipment for use in hazardous areas or severe environmental conditions. Our products are made exceptional and unique as a result of the fact that they operate effectively during crisis situations. Our highly qualified personnel design and construct a unique project for every client. We work with passion. That is where our power lies.

Generator Sets

Packaging of Rotating Equipment Lorentzweg 3 | 4131 PH Vianen | The Netherlands | Tel.: +31 (0)347 - 329 020 | Fax: +31 (0)347 - 373 459 |


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A comfortable and well air conditioned environment below deck is of utmost importance for the well being of the people and equipment on board. With local affiliates and sales and after sales centres around the world, we have experience with the design, installation and maintanance of all types of HVAC & R equipment suitable for offshore settings.

Offshore Industry 193x132.7.indd 1

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SKF.indd 50 Visit us at the ONS: J996 Follow us on:

18-7-2014 8:32:46

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ondition monitoring is driven by higher availability at lower cost, says Hanno Spoelstra, SKF’s Manager Asset Management Services, Benelux. “Predicting failures has become much more important. Operators want to know, ‘what’s the actual condition of my equipment? Will it last to the next shutdown or docking?’. Sensor technology available today, combined with expert knowledge, can predict failure coming on months ahead of time.”

Sensor Technology

Photo courtesy of SKF


THE FUTURE SENSOR TECHNOLOGY IS ADVANCING RAPIDLY, HOWEVER, MANY QUESTIONS REMAIN AS THE COMMERCIAL CONDITION MONITORING MARKET FINDS ITS FEET. ALTHOUGH operators want the overview of their own assets, do they have sufficient expertise to interpret the diagnostic data and ensure the anticipated gains materialise? Plus, how will condition monitoring influence class survey requirements, warranty and insurance? WORD BY JOHN GAULDIE AND BEN LITTLER

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SKF.indd 51

Known mostly for its bearings and alignment products, SKF is already an important player in condition monitoring, claiming assets continuously monitored across a range of industries. It also has strong references in marine and offshore, such as BP Shipping and Technip. From the wireless and remote monitoring technology already available, SKF’s R&D efforts are focused on measuring much more detailed parameters and autonomous condition monitoring. Ellis Jan van den Hout, Manager Key Account & Segment Development at SKF’s Benelux operation, says the R&D investment comes from the group’s interest in understanding how its products are being used and how they behave in operation – whether a high-speed compressor or a slowmoving crane mounted on a slewing bearing. With this understanding, SKF doesn’t simply replace its products, but solves the underlying problem. “It’s the whole system approach,” he says. “We can provide the engineering solution as well as the components and we can do it fast. That’s how we’re organised.”

Difficult Diagnosis

Driven by the complexity of sensor technology, SKF has become a conditioning monitoring provider for operators, providing diagnostic expertise as well as engineering solutions, says Mr Spoelstra. “You need an experienced condition monitoring specialist to not only take accurate readings, but interpreting these, seeing harmonic vibrations, you can determine the health of the whole equipment system.” For example, SKF provides annual vibration surveys on critical crane slewing bearings on


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31-07-14 16:50

Worldwide Solutions in Steel MHF Group designs, engineers and manufactures steel structures and pipe work, principally for the oil and gas, petrochemical, and waste processing industries, and for large-scale harbour installations. MHF Contracting B.V. Scheelhoekweg 1 3251 LZ Stellendam, The Netherlands

T +31 (0)187 493969 F +31 (0)187 493988


Marine- and Offshore Cranes | Worldwide Service | Spare parts on stock


P.O. box 480, 5140 AL Waalwijk The Netherlands Tel: +31 416 651 012 Fax: +31 416 650 757

Visit us at SMM Hamburg, 9 - 12 September, stand B7. 408 Visit us at Offshore Energy Amsterdam, 28 and 29 October, stand 9.013A 5 2 | O S I 2 0 1 4 | Vo l u m e 7 | Issue 4

SKF.indd 52

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31-07-14 12:25


Øvrum, says, “The closer to the well we compress the gas, the higher the efficiency and the production rates.”

Rolling Along

We can provide the engineering solution as well as the components and we can do it fast. That’s how we’re organised.

