SuperYacht Industry 2019 Issue 4

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SYI 2019 | VOLUME 14 | ISSUE 4

SYI 2019 | Volume 14 | ISSue 4

i n d u s t r y

MEtStradE 2019 S U P E r Y a C H t- I N d U S t r Y. C O M

World of Interiors FocUS on gerManY

METSTRADE 2019 the WorLD LargeSt b2b traDe eXhibition

Maltese Cruising brokerage & chartering


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Winter Cruising It neVer ceases to amaze me how quIckly the months tIck by, and how the changIng seasons show the passIng of tIme. In the yachtIng world, summer cruIsIng grounds are but a dIstant memory, and the wInter season Is Very much upon us. and that can mean only one thIng – It’s tIme to take stock of the yachts, or head off In search of some wInter sun. Issue four of superyacht Industry 2019 can help out with that search, as on page 52 we take a look down under and visit australia’s sunshine state of queensland where one of the world’s largest mobile boat hoists has recently been installed at bse cairns slipways. we also swing by the rock of malta on page 48 in our brokerage and charter section on board heesen-built performance yacht amore mio, and find out from c&n why a flexible and accessible approach that embraces a new generation of digitalminded charterers is the way forward (page 40). this issue’s focus country is germany, where we learn how five generations of the gehr family have carved out a niche in the world of luxury interiors for superyachts, private jets and cruise ships (page 30), and in our hIswa holland yachting group article, we learn about a new northern european superyacht route for owners looking to move on from the traditional cruising areas (page 22). we’re still very much in the thick of boat show season and on page 15 we take a look at what to expect at mets, while for our yacht reports we explore two of the vessels that were unveiled at this year’s monaco yacht show (mys) – lürssen’s 111m awardwinning winch-designed tIs (page 8) and benetti’s 63m metis, with striking interior architecture by bannenberg & rowell (page 36). also making a splash at mys this year were Vripack where the dutch design studio unveiled its new 55m design, alwaab II, which combines architectural style, the comfort of seaworthiness, and the familiarity of a home in one striking package (page 55). and on page 24 we sit down with mauro micheli of officina Italiana design to talk about the success of his seven sins design, and the growth of the studio. the winter season is also the time to consider refits and maintenance. In our paint & coating systems section (starting page 34), we hear from three innovative companies doing their bit to advance options for owners and captains: awlgrip, hydrex and safinah group, while seakeeper provides insight on how to stay safe and comfortable at sea in our stabilisers section (page 29). thank you for all of your support and contributions this year, and we look forward to seeing you in amsterdam soon! Julia zaltzman | editor


11.616 METS 2019

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Welcome.indd 1

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Our Specialists put their hearts into all pieces of bespoke interior and strive for absolute perfection in every last detail to furnish exclusive motor and sailing yachts as all well as exquisite apartments Our Specialists put their hearts into pieces of bespoke interior and residences. strive for absolute perfection in every last detail to furnish exclusive motor and sailing yachts as well as exquisite apartments and residences.

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ISSUE 4 | 2019



55 40


40 48

Intelligent Charter – C&N’s flexible and accessible approach to digital-minded charterers Maltese Cruising – Alternative cruising grounds in the Mediterranean



World of Interiors – Five generations of Gehr family interiors




Big Business for Small Boats – Seakeeper aims to stabilise every boat on the water


22 24 52

Port of Amsterdam opens up Dutch cruising ground – HISWA Holland Yachting Group Size by Design – Mauro Micheli on how one superyacht opened the door to a fleet Cairns is Capable – BSE Cairns Slipway signals new dawn for Queensland


01 04 58 61 64

Welcome News in Brief Outfitters Yellow & Finch Pages Next Issues

Metstrade 2019




A Home at Sea – The latest offering from Dutch design studio Vripack


08 36

TIS – Lürssen’s Winch-designed 111m is a palace on the water Metis – Benetti’s 63m offers a point of difference at every turn


34 44 47

A Coat For All Seasons – Awlfair Spray Filler leads a new generation of yacht coatings Beauty is More Than Skin Deep – Safinah Group’s paintwork shines brighter, for longer Green Machine – Hydrex’s Ecospeed is good for both yachts and the environment

On thE COvEr

At 111m, Lürssen-built TIS is the largest yacht to ever have exhibited at Monaco Yacht Show. Read more on page 8. Photo courtesy of Klaus Jordan.

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news in brief Amels 206 Sold with Spring 2020 Delivery Dutch yacht builder Amels has announced the sale of a 62m Amels 206 from the yard’s Limited Editions range. The owner, who is from the Asia-Pacific region, will take delivery of the yacht in spring 2020 and plans to cruise destinations around the world. The yacht will be the latest delivery of Tim Heywood’s avant-garde design. “The AMELS 206 is a proven performer and a real headturner,” says AMELS and DAMEN Managing Director Rose Damen. “She is a beautiful yacht with striking curves. We’re proud to be completing this yacht for our client and can’t wait to see her on her maiden voyage next year.”

GNS Launches Voyager Superyacht Maritime technology company, GNS has announced the launch of Voyager Superyacht, a new kind of navigation service for superyacht customers that has been designed to make managing navigation requirements easier and more cost-effective. The navigation management software helps crew purchase charts and publications more accurately and data analytics to show where there is over-spending and cost-savings can be made. Hayley van Leeuwen, GNS Global Director of Product and Marketing, comments: “Customers have told us they love the simplicity and how it gives them a better view of their spending and navigation safety and compliance. More than 1,500 commercial vessels have already switched to this new way of buying and we are delighted to be able to now offer the same benefits to superyacht managers and owners.”

FloorLite Unveils Homogenous Lighting System


10.605 METS 2019

The newest creation from Yachtlite, FloorLite elements can be used in a variety of applications for both interior and exterior use. Ideally suited for teak decks, dance floors, floor inlays, pool floors and spa areas, the illuminating elements consist of a special solid acrylic in which the LEDs are securely sealed. The walkable, front-lit elements are flush-mounted into the flooring. Thanks to the special surface of the FloorLites, it is possible to sand floors or decks without removing the illuminating elements. FloorLites are available in any shape, in the standard LED colours and also with RGB colour change. The cable outlet is freely selectable.



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• News in brief SYI 14-4.indd 4


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April s u p e r ya ch t-i n d u s tr y. co m

24-10-19 15:48

news in brief Damen Signs 75m Bespoke Support Vessel Dutch yacht builder Damen has announced a new order for a 75m bespoke support yacht. She will be the largest Damen Yacht Support built to date when delivered in 2022. The customised in-house design is based on the newly developed YS 7512 model in the Damen Yacht Support range. Wright Maritime Group, the consultant on the custom design and technical development, will supervise the project on behalf of the client. She will hangar a helicopter with a D14 value, has state-of-the-art environmental equipment and capacity for containerised emergency relief support equipment together with a wide range of specialised marine gear and tenders. The vessel will accommodate 45 people including crew, specialist staff and guests.

Sanlorenzo SD96 and 64Steel Yachts Win at 2019 World Yachts Trophies Sanlorenzo’s two new entries this year – the SD96 yacht and the 64Steel superyacht – won at the 2019 World Yachts Trophies in Cannes. SD96 scooped ‘Best Layout’ in the category from 24 to 30m. The interiors created by Patricia Urquiola, in her first project for the world of yachting, are based on the principle of transformability to make the boat capable of evolving and continuously adapting to the needs of its owners and guests. The 64Steel, the new Sanlorenzo flagship, was assigned ‘Best Interior Design’, which was designed by Francesco Paszkowski and Margherita Casprini.

RollDock Fleet Capable of Carrying Wide Variety of Vessels Sea-fastening specialist, RollDock has transported a wide variety of heavy cargo vessels, such as large modules for the oil and gas industry, and multiple Damen SeaXplorer hulls. With high dock walls, the vessels are ideal for transporting superyachts as well, says Sjoerd de Jongh, Cargo Superintendent at RollDock: “The dock walls offer protection against the elements, which means that we can ship this high-quality cargo across the world’s oceans in the safest way. We designed sliding saddles especially for these yachts. These saddles slide into position after loading the yacht. The strength of the yacht hull needs to be taken into account when determining where the sliding saddles will be placed. It’s an extremely precise operation, but our track record has proven that we gained a lot of experience with transporting superyachts.’’



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news in brief

BCE Glass B.V. Your Exclusive Glazing Partner

Visit us at Stand No. 11.114

M/Y GO 72m by Turquoise Shipyard Photo courtesy of Guillaume Plisson

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•BCE News SYI in 4.indd brief SYI 1 14-4.indd 6

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news in brief Team Italia and Rolls-Royce Join Forces on Bridge Systems



METS 2019 The Rolls-Royce Power Systems business unit and yacht bridge specialist Team Italia have joined forces as part of a new strategic alliance. The partnership will see Rolls-Royce adding an integrated bridge system – MTU SmartBridge – to its MTU portfolio of products and solutions for yachts. Their jointly developed bridge solution will be available from 2020 for series and mega yachts. Knut Müller, head of marine and governmental business in the Power Systems division of Rolls-Royce, said: “The MTU SmartBridge is a significant piece of progress in terms of our evolution from a straightforward engine maker to an integrated systems provider. Our customers benefit because we supply them with a complete solution from one source.”

Rossinavi Presents Yacht Concept with Enrico Gobbi Italian shipyard Rossinavi unveiled its latest concept Alfa, a 50m superyacht in collaboration with Enrico Gobbi, founder of Team for Design, during the 2019 the Monaco Yacht Show. Alfa’s sporty style has been directly inspired by iconic Italian luxury car brand Alfa Romeo. The unmistakable radiator grille of the Alfa Romeo car, characterised by its signature front grille, is echoed in Alfa’s straight and rigorous steel bow. Alfa is a sports boat under 500GT, defined by strong lines, a spacious interior, and a slender profile.

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Super yacht tender cranes, SOLAS cranes and special function cranes custom-built according to your requirements.

YOUR CRANE s u p e r y a c h t - i n d u s t r y.c om

• News in brief SYI 14-4.indd 7

Made in Germany

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A tribute to cLAssicAL chic design, winch-designed tis is A PALAce on the wAter.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Jordan

At 111m, Lürssen-buiLt tis is the LArgest yAcht to ever hAve exhibited At monAco yAcht show.


family home at sea; that is the founding principle of german shipyard Lürssen’s latest launch, tis. And while this seems to be the desired result for many yacht owners in 2019, in the case of tis, her owner is true to his word. Planning on spending nine months of the year on board his floating palace, with just close family and 38 crew alongside, every inch of this winch designed 111m yacht has been painstakingly crafted to answer the brief for a Parisian classical aesthetic. “tis is a work of art, because that’s what the owner wanted, and what Lürssen built,” says Andrew winch. “it’s a really unique yacht, centred around the lifestyle of the family. the brief was that they like to feel at home – so what does home feel like? to them, it feels like a

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TIS Yacht Report.indd 8

castello in Florence, a grand chateaux in the middle of Paris, a mansion in mayfair. And if you put that into hotels, it is claridge’s in London, Le bristol in Paris, the Four seasons in Florence, and hotel du cap-eden-roc in the south of France.”

Shades of Gold built to Pyc class (meaning nearly all plaster and cornicing work is in fact made from milled aluminium) and with both the interior and exterior hailing from the boards of winch design, all 4,699gt of tis is refined and elegant. with a beam of 16.85m she boasts vast interior volumes, which have been conceived to be both spacious and intimate. required to also perform as a full business centre, tis boasts a flexible dining room with a

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At 111m, Lürssen-built TIS is the largest yacht to ever have exhibited at the Monaco Yacht Show.

table that seats sixteen, and doubles up as a fully functioning conference room, with power sockets, wiFi sockets and video conferencing set up all artfully concealed by way of marquetry inserts. the owner’s office sits adjacent, enabling the owner to work in privacy and remain connected. the requirement was for tis to feel light, fresh and open, but with a classical twist. calacatta vogli marble is used throughout, while the walls and ceilings have been given a cream handdragged paint effect with 23.8 carat gold ceiling profiles. “this is not a nouveau riche yacht, it is a sophisticated, gentle classic yacht”, says winch. “there is no shiny gold on this entire boat. every piece of gold is antique – a muted, softened, old gold. because it’s elegant to have

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TIS Yacht Report.indd 9

that. we went with great length to look at all the finishes, and there are about 25 different gold finishes featured on board.”

Parisian Chic Amidships on the main deck is a grand, formal entrance lobby. A sweeping marble staircase with ornately carved brushed steel – expertly matched to that from the Le bristol in Paris – sets the design tone. suspended above the lobby are the hanging balconies of the upper decks, allowing for a quadruple height ceiling. A lift shell also inspired by Le bristol hotel (and all mechanical moving parts hidden) provides accessibility to all decks. warm creams, dark oak Palais de versaillesstyle parquet and rich blue tones in the salon

are complemented by traditional carved furniture in the classic Louis xiv to Louis xviii style and painted faux mahogany (made from aluminium panels for Pyc classification). A large winter garden-style aft deck, with sliding glass doors and heating keeps the elements at bay. “the idea is for the owner to enjoy the space in Alaska or wherever, in comfort and feel outdoors”, says winch.

