championHeavyweightship Liebherr ship cranes combine strength with precision for you to win more break bulk projects. Ship cranes CBB-Series with Sycratronic

SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 |
EDITOR’SNOTE See you soon! ShipBuilding industry Other publications by Yellow & Finch Publishers:
W elcome to this year’s sunny, fourth edition of ShipBuilding Industry. In this new summer edition, we give you a preview of the world’s leading trade fair in the maritime industry: SMM. During this 30th SMM edition, held from 6 to 9 September this year, digital transformation, as well as climate change and the maritime energy transition take center stage. We have some fascinating stories about major players within the hoisting and lifting sector such as Liebherr who is setting new standards and changing the game with every new design and innovation. We also featured news and insights from shipbuilding suppliers, such as DSR in South Korea, and Netherlands-based Lagersmit, who are continuously providing the shipbuilding sector around the world with their products. Other than that, you will be able to get a glimpse of what’s new in the paint and coating business, some new green ship technology innovations in the making, some awesome ship reports, and much more. The shipbuilding industry is continually changing and adapting to meet the needs of the markets, so that it can become, greener, more competitive, and cost-efective. It is a huge and complex industry, which is constantly being afected by global trends and by advances in technology, materials, and fuels. We are constantly monitoring changes, innovations, and trends within the industry to keep you informed on the latest developments. We hope you enjoy this edition of ShipBuilding Industry as much as we do and we cannot wait to meet everyone in person again at SMM 2022.

2 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 THE NEW 6F21. THE MOST COMPACT MARINE ENGINE WITH POWER DENSITY NEVER SEEN BEFORE. POWER. PACKED. Durable. Robust. Built to Last. Experience the 6F21 launch at September 6-9 Stand A3.110 Hamburg, Germany. 12.50L 815-1000 HP SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 3 ISSUE 4 | 2022 GREEN SHIP TECHNOLOGY 18 Silver bullet for zero emission? HOISTING & LIFTING EQUIPMENT 14 Innovation has never looked so good OFFSHORE INSTALLATION VESSELS 36 Orion does what it was built for PAINT & COATING SYSTEMS 30 Fast-tracking with FASTAR On the Cover DSR - The optimal rope solution. Read more on page 32. Photo courtesy of DSR. 10 36 14 30 40 24 Contents SEALING SOLUTIONS 38 Don’t miss this safety net SMM Hamburg 10 The most innovative SMM SHIPBUILDING INSIGHTS 32 A total systems provider SHIP REPORT 24 Deepwater Atlas 40 Number two out of three REGULARS 01 Editor’s note 04 News in Brief 45 People Pages 46 Yellow & Finch Pages 48 Next issues & Colophon

ERZIA successfully completed the sale of the Santander Teleport to FMC Globalsat (FMC) and will now focus on the growth of its microwave and maritime satcom division, known as VIDA by ERZIA (VIDA). After receiving the fnal approval from the Spanish government authorities, the Santander Teleport (ST) is now owned by FMC, a company based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
C-Job Naval Architects SMMBOOTH2022NO. B2.EG-314
DamenSMMShipyards2022BOOTHNO. B4.EG-304
Partnership for Saronic Ferries with C-job Saronic Ferries has recently announced their partnership with C-Job Naval Architects. For the Greek owner, C-Job will develop the design of the frst fully-electric Ro-Pax ferry in Greece. Saronic Ferries is realising its mission to operate a purely emissions-free feet by 2040 to all destinations.
ERZIA will continue to run its Ku-Band satellite network and Network Operations Center out of the ST facilities, leveraging the expertise and structure that has been built through its partnership with the former Maritime Telecommunications Network (MTN).
i. i.
To mark Mandela Day 2022, on 18 July 2022, the management and staf of Damen Shipyards Cape Town (DSCT) have reached out to support the local disadvantaged communities of Wolwerivier and Radar bush. The principle underlying Mandela Day is that everyone has the ability to make a positive impact by doing something in their own way to change the world and the world of those around them. To do this, DSCT has participated in the associated ‘My 67 Minutes’ initiative that encourages everyone to take 67 minutes – one minute for every year that Mandela fought for human rights and social justice – out of their day to do something for someone else or for their community. i. DSCT Personnel and Wolwerivier Community.
George Papaioannides, Partner of Saronic Ferries, says, “We are taking a step towards a cleaner world and we envision our operation in the Saronic Islands to be the inspiration for others to initiate more green feet renewal projects in Greece.” “We lead the way encouraging potential stakeholders to embrace change and move things forward, both on the vessel design front and on the land-based infrastructure and supply. One can’t come without the other”, adds Joseph Lefakis, Partner of Saronic Ferries.
Damen Shipyards Cape Town supports disadvantaged communities on Mandela Day
ERZIA Completes the Sale of the Santander Teleport to FMC Globalsat
4 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 NEWS IN BRIEF

i. October
Maritime Events AugustSeptember November
contracted to deliver complete ESS package Dutch maritime energy storage solutions provider EST-Floattech has been contracted by system integrator Hoogendijk Electric to design and deliver the complete Battery System for a Norwegian newbuild: the third Hybrid Coaster for Hagland, currently being built at Royal Bodewes shipyard and due for delivery halfway 2023. EST-Floattech’s battery system enables the 5,000DWT self-discharging bulk carrier to make zeroemission port calls. The vessel, one of a series of three, will also sail in full-electric mode, for example in environmentally sensitive environments, such as in fords or near-coastal communities. When there is no shore connection available the battery system also allows for zero-emission discharging of the transported bulk cargo.
Huisman has developed a 700mt Travelling Quayside Crane for the load-out of ofshore wind turbine components. The move comes as a result of rising demand for large, 2,600mt and 4,000mt Skyhook Cranes for the load-out of foundation pieces and installation of foating turbines. Huisman is committed to driving the growth of renewable energy and making heavy project logistics more sustainable. With this 700mt Travelling Quayside Crane, the load-out process of ofshore wind turbine components can take place signifcantly faster compared to the regular methods that involve crawler cranes, or a tandem-lifting by two cranes with a capacity around 200mt to 300mt. The new Quayside Crane has been designed fully electric, allowing for a direct connection to the quayside power grid.
i. Yellow&FinchMaritimeCharityGolfEvent 2September2022Bruinisse, SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 5 NEWS IN BRIEF | Read more on >> SMMHamburg6–9September2022Hamburg,Germanysmm-hamburg.comWindEnergyHamburg27–30September2022Hamburg, ADIPEC202231October–3November2022AbuDhabi(UnitedArabEmirates) adipec.comOffshoreEnergy29–30November2022Amsterdam,TheNetherlands
EST-FloattechSMM2022BOOTHNO. B6-208
Huisman launches 700mt travelling quayside crane

Incat Crowther 42 patrol boat in service
Group 2022-05-SBI-Advertentie_PMFS.indd 2 1-8-2022 08:38:49 NEWS IN BRIEF
6 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 Visit for more information, or contact us at
The ultimate choice heavy duty Part of the Fender Innovations
Incat Crowther is pleased to confrm the successful launch and entry into service of the Incat Crowther 42 Chai Jinda. Built by Seacrest Marine, Thailand, this monohull patrol boat has been developed in response to a strict set of mission requirements for use in patrol, rescue, and enforcement activities. The eighth vessel built by Seacrest Marine Thailand from an Incat Crowther design, the Chai Jinda accommodates sixteen crew and six ofcers below deck with fourteen-day autonomy and an operational range of over 1,000 nautical miles. Chai Jinda is powered by three MTU 16V2000 M86 main engines, each providing 1,630kW @ 2,450rpm each. These drive fxed pitch propellers via ZF 3060 gearboxes, providing the vessel with an enforcement speed of 35 knots and a long range patrol speed of 20 knots. i.

Marlink, the smart network group, and leading classifcation society Bureau Veritas (BV) have signed an agreement to accelerate the delivery of cyber-secure digital tools and safety services in the maritime industry. The agreement links Marlink’s smart hybrid connectivity with the remote digital and safety services provided by BV. Having identifed crossovers in their mutual customer base, the partners will collaborate to enable maritime stakeholders to more easily adopt cyberstrengthened digital tools and applications using the Marlink network. The partners have put in place a working group to support shipowners around improving the cyber-security of vessel data collection and facilitating compliance with regulation. This will support remote and digital operation modes on a journey to smarter, remote and, ultimately, autonomous ships with zeroemission. i. i.
Marlink and Bureau Veritas in partnership
The homepage of the MyLiebherr online portal has a new look. Thanks to the modern design users beneft from a clearly structured, intuitive user interface and a clearly arranged homepage. Optimised and additional features round of the design update. Biberach an der Riss (Germany), 10 May2022 –Finding a spare part with a click of the mouse or quickly accessing documentation for a machine: with the MyLiebherr online portal Liebherr customers have access to information and services at any time of the day. It is available for products ranging from construction machines, mining equipment, mobile and crawler cranes, material handling technology, components to maritime cranes. The redesign of the MyLiebherr homepage marks the start of a new phase in the further development of the portal.
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 7 NEWS IN BRIEF >>
My Liebherr homepage upgrade
Tore Morten Olsen, President, Maritime, Marlink [left] with Matthieu de Tugny, President, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore [right].
SMMLiebherr2022BOOTHNO. A1-140 SMMMarlink2022BOOTHNO. B6-423
Kooiman Marine Group wins order for two dredgers Van Oord has again awarded Kooiman Marine Group an order for two Water Injection Dredgers. This order follows the previously successful deliveries of the ‘Maas’ and the ‘Mersey’. Delivery is scheduled for the frst half of 2024. WID’s Maas and Mersey were delivered in mid-2021 and have been in continuous operation since then. It partly was the good performance of both vessels and the constructive cooperation during building that led Van Oord to award Kooiman Marine Group this follow-up order. “The experience with the frst two vessels motivated several changes applying to this subsequent order,” explains Peter Bijkerk, Project Manager on behalf of Van Oord. i.