Technip vessels. Combined with well planned maintenance records, and signed off by an industry expert, the data enables Technip to increase the time interval between the usual invasive crane maintenance and inspection periods that require dry docking; such as those dictated by the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER), DNV risk management and Lloyds Insurance.

Remote Control

With the rise of unmanned and subsea installations, condition monitoring is becoming even more important. SKF Remote Diagnostic Centre’s support services reduce, or even eliminate, the need for extensive condition monitoring training or knowledge required of operator personnel. SKF already has eight Remote Diagnostic Centres worldwide providing 24/7 expert support.

MAN Diesel & Turbo Schweiz, in Zurich, Switzerland, have been involved in a joint subsea compressor qualification programme with Statoil since 2005 and were selected to provide the electric motor driven compressor units. It is the SKF S2M bearings that will keep these rolling along, at depths of between 200 - 300m below the surface of the North Sea. The bearings are ideally suited for use at such depths, where there is no possibility of diver access. They are frictionless and oilfree, requiring no maintenance and offering efficiency across a long lifespan.

Subsea Friendly

Jérémy Lepelley, SKF S2M Sales Manager for subsea projects, said, “Development and testing started in 2011 and ran through 2013. A successful function test in October 2013 validated the capabilities of the bearing system.” Running parallel with the development, he explained, manufacturing and associated testing has been taking place since 2012. As a result of tests the magnetic bearing system achieved a ‘subsea friendly’ product qualification in May last year. “This confirmed the system’s suitability for no maintenance subsea situations,” he explained. “Following this, factory testing of the complete compressor system at MAN’s

Photo courtesy of SKF

premises in Zurich in July 2013 achieved the expected outcomes with regards to flow, pressure, vibrations and reliability. The next step before we go live with the system is a full size pilot test in Kårstø, Norway. This will demonstrate the system’s performance capability in a subsea environment representative of Åsgard.”

Reduced Staffing

Mr Lepelley said that this technology offers potential for future subsea work, but also as a means to reduce manning on platforms. “Another potential case for maintenance free systems such as this is use on practically unmanned platforms. Platforms where there are currently 200 personnel could be operated by as few as 20 in the future, courtesy of remote control and monitoring functions currently being seen in the industry on projects such as Åsgard.” i.

Extended Life

Like condition monitoring, as unmanned and subsea installations become increasingly common, maintenance-free bearings are also gaining in importance. Wholly owned SKF subsidiary, France-based S2M, has reached the final stages of its role in Statoil’s Åsgard subsea compression project, of which Aker Solutions is main contractor. The compression system will allow for the extension of field life and result in the extraction of a further 28 billion m3 gas and 2.2 million m3 condensate from the field, in the most commercially viable manner. Statoil’s Executive Vice President of Technology and New Energy, Margreth

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SKF.indd 53

Image courtesy of Statoil

OS I 2014 | Vo l u me 7 | I s s u e 4 | 5 3

31-07-14 16:33

Marine & Offshore Our mission is to understand, inspire and enable our customers in satisfying all their needs on marine & offshore installations. We develop partnership with owners, designers and builders through industry leading quality, innovative yet reliable and robust technical solutions based on systems tailored to the individual needs of every customer. We design, manufacture, test, install and commission safe reliable and sustainable products and solutions for Marine & Offshore. We provide expert knowledge and technical support throughout the working life of your HVAC and refrigeration plants. Netherlands Pieter Zeemanweg 16 路 Dordrecht P.O. Box 399 路 3300 AJ 路 Netherlands Phone: +31 78 630 5010 Email:

Water Treatment Technology Bilge Water Separators Sewage Treatment Plants Ballast Water Treatment R/O Systems Grease Separators

Technology For Clean Oceans Boschstr. 9 | D - 28857 Syke | Phone +49 (0) 4242 169 38-0 | | 5 4 | O S I 2 0 1 4 | Vo l u m e 7 | Issue 4

Blomsma.indd 54

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31-07-14 09:51




Safety is a must in the offshore environment. Fleeing to a safe location in an emergency is no simple matter so safety signage must be clear and properly visible. Demands are high as offshore constructions are generally very compact and spatially efficient affairs. Offshore Industry’s Tom Scott speaks to Blomsma Signs & Safety Division Manager Brian Lenos about the challenges of offshore projects, how offshore safety has progressed over the years


and how to maintain customer loyalty.