Spas for all Occasions Another of the owner’s requirements was for the yacht to feel and look elegant and female, and to have the aforementioned qualities of a home. the transom was designed from day one to be the “front door”, says winch – the “portico to the chateaux”. having never owned a yacht previously but chartered plenty, the lower deck


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The salon on the owner’s deck.

beach club was to be a waterside area that offered seclusion and privacy. more akin to a sports bar than a beach club, the area possesses three tvs on which to watch live sports, a sauna (with views out to sea), an ice fountain, loungers, and underfloor heating. Faux painted walls have been matched to resemble limestone. A second guest spa located on the bridge deck features a citrus theme. the Lemon grove is a dedicated relaxation room, with carved stone lemon trees climbing the walls. there is a hammam, a hair salon, a massage room with capri-themed painted walls, a steam room, juice bar, and an 8m swimming pool with contra flow jets. this is entirely independent of the beauty room and massage parlour located in the master suite, intended purely for the owner’s wife.

wraps around the exterior, while from the inside the owner can enjoy 180° views over the bow. “one of the things that frustrated the owner a lot when chartering other yachts was that the windows in the cabins are often far too small”, explains winch. “so, he wanted a boat with big windows and big views.” this carries through to the eight guest cabins. on the main deck they feature large, panoramic windows, and even the lower deck guest cabins boast the largest windows possible. “the integration between exterior and interior is harmonic”, says winch.

Windows to the World

decorated in a calm colour palette of warm creams, sage greens and precious metals, the owner’s suite include a large skylight above the bed for star gazing, and a private terrace features two exterior nooks with tables and built in upholstered sofas. in addition, the owner’s suite benefits from very high ceilings.

A serene haven away from the world, the fullbeam master suite takes in his-and-hers bathrooms and dressing rooms. A private terrace

“there are changes in the deck levels to keep the exterior lines but also to facilitate higher

No less than 25 shades of gold feature throughout, including the lemons in the spa area.

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SPECS Builder / Year Lürssen – 2019 Designer exterior Winch Design Designer interior Winch Design Length overall 111,00m Length in waterline 96,20m Beam overall 18,40m Draught 4,20m Construction material steel / aluminium Gross Tonnage 4.699GT Speed 18 knots Range at 12 knots 7.000nm Main engines / generator sets ME: 2x MTU 20V 4000 M73 3,200 kW at 1,970rpm AuxE: 3x MTU 676 kVA / 540kW Soot particle filter 3x HUG for Auxiliary Gensets Emergency Genset 1x MTU 312kVA / 250kW Propulsion / Steering 2 gear boxes ZF, 2 Schaffran controllable pitch propellers 2 Rolls-Royce steering gears with full spade rudder with standard profile (Becker Marine Systems) Bow thruster Bow thruster 2x 240kW (Brunvoll) Stern thruster 1x 300kW (Voith) Fuel capacity approx. 300t Fresh water capacity approx. 50t Fresh water makers 1 duplex reverse osmoses freshwater producer (Idromar), 2x 30t/day Sewage system DVZ-Services Stabilizers 4x Quantum XT zero speed Air conditioning Heinen + Hopman Engineering B.V. Class: +100A1 SSC Passenger Yacht + LMC, UMS, ICE class 1-D Berths 2 owner in 1 cabin, 16 guest in 8 cabins, 38 Crew in 20 cabins

The owner’s suite include a large skylight above the bed for star gazing.

Unit series and custom build watermakers from 65 up to 4.000 liters per hour

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Please visit us at Stand No. 01.251 + 10.619

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YACHT REPORT ceilings in different areas of the yacht”, explains Winch. “The master suite is higher than we’ve ever managed to do before, but it gives an added elegance and value to the space, because it feels so generous of height.”

Tea for One The roof terrace, also known as the sun deck, can be shaded by a tent covering when required, or left for sun worshipping. A full outdoor cinema, night club, and entertainment space, it is also a usable teak-covered helideck. One of two helidecks on board (the second on the bow), it is primarily intended for refuelling, and supports TIS as the full ice-strengthened explorer yacht that she is. A top speed of 18kts

TIS is a work of art, because that’s what the owner wanted, and what Lürssen built. and a range of 7,000Nm at 12kts cruising speed thanks to her two 3,200kW engines. Elastically-mounted engine equipment ensures quiet running (and can be viewed from the glass-panelled corridor) while three generators are encapsulated in custom boxes, dampening the sound. Extending zero-speed stabiliser fins deliver a smooth experience both underway and at anchor, and support boats include two customised 11,5m Wajer tenders in both limo and open versions. The yacht is fitted for Tier III conversion and the exhaust system is equipped with HUG particle filters and soot burners, providing excellent fuel efficiency and lower emissions. A heat recovery system saves energy by using heat loss from the generators for heating the pool. A masterclass in balancing technological prowess with decadent design, elegance is never far away. The piece de resistance is the Parisian Ladurée tearoom located on the sun deck forward. Conceived to allow the owner’s wife to indulge her love of enjoying macarons at the iconic French patisserie, the space is about an “experience” and a “lifestyle” says Winch: “It’s a place to go and take tea in the afternoon. It can cater for up to eight people for tea, but more than that it’s a privacy zone.”

i. i.

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Interior Outfitting to PYC Standards TIS was constructed according to the internationally recognised PYC IV, which sets out technical and operational safety standards for yachts. This includes strict requirements when it comes to the weight and fire safety of the interior, whereby only specific certified support plates and materials are permitted for use. For instance, the curved wall panelling on the sweeping double staircase uses support plates made entirely out of highly flame-resistant foam glass; no mean feat seeing as foam glass is notoriously difficult to shape. The substructure was then finished using matt streak coating and decorated with gold framing. For Austrian company List General Contractor (List GC), the job of implementing some of the yacht’s unique design elements became a work of art. Much like the staircase which leads to the informal lounge on the owner’s deck, the curved wall panelling in the informal lounge was also made using foam glass before being finished with lacquer, decorative trim and delicate ornamentation. Even the filigree ornamental decoration had to be manufactured using a certified material. This meant that the creation of the carved wooden decorations for the wall panelling was particularly challenging, involving three-dimensional moulds, which were then used to cast replicas of the decoration made of certified material. The oval dining room was just as challenging. The wall panels for this room had to be perfectly curved – down to the nearest millimetre – while the custom-made table has enough space to comfortably seat 16 dinner guests. If required, this space can be converted into a conference room, with plug sockets hidden away in veneered inserts. The owner’s bedroom boasts a vast skylight positioned directly above the bed allowing natural light to flood the room. Due to its oval shape, the technical planning process for the skylight was extremely complex – every element had to fit together precisely. The assembly process, too, was an elaborate challenge due to the skylight’s considerable weight. Meanwhile, the Art Deco style cinema at the centre of the yacht is one of the owner’s favourite rooms on board. List GC created a completely soundproof, darkened room that offers outstanding comfort. The walls are made of stained flame maple, supported by a stainless steel frame filled with acoustic material. Here, and behind the screen, the room features powerful loudspeakers. A three-sided lighting rail reaching from wall-to-wall across the ceiling provides lighting for the room. The oversized couches and fauteuils are upholstered in beige Alcantara that appears lighter or darker as it is brushed, and the tables are removable and can be attached to the couches thanks to an ingenious connector system. “It was clear from a very early stage that we were going to get a very high-quality finish from List GC,” says Rob Maguire, Build Captain/Project Manager for M/Y TIS. “A few things stand out to our team – namely, how clean and organised the List GC workers are on board and within the List GC facilities. This comes down to very good management, control and communication with all parties involved.”


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It’s all about balance Yacht stabilizers by SKF Marine

SuperYacht Pavilion at

METSTRADE Stand 10.607a

Rolling is one of the most inconvenient motions among all other motions at sea. SKF stabilizers are suitable for all kinds of yachts and achieve the highest degree of efficiency in stabilization performance for superior convenience at zero speed and underway even in rough seas. We have a long history in effective next-level stabilization solutions for newbuildings and retrofits. Our solutions ensure a comfortable and safe voyage for passengers and crew and are protected by international patents. Details and insights can be found at

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K190787_SKF_Anzeige_METS_229X303_RZ03a.indd 1 METS 2019.indd 14

® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group. © SKF Group 2019

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METSTRADE 2019 the metstrade show is the world’s largest B2B trade exhiBition For leisure marine equipment.

Focussing on innovation, market developments, and on-site networking, the metstrade show provides a broad range of marine opportunities and industry debate all under one roof. all photos courtesy oF metstrade 2019

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aking place across three innovation-packed days on 19 to 21 november, metstrade, located in rai exhibition venue in amsterdam, continues to grow in size and influence. more than 1,500 exhibitors will showcase their wares this year, including newcomers such as suzuki, nuova protex, noco and nautinov, not to mention 334 exhibitors spread across three halls in the sold-out superyacht pavilion. as mets continues to evolve and develop, the central concept of the show remains the same – an annual homeport for the global leisure marine community to gather in a hospitable and productive environment.

Sustainable Talking Point since 2015 there has been a strong focus at mets on staging forums around the issues of sustainability within the leisure marine industry. the show has achieved this in cooperation with long-standing show partner icomia. the expert panel discussions have covered topics such as the disposal and recycling of end-of-life boats, developments in electric and hybrid propulsion, life cycle assessment and circular economy and ocean conservation projects. irene dros, maritime director at the rai, explains: “during the past five years we have


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been actively increasing the number of sustainability initiatives at three distinct levels. this includes reaching out, networking and sharing information about sustainability-driven initiatives at industry level, establishing the i-nnovationlaB and e-nnovationlaB concepts at show level, and leading by example with environmentally responsible facility management at venue level.”

The Theme of Sustainability the environmental sustainability theme continues for 2019, with day one tackling the issue of ‘the challenge of global Biofouling’. Biofouling and biodiversity are the subjects of a global project task force called gloFouling, established under the auspices of imo (international maritime organisation). one of the project’s main tasks over a five-year period will be to develop best practices that may address the transfer of invasive aquatic species through improved biofouling management; not just from shipping, but from all marine sectors. ‘how green is green in the leisure marine world?’ was the theme of a panel discussion which took place at the innovationlaB stage

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during last year’s show. The diversity of subjects ranged from design for disassembly through to the status of electric and hybrid propulsion systems, and day two in 2019 will provide an updated status review 12 months on. The topic of End-of Use Boats – those built from virtually indestructible GRP (fiberglass) in the 70’s and 80’s – will also be debated.

Breakfast and Briefings Feadship Director Henk de Vries will deliver this year’s Breakfast Briefing keynote at the opening of METS on the morning of Tuesday 19 November, which will also feature the ICOMIA-hosted award ceremony for the worldfamous DAME – Design Award. In addition, the third edition of the Round Table dedicated to boat building construction and materials will be held on 19 and 20 November. Established in 2017, the Round Table sessions bring together leaders in the marine sector in an informal and lively setting to exchange opinions and experiences on the very latest developments. This year will feature two key topics, namely ‘Fatigue behaviour of composite vessels under slamming’ and ‘How to improve

Since 2015 there has been a strong focus at METS on staging forums around the issues of sustainability within the leisure marine industry. composite design thanks to better failure understanding – the latest news on the Recycling of (fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) boats.’ The panel of experts include Sergio Abrami (Studio Sergio Abrami YD), Stefano Beltrando (QI Composites), Giovanni Ceccarelli (Ceccarelli Yacht Design), Mario Malinconico (Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials), Luca Olivari (OlivariEng) and Paolo Schito (Politecnico di Milano).

Networking in Force The International HISWA Marine Symposium on Yacht Design and Yacht Construction, which


The range of Besenzoni ladder gangways is wide. All extremely durable and reliable, they are manufactured using high quality materials such as stainless steel, carbon fibre and teak. Many configurations are also available from manual drop-in models to fully-automated concealed hydraulic letterbox models. The choice is extensive. Among the range of ladders, the SP 600G is a top option. An automatically rotating model that doubles up as a gangway, it is suitable for stern or side installation, has a stainless steel structure, and is available in either polished or powder coated stainless steel. The self-levelling steps in teak ensure full usability and the double row of manual removable stanchions make the ladder easy for stowage. It’s also extremely easy to use thanks to the control panel that can be operated remotely from the cockpit as well as the electro-hydraulic control unit.


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METS will culminate with a session that shines a light on Water Revolution Foundation, the nonprofit’s first strategic trade show partner, highlighting the need to drive sustainability in the superyacht industry through collaboration and innovation. “We’re keen about sustainability and when we heard about Water Revolution’s mission to reduce the ecological footprint of the superyachting industry, the question wasn’t whether we should support the foundation, but rather, how”, says Dros. “This partnership will work both ways. METSTRADE has been a strong B2B platform for many years and we can now utilise this position to help accelerate the shift.”

