ShipBuilding Industry 2015 Issue 6

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SBI 2015 | VOLUME 9 | ISSUE 6

SB I VOL. 9 ISSUE 6 | 2015

ShipBuilding i n d u s t r y


Hondarra built for purpose dredger

Fender innovations tailor made for perfection

Cathelco iccp systems to combat corrosion

Special straddle transporters for handling, lifting and turning ship blocks Modular self-propelled trolleys Dock-side cranes on rails or rubber tires

Via dell’Industria e dell’Artigianato,17 35010 Carmignano di Brenta (PD) Italy Ph +39 049 9404539 - Fax +39 049 5973960 -



Time for Reflection?


SO, HERE WE ARE AT THE LAST ISSUE OF SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY FOR 2015. IS IT TOO CLICHE TO TALK ABOUT HOW TIME FLIES? OR MENTION HOW FAST ONE YEAR CAN PASS? FOR MOST INDIVIDUALS WHEN THIS TIME OF year rolls around, it sparks a time of reflection. A time to reminisce about the current year coming to an end, to discuss accomplishments or missed opportunities. For others, it might be a time to think about the coming year and future plans. In my experience at SBI thus far, my opinion is who has time for reflection?! Maybe this is because I have just experienced my first Europort trade show. Seeing firsthand the enormity of the marine industry gathered in one place put everything into perspective for me. It confirmed just how vast this industry is; that there is barely any time to sit and ponder what is next – there is no downtime in this industry, there is always something new! For those of you who I was able to meet in person at Europort 2015, it was a pleasure. If I did not meet you this time, lets hope our paths cross at the next show. For now, take the time to enjoy this issue of SBI. We preview two upcoming trade fairs, Marintec China and Workboat Show. Features this time around include Paint Systems and Coatings, where we profile companies such as Hempel and Cathelco. Also included is a focus on Power Generation, as well as Shipyard Equipment where we discuss Fender Innovations and the use of drones in shipbuilding. And of course, an SBI issue would not be complete without a Ship Report, or in this case, three! In closing I wish you and yours a wonderful upcoming holiday season. While we may all be busy, I do hope you find time to enjoy all of the best that comes with this festive time of year. Join us in 2016 when we celebrate 10 years of ShipBuilding Industry magazine!


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ShipBuilding i n d u s t r y



DENNIS VINKOERT Publisher & Executive Editor


MARCO GEELS Chief Commercial Officer




ROB VAN AKKEREN Account Manager


TOM DIETVORST Account Manager


ALEX DIJKSTRA Office Manager



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For complete flexibility, users can access the systems wherever they are on board – all they need are the necessary peripherals e.g. a mouse and a keyboard and one or more display screens.

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In addition, KVM systems from G&D deliver more safety. Our systems not only provide missioncritical features that monitor our KVM equipment but they can also measure several parameters of the systems they’re connected to.

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Offshore Industry | ShipBuilding Industry | SuperYacht Industry Port Industry | Maritime Services Directory 2 | S B I 2 0 1 5 | Vo l u me 9 | Issue 6 G&D marine96x267.indd 1 Content SBI 9-6.indd 2

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contents SBI



10 Hondarra – Purpose-Built Dredger




28 Caesar Primo – Concordia Designed Push Boat 52 Nordana Star – First of Series PAINT SYSTEMS & COATINGS

14 Hempel – 100 years of Innovation 54 Cathelco – Combating Corrosion

48 42


19 Fender Innovations – Tailor Made for Perfection 42 Drones in Shipbuilding – Way of the Future? 48 Hydrex – Underwater Technology TRADE SHOW


22 Marintec China – Gateway to the Asian Market

44 Workboat Show – World-Class Trade Show FOCUS ON ASIA

26 Dutch Trade Mission to China 35



1 Editor’s Note 5 News in Brief

58 Editorial Programme 60 Outfittters Pages 62 Yellow & Finch Pages 64 Word on the Sea www. s h i p b u i l d i n g - i n d ustr

Content SBI 9-6.indd 3

On the Cover The Hondarra, a trailing suction hopper dredger, is the result of a successful collaboration between Damen Dredging Equipment and Bilbao-based Astilleros de Murueta shipyard. Turn to page 10 to read more about this purpose-built dredger. S B I 2015 | Vo l u me 9 | I s s u e 6 | 3

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Damen Marine Components Celebrates 150 Years Damen Marine Components (DMC), the oldest company in Damen Shipyards Group, celebrated its 150th anniversary on 7 October 2015. DMC has grown from a very small shipyard established in Gorinchem in 1865, to become the largest nozzle builder in the world. Although DMC’s own roots were established in 1865 when Jan van de Giessen set up a business from a small wharf in the ‘Kalkhaven’, the history of shipbuilding in the area actually dates back to the 14th century. DMC itself was officially founded 10 years ago, when two Damen Group members were merged, Van de Giessen and Gdansk Engineering Works. The DMC 150 year celebration was shared via a live satellite link, to around a 1,000 customers, employees, suppliers and colleagues, at its

three main locations in Hardinxveld (the Netherlands), Jiangyin (China) and Gdańsk (Poland). Looking back over the years, DMC Managing Director, Steef Staal told the gathered audience how, above all, he believes DMC’s success is because it “has become a partner to its clients, rather than just a supplier. We help our clients and work together with them.” As well as the vast range of top quality nozzles and rudders, DMC also manufactures shipbuilding constructions such as tailor-made stern sections for thrusters, crane foundations and crane arms. Recently, it added the production of winches to its portfolio.


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NEWS IN BRIEF New High Speed Ferry for Russia The Kometa 120M is a hydrofoil vessel due to go into service next year off the coast of Russia, where its sporty design is sure to capture attention. The passenger ferry is being built as a pilot vessel for a new generation of hydrofoils, and its propulsion system is to be supplied by MTU. The distributor MTU Russia was involved deeply in application engineering and delivered the engines. The Kometa 120M ferry will be powered by twin 16V Series 2000 M72 units. Each engine delivers 1,440 kW output, enabling the 35m ferry, which has space for 120 passengers, to reach 64 km/h speed. As a hydrofoil gains speed, the hydrofoil elements raise the hull up out of the water, allowing the hydrofoil to ‘fly’ over the surface. Since air-borne vessels must be light, the propulsion system of the Kometa 120M must be light, compact and powerful. MTU engines fit the bill perfectly, which is why the company is a leading supplier of very lightweight engines for propelling high-speed watercraft.

Rotortug Contract Signed


Dutch Shipyard Padmos Stellendam and Rotortug signed a newbuild contract for the ART10-15 training Rotortug at Europort 2015. The 10-tonne bollard pull tug, designed by Robert Allan Ltd from Vancouver, will be outfitted according to her ‘sister vessels’ of the ART 80-32 Class (winner of the KVNR shipping award 2015) and will be used as a training vessel in addition to simulation training. She will be outfitted according to superior yacht quality and will serve as a representation and display vessel to demonstrate the Rotortug principle to prospective clients. Veth propulsion will supply three Scania engines (D109 072M, 245kW) and a Sisu diesel generator set (49DTG, 72kW) as part of this contract.

Sales | Engineering | Service & Surveys | Production

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NEWS IN BRIEF First for Spain Shipping company Baleària and Spanish Shipyard Construcciones Navales del Norte – La Naval have reached an agreement for the construction of two natural gas propelled ferries. This deal is worth around euro 350 million. The two ships, expected to be the first ones to operate on natural gas in Spain, will be among the largest in Europe and the biggest ever built in a Spanish shipyard. Baleària, with its focus on energy efficiency has ordered the ships with dual fuel engines that will be capable to run on natural gas or diesel oil. This will allow the company to reduce more than 30% in CO2 emissions. The construction of the first vessel will start in 2016 and is expected be in operation during the first quarter of 2018.

DBR Enters Cruise Vessel Market DBR has recently expanded into the cruise ship industry following a partnership with a Dutch leading engineering and installation company in the marine and offshore industry. For the first time DBR uses their knowledge of and experience in the worldwide marine market and classification rules to deliver the power supply for cruise vessels. To avoid any blackout situations while the cruise vessels are in operation, extra power demand in case of emergencies is required. DBR will deliver one power generator set for each cruise vessel to provide this additional safety feature. DBR scope of work also includes the local control panel for monitoring and a dedicated cooling system by means of remote radiators with electrical fans. The DBR generator sets will be tested in house and certified by Lloyd’s Register. DBR will supply the generator sets to a Dutch-based shipyard that will build each generator set in a dedicated modular deckhouse. Production commenced in October 2015 and delivery is planned for this year.

First Delivery of 46-inch AlphaBridge

Alphatron Marine, a world-renowned supplier of integrated bridge solutions has announced the delivery of the first 46-inch display AlphaBridge for the patrol vessel TTS Speyside. While keeping a 360 viewing field, the AlphaBridge includes unique and sophisticated functions, all displayed on three sharp displays presented in a fully integrated package. Detect and identify are key elements for officers to work and operate on patrol vessels. Operating in Trinidad and Tobago, the patrol vessel has the latest high-end tactical navigation and observation system onboard. All systems work flawlessly together to allow target motion analysis, intelligence and target alarms, evidently for a quick response to emergency situations.

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NEWS IN BRIEF DNV GL’s Green Coastal Shipping Programme wins Lloyd’s List Environment Award DNV GL received the HPH Environment Award for its leadership of the Green Coastal Shipping Programme at the Lloyd’s List Global Awards 2015 ceremony in London on October 2, 2015. The programme aims to encourage the development and implementation of green technology concepts in Norway’s coastal and short-sea shipping sector. Initiated by DNV GL, the Green Coastal Programme was kicked off at DNV GL’s headquarters earlier this year and aims to ensure that Norway has the world’s most environmentally friendly fleet of coastal vessels. “We are delighted and proud to receive this award,” says Narve Mjøs, DNV GL’s Green Coastal Shipping Programme director. “Not only because it recognises the work we have done together with our project partners, but because it confirms the industry’s awareness that we need to keep up our continuing efforts to make shipping more efficient and environmentally responsible through innovation.”

Reikon and Nedpower Join Forces to Expand Network Reikon officially announced during this year’s Europort that they are joining with Nedpower to expand into the German market. Both companies will operate independently, but will join forces in Germany to spread the word about products and services. To strengthen the portfolio of products, both Reikon and Nedpower looked for suppliers able to meet their mutual standard. This resulted in an exclusive distributorship for Reikon with Gefico and the possibility to sell Headway in Germany. Nedpower was granted an exclusive distributorship for Baudouin and Detegasa in The Netherlands.

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Multraship orders Damen Tugs

Towage and salvage specialist Multraship, through its 100-percent owned subsidiary Novatug, has commissioned the construction of two evolutionary Carrousel Rave Tugs (CRTs) from Damen Shipyards Group. These new vessels will provide tug operators with more power, more freedom and more durability, as well as eliminating the risk of capsizing under a tow load. The hulls of the vessels will be built by German shipyard Theodor Buschmann in Hamburg, with final outfitting carried out by Damen Maaskant Shipyards in Stellendam, the Netherlands. Delivery of the Bureau Veritas-classed vessels is scheduled for first-quarter 2017. In addition, Multraship has also signed a deal with Damen for a new state-of-the-art ASD 3212 tug as part of its planned fleet expansion to keep pace with increasing demand for its specialist services.