“We have a unique position globally, in the way we work,” says Mr Lenos. “From surveys, to consultancy, to making sure that the signage we deliver and install meets the latest legislation.” Blomsma provides the offshore industry with signage for all aspects of safety, ranging from safety signage (escape routes, fire fighting and rescue equipment) to process safety markings (pipe marking and process tagging) and anti-slip panels. Mr Lenos describes Blomsma’s involvement in both onshore and offshore projects as similar: “The philosophy and materials are almost the same – we are a certified 3M manufacturer, using the best products suitable for the harsh offshore environment.” That is where the similarity ends, however. “Onshore projects are logistically easier than offshore projects,” continues Mr Lenos. “The difficult part in offshore projects is mainly the planning. We need to be very flexible when we are doing an offshore project.”

Logical Integration

Projects for new builds also tend to be more straightforward than for existing offshore structures.

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Blomsma.indd 55


OS I 2014 | Vo l u me 7 | I s s u e 4 | 5 5

31-07-14 09:52

ANCHORS AND ANCHORS AND CHAINCABLES CHAINCABLES In all sizes & diameters, our materials always have 100% original class certificates

In all sizes & diameters, our materials always have 100% original class certificates


ANCHORS AND CHAINCABLES In all sizes & diameters, our materials always have 100% original class certificates

In all sizes & diameters, our materials always have 100% original class certificates

G.J. Wortelboer Jr. B.V.

G.J. Wortelboer B.V.

Wortelboer 2014 liggend.indd 1

5 6 | O S I 2 0 1 4 | Vo l u m e 7 | Issue 4

P02112_Wortelboer Ad 85x120_TAB_V1.indd P02112_Wortelboer 1 Ad 85x120_TAB_V1.indd 10-01-14 1 10:04 Blomsma.indd 56 12-02-14 09:38

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“Signage on Wintershall’s new L6-B platform was a routine job. They contacted us, we did a quick scan and 2 weeks later, the signs were produced and installed,” says Mr Lenos. Such a smooth operation also comes from the well-established relationship between the two companies. “We know the company’s needs as we have been working with them since the early 90s.” Such customer loyalty is not a one-off thing though. “Customers stay with us not only because of our product quality and service but also because of our knowledge and philosophy behind implementation of safety signage.” Read more about the unique installation of Wintershall’s L6-B platform on page 14. Existing structures, contrary to new builds, pose different challenges. For example, take an offshore platform that was built 10 to 20 years ago. According to Mr Lenos, the platform had some safety signage upon sail-away and over the years operators themselves have added further signs. “This can result in the complete ‘Christmas tree’ effect” – meaning a confusing situation, often with too many signs and safety notices. When faced with such a situation, Blomsma performs a survey of the platform providing details about the structural situation, where equipment is located and where the escape routes are. “The next step is to put all that information into a sign plan – giving an impression of the locations of all aspects of safety signage. We integrate this into one logical comprehensive system.”

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Blomsma.indd 57

Reaching Uniformity

To achieve efficient offshore safety practices it is important to use internationally recognised signs across the whole sector. “Offshore safety is increasing,” continues Mr Lenos. “Operators realise that uniformity in signage is desirable, because contractors are working on several platforms for several operators.” To further the progress of offshore safety, Blomsma is also involved at the decision-making level: “We partake on several ISO committees, giving input on new ISO proposals that are being made to develop and update signage.” The Signs & Safety division teams up with other Blomsma divisions to produce signs with what Mr Lenos calls normalised symbols regulated by ISO standards. Such symbols are internationally recognisable. “Text is used as an addition to elucidate the meaning of the symbols if they are not clear enough and normally operators want to have text in the native language,” he says. This has clear impacts on production: “Besides our standard stock production, a substantial part of our products are custom-made though an efficient and standardised workflow.” This is what is called the Total Project Service – that makes up the company’s clear and complete approach to safety signage. i.