PALFINGERMARINE.COMVISITUSAT:SMM6.–9.SEPTEMBER,2022HAMBURG Booth: 202, Hall: A1 INNOVATION LEADER IN MARINE SOLUTIONS PALFINGER is your global partner for complete packages of innovative and reliable deck equipment and lifesaving appliances. Our highquality products fulfll standardized as well as customized demands and meet the most stringent safety regulations of the maritime industry. Customers worldwide beneft from our global PALFINGER service network of experienced and certifed specialists. – CRANES, WINCHES AND HANDLING EQUIPMENT – SLIPWAY SYSTEMS AND ACCESS EQUIPMENT – BOATS AND DAVITS – SERVICE SOLUTIONS StudioEide/GroupUlstein©

With the traditional keel laying ceremony, the construction of Carnival Jubilee at Meyer Werft in Papenburg has reached another milestone. This is the frst time that a ship for this Miami-based brand and shipping company is being built in Papenburg. “We are pleased to take another symbolic step in the construction of the Carnival Jubilee with the keel laying.
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 9 NEWS IN BRIEF <<
The Meyer team will once again produce an advanced and innovative cruise ship that will provide a great vacation for millions of passengers,” says Bernard Meyer, Managing Director of Meyer Werft. The Carnival Jubilee will now be completed in the world’s largest covered shipbuilding dock at Meyer Werft and delivered at the end of 2023. i.
Optimarin overcomes supply chain challenges Optimarin’s ability to leverage a fexible delivery model for key components for their ballast water treatment system has been vital to overcome supply chain challenges to keep rolling out their in-demand product to clients amid rising orders. Disruption to the global supply chain has mainly been caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to shortages of items like computer chips due to lockdowns, and the Ukraine crisis has created further bottlenecks that have hit shipping trade. However, Optimarin has a dual-supplier strategy in place that has enabled them to maintain efcient system deliveries even though supply capacity has been strained as demand has rebounded after the lifting of pandemic restrictions. Optimarin operates a lean and highly integrated supply chain based on strong and close co-operation with a network of trusted and reliable suppliers. i.
Meyer Werft lays keel for Carnival Jubilee
SMMOptimarin2022BOOTHNO. B7-306 NorsepowerSMM2022BOOTHNO. B1.OG-211
“Our mission is to reduce the environmental impact of shipping through the commercialisation of innovative and modern sail power. With the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Energy Efciency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) coming into efect at the start of 2023, Rotor Sails can help ship owners improve their ratings against these criteria to help future-proof their feet”, says Tuomas Riski, CEO and Partner at Norsepower. i.
Norsepower receives fnancing from Nefco Nefco, the Nordic Green Bank, has signed a loan agreement with Norsepower. As the world-leading provider of auxiliary wind propulsion systems, Norsepower’s Rotor Sail technology provides efcient, easy-to-use and reliable auxiliary wind propulsion for the shipping industry with installations already onboard tankers, bulkers, RoRo ships, and ferries. The technology has a proven average fuel savings record of 5-25%.

SMM Conference SMM’s high-profle conferences provide an ideal platform to exchange thoughts on the maritime industry’s pressing topics. At the Maritime Future Summit, thought leaders share their views on digitalisation and its impact on the maritime industry. With IMO’s 2030 and 2050 climate ambitions calling for efective desulphurisation and decarbonisation strategies, the gmec – global maritime environmental congress, highlights progress and challenges on the way towards zero Ofshoreemissions.Dialogue provides the frame for discussing the sustainable exploitation of marine resources. And MS&D – the international conference on maritime security and defence will concentrate on the challenges of keeping pace with a wide range of operational requirements.
SMM HAMBURG 2022 10 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4
TradeWinds Shipowners Forum will take a close look at the changing face of shipping and focuses in particular on the fnancing, ownership and operation of ships in a free webinar. Theme routes If you are interested in exhibitors from a special product and services area, and if >>
F rom 6 to 9 September 2022, maritime industry professionals from all parts of the world will get the complete overview of innovations from all sectors, and of course they will be able to fnally enjoy the opportunity for live encounters on the exhibition ground as well as in the high-profle trade conferences. The world’s leading trade fair in the maritime industry will have around 2,000 exhibitors and more than 40,000 visitors from over 100 countries are expected. Comprising eleven halls, SMM covers the sector’s entire value chain, brings together managers from all over the world, and represents a platform for innovations. SMM was held online in 2021 due to the coronavirus. The community will be getting together again in person this year at the exhibition centre and has conferences with top-notch speakers. Take part in this long-awaited industry event and use it for targeted business contacts to market leaders and newcomers, and to sustainably expand your personal business network. You will be welcomed in the beautiful maritime metropolis of Hamburg.
Inspiration, opportunitiesexchange, More than a trade fair: SMM ofers you a diverse program in the form of workshops, symposia, and congresses. You can look forward to international greats from the maritime industry as speakers. Get to know the leading forces
The innovativemost SMM Digital transformation, as well as climate change and the maritime energy transition demand groundbreaking, implementable solutions –they all take center stage at the 30th SMM. With an expanded spectrum of key areas and additional presentation formats, the leading international trade fair for the maritime industry accompanies the change at close quarters.
ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF SMM HAMBURG. of the maritime industry personally and exchange your ideas and experiences in a unique environment. Discover for yourself why visitors from all over the world come to Hamburg especially for these events.

SMM HAMBURG 2022 SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 11 SMM’s pressingtheexchangeanconferenceshigh-profleprovideidealplatformtothoughtsonmaritimeindustry’stopics. From 6 to 9 September 2022, maritime industry professionals from all parts of the world will get the complete overview of innovations from all sectors. If you are interested in exhibitors from a special product and services area, and if you would like to make your visit to the trade fair as effcient as possible, simply follow the theme routes.

12 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 REINTJES Gearboxesthe best choice for your vessel! For over 75 years already, REINTJES Benelux –based in Antwerp – handles sales and services of REINTJES gearboxes and reversing gears for Dutch shipping for short-sea, sea going, dredging, fishery, inland vessels and luxurious yachts … Our service department is available for all spare parts as well as repairs. Whether it is an inspection or repair, our team of experienced service engineers is always there for you and assures you the reliability and quality REINTJES represents. WAF 1386665kW at 1800 rpm REINTJES Benelux BVBA | Luithagen Haven 2 | Unit F | 2030 Antwerpen Phone +32 (0) 3 541 92 33 | | Offshore Industry_96x267_June.indd 1 17.05.2016 10:34:35Reintjes SBI 13-3.indd 1 29-05-19 09:22

SMM HAMBURG 2022 SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 13 you would like to make your visit to the trade fair as efcient as possible, simply follow the theme routes. Five routes group the participating exhibitors corresponding to their specifc focus: digitalisation, environment, maritime security and defence, career, and passenger shipping. The new Start-up Route leads you directly to start-up entrepreneurs in the maritime industry which present their smart and innovative concepts at one of the joint stand areas Start-ups@SMM. For quick orientation, the exhibitors are marked in the online exhibitor directory, visitor guide, and app with a matching theme route icon. In order to prepare your visit in the best possible way, you can compile your personal list of favorites in the online exhibitor directory and conveniently arrange appointments with the exhibitors in the run-up to the trade fair.
Networking SMM ofers many opportunities to maintain contacts and build up new ones: practical workshops, awards, gettogethers, parties and receptions, as well as special events which bring you around a table with leading experts. In addition to this, Hamburg ofers countless opportunities to continue your discussions in a pleasant setting after a long day at the trade fair.
The 30th edition of SMM is a good reason to raise a glass or two. Following the lectures and presentations, from 17:00h – 19:00h the networking format ‘Wine o’clock’ turns each stage into a relaxed and communicative meeting place for maritime industry experts. Or join some of the popular exhibitors’ stand parties at SMM – in any case, you will experience a lot of SMM community feeling here. i.
MariMatch The Enterprise Europe Network invites all exhibitors and visitors of SMM to participate in the international brokerage event ‘MariMatch at SMM’. Focus is equally on innovative solutions for sustainability and digitization as on the expansion of international contacts. Take this opportunity to get to know future business and research partners and expand your maritime networks! Register free of charge, book meetings in advance, and enjoy efcient networking at SMM. Delegations SMM is expecting many international business and naval delegations. In 2018, the SMM welcomed delegations from the following countries: Business: Algeria, Egypt, China, Ghana, India, Iran, Canada, Malaysia, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, USA and Indonesia. Naval: Argentina, Brazil, France, Greece, Norway and United Kingdom. Furthermore, many parliamentary representatives, especially from Germany, will visit SMM as well.
Wine o’clock
SMM offers many opportunities to maintain contacts and build up new ones.

HOISTING & LIFTING EQUIPMENT 14 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 With its new mobile harbour crane, Liebherr presents groundbreaking technical developments and updates that make the LHM product series ft for the future.