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Wärtsilä Collaborating in Marine Biofuels Program

Joint Venture for ALE and Ravestein

A consortium comprised of Wärtsilä, GoodFuels Marine, and Boskalis will head a two year pilot program to accelerate the development of sustainable, scalable and affordable marine bio-fuels. The program’s focus will be on identifying suitable marine biofuels, securing industry certification, and preparing the building blocks for large-scale production. The consortium will test several next generation bio-fuels made from industrial waste streams, at the Wärtsilä laboratory in Vaasa, Finland before sea trials are carried out on vessels within Boskalis’ global fleet. The consortium believes that bio-fuels will play a viable role in lowering emissions to levels that no other fuel can currently achieve without a capital-intensive fleet renewal or retrofitting.

ALE and Ravestein have announced a new joint venture to own and operate submersible jackup docks, with the first to be launched in Q1 2016. The news was made official during this year’s Europort where the new solutions package was exhibited. Ravestein, who specialise in large steel constructions, have designed the Skyjack 3000 as a floating and towable pontoon with the ability to load-in and load-out in shallow water at high capacity. Global heavy lift and transportation contractors, ALE will provide project management, engineering and operational scope for all projects involving submersible jack up docks such as the Skyjack 3000. The joint business venture will provide full operational and logistics services, including marine engineering, sea fastening and all aspects of marine operations.

Powerful Order for Fishing Vessel MAN Diesel & Turbo will provide the propulsion package for a new trawler/purse seiner, designed by Salt Ship Design in Norway to be built at Karstensens Skipsværft in Skagen, Denmark. This new build will be one of the most powerful pelagic-fishing vessels in the world with a bollard pull of more than 120 tonnes. MAN Diesel & Turbo reports that this order is its first for a 12V32/44CR type with a power rating of 7,200 kW, making it the most powerful model the company has delivered to the pelagic fishery market. The new Voyager vessel will catch fish in the North Atlantic in an area known for its challenging weather, a primary reason behind the owner ordering such a powerful engine with such a large bollard pull.

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SPECS PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS Length o.a. Beam Moulded depth Draught (international freeboard) Draught (reduced dredging freeboard) Speed (loaded) Dredging depth

61.80m 13.40m 5.10m 4.20m 4.60m 11kn max 20m

HOPPER CAPACITIES (max. overflow level) 1,200m続 Delivery date 2015 Classification Bureau Veritas 1 hull, mach, hopper dredger, unrestricted navigation dredging withing 8 miles from shore, AUT-UM OWNER

CCI Bayonne Pays basque, Port de Bayonne, France

DREDGE INSTALLATION Trailing pipe 500mm Dredge pump BP5045LD Bow coupling unit 500mm Overflows 2 Bottom doors 6 Dredge valves 6 x HRA500, 1x HRA450, 1x HRA350, 2 x HRA200 Jetwater monitor 2 x WK250 Grab crane 3.2m3 bucke

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DUTCH-SPANISH COLLABORATION BETWEEN DAMEN DREDGING EQUIPMENT (DDE) AND BILBAObased Astilleros de Murueta shipyard has seen the first dredger for the Chambre de Commerce d’Industrie de Bayonne Pays Basque delivered successfully after extensive trials.


he aptly named 1,200m³ trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) will work in the French port of Bayonne. Hondarra, which means sand in Basque, will carry out maintenance dredging as well as replenish sand to the beaches.

Functional Design Throughout the design and construction process, it was a step-by-step collaboration between the shipyard and Damen Dredging. All design, basic engineering, naval architecture and vessel construction work was performed by Astilleros de Mureta, while all required dredging equipment was provided and installed by DDE. Working together they were able to design a dredging vessel properly equipped for the task at hand, ensuring optimal efficiency. The trailing suction hopper dredger was designed by Astilleros de Murueta as a straightforward, fit-for-purpose dredger, according to the port of Bayonne’s specifications.

Standard yet Unique Damen Dredging Equipment was happy to supply all dredging gear required for the TSHD. As is standard on most dredging vessels, the equipment provided included the trailing pipe, its hoisting gear, dredge pump, hopper, loading and discharging gear, overflow system and bottom doors. Hondarra boasts a 500mm trailing pipe that gives it a maximum dredging depth of 20 metres, which was delivered complete with gantries, and winches. Intricate dredging instrumentation was also provided by DDE that included trailing pipe position, load and draught position indication, plus survey software for precise positioning for optimum operation.


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About Astilleros de MURUETA, S.A. Astilleros de MURUETA is based near Bilbao, in the north of Spain and has two facilities, one in on the River of Bilbao and the other in the River of Gernika. The yard has been building a large range of vessels – from general cargo vessels to stern trawlers, tuna purse seiners and hopper dredgers – for almost 70 years.

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Fit-for-Purpose One system also provided by DDE, and unique to this vessel, was a de-gassing system. When taking into consideration the vessel’s purpose and area of operation, maintenance dredging in the harbor of a warm climate, the need for such a system is obvious. While dredging in populated areas, it is important to keep in mind that natural waste materials gather and slowly decay producing gas bubbles that become trapped in the silt layer. When the dredger passes to remove the silt, these natural gas bubbles will be released. The centrifugal dredge pump cannot handle bubbles and will stop working, thus stopping the entire process. A vital requirement is to keep the dredge pump working until all piping is clean. DDE delivered a de-gassing system, as requested by the Chambre de Commerce d’Industrie de Bayonne Pays Basque, which is mounted next to the dredge pump. The purpose of this added feature is to ensure a smooth dredging process by taking the gas bubbles away from the dredge pump and expelling them to the air, ensuring the pump remains 100% operational. This is a special system installed on Hondarra, making it a unique fit-for-purpose vessel, as not many vessels are equipped with such a complicated de-gassing system.

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This process was an exchange of ideas and information between two companies to ensure the best outcome.

Self Sufficient Bay of Biscay, operating area for Honderra, is notorious for its wind and storms. A constant supply of sand is required to refurbish and maintain its beaches, known by many tourists for their beauty. The vessel will mine sand from outside the harbour and bring it back to the beaches. The delivery of this vessel means the region will now be self-sufficient in its dredging needs. i. i.

The degassing system is mounted directly next to the Damen dredge pump.

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MARINE COATINGS MANUFACTURER HEMPEL CELEBRATES ITS 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY IN 2015. TO MARK THIS OCCASION, HEMPEL LAUNCHED A NEW brand identity in July of this year, renewing its mission to offer complete coating solutions for its customers. The new identity has been designed to confirm Hempel’s position as an innovative and progressive partner in marine coatings.


ioneer Jørgen Christian Hempel founded the company in Denmark in 1915, with a vision to protect man-made structures from corrosion and fouling. He created a company driven by innovation that fully embraces modern science and technology. The world’s first ship hull antifouling coating product was developed by Hempel in 1917. Today, Hempel is one of the fastest growing coating companies and is a leader in protective and anti-fouling technology. The company is committed to creating products that improve the environmental performance and energy efficiency of seagoing vessels.

Innovative Marine Products

Offering a full range of proven coatings and technical service, Hempel products help to reduce fuel bills, extend maintenance cycles and cut dry dock expenses. Hempel provides highquality products along with technical and application advice. All coatings undergo lab testing, testing on rafts in seas around the world and on test vessels. The result of which is a varied range of coating products for all marine uses. Globic 8000 is a hydrolysing self-polishing antifouling product. It incorporates Hempel’s nano acrylate technology which delivers a fine polishing control mechanism to bring biocides to

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the surface at a stable rate ensuring a clean hull. Hempadur 15600 is an IMO PSPC cargo oil tank compliant, pure epoxy tank coating that is resistant to a range of chemicals. It delivers benefits not seen before in a single pure-epoxy product. It offers more flexibility and savings to shipyards as it can be applied at a lower temperature and has a fast drying and recoating time, faster than any current available tank coating on the market. Other products include Hempadur easy 47700, a pure epoxy all season primer designed for the marine maintenance market. It was developed in response to demands for a reliable, user friendly, and flexible coating for use in dry dock under all climate conditions. This new coating can be used on almost all vessel surfaces, above and below the waterline, and delivers high surface tolerance and reliability across a range of temperatures. Hempadur quattro XO is a high performance range of pure epoxy PSPC compliant coatings for marine newbuilds. Although this coating was specifically developed for ballast water

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tanks in new vessels, it can also be used as a uni-primer for most vessel areas, above and below the waterline, providing high quality performance and peace of mind for customers.

Unique Defence Product

Hempaguard is an award winning, hull coating product that offers resistance to fouling during idle periods along with fuel savings. Hempaguard was launched two years ago after a five-year development programme and is Hempel’s first product to use its ActiGuard technology (an integration of silicone-hydrogel and full diffusion control of biocides in a single coating). Hempaguard comes in two different formulations for docking intervals of 36 and 90 months. It is recommended for all ship types and provides fouling protection at any speed and during idle periods. So confident is Hempel of its performance that the company offers the industry’s first performance satisfaction guarantee. Since its launch, hampaguard has been applied as a full vessel coating to more than 350 ships.

Lasting Legacy

For over 100 years, Hempel coatings have delivered protection against the harshest of environments. Hempel believes that the coatings industry can and should contribute to a better environment. They invest in advanced waterborne products and innovative ideas to help customers cut fuel consumption, reduce emissions and hit their environmental targets. i.

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Fender Innovations

9 .nl



to fit individual requirements of any vessel.



ender Innovations has its focus on a wide variety of different marine applications. No matter the vessel, all fenders produced are lighter and stronger then existing fender systems, leading to operational cost savings. All materials used are of high quality and fully adapted to specifications. They can build fenders with seamless bends, resulting in an elegant design and appearance. The flexibility during manufacturing process offers customers an unlimited spectrum of choice for shape and size.

currently employs a total of eighteen people. To keep up with customer demands, they have moved locations three times. The most recent move, in September 2015, was to the new plant located in Wieringerwerf, the Netherlands. This move tripled their space to accommodate required equipment and increase productivity. Fender Innovations products have been installed on everything from fast rescue and support vessels to tenders, offshore supply ships and research and survey vessels.

Small Company, Big Potential

Innovative Product

Fender Innovations began operating in May 2012 with two employees. Since then, the company has seen tremendous growth and

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The reason for such growth over the last three years can be attributed to the product itself. Fender Innovations produces a fender


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Fender Innovations manufactures top quality fenders to any length or shape.

that is of remarkable low weight when compared to other fenders on the market. Their fenders are built with a cross-linked PE foam core making them up to twelve times lighter than traditional rubber fenders. The seamless corners and customised fit give the fenders a sleek design and also improve protection, dampening, and wear and tear characteristics. The fenders manufactured can be made in any shape and length. Fenders can be delivered in any profile from a 2D or 3D cad drawing, or from a template for new builds and retrofitting. By adjusting the parameters of the different materials, the fender has an improved contact area and is highly adaptable to the hull shape and intended vessel usage. The preferred way of fitting a fender to a vessel is bonding to the hull,

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since this is the fastest and easiest method. Besides some existing alternatives, Fender Innovations can also develop a custom mounting option to best suit the application. Their fenders will not absorb water, making it easy to do an emergency repair to prevent further damage and maintain optimal performance.

Personal Touch

Each and every fender manufactured by Fender Innovations is unique. In consultation with the client, Fender Innovations discusses in detail the operating conditions and purpose of the vessel. Following this, the specification for the fender is created. Fender Innovations adjust the specifications per project to suit individual requirements.

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measurements. The new machine does not replace old equipment but is a welcome addition to their plant and offers unprecedented possibilities for fender fabrication. Fender Innovations can produce one-piece fenders up to 15 metres in length, something not offered by any other supplier. They also boast two double-coating booths to offer different top-coats and the possibility for logos and text to be placed on the fenders.

In-Demand Supplier

Fender Innovations provides a full-service package including mounting services, available worldwide for customers. They have a development team to help with the design and dimensioning of the fender system. For example, for customers who have an older vessel with no drawings, Fender Innovations can send a team member to the client’s location to take measurements, produce the drawings and then produce the fender.

Investing in the Future

In addition to the new location, Fender Innovations has recently commissioned a large five-axis CNC milling machine. This new machine is the largest of its kind for producing fenders. It has a milling range of 18.5 metres and provides highly accurate

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Since they began, Fender Innovations has been busy filling orders of any size and for all types of vessels. One of their original customers was Royal Dutch Lifeboat Company (KNRM). Soon after, Fender Innovations was awarded a contract from the English Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) for fenders for 50 Shannon Class all-weather lifeboats. For such hard working vessels, Fender Innovations not only provides the fenders, but can also provide the hull coating to protect the wear and tear on the lifeboat itself. They also recently finished an order for Fassmer in Germany, for 56 fenders for lifeboats on cruiseships.

Fender Innovations won an Innovations Showcase award at Seawork in 2012 for its revolutionary fender system. Since then, the company has grown and is now delivering its fender systems to more than 22 countries, for use on patrol boats, police boats, superyacht tenders, workboats and research vessels.

customers, Fender Innovations has proven itself as a hard working and successful company. They offer tailor-designed and produced fender systems specifically adapted to the field of operation, with minimal weight and long lasting durability. The new location and the investment in new equipment means they are ready for the future and ready to keep up with their growing business. i.

With their skilled team of highly motivated professionals, Fender Innovations is able to keep up with the demand for their product. The recent move did not have an impact on production resulting in a smooth transition to the new workplace with no downtime. With a full order book and long standing

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Gateway to the Asian

Marintec China 2015 will be held on 1-4 December 2015 in Shanghai. With increasing worldwide recognition and reputation over the past three decades, the exhibition is attracting an increasing number of high-profile exhibitors and visitors from around the world.

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Marintec China


This year’s 18th edition of Marintec China is true to the auspicious number 18, which means ‘to prosper’. A record number of over 2,000 exhibiting companies and more than 60,000 visitors are expected.



eing the most recognised maritime trade show in Asia, Marintec China is an international marketplace for buyers to source international sellers showcasing their latest marine, ship design, offshore engineering and port technologies. Taking place once every two years, the 2015 edition of Marintec China is a unique opportunity for suppliers to connect with new customers and reconnect with existing contacts from the region and from all parts of the world. The 2013 edition of this event hosted 1,700 exhibitors and 57,000 professional visitors from 88 countries breaking all previous records. Regarded as the gateway to the Asian maritime market, Marintec China provides the largest range of exhibiting companies, manufacturers, and service providers across the complete supply chain for shipbuilding as well as professional services, components, and finished equipment.

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Maritime Forum

Running concurrently with the trade exhibition this year is the Senior Maritime Forum 2015. The theme of this forum is ‘Innovation Drives Development, the Green Agenda Guides the Future’. This is a global conference attended by senior Chinese government officials, corporate leaders and high-level executives. It will be held from 30 November to 3 December at the Kerry Hotel Pudong in Shanghai. The forum will cover issues of the day revolving around shipbuilding, ocean engineering, shipping and ports, maritime finance, and marine technology. Keynote speakers include Professor Martin Stopford, President of Clarksons Research Services, and Mr Sun Li Cheng, Vice Chairman of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). Other illustrious speakers are from wellknown entities such as Fincantieri from Italy, Foresight from the UK, European Community Shipowners’ Associations and Intertanko.

Holland Pavilion at Marintec 2015 Beginning in 1986, the Netherlands was represented in one pavilion at the Chinese trade show Marintec. It was the first-ever Holland Pavilion at an international trade fair, organised by Holland Marine Equipment Association (former name of Netherlands Maritime Technology). Ever since, the trade organisation has always been present at Marintec. For the upcoming edition of Marintec, over 30 companies will be present within the Holland Pavilion, which can be found in hall N1, booth number N1F41-4.


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Experience the progress.

The Group Marintec China.indd 24

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Marintec China 2015 details 1 December 10:30 am – 5:30 pm 2 - 3 December 9:30 am – 5:30 pm 4 December 9:30 am – 4:00 pm Venue Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) Visitors are required to complete the official registration form, and obtain a visitor badge. Fair area Over 80,000 m2 Expected number of exhibitors Over 2,000 Expected number of visitors Over 60,000 Number of national/regional pavilions 17

Marintec App

To enhance connectivity, Marintec China is making a real-time, interactive mobile app available to all participants. The app allows participants to view daily schedules and create personal ones. Participants will also be able to create their own profiles, which they can then share with other app users. This app will help find exhibitors, bookmark them and submit a personal review. Speaker information can be accessed and it will be possible to view sessions, keynote speeches, and exhibitor booths. Participants can also view trending

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sessions and topics, and see who else is at the event.

Bigger and Better

Marintec China has been breaking records with each edition. To accommodate the larger scale of this year’s event, the fair will occupy an exhibition area estimated at more than 80,000 m2. Several exhibitors have made Marintec China their ‘go to’ event on their calendar for China, and the trade show boasts a repeat exhibitor rate of 70%. Also noteworthy is the countries of Greece and Panama who will have pavilions at Marintec

China for the first time this year. All information about the show, including full schedule details, exhibitors and the senior maritime forum can be found on the Marintec website. The growth of Marintec China reflects the size and importance of the Asian Maritime market. i.

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Dutch Maritime Trade Mission to China PRIOR TO THE MARINTEC 2015 TRADE FAIR, A DUTCH DELEGATION WILL VISIT THE NANTONG region in China. This Dutch maritime trade mission is set to take place from 25 - 27 November.

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elegation leader Mrs Marjan Lacet of the trade association Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT) comments, “China’s Nantong region (Jiangsu Province) is of most importance to the Dutch maritime industry. We are looking forward to strengthening our existing relationships and exploring new opportunities to work together.” “China and the Netherlands share a special and cordial relationship, going back many centuries. To this day, there is a great potential for growth in trade and

investments, as both countries are committed to further investigating economic cooperation,” Mrs Lacet says. “The size and composition of my delegation clearly indicates the Dutch commitment to further investigative cooperation. We are looking forward to a pleasant and fruitful mission.”

Program and Participants

Companies confirmed for the Dutch maritime trade mission include Bosch Rexroth, Eekels Technology, Imtech Marine Netherlands, MARIN (Maritime Research w w w. s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u

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Looking for new ways to improve shipbuilding. Institute Netherlands), Orlaco Products, SARC, Veth Propulsion, and Winmag. At the time of publication, it was not fully confirmed, but the important Dutch maritime region of Drechtsteden will very likely join the Dutch maritime trade mission to China as well. One important motive for participation is, from the point of trade relations, to present Drechtsteden as a top maritime region and strengthen its relationship with Nantong. Drechtsteden has, under the banner of Queen’s Commissioner Jaap Smit of the Province of

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South Holland, previously participated in various missions to China, including to Nantong and Shanghai. Drechtsteden would like to deepen its relationship with Nantong and identify what they can accomplish do together. Nantong may also be invited for a return visit to the maritime delta in Drechtsteden in the future. A large number of important Chinese maritime companies will be visited. Among others, Tongbao Shipyard, Changqingsha Shipyard, Keppel Shipyard, Nantong Gangzha shipyard, Cosco Nantong, Masada

Heavy Industry, Heatmaster Nantong, Sinopacific Heavy Industry and Rainbow Heavy Industry. There will also be a meeting with the Nantong Government on 26 November regarding cooperation between Dutch and Chinese companies. Mrs Lacet adds, “We strongly believe that the meetings will be useful for all parties. Let’s discuss business opportunities and look for new ways to improve shipbuilding.”

About Netherlands Maritime Technology

Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT) is a closeknit network of shipyards, suppliers and service providers who work together to achieve the impossible in all locations and conditions. In the field of maritime technology, these companies, large and

small, are always one step ahead in the quest for new challenges and solutions. Based on a shared pride and passion for the trade, the office organisation underpinning NMT facilitates the work of the network in every way possible. Netherlands Maritime Technology serves the interests of the network, provides professional project support, and carries out independent research wherever necessary. There is a particular focus on issues linked to trade, innovation and human capital. Together, they help ensure that the Netherlands maritime sector remains strong and innovative, and continues to blaze a trail for the rest of the world to follow. i.

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Caesar Primo ON WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 2015 OFFICIAL TRANSFER OF CAESAR PRIMO TOOK PLACE between Astillero Tsuneishi Paraguay (ATP) and Agrifirm from Uruguay. This pusher vessel is the first of a series of 6,000hp pushers to go into operation.

Photo courtesy of Flying Focus

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SPECS Length o.a. Breadth mld. Draught min Deadweight at 6.0 ft Draught max Deadweight at 7.5 ft Height main deck Power main engines Bollard pull Design speed Crew Flag Class


ntil approximately two years ago, push boats were imported from USA for use in the Hidrovia Paraguay Parana. The design of such vessels is adapted for use on American rivers. But the Parana, which means mother of the sea in the guarani language, has a flow which is one and a half times that of the Mississippi River. Concordia Shipbuilding saw a need for a new push boat design, one adapted to the work conditions and maneuvering in the Paraguay and Parana rivers.

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Worldwide Input Concordia Shipbuilding performed a study over many months to understand the Paraguay river conditions, and become familiar with navigation problems encountered when the river water level goes down. This gave them necessary information to design a push boat able to optimally operate in such conditions. The development process was not without its challenges, but Concordia was successful in its design of a vessel adapted to the rapidly changing river conditions.

43.00m 18.00m 1.83m 163t 2.28m 500t 3.00m 4 x 1,193kW total 4,772kW (6,500hp) abt. 590kN 8 knots 16 + 1 (optional) Paraguay CLASS NK, NS*/Bureau Veritas

In Paraguay, the shipbuilding industry is not well developed. Because of this, Concordia brought together partners from all over the world to add their knowledge and highquality products and service. All the equipment needed to build the pusher had to be imported from other countries such as China, Japan, the Netherlands, Argentina and Brazil. The Tsuneishi Group, parent company of the Paraguayan Tsuneishi shipyard in Astillero Parguay, with its own engineering


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OUR ROMANIAN WORKERS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. Finding true professionals, who are flexible and employable at extremely short notice. That proves to be the ultimate challenge for the shipbuilding industry today. At DB Work, we perfectly understand what you’re dealing with. And with good reason. As a specialized provider of national and international recruiting and staffing services, DB Work has found the answer for companies on the lookout for skilled flexible craftsmen: Romanian workers. After all, within the Den Breejen Group we have learned from many years of experience how sourcing and staffing Romanian professionals perfectly fits all requirements for our own group companies as well as numerous clients worldwide. So if you are looking out for welders, ironworkers, pipefitters, or even naval engineers, it is good to know that DB Work works with highly motivated and qualified workers. True professionals, who

Caesar Primo.indd 30

know their craft, deliver without compromise and can truly make the difference for you as well.