SP 600G: Technology and Usability Meet Design

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celebrated its Golden Jubilee last year, will take place on Thursday 21 November in the Marine & Yard Pavilion, while the annual Superyacht Forum, hosted by the Superyacht Group – organised to shine a light on the latest developments in the field of yachting and yacht design every year – will take place throughout the duration of the exhibition.

Emigreen Pairs Requirements with Aesthetics In this world where sustainability and protecting the environment are becoming increasingly important, shipping, and subsequently superyachting, is under a magnifying glass when it comes to pollution. Within superyachting, regulations are mandatory to comply, but aesthetics may be even more important. Diesel engines produce soot. Soot may leave the exhaust on the top side and land on the deck or can come from the underwater exhaust and float around the yacht. Want to know what we do to keep the water around the yacht free from smelly floating particles, not to mention your decks free from black stains caused by soot? Even for a yacht that has been cruising the oceans for many years? Want to know how we make sure your yacht complies with IMO regulations? Let’s have a chat on the Emigreen stand in the SuperYacht pavilion at Mets, booth 11.713.




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For all your galvanized or stainless steel anchors & chaincables,


MEET US AT THE METS EXHIBITION 19-20-21 November | Hall A1, stand 10.411 in the SuperYacht Pavillion.

T +31 (0) 10 429 22 22 | E |

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FarSounder Launches New Argos 350 FarSounder’s Argos Series of navigational forward-looking sonars are available to a new market with the announcement of the new Argos 350. Designed for the largely under-served market of yachts ranging from 18-40m, these boats can now enjoy FarSounder’s 3D real-time software on an easy-to-understand interface at a lower price. This system’s new smaller and lighter transducer can detect objects in the water column out to 350m in front of the yard. As in the other models, it has a sturdy design made of steel and allows for an easy fixed installation. But as an alternative, it can be mounted to a hoist in a 10-inch diameter sea chest. As the leader in 3D forward looking sonar technology, FarSounder has kept the yachting community safe from shallows and in-water obstacles since 2005. In introducing the Argos 350 to this new market, these smaller vessels can now navigate with confidence in unknown waters.




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Lift Emotion is a strong growing company with its own in-house engineering and production/assemble facility allowing the cabins and elevator shafts to be pre-assembled at the premises in Meppel, the Netherlands. Short direct lines between the client’s demands and the featured elevator’s requirements call for fast and flexible communication. Lift Emotion has built up a respectable reputation in regard to the technical solutions provided for many satisfied customers. In 2019 alone, Lift Emotion delivered elevators on board yachts built by Benetti, Oceanco, Feadship, Lürssen, Nobiskrug, Damen, Turquoise and Delta Marine. At METSTRADE, Lift Emotion is featuring a remote service application, which allows operators and clients to receive remote and onboard service at a very high level. The sales team of Lift Emotion is looking forward to meeting you at our stand.


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For more than 25 years Girschner Marine has stood for first class and innovative HVAC+R systems within the luxury and mega yacht industry. Girschner Marine provides optimal and first-class HVAC+R concepts from its design up to the installation, monitoring and servicing. The company Girschner GmbH & Co. KG has been a family-owned and continuously growing business since 1983. At METSTRADE Girschner Marine is showing the latest range of water-cooled Rack Cooling Units in three different designs with cooling capacities from 1,000 to 20,000 watts: 19” units for fitting inside a rack, units to be mounted between two racks as well as units to fit on top. The construction design is a perfect balance in independence to ambient influences and maintenance accessibility than other cooling units on the market. The entire casing is made of stainless steel.


Lift Emotion Elevates the SuperYacht Pavilion

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Optimal, First-Class HVAC from Girschner Marine

NOMEN Expands Product Line with 3D-Printed Parts During METS, NOMEN will be showing its larger ‘superyacht-size’ highlyawarded CLIP-cleat, which is completely made from stainless steel (316L). Different versions are available – the ‘screwed from the top version’, as well as an alternative ‘screwed from the bottom’. Furthermore, the new cleat is available with 3D-printed end pieces that offer opportunities to individualise the cleat to match the design language of the yacht. In 2018 the CLIPcleat was awarded winner of the German Design Award 2018 – one of the most widely recognised international design awards for outstanding industrial design. Previously, the CLIP-cleat won the DAME Award at METS in 2013 in the category of ‘deck equipment, sails and rigging’.




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Heesen Yachts - Laurentia: Photography Dick Holthuis | Royal Huisman - Ngoni: Photography Breed Media

smart solutions are not visible, but we make sure they are there

intelligence on board

As a turn-key system integrator, Tijssen Elektro feels at home on board of luxurious yachts. Our knowledge of electrical engineering is of the highest international level: from design and engineering, to e-installation and integration. Our multidisciplinary provision of services extends from state-of-the-art audio/video, navigation & communication systems and clever domotics, to complex data networks and sustainable yacht installations. Often concealed, but always recognized by our clients: that is typical Tijssen.

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METSTRADE 2019 19-20-21 November 2019 Visit us at stand 10.400

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Palladium Technologies’ Titan Automated Electrical Distribution For over 25 years, Palladium Technologies has been a leader of innovative hardware and software technologies, providing fully integrated solutions that encompass all aspects of the mega yacht. Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, FL with offices also in Germany and China, Palladium’s engineers have used their extensive seagoing experience and intuitive understanding to design and develop products to meet the needs for today’s yacht owners, captains, engineers, crew and guests. Their latest innovation, Titan Automated Electrical Distribution system, allows small electrical panels to be placed close to the consumer electrical systems eliminating the need for large breaker panels on each deck of the yacht. These smaller breaker panels can be monitored and controlled remotely, allowing them to be located in deck-heads or other hidden locations. Other technology solutions include SiMON X (a monitoring, control and alarm system), jArVis AV entertainment, environmental automation, IT networking, cyber security, intrusion security, along PALLADIUM with complete electrical designs TECHNOLOGIES throughout the yacht. BOOTH NO.

Qua-vac Qua-vac is a company who designs, manufactures and markets environmentally friendly vacuum wastewater collection and treatment systems for the rural sewage-, building- and marine industries. Qua-vac is the official and exclusive Evac Oy distributer for the Benelux countries. With the Evac Complete Cleantech Solution you can purchase all your waste collection including vacuum toilet solutions, wastewater treatment, dry and wet waste treatment, ballast water management systems and freshwater generation systems from one provider, simplifying integration, control, and maintenance of the different systems. Environmental matters are critical for all vessels, as ecosystems are highly vulnerable. Overboard discharges must be limited to clean, safe water. We design and supply complete food and galley waste systems and dry solid waste systems that offer simple, cost-effective operation. Qua-vac/Evac systems are focused on simple and reliable construction. Qua-vac/Evac has thousands of references for Work Boats, Support and Exploration Vessels, Ice Breakers, Hospital Ships and more. QUA-VAC BOOTH NO.



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METS 2019

Videoworks – New Intelligent Environments

Yachtlite’s New ISPS Flex

Videoworks, a leader in AV, entertainment, IT and domotics, is represented at METSTRADE in in 2019 with a stand in the SuperYacht Pavilion 10.111, and will be revealing all the secrets regarding onboard technologies developed by the Italian company’s team. Technological innovation, new audio systems, walls with integrated speakers and circadian rhythm lighting – there is a rich portfolio that enthusiasts will be able to discover on the Videoworks stand. In terms of sound management, Videoworks will present the SAM, Slim Audio Master, the innovative rack created to optimise size and space-saving on board and to enhance the system’s performance. SAM controls up to 16 audio outputs and allows the calibration of sound perfectly in every individual setting while guaranteeing space-saving. Videoworks has also thought of entertainment lovers, presenting a real Party Pack that integrates ad hoc systems designed for the world of yachting. To increase the wellbeing of guests on board in a natural way, Videoworks has built a circadian rhythm lighting system, which provides a perfect reproduction of the temperature and tone of sunlight inside the yacht at every time of the day. Visitors will be able to experience the change in sunlight in a few minutes thanks to a special LED-lighting panel made up of 50x50 tiles.

The ISPS Flex from YACHTLITE is a security luminaire for temporary and flexible use on railings. The individual, stylish design is designed for the safe installation on any type of railing. The quick mounting and alignment of the powerful LED luminaire is simple; the light angle can be easily adjusted, is set with the left hand, and locked in place with the right. The ISPS Flex light cone illuminates around 50m² when used at the recommended height of 8-10m above the waterline. The ISPS Flex has a particularly large radius of action thanks to a 10m cable. If sockets are not easily available, the lamps can be linked together. The upper material of the design lamp can be selected, for example, seawater resistant leather or imitation leather. The first 12 lamps are already in use on a modern superyacht. SuperYacht Pavilion, stand 10.605


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Port of Amsterdam opens up Dutch cruising ground

Najiba by Feadship. photo courtesy of tom van oossanen

In a move to expand the tradItIonal yachtIng cIrcuIt, hISWa holland yachtIng group IS pullIng dutch cities together to create a dedicated northern european superyacht route


uperyacht owners are increasingly looking for something new and original beside the traditional mediterranean and caribbean sailing areas. high latitudes are becoming ever more attractive and northern europe, with its irresistible nature, convivial culture and avantgarde art and design has been reaping the rewards.

for owners and charterers alike. the port of amsterdam is the fourth busiest port in europe by metric tonnes of cargo, but until recently has not been high up on the yachting radar. recognised for its cruise ship industry, the yachting sector looked to the likes of palma and Barcelona for its refit and maintenance needs. that was until two years ago when the port of amsterdam tasked itself with highlighting the craftsmanship and skill set accessible to superyachts, and since then the highs keep on coming.

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In 2016 the port of amsterdam welcomed yacht builder royal van lent – Feadship to the port. Following its formal partnership with hISWa holland yachting group in 2017, the arrival of royal huisman cemented the trend with its new facilities opening this year. Both brands are beacons of custom yacht building, and are shining a light on the existing industry experts that reside in the area. these include oculus technologies, who visualise all data around and findable on a superyacht to make it as easy and pleasant as possible for users of a superyacht, and Sevenstar yacht transport, a long-standing key player in the sustainable and safe transport of yachts. port of amsterdam ceo Koen overtoom, comments: “our acquisition of the wharf and the decision to lease it to royal huisman is a boost to the manufacturing industry, which adds significant value to our port. It is also an

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HISWA Holland Yachting Group Export Director Jeroen Sirag.

excellent way for us to promote our ‘port of partnerships’ concept. the arrival of royal huisman to the amsterdam port region is one step further towards fulfilling our goal of becoming a superyacht hub. the amsterdam area is highly sought-after by yacht manufacturers owing to its highly skilled workforce, international airport and the celebrated dutch sense of enterprise.”

Hallo Hamburg With amsterdam having been successfully profiled as a destination for superyachts over the past year, hISWa holland yachting group and the port of amsterdam are now working hard on the logical next step – a dedicated northern european superyacht route for owners looking to move on from the traditional cruising areas. the city of hamburg has just signed up to this new initiative and more harbour cities are expected to join the movement for change soon. “hamburg is proud to be part of the new superyacht northern european route together with hISWa holland yachting group and port of amsterdam”, comments Sacha rougier, managing director of cruise gate hamburg. “the northern european route has so many exciting places and diverse attractions and we believe that hamburg – as germany´s most exciting waterfront city – is the ideal port of call

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for superyachts. hamburg’s landscape is defined by water: its seaport, located on the river elbe, is the third largest in europe. hamburg is the ultimate liveable city offering maritime history, a strong mercantile tradition, cultural wealth and a wide range of shopping opportunities.”

Expanding Horizons In addition to offering yachts the full package of construction, maintenance and refits, amsterdam is also an obvious stop-off for superyachts heading to the increasingly fashionable cruising destinations in Scandinavia, the Baltic, the fjords and the arctic region. under a more formal name of the northern european Superyacht route concept, the aim is to expand the route to include major cities across europe. hISWa holland yachting group is working hard to leverage the trend for owners and charterers to look further afield for adventure, says hISWa holland yachting group export director, Jeroen Sirag. “amsterdam is already perfectly placed in terms of geography and as has the refit facilities to benefit from this sea change in attitudes”, Sirag explains. “the netherlands is a global leader in the superyacht industry, responsible for a third of all new builds over 30m and therefore recognised as the home of premium quality.

there is a clear trend among superyacht owners who are looking for new and adventurous paths while at the same time being critically aware of the contributions they can make to a more sustainable world.” Sirag continues: “With this in mind we are currently in talks with local authorities in norway and the various fjord regions to explore ways of including them in this new northern european route. the ultimate goal is to collectively work together with cities like london, copenhagen and Stockholm next to hamburg and norway to enhance the route and its facilities for superyachts, while also supporting each other financially on promoting this exciting new venture.” alma prins, commercial manager for Superyachts at port of amsterdam, added: “It is clear that owners love to stay in amsterdam. to meet their needs, port of amsterdam has opened up various dedicated sites for superyachts to berth in the heart of the city centre. Fifteen owners and captains have already visited amsterdam over the past year and enjoyed this great experience.”


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BooTH No.

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Size by Design The firsT model in sanlorenzo’s now flagship 52sTeel range when launched in 2017, seven sins represenTs Three main pillars of success: a feaT of Technical engineering for The yard; a Triumph on The charTer markeT for her owner; and a meticulously planned move into larger yacht design for officina italiana design. here, designer mauro micheli explains how one superyacht opened the door to a fleet of larger vessels for the italian design studio.

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What were you trying to achieve with the design of Seven Sins? my aim was to create a long-lasting yacht from an aesthetic point of view. Together with the owner it was also to create as much interior space as possible within the 500gT threshold, so we worked to give volume and space to those areas that will get used the most. a clear example of this is the beach club, which is very big, and luxurious; it increases the amount of living space, without increasing the volume. since the beginning, compared to other sanlorenzo yachts, what we wanted to do was to give more light throughout the interior. in

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In order to create more light in the beach club, Seven Sins features a swimming pool on the main deck with a glass bottom.

order to create more light in the beach club, we created a swimming pool on the main deck, with a glass bottom. The swimming pool is the largest found on a yacht of this dimension. on the upper deck, there are floor to ceiling windows, again allowing light to pass through and provide a sense of lightness and brightness. The difficulty lay in matching all these large windows with the external lines – the aim was for classical exterior lines, longlasting aesthetics, a light and airy interior, and harmony between the exterior and interior – so we created a terrace on the sea, which also allowed us to use more volume elsewhere in the boat.

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Seven Sins was the first model in Sanlorenzo’s now flagship 52Steel range.

The beach club is so unusual and a feat of technical engineering – how did the idea come about? it was a case of teamwork. we worked really closely with sanlorenzo’s engineering department. it’s not common to have such a good relationship with the technical department, and normally they would have said that it wasn’t possible, but the main goal for all of us was to create something unique. The beach club is a symbol of the cooperation between all departments, including commercial, technological and design.

How did you manage to contain so much and stay below 500GT? it was a big study in all parts to find a liveable solution. The beach club is not included within the 500gT volume, so that allowed us to use volume for other living space. in fact, the beach club is the biggest area where we stole gT back – but this boat is full of clever solutions. every square metre has been studied by the engineers to see what was possible. it was difficult to find a balance, but the market has given us confidence because since seven sins launched, sanlorenzo has sold eight additional units of the 52steel, which is uncommon for a yacht of this length.


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Come see us to learn more at FLIBS and METS

3D For ward Looking Sonar Safely navigate boats 18m - 40m

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Riva’s 50m Race, which launched in June 2019.

She was bought with an eye to intensively charter, so what elements did the owner, Mr Verlinden, bring to the project – exterior and interior? from the beginning, the intention was for it to work well on the charter market. so it was designed with a balance in mind between living spaces and entertaining areas. we worked with it in mind that it needed to fit different markets, different clients, and not be a one-off custom yacht that only appeals to one owner. since the beginning we realised that this balance extended to the interior area, so we wanted the design to not be overpowering, it needed to be comfortable and harmonious. at the suggestion of the shipyard, the captain’s cabin can also be used as a sixth guest cabin, again increasing flexibility on the charter market.

Can you highlight any of your signature design features found on the yacht? The swimming pool is the largest, with a crystal floor that gives light to the beach club – that is definitely a signature feature of ours. Then the cover on the sun deck is also a typical feature of ours. we wanted to capture the sanlorenzo style but with a personal touch, that extends to

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the structure too, and we feel this feature gives a little added value to the yacht. But none of our signatures are extreme, we shy away from anything excessive, we lean towards wellbalanced, clever design.

The 52 Steel models now represents Sanlorenzo’s flagship yacht – for Officina Italiana Design, did it symbolise your move into much larger yachts? when we designed the 52, it was the largest yacht we had designed at that time, and since then we have collaborated with sanlorenzo on a 60m steel and the first of its 64m steel – attila – which launched in may. during this process, we were also developing the superyacht division of riva, and in June 2019 we premiered the 50m riva, race.

super collaborative and helpful for us as designers to create mega yacht projects. seven sins was the start – the success is not only because of the design, but because of the entire team. it was a synergistic collaboration and the start of a new direction for the studio. now that we’re facing bigger yachts, it has confirmed our belief that designing smaller yachts is more difficult! it’s harder to make smaller lines balanced and elegant, it’s a little easier in larger yachts. smaller yachts are more challenging for sure, and remain our niche.


going bigger has been the direction for the studio for a while. for riva we are building a superyacht division of 50m up to 90m – it’s a work in progress, but very exciting. do you believe it’s the success of seven sins that has helped to move that forward? absolutely, because the technical and engineering department at sanlorenzo were

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Winel Industry Group

Masterpieces without compromise Winel and Staalart are major suppliers to the mega yachts market, offering a wide range of unique premium quality products: • Tender store doors • Sea terraces • Swimming platforms • Side boarding platforms • Transom doors

ALWAYS PRESENT, NEVER NOTICED. Sit back, relax and enjoy your journey. Our new marine generators are exponentially quieter with even less vibration. The most advanced, most reliable machines we’ve ever made—not that you’d notice. Experience it all at

• Watertight sliding doors • Anchor handling systems • Side boarding ladders • Passerelles • NEW: Rescue Tender Cranes

For these custom made masterpieces we use proven concepts as the basis, coupled with smart technical solutions to optimize our products. Wishes of our customers can be incorporated without compromise.

From engines to generators, we give the world power.

Winel B.V.

• Phone: • E-mail:

Staalart B.V.

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+31 (0)592 366 060 +31 (0)527 291 714 • 2 8 | S Y I 2 0 1 9 | Volum e 14 | Issue 4

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n the world of yachting, biggest does not always mean best. But there’s no denying that the smaller the boat, the more affected it is by wave and weather conditions. Founded in 2003 by a successful entrepreneur and a naval architect, Seakeeper recognises the smaller boat sector is as unique as its stabilisation requirements, and has therefore committed to adding new products, improving current products, and creating tools specifically for the small boat sector.

Focussing on the Small Thanks to new software developments allowing for enhanced performance, the size range for the Seakeeper 2 (originally specially designed for boats approximately 8-9m, and for the purpose of eliminating up to 95% of boat roll – the rocking motion that causes seasickness, fatigue and anxiety), has been expanded to include boats up to 10.5m, while the retail price has been adjusted from USD 22,700 down to USD 19,900 (circa EUR 18,264). This represents a 10% increase in

the Seakeeper 2 target boat size and a 12% decrease in the model’s retail price. To help leverage this new initiative, Seakeeper has launched the Small Boat Sizing Guide as a means to assist owners. Using real sea trial results, the new Guide aims to enable customers to select the Seakeeper model that best fits their boat and how they plan to use it. When two comparable Seakeeper models are available, such as the Seakeeper 2 and Seakeeper 3, the Small Boat Sizing Guide will assist users in selecting the best Seakeeper model for them based on how they use their boat.

New and Improved The new and improved Seakeeper 5 is back in the Seakeeper line-up and aims to better segment the market of boats in the 12-15m size range. Far from being the same unit that existed in the past, it will implement all the improvements made to the current Seakeeper 6, leveraging the current design, weight, envelope and footprint, but offered at a lower price of USD 38,900 (circa EUR 35,700) and is ideal for boats 12-14m. Between the Seakeeper 5 and the Seakeeper 6, which is now installed on more than 35% of new boats 12-15m in length, customers will benefit from more freedom to choose what best suits their needs, says Seakeeper President & CEO Andrew Semprevivo. “The small boat market is so diverse, and the way people use their small boats can vary drastically”, Semprevivo says. “We want to give boat owners options when it comes to stabilisation so they’re able to choose a Seakeeper option that is best for them, their boat, and how they use it.”



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World of Interiors Five generations oF the gehr Family have carved out a niche in the world oF luxury interiors For superyachts, private jets and cruise ships, and today the gehr brand is a bastion of


ince its humble beginnings in 1913, gehr has been dedicated to guaranteeing customer satisfaction. renowned for its superior standards of top-quality interior fittings and exclusive furniture, it provides consultancy and planning at two locations in germany, one in hamburg city centre and the other at its headquarters in lunestedt.

german craftsmanship. all photos courtesy oF gehr

production takes place in its 6,800m2 facility using state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies, while 60 employees guarantee experience and expertise, innovation and boldness in designing out-of-the-ordinary interiors. these comprise materials that are naturally finished or refined, precious metals or synthetics, and both colourless and coloured. variety is key. a full-circle in-house value added chain guarantees reliable individual and

complete solutions for the growing demands of owners, from shipping companies to brokers to charter carriers.

In-House Logistics the hamburg office, located on the elbkai, employs 25 engineers, interior designers and technicians. this is where the renowned specialists of gehr yacht and aircraft interiors develop high-quality furnishings for ships and airplanes. the fittings are then fabricated with great care at the lunestedt location. thanks to its in-house logistics department and our own truck fleet, all the parts to be assembled as well as finished furniture arrive at the installation site on time and ready to go. the company entered the yacht business in 2003. since then, nineteen yachts have been furnished or are currently being worked on. customers to date have included peterswerft/ Kusch yachts, lürssen, viareggio superyachts and Blohm & voss. the smallest yacht for which gehr manufactured and installed the interior was the 65m motoryacht roma, which was built in the italian town of viareggio in 2010. the longest yacht fitted out to date is 155mm motoryacht al said, built by lürssen at Bremen in 2008.

Superyacht Interiors gehr has successfully undertaken more than 25 superyacht projects since 2000, including those with special requirements, such as solas pyc compliant. its calling card is classic interiors made from lightweight sandwich composites, the use of non-combustible products, and fully integrated systems. it provides complete project management and after sales, from planning through to construction, production, assembly and beyond. due to the confidentiality agreements that shroud the yacht industry, publicising its many projects can be tricky, says reiner gehr, ceo of gehr. “we work mainly on top-secret superyachts and private jet projects”, he explains. “our production facility in lunestedt works on a strictly confidential basis. even after we have delivered our interiors we still maintain strict all carpenters undertake a full in-house training programme to guarantee quality of work.

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an aerial view of the Gehr facility.

From left: Reiner Gehr, antonia Gehr, and Jens Uwe otten; Board of Directors.

A full-circle in-house value added chain guarantees reliable individual and complete solutions. silence about our yacht and aircraft work. unless, of course, the owners expressly authorise us to publish details.�

Artisanal Skill gehr in hamburg has a portfolio that encompasses concept development, project management and after sales service around the globe. no matter whether it involves technical


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Emigreen, simply the world leader in Soot, NOx, CO, HC & Noise reduction Adv_EMI_Superyachts_192x132_8-2016_conc8.indd 1

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The main saloon on board motoryacht Roma.

finishing work for the extremely high-quality interior of superyachts or special furnishings and fittings for private aircraft, the company’s many years of experience and competence guarantee top quality for clients all over the world. Gehr offers complex service packages from a single source. For Reiner Gehr and Managing Director Jens-Uwe Otten that is the key to success. At the production site in Lunestedt there are over 60 employees. The carpentry enterprise has a production area of 6,500m2 at its premises. In Hamburg specialists work in the trimly restored Elbkaihaus, its focal point being development and project management. The quality of the interior finishing work, including the individual fittings and pieces of furniture, as well as of the complete customised solutions meets the highest demands of craftsmanship made in Germany, or rather made by Gehr, and is combined with state-of-the-art production technology. The site in Lunestedt not only houses the most modern paint shop in northern Germany, but also meets both the strict safety

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The Lunestedt site houses the most modern paint shop in northern Germany. standards for aviation and the individual demands of yacht owners.

The Home of Interior Geographically speaking, the focal points of the projects are in Germany and the Netherlands, the US, the Near East as well as the countries bordering the Mediterranean. Due to a lack of readily available specialists, Gehr continues its long-standing tradition of conducting its own training programmes, especially in the field of carpentry. An apprenticed carpenter, for example, will not only learn all about working

wood and wood-based materials, but also about plastics, metal and glass – as well as how to apply modern adhesives. After all, these materials are frequently combined in furniture and other fittings. Great value is also attached to surface treatment – a perfect high gloss or a classy matt finish, for instance. The master craftsman is responsible for training the apprentices guided by a training programme that takes three years to complete, but even then they still need to acquire plenty of practical experience in daily routine before they are up to the genuine Gehr skills level. A contemporary beacon of German artisanal skill and vision, Gehr flies the flag for both beautiful bespoke interiors and highly-valued precision.



09.208 METS 2019

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Awlfair Flex Light has been developed in direct response to the increasing size of yachts on the market.

A Coat For All Seasons Awlfair Spray Filler leads a new generation of yacht coatings. all photos courtesy of Awlgrip


07.323 METS 2019

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or over 45 years, the Awlgrip brand has held a reputation of universal trust and respect in the yachting world. Awlgrip products are known for their outstanding quality and appearance – an appearance against which all other finishes are measured. This reputation is built on a spirit of continuous innovation, and the ethos that a ‘good’ finish just isn’t good enough. That’s why AkzoNobel – the technical expertise behind the Awlgrip brand – has leveraged its full capabilities to bring luxury yacht coatings to the next level and is proud to present Awlfair Spray Filler (SF).

Efficiency at the Fore Fairing and sanding can be extremely timeconsuming and labour-intensive, especially when it comes to large vessels. Awlfair SF is the latest high-performing filler technology from the Awlgrip. Awlfair SF is distinct because it is applied by pressurized airless spray rather than hand application. This allows for wet-on-wet application, and the application of up to two coatings per day without the need for sanding between coats. Awlfair SF can be applied evenly at an estimated

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Ideal for fairing, levelling or smoothing surface imperfections due to gouges, pitting, dents or weld seams, Awlfair SF provides a faster application of product per square meter.

Fairing and sanding can be extremely time-consuming and labour-intensive, especially when it comes to large vessels.

rate of five liters per minute – perfect for fairing, levelling or smoothing surface imperfections due to gouges, pitting, dents or weld seams. Spray application eliminates air pockets during application, resulting in reduced reworking and improved aesthetics. Spray application eliminates air pockets during application, resulting in reduced reworking and improved aesthetics. Efficiency and innovation never looked so good!

New Innovations Alongside presenting Awlfair SF at the upcoming Amsterdam-based exhibition METSTRADE 2019, AkzoNobel will also feature a number of other new innovations in the field of yacht coatings, including Awlfair Flex Light (FL) and Awlgrip High Definition Technology (HDT), as well as additions to the Perfection Pro range from AkzoNobel’s International brand. Awlfair FL has been developed in direct response to the increasing size of yachts on the market. With a high film build but reduces density, Awlfair FL offers significant weight reductions and improved flexibility while achieving the desired shape and profile for the overall system. Likewise, Awlgrip (HDT) has been developed in response to the evolving needs of the yacht industry as a high-performance polyurethane topcoat that provides high gloss, durability and true colour, in addition to its application benefits. Perfection Pro Undercoat and Perfection Pro Varnish complete the Perfection Pro range, offering professionals the ultimate easy-to-apply brush and roller scheme. Reflecting the industry-leading expertise and continuous innovation of AkzoNobel, all of these products will be unveiled and ready for viewing on the AksoNobel stand at METSTRADE 2019. Find us at stand 07.323 in Hall 7.


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For over 45 years, the Awlgrip brand has held a reputation of universal trust and respect in the yachting world.

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METIS Benetti’s 63m metis offers a point of difference at every turn

Metis boasts an impressively long and vertical bow with big volumes behind fluid lines.

Built By Benetti, metis sports striking interior architecture By BannenBerg & rowell, and a sleek profile By giorgio m. cassetta. all photos courtesy of jeff Brown

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t first glance, the steel hull and aluminium superstructure of Benetti’s latest launch – 63m metis – seem to be little more than a beautiful example of the kind of workmanship that the italian yard has become renowned for. But on closer inspection, this five-deck boat (based on the same platform as spectre) is actually a shining example of how a yacht that began life on spec turned out to be an owner’s dream custom build. stepping into the project just two years prior to delivery, the hull and superstructure already existed, the engines had been put on board, as had the generators, and most of the pipeline

was in place. “it was a well-advanced spec boat”, explains stefan Zucker of Zucker + partners who served as owner’s technical representative, “at least one third was complete.” while that may have meant that the duration of the project was reduced from the owner’s point of view, it did also introduce some complications, says Zucker: “the owner came in early on with the idea of adding underwater lights – but rather than wanting just a few, he was set on adding 48 lights in total. this on a completed hull, which means every second metre, 24 underwater lights needed to be fitted


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the touch and go helipad.

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YACHT REPORT on each side underneath the vessel. that was quite a challenge for the shipyard to find suitable places to access, as there is pipework and tanks that need to be accommodated. But that was the beauty of working with Benetti who are so used to custom projects and are really flexible. it took a while, but we prevailed.”

Technical Accuracy at 63m long, with a 10.60m beam, a draft of 3.1m and at 1,245gt, metis boasts an impressively long and vertical bow with big volumes behind fluid lines designed by giorgio m. cassetta. her exterior areas have been conceived for living outside at any time of day. the bridge deck sports a spacious relaxation area with a mini-bar, ice maker and a teppanyaki barbecue. further forward is a jacuzzi with a sumptuous sunbathing area. But the fly deck is where Benetti came into its own. “the owner didn’t think the fly deck looked right”, says Zucker. “he thought something was missing in profile – and he also really wanted a gym on board. that was the moment when the fly deck gym was put on the drawing desk and added to the whole construction.” the addition of a fly deck gym was one of the biggest and most significant changes made by the owner. “all the lines had been drawn, and Benetti weren’t far off from filling and fairing”, says Zucker. what ensued were multiple rounds of recalculations and approvals, regarding stability and weight, and at least six months spent constructing the gym’s aluminium structure. “it was a major change, but it was one of the owner’s conditions”, says Zucker. “so, the yacht now has additional ballast, more than typically expected on a boat like this. But it is a displacement yacht with a top speed of around 15 knots – it’s not a performance yacht – so that was acceptable.” the facility enables guests to train both inside and outdoors: the sliding doors fore and aft and the dark-coloured side windows ensure total privacy and an unparalleled view of the sea.

Interior Architecture introduced to the owner by yacht broker and owner’s rep, kurt lehmann of yacht moments (whom Zucker + partner have a long-standing working history with), Zucker and his team took on much of the technical specifications and quality control. “it’s easy to name and specify two main engines and three main generators, but how do you specify perfection?”, he says. “it’s a permanent communication between the a private seven-person jacuzzi.

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SPECS Length overall 63m Beam max 10,60m Draft max 3,1m Hull and Superstructure Steel and aluminium Full Load Displacement 1.100t Fuel tank capacity 115.000l Fresh water capacity 24.000l Owner & Guest cabins 7 cabins for 13 persons Crew cabins 9 cabins for 13 persons Main engines 2x MTU 12V4000M53 – 1,380kW Generators 3x Caterpillar C6.6 – 143ekW 1x EDG Caterpillar C4.4 – 86ekW Bow thruster Electrical / 200kW Stabilizers Naiad Dynamics Max speed 16 knots Range @ 12kn 5,000Nm Classification Lloyd Register (LY3 compliant) Builder Benetti Shipyard Naval Architecture Benetti Shipyard Concept + Exterior designer Giorgio M. Cassetta Interior designer Bannenberg & Rowell Design Interior décor Bannenberg & Rowell Design in collaboration with Birgit Otte Interior

the main deck lounge.

rather significantly, the interiors are rotated 30-degrees with respect to traditional configurations and offer some unusual and surprising vantage points. “this is something that we’re doing a lot more of on board yachts, and it just adds a little point of difference in terms of the vistas, not to mention more design articulation”, says Bannenberg.

Family Affair shipyard, the build team and the owner. there is almost no day when the shipyard doesn’t come up with new sketches that need to be discussed and amended, from the owner’s bathroom, to the saloon, to the galley.” metis’ strikingly modern interior has been architecturally designed by Bannenberg & rowell, who were introduced to the project from the beginning. Bleached oak and polished steel are the main materials of choice, peppered with leather inlays and carbon fibre detailing. german designer Birgit otte was later brought in on the project at the owner’s request to give the loose furnishings and fabric selection a more feminine touch, not to mention ensure the yacht (which is registered for private use) was designed with the foresight for charter should that be required in the future. “the owner is very experienced, and knew exactly what he wanted”, says dickie Bannenberg. “we had to strike a balance

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between an interesting interior that had commercial viability, so not too safe or predictable, but with a point of difference.”

Owner’s Sanctuary on the upper deck resides a generous lounge area with a grand piano and bar, and more vast outdoor spaces for both relaxation and al fresco dining, including a seven-person jacuzzi. the midship section and stern, however, are entirely occupied by the 160m2 owner’s area, with a full beam master suite that unusually features two double beds separated by a jack and jill en-suite. equipped with large his and hers showers distinguished by calacatta and coffee brown marble, one has a sea view, sauna and shower, and the other with bathtub. the suite is almost entirely framed by full-height panoramic windows that flood the setting with light, while a vast external terrace with a touch and go helipad offers panoramic views and guaranteed privacy.

a children’s play area and double cabin with bathroom are located on the main deck opposite the mirror-image nanny cabin, while on the lower deck a further four guest cabins are located, enabling metis to accommodate a total of thirteen guests. the stern beach club and cabana benefits from two extending side terraces, in addition to the stern platform, making this an original sea-view lounge of impressive proportions. it’s on the water living at its very best, while watersports entertainment is catered for by way of a 7.5m tender and two jet skis. propulsion is provided by two 1,380kw mtu 12v engines delivering a top speed of 16kts and a range of 5,000nm at a cruising speed of 12kts.

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49.56m yacht Cecilia is one example of a yacht for charter with C&N.

Intelligent Charter A flexIBle ANd ACCeSSIBle ApprOACH THAT eMBrACeS A NeW geNerATION Of dIgITAl-MINded CHArTererS – THAT IS WHAT 236-YeAr Old BrOKerAge HOuSe CAMper & NICHOlSONS INTerNATIONAl IS AIMINg TO ACHIeve fOllOWINg ITS 2019 ACquISITION of digital charter platform “We want to give the company a future as long as our past,” says paolo Casani, C&N’s chief executive, and by that he means taking the technology behind digital charter platforms, and using it to strengthen the C&N brand. Here we speak to Casani, and giovanni Alessi, founder of and C&N CITO, on the future of charter.


n 2019 Camper & Nicholsons International announced a technology merger with Hong Kong-based to launch an online platform delivering bespoke experiences and data to industry stakeholders including owners, brokers, shipyards and guests. The platform has been designed by a dedicated team of software engineers in Camper & Nicholsons’ Monaco headquarters. By the fourth quarter of this year, it will be accessible across all platforms and devices distilling yacht intelligence including fuel usage, marina logs, staff profiles, search history and social media presence into one simple-touse tool with solutions for all stakeholders including customers, yacht owners, brokers and Captains

C&N is the oldest brokerage firm, what is behind your decision to partner with Paolo Casani: We are the oldest but the newest. We want to give the company a future as long as our past. We have 236 years of history; we have interpreted the changes in the market and are trying to organise the company with new tools and a new strategy to approach the market without losing the experience, human contact and human touch. So we aim to use the digital charter platform technology in a different way to other brands. We are not

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looking to replace the experience of our brokers, but to enrich and improve the tools that they work with.

So, you regard it to be more than just a digital charter platform, it’s effective data management? Casani: Yes, we believe that you can’t replace the experience of people, it’s an underlining value of C&N, but in the end technology is a tool that we can use. So the tools are to improve our performance. But technology cannot replace personal relationships that have been built up over the years. We are in a niche market, and face-to-face remains very important. But we can use technology to speed up operations, to improve the process of new enquiries, and to get in touch with a new generation of owners. Our level of customer service, however, remains at an exceptionally high level and can only be provided by people. Giovanni Alessi: C&N are a service provider, and this spans across both our existing clients and new. But we know that the new generation of owners and charterers approach the industry differently – they approach a charter or yacht manager through new devices and by using digital solutions. So, if brokerage houses want to survive through the digital era they need to

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C&N aims to organise the company with new tools and a new strategy to approach the market without losing the experience, human contact and human touch.

Giovanni Alessi, founder of and C&N CITO.

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Paolo Casani, C&N’s chief executive.

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We keep your yacht on location W

e can service your yachts underwater with our traveling specialist ship repair teams. We will study any problem below or above the waterline and estimate it for repairs. By immediately mobilizing our technicians we eliminate the need to travel to dry dock. They can perform the necessary repair work anywhere in the world. We have a long and very successful track record of thousands of underwater repairs to bow thrusters, propellers, rudders, stern tubes, sea chests and damaged ship hulls. We can do these operations in port or at anchor, wherever you are. All our teams are highly trained and qualified for the full range of repair procedures. We eliminate all the hassle of dry docking and we can help you stay on location at all times.

AD Superyacht 193x132cm.indd 1

Phone: + 32 3 213 5300

12/08/19 16:29

Where quality meets design The perfect fender system for any superyacht tender. Beautiful, flexible and tailor made for each vessel.

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The new generation of owners and charterers approach the industry differently – they approach a charter or yacht manager through new devices and by using digital solutions.

have a strategy for the digital world, and that means having people inside your company who have the confidence and competence to integrate new technology as it unfolds on the market. This means developing and delivering solutions for both our clients, and our team. So it is necessary to have that kind of know-how within the company’s overall solutions.

What demographic are, and will, use the online charter apps? Alessi: I think both old and new will use the platforms, and it’s already like that. from a charter perspective it all needs to be streamlined. It will still be managed by C&N but using a new set of digital tools to enhance the experience. The market is demanding a digital revolution. Our older clients still like to have all the information that they require in one easy to access place, and that requires creating a digital solution that can facilitate this.

How does differ from other online competitors? Alessi: has been developed to empower small to medium charter companies, but for C&N a higher set of solutions are being developed. Superyachts require a level of service and communication that can’t be

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Building an in-house team makes us more efficient and effective, delivering an enhanced service to both our brokers and our clients. provided by a digital platform. Other platforms out there tend to cut out the broker, but that is not what we’re doing. What was doing historically is to develop communication tools for brokers, payment methods, e-contract signatures and marketing solutions to assist the process. It’s a completely opposite model to, say for example, Airbnb. Casani: The technology that we have acquired is not only a charter platform, it’s a global technology and will be used by C&N to completely restructure the yacht database and all the tools that we use. So, it’s a global project, including a team of highly professional people.

giovanni is the founder of, but alongside him we also now have five engineers working in-house to develop C&N’s new digital infrastructure. It’s a very ambitious global project, and goes far beyond simply booking on an online platform. That’s why we are hugely different from other platforms, and why it holds so much value for our company.

How will this acquisition benefit C&N? Alessi: Having the chance to work with a team of developers has allowed us to develop a specific digital solution for our team and brokers. We’re creating on-demand tech solutions that we are now able to implement in a very short amount of time, whereas previously we would have had to outsource to external agencies. Building an in-house team makes us more efficient and effective, delivering an enhanced service to both our brokers and our clients.

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Safinah covers everything from dry-dock and refit work to the provision of expert support in the event of coating failures.

The combined Safinah Group now has a 40-strong team and handles over 200 assignments per year.

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The final 10 microns of any coating system is absolutely critical to the success of any superyacht, but it’s the planning, detail and execution of everything under that outer lustre that is the most important factor.

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Beauty is More Than Skin Deep WHen IT COMeS TO yACHT COATInGS, SAFInAH GrOuP knOWS THAT IT’S WHAT LIeS beneATH THe OuTer LAyer THAT MATTerS MOST. THAT COuLD PAve THe WAy TO exPLAInInG WHy Over One quArTer OF THe WOrLD’S TOP 100 SuPeryACHT PrOjeCTS HAve TurneD TO SAFInAH TO enSure THeIr PAInTWOrk SHIneS brIGHTer, FOr LOnGer. all phoToS COurTeSy OF SAFInAH


he final 10 microns of any coating system is absolutely critical to the success of any superyacht, but it’s the planning, detail and execution of everything under that outer lustre that is the most important factor in delivering the required end result and meeting the expectations of the client. The unseen work of Safinah Group’s coatings consultants and field personnel ensures that they are the first point of contact for some of the world’s most discerning customers.

History in the Making The Safinah name was established 21 years ago with the opening of Safinah Limited. Since then, the company has become the go-to consultancy for finding solutions to highly complex coating challenges. In 2018, the company was acquired by the TPO Group of Denmark, a world-leader in the provision of coating oversight on global repair and maintenance projects. The combined Safinah Group now has a 40-strong team and handles over 200 assignments per year, covering everything from dry-dock and refit work, to the provision of expert support in the event of coating failures. For the past 15 years, Safinah has been a growing presence in the superyacht new build and refit sector, working on over 114 yachts with an average length of 70m. An impressive 75 of these have become returning customers, including builders, owners, captains, management companies, coatings contractors and insurers. “Coatings should never be looked at as an afterthought or a bottom-line item, where money can be saved”, says Andrew Hopkinson, Managing Director of Safinah Group. “With the correct consultation from the outset, getting the

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right coating systems specified and applied will save in the long run on re-work and maintenance costs throughout the entire life of the vessel.”

Consulting for Clients With the creation of Safinah Group, the worldrenowned Safinah consulting team has been enhanced by the addition of over 20 nACe/ FrOSIO-certified painting superintendents. This gives the company more capacity and global reach for the traditional short survey and field inspection services that some clients require. “The goal of Safinah Group is to minimise costs and risks for clients”, says Marcus reynolds, business Development Manager for Safinah Group’s yacht Sector. “Increasingly, in complex projects, the company is being jointly-appointed by different parties involved in a build. This arrangement gives Safinah Group the oversight to provide professional and independent advice and to ensure that the work is delivered to the agreed specification, first time, to the satisfaction of all parties.”

Interpreting field reports to determine the cause of any potential problems; and providing feedback knowledge to improve future processes and solutions. “It is reported that at least half of all superyachts are delivered with some kind of coating issue”, explains Dr neil nicolson, Head of Safinah Group’s yacht Team. “So, if you don’t have the correct project management, the finished product could be rejected, and you may end up paying for a very expensive re-paint and potentially lose your first season on the water. Throughout all of our large yacht projects, we have supported our clients and met their expectations. So, you could say appointing Safinah Group is like taking out your own coatings insurance policy.”


Futureproofing Safinah Group has a 360-degree project concept. Their experience in the sector has allowed them to identify the key bottlenecks in coating applications and apply a feedback cycle to the whole process. This allows Safinah Group to report and consult at all stages of a coating project, ensuring that the end-result looks as good as possible for as long as possible, extending refit schedules and reducing crew aftercare and lifetime costs. The Safinah 360-degree project concept involves anticipating problems and preventing them from happening in the first place; Monitoring, checking and managing processes to ensure standards are being achieved;

The unseen work of Safinah Group’s coatings consultants and field personnel ensures that they are the first point of contact for some of the world’s most discerning customers.

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24-10-19 14:56

Veth Integrated L-drive The most compact thruster ever


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VETH_Adv 96x132 L-Drive METS (Sep19).indd 1

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(t) + 49 (0) 6352 / 7025 0 (f) + 49 (0) 6352 / 7025 29 (e) (w)

26-09-19 14:52

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PAINT & COATING SYSTEMS The newly launched RRS Sir David Attenborough sporting a newly applied ecospeed top coat.

photo courtesy of Jon payne (Cammell laird)

Green Machine Boud Van Rompay, foundeR and Ceo of HydRex, and a woRld leadeR in undeRwateR RepaiR

many years. in fact the oldest yachts with our coating have been in the water for 20 years, and there is no degradation of the coating whatsoever.”

and maintenanCe teCHnology, explains why ecospeed coating is good for both yachts and the environment.


here are multiple reasons why the advanced ecospeed coating from Hydrex keeps yacht hulls in top condition, both in terms of aesthetics and performance, but when it comes to environmental impact, nothing else comes close. “large yachts need to be clean and green. they have to be seen to minimise their environmental impact”, says Boud Van Rompay, Ceo of Hydrex. “with ecospeed there are no emissions at all. there is no influence whatsoever on marine life. and as far as i am aware, we are the only product on the market that offers that.” the main component within ecospeed is glass. and glass eliminates the need for anodes, says Van Rompay. “the coating remains intact for

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So what is the purpose of an anode on a boat? the zincs that are used within the majority of hull coatings are called ‘sacrificial anodes’. Zinc is used because it has a higher voltage in the water so the current will be more inclined to flow from it than from the propeller. However, not only is zinc itself toxic in the environment, zinc anodes also contain extremely toxic cadmium metal as an activator. “any form of anti-fouling that is present on a boat at this very moment is killing marine life,” says Van Rompay. “this is known throughout the industry, which is why we’re receiving interest from owners, shipyards and management teams wanting to know about the ecological aspect of our coating.”

Impending Regulations in addition to new imo regulations and legislation looking to mitigate the contents of anti-fouling coatings, there is also growing regulatory movement against the transportation of invasive aquatic species (iaS) by the

biofouled hulls of the international shipping fleet, including superyachts. Hydrex not only coats hulls in environmentally-friendly ecospeed, but train crew on how to regularly clean the yacht’s hull as well. “marine attachments need to be removed regularly from a boat’s hull, but the ease with which they can be removed from ecospeed coating is astonishing”, he says. “it is by far the easiest coating to clean, because of its glass content. as a result, the crew can easily take care of the cleaning of a boat – even a 100m yacht is a small surface for a diver. one day a month will suffice if the crew is properly trained. at the moment it’s not standard practice, but we are encouraging crew to do that.” Case in point is the newly launched RRS Sir david attenborough, a research vessel owned by the natural environment Research Council to be operated by the British antarctic Survey for the purposes of both research and logistic support. it has received ecospeed top coating, which in addition to all the aforementioned advantages, also boasts magnificent resistance to ice.


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Maltese Cruising Rich heRitage, alteRnative cRuising gRounds and peRfoRmance yachts define the pictuResque destination of malta. Amore Mio in Blue Lagoon

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Earlier this year, I found myself lucky enough to be anchored near the north-east of the main island of Malta on board motor yacht Amore Mio. Uninhabited since World War II, St Paul’s Island loomed overhead, laden with history and yet beautifully desolate. One solitary coastal watch tower sat above us on the cliff’s edge, the last bastion of a fortified bygone era. The entire coastline of Malta is peppered with these lookout posts built by the Knights of Malta during the 17th century. Manned nightly, they were used to watch the seaward approaches, and to raise the alarm with a fire signal in the event of an imminent threat.

Designed for Outdoors The Maltese archipelago consists of three main islands – Malta, Gozo and Comino. The dramatic coastline makes for spectacular cruising, particularly when aboard a highperformance yacht such as 45m Heesen motor yacht Amore Mio. She is the biggest and most powerful sports-yacht ever built in the Netherlands and is a glorious example of a custom superyacht; a true leader in her class. Built by Dutch shipyard Heesen in 2016, she is designed for outdoors living, with a vast 90m2 sundeck, and a rapid top speed of 30 knots.

With angular exterior lines by Omega Architects and interiors designed by Cristiano Gatto, Amore Mio combines power with comfort in a fusion of sophisticated elegance and contemporary style. Her facilities include a cinema, pool, BBQ and infinity terrace, in addition to a 12m-squared swimming platform and the largest collection of watertoys on board any yacht.

Life On Board Since taking delivery, her owner has spent most of his time on board using her as his Maltese summer home at sea, as was intended. She is based year-round at Manoel Island Marina, which is centrally located in Gzira, and where we first step aboard the yacht. The newly launched port Marina di Valletta is the latest addition to the historic island of Malta. Located on the edge of the Baroque fortress city of Valletta and neighbouring Amore Mio’s home port it provides the perfect base from which to explore myriad treasured coves and crystalclear bays. Accommodating up to 27m yachts within its 250 berths, it also hosts alongside transit berthing for yachts of up to 50m and provides direct access to Valletta’s cobbled streets – the first grid system of its kind.

It’s an early morning in June, and the sun is rising over the historic city. The majestic dome of St John’s Co-Cathedral pierces the dramatic skyline. Baroque in character, but defined by elements of Mannerist, Neo-Classical and modern architecture, Valletta is a brilliant feat of engineering, and a lasting legacy of the Knights of St John. Sitting up top at Amore Mio’s open helm, views of churches, spires, and imposing buildings stretch as far as the eye can see, as Captain Tripp Hock eases us out of the marina, and we glide serenely by.

Diving Opportunities The Maltese have a strong maritime heritage, but Malta itself doesn’t form part of the Mediterranean yachting milk run. Offering something vastly different from the likes of St Tropez, Capri or Croatia, the rocky islands provide hidden bays, secluded anchorages and alternative diving. Dwejra Bay is Captain Tripp’s preferred spot, and it’s clear to see why. Located off Gozo just behind Fungus Rock (so-called for a rare type of medicinal plant that naturally grows there) this dramatic coastal formation provides a protected bay for bathers and yachts alike (even up to 80m), with an impressive backdrop of waves spilling over rocks.


Cruising outside the historic city of Valletta

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Yacht Transport by ROLL-GROUP.COM

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“It’s a tiny narrow entrance that is deep enough for us to cruise into, but as soon as you enter you have a feeling that you’re in an inland lagoon because there are high walls and cliffs surrounding you in the anchorage”, explains Captain Tripp. “It’s very unusual, and very other worldly. And it’s definitely one of the best spots in Malta to experience by yacht.” Near to Dwejra Bay is one of Gozo’s top dive sites, the Blue Hole. Naturally carved over time by the attrition of water and wind, spectacular limestone rock formations allow divers to swim through arches, explore sea caves, and delve into the island’s wartime history via an array of military shipwrecks.