OS I 2014 | Vo l u me 7 | I s s u e 4 | 5 7

31-07-14 16:35



Steel Constructions, Piping, Maintenance & Repair

Sledge Hammer Engineering International B.V. is a High Quality Specialist in Engineering and Fabrication of Special Custom made Heavy Duty Steel Structures for the Off-shore Oil & Gas Industry, Mob- and Demobilizations of Off-shore barges, Fabrication and Installation of Sea-fastenings, Conversions and Repairs. Sledge Hammer has its own Quayside at Waalhaven Rotterdam with a Guaranteed Water depth of 10,6 meters. Contact details: Office : Ringdijk 486, 2983 GS Ridderkerk Workshop & Quayside : Kesterenstraat 21, 3087 BB Rotterdam (harbour no 2168) T: +31 (0) 180 413728 E: 5 8 | O S I 2 0 1 4 | Vo l u m e 7 | Issue 4

OI outfitters 7-4.indd 58

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31-07-14 12:31

OSI OUTFITTERS PAGE Unique Jacking Solution

Framework Freefall Systems

ALE unveiled the Mega Jack 800, designed by the company’s Research and Development division, to provide a unique jacking solution. This latest piece of technology to be included in ALE’s Innovation Series is designed to bridge the gap in the capacities of current solutions and can be integrated with other heavylift equipment for a more efficient solution. The Mega Jack 800 is made up of jacking towers, each with a capacity of 800t, and is totally scalable to accommodate a wide variety of individual projects. It is containerised, can be built completely at ground level and utilises a low assembly height for installation. Multiple towers can be combined with a starter beam to create 1,600t and 2,400t capacity per jacking point. i. The Netherlands-based Verhoef Aluminium has been awarded a 5 year framework agreement by Statoil to provide freefall lifeboat systems, as well as related products and support services. Martin Verhoef, CEO of Verhoef Aluminium stated: “Our freefall lifeboats are considerably different and manufacturing them from aluminium alloys offers a lot of advantages to GRP lifeboats.” Aluminium is renowned for its high strength-to-weight ratio, long duration of life and a minimum of maintenance required. It also offers the flexibility to manufacture lifeboats as per clients’ specific requirements, in terms of capacity and also sizes. These features are of great value not only for future projects, but also with regard to upcoming ‘retrofit projects’ where existing platforms of Statoil will be upgraded with new freefall lifeboats, in accordance with the latest standards. i.

Rig Build Programme

Advanced Tracking System All hydraulic installations on a wind farm in the Baltic Sea, with water depths varying from 20 to 40m, have been carried out using an advanced tracking system from Hydrauvision Rental equipment. Roland Picavet, Commercial Manager of Hydrauvision, mentioned: “The system consists of a template, which is suspended from the jackup by means of cable winches. During transport, the template is pulled up against the bottom of the jackup by means of three 80t winches. Once on location, the template is lowered to the bottom of the sea by means of the tracking system for the three winches. From the control room, fine-tuning is carried out for each winch in order to achieve a perfectly horizontal position of the template.” i.

Caterpillar Oil & Gas’ Cat 3512C land electric-drive drilling modules with Dynamic Gas Blending have been selected to power Citadel Drilling’s new fleet of Technically Advanced AC Triple drilling rigs, which will comprise twelve to fourteen rigs over the course of the next 5 to 6 years. The Dynamic Gas Blending kit automatically adjusts to changes in incoming fuel quality and pressure, allowing engines to run on a wide variety of fuels, from associated gas to vapourised LNG with no loss of performance integrity. Three Cat 3512C modules, each with rated power of 1,045eKW @ 1,200rpm, will be used to power each land drilling rig. The first three Cat DGB units have been delivered and tested and are slated to be field operational by the end of June 2014 on Citadel’s first rig. i.

Compact Braking Resistor JEVI has developed a new modular resistor that requires less space, is lighter and can be delivered in shorter time. The new braking resistor has the smallest footprint on the market and accommodates the needs of a growing offshore industry. The resistor dumps electrical braking energy from, for example, a draw works. The product can be installed and serviced with only 600mm of service space and the weight is reduced by 50 percent compared to a traditional resistor. i.