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11-11-15 09:37


Caesar Primo is designed with a 1.83m draft, a 39% reduction from the standard 3-metre draft, to enable navigation in shallow rivers.

department in Japan worked out the basic design in detail. At Concordia’s suggestion, a large number of Dutch companies were involved. SIP Marine provided CFD calculations and an engineer from Holland Ship Electric visited Japan to draw out the entire electrical system. In order to ensure the performance of the pusher, a propeller shaft system from De Waal was used. The nozzle was manufactured and supplied by Nautican from Canada. De Waal also supplied steering equipment and rudders.

Powerful Result Four propellers work to power the Caesar Primo with a total capacity of more than 6,500hp. The pusher has a length of 43 metres and a beam of 18 metres. Four Cummins engines are placed in a highly utilised engine room, which is ventilated by a system from Climalogic. The Reintjes gearboxes are located behind the engines and make sure the vessel’s high capacity is reached.

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Engineers from De Waal, Holland Ship Electric and Alphatron optimally tuned their equipment during the river trials. Some of the onboard equipment was specifically chosen to meet certain operating conditions, as dictated by Concordia’s initial study. For instance, the coolers provided by Blokland have a special design and Van Wijk supplied heavier winches that are not commonly used in Europe. The boat has high maneuverability, with the living quarters jutting out towards the front and outfitted entirely in glass on its bow side, so that the person navigating the boat can visibly check the push and pull of the barge. In addition, rubber cushions have also been placed across the entire area separating the living quarters and deck, for the purpose of reducing noise and enhancing the living environment for the crew.


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THE MANOEUVRING SPECIALIST Propulsion and Manoeuvring STUWA covers a complete range of systems and products for ship propulsion and manoeuvring. We provide a full range of in-house developed rudder types, steering systems and propeller shafts for all types of vessels. For example Short Sea Coasters, Dredging vessels or small vessels. All our systems are developed and built to provide customer satisfaction. De Waal is a truly vertical integrated maritime product and service provider, with design, production, docking facilities and a worldwide service. Call +31 (0)183 50 18 11

Rudders | Steering gear Equipment | Propeller Shaft Installations | Seals


Marine- and Offshore Cranes | Worldwide Service | Spare parts on stock Heila Cranes Nederland B.V. LABLE CRANES AVAI CK O ST M FRO

P.O. box 480, 5140 AL Waalwijk The Netherlands Tel: +31 416 651 012 Fax: +31 416 650 757

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Attention Getter This new concept vessel is a result of intensive cooperation between worldwide companies that lasted over two years. It was hard to co-ordinate equipment deliveries from so many suppliers in a timely manner but Concordia and ATP succeeded together. The pusher is already in operation in Urguay and attracts the attention of all operators. It is the first of its kind to be built and there is already a second one under construction, with delivery expected by March 2016. i.

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Contemporary view on shipping

Biesboschhaven Noord 16 | 4251 NL Werkendam | t +31 183 60 03 91 | f +31 183 60 01 92 | e

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Power Generation POWER IS DEFINED AS THE RATE OF DOING WORK. IN MARINE TERMS IT IS THE FORCE THAT MOVES A SHIP OR BOAT ACROSS WATER. THIS IS A VERY BASIC DEFINITION OF A RATHER COMPLEX TOPIC. Many factors come into play when considering the best system to install on a particular vessel to provide optimum power generation. And while it would certainly take up this whole issue of ShipBuilding Industry (and more!) to discuss all options, over the next few pages we will take a look at a few companies and products making ‘power’ news recently.

Caterpillar Marine Offers Complete Line of U.S. EPA Tier 4 and IMO Tier III Engines. CATERPILLAR MARINE IS NOW OFFERING C280 MEDIUM-SPEED DIESEL ENGINES FOR U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) TIER 4 AND INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION (IMO) TIER III SERVICE. Over three decades of continuous development, the Caterpillar C280 engine series has clocked up more than 45 million operating hours. Its reliability and durability have found particular favour among operators of offshore supply vessels, coastal cargo ships, tugs, fishing vessels, fishing inland waterway craft and workboats.

The C280 engines are available in eight, twelve and sixteen-cylinder models spanning a power range from 2,300 - 5,060 kW as main engines – conventional and diesel electric – and also as auxiliary generator sets. The latest models offer significant benefits when compared to earlier units. They have low operating costs, consume less fuel and result in reduced emissions to meet new environmental regulations. i.

Important Milestone

Nathan Kelly, Caterpillar Marine production definition production definition engineer, says the introduction of the Tier 4 engine range is Tier 4 engine range is an important milestone because customers can now customers can now benefit from the latest NOx emission technology based on selective catalytic reduction (SCR). “The choice of SCR over other NOx reducing technologies,” Mr Kelly explains, “was made based on the Caterpillar commitment to customers customers to offer solutions that provide the highest uptime and minimise overall total total lifecycle cost. In marine applications, we specifically chose the best technology to fit the needs of our industry. We view SCR SCR as the preferred option for the commercial commercial marine industry.” Outlining the key benefits, Mr Kelly says, “The says, “The C280 is already renowned for its high uptime, uptime, reliability and durability, but for these Tier 4 Tier 4 engines our priority was to achieve the lowest lowest lifecycle owning and operating cost. We have have succeeded in this by improving engine fuel efficiency. fuel efficiency. Our Tier 4 engines can run at optimal fuel efficiency fuel efficiency because the SCR system is in place to reduce the higher reduce the higher NOx output.”

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lmost 90% of cases of cylinder and piston ring wear in ship engines are caused by cat fines (catalytic fines). These extremely small but highly abrasive particles are added during the cracking process for crude oil in refineries to allow the oil to drain more efficiently. After cracking, some particles remain in the heavier components of the oil, which is the oil used as fuel for ships. These extremely hard cat fines can build up in the cylinder liners and lead to increased abrasive wear on the engine.

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Preventative Analysis

The leading method used on ships today to clean fuel is centrifugal separation. But this cleaning method does not remove 100% of the abrasive cat fines. The maximum concentration of cat fines as set by ISO 8217 standard for sea-going vessels is 60 ppm. However, leading engine manufacturers such as MAN and W채rtsil채 stipulate a maximum concentration of 10 to 15 ppm in the fuel before it enters the engine. After separation, gravity causes remaining cat fines in fuel to

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The CMT Cat Fines Test Kit is the only available onsite fast and reliable measurement of the concentration of Cat Fines in fuels.

settle at the bottom of tanks but temperature and vibration of the vessel causes cat fines to be stirred up and enter the engine. Without a suitable measuring device on board, this situation cannot be detected or monitored, resulting in increased engine wear which could otherwise be avoided. The CMT cat fines tester gives ship personnel the ability to determine the concentration of catalytic fines in fuel. The test kit is easy to operate and does not require any specialised knowledge. The measuring process takes less than five minutes, meaning results can be obtained at any time during the stages of the fuel treatment system. In addition, it is possible to measure the concentration of cat fines in fuel during bunkering. The various measurements allow for a timely intervention by the engine operator to effectively prevent malfunctions as well as wear in the engines.

Quick Solution

Identifying their customers needs, CMT developed a test kit to use onsite to produce fast, accurate results, something previously not available in the market. In just eight months, they were able to develop a solution, register a patent and deliver the first test kits from their production facility. Dr Frank Bernier, Director of Sales and Marketing at CMT comments, “The CMT Cat Fines tester ensures an accuracy of +/-2 ppm right from the first measurement. You get the results immediately and no longer have to wait for hours. The surprisingly low cost of the CMT measuring device is, of course, an additional advantage.” i.

Fuel oil settling tank

Day tank


Fuel conditioning module


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Strength through cooperation

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VDL Klima bv • Meerenakkerweg 30 • 5652 AV Eindhoven • The Netherlands Phone +31 (0)40 298 18 18 • Fax +31 (0)40 298 18 00 •

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he UEC-Eco Engine line is steadily accumulating a good track record in service performance. UEC eco-engines provide benefits such as low NOx emissions, smokeless operation, and low maintenance costs. The engines are reliable, feature an early failure warning system, and boast a compact design that is easy to maintain. The engine is applicable for use in a widespread variety of vessels. Ten years have passed since the first UECEco Engine developed by MHI-MME went into service in 2005. The first engine manufactured in the UEC-Eco series, the 8UEC 60LSII-Eco, was installed as the main engine on a large-scale car carrier. Over the past ten years, MHI-MME have been upgrading and expanding their line of ecoengines to enhance their performance and reliability. The latest UE engine series developed is the UEC-LSH. For the design, MHI-MME began by considering principal particulars on the basis of thorough market research. As a result, the engine power output and speed were adjusted to those suitable for chemical tankers, handymax bulk carriers, supramax bulk carries and medium range tankers. The first in the series, the UEC50LSH-Eco, meets increasingly higher market needs, including reduced, slow steaming and low engine-load capabilities.

Following the delivery and installation of first engine, MHI-MME has since received orders of 5UEC50LSH-Eco-C2 engines for service as the main engine of 38,000 DWT chemical tankers to be built at Kitanihon Shipbuilding. Going forward MHI-MME will use the information obtained regarding the operation of the ship powered by the first engine to make further enhancements. MHI-MME is committed to developing and supplying products that exceed customer expectations and provide added value. They plan to continue to focus on helping customers reduce fuel costs and improve operating efficiency in today’s difficult business environment. The concept will be incorporated into other engines that will follow the UEC50LSH-Eco series.

Principal Particulars of the UEC50LSH-Eco Engine Type Cylinder bore

5UEC50LSH-Eco-C2 mm


Piston stroke





Engine output




Mean effective pressure



Fuel consumption rate






8,900 -1





Positive Result

Shop testing of the first 6UEC50LSH-Eco was completed in March after undergoing verification testing. Assessment and verification was carried out on such items as the engine’s performance, reliability and vibration. The engine was tweaked to an optimal stage before being delivered to the first customer. The onboard vessel testing was done in August. The engine was then installed on a 35,500DWT chemical tanker, called ‘Chemroad Queen’, owned by Iino Kaiun Kaisha. The vessel went into service without any complications.

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Your partner for specialized on- and offshore equipment!


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Your question our solution! call: +31 180 545 499 Products produced for: SCALDIS, Allseas, Jan de Nul and Menck

65EOZCJ 65 kW

Long days, angry weather, crazy deadlines. With KOHLER commercial marine generators you have the power to conquer anything, no matter what you’re up against. ® | 877.910.8349

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Innovative input OSI 8.2.indd 1

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he powerful new additions include a 175kW and a 200kW model. The new 200EOZDJ/175EFOZDJ are ideally suited to superyacht applications, while the 200EOZCJ/175EFOZCJ are specifically designed for commercial applications. All models feature the Kohler Decision-Maker 3500 controller (DEC 3500), which offers the ability to quickly and easily parallel two or more of the company’s generators with a single communication wire.

