Miami Gazette December 28, 1850 - November 14, 1851

Page 1










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enple •. ban ~ lOW ...el. '! ~.

.1De. ,!I, IIr l ~ .

, . . Tl,e aalbir lisa b.. iad'ciled WI .d~-'.. " lhe urgeo! IUId pl!ONinS ,.quo,t ill ~ ;'lIe ba .. hi(\n illdeb..,.J ie I.. PllltUoaUun Ibr ail 1119)' IIOIA de.., 'Ih a~ all ma,. h.". AD oppontwil), ~' Ob~ il). pd ... ho b_.Te ,'''-;ur¥ ~im '!1th thollla.o.u..on" eN 01


encolllilUU, 'I00I&0 0( which 1.(' aooeud &It Ib, .aclTer unraa l,L

';p; per that I!hall givll'iideH ~ IUlfll and PAVE hunorable lillk~ LO


itll Palll'RI£ TURa

P Alrnol's.


' Frielld!!. let 11811av YOllr aid . .NOW ill l )lCo' time to 'I't _ Illlt! fronl nil\V on. f reach "\lu,.c~lber willll'et another ill "ddi~ion to JIiIll~Cl l f,

we will mliko th ~ VISr1'()R • 8RlJEt{Dl.D I'AP EIV ,

AILhollg h 1\'(' ('Xl'l'(lt to ' I\npr Vt! the ' p~ : prr ~o m" ~\.'rillmy, we sh,tll" continue our




TJmMS; : (Or • yoar if

lilA L}~.- O I1' Cylinder lloile~, til" F~R I" ~ long lind 32 incuea in djametm-, ill lisn



.rOaT BllCIIl:vJ1D


\V ~l'~.;SVJL~E

' STOllE.. . IlIt'unorhaMHiIl; Liv 8 of, l\Il1d l~on .I/id ~Ionroe, 'i'hc 1'0111 ' Harmonia by A. 1, DlIVi •

nra '.)fder. · AllLlIy to 'l't: LEUIIAl' U Mu.u, ,


G. .HI OIlMAfij. ,19th, 185b. :m.le



tile A vtgNlltle Illllflllrlllion . ,.."erln" nirYJJYlnt-1l wo~" IhQ I hie CICJlI('d a I.lrca( 01 tJlt' ~ inti' iJcloro !lUI P 1\",,>011".... til!' Cough, cuUR, I'oln i n Lifo 01 ,Joitll QUiD,,), Alh ms, c.)uglr\ ellulie. &0. h hl'8 10 J1ivcs 01 M ltrt D/Ill '_nha \Vel!hinglon, ' or a lly III/oer ,lIbi1tl\Jlce Ibllt W Tho Young IIJ:bn'8 Hook-a work ,/;atevcr~ l)o\V ~ n' bill Role g ttLly Oil 1110 young mO,l IIlIo ulil I1I1-'C, ' , dkih,.ihd 1\ drv y prc,mot"I,g lhe ."c,r,e llop5 • WOmell .jf thu m~\e bt P. G. Huadl uY. 1.\1I ex· 1\~lIt . '1:1)c altO\·o ",,!',heino j ll W 1


Byron'" l'oelP.~'


dij~ CO!ftmllllltYI

thc!eforo . . ilMm

' eli lin nnnacCli ',I'Y: Poemll 01 "I'itiu in nriQII' ~1,1 a o(bluclrna ~'ur Sitl!! 01 ' :,11 W"rncAy lllo Drog StOre ~l' Po IIIJ by .Alia.: "ud Phai!)o(;arcy. 0.\ VJ. LAOEIt &. GOODE. • VO+:III b,. Alllt'\Is , -:..-c., 41h '00. 4.~(f Green wi~d £..iavee ~ n8 ot 'l'cmper8l1Clo Offerlll:, ~ MEDIOAL NOTle!:. ~ Thu oem, '1'1,. ulldllnnJ'lerl buinlnh1e day enlliretllq· In fornUlllion fM tho People. [0 Clip. rill ttirUp in tho l"t1l(\.It.oe of Medici • • /Ill in. .1(1".1 branch ,T'Ile~lfufl,. teudu Drh,le . f.rtll>hiea; UIff veu'l! ,,,d, ,tlMlir '.0 iCOlll J:O Ibll e~tJz on' of 1111" ficiu!I,. "They eIID bo c:qnelilted at Iho 01 S Wlln '. :J'reolill6. ' ROBEaTS & BltE W [Ice r, rlJluly oc~uJllcd by Doctor f~bcr. ~beQ tiOI I n l r.....oqu qall v .!»eDt. ' II

11 1111


\'VAlnED. !


E. n .n:IEa

N. ". Aillhaee h!Winll uns,ullid .~n*" IJD DI, bOok. lit. ~u~ 10 MItIe the 8811111> by ~h or otherw}fe wilhilul (unller dele}" • E. FISHER. ~Dlber I, 160. 4~


,- ,x.

noll•• , .,t_ondHM up b, 'IJ'lioYl!. . dun"


like t~ law • •

. ~ bllut (UI'&I •.•• ,.\-."

TkeY',. ·ruUMd-up iI~"


.111 r..,.U dlu_,*

"ru;" th~ll! .. ~~",.~er,

'rh",:IIIOliO tllei, ;'\I:ht ptI';'1f l,f' • ,


, ,





1tUid 10

n ..._I..

IYla.,iWq&,j • (,'. " • "tit.~IWE " THE ·YJS.T0lt " To Do~ble' Me~iu:.. ~ile',~t dIe b egimJiog .', oillie . HCuocl t'ulume; 1I11.~, if PO!l6ible make 'ff





N, B, A Il.lhose my hoo k. tlJ'e


' am.nh(CA'J.

,. '

Dec:emoor II, '!.o,

lor ~alc by

E, ,


40' DDLS.LK""aWll Sill!. ake .. ;sO

, .. ~ VA , . \ 1-.1' 1l1 • h·~I" (.r .. w. ~.1J mMke "" ft.I'PH1CAL ., SKETCHE8.

IUl vinll: ul}IC l itl!il III'OOUDfft rr,q ll tcll 10 sC lilq the ! IlIQII

ea»h or olhellrl. o'wilhotn furihft d.~ ltlf:


The '1'~LES we ,11.n . publish '1Jlial1 b. of ,the' yell' flUT CL'~. 8uduIORUl'

TU!)! ,\ R 1),



n~fl J:;rt ,



j U!1 r~oely~.


"APDEN iii' ~eC LJ::U"A.N D.

N A NO. I: AIl')'ICLEOFPALEBRAN. W AN 0 , POn'r.lNE for"III~~~ IIDI BIOO A l 'Piiir~)Il! II, jUi l'l'eeeive<.l al . " or the 6~l order .nd dee(N!.t interett, ' ALLEN & EVANS. liin 'be .proml'Dent Icauture; • " i 8i... oti b. Golden Ball. , ~, . "'V1!'q~OUB j~'l'ICLBS Wyneavlll, ,April; rSliO. ' ,}larmfeAI In kmcliqd mor.1 In chDracler l~NE," IIAJ"D'& CO.

,.- con t rl·b'u.·e'I) ,".. e III . te reat 0 f our FOR . ~iGN AND WUUl.¥SALE DE,\Ll:IIS III " OOl\f~T}(; OUy'GOODS, ' .. ' No. 29 PUItL STun ,Rom. oOh. ntw (.,etllre8, 'will be the I-tf '-" . ' .. CINCINNATI EDUCATIONAL, PARENTAL, ' lod '.' - l ' ,.' . derDrtmt>lItt all ,nC which we K.E;G8 N"tU, IUlfif rted '1%", lUI reY OUTIi'S . " , . , ' ct!1Y,d IDd for 'loala boY. • hlU ~Im to fil , WIth th. ,01l010U7 ,~' IIU- may ill, HA Dr;>E~ ~ MeCL£r,L ,~NO ' .' TI&. ' "10 the ' BQ~ES OF JE;nSE~ DLUE AIm jail . \ "' ' r-"eel lJIel for aal. II' IJ U",! "Q'.. ~GaICULTURAL OOLU&INS ' HADDEN &. McOL BLLA!fP The F.i mer 'abDll laolve a I1I5E 'Of WULTR BOOT A-n 8110' E.8'I'O " n '.. • .. wurth blor. UIIII tell .tmelt dae icoi t of the "' . , l\{, SISCO reMpet:lfuUy announcea 10 pap'r for. year, PllbeSUblie Ihal40 Ileepa cooslanlly oft "THE ARTS AND SCJ~NCES J laao a good aS80ruheu& , of all Jtlad. . I " or,iH»ottl con'.u.ilDiI in W III .....

.' p.per ..



Sh~I 'furailb I alOK COLO II. fl811h

ft.. "Iloe.,


pari, of IJItln'a fino boola and. ~; womell'. boo .. and gaiters; , Upperawcolored Iud kid' caleDt leather, IIlId clulh itUters; kl.I, Ii.. and c:r!~:~; cloi,llIren,..hutl. \of.~lldeaoriplion' and All of the ..boy, will be.d .. cheap u 6ut be pUfcba.ea III anv 'llhllf eelabU. bmeDt in ~a COUlltry. Call and oa,nline for yoursel~ea be· lore pu[cbaaiug ellcwbel'/l. , . Mllin I i. oi", dUj)r .oillb 'o f Uar:ria' Ind ap' pottite .AllolD <\ En:ni" .t~r. W.]I~_II' .la"o IV .. .. o,qrt(".lve~~1 tIle T~ ,AllrI16, 1850. . " . " :10-,1(': EG~4PH}n t1~epart¥lt'Ul. In .. W!)rd ,BB~ PRllIIE,. N • . ¥., SALT jus t " . lIatend ~. '~!te , ',' , " . re in<.l Ind lu'r 'lu.l. py ...w ..... I . I!.&J . lIA.~RlS&.CO . . ~&~ ' .'1 . ' Oct. ~ . " S,illll,Qf !ha 1l.e!t . 'ltllt.

W • • re determined that our re.dere .hall be 'POlted tip w~r.r op II!-the mplt ',' , IUPO,R TANT, N~W8 Both r,oc,u~ Ind Gt;WD.b !r.nd 0 aid UI In t hi, w ork, we art Iwing "rrling~lnentl to , bat• ., c:oret!l.undent in' numbera ' of our I ~.. b 'J" d' I . f, " ~ar••.$Jtl". \II 0 WI I IIhIDt' I~~e Y In o.~, ".'or atlylntore;t!."t, trDIl_pmng e,~{!~".




p.'per that. 'hail Ii". ltaelf

I'A•• honorable

.ad P""ao.~.




,. , "

114~ and " .

ill Paop&lE1'U" "t'lT E

TO ~IlE LA:DTR8. ' hue a frllSh .u'p'ply of "l'oilet article. Qf

" " "', Ihll ~'I.r)' bt!al qualily. II 1011 wialt lu lpo" - ', " • i beauuful ,I"i 8 ua , ealh ' . I'rieDJ., l,t UI hawe ,our ala. WOW tl ' ; RGIJEltTS. BREWSTER. I,.t, .nd from nilW an. If •• ch r ;II-!#; eublqJbn "ill, another 'in .dditlon· to " him.if '''e, will , (he, VlSlTOll. .. ' ~,EW.Ii~T & ~"O~.-r~.B. , J " .. nIP r t D in. D PBn. ~ I, h " uudtlr.flgnoo oogil lell"e lu lilloI'm ' '!If:Ll:-N 1 ~A ~ ! Ibll cili1& of WI\yuC&yill!l 'and "icinily 'AI~h •• f'lfp, et-tCI' , IUlprove III. pM . d\~1 h~ ha.~ Ci' IIIILW""W ,III" [\9qt a\1\1 ,."oJl,tatertt'illy, we Ihu,1I . euntimu.' o,.r ;,hoe'lIIakll" hu~an q~~ 0,," MaVl Ylreel, pile I'slIiltil'ibrlt ,,' , , J ,Ioor al)o vc J.ddulI ..~ ~1 (;(jl d lt1n'd 'll Ibrel' ll tI(~ ~·r.1 0", • vrto wn ' Wa'yrlf'n illl', C ultUmers , 1\\l\y " " lltllll\ " ; 'It' l'ERHS: ' , , • vn 1, villI; III i r ...ior!.. (lil li e i ll dIU be I ami O!J' cnp1 (Ilr it y~at , ,.Iid, i, .d. II\OBt f.~ hl') Ill\lile " 1)' 1 .IUIU Oil the "'OWl rell~OIl ' ... nroe " ,_, . 15 ' nhlll"t fi liP, Worl( dane oll,d ,c hor~Cl!lJio8 ' ibl • ~ . ro" lj I:O:' l,:a1l a' ~fw illl nrU! ,}.,jl\ 1\ liCJQt: Ir ~hl itt Ih~t.e. D\QIU ~' 1.. 60. ,, ' l'~ 1; '" ito\ 'j M~'/l't lJi ' IV vr,La ioH j\1I~ Chi '. .. (';' _ill- " ,j . .' ). ' 5. .rit,·,.. emr, and . Ii 0 \i. SQt llll tl tor fina i'IItS M i ll t'11I1 \If Ihl' ~!I"r. 1. 00 I, II liMU illli!.li)' noll! 'he~jI , ~,U ItJ'l UAH'l', CLlJl3 " ' Avril :.U. ' l,.- lf

t".,;._10 «.,




lu' 0110 'ddr




' Iii

LI'I'!l'L , MIAI\IU RAIL ROAD . lfinlr.r: Ar ·o,.ge"'<ml ..... 1.80 0- 1 Oluin!Je.i






'1'l!R £1 ' ,1:1' '' 'l'RAJt-I 10 SlInilu:;kr ' ity tIIlll \WI.' 1,\ " \!n luIH, d~il¥ ,. Oh Ilhd llh~r '1:114 d.,., )Ntll'. {ilh, }1l.'lQ, un lll fllnll9J' _ _~_ _ _--=::-.::::-__:,-:;:--.....!.~_-:-_>~ IIUliC lt, I'a",~ 'I!' r 'l.'rlli[l~ will tun Os 1"lIowj;-

' f:


L"",,~ D t'J10lj 1 '~M t ' rOllt vlreCl, a t ' 6 0 dpck ... · M" autl :l Ila 1': 1.\ lor J\1I1ftlrtl, l"o~ lcr '8 t;roBt tuc, J " cTnlllll! 'Mqr l'\,"'f, \\'. ),11 s vi lv, Sl)rill ~ Vkllev. XCI\1:\, Ydl" vr .'I)n,' I"' ~ KnJ Ii II ' t I l{o s ·, " d 'ijii'iolg ,e t, I IiI UI'I ' 11:) '\l ve . p IIljilwl ' I, " 40 ", M.• alld:1 p, ,\I , I l 'a~ UII"~f8 f< i' (; l.ulll l",., 'Za n"s.,illc,\Vhcpl . i nj( ami IlI lerll,edi'lltt WIll dir~ci :ll • OD. t' ~,j,er '1'1&ill, 'I'rnjll 10 . NOTiCiL _ III. (';UIUDlbulI 811a L ",rllon, klIowill j( t1H!m~I"ea ind.bted 10 Ra!ll:lbrao'adc""I•••IJ~ethll':l!r!I!lJf!cld Ihll lIn~",illll ll!Cl, rc:qlltlW to call and .. . -: un'e tlt';ir aCCOUIII. IIQOn, U I am in apeelal 4U .... M., anil , nKd 01 iliOn., at pr..llt'nt. . PUMo!I~..,ra for I:IS'~~:::~: Sl'J::NCER LARRHON. ' Niall.fa, Albanf,': "1P~·lIIi:·, W.,nenill" Dec., 1rI, l"~. 48.2". New York, tllktni till! • Train will C NO"'r;'E. IleeJl. iu SaDdtl8ky City, Tboauakinl the 2 40 oa' ... \.. P. M. 'rrelD will proOeea dined, Ihrou'llb, Lb penOI!. kllowln" m.mNlna Ind,bled On Sunda, bUI one trllin wiU tie run, feavin, ICJ the t.,\e firm of J:,)., aDd,S. Ollpbllllt ClD Cilloinnal! at 2 40 P. M., III!d Sprinilield al i yt!ndu 1I01e" or book aciCOunter olberwj,ee 4\1 A. 1\J, . , Jeqlie~ lod nll'ke iU.I\n6diIlICl payrilenl Ind all'. Far, from Cincinnati 10 W.ynenlll,,1 :se r ..In, all a hmhrr indldFllce willllol be lIi .. n . " " Xcnia " 1 90 J . a'o d S. Om pUAN1', 8u""'lo, parlners, .. .. Spriop'dd 2 ;10, N. B AU JM'...on.bIYin~un'6 111cd.ceounIR·· .. Sawu_ky e ity ,' !)g. wilh lh, aubtrcribers are reqlullltefi 10 call a l i t ! " .. Bunalu 10 00 Htlle lhe .amp.. J. ant! So OLU'HAN'f. " , .. ' , ' Columbu. 3 !Itl ,Wayuenille, Dec.. $lh, t85a. .1·6w. · For fiirther, informalion 'fhruu,1i Tick, apJlly al the OD Broadway, J, II O!Ilf' froDI ~:;nj!~:[~!~~:~~~~

I 'M ..""",,,,

NO'!'! 'Ei. • ' d ·1 1 I' d • p ... rson~ \0 .. lo\/'u , (I lenowc1 \ ao ". L \lpltl(:UI tl r W , 'IrmlOwcth, 1"/ note u: ,)I ll twiRe, 'II r~ uirc ,\ Ie 0111 1; fdtWM\1 a nd 1',17 o q' llld, "cC!lOII!~, 111,01 'Fl\V~ tr"'i ul ., aOj 1 t I i I III a m ''' I:I~' "~Y/l II ~V .'O~,I WETtI. " h ')'lIe",ille. D,c,. 'J7 _ 18,t>O. ' 48 .S,.,. ,






U .......,

A, !if1l1.ra to AIiIIorlmelllol ()hildrcns, Hoy •• YoulfUl, and hadiOil $boos, III A (;~EN & EVAN!:;. " S~.tbe Gult!fln,Btlh



CorDer Walnut _.nAt Gann CINC1NN A'rl.



LUe of DI, enn ~ ll&hell,. \ U yn, of .I\IadOOIl ftDd '1\fonroe, .. 1',", Gtelll JI, r""u\.la 'by Ad . Dn\'il " 4Iuj ~~~2~~~~ rto (IJ(ln l llt lor',. n ~... .: ~ILia ~ ,~ '.d a II MI '~~=~:=~~=5~~~ze~~~~:i1i CI.inoYIt1u,,"ul1l 111111 ~lcat.,

Lifo of John Quincy Adams, " 'Civet 01 .MIlIY and t\larthll Wll lhl ng~ n, " 'rho YuulnK Man'. IJook- a work tbat "YCT; 70un. hlllU ~bullld ~ lIne , , ' Wo~e n, ot tho thbla by 11, O. Headhiy. an ex ·


cellullt boo.t.

. 'W. The :tIDY will

&:I\ge U

" !W fifty

"11/11. is ""Iurned kl ~~~::~:;: (""laht,paid at lhe. rase of ~

dollar. iD ..Jus

Dt:c. 28.



DOCit6 1··bQc)ll. .



'l .



n)lr h's foem., . . Poeilil of' 0 ,. -oll ,ln "rlou8 81)t111. ofbindi lll:' 1'9Oro. by;,llloo ~1?Mbo Caroy. l'oillD" bY AhlCUr\,' .. "" Groellw60d. JAlAVlit4 r ~ , ' \ " SaM of 'J'"lDperlD«l 01ldrinlr, SCutt's

Tbe Genl, ' _' .lnlorllllllj!l" for tli ·People, -'Sible lliulI:!!\! hiea, " Uni\'8r~itl hiid " .; . Swan" "J" r~ lItI ~ \' ,


I~ ~~""

though he Ipught it on every ·proper


~oo.f~hi~in~y~~w~ril~~~rl ~~~~~~~~~~;H~~~;~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lel!te~' ~~e I'ICOR~iOI1 of a VI\,~nti"e tr,l'~ /I i.IIJtuirihg.~ ,


-c:~rJo.lD young mo.n, and Kllte undorstood 'But I .' . ~,,,,"," nin . mwerfe'Qtly;. "" . : . 1 1~II d11y cnme ' g . ' . e II '.'V' , a Ientme round., •> At its tonc,tho.t >'OU wore


~ JES~IC~..


' ..

dln~e tlm~, I ,oll1no ho"!e ~ u':,!\l, nnd It!- thall 011 iIU3glllury 'g iyer. m?al ,the "iii worl!,~ny wlCe Inud tR ~e.:w~a- She t,litll.'!o~ re p!, ,bilt looked lit 'me "m,()rn,. , " Wh!t d~ you Ulln\d Ka\e'l r~Fe,!e~ a cornostly w!IUe 0. .~,u!1t1cn .light uJlpe~rctl .U !',UVIII'" V~IIehdtln?,., ' . rur Ill' upon her. /Tund. , j I I ',j ~A ~ n POu • ,]) I ' ,I ' I


Thy r~lpou.e. tltou,b ID$O~~IOUB Illd wl,t ty, (I.prIlY , ' , ' Don~ recicll'e. tlTII a. "rLATTEIV"-'lili , . certaluly true, " , , " '.'l'bough lhG\4 Will not~~ve it;)"o.lIow,me tp iijlJ . ' Hili ne. .e..,,"t!U~' 'bqth 8hrthng

• • ,."


'I' '

t ~ trUI!,


. " ef.r ulle C IIlLiu 6 Ie nt lel1ath bQI,tlin~ , t cam.1! by tIle DI~Plltqh PQllt i toword. me, had you seen tlil" bracelet , bt. '

'" J


J receIved ,i,~" at tl.e ~oor"and lent 'it.. up tu fore you lIaw it 0,1 my 1m»!"

, ',............. UI:ILoluchle'd. hl'r room. ' , 'y C,, love wMlny lende~ly '''\It>k u ,reply ' : Hn~e '1o'U I £1 her sinc,e~: .. a.llliI IIrP"ijcd her puro ,(orehcna witli 'uiy and '~ '" No. , ., . . . , hI" illS I "poke. "" " ' , ,:9fcU\lr.eisbe I part~~u1Arly mdlgMt. 'All~. YO~ S'!!lIt i~ ' '' , ' ' ' . '.II tth &II ' t t 'r;' d' , I ~ont kQow 11I'~t~mlt ' llb~t thnt. It 'She ,'lIet;mqd ,h alf brll.nlhles,9 . 11,1\ I .. la~ ~ . ,., ~II , ..y: :{Icn • was IJ' haneome OJIO, Imler, fromHthe In r~ I . 'rll.~. tholt hut not tiee .. -bl~t \vit!1 poetic l and cnvqJope;. ~d hair something Jlar~;i l's,lI;llr,P ': •" , '. which I t;o0k for Jewelry-~ breast ,llllt' ,or She covor~d h~r (uee ,uddjll)ly wi~h bel wi.ion .' " " 'I 1.or ~ ~ong tlm~;~~U'I}I"S whell 1Iu.n~ on- br~w~i:' ' d .. ' I : k ' . ' . • ,~ " lUll It, Illli H t ;" d ) I ! 1I '<> ' ; ~!tni IWlrwlIspenqed , ': . re , 0 ,JOU tun .It enroe fro,m . Iu ,,1)ttlewh1 Io. ,lsllw ,,8 I I . nd "I' 8111d 1. I " " , ,.iI' tllrollgll" bel' IiJlg.r~ T ~111\OU, ,wl8.env,'rRI,t 11 ream. . y8ta~. ' '''ve mlClIIOd youn" LoringJI ' · OllBWered " ed" ., ~ • "",. "" • were toueIleu,' ,lor.,1' leJlr • 1 l . ,1' l ' , my \f.lft!· : I , • ' ' . . vlolerlce iohcfil bllhis littlo,'coll- ,.",._.... " RIKI,t lim ry em I Cor the terribll fute Iff.»,: hlL\! :cnt !~, he hUI! cummit~cd a fC8siqn of, tIIuruth. ~Ut, ore I bad. lu~k- ~()11Ilidlcr({tt SI)~,tliBlit~er,~uai" t'o' . W 'hicl! ~e{ell "two. r.horlll 0(' the' tlnVer lP'~at/lm8t~~e"I reIllled. ~. ~ cd for compOsure l ot mjrld she withdtew lyre;" " , ,.!J°~"kllO. ' Tr' d · '1. I, ~r I her,luuHlt! froln her;,oq \\blch ,l'u nlrec,',' ., ~oubow~"te/J : onpo.",.vto •• llen-tionte '1 I " I'k ' "b " "1 ' But' my trouble for t1riS.' \1I nul' hult lie, gre"t tiD.. . " " I " ~ ~/TI" e II, lQIl," ' , I , O .l'~ ~alll uw ,. ,,!nl( ', '\.' d' I , Il8 .' ' thorurtlllg drops or n,SlImmer showor antt .\. my Krlef fur tho, eulth ll'~l W08 oOln'~o\!ng Indle!! o~en ~lk , ,Ii gre4t Isaie os I!he &r08e-; ,~ , " I' . . r'd to tho firc. .I.' wjtbo~t re,aUy knowing ,wbat they 'Hen'eeforth J will wdnr it lor U;o renl _1 . :lI.J_ l ,'I . . . Kate 18 not altogether frce from the iver.' · I .' . ' un nut tl,y IIIilL,Mt":"O! ,thnt' "woti.lhe kindllil mlt;wife. h 'wd to th':" WI nending to me 9M left ori my 'Ctlt ofllll." thoullli "Jehllcll", be II, th ~e 11 yeno~g d~Ren K te ' 1.'1, 1011 cboek, ft~d thOil, glided from the room. , '1 ' 0 e rUl1g or mnor, II CIlJ •• O On her w ddlll'" night Kute ,yore her ' or Illliior weak. r .. (o lhe wt.Ukell lind the' from hor room. Her face was Valentine br ace lot'·, ~ d y' ' " . . _,' I ' It ob" .1. _ 1 . 1 h": d'd t Jv,,' , , . , ... n , alii we",,, enuug I bl In( ~t, .. " II .. r WJ~ U\!U~, 1UI.,..s u I ,no ".,1J.l I believe if tho sonth" li~ mlly bo ' co.lIoci Sucll ~clicuh' comr.'l imrnhl'll.,c plliuly.eab <:onvo(satl~h With her acc?Sto/Ded tUumnnCilsL.. tho.t,l!ho r.ri~c,!1 'ven more lIee' ',' ,'~' fbllon. :She WIlS lirllt l,Q retire from the tu.thou If Loring himllelf batl . bqen






I I e. ,. " , , '. , - (. ,; " ," . 'I dOl\;t tbink I;!ho. tli mortnlly, 'otrenclcd,' 'pntiqr\cc; , Qd senllo J ' 8aitl.l· to mnvife., ; . l' lll oot n ' " , " , ., " I . 'N~•. .nqt i£( ~m skillelHn ,.~cn:to.l indicuWhile l'i\4'lII!1r;,! lofl thr uai. Itho w6r1~''' \ tlons, '~M rep]le~, , /.. , "

~ i~mr


Ha~e wi




, , j . ~rL9,g tlle afternoon, twp mQre lql(e Uuel betwcllu ~' n,~ll~()lll~' lind lIqllfY .. , ,T . mil/fllvQ8 'ILme~ but not" won! touohing i VIt" •• , , 'Eu(:h ~v('nt, howl1~er untQwunl j to turn their recep,tilln or the feelings prp<l"ced Hugh G llrlnncl or ,[jrglOia hus ju t writ1'0 ~mc"6:0ud purpose, lil nlwoYIi ~I' rule. thoro'lly.' Wl1l1 brel1thed by Kate. ~ It 'wo.e en tl'lile of J~111I R~\1d(jll'rl, I~om wh cit w& plo.i\l, bo\v,ilycr, .to one witl, eve\! half 11.11 extTllct the loUow IJIg lIesctlptio!\ of {lie nut CIIOU II 1 have written-ir I orn.forgly- p-y:c, ttl!~~ slie, wo,$ plea.eq at the ml11'k menlOrllblo dUIl,1 b~;twllen the RODnbkr or· Iltteliqn, \lr, it might 'he token of love. E. Dud hi", gre/lt! ~IVul Hunry Cll/Y· . • en ' venin~ in telld of ' beir~ pna.',cd as, ucul\l ' "tho nt~ht, before tl\ dl,lel," '1I1I),9 GtJI. (Get UIIWiJllll~ly erring) for whot now oon'~ wi~h tho family ,I w~ PO~lt by Ko.te in ho, :TolOes H \utliltoll, l of :aI. ell oliiln, "Mr. ~e mqndlld, ''''', rooin. ' , ., . RllndQlph scnt fur me. I 81ucerely IritCIIII, t'lllifl:' • .f?\t<~tI nro fiv· :'6~ t.h~ 1~~xt~9rlllllg;'nt brel1kf~st t~tlj), but ill u'!\il'lglllllrl~ k' '" vn. '. • " c. " ' " J l{Io~tion~a ~e1iult tJlat a cCf~ putnld ,me t~t be fi~d .- ... ~ ...'.. ' .. Tu ..aid Buch e'rtor&---lIo Illy ri.yrning Is bet 01 V:,/llentipes hAd Jlll8SOd i ijIrough to ,tell , ln~'l ' ~e . the,n ., ....... "pllt .." 'e,rJed • IJo~t ~ce WI the day OOfol'e. 'l')1is Itol~" r IIl~ve . deti!rl~\lIIl!d to >. , ' .' " in .order tc) inU'ocilloe the call retllrJllIIg, GIIl,1I jrei IIU'Jlln'Ir . D"c; lI8th 18lJQ',: out some rem."k 'from ']tate. lIut slre reInduce mo 'to .It a:ball ",rb" ~.. Elieite~ by the '(rolll,unsl''' '~ fo 10Mi- . mo.Wed silCDt on tbo .ubjec& thoUlh ,,,,ill not mok,!' hll "it. a· wtdow, o=r-:i.i;!"'~,.It ..,oI I" Cll" \rbicn !l1l1'Clu-ed-in the-Visitor of De!;, without ipdi~ting,by het bea;bfenea children . or-phllnll, . Tfielr tellN wonld be mll~\o1!Q"iltiec:e." ~l lI~aO; ' , iuld . rel!tl~lla eye, ~/lat her tbougbte W~e Bh.ed ,ovor hi., gr:i1ve , but wh~n th~ ~o-a of bugy ,enoug)I. , • . V:lrgl.nia rests <>n my .. bosOI'!1',.t1lefe JII not all! 'l rather think our lady ha.t chngt1d hOJ' In tltlS Wide ' worM onc Indl~lduol to puy ber Tal~. o[liul O1I.' I. smiling, after K~ ' h!Ld id tri~"te n 111ine.: l~is eyes tilled, . ' . alld &0 love mo. Noth!ng hnll left the tlilile. . ' , ' an~ re~l IIg upon 11111, tfand, he. ~- stooi!, III Jus wor No Ilon8 In 1111 PAth. or it 'CircullistancC8 alter Case8,' repU~ my mOlDed . I I'ephed, Ha4 I liluifered It, he would have ~ne with •h h bo wife, IIm iliDg in 'turn. , ', . 'l\l~ , sortor 1011 ns ~ y In tho.t CIIII(l 1 IIhQllid d h ; 11.• 11 b ,I:' rd al 0 " ff ' Lo • tbo hft'll 0 an 8 0.11" If ~oun n II 10 nex;t ~vellmg,yot,mg , rlug:. )I will'11leet' tiKI file tbatladenounce.. Ka~ WAS 110 10llger tIlan uBual In eJ'S, . I t1 . ~ 0 ho BY RiAAV SUIDlat.Aln. Fm~tildD,g ~; ~er appearlUlGe, Ilud wh\ln ilh cd tl:i.s '." me; , you call1lpon D)8 , to PlUS eavo y ur U80. : , . tile parlor wo dressed with go 'to the field and see you IIhot down. or ' tac~. am thll. :MlI;dume V'lle' fepbe4i In lan• K.. IO, my Iprigh.tly nleco, "lilte · than ordiul:'1 ~. Jlor the to lIIIlIumo the ~Capons~hiJ[ity, in regan! to no ~ne ooClIIIioll of, my life gu.age lhat Itlrll UJo bloud of e,.., ,true ~f Y,Oufllltdieli ul ill!r ap. hili htrOWD I no~iced upon lier wrjil~ a new aDd y~r oWl'lUre, 10 ~uBtolUlng your dil~erl1lln- have [.,ver been III extremIty, thattlio)i .t o 'PJ:ft" home a ,«1111' on Inatwrl'lufd thiu~ cjit'rQnlJy br~lot. She blusbed, sllghdv • atlon to dlro, w -U ~way. _ But on tbl.1 IUb- whom my heart yoarne~hnd "",ned fur IIJd, • TIle 'Clsa nol put ),ou'Out one of bit pi;IIII' She. thinks i dependently, met Lorillg; ."oomcd a Uttle emb.~~ a mClIl ~ own conscience ," nd ilia' own or a~ 1"lt for,comfort have'not appeared to th~pllle "ooorally, .~.kI w'ltlt Ihe tbinkl. but WIlS ~n conversi.n g with him are h,B bost monitor.. 1 will not hol~ al(~( frPDI ",e. l 80.t Ippelred. I Search .l!uUI'll~ ber kno~led,e o~ bUI!l.n 'osture', animated 8~yle. ' ' advise, but under the enormous and unpro. ~m uatired lbat it w~ 'appearaDcc. only, nobler "'Ittln~elllt, not vorl deep.; 'n9r 'illllhe a. WI.e In.1I her 'Did you sec 'hat p~w b,acoletP o.skod voked persono.l illsu'lt you hbe otrered ,){r. i. botll Inll~~'j on tho f.8tt o' the two .~, caonot be eoncluNlunl 1I1:8he ',i ii led 't o iinDiClne, : I do wifo, whe~ we were next alone. .' OIIlY, I co.pnot' dis8uQ<\e, I feel ": bOllnd, poreon, tn tTirgin/o', 'w ho"a ":rcd bliWeat iD , -----, not ••y tbl. dillparillringly;rur Kote ,h .lI , a. , I' did.' , , ' ' howov.e .. ~ t~ (!ollll'ilunlcate to Col., Tlttn,all Illy co~lfitlcnco ~nd ~'.d : .' ,.But When a ~"e Brit.n, •• :,good &ense .. lIine In tell WJIO hove IlUm'Wl~ere diillt co~c tro0l1' . your deCISion.' "He begged 111& not ,t o ~o mlm OOlil/o., borne trotk tlie 'trife ud con_' LU{YI!J6n;' ~~~~tlll~r y~ar. whi~b:!r,e nbout, t~C~It,. 'Didn't you Ilny Oint in o~e or the V'l1-len- 80, and said 'he wall very much afraid that flict of till. wicked ",orIa, IUld its vila and Tint frlenda or ,o~ltI..~how 0, II ,.on'. 8ub i e t, 'K.te ' had lor a ycar ti,nC8 . "he , received therQ w~ something Tnttnall wo~ltl, the stutls lind ·refll8e to sluM, illhabltants, It I~ tlien th~t a certala away. llow I u Idl COD edonlin toDetJ of virtaooe ' fo go out, wltll 1~lm.· t I ,however sought tone of volce--a'll averted look"""-9r but~ a moment with UI. ' I d"- I r • hartl, Uk.., a pic(',e of jewelcry'! ' ,Iwo been ,vllry purticularl, decld~. The 'Yes.' " Oof. ~l1tlnall, and'we repuired obaut mid- thUlwoet aUltere CQplpotIllrt'! or our l,ound ano wo ..., g~h=~ 0 \lie n Villentlne l'l'idul)ic, wbleb"'" ra£eCI 10 'Th.llt bracelet, flrolll,lly. Illght to l\lr. Randolph'" lodglngl, ~hom molher, Cllb! him to tbe heart in tbe recepin all the bloom ,jO)'OUI and blS. I•• ' ~an IUIOther l wfho .Gtut; I n Yiuleot1y, .lie Conllitk1~d Ii ..,.(al jJ_a.. 'No' doubt or it.' he (ou/ld reading Miltoll's grellt'poem. For tion 'of the wife Q( hi. boeolD. The worrt. Again we Wok '~d thsl are IllDII. 0:lPbf'"' p .... e6f )KIIu ar OOM, emphatiCalt.Y' It ,,18 no btalth1l11tnilH~And .moreover, 'said I. 'it ill ;plllill that e mome.nts lie ~id ~ot permit UI to ~ay are noUling:-the ' ,counten-.e and \be is but. d,r el,n. , Here around ue aD, ~:ell out n,to iQdden ac~,or I ~t t~~ I~~~i§ht .!.c_~~~ ~ dher .."mation. aho behovclI the Valentin!) CQt1lC f,rOlIi},o. one word III rela~lon to tho uprpaclll tOOC8 (lIC VOice, the last eapeelall),. e..tII')' youthf~t · frlendl. W~ looJt'u~n munifl , nqe. , . , , ~."L ~•• tjne~ ., pprpacbeil. ring,for, at f1et fir8t meeting wiUI him. Wm duel; "lid Ite at once will, rlehllh~. . Borrow lflelPll tl),hliVe " j -.,. • 8"d the ltore ,wlndowl an~ counters be~ln IIhe wearll it (or the fiTsetime.' , those deli~htfull critici8me on a paslI8ge found no pilUle within t,b~ir 'lie.rta. .T he.. A gentlemaa, it Ie..w. b.ct ... ~ piIt-, to ~e. fll~d \Ylth loyl!' ,.il~lvel 'Thus reptarked. my wlf~ 'notij)'iru! this poot Ih which he \Vos wont tojndqlge. " danc~,lIlId ling with .11 ' Utl,l hilarity. ',nd ~n a pan ofbls'laAd. ~n wa.lch w.. writeD of .lIluhd.,(m,m · ~hemOl$coatlll ,dehCllte thnp'Ihereceivesthetokenkindl.' ~ Al\er 11 p~UIIC, Col .. '.\'tiunllll remnrlied, merr,mel\t, oC-,'outh" 'Bit' WoJuoll 'gAln Iwillgl.elhll ~ld to any o"ne Who ..... • nd ,r~fU~ d, dow" (0 '.he -c~~apedt, co....e~t Ilauglied,1l1ou4, for loould nolhelp it. '~r, ,U1I,ndblph , I am'toll\,' you Itave ' deter.~d an enti,r~Jy' diife",nL ' one 'mee~. Clur • .~n~ntcd1 ~ :rhea anl..,pliCllDt., ," .nd blOat yulgar exh\J)ltc~ 'more and 'Why' do you Il'ugh!' ~ked wile. milled not to rctllrll Mr. Clny'lII fire; I , 0110 Qi tJa~ :PDq". . . ncw •. . Tlalll,iendl or our youth hue dep ,~amc"he ,.1WIlY' 1IIUd, ue,o~' m,>rf! atror/tly her .ntip.thy to the custom llihc \vila going to dl8card 1I.Dy. '(mo who mmt 811.1 toyou,my delltlllr, if J ' am olllJ . . or Wcliu:rl~ bter ture arted. $qmF. ofth~,n l(O 111n, benel,h T~~ ,~neral reply wast . 1 ,~.. ~f , to ~ boPOnd. . , . ,insulted her with Ii Valentine.' ' to go qut, to BeO you ehot down, you mOllt rCllllrre~ltlflhlze., the follow c~I'~tal .UI., the wilont (!IOda ot tbe eartb. Olhera bl,e Th~n, rejoined th~ gentIe~an why do • . J( ,nf,ehe were to B!nilmu y~c.troe. . 'That was idle ' talk. ('ve helU'd iluch find ~ol!,e other , frientl.' .Mr'. It. remark- ODQ Coil .. ,.wlteatl~y. H emllckl \If gene fur Iway ~ 6tb", Ilaele, while a ew you want my fleld~" • la,d abe. I wou' It al • direct IDault t&lngs berore.' ' ." ed that It was IllS determmation. A 11 lIttle. but III none the 1011 at .round UtI. But how cb.npd are ' • I. • l to ~, comlllon lU8e.' " TWo or three eveniDp went by II.Dd mucb COAYetllution on the lIubject. I, . No longer do we ... tIM .." bU)' la the condldon of freque ..tly 'OIl! aa rorU.~t"l repli~, lpo!d,el • Loring ,ClIme agaip. .Since the f~rmer Col. T' to allow Mr. 'Rantlolpb to t. d\lring a Ihort .Ighteen.or the hapPJ ,.r1 of but Illl" ~~ &hat lie IQi1 WI,er. are not 10, sllly ,plto lfldre.. tb~ . viilit, tile Dew bracelet had Dot been seen. lUll pwn CQ¥nIe, all bil wlthdrawal-a8 olle . I '!I.t the . ~lm8 teen ' ,lImmeN. ' But we 1M tbe bJUlln... cler \he goldeo J'obe. o( proe~lJ, aM Ulon .Ie~ae of ~loIe whoae raV\)r they.desl Now iVWM worn spin. ' As we "ll~W bis friends, might lead ,to ,very il.jltrioul ,wltli II !!plrl\ .11 fi~ry liB man 1)( mIni yean,.nd the matrouly 1'0' thd-gloom or c;alaiDitY. II cheereCI "r ~ to w,n. ' " y~ong man well, ~d liked ili!," better !lIi8co~8trUr.tiOIlS. A,t last, Mr. R. Irnll- o\Vn~ qu~rrclcd-,IL thaJlenge ~~ mall, worn dOwn by hor mlny urea. ncliatIo1tl ".rhope and com .... u, in the ~ '!boever win~ me wu her prompt an- more i~timately we knew him, we'llaw mg laid. •W ell Tllttnlll.l, I promise you cd Illd aeCf!l!letl, And t~e n~.t rlelng They are £One; and we .re left alone work. nature, the dog ill ..,..t1mee CIqf~ ' I.,er~ must .ppeal to that. A:t DO , othlr impropJ1,cty in le.vingthe young couple .. thing, if l 'se" Ihe devil,in Clay's ~ye, \YO • . to Wltll0811 one, Ir no~both ,&)1 Thoee hippy Ichoolma. . whO but aahort ered with ftowee, .1UId die mind co~.w po~nfwilll~.~..ible.' . ' ' , loneiatheparlor. ' . I tbo.'.i~"mnllceprep,!n8eh8'mellu$(otake d~r~~ "odie., drenched iii bl,oed, to tithes,? were.wlt .. ullt ,.chool, andae.lntbe~~nel'8£1l. ".' W. Ihan ~. From that, time there was a markcdmy life. ,l Inay c,hange my mlntl.· A 're- w.1I8h out wollntleit b?nor. DurIOa' ,the CQmpametl UI in all our m"l1 .11Itl and ' • ••• • ' : 'A.ct we wlJl.lIOe.' . ' chan~ ipmy niece, She wll$le88 spriglit- mark .1 klle\V he made merely to propitiate mgb,t, I he, 'Co~lIel ~alci ~\e heard ~ boat r.mbI9!, wbere. are they now! The, ~ atal' ill bea~tlful; a8'oida 'pleasure, JIOl , '1 will "Igqr a he", hit aaainit Iy anCl.mote abwent minded than u'!ual. the anxieties of hiB friend. COIl~lJIg un tlJe !)ver. and I,t Btruck tUIl) 1111 f/OM, i8 the IIn.wer received .' 8wiftly from wb..t I~ 1.10' do or to fri.... but , ~unnet .. nJa·l. ·tll.lyou recievfl. a N~hcr ap(lOtite failCcl ber, aud she "Mr. C. and himself met at 4 o'clock he llellrd , the bOal p.Uftillg, tltat 'prodeoco away Inti il~era have taileD ~ &elbg "bat tt,:ts. It beil~ the he.te_ tIne thil yoar (rom. ~rtain youa&, man gan to grow thin IUId lillie, hel' oolor....@ure tbe loceeeding evening 011 the bank8 w.8IIthe bette&: pu~t of valor.' ac> be took pllcell., \ " It It.. ciJngrul\,. 'wlth the miJbty a.pace ill ' nam", --.--- Never mlDd; don" blulh 10; aigns oj' a beart ditJellllo. Mellll wllile Lo- tht' Potomac. Dut Ire ' sow 'no. devil in ~I' trunk .upon Itll ~b()ulder, and. Itepped, 1'0 tho.!JC who are now apel It leeml but wbtch Itdwe1Je. Ithu repoee; oofon:e'" I won t name 111m! ' ring was a co~t .IBIor' ud wbeliever CI.y'lI eye, but II. man (earless, n.nd exprclI- In ~he <\end of ~Ie !Ught, verI qwetJy OQt a sbllrt time lince they eccupled tbe pl.c.8 turbe Ita eternal, peace. It . . r. . . .; '.1 would di~.rd Iny .0•• wbo .insulted ~~ he came the bracelet 1''': dil!played, evi- lintI tlte mingletl ~en8ibilily nntl finllncaa Of tht! bole.; III be n~ared Ult' ~at* whool nuw hold by u~, who are In tholpriq Ume no obetruetioo J~!I be~~eeD,,1t uti ~ wI*h . · Valentlne,'rep!led Kite. Indignant- ~nt1yiatntenthatlhebcwfromwbedtle whlcb belonge~ totileoGc.8sioll. IIhoul" h~ b.u t tllll •• ntagou,"t,at the of lire. And thue it 'will ~ with hI.lty. ,', . I I,. . . It ~e. aad' wiabed ita ful.l ieceptauce to ' "I ~llall never forget thlll scolle, 0.8 ,long belro re 111m, JI1l!~ goIDI .boord. . Youth ;, paws aWiy III' quickly .. the .' ••• .• 'Dont'''1 that, Cor fellr YO». WIll be understood. , • .1 I hve. Jt hds beeJ.1 n'ty misfortune to He r~! turJled 81 QUlokly u lu~ ' hod ~ne and 80011 will t~oae who are ao" Wheo a eb!1d - born bllrta, Irt" pac.~ to repent t~e indllCretiot: . At lut, I reefllfed • fonnal visit fronl w11l1C88 ~v~t81 duel!!, bul J never IIftW " ~t,-~a8 ,o n. the J!Ou"d ~CJ;t ./DOrlll,PIC. our Qnd clmpanlonl uk \he fJue •• reota ..,e natIYe8. the taher. 'Yee, I do .lyll. N.o man of good aenae yo~ng maD. aDd a Cortnal offer at leililt 111 ltS loquel, 110 tJeeply affecting. \.~ nit hllil ~contl,-waJted Witt. dISOPPOlDl- tjon. Wlte." ore they, th. Crlen!1a or plant/! a c:oooa . tree, "Illieh I\dd,• • , would ~p. to lOch trittini.' . • ' "and or K.te. or COQNe I hid no The .un WIlA juat settilll ~hind Ule ... blue cd rilgfl Ifor I,i. e.nto~onilt, .nd published are they" . ..,pry yc~ to Its kd;. ~ lbe . ,01' . •J due" bow. K.... A httle tr81ae tiona to url8,. Tha' matter wu iD of alodolph'. own Virginia. II 81 b~ IbI~ndillg cow.rd. • •• oi , .,.e ttee. aDd dleletore W or . . ,cia.... npw. ~ ,Ie relt.bed by the belt of milld .lre.cry fully HWed. t,,'o oC the mo.' extrao~i"lrr men ' • Ie • ' . • . 041.. ......... who, 'D ~..,.( ....... ~e &feewi1a mea_ , Al\er that, ib. bracelet ~forementioned our countly hod produced,' about to One " 'cord t~ Yoan, Mea. It, 110 h.ppened, th.t while die Oap- aI'ectIOIt tile ..,. 0I'.,1I(e, • rh~. whlcb dOe. not.1 waYI gu WI. alw.YI to be .~n on the arm of ~te. mret in mortal combat. IJ t TIl~too.ll · Thern lit a Divinity ~at IUra WItbln tai.. 'were ltadooia, their lenliae" , •• p , , _ 'Th ~J In In ~a.~ , ' ODe "eniD" itw.. lboutl .lllth b.roro waalolding RlndolJlh'1I pi!toJ. {approlch you. doc( hllimpl.nted IP each of. your o!, tlie eve of the bauJe or Wbite PIalJaa The rflhta 01.....,_ cab ........., 1100 W1aer,Xate, u,ou IfOW rhe wedding d.y, al 1 At UlikfIR with eel my (riend, I believed, for the Illlttime; bOIOInI a trenae, of honor. Never Vlolate= 6enerul Putm.n, tJae com.....r of~JleIlllt,",. III , older.· . . .• Kate. (or whom my afleehon lad {Iway. Itook hie band; there "'''. not in ita touch it: Slaniup with the finaoeee of a., .. lin" obee~.PtaiD W_rtr, c:all to from the . . . . . "l'IIIJ , .If aIIat .. the 111l1li of ate brin•• beeD .. teDder ai' th.t of • rltber fo.r hll tbe quivering or one pulaltlOn. He turned pllIar.o.-c)f. proaaontOt')' which &hrourh un- one uf the In cIlrect1oD.ot &lie ~ tlJeIr nature • ., delicate.... . ' ...I'm IMftltAon't It_' . c:hilc1, 1 took ber bind anll .. id, 181 eum- to me and'CI~1 .. calm •.bul Dotvindle- known h.. wilbltoocl tbt fury of tbe a lad nil. Artbur8~art, then a our .fence ~theIa. ..... W.. ...., 1.8DlWeredW1t11alaa.... rerto thebnceiet' live-I hold my pu~.Hemi\to",inaJl'y tbeeblll'llllud ~, whereat PII"." AUbe...., whieb .................. ...,. Oft aacIl a tile. wu not iq... A. 'Tb" II ..ery beautiful.' even,t; remember thll" On banding Ilim of.a ,worlcl. with capt. W.,ln lbc be~ . . _01 Bte,van. porte them. f'"!fW alla apfrO&Cbe.t. K~ .y.,., ..... alway I admired it T«'ry much,' bia,pilcol. Col. TannelL Iprunr the bewllder-the~ Imlle o. tlae '1Illpropri.t1 01 pJacilllIO Y""" . - - _.........M...._ __ . . epnteaioM of diapal at abe replied, the color growing witmer ill trlWr. )lr. R.ndolpb, Ald. ·Taltn.II, II· tbll and you WIll be aad IDext""'l'"'' a . . . . . 1.10 A . . . . . . . . wfIIIIw .... -:~~:~~~~...:..~ _ _ ef ----. Vu.tJ. . that thoup I am one or the beIc Hota III Vir- out. will III•• peace, honor .ilde a .. \U&tlon: . . c.p&ala 'W., hn' Iso............... to~" • over.. 'A Ian to_.1 ~!' finia, with either piato'-« JUn, yet I never alt.y~ will be elUted with the Stewart', .ttle. panmtae4 W. - - ....,............ . . . with ......... lie An4 ............ 1100... at her arch- are with h..... lilgerj liesleJe., J .. ~ be poor. bulyou end fid.llty. Stewart took ........... 1Pibw,~ ~ . . . . ~ "'l'IIIDtH &GCOo 11thick- huekaldn gkmi 00, whi~ will deatroy I wdl whet .. w.orth !DOre than ",/d. duriag tbti DJPt, t1Ia 0eaeraI ..... eec..... ber~... ~oa . . __ iii j~.. 0(1_ oIIet ·1I_per. tbe deliceey of my touch, and die trimer true mind a ~ter;,,ou wlU 10 ~oalllidil o'tlleli_," 1Ia\ CMIIlW DOt to _ V.I_I ... ., It dhI IIOt haa a marly belOre J IU10w wlMN I am.' But. of "firtUttItI-fDII wUJ Ill. ao& ltI,ed, blat .........t, hapP1. . .......-_-_IIiI~ t. .0, ._ Ilia dIci..... tar rri.. to the n

, IIchuttl,









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~ lI~DJCAL. WOTIC~. ~ .'

Tho Ijndct'J~ned havlnicJIIi. dq en\4lrild In· I 10 copoflncreh 1n the Practice of MI!CiIC:lne nnd hi coIlntc al branehee. r$lpeetfully J their 8ervieas 10 the eitiaene of Wa, ••a.D •• and vicinily. 'fltey elln be ' coneldl«l at Ilia of fico former I,)' OCCUJlled by Doolor Fiehet, when not ,ror.,ooallv a\)ecDI,: ' .


' J. C. B'lODOARD. E. FISHER. . N. 11 • • AltJlICl'!D ·thavllll( unllOllled ac:couoll on nlr book_e r"'l~kod to .tittle the lame by cJlIIh or otherwiee wlabou~ further dolll,_. . E, FISHER. Dl'ccmber ~ 'lIO. • .~tf . Kanawlt &lL z 40 ,lJBLS. 30 Lake .. jUllt reeelftII

for tale by HADDEN • •eC~L

IIIId • D.

N A NO. J. 'AIt'J'ICLEOF PA BaAN. · DY Al\fD PORT WINE Ji _I purpolU, jUlt rccel.,ed at _ A~LEN '" EV 4J(8. . ffip om.. a.*- JWL WYDetvi11e ,A.pril, I~. L \.



O\1e copy (or vnnce f(




three months 61~


year If u

... t the end of lhet YCllr

CLUJ3S Five (1('1)108 (to one IIddree.) Ten





eG. 00

10 00

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~rTh. ClI8h mURL InvlITIubly accompany thl!- nume. Q{ Club SUbsq'lb('rd

.i\ lIleHprll on business .bouhl be addreHOIlT P-,w) toO

led [


&; HENLEY A II commUniCutlOIlS c1e '1 lglleo {or pubh

coho., to J W RODEn:rSj ED'lTGR \ Wllynes,llle, Wllrren C. , Oh,o

J W 'ROBER'I'S, , ] . W H~I,EY W nyuet;v.l)e, 0 : NovemUflr 2, 1850

J)ICINF.Sfor ,,"le by: ... , trOD ER1 S &. DREWdTER


, '


IMn'ROns 10 C Rlld A r,J,L. PPlIlcolt or W S ChCIll/\\ lh, by nol or olh Ise, are rrqnil'fule come fum ord arlll ,"d ~ll l~

I O \1O\~ O lh


air Iht'tr accOIlnll!, and DV. trouble, as ] 'UI1 GOing 10 IDuve' in aBhOr! IIIIlO W CIlliNOWE'l'H \Val'ne VlIJO, Dec, 27, 1850 4 9\\


NOTICE. LL p"r~onA knowlnj{ IbelOl!elvo" IIIdoblCd to tho IIl1dor~' D llcd, nrc reqlle d 10 clIll nlld .CII'C 11I!!lr nccouUlII loon, . . I lVI' In epee III I nced or lIIoney at PC(;8(lni


A.. lillln" or.Ut •• nlc. tn e .... or COIJ"'I00 ......r

Jolt. 8/*1OOd1e COlllpWnIl ud ' ......1 N...... .../foatlonl /IIlh. fI ..d ~d upper ulnlllltlel Aw III I'al.)' and 1'1 ... 1,.11 Ind .11 dl_••• CIU.M4 doftGlIIIQ, of O~ N,"ou ill dI. lIJilll or ~lb.r 01 lb. boil)': 0tJ':' 1II./lJ bo rId Clrti81\1m fro• •U puta 1Il1l.

SPENCER LARRI roN. WaynoevllIc, DI.'C.. 27, M50 ~ 8 2w

1,L knowing IholJl80lvl!l!I Innobuxl A tv tho IIL(c firm of J ,1, .nd S Ollphllnt vendue or book Dlberwl . .. are p.,rson ~


en'ontry of tho mOll



Mlion all.ndl~




Tb. 0 ...u10 Tbl G.hailio n. QahallJO I'll••fapetio



ellinel... _

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ou- No trouble". IncIIII9ul."..IIteIlI. tile of DiI.- CIIRfSlIE' tJ G.IILYoANJC .ARrIC~s. HI they ...ay be .. q,n lIy t"~ ilion ,""I. ~ ••Ue.... ",lib "<"'lUi .... D4 • •.,. l".a"r _ 'dIe"D

JeCll1lJlllcd. J\Il1ke imm!cJ.iato pllyment lind IIllve COlli, ~ n lUrlht'r ~.uJ"I1f!1l1ce w.1l not be gHon J ftnd, nLU'HAN 1 ~ Surv,vmg perIDer". o 80Xm 0 · ... IERSE N B All pcr80/lS hR\ IIIg UOM:oul d accounlll IiiJ • Y BLUE AXES Ju.t ""ub lbe subicrlileno .re requ 9ltll 10 CIIII (Uld l'Qived ud fnr 1&1" ~r leule lhe limo J lind 8 OLU'1:j .\.B·I' H~DDE" &. "'I"~"I>""a.l'H), 1 Wayn yilt, Dec f.l6II1,11i5O <411 liw.

Comet Walnut "n" Gano atrNIe, CUIIC1NN_ 'I'.


. , ...... j[ "q~re4.




Or, "111ro""


Oel J!I, llBiJO



DR EWtt1 Ell





r''''pta.lI wltb IIaU ,..uoaJaq ...,. ..


. . . . ., ., C_ttfcll., ~ ",.w.u...


Sip oellae C..,tden SaU.


Belt. 'l'tarte DoHan. H. .].... TWO Dollan. BlMlleta. 0Ja. Dollar .... FlaW, 0 . . Dollar.

.... or I~' .".,...... . A• •

ALLEN &. E\' AJ-iS


017': n. artWa .............. ~, ,.11 ... ~

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100 JillYEI.WW C NV £D· HA~ ," d aud for •• Ic by

111.1, a.. W /ri6IJ, "'"-' ... be MD. 10 anr part- or." oo~



D. O. JIOII_AI\ ..




AO&I\I'T loa '1'11& v.u"u

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P.,I II by

'&'l\lIor13 eel., fOr



_ _mR.~~~~~

10 .....

lOeft ..... "fit l&IC!lII1tun1~l (erto .Itural ca. . . W,"D 'exIPla!~~iDIl wiD with a ' the elmpJeat phenomena. one i& 8Uftlcl~nt blu lUI &b. f.ll uC • 1'00 fluid reae~"llml1'" olr the We _D ••II /tlvcl bloood frum the .."nell. could the .ame roller •• i_ afI"~rcled bl a colJlbulI- I regardf!d witJllrreat fconnd IIPII~IIf1,D.lollJ. tlon of tho re/lln. Ii la pretel'Yable to "'n the month of ppbru~, bU8tiqn bepeUieth! eYip(lfOtion III more chI- YI~loge 'oallad Bnnwood In Q rllbl,. TIle lamo fe.dn dllJ b. ' U8!!d 1'01' IIhir., jt rainelt.bloocl u/10J! certaio week., I waahetl nnd hung UPOlt • I,edge Jhere to ~ _ ___ dttY. Man)' ryell boheh.l it; but ""hIlt, the tro (uJ! 8 cquerwe IIIl1y be, iiI I\. Ii cre~ !liddclI i~ ~ " ~ltlcaltarallD LiberiR. ,lIP tM bO~OUl of lhl! grM Q.nd ommclen~ God, recant l~tt~r rrllm B~sse CuYe , ==-= whose judgemeuts lire 4n~euroh Illill~" and Eltiot Cr\'.lun, Edq., oT Ilhn.delpltflA, ~it'y~ JEROLlT E..'J. .... i his woys patlt out." In rea Ii tv nil \ die medall hl ~tl awardet.l bI the l"rolikS· hi 'lio tI " • 11 k i d I' , IJ n.tiMo). Iihilldt!lphia, tl) lh'e grell.. Ince t a 8lraPIe apllar, n, ~ntl.n- 1 18 n!)w w! uown, t 16 ra ceulOg' Jllu~er,'1 , uoil our 9"oint alld marve -Iovinglluthurity, 01 in these mins, i!'1 the product of v'l!getote.\. prOd\lct i,1l Liberill ur cuffee, ~ot· "Hlere ha"peu~ in Devonshire. not far tiou: ill general the. protoooclIli mO~I:hJ , toll, Atc., In. 1:861. will. Rru~~ a (rom Tregllaie, another wonder, which did Agrr,dJ!'~ ..\ lI! ~ to au rkul llha n~ much I\m., larh~ th.e ell~1l ,of men '8I! tilts, ' . I ~, ,writl'r c l l n t I A U c l I : , '!~ f, ~ 1 f l U .", "801118 8r1ti.1I morchl1nts diu Ihelr o.yOk;,. or In ~ Ie 8 torr\oo/l 0 t lot . " t ' .nced IIn ' lnVl'lILment ' boill~ Thur~~uy llo.~J: .~weJrlh-Day" . . ' ~z:....: ~\iero heard IA t~e nlr \,lnusulIl crocke l " II' ~ 01 ooUcna, , The r rriuClipal Ollel'lliiona lire, I ur c1ul's of 'thunder, . resembJing the /jound A olell~ stroll", !eB'\~t8 II, (lhJecl.!l1 thot lielievt, ullder tbe nlllllgement of Dil,i/I of mtlny drums together-sometimes ro- \ ara. upoq Its IIl\ore, .but 18 unsulllcd by them lPOo'cr~.. r Mu"royij\ a Ulan reUlllrk(lble treuts, .sometimes marches, und oil ether t ito it tlhouhl be With o~r bel,lJ't~- t.h.QY fut!i iodaalf1an\lilltt'grily. You will ;per- points of war, which. after i~ hlld continued sbouJd sbpw tho e~ec~ ot all bb}e~ta, ,1Il1l1 c.i+d "La .lumber 01 'he Liberia Herlll~l 0 good time it,eemed thllt the same t~un- yet r.emaln ,unhnrmd ~y ony. . M\td tlla wmcthiog like lifty ocr" h -ve der Aid' mo~C UveJy h 'llreu nlaflY vOJleys FitJ, bf humor pUl\ikh, ue quite is much already b~tI e1eareil Ity him for tbQ 'pur- of slnaLI ~hut, ul1d uftorw!'rd tbe liko volloy" If not mor~, thUD. \bose t,h )' are "yellted iXIIe" nnil CJJy,hf" tl1l1e phillted. I prelume of 'ordnance ~\·jt!1 80 grent and ' y'0t so Uis- upo~; a~d It octuo.l,lr. re(IUlre~, more. effort 'lie will got the l'remjum lor c~ttor&. 'i 1'ho tinct noise th at rllany ,of ' lhem ,who dwelt lind tn/lrets more POIR to. gue thom up, , /ICed lIont ou (rum Englo,fid is laitl to be /lenr the 8:0 went t()wurd the ahore to 8ee thll,. wiouJd ¥ reqUiliite to avoid ..hem • • 1,( a 'tClr)' ~"Qf kll'q, but Ihe ' J'lroprle~or<l whal it,!night Inellll. , verily supposinlf .i~ ~n nrdent 8an\)j~ilitr ~"~ ~ irilpre8jj(I~nl\ . will III tl .,te t01!0 n~., "11lt'8t1 ,I,e (Ilronai- hllll been senne great ,lIello;,irght nellr 1,11'91•. of great virtues and ub~htles, Mil til alelf them a\1 thl) cottun be IIlnt COlIst, 1'hese sevvrlll tellrflll noillel' with Wllich they are joiqed, ~s one tberefrom lit a II xed !!ricPj thill' 41 you moy where" ,ogain lind rellewed, in the surest h~die\ltio/ls of U l!Uperior chllractor. juilgt. dOl'$)lot ltike 'with 11100 of imJepcn- order,yl} at le~lgth, wltb II humble 'and Cunrou •. -On heodng a .clergimen rcde", mlndJ. " ~JI(tra!lrdl~Il~V' crock of thundir, there that, 'tile wor.ld \Viis Ji,all of , cbnnge,' ---'-':-:,;;;;~u.:\M.Mi,*,n;:;-"..-"":'.. "Tbo~b thhl tolton is IU1HI to bo of a an ~n~ .of one Robert P.ier~el wher. Srnl)!lhpikojl observed that she could _ " '1 h" .,ptrlor kind yet 1 Ito liol belieye th~re w~re dl\:erll wo~kmeo ng ,pple. bring her Bliud to believe it, 80 ' of \V"vn"J,,' il equalj{.ome railed ,by the .0Blh: CII lu in trees, a thunderbolt, I( I. may 110 a.u,:1t, be- little itiJ ' way into her. pocket. g norl\lly, lta8 rC8unled' i.&erlor. a .pechnen uf whIch "" '" et9ne of S~ feet III length, 111\.11 ,gj " . ' king bU8ino~1I ,one door ctoWIt-. ,.. doye alto frt'm-the in ~reat\th, nud Ii feet in thickness, W ~ sow 0. ~an out In the roJn~ rester,- shoe , ,hop, In" W"YJ'"~'~III''' ,ty. ana whIch w I udjudge~ .ubstante wherepf W08 in , lIardQe88 day,\Ylthout h18 umbrella. He 811Ul ,the, keeping i:o~18tc!nLl. ,Y '~J:n;~;I~; I.n~; and W~ have o)reaely, 8en' a'l~ In, C(llor not much ~nli~e I' flInt. /J. f- on!y onp ~~ I~nd ~as new I ~.I)~ be v.:aJ,n t Ii Ilt "aYI travel. to procure soed to ter foil of ,'tbill' !lton~ whie}l. with ID>,wg to ~Olllt by it. It. rl"~ dent ~ure Uto rnlny ,JeOllOI1o clolleaj "nd hope \h",r~of, w\ls clean bqrled jn Inapl , . ' . :.' ,UQceed 111 g~ttini' It time. ' 1 abuve 0 yard deep, tile thunder LIPEl-'fhe ~0t:S of "uI,~an lifo lire flBlolivo ala .ery "QxiOWl to llllVO illlpccimell "of tho .... ople lJe.. an 1111 much to wonder Tho ~bllor epnngs. fro.hl ' h,_ ~' arlll capell IO /lhe . t"'n Aft1ee and r- . • topmns! 11\ 1t1lllnl"hl wnhuu la nlUrntllrLlbe rIA bcit ,co IoU, C" I at thllt whIch thoy now 6UW al they had whUIi the rich morellll'iir CUllllllulllS uf lllj8 rnt. IDa), be __ thiDIr elae ·.n Nnglan~,i~ time Illto .lone lit that which, with 10 much Iilll:! cn~t IIiBI dlslurbs llis evanlng rCI)Q~!~. In f~r Lb~ Indu.triol Exhlbltr;»n. " fear "nd amozement, they had 'heard." thtJlumc of \IOaew wo l1li110111100 tM br\l,!~ ~go of .fAf-ew coltoQ gins, of cheaJl con8trull~ Tbe so oaHed thunderbolt was of course nil a homo OS' 1i \',"oluncholy e-venl;" Lut I!I Wnr, L ol~ -:"'-'d' - '1\' iornlcu'able si:rvice to us' . h ' . h " ' I . h" Ivhe,1 wo roou of tho 8la\ll!hl~'r M o'lr n{lIgUwr" ..... 0. Wuw . - v Cit ' , II!rohtt'-'-a p enomenon Wit ... IIC sClenthousand, ollho "nUlIIY \Vo G1"p our lhlllltlll bUt ourpeople~ as 'J ,ar•. too poor ~ tr~ tlfieobt!8rvel'll are now more familior. Mil': oxcloiOl a "glorlb\ls violorr." c~r, thO' ~l!.C:enor)' macillnery tt> PI~~ t lerr "1 qf theae 8~ne~ have ~een procured, o.nd W01\lA~''"'7I1'~ the I"IVt of a ' liko Iter .' Pra!ltical Workm.n DrWIII~, ID. maTh!~1I111e otd'er. TUl Jact Qhcml~lIy e~amlDed, ana lound to be qUite own oolludlul Illnllot, to IIheor I ' Wllyne~Tllle~ Jln. 90, 1850. , I-l ,li!U'NeR MOUrlll'''1t to n,Ilny, ai, &lOn- unlike II.ny I' of terre8trial origin, tlnrkncslI-w 00 wI" the morning ond __ : '" '. " I, aeg~ntly cpUit'd .n *bate,oIelll In Dgrieul- containing, lUI 'all of them do ,mo,lloable ~tllr of'!la,"'» lifo. 'l'hu light ql' Iter eyo npOKSI DOOI("II. . , .' ,Ut.J O~tip'lil •. ~he ca@tor 011 benn plllnt j meOftllie iron; nickeiJ, !\ud clhr.ome, Hence Mil to rl~~ nil" Ift,?1~6t 10 Silt 11(1\111 u", ~l hllOd's RqDERTS,&' DR!:lWS'l'Elt "r4 Jlllt rt!~~IIY-'-a b«e. wlU)(Jut c'yllure but we rAp do tI ~ I'k I b f h"' d'" ti ' tiny alld tnlll ot .uflonn~. log a IIUI\ply oj ne1W" ,,&Ok:a 01 nmoull .. ~. ..L' ( :" l' to mo t I t eory 0 t elf ' "TlV,a o n , kinde eliar"'~\ nnd.1110, U) 8ull Ih. I...t.e • uotW....allahly WI.,. it un,1 we OIl" pr.o- ill, "that I he)' are (ragmenta l1YLDg through . IfnE SOClol feelings ho~e nollJoon In_IlltlY CQm· 1111. Call1lndlltle. . . 33'll, ctWte ptaCiiteDt'ry. • IPIl'~ ... under th" {o"uouoo of the lame for- porcd to 0 d..rk heap ef cml1O'~, wl)leh. wh~J! , -'" , oil-It.", I .. h'cb' ""' , ". q lloon/llnguish,duken. nhd ~lJlJlire' -"",01, "'~IId ' ,OOllee. WI , .,VIIS lien ces which luatarn ille planetary tOg~lhur-, Ibey glb\\, 1 willt ruddy Uuaburg .... ~n p,.onuuncpd.y~ry ,~. and that lhey aometitun come' witllin the huo!. , ( .l!We'llOUld .'IIP I.rp qllantltlell .4 imos • aphtr!, of til., enrth~8 nttmetion, BO 118 to AN Amorieo", who 1I\'es inl'arfs, hllll jUllt Jin. tetaQU~ otanp, pht~a~plell, ,IJUIlVIl8, plumll,' be druwn to ita lIIurraco. There ia every lehcll t~o '!lodel ofb gnll BPllarnlu8, which is to W IUn1 OJber dellQluulI (rultS or ."perlor reoloil to believe that the aattE't- revOIOUORl70!l\U prolSOnt lfylltc1R1. ~" .. 11 it ,rere, aQt fur ll\c f.ct tIlllt lilO", and comets, Me not tile oril; boI!lea A great chos8 match 10 be (llayed b, OII11Uell'r'a ,I tet ftllid .p.ll. beCure reacbing the which move round. the lIun, and lie wltllin 01 nlfnnlions, .durii't!: tho cxhibltion ef et.teII, ...d qur pIe 'lire not.. t~13 iwlar l!Ystcm: tbe, are buing .rrllngllCl lor. , ,...q~r~ prelervillg, We hoyt ./treat conspicuou8 mUle,' while JoII'" Cohan, tho IIIAniill ~nd ~liipt*:"',I, ~'.u ~U8 of hi.. 10 Lil.leril,lnd 'woulil b$ er. ffiIly exist, too itn'Bll to be delcrlbed on a~ly a! Live~pObI. 1faI1~ rid or, it'a~ reduce~ prices, chell- ordin~ Ooclillionll. andlJ1 a king dlt~mllelve. A LWI.LATIVE l,oKt:...::some ofthe m8Ji~lirerll 1 ...... ,... ,' _ .......;. West Intlla cdn nfford' but we I. • 'n ,r, nly hI '.IU ..", .. DO.. _ ...... Alabama 1I0ullo 01 Jteprll8011 "~I• • r-Jl .L_ '~l' ~ ... no,,,n 0 "..,. 10 alce" 1\0 rOCjjlj a wQckor 1":0 .IDOO •••'? .............. ~.u l'. untl 1!Jl~ TIM \lIulPlnud aplleuaDCO of ID'olltee bllt \lio IJOUllO r.hll.ed 1<> mJjep r.n 'A ._.oo~ ...... M belwven th~ on lh. lilted auppoeed to be owing to tbe extraordillal1 thclU propQsOd a rlltlOlutioll for 1,10' alJll(J\).!Q10Dt SilteIJ.'· • frlciloQ thot tlley ()1I,U18 in paplng ibrol,lgh 01 a 10 lalqviru into the cuntalion 01 '-=-",:""---:.-~-:,--the air with Bueb n velocity as \hey mUlt the Hall " whic~, ,II 100 hM lleun ....." UUli~ 0" L\lQve~ , ntflehOIlle. Wlloll In 80 dllng~)rj)ulI a D l .I tab' pOlICIlB. WOII unlale to slllY thero. 'J'lil) nuullo f'IIhIOD eoq e ....u "'Ill vcge I.e The delcen' of ano~er IDf!ll\te iii the y "tljourlled-t:!omo to the flU'88~"".I. alfare that lie alll,!,por.lallt lIelghborhood of Balltln"6reen. ntlar H",to commlllJO [OUIlU Ibe eeil ng aU dltjUt.!te I~ the grQwtb or line , rrmt. la I!, ford, In Betklhire, il ih~ de.cdtiech• •ltliDpp'JOnl&rgejvlgoro~lIt:hoall,by le!Lvea • .." b.gan tbus; first for went

, ..ted



com- I "

Ar and Se·le nce's.



MIBCe aneous

I '





l'tEmC,\>[. nr~PAn'nU::N1· .

Th rog.lllnr e (l UI



lA.\c:ttlfeS '"

this Jnati·

Illto will Cl'mmulllle ou lha Fln!.luf Novcmoor.

IIrttlCOlllllluo,lInlil tho IOIJt ~t'..·ulJrlJlltY.' Tho AnntQllIiclI1 D 'I",rlmcllt w,1I bu 0JlOllo.1 nnd roudy !9 rQo~\ivC) 1I11I(\.,lII11I by tit" Fir.\ of .lIO, The M ulI\lur I , BI'~"'!!"!'"



w_ ....,










~ !, kep\.derohnted for. a I~,uP9 uglen ~ .hleb, Dllllt~II";lllId fru!te e.WI~'




01'\ onll cj.lnnoll"" der,lI.lone, ' Uk~ ~ rl 10 twaQb.... whlcQ ~ deprlvedlufthem le}1V~' thot were to folio • " lIttle • ClDdot rlr:a-examplee of growtb and fI- .I~"''' WIUI lieurd \I, .econd' o.nd 10 by de- A FlISNCllICAI'I ctlmo Into ~,OIIlC day, 10 defr"v my -" ...... ·t h' ~L t... ,. ""', • lltolo II watc:b "1lIj nrrCllt.ed. Inot! ~onduT\lnBd 10 J. ~P·1tJ 0 ,,,"1 upon treee \V 1';'1' _com!'! groea a third; '"lilt! the number of twenty pJ'ison, IIn(.\ 8,;Il~ ofr III iI wogon, wlflh thollO who h!lvedemsndll ogillnllt 111(1 • • tripped byleaf.bllght. I~ one .nl~nc.e,.4 wore !1ie.;blU'ge~ or -tIItlreabouLB. in yery all in the spneo oflwo hOllr~ nndl a N~v. 15th 1850. d.~118 ~ (If plllmi r8mollled balf ,grown fOod order, lhough in ver1 great te(Wr. l/IO tol" aI, the lillI, whcnce --"'-;----n"""jJr-E- -, U....g-E-P-I-,, --p .::.aIid '1WOr1811 for leverAI weeki, in conl8- n IIPI1\O little iIlataQCle- of time afier ~je lie 8eo~, he H JPpcd out . M'ESSRS BORDEN &. GLOVER a.!"\I)O Par~~a\urfel dorp~tJg of t~e ",,111) au~bly heard the 80und of Ii drum beat~ IlJi8 :; J~~.::t::~lii~ll~ fWW hav~ng (lur~OIIed t~e Shlll,Rhtoring ..: aeeon wop 0 eavell rei wee a l ing ,. r lloltt ~l1longal ~U thele angry 1 ever Bee!" IIiiI6L U\bhsllm~mt ~,ol E. B'~ly, E;.j1J. are .a.rwuda~.lI'ected the completion oftllei.. I "''''t '" ~ 1.";;_ thO b t L IhlW II rtlPDted lO furnllih good BOOI Veal nnd W1h and dielr rI nin - to honied rich" pea 8 II.. " O~ I : rom _ve, la ega \1,. ~Alllll A TR.lDE_-A Mutton, at t~r (lriees; .nd regpcclfully IIIIk the • , • pe wonderfui l1a nurliltlon, that Itt the end , of fill'. wo~ eellienpod to pa1r01l!li6 Qf the public. 'I'ke hlgl\BIIl enah I.rice ~ !)'JJe1idltor,oCthe. loh,,,n Faniler t..e -report ot. eve,y Crack o· cannon-thulI" or lIay, a\ 1'oronlO, lor paid for &(000 Heuf cal tie, Clllvos nll~ SllQep. men~.. tho folloWing '"tere.lIng ~.elin dering 11 hilt,ing 1I011e made way llpeecn 10 thd t:it1 Iho March, ~ 18~", . ! /1-11 , ntoe....ti9.n of the .aQl,e princjple:7B. D. Itil,!! ~ir, not "nlik~ the flying ,~f :30~~o~~:ou; lUI~i~, ' , 1Iofe, ~q., ~rDet~olt, h~a m:lgn !8eent (rom'tne moultl!! of Oll.t otdnllnce. up to ~ trade, would .,..,. .VUlI, .,re&llng over one allde of b)' the j udllemellt orull tbe terrol'-/ltrlcke~ A [~el lo wblch \houlaJld.l of hie ...... wblch W~ I at. the tllne (Sept.) wllneste. tl e were lbun~erbolta. For IllSumony. ~11ladenwltb fruit. After tbecl1l5tets. one of them\ioB lIeeo by mony "JI'A'I'\Illlt"slIid a Iillio boy, "111linkyQu dQ w,", 'fOl'pled. a cow epwrlnglhe e'nclollul'e, ~ II 1 It d'IJ Ik' WrODg." .. \\1,hy\ my lIollt" "l3eculiUlO you . . 0&" th,. Maves eotirely,witJlio her reach lai ~1. 11 P aoe co e ull I~b brol\1IhL lhat bo,tby nere wilen mother wu Sick, but left tile IrtIIt unmolelted. The con- l1l mIle Jr?m Hartford: wIlle and you Itavo 10 bire a woman Bnd II. dOOM 10 Will seen by an eye.\vltn~.. , omonget many lako cllre ol it," , th ~!len~ la at on the porti n of tile vine otherl, in tile same ml1\nor of falling. girl, in writing h mo ihe • whleb Vi . . be~~nd the reach of ,~~ a~lmal, T.lle form' or thll atone il three-aqullre, and tllClIlaliolng tho (whl~h conltl\ute. the mOIl' of It.1) never the end; in oolor outwardly blackhellv'lIIlyl ~'~~-i~~';~~;;~~~~~!~;~~;;~~;;W;:~~~(i~r·~~~:~t~~~~~ ..ere ft_ ~t~,. d~veloped, l"hlie upon lilt, sumewhnt like iro , eru8t~d oyer with, 61ed. \ , '. qF ALB K1NDfI, , thti ,.,mall po,rtlon from \\Ihi~ lIe ~eave/l 'tho lhickne81 of Q 8hr.lin ..~ Wilhln 'it 18 '1;0 Etll) l<;oqs rnoJi Srq'jr,IH\J.-EII t I~om EXilC1:JTED N,~ATLY &. PRQ"J',TL' ,.~re ,removed, the elull!!rad!mdled awfly, rt f e I()~ n'iix;;d witJllOmokl d whllo th .., nre' fr~h. WC,hllv~ uiod all ktnds ,' . . -..•• CO'" to notblag. anil tbat"too, up so ,~ ,0 gr y ~ , • . ' 0 of 111eth.gla., LIII Ihlll wo , J~lIIk IS tlto ~IQly une the. "ery line ohepilration betw.eb the or ;minerai" .l!hlnhlg bke ~mal. ple~e. of bu rchcd CIl, "\0 iI~y cllmlte." ddltltated ana 'UDmutilate41 portion." glMs. T~II lto~(' broke, In. lhe rllll:. tile \VhQn..llOvorty oomtlll in at \he door, IloTo Ilios ~ , ' . wJaole 18 If' wClgbt 191 .btl: the groster out atlbe windulV • . LOT OF HOLLINSHEAD8 PLAIN BONpiece thllt rell oft· weighe~ 6 lb•• , which, Dr. Johnson being onoo in oompllny wilh , ~~e ~OllUllon llelDlock (or ne4lo~ NET:3 just recoi"od by _.~..... , .t t,", tlip. Alteatlun fa now heing 'directed to the with other-.mall pieces b'e lng put toge\her, 8umo ecal;dalmo;liertl one of Iltom having'ICCu, of Ih., BaJl. ALLEN &. EV AN~. 13ept. 1l'7, l~. ~on.AmeriClln liemloek, a' a subltl. make!a<L Ibll. nlld better. At bearinll or S6U IUlobscc,ll frienu of ru.ortillJ t.o ' w~bull, be .... for thorn and othu 'lIl'cldubilB thl ..horrid thunder aUmen(eipeeiaJly Ibout ~b.llrvelt, "II ie , pOThopll, oflot\llt"m .... """er ,_ . "'I t I I ! ) t 'Ii d h .L lor n Jnuy 10 rcclaclI her OWII ' chClOkll thall to WAY GROmlln_ GBDaRRIIIII rUb. III' bedaell -It lIas been lubJect g lelllnlto~ were 80 em e , t at \l,ey bll'ckoll olher p~'Opl '~ehorllclertl." " aNBl8LT &. DROTIIBR to reit~ated \riala it i. laid in varioha ' 10- fell on tbel~ knees, and not oult thought. '1'1 d 'n f i . It Go!l _ WI,oloeale and Retail GnIClcr., No. (lid ,..r' CIlll&ieJ~ wltere .it i8 indi~nloua. , , but lOid, that v-e~ly th~ day or judjre,ment "1'\lC~~' o~lwi ~I~ 1~~nnIlK;::oi:;:C::e~y'"~IO. . , BoNNET SILKS ANQ nIDONS. ~1I0Wll I:~~~;~ 'I!.el or Secon. a.,M" V.,IO", OhlCf .-It i ...lao lYell I adepteif to oveny was come. Neiluer did these fe'ar. ~akc co[,web. hito, Gruen, and , FJuk WllltlJcd IIolln9' fully Ihr,..... h ' HI"e jut recelTed hayo 1Ur ..1e ailkll, .nd. largo SlOC" of Jtlcnt RIIIJ!Q1I8 !lIat 7~ prime Rio CoL • ya,..t101 .oil- Ud will (\ouri.h wl~b great Iiold o.uly or the ,Pcop!e, but even beasts Qree! not your frion!..e IIy bore com~,limenls, luuriaace Oft ordinary land. without p~ had the seH-eome .r~eUng and bu.l by ' givihll 140m 1I\llll!ltllB Ulktln8 of JDur . roooivod by L H ok J. H &; cO. un;~~~:~:;~~:;X!t; 'Wb1arortlilO 90 hbcI •• N. O. 8UIIII'\.. ' f(lan of Ihe R&d FIlIII G4 bl, N_ O. Molnliln VI_ life ,arat.ion4 of dll.nure. Exy,nllve eion of dange.r, running up and IlIvo,: Waynlll,lIIe, Oet. ~,lij50. :tl .. 8. II. do. 68 ebeIJt al)d caddull Sup. a.,'d. 'feall lion of tJii. beautif"l b~ are ID be l~eJl bellowing. 88If they had been mad. . . DE UTlfVP Rr,rl.\'.-A· pious Scotch mlllui ...rioui fec.aonllor Western New Yor~, other thuoder-sto~e8, ~ough not ao ~ tor \JCiing ashd by a friend, dUJlng hi, In.l PIECES WALL ANP WINDOW 55 'bo:X08 b end A '1',,!NIeco PAPER IllI!to~ and ~fll1c &om 12'~ 24 boXOII M. It. RllilIilll , cdltiJ8tlon been attendeCI' have alll(). bee,n dlgged . up. i1ln088, wbeth"r ho. Iholl~hl hlm!I{Jlf dY~II..:ana. LA Cin'u IIoiap th"''''''. with uioni.hlng succeae. A. 'the ia not fit that any man 8Hould worod:" RI!llIJ~. "!cnd,l care n,!t ,,-'hetliof 1 to 50 et.!. pr l!~oeo. to do Cond/.,. 1 - D l'la allpear....'" .. ' ....e. him to write too broad and bUl~ om 'Or not; for 111 tho lshnll be '\\'lIh God-if 1 l\(ordl22. ,HADDEN &. MICLELLAND, _ 300 Reamll w,'" Papllr tNe Ie an ever.,. --, ,: livo lio will bo whll .. eaarily alaU.euon.' e"tremel, oroamen- on any 8uch as thele. • hil Dot be " ., . ,. , 5 CeNOO. S. F. IndIIU . Cuke madder \ •• f ft.:n in IU full d,018 fioU.- a 10 daring ae to pry intotlfe closet of 60tl'II Tit!, lirtll fOldl ~nt II mon COI1lIll!t8 IS 10 ~nke (I. r.u.D&IlT. T. 1L Wluu\aO, D. D•• ~ preee ..~ •• d .. H' k . fuJI' IhcOriOll for IJXpcnclloo. Ihe II COIIU to C:OOlsidor ' do Glnaer ,. IaCl!It retrea CODtrUt to the dre~ mono eterQllnationli. II .•wor !!t. -are _ bi! own eX(lI'rJchco u Ihot of nIl. T & LBERT ~ ~ WJLL~AR.n. ·24 bollee ChoCollte ~ oftbe w n&er "leDce, and addln~, b- wonderll, and not to be examtned. Let u~ All "'f" be • • i .. ' t i l " ~ ", 20 dos. _'d. Oed Coni. ~ be fi I' I t to 1 ft mannor" ,tnmclI IIIlIy (lrovel~ 11,,1118 , 40 .. Wood Buek.e.. i~ 1111:11, ..~ctIY. be ...t~. \ r the ealy not110 00 II J 88 .0 rn a.m a Ile rna- Iho untortuttale; IlUt lhe eUllCC!!eful 'mver 811l. n llflr~ Hice ,Iori. 01 \be.prln,.lIIld the aJBuent lum- ken, and to propo.tJcate, pro,hecy, rre~ ~nd LboulII&1.II Dl'e tho Ildovt~ eldluren 01 J~ koge Shoenoorct!"11, I• ...erted on reliable au- dom, Ql' foretell, a~all Dap~n, fair or experionce. _ Tegclhor ""lIh .)aile tuh, J\laellerel, Ch,·tJ8Q. dIorilJ. that. or 1J11 UetIII and airub. foul, ~o our own kiiladom or. .ny Fortu.nll4alld ltnpploo81 \lro two ill.llncl and • nriet)l ., .,Uclct whidl wlll -h BOld Ul ~ for thia pur~, It • the ~oetcerta~u SC?"raty o~ plent" war "Or . idooe;hOwltVCli !OIIIO, rllne a faille IdelUl • .;. ... R- ..... ,.... ~~l~l and ..,. ' - y.oracrIT", OI _ _ ~ \»eloa lell liable. to lojurJ froUl giddy-braiDed meddlera .hoot their 01 1Ir8 and. wrong way ot' ,binking, Imy 'cloDDa,lOII, O..... la.... '51. 11"6In. perfUlnMd tile Cll'lliMrJet'ila whjoh 10 (nqueDtly proye "",ond the moon." lound Ihrln. 1I&al ... the ~ (helOc.uat, .nclotJ.r COlLit 0 iJllhor ! and lhey IOlslake )',, '111... and ' OYOlCDl, wbo depeacrlti..:t 'pi01 t:.Dbi aDd iD IICJ .'1 ott;...,,,, water hrnf!4 10 "loot1. 1080 11.1 beel 8IlJ nate. I P i 01-.1 ta·'-b Dllri':E,1h'''' .tirm pond ot' wlter . ",e 8 un outWI'" lhin,., 011'" nul un lItu 'I&to of __I • eoatequene. ~ aprou I ..- , tM _hcllrt. , wtdcIa ~ abon nUlled production foul the ~etwor ,about half • mile off', ,was turned · 11 ill Ihc bllbUng ~pring ""bich 110'1111 gqnd" U4 produce ••bulb&o.PfOI~ Into blood. Soioe of the blood wu the I!ulc rl\'1I1(!~ wbicti IVII. Illbn,," dl; ~ lab. . . _&rIlleatal toO cultlYatioa. ~1'OUI(b, to LondoD and mown to mlny_ and IIlahl by Ibu 'ann howte:, Ibal il u.~lil, mill. . . . 4lreetM to \lie' uproduct;ron of root' who Clid • .p ,\beir bandkerchief" rilOL .hioh er Ihan lh.8woUtn flood. or the wAl'lliDI t»tar· .... prn.orpaa. ,l'Id" them in colot 11k. ,blooa. ~II Kt"



he never



A Goldon













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...... .u Te . ....


01"-".~cI -.:r \:a~1


lIayor." b are blood bad Ithtliiog 0 Ilt-il .atflf. aDd ..Ix Jour IMdi)Y ~...tetI (or bJ'~~~~t:~:r1t~~~;:~~~ lP~au'llD'la1[IC1p. pal ~ IJKIOIIfall. "'Pld 1..... of eertaiD III avaUa .n POOIP let . . eton ... . . . . - . . . . . . In lOme inetaDCoeI, .. appotuw abroad M_., thea tab a ,""eel br Bluen~. the redone ....i DIIOeIIeI..... alan I'~~~'l ItOfe dI1 ....... ani. . . . . . . ... . _ . . . , . , . Pin_ IlbclMrll,.. mot pan .... ~ ... III otbeN " . aalamte- ftuIgi, YIIGd& .ppreci....". beaut,; it II ~lrOJlJl'oPlri· toO look . . die 'ProtoeoocIua III01IU abel Odeuaa IU- 1110""" tor tIM uuoa 01 the

8&oYe Br1l111.-


U.:w- _

reMlDbled 10' Iii':" ;:,.~~c ~e;IICI~~UpoII~~'~bo~!:f~~~~~E!~I~~~i ~~~~_iEi"'~

&1Mt ...• naUacam. whleh..... grea&l,increaee, undor the fataWatCiltiollia t'aaDM,.lIDCI.lib



Ifllh ..tODitllIDtJ.lI2J!~~


J. W. ROBEllT8, ' ED1TOlt . l\lr,



'1'11.1 Mi(lJIilSi~iior:





~ _

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I belioye ' G'od hila made , mil to ' honor lils, , ~am..


. :




Yet I am d~lig11te~ $n folly, \lnd shame, " Ye., driQkill6f nnd lew lines. shall

d,lil:ht, Although ~ al\1 ~r. ,bllt course ri ght. , . ,. '-";>

010'~jsk of my

It. t

will hftYe,


G\?t>'.rlu~ir.~l\hll. -'

,,,.,,,mu.,",] .,.m 8perlkin..... ' of five leave." 8~itll lj\fotCK ·,t:~.<I'.v"~lu,u ,M,r:l. 'J<~~r~~ij~~~~'~~;~ri~Qg~~ me lell youlliitory 1 mot ' L' ~OI)nl~ 'mmnhl II.pcr~n CI\m intoour whathp eorlllll(1le'r s wardd. rrhCl'YOUIl/I,/iouplo' , ",it'll when Ihred ip R m~, i:,9c;1l11g w~t1lll i o~i 0 I+ll~o"'ketl e~o 'the Editor .of ~\IO fortllbly situated, snug house-ni Roman to see liOIllO olu.lqpltjes, be 6ho\\le~ • tIL I ,to , Ql~bCjllg i,ntlo.duc~4 to () r ijIUICture-handsome inco'rne. [!tIro n c!.IUpel, tlodic to 'St': " Evohn ; n': tutti, he .plnceu a liundle \Il,on , tho' tubl I tbl\t 'it . wu II. • Ilior mel'cantileclerk. wi~h ,n good Inwyer in .Dl'itt'llntic, "hb; be snhl, dlllne 'to' from whijll l ho, pr!lce~ded to c. tmt II. very been .!18~ rtaine~ "h~t Tlyo weekI! of ral't\lre hqd . Rome to givo the lowy rg of , G~ittnnie a ! fuir imd 8~'m'nlotriellllowe .. e:(tr'erllily,wlli'i)h bcnn suoh apples! ' , ' Mr. antllfrs. Buker by side on pntro9, ,to \~ hic:h the Pope rerlie~" th~~ he 1mISr}l~ lui" mntcl\'ed ',Atloln'd b'ettor qari ' ".11." ' ••• " _" ' i 801'11 in the p!1i'lur ng!nll their ' plntl!! know of AO s:lint but whilt'lytli disros'ed or , nllif'w~lieh :hntl e\li~0ll tly bnlbngeMo a$~- ' . I 'llhe LeRr41ell Pd~~ ... fl)r the future . ..The oxpectild rOl!ponsibili. td other 'professions. •A~ vi rch .Evonn WQIJ .Il BI.l , ' r, Mr, J6hn Plltteraqn, of Albany N}!w Hos h,bppened to , be, the le~dillg t9P1C. Ind, lIud f)llfnestly beg~etl~r tho P,ope f 'There!' 8!1id he,,'ill, thc!u, D.P.ything the , Y~rk, i:l repre8esen~d . '9."~e one 'ot t11" ~Ir8. ' Ullller hoped th~ 4rlit mllY be a of onl) fur htrn. A ~ I;ltlt the Pore j Il)n,~tbr \ 'ILII ,thAt ~eg! J;)~(t .)"ou ,~v~ r 8(),U.\in,08~ ex~nordi~luy m~n in ' America. " +I" boy. ' to S~" Evon'lI. that, he should go I II hans~m r1! What ought the ,mlln to be' Is D J?urna f!i.o.n ' P!:int~l, ·;worltln( duily· at' 'Denr liltle fellow l I 8eem to lee'him churlllh of SIllnt 10110 40 IAtur~. : d)lll c ~\'Ilb> \\'\10 l: ,t thn.t o~l' • t his Oli5e, wh\le be 'lS on~ 'ef tho , most .profQld, lind lifter hQ had 'aaid el) mCllly'1 011 hnvlng the I~Hlllmng :or ;these lI~ter- {olind , mntt!~matie"nl 'and be8~ lin~i!lla Ill ' now tumbling about t)le' 'carpet nnd kickillg up liis innocent heels lika n IIle'sset! AYe Mllriu •• thut tho fitat'snint hi I1m1 hol,d" rOg'ntori es Ilut bc(()J'c U8, wo fouud ,it was' t~1l country ' Hisgtll8.t)"Ol'f ••Tbc' CaJc:u~. : lambkin! or sho'uld ,be , his IlIl!rOn', \yhjch. the good L g 9f tho wI1e ,~ro\lJ Y&ning visitor, I lio f 9R~I'!ltIOnl\,'lilll b~ enjuilt~.ilea from'" . "Id lii~:¥er, willingly unabrtook: and at tho had bl.'ell ~IlCC\ltomed ~v ndwiro tho .leg ond lhe pr~a8, ond is, in tile opinion of. Bcienend of his Ave MllrIu8, he stojlpe~ lftt St. foot of tlit' lody, of pcrfectlon uf wh,iela' ~hc . \j lie ru~n, sllya the Albany 'Dutei,ma.n, '010 ~iel\liel'8 alta!'.• \vhere he laid hold of the Wlli, it upllcurll 001l89i\lU8 . A fe v dtlY~ I of 'tho 'mo8t 'proroWld produotiolls tbat ,chEf " devi'lllnder , st lIichuel'8 ' feet, and cried before"IHI hod e~ci~ed fler 'IUlger. nnd thoy hOil ye~lilven ' to .~i$.l~ out this is our ,llIIint, let him be onr Plltroll. quarreled viole~tl,Y. upob Which ..eue lelt ty.. llo is Ilot. 9n1y thorqugbly v~r..ae4 Irr So bp.jng un hljn~ed, Rnd seeing ~hat tha house' d,eclllrlllg that IIbe' \V()ul~ be fl!- every ~rnn'c'h 'of mathematicll, bllt eanreld he h"d chullon, he went to hIS venlJed o.n him. !lntl tiltH be shoul4 lIe~er nOll wrIte greek, Latin, Hebr,8w, a~d Ara.1i0 .lejected that hi D {~W ' I onlha I1.goin 6Qe. 11\f~ object' of hill Ild.mi oi.on ...... 'b lctwith Q much eue add ftU~pri'4 " h: , ' , ,'. The next tbin/: 110 h'eard wos, tl}ftt.ehe 'WtlS ·(lllll the Eng\llh; bel\ldea wh~c'" he ca,! \ coho, • ... • a patient the h1>spital!o( ----.-, Ilnd hilt! 'Vtlraejn eveTYtonguago spoken in' iitOpe: , FII!I,b ioIlRbl" Piety. her leg ' amputated. She: declared to th With no oidbu I indu.try ' nrut' 1\0 higher • The poorest. kind of religion ii! Burgeun tliat ahe 8uft,e.rl'd intolerllble pain 8Dlarytenn tib ,which 1I~~lltowed on ajou~.' I lIann nono.. "Ve have It of nil ' iwr'ts, in her knee, n',n~ .begged to:" .,e the limb .re - Myrnll!)': Pri~ter~ ! ;l I\'. , pattersoll, ,!'-II o,oved~1 petition' the ill1r~eOn OQllIplled o,vo comO acqualntqd WII& with. emil thuB "become , tl\e In8trume ~,t of ' of human knowIedgo, bo lier own revenKe.upon .h~r busband. . • hn~dllome property and , . , 801ll~ ' tllree thouslnd y.olumoB "ondl!rfuU Bridge. ,', ~.ttersori i~ Dative of Nil,"" J~y. . 'N oftr OIar<lmllnt.. in the 'dllparun~nt J)r i06J y.e ors of Aie. _. ' , hOfISa1,balth"IPup do DrO{w , in Frouce, t)lere ar~ .,allll, the waterRpf which qre of 81\ch a IJ.lln11~,




Ti.~I'~, atrong drink,'i', ragi IIg ntid me a fool,


YIt, ("tIl 'determincil tbot whis~ey 8~a}) ' I 'J ' ' ''1l e. " '~ '.

Thoul(b It· mllkos me !l madman, and fi,118 , with ~ttire, ' ,i I willlanve ·It lod drink: at , Itf~. '

:'} . . .,



II. Ilolllll' ea~h: ' dllY will 'pend. , " , ' . , It ill ~ulll triOe to drink with a friend, In'on' deeLing'yellr i~~ , .iuou!lt will riso Tu quite 'SILt dollara 1808 with my eye••

Ojl!! tighth 0


To be .ure if .tllat Bum was, butiaid ~,


.to"" " 1'0 ten rearB tha, arc put woultlnmouot to , milch. mOrIt.,

poo~ wiCe' 10Q~s

criel, I

~member 'the my.lde.

Pledge wJ1ell she Btood at




be an



I am, put thirtl anclllQ h- ~ ,or . houic.




1'AJIJ', IboAZ'IIf1t. " Whm)oAflro&c!s fl(lVe ,beE'lt 'l'he b~11b . -.. -~ . ro~ olle yeur to utl ~ BOQK I 1 LAllY II ~""' GDbIIY t.r bJeued . the ··.In,'a or during leaYla, lbe abotlel on certain ton- real ll.tale hll' rllllOO in yalue ara they which lin ttto J>elDom Daily the their Dllme8 GIld that wilh .ee UII C!r'Ve furnish ~nle.. Ule ordt'r of ~lelll. 10 c~an,cd , by Welch .A.nd 'p'a •.~ ftYe yelre from 60, to IOO ' pllr cent.;. wllo, will nn;1I dithm Wei f&.rthf'.r d~lId, ~he f1'.vm' r.11ed been ui" or tlle ot'h er pllb U'ltul\.l Elther e. ; ,adJ:t11Ic. ." as1ai7I r p'l'Opoae the to be . . to rive fill tbe ri,ht ed . willIe 1I0t~ cent, lulJUnce 011 IIlb0':t, cno ....T ...lQ,U:.i ll.A1.r .\I.Y ... IMI Our th.nlta -to tlie prOPri~'_I W.lker. The lat~r hadd.nol conclud · por lie-iioul or. TlUlEtl Lr. eth. 10i> to a~iIlJlv 60 Qy " to bcconll. It beeina lllj~ , lad, . • yo~nl ehQWn tb. ~ A~" .. •••• wben the Senlltu djourne • r~ Tll'''t " ~ Ihe 'rlltht . , d\fficllit for the young poor JU\d 'tllia \\'ouldI ' p' IIIco~II,e . A,,!'1., . aut for"Wo mulI', Ri,htIJ!'1 lIli", Of,. ..... .. Ul,oTa t .Iu-I."JII HousE. -Jrnme diateJy aft.or, organi~ i n~, cent ~noro • , . of_ " ,rlhelab .. lf It. or \\"l'lIu tor. thir. me,ulI be not getohu l rnnnlo to unnp lAs qUeltiOll" So moma Ih(' Hvnse weJlt' lnto Comlllitee ottllO will be fanalllleci .. " The MIA;'!I .. . , ir rcntll,J. 1t ,lal,Jo- jive c~nh, (]J1/!H but our orrallgepteols witla . r-. Whole on the bill to reduco thll r\',ICIi or er.s c;ellt'rofly t o pUY'til ~".)'''')' .~'''i'''''IirUqDeU;UA_ .dverd. the II) n aUontlo ' tho MUgIIzincR,' onabl\'" olil 67We molame the and yet be IDftuoDced Ifonlliag year or 1 i3ar rno~e t1itfi.zMt fer lhll U,e pruprie to II 01liberal ' ' ~r..,., It w'.,. a!& M'~d!4I ,~ . pOlltnge . ofl'erl, • Who will" ,I D 'M f I Ui to 'muke-lhe~o t )i\"clifew get"11 II thnt . country remArk this tbe "t venture reo!'e we p-our but ' pro\,j" ~1I1 be 'rilo ~All'Jldmeut of l\lr. FowlerJ . tl.~~,·t~be-t.,'1 ~'~r oW~Jorl" · r. 0 ,nell of lheso U "l lvel obeyed tliclnse Ilave ~ avuil 10 lex,lw); eeitllte ~tlef \ the. ~y of t,l!e,.a!umbor of .o ur pq~r uEe rllp, ".1 . ' ., ...,~ .~. I ,ODI r D '. " .' dtug for 11 uniform rllte of-two ce nt.! prt'l!ll' (I !'OOO? an t ' 'I tJl ET ' ti' .he DON'T ' 111 our youth t· u~e pll ~·~· Ul! IA'L n.IlIUret IIg. .riven Incr~a"l GOd r: ltily tbd of .Ihrell . at jt 'n.tillet . lind thllt or l\lr. ··Vinton ,lhlng. f"rnilllied NU'K 'MWl1'1II b' uu; ,,' . o..1OpJ .i\l ~ FO prece enle ow ermd. -of :,lrt Urp I I' the In ruv g ' some{ o' uf bellvm ioD we eompan loFll ' IJ ! hapP1 the r become ,:. 1. we re reJ·ectM. It! Till:: TllIlel 1 t dIn ' 'Now ' I unlllll (~J!IoI)(,U_ d1I ~ ~~VIt"")I&I A,IULI' CL~"!:I: -___ .1 " you. of dl1bbillg wilh the l\lllguli lee. cent» .1 ' I rom ~ ' terms J J,ear eur us l I e ' ' f k i 0 . " , I " ' IJ~ , ' r " . ' , will ,be .araiabllll SiI '~II'taa ' , '. Ky, oflerell ~~ ,nme.ntJ. , t lose tHu W~IJC I . " Cllroy ID , 0 op. ' .ve ' dan • Ont.." ,or ..... OI'WQe who \vou1d have lIetps Itlld ~/e!' Itler4/u en 1 If,(lur frleudi' wbo feel Illteree\ed ~IIJ tu](e ' l\lr. Cultlwe ll,·of !ltlltl. thnt no po"t-Qf - nntl blllst humuu Iacnrt.s. n.W'rt·n'III&Jr:I'I. " 'h" .' WDSlldo ob whi Ulenl, ll · OM eoPT will -lit fiar'DIithed T ...n nuinber t sufficien in and It dUll ROBE RTS &. HENLE Y Plop,rieturs or. 1'mm hold t Cop. 'a.ild .fIe· Labor or . of lI, IJ r lIulojoct id IY. t11 , .)JnlIIt I prnaib~ fice uow ill' exiiten cp, tlhall bo discontil1u~d ' . Leovill ' I M T.JarY ·al'lir """ • .u.r,i:P'I I. t ' . '. M .~' t1 v '11"1 f ~t' 'r MIAMI , 1.ISJTOR " : lhe [to wh. ond, " rtld ' I:Urllilhed, for TURn I~ the dl~~I~,1IflCfm'lf1tifO .servi ce on \lily pilliinu- ilul \\'0 comA IU lllllt of mail the shalL Sin,l. ait .....,. nor l ell ~ , ngutl, , '0 e ,11 ',' WI . , we . , I y JIIII" , ' f RELA'!'lON S , . 3;-:::!O C'(A tblnk of wue ~jpp. "~;.4 lie .. ' 'oct' l I . elln ieL th~l!l at ti~fI of the reveJltl,e ~lllIt tfilly rellult' from I ' " Po", O~()e nCY:"l\uc",:~h\!~p J"O.l" " f;C " WltllllY. l ....t'.ed tbis ~u'b;oet h\lm0f<1)1aly, ex,p~el~ ~ to \~IOHO who ... , . . J • I 1)18 e '" 1 cOlulhe pili"! .S:!nS:~1 Ihllt furtl:}er •I provided ond ; uc~ tlJl~ ! fflel\lle, you from hear ,us Let ' The ~uuth ul\d V'f c~t, It III ~OIltl. orO ho»tiIQ' plllce. Uclol~ stl SOIll \! of thoso nut llecnuae we have not the hi,cbest nppre. / thiS ~ • ~ .. ~ ' IJellsatJon of tbe pOllt l\lostil" 8hnll not \)0 p l' o~ t' .mer~ y It . Jew ex'ception~ ). ' with bill Jl08~ngo delay p c)lea ~o without ' lotl hilvo we c:ulculu e , UI I because .whl,e but J111~ WOlfIlll nO\'tJm~ t of .'~a I rae r ci.tion T. Correl lpo.te. b. l dilllinished il\ consequ ence M tho . PU Bl!ug" J. w;hQreft'om, .viU 0 lear b ; " odd" d il o ,mlligu e our po I ~ ICII un d Bacilli evil". 1!J'her.reOllUlll . , h ' tI Id of thiil oct. d l ,II . IIOIMI aU our Corre.p ondent. will be' W ·' . , 10', f Ihe c\'('nuos ' of the. Pust Office P.'rom. th~' Gt to ,labor, who eBB nlUIIoi g e, t)l Ie oJII~blo Ironc U.11~ en 1o, er " . I e, "'ou , 8~. .' Anotlacr omendm ent ,was ugreed to. It "' -' . place, tbai doubl, / Gov , Q,UI:r~UN It IS 6Uld. \~ I . un OU,lt. , tho . c~pita\1 ul ! several Ijc~t,.ions, or the Union : . ar., ul to no,d an, .tllI~8"lIn~,e.very tlU~&" 1 or "HOMS," that IIweet bll printed ciroular s lIud pO!llphl ei~ Jlide wltla ,the lew IYho hoM lhnt repolrtll If ought, )le So . afre,ted be edly I have would we , There · beart. B,ay tl!at ~he t 'rhe Norther n Statos, uHder the pr~~e~tI to to.Aer f~ilu lIwtOt , nrc n ~ ~:y I : Intentio l ~~e c~untry that Inota of ptrlltM! 'u,. 't Our be cbllrg('d with lelter J)ost.ulYe. ~hull . cl by J)O~t ' ' !! IIllY'tl'u! be UW the 'all enjoy there hi ~? CO!lllOlIdlltlon I Juw, which ure rnore tbu.n s1I8t'lline i. and llu b~en to eacilide .,,0J. matter en· ht'r r~iin' uDrivaled; - I Mr. , Al!hmllJl offered ~ tmbatltute . for f couuse jtllOu _ /o" , JIu1fJIJo; " Now l\iaine, ure s, would ra\'enlle \Ve office .. ! lip. require ently nature lhtelll!l ber .nbor feliolt,,, " .i,..11 from OllfCOlllr n •. CommunillatioDa1 section of the bill, chargln g the Plr~~ tUB b ? first and. ~ Ol .j Rhoile huselll, J\llnsseo lt, Yermol ure l C!Ulliot l nd •• g caIJltul vlthal1l"lrni~ ' CI\O t~I,n.cu1 Pltnl, but ullI[orm rute .of two ce nts on n.letter . Lost ~ lot DI~t York, Penli lV l/.lJill 'nDdi cOlMa!IlI"&, ,ponoIl8 ,. Uulloll l, unlel8w laen Itove ber mlnd .etored\. Ie be rt ' r . to : . U or· 1,1 ,t 10 people lire suffiCien tly 1 Connec ticut, N lilY rcvenue fill. noy., , \'&0863 ll or [he PO!;t . O fb total 'l'he pOt'ltl1'el1 c:allt'd tol" will be rt'jected Let ' w Iedom, an d p~dence, I. r Ohio. I withlabor o'~'n I .. "e of Ind" propose tJa uniform mtellige/l~ tu II1!~u,age Ulei: DrolYn, Mr. 1 ~. 1 ~an. TO-,. ASAIl!G W ~ 82 03!) 935 OlltJ i Statce I~ino o~Jceli 'Upon Which 01 the cupl~alost. H there- ! fic') In these .11 our ClOtrelpondent~. bear tilia In mlud. , all tender emotion l; , ,TIIte 'of I) cen ....~ und on ilrop letters 2 cente, I, o.u t tb~ a1D~tery c I, Q.(htl~DB d Ibou~"n «;If 'muii~ iot rtatio"; -Tbri~ trl/.lISpo SUATI, of I O ng. COl ~ totl\ ycarni the ' and s II lnborer atrectioD i fO~lel' IUtcbl.llllellit non,d !h:nl'vo lent C. M. "The Beauliful Land" thankfu l- tQ pllce Ilet teDder I' r evenue , 9~ ,)00,46 2. on motion of Mr. Strong tlJis WIl8 11473 1$873 , . Mil"•• ~ ruCUnions elief 11,10 n ' of ISeti ~(I th~ o.PIpent"tIXt' to t e '. rePrti°erredonto b: ,but com 0 empire s IWI thllt . 1 in -l1xces ' , II t ,tbere, And Itt lle.. tl , . tympaU ! J ' . b , d eti y JllClIlg Ie po , "ge II . U ' " Ie um· t ' ns I u e were 0 I,'. • ccepted. ' ian th ilt fllild to u _ men . oom\l, not ,as .a mhlOD , ; g A88ocihUObs, j 'I'he ollly Northern S~utllhe . d t . Dudtiln ulld , ilion. I urlng. man Mr· bave of would motion 'II'e ('11 O$:e lind herB, Post. of cents, 3 of lorm I'ule "V..tL'" ·Linel writte n at the .,. , the mdelve:l Ihe own- I luin itself is New J ollley-t prm e . bJ' f" . . . ' l Ib sbmfllJ, thi s W88 Inrthern~ellde d loy cbllr. Ihoy Will spce~lily finJ A • t~ . lI . to.TofuD 0111 , 'a 1,707. $ is reporte~ S her Dougl~8 agninst ,Mr. bO'lauco cra e8l1ll~. , II perlorlll It t 0 crs of Ihe c~pltul os w ell ps ,the , 1I0t prejlliiti. letters on ~t'lIt8 5 mJ F.~~r," are 9ulte roOd; bu WIUIOUt ru er. , lit a ~llIplen glng III th~ III Incurrod . by d e[.l8es eXp sustaine th~ nro r bo~ .at th~ alm,ne ~regon Lh~ ltlbor I.f the cll9ntry. tlua 'Jlhe west rn Stules that n tht n.maof the writer cannot be publhlbed Tlltr. let l.hem togethe Slll'nll I Pendin g the question on agreei ng to Mr . . nrll Iudla'li a Wis. ,With I dl;'\Wb-it th~t ~ertllory. . and rehclty, lind peace c domesti of ·furnlsh e .. te ene.>: of ,the ~C)wer or cupitlll is C~ft- r th e ~ost Offil:~ ~evenlle,total revenue being ple Ie iIl t ... 0 Oil!' fllr corre.po ndellt Pili' Bro\~n'8 umen!1mll~tJ 08 thull uPle Klied, the'l b°a.~e The f::HIO~~ Iowa. t'~:r: nnd er e\~:ser: kl eODSIn : M l~bor l or ~ocf to ,power the iviD~ while tbankag urd. lip ~tulllly UP\\ ~elrte otr COllllttec roae an(~. . , ' UI lJlfh' her, proper narlle. , 'Ve Qiake this glad or. tronJlort.u.tioll 606 ' g . Ile: ey ~, , 18 cOlllunLly dOwllwal·tJ>-ili rE'cah' ing lesH' $139,74 1 -the cost . for Hi. ,oodDe u. , . 'rhe llollst ailjournel]. ceAnin 8!10 'I . ~cvellue or " o.es8 232-e," . , lUi lied. • ••• '. . and les8 r~ wanL Fur pr60f uf thitllet _. . - - -demaDd of ALL our corrllpoDdeJlle to ,1II1'e on reioDlIUlsh ;g . rf'lIolu:l JOlDt .A that ar ' sustaine d I Stilt.eS m onthe W.... 'rho alad I or~ ~.~t elDploy qf ' l refer to Ihe cOlltinued clfurlll '. ]~. WI fro.n ''''jIOt\tiol'l, Ir contrlb alo,, ' ~i.ti LATUR LEGIS O~IO !,Nod ~ake . ora ', Dolawe~.e l 6i1i~~ ~· re\·enuo J1~ri.ed Offioe JlQlit ~'::~ell the bv ' ea;;onB~ ~ by Our brethre n of the Eut are .often tu leduoo lhe, woges of tubor oUende --. their re~ n~N Hr l , we do 10, faithfuld " d ui t of thu ' niiSsollri, 'K,ehtucky and, The . E< th all W' " r I "strike a ft. nully , occlu,io . 10. , Jun., . US, . OOLUMB . . , ' n·II<' ,. ' m 11 e~en en y, '. r I tota l re\'elllie ,heing 0/11222 (j 11'1:.cost oft ... o~ or lhlutts thr'J~vlDlF out In'lDulltll~mB. wlilch they I~' I ~d the State? n': ofInCOntl. tile ·towli of Inb"r: tll.thll prel!e{l~ condili '" ' , ' .,., •. ," ,~1\. bill to ullo\~ .V St.:~ATE - y. Iltllids gdr~bn'~tl'il tI. 'I cedrtaft"n , ven.lIl selec~lo re ,he of an ' .1 rity excess I 'h 4ti. Iuperld I b ' 8U;7,2 ih'eir of oll 'b ion t p,ortruti t ly expoa!t an monopo S d ali 8. Your time t. not qUIte out. All, .tend .. 46 IUl a er II ollg "e I e. P otlnnti tQ the. Stilte r , on U . Y oouo ~ I 0 8U lerl 0 ~ Ilnu lIIonopo)y uQtJ wealth •~ . , , .' ' ID ' d . .J . 'tb ' ''' with , -.I • .ht. Y our r~ it must' be thnt.. nil ,75,273 . law," t~ ir~l; "~c~orcl ull l ' ~eenlde als - ' bt~De'l to . II Olllce .a oyerulI; but ofone thing wecan spellk \~hlchh~ , ~allro:d " a to O fIO~O~ , sustallJ not \VlIllter are thnt wood, ~tlltea ~U'nder ern ::fri~: South 8 The ~~~~~ l~e prIce rail_ the 01 BS tbo poplIl(Jtlun lIJutealies nnd ,. are l\1n.ryltlHd b1 our 1'"••• II TWO OOL- 'certain · kno)Vl~Jrf, lh~ co~tiuotOri lite a some ~l1g,1 ,an W Ie I II'Ivd.\\'Veil )'oa will . k . ,d ' " . , lund .llva',lCe adhe ranks of tho l;Worer ed by the POHt Office revenue . sqeh Bubllllri~tionw,. 88 ,of \. e . priDcipl the ~lIr~p e , Florida , ~u ~o ; Goorgju a, motion! ,e 1. .i Carolin ma Nortll a, ~~ .•. ! 'Vi1"gin I , lth will bo filled In 11 greuL0r rn~it> thnn \ve n " rOlld tralll' !I'I the East Bre Immeal~rably . , , A • severally ):~Jelltcd. pass\lJ,'y~a~ 18, na!s I L Arka,Jlj nll wer~ ippi, s .. whlcb Missi bIUS, l, J heula1" uluhuml ill 8ee,Ther. Tennos d ours. increoee Iban ute tly aply l cl' ,entlem le .. 0mt ~e80lullon 01. the, liQlIse to g~ is. dilfuII,ed, a~d , c;onilequ D. JI... Da~nport.,Jo":'r AU rIght. 1 T!le • M,on· until etl ell).l3, adJourn being then revenue Senate tO~1l1 The The j\lxas> the labor mllrl!ct will 011- oud T that'll lJlID.ted ia the moneY ·of. tbe passeD' . "" ' lI!to an erection for U. S. ~enBtor all~1 Au- t Cutnpeh ion III rtulion $1.128, 782-:e x- " Irullspu '. 0 st , 40!)-co Dnd Jess at it dllY· erll Obj~lill to l lIuen r~ l~e ake employe .. to able a de.lre to ...: here. .. !lllor.~r S.t~te l?"tiay, ~II~ re,rerredMe8llrll. '. W. . . .' • •I.~t.,. *~85 373, . . p . g _ Houn. ·-'I!r. E~lm9 of <:>'110, on le~~e ,comml , . .. les8 rewllr\ l.-Now multitqties Cllllllot .get! cess of tr,ul.po rtation ttoe or lwo. consllltlD.g of The IUli"et:t of W~'D'_ RICbbl leema p en, persons ~e autiloTI to nt th'\fe oul8u!ltilln. • II bill t a Stu ced n Int.rodu Wester ' The .' b"HlnC1 We glo~iWd. wor~, ut Ili0aishillg priccs, und iu this . to '-lIIta Un;ltI . pUblic mind not a little comfDrt~ble i. ~anlfeI IlIlIt Eckly UII~ ~IInPB.OIII , ', . , are .lli.~hig~n under th~ 'act Tevenuc loud oflil:e bounty l)~at to the by, tltlecJ eel. , o~·· ~ , cun llnly p,cnny u g~l\tlem not more lnal\, of 'pour clal. the ~ for. (oUDIl Inn~ er A. And wh no,j j p ' 1. tb..... . . The CmClllnatl .an~ Zllnc~y' llle Rall'road ,OWl ; (;ul,'o~I!I/I! J T~eallury scnpt. ()relf(J~ ' r(1ic£:~ tll.. to ber, ~oel!~o ~~pf.(>m I1hnOis. l ohar"e WUllts lg have now ,prossll ~t'yo~ld t~A must bt- ductor. ,th"n tbOle who of .~ ;: II WilY thOl1 t8~en IIp',ulld . oft.r so~e .d e- b! eurn~d AN '. , . ::. die IIl!O bellig bill rev . totul rerer~ed The WDS , wlilch ]\lp1(ICO 8, New I warrep1 fur e, land of lieu, ot the IOIUilr. ' H 18'l1seI08s. thorefor . oUraln l on .the Little l\lillmi Rail l\ood. ~n i I Illld 01\ the tubl~. ".. ., • "t Wh.; . lth· k!J: r uf trlll,s\Jurlation i303,~01l n of .T ennesse e •• 1lII~ed, bllt t Jobnso 65--cos ~r. .22S,S, its th\l/,l unn olller nuy UpOIl rely to lo~or .~J , we nt IIItO. com.mltt~1l III 41" tr,.o"~ 1111 . n ,,~ ... ' did not receive con80~t \ '0 introdu ce 1\ bill ' The Setlate IhlOn 10r.Il J -e~~ce sB or tranllilortution $ 1311,341. on the Free B~ilkll:,g lJllI,lIntJ 0\\ n for support ; Ulilral cllpi~ul hall lhe WIth a -re!luced pO~t3g0, the Souhter )) 011tJ t~b ~hlnd ~e Iron Honill . wl,ole the 0: "ther family, a,. of . ,he~ ~v.erv to IOrDl. ' .. give to to Iiseir for Alttrl AlUm ! " ObI an4 at CUlDnnlllle.tloD d...,.,.d il,l, ,bute dlllcuB8ed an alOendk(>lIt to "bike uut beea a.eClIstOIJlCt! to uSi.ociB same. ID0I19poly: ,let , III~' 'yellter n repre~e l1tl\tiv~8, Croln debtor St,,_ ·•• Dnd .He h",. recei1'ecl .8 letter' aU the we., who .hlll oultivat e Ihe power of e Incrues bank f!~~ of inlmulil m ' the 'I . ., on tha .·In,. of ligbtnln rl Aad as , . tbO,OOO 811Y Ihnt th~ Poet . OfficE' D p'll,tmen\, Mr. ~Dnet ' introdu~od a bil,l 'g,ivel JlI ¥ t~~ b'ho~ bor JeDrJlll )es8011 and uile tile ilUllle meons te8, . 8~ck: . If "~ thlna ebe II iD' moUon ,and , r~pld r,om Goor"l l. wbich end the (\~ lInot conur,u e to f'l1r/li~h theM the Po~t Jor certam purpose!!, recomm York w:ould .New to We . . 't defence of· ' Tb tho .,. ' lon, b i n eoncluli II nny H to . fd ng h ' , 'tl . \VIU,oUt _..... _",,r;;..;/ . - - : . "lieU IfU iO\I~lng nf' ~ e wn er eVl:. and 'equal proport ion or the Public, ' or(faDi.zc4tiQ or the labol'ere 'irt~~ery~rIlDch 9i1ic~ (l1eBlti es, ~~ a .' . , " ..., - ~ tow""ua perfee on. w 'I "'I' ~ " , vO um la. , ' . State8. . othe~ to GIIZ, 11\ ehlno. with tld ufifth ~r.lclliat the beat UDder les ~ atab' the mo~~lng bUBmCI.'J, of bueiuel l' Oil pl',i!lcill ....111 ._ . ~ I~.liea, Pitt of erea7 dently Int""da to him: the d . ___ rellv,me then Houl8 . The ity of . tu recon81tJer the ~()te by 110 conderve thl' hurmony an<\. prOllper t ...... ..1.. Idle .Dd ,...Iv. ' , ~Ink lb. rib:" Litten to , '. lUQbb~'; Ure conte8t ed elecBon' HllmpBl New oftbe lion padividing of your in pur-poao rema,b lhe ror lome ber", trom "en In. .. varn thou,ht , tio! Ibe . "Find HOUle refused. to engr~~ . the the .. ~ do r. Qulnore .\VIIS lIlobbe~ lIte; stanme Th~ , j his of • · . fruit. lho cUe. alone ' . labor ' proiluce 10 (, ompl'.,' , 'w "::"" d ' .... do -.;a;e • hrr toD debate the, ueatlon wu taJl~,,,,ori 11111 to incorporl1\e the Troy Hotel ~le on Suntlny. It' urighll~tCt! with ' , pI! UIII grow per of No:v. , ~, 181ip. tIlal you lire not law . which cOlUlullled : toil •. 'rl!~ Bakers ,?f Pa'rhl organiz ed with Louillvl IBi~~ l dieeu. 8' ~ " ";C";::?'"i'" .after BI,lInd d"clar. Ilf Lu~'k. Mr. by , ' oJferrJ t.e lubatltu . and not '30,000 ' franca. and now an Irish deck P08l!cggor, whe cvml\lalllea ud ,lI1InqeD~me ., 't ~ld not;e. '.bidin~ me~ oro)1' happy country to a the entIre forenoon seallOn, t.he vote W"I III capital of only e9 1lllillec! II "'Ilti tltled (lYbig) ,be . 1 WhOI: Perkan \4at nt,.8Qd inl trcatme .xeulbo~ be to I\B8ocib~ I· the Writ. lind , 9 leen" (Oveme d IIJ "01, their oupital is 30,000,0 0 ..... Ita f4;ea 01 ~~perhape elJ ~~ •. naya 103. reeolllliel'ed. Rnd the bill wai referr:ed 'to o~ rec.UIUl DIIIIIL wllr pl all(m luppliell ~he rrinoipAl purt of thot beht tJ~. a I~rge l~t nlllde;lIp ',Mrom ~eadIJl' yout Wurtbl... 8b~t, ~Iid lel~ wbieh was loet-y taken on ~II rell- MIl Itoyo. I . .' '. ,. .1 .. ~ tllI~ndef. • oll the liotlt .'y • :-V~S then Patlon n wu ~~terml qae8tlo Tbe better I~ th what and r breodj with d"b ' ' city Ii pat latel! thlt I . ID tb~ nrternoo~, IllD,0nlt other bills 'con· Wem.,.. of ~e IiUr O"~I have,tbe{,old D, EI~\i~ fuot ot l"1!"h • on t}lO Uee o~ n Commi the l,mdmg qf . il ohJtio~ 11J1l·utt oee u,H J'~up amo~g. ves ,~te t/lemilel ,I.trl l~aveJ~ or '.00 to lttee or the whola. was than all, tile ~"kers COll1lf1 10 Me. ~"""'.t Wore.e tH.ln "dered Ife leat' Howat thlc'f .(. ee 'tbe to Il1'S8il nnd ent.itled lIee is . D ~tO Morriio , am.ot. l W ' j . G ' declare d th~ ' Ivw to w.ho tlunk With JOu: \ TliI"O~ ~III IDr~m hol4t, w"iG8' lJllII agreed lo-i e", 98 nays ODe to muk e the offille 01 A:tlorney Gener. Ibe profill or their toil! , D8 )luil, doinr. a smacki ng bll~inei!8 upon the that d wIll! I informe don't b(;j 10U to 'If ; me. Happy to 'it lite. lent We who ,1 . _.J~ .. 'electivll'by ,the peopie. , ~..:...-.." , ~. and the .. t, ' . fopr. be '1 ' i?oa.t. \the 90 a J t e' i~uldl'" organiz your on hBve Y9tk mercy have God d llr: Wuily illtrodu ed 1\ reloll1tiOnjnslrue- ,' hkel'i of ' New wilh good Jlrodp8CllI (If boa l<X!aed from the whlilf" prococdcd to , lit "'I"!"- ~e,'" ,00 d.~... to l the ' HoUle odj'our"ed. D W 811 ' ~: . I" the Commi ttee on the Ohio l\ledical eimilar .. ~ocilltioti tioll ""laid. ." .eNIIUota It ' .~ 'he 'w" aIt.y all, ,, . , tbemai l boat.laadlblr~ 1~be anoab Jl~olle~d " I,m . . . I ,Da. apoa tbeH ..10....." wu ter- ' " !"to ~he 6Jt~e~l~tlcy Or;'dUCCe:l.. We would (lummend ibis matter ..iii . . . e.n'lui~e ~ College II, ' jon. UW UHUIT W .. . ' I . tllo ~llIrd street ~rldgll. a!'ld aglllit 1 acrbu tblnk we advise .but and It. aoel hurt UI! OhIO dl:< p08111g of 11.8 '11la rellt to every bronoh of m,chan icac{f unl~v Ind renewe d tho IIUaek. The boat crcw wero the SllIle ~~,..o.l.l"",,,4-:--~~.l.!to.~"~ ~ ftaialng a~- q~1 bo" · ",, t9-Clay. in Dat . Bu.AV oway throw .prln~ ~ D ...tho. .peclme a .1lUltn eood lom4Q.. to , . entirel cd~ CoH~ge...Adopt ...... '"'"'" ~ 1!IU woaldOODOJude HOllIJl.""Mr. Rhelpa ..Introduced a bill UI 'the Ohio l\letlicitl spirit whioh ,alike comple t~ly cliptUl'ed aud liut for th e mir- . d ' 0.1' nd eteet There will be cl11) eleetibn ' for Vniled ' imllille thnt lsenevllieDt d p'ur': th.ti.... ~.~.i•• were tie lhUrQa. f~r ri )t,illlJou ~ lltqd gruiUn Y e sa well a our- cballlll,d qollce, mush 8eriou/l 'dam,&'8 ~oera-mer other!! rea of 88 to.oq.r It baPlliDo . a ~ we .,Ye SellatOr at!prese nt. _'~ .. or th' States ...~ : d. ft.4jferr8 DOle'.' have ~e?n done, "fte~ som~ light!ng . bo~ , Wa . There'a- a beillty I' weW:' "I1lb011 I. rectlng ~~ proma r. , e .' " . tJI:!ID , COLUIlBUI 'Jan. ) I. ,,1I1i_ into ~omD!lttee ~ent theft Hnuae Tbe plltulit And bO~I~ kruVC8 ·"ere I which the ~, outl!ya PrOlP'a o~ will ord. 8I1Ht" .. le watc"-w In the .-Mr. Broadw ell introdu ced a f;otI'e ... ~r eItone DpoD. man - eraeltl "Worth SUATE bm, p~"tage eap C' the on eri.\ l !lyerly IIlJ~!ed tlb crowl) Who~e Atldev the . · npfclal 1,uour correap olldent , Equ"lit y autl FMlern ity. Ilnd ~_ " ••~I ud hi. heart an ada. to authori ze the G~mmissioner~ofHlm,dillQU8sl'o n till adj6urll ment. (>~It 01" ~?'!Ior t party ",e ecl ~omd . eontlqu ' iVie ·the ~ey for um r~nd ¢tbuai kind tbe feel lOme to 'DOt woe.IlD twc:bed ,b'Pitr! • ilton conl'ty is ·imbrov.e' the roads of thllt tho~ wbo ' do t.u. en to ]UI • an \ , arreste for ation orgllpiz ' .ily inaplre, are unfit for ·· terma. '1r1th a rod of iron! t ' on county, be ,inilt., '1 14: the 'on n Lebono in ' • : , a~e objects oC pi- l lA1I81ED \01 of Ilbor. tbe CinciDnati tbe bellerit WMt .1Ie~t be I., And .whft 0 be . or~ T"e b and f Ii i t · I 'f I }' pUt e d,tothat Holy perlu:td .tUl are 11 ~o J Mr. JO~D Ootty ana"!li ., Maty Sw),,,n . we, y Aa ~r~ ~ Q come h " m~lt lb" ley h I .I~U""'" ty," oL_ was . . . . . llY. . . ' , COIDa~a , and' Inp, oe , com W·i d e their aelfi8~ 1Iplrlt'. ~atc , a 'r t 081 not enJolD ,upon • UI " third ~me 'and passed, ~~ Will go th.ey conlinu Tead Clnola na'u- Ma' rke"<-OZtD roll ~ ellmb tree." .",. .,. ".1.118••... II' d to 'tb', to·lldo , ...• Npar1yale reYene Oft butthe Itim I , we -..,ould eo in te olDend men... enalue S to b min . , , "--- h I· ena e ' t liave to _ ..... ,' y ..... h' c. )!J@13 . But~rlaborer, the t9 ' ionll ullor.iat g w. , . )Juildin ml'nd . " e '.ctue ., ma..- er .wear we; lJ'ouli! loa doae by" we lJUopos upon~ .' ~ ~ -. . . ;r . ' ~.r :r.- J, . by tlle econo';llie8 of' whieli •. be,eap procure Eg~lb@.16c. ", oD and Mr .. Myefl _ 1 wbe. be know, her~' :U,hompa Blr. . . 7c. e-6I® Checs Ilae~ tbo from dllpl re tal{llly Ilnd erahuo ~ 'hImself (or re~aln a:home tile "IIiCAr" ~cl lor cloth~k,~OWD . ted petltion e'frem.,t he IJranter l , .,reaen~ • 11~. , --lll@ Goifet! \be I expend adYlH. y we useleJ!1l1 whom. VlIlgII 'of tbnt he would tbe, ' )J't ablishm ent c. uking ·~t" Aid he ..y. be .. ItrOnge r tbe 'Wrater 1~0'11t, '10@'76' brle. • • of • lillkey 8 age-W fo~ c Cooper prAyln . 1 ilIlDlon· been· the not tbu. ·,d. It h~· It" whipe bls Ilave, to pla1 . in the Ohio ...... . and _,tia to do. all th. hud work next tiina ,PorI< ~o dull at 46d. He also gave ,llotiee or hu, Into ~tr.ted lbat these .A.-oeia tiona. do\,ble tJl~ F~ojjr..d o ~6.@28Q. bill , , . I d '" Ith ·· , . " Mr, off~ . ''" ' , .' ~he' elian~ ,to. ' bill a ce lold It lllc. .~ . be introCt~ to cannot te"tion Iter. La~ of • per~od IP n , ,membe w the o( el u for)rint iDg IIChool bokb In the pen- invefltmenbl ~ lie un. ' WOlll,Ul ' &lI. UIfGker , - - . ~nte, !1e I!D ~D. rovi revene 8 ~, ,. ~Ue~u~ el? 'per. bill. of lme mode rie_Pr. . ' C~IDtie dl" D la. one-h~lf the ~Ime IteDtiary. A.Jengt by aDd spi~y cleb.U! p_ leven ';yellra-lee1l than ~~""--::---,-".bt.up~ to kDOW"tIt~t.he II better "H.1l Co~umbi ....•bapN· ' . " and rio chl!"e . _ l dOln.1f l~e , I Fllh-~ . ~~I. per .SIX t mon,,. •• doub)e to required n took part. ~.!'- ie, aDd would be quite u .trong . , ~". Coop« then prelent ed a petition r<lle, in which eevetil &mato FJonr- *3r 60@8l7 6. mar be HoP· . . . at arm. ocurred betweel.l interel t • . A ~orld.·(." happlne D . II Ibarp taa. "oulll let "er lEub. ~ncl cliteh,a ,d ..,low. A fado I,n, . OIJB alDlt and ~5@80c · 11~~eI'Y ~r Applel ~. •• tb Drled FruI~, byeavlP g , ~ fe"!,, C'~n~ p,r dllY, the ·l'.he eutO", operaU!»n. h',e clOied . . pl~; and build! But ba won't·do itt irlen IP market to Qf thjt T~r.ft' of M8IIIra. ' W,dker and BJU'DI. of ralher a ' ,ecured ture of. which •• o""IDar ll, 01 No .lIbn tl:U. ~odlfic l . ~e P,ache of vor a beOD bae There aeuon. npendl • , I ' ~teOnal charact er. !Co • tiel . But w:e willt ~e if -e dun't! (or the ' o'f. < . . . f th' 1846. b • '. ; ,. . ' Yo ''Fhe Senate thon went into COin~ttee ' little benefit. . bill to , the up 40e; took rn tbeD 78c;Co ~Dat8 'T1I@' Tne e. ~eal ~ Grain num the ~nter10 bil l.t Y Let ,the ·toiler, tben".w ake taJEe a ,~P at coolll~g, {IUIOI· oft' from ' Bonk· Bill., Free ",'e II malr. the 011 they th.l~ GOo; D at dull C?ndilio 0'.' lire ~y.e Itatel to and I~nd~ Barley 4Qcj .puuba ed beret 'I .wJIl·be leen ~1 tile public .gut fitly thou- eBU I and while hEl' wJll\41~ini.h the nym- Oatl aenbb.... balrin" aad ~vtg. 1M 6Gbau! ~boulcl eade tJl~~ in 1,lmltecl qualltil iel t o b e i D g to. Il(ike freedom , B~rlay m~lt Ode; Wlnte Beane '}.:Ii~ pe~ , ,. fum\ahe d UI ,by 'l'. the g kindly ~e~nn below; bl ve l~ts ~ at dllpe.ndl . 01 ber ,our Paf~e hlt we'll, AQcl m, t! .... , minimu JIbIJl . ..,.: , '''' i i In tho .,tiole, _ acth.tu ttlere .lthO~t coat.• ,,' ,lun,ted ql\~ntitiea.• lite bu. " ~, and · Governor HaRDabe. and, ~n- .AJ'.LU. olle of oUr dulen : CUlllDgbam and'1\8ndeJl .pok" .In or the pubhe .0al.ln I lIIyer., ~115. :Itl I~ .and ~!nc: ll~r .r. ' fetlQ~ " . hl~ 10'000' · with a hOIl eut lalt year No D- r.yor oUbe'" !otlon. and Moun, Lawron ce Clan combin .week tbe pnte hu .... Racbell l' YOI we lJilU ' And Y' are whleti DC~. ,n~ , De e ,w. ~n .• 3 '6()()' •. thl 1/ .. tl ... op.pose'd. The motion reap tJj" r"",lI'ci I ()f 'hla~w~.weat. The~ .bDton ~d Eckley • "4:3Il , elltrem e." (Uaiak in,"';'D tll u.." _aUld II... •added) . " ed. adjollrn '~lyed ate vlll.:lD \ J " I ,( II lUine'hi~1 ~lllle ~. m~e·li ' .: wi I , '. . rat". :' . -Mr. John. 'BUlhan.~ . 'Iuted to finely pnvtlle d in ooinnii t'ice: rullD, •• HOlls ~Ii,l'roft' t.hlnl l84ge, llI t . of l"t"JmQ~ , colllf!: e, iu' .. e thit 18 If l'" ~~, .. ~!!! ~ ~~ . 'With,~at fi1l\1'I, tho 'blan'k, ~e ' commit- ID tbia-~I a ca!,t.'1,: OCeUIODed by lba. i1e&\b ' cwt. -pe~. tIM'v ~bJ In .our ... o( deere ~a de1'.lopmeJ;l~ . en mim be a greilt . alNMit thll. . tee rose and the 'Sonate aejourn ed. • ' iln~ a~ove a~la M'I~ " ,r d and lJ~ ,ualjdied appeare ~utler. , gllDlt ool,lntry theDl.l iD' ~e~re up put :-"ht~b Pork tyof ehll~ren ' II ' HOVllj-"'tAfte , the morning ~UIlDelM ...... ... ~':tboa,b lladlcrO\lll, .'' : . . . took hll leat. YIClAI~8I o( hf•• '. .: pieYanc:ee the lIr. ZIJln introduc ed a bill to ex,mpt !Iam- (he 'lilli, Ylcea •.and ...... ,rue epltoaae of ibeeOwiell ~pend ' :» I l eel mot Pllcel'll% Jlr. l'ld oom~a. wo~1d IUle not eo~~~ ~".ak. uid e)~t1.II r . ,wl.llIb ii4Clal our Bllt delib'to rna.. to (D regar~ lOu l~ in ·law ueemb the PM t.Jae.faii' ~nt1 from h!Iqilht ·inlrbcJlllle a 1tialHl hope , ve nrferrecl.~ wI' We I'whleb ~II ~bere , a truthl l~h. ~r the . prlceaf the . . ~D cmam redordl. · . tIlel ri b · • bill to ret~n dut .. on I(0OIII ih~lr . .. lou, DO \iout' ~t DIaD til ~~~~~~jI(? . . ,IUllta\D . . . will ,.U1 ~era our 'niey " •. the, ~pital' r ., tl. ~te OIl peck ..... which were dee~to/ the r81 doIiI o{ .,.,tiabapd; and , .• ." . ' man~' Dayton \ ."', . prolr., iDC,tbe ilIUtrat lf e ' the 1Igol. , ~ 10 New York In ~It~~ obaunlity lou II a.l~to ~mmuDltY;j ,. './ ~, Wlre,P .rent' aad, Cbild . \ If8CODl~UI , . , C.I,I "QPi \bat \:ha tOI4.~ompUlywUl h. . Ja~S8t .y'for orthe~ I: r "t' ~" ,ire.ld~1 I~t •• ,.~ . ~ t. Ohio therer()re; to look ~: P;!Iht."",, ·tJaj ~ ~.lf.. • ttYbet8enate bill to. ./ • .t Carried. eonven tlon I .do- . CODltltQ for . lien ~II t!1a . ~bt btor"r part hOIJlD' raber trwn our or Dq But we" ColJrge at to moiect Bagley II~. a 11111 or hfe . .o(. I~g m~ "r.IIKI do f circle ltlliee;o l qua. flmily ". .. ti\tle ~ ¥d In"bllt was relld the ti) ......llJ. IIOt "; . ~ I"'" ea riMloc: mipllnt ~f .e6ehe Chool prt~~l . the I. tine or Tbia wuta ariae_ wicked I (or ' . :. ' 'Commi ttee of the " for"pprOPti~lio. Gill I', •••• • , .,b. ~ hen~e 10 m~at be 1II nd cbild,:a ry OD c:om~ ,,"1. to ati Ciocilln ......... ror 1on PI" ... a propoalt . , Rerol,u uonary . , . , . ,I 'I 1lotfoi roodor,(oreVl l. . ill our , . . . ..~ to . ,a ni fndlln 1)epu:tme,nt, .~ .. the Cincinn ati. "nil We.ter n l.~_G .ubJ~ct, we y.tii. Ihe ,~ lee~~ . ~l .... d !.8.'~ to. not ~Anerl , Bin:' , .",.,. ..... ' . W;~.~ da1 ' for 1o-1II01'r0W aad u'IlIlOo mparlY . 9. the dere~" w"IU~D !l.I!rlm~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ utWerll 'ehe which ee tba\ .~Ueti meto ,,·ot ..... wiU'eo to:iW ~ an~ . BurJle't~v~te rBc~litr .1Iiessre • . '. I .f, ~ \1. l , m.~tria , ,..ver,. .mel,: d,edJI. remaJI w. ' '''IiJ.jol~ntDi .\It't ~.ou .. ~tl?n w.. n·o t ~aed '"II,andDavulaolland~lurQ~dlt. • . ' apocld eal EDUC NnON . . ~ ~Il 'I . on York e" Hamilt ' g .UIDN IDvolvlD We debllte, ttme: warm of'ai It. it..~ . /. . ....,. ...eabwe _L_ ,_ " . DOt I J l' Thlll 111 the .ource of alt.Jthat ., ~ • • CouDty politlcs -and pracUe e. Wal bad, ~ • " mewed tnat ~ firtt :. of 'all tbill ll J,lvil. ~cke sold ol~~t. of'tall w')(r. rafemes The bill wu finally '10ft Nt .~!, fOf bUlinel ll , r • , ./ I ••• .' aU) men we maet nh,!e . . . ' " u.l"'Of~ · and at noon tha Hoi&4e adjQJIl'Ded. • 1IIiIl.... of Columb ll • . _Ttla Hollie hllt ' tbey . are ; I(OOd ~r ... are Q::rlt aeema lhu ~_IDf'. Gu hj:ht • : , t J C I ~ ;< · '...... .. ~. ~ ~ or to'nd ru)ea on mouou of 1I~ ·8 beation .'\ Tblll. VI their pot alh Inll.bug. 1 .., ': OLveU I. an·U Qeepd al euee of "' we CIDIIO\ "'"l(fln te4. Sail ' or lIie die thet , culprit : .. he The ' • . . over. . . ' .aneoua ml~u r of. . ma. • l~re A ' til' (j 111'. WhlUIeY to expllin lill ! Railr9a d S£~ATS.thot .ha 1Iu * n ·V1cl~lIIi.ed know. Reoll ... ' · . ~cmtlDI .... .... b,Ullhe1lll wu dllpoae d of thIS , aehem1' on ,puL Siturda y. inlluen cn' and the murd4lrer u be 1I,. the OD Jl tee6lotiO a,~ ohrda. CClDetTt the ~ a.ner \he In lit. Child.... oll\tt'ed a Ie 81atetr=:.!led~~:r. I~d. the ,cabld Iii a wi~e.. lpinlt .... .il,er ooin m he~~. daeet Unithe Prl.t. C· IaWi ~C.& e thealnlU l clrcume tancee th.t are . .,t r1lln~ .• ..... .. _ _i'trt ..... ..... All uDt . , • allot 10 •• a to prenD" tint aw lla."j oflB:e lJ a,I!'1OQth. .... her .... to ~ Bia, • .' TO . . . ClOnUtrO, of die 1dac1 beetowecl . . OM or. . apecil:1. tl6ft. ,.J . " ~~ ~ ¥r lIoLan~ of Pa.! otrmMl b -+- f " y lent ... .... ,.;....... tioa of ... lAUpw that it wonld '"' CIl_I I !hI..'.... pe .. 0 R. • ......the7ut'tiY e SIne ••• I