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31-07-14 15:09

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THE YELLOW & FINCH PAGES Aandrijf Technisch Buro b.v. P.O. Box 3070 5902 RB Venlo Parlevinkerweg 44 (Industry no. 5068) 5928 NV Venlo The Netherlands T +31 (0)77 396 8781 F +31 (0)77 382 8733 E I Contact: Sraar van Rens Aandrijf Technisch Buro BV is a flexible partner for power transmission solutions. We combine our knowledge, skills and products to (sub)assemblies or complete solutions for complex power transmission challenges. Our customers design and build winches, tensioners, cranes, reels and other (deck) equipment used in extreme conditions. We know what the Offshore Industry needs!

Aerolin Photo BV Calandweg 62 4341 RA Arnemuiden The Netherlands T +31 (0)113 222 283 F +31 (0)181 840 684 E I Contact: Hans van der Linden en Gertjan Postma Aerolin Photo BV specialises in aerial photography and (HD) video footage. With experience since 1975 we cover various sectors – from progress reports of infrastructural projects to detailed photo shoot at sea. Our company also offers aerial advertising, plane rental and topographical work. We operate out of airport Midden-Zeeland, located in the southwest province of Zeeland.

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steel plates and profiled parts for more than 35 years. The combination of comprehensive stocks of over 35,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.

CHEMETALL B.V. IJsselstraat 41 5347 KG Oss The Netherlands T +31 (0)412 681 888 E I Ampak cathodic protection is a product group within the surface treatment business unit of the Chemetall group, based in Oss, The Netherlands. Ampak is specialized in the design, production and application of cathodic protection and anti-fouling systems. Our systems are mainly supplied to the marine and offshore industry. Ampak is a prime producer of zinc, aluminium and magnesium alloy anodes at its own foundry. Ampak also manufactures impressed current and anti-fouling systems to customer specification and requirements. We maintain strict quality control procedures, which has enabled us to maintain our distinct reputation as a leading and worldwide supplier of corrosion prevention systems. AMPAK, your worldwide specialist in cathodic protection.

Cramm HLS BV P.O. Box 510, 8901 BH Leeuwarden De seize 7, 9041 VC Berlikum The Netherlands T +31 (0)518 461 600 F +31 (0)518 460 802 E I Contact: Paul Boelens p.boelens@ As sister-company of Cramm Yachting Systems ( Cramm HLS is delivery equipment for safe and secure landing/ approaching to a ship. One of the products is het Helicopter

Landing Grid (heligrid) which is for landing of a helicopter to a ship deck.

CT Systems de Wieken 6 1777 HT Hippolytushoef The Netherlands T +31 (0)227 591295 E I Contact: Ben de Groot CT Systems is an innovative company highly experienced in every professional maritime sector. Situated on a central location along the Dutch coast line nearby Den Helder. One of the flagship products is the Viking Navigation product range. Viking is a navigation and positioning software product, consisting of several versions. The main activities are development and installation of hardware and software for use in the offshore-, survey-, maritime construction-, and dredgingsector. CT Systems also provides related services, such as the pre- and post processing of data for on- and offshore projects, and carrying out of hydrographic surveys.

DBR BV Lelystraat 53 – NL-3364 AH P.O. Box 1039 – NL-3360 BA Sliedrecht – The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 613 200 F +31 (0)184 612 654 E I Contact: H.J. Hafkamp DBR BV is the Dutch specialist in diesel and gas generator sets up to 4,000kVA, pumps and diesel pump sets up to 2,000kW in the oil and gas, wind farm, dredging and shipping industry worldwide. The well-engineered generator and pump sets are custom-built and assembled by DBR in accordance to high quality offshore standards and marine classification rules.

Delta SubSea 550 Club Dr, Suite 345 Montgomery, Texas 77316 USA Contact: Jan Wijnhoven T +1936-582-7237 I Delta SubSea (DSS) is a leading integrated independent provider of ROV Services and Solutions. Delta SubSea’s ROV fleet is focused on solutions for customers in the inspection, repair and maintenance, construction, drilling and decommissioning market segments. In addition to ROV Services, DSS also provides Subsea Project Management, Subsea Project Support Services, Subject Matter Experts and Client Representation for Diving/ROV/Subsea Construction.

HEINEN & HOPMAN Produktieweg 12 3751 LN Spakenburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)33 299 25 00 F +31 (0)33 299 25 99 E I Contact: J.W.E. Hopman Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: – Superyachts. – Commercial shipping. – Offshore industry. – Navy vessels. Our mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres.

>> OS I 2014 | Vo l u me 7 | I s s u e 4 | 6 1

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Nicoverken Marine Services BV Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 E I Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!

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Van Steenderen Mainport Lawyers B.V. Zeemansstraat 13 3016 CN Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 266 78 66 F +31 (0)10 266 78 68 E arnold.vansteenderen@ I Contact: Arnold J. van Steenderen The Dutch firm dealing with all aspects of the offshore Industry. Our services include advisory and litigation services in respect of the construction and operation of any type of vessel for the offshore industry, joint venture agreements and support and maintenance contracts.

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31-07-14 16:38


OSI’s Vincent Vinkoert

Image courtesy of Statoil

SUBSEA FUTURE COLLABORATION & STANDARDISATION Such trends are likely to be expressed in areas At the UTC in Bergen recently I was able to talk with some of the industry’s major players about the of safety as well as technology. Expect to see pooling of resources increased. There will be more future of subsea activity and technology. One thing initiatives like the pipeline Repair System. Statoil that many agree on is the increasing importance have recently awarded the contract for this, a joint of working together as we strive to make marginal venture between Technip and DeepOcean. fields profitable and as operations take place in As is so often the case with this industry, we will ever-deeper waters. certainly be looking at innovative new solutions. There seems to be a consensus that there will be more EPCI contracts awarded in the future. There DOF Subsea and GMC Limited chose the UTC as the platform to announce a new are clear rewards associated pipeline solution, using GMC’s with this – contractors’ Friction Joining, specifically increased accountability for aimed at deep and ultra-deep a project will equal greater water operations. potential to generate profit. One of the results of However, what we will also this increasing fraternisation see is EPCIs driving collusion Standardisation is important is likely to be more as main contractors seek standardisation. At the UTC, to share this increased in furthering efficiency for Conference Moderator Simon responsibility. the future – something that Davies pointed out that Examples of teamwork standardisation had become are already observable. Aker everyone will be united in one of the event’s main topics Solutions provide an example, working towards. for the first time and is widely having recently teamed seen as an important factor up with Baker Hughes to in furthering efficiency for develop more efficient subsea the future – an issue that everyone will certainly be production technology. Delta SubSea and FMC united in working towards. Technologies’ Schilling Robotics have joined forces to provide deepwater ROV solutions, providing another example of this. M&I activity is also likely – Norway’s Marine Cybernetics has recently been acquired by DNV GL. The classification society sees the company’s third Vincent Vinkoert party testing services as interesting in the face of increased computer software usage in subsea work.

6 4 | O S I 2 0 1 4 | Vo l u m e 7 | Issue 4

Word on the Sea.indd 64

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31-07-14 16:39

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The Climbing Dutchman


OSI 2014 | VOLUME 7 | ISSUE 4

Jack-Up Barge

OSI VOL. 7 ISSUE 4 | 2014

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ONS 2014

Jack-Up Barge B.V., Krausstraat 14-16 • 3364 AD Sliedrecht, The Netherlands • T +31 (0)184 420 091 • F +31 (0)184 419 596 • member of the Van Es Holding Group Jackup barge ad 2014.indd 1 OI_cover 7-4 def.indd 1

27-02-14 14:26


Jackup platform JB118 in action at Borwin Alpha in the German Bight.

Jack-Up Barge is a worldwide well known supplier when it comes to Jack-Up Barges and is specialized in the manufacturing, sales and rental of monohull and modular self elevating platforms. Additionally sister companies World Wide Equipment, PVE Cranes and Dieseko Group offer a wide range of floating and foundation equipment like crane barges, flat top barges, tug boats, anchors, winches, piling templates, hydraulic and diesel pile driving hammers, vibrators, crawler cranes and pile driving rigs. With a large network of offices worldwide, Jack-Up Barge enables you to perform successfully anywhere in the world.




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