Added Benefits

In addition to accommodating for easier and more cost-effective paralleling, the DecisionMaker 3500 controller’s space-saving design also eliminates the need for oversized switchgear. Other benefits of the world-class controller include built-in load management software, which removes over-fueling issues and the need for exhaust treatment systems. Remote monitoring provides the

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All models feature a controller for easy and cost-effective paralleling of two or more generators.

ability to monitor and control the generator from anywhere on the vessel. Fully potted circuit boards and sealed connectors protect against corrosion. And fewer failure points result in an enhanced level of reliability. “We’re pleased to offer these new units which increase the power range of our popular Tier 3 diesel generator line and extend the benefits of our DEC 3500 to a growing number of customers around the world,” said Greg Klompenhouwer, senior product manager for Kohler Marine. “These models all incorporate standard premium features like electronic high pressure common rail engines and permanent magnet excitation systems to deliver the optimum performance and single level of quality that you’ve come to expect from Kohler.” i.

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A DRONE IS AN UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE (UAV). SOME REFER TO DRONES AS FLYING ROBOTS. THEY CAN BE REMOTELY CONTROLLED BY AN OPERATOR ON THE GROUND OR CAN FLY AUTONOMOUSLY USING SOFTWARE-CONTROLLED FLIGHT plans embedded in the operating system. Besides the simple entertainment factor of operating remote-controlled vehicles, personal drones have, in the past, most often been used to collect still photographs and videos. WORDS BY LESLEY BREAU


rones can achieve vantage points that are difficult or impossible to access otherwise. Modern technological advances have led to an increasing number of uses for drones in commercial industries. Historically, drones have most often been associated with the military but they are now also being used for search and rescue, surveillance, traffic monitoring, weather monitoring and firefighting. CPO Japan tanker vessel inspected using a drone.

Many Marine Applications

In recent years, drones have moved from complicated and expensive tools for the military into a hobbyist fascination. After making the transition from the military to retail market, drones are getting noticed for commercial applications as well. Various industries are beginning to see the benefits of using unmanned

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aerial vehicles as a tool for improving their operations through time and/or cost efficiency. Although still in their infancy, commercial drones have recently been utilised for precision agriculture, construction surveys, mapping, mining, and first responders and safety. When it comes to the marine sector, commercial drones currently perform tough jobs at sea. Marine scientists have been using unmanned aerial systems for many years. The data collected during drone research flights has proven extremely valuable in a wide range of environmental and oceanographic studies. Search and rescue operations (SAR) and Coast Guard operations have also used drones for some of the more dangerous aspects of the job. Many of the same factors that cause a person or boat to become lost at sea, such as bad weather and poor visibility, also prevent SAR teams from safely deploying manned aircraft to aid the search. By using drones to help find and track people lost at sea and deploy lifesaving

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Photos taken by the drone from inside the cargo tanks.

equipment, SAR personnel put themselves in less physical risk. Such applications garner the most attention, but drones can also have beneficial applications in shipbuilding.

Drones and Shipbuilding

Drones are currently not playing a constant, fixed role in the shipyards. They are not often seen flying around a dry-dock or workshop, but the technology is available waiting to be utilised. The potential is there to improve productivity, efficiency and safety in shipbuilding. The drone can serve as means of visual inspection, for example for surface or coating condition assessment and crack detection. In many cases, visual inspection using drones may rule out the necessity of conducting more detailed testing such as ultrasound thickness measurements. Surveyors can use drones to give them an overall impression of the state of the hull and bulkheads of a vessel under inspection. The technology may be also applied to inspection of external structures, such as masts or deck cranes.

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Drones could play an important role within the container port and shipping industries, in security and safety. At the Forefront

Poland’s Remontowa Shipyard recently used a drone to inspect internal spaces in a 51,747 dwt chemical/product tanker. This marked the first time the shipyard used this technology and became one of only a few shipyards to do so. The ship, the U.K. flagged LR-classed CPO Japan arrived at Remontowa on June 15, 2015 for its first five-year class renewal overhaul. A drone was used to inspect the cargo tanks, and the aim of the inspection was to assess the condition of the painted surface in the upper areas inside the cargo tanks.

Drone Inspection

A DJI Phantom 3 Professional UAV was used to carry out the inspection. This particular drone was chosen for its high-quality camera, manufactured for aerial shots, and the technology it

provides. The drone is equipped with a vision positioning system, and an inertial measurement unit allowing the Phantom 3 to hold its location, stop when the controls are released, and quickly respond to pilot commands. DJI Phantom 3 Professional gave a live view on the remote controller, and inspectors were also able to take pictures and video to support the inspection report. For inspection of the cargo tanks, the drone was fitted with propeller protectors and an external light. Flying in automatic mode was used in open air and in the cargo holds. To assess the inside of the cargo tanks, the drone had to be used in manual mode in line of sight of a highly skilled operator. The drone was able to inspect normally hard to reach places due to its compact dimensions and high quality

camera. Pictures were taken in locations indicated by the superintendent and paint inspector. Information provided by the drone to the inspectors facilitated the quick set up of required scaffolding in exactly the correct location to carryout the repairs.

Promising Results

Using the drone to inspect the condition of the cargo tanks resulted in a quicker inspection time and a more cost effective process when compared to traditional methods. Remontowa says this experiment provided a promising outcome and they are willing to introduce the technology where appropriate in the future. Other shipyards have also started to experiment with drones to evaluate their potential beneficial use in the shipbuilding process. Given that various organisations are overwhelmingly looking to drones as a tool to reduce risks and improve efficiency, it may just be a matter of time before drones become a mainstream tool in shipyards. i.

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36 International WorkBoat Show th

NORTH AMERICA’S LARGEST COMMERCIAL MARINE TRADE SHOW AND CONFERENCE TAKES PLACE OVER THREE DAYS IN DECEMBER. THE 36TH EDITION OF THE SHOW WILL BE HELD AT THE MORIAL CONVENTION CENTER IN NEW Orleans from Tuesday 1 December through Thursday 3 December. This year’s show features a keynote address by former National Football League quarterback Joe Theismann and a comprehensive conference program covering five subjects.

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Facts and Figures Expected visitors approx. 15,000 Expected exhibitors over 1,100 Countries represented 27 Dates 1 - 3 December 2015 Location Morial Convention Centre, New Orleans, Louisiana


he WorkBoat Show is the premiere event for the commercial marine industry because it successfully brings together thousands of people who wish to purchase the latest products, technologies and services from the more than 1,000 businesses that exhibit at the show,” says Bob Callahan, group vice president for Diversified Communications, producers of the show. “It is the top marketplace for

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businesses that service the coastal, inland and offshore waters.” The 2015 WorkBoat Show and Annual Conference is expected to be another record setting event. The 2014 show attracted more than 1,100 exhibitors and over 14,500 visitors from 45 states and 27 countries. Trade Show Executive ranked the 2014 WorkBoat show as one of the 50 fastest growing shows of 2014.

Keynote Speakers

Joe Theismann, former star quarterback for the Washington Redskins will deliver the keynote address at the WorkBoat Show on 1 December. Mr Theismann has spent the last two decades working for ESPN on their NFL broadcast and the NFL Network. He will share personal stories and insight on succeeding under pressure, adapting quickly to unexpected situations, setting goals and


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Photo courtesy of Port

A thruster by Veth Propulsion. A typical Dutch product. The end result is robust, powerful and inspired by your specific needs. i n d u s t r y

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12-11-15 11:51

17-03-15 11:25

EXPERIENCE MATTERS When it comes to your vessel, you can’t afford to take chances. That’s why you need to choose a ballast water treatment company with the experience to deliver unmatched technological leadership and the performance you require. The proven reliability of the Hyde GUARDIAN Gold® BWTS – the most used ballast water treatment system in the world – harnesses Hyde Marine’s 150 years of maritime leadership, giving you the confidence you need. See why our experience matters at +1.724.218.7001 I

Distributed by 800.962.9696

Workboat Show.indd 46

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correcting errors during each step on the way to success. Dr Kent Moors will be the keynote speaker on Wednesday 2 December. With oil prices uncertain, Dr Moors will apply his decades of international experience to the questions of where the new wave of price changes in oil products will go, and what it means for the energy industries and the economy. Thursday’s keynote speaker is Chris Fischer. OCEARCH Founding Chairman and expedition leader, Chris Fischer is a wellknown personality in conservation circles and is a lifelong adventurer with a passion for the oceans. Two years ago, Mr Fischer launched a unique multi-vessel operation for the most ambitious oceanic expedition to help promote and further the goals of the Ocean Society. He will share his vision for pushing the envelope for science by breaking down barriers to create global collaborative progress while engaging the world in conservation and exploration.

Conference Program

The WorkBoat Annual Conference runs alongside the trade show and provides important information on current rules and regulations, technology, and issues that affect the commercial marine industry. This years conference features tiered programming that focuses on a number of topics. Explore the various challenges and opportunities that come with running a maritime business. Understand marine law, current rules, and regulatory trends by attending the legal and regulatory sessions. The conference offers a varied programme

Mr Chris Fischer, OCEARCH Founding Chairman and expedition leader.

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Dr Kent Moors

over the three days and includes such subjects as safety and security, technical advancements, and maritime industry workforce challenges and opportunities. Get up to speed on the issues that matter most, curated by the content and editorial team at WorkBoat and delivered by maritime industry leaders.

New Addition

New to the International WorkBoat Show schedule is Workforce Day. Designed to service a growing need for workers within the commercial marine industry. With more than 54,000 maritime jobs in Louisiana, it is essential to have a the needed workforce available. An estimated one in five jobs in Louisiana is connected to the maritime industry, resulting in employment income of more than $3.5 billion every year. According to maritime employers surveyed by the

Louisiana Association of Business and Industry and Louisiana Community Technical College System, companies will need as many as 3,000 additional employees for maritime operations in Louisiana over the next five years. To draw attention to this subject, Workforce Day will be held on Thursday 3 December. A Maritime Workforce Career Fair will feature companies and training organizations. The WorkBoat Show is the one place to meet face-to-face with suppliers, learn about new products, and discover the latest innovations across the maritime industry from the people bringing them to life. All information regarding schedules and a complete exhibitor list can be found on the Workboat Show website. i.

Mr Joe Theismann

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SHIPYARD EQU IPMENT Hydrex diver/ technician securing one of the cofferdams.


Hydrex HYDREX OFFERS TURNKEY UNDERWATER REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS TO SHIPOWNERS WHEREVER AND WHENEVER THEY ARE NEEDED. They have a large and multidisciplinary team of experts to help find the best solution for any problem encountered below the water line.


yrex provides comprehensive on-site repair services for any kind of underwater structure. Projects are planned and managed by Hydrex in close cooperation with the customer. Services provided include the formulation of safety guidelines, drawing up of working procedures, design and construction of the cofferdam and any other necessary equipment all the way through to the repair or replacement.

Dry Dock not Required

Hydrex has a technical department capable of executing the required planning, an inhouse R&D department that can take care of the engineering aspect of an operation, and a team of experienced diver-technicians qualified to perform a full range of repair procedures in the harshest of conditions. The technical department and diving teams at Hydrex are trained to carry out exact procedures and deliver a professional product in a short time frame. Hydrex divertechnicians can be mobilised to any location around the globe to carry out necessary

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repair work without the need to dry-dock. Two recent examples showcase this.

Case Study I: Alternative Actions

When a 162m pipe-laying vessel suffered an oil leak, going to dry dock seemed to be the only option for bow thruster repairs. Dry docking would take the vessel off project, so the vessel owner contacted Hydrex to see if there was any alternative. A Hydrex technician was sent to meet with the owner in Mobile, Alabama to discuss the repair plan suggested by their technical department. The proposal included the installation of two open top cofferdams to close off the thruster tunnel. Both cofferdams were designed by the in-house R&D department at Hydrex and were built in Mobile at a local workshop. Construction started almost immediately after the operation was approved to ensure the cofferdams were ready as soon as the vessel arrived in Mobile. The cofferdams were positioned and secured with the rigging points. All water

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SHIPYARD EQUIPMENT Final touches being made to the cofferdams.

Hydrex divers getting ready for underwater operation on drill ship.

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Diver inspecting one of the doubler plates.

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DELIVERED TO SHIP OF THE YEAR MV KROONBORG Single treatment Low power consumption (4,3kW for 200 m³/h) Small footprint Low maintenance (No UV lamps) DNV type approved USCG land based test succesfully completed Official distributor for:

Reikon B.V. Newtonweg 9, 3208 KD Spijkenisse • T +31(0)181-614 466 E

Unique Technology for Vibration Analysis and Bearing Monitoring HD Enveloping – a new era in vibration monitoring

DuoTech – Vibration and Shock pulse in one transducer

Intellinova Parallel – Intelligent monitoring system for direct integration into control systems

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Three of the doubler plates used to cover the damaged areas.

Damage to the hull of drill ship, caused by loose transit flap.

One of the doubler plates being positioned and secured.

Weld seams of doubler plates installed over damaged hull areas.

was then removed from the thruster tunnel, creating a dry environment inside the tunnel. The required inspection and repair work could then be performed in conditions similar to those in dry-dock. Hydrex technicians removed the tunnel grid to gain access to the bow thruster unit, which was then inspected by original equipment manufacturer specialist who carried out necessary repairs. The Hydrex technicians then removed all the equipment from the tunnel and repositioned the grid. All that remained to be done was re-flood the bow thruster tunnel and detach the cofferdam.

Case Study II: Hull Repair

The transit flap of a 225m drill ship came loose and started swinging, causing damage in the aft bulkhead and a leak in the ballast tank. The vessel was located in Trinidad but was about to start a contract in Grand Idles, Gulf of Mexico. A fast solution was needed to prevent further damage and allow the ship to arrive in Grand Isles on time. Hydrex mobilised a team to Trinidad to perform an inspection of the situation. After the inspection they disconnected the transit flap taking care to maintain safety due to the instable condition of the flap. It was then lowered to the ocean bottom and towed away. The divers also took all the measurements needed to design a repair plan for the second phase. A temporary solution was proposed and accepted to

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allow the drill ship to sail to the Gulf of Mexico. This part of the operation consisted of the installation of five doubler plates over the damaged areas in the aft bulkhead. Constructed with the exact measurements taken during the detailed inspection, they were positioned and secured underwater by Hydrex certified diver-technician. All water was then emptied from the damaged ballast tank. The crew of the drill ship performed an inspection of the tank and confirmed that the compromised hull was once again fully sealed.


underwater solution and two weeks to carry out the operation, including the building of both cofferdams. The limited time frames in addition to the extra requirements of individual jobs is something Hydrex knows how to deal with. They have fast response centres designed for a swift mobilisation to anywhere in the world. With over 40 years of experience, Hydrex is able develop best solutions to keep the vessel afloat while at the same time delivering quality and speed of service. i.

Hydrex have had to adapt to individual project conditions and operate efficiently to help vessels avoid extended downtime. The schedule of the pipe-laying vessel offered only a window of two weeks to develop an

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SPECS Length o.a Length p.p Breadth Depth Draught (abt) Deadweight (abt) Deadweight open top (abt) Gross tonnage (abt) One box hold capacity Year built

122.5m 119.34m 17.0m 10.7m 7.84m 10,500t 7,000t 7,200GT 429,000cuft 2015

Photo courtesy of Bert Romeling



New Design


Nordana Sky is the first vessel in the series of six ships with the completely new ecobox general/project cargo ship design. Each vessel will be equipped with large loading floor area for cargo and will include a movable tweendeck. Cargo handling can be done with the ship’s own 85-tonne double cranes. The vessels also feature a single, large box-shaped hold of 429,000 cft that can be optionally sailed ‘open top’. The open top notation refers to the possibility of sailing in all weather conditions without maindeck hatches to transport large cargo with no height restriction. The deckhouse is placed on the foreship for better protection of deck cargo and enables the loading of oversized items over the stern.

VESSELS FOR SINGAPORE-BASED SYMPHONY SHIPPING. THE NEW BUILDS ARE BASED ON FERUS SMIT’S ECOBOX design, characterised by a flexibility of loading combined with economical and ecological performance. The first of the series, Nordana Sky, was launched in February 2015 followed by the second vessel, Nordana Star, launched in July. As their names suggest, the vessels will be chartered out to the Danish company Nordana and sail in her fleet after delivery.

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Ferus Smit Ferus Smit has been active in shipbuilding for over 100 years. They keep design, engineering and production of ships 100% in-house. This enables them to control the complete chain, assuring quality as a standard for clients. They have a workforce of 200 people and build six to eight vessels annually. The company has two building sites, Westerbroek, Groningen and Leer, Germany.

The Ferus Smit Eco bulbless canoe-type bow is designed to reduce fuel costs and to better sustain speed with excellent sea keeping behavior in harsh weather and all sea conditions. The propellers of the vessels are equipped with a duct for enhanced thrust at lower speeds and a reduction of maximum installed propulsion power.

lowest power consumptions to be found. In addition, the system also meets the required USCG type approval required for the vessels to be operational in North America. Land based approval was successfully approved in June with full approval expected in 2016.

OceanGuard OnBoard

On 26 March, 2015 Ferus Smit delivered ‘Nordana Sky’ to Symphony Shipping after successful sea trials. During the maiden voyage of Nordana Sky, the special eco bulbless canoe bow proved to perform very well in rough seas, with moderate acceleration levels and sustained high speed in large waves. During this first trip, Nordana Sky was able to demonstrate her full capabilities. After loading windmill components in Esbjerg, the vessel made a stop-over in Kritiansand, where a large 500-tonne knuckle boom crane was loaded on deck as project cargo for the U.S. With the cargo loaded, the ship headed for her cross-Atlantic journey.

Dutch company Reikon was the supplier of the Azcue engine room pumps. They also delivered Headway’s OceanGuard ballast water management system (BWMS). This ballast system was chosen for its simple structure and relatively small footprint which fit nicely into the engine room. The Chinese-made BWMS operates on a principle of electrocatalyst, which works in any type of water without adding any substances. The water is treated inside the reactor by hydroxyl radicals, which exist just for several nano seconds, and only during intake. The ballast water needs no holding time and the very low total residual oxidant values (max 2mg/L) will never cause corrosion to the hull. To treat 450m3/h of ballast water, the system consumes 8.8kW of power, which corresponds to one of the

In Operation

i. i.

The name Nordana is taken from its NORwegian and DANish background. The service started in 1957 as a joint venture between Norwegian Fearnley & Eger and Danish DFDS. Later on F & E decided to withdraw and the service continued under Danish management, but the name remains as strong as ever. Today Nordana is recognized as a specialty carrier, able to accommodate customer needs for cargo handling, reliability, and port calls.

Photo courtesy of Flying Focus

Photo courtesy of Gerrit de Boer

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Cathelco employs almost 100 people at its headquarters in Chesterfield, UK.


Combating Corrosion with Cathelco CATHELCO IS A LEADING MANUFACTURER OF IMPRESSED CURRENT CATHODIC PROTECTION (ICCP) SYSTEMS FOR COMMERCIAL VESSELS, FPSOs AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES. THEIR ICCP SYSTEMS WORK TO safeguard the hulls of vessels against corrosion. These systems are part of a portfolio of products that encompasses seawater pipework anti-fouling systems, ballast water treatment systems and desalinators.

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Complete Solution

Although modern hull coatings provide protection against corrosion they seldom provide a complete solution. This is because the coating can be damaged due to abrasion which can occur, for example, as a ship comes alongside a dock. In addition porosity, or small imperfections, over the surface of the coating can lead to corrosion over time. For these reasons, most operators choose to combine hull coatings with an impressed current cathodic protection system. The purpose of the ICCP system is to neutralise the electrochemical activity that causes corrosion by providing an opposing external current. Using an arrangement of hull mounted anodes and reference cells connected to one or more control panels, the system produces a powerful external current to supress the natural electrochemical activity on the wet surface of the hull. This suppression eliminates the formation of aggressive corrosion cells. It also protects against corrosion caused by

the proximity of dissimilar metals such as bronze alloy propellers and stainless steel shafts.

Automatic Reaction

The ICCP system is designed to automate the current output while the voltage output is varied. In operation, the reference electrodes measure the electrical potential at the hull/seawater interface and send a signal to the control panel, which then raises or lowers the output to the anodes accordingly. The hull, therefore, receives the optimum level of corrosion protection at all times, and this proves to be an essential feature of ICCP. The system is effective and reliable, providing a known and controllable level of protection.

Quantum Response

Last year Cathelco introduced a new series of panels, called quantum control. These new panels provide a number of benefits, the most significant being the ease with which systems can be monitored and


C-Max anodes are easy to install, requiring fewer hull penetrations.

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Quantum ICCP control panels store comprehensive data about the performance of the system.

controlled. “The quantum project has been driven by the fact that manning levels on ships have decreased in recent years which means that there is less time for crew members to check individual items of equipment on a daily basis. We have responded with control panels which record more data and make it instantly available,” said Peter Smith, Sales Director of Cathelco. The majority of larger vessels have forward and aft ICCP systems each with separate control panels, often a considerable distance apart. With the Quantum ICCP control panel, the two systems can be operated in a ‘master’ and ‘slave’ relationship. This means that the forward ICCP system can be controlled from the aft panel and information about the whole system can be viewed in one location, which is much more convenient for the engineer. Data concerning the performance of the system can be uploaded to a USB and emailed to Cathelco for analysis.

Specialised Systems

Cathelco provides systems to best protect vessels depending on size and area in which they operate. They have ICCP systems for ships operating in Arctic waters where lower levels of salinity have important implications. Stephen Ellis, project development manager at Cathelco explains, “The sea water in the Arctic is naturally colder and has lower levels of salinity which means that it is more difficult to pass an electrical current through it. Because the sea water has a high resistivity, the current requires a higher driving force and therefore we supply a 50 volt control panel, instead of the normal 24 volt which would be used in more temperate waters.” Another area of Cathelco’s expertise is the protection of FPSOs. Over the years, they have supplied equipment for more than 20 conversions carried out by SBM Offshore, MODEC, Petrobras and several others. Conventional ships over 175 metres in length normally have forward and aft ICCP systems. Usually the power ratio for these setups is a ratio of 1:3 as the stern area is much more vulnerable to corrosion due to turbulence in the water as the ship moves forward. In contrast, FPSOs are virtually stationary throughout their operational life and therefore output requirements are 1:1

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or 1:2 forward and aft. Mooring systems on FPSOs use multiple mooring chains and these cause further complications. When the links are tight they provide a pathway for corrosion currents, but when they are slack the connection is lost. Risers also need special attention because they are generally equipped with their own sacrificial anode system which can interact with the ICCP system. Cathelco’s new generation of C-Max anodes are ideal for applications on FPSOs. The main advantage is that they are diver changeable and can be replaced without the need for dry docking. In addition, they provide a high current output from a relatively small surface and this makes them lightweight and easier to install.

Safeguarding the Future

“Originally, most of our ICCP installations were on large vessels, but as operators have recognised the benefits in terms of reduced hull maintenance, we are supplying our systems to vessels of every size,” Mr Smith concludes. By installing such systems, operators can achieve significant savings in hull maintenance costs as well as fuel costs by having a smooth hull surface. Furthermore, the system will safeguard the owner’s investment and ensure greater safety through stronger hull integrity.

Orders for Ice Class Systems Cathelco has received orders for ice class systems to be installed on two vessels under construction at the Tersan Shipyard in Turkey. Recent vessels to be installed with the Quantum system are a series of ten 33,000DWT chemical tankers being built by New Times Shipbuilding in China for Jo Tankers of Norway.


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EDITORIAL PROGRAMME 2016 Readership Global yards, engineers and fleet managers read ShipBuilding Industry (SBI) magazine’s coverage of high-spec vessels built around the world. Like shipbuilding suppliers & co-makers, SBI crosses borders to provide news on technology solutions for new builds, conversions and repairs in both commercial & non-commercial vessels. With a clean design and high-quality production, SBI stands out with its use of strong photography. The trade journal’s international editors talk to the key players and visit vessels and yards – The magazine offers wider coverage via its digital edition, which is accessed via the dedicated website Covering: • New build, Refit & Repair & Conversions • Special purpose vessels, including OSVs, dredgers & new designs • Onboard systems & equipment • Shipbuilding technology • Yard suppliers & services • Shipbuilding Technology

Bonus Distribution at Major Trade Shows

Editorial Programme Vol. 10



Issue 1

Asia Pacific Maritime 2016 Marine Propulsion & Power Generation Naval Architecture Focus Turkey

Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date

01-01-16 23-02-16

Asia Pacific Maritime 2016

Issue 2

Posidonia 2016 Editorial Copy Deadline Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo 2016 Release Date Workboats, Tugs & Services Vessels Ballast Water & Emissions Hybrid Propulsion Focus South Europe

18-03-16 10-05-16

Posidonia 2016 Seaworks 2016 Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo 2016

Issue 3

Ship Refit, Repair & Conversion Editorial Copy Deadline Shipboard Automation & Marine Electronics Release Date Focus Norway / Scandinavia

06-05-16 28-06-16

Issue 4

SMM 2016 Marine Maintenance World Expo 2016 Hoisting & Lifting Gear Focus The Netherlands

Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date

01-07-16 23-08-16

SMM 2016 Marine Maintenance World Expo 2016

Issue 5

ShipTec China 2016 Deck Equipment & Machinery Dredging Equipement Ship Design & Construction Focus Germany

Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date

26-08-16 18-10-16

ShipTec China 2016

Issue 6

Workboat show 2016 Inmex China 2016 Paint Systems & Coatings Special Purpose Vessels Cranes

Editorial Copy Deadline Release Date

07-10-16 29-11-16

Workboat show 2016 Inmex China 2016

* **


Subjects can be changed without prior notice. Please note deadline dates may be subject to change.

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People Captain John Lloyd

Lutz Wächter

John L. Garrison, Jr.

Dr. C. Strahberger

Chief Operating Officer

Managing Director

Chief Executive Officer

Managing Director

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

In June, The Nautical Institute announced that it was enhancing its sector management structure with the creation of the COO role. Captain John Lloyd MBA AFNI will begin in the newly created position effective 2nd November 2015. He brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to lead and develop the Institute’s accreditation and certification services for specialised training.

Lutz Wächter is the new Managing Director of Columbus McKinnon Engineered Products GmbH, Kissing (Germany). Lutz Wächter brings many years of experience from industry and international business to the company. As of 1 September 2015, Mr Wächter, has been officially in charge of this technology company specialising in components and system solutions for mechanical motion and lifting technology.

Terex Corporation is a lifting and material handling solutions company that manufactures a range of equipment for use in various industries including shipping. They have named John L. Garrison, Jr. Chief Executive Officer and President effective November 2, 2015.

Dr. Christian Strahberger, an industry expert with a strong technical background, will take over as the Managing Director of SCHOTTEL GmbH in 2016. He brings to the position extensive experience in the area of ship propulsion having previously worked at Siemens and Voith Turbo Schneider Propulsion. He will now manage the activities of the SCHOTTEL Group in the SCHOTTEL Industries GmbH holding company.

Sune Thorleifsson

Richard Wilson

Head of Project Depart.

Chief Operating Officer




Hayley Yule

Marketing & Communication Director


Joe Bauschka US Sales Manager

appointment at

appointment at

Sune Thorleifsson previously worked with SAL until 2012 and was responsible for managing the Project Department of SAL. From 2012 to 2015, Sune worked as Project Director both in Combi Lift as well as BigLift. As of 1 of October, upon his return to SAL, his responsibilities are to strengthen and expand the Project Department, which includes maintaining and expanding key client relationships and also developing new business opportunities.

Ocean Signal has appointed its first dedicated US Sales Manager to manage the company’s expansion in the country. With a strong background in the marine electronics and fishing industries, experienced maritime sales manager Joe Bauschka is handling increased demand for Ocean Signal’s rescueME and SafeSea ranges of recreational and commercial communication and safety products, and a growing distribution network in the USA.


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appointments at

ACE WINCHES ACE Winches, a leading deck machinery specialist, appoints new directors to strengthen its senior management team. Richard Wilson, who recently joined ACE Winches to head up the Engineering Division, joins the Board of Management effective 30th November 2015 as Chief Operating Officer. Hayley Yule, recently appointed as Marketing and Communications Director becomes a member of the senior management team overseeing Marketing and IT functions for the company.


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Lifeboat Release Systems New lifeboat release systems and bracket type approvals for Viking Nadiro Solas products are extending the Viking Life-Saving Equipment’s core capabilities beyond cargo to offshore and passenger segments – and speeding up delivery times. Recently developed straight and bent brackets for Viking Nadiro’s Solas products have achieved global type approval through DNV, enabling the company to service a wider range of customers. At the same time, the approvals allow the company to cut more than a week off the time it takes to install and service its products. i.

Sigma Sailadavance was launched in September by PPG Protective and Marine coatings. The new range has been developed specifically to cover a wide range of vessel types and operating conditions while guaranteeing cost reductions. Both low-friction and self-lubricating, these new anti-fouling coatings deliver reduced fuel consumption and improved tolerance to idle time. The range currently comprises four coatings, including Sigma Sailadvance RX and GX – two new formulations based on PPG’s own patented technologies. Both can be used whether the ship is sailing, idle or slow steaming and can be applied during new construction or dry docking. i.

Highly Efficient Thruster Schottel sets a new standard for meeting international emission, safety and environmental regulations with its highly efficient thruster optimised for open sea and coastal operating conditions, the Schottel EcoPeller (SRE). The new SRE combines proven Schottel quality and technology with the latest, hydrodynamic insights from CFD simulations and model tests. The EcoPeller offers value for the overall efficiency and course keeping stability of the ship and enables owners to achieve lower fuel consumption and low emissions. The EcoPeller will be available in mid-2016 in a variety of sizes for power ratings between 1,000 kW and approx. 5,000 kW, each as FP and CP variants. i.

Ship Cleaning Robot Fleet Cleaner has completed the first test trials of its innovative hull-cleaning robot. The prototype tests have proven that the robot is able to clean above and below the waterline and to capture all removed fouling during the cleaning process. The result is the most complete ship hull cleaning method during loading and unloading in ports. Fleet Cleaner will perform full ship cleaning tests in Groningen Seaports in the Netherlands, together with launching customer Royal Oosterhof Holman and shipping company Royal Wagenborg, in order to further demonstrate the technology. i.

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SBI OUTFITTERS PAGES Mermaid Launched Mojo Maritime has launched Mermaid (Marine Economic Risk Management Aid) which gives companies involved in marine operations increased understanding of the impact of weather and tidal forces on a project’s schedule. By accurately simulating marine operations against historical weather and tidal data, Mermaid enables enhanced decision making in the early planning stages to support significant cost-savings. Mermaid allows users to realistically simulate marine operations to uncover risks and critical operations prior to going offshore, enabling enhanced decision making in the early stages of a project, which can be critical to the success and cost-effectiveness of an operation. i.

Lightweight Stone Wool Solutions for Marine Industry Rockwool Technical Insulation has introduced a range of lightweight stone wool fire boards, suitable for maritime and offshore applications. This product range, SeaRox FB 6000, has been tested and approved for main A-class rated steel constructions targeting passenger ships, naval ships, offshore modules and supply vessels, where weight savings are essential. The SeaRox FB 6000 product range makes it possible to create solutions that are up to 40% lighter in weight, while retaining all the insulation benefits of genuine stone wool. These include highest fire safety, excellent acoustic properties, highest water repellency grade – lowest water absorption, and outstanding thermal insulation. i.

New FRC Launch and Recovery System AIS Transceivers Suitable for Commercial Vessels International safety and survival technology electronics manufacturer ACR Electronics introduced its new Class A and Class B AIS transceivers for the first time at this year’s Europort. Approved worldwide and certified to the latest AIS regulations, the AISLink CA1 and AISLink CB1 are appropriate for all US and foreign-flag vessels affected by the new US Coast Guard AIS mandate which becomes effective on March 2 2016. i.

Global Davit, a German company well-known within the survival and deck equipment market has collaborated with Dutch company TBV Marine Systems to develop, manufacture and implement a stern Launch And Recovery System (L.A.R.S.) which can launch and recover the bigger Fast Rescue Crafts. This system can be used in rough seas with waves up to 2.25 metres. The innovative and patented L.A.R.S. system is developed to meet demands for quick launch and recovery procedures in heavier weather conditions. The production, installation and implementation processes for this system is already in progress for China customs and the Kuwait Coastguard. i.

World’s Largest Chain Mooring System Ace Winches, deck machinery specialist, has successfully delivered one of the world’s largest chain winch packages for Heerema Marine Contractors for its new Aegir vessel. Supporting the Ichthys LNG Project in offshore Northwest Australia, Ace Winches has engineered, designed, manufactured and commissioned a 200-tonne twin Chainlifter Hydraulic package for Heerema. The chain winch package will be used to pull the heaviest chains ever installed by Heerema, with a diameter of 178mm. i.

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ShipBuilding Industry’s Buyers Guide

AncoferWaldram Steelplates bv P.O. Box 190 4900 AD Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 491 512 E Contact: Mr Joost van Dijk AncoferWaldram Steelplates is a specialised supplier of heavy carbon steel plates and profiled parts since more than 35 years. The combination of comprehensive stocks of over 35,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.