Dramatic Cruising Fishermen have always used the inland sea as a mooring point for their boats and fishing huts, so to access the private sandy beaches found on the north side of Gozo, it’s best to run a tender to shore. In the summer months, when the sea temperature averages around 24°C, combining a Maltese charter with three days on the Sicilian coastline (just 60Nm away) makes for an unsurpassed experience, says Captain Tripp. “The British empire leaving Malta in 1979 is the full stop to an incredibly long and chequered history of the island, but it’s the limestone coastline being worn away by the sea for millennia and highly dramatic cliff faces that are found on the south/south west of the island that make for really spectacular cruising. When paired with two/three days in Sicily or the Aeolian Islands, which are also in shooting reach and take in the volcanic island of Stromboli and Taormina, the city on the hill, it makes for an even richer and hugely alternative charter.”


Limestone cliffs.

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97m yacht Vava II at anchor in Cairns Marlin Marina.

Cairns is Capable Benefitting from the largest moBile Boat hoist in the world at the time of delivery, Bse Cairns slipway signals a new yaChting dawn for the sunshine state of Queensland. all photos Courtesy of Bse


he Cairns marlin marina in the enviable location of Queensland, australia is the gateway to the world’s largest coral reef system, the great Barrier reef, and is a burgeoning superyacht cruising ground. Boasting worldclass superyacht facilities which provide berths for vessels up to 140m in length and 6.5m draft, Cairns is now recognised as the yachting hub of australia. vessels up to 60m can be accommodated on floating pontoons, while vessels from 60 to 140m can be accommodated on the fixed wharf at sailfish Quay in the marina. in June 2019, the region’s capabilities significantly increased, however, with the arrival of the world’s first 1,120t mobile boat hoist. located at Bse Cairns slipways, the monstrous travel lift steps up the destination draw card to the Cairns region. Capable of lifting yachts up to 140m in length and with 24/7 slipping capacity,

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it paves the way for much larger vessels to head to the region for both cruising and maintenance. with Cairns as the only customs clearance port in the area, and benefitting from a two-minute walk into the bustling city centre, the dedicated superyacht precinct has also paved the way for greater infrastructure support to more remote cruising grounds such as papua new guinea, tahiti and fiji.

Futureproofing Cairns speaking on the arrival of the 1,120t mobile boat hoist, Brian Keller of Bse Cairns slipways, comments: “it will really open up the market for Bse and Cairns, and to help us to become the best ship repairer in the world. the mobile boat hoist will enable us to lift vessels of deeper draft and opens up our hard stand areas not restricting us to vessels only on the slip.” “larger superyachts over 600t will have confidence to stay in the pacific now that they

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have the ability to be lifted and repaired”, he adds, “and overtime we should see an increase of this size vessel in the pacific. there were approximately 58 vessels berthed in the marlin marina in 2018, and we believe the size of superyachts will increase and stay longer thanks to our newly improved capabilities. we still need the charter regulations to go ahead, but even without this we have had an increased enquiry rate.”

It will really open up the market for BSE and Cairns, and to help us to become the best ship repairer in the world.

Increased Opportunities in addition, it is expected that the new mobile boat hoist will support vessels in need of maintenance and refit work hailing from nearby great Barrier reef marinas in the port douglas (Crystalbrook superyacht marina) and whitsunday regions (Coral sea marina resort/ hamilton island marina). Benefitting from a highly experienced trades base, not to mention all the essential respected engineering suppliers, the investment that Bse Cairns slipway has made to help support the Cairns region’s burgeoning superyacht industry has been greatly received by the entire yachting community.

“we are already experiencing serious interest in refit, and with increased visitation to our region from numerous vessels around the globe this world-class infrastructure is paramount”, says Joanne drake, manager of superyacht group great Barrier reef. “Captains may now rest assured in the confidence that their vessel will be lifted safely and handled professionally. australia’s most capable superyacht-dedicated Cairns marlin marina will now host even more vessels pre and post-refit in our experienced yards.”

located at BsE Cairns slipways the mobile boat hoist can lift yachts up to 140m in length and with 24/7 slipping capacity.

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drake adds: “due to our ideal location in our customs-clearance port of Cairns, the hub of the south pacific, our region has already been receiving approximately 70% of the national superyacht visitation, and of course now this is set to increase. popularity with nearby papua new guinea and solomon islands cruising for yachts also has cemented our perfect-homeport reputation offering safety, security, an international airport, high-end provisions, dutyfree fuel, luxury retailers, world-rated restaurants and of course – the only place in the world where two natural unesCo world heritage sites meet – the great Barrier reef and the daintree rainforest.” ultimately, for captains, owners and crew, the investment in infrastructure means all their necessary refit and maintenance needs are now located within a ten minute radius of the marina, in a tropical paradise setting.


the new mobile boat hoist will support vessels in need of maintenance and refit work.

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HyTEPS is specialist in optimizing the quality of electricity on yachts We have the expertise to identify, analyze and optimize the quality of voltage and current. We detect and eliminate risks by means of our specialized services and product solutions.

HyTEPS | Elisabethplaats 30, GEMERT - The Netherlands | Tel. 0031 (0)492-371212 | |


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A Home at Sea

The generous owner’s suite benefits from a split-level bathroom, open-plan stairs, and a private 4m pool on the foredeck.

The laTesT offering from DuTch Design sTuDio Vripack, 55m alWaab ii combines

was used to fine-tune the turnkey solution, enhancing the owner’s understanding of space planning, sight lines and layout all from the comfort of his home in the middle east.

archiTecTural sTyle, The comforT of seaWorThiness, anD The familiariTy of a home in one sTriking package. all images courTesy of Vripack


he 55m alWaab ii is a yacht defined by its owner’s vision. To be a home at sea, where family and friends can socialise together in an open-plan space that invites the outdoors in. airy, light and with a seamlessly flowing layout that is underpinned by a safe and comfortable cruise. hailing from the design and naval architecture boards of Vripack, the result is a striking vessel built in steel and aluminium by Turkish shipyard alia yachts.

Virtual Design speaking during the launch at monaco yacht show 2019, bart bouwhuis, Vripack’s cocreative Director, explained how Virtual reality

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“The virtual reality was a big surprise to the owner, and he loved it because it made it so easy to understand the space and its interaction with the outdoors – far more so than renderings and sketches”, says bouwhuis. “ultimately that resulted in the entire design working how he wanted it to.” in addition to the owner’s brief for open-plan apartment-style living space, the length of the yacht also increased during the design stage from 52m to an eventual 55m, but remains under the 500gT threshold. “We stretched the design and ended up with a 55m built in steel and aluminium that out-performs in its vast outside space”, says bouwhuis. “The owner’s family loves to be in, around and on the water; he wanted a home at sea. This is truly exemplified by the beach club.” The entire design of the sf55 is pulled together by the sprawling beach club whereby semitransparent sides create a wind-protected area,

and a direct connection to the water heightens the onboard experience. further forward, windows provide uninterrupted sight lines, and an inside/outside connection from the gym. With the transformer located aft it provides the perfect space for entering and exiting the sea, relaxing out of the wind and enjoying the close proximity to the water’s edge.

Exterior Foresight serving as both project manager and owner’s representative throughout the build, sf yachts was responsible for bringing all parties together and ensuring that the exacting owner’s brief was delivered in all areas. “since meeting the owner over a year ago, he and i have established a great friendship”, says sf yachts’ ceo francesco pitea. “Throughout the year we discussed his desire to build a customised yacht that feels modern, fresh and most importantly like a home, and by that he means comfort, space, luxury, privacy and stability at sea. and that is exactly what 55m yacht alWaab ii is. The amount of outdoor space and the simplicity of the layout makes a big difference to the owner’s enjoyment of his yacht.” Vripack’s naval architectural expertise comes to the fore with the successful limitation of


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METS 19-21 Nov 2019 Stand 10.400 (SuperYacht Pavilion)

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Connectivity on the move via VSAT, 4G, IT networks, IPTV, TVRO and comprehensive global support.

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NAVAL ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN structural elements in the design – including the removal of window posts and fixed joinery – to allow unobstructed views of the sea. glass plays a central role, with glass bulwarks all around and expansive windows stretching from floor to ceiling. and intimate family areas, including a drop-down bulwark in the dining area, are paired with an almost endless owner’s aft deck, and an optimised hull for comfort at sea. rather significantly, due to the yacht’s main dimensions, the comfort rating has been increased by 40% compared to other 500gT vessels, ensuring excellent seaworthiness and greatly reducing sea sickness. in addition, the optimised hull makes the yacht highly efficient, using around 35% less fuel than other 500gT vessels when travelling at the same speeds, and as a result increasing her range. a bahamasready draft of 2.1m allows her to travel safely in shallow waters, too.

Interior Dimensions geometric lines shape the open-plan interior and the minimum of fixed furniture contributes to the homely atmosphere. hard wood is paired with a plentiful use of bamboo – “the owner really liked the clear structure of bamboo” – and an exposed floating staircase featuring a semitransparent art installation ascends all the way to the sun deck. commissioned from a Dutch artisan the artwork is made from wool and sandwiched between two glass plates. When lit up at night it becomes a vibrant focal point of the room. The generous owner’s suite benefits from a split-level bathroom, open-plan stairs, and a private 4m pool on the foredeck. The bathroom glass wall is again made semi-transparent by way of silk fabric captured in acrylic in the glass, while large windows all around the master suite allow for sunrise and sunsets to be viewed directly from bed. carefully implemented lighting throughout the interior provides a soft and welcoming ambience, enriched by a speciallyconceived, optimised night mode. “The night mode provides softer lighting”, explains bouwhuis. “The darker materials within the interior aesthetic absorbs the light, so the requirement was to brighten up the rooms without lighting itself becoming a dominant feature in the evening.” accommodating fourteen guests within seven guest cabins, including the owner’s suite, alWaab ii also benefits from an optional extra guest room by easily transforming the lower deck gym.

The latest offering from Dutch design studio Vripack, 55m alWaab ii combines architectural style, the comfort of seaworthiness, and the familiarity of a home.

geometric lines shape the openplan interior and the minimum of fixed furniture contributes to the homely atmosphere.

accommodating fourteen guests within seven guest cabins, including the owner’s suite, alWaab ii also benefits from an optional extra guest room by easily transforming the lower deck gym.

i. i. i.

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outfitters ACR Electronics Launches SM-3 Safety equipment specialist ACR Electronics has announced its new compact and durable crew-overboard LED strobe is approved for use worldwide for a range of commercial and leisure applications. The new SM-3 Automatic Buoy Marker Light is a high-intensity LED strobe that provides brighter light in all directions for clear marking of a man-overboard site. Lightweight, compact and durable, the SM-3 provides 360° visibility for approximately 3.22km. i.


03.131 METS 2019

Hydromar’s Bathing Platform Seascape in High Demand Hydromar’s Seascape – a hydraulically moving bathing platform for superyachts and cruise ships – is in high demand from the yachting market thanks to its ability to support a lot of weight. Hydromar delivered the first Seascape bathing platform in 2017, and has now revealed that a second Seascape Type 2 is on order to Heesen Yachts, while a Seascape Type 1 is on delivery for an Italian yacht currently being built by Feretti. i.


11.609 METS 2019

Cox Powertrain’s with Carbon Fibre Cowling British marine specialist Cox Powertrain’s high-performance diesel outboard is now available with a robust, contemporarystyled carbon fibre cowling. Created by high-precision specialist, CPC Group, which works with high-profile names including Ducati, McLaren and Porsche, the durable, lightweight protective housing is available in black or white.

DutchCraft 56 Unveiled at Cannes The DutchCraft 56 made its world debut at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2019, with both open and cabin models. Designed with versatility and enjoyment in mind. The 17m yacht is equipped for both global adventures and everyday cruising. The two styles of the DC56 offer a range of customizable deck features and layouts with low running costs. Guests can enjoy thrilling speeds of over 40 knots in comfort with minimal turbulence, thanks to the high-performance composite hull designed and engineered by DutchCraft’s in-house team. i.



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outfitters Yanmar Introduces New Generation Electronics

FLIR Introduces Raymarine DockSense Alert

Yanmar has unveiled its latest new-generation electronics with the launch of two new multi-purpose engine switch and instrument display solutions for boat owners. The Yanmar YD42 MultiFunction Colour Display and YD25 LCD Switch Panel Display offer innovative functionality and a compact and modern style to suit a range of yachts, catamarans, motorboats and RIBs. Featuring a low-profile glass helm design and a 4.1-inch full colour screen, the multi-purpose Yanmar YD42 reads and displays Yanmar engine alarm and diagnostic codes, while the new compact YD25 shows all Yanmar engine data, alarms and diagnostic codes, YANMAR and also integrates with multifunction displays and glass BooTH No. helm systems.

FLIR Systems has announced the launch of Raymarine DockSense Alert, a new addition to Raymarine’s intelligent docking technology line designed for a broader range of vessels. Raymarine DockSense is the recreational marine industry’s first intelligent object recognition and motion-sensing assisted docking solution. Based on this patent pending technology, DockSense Alert can be installed on any boat to help captains safely monitor their surroundings and dock their boats with confidence.






METS 2019

METS 2019

Istros to Become World’s First Motoryacht With Microturbine Equipped by RH marine, Istros will become the first motoryacht in the world with a micro turbine for its on-board power generation. This makes the refitted ship cleaner, quieter and more comfortable, while it can meet the strict emission standards in all ports and coastal waters. The yacht, originally built in 1954, is currently being completely rebuilt by Feadship in a joint venture between Dutch shipyards Royal Van Lent and Koninklijke De Vries Scheepsbouw. i.


11.511 METS 2019

Raymarine Launches LightHouse 3 Operating System Update Raymarine Marine Electronics’s new LightHouse Bermuda v3.10 operating system update for Axiom, Axiom Pro and Axiom XL multifunction displays. Loaded with new and enhanced features for sailboat cruisers and racers equipped with one or more Axiom MFD, it is free to download. LightHouse Bermuda comes with 60 new sets of Polar Performance Data bringing the onboard library of polar data to over 260 models. Its new Racing Data Dashboard display provides full-screen views of critical start line information, and a convenient Racing Sidebar that can be displayed along the left edge of the vessel’s Axiom display. A new Race Timer feature is also accessible from Bermuda’s Racing Sidebar. i.


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The METSTRADE Show is the world’s largest marine equipment trade show and the only truly international B2B exhibition for the marine leisure industry. The SuperYacht Pavilion is a destination in its own right. With two dedicated halls and an associated educational and social networking programme the SYP is far more than an exhibition. METSTRADE FEATURES



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aegean Yacht Main Office Akdeniz Caddesi 4, Yokusbasi, Bodrum 48400, Turkey t +90 252 313 26 55 F +90 252 313 84 68 Boatyard Turkevleri No: 192, Oren, Milas, Mugla / Turkey t +90 252 532 30 40 F +90 252 532 30 20 e I Aegean Yacht has been building, chartering, and refitting yachts since 1976. The company is based in Bodrum Turkey and so far has built and sold yachts up to 66 meters LOA to all around the World. Apart from yacht building & brokerage Aegean Yacht also provides drydocking, refit & repair services at their full service 20,000m2 seaside boatyard located in Oren – Bodrum Turkey. The boatyard can to haul out vessels up to 400 tons of displacement. We provide; – New building & refit steel, aluminum & composite – Machine & Hydraulic works – Propulsion & power systems – Electrics – Pipeworks – paint works – interior and exterior joinery – Fiberglass and epoxy – Rigging

custom yachts: a Displacement Series and an Explorer Series, with steel hulls, and a Fast Yacht Series of semidisplacement aluminium yachts, all of exceptional quality. The combination of premium Dutch quality and advanced technology, guided by personal client input and the keen commitment of the Moonen crew, make every Moonen yacht a joy to own and an excellent investment. Owning a Moonen yacht means joining an exclusive club, as we build just three or four yachts each year.

OceancO Marineweg 1, 2952 BX Alblasserdam P.O. Box 20, 2950 AA Alblasserdam The Netherlands t +31 (0)78 699 5399 F +31 (0)78 699 5398 e I contact: Marcel Onkenhout (CEO) Oceanco designs and builds large, luxury, custom superyachts, employing the very highest standards of engineering, planning and craftsmanship allied with the most modern facilities. Oceanco is credited with producing some of the most sophisticated and innovative luxury superyachts in the world. The numerous awards won signify and underscore Oceanco’s commitment to designing and building acclaimed superyachts of exceptional craftsmanship, style and innovation. Oceanco currently has various 85m+ superyachts under various stages of construction.

in the world as one of the flagship companies of the Made in Italy. The extensive network ensures a strong international presence in 59 countries. Besenzoni has established the widest product range available on the market: external hydraulic and retracting gangways, cranes for flybridge and stern, pilot seats, electric side doors, hydraulic bathing ladders and side ladders, hard tops, electric opening windows, hydraulic tender lifts and much more.


cRaMM YachtIng SYSteMS De Seize 7, 9041 BC Berlikum P.O. Box 510, 8901 BH Leeuwarden The Netherlands t +31 (0)518 461 600 F +31 (0)518 460 802 e I contact: Paul Boelens Cramm Yachting Systems designs, engineers, develops and produces hydraulic yacht equipment like: boarding ladders, passerelles/ gangways, deck cranes, sliding davits, steering machines, swimming platforms, wing-stations, stern doors and folding bulwarks. Cramm Yachting Systems has its own service department which is a partner for service, maintenance and refit projects. Cramm Yachting Systems is also a dealer for different anchorwinches, stabilizer-systems and bow- and sternthrusters.

standard Quality Marine Power (QMP) line are well engineered Generator sets and assembled by DBR in accordance to the applicable Marine IACS Classification Society rules.

eMIgReen B.V. Noordeinde 21 3341 LW Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht The Netherlands t +31 (0)184 415 317 F +31 (0)184 415 582 e I contact: Niko J. Dalpis Emission Control Technology Emigreen produces customised, integrated emission control solutions, for, among others, the maritime sector. Emigreen also provides services including design, specification, production, installation instruction, training and aftersales. Emigreen has expertise in emission control technologies, flow dynamics, thermodynamics and noise and vibration control. Emigreen develops and tests components including catalytic converters, particulate filters, selective catalytic reduction systems and related instrumentation. The Emigreen Alfa Alfa burner assisted soot filter system has set the standard for others to beat. All Emigreen solutions are highly efficient, highly reliable and highly controllable, whether designed for an inland barge, shortsea carrier or luxury yacht. Emigreen links science and the market

SUPPLIERS MOOnen ShIPYaRDS BV Graaf van Solmsweg 52F 5222 BP ’s-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands t +31 (0)73 621 00 94 F +31 (0)73 621 94 60 e I contact: Johan Dubbeldam Since 1981 Moonen Shipyards has become a world leader in the design and construction of “pocketsize superyachts” between 20 and 45 metres (65 and 150 feet). Moonen builds fully custom and semis u p e r y a c h t - i n d u s t r y.c om

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BeSenzOnI SPa Via Molere, 2 24067 Sarnico (BG) Italy t +39 (0)35 910 456 e I For 50 years Besenzoni has been constantly serving and assisting its clients in 90 countries qualifying itself

DBR BV Lelystraat 53 – NL-3364 AH P.O. Box 1039 – NL-3360 BA Sliedrecht – The Netherlands t +31(0)184 613 200 F +31(0)184 612 654 e I contact: H.J. Hafkamp DBR BV is the Dutch specialist in Diesel Generator Sets up to 4,000kVA and Pumps for the Super Yacht, Shipping, Dredging, Oil&Gas and Windfarm Industry worldwide. The DBR

heInen & hOPMan Produktieweg 12 Pantone 299 Pantone 354 Black K=100% 3751 LN Spakenburg The Netherlands t +31 (0)33 299 25 00 F +31 (0)33 299 25 99 e I contact: J.W.E. Hopman Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating,

Pantone Uncoated (U) voor uncoated papierdrukwerk, zoals visitekaartjes, briefpapier etc.

Pantone Coated (C) voor coated papierdrukwerk en en andere gecoate ondergronden, zoals stickers etc. Versie 2014-02-18 Edward Newland /

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refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: – Superyachts. – Commercial shipping. – Offshore industry. – Navy vessels. Our mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres.

tOUWFaBRIeK LangMan BV / LangManROPeS.cOM Beurtschipper 26-28 NL-3861 SC NIJKERK The Netherlands t +31 (0)33 246 19 86 e I contact: Jan E.M. Langman under the name LangmanRopes we supply a wide range of quality ropes made from natural or synthetic yarns. The development, manufacturing and processing of ropes has been our profession and our passion since 1638. For the Superyacht Industry we produce high quality mooringlines which can be supplied with leather protected eyes.

MtU FRIeDRIchShaFen gMBh 88040 Friedrichshafen Germany t +49 7541 90 7003 F +49 7541 90 7081 e I MTu diesel engines and drive systems are used in commercial, military and governmental vessels, as well as in yachts. Its product portfolio for yachts comprises engines and propulsion systems delivering power outputs of 466 to 10,000 kilowatts. They power series-built and displacement yachts as well as mega-yachts. They are complemented by standardized automation systems for monitoring and control of the propulsion plant. s u p e r y a c h t - i n d u s t r y.c om

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Completing the product portfolio is MTu ValueCare service support at over 1,200 locations around the world. Service includes engine maintenance, spare parts supply, and remanufacturing of engine components and complete drive systems.

nIcOVeRKen MaRIne SeRVIceS B.V. Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam, The Netherlands t +31 (0)10 238 0999 F +31 (0)10 238 0988 e I contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, including attachments i.e. governors, turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!

OPacMaRe S.R.L. via Luigi Einaudi, 150/154 10040 Rivalta (Torino), Italy t +39 (0)11 904 5411 F +39 (0)11 909 3022 e I contact: Cristina Moisa Opacmare designs and produces accessories for the nautical market with a high level of quality and innovation. We are developing products (standard or customized) and services able to meet the needs and the requirements of our customers, the most important shipyards in the World.

PIenIng PROPeLLeR Am Altendeich 83 D-25348 Glueckstadt Germany

t +49 4124 9168-0 F +49 4124 3716 e I contact: Mathias Pein Noise reduction relies upon the quiet operation of a yacht´s propulsion system. Piening Propeller fulfils its briefs in: Consideration of all hydrodynamic aspects during the design and an accurate manufacturing of propellers and shafts according to highest ISO classes.The company is approved by all common classification societies. Repairs and adjustments of propellers are done with the same care as new buildings. Piening Propellers scope of supply includes: Propellers FPP > 800mm Ø CPP > 1.100mm Ø Shafts up to a several length of 16,000mm Sterntubes with sealings and bearings Shaft brackets complete Gearboxes Brand ZF

t +31 (0)10 429 2222 F +31 (0)10 429 6459 e I Yachts are always a real treat to look at and the anchors and the chain cables should look fantastic as well. Wortelboer supplies chain cables and anchors to yacht builders all over the world. Our super mirror-polished stainless-steel anchors, as well as our hot-dip galvanized anchors and chain cables (both short link and stud link) can be found on countless yachts. All our materials are approved by any of the well-known class societies such as LRS, BV, RINA, DNV/GL, ABS and RMRS.Should you wish to hide the anchor from view, we are also able to deliver stainless-steel pockets and bottom plates. Come to Wortelboer and you can be certain that the anchors and chains will be the perfect finishing touch for your yacht.

WIneL B.V. P.O. Box 70, 9400 AB Assen The Netherlands t +31 (0)592 366 060 F +31 (0)592 312 392 e I contact: Bert Knijp Winel is a major supplier to the large yachts market, offering a wide range of unique premium quality shell doors, platforms, pantographic doors, transom doors, bulwark doors, hatches and watertight doors. For these custom made masterpieces we use proven concepts as the basis, coupled with smart technical solutions to optimize our products. Wishes of our customers can be incorporated without compromise.

heLIOS LUBeOIL Louis-Krages-St. 32 D-28237 Bremen, Germany t +49 421 2233681 e mail@superyachtlube.con e I I I Lubricant supplier, lubeoil surveys for new build and refit. Owners, shipyards, management and crew assistance. Oil sampling monitoring and a lot brand lubricants available in Europe, e.g. South France, Spain, Germany and uS. MTu named approvals as well as other manufacutrer specification. In Germany AGO and MGO physical supplier, duty free possible. Bulk supply by RTW and packed lubes will be delivered on individual request. Own large storage will make shipping easy. Save costs, fuel and resources with latest lubricant technology. Extent DPF and oil change interval. helios lubeoil is in the position to provide you with most kinds of lubricants. Start today and be prepared for tomorrow.

g.J.WORteLBOeR JR. B.V. Quarantaineweg 5, 3089 KP Rotterdam P.O. Box 5003, 3008 AA Rotterdam Harbournr: 2637 The Netherlands


S Y I 2019 | Vo l u me 14 | I s s u e 4 | 6 3

24-10-19 15:03

NEXT ISSUES We have already started preparing our upcoming issues of SuperYacht Industry. Below you will find some of the main topics we are planning to cover. Please feel free to provide our editorial staff with any relevant information, so they can take your input into consideration for publication. Our commercial department will be happy to assist you with your marketing needs.

SuperYacht Industry – Issue 1 | 2020 palma Superyacht Show 2020 Focus on Italy Refit & Repair NAVCoM & Marine Electronics Copy deadline | 18 February 2020 Advertisement deadline | 11 March 2020

SuperYacht Industry – Issue 2 | 2020 Focus on The netherlands Marine Propulsion & Power Generation, Hybrid Propulsion Entertainment Systems Crew & Manning Copy deadline | 13 May 2020 Advertisement deadline | 3 june 2020

Subjects can be changed without prior notice.


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SYI 2019 | Volume 14 | ISSue 4

i n d u s t r y

MEtStradE 2019 S U P E r Y a C H t- I N d U S t r Y. C O M

World of Interiors FocUS on gerManY

METSTRADE 2019 the WorLD LargeSt b2b traDe eXhibition

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