ShipBuilding Industry Issue 3 2022

Page 14


First Sea Axe vessel in South Africa

The first of three, state-of-the-art, Multi Mission Inshore Patrol Vessels (MMIPVs) has been handed over to the South African Navy.

In a ceremony held at Simons Town Naval Base, the first of three, state-of-the-art, Multi Mission Inshore Patrol Vessels (MMIPVs) has been handed over to the South African Navy. The vessel marks the culmination of four years of work for Damen Shipyards Cape Town (DSCT). The vessel being delivered will augment South Africa’s maritime security by enhancing the country’s capability to respond effectively, rapidly and cost-effectively to threats such as illegal trafficking and fishing. ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF DAMEN.


he 62m by 11m vessels have been designed by Damen to deliver a rapid response capability that is both effective and cost efficient. The vessel is the first Damen Sea Axe vessel to operate in South Africa where, along with its sister ships, its primary role will be to counter piracy, illegal fishing and smuggling operations. However, their ability to accommodate at short notice containerised mission modules gives

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them a true multi-mission capability. The patented design delivers exceptional seakeeping behaviour with the straightedged bow cutting through the water, thereby improving comfort and safety while reducing emissions and fuel consumption. The Sea Axe hull shape guarantees the best seakeeping performance at high speeds. The combination of superior seakeeping and the position of the

wheelhouse results in the highest possible level of operability. The long and slender Sea Axe hull offers exceptionally low resistance, delivering excellent fuel efficiency at all speeds.

Damen Shipyards Cape Town Damen Shipyards Cape Town (known as DSCT) builds ships in Africa for Africa and has to date constructed and delivered

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30-05-2022 09:42

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