CHEMETALL B.V. IJsselstraat 41 5347 KG Oss, The Netherlands T +31 (0)412 681 888 E I Ampak cathodic protection is a product group within the surface treatment business unit of the Chemetall group, based in Oss, The Netherlands. Ampak is specialized in the design, production and application of cathodic protection and anti-fouling systems. Our systems are mainly supplied to the marine and offshore industry. Ampak is a prime producer of zinc, aluminium and magnesium alloy anodes at its own foundry. Ampak also manufactures impressed current and anti-fouling systems to customer specification and requirements. We maintain strict quality control procedures, which has enabled us to maintain our distinct reputation as a leading and worldwide supplier of corrosion prevention systems. AMPAK, your worldwide specialist in cathodic protection.

Cramm HLS BV P.O. Box 510, 8901 BH Leeuwarden The Netherlands T +31 (0)88 457 0457 F +31 (0)88 457 0458 E I Contact: Paul Boelens Cramm HLS BV is a sister company of Cramm Yachting Systems (www. Cramm HLS deliveres equipment for safe and secure landing and handling of helicopters. One of the products is the helicopter landing grid (, which is used for safe landing in rough conditions. Besides this also Helicopter moving systems and the delivery of hangardoors are in the delivery-package. After 60 year anniversery we are proud to use: quality based on experience.

DBR BV Lelystraat 53 – NL-3364 AH P.O. Box 1039 – NL-3360 BA Sliedrecht – The Netherlands T +31 (0)184 613 200 F +31 (0)184 612 654 E I Contact: H.J. Hafkamp DBR BV is the Dutch specialist in diesel and gas generator sets up to 4,000kVA, pumps and diesel pump sets up to 2,000kW in the oil and gas, wind farm, dredging and shipping industry worldwide. The well-engineered generator and pump sets are custom-built and assembled by DBR in accordance to high quality offshore standards and marine classification rules.

Emigreen B.V. Parabool 111 3364 DH Sliedrecht The Netherlands 6 2 | S B I 2 0 1 5 | Vo l u m e 9 | Issue 6

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T +31 (0)184 415 317 F +31 (0)184 415 582 E I Contact: Niko J. Dalpis Emission Control Technology Emigreen produces customised, integrated emission control solutions, for, among others, the maritime sector. Emigreen also provides services including design, specification, production, installation instruction, training and aftersales. Emigreen has expertise in emission control technologies, flow dynamics, thermodynamics and noise and vibration control. Emigreen develops and tests components including catalytic converters, particulate filters, selective catalytic reduction systems and related instrumentation. The Emigreen Alfa Alfa burner assisted soot filter system has set the standard for others to beat. All Emigreen solutions are highly efficient, highly reliable and highly controllable, whether designed for an inland barge, shortsea carrier or luxury yacht. Emigreen links science and the market

Gebhard Electro Innovatiepark 14, 4906 AA Oosterhout PB 61, 4900 AB Oosterhout The Netherlands T +31 (0)162 452 888 F +31 (0)162 433 761 E I Contact: Ton Versluis / Richard van de Wiel Gebhard Electro is a globally operating company specialised in the design, production, installation and maintenance of electrical systems for the maritime shipping industry. We collaborate with leading shipyards on every continent. Gebhard Electro has been specialised in the high-tech world of shipbuilding since 1946. Our activities vary greatly: from just one specific task to the execution of entire projects or the management and co-ordination of all activities of all participating contractors. From our own facility in China we are in a position to deliver at competitive rates. Gebhard Electro, your one-stopshop for development / engineering / production / installation / repair service

HEINEN & HOPMAN Produktieweg 12 3751 LN Spakenburg The Netherlands T +31 (0)33 299 25 00 F +31 (0)33 299 25 99 E I Contact: J.W.E. Hopman Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: – Superyachts. – Commercial shipping. – Offshore industry. – Navy vessels. Our mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres. Pantone 354

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Pantone Uncoated (U) voor uncoated papierdrukwerk, zoals visitekaartjes, briefpapier etc.

Pantone Coated (C) voor coated papierdrukwerk en en andere gecoate ondergronden, zoals stickers etc. Versie 2014-02-18 Edward Newland /

Hubel Marine B.V. Karel Doormanweg 5, 2nd Floor 3115 JD Schiedam P.O. Box 3219 3003 AE Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 458 7338 F +31 (0)10 458 7662 E I Twitter: HubelMarine Contact: Mr Erik A. de Koning M +31 (0)6 53724457 Hubel Marine is a full-service firm for advice regarding Vessel Registration, Mortgage Registration, Seafarer Endorsements and Technical Flag State matters. We represent the flags of Panama, Belize and St.Kitts & Nevis. We are fully authorised to perform w w w. s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u

11-11-15 14:58

YELLOW & FINCH PAGES Safety Surveys and issue Statutory & Class Certification including ISM, ISPS and MLC audits. We provide services for any type or tonnage of vessel worldwide.

are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!

Klay Instruments b.v. P.O. Box 13 7990 AA Dwingeloo The Netherlands T +31 (0)521 591 550 E I Klay Instruments is a Dutch manufacturer of ‘All Stainless Steel’ Pressure- and Level transmitters for the Marine & shipbuilding. All our transmitters are ATEX and IECEx Ex ia certified and have five different Marine Type Approvals. Our Pressure transmitters are available in threaded and Flanged process connections with flush diaphragm for all pressure applications. The available accuracies are 0.2% (series 8000) or 0.1% (series 2000). For Level measurement we manufacture Compact transmitters (series 8000 and 2000) and submersible level transmitters (series Hydrobar). Typical applications: – Ballast Level – Oil / HFO and (waste) water level – Manifold pressure More than 30 years experience in the Marine and shipbuilding industry !

PTR Holland B.V. Dintelweg 107 3198 LB Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 714 49 45 F +31 (0)181 26 28 13 E I Contact: Joris J. Stuip From the early days PTR’s core business has been the manufacture of a full range of rope ladders using wooden, metal-alloy and synthetic steps. Jacobs or Monkey ladders are produced, but the main production is the manufacture of PTR Pilot Ladders to the all-important MED certification. PTR, under the supervision of Bureau Veritas, was one of the first manufacturers to be awarded MED approval for pilot ladders and lifeboat/ embarkation Ladders. Daily, MED approved ladders are shipped locally and by sea and air to users around the world, for other items please visit us at

Nicoverken Marine Services BV Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam, The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 E I Contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We www. s h i p b u i l d i n g - i n d ustr

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SI BeNeLux BV Prins Hendrikweg 12 3151 AE Hoek van Holland The Netherlands T +31 858 769068 E I Contact: Willem van Haren SI BeNeLux (Brunvoll Germany) is an exclusive representative of high-profile Norwegian manufactures and offers premium support covering Project Planning, Intergration of Customised Solutions, Technical Consultancy, Aftersales, Maintenance and Repair in the areas of Propulsion and Ballast Water Management Systems.

I Contact: Simon Honeybone (Managing Director), Stephen Yeo (Technical Director) Stone Marine custom design and manufacture high-end propellers and sterngear equipment. We use the latest design and engineering technology, including simulation software and 5-Axis milling machines, providing accurate and precise propulsion equipment. You can rely on our long established history of delivering high quality propellers, optimised for maximum efficiency, with minimal noise and vibration levels. Stone Marine propellers are produced to all the desired finishes from Class II to Class S for all types of vessels. The maximum propeller diameter we build in Singapore is 4.0m (diameter) with shafts up to 12.0m in length. We are approved by all the major classification societies.

WINEL B.V. P.O. Box 70 9400 AB Assen The Netherlands T +31 (0)592 366 060 F +31 (0)592 312 392 E I Contact: Bert Knijp Since its foundation in 1956, Winel has grown into a leading global supplier of high quality products and services tot the world’s maritime industry. An experienced team of specialists offer a wide range of doors, hatches, platforms, tank venting systems and special engineered products.

Winel’s strength is offering a complete in-house service package which includes 3D design, engineering, testing, manufacturing, assembly, project management, support & logistic services.

G.J.Wortelboer Jr. B.V. Quarantaineweg 5 3089 KP Rotterdam P.O. Box 5003 3008 AA Rotterdam Harbournr: 2637 The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 429 2222 F +31 (0)10 429 6459 E I Already in the shipping industry for more than 50 years, we are your reliable partner for quick deliveries of all types and weights of certified anchors and all diameters of certified chain cables. On our yard in Rotterdam we have more than 7 million kilograms in stock for immediate dispatch. We can get it to the destination you require whether it is by (special) truck, by sea freight or in very urgent cases by airfreight. Also we can arrange the fitting for you aboard of your vessel. For more information, please look around on our new and improved website:!

Next Issue Main Themes Asia Pacific Maritime 2016 Marine Propulsion & Power Generation Naval Architecture Focus Turkey

Stone Marine Singapore Pte Ltd 4 Tuas Basin Close Singapore 638797 T +65 6863 2681 F +65 6863 2683 E

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12-11-15 13:38


Yellow & Finch Publishers’ Anoeshka Maaskant and Ron van Uum

Standing out from the crowd KOTUG was presented with the KVNR Shipping Traditional to this time of year in the Netherlands, Award for its two new hybrid Rotortug tugboats. The representatives of the Dutch maritime industry hybrid propulsion system allows the tugs to power the gathered in Rotterdam for the Maritime Awards rudder propellers in a diesel-direct, diesel-electric or Gala 2015. Five national maritime awards for fully electric way. shipping companies, shipyards, students, designers The KNVTS Ship of the Year Award went to the and suppliers were presented at the sold-out RDM Maintenance Support WalkRotterdam complex. Members to-Work Vessel Kroonborg. of the Yellow & Finch editorial The vessel is the result of a team were present at this partnership between the Royal prestigious event, which also Niestern Sander shipyard and marked the official start of NAM, Shell UK and several Maritime Week. subcontractors to develop a The Maritime Designer safe, environmentally-friendly Award was presented to The Dutch maritime and economical way to Victor Verhulst, student at sector is not only setting transport crew and material the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences for the standard in Europe, to oil and gas platforms for maintenance purposes. his ‘underwater lounge’ it is also a global leader. Dutch Minister of for luxury yachts. The Infrastructure and the transparent lounge can be Environment, Melanie Schultz van Haegen, gave extended from the bottom of a yacht, allowing the keynote speech and commented, “It is Dutch guests to enjoy underwater life in comfort. The ‘Special Forces Containers’ thesis by 24-year exceptional knowledge that keeps us among the global leaders.” The winners are all examples of the old lieutenant Kevin Stouten was named winner innovative strength of the maritime cluster in the of the Van Hengel-Spengler Award. His research focused on cylindrical composite containers that can Netherlands. be placed outside the pressure hull of a submarine to store equipment. Hull Vane was awarded the Maritime Innovation Award. The Hull Vane is a separate foil installed on the aft of a vessel and tests have shown that the resulting resistance reduction offers fuel savings of Lesley Breau between ten and more than twenty percent, and is suitable for various ship types. 6 4 | S B I 2 0 1 5 | Vo l u m e 9 | Issue 6

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Special straddle transporters for handling, lifting and turning ship blocks Modular self-propelled trolleys Dock-side cranes on rails or rubber tires

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SBI 2015 | VOLUME 9 | ISSUE 6

SB I VOL. 9 ISSUE 6 | 2015

ShipBuilding i n d u s t r y


Hondarra built for purpose dredger

Fender innovations tailor made for perfection

Cathelco iccp systems to combat corrosion

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