New hybrid system –Pactronic 2.0 The Liebherr Pactronic 2.0 hybrid system represents the second generation of a hydraulic drive system using hybrid
The Liebherr mobile harbour crane series gets ready for the future.
SMMLiebherr2022BOOTHNO. A1-140
Innovation has never looked so good
W ith its new mobile harbour crane, Liebherr requires a software update by Liebherr and thus ofers more fexibility. Another practical advantage is the variable use of digital IP cameras for better monitoring of the crane interior as well as the external crane environment. The new crane control is supplied by an independent power circuit. This means that the crane can be continuously monitored by cameras and efciently protected without the crane ignition being activated.
The new LHM is more digital, more efcient, and impresses with a modern exterior design. A new crane control system, advanced sensor integration, and digital information transmission enable future assistance and partial automation systems. In addition, the Liebherr Pactronic hybrid system and the operator’s cab have been improved to meet customer needs.
The second generation of the Pactronic offers the operator a choice of two operating modes, depending on the current work situation
Overall, the crane will become much more digital, networked, and smarter.
HOISTING & LIFTING EQUIPMENT SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 15

16 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 Lightweight, super strong & fexible fender systems for almost every application Visit for more information, or contact us directly at Part of the Fender Innovations Group 2022-05-SBI-advertentie-FenderInnovations.indd 2 1-8-2022 08:39:11 technology. An accumulator serves as an energy storage and provides support when needed by supplying additional, temporarily stored power. The second generation of the Pactronic ofers the operator a choice of two operating modes, depending on the current work situation: Boost mode In this mode, the Pactronic 2.0 acts as a signifcant power amplifer. Lifting speeds are signifcantly increased, without the aid of a larger or even additional engine for more power. This massively increases the efciency of the crane. The LHM together with a Pactronic 2.0 hybrid system provides a reduced cargo-handling time and achieves the same performance parameters as a comparable device with two main units. Green mode This mode is designed to save fuel or power consumption and to reduce CO2 emissions. During the lifting process, the Pactronic supports the main unit to such an extent that less power is required by the main drive, despite the lifting speeds remaining the same. As a result, absolute fuel or power consumption and emissions are reduced. The secondgeneration Pactronic is thus even more closely aligned to the actual needs of the user. By setting the individual lifting height, the power output of the Pactronic is adjusted accordingly. The additional energy of the Pactronic is distributed over the entire lifting process.
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 17
Looking good The colour compositions of the latest LHM generation combine the classic Liebherr yellow with new accents in black, grey, and white. The agile-looking design refects how long-standing tradition and corporate values combine with advanced technologies. The modern colour scheme gives the machines a distinctive look and instant recognition. The blue accent in the colour composition and also the blue E-symbol next to the crane type, give all alternatively powered machines a distinctive look. This allows all future LHM customers to directly communicate advanced and environmentally friendly crane technology to their stakeholders.
New maritime cabin
Thanks to the new coupling of control lever and armrest, not only does the driver’s comfort increase, but the control of the crane also becomes even more precise and safe.
The redesign of the LHM operator’s cab focuses on the crane operator. Thanks to the new coupling of control lever and armrest, not only does the driver’s comfort increase, but the control of the crane also becomes even more precise and safe. With the new integrated touch panel, all crane functions can be selected clearly and intuitively, which greatly simplifes the operation of the crane. An integrated bottle cooler provides cool drinks – even on warm days. A revised air-conditioning concept signifcantly increases the well-being of the operator, whether air-conditioning or heating. It also ensures that fogged windows are quickly dehumidifed, thus providing a clear view and more safety.
It is also important to note that the new Pactronic reacts to changes in the outside temperature and the accompanying change in pressure in the reservoir, thus further increasing the efciency of the system.

“We were excited, of course, but had no idea it’d take of in this way – that other stakeholders, from maritime and beyond, would seize on the potential and huge commercial and environmental opportunity here.” He continues, “I think the timing has been absolutely critical. I mean we’ve been thinking about Thorium and nuclear Silver bullet for zero emission?
E verything about the launch of Ulstein THOR was unexpected. The vessel concept, a 149m 3R (Replenishment, Research and Rescue) design with a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), took the industry, and wider society, by surprise. Its unveiling at Seatrade, Miami in late April unleashed a wave of global media coverage, spilling over beyond the trade press onto news platforms like CNN, kickstarting countless conversations about the future of Thorium as one of the most viable sources of clean energy for deep sea shipping.
From drawing board to operation No one was as taken aback as Ulstein’s Chief Designer Øyvind G. Kamsvåg. “I think we’d been operating in a bit of a bubble”, he says, from Ulstein’s base in the spectacular surroundings of Ulsteinvik on the west coast of Norway.
GREEN SHIP TECHNOLOGY 18 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4
Shipbuilder and designer Ulstein is looking to take its revolutionary Thorium powered vessel concept from the drawing board to the deep blue sea. Is this the solution that industry and society have been searching for to enable a truly sustainable maritime future? OF ULSTEIN.

THOR to the rescue
Tomorrow’s solutions today
Mr Kamsvåg’s reference to the concept as a “a key enabler” is one of the aspects that supercharged interest in what was almost immediately recognised as so much more than a standalone vessel concept. At the time of its launch, Ulstein presented the idea as a way to charge an all-electric cruise ship concept, Ulstein SIF, demonstrating its commercial viability. However, its potential was seen to stretch far beyond that, as Mr Kamsvåg now reveals. “THOR has a superpower, right?” he smiles. “And there’s a multitude of applications and operational capabilities where that can be utilised. Beyond the zero emissions and remote replenishment, research and rescue functionality, the vessel’s reactor could be used as an emergency power supply for regions hit by natural disasters, epidemics, or conflicts. Similarly, it could be utilised as part of society’s renewable energy mix and compensate for fluctuating power supplies – e.g., from offshore wind parks – by supporting grid networks. The huge power capacity available could also be utilised for producing alternative fuels, or synthetic fuels through a CO2 refinery, or for delivering shore power at ports. And all that functionality is before we even get on to the different vessel types where THOR can either be used to recharge all-electric ships, or integrated MSRs can be housed within vessels as the primary power source.”
GREEN SHIP TECHNOLOGY SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 19 vessels since 2008, but we didn’t know if the industry was ready. Now, clearly, it is! So, how can we take this from the drawing board to operation as a key enabler for a sustainable maritime industry? “That’s the next, critical step... and we’re not alone in being keen to move forwards.”
Øyvind G. Kamsvåg – Ulstein’s Chief Designer. >> Ulstein’s vessel concept, a 149m 3R (Replenishment, Research and Rescue) design with a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), took the industry, and wider society, by surprise.
“We always design with the best solution in mind for the application, but we’re guided by our vision to create tomorrow’s solutions for sustainable marine operations.”
Ulstein, for those unfamiliar with the relatively small, privately-owned business, is renowned within its niche for delivering innovations that shift industry paradigms. The most obvious are the X-BOW and the X-STERN; sloping designs that glide through the oceans to deliver greater operability, comfort, operational functionality and energy efficiency. June saw the company sign its first contract to design TWIN X-STERN offshore wind CSOVs (construction service operating vessels) with dual-fuel methanol engines: an agreement that shows how Ulstein takes an effective, step-change approach on the path to a zero emissions future. “We always design with the best solution in mind for the application”, Mr Kamsvåg notes, “but we’re guided by our vision to create tomorrow’s solutions for sustainable marine operations. That has driven all The team who presented ULSTEIN THOR at Seatrade Miami. L to R: Lars Ståle Skoge, Torill Muren, and Øyvind Gjerde Kamsvåg.

“THOR essentially operates as a foating, mobile, multi-purpose ‘power station’,” she says, “one that never needs refuelling – instantly creating the ocean infrastructure needed to facilitate a new battery revolution. In THOR’s case, it would ofer the charging capacity to satisfy the power needs of four expedition cruise ships (Ulstein SIFs), as well as providing research facilities for polar operations, and acting as a rescue vessel for remote regions where there is simply no emergency response capacity. We see it as the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to enabling safe, sustainable operations, anywhere on Earth. As such, it really does have the capability to transform our industry.”
The headline grabber with the concept was undoubtedly the use of the MSR, which works by dissolving Thorium – an abundant, naturally occurring metal with low radioactivity – in liquid salt. This creates a chain reaction that heats the salt, producing steam to drive a turbine and generate emissions free electricity.
Torill Muren – Lead Naval Architect, Ulstein Design & Solutions.
GREEN SHIP TECHNOLOGY 20 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 our innovations – from the X-BOW to hybrid and electric solutions – and THOR is clearly connected to that creative red thread.”
Electric revolution At present, there’s no ‘silver bullet’ for deep sea maritime, with heated debate on which fuel will accelerate the industry towards the zero emissions horizon. Batteries are already established within short sea circles and THOR –when solid-state batteries come online – could literally transfer the same development to the deep for relevant segments, while others use integrated MSRs as their dedicated power source. Again, it’s a question of infrastructure.
Enabling change
Generating interest ‘Limitless’ is a phrase that also works to describe the interest in THOR since it thundered onto the scene at Seatrade. Closeup of THOR with its autonomous recharging vehicle.
The technology is proven and safe, but, until Ulstein took centre stage, had yet to be incorporated into a vessel design. However, it was the application that proved as stimulating for stakeholders as the energy source, as Torill Muren, Lead Naval Architect, Ulstein Design & Solutions, makes clear.
“THOR essentially operates as a foating, mobile, multi-purpose ‘power station’, one that never needs refuelling – instantly creating the ocean infrastructure needed to facilitate a new battery revolution.”
“Look at the adoption of electric cars in Norway”, says Mr Kamsvåg, by way of comparison. “65% of all cars sold in Norway last year were electric, with that fgure rising to 84% in January 2022. Nobody that needs a car wants to wreck the environment, but you must have the charging infrastructure in place to enable a meaningful switch to zero emissions transport; something that has been achieved with great success in Norway. THOR, or a concept like it, is the solution for establishing that same charging infrastructure at sea. In fact, that’s such a unique commercial opportunity. Why doesn’t somebody, a wealthy individual or a progressive company, buy a feet of THORs and suddenly create a network of foating charging stations to power green shipping? What an amazing opportunity for a new, sustainable revenue stream. The possibilities of this are almost limitless.”

Accelerating innovation
Ulstein says it has been inundated with enquiries and media requests from people eager to probe the feasibility of MSRs and the concept, and, Ms Muren states, it’s all been positive. “We expected some pushback,” she notes, “but apart from a few outlying comments here and there on social media it’s been universally enthusiastic. The Class societies we’ve spoken to are, if anything, eager to push this and look into the idea of drafting approvals in principle and white papers. At the same time research is gathering momentum, with new funding just allocated by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) for a maritime nuclear power project at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). We know that technology developers and suppliers very clearly see the potential, Flag States have, so far, seemed very positive, and forward-thinking clients are intrigued by the idea of a reliable, emissions free and stable source of power.”
Ulstein concept designs for THOR and SIF joint operations.
Mr Kamsvåg states, “The war in Ukraine and the shifting geopolitical situation have demonstrated the need for energy security, or even self-sufciency, while the very pressing demand for transitioning to more sustainable ways of doing business is top of everyone’s agendas now. We need to take action to change, and THOR, and Thorium, demonstrate a tangible way forward.” But, is this feasible? Can it work? And when? Mr Kamsvåg seems convinced that MSRs are ideal for maritime, pointing to the fact that other nuclear solutions are already in use on, for example, naval air craft carriers and submarines. MSRs, he says, ofer a simpler, safer option. Technology developers are already well underway with analogous projects (such as power barges and desalination plants) and the interest is clear… so “yes” is his unequivocal answer to the frst two questions.
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But when? Mr Kamsvåg delivers a fnal smile, noting, “Well, if you asked me to give a conservative estimate I’d say ten to ffteen years before all the pieces are in place to launch THOR into operations. BUT, when there’s a very clear need, it’s human nature to supercharge innovation to achieve goals. Just look at how quickly a COVID vaccine was developed, tested, and approved. A ten-year approval norm became one year when we had no choice. And do we have a choice in switching to a zero-emissions maritime industry? No, we do not. It’s time for THOR.” i. Ulstein´s Chief Designer Øyvind G. Kamsvåg and Torill Muren, Lead Naval Architect, Ulstein Design & Solutions.

SHIP REPORT 24 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 The successful construction of the world’s highest specifcation drillship, based on the Group’s proprietary Jurong Espadon 3T design, attests to Sembcorp Marine’s continuous progress up the value chain and proven capabilities in providing leading-edge advanced drilling rigs solutions. ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF SEMBCORP MARINE UNLESS MENTIONED OTHERWISE. Deepwater Atlas Deepwater Atlas is the frst of two ultradeepwater drillships based on the Group’s proprietary Jurong Espadon 3T design. Photo courtesy of Transocean.

SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 25
The completion of Deepwater Atlas marks a key milestone in Sembcorp Marine’s ofshore construction track record. The vessel’s successful delivery is a testament to the Group’s proven capabilities in providing innovative and pioneering solutions. The Deepwater Atlas is one of two Transocean’s newbuild drillships built by Sembcorp Marine’s Jurong Shipyard, the other one being Deepwater Titan. Bells and whistles As part of the naming ceremony of the Deepwater Atlas, representatives from Transocean and their project partners met in Singapore on 30 April for >> Christening ceremony.
Marine SMMBOOTH2022NO. B3.EG-207
A t the end of June 2022, Sembcorp Marine (the ‘Company’, together with its subsidiaries, the ‘Group’, or ‘Sembcorp Marine’) has successfully completed the delivery of the world’s frst eighth-generation drillship, the Deepwater Atlas, for Transocean’s subsidiary Triton Atlas (‘Transocean’).
Key representatives of Transocean and Sembcorp Marine commemorate the successful delivery of Deepwater Atlas.

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 a celebration and a tour of the drillship. Special thanks go to everyone who made the event a success, and especially to Mrs Angela Tan, who did them the honour of christening the ship.
Owner Transocean Ltd. Rig Type Drillship Sub Type Ultradeep Water Gross Tonnage 32,500 Length overall 228m Beam 40m Max water depth 3,700m Max drill depth 12,200m >>
Technical specifcations Vessel name Deepwater Atlas Year of built 2022 IMO number
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 27
William Gu – Sembcorp Marine’s Head of Rigs and Floaters. 9735268 Deepwater Atlas the world’s frst eighth–generation drillship.
Transocean has also launched a video excerpt from the naming ceremony in a post on LinkedIn. In the video, Transocean CEO, Jeremy Thigpen, says that the drillship features all kinds of bells and whistles that the industry has never seen and that it is going to enable the company to access reservoirs that were never accessed before. Deepwater Atlas is the frst of two ultradeepwater drillships based on the Group’s proprietary Jurong Espadon 3T design. The Deepwater Atlas and “It gives us great pride to have designed and built for Transocean, the world’s frst eighth-generation drillship of the highest industry specifcation, complete with a 1.4 million kg hook-load and breakthrough capabilities for 1,400 bar drilling operations.”
Photo courtesy of Transocean

Headquartered in Singapore, the Group has close to 60 years of track record in the design and construction of rigs, foaters, ofshore platforms, and specialised vessels, as well as in the repair, upgrading and conversion of diferent ship types. Sembcorp Marine’s solutions focus on the following areas: Renewables, Process, Gas, Ocean Living, and Advanced Drilling Rigs. The company operates shipyards and other facilities in Singapore, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Norway, and Brazil.
i. As part of the naming ceremony of the Deepwater Atlas, representatives from Transocean and their project partners met in Singapore on 30 April for a celebration and a tour of the drillship.
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Moving up in the value chain Sembcorp Marine Head of Rigs and Floaters Mr William Gu says, “We are very pleased to achieve the delivery of Deepwater Atlas and to set many record frsts in the process. It gives us great pride to have designed and built for Transocean, the world’s frst eighthgeneration drillship of the highest industry specifcation, complete with a 1.4 million kg hook-load and breakthrough capabilities for 1,400 bar drilling operations.”
Mr Wong Weng Sun, Sembcorp Marine President & CEO, says, “Sembcorp Marine’s continuous investments in innovation and technology development over the years have enabled the Group to move up the value chain to develop industry-leading designs and solutions. We are very pleased to partner with Transocean to raise the bar for the design and build of the next generation ultra-deepwater drillships.”
Deepwater Titan are the world’s frst eighth-generation ultra-deepwater drillships and the only rigs to feature a 1,4 million kg hook-load. These drillships will include the frst 1,400 bar well control system. They are also designed and equipped to optimise fuel consumption, reduce emissions, and thus minimise the associated carbon footprint of each ofshore project. With its ability to accommodate well control systems for 1,400 bar drilling and completion operations, Deepwater Atlas sets a new frontier for next generation Capabledrillships.of operating at 3,700m water depth and drilling to depths of 12,200m, Deepwater Atlas represents a breakthrough in the industry with leading-edge capabilities for enhanced operational safety, efciency, and performance. With capacity to accommodate a crew of 220, the drillship is designed and equipped to optimise fuel consumption and lower emissions to support the industry’s commitment to a reduction in carbon footprint.
Sembcorp Marine provides innovative engineering solutions to the global ofshore, marine, and energy industries.

PAINT & COATING SYSTEMS 30 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4
JOSCO believes in FASTAR Nippon Paint Marine’s ground-breaking nano-based antifouling FASTAR I® has been recently selected for the trio of energy-efcient box ships the Tsuneishi Group is building for China’s Jiangsu Ocean Shipping Co (JOSCO). The frst 1091TEU ship in the series, Hull No SS297, is nearing completion at the shipbuilder’s facility in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, China, and scheduled to join the JOSCO feet last month (April). The second and third vessels in the series will be followed in August and September retrospectively. With an overall length of 146m and a 23.25m beam, each vessel in the series is based on Tsuneishi’s innovative low-resistance hull form and includes an array of energy-saving technologies. Commenting on the decision to apply the FASTAR coating, Lian Jian Guo, General Manager, Technical Division, JOSCO, says, “We have very good experience with Nippon Paint Marine
Fast-tracking with FASTAR Nippon Paint Marine Coatings supplies customers around the world with high-quality products, technical services and know-how by making use of Nippon Paint Group’s global bases in manufacturing, sales, service, and logistics networks.
ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF NIPPON PAINT MARINE. Nippon Paint Marine expects more vessels in KSS Line’s 31 strong feet to adopt a FASTAR system later this year.
N ippon Paint Marine has been at the forefront of technical innovation in marine paint for 140 years. Since being the frst marine paint company to produce tin-free selfpolishing antifouling in 1991, and now being the only company to have a true biocide free self-polishing antifouling, innovation and dedicated research have been the keys to stay ahead and keep the environment safe. The company has shown its ability to innovate fast and efectively, which makes Nippon Paint Marine one of the industry’s most valuable players. Let’s take a look at where the company is today and dive deeper into some of their latest successes.