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..... a

IDO&iOD to .• iIpj~ :u,



OU8LEt-/. M Jlll'r.,

OFl.Lt~J""<:, . lorllurandChQIl\~

I!Ie<>n LII~trl'!l'lllni" ftJIII tjgured CUll' Ladi~'I . loth 1IIl1tin~t TII,_ Clod..I, Q""'~ ,1R1l and a gnut.t un'lty 01 ollu\t J)N!tI1I Goo.ho bt . AI.r.E~ & tV 'NS.


NT aM ""'117 • ..)I 'e'tln" Uad of aullt t 0,1 ~ - . .",\JIttering her tu........~ ,_~.~~ ....nrilil\g dIe f~tur. wlllfiuw ~~;i!~~~i::s,1J blob. If ~.., -.,oaI4

Ell:;,. of dill Gul~l'n Bul l.

In presentil1g our claims to the tor •.conti nuation of iqpport, 1\'8 tlo

rr.. ""'........ IQfI'''~l\!I', ',II•••plu 10 ' " wilt. ali1l.12,1 etl1bRrraW\QIIIII'a!14 'I':c>aliuy ..... Ins 'hill rod \" 'a. I". 1111"" lie. . w.i;t.ocI~wa Ilnr~~lcd In 'oooetl,uet\1Ie c.r IIa -"\lI- el lilt......


In l llr~f CGpi~I!I~e Bmll' Ul'f:JIJ Pj 'linE i08L1)1 a~ l1181\ Ilnnqunce 'the ASTOUlm..


JJIG \.,.)aDI;.1 thllt' lIhR1l apppear, in our col-' pmn., IS ialhe manner ~"'omQ, but w. i

panlon nr h.,. ~", . ' II \. io \IOrlnllt U,"I thoi callie••\iOu1ol p.1uIq_ 10 evC!-I'V .,J~, t:l) ' ev.ry' ,J,u.b.n~ , foal I~ ~road~1< ..d bllttOwtn, ,\: )"''1''6~1l. to Uoo h.l\lt~ and ~." ptne.:J;oCIIoIib no(y be n o\de<,l! LUg i.lo<I.hOt:t .IOcI' b~ "l/:l' I'rjl.i"u . ,ln admit an, ronloaoC&h. ~ to ' be II' ut Withl1~ t tho lil\l' "1\l~)'mcDt !Jltl,e plb . 't\)4 tulle\)' t'!.'ll'OOiIilln of • lkll .. wor'lt ~ . ~ t~\!OW'1 h. ),oun Ih' ~e'!lIlIf .a~inJ Ih' bellllh au!) 'tl.., IIr<l ~ thoDlnud a. a. over • "

leud t() LAlIon .lS n.lBD .lllD FA.l~IJYULtY UII tbe c.~\Ictors of, apy olhel' juurna, ill tJle lantl to prell8nt II goOf,! paper to our reuders ,v ~nY WEIll'. We intl!Jld to , I~NLAJtGE THE- ¥JSITOR. 'fo DQu~le Mediur~~lIize lit the begin'hi of the second volume; and, if possible Il

aBETTER IN EjVEl.ty"·l\.ESPECT. 'fire TALi,ES we shull , pUblisD Shllll or th" very l.\~~'l' f LUS alld





-"'WO HUNORED, '1"I-+OUSANCP ' l\.alslIIll:erQl!".






liS we ciln f 1 1

muke tt, to




BJOGB.!PJIlC:AL SKETCIlES Of the first order ' and deep pst inte.'cat,

a l'romhu!nt. felluture.

.bu\1 bv

JlUMOROUS AR'l'IC LES lInrmlc88 in kintl and morel in charac:ter will nlso contribute to tit" interest of our popr.r.



of t.he new featureo1 wtll ~e the




Y O ' S departments, all of which we • lIall aim to fiU with the cnOICEST OF M~TTf.R,






10 the cith:clIs 01 \"oYII ~6v ill o nllli vic llllty, thn ( he. hl\8 tllk oll RooDl on Moin Stree t 0 110 AGRICULTURAL COLUMNS door It 'l uw B. B nny \91.dic~ 8 ul'l01l , whorll Tho Farmer "hall )tdve Il M.lf(E 0)' WEA1.Tk hoiM pr )1I0r~~1 to ~A:CCI1'/: l ~kn e~8c8 In the III( 8t tel'llimes the cost, of the a}lproy cd styh), which torluccu rocy of delill e u· wort h noore than , h on alld belll\ly or · tune ealltl\lI lie surpussud. paper fo r II yenr. PorlrilitYtaken e.Cjllnlly us well III 1111 la1l(ls 01 THE ~nTS :AND SCTEN:CES w culhe" oml nt Iho low pnce a t (rom S l ,:,O to

urc 111 VI!otl 10

61.\1 111111





811"11 fur isl. a mOll OOLUMlf eacll issue. lno ~ pllclJue,,1!. We .re de\ern,it;Jed t1,n~ o~r rcoders _~O.:.e.:.c.:.:.,.:. ' 1.:.8:... , .:.\8:.,,:.o-=-.~'--::::-:!:=-==-==':::::____ .hl111 be JIUIIted up W&E)(L¥ on all, the most JUST RlJOEI VllD




.n4 ,I,br,


'tbl t p.tCIlUlrlt, .d .110111.. 0• •i Dr. ()brlstle's Galvanic Ga..attnl.





. J 0tiPl!:lI ~·L .(\'l·ER TOH(,cctlully ann01I11 COR

~ All

Ilcen auld I~


, OENJilRAL DBDtLtTY, Strenctbe nln; tI,. wI.kcne.i bodJ, ,'.IRC tob. to tho .. ~rlll\l . .nd 11l.lg().... tJlI~ th •• nti ..... y.tem Allo ,n ~ rl'~ ORAMP M ilA VBII 1,,4 1'I\I, ~Y, Dvsrl:rSIA or INOI OES'l' IO , nHEUM"1' 18~1 A U'l'~ .ud (; IPlONIC, ,(IOU·I'. ~~I'II, b!P8V, L~~~ BAOO, D~:AFNt:S8, N~~J1,YO\JS TJIE MO RB, PAL PITATION OF 'l'fnl .U: AR1', AI!Or,L£XY. N':U RALOIA. MINS 10 Ih. SlUE an4 /CtU:S'l'. COM PLAIN'}', SPINAL OMPI.A,IN1\ &btl CUn.YA• 'l'URi:.' lb. 8PIN~ IIII' COMrLA lM 'l'. DIIIJ.:,,"Sl&!S of Ihe KIDN EYS, DIWII::IENCV O~' N~IW01J8 and PlfYS\CAL I:tu:nov; .n~ all N&R.VO\J1I1HI£ASf:S, w"lc~ co"'plaluu on ,holl\ oll. .lml'l. "IU. -D~mo IYt • 1 , .A: Derall.fOment or Ul" JII"rvOIlll IFat..... la l'i ~)WOU8 CO MPLAINTB. J,lruro an. lIlicllcuD e. ,,1<1'0t< IA. d....... (or tl•• , "."'.0 tlo_ .,bl.nerelel ofth•• I..... d' ,proot ..t.d "f..t l m • " ,bIJ_ undor tlte llroollth,nln•• l1fe.«I,h.. , vi aUtlnl hi .... In ~. of O~I ....r.m, "' .Ilplled b)' [bl. bUlltJrl11 " 4 wonU.,lul dloooYlry, tI,o ,,"h,lI,t.d .lId "0"'. o".a ,u~r.. It ro.l"re' . to f\ll'llll r ~..hb, lti'ltn,Ib,




MAGNETIC 'IF J .. UI,n,. i. " l .d "'"h ,no. t per'.e! aaU cerlalD ".u.. 111 ,II CUta or • '


In the



'l'HE 8uhscrillor tnk (!s tillS Go lde ll oppOrtUlII1 01 lnf(lrming tlle publtc 111111 ,0 hus Inl,OII the C urri nl:e nnrl W ngon •'hop form rly o ~o"p,ed lly A HoliulI(l; he hos (lTocurod 80mI.' IIf Iho lIeHt IIm bor In the coulltry.ond I S Tondy 10 milk. cum ages nOli wagons 011118 goot\lerms n ~ any o!het IfInn in (he COUll try. ,UopoHi ll!! ti l nIl killds d llllo til' With ntllltnuS;S nntl lhsJlQlC h lind 0 11 th o VQry bes l 01 lerms, 1'lc1l80 givo me 0 coil. . 47 HENRY IJHAMBtaU.A1N .

w. v"

Ilnt .lIill"" "..,. i... 'w eo,' . 1loe aoltlo, t. ~ boon u"lllelld !o 1oI."!'06 It br , lte urgent "",I l,r~lIlu! requtlt ul' IhnM l\ \00 bay• h tnll i:ldobr.cJ! tft II. pul..J1 nl\li8~ f~r ftllth.y ~Id d ~u , Il,.t nil mny h~vo AU n,portuulty IIr "hlahohl,;ll). bel "ho h.vo r.VNe4l hI;' wIlli Ik<",iftnd, q( ,ttle ... " I el\romiuw, Imae ,f whioh . . . . .Ad ta ,I,. ad .." liacllIullt.

.... ed

Till. beaullfll\ .nd """ .. nlen' IrpliClahnb. " r the J>\>wen 01 0 L ' A N I S~I onel NA,O IS'l', IS \1, hu botn pl'QltOl'no,d h) ~i.llnl!l\lIbed "".... Iolan •• bulb In •• 11 .01'0 .~U Il\e nlle~ SI.t.., \0 ,.. II...... •• / ..061. f", •• fl.I".t oIi, • •• "1/ ./ t4~ 'e •.


• bell,

~(l lne~

,ny.t. rlpul


WA.)"NI:: VII.I.1" ,'_ s'l'on~.

Both LOUIi Ind G&NEJlAL; nn') to aid III in ' ihi. work, we ore Inaking arrungement! to Ufo of BJenh llrhaS90U, have " coros'j,oude1lt in numbers of our Ltv C!s of l'Ilod!son nnd Mo nr04l, , lurge eltiell, ~ IIJO w~JI ImmeditlJely inform 'fhll Grell l Hnrllloniu br: A. J DoYl~ . the ". i)f illte resting, runllpirjng events. CI~'~:.;~r~~~""'" "urI- thut is , cruul~'Il n I.:re1tt 'Ve shnl II\SO . Vlli! oursc.lve& of the 'rELLife ot John QUincy AU(lIllR, EGRAPH in th1, deplll'tmellt!" ~Il' n word I.lVtl~ oi Mnry nnd Martlul WUMloillg,on , we intond to m,llke the . '1'loe Young Mllll'R Book-Il work Ihatth'crr

th.t tb.y .....11 alld 0\1" dlHUI u,."'mod,, of 1111 nhllU~ 11011., tb e Iull\.tioo,


~ri~~~I:~o/.~;~ID tb. ,.lace...Uonlf of


A.,. "".... .,,,.U... 'h. cir'tt IAt VIIU,11 lI.. t,.) 1101, "'1:--

oI",,,,,,,hn 'A~ ..


" ""tiel' •• 0'. tAt u d. di."" entl M"""~. tln.y ~ ire u ....'."t'u Iinee


>'(Junl? mnn 61'0 !1ld hovo, Women of Ill" Bible by P.~. Headl 'y, nu ox· cQllerl1 book • Scott'll nlld Byron's Pooms, A papor th~t .ball give i~el ~ a HAllIE nnd Poem s 01 8sioll III "" ri O\I ~ , Bly l S oCllinding FAME I\onorllble nlike Lo ita Plt 1'1llETORS P()CIlIB by Alic nml Plu.clle C llruy , ' and P ~'l'aOf(S, " l'o " lJl~ 1')1 AUleh o.




Friends, letu. h!lve YOllr aid. NPW ,is

Greenwooo l.cIlVOtl, . SOll8 of T emporanco /fering, Th,Gem, ' hdbrmnli on for Iho P !]qpl e, • Blblo .fllol!rep lll~8,

the lime to 'ar.1 , Ilnd from nmY'tin .. )/' .:leI) Mubieriber win get &nother in BdlJitlon to .hlmaelC, we \vill make Ule VISITOR a

8PLENDJD PAP$R! Allho\lgh \re expo t to Ihlpro\'e lite pu per 110 ma.wriailly" ,we ' lIhlin continue our

very low


0 " 0 oopy fur • yellr if paid in ed .. ,1,21). 1,60 . 1 75, 2,00.

wance H 'paid in three mont he




At the end of tIll) y~ar

. t

., ., "

~The Cnb



Rl)BER'l'S &. BRE\-V::1TER (atM~ W~N'l'Jm.

fiO llU;:;ll.BLS ot Grrun Wnnted 10 , OU for which the 1IIIl lies t prrco Will be Il"ll,\, dt:.\ tv red at litO l'o\cgroph MjlllJ, 19r .. merl y ,l::l1ll1l11 &. Ev (In '. . 2tl .. tl' G fflNCIIMAN & CO.


tG,OO" 10, 00.

inv~riubly accompli- U

Dy tbe namee of Club Sub"!lribt'rs. . ~/) bUlli ncI!8 IIbould be nddreA-

e:ed [POST .-"ml 10 . R()BERTS &. HENL~y. ~tJ


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Fiye /copies (to one lI\ldl'ells) ~,n




Al.i.EN &. E VANS. 81mn 01 the Golden



W,ayneltYille, Wilrren Co., Ohio .



'I'b Y wlllnl90 keep

l 8i1O lUll required 1,)1 me to , IWUJO, as 1 am C I I" - ! 0


• "11....... money. I'll Ill'UST lOvOIt . " . ' U. C. J.IPPlNCOTT. _.1J a,neoiUo, 1)1)('., 21. 18~ 48·3", ,



W}Jbl." USEE'Un AND ABSORBINGc:tV IN'I'ERES'I'INU 8OORa, Juot rtj_ c .. veil from, New YOrk':t nd for enle ~ '. "O"I 'R S ., DRil' STER. • , ' "' D ~ ..... . '


"_"''''''''" ,'l"

PRODUCE W ANTD. ' diG d I ' ad K In 8 0 rOLli , un arlll ut S llr IIC(' wonulU in cxubo.ngli lor CUf..Al' G liS by

==-__. ,. .__

lSillil~; :r&~ lfc~f~O,

u raynosv 'tll o, ')c' ~ 1 60. ''''.t .. , ...."., " " . " PL~ GOODS• beoutiful 8t ek or Et~gh8h lIild Am tipan pnnlB nnd' Oing1Ilmp.i. .. 11k ShBWb; Silk Gauze; S ilk ulonde, &c", For I H & J. H. & CU, Sjl;1l of tbo Red Flog,

Bbeaaa...., "'0• •'"

Ild(]cd to IliI~ I.Atlipo1ll1d Ily ono of tll(~ Ll'rllpn !6r~( lwho is h lm~1l11 a regul the old Rehool b in~ II "radun ', I; " 9' IiI , on.s), vn'lIa, l11) olltest "lth~ tfllll\ld :2II1UI"1.J lor. It» ,.(111)" pNP. rr~es ..80 UlILt ",111 10 the t il CO\I~lIllllIIIVI> 8 CoIIgl! "'"Y be n cured by tlla ellfl etuTIIRl q,"dlullij Liv "r\Vor t I n" Tor, 0., he .lIlY Ut th\: autt,o (hue bq H'IVlj,QTutClIi :/lnu IItrellgl he,}od, bv 0 Bth \lItis Wille 1 I all hove 110 lendrlncy 'to [ncr 0«0 \IJo f II /I I ) I ' , evor ~ t I ~ m~, t u ~ny8 Jlr~scnt. Hl f/Uch Ct 11' Mes. 'I his 8npI'hoY c.l @ill\\1'lllll!u wlueh h~. IOllg beon nllutiod, usulli 1'/lIi ~, "sucb 18 Jt\ II. burlts, &c. Iy 1.!)i1ui lll'i hl e on ~ccOlln! Itl feve(isn '~Ie 01 IhJ Dut mf!dicino wlti It aui ts ~.mly..; r )!·Il!c(1l1lvlgoF\Ves 11'1'" .I;" ng t. 1'0011

" YIJe, QhlU!<lIf, 00 ea 27·y ·

I ••


. CeRE 0 .. ;

~ Drapepdi guiHhcil pruper,!~ is, th ut i~ unirC8 pO,\!e rClli lor,. BV. DR, LANDIS. A. QL.RSJYMA,*·, Ie Wllh d~clde(r(fcl!fllu"u \lu nJ)(fc8, Qnd hll ~rtI N•• i ....T, bt dltUoc,,"h~ "tltlam lit. .....

Prtntere ' llfill Book Bind· WI


I ill tQ ItiUI collu1ry,/rOtu

~~':;~~!l:;;-~';;.;:t:~~~,'" of overy dcl<cl'l ption



"'Truth Ja ItrIlllIer than PlcUO•• "





"ltIell ceDlSl"'I",I, prOy" ~t

~. FO!ITSn ' C • .FOsq'~n & DROTHnn, Cortitn' ~tA a1Ill8mUA &ruh, .

communications dell i~ned for pl,lbli

. 'Oli, HELP

Ut. AN BXTl\AOJlDijVABY 01.01

J':Pll~ It WOI~TED. ~A good "!lSort· III c'~t of WO;IrIIl.ed'ju81 ro o d. nnd tor 8010 by


callo., to

~t~_ k~~~~~i.AA~ 11 to ihe uudllrstllned iUillr by Book nom , Or rllr work done in Ih., yeailf 1@48, 1~9;

Ule ..... tlndo • .,.. . C alt.~.v or pO\lau,Jlolllol b. II ...... . .,,,,,, to .11'...r1. OOlao.D ~"II\II' peJ1.r I ' •

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"tN re,.laUoD:f 8'D~U, N•• "....." Jal, l~ Ie.& D. Jo. ' H. CHun,,,..,..De.r 81r ~ You wlah '" koow or DI. whll hu b.... tile "'IIIt, la tn1 own C1U' lit th. 8PpUC1tlQII or, TH~ a.u.V4J'iIl,l BELT :;u.i» N£OKL~C£ , "'7 ....)11,..10 1110110..,\ I , "Dr abol11 J .........a 1tI1f1..."·lioIa D•• pep.l .. EYlry'yeu Ib ••,.';i;Plotn. bec.aa.~o.... , Jr eould r obtai.. permaDlhl rollof lin. lUI)' cou",. Itt m.dl"ol lro.lmoot w~alenr Aboot/."rle' " , .....

'""'1'" , ..('


~~.~I 10 .~0!l.!eq,~~lICba or

"aaat ·I·~du~



"' utlr, ........ IU..O 0 m~...,. 0 .... u"a., c.... 'UIIJoot til a ...... C~ rolUe Rheumatllm," for feer aftet """ Clluaed •• 11III••crl",b .. anlWolt. F.rtber: III til. w illieI' ol '~an.J .... 01 p... "hIDI • lroat do.1 lit ..., owa alii! ... otb.r cburell.. fo W. "PI'" 1 " . llIeob. b,lIla B~'Utl•• whloh _ 0 lMciUie ........,. II to re,.I,. ... l.m~" 1IIII"DOIuo of .7 ~1111 Jobon Mr

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_~~~~t~~~~~~~~~*~~~'~d~~~~~~~~#~~~~~;;~~~~;~~~~~;;~~o;r~~~~~8~';~~Q~t~,~n;o~lt~~. ~~~~_~.~q~~ dloor4.n " ... C1C1pllec ..4 .IUI ..oh CIIh., rthlOUlla

TO Tn LA,DIF,.8. • WEthehaYIlvcr)' frelh "upply of Toilet orlic1es Ixlllt qunlity. II f Oil wish to look

lb. DI.dlal'l o,",h. N."ou




'Ii I . II ""autl u KIva U8 a ell .



ROBI!:RTS • BREWS1'9 ....EI·f~· ' "

Ja. lb. _bole

phaf1!UOOilooJa then ....ed 10 be .......edJal ... at "bleb ""~ - - . and reoa".... 1'1."011·. ,.. Will; . . ",,:.~\! tltall.a4 fried"rOOaptlf'1>.Cl!l!eW - ..I...." ~t Jut r " .. l*U!7 m7Ide~ Ie ••••"i ... /l oar IIIY...UOIlli '~ (lh"",1i "lib 1IO-r;;". ..... Ul ... lto.,.. of Iheh"laOlellC>'J)lIf,..rauaN til trY \lit iIAot ollbuPl'lJcatioDOttbe O:4r.VANIG .~L:T AND NEGItLACt;, tit. M~Ol\JETIC fLUID. Thio "'U III Jan.,' III.. T. \oJ. ....." .... MUT, Iff 1'11'0 DAY' .y DI."&"I.& ....D GO" II " or S'O"T Dua I ... &"U"&D 'fD ".u" ........0 .. .. I·... P•• I NO,. I _n~ ' ''' 1'''OLlt . . .. nO. 011 AOCOVIIT'Oir '.1 a.'"O.'T', · a" ••• Rouc• ....!'" &#""TtOlf : ! .,...... c ..J•• T....... uaL'I ::~f~~L"~'~'" ".!p' ..... of .1Mi ' Ita... n ...........ecllb.JlI:LT.iii rLUJD 10'.,89 ,,110 ltay. ,,"11 like",.....,ftrillC no. " ........ lI'eoUODII, ltay. &rIe4 tit... " ••• Mnn ••


..'t t '\f.~~~~~.~.~·:;:~1"1~"'~~'~~~a1J~~:':i~:= SnA \-VI. n lurge Aeso rlllUlh ' of h~wls. froro ~. 0110 I>4/llar 1111. AI ALLEN & gV A NS. I '

$Ign,.qf tllCi 60ld un Ban,

COilAR'rNERSIITP. NOTICE. .The underdigned hllve thill dlly ct.teretl " partnerllbip for the purl!oS~ of conductin/l tne )flAMI VISITOR, a Newspaper: ·". d'In tie I , T own 0f W lIynesvii I e, publ 1",le Warren County, Ollio; Qnd to carry t ~~,~:.;~~~:!t,~c~:1 Ii Job PriUtitlg Office in connec'tion with t,~ l1erive,1-',.n" lIaitl pOI)or. r





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U\.,ri~"~' ~.~ u'.'OI!I'I, ' ll-o·~'l' "U'l"W, JalII... ..


DR. C Hil8 TIE t S GALV~Q NECKLACE ~ , :.aIed.Ior:.u ....~' .u.tllltft~.,..H...

• uch .. BroaetiltP, I. . . . . .""" til 11M ,....,N.r: flMli' aD4 ~ H........ I). . . . . . ot tlta H-.4. N'.~

~ '" 1M r-." , ...aIK ... ~'" in tit. E .... Dejfa_ .Iiio.. Ii i ....NII' "a".......... .,. tniIIIN -/lIAlIIf. taaIed.'I1O Dolan. . , . .



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I haye JJJ.t leen hIe_ are IIware R. ~J& t, Y. at I. In a "ell8el ...·hh:h . 4'0. mJlch like/ou ., . ' , Uii a toni I.hul ex~'Jln4ot in ~et\lrpt' 'And dl l~ kia, qu~ntl}; perfor~e.L It. deep • 'Why rIo 1 c~r, is lleated fed hot, and tIIeu WAter ud like not WAll 'It , Stua.rt. Id .. ' 'Thc,I1 . pre-. ,enn b flu which Id. ljq\li~ ulphiJr(l!J8 a Clam- I,K-I,UCII', CluIu;..,.er )like ,de", j<loll a i. ,aloncu ill the lIq.,lid lI~ut • .by. afrel.lli lig l/ll~- . WOin!),Il'1 love ler (ael tbe .on, trod it's orQ ~Lhe.,nl Dlomir rapId tJi~ lure, Is PQure~ ·Iota tlt!\ vruel, '~-::---";:~ru;;;;;;-i;;;;;;;-~~--~ . ' . yolallio oaW, whu:h .OU-. .it arow~. 1.0 ~ve a glrl " !lIra') w~. know evop?rutl(u u of nt ttll'cmc: ardl)nt,a on 'Ol1! cop)' 11 r a ' II Plllrliod thillft.,> not woree J noJhing of ,POIII.t, liiiellllg the Ilt, .n eIJulhtlo terll IIItO nlltllb'lr .9t' il/lIurllulliI, will be oonliD ..... Ii~tle' writer make8 ROUle ·fue. bntn tl~e .p!oiluc~s . EUllh an IlIteD.e col~ ~1I1t I,¥e " !l}j. . ordl!~lId out. fllSt thrOWn bewg Iml,ledlutely formed ~d " pr• •• nl,l. ' , . IldverJi. ; , ' , of-yoarlY » privilege . , . , .. wlltet, cool uut CUll he used to Ill. bw.illon . 1111 • ti) lholr U\m ,il1lln6tli , , ~OE'n ' . ". ,.bet\'. .O C " , , lT'er , di _ tne _ .BIIYI Dou,d . . nrov: V,e, ', '1'110 l'.lIllcriinentlf·Of.' J·",r.gler, 8 hfl. i alolll'of Oljr nUliOJllll ',nrOclnM ..... Is. '" tile llng a girl nnd on 0 I d mald "JS Jue~ t IIQ di , ' "'0;0. COIIUttwlle, New.p Aper.. of •• The I' " .' ('ertum utull,lr '1"" that , all I.Q Conlfl'otto and lllanUnleturo8 co~J\lGe, iii !I jt!-ic)' gral~~ L • IIJ 8criberll, wl,o do ~ut glVe'.El:rJlf" 'II~~ till: be . hnme'riled with ' irppunitJ: Ill , crellceb~twecll eotiDIf n pltiu!J~ SA.l )Dl.J1'. J'Y, 'l',.Ill1N:t:(S, '&e. EN .10Dsure to w('alth; lmt' ih~ clI.lth'al()ka for -Droomsl t~i8111. up d e!lIvole ,o Dnd , d I~ld:I!~ljf!Jrl;lio~I~~I'hlerud "IIf.iulI ~ reqUIre Iii ' ~~;~it~u~ .Illore Lj~llil ' . . thtuugh ill!!tt,l urib~r~ ' ll'buu1J3 • tion uf Inc sofl . ever ,hus beon, 01011\ t'ver Cllh'lr.SE PU)VDIlIt . fur bOlllllltyi LIE , 0110. for head. rib ~1I '01'! or thl! 'di~cqillil\uqIlJII ~ broken an~ If,lIulx!ll 2: {Qllr . to u.s' tiu UHI.n to ru.b ihe .h~nd.1l wHh !OIlP ~ IN/! lIIudio'TJ, "isb~lllulO ' ' I'" will ¢ntipu e h~ pe" ~he I~UIlt:ni~1 hend 'sldll 011,1 r nllnrjjlk lha .;o~II'J .IWT'Ill{ (hvlr rnl'9rij, ,rll) Ilubhshoru'Iny cuntluue to 1i~, a love.l~t~or with J1.ow ere, ~'tD~ ,vrlte To tlc~r.1ha iji ,illen ',is vu u su'rfa~e, ~rul pohllheu ~ . ,i, llte~ used • • give.have II lire I'llid . '1 I I II,; I Ihp 81rCIIIIII of a eountry 's resource ll: rosqll aud popr~'lI . .~:Jn DHW;A·r r;. ·.LAlllllll who or hllo, j. grill of 'use public lhe milke IIIIU must uud~ l' ffl llrnl:11 his' .rrO tl> " ' ofi'~lIte " I ~II! solutIon IICIII cold 0 UP. to', cJ III ,hem "p8810WC kim!. t! plunge 11\1 ulli.;r ' . 0 r tlile havo oily !'o~ Ihe ."ry li[, erul lllllrOIll1S bl 1'hore can be 110 strengt! , · in 8,tllte .. an· , n.O~En1'S &. DT1EWSlTEI~. t . t . ~lCl:l oc t or takul .... ir ~ Wllrd~ u pu - 'l'h~ two former Ill) .e m l\Jllatic hllll, Ilnd 8X1,rC88011 Iltl/ hQI'd ,Ihllt t"ley Will ' 3, If~III~Griburs " ' IIIIlU III I 'QII)ong LI ,e ,,('011/I1', w h 0 11 /HII J Illl;1 n~1lr~on!a~.' Dllu.• 1I"\lr , ~' • ' te to wl,aJcu th6)"0(1/ JIlinl '1ndicn t-O olfirl~~ latter ,rolU,the Do-mora tile p"I,crs 'and ""hen people· cnlls young . L11(.ir 10 rowur hilll ~·.ith Iron, leud. brollze, or Oltt ! AL CD LO.lUV li: ClIIIl/nIl6 tilllhov 'bllye lell('1 ,,11116 CUE)U po rca AICD~/j Iwlu or\! v non thQ II. with. • the tillci~e vf the ItIllU ill n9~lected, We t!rOll'\ IIIto a hqulli beCome " r. to t' I' cxnect ' I mav. . 'l.~ ls ' I husbnn " ' throngll. jt wlallt ";'AI", Or-Ill lai, .movin ... .t.hcili rap,iill .11 cJ3i 1!1]j·filllrrrllo~R IIlufr ~illll, alld orderl.'tl thuir'r tll'Cb~ii 1 Illig' nIT I' k'J\OlllJt; , ..,.. can dn~e the decoy of powe~ . III1lIt virtue V ' " I I dl .. ·d. ti Is noose the I ofter I y,ellr '" II i,n Lh to 0lherplaC'e8 with. thQugb not ~oo r~1 1.. ' '[ Ie exp It~t!tIOU If HII1.IHcrlbe: !I lnnny natiVJhl. froll) ' 0 uec ine 0 t lolr d I hi ' I II 0 t ~ ll it\witb old bll h elors · IInys dluWllh In TUl;kar .kopt uB )' usuu! , ,urhu.1 .~1I 1Il\t.l IlIr~, , o~ t Ie ~~per i. .. er ... I~ presorve I'll Ill. chn,.s, of 0o"'i'i, IHIIII'I ~s and bfolll,lshea, II. '1I1~ 01 Ihl~ kUld: , Auy\llIlIg !lOt 011. lmlld \I IOIQr~~lll)/f wood It ISd hllrdk "to get them lntlv,"!\' old WOllnds, WIth 18 all~ing clCl for ; l and,sulI . tQullt y·or. lUlU r.. Ilta Ih illt: I. .. ,~IIFCIIOI M!",ur p • tl " " COlltD.C~ with tho mellll. oud thert curin!: clltunvou~ wh 11 cnll~d lot wil, bo mnoio 1Il1nt~d)tllel&. :~~~I!?b\ Courla hove dccit!ccl lhol r~ru.t'~ t. tu,e ~ was IIQr$UcU. n l,caltltl'u( 'sJllriL p or va~ is not in heat 0 tu 6 fil,Ul1e {~cy alul Borea , l'f ventillS nnd ley when O?~ . Tho 5, stl1rted' U· eUII ' IIlwlI)," ski'n ity the pUllutu~J incidell t'upon $1I111ilily, Qnd I 'rllllljOIl~: lor b~()nc'i liS, TunIO,,!n!; gr~n~e, paint. N nlllO~8, de~- the ",hole IIloto, !rl.leJl the Il}wl! were lore 'tht: ' .. ," ~ ~ . " fur lUll cu.· Ink n II f', WmJln(lllr 11,0 Ice, III lho '!,lIlIufac ll". of W'uclt:s 'or l'ur~""lca ,.rUII~ rut, only fro'D ' Ill/i.t wliicll is rudintcd bl!rn-prodlglOusly: , . re·liJ/JlJeI the trees 11 hilS no fl9lia l. . IC. O . tur fillIes tho 6uit tu riccs Irnptirtiolly lidmillit>teredr nnd justice l' i. prl. tUlllcrs. I1l1vaya tl'lIot1 g ' 1111 1'Eft. it Sprl'n . ""'DREW IllllvlIlg, .l~OI)ER'r '& or rClll o' &'IS nlld I • TUOMAS SMITH .. . Ilon.urn. {rom tlle"lnet ol. 1'.,18 mOI'~D ~ure 01' tllft• s kl' n, V'-I . ' · Ill... Tllen'l_•ubor 'vu~~ UOCO'lllted to "n.lfn.c l · ~ 11A' • INnN'llI0 people. of poor !OIlIl~ 'os,tbe t'itciIUVIt 'wAU 1111\ reflocts Sluldle. .\I.ud e, GoldclI dIl18tut SiJ;n ,of thtl MA~R'S ~Ph;CrF [d conN SAI.V E " ble, ·anu,.ta te,nen Iln~ generulil,6nd p)1I108. pusses iUlothe IIJllu~rio Anu '~'iut()r often finds ~oth oore. . . . HE , }' '!'llE IIALL " 1N mOTlo J(. 30· If. th~ radiatin g c.~loricl. 80 thot the IWllt is ville, Aug, :2.,,1,650. Wllynes c~r.nB,·· lor ure G elleotunl \lilt! opllers ~lllti\':tled. their ' fllnns Wilh 8~fo r~nm, (' ls ofve1!su number ha Tlcs.,-T STATI8 n &, EVA~l:! ",.\ 1I'lIf to 'their cu•• ' ALLt;r '(': never u\ the ~ohllg POII!t.; DOSI:IEloS' Of COHN, WHEA l ..J.!. 13AltNJ iARL o~n .hall~8. It willl_t1Le~ .hot frOI)1 ('-Ii ".nr! Iho 1'.lIhlw , gt""" :"l\y !hat .UI",. tamers iug to the U • . Stated wrecke d du- lor SIde hy belon' T~\lu. tho III throtl~h port, , wtll1tl'd II OATl:! ell:h.lblt.1 AND IIgl~1 IU\d " Hellt , D90ICS ! nOOnS !! . tile tJlleTi or tlte SOil ~ru~e ~ as s hotll1'll9 t '''III! tllu jo.~ST Ib~ir .18~ 1 l'IYltlg o t June, now 0 ending 11.,1' yellT cv the & l\tAN durin: ullf·· r-l1~c11 bJo. U. 21i remnrk.u ills: very ?tI 11 graph trllnapa reut bodIes, ' ~ Il ""r'I'L~r A ] .L l.0'1' OF S'I'A IJAUD. IIWORKS ' /( I) \VllI'fll.l ~"l "I' ...· I , ' .- Y'· An AI.!. 6ooos. J. I Clncllln ntus, .ond lin IIIYI.ncl~l~ \VOS "5", V"I'18(\ • tlntll, OJ. . ldo~um ' I OfiC' by Iwn v, v < • "'-" • us ls ., h "I WIIlC. f' ailltn. 1)11\' no' ( g III '&, • ~~A~ ~.'c eelll'lA1,LE~ ,I ft"l eronce. ' Transp arent " JI"II ... W 'I L D E.K & GOO DE OJ u ,. ~ It Will tht·n Ihat tho ~fieven. hilledd I u; ~O~', llill Qrigi curg~,clt thllll~1 Iheir their or tdrotul'lI value 'l 1 Tho . o<;Cngeio 49!}. Ih.!! tnk,h $2,02,l, Ilt TII"y on ' I lts .Ir,onsm L d d"/i wll~er, 'v ,re~t ,A o . e " cl. b relltlle. A tlle CAp Sill" of' th., Gollltm,\Ilnll, ... on!le to! leT ene)1'uet', all cuu· . c ~uraQ l~ till, ~ . poil! by W..\~ ~I!S II.LE Outo. I"r hlJrctulur8 rl.'cc IY'~l, aud hOI'U1.Ir.J)fOIW·r . ~I, he~L, willie t~ck C~>:st8 wrs 477. 'rhe . umountlij ofnnt!)09ses T SILu;' AND "I'DO"'8. .......... DO \V US . IIrd 'llltIO.n I1fter nntiOn I? ~}eld t~ . the reo tw~lve .per centor ·lucld, cal'gocs lOlllioli 10 hUlillI)6l1, to Rlcrit, . Co'a) III1UanCe uf INES; vCdsa ~ MEDIC S, ritors DRUG underw .. DEAL ERS IN lranSUll1.!I pmety ~. .. ~ l'O"-,,, • ..~ .,. . . her lC!:IOU~, unlll tbe Re- wluch Is' not more Jil voNia. [In9t . elltlon · 31!),, OILS, S, oIt.lIJ102 ~IPAINT , lnss g , CHEM ICALS cent oChent . Bluck Gn;en, .nd' Pink Wlltvrllt l Ummol ben ill the ' tUe of one bo will lIIan ~I\gle wa'led bver th.~ 100,?wn world. seven ~(vck Their . .. E ' ]~I '. q RPEN I TV pass V'A ItNi SIlEij, par cellt of hel\t to a lorgo stock of Jl'CJl ' 1l1111Jl)NS an cltalniulllioll to en. nud nsk ~\ ilk ollly , they u, OIlU wo1I111v the are. D,lIt whe~.the III. rrressell ot corn were ·.besof; out GJ.ASl', words, S. rhe S'l'VFF OF.Out. DYE ' by d ,. J . P; & . Cll.'. .1. H & 1I1e 8Ur~ ~1I(lCe8. '. r()ccjvetl 'Ily t f populo,c e when a g r r c u l - I' t /' while green .glass colore. . SNUf,ll '" "l'OBA(X;V, I th 1 Hoill.'l" Sig)1 01' towed up' an an . 1I11'y doon, I~ ' UIlII 4lC89nry to Cmllnllrate ar. ~n ~ . IIJ1gt1uge. W lon. one IS. Oll : .~ r~t loye'r 0 HS, ..t. with l(; C 1) \)0( cove~ed A aJl~ copper, of oxide lUHI the ~te wp ' loid 1850. ture ~vaa negle()te~, ari'4 wln, ,wb.on ttle ~ lIe 'W~):nflS\'ille, Oot. 5, ticll,l8 ur \iriCOI, IlflicQ it' to ~"" '\lI!ii""'lI br'ullonl }'AN<;Y MITt. though perfectl y tratlspu r- pot.iertce ~nd but of mo"ey" uUy'J c ., out OJ coffertile fiel~ ?f" Jtlly, then R:0m~n , vlr~ue of water, Will, ,iI out oC sUlfar aile she gellern ; ~nd thOh' 'f'/iel/,iug to purchftl!lI PIli' lIlyl is of rlly sollir the ' . PER. deprive cr,lil':l entirely ulmpst ent ~!~~~~ 111':.~LoLundA,Nr~ lWj ,1IJN,01~~V and )loman vigor Red. SOUII /IItT/gua, v,ce lind next; the flour et n.oy by coUinll' ot·I!lu.Bagu,of thll Gtlld,n 9~~ l£~ltlll\l · nllx!; 'the fee colors, t trr. differen of }·!1J~i~ e On tho p,rincipl . IU .~ ,II, ~ 11 PfJi!;c o..... : .. ~ o!'tO t . v~~ry ond' venality .took firm hold in tho wordi! The : S. OfsPI!lt out finally ce WD),nes,iIIa,Oc l, lith 11160. ' &0."&'0.,' the whole econom y of n,atur:e , in referen . ,t il · fiDolly, illO, 'pule mQlher ' of, nrdI2\!. . fiAODE N ,&. M~CI.ElL,:.ANP. . . out of truble d~bt, . , ,.. of out 1M , ." when lor ,go,od by r.I'IU01I1, s heilt of n Splritou' of radiutio nrllele aDd oll~ ';"rood to tile absorpli , o . was abunilOl (C,J to, h~r cnemi8 s, ' house l. sJPoky a hilS OJdo mlln ,If Fro/loh Jill}. o~ lilt out Such aud eill£, s planets, IlUlI/OS Illld 1\1!Xlicill,,1 the ,~'ar.iou8 kinda or flowers . • .. r. n. \fJl.,..uto, o. .D. !I , 'tloots no bad . \). T.\I,lIeat . Jlal.c~l. of .tlje .olllslIrs ~choed the ' out is cl1iTjed on. SaYl1l Illte writer: -"Eve- ' ollll Icoldm g WIfe', Uin, nyu, ,Vlaiaky, Port, wine &c.keop ~ l> LAR L 'WJ' 'FiC? Ihl'vict orlous·b arborian . &. ERT TALB . I tly !IOn~t!ll1 . ' will " nnd placo. ruooivw t ju~ the to Huve leaves • "reerr i'ts IIr. ng 111,Ich treo ilp'rendi f 011 hn~id 11 w(lll •• ~leeted l188ortm,nl Q~ ,,' TIl' ill ' cxomp'le~· llIu8tra~ive of the· S D ' ~ tot br.anc~e~ tQ,o\ hc , )FOUllfll REIIt-'n~.- h~ t \"0 og1.01~ 0 ' , .or ' < 'en' dUfI ngg~"Dtnl . t.1l~ ' Ii t'd' t1ehf8 liS arc onllllleratod· abov~, lind a\l oUler. So t S. 11 nlltlon surishin e, .or exp08illj{ j s ~ !.6!,N ~ R nllll OJJ-ico 8001 rO,tlt, L!.Ia~ aomn. the ure lends Its beauty Scriptu re Ilnd or lIuture Stores I' whioh thoy will 'wlwueuj-:I~:r~'1)1I ~~.t1 81~~CI'uir.u II e usunlly kept ill Orlll If mllt,.Jy fouP'~ea upon Ita, ogncultl.)re! Ilnd lIir-eve ry flower willch ilg~inlJt injury to ,'urI'; each pro"es yellt)~ . ng ClUJ I pricee.. ab~orll~ t cllrrent diff.n~n lowen elt otlho polsBSlI Bell eO~~~I, thl!. to OHIO. . prosper YT'ON. tbe e !ncr~alt 84~ulenj will ,do well Lo. ' .. tly koo;J conlltan intondof10J owolry, mortBJ,ize die eouJ. o. to IInti hke IIbo bave .,hohce~ c \Ve The . •. , g radratm and £?uoh aa Gud scythe. · on hand a Bood supJlly Ity of toile who awmg the lh JIB h vam" h ,your r th wi matter. the aud 's Gold "What , tingll, w Brtlllllt.pihe. Enr 01111' lingor buid Lbl . ,!Jup, O t. e pure .w Ite .. y ootl!l~ on 0 ' . 8t.r eet 0 p,~ " • tulIP, the brtl~,nnt an. sliiil a nO'alaI ,"oiced ."aptio e ~o 11 makes l:)ilv r IlllllCElle, SI,ectnQlll8. &c. ,That count?, wlllch does net pOBBell lakc, th~ v~.rleJ!ated ro~e. "what lr' Jnornin i(,"'",L'..... 'I•. ' . other the butcher ~'E" " CAl. D-;:;;-,.\I' ly Intense the to td and 'f'/ftrr'nt s I ' , u" deheate by the sol\1 ' :Evllry Drticle "' '' ~' ., ,.m. WIthin It-elf. tbe meana of atrordi!lg Bub~'J '-'I "Nn," . it1" 'did . dieo, t ·'n. gbn\linll. blue1 IIrid ~Q ~h, ill II,i8 JJl'''~' ' fr l't100k pllre, l.ocltlru6 w:ers . jll) of h ello, . The rogll!"r 'OIlI'l!U pl!ony I !>f duh!ia, hove. " 1,1 "'i r ~e , lll' alt/mUon will 00 pnid to 1'Iulicul , 1111, tan~ to ita' o.~n fnhl,&l)it/lnt.a, tl k l'\uvulllbtlr. d .Ii Fi,lItol' I llill 011 eind t1l lIeO it COIIIIII nctl,. will die tuto d I\iu'nt rl. •• 'iit othor prt'KC"II'" up the f e e if!.nce, dCBtan. sllill putting Ie IInil III t th oJ Il,Ig t ordcrt!, ne rID or Physicill to lemse vea '1·lu. ' e olee 0 , xp r c;ollIllIU( ) \1mB the ' '''~\(If li'u!mll"'" 'NIMI may rill ' 01111 U~N~ out' oigln ollt! 'forra~ lldJI, and 'compou lun, the ramily wllrlliing life-stre am of 00 ulM'nlljJ 111111 /1 1 ' " , lIlJnt J)UJllI{U ed~to.IDk to early ruin. Nauol]o l 'power, icnl " Anl\tom . , . . Iltg , thintin tho to killds. blli.d upon comme rce alone. unllupported dia~ing it ,blick . ftg;lin to receive IIludunufby til" t'ir"~ of Octo· ' "Dr. Parr," said a young 8tude~t once yalao perfurma an WI! invito 1hOMo wi8king articl~ in our lin"., i~Ddy The by ,a tlourlilhialg Inl.lillltr?. thllt mlni.te rs to m08phe re,II-El eclrlcit book.', a. writell Mll1lictil J;ffl.Jln,tOlt.'nt "i!1 be I1ll4er 'Het'a, . oor. linguis.t it old make the to con wo clIlI, 011 w~ lell! 118SIIr<.'tl' thnl t function iii the grow~ of ftow~ lt rl>lIuwin humaa wanlS anti ftt'lIllfic.tI~ns, .mult fin mporten tho diroction df th " plied the doctor. "put in 1111. . of us. well,"re p\lrchlJ8 I!ur". to J'Ve ,Pro(.'!!! 111teree\ experal ulcir b'l1l1ctu " "Down " " po~larJ I"; ' 18 c t89, d jall th at you 'dOD It k'll'OW, to t.he!e:u nd. Mt'rely CODlUH1tClo.lsta t r of lhe I .. J'rllru~sit J). 'M, AD an ' know. OIU)SS; ES'f \ba CONQU J. sciencie tbe word: of \V AYNE8 V • .,.LE lIALOO N8. _pon eal upon eoDtl~~.. nl!iel for tilI\li r ve· ment: In. big one.:' . of.'Medicilltl, nni! ~tudil'al Jilria,... a 8 make In8l~tute wlU reo we and edl'and poo a pUfollae without liaYing not ll\ld and undllJaig racta, mHE cl1rioull of '. " life-blood, and Imbued with that aplrit full lloucc. . Jrto~ have an opportu nitl of dol~lg a. e Iprm.rly an intellec t that ~ . moved 10 Ihe row of liuilding D"J'rofcsl\Or(lfCcre· of .pecula Uon wltich te, enervllt e the etr! of ita own. Many ea mentv.lepecula;. -nerou l action, do It. It's a very'plerusant 81-~ W. UY'ltOl'OWt-:J,.I.,'l\I. r 'wolllil Row," lln'lI "Chnpm as known I,rnl t'hn1qJogy, Mmlical GC\J!lll\f al\.1 waste Its time in ~ro/itle til 1 and corrupt the mInd. conlaln ~lthln .1 fllllr inforlll bia f~ien.I~ thtoUlJh ' tbia. medium, ,.-, al h ,. " ' i ' o ri ti I ~I. rd' eep a I\tinornlt~v. .:.,. to go tI w "Ii(~ .. on i ,,-_.. relle.ti VlII~D80 nor b th .. he bOil .porod /10 paille 1880 U 0. , tiDn. or oitera li e away in t I! ferus . RurgoT)' 01 f Pr(lfOJlllO lell'relh t e r own ,....... "s Ie se""s 0 in. hearth. bur at NltW'1 Been It.S one. tucciVQ Death, to in whore he hopee the would lind a nel" " a~'la~t 1'\i\lA.lfY r 'J'fol(!88U fl.. ' M. , IthCDDioia. CartbaJ!t!. aenOD, Venice ~od truhy bookl!t U).O,E· J-l forever. J. 11 00' abideth which IiboraUy 10 patronngo g P!oc8II of ~I!-- a IIha'dow ' Y. ' .nli r,tloUc I)f MI)(lldIl . lIoll.~d. o~ the 16tb " lid 17th CIO~tUrle.S, tmcjng the .w!!Jlder.workln " WILSO N,l\1. V. Prof\l 80r '..,f nl)li1tltriCl J.~. "everlD " N'a(ure, to ' A'A VEil "'!"'.-:H L1 11.1 bur WIlli. . to thle fllot.•" There. IS tu,Pft,,, and learn, through ' . ' S , and ))18~1l9t!8 of WUIIUlIIlIlId lJllilllrcll. ' TBALUfG T1IE V~aY ,OF u I SaIB°\:; LH':A BlfLlD!lo1. trutb In these Vl!rSeA 01 Golt!r)'nllth: adl'til Nllture '. God.-PWLADEL hIS 18 co reveran KINC;,l\I. D., I'rof iIIIor or MOl rill l' 80rt J. no 'wlth mCUi ·w Some ~~I". . 1)3 '('''urnlr ulies nnd J\14ldi~1I1 illlrlijl,ru , loul, bodr ,or clotli brake lnto: tbe • .. . • .Ione\l. I Chlll'ch . Summe rst., on Mond,y Z, F~I:!M.AN, '1\J..1)., rr" r. 'A~l)r of .A lI ..tlll"7_. hat! the .audaoit y to ste.1 the ~t. 1>., l'jlo, , l. J\UL'J'uN • AN D'I!:Rhl A. ~1., C Basi'll. ft was of 'p ure silver, I1n~ ' 'ce,ul ~hOlljj8try 1111 1 I'hornln y.' '. Bee. . ".I.oD ft!uec-B V.. • Clhliqu e Lec11"(\11~ ' Va MI)QlCII'IE- PJH) }'. H.J. MUL(jB.~.. ' ,, ' is .IUl ,old l.ady' bv the n, ame.of1~ro~t . SUIltlHlty- PROF'. H. So NEW'I' Ol'. b h J N, i\f. In Eaton, }\few ~anips U'e W 0, Anatomical Denlon"rOI!lr-~" .F. .tt:~;\lA . D, dal1l1lteir, aII d gCI tbv,clOIiJthller" .dawrhter . 1'he feflll ,lor n full coursli of IcctllrC'.. amount \0 ,J()f). l\ialricu hltt)rs II{Jj ' J)t,IIIU'ldIlIUUf'. nllliifivle" yean old, tell tiO. Gl'DdIlIUitll\, ..~). r ' " years, a man 0 'J'l~o,," dllflirilJlJ f\lrtbur Inl;'rm~u..11 will ploU(t SOoratell wu colon)n l rulera, apollo belt oddroS! their JetllJr8 (poel Jlllid~ 't o Ihi, t,)enn: II"d "Dse, and bid a good ~Qma.n for a I'ar~ full li,.cerit y .or hi!:! heart • .I..f bls his 'lt ~ fd~Dd8 tolbill Jay .to H ~lIdolltfi anidnjJ'ill IIr City, will pIca. cidl "n ueed re.. tbe ,lifter provinee~ In a lelt\lf wl'i Uen , ho CUllllllurCinllluwl. lIinc~ g, 11111\.!'lit ,blegln ~~teat hil waa wire f). NEW'I'O N :,'Uoall- oflbc .'i1cWtJ. U. the torotio.n of Charle l the Second : "I tliank ience at r ltor'! i ' U' " ' hi .• . ..... tr .0 P '. LAW DEPARTJoIEN'r. i. ceu n, mon God ~lIere are ~':: ee Ie 00 I or plIO .ng, was a .n8verCylindor DQi\cr1 181' Olle SA~E.)'.1III ~R ~III u"'l'l.wr widulIl tlr~~or much 1M! KI'NG,Pr W.,N. le~ed ,E. be MON· whom from 1 hope 'wrllhl111 not have them tl1eB8 lillrt '. " ' ofL"w. the cr988ell he met With .l" feot 10ng!Uld 3'J inches in dia!rieter, In Procuc~ AN. dlree hUlldred ylllr.: For leiv'nin g hath own 400r. th ...t!lll Go tIlNOHM .."1 .....·r 0" 1" ..w'·"· lire ordor. Applyn to 0'0' n V· D' BARRY . ~re light to bim,' " vv· I_V " n' • . brought nore~ and dlsobe, dience ,autl BI'C elsewh ere w 'f£l.wJU l'lI,Mu. - , Oct." 19th, 1800, , ,38', lf .' iClli:om.tuln h ltitJed ' All t I d recently 'Three persons i,n to. t h e ' ~r I • an pI n 109 lUI ' . ' NOTiC E. 1I1UMlIIo I~' on the Re<t ri1rer in. ' , tbem,. al!d !tbell agamltt tJte b'lt, gov~rn- alIi-to rs in one hour Ljpcrsonsknowillglhem8!lhi es tOboi!ldeb, .:!L ' ' . . ' I'i'i La ment. God keep us from bothl" el\ 10 the fil:lI1 III Dwcbe~ anil Bourom ,are' roo .u I lIPa. q~et!ted tu call ana 88l1le up,imnlodiiuely for wo . ,' )II. ' Edull~U( '. lire in'lrat neod. . · of tbe bounde n autiel of Ifn"""I~_ GROG ElUES GROc muES I M. BLECH'Ell, ~ BOOllO . that city recentlY by D~,:C()~r. Gau'e Kl'fEIS LY • BROT JIElt (., just S~LT Y. N. E PR1M D~'LS -Rjce blew up Colly~r'. ')fodel' Ari.sts. ' d Jt ' t 11f t} 0 OI'1l:No 011 I \P Wh by 80le tllr and rel;elvotl ', . ' , • ia "tH~eo~. ClDDyton; Obi~ ~rI1SeCl)' k~~ 0 · C9. &. lhe ~IUS &'-J:}Jk _1I. ! ' .!l 0df to be b nrf!~Ii!r,S' 1 Elop.emel\~ ap~llrquite jUll9l101llV'dd and hRve::for ,lal. Uavo g. Rqd,rlo tbe' 01 Blgu ' 30. OeL , nilnue II .sent the day.-,V;1YO~ are . 75 ling', p'rimo Riu c()tr~ DR nORT oN'S {onget who are thel, h8buan~.-aI80 O. Sugllr, 9d hlIas. 'N. 'Mola»ee l' 64 bl. ~ Q. do. t ' s.]i, 32' J . . ,. travele of ea i Scve,J:a1 ipltanc to an~ other' 68 'aheat :A. Yll"et'/oblo pl'~}Iarllllon superIOr 55 l nftll.nll" " to during the loteJstorm ve of th~ IUlld bolore tho pubhc. It i. eltllOllon , -' d'''' . 24 fQr Qough, ~b}tl8'l'aiq in tbe ~reD81., whOQP~"'II' m tho Nor~erD lID ~88te~ papeTl. , •. 33 It Jlnll in.!t ... l!h~r 0lnuril LDawkt er. dawkte r/ s ....tI an eltqulBlte cougb, Chohe,lI.I&c. 4() wIn ~nsU~81O Ihe what or !lny other lblltol\te ,that other day '1 want you to tell me_10. bowel8, bo.wea. but '~t.s II.qnU" ,on dIG hYef, .!l glln. ~ • secretioll tbo ll "roin\Jlln to put in my Road to a~ ....e , ~~in .and kldlleys mL.:tJiclrte ill Willi known in orally ', The ilhQvo . thi8 conuntnll!Y, therefore ,va dean, farther tlcJ




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th.i~ 'pcl~~~~d 1;~t' n~!lt~~i%et'Xl~i,~ s~~~







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Whir e.



'4 01\'























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F~rei~~ ,and. Do~tic NeW.s,! Amn8e~~nt, :&0,


c. ~= - ===::::::=;:±=::;i:i:..::::;;r::;::=:X!~~=~~----"'-"" :::==::;:;;:,..:-:;i:t+ -

J, 'W, .~OllELlT~ EDITOR,


Poetry ' ,

.... -.-. . .--.-.-~'

--- ---+

Idieted nllm~ \Ifto S:unpon Biltles, nnd who wus adliooK in whql ~sale g'ro.



186.1, '



Hi orlCa ' ~ l S·ketches.'

t /rr" IIp:l p:I'te r d I\tl1.Ul\ 1'!IPlii~1'O . ' . -' " '" -' 3iS Kocping n S pnnlhto_pnr- , BlIP!lgh, elloug~, stop ' Y?~lr praying lind .Th~ girll1e\y up Ittllir'lJ, and WlUl,'1I raOG _ . . " " ' cl.'ry 's tore on Conllnerciulstreet The 0 '. lUlU .. . wel'[llng for me. V.ou. will cry 'yourself 01 horror, nt the tl>P of her' voiee. Q:7rhe rollolv\ng l\MS coml' to LIS as'. gemlemnn 1'eu11y liked Bittle!! ' : ho ' II I 'l'h o 111.lo~y of 1"opo J EI, tlhl t~no rdllm, c}\l!lndo de corpore Ibli ncl. TJle dutiful d!lugMe~, in lIu IY ui hOf \ <lOr. Byle.~ hU!I put an and 1.0 blm,~elfl' orig,nA l, nnd, In mI,LnY' "they nre so quiet, and so full W e ' 1\ 1 t tl I' . v illi. cedllm. ' , . ," i spiri t, mee ltl, repljed, "0 iL'8eems The alltonished wile ·nnd ,1l1ugliter . 11 I . . WI rl! a C Ie lI~tory of l'opll J on T ' t ' "01 n I rutu}r I f t9 111 thul ( I'\'ou.ld ~ltidly Lt'COITlO I lind if 'nt tb 1 ~ I }" D eertainlyveryex!]uisite. 'Vemo>;tcheer_ ~wllstl.rogunr· pricecurrent,undllomlm t1.sfound ill. ln ull' hi-to!" iii r I ~I'11I\ n:l.lstoIlIlY,I,l-O~ PQ\I 'O ~ ' . g . } , ,, \1 a e par or-l,nutlcreW!L8 ·tlc octor, fully give them n place ill our column a d on 'eh!l~lge wns lHlLtPr 'nequlLinted with 11.'. Atres. S OI11O Y\.l~· .~ Hili 0 b I 1 \ It( ) the IlIlhor9, d?~lllrc tho time of .~ho Po' , the: ~by "~Il might be Iironght to Chrlllt! . cahl'll)" \\'~Iklng abOut, wit~ a p~rt of 8 , ..' i!, ..~ ~ulue 01 stn k". " iV'IIY Mury Iikod him it htillan of til 1fi:1?~S It;'.ny. e 0 sc rve( : pel! '8 parlll.ntlDll,/llld , [ will th n tell YOII , - DaY$prwg. . ' 'OW 'II t~ll, th~tJjc had plcked ·up In tho, Ihal.1 be plea8ed lo enroll ollr fulr Ilnd nmUl. IS mpre dilli e.lllt to 'o nJ'ectur r I I ' 11 Y ese \\ ~Itcr", It 15 trll . . \17 f\ wholl 1 wlll (0 .oul fru Ul tld:l body."' . N (1 1_ ..... •• ,treet,' tlod to IllS coat or caMock bchind .' d "M.lRY " .on 6' ur l'Islo r currl'p'pun- very detici nt 10 the smnll tall' e, ,or Ie . W1I8.. , WI the. reucl~r 'vilh . . I l' ,,",USIAN .Je\\':;.-ln II lVerk recently ' I. . thulVo\ln tll esenol, . how l . t (\vur . I' Ironble I' ' . 1'· 61J~Il\c)On~ Wull, however, raised in.. tho l· ' . "00 bl e,rU3I1 . -,. . • o · lin! 11 t'rlU tiS 'l'cpnlJ.clel> but willr mine . I 0110 f ' l Iuysllln . d01.:1 tllll I ' sally of puul~le 1.1' I dat.oll I d en,eutt i IolI "A P 'IgTlIllI' ' ,. , . ' ehe would be- 1uulesure tents;wltll a little pl'I.lcl!ce o f01ll1 ol,wasnverSe to mustu' ive the· storyo . t Id : h' ANotnb'eVUhdn. I CQme socolld only tQ... ,. J C~~I}' ,tt WhOl1l she· .ches .. dH! kr.d .lhe opero , ond considered': :-l> l1 th: ~ulI~ll't,lm(fi!l1 ~' 1;lolit 0 I th e loul tilllle,!. They thought th it iF 'it oge 10 lht). laml of ' my Ntlthers," the ou- I . '~hat if y~u c~mo suddonly upon a IIU'. I ' . ., - . wultzlng lIIt1chCtLle. · Perhaps his ood ' 855' und on,e d' . et In II~ yt'ur mClltlt nnyllllng lUore thun mere devllillh , lbor, R a• . Moscs l'Ihrzohuth , devol es n THlJCIOWI looklOg fellow who bad entereel, 10 dcservlug y eulogizes 1;1 ,he , l:e6 below, IIIIOkll compon!lnted for other delioicnci:'~ or I cot~logue 0; 'i~ ICt Ihe ~llIrtl Sla~ldl! III ~11(l ,impuu ence, it sij;nitied thnt the devil rl)fus - ; large ",iuco to his obsorvotions in Frunco l unbldden your kitchen or partorl Woulel .' F.or 'l'hr i\l i "mi \'i,;itor:' pOrhtl[ld her-h orror for dvilllJ' in the stute' uf . lll~twoe.i th ~pps at l1111 8u c<;e~sor. til ; cd ver to .yi II. . And 0 Giovanll.fl al'- on his wily to the Holy L,nd. Hi$ ac- you not 8t:1rtle! A ml would you 'not !ltarTO "MISS JESSI E." sjflgle ple.!lseclnefls inducedher to countell- Iter wa ·locces \, \r~' t Ie lhr~t" 0 01 $1. P e- , pron ' hed ~hc_ cl'ilionl 'period withuut uny \f count of the Jew'S of Ptlris is rnrtiotilnrly tlo ltim~ Your indignation III the intrulJ__ utlce the only you ng man Un ctc Bill wp.s ! h)' It W'OI HltiUPI lIlorc Inn two .ye,;rs. slisilicion of the trulh ll\ling yet nwnkenecl, intilrcll ting. 'fl,iI!J, by-the-hy i.. strllngely lion would be.on ita woy to the 'culmillating . ev~r J(HOW,I to 1I,larut!'. . . I' licit of p~ c~ b" Ie oe.s n ~t u.p,Pear III t 10 : At .lll ngtl,1 it (:alnQ)o UIO time of tha R u- Ienough! Il top!c u ,~d~8t:ribe.11 even by th~ polll~ ill 0. ~\!rry . . 0ultl you not cl111 for . BY MAIlT. Qne ellcning lJiltles screwed up hill <;0 \1- (' lIlI ell I.\. P .~ I~u~s~ It IV.IS sh ed lily, t\l,e , gatlon dlly ,1\ p,cr1oc\ ,of mil h solenin pro- IIno~utnlzer.!l 01 1'1l1'l.!llllnlloclcly. , 'fhe (01- n p.ohe<;e ulllcer to rid you or th(l'vHlllin~. roge t il. t he tosk of uddresYing the old mlll1 ' ~f ohli vi~:,d '~,'e;llI.o rllJ.:!:ll.O tlrow 11i~ Iv el l ; C '9 ' iOlli{1& in ~ .~1l4. it enmll to pa~s· lo\vltlg ~xtruc~ will present 01\ Itom 0(' ill- No '. you would be el\c11 nn oflicer yourse ll, Thou or lhe clpeerloBs form nud flashing all the flubj ect naores!. to hi" heurt 1 '!"lIllIal 1'1e r .~ I g, n sncril(:f' tlll d , lllat \he-Poplt. . are It.ow ·neor IIhewn. l.rormu ion IIOW, prnl>lllJly, eVlln to thoaQ of nnd tile loafer wo'u,ld bot be 10lllt IlU hand_ a e It I '!\{r. Griffill,' "uid lt e' 'I' \'e hod ~ome- ~I;~ de;~h or' L 8C , 10\\ evar, W Il::l, t lut on j to "anima. ·and \lhwdling 10 Ilppco.r remiss I~lIr re(ldurs wlio have villitt'a P Irlll, "'rh' llut 'o bad thoualit la one orthc w~rst kind Y ." > ' thln~ here for tlJoll , tim'e,' nnd he mud u a ' ulld en nle f .00 lite. F ourlh,. th e .clergy . ill har ~eligfouB duticls, left tho chlll'eh of In ·t is! thnt t~lt?r . . 'l1 r c I\b~ut threc buntlr~d of vililllnR. It 11a9' no ~Llsi~eds in yo.,'r' Wuh snowy neck, und rOllllthd IlInb, hOrrible III co UI d ~ I I' I d " , P . 0 R ?l11o m,et to \'I"ct h iS sOC- , the VutICon nt the hl'od of 0.11 her c1erj?Y nnd filly Ch n 't1un J ews III the Inelropoll lJ brellat. It~ ollly errand thero Iii O/IC of Im~.Bri gilt os yon IIlora, that deck lhe uzure sky wher . nell r hiAIho:r.ucet li S 1110 "ome- (~e~sor, wh oll Ihel:' ';Rhf'l lce r' l1 011 n . ) (ll~ng I(p wu lk in I;roccssioll 10 the Lawrun. 'l'h ~ 1or Frallc ulld her 'ell"iroll~; I he grQllt mn- Ichiof. 'nll th e 100 fer in your housl} hl\8 n~t ' . _ 1 . 10 I . 011 due cQr- JO " rlly 0 I' t I10m Ilre ,'cry IVtJultl~'. Very fel\' i 80 t Icn UII utIc~. I . be'Vhen cve)1lng pOUTS her vcsper hymn; 'Dyspppsl!d' Buid ~'th e old man. . 1Pl'l por'l!st,d nofIItro I' lllJ'cr e I I ome Iwhd... ' dunngd thtl ·1 8 ,),e01n .pn~l'l1nt proceedcd With ."'1 " lUt 0 f llH1~ HIS 'Vuur duoghter' gas ped the young luve I un I~mll 011 ~IS I> O? ~ .I<;1: \ 13 I uC41~lrCl II ~ J emony on~ d¢COrllJO, unlil it urrived at thut I or tll elll liN Iwowu to till' F reuch public I ing. mi!l~ill~ hI th'o only thing that will !lilt. . . _'. .. slri c\{cn on~. . ' . 'I rt I I l' ~cputu I or purnl!lg nn , 8pO~- ill its road wh ict. litis ' btllwOen tbo QS hLL"ill ~ b~cu olle of the synagoglle. I illfy),ou . .> • Puro ItS th e showere of clew-bright dln- . 'Well \v.hut obouther1' IIsked Uncl e Dill ~iltl;le 'r";! b w;o ~~.c~mlc P1:~r~" W\t\! th~ f chllrch.or S\, Clem,o l)t nnd tho soliseullI. 1fo und, nltC!r millute uml r'igid inqlliry, thllt l· Como tluwn Qn thllt lud th'Jllltht arter '1;rietJ~ 0 r; llC ~Ig.ltl. • liS SIl.ppOS~ i ·W hen suddenly seized With, lhe pllinB or t lhey tire the IlIO\it eullsistent hristiRIIS, Iho snmo·fushion. It on\eretl your henrt mond dew, ' sharp ishly. . '. Nig\ll "cotUJrs from her sllllle w!ng', . 'I urn in love IV ilh her' suid lho lIohuppy ' ~ nd I WI1~, .'ow IV~'r, III r(!nhty ~ I~I h)m~ le :'1 18 ll lur , th enl iIi the QPon street; ond ulhitl , ruling their householJ~ ill tho feur or the 1without 11 llow';'or, (r wihth ii' bo\vt IlIId with 1 DOlltlliJlg lil/e . morn ing':; lighl belore ·IIIY ()Ierli~ " IO~ pr .VIOII . lI~torv I~!i. uS 0 o\\'s :,' t1l1l.he 1l8t~lIndeli cnrlliQ?ls and clc,-gy, ~o ~ord, 1~,litil1g tbe Bible their COile of. 1:\"'1 JI. welco'l.n~, tbc'o s<>.much the, wors,e. Tho " HlImbll~!' 'said Uncle Bill. . AI~ l"lI gh ~h In ! .IOM:Y' \ 'ns trnv~ 1.- Ilhe .CO/l ru~lon 01 horsel! to tho horror ofj lor lhClr cOlltlllct tllro~Iglf. ·" Vhnt wonld I grouter II! the dllJllIl!'r. . . " ,,,iew, , " 'l"nct!' rcjuined I1ittle8. IIIJg III Su~ony wIlI.1 Illd w tie, wh o, wh de ull til!! b$sell1bletl .llIulti udo, un,d the sat! i not. .Eugene ~ue .h~c:\ gil' II to kno\~" the.e A. bll.d thought CUll 8tea~ Into the 'Post sp- . Or, likl' tlle first, glad flowers ~f spri ng ; 'What is your incomc1' inquired G rif- ot l ll ~ IhellJl, ~aYG blrt!1 to II luve ly t1uugh- 1dl ijg ruco of tho en lire Churoh, the iu{Olli- , rl'nlly nobl e lOdlyldunl~! lIow elll\Ollcctl 1eret rcc('s'8 of thc ]leart, a8 a villuin' in th p. fin, ' . ~er. The hli sionl\rj, Wilh his falll~ ly thull It.ll! hcu(llh l'reof gnvl!birth to ntlhilLi! 'l'he would !UlVEl bl'?o his 'Mysteries of PAris' if I!,itlnlghl cnn ollter the ",oMt,retired IIpllrtIlluming life ll('e~~ dull, clolldy puthwny 'Eight hundred u. yenr,' IInslVered the SliP- 1~lcrall.Se,l, l.rjl\'clled .0\lWIl I·c\ ?11 hi S. vltcq - : t:lrcl\lllstnncC8, however, of such Oil nC- \cmbell1:ihcd With such I.arllcler~. " . \ mont. Thllt th?ught CM ~o wber~ IUl i'nhero , rli cunt. tlOll; and nfter II willI', e.tllbh3hed htnuclfl c9u('hemcu.~ were fota l ttl b()th mothor ilnr! ... . ' truder: hlStJ 8ubl" lind deccltful, ,<ould nov· : , 'Il won' t do Ill» \)oy,' sl1id Griffin, ahul,- p.el'malle~1t1y lit Fulda .. There he fOllJ ld child . At! a, Inark of the horror. fol~ by D~ • . Glltzln~ .i1! , wet' d en, : [l.'r. hl\"e ~')lIe. ,It ~Iln.muke .prize or. the Like sorhc rllrO , .benm from the upper I ina his, gr i m tocle. 'No ,?lerJc shall murr, nm,ld .tho OCClIFabolls ?ccn~luneJ b.~ !the Church. lor so drf) adfnl ~ .~cr.ileg(\, it T,hlll hlll~BC II1I~slonory 're~clltly vl~lt· (IIIrest, r.lche~t 'Jo\yelill!l the ,,0~1. h.eaven , 1 do Ighl or. 'Vhy sh,e is tlle finest gi~ 111 :1 new.y"lul'tned congregutlOn, tu b.e/4low. '~\IIS determll\Q~ thnt t!le Pclnbff III procell- ed ~wed~ Il.lor lhll p~rpose ,of ' ~wukcmng Such mt~u(ierol aro htt,le s~ip llt~~ ~f~Dllrting Ju pUfple fII}; , !!II full of . cheer, , , 0 0 ;, fllld. i.t takes cupitul to morry ,n . I~UCh. qr(1 all~ j~bor 01' the e~luca~lUn 01 810r! should never ugom PII'S ~y thut dcse-. un lilt ro 't o~ the lIu.IiJeet of re~lltloll. Ho I V~I by. multltuded. TI.I~y. are often ~n ialr ,) \ t vb ere the parted ;!torDl oloud's riVl'II' il~1'irl. W heJi you hllv., thirty thousund II IS d:llI,ghlr-r. SilO re\ 'nrtled IIII! puws ~y cral,ed 8pot, . :A 1!~(\luQ wos rOlsed th!lrit to de\lver~ll a_tl.l ll OII[SC 11'1 tho UUlVfOr:llty, be- .l\lsgUll! ,but are the loWest ,h~p'rocflte8.~,' .~ ,i' '. dollnlll to begin wi\.h, you mny cOlne und Ih'.' ,'~lO~t r~l;\lurku\.lle progr ss III ull the I perl~etlJu to Ul.e in~lI11ly' ~h\l fllct; ' ~nd .,(\ E~ro , tile . Ar~hlH h~p, W~IO, it ,!pp~ai"; be- Tiley lct ·.oth~r vmlli~f:I ~Ilt~, the' .ou!. .Ai . . l ,. ' . . ' tnl~' with ma." .. ' . . l~ornlllg ot thut tluy. ' NaT I~~" .she. less jCpnlm?hy{,mllllltely desl'flbed ~Y IlI!CCCll-'j ~~,n~ d?e[lIY. IO UlrOlll.ed . In til? lS\lbJe~ti b~t. YQu .\youltl dr~ve n viper f«lm your pur,lo~, J..owh: my apm llgwli hefore thy ehnnej . DittIes di av peol'ed. S ix monlhll nrler rwhly qpdc,>wed In person l. h!1l~ 11\ IIltcIJO.ct; l SJ ~~~ 11lBtol'illn~, WIl'3 ordille.!IUI bo o.b h'ed f it waR c?n"ltlo~llll, "to .. be UII 1I11\ovntul n 1>11 drive OI!~,tlllll .bIUI thought. Don't, ",ilL l' Ib whicllll.n a,nlf I, IS ctl nceillc\1 .,', l\li s Mnfy Oriffin re¢eived u letter \llId at tweltte ye~J'1j ol,d" tih was a prodi:,'Y .l It tllP. cOll~ecrl\ti'on 01 1l!1 fut ure PoP . s~ ~'or Ithe t'1'1. tllig .tllte 01 thing!!, .lIrllJ ,he. r ceiy- for tho .police. Do tile police."'- 'l'"oL"/- . But hall'" .for brightly ull thosc virfues wltb 1111 elldotsem ellt of \1ncle Sum, ac- o~ beauly lind 0, leulllIng. At tlll~ ourly the purpose of prev II!J[Ig lit" p.08~blhty ed little .~I1.C urogemellt. , ~llIle "ubllo- 1t.,.. ..' . 11 t .. I , .' owl~dgin"the reooiplo(forty ce utH. It?g, 1\ m u~k of lhe ~ull\'elll at ~uldu. h~v. of II: recurr~nlle of n B,iJuilllr sconrlt,l l. '1'hO- quent!y vltlllllg' Ij\!V rlll . l'¢mllr~uble IIpbtll , I . .· • , I I ne, . .' . thUd: " lUg c!lUnc.cll to ll~conle nc~ullllltcd ,.wlth odor~ of ,Nlem. who lI\'ed)ulIg ct~om0 .i n i~ ,th,11i nnolent ~fl1t 0 .1 1~lIrrllllg, h(l o.lId ,_ Tho Motller'" F .. tal~i.t~k(\. " Jly winch lho ulm~l IS ~e\tH1led. her, Il'llt vlOlulIlll.· III lov e wllh)lCr. 'fhe \.he PQ~lholl of secrelary 1.0 two P pes, t II· Ill s · po.rty wote III 81,1 It d _Ilnd · pelt d WIth . ~V\lo a,nOllg the ohlldren uf men reo ~.~ , I ' . ~un 'Francisco, ~olirorni~, 1849 . l1[mutj flll Giovaltn.~ \v:o I it would se~l)}, tllies to ~hu exi t lice o~ .n 8~ntlle. of tllo s tonoll,'tHul.luter in tit venin~; the . Doc- quir~s 10 much wisdom.a tholpolhl'r Ilf a . 'l'RE H UM.BUGG EO •fl Q~'B AND. . ' D!lt Ma,r.y :-Eeiclolled, you will tintl los~ r . mllrkub10 .Jar vlrHIC IlnJ prndeJICe' fenl ~ lc lore i lind l\:[Ubll\jOIl" m. lUll ,. 1 ner tor ~11d ~ f~w frHmda were ottacked \fl1.ho flimily1- .1'lIe stateBloan requIre" wisdom She'll nlll wlHlt FOll <iY painled IH~r~ Ii. 1I11~ol.l1'l8n 01tJ!Lliforpia Gold which plense. LllILn · 10~ other bl~h 9ulllltl ~i , j~r sh e np7 I tIlht~ lh,Jt u~ Qf the ' P9rt~alt. of Pj)llc IOll~~h~a , ~ I th e formeri but nt Illllg~h tho thut ha may 'so ~iJvi~e or (litec~ at to .eCUftl f',til ~ndly llllie n ill- " h~?d your (1llhQr un \16bllge. 'II hV.~ l,o adtu ft,u'V o. madc ~lt.t1e (If. 110 d'/fic~lt~.i1l J O.ll n, O!l~~r.yl ng lUI., place l!~tw~en t)I,OSe?i' wateh IIl tcrfeFeil !I.lld. remofed the ~lotIlU. the hll n01J1f or pr09pef\i~y of tile nlltio~l; r" . . I~e .you o.r' my l'etnrn 10 Bosl<;ln, ,~I~iI!p reluruI ng, tlla lI)u).lk Ii pO$51?n. A .,f~ll.dty Le~, the vOllrtl~ n)\~lllt!'1 Iho~ tl!t' Ifh l,rd; 11I '~ tt.laff ddll~rcd III tlile. presence 01 I,hlln), Ol'81~t.eIIl\Dn act· u~wi!le(y, anH ROllle.OI;),e d~ ,111J.U \\ on ]Ier, l . :., fil.rm .yop l' (flther tlJ1ll t huye- mad iilty ComlllllfCa q~~I~eng~d h~tWO~I,l 1:IH11.l'I, ,1U1I1 tho ,Cfjtl~edr8\ Of ,SltlIlU;" ~'lC.I 1.11 ·the !!tory IllStO()~!)(jl'j' thn.t.'.'tlurln~ OIlirty yca\,8 ;h~ . Itly: lI~ep III and repair .tti~ evil. and ~ . Shuu Id !Jot h!W e ·pOl'cd lI.\1 iu ; .' .. od'l\lId ~oll,l\rs lit d.lO · mi'ri!!8, lind Bh~ lI, W IUl tol' ~ ,wl~dlJ I. c.u TIed Ol~ ~r Btea lll,l, lJ e- of Itho ,tolUllle,P p.e,-a hlEJ~ory r lll~ed ~Il~ ]lad nc\l~r, \V,, In ,GhrJ~doli ~r .holllh.n countrl ~~y' b'e !layed' t'tun\.il1,\pend-· I': i.ll';~lght \but shl! w u~ ~ild und good, winll nn~ \\Ioalhet pt'rmlttin~, aoon call up- neu.lh, )~er ·1~~I\~r ti t 'l.() f Ihe ",IIJOLtngd, I hOll,d (.I·!lollln. dllrllig u. p r.od IlIX hll~-, lunds t I:LnIlAB d ~fb eilrultl IIg~l!lIlt t!l~ mini' 'I he mel'cMnt nf\edli wiltdom As maiden ere could lJ·e ; on ' hIm to over Ihat millt~r, 'and ' ur~ hpwc~et wh ich .th(l~ \IICI'~ t!IUB uble \0 tired y 'ILriJlhy "lor ,~hall two h~.ndred wr.l· ,t.~.\1th u.s 111 Vp· nJ~. .-lIt:r a1d \ ' ' .kill, rO'J'(ir.lght &in! t..ol, , tbat lie may , \1I'II~e terms \I P~ttl1E!l';;b'p . , ~,onlr ye, .,~ore .tpp . t,~w, III~ J~ r betw hW~\,.lunOIlIY .wllvl'!, or~ \0 ~e ~~nd .P?P.1I8, hi/\ all~irl\ wltb· 1!,j1iCT9Ii\>I.}b.llt ·8houl,d I \v.~ndcr hqw she ever ',ollld . YOllrll to cOllimund, S.\II PiON BITTLES nllu attended \Vlth Wo '1.'1' u~ rll)~ ~o ·ell!'ulIlulrs,. bl$~OP~' 1 tl \'l.O!I)l!'IPt\~,. mqulllltoT~, A ' T4n .J:I\.[U". cleif)'~,aa. ~e fru8trll.lell . QlJd ri,;Jlell make! 114\v~ 3 0 1II11ph h :IJ} lj U:mt>ll Ill~. _ ' ", . th~ I \'Ura. , In orc.lel·, Ulerelorr, \0 be I)tICsttl •.rl'la"A. lny~loll, hl~torinn8, motu hBt8, cClr reap?" el'l~ Of. the wing-II and o.wn{a\ one ptrilltnrY ,ns' ill duty bound; hnnded the epis. nnd liN\i1rt:iy tog~tll1:!~, it wug .~o t(lI'I ~rthl)dQx cathol~ ' I 1here\ictj ,- Rl'ililtll Mli~clI ~e to\lolVlIIg'•.nJ\(wdotf'. or the R ev. 1i1C!, he mtly. have til m rl'stored at TI J('y clu l;t. et rOllnd .nno " uke my hand, tie t<! her. [Miter v,oho \Vila aveJ'joyrd. w '11 thc!p tl.ll1t GIOVll.lII I\. bou ld 1 lliOl(l, \ ' , • til er ylo:i, t.ho ,\Veil IlngwlI joki\lg 110 thllt-'ut th OcJO!le or:.blil fife he ... So . 0 .ve:~ 3 einpllcd, ri nd the . r~tllrn ,0 , "·Q.\1C hl!;-, f" thor-' Ilou~e, 11l1ould 1tiI- _ ___ , ' r lJof'ltonl . . Mr. Dr.les ily ~ Ilt · Il\ay bit (tmi)y in e.~j) aOll coml'ort • . ' 1'1\ y .lellllle I uin lJl t tile iiI aOler IYBIl telographed. ' Griffin \VIS III urne, mille tnttllr.d·o "dun.d i)IUrS .~'ltr·Aodl~~otl ~, . 'rh:~d~~til~~;I.:~:rh:.~I~~~n,toi~' the 1'ho f~rmor Ileed~ lvi~du!)1ln.Cu,,hts.,)\Iy 'cQso~hcydo nolpodi-rS<l IllI, . ol}the ' quiv lve to til"e Ilia rQture lor o~er,alou e ire 0 we ... ~ot uu,.' "':I, fL' d· nnd o.pdllrt'ch1iing 1118 Rlock 110 t\8t06f1nr: mi ' sion into Ilis collvel) t 'I'hi'" scllome Ilorn()r lo ""SSel( "11 ",OUll Btteets nOtlar h1 .... llle b"" t t i' h ~ ~ .. , -'d " . . IU\" . " _ . ' , ,i " . . . • I thilll~ "hat J ,kIl OW Ii .t ; " Y , • ' . . .. . r'Ol'l Mr ' llnlkn"p',. r·II'-1 e · . L· · ' I I... ,, 8 re urn .or 1. Uluor all ,01; 'rltey Cll11 'It~r JAlrUln of the , fa i r, 0 n th e day or }tiS ,ex,pectt1d nl'rivIlI, ho· WIIS· Pllt ,:ill to ' e%,ecllllon ~c 'ord.lUgly; I\n~ , . " 11>1 ~CEl ~n . III~ Q n hut &hpu\d lie . filII oue cnr to realiz~ bis ' lcil , il ClIlIfornlon, \vl!o 'oame horno bpt, harmed wittl .he lCl1rlllllg aud . ·D tr .r 'Called on Hr. . Ud;', /lull Iwpe ·ht! milu,,""':tt.hO '1'hcy dr,rvt I/'I ;d (Lild uwdl.el·, , I.h e B'Ut'll(il Ilip. " . . . " ~ ·"1 I ,t r 1(\' ~ f "( , , , ' '-'J 9~e. .., iiwiK~Ot.O t!' . \I ' }Il ± .... .e n t 0 f tl. 10. 'OU hg I? ,\ :or st ~hi\l\ I 1LY . Do' II' p.y ~Ue' .\I\I,vig:'t9r to ' !gIlide ' Wluit do,) lli~y fn enll! I do, ~Ieol are " . 'Whero is' he illf)l\ire·d. . ' ce . lved ler,.. : Ill! pc f· Alld so well '"1 'c J . hi. rail bllrltuu Q"~ ' 'n ·'·i.ekl""s deeD, i,~ c'0'1 I dd I tl t t l ad I .. 4 ' lal is my bl!Sln()&,9,1 ! r. H1q r , ~ ,' • - ) .. 1''' I \lilly wi.;h t, hey Ita.d hc~, " hi lo,you 'wil l Bee him befQre a grent I Ii Ie l.\InlJ:ltull~ l C PU ( B ,e I IlSSlJm e~, "'rblln ilaid .Jl'r,a"I~II,I'wil1 von gQ.w that he Il}ay' , 8c~pe tM' t QtIJ'li\!d quick'whi !'d,! rep lied 'the O.,liforniu.n. ". apd 80 OlllltlOUS _.",eto , th~ l~vers 11\ th el~ J '" " utide 4t1d \Vhirlilooltl wh lob1 D1I1,.lic iii tho IH,R8 lie been 'I uckv!' cOllduct! ~hal d~rI.rlI her,.s,."y til the ~onvellt me ullid still ml wife!' way.jhut IlhQlllillle be UI (4)C UA!I~(,>; ~e'Y~8-~'rly thQu80i,d a~ 'tlie 10)Ve'&tcolcu~ no jJUS(lIQI n wus ever ti'll sed of tile real I ' .r; I . . As 10 !Villi UUCCtoclJpi, d iA flail lug somG (lOll e a ",'reck be I e"ftO ot b . 1 ti B b' . , state of t~e'cuse. H(/Wever b the cnll e w Lell CDnVt1ram~ WJll.n, W?lnan, Jlsl unon hili door, to oxclude tho c Id,,, . 1.1 "I ,I . ,.- " ...... I~. "I~g . .. u 0fl' " ut Ie III gOing tu try 0 gllme whut it lil t ht, tIle floon:. be"nme tired ' j\. WOIlIn.II'~ r~pntopon Ilk: t e IV./lttt~ qf. pqilelHoner !laid W hlmi ~a"c,\o\ 11y )old~I!~ o~ ~P , tho ~Iggmg or ID y.Q,Lj . lIetl w letHer you 'c.I ,give him yo"" tl' . ~ t" y . 1 ' d' I. j , f till) 0~;11l, tll.)U 11 n~t II I\1y be ab Ie , to .11'be willd ijlowe~h wboresoevt'r' llllllt bORt. IInel \II tll1l1 ~o'~'hJ1 sit.nllen 1.0 mlly d,nughter, gol~ pr no g~ld. ' Ho wir! ' tell !elr eonyt!~lt I ~ ont o~u cortc n p au 0 I ' ' 11 ' .I b I . •t D - finii tftn0}Z hnlp tro~tf'llndtber VOYlIger he ~'"'II!! been rob.bed' on his. \Vay home, flight. re?llIt , ,O~!I/'Yll~. 'BYlos" •• Doctor) ,alld mllli Bute 't Ii· . 0 th I'f -~ I . ..;:1 ., ' I l'ho . ~ ,got w ' 80fe out of- 1\ilc Il'tlln~ste. tuwt, \l l~II[lU.Jlt Cll, ut .II..~O t.p. Ir i!SHI ' ~Ir' replied lhe , cr 1 , ""e ma tee • nuitll ...o , ~fty, . ~ckled old G rIffin. 'II.N be c IIInge ,. hOllv~lItflu,;drE sc~ 1NI Iml the ear~hquul{el ro c)e!! !,lud r ' tll listeU! Iliherea06ver lM wihd bl~wetl" \ her. mighty WQrk, th, pl'obp~lItl ill that it e'9. I~,ei.\ you for the '~~I\t. 'and cio~:r'e ,.an \ f1~ csc~pel /) , ~g nn t, tho' o\Vful .liJ '!hig ,is tho.tlhe earth- Ii! He Iv.lis' i'ntimAte 'with~Gcn, Knox' wllrbc r~tl • ,Der ~it~JQ b'nrqu~ " 'hlch 1.\a8 I! co,rdm~lv, Good mbrn,ng.~' t' \'{, ll\ ,~ I~ ,~IO{! , ~ SO \\ tIS II> \lite. thej1eeti llg wnlers. . ,.wn!! a book~~Hor I}eror, ·the ,war. l)oell I,aunched ~p~n. \I\~.¥ or 11.ce, No~v it har, penet' thnt tbe G!\lIforn lve. , ~,f~vl ng ll1I,n e \ t lere . whose 'InCIUlS ILro ·1;Ic.lequnto to, h A ' ,. k . r lied roob a'nd '1\llultllonds an'd wap g.oo~ rrl~~d' of BilLles, Dnd thilt ' , \1~ssed . ,th~nce ip;o ..I: rance ~o , . ,l\f,\.ve an inorll.iJia.ti) ide .. ~r~r[~:r~~~~:~~n p~~S:l(j!~o had bethl! wliy ( ahe, ~lle nlOther. js "tOt~ 01 Bltt.laB ' f!li sfortune ,wns oblloJutely: rrQm· I~.aly t.o Grct; e. ' .DurlDg 1111 f 1lll\ P. wealth. . , " am Ili.te .eor ule~t· 'mlir~hcd .i\\"il£ "itle Ilo pilot (Of thQ)II)Q8~j.llllP9rtup~ PlIJ't -J.6 frue~ "'€I bav,ng been robbed of eycry. ounc~ w~JC!Dng.' ,they fulltcd whe,rev i' 't ~lIiIl who are borjr 1'0 be chosill1. rio~ hell! ~ . Itis ar811e • A8 'ho ' 11880.1 , ~ho v~~~P.; ,an,d lr r. II '1.0 ~Ido It .~, _.:=,.,..=:::::::::;~=~It====::a-':,j of'hlll hnrd e.arued gold duat on . hll way foutuhd .1 lIrnc~. ~ellfand 11~lltJrumg. " I to choose. shoul d be born &uspieioulI.l'.$)cu- Bylo~ who thought"hllDl8lf prl~iI"ged 00 a rlj.(ht, readful wlllJe ' Ole. wrock. wh nit · T1NCt'~ hinD!!, &i~"'tlybe supposed thothe cal- gu en~g cl'U mon rOOlo, 1 Ie Inostec 0- Inti. n.nd50lftsll . !.. Ii 6 '. d tI .' d.,hoBO t\herr'Cci~lcclai e ornity. ,, v , ':l..lh , I le~ ,on Oriftln ~'l'itb !I- very lugubrious and broted sctl,~. ot'- ' Ieaming .10 Burolle,. they . ~r~(',rn are 8om~ pcople who do n ~~a:;: rOlf, 8xcll1me ,lou enough to 'be The will b-r no kind tumil ,. Itelp, no r.~ " '1 'Woe-be:o,n e nlr; .d U 1 beo~:fr ~:~oun[~:YG'~:eS: '31~~ ~~edcl::~~ ,peolr to know how ~o' thiql' well ofnf\Y ~'I never 811", an ~ (a Knox.) (aUer in turnilJft ••uon/l to r,plair, bt1! lnju:y t. the f'":r b0Y'. 11111 l DC e _ ',. f I tr 'II' I 'b ,ma'll bcing. . . . my lila!' . • ,. work III done badly; ' .Q.d e~lnlty wlll .ecbo ' rru"UIZ'.um lo 11 60 ,yOli. and ~~t,, !i.lf I;uer HI:flrg l~ est ~1'car8, which, Eum JlonCd b) 'sorrow He had a 81n~lt'colle~tion 'of curio,iticd II.e .ureodful tr.le of a clliUI1t1"t lhroug~ a lhe past, {o,r SOllie \' ltiH .cu!ltld one \ morning, lIl,ofher'8n gIllet, .... , • , J ' . ' wIth ' , ., . wnnderlng . ,01 . tbe lover Ulollk ';were u, pro. , ' .. .'. . , Byle~, un~ IllIng to b. fuuqd . Il~ , .. ". 8 . 10 •. ' . br ugbt to n cQl1clu~ion' . Cor h wns seiz'ed ' ~~o O1qth~r con long ret~m.,dlsp)o ronillg-liollrd,'ond, in 'Ihe emcrg~ncy, ." . I .",e~ Ill. ' witb n uddenn;a:iud " ~hjch ' fit tho !'od of ogllloS~ IIochlll1. , ' .. ,' biring tollid hel'8(Jlfj 68 .. he would not Prl)Cllno ~'f~a"ne II ,aq .IJld~lqencc ofllo r dll , " d diY.' d II' O· TIll; World was made for" man, !llltl cllu"ht by 'th08C: latiloB for tbc world b~q a ~lll~!lIQn, and .lo ~n~tltomIDIl; 80 unIU \"I1 I1I1 11 h Ollie · I'" " ' d'I~ n'''' .~. th 11t :"· ' .' . Jew aysl co._e . d liS ' ell,!!." . 0 O, 'lVoI'll n~. " , ,' f Dllcto" put her ita the olose~ and )11,0 , a,111I '"J' Dro~e \Ii n, u~ are 1m. Ieft olQ,Il~, . e\.!)r!tltOl n "tho hdly ht ltle ot1lOm6, in8~ndor ·be- her' ILi After a Icw remllTk tl ladiee pruled .tOalll'lo Inon \4f~ itta'CI\H the lOI1ll\ .... r-leturnt' lllll~ to. l,~ y' . Ing ch'\J1cd with ' lee, should bo wreathnd ejpr~\led 11 wtsh to eee tbe ~uct"'r'; reapeoiability to' bllnfMtl(. wll t.i '!TUtico it. Il~C(lr dJug y, B I ,.rease.,. Oil ever In ', h hI m' ."l': i. -lnm.aoin" aiid inl,".ibl., The mila tlir~ aild· o~rived tlafely lit Rl>l1Ie, There ":IW ' o~oll" 1 . . 1 . Utiollsltlos ... bi .h he prQCClJed to .xhlbit, " c I h'I " lf d""h·~ - II 1._,' the to. \I~8tio·n ' of her IQorflin ,aud the G IlJ .11 opt to nppreClate. ou~e vas at ond afto}' enler,ailjinll' very 'agJ'eenbIQ / or WI'O ",D!lIqa.. ~~ on . ', ,lOW lit! np , fame or her \'irtlle":"lor she now i eit' u 1110 t t~() value IIct upon ~s by those who love \IS ~everol hout ,h lY \(lId tbem he had kopt tho nc hUnltred-t'lJl.e . a ~~y doe~ D8t, me~D a word haven t fifty tnou8antl . I l' ' .. d ' h ' ttrcatellt curloei'y tothc:i'lll8t lind proeeed or w1\at he ..,.. Jr he ,cllll be would ba "n.,,,..'" 1't-you " va wo~ ' k0 d h. o.r d exH . !' . " - ....Il' I.·iJ~--.1 '"--) ..~ .. "'''' ll-i...! 111-1 .. hUlP I 'nry . I :c....,wcrll Sh ' ,,0.01) eel' t 8~rea " • over.t 0d goId en wnn d 0 f weaIth 15 h QUI'd " ,.u e Ing 10 th e closet: unb('~tonet1 the door DU\l ......1 "'':- ~ ''''' vr. n.... Y • D. ~ Yoil shnl! have my. do.u- w Q ~ ~Ity. ~ Im~ )u ,~ OJ c~mme~cc bl the b,.nd of ~I gance. ' . ' e:atb'''ited Mrs. le'B. ' ' . , • 8~.tlema" In ~"II,' ImIl.ooe "lao mOTet In h.all l>Q ,*Jebr.l!ted n. C(l",r~o of 1)1l he lectll ~08 nnJ dl8pu.taLI~n8 lKnn hi lIo,metime the "laTe of ten thou- / ' , ' ., . . , reapeetaille .I9~iotl .~oH ·Ui, .anil "hp IiIlliripfltion of your /lller Il\IlDJI!/r qf ..t~n,t (illY, whloh 11'1- satld, i u in il(JCeB!iti~... " Ho h~d cbm~]AlIled lon~,. ollen an. ~lIs~eer fiDe jJltel1~ttu,lIt aJi,{pweDU tbIl you pub'li,eh~d. And s.tantly, lI~t~tl~~ed f1tl IUlI.n,e sa otowd of , ~ g ILfY • ~. , ,I frMtlflBlI'X to the .olectman 01 a t1UI 1rill.rll oitie~J dti)' Ibw~~chh8' .,Iratt)l if hi. b~IDg .wltb,, ~1lf')' I'll dra,w hear~r8. AJI. tho . OOel~w !n Rome flock- 1 J Slr So In lhr'ton, 11 mo.n of 'milD . ,In froll.t f h~1i dwel1l~!r' , by II ,ltb",,", lh proline Mi•• tin, ""lcla ~_'u.u'ou. ~o that }'op mlly ' 'g o t!d-to h,er s~hool onil eye? c.ti!o most c Ie- lUnd'; the bool' of God I!O much hi~ IItd\! ' O~e ril mm;: ~wo 01 ~e fntller.' of Ute. we1hougtlt ."auld :becOlIle, JQnr order of lUC.T.D lJIII P IIlIftidient ClIltitlll." brate,d pr,?j~I~Or6 wer!l.s~eD on. the ~(lI1~ILI ": I bcI: h' . I dd y, tow~, a~ a vlolen, 'falll, pa""tDIr~ wrl~ miG~ /Iint,e\f. I( me " 'lI .,,e." ')et .' " . . cs. At the IIllme tlmc/ ncr f.empllltY plj~- ~ IIJlt.·lt ,!lY ore 1m nl~ It lin cY" tll llir cbo.lse, beume .tuek in \lac Dog. II h C)U e b thOIiO who hI( e ~ .mnltin .. - _.... ty won as much 81hni rnUoli os' her !AllichA Fronch " bh13\Don used to rend . three . As thoy wer'd' nvinr to e:cttieate' diem- ' . h JiP. '·"1 ' :...;t a'ld d • leas leuui"'" At this conjuJlclure 'Leo chllJlters 111 the Dil51e cYElry'dny"on hi. 8ei'vel,J10d ,p,ulliltD'td the rlgh~ an~ t.o.:tl)e Wit t e rll!JIecti~"UJ,.I'r ' ,I", ecenth··n -c, ,I d b bel)dcd !tnee. with hl. 't,end uncovered. ~.. ~ D ~. .I rth db ' TIle lam'" ewe.,.. bero... ·· I. the F oor, b. die", un _t 0 lIeople Dnd the .. . h n ' , 'd h d .e.... tno octor came ; 11l ,an OWIDa' cblldren tbe bu.baDd before b,'1 wife th. ' ~ til Ith . bled to h h' ~'08 UII uq.rnos 18 PI to ave rell. • wl(h nreft· .. ·"oli.enc •• "·"lalmed ' .,. , DUiD~LDel.'1 c Iergy. lor w . 86 em C .oose 18 BInIlJ1 ocket-Dlble a hundred and I .....~ • . ..........v . . . ' pntle m• D ,, in; the p~nc. . f the lIuncellSor, IPn> whom cOlllc.l thclIr . . l' ; ' , J Ilm det,ghtfid, '&flDllelDlln., to "ec ypu l~ie.1 We Ilft'er III ' pntlernlln t h.t worthily . fu!1 thnn on th!a sLiong r, tlli~8 °Iir, C '. d· h I I B' b! IItirrinir In tli18 malter .t lut.' · .), wrolild-""ar ~ ' all-~er~ are tboli! who nrieU exc lIencio8 oil Romo I ,.r. h .oge1r o.t~on rea t ? W 10 e I , e A candidate for.for (ame. proposed to fly IWelT »e,ertfieleee I - ' _ 1!here was, -u" contempotll.- I I~OUg twe \'e tunell ~ ,~ar" tire Norili Church etellplo, an4 alrejl.1 f ' , ; , [ ! 1I~."UU\.lU". 1It58utQ (lIf,.lIO ,\cUlk. (If 10011 re- , ho Ret. Wm. RomnlDe'Studled tlOtl\lJ ntCd ~U .taplng.hil ' w ' ; , for their mtue, wisdctm,.. anll '"I!r !Jill the Bibl~ for th J las~ Or.(Of'" hi Q(tbe 'l!0b. D~. ~"..r"uIK at. Rome 11\ tllpae daYI. ~o . .Vean! or ,hla bfe. . , the ct01f'di Ibquir it . . emi howe\'er WaI! the mqrit of 'W'bot prolfealn knowledge _uch oftL" RlLlh...l ..... , O.I!'~ or t~ee-he tried to .. t. If _'.. b crerjia or God'. Word mutt make· 'W hi I ' . "to tho I" -nUemm ah"ay" cut ~~ID. a ower.." ~t Ihe Will unandill in h b,1 I ' . ~ i " ve ebllJe, • r, ~at ~n~ see a . .'t.~ unoUlly , Ilbollen Pejle. anc1 euUlroGlJd. 1111 &rei , 110 ge t, a. ~tua , pta} er.g r man Bj', ~!O~~~~~~~~ .. . ad :' . lohn tile EI"hlb In her D:rm=D eD~ In their .rudie',!Jid therefore few· ' ''Poh ....,;,', ....:,f thn Doctor Itt hve a uOU It. H 1t put In the . ·t- e te'd I - ,... BU(\'h ,ut. profteleGcy. ,, ' ~-'.. ~ "'l. • , • . 'I O · !tW1lll.ternble o$ir Ovanno. a'rac no en I ,~oree 117· . ~e mai~ ~4 ~9' le~ all a pOosi' fellow' Well" I .lho.d~ praiee from ,,*1 men \.han .he h~ prcyiuua. .. , the.i'9\h of .al; 1'788, tb~ memcfra. l , ,I t •. .lIP you-lllld now J woDJthear another Iy done In her more humble stlU0J,l' - The . ~ . • a lad, wrOte to the Dobtor ~=~=~iD o,I~. 4Vcl.aIloubit It ' welgbtyellTell oC government WON bome •. mon, • 'I aDd o,lriJ, W bell ' thi. IJC& hit by her wIth IUTpriliing and . ~tM!l.n!dduaced. · . l~m.iMo' ropelty. WIIa lou'n d'to ~e ell:Wl, ,!,IB nol Iun,. b'!wcycr, before an out came, . . fllce 4adoW clMdI4bef..ea hilI4.~ ef ddebn-it.-law; 10to the .ame .~ that bad before th. tc.idw ,,"ueltliM la~t8r hi' en.nared he" ~~ o141111Jtori&~ Ittrlbu'e, 1_.":_._. ...... .., . .,.... !rim .ror the 1011 be WI fall to Jler, ftelatq .. tad. r?iDilCI.b'l8 ......lIdd e. ·Wa.~ frpta , -citn tIOppo • • •YaY. ~ •• old'" the fllU pri~ dI Bo..-.,er th.-."rl.. .iUftl -::-'"-,,_,, 8iUlft D .. _IA _ ' GiOftDIIa , IdIII th~ I!>""W . ... . . . . . . . . a :







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" "e loarn with ftCl' ..'t that on 9110 d , '. . the II ~ r.\I~ laty, I W aonoa. ' laet wt'ttk ELt'AR 'W ILUS of pt"lIr Ray..I II.,. 1'IIw,,: clf 'ulJllU \\'IIIUIi th A IIIJl lcJ IUI:OfPOI'llI 'town f 'ltd'.. ' ''1 _ J Oh. 21. • • • \'iIJtl b. thi. 1~U.b'1 ,,;orkibll' by lrianaoe lf in I' c;~~t.Y we a IUIII 'and city or in tJ~e wUhln thirty 11l!ll'l\ i~..., (I arJIIl!tUI\ COtIlI'Y, \\ II, rl'lul til tirltt l.h Ie ati10llill ~bentre 0 • a hin~1I WATlIIB'9'ILLII, 0.: 1 . . I tlleD In rur of Wll\"ft' prlnt l'~> r~e ; 0 cllu l'tjon of fUll' t!JU(', I .l>IlftIC 11)lce ""ra Jellny ) ,md " 'We bor . • _ _.. hll :511'" Mill, beC)~ ('otaDgle,l, by .t'OIlIe., frui 1.ll Qf thal \:h"rud~r. 1 110 pt;r eent. \(. be ~a(lc 1t11:lttltiJlI,I whl\!11 A hlJll~. I) bthu.'iw thl' COllll1li iam'lli eOllc"rll, \\'.~ oP[,JI 11 I.all! nIght by Gl'b. • VlII1.ll',t "A.Nlr"'~T l:\j leal : mea II" . unkno"'ll , III, th.e machlnory, ~n~ t'h.n~14 for gh'i~!g ~ne lI ,gQolledu ';It (" r ·Jlo/lt~ge ~rl:-T'o ld . , , ,uf H«II,iltlill COIIII~Y t~ Itluild a bricle? \Ncr , UII II m ell, . Alter .tll~, per rurjlt~lc~ , •• ,. " '"wn ~o c,)J\ tip ,I1ud -b1'U1~ell ~ to (lCCa~IOIl I~ot h' tny 'rl~bt; 1I1It r wo~ld vwe a , Tile t~ill w U .ro.rth~f 1I~1(, 1!llt\tl, ' nut1U1rl%- th Lfl~lt~ ~ llIi \~'Ilb or~ctl'll t,\I b,\ ~11- I:~, :ol.lI~lCl~~edJ tl.'o ,lioX'c s o~t!ct ud fur ~hQ , 01'. TERlI,. . .' I f hilI ilea.lh I\ome hOD" anettbund D {'~illollt. h~nrtr. CUI'SO (or lU.i~ '~llu : 1l1~1J 3' 111(', Il lIIg ,t M Idi~c 'of. I·r. n~ pIece , ,nnd ,gr( ~"l'It, . . , " .. JI; ed, elrl: e .. o.YO :~ tI~ , ,~rodUCIIII: ro~ . OI1IU, '''II. ~luvI "miToI! will ~ fUrnished """'11 ' 1How 11)1I1f lt time elllJls~d uft()r (he ' m~~hllp IIOllblc 'Ol\u lito!fI'Ilj, (01' pUll ndlln/f III" lJ,y kllljo)rovl 'I()J1~ fur itUPllly In,: '·p0f;\· \II I . tor.s " 'J Ill' $C IIQtG,1 "lIIt rt'. uillli' IIl"t'1 gfl ':llto'l llll~ !"uch aI.afm 81 II e~nrU . 81011. " " 1#,. ,Mrlr .1O,u~dib,:,.1"II !Or,OIlIl I).LUIl "'~D ' i:- 1 'ro I Ii W~II ' dlaco\lert d is ~ot knOWn simI: : i'he (,,,lllrh j',)!llmit lI ·cl·ill\e lh ~ Wilfi thr e t' e'llt tllrnps, lilt' t!oIlHtur:·l'II,illg. .' 10' h.HI_vf ~,;u cillt~ Juti"ed 011 i\lUllUIIY b ~ ~ ~elle ,01 terror ani t'X'IIt.iOlellt CJl ~\J~d' t"y I!IU'T • • 111'11. WltllUI ,iI ~Iunll, lrol~ t I, ~ I • • • jlftlnil )Hill iplc lhll\ Rlanl\p I' l\t' 0 hill of '~hl dl ~ h ti-H' 1l ~d' l OC I folouy. ' !Iuxl wa's l ~ hJ 011 tile t.lI\1J " . \I • rllllp to 1111)' 110 ill) ,wIlSllt;rlou!ll, I .~'::;~·I~·bp~~~~~\:.~i!~~3 ::,u':: i~tI~~I:II'~~ 1 Whcn fOIJ.lld hi.! hnd r1Iwle~1 O\I~ 011 10 Illl Irugoflieijr-'lilp.t oC '~ III nll\l dcv(' icfJJltll"llf" ·} fr. l)ic kry iuel.lbl',~uIlJly ('1Idcn",'r('u f tl j\ rt!$lllu tioH lur ine d,c ~aljoUrlmWlll 011 jurod ' thl~ ul)!lut. I QO:pc r~ull~ WLIl"o' Prccipi: rioel . . ," . " . ' ',~, L~nlha ~km{\ 1l1 1 nnd von!.. II. frr gh\tuh .pccta- 1Iullllte~1 , to tit (1 rilll II ,hi ' \\1\1 Dallljltcel .to t-uh tit llic ' ~~a,rl l )~d ' ;nvdupC' Jill' tue tJw IOtl1 of l" vb~I~ llrYJ '~.I\ ~ luIl1 111\ th e tn- Illt~11 'II I III~UllC~ of ubo\)t IIlxt['('n' l' 'ct iutu ,~ .ot', \"i~l b. ~u~I'h~1 N I)<! :'>I~.~·,ajll for I d u, willi I tho , gushes ~bout 1a,I.S f1~~e hl!11 I the ~~O IDIl, W e Ca.!lnut QScopo tll ' ~ C(!"- , ~t (l anrll. , , ' , Illl'; }:e~ :l3, 1I!1}'d::! • ' . t hI) b,l lllerr:('! nt,. . . . " Oil" ~1.\'u A;!'D J " 1.V I A,,~D t.. IIAJ.~ (rll l s, ! bow('l:! which Intter . hlld beotl trorill) ' III c:lualOIl i I\/ld we lire aioubly, wr.O lllr /Ul' l\J- ' 1\1r, l'u weli 1Il0vjlli to Duoll :;h tlll' rrllllkAI\Jl)urnell. ., 1 'Y ~bst~ r lIud at'h er , .. ttngulld,ou . tal"l.. ' eM Ql!VY ,,'iiI be fllrnl he-II :;;I x .\lulq '\t.1 for · j fl ' . '~ , I" . I " ' \1 ' • 'I •. I ' . , ' I ) , , Ut. .......'I't . rln ClIi).;'I'l!. ~ [,' , I the sllw, ~ Il!l t . A cntllBtroRhe 110 ~ hocld nir . Ictlug )111111 UpOIl II!I 0 ',tim er, ') e IIIg IlII 1V1 ogt', 'uut t I ~ IIlotl ~m \HI S o ~ r . , =?O=.:::u:: , _~~ ,_ _ . IIH ;II W('(I;! ~nrqsf' ., ' , . ~ I19pr >\'ill It" ..fllrl)i.hed 'l' IIlIroJi ~Io ,,- raa : IlJIU laiilfu\ liue n ut oecured ill 0\11' \'i 'illity" I!lJou!,I~ ,e ducnte , AI.1I1 rll sa !llIn oll(l~' e the . Yellll IJ , 1lI1}'!cI \I", . . ', . I ' Ell ro"ORII I,\' UW I!. ,. ,: . ' . ~~ - .. ' ,'Y•• t:"u'!I8"I\~1:f~~ lf r&". !, ~ I C()lIdltloll ~t Dnc\lil uuer,nllllh wtl l up- ' I,". rowe11InO\'l'd 10 .litl"I he pOI the . :rf "C~tA UI(.(lr FrllJ'lkl lll,wt.i c hu.rri\·od (in ' HotllltorintF,to tiOlliu miss()U' " , tnller• will bu hUniliboJI 101' TiIIIE\( ; for} !'Ul'': , IIi\lC" '. . ' " 1,cmllu ;I goot! Ulclll1.o er or socl {yo \\7(1 PUll' , Mlh ,IUI~ In,1I ectfoll , lIIukill j! ull IlI}prOl'rl. th R,17th I rU\Ig-l.l LuuJuli clall\s Iu Jnlluarv f , l:l .trelT J.. ,u v.;, . J U,II OJf)llj' , . ·~;:I.iJ~i;;liOIl' ,,; nny IlCtj O~ 1~8~ 'lhllh one ~ .' .- -. ~ . ', , Ii~h him .nhd mnke Il illl; II'UTi!('j W? I~ " ,it IIlion of '0,110 \Il1U Ii .~I o l f , U1i11lo ~lri ~~ 1I~11""'~ '2d, " , " , ' . ." , • ,11l'UIOII wall, IIbo~dOtIC~ hY . lllojh~ of \i'", , .'8n1, •• , be ill .dt nllf:e.. ',,"', J I' lflt.~ 111 A~IA). " ,. ! 11I~ 1I1:l1,ICe ~ncl seu,l \~ \J)I Iron ~ ull\" !\ra ~oll allY den ' wI! 'y' ly lllC.h llIay I rI~'~. DliU,- 'L'lI',11 ~ ' S i ~ Ilut p f Rflt' ' loll ,hll]Jort,II'IC~'. I frln n,II:I Gr.c('11 , Alltl-pc'I.t6l1,:wn~ Wlthl\rcll\r ' " --~--",_' ! " 1'1 I'I!TJI lhllt 1\ tCllch or Ilome \\ hurt 111 I wallH ~rrllLllIl)g \ ' C I!g Illell Il l~l \ slllu;:-Is ter, I gr ' 1 ,I 10. , T hC ·lIfl'a.i rs 0 1' th a' , urlU '~ i~:x lslll !tJ on ' IIro nnll .ll ll rr'l fI\l 1I Hough , Al\ ll-1.I~llt91l ', n \ 'ro ' COrrtlllpondeillll. ~ Ihe neighborJ~90d of DlIcrfieldr:oll e d~ly. la!<Lj -lndi,virlllll lH,wh o o,r 'du llgor~)ulI lIi~'1I1 b1!1'8 1 i\lIl!lY amell,lim ." t~. wera otlbrcd, lillie I'r".s p rOils. " T lle G,!~8S P,l.> b cc ill ,Hyde 1I0ih,lnllt~d by 8,ilos I .Pent?l!itl" ,~~~:, Wolrope lIil our corru p6ntlelll.a wilillo we(!k I') punleh I! sclloJIU" for somo Illillbe- vf society IIhoult.! bo's li t to tllO edll allOu, ' ~i1opteJ lind tlelltQ r CJE< t:t&t1. Alilung tho I'urk WU II rPI',Il1!IIlX tiurrl' lI dr rrd to thb R:uy- on th t) ~ B th ballot st\10d, G \lycr08 • .lIl'lIt (,~Nrlll oill any thing iUld e\'erv tiJill~, ' hn~'io~ j 1.out ml'eliug wi th re¥f~tu))ce' in his : nl hf)8 p'i~ul~.' 1I!ld ,~ I~f/, 11(I~i ~rul\lt" ItCtJrI I!O,t ue :.I nl~~r WIIS one ofli!r~d hy Afr, put ll a lll, ro- III CO\) lr,li".. iUII()ri 0 11 the li tot of J umi.. ry. ·l' , 11 llug h ,In Gru.ell ? ~trong rOI\"wO', .. r '" ,. t i t ' ' t otl 'r I o~· con'c \'ery .tral't III lII,t UIrJJlg III t U . uell ClIR!!!!, for '11IIrll\!! the Pos tm u~ tf!r Gener,, 1 to reJuco , 'rhe R IIJ'nhs oC th o l': IIS Ill cli (>~ lire to 1If'. lId ncociu -lIrylo u.c\u:lIc eti 7D. , , . . ' 0 f pn*la l I't:y.' 0 ur lIILentlllll lh Ie ' I. I " Ie ", lit,·t tI lut one , .II! (\01)0 t Ullt IY ,III ' .! 1 ' I I ' , . ' . at, 1',0rl ' euor ", a ' .C 188 I UIIICII { l011b . ' IIII:! SlIlIP ' p,'stuge on t) ~teF6 to two ce llt ~, W IOU t LU c o~ tly R hll w, l ~ & '.~ lllitOIl" them IS n pco rl SH OND DISP:(TClf' . III aDd hu.been to I'l' olude such muttt'r en- I to tho 1I!8111\;nr;C tie Oll t) el llg Pl1ll18- jurintr hilS fe\lol\\.11I8n is " lllii llient' 10 prove reI' ' 11110 or lhe D P3f\lrWllt ot th o I'Il~ !i ' rp'u(! vljluedl:t $ 3'1 <loa n~al 'It' gnld inolll1t T . " , 'Jircl!l froir. o~t (lOL"U)118: Con)lIIlJnicllt ions . heel, Slid in th~ "ftrrlY struck the tel\chc.> r f him in nl:!!d of the pnleroul CMIl or soc it!- elitubii Hiled c. coed Its eXp ell ~E!H lIIore Ihull cu a~ dtlle 1 d1"!;iU ~t' $ 24 000. 'rhe '"m: II C ~f :n~r~1 b:~~l!r~gs hll~tI ~I'llll 'had 0" <:. ntainlnl: purllou'ltl (lihillioll!l, unl 911 wh!!,. 1with Il atit'k of wood CIluRing ilt' uth ullllo~t ty. . , Ihlt' IJor CC llt. for t wo CO I~ccHt i Vl' 'j 'D r~ . IJllhldiollC:s hnvll iriYited bids for lhe nrivil- r.OI D 1i!l to llaSO.o St C ov r ;.,e),~ ttl~~a 63; l1u~lIh • • ,t 1 II, \\'1 '1 II . I ' t f Ih ,. " t L' I I. ' ' " '.1 f tl egt' . or se lling. r ll(rE'l! lu~ ~t~ ill l'ul'lnin I' II , , r ~ ng·,o ,CI\' . ,II .E! flU .~ I ~ ,~u 'Jer, to (' ~uu 1l~101I I , -:CYe r~ 'I$Uustl,tut.e s~ W Q ~~ ou ~ rc u ~ r ... _ ~ ),o,i,l\rc),. Clllte! fur, will bo rt'jectli'd. L Q ' imnlCldiutely. 'Ve uid not cr.rll ,8 t Ie I • 11 our Ctlrreepolldt'nt8 bOllr t lJil in mind. po.ticui llr. 1I0r the nOlll es of tho 'purtlclI, llIUl of c,rtlll!"nh \\ 0 c~nnot well .v~ld u \\ o~d t t nllro hili ; ono , 01 w hic h \\ liS P~ I1dllll: s peclflcu, r.nrtil 01 thLl Buddlll!;, ond one o f ! , 'I'ho' Athlt\tlll~ . .' ' _ J - ' arc lIot apJlrisl!d of what ww. , clone \vith III rll ~allon t~ thil ~ ~~uefl \le uf km\.hH',u In , whl:" the C?lIllll~ttce r.o~e, IlIId, tlH} eO!llllhOns , is', "no \" inC;;S, flrlritll, Uell r j, lIIu l',h' nmcil't,y i" Innilir(,I\I~11 abolll I , , .; , ' ~ b , ~ "tlWlllg out thEt high 1fe~tlm o ntll of ,the 1 hI/' H I,lU~e n,lIJ ourneil. or inlt.xiCilltill" driull 'i clln h~ so.!e or Ilthn it· Holt't\' 01 thi s 01:000 st('n'm t SI l it .' CJ.OS~OI" '1')[1 "O"' JM~i ' the oY!!' " , henrt. 'foilillstrate t"m" I C!! ~ \l 6ingl ~ tllle t' --•• ~. __ . ' tedb . . l!ae colltl·aclu l". " ,' L "t) 001 i'J)P'~(\ bo ~ 8 Ir. Ie left Whir thl!! nLnnD r olotlt'i} th~, fir&t "olume. ! Such cOntlu t is ft I!.hofDe (~1 ,ou.trllg? ! I llu!"~e. 'l'uilbert II , I e," of II halld ,Oft' '" A!l HIIWToN, Jun. 17. I ' " " \I~~I,r I~lcn~1 Ir~lI\ ~h' ~c . t l'll'l~d ~~~IQ not o( tlae Ml.UII' IIITV., tlllCWllpupcr ~ut , in Fit\\' teachera ar.e cruel a~~ ~1~lhcll"e . 111 tillevc~ In · ..FraQ~C ,\\,118 ~l~ught ~of?re n . ~1l:;.\TE,-1'bo (:b ulr pr~se l\tCd thl' crcd!!n- l , ] "1'0," WUSbiIlIfIOIl. ' \ ',Lr unldill lo ft live dllYIl nl"tPf till! Atlon~i~r eonrse of PU\JJicOL',OU b" ihe ('nterprisl! and II tbello day s, and If lh~y ure It la biul pohcy ~I urt OIldd qllolltlOn t>1l ~'tu clilllg IUrs hlE1. - ftluls of nlr. Broadhead, Senator frum P enu - I 'V,\ SIJJ !(tTOlC JIIII 1:.1 1nlld url'ivetl in Ne w j 7 ork' th o 17t I ill' l ' . ' , ' . . I ,r/ ' 1" -10 01 are you!" " J\ soear Il8 cnnro- ;0'1 " • I ' . : ' S. (orl'8ight of our citlz ' II! . Jt wus on enter- ·,for IIcholll fS to re bel, and w l CII the~ Q \\ 0 • II t Ii t\r' fi " .. U 7 1 t ' . ) , VOIlIQ . ' .. , G Yl'rnlllcmt litIS hllY(l l"cCCIl'I\' al ot - ..........~-__- . I I I, ' . ll ' r ' ' t cu ee, Uf .... . ve YOOrll . . H' III IS your ! Sundr)' pet ltiulIllllnd n'p"rtil \\'('YO thell 1 ,·1 'J' I . "" I '1' ,. I I" , \. • II. ' ' . " uu. reat eli \\1 t I ~ II! cXlln J l'I" U I1 ~j I~ I II G~l q C~l o n of the \VrhlllCs of D ou::la, prlole oreditllbll.' uliko to t1ld r cnergy und I lire qu te ,sure t Ic rc It; 80~e ling "" uag a i)rofel\!li on~ " II A thief," " W hill \vna tile I ) ro~ /ltet.! , '" I ". I 1home" profil8sion of " Ollr fllth et l'" U A thi ' f olso 1 e . wh Ich thy luter p r ,J11118 J line! the rest lLut 0..) of J ('ruld III Il I1l1' Ilu b' i~hed at, Londoll , ' Ij ' IIIt~ ~g('n e;ope WO lll'Il' IIiPPY to say tH\t. 1 ' " d I I· d I I It. 'IJ ' u rI" , ' 1m. WiJl th01rul'appr intrpdu 'C'd II Lill fur lilf' QlI lltolcll propurty a 'd the pd!\ lIe r ~ in the ! lllth ~ Vit:o l"huncollvr':I '0 t 't 1 tt . . ' t i t .tj I ' -' .till Ie IJle on lie HC U I) . ' c, ... lilt wos np )loillllU iallr ::! I t lur rc ' I ' : · . )i I ,' : " lIr , I) ,Oil· . 8 ClIip(,rJlllCn lal 'IlI W! ) IIUCCOU ",qUD Tln FOUnTJl hIDl:'S'l'BtA'L CO .... "8. Ihe pro fess ion of your mo lhe rl » "A thi et[ i\J D ' IT' UI I I ~ . f1 i I oun Cl ls, cul urly th il lAll' lll Ollch e , Lut 11(1I~ an np plttJu(i oll, wns h\ul y In IIde h(\ 'or~ to ihc 'most l}onguine, nsofililild_. _ ' 00' und aho dictl in prll!Oll It Grclll~ble" L' :.1r. fown8 0 e~.~~ a Ircso L1l1'~ldl x.llg tho ngents,· ' pu r ~i'l rullg 11111"1:1 orbeillg' IIllle J,orrl CrnllwQrth ll1r' lIh ~ t.!i'a;~h ~rG"Q uf Il ,'ocat<:~ , 1'.w PClpcrs h' ~c been more EDUCA'rION "A~d .eeing 'lh' blld e J[~II'lllle Of YOkir ~~_ : & tUI;Y 0 b~fll1 \Vex" ,or1t I CUII~1 ('rMI D" , their indu fltl It.ll lu to Ontel' inl o I;illli\t'r (\ r~ ~,llri dCJncr \Vil e hnd bMp i n cu~tody' for con. , • .. '. ' I • . ' •• " j re nt8 'wh did ~u not Ilin NIl 'onr rolee- !O )lr viLlQ 1 8. . greet 10, . j rll ll:;£'lount,s, with II l)rnSr Cct: ofll lIloro t,,01 I'1lu pWurll of ii I, ye ~r . iii the 'en ptpl!peroua durIng thElIr firilt y(!~r, thqn COJT1!lUED, ' ' . . 1" .YD Y, I ~~. ~ J ,r . " , l\lr. H IIntc~ olfc re~ ,11 I' llolutlQrt rO(I11, st- fuithl"ul q,OOlplianco in luture. , f'4) nn or(\cr had ' 1ic~ n; mntlo iI' I ) ~ 8Ion the " Villitor." " ' heth er tWa i. 0 i~ to " 1 . ; e08use t I.eri! \\ us DO ono to ellre i1lg til e Scerotllry of the 'l' rl' lIu HY 10 hll', ' . '. , , IRQ II r,-pni • , ,! . ' . " If But this subjoct needllno prolonged argu-' for ,me, and, wIlen I pR!lsed, tho 'J1IPople , nh h n Illatem'ellt ut' th uccount!! of the U ' ' /illilit of I Y' I " II t ho priBllor c~c-: ltt o.s; I.u "th e co~tI!.. ,rhe the mtrlnSIC mOrlt. of ' the pnper, or 0 tho I' "nt Wllere\'er tho petlp,le are mO/lt tru - Ipoillted-the fin-, of. 8corri at me nnd said S .· T re" . tl"10 severnI d (lOM 'tI ori l'e; 0 • l(r In' II I{ r J. llt£· poid bub thet • • d.. • . " , ' 1\ ~ lIrv In OSTMON nn. · I",J. iIcok!!1 ' lt> dhadtt been 1 .1 IiUhSrqllll ' I ' ' . . prom.ptDo884Dd i!lIerjD' of"iUI patron", Iii lV, hls\rUCled, there we find th~ grcintp~l 't~lero g~e8 a thiol.''' The nfiut'll ce <? f tho G'ovcrrirnent'. AgrNld to . ' ," . 'J'hj! 'Nin IlTl' ltoi'l dl&t 1I00n: for l~iv r- '. 1\ D,' ,[' IlIu, no~w.. t.ltitnn II1 g!.rellllllnll~,n 'I)ot for UI to In"j pl'rhuFIJ both hnve been equillity and tho , pure8~ frulcrlllty. We kIndliest!" Ilever loat ullUn the 11108 II bll11- , 'fho til l! IlrO\'id iurr for t he 11II "llI ellt of pool ,viti S~ BOO ill e?old dU Sl $ 6900 il1·1 pmoill.. he npphcutl~.n wnll r("l\ll!~d , l\!ltlcu \ ,ve can 8ny,' thllt If . '. hIlVO,rollB,on .to b e ,.II?V6 t I.. e- WI10 Ie I'timII' ; d' TI t h1\8 I.ue('n,_t r~' c d 1,111111 . 0. . J '" . '.' bocndu'hlY"'lvllnto the oth r "o· · , l1~e~..slu'y , O:I'j:! tlunlr . y 0f ld I ono, , II! 0'XI'" r'in'e I II A' 11I,'m"cn,u cltlz enl! 011 ~C{~Oullt 01,L,1!0verIJIgllI ,' ,811d S lOO,40B III lil lY r dollurs tnot · . IlI.vlug lI is l; rJshi to we IU'C' to jud"e (If a p~bliclI'tiQh from it" man lIS grnuul111y ucl,vullClDg to II full rceep- 1~nd prov~d . snceClls fll.l . I T~e I,ASSOCIlJtl~n, i .F,·ench Apoli ll l iollS priur [ u 180 1" wu~ t{lh ell ' Dlld fifty P(\tllI~lIgerB .-Tho sil ver taken out ' a~ ' II pllrty wI PI~ d\ll'abt~.TIZ~ ~hw ,un l:"~ l(nt, " . • _,'. tion of,unu lhnt ' Bduclitloll18 catleu- ,or , tha ~!lfll dtilll eo '01 CraUlInl\ B rl'port utu up, oml ~lr . Shlith eOllclnd d hll!' sJl,l'l1c11. \Valit I'rlll\l efJ.lIl1do. ' \' . . 10 I~ 0 ~ III U 6 y rC I\. ~lIl e' , , apprecilltlon IIbrolul, Ouri hal! Cllftllluly luted Ill. ~st to' ennol izQ olll,lnlJ secure the ' ext'ctldl?d to 228,1101 (1M I)f whom hal urp- ' " fhe Sen Ite tl ell UdJ'!lUl"U d " ' . . , Ill Prl SO~1 fell HO IlI lIg n IlInc to tho ~Ql\ lIlla' ' b(lOft ' ' 0r th e. I bCIIt. {\ ' IlIghclI~ . 1 gOlld.ol. 'Je.very IUD\~ I h . .. yl' d IlnQnte I uI. r5"8~ on II ~, ' I I • Whole the , • J" r~ .," " " "I " uf tho • , ' yllr ' ext,1lanl;'e~ come 11 ~ I\lg. "", · opp~ r; ~) uperHOtSE;-TII ,ComllliliCl' orllte CJolu. , (our ' ,:t I " . ,.' , . m n'l' to ua \\'c:ekly with , til , vid.,l,IcC that they We,colIgratu,lnte, !?urlle)vefI un the. extra- I III t.,!nd,e nt ,ot Iha P eJllt n f~ftry 01 , Illlb.del- j btll to reduce the r'uteli or bo~to ~e, w-as .t1l",1 " I !OLUMO.J 1111. 16, ~ ho .O ('r l"~nn rU~ltlvolI tn U>lII!on ore j)~. 'blvlI .. j.precllted U8 11 ' ivin 'II ' Ivider c;lr- prdinllry exc~liollB that ore .ljQill~ IMd~ all "ph,IO', rqrort~ lito h~ .!l8~stl!d, 50 a~ld hut .11\II It 'lIP' " , , .. . 1'h6 wellther Willi nleliftuil lIro,dllY ' \.l,u t i~ lI~r.ldcd Ihl hOl1l; in U.. ,uq.llt 1I0fl,I~"u\)le CoaIr' . "1 'i J: p. g ,k " over tho.lan~ ~or. tho 8!\voncom nt of t he ' two. o~ t hem" vlolclt,l'aJ I!'fllr 1 u.lll~ " ~II ~ ,ell ,. Tw'f) 8ubsLltutes,' blfllretl Ly Mr. Drown, ' IlO\\; ruining· . .' , " , 'IUlt,on; fI~'llI e 01 tuum b/lwk J,ucall'r mllt.dull cu a .Ion t~ ollr m~t~cl'. erl~.PlllO pllper public ins lrUction. ' f rom the North toth.(l lI ~nlll IIh o crIme .. 1011l'! AlIllllilt~s, the. tit') . of 'Ind., lind '!lr. Phet'p8-"-ol}e' l)ropollillg l • ' . , lor sub.!I, tenc ,11~t th~ Ilcuuq 3 receIVed It",w~f aDd eal,tmll ulI~er lhe circuillllt~n. ~oulh, from the Elll\ t \0 lhe 'V eat, Que lIlIl- ulivolent bltluksmlth of Du t~lI . rl~po~t!l three u.n,1 five cent 'rlltes' on lett~r<!, ail d tllc 1Dl"c~dful' Atll"idf jlt-lil tu 20 ).lweI fyom th el.r count,} m ~n who " hu.~e VQ luu· ce~ 0' OUfIl, ~•• ever nlet wi\h a "w(lrliler verllli de~a.IIIJ ioe!! up ror.~!le I;)ettor '~c\u- th.t be haJi' II81lite~ '7lJ9 ' dm'lhg, put . ot her a uniform rate of fl"a cim \s-w ere re- I L(~st. " tn.r,ly C'dll~rllt~1 t.oAulltr~l\tt, arO J'.u~ l ull bJd 'reception from the Prl'~B; ond (vr the ' od eatioJl or th~ pe~l1\fl : LOUI6!a~1l ond Mlch- fi fteen YOMS, alld «IVIlII tlll~l , f(ir t \lelll to !jel1ted. ' . , .', N E~V Y~ K, Jan .. ' l,l1 ,Doctors (ll [lhllo~~ phY' I\l1 bor",llffiCllllijk lnd . • ~ illlln, Wiil COUIIUl lI",aI Virgllli n life Ilwllkc, the omoum of $ 75 OOO;lInd m lIllt onlll CnBe The Comml tt 0 \lIeu ro~ 1l.1Ic1 roportt:d , About l' o'f,llo\!k to-llny 81X neW'lmildlllgll 1I0n ol or noblo flltnlh l!l! ,Ilrr glud,\Q wQr lit , ,ot'D!OI~ elr ~ br.~~, or , UII!. !JIlIII , we, b,ut thp. doy, ~ aear ut ho.nd whAII every be Jlnd to poy the forfeiture ,of $,100. the hill to th e House lUI ngrelui'to YCl)tercluy , 1 ~1 81 8t'rc~t; the mason work d which ~; 1Ii1 1 br~nkillg ~to,no8 on ~!IC ruad tl~ a ..1Jw~t feel, tbl~kful, ..t tJ,e fuct thllt our IIlDlI,le'l child Will enJoy free or, expense the com· eulprill becall~e g60tl J'JIOIlIbers 01 so- fix,ing tlH' rotell vf })os tllge Ij,t ,three cent8 Jus t !Jee/! cpmpl ted, fe ll \\thh 1\ ternRo pllI.d deacrlp tlun of \1lIlJkJlletl Illuor, for .ft'..u huo me.~ with 8u(!b ' fllvor, we ' ~re ple~e and. IUlfillonious , devolopme~t of hill How hlttnnou~ly .do. su~h fa cts ! ou lelters , nnd one cellt 011 printed tnilttcr ~,·u8h, . 'rhe wur~Ill :UI ,hRd ·jU6t rfltuf\lll d ! wlnoh altH)o th('y tlrC t~ltll\J" ,Two G":rn ~n . · ~t16ed, .' l . ' ~h~le' bOI\lg.. 011 ,the . other hllUd, we re, out compare.11 Wlt!1 the Jllorl,unllto not \veighing illor thun 2 (Julle.ell, on~-Itlltr trOtll tllll~er, RIlII. .trom SIl ~u 40 of t~cln J Barons alld bn 11ft! t ~Iln Jl rim ,r3)~, ~t J h bfe' at 1: I ' ,olco th~t whlle uduOlltlOn If' thus BdvIIIIC- Il~e treated. In cOll ol1l8\On, \ye a.k every cent on newspllpers d liv6~ed III the Stute worc bun 'd IJc n e~th the rUID". Up to ·1 prellellt 110 eng"lt 11.. ,1111 tbere No" It tbp . t u n our Dl, rom tIe, ery.•~o~- 1 11~g, th~ public m~lrttli(y it! improving:"'" OTIO to cb~sidor the g~e,,~ .that',.,~ciet>, in which thoy' tIre pnlllishcd. 1II1d fifty pt>r. o'~ loC;I{, P.' 111., fOlln d ~~. bodi 'll! h~d tl)IIOher p f ~ !Iple v\\l l1l!'o . ~ II? I)l; n .1h.lI\. ~~('ncemeD'oI'ourconncetio,~ wltht,~,e VJ~- We will no~ P,ll.u~o hcr~ ,to prove from Il h~8' t.h ~ p~w~~,of tf~ h~TII)g l ~el f fro~1 the '! cent. deduct al on' mngoz.lhes whell Pft p ii, rOllov ,red. li nt! ~ix Imvcral ITlJu~ed; rt IS b~fl!h ."',~y til ,11111 hf ll et<\lIli,ll.tlll,11Il }I\l lk ,I.~. l.tOr" to lJI~lt ~tlf>r and atl'll bllt er. For vC)\ume 8to..Ul'lIC$ winch we ha"e at cnin- evilll (if ' c,rlm!!. ShalLlhe (10 It! ,'", Mr. Huil Ulo\'etl to Illy the pillllll the ta- . pid thu&' fr.oln tllLcen «I t wenty , have bet'n I ~.1II(' 1i6, .IIU: " n • \I llr rllll n)~ 1 ,I(nturl r 14 tbil we bavt .I_"orl>d wi~b~'ltIDt \If tilll<', n ulld, thot. crimes ,I)&ve beeo rol' the " ~he 1",ourth lod'ttlitrial 'l Cpngre,lI 'I~f the bl i yon!! 81, rioys '1:11' , " ki\lijq. The IIppl?Orance u~ the illprlur,UISt!d t II elll t dfltcr. "•.,ty aiMllate, "QV' f.r'we 1Il~)' Ira 'e ~ull- fi fteen you,) ra)!ldly 011 'the deorepse, l!mted. ~tate8 ' nn~ t~Icl!8 l~uvo of lhl! pu~- "J'ho ' IIU6s(iolnVils tllkC'n on lhll nme'ntl CII\I'setllP'cnt cxr.itel\liUlt. JL 1&' ,nid', tu 1.11) , ~ .......- - . , • .....:.... ' .' .' > '\'t>~ 011' th~ •In~tt'l!ral Co~~re811 of the !IC Illlt\lltl next Mlasld'~ ot ,Chi~g~, when lllent of th e COI'llllittt>e of the Whu]e to altnost I!ll lluid. W (! L,,,alOfoltlu1 the bud- I . .t : -- "'\"- in our earn", ~ I_he_, lit for our I'll tt.7uiled Sta~I,1Il81"r,1U 1.ol'hl\lI Ihe youth It is hoped .tbat a larg~, dalt>fl~tI 81l, o~ true i! lrike;ouq ct'?ts Ilr poid and:; cents whe dcr't; na,ihe i8 pl'll Cer. ,I = =.=. __ _ ItO • to clui&t. We'iire r"blblvlld ~'It 110 of,our laud. OD t\Jeflll~lItedll~8tiO~ !hat the 'mea:' Will . ~nvoke the pubhc ~It~ntlpn to not repllid, and illflert 3 "a nt unifOl"1I1 r ltle, • --.'"""'"7~-;----'-- r:; .. ____ ~;- -:-''"7 , ,,=--~ .., ~ llbor 0,. our ~art IIllall be ' pared. \It> etrolU selence ()( 'the \im~ :WIll permit. j hllY tho\tl~~e Q[ truth ~l~d ! hllmnn ftoo~. And und Ilgc 'II to. O ther .nmenulqents \\" ' re Tile FII' , 111 N CW Orf enn' t 111 El) 011 S:I.\U. d,,~ 13!h, l {Jry CII'II 1.~lUltrMld lbl' llllAlod to contribute to entitlld to tlti. by th.e riW~t.I! of illelr e XIS· tb_Llbel'ty, uolljy IIh~ Frnt rnl.L)I, UIII! ugreed to. . , .' . ," N E\~ ORI,EANli. 11\11, ,20., 11I\ ;\U , agrd 1.7. . ., t..._ ' " 'if " _'- 1 ' tence. tuJd il ia I&U infinite ,w~ong to .reruse obove .all e God- QF III mlm l ci vEl p,who 'fhe follOwilfg is II \f l1op~i<l of th . bill: ' l'stcrdoy tl H' St•.ClIorls H otel, CI Il.Pll8 -., ~---;:.,~ J ?Jse ft'IIIII or our,'r. It 111111 lie n:er4!d. if, \ '£hey. hjlV8. (~oul!i.. to ....wire the IIOll a C:cln ,! of pro.J:I'flIlIf, le t all E lich r letter por ht\Lf ounce three CIUI I. ; CUllroh, tho , lII!)t1.t){hst , C ~lUrch. l'uy IrlLl T M k t i,.Ict--~:.'", toJ •• ,r- tron -1 ond tu .1U COli· ilIdorc, .~d ~9truULJOn In the works of h()pes IIf hudlan rcd~InIlll\lU . be three· no jlOil t ~flice or iloat rout to be 11i!lCOlltillu~ IItrollt, Bnu 10~1! o ~bor b",lldl nl:(j were t()to~ly . ~~_. . a:_e~ ~;. ductorl, "hlle we have control or Jta ct,tl • • tura; , bot~ , !II I her .IlDd ''; r d, or c()mpeils'ntia~ diminish Uj luinted b~ hr . _ . I " -. - .- " . ilmD!l.. " ' ," I dop,lIrlm~nts. _ ,',. " l~. A,l~l l~E, lnutte)' onooentfortwooun es orlos8, nnd 1? loljl;! ls l\ll!ylllj!tn .nl llhonof (lo ll~rl\ W' I .I J"il! ~\" '~ ? :J.~ ~' .r~~:' ,.,. , I.• h 'II ~'.,. . p(lWc 8. , IV; . ffli"b'eh1l1f of tb~ f'4 ) rntl! lt!lee., flllO cr ilt for ellch odditionRI VUllce or' III Uh"II-.hOll"',SU~O,OOO 18 , Cl\1~red I Y Inu ,I{L"CTltll ~;\Ur" I'o¥ ' U I UI~ ,IIU: \ '~Il~l l .. next \V~ . . t e pllper'~ I .pptftr In ,\8 If we reru!le to·' \be eblld ' c:o~.cLU,D:sn " t' I. db bk .. ; . I' " surnn ce ' lao Ift8I1rj.\nC~ 011 tIle St Ollrlll&s ~Y11 (! Ql ' 'V' bll , . .' , 1iI)1 :¥. ,1,1, It: t b I ' . b' d • •" ",' \On; uo~n 0 9, ,,0. wel~ lin g over H '. '" ~' I' A 'N' rc. (j' 'h<.\\1 1 . , Dew urq8ll; 3n~ WI o~e f1 e moro we - nihililte lUI to 111m th~ e,"u~Y'an ' _ " _.- ---=:~ Iy OUIlC9S,' deonied 'lIlaiiable j newllpapers otella ol)ly "" IOO,OOu,/,c lie ,Y III ew uF' 1i~~iJ ~~(, ' . '.. " :- 4U(,n~ ~q l;U o'iP~ th~n 'l"er to our rl,\nd~~II' With th~ eu.r of the Illliveree w~lcl, ~8 \va8 '! '. dolivcted in' the StRte,whol'e printed, olle~ 11;1\11.';. . ' ' .' .' . 'Ullh"; . : . • • :'!"':') .Dl~ge.llliZe, ullDI!fer 01 oth~rf imp'rovu· eIlJ0>: " In so flIT UB ~e r~ruse , _ half of the foreign l'atl'lIJ, and 110 p~/Jta{te on Qn ~htt Meth(xhllt Chnr.ell lh~ re 18 au. 10; 1' 1\1.111', .'12' I;bL '. J , 7) h 'J1 d·1 t ' to 0 chIld, "'e cut oj{, hll e~lslellee, , + ' W' J tllClse Ulail (\ w actual Bubsofabers III the sUl'a\lt:c, pf 8 30,000. nf \\ ~lic.h two tllll'dll Uuuar ~ tb ., I) I ' ncl''''' lq,atf are Die '"'l",IIUe "a..",1 1\ y 0 his . hllpph.e88, all~ limit hill belng In ,,"SHINCTON, uil. I.:>: count \vhore rinted or within 'hirt ill in the. NI.I,I/h\'ille Ljfe und 'rrust Company l::llilti;:1JII doz. . , a').. appearanee'bot a little in the wny of ele. Ufe SU~TE,-Mr. Clily presented a t>e~tltlOn ' I Y fi : P , . b d II 'd Y tllld 'rcllneci.e MllJine aud F ire Insuro.uce l Md, Iv!) <'I 'l,." Ib . ' . R 'pn~. b"twll will Dol antlcipatr., A pllin " ,'~ utI Illy cQndoum that parlif,l Crom rcrsonsrI!8~~n~ in '~t1i~.nnt~kiJnrll,jIC ~~~:~in!;v::: ;~:;~i~f~ tb;t:e !~~~t~iec~: COillPIlUY. ' \' . , " J '/)IU.h/IIH, 'ic" LJu. l'OUi;JLIl'~ 2N -lleft w,ll filled alaeo~, il ourebJect;, to , ~rQ- of cdul<l\ti~1l lhllt prqvidei one o . . ~n~l:: ~~e l~~~ R~~de 'I~~I/:t til o~ IS8ueu,.unll 8tamp~ to be prilited ~ i." r,oportecl tlll1.~ 8;ver!l11l~~8 Where lost. C'!lick.(HlS, V !~(l~, . - . . ' . , ~,o " • t G d ' . . I the ,profeislunlll mau alld .anotber l' ' , fi H now to forge which ie II. felony' onil m\11 'l :11I8 18 Ille hellvlest onlllll Ity t at hllll l "i urklc" V - . .... h.~1 D\ 'to CNt pa rooll. IlU y, VIctOria. mechanic .lind fArll1e~ AII ' lIlIlluld U tfie 01 steamer.i to A nell, e. ' " , .' " liofallen' f>lew Or1ellns Ii r years: etlpecinlly 1,)1,1f;ks, "" . , .. ' , I ),j Mltitlte',vltb a bi!ad tflklnlf up froni , on~ 11' ii'l.trU~ted olld ¥hen tWill\; ' fllTor Qi bvtl\ memorial8' whicl} Ido~n~~ Bhl~lf at~lllJra If ap~roIIPI~attote" ,lo mal celt in l'H~ distruotloll ()( the St. Ch~r.\-cil '» otol GCt;Uf) , "It .. • " ' ~. : • - • ~:'I~ , .~.i ~ ' h fi h , ' ' . "r I tu tIl" urn"littee on Com- "1·Clency III e revenlle a ., rs unc - I ' I ' . l' ".1 8 h ' . fourth \0 ~M ~\~l' ~I , I" rlL' pnge. O"'IIY ,~Itb ~hc li e e8ll,IW ,() ~w ,. ," '! . I' , " o(!' for in t~\I' weeki! to b~ odvertised tJ)I'('~ w 110 J,Wost1le prlue 0 \ Ie ou~~~. ' , (;J.lIclan". 'Jlorllctl JOII, 21., not to our irkl""; , "i/ and Ptblf!t\lIlonll l ' luid hte~ufY men ., \ hi .I Mti"t' o\o 'f ol'ily' the POlll1tln8ter G~ne"al tb ~litablisb , nWHlle!! ,YlllltOf.<1uy W: IB ell~lr~ ly &lIBpeu- · Flour....'rl,ere WDI rather a belt4lr d"r1)an lf - ".. " nt .. , ' AI' I Id Well' own . ['11\ e J,!r s a I)" III" r!ll n ' , ' ' . I' . . , ' " ' " ',To ..u.efo\ir JO,u ,nlll m"tr\lct"'II, 1'O fill ' I ~ lOll di,enr. 11 I Id b Muntgoln e~ " PeJlII>'JvlUlili ib lavor al"rc- (lolit routeJ, In citiCll ilild mWJ\e, hllV , .' " tCl-doy. rhe greater port,qf Ule recelplll it witli'luc~ mattera. will bOt: 011.1)' illte"~l!l ()~n ~~I\ ;(" J IIJ ~ 8 10; toe peu ling tnc FUgitive Sla ~ . Law. Ii Ilo.- su\tnble plaed of depoiit: t!:w letters tll,be, - - - ;- -, boiq held under limits mak\ls t 0 nQl olmt , I d 1 ', ' 1lCltmtljic wen, 0\Y)'C!8! 013 fS, llato ellsued 'in )V hich Ulle f <?otc lind Yu- co1l'Jctf,ltl by clU"ritlrs nlld dtllivered at olle , DON';r:t' nG~T offering but' CI,mparntiv 11 IImlll. 5111elor for ~o ~,o~e~~, ~,U\....~ Iio~ t1llt nJ . a~d , POl!ti' ~ W.e ne,~~dnot; fee t9 0ft part . • 'l'be' pt'tltion \Viis ' nllatlly t'Wo c~n~ each, on tbe j>enny poSl sYIf- Our torml' of cluUbing<with the l\ldg~in es. 1360 brls In lot. loom Store lind Rollroa4 1I,0u1" t~tilt1o~, ·,nat we "haU f.d to HilB,.tor , t ,I~ hUluon I!un Ii. capo· laid OD the talble . ' , teto. • If. (lur (rjend" who feellnt(l~e8ted wHl tllke at 83:60 .olld 301> do dt liwer,d,8l 83:63, 'Pl.a~ all, ,,_ upeet: ~l b(!tng 80 vain 61 ~r lI ui:l\ ,IIDlmr:~UUJl nd It. 8 lou~d b~ Ah: P\!u.rcc presented a petit ion from . ~epntnto "ote~ 'were, toke'n on ef\clt I;old itflmeiliaMy anti in '!lufficicr1t 1Iu~ber. PrOYillionll-Salc!I of 210Q Should.,.. ill '0 hope to do that wlaicb bu ~I"'fr ~cen pr.\'lded. 1 IOU~ Lfll1R11I ~lnotdJt~II, 8. Iiou trle MIll-ylond R.c fo nl ConveJltion plt" "yitlg amerldment, aridlbe bill finully \lUIJed; yeal t ' . r. • ' 111 'I I 1\1 • I bulk at 4:l alld 900. 8'4e8 lit 61, Tn J.nrtl .l' I ' . , ,', 1.10 (ree air, "Il~ ~ Y enJ~Yc ~y, a l:- thilt 11 cormaCt be' entrlredinto with 'W. lJ, lSO, nays '76, ", 0 JllatllY It, we w!' lave tie j1 ogllzmes l we notice lin ad\'lmce. w'th .o.lea Of 1660' don, by ~nJ Du\ tlte rt1lllT80f soclety' sllY that It eunnot /·, 1 ' k fi 'I t t \ 'U· ' is ' ) ' ' \0 thOle who elm let them at l kegs N"o 1 It 7~ tA .11.18 of 370 utI. Th , . (, C . ' t1a ll\ ' . d' ~ ffi d d..l..· '11 ' Ii _ v a" , or . 10 fanltpOr atl~no le mIll . r ·· ", . , ere , II C II1119 y ~n ttl e a ~r requlre too UC mQn by steal'l1e'l'ltfrolll Bull more to SOmE! point Oi 10 LEGI~I;ATURN . • pillce Let Ull hen (rom you fneDdl, ,tbm Melli at 810 :Ja6. . r «ItJlfII ~loDg wJ!U lhfnk~ tlir:re .are.tol'/ mlny e~ to Ie toy' 10 e.p !l~se ,0 fl~Q, IIIYlltr~' iii EngliUltl. . • !" . I • ' , ' I, " , Itliout delay. " .' . ,Gr.oc~ri,ea-Tlio m~rkol )VI,I , tnlly , n-, 'ad~~iInrI#lI~~II " bo"Vi8i.tor." :rr~~? !e~::iI!rrO'~~i~:~t·~~d~!l? :~:.~'!;o~~ ~ The.~jl) ~ ce~c pll~llclantlllto·the Stutes ,Sp;".Ar~.~;t;. Br~:~!~f.°I~::Jt!i: a ., '. ' , " , .. ~ i ZJ:li~t ~~ :~? a~:d~~ere ~b:o~,U~8!~~!~ , (J" lIut1s\et re rew" and tb t have no riM4t 'to e"p~Ad it except fOI' tbe 111 which Utcy live, WI\S tbken up un(1 aeba-. 'vuesUolI 'on privilege, 'He refered to 1Jie .. Spl Olldl,li ~r.zel!tn " ,. hlte P nll S'!! ' t 81 II Ii Ilb~ , ·thinklO;ne nic:n'clu'work for noth~ng MId !luotl. ' The dlliielllty is ,ted, lInd\ 1ter Exe'cutive:SessJoq. " Ppllon town8bip rCoiolutlon lind said t)le ' ' 1.:0 the person procnrillg"ull the great •• el ~v N t o . I all • fi.,,! tberueh41'; t:l.c i.hey 11"1 " UUlewh'o people 10~1l "eilU ;b~l~r: thn~ th~ The ~ellote .nr.lj Q lmed., . . ' )lIlhinee of the tlll,o,ilton co~nlY delegatiun ,number of I!lO rmllllcribers·, beJweell till, '~~~Saie, fait Timc. th) at 'por~t Q( tbfll'J:~ Gnu ' , lUan 80ullJ~ a!,oiIlRL. Vlia. .ul'! l~r~lVlnw H Hou.u,""~O\ln ~I\er oraanlzlOM,' ~lle lbod denifld the Knowledge of.a n1 thing e· Gnd th~ 1fi'8t of ,J 91~.,,1/3IH, we wi1l' ttJl'tIl.~'1 .2:0() aDd 19 dO'llt 3:00. , , " are 'We eunten~lUg, Thel ou e went lD! o Oommlttee of Ole ....hule bout tile moi"ement to Dnnex 'Fulton to IplUldJd li'umiJ 11 Bible worJ.h ,ix.duTUn'" ' Oit'-A sale or 16 brll LlD.~e4 at '1'00 a ~e.klr ,.per.,-, 10 IIU IIUeh! 'Ilnai" thol. thoi r q~ .. w~.4(th ond'l ook lIie )Jill" rellullf'Ci j)O&lAIge, 11 did' f'lot deny it the AJA _ b " k tJ t I. ";: I h dr. ' tl ' Did F' " Sal 'C nnoo " Ib' 'I-~ . ,,. ..... "'.i " " ~, ' " . ',t. . , ~ 'J'he liD)endmelll II lime a Y~IIU\r lay Clllcinllti' and If L_ 'ang ""?'" 00 III. moy .... w. p. ~or!J re n1\.«!II 01 •• II fM!1 t:U '!OJl a -y" t~t no ~ftt1 or ClU\lJry Ita· them. alld n~l .... e~ JU,tlet , llCl~ . '. Id' ~ 3' ' ~rd. ~ 6 erlarge wOI~ld refit upOn him. H. lIoid he Barne ' ~onl!y. To tIJe~l'Ion prrlCluriDg u.\cI lOc lb. ' lI'f !19' hili exl. 0,", II\l ~rf(ulb lence df!~a. 1'1 ~x~lI.ur\l f~'ltbe goOd ang Of Cel1l8 \tlre,l P p'a i, ny Iknow nod;lmg aboUt I he DIDtter. • •. • ~1I1eratub.A aile o[ 10 'brll ure cil, edtetli..m ' • e thal of tbf), ehi~clrEln ' j)f o~er8, III wovgh ~he when !lot pr~PIl\tl" Wu8 reJeCltl.)~ • _ 'I'\le fugitive SI:lve 'law W88 debll~d d9" .e~bDd 100gHt number we "i1I1, pre.ehf ,,'~ ~. p , I~ t ' lielplcBfl 1Q~tb Wl'ro biaqlellb19 .for bbing Tb~ t,omrni~Lell Ib,p IIdop,ted : It thru rilll{ th\, remainder of Lbo day. ,' Jbe Son o. , T.- lTPE1lA.Cl!' O~FB.l.G lor GhHae-SaIOl Of~I~ bOa . ~' "011', or iD me, 0. come, lHlm of poot: Mroin., ' Qer,q',"ie call, titr~te.- Ye.~ ,1 ~1 \l.nv~ 90: . ' : HouGe.J-A b~ numbey bill8 of. ao::- 1861, ' moe e14, nt book 01' 1&111 oU!pr d~Dllnd" . lillt l1IUItU. . , , ~'F 11ie~ ' lin be~wHJi h \'1 g ~o t~ntion>to thr. la9t ~entiono. It !he begin0.£ Llle b1il ea't.ibh.ll.! CQIiDtei~t werE aif!pt\te~ or. ) , . tW:i QUI ",~ , T~, ,tlie pe~1I , , 5.' 1 Hf , ) . ~p ,. at ~\J oUf, or t\ie Jareer C!i~el.or Itla, \If, tllill. _~l'e!t. tb~t w~ ~!..~i"l~ulIl. ~,.. ~th bill aut-.orlllng a townllii» I. ,Huron '" ~Jrd larpa" !'umb.r--the : &beia wilb , ~!tir ~tII, 11reIPOllliUlbfot,~Devl~«:-''r¥"anillo\V " , 1~tWI .• copnty' tollutillcrltil! to' 8 cerWn Railrotad 18~ e chbiC!e gift ~k veil " 1M &ft. baU" tIi.; "~fI' ~lo ~t ' nt!O~~\; ~ ~~ l!iitltbte~" 0 ~tile~:/::~ ~~. ~~"!~l°tl~~iYijou~e .djOIll"~~.~:ommlbo WI\A ' ', Y~~t~od; nadY~ 34. ' .. tb 'i ProwIiWf the' Bnn number' 'IIh.H 1'0::::.0::: , ==;=;~==':.'7.l~~==~E'ri~t=========<=. -, ..a.- -In,-..& _ '.I. .1.;' . ' £' ,. • • ~. I · ; Ul was oJIU'O uee .0 l'evtl.. o ,en_-"~,,, "h d ~#:n_ h WI' '!" - - . - - -: .. n ,uepcel wlli~r. pet vade IOc:t~\f )lnd dI8CIP•...-.. I , tire i:Ylltem of loxntion'. · blce~ ",'& r.",; ~ ,e ,lIeco!, ·.tv-" 1 tI .,., tl.. ezpeneeti or pubUca~, uclilielr line 'be Y",qCl mllait, '.,. .. . , W ~$lIU~GTOll. Jan, 16. ' \ Aajourncd. tm~ The n'IU..I "r th, couIPel;·'1 ... .,.08iU. 1p eMir aaveItillDa · ,pltron~ The clerl)'mIlD". he ..t:t!n~ ~o ~"l'L- r, ~I\W~d pl'eRCJlted Ilu~er~ .. ~ .. . ,-' etorlt to'be publi~liefwllen the prlull ~re , ., ' . , tIae Dame,.of 6~ D bill Ilpe llrllymg for tho ,re eab 01. the ,CoLt/JIlIos,iao. ) ~, Ilwarded,.",hich, will 1le. 'n :.11.111 .. Cuh •• . ' . 1 . . : do\tare 0" bIll \18* .... a II Sla"e,Litw 111111 (or lhe abl!>lIut lon S SIUTE.-The foren,oon · wa. spent mott aecom 'an namel:.,r a. er ~rm TIl an who healtalnollCetlUacphe it ,,~.\io. (Qi , ~l" uba~~ 1, in- UW~ ! Nf:W M xioo land, the conpiderlng 1IU111 of 110 geliel'lll hnpor&"nc;e, 1'. Y , . 'P " t;J of J ~.Jr_*'fl'UU"., \Y~,.~~p~. DoUx)imd of Culum~I"~1I laid Qn the ta- and the afternoon in dlleauiD, \he' F':!l:i. clob.. ~hl) wIll carry off' llJ~ pHAiI' -awDd the l The p\abli~~. 1I!)et o!,e, Who " . ". live SI, ~ 6111, " ll ' ' .. r. t ' i1 G...w.,. JIMAa••• (ound In c~jjtOJI.DC:e ~ ~cti.4e.8 t}ie OdIQUII joint r " I1U \Itiot) f~r ~IO ,Ustrl~utioft of A joint Tf'80lution to gO into a,. electipD '. ..... " " raopot\" that rob, Jlef?ple 11d fw:~~laQ~: qll the xplOrl"l e~J1edl~on, WIUI, of Aseocillte' Judge8 (of- ,·the ".I\II,nl1 ••• V~, ~ :. illto de~U'I~nt .aDd crime. ·li1ollf.eve r y . . . ' . Defiance,: Fulton. Q'elmODt, ! For THaD IIOLUU .laD TWUTY; :J:lv& OUr ~, ~ @d al~, we woulil ~,I~tb~rc I, WIne WJt'hC!~t lin and Pellrce !ep~ a jQtnt.. r,llolubon Eric , Clermont. Sheltl~t eli.ton, ~~e.OIl. Cln"I Yf,e. ill furnilb the ltuKt V'.ITOA MY,~.... the a"1'P'" t\.. to renew tlij.-efo"-, DOD4I whO"b¥ Dot contributed to the ....,rlby.?~m"r .thil 1I1'o rb 6~ H igh\ud and .~ ou Honda, 1IJxt ~.. O.OA.'S or S.uTAl"~ Leu ........... 'MfA.C:& No-I'JUlI'I' U IAe tbi.,pneral sum pf lDlpttri"J' 40.1 ~ped[ti!lll, wbll:b \V,aS coo. ad~",l!.t, , I .' • • .I!O""':"-"" L " B__ z..rlcl1bavo dUlIe the i;reateat , > , Hoc.a,-The bill to .lieN' R1IfO~ tO~ll- OtVVUBT~.At1Y'. ·DVVtIO . .... " ".. to:.11 ...... ,rlfo;.JIIII _1IiI .... /or:·' .' "CltUH tlWy have l~ frOm \he 'OIrwod a l e'Wlut,SdIIt ~ .hip to eubec!ti\»e ~ tilLlliIroId.,.. debrat- ,rbo win nstta_1t ue C With oem- )1M 'fAJ uf~1WI. wbd'~ mUla• .heoDI or prolDot1.r i&elr higbelt c~l~ tlranMCtlo 'e4 It !eagtb and.6Dally a"ptecl by liz ma- til. CJMiflDCI"II1I«. ,}I!1 ' oe\tJfrjlU., ~~ retuna OIitl'iD(ere Tbere ii, nyr C)Dn bt;."1l0 ,weallla to tho cO~t'ilf C... ~Ly. . • 1.I,*t"'. are 1'IIU&_~ ,,,, 'YI!Aa -;~~~;:-.iRiCi~~~---. .......: ...,..., UI&f ..... ~lbeiJ' and. houdini 11 ia .....OIt , "!'be blll to IO"COl"pOrate TnJy llo\eJ ... "'- woll.kl \be ..,..,. • .,... ~ " . well .... -In their t~ welte. We, tb~fore, m - roaqluUoa call 00, w.e lIUIlId, 86'\0 24_ ...... :.."" ~ ""'_ ta . h antilenbrnoBcl Stale 0 1e1'J ~Ii Ith ' AdjotlYAed, . ..... ~, _. ~ UNDp..... D Wit .J.R.~I~III~Jrt~ 1&,~~~. . "._,._...... lor-the or ~_ ':.. ..... , '. " _ the pl"Clp"e~q.... o( tH .~ftea elll I, h • C"Lt1IJ1W.,J~n, ~'7. ~ to make1h_ _lII,MlnJ olt\fta, Who will iWi&iiT,~ .In.-Mr. Parill'r'rc. .....JIlI ar;eech _pa~ of ....... ~ \11 .8lave biU.. , .-;- ~ ~D1atS . I ,~~u.;ndicaUon of the X.w: nul let . . . . . fI'OIIl ,




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1851. I n I'r&;.ent'l1~ OUf..o~hDil


'he 1'uhliC

fllr It COlltml.\atlU/l of lIupport, \\ e du not her,hI III lurga ' -copltuls the ur; r I'Al'E'R I ~ TIm WClJU Il, lind heu IInDOU/lce the ASl'IlUIIli't r1l0 WtJl'IDEllfl tllnt' shall ol'lll'olar an lIur co)umns, II~ 18 II,e inanuer oj lIome, but we In teud to LAIIOR A!5 !lARD ,,-/fD Y'Al1'm tLL! Q

tJle (,.Qn~llctor5 of lilly lIth~r Juurllallll lh!! It\nd to pn:sent u good nuper to our ,I eud ra '"f t;;Il' " ' EI We IlIlo lltl to EN ARGE VISITOR



~ 11fl1l g IVe

A p3PQr th nt

ItseH n



• .un: liQIl(ifillJllI alike Lo Ill! Photnnrrons 111111

P.'r IlOli~

Ftlell~. 1 let us h <V(" our nllt NOW" lhlf tIme to ul I, 11Iid Iroll1 Jl~ W 1111 II G'lIch .ulhlcr.licr Inll ~et unuthcr '" nddltll1n to

hlu" II we" IU mllke Ihe V ISlTOR


Sl'LEl'DJD PAPER' .\1~holll!ll

\T!' I!lIl'l'rt





per II mlltcrlnlll~ J \\ e shn\l conlillUC ollr ~IlIY






fc:w n



pli ll

Ir pnld In t)lrrc m.t) llth~ 'I




I 60

1 76

Ii IX Jt At the elld QC \)11:' \ CH IJ



Fl\!. co I' H'~ (to fine uJIlr.ob~)






$6,00 10,00

~1: J'h~ Qatih n)lI~t 10VllrllJbly U<; \:9 111 nn. ny the ll..1I11!'1I o r ( lull ::;ub/i "r";hl r8 , All hmrri! un ~LI" llI ('!a ahoulil be o<lOl rqs tied [l'"osl1 PA'rDJ 1.0) <UUUF.It1'S & IlENLEY All cumQiUllIeutlonillll! ~ lg nct.l (or publl el\\lo )t , to



..l ltl'b CODcllul.eI, p,n"1 Ill" II

"ruth (. sUllNer than Fiction " C&1~B



8 adlltll, .... »rllJle,.la.



rtf New


of dlld'llrll.ulu!d .tt.IDUlIl1!. . . ." .Itaol repulatlon S'Il"", N.", 10"11):, Jill,. 12 I~ In. -" 11 em ,n11i- Dn, Sir I You itt ,,!b (O kno" or 1Il0 WbAI lui.l l! eoQ Ibo re~\llt in "', own e. ~, oJ 'tbe tll)p'\lCAIIQ)) nr Tm. OAa:.'v:.\N'~ DJ:;t.'I: A~J) I'it OXr;AC£ .f), ' II at Miowl , Far about Y'~. I 1I1d b,e.~Q .,.trerJIIj rI'(ItIi O"P!'P,la •• ~I')' ye •• lhu ymplQm. b,ol mlt w~ nOr cl)\l l ~ I oblaln rerman M ,.un (mill .ny CIOur,. fir ,podle., IMIlIIll nl what ' ~ r Ali\lllt/"f'.m Y"" .IIjOOl In c"I1!I~'I\I~n .. of frequnl .. po.ure '" til. weAlncr , , the dllcbarto of J1IY ~ol'.1 du,,- I b.. um, Illbject tn a....... h'nlnlc lU.tebma~JJ' ,,1110 lI>~ ,.-.r a(\.tu,eirl aau,u •• InrMlC'lbablo &tIl. lib Farther I. .0 wlnl.~ of 4A and 44 In CGI1~u,~ of pre.chln.. a lrell 11.11 .. my own ana "1,101M other clJareh.. 10 thlll1'.,",." J .....lItok 01 by 1M Brorrob.\io, wblqb II/cur blcame 11/ N.~" .n Immadlal' l u'rena1on of ,*IQ... 1100111 N~ lit..."!,,, '!1m" ... , ..... tlt.r.I4,Al4I J'lYllrillfl. .Ild u ..., Drone/pUI b,oame worto, 10 d..o 4141 .. y - j»)'tpe~ II. P.IJ!Illhen mafic alfecUon- lhul e.~~ln'lh.t Ibe ••

Waynesv ille, Wllrfen 0 0 , Ohio


iii,.,0 ""1'1' ..

d!)Or,!." we,. connacled 'l'ilh itlCIt olli., IhM!!,. In III• • bril0

l'() '11m LA-DIES. lTE I,nvc II ffll! h 8"p~h of J otlct ~rtlcl os Q{ \ If ' tho vt:rv Ix!Rr qunialY It yl!u wi,sh to Loo b (,ull llIl~h e Il~ [I 0,,11 rWBE llT.S Il, BREW STER 33 If

Wille! e,

Every V:ll'1(~t> 01 clocks Ilver "p<>Qtu! goltl and 811vcr pencllw,

Pur II oekoUl,~pllCllle! t:!I 10. illl ila IIn.1 yes, ilnof lIVcry erUcic ,buaUty fOllnd m a Jew nnd F~ney Store " of wlllcT\ the, offi f -'I foar prtee~ All on pcclaJir tbeLlldio.,uo IDv lWd IO CII11ani


ec our~

Wc ~U lktlDnc! penbllllU, Ib rep'millt: Cloeli..




Wulchce. :\ceordeoilio.ncl Jewelry, a.. ,I "lItrlkll

•• ••

.. •


VEl\ROO tu' & r UCKtJR.



-c:-::: _'_ _


Peraqunte ot13 hnee-tlrlll1nsorUon • : , ~ ene-Ii uddlllOIlIlI1Dsenion ~. {)dCl 8IlUIIl'II uube ruonlbH • ":: . • • • J 00 • alx mon Lba . . . . . . ' ~ oj I ~~~~~~!~~:~,:, ~·Elj.RI..Y ADVERTISINg. i'J1\~ IqIlVO, 13 Jfnet, . .. . . - •••• 7 00 Two ""uar08,,2(j hllea, • • • • • • 10 00



'l'htee wquafoe. 39 hnllS. • • • • • 111 oe FoW' .q'!iaroa, !l2 hnes •••••• ' l5 QO , iilaiUt Iql,ll\rll., l~ bDIle • • • • • t$ .00 ( t::r .glDounelng CBlldld,ttl$ (fOf omce..o1 •••

ory aeetrlpuou) 10 be cbl1~ at lb. ,ale \II ~l The 1W!t; beat rruit w/Uc'h 'como. to lite foc 'ltu:b all\1!8i ,\lIO lame , to ~d in ildnnc:tl , . h Itl .11 ; m all eal'Oll. , per.ectlod even in I e 1\", Wilt loul,18 teD" Advcrtuemen~ Dot marked 011 lb., cop, (or , 8D~cifilld nunlber or in.e~liol1l, will be poIiuau-· ordbred out.

pnvUe,1» of yearl, lId..,rtiler. all 18 to \hcii own lrumedilt. tiwlll1_·

. 'Dlnn,,..naL..


Tlwre r.\'11


ul ~ Vllle


l : l ~I!l 'V.l~r

21) P M


UI' cl&lIul plllo,jlli 1::hl'~lIllr O~lI S~ult WIlDl up Ibl' tven

W "u~I"'r ''''ry


lS,nlellc e of lIt'ulh \VAl pilei") upun llill


the fir.t ortl!'r uno! tlf'0p".t onte'l'bl,

.hull hel

/I .'"

1II11.prol Ie ullqrt'


Ihrlllltl•• In "llIllllrod 11101 ul In cllI1ruc Ilr III ul~o Cl>lIlrlbute to III" IlitereJll vi OUt



HI/tn. of I.he lie w fe ;;.tnrl'ft \\ III be the

EDUC:\1'LO AL PAREN TAL II lid YuUTIi :) t1eptr"utro ..... "II v· wbl eh wo ~h.IIIlIUl to Ii I with tbe OIfUIOUT OF MAT

T I(:I


nne. I



In three month.



AI the end of lltf'1ear


Fo,. cop.e. (to one IJifrea.) 66 00


• " " 10,00 Cub mu..t Invurlnbly accomp.· OJ tbe n '!II"'I of Glub Subltllb erl A I t"l~n ou bwolllcea .hould R .«kI~.. led [PUIT .' .AID) RUDER TS &: flENLE Y All eom"lunlcalloo. dellgn.d (or pubJi IIliu.,t o J w. ROBr.RTB. EDITO R ~Th.




c. , Ollie

.John80n g VQ~ t on.

the foUuwlIlg delin!

G "RUT -The l ou 0 OO~ LO FT -The room ailo,e the gllrret ,


(le ntl" . I/tlor' 0, 1 lov\! tJl ~'" And my h e O ~1 18 P1l.1I1ed 10 i


liar frdlll lhto,' \\hl.\t u n b n ~ JOP) love Inu-



silutho my ~iH rlt '~ \\0

.An~ ow fo ndly, \\ lib" r IIIrn1l1t

'r., our Iq'V mg


meith. r'. ~i"' '' , wu Ih o pugo 01 I aruin:: -

'~' I olh 10 ull ,, ~ baaUllfi"d

COilOr. ·1lJ;D.

1F~ th er, you had

no rlrhi to II 'f!rpmllc ' :Wh~ not, prll)'11 'De':Jlusu my /mlld!! not ,our. ''Not mlne t Are yo,", lIot _. ...._,,,rI

a the

mme1' • . " • .. It! 'I am Yllnt d.ughte r l ' BUSiness cnlled :Mr. Sterae IlWIlY 011 ll1e 'Strange that you aro all ml~e. and .Lllt tlYeD,n" that E~llh wall bani.lled from hio not you~ hind. I Ihould th{DIi tIllt. Will a hou~o When he emjlrged from 1118 dlVel· Ilng Into the chllhna tempesl.ll he felt alarpert of you • ·Ye.,. put th.t be)onp 10 me ' med for the n fety of lUll chUd, And roared Indeec\ thai he would be her murderer, for ' To ",~aJso '

'Not tl/ (1'0 ia mllffl&g e.' 'YeII, to ilye in marria, e.' 'Once for all, fath"r, J canJlot Seldon ,' 'YQU,mU ltj

Ed,th '

'It ~ impqu lble. I tre.. of heart •


1m DO


he II D!lW Iblll ello eould noL lung bold out

iD Gucb weat ltor. 1;1,111 J1)lIeohoDs began to b&drelldlul, bUI the tbough' tlJllt ehe would ...k abeller \\ Ith some {rlend relieved IIIIYh

Slill be felt unoomforlable, and a vague fear loaler mla- of evtl haunted 111m. It wal o'clook When ho

'lloye anot~er I' 'WHAT!'

'I already llavo my aJI'eotlon. enllaae d ' ' How dare yCMl do IUch a tbinl wll.hout my eonlent J' 'I eould Dot belp, It, C&ther.' ' Gouln't. belp IU' 'No~ the Qne ~bllt I love III 10 noble aDd ioad, my heart would 10" blm.' 'And wfio, 1 pray j. lh.. pararn of ucollence, 'Who hu Dolily .tolen my dllullhter'~ beartt'


'l[UDert Manlinll}.Q.'

'Who" 'H ullert Mandeville • 'The devil! Fire ud (urlelll A penDI· lelll beepr! ~D ipolile dOC! Edilb, Ifyou do not .aDt my cane, never, DetOr• •ee tha, leUow .Ialnl' '0, fa&l1erl' lDO&IIed the dDugb\.fr, totally ullprepared for IUeb an out-


brt'ek. ' Hubert Jlandov ille' Great God! wonb II -dollar, ud yet dare 10 ...k



hand or my dau(bter, ofEdlth Steme .otth hall II .llli01l1' ADd Ia -=b a ••, he rand fot mlDu_ , .1111. Edith looked 011 In with. va. . feelio, of evil to come, 80me tenllile mf.conu ae In .toff


fJ'be ')lajclell Widow bo't' ever'll I I not tlUllriDd or ...~ory wlebeel (Clr on O,ccount or'lerii\i\, aDd ",,~cl8cllDed on that grou .. a With the full UPC9talton of [ CCClvmg olio port of R lcl ani G Murp~y Sub 1mll In IUII,d \0 Ih. purRO.' of the proprllltor or Allonl lo Governor Roms,y Of ~nnne880 the C&.O ~ 'W , In whlcb tlXpl!ctlltiQn htl 10 daled Sn nt Peler ~ hl (li~ n Sub AII' nu) wu dl •• ppolnted it seeroB by b~r polo O cl " 1S 1!J mny If lerest &0 nl! of tl c abo, .. ~uPted readers of tho VI~llor W... think tb. courie of the lady "or tOf bu DOt beell dignified, thlll abe hal aeteil UIlJUItly lonnie M. SIU TTUOIt, and very lIDpolltlclny toward. boraelC We IIr~ fIOrTJ to "'l 10, (or .110 ~ a fino \\ filer and ull erl cum cllled w Iii the Illliulns II ul It a lady of (1'11\ "leDl,a.d l\lCh condunt i. apP()II~~ ImpOBBlblc to BUggt'st III yll 1nJ.: UdJy unbecoming hftr po.ltilln and Ironi IS nol\' Thllo pallene!) And 51; I aro rcqu ,Ad calculated 10 cut a abade on ber falf red to overc 1\)0 Ibe I Idolenco \llte n per f"roe nnc~ ~nd wnllko nd nnt on wln oh arn So far u tho Columbian & Great \Vest Ihe lent! ng tnllt! 01 lnd an ehOfClr.tcr It II con.cemied II bill nothing to apprehend hllJ ofl'emle I mil vory nuelt 10 see tl 0 SI on th. weore or 11011 or IDterest 10 long a8 oux men wnlk nit I U I ~ ur" ly gloll(f carryllll Bennet. Gallaabtrl WhItmore and the only the r guns Ilnd tI rlr r PCI! \\1 18t mant other eminent wrlterl of tlle day con Ihelr \~ Ives oro tOil nit bill tnd eoch \vlll ulbuw to ,,, columna her lodgo III II ta furniture 1111 pllckcd upon "EI1u- W~.'TOll altory Just concluded her lIhoulders- II lhe II hule Il SI tliclent 10 1t,1, one oCthe Yery b~.t tllles we III\'6 10lld for 11 good stout hor8e Till II thelf read ID a tllng lime 1\ .. full of inlene" o8lnbh,1 cd oUltum nnJ It Will be d fbcult aDd ~IrIUUl~ lntlrest, bea" thTough It a '0 crodlco tC' Something hou ever 01 gl t bl,h tone 01 morality Ind exeri phties the ue dolie II" nil , lduwmc llt 10 cultivate lantl l W ASIHN care of Pro\'ldco~c overthose who trutt and bUIllIl OUBee lIy offering premluOIs of S rllf\tE -lIlr lI unter oOeroli 11 re.oll IU Ihm, while It abo" I lhnt I n aDd VII fir.t .eco III nnd II rd clns es for the mon tlOD enql mIg Into Ihe e~Jled or CJ of COli laID}. hUlouih for a tlllIe fioll ng 011 In who Nhollll1 plough Illant (cllce nnd cui log JuII ra IIII If II \) nr I lu nrt er i0l 0 I.ue I compll8~11 of ~ '1uol value 01 gllid nDt! 8 11v ~ r leem nc tnumph, are lOft to rolet \Hlh rf tlvalo Ih. grllot('sl lunl tit) or hwd In wb eh \1 O~ uu opted tributj,,~ JUlbce III Ib' eod, Indthe lenon corD 0111 IJ IIld th ClDscl1 e8 tbe bC~1 lOll Mr Hnle. ro 1 tlon cull I g for Ihe taqbt, a,t VIlIT UE, 10 xed \I 1111 FAITn houses I Il l llk 11 ot I th I v } Ilum ub co~r "1101deflcc between II e Unite I ~tnlel I. lur(lloo be rewarded alllll,llDd that VIC'; Jectionstu Ilbor might be broken 10 I pOI nnd pam r Int vo 10 lbe \111 stnll cgrocs thauch "lded)ll tbe ,beeb of olluring 81n wblch ",oulll b~ II IJT ol iltcp to\Vurd~ the r \\11,}5 810{lICd Itt F. • 1II! SUPII l ~ sJ1on, 11 5 lor tna 111 lee d d-- L _. 1 th _,.I aD ......... an e 1S-_j-oolorec1 garb of clvlhznllon cullve Be" on liner II e doon! \ ere opened (aDc1, II eerlaan to brIll. Ihome and conru But J woul" Jly the prinCIpia 81rc'~ 01 tr R I k ollnou\lccd the dC!lIlh 01 Jltr 1100 liJaaJ.Iy C).uool be too olten prei enled eduCIllt!ll The) oung r pcopl v orc th e KnnfTman QI I e :rll! nnd epok lccllllgly d ndod TIl G 1 of I Is mer 160 aD eapou 0 0 umbian &tid looal likely t6glve IYO) and IBI! mto J ew :rbo U! ual tI!6olu( ona Y>llte ntlol)l~ d and 0"11 Wast ~. an excellent (lllper nud habilS of Itlt; n I~ Irue that ill 5 TU I1!lrtCI Iho !:Ienate oOJuurntd w~ reldera wtll do well to \aile i~ I 1t great (lQf onal vUCrotic:e. IUlYD been 10llg lIt/oli" -A lier the rcallng or dID J our pAltnllCetD molt of the ...lerJl puhlioa IIOttled 10 the II/lilt vlilages and lhallhc) Ilal lItr 11., yard lin noun I'd the deBIh or ,_or \Jiedi,! I a~~ not occomphshc(i much Wo ml t 1",11. colicagu8j D6vld tJ }{;wt1nulII n eprnI.S 81 n\IOII\1l rrulll Tuu, Yo h ch t ook place :"""!laIJ~~~~-!e~tDmg~


1 JU~EY.-­

A. t riumph II Elltr,. 011 tho 17lh 01

Tho UiIIlO nt,l thorle tbe cIty of Dnyto 10 lu 'nt!I\~ clred t to Ilnl lrood Co n pontO O l d jWO S I I 1'1111 Ie Y jlos pOlle bJ 0 lorge m 6 OlllY

'} b~ b,lI fo r lhe n he of M Cnne for \YO k dune ten ycnrs ogo 01 tI e MISklll IlU~ Im~rO'tmo ll t' vn~lu~ n I' G r / nil 0~P08 IIQ bill nnd Mr rW~~ :llv~~~~ludl~" the H O\lRO took n I recess \lilt to llIorruw mornlt g !



Feb 1 10 Benale \VIIS no. ill selSlon to day

Houn -Mr Gnrnu relumcd Ilia 81'000/1 III 5 Ipplirt 01 the bill fllr Ibe relie f of J ult The ~1 1l cltreclS Ihe Boarll

!\[cC':, ne

J'lIbltc 'Vork8 10 e~nmioe and DilJu8t accoun ts fllr IIlltkil g t!oDRI luch &.0



Itobb Th o Courr Of Il A*cnea atales tl at bu Ids of rob b ~ rR coutu 110 t~ II fc!ijt II 0 .:;, UI Iry A P rty or bngands p lIo.lI;cd tI c pr,"Clpol b \Ju~cs ul 11 0 v 11 ' "e or .al ell 01.




1851 ,

r.I'1--,1I",1 Ell

BIOGR APHIO AL 01 lhe firSl ordet und d ep"dl Inte est shulllill .. pronl tle ut Ie '" urc JlU~fOIW US AllT~C LES

Oirer Extrllor dlDnl vIII 1"IIRI;£ DOLLAR!! AIID TIl BNTY fI~ I:: ENT5 \\e \\ III fur Il h Ihe JlllA~u VISITOR


Gn .llfAM'S




or GOOEY S LAllV ~ BOOK f(lr 0110 your 10 ~II

\\ ho \\ III rurl\l ~ h us II Ith tilClr nomes /lnd thil clUll t71lIdul11ICIl E ti er of the oIlIer III b Ir CI1110llS IIrc TllIlmE DOLLAJll l P liO TEAR aDtI this \\ auld plnce the 1 m /or o~ lr~ll t emts ollly bUl our IIrrnllgellell~8 II ,~ tbe pruprlotorll QI tho 1I~~ l;nZll1e8 e unllle •• (l"r.~ul! lI<:c ~ fldillfto I II''', ua to mako ilicso I berRl oftha \Vho IV I Muny yellrll ~nco Wllcn II 80~~CII, he~ltllle to nvull Ihellleh t'8 of lhasc un &I\('d IU COllnccl ltuL a puor Ulan nalllod I rpcedcl1led low Lerms1 J:;rllckcr IHut to a rich )orlller \\ Ito POSl!OS Now IS TilE TIME' leI us Ipor from j ou 4IIId ••urpill. 01 IDdlun corn, lind tepdered ~lim Ihe 1111;hl'lIt pl)ce for Il bUllte 101 '" hut l~htJ \\ould hove "~w.~ lind e/egu7 t<rotur t lti IArmer reluMrj/ I 8P1l, "re lrudlng Lhbt RollER TS &. HENLEY P roprieto rls , I~ ~ ,.d .. nr to IIPJlI"l where ... it WDa eVI Lhe ltIrAJIII VISITOR de:lll y III t~lJ, and that he olll~ h"ardl'd It up lw- II e I re.cnt, U8 lome now do to lt~rv8 EZR A AND AU) I) r. n,la Ihe IlCCC6lilly of glVlllg them A papOr that i l nllll,ve Ileell a IUIlt; "nd Lit\) ('XlorUf)n8le prace II ~y wl l h 10 IIlkI' F.l!llt: honorab le ul ke La lUI PIWlltlE l"On S Vpon Ih,. Crocker g ilYe hlN full charucle r, end PAT)lOICS '" \\ blch IIl1Cem. Jle aid not t~k!' the nome cl God ih , 1111 Bowel er, tbll furDier IIll F rac nd$, let us have ) our Old Lhll lime to art lind from n '\Y '/II JllClhuiely orrllllnr d 11110 fur IIlllne, It "\Ib.oTlb ctWlll gill 811011 er III ndd,llOn to on, Juslll:e Hyde, and wb en I)ur pauper I!lmself, \~e \VIII muke th VISrrO R II WOI elUwd upon to IIIl1awer 10 tl e clurgt-, InRtent! of nl1o"\I'ya aud \nw book ho pro SPLEl IDID PAPElt~ duced , Diy R Bible, (for 11111108 \\ ere theo A Ilhough In upect \0 Improve tilt' p I regurdrd ,l lIod rtllt! a pllStlllge wlucb per ao materrll illy we ab III contllluc our ooys vory lI)1v Curllled IS the mnn lll uL wlthhold .. ,1 COTd TERMS (rom the poor, ) C t. uDd the p orle 6hnll Ooc copy for a yellr If p,ml 10 ali CUgro hun' nnee 11,2.') Uerl" he orgul'd t1111l11 c had don<! no more Ir pmld 10 three monlhs 1 60 1b,n \\ hat Gud had Muth r IN uod Cl(prt'C8 ,., SIX 1 76 Iy ,,0 >1mllnded lIud ttlr /ling \0 (Jhl GrlpuB AI t ha "nd of thc y ear S,OO wbo had pro "cu e~ hllll, eUldCLUBS God cu_yo u 1 tur~A you' and ) OU F,Ye oop ea (to nne uIMtes.) Iii 00 cline hlll,llQ' Squire llpe,lcr ollc QIj'our T en "" turn'e I. ""nl. hI tJ vI 1111)11! " 10,00 ~Thll Cuh mu t In"llrlGbly l acompo O! lliu D.m ... orCI"b Sub.uib tra A lIllltlI'lIII on bu Inc.... bouJd be.dd.. u . . d [POST I')'ID) to

RoBER T8 at HE LEY A II comtnll nlutllln. deargnec.l fllr JIIIbh

:I __.,.'~_lca tIOIl.


:J W ROB!R TS, .,ftftYll le, WaneD

'fr" ,..... ,...

., M4. MIQ a III .... ....,.. ... III ....Dt.I ..... ,.....,... . . . . . .... QlIIIatIIitq . . JUII; 111M trliw ..."-&

* .,III.,... ..

IMUnlInt ~,......lfare., ........... ~

......... ",II" ~ ....", W'ftijL ... aft'trlNi •• up-WI ...... wIIIt; . . . . . . . ...

peft!duy.'" ,.,elt .....

::.:I......;:~::.:::.=:;;;;:;:';;~;;;;:;;;~_L;...;,;-~ . band ...b~" "'";) Ina "'el, orirt" iD Ib" ..Illd ...~ •• biUU •• d In _qllC\lll)~ 0I1be


'po luq of hl.t I-m.

dMNlIeIIII til. . . .

"lIQ"t lJaj1\lrHut "'" &be .....". IboaW be q.,.e Ie every "Ir... e Y "Yltubu4. Ihl til. iftadW p\J b..,..., ... l1lg 'OII••~ ....... ~aldl ... ha,.

pItI ... ~ bel ... may be a""id.l! 1-11.10 11>0 ~ ... b •• iii \00 ~o.I ..... 1O adll\iC a"y JICIIIlio'I 01 &h. _ • ~. IJI~ot without 1M Mi elljolyment iii \be .... Tl.. I moly ~1OIl

or a


_.11 ..dd.a


11110""8 bu ,boen 111. D\ aM ef ~tlllf lIle Io,.a. aM II. Ilf. or thoullDa. u OYU -


Gilt u l before the S t f1 my lD.ds Shake off your sioth-ilJuU You loee tbe If( 11.\0;1 IUNIlry That lifo 113. If you droY> Ie Between sunrlstl lind br81lk fut Arlee tl~eo ,,0 not 10 (' "'he key to hell\,h nn~ hnpll1)eKS Br lYing fo a 1Il00ze

lure MJ whole I, the Dumo_'1 nl\ll:le An.wer a_xl. week I

'I b e rG ore 1\\0 cluse8 of people tI nt COD nfTor Ihl be mo lelll thoso \YI C) possoss OD n uount of know Ie 1ge nnd tl ose who 1111\ e bUL hule

A milD who \VII! resoued from drowllIllg ntgbt or two 61n( e n Do ton obu I'd ,I e man who rescued lum 9~cuu.e he dId sllve hili hilt II

Tile Miller lind Painter A m llar al LJrnn who lately qu ted hIe mIll to keep pubho houle for .. P" liter to p. nt II In .. 111'0 oll \\ illch he would have 11 mLiI 1 m uat have tI,e mltle.. look 101: Ol.\t o( the W1Ddow It .boll bl:' don.e Billa tbe pnln~cr Dut] ",aa nonr aeen to e Idle you mUlt make him pop ,Ill hll head when



the dnuglllt!r ~'LT8m f(Q)imJ~JlA OCt" • 1KlllllDlRl spy 'enlercll Ily he frolll , lie o;};;;ced w~~ ;-;;rr-;lOlcnt~-;pcr, If ull yliaing djeappoinl:' N'one will 8v.rllO ,. .~ of the pOit; yet 110 tiding_ of Coptain pale tbrougl. SOlicltlllle, 611 henrihg Ihl! . ' ~ 0 with a bold " tep , \9M sultl th~reA )lectllllfy 0 1 1118 belnll:RQor, lem?f hi. ch'r~ct0l:. ~II , to our prej • ...c;::==::::::~====~~=-~~~~== I'lItter: no nolevon a probllillo conjecture , nome of her falher. .\ VJ~J.u 'OF ' l~D ~T.tS G>\ L- "&\180 . 1. have but Iltlle lim n to !ire•tO , he wQul~ get Illlgry ill II" Ihomant, nlld' if IUillco, bllt only In hl~ oWn "mrb un tec'e. " ', ' • .... '" < . " and want ,our nn.,ver ot. on ~, R eud , I " I I I ., . dllnll!d W8'J., 'I ' cl>ncrrnlllglheilDrk mystery oflll& " uto . 'Andaoonerthllnbetru.y DI¥ tru st ' cun• • . j It" ~ \"'" I rflll"n~ IICl e 1113.( (> Uy [I Uu of Ills 01 ', I I Id h II I fi h \ lar"Ch~r waD I ~~~ IIlUl& f~ ' d , tIlCIDEJlJ or Tl1C 'uvot: PilAR, W .IIl ' lit!. 'rIme tliIIl<lhAngea nil 111111,,8, had worn tlnueJ the beggar, 'lhia>right nrm shull perNeur l).Ilekiklll q"l •.te om loU 11\ I lie took tho commissIon from the llnnl!; <)\\,11 6 1Z , lC 1I'0n c u engCl 11m to g t Icrow.ltfd .o lier~n., nUl P!.J1I4 11\ 1I1VIly thellcu~ne8!1 of !lrll, Putter'H gri~f, ilill' rolLd,lt.udlll1 clu~p f fo Nro 1I"1n14I1g l of 1116 hul ,lIl1~ pilleI'd it beforl! he r, , UpUIl the IlIwt nnt. "One UIlY 08 he :',ft8 glhpp~e"gotdn Ibe pre.,1 or ' oa winch waa for more Intense tbaD (t WQuid The pa~hos with wblch he uttered tillS which .q '!ted 11i:tl r mcwhllt CUlI"Somo UI(\Crc!JCI! \JetI\'t!elt huldlTll: II qtlll'ti v I'laYlIIg-huvll1g Ihell no partlcu· IICW occasion . .. It"neede penptl,:twe:.I. ' " d ' -~ I bl d II I b I' , .. plauoul " I eommtuioll In Kill !! George d 801 I lac, li nd lu~ work tv du-neu. tile c.oltagCl door,. , rzr ellt building, .\ b ave been Iiud ' h 0 wepillt I118 arovc , 1111 CI\UIII'U tie tlO to cll1 I IrO\lg tum velll. J b . r ' l \( , 'II b [ blli"'" CI rng"l'u colltil1l'ntlll ' ' . ' II I j I .. h I I 1 d b ,I 1I k h t. oro " o!;_ unl " ll'e, 811, eare, "e I' COIllPUllIl)1I camc Ull 111 an I • Ib mor allli ••• e ;7,.:... , ;' a." pwn I at , liS , .~6t mome?t& ~o ~en Iln"rnll I e I cataract \lfO!! tbelr earla. Ileh~ve, (he t;nmo of "01'1, VI Galluw.," "Nath an , Palm er/, 911iu R o~n , 8t"ruh',: f be al~ \.0 1ftlltnll7.C N.II! nnd c~lIed IIIUl"a .' The DoDd of theBoa~ lilLMIA!.l'l ITO." loathed by GlTocUon. A. thll last voyage )10rano lindlDg thnt reslstallce W.I VII\n, from lh. fact thll\ 'man) e • BPY Mklll- l"I ul\\'uy8 Jlellllcd you-now I huto you, 1 9b • dd ,,'I If, 1\1 D I Tho Engliah 'term 'bUlba~ la ~ -,"'d~ t of raih.. t seemed to 11. n;ear t9 the uIIlIllown cou~t, conlented fo r thcm 10 r!llire. lIer. and tll' l\vlnJ tSo\y ' \I~V\l11g l'rum otldDshe banded hlnl ~i8 comllll.ulon., i hO~r. o~gt~r'lIl1 I IIlI! t I~t r' e\~m lerom tho Anglo 8uop alldJlud. ld ~ eD. , " T ' ahe wn ofter Beven' galIM Ihe wid. l'he mun uf wl1nt hllVI.1g 'quletcd lhofr Ita br'lIohcll wb~,. llui oillllttnded UII \ "yO you r~!1\80 to :I my 111I1 1IbIlO''',' J i I \11 I"," C , 1m Ind II.;' WOIU ObI or ~vhlch siahlfy th'e" bdnd of"thli bolilc:, Lcovo I Ie OU 80, or I lul"e ultu IIpOIl t 110 1011 6 ue, or In\'e een It WIUI !lllcle"tly .pelt bou... IiODd,UI4'C43•• , . . the lines. ' '. . , ... our Wile, a\' \l:liTi. I 01" f ottc!. )hvlng" ~oun\ry 80at of Il rcilt f6HfII , 81l1" no hllrm should bef.lIth" tid)'. In ~~o early (!,art of t.t 7'1'1 Gen- ,hllll be templed 10 1008e the dog CIl the pillcrld in tho AIIll ~·hoU1C,' 'rhi. was too I tiDued tO,be epelt .ome eillti\P.I. '9f ali, \'II.'~o, hc,~ wos sougllt)Jy many, ond "l'here,' ftnl,d ,he, al he clolcd 'he door, oral Tryon WI\S. ..'t,. • . Itjlb oOl\;'jl08ts I mill upon you.': ,. , III11Ch for hlill to belir, 80 IljrolVlIlll' u<)wn \Enl:liSh DlGle; after the Intr~~uc~oD ~ the l'm hi,,~u. o'ilt thy grave, f. !bef, 11& ofteJp4ljecLedj uuli! a, Ii,llchelor, who had hove yOU Ilny IInowlcdgll of thia,' pre~ent. nellT lCing$liriug.. 1 ,* ,ra 'IIm\lafcd, i . Good u)'e, 1I11sa Ro~~ ~c said, gnlltlmg hl l; playUII\!gll he rosc up lind slruck the IIrt of prlnti"a. A busbaDd, ~I' ~ JIIi Willllig on IIII! ~\l9I1C.rtl1aled thv ~harma of womanhood , for" ina" "'oJal rlrg, • , thiLt he WIIS o:t/1 ~ I Dot of New III R llt6;th m ahn~P.r' ' 0 ' ftoyolur f~.tlll' rb'd Iloy so ROV()r~ a bltlW thnt H felled him to t h ()U~e.bO.I!d-'''e bond CIt tl bo tblt lIat ulerll thy IUDoll' lelllilig pl"c~, • > ',I It U~., cI l' Y Ilrk ~t- tI d 1\1 'X e nevo· Illi - l(1\lr ou~n->,ourSCI, "I ,, ~,hleh ena:~dl04 tbo famll ll llUG"" 'LO"'I"lYY"III!'l'aln1la' , quftrlero. Ill:clntl\ry,willmltlen' wl ...1 I' ),a 'x.'C.,'answerb Mr ••~ .,l'Oltcfl'l• ia the IutlOU, ' U i>,j • 'tt • "N I' tl~ II ') l\'oo"eu:" , Nnd<llc OIoulled III., Iaut-e' t~ eg... \Iud 'r<hi. he 111111, not illtell~l'd, "r atl:o"" 'I" t' e ,t' .. ;'1 r' , ' -, • • ' u " ~n!l v. (.. ... - , ,., , ,, II, u .11 , TII.O,.,~I ..., 1 , lovellne.. 01 till 'IY ~r\hY:tI]ll\.ron,- or IVII., OOB myh lunll4 wore alWl'~ and , would 'reguluu, A fler \lIe wllr brolle OUl. he WIIS on(l rou e s "'Jft ly nwuy. 111111 I.e lJecu llle l11bch fr :ghtencd nnd began I'Vifl" ao chilaren Ilnd '.\r.nger , "Ifu • •·ur 'r0!'llld ,bile .I ?~j> Ihy childr ~! .!~ar, lhe cOlnelluel1l oNler p<!a.e~.lonl, She at bllYC given thoil611111h1' tu sCc il roturn 011 pluoed on active s(m'ice and rui»ed II genRO~ 1l h~stclleol to the bllck door to look to lear thut h e hud IhJu'reu him, Su~nn tIle goteB'-illl their 1M' re.ta 'and lU '"elr f '~f' )'~o~ by ,hl".li!<I'leAlth coneefit,cd that htr nllme shool,1 be ! the .~nle hUlld; IlUI 11011' ~111 I cOllvillccd I erlll'l! rank, With I'l)wc r recrUl't Ilnd oqulp for hllr 101'0r. l!e W II .. just louvlII,Ir fur thc l (" ho hlld be c n bIlSy~lU'n.ollg..~tho ~lIrio)l~ hoppms.81 are encircl41d In ~ho hcwae.l)ond', All' " n,"11 were \!.!) lonr. , e ,hcd ' . 'I' , ' T ury corps or Iutica ,' iJ rOt11 th~u A ",u.• f)·' /lump, ollcl the• P waveIof " . l emlirl\~(' , the obJec'--r III. tirol-ctlo'''' a" r r. ~ . '" • ' onQ.l!rr~d to lIIuron('j thcbnalill day was ap· tllDI ho IS nnlong the llncUullled VICtlll18 a b ' hlR \lanal ., mtlltntl'd H I topcrlltlons (If. "t 10 kltl'hellut thl. lime,) ~ uoY .r '" ... W.bon flltlll WI,lIl~ thoLl' , cnna who yet re main ed 10J(( I,to tho crown t lit he knew 1\ mer d crrllll", t) IU 8' , . , uf 1111 Ipcclll~ care. What I fine piclllH .. , , polnled, the IIrrmgemellts ,vert! llIulle to , that fe~d the 11I01!8tcra of lhedeep.' IIl1d governmcnt 01 llritclllJ, loned, to tho cnmp, bad on rntorvlew wllh I hOI1T1ng the fnll ran wltll nil iansto to, the i. Ibi, of , a ' l• duty, .lId a ramll,'1 "I ..... III\\'u pp •• d alRec Ih)'11 hMt 10111 horc-- Iltl'ect lho cuming perioll with festiVity. and 'How 10llg alnce hlsuellorture1' F l'r II Ion" tllne It hod t"cell a fuvoTlte Putnam, nlld the loner 18dU~1I hid pr VAt or- frollt duor Ilml cnrrktl the woulloed boy I pril'll(>gel I , ..;. . 'J'brM 111Ityly.lllbQlU)' ) CIII1I, fun, 'Fourteen youra." PTuJeot with"Putnum that an u~temptshould ders. Pnhner clImo illlo the Iinca Ihllt into the hou'sc, ~Ir, 0, hili} Dcen In tile < • • •• , ' _ '_' _ • • , •• tor~we "~1I'~19 111"11 11101 , 'fhe ",oulpa begou 'lo be more loquaci'Could you rflcogize htm after fO 10llg 1>0 IDuda to rc,cllpwro t,ho olty of New ~Ight "'itll t!le frcidolll of I\lIuold cOIII~al· l gn r.!clj., but bci\1g aUrn tet! hy tlle crics or Frt'm 'l'hi 'New York Uorneiour: I Awl b.tll~1t _hh our lear. ..., I II, b . • York, uud Irom 1111 uCCDuuts it ul'pellrs thut lOll, ~,m haVing ns le RuPJlo.~ oe~olllphd I- I pain he clime III Ollq le nrned frolll-pio ' A Gooel StOll", ., , , ' " <OUI Illtllll.lver, c ~I' t 10 pi el!lIInl,c egon IIllI abEetlcI'. \VlI shlll ton dltillot t.\,lsllke thu plllll\ but cd IllS crrnlld, WIlS .. uout tok lllg 1118 dupurl. , ' " The.llIBtgood'.tot'lln Pariala tali! at And "fj.n ~o 11118 Ve!ilRI1I mound to tiUrml811 t thot 80!'lletlllllg UIIUBUAl lVas 'Moat cert"illly I could. If hiS (ctttures l \vlth prl;dClllt clltllllm 'iM Tlut Wish to huz- ure, when ho 1\'~9 IIrrptited, nnd the III tal I d~ullhter some uf llui pnrtlcn!tlrs ?r the expe!lle ola,very handsolnc Ind ric~ wid• .1 111110 ~lIe h~ro. nrlp •ny, " aboul-to be done at the mnn~ioll of the 1lite "0 ohulIgtld"Just belllnd lho tllOmll 011 IInl nt IlInt tlmo tile t1ak of 0. defeo€' Put- eommlBBIOII w08,.fu11 I rool of hla ,&IJllt all n , clIse H tl.lllim oall~1l EUwul'1l to 111m lind l ow of mo~t fX8!1:\pl'll] ch,, tI.. ~~,Ibe .,~rry dn~lIll dow)' 1)1?~n, widow, tbe left wrl.1 /l1&nnme is Inscrlhed III unln- IIl1m, 1I0",01'er, IDade ' scv~r~1 faints Ilnll apl" After n b~lef trial he was ortit-rccl to tlltl~ quoatlol)cd lim a smClllllpd el.gant retre~t- at Veril11le•• r nll F9 &u{4 t;C !trou!:h ~hil ~)" L " li t!.' to tI ff 1" t " ' . I 1 "d ' illlse lIIovemeuI8 Ilt hia out.posls tu ullLrm lie hUlig 011 Put 8 ga110w6 ,the next IIl1ur. ) l' Ell,ynrll,lVJltIt dlJ \'oU Itr,ke jlalllual In addition to het tOWD relide"ce At IIl-Il ternOl/n 0 D. ~o u, • ormy ding cbaraotcri, III t InL canllot u(! Ceelv- u , • • I' I J I nOQn ' i " , • ' / 11 II ~I .' 'rherc'l nolhln here sublime Or grll'ld 1 1 ' .,.r Henr) Chnton; II, IV 110 I Ie ~uccee,· ' , I fur' , I 18 pretty rura ''I D Ie wlLpa ..mgil.leli Y~l ' Ii ' thtl .I:,olllUlc, . , Iluy In Novell\~~r, a pCIlllylcsa beg,l: or C-II - ed, edl nnd thu s l."l't lh ~1 Bntlsh troops Wllhlll Jlofor<! the hour of execution callie fry- r Poor Null, cryln bll~orl (II tho resultl at til ., «;;108e or YIe.AutumDd~!!"IJlg ro,t"ber And 01, c:on~. wl,QII tha Vc.'I,ijr 8tar It'd 'It a IIclghbollng hou~e and enquired 'Read that,' u bo a llve her his cllllous llie ci(t lor' Il.iI probllutl.~!l, ~hllt otherwise! ~n \V~o ~Iau he~r,] of ~h~ arrfHt, .rnt 1n a I of blft unrulv temp~r rclJod Ihe wholo gueat, a tlltlJlI his teona, who WI. a dit~. I WllIc},i'u¥ froU! ab~ \'U ' wholhor the widOlv Pbt~cr lived in 11111 hOlld. 'tIlded by the fle et, wt)ulu h~v(l bell II rovlIg: I ~gi' .!c alnn" t mut' dor ~o Illng llIer~ l oocu r.l ICC ~IIU heg"~d to be (o~glvell. rel~tlvo, an,a who w.,a thUi pillalni lill! n· • , . part oflho city, 1111 ullpel1r~nce dCJ)otod I The Indy II'US Juat nble to reud ' 'David IIn~, the udJllf ent Bh,,'r fa 01 ther. CSIIltlted. ~I~;~~~:n~vdl~e::~r~~~ tI~ee ~::~~tl~t;y~l;e ' "I rll~ not no~v d~SI)0ged to ;nllict ahy eplCtlOn dfrol", BkchoOI ; MI'0da~I.I.hl 0u:.e.~ .. '","nil k'nlelll1: 01) Ihl~ C IJ, omlOP o,rtl. ' , ' d ' L uccumO neces~(1tv to s Ir 11 o",y lllOn ' " , [ I " " r lin coo WII tI , ~.peot_ e ,fm••", I ' ll ralitllllt .,OICII allil or)' oxtrellle pOf lllty, Ill. CllllICI~tc form" av POltor,' allq ~ank oxhausteu hy. her IIglta- Ihnt he shout,] kll\lIY tho I'tlJlit lon und con. tha.I )'nlmor'a COm1ll18610n hod lIeen found I bod I)' pUlliahlllent upon you l' lepheil Mr. who, however, b~d in IdJqirer, & nlll"," I "Ulrcci my every &1"1'. Ih()u Gud. _ reducod tu u ake1et.clll: aeep furrows I~(I!C ted fep-hngi. Tbo lIolsc of her lallitrou~ht dition or Putnltlll's II oups UlOIC uccurutely, uP.on his pereon, )'ulnalll wrtllu buck thiS ,' D" ""or I much lliliapr9ve of tlte too COIll' ter, s tl\tioned ill the harr,cb lIe¥ bl ~ '~f ,"v.., Ihat r 'ilOlls 011.\111:1. druwn ill his ,cheeks, nnd hia 'rllme Heollled 1\loralle nud levelul of th e guestll, who bnd ul~o (llldeu.'or If pos>Jlble to ulcertllin what brtefJ~"a IIl emoralllo uote: 7 ImOil mollc of dorporeal punlshmon,t, used thtl stelen yleuure of whon. wu'~ ~IIJ. , Q r , I ' , 10 lie ~Iirlcned in ~ver,y JOIl!! by disc'ale or ' nolr arrlvod Illto the room' Ih!'y 8t1ppo~ed l'Urlie! III the city guve l'tlt'llIlDl suuh 1111'S ~.4nN IUA.RTpER"" Aug. ' j 1777 ' I everywhere througbdut tho worlii lind 1 In Did ~ine stetllthily on the rem.i~~i1li1a. I ,'p I I llh' ~ II ~rloF.! " , , I ' , . I:urate 11IIowledj;u ot Ill S, Cl illton'. plnns' l Ir. lit Illn a lTIor, 11 I alltellt!.l)t n I ' . • , ea oflhe mlstn)8a'e IU&UrIOU8 tal\le, , • ;~I~~~~~I~: th:e ;~~l" harel~I\ lpl, y."t \hl're Ivoe 8Ulllcth\1l~ Ill , ~omo vlol~IICII had bocn done to hcr pe r8bn 'l'ryon \\ US Ilu ral~l!l1: hiB "lIew . le- your KIng's serVIce, WBS tllken III my camp also Rell Ih~t the Ibought 01 the aull'erlllg lI~Qdl\m ond her boy relative bltiDl;atU• 1 •, d " , III' eye which toltl h tl Wad" b',m to a ~t)tler. and orderc'l the ~OI'pOBCU ruffian to lenve the \lIes," und ll)r huo ~ir Henrv Bcn' , , nl a V)lj'. He '!IIOS ttletl U8 Il 81 Y; he Yr jlS yOlt have \\'Iclte~ly I Iftlelc(\ upon a !':!lIow . ted after diu\ler for,l1 wolk. th .. lrum~e''YhclIl!rto r~ .tark hn "o'. r.,lronusJlIY , ,. t d II II d ,' ., r r~" , '0, bQ Ih'ou von 111111," fortune. 'y~I,' said hilI I\lfor.!lunl, 'Ill the bouse Immcdu\tel). III \'aill <\Id ho pro"Ocllcrull'ryou," htl SU llll"l I\IU~t know con em, I' III ~ jPY-, lin y.0u mllY rOIL 111- helng l\tll prove tiufUc!ent; but ' ! tlo hope tUOK I1llvoll~oge oft4e IlbleDCf,'bt.\t gD uCk. ll " , t ory 'next d~or, \llId II to be IIllItric(\ to· tesl his inlloce nce He WIlS forCibly drog· ilie rosltloh oj J'UtOIUII'~ troll,.. lUI? Ibeil ~redi j::~!'~I~!lil!I~:r 1~~I~:de~~ It. ~I'Y that this IIveut inlly m~l,e a IBsting 1m- Y ptolongeifhls mea1 h, 1o! lIIim~tel tc.Q 1rrcsl!ioll on your mind, aJ1(jtho.t ~ou mDY long, III bls hurr,y to conceal hi....elf, , ' d 'A , Wh~n rrOllpn~ •• Grig rlhJI )'ll lftd "}'es l:reo l• M Potlt>r had r\!. uumber.lntludlllg ll ia Iresh boI.ttlillOll8 of I ' . Anti wbcn from lhllt;ll'd 91rny, I , ge out, 8 60011 us rll. . lIulilio, YOII ough~ to fintl .00111 Olle~1\ •• SRA£L UTIIA'I, 1 1i ;W bel "1 ' t ,when taken b,.ur,prille he bel;oJ)le,. ,.aaonCa\l ~.~k m~; w'"I!1tloi ~:; I,rnu:,: Iclllt, ~. \0 Ile mftr ied!' Intd tho bClfgnr, How cove~cJ s ufficieNtly to .. p abc cichllm- lIut,ve-lhut hilS cillidted. in your corpfl lh llt ' nlll Excelloncy, Gen." 'l:,yon, - , , no you glow 0 ,cr, . n~ 0 to mltl ~r YllU T l cetl under \~O, bodof. ~h.lady 'or tIM bout


1~~d IIccluddod tcl.t:h.; cOhg~e'Qted cel;t~-'I'lIll!dleld in I!lit hnllll'

'1;}( ] ~ 51.













th,.J!':;:, My










I '•











An~ Iu)~"



loill: haw,her lIu bClnd beep doad!' • !ld: wiJl 1:') IIItO lhll UI.!tht~!Ids Ulla Obtdill it l'or P', S, A I,terll ~~I\ . '. lie 18 hnng~d, ~' • t pnsslons, 1i11i1llVe 11 !1~I\teou" hfe. I feel thinkillg 10 ellcap. While I ahe Pawd \he ''J.lheac mDlly Ion 1 ye'a rs' I.e wcnt oft' to 'l(erciful hcaven-I' here is my hU8band1 u~, 'J'he r('ward shull Ilo IIOllrlll, und if ~~oh:1Iit iJ'1'''lJ ~\. -prompt ti Cl(cc~lle l too, thnt Silmuel was ftrllL In th;! wrong, ill 1Jer dr"wln~m " u' aiIiaI. , 'TIle way or l\uIiIIU' ' i sea, Dntl hoa nol been bo.:d of'kince.' -where \I Crr tDill Potier' Do I drellm, Bucoeolslul, the por,Ml ~~lill be udvunc\ld a eC I, e. hlO~ry tree atll rlHlIU "' but YOll ha~ no rilil'h~ l(). (Jorrec;t Jlim, Dut wos ti~~ wl(h her "llk ' ,.o ner ' rlon! l'Ill t~ til l"Y'~ .J.oIIAhIH l ' ' , • ~ grado." , 1 " untlll!g near oeksl.1 I. t In hav~ to time qllrl I shoilid hl1~o the nillit,' 1m'1'hQre 11111)' 1 j..11I IhAC r ..n olnl.lll,roll~ 1-I1l'" .IDS .h" Iu_tam." houelf amee or Ifl It real lty1 ':1 \hillk 1 have 8ucb ~ mnn Sir Hilnt>· I' r ' , Who d\V,..1i h\ ';Id l~~' lighc'" her hl,.buual's doalbl' 'Tlie wom'nrr ia ilIad,' .uid one, 'lier -a tlerll'ell~t ' n De Lnncy 'a rAA·unent. He ' :"1 r~n~ ~nno)';",g ..,............_.~ _, 'She JIUIlI,ll ulllllcflli~ hed fj haractrr.' ' brain ia cruzt!d 'cr~cd unolhor ' It is Ille crtlldt~d ollly II lVeak ago IIIlCiiill lDLelluell't soon! cro;e c b rl?m \la . ', . ' d bI II U.• In ~K l'fl. ntI8 o~ •'10 ,t _ III l\\UI'E!, . Y II. l"Un 'tIlr nilA>!1 ' -1<1'1 ' r, 'fluiS she uny clllldren I' wild Impuse . 01' " 01'0111\1 ' cOlltlllucd t1,~ UI1 Uill I IOU. I O. I 'flU:': 1_, u t i J lq\' t::. '0 d I I Ii I d ' e r si\lo thllt do not know lip. had ]ohfed U8 IIS8i~ttlIlOC and advlcl', n ~ ,oug Iter o~ " a n~ )'onl1~ u y. tlllrd. yot." ' , fl.vcl , temper. 'Ve will, 'I 11\ s~ se~ her I~oloye eile 1,1 mUrrled. I Ctlptlt.lO ~ullt'r, who hud btten drag:;: od ''fho Hry mall. Go 3nd send 111m," o\ler t1)0 space fifteen hllve l'OI mun icnLi"JI' of i,nportoncll.' Irum hiS o\\'n hOUde, \Vas called buck to thCl Gencrul 'l'r~ 011 W ille bbSt' lIt ubollt t\\'o n,)\\' wo' mnl .Ed~urd marrioal to Susan, ':;;0 ~ yllllr he hurried WI fellt as'his Ice· are n" fr,)O\ whrnc:e he hnd Lccn ~o\llp el1e(\ houre, lor he h,llu 61~nt to lltlf,le~, ~vhere .nd 1I108l0d wiUr two lip. hel1ltliy c11\)urI;l1l I Idd I I t , '1'1 ' t t Ih ll ~cr~eullt WIIS s t ultolle,ilj IIl1dl'rgoll lg a n , hl~ 1Il,Ilb. \Yo~" d',I'1low t",thn ep em I wo - , tltOUlll1 rcll\r.timtly ,to Tet,re, Ie pnl'6 drill w ith olh crn u( Lila new 1\'11111 ullder The ~ooil old· Mr, venhllm flied sumetlm 'I bof(lro his t1~ughter's 1lI81"1'ngf., !n. Edward hllg uf the willow. 'rlto mOld wus , lIulJ\' IV ho by I h18 tlllll' htlt! arm'ed, \\'18 overJoy- tnulr olliuers. IDOIlCd, IIlId 8~t.'IIJ ~ him ~er()11I hl'r t \Vo~ l lld lu dl'C hi. old ffl(!!JtI;,th • C.I\llllln , ' Re- I "['I' e SCOII the !111m tllItlllI~d 11 long cpn· llaB 'uld ~)IC j:o\lp". an I","", Illld IUlik I ed t Ilti Untltf, \l' I r ft 'iJ~..a It ",uout to claBO lite iloor 14urn FL 1,11)1, ,; bu; juicei' .lauitl I,l' ·lIrll...P.bHtlr.) -lhy 1.uab~hd 'ver~~joll,1\' ttt. \>.illl," 8111o!\ 'r~y lhe titrllil" r mt~rrupttla hl'r hy soyillg wos tle~d alld ill alive-wlls Ib~t lOll is cIIl~red'I ' ,t\lo \6 ~\'t1llhng t<l 0j~ (~k~Jtbn SaDlll,P.1 Hoon fol!oWllill{illl IheYe, lind' .. one COl)~llIUII, allu JUl tJ on I It (,OllultlOIl , '1I1..d",I1, mny II bc{!gnr b(' pcrmlt~od to fO\II1I:l' of prldt,i." , " J ' ponne!;, !/l.'.'us ll~o I. , 'C;1l'tuIII P Itor 110\1,0 requestf'llnll to UP "Whllt IIIN))1I .' gave thld ' {r/lldilll rule to lOa the widow Putter!' We expect company to , lIi"lIt . ther fore ed~ll..Lllc...IJ\!.known to \beill "'rhlll, llo IIhllll rece ive II ~ie,:,telll\l)l. Illpo,-and Ilerh~pl medll!lting upon the o!liltl)r~1:'-'I/hlcb.-J....aI~~~;:b<.pe~;i#-!Et:-~~hiirmx:m;JtJJirt:t~~ru~l!Pt"'r:::WJ~~. YOllllluilt IlIImo(illIlCly Illave.' ' the &tor~ orbl. ubtienco. 'You ' behold jll COll1l,lls Ion ttl ol\oe. ,He lh"" wl~1 dpl,u rl Irlonds Clnd ecenC5 of bie YQulb,-be \'I'ard ''rhe \\,IJ~W PorteI' I IOUdt 8('e ..' me tile' SlLlIIU CIIV~ili'l J?ou~r who hua be,en ~~~e~::t~,nL yoo reqlllrll, IIn~ ::ntident o( somO light foot, tl'pa IIpp~uacllillg, IlUal on 'rhe ml1i4 wllo would haye been glad 10 Cln1.111IVilIIIIR exile from hil hOnJo lor four. " Vu u know him to bo IVO thy of re. lookl ..,!:, around law a br'gh t curl,y .pdtod ui~lntn hcr unSightly gu~lIt, bellnn to ~e leen )'etlr~, I waa clIJltured bY}lft Alg('r- lillnee,' .. ' • boy OJ about 10 youa ,old IId~nnc,"g 10' 3onJowhllt ~n:rY anal Pll'lIlIiollQ ·Iy ·exalalm. I/le {Jlrute 8il ip neat Mnlto, nnd compellod ., From 111,1 thllt 1 enn lenr!"." d from 'my 1Varll~ hil'A. He 'wu1! borefooted ?}Id d~A~' , I I I d O l ' I b i ar d own JUdgll1CUL I sllould hOtllo.U\) t ltm the t'-tl in vt'ry rngged clotjJcs . He IIsked III ICl18t." l'~: 4 r ' to serve t lOSt: 1'1 C lor .es. I I Wl " lUI bu~blo mOllner for foud; and boggeJl to '1' • now my raney; ,Vir,1 nn I free. 'Bo~ol1e: WO, cou't 'Il~D'" you no\v.' i~ 8cn'Iludu !lnI(JIIg-n people whose tender-' "l'he:1 let hia eOI('lIlYll~ lUll lio mn!lQ oul lle IIl10wcd to slell» 10 the bllm u.ylltg Rc,ul!!, ~Iuhlh"dd' •• ~nny OOW81i1. Dllt thl nlan \VIII stil1more imllurtulInte, eat mercies are cruel. r was ror~ed to III' and 8ellil hiilt IV,ith It lo mil. ~I' J h ave the tl t) • ,'tlo t ~ 'ondij or h;me l\11i1 .4n .. rllnlbllilo ",\lIlly ~' ith Ihe,lonnl I I I'k I t 1.. t I ., 'I f " I"UO I ~umllopliliollot hll1l1 will 81,,, I L " . la I~WD&""I III rl , · hi I kl d an TIl: t1 I lin IIg 10 IVIIS 110 ley II I uor t\, t Ie oar, 1111u \\ len rom ,nl b 'n ~"," I Ihererore WIlS co'mpcll d to do the besl he J lov~ In Ilro..o brigh l, .lnl\l!lllI\oul1!, , . . il k' k h' I • I h' I" f '..,hc youll" sorgl!nn~ suoll I..,...e II~ IIPMy childhood lhelltls- wller\! aro, Ihoy nnwl gain ..dmltt~nce Wlll~U~ 11111 Inlt 110\\1" Is COUld 110 101l1:e~ {tfMP It. t C mus~ Of 0 penruncCl. ile. IV ,US I!l)t lIiure tl1a" ll,rlle cu'ula (\lr hi1ll1l01l'. These rcque8ld 1I(ttC , ~mo raoile Iho bli'! /1I1 fiQ'1lI1 abuve, err,lnd, aceo.ted trIo mUld shU more uorn· my wrl 8ta wero,searl'd With a hol brick un· and twenty yeura of Ige.. of "&tid persollal immedllllely grallted hy the killd old gen. ))oilicI mould r 'I!eft th che ground;- cally. ' lil mv h nnds N('re immo\'"nbly clincht!d. "ppeorllllep., nlld II CUI)IItng ~wlllkin. IIbo"t tlem~n, whu WIl8 mllclt inlNe8tc~ In lIim, THis .lIl1y ...o-tl:is hour 111)"0, ' ' sIghed for death to come ond remove Ius 81/lnllljluck eye. donolln", no, wUIIL of Aftor lIupper \1o usked the hoy to rclut~ I hnve 50me ~l dlhg8 of' Tcry. _ • . _, ' . h confidell ce \0 his "" 11 good U1'ID 1011 , Sir d Import~lce to. cOOlmulllcllto.,to I. e my m80Pllorllll~ lo load, A year e~eml' an Henry- w'ns 50 well pll:liQcd ~vhh 111111 thnl 1 his h,slory; who lI'er~ h~1! pllrenls, un ~1!LICfD l,ml[lttrenof,thllmUnBIOII, willch Wt'ro {l'IV' ago, 80 tllrdy dill the wheels of lu!'(\ 1I10~~ his iU~ltU ()tlOn6 were 110011 c.0!l)pletedj tmd l wher~ he was traveli ng to. He antlwc,r----=======;:-===:;='"i'"-"= en t\) main trult, by. O~ ptoiD Potte" IIt' r.1ong. At length by a trot!.ty with the rece,vl\Ig.tlld conUl11S811ln, ili:o ncw .l ieutun. cd In these words' , 1'01111er proprietor of thi. plane.' United States, the Dey of AlgiPf8 was r.e- flnt Illlde t,he D,ntldh COIII~lllllldcr 1~rewel1, "My pntent~ wero rcspoetflulo PQople At the lJI~ntioll or Ihi. he \VIS p~rmiLted IqulrC(1 10 r llleDS!! nil the American ' slaves. 10 rlltutrn In 1I lCW ~~YI ~ wltlll, tile deat,red Ihn. nnd lived in the ::Illite of Nllw Yur),. 'rllllY III 1d Il ' , . , " lormo fon 0 ,I re"" HOG tu. qunr erl! e to onter. The, 1cldr whd was soon \0 , be , 1leil1g-sct.-.lll- huca>ty I emutlrkcd (or thiS .;l\l\nged ilis milllary IIllpuel tor a plOl1l I\(cre ctJmforta y lIett e 111 UlIl1\l1l1~ , • Mr., Mo~ane! 'Wlla informed tba\ Il rudo country; we encountered a ' furious gale, Cuu.ltrymnll 's 1\1111, rI"h cd tllo' hDln .... 01\ 1118 1I0t,V('t)l ri ch. 'Vhen the futul epidemiC I • ani uQtliJlniDi.~IJll>le 0'1' t I bt L I d urei tne.. , beggu blld some Important jnformation }vhicil drove thp I'essel 011 a dese rt h1hnd, coc((~d hut undur wlllcil he plilcod hl8 CI.I1U- IV II CI \Villi" OU tw ~ y enre ngo, reoc 10 • I ren~ember tho indignoti6D of In elo~ ell'ta!n P'!tter, of Newpurl, ~. I., 11'118 ~ r her, ab\l Ilcalrod 10 lIee har, whereupon Here a!1 dIe crow ptmahe(J oxcop~ four, miSi!fOn whl\:l~ he caofully rellflwod,IIDY- our n~lgllllorhoo~, Illy Father I\n(1 !\futher que nt.l\lethodist.t Ihe kind admonition of is relllukable temperllte In all ~, a welhJIY .Ild amaia Ie gentleman, .I,e rOI, to moet himj ' but M!lrano Who who were tak en lit by a merch~~t ship in. In~)t~lh~k6 Jl:,'n M itIS ROSll' }(,itrord seo... bOlh cuuITht the feV'lIr lind died 1~ltht\l II a Doctor ofnlvlnity,-"IIfY'lrlend, • m.n clrefully aYoidio, .I! IUIIIUIaOW of .Wlr" f_mll)" consilted oCthia Wife, tb. pattern could ~ut belr to "live his Intentled bride jltate of in.ensllllli~y. The 9\168el which my co~m ,~oll n.s un ol" CAr \0 hl~ Mo. fel\! weeki of each oth er, T] hus, 81r')1 WU« eallilothlliir be prall'!d nor illilultod," dlscripuon. She i.I \U\ IDtl~ riae~'Ja}hei vl"'tu~, ' 1IIi1 0110 dau"l,t" who thou"h ' , '\ .... 10'" 11' 1 orpll"n nt tillS onr y nge 11'11' "ok 01' Sculpt"·e •• hinory. I do not lIIornl"o" .... m\l:..l'l.' wmter a r'itim. , • • (or. mQRlent, remonatrilled. re~r.u( d U8 WIl8 bound to 'the Eut Indil's. J't'sty'" 8ervice,lIhe will nu 1l>ng~r colusa ," ' . , u, I I r 'F h v ...' .. 'w • .,. "" 10UOei exl\lbitl'd tbe beaut1 oJ ber moiller . , "d h h . I h d f N IItl I' rlllor" gIven to a dlsh nl rt at on 0 Illy ul er tbe Apollo lind thl Jokl! ImpossiblA much In tAa "poo .tr. J fill. -Ivlclty 01 her ''''.th... A, he wu 'Let hIm be callcd ln,' Sl\,1 e,'l! a h~e 011 hor rctorn to Liverpool, I was l1ressed t Ie an 0 IIlU u I'~ I ' b ' d d t b t i n t t Ind blood Every trait wluch the drellel with .,. "- view ci( ~bafort l.e alld t " • "" " , , ' 'I'he next IRU fllllll' bo e t 16 ,lUther to qn~ UI) nil e uco e; u y ren· ~ exporiencell in the bUllae .. of a eeo.-up. loyeeorots It!tlP hUllr th,em /.Ogethor. on Ilonrd a mon·o f.wnr. nnd compelled to , Bt!\ish out-JlUSt6 o.llt:IPgljllll gc,oll hor C' l ment thero \,.1\6 Stich ~hlll re'6ulv d to arlist reoordet,l lu titone, he seen ID lire thin Ihow,:r.eLitio UI\, .voldin, tl,ttt tain, bo oO'ored Ibe cOlllma!ld o'r a vee. 'Accordlllgly b. Uie threo yeard bofore I rould mIke my llnck, where Generul 'I'ry ollJ bud leave theIR ODd !leek hVlDg I gro", ' ' «1, whicb promiled ,relt duntaie, and apartment whoro eat r. ,an r., IIIt' d 111111, to . pUI'due h.ld expcdltilon. It could get it. I nm willing to do Ilnythiog shall alr~1 up IlIto ,lIfo in tho, wi~h no with Nloctance loft bl. wife .ft.""·-- herdour hter • 'From \ho ' momenl I IClillIci! this intend· \VIIS a bouul1lul morl1lng,lLll~ he luoked ill relurt! folr tho (ood 1 0111 obliged til be" lhouaand·ey.ed Allu~ne towilell antI blolon 'From whence are 1 0 1)1' asked Mra. Pot· ed ~1Irr1ng(\, I rl'~oll'l'd to eur(lrise you In furwarddwillb 011 thlc, muncldlcIP\'~!r,omnl·yOII PI 1·,'' 1: for but 3\11 often turned Il\\,oy from no; e.ery hRW thought, overy blushed . sore, un lope It til l . . I I , I' , ' I child tu ll'1. II1I rale on that ~Iemen whole eOlJlpo,.'ure lurel to lbe "atel 'of unpr.. Ur. tho mllllnor you hnve eIln-you eCllV me brooJlt, Ho the nl1utrClJ gruund t plo'a doors \I,ith tho unkind remllrks, 01 young gen u~ , , 'From the vi1uhorel of Barber.. ' weep III Ihe sight of my M~ry-lhey wele 1without \lIole~tul!on, und advunced In 0 'Wbot clln 6uch II Ilute felloy,' lUI you dol , ,1, k!n~w ~ottnlIDg ~hlcldl ~eodhl\1! ~?&°rlllt"ln A t ,.. ; , ' . 01'1; ~Q;; e . • phebe de,truction. m d -" ., I. , d bl h 'd d U A d ' ... II ylDlI"ul lepro,olln._ un"". ~. , Anl,Jlonore4 .a'l'Ci!la~." •• .' ' . T l 'Doub,tlell'J,IU,ha"e III ere mUl:Jlj eru- tearll of JOl' , dovlDg suffered Il1l're I C w, lIt \VIUI coni l rre I~, mencall Ill' You hCld uetter go to the Puor.Houae,-;- mg,whlchcln,subrtiat,ITtermuchbc".nr' W\I La d Th J '!! hiler \ 1 o hil vonll ~omp eted, ODp~ln Pot~r el peoplo ~nhlbit thoM! TOglon.:' barduipe, bUlh by ' .el1 und land, I Itond trlotll .IVItJlloUlbcl,ln g trubllt!d 41 °dllYI °h( Ihho Still I hopo (hilt. our Heavenlv Flltber '~11I 01 r.0od uffice, betweoo two l'irlUO\\1 men, of En:,'!n>l,~Je' w1: !!It~:Jd 4eter!;l1ined t(I renounce Ole fIlithle.. die p d 1 i . I OCOUJl IOIiIl trave era on I Ie roa ,Ii 1 oug I I h I f ~ ~ oCb' U: d • 'I ,... ~ i.::> I~" .... _ {mer. (or the ." uiet of ~I. own fire.1de. 'Much hue I suffere - wOlonce n ell>- belore 1 0U ill-lhese <tattered lfllImen~ Will everyone wus armed .JIII t ~1If1kcl, AI 1St mc In Illy loneat em eovor. 10 e p "IC.' 0 \\' om II autr IIl11a, au lure pie llounU» elei'tJmln, ui.. - ..... . .'J rq circum.lanee~, but all.l tho .lewlI,lIt1 a broken constitution, rendured jnflrm by Now nnd lhon he nllel till Amenean yeo- myrell.' There was then a !lllence of 1'1 h,1 {ric d. " man'J budlhlpaS ball ........4 .111 ' Pretl UI to hi. depllJ't\fre he took, a gold havo lDOrled \Vitll thl' vacillltilig frame,' Int#.n e bodily exercise al/d lufferlng, yet nun or rairmer With whom he " 'iii IIcqUIll~l' 101110 minutes, after wh ich the old HOI" e~I,ly \r"e read IbllOltd _b~kI, "t:htehne &~1~P. &fllP~l upqQ ~.:!!t~H': riD" Irom the fil/ger of 1111 ""Ife !lOd pllc, v , d I k A'" d (u" k I h I I,' I k to I"1\0 men were lew 0 tlut sma ea &c.. on 0 e .upen 0 10Dle 40"" &IInil...... , ., • .,' 'Yel, deep lire the linea of hardshi reioicing .JI~t I 11m normiltcd to IItlmd c ,t 10\ ~ew nut u . . .I'it II eo (in ,or e &II e 11m ow \0 wou.. ,e l~ ' r I We r'llquirethat'" man I d h' '" ..... oIt_ft ed), on hia pw~, "yib,,: 1 , " , , , " ~' Wftll born In that .celiou of lhe Ilountry , I b' d ' b db ' tI po ., 18 (1111. L ' or I Ip "I~e p- .... wllioh llre IIllrked In thy rurrolV~d c~".Ie,. my lonner frlend8, III the JlUld 01 .1 'd ' hi •. " I ' I t limon esrn mil reo y II SIH ug be 10 Illrg~ coluljllltrln Ine Iindieapt• • ,titloul" till'. -ut -Iu- 011 the I--e ., ... ... ,.. ... ~ • anu rt sl nnte . Wlt III a wwe clrc e wcrt't h' hi rul f r n The poor boy· i.. Id:J b ded h t h The lIued at Al .... Potlfr and Lila rro~ . . And' Rnld the .torll\-Ileulen then con~idcrQd 118 ut'lgbooJ'll, LAte In the 1m on , I J Q U L , " It ~noU ,,~,er,e lo ereeor e O 'J ? ml, riat uNred Ih' ll am amon, his wife, 'If you prefer afternoon ho ClIme WIthIn fligbt of the reg. (who 1 will call Ea\Yar~ WI1I~er) With tll~I' rOlC, end girded up bl~ 101111, I~d Ii.parted uIICoffibed Clelld of the oceall,' ' , wbo\l~ ou were nboul' to ular Arnl.ll'lcan ouL-ptnte, wli Q Ito turned cere JOY occept.ed till S Jund oll er. \VIl Will to sllch a ,lllCO, , Alu! Mi•. PoU'~ wn doomed to drink . Y, If the i/\alll road by a nlUTOW 0(10 that for II few moments leave our fri ~nds to It is onl)' low merit. thll~ cln be .1 ' h'" be rIght-If you p~cfer your "_..a II ,. d '11' II 1. rated. Pear " ,hen 1CDr ffll'nds ueap at t • 'OUlitAiD of woe. ACter wliIIuiMI nd ' be be h. in our 1.... \() • ml an", WE' 109 on t e bun.. i coa~lude tholr baTllalll uud louk nt tbe e Of ha;e done well. and.ay ' In, the ~triod bt' ht. rJ:~!lled rotum, form-,:. a J PPY 'i a .moll, Ilut rapid ,atr coln . . ' Iy hl.tory of the old tnflll they etanll wilh uncertain · b)i.; . to ~ un ~verJ ~I \lilt Ippelred o~, ,. . . . Let tl'i lor. a n'lOlll~nl l~k .JUo thl! t!\\cl, )[r, Dellham (for sUtll wu his nome) and balr..Ji.hko, lDil lind eaore'rly souaht 0' cry opportunl'ty to 'tel r;t h ....e lI)y fOrDIer ~etrothed" III11d ,Irl hhg and notIce eighteen, Its IlImDte.. d Ia ke n ..od~emeD\ forbol,. to . . . . , n, • of about and aOne lille Wile • IIII d a t th e age 0 f • - bcf, he IIn . -1 ,.. learn eome lidinr o( hu' liualland or the lbe 1,Itlled I.u}', Iteauty, onraged in sollie trilling hOlllO- up IIrm~ in defence of hiS cOllntry-mor- you moy beglU ~~ ope; r.t. of die tlhip ill which he ailieil. Dill Poor Jforafle ..t like ODe Ilupllied, Dnd work but nlliuly Ii LOn ing to the conver- riealll respectable young lady whe lived ill . There nre gonlusPs !II trade, II well .8 _11 ber eJrurla l"cre melfeclllalj the onl1 inattempted to Ippear indilFerent, but retired I&Uo~' of a Ilvely-lookiDg. brown.complex. the nelghborbood or hll rel1denC(', by 10 war o~ thhEl~8t.teh on Je~~~ nd ~~o fUfIIIllion tbat cullid be, or It lellit ever lOOn u the ceremony would penhit. loned young IIII1J' in a hult.militlry furb. whom he htld une child a (dll\lihter) _ reaa~n~ll~ ,IS ttl~ .1 m\~n II a r u:u II! wu nb"':nhd OD oLe lub, WI' !rom lin Hia CAteer wu ahoft, he- clme to the graYe !t i',~vllde~.t dthllt ,wll/~lf he ~1lI ple~ ber, wife dlea from a complilat ofthl~'" ~l\:~bbdy ~n \~~j'JI:. :b:u:;lt. See ....... UI .• . ' fe I." lor luO OOfte at 11m rom lIlI)O to lilll~, lIS ,,• 'd' '1 h h E..UIIa ~I, whleb' rla thUl:-'J!la'l 16. IlIaJlllo lfIven It.llIfr • PoLter 1I10no.' wre\Cbed IDeb~l&te la a • l"'frt yea:8. ,ho Imtlad Irchly, wiul (oudae". wbc.1l Iittlo IlUlI.ll ""'U bu~ 6 yearl old.- 11.1111 In you ~'~I! IenolV aa ellilY w y e 1*, spolu! with tbe ranrdrom Nawport no~ be; muttered lUorane, On ~lIlfollowlng day,. CaptaiD Potter IU- two were Rosa lIol1llfQrd J the Sbe DOW Wei 1" &lid with the _taDce I\Icceeda. u If you, .ell NI~oleoo, "you of I\BW!.. 1 hl,e IPtdc a pNIlIiao.' \'lIed 1,1. frlenda and aeijlabob ta _ t him dboUMble" Ind Will.Ilm Tuwnle'J ,II a hired womaD attended to 'h~ dutiea comla~reltcJend (ortllD~udI ,.L."_._ CaaIllllire C Pol,lIt, muter, 28 de!:. so min, ,. (' . . a .. ___ , of 1V0Tu hldere • ... 1>0(1' miD, I v _ \V.' T'W iDddal\1liDtelllae nll4' wa. far of your p.'Oml.'· lit hi. cO\lnu:y-seat. Tbe 1Cl'11. WII ont! nug armer. '~l~. an eU1l1(U ID the heaaa. - , hke ber rather,.1OOD which Ip~l'8r at lon, InterYal ,10 ealnlD\- CO ' - ' - .... __ ...tI..r...._ or - .. ~r'·DI 04 . , . . il ..c:rod I I Iny Ufeo.' of live ly inUlr~l, lad the C.ptaIJI r:.turn. Amt'WnhGaJlI ~!llo''I ·I' ~aJ'_ 1_ t _.1_ hegan to love 1IU10 Necldy-aa be ~ wfth 11II( &lid ....... that .L e At ..... ~ - , ..._... , . • • 0 I .... t, WI am, COlllaal ow...... 1-.1 11 1d IJU . --,...... ..,'" .htrt 01 lin. POI"', When Ibe eU, 'pellk allil deraft,' repll.ed Me- 00 home "'It.h thl. .lhlta.., I~ IndelIbly the mill 611 h","b.~III" ~ I..... 41 w~ a l\trong a.eUre ehl of '1 have beellllllanimoualy ...11<- .. mor ..wodttta b.,.... it OIIt.. rtlllindctl ber upon hie mlad. lifter 10 forget "AI I II\'~," Aid th4 'IOUDI m&ll, "it I" b.. age, IIl1d \hI" cOIIIbil1t!d "Ith In dl!c· .",." aad who::wvUI to be • a aec:Ilt;11l1latlon Cb'M~~.~m~~~=r;~~ ller ..". HA__ , a-..a "i &"Ie ~.. _ _ 'II Th be h wiUl \Ie4! Owle in ed'ortil1 · y.uur old ~II rk, ,hal ~Iy ~,Nlthan IIoDltAl diapGlitioa. 10011 made him II. \',IfY or thlt ~y~ .,..e = - r . 10J)j=,~ m,DI or 0 .., ---~ ......... V,,","_ - . . e , C U, lIOW, n& _ l'ahll~, the Dom;,,;c·. nt'tlhQw, who t1Mrul,Dd Jllftftble member 01 .r. D.'. aolja al'll o;uaJ. .cI*r , or, ,.. It I " " '. . . . . , . . . . . , of aoaJ. .1 . . "'f>ltc:aJlt~"'QmecI &II Ittltutlli of . .thorl· , . UaN rut. I.,ias hhD anrlnlt him uti: '!'be lIule boae"_u ..... _ lteill•• _~, pbrue from _~ .... ·II... ~ Nte c ..... lt-.l·~'-.I-.._lt .··Lb-" " Ii "'..A pIaiDlpobn"_&IIrecel1tllYitlteal ntl D a I"L'- .LIa .-'.. aft'-.malfl 1\a_'fI!II'!!N""' _.~ ~." _ ...... - to _ _ of - lIe h',.... au t"UI at "dll - - Il..ntll CIGIaIl,aad...W .. ber,"Uuw dt.t lb r.a ~r "' ravorl~ Imoa,a tIM Yill.,.,.. H. could "", ..N lMIW.a" r' otnI ki~ 1Dwau np.....on of 1011 OOtItrive to I D1Uae J o u n t e l f ! ' , : : : : 1 d tlllJ III wUOiI, eoaJd cleu the a bouaoI ~v~==:;,';::r~: Ill"

1:1 [he \\"Y _

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unexomp lII...dae.

W. bne J1ae Marth Oll,uber or ,S.,rlain: i

u41t . ,.. lor betU\1 ••dJOOdillauer




NEW OnL""lIS Feb 8 P M ~

Gen Qllltmun IS herll OWOltlug his ~t8! lie i OVO 'lQOO bull fur Ills D!lPconmce ot Oourt \ " Tho llcke" to lenny J II tl. (Joll ccrl were aold tl • \Dorillng

n Arey )-Jaye ltlo mUll who won the Greek l:i!oV!l pllid 1fj9JO prelllium fur tI e hr! t

hUot rRbl c Oil TlleldllY night u aculne "as I eurd ~n a louae sllullled on Western Ro\\, ,,1.ooVfo1 Fourth A genlleman ,tho "~lIS raoatng ut lhll lIlomf'llt prosBllIl h" \1 flY, ,utI) tho housll ud fuun I conslllel6ble .. 10011 UPQI~ tle floor !lnd other 1I111 clltlons 'Or II lJIoody fight It. pockel book and ]llpen \I ere round on the ftQor Tiis lIouae nnd its Ihmat'efS have lrong I cen ,",ouret's of slInoy 1I11l1 \0 persoll» d" lIlInl: till Iho VICIllIt,y -(';111 G.n ~8l ~ 0


vlbcK wom en \ ore

pllU n; th" CtJrllllr \Jf ,ourtb IIDeI Ruce stroots r n YCI terday mOrftllg tI oy woro ll88slIlted by aome half /;!rown mcn who lnnted thom In a \lolent uhd Iirutul Innhmlr -elil G.u

FannYI the

.; Ilw,EI d sluv~ womGU Idft for homo

Lf f Y

C i uch.llllh




Cu F b ll 19 HI5 t IInon GO@lllle I'er dny

$I @! 20

llutler-'s to Ilia E gg5- 10 ~ Il ell~(I-7 @ 7~C

Culfcc-II! @ 12 ~c rnnlHlrr ('~ ,-$S per brl Fl~h-llf ut. ~r~1 no aI1l~, to ~ I.ak Ihm Ulg 05@700 l1'lour-l he .alps UUrll1g' i.I e week bOo\ e ra llged from (19 10 to 3 (lO I xlrCrntK }o~ It-Dne J Apples eO@8be per I II 10 Penc! 1'8 $1 .!O@ I () O Orange>! alld Lem 011 8 82@I;jiS per tiOlC Gru II~COI'II ~8 \iHOc~ 0 , ts 38@40o Rye OOc, Birley 62@(36c Wi out 70c 11011188 1@ 1 50 li. y-$12 @ 13 or pr me tllnoll,

with her Inll~tflt aDOn (I(ter t,he el080 the lr,1I1 on Tuesday Site .at d rl ng tl e exammatlon \Vlth ." DJlpllront mdlfrilrc uo HOIl ~ -$3 76 gross Ollttle 84@5 to Ihe result of the "uit-evldenlly to a Hop"-4() C. Ilrge cxlelltunconlllOUI of )ll't POII,I \1011 nn I lroll- SD5@$26 for p ig' Dar the mtl/nlJi lind purposos of lhose around her abe hall been well 'pO.lell UP. 1n from 2~ to "~ P Nu .1 rotlli ~@ lJc McSll Plltk-$t1@ ll 37 her rel,tlon. to ~he 6Ult, th~ro .. Ht tle IlIUn8-8e c!oub~ Iiut t~D.t ahe would havo made Shollhlurs- ~~e "bold .troke for fniedoll - 01. G.AZ S dC 6-6~ .. ; ......----. Lurd'1i @Sa School MI tre.e Abrood The F:rlltr«t Flinner pu~l shed at Chien RIM-4:!.c Soelf,-C'oT~r /) riO @1I '70@/) 26 "10. pUb)I!11" the fDlIow IIlg vcrbotim COllY of .. certlficlltll grlluted to a ftlmn lo tOllch 0\11Y $\1@'3 Flax 81 "5 er IP Cook county nollong since ::iugar-0 1@6i Tc bnoeo-',,<) a to 220 The underHlgnors Deln (bo~en to In WIIiSil ey-24 @22 ~c 'J1oot--- 1 he Soholl tl1~oher u~ - \Vo(ll-SI to 41e ur-cor lIug found ho~ CII\ll1ble tlf teuel)lng R e.. dtn Rltlll\ lind E RlthrnatHlk, nlld hn~ Ylsl ted tho !!Icholl, ODl.I 6Ul1 sIlO hu kep~ 1tegulsr• Howera CU'ok co


J1 npe~

in ndvn) ce HIE


IOCUl,tPllICAL SRB'l'CHES Ille firdt orller and deepf'it IOlo ClIt II b•• prominent. r~~ulul t

IfUJlIOlWUS ARTIC~ES Harml4l88 111 kllll /lnd mornl III nhurllc ~r Will nl~o COlllrllJute to tllp. IIIterc81 of 01 r pallC.'r Ri r\I~ I f the nrw fe~Ulrtll ~ 11 be the 'EDUeA IlON I\L J·lt.RENTA.11 ~nd YOUIH S deil~rlln~nt8 all o' wlllcl\ we Jlhl11111n1 to fit) With tue ClIIJI(£5T UF MAT 'nil

I fI the

AGRI CUL1 UR,\L eOLUftf S Ambltl<ln \1 like Ilwlld hl)r.e prance. Ul1ceSi I1gly unbl it hu thrown ilJi rider :When

hllll a man a right

WIfe about hi. cofl'co l

clent Qround~

to scold lila

Wben he h.. euft! ~

A Marble QUllrry, contslOlDl ener 40 dl~ ferellt VBrltlliea, hAH been di.covered 10 AI .b"ill ..... pleuant ,r 1\1 for a f.~er to lit at bla aon', bOl\rd It II like th, Dgoil man re olininl under the oak wh IIlh he hu plaD ~ed

The Fum er all III hltve 1\ lI1111 OF W £t. LTU worth nlllre thftn len Illnes lhe cost 01 the PQper fQr ayenr

THE ARTS AND SCIENCES Shall furnl!h a mel! COl U~"'I each ISS Ue. \Ve are deter lJOe l ttl.t our reDders ahail b~ pOlltell I ~\ W £IilLL Y 011 U II th e 1II08 t

UIPOarAN 1 NEWS loth LOc.u. and GENERAL nnl to 11,111 lie 10 III • work we IIrt' mnk n: nrr~ll gcmc 118 t o have " corcRI utldent n numbors of our arge CltlCt! who will IIlIDlt'dlllely inform 110' Ilny IIItcre'l nil' trom~p r nil' eyellt8 We &111\1 .110 ev!'.1 ourlK'lves of Ih e TELEGRAPH 11th. departmcnt In II "arc! WJI Illtemlto make the


• colored malln-Albany. oltl one hundred .nd flrty el.n 8 00 BUlldey evenmlf and Will 'lVe\! IDd hUIIgry IIDl'tmorlllnlt

There II a Iidy 10 Alb,ny, elp:hty five ,.ara of 8/,lP who h.. .Iou lut Se tern 'hPr. kOlt over lhlrt, pal... ofBtoc:ktnr. snd

ItIU readl without llpoetaclot

AD Alaba",. paper IflF8 .n'~~count of the dlYoJ'et qf a Woman from he" bu~".nd • Kr Put 1t lConlS lite' Ilouid not stuy Put • Rat"riC)a~ .Noll~l!.

El.Il J SW~t.LOW ~ III (by d'Vine per 1IIi..loD,) preneh at II e Acodemy, on





inlof the


r nth hut at Tho public

fuUJ In"l~ to attend



TERMS Oae copy for a y~ar nnce Ir paId In three monlhl ""



At the enel uI t)MI year



r~ld 10 ad

'I 1I5 J 50 1,75


7 n 3 III a nver I I Arr ea 13 1:1 0 6 IS Q COU II)


!l :I I Iv !)








Pnvatc Iledieal



!) IS


L~kc 10

Simplo Jlezqedr.

o:rThll alople appllcatloo for horso 8 fOOl which are btlttle or hoof bopnd, 1 learned frllm 10 Enrltllh Iboor, and navln" tried l~ Vllth;,ood IIU\\ct, and nover haVing leon it fail, l' eend It to YOlllO bo used JIll YOIl may deem proper Jdls eqllal parta of tar a04 lome loft p"', bavlor tbe foo~ clclilll a.ntl dry aPo plllt ,. alllla.rtll lel Inr It run under tilO ahoe u muab u p08llble In blld ca.el the applicatIOn Ihould be made evllry day rQr a w.II, aDd then two or thru time. a week &III the f90\ b.eumea Itrool and amoalh LCor F.nlly Collr]

•• •

A :l"oukee Cl1ptnlll Dunng tI GloeL wnr w Ih Groat Dr tUII Iil etn all schooner Ihd~1I w til silks Dnd other volua.lJle arlu:lu b\llunglllg to Star IDgton wa. hullod un her homo \ oyoge from Frllhcc by a Unhah armed brllf wherl the folioWID$. d aloglle took pla.oo lIet\vecn lito comma.nd,,! ul wu II!'II: IInel 1110 mos tcr of ti,c 8c1100ner OlhceJl-Schooller ahoy I Yllllkee-Uulluw 0 -Who com nnnd~ that schooner l Y -llr-olher JUllllthlln .u~oa lew but I no v o -Brother JonlllhClIl i B Brothe, Jonllthan Y - Why vou mll~t b~ II darncd foul not to know Brallier Jonllthall Every body in town kno~ 111m o -Rend your lIon.t 011 bMrd Y -I dOli t knol\' " Clhcr I 61 011 or nol the rice bU'JIt The.. IInle croalure" for tile 110111 8 all soggy IIbd I Illn t got rather around lbe rice fieldl in hnrvelt nelY clotl OB Brother Jun ILhan I got II Il.o ID lIOuntle.. ml rlaa Ind of coune Clout-I( he 8 II nillli tow go lIe Ino} CODlUWO conllderablejraiD SOllie yeur. but I ID 8ure J 8holl t .." It wu determlDI to mllke wua upon 0 -Stnke tlifm and drive them It 01 the Gounuy Y -Smk9 W1!~ I hD n got IIQlody and tbe mellEUre w.. In lome derrlJo .u~ 10 ~leiko Ii It dlld, I C B cook c:e..ful ao far ae l:ettiDe rid of tbe bird. crazy II I r I str ko '"m he -What'l,. binls ru od forl' The lice pia I IHlcK ngum 80 loin t no usc I Us' IOOD fouod. lor wllh the docreaae of 0 -What oro vou landed \ thl blrdll, the wormslnereued 10 rapidly thlt Y -Balo good~ nil hens 4nd hen I I II ! iutead of a few seatterlng ,r'lo, to f"nd bl1nd. Dnd hub gobllnd and 101 g f!lced the y;'hole Cf0P. wu demanded tl) fill tho n !:ren try utlable maw of the Irmy that clime to COD 0 -WI ere !lrc you hound I IIIlIIU every youn, Ihoot u faet "' thtv Y - S IO r n tI10\~ n ..null from tbl arouod. llllit UJldoubledly 0 - Wi cre I yeu, lIale goods l (Oy lbe blrdll were IDvlted blck ' ia n With a tillS t me tbeaOieor ha , boarded the schoon hearty welcome RIGa canDot be el.llllVIl er) led without tbalr .... It'DCO Y -There they be (1'0 ntlng losome "A few yeare age tbe blackblrdl In the bundles of clap boards all.lim::lea ) oorther.n put of lndlana were cOMuJered 0 -Yo I conloulldcd foul you call th~m a ......ouanu ... llc:e to the rarmer \Vhula bale goodsl _ fielda of oatl; ",ere aametilllel de.troyed Y -WI f. 81lrt n Don tyou t and tbed'l'reciulonl upoJllate corn were 0 -Wbero 8) our hen. 1l0ll I enl hUB ~tIf than ean be bellend, Ir told bands' Tbti farmer lOwed an4 the bn"!1 rellped Y - Th~ro tl ey be i I that coop He lealded and they tWIttered Oaelll! n 0 - Whero "your I ob !fObhns1 ,Uy a charge 01 abot broughl dow.n a 8core Y - Thero the) bt In II ut tothrr but. made no mare 100prenlon upon the i"eat eaop lhel'c pat _ of b rd"l than the removal of a 0 -Whero II your lcng rnced go!ntryt IDJ:1e eket o( \filter from the GJ'Ilat 0 -There they be In thllt Ilg sly 'pPiidle A few ye..., eury green Y -Ha~e ) 0 1.1 rmy llu"g to drlllk on tldar OD tbe land _III Ileetined to dca- boardl Ul&CllOO by tho army worm JlaD wae Y -We had lome rum "IIe.n \\e come Et...~--a worm 1IIIOl1, worm. But way but the ca.g I do\\ n under the load frieade the haled lalackblrde, came lind If you try you Gall t If!!t 1\ I'J It ¥ no .. Ilia r.1itf jolt ill tim. to .... wheo all Ule ...... loa\. No human aiel OOIlUl The Brn .. h offiCl't reCl'IIed bill little "lpe~ him How thankful ahoul4 man be utllrllctlon and haVing no doubt ber.ame . ., God bal riven bllll for hll cempamonl d ~gu tcd .at 11 e Ignorftnce of the Yonkee ud rcllow la60ren ill tho. culuVllOQ relul'lled un bond the brig IDd le!t the tIM earth, ~ lenl1 lalta Tile lab'Jr poor 8111111<: ctl!lIlurCII to take care I f I. worthJ er III. hire No honaat 11110 themael f C& A few atlerw...,I. the . . .111 cbri\ a bird of hla ~pnnr I1Id Mllil yeuel DfrrlYtd at BII.lon with • car~ _ ...arIl ,aloed at ooe bundred thonnnd doUan



DobbK'~ya II ft\ tho mun who keops 1\ Tlte lllllan; I n-,Ion IOSL bor.e Ilnd a figh llng cook 8Jllot 08 HU Tho forco 01 1 ub l "III II ell II ust ratcd ro La go La the dpvll us a tir ok hOIl. o tlInt by 11 1I11ectlote tolli us at :I tur I cr Profoo locked IIp In 11 IllW 6n t Ao r lit II e I\ltdlc I !:lc 1001 II CUIII 'We hovl! It IrOlll cne 01 Ihe studt/IS \VII. I r050 llt all tl e OCCllll Il Alter the delivery 11 n lecture Ihe lira foellor 8Illd Gentlemen to morro v J ¥blLlI hive the plt'88\l1'o of II BSllet I: II body lI.foro ) au J hud ho .. eel to bave Ihlll lsi action this afternoon bl t unlorlU alely the subJecl WII not exactly rt!lI1!~ not be mg qUito doad He I ~ I 0\\ ever II Itll\l\ t II dOllbt derunct by tll I t me ond to-Dlurro v yO\ may rely uloO II rare treel 1 ho next duy the stutlents wer. n tl a hall ellrly to Ice the ticlilpol used rhere wu~ no corp 0 lin tile d h('cunll table lind every lllni the door opened ever, eye \\ turoed tu wllnel ' the .dvelll or whUI1\l lIll Illl would style 11 dem d bOlly By by II e Prufcilor solonnl} slr<ldu du vn Ih e olsle to Ilia <lo. k \Y Ih III~ hBI ds beh nd b 11 Ilnd weem g II 11 Clbllcllolty loo k 1:.1i nl 1111 s tll d, ho Ilddrea_ell Ibo alII glove ollen conenle a dmy dClllA Gentlemen I pxpecled ),cslllnla, All I IInnounced \0 havo tile pleldure of dlsaec W thout friend" tb~ world II auld be \ ng I .ubJl!cI here th • _fterl1oon But I II wllderoel8 II( I .orry to .tale I:entlemon tb.t much hi my dl"llpo IIlment Ie It II III be to your'll Four lIof1 eb tt ClOII,r'II IIro nil the rllgl' lhe 01 .~tl4e unfortunately, hn taken II fa N B -Eare 10slIred.1 1111 office urable turn ond tho pUll ell l t. 11011 rOlr II Dy of reco, cry Jlliln, LlIId It \8 a"noun~ ea WI 1be ID New 1Cor.k b,lhc lat..lUL.rch nnt _ _ __



\V",h ngtoo Cit, I Just now In the very midst of jta \'tIDier Plet,

VartlJoQl actio .. IOOMr or


wm lind





- _ ., (jU I


TI!J,",,~m'6) hess ond (orboarlln tlP , Ilmllorunda thcm to I and Ullcertllln \\ ho\h er hCI li fo tnlght lIut rr~rRlt~tilOO ~tliJ~ ~ II[ 00 i t introdll clIlg 111~ to h~ ~ IUU~8 and =,;;L;:: r 'V=La(===L1.LQl==e-=_"",,== prlletleD tho OtllS 01 \\ IIr be tho fOrTol of\\ hit sllo wos IlLOultO do ~ ~ IV s tnwlass ["how cas I ~ IImltt WI ~ lit Ie IIlth ~ ~ __ ~__ 1'u n Pllrs 1\ .... ho regretted to tbe cele *-====== 'nj ft I d I b I. i ., tJ d iL.' I gJ(l,vu ly ,,,, tor/IlIJlcolll I yusehol l "UIlS\lltu 1;::::=== - - -=. " - - - ~~ brnlOlt Dr, J ohl .. on Ibat he trail Jlot bllell 10 0 lcer, W 10 aecllle qUllg fRlllhllr t plBy c ueller mllglf,ou I~ll ~lIcr Qu 1 tlvll rhnlll mut >lhul,l1u llt: sp,roud Ill r I II '1 1 ~u ~ U E! I ml 1,~IA~ Ilt-!.! a clergyman, bOll,use he cOlis/doled the w!'., wIth the IOUnOIOn kllo ckeu ot tl a dour It ! We shllll confiJlo olJrsclveil to tho IIl1lre I be/oro) {he firt! plucE' nI\'l l\ UI crlvl ur aU \ r 0 U (.'~.. I O~ h I b l!fc of 11 cl~rgYJllln an eMY and eomforta "'-'! ., f r -\' \ \ C I II I OJI t n " nl uur se 00 u oy bl h " A II ~ ). ;1,." Ilo.Jl ope ned anu I \I th e lIestly furnished nllrrutlol, a IUCIM II I ~"\ J: ~ H'EESE gl\ (U Ii III to I oep hill ~lt com II' lol>l c~lIc" Lilli y llurLun I C) waS II very conceit e Olle ,t e uUlltor mil\!1' t I I m,,,mora'll'Iydlu renched Frllllkferd tllCU d stont __ l}ut SUPI)o.e he .liou1" be n rouhllr l..,dlctlulV (lid UI\IIJV$ f,nCI\1I\ he kill' v ev repl~ -Th .. lI(eofecdnlclentlollll e*'l1. J'urlormct tho m glrC~8 "ho spo\;c to Imrl ~IH!!I r Ii II d ~ald Illy Wl lo ~ 1\l11 ulallmd un I d ITt 1 I d mln Is uot ell8 dillve tihvoYI eoudd. culling 11111 lly n01l1C It" os the Adju j ,our or 110 In 09 811 del,oslled I er bog U~ I I 00 \\ mJetod HI Ill) goolag luI udvell II 0 nI"ht should tl u 11 d I I ItO "a ry th IIg u6tln t1 III o~h c , P liP Po dId, (III erlid n al~rgy\ll'llll DB th~ father 01 a I., duu~ Generul. uuu h~ upl'0und nl husle to I the lllH Now commenclllllhl' dungers of lUre fur fro 11 Ih e don ,ed or IIlV fr 0 1 U. Ilud \1 It I sJ!nc vi Illy l~bJ9 Ibiu ll us ~ " c~ ~' hu I I \ u 01 Qu)lng 1\ h~1l h~ \y~'\~d fuIllt1y than he .. ollIe to inIllotall!' y (\\llIcll Y tl Y Sir, I ,10 /lot envy a clcrgymQI'iJifi gl\c ILllorder Tin \IU~ to desIre th al tho her Underllllung for she pressc d forward !I Ulglt \1115 lu~t uP Jl rO~C llllln My frwllll .. SPOOlS pllte &. 1 U cOlltrutll ct uy fJ& ED V,srron I he rollow\II'" exlfllord ll11r u epl" I>uck room nllght be prepured for the reeep : Wllh ull hasto to" Irds tl 0 OlltpO~~ oC th e houStC \\ (1St at l..,uMt tellI Itl\l os dl1btnnt ulld ::;UI~ ollou~h 9111U Ill) ""lIghl~r S Jr III l ~'o~~~ -l~ 'I ,"~rJl{\~o~ e~:IO~t \~~~ ;~~t , CU8Y life nor dtl I envy ~IO c:f5IJ!IIIatl' '1''' • \ IA " d con rury 0 rr y eXJl!'c a lone \\ 1< n r de t li u 1001 ij us If I 0 WI6 " uno t rOo I , who Innlces It on 805Y lite' tie W" wrlllon lIy a 111110 girl of to yo.r~ 01 hub tllllt evening or hhn l clf nnll h l~ friends lO(,rlCQn army hor eterl/ll/lut,On was Oul lh ut Ilurl !u<r th " Wind ho.d ;hlftell tv L II uu "1 I dUal) 1\ helll Il \\ UB JIl touch woulber CI It I I G I "tV I " et 01':1 11UIIUZc. 11 tlllt reJu n~ I 1ft I -~ .....,~-\-_ge, In rb~ly 10 a holo Irom Ihe writer rl!(IUOSI who hod upP0lnlcd tu meutth~rl' tlul1l11 "ht to arpr so em:n U8 Iingloll 01 Ihe II ralll} (Iuuner und it beJun to drlzzlo ! alld IlccordmO'ly "h eu tho time lur gU \n" I~ IItI\\ 0 I) It \ U3 II 6 11lrpCr r05 all ( !hvlrtnesl of nlrtll!l. t llit a poelle ell'uslon "tVllb her ".rnd9l16n u rem ul n latc II Ant! Le sure Lyd II he duu regardless of risle to herB~ !f sho\ Id srnartl} j"'l us t\\ \lJltt I III set lU -'1'here tu Lod cum!!0 1 IHnt tu l! 0 kltcl ~ II Rll\~ I lhNO 1\ U~ /lot so much eno\\ we had some A G ermnll puper spenkill' of tile IWlf\\rall~crlI'IIQ furu ished for presenlalloll 10 yuur I:oll cludcd lhat ~he fUll IIy lire III llt d lit the fue t of her com mu'llcllllIg the m fur ma \1 us u peeu I~I ro.\\ .,8 II tl/C. at rlu.pbcru lhul Iny lodg<' r W I S pruY d.,,\ for o.:IU liS T very co p tul sliding IIl1il ~I \lhO wus a nOfo d ne es of Vtlrlons InrlB Itlys-'A vulttsr& call rel1llere Suell e oloe. of words Inl 81n Ilur ler I I I I 11 l t Iit I I I I dllch relluer,lllt E'~CO d IIgly uu ple asu nt Id t tht! rllu m I lrue" th o key lIlId pllt I Ied placQ lIell r II e rJ\ or IV IIC IVdns u I ro- fly lit the rate of 150 mUII8 an hoar Ort: '11l1eATloN 11011'11 of theill hDVO eVCT l llil CUt y lour IU u~ p ec you oottOIlC 011 IC I I~COV{!r.CI It wos gr udunlly gCltl llJ Hly culd 0111 I cnrcr.1I III \11 oel ~ l 111 1 '8.IU to IT zell 01 er where you IIl1gl t sl e or 5 cute servutlollS mado on CODst of Labrldot ccwlCe\l-oxcept IU Ih. I!:lel,"ulory Sllullllll to 11119 equest \Vh cu our ::uests urc reu I She \I U~ ;net I'll her \1 IV ll) HIl Amorl I llegllll to tlllI,k I~ U(hldul.te tu sc~1 tihclLCr WIfe 1I1l~ turlill Y I 1 1 ~Id (ud,!'c r s ~al~ as SlIfol) o~ III th H roofl for let tllo \\orst \lIIccd MU)\Jr CarLllrl"l\t that Wild l.eNO Dock II lUll.~ bo 1Qle~eSllnll to II ~II 10 lIo dy to leu\ e the houfto I \\ IIlny~clf /lIve you can oillcer iI sl l llJ~lshod for IIiH superior Ilur tho IlIg ht at 60 1110 C,)u\) try ill\) rath er el\ough II U\I I W \V llrr " ' 11 0 I III 10 II u t: lIe the \1 (lrst you could oilly, If tl 0 I( 0 coult! trIlV!)\ nt the ratc uf !II) mIl. aa tolt! IMrllor dilll out wijllderful IJrLle pO.luS8 1I0tice fo let ll~ out, unel CXllllgUIS', the tiro I utclhglmec UI tI oetlv I) "h o hnil uee n 80 1tl III I 1St 1I1\~~1I to tho prob :\hl huU6 of hO lb to JI.cle a luclt UII~ Iww Ii ~tlUl1lT Lult I rol r JOlt \\feCI ~totkll;o~ fo~ ll~~ "~It I Qur 1 he common crOIV cnll fly filS mile. 41 tho ~1l0 of !I year. wrOl1l a poem enl Il uu unu candles • ! Iec tctl by (i~lIcrQI 'VnMillII"tOIl tu SIlIII III ~CUlJ 11)6tln Iiles" clt wfl.loijljlld '~reltclllllff bQloro be III Ilud IC~ 81> 1lI qll) otl ~"r I~ ~: ~6t~ h\pr;~n l~t 0 II~ u ; I;~ I 9111d~ tltc:~ WlIllo\\ 8 a corol))g to Spalllinga'tn. e~ , 1 he 1 en Plar:uo~ 01 F.!lY~:: WI hlfChl"lo.· put.. lIuvlu g d"hvored t1113 oftlor With till em lormutloll re_pecl IIIg ~I 0 m~\ cmCU lS or lito w~;I~I~ln fu~~d I:~ dll~rclll~IC::,u~gll ~\~~IUII' , ' porNIIIOlIl oC 1I 0/90 jl CII\ ,"C~ I tl k I I I II hellOI:r I'Ue wtl uld 1111 1~IOy bour on con ~1~O~lt~~O!'::{d Cot t.!~;~': I:~:~ ~r::~:: US)lcd III a rollglou¥ PUrlOwCD 0 I', lute 1 .d " i A I I Id I I I I eXllllorlllll,;' on gOln'" 0 If' I e lCI ., 1 II L " k t If tllo Irom I e 011 Ibe 01 liS 11crlt.t by phillie m(lIlner whl~1 sho\\ cd thnt he re eu eb" u) ceOTI UI~ to muny nut IOIIltC8 II OUl uy I" It t o !'en ul/ate \\ I I CC lUIII ! I fOI lid Illy Vl:.111 r fo~t nslucl' UI dOl hu n u 101 11\ \1. cp Q doparture 01 H'enry tv £rom FOlltalb1eall iJ 'VII II a mO~1 0 aller Ig lone. I th CAli " L I I t I n tl It! '0 If cy b"w 10 n e v II 0 j r v'r UIIlI u eu rulIl "'l} \1 U A\ ery one o~ us I I "1 I.... I 1\ { rl ' the Edlor .aM hua ulreudy ",rllion pO~ lry much Oll Ule p,ullcllce und dlhe ollonoftl u Id 1\ us ~ lltalU ell 111." oan, I IOU .. I Y \ a~ S I III\ ukel t!11 Ito WUd for pu llr ~ off. I\lt I roni cd h lll1 to I, ~ on the IIlll~ na our I true, tHS u r( must Io,ve own or lOur "uoullh 10 hllil vohnlle- ond BlranllO 10 any peJlsoo I 0 otl(lr.. &s~d Ihe AtlJudnnt General Borne UYI>r lhoili. \ u. LlIlUt Culunl'l Crolg I OUllt,o uf It tlt"lli Ig 1:ld: ~1l1(PI~rulch mnlly th onks lor tI e acco n Ili0dulHlu I hilI! or t bl d Ilg pll1cJ \Vus culled \Vell teoll hour at tho nIt! bl /)'7 mIle. an hour, ~,..r oll1c~ Ilbllllioe lire 1I0t In the lonUI In lerlor depurt ed Lydl n betooll hor8cl! to Ilettmft l of tl e hgh l horse He Illjlnetltotely re I ~J il It 0~~:1 t~OIl~ I~h~~~ c 01;1 U 1~lllglc ~u~liil given hill/a; 1I1~ ol1 rcd Ito \1 ltl ~.h r \ e III "'0110 d~y I nt clo VII to "lI~e Ulld ell ~t~ ul:~\~nf hi: , to rcsf II WQlDunt durwll' 10 ller poetlctDlent 1N C thlnlT III T03dmcISs Dut tbe words . 1)1' hud aoglllzrd her ond II qUireu ,,,It ther sho v. us f \\ Ith II lurt, U c w .Ils unplllslered bUel lhe I u r.OIlr3IC CIullo lllL I C() U fTIO \ \l ctlur jO\ ~ d oursoh es Illl"hlll) for 80lne fune 1 1 \\ I 101 D I I "I I k " to SOli I10 0 IlInll rUI ~\IlJ () III Ie ot I lIlll n to bt':tn SO) In.... It 18 -~-,+- --1,..--tl hotlrd, e8pc~ullly lho lIIjunctlOn to rcllro gOlllg In reply 1;'110 I'ru) cd th e oQicer to lut ~(laree y tonal tau 0 0 U~ UullllBS I ~1l0W \\ Ithout preu.! ust 90 rillS stod UpUII a~ I y or n I:f '" I } rlilldenlnr Children f hedeOIVj~~ your chomillnu~lea on carly ruu g 1\1 her enra lind she coulJ nOl 111hght alld w(llie Inth hCl \\ luuh h e d,u 11011 III such quu:,tci ~ tifd 'tOil "x. ally corres 11m slU} If g I here h 'S ill 0 I all old bloc\t ( ~~{ 1~~lIPiU 6lIt' I\I1'" h trl\ ~ thl~f ouoltl~~~ til Il co\ultry towu 1/1 tho IIIteriol'"o( thl~ 1P\)I I Wi th IIl V lu COS 0 e ,t I, r proprlOly or An W ul.ome ca au II t " I I tl 0 I II ~t "d d t I ""J11111J own I I ~h te not long si nce som"'J:0ocr pe pie J ivolomcdltt.llon dl\b8ther3elfoftlellldefin~blofeoln"lllnt oruonngll smcn to keep 1l~lgIll 10hlln ~ I \ WIO III J '''1.110 U or(ceU om, liT IllIlIO Il greutmlll\1 to go tO lhoriver ! ' I I' • 0 g I 0 I I d id I f co II or III d wi 11 th o IlIml} ~ul 10\\ n 10 brei 1 I Ult I I I I ,., w ro nmu81ng t lemae ves WI I a Nt 0f),1.a. :A momenl or tlVO somelh ng of gretl~ 1I11portullce \~ lie JO IIgl 10 IC ltill ose tie IDOIllOItOUS ~cel et a l~r I h tl ere U I III I lIeb r b) I' "nl r I til n III1I C It ' Ullt! Lowl 01 t 01/('0 1l1I (1 II lur e sl 0 u: II lerc WI I llo SOIl fll lO(Ju~ GO tl~re " c I ebus mn~ k8 A betlutlful ILIld healUly Wid,lIo OltpoctatiOIi tMlon Willie her bands "era busy 0 \ h 1\ IIIIJ oLtuln~d frolll III It solomn promlso ores eu b\lrly \vOIIlUII \\ 10 with U boiler Sleuk \1 III tho ~tc lera ~f n go d t hll thc n r minded 111m of 119 pru(O/Rp to \ elllid ubout one veor old Will brourht In1 hat your anlll;lpal on. n the duties that devolved UpOIl her her I not to llotroy ber Ind Vidufllly tilliCO tllo j blllly III one 111111 uud U p CIJ of rust} Utl IIfIDUI wore Si.'nt to hu I II tlctoro \-V hcn I th e /II1~tlr! U\lt all III~ u/lswer \\ U J What to th~ ruom but the etra!u~o anti jitml"~ I\lctlll " reahullon was /10 IC$B oclll .Iy employed The j llntlsh ill 19b t t Ike 1011 euncO oIlier and Ckl\I" th w~ch til e hlld LeCII =:t lllg u Ihe hud 1!n1,;Jjed \ Ith tho 1\ uY\lIOllt CXPTt:iI I ~;::s ~t(r dt!~1J ~ou:t;~1't 1 ~n!s 8~fye t~I~O~~~ ((Ices frlltht~lI(!d It.O tembLy tbat 1, WU ti I ot III t 111 aUllllt lilal I do I d d h ffi h ~ I 0 uther, 0 une to tl() oor III diOn 01 thllnle be \,llldll IIle ' 0011 morDi ng I d I" P" III Id I tl\.ken With fits then elme ptltt, ~olltla evelling C ose III an l 00 cors cnme tD I er dm l y nnswer ~o my t; UfIUllOIiS Ilnd kllupsllok 011 IllS ~hou"icr he IUl ctly, 1 I e, _I e 01 ~o e t lO ll to 11m of hemiplegIa wbcn IIlll1tb ll~etUta.un»r' Yaur hIgh !mllimall\1n the 1IIIIce of meotlllg L}dlu had ordered Tho ofl' i cr tl 3111tell her fOI her timely FUlth, (jnu U lUll g, l In , way H I slIre dep lrted I th l> 1II;1~ ter}" uul Ilo t have forillden our 100' How ca~e{lllly ahoul" tho tender Matti 0 crlhroWIl my fix(uIOIl1lI1 her (tll'\lIly to bcu, nnd herself udlOl ~lcd ) II rn Ill.!, nnd dll ccted her to 1,0 tu n IrOIlQC to the \y\ ern SIT I Il Is-lllli ;" lei 11\ II reo } ~ Irs l\rt~r tlll~ occurr Qn (' an gOlll7 ,r hOOl"dt~ .thou\1ttt the ~11~o tl:~~ ~ 11I)d ~ ueGt'ptlble mllius of I (1II1CY Ite pr!Jo 1"<lT \\ 01\( ,f lati IIUllo\1 the /lueatll; ulter winch . he !lad retiled to neur lit hllnd \\ hero dhe 1II1gh t gel .. olhe ll()tf~r~ H ~ a IUUU d wull JC 1 Io.vo lho lhe sprllll:' f)1 lhu yellr I \\ Lt~ bClllght~ d In I ~1l1;lU ~ t l> It I~ IhfenCo~~\l gl~ I ~~arr~n~' B~'d locted frum tho Indeous the reyoltnr, an" lie, r III 1101 I,I,,, _0 her OIVII tlpartmcllt onil tllro\V h ~rsclf, I thlllO' to Cllt llut J) dla prcferred r eturll JIll[ I 13 ) ~ go tll,cr~ 11I}1 gu ellllo" lho I.\PI'~r I,u rt ul \ cotorr P .lln 1 I ud I Dll1y ::;Q uWIIY be \\ OJ l to the five; s\~e t,he hurtlbl(' Whero IIICkllell1 and deeth IlUl wlIb ,hi. labrieullull " I un VUU I" me \\ Icro C 10 get Il tru\ cle\! 501110 50 III I~H Q ld 111M 11\ leh J " Iro not the cons\lguenctl or such Imut.... "'lid nly eJll'tallllU"11 I,,,hout ullllrcsslUIr upon tbe bed mg ul once nlld dill 501 wh ile tI e eftl ctr u ghls ludJllZ IIf tlrCr thull that l sUld { fu r Ic4, "n~ 89 cin ll 011 1I tl ~ 11I~ 01 UltHonl1 u I lIe IUld rr .entl II,I;or IV hcur~ hilll (lullilll: IIlns, t'le), l'\I"y ~Jlko ~ who\c hCe uli.r.!-lora I \'ny Ilroclolllrallo 1But ~ICI«:p refused to Ylilt ber eyehdti ..... IIIl1de ull huste to tlte communder III ¢h!ef 1 lleg I I ttl be very lm:d uud the Clurly f Slate!) I u ItllII'" unll ,ru atl ng to In) IT 0(\ 0 It (Ol~ll,\ I u"l bOJ 8, bere slrdJJ'Yt fo~ lIle H er vlIguo IIpprIJhenslUns andu~lIy IIssum Preplwillons \\ ere InllncdlU1ely mnde tu llrclikl~llt. ~ Il nd ~ute l~ IV ~ 8CQrc~l)' I B~lffit! j 10 Its (or u rllC~nlCI\uMllln. I i!utcrlOi I;d tn ~I~~ rho~~ ~tld~~~ :~o~lt~n~n t t ~fb:I'~~lsI; 0 ••• -" I bough now~ "UI1 I U ero"ftc 'I he rnore she give the enom~ 0 filling rcceptloll ~~('n; t:;Cl~~~luil :,r~lI ~ U1~II:ylle~r WI :i~:~~ !~,t I apply to slllY cl~er night Aecorthllgl) II W e ul! TIlII.. dow I til tho r lor ballke, u , Ii d hF~~~all~. \'rea"ty. tt " ed U Il ore dofilllte B~upe \\ 1111 .rrp"1 curl lornaliun th I fit h I I UT} 1 I I " d II d I " I rot!e to\\ !lrd 1110 Ii ) u~e ulI~ jU~ t as I I d d D I 'll e \I oellu ... e n 'Yet)' p"" lin.. ouglte tI e runt er t oloeper WUS ler I,ll I 0 !Cort l!ptonou un II C WIt , wulklllg rCllched tll a Rtll UII old fly mil)] unme II~ mlllly II u~ .DIl~~ to go all j01 11 I Y un!e IihcQu~lfleA len ,mont Therold'Yl'ur 7rallK tlrrclarallcln • l'cCIIlViclioo tbat she ought to muke some el thullhfulncs~1 Ihe IlllflPld \\ omUlI ~urBucd I <Shure I lid yo d bo vclcomo til Slay t or the bfoIJI ~\ II OR U'v)dlllllly the prol rI I Burton I1fta I U\v1I 1 hnd UilC foo t on the Por mny take tile ;conle_lon II ho pleUCllt 1 me 1~1~~~~~~~~;lllfo lO4't tu pelletto.te the 1II)'610r) willeh IIIlrrht he r \\ uy homewnrd. eurrY'llg the btl" of h ere,o! \&!d sIc l' \vnh tho ~hl ltlrcll, I'UI Il)lOr fl o \1 cleomed IllC )/1 ulld ou Illy :CC-indte t ullbost btl c,: hilil ~oth ~ eIther ail un lIIS1aQce of abundallce of MnAlld ,\'1'''0111 uOIIglmll )11 IIIvolvEl lhe IUterests pCrhtlPd tho live!! "of t1Qur, 1\ Inch hnt! servell IS tbe adteu-IIlII! I ri~k~I~~1 n t ~O11l0 lin ~~m lh~ ml110 :unk~1 1 stalin,:' 1\1y CQud lIon I\lld II~Slrll 10 rc t 1edc:nOyllr~o~,I~el~u{ t~O;o :~ ,: il~~:~i~ 11e:iJ 1tlfmallt 011 ow,: par\'ijor 114 eVldle~ee 0bf ~allt tIl .1 t i S } b " Ij 't1 {} N if l , 1I Ie ~ rue m IUn I on II !' I R" glvo /00 the most cord,dl TCl)OptlOn II1lOg b ' 'P h () ptopur IITuQr an Impurtla Ity, u. "e Ir" I~C leu U 1011 mllny "our 0 lOt' Ie eCUllO more anu 0 I ec..c 0 leqIJurnc) one 5u5poofod I w 11111\ er dnvl' 11 trn~clH nwoy lhe " llor Iwable l h\lrs~ ~\ as attended Lo I rompt 11U e lt-;flls~ lit t lit Dlom~l\t we l\cnr~ t e onunot (and ~hllt is the plaiD tl'Ulh) Ullnk Illlnko 1111: :;:I~~jo'~,'~rO IO~)rC uheol>Y ullu~ bor nervous rCftioMlle8s Ule gru\ e, cicnlurc QUllkeres of hu\ lug UC Ion II \lI ght 1hllt Letokcn, n \\ at ~pell 0 I,{, 411U nftJI CI h\lll,\'ty rnpu~t 1 lound )lly~l!lf lee dlel! an~ tho,1 dnllOthcr or:uck, lind til" \O08~ llonutiful O{e,ture bOllutlrul,j 0 .." amounted tu ubsulule terror UnulllA to tell so Ii mil l> II pllrt of hUI lllg enlltohcd waath r u ld he " •..I~'" II hcurly welcomo IllIo.t cr)ntfortubly jllo\lclllti wllh 10e(lIIl'" Hnmc !I IIly:l cr\ytlJ S II i1rollMnl Q~''Bhil at all all'~ut.d b)' her, or )0'11{ to lIt nllal 0 her or gu to the ~{Il,eaht.te With I~J.r, or fiU".: rOllst 101lilet the ImJ!ul~e-not of curiOSIty tl,e Ufltish f~ III theIr IIntlclpnted "Ictory ·11~1 ulnd } O}'I con ~'It to ttLlto n tpolor bOd{ ~ I apartments of rar (l collvonlence a It! 010 !l~~r~;~ u~~":'\M:~~~I~e 1I:U':I~i~~o G6~ I! I I au 118 ~\ \l~ iI surf tin ~ ge n I n(()O l \<,0 gil 0 I I tI 0 IIOI'l}II" m' hust nll/1 h l~ W '" cn tg /I tOllCtl~t W1 I er or, wa .. 10 I e ... b I I I I' 'I ""d 'I \ HOC 61 11111 \\1 1118 I tt l o~ ·orost 'Vlth hei o. eUI'h"r .... ber -'-rll' - Ul ~ ure y Ulur Il l!' lor '" ulled Lo~ ut all , ut till II/I IIll O rc~ttn" hln11 y In! a l~ t lilt \I pr lelluu 1 ~ ~ I ,',. r I' I • ., "7 .... ,I foe \IIg sho tihd IU er !leItlCnUOT I 3S liS u~\la l, orderl) , iiI a yo DIll nevel' bo"u (rblll t IIt) Ii e, d 011 d tal(mg on her .hoes subllueU alld ~lio ultendcd ltha duties 01 1 1 th ai kelllhc 1\ oman prQfo un dly Iur lior III J dhl1~hl lily 11 duy 01 two to lCCrlllt t I al'll' 10" lilul 10 mnstl)r (OW Ing u\n name, or uk bet If lhe l,Ilre. JtOttIJ, nQlBles3Jy from her ahnmber nnd l her fnmlly \llth hor \\ on le: I COnlP SUTO (!Cllcrouil 9ficr IIl1d I IiI' DJ: Il I alf dollnr I my ,!I trclll>th unu Ht th o 511,,0 tll ll\.! eUJ y lhe I 0 un tho nv~r II os III Il tIlUl(l~1I1\r nnd Dr be nskod \\ he~her we Ildll11rB ber Ih~pr uloug lhe ontr Approa(illlll~ enutlOUBIy But h ~r heall btl I Wi Ille 9 11 the UPllI \() IIlto her hnlld tOf hoI' e l~ Ility <lcchnuu tp UI~ sol( I>y a morc plUlrauted uJlporluolly ,t II e M 111 11 litn~, III n v"ry trotl(; lr rou~ tuk o her nrm evon Into II, dfntnjf room. 'lI' rcmuln \~I It her as l Wall sn\lsllc41t wO Id, I \, t [ I bl LI Ii u co ld nut uO qUIto CIISY ubollt \I~, k\ss ut dhrlstma A or April fOj)I a~r. Of oil thc apartment III ~ hIll h tho officere ,\ cre ct!llIght sh wutched lrom her WIIlIlolIS Il1lcommo.Je II l)ltle la:llIly I1.llUnotllo ul JO OQ1"tlUg I t esc ] ?" Y ., llCI III C II r ~&"'lieluIlY nbou~ Bulloll, III \lhOIO ho lIQd \ ",'" ,,'I, t1~y' th • d ' ... 11 1: rI ' l rot.\w, Il/{ cOhvtr~ uOC lieu c gCIl<ir I' d I 1. JUUV uuy,O 011 II 0 0, ay, or ream o. I)e 8pp Ileu" 1ler en r to t I(0 k ey oe (I 11urtur\l 0 'II urmy-on Wtlut secret j 10gethH "" rofrcslilllg u 1 could de81rc ul,Js oITel and na I rosa t il depart t\lok Illy no ""h.tfeuceJ all \\ ho Ie "UQ\Y \V1I8 iii her or le(>\ II. I~!lnt In lbe room when aJUj hole F OT n few I"Olllents sho could ,hs ~ expeih 1011 hound, ~hf! knew tuo well She IOlll'Ju od therefllre fur t11c ncllT ~ t IlIrm I pocl ci llook llut boforc 1 coull Il I for t! tl lQoll wllieil u\ld ncol ~d felluw So he gone pr a ple88ure tl,e more :whell ~ Imgul,j)1 bu~ Gword or lIVO om!d tho lDur h stened \tro alhlcs~ly to lhe sound 01 th eir jl h ou~o of hc nOlghbo,rholld ~ ell Irg 6 tho oHl gen!IIlUlliu s!UJ 111"ItJ II 1>0\\ U~dl~ lh~ rlvlor, lind 118 6 °00. u,s appear!!, unless ,\Ie hll'la hear .. welt~ _ Shure UII It 1:r ~ Qnllllon o.boUl1\ Ollie I Nllt U Ollnf bir IIbt II, ~el\L 10 'Cume Ih BllPt 01 I~ 10 DUW \IS 1\11 ~\lInu uflills a prOll4.'T ""00 lellJpered nil. I ti IIe d lu,' Ilellr ahmu footdleps auu.1 the tr~mlillug or horses, 1\11 b"uant thut II lJo IlXlo''mukllllT 'a very II ul 1 I .' II r.\lcepljlug Ily lhe I/Iu) lookln .. .. lit 13111rJ '''1 WuO ... I·~ tllor 0t vOloes ye t wlul " el\dllig t urn I s ncere, IIQlIee t glr, i 'i.1 " , uag you WI 1 I.,. a '1Of" ,Sir, allow me I 811,/ your c 1I'I)10 /ly h ~s uU\IUL II I llIlIlW! t)lI~ n~ I h ow e jlJMl re,lll.t~ fur ~OI)jO otti'er people nnd thrng. -ttiJO/I lilt. d ber cu"er deelre te Icarn the Impor It dI ed U\\ I Y 111 tua dI8lallt}e, alIt! n ~ilellccl l WCU~OIl')C, :lllllwilh a curtesy null II Illes. taUl8el1ret o( \'Ie cOlllllnve profllutld us thllt of death Itsc1f, redigued 'Ilg ful' III V chari y, elle g~\ 0 me 8ue\1Iluo~ / becu vety Ilsrecablo und YOll will ulwlll s cil Ih rl' tiOQIl Cuno Ull cntl of his tliumph _ _ , ••• , At lellSLl1 there \\lUI a prd robbd Silence) tlirough tht: clry J tIOU~ as leli mo in n quarter of an hQur til l bo welcomc tlore ll~ ~ Ide~I' 0\lllt Illeu Itll d 1ft '\lthol~h 1 wlltJ thore anti 1~lIt A Llt!lrnrl' J{1~,I'anil a VOIce NM lIetlrU read 109 a pllpf)r Time "I,Iel Or appenred to IHIS so ~I()\, IV lho hOIlSe to which 8100 llollliod Huvlllt: n~ jU~t tl ell r lillie, d 1 SliW l'ollgll!h h I~P 811CrltS ~~I'I t tJ! u.lly cnl'l y ,Allun Oljorlllr wu eillellnled tho nu!\er now ofJ'lrcuce ejuqucn e, II 8[!oke u weU u uruu.ed tIle dogs Ug 1 npprouchcd a VQ) CC tIVlllkl1l 1" 111>1 }C ns he II> I cf.!,\,urcll< tv you I ~ I Y \~U" gOl out aloud It wus an order for the troop>l to IlSdurlllg the III \orvul bClI\een the march j called to tllcm ut wIlier. th ry 1I1unldothelr hi:! wifll \\1110 nnswerod it IV tIl I~ (IUlet th!) mnl!ll1r, B()llL tho ho)l. I'll W"}" 1,\ c.ul ' ire wrot U\l~"hed about the e~r qUIt tllO ~Ity on the flight oftlu~ fourUI rtl\\ d 1)1 1I11m ~C IIIW~ IlK It 1130 M'lU'gaJ'tl1!: of Scotland, 111'1' to 1 and 109 out oud the r turt! of Ule llntl~h troops k~nupt. lilld Shfl\lrpd 111 0 unhllr.nlltl to 5In llc-lle~ (los Sll'~ 1 0\1 C ) ou a f1,,{)r ot hII'll'. Utili II 11 u MIlA 8 eU1 '~" 1 II march Ollt to on attat'k upon Ihe AmC/rICll1I ro p~U1( th e 11l.:"IICt[('S . I nd opprehon810us ! tuucb ihd ,[oor It WUI! 1he VUICO 01 ~lr thlij kin\! 011(\ I III1l lOo Jllp'PY to be IIbla to II cr!'~ 10 Rp rm g frum thQ ll:u'th all nroUII~ the Duuplul'l, artorwo.rd8, L9ul~. U Ihe \-rllll' t y hu~!talll 11 nrmy, thell e!ltlal'npod al \YllIte lIan!. tllllt hllclllhc bOMn 01 01,lr ht,lr<lllle, \\oiJIt1 1J u III15Un \Vh" tis f dn.:W n fir tlHlu Ujh)" ICOI[1I0C Ito Yl>ur II \ I kh ill)Od!l.. lIl t1 I1 J 1I11\¢ \Irs lor 1 nOVl' r ~ould t 11 w~elo l~'(l.y cOlr po sed th~ough tUo 1.0Ifvre,ol>lervedAilan. \. II c~ illY VllrijC r~l\ II L d 1 'S I the I!toop unu \1 dcorncil nil III \\ ILIt (ho hr u ro. to l\ pot)r I.Ihl Ill! ilPcr 'ful IrulI\ I.. ~ rulU ~t IURt lie \\ 1111 got out clore Ie d~leop alIt! .... ent ond kllsed him When 8~ 110 IlcallH 11 k" .... vl ydlu ha bellrd enoug I he retrentod be U ttlsk be) 01U1 thil pl.IIVor 01 a RlnlP e bnrnty 01 un old IICljIlD IUt flllCIl 1h~m" ~ 11\ us IUlle deud/ t110uIlh mdlletl, at first he hllr ultcudf)n£iL expr(isetl thl\ll' oIUrpr~ IIllvra a YO ci1lnlloll to her own TI:lom, Illld IUld herlelf chroDloler 'Vhcn ut IlUIt tho disto 'lt roil I beg pordon BIr,' sold I, lur ll tlti Ul'l " Wlht t!u you m(\ull" I tnq .. rei! uQlII.Il 1()9k6~ lUI good ft8 II/!.Illi, lor htl wns qUito tllnt 8110 ~1,oullJ thu' dfaUnglliah maR re~Ild. YllponUlt I) qUIetly 011 die bei!, In lltq deep .atdlncsa of the drum proclntmed IhClr npproucb, seem I)' \nt\lrrU I)lIon bllt !auvlIIg lIocIl9vcr Irl"'ly sol\!JelcsB llQW lor ulter be: Wlli brbujtht mark.ble 'or his u<Thne~ .h(Heplied ,} do Au4 no "Vdlbc~ll bll that relgtled thToulb tho house MO could when the sounds camo neorer uRtI nenret laltell II) U d ~"grcnlJle 1II~'ht, 1 urn looklllg - I t'lIeon th It 1 oneo t lid 0 DI tilt IV til holllr lI\ld nll lhlllg~ wOro 1I0R() to bl'lug no~ klsll the mlln but th~ mouth th .. bu Con tbdll III Ike 1\ 10 I hear:lhc beating of lIer own be~t, lhe an~ LydIa SII\v tne troo(ls puss III mort\u/ for 1111 III 1 Gl wlllcb ~ qUII l e/lluln until you, SIr, und l ~hulIlle ... er forGol ;o urktl I. /1" ~ td Ifol ua o n, h ri~J~verlod, alld , the ultbted 110 mllDY ebUrmlhll'tbinglt ness to 1110 Do Y II lib( rel/l~ mlJ er u\l olil lro, t hIIIg Ie 8UId "liS tu 0 nro lOW III whnqlftrt of 1110 rcn(\JIl henrt no,v throbbl/lg WIth emo~ion8 to order, tile agony of Bnxloly she fult \VUII too mUll \\ 1Ill' clime ollce to your bouijo In Il VI I r b(lrulllllly mor/) thot I know bettor th tlll ~ I cy va ealobll.hed (I. lr ~lu tT,, " willch no spllcoh could gIve uttorllncc It much for her 8trength, .nd she retrented SOfshl-m} 10llgh olelltanow Slor!'(l of \\ 110 ll) ou l(ln~lV'luo lt 1(.\1 ~ CaUlt'o tl.l ,Vhorc "ley II 111" t Illy dl)~II01Ulln" +It!ell~ed do her tlllit but 0, few morJlOI~t. lind from b er post nt tho I~ wd \V, not darlllg 10 ter S urah , SIr-hove not the pieusl til 01 cllnr::e, from \\ hom) a u \\ Q\lhl nut talte u ~, ____ 1 III unllbl" lu ~ur elapeed \vhen tllcre \\ tI knoeklllii Ul the uk u'luestlon er mom(l!st tl c lenst anx your uame '-nnd ho lIllrodueetl 1Il0 to 0 I III Ulid \~ hoOl you tarno snvjl'ly til pro 1 ii\iI )1,cC9. ( ,~{;f.I,()\'I!'<cl , l)fIght eye I Slrl of elghtee ll who CUOIO at i vi,l~ with 1 01 orlet. 60 Ih~t h ~ mlr lit lot llI!I.!l.!§ ~XI.~!n4~~itC~ 1lI~. door She .!loel'" well ,V1111t tho slsnal lel:y as to the evel t that momont IIItO the Hul! from tho supped ~ufl r Irom lllu JllllcllllJ void tl\ lIt . =:'but took no,hoed It WOIJ repoated A slldden nud 10\ld knookltlg at her door r"om l stvrrny /lIGhl lIllcl whu II y u loc! ~(I II III lluWlo ntC1&,lJo., 1oCufr. and more ,Iludly, Itlll she glll'e 110 nnswcr WI\b' not rnlaulQ tetl ttl lesson her ajlprehen IBurah.' continued my stra.lIl:er h pel, yout ltltcboll,60 Ihut rolJb crs c uLd not /tet! '1 he cl\thill~ nnll ourlRl,:' of II aold, IS 1\ :A(lln, and yet more lo~dly, tllo kilO ks al01l8 A thrUI of torror shot through her 'tuke lilis gentleman A overeont nnd lint Ito him Illlltlcr \\ l' 11re nil IIItcreHlcd Ill , nnq thu~ .. ' roll John to brill!: In SOI\,e moro \\01'11instuntl- I recotYOI1.o,1 n tile \ <:11 Irtl:'l1 fO(~lg lI T ~ o\\, III cou r~CM 011 Ihe ,s\lllJl,lot, h I kl b f I were repollted, and lien S lunrOBe Cllllt ) ea~t \Jt It "US 110 time now to .... ter tl at 11 0 I Il oll 'g do \ n III II a nltrlor II' J " d I' 0 d },' II t"GllJ'1l I 0 Icnvc ont t II 'hill'S U" much U~ d d I r" , I' " cu lin II egunt lIIunllcre u 1 lrmer IIlld epOJiell tli. dool" und the slileLy or h r If\mlly depen e on ou~ rnellli hero must llo well lllgil cllIlled strllnger ot my kltchon 'lhe b,t1 011 til we qllolc It wal the.AdJudant Ol!ncrnf who camo her $ol~ P088Cg It)n lu th S Grlt lcGI momcnt WIth llll~ ml eu~tcrly 111/0 -Have YllH rough hnrd floor-Iho old IillJ~le 01\ II luch ' Of pIne f!... n )\ h\dj ~'U " ~;!"!!!.!P~~~"'It.eiWJ\!!lirre,IlI~lg. tll IOferm her the) \\ ere rendy to dCl'nrl - T ho vie\tor \\ as the I\dJutunt G nernl truveled fnr to dn)' elr I Wnlk IJIto th o lie ~u t b) the kl tohclI Ilrc-tbe roc} IIII' ell !:l not nllt C~5tily to bo IIr Lydllllet them oUl tbcn foa-le llco tho house whu SUIlIll101Cd hor to hl~ Drartment ~ Porrl.r s.r •. d tho duor-the wltIlllru\\lng 01 tho I :y._ ! lItu y ,bO cIlU 1 ht nn}wh(Ol c uu tho moor r bavo uoen \In I er/OII smcll qlornlllC tho YlIl'per IIl1d brllllk fa~t on the t r,~)-nll 011 tIC l oelt ttul clhn jl' by lanll or \J} wn extlOgulahed the !lQMI Ilnellirc Agalp Wllh 0 pule cheek but COmp()Bc.t for sho air and WliS 80 itllereatecl In the .cenery ru shed llofore me, lIld 1 " UH 51,ec~ hle~8 l t()l, 11) rU11 ur I y s~u .. c or III n llr vate teturllPd to bor chamber, nnd to bed placed het trust III tI power L} d,a ul rour country and Ila fille 8pe~l mel\8 or wltb motU!i.oul on 1 he old !DUll relIC ed Ienrflag or 1\ uillrl" III the streets, or 51L ..,.. 1 goolo,:'lcu l vor ety, thilt 1II1!'ht (umo all me me hy CQnlmulI1g [lOg II~ hOlllo ur el~cwh ro 11\ II \Irnugtd. or BdlIuUful and Good. obeyed tho summ&IIB The offi cer'iJ face was cl(:ludod, ond bl ~ befOre I WOl! a\\, re' All 1 I shower! 101111 ' I hud tholl tlVell L~ II outallu dC\llllr~ 111 1 ouL 01 (, t1rnugllt but III re e~Jl()clullv III It Tk ui GIUlAtJlf\lI' -It II euy UUolllude If I k d h I a colielltlOn uf rnlncruld, ~ hlch I had guth my po Ilet nnci I ohose to trln 01 uloot 1(J pon tI ~ti\h811C II l'etltrn 01 til pluces ill 10 live oftor our oiY" But the ,reat m:¥J ex pressIon stern a DC C l 0 toor cred IfIU lIltle busleot proV Ide!! for tho pur lJetl~ ce ll ti a rlll irond courdes on~ 10 ,; j wlllch l ohl N hOlo lIeon MIIJ ht by P Qf~on8 I~he who 10 the mltbt oHUa efoiVtI, k~Jl' vltll tin aIr of m) Btery when Lydln ent\! r poef! ll'oriJ, to kUUI' 011 robbere, lhu~ I LOlh sexes nnd IInder twent) onO renrll w th perfoct S\\ oetooss the lnilependlneo 'f' GOOD BYE. cd, nnd motioned ber to II soul In u few mInutes I \~ 1118 summoneo to $afllly brlOl: homo the rQ ult Ilf tho of I gc, (ollndcd IIpOIl the llUS\\ er 0 thc ot !tIs cltor-acter -'EmC'1(1It her eountrymcn , and or thc run thnt F.rt~cll Farewell , Ie a lon~)' .ound. pended over the II holo lund S l1m lblUg After 0 momeot of 811('hee, ho snld telll and bef.Jre lupper WUfJ ov~r. loud Illy 01 H(imo lunds I onoo 0\\ li ed iu th e j llntlunls themRe!l CII, It IlP~C(1nj thut morc 1\5 !lIe Iloxt tlUl\g to hnvlng wltdomour. And olway. br1np a ligh. IIIg mu,St be done, and that 'Were OilY of) our flln1lly up Lady, on 80lf chQtulI~ qUIto us fnmlltarJ~ ne lhol/lrll Soutll 'i ou \\ ore 51 "PICIOUHof mil J S:lI\ cold~ aro caught upon Ih e Jourlley 10 gOing selves IS tu p{ofit by thu of otherl, 80 tIIo DIU RIY~ 10 me when 10Yed on.. parI. J hDd been In tho house 'If tho fr lenri ten It plulllly onough ou wero I cry luud to acbuol nnli ol f)hur~h thun fi t tho then: lI('xt th1ng to hovlIlg mOrl~ ourselves,'1 to • he .weet old word-GOod b)'e im.lll odiatel;y, to avert tluswlde sprcnd dell J)o'l\ I tillntllir rO tahe cllre trlot Ihe merltorloul profi,tiy UI, Dlght ,,,hen J recclved compnn)' in Ille lilies off,lvho \vflR dUl/bttcslI wOlldcrl\lg too, tu luck 1Il 0 up $nrely J .lid notdouLt tro /llld In bull OO Ill~ 'V hilt IVII her duty! Should house I' \\ h~t on p.orth hnd become of me your husp,tul I} , bUI J huvo ever IlUIG6 hop ~urn rrom persons IJllblo to 80rVD ns lu r he thllt rQwarll" the doserving. mlkell Fnrcwell. Farewell. may do ro~ the cay .he awaken her huabiUjd "lid IDform JlIm 1 "No," Wo.Jl till! IInhesl tatIOg Toply Aller tl''' lit J amlSou and hIS Inter et!) ou ml<rhl one doy cOllie Into my nel h t lI1~ n, IlllppoDrs IhnL n lnljUllty llf himself ont) of the number Lac'1" Wlien pleuure'l thran, II nigh, That would be to plAoe 111111 10 8pecll\ljeop "fhoy nll rOLlred ot c/ght u'clock " ed~lll1' f~I1IIIYI conl!lsl'lDl lll8 1\ fe, tI !J,on IJorboo d " l)tovlJ~ 11(;0 has b.ou.:ht ; ou ! Caught III ~ourts of JllstlCJd to whltdh 8t} llSAUTIFITI.I.l' SAID -A line old gt!lltlolIul "VO 10 me that bolter ward d th A. 1 an t)\O ulIgltcrs, t 10 ormer u yuuI here rhe momont I saw you J rccOSIlIZ nlt!llt per Ilpr more COli t'noe 15 ue t Inn mall Ollceremarlred "ne tbll canQO\ for-: , I '1 bat com.. frOm ilie bear~ood bye ardy, by reDdorJlli I11m a partuko:r of the liS yery .!range, 88.1 e OUlCQr, nnu tlVeh e 8ummers tile Int~r bOUl grO\\ 11 to you Dnd determined to repllY your noble to tho formor DR Il IS n ot known thnt Dr f.'VO olhe,.., breaka the brldge ovtr w&lalt feArful.ecrot, ard he mllTht erousity , ReId hDs venillulcd unt; of the churchcllor " too, be leu mueed II few momenla "You,llmow Lv womanhood 1118embled 10 the purlur ano t 10 h Imse If mUllt POlIS, Avery mall hath be. d ~t1lal!. Adle.l we heir il Ort; wa,ry an~ pr'udt'nt than ber/lel~ Her chll dIS, It ore oslc<'p, far I knock ed at yaur J WIth them '\i aJlOU8 10plc&-poli u\ldd Hero lbe Irony of th e old mon, who the tI(reslIl;the metTono Is Indeed I tho an of f6rglvncn" H~w necenlry for UI all Wllh a telar Ptthapa wit" a 11gb; llren, the thought of them Will uppermost tlnee times bofore )Iou hCllrd me yot Inorllhly nud rellll10p werl Intorduced ond IUld lomc emphaSIS on tllO hurt \I ord Will Clenl rhYMeDI pbdosvl,hore, who had IMny I'lo'relllomiler tint remark B\\t th~ bean {eell mo",1 whOllllhe hJlll mo,o not In connection \\ Ith the lalit, Mr Jnml un \DeUI portoble, nnd I \\ aH r~a ly to Tu!h I Jiijputes "l'on th o lirijt euuso of cold bail S 1 lQ hereoul, llIId liret of 1111, uofore adopllllg II certum that we are b\ltrn) cd I om lumsell melltlollod th~ dUI~ uf entctlnltl from !.IS prosenca He a" oln percc ,ed eUJovod tho advlltltoge of hV1II1I' In our dllY8 USl'IeCDl'! -A waya to tJunk the woNt AlJd t4e .,...~k a pDII. Go9d hye tl t i t I Id " ( d I I h Ii d J ~Iave ever found to'be the " m.r" of • "'t any rOlo Iutlon to meet tl Ie elC l reml !y, • he w ose lor a a O.S a foncelve IV 10 cou mg strllngerll IIlV cmbllrrusm('nt nlld snld I ~II country t ICY mil; It ave &tItl8 e b :t~)\'e1i (arewell,la " hurd. prayed {."ently In their behalf to tbll have glYen the IIIfomation of our JDtended Upon thlll _mt, of course I felt lIome -'Let U8 bOtll letlrn Il IB 80n from the clr (themsohe, on IllI s metter, ODd ot the ~r:k~ 8(11f1t and a ilia lOul-l!oUflg ben the ~ • in lIM motbe.'. er', ther o(al1 Tlien she otrered up tbe earn ottnet to Generul Washmgtonl On or- IUdlfipo.mon 10 suy much from tbo prc:uh under Wlllc\1 wo hUIU met I tlfM h~vo b('come ~r4ehcully acqulllllted Adieu, 4clieu abe .pelks It DO!; t fi d I anty oI my pOSItiOn, hit .Mr 1lI1mson 1 ero pledge you never to trell\ a benighted Intll tne working of our sYlltem 01 Jun. THE PL~$1I1lE or ~~UG .....A. das or I () eat petition thai ~hc pltlh or duty mIght be rlVlng DC 118 nonmpmen we olin 118 kept all, until I at lut ha 1[110 travellor of "hol1l 1 know no b urllli II !IO prudenca, whell they \IIould go owoy per eye reJoicc8 to rece\Vt! tJie tile tv \u Bllt m,. loy, Good bro, Good bye made pilin to her llIId that the mIght cannon mounted, hIli troops under arms, nnd Let me tell you a httla cIrcumstance ql8Y come to my house for n Dl 'bl', lodll' hops "'lth 90100 good law, uut m08ldortultt bear BWeet mUlle. so tho IVblcO la enabled to dillcern th;) means by Which Ihe 80 prepare at evey pOInt to received u. that th/lt occurred III my OWII hll tOry, which ing, IVlt.ll ICBS kIndness thun I h;vo trouled Iy WIth B ,cry boll cold in t~elr hoada [he man, reJ()I~1 to d'lCO,er'" IItret could prevent tho Intended d.vllllt&1I0n we were compcllcd to march buck, I\ltll- tn\lght me a lelson never 1.0 be lurgotten you sIr Wdl you promise mO 18 much" Upon th e return (rom ladlQl\ \' Ith grown "orb, the veri.uee and belU~ lure When was It that-lhe pruyer o( Il out ilfjUl'log Olll eDemy, Iiko a parcol of lIud to" hlch you> 811', aro In part- Indebted r prom18ed, snd have over Ilnee kepl l up ~aughtcr!l lind lIIeces It appear!! from Thc mqulry of truth, wblch ~ tho JoyeJllll~ I. >I ~r the humblo but welcome recepuon that promise The momollt a strnnger thclr o"n slutement.!. thlll more cold. Bre kmg or woO 106 It the kitow)ep If tnlfh. ed spine falled to obtaIn tbe IInlwer lulted 001" which J ou ml!t ut my theulnola ' I express comes to mv bouse uktng fur entertllil. 1cought ut el enllll!' rartl cs llinn tI~y\Yhere whum III tll.eJlJoylDr of it.... tJie' ltOterfp the wanta of t)\e 8upphcant1 Tho Whether the officer ever .hlcovered to ed my pl('usUfc lind' he III ooco proceed mont, I lostanlly IIUllk of tho old lIIu/1 SIt ~ elso II 11Iel) I a rl!mnrhable dUlcropll11cy rood of our nature BIIICIIIII. breG.' (If Lytlian Durroh was calm aplD, whom he Wal Indebted for the dlsappolnt- ed lIng eoJlt'tlry lind :Ilona lin the block I)( n. wllh th ~ stntcOlonts of the youn/l Inriles MarrIage ill not like bill 01,...... It wu on the lecond day of DecolDberl ror har re-olution Wo.Jl formed, aDd ment, we cannot tell Duttbt! ploua Qu.k 'rt litis beeo Jivo rOUl! ego thIS very strangor'.I{ltchon tu.r away from IU8 com thOWBCI, et! ns be foro menttobcd Tho I)' c:lear, wlthoul cloqdl. ~ 1'77'7, lat. In the .ftemooD, that III officer d bl d G d t1 h d month ~Inc(\ In old gentlomlln at mghtfull fortllble homo, treoted 111 a vDgrant nnd a spmo cUriOUS \\ unl of agreement IS found nl&;btengal. which IlII& 0DlJ .... In tho British ulltrorm I1\lght have been wllte WIth eomrosllro and reslg.ation- ere.. eue 0 or er preson auo Q.lln came 10 my dour and uskeil permilllion to burglar-then I think of the weuhby and to prevoll os t o the llumbp.r of colda cough1 Dlontblln tbe Iprlll" but cOIDmOll17 . though Ilef!p was 1I11[l01l8Ible-tiU tho aay rejOiced that it wu not ncce..ary for her temnln WIth me during the night It gentlemanly old farmer of P onn ylvaOlol- J Oll wllter portle~. piC. nICS, archory meet.- Illont when thel bave laatcMct 1IIeJi . . . leen ueendmg tlIo Itep-ofa house In Sec- Then Ihe wak d ber buaband Ilnd IOform- to utter an unttuth or to pren.tlOlto IlIlIer .nowllIi fcartully at til 0 lillie Iud In I4J\d tben ot my mDrllficohollllnd my promo Ingll, nlld thu like, \\ tncll, IIccord ng to onl! Ill'if their mirtla wile turDtd lIdO.., (Dr OGd .lftet,. rew doo... below 8pruc.eatreet ed hlln that ftour \\ 39 \VIUJl cli for til' uae own d.fence And au who .dlmro enm- he.~t J could not dunk ot refualDg l6e' sat of PI\8Wcn, ne~er glVII rill 0 to cold. tlu~IfYounr IU". Pblbdelpbl., immediately Oppealte the oC the hon&llbeld, /lnd thlt It was neoes.ary plea of c;uuulI'e and patrlotrlm. espoclolly but hia rndifterent dr~u Inll toil WQrn Hut,' Mall I, ·you havo DO "ch old larmer bu t wlnoh would t;orloml} bo a, olded by llelll'OIlla Ifectada.I _. . it ___ lIunen OCClipied by Goneral Howe the h I 1-' F tI I h ~ h pearence did 110t prn.p08IC 8 me at aU wit" you to night, but a very Jloor atU~lIl all prudent per!lolls It they gave IJIl[lbclt from lIyIWW!N.O)' Jtaftiu .. 6'oa _ ........ • I e I IOU a go to rlLnkJord to procure It 1010" 10 enJoy t e .rulU of t om. must hi. rovor, alld r coldly InVIted hun to. vr noture, w110 may lIover bo able to rep0'l l bollef to tlto.IJ\hllr lUI)' lLa ~~;;rr ~eo:m'~~In-cbi'for the B.r!tllb. forcel ThIs ",I no uncommon occurrence, bODor tlte nDme of LYI)lA. D.AlIlAlI letl! ID t/le lutchen Pretlently tell \VU your ktJIdnen' I 01 1111 prohy lacuo dr proclluhont.ty If tho IGJI18COiq_ w 0, at we tJ_, bad .-uloa 0' the her declllll~ the utcndance 01 the . __ _ _ . r~.dy, ..tid my wife mqwroll of me If 'He i ' not tho 101s welcome,l e.. ure l llleasurel (1/1 addltlon,.,( elloree, to Pr)l .taN, I(th••ani ...... CiIJ· TU bGUe . . . plllll and neat III the .arvaDt excIted lIllie .urptlllO It ~al "mon, tlle 10\ elle>!t cUltom.. of old DIiJI shollid Ite mVlt d til tho tIIble but It i. tlllle to reUr~ Sara.h Ident AttellUolI. tu dre .. and diet) tbe beal aa ho,,"' W'liII 004~ -...~. . or, ad Well luaown \0 be idh.tllted til ....: I h th alii d'" h the uelut. to b th th IOh no' 8ald I ' end hlrn h~. lupper in the HrYlnia It I. the hour- (0; II the eoost~lIt \180 of lhe cold It God. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ~ W~UUII aDd t-elia e -.; WIt l or. e w e ...roue the ul')' 0 younjZ It 8 ulor a plate w the kltchon, ean elt ennin, dl!'totionl .ir'_nd In!tultlng only net:eSfUJ' to glaJIce t.t tho lui &lie lOde 01 ...:!_-,_DarNb, m.mben Ino_haVlnc ltopped firIt It the head· nlar tWIlight-for, u they Itrot!! 10 II" tbere hlK beard 18 htl kindly If J wOllld offici.te, he eeemed /ICIr'.lhope to Me that or Jato • \1 - - - . It wu th._place'l, obWnfd ,ceCA to General the lIOftee&expraalcm to death. 80 thoy po- lOlled With tnnrl, .lId plouild wltb my acqulelloence••nd alter aeDlalld for an tlnds 0( dIOIaa II)' tlaelllp8rior . . . of ucl written petmiuloD to pua Jltielillr illlarinN that Aurora, who IoYed enough to 1I."e I prayer conduced aMI to my .,a_eDt. la, apparalal bill much :.c=~==: (or prlYate eoarereQOII. w....... " WP die B i~ 1 70una. bd I\oJen the. til IIer If Be.tldaa, who knllw. ",laete ID. few momem II"", In OOIIaet- mur JNItIOIII ....."ue vf .. mil"." r IDea. wbl' lall t.. oumeaa of ~ IMIW 1oaaIi17, ad of &lara pncti~_ 'ftae .. .......:! ___ ... I\IbJ!IctI TIr. feelJDpol • WI~Ullh_l~ brace. So oW maQ'. dIall ... 1t1l0lll8 Ift'UtSiDf8S7 ,JylIIf&he coW .....,



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-lor. ue


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&be.,., aecuretllu.

• l1li.... ..-,.. , --






daat" ot .~ad ~I'"";:;=~t=~;: "", loYe

• ..""



C1.rtItu~~~InI~ot~=:=:;~~ .-

(¢-lUr L nloll 0 f the Olltltlcd t lour th lnk~ tt) mont"


, 1 he DII



firs t J1llJh. h ~ r of llilA vorl! III --,-II Tilt eD by Is pOVl:lar Dull PT 11 II fur ,,y I S !ll~ TU'N l ell 7 II 0 rqu,,) t ' II I lL copy II 1111 1 S ti lllsked ):; 1I~rt -i\f't()r Ihl! Jlre~c IlaU!." uf r~ \I b J 0 t jl\; rt )f the l ij Ll hol3 , 111 II (l reI; I I I U U~ ~tl 80mo 01 lil a ~ wlr pro \IC\IIJ(IS T he


..... Tbe Ollpban t Mills. -rhi. propt'~ty we lenrn. at the lalo on Tuesday . brou~bt 86,70:t 80, belDg 1,501 tOct. Dlor. lba!l they brollght a.l Il prevIous •• le loho A Drow 0 WCUI the purchll8 ft. II


Dodd, of the 0 populllri ty nnd ~lreogth

II ) l~ Oi 40, a.nd (rn"" )S Im(lro G e rnlRh}

PohltOlllulinlrs are prol:renMIIJg fllVorCl blo

IJIO<;1RAP JI1 QAL O f lhe fir.e ord~.r and 8h01l1l. 8 proll ncnt fe a lure HUMOROUS AR'lICJ.ES H nrmlol'9 III k nd und moral 10 chorne er " II ulll«) co ntn~ute to the in terest of 01r

The F flrm er 81 ull in ve II ~I LNE OF \\ J:AtTII worth more 11 UI teu limos II e cost 01 tI e puper fo r 1\ yon r




• • • od Cor.1I " ... pl•• ,. .1f.~lt., lb. 7kro«t"' ..... i. ~h ' 0lI roncbltJ, ' ...... .,m.U... . f Iho l' I nd 81a lI udA<)a Pl.. J.. Qt lb. 110.4 1 ( _ ,.lr'n 0,. F.c. lI o.. hr ar /IAo'MD, I. iii . . . . . n .. c...... lI1ob .. I JJ . ... Uy t.... nft. • ... _ eIIo-


Iteu iii •• ~ vlAln c I • • 11• • ""' ••• '"

REAl> 1JU.

If 111 aur IUh.c\rl~ore " bo If~ '~III I' urouaforlhe /ir.~Vul llmlt or lheVlllor Uto cuh "e

",,\I como forward .nil P'Y \l 'W.I\ let

I.)lvm hll~e

the pa.s1.


I Ihl' 1)1' .,

ror TJUlu DO'LLAJI Wow 18 the lillie to embl'llco B ravorlLble


COIQI1)I Volum ••



Pllvate MCalCal Cllmpnnrbn,

10 :; s n clly 11

Cu,e for 81D~' in WheAL

A. correllPQDdent 9f the Gen85see Form Ir tlIlDU.bO hu dlconred an entire new rem!td.Y for Imut In wheat H 8 Ideo III worth qon.ldeTing though t mny not prove III ( ho chums for It am aD' old Carmer and lillY. boen III tbo bualne8l\ Qf eultlvatmg wheat fOf'n or8 lhlll thll1r lOli'. Ind I bave herlllo(ore flll.ed n jar,. IJuantlty 01 Imut -A,t t m(l~ my would be one third Imut I

Letton a"" a.lly oT 'hll dalndl, ....

ce... ry"tD pre4ltD~


To tM.. yel unmarriad bot eoolem,lalllljr 18 ' or ~rllftp. belittling u to 'h' ,roj>rietf fI [ S elUTing t hq nl'Ipoi .lbUltI •• 1IIet1d"" 1Ipna It. ....

Impo,hoce ,,[ ~ln" Pl* nflh. . . ,.IDed lD Ih_ pogo. eo Intlmu.ll' "'YQI~IM dMiIr COlllr. happ n.... caD no ~ b•• pp......latod



It II .f mpr'.olluUlo 10 ........, _ ~ the YIIIIOUI aubjoota troatod of. u tha1 ... hore .trilJtly intend od Cor I~e married, .. tbeeti - " lempli.t\n« mamng" 1)0 Iher f. 11 ~ ....

It a overy one • dill) 10 bC!l:qlbo ,pc)IHn.i or llDlill!dodgo .. era by lbe •• lJ'e rinp 10 ..-11I0Il, "Ire, ...... •• Of • • Day be 1U11ocf CO lie etrrIaiM [F' Copte.... 111 be . " " " I,.... ,....... 1'. . . . . P .......... . W- On 1118 tee(\ pI of One 'Doll.' 'I TRB MAR JUltD W OMAN 8?IUV.... T,R )f~l)IOAt 001l r ANION I••ont , ,,,,,,I,,, f ret) 10 "1 puU!'''' Un It!d Btlt". All Iene.. m'\..tb.~t !~~l"""


llloee co t~ ~Inlt ••omill"",,) ...11 add ta Dr. A N MAUBJCIC"U 1I0a 1U4 N." -::,-,--=-=~:-:::-:--=-:::-'=-."...;=-=~-=c=--I pgbl,hfng Oltce No lilt Liberty '" ~~ 0 .... '.10 000 CliP'" h ............ ~ " wllb n lhr... IDODUuo wllb ~l .odio!,r v"

!f.,..11'-" _


YI!:LLOn, cy lUI



I n I Wilt l?elr.oae"lnll,n lyolJ p Oll on I 01 d nnd for Iql'_ '11 d


b~ ~

n "r" ",,' "

It II ruIlIHleen-yeln! 'Wo thlt WI! asked an Icquatnl&nc:e how be ftlt Wile a pnlOlII ar .n Egypt, but wa rflDember the replJ I relt Uk. a Ibook-'-'1J lJI Moroece '



BEa,'l~ .

'lOlLET ,ARTI ' I F..8 lor ROBERit'S

J Ult the \\ II)' II r)' 1111 tulk th hr ~t ruw months srud the bunt IllI sho fin shed r oud 109 \lIo noto -nut It 1;1\0 not nll\ tl)'illDst thore WIll bo nn end 10 tl1l8 dream )'d


1 ob 25

S&!<Al'E '-A larg-o ~mount of local bU3 lI!1gB WI II lr'uuellct cJ to luy A, rCI91uI on WDS p'lls~ed thank ng the




Itlfe and-Adventur •• of Josopb T Ibre U Lonl & Brother, 43 &Dn Street Ne v York 1llul I a Book IIr mu ch mtcro.t It IS nu rOIURnee. Rarll Will • veritablo pt'rldll age, lIv~ ~ud b.come a :pot~ robber com .Itteirmany depr~dnt on. wu at lall ta lien ror follblng the VI led Stotc. Maa! UW.J,fouuclgu tly condellU1\1d ond cxec u


amendment to the Homesleod Ex Law fequlrmg persons vho ~c. rc ovolo them8cl j!1I of tbe prIV leges of U.fU ,,"_lrlna la\\ tu give not ce thcro~ by fill "pnl)e~.·I'ln) d IJu •• uun \\ Ith Ihe rccor~cr for I x mO'lII;;' the law shl\lI operate IYU tuken lip Bnli debated by MeRsrs Relltl~ Deeaon lIcea, Geillor UraeJdcy Walkor and 1'C'OIl<eSdeo l athers Mr LQ\\rc IICo. n ole<; Ita rererollcee til lie Judlclnry ( o!1nhtttle Wllho It I1nftl aClion the Scnnlc a IJourn


Houis ~nln {or the reI e( of I\f V Dar ley pusod al~o nlll to InCorporAto the Talmad Telu 10m SchoQI uf ne,"n~1I also Dill to allthofl~~ the C\lY of Doyton to loall Its credit to rllilroad compall es A relol dllon to adjourn lIlIle lib all P 0

Tbe .Pre ident's Me. "Ie W .UlIIkOTOII t'eb 22 The pl'tIlIldent • meesage In rel,ly 10 tire '1IIIurtUnellA: and IIJel on the t4ble Sena.te II r('801 Ilioh oJ tile Illth ell iii Tl • HouKe after doing a largo amoll' t IOformation relallve to Ihe mob In of 10CIII bUIllIllf1 anJourn d II P Ibl ebet! to clay The Pret ldent _ qualea the 111\\ I of tb. IIOll1ClltiC Ma .!\Chu_ct... Lel!1.'ature pilUcd exprell to prevenl the execution of the Co nl:1'HII With regard to Ihoc .I,,~. he recomnaelkll ,he prompt I!Xltcultio'n of the laws and repeat. Ihe ".uraDCI they .h.lI be faltll(olly enforced, aDd clblo OpposItion to tllem IUPPree.ed Ib.. cnd. lnl 'I p"'pered to cllorciw Ihe Tetted in 111D1 to tbe {ulled IIlllant tune of tho: m~ II firm dedded



~arch WII3

offered bv 1111' Schiff


It .. well Tccein.r,


hculit>, 8 qre TunEr. DO[,l.~r.S 1Elt nnd 11116 \1 0\ Id pl~c(' the 1 h lliJl ot

cent... only IlIIt our IITrnng ml:'llls \\ tit prllpr clors 01 the



us to make these IIberlil Qfiurs \Vho w I Iteslto.l<! 10 IIvn I themscht's of 'theBe lin preoetlentcd 10\1 terms' Now IS TIll: TIM& let us henr from) ou who \~ ould hnve lIf1t~ nnd c/cganlilicralurc ROBERTS &. Hl}NLE~ , Prol n lor~ of

the MfA")" VI!ltTon


The Aul.t.nt MarehnL .bitfl! thllt Ihb t1u\IIbcr of mhni)ltantim Saer.m.nto Cuy 'Cllllforni • •0 rar AS be ha•••certamed I• .6 OOG-t60. of .. hleb lire femlllee

M"rketll The convlela In the Tell ... State prllOn Feb 25 are greatly enr.peI becaUSe! • negro has been ~onleuced to the punllentla.,. They Flour-Thore Wal It protty fa,~ demnn I for rogard th • as a fI'OtllI 1n8ult to the wilite Flour a,aln to-dIlY with .. lea of !loAo. brl. SS, 200. and lI66 do.t t9 40.,390. do £Onvlcte tbere city miJh a~ $3 40. Inspected !l48 brill (tom store at 50. deh,ered, "n,l S4 do at An actor iuBoston by the narne afLo", 50. Holder,"ro olferJDq lit '3 to. and that I, attempt.d (u lun 1111 Wife by 'tahllnll 15 now the curn', t rille her dunng a reh"a, He. afterw"r". trl Provls10 nll-Tlu! slilea to-dllY compr led ed to cut 1m own Ihroat. UII Wife goe. J50. 000 11., SUIIlllIll dry 8"lt In three loti by "the name of Mr. SllcJ(n.y at 6!c 40. GOO dt> hQulae,.. at 4Jc 100 l\J~ •• Pork ht ~ 1:2 lOa 40 and 46 hrl. The et\LIII\I~ J~II fltCII ,oneel bv Nul J arll .,710 flO. Jo Nt) I Sica nat 7&0 reeen"l fire In New Orleln." set clown at USo dl> No 2 at. '1c do Infertor No 1I "n IlIiniJrea and levent1 thonAne dol. 6 lo lUI Whlliky-Tbero "'~ an ac'IVf' de rnaJl d 10 day ,,-blchocxcc!edd the "'pplr S"I.I tr a mill were.. tl! wet out:by collirur every of 9'7'7 Itrl. from R iver at IOic 60. du f\"Om thin, by itl I'Ifbt ~'lIIe. he woold 1M! "apnlland 4.0 from atore at 1I00c 10 do




, !

knt.eked dowQ befoNlIe ~ to tile of the .treet


b.,la proof ITJlIU R~droad' at tDjo 310 do .a: Jh'Jjda·c'f·~~in':~t!:r~"'~:I~:'!" fnJIII Can" I ~l Jo.le IUld 311 do from Rl,er k at J9le T~ Ilirket clowd bUO)aJlL Cbec_S.11!I of 100 boxl!l in lota at Be sao do at '; ~e.

Batter-8all!l of Jl btl. Roll at ~ do"

A young n n M

Ingllra. hnvUlg beon out to the I reclplcc look oil h 5 c10 lhes gave one lingering luok it the gulf bel calh 1111\ nnd tben ~enl home Hid body was fouull the 1l0xtmorll ng 11\ bed

~ru ~~ U 11 lave \Valked

10 hes rl coatllle ve of an arn of II let!. A loct"bf hOlr Irum th e ]1 ad of 1l0VI




ot glo

There I~ II negro lh lllg ncur rUlcllllnc lIhhOIlI, who 18 tho futher of lift, IIIX cl,,1 eren ~IU!I.blU' ( d leVOIl \I IweB; JlVW at the

ilgo of more than nine ty yearil I. courtlllg for the c .,thIn WIfe

cme molacl01lli p\,r'olJ I iI~ IIl'rp trut II ollowlII" O)llgrQlIl nn tbe I I'YCT.8 of the


0\ len-fly-Lilh.l 8-eotlt tU!

, hy 0' lIIuch culu 1 .TLe price p.y"


for whot II henr And ao of cou • thr} pe) the mo t

bG hare the lonQt!.t .C'lII


, ' I \'1 I8 hI I_ewing, al\p,r havill, ' j. ~n , IIrrow! ~ an'hour lost IUUy hrut tlii . oyer ),our 9r, 'I ,mJhe bl!~-lr~Owl' aaid ji. conse~ue .. ce of ~eing un~villing to Josn if you,prel'er it.]IOCO your f"untain linder, my minll. I, In mychulr . ' , lclv ,mlllutes for Ihe 8I1k.e of .ttonuin g, thi ••tone," Slli the CZGr, kinlllV. "and l e~PllI,iIlCd the ClrCUl1l1tanc;e, 'Elien won't you make l1Ie an, other 1"- \ to m,Y child. Dnd relievill! !'. 'him fr01l1 tbe here~ftl'r you ",ill thollk' -;ne lOr It." hiS (celing~, Ike., lIiul afler ..",.nh'·11 , E re mnny ycn ~s hlld , eli~plled •.all Europa Mr. row~ Here'a I _tick,' I Ileard him IItk the trouble thot hud , Carter- who h;ld IIHorn~.u como! upon him, the woters of Spa; and the demand Ihe olher teocher c~k, In' . pleading voice~ , Dut Ellen re- liret 'no~ice, I receiyqil 01 hill being It become 50 enOrlntiU ll, that the w.o rth) t 'I},y ,deor boys, ·pl\~J, r.udely- , I have WIlS , his Ilrlltifiml excl:lmalion lit finding IlUrg01l111iiter alld hl. col1~llgu e8 \Vere forc- Linton lhat moster <'llio, indeed I alaall'not! .I've 11'01 ilo~I(,' hiA 108t arrow bcsllie him. All hi' P:l8t ed to discover /lve new .pringa in ' tho behaved in a v~l'Y ' un're~itl~' m~lnly .. • M neigllbourhuod, The nlllile of SPA WU al ~o Chules Vt , tlalai .... to do be.idn mDkill~ arrow •. ' Holford , grief WDI forgllUl!n. Itl a fOlv mom'ento r 1llTUI1, ....:._ axtnnllct .• l to ', minoral 'j'n .v ',,_' .-011 1'01 '1Iri/)"'1 , ' " rI' 1~lII'L.~ througllo d' 'I u 1 ' ry when such dislurbollco. 11_.J,. j ,&,_~\lu'. ery g WCIII renf'W C . , ~ fa t IIe wms oown or 7'1 ..... on rfll lf1J1 ..,.. ill Ihe yud s~ootillg hIs ar- tl,le worl'l. • •• 'II... , " . ' . , ' \ "M' ' I tried my best to preve"t thelll ' Il"~' , 'f•• Ellen. 'Sbe mlJhl hove made row 'gain. and u happy 118 before. No I8 110W. I d ." fJ/ ~ , ary e .pm~.~ I : himttltheat arro~., emalid lln immediate 111 Inld, . 'If I wlln'l 10 1 tUlle of hi. r('ccnt gllC' remoined. . Y... wben lbe 10".1, and pure m1l.l1 de"arl. ~'l#,.,Q)Ji b 9hllr!ea me.nt no, I~I1.r'II, but I ' ,Id .... ,. k I' DC-C;laenl-Ii" ... valn ia!.he alrife 01 .d~l~ 10 P ! e! B I Itl ' ' ''r' I h uiY. Yo'Ou go, uown atlu,ma ",. e 11m ~nc , ally touched Georgfl • nrm ." ut cou not lorget It. nlt.1 me t e J)Hp; iMc!p. wu llio,rlefo f eacli.rro w.wruna mYlell, . nut I mUltge " , , ' .ilence then ensued. which t thll 'aock donn, l 'rladerl-,KlliiC~ttT"l"odl'fl', circums tance WOB not the mor11lng cloud I b•• I, , Fr(lm tl.n ~~ cll lor minutes, wilen George -whose CUII19~:le.'11le An~ 1,lewe~ awuy moro 'r arilily Ihnn lln (1 Ihe enrly dew. libTho ' 8unshine thot STORlf :O~~Jl 'f1IHlr ~irp~~~ ~DnI!!N. ,hlld ,lIlue hilll iYretc)lcli (,I'er since ' When ,ih' pAl. form of \lhr)' ~.. bOrne III "fote. Tho cryipl: 'Vent l ~D . : Willy llild ic:amt; u(lerll'ord did not di. sipnte in8tanlly Ma.ny yenr. all'9 LherCl iwDs- Il wealthy h. 1I'!I~t ,tu tbe Cl'eek'J ~b.~ '''''', 1 ,' Io.t hi. Ilfrow,l nd hi. heart wu .Imost the ODO nor drink up the ca~e Ilowly , olher. gentlE'l1Il1n living in tho or DlIltimore, ;vordi/(knOwl~qed :1~f1l11I Tho 10 IDe HI • "'an,.r. yet tadly ~ mlumld broke Unfottunlltely~ , oIjd, thro'W <I '!I'll' not il'l tho I waa eo"er fur Dlllny houra afterwar ds; who married very eorly' in lire, and 11'11 at ~If ~. (!rm: I ~rou~ When ( kne Jll'" from dUa e,.r~l "!~ Joun, Miry mood 'to aympllthlae with ar ea. Ie v?~~ him, Anllrro\ \' (or 11.0 conHclulI .n~;s of having dOlle Ihe e time I i,ntrOlluee , bim, n \\Fid~weri he I to:~~a nen 8 'IP, e was c;on'lller .,. Y "Id :;. to me, wu a very ,ittlii 'thirfg, Ind ii \"orri• ' hllVillg boell. the occuioll of J"<if he;bnee -I a;.eiUember "'"II '~ " t!d bear hJm ~ryiQg , a. ' if Ilia heart rirler to my chlJ~. lay , ' .' ',,1 wllh. I. heavy pres- inK .choo} where he, \\' ould be tllken ure 111'8 lIcautiful, bfue.eyed chilli; ' lMIa~Cll!t:l~AlfiltOlJS. , wlluld br••k a lOll III Irlm/l~ tl,.t of l,ure on my feeltngd, ' '''Ii P:RID~ LL~ND Ladl~ " Wrtfitll. h of; ontl as ~ 0' II• hI. I Iieo, I b"minII he IlIld'no motHer. would be "V, e ° y•• r. I ,,~ an ar~ow. , Ii. ' SI'C II, a \YU}' II t t ~\ __ ____ tJ _ __ ' erne d In . as to .'l1n.k 0,"IIIm, an , oft me, 11\1ll11~llIory kee~th IlIa'l coo - on yoar. PllOV EllDS or. \~ ol'lliae 0 reCf'l1 FOB THE WI8E, • \ViII,. ... I a.t lenilh fronl agnthree .. Id, oDllinl:' out ufl t0111&t'J. in t Ie , Jj~anD)''' il~it) lIlT~ fA • '.nce' lhild; , rr _ ~ lTYm11l1T 'lJ01 ~mc l ' III uacful}~ eOlbter ~olf ·'~cclet)t ' , A cCO rdl- 1. \Vhen thou cllterest a printing oIRce, lI;e . /l()tlc~d. In Olle of , 1Ql141ilJ L!. ~Il1>.I4\l1~~ Tho'm ';)' ••un hlll1 rl.en and '~I. ~LQi.UIl ~ IV~. Ing y Ie \Vop sellt 0 " r. Iho ,pal,ere'l_ the wi~duw ,'yuu muat Ilop tbat crying,' • ar er I 80 I'00, I I I I yeuru'n ' e n rtiele co ied Worn tho' T ~I l , in the sweet ,Th~U Yelip~.l rn'~r.tli wllh- m~ JII. valley of Clermon t. nbput; care to thyse r. tint tlOU touch IlOt don 'I can't lind my arrow, and nobody Will /.A.N INCIDE NT AT :rilE ~A""l'L lilu:t;~~ e: News' ~tlti;u tHa.t ronl ; E OF tbree or four milol~ north of PhiIQdelp~liQ. ; t~u type; for thou mayell malle anolher ,' roplied tbe hule fel' coule the prill,_ ~lcilful pebm~n hi En:'ll1rlil ' lrld wltb his 'rh 'b ' "'\ th" DrnthAN'~11 "'iIN" "1 'II' . Iand ' ' 'aerly - c1'unl . Beforo 101lvlng' hum~, 1\lr. Hillrord Ildvlsed · ter much trouble. Bul.ew'ot w,h0 len e ero 0 low, 0 .0 ow I1g t III 11Ig Itory Vh 1 ' 0 ' ~en wrote the Lord'il Ptu'yer in circle not N '.... I bl k • I I bl a! ~6 - GU,It IvII te IIIe Iea d'Ing t'raits orlile , '" , !-Ill., .,er II r,:II IItil10 ad' • )le~n" , II , Look not at the copy which id III Ihe ar"er thon an Enltlish " WI8 11 ItoUt u,c IlIlIt I -DY, IlI1 lum e ChtijUll , , 'That'. lIo:hllllt to anake' such a dI8turn characte r; but more than all. he ~lxpence '"circumIilaclum ith, but ' III. . Ilout frumo. h~rdenc ' , d ur~ell him to I'llderu:or to ~'lIln an nblolute I compoll\or s haD.~; for that, II nu~ , I " Are .J~ft, ~1I" I""ir b~mrt-'"i'l'" are bitUlrlr ballu abo u!!" J l'cturned ,,with " tho . CI·ulnc:tei~-"'::'~~·:~:'. /\lett III fe~ent,~~. , 'Go and find With toll, throbbed III ge'neroull '11 i1Dpu160 oontrol Jack, ,w,jllol ,uaulil ' pr~:te.l~tlc)ns of hi, own aell " 1 . the light 'If lh, p,rinter, e 'b l ' I bel .\,,~ I,b,,'r ar,~ .11 dim wlib lear.', f r tl 1di~~IC prl ,,01 of ~ill Ic\ountrYlllkl',nll' ani d ,4 ' .om.:thi nr ell8 to pl ... ",llh,' . "J" , 'I' _ ~ • < a~ ev r , 011 111 , lie N ' " ~ " som 0 . a ~ aye e, " I ue conne nnlle J , n II own II , ,mmel'l ur 1 throbbeu aroulld Dy Ih. Irl.nd. 10111 lamented, belor. ber deparl. S. "Ilher eumlne the proof-.h e.t; for I, 'determ'ln-.t .- ",ri'e tlie hOllrt 01 m~d Antho- "To govern with a self c o l l l t r o 'I WOII~ my I rrOW. Won't you como nr W oyne: II C • Ino r yftr ' I , "" '" Elich Wild lind "arlelul puslon of the 80ul.. .It I. not reody to ,meet " , ', ).8 1 11\1, ')~ , PP~ I and find ,it lor me motherJ' . t}lllle ey., ~hat thou ' a circl~ (\.I~ .lle I an It WQI in full tide.f the rctrent, that a 'ro ourb ~nglilb threll, penee, the .troDi ilnpulile of oli fierce de- ~~yelt reld}t clearly" , s,..c~,. I\J")'i'llyinll-'he kind. ,eDtlo' hearted, 'No, not now. I'm 100 busy.' ' ~hich IS little larger (lill~ ?ur a~ld , dollar. follower of the Americ~lI cnm~. who hnd lires, '1\" I' , , 4 , W!Jpn than propo!Plt, to write ror a ' Tne ,diJ!lculi tdk Th. ~rJinll 'went onlil_ln II loudly . . . t I..~ .huul~ered a c.rt ~I~ "ccomph.~~d Iny whip ~11 Id_ cOlin- And keep olive offedlon 'l purer ,6rlll, ,s~ j. ""La" 'Ilem now. whore neYer oao,I..1I pllper. never It'nd bofore I\ond to the E'ditor yesterld,~r., 'v,itt~ "ecolmlh g ylet mlodl~st len ice WI8 dro"ging II bagllilge wig(l'h" ~"~Q"". wo meel WIlla here,' " ' "efore, opd 1,80u/l 10lt \'011 nlY p.aticnc e.- trl'" prblde, . ' • r h .' I 'b ) ' 1" 1 I b~ , elt I,ulteu u, tIe r,uJjIl t () lid I. I • When tho Chmtm. 1I hollatlu'ys c.m~. our to Inqutre IV et hor'. hII' ' W III tI ,£rio .1. fMI~', DI-'" m.llhor, and aill.r, witb all LIIying or, on tum t Ie aU e fil "ld l , wile lome" lor t .. Ide my work, J 'wimt to the bead dillince 'a mit thy or- which was I.d0 ~ed I I l' • :'t l ~ ' a I wondero e quite 6elJilld. Ip'ecime h·pp" 11 body n . ..... '•• _" 'I of ...... Contine ! h d ntall y,oung 8C 10 a \HlII " ,n,T." I.illlad, wh~lreel her !.here; I " IUIlli,. Ii' ,. .. lie e; ,ur t ou Ol~ 1I0t I'nqulre E' '1 of the ilhlr-wa y and called doy,'nd wls, a y con.0 p.,n",on s were lllte ip,:rushiug vtry , forward eulti': lilt with 'rh.y hll,e welcomed her foodly d ' 0 ' / iI a troop uf BrOt" !Id r .1I,:l~hY two \\:det,kl 10 Ilhe IMoIHIU' , ..I qerninlr thil, He wIll let thee kno\\' when w<lrd cejuld he dlltJllctl j ', ' h I bo.... 'II "1 _,,', t ,an J,Y" ,Y ·Comel iow,.ir! y, relld, ~lth,,1 mental clt e , returne to ac 100, ~.her"11 ue('n e,nongh 18 YOIUll~OW np, rlul i , " . ) " hlldboo naboulr Inifyilla glliSI eTld yet, With the nucd our montha IIt(\le~cho(jlct' IIe"IIiB r~ t rea d t heartlcO , " , at' thi_ lie cryirlJt p.pd . you ~"'t"tO t p it Ii.' •• elod " to'be fTth , 11011\11,10 the! bow.ra er ~"Ihlf" bluom. "but bw,~o\hla II mUI dd~rrri IV fino tell ' tah n."r.",, J natlrlrho~.P :o,llolnet ", ...""•.'."". wh.n the follo\Vln¥,lnciuellt ()Ccurred: It' 6, ,'Wben thou tlo.t wrile. '(or " ' , : ' 1. ' 0 e • ea I , , 0 e 10 ," ar hi. pllper, atruk:' Onl Diking Ihe .. i1';.. his • '~ cOlI't filld my arrolV,,' ,returned Willy, b \' f two highy'TOBu 'M I bllOk8 tlf rocks and 'crags, I • W 1Iri.iog I WIIS op II. eoul.u ' II . t;.rno~n '~'",p nOI for Ibe OoW' ret, dial, bloltlQlilc', w:u 'Well suppoae you can't: will crying "" 10 , o~ t 11It nevor.." y unto 11m." hat ' t Iinkeat thou Ibe" blulhlng 'f' ' ~v replied. 011 either .ide nfl'orded jUl t splice sufficient C~I~le'd Qnd,~I!rc~ 'I don'~ of ~IM,cJ(tlta hii: of my pieee1' lor the truth 'Dli,ht. oO'end , ta:me to go In JID,pera _ _> I ' hflne ' you Iho'11d ' t ake beller c:ure, of . '1.,:re)id Po"lIlge ,of hi, \Vogon ; nllt , tvr LIJC • p.,l bw." <lealll".~":l.oJ, 100 lender your thmgJ!: I.ittle the., ,, ' . ' .hou~d )OIIk whll1h III~. more, . c ted '~ ' b Ii ht of 1\11a urda),). They wondered ' (ir b;ing .• 'h\" about Ulrougb and pur., 6. It-it 'llot fit tllllt tbou ~~ould.t uk him pride 01 :ur 'Yanli:ee pcople 1 I ' . ,WII'I they .hootl'. ': J' " Itoullllm~ Oh w'~11 nOl .. IDournorl 'IV 1011. 01' nil .. ro · ,-N. .~~wl88r amrr:"I , eOPl!\~ ty lIyeara of the wooda, near by. until 'd I Ilhoy L.b arrived , at Jjul.'ed " -, who I, tbe lutbor nf IIny arUcle; (Qr h1~ . ....~u. " Idl 00.. , utleall' litindll .' ,I I t · om ntlo I tue tle1lm called bv " " ntended at the , • ' . foot" d of a' trell Qt the t.h " I. t 11.,r c II ah tlln:~ I. I .,.1 , i G , til k <, a" ' ' h ' " No more willi . u1yo-1\enre'lUl'rel 1.0""" .. Ieaml" ..- for .uro ' 'nmtll .....eel'Bu h' ' 0 H In uti ' .gllin. Jlolln~ 'I d ten" ndlan ... " lIame ItCl'iivi~la • of "\iyill8llh nry • rlCun, op.nmg .. ~n of t IS 1'0,1&. "' ' w " '1' , e l l . I l k' ''', ' /' 'l'~" re(loclloll .o"thc. ,.w.~117•,'"1~ I tl I{ d leading 'I -[ ' t t 0 h'Imse IIrio(-.lrick. " '1'111,\'8 j ~~td, I Ult r n, mec Ie wae J' ' II' qUiet) wa mga°'ll but It ain,t " I~ere. · ow f ,va lerOIl ~ tII In t.e MnrRe 0 oU re> -~, U ' III.IllC: 1 18 the old m'iII, when George ComMtr, an~t~er ,7. l'Ie~o~ ~aI to tile pub i~hrr aD b~eall. J , , , And then,th" cr1inlt} 'lenton Dgain, Tu ()Io~t iliad beenlltldl1l1g n,Rlde tha!- tl,,,u lit ,I u 111e''''!,II, If we \V w ' IDll tl b t ~I ' ·b~a--Wltl l..'lhC ' echolar, culled out frol'l " ne~rhbll ring ~ IJrt .. wilt 8 ('evos IO e take 111. pllper, if he ' will 6end ' lt to 't? w lat Ire II I .. oq, 11 • 4IIY IIIlLUT. liP rQI u III IIIU8e .. or W.tly the I~.~ of hi, urro\V, w•• a ,real grief arm. he d 'I d ' I' ' luv ntendcd on the turf, ,. . with h is fiel , i~1 an Ill· ' IIlP .1l1l'"·" I'·" ~al)IlJI~e,I~, 1'I· nl~!II'~III. " u."<:'!~ ,I ,DaUI ;UI8V IUmore lDar: ner,' ,11\-" lire on condItio n. ~lfI1!f1nr fr.oln hie pub-C, M. anti he w.a itoll young to lIa"o fortitude to rille In his·grltsp. while he the' blood ' d )'ou ~l1ng there, ,Chl1rlev: I Ikl te~l"tb"~! tmal ~ . ' I " ~ term •• , Icst hI! . be temple4 ' I' , to 'I' db I an b' " k benr ~~ triiub Ii pllt1l!rltly ~ Dut I \' 118 not III n torr~nt 'rom I ~ ng te~you'v e CQrne to lIe , elG Wit 0.. III , . ', " It , eg, ro en III Inive' .. ou kn'olv he WOII't let ony .III t I.e ' ' 0 ( PlUl ' bOt ..o un . d t 0 .eo r I w j'l lI!l/.li,9 r t.o think le~ highly ' ' ~heTh kneu b\'~ a cnnl/II bn It. of WalTrWI\ ro ll TU E i\l ~"MI ,Y,ISITO)a. ' .1 IlIm. " , y , , " , " ", ' " ' . I \ ..I ,"II , .. Ih ' 10 , the <sta \Votor ' I wlthuut t " ' ho" · \Vltli I' lilm-' 1 rro ANN ---.. b ae. ' e wlIgonl'r 8 ~rUlpat ne. w,ern an-,-,! t- II I ' II ' , p lla crYlillf mltlnt y, wont ave ed lly • , the "ight-'-h e w\luld havo paused iu Ie , Wi 0" , , Oh1 c0'lhJ' .....d hee. (Jspr8ll1 Ann , , ' ' auch iI,noile in tile hc'uae" Ihll in.tllnce of hl~ iligbt, arid placl'd Ihe ~O\~ I uY: Ge,?~gC?- CO:ilBty, clCllr.o!lt, ""1\ 1 lIut k,\uw' !I'~ ",.iJeu Marl , , But my,word . no elrect,th ey diU lIot wounded bhlokalllith ill hi., wagOlI, but Ihe vetl,do,n..~ wa~ ~ you, t9 corneDhere to jlu.e H••l OOtYl: r Y~I ""..,,, won b,l' n)an. 1 .' W'Illy cried ". ·on. Ilroduco tbe arrow. a .y 19 urual1C.., ' s t011 t- rlellr te d ,111t' ..' Ilun Ic re CIII fld1• , ' Ur gul!lolf by Ihlo,wllrid ' J ral~o ~bar'. , 'd b lte. ' , ti&1I luak '1'1\ nui get iuto , our wagon' he )t., , ou e r,(O' or mr ~t 1)0 Unillile IQngllr t~ ,entiurCt'he IO~Otl autl clail)1N ill hll rough way, , e 'but I'li tell , you ' you In yery .hurl order. c~ ied Harry F.~ r. 1 ~:! 1 couid I~vo Ih~ d•• r.'1 Alln. thinking il Wr0!l.j(.tll!llltbim InUuli~ t ' e wl,"t 1 do, ' Do 1~ ... a1bode r chorry I IlU:ro~' ~ <~ "ll lb. u"itle ",orl4 ~hj)uIJ .e)fQ .!,.t; of cry In::: ~ laid rjiy work uille , '. Id tree on 'the top of th .. t rock bangln" uve r I f' DOll t. 'j' buu 111",1 the 11YWtlr. n"lIo Olhur c~1) I , ' ' I D h' k I. , ~qwII.lalra, t<lo0k r 1Ilrri' hold ' or t 1111 ~lil1t rOID- tile rual , o,you I In t",at lO~ ca .. Itt ,a, \n;tke him , 'J:UllC U\~ " Ih-~r ~llort\ "floY~ wlIlliu nl~. more III-tetnp~~f~d. ."yi~ as I ~iJ ,u-,. man ,of 'rY budd up, there! ~ or YOU .f.)(.', , , nellfhbu r,' he ' conllnu(!(\, whll" tho "Iliad ' Oil Twill lo\'!! Iheo fCl.ircat I\nn. •N I»~ . stop thll, ,tnltantl y. , /lowed dOWI\ (ro~' hi. \\'ountl,' 1 never me,!\- lix'lro~m ·l't!oulll. 0.1\ II\}' 'i-i llll ~. oIl111"r~ DIe. .!rhLchlld lookei! up at l)\e watb a m~~t dli!d with the Dritishore ", until thllY cam'! it ""'CII'"'''''' And, vII, 1'"Il''' . ! IUU hUI l\I~r\ allllan • di.\re~1Iod eollnton ~ n~n, ",bile thctCllf~ 'OUV- tramJlJin~ uyer this YOlley. lIid burned · Iny •Thell \'1111' III Ilut my PU!i.,1I .w, !!(eil bi. face. ' IlU~'llT~ol\'n, ~nd IIUw' I "~ nll . iddl.eil to ploCC!!/ Ulid II a 11ft 110 mure tllIl1I ti/tllen I cal1'~ filld my arro~,' uiJ O~ ! AII'I). Col,II,L111 bou lI.ul .ao III)' hear I miuutl" ,me ; butl're g<Jt thre ball. AmI bulr,iw InoSl.D~'fold pr'l)'ur , 'lui,eri,11t Iip.~ ' I ' mV,' EaICT""'''' box, and 110 jllst pro(l me u 'Thee, ""uld•• Ih,," f•• 1 h ~ w h~rJ lu pt.rt •JIm lorry but eryinlr "'on'\tin d it" €!lme tree, lind '. Tile wlord • .-.I I.. V~ \111Il Yi\lr;f14 UI. ,v, up ltal,. willi rna;" Willy ult(lCnded,to lDy f,...,II.ul ..' ll~'''''A shots. aud 1111 ' give 'them lfa then;' exclainled Ihe I)laeIUlml'l\i," I'1l die.' " ~m.,." • • , ,i The wagane r ItDrted • .\~bW,~ n" Ic~ ~~ hellr one ,w. I'd,1I10~e of alld then with I sudden his ho,.oll ahead effurt of .trength , Uil~. The next time you &r~l an 'arrow lllke d~l!ggctllhe b!llllks1l1 ilh _.aloni the aDd to bttter care 01 ito' \, -, tlie,tOot of the 'trl!e: Hili face ~as to the There wu no .ympath y in my tonCli fur t.-oopell, Ind whUe hll s~att"r, . ' leg hunillo v.r the , bank, the wagone t ( ~elt nOli " " ~ did Dot thmlt . ' rushed On hiil 'WlY. while die ,bll1comlth ......".,~-'! ••• ,t " W~y.n'a\'l1Ie Feb, 10Th 18~. o the ~\'tl1apd annoyan ce of , mi. proceeaed coolly to load his rillr~ little Cellow atilled hl• •grief. at ratber the It wall 'not long Ilafore a boUy of Ameriutc.e' of it..1 bea, he could..!11l1d throw. rushed by \YiP. the Driti." in The blac:ksmlth greeted thelD In, bhnself at full length upon :~~ floor, I eho!,lln d then ,aiaing hla rifle to hi. Ind er~bed ror , ~me ~eQ mhlultel , A Ihoulder, he picked the foremos t rrom lonpr ,1lI~ 1J'IIlre flutterin g thlln neH ' ~th the cxcIDlll ation-,T hat'iI fur .ro~l,1!!.):lAUen'i~,!, alld' then J' becDme Ge~eral, Wallh~ng!~u! I!I a. moment the 'a "'Ire tbat h. t..if '(all.n .. ll'ep' . 1IT 111111' • • -,It}' (;11411". . " nfte ftla., 10Dde~-:-agaln I~ ,vas IIntl ' ' . r the pu .Ul1tg Brll1sh rode oYer , It ow inll_lIt! r do o,ur ~eehngll Chil~r Jen otBcer,-' 'l'hat·. for myl8/f1' , ' Moti)e! mOJ.he~ !· cried 1ft1 little Will)", • I!hilll, wlion IVe fill,d \hilt It is blackll1lilh,.J...Antl ttien, witb a hind I 'b~lItfblr ID I1pon mc" liS i aat bUlilf lit If we have Itoen Ingry or offentl- ~Ith ~e feeling bf cuminir d\l~lh. "."' ol,tu,,.-,I j"'0. r ~'!, '1'ye lo,.t m" IIrrow in, thel eral' ' are no longer ' 10. 1'-endcrnelll dy freeman -.galn loadt'd--agIJm , ~llIaed ", '" , " 1111 lind \lot by (ellf.' -" ~IIIIT~ply. ,, ' rille. , ' He firod iii. last shot. und ' 1lI0ther ., ,acl C8a''ulnd it.' · set ,to blu&Ml1g hearlily, , , • . the ~Imc:e ,01 sterner, 10)III('r ltl..ed the .net; • tekr quivered In 'And how do,you tlo tlalt .. Ch~rley!'. uk· ,He wa" jUatlrCl'.ady to bunt into J a!d de my work" Dnd tllklnlr Ihe of lb~ dritig bllcklm ith. ' " ~lId JUDles Preslon: ,'" h" rtbl'li ;lieht' til. milhap. 'I'm ,,., I' .~, Iilted'bim r'0{l1 tho 1Ia.,. tl'ifid wltl'l . ' h".k~ V~ice~ wblch 'Why Jimmy', I'd, ~Ive up a\lY l argum~nt 'I .ald CiiIDlTy. a.1 wfnt on with uJIOn lDylle'. Anotber long, 1 Into. ~&orti, 81gb I, ,or mad aqy pl~ythi", ot: de. fll, ralhpr, tha9 quart " ~oD'l."o~ 10 tnd t!nd It for DI" rei about it, and do mV be.t to plell those Ing a"h agitated bI. bOl!lm .1' hll' bllttle,\v a. put, th" who, did no~ loveI1\B. UT' he ...Uc1 witlt. qui.. ria, lip, u :By ' I t hls men.a I'd tOllched th" pillOW. , Jtow againSt \he l f~CI', .,\Yi~ the 811On' cum pel 111110 IQve 0)': ,, ~rl it Ji/",\111' !lOki of my .mI. th. :aound upon ~y e"r" ,HQW in death, smihng &Tlmly. mel' 'Ind eaperjeJl~ will cOlilYlnte you. , ' I'!" too b"!'1. 'a,e.r;' ,I «plied, gently It ec~o .~nd re..echo in my.hear t. " band, .till psped ~'he nev• t would be a JleYfre triGt I,u. me. (or I in,'I0'", olI'_ " IGo til Jan..... lind it child, I munnur ed, to blm tbe 10.. ~. '"'I d ' " r th·l.. th , In y , d hne I Nery voilelltt emper,' ,~Iil'd j'am~ •• 1 .,,_ ' 1UillAl u e one 0 ,..... . .. OUAn f • , :, ,,'I 118 you hlfvo nO'Y..... \lo n, IDe that'll , Jl ~ ..... a 'gr , t._g. . ~ ' " , _c!Jani c li_roU -of. tlMla.,o hllion: brave ·a,utdone, I will tfy',' 'l.D.~'t 6~1t,.dlcl1he IktJe,r.l low. t him to t,bo vl!" cenlf. ,of b,i~ li~lle in tho, hour of battle. undaultt ed ill tho dun't rely ob me for lin uample I_ It eliok1nc. . ~ l ... i""•• ", ,tbaf Iluid put 1il my bf rett'e.ti ·&njl'lIun~ilmay:ed in ' tho b,,~ read tb f New 'Te'llme~t.....e to ... . ":'1~ a-In.' ' untll l : oouid hare • I~ of death. ~",. ,.,. ....,( -1" • ... I ,., "Ie of ~~r S!'vlour i. the proJ1cr C! ' r·,,·\ • , oJ '1I!eu .,looked a.U A __ .a" one ..... , be guided, by/ allid CbGrI~ •• , 1II' ,e"a !,e... 2il,e: 1 .,... "" ~ • .1'" " h. W_!t,t ab . . . . 'l!MI&her &lid '911 It wnt now "ttOw!nl Jale in the iiat,.o no more tiQle In OJllr ' the boy. lor . ." l r~tumed ' to the eelhool-houae by I' '~.' dian 1 .ha.~fI already lo.l, .\114. .hort cut aero.. the S.itk. Nothlor wor'" "!'he feu. wire lIoW'<to\lin, aIOW'ft I!¥er w,~"Ii. little tl me' takea ,hml m)" work ",m.rk' occu",d for a week or two ~, hi. race \ 1 ... toO tOo· & tnel to to jU-e "pin".. or m1 child! Ab me! , THE ,CZAR. An"1 I'1IE SPA. The boy. ' aft.~r .c~JtlQ\e "1' ~ill't t ......,tirGtdmDI • • """o( I. , ~I..rn.tolblnk ,rlr\l~.t the , 1l h.ppen H,abuu t. huadred , and littl./Ii'"!,. ~ thaq "'.. makint for liia rl,lal tliDe, 'near liule hqe .leril at(ellow! , He wa. yell'll 110, ,hat thl\ faIDOUl-P.ete.r, who ud thaa,. (qp: the ~t. ...... ot aate 10 " "Ith bil bow and a\TOW, But ~11 ~,the ~ or a , 'I"" l ~ ...... L tI.-.a. ' - bi II lOft "w of Ru~~ter • \.UDpar tube tlaaa .the bappl _ ot DIy .... , •• , - " 7 ..... u~ ~ on -:v ." e .taying at the "UI. cblld. ,. ~ b,uf In a few _OIIIl111 c: workman.; with ~~~ DO,: ,reJllled.' '~'DI toO b~ \0 . . ullr~Unc-wi!latGrat Dlothe.r! thl. thetl autocrati palloa or Printnil & ~04 :::~e~n~d~:::: dOWD atain. Yoa mUlt-t. b better __ _y tit . " 'lour love lOr ,Ollf chlWI freely 9f the w~tat: 0 '0 IlId ..k til.n to Ina It l.tGOd for Marl,. ft ... .alDot.. ..... , Eiah& ~y~~.,."t...."".d.:_... ~tlt d lee ' IDu ...e mJII-. ....., aD • PIDI ""y, WileD ( blrned away, in the" ,,001.: 1,(AI\IID'lty·. Will, lIot.. -. OII_lIlI a•• I bad DO heart. I wu ill; but. tUllb to "Ott . . tilt Unle lUIIIeDt. . I of 1~ ~}tnDl (o~IQ. !I,tO Ole' ancl the lin' . ..,Ie. ••U, I GIl DliIdI.· the Par tlIng& ud thll taI\ mJ ~ ~ arrcnr, ,.~. fII tlie _ _ Jwllht ..b~~,",",; eqiae.1IIi beblaci a ~ "heN it aDd .~c cllpl....... .... ...... raJleD. 1belr opeD ,.I~·I iIucJa: COlI. ....17 toaad Ill.' Hew b tlaaed tile Car' ... 1 .... tD _--.r , .... lb. _ I U I ' . O • aanll,l'.. ,. ~ .dflt ~dunb'le I"U. . .~ -r,...Di into the tehoo l~ withoftt • __te at the rJi't .... tuie. la _ _ _ ~ lIban • word t.unr 0IIII, aed .at - '_ " " " t W.1..ruooa~"" :lir.:.:;r;;; it.' -'II ,. .J.effl t-.yto. ,o'11e t U I '-"~'_I."'I _ _I_~• • 01 Oae . ., . .111 CIIIriIII Wtw.. a _;.,.a

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We J"n II 111..1 of Dlhlulenp t on hAnd '\'I'hldl we win publl.h " flilt III we can In til- lIIel. tllne contrlbuloflll WIt exer 1'".. I'lltience If their ,rhclC'B do nol ap P.t!V au 10011 u they !I\ld we coullJ \VIII) .L,t\ no one bo deterred from wflung by die I'orepln ,ftlllarit l We are ever 'lad to IeIr lrom ""1'1. pr our cqrrel\M1Ddenbl, alld ~ artll::l.. will l'Ppear In time


COLUMB ua March 11 Seuate -Sever., 1 01 Btalldu g Uum IUtt 1 I oreby ceruiy that 1 have examine d cos woro nlilde forego'"g Ill..... ns pubhshell In tho W' e&t A re olutlon w lUI JUloP! ed rea tnctll1g erll Slnr ,,"d pronounce thoDl ,w be cor lIIoUlbers to lwo apeechc$ 011 allY 0110 sub rect Jeet and llmltlllg IpeecbcI to tiiteen 111111 utes eacb Mr, ~Jyerl h II taxmg DUllks brougbt up Bnd debatcd llt length IItt FlhlOIl moved to tlike Ihe lltock In the Dankd at the pluce where die owner reSide was 1081, 8 toll) .. The first tWI> aectloll were btTlkplI out' and a Dew ,ecUoD of the CurrenllY Com III ~~ee Wb in8ert.d ,22 tl> 6 ]\[r V lIul moved t. Itrlke \lut the Ilulllnce ofrhe Ibll 11 to 14


23 18:»


pio 11.1 AN ACT prnenb the limo of bold [No 12 ·1 !!If .... ~ or Common Pleu In the AN AC'l' fUIIIg the tilDe of heldlllg lh~ llllieial Circ1i1t c:ourta 01 common 'pleu JlI the e &lllh J

_relloltltio';JI wu 'lien wnhdraw n and "ilteliida, WI. rnd 1IUIi:lllltJed bi.reeol utlon, Br1lrht 'q,Dj4tCUId to tile reeephOll of relOluti ln

oop eo hn.e beeD .oId .iII•• dI, lint .dI_ wu ..


Tho lolH, ~u t.up 1~lItlo" III d, __ " 1, !he 1Irg.ol .... d ",alllp, Tlqll~t "1''''' h... ..... n ladabtod .. I~ pullll •• "" Q;,. olJ tie., I 0It! d"", :\1 at .11 m.,,1 ... an QP~all7 eI.lltalalo, III ... 4 who hive f..or.d ht... ""1",-,1,,,,,,11,.1....... .,.,. eI ,Dcon hUll, I_a kieh "1 _0/104 ~ II...4nf. 11"lIIeDt

vr ...

.r ..


Pri:val., .ledlea1 BT Da

.... ,. ••• 0.

I ....~.hll. KdJJ ••




",lUll caAI1


r II"'. PI' III

"'0 ... . Pruc," Od


THIll WOIII( III INTJeND.O BSl'lIOUL L Y jOlt TUB MAI)RIItR Of' 00II11.1 1• It ~ martl.8' .. II oIl.llI .... I. porI,11 ..or.", wh aU .. o~ltI Ue bo.. ~ 10 tl •• plrtl •• lul),. It. 0 8'''''1 I.- lh .. Ir, .... _ih .. _ 1IIt

,,j ...

o"a alii., budd 0", 11110 ,,",oDlaahood DC' III. 1ft lb. Ilcllna of )'0 .... 10 wi DID DAMN ....... ,1 .... on I" rtant .1 IOIl0 -C•• dlallOo., tl • ....... . , .... 10m. ., I Ibe Dlolt .mel ...1 felll'tU . . . u. I•• 1n,lb of uure In IY0<1 oorupl~.1 III .. bIM bot ..... '1\I~ ... t TI ,roo.lallollll ...laI ••d Ial.. pro'od • "~IAi '« In lbo.. I"' .. lb. r.. •• ~r."I. l.uer• ••••iud ~Y tl 0 audIO. ("blo. lot La p.""lnli ~, tho willort ~ publill1) ",HI allelt


lit'" •• ,1If.' ......

SlOKLV 1\1'11) UNnAt"PT WIV-g

Go I'll B UOI~ -A 1\II'!I Doot. or


sylv~n lu has lelt I er hush IOd Mr Iloots UI cl strnyed to parI" ulI!tno vn \\ 0 'Pre dume lhllt the pure boots ure rights IIDd



1~lts We oannot B I howe~er that BOI)\~ 19 Pllht lJut ~hele 18 no IIIl1luke l\lr Daol.! I. lel~

l\In thnt

t l


U !)


InJluencQ., , morc Lhlln any olst', Inllueed her rillhet to pUTchG8e allaet of l .. nd tn-New4bTscy, with a l rcirlo~lIlg "tltither , I l\iechahlcs lent out to bUild Ii 6ult1lblc -houllo and born~ an d tho raTll~ly'were to lie tru~sp)~iIlCd to Ihe New Wudd 118 lI0II8 a .. Ule neces~uy arrangementa- we~ completed In thr meantime, however, elrctlml lhncn occurred wbhllr lell the good m8n to conalder duty to rellll"n In Ei.ngl,.'1cf. The younger dllugbtera W('re well pleuad to 4"0 .It; but Eltnbet h. tbou,h ebe cheerfully m bel"illitbor's dec liDO, eVldent~ 1Y h.J a-weigh t lIpon hor mind. Sbe \\'111 lDure lIiJent than !llnal, lind more C~v'n~. 11 Tt'tlJed to her chllmber for bour. or at communion WIth jlerllolf. Solllle'~Dl1es l when ..ked what she had 'lpon Ib!!.JCpllcd, In tho conclae. SOiemJllIIl.IIlIN of Frlendll'

r like • horae or Ibelll C&II c!imb • CIOW



I ~


V "/



...... ftle






D 'U

w.) A\

O::)"Selillior Turn.r of l'ellll. hne Hoot LO him••Ir, lhrou,h Lb. P~t Office. allouL I fOIl of matter' Wbeu ~III tllIl corrUJlt [rln'lng phvlloiO be cut o'1f! r

87Mr ~0~11l bu 10 fftr rew~llrcd as to be .ble to alteucl ~o dllllee of \lIa of I\oCV (


Vala•• 'e propert y at l!ubUc Inlr. We'i.r1Io!Iolally. tha. our f.llow CIII .0, Dr H Salur, will otr.r publtll aele Oil the _eDteei ltfi of :April, lnlt, a plot Of aloable 1C\~i -lit" the till of DAl: TOT. O. We are well &IIquaihted 'Vlth


PRlJlUl lA.

Q benet COlincll h.. reaol~ed to !NUO • wmprehen.IYo memur.ndum of the Gorman qaeltiun conta 100ng Prou ••'. vi.", the w holo q ue.lIon Involved In a fOVil Al of lhe old G.rm,lI lc ConfederatioD r Durlllg Ihe yftr the: commet te o( n haer II\cre~ee4 collllllderabJj, The Proteci!oll ItJ"dl~ .ro makin, vi" orous preparation_ lor II re"erlll election IIrdt'f 10 Il'cure lD Ihl! house of commone a mo... that Will Impe erOlir .llIlhnp corn and breadatufT'jI Ottho Hungarian Gild PoUlh Teruree. who nave arrl.ed atl;lverp nol. but lew or the KunK"I .... btu accept,"" the :£8 ap propfilitod by tbe Br\ti.h Goternm elit to



T£~Jm • • ,lUi If ~ Uuee 1IUIIl.... elll:


ell. of ike .,.,





rrm~Dl~·~\1(~G; ~lKlIf~:m.


, v


,'/ )'


,~ ~ T,





.61 r




J 11


UFlf>~ tr

. 111


·- AI~

the Licl ...dw



Ii ...... . ",

It.". &0



• la tbe '

\he ..... '(ul,n ot wrlta le CAD W ftM of 1

oro orde..

Ap(lly to

'rU.£oupu MI1.LS, Oct. 191h, lillie> :\II·tf ! '\. I

LOT OF HOLlJINSIfEAD8 PLi\lN ild~. Al'IETo!IJl lal np,.", 'at Ihe'Siln Iloll.

"f SeIhe Golden • II

I. ' 27,

ra~lnd by



~LIlEN & M~S. . .'.


PEGIPJ CORN SALVE a '~~,--.:...,..~_,•....,-_ _-:-:cerlllin, and .1f~e.14~1 curn lOr co~n., ...... A JIb" by the namo 'of. Couon D••• Ie bv ' .~fe 6-lf J. H. f!ARNH AIt'L VocI " • " , " " " being under trial 'In Albany for II capPIECJ!:S WAIl1,ANQ WINDOW hal orrenel', viz.: Atullin negro!, sOlne Onl' 'A (f'it\l'~jft in ilioN and to. ula frQm 12" what be " of 10 51) O~, fr piece: . lI1ore" 22, UADDf}N &. '~C r,E[.L,o\ND, I "'l!"'" IUlWARDIII ,-II' " " " , • f\ S bC~1I offo,ed b)'lhe Ilroprietor lot In or· tidu Ihnt Ih "'lUDI. 10 I'II.\LOII 'S HAUL Jrl· ' lUOM'l'On jII'Rl!\' tN~, l\IId Ion b\l~1\ know\I




~U I," jI.LONESS ; nil IUltOaU7 f '8 rcmllh~d ~y USU; 1\ bel.uutie. 1110 halr'Dlld keep. illlv.Jr, loli olld . llken.lhe hnral!e.A1 kl"ua nlay ~ mGUO .ntoOlhe Ind glo y by \I~ COli Innl al.ptlcollo lI, h ' vr ~erY"" Ih.I,.lr 1!'6l11lur nlncgrny -hl\l no anlmol I:rcAs~ In 1\8 C<lllll/o$lIl on. LAIlIU Will

lilld it all IIlvaluableadtiitlon 10

III <'.~~-------~--~~

·Josh. doe. the lun "ver rile • Ney"r.' ,



Th L" : .;:-;;e "wo ••• ewI,,!' pera. . I. $ ub.cribor. wb.o ito nul give IXrRUI flO' TIC': Ie;> Ihe !lOnl ••., y, !'.ft' con,"lore d "Iillunjt to conhliuo ,hei. s ubscrlPli ont. . ' 2 lfilub~ctiber. ,! r~or ,Ihe MICIl their papol'll, Ih. putihahDr mDYdl.cdnunu CIlntlnue 10 Ihqlll unliloll arren,a", ,_ aro P~I<i, 3. rr 8uh.cnlMlr. negloel or reluso 10lllke Iheir "ftller. from Iho olficce 10 which they IU8 _ellt. Ihey Me lield romVOll81blc 11II tho)' huo 8cllle~ Ihclf IiII\S, .1l~ their poper i.oontlnu011. , , 4, I1 r. remOVo 10 01110r plGce. will,Qui Inforllli'ng ,he publl8her , end tI,o paper i. .on~ 10 tho fOqJIer dlfecuon , Iher or. beld re Ipllrullble. , I fl. 'l'ltl' Court. 1I0ve decJded Itlat refu.lng I. lako Dnow. pDpor or (oeriudlcal front lhe olliee, or .ento, 11I1I ..,ndJen.vtnC il uncallo<l for,-I. prlilia IGcleo,Wencu Of,~uH1'leIlU FIUII \) '


UST n , CEIVED .nd (.:Ir 81110 1\ lot 0 , OF ALL KINDS , . TUIlIO)' ?I, Cel~brllled Rallor Sirop EXECUTED NEATL ~ & PROMPTLY Pute. a ,certaln cure lor dull Ruora ,



In weill,

BOOKS TO LOAN • HF.: Prov~le lqr of lite Wlln ~sviJI. Book ! N~v.rl' Slor~ lake. Ihl. med ium 0 , ai~i~, nOllce 'Nl'v.r!' Ihat I.h"" Dooke 10 lon n, e. ow" 'You clont.t .IIY eo! Willi, you ,,'ont for r.~"illJl' 11 book wOrlh foll Iwenl)' five 018 oatob me \0 emigran t t,o tile WeW if I t.ft when ItOI loiled 10 CI8 ~ IHlh (iffY cls. ~ ~O h. .Iwlly.n ight ,hete, Iv.e .. 'eoustn Ih Iow 't H book. nre/bouly . lOlled full price will who il IIwIYlwritlng110w p,leatent il ia II} c~ orged Ane! rendor rel~in. ,100 111.1 region It bul mUlt be all moonahinl 1 morl! Ih.n one1118 reads a book 'While reckon" ' prIce i. ch~rll.d ,

T. H

SAMU EL 'G. ,sIlIOTHERS I BA~pR AND BAJR DIUlBS lJR, lIf"/1f ST. 'V."JIIU V/LLE,' ! 011,0.



----,"'~ • TO 1:Jl.~ ),AOltJ S. A.n abient minded e ditor hftving eourt,d E II ..... n.fro8h II\Pjl1l of 'lloil"t .' ~ elrl applied to ber ralber: Ihe old man Ihe ""ry beSI qpnllty. If you 1I~1d; beaullful iliv. UB Il cnll. • . , Weill you want,lIIY dlluihle r-whall orl J. W of • aeltlerne nt wilt Y04 makel~W/Ial \>VII I. rou give her! : , ' , Give h erl io plilld the otht'r, looking up 1 "~~~~i6~~lWcii~ ;jiji)-:.. canlly; Oh, I'll (iye bIer a putr. I !l:ake ber, .4repJilltlt lie fath~r. ... ,.




, In • 1.llIclt , or II Hor,o. ,~ Thc '(oliowiulJ inoid.nt j. rel,tejl ~y 'the

Lqnj( pulnl

~dIlCCfl'e:-A f~W

"da,1 ~ince WI ""r.l.n in,'lIur r,tldene e 011 our to \bl Acl'Milljll. otlce "u.,ltorlo:.belol'llll"g 1.0 u. 'IHoped up .,d r.I,Ij(ht our .iid mlde lin iiuempt to pull u. In the directloll be wi.b.ef to &11 He then 1.1\ Ind wont I!tr .., .. qui"b ,ait toward. 'a 8"lur. 011 Ollr rlrlD a\"lut .. qUIf ter of a m Ie diltant from!>U r re~iden~: In a Ie" mqll!.enU'lie ~pproached u. :a"alR milkIng an unu"ual nOlte, fn04 .ellueef' ." bi. aCIion ~o dellr. UI to follow him, Thill we did ..od when rll.~b.d the p.~lur. we oba,rv. the mate ot tJae lion, ep,(ftn. "led io a bridge -Which had lIrokcd thro!,,,h fel· wllIl hlin. Alter.,.. e hlld olltrlclte d . hi. CIlmplluion froll) hi. c,!a.ngeroul polltion the horle which H.d Kiven not(cl o(.bi. mate'.. dan"er, com.' up ~nd rubbed hh. he .. d aplll.t ehDWlDi lip. 01 ,rCI' .. ntl.ra~










balr frqro. the boa.! of .. lianel. \ ~ piDt pf ,n.t "bleb make.. tbl .Iln ri.e. ' A mile p/'lt from thl ro.~ to ruin'


, The Ibrlle JC~ !Ire aU p 'on the eornera at Aillan -ICui K b d

1111 '


1 '



' Frequen tl, revie;w 1.our


black; The


the e,lI browI,

A laID'!. Spartan WII ticlliculed for [loing



r'4~ 'fhe lip~, the rbtelre, and tend to lil(\" roplled the !Spartan. nllt tQ nallf. ' Tun. ~ • " " __'." '0-.,:11-· Three Ion,: Thl body. the hair and -lhl II • I


araOI ,



thele , 1 Wont right I diet.'f were tI



Never"r~lfnt I IUpJlOtteil itljury, till

intt1b ..ttle Wi~ that impt!dil lent.

, rith 1


u . a In

• . r . ' Tr4\a'\djoilr ~~.tom.~I IO\1r.rrtenda, by .ervlng em \/1 tbe beel panDllr, '

note yC/ur feftlio,.,



know the view. aud moti'll' \)1 the' of it; nllr oll .lny o~tl~,n retaUa... . . Tlt!.ft)' GraIn. or Duat 'Il'bl~h Co... . ........ IUt.te tbe Perreel ~o",~.. The,!'e I~, no &;rlef witllol~~ .ome, beneftl Three IblnlP white- Tlte Ildll l the tMtb cent provllioo lo .often \~ ip1¥IIHn Ha • • ...d tho h.nda. ' ~ , I I. . , "




Tho leed. oflove nevor ~ow , Tbl'te Ihort: !I'lle tettb,lh e ea.l'Iand tbi under the wlrm ,·••ild ,el\lel InllullItlr Ceet. ,,' t. kind feeUnp. .nchtr~ti<lD.~ bieo.,.. ; Three wide orl.rae: The eheek. th', fore. ' I .' ' bead and tbe '11II1lCI behyee" tlte eyeBuIl'flf IlL,-I,\e .(~de the I';

. delicate or O~e: Tho :Oll(ln. the tJ\e Ire." ~ tq thl crae bail'. and the lipI.--.7 'rcn,I.,n I from tlIe roata,.o chn~, ml eonAtaftlli, 1Il~ ' patcb t .oul \0 thee! "'"-A. my own, my DC!l.UUrul-Ji:., B, •

land. of 'GotI


the cl. aUd &hI


"AI I; IH"



dum .1Il poialed w.... 'UI el ",Ith

Idle m"



laid t1iit


bour 1/(




i .. ,



rfvule~ 11.

their weallh, whilo l1I.ny Iy ra nny, go, un "


FOll 'Till: l'tb"l1 \\relt oll.


c!' ~.

__'8Y ••• , • •

'JII,y ('hlO, Rweel P OOICBI w.ll live While eorlh Ind ooavCl.i' ,1II1.d, 1'''y I'ra;a~ will oft be lly foeti! 01 .Ulll ~ 011 er 10,,1I r Whonl).bu h'~1 p ....ett 'AWY , And• gone 10 jilin ilic anllol I.ntl.. , t

.'u 't"


,(0001 Poel.,.., loueh IIUll 1111 h . ~und yet WI:1t Ine UIII:Cre,

l ~

ltllllJ n,

Oh louQh n",o hl lhot merry slrom

'f'hal chorln. Ihe J{.I~n\nl!, ~~[ wh; 'JI~r ing~ 01 nil nultel ) 1'&111 WI\~11 wak llnud b.)' Ihy hoi y 1i"lIcr~" 1 Ob touch ~ftiftlu thy 1i,l" gu itnr, 0/10. IIIOro Ita ewewt chon!. eweOI', It. .0nM willUII" "r wile" .f"r 10 .... el\ryI4l n 611I1 e8~ J w eop;

Oh wu~h nllni" Ihol l",mbHng IIrjllg De_pi n Illy eoul 111.Clcho<l rIng ' I




BY T . 11. , BClhU!" . SUllr

·,1 end .ulumn ,' lho Ur d v olyarJ~ k 01.1

aAd ..nt un er Wi, rpjolciDIF.

Arter tea, T.>lit a email ,h_de tamp, and .he I~",ad, dlrned .locldn " .. or worl!ed upon a bo\lnetl Mr, T. "ad aluud a cbl\pter frc1\ll tl" Billie. ' The, now found con'Qllt ion In till. Book of book., which wuuld !ruldl "rioul ',i ,I. In L -' __'. "-. ,_ .,,.. they IUIIP •••d n.Vlr 'Yant. The, wIre no" dl, Increuln g ",orldl, ' .tore. IIIWlrd and outwa'rd II\ltntio nl Wfre noW made about their hotra.. lIr, T . had

HOD. T. D • •ae ....'.

Mr. )tlc.ul. , i. 11)\lr, ,n ltatur., rbul'd, I...~ ' 1II11lu:n'e,d

Ind with I growi!ll tendeD!;1 to aldermanic !'.rnnlion dl,proro rtloul , 'HI, h•• d tiiB the lime

rOlu_dlly I I hi'

.Da Hem. _tuck

i& .. firmly a. a lb ••um of hi. O.,rIOo,n.'




(' '1


Dulego11'1 from the followlIIg


~9, 1


1 to prOTide (uttllrr rQr \.he 110.) ,.ent u( the eltl'E'II'CII IIf Iho ConslItllltOn


f tlWtn Forni lllJIs Cnlbnrillc F"rrC) ~' tSupenUf Court -Sp"cI~1 Term -Deelll

whloh \~II~

--- ------.-,.-,..--

SWI'l ~HU A D AdvIce. from Gellev. "l.llllh.! IJ,a Go\ ornlllent uf the Gqnton hue re fused t) ~l'( pr\ (rom II. Torri~ory the " 801 tlltCl1 l'rllDch r\'h :~I." Q~ WI s (!rdcrl'd ll) th Fr4!11Ch Govlmllu r nt r" ,\ hat wuy 1111.



1\111 lie rccelveil b} Pnl ll CO ru mllltl. yet n-nr1'ltt'r

cololl1blan ..

O~ea'" n':


.upc.rl! piper Uld

Itt treat for

next .I~ 1II0nth& to It, ",lCIerl Illceicb 01 On the thin! or Ma.1••

dua'1't oll'tted

" ) A DOLD IlLUlICf. -In lItr Fox. {r,oI IUQ/Tle do}! a lrAdel lUon who JleJd hi" prOlDlae 10 pny {or two bUI drld poundu cal lell f,lr )llly illent Chllrl~s 8~ld he could nCit then dl~eha'J'ge It How c.n tbat be}' IBId the er('dllor, you hwe Jllit now 1;rlDi bel or. fUU bonk I\O~ to a laqr. 11Ill( ~n - TIIQaere,p1 etlMr F oX' 'ore fur my debt. of hunur The tradellllah in ......... I·••• id oJiafaly tbrel. hl~ now anto Ihe fire merellee I· ir ...d he mIHo II • debt orbonor CIOnOL now oblige YOI1 tu p.y' oa~11III1-3mun'lI'f much 1\1111, bOllllr In»tIlntly plllll hll man!1 I urge you til \h4i 111\ Inlr or your !tIna wuhQllt yoor laNirt \ the 1.11111" Of,yolit belli•


TOil II one of out bllt eseMDgei


Illi fll~d

Refiolvl'd II at eoch lelllp~r~lIce orr.lIIr.ntl6n represented II~ thl~ QUllrtetly COun all» oy JudICe Etlm illS I Tho IIIJI netlun eu far DB It reatralOs tbe cil of orren coullty be requlred:IO tralllder.,ndaut frllm. \1\ Ie. I ngllli wife dlteolved mil through th Ir dclrllntcl, I n port IIf becnuI& 110 ~ct IIf lPUI~'I'I,ng i. _bown 1\1t C911'h~lo/l 0111181r 8everl11I1rg~llIzqthl'" Dud nil goud gruund ex, 6 Ii lor npprehenillllll --- ~- ':--r--_:J~ lIu:ludmg euch remnrk. us muy bu thought ~"y ]\ I~ 111.0 dlft6hed 80 Ilir 1ft It rellunl AIV,1JJ. -~cordlllg to tho LIVlDg.tOIiIi the dellllldallt froni thlpO~ l\lg ot hi' properly LaWJOf,i Dlreclury tllr 1861 Ultrlt lira no ull!lrCslIng lind inltrur.II,,, IU lht Cuun b.,c.u~e h~ b~a not ubJ,'I~oulld ber I~ Ithout j I••• lh"u tW'lIIl) twu I.!tou•• ud flu bYllilr.d ell 1l~~'Jliut~ ~upport and lhelf I. no rcason ~o p,rachdng 10\\y"r8 III the olilted :Slates _ liol' mill of thele IJJlke bOllea( 1mf,"' It II IIl1t)/1.s1lJle to Iny co



n!l/lled or

H811 rtuUuns presente.d their cr.dentla!, wllle)l w';re fuund UII exuOl inlilion 111 'the conlml~lec ~o be aurrael ylll < Red Linn M UITII, ijlllly, Frlell~8blP, )\1alnevlll" ~lId W nyno Dlvl"oDs S of l' ulRO lr l)ll1 th WU}III)ijVllIe anll Fr.Ilkllll \Vunhlllgh nllll SJc l ctJ e~ Dr J C SlodJurll o!1~rctl Ihe foil II

• r,1I, ..I", do


1851 .

.LOOK1JiG GLA,SIJES la~e n•• ortn.enr ~O.n ~s cIS up to JUI! ,ll<l<!lJeti • "I (or snle by I R .... J . II "" Al'nl!JII I~ Silo 01 11011011 f11l11





hullu(ul ~\OQk

ItJI' bulll Ladl

and Gen

April U

,tl. lemon J ... l Jee4n~'Il Blld fur . .Ie' y ------.---..-~-----JU4r.Jli&.Co Ap"1 SIS I~L :::>ian o. Ibe Itad f I""



Pd,.to IItdieal C.mpanio••

23 21

112" 20 n


~~ to the /loldl WI\')& the rcarors

tl/l1 th!\ \Iye long IInymIL of the bill'\!) time when ( Btl III b. a mflll al dillY / 1 ' TO~O\V I t.u l.}Arrow. b) Vlaot al1~ SOIY


),1 A nd

o rteh .nol

t.r'll~ hUlrJij

To eaJl and bind, to pltl!" nnd mow Wldi strong and willinlt bauds



The Tronltle. of 811 OlBClfl-Jloldllr T:uJ.IIG 'rUE CUIIlI


ple••e In(orm ml of thl Dumber tanla III thll buula ,.


WIll you

e:TFear and 10,. Ibe women By dumg thUI you will u buoyant as I l'hmDlx Jllit rlam.: from II. ..bel or I


girl Rottlnl: ~'lulued In



1. Jour hOll18 .... arm on9 uk'" a man - - An editor out 1ft low. "YI they III lurch 01 a teaemont Dr a landlord It dOD', hraa: of tho .Iito of their hahl" but 0 .gbt to be, die painter guve It cl'a" .IIat lhe" are a 100$1 uncommon lure crop ra~l'otly ~ the reaponle


'Sir The populallol'ln tllll m.... -Will, tlltre. III,M 10 llead •


-~--- ---

I'ltl1nElItal AND ECOIIOMT -What Ir dlv~lll:dy 10 '~hC!.t~r wu uklld to JOin rou have I patdl on your kn.e-It i. nolll ~I a DC Jtb t daughter. or l'empIIJraOCI 1I1/I 10 be &4ll1uncd of It 8 'aller on the i 10 rephf! , It .. ullllcec811"y Ii It i~ my .11 I$mlth. bor In lid, thlll a wit" Ihe .roor or an IOt.r nlent un to JD oone of the eO"I .0011 Ylew witlt I creditor, whu (e~1I you ba\e hlaclc or "lite IlIuth., ilia I"rolgrll him Deuer un uld bat aD A.I d J.ohv4I'h! Jlllflitnhllld!; Rldod. ~ 01, bl ft '1 W 0 er II". • 10 °h" U lI"hnl e C(lllt, or a l'alr or 101Ybltl. A'ked If a r~..On could bo t Id • OCI t In tu U"e cxltav1gantly ru!1 III 'VI dd 0 debt, and hlvo every (eel tbat ou llY we Ing rlngl wire mlde of gold' are a vllilin rbcte. nelbln lake f ru yentu~1 d lhu.s t Inalruet her denee aod economy. eapl!clilly~I you ~a,.. ~I ~~ Ina 11m and hchlcniog Ire the ItrlYlng to keep up YOllr C~lt Who Will 0 ruth lib 1 (rWlt you, If 'Oll Ire poor Ind lazy, Ind e,m: e oy " ane. from h....eo they drral 1ft fine broadc,loth Ind dll~"'1 rolll La chal1ll, Inll lIreutpinll No oOe VI I- I\Ie lOW I ..Ieclrlc I1ll/ne, nut wilh • bomupuu COlt. a brown riCe, And fDlCl ill IMlt cunductor hanl land· aDd IlIdUllrloue~h".~btita...rra-...".1 T6a\I 1~lIlr dow. tbe 1&",' u I . I (rugd &%Iii will be a rl.hmld Hid wbe. h. anooaed d~D the











'.\fpnd le'mI';n II tllcll-Ild .. , h rtquirn b\l\ '".,0 ~eld. Ind an 'p.plle.. tlun,

;~~~~*~~~~~~~~~", I,IIOIIIIDIII' Ire n.~,u

..FroM r.u ... 01 I'll Ij\ ,

..... the

Mil)' rt. '., " T imu n allya JlrQt wb ",.rry '.fha rl,lllIwln~ i• .aD' .~.hellti~ iI,'.erip-' D, dar" tll~ r ll'" nluf......nJ.. m.11 don orlh e.uj'v....od murJ Il{i!f iJr ~o ~~,. man and IIII)rll oeJlee Ul~1LI.W,,~ than w... till A"out Ih ... .lel1 ollht:b"rullllh ~ An !\lIti,e .bCG~'rm .I'I' d.y.;rl,",)1\ .tlould li.1l1d lirwQl baair'i' u'token f:1I,li'h; 6 I d 6 ur 7 die." . " , 1\:11- ",ltb Iluup hI tl,. ahoulder .; lIe,,\ly ,u.!1e., .weil'_il l, 'prbUably 1110 " u :jilltdlll, I, YOun, lou.inl Ippllfen~· A. willI! mer~ h ~nt .lluU1'ell ~ ....pec~,.d1),01 orer I~, thoullb li'ul!l U ,to 3t) aa.~~III~\ ~e 10 b.~ flell., cM~ • eiyrHr«cta.lflOldaHheir~nlu., ,.... i."'A'•• vld; dl1.r~ complex ill1'lllh "r ~ 11" I Now ll!li~ JUU ~rlU .. ld driak th,i!.id to hl!ll' ...,.~. 1OIItI"'w:- ....., ~o/4lNltUN OJ 04., 'ttl'~ ,,1I.nn- , ' ",Ino ......,. JOliN a\ian F. duWl\t:Il X,OR8E Il uprnel va Illd 1IiIurOIIf'. ._~, '" 11M'''". ur·.IIe.t \DI,.rl"~beet II the lIa.. uf ~i1r'" 01 .b, i" I Gift awuy I Will ch"l. IOuI' mouth 8D th.t R'rrol~ Spta1;e,.,,/. (TseHg_ of 1leprut1I 14Ii1*' . ! .. 1 mil,. klluw ,it. ' IIIl ,tlj," fllbbed b~ I.p~'t~,a* to :.-:'apa per ~Q~acrl. "WII.....' JIi!W"IOW~, Dill. i:owII" ~:ctljfn'!:'b~v!llb:!ta':\:~;:, .~r..... the lII~al li~ aII'd pretead .. t.. . =;:C~ .. ' OHARLES ~~Ie; oWe. bJ J. Obllqe r, lb. am nll.IIer e4 8D .. 10 admit tb. ,...... of .burd'lI tn the Philld.lp hia COllrt of Corumon Illl'Vd the mllrl( vf Gltlltt Oil ~lt.'I." ~ _ Do; Clu' ,'p "r- .,.. . • ": , ' ~wblch II... rftCUa III. Ph' Pie.. 01. 'V:dDe.,d..y 11111 .n can oyer ._ two or mllre Maroh 3, 1861. 'Vhnl! il):.Iklna " ut of Clur 'In" t 1Ir. "ind,ow' 'I'he .hllll drallk 0 ' lh. wiae aNII tv b. ... df'clded,-lt w •• , & IU.t 1-' I h b k with hi. mA.tcr I1b.ikfd hll tIIoutb rut ",,"illl: tb. bua, tbrulill c","'dIDI :.......-, ~. '., Phl(lp R, F'r" l y" Jacub ir... abnu"the a'tItt CC:~~=:~nie! .:th.~~y J' blt",hy ce \1i fy ',th.t I h&n ex.mlne d . rlfin" Bin, '1 Ihe ,yal/l/It•• auo.\ lhul dinllv~rl!.d Ioimll.lf. :'" , • , ut'lIv.r the IUp"riptlvn pri,ee .. r \he G~r. ~".II old ju~o \IuI~ • l-'rlillchl tei &\InI01Id.... tb.allfl..... III\4) ,.","oin g Ikw.· a. I\ublilhtd in the Wu\nih II It,e tul~ WThi Qub.n .spedilloD b.. ,r.ceived m&ntown corDO~lli!lu In Ibe rollll". 'l'el~lrrll pb li.r ,Ig yr•. !J'I~ ~.p'r u~ (ure!!d IIdeir upon Star, andl'runoullclI lbem to be oor· IlItlllll.ry. ' " r ' wulef\ At. pub lie jluu.ttsn th.v,lcln .tr or 'Ab llouait'llf pula our reel. ' J . , • daedt ror tlui ~, IIy tit. capture he . de Yaak" Il' a ' , dnfeni ... ni' . •• tal) 11\ (;.lIuwh d ill .treet· r.urivUI mao,. Velll 'come to Ini,lt,lluntrlc .::....: J & "on F.....c"AY, D.puw ""u.ditAr. ......... Tb. - - --"' the of III two· ur •~ pllbllshi nl r r -. lta4en thereof. .. '" deft'ndant belli, • buteher pl thl tiDlt' IDa foi.1 t.kl ." .. egrporaU ~_ ". ulIIdlrellteN iDlY enter In\O ,.. '0 G.elteL' lind I I:u ·to th~ f' • d' ' , _~' _ _ _ _, '· , H 0 und.r Ibl CIOrporate ...1 of ' m n " li,DI .t the e~pr". Ireclioll of lIIr aile, WII~r, marquet. ' I HO -'9ml . dI tl'rr~ .ur f. puollur re,j)h~tl on or It WII cPIl\lnne(to b, lert lin~ apace of tiJllo --Vul llww Yl' Ui,ell II 101 f •; t:r'~e mla .who dOl. di.;, CIIIJIO\icla,io~ or. t". I I two gr mUl 'cO • 'Rpeara u the melltiuned. TIle d~f8nce w~. 'No-fol d-bt cent. 1& pa . k-DOG; &Rlr, ••111 d• , ...ettl.IJI, hil'.1=detlt .nd ,••~ ate en· ~tiua., ,fl'Kno fnr Ih. t·rm. ~n , , the .t.tute "f IitllitMI~IIII;and 2d' th.t Ih,e old'Twenty wom.n, " , , ' dillolll tIIereo(: the mOde,of CIIrrylncobn. , t' her .. r"ew"l1 ' of Ih. !ttrtaiDtd .Ib.' ~. Jrll) dl, or IUnltlg . ahould . " have b.pen lel\ .t the rl'll. n! llrat iaw Itrect: the lliloe of th. new cor· , D""n I .. ' ~'.OID. orde \'at"ou enll 0,,,.. , 'Will ~Oll p.,J •• tilat bin. }drl' ....". a w l ' •• ~- of the p ..... , I o( the dtjr.naa ..t I. il W:I~ kloo'l\'n l<'t 'P.U'N\¥ : "V"II buw 'UU, lIomber of dlTeeto... ' thercof, .ell dl.I, '. l:ailur .lI>.~:~.1i lellow ••ltu , 10 h.r Iil_ pl.intj" .J ud,. Kelly ch.rpd be "I'brl'e ceuw~ r.qk-_.!IU"__ \\tlle , Qe~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .rl , pret .. I.rl.,u ... , , '. , '.' ", tb&t . w.r.· & ;II..."a eubec:rlba for. And ",,'mIlD atlli 'U!i :wal f: lI"'~.OI~1 "ti1a "'. _bqve \itl. b¥ be,p 1)JCJ. '? "'Il•.direction wblfe I, ab.ll'b... SHU.. At 14it , IVI}!t \0 I. IiUII:hlllr . ' e '0., ,OU owe .~rbocl)' '11)'11111111' ukfll tht pllbll.h, r. 'It i •• Rtr ~I h. i. boupcl 'to 'p.y ror'I unl... pr.~ .. Io.· •• r@ I,.e. ti •• ,ulfu) . , •• UI"I,a· -iii, ,-"e wei· " ~. '" I b ' ' " &o1lfi.t.oiai&n m.thod of te.eb. bea O'lIliml ror whlcb it "h ..U be ~l\ .n, lri.nd •• id J, I,..U. DO/')lbe 1II •• nrr of - ., _DOlO , but 'No .1,..: A id th.,t.,lo r. ~• • ~ <I,. . "the · til A' 'II capital .tock In be itt bound to pI' flit It ani ...... LAT£R \lreetnb PROM l berufO EtrROP F.. ( ClUUld r41l)oll."-1 all I~p be bat~~" III~ •• or.. . ' 'TheD),OO ClIII III'Ur'd to- "att.', ADII.r ' tWg '., more cor ratiool into .hlll'CB in lhll lime fot which It ,haU' be left. II I butch&re ARRIV AL OF THE l'(1AO~A. ch ....~'11 oa IDe 'il b.....hia 'flei .:MO.teiu..'prolll~1 to ~\'. ~OII wlig .ub'c,ril ,.ch pew corpor,r oll; 'he lII.nller or eom. {P ler"i.h' l to di'cOntll lu~ bi. I Wit .. _~ ilIad . to mill. 11'1.1 -<apu•• i.· U he walk!'d. ' Hnlr.Al Apnl 29 •., .tud, bl. book" III ill."bt lalO the '" per it i, h!. dll," ~o •• ~alltin" Itockbolclen ia eaeh ~r ••ht \Wg, Tho Nlap"'. Clf,L 8tolle.:, re lec.u~tI wh,u l. h.ldl Bepr .inee den J noeln, A day or t.'o afterw.ra,1lae lallor all'" ..cb~ h~r man LanaWL;. m' 'Si& 'Eay I.e"onl. or more cumor.iiona whg then',I" .. IIOtIC. ror " rtiruae to dal ia d"I'lh" rl at," 0 clock UI. "enln" rroaa yore _ , " 1,,"\11. Our _" .... no".' Ii~ wt,'- •..,I h k th i tAleli' ~ -, th .wck of .ueh a)llper it ..., to. plI.lIOn l~ru"lJhth. poo', wlth,d.t e. to t~ 19tb .Ia.t " W. b&" DIlt' til ana III! ~ • wer. e:t!un, . :., ' So turniDf. ,., hi. "'Hitor~I '"' i~ :. ,,~:b ~\IC~ ' other d.tal.. .. O#\cun d iii uke, it out bBlI . The bound COllon ",.rk.t Wit ,1000nll), intluto 1' ' , but II'DI , iii'" ilallce,~b Ita ror it. If " , allb~criber cha,n p. hi. re,_117.. ~1I ne~y to p.,r,et lueh con- Itn~ b, d.lcH frllUl Hie U. S. t'eillfl · ~',l\b"lu l "d"lr. u ia debt to Inybod ,l' 'Arl'l" b.lin. iUg be pod. ThOl. dellce it dOli not foliow that tho elm.r :olid.lillll of ••Id corpor.t ioa.· Aild .ueb ~retlc,'nd buyer. h&Vj ~talll, 011 Thursill , e~J!ing t,,'o' ed • 'Yd ~lr.' "" ' '. tna,ter thiutr'l lI ~ cullintl d I,nruiil , new corporatioa .a\l po_ 'IIU'~ ,.ke npUce ont an;la deliver.r ~rth~ wdilt' ,llItirM lhll com!.hou~ all the lion of rt per 1>. til" ~rln. i 'Well, wllJ doll't JU", p.yl' ';.i\1 .0 well to' obtaia a ~ol" or paper .-bon .r. rig"" .all rrlnebl... eoar.rred .ttbli place whore he WI, firat dl' IIlIQ:e Row,oll ' 1I"c,QO bal-,. , ~e?o;. m.:te, III ',nry Ihe I&IIdln, kept b, John 'I'n lIoube IllUD.,.' " . Pb'l 4 I h' _ 1114 "0 or more eotpOfltioq, '" tht " r.\:ted to I..... \t II • ...I)....ry : to ~h. 'Ye_tem .na A. SJlIIul ,culler Ind dl·.n·"~ed _ k. T".' P .... rIOlI. OUt'... 1I1p I I. 'That'. je.t;'., "/le, Ilr. I ~111 , . . if u ' rpllf.tln .the (lfrelllli ", dull. IlIII ... the pubhlbe 19@50. r rea" perbrl. .. no· Wbeal ql!0T. ~ ad for ed, · keeper Dr til, Ill'lI" not Priot ''''tllt,· i.. ~enta. t... diaconl inu.ot Hod it to Inotber rgfuJ.d'tTI,e '1.. - . ::,co.ct inlr .nel ",.11' be lIU~Kt .1I!I '6~& 6d ror Whit., ogi,elh eman,.b llt(lut tl •• m to ... .\h.I'OQ Clb Ipp•• oIa\j ' l1fl" eoMlThe 8t~, , _ • Gasene 'or ••• to ,11 tho :'l:Ji~tiu;. lad ,perform .11 tb, Atllmca~ I~k. re••III Cora 30(133. . , of dOorafo rtllclr disorderl y IKohniur .aehenl . ad. .m; ..)'I:-:-;-I g,,'e me ' O __ youi' Itj1 __ b .... , J'rida)' . !' ' , " " ...nlal. -, dut... 11'I .tltl;18of limlta,",II. did .n,o t etrool 10'011 rlJllfnoif .pa bti'1I1c.d ,u ron '0 f,~ I t the Tranl.e tlo". In JJe;ef vnilllporl'l'l. ~ the atl,,"1"~ th. S.~uttl •• ",..c~ ,W}Ut __, • •"ner. " 11m" m.r:,ell by .uchntacta Weet .topped Il~ _,'U tb. iI,(ODdenth.d pal\f lome· clIlt.r Willi' tbe ,rovl.· m'Dd ror Pork Ihllited. 'lritb, fe, ,a1 ... and II". ul tltem I,abbed him III th. , lQ ,i~ ..., 1.11011•• by A. H. Mont•• th, ion. of thi. lel;eon.illtl .' 1111_ 1fHt of IOWII,.nd whUe • ucoulIl ,in June leU, : Vllwlct lo~e;p.,t uhlir rac:f'antl in tu. blck tnoitktl , Th.t til .tilek, ~1II,ad for bacoll ao~ 8D , 'Ctl!'~ IhW'~r1.., ..~. ~. . .,.;.boul to PI""" ur Jle ,hildie ,' • TIali work b•• juat com. to head, ..4IIkt bClldere i ••Ither, of IUcb IU& lilt t. 26,50. . ' oorpor.tilllll who firlll; T_llow IIncMll rct, Ctieeei-,III ~od- w'le!' ror f Ih' '''.a: . ill) a poc1' e l knil., ., j • tlMl bOlWt, d!tylUrtD4l .nd ~ tbe I~on. propote t to lin lb••tudelll II••hln refu.e to ecn\yel't lbeir . .....-."tock 'r ... ",dil'n~ tbe r. .r.te ytfJ . de~d, • lYer. ,'.'d . InA)' ' - fl'· lIot. h., •• 1M .., a~ ·-111 '. .... ... • tift til d ' part wly'llou a 1M tilll _dlillid. , whell tile 'dli -bhBt9 the IllOOth .Ild b..utiful I.a ••tock of lue" new cu.rporation ,,1: be ·r~ ., .. A~ u wllo,.8&oibl 1 .. . _j, " ~t & Cool . • coech o.,..~ • . , .t1eutp ar..nI.. r.r ..l:Itof .....18, ~, t.e8t._!-. "d.te r w...hortl"."',,*",-"reI1~ .a.. . ''', W·,. "~fII tile F_~ .11 r- ~Mlf (00,,. ,, Ibtb•e ~~ -_~_ __ _ _ h.1d by lbem' If th, Ih'll 10 requlre. Th' .~ -y , VIO'..UAO.BlI......,S, P. II. t re·P.t,.r I•••• ~. HI.nam . Ia latl •• Chw• .,••• t~ .olml'or t. {hitoW . . frtlla , !.... "'e blYe TUO throop p ..itnll to Mid cOlllOllclat!oft bel.., eon, .n~. .te.... hgel Web.te r, C.puln 'R eno, toa VerDOn H.wu eo.mill .dln • , Oriliab Parli"': eat lIIiOllrnOil t , A niiliibe!' Th.r.11 ••00.... £11 pari thit work befort', ~ belief. it to b, IUIIImlted.. daD p~lIfncere yery boilad rrolD Ciociaa ltl to NIW Orlolnl ,1,000 bail lor ruth.. • or , ood.Dd i'UlI~. eacellell & reel lid 10 tboM ~wiabln, to " 1.1, r.., w'iica. laee~tkm ~.~ • •Go... ~h.nno.·. '.ce, look fire y•• terda, aftaraoocr• •, gel .1 momln. , 8ucb I"eem~nt 91 t"e the E.aler "UII. before lilt H.mor \h, • terreit. b'ld 1W~ were ,~ m\lllll ml!Dlled, the hlllti ort.llnd 86 one hundred · h"l t be du....a to be the • . . . nt aril.. I' Gp. ' _ar t~ ' ~,..dl, loppe. For .&.1. . . ~f th::'id • , Ind _ I or b .. riM broken. bon tlIit pllee .ncllMIl'llf!d to tho tWI., mor. corpopti:~~, til C. C. Cal~). ..~", Twe.,) '.'n Utili. Eeq •• had hi. ri"'I .nn edp, Tb. fir •••1 diKa,"eted .nd , lit" it. hu bna IOb ..ined to the 'Iock· Fo"I~ . 'life.. PelIOn. cOuuB d, . . . . . .a bfok~n. aiI!I bit f.e. &lid badly cut inllalltl lleoull, the bMt wa. 'I!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IIJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ bolden 01' eada of.ai4 en"elnptcl corporatione II,' It hae' been the error o( IODle SECON D DISPAT CH. II:! thina' _ ' " ' .DeI co;al1lC!!'-~. • .lId lirulted· . ' , · 8._, Th. pilot Mr. )lueklll. n to .t • Intelin, tilt-flor; to be cilled Th. newl .IenerallY Ia uaialportanl, Juq.. ]I.tteU. of Enn"lI1 ib eyery ,~, w concel,e th.I '_ ,'. '-" .--.' but, W.I credll It d.. blvinl ch .... of of It thirty .pte. Perlh, ...ettt ",ill Dle.t .• ,.iD on th.seth , JIlOri .. rIClQtI,_llljIIm tb .. e, 8D .nlull, e". occopied with ,"e I aay of bill immedil tely .ndellYo,..s. to rUD pll.. of .ueh meellnr , aDd tereeta of our otarnil being. Ib.t Q,ueell VICIori& will open lb. freat c);- complnioD" H. ·iII"eT)' "'Dch' Tile pro~.or lOaw IMD i. 10 ~ maolfled . bOat IIhote whillh he 10 putl, be addretM lIIU:etde d ~ d .Icb wbleh j. dellined 10 IOU~ to ~ab, bibilion in 1I1~" The public ,,-II . be I~- hIYilll ~i"" 'w.D'J-o . , Clael....U; AprllllO a. woutldl OD tb.. doln, wb.n lbe 8 ..... finlll, dron kftp . . .11 c:...... .~•.,'! noclll,ol'terll, when pl.ce of cl'I~1td durllli lb. ceremon hardly an object.uf h. plow care . ,.. 'ace, b..~ I"d 1IucIt. vr. J. W. ftobftt.:--SlDceth.fbt186t. , . . rrulil hi. POlt .~ tb. bOatbei depoeltltd in tlIe D, then OD· An inaurrec:.lIon hllad. by tbe Dulio Mr. .L Dllllh&,n Liad .......... ..t, oar eitt II... NiUe" , · ,n. lady. of ClnCl1lnati, lII.nlle .bl" IP~D lIolted out Mth the cu. . ' ., ' poet for .t lellt three Saldiml had broken oul Ip GUg.. The formerl, .. ..... aotn..~~ mUlical I.Itat.. IC )'. of OH.a, were, II~ injured, hut r.nt thus deprl"lDl the pa_,!lP I _para tln 4J'I11I. Th. d'ell' 01 the HCe. .lln ill 01lD .ew~ptf In.t iDlUfgfnt. were c"OOO fi 1001 A poor pelUnt ;n Jtaly . Ud " .. bl~ IDJ, Cor th.y .rt • pet eoarce o( .nd \1'el1 not v~,~ terlollllly. Their chl!dren ClC.p- crew nftbe &l'IIt cJ.anaia Iwelle UIIO . , . Y I ' D.W leul~a"phbe dU.. ur~oll!, \&'hich t.d. If'lled. Id lut hope of .. tety. , aucct!.. rul up.rateci 00 by. V.niti.n .~ pleUllre The KID; bed tQken com maud of loJ uOIDJured ' , both to o_.lf, _.. to IioCitt(. .. ,. . , lit Mid corpor.• tlonl h•• A~ tbe Ii!"t alarm & ' ,ceDe en.u~ Which IIIOU and c~uld 'Hl. pnn~IJIIII u,l\lce the royal troopJ. \Vbe'n &rlt tahn In · lIItptw. to ~ In .Ihta • .noww .l 'o[bullM M,l!Id bu Hell _ ___•._ _ . ' _ , it i'.ltllfH* lb.e 10 delcnbe .. ntiuaed Ind IIl1o,led by .uch It The I window lUI IIlId .ccouaU .hown the blul akJ (rom the . . . ......I f mUch " m.y " NI tIiIp!Itfd etoekbol...... by the vote IIf .1 I...l twot , it wu "'ith lhe" wbich bunt fro,n .nd th.' Good beautiru 1I0pe lllil. WUyW .b_ him that the Drlti.h e ~OItO. De· r.:vlry to ~eUJe tile Bplrit or Be eartful bow ' " UDoee JOGI' ...,..,... PoaULI.P.:=~ tltlrM In amouut. of th • • tockhol~_ prell- ed a deelli.e.~te lile ofth. bur~I., bolt torri· b. Wit over COIllt "" ~ lmelloD ,1r.tory'. oVI); the llncl partm. r.r~ ww4 ....... ....... 18to Ole nt~, aDd , let . eo t It eoMlM& pnDted ctrcnlan blein lbe cxtrem••-lIIa.., roshedllllo l~. ed \lDIl Iter I. .., .t .Bch me.liog•••ollnr b, ~'lIot. 10 Hot river, but lltill Ibere "I. (till J:t~ 011 ""'0 .......1801:1etJ tU . It '''':''1&' ',blllcriP.') whln Ol.el wlinll oth.ra GI'Owdid to ,be alde 01 ~ t~ .Ilch _gr....ent. ellller. iD pertull peclof a .peed1 leflal"lt ioa oflittle • th • • )' ar. illite, ' ,la, b.:1r'~l fa - , III CIta' OWl Itpa • Wltll' clrcul" JIOibolt cliarillf coayulaiYll, ' to tbe burP.fO&J, lIelt ~bare IIf capital .toeIt . fa Parliatdent, previ",.. to adjoumcn " •• t, t~~~ ...iltII ........_~ wi ..... Wl ' fle n ..., ..... , preptld tor ' ~ wreclr'u alildrw. . I"', ." til. flra e.tIt!.s to oil. Y1!,U: IU. WMII IUM durinr de"", .Ii • lDatioll to io A m.n in ConoKf lcut tlitd~ hlto ro boIII, TlIliati . -.4t......tT. r.all, ...... . . ute'. ~ lb., w. bUlb..roC t1te ea "IW, ahoy Ire lOb· threw "'em...... tI•• 'lIlT",t. of tbe dil1!dorl ·h......~ 8D tattter of Wliul. oa the bill fgr bi. I few d...~ .ince Ria haoll"oa wtieb 'N~ .. ~~d-a~~,..~i. ~o.: ""'-nt ,. wi. . ., ...., ""~ kDIIUM 1• • • aactiqJae4 br each ~r the _tlllll Will witbeliB icult, Iba"D, ortb. WI lo .... ... or. H. bel~rec: wu li(\k~ 1i "IIlDHIn by • ..,. .... "1M ~:. _ _ • of Ie ll!d lat ~WIJIII."""~ ~ . : ' t elr CIlCU, oeit...tio.. ~01111'" 1'( dI • •lpekhold.rI Hparalell • • Ab nYlri"o be .... eli •• .., or them ath.CO tartIept befor. iMlelby I,Mllluf Wan!t the the <In.. wu IlllW leaa ..} - .re ar .... ..,. -I npe_, ln d _ ____ __ l.b",lau d to IDcli m"lia" la .rnmeat durio, tho praenl (romlb. ir!rillk1 lda .... rrl.adI. (, lIIadaa -~ ..\itIf .... fill u.. ....... . ~~. HiD( thl boaiae. I! I to the 'ob.... ...a.r .bote lII.adoned. , thIn orlRftD oftba JIU1!ID pt'. '" .. r.,.oc. " • to ,r.e A,nCGlt ural intere.... Jeol lieu.. OIl , • ' ~ web .,retcne nt of tb, tit. botrof ... boat and wIth tb.U ~lItim~tI.h 4Illpoaitioa' to acree h till -1:"_:'~ .. I •• II. ~ ~...... ......, .....a to be \be .......dl1ccton ..ted tIt.1r . Ii.. by cHartae ,at of The Ute aember nkI repeal orlnmal or til. ta 111 the 11_ Wlatlo~ tn, bat up_a Ill ....... .. ., tI.1 Y..... ..... . ~~ ~tre . twoor lap.Dli l corpcnt pieied up b, ,'11'111 .all laeUtatlon f. die iOlll. bit "U'nIIIDUIoa te .,,.. to the ult.rit 1.. _ . . . . . . . . lit W..;.":' A .terrible ...' _took ,.uo Jut lite. U~ aaki!'l the .a.-. ~, dI. i.pllliti.. 0( . ., iliad 01 .. lour are frata JI.w Oweul ,.., Da.,i.. ~- - . , lIeIldiI....... .. , . ..... HCtioa, IOOD • tH reveal tntII WII .... til. tI. . . . . rantfta. .TM... .... • t_ failtli. a-Pusa lallallltaa...... ...... or A' -'1 ...... 1 - ••. ..... ..... ..... 1IfIIeltJ _~ or_ ... Ih!ll wu reeeWM ........ After -. dtftr. ....... .... tile .... bit ...... I]'. ~~ lit. win .... ... .. mll.. i. .m.... .... 1Ir ...... ...Ja abnlll i tit 0' ..... .... e21., ~• ... ., ., .... .... .... lIIOliI!tt gap . .., )I *Jentl . .. Ltd,....... . . . " JIr. TtIiaMl ...... .. lIiIIIIil. iiI



c\>mp.ny , or received b, IUblorlptlDn to iU, capital Wil., lit luel. timet! and ., , BY A1:IT1~C)al"Y. . or--=- "- I f WiUlln .• r without • .i j . ' I1Ich fatea u In tbe;r opinlolr<wm , Gold- ING. lal " . " C nllc, ,lie ilu".... of aald co'll'11ony; AN AC'f , N ati.,' tu' Blplrjl" Vlll,,-' if IR\ch bOlll1lor ao'et &t,IIlIit .,..101 4It 41 p.i H. '. . ' ml ~, "il!COun~ , I~' ..1. alaall-be, ....111d io evtJ.~. I, B!i'~hl'

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--!i f.











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C0"A.1'INUS. &0. &0. 'the abo," • "Ill be mt.d. \0 order . hou no lice. II lupenur .Iyle. Md \•• ,'rar,leli iii, and will lie 1I1)1~ 'or CNlh al lower,

Ihftn OYor bOfor. o"'~red in lhi, n.ark.t. Tile "lIbJle ar.. rOllpeclfully IOII~hed 10 nil

• ' • 'eJ1~-=yj(l...i o ..... Market . RIll wu.s .oa TIll ¥JIITCI~ , ~ Wbela~ • • • , ·..1I1l.. .' ill " t:ufo,'al ..lltd. · . • 30 · B'tJ" ¥'bu. ' !ICfot6\I 01'-. ;'C) flur ... bbl. S !W Dutler'" .IIJ .J~ ...... ¥doz II lAiII. I_e. ¥.tb , Po laton , yo I,n ~.... "

an\{ ei alUlo. :J!lr lbe n"~ 1v6" lItoln St Woynot nll., M.,.1i Dnd ,I

lUI ,

, . -------

c"ellll l.i l Mntket .. •

.. Y, 1"Ioor>-Tbe ... ,lIetla

)J"7 6 .

Ina~tlye Ind th. a.l.a a,. eq"liried to brla nua, from • ~tqr. at .1:66 .011 100 dl,l ('1)111" Cional "I




~~co"r-liol0' ~r; 1600 Ibl count., Jill.,a IItld' 3S00 - do Sid..... t 8e ftlltl Itl(IO do Sbolllde n It 611. W0 heard,o f 110 ..ove·

III.Q, III'" PorMor Lard.

. rel-:'\ .Nle of 10 he cbcete rllr 'X ounll'

n"on ~t ~6o: tllli ia al\ liI•• nco 01 6c. ,\Vllliky':":Tberll we." fllr demalld In the. ~QfQiDr. ""\ Ibe market el9!'eil ben, .t nu""quot lltjonl. 811101 9f ~O" btl. ' In 1,£11101 ' '''''1 lott./,rttm . Oln .. ', Riyer lilt! ' Lllro,it ,It 1110 and 100 tie from IUIfODa at 17.c. I1uller- -SaJ.. o{ J. Brklnl- ana 1I ,brl_

, ,,\Od frc~b ,'16c.





)00 bonl.t


Drlrd Fruit-S al•• of 11000 bUab ....di. . . ""'40@ 1'1iO; .liOilo Apple. . t '1:00 and,,160 d~ at rPPe' III!l.i~tlo, • •~ GeII/lind.

S;tIt.04A e.le 01


11110 br', K.nlWoha

•.-I.,~av!ll. fttorcl- A a, Ie of 110 b~la Spir,tJj 'J 'lrrpeI\UIII~, ..1 Uc, , ~uJru~A ,,10 or 25 Ialldl l'Iw a 6!~ : The mar .~ i. firm.' , Coffee-S alol of lIl) ltGif' at J('~c. 0 ..11, Ilid 60,ao Ilt 'lolc. Tbe mlllkot I. lal\g\lld. , , &fOIt,u ll,-A, ..ltrof 60 br'u",o r



"'e. N. 0 , iii' 1i.,1d firm!)' at Uc . 'rob f.f.o-S. lfj of 16 bl/lIe, No ,.1 liyt·. H joc; .~ do. )l1"oUfl IiYtI Dnd Il\. 18@20ol; 3.. d,. meillllla V"I:IIII* I.,. ~~$3~ ,

.... '


Clubbl ...


JII aW!'ttoD t.. c~ubblulJ witb the X .lgIIalOrl, wo WIll furllilm lhe lIfr~1I1 Vrlltolt ",od' the C~ll.niDI.ut & GnUT Wis~ Ul JOlRl'T,c rl bet' f'lT b'lth papen on tho rol· Iv", lng lor",.: , .. Co


Ie. of eooh paper "


811 :00


19.00 ... .. .. ' S8:I)O Cub invariab ly in IIdnncc" Now. rri"Dda. 700 wbo want; two of thG beet paperilD the Welt. come fon,,:-d ~nd r'Ye lIayOltr' a i m.. and tho climea, lind 1 ftll .hall baY' lhlllm. 'Patrool ze 70ur .\aJM pa,21

•• ~• • ,~1I1 aent ~t It. W ntern papen Ihaula be- 1IIu~ppi1e(b7 'Pie

. _ W~...~ I!If\Icularly


tlaaD' 1111 athen.


when tho1 are btott..r



It'lf1•• I.:r~laOilm To Ih. ~D p_rln , the msmlier of 1'iIIII lIuMc<tll!ere lleltw.~ell bcf ,d~r~t of Jul" 1861 ",e will

"IIl'lie.,lor . ~.-

.. '- ,-


a IjoItitJ, J Fo", '/y Billie ~ ort 1\ .;~ QIl, be wiillf'iI lor til nIno money. To, die perloa procurin g UI the ...:ood.IO" ..., Dumber wo wiD pf('acnt the SO.. Op "';:.!'U.uo~ 06raal.~ for 1~51,. IDIMt elopn' booi or an1 oth .. r w .Ir o'f tbe I~me prl~. , Til tho ""flOD -olMelnlar lbe ~ I...p~t nUIRbt'r-tho U,adaih "-I841 • Choice !lin book, 'OT)' • beautiful: PnlUitM i tho ~t number IIhai uceed lA&rI!Il tho ,,~d.ll'- tLe third ,In!. '"" al"". ' thelUCt 'furul com pet. eldni to be ~\Ib(11f?ed ",Mil tb. I"'''''a are IIWiardH. wbleb will be In July- .. C._fl mllll l_paf tJ name.... per dub._ Woo will elny 00' tile

11K'; Ollei Jtoek t~ ...t



"'1M F.lte-,

s..-aTAJI I'II ....QAZI •••

Gbilft.. 1.411'1'1 D\'OIt for ea, Jear to an wllo wI~JunDIb .. wll1l " . . .


tht~ ......... ... Eitltft" of tlte other pub

Ucla"". are Tllau _ ..u .. nil

an4, tL'r. would ~



~ zn-nl l."rrU , F\J,. HR. DOLrt£U ... Im TW&1ITI' nve CIUa W. will fUflliab LI.. JIUJa VII1'fO&

and 0114.....•• or

U.vau r Al)

WJ II·l'gW.\ ::\tll' P AINTER ZlElt. ,,,II prntl\IIUy aile loll li ne IIC

,a.o. lb, VUiIor at

,.. U


!'fIJi bQt.ou••rr.n.....bI W4th

FAM ILY • MED .lOIN E 010' '1'

l:1\Cd by





PlTn.1tII ~ ••• 11 ",G,bld _ro"""a. ,.,lIy II... 111_•• " . ~..., \ :"." .IId '\1"' Ie lh. 'ar-II,e 01'Jl •• ' "'nlfi' t~.' j lem ••Ia,roll f)oltIft . - . ..... he t . . . . . IUt ..fal, ••1 _ dololJl. IIIiIItt 110.... ue"t-ItoI... llro\o(lll to ..e _ , ' oU· ~.\e ~. . . , aM ..... ""..... for lhrl, ~b"rio" I... .1.... 11........."...~• • IId nolO'''''' p"'",I1Ic .. • "" •• 1... It. 101. laro n ,..a, for





",ake thele \IIlhl 01'",.; W~wll to ani! tbemlOlr..1 or Utele UD-

low terD'd!




propria t.. 01 tbe -HII....D.. enable D pr!!cc,!letlted

bUS9'cu, W.yneiv lll.. LI -

Nun rOI'\) Ull '


Ab". 1,1.... CIf..",...I" J .. od .... U... IIJun' eo. tt"Mel .. F nlout. l\k~'"tJ "t U.f!~lh U",r _lItt ~ It, r,.... of ~ r~.U\., I .", Sid till. /Ole" 0" lI .. d ell .. (l(ddl..... <tf the JI.... rI, !!loLI IIr from ,0\1 •••1 .-.11_. IIr ' 'I'cl\:M ,I 110 ..._ " " , •• d .U ~Ib •

r.t.,.t.lio. let III IInr .«11. hue "'!'IlIa' I nd ele,g<lllllilcrallU'l ~c""'. f ttl." Jlfti'n". ••r ... .,kt6d, U,.,1. &0IlE& 18 ... HENLE PropriIo t«lof Mr ..,,~. 1.. 8 I ••111" ". ond ".11_ lito IJ.t ... 1Ir....t V.,.r~. t"E!\J ,\ I...;S ,. Tn TIlt!!

waaa -ul1".r '~Y\'" . ........IM .. :"

...., ...., tt-n4.Ufttt

.. m d.t ;10 • ,I .J.d• • or


"r Hr.:t~tt \1. Dt:I"./TY, O,la ~n.ov.& ••• It" . .

. LL . . " .

..... Ar.TI" t.lKP..\ <:II \rul!

u... "..


. .. .... ,......... _ ........" ...u..ri....... '" taltw... ..... l" ........ ,....... \.1>1..... ~.14 I . 1111 krt AI -' Ill- .lie . . . . . . . . . . . . 1........ ..'1• .... ~""or

lII\on'.......I ....









lh lb I







'Ph.,. I.... fn.' " ..~ .n... uc.llen ce ~hlQ .~~ OD eaa~ f4!'1~" terrell.




••II1""!p r"OI\II I J'I'OC'trip, III Ibl nam"" of tiN ~ubleribe,.. 'Mtwl,ru ·.nc! lllr l'lAt.:or 186\ we" • ~Jij Fat!! i/~ BIUewortJ\ ,,'~ CI~ o~ ~k I~.t nllll~ wrlbrd for Ih

To Illr pn80D


" ,ne mOl1of. ' '1'0 l~o perioD pr"Cu,ing UI

110. N~"J;l1I WOlrlt.\nuUlba,,". WIll' p,!,ent .he SO... or T ..."P._c& O"UI_ O for 1841,. _ t elorlot book Of .ny othrr ""I"lrol the I~mo p,ree. Tu till ~rlon ~~1'11", .ha IlinI "reeat nu",~r-t~e t(laelb~!llIl a cihoi¢e !till boo~, "e,y beautlro~ P!'fti.h l \ho lrat oumbe, ',belt l'acee4 ~~ tblueCo,ld.l./lttJlt tlao third

h~ . TIle D I _ o( the~e rulcompet. et~ to be pl)t.tlaheiJ WIWD lbe pr~e. Ire .w~. "'~ will be in Jul,. Cult mlltt .c:eompan~ Dam". u per ""111' dub,. will clrry orr tbe prist!~'


. ~ OAr Jb'"",~.'n .. r:ynt

Fur 1'11.~ ctlIT,


DaLbA" ,



Mtt'IT rOI'UI.\•


%WDTl' rlVt

will faml. tJ-.".u n V.'I~.

.ad G ....~.·. or HiaTArala Ibellll a., or Goon... LAlIT" Doo~ for eo_ :rear to all wh9 will flarDIa1a... "fda IIMlr _~ IlDd

0.,' 'I' D K


l,w b'y 'bralden. Or

,.,If,. ... ..,.....


A. ci 11:1




TIE il'llllCII

1'hcoe UiT'nM . _ft\t .Il .......14 ."""",,, t ... 1110'14, ~h.)lr ~l tone.. l<> tit. &e n ~u l'ortlfj UI,,~ . _ •• ue ... It .... willi .aIo\J' •• 1 IM\ 11'- M1II. t~a~"'_"'" EitMror~:ot.",pob' Itll,. III. 1'0'*''-" 1.....\e(ill 10 I~. _ , doll lieiatl~lI,' TIIU& U ' A. "I••-.dI, .... ;"~I'I<IM . lOt Ibel. fl' ...........

are AQu....... .U"' 11191


~uld ,,_ dI. ~ lit


.1,,,. ",- ""."0111101_



lbe IInown wl.lrhl tur pol~h·

rIJr""'''.,.II........ .#........ toNd•• p .......nJn.

lilll .... arr.n........ wllh ........ f...I~.I>I. . .......oped, .... tbe ,ropriotara 01 the N.paiJ au Iln.~lo DYBPBP81 WOBS'l' PODS. •• to lIIa.o theae lillonl' oll'era. Wha.wl l AI .... 1.lftl C_rloIot ., J ,,041... 1I... U."rti .... he.itate to &\'Iil Ibemlol "". of _lIeao un. ........ _. FAintn .. \)f.~""."" uf tb-,lk'fI, LJT'f\f' tand ~~~.~:.. ..~~~I::-::-:. .=:-:::;::-:='--:-____.,....._ Sl. IA. fA"..,r Arltetlto, low Sr1riu. !"I.'~on . IIM() prt'c.edenled low terDl"! ocI. Uklaln .... Mpll.tie . i!I III. K... rt. t f<{O\llr II 'faJ nJll'! let 01 hllr (rom 1C!U ••.t " .. llw., nf'f'"ef:~t.t tt.. . . .U I)fhe, wlIo wou14 hln Ilt'lllland eltgGld filcrlllllr-. ~ c."••; lI, ITt 1m; " .. uat. of ". bloc.wl, 11\ .... ROBEa T8 ... HENLE PropriII..... of Me ....'" I"'~ '" 401111 .... .....u........1..... \Itt lirA. V4tI'OS . l!~ f: 1\1 ,\ L.:: S



" ~A.L "· '. . .A.G8 lle ~ t i l. 6M·r~ •

. S


WI'" 0",,"

t .._ .......1iJ .,", .. III


II, • .\:cJldmt of

ov ••• ••


, ....._ Cd.A ... ..... • l1li ..,rt,~ IlL ~ .~ . . . . . . . . . . .-

••d, c.~

lOY oLher 'ua.'.n~ Ihlt ""W •• , blll . ~ .. i"nuy on lbe Ii.... r. o. In"ond klllh.r~ p lOIQO\lng Ib, _ _ liGna lon, "rail), 'flW .OOyft medicine II wall ~no,," In Ibl.ocoanlrilM1r,lkPf'ot.... ~ farthar dell·


r.nplioa U~II_r , ...... medlcin, 1I ••ara


'.,.Il10 Croap.

_____ _____ __~~IH_._H~,A_MM __£L_L__ .

t . . . . . . . _ ..... .....

.. ; ..1.... ...&I..rt-0I .....

"""".~ I .... ,al ...... /, lerlOt.


IUlld bIllore II1e CoUll'h. c:qllll,..-i n e~ ull h • .:holfa. &0. 11 ho •

P.&JlITJ1'fG. INTnfG In al~ he "rallC""l .tlOilI ,.. ennable IIlnU 1>, .......1Mar_. A JIll ~u..... I. ~I,..!.IJ 101I.:t1all. Ie 'ralrnpl!l~_~"",

In ... ... , .. 0( tlf.'ft\fI \1. 1)EI"JTY. 11,10 .\t(.I1 .;.. Am'll.llI P. ,\ cit 11U1: .e\aI'~


for Sala II ... W.,oen ille Draa elOr. ~ ~OW.u.LADlCa .lIOOD E. ~ .• idr ,~. «>-1'

.........1 ~I_


II... ......



--~. .~~~.ali


, ~ atranp to lay',t,~lese angel liall .. 11 the ~gera at tht vld I~~n. but m2de 110' reply : beaut j ful face Ilnu'l[l'ace(ul 1I~re of Holen ,' Dut when hi' tormentor cooly Informe~ ...i!!~~~;';;:f~~";::==7~~=r H '" ' . urLle)". " l imp th l\t N plly \yns not at homo to atrnlluThe ntxt mornln ho IlTOle, but IcOllld erH but \Vould ulldoubteall' fllvuf him wl~h

!ue ulI.on i ~~nls ot the b,r cust, tal;~lI! is by- Qlrtu a S cotchmnll ' WIll 10 l un qu rtlll!tJ wheth.)lr we 'gel ...: eary of d t or l lllQd~ of 1101111111: the pell; tot I D&hl .I;\'" autl Ihe ' el ll!i lar ntfltudc J 10 ... ..,.D·t 0"11 on 0 t c.~ea In' all), Ie b00) all Ct1l1rdly, 1,1 II f I 01I lhclil I I8t1li young. he W3~ .ent to the Scotcb no, ' . ' ~. II II, ,I" Ie elC) pr ce~ I 'i,n 0 gne W li e I IS ''10,!la~t~ry I\~ R tlsbon to rec~lu hl 5 edu· T rue perse\'o rance wul prevent ono frOlf , I t.I ' tJ 'It fa ' \. '" Itill dlsc~rlntJ Ii lin most of the CO\ll1lell" ootiO/I, all~ smc~. tlventy ,yelln, baa trov· growlIlg weary m well dolbg !L wllllullil I W Icre 'u PC? II 0 ,o.w·~ Ir hO. u. 'l~u. • g ' . }, onces, prove $lIffiClelilly thnt th llY hou \\ Itlt- ! crl~d the worl.! In 011 tl! rect!onf, meeUn" I hllll tt) hold on to t~ ~ rlIPht. Whatever temp. ! ex plllience nlU4 ~e re erred, III a rUt !I,ettle Ilimielf to notlpng. In voln)le trl- a cltr I and Il Ihco pC the \\edlhng cuke, drawn hlther 1n dcapu lr wh en tho spnn' \ Wlth the .strunges t odvontures, a,HI liddlng t tqll \ln. he may moet with. Perillvernnce gr~e, to the IInlv~r'Ia!'PTli,ctice f leltaln ed 10 reod IIIW, tlie berunlllg (aclI (If H el en FlIllIk lo:!t ollllnltenoe, lind r056 ftolll co nqllered thei r lund, Th ere 14, dlUr/,)· grca tl1 to our knowledge, of c\I\1.ntrY' I!" Imponnnt everYwhere, it Infinitely to draw cotetnpa' aneou»!y I' th , I would completely dblltefllte tho uoal.trllc. l seat In 11 tornado, of pU~IOU, made Ii me r, 011 IthQ b 'Jundary e, f thiS desert 0 nud th~ ptoplc of the 1I11~rlor of So~th r llnpor,.nt hcre . ' ThDS~ only wlso per.e- Ito write. J Itelleye ~clU d WillI aiD b , tivil page of nlock~tone. This state of chor"e uplm 1111 victim wltli tbe fury of p,ace cllled Tu cu m.Il, Wlu ch, III th~ l~ II' A mencn" TIls prese nt , JournllY was un- vere to tho en~ of Hre"ehall be ~aved, ' d ' 'd . I .l., I.i or ..l. ( " ==:'""" , I . . I .. guoge of tho country. IlIt'unM, " All 18 dcrtul,cl1.ll1 lhe ch3focte r of Inspec\or.-gen' to rawao wr' cW t m ro, a~e tD11l he ",,' t'OIl T.,-c VI$I1'Oa. tfnnlIs eOntlllUe~ for h\IO day s ; he could Colllllci lIhy, lelz ed him, by the collar, lind los t" , cral of the IQlhlury hos pitals JU t llu;" C(.Co , , b , wllllcllrn writ ing II'lol1e • ht the cour.. or 1wm.n'It'UN'l'~EtJ RETURN. not.rond law. allli nt,lenglh concluded \hat , Ilctulllly ~houk lum tlli duwlI fell hl\l, ape;· T hey had th e bchl'f thnt If Ih ey dieU' j Stl\l~S 01 Bohvl ~; llad It IVOS wh fJo, pro~ lM1K\%\CI!hlt!~1I0'O~ 1\ ,! my tour, J pOI,eU fr4m coo/l\1-rn II· ,I "Il I .. r. •. ' he need~1 litt le relaxntion , lind wO\lld t8clee, .Wlg, mu.m ' ra, o.ud revcaled the t~c~ \I oulu ~e rem oved t o a, bet ter worl d ~ eedlUg Iluther Ibnl tliede Ictlers , d;l.t~d • ::a moat every pupil III ' vetv l "c'lo~1 co hi _ _ - ride dOWll aod wpend few, duys III the vil- , I.ughlng COUI1101l110CO 01 Helen Hllrtll'Y. I wardll lhe \Ves t, on wh h;h a~count thllrt Irom LUStlllll wore wrlttcn. J . ' d! • t I d ' • '" Old v l~ e ,' '118 tl .\ th ( J aooklOg utensils lound beSide them full \ 'l'h:l. O t oWl\ecl Sl(el,t ou. r W w t I 8a!e, an !hoalof til III wltl. nt. \ \ ,~ I ~a n, tlll'ay Illge ,vhere dwelt"the air onchnntren,- Fi'lInk.vua thunderstruck, be(\ Iltlered. non- o! mUIZ(l 'J'h n wholu Bcene prc;ducn It ::a::= Ah.:-lo.alJapelle Ifl Germuny dc" d'ta i'ilcdn~ld\JrQtile de-et' fIr beallt ftnd 8.1" '1'0 Acl &11 e1)', 1./8 boillerolia pia)', '1'1 Ie .ta.lf" COOC I,I 1ulll"erlllg I. I I'liS clls e w lU d el' pIY lIIe 'I unoh ' · , ' or Ch~lomagoe " nve .Ho I Rresslon to tbo~e t!ralvill" ",.. ot bit-II Id' \I w f nIong loon &C· p IuneIi , IIe t h DUgh I Illlt olfy Illlprp~~lon-on lIIe al r'A~':m . ',7H(1I~ W :nI "'31i71tc1 nan!\) frOM thl! tomb [. h J III era """ 0 Ie 0 Q mann rre l our, t"rwa t r.,Ilr no IIl dy In IIcr eo ber lonat It had 'hut t'llec\ Wllh 1I1I5 YOU will _ __ Lr'VI.l\l LI. ~~ ll ,llI lIP II LQl.o "' . "'. • " ,> " at &11 'Indl :J ...,.. ~ ! (c 18kea II CI "In"" of 1110 er I" r 1111 II Into• It pit tI I" U loon on Ilope Ie II Iy I08, gay. InllruqtJonl thut when, he aled he practlcea clme to tbe conctu· " rIII, IIl,p e • I h It e . Id tl k f • rr II a rC (lCl v two of lI11'S~ drll'd hunlOn belllgs, I , \ Ill ' " .Jf. hal'd In alortul, And mnkol Il~ny I w~y. jJ liens • ,~uu lin 0 m1lr~~ln.. m n,ao, mll.e I Clll1llot 'lend (1) aocount. of tI. 1'EIISEVER ... Nl~, "fll/uld be b rie~ In &' rorKI \l1I.ltlon-not 8101 thaI wltl no uther ~\lldo b~' lb, ~l '1'0 C\l81 ~beJll ntl ul, lhol'lI of l\1ny. 1 Thero WILl but one other inside paael'n· III hl! hatl shown himself. m.ny Ulfliuu i'lles, lind 'ihe gre~t I'xpen~t) ~( Cul'ym White sat by his little work· prq~trate 118 slu?1 bl!rhii dusI, bJlI In the nt· book~.IlJ tb'\1\1pil~' 1 , ' j "b e~ ' Th. vlulell opoilld Ihelr ehe.~ of gam., iI? r,a plnchc~, meagre IHtle man appor· ' Accordlngl) Ito concentrated hiS ramal- trunllplft. The CRiRS for ftl\e&e~t\\'o mu~t b.neh, bUSily I) mpluyed In CO Iil/trUCtlllg a j tllude 01 Il rulmg 100notch . • He hod tbi dra~'lng \~~I tayglll"in n Icllo I\ot " I eutly of • mOlt vlneg~r dl~JIo.ltion. Hie mng enoflile~ to mllke B ,,'1'lind Tush fof ~e lent hither from Vn1rq.r'lio for 10 Cobl' smllll box, Of Irunk.. as hI! chuse to call it " d n • I . u I ' ( I And fruit IreCI aporled thul~ ,Ii aden", 8 "lid Iho gonll1 Wind, or lhe 80Ulh caIne do\Vn Ii ' d d ' I' Hid I In lhvre Is no )VOUU nt III --The prop le and Its furm W. vecuhu oud aomewhul difli· mO\lsoleum ~·rectc 0 IIr tIe me , of I 10 ~ ' - - -,.~.~-. - .. ~ , u en Illtercepte lim, tho mule. mue! be hir~d I\t lI,e IlI.Sl.nam~tl clllt of ~onHlruelloll Hil tools were quite ! cluppol which was rcored oyer th~ sep" ' .IJ;OlV, II '!ftd, IIhOlll~ ~ ft~b iltU~~ And Ikoy 9Cllltor~d Ih~lr purfumea all Around' l guro wa. burle ill. large oloak tiC anll- Ih~ O( r. w len "1111 danclllil 011 10 thel North lhey ~o, qUClted pattern; he wore a alouehed hilt, nyll1g: plucl', and fot ellch llIule I muot pity from uull, and tli o materiAl on \\ In ch he was ulchre of Qur 'S!lvivur ut J ero.olem III 81 • Mr, SW~' ehelm i'll diU S lurd~y V Ij~~ • 'rill Ib reabl'd ' UIII ploce of and hi. face 'ua tltuftlleil ill a cqm rorter. 'Stop, don't go bofo:.o J eKplllill Why 1JClghwen to twenty duUarll. 1 '. qUite refrllctur-y 'fhe persplrn- I tomb wllhln thui cbapel he wei up' I I:u . lol.l{ artlole to yO\ll1g 1adiea up 0 lot; i now, " , 1111 the Interve"lng .puce was laible 0. \lair trnVl'llIl this slnnu lar disguise' At th ll NLlrth·E)oet l' ud of tho coos!: 1 lion shlod III drolil. 0 11' hiS Imehl/ad, lIud I II 'rl -, I Ii Ii I qeceRslly of olenlille.. In tilt! .rifeul ThoIlr \\)1'11" were {rozell-tbey olrogp'd ond of green It0ggle. from behipd which Itn- l Slie tllen told i.,m that lie y'i.ited ObOUI r eached L.Sorul, a rertre.s uf the old P eru, Ih" q,\ick and trem)llous motiClnd of Ius I V'! II ft' 10 IC phe glvl'! the illil III to tho dIed i hi " d I , \ lun. - h ili budt 011 II tl)(lgue 01 11l1,d be · !tund. shuwed thaI his norvolls Iyslelti II us l'0~e III II .0 lin rcu \\ II s I. , ",as~ IY' modus openl~ttll "'I'!llch to Ote ba~belor. ADd winler ; 1\1011. f9, lit ogo 1\ III hll prlil. trl'llchment I e.yel .Beme 10 pel'r m. I- a gr~n~ delll alOtllli her relullons , bn~ was j tvdlCU l ho twu urlb~ of' II Ilnllll I'i~tr, lind pri!Uy sevoroly \tlJ(cd. 'My lion,' nil! ' illg', Ito "ould oppellr to 8tudy thoroughlY who hovlI no idcll Ifl ~~ the qlanllet in Ueatrldeln~ lite br~atli of II,. lu llon Nort'b, ('Ioullv ~ro\lnd In a porpelUollllCfr nt CVl" oneil eOlllp~lled to make Journey ",lone, IIppenfd to have beell tltu. lust plaoe 01 1\1:(8 Wlllte, who h~ppenea to Bee. him of\!lr he \\ 118 dend. He direotl'd that. they t WhlCb IUC!I lIilngl ant ...h~n.~ed ~)I be n. totl~ In teUll!c.tuou. (ury forth, rylliing IInd,evllry body; b ~t Fronk w,. In she hot! lound It convtlllent to hovo a dla· r~ l uge wblt lle r the Peru\ lon8 WIthdrew tl~u" ong'agod, '1 uII hlllk very Ureal, Luy should "" 1~la Ul!0ll his kneee llefoTe l,ln: ; e~lremel)' 11Ilerdt(lli' , ~ , )'1 bound In Ih~ IrulRlllln" rill a pecultarly hpppv mood 'bol morlllng ot I gu 8e ' and bod se lecteu 'hc one In wb lCh when )OUI 10J IA Illr B lime, und rc.t juur, I I ' ~Id ~ h 1I1WOrd'~ I b .. ut, of Wliter, a tow. • ..' \ ~, ' tI purs!1 '1'1 d'on 011 elde b .. d by lite Span. D.lde lell ' • , ., 'Y lid a e Wul -UpO \I ' Ii'IS I lell d \ Y-ou onl"WAl\t 'd Ho co\"Cr Uwllh ~O'Y the nrdftllllull, .tarllng, lIpd OOL dispuueU 10800 IIt'Y tllln" Ito met her III thu ' collch, and \\ /lich shu lur 8 , '0 Sttylfc or 'I}I(I~ Ing I. exu~tlr II w'6h to Ihulh my trunk very much wo.s ~n ImpclrIol crown and a royal m1\U- e~, .. linI tfil 1'0 ,~I{ ultell II, • yvb~ll 1 0 uur (j u! .erUlun marouu· U. uanlpl'd tho!' grad blmaDiIi hl8 loot d ',I I d d ~Iml 18 ~ 10 tiS " , you ge. up n Ie .morn I " pili tl "eth~~ ._. \ 'to. h [I I'; , I~.greell" e n any persQn, aD aocor mg- hlld oh,'pys found 10 anbWl'r her purposo er lortreaeeJ-tlic \Valid lbo' n IY of ooa rse ond I um not tired' A Dloment'. rf'~(l c· tIc coverod hIs imper 1n l6uouldflr. verllbosolf It lhll WIII.t ""dhliv your arfila 11.'II,I fncl b hIICIt u he mefired lfJ'uW I U I I. ear)' uftolj Iy IIe c~",me/lc~ " d a convef811 tl on In t h a rem.r k.,ably we1I ' 6tu t ted , 'I'ho 1111 th" Qudhn '.earth , masunry, And the amall room ••.. holes, allri 1,1 ~n to Id h1m tl la t IIe h3 d n re ~ Ittl Thu! WAH lUI body'""placed, alldYO.t1H\~ did ?llt of thO,lIleetml ll f •• ur c\~'eMI.~~ a)!\! lit o lS 'And h. (telt Iho ~rllhlln 11ft motl~c~ ;,,(Ih folloWlog O\llDner: , Fr.lilt t omo ttl h iS sO uses. Her ex~1a. hlding-pill ce! endloss lI~d Hldc,cntJ.lbl (l (huet ttudth. , S o IIC llu,ahftAed It by oildllill 111' bOd'y remill n fo~ abou~ 01), hunur\ld 1111.1 It dr'op ta y'uur willat, take your rei'" "'F I l' , . I Id 1 bl b No rllom 1& more thon el.ria. feel squ. re t 0 \\011 8, not , very s theee worU. • ,. ~ w'Uttd 'lIn~ elap "our boc" and: .hOUlde(!i lIecrl,p'tllho nVWllr",olld.ften « dtuob«, me morn I/gtlllilir. nauoo,nrc\lytv ,herSnllCQa'ld IUS es, fi d" I I' were no' utter'! 111'1111 Mrl Wh1[t! hat)l elghtyycmr~ " b J d , -' '1' h b J ~l' ,I ~ tl. 'Se 11 'ftl d IJ I • dh d r II I Ii d many ' ~carce.y vo; uor. two eel n ,'I ' . ru ypur !lflllB, an CIll'lt, t rew, anoa 11 .. I "I' 18 a /:8m ~ !nOH,' R 10 leG - : 4111 ner, gru 'j .nlwere I t ~ ran· rov ye ope" an n ter e 011 11 con- hGl gh t; window, few In Humber, ond th Ol e &,ol,le II/tO the ho~se, thoy dill n o' modify One o( hill ."cc-:asora resolved he would of wllter around your eard lIod back of the l:.llll~ forln IIllhy I\ renglh Ol cemalaun, c,'uded, he mado, sn explunuhon JOO, but I'f l n bl .lnrgAr Ihon one'8 filt, ODd wl\l. all tlj(~ rito expre81110tl mil ch, so fllr as Ilia was litee how C~p.ltln)lglJe lovked, ond Wbnt \ neCk. Tlten throW' youf tow"l.cirV 111e lJ~ saUho th .. ,ubr111 ellll.ldtl every one. whil inature has never been lold IJQw- wliolo lown (n hundred or a /tundrl1d alld ~oneern.d . y(lung pONons 8hollid tlllnit I db f I tli t d d th baCK Bud 'UW,'ltdnr-rub rut ulttil"loll: "od aflve ~ loul usurplIr hOlllc' ' " I II ~ til k d i e tl I nc Ie ocoane 6 t Ie Tlc~el n II 'lI oe 'J / e . ~ ~No,' Bnllpped oUl tIl., voice, with a 1JI 0 lt ever, oue, tIling IS cert.lIl. that lhe proph- fifty C&lIlIhqli perhnp. mil)' )llIve dw elt Ile~~) e ore sy sI,eo, o.n rom Icbr s r' l b N' I tb d rt aro qUite cky,~ put on yqur I:lI e llll . . .Iet" •• 'Ib mo. 18lh 1&19 I " F . liullt hke one hOllse In which tl1. greatey tlons, eo U ~ Ilot to rettull'. any IU "llllent tom ~ar y a J \lUSIlP YC:lrl II, er draw 011 lI"ui!h~ gown to k8""f~ mcWll., ':"'_ _ __ ......_ ;... ooonill economy Of wo.rds.. rOIJ~ lOfin- j ecy of tile old m~n 1lI the alolllt ) whll wna (port had tu pms. thrbugb \10m tOn tv I1f-, 1ll 0dIJi ~nllons. , Chri,t, hla t:Omb IY~ opllned Hy Eluporor while )'ou tllck your i1clr6 1,1~ Ilil~ on';' After SUluol, C",h'ln brouoht in h l~ OtIIO. 'rho akelel"n fvrm of tl,o "ody arOl, unlll h'ou wasb and Il, Itt" II-b. , It81y Bmused hlru.elf WHit Illilohuriis hnus I never acen after, wall tn lome degrce rul' l loe n room~ 10 J!ot to their vwn QP"rtmcnt ""rom Iha Long IlIlund Wee.kl)' Inlclli~nc~r ~ k did I I bl "." 'I I !' IU DrING UEl"LECTI0NS OF AN IN- ,nd COlllh~lted to nl1$uII hi", with !lucstions fm"d, lor in a few wE'eks B ellm eentllbout , ~jl tl.ld. to~ctbbr with tho w ~ltln o8ll of Ihe trun : UIT p cce , l ?n t to ta 0 n eDr w.,as rQumlthere, dl8Solveu and'lr. IIrop that llle e Ind do the~tlther Iikewlw., g ' FIDl'L. fbr IU8 tnJoyment i limOll1l h()r rrlcnda, C4rds, w\lrldl1lg cake, .hlO, lb o lu g h river-blinks, whi ch Illl covo~ \YI~~[; IllS !o.lhcr 1\ DS Bll\I,n d V" t n~ I tl a t [ "'" k of 'lid lie .ure 1I11~ tho;tJlla\l·of-tbe b.~" I!ld 'JJ I d II l' . I dh d ", F .1 tlll~ (,4s tlo 01 the (nCGS tha.,L from (he lov.. hilt hdvo ):pu the re aUI Mr '. hile. "J II) ~ 0 lOllS or mon 8 I -,- II tl\o .llIill!' " t tl\~I" ftjlbbate oC tit. rUbbliur Whnt ~bi1ll I b'cf~Whtlo _hoUllo. ~OIV Ilr u 'I, u go I peral.,e e. , all ~ Ilite 8atl!l rlbon .. ~t rank uI8t~a~ 1el ef the ;leeert one , ../ II l1)t nWllro of it.: 'My Ilewly lIlven~ed lrunk,' aUld ClIlvln, ,II t1~ere too, bllt tbe. (r"lue lind BUDk th~ dou8, eit dowJi, dip 9,IIc foot IIi llto b~~ l'dl:IVO a' dll)U and" arid. \I> know. 'To Welbufll , fir bel ujr IlIv'!red with olle , ca~d\ according eXIstenc.a---frllm 0 rcmll~kllblo ~pectl\cle,- who procQed.:d to oxp1alll Its IJUmerqu8 ,,~. Illto frQgment., tho bplle/l h,,~ ,fallel\ dil- 8in, rilb add I\f.\o"It, ·put bn ' youll itoekllll' Sh It 1 e j~l~ ur ~hull I I'Q~t 'To Welbllrn, why tlillt II Ibe plue'" I 0111 t o Ih e eld m81l'~ prlld,c~I0'l' waeted wholo ~ An old negro, \'0'110 haa Ixeotl ~6,\ II lly the, VII.fltlges . . . : jOIMep ond aBllnder, Il)ld there rllmamed and .hoe, I~d tAen wuh tbo othen ' ~ "I: to 10._1 11r ~d Ule t.h(lUl:;lu...... bound for!' No reply (rum tIll' s lrHllge r, pllqkd Of In. f!\V)1 m 11 8iml'tI{ mllnper"ond rlller for I!llWllrds oC forly yeQ~8, lolll qlll' I i~tlls qUllo IlIiCI10US nltU vel)' ~cll ~olle. I liing bUl till! gb~~llv .kull wenring !/Ie Do (1"~lb. m u~.,' ''.slreY' Ill'~ Ilholo 'Wllo! is tb. name oC fhe ( • 'I " u ln- i m~ t eu d 0f"uClOg ~on G'he d t 0 one ,e1Ice 0 f there \Vila the. firll~ willte lITon who llQd been 8S liS latbur, ~ndlD:r it to r. sl/cial ~onel l crown no I " , Y'I T , , • J In that ltme. Tho IlJ llILl> llPl\tli mUlL n riclljhbor who wn • .spandlllg Btl It , aqd no~'li~g ~(o III:Dlf)' rOYAlty OUtz hi • Tll'ht PI8~(t. ' '/( ,



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tend to VUllLl wedding cak., hud carte blanchea to cut as Ihave dltd of bu (or wi- lile rllill' w"lk. hour \\llth \11m but this ~ 1110 nagelillt of d6Mb IU Ita 1. Ide. SI"nor nlitz I' well known tb"'UrL. dU· R' ....,. ~ Dd I 0 I 1 Id ... 1 "" I' .. 'F Ilr~~ey. d' man Y)()8Vee •• be felt Inclined. ' ,1 0 11 Ikull11 and hone •• , ,~very . holt! lind St~o~ )'OU Jnunt t \la, ~t V)1l ' , n "f~ , BOllS form. I' eoulltr)" ae the l prince °br ., Iud l ran" all\rte lit the nllmc, nnil could corllQr 18 full vf tbem. [WIlS ulluble tt> 'v" The various rehG~ \Vore luken up and ventrl oquleta, who c~p 1I0ua ~u• • Inyt b 1 ~ ,I llll 0 f< I bl t ' finll oul lIIe menntllg or the word Laun:l, ~ e!, Si r ' ,( . . ' l~lng Into Ilfly qther Rr~r.e :n ~be mOl~ In"I \,Ixl eodtet>5 aler" Bl'~ ndlelS m" 110 e P II ani a I a ltnf 11\ UI U e ft \ lBI1~'J'..Q)IRCi&.:!U . ~lKImfCIBI. rhe language (01 lbl' dl triet IS UUw uu' How loog dId It t~kc y ou to make lt 1 ' ure no.w proeoFved ut VI. nM; .nd tho}' explica'ble and Dlyltl'f10US ', while Sonl., wHo Illy 1010 dotJlw ion ... "11 " "' _ ."' _ _ ' known, •'I havo lIeon lit \Vorl; upun It since brellk· have qftell since been employ'lld In tn~ cor· ~i. l\l\dil:ncel aril wr.IW In a.ton,jllm~nt.t A. nuturu'. brl Kh tC<lI .1dj)~1 .0'1 " Y u ~ver bea'r,' IBid he, 'of MilS J got &cqllllinted wlIh 1\ 113 .. livinll officer, fust' \ ..... , onutioll of the emperors of Germony, lit hi••ato\1lldi1l1 felta, ,11.' e,n·,brow, Helen' HartlCly1' f L cl\l wbo,lt tile comtO,"d uf hll govcrllOlent, 'Ycs,' . DIrS. Whl!l", 'Ihe [loor boy urrler 10 81 nil Ihelr aatnP-lIe, and their h!" vQi.,' io to an, ~pqt Within het\fll1I f Suy Ihan ,••• 1 1I1llgbi Ille !IOu. \\111 live, "nil h~r lIecou nl Iq God nlun illve " Ntll 1 ohl } es froliclome glI) -J ku qw hud u)ldertukun the 10urney te tbe frollUer IIlIS beeo lit work "pc n It 1111 duy ' 10\1g- - b g ,Y C ~I I D \ ih,talloe) Int\ pn Imitate tI •• '~I'I¥/I." of ., I' 1 1\& , o f Parf gu.lY. lils account! are very ue- Uo 'must be \'ery \Ired' emg, ~UCjlcesors U la pmaine.r. animals 11'0r~ perfll\ly tll,n 'tne anlmal";~ 0lhol8 den,!! lhot ihll ",~h \HI, ; \!lIj bo lla fOI \1(001' ""pepl C'o Ihlll, her woU. ~Ild ro.~her hke her. IJ:ghtrul, ond he sh wed m'l Vtlrioul medl'H" mjlst be a _p"~r6e .. "riog boy. Thill Mass .. , SUI~, R".I"blu. themlelvt?. n" I. notad for hll ta~ &nll 1 ••1, lk oow-, t1.. llljft\c ~i:l, At henring Mi81 Hartley .poken or 10 • A trn1'cller thrQugh the highlunal. of emal planta, nd yet uokn9wn. of , hlell l Is " gOQd sign When r Bee a sm ,.l lJ6y _ _ , '" ItllI f o,!"!,l!)n,l ,lid , l'mllUjlU, filWal La ' 1,,1 co n,ei<lnce rOil" hero \\lIll1n. tlU& kind qf a III.nllcr, IU f.nlllia~ly,Fronk Peru founll, lII,tely jn litl!, D ..ertlo f J\,taca- will "en'd you 80me' bY-lInd,by. \ 0\1\ luect who Id pOrBeVl'NI)g, t nm 8uru he \YIIlII,lIke .J.. ' -!'Iy,~uc1: In which ba tludt hlm~\{ I( th\lr.'. d God ,(J fenr '11iI Iru e) _ bttgDI\ to reel netll~, for he W1l 8 , ftI J have ma, tbe llried r"lIIo.lnl an UIIemblage of which In Bon~ia ia found 1n grelt qUBnti. l\ mii n.' 'I' I.E WHh;E Lt\l)Y. p'laaa~ , Dpe!!" h. II c cr~phtrc'" !OllduCI \'lcw ! a ve~y Impetolou. youth hut be IBid f liullllln b~lngl, ~Ilated In a aeml.elrel", 01 tiC', cnd wbioh lOstantly raise.. n. bUller on Wat prett.y lirc\',' IIIld Culvtn, ,' before ,Tlte. rondera of the H~m o J Ollrnnl may Wo ne er IUl("v tJin Bfgnor ~~"Il' AJllll r Iho ooul \illl!,orflli prove, • h bl.edl' I Ii b h when olive, ulld s taring Into the burn lug the akin like bolling waler, iel used by the !tilt through ,wllb 'I. but ,th? ught I I'llve 8pen aom. d~COUn.t of an appefltion all~ completely 'ft"bberlla. trd' bitt ope.. , , ()., In1tor~ ev~ r to"o his Inv~ 1 e II un 0\1 y arc 1\0 - w •• 11I balora, theill. ''vbey hud not been' J1ntlv ~. 01 II remody lor ~Ulro thro~f , and II \Voulhd oot .top till ~ fi n!.hod \~ r Jsaid to llavt been Bcen r eccotly In tile o.ud then ItlJappelled 111 <I COllnty tOWI! ill W-IIII1i(})' It~,e 1I0\ltJng more 10 t~3r. ",110 hl1. mud. her hi. pet, aud \\ Ill , bnrl~d here; !rfe had pvt deparled beforll plant whioh DSUSOd 11Iuch pttin,ls e)lccll~nt 'T at W3. right, 9~td Hir $Ion., III· I r d IC II' C\lnqecllcul, 911 lilt. "I_U :file Blpor U'~UIe lie J,'Verna Iitere IInii horel ~(>Il'e hl'1 all hla Ilrnperty ,and .uJlllreB~lDg lbvy thll s sat uruund; bllt hope was gone. for 8crofulu nnd r1tcumati.m. I~ ia enlleil WBY' it II tulo to Illli.h \vllJ&t~ver ytlll roya PQI!lr.e ~I )Jcr Ill, lin no""n lIn er contrarJ tQ IIfd u$tlGIIlII~luto fh.'11 coniept: If' hu i* loud will III; IICIIlr0 Y hll lodlgllatliln, he renJllrk~d. tho IIIv uder wa~ at h~nd; and 1.0 .oIC'plI Jlltillu (eb' r!jn,) and deserve. to be \lsed. undertut:l' '. ' the name Ilr tlt a "While Lady" Bev~rBI e.J to e\tlp It lil ia- town on h 11 roUtfl tbrollall Alit! kl11 Willi ~, 1I9 !tum.'1 Jo)1 "I . I II r the ~ n " b ~ 11I1r h;.fl, they had come IlllhCPr to die. Frbm tbls Io!~tter It .vllt be I~en thlll • il tlly '~~h In UQdl~tllk.e8 tOD , many t!tinga, to persQn. o.rc d('signll~ed h~ the enrly Ills,~ory New Eniland by the a .. nranCll tI[ certll A.rc l.or'olA hurned to. tho lomb, 6uppula fOU ore a ro II \'111' 0 11- 'l'IIt' y' etlll ij ll immClvuble In th&l dreary 111 tillS desert Iione eQuid furn llih matter Ihllsit Ihem uB . " ," 01 the (omU)' of Hoh~nzollern ., D. that uh- I"I'80ni Ibat it would pay 1m "'eU for the l\Ion!ly, 10 IlIY6 ~(icc~~Q' rooUlt ly1' {lp""rt dr. eo I k~ munnn,lee by the .Oeet 01 lor resenrch~ft Ilnd dbseryatiqne for a whole '1lhn IS unWlle, but It IS Q hrtllll tlillt fs 1 h ~ I I d d trouble .. amuaQnlente, were ""afoe .Dt! If h~ tC"~Idlo il1Jr .etlan. " erc, 'No, no r~latl\'e-\iut: ~ddtd he,wlth an lIu! hot . Ir, m..y kilt! keep lhelr pOBltllln, year~ e!lsllv correclur!. Whon you t riko 1\ funcy qlliet eo\! w 0 ot 80rlle t I~ee lun re the 'frl. bat' Imall. He actOrdlD,ly gave , III" " ... 1 rQv~ng. tho oppr~~cd lur. un(llu~lcal chuI'kle, '¥hould not like to 8111 . IUlllp '!r 011 111 . ulemll counCil, whIle over I w11l only aUd, that Un ~ugb tho 'v[J;Cy to do a th Ing, think It over, belore ~QII be- yenr" ltD!; perforlllccl the funa~lon. of pal- a .hdrt' •• rih of pilrrorrill~ael In I 'I b' III.ut urllud Areo-uglll /SIlence broud. ever, middle of Ihe dCl4ert a mountaln-cha ltl ~jll it, th ink whether you Will b, QUlo to tlce ... llosL ball In the principal lUtrn 111 tbe placII. h uW loon AlIU mly e ' , r .. writer. ogree dlill ahe w"a a Coun· which was Ilarae old,.tublODed 'ItruotUfe.• U ' Icru~1I d 1i'C uru~1 .n~ U'IlU'~ • " Ii lo~tlDgly litretches itlelr, conslaLlng ,~( n,~k('d rocks, Ill' h It, w h ot Iler It Id worth II It I~ II I IIg,~blly • ' Ii Ni 0 and ntcitcc m Ibo ~u'll Thl" nelnuauoll w.n io>o muclt for eTht!- _Ilene is described Dr. ' Riedl In or which "I send lome lrag;blentii. Eyory- By thia meous y ou will engage III fewer dOl d B t C I Tbe hall WII trowded!o ita ful1e.t olll&ch '1'11" 1 IhllllCh & . ll nll~\o1l8 dt,lIbl ere&to I j Frlll1k, wbo loying hi. band on the t1ld ~ leiter IrulIl Yu lp~r4iso tt) J1 frleud at R u. Ilore around we lee the IIroad and deep plan8, and will be nble to exeeute them tee. nllme r Ilmull e, en nee, or I,In - of thQ thr •• evenlug•• enll ' CVlll1 thUl ( ilion'. 8 oulder., excll1f01ed-' WI&&t do yon liabon, til WIt OIll he 8~nl ilome 0, the mUM' bArftl or rIver., \Jne ,of' which fall tllree nit. L~t thll be your motto, '11 persovor- gunde, ond thllt ebll IVaI de.perlltely In ,Yorli:ed to Idmintroo unhl the 'lit DIp!. 'l'hM IIII~ I. nOl our linal ~Iale, II tilt,e'. II. God, 11,1011 wlto cun tell, meanl ",plil," y~ur."1r hlstantly l' 1111 ... (I'r d~pU'ltlllll In the muse um ' of the tllol1l1D. nd rc"e-ln thn s pace of four lelgll08. IIlg bQY wHllurltly muke a mUIT.' , lova with Count (\Ibort ofNqr,mburg, lrid wh.DIlimllClllevou. border CODc*.t4 t.b. '/'It re tnll, be henen. Iharu,'tnny be hell, , , Zouloglcal, ltllnerl1logtool Socletyof tbat The granltll to the rlgltt anel to the lefr IS Olt\\ ttl wns pleased wltb 'the prllse he· wna led "'I ll.r pnullm tu cOlllmlt a .rlm. Idea of niylni tb' o.nt\lIUinQl,,Ilt, • illllt· 'l'he, Blbll! t!oolfln.,.' be r!illll'Singular conduct, till', said Ihe Itran- CIty, wher" tfl~y now aro, The Ittter II poll. hed like mftrtlle. Everywhero are 8!(jwed upon hi. per~eye\'llflce, by Mr. which Is the clluseof Il~r eqb.equ'llt,bolt. I)'. , ,...,. dl 10, 1.lhk 10 f!(.dl .... 'nighl 'let, coqlYlh.ltlui off the h.lnd, 'but "I dlltetl tram the old PeruvJ an forte •• of t races of th" glganllc efrecllt of wlltor, sto ne Lst nl! aee bow woll he I d . M)1" 11 h thi Qllil of Jhe mo., popular lhln.. I. Ibe 1 be1. Ihllt'a'od which dluy d~o1lTe ' you ~ellm to udte lomc ilitereJIt ill I11Y nC- Luana, on lhtl sklrtl 01 die DOdert of nclLber IIDy hlltorlclll &CCOllllta 0/ rum. It. ' , 'I Ilqul et. ,. tnuto . provel t at • \\helo entert.1I1ment ' w.. 1he "otrll.· HI~ ~oHuose Is too faira I will tb)' you' larn ItOt UhOOlod 'to At.GO'M, and 1< G8 (uIlOIY8;And now euou"h of .'I.taclrna. ' -Muy 00 the nex\ Mandllv .cbool belan~ and, llldy cannot be tile IBme tliat I\larllll the qw.m, wheu 'he Signor 1I,Id In !lnimltad I hale 1110 I.w. ~'hlclt '~Y. I , . As I annoullceii to you 111111' la!<t.1 aOl what 1 hKve sent arrIve 8a~elY' a\ itA! dealt- as ulua\ Calvin "'OJ! In Ii" "llIce. I f ~oll palace Willi her untimely vi~lt@fo~e. Tht c:onveralltlun with 'P.ter? ill the ohlml'Y, Be like 1.111), or bo CUrit. • oonle$ll, f?r ( ~o IIOt thlDk (, dt:grlldo my- how on till! road to Iiluole, the capllal o r IIl1tiOIl, and help to oempllate the ' plclure lid entered ihe sohqol.r~m obuut tort accountA! of the White L~dy ~ce~d to 14- which w.a .Ittllted on one lid, oC tIt.l1lt ll ) 0.,.1 coulU l~u::11 at \\ hut 1 feol. .J!I£ In tJklllg pity on Nelly, although .he Bollvl',-Four daya ..fltr our de parture wlth:h the pen of • palsillg Ra1'!d,rer IS to o'olock 10 l'lie fore noun ypu might huye d I A b neu the mid~le TIi .forea.ld border -'!Itt ,cnrn Ihe Ihoullbt ot hellven .nd hell haa nut. cen' ~n her own rl,lhl; I nlh"Pr f I"rvO\ Valpl\raiao WII re\J,~lIed Cobljll, from 'v,ak to glv'~ eeen Calvin sltunA! at lilll de ltk, g uzlllg Wlt~ lin III ~ Wftl .,rat lellll at IUreul -or WII .\Vue til .., '.moie bou'" lu wJdllh bll I Qur redlOIl ~hlll'" clasr ". dny, ' liko Nelly, and Nelly adoree me, and thal l whloh the {03d loa •• for one and a·half or 0. vac~nt look lIbuUt the room. U~lort! Subsequcntly t\vo ghost. weI'" hem:! "0', dlily ,liee ..r bo.eon "a. cured \'@I ,11111 Altbnugl my I)UII¥lIrd mDn doOltY,' h I tl e cale wbat Ii to prevent II'a two l lWO I.oguell (twe!'ly league. to • clegreo) The lenutlon produced Iby lhe eIght or tllm a alate, '! 1111 II large .um in whit. onal bill It The ted everjlbe ball,lII\" In fD ih. Y •• It may sl,lIle Bud IIdv"r '1011. II ng' • blollg tho cilaltl; It then turn. towoTd. ,h. Iilt'le mUlOmlea II very diBhrent rrllill thlll 1110 upon It. " were leveral tim.. boliMy ' interro,lIted and majA c~ Innl, It Ipot ,r,'\e .eCWJ ~u -:---A<ul liiitery fill nly (u!ure cup ~ becoming one .. OU\,II 01 Jl(>seiltle1' ElI8t. rJ'fle shore COliS)!!. 1)f coarae lanll, experleneed when vlCl\Vlllg those Egy ptlan • W hut III tllo matler I Call'rn II ~Iked the interootlng dilcoverill. arrived at. In 16.40 tho flue wblcb led l10 tlie 1J1j.~IM'V( £he 1 I rRW noar. my Inonde, lf frien d ind~i.1 do not\)alll've it; ot all evonts J WII! antl 19 bes preod w (th Ir_gm_ntl 9 f rock , 00'" wh ich we hal'O tllthllrtO bteu a(\ou~- teacher. 'htlYol you nothln: to d01 ' II rt ' ball r!1om.· '1le \ic\lOrdlngty, aaptured'. Yuu Will IInltltne now, pre\1cnt It.' roared Frank, now th oroug hly ' \\ Ilieh lhe freque nt t'Qfthquuk~8 .~Ilve Ih~- lOIl·"d tCl Bee In Ihe Iftlt.e~, the recumbenl 'I C.Il00t g~t thl) 1IniWer to thll lum,' Oount AI?ert th'. Wa~tlor lal ~ walt for large cat: In~ 'nloonoed , hl~1 ill tile , \\'111t )' OU 'I IPtlit tl/6 10u"1 d-y, , beS ide llimeeJr wuh \ ex ot lou' '1 \\ ill g,_ ~~It dV\l ~ frlllll the overfl1lJ1~nlt citO. o~tllre tukel frOID Ihe cvrp.e all tlillt &~Id ORlvlll, lnl II tone that would lcu.d till! al'parltlON, ~l'lzedllt WIth lill! powerrul .mok.-bo~ Ju~t ~"or, ~ of ,ven· r ' " r~l. firel mountilin tangll, ~' hlch Tunll par- In .ght connecl it In our minds wltb the tu supplIse thllt be w:.t • greatly /lrm. and flun", It heAd over heetr ~own Into trlloq\lilm wu t'l. b~II!}..hllp tbe 81,And c.1a1 11'" thoug hlol deatl •• ''''}:. ,' Ienile the claims 01 on)' 8~ch IIflp('tt1DC nt <Bllel 1\ It II the Ica. lit a dlSllllce ur a 11I0at luur.tioDS of the It\ tng bl,dy, Like our boy , the I'lJlatio t.ourt-Yl\rd The n~J[~ ~orni~1 nor cylnmenc8d ~,llnla ri t 'Pet II ill· I "purh'<\ .t GOtI, al Christ ana heU, fellow llIyourlclf,' anti he mode qcmon. ! 1,000 , paces, rldl'8 to a helgh~ 01 ab out own dead, 11 lieil 'Iretahed out III Its "full 'Htlve you triad 10 get ill' h Oh nl: II I" CII~lltt;pb~r HII.. "'II lowed, him to cdnvei'h Ith tbe ....gln.ry ,As nllW eJi thol praelfs ""l '1'0111'0 toll. Itratlons nch hostile ChOfl1cter, tha t' 1,000 fr ct. The ' way , up I~ad.; len gth, the hnnd. gouer"lly cr08led OV4'r 'Yos, sl r.1 t, a f ,0, • mte!'ocutor ror .. 'llbot' tilll•••thout:IDter. ~ ""ven,,; mnl to lin .nd \\1 t, the old "''lpllcmnn \Yn', ftI1tually frlghlc \l cd ! ~hrollgh 0 • OI;lP ruvi lle, .lbe b"d 0 t lte b~eallt, nu~ dQee tllll countonanc, I'Cltatn 'Rp\V hArdt' found there 1" Ith bl~ neck brokel'l, a~d up- rllpbclll. JW wb~JJlla. r.flu-. aed P,ter..(u' • Y'hloh hoelen'd my relorn to dllB! '! lin o.medlluvl(1n lOrrent, nnd 10 Illur, r four much oC a li re.llke (,lCpre8Sio!l; but In lhe 'I h~o)e done it all over . , 00 Iiis penon a digger and I leller pre,;n" wille dowll, J:leM ,1b~ fir, jt)Me for I JIIIIQ. o eon YOII ecnen my solll &om ba;1Il ,called on lbe dnv er lor a iltonce - Ilnd a-h~lf hOUri wo find ourselv ... ul. Ihe /'urm~r tile attl~ude rcnlluda u. ot qnco 0/ 'How IlIlIny timesl' • him to hIVe bmd trp.alonlbl~~e.lgnl, N.oI ior c', the f)o;d~~'~ yoke r'lIl1ed, til_Chi .A/:llnn Ihe pO.WOI' of ao] aroll ~orlh)' slopped hi. horae. Ilil~ cOlne pllli n-ifl the D~lert of .Atll~l\tlla. I will lhe tIme wheu Ihe warm blood IItill clrcu- 'Once' h I I b h b wouir~~e hIm In I rlace of' pUbieb~l!IIl "h. wretchi'll tlop-dbcehe DO mnrc to the rt'l llue. 'the .tTangtr Implored the not venture to gl'~ I ileaerlption of tltla Illed through thA now dry lapel,. while Ihe 'I do no~ 0011 thllt trying hard Gi,'e t e.p r I .. t US e'Il"~" fil'lt, land tbm lie would'nL' .' .', i'YO heard lit "Cl;¥-".n hefor _ ' Kmght of the Laeh to compel .'runk to wUlo. YQU, imagme, ho(vever, a yost r.. ce hna .tlll I~ dlsUnt,t leatnre~, Ind IU 'lOut whole attunllun to It, and g over It ra! times boen cllmpromlded, !,! hOIl mllin· Bllts waa hardly .bl .. t.\\Oo~ea1 h~ I f ' " .. 'd IIndul&llng phllll, whereon no Irocc of hre one iltstllnee.especlolly, the Cltpre8SI"n of ngl1l<), step by ~(ep, wtlh Ihe unn\! ~ lorI), lu.lned,ltlelr to tltll prcBehl ~ay. It Will tonilbm"nt at tbf. repl" but the Illcll,lIce ' heorn d the ClIrh!lion and hlo God. ,~ntinue nl' Journey llpon ~ha outal 0 or;IB to be s~en, whirl! nu Ilileot'lho\tiB Itlolf, IUtcnee sufler;ug. ''l'bey do liot .cem '0 [ lIl1d }'ou will. I dQubt not,' get the IIhsw- fir.tlctn 1n Berllll, Sanq,ry, J. ill9S 1eiehl thou,ht Ibe mo2iciao wal outdoiar hImAnd Ir~lpl..d ollltla.S&vloun.. bloOa; Witb JUnl l no,., no part ellA c'alm, .the eoaoh, as he- renlly conlldered hi. lifo Jwheru no plnn~ growl, where ' the ~tlllne58 lar relTlovl'd Il'om our own ~rQllel>t . tat. ....11 er ' day» beforo the'lle.tb of tbo P;IOce R~al .elf, anI! cheercJliim- fremendouel,. l for II/I~l b'l~ Ih.e vory nk1l18. Jp d.. nger, if lert IQ tbe power of thlt , ol thv gra, 0 IS only broken lIy lhe moalllllit tho e mbalmed mummy oC I~JO'Pt; by. 'he I Culvill W1l 8 acustomell to iul1uw the dl- J h G \"h II F h I " Peler edln. down; willyoul I .Y.~ h~ mu.t be more hf.. Iblln I. aun ,I , I vf the \\ 1D~, where tho surface ~f tM eorth ~xpr(,Rllon oT hUllIb n sufferll)g, ctnd by rectlon s of th e t acher, or rbther he h.d 0 n ~rgc '. en t e, ren~ nVI' 'See >,,, In mr bom, firlU ~o, m, a."" And more 1l!1Iplr'd 10 IIvo 01' dley --rh~ .." ffi t d t Ih cOn81~td oC a t'alcaroo!ls mls&-out or lheir erect "oaltloll, Ihere still Be.ema 80Dle no ld"a o( rlleob~ylng hili tooche r Ho 5t0l1 took pinel', It 'I,Itlltned to Dalreuth, alD't neither. ' He liee.,. tb, keyt'" If 1 UI Hllht:'1111I he II well, . • .~an~DI"nt ~IIS a er. e . 0 C wlll Cfh .olt and IIIltflt'tre. and . ltnllar ~ro- IlIIk betwl'cn u.s and thl'm. Honco per- wen\ ol'er Ihe Bum ag~I!I, \hougb ll11d "".. PlltuOtiC enoullh to take up illl (lr lotbflr pl.ce. I I aat,lr,ctlon of nil portle" and Fronk W"~ , ducto, 6\1I nll lorili puulluuntly-wbl're ~ !iae hops our pOlnful almpllthy; while, U \If! the hed Ilftl/nlil'n enJOIned. by the. IAlllch- abUl'e in tbe n"w chalAlall which had nenr 'Wh&t If ,ou na,"'.·~~ JJul If !io'. rI/lht-l.lIlk to-hell. ' . Iibtrty to brood over hi. thought. the t tlu.l and a glo.rmg rofrllctlon Of Ihe aun'l gUe! on the I hrunken f~rm that bath lalll er. IIc detectcillevernl mlllllkes> but the b h bCI~ re the err' val the '1 am Old 8cratoh.' ~ N: ' eel Biltz ICC'llchp,d "'. h,acI, a~d the a,lIdlrema:imler of the rido ill alienee. Thllt rays mnke 11 "illnlull tt> I('ok nrbulld; aull thoulIlna. or yoara Within Ihe PyrQmld~, re~ull \\ os, thllt he did Itut CQm~ ~o neu ftC occuple H1 h H I I th II where linu")', here nnd Ihert , na the 8 Ie Illid is at Illst ull swolhcd lJdure ourefrutin· getting thl an~ver, lIB hs did before, it'e Flt'nch officer. ven apo ean can ent;e ,hou,ht h w.. "tUni prlIt.aefI en, II II eu, m llrc c Illrm1Pg a n Ie prool Iha l m~n 11IId once been here. the !Sh lllg e~ee. we fvel, " betw,elln u. and thl'e turned over hia ~Ia~c .. though the cllle tbe place cO maudi~ cbatelu, on "CI~OUn\ of Blits ltla8W 111.t he w .... 1018 ~ beautt!(Ju" Belen of yore, ~~8 to bo llotnc lIIulllmi06 of mul .... r ol bones, ond of llU- lh ere is "0 \\OnncctlDg hnk; we HvCl, and WDB 0 hupeles, on8. At.ltnglh the teaoli- it. mYllerluu. Inb.bltan' .,,~ hAd \0 lin could think of ao~i ... be'ter lb.. \q C:OI!' away in lriul"!lpb b, rc his tt) es, and by In III bClOg.. llre leel1 dned and thy realm IS dellth." And It IS JU I be· er Bceing him u\lemployed. tald : blllciillfnlP to the bo~t. ' He"o d lIlille tba'tor'" . I .ucb an In"inI1lc~lIt rlul ... Lhe one be- \'t)scd-:lnd you may & fllmt pi cture caule:! these mlUh(l)le8 of P eru do IIIIt reo • 'Colvln, have tOll not &:ot the onswrt' to up I h I hI r . - ( R • Ppeb rAro Ypll 01 Scrt.teb, the ~re k~III" ' • r1i (If At&CMmQ • mtnd us of dea~ that tht)! produce on us tbat t um'" tn tie C oteuuotl 1·-Wf.7 ~ u~. le; lit 'Yel.' ' , .( neath, we. lrubllln~. Dnd, lul~ of RiU lOrA lou; dilY. mllrch J Cl4ml'to C1I1ama the IfIlprcnion wluch ~e)' D. There they ·No. ~Ir, I cannot. ( et It.' wben ht rClurnod the folloWilti year h" 'I woutil 'tio hapP1 to 1Oe, 01. lJeftfeli ou. reeolvel. he IPrllJl1l rrom hi. ILll:h -at.· I coton, 10 tb~ mlliit uf nn imml!oae Inor. l it blHoro us, Inanlmaw .nd immuvably. 'Bring it here.' n.VOlal~tl U. .IIIII the pight there .\Vith re· here.' •. lIon,.nd r'ln Intn tlie uolel. ...... where the Irayelet , I,el t!to, mtllu wa- J~l nuocl'ted !ly tlul altitlltde and ..peet CalVin did 'to. • The to~chcr ran hlB eyo ",rd to tile la t '"puranoe .t B.rlio. M 'Well, are you ~adf)·. BY IUTI '%IInoa. H I I • h' Ir' And allowlthem to reat. Onl eannvt Willi II the phenomena 01 lire. . ol'«:r It, onu then s8ld, 'Cnlvln, the re II 'Yel, III ,..dy • e IOlt no t me n I1'raylOg Imae III bly Imn!:IIlC .nyUlin. .ooro d'~lIrj The two mum,met at p,resent In the dillicolt"\· \vltotever, aboullhie .lIm. before tlle late luempt 0" tlte lifo of tIM Till ",oid. bad " ~"...... c Fra,," Farbbam \Val a fine apecim"n of the neateat menner f>OAllble. took ft 101'l!' Ihllu thl. plnce. 'fhe manb cont.lul a muae\lm at Rat tlbon-.of wblcb on" ~1 tlte ltuo\\' hillv to dn It. AlIlhat I' wattted I. liinr•• nd whicb been dtIJoribOd a. • chhflny, .fitln tlie bi( ~1Il1 _ ~ a man: be wu wealthy ,Ialentl)d' 'Il~ eleIII the mirror g ..... Altlly lh. "rtlt or ~ulruah, and tl llquiu Willc11 bae lIody 0 a lI\&n, the other dC a (ttmalt-Illa, a htl~e lit entlon lliid perseve ranco.' ' fearful ap(larltton or n. \Vhl te Lmdy dre .. · bllng aDd .orafchln, do.·n, 'UUnc I lOa. lant, snd to 80me elttellt al'ogether, curl 10 hili mouataeb., u«rta11l84 tltaL I>il nolillo, 'D (ommo,. with water, except lllllll be delcribed. TJle kn,,, ue drawlI 'I,have been over It twice.' ect III tblu aDd Bowiu.l "",rlllenta. IDOvi~1f I,.~n'" ey.ea With _t, and bla I 'II~ Ill ' Itl II t II whltk~ra ure nn~xo"p'lo:'lab1e, .nd dC!. that 1111 hquld, and which I~ 11 Ilmoal 1m· up ciOie to tbe body, tbe arm_ 11m ~reij.eJ '1 h.t m.. Uerl not. You muat 1tet\p It I I d II t~ r6UIkI od Ihe Willi louturpabab Ilapllr! aOIllUVftlD,lIllmmaa wou c.. a ea c . plrted fop 'ho .. 0.... dwell the mil- porllble to drink_ad yot we mutt dnn" IlPloltithe rib...lId In each in,t_l)ce the It till you get il rll:h~, If YGq bl" to &'" I ow y. an a en '/. .no lrou The cat'I"" ~ah ft1NI BUl it wu to "0 pur.JIolIe IhI!y Ibewed ' "_. II, altbnu(1I it produce" dUlfIhGell. Th .. rlabl arm ftU. betweell the b"nL !&nett to O~r it ten tfmf'I, or a hundred tIm.. {OUMlua, tu the terror of , corporal atltld- two _ fOGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."..,. their dt Itera' aeoo/llplillim~nt.; (bt'y Ire.. or bl_ heart. Jud(O of hll di.may muru. it the lOutte vr a river, which. near- the ground. Tbe docly of lhe lri.n I. of II You will lIever malle • •oh~lat unlt!lll ,ou illg near lhe entl1lftCI to the .,11,:1' ch.l~b. ad.., wi~la boluId &114 .lita ~ tmtrlj)cliI'n,lled ror him In Villi. KG woold not .nap wheD 011 bein, IIIl.Jwn mlP t.h. dr.wlnl· er \be couto ud undet appellation Lav, rcddllb copper color, to "c'lulre more PI!'8 rerunce. .r J( Minu\ol\ pro... ll to baYe bee9 aD \\OiDfIttlCl, .Ild " .. 10 elIMiii at the temptinl hook. eRn were II bllu.-d room h.e",rocl \bnt Ita 801. fo ..... tbe bounduJ' Bohvla and brown; Chit or the \Vume n o( a tltrty C alven wont 10 hi' eut, but did not I. man ne. I cook II the th .....u performucelhovt 1ItI16tWf ...... fI d r Y Ptru.-Ir little cltannel~ Ire made in \!at' ~ro\vllI.h yeltow_ The noiL of Ihec 6~", ~eCln diepoHClto coacentnle hit (,1J'orta 0 NO e 'att. • ,with ,olden charma. He hid the repute. wa. bII f10n 0 th~ .tap \\Oach I fll, 01 till. rll'er, Ulllr bed loon become. and too. are perleclly preaernd, even tbo the . nm. The t •• c:her obtemllg n wbo hall IIneclll.,!llthere, and II lmowe b, I llo" uf belnl \\Old anet belrtl. . bue tbere be •••1 .Ioqehcd bat and green lpeC' petrified; Ind grllsl, bllirushe8, .nll whatel'- hair uf voth litlll rerullna, alnd thllt of the hila In .. kind lint deoldf(! tOile. , .... t he the nicka,,'" of Blick Ulnlll, I r..~ he Cor thll; be wu cItItet m'IDed tacle., ud aU qUite .t bome, luoogini .r \"ell~tatiun tIllly be near, i. ('overed With f'mal~ 1.1 pr.ttlly arId at lhe rnd would ~ct bo pe'I'fIlittetl 10 lean daD ~ ,. , • lecl Cor hl....:f.I.. 10 laa ......... t aD . . . . . . .11 ia the Il108\ oomrumble I crtut of IiDle 10 t\\'U ~y !Jill' J Nach- fa.ICl\l!d "illl a hOi too. houle ull tbe I1IIm WII dOlle. C.I91a be· Draw...... WI. . . . . r-I th d ' I' I b I cd C ....cbill. all .nClent 1·.ruvinn bUry· aNJn a It1JOd IlItta 01 TIl. In, lIlut eoaapeillcl \II wodt. ~d I" u Ill. clIoIce., a Wire••ud take aD~ n I room. an tWlr Inl n II np" inl'PI_••1111 h,re,iD .11 e.l.ell.lve hllf- I hea"" of bolla ar. be'lt II II IPttlDI the l1IIWer beCore \Wei.. o'clook_ .t.a, Jar. nf \he • •.1, *--e4 .ho ideDlieal IIlOM bull, which he. J'r. u1t Bluon, .It men. '4"lI tllen, and cllItdrol)-from death had on!l'takeu'm I prelt'nl III ibe ~Jn • tilllilar ac:el\e .... en' or Sdaaoll. tbrat It brill OD 1ITet1 oeaaloa. Fana...... biro..It·, Dlld preM.&ed Hellll to eoo ID DU1Jlber-IUln 'he I"me .t- ptMtllr8. IIDd all ii, tOG, tbey COIIIba\ enlcted 111 conll~u with . t.tJa . . .f ..W\ adtl901la.o',J;"'IIpI':~ 0 .. be .,...... _II Ia &lie prnlua. 'M .lticb abe .lId ralol •• berol1l them- wllh ellbau·tlon. 1'he Ille wo- tnce. neI....-.--\IIw.. UIl .....~-r.,a,. pnMII.... to kltp tor rat l. . . ....'" .nll _ . pud, cov..-. iliaD ia ODen; p~ 10 lice \Vaa Cel"in • _ ......lrim. A.I d ,\11/1 11,0 ilQ<l> ILIIIII;,; SQ uJI rt.u~'n, 1 cltnofte tll". tur my lIuIUC\ I'll Iie"r Ihy ~ulc~, al •..I no,\e b~i1hlc. OlllC na'I",' !lcoldc I) •• t10llbll ul tiLrllc,















t~ll. ?th~r ,



















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-t!f1aIpI., lIl' .IIDO .,.' ....... ita • .w.p ......




TIae ........ 1oOU1 '1i11ltJr ...... ...

cull, .... feela ... ................. ..,rid,....


"ao. tzptuaiollWlalclaaublll' M_L-.i



r. 8loae"




.....:; . . . . . ,. . .

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JOlIN F MORSE of ~p""lentp~ ! vtl OHAIU..ES c..; CONVErt.S fi;p4IJ/iff' OJ 1h4-&nau ~Iucb J7 Ulli I

~)Il4!£r of t"~ J11111.'~

117a. 0 DOfmor hila ,oll! tl\e II,,, Jtrtjlle (lad) \0 I Ur Howllrd 8t Lqull




BITT~nS, IIl\ \



O\Oy. r


(It be

RESPIICT 'fhll TAl: E., .hall pllllh.1a .baU Itl of Iltl nrll1EIT ct, lIlJJ aail Ill.RIIT


WOITl\ (Jur

1I1~~jORICAL D;BPAB'tIlIl~'1'

.1t!1I •• lar

U 1yIOIlJl



makut, li.


BloanJ.P111 CA.,!- 8Ji.BTOH)ltl Of Lhe fir.' o~~,r and IPMt 'haU b•• ptomlDent ruutur!! HUMORQUS ,ARTJaLa I,I ... , , Icihd ...,d m?rat i. oIIlru<~~ wIll II,. conln lluti to We -Iateme.r ear pl'r fll m~ of LIte 'TIl lY realur •• ~III '" ll&e EDUCA'HQ N.t\L1 PARENTAL .. ~ V.OVTH S departnll'lIta r lll or wlllvit ~fJ ,h.JJ 'I\D~' 611 ",th the CBUICEIIT 0{ AI"-


'l!£ 11

In the

I 1



thl Fariner .hall h•• a II lilt. . .plWI!i"':/."u wortll more thin t.n l,ate. tha \1el& IIr tlie pllrer for It year

THE ARTS AlIfD IJCf!NCBI IhlU fUrD\lh ., IIOU cou•• each u. d.lImdnacl ,I.., oar ",.~otl .haU be poated. up WUUt on IU \II••"'"





Bulh l.OU 1. and en.UAL, ud to 01 fa thll work WI are Iilailln, arranpmlnt. chUI II COrlBJlondcnt ia nv.ben of ....


lar,. ci,u" w.fI hn.etll.t,., ,...... .. or Inl 'ntereali.". traapill. e9ftWo

W . .h.1l olio aYlI~ OII-,,-.f 1It.~,8Ir­

EGRA:PH I. dale dip~.. 1& ........ w. f • ..,,w kJ _ _ tho i

MIAMI VISITOR A piper tobot ,hall lin 1t.M1I 0 1f~1R ... u . . IlOftorabl, llIke Ib III Paonlft'Mla lAd


Friend., lel UI h.... 10nr 0.11 1IIOW ,. tI,e Urn. to Il'f, and from now.. Ih.eta .ubeerlber '11',11 pt Illoth. III WdItie. lit hlmlflr ",. will ml k. \II. TJSl1'O& • SPLENDlD PAP.R'


A hi oUil. we upeCll to Impro1'e t.e .U,,,,:5U.f'I-II.- p.r II matczlliJl" 'at, .ull ooa'um, ollr

"'1 10,.



CPI'J for .. 1'~ it ,.yd " Mo

,&,d til three altlllu ". . Ix · j At tlie eAC! or Ill. Tear


l,ll I . 1l.

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Fin et'pl" (10 .......,...) II. • •





eo""J"I Ouh mut Jltftrit\l1 • •,.

.., ......... oIC~~.... A)t


lr.t ~~!:~~~:r~~~~~~~

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Co yllu rll~rry , Illta

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rulloll ~ I I W U r,"lr 1J .1I1 ; lI tIl1l11 118 \1 11 '" I t lo" Ur6 1 I\ Ilj!O ol I! l'cr so In r II val nn~ 'm ' Il tlar " } Oll t rC I l! hlll O Il , lt~1 e r I',l ll lli a~ II lllll lie r of ycarti , lh ~ l ~ lJ \I tl, u 7th of NIIYcl1l ,tyull.l, t. eltl lll - I IV(!\I 0olbilght o hll~e l.l cr, ol l1, nl l u,lr, G en, \ g" 111lO li p ~t lll fj\, ' Ie I I J uht, ItlJ lld Irh WI Ottl u Je tter to u frumdJ hOUlio' J ul lOl GUIIIl' hl'1I 11) In ,ud " da" s: I,t cl' lIr M r ) ' All rell, h o o~e '1'hl~dlrc clI\JlIlOIl eeclllGIlt b ro usc lt or , ijlll>llid pl ofer IJl III te) I,c r } OIJlIg " ;+' • 11011',' 8UI~ "'3 moth ~lIlt'JI I, ~ ' IIOrM j;I) P ,lIl)ic l o~ r~ lo I'Mo j UC (p : rtl ,VI' llu lj' wUdtbu ) ou hOI fil ~~\V()lllll all w t' e ll" Ilho lul \1 hr r hquII UI"'" Illy UI Il, f5 h<) It ) 111 w l,;ull hc. 5:'Jld thatal , n 'rit e Pl nlud el "I,'" " ~U\v II I once the mnll ~ourugl" Itllle lll cJ l O IIltn ln crlllloll l ~, ~flll gllrl)L 101)11'· I" llo(, IJlJ uuJ s 01 °1 (1 r cnutlof Iil ' :\ t \III }>lIrI D '~ " "'UtI'J;, w ill el, treu,b l '&! vl olunll) , und 1I'6S 01 11 J I) I 1 'J:~CII Docter l\i,(rlln Lutloer loUd 110 ove r 10. ,) ~uhl lL, nlllio pIl i, I III~ hie, III tloo vI gor lind buo)w lI cy ol f youlh, ' wou nt' ver unl II CII' I,fc opelleu to tlo UII I " ch,dcll llo\~. Th)- we er& on \l1I-!!II.Y~ . ! epp re ."lrll ed vy ' I I Y" II luuelt 11. ' I " Ill I"l'l( ) ,w,' .11),1 III Ih c 1' 1IIt! 01 th~ l"rell Ilghl , told*he, 'to Ilsk Ih.t 'I\le, to on wlth . ' T,uth rl "'Iho lljl'ccl ch rMo lull.)n, wl,en .'lfll ond tllrned Ihe d,.cou~e to o lher IIIlllo ll6 <.II U JOllng ""oj ;. 11" 11 > A IISIIII, l.~ (] ,Qr W ll r r~n who III r. ,n 1.\ tcrrlU I ~ \"n~c G ud kl' OIl " 1 kllolV Ioe wus 011 th e ' Plltc lI\"'lalnlll g hIS mO\I\ c ' 11>0:lIllI f\l1 W(J lll nll , \,Ny I) 1m - of t" klll{f tho ' tel s \l lnllllllY II It ll '0 11' 111 p~ ;j~C, uJ'l.~ rll'~r ~~ 111)11\ hnl I sa lu • I • ,. , , 1,'8t ~Ie p, 'Llhl 1'11I11g'11Il{ 11,10 tho de /)ths ti l I c~" I!"'r.~'t'~_=",",,==-==;t,==?'=_="=~ J 'Well IIUld, Kute, rcpli J OII Il"~ 01 o,\r ~lIpr c lII O 'lJI)rt, CU lll e tv I II ~ ' ,V I lll )O U all, Allre d " ed he hlug hin g. " he ll !t~ 8pu ke 10 Irolo rre II gllhl on tho II O.llit ll l! 'JII 111111, Ihcft) l'rc nch ulh ll dlrt he 1",,1 , hr ill" 1111 rtfutl. I , J '. I I r l' liutl, U\ll li U U II ~II belle atic ic u( louuk liy 1100 recoll~cI , If \lU~ Olt Y kopt '1 mlls t tell YOII th clI TI' 9ro Id u. p ur~p'I I s nloJ l'ct 01 matmn lIy 10 11' 1.1' Illure ~ " c· IO II of my mother: A" "'rut-oo y -or I tllr. U""--'--'- I Jl"1,o 1 'J'h~ fir~L "e rl ll, "I~ li t ." llI ~ m N II IIIUtl l' III r ~ e 1\\110 \\ oultl gluilly lul<e y'pn (or b" n er or OIl. s(ul lIlIllI ht) forc lh~1 l1Ioth or 1111'1' Il eUlllt III UCQVCII, who r efihl('&III n ce rtlllD vllll!!,e ill 1[0 Icurne\ll hc 101. 10· tl"s " " ly \\ Wi in I 00 , I,y l)u ~ I " IlLod. t1 M~lllilj Ind (0 I1 , ' ' T I. UII {olIo" m~,' , ' I't \ll lIIL I' 1I 0W ~lIllod 11",1\1011 ,111 \o ollof ot' c41uy ur i" liclll ly , 11)\ .11 ~h c , II~ "h. g rtl.! p· usc,] tQ mule - lo e ],llc"1 UO\\ .. by l,er aide, ! who is 11 member pf t'lIl <.: I worse! I lory of hllr Iull g nthw I11111' 111 1\Jli eI, [IUI( b t\' Idll' I n\l ~QlI Illy huf lll1.-mll!'lot fU OL--llb, Illltlll~lll-' ltullll, uudsltl'l \\eclIl'cr a, tauglot Th .. YO III hM ,1 n "!III~ prO 'rt t! (ntnl to ' lilY tl OIl heHr lIl t '-I ru.. ~ d\ Illy (""t 81,U 1110 ttl 1001, LIII, . GII~hurl lle d e nl ... r ro"o, nll li h ~ r ~) ~ & 0 1111" 90 llI uch tl, o 1 c uro ' I I h ' ' un~ sa,, ' )lIr l~ath'r\"lto got illlo a pAssIOn, l) uf It ... r .oIetll Ih" I\\II \.(" thrl)II " h \I, U IlII llr lllle 01111 I uy, lIlt Hr,~ , t oc Or lW" kll J.l~cl lo er- ru y 911l1l1" d mOlh er' H ow my 'lit \11 IIparkl ed wllh ulldltoDll u tlHlghlll e~8 liellv OIl' '~'h c IO . 5 11 grf :1t \\ork for Dne j hou rs. 'j he belro\hllll;'l1 toul< " lUll 11IIt! II IC' II , Mclll,uiJ oll , ,, IllI b~elhrcfl , .snd, ~mobg IMber QIl II :tl~ e\:) , II h , ' I hll le,1 hCl\u I e I ~ , II~ th o tOrlll el" 0 1 Illc mm y I WOIIIUII ., I If'iOIV Suy hllll hc UIlY ch ,,,"~cl' ' 10 du III \'cry oon tllc lI)ntr!\lgo toUuwed, tllS mu\lor 01 cuu cutlOn, II u~ht~ Ihlngs, I ( " I'I _!cclared th~ he.n IfOl nno! Spo~tlld J " hn, t\\U 11\· r", Io .. O.lIt IH lll I ~ l ckdU • 'y~" hOI ell Itgld me who he I~, ', wIIIII m y lIloll ,er-a I ". Ilull:19 lur 1111", ' r ,' fit to curry 5\\111 to hog., wlot'reupoll Mr IiU IlF, ~t, lh ll tilt h \\ w k., \ 11 1'1\)n\b" 11 feeble ly 1,' Olller I Sho .t'l,,~cr · ~ , ~' ('QU III)_ M ~ ( Io II w q~lrl j). nil IlCQllJ l - ell htltkw o)n~II-li __ hnd 111m arrlli lrlled. uefore lho hurch ~ .he nlPlutell" II I " , ~ICpS, nno! r(;/,'i/ 1 ulIl) 1JI!f'\,\n lrl ~ .., . DI(UIII8 \' ., ~, I l 1it'."'. '~ ~ o\iI l'lIW~ 11Y~7jt(('t:OI I<l ,1 S ill \' lIe(1 .' ,Idf«l "lt G iJ<go \\ • Ihe wnll t:lla (l oftu nql q , " And youhnv enoLl oldme ,vhe thcr YVII ~~ i.l11Jl1(o~ 1V.:a:\t.\ _ ~ , 100 k otl -1 enw · 1m:.l.~ l(l.=~~ l8.a~L&.wUIl:!l. , Ull.Ll!tlt v (m . pr UK' IlI, OllU IIIUI. t d\l p~nlakl llg ill\ !ll dl- ' h,-r on \\\111\11 OCCIlIIon ho wu req teil to he It he,lt II gnlll t hc r urnas t '10 " , " p any scruplee of cb h ucle occ on th a , ' • \n\lkea1 , - -r· )epology , ' -The' a'e pr V OI pertlm, L "O 'IICt', by "II Ill dtij rllll nuto Jl ouvc nly r Ulh er ,' ahe c rl~d. lilY' 81lI'j(!ct ·)t ynu halc GOll ror-Lltl tliM 1 forp:l vJl hiOt t'I' s Ilild t1le lr trollhl~R. I IllS' am \; ~,Mr, ,H--- ort-se, -ond ad' . ICl ug-lt ter of tl, o ",h l t~8 »~("rf! Ih8)" hl\lI -"'lil a I(nuw nOLwlo ' ,. ( jl,1 h O II" e~" 'l'h I , \ !! !.OX shou , 'I'li b j lI.)wln \ ~ g IIr l lole hllll from to II IIIIU ror dU(Qlrcl' , bIll ' 1'1'\ ' P.... tho Ylluk oo <lren.el Ule bU'lbren U8 follQWI ' I d urgc } 011, J II~t Lll n p !\l!!lad the! dOll r, '",. so '1II1l" • 0, " t ors. ajlulll c ~ chl or, woe brlLod by th e ,I 01101 I ," 111) llIother Ihtl tl nuel ,tllll Qs t un uble to MIIJ'. , Bhlllo rd' '\V [tt!n 1 Il'rt the cololll"t ,' ~n ,J IIhe III n , I ! "It~ un 1 " lIunurJlb lc, ~llll', llle nevt .. ly t wl,i hrUlltan "~a, II l1d hil (lre v~llt~Ll the L' xt,r ltll llll· t'O, t her.c ll, loa Mo ppooi , kite booka r1en<l&-1 a ee t at lull' VUICO, 'IIIY"" becuuao II 11:00101 Ho" ,,! , ll1!l1 101111 , Ilr I Husl ng anLl I t.r.iou8 cUiill,llIillt&of lJoII ~ I havo Ilceply - Injured brother - - , (or tl ll lI of th o wh lle _rlfeo 0 11 tU ~ R ll& OC, 1111 "i'nl,c Ih la bov UP ~ tllIrS 1111.110 II hlOl cion II la'l fcolll the I becll hYllocrisy ' in IPC , tO huvo rel,nn.hQd ' A),IOIl 5tOlld8 0n ir prlvllegc IlIld duty lI'hl ch I om It_arllly III/rr)" the InRsI gro llnd ur . Jlt~h hO!l,i lltlo e wnr { ) SJ'2,RCTledlll di4.aftf) lhat 111 101" 011111'00111,' sOl d sl'I>, ulld lorll Ud , togruOlblc::al on}' l tH 0 I too)lthe vuw~ l"norulllly Gnd 11· tlw "Voe~t OM P crtbgc 1\ pa por ' Lll cypnt'ro lll7.c ' lic w08not filtocar IialYlII to lhe hOlJll"" lo s a coleb r n l~,1 UIQ Nu rlh-wC!ll crll ~rOlY >!l1ld I' H arriso n • • frUIlI ~r , , . " me lJolln.lo ry "I th e '1'rolll), o( fulL McI nlu. 1,001 <1 11:;: ~.I' lt 0 11 Ihe 11 1111 CII'I h ulld \\ij l tlllch nrge o.! III N,.v. of 110111 y Oll r t m ig h r r110m, • I t I the co It I1dlctory 1 butllQw Hilko It bllck Iielni firmly oK 1M 1II0Rt by C011l1IuI81~n, l , (lmliruccli tbe, ro- of 17 5, on,1 Ih e fO 810e g ~I' ~ me such ,ll"II\( , ' t 16 BOIII S IIg 0 I III IllOIlS hllto ,lll 'I'rllIl 111'0 Dn i( t!luk n Iluth Illr the Olu l' urlulre, , ~ ' f """1' o'u bll"hleU lI.w.. r~ ' t , lIu ~ -I t Will (ort!Yol,lu ll.:.w fil e-,t \\ uS u.. luol' I cnmplul li ls th,.l . lormed rellglall With lin IIlCJulr,' "g olul 1111- thn l.l pUlltlnry Ioelwc()n ore lIIod e "g-,lIl1 s t U lIell :\', I ,!p""on thot h6 II afllpll quahfied . \ij ~ ~b o S, ;<C NUIIOII. nh d W~~ ol ortlo\,ell 1..,)' SOIllIl 'ndrdn., Gill IlIutlU l ui Ilg OIlY, ll ~ It )' (1 11'" I ~ull Ihe ", ...1("" hutll fiU mil\l{l vd ,vllh tll\1 IU tOIl c~ lluv u pe(l~r. IllIg fUll1l. God'forgiVO me Ihllt 1 so Ibng or- the W C5 1crn lndlllus, q-~, , Ihnt Oleo' " III nOllr Lhc corpqrn- 10 plly the Jlcllnlty 9f Ihe IStllt ~prinl:' mtlr" 'I _ .' • 'J hitl ul"')ll, III Edell ~ L9".n .' I-II 1II1l~ 'lho Itl"i t, ulIlItlcrhllle pong ftr>11l 11 1 A prof r5 u qllarl(j I {erod'nu h the \V~Ulilp of my l'lIS, 'I llll' Iloil -At \l fC$Uvul shaet{., l ~ ll Ileciures 110 of • hnvill' made u c.ll!llll bl~. t I¥ Young lI~II's \IO~I'I "t I I I II ,: 1.1 0860 rull OIl o r Arkoll , tF"ol l ( u Q~)rt Ulnt wnll Ur10k ell ., ~ I. 216~ . ~, e ll ~ I d lOW 1,,1 pial", 1/ "" Illy lJr.. ", , Ie ,Irs no11l rou t Il tlrou ~ I ~ lIy pOI' my heart ~VI18 80 far from Hlu, un U'Ol1l0l\t l,IUllu ln yle If n (lriB lIor lIev\lr .~ulll gill thc'!Ioug ~f olle. C ad- '1I1)UI~y was deemed : anll.faCl ory, by ;all I ]3Ier~o 1 11 0110 'til IIlte reSlIlI1,! ro~ rCIl r. to the or Ilul< ~ roull lv W8S 851lU lt 6hed "1 ~rr III Illy 0\\11 rOOlll, I Ihli Clg it t~ ~1Jr.Ii'I ..1 IOIyellrll' (Julh. .' 'A'Id nowl' '.Iild L\\thcr, .lf rtor " Iult,n g (lu'r I}o'llilitory I)r tJlI R l fo Il ClI Om ~"\, I1mee t hll II II tn elis of huo t~ (1 1), null -1. r. ~ but I'Q[11011 ur Ohio, hi re- Q rtlllgcr. l btother - - , who ~ollinre. to dill d.y, iti. Gllnllr,d , In I ~LJ , lrolll 1 ,yould /IllIg IIly.elf rrQ n\ tile r01'011 /0. prJnlld WOI~ Ilf I:'~tou lllq ", rA for her to fil,lsla her Sellll'nco . WluI D IIbhou u'pupo ~Spb!Wl r tllnt to ,,.O Ill011st coIII Jll lln cut ~ry to Arl!roll . IJJlI«bur g h La ,"Yllrrell, Asht qulro!l U micro' j tlllit he hlard brotll~ 11 ny I a low ~n' 'l.l". ' if/onelel'I)!, (ovII.DUollroU.:, IIJIIIIl aud dOli , 011.1 db ~h OIy hr nl\M 0111, lou t 1 I~lt scope, ,) 'NlOw ,' said dho,'lllc od not ask bi s ror- \V Il t'.' t.1"M t ,, ' E w Q I\der~ tbal you \II~ort sb few Ihat III Will fit tp curry IIWII1 nd • ' . (:lo v~ I'"ll t th c ncp- 10 llutl~OUIII tlo , ~ CUlIlI- R,ll'Ill d \ 0 il,e 1 Wrt9 n ot p J~ 'l }rIll' I H I ·' A t the lllo!c o r th c \1 nr, 11.1. vn t I or llt- t y" lhl>1I tl l ro ll~h lI ite nl , At 6c llllllle lllul lihoatlil onol-J,' dcte. ta your el"~, I 'I . oss '" i glTcne • flir word tlllplllg 1m n . pml Ullu tloll wJ1dcrll e5~ to Dee r- IIIMS Illy l,uarl \Y os ~u\i'hIGII , bu :', " t'l , i I wi 1 ,trove 'n. , . •- 'I f,,"ut , t r( '''errl alit, II • tor t my b tltML. \ \lUlull I II fi, II Je .. " 01 helJ nlld lhe n 10 PllIs lJUr.f. r 1 • .• b II 1 I l 1r w~ ~ ~..II' W I I III whl I. oh '" route hI 1_ burn PlliJO 1'05C III UII InwIBlI1 nll d bnalll 100 , al.lolllllll lule hrl! olld ~u """ lrutl ,am no onlrcr n nUll. I of • [groo t ' ,I\or(' t to I Ie 111109 1)1 a ~vul cock·llll, uu f tu I'll1 nmclI\ ' " '" I ~I\ol III~IO I I :t~~~ c~e\( ~Octv " l'~rroNhe , -(1 \\ () kly 011 ,(\r~u unek, , I l\oL YII~ld, I'lto p'ule In ee or Illy llIother G wouhl like to S t f 'Well,' euill LUtherj 'I SII[lp081,1 tillS la ,,~ u.s \I 011 0 8 to 'e rhtl11 ' • C nn S I"les, exact V 1\eeOlln lrgll.,1l cll\im~ 0 I T III. • \V ~\ 1\1 I I :";, 0 ISOU one of U{Utill OI'<}Uro ~IlCCi Imp- huulltod 1110 I Ililllll' myself F M s a ucla .a " '- I,11ro(:t Iln III)Swerl\a I mllst expec~. So to l ed obollt (l1l t..\tull,ohU unoctll'uL~I~c olh· fll 0)1 Ihp. bell , l Conlirc~slo)llli alld Legiblcltive proceedi ng, l ) ",""'I'" • iIU" 0111 W p.,,, nd Lhot ngllln olldnng t'weu t ho RC llce "I nll,1 Jell n8lec r, Ju~t J1 ll I u~)J BE.-; II J It y .6" , ot t\l'llilh~ I hllnrlll l er hnlr ,_H or CUISC" whut ld 15 the. .' IIIIW e ildlelll hlo doing~, ....... Ylrgllllll and ' ' lh QaeUl eme nl Hbme Molllo\vk Ihdlnll 011· II foot5lt p oJ1~roeh Ull~ ho eo 8IIL learl dconcea 0 a em 0 Illy purp'lae. 1 " ~--.. .· a llb9 0qU~lltl)' thu Uoar, ft Will lily \., d h II 1 (l~ I ~ d al I excc Jlt th o tract elll11'C d 11\ I) oer Ii-'·' d cianI" m,mOll- ll1the I"lao~l he",d I. 11Idden a la-tlfJNiI PJltl'Jl OF rJtOGU ElJs. ..... , ~ Q~I iV \ II Olllsr Ive II ft I WIer Dut evon Lu.tltor t\oppe • Of~, 1\lT(lI'ISO I beh\ ee~ ,He Sre~lulslJC "ulllge 0 8e "d I patllSOn n an ~ uciota nnd ' tho IIItluul Rlverri~ \vrull!l'0d,,11 n lIurile trlllll', Ilbat Del/pel 01- ~ .. Whal mlLy J tell mother O b ) _t he I lelltll'l~h to pry Into ' --,ulurltr' at OIlUluln e'_ emotIon , rrom yoo" ,10" goguolII. I \\Oll't tubecr1ue leCllU90 )'j)u~ futurerknown 08 Ihe Vlrglo\8 1I111llllry , ~'rQct IIntl ver thtough the head, 'fl,c gloolll)' nl ghll> 1!re.kloll ' Ihe il11, milty, ~hadQwr IlIt"'f~'('lte Ilurty condlsl· 'Perhap a my doer,' .. UI he klnaty, '1 do COillicClI uut rllianquis ns keu l "elV Idoporlll lied ull ~ut 400,O(JO lid of Johll :\1ul,a1l'k, wllo ~b6l linn, J uhn lent is so controct oilj J to es 'I ' . ._'~n "V'" iIIe , u'lU!larn. 1 t bl I It 'othlllg; J replo cd ~ wron III" ukln to vuu m self' I hn~ 1aae.; )l no"' n 08 tl~er 1\ .. ~te....n pUller IIfld lo~s .rend y IIr .~!e' ~ .111 "Connec tlcuL \Y t,. N lck~aw. lllgs.o" an!1 IllS two IIOUA, Willt a /~It", tel ch..(hl1& rluli lluca an Irr~. I II e c Ilrm poue~ Of II P, 'At l ,- ' Ob , Allrool' 'I lor I Ill)' ,uko, ern R'elerve for all our . " or " lIiew Conncetieu~," 111 thiS tlmll ull the nlUlbll In Porlnge ck II 0. K lou 11 u\orllli 1)0 III" ~11. "'JIll 01 Ih. WI!I qntlpal~ n:~nk!rd i ,_TllCl p"t f~d~. r~lIl .e Cou"lr sukes, better commlBIIlon Morgmrp.l. 1 '''ppOIW- 178ft 1I,o "Obit) Compau • II we g )''' WQI form,", compose~ one BIl\luIiOIl Ulld~r the OJ)1Il- moth .. ~y lhllt ),OU Brc sorry-l et 100 tell )1 • mem ry-lile p're •• tl~. ,~e f &It to InJ~J III -, women cpnveraa better together , and yet. on. lstl It chiefly of er tll"\ you ure 8\1rry, ~IIQ longg to ~t"y to a plr et CJ'owllod Ihe omc~r. Ind 8pl- ! ril llud of fIl2), Ryer. of , DcerJield, Ho wllh lIul8, ' I!orrl-. duse 'I h. milia tiru ~I 1\'1)' rl.Jnl! ' thll (u ur~' 1(u'o\' QIl~I/U' ~ .J~ have begul! I WIll filtisli. ' forgll'Q YOll.' l'h" etlier dl ~ r& 01 tho Rc vohuion : wbo hod l'lIponp- ' uuel/luh I ' ule IC!Oldelltll, rrlglHrul robberies alld O~I!I)"' ,d !l01II0 iii 1111 mOll, Iln~ 81nroo\11II rr 'il li t'rolll 1\'0 •• lIey .".. IIl1q,lftin , co 0 the e t I".~ I \\,oold Ilot -answer I hcord h~r (ollt- de~orll\l zlng IIt~lelllcl day, Bodel\lt em, tfi" IlllphelV of <fer ~l- I ed (Jvorytlll!1S' IlUt lIfe I\sj 1, is mid 113 • lIr~ , 01 III thllt struggle , 1.",1 t PUhUlt, . On thc ' (0\10\\ 1"11 IIIghl lhey lit prm ~ "'nd • Il)hlt a\Yal.lIl( , p ~ • dt l ltcp' slowly retrclllIl Ig, allli agahl I flung hut~e because I". t \ I l ' 11 ~I re(·~lvild ony tit \! prom,. 'h1l8erll\) ea of a Goverll- f ov rto,* lhe Tnd""I~ en~amplld 011 Ihe IIIYFel! 'f.hllllJhl illlll r:;,reap a:tilln lo Jlllper con- Ilave, to 10. a It ~Jc way ~~ ,110 my~l· sta ,c,me 0 Ill' g ep lUI my In uenca . me"t thal WIlt tOllllly on the bl!d to pus 01\011001 wlctch· t i1l10lY(1Il 1, I rbol I o wellern banI( of tl10 Cuyohog ll, Ill' \vhut III ell \llld fearflll IIIght, bl I m ril l' OilS vlste of hlle and Iteqilty . J'rOllll' " " . hh you, I tuld bl!)l • could have no Itllr- unforLunnte ' mlltl ltUII. liD PCQUUllt Q I lilt 0'1\1 Y u e nl;cient lin.!' prQ~4 d . (1,0 'I"lIot ) 11019 llo,\on, Tht-y firod IIIIQII them lind ! -l'n,1 y~ mel,)' I",nr, t't~1 hlllll, lI,~tro'o)g~r, ;'110 ~ jl lt~lIll1:r inRuenc o over you, Ulllcs8'"yDU hno Ikllll'Nn De the "eillo\lurcha!\C 'AnDtho r foou!ep , III oweI' 61\0.1 r~cblcr' las t week II eletests your ate eoty'pcd ot:t Iltl e ea ~n a~ln at thll ~tar"'~~'I1~ Co!hpllby Purchlll o" klll(ld Nrck II'IV, nnd took BIllIon Ilnd " , ho Jlilll'S ~lIrnllll"'I)IC' 1118\ Ihftll Ill)" 118t.r ' jJ dlllurbh l me A vulu .d, ~rllsem cllt~, ~crllJllell .bOlll "11ft) 1II1t, He 18 a elovcr 'lid palll on lho curreor.y 011\1 nil thllt N Illl!a j)f II k~o\Yn lUI "Con- RIms prlsollyrs. It w. Tl. ~llIlrIlP(j I/ko, ih~ O\;UII, d I i I ~ n .~, ~ 11'1 I I: b l II tlllental monev." or lhls ~omplltJy wn' ! \~I I' Lcr, IlnlillJO Indians III , t~lf,! deplh , 01 , calloo.! 0'0 by mUli e. H WIlS my mol,h· paper i~ to sell \Vhlll is rur 811Ie, ' () tbro/l. - min ca CII It ng ' With 1\)l<!lIIn .1(1); , I ICIf, lU uel1c:e~t~W~ IY(lhn g _nn, an t wero tallon buck cr'lI . e ~ 110 Jee 0 Ie Gel}, Pnrebn; , or ewburyp ort Ma.. lllol'l\- bblfnd " b ~Ild d'W not n o~eo i I tho OUOII ol~ (ul Ir oman W)IO dra\y.I,l lr I,um""• •11: . lhe c-Jvermg j 'Alrre,I, Illy Ion, .111111 I COIIIC ill"! Are ' CII~ ver'1u )oke hi. IltnulIcllI .ullcle , to !I'SC:OllllllllO coouee YOllr e I r ~ . gllflca,frolii n pock lelta. He \Vo.a.M lljor GOII.urlll in tho war thnt ,,"culd IJ3Ve !DO of C:lar~., and a tra ~uP• • de a !mll COlll rorldb)c, yOU6orry lur whllt YOll !rUIO dime ! He llllght have talked nn hour WIthout alld Ill1ryeol to lho close ~I!o look g,nge rly, (\lid Uun't of It. lash WIth private creU,' .. ~I' The all hlll'lI conaequ had tl,o,r dUI,,,a' all~ d ecr.irl • encos \yore thul Ihe IlIll,ulI_ e,~ked, ~~ iVlnll' a ' reilly. CalltarUI O's IIlnnller lie anU8Nlu clItly becomo . ... ~t ' Tces. I'. IOI1\her lle'l tI pOints you to --/II' '.. cOIlBoctdd Wi th wore froze n 8 fun\ lh~y w ,lro erlllillcd rUl' l ' • '1 Ca.1I1l0t t oll WhOII,'( \llcnce. operC\l1ng opor 'lInd wonder s" hod (hloged ' ther" was no lon~er tlle the hls t9 ry of WI!I loy you ne\(!r !'(Iura1. Relcrve , 011 he !)btnlllIJd hIe. They t were triod a nd acquilto _ •• _ - D • d. us -lit thaL I'nU,IIlIlIlt . !~ I\ol(! 1110 ~[II!dlt ndl'enc 1I1 like hill'l. 'I h penn.s 1(11) frolll tllo GoveJuo r of COllnce- l lhe act q, hlll\! rl1IQ~\ly abo- \ When lhe celelir&llld enl'lIee r' Brunei, that of Mohnwk ill couse- tq my feehngs , 1 he gOlltl voice el~otl'n Qf the bu. ' I ~ tleut to ~ocupy Ihe !tott ~pr;11i/8 11\ IVh~t 18 qIlCIIC()' ofWAS of mr. \ 1z e n quarrel bol\\enn hun 11\1.1 D,· malher lhCit ~hrlll~,1 II Ii hed t he ue'~f1Ila IlIl"lrl Wliat .Uan I loll bhnl through mc, me,llel! hLIOllil<t l,Aoho~. in -perrect ~bntempt t he oow 'Ventllq field i ·.(1ru{,)J.ull ".<)"nll' " ...~ In ",IoJ..h ilul .,\hen ' \\ 0 ar.comp ~ ' lUI 1\1:> put ~t ho .oe (""'" my ol).Iurattl IaM, l, nud I :~IlJ'Unni YOll plell ...• \111101.110 ' ; 0 111llt Hc find aome I<llId o( U t,rrllllt, by dnatbrd "djtor,.w ho le"tllo cO\var~ly to tiVOlI' ment of t\Jrmellnlr the Tha .. e~ 1'IV" willeh IllS thollll"h neqllJtlud hp. could llo.ronge r pur'lIo ' lunged to ~r.. throw nI) "c lf au her IIecJi, bot hl~ nbhorreu ce to "1.4'rv. 1 may nevor '~D hun morl/" hOlr. clelrned the propert" hilt as li e was I th e c:IHlde. HIs_ S demauds brou,hL before 'I committ ee of ,the Brili.TI sqllu\v pemweel In hu . 1,M no t, llut my worlb gllV the 'W hi' • l~ I ulhor· , ou Ilccldcnt Jly droWllcd III the Dig Denver IJII toe 10 I ' I &ul id articles. -if{ l\'.Ilnt~ tho clo~e Pllrlllhe nt he WI8 aaked if wood .. nficr Ilia C:'lptQre. alld tlro poor olel Illy henrt wh!lll lIyt • I, ItrllniCo, 81\ aape.d or,el,b, ,y ( 8R1.! 1 \V'IS '1I0t eorry,- l ong UIII hl~ relurn to Gonne.!ltieut III 17110, IIl~ ' In thon nnd III" 801lS- would 61t for hours vll> r he r wlthdruw , • n lei er - \a01 r I on n cerlal 1 Ihd not S8!!ln to bave scruples $If COIIBOI- QJ ~ lm WQ¥ rl!Jo!ctcll, , l heard her grooll " pllckc,1 eH81!IICO ~nd 110. tl\o dilutfil 11"1'Dnd the 'I nil Spring , lhe bonks of ule M.ahooing nJld !Veep ly II P , ,'... I o~or I IlJlJged to cRIl hor bu~k, bllt J Iltd /lot. ellce JUBl now. My de'f Cellillrin e, ,.Ull ' 'l'r .et" VCCRhlQ "gllill I tnre, U extol, tllo J'IurnaL tllll'W'i-.W lle. Illlro!.d wOllld be vuted JI1 COIlnl!ol\- thelf fl\Jlell <;Dlld,tlon, 'tVhatmo ue hltl more unnj;Crolll t~ Ie. rc- I 'I Wll8 awuk l/ ll ed fl'I/m Illy unensy s lun!· 101m I. \\ ec.k bclore m\l~t not (urgel tbll\ you hOI-e no nalUl'lIl ' ell QJIIoy be snld It) b.) tbe plollee~ of grcts moro pili II lUI WDS, he It IS dUled: und V ttl av\.'lIer upon i t Ulan a ftpeed of forI)'· )111.1 ever bee n b"r, by hBar rllg my nomo cali,," IO\lllly, nnd I 'Ou I relation . bel;t' and thld YOlln, mall CIIII btl Ihe "ltoHcrv e," on,1 he 8 not greene euough to bo Il tlie cOllll eclflljf lin~ j lhe friend or tile whlte8-- .lOrved lIudar t would bo J\lal tlte 8BDI~,' Silld he, lUed I , ( Iny ~ , .tcr stood hy DIy il cdsulu , be tween tho lwo gre~t cOlnl'llnlC'I. I} c! \VIl)'lIe In h Ie bottle, Wilb 1I1e lodlllns - r 'Get WI. f'i. 'And IIIpe\'d or IlInet y!' a prQtelllor to Yf)U, ur, AII'r\ld Oh, iloll ' t \\ .II ~ u min- I 'll 8 U I\ [t Ut'sl'l Gn bl e m,8I1u.'~r, rn 1705 CQnno~tlcut aolll her lande to t had becn eutrus(od wl~h importan t chur.- ule' Gel up, anol I)OlIIe WIth , 'J wllh you would not Bpenk of lum!' Ihe "Connec tlllul L~ Dd Compnn m ~ l't[ut!t vr I iouls hell tl.nt YOIl Ilevor ptlnt Bcrmon sy," and (hUI -alld CI er provctl f~ltllrojl to hia lrust, Sueh ' lI elYlOg ·Ju.t the .. me ". , !lhe replied, nnd nil thut X c~re8 fur \I fun. ' I t\IC tlVO grant oOlnpR~i~. ~~cnn'le rlvllls I,ll , WU d lile grabt!'d c-suo Y I. Oil 'And' a Ip .. d or ono II <Ired I ,hI) Jiewllrd be&tolV- i ":'l thoug ht r WilS yot 'I. th~l'8 .nv one elle lhnt you hke uet- tllo .elt1cmo ntoftllo ~errllo~y. The ,Ireon'l'" g , IIII~ I fire bOClilIse YOll do not daduct mote ror 01110 lid by Ihe w.lules 'Ju.t the lime! i'or,' added he. 'If iJ ' • Mohawk wn.. puriu~d got ").' lIIe llncholy , Itllil (ollowed • l GOnl P8!lY commen ced thlllr aenlcmo nl nt j to S cJ ndusky 8. ,,1· " llut ollwllI',l, upl' .-,1, I{llftYQnw1lTd, Ii _ d Z IS nmu:ed ~l the car.ah6u ld,rullll ft'th. trICJt::' lt tbe raUt . nnd finally «Ike n by sorno cr. 0 ,11 Ihe beel, vule nncl , terl 0 lIfllrletti col,1 118 lD A )l.n r r\l1 , blo, '7S8 1 1I1) 111 n VIIIlCO nil (n ahtye~r8 uefQre the. Ircocberolls lnd/ans, \v!to, jor 1I1e paltry Ilay my ~ Ito ' vitil I,tll ly;1I ~Olr. h the ....n"'.... woufd mo(iler.. Site loud not ulldre.~od , IIII ~UlleJlCO o( a pulill~he Ahe mnde no r"lll" . Connect lcllt L nd OOI11I1I1I,Y eummen oe,d brib e uf ~ l(j() delivere r wbo duoa for fo~Ly mIle. per } 'J'~1 F.laCII ,-"1\ lov ,bill 1,lump", our P • d ~p l lhelr I"ol~d til': Bile 10 • .1 thruwn !ler8e\( 011 the Ded to rI)8\ , 'Nay, .pe.kj I hive every dISpositIon 10 their,. , th ree yoar 's suhBorlJlllOUl lnd yet obJe,cta Iill go to ruIn, and \h ~ r enemy , and ho WOol hlulIg at Cilcve· nrlsillg to go ago111 A ,Id F.I .. 11OOIl feJllll nu II10r•. It onellultd red mIl" '!l8 ~e"e YOU"II85 Iny other pereon ronde thc l All enrly sa Janunrv , 1';83 B ~retl!y 10 m0 1 ahe "U 8 sOlzod to bellig poid III Ncr and rotten Ifllll~.. I cOI\ld not con.,enl eutly go any fIIrtlier l •• had IUII<) WILll a plIlpltntlOn of lh, 'hcnrt , uml bot,,· '. --~--~,~ ~ II) u" b"on colt.cllldl:d at -rort Mctnloa h, ~near , In 1811 th is Ononda ga ('corge, whh a scnll8lesa to her room ) 11 ., , n~Il"(>r)" IUt lite IndllUlli, by ,,'Illell It \Vn~ l large Fr: 1Il It. ~Ji~ecll~ny or th"Oloclnnu!i ';u"lIe, sume prl'POBltion uod)' or IlIdl~IIII were round 8tllt\on~ 1 'I cannol tell ytlllllly 'Yo.,' eald Clltllari ne, WIth a hulA worn- doclqrcd lhllt th e lIulmd agony as llodllcd ,,.y blll lVoen tlsQ eil nlonlY the CUJuhog a RI~er Ivitliout Ilny " BVSP1C IOIC. upon hll~-my r8tnor~o was tenrold jIlorc anly prtde, 'Coullacl JQr BUllmga rtMr has \ UlIIted S tutla .IId tho In dllllll'1I 0uld "co hI' t IP(l!trC I~~ objcc t r}'ho .ndiubS , were 8'llky !ulllor from the' though t tJlIll Rho would MV· modo the 1a00e pmpoell l. • ~ .. blall" ),,,rn, ullalt\lilld h.arl, .. bllce ,t Ihe ~he mouth a i' (hc CIIYl/boll'a aud h slile alld C,!pt , '.l4lo.~e,., ...s he Wtl S or know II, l'b ellev~d tllYbolf to bc h~r 'Do ou refer hiin!' A ..d Inan), III nobl Mul. l lllHI frXt nd up Ihll rtver tu tb. PorLa¥e , b~- eull .I, woul.1 ndUl'hb h i. I,;rt\~hlil\ k lind r, 1 rell on lite bed bes llio h Jr Y, p " , I lIu f'lI IUlIPiGI<lIl" tWllln Ihnl lllld Ihe Tu~carDIV • • br~nll.h Il( sealJlln g klllro in uppuront cruel d,rl. d~lllince, Aftor l l cO l\ld nbt .v ee p, M") Uoart):lIIrn ad III 'YeM, .lib replied, rllmij bu.t I,aln hap- 'thu Mu klpgllm, th~ n nd o'wJ"\ed lbi dark _trol. dOlVn t!allt. brand, to l a rel\ duys II.ey (/'Stl(lpcllreJ, and h8l'c not my b W ill; nlY Imu ll \VU "I f 011 Ilre." , py as. ~ It., expOl\t to be, !ly {rlends III· h he cr08!f ng nbo,e Forl J.uwren5 ," (1I01U" I ueun scen laere IUllce ~llIee dllya artor .My ~llIter lhrow hor ~rms .ro\III \1 1D1l, lind nil . hoI\' much of cver! Il1h, AiId ",anr a .1)" Cali IIri4tJ lure m81lbat 1 am no ~rLlten. but 1\ help Dolivllr.) I bill!!, es~eclnlJy iron bar, But Ibe ,eting f l l"!)lr departur e Il~WS oame oi tl)e llllule 01 ( II c pt III "denell , tb U,em 10 I ;villI! you a good mc.rllmg .. 1 The IndlAll1 . SoU ~Ollly WO "nlY II o r OpihiOIl, Inkell ll~ eDlur frOIll the '"Qrn )'_t bUI ..,.,... a "'" being ~tl(l dIMIHI8fi o~, ~ \ T lPpCClllioe . It WOM tbol\ eVident I'yo , of t1,rou b tbe SlllDO Insuume n!. ' . d tj)ot, ato g ht mOllon QI m oth er. h'ini-b er oyeg II e b rU.. f,lt.""lll eino'. bal4l,u breath, , new trc~ly wal mllde wllh Ihll'm, hy Go" ~htly were 1\ part of tho grOIl~ fncllull plan UlIcloMed. She rul P90r C.tha'flu e hutene to .her room St Chur. In f789, • II I hnJ r aco,e red conee ous· • 0 8crv er, WIthout relc:rence to 'the An,1 witll,rea I() d••)' by which ~he bou"dar le' for cXlernlll c l ery where t Ie most tI~• 1 llltmg' \he \l llite- . nnd llll.d Ll(o n OS8, but nol ep('ocll. Bit e looked ...... l ser dream W1I80ver. Luther, the austere, ¥ fixed by the trea nt me, II1l1urO (If tile tltlllg .But wo dOli linton I Ollt tbe lenat of Fort llI()lntOllh ' Illuo of tlJ t Iiattlo beon dlffierellt, Cftl" I11\W, bleml.b or _ .ntl mated her hpl_ I could not ullder· to write all e8sn}", And hi any a-cur jnat relted to 1i,1, the in sensible reforme t had awakene d her were cOl1fim~el. ' !Jot lIIerely lo lell all lllid it ends In I pOIOL too fillo to IO CQrge WI lh hi8 lJall~ \Vou d hllVe dc"tr oy- allan,1 II r worda. rroin It. lIargarr l t'ntero~ '{~llIlc hor " 'hl! k~"" 1111 CIInlenll ci"'''h ' 'l\lol her, mothc r.' I nn cdo~e to Illus tral ., whnt we ijn ve' tioCII nod 'rbe tJlreop. 'bill t\ld lIul hOIl'ever produce the re~1Ilt8 ulllho ticnller~ d eBulc mo" .... IV ca t a( tho of a fiDe la • 1:!U'P~_Il" , lJanti. hu dubod II dllWI1 91 ked, 'sny only UIO~ Y(ll' forft-lvll me 'd anllClpa ted, ~lJcI Ihe Jndlau~ el'cluell det r- l cd ( w~reyet r ed 11:1 C lIyuhogll.. J) ttrlOlr th e time }"y r emlllO' .11f! • I ' n, arn ~I~b wh Ilh ibpfl' '!'! ~v I weel"n" She ( (jlliu lIot eay It IVllh her lops , but het ,8Pylllg -au I lIno~du tcr II)deh llaa III loael II ton er- t rlllnclllO hold on to lhe lr Jlelo~Ad r~yerB In fragnwnlt at their reel. ' f,!d tll9Y " d c pt' e, "100.k ali i coorser olll' > un t Inu u. IlIgh .'I/>o y bluff lu\,llli rca od !lillie, She lI mlle d upo ll mc, tI, e 1lI0rlt of 1 Iy .pprea~hl'd and embrace d horl \rut nelth- t CIIYal,qga ond 'I'll \ IIlIlhol-" ·lly, liP II 1m carMI' OS. ThIS produn· j (lolnt IV'O~I of 111e place whe re the lIocolld made or oncAofll, D.ut a .m~",orJD')I w b lind Ifltiug hvr lillO, wlhlo h'J!1d~: ~h8 Ilicce of drOllery. • et' exchllng cd a ,,,ord. ! eo! lhc fUll\l.xpjld~tibJl of Hllrl."or In 17110, Ip c~ 161 01l~teu at Old l;'ortull'0 Several yo~ra ,lIgo two I llppellri perfectly .l1Iooth and .hlnlng, ~ . . clasped my gll'~1 wlllllll thelll i lllld cos t her ElIgh dh cl ctgynlcll 'Thtre is 110 hol'o for n()!I(lM~~\'I,' I!lilt! ~t Cllllr III '01, Of lhe loclcty of -, lIde- ovory\\ hero ~qual. Tb •• mIU..t dol tblt th .... t Luth r 'Illaevl dent IIlllt llnuni- peihtlon of \Voyu lind I,he "ctorlOlllJ ex. \ '1 heir rUnlll!(8 broullllt I£IIOlh~lIC: of eyCII ul,W"lrd :She moved her lIpa In prllvor. pend"nl s ns" in tlo~ '9-1, In tho eOllJ;regnlionalil ta aro .• ' d . th pell..apPaaI'll--uttaqftl I lhO (rldilln tlel elt tOlb~ Ul throl}d.~y , befor!l,; abd thu •• loe d.ed Ollli" e , But , fof )794 tho IlrlOY aS8embi ed otIprlllg J remlune d still kneel· t d ~ g I d CUll) 118 delt'glle a ' mll e '" I For! th e 11 WII rClloh'!.ll lhe IdlltCJI~ ~r"'ler II LI,s I,IbJotl. ~ III bOlide tlUlt d oar larm, ,Ill my ,en b ' and b . IIlh.Tnle III a ch.111 1Gc.ecnv,ll't, now tbe county 8\lllt df Dllrko tie erme III ng Iln , ) , . I the httle SpllCllI 01\ t • \Y1lI,. ~ On the 6reuklng out o r lh~ NQr Qf 18 HI, sOiter rcmove.t lDe • and If _,he elector die •• he Id IVIU!Uut IUp· cOllllly. and on the Tho JOY of youth had from tlw hllmc Ilburchl!s, to Ihe chllrcllo 20tl, or Aug llst or lhnl ) 8 0 Impurtll nt \ lUI Old l'o rlnl;il;! ecmeU nl n l Ib ·nseell aro) (ound til bl ~'.!!!ltl ~~ 1.1\ 010 forever , POI't t'!\tcep£ lJ lhe labor or IIer bnl\~' a \)II , YCllr. ellcQun~rod Mo UnIted 'ta~~", for tho of lnOIl1~ tho colIllJulo ~ .o _ " " ht ll\ Ary POdt , Ihot t) CIl , \V IIdswl!rth , wllh ,..._ I' 'Uoya, whu " ]1 "m " lIlothcr'~ control , r:1 re8p~cting the re li/l"u)'Ia l"ook a. It th e were m.dl fOl"rOrOoe a\ the fol,o~ !l( the Ibll Illdian condllio n of the of Nlltute • tllPidto II portiQJI of Ih ll utmy, '}Ill ~\~iolled there \,,\00 ure n'lhanl~11 • •, llll~ 0 ~otf' ~ tQ 011'11 thnt lhl y ~ Y •MId then, fQrcyl' , I:r,*~ ilown tho Cndl II on lhe ban~ w __ ... _. .. , "t"-- ". e~t 01 lhe tNO Lpc1t~ ; bitt ' wrung, whu ltfI...1: It. ...... 1.. • • , • •~.. • ,~" n."· 1: 11lba~. I ",ill wnte to Ierom. lIauDlgnrt- J.pirol . AJ Ill,Iltl (I dozen lrlbce ,,'ore ~~(lro l elllinent fQr lenrnlllg and pluty .. bllt beltll' n. ! _o slgnlJl lad Ad \Ie Ico ell to Ih ~ e po>(eot of the In- dl)thl" .J ' or y Ield to hor I~flllone . Liilleh ner; he 18\\/:'11 kne1\n III the ,oullg coun- j g o'gcd 11\ tho bilillo, e~ .cr III LhclII liud e\'er kllOWll .ny thing of ~(ou~d_nce w! .1I.dao.~Ild nearly n~ry cllle( clltulS ot 'l'ip\' ec!ui q "' 'ejl\O!II. .ellor or E br"; lbWl ' , .;IIllept lllctinrdTlltc, Cltl (01 the JIlfn,n,"'" "vcr 1 1l~urll ed II/ tUtlii/'thaL ~ IV. if 011)" hUle , J.;.y 1I001lp fDr ) ounlolvea )Iller til 111 I . 01 ' 'lt ltlons Per so and thD' If ~ou dlnce f.vor!l ~~v~r iI~QCie.ft,.I.I- , 1\ nJi ' l i e IHotO· 'f'''\f> ~11 1 for yuur lut,,~e ye~rs . wu . ~ III, !II Augu t ,nOIS Wayne coll- Ithe Cllyaho:~, or Ir lllmper lice org lllllil 'lJ 1I • ,. o! b 0' ·e~I\e<).;"1i(I 'r yo ar· {I:\l., a If you sliJIg we l;make no peurire ) ~•• ceo IIi Y. 1 _ _ , of good persona la Ite, ,~y wer , ciudcll u. \rt lll )' I' Gre'hviH e \Yuh "'OUlll of 1llcroM tho l'orlll. y n , ll'~t ,Cit l:ounIlJ\ r.rejJ .1 , ' '1511,I, 12'. o lit IF-Net': lhese trlbet, by' \"Inrb they confirlDed tbo are I.lxtingul hed mea08 lcoLotnl erB-llell lS', III short, very eS you lllllg IIldilrere ,-iJ~oll \~ 8ll11ntlt teaitat& 1l0t a, • ;\fA'l'EJl~AI" INFLl , " If· roo woulel .'obtllin , Gilt! ef,lnl Von l uoaly of Fort j{()lnto~ if ~ _ mlld'llI \h,s relptet hke t~l~ h, AmoriclUl momellt "hen ou are 1'.1i~ed, far r_ per- . ~'ld Ihe Cuya- : the \V~)"'- Jlatb ull'dr dtlll, I fbbe }urnl,che ·(:ovorn ot llrlgl:'\, .... II. h 11 b ~ I 1 HI II to ho!:. river lUil tho Porl~J:' InI Il dle)~I.i&rO dan Pt~lId I ll·rty years IIgo. Path were ijlllJld, on thd!lOl COli ol Olll! ef t!lem IOns IIrc complte nt jl!tlgea.o f . .. Durn"J Il'te ere . e ore , I Ie • lI've ear ... ,.-I I lar Educot1 on. neenl r e ncr. , re • ~In eat.bhah ed ae Ibo We.ler n Doun- ' .huUle, a' tl ergy II .nd tho mill ar, heard lnsloed of the followin i Impr~"ive ll1Cldcnt ~ h d lIJIother .wh o l1Npyt.. ior her. r It .1-....... up. lih. hll d~r 01 Ibe Ulllle4 Stllte" wtopped lome WAlcks "lIh Ii di.ungul~ e ~very. one 11110 n II1>' ' the wGr~whoop-..ni1lhe ramoad, alld can- ' I rlmemb t'r, twel"" .e 0 "~ ....., Miyet _quen tl ' her lovil ..for you. ' I or fifteen yeore ago, Prelbyte rian dlVlne ' 10 Phila(lel ph'a, !roL 66 year. ha"e paned ,illce the title \II qecupiel the war-pat a tr,mcoa.,er: tlon ~;,..rHn Gl ejIIiWI , h.-lIIIDat of ~hem I left Waehln a ton threo or four weeke~ dll\'eJoke to 8eeyoJ united.' tfOnl1 to the totol It"ouad bh; on wbich 'we IItl1ld wa. de- hllvo /Jone l\~dth tlncnc!l '~lIn, . rid .. :oll~fti'~er n:~"i tiO 80m J.I ~-. ~ Ie if /Jlaief. Tecllml eb, to ting the I pring; whUe at hildie, , I' .~' . L \ dec! ~, tho arbltralD cnt';r Ibe .\II61d and I the Great Spirit;their 11 '!. b t e , ... 1..-, -"I r' ri a IIt. COrliUJ Tbe. \~. et a (.9. 'I't',o : , DOe ~ c!IftIe the .u~viTOr. have been fir.t limo. poa.-elle d my ... \( of tne fo eulna.. • ~~maha~ k' anel lette 60 .... Y"I'I l' lO lit hon " , nol r 0 yet pea_ "~i~en to the "tting aun.-clv Iltl.tion o( lIlr. ~daril'. grog I .lanct1lbn a hou.., a1id "llllHtt d to He Ca. • Th. young IloUDeel " , II a way. III your 1011 mothfr; ' ana r('ad tll'lll '&I1,lIllll1l.n ,geLtinl llothlll1 'to orlDk' l~ receIVed Ibl_ : let- ...I.inoe the gruulld willch vour pubhe had beln adraulI8 d bl at rntnd by .tt.\1e .-.~t tbarlne.~a,. ,. 0 .to . their ' ~""II!r."" destruch on, l with I'lIlleedlllg inle~ t. 1 tem~/lll.ler IIj thO table of his er withlll1' pri.... n~ tnci'edu Il7' Thereho.t~ nlld feellngl n nlled ml,V~ {row:_ aroloaa trl\ C.8 yoneler wfI.tern but 1I1111\IIItitv wee,r,~ over th. M.......t h..wned til Jlaf md tl .. ~ II wrollga, and expr,ui on In one of the leiter. odn.,' her lUll tit -C':lban ne IOme· molllb. bt<fore, somethi ng went ontono dtY and holp- do· were in undl"l! th u~ '~iQIl 8lM lriie . . . . t:ba i~y:: oy~ heart. extanctio n, of tile Rod mlln or the 10re.L to her 11011, whole d r > • To .' vyet abo)' tWCllVdc f ttl ftlre.! yellin d e ~:' b I l1li11 'at' d,o neare.t eD " t g ' in-.hop, &len to liad leI\: PO dyUDt 0.. hie BUild.. .nd he On WhItw I y.':. forced! to 1.,--. ", I\.. oltl In Europe· .aya .II!:, 'I \\Oll rat ler C \Un 1111;"1; 1'7!f6" orio yoar a!ler the forma...elUfD :mt01~ n y1l't",T out el". ea 'OU il'lllWl , • eee' you l&Jd i~ your gr.,e, (han Ibllt )'ou TeturnlP l- to the -~ • thoupl u.e wi. t plIO wu to ellelOiI tlon at the CO;llIec "ouae of [III friend, be Id- WIth tt_tanc e· ticut Land CompallY, 'ThJL,W\lGId-aot dn, replied ~''lraret: f ~ ·Ll·/QUIl 0:;;''; V U Ll Da .hould we. up a prorllne .nd ,r'l.ce\e " dressed him at fol\o". letter to her and - .Ilquire It' It wat 'bo fir.tiCD1'IIeyll1g party vii 811 :arrived ' at CineIf , ~t ..i"fIIP~ .Iobl; Ita undou't edly 'Itri&leD whltheu .nctlon, ~wiI1ir ",< ur~ ;. boy,' ",'ter I returned t~ \VI.IIID llf n • .lIfy dear land, and m ~e f.U of tb\t loar Ib, IIrat brotller, whalllor LOf II. hou.e, I' A TOtlCHIK~ "TOR1 .. Jl'rrIlQ~ ..... ' I r W~llt o,erto Mr, Ada ... a ~at, one ay, i.,llat IbouUh eo_bl.. ..err )lU'tital ar to ..y.- In tbe meanllru o, LuUl8r', ftiendl e l:orner l ' • beaan ~rlllanen' ItldUemtentsWIR m~~e :~derOe th • porT~-:or~~::~ . t"-tllein e blOe _rip and ~b' , oaa:ev~ ~fy ~1\~~~~: I!h~; ~ ~nbdos~~d~ ~~~ ;,AdaDl8, I li..1 ,{ound oQl 'I don't kIlow wbl!t bt usc you refer 1 I ~.. CI~ ow etan.. n e t elD""r.. .. Ct o· ,""" • 1!' to ura hIm to mArrr" partlcu If Y ""e nc- bar • t rr JOII .. . r::;:to rW kDCI'I\'~ "' . ot lb.t ,. •• r the Clty WII lal(l out, .nd 'on, II • \Tarulll borll i ilcrlved . from hll, O~VII . arcIt III Iova ",ftIt ......rtieulllt rna bel ,tholl . 'Yon prench ",bat you do not prlc- we. named lD 'Wbal do you Dlunl' .. ill he. the olhcr.. bObor or G.D. )fo~e. Cine- b,ller IXp'enen ce 01 ~ho lin of • ' formallt ~ Poo~ G.lhtrln e ent WIth trembbn .: tice,' .aid he , · CJIIII eII¥ arlevlnf. r laid, 'I ha.e be.n readIng til. I.. Uen laid'Why, I IlUId of CODncc:titot. who wu OD' of the a"ll "Ilatlng a motb~~ a 80rt or "Ic-hou~. yo. ).now '" ~ ud fr:1~"'" tUJII ~ . _ e of Luther. slo • Ibd 'l c:c)u".e, ' 01 your motl"r! ' It 1 ba" !lamed that u. t abClut tbe comer.' 118 l'tulcilte d however that he would upl~rlnl parly.-C levelaD t d waa then on ~ •Whr &i"lIY W.' ~llbIQI~n ~IY m~Jb:~~ del!-!' to be ~t.iIINII"'" to 80lM I' 'J h" ..fOG' fO'-,OIl, m, c:hild, to Imla bOy, who b,d J • WI.y .. r ' .ll1d tbe Phil_l "hlu, 10011- ,., be caugbt in a uid that hIS -:tbr 10 ~ e~~ iSi,:·roa e. to , " Oil ti,e .u~et ~f"no- 'l11)e III"'U II(1W ully ocrupied , ilia ralhcr al tb. I.nd. DUl two 'why f.mille, 00 rem'hl~ thlre cal • • /to home, and ( foUo"ed at a dll~C8.- , b bJ. I,~ )'011.,. eonnDc tti It .. a holy \Vben nlhorino raulye" the throlllb the \I IIlt9' of '911-7 and t,h~irl f::Iho .poko nu more"lO g hU 1,YQr lill f.c glored DlO", qUickly, air, thal j, the 10weet.POG ehop. til W frltD ~ \INII!J~ 1 Ino till .lalel • .be reached t~lln did the eye and fa~e of that "ellere- It,:' , rrom ber (orme r luvt"r••he WII IiHed With .'\lnrel t ncia'hbo rs _ Jr. were Ilt R"er ~ ~ m, her o~n~~ • ':r~• ., ald Aid a"'arln. . I e ' Go. bIll old.lII.n wben J .,...noUDC astoni hnlelll JU)t1 re!lueeta d Mlrrare t I)l!d the r.lmei Irna-J" tbe pllJ.ecm lhtl!1or \iahl thUDlill th or Dhr Beuer li nd COdnn~oul' • "Til , . . ~...... to...". It!' It 1 011 would ....,.. .. If. . .· j,J ' H SielinG aJld o~, caU8i'i"('on!Jlir~ to r - ru,.' t. "n "IIId 0 ;~:~:r~i~t ~e '~;cll 1 0U of hi. mother. He IIl1rted up ID hi' ~ I' IIIUI 'weli J t b . t 10, from the Itad ; I ~ apea" urJ:;uule r on tbe IUllJleL qua- tt.. d ' . J)ulilU' IDIDDer, e, eod amrhatl callr ..i d ' · tord Ita ~ro" Ib, and fruAI Jinullry '!)\) to ~o t h Ink. ':1'011 whitt I ha.", No . ., a• •.,.11III. ' ... _ D sal __~";\I"''''' ... h.d done wh!lt he thouglft wu rllh& April 1800•• period or 16 'YeallII r. Drl..., II tba4 ie rood in . . Iii' of braDCI1 th'1 k.., m&/Dlh", L'Jten- , 'J "biD l JlO to .eIIool, Hid I, bOld ......... 'r~r ,. lillft IOmfllQ apln OQ Ib, IIId would be .~e&bl. t.o IU 10 e to fAY 1D0&1I.," 'I &Ill utoDdb ed.' AId the ..,. In parti~J ' bllt 10 C.llvr, fl1llll Rill I...... V. rllUlut, I. til.. ~llJh' :r;~rt\lnlab fd at III:y ~. 0 wllet _ t-.o1 lf U of , .0 I wID IDlrk4 Il111ncllhero CUI ~ ~ lie ~I~~~" tI&.~ city, BOtH .ra re~ ......I........ 'tba& fOIL ....... in ' '~1~t110\11·1R~. dial II. oW PIt .... hIar\ .. to Ide ......... MadIa . . . . . ~~ '!"I" tho WU I tis tad OIl.' Q








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. plmt • 11_, I I r.1I eajO)'lIl _ .t ,- .... The D ~ Y ;qootlil... DI a .,d. -If IIIIW.d .. IbIlq"'" hu 1,01", 'hi •• _ ol .... II.. b...l~ ,~ • .. ~ "r.. 'Ii lI..,u ..od. u <r'rWO H,U NORS O THOU 8ANC I'



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fHE MARR IEIl) V(OIY lAN'i PrIVate ~ledlC~al Compalitn.

A prlml1~O

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8 Il) lijt dobl Whl~h you m\l~\ talle CUrl) ll> P Y for honor and I IInoily UrO Ibe teeurtl)

It baa beel "ell aA d by one or tl e mOlt acutoand valuable len upoo cd IcallOIl 0.1 I"bloet 01 Iho prelln" day(Mtld llme Netker de Sau'8ur~ t41lt the mo~( "ellm

DR CHRI STIE S GA LVAN JC NEOKJ,;A,CIIl ....... 10 In ...... r1alnla... .,U'" lb. 'J'IfroMor U...


••• k .. lronabllil 1.......tIoU at. tt.. Tlllmllt, M...




.0•• ""d I'ck Hoodlllko,. DI.. 01 110. oal,U iD lb. i''''"1( or a..••• til. ,feu 0..",. . . . .,. .Il 10 I ...... 11 I'~r ..... 114 lut&an ...

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Dn CHIiT STU: S GALV ANIC BBAO ELtlT8 A" rn III! ar 'lit Hr.III'. c...u{ "".u .......,

Q.7Ana wer 10 , .. t week a 'Enigma Ell COt ll~(l1\ YOUR It.Mr: Nnl8PAP EIl


rill .poem"". Co..,loJ ta, 1.4 .u ....1 ~".",," AIOGUa ... 01 tlo. Hood .... uPPO' .41~ 10 !'aliT ad hral7ai!,! "'4 III «*- ......s 111 • •• IId.aey 0( df III til. lllilbo

""wof"_~, •• fl.,,_ eM..,


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0 .. Prahla!! Orc.... nl~ Balllhim Olll'elllltng Prot


"ho epub to her 800 I nahl! e " TALUIl'l: ,. 1\ 'flLl.,uD D D $ do" b t to h. OOt duet the .anetlon ~ ofher example lie puurs 0 t lin the elreili. TALBE R.T ok ~ 'VILLA RD raglOg ft~(J DIIN T J 8'18 omc. on Second Slreel three doofl Mill llenevo loncc-T hrrf! cannot leo. more a" JrJAYTON. 01110 giofioul obJect In crnt un thall • I Iman :-:"'l-:r:::"'E"'=O - - - - - , --------I)dng repllte With !,,,nevol lnce med tilting In lha, TIlt\l1ner h. OI.y reDder hIm elf mlMl acceptab le to I I Oreutor b, do nlf mOlt !rOod to h. crellt\ rei 91




n,ll ant you glad (ien I ngtoll was b\l~n I ,ell d out. nge'Cd urrhm to a bel.,. of hlUe fellow. 011 'V1I8hm gton I

liirth .JuI '\Vt!lIl be WII tha uoahlmOUl rupon.. or Ibe 80ldlllr8 v, ouldll t bave ~PHl out to-dey

The Tbe TlIe The

aalnale G.hanlo 0 AlnDi~ &lacueUo

Price s: Bell NIIIII"a«< II'/Ic:elotl


'j'h'fIt llClllArl T'fo !)Oil." 00. Dolla, :laab QDe Doll..,.


.. ar. "_"'POl" '" ~, to\l_d a ..., ._TIll. lnlol " .. pbl~h . ' 111 full poutloolafo Md .r Ik••• 1104 ... ",.oL


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0 MOIIPJ IJ!I,An lei.. D

.!fEJIAL AUr;P'lT Y<IR THe Sol~ I'J

N cr:n "!'ATIII

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Ami MilO I AlJ'lnt for WnYnellv lie

.. TOILE T ARTIC LElI f. F AJlrCY 8Illeb,3 J ~Cl~r::lt£f

0lII0 Ihwal IuurUl ce COaIpd J'. COW •• D, 01116

The IIndenlrned ..,ent 01 the l"bon ClOmp"

CClntlall_ to incrvro JIl1>plftJ qalaIt 1011 or dlUll'. b, fire ellher on Ih mnlUiII or cub plIO .. Ibe 'pplionDI m., pr_1it IipOII . . . .od tel'lld .. any olber reaponaillle tn.uranu c:omptllJ' If\...II* .t.l&. for pnrtlculftrlnJlltuiaUOII call .~"olIiatI W a" ..... Il ma 9 I~ II D ev".Alf1l



.AM A Family: Newapaper, 'Devoted to A~rioulture,


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"AltEEN COU~ ~rY "OlHO.

rv~ws~ or II'jU-';'~; u IMrry,- like W(lIflon! ' 'J') ' ~ c I d Illl) uru"' Ire tal'PO.l seOllle to




Iittl;:;'~~:'~ li! WII~OI\



J, w.l1ENLEYt ,lJUDUSliElt

Dl~--;;I~- ~;i~'~re )~Ol~'

rt,--;;;~; iT Y-;;I~llll l~c;'ohll:~ ·illtlll"lity:~I~I·:;~~t.~i~I,:,,- ';I!II

ra li 0 1111.'1JurI!, - "ll,a: I:,1l uut i'l e"c r 90 weoLlO' do i'l" " er h(dl thnl )1\IUlher 01 your j, ql ~ L .h .. Lh .. 7lh of Nuv mlJ Oll Oilgll \ l"lYe r, of 1), <1,1 yC~ 1 .q.en-. gt'l Ill? ~ p >; talra,' , I ' l Id luhll Ttl\ll uo lpla wrote ... Jetter l.U II frll!ll4. ]lOu~e. ' f< I' I , hlilu (1Il1Jlbclll l1 urrl , .' cd rl~II"hlCf ur Mr. rouse tC r 11ilOll 'A llred, 'hoo" e no\\. 81.1111 my lII olh CI , ~I"" ye~r' "Tiro (I,robol.l' flr!!!'r jnrl to I ~r youIIlS, SIl III) rd J~ly wlli uh . J uc:,v"w u Il 'lhti you l, n ve," 11 see n n, tw O'!'!I II " wltu Ilt ld hrr h ~l lll lIP 1/1I my UTIli. Slto IL,)i 'rhu Plllludcll'hilLlI HUI";' II I nce the nloIl' ~p. I ~(!C lll~d 'lO hilu Illcrellrhl.r. ~[UI gllroL how - 11\ ;110 n -whlch l e~u "l. tha tllL ono I'crrOllot" Id 1;0 II lid of P orllll!' CijUi I)', wIll II trcrllul c\1 ~i o lolltl)' nn l.! V8 . . , 'E\'cn Docter IIturlill Lulh r IIIIK 110 l eve r hod said It nmlll d ,11lt\llly pde. [II. hfe , ill lh o vlgur fwd I>uoy'w cy ul JQUlh. Wall ne yor unl)erllo !l CW lifo opcncd I II tlt eIlIIl C hltle,IIIII ~. TIWy wcre nd l, a ,lePI' .,arr, ed U)' J ' I f )'uu touch ILle 1 wil l ki c ll ),,, ,,,' ,"i,1 ,n th l.! rIghi,' uid Mho, 'lo Rsk lh"lIIU~lllloJl IV llh- ' T,UI!I r'l iltho .:rrtlCLiOI limo of 111~ l~rell ch fI' volu IIO Il, when SII(II nnd turned the t1,.cuure lS or u ybUtlg H n~ ·nlvill . A II*! ill, T':,'1 • or ,\VnrrCIl \Vh.., i ll e to olher 111111. I' I T, III ... lornul~ ru gQ (;od I<liow>< I ku ow he 11'0' 0 11 I he " cry I I \ ' • ll()~rn ilf tn k~lg lb o ' leiS, ' culn l'Il IlY WI th UI V OU,l eX lll tllll~ng 118 ~'o,llve: III Pcu 11, uflerwurl • l& Ilfl t whnL 1 ~o ld. . IJOa ll I11Ul1V!.Ilnlln_ I la"1 slep , lIll,1 plllll!(llIg Int o lho dO[l~hl .. I t 'J \Ilh' 01 ~~t'",_~-o#:_===_~ ~-l ,t Slll1romu 'O llr l, 'fU IlI !! l,) II,,, ,'will you r:o, A !fred I' , Well nld, I{ute, rop!, ed Jr~ luughtIl l!, l~rll n ch uth r lllHl he 5~hl , ' I wall ol,ly kopt " hell h~ Il)!O!. fo mall ne agtl lll 011 the WQIF.m'l! 1)11 (0\11, lh~ru ~ - - :-- - --: ~I'inlg OIl ~o.d~ , I ' N. !' L IC)l IIVd, bul q uod~d hell (!ath h~r, u ok ~y Iho recull.:cl '1 mU8t toll ),011 th en, fh~ro 13 0. pereoll I ilullJCI!L of matruno llY. h e wai IIl uru ton ' ?f my 1tI0t1tt'r; A" ArOLOlly .-Oi(! It. ,ll~ f "tIle) 'I'lld hrlll )l1'rlll,UIICli t .~lll~ I!ICII Inude III , Y,~; 1who woultlll'ludly tulle yon (or \JOll or "0 .~ru' tllI"l heforu H o lcarnc,\ thll hl" ' . I 'h l moth or nu" ~ .~I"t I,ll lle~vcn. , '~ h? ; re sid es III II certll..' n IO ' thl ~ coun ly WII S 10 I Or) oy Duvl.I Ilud.,," , vlllajl8 ill Meill8, .nd ~ !. 1; h ' II folio" , lIle, sU ld . he os I IIhl '" g f rll J p- t9 m~lc) me kllcclllu w II b, her 'Ille, who ill II member I . I l J' I I Hl WhllL I ~ now cll ilod II IJ,1iII01l, in IIQlI or of eli IllY' urlll 01' \VUftiC pt the Cpu r cl.. 1ln1l1lillt iiqllly lor; 0 H!r VI'i uu o., IIU,' II W II C I lUI,\ b - • hilll . I r ,. i~l.!d Illy fuol-lift ., t llll;",!.! nIT litlle hunJ. hrlw ocn he rB, taughl ! t I , .'J'h", yOlll hll li nCllr ly Ilr'" d fat tl l tv Illy 00 11 heur III ~ :_[ rais ' . Clltborlnll'~ c(\l ur ' rOHI1, 1\l11i h I 'u ... ,t! my (oOl """ me to lo ok OPt ulld ny.' I Of(l e 80 , ll1u ~ h til e I C\'t' rro uf h r ~ 11~ llt II,e whi te! . lh rou'Xh 1ft ) \If FUlh.r ",11 0 go oto a pft,SIOn, olla • U)" \\'1 I .. ~.-. ilnprlllilluoo or IWo kh: k~(1 iter-mY ' slIin tl!d IIluther! lIvw illY 6porkl od wilh uddition ut \irig lttl\1:88. . ' IIll III ha,Lven, ' 'fllel'c is 0. grrnt work for one of Ilil , brelhrel l, ,an,d, ornClDg;;: bOUI's. 'I'he uetrothm eut loult plaQc a UlI Itl C1' , 1\1 1)]\1 .. 4" ,, ' It ti ll Sln~l:y. IV" Mber IlIlIell h I,d I'C, ' I , uij .~lt Cl tor Ul OII I or mCllwry 1 womall 10 du 'Now aoyl1o_ he UllY c!rnn cc !' , vory !loon th o mnrrlngc followe,1. ill tl1l3 nluttcr 01 cducutioll, IIBUzhl¥ IlliDgB, dcclll~ed tllo1 he 1 (;11111 • George nil Spl,t~tcll J \.hl1, two III- rl/ ~ ho ovo ' .n~ IIot r ,not , rdck~d my Iuolher- a l "a willi :1llur JIl.n. ' Yqu hdve IIOt lalii lite wliD f he .. ,' IHIIII , . 1\t 10 carry IIwiliiO hogs' whereu[ltlD Me. Illun~, at Illllt 'u ll Wn' k~, ill 'l'ru~ 11\111 reo!) lc wom qll-nry 1110tL ~r!, Sho >=:;..--.--stufl:"'~' ,~,--,..... C~ U nty. M(~I 111) 11 wtl.!!.1 • QII IIC~I\I\' ed hn~k " (~ \' 51\11', aM ' - - hull him IIrrlligne ti i.e~~)f<l the Ghu~ch ,Itt'<re'olu( ly. , .' 'rom :I1ld11\l1) ',1,1'1 ,\\,'tl . )0):11 ~ 0 GIII~I ! (t;l \M1:1 'U mltftrol :~lrl'f;tC' :'. A\~r l~""V'1~ ,,,d , ~Ihcy fled. ':~ ndlitl" Cl¢ilr1.(u \VUI 11.0 w,,11. ~hCl did 1 . , 'And 'yoll have lIul tbld mo "hl:lIl~r )'QII ~All 'Vi(\lI,\IV~..ta ,' . 1I0tlook ot ".) NOW " ~Hl~IV~.l\I.,'-\:l~ao!llcco!.V iY l!l)o l!:llm. ~ IlIl.J!m o, I'r IlH(' llI "nnd Insi, t d lI ~oll t ak ill O}I \\ IiHI oeeo.loll Ire w~. teiit!~!! to imm edl- ' her Ileal l b~"t ugl1irl8 t hor. brllllst, 'Oh! = 1hnve ftny acrupi ci of l:()n8cj",n c~ on th~l "- ~-. , , , ~ make. an apo}ogy. The l!re)pvt t1m~ [11l'I - - - ~Io v "'lgoon,l' ~. 4y 'til illln crlmlllllill J~ o uven ly Fu tll ~I'.' . ho critlJ . ,lo~~IYO Jllm ' 8u \.lJ(!I)I· it' you huve, God furhlll that I 1'1,II,tllr " unCl thulr trollbtrs . IN1'E~1->17~rl'INI f'1 I i!lllllrri V¥~, Mr. iL--- IIrbtle,· tim!' iii. l lI u~h\ r of lho whl tOH ~8rurD Ih,,:,· hlHl · -Ito kl)ulI'li lIot whh ~ Il du('.~ r ' . I' \ ' 1 hu g":"1~ , 'I'ho l't,tll owlng urliule (rom tho yunkoo dr" ...d tlto br4'Lbren U 'J Util e I,) &lt l)uld urg e 1 ou . tlfll to lor dor· ~ ; III l "pt, . ' . PII, oller os foUowl. 1" Jus t 1I1~n pllS.ed Lhe i!,l.\u r, 1\1l~ uecllIg tertl, (ln ulh er aliillf, wn $ brlLQd Ity th e 1 nly lI\olh~ r p" lv und " t · ,~ "When J left .tlle cul\vl'lIl. 8UI.1 sIlO III n , " Imost uuuh je to KU)l~ . lllnUu hits oil.. l{l I iu ndllli r?bl o It'y' I.~ , the Dev 1\ly CbrlllJa I w ltltc~;. ~ _ . rlenl llnd s I do leo tJI ~ , 11 0 prc vented tho l'xtorllll'lIa- 111I1'l \1 r cll , he slopped; shc ltoakone'iJl~1II for luw voleo, 'it \Ynft 1I0Pll USO IL would hove , M ualng lIud 'I prlo\lIi eonl,Vlbl llla ~r thal , 1 lIovo ' ~qe."ly , tlOIl JDJurejl brotlier - - , for of th l! white. raco on tli o l't ~ nc 1111, ''1'111,0 th i ~ boy up 6LIurd u,"llo ' Ic IIInl cl~'B ",II.., fccllL their privilego , ' lteen hYllocrisy ill llIe to I,he rumlll ed t Akron 6tn nif's nud duly "hieh ~ om h.nrtjly .uny. Tdld lA(that on. Lha ~1 nl1Ri groll",1 or., l ~Mllhon, I~I th e wnr 61' J 8 1~ Rorv~d 'in , ill Il is own roolO,' loill sl,e. thei-c. I took the VQWS ignorllu, ly alld ai- th l'.WeSI.. Old P or IIn~. tu rnod i to g run11l!e III IInr pDpot 'Ll10y putrclIli7. o. hc' wlla nut Ii to carry .\V1l1 \0 \he tnge wits a col ul.!rllt~fl lilt o rlh;w,c... t r\l ~rlny londor Jlnrr llio . bop~ , " ' ll. , frol1l me L oolon g Irnok nil honnu nry I" Tron,y of Fan lHlllll toAh oml wu dlwchnrg II liB c n- ,It' i) i t henr the tll):lIr.lldlctory but ntJw 1 \IIko i't ba,;k belftDlBrwly f d ,,1 N\Jv, most by r~~puI81~n; I !l'I/Iuruccd UIO r~: o. 17811 pnd lhe Lhul yonr leTlII!!, hur fll UlII, KII \l !;AVe me aha 0$ t¥ !luch ;\ 1001 •• ,j tho 10(no1l8 hlrl lu ll ~rrlli\ ou r e , Pl1 d took II Ilulh lor ~he O\d ofI'urt,'go, I. U,II S IIg I I . , , ' ' . ! • . ,,",",_ bu t , -It _ WIll Tore v ~ritullll\V me- it ,~a s a look \ cmnl'ltll :' 18 thut oro II1 nu~ ng:tln sl tt nolVS' 1\ lorlllod r~hglol\ wltl,l an IIIqu lrlng' nnd 1"11- , lhn ltullnijury belwoon : 110 S 'x N"tio~B alld I was ovcrllll.e , o~I,",o!l that hI:, I' IIDIply quallfied n IIY some . Lb $l rn~lrQn •• 11!,d "wuo ' of .ilgo ny, millglad Wilh th e I1ItOIlSCS! luvo )luper, hng fnith. God:forll'lve me Ihut 60 l<jn/{ of- th e Westorn Indil1118, -'. I. IItlur the corp ttl- t9 pny UI C Ile !l n l~y or tho .nlt '1Iml!: !IIllr: I thllt office,: " • ". .1,. ' '"-It Wn~ tho III t, 1 fered Jiim the war.hlp uuutlcra lile IlU ng liol,n 11 A I1refcrs a qllurto sheet-U dc~I"le8 he I - - hn lit, made Illy lil.~' , whilc ! li oll.-:-At II f~ililvul of tllo Youll ~~~II'JI \ <lor u Cl"""1 ltl"atl, f 0: , I , I ' n ' I' l ll enrt OInt Wlli ut.()l~el1 , \ 0 sOClutilll\ of A ~kon , F el) . 21.~., Gen. , t n~ycr coul~ \ gilt The the hang of Qne. RlIlII rlluto through nny plirL " III:r. mOl.ont 1 tounu my_ e lf my heart wa~ eo ,far from , .• IUI. , lul- 1IIIOIo'iY 'wu deeme d .~tilfactufY, lIy, ~I " IJlerco ffl lLdu nn h,ter a ULI(! r roro n ~ e lb tho of tlris.lirs! n llrre(llll)r ~oulll y WM ea labH $he~ lJy 1\lr, in Iny own , ,; 100111, I thol\ght (or 1I1110Ul1111t, nllre~ the ,nolltne8A :And now! , atlld Lutllc~, aftor wllltl\lg corly Iii~tory <If \hlH portion oC fi ~le l)'P~: ontl. ~lr' l but ltrother - - , I~ho docillre. to th IJd.~. Ohip,lll reo' rrplIgcr; I>. ;II, General , III 1 0:', rrom (wouhl t\il,g for lu~r ~u fini.h ber lentj!nee . J my.elf frIll .. th e o)lell II'IU- , D "Uhur! f\ poper t'h llt r '1lllruo !l mierOI f r Qn5Q Ilt')ll~l eQ u,pl IIncpt'l<rl' to ,\rhr,ln. ! PJtttl burg h to Wnren , ·"\ sl! t!lllllia l tlallt he hurd brol~er ~ 8'y In a low ne 8011\1 duw. III1U db~h nl)' urnin>l onto ltu,t I Mt 80\l )1e, Ii: wOII~er/l 'N(l\v,' .. id ,,1\0, 'Illcod nol lI 'k h i~ fo r- , We I!. trn~~: lh~L you II1&ort 80 tew that ,II. Will fit to (lllffY B"' i11 and n lJ!iJ,l, ,~ . . I C lev 10 \111, lhene" to Hu~ )IJ III Ih l~ coun · a.lm\ ,] tll die . . I' U' 1 WIIS not penrlollt . ,,~ ! jjOlllil\l~II ~1 ghowt wtori~s-F delests your • d ,.\tthe C'It)~c oCth(!lI'lIr , tltlMvn$t.i'\ollll· l y.thcllth rollll'h ' 11~f'. the ,VdU(:ru"5 tp Det'r- 'IInc8 tnyh ollrtwos sultllno ll,uut\lly IrIYClleaa for won lIuPlll1l ,,1m In III lilt up I we~toru 'l'1)~ritor h'1CY,UC ~ ,'I '1 ' • ' j' stub- , ' " .'ubjec~ or liolu lind tHol\ to l'iU8ltur g h, whI " dt 1\ 1 I ' , ch roule born l"lue ro se III lUI IOlllfilll. nnd bl\<to trllt\', t. am no longer a nUll.' ' t in f auol!llnn ble I ",roat hra IIller Ind cpck-un 'fi~ til l~e W" lIOIIIlI GIIVl!flll"Cni ' WB IllIrrormo d \\'oeklv 011 1t\4f.ebuck. - u ta ('s- , '--.... •. , •• , I ' " nul yield, ')'1\0 liUle 'ft~e or Illy mollier G would like to s~e 'Well.' .old Ulthcr ,) ,ul'poae t Iia I' ~ft IlS \\011 WI to cerJ lrJ lI St~H'~, " , IIr [lIlBOH I J, ItO eXilct I Recount of Vlrglr,lu I, . • ol~l!b· p ' ~ l • Ir :1",{, one J \..I ! or t lu~8 1) curr enccs Inp· Irnuntodl lllC'. I ullg'my. c on IIR . c\lrect lin ana,ver as I mUe! expoct. So lO ed IIbo\ll ont.-h plr. und . e ',l'III:' • UTU8E. -u la8 0 OU ch layr. r".. U\!'11 Co"grosa lono.l tllld r,egl81nU GOlm qctic ul ~lie oth- p~!l e d ~hllL ullnill j1l'1d~ngt'r~d tt,O P 'IlCO jj. ' v Il ro t;e:e dlUg. . m 'I l e d ' ' >I ',.. f l ~ntl ftl\ n81 1!~ r. J u~t III tWili ght I hellrt 1.-11 t;ur~el the , endle; • . l er hair or whtl~ I. now · Oll1o. YirgiIllB ' tli c:.ellloml'nL. Some s dolnr IIlld my pl,lrpo.e. IIU, tho co e,at I~art • ooncea InUl 0 Moh lltwjt Ind,onie n- a footat")1 opl'roch lhu duor. It 'vu Iny t ' \ d , d I»uuae!lllonlljl requ IaI,Q .... a II eJt!c!ll'q Ife Ir~ o t cOIlI)l1ldin I r I" '-6-' I ·'...... ti tt tl d j)Anlti ,.1 . man08-1 )l the \Vl.~.t hea\! la h dden a lat. ' • II .,.Oe • CA V B~t evo,IILuUler ~ opped.h ort, 1I1,1I' l'n8(1 I betwce n HIe Sciota 'RDd tIle lellla ' u III" 0 .~, ... I ]I"r ~ .. n" .. 11 ' 81.t\,T. . ~ • I lliollli Rivor". , wrollged ilia hurae trd ....: .hol p .uniel VOl lImt WIIS Lto pry I nto".utll1lty. 011! ' t h e ~I- t 'What may ( t 11 mother froOl YOIl1' .Ile goguol" 1 Wlm'. ~liltQcrlb I at (t uherrn!!'1 Ilmot,on. kno')'ll 'I_ tlte Vlrglna.M'illtl\ry '1'rllct 111111 ver throllgh the hea.d. e lecntlse yl)u~ f\.lture-: -~he dJm, 1I'I Ibadow1 fUt~1 lie' parly C9I1~I8tl18\(etl. 'Perhap" my de.;,' ..Id he kindly, 'I dOl Connect icut r!tlin'l\ll llleJ i: newlI 'dopartm enl1B 80 colltract eu; J tllkes '1 • . ' . t bl lat .11 but 400,O(JQ ~d 01' Je)11I1 )lul.nwk , who !lrot hun, John ~ It f< ' wron ' In Ipeakln a to YOU "'v~elr' 'J. ho~ acr~.,·kno"'n os the 'N othing,' 1 replied. l ilA .. tern I1l1pcr IIn~ .11116 rea~ y ur .ta:e w ,at Itn \~." af; (l ,ar,m (~~.. "Connec ticut W eel- NlukKaw, lIigs(l/I and hill tll'O .on@. At g .. .. . . ,. ' Oil', AI/full! [or my eOK o, (or 1111 onr '. """ , ern R.eicrve " ur "NelY Connl'et icul." [n Ihls thIle nil . ' week U '0 K hbH II. m01'llr1 nnlip- II m::nk,\? ! the /Illiittlli u Porl.tlge Coullly betler ODmml1810n Margllre t. I IIIPPOlr. \ I'7B11 the l'Ohlo Clumplu 0 P~'l a •• " ro.. .. . "" tlrol you oro surry-I e t 'mo,tell I 1& y" wa. fprmed. compo"q .! OPO BalL"lioll '1n~~r the oorn- Bukeli,8 II . ' I rnempry -tho ~roe.tll, \Vef . f tb,nJty mother til'lt you are 80rry: She longs .to .. y. to ' Q.)I'l'er crowd~d wilme.\ con",.• .better togother an~ yet. tlOII, lg chiofty of with llllt!, horr -, cauao II t I. rulp J l li~w IInxiou .;' tit. th. offiet'* Dnd 801 ' Ollllld o~ M:IJ rj,. OIl, .. "ro ~Ie)wly' IOtPi ~l , 88 t have be~1I 1 will f1nlall. Tb" otl r Idiera 01 tlJo R evolutib n. who had (,lC)tend. · , • Illulellso . Ryer. of peerlield . 110 ' fori~h· o. YOIl.' ' ble tlCIeldenl ll, frighlful robberl a lind ft'r1/1I1 Iltc, ,"1I~y ""a II", plaIn, O\~ t ~ ' r tl l/l() Of hia mOil , nnd alllrtod ill , 'I wonli! not .n.wer. 1 bonrd ' I ~ a;1l da • Hode Itehl, tbe nephew, of Carrol- , od e~erythl\lg but life ' hllr rOil\'' dellllo;al izing 8tllUtlOI: IIlSi L j~ in mall ~hat .A.ld • IUltl' i ii IIV&k.lIl1. /1a Ittuggle • ore, . /0 Ilnd IpurMuil. . On \.be followin g lIight L118Y , IItep. elywly retrClltil '1 I~prl~c~ ~o Ie p8 h I toO" t dt to t r 't lg, and allll.ln. r lIu~lg hllllor h~Q01'8e hla' ",iaera!)l o Il~por eO/l' II ror,('ivlld lhe promlaea of a Govern- i 'lv,~tOllk tlae Illdialla en'~lll\lpei! 'fllat ¥ball IlI"'f 11"1"&lIa I II. IIlav ! to o~ II p ,e ~ay ~p , 0 I a I ,elllDe 011 the my,ell on the bed to 110 »8 IInolhcl wlelehme 0 110 11:1 OW In Q,nce m'e ut thulas DO), f6tally . In.olven t. Tboae l f I we'.lern IJI d m tl r 0119 vista of ~llI1e lind Ite luty. Fr~ bonk of thQ CUyOliOgB, III whllt' la , ad lIud felirCul IIight, Wltll you. t told him J could have no pa\-- unfbrtun ote men . tUI/IIt no pcooun 0 tint 00 ,' !,urchaaOd ~o Trllct 1\0\9 Dalton Th~y fired UlIIOU tlulln ur 0 ancient end pro' ~ ~Itro\".er, 'wl:i,CJ ~Q . and 'Anothe r Couta:ep, ahlwcr nlld rtouler I I~sl-lI'eck. 'H detests tlc"hlr lDRueDcoover 'au, unleleyo u 1r1ll'6 l ktluwn 01 the-"Ob io . ' ,. l' yqlll' d atereoty ' COlnplIDY urchase " killrd NIGkll11Y, ai,d lOOK >Ii: on 1111 hIS pod " I . b I '. at.L It:' ......... . L, scniplel abolltl1\ orrj in~. HII is a ' clevt-r and 1'8111 III l 0 currency thall my I"ter - chiltllr el me . •~ VQlve advl'rtisemen(s, onu out I eYIlI I~ itUlIlg ...a ._r_ 1111 that N ' k~olVn o. "Con- 80n8 prisoners. H WIS' in the depth of I callqd . d I 1 · I " ft • -cl ... - ",~ Ul'O by IiBllle. It \Va! my mOlh, papel' i ~ to' Be~ wbl1t ie {oUllle. WOl\tl of ~ oun'" mnll aOllllco III} ob ecliol!, IIIl i" tinepl1l1 money.'1 Of Q throa.t- 10m ca tU ~tlDg t lelr IU \ncel 1!(!~ this complllly wo, lVill~r, 0,\11 tho rndi nll8 wors; takell bnok Y ... . ~. Ilri~ . GOlh PareoMI or ~ ewhurypo1"t lIiulDch u- bOtllldl'D .' d' IJ ee our editorill l' l the dId l'fO,mln who draWl -,f.. bu,m ,fJ 'II~. d not allo\\,oll tIle tlJverlllg very unlike hie fonH l!CIlI \Indo, 'A If~od. my aOn, IHIIII r c,o 1111 Are el'A to IdconL1DUII eeou y , ' I -eUI. He WOI 11 lhJor GOII.Clrlll,iI\ tho w~r thal wO)lld 1!lIvOeveu "1-1 t ~" n .... era)' Ih~ RIYc~ , • gitrlel cttm It pllck of C4r~., and tel! cl/r. lIla~e a brute comfortable. you 80rry lur whlll you \luVom\)dune! He might blVe talke~1 an hour " ' ltlIO",t alld .orred to the \lIQIe 81~b I09k Il'lIIgorly , 111111 don'r. ,lash ,pdutl! VI- all hnv!! IUld their dupes of It. ",lUI cro~I~. The conlcque l,ce8 were 1I1t~t Ibe IndlUll8 ~ LIII.T III ' ... ill"~ 01 LI"llt. and diltll'l... a . ked . reeei'fin g I reply. Cotharil le" mODner :lIe ."ual'qll eDlly bC)cllme COlllleoted with were .,' l oes . . I' a lellth r ),e:ltl pOtnt~ JQu to - - I • Or briuli i,~~k \u ,he Morilloll , froze~ /10 thnt thAY woro Crippled fur j 'I 'cannOt tet) ,yhalllll luoMt', " " had changed thor<!t was no 10nJ;er tho lite hi_tory of ~ho operntln g rn)lor olld wOI\ders \\' ''y YOII ' lIever moralltclerl'e UI he QbloinQd Lile. Th.y were trIed G.llll IIcqu itted T\rb .W .I_W'Tlcd Ili,lllr - - -- - . . lit tha,l lJ\o!nent . rnllde 1110 .. pe~k odvQue \ ' 10 like him I f tI"m h j peflhil!alon rrolll the . Governo r of ConnCll- lhe act was thllt Q. hntel lhe r~.on\ly IIUO- \ When tbe c:olebralt:d ell"ln .r C~O\ en 0 Ie UI. , • BruneI • tlcut tu OOCUPY In~ salt ,_06Iga in wlHI\ is quoneD or 0 quarre' of 1I011llwk III oOn e- to I1]Y fCiilnge, '!'he 1! voice or my \ lZ.. ",';or .11.11 y. oMctC II' 1IllllUloo. ' '''; . bl)tweQIII him und l)i. mother t1l!1t thrill. II t11F\1Ugb Itle. melt I 'I 1.11 m lI. bed 'lb. de ......te '1I1''lI'1Whllt ,ban t t.elllum l 1I0W ~'ltlDllte"6elll ill T~mlaull "",,"1 I ..... /"i" ..1,i04_ U,o ""lora l, n.-t\IlIlI~ III perfect eontem'l\t t ,,! , t " . }' it lor cU, !tollrl 10 00 P ¥d IW pu,t. alit \hD lOtI fru... my obdura,te lle~rt, IIIId dI !lIUOIIISt r'~ , 'Anythm ( you plenl.,' ~ftld .fle '.0 tha~ lie hlld ~me kjn'd of dlll!lllrd l'ditor,.w ho 16 \'tio cowardly to IWOW melltof. tUJIlJelln, a grunt, by which 1"1 thIJllllh tlClq\llttlld ho coull! ncl ~OIlI.'I!r ~ursue ' 1" ,11 h,lh ~ !I'lllln 118 mlllhJnjj tile Th'''f~ rlv. ' . ,'~ I\lngell lo throw m)'Aclt 0 11 hur neck, but hi.lllthQrrl'llCe to I J;lll)' never 1110 bim md~41 !' lioir8 clo1!'lIed 81.erv. the prPRorty, bllt!lS ho W!lS the cllll,~e. 1118 squaw perl'llled III S demlnd l brou,ht befer. a' comMittee o~ the BnU.1i 111<'11 .ell h» " IIIIII~ JIOwer! " thu , 1 dill nOl o Uut my wurdil g'lvO tho Ite tu I 1\v1 tho i .uanne I 8ftl I LUllter'· 'you 'II~<li(I",ntlly drowned iii .. oli'] artioles' "1£.W.Ilntll tho close Parlilll. nt he lUI aekell iC the Dig Denver 011 ' lVoodlS lifter 1111 c-"pture, Bnd tll'e poor old I, I' I uptld or .lab, II" " my henri , I when hll I soid returt! I WIl' tq not Conllect .orry.ieul ung ill nil & 1789, his ' InlliBn lind 'l'!I" ~ " j' lfll " Ilr<1llre..ioll. d" I ( mile. ihd not eellm to havll Icruplcl )ler hOI f 011 1 c.~tlij cunlol- nlbim Wa. rOJl'cted, onll the , I nit Spring tire Itollka IllS 11011$ would sit for ' h\lur8 Con J heaTd her wilhdralV . 1 hl!lI rd lier groaA. l'acke,1 e~l<euce lin no. tIe d'Il~ U III .ho ,ii "r u( h. )'<II1UI\ III X' y. or the Mubonin lllllld • \Vee p .~ uver I longed il \ to Mil her br.ek, Imt ] did ~.ol. . ; l\lrQ. ~ e-x tola tho journnl once JUlt dow. My dear Cclll8rin e, )'UU ITnc:.t" beCAlm) ..gain thn r,. hea allrol d wqulil liti -moru--dilnlerllltil ve.lell in CUIlDect,- th eir 1,\llIm tioDilltlOn. 'rVhlltm nde hid /,e. 'I' lta lOll lin II u[ tll·pr~. IC 1 j 'I WB! "wnklluc,1 from' my ullenay slll\O- him II we.k bol(lru it ia dulod; mu. t not forgE:t that you have nQ nalUrlll , ~ut • ..l1e-In\lY ~c 8uid lIud Vtcl And I: IIrlllor lillllV tr"L1I. to bp. tho pioneer of , grol8 !JI01~piUu'ul was" he )lId over bl'eu neJler upon It thin a .peed of forI}. Iber"b), hearing my nUlllo c.llo4 loudly, nUli l yOlf hl' is IIUt greelle euou~1I relntions hen DJld tlll~ younlf mlUl CUI bfl the "U,e8c rv c , und tho eOllueat lug hIlk Jthe frIend of tJIC1 lvhltes- · erycd IlIIdor to b.llilulled, , t would be jlldt tlte ,ame,' 'llid ft~, atstcr atood by my lreJsI,lu. beliwc~n tho two greot compon ie.. \ ) d Brror with hi' tqjitJ08 oJ d W''1Ylle ill hie hoUles wl,th Ithe Indlaus" "' l. my'Go, lJl 'A nc1 a Ipel'd Q ( nin~tr!' a protcl,lo r to you. 1 ~ p, Al fr Q IJ, , ~ Qh, don . I' I \\' In J796 COOlUlcticut lold he, landa tq bad been ell\ruslo~ willi mill- l ,n ~" I n "'''I'' cO a /Rallll,cr. W i. !II ", t f.1l /Jeneolll h. wrath, , ImpJ~rt'J1L churl'll" ute! Get up, and como II I!h m ~.a l ~ ,\II lull"l , I '1 ",l,h you wot;ld not apeak of 111m_ the "Con~ccticllt Land r toulg!t ed t!lnl)'oll never pflln eermon ec,:0mpll nyt aud lh~ , anu el'er proved f&ithflll to hI! trust. Such ),'lor hl"oo. our rGDr~. nor ,u'lJtuilth, JUlt the aaCllt'. 'I. dying.' I ~he replied, ' and (tiL thlll X cu res ~or i. fun. l the hyo greal compall ie. became Y II 011 'A,nd II IIp.. d of ono It W,lll Itl' " lUI brllll .It pl1th , • ' 'J. ther. lOT one el.e thllt you llko bel- the IlIlttleme nt oHlle Til rrltory. rivlI1~' I,U was tho "raulul le-Slloh tbe rewdra beito,v- .'1 thought I \Vtll yot, dronll'llng, hll~ I lire hO\1I1UIO fOU 10 not de~uct more for The Ohll> 1lid by the Whiles. .MohiW~I. wu pursued got UII melanch ·Ju.t the .. me! F~r" added he. 'I~ ~ . t oly, and compan 1011owlI,j y cOI1l IUY Ill~n BJ_tced their .eltlemo nt nt (u Sandusk nnd tinalll, tn 'l'41 11 by apmo ' . ,"I OIl -IlIId Z i~ amllzed lit the cara .hould run off the 'Jack 1)111 oll"lIrd.. up\\' Jrd, tJunnwa rd, .. , , or. Q)I the be,), palo nnd I~ tbe [iii 9( lIfal'ltlt in Al1ril 1'788 oi,htyea rlJ beforl! the l lrllllchcron8 y ,[ndiana, M morulo. puy In V ce. who, ((Ir tlie paltry 1 iay my mother, Sho lra,1 001.1 Tit. 1"I,il II ill \,i~1 l\I,Ior, b tbe ...i ra ~ould Rho mnde no roply. Jlol un Jres~cJ I!lljlulIencc of II pnlll'ijhe r who duol' for Corty '1 '. , Conneo ticut Lalld Conlpall)' C mmelllted ~ brl~e- or ~1l00 deJlyerc ml ell per OUf p liP ~ Till ~,~\alld 10 up ~bolr ftlo~ld ~o he Irad thrvwn hersel£ OD the lied td \'~et; \hree renr l8 lIt1h8erip~ion. Ind yet " , Ulrlnlllpil. iNa7, .peak; I h8l'e every .ltepolltl on 10 their., oltJeclll _ an go to rutn,lIIl l lbelr d.t ene,my, one hUlJdre411111~ t!le I alld he w'" hung at Cleve- Iarlling to go agum to me, aho wall .A 11" .'aJ •• I>""d ..oiau no ~or• . lMi"e you·~lls.ny other perlon mll~e Iho sClzod ~o ltoiug pllid In f i.ler and roltell apples. A. Qnrly as lanuan , 1/83 a ~I'ellly ha~ land. could not cannnie l. ly go any further: . , '. . \Vltll a Ilalpltntlon of ~he heorl, nnd born. 0 0 .. bveh cOl'Cluded al Fort Melllto. h, (near -- ~-III 1 S 11 this Qnolldl lp , ... • ~amt! p~Op~.ltlon t .7 u. . . •T " with tile Indians I by 'Which it was large body or ~u~ialll were George, with a lennlel l to her rodm, I FINll Ihe ~1 '- culhIlY qr .heeincin nul; Ua.~'I •. .- . found ~ lil!ion' l ' I eanllul lell ye)u my, sgony Be llookod .,j' . ~ -tO~, Aid Catbarln e, wl~h a huh. wom- Bont-r) dllclar('d t('I1~ thu bolind" ry /.Iet IV een ,tbl> [lid "long tho Cu, ahoQ'& ,' . , , BVtI'PIC IOlll. 1 P JlFECTIOll Of N~TUllE' mU~XJIII .,ver without ally upon her-my f~ltIoreo wari ten rold morc ftuly pride, 'Coun,e llor Ba"lIl&a rllltr ha. \ UllilCd S~nlll. ~)Id Iho 1. AN II ' DOT£:-What Ii VDlt dllfer~noe ctl- nin" thel!.~ie of tbe .\Iarpdt 1nd,i" rllihouid "cum. aPJlllro nf "Ibje ct. Til 111dlbtl~ .were 8"lky reor Of 1&0\ bltler {rom the;lhou gbt U!lIl 8ho \\'puld nov- uc~t1oh. o~86ci'tiollllnd made the •• me prllpoe!ll • . ' Ah IIIInya;P\1rc\ vlI.IIJli~d h..rl\ monee Ilt Ihe t11 e' m~ulh Qf the Cuyahog o 'I all,] hostIle Bnd Gllpt. habit, Il\lIke among eet with a 19icro.eo pe. it ~ill .~~ f.!all, QeoqJf:j .a, he WQI :er' klloW It. T Ii Jl eved \Uy~elf to be IlI'r 'Do "bu refer1lim l' A.tall hJan)' ~ noble lOul. allli extonc,1 up ~he pver to the P~rtak\l /lien 01 GI\ 80rtS ~Id .iZ~8, Iflldea. IIJII~ea a.J,rold lit the blc~ tllllled , wo" I<I Il~'h It I tomab • ~. p 'If a ~~fO.l'oiJlMr""-"i~ : ., lind Imllrd!1rer, J (~U on tile l) ed "'eaWo h r.tween Ihal' alld 'he T\l soarow.. branch,It\lu fi,·lllu"lnclQn1a ,cruel dar .. or I s:llpm Ir kni fe in apparollt defiallcl/.wkAft~r ' I Pow vo"" foware lhe I could nut wool'. My hellrl bnrn ed in onu.1 pro fb !Btu,,,. "I ••, .he replieD, nilDg; bUl J .a m hap- tho . , d ... _ Mot kin/Ilml. then do\Vi\ th(lt bran~li 'to 1a few d~ya ,11, ey Ch511ppc ,(lid .... II.d Itro derl( oanlTol. " . ~ even a"d lull of notche. llrod ID ..... ow._~ and I hll\'o j not my bU' '''(JIj nil' br:l1l) will KII on fire.- evil. of Iqqiety . py III I expellt to be. 111 frleDd ll 01- tthe crossing IIbo" which aro?o .regarde~ by An exce.din gly 1110111 needle ~~e!l!1.l1 Fort L awTen., " (noar been aeen lIere since. ThTl,o days ft ~ r l AIY Iliner throw hor !Inn! around JII' Lbat i ~ 110 bnrtheD I but ft help' nohvbr. ) AnclIll8l l)' a 8DY. fair laIIit WtcDlh. , . !~eir deparlu~e J1a,v~ cnme of Ole Uattle of t \\ a pt III "llert.! :' 8uJ~G nIY we ine l alld all : how much of oy~ry tlung, eapeclnl ly iron bar. But Lbo etlng ~f a lIP. '" to th~m' 10 I 'NlOih you a good mor!11Og.! , I/Ift 1.~ ,"ut .ta~ ad.,., I!a.v n of opinioll, tftkea illi coi r fro'lII the fye o( UU'C.IUII'1 t1u~ The IM13!11 be 109 ~1111 dls~abafi eil, a I Ippee~noe. saRlo 1~"YlHlleqt, ~"ibit\ii01if. h d h ncw tretlty was made wllh them I by qO'f. t.hllY 'ere a plut ofwas tbon '(rld,ent lhat ehght- mollon 01 II1Qlllsr , hlHIIII-ller eyes tl r JlIIa fellltlAplcll'D'e bt.r.Jul braallt. b8crver Wl tllOllt rlllerllllce to tl\o renl, lhe gre.t lIIdlun plun UllcJ08Cd. She- bnil r ecoye red cODftllou Poor Ga anue. .. t"ne to e~ '\'oom, \ I!lt Clair In 1789; by "'hiGh ,h ' I ~i+f'rril H.... ·tlJ. s- Ie 0 l;I,1 wlthlto 10 d_y. I' the boundarI es for cxtorn~lIl1tin'O' the ",hitell, nlld huclthe !lOS' ,. • d ery I~ ore t II! "10~ II.~ I P9":':l'·t i Ullt /l Ot epench. She Itlo kod Ilt me. IJIII\,l re of the tblng. nut - > Heir drc.m Will over· LuLber, lIustere, II lixed 'by the treat • wo dOli t IOten ollt the lellil ftaw, ulewllb or ID~CII"I!I oJ Fort McllltOCl\t I~uo o r 'tHa t batUu bCOll 1dHJio)reDt, CR i' l. ' anll ~Io,e'l her lil'A. ~ I could riot U11dor- to write all eilftYI Uut lIIerely the in Ilonllble feforme r blld awakeno d her were fOllliin~d. Apd many a au ju.. 11;.«.1 10 to tell 1111 and it onda ill I point too tine to lMl-4i~ I O bbrllO witb hiB bnnd wou,d Ill1ve dC31r QY· etunJ hor \ford.. rrom it. Mal-gnrot ente,tcd w\lile her "re. ' l'ltallulI!w1ta oolU""1I .weel. 'lluther , ll,Iol~l er,l, I 1I1;ccilo(o to iilll5trul~ ,what wq flllVO b!lCI~ 'l'hll did nut h9\VOy~r produce the ~'lt uILo j I!d ,,11 the 11ed. The tbread' 0 "lin& .I.1!!Il~II!,,\tf)~ , SIII(llaion ... band b.. dphed I~down " t ' with weepll"& SilO tOl\der. anl!clplltt: d , lIud the I ncha,"8 a\'em tI diller- Cuyahog 8Clitle \:~d eottle!ii0nti8 'feel of,th o I .h ~iekcd,.snr ollly thal YOll fortvv'c me, IPy"ilLg-an Qllccd",tc \\ Illch he!, lit least coaiser thou the ~arn a. were,' DlIrlq!I r the with which topee; limo th"1. relllllin, , $'Ie . could t\llnet,l nute~y to It buill '''hh ~.n ("11""",11 Allblir MIlL on to 'hel~ lieillved riverA cd thoy kept a "look out' lIP 1& hIgh h'~ lips, but ber I 't ( th ",. "lIluff j hallll Pn'~ od ml ne. /:lhu ernlled Iy approallbl'd and embrace d hor, but nCltb- f CLlynhoga I\Jid TlI8cora B Ilk ' b llpOIl m ~, t , 0 1lI0rl 0 I\U or I~I ty • nnd u' small maae,for •.:.. wns. T,hll produG- t point wb t of tlul place wh re tho second all.,..Ofl!· ",u\ a .. 'lV0JI0 W'. j llnd: Unill hor thin whito h~'ldS. 9h& Iliee" of drollery . Seveml yqnra er' exchong ed II word, A wottl, a ll!Ok, a cruel 1;lnt, 1 ed the fillnlup edi'tion of Hnfmor an l'7lJO, S ego twe R(lpCII¥S perlec'tl I lock t .mootn ie 1\lIl1\ted III O~d I' orlllgo. and .h nlni,:.¥ 4. ClbS.IJOd my own wil!iill tli!!ill, ani! \lut her -ElIgh6h clcrgym en . JJ,.. 1101011100. wlthlD on boar, -There i~ nil hope {or Bodbnetc\III' , and ~~. Clair ill 'O l.lI~d of the lollio(y of ' inlie- ororywh ere equll. Th •• mIU ..t deSt tJiat t,he wictoriou l ~l1i- l 1'he lr ru"ne(e brol't:ltt IIIlelligc ,lco of Ayua tbou"ht Luther Itt Is cvidell,\ thu flaum- p.dlllon of W8}'IUl UIHf .. d. ~lio I/. ~ r\ll \OJ...",. bom. plrnapa. mQYed h~r hpa i~ p1'l\yor" l penilfltll a, n~ tho.> In con/,trcantionaUll.a J arc i. made with ... pen .ppea.. \llIlq •• I, But il. In tllO , IIl'rlllg lth<rlndll1l1 del [ Dt to them, three .,l"Y6 bllforlJ .. ." , I" . nnd thul " he .hed . J ~emalll.edllllllknelll-td· · EI.1I.1 , u f 1704 the F . r 'lbAG{ or,I.Dl pol".r. • lUIaembl~~ . at }\irt tllo' n(\w. rellcn~d GJIliIO a8 dele-to s lhe WlllLC~. 1,""rU,u1r 18 ~.Ite obJect_ CatbaTm ••• a child Greenvl lJa now army' ' I i n Iteahl" thnt d Odr lorm , .111 aby pntlc h' __ .. h~ crmc lhe n, C\lU,lty I1g TI \'I' 8e " t or Ihrko I .. On tM bre.klnl r out of Ih.. or qJ 1 B Ill, ei.~er removed loe. 1'ho _ It hlt e apaa_pn t 8 .1II'1II"~" ~-J • joy of youth I~ed frOID thll hum!! churcho s to tbe church. ' In I the B ihefe" *D ",..,lIat klU,,,,1 '~e hUrl, , and II the elector die •• b. i~ withuut SIIP-' eOll,tlty. and on th e 20th l»r ~u",a t of that ' so Impor"n inlOct~ .r~ (ound 19 bl m~~ _ , Will 0111 I~orl.ttgo CleClued III a [lel'l, 1110 rorever.! port pxeept by the labof of her hond. ano ytnr, en~oul'\tIlrdd . U'Jte flJIIIlI wllt colldfllJln. tho Uniled S~clle~, for tho Pllrpoa~ 9f in i- .;.. _~ '; th. til I d,crnot ook I I if. the "'~rc ' nlaile fo ' forcoa ,at t4e ' /ovl of, tl~elIOmbiued irullan l'rnll~ta?: po,t, Ihllt 6 on, 'Wn<l.wllflh" witb 'Uoye, whi) . purn " }'huthertft contro), ry r081'~..-tiIlG the relil:iQu A!ld ~ny rata to 10", to lIiblt ' , eonditlOIi 'lflho of N:1tu e. . ~BUIae. tarlde l ll rOrllOll of tli !lrIllY, ....~lloll~d thore who ure , _. \ I,;r \I'1hDm~d ,til own lhll~ th ey N,Y- .... _ _.... J, ' U ri 0 to J y B :J:b~~""\ lIlo lCIOI'iMiI, by Dleii gart t ~Jld thl),ll. rorever, broko UOWII tho Indi h t()n the blll' k . ' . - - r-'''''"· , , ! .. , \l'l'lit e)( tho \ fNII LQ~T!.~: btl' l wro!lg , wbu "'i~ ~ :;~ r, WI w t erome 8UDI - IIpirit. Al I~ast a dozon trlbj1a 1\'ore ttncjt -l.reIl1 . e' Illlllncnt fc" learnlllg Ql'\d I1 Plllty, ~.\l ~ignftl bllt 'heithIt' d lte'ln ' Ihe 41\vleo ao (e l , of the In, DuLh, •• ,I" ol . y~e 0 lor I, . 'ter I' 'rtorie~ .. to '{_11 m. ualelrG .' ber; h. I••'ell knoll'n 118 tile ,oung ooun- I,aged in thebllld e, • E" .lI+ er .)1 lbc l1lJllld ' ever known any thing of lind I~early evory eh l8fr di nn. nl1Iipllp c~noFt,tl If ybu ~nce \Yell daDCMI bll~ .1d,12P' , or Ellreu bUll.' 11 I '!xcept Riclbrdv ilfe, ohieC of tb. ·MJQI1I .... "YCr 10"'lrlleilJ o tltaV la~ ~W, if '!.!!!'J1UVO t r ..,. nplllp I~r Y\lur.o ,tee III e II nrgollizll tiaiae Per 10 olld tho' f( you dance favor\W \ n'e"v ClID~e.:lati.!'- ' •. '. A d' I he wto~ti· for ).'uu; 'utllre ,Yeare., . • a\"i ll. 1 ., AUl{ll, t 17Q~ W'~Jn. oon- UI I) Cuyah~ ..a. ur tr~ 'ulWd 1I1mp r ~'lte 11 U. tl i • . ~ by n~ If you .inJr well,'iilI1ie no peurllt e ' -. ",e'lr waT·p,~t a . ec~r 111& Y ' . af, eood persona III It., ley ,~or~. .T ;" chided 11 (,reaty , Gre'JI~jl\e ,\\'ith ..ome orl'acro$.S 1ho yorto~ . . 1~Ii!l4, 1.., vol. IN~LUEN(JE. ' " lIIe8D8 ers-bein ll'. in allolt, ~er~, ea you "ing Inditfere these Uille., by \\'hl('h they eon firmed Ihe l are ex~tnlCul.hed+' _ThCir cou~cll YII,~b'4p I~ S~I ntll' ~1..iU.\e- lIot a . /IJ I\-'TE1l~,U, . " IC ~ "ol1 woul~ 'obtll~n GII,UlerJn e Yon lIO.I' of }>'ort )leIoto. much 111 \Ilia rc, lIcct like til h, Amorlc8.1 a,ld the 1 moment when \you Coyo- I llae .j Wllr'-I'lth uujtr daD, • . 1 , lie tlfllrn"hce , Governo r .....-ed 1ar r_ per-. I. ,,, &. ~ I tI la..r llTlII't:", to hog. river and Ille ror~all" Path were Kl.tIllj.\1 .. r~'1\ Ptfllci ,'t.·rly year. ~go. Olle ef th~Dl lODe aro compew nt11:8 lhe 1m d COllDCll ~Iear Ia-.-t • lar Joiducotion. 'l'eaelltInly"lrl~t • ,,~ ... ¥c,rc e orll II j\!dg..~i.'M,r\tIII\k ••v.1r I, I"n eltllbl!.b ed II tlio we.tern noun- I! .huttle, on elver • ' re a e !! ertn' ,..1 and tbo . mlnar! Ih d !hellr',l :!Detoad of th, followin , Impre"i ve iDcident: i 'Ie 'I)I of lI1Iothe~W~O'P~JII'I".for her. IiJhe hIS df ol"tIi'. United St.t..... ' tQ~ Iwpped lome \~eeka with D diatlflgtJ" e every. one. the war.\wh oop-alld the ,ailrOlld , and aDIII1.a • ~ • ~lOiitllJ:~ ) rememb er, twelve or flftoen }'eo1'll af.:' prc.bYte riali divine n t yet .-quere d ' her 10Ye ror y6u; J ir\lt /16 ,.ar. hava pa..ed lince the title 11 occu,~ie. Lbe war-pat in ' Philadel phia, a U tn ~n~on h.-Moa t of them (left Waahlll iton threo or fOlJr 1n.kB. , u~ Ihlll riJ?!ee \0 en you Iitlltetl'.' tro\lg~ total IIblltincn~e 'll to lhe arouod ~n which ""'~ lItalld "",AI de- h'ave gone w~t~ Lbelr and .. :-oll~~4an J.!o • •, " ehlor, Teoullllaebeli. to ting tho spring; whid'le at l;t11~, . ' Luiua- ' cid.d by thctatbltrllll\CD\>br the.w Id aDd the Great ~e~t:· ~'Olel~t haler of grog in III ita 01!M, ' Th. i~i. ~;-Ohtl '1~~'- ~ Splnt; the _urVI'ferl have ' . ell fine time, pou....e IlIYCJII 0 tlO e . tomahaw kj and 50 111'11 hue not yot 1 \ drlv.n to the • ltb!, iun-lli ' !i.tion of Mr. Adam'. nlot~er, and reot! them d"'" '11 hAt/till TIll 7:011"1 e4)Unlellor re«"ed !hl. vlot· Hil,lne e th, gruun! 011 ·{,U;ir. 'Enilll1lullan getl.inIIl OUU1', 'to d~IDk' a t' r' ~"billh YOIII publiclil ed tIe.n advan~ by tb'" destruct IVn VI till es-~ .,. . 7. r;;J? ion I wltla ex:cetdin g interest . 1 rememb er an- the tab!e of his ter wlthllU'fpriee n41llcre dullt1· The ft':- bUlhlin,1 are 10ll1lt'd hOBt, and feel!"g lri nlled mlw~ ~"'w: _0 "" ,0000er wNtern j but humanit y W"'p'~. over the wrong'l and Itritt- .xpr,.. ionjn ~n. of th. letters adl'e..~d or .omcthll \g, wetK raft! 01 -Cath'lriD e IOmo IDODUiI 1Ic'f1tN, hili, were in t,IIIdiepUI itbtone·clctr "nd helpoi ..,..iou o.f ~ .xtin~lloD, or the Rod man or the !oreat. to • 'l WI~I~:; ' ltd iter eOII, while y,t a b~YI t~yellvde y·u,~ l ed liiJnRII at - tbe nearei • r 1I Iii , l liD'lb~p ~..d leR On WiheR ou il/l (orced '0 tit-.. . , old 10 Eurolle ' la,1 • be, deu , 9'" hie , DliAd, IDd be \\011 ra I~. 1:1~ 0, l,l~;C::n: ;oar ~I'tt, \he 'forma~ , 1m' 1.11lC1:1t 'w,n,womre, J. ~ , . 1Oe' ),ou laid I~ ,<>Ilr graye. ihl.ll wlleat pia. w .. to .ncIOi' tloDol ~It you retum~l:to the IloulO lIf hla friclld. he ad, wltla relw:ta ColJneet l~t LaDd Complln n~~~tII Of . y j.\,1QUIl llVVU .U,1 ~ lIi,hfluw t: \11.,- leUer to her and ' 'Dq\llre if It w.. tbo /in~ .hould tNw up a profane aDeI 5~cllet. dre,aed lnmaafo llo".: nrveyfu ll' narty .rrl'fltld at CIne: ' blit>b ~iJJt = _ ' boy." Ktter I retuflled t~ Wl!a uo.~nJ ' -My dear brother, littllitdl"'wr\tt.en ..bltherlC lllctloll. Iud, Ind iD ,be fall of th" ,e.r the Arit what sor~ DC a hou.e Ito. TOVCDI~G 8TQ.,\:_ . j.Ji.GUo a. . . . I WPl1t oYer to Mr, AdaJII. leat. 1111. n, i, thab abollt the corDer!' fll &.ha mellltrDle, Lutlwr' . frJf.nd. hl ~... .. . erOc tt . · t I now .tan.... I h." found oUl \' .) don't know wba' he ulle you rerer-1Or n , p DI ar lUlU c 0urI' b lID to IMr"" put.lea 'I II0Ia lie- CIt, , ' . I w bet IIC lhat, the ciLJ w ... laid out, and aOD, I. & ..arnmr ilen,ed Cro'l' .,., your h 11 " ~n 'What do 10U moaDl' Mi. b.. putIft _ ..... _.:n;t .... 'Yoa prellch what you do uot prae.aid the olher. nllllr.d iD hOlJor 0 aeo. )rOlltJa Clne bitter 'lI:perie llte 01 tile I'~ CalhtriD. . . .nt with trembli nr t~ee,' be. 1M iiI* ,iD of grlevlIIl "'} ... id 'I huo belli readiDg tbe Illuera . " Vhy,,, lort 9f ,,1e-hoUIIl, yo. know, of ~Dooctlc:ut. wbo wu ODe of the and real.tlng IlhOthe r'. , 10 aqd coun,,!. 01 1 01l r'mow. r!' 1f I laall IIlDIed that '. It pi liB "...... , or Luther. lIo prutfllte d. hOlVevGl. "'at h. 'Ult Itbc>ut tbe comer.' par~y.CIIt'.JaDd.1I then on 'Wh.t agoll1 "'" '1:~bl:1 Oil "'; ~~Jh:~~ dear name to lOme liltle QI1 be pp~""" J "e; hay, MIlt lor-you. my clrlld, to boy, who hid -Why ~r,' I1lld the Pbi'la_I phlu, Ioolt- .. i. DOt bo in lueh ,a I • • and that Ute,river t/J ucriIe .;.. . . . . . , _,e tit Jell CIa &ho 'D~ct of . roee w ::e:i!or lime 1\'U now full, oecupl.. .. ing rather aut.prlMd at the n.d_ But 'wh" two ramille. do,. NIn.lIlR there : ny J r,,,,,,,,' OIUtl c:on'fllJaH It " a holy homa, ancU rol!o".d at a bUY?or lila fue rlowed more 'luieldy, aiT, &.hilt il the luw..' &rOIl,ho When C 3tharine recelncl the I~~er tht'O li PI ID La l li lhe ",hlte r of '96-:, and t)loiJI !J~O apoke njJ more to me till abe relcbed Ui,~ r frltD: ;", aLBle1 • • did &.h• .,.. ,lid (ace of that MD,ra- t1!', ~ rrOlD ber former lM~r, ebc "'.. 611114 ",l\h 'Ienre.t nol,bb0r 5 WIN __ ,. ....... . at RIver allSln, lier owuJOO l't I •V.....' Aid tJatharlr ae, ' I d 'Go bl. old ,,0 aud req~ted Mapre t to whelll I pronoullClOed tJae lIUIe 'Jnd\l8lll ' Mid .... p1a1epati1l B'atl1HIIIclUtb or Dill Beu r IDd CODnflDU\' '1\ •Are fOil " ....'N fa ~..ltP II ~ t ~ m. flO~' ."~ " • • t:e "CMi or bit ~ _ mG1her. I . ' " I · u'p i'A hi. pc- _ "'-IUa. :-. He ..111 Sic..... aDcl.odMr BIll... r:onrplr. d to r~- I myla. nil' .0 'weill , t tho " .. qII . te .....~r on \OW v.r-e ' ~QIIU' maDDer. aDd -rbatlc all,. .uct: INN s.mmy 1_ or' '1)9 a.-...... to No lit. ........1aI. • to _ llllJ _ " - ... _ lie blld done whst be tlaoallft wu .y~!tIr. Uri....1 ..... Ia pollia .. .OJ "'-1 - I ....." - . of 16 mouth., lnren ,t 'Ptr mo&h.,.' would be .peul a CD.U pvtiaI,I '1l1li utoo ...... tM o&I,er .. A







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~l'IIlIIneot ~temrlDt8elll'a·temlbde ~,!a. .


po;!~(~~::~~n4vC~~'y c:r!~:re,:br. Inh~':!~d~ 'r~i,Ad'DI"

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EI,WIL1I9, to IIIfUrO puuliclI! 0

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ll\ BUIIIt 8J1 t IIl1611ld. !\ MW DllIlk hua Leon orgIl1l1.~d

, \).e we ..1t


Match 13 I :>1

(N o 30 ~

AN AC 1 to 31nellJ the oct

It pd t gitc lll 0 P undcn hu low of lalit_In. l.r 01 vOl ( 1IIrj( l' reslde nt I I d Will lam Jlfd Hen nM C ~ .l ler Tho new bank I~ 10 1 c re"tiy lOr b I ~ h eu on ur b'fore \1.1, 10th


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---1'182 altol'!l)


after tho bl!

LIe n r Illuo L 118 ilOllIO W" stcrn bend. of I 01\ and beHcved to bu\o been ('n,.,.d ill li u. L ()Jlt1 ct III reated lhe aoUl. melll. ul Ig S~ II Ith cr IlI te ll"l!nco was prompt


tC I

• B

oect pi d onl" bf U'U' (0




Tho Indi.n. IUO:UI

AU.lrlAaa' For t~rn til... will be DO tr.ll.on, or Ir 10 tha trill \Or' .w 'bit ".tched. Iltd. lCeond GOT&",

will filII iii the

hilnd~ of hl~ own InJtued


It rna,. be the. Proyh\cnee

Ie 10 direcUD, the •••m...... Lhn 011 w II be

'arlh..,..."l,lutnpl( of Liberty! "~IO

May tClumon

.......".... ..... "I'll•

..&leltha." U 'A ,,'ory ptoce "r tel.wi cheea I. IUIaded ~ • hook Inlet r..t A -mati :rrciC' 1,10 adjullAld tIIlt a rat ~.e. hi, .hld '!II 1J11he glu. Oust 18 Ri chard did) and on :'cogallin, ll1m.elf It fi u t 'Ight lhln" that lume oth.r r.t II Irm1n/l fur~11! ehe,. Ho t1J)drea In 10 "tad Iris flVlI "j,"bo DOl h~ treld' on I, D dtlc:elvor 11 II SIIPllor )ted II,. I weak 8Jli'ihJr \~ hll'h }'lel ~ 8 IIlldor. hi. weight and prerlultulea Il1m 1nt/) II lpl\' i'r . tory IfIlp when Ule door Il lo~ up fo re eult1l1lta place Allolhtr tbt con\u IIJ oli/: ' ''0'

tho rl!lI~et 111\

"ell ". hIs

01 I II~ pN,:dl\()e8~QT8

uWll,o nd

t}1I I1k8Ib~t


I ~o

TIl," 'Tit f1~ h Illig fo r " Ie. choo Il 111 he go,!! dOlVll he i f c.-lI.lld "(,I 01) to l lt~ ...- _ qullt\

::::;;;========= SCRAPS.

PA I 1 't I h~ llnon III \,hllt I. c~1I d Ihp .prlll! of life Wh} I m ~ Gon ' i "c ~ U 3 a hp. -looks MI) greem'I

W Ili lA m ~o you [oevl ct the viler Y<lll1 fltlleP wD/I \)orrj1 lI ow 0811 I ' 1 Willi hltle l e8 ~ rha o no booy about Iluil tlmo. ] re ckoll

The Markets.




Ilt.lalhil'Splrltorth~:Preu aald

"oynolT lllc'Producc 1I10rkct.

I!O ftR~l"'IlD £vea \ Mre B'8elo"",, U III e handed lIalll~' of CI Wheel 'If bu der to her 1181"lIbor, Mr Drow)j Corn uholled


ron 'rill! ¥til


60 311

(brley ~"bu

On18 lire they lhat are nfrafd of Ihun flollr VI hI dN ror theY.hall he.ltatt IIbotlt &et\ln~ Bultel V' 11I du~ mllrr ell . on j keflp Ilway from polltlcaLlnee ~,"i l llJ'il loose "'" lb !lUi'


PelAto •• 1\P'1u


~"--~ " """""'--

Sugar U'I O and,. ,I ria fl\'e ,lYe OUI lb,t'ir .w.etn... when the,. pr... ,d ." o. FlCr.. --'''ray, Mill 0,' e.ld II gen tlemln the other 1"'"inQ'.·~ IIY at. /Ilihc. 10 (on4 01 omeere" 'Ito", ,tupld,' .~ Hi.. C,' II nol it natural I nd prop.r tbal a lad:! .hall Id like a i.od olf.r .Ir I' D.lftlcroul M.&OI'ES' -Gumg era.y oJ It. premonlll)ry .ymp,tuml .r•• tandlng collara, a pUlion-le d • • Ire to blow Ih l! ,bow. I. Qut ot C\l......A I"c' of _ell cotd neck or'" pe aa. W9rlh 5.0 Inl.r .. llI,

tn caheo


--...:...-----" Ih"r

. Wh.1I a 111111 bi .. ul to hi In .d "Illee qr 1.1. 1",1 Wh.n h" Into the nllddle of ne.u wetk W. 11... !l.. rd ot a min "..hl) 101 M (drunk) 10 uften Ihal hi. vCllc.. becam. I,u'ky .nd hi' " ord. 1)\olly

~ ,v A YNE DIVrSION NO S of T 11). 't. reiul~r'y .vI'r, Wedn.s dly ""nill, at Ulllir H.II on MaUla treet,




\V MANl iljR:r N \V J W UENLEY, n B

Yo f~lf' ndll of ,node~atfo n W h<l t ~lJl l. a r fQr mnfoll (Ir




\Vvuld \fit " ur nt.1I0/1 , ~ ko I'tem ln l ~ x'o'\I 011 Wit h ..1I1l!! ,j,.8IP'ltIOO t In rnty rnll k unU nn tloni I ha c IU _ clI dp~r~d&1 jOIl 01 WIa'1 b ynur ulJ !l'rYlltluo G \ O~ ol\lly tlt'moll.t ... I, on, W ho '~I! Ih. fill n.\lvn ..

and d••olal!vlI,

The OplO vl"tauoD Of mural ubll,ltlolI, TlllI wr",tohed habltallon, W ,Ihol t oIccol1l1,.ooa'lon. Or urulatton, For COlntnon '1I.10nl,lolI, A ' of d e prlvl~lon. Uncq.lIl1led IJI Clrc.Llon II h, (requel t de.ecrallon, or Suhbalh ordlnlulln1 hll erlmo and depradatloD, bety!n,",le(l.IDtloD'rh, .wful pro(.n'UoD. Of common eonnr ..UonTbe •• Dtal aberllltOli. And dire IDlaluaUon, With evory lid ",ldl,lop, To mlnl.o d~per.tiDD, V. "ho. with coDlte .dol, B.bold II, de...ta&loa, And ulter cC)QdorpnlUOil On 11Iioe'riltinn, Why .. nction ill iI.nllont Or .bow tI"pprobaJiOD, or anJ wlllbla.'",n F.,.r Ita e:llAlrlllla"lonl VIe d.elll I iltCllar.uon.

8",."'IO "mpta,leD, .pI illation Of till. aboaalllltion 'l'be 0'1 1, __ fOUiulatioll For Ita jlxtfrplUon And under 'ht. r.rauillon, Dold no lIommulllelllnll WIll! 1I0xlnnl ftmanatlon. or brewar I lerment.\lotl, or s pl r1t ~ dllll11ulol N.r all, VlIn hbnlloll

IT ...,

ProdUCing 1I11mlllilion

We CG 11 conelder" liun I Aad "Ilhout h"!t4uon, TnvIte oo-openltlon. NOhloUbthl, I.. , lllfioll, Will relee 10ur e¥umatlon. A nd b,. rnnl1llu~lion . A'Turd JOU coIMI.lion , For In pllrtlcfpIIUOO Wllh t\U ••••OClltIOD. Vou mill' hI lrIeclltllU,tt. In aunt lIle prt'Iereatiola Of • I'Illln paentloll Prom .Il coDtlaiDIt1oa.


Olllcl ullatt 1I1lldlLt M ~y


Flour-Tbo ul~$ to dny c(jmrrt~cd 200 brl. from Call,J $8 40 do at 6a 40 100 do at 88 46, dellverod, 84 d" ole l ra 33 /1 3 And 600 Cily milld et 88 00 'deliver II T he favoi'Dllle adVIce. Irom Ibe llll.$t caused II ~ oml!whlt improved reehllQ' hI the Inntkl'~ Illd hulderll were aellerally ruore linn In tbelf view. r



AlIC;Jnl't II 0 end 111111 Jlever <lilnn I doubt


hi C8~

The Pftnner"

of IIltnlhn




We I\ndlnU pb a\11 I Outlineof Disordored


Mtnta. Actlun a cue or somnambuliam which wu lhe IlIl onl apera





Olle 1I1/t1lt


laLor.. 1.0 u lop or Ihe great


t ..

bellml'r{lIJI.I' hi"", -..,h~r'. the rye ho WIIS


to ucertal 1 whot numb'OI'lll{,,~bl~lI(nes lemolll.d unthr••hed wi aepolllUIG



",h cia he d ternllnee \0 finial the nexl hod) da 'l'hYs cMiilng nfjbl~out hyl) II clock' he 'lvu helrd by one or th., (am Iy 10 rl.e lind go (lut He repair-lid to I \I barn borng aound "nl cRUed aaleep al1clul'ic:onlrloua or vi lit he wna du IDf aet ope ~ barD \\ here tho rye \\ R8 t1ell"'IUtd tli down a floulng lind com 17 19 16 m.ncecUb ~! it ~VI en he I ,d com W811 clllled the God or s lence plelAlclil'til nIC olrllle alrllw Ilnd eho'nld 20 :ll 17 II 8 10 lU dIe l')'e"·»Ile.~ ct or the floor Ilod 'pl\l b aeceDdll4Jhlillldiler,With lhe Itraw and II. t ralt'd 11lshol' rallted 4ton tume ralls Ihllt lIy IcroSill 0 2 I I!) !) 10

w w V m



TI Colol:18n 10 <I 3 !U 20 21 II alS an


H. tit" throw d01111 Ilflojhrr .J1onng of rye wblrJllie Iremed and IinltC!ed lUI b, fore Thill ba s colll nuaU I 8 labor. un hI he blllllllre.tied five floolJlip IUld 011 ~ ~ L .\. I d t return Dr " Ol~ ... roW"1I own h. 81;\;th and I"t III ~"II ovor pert of the he) Ino" he r.lI oft' lite bay had heen cut down '1% feet 011 lhe 10 vcr pnrt or It .Icb Iweloe him JI. 1st firet 11IIag'llled hlmAlf II) h. ne ghborl b~rn but aner

notAOlSt 01


3 8

4 14

IVIlS n Ronlnn




, au





Ouo or II e reIGn pnper.s 6D19 ,lIlIre a water III t.I Q vIr f Ily oC It. sL I ncar or II a I lwo m 101 nod tile people ore obi Iged to . vim til!!lr borses uerosa tbe mer to get It 110




I'OPl nl about Iq tAe,dadr for. \onll hme 3 HI "2 II 19 IS 0110 of .hll 50\ ..cetalaitd ~at he w.. ln b iI ."n lind lit Grigna oC EI ropt IIUflb foolld the 1.lIder oll \~ h ch he de e.eDCled tet!a. Soot Clblcd hi. baro dClOJ'l :2 8 10!!4 I" \VOl n Celebr lied which be'1bU94 ~a and Wuthod to Itl. AmllClcon Ooollropbcr IIl1d Editor boule c;:tit...!:1IJ:iAe 10 tho light he found " ! l 9 10 10 19 7 111111 CI cf JU8 b mJJeJfi_ r lib h~ .. "li~~ :~~~ t at tee of E Iglnnll e ~u:.:;Jo IIg to III~ barn 23 !lO 7 3 II 19 !!~ 1 :10 WU II. he ' li~ dulinr tb. -nlpt "olOd Engl .h GOllor.1 . !:"18 of ry ..... l'u.ct or tbeltraw My whole II a ..eaulilul IClIlImo ut ~ut ~,:- • ~~... it.oq tbe lI'e,at II orteD III1I1U_ .-.'-- ....., tit..... ID to ....... 0lIl ...... eM without tile ....' v..I Anlwlt' nUL weeli u rbw• ."Uae wu dout, IIDtiIIle. ------fi..... ~r.~!!I!:-,..,_I!!-~~'"~_~';iII~ .. ;"ti!.e;IIoIl.~I!!!~ OoTAuwer to lu, week'. I! 011"1' lli


I 11

IIreM fnme c en Br. -0 Irty n lL cortelD al 21 11 10 23 21 3 II 19 10 wu II NCIII Y l1nrk that 8 moth or fr.q\cnt J I v gaol n 0 0 s trect and ",•• / e. tb, ra t Il nlolt pOll ur writer of allcJ(l,R I b nos eea of I alf n dozeu .11 ld ~ f b 20 HI 3 2l" \4 olu Iii de her 0 n "1',1 rell B oro I e brated 1Iialhempht 0 I



Ylla Gn.BEIT

tiler ...-I. th .......

as ho 0 lee wus _ __ __ _ __ A "om,n baa be.n lint 10 rrlaou III Pllliadelphl, lor the rourlh time Illd each hmo for ftollln~ ber btub,ud! Oh pod a ... craclUUl 1 ... of MN" IndN

vrth; IIln1elf

I thiTo take cutor 011 wltboat tutl~ 1t,,.011 • Obi,. to pat it la • tllt cup. Itlda lUe


r.wonta are lin lUll tllll., no oac' ..... 1(

An Ir .hmQJ\ II Albn 'y Wt'llt to 1:'0\ IUB I re I eured aD II nt ",hen 10 d I!a II! clIn havo w()mellllnll to luo on lind not be Ie PCI IOllt un tI e cold C.hUrl1I8I of tlte \\orld


I ~the .......

.... It.




HO F. all ~I•

~rer at Tllltrdl~.n)lW·8c.~~~:

E MIAM _ 4


A Family Newspaperj Devoted to Agriculture, Mecha.nic Arts, LiteratUlre, SCletlce, v


COU N'TY, i OHIO, ~~

I m=~::;::'iFi~#i'Ii;'=;=::;:::;:::=:====:;O =

\~a~ J~nd


~I (Du~"tu-;;,~ft~ cI



Foreign, and Domestic

New~ Amuse~ent, &'c,


p;o~:;g T; II~ ;:;'~ence.

fi~ ~1 Pi~~: ;~;

H-;;;;11 p.. dll)'a 'l Ilt -mn tlll t , \1 Imld- lIn\ c ':13 the --;.-;;;t 1.llura'8 VISll, allu ~hey pD-ted- Ihll tllne I b~~lo, to mo the il, than1h' t;'1II; do AllTl""c r;iu- - • - IIIGco,;te nt wllh tbM, "nd If o ' tJ~0Ilght ho hDd \ rIghtly, 8hMp wo \I ul rlllill e. 'f i> lvillch l llot guvr ru JOllr~ell forevor fur bofore one year had elap8Qd (orgotte n 010 No 0119 tiho)ld CI ~r Mr~, ()qhe6~ mlth In the 'l'nu\JIle Il, lI. IIlelily overflo\o(, le& Its dropphll;rll' Inll ilk Theil 1 tho"glll , pcrlrnps \ Dutton. \Ylth kindled VUlce, nnswcr~ "01110' \ tilluk (,f g\,vcrliln g othqrd tIl! , ,, I ho hilS IlInm. tl,. lollowlIIg, tiling shorp, 18 ItIlA\\ Ire,latIlI ,,\or~ 8liluply , t IthO tlroflPlng 01 hOlley In tbe 'vltdernCdS, A"ltll !~ focehoil the tllhnJ:a o( lAura'. he Is 011 III II ny homl!. eJ to govern bllll~gll G)lItrl~B \ ou sa, ,I reRl<'lIIb er Dut Ihe 8tory pf 11 refilled N tp cheer the srlllnt nuel VI oaly pIlgt\IlI.' • .r~"Lh , Some UIII .he died 01 cQlllump· 1no-~lill no ud"'gl, 1II0lllhs Iliho passed wilh vUlce Illgh l1 ~ mlllg;-whcrea[ DUltO" j (t,l\' eUll Ilimsolf Charlca I. wllhn~ to Ellgln",1 \~ Om8 tllO n IlInrrlc,1 to II mnn muc h pa.sed, nncl l "ulldellly Iroldlf In , say. merel)" 'li e I. till ' y, chllo IlulI, IlIdeed, 1& was generall y thougl'l ~o o\.cr Illy hcqlt slule fOUll (ltl,ers My boy ltk q~ to /lnvc IllS oldor Ih un herl\ell, a harU, un comprom isIng ml@ glvlllgt o( IllS dt' r IIllht nry dilly hore , bUl ~erhap~" IlIll ut UWII Wfty , A,ld In a ,~" weok. aftor Atilelill rIlCel"O; ' tr' ulh. Then thd the rCH I,cclulJla mnn, upright mlhe eyes or the -hndow. of d,li trUS\ always tie MO," "lid ruehllll ("rwarJ, due," Th o t1blrt Throe or SOOIIt Am"I~R. ... I,. • • , Imrie. nlwnys hu hi~ • U n \fuy , d I I~ wOrld nnd nn ex let ohureh mem\.lcr, who d k I h .. ortler Silently, lho best he 'I1he numerou s odd well' lql9 wn voyn.gC K a I'" wilich relld .. 10110"'1. I~18 'A lid thv renKun I~, thllt0 1\lie cnlor my hearl, an 18 WIIIIII~ wholo her hU8IJUtld \\ us desecrul lng pfll),er ullge lu now I Ie order don<', Dullon ftlrlug htwny Call ' to the SOllth Sell blands, ~ , IUlye madu 11I)' lIllu\\ " to yluld tIl oth.,rs tr you \\llIllOl lIto IllS by pc)urlll gulltlho , 'Dua&l lt' AIlILIA worst. e~ C'l-!LEIY It:"r. "c ewell foundcd 1\18 commloilMn;-Jlackft ~o hackne) cil pl uullLlIde . lIs well ucq llnlRtcd \vllh whut Is called lila IIrttlrl! rlllg ht, and I t'ulllple , II you Will nlwDY s be good-tem . In "i~ " Whcn you open tlr" Amell~, you conllot COllcelVe hQW mi.erllwhi ch 'U mony IRlhllge nroso 8lld~euly brend·treo, 01 well all another kmd, knowll i'eturn~ to Iilngilln.d 'I l,orc.l, anl1 ' 1\ b I Iii th geml"" UlicI wIlling I to I I vlcld to 1 Irom I ble her I ,,08-1 I,neer. nnd laid her liad uJlon IllS unilar the nOlllo of the butter-tlllu: remomb er )'ou oskod 010 111 1 S)r Hattoll Qheek proseout~~ jlls 81" • • • • • lIu& it work th o WI~IH!8 uf others, YOll will find that mouth snYlIIg') ),OU ~ I e I" e \\ r illig 0 010" to I 0 of our lettcrs If r \\ 18 nnha : Oil hypQcrlt , how dure you roml1lo.qjj for the Inucl llllgable iU. HUqlb lor at II.. 811ge of Jullore, gullautly RellSts CIt Y.Jur wl8hee wll! IVIII then bo ID tlll1 ],md or .pinls ~ b(l rtgardod Yuu II\l , )'ou Will ) find mock ,. God 11\ Lhls "a) ppy, .' Iht laklD" uf ]ullers, , 10 dl~co"'r trllJDlph '" J~t l OIlier ~nlt \lr; " cull" nncl falll~. ant uver nil thut yult Will hnl ~ IDRuencD" ILh your com. tho wlhla III , South AlIIl.'rJ\l~, \\,.l l,grll:vc nllJch to hear thllt Lauro. Vor. you IIUd, 'lilY comRlllnl She \\ all shortly nllor cdrrlcd to 1\ hosp l' a treo whIch pro caLIOIl,S bote sllch II lh O bIRt;(.1I8, and half.mollna there , b"t ~uccs , Of ~iJlln.tlfng 1111 • 'gr"I, rq;dy-mode 8111rt8. panlon.. Whtll 1 aoy \ ou IIIU.t bo \\ Ill. tal H. whIch ah., shll non I~ 110 more, yeu ,,111 \VeoPi pcrhop., I t" ' " of _mllncB/j of late,' rOlllalh8 u hU(llcs8 'We SillY 011 Ihe slope of rhe Cerra 'p uldn lOU rllO.r~~ I WIlS hears Withal Ihut Dutton 18 at hultle In IIIg Or'l't some frolld 'tlllcllelrRI n.mb, tI '0 Ylcltlto tho \~ Ilhes of ),our compoli. lunatic. The I I d 'b d lick (If notcllj~ylllg myself \VolI, J \u.s Englllnd , deramln g hlln Irlends 1\ ere !IIllnlJly shock· says 111 Humbol dl, 'slurl-trc os fil\y fc c 118 a cholerrc ty· Ions, r \Iould HII\Oyd hllvo ., h.", I. onll 1 vo 1""" Ihb\lgh ~ l'lIrncd lat t Ie COl aru o,er my ~orm, UI 0 not l I k I ruu tI\l S ed nud l"tiodill m for 1\18 mlsrortu nc, hut ble ' h~ 1M I Jt II t I rant Incl HI forlh no IlIgh. '1'he Intllll08 clit ' 00' cyII n)lrl cnI' DreaMul nCIVI, wInch ex c~plion, pro\ IJed thosll wl.hes Inllko IIrleve, Amolil, for my'journ ey will bo ov· , a ~ , WM Inlscro by IllIG .re right one salV IIIto tho I .IIuul e loa I of tlllngs wherc brings ' pieces tllu tome blhnry nttock 011 the gallallt No olle call hmYe great IlIlluelic cr,m" In8t I trugrrle pllssed a wny, and 1 at bnghtne u. I hUI'lloH her Ihall 110.111 all o ror Iny thoy might huvil lenrpc;d of tho y,our~ o( they pCOll!IO(cob 1/1 tllilmeler;.frolD> wlHch mDII, end redllces linll 10 a lied or 8 1Ckll~1S lell!!'lh o( tllne, IInlcls red uuol Iib,r'ln8 bark, \V1~I,CJllt ., awoet Irlend, rest. r YlIU' know, ho h08 n .lIrl' ~emi I!U lll!flll /t,lhe mT oWecwlr~ II1I1~t h .v e ~lIdurcd (rOm moklO" Ilny 10ngltudClltli CIIclslon TO DE C IITIIIIJ ED, , Hltrdly recovered, he dl s~atcIIQ' nUll 1ft T " Ihe . lill .e\.m6 II fllirf IJtli !l, 11IcsBIlge to \ rcg~- rd 10 the rl ~h t IIcw Ie lllVllh Charlos I118 BeIf. ~ I I~ ., I • kno'i I g "16 'ulsel 0 d bark u'ilurd., lhc rnll 'llOr' or gnrmcr,t,wlll(1h lIIees IlIlu n nn I~ " DuIlO,., Ihnl I\I~ sh~11 re1queal to have tho 1 11 thl8 rO'l'cct I 0 , Ion !Jr yourwlll 8 rong 118 10, yon An nngel tomlnt IroUl tlC.: nvuli t U ' ' I 'l pleuure or hia cum puny, \( Ith arm. nnd rC8flmbios 5u.oki 01 11 ve ~~ 0 L re, ' H Lhe bOYI are aOlllg to do a Ihon: nlld th ij hOllrs u( happlnol l \\'0 hove I pOllt to- t lBIK~'1!!,(Q)iItR\u!~ .Ik.. '"lIIe brighl ~1I11 g l (}p"u~ tlllht, " . ' ~KImlll\O!8l. ~ecd lld rondy. on 1'6me n_ntrul grollnd ,- he thlllk~ anili , \utl uut IISCOI lie Il£1 ~ ng ~CI'lcrl alld al YOII ' read theso !rnol, you It I. not rlllht, he tells th oQl eo, 'I Q ~l{' IIII .. 1\10 "01\.1" I!Y &llIlII M. ,fl\ ~ n, ,A. n ~lLtrno" hll,nlll U OIllO!\. _ _ I Calnii' SCr\' CS un for de the hend, for mslnnc e,-cl Iln enrly d~y, nllli then tbc\' " o; n't 1\11 II." 1110 lateral holes Will rt'call, v/"dly recall the .Iay .. oJ oUr ' AI~d IIlIlhe ,lr~II~I, " 1II111~ '1 he Princes Delj?iso the rondcrd o( llIe oro cui ( I) (Idmll theand , i . ' If cOll\'l'lll tnt urp,l's, 'l'he batht1s COIII'em clll; yes, ftS IlI n· 'V!.~y well, illS plDln tlrnt Charles de. I"omc Journal probably kn ow . I t From [,dgl, BUill II II d Jonrl\.1 I hM , bee n \Vear tl\esb' slllrts o(n\nrtm~ In thf)~rr'ilny nor 10 the IlIIn'"'y' IlIlwors Dutton !llld ' "criles to !lDvll IIIAlleri"co "" lOll , W ltin we woro morDln" an d ",or I ' 1 uftl lnl O~IIS illiflon Ih nt (,.ce. 1 e' If YOIl Wis h tn for tho Instten l tl nl'll olle of tho 1II0sL r eo 8oason: , .. .. theY 'have tbe forlll of Iho p Cl\iJ3 tllnc, plutO, and C;lr()um $ tal! ee~ liro rllpt!IIy ha\ c It by follolVlng tog~ther. You lifo 110 fllr bll9 been I bDl" " I•0\".nru.1 b II f I' \Vher" IJNl~" Y .. 'u..... ....,..:., ~K:,t ." .a, I cr JJ) "Ir t h,. ~ eXDmple ' +b os 0 nrls. ~-. I " " - enou,.b nrrreod u On anu" rll 0-"oua,u r cotton,· II lCh aruA 811 com• Ilf I LI' to be IIl1e 111111 now Ihll hoy. val III the CF ro II)' 0118, whIle nl1nO more dodd llllCd, more 'J JI~ I ero' " ~ l lcu Ihe 1111101 rl _rl. :t" ll ch cppllol s he look Ihe mqn In ~ow-Grcnoda, n~ ~Ilo! and UI f~' AI~d ~"i, on Zala18 tim'ld ~ 011 • \VllIi er \\ ill tiny 8m lUlItllLinlT hith und' will laugh as a bountyIlheckrretl, ) cl It I~ all uvcr TlO I'. Du not , ~ I . 1'h~ II ~ru.t 111.,.1 III • ,OU\', oIrofllll, jJ. ,1\ l!II' pcrlectfo h u sho Wall ,.&' E!mOfnlllg' 0' th'efyt!ar 'lG09, t1:n IS \1 hat 'we J .,t mo,' rll As In Ihesc clomntc. tho rlc:h cs nuil '\lourn " , Ihllt 1 am nt rut, n glowlIIg Am Ion du \tllu yotlng hnhan'- but hor Wit '/lnd br neA ilhce of no.tllro oro regnrded • lin 1l11iu1 '1~ I"" "II Ilcn\e •• aoe nlOst nuthenti cally, tHlrough the bpsc of ' I would nl.t hon to til J r QOIeruiJer J our IIIlcrrorr ' I you 1I01lnle 111m il) COb n~ eQlln llOnol, powletr. aodon , lelt ber {, , • .1 Ti lltloll ' when ' ''' ' J I De I tit a~y caule Ihe Indolenc e f the 111'I tl " I II t. "lin b t l me. t," " 'd 0 , eou gont 'I herll PlIo D onlll, tlJI" " Ihal llt,,\v. ty a 80conunry I. ng nil even 0 f pre· f.rllI\ emcm 6 r pOle uny perduna P9CU orl II a, 1 SIr Thoma. Dutton alld S,r IIdlioll CII<'e;' slurt and wnlstb3l IIdJJ\anlB , tbe U 1\[1111non WUU arl1l8 no\ flltl to 1d, in ~\Vo halld~ ui ooch hal'e YOIl IImtntl' hllll ~o far 08 he dool ! 1h'lt IVltAyOU 1 'w l'iy I wu. sull unmllTrt ed I' I ' b I I I t do f emlllllllCC e '? III . I'bn~I''. urI " oulil ~cO",. , -nye.r ur t\IO " corne, In~,:" IIPYIIn 810W~rg 0 flpler and d~ggor clutCi hod, their lel,b rigllt. , t.o ,fll\r 8 0 ,n. n~, III They Wlllllot Inugh at you (l1 f iJe. pMlcnt With kllon aud I then PT.<lIQI.ed til te ll you al l omo future And, "" Iocr Ch ... h lhe r.....s II""', I B\ <I'1I11MAS CARLYLE' r~ ouy lII~uat'ry 'll ~ (oresl8 ' , "melonll or tho ~rfJnoko y serious , ! gOJ"\onu Tho seconds, oro having rng Iim~1 IlGn llc, and 1 tlllnk th.,rA! WIll lIerholl~ be no 1I11t1 obhgillg , do you thlllk Iltey slle t')l1k up 8C " lc Jewel " ( l lJ "~ In \) •• 111)'. (,;r.l"lI, nce aud beroro lonl: was found re4(IY'lI1lldl: 0," th troes. ,Ve may ti\r\ ~ t, equ,pt, and farrlr. ovtrll~ul cil anti \Villi' b I ril oce hore, If pOKftlhlc ; ski n! w arc npt cerlllicd them are Just the beputlrul c~ntre of mOil of loorning IU B. add to tIllS 'ale of the 1 'h" 'I'Jt'~f Jlf h. 101 • abllllt retlrlll" from slmls tho CLlur tuno tlOll at preao ut. H may derve I III ode fur IIlcre s lolling 'No mll' DID ' tly even h~vlng and slAshing! YUtl I the rnolllurt d '(ate.clrc le, not '1\ IIhout"tndlg. written a work of tllvl/li' t nll8, Which tho ~pathell of IlerlnlnIlOinted \Julm· Edwllrd to round Ivlulo It away IOSler ~l)lIIe to form idlo reloill' houri ty .nd willoh 1111 addod Ihat lire (Uf wnr, c'lllno~ rUIi go nltr03d, I III1Llon that thel Ire t~lrbldlie to the r~li1cct IIf lIupcrllJr trcea fllrlll~h, and \\ bfcll relemble coarse And ,,,lIIlhe f.l re~ 1 QI Ihc foil', n to fighl tlOI\S 'to bo gtnlle .nd oblrglng, than to men for liOT !*nYora. your heorl wltb thollghta 01 wura, '1\ hu and hght the Pnpllt 1'110 ~v . .. will rOlllllin; Sp.onillrdsl O~er In 1' 1'1\ 0 genllem en In tI,11I ",Iarmlng pOltllre, nel·wor~ ; : • enrry thoso 'I'OSol~tlunlllnto ejf~C\t. lie Ihrough hl o Ivna ever yuur friend. 'l1~e prlnCl's waslnte ly call cd upon b~ tho NelherlllldJl tlillro II al\YII)'II tlghtlll~ of whum the J1<1f. <'lOgic e)l"h,d '11I.,"ly Irr. _~....:c.........._..:.;._~ • k .nough . You th llt IU'" oj ruffiqns ,ltllwth- onll" 111 knowIInlyer" Inlowa. haa kilO" n, Will IIl1turlly qUlck.temporcc.t, and he m, do III sClell\lfic gen,tle,man. Qn .lIIlcrlllg he YIlll romem ber ,"qulr Ing I ner F ran "'0" nul on c"nll \Ie .Q~~ EI~ HI , "otl ina ' lhat Ii tb'J I nry httle I ~ effurt I at solf t L ,.; "'ovcrnll lcnl Ho er, drawin . , 0111 _. e ,"oom, \,ourao ,.. he Ylila obeerved ('.0 one. a )'lIung ooer I ur " 1\"1 .. IIi 10 CQ UlO , officer "e .. ,; \Vort of clloliric humor and oui6ted In hlld a greftt de. .. Dunlap. 1011 did lIut know w1ieu you 10 go to th Netberllll!$!, --'I atcly lro to govern otl,trs and la n d dl no t Immt'U lind light YO\11. bDI- ! 'he~Nlllh 8rlnnd war!.~- 1'tiey are eV lilcntreCOil DlEO..,A IliS W")41~~ u llr, MJl y 19Lh. 11I~ 1 auppoled thnt the wav woa to a!.um~ the Iflonrj under the Iho.llghll es,ly mOD\IOlled hie name, bow Iyfol! " dlsgtl •• " of the unrform IIY En:rh8h hUOlDn ~rollturo.,"n th" hlllg"t authuuty loa i1ellr('d to p08sea8 That all' deeJl • ohonl you touched In my beart or -~~. ~ -Her hair was cropped ahort and cl.\rled oloae Whtch accordlgly many do, lIarulDg uf silont fury alld uJ~.. ure~ clrc\lit~r (ot~; thortly 'WUI resl.ted, and angry: quarrel_ tu \10,," mauy r,collec tlonl you ~lIcd 01' to deathlos8 war' lourIe, her heod a Is TllU, Her mllllnrI frock (or tbe momenr ; .n~ II hum wo here lIudll1ly t ',Jft T!I" M .. V,11TPc baVfI d~D~.nd will wnlln.e doID" IJI those $Ir H~ttoll Cheek Sir lIame onee more, were the cunlequl!llce It callie tu aneh a 'W~aibuttoned ov~r her .woll reuade ched 'J'U E fJIN(;EJ l. TliomPB DIIU\ln pua It!lat i( he prupoud a mealure to tile to r III) l Olli, "how. many 8ud relllembrallCOI. ge"hlrtll lenl, Our ,a.Ila~t Vorea, Elrl of knlghta tne tl\ro~" The a,rlpo do\Vn tho pllOll1lioth, IOtd~doe. hoth. 1II-(lItcli ! ~oy~, alanr "allld orr. • It for J IO~'ld frllnk Dunlop, and hnd. renaon llo I Oxford, and tbo oU,eJl., ll the " ery l16on IVaa jillod to the boot with Ib¥ imper o e bl'IItIVe Ill} love WIlB feryenlly aud trllJ,. lIllIlr wny.; gi llant CeCil. hu long been );1nghl" hum nn ' oreatU"" , \Vhat borrlble pU~RoaD 01 vexlIIg-IJlln. Hla, lemp,"r thul atlve turn thal gives II meanln, to ~ho " I bo call' Earl 00nll.l511 un of Jhe pit i8 tllls1 I)acame more Dnd more un"ovO'rnable for j llllUfi an~ ttl'l're woa ralurucd TogeU •• ~ bove W. ra\nbled or Wlcn" ,cdOIl: gal1a,ut Sir Juhn Burrollg bUl olle exceptio n he, Dutton, Ihough In RUP l.lrti;lc,1 r~ge., ,llu tho more fro(lnently bne g~td a"r/iCY,' IhO )lI'bloh all woman mllke to ... I 11 Sir ~hltun Olaaek- Il \I "IU ,heir Beconds Il~OUt to wltli'ilrn\,. 1I1e correctnellJ '" I1011 1110 f IIlr "I'r og rat 8 ung h or gar· Illlau~ D y; 111 explain IIe85 CUlllrol Will ho bnvo over Ifl. teml" of ~be n0"8 are P t w~~ ellthl e88 ml I'ta mile 11110 w.tumo-th~ cap WII l I ry re ' Iaomo thlllg~ Ir a woid !V jlronled "No Ilr. ' I:IIHI8 uf flu lira III every Dook, IR eacb erec1 thero In Ih.1I 1Il.lInor ere co k"d 10 f 0110 d C 0 or on 81 e. , de.lble~1 ror words," .aY8 lhe olher; '~'8tlllld on your I 'tlwnrd \\ ftI CO/I\ Ict.d of the fully of IIhl)ltcrod tpot,t0ir 0ther culled tbe Sum~ the moment Did 1I0t 'How nm I to aplll,!n thla ne ll' phue Denloh neon,m lu. guard!" brendleh ing hia ~aplor, gra8pill~ hi, cour~e ! an<l resolved to change If . .AI uf our favorl~ plan!!t, Iller rOIC\4, .llllmnny a vow of love did he Y"U.1l "l1rd dllY" beir '1',. rI,c~",h nt. Ollltu!l • aald ,h. . . trOna. .. rmA verJ manfully hardor 1118 daggor. D llltion, llOW Bllo,.t 1 aalil above, he fOllnd It nv epsy nHltler. - mer, ttl t I.. ca mo- 'mId thu 1I'I (>II~ ~ a pnvate IOldado UJerel Den,wh unuw too Is 011 hlsg uDrd G(J(ld malting al ,he ~aml! lunctbe bll.t pola· t tl III ,\\\CC c~V',u8lnllm pour uu heavena ' nrtcr Ho of ton furg op.y .. t his 18 en· writes leafned play. lind 'cuurl·m aell. a. lOI~O brief aourll~; re~ulutlo and feU in- Ilil.'ls o offal. eYll8, 1$110 "r ~~ lh II ••11" IIn~.r1hl y ng alld flashlng' -the tu hl8 uld hablta Sull hislldid Iill{ cur. "e 'vcre bclrotIlc d wben we P\IOl Lnurlllte , served not gIYe 'Ahi' rephed Ibo prinr.elll'Jou did nClt Wll~ '" call ".e 0 I Su,Il!, ",anluiJ y with pl,ka gleam of the IIWlft clear ateel phtYlIIg mod. "' H e !law that by effort ho could mllko Icrvo my tr;vellil) g CI~rrlugo II ..,r~ yet bUl cluldtell , Ind hc>w olton dli! aDd .word there, for III' gnat a day, wllh Iy In o~le'li eyes -t~ey alt lhe firet lIos progrels in Ihe court \\U look fc>r"ord to thll lime wlleu we rallon~. And once. wbell . 11.r perllyer lng In \\ull ~olng yard as you cemo up a fl 10.1 r~V .. hrtl, ~h~h'"l c d I 8p~nl.h 101· plunge borne on 'OM a~(ot.hcr; home, WILl: or III a\temptlng to do well, he ma~o great \~ould be Ullited (or9ver , alld buw often did dller ~'"o sitrutlling furward bet 'And The 10111 .111 .t kll"w bO~bd In troubled llmes1'h o 1fcen" tlhe beal; and clAw8; homo to the very henrt' improve me . nt UI chara ltr, lIud gUIDcd the a_kTed h h b I ne"l "oUI""111 ua weupon, an d d81' ,lit Cheek's rIlpler I.D'"'~ eotlh, hD,1 lIu IlIr"li,IQIII, f ..wond~r. b ' I 18 throu"h "c pnint our CII~uro Jaf, \\ Ie wal to e all persolla ID IlolloralDutton" throBt o.t,()~m ul the boy. Ere 101111 he 'u 11ell ltepped forlh, frum 1I0foro, o.nd 1118 daOgp,r, III through It N'J I' 0leulI,ng de w "l1rs-\ ot 0 wnra! 61e mil" as much IlIllu~ne. all C harlel ono bruAd alream of happme~ lI. But, °'111 1 heal', ronllcd that od ber h~oll togethor wl\1l I , brltgg.r t IJpallll1rd, rrom bohulIl,- Lbo wl"clplpo mlraoul(lUsly Aa hi mado it n point nover to dlfftl r Vi I(Ii thulnp Am \la, lIuw one il i8 tho cup of happlllcII .,ncll no other would mado tuo .porture rlll~ l ' II r.\I ' ~11 "ftI .lIr !:,,,cllion dn It, and ended by 1018ll0d. nn~ , Hi tllll aome Inatant, J)ul\(\II', haCharlel, there "'I' duhed no rivalry, frow \lur lips ere we hava more 800n . Iil,mg blm III t~o, alld lOll 110 dlr. 11\ war with toe ,ran. 11,1' b"~I •• ~ 1;10 ' c. 'l~nc'"l l ,apler I~ tbrough Cbc.ok'el bqdy h fram d bef th ever aTO •• beh~een litem. I h hllo' Ben'. IVnr·lue like 11,0 , lie III","", 01 Ifva, In JU gft 1 tho fore 4i. d ggor through hi. back trom be. Acuity and [~olfm n b~p'i t un tult' 0 e aweet walera w IIC \to flour ..h 01 hi. !,cn. muat,to hi one Telpect Charlu bad tbe ad vall· have h.d a Ncry hlOJ =t un l"l1lld hre not illilaell' o-"joug i Illy ear 1'1.." . \111001 ",.I'".Iy " .... u r neftS lind the tl ote Ho hud a ~ooler bend than Edward thought ~t're alao our own. ~Ime WDS dllngero ul a\ruko In It.1 I)' .!ghoo the aatrono mer-' boBIJ.. acco~ds have Lo adVolllce ':pull o~t tha fopr pftuli):, I\nll oyer, - yoar lICemed but to • htjwal hbl\lckler ag~" thought boforo Iio allcke. He con.ill: IIclerlcb, IIleo~ogy I,ave we 8.,.1; but the bloudy \\ enpon.," dI8e n~o.te thnt hell-em. ered 1111 done their a matter \vell before be gave lila Oplll' atrunith CII tlle lill~8 of affCCLI\III'I cblr", uprf'lIal un w~. mcorrec yOtl llnd IItlll you ~re .al.ljlrat fu'r l, except a. a fig. brace or therr. Thil 18 eerloua enough' 1011 ulld In Inv hurt w.. lhal luve 10 detply ure. BlIcklen wenl rc'pcetln l: It In conlequ ence, hiS ou,\. finy yeare ago. CheUI .~~m~ll'IImltk='ilrI~~rc;;'~1ilPoi~~~~~m~~;:~~-----hlsJife r...lafIowUJg. b.~ I tllI Judgmen t was relied Ur,0ll. # "ebollt the twentiet of .... ucen Eh%~beth;" rUIIlll1I r;reelw HIS 'uplllion The l'nneo.t hrew(J bld ~n Dutton, who meroly por. hid huplulltcd tbat Deeth alolle tOllld 8e~'ertbe m~1I Jlo not .wash h"ltb ",eight. eat ') ho YOllng· reader nor Ind look~d grave. them, or light In floe, SkIPS, &111 Chook r,elll down, dead III woul fibre" y;llIch H emed JOtErIllOVpn Willi my that WDr. Iron arlDor like to hllv\! inllllone , wllh IllS com. ,Jt la not oltogetli~r ror a now fllme,' she ba, £oul You did not know ' wben YOIl 101'\ uupllD mero plctU.... moatly ItOna out< hi. rago. "Ho hid a blo y bunal there PIIIJIOIlll Ha would lik. to gro lV up to 11114 III amllht, lOno, tllllllall of eoldiel'lll Kin, thnt morDing," say. my alleum, friend. line thl\t goe. ,nflllence with men His course laa eomcth" ,,. ~ It well mlly-bu B - - - thl' I wOIlietrotIled and thut I Jamel .IIU£, ~t \Voa an oxcedllonc Ibnvenllun l He Will a88ll1t no moro IQ 'lbe Nctherll llldl t my country , • plain one He mUltlre t complot o conllol Ifnly, IS • lind worth ."'Ikm/!' • , 10U wuli! get nu harlU, en nfllt or oou1d Dr other war8. lliulllht of Boon pay 111" you II. vlalt, and m· you do 1111)' In it. oftr h .. temper. Ho mUlt nevtr g'e1 Ill- twe n with f9 poor. hDnd nil lbl"0 blow (or Buckler s, either for nnd llro Such Iccne dors 11I810ry dlsclosO ,1I8 In /{lV. "Never'" me,hlnk d.·ed lIear the name of llunllp; hut tins borse o~ fUbt, are qUlle e I hear ),o u Illy to fll.IIIO mea wlth Ivhat money I CDn ,one. ret old Mr. Run beams a. III ~Iozing holl. tire on C&11118 Yel wee lIc,ver to be-Rov er. But I .m wand· I5luwe, good chromul er,oou nev.or You must get a petreet con- commun.1 nlld tu lea.1 them rf Ihey neod be, reeollec t whell aa ndl, In 'tho rIIW wmter DI~ rn~ng; then trol 'oYer 10ur lemper, aoll tben you will erlnlf frurn my subJect. 'rbe tlmo \VII ap. every gllnLI8m an ~ad Tho prince. look like an enthueia stic hli buc;l~rl dodd et droPd tho blari~et of ron,ulfies, of· mla bla wht'n WO WHO tu be wedded _ leillJth tlvery .en ng haYe one o. Ihe wndillo ni of ell)rclam r a offieera or 16 wblle .he Ipoke tbough mlill en c &1 .n y. ing IIIght,ov It, .nd paN.M on elaowhlt h. I ~ 1 oOlltrol ove~ othorl You mU8t never DS' 18 now put thi(ly-h B~lIlthMld-slill • ..te field, full ot pud· er. GRllnnt er er mille dreal hlld ao Sir [.fal\<)11 Cheeli lIe~ lIunr.d slime allY authorlt r over In '"~ montlll 1 would b. 11111 Wife, \Vb.n dIes III wot \Vonthewr,-wlll your compani ons. rejunlVII In tbose dlya there, Ilnd Ceeil of Wimble dulI,80n of You must be wllhng to snertftco your 0\\ n descrlbeled her-lind her lenrned ffletllia he receIVed Intelligc llc. of tho deatb of.Il full ot l:ucklor duol., l.or exl'reSllOlJItOnO and boauty toevery Sunda)' and Durlolgh will haTe to leek' another supor. wm(ort OR to their. uncle MlI4mg in J!:llrope, whu blld beqnea;- holiday IRathe dry aeuon, You mUlt study 10 grther u hulllg boell momor.b ly aUrac .. land wae called lor ol6ce~. What bOl1llmll of tho iJvltlg obhge 'I U"'.'FU.I'U~'1, them 111 all tlilngs , except when :ive. IJr,th.1 or l ome lue I namo. llleel tu h im e la""o eat-to and alti<J a ro- Rullilll" , D u,'Io n oRo .... ard. I h " . h clnrewr Y .,., 'a t ftl\u.vI "". ay" never to tl1\1 tb eIr w" '1'ho account or A ma~, IR .,.a .. Ily.,cuug h t b Iii b lAC k moment this morn III " collllA' oJlg 00 mOIl ·,u hnd tho leMt Ilint. .. CJuelt that he wuuld go a peedlly tlnd a,! tend Icr, oC " llt,!ealhe ~nd I beI maIntain theaupr. mllcy of the l ight You C'lme curront ",ood,.6t tho habotr tho new I from' til y, mu.t form habits o( thought, so Lhut wilen thut III tho'latoainco j to It, Is perhap. tbere ",uuld be 10100 !ttUe dalbor II; bung It atll\ct'O fthe Sardmla n .rmy over III. blCk, Ity a you gIVe In opinIon, It . bolll,] 1>, 11nder. npon tho :A.IIHtrllln the Ir II. ' -!lUI". CIRT!lroO•• dlllil1ulty before Ite tould come 10 polHil8, ttrap rattened tu the prlnceal ed, two hunpommel pr hIli .wurd r. ' Atuod 'thot you hllve thullaht the lIl~tter .trec\.Dtl n \lr 11ft own, In trunt l' Jl:lt'p"l men abowed what UfmlllJ Ind <'quipping or 0 I'; OVl\r nrv carofully . anll hllvo viewed . lllte, o,.enle of poellc beauty \V.alll them It Oil alld ucl"l,vetl hersolr moat 'l1l1~ntly ' -.....- ·llaoOUllc - - --- - Very Olfclluol lil'e waa th. I:rC(III11: be· . How hko II lIeath knell all •• de~ If YUII (sllhrullt ponuo tl"l lIome J " urual' came thlll!o tId- by tho fll8hlJ'n ur their b\lc~ler.-Wllh t\\ r on Amebe Momt and Jlor old \ (riend mgl Ov~r my courst VOU 1\11\ J.enrlf , Our I:lndal must bo fip alllsh hellver,_wlth "arched lu\ve lIIfiC'noo ' If iyoll J :....:;--;~~~-.,.....:......:~;--;-~~~w.~=~~C"~==~=:=.'3;;:::--t---ruO', en wl~h to 'be men of inRuenc e, yO\l mUdt he· ---'-. I __I IchOl~mate. L l ura V4Irnon. In earl)' pe~ t pon~ d ~ur a year I t O gan 11I1II. h cloo, J e epnt Ut Ilt cas. we Itlr hallglllg 10 al hla bock, a min, II hie mous· lur It now. In thtd hr. lhCy b,ul beef' frullld., fin I' and 1+, e J rem~llIber uur pnrlllli- (clUlnllt bov I~ mther tl) tHe 8tup tu tl)ChlOI and boota were III gOo~ orlier, "pr'~ Inendl\, at ac:boul, t,II)Y were IIV.,f tu!:cther . ltell 10\1 half tlrat "hst Ob,tftlcr ) 1 ",as hid, but thclc p~d r.,. rtll \Vllh lomo SlItldllillllCln, Full uf Oil a lIail prOVided for thllt purpu"e, ho an~ every "(,If .eemed bll' to alnm .. thl'ij \\en' his lu t word. ~ trlln~ lI oatbg, ami bcardt!d like pard; a de· threw J' on Ihe table,by Iha~ Ineana k(Cuclt. • TI lib b ( t!liculcll t.lookmg figuru. Jo, lo 111m '", -oft' alld brcllklng Iheir' frlend,h1p. 1lhua time ,ahed ..ewoy , ~ loug I mil. I ... ~cnl rOIU YOU, ) 11 t cidely a Itla.. , vOllSel uf III the Stf~ll,t thorougl llllrfl, aceidelilly ~olue valllewhich happene unlll ~mollk WDiI lliout seYeDICl'n, ~litl" In) Iloarl eh\l!.l hI) WI\l1 d . o be on 1110 tL. YOIl. aJ)d though ~"In.h hi. boot. aa you pu~-by heaveu .Ie, 'Are you crazy, EJlfnrd l ' askel hi. _he amed 1.1 Lil'utcn ant' ~orri8 •• ' year;r should roll by , I will enr be con· the buckler gots upon 1"1 arm, Ihe aword mother. line, dulling a youna rna .. u ever C41Pt:~I- ' atont and true till deMh. " Believe not ror fta. heil l/l lIi ll wltb oalh. enough, .nd 'No ma'am,' ..Id Edward~ IQ I mora reo !cI h h f '11 be"IW\ ' 0\11) moment lI'lit Ill)' hVllrt I ~ n,t Irrcvoca- yilu toe beIng1i.1. ready. there to! I 0 cart 0 a 'WI "I" . .--r II a nOI.C!- , apcctrut tIlllq one "",,ulet I,ave ,xjlOct· e • i bl ' OUI1I' C link, clQnk, dealh aud fury) 1111 pereon~ ed, Ir h~~Olll dt'd IQ ouo o( the wc.lern cllir., alld eama , )' J h.d eoen hll contrac t,d t.r ,,,. no ted IIrull60 arc nd(lpw~ 10 III resldll '. ' , . nco Oil Jott •• mlg rouili, Ilnd new qUII"I 1I11 aprillg••nd proJ8t1ted lips. He n"g llt h~~e add." dry'8Ulllly pIOIlI~. to Ihe plouant viUlp o( B - , where 0, Amllha, 1I0lv on.n In my ' huurl Un e h uving bC'cll criu. Ing (rom 1111 . t ne' .Alld DJgoerr J wme. '1 am c;~usa,l but IlIaC he formed lUI at~",1l,I. lor ~melL& Lee, i1ti~olole lorro\\ , "hcII Ina IlDDCCGII 8Dr).ght alive In a trup, it \v UI obeerved thuL Ihe lifo 8tl'rned a burdi- til' \If .Ih Iho to\\·ngu~rd! And the 14up. Any IInc could ece Ihat Which resulted in their ma!'l'iap . , bird IICI er dr a l\ nnd nOltlod r J Lhor tu en, and the Ide hnk of Hope'~ c1.nlll ~oen1. kcepera h ..tily cllJae their ehopI' ~IY, It 'WIrD\ hao O~~llrr~tI d..,lurb 10u ! BUld I\vuid woller : but a few cd have thue \\ orc~ cume u tu la I~.rdly necc.sar y, ",., Hr. Ho'No, alrops one doy fil l· It wla • •ad 't"al for ARiell' to p a brukon UI,"U "16 nllIU.Qr. rt' • lillg upoullle coge ond Irtkhnt& do\\'II tho P buckler 1I,IIte amount ooly 10 nOIIt', ror I 1'I'le bOYI IYll1 not With h~f frl.nda ill'~B---. and bilt r '1ny loul frcaflln rC"1clllb do anl/dung winch ,. !Jllf. the bird drank rall~e the ll\ \la 1(,.pokeD mOlt Pllt, Ihe Jingle of irun egalll~t 1m I" li b to \Vllh I,.ve the.. to dOA and Ihere i:. icil ly Dnd a" cos:crnc"1I thllt Il rent dolC. w.athe lasli far hllr l "art wl\la Laura butle-Iordoy , though el\o\\ cd ahe year. have Ind paInted leather. !tum"" sW-aohera ! Claarlea H alRes, tbey Vflrnon to reeltllat perb.,. th~y ahOllld yeer; uf deop glconl Will al waV8 do JUIl wD8lIulft Jrlllgwit h tlmltt 'rhe experlrnPlit tol me, linle they .trlltun l alII "I ~Ilh bl' ealh, .ad will" wh,j he Ullhl thorn to. t' u To·d.,. J "'lilted nu tlulIIlll ndt! wlac~h~r.he woo hI drlllk (rom IIII Jip~! 1 bllve I.en hours when kerl, d"UghL to plck.all l'arrcl, butlhe ruJe th ' " Lq IW to the loag met IHI ~., &IIY irat.e D". 10 la )'''u do nuttbru ~t, you dQ Dot Itrlke be. '''If, and thly \fould nol 'pood. Ind hll\,o I uoder 01 her circultlsl nncel and thougli she aei. put y.el;8 or ,..ble COjptlier (0 bec"U'8 Gbarl .. lived on dry Indian corn the cup or wlltl!r b.ave Ipng~d to Il'a~ 0 ~hi. trouble.o mo Ilid Ivw tbe " ..ilt I and L wu' ~ dry 111111 he thilugbt thty hlld hetter go tu the Ihe Iillla and throuBII' lb. pl....nt 1/1 th. cage waa lOr • whole week' 'Ie lt uri. Im.burd ened \\ orld-lII ate tbe water. 4ul'l~mere nlllle, .. ~ 01 work"'1 IIn·I ID't". , be.cb grove. lIo told lurrQlln llln, til. aweet Yilla. . of 8 - . Ettmlly , Ind wenr tl" Ihem the, mIght ta.ted but tiro mumellt wllter WI8 wruth of blM.ed ... Itlt profllno awoarfn ll'-Emp ty vaporIng do Ju.t althey pll: ..ed, alld that be I\oul.t ledon the burl Ihe drink 'Yet (hll m_ . . III 01'.,110 " lid a .... Immortaltl),. It ellietly DS be hllllyroolla ~n~ br.,~arta, th. y encwnb ft gu to e.tlleJ' pll"" bllt II' , ,." • a, j ...t bee"u.e he Paid fore. It ocwred 10 hIm IILoMIl Ihllt In the "7T' I tbe i'lioro\li ofatU !llliply. Dugberr an tntfu~ ~~e' wa. tp,olten, "nd • W' perled, the next y aDd) lie thoug .. t tlillY had better I!'II 10' the ~ve hutufll ~ h..tmla or the b ITd the ollly \Tllle, nlornlnr be j f l l on Vergeio ul \0 l'pprel,onll the!}" 1 Itno i tlle, all wenl, tl!eugh I did 'alii coula a j~ could pl'Oc\lrl) WI' they P-n~,.not. ao "'eet Plain, till loU 1I.a way &0 Euro~ , lrom.the dropM of rilln 800n the wa,.. br leea, III Sml~t'ld, o~~ d'1l1ohd ay, "tlltt.. per&Uade thflll \III m> to the !pond' 'l ,ean 11 •• ~. , 1r... . t.wel.. ,..,. tbecleep ,blueOc ei n and dew .-Rt'" !bed ftowang-1t1lCl .. tyofthe lDqn.,., 6,bun, and hilOl' 'W.lI,tl re, did you 110 IIIJu.liC 'ethatl • witll their e.a .....nd .,1I.neiii , their l1,h' Ob, were lengthln ulIJ'tha dlltl nce between Dlerin, ~a ~f ~o~lfr.;~n:J!kr na:. I!, tlliO ~~n..... II d Ii: • th j "'" d· .......J. .J The, h~ a rlgbt to be 11I4uenc.. H .. • ••• paana to 00 a en Ir Ilea, • r m. le, 1I~ .... I! _ "" by Ch . ... le., II they eb6le ILo be. Chule. ont lJ8. _ often did J In tile lone and .1- noilO a. tho m~re halln" of old kettleaIetor did I lIut all~lae tIlem to go to the grove, be· bJ olle b".n uhe~d intI) the put, alnee lent Dill",', 1'l'lly earnl'tlt 8evcrnly tiars ly,or hi. welrlre. me! 'llho 1I08toil Olive Brauch tell. a abort . causo he wllhed to dl~obh~l )'uu, dId he" Will Oil tile poant of their peninr; .n" Ofn you wonder then fie ~Iftd al the place ef hi. dcatlnllUon The Uutll Is, aeflll:.f0men themselves. '1'10 ma'llOl, he no\'U \YII~I8' 10 dlilObbJrC th., I w.. wltll Joy Ibe roc vtd .- viilt 804 imlllechllll'ly W1'Ota Chtlstlll n on which th o to me Truly' •••ddcit~ allpr-:rl(hfil~1I lOt ree!!:. , from LaUia Ven,on! .IIY on~." I~t"r (te til not rllo Illuch f ~ , AiIt1 tile , ue I, net II to tho rellg.lon of u OWII1I, ce of II lit' too to d III b 'Theq, It .e yery rpulieh /la wo1111 \\ rong .hc lad, 8d toobj r Oa \be neat daJ Lill.e:. tile smullnc'1SB~of h~r ~ rtune 01,. ..' : na e ~.I'0 e ~~. l dU' fur I • aubhaao." I A.~~ lirt, ~ca... P , I IIIU an W 0 an 0 you to b" 1I111,rJ'y wilh blQl, or With tha Ullo.tul nlcd wll,.. thl')'oun g ' a IOtlrc:t' 0 JOf, . . . I ono man and tuJd pbanlD tbe I1Mlffle.tdob. toO O",N 011 WI rap er.... n al \her weft) talklnro,er'\)ld-Ul1lu,~ AMe· Ie boy •. ' I her II JI~I1e 10 \1"" coltl 'Ne'l~... All JWrI/If'd lho .fRlction ate hu nlight hue" 1'or on ith moro \DO' fell aWIJ Hol~. ln 8herwovcl, '. am nbt angry wilh hiltn but I _II~ lum • e. • ' Ii tl t h' rea,.rlle d : b l\lel lIer cWkll8" Ilety -Thll IIU~, I cotIld recellla18 faM, hi. ft.>rm, lu ll \Vas Ilrm in bid rc!WIllllo b .. ~I!' \ '.-e.Uti COlllbt . w~ rapier, and .0 "e ~ I: 0 C\o~ebo:~ Her lani _n .. hlY. Ihe bOj'e do .. 1 ,,"h ju blVe the m, entl'rtlph ed. that whelhrr 'How allellt tO11M'. dra~ l.Iu", Ihat yeu tUlle, tIll' c:ouklllOt,bell Il1O hi. .... flthcr e th., eonlhe r Oce. It I~ lput... a ben~llrul • _ark or !ller I.oro and Boeon; ~:~ :'';:\~a lieart ~tl'll""""'-. 1 darre e.. The)' elwlY. do .. Cbarle. eented or not he would marry t be IGilt du. f,-lIl1t....a lomellm peclIllJ . lhe l,tiJect a more 'Set'k III net Ire a\l I ullmafrl ed! 1 am lure thtre pruua weal",,; wlahe. \I) b ..e Ihem.' wt ~uch .. 1i thou 1I0U.... ,itom lila 1Jud &e 1111 rn IecJ Iween" . Il'ftelve d lettenr· I.. rrllll)' lerloua one! Perhapi hilt elTtcUolla anJ II h rc(u..ed to "Ive hlUI -get jUIfl 1,y, D80 "Iobcrly, dlStrlhule lb. "ader 'Why II It au! WilT do 1'10)' alw-a,1 do a proper ahi";' I 110 tI be aome "C~t at tile bot OuI of thla me ladJ aUbe TnI. of In, rtlrillne he eo;ld claiol le r It'tter In rarld ~'('~" on f<ll' about .IX 111' .11 I ko w lillie a view IJ', &•• d cuntf'nt. ialy.' Arid lIen Dt~:.o::.; or olle Iuch sen· aa ("harlCI I"yal' I do ~ut t!tink it II because )'0\1 b..,.. ... w.1Il II lD(rbtha .lwIY. bearl ll' the .ame tOile • thcbe ncfit ur an V,"glttlb WI du.. 1 11\ 11,_ m lule nnd ob. dny., I . " tho IUle W.lllam Wirt-I Rime that • e and therewll h clUle 'I du lIut kuuw, ma'31D ' aullor ~ JOlt Wted til..... ..ny; loYe.ud cun,tlne y. .11Il10 eame . e~I8;' =~~~:~ :IIbe= Qln 'I.Ir ~~;E~li~, of wl.o.' he pOIlcssrd . U l'on tJlIS ",ill. fonr be. be th hi desultury c1lft r~.. r. IUuJtriutl1'l in;can hiltoifutler'e 'J IIllnlt ),ou wuld tell If 1 0111le, trJ but ~ iii ' , w ..... . .Ie I' • DatIl 004 oW ... n \t18 grcltlcly wllfCll,\ndcd I nd ry '.Kael!1llllte wealth, ted tI !wit It w .. at Ibe III!~ II neither 6r • r Su\lIo,.. glory in or ,b. n.I..~ lbefIllte h.nI.' ren II" eapee anv ler IkJOII after t'llt tu conlUll ler.1 adYh!e and bnJ'Pln _. ,,"' ..~Id "'I IIOne came; elld IIOt'Iiid wietdl Jl8 wu '1010' 1!'It1f........ '!J I"'\'rr ~tI angry" Ith Iny body.' co ... four ~ eve· werl. ~ "'I""Y, "'Ill net. line ftom N..,herlaDd a 11",01 tbe ,t'lr lOti!), \Te to in,ulto whetill!r 'lilro ...a IIIcb Ia,v 1ft &In tllo daile, ror ".... are perpellta l, ur I '11o ia "IIny. gCJl ~ " whcre, anclleaJ leCled.. .. berot'e tle lItld ~~blilll.r. 110'- I1&I*"",e". Tho cooloeeHor rt'p\led tllere wIlli thil"'e ealy or b hDwlf-w liro ..... hla O! hmr fl&rMelly d.. I ett'h nearlJ.o , 1n til. Iii...... wllhl" .......11, aed l'tbtrlan U: At uDC uf r order ,1.01 bo".. ... pII" .b he . . _ u d t£tn hi. IOn IlpoD I\lr.. out, bat for ,..".a ot hIere lu II... petl!d JOII" M",. o.Dlat.' ..... a . llupel 1 did uot doallt., IIct 'Well, I CDIIId not ref> ,be -wuald ' aot -.aIIl hl_, fer Irie lilt '4IJCII'6 : of )'alil'fl. I ur a,,\buriI J uYOI - 'luna Hit Gf tire ouW a rip, if INa "'YI" .. halr ta&i__ 1100 Joob id 1M ~ at



















'DREP !NoW{ 1:.'lFTY' D-E .'R ·' S




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,-01. 'll'iSll Y.o Ti fil.










t "d



".IIll .


Nr'.. •.....
















d, lut




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O:3rTh"..Jn IIln. ere getting tplU1tltr. ~me on the bordm l!Ievtraiaiurml8bea Irevt taken plliu

It: u\Uc1 • bead ..hoold be .ta, ~nl'lIt rorlll _ right., JUilptlilt -btl hla be." fret' enouch 1.0 Pfl/DOUQee IL. l

A 'lIJ.u.t. boJ "enllnto \he 118"1 J'~r4, n Pbll.det~II, lOme lillie daee, til pIck Ull 101111 chIp' A certain 1,.,,1 capllill p.. by .t the. momllnt, brUt.,. led ,"11".."" •• 1the ""et from tbe IHIT th"n4er\II, em'" in hll an The bOy, 1001"... a' hinl wllh dledl,n ucl,l/Dld, '.' keep ILalr keep It~I' • II I~e OlllY prnltJ yuu ever &0\111



:\n hOlle. , H,bemiea hid oolite fer lj) Illd ",bile he riled upon It nrllhtvl"" J I [rh!nd uked hIm Ir II \Vb D t thl' m~t ....nd,rrlll thillr be hetI evet _n \0' lIIe"

nc ~ ,.,.r.

be replled;.-o Ne", .. bll.

ta'e-tIt'¥~ •

Sure ,ta no wonder at ,II lhal thwCller abould r.1l dllWn Ih,m for I'll iI ~' to ItnolY "tIb.\ .could hlndtbor III bit

The "Red

Do! for the



t~r.1 by r~) ,iriDal o( 1f/r;1I Sinodll'

. 1u.. OJ"I r ~lt8 rtfn ."'6 all tl'lm1uJ Ittc: roUnnt r till) Ih. hlttO '" ,I ... ,rut lone a nd \ Ignr In U, • •U••• U,.. o,•• n& (ur1.l '1. Ih •• )'Iteflt .. ,.1I.,t.ll tutu •• Jh . . . r:ln 1. '''''.Il -Jth •• rtl &, at no till'll d$tli t:llhl~ l lt~ r"'i~tlt lI."n: «AU··(". &0 tha mcut ...Il,. ".' • • I"",.ch til 1 remu"obl. lur Ihelr rlJe..rh In


"i.c:~ r.tln~ .tr.lI~th.hl'." III~ ~l5t.,,,,U r. rrtl ,.. rU •• ,



JrIl,.1 DIH1 'Ult




Dl,PEPSU Ilf ,m WORST FORlU .. A1,n , l ur f oml "iA\.a 'Iund.ce )1.",0 Ilru I OJ. Ihell." fISnV,.,. J)I Junt .... or tl •• Sk.t. IJi TIU • ,d 8"10 I ftill' ttl :tVlfetite J "'" !J Ion ~ar"n!J. U.. J oel. 1;11~ln ••• roll 1,.,10 , of 1\11 11 .. " ~1.~I~u '" J ,., II ,.... ", " tlllu at th e 1)1 othet :lh..." ca IIftit b\ a.... IInpuN .\.il, o(.lb. b'DOlI, U,..., 01 • • " ~Ieb .. ud 10 dolii/iI,'o llId .. MIl.. ~ ••• I.1Il.


F EM\, f~ Ii: "'-0 51





(rom a mort)id .nd u~' coq"tjoa .... 11 ftnd ,hi. ~1l.dle'"'Or




I P. }f WIIOLDALE 811OC8a.

Jlnponer ~el , BIUNDIU; W~.NES AND GINA, AlIlI M4LU ur •

MlILAIIEI.JrIU.l ) "t"t70UI..r:I. '''p''(:fjully 811nOIlI1«1 10 " 11 \,V 'C'I"mUilhy a' Iftrl:~" .hot ~~ I. nl", In ,.. ...II"..iI r", n(l \<) Ih" k~a Ing 01' • IliA to "hlNI tl •• h b he.r" Ill....n rn!lullal prlnrll,I ~~ J"C)",~I a(t~"I")'" to bll,ln_ I",Clher I.'any yur. ~lI."c,.fnll'r.ctlb •• II I, IIreaumed Will be I IIo.iu Jl.. e",,~, to 'h" favor.hlll nou.,.. (I( all '''r(lvn .11111101("' hold rUI 'hilt which ,. ~. • ft..-I,I. nea· Main '::1 a ftw daGra ",..." jh~ Morr.. W' HOllIN!. • W.ype."ilI.,Mn\ 2tltI, ~aJl la-3m (OlUlll1ATI FROM

ft, ••

,f)OM!!8T.1C LIQUORS. ' ClqAJU.,' &0. 1'10. ....


at I", &0 /ilh a'l. Cl"·CIJ£trAT/. 0 LOT of S .... I PoI.toe. J~lt fK81 •• d uti

A f.t ••1. by




" AJ.lFO NU:'




$r \'I:J T:T EbLV 111 f,iUSPf;N halle on lIa/lr! and I'~ arll lI,ni'!inl,y '","n\l~l\lrInll "I Ihe Waynelv,lIe fdundrj<; ,h.. ovu nnlUedl NltW "l1\hll1hly~ ;' ~I"1'fud Cooking' §Utv.., palllnied hy I'Dhh« Q oa.on DC!Cember 18M!, Ihl. SlllVl1 'H conri\ruc,ed ",,,Ii I ~



/i'Ilr Summer _nil Wint.r o~o, IIllher or both of whleh mey be.118~. t4u~ "Word,". !free, EooK

'0"''' III ,he u.. er fuol ' The Oveh II ,le".,,,11 AIIII I f) Irrllll ilold ' 5 10 Inlnra Ih. ;Mllt!tJt Rr~ULARITY IN BAKIi'JG

'1 h... tU!VOllllr.tlII wit II otbere Iba,


W ,.Iior


~II"II whll "lib to pur,o the L'aoJ (tolll lbe III1J1urlll.. con,trectcd Ir~m the Iroc QjJulllollce 01 lbo ol'l"'tim dUlin, tile _1' IDler ~nd 10 prq) .he . . ...Q re.'~i ~uDlmllr ep...lemlc , rellOrtnow til "Uuys.m • EXI rllel 01 Yell,,1V Uwk Illd sarl~ snllll'

lil.nuel ..... 10 lh~ I!urcl,uer II 1t"'1 .i,hl .,.."lInl willI''' II pro.lng-tll.U an snlldot. (or mlilly of Ihe I,'.M dINI_ lhl\llJeel IS bJlr iiall , .. ",,,d~r Slove ono 01 ,h. v.ry '0 and t"~y "UC.neyor bo ih~PllOlIItCld. lor In thl' remedy Ihe I.ubllo Inlt!. h.1 nevllr waveradUBn WK'"" lOr i llS flluodc'tl Ollelrp"nenu 1 hey Ity 'rom I\hncral NOIItI'UIlI. hI • r.ATF.~T AND nEST lite olld Irlllll 1111,. ~~rely "~clable itollled}, Ihere/ore, hOwuHr broken ~h~, IIlIl t\ ~r lI;on I,,'ruduc~'d In tho w•• 1 anti "1,ln",. howavt\f JOblha,,'ne lO hlm',11 and olheM, 1t1' ItO OAII d.'"I" 01 ,.,/:""."v, 'I I\l ?II, t tl" I I~u .."'1,1 only u/ldur,ialld tlla. thl ~ hopo ot ~ h) 8fcn l ' ''''lor''lI.on h •• 9nly in 'Uuy.P" .,.--. ~-...,.,-= o. ) libw 1:>6.l1t .nJ I\r~np .. rlll'l" onr! per."odu hun, fur 1118 iii, • tok., 10 try It Ind no h.dl.:!t"/,, 111 orodlclillJ: h,. Blloedy ru.loratlon 10 }.ellhh



. .- . ,

N.w Galt H,uI. Dulldln~_. 8 ' W CeIJa-

...--"""";'- -.. ,





II "ho tt'odor 'Ailt .. t,.enc, be .. llIsco that. 10 nutly ..11 "1II18,lhe pe,lelll bal Itlfld noarly ~r"t.y PIlY,U'.loll .. illllll hi., pnd I,osrl)! .vory r(lllll dr, bUI "hon he hlL' uplln GUy.pU'M )' ltv," J. O<il\. lind ::;are0l'urtJI., Ihe ~ ro I~ llp lllcuiOle • ~ BLOOIII"G GROI r I~, Ocr 1819 \f USKl< (S F ll'1'I1ftTT &. Cu ~ GcIlLl s"ntblimo In l~!l, I \lIOQ atrtICktld ")111 K1nr. ~vil III ,rul. wb,ch beC~",,, li4I lore lll.' I ~ould I\ClI U.~ II .11C110 IIW5 , lIIonlllcllJIO U oe III 1 1"1 11 .11<1"" Ihl'~r<m\ lillie" unCII of eo I.!", If ,,1,h!n m ~ rooCh, !lll toJ.! IUd tJ,ll PI) al lD ,,[\hI 110 1l1~'PUIUllld J< rOIll tht>.bOt/~ In Ihe 10"' "rn'. Illy arlll WO. Cull 01 tunnUI!; ,orel 1/ '110 (II 1.11.,,1 8.1arllo u mtllty oo!ll p,cclI: 1 Ihqll Irleij ftll f"dl.n Doclor Witl' r~m"v.d tb.. ... ~_b •• 1!4 .ulprXod morUlie.I(m. bu! coull! hOI heel Iny aNi' My """"Ib." th,. lim .., "u"'C:OlUpl~toly '.lhuli.,.t1, uUill'V 11e'rAlln Inucit cmodnlq;J f cOnlllll\ed In tillS .la .. lin III tli. IUUlII)ur CI\ '!io(W, II h~/1 J .ow RII.l\dnttfhnl<nt 01 lollY801l, \ ..Ihlw J)oek 'nd " ..a~1l




"nrlll ~' \\llll~h, ~ftd ftltllnu\ely uhd »ODI 10. aile 1I01,le ,hu Hrllde AIt~r ""II)~ 1'' ' 11 low d~I., the "I.clllltll~' 'rllm lin arm InerguM, Alld 'asaulollil ft Iflthl wlqr, "nd 1.~8 olfell.l~." 1 '.111 lor ,.,ii.cuIUJ tlOtlle .011 .. hlle l\sloillt I !oulld ny slr.n':lh ",cr~usllIlI and III. d. bohu'l!ee Irum my urm t1ecr\lllaln3 1 eQn llnoetl uollllt' It Uull/ J had u.eil >u IlOld., IheuJlh'~ {nil nl o~1t p.-(~od y eu~. iJUjllfO I uSed th~ III;(t\' Ixilt1~ an I~ ,I,ftl u n,~ I 1m, ~ I~ot ttll allY p~11I my Urll', "11(1 I haYe no r~claQII 10 ,1o,lbl {balll 18 'hllr<lIIghly euroo (or I 01111 labor 111111 It "til u ~ I ver coull! tiu IUU. \'ulluw Dlml, 1I11~ af.. parllla" .Ione eareil m e I lrnlk n o o tller relnQ<iy wl.. t.. u'ln,r it and h3d lU8 d II IIlh. htot appeltrenc. ul thtllllal"lly, J filII) !..hove" wuul,l 111lVI ,fld 1U6 IrulI\ rel\f. 01 eulleung Alldllllo I "arn16t1l r.oollln.end ever) penoll .ullerlu" lin. ';-:; M:U:ilm~ii,"a<1m~:O:~":""- t'IU,,"~n}\ to .uullar hcllhb d,lleL' . til ...Il • VUYOOll'j Y cllow 000..• Dud ;::>a.:OftI.nnUa I II hlcll .. III r.. ture



Your., }1l grnlltnde 0 III r.EQ~ "RD. FE~~ALas READ THE FOLLOWING, • rr(j/.p~1$ t!'~r~w fnlllll(; of the Womb, o( bve yen1"8 .,nndtng ollrad by Dr 0"1'011:. ~IItoC\ "I Y. 110" 1) cJ, Rnd ;:,uroapaf/II. attl!! evury othor k.npl' n rumedy hali bueu tried Whhon'



W ~'"lsGros O. Feb Is.1'1 TI,,~ ecrllr.e't1h~lm) wtl0, IIgr.illwont) seYrn Yr.GtI. hl6 bee... ull~ru'g undor ,hG-llho\'or.cnJ. "Iafllt lOr 11'0 ytlnr~ ~>ll\Irl)' 01 Ihu lllnll COhl:ill~llo hor h", 1 I hllve 1(1". ) 04r$ M 1~1"lltly e." phlr ed the ~'I fII~ICIll Wtlll t 111'11 C<)uhi IMt proqur I III !be .000\I!J U ut 1/11.' to mIrv, \\uh .. uI IUI\ IH!lIelit Wlllllllver, 1 h"vII aleo pwullA.ed ulldry inijlrUllleUI rec~mnt.nq"d lor Ihe CUI" "I .dell dl.v __ • 01) 01 which pr<>' od \yorlhle.l8

hi ,I'. ."nll« 01 i8 ,1 wns Inuuced by my frlellds 10 1'1. Dr Guys.eoh'. Y ~1I11 W Dock and SlItIIl'lt\'!ll1l. IIluuil wI.. 118M lor 10llr I1IO'lIh. Ahor .ho))nd u.a..u" Ibollll fo ur I, eVldellt 10 all ...r


thRlshe Will Iml'Nvl"Il,

Dna IrOnl tN. 11n" _h.;

IIni'r~ wtl rap'

oil tlQllb IInI18\rO\I/l11i \lllIlllIhjl llt IIPWolWI"lIg In(lslliltcoUenl hu.hh W V I fA ~l We IH!UII( nt!lit!l!or>! lOt WIO. IlG:iJuUa ~lOtlrtlrt, It.QIlWl tbu tbol nbo ... '1!1!IIIU• .11t IIC!w .... 01 IJra. Atolll".1 .nd ~ 10 the enr.. ,Puln.....>JCIlod by "UuY.uu S,r"Pllrlll~, " 10 be ,'nclly trull J .-,'.'.--:.-'':'..


, ~A ~ ,lnn 1l~",I,nc unleu PUI III hlfj10 bnnlB!l cOIl'qln'''II' qunrL(and the namo blbllll In IIlu. tJ'~ wrl tton .~u.lurli,::i Y Ut Ut, r all 11111 ol1l8lde wrlpper I',.c" \\1 por ~ J UIq , ur 61~ tllltle;) hlr $~ ~ ,

:"~- ' -


S 1\1 by ' orlhwn.l oorner (II P


J D 1''' ilK. ::Inr.mnlltl, Ohln \lnd \Va\nlll 'Irnot 1 10 \\ hOIJ) olt unliir nu,s. bu "udro.lll~'4




.. ItJ Iino

con,a,mng 88 Icr... be ExetJ)1 ono aC1'e dHmbN! " Ih, Nort h w t corner I'\Innlnl theneol /'if 50" E ~ I1l1ke, the,," S 3)'~" E I choln IIr.n"" If !>flO W :. cholD' and SO N ~l" W I ""Ilm and lit lIab.

tltl... hal blten appra,~ 81 .ialttem

per eue and will D~I ~ laid for ltW 'b.. I11'O UIlrd.ol tbe a)lprol.m .. Iue Alld Will be

-;uOClrD.iC~llOId 011 Ih. fJliowinl ..rln .. to ""} ..... Ihinl ~pu.chue Jnoney "o "" p.,,1 In hand 0'1

- _ _ _ _- - - - - -__-".;....~_;;~Im

"'" da, 01 sale, and "Ie t'f!IldlUl in IWO EQuel J»a,lllenll In 0"," end two yellTl ~IJI n\d du',

tItlI d.t.roct PIt-nil to "" lIf'Cured b, morl«"c on ."e . , . 1 - ' aad \0 .bear In'..... t fr<>rII dIll

8UlPSON JlIDGE,'~ fUOOE ~'d (3,n,


MAntoN I~.

., V.V ANS

all" .f ,&.,Qal~.. ";





D rl




11 c:







1\ Ii

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oni .. 1, ,9,


, IS pnrt of

.. 8, la, 1(.1, 1:1, I, 13,


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.. 9, • ,G, 1, 1

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.. 10,11, I , 13,

co Crillg


II '1,


•It I



dutlng daye or our arat nequn mance ClllltR. an4 rod e up an almoet preet plt o\la A monunwnt to Wolr,on the epot where ' cl'rtnlnly fed th e clnillren well, and him B-dent 01 lbo Uu,vers e, Ropenlltlon .. ot G h at Men. ''Ve Bcarc(!ly a poke-\\ 0 coulll not N ev l ucent Into the 'rown -We Btu p- ! ho dIed hUll h~owlse been lately erecled ISClf 100 lIo I,new that oVNy l hllllT el l' It may g"IVe ~lIl1le Id en of th; extent of ' Moat great men hnl e lIuotr 8Up~r4tltloll~ er roan I for it my f"elin , -1 I k ld t ped at the AlbIon, whIch 1/1 the prlncl),nl It I~ II I"npl e hllir COIUhl~, only 111110 foot pend cd on 1118 stre nglh helllg kl'pl ul Il le Unlve ue 10 Itnow Ihe lell/(Ih of tlmo rhe Couri er brlngll)g .n Q let,er from Eng' I: g ou 0 t h otellD the pilleo, IInll IIbOllt to the an height, and I'xecllted III Monlerlll M Ir II I. til. IN aa t on hi s knee t o be (cd (III . he ""Ulred for II g hl, \Vhl eD Iruve ls 000 ,:\nd In wlllcit the QClllh or hia olJ the future-It seemed chOl' riCBs At last s.el/nd 1ate li'ouees III the UnIted Stlltcs ble, frolU II Bingle 1,lock It beors ! could ((, I!d herse lf He WII S sorl 10 glvll II11 1e8 U Dllnul e to CO IIIO from dlCerell! ee CTllIl , Pollda" , wa s IlnU,a, B) roh re Ernl'etme broke U,e IIlen ce Ly enylllg l Our first pllgrlmD/:e on arriVing horo th lg s.mple alld sublime 1118cmpttoll l it u p bUI he sn,ld sho musllcllrrl to bchnvc Ir Ht wl vbl ects \0 thld e url h t rom (he lo ai keci • I Was convanced eom.thin:!' ill, ·It IS 11 bnrd laak fl,lrfno nd, to rurt lIilor was murlo to Ihe H eigh ts o f AUr8111\1n, /1 HERE DIED WOLFE Su I." ijlOoothed her hlllr nnd IVlIs hed her muon .t cum 3 III Qlle ond 11 quar'er ~l.' c I'leaaD nt hung ov~r me lut 11111ut I e~ beIng UssoCluted together uQ Ion .. 1/1 true Whero Wolf died v lOlonoue "Vo th on VIOTOIIIOVS" fnoo Ll (ore ,h un er, aud shoIVed her hnw olld" from th e 8 Ul) In eIght IOllIutes from peeted to hellr thot ao mebOllJ I,ltntlv W illi lI .. vl~lted ihe spot where Montgomery, wh o to fold her I. IU d s wtnf .. he ItRICIgr"ce He Jupller,llI fi fty tw u mil utes, UruIIU8, In dead 80 It turnl out Who call help be frl ends) ll, os \I e have boen , very 51ll!den- foug llt ullder W olf, fe ll yrurt. afiorwurd6 1 As we wore Ilbout to leo.\e lbe Helghl ll took ns much PU tHS lO lenrn her goed mf n llVo I. our. , Iro m a "lor of the Il rd twag.o l l ing IUparStllIOUS' Scolt beh e,t'I III aee Ill: 10 tuk o the Inlt fll re well, DRd lo know In hla dl8u~trtOU8 ollo ck upon tho cllo M J of Abrllh am,lh o SIO \VU8 hUlcll lng 10 n rs ollh e t llble , s il he had beo n u go\ cr lude threo to twclve yea rlf (r01O a stur of ond B.ght, R 09seuu t{led \V lither he wou lil \~hdil hrll I08le we never more CR II 8el ' I'he HeIg hts of ALraha m WIll always be Il jlll s sl!lllng III tho Wesl 'W e fl topped II ness a I til e ludy WhIle she ro- tbe Mlh mngnltude 81 ~ty SI:'C ye nJ s (ro m a be domneJ or not by Illmang at a tree \Vlth II I tI J' ' place of tL e deepe st lUt.reet to an A morl Illlld momen . to look upon the Bceno around UB, IIlIlIn,d a 'boby , ho slopl III th e nl1!idl e of th e Iwelfth Illng nitude th oll In at olle , Goethe trus tcL! to tlf o ehonee !i( ae l oIN un 88 Ih ny moro tbun once bedew!l ever did our eyos take III " moio of tbe bed between tho two thnt ahe so nd y.urs I.IC"llB wll1dl I, rl n star of u kmfu'salrlkillg In- the w.. ter whether he TtJe n COIllO a find del.rmlll ollon 111 my cd by thll brood of our fathers -And cOlI I belluII fuI p anorama The 1l0LIe St . Ln mig ht hav e 'room, und not be dI sturbed, Ihe the lMluehles IVna to aUDer-cd III lome und ertaklng ," lIo~1 to never loo,e itOI', ullles8 ahe wltll I llecle~ with tillS s pot ure Iho recollecllun s l re nco WIth Ih glOtisy .urfllce, and tli enll when she cenae d t o be 0 b~by, ho SI. I" rl Egypt hos IHIl \ ot runche'! th e tnrlh SlV/ft plared lhe BUCCAU of his Ille on tho her own hI'S pronounced lIlO sepBrlUloII I 01 Arnold's darlllg expedI t Ion through the I Irllr1! tc8 ft~ anchor ID Its chnllnel- the op- lently ma~o new arrBnlYmen ts H e dOlllcd Our Clltlre dolnr 8) ste m IlHeil trn\ el s lit Jrewn!n" of a trout hI! had 1I00kcd !lil t 01 I \Ylllllot tell you whllt 1 aald, for ( dtl not r e- " IItlt!rnesa of 1)2;&lIIe-all oxpedltJt"1I wlllch p0811e b~nk of the rIver dotuid willi lIe at himself a hal which I~c fnu ch II Iln~d, In th o rate 01 thlrt,!! Iil o thou.allll md es nn I lhe wllter Byron on ollotller occu lon ob' B ffi I elld I is 1I0t surpas aed If) b6ldn('ss 01 dcvlgn and VIllus- - oint L e VI WIth 1~,.!L££.!t. ond Ilv order to buy a cllnsld eruble 1ju nlllity of hl/ur ulnll ng t~ Q IizeJ slU rB -florn e and ler ved !<Several tiXlrllordinllf) lillnp me mber u ce It to not e"ve dlffipulty of execu lion by Napoleou'd PUI I lawns-loe ble or Q}(hlonlf-the C'IU rBe dark CalICO WllICh, Wllh 111M UWII Fort lgll RCC<JTd have ha'1'0nl'd on ml' day, ftC> th,) hor thot flight, untll 8h" had I,romlled to be gage of tlie A d,A'tllnce FaU8 of l\tontmor enel-tho - lillIe , hands he modo IIIlo n ond slung d,,1 Lo N'lpoleon brad 0 \\ onderful th e portner or tllY hfe, IIl1d ero thre e mollth Al The vlclorious 011 Rck or W oH upon tOl'n 01 Beaufort-tbe Inlervenlng fi elds It up ~cr08s II port of the room, th lls SIItH . ' ••• t hulg oecurr~d to ~~rlil Antum e tte At 111111 pllll she WIlS umted to me by tl OS thnt Quc bt: c, hIS dellth wllh thut of the French ~ and farm_tl. baCkgrounds of purple lin g off aboul n tblrll o( It H arc he cu ll A. Grac" Flln~tal. Illy wedd,ng suml'thJng \\ Illsper.d to mr. ' 1 IJ ' conllnonuer Montcdlm hove long IU llce , Inount nlll"-the meondertng of th e rIv er trlv cd t o mak e up a lillIe bed for hlR 81S I rememb er wh tm t hey burt ed th nt It hat" l - w6 S '1Iln1;1 II: my ,Ieatl w orrllnt _ God Illone oould 8evor hllve to you j been one CJf tbe mOK t eicltll1g oml IDter , St CbarJl's-und, dlreclly III front of UB te r, ho WrIlInot sJllI' fl od t ill sh hlld a brIg ht e,ed Greelt mUld en, lin ll, d le,J sud , At 1I1e 109t moment I \\ ould hllTe retreated n , reat oil nnd 1 e arneslly pray for your forg Ive 1estlllg chnptora 10 history The attractIve }Qu e!Jcl', wllh Ita bllulementl! and 110 gilt baSin nlld Jug nnd plcce of 800 1' of he r fl 1I01lly fr om earth, \\ hCII her) oung hearl If I c.uld bave dOlle i O 1 IIl'~" \Vrltll Boon lind tell me If YOll con troltl! of \Volf i clillroctcr, 1111 gontlc n~BA , terlllg dtl!e p~es and roofll-ell p,ceented II O\YU H ere hobody but himse lf v 19 to 111 wu Ill! 1IJhtll. h er fa ce was fa ir I'hey liever ID prelloutm!'nt Socrnt~...' ~.mQI1 ponl(In 01., alld Illy hnpl'I1Ic88 WIll bo oorn of mann er', 1111 literary prcdllecllons and scene, wlJic ,for exubera n ce of b.suty- trude lIpon her wltho ut laRve anti IIHl ced I arro} cd her 80 rig Id lmd motlUlI l" YJ III Ihl lVaa DO fi ction, MOllk LeW IS, IIl1d h ill Itl Rn i \ , his numerous Ilccomplishments fP1\ e an I for extoot alld rlchneea, I llOVru- expected he ahV3) S malic her unuers t81111 lhut he grey drclS Ihe hod neVe r worn bUl (01 lIorne tor ulld BOMP llt1 C tnany \I ar"",~, 1Iy M G d bl ple te ay 0 eSB ou ,unusual mterost to the clrcumatancee 01 to s eo s urpassed cnme oltly 10 tnke coro of her It wM no t Igrellt (ete or g ulD os mor" r on '1lltlnlso 0 blllief 1'1 Ilnluoky 1I0yll l' D Ullt.4I' 1118 uehlh It Is stated 011 gOOlI authority onlv,thlll WIlly W0 6 not to see he r tri lln OilY , wore Il o r reJ'" olII l: ror alice rerusod to be Introducod to a I.d,)' be mebll I'd A neighbor or two nov ond lh cl1lart- Ind thus aH1red, \Ilth ho.l' lun« hlllr . prellll CIlIiS it Wal on F1lidll)' On this 18111 iii , Judg. of my reehll gs tfllli th" 9ve nlng before hla lut battle the A fI\ ohn. 4 *lIl1not remomber now \I'hill llley " urc- WC RliJC r b ing oxtremely fllIO , he went In lid the lalch W Ilh olit kno ckan g One . r Ollt o~ cr her stili bosom, decucd WIth fi ow .tarrod .a>, he would ne v.r pay Vlllt, II bunt 10 Viall so me of IllS postt< A~ the the ee one day heard 80mcHlI n .. froll1 ~e era th l'J lUlU h~r un ooffin ed III her gr&VO _ ,........._ _ _ I do 1I0t wlall La recall them 1 dltl nOl 88llllrs rowei! IIlona, Wolf Topellted With IlInd th o curtuIJl whl ch mode h';r co illaor ' At h er (eot thily plllcc d II email lIuk 01, 1 weep , I 80t sJlI\Dtal)d Immov uble I can (much pllthos 10 nIl oRicer who aAtnearlum husband ellolllly to IIstell allti lhl'y 01 I \\lne allll n 'bas ket of corn III nccorda nce/ J.IlEL Wo rd t of the I'rO>;ltiea,t.


Foa Tar. "Mlufl V,IIToa TO AnA C..tRLI81..E.


!IV J1m lUS

Oil Carll lune thnt lIu fI once mor.. , J h. harp we lo va,1 10 h 8r o( y"'e A'W !~t ('Inc, Ita brolll1ln88 . h~c I h. ~ and ~~nrll) lilu Illloill nil ear




J\nd left a ch8olL ~r6d lltOM of tanr.. , 1 t) seek a mur. cQt'llonll Ap b. roT ~'h o r. ·h. nn ~an t; ~ blOo Dni! 10ar. 011 Cnro lu"o 1110 Iyr. once 11\ • •• nar",) abu rg l\1oy lillb 11151







I j




thougl~ I~IR,




WtOllR fIBIJi V(r»UfI&r,




tw~ltlh IlIl\g~utu~1 \Vh~1I


,lot toll ~OW I Willi 80 calm, I t llougllt ov,r 1111 tb o stern uf the bout neurly the whole BY ICARnt;;-;~B rIlI1':417 nil he hnd enr said, I r eoalled th e 1II0ny of Groy 8 EII'gy whIch had rece ntly op __ houn we had Ipent an cllch olher's locle ty penred, !llld wns r et but JlLII\! kIlOW~, ad In the mIddle of a dark nIght, J oel, 1\ rl1 dan g , liS he co nulud el:l, 'thaf he woultl 1I - 1b o fI e eare old hear d Iii. IIame call allli more thnn all III. Illst words..,-hla vons fp,1 beang tho nuther .f that pbem lo the dovb 1111 y 1 hI II h I I I ,..rellc '" h to-morrow ,e 1 IImtle. YOIC"away W IIC 118 8 eep, of constancy were• III my Oil" l ellm IIIg Iy glIory of b Ing tlO 1seemed l l1elIroug had been ured













And hI iniHg rOlllld the wll lt", hoarl. S O'II1~!l 01 118 !If\) to fo r\ll ft pari, Or bAlb IhB burnln" ~ oul of BOnl{ founll carib a dllU.IOr/lll rOrlt 100'lI'onll'

-- --

I ~hnped


~Ii "

WII) Ie lh. cenl!ft lyre "II.lrang? And on tht drO)llIng Willowd bon, nIlS BOrrOW r ll~hl'll Ihe mu•• s soul T ,\ 110811 aoolhi ng lIumbors o'er \18 01010



wu>,s Ilfto r Irea t Clu Joel o~ u' nl3 'l, li nt! .l ne ! wlt-It nn all clenl G roek SlI pp.ralil lo n, win ch wh om t hey loolied up 10 lit \V aA tench. , RU pp09. R that fCJr Ihre. UO )! und lIIg1lfa the ang t ho chlld he r \attic proyera Th l! 1'8rll dl8e mbodl ed s plrll IlII gara mournfully Cs t, 5\\ Clot uevnUL tOil es 01 th o boy nlld ar uund ILB t!'nomiult of cluy, the garmellt tho IIIn UC911t ch eerfulltnltat lon o f Ih t! lit ' of Its 1I\0rtnll ty, wheram ail n pIlgram ftn9 ' I t n I I I d d nove d i d II 1/0 on , wore balluuful to hellr, the IIlte n ISrnn"er upon eoft I I IV'

Wben Wllshmilon WIIS 67,.ar. uld he Illy upon hie donih bed ,/ fiud r am 'dy lng,' enid he 'my bre ath can not l$St lo ng' And auom 'Ductur, I dIe hard, bu~ I lun nut IIf:'Old to I Lulle , ed IrOl1l nay til'lIt attllck, 1 sh.u "" oat lurVl yil , II, OJY brt'lItl,l(.


I felt thnt yenn mlg!)t roll 1A noLl o tribute tllIlI to an lupremacy ofl onoll,h when he Yi entia bed, alld et he erB s lid slUned and Buffered J\s SOO Il os the first cnn not Illst 101lg ' An" eo he \:A! aRud I, Oil that' tIll"ht yet fill In plJlce In hrl!, I glllllu6 -Tho morrow came and Woll dletl hud I~Ot one sleo t~hlr ome lu!.e h,. Thongh 80 well tQklln Mre of sho ~n8 symptoms of docay allnOUnGCII thut Ifle brollthe fl1me hearL be:t MO at idea c.f "IS mother pe not to be I'Qmpered , there wollid have eur8e 01 corrul,holl III lit ork, tiley II10re 1b ..n a of II cuntury elapMo .. Y f crll\ynlld V\ lth 11 mJg M go on IU I hlld ever clone , but [ fo lt thlln he could IIntlupllleU In ve ill He well lemHmbered hie no kindnesl 10 thllt Very enrly,'lldeed, \ tbut the pur. essence dopurta to purer cd befIJre 'I Will witn.1Id thllt Hope'a bowl "III broke II nnd her pnths 01 ,lory IOlld but to Ihe and haemotlill r'lI Illness now ehe.wns tnugh t,lll a merry so t 01 wny to al s ellce depnrtA 10 pllre r relllm! Before Tllen, on the same day, th6 Juuilol of the r otll'~ Clft'l'WOOII sweel wllh the du t Tbe gru ve 80me feeliqga whlelll he hlld IIlmuit put thlnge ID their place, nnd to swee p the the g rav e was closed, whIle fur tho nlltaon, a:t ItO yeart ul 11111. all4 J'Volf afte r hl8 fa.lur jl nt MontmHrencl, forgotl!>n Hla hed was merely lome lloor , IInil to \\ !Ish up lho crockpry One I limo, tho radllnce of the 811118et east a Jeffo"aotl lit 83, tlD1~ dowlI to tlltlr lalt Ins t Itar 9ceDle~ to ~et In LIfe d sky, lind / 0 ha I' l\rn ed Iv llh ~he peslre of retrlevlIIg I II h ft d y d reword tbnt Joel had for lI is rn nnnge mcnt glow lak e the lIIockery 01 life, o,er the hour '1 reaagn l'Iyaelf 10 my God' aal4 COIICLUDXD I III I "ppellrcd d.rkne8 , tlilbl, IlII tllll: da rk I 1088 HI d plan of landing Ito tdld WBI , that dhe WaR early fi t to gil 10 chapCl I marble .. fllco 01 lhe poor y oung girl, lIbr J efferllun, 'and my country ' 8oon ' Ifter nOB". 1 do nat know w hat pu.ed afte r H eig ht. uf Am/lUm I' 0 8 IIl1tlcJpnled lid h g I I'" t L t r TI1I8 was A "reat pOIn t a8 he , chous ing 10 ' (rtends III 0 precnulie" 1001/ Adame uclslmcd, for ever I "ne my Th e i p Ot WIler e b e d 18em- the cou fearovc gone • "ep" u ,or send Willy . ., t 0111 til Ut 8I1e . \V ll8 ac hi'II 1I y d end an dO , n II over Tlite) , tuo, " ha.,~ cJ!~...I tltl~, but th ov 10 tI!'(I e I hn al been vnry II' bJ tiltthut hlld 0\lomo over lIuee him Wben r e l:lllnrly, co uld not go till 1\0 IIt 0 aBcer •.., t 'Ono morr.1II1l reeo lvrtl a l Atter l,eiu Il lg h un lo dll llth for mnny II euks 'rhfl O banod hIS ItOOP' \.,llIch now ullars the I he dId slee bll lleep woo eound, 80 thllt could luke th e hula lri wllh him She , lind lIOt III n swo on '] he IlI COIIQ tltty al hmothe • InK ti,e pusl .,ark It Wile frOID d d r I I I I f II II I bJ ' cU r1101110 01 Wol rs COVl', '8 lit the foot Qf an II Is Ice ble VOlce cl"h n( hlm seem wae n \ c r know n a nd J llo l \va) S take III Rllllh In 8111nces to DScarlllln 1\ F lvo lifter -this at 8" yura of If!' D I d " c I did I open It al,t! pe I eo I Ie va nl yo II If" I Y 0 Rrt ulpltU \!U8 heigbt And hili ml'n i • I I k II f I II d f h.r I 1(act hleh. e ldowh ero, \\ oulu be IIIsured by lladl80n censod to breathe ulI loll', a" ea .. r y s va nity of e arthly love I 811 111'(\ mu.t e xperI e nced Ihe utmost dlfficul- er cia and Wide ne Illll lrd for th e II ltl e ado c;t l>l\" CC!rtl/l(,1I1e , IH tOl,lchl lll: III the r x NeuTlv livo y ellr8 aftcr tllll, at 88 n l r . If, con te nts h rO il tbu chnulrcd, totally , 1\ holly, eh nged, I f<lu ntl ty '" clllruberl. up th l! osce nt aW!k e p g!rl's [n ll\o:O d 'YR Lho cll ilJre n It retn e ThC/ pereoll vho}n whilst a\tve, It.1 aacI ilnrrlsoJl rC!mu rked 'Sir. I wlstl L. UII4, 0 bnlUi for my bror cn henri, It rQIlk Of! were obhr:ed to pull t he lllieivea up by th o l 'L ,ht the candle,' he could Just hear the went enrhe, to toe fa CIOr}, alIt! Iyorkcd kJ10lfn Ih tl deeouee4 lovetl b,<,,\, Ibt you, ulltleralond Ihl! t lie or till' It 18 II l'verQ lu k for me to \\ "ul\e u '!1\ I h ud Ilever "' 11 rouls II I1U 01 tre es Wol l, all aee ' ' I longer thnn lhey do 110\\ IlY Ihe tllnu mother on t Dlar .bu,\he young govern ml! m, ( Ihom canltd oat.! I fell th es, 11lle to ) Oll, 1.0 wrIte IllIit \ Il1llh IP / (d I I d IJ t l ,ng lho dlff,cllity o f oiil,:ell,h ug the pi eOI:; He the un'llto; Imd Iilll belillng'l 8 ster was live reM$ olu W il ly be cGllle W ho htld pl,lce tl u on her htl lld lIle glly Iml I sk 80thlll& moro :.\nd lie 1.\1; lII(Jd to I II n L tl d cp uso at Olt MI 10pe,I UN IN Ill 8 \\ ~r r U I pi \1, oh~ ~ve!l III n fam\har 6tro1n to lin DUI d h H U ' 10 I b d ) I < QY' Ul t~Q hltl brIdal crown, Ill litend of (he grf en laurel brel\the \VIII IIIl1l1e yuh me Mr u a , 0 01) soul th nn ti ny of th o allurem e ll ts Ulld I his ollie ra - I don 1 IJnltove th ere 18 uny " ,,;, rt (scem e tu stop Wd n ,octort "{ nY \\1 (\11 gar lond 01 dea th , advllll ces lind oalls hor ,oard o(\er Ihb , IU 71 yoor. of l 1I0t IU O, do lI \1 t tri O tI ll v II l p leu£ure d wilich hull 8 0 olllirlll t d me to my pO$ l> 01 (!,ct.lI nIU'p, but ) 0 11 110 or \ !If.!' \'11ld \lho J Il) repu atlDg nrler It the word, '1I1Ia Jllokson ubser yqd,lD sub'tanife 'Mf luf. now uil 1 h II w\1I 1 t hrow illY" II 011 ' I\ld r,lo nd of l-ol1y YeK, I C!ompilr l our ulm ost c. I,!cavot ' I t I. lls ' Sb II I cdl- l' e th er nn one !io al" AJS (cll me) aevero.l Um!l8, III n lono of fertn a?, Ihruugh great, 1r0 nothing 111 comy l ur mere) for r rj!lve n('l;t D u Ilot !'alley III } I d 1L tl 1 I lJeen to me 11 ot surprise, th t 'c ,I nobody my tle ar Come hare ' Ir cd nll tile tilly o f Il ls mothpnssif1nate entrlla ty -If iihe Ie rll on wllh Ihole C my dyla, th II I h(1\ Il' lorllottull ) ou beru ll 0 I hm e lI!1 vel! IU py, lIJ.! C 1u \\ a' on) a M. nlClll III) 0 11 Icorn lng tlu t t be E lI glf h 11 a lu ..t ch ee k l<r hen ' he mUln h3 e to t bi8 opr enl If ..he is dellf t. tilo VOlco whoa, death llQok for .,edlll\ani I ( iJ Ie Id b e l pl'g rlll\ hel ,and Hllll Illy 1 'limo), wOlllu j llUd t;u ncJ til heightQ, ahoult! JUlY O lUlLan hi ro dlIO'" he murlller er ad ellt \ k n stant un1 WI goa _ deu.roat Lo b er lin uth. then they 110 lon, I\lId be ceaH'd to bJ:".th" • l1I1t \1 r Ul' II, ( r nl) 814 r cOU II m r ti UUU Aud I 10 fll r l hullt1le In1Progn bll! nnd lS u ed furlll til 0\ ur, YOll U c' goo -", oJ COL h vo dO lle It' Now when doubt t).at IIhe It c!p'-Il'nd t:d, (hey then thre, ye af\er ,h18, at 87 dear tu m' I\lull you lire 1 {hove m any I Am. lm llollgcd fur d;1l1h [ ra sk Ihe .untle rt,1If1 ch uu ce8 o£ Il pIt ched od Ycs, 10 \121. r 1m dY'f1 t I no US" h6 lIut htl SI r ttl grlno,lIft tltelr to ROllv the eecnnd Ad.n,. decllred \11111::4 tu lillY t" 11-11'1 11))1 r on. fur liS n.ll,)rIlLlll, bll bt:ellu. o I 10rlg rJ ror I Il C UIIIJr any I'he,", litt '"' 11 ( , 00\ a se ror two \1yenrngs In III t bey belie !t il f to be- for the Ule Ift t of ell'tb. ) 001 centent n )t "rilIng H,w CIUI I CI)1I1 a-ho w !th e conaUnllltlOn o f my r.ompl ele (elacijy 1 " III \ • • 0 core 01 theltl, illOlhl'r ' lYeek an5 the S a turday afternoon , nhd I, nd; III eAl' call Il'cn m) lIn fa llh ruln esR It must bo t roto til Dunlap,lInd 0I8ured I,IID ul my hl sturicul o,ecl'unt 01 ih. nll' 1& tn I hl6 IIt I :You1 dll Itl 1 ' H ow should tha t !lnd W tily thoy dtlparllfl t ,lli elr flO tn. a of Polk bowed ,'onl , duty pOll til out Iho of the lOr I d.d forgive from lilt speut He lila lOs J\l'"IlClll tll ' j bo.;Wh oLl' MId the 010Y, tais lng hlt'nsell gI rl wTI r, Itlt! 0 ) eM Illhe ulllllvers ry 01 tho biB 8.\lor :And It. 1 hovo II am Ilelirt ' I felt hod it not b.en Cor lum ( o n l1e llrlng Ihn t W olf \V as lu udang h II! nrllly ond lit hl8 beilt hdlght 'Look to II wto thld et\lry iJ lIt! hoOlo Og In- til they "'turu to the gruve, a ni! h fllli 0 du lI ut biGOl0c\nle, do not Inrld j ml " ht hno been a strs)1ger to Chrietlllm· j ane anoth er I can wc)rk I prOllllse Rchool door I d horn 0 nl.;f"llI- nJlI()r t :11:I'anl•Q 11\0 \\ Itll 11 11 thol IS \lIe nIl trilltorOU8 ,(\r you-' Ihe Sun~uy 8choo -yet l10 \\ as II n18~ Ie . "" , I h ~ I.. m ourll ~ 1 know lY, th ot 1 would never fe lt tho VU11II, of \1 ere 888(l "dlllg the he.g hts , Ih ~ \\ 11l.1t HIS m'llh er could IlOt hft ber Jl~nd, but IIIl1rk nbl unctual at work nllt! fit \Yorah p h~r 81111 ond she IS y et reme mber nnd rb ; 0\1/ Le!1t I fen ent hope •• bllt \yould ae 1 bud ever II"e moved Ilinb"Cr an a WIlY wJllch ci.eck- He WIl/:'1 hum1Jlo, curl)l9t dUCII!! pupil g relted I I I Id I he r'l edlnDl hlmself nl the SundoyJlchool, 'Illi te Uti~ _ ~,_ _ ' I I dOlle,tllre lllllaandllOcdlc8s carlogforno G 11 h"l · 10 r£cel vE/ IrUm a pun all lh ll', -nve hi. love, lind sull have bien a 8! nothlllg tbat be too hard au naclous Ibat he waB more nbvun ccd thutdl Mecb"ulcs, lor all, hllvlI mnlle YUlI i!Uucr V hll can wor..shl er hI tllo ehnn. of fully You looks L!own u UII ''Voir. Cne, from the ailerwude,' she I ... .d , other bo} s ill tho lubhme 8clon ce en Tho} arD th" plooll bllllllor8 of tIll) .... ,tOIIl the Inlg ht)' currelll of the atfuetiou 8, Id P k if I tUllo d h lome IIIlg',ls mllet !l\ow thnt Montcalnl's su(1'1 to try, ho thRl practice uf duly FIe felt that ever} bltd} Not 11 &tIck 18 h llIYU 110& a btolle , I""ped R I ah d h d \\ ho con lUtn Iholh III lh OlIl' cour.e . as tIIey Wuu us m. I vc 1m - OSlllOI; WRII a ve rell80nllble one 'I'he lattle Hldler .hlill hve lit )Jome and IIever IVOI ft ry kllltl to h III, !Jut he WOII unllw nre .n 011 lordly uwelhnlll of tho rJc/t, Lhal WII "1'1 an w r i l l tQ ewe" ove r the 80111 ' WI,o can exl",· tImes r \\ ould persuade myself thllt I only fSlue of th o bOlllil1 well "nown Woli's go to the workhouse' He .puke L !.eor- lhot others felt It DO hOllor to be kllld to doell 001 ow. It" bouuty Ilnu to the p n fIb I II o{ felt for hIm a 10;0, ulltll sume woru etaultlnO' 011 1indnlg IIIm 8011 upon the lully.lhough the ghltereiJ II. hi m I mechlnlc'a s kIll rho tOlVeri llg s tCJ e p'lali no mntter w bat JOllelll ma, h••• gUI h the ame II ovo y t 10 I some ton" would wlll.per to my hellrt CJ r Hel hIs 7>f Abraham be Imagined As he [Ib l" two streams uf tearaOB hi, ch eek8 I hnger 011,,1 \Vh f n he \\ 113 II thot ra iso theIr gtddy hOlghtt a'l'P)lg the IS" tli" Will-by Lhll voice of }lilt I carl dh I Borne breutb would t/le l exp:sed hl1l18alt at Iho bead of the bllttlll- 'Wu oa? go VII hVlllg bere and we dbnll fine gruI'WI"g lad, an u IIt1lto of I\lg h COI\ clouds de pon ed tha IIIcelulnl e 8 for mu st hllAlten 10 Klve ) au a brlel IIcrouIII of y y, f lU e he wile 5 111 Iud out by HomO CllIllld,l' be 80tont I langer i1hng 10 But Ihelr &trOnll' lh and 8ymmetry th" d 'W II If 1 it lj' IIl1lh li'i. hOIl aat Inn cr my lallt lelll!f It of ilie put, alld III lUI vlbrll- / lind g Ifuuilded III his wrIst It \l ould 1I0t UO The .ense of hll the elld mUlt come Alld It IHoon tlld He Mllds of IIbble s hIps that cover the seu you IIre1l ::on one: w.:':ir: ' : ' : : r ut I first ltecnme acqultnt- t]ons were allllthe tonea of love. lite p.cho Folding a hnndkerohlef round hI. erm, he coming d solution ruehed over hun III a \U8 81x1CCll,lthtnk. when he W II S IIsked III th e wurld, tbe rbagplficlent .tHmets teo, wh.n it w•• meollcwed that • ill.tten n af affection Ameha, dllarllst compnolOn aln (d UllS troops a chllnge, but Will wily tuo tembl. to borlle, He IUd hIS to become a Lellcher 10 tile S undny _ch ool that plougb the nurlhern IftkeB and welte n f< ti bh:k d hla .J It ed with F.rneIUu, Lo "Ubutll, or huw ber of In c1l1ldhood, I must cOllclude, feel by I. eond boll 10 the groIn H. ll nce her, murmuring '0 ,no\hor' wbl", 1I0t wholly ceoslng hOCOll0 II r.vurf ,the 8IVIrt 10001l10t Yea thot trav erse obaer;ed'ltbat .urp,uMmg lovrlinu ! stole ovet my heart Y aliI! lessed on • ond the enemy pva motberl sclaolat He trIed and mude nn () )( e le nt tha Innd from State [0 S late with i l e raplu Ii,roll people Dlade_}!QIl.eatyour Bm bl, nty was 1I0t her only chatm I that theae ar.e my Illt Ime. to yOu earl DIy WiJ tefore hll ;mpeluoue ftlSuit, he r\!celvmulber fOlllld Itrength to mo.,e her leacher , he won Ihe hear la or tho ch ildren of hg htenll,g orl1 all the conltru6hon 0 that h.ate hi. de.d. aod If It wasn't 811llth neyer ow a etl'un or mtnd, nll Vf'r I&oow II tell me I may yet many r Sbe flrCIkwd head WI t\) a whI le l rymg to o pln their mlolJs Dy tlll$ lhllt nobles t ofbelllgl , the mocbonic' Not It In. 8omebod, ela" whode.cnbed an .p_ , ed a tlurd bllll \n the brenst,ond relllllor- hU1i1 no • It 1 but tholc, nnot bel O,no, for I feel my woundetl When the fatal baJllook trembhng touch, wl1lo:h be aeemed to ' Coli h. b<lllllme mUTe WIde ly know lhlln all edifi ce fer i!evoUolI, lo r bll.lness, Itap" as 'glYIOi a rood eh.neter.o pArtie. nuro 80 _tren th fl\ll Dee da eve hour - elfect hIli elllel aOXl el was thnl he as IUllg at he IlV.d Sbe could not 8ay 'One ul\.}' In the followlIIg ylat n tre mon for eomlort but beer tha Impress on their .gOUlg lnto a new "llIla who he nt [except yuorll, kind and .. rr"lIhonall'. But I dId nOl dream g i ll" ry y, ry I.bonld n U t be tlCell to drc/ b IIOldlor. mor,!! She told 111m .. h, hnd 00 fear duus clatter Dad crnsh \V UI henrd It tl. il 01th ear IlantlWfJrk -How exaltod 18 Ihelr h d b d " 'If her, DO.,er thvulfht of e iflng her Churd by cborclll wearlDg away, and eVlry 'S" ort mo' he Bald ollic.r for III) of Ihom Tiley would be t , ke n rn ctory wh ore 1001 orkad A dend 81 cBlIlDg-bo\l 1I0bie I. theIr pursull-huw llIe pl.ce morp thlll frlcnd ehlp, Iud If a prophet tIe I' hlCh bin ad ..y 8ilul to eD~\h Will 600n hllllP;J\et not m)': brave soMlen aee Ule cllre 01 • She l'dvlsed 111m not tu waken l.nce 8llcc~eded, nnd sel'cral ulllied out 8uLhmo 18 th('ir llfocnt lo l1' Who dares to 'Would end oa they be broken: D o 1I0t grlf'VC dellr Ampla., drOl'_ The day 18 oun-keep II" tbe hule ono., who "ero souud •• Ieep on Ihut It was only an Iron har dUlt hnll fullo n sneor nt luch fraternity ofhonornble, noble • told lila that tlilD cd I , ";: cl bl dll d o\)r 8epnrOlfon wil l not be 10llg Fire Wolf wall a lIttle wly to tlae tbe other 81de of' her, ahd begged hlln to Ido\\n ThiS WIl8 trllu-but tho Iron bll r Illg h mlllded mell! Who durel t to cut ,. cllrt lllll trav('ler \"'1 WIth have oInii , wou,d ave ou II 1 S II' I ee ollC, ) ou Will 1I0t (orlte l rear, be a ked for water to quollch he duwlI blln8e ll till dllyhght Dud Iry to had rollen on ht'lId,l\nd h. Waa to odlulII on Bu oh all eminent lind an Air of truth, seyerol IncredlbJe tblDJl8 1 hardly kllew I\ow II happened, but oDlon I ItOOll LV' h.s tlursl The char4t" !sti li cO/ltlnued, aleep whim Ibe sbould bo I!:one ken up dead r ruce l'h ear path II un e of trill' glury am when a cUle Vermonter prea.ot ellellliol ' loulld her COlIstdnt CCHl)l1 AVIlA fiB".1I whl'l1 the omeer,oll whOle should or he T"'8 WIlJI tiro laRt tiling aha Bald The Su ch n lunera l os 1118 Ie ]'Or..l) 6 CI'II blllon und hOll lld l, 0110 .t I. theIr own .d, , YOllr f'l cnll eocb d. 8IIW me a~ het aId" ellch Illoanl'nt 'Forg!'t thee,' never wIllie hfe la~t8.' 80ld lellned e.xe1olmpd 'They rUII ' Iber run" cllollio Will very low, but before it went There IS eometillng th llt S Wk0l8 on nil rUlli t at II does fl Gt lend them 1101 th e highe.t .De .... tell ' Bullt a lnt mlleb lI~r aI/ 1 ' I' k d Ih d i G h i' I 10lde d uJllle I manu- 1•••• ahe gonewllIbud Joel but h ad he alwllY$ heorls eIIIdrum lhe sth poct.u clc of of 0 eululer • funpr- pos t of honor fu me ulld renown' Wb y I B\l e k.mHt..llC8 happID8 d up . t II'lire wae a .e If IIhe W"llUt ' and yet I mella Morrll, 8e lie tv 10 rUIl at e e y nff d r eT'h II th hlsWill mother coulddono n ot "I-til e tOaroh cU ltl rnuc6, an d '







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the bsl ,okt:n of r, menlbrnn ce ftom Laura Vernoo BItter was her Jrl'lef thllt Laura had thus luffllred ani! decplJ did ehe feel tho 10.1 of , f d Y I Ir I th heruearea' rlen et . le new tlDt e pure Iplrll had dODe with l orrow IInli lh ut her ever, pan, w .. onr, and alll)ollgh til ·clod. of tbe ,.vley' were ovor be" yet she felt Ibe bl..uod ..suranee 01 I"aln lDe.l-

.. tole oVllr my h'.rt, thot I I·,tel Eroe.ttne I luyell "18, I knew It by her avery Iction aithollllh we hlld nner .pokln of love, •to each ..otber, I had never lold bn thaI ~hll wue tlnr tll me,








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."..,.. .

or ____-















that morning. tb.y magbl be more .0 al l Iter, alld the hmbe of tbe ATIlClhnlllm, or IODle :u, they ' plderl, nre 10SI, by 1\ (rllsh wnaetrue,:lol: IlId'tehrYe lrTowtb of lhoso orgllps If tho heud of a " .. ell wh.I hll h.1i to do Cl O m.lch I maUor of 801111 be nlllputated, the whol o IIf th Ol parI course , lltat Ie.. len.. WI. e"cllild 01 th e Allllnall ludlng tho COplC eyca Ullin ubuIII nlany .m.ller or reclera, lIs th ey Ire common ly culled, ond oyellre tUh"e other or,nnl of se nlo \\ III bo re prod u ced I bU IJd lc 0(1 one .rm and htta al ater on thl' Evon amo ng t be yerl ohra lt d Illllmn e, IIIother H e would not Ilka to lake monev Siancel may be found of tbese renO.,1\1I 0118 ror \VII_I h. had aeen btl mother wea r, bUI of mutilated pa n. TIII I hllpppn. WIth bo oh llllKed tbem aw.y for D"~ and I troDa n . pecl to tbe 'fina of Iiahc~1 lor an "batev el ..lhellor the ch.ld He d id DOt 1C0m to • any help. H e weot co the faotor, cr directton the edl:l'1 . re rut, will eo tbe nellt mormnl • • DBaal, .cler w-alhlng Illy un lle , and t he ny. thema h e. uro rl.' an J dre" lI1g tli .. chlldrei\ .ad ,.urnll'l produred, prul'lded the I mllUl!st part o f breakf..t 01 bread and mIl WIth Ibem - their root II reprodu("a, provld~c1 t be I ma l Tberr. w .. 110 /\re. Ind be t Me" knife lett f th h b lert TI Iud othet dlnpro\lll thInK flO a hiiD lb.", pan 0 elr root I I 11 IU .nd r n e the m .0Dle trllle. to wldl, ralt. e>1 newt. Illd of IIOm e ' peCltla of aod prouII. d w cum. and j,lay with Ibem 11'111 will (TOw &gam if lo, t , .ud whi t 18 al dlaoclr Um. Alld he dId pl.y. H e lull more . lIIpl ..., the eyo. lhe m 1' 01. pllyed bear tll1 It, w Itb It be e~lo1ed It teeaad DOO.. wi... ,II complex I pp I ratul of coall bov 11••, I !I'D"., the IIIiab aDd humlllJN. wiUlr reoailYed, b. repl.ced heud lhtm t ....t ruwn W the efillllm b1 the p"lII or lie" . , " .. perrect w. . aDll the .... olteD

IllJDgtI~h"y .I~ al\erl1'ard~t' blo'ylll!H:~~~ey co~~~de~~

rC8~red, when






thll llt(~e 0''',



np~n~~~! l~n:I~!1) c':i~d '~t n;: 1 it alq~ k "rte~ ~










~TOBTh-:'f~ ~n~:rI10!:n J.I~ bll~:~i:I~I~o~o:.,;t i:-':~~"

~:'~;Iha~ J:.~~irtJ~. :Ya:.t::~aJ~

.1n the lal t thll:g she h ad Bill.) _ Ihe belt lIud cu p IRld 011 tllo COffin nul another Whell tho tlu t lltere ",ns 10lfle thtng more soleDlll ollli out, all~ .ot tlll"klll~ tIll the groy more movmg thun ull s uch oLacvollct s In began 10 ahow throulJ the wan~o\V the run lll'ol of tl1l8 young loldler, who hid he cIlled tlae nelabbof8 they were so fill eL! h ,. plolle III the Ci> lIll,Ct 0 at hi' qUlelness He bad tA- Me Thero wn. ,ho tread of GOrnrud e8 ken up Ibe chddre ll and dross.d thom, and here, for Ihe longost slreet Will fill ed from mado tho room litly, and bghted th. fire. to end F ur reIH;. th ere we~o Ina brudlcr boforll he told anY body :J:d dhllPPb'1 and \lnll lor a Bu}emn targPt' tlt e l1'11tll Alnd when bhe open. She oor t I. conllrol~.Hble gronns 1\ leu SINt e ll tl e I ster wa III II arm I e wos \Yo mu IItuuc yelrs old, and could" Dlk, or"c6trrle, but _ _ ahe liked hl'lIIg an Joel.arm l Poor Wi! fA II wa. the ruoet confoondlld He 8tood U Ilj g withbod, hI. plilllalore at h ,. IlI.uth .ta wlg at the dnd wonderlng that IllS mOlhQr d Ily .O l tlll CURl liS FACT -Tho "I a\\ I, (ee t ~n , If th. nelghborl wore alltoolBhed at .Joel , au enun:: of cruslaCeOu! anImo Is, us t I.e 10 b


~ ~h:~U~~e \ .r th~ ~ h~head 11;

b~~~~!d,~ll~ d~~~I~~~! :rurrt: ~It\ nco iIf~er dC6lh~ :!'ffl.c1p~~f~ ~~ra 1l~1~::' t:I~~ '1Ioe~' In;~


tlll ln~e . f,o~ llmd y!~r .It"h~J:~tohl~le'Ur~ecc''lloWth''eal ~:~r~~edd


\~_tla. .......... ..... WI.,.



~,er; w~:r~~;


~ ~ltY!I~!.CI&I.

j,LVIlIUI.~.:tI.\~ ~lCI.

















u!; o ::.: 'Whllt I' Bald W IM, 'do they run alrelldy1 Pray, onl/. of y ou go tu Col Burton Ind toUlum te marcn'8 cl'glm ent WIth 1111 8p.oed u.wn to St Cbarles river to cut off tht< retrl'at 01 the ilRlthe from tbe bridge Now God be pi'afled, I die hapPl Such was the deuth of Wolf .t Lbo earage of thIrty tIVO ycan The eod 0 Montcalm was not leps ChlUlllorllhll It IS re ported Ihat whell the wound. of Ihe I.tter ureuecl, he r0'lueated IIle I ur pone III allllollonee to dec I at once I reA11'1. t lO t Id I" "WeI .::eIYAmml>,rl:d of nib l' ehln IIIOld 'H,ey" b ~ G', dah I h I~ I I en \\IJIqlllre e m gn 1/( ans wcow rnd ong ·ten or twelve hour. ,





JDJ b.r In H"ven In .bOllt 000 yoar after Loura'e cle,tI., A rnell .. Wal prru8ang the moromg p8ptr She law an .ceount o r a 8 h Ip wrec k e d Il t l oa, and among Ihe nn mes of Ihose 10 I lor Ie w•• llIy fixetl i nd firm dctllrOllRallbn were \.hole of ErnestlllO nod F nlll I D un to relurn •• loon .1 fIOhlbl. &lid fulfill my lap The blut! W IIVi!e h ad clo \ r r pIlr/lllp Ie 8 · ' So much the better,' VOWI to ),011 1 plnulded m)'lOlf It w .. them,andth(,lr lraves wero fllr d,, \\o jho re pliod, t hen 1 shall not nve to aee but • r...·llln I f.IHor EroeltlDe, a mero heath the r. aOllog billow. -the Eurdr: ndt'r 01fb Que bec f' I 0, n ffjbelll g II f .J I tt'rw .t q vl~te( ~Y some 0 I ~ Q Iccrs, Ie ue Iliiontbit a few week. ofabet.ce would to the In.- G ellUl'fne n, I . ' mm lI d t -.ntlr.I, ellllnl'lllh, thlt I lOOn l TI your kee pll1 lf hunor "I Fr II - r 11 thank f)f the put .. II ple ..ant dr;Ilm lQU/.1iiI) dcn\or to se lire tbo r trolll of my IIrmy My bUllne.. wee ..Imut t cnmplatod-and Yltlt ll' C'tO' l h \R II I I fi rA mm ea I II ••• b au . p. " in ono wee \nll eAVe 0 I pare In) sclf fo r deal./!' 00 beI ng preesed wa. with EI nVl tme .nry dl V, (or 1 GOuld to g,ve commn nda T (\ pe llllog the dollilce not bear a ./lould pi" w lthollt " Olna !'uurs or ADllArt-t M', \\ Lr ~.D M OIITc.u.Jl o r Qu boc, Mon lcallD exclulrnoll Wllh her. Neter dId llOe one more dlaplrlled l e lllo\tOIl, 'I \VI II neith er give ordert< nOr In I h E I tJ Tbe I pp.onnce 0 ' Q.ue bel\ U YOll ap· ferefeTe IlnJ filMer. I have much II oom)' t ..n wa. rnell ne It ". proach C a pe D iamond, I. an Ib hl g he t thl muat be attended to o r greatl!l' tilDe th 8hA koe w It \VU our 1..1 WICk to degree IlDp0811l1f You behclld a CILY bUill tIl enl than },ol1r rUIned 10",11011 a nu tillS 18 ." lod lelt Ihat we wonld Ilever meet upon a p,cclp,ee, surround.d by a huge w rcll.Chf'd COUf1 try t lfDe II vorv ...111. It ...... ID YaID I tried to be che.r- wall of alone. WIth can nOli frolrnlnl upon -~o pr.ty IlIa\ om \Vlah you 0 1\ COUiful. to be h.ppy I w .. IIlleenbJ.-l "'" you 00 .U ea du from 118 lofl' embruure. ro.-T, and 1(1 b baPP1 .ly reBeued from yuur ed I At Ita base, ll~n I qllM'OW mar~n 01 the. rare.e nl perplU llIl' ' H e thon a~dre8eeJ wretch mod 10 yaln to call up the ""fr, III tile Town, abowe " hleh uDlself to 1111 r dUlleJil, and palaed .1111 .... oe. or my childhood, DlT trieDd., rlN the cilite llawd htlttlemeu to tbo ohll', "'e ma ht With tile bt hop lOti Itl. 0\\ n OlIn 1111 comp&lIlo.. and III)' .,.10 m..llll, wiLla their nl1lnd dlte)tel . nd galee feHOt' One of hi" Ian IGr. Wat t o you. ...... of hCIIDI, romlnom!'a IW:rhe and P. atupendOlll or en • "'tter, In aacI Bta& "Idathroop .YI! ...IhIecaplet _ ..... rli.ment ilre.l1on Huo,o. the will.recolDlllendt/lg ren. ro-Ity o r t be .heFranch .,lelOR rr _ N t .._ lip the tm- ClsarcbH, end other principal edlliuto. dIed It 8vti v'elock 00 the CUI of Seplt>_ .,. 0' Le. Auntll. 1& " .. II) "llII "'elr abl'll, uooed roar. ,lltteriDjf III ! bert'" "11 iNan1ed III eSUVlUUD be m1 _t ........ in Eurup.-l .....' &he aun, '0 .. to p!'!ytnt the _de 1M 01 • &natadae. IWer . . J ...., .... 1I!.k 111ft' ftIJID apo••heID, ".. A



1I~len~~~I:~nt~~'j~1l1: :;~I~~~~I;: !~~~r~~ah~It~Uif,tlq ~Ct ~hQ

wb~ro ca~r\ed




~ -a~hC;o j

l)roml~o proml~e




~ htil~oule~: ell~fll,lIg,





e~.l~ r~om~IIl1Cl! DI?IO~Ullll


/llo' ir

qu~rtor IImtllr~.cene


e~~:s~v t~ Ikl:O '~ 8J~Ii!: she 's~V(l1l ~Ih~t~~~elt IV~B\:':~lIo~her ~o r~rtl~: f~~~~ry, l~d, 'JO~l'61


tl' 8~


vOlc~g~n It~,ted

~o ~e, YC811i~3



wo\lld not olin th ..t I loved het, I COuld nlOt thank m, beart [10 firmly- pled(ted to you] could (orget Its dutY--eQuld ror I mo1 h b e d The mell t l lUI 0 er, ut All .. nen tlm.l\ os{oCltapprolc1J11lg\\!ten m, buslnOI8 be 1I01ll1llele.l, BI It may II80m to you 1 neyer thoughtoC lo.villg Bllrope 0. Vartely of painlul .muuuu Then It «-ai tile oollvlllhob

waw1~Il~v~:oono~ 8~ke








~ !~nll::jo~l e':va:a~


p.:~~a 1:1~~r~8Ya ~~~ll 8cA~Y' ooe~ '~h~


1I:~r'm~~d, ~~a:r~e


j~~~!~8d :~~~r;~~~~~~~I~~:~h~Ilj!r:~~o~



~el'1I 1


~V~~1~8 r~)re~u~ o~e








y~u, fll~


WI~;,~neol:ncL nl;~:ati~3~~e:e~~et;;,~I1~~;~ ! Illy m08~ IJICl(lrr~ct tbll~ \'l~n~\Rg' atonlhlba.o~:, A~:~~~~~:~t~rt.l:l~I~~~~~!I" I ~t


I" .

fl~lier,.7cteath, rt'l~ed


~lIbJ~ct {qflr~u,


r \\

be~ flll~e-l


h~ ~ lItl~,1










o~ I~


a :'II.~t


r~~ ~




e~"rlOo~e unl'erl~hllble

Ionner.-"- ......



North'" 8t «!\oO Pn


Lleule nlnt Mumv Who ho" rh"rge of the Nutlonal O bservatory at Wallhlngton, com munities 1I11 ant creillng fllell! III regBril tu lho exiatence of a pU5B1lge In« Jetter \\ hiclt also Ihe reaull or l evoul y~ar's Inv esti gation cllrned CJn Ul l/Iat offiCI! III 10 direct \~/a.le m'n to tile loe.hlies wll.ra \v/aol ~9 ale to be found '( hlVI reneon 10 believe , tbal tbe rIght oC the liouthl'rn I I qUite D anlm ll l from tho nortb ern thaL Ihe tlVU aepe rll tcd Ity t 0 Ulem lin Impus. i barrier, I hnve allo rOGsone to suspecl from rcsu th otInvosllgallon hav o beOIl ehCIIt:d the courf e of ltN Ihl'se that theIn' amo

"orlh\~elitern embo~les





~I~ ~ur .,mllie , Ihlt tlkn ItdoWll

an lIoU'Wbot weu lt, Seth" aslted one of thl! comptln} 'Our orgnn' replaod Iktb with a f.....o that every Dne knew .0metlil"lr rtch wasc'ol!lIng,'C)Qfor, or,an .ur mletrng.'ouse,liitiotimlted thunller 80 nitural cne day, tbllt It cordle4 1111 the trillt for tin mil •• round'


'.y CIon,' 8Qld Jlr SmllklO bit httle boJ' who wnl devouring an egK-lt WI. lit Sl/lItb's desire to instruct bll boy_v.. IOn do you know that .hieken. com. -3 00\ of e,gal ' Ah, do they, father l'lIld youn, Uo~1 1 thoul:ht that eggs camo Ollt oC chlde .. ,

l 1\ hll lo \. hlc h IS taken In BherlO/4's Slrait.l Tbe eld.r Smlll' drew blck t'tOlll the tabre I. wkelllll Dnllinl Bsynlllo,lIl1d If thlB be .adly ondgUl'duponh.llOn Ibea put OD eo thele eatlgntlona prove beyond qou ./IIS blat a.d \\ enl to h.. work lI un tllllt tb 8 011101111 caOllot [lUI t~ronKh "relic ocelln, Qnd he nce we oro en. ' ••• , ' to her infer tlllt there at tulles aL A lI ntl em3n who dId not live ' tn bap on ope n lIlIter comlllufllclltioP be py WIIbo 1"1 WIll', 011 tke .Iud teUI. Mm tweeu theae Btr'lJta and bal-IO other that , lie ",In, 10 /IT" lu!r ....... WCJrds lbot Ih er e I. I Dortllwcn WIlIlIDI . . II,e bllt .coldiN fl'OC!l Tb lS Inter e t 'lIIg plit ce of JIlornml t il l nlfhl, (Happy ,Irl) uid tb. O'fldence III favor of" JlQu .g. IIIllIler, 'I Wish could I"" .. arnlof loo' tere»lIng pllce of clrouml&onlill .vLdeocc in favnr of a fo .... ge there W II called to .. the nollceof Lieu!enan t De Haven, when "Vell aambo ho"d, '01Ilill'r AllV he le lt thll o/llce to talt. comru.nd of pllCe '0, petty w.II, .WJaat our l expedition In .ear"h of Srr John did you hue for &bll _IIIqJ. sud 1111 comp"ofon.. 8u mucb Wall \Ii.t WIi, )'ou ' " ml", bUN rree -...: ... .nlerprIlID&' o'ce, IlDpre.ed WltA \be ~lfilld crib m. cia Hall Jmpor~.nee of Ihil ,u( i!'llioo. .ncl ..... Lhe conSlderauon FwinK CJot or it, thl' T ..._ -'_...0....lie u preued Ibe Iqtentlan, aner TU' ___ _ lhe aea &0 obaened to " naIu 0 _ _ warill, coun• • \0 &lItID .. ,dOli b, Lb. I wa1 WI. It ••••







~/~":::7..":3 ~

Dld.~ ~ulI



10 A.11 .f1RTIS,f ns 1 hOle wl~I"ng advIlrpemCI,t3 ililertc I II tb. VISl rOR In 8 t bn.s II em '" I Y \V~lIt Jay Eltnrng to Jn e ur~ I uulicnllo Ille lime \\ e k



D lIoy hlUl taGonlly ro fille I h 4 to bllye rOl40n Salouns in 11 apl~ntlltl I,,"uner encJ ho .. One mmn wantl I lermon anoth e r Ilia ruD dy at nil I mC6 to walt on 1111 (ruJlI;), tory QDoth.r t.lea Qllother! umo. Illd uth Ilnd serve them Wltla LI e butof leu reDID er. 10metl11ng rIse to th. elld or the Ilh,p ter Now anyone can loe at I !,luCle tllat I would hot do to /ill • Jl'IJ'er ,,,nil .er mona With poetry or \, Ith marriage notle CI but there 'ro a few that call ICC ho y mlleh thought ud labor It colta Iln editor to "ChtIV proportIon one I art WIth Inoth r 80 . . to Iccompf ish tho gro,IClt good tu tit, grealelt number J\ nd lliiD I(~cr all 18 the W at aec;ret In JournalizinG Look ng tllu8 at tlllDge ,n tholf true SrJlIlIG V.ALLT.Y J\llIe 3rd 1851 l/:"t "I u groat reuo .. (or In.'h ••••• ·'• • n ;\Ir J W H fJNLl:v- o..'flr Btr It ae en the p•• t or Ullldllri for the CX(lr ISO cordlnc;o With a req leHt bllde Ih 11 0 • Ut that ,hant)' \\'I\\ch cOndclDDPlh not and tor 80lnll wCl\ks 6illOO I lend you the fol lb.illketh no ev I l1li11 o. lhe I .rt or en 10" Ing Itom of sod IICWF IIC\ltOr 'or that lonl:' flllTerlng and pnhent A II lIAmlE LL .. nduuncc will(h are snsepa rnble from h •• calling and wInch ).e , 10. 111 (II ) er~ ). A DbtresS1U; nnll IlInlost flUnlllc_ elll.hl ta~ .. upon h milelf th., r .pf./I' b hlleuTho J 011 . lara u( wllrh arc 08 follow thw IIl11J\enlll reglous.b hUC B o( 1.11 pro IUDIO"

Durane: 01" Imof care r In lllis lepurt., m .1 of "t.uture "II 118 \ e ~ lIolea\ or!!tI to I1Ilk.-.llle (0'.11°111/ 0 .tlafleo II II ....,UIIIIlrIK 8 1 " .Ii,ch to be gu dold I{o" far we hove Dollblle .. -allee.lled \I nul (or UI to lID) all Oil. POint there \I much varlely Q( op,n lIut (rom unmlltak eable ~on "" (ed tba\ 'l'U line lIIany "arm and at deal friend. Not a fe ... hay. (rom altln lJUII .v~n .1Ul~1 nemll'S !Jeoome \ ~rm to.. nd lh l. I. 0 e of lhe IJ mo4\ oh ..nn.: aud lraleivl rt:ft Gllonllh at n poalhr, ,ladeD -n ,lIlOr _ hClirt • -,. laUI mad. aOUle enemies !Jut




ul ... then UL.h1lu( .re h'1'l'JcenlllJt'l ., doutnl 'act. of die "I

_.ted b.


1 .....




~ ....., Uc:oalum.., doublln e mGt. Meerta, " " ...... _towed ur

,Inlt Rap,la, ," Il:l IIr C C Burr. celebrated (at bllNDolII••r 'i-" " , 'JII'T'OTll, ,olurll. 01 Us, • lee,o oar rritilda tilt • nyrd 10 the



.....,"M .. , " , ....... ... t:...... " '




"1 \I I , 16 • a

I~ 1~

3 16




uf !:reot u. tu 34 11



IS nn

rHE MARRIEc) WOMAN'S 30 6 " 34



Private Medical OompHlLiol. OY OR. A M MAUll llllAU

MODitrous RnddlMh \~e yeaterday prclenlet! b) Cupt I tlleom with the most enormous radlsl 11 at will perhap8 over ra iled W tla a III bol allached announctng that thtrll ,v ere left a fow more of tlto &ame 80rt ...,ttabl. IlIlIbout twu leet long (oxclu .Ive of the tQl'enn::- raDII) 58 larg!' round .... a bUllae I with II stl/k tbrce feot h Gh and .. tblck liS II luftr cane It W~ I ,,1"& frolR la rt1 tu fifty pounds Imd la real} o~ tonlsill" It 1'1'&11 grown In ple&lolll Vnl luy 1ft alma" pure sand and of co I mdn th.lfll clllnce -''Y.'bat \ould It have been all thlnbli b.lnu favorllble JUlt tlllnk ot llfUu& up dueh a radish to tll~e a Bite or It TbeoldSllllOllmlllbtolwllUcomedown f!very day prOVes by 801M tueb mo Illrol' v.,etable a. tit, the unapprollchable pro duutheQe!s 01 C.hfornlll &n Franel3CD llBrold

1;ramvlllll '1 nllur~ I ' f ,x TI e I\rnllll thai travell erll ' e oftOIl pI t to and thll I ge llU3 uov CIS arrun cd tu keep body lind 5uul log.ther by n eel In Cd all a trllmp are mallors 101 .1l1 rt l) el\ tu lomc who 'f II r~u I til. 8k~ICh 'Vo werll pny ng most reeprcl(ul ollenllon to II nice parler t (I SO slOnk 80me t me $1 Ice .. t .. r~8t./Iurol vho 18 party of 101 renter ed and (ook the '~JOInh g box f rolU tI e conveulllllln It VHl lot dllllcult to dlocov .r that the lour vere IUllar. I1lld two of tb~m I~te amva/ij How I. un lil I Buffalo naked one of Iho r8sl lanto! ul lh' nfW CO/ller J rade Ilcboed one of tl 0 parties ad drt81U1d if YQu mean the 8ft t lind I1ll1r tra je t I exc,lIent 1 belt~VI but tI ~r8 lire .nough tallurd uut 01 work lu furm I rei mC11l 'We hnn t dOl II IIny II tng thesc tl\ 0 montlus-Idt Uuffnlo wltl th ree \.I\ts b t, een us Illll how dill Yl get I lire aIon.. \11 &pol.8 ('h j Workell not a oil Ilcl

7 31 20 19 18



Iltoultl b 2" :!:J S 18 18 19 20 27 16 Is a [I~or n Europe My \\ hule 18 tlte nnille of tI rae Cities of the United State" {J:7'Answer next week O;7An l ,or to IlIlIt ~cek. I:nlsma

evll lL1 C DRIIItI.~


- ...


PolaCIICI' nnd Tomfttoel '1 1tiC ~Ix-tl e peevililt the ntggard tlte ( t I. not glneru Iy known u t el eser 08 d S4ntl dft Ad the pUllonate the IUdP CIOUI to be tlta( tlie tomalO \I Itu Igrll v I" ong ,nd Iho ~ who I 0 UpUll other~ mEloni-are cora 1& far suponor In flRI 6r to tho.e ,ro~ 1\ But bow did ) ou I VI -hp ~ ~ r onr u I h ~ I ry II the common ~Il"l They II u51 of ltlrfel'~n (.loll hne a Cllr ~ ..nce IIf room to grail :and Well 115 to Itv \ I~ 1. ke flgll :: cock~ nol Ito too much ero ~ded lly tI e eur I AI ttJ ttllvel!tnlf tWill 6011\ til lei! VII fuot fboae cln aplJfoclate l~e !loud qUIlt I1nd somotln,ea by rl\ Irond 0U 1111 oelbla vegetable whell 11 perfection And w til Lllfee 111 \Illlia hel\ ICII 1 till' mQdc of growmg thr.m to lie Yeo bulllerh~I''' yilll tllllk lh It It u ~ d 1'"1'0 all they IlIID ollk a\ least "Icb haa unt b\!•• tIIyeaprrlence h bllllts O\y time J n list co nre~~ lU- ,Dlaintslned hy lome respee ble ex Ah. hll vou I U'I I truo ped It and Bob p.rlmentara that Lhe potaton plento...nd [ are olil lind III toll >(lU our fiut amonr corn Ire Dot '0 hllbl. 10 rot and and 1v\I IlIb)' Imog ne the rost " 01 tbl. opinion baa been confirmed lIy alum C)l)uree lhe thre8 hili' , ere gone lhe 1i(4t ()\ent tiumb& of tilall to rellder It wortl y nlltltt alit or Buffalo I he next dey "rLlr IIf IU.nlJon brookful Dob "lid 1 tramped unlll near rhe Inel3 of potatoes In C',II d~r1. "lid cilme '0 u lnrgc nt~e 10bku g 0 8U a d~. ~upetl",r Savor or tba hOUle; "od concludl'd It \90.1 beal to .tup IQeotilllloa abovo aro prob Kbly ow to auy how lIud tr uilt to luck fi,e man said Ut, .. moC8U11C wh ch II that GOTn from Its he !I1~n t "eep tll'l'~rrt lI,.d when 1\ e ~klld Tilo prophet 1I'lltb sponlCe or 'Qme be luperlur powen of IIttuctlon and 1\11\11 lIa bo v fIT to ontl ho ana\, erd nye RI lea LlOG apprOXlmlte to I\lelr II e eoluble 111 We GOtnplalllo4 oC fatigue " I 8Qre feot Ing "ralVn to 8m RS WI It cart ropll' 0 lropnoUl tnattera (lontllUled IU tbe .011 al d lie allowed l B 10 Mlbp I ho lady 01 striking emlller:n of lhe power ~ Ith wIllet and.tbul preven16 the ~.. eaerllel" plantl Lhe houlle aot ~II a \tr,ble tI\lPller-and dl~1I t a reluctcmt \I tim 1M drug!:/) 100Iong by the we eat' r~1l gentleltlllll turned Ollt 10 bo lalnt8 I~ I Icb hive been faat"iteu to It 8 nn In lUi nellbborhood from lib. orbing CAlmpouna. df nltro,en wblcb a fir.t raLe f ellol\ an~efore Ne r~tlreil tore baa IhoW" to be huurillUl to tbe t~eater! UI to lorna t!int_ Crua which their product Tbe"be.t potllloes aftl dldn t go be.d I \\all tIll. VQU ,]lod tllnl ~re not tu luppose that tbe olk which contalJl the lol-,eal proport Qn calill .. nd h' .lto,,", cd U5 II a a hrge fine _(lIbll 11 beca'ln Ita IIgbt 811d Itllroh, as>d till. I. "lit ('arbon Ind tl10 (Jon roum wlbh a b d fit for a \lrluc(' fine 110. alJIU~at. w ..tar In another ehllpl -Az nel blllnket. JusL tl e tl Ing for tl I. kind chnl ,eable leu.vea dlnc!, to the mill c of the bree~eM nor Bre we to (lollcludo Ihat n otl;ed mll'1ul'H "lIlch lire fllund .11 ea.en of weather A t'er seeln, tlillt ov~ry th ng "aa to our man .... ants ~ohdlty IUld fltrellgth of mmd tial the t ul\intlon Clf WI II are on Lha can tr ..'1 detrlment..1 wMn absorbed Into the oen rort IDd ltkIDg he eOI down alar". bAqlluse he may exhibit In o~cu onall'lay clrcu at Olt a It pilot which doe I not ro Il1mp lind telling UI we could bluw It uut fu/nulII! nn.d lent)' qutee ,bem (or the p.rfectlon of Its produot \\ hen we .... erc 10lle with I~ bJd us gdaf/ .. nd "hlch IS In (Ict upab/e to chgest lueb Dlght Arter we got Illto bed Bub begllD 1 Itle milld" r\lJn ce O~ Br tl e errors concentrated nutrlmaol. Every one know. to speculate huw we were tCl get oft III men pC gellUB u tho owl rllloice. at till bll v ntuch Inferior the .",oet 1'0tltO' be the mom ni Tbe man .... auld "f cuqren can es Wbell gro"ll upon olllv lOll .. nd hay\) g von UI our (arB (or nothln: If we cc\Jllde Lleb g .pallka of. peculiar kind ,t turnip bid told tum we \\ or. Il!'.. pped bUI lh .. t 'ose. we were 10 I .. 1'1I ull! \ h Ilillinder the circumstances ·'1 ~ W had tb nlltI dune blind tl dIOne un ....aterul mlln all tho Drrood qalUlite fur which It II nO'od ~ b e I lIug IIIt ad IlU eapo d og ed h IIvel le IllS, 1\1 I w bo ..II . "ntchl!d "hi!n cultivated in tandy lillie ut t ley Il rlga: -or nt er "ere 110 l'l bale plaTltl In whillb compottnd. or gn All at uneo BJb Nbo had \Jeen ex O\lr r~ \I genl\l~ bOil predorwoate moy be Said to form a amlOlOg the I1clllllel "lrce\.!t ruther Crtt u..lly of n dollb,rlltlve lower rtacl. to ",. lui. of veg~l.ble I fe Iprullg up Yle~. I1rst Iblll that occupiea by th0811 contaltllng 11tl\vt It etld Buh more nItrogen T,be former are tbe unal No-\\ hat ItIlYB youl • tl.ed prOilulIlI of n .. tur.-th. fUTe.t and Get 0 It of bed 01 d 81 P 01 lour brefc\ the \\ lId paus with wlilcb a fertile coun You ve yoar kll' There \I no (ac••o ploDlent try II lOWered before tbe bu.y hand of min Yea I ' lite flce that loves U8 hu eowed ul!0n III I..bur "nd the W ell well. "'Ike Thea. IheelJl up Iota drawore and ~IIY \he bill with thlm arc the goide Ilt'flila Which hi. akin Minda e.. pable of tbo greate't tblft" nduatry IOcare to inc1eue !ttl colD(on. or 1 oblected. bUL Beb" reuontng "'" can enJoy tbe mOMt trlv al •• the elepbanl I .dll to IIlI wealth loo .trong Cor mr lind at It we went lJy tU8k call "nock down a hOD or !.lIck up. A poruon n( nttroeen II undoubtedly threo 0 clock "" had lIIade up five 1IIC1 PI" llelletl8&r lto .I1 ye,etablel. bu~ It II equlAlIy at urlm 11'1', putl1n~ them IIIto our certain tliat we .om.t1mel 8[11'1)' lIlore oC ~Iept till they called III to breok Sir Philip Sydney proved that he knew fell a llttlo nerioua ebout stnytn~ tlte lub.t .. nce-th.. n I. required to produ~e th' beat result. If we ad~lt with Lil'b II ,!til U II d "' auld gil up' Lo make 'ite lha world when ho .nld tbat dulng that plantl abaorb III the Mluble maller bed lind dl8cover the lUI. of lile IIlanketl waa Iho anI, ellrto.mly bappy act I r..ent In the 1011 as .. EpO.. ' ali.orba but Ibe WIlted on " e tuble. ond 10 I ,ut mlln 8 life water With ,II thlt h conta nil In ~olutloQ n II heprty breakfut nnd then We tal II tlte tnolllcnmtllately we IOU.t be Impre&aell With gentleman of the hOUIe we hed no mon~,. Dr Boulh alY' that many a m.. n run. tho IInportsneo of ..dapttntr the luppliel of nnd offered h m our drawer. H, readily food tu tit, oeces. tiel of tlto plllllt and accepted and took them an. and pva U8 hll! agBlnlt a pUlptl wbo nllght haYe done h I C)l)ulltry excellent eerVICIl at the 'Ylthholdlng u far.. pOllllble tblll which two dollara to boot 11 unle.. or dctrlmllntal We dldn t waiL very long aner the con plough It 11 .a d of the Chine"" lbnt mllnure of tbe bargl,n but put olf. talung the phnt more lhan thlt 1011 ..nel to do an off rnad II 8000 18 WI ",ere out.of lI&'I t tblaunll.ntancltnilly and tff.otualimplle. of tbe houle Cuman, upon a "ain of The ameli 01 the vlol.t lut'l8 lun,,, tho perfect on or th, blg1!elt accompl"h durbell can we tonk p",..,e 00 bebind the IIl11ell of tbe roN alld 10 pertaapl the .ent .Itlnn thtl ambition of a IClllnltfir. the Ian car nnli rodo twenty .. i1ee and bltllling of the poor r lell III hl,h aN the farmll'.-lVorkln.9 Farmrr then took to the canal and with our ",...11 bleSSing of the ra,h - - - -- -capital ninde our p"":e to Albany play tnit cllrda "Ith ,rcennunta CIIU t \\ C tr .. veil He that chlngea oftan 1'o"b K.,owlug How to Pre¥Cf\ e A loud Il1u"h lallowcd tho narrative and 10UP I I • bilk'" Pa5tc. Eyery lady ",ho kee)!1 I scrap I ollie need the psrty broke III \\ tlluul th. 1Il1YOlhn, - - - - -- - - - to baT., II lttle cup of !\uur p8~te .. t hanr! Loilur g vl ng an) more Itoml from hie bud- 1lto bost phVfi lC Rne flow un the put'be pl"eNrndl A clergy get Dr QUiet, and Dr Merry m ..n III ConnceLlcut ,old mo a few ) ears Ji:I<trl1me Dellrfte,. tilncc thlt aner nnoua expenmelll.8 ho It II lurely very narrow polley that IUP Tho <lISpO' lIOU to be egolllllllg deliclte tried p,u~ling tbo IIIto an opelllnoull pose. UlOII~y to be II e cblef good -John VIal or Jar and covcrlllg the BWrllCU wllh 11\ ,ell ridIculed III the fonowmg lOll I ~ tbere Bny thing the matter tincture or campbor Th 18 \\ ae perll!ctly ') bero If a r W nl the huat II re I'ly llIIr.cuaCul Ha could It Iny tune take Hllvc 1 G VII g any olienec I t what be WI.,t.d with a 1I1l11 wooden A qua lit old gent h.d • man at work an 8pOOD, Without ponrtne out the chllmphor You Ito e mr hie glrden wbo was qUite Lhe reverse Really Jan u:nornnt of It Verha,le Lbe uneampborated 81C)1)~01 ~ ould blr Jon8ll' .. Iel he to It 111 ene morn I II! anew., u well but J Ihould doubl It J Such ltmguaill ""' on t eUll here II r did you ovcr eee 1\ InRl1! ff l\ly dear air .... Ita lall\I\lli8 h&'fe nol l ..tely met with anv lillie d\lco Cert'IDly •• Id Jones \Ory of ,bll kfncl which hu tiocn of more You werll till" Oil of .uup Then .lId t~e old buy 'you mllst have eeniee to me aDd many of your readere We wer.· met 111m fur you could never overtllke You menLlolled ox tail may be It ..I to know oftt -Cliltu,,1l alld him J did GauUe. That e It tha, ~ It sir that sent tho U,"I,11DIDI Fo,..I, l.dlu blush ng out of the room that blah Tbe Chlo_ 1I'I'IIIg III CUlal boaU! sand I)' Improper language wh ch J nev.r hearel EnIUSlv£ -A plILlemlln JUlt return durin, U1e day hme .. t my bOllrd bel"re and shOUld not h., 8 ed from C..urOrOJB a.Y' thlt he wo lid thClf dudla to ouo1hflir 11,1111 aad whl.tle them home ellpect.ed It from )0110 ratller be hu,ed In New York at DJ&ht. The JUt dllck ,el.8 a WhY.'lr I i:ut called In Itl proper lIaturai death ID Cahfurllli thlfO III eollltCJWlDtly a Cluck-race Dllme YIIU liked • question, and I re tl'J1IIC Dot to be lIle lut plied I ant however !orry thllt It ho A York eOlDed"Q wa. once aslled how 80me Jean bac1r:.l kept .. fe" ro,,11 liven offen.. , but 1 really do not know be came to Lum btl coat tIV ce He f&' atDOllil tll_.u .. .,.,., fine Jarge bcw 1 eould b,,, "aided It ptied thit one good turn deserve ...noth& boaWa1~ eoak, tlaat .oWd pt Into Then au 1 ad".! you when )'OU hlYe flower ......... dan ...U hie occselon aoother (jIDO to lpeak 01 thal pe ' ___ ,bovt Iiba. '!'heN .... or eourae cullar eoup do nDt cell It ox tall t t An Ammcea ...".paper II to be pub acnktIIiaI &IDDIII1heta UIlUlllaterrupted Nol U.lted an London • .,on ., tIriftDIr tJaelD etr-Tbe Iian. NO.llr aaW ., bi I""" alana. DOt 10 chanllBul wbat ....111 call tit c'-. \at ~ ...... Won til. f'nce '1"1 dleperlllr • .......... _ . . . ., ......,.ad 'I IbJl1l't1U1DMr the 81 dilperatr IOU, Byp arrll1.8 u.r II 1MtcI.lN& ill eo at *It . . . . . . . 01. . to tell. - ' " • • relilion it " .'"-iiIablll \1IeN Ie 110 _oil .~~ber,ou





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I>'R CHUSTI E I GALVANIC BBA.CELET8 All Ib .... 01 ... t ..... _111 C. .'u1.....t


Fib 'pu_l., aM. ,.petal 1'1...."", MocUoDI 01 lbe H..J .... ".,., . .1'..1111.. A ..... In ral,y ani "'1'1.7,10 .nd all 4••_ •• DI.4 by • 40"}' 01 ...... r or tit. 1IIiobt or oUMor 0 . . ..,. of Ib.W,. "'''''''0'' L tel- M.ny ..........4 CootJjGlI" .U put. .flb. conI.." or lb. _ I .al_nlllW7 oha...:ln .ID be ,h ••. ifroqu ...d No troubl. or I"""D •••I•••••" ..d, tit. orM of JJj.~CJJRISTlE It (Mll'4NIC .JIRTICIEIJ, .Dd tho, ""1 be "0111 by lb. ",..I Ie.hl ..... d.U ..... ,,1110 perfe.I .... and •• r.ty ta ... In, caM. 1100 •• a .. UOD .lIo.dln, Ih. r u.. I.t AI.A', )',..."'" ... . 1 Ie our part litho ....

1'1."", .:.....,. .. 'lOla


., .....,. 1'10'1."" .... If)' Price.:

TIt, a.luDlo Belt T~rOl DoUars 'I'h G.lunla NeoklAce Twa DollIUI Th Olllnnic Br~eele.. One Dollal' Eaell The MllgtlotlO Fluid One Dollar dlOt1-rJ TI • lrUel........""'.,. •• a by r.t1.04 pIlla ..e on. r.mrh Ir. ... tit IIIU - ..Iou....... " b.d 01 lbl aalborlud AC'.L .-. Y


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Sold hy Author %od

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Olli" en Seco d 91,.., throo dool1l ~tof




Potaloc!a Cot lall by


ALr;JlN &. EVAN' lip .r lbI aelda .. Ilal!.-



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tut:D 1'.ada.. JOt ..le by





a: EVAf($.

SIp of 1M Gel... 'all.

PIECES Wall P~.l00 "T~ ,.renl8bidea. JU'rIOfI Yed and.




fEHE .M IAM A Family Newspaper, Devoted -to Agricultute, Mechanic Artsl




It, " I arlfe IIlIti ru.plcl fortune 'fills" as to 1 Y es gepernl I hal e bee 11 hllng hOI01 II IthJrltl\ ln~, Oeu QrAI Vun 011 d tI I)ot m 1m I "lid fr()n1 hll'n I recelH,d SUGh ClrclIOIslnn : Wife Inc/Ired Ihe prIce of the bllll!l11S 1\ hlch I'he bJatmnn lou)<ed 01 )118 llhlJcl bu oflect~d by embarklllg conslderublt: <lUll I stnce 1 reured from eerl Icc' J the IIhgll lllst re/llu(k 011 hi s de parlure, Ulld llld Ilr.cOl1lltB of muny COIlV r"U(IOII~ he hn,t I ~he 1101 ced liNe Il,ud e 01 rjlOlh ' 1(I~\lOg, en ... 1\ 1111 '11110 i,oor !l,rl ,,-me to hlln \tIll In the mo.lluf",ctur(l of aome now klllll i 'A nd vou sold out I Ihlllk-to plCII"1 til e I tho fCIIHIIlIII'" ""C8IS Iin ougi l pullt"IIC$~ held IIllh klllg eV IlI lIlly rrp ned wlLh ('II , or 1Il0ra fully '>evcrlulIUII.l oltfcd 011 wllh her 1J(~ud lien..-dolVlI Shft wns about r ' I " b , tlr(' !toou hlllh orlll simplicitY! thftt I enn \\ o() d~n huttllll IIWUlo.ld i:ll .., tl ..,ovght . he \1.1 extll e It.?,ec lf \vlie.n the fUlher ernbra o( SplrlL I lImp~, wllIuh Smith 11.88Urco.l th e rml s\ro!s I 8tlp(Jose Dutloll ' All th csC I 'ffiltull1clll1a r0 8~IIH, but ~he mlll h of llae II Ut doubt tho fuel of IllS "'"Jt'~I) 5 \ely ouhl .. fl ord 8 S govil 0 lIUttO/', lOud by clog her W Ih 1Il1l1lSlu.m, r81sed her: 1I1/ lr CIlf1lulII II auld, III, ell onco kllown ~ Uflcr lo,h ij hi" e u g reat d nl 10 oneIl er fdr - ev IIll1g " us gonc ~v.ry lUI e looked Ilnx gl nerol nC'Illullltolloe wl1h Engh ~ h lile , u- IllInd for le.s mom v ') he n xt dllY, like ltd, olld the officer thullk .. d her In theee prose III the U Q of condles und od h\l1Ip ra'i J\lI s DUI10il I ~hull cull 01\ Itor' ROlllO" 0 la, uutlthe hos~ Il lm. elf seemed gm\e tur Not n cloy 1'0 6 ell II 11~ IlCI ur th e 1(1\11/ thll tru lIuul( lll cr II I 0 Yl\nkee, she 'lned phollU \I, rd ll lllr\lll" I\Clul I he lll rl"'dOIll morn II!" (llld reuu her a I~utllru for tuklll~ j and thoughHttl hnppel1cd to he Ilt th e Buck lllglllllli HOlls , II thin \: out 'he bought the clulh by I ' Yo u have ."'led my hfe, It bolollga to II Ilheul his t;Qln,ng 11110 th brndmg room , the }lml. ul ..lthe moulds l.Iy th e dozen and I) 011 ' '1 0 huur 111m d~6('Unt upon the murvol y 1II Irom us ' ~lIplun DulloJi ~pe [\1 St /IllO tima III II In- U\lJ minutely 1I1 ~ 1' rUnl' tho pro tft ~e 01 In 11 Il oek biJe hu,1 L~u Q r !Jullon" at a lr8s J Arter lllls Klle tculled hllll .and becallle = lous virtuos and mllney rnllklug qunhllcs of1 }lour Dullon 's loul. 01 co nru810 n, !I S he I UFllig ros\lQbsly '11 ~llC lI tl ntl Ii I. r(' Ite th~ Lu nd er nlld 111 8 UPIl'~:"tha gild~rs price, III thu Illorket The lhl~iL \Vould 111 8 UU(dC" 1I0till,lg wOllldlte'tnkl? but rrom r4J1 \11.. '11 "181ro'n h, s lump, 0 110 woult! be llluilll e I to tuke PlclLlTlitI tlUl gOI\C rn1 8 VISIt surpnsllIg hla f relurn t'd h OIl\c Il II us Illl~ II hen he en ' F r OIn the Qut Ide of the I.>ouk tl~~ Lr 1151trOll p~y ::; , V ~OO Il left farmll1g umlachool t her hnull I) II onder lh~t With such II 1 I ~ES. hllli for lllC hu t' ,,1 (\ a~CI \l\ont of A Iud wlfa II/ tho per lormnncll 01 her IIIcnlU l lu tared th o cOl t n~ , lluq III~ Wi fe coul .. nul \\ Ud n~ turnl, !lnd pr tty eOLlsl.(\llL, to It I (I I j I II ping bOUllh t tl10 clotll Which 1116 wlfo I nllrso he ut length recovered i\lnry IVa. I I . ti l) III ~hc scnlo 01 b lilh()g rnph ) fI II II III th It cu t I)I~U I,oU\IOIi cOVIII ~, unll UI\\lOU 1110\1 I1J8 , liS pretl) "S /lhe wa.Q good U \ J S'I U!§ dill filld ml,en torof thu t >lC Imr l• h IIId lVUl \ bors, rU llie r surprised the votCTIln, but Its I rr press 1111 O ~ CIU III/ItIO Ii )f nfl'rl,;ht I~he l\ II!lY tn) InfllrJIlIUlt h~d ~scc rlulll ~d lh u~ Ihe Jl lred Ihll wOl\lyn llnd tlrls or tIle nelgh- l MeAnwllll ... Matter (;u\1l1l, who I' very ,,1h toQll lti I LId u I_Ill! aUI .. u,,11> Ilreclous bOl,loonl Our Ill od~r n I\1 U , h U[l c ause tllU I1 Qt OCCI .O hll1l He "'tid j S~I <l ~1I 1V h)s pn le fill d Irolluled cOlintun(\ lIc(' kll:g II AS II ell /lcqumntcd not \lnly \\ nh LOllng LO\I OJ; to I" nlte th em tip , ulid sold , Ilusy III sU(lh clIse~ galo \1111\ anolher '1 • lho LII ) " arid W Iholll gl",un tllllllllllly COll lu5sed lhllt he su ll \I UII I hnd u gr~u t regu r I for Dutlon, con~ld enng \>Vh nt hilS I oppened" s he Hied R obert of GIQllc('s\c t. hLit II Ilh nil the 6th Il lh. III lit gre l L Ilro hts I II Ol.l ll~. nud thpru wno onlv Olle 'vuy tQ. A nd e hur (j ll ~ 'I IIh Q r~lIhfu l ruw teu Lbo'sluvo Of th o IUIJI I', or, 111 oth~r 111m oue {)f thtl 1.i~lIt ond bruve! t 1l,1~ers ' ptlH ", rt I)I II IJ II I hUhbulld. th rQII ! n~ cr lIrly ClllOlllcl B &0 I p~)IJ .h cd by UOII .llIother t'lIlOrOd IIllO pnrLnel ullif ~ urlJ It-SI) v'ory dee p It \VII" In ~ o "' tiucl u~ d ~ p.1 WOtl.l~, r~nLly I)lou~y to set llio 1111 IItl on ; ulld~r I,lIs CI>rfll'lJllIld, nnJ \I us slJl cerely IllImsclf u~ Ih ch~lr'l I\IlI IIIYll16 u wlltll ~~~~:~I~I'I~,'~tl r~~~"nCt\~~S~~~~~j, l~~t e~:~~ru I ;rl~h I~~':t( IIl1dl'I;~~ e~I~"'d pl!:I~~Ii\~:~~I;O I\l~,~ Ol/ IS llQutrnnll I> Jnughter uOQume Mild1 \V.uIIIlGI llit;h ttlt EU,n. bell ur 011 hnvC' ~ s~ m m OIl~ II prit t' F ro m t)lI" (lprsoll I I'arn "'Jlgv() to II 'IIr~cl yqlv!!t !utlll ,'! I,,1 hI I:l t lI ~r Iitlali~ 1I11 16 nOI\, li nt II Slmplll Lieu Her ft nllfl n ~ I,,!:alb Il!'o,l blcol)Illl'= flow n ":Ohlg, lind he uL IClIglh por4uudcd the 1 1'loU8~tI Ul melltlng 111111 ngaln, so alter u puck L on tho lll!)le uillucky cnpthl ll to serl Ollt of lho urlrlY leu 1Il1nu\os'...colloqll) during the Jlro~c $1vllry denr' he ~oid Utl(li ril II1 g ,t [" VU. III t:d IiIH rlVII rds, t1,ul Iho 10 llg I "111., J IJlprUI('Illel\t Oll 1OIprov<'(lIC lilllI IlIoOJ"lIo 1() lllIlIt but Llcutcnunt General, and the .rs .A,ld eius:11I1: bhd ~ whdal 111 011011 tilr(,at. ul,d Il1vcst Ihe price of 11I~ com 1\11I510n IIl l of wlilch the eN St)IJICT, like th e ,I I" !lor 0 thtllll ~ \\J ~ VJ to ~ otho 111111 nlld tJUlli10 IHO lf, e Ilcellil ly "POll III~ oo r y fllllO~ ofj rv \\11 < 1IIud, tIll lit ey o'lilull d Hie b st bOlllmn" .. dllughter ,$ JU elegllnt- and tI I IlIDOUS venture IwhO pricks up his enrs u.t ilie sount! Of Ihol all explul1~tlol1 ul no\\ June' ho snJd hllkcel'Ollr. thur 19 to oy, nol 111 ~ t(I) J n.;lIsh or F lrnch , or Gorllltlil IJIl LlOn"" c rll cefu\ n laily II~ lilly thnt YIJU .eo at II wil moUl and ove willlllloltlOl: lluled 118 UI I ' up on tho ex cllfltlce of thc IIlllll 1,I\l ~ 1 op W now 0\1 liS ono or th e BW!!~tQH \II OO UI t II Ollptllin Dutton bud rerused to pny the ) trumpDt, becamo guy II l1d olllmil led , II" old , to-lllOrrOW II e !>hall sce 1].'0 morrow I le8 In 0 bibhog rn l')lIcuj pon .o, liS '(1111 vi' l luges 111 th u l lO' lOellti clIt vulley, nn'F 01 ___ _ ...._ __ 'J h•• pml "llrrllllt of f>lII o mOl1oy unlil he shoulll be uble to Ilro 08Soc tiltlO n ~ of the I'UUI(1 und Ilclil cnmo WIll tell YOII ull I 5," IIlId hJlvlng Inrge IIlJlrgln" &( , bllt l musl supplies tht: Ulllted ::ltlltp~ With bllt l>r ~ cl~ry Ihlll fti l\~ $ Gallnce correctly lhe \l l\mo of the \nVCII I bnck on 111m, the genelnl shuuk 111m henrt ! E trl}" nr~t 1Il0rulII!l he \vont to GonQrnl chi efly f,olll their vQluo III (ulalioll to th ~ ~ tOll 8 for coat o.r,,1 ovt'tGQftte 1I hus NI rill uden's ~~~~t and liellond TaIn V'UII 1111 rht peur 11 8 lhnl h lla tl trtHU 8 t t , billy wOI)ld h~ve SU \ cd hi li ily by huml un d salel-'Yuu'tI dill \I lt h 1110 Verlloll 8 hous!! Ahhoun h he wulk o.! rl?S- t most 311lhunllc Ilusli for the tcx ~ vt th e d(ll\ cd uilarAdclIIV mumllc(lntly hqs 0011 'rho republlco n 81 mpliOlty of Thom.1 I II I ")I' llJu In ll ~ S I ~ "'118 lilli, 10 I ro 1\ l ' .. I poel-AII1()bl byra!IJ.!J (If De QUl1/r!J tnb' lted hkll 1\ prlnco to the fUlid a of u :-;u luvlt 8 n u.1 'Ull enchuntll1~ . nnd cuall, lit tile Gx pouse, hIt ely, of tI Ills i lo morrow, Duttoll, nnd meet 11 (ew of olutel}, IllS OIllltl was sadly tro u~llld How Ilighly usoful fllmule ~eminllry, und bali Crittenden, the fl/8t Guvernor of Vermont, 1n CupId. bo".' \\l lh ros... cro"noti, IOClltlon o( 1118 Jaws, for the Ihmp rejoiced you r old rrlends' t:ome, I 'll take no ex '1 coulll he Ilrose llt 11Im8!!lf t In whot wily rl'scIJed n lIoble cv)iege from e\nbar(n~8- III hl8 pnvDtc Ille, Inll 1118 IUll,h spprecl.· 1.,,,1 Icnve Anllllll.n 8 . nul the .trlt., In Uti olght sylluLlcd l\l(~, of \\j,lch each CUIIO, l OU must nut turn homut In our would he be rAceIVed 1 , HOI~ couHl he S"lrltllul Recognit~on, meut So much for the eororlllue!a of n I~Dn tiC hom)~ly IIIdul try ~cre ",Ieaa the "'hleh IUThk (0 1II1 I1Ih o JI)'~ of iii. spouk to tht generol wlfhout rlSklOg the Iy ~n~Upl~e~:~I\I~f ~h~tl~~:T~I~Il~e~l~ !o.:~ prudent ,WlfC, onld so much a dldp081tlonl to ~1I:ell~:nP~,:e;l~do~~ t~~d P;:&I~I~ hl~ \'ocable bolongcd to 11 ddTe re nt tonglle- I honds ' ' b t ftll f I k d b h i ' I I I r euro on lonest tVIll 4 III lIome wny, rht ler I bl t J I I ., Olt dOl\r~~ Jllr one 10lth l.1 80ul th e first belli" Gret k, the f(lurt I Syrule, Al first D utton woe gOlOg to .. , u rece"" (1n 0 some 00 or Wllr W Ie I e an IIl1 rlv age, too ellrly to fix the loved feu- lhdn thnve 10 Idloness on tlte hurd lind too I Ie pu Ie II ntl(l/l to W lie I Ie 1.111 ~ Til"bleh IlIrouj!h cOlllqml" ~"d Bcorn nn~ the '!lilt taken frolJl 1ho obonglllol IlIn- on second thought IlQeepted the invltatrOn, \ could never pnrdool Tble 'fery IlICl?tlOg ture. In her remembrallce She Wia frijll often unrequlled toll bf others pctltedlyelected i ' 1'm" Itk e Ihn l1oolll ~ to 11.0 polo t gua~() or NOli Zulund tllo lnlcrvcnlng ' lIot hUVIOg', mdocd, ony good r"ason to Olf. lWlth Johnson \Vas to be i1rellued DS be.~utlrul, nnd 08 thllrbll(d of her heArt _ offiUcniel db~UY til ele8.?~lernor reoceJlvedtltl",vllcllOnt UlI lJllnlllnl ol lIu) ~l!)rI1i kif d unrol"e~ It ~eemed as i II n by thM II ~I I D ,ram sev rtl gcn ••m 11,0 8IJUllds behevcli to be res polltlvoly ul.lh to Or fur dlle,lIIlng It navlllg to 011 C!\\C 0 HI! kn ocked, o.nother eCfVl\nt opene I mothor~ 's pro) ('rs to lurn 11I8tlli lively "'ru1dlJ'i. MRrry 11 ~hcb"u,c. the then 'upper ten' o( Albany, accompn. 1 linn nil III ~ou"ly 811111u. willeh heam I Lhllll, Germun SlIna\ltit onu lIIljlny Not Ilhe gonerall lHlref(lro, he proceedod towart!s / th e doer, Ilnd 1118100l1y nu\e him ndmls- l h enve/l ~vord The 8\\ eel eOll!lei nt,ouB A youlI\f lI1un cOlllrncncl.'d vlsltlllg a l1Ie(\ by dllm loahlonuble ladles, who were, LII<b cro lll \l ~e~ t, f n "",rnl Ilf (I,u.m ' wllhslurldlng how vcr, till S prcsti '0 01 n hOllie, uod ullilounced thclr rcncontre lO awn 'TIllS mnn; ot nil el ents ' he oud prnycr lUI IIIg ch' lu WIS th e Id/ l of th e voung' wonOloll, lind uPPcllred tel0 bah Wil li of course., CQII81gned to tlie care ol lolly One mnnw"t ,I t~hllu ng hi IIVI} .. Ince ' 0 I I 1 I I. dr I 11 t I f d I \ I plQUBcd n. UVl!llllllf he cu l1 e w en II Crlltl'lIdoh 1 lie n.Xl huvo pu '&C~ olld len no Irac. IIOlnC lhe 11l1JI111Y1I1I 0 deCided falfurc, Its Ilia I Ire lSh, poor "Olllun , took out liS , thought knQws llotillng tlf IV Inl 1\18 pBS "creDle UnlllIY U " I ~ \I (II 11 vn) en WOA I )" 'll lule Whl bh lecl the yo""g gIrl to h tl.' t ., ,11." ro I ~1 If ' r t I 1 Y Iy Sho wt!lud lin III tll(l lup of 0 Irll~n d - \1 " .., IV en Ie ulnncr- lour arr veu,,t'Afa ",r t' , 1111"" WIlS bnll\unt onuugh but ~IJe oacl It j \I ell anved stilI, and occup,eLl ,ers(l In ro sod '" e I th o gcnotul TOCCIVC 1101 os, who tOOk mOlher'd COl e of hUI nlld Wind IllIl uli II "her o ho had !loc,: Icnden, to the Burl'tJse bf 011 ber gue8~, exhaletl lrt bllrl1l)lg was 10 overpowcrlllg, plllrlJlg as best she might, Ih e Ilruel ravn !IIC 18 IIshered IIllO hiS Ih osSlllg room log an a wpM"d or", aboul her Heo k would I hud to \vork to night IjI\(1 nlllhl' Ilired mef! cnlled In frolll 1he UggC8tlHI Of 011 sliI O~II:lIn, so cveryw uy I:CIl (If tilllO, U8 \Veil Ila III sturelllllg ond , "VltMlJl dorma' to rUI./le 11111 e}c~, Iho poor suy, 'Noy tell 1110 n.bollt Illy mnl1lmnl \Vhat' Du 'Iou work for 0 1i~l1lgl' she field, arid seuted at. the some tl\lle Wlch Ilbolmu tLP '!:' tim I Illoae ~dvcllturou. pur-] Irolllng IInl\lrilildy ~howy 8hlrtto the Ilig h. mnn began Lo spefi k III a 101V, hurried Aud \\bel\ ~ho 01\ toiJ ttll e hud boon r~ IntloUlrcd',)I; u~tul\lldh:rellll J tll~m81l lves , ,I 1.1 ' f peated would uk softll tnke me IlIlO Ihe '!lUll n y. r"pill t 10 yOlltlg mlln, ~fter the 11It!l p.s llod retIred With their ch u~ero who tried It onc(', seluull1l!ubm It('" 1est degree n perfection vOice • parll'r':"'I Wdllt to Boe my mUlnnlo' 'fhe 11m a meCh\lIlIO , ,hoRUlas to their separ~to apartmpnt, ODO th. lr Olrll UlbTY nOlves to n ~ocont! ordODI N ext dny, \0 duo hme., he arrived 01 'G~lIeruL V ernon, YOll tho»l!ht my con reque.t WRe nevllr rofused lind the uf1'~ I ~I"hke the IlBme or n merhlllllc, and or t~lem, In her w<on~er DL ~uch an ill The slI lo or th e I mp a)ld Itl! ftccompully- Generlll Vurnon's hondsullle tem purary I dua~ ~tru lIg" I ns~ III alil , ond plllOful Rlld tlonnto cluld would he for hourft content bhl! turn.d up her pretty lillie nose (rlllgl'ment of she 8upposed the ,ulf! reguII", IIPl rlt w.fs cnrned 0 11 by rur Smith tI\vt:l huj! uut! rece,ved I cordllll welcol1\e hutnlhlllllLg as Its e~llllltltlau Will be I fcel IIdly gO:llug upon her motber'~ portrtllL 1'£h,lIt \IVUjl dlllOI II1&t lime tbe )'oungl~ me ISPIIg t~u proper dlltlnqt!anl Iu lOaety, e I II 1U d I k I' But c lOll C v 8 te t Ie young wOlDan .e II venturou to ask fltrll lur tr.\il t 1111 .011 o'u.1 turmoil alolle 11\ onO 01 th.: chie f com Olc.rcl(L Cit A dozon J{ue~VI, clvllhnna JU \VII as 80 tl~ due ~o yolt Iln to myse f lo OIl!. e t ,' 11011' a wlu\dlY tnUII, nll~ l\u~ one of Ihe 'lIIt8 Crittenden, you do not ulually 6, 11'911'.'1 I' ~ultn ""tI 110\\ er Al I HIS .. udltor tned to speak llut Dutton Pnle BDd wan slle grew, onil ,I ukl) bosl women (or bl8 WIfe hllve YOl1r IlJredlliborere to .It down .t tho les or ElIgll\u\I, ho hnllng kllldiv urru ngell 101"'1, sut down to n s plendid banquet ) \I ~\. Iu I' Hhdr1ll1 und 11i 1L" .wlllle, tu tuke tll.l the trouble oB IUd port llcr'ij l tcr 1I1DIIIlr, ~b e convorlDtlon happ~ne \o l went lin, Without boedmg lhi! mlerruptlOn BeSTing all hllr FOIllS 8 meekl), 'rho youn~ Intly I~ho dl.llked tho nome first lable, tlo you" 111 UI ~ lI l1\t, ~hft Iy luwcr I hUllds, und only roqUlrll1, hlill to rl rl IDn ' lurn on the recuht Improvement. In a.rtll 'My IOlsery IS al: llll heIgh t, thut 18 Illy on That to them sho elfll gr IV ~.~rer, of II meellllll c 18 1I0W Iha WIle of a mise'Why, YIIII, madtlm,' rllPUed tile oUter. " (Ull'li IiI-U 111111 III I>n.. tillll ~ 101 rUIII O, excuse My IV Iro find (our little ulles, AT1I thle trial hour gr ow lIelJ~erl ra. 1>10 fOaoll:-;-..uII~e~1~r vy:~~~~t 1~I~yOU~n~~~~ WI Ulla ready IPeedrcepudon etverYltluQi lhlt lhe re'lulbl6 fuut! a For IUIIIII 1I1no (hi jle f lind l)\ulHlfoCI urcs , and ~OmpllTlSOne "orc J\ IlI t" iI&lo lOr 1i\1 \lit I' ~y IIUllle 1 115 , I.. ~ ,~, ., 0 f .II t II; " 10 I ur come ut lasl, RUu I 10 \I (1I! I' IJljt 110 " qU8ft Ion lDVu v ,e.q a ue erm nlllqn to cllun\g 01 tho bllslllcad Iran mitl "til tlli (Jrlll\ L b 1\1 eon the r eJulive tu ent .' r In- oro qCtUD ) slll1'\ ~lIa neighbors ouembl"d to ~Cll Ihe child dlll Iblo glfl, IS obliged tl> take !II Wl8ll10g, In rehuko the (eellng whicb led to It, 'why, J "l/UlIh 11 1<6 III" ~ I " '" II eU1l1~ rour 18 ta"illy hcurd ".11 reneh no tu c. talll DII IQn \\o~e most IILtL r111\:, nll~ hu ~CltliOn t!1'O lllo.y tld by nrUBt~ of dHTcr(lnt 'My fr)en~I' Cried the gj)lll)rul With Il)1lO [The doW of d~n~ll I (llr&ntly O'u lhe l ord~r to 8Up(1qrt lll~rself aDd cluldreu l yes, we hllVllhu6 far IIon8 10, but Dre now ilarl" ) . IJ\trg Mw) ~71h tkl~ l uu,1 hit! g nUb 1\lle fo ndly t1ll)u~hl tllllY countlies ' VIl chll1aklllg bopp nu\g to {tlOll But Dllttl,lll TlroC)ollded ftawret, ond Ill! lifo snit \VIIS alreudy ;olng ! You ,h5hke the nome of a mechllllio cb i thluk of making 1\ dltrerent arrangement \Vere allou t t~ realize 0 tliliullu,d for tune fur I be monttoned as UIl O uf the ar ell willch '[ Qa.nnot ,II scnlle my fecllllg$ ) llslerdllY , dOWII 1 he )Ittle elle~t Il(mved (Ulllt!) - , -you whose broth~r6 IlrB but tlre8aed onr The Governor Ilild OIyself haYll ~en talk. 1 ~pU8 1lldd1CCllly er~1 "Ve pity lilly gi rl IVho hll8 eo hull! lug the !Oolter oyer a I,ttle, latllly. and I 'Db you know lI'lO, tin rll IIg t sobbed cl v~o brul1\s, II ho III so yord \lit, 80 80ft, l\.S to oQllle to the C011l1lu51011 \hlt the men who Ihlm lIule ones, but at lllngtll llioj begQII hud uuri!)!: IDte y enrs bee~1 \, Ollt! rI.ully 1m while seMeu nt l cur luxuriOUs tu.ble relllllllxlOU' 101 tbe orr vol of tho cent pro~Il~, tl,e hQst dOijireJll1s vll~et 1.0 tc.teh tllOuJht o( my p vr }tln", d!l)'lrlvlI g herself 10 hur olir tho vOIce lbui wus donreill bllt \l lhIJl)t I Ui~ u! tI " YO\IIIl!' man fur belilif 11 dQ nearly ... 11 the hllrd wotk ought to lave per cmlt flrofi~ whll:h hud til!O:! prOIllI~Ptl, II mQet b~atlhlul Ilttle watch, 0. Pl1rfect che/ j \I[ a lRorsel of brllo,t! to 1(1 ye to ber buby, IV> ake 110 unswcr 'mocl\al1lC-onll of GUtl'1I nOlllemeu-the the firet table, BJld lhat hfl! Ind · I who do neler cam" ollil Mr Smlth:l l ,l' (Il\Lure of workm(jllllhl~ which he hud of I'll) Iiltle p~le thlll AI1ItIlIl, whose deh All at olice a h~l~htncss, 118 jf from tho mp t t!lgm1led allll houorable pereonaJ(ea 1It1le, 8hould be C)Onte~t with tbe 1eCdde I ceo,u:J! hIli purlllor Oll~ I I cd 10 Puris 'llud IVhl ~~ was ~(,llle np"ellle, ,eJeclll \lle CI)UTBe food wlll\lh olher world burst over Ihe ellllU!s Cl,tor Heavoll's crel1tures Bew8TIl, vaun " ond Bllt ID compliment to you,l thouaht PU \1'1 '1 ' a Y pllrG lOS . I· " less count enance T ho ey ehds fla8hed hldy, how ~ou lrent young mcn that work J \\ould hove )Iou lilt down with them tQIIg ~et oR to Ill~(' Cot Ihe 6ce~e of op led~ voluublp rur J~ richly Jew(llleu cnse, I nIL we emn Gi ve er, onll III )111 eY11 bour opeD , tho lip parled tho IVnll lIJllhn g fur 11 III IIII.!, (OF ) t>1I moy one dllY be rnel1lul doy, Ilt the lint table '-(hft171 ¥ou"toln l'rlitlllns t thlln for lho CXqUl Ito perfection or the I transferred two pll te fro m my plnle tu I bands fle w IIp, III the IInlo OJlII S I11Ht lin lO one or tbOIll your8.11 Awveu at I r - - , Le replllred to th o 1lI0Ch8111om 'l en hTln~d The trmkot my poekeb, tlllnklrlJ thoy \\ ol1ld le mpl my J!ulslYll offort, Ilil ahtlloolled plcrclpgly tUlO lo'ur butter dl~eut~ that well-fet! pnuper, l dd f m llantllo hnnd ond wGs~reatly d~rhng to eat I should hllve dlod of tbe lur above 1\\ 1t,lJ .11 It ls rlng & J"llulry, brllzelleu uud - - • • treet where the IIlUnUrllct ry "'" 51tuulell, ! puss ro 'J11ulller!' sbe IIrl ad II Ith sllrRriso nnd pompo If)' nnd tnke ttl YOUf olieclioDS th o A. W Iii .. ) lilc t Il n~ (oulld Il 6111 t U 1 ~Ir SlDlill IIIIIl gone adlllired by tbe gU~st6 , t.hrn the COnVtTifO- shome hod these thlllgs b ,m p ~odu cc tl from lrtln"pbr, III her tOlle- It),1 pll~s(ld With clillous·hnndcd, IIllolllgClll und Jlldult 'Ih a rlllloi"':~ bc~3b(~IIIl~~~nt ill t(lid otl to AhlctlllU, coneIlJ~rubl) In deil't 10 ~loD turDed op other Wp IC8, 1I1)d IIltlny . ub- 4my: Plleket, and your guestil uud sen !lnt lhll brfllllh IIllo ber m(llher a bosom ",uchoille 1 hOUSOllt.l1 hllve bitterly re of n temperOlillP man, who, belli, It !1 Iho~!l wbll hud beeu fooh h enough l') IrusL JeetA wero uIseu@ sed unlil they odJourned mudo \\ Itnes e8 of my crucl povcrty SOld U di . unglpshrd dll III ,Wlill tood grClletithelr folly w)to I,~ve turned tholr wcdtl,hg, Will 1\1I1ICU to dnllk lbe b"dll'_ d I the Utlll\'''' rQlIm 1.0 wke colfeej INoW "'Imorul you know all, nu d bllt ror j bY thlll bed of JOYuus t)eulh bncks to hOlles~y If. feIY }e.,s have /Ielll,h 1111\ glMs of wine \\'I~lth ",tIS oRer!: , j - ' bb db Ilfl jlocl lleve r blll,e'ed III the Inllllslrn- tlll1ght tltom 11 ~l?Vllre IC.l!"Oli In 111I~ 111 ]( ~ It rtok' ftllollltOlf hllll, Ull~ leaVlIIg more rem II Il on , tie I'renlHlcsth nll lho remnllt int: ~Ioek '" lr ,de Aller . Ilhlig \!Jero n~ Illle, the genorol fonr of emg aU3pocte you of a Crime, tlon of de f1"~led O/I OS be orc, X coulll 1l 0~ 1countr,y, no IUOIl or wOlllnn sho\lld be reo ~ca;t'~~ 1t11~JeQ~d~a~~~hen h~ drank he; 01 lh unproneunceoule lal)\!, II tlllhi plill -uddenly recb lil!ctcd 1118 \Votch, Gild flOg my d,str('ss should never h ove been doubt It now I' pcttlld II 110 will not work Ilorhly or men , It II ould 1l1.1 III ~h.qvlllch reaembled /uj to the Hour ex c~pt 111 , !til rt\turlled to IlIg fQr hiS vale(, de)!l rl!d hlili to tallo It knQII n" 'P !lee I lonvll With ynu' nld the \1 idOSI ta II}, IUId IV 0 fUrl UII tholr IlllS wIt II seurn her puri ~y most, Illld he kllew nothlnl betrl<lIl) tilC t,l!rling- room tubl" , whero It had 'A life of ullblell1ll1hecI bollor} rephl.ld t $J'llrit thut eVQr Iltl.H•• d fl'o lll ell ~lh to " til-< \I hun IlIttodl1ocd lu 1\ hurd 1I, 0rkmg mlln ter Iii an waler, pure \\ aler He then d I\IlI I1Icll1 l1y 0 fUltt e IIIl1p \ , I.i eu LeI us be at pe~co amId th e 3f1l(1t '1 he ur~e Qf God nnd every hurunll b<lIIg d Ilk h I ItI I f God' b tr ,eo I Hill g au 0 ,eve· Bul Lretl" tb 16 often fNllld III lhedllpths been I" ft, li nd re~torll i t to IIJ! Jlro(1cr plnce his fne nd. hUll placed y u above tho rC$() musl"rle "11.1 qUOStI UI1IO" . 011 1\ IlIuh PI~ "ho hU8 ' th" I~llgl nliloullt of oommo ll r I I> r 1\ d r \ d] k I I' A .' , '" '" " 0 , ro go-eparkling wriler The lldlc. neem.. \If lIt1v e l ~I t.y, oUftlge III Ii('spnu Qn~ botJl nil fl.'1Y momout:; t (l "'en out rotun~ll / 0 SUSPICIOI !Jes) os, 00 lele, UI1~ eye 5hll1l KIlOIl ~hecl (li e light 01 !llenllt)' 801l~e, rl~ ~r r sts upoll sutlh fidles (I) wh d bll',1 on the Ql!CneiOn Immediately itep"ct our hero ulld hla wtfo /le t r()SOIULcl} to 1\ orlc I IOOkllll!' SOIl1 wJlu t lrwb lcned, jle cOlll1i bo Shlllvcd Lhe 011 ug w ~teb It I! i , -Nalumnl Bra tic piae Ibo !loble ID1l1(A NIC rurwllrd, and maklllg a resp'ectful courto". " "d, )h \. "qjl till H" r,il1> tl (h(e . " llle. to 9\1p port themselves UIIU lhelr dllhlrell l ot fiull Ibe wllich Geo VerDoll, surprl cOlltinued h e~ 'whll mUR~ I sk purilon of thanked hIm ror lhe be~ullful cOlllplrmeat Anti lh' lr ".,If UI he I IIOI1lAIi I'") , liunPIlv lhcy. ow d no d 1)\8 011 ~(\lht'1" slld, \I ont lumself to sCQrdl, but Wa.s lIot ) 011 1111 I n n fit of obsoncu 1 had ~ro f1 roJ , 111<,: l, From .1 .. tlln he hnd ju~t the fuir btldR--whlill Jt \I lullhy 11I1I1I)Ory ~8rn .. "Iulo, I t.t k I 111 ,1506, Shillings Il ort). /irbt ~ o1)lcd III rh o lollOlVl/lg remark ablo stor) ha~ a.H wall re8blved that all IntoxlCllting drllllu J 0 ull o who IlIv 5 thell far 1\wIIYI It II,to my vn II coo -poe e" W Icr~, III Englund Lha Int r~st 01 U rOOlu.llce, yet It 18 true $hoult! be bD}lI~Itl!d Irom the roopt out upt III nulloll had hont/ rabl) prod nI(lro fur tunate Alid 811111 ~CUJ.II ~ r 1lI0 vj!ry rlltllmlg he OIVt'i1IU \ho \\ o,ld bofore 'Perhap~, ~Irl } ou or one of the comr n- J(lbH on' b prese uco. 1 dille overed II 1,11110 S laves ot both SPK() were pllblicly sold JIUtl lllC II/J ruc~ UlC ~ttll hVlIIg "Vo Wish a temperance man or lhllt entrulitlllg lhe renw lJl!ler of hit! copltlll lo lIy rnllY hli\c comed It liy IIlto;l~k;e In to tht' I,I11dl'o. IJ) ~ ' • 111 'nglond nOllf the elllli hi Ili ll of \I/o It wus lU tile llIemol'llblo yeor of 18 11, nd could Ile found at ,U weddIng partlel, 11\ ' U\ll1t1llClolotl Slmlh, nod now tilia u)1 drawing roolO t' 'II 1 lind only knO\\U I' murmur d poor lourLeoml1 ceutnry \lhel\ the O\1'(lt! lunlUS \I ~re concentmted 1.0 ,"ondolTln tile Uleof wlDlh ~Mue" r r \ rl I D - All th AnlIlb ormlln klng~ tu R icl! n~oull'~T I~ a.ntl wrctehedneslI mlohl be pre .. r"ht CI1J\duct Wh8 Its uwn rewnrd ' 1 think 110l, but II e WI try utto n \lrcl I, ijlylc.J th elll clv~d 1,, 11!."', tl u lr~ ,or A. young houtc.nnul of drngoolls waa en I'~fl t ed >pl. °He Wfoln a belluUrul h~nd on4 wl"lo Allolher et!ur\lh, III wI. eh all d,e gue3ts 'DlllI't regret \\ ha~ h an 0 c\lrr9"l s'uu collMB 01 Iholr pCl'pie, not of lhall \I\lIll1n- II" t!fed \I It Ii threo or fllur HlIlIgurlllllH, wll., IlIg !lomo permllDent em 'I~) meDt, enr bot Without al uil lit gellorn~ presslllg 1J.16 hnlld I"!ldly ,tt Ions a/lor hU'IIl1/l recell et! l!ever~I ,$lIIart stfokes tied I\, triBe oce.~lona.lly by o0(1YluIPllllllUWhAt r fOllr,' 8nl~ the g n.rn! ' I ~, that hM /icen the lI\oans of uCllllUJnling me , 11\ tho reign of H eury vrr tl, (1I~1. 1l1ll IrOM hlft 8"bru, managod to send 11 bull",. .A LRdy Lawyer. ts hd 8I iI uornE'U" offiec one h) d'l1IlGO mov trolld upon Iulll With Wllttt YOlI should nev er hnVeJct}llcenl or " oa'M ng l''r'k. to 5UOCl~ or lio, , Of n , 10 h l~ shoulder, to p,crce IllS clll.'st \I Ith n Who, nrter lhe fol\owlDIr' W'IIQh ,~e au' HllrlP ! ,O engro lt ngl a. ~ II 'd I I eO tI III J "11th xcceJingclevell illoile. ,\\nll pru <thru Ltroillu IlIl1 cc, uml lo Icuve hlln Jor fromth L6l1dopAthoI1lIlUDl,wlIldoubttheAnd nQw tlll"ewell, Qnd lI1S Wife wvrkel.l ~lhgeJ,tly WIth h~r lleedle, II • '1 rro~1 on o,d (rlen ,11' 10, P 0:'5 0, IV Ilt lhLC~ 1'\1 111 b\l~ g~l\tl e lll" h l deud 0 1\ tho bal,11 uf lhl) river nU\\Irnlne6s of Purttll'l characWr. or tile lake, General Veruon was a \\ Idower, and .. orne medllS to serve 'fall Ill\t \\ eru not Illuch u/ltll HiOO On IUO ollPuslta 11.,Je of lho stream, 11 wisdum or ShGk.pure 111 mlklng hll moat but tbo Cllre of a )loung fllmll)" lind lhl) h, IIIU) tl,¥ Y II1)g "mIll IIllo brea I, neae Ly or qllpenBtng \Vllh • lpl$ co tly trlhkllt Will IlItendlld all B pre~In a rew uoys C~ "l aJII Dutlon rCClmC'd ( Ihau I IJI Il1lQIl i8 mll,le ot th elll III II ~tlll b\lllh'"I~ 0lull1l8 daughler !.u~ beon whtch- 10Rtlle" uQd e1oq\lcnt t!oclur of 1''V1I f la, '" .80 mlill nlld cui", ...'Imillor Ift ~8 d IIBI d lor r II. d ., mila!. to Ihelr e.nt to hlB only ohlld, hl8 duughtQr, who an.lther Imituhon t d,ne With Ih e ge llt: r , UIO of Rl ci. uo.l VI, by whICh th e prIce of' mg 'hid UII Cqllll1 IIglit WI II t(lOI /! of des po.I • \V h II ~'or\1I 8 olld \\ Iuds 4avo SOlie IQ Ib er I rom 111" I d II btl II I " S 8 IV hilt Id hUllted to twcnt>: pOlice \rlll,on nllvocatee of the ng"t" of wobll!" rOSOttrCCI Nut wltht!t~ lIdll1g their I\xlreln e ball late y morne a woo t IY urolle U A t ,e lormer !luc t ere I n JfJG7 gl~Bij WQ8 ~\lc'l II rllri ty, AS 1111t Dut whlt Go uld 01, bId unarmed man do, uphOhlerlof equillty bo~wl!en the IIUr~"1 .4.111\ an \8 " tll'D OD~ ~lilI - 1 .rewllit pOTer~y, the,y manRged 10 pr lerv. 11 de will none of liS loave tIllS room UD ul elr 1I0sl, \yHJ] r ou(l} t~etJ opl U$uctlly 10 be lu\llld 11\ the hQl1~o8 (If the or II pretty child or Bi ~teen' Howevor, ee haVe hAd a new Irgume" (urDl.bed Wllyll .... vllle Juuc) Il ll\:jl to R(1ologl,a for IllS \ r_nge fors'e III nob llil) It IS probuil io thllt glU6s \\ I I the old lIuhlu!r-for such lhe boatman wos CUt8I>IISI.y in favor of tillur theo.l'lel liX e, II Ie foulId! ' excI1Iul1ed one 01 the gil ncent nppellrallce, lind to pravcut lhcl r bors from 11110\\ IIIII' the strulls that With ommous emphn$ISI lieu IIbout the watch OtlplallJ Dulton dow8 were l1otllltrodliccu Illfo (llrm hous - hili! no sooner .een tbe officer fall from Frt'nch Indy , bladame Grtl';Fl! "'ho pleaile,t 'VI Ittle 'Xli lit deciSion,' liDlll n youllg man, \011.0 found a paper WltllIlI the folds of hi li nllp 98 \lnul the rClgn of JaOl \ls I hl8 hQnle than be IIlId 11\8 du.ughLcr row- last week for hlj~ lll~ter 811 henelf in In " d d thl!V lV~rll ol.en TQ \100 to )elf I In Ihe rPIIl'" or RICh art! III, the clC'rl!1 cd mo~t \'gorously (()~ tb e other s,do IOtrloalecaBO before the. Tnbunul de Ia dJt ~lmlftaim. cOttDlo! \Vos UI\'OY8 rxqUIIJIlvly IlIOO lind was engaged thllt DlgM to a blill. 'm ight kll1, It WIIS hi. namlQallo n to an honora ~ oro the (lnllcl pol meulcnl ptllctll1 ()ner~ 'l'hen, when fh ey bad depoftiLed the Chambre, In l'une , UgulDSt U Dellugle, of the clcveresl prQctJtil> le~ at tb. cleoll1 nnd tho clnldron, deaplle of 8CJ\nty qunrter US on our host (or 110 tnde4n lte ble und \iJllI'lltJyo po, L, .. hleh Insured com- A1tllOugh .he age WftR I\arllkc, Burg('ry woun4eu mOil In lhelr boat, thebe I\orthy clotJllng lind of~pn 1115ufficlcnl foud,louked lIRlO I proposfl 0 ml1ch .mere 8peedy Bnd petence Bnd comfort to 1~ lIn.eH a,nil hiS \\ DR hl~le uud er 100ll , n\Jd diS cctlon WIIS I peoplo orossed Ule riVer n~tlJI1, but \\(It.I~ bnr Tile ense was ono of ~![l1rCll :L 'I d d h~ r II sOIlHfnctury e:<epenment, let us ail be fntlllly deSCribed 08 a bllrburous outrage upon th ol ilunt hopes of rt:achlng tbe mlh'~ ry !toap l IIlII accouDts-ill1l1thng wllh 1l',al.lI!IIJ cu l· ~.II tu!')' were, ~ IC dons lUI UIIJ era 0 dead talm WDP tIO»- a. perfect porl\upll1e o( polnll;i raw ll'onllelTllln scorcheu' In Scotla.lld, 08 Into n8 16(1), lhe W!1I 'Y!lU bave been very hardly trea.ted, my -011 of which the lady, 1111 r un~lIlt liel' It WA~ Mia DuHon's l!rido to 'rl\l~ suggestion WG5 recOlvotl With tlOWd of Ihl: cQuntn hOllses \I ere IIO! ~Inz- I Loy,' 88111 th e old gentlomotl lO hIm, 'but bonnet, ontl depoalung carefully h~ para, Amon .. Ibe mu, officen wl. o, at the tIle relpe'clbbltl oPI,eornlloo of her hus- laughtcr ond occlo.Il1ol10tlS, ant! tbe young ed, 011..1 un!), \J,e upper (JRrt , even or I 10 i C I herll om 1, who hovo gOne (\I'lher, ulIIl sol, haudled wllh dex.terlty aQd eYI~at rll~ • 'I I '" ==: "f lb~ klllg'ti pnluceil, hnt! glJlss, lhc 10\\ or come homo' nllUllrlt)l, I\J"gulDg ~ lUI jJnallilo\ed _ aud, «\~ of , the Penm_ulu Wlf', rtltll'ed on band'. wardwbo, UI\lI ol\on dlt! ello work mati, pre cntmg b,mself as the flrdt v eliOl, Gc.orge tit TIII".l'j LlblilrY. ne hU\JIUI lllo woode n shutters, l\l opl1l 1 rh e ailenee ond the fixed nlllludc of lec),ulcuilullgullge for the 11'lIce o( three. balf 'fillY, WI8 Clpl.m Dutto(l"'of the -th till mldmght at turlllug hi- eonl Gild dam- III searcbed by tho Ville I, who for the 'rhe hllr~ry 120,OO() volum es, IvlllCll nt III en811r 1(1 aJllllt t~ e fr ah air Lleutonol\l S--'- Bllowed the extrema hours She then 8ummoDed up hllr usc .rftglme~\. We bad litely mimed the pret- '''i 1111 Unen, L/lilt bl) mlghl appear 'llI nonce, onllcted \be pert of custom house Geo.-IV, preaen tll.d to the nutlOn, n WUA uot tlII\lltho elld of the r Ig n 01 ugo ny of IllS PIiIlIS, Ollt! t'\e bnr~y boatmllll Wllh remarkable clearness IIlci copcialon~ ty, Jl9rtionlen c\aulrhter of a dece~ bro- ulualamong Illd e'lual. She ort"n urged officer The general, wbo at firat opposed whloh hoe S ll1eG ~one. to ewell lho colfee Henry VJ Jr , thot 8111ads, enrrOtll'lllllrlllp, 800n ,liscO! crl!d thal tbe t.lood hl~ hl,ch 1'lduS to the ndmetatlon ot tlte 'W-~f lid per'b II I thiS piece of practJcal nlClI8nnlry, ended by at the Brlu.h Must'um, (tIS I have or other edlblo rools, w"ero I!:cIlcro ) pro glltherlng ahout Ihe wound 011 III el\ a e hlp8 the lecrU .DUOYIDca Q • ".,~ f ~ llr cer, and filled With , rolOaDtlC vis him to Visit IllS Ib rmc'r ncqulllllblllc01, \\ 10 ." llssured by leveral PI'rllunlJ to wbom duced 10 England 'Vll on Queen 'lltbo \Yol/ld "hortly termlllotc hl8 e"lui ience - the leglll public prelient III DeJ~e n.. lonl o( rllrel blill,lod 'love In I cotlllge,' hnd power to bl'fTlt nd 111m, and Bllllclt th r lr luughmg Rt it, lind each new m_pecllon the whole hiawry of the hbrary , llnd Its rlne wanled n u lad1 Bhe used tu deputeh He turned to big youthful doughter qUlrod all his acuteneJIs IIDd Irnowle 0 at tbe pllir who were fI'lullly unlklJlrulln ~be IOtc,e8l, In obtil.lning SOlll.e ~crOlanellt ern- pcckcts 'Produr.ed frelb buratl! tlf mirth gTtIwth from amall rudl lllent~ WI18 fuolllia.r- 11 l1)e9senger to Holland to Oh\PIII ill Mar) • ho ~l\ld , 'yoll hnve beard me tell the Illw to parry lhe alta ct. o( lilt (sin alile pracdcal detall. or huu~elr.eep"lgl la .,Ioyment, but the 80ldlcr wbo wos as brllv() aptn," Dlltton aloDe thok no shtlre In ly known) was colleoted Uliller the direct .At tho 'begmnlDg of the (ourto('nth cen- o( my broUler, h~ died of Just lIuch anoth adveraary-wh(lm he' more tIl••• _ .eh ld I I aJD ' I II whut was going Oil, hll hand trembled, rerdona.l8uperlnUndenCG of George lury/lhere were only four clo8l!lc8 10 the or wound B8 ~hls here W~Il. now, had signaled m his reJOInder, al hie '.lIIIetl t ey COli Ive 0 uonce, enll enJoy 111 DR. lion whOn fK mg the enemy ~ IrUIJ t \\a.$ I flvorlte Ind pel ore&llon, and royal ltbrary lit Par II , these lIero, one there only been enmebociy by to luck tbe brolher' Judgement WII not C1nD-II~\ tbe luxurlol o( hfe on lha hl\J PlY. wblllh wllh Ihe umlJlt1 of I gil"! from expo mil' his br IV dnrkeniid, Ind he stood I I much care elltendoci even tQ the dreAmg of cOI!Y of C,cero, OVI(I, Luclln, and 1Joetbl hurl hI! life would ba~1l been laved' it 1. Illd ihat the '.eJf''Protecte4· femlle IA rormed tlielr solo !Ocome hUliself 10 the ItUlUl hn llOlll;1( II r 111801 par. 81 pOSSible At leugth bll turn book. In Ippropnnte blDdllngs. and · lie, the res t colIlls~d ctllefly o( book. of Th.e boalluan the.n landed. lind went to hkel, to geln he: .1,II.t. fhey tllo" lip their abode In U10 Boutb could not boor to confelS bIll urgeDt np,gd came, the other gU08tl ll.d all th.played 1II1l/! told file.) to tbelr health, aevotil1n,18trology, geolnllncy, chiro'rn ..ncy, look for two 01' three !OOldicl'I'I to help him .e. of Engllnd, and ~ ratline got Iione pr.t- He hael too much t!chclC), to prosl 1118 the conlt'lItll 01 their pocket., 80 lI,th onn hllnae l( to melD, tba.t in cue ood mediclllc. with pandeclI chroD1c1el, to cllrry the officer, lenvlng hl8 daughter • Rccotd and a.mld renewed lal!"hUJr, tI,ey Wll9 worm eatoll, or t(lucbed. a.nd romancea A sl"gle bOOK was of Vft8t In charge of him The Itlrllo)ked at the PetTUled Corple la WI ..~ .. Iy well, bllt whe!1 at Ihe en il o( the flnt cilalnl, be. W8J\ tob PNUel 10 be ImllorlulI, .. . lIghtly , wlthlhe wurl1l, th o kill" ImporlAnce m tho e d',1 The pnor nnd sufferer (or II second or two \Vhut WD8 The Foud tI. Lac 70ur••l ro ........ yeaI'I .weet hltle bov ml,le bll Ippdr- ate, and 80 olhers ucceed~d Where'Ue aurroundedlllDl, all he wall the laft The to prev.ut the lDJUl"y from IOlIrcn 1I1g, ~d ana convent of Ro ealer d clued that her emotion \~heo ehe beard 111m ItJ,lJ 110 folloNlngnry eIItraOJdinaq . . ol ftIJIftt Inee.IDd It tht elld of , tbe "'7'nd In (Iii ea. caplatO, pale aDd agltlted.. ml\ttered some Ilill more to krep It IrolT\ IIlle tlDg others th y wOllld, evory ycar, pronounce 8en deeply, not thlt he WnI .reslgnlnl !Ire 1Jl petrl/icfl,tlo~ 'On the ,",tli or A~ 18.equally .wen lilLl. girl, Ute)' 10UDO tbat d excu~ell, unLeard amid the UprOAl" by tloae nCIghborllpOd, tolr Il III ~tI tence of dllJl1ntttlOtl cjJl hIm who should plfr- , lllc tirsl lIower o( hl8 age. bill \hat he 47, Mrl Phelp., Died end WU~''!Ilt ,IIU.-.c..... I.... "Iby-llnen. docloTII, and all It 1111ppenedlillt thl' rt'nerJal un tr ,,,hom (Now for It, JobBlonl' cried oue (0 tbe by IOBDy that IUell InJurle epread 1010 a La~1U copy or Anltot;e'l PhYlIlC••, of IShOUld t!le ",nhout. motber', kIM Oak Oro\'ftl ib DodJe Co. o. tile lida ..,. ... U be h~d lIerved, and \I ho bll loal t!lght 0 ID (Ivor.ble IltualloD. <line or my even (lljl\teratc. the title 'My mothQr' my IInr mother" .. id he, of Ap'rlII'lt,.b" wu taken apto_.-.. lbe "teeteru eppertalulnlfto \be Inlroduc biOI ",nce hl8 red rem lit froln the &erl'lC~, mlnla wsa a GerlJlln ooak.bllJder of feat . ' I die IVllbout-' yilt to 8&100,'. JaadiJl" TIle ~ tlon uti lupport or the.o tlab,-vl.llers, CIDle to Ipelll111 few montbl at tbo IVlhll'SohMon, \\C! re ""tcblDg you" "I~ respectability. teltled ID Loadon. an tor Whnt a P,adeu t> Wlre d id, Her wom~II/. hp.ort told her what bo rOllnd to be \Ie". ,-"",. e" th~ to rllrllled a~erlou. il,ul In t~elr yearly ex in ~Ace Mar whl<ch the Dutten re ided, another, produce lhe eulpTit ' mBDj yeln employed by tbe Admlrally U A corre.pondent er tile Na.tllmal Era rr I\\OUld l luve said, Her bealed retlin III Art. iIa peD, gP I t ! I ( IThe .d'BDced bot Dullon a oon6denllal binder of re(~rd. or Journll. I, ttle till! folioWlD1T With ~ml'.lIJ1' Bud ber I!)'" riD onl' to • .u.... • ""'Ind Iml'd for the eOllOn' t'D fJQme y or ' d I eel COlll&lUlnll &erret.o( oJWloe,&o Through .A flet wblC,h I came 1n pouesall1n or I Then .he I'fmelllbe1'td whit her lh'e I8iIM, wy . . . . . . . . Fur •• bllfr the)' .trullled on wltlloul nllhetl Rouse \V o.l1nol one mornlnlt 011 c.-o.lng hll II1U on h.. prew, ee Ir Ihl. eollnec:tion h' had beeln racommeneled couple of ,eer. Igo, 1Il1l, Ilhlltl"1lte the had IIIld, .he thought how ber UDcle.. found t. be fallllll nno debl; but ' llenidl their &i dd, tha HnJ,.. lD II dl consolaLO mood, our he In In !lilt'ted voiD<! thl,t. except b, 'f1Oo to the ae"lce of hi. mliJe ly. whom he character 0 the New Englander., Ina re- IOII,.. t hlTe been ..ved. la . . iutnl rtet ellpped lato Ih... wurtg wblch h .. eo. ro ....... \Vllh .urPfl Ae , hi. former oommlo- Jenc;p, no one ahould IIY • halld on him uee.I ID eorttinuilly in U,e veal the orilla or lOme hnmebe. of their qUlcm than tbought ,he 10l'Il opn Ihe pljlbecl ........, .... &Ian .tan bepn der .ppro~chln,. and nb I audden feol- A 1Irf. k.anl .nIDGe ~nlueJ, Illeh til: hi, .~ Btl~~~:d. ~f!,able b~~::;'m~. ~ t~:c::: ::b~1~~~ Ind the pi ~aa1I- :..~ ===~:= ~ WI.,. . . . . . . . . "." .IoaI8'...... AboIa& 1"1 or 'alae ,hlme, he lrleil ID .'!lld. re011 .. (arm ill RUmmer, anel Amid .r


," "































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Tb91e wa,hlDg adVlirtiSanel te 1l1SC'rtOd \1\ the VISITOR. mUlt flllg them lD bv W!d,,"clay, B_l1lg to anlure publication tbe lume week I

o::rWo do 1101 lulo~ of nDythla If lit prceentj iba! would glvt: 118 mora plc~&ur(' '~an to 9111'110 reeel pta for j\bllut Il!l.y 06\ IIItt, ",Jlieh we hope our (rlpnd~, who uro IIcblu4fWilb Ual'lr B\lbacnption wllI,puy III C:urlng tM noxt fev. duys

•• 0:7'111 n ve"il' ehQrt Uauo lhU A:n 1\ cr s ry of our rodepondellclI ,yall bo hqre 8g~ n and Ib"uld we Dot be mllklhg aoma preparallon to com'i1cmoroto ~hc Fuqrth 1 We nefer wltnc~~ed or cd I nlore pl.ueuot celebI'M on thun held Ii)' the citizen. ,If UlIS plllCCI oat lHe (O\lr\" 9r Jul)'-> I~.t }cnr Onn \\0 hllv,. other of Ihl Borne It nd I Illouid not b"IlOJIlc un lUll drul bf ElnEclI N ,,'i.IL D~T


• O:TKeliey aM Crldpou IIr Mhl't th. Waynl'5Vll1e Foundr), a n~W

tbe Oaflroruaa All' light Cook Inr Stove,' "heh poaiesser mODl OdV~DIIl lef' o~e-r In)' otlier lUnd 8('0 o.dv~rta·('

lltoy. cilled


a.a. ___. 1(1$1911'\!1'IOII


A1'10I"1:MIlK1: -A t

Ihe.leclioD,laeld 1ft April ~.. t E r Bbs trolD "11 the .ur.cesaful candlliate for tho otIce TOWllIbip Clerk De \YQJI Ic~ felian IL ,horltlme 6lnc ~ ond lit tbe moetlng of the TClIVnahlp Trusteos our friend. 0\ H Hammell WIlS appo ntcl! to 61\ the V.GIID f




rho Auembly took 0 thrle weeks lies


~'firthqun"tl in ~Jlljl

pile after debetlOg thl! rovilion of the Can AlIIIIV/ul elldb'luak,e occured "1) Ihp ,d Bli t\ltlon of Allfil wh all nPllrly.wallowed up VII Oil!! h androd and fif\y Hungaraan ex lea Jlo~ti 80 - It woo Iho 80VW •• , .hock lel~ lind lell Hnvre, an lhe 811 p Munmoull tor sIlica 1'722 dn ~he cJty wa' ablloal ~ Npw YOfk lilly deMtroye/J (1 ho frOUB'1 roc:h~ 10 and fro lake vetlel. lit .e.~ mlny bu tdul,. tumbled dow.jJ property deltroyect Ind till


Otr\Ve oblrrved too )Dt~ however leVl.'rol erronlln the V.lLEDfor oay orllr Robcrt~ wluch WB DOIY clleer c:Or~Uon

lull, gorroct.Dlld bope wo w 11 bo excllsed tm .. all II e 10 v,r roon 0 noxt 5ubbLlh . l\crnooll al on our Pillt .l\'~r l the 11111 I nB of tho IJurd pornprllpl rellif, \)cllelit an~ nut corrupt tommun ly Tbe fourtb lane of the e Qhlh parograph .hould re \I 'dbubtlcn lO B. 1I M lOorated aDd in tbe SCI Anlh lIue last pDrngrnph "lid Wllb I IMorl! Ilud ame n \\ f'lh~, (or the proeperily of tho V leltor ,. the mllt ••el v. ere cnllrely untntenl on

[Nu AN Iqg



Se Q 16

BElGIUM "VI!' learn (rom Bru ael. b~en

10 vprds th-e (ormUlion of n MIn .\ry

uth r ze F ec D SPAIN riOI had ooc:urod lit Mlldnd whach the t1u~rd bad aUenooded III lupprol8

l'ORTUGAL Gon S (do 10 hnd IIrrlvetl In LI.bon ee C IlIp n ed bv 6.500 Iro pSllbd wu rlCla ve I moat enthlltiuticallt m ..lIH1e, ... " Up 19 the 16th of]by Oeneral DOWDS ulld /lut Incaeedcd In forrnill, a Mini.try TI e counlry U .aid to b. 1n I bad and Ihe trwury in I deplorable eondl lion

n.llroa. ..Ide.' I. ED'..... al a IUllOe' one lillie aad b balr


011 tbelOth at April, tile Chtlter alld Warrl°rton rold,__,";;'1 '-~·--




8\ CJaetw.


1'l I.e. T W SHAW

homl~red ptJIIDd. .. ~


CPllot)'. Ohio. till

...... ......... y • wlta ....,.. ~ " ' ' ' ' ..., ..... aajlel ...... IDP"" ~_1IIIp

'-' ."'b'....'II., ~ .....01.:,-, 01_ ~ . .

,h0ftr4lnr ~ lIa.,...~.!fllt'It "'1141.; . . . . r;",. ~_. w"lell, " .............14 Ii......... . .

... ·.rift. .... 111,111...-W ib. .11, ,..... . band 'rDb • .,.a'~""!a and ple...l..., ill. . . ....

IDS II ~, orllln.lo III , a;dod b.1 .... I....d'SO"' .... har_Ott In .CIQ.a~,.bcc 01 II ..... ,.. of the _ ( paDiou .f I I. 110'0&\1 110,", hllllOl'I."l ch.t 'h•• .!.bald \0. " - , ,....orr '" J(. til '.~rr 1a~lband " •• lb. ~.,..., ...4 ....,..,w\Pi "","&qUCII... a. ............ -, pulo" '" bells b. 1.0101.41 Lite II ..... ~ . . ~ ..11'" ~ , ... .dlDil Ift1 WId'" e/ Ibe _ It b. witl emt ,h. faI\ o~..,.m .... of it..... Th. "an,l, P9I- 0" or • ft,tI, _k .1ItItI •• u 1bI1,,,. ba. b.on Il~ m. . ... of ... .AI.. ..., h. Mr. of '''n"nnd. ~ 0 I. TWO HUNOR~O THOUaANa




In, .,.,

oop ~. bavo btl", .old .I •• ~ II • ittt .<llriaa wu Ii. JQed

'11. OQtl>9' h. ~,e Ind ••• I 10 ad vortl •• II b7 II. " a,nt IM1d p 611 0' .~u • • , o( II wbo ~ .... ~.... 3d.bLd u " publ o .~ .. n fi. aU t.) n Iw!Id 4w Ih al rurl 1.0 .0 up r-r\ ~D y o( ohubal., Ie! ,"" ",Ito I •• , (• • 0 .J \ .... 111 110 ...d. oIl. ttcnt M




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TALBERT &. . . WILLARD DENTJ8'1'8 C(I/ld SUIlfII J eu uoors


111m DA YTON. olllo


.rt cI.n, reeol ...1 of Ihl'M'MI"" . _

.....'" to p......'To tl .0 Y t nnn .~rl ~d bOI 1000Iom",ado, _ nag: 0' f)ClrilftP I e. I~tln ll' ft. kllh. ""'f<rtoIT fA

I curr Dr tho ''''"llOll.lbllliH ,U-,ooanl Di"i!I flo . . Imparl •••• vf bolng V........ d 0( tho ~"",.I."oDl_ ..Iood iu II ... pag •• 10 In\l n "1,1,; l8.olOlat IbeIr fuluro b'l>rl ~ ... <:an not b. ~"pr.jI,•• a It f• •, '""or", Improqt'ellli1. to eoa•• ,. lDOP' MIT th ••rIo... ,ijbj.. to""~ Dr. ... .., .re tIC .... ,....h'ielly I, to .d rOT II. m.rri.~ 01' ...... , . . IOalrl . , nil mom.,. .. d or I. II necel:-"', (II. e'ery on •• daty to ~. pno.eHH tIC,.,., cd,.w areby th. ".lf.OD,.towlollh, WI ....... or or ••• t~ m,y be ...1\1001, con ... ob."'..... ~ C,"ln .. m ........~ MIll, me .f ........



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r;p On tit. '-'rt 01' 0 ... Doll,. • TN. )f'~ lIJlfn WOMAN IS .1UVATII "&DIO"I ~P l'At!10M 1. ItDI ( ..-, .1'" J,..,J to ~.:'~~i U.. lte.lll&at... All . . . . . .11 I.e ~~P' u-.; conl.lnln" Il remlttlDe') Ud..,. A M MAURlO&AU nolt i21l~ M.... y~ "'" rohlf.ll .... 01101 liIo 10 tt~ 'LI N ...



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"'rl.!IO eoo ClIp'" ,Ji..~.liee. . . . . ~~

1Iltlthl1l \hI'M _nlbo

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am cump(lsetl of Seven lOIters My 1 • 6 Ii II a natural II v • 1111 II :I I 6


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.y fit

1 , I) IS. C41cereoU8 earth ? J 6,:1 I. a kmd tluo cover





on everybudy else /til n la"yur'ri , or loomeot ",hen k~ Judgod thllt indlYldual mUlt behold, ~I, th' much hent- IID our 11Inguage ,valