Ulstein Verft shipyard.
Conversion, upgrades, and retrofit solutions In addition to their traditional newbuilding activity, the Ulstein Verft shipyard delivers high quality ship repair and conversions. With a covered dock hall and all service workshops in close vicinity, the work is carried out in an efficient manner. Close collaboration between naval architects and the project team secure cost effectiveness, quick responses and turn-key lifecycle services. ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF ULSTEIN GROUP.
large number of offshore vessels still remain cold stacked or idled. Nevertheless, there is potential for an alternative utilisation of this fleet in other markets, retrofit to alternative fuels, or further enhancement for more efficient operations in their current markets.
s h i p b u i l d i n g - i n d u str
Ulstein.indd 33
Giving a second life to laid-up platform supply vessels The hulls of offshore vessels have become a part of the skyline of many offshore shipping regions. Over 1,900 offshore vessels are out of service, many of them for more than 6 years already. This laid-up fleet represents 30% of the total offshore vessel fleet of more
than 6,000 units, thus, not all these vessels will find their way into the market again. Over 600 units are platform supply vessels (PSV), ranging from 50 and up to 99m lengths, more than 50 of these have not left the construction yard yet. Fiftyfive per cent were delivered after 2005, which are vessels with a long life expectancy remaining. Platform supply
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16-02-2022 16:08