Nippon Paint Marine expects more vessels in KSS Line’s 31 strong feet to adopt a FASTAR system at scheduled drydockings later this year. Excluding these new applications, the marine coatings pioneer has to date supplied antifouling systems to the petrochemical carriers Duke Chemist, E Chemist, Falcon Chemist, and the gas carriers Gas Quantum, Gas Utopia and Gas Venus. i.
Nippon Paint Marine’s FASTAR I® has been selected for the trio of energy-effcient box ships the Tsuneishi Group is building for China’s Jiangsu Ocean Shipping Co (JOSCO).
The application followed the success of the coating on KSS Line’s 84,000m3 capacity Gas Star, which was applied in December 2021 at the Yeosu Ocean shipyard in Gwangyang Bay, South Korea. In both cases, FASTAR I replaced Nippon Paint Marine’s popular A-LFSea® 150 product on the vessels’ fat bottom and vertical sides, representing the frst commercial reference for the new coating not only on a Koreanowned ship but also an LPG carrier.
The advanced technologies to which Lian Jian Guo refers include Tsuneishi’s TOP-GR and MT-FAST systems, of which the former optimises the number, diameter, shape and geometric distribution of propeller blades to achieve greater propulsive efciency. Further efciency gains are achieved with MT-FAST, which adds a wing-like device to the front of the propeller to alter water fows.
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 31
The gas and chemical carrier operator applied a FASTAR I system to the 78,000m3 capacity VLGC Gas Power during a scheduled drydocking in February at Sembcorp Marine’s 87ha Admiralty shipyard in Singapore’s Sembawang district.
Introduced to the market early last year, Nippon Paint Marine’s fourth generation antifouling uses completely new hydrophilic and hydrophobic nano-sized silyl acrylate components to more precisely control the release of biocides.
Paint Marine SMMBOOTH2022NO. B5-204 systems on our vessels, so were keen to add to the overall energy efciency of these next generation vessels with the new FASTAR system. With the installation of advanced technologies designed to reduce energy consumption and emissions, these vessels will be the greenest in the JOSCO feet.”
“We have a very good experience with Nippon Paint Marine systems on our vessels, so were keen to add to the overall energy efciency of these next generation vessels with the new FASTAR system.”
Tsuneishi group (Zhoushan) Shipbuilding, one of Japan’s Tsuneishi Shipbuilding’s overseas shipyards, is also building three similar 1091TEU vessels for Taicang Container Lines Co., a subsidiary of China’s Jiangsu Port Group. These vessels, designed for the intraregional trade, will also beneft from the FASTAR coating.
First Korean reference KSS Line has applied Nippon Paint Marine’s FASTAR® coating to the hulls of a pair of LPG (liquefed petroleum gas) carriers, becoming the frst South Korean shipowner to apply the novel nano-type antifouling paint to existing tonnage.
With a 20% to 30% increase in drydockings worldwide over the past twelve months, largely due to shipowners installing systems capable of meeting new environmental regulations, the coatings company says FASTAR can support shipowners’ sustainability goals. FASTAR is a twocoat, self-polishing copolymer antifouling paint that uses hydrophilic and hydrophobic nano-sized silyl acrylate components to precisely control the release of biocides – the active agents that target marine biofouling.

experience.leadingAmongpositionKoreanFoundedsystemstotalproviderin1965,DSRhasevolvedalongwiththedevelopmentoftheshipbuildingindustry,andhasnowrisentoaglobaltop-tierinropedesign,production,andmanufacturingtechnology.DSR’smooringlines,SuperMaxandOceanMaxareindustry-premiumropelines,proventhroughyearsofcustomer ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF DSR.
A word from within We talked to Martin Cho, General Manager & Sales Manager of the DSR Europe Branch to get some inside information on where the company stands now and what we can expect from the company in the future.
We are all looking forward to SMM, the leading international trade fair for the maritime industry, where DSR will be present again as exhibitor this year. DSR has developed a program for the efcient management of mooring lines. Within the program, ships, operators or managers, and DSR will share the usage time, usage environment, and management status of numerous mooring vessels and provide a menu that enables consultation and advice on mooring vessels in real time. The program will be unveiled for the frst time at the SMM exhibition. Anyone can imitate a product, but can never attain the high-quality of DSR products. DSR believes that true quality will always be recognised by the customers who use the product. A highquality product is not just about the product in itself, but is also about the complete solution that accompanies the Withproduct.rope solution provider DSR, there will be ‘No Moor Problem’.
SHIPBUILDING INSIGHTS 32 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4
I n particular, the SuperMax line, specialised for the Mooring of LNG ships, maximises safety and efciency by adding DSR’s unique design and special coating of Dyneema fbers.
a complete solution package, from customer purchase decision to usage management. Their diferentiated solution process starts with the BS (Before Solution) process, in which they develop and produce products optimised for customers by analysing accumulated big data and consulting with customers. Solutions are provided through the US (Use Solution) method, in which they provide coaching during the installation process after production delivery and training regarding use and management, and their AS (After Solution) method entails checking the condition of each product during its life cycle.
Exciting novelties at SMM
The Deep Mooring Line, OceanMax, has been tested by DNV and ABS and is optimised for deep mooring. All DSR products have most of the world’s classifcation certifcations, and in particular, Mooring Lines are certifed to meet MEG4 standards. In addition, various jacket options are provided for easy management and life extension, and the ASB (Anti Snap Back) option can be added during the rope design stage to minimise the risk of unexpected rope breakage accidents. Eco fber options to reduce your carbon footprint can also help to keep business green. No Moor Problem Being the perfectionists that they are, DSR is never satisfed. In order to fnd ways to reduce even the smallest risk in an increasingly complex and diverse mooring environment, DSR is always aiming to provide something unique to reach beyond the perfection of the product. The new catchphrase ‘No Moor Problem’, which was brought to life on the company’s 55th anniversary in 2020, demonstrates DSR’s confdence in its products and commitment to its DSRcustomers.provides

Martin Cho, General Manager & Sales Manager DSR Europe.
How have you experienced the past two years with all the hurdles the world had to face because of the pandemic?
Mr Cho, how excited are you to be standing at SMM again this year and what does it mean for the company?
We’ve been exhibiting at SMM for almost two decades so we know how important this show is in our industry and we know how the maritime market has grown together with SMM. Thanks to SMM, we’ve been able to connect with our customers more closely. We have reached a wider range of customers and found out how to successfully meet our customers’ needs, which of course gave us many opportunities to grow in the maritime market.
DSR has developed a program for the efficient management of mooring lines.
It has definitely not been easy over the last two years, and we are still facing a lot of challenges. However, I believe the challenges made a huge turn around in the maritime business and it will give us another opportunity to step forward in
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 33

34 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 Media Kit 2023 Available Now! Photo courtesy of Stena RoRo. Boulevard Bankert 290, 4382 AC Vlissingen, The Netherlands • T +31 118 473 398 • E • I

The other market is the renewable energy market, which is wind energy.
There are two promising markets for us; the LNG industry and the renewables industry. We already have been the global market leader in providing special mooring lines for LNG feets for a long time. This market is a very high-end industry that requires a high standard of products which have limited manufactures in the world. We are one of few. The European (especially German) change in energy portfolio is leading the growth number of the LNG feet. Accordingly, our special mooring rope for LNG feets is more demanded.
Can you tell us something about future projects the company is working on? What can the industry expect from DSR?
As a young Korean company (only 60 years old), it was not easy competing with many century-old European competitors. Still, step by step we’ve achieved our own footprints and we have now become one of the most recognised players in the European market. Therefore, I would like to say thank you to all of our valued customers in Europe who love our products and DSR. And lastly, I wish peace in Europe and may the war in Ukraine end soon. i. the entire business environment. Ecofriendly movement is a good example of such a step forward. What will you be showcasing at SMM? HMPE Series like Dyneema rope or HMPE slings will be our key products to show at SMM. In spite of their superior performances, their usages or markets were somewhat limited due to high cost in the past. However, the need for the products is increasing among many industries and the price is becoming more economic, being close to other comparable markets.
The DSR Europe branch in Dusseldorf was established back in 1998, so it has been up an running for about 24 years. In the beginning, we started with an annual turnover of less than EUR 10 million. However in 2022 we are targeting an annual turnover of EUR 80 million, which is the highest turnover of all our fve oversea sales teams. We are making a huge and steady growth in the European market.
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 35
For many reasons, foating wind farming is now being considered as an important future energy source, It is the foating construction which requires another special mooring fber rope and again, proven suppliers like ourselves are limited globally. Renewable energy is not just an industry but a mandatory environmental action for our future generation and we are very proud of being a part of this movement.
As General Manager & Sales Manager of the DSR Europe Branch, can you tell us a bit about the developments of the Europe branch of the company?

E very element of this ofshore wind project pushes the limits of industry standards. The 28 XXL monopiles are the largest monopile foundations ever installed, weighing more than 2,000t each, and having a diameter of 9.5m and a length of up to 110m. Green electricity for 290.000 households
OFFSHORE INSTALLATION VESSELS 36 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4
Orion does what it was built for A major milestone was achieved at Parkwind’s Arcadis Ost 1 ofshore wind farm when Deme Ofshore installed the fnal XXL monopile in the Baltic Sea, of the coast of Rügen. This has been the frst project executed by Deme’s new foating installation vessel, Orion, which we have closely followed and featured in the previous edition of ShipBuilding Industry.
The Monopile installation started in June 2022.
Parkwind’s Arcadis Ost 1 project in the Baltic Sea is located North-East of the famous Kap Arkona Clifs, within the 12NM Zone of Germany with water depths of up to 45m and challenging soil conditions. It will get its 27 Vestas V 174 – 9,5MW wind turbines later this year and produce green electricity to supply up to 290.000 households. Orion was running on LNG during the installation campaign and is equipped with a 5,000t crane and a tailor-made, motion compensated pile gripper system able to handle enormous XXL monopile

“This pushes the boundaries of the ofshore wind industry over the horizon and shows that Deme’s smart solutions and equipment are ready for the next generation of foundations and wind turbines.” foundations. The integrated motion compensated pile gripper tool enables the crew to upend and drive the monopiles, which are transported horizontally on deck. Coupled with the vessel’s DP3 capability, the motion compensated gripper keeps the monopiles vertical and stable despite waves and vessel motions. New innovative tools
Hugo Bouvy, Managing Director of Deme Ofshore, says, “We are extremely thrilled to see Orion and her motion compensated pile gripper doing what the vessel has been created for, installing huge monopiles in extreme circumstances. This pushes the boundaries of the ofshore wind industry over the horizon and shows that Deme’s smart solutions and equipment are ready for the next generation of foundations and wind turbines. Many years of ofshore experience and engineering by incredibly motivated people have resulted in the delivery of Orion and her installation tools. Our persistent Arcadis Ost 1 project and newbuild teams, and our experienced and extremely professional crew led to the commissioning of Orion in record times. Together they pushed technological boundaries with enormous enthusiasm and drive. I am so proud to be part of this team!”
Manfred Dittmer, Parkwind’s Country Manager Germany, comments, “It feels good to see how it all comes together when installation works starts: the planning, the design, the certifcation, the manufacturing, and fnally the installation itself. Thanks to the whole team and all partners involved who worked with great eforts and enthusiasm on the realisation of our frst ofshore wind farm outside Belgium. It underlines our capabilities to execute projects under challenging conditions and environments. With the monopiles in place, we will be continuing the installation of the secondary steel structures to complete the foundations.”
i. Orion was running on LNG during the installation campaign and is equipped with a 5,000t crane and a tailor-made, motion compensated pile gripper system.
The installation of the XXL monopiles sets a new standard in the offshore wind industry.
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 37
In addition, an entire set of new specialist tools have been used during this maiden project for Orion. These innovative tools include an adjustable monopile sea fastening system, a newlybuilt automated monopile lifting spreader beam to enable the horizontal lifting of the XXL monopiles, automated quick-lifting tools to avoid manual handling on deck, as well as several new noise mitigation systems.

The amount of responsibility is as vast as the ocean and the time at hand limited to a few droplets.
ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF LAGERSMIT. Lagersmit Sealing Solutions.
U nlike the engine, propeller, battery, bilge pump, electrical lines, oil and flter, other fuid levels and hull; seals for ship’s propulsion shafts, thrusters, gearboxes, tidal turbines, and pump shafts seem lesser at top of mind when considering the concerns of maintenance. However, in emergency cases seals can become worrisome – pinky toes are small but paralysing when broken. Naturally, preventing unforeseen circumstances or being prepared with a safety net when those occur can provide you with a peace of mind. What safety net do I want and what’s in it for me?
SEALING SOLUTIONS 38 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4
Don’t miss this safety net
Lagersmit developed the infatable seal for emergency cases or in-situ maintenance. Being able to change seals while afoat saves you time and costs of not needing to get into the dry dock. Take for example the Supreme Hydrofuse (fg. 1). This seal is especially developed to prevent water leakage from your open water-lubricated stern tube system into your engine room. It is equipped with the infatable seal, so that the contents of the stern tube can
Managing a ship requires to be on top of various tasks such as handling the content for shipping and supplies, registrations and visas, leading and managing staf, technical management and maintenance.

Figure 2: Infatable seal assembly.
Where do I get my safety net for a peace of mind? Lagersmit has been based in the Netherlands since 1856 and has one mission: to deliver Peace of Mind with the best sealing solutions for ships, pumps, and tidal turbines. Whether you choose to operate your vessel with airtype sealing systems or with water lubricated systems, Lagersmit is here to help you! i. permanently be sealed-of and maintenance can be done in-situ. Can I beneft from an infatable seal for my oil lubricated stern tube applications? With EAL oils already being quite expensive, mineral oils are also increasing in price due to worldwide developments. Therefore, the infatable seal now also fnds its purpose in oil lubricated stern tube applications. Once in dry dock, the shipowner can decide to infate these seals and keep the oil inside the stern tube, whilst maintaining the aft and forward stern tube seals. It is unnecessary to change the lube oil in the stern tube when the lubricant is still in good condition. With the infatable seal from Lagersmit installed you ensure a real money saver. How does an infatable seal work?
SMMLagersmit2022BOOTHNO. B2.EG-314
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 39
The infatable seal assembly itself consists of two parts: an NBR seal profle and a plastic support ring which fts inside the cross section of the rubber seal (fg. 2). This support ring ensures air tightness at the interface surfaces. The infatable seal is ftted in a seal housing (ring) together with a closing (adaptor) ring (fg. 2). Having the infatable module enables insitu maintenance. Bonding divisible lip seals in situ is a cost-efective alternative of seal replacement without disassembling / removing the shaft or propeller. In this way an unnecessary dry dock can be prevented, and maintenance can be postponed safely. Under normal circumstances, during operation, the infatable seal will be in its defated state (fg. 2, left). The infatable seal makes no contact with the (rotating) shaft. In case of emergency or if maintenance is due while afoat the seal can be infated (fg. 2, right). For static sealing against an idle shaft the seal is infated using a pressurized medium provided by an external pump. After infation the pressurized seal will contact the opposing shaft surface, providing a radial acting static seal. The infatable seal is designed to handle a maximum pressure diference between inside and outside pressure of 10bar. Is the infatable seal also suitable for applications with large radial bearing play? A great efort is made in the infatable seal design to make it suitable for applications that sufer from large bearing wear or applications that are coping with large shaft to bore misalignments. Radial eccentricity up to 2mm is allowed, making this infatable seal ideal for insitu maintenance for open water lubricated stern tube systems or respectively tidal turbines or any other application that needs to deal with large radial bearing play, giving you a reliable sealing solution for years to come.
Can I get the infatable seal as add-on? For the most common stern tube seal applications the infatable seal can be added to the existing Supreme Aft seal and Supreme Fwd seal. The interface dimensions of the infatable seal can be engineered to the required dimensions, making the seal suitable for retroftting the existing seal. The Lagersmit infatable seal can be supplied for shaft diameters of 70 up to 890mm.
Figure 1: Supreme Hydrofuse.

n 11 July, Swan Hellenic announced that the Naming Ceremony of its second iceclass cultural expedition cruise ship, SH Vega, had taken place at the Helsinki Shipyard. The ship went on het way on 20 July for her first cultural expedition cruise of the Arctic, an 11-day exploration of the Svalbard Archipelago, departing Tromsø. The purposedesigned new vessel was named by Patrizia Zito née Passalacqua, wife of Swan Hellenic CEO Andrea Zito, in the presence of Helsinki Shipyard Senior Management, the media and members of the cruise and travel industries from around the world.
On 20 July, the cultural expedition cruise pioneer’s second purpose-designed expedition cruise ship went on her way to Tromsø for an 11-day maiden Arctic cruise.
SH Vega, like her twin sister SH Minerva, has been designed to meet the latest environmental regulations and is completely self-sufficient for up to
Premium experiencediscovery SH Vega is the second in a series of three elegant, high ice-class, cultural expedition cruise vessels made for premium discovery experiences worldwide, with a strong bias for extreme latitude areas. SH Vega features a 5MW diesel-electric propulsion system with selective catalytic reduction and a PC5 ice-strengthened hull with extralarge stabilisers for exceptional passenger comfort. At 113m, the 10,600t vessel has been specially designed to explore the most inspiring and inaccessible places on the planet.
Number two out of three
SHIP REPORT 40 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4

SHIP REPORT SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 41 SH Vega, like her twin sister SH Minerva, has been designed to meet the latest environmental regulations... SH Vega set sail from Helsinki to Tromsø, Norway, for a season of maiden cruises exploring the magic of the Arctic. Staircase reception. Cabin Sauna.balcony.

The magic of the Arctic Soon after the ceremony, SH Vega set sail from Helsinki to Tromsø, Norway, for a season of maiden cruises exploring the magic of the Arctic, from the Svalbard Peninsula and Iceland’s landscapes of ice and fire to Greenland’s dramatic majesty, the Northwest Passage and the wilds of Northern Canada. Then, come late Autumn, she’ll make her way down the US East Coast over 12 days, taking in The vessels are equipped with exhaust gas cleaning, advanced wastewater treatment systems and the waste storage facilities required for operating in sensitive polar areas. Observation lounge. Suite bedroom.
Providing spacious 5-star accommodation for 152 guests in 76 spacious staterooms and suites, the vast majority with large balconies, SH Vega is operated by an onboard team of 120 to provide the highest levels of personal service.
SHIP REPORT 42 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4
40 days or 8,000nm. Preparations have been made to implement battery technology which would also make it possible to operate silently. The vessels are equipped with exhaust gas cleaning, advanced wastewater treatment systems and the waste storage facilities required for operating in sensitive polar areas.

SH Vega sailed from Helsinki in the expert hands of industry veterans Captain Tuomo Leskinen and Hotel Director Philipp Reutener, who created the acclaimed Swan Hellenic onboard experience on SH Minerva and will ensure the same distinctive high standards are consistently maintained on her sister ship.
SH Minerva and SH Vega will be joined early next year by the slightly larger SH Diana, which is already under construction at the Helsinki Shipyard. i.
On 11 July, Swan Hellenic announced that the Naming Ceremony of its second ice-class cultural expedition cruise ship, SH Vega, had taken place at the Helsinki Shipyard.
SH Vega went on her way to Tromsø for an 11-day maiden Arctic cruise.
Executive Chef Avhier Singh brings experience in high-end hotels and cruise
SHIP REPORT companies. But even more importantly, he also comes across from SH Minerva, where he brought to life the varied menus of freshly cooked delicacies that include original Italian and Asian fusion dishes created for the iconic company by award-winning Consultant Chefs Andrea Ribaldone and Sang Keun Oh.
Swan Hellenic CEO Andrea Zito added, “I would like to congratulate everyone at Helsinki for their superb work in creating this wonderful new ship. We are delighted with the quality of their work, creating another unique presence on the waves, and very much look forward to taking her first guests to see what others don’t, exploring the Arctic in exceptional comfort and style.”
everything from New York, Norfolk and Charleston to Miami. From November, she’ll be offering a range of 11 to 21-day cultural expedition cruises of Antarctica through until March 2023, when she sails up the West Coast of Africa to the Canary Islands and Western Europe, also immersing guests in the Celtic lands of Britain and Ireland on the way to her second Arctic season. This will end with a crossing from Greenland to Nova Scotia, followed by the Caribbean and then Brazil in October 2023.
SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 43
Another unique presence on the waves After the Naming Ceremony, Helsinki Shipyard Project Manager Jonas Packalén commented, “ This is a proud day for us all. SH Vega is every bit as beautiful and elegant as her twin sister! We wish her and her crew fair winds and following seas, with special thanks to everyone involved in the project for their unstinting dedication!”
Technical specifications
Gross tonnage 10,600GRT Propulsion 4.6MW Length 113m Beam 20.2m Max. draught 5.45m Cruising speed 14.5kn Ice class PC5 Number of passenger cabins 76 Number of crew cabins 73 Classification Register


Henning Uldall Managing Director
Van Ameyde Marine, the Netherlandsheadquartered marine surveying, consultancy, and loss prevention group, has appointed Rob Chesters as its new Global Business Development Manager.
Efective on 1 August 2022, Keld hands the leading role over to Henning Uldall, a marine industry specialist with 20 years of experience in boatbuilding, sales and the aftersales market.
Mr Samuli Järvinen has been appointed Chief Operating Ofcer of Steerprop. His extensive experience from various roles within Steerprop Services is perfect for ramping up the subsidiary’s operational activities. Mr Järvinen is responsible for bringing Steerprop’s world-class services to North American customers, ensuring fast and professional maintenance and availability of Steerprop Original Spare Parts.
Brookes Bell, the leading multi-disciplinary technical and scientifc consultancy, has appointed its frst female Master Mariner as a Marine Consultant. Karley Smith joins Brookes Bell after 16 years at sea, 11 years working in the ofshore oil and gas industry where she qualifed as a Dynamic Positioning Operator and most recently, from the private superyacht sector, where she worked as Chief Ofcer. Using her experience as a Master Mariner she will be working with the team to investigate and help solve maritime disputes and provide advice for legal cases. Smartgyro has appointed a Technical Sales Manager in the U.S., adding marine industry specialist Bob Walker to the sales team. Based in Maryland, on the Chesapeake Bay, Mr Walker brings almost 30 years of experience in marine equipment and yacht sales to the new role at Smartgyro, including seven years as Application Engineer for sister company VETUS most recently. In his new role, Mr Walker will work with the three main distributors and dealer network to focus on building market presence and brand awareness, while providing strong technical knowledge for customers and supporting the distributors.
Karley Smit Marine Consultant Bob Walker Technical Sales Manager
Appointment at Propspeed Appointment at Steerprop Appointment at MSI Appointment at Van Ameyde Marine Appointment at Flexofold Appointment at Brookes Bell Appointment at Smartgyro
Edo Smitz Commercial Sales Manager EMEA Hank Morgan President JJ Wang Regional Director Rob Chesters Global Business Development Manager
Industry leader of biocide free foul-release coatings Propspeed, announces the appointment of Edo Smitz as Commercial Sales Manager – EMEA. The move supports the company’s commitment to the sector following an increase of resource allocation to Propspeed’s commercial business unit. Matt Forbes, Sales Director EMEA, welcomed Mr smitz to the company, “We are committed to building a commercial division that ofers vessel operators the fnancial benefts that come from using Propspeed foul-release coatings’systems.”MrHank Morgan has been appointed President of Steerprop Inc. as of 1 July, 2022. Mr Morgan has long and comprehensive experience in sales and after-sales service in the North American marine market. In his new role he is responsible for developing Steerprop’s business operations, providing new and existing customers with the high level of support that Steerprop customers worldwide have grown to depend on.
Mr Chesters has a remit to work with teams across group to develop a global strategy and service ofering, with the aim of expanding the company’s international reach geographically and by market sector. Mr Chesters, who has more than twenty years’ business development experience in the maritime services sector, joins Van Ameyde Marine from Oceanic Technical Solutions.
Samuli Järvinen Chief Operating Offcer
Leading propeller specialist Flexofold has appointed a new Managing Director to maintain the momentum achieved during a phase of momentous growth for the company in recent years. After successfully guiding the Danish-based manufacturer to a historic high point, the current incumbent and 13-year Flexofold veteran Keld Willberg is departing to continue his career in a new management role outside the leisure marine business.
Maritime Strategies International has appointed Jianjun ‘JJ’ Wang as Regional Director, Asia, to continue building the consultancy’s brand to the regions shipowners, ofshore players and shipyards. Mr Wang will be responsible for managing activities in the Asia Pacifc region. This includes regular contact with MSI clients, guiding regional strategy, building brand awareness and marketing MSI’s services in the region. In addition, Mr Wang will contribute to MSI’s monthly and quarterly range of research and forecasting publications as well as the provision of valuation services and research and consultancy projects. SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 1 | 45 PEOPLE

Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fre protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: OurNavyOffshoreCommercialSuperyachts.shipping.industry.vessels.missionistoensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres. KLAY INSTRUMENTS B.V. P.O. Box 13 7990 AA Dwingeloo The Netherlands T +31 (0)521 591 550 E I Klaywww.klay.nlInstruments is a Dutch manufacturer of ‘All Stainless Steel’ Pressure- and Level transmitters for the Marine & shipbuilding. All our transmitters are ATEX and IECEx Ex ia certifed and have fve different Marine Type Approvals. Our Pressure transmitters are available in threaded and Flanged process connections with fush diaphragm for all pressure applications. The available accuracies are 0.2% (series 8000) or 0.1% (series 2000). For Level measurement we manufacture Compact transmitters (series 8000 and 2000) and submersible level transmitters (series TypicalHydrobar).applications: Ballast Level Oil / HFO and (waste) water level Manifold pressure More than 30 years experience in the Marine and shipbuilding industry! MEN TECHNIEK BV Caïrostraat 55 3047 BB Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 820 8717 E THE YELLOW & FINCH PAGES
Contact: Niko J. Dalpis Emission Control Technology
Emigreen produces customised, integrated emission control solutions, for, among others, the maritime sector. Emigreen also provides services including design, specifcation, production, installation instruction, training and aftersales. Emigreen has expertise in emission control technologies, fow dynamics, thermodynamics and noise and vibration control. Emigreen develops and tests components including catalytic converters, particulate flters, selective catalytic reduction systems and related instrumentation. The Emigreen Alfa Alfa burner assisted soot flter system has set the standard for others to beat. All Emigreen solutions are highly effcient, highly reliable and highly controllable, whether designed for an inland barge, shortsea carrier or luxury yacht. Emigreen links science and the market HOPMAN J.W.E. Hopman
shipbuilding-industry.eu46 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 ANCOFERWALDRAM STEELPLATES BV P.O. Box 190 4900 AD Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 491500 F +31 (0)162 429806 E I Over 100,000 tons of quality heavy steel plates in stock AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V (AWS) is a stockholding wholesaler and steel service center, specializing in the supply of hot-rolled heavy carbon steel (quarto) plates, and profled parts for more than 40 years now. Over the years, AWS has developed into a business that sets the standard for its industry. Plates from stock or profled parts The choice is yours! It is the combination of comprehensive stocks of over 100,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profling plant that gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service. ART4 TECHNICAL SYSTEMS BV Nieuwegracht 9-11 3763 LP Soest The Netherlands T +31 (0)35 582 2468 F +31 (0)35 642 4860 E I Contact: Mr Paul Schraven Art4 Technical Systems BV is an independent Dutch company. We design, build and deliver fully turnkey solutions for hydraulic and electrical systems for customers worldwide. Our clients use the hydraulic and electrical systems for various end products such as:Mobile drives, transport conveyers, winch drivers, jack up platforms, cranes, both onshore and off shore, a-frames, special equipment, fairground attractions.The systems can be custom built to ft the specifcations of the product they are used for. BACHMANN ELECTRONIC GMBH Offce The3905VendelierVeenendaal:65-69PDVeenendaalNetherlands T +31 (0)85 210 0550 E I Contact: R. Epskamp Bachmann hardware matches the harsh conditions in the maritime and offshore industry. We take pride of extremely high availability using stateof-the-art Integrationtechnologies.ofAMS,PMS, CMS, etc. in a Redundant solution is realized with our modular and marine certifed PLCbased product range. The group of companies includes the CMS specialist Bachmann Monitoring and Certec EDV, the developers of the 1st fully web enabled SCADA software atvise® BREMAN MACHINERY B.V. Sasdijk 20 8281 BM Genemuiden The Netherlands P.O. Box 135 8280 AC Genemuiden The Netherlands T +31 (0)88-27 36 200 E I www.breman-machiner Great challenges need sophisticated solutions, the work of a specialist. Breman Machinery fabricates critical steel components with exceptional dimensions and extreme accuracy. This is the daily job of our craftsmen. Through our unique capabilities regarding machining, welding, conservation and assembling we serve our customers to make their ambitions reality. The welders of high-quality steel are qualifed by Lloyd’s Register or DNV for all welding positions. With 30 milling, boring and turning machines we have the possibility to offer unique services. Our preservation department can protect your projects. Our location is beside open water, we have a direct connection to the international ports. High quality is one of our most important standards! EMIGREEN B.V. Noordeinde 19 3341 LW Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 415 317 F +31 (0)184 415 582 E I
Produktieweg 12 3751 LN Spakenburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)33 299 25 00 F +31 (0)33 299 25 99 E I Contact:

Contact: Joey Kim, Export Sales in 1985, Suhbo Industrial Co., Ltd is the major leading Korean manufacturer and supplier of high performance roundsling for heavy & shipping building industries. have been supplying high performance roundslings to major heavy industries companies and projects in Korea with Ultrapowerful Poly Arylate fber is highly recognized from many customers due to its excellent performance, the maximum lightening, the optimum effciency (slim in size) and functions as B.V. Bert Knijp Since its foundation in 1956, Winel has grown into a leading global supplier of high quality products and services tot the world’s maritime industry. An experienced team of specialists offer a wide range of doors, hatches, platforms, tank venting systems and special engineered products. Winel’s strength is offering what looking enormous gives the certainty that can deliver the required quickly and to any port in the materials are approved by any of the well-known class societies such as RMRS. Do you have problems with fnding the right anchors? Could you use a hand while ftting anchors and chain cables aboard your vessel? are more than happy to help with it. Wortelboer has been a reliable partner in the shipping industry for more than 50 years. And that is why our customers keep coming back for need anchors and chain cables? Come to WORTELBOER.
materials very
you are
P.O. Box 70, 9400 AB Assen The Netherlands T +31 (0)592 366 060 F +31 (0)592 312 392 E I Contact:
and OurAsia.Suprime roundsling
YELLOW & FINCH PAGES SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 | 47 I Contact: Lucien Tuinfort Safety, quality and innovative entrepreneurship. Men Techniek BV is a company with a very broad feld of activities. We are specialised in general repair on and offsite and have a lot of experience in welding, fre work and mechanical and electrical work. We can also offer a full NDT examination. NICOVERKEN MARINE SERVICES BV Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 E I Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, fltration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide! PIENING PROPELLER Am Altendeich 83 D-25348 Glueckstadt Germany T +49 4124 9168-0 F +49 4124 3716 E I Contact: Mathias Pein Noise reduction relies upon the quiet operation of a yacht´s propulsion system. Piening Propeller fulfls its briefs Considerationin: of all hydrodynamic aspects during the design and an accurate manufacturing of propellers and shafts according to highest ISO classes.The company is approved by all common classifcation societies. Repairs and adjustments of propellers are done with the same care as new buildings. Piening Propellers scope of supply Propellersincludes:FPP > 800mm Ø CPP > 1.100mm Ø Shafts up to a several length of 16,000mm Sterntubes with sealings and bearings Shaft brackets complete Gearboxes Brand ZF RBI MARINE CONSULTANCY De Ruyterstraat 62 4335 GN Middelburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)6 190 358 20 E I Contact: Ruud Bimmel RBi Marine Consultancy provides full-service 24/7 worldwide. This is the core of our business. We advise, manage and carry out projects with expertise and experience; a result of years in supporting the Marine industry both locally and internationally. Our business conduct inspection, surveying, new-build, repairs, refurbishment, regular maintenance, feet management, site management, owner representative, and of course project management. Our network contains more than just that. Together with established partners we provide delivery of genuine marine parts, blasting and painting, welders, ftters and sorts of craftsmen. For more details please call us or view our website. SSC STEEL SHAPE CUTTERS BV ‘s-Gravendeelsedijk 200 3316 AZ Dordrecht The Netherlands T +31 (0)85 760 3226 E I Contact: Peter Staat SSC Steel Shape Cutters BV is a new, competent provider of 3D-profling: computer-controlled machine cutting of tubes, beams, hollow sections and plate. Subcontracting does not have to cost a lot, and it will bring substantial savings! With two state-of-the-art machines, we offer a huge range, superb accuracy, and great effciency. Round tubes up to Ø 2,500mm OD, with thicknesses of up to 150mm (oxyfuel and plasma), and robot cutting of beams and sections up to 1,200mm wide, plate up to 1,200mm wide and 3,000mm long. Fast, accurate, and cost effective. SUHBO INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 6, Mipyeong-ro, 106 beon-gil, Wonsam-Myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Kyunggi-do, Korea T +82 31 334 6979 F +82 31 334 1789 M +82 10 4999 6979 (Korea), +61 434 509 501 (Australia) E I
a complete in-house service package which includes 3D design, engineering, testing, manufacturing, assembly, project management, support & logistic services. G.J.WORTELBOER JR. B.V. Quarantaineweg 5 3089 KP Rotterdam P.O. Box 5003 3008 AA Harbournr:Rotterdam2637–The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 2222 F +31 (0)10 429 6459 E I Everywww.wortelboer.nlnowandthenanchors and chains must be replaced, so we understand your need for quality and speedy delivery. Wortelboer has
for. Our
stock of anchors and chain cables of all sizes and diameters in both our Rotterdam and China ports
world! All our
anti-cutting, anti-fame and multi-checking. WINEL

48 | SBI 2022 | Volume 16 | Issue 4 Boulevard Bankert 290 4382 AC Vlissingen, The Netherlands T: +31 118 473 398 | E: | I: COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER ShipBuilding Industry is owned and published by Yellow & Finch Publishers. The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work. No part of this work covered by the copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. No person, organisation or party should rely or on any way act upon any part of the contents of this publication whether that information is sourced from the website, magazine or related product without frst obtaining the advice of a fully qualifed person. This magazine and its related website and products are sold and distributed on the terms and condition that: The publisher, contributors, editors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or any party on the basis of reading information, stories or contributions in this publication, website or related product. The publisher, contributors and related parties are not engaged in providing legal, fnancial or professional advice or services. The publisher, contributors, editors and consultants disclaim any and all liability and responsibility to any person or party, be they a purchaser, reader, advertiser or consumer of this publication or not in regards to the consequences and outcomes of anything done or omitted being in reliance whether partly or solely on the contents of this publication and related website and products. The publisher, editors, contributors and related parties shall have no responsibility for any action or omission by any other contributor, consultant, editor or related party. Yellow & Finch Publishers is a member of the Netherlands’ Industrial Press Association (VIP). ISSN: 1875-0168 Copyright 2022 Yellow & Finch Publishers ShipBuilding Industry – Issue 5, 2022 Focus on the Netherlands Dredging Vessels & Equipment Big PaintData&Coating Systems Copy deadline | 28 September 2022 Advertisement deadline | 19 October 2022 Release date | 22 November 2022 ShipBuilding Industry – Issue 1, 2023 Reft & conversions Marine propulsion & power generation Cruise vessels / river cruise vessels Focus on Germany Copy deadline | 17 January 2023 Advertisement deadline | 07 February 2023 Release date | 07 March 2023 We have already started preparing our upcoming issues of ShipBuilding Industry. Below, you will fnd some of the main topics we are planning to cover. Please feel free to provide our editorial staf with any relevant information, so they can take your input into consideration for publication. Our commercial department will be happy to assist you with your marketing needs. NEXT ISSUES Subjects can be changed without prior notice. Photo courtesy of Meyer Werft. Photo courtesy of Van Oord. COLOPHON COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT MARCO GEELS | Director ROB DE KERF | Account Manager EDITORS ARNO DIRKZWAGER DANIELA MARKOVIC CONTRIBUTING EDITORS JOANNA VAN KOERT-HUGHES DESIGN NATHALIE PUTMAN | Art Director SUBSCRIPTIONS To subscribe, send an email to Subscriptions will be automatically renewed unless written cancellation is given three months prior to expiry date. Annual subsciption is EUR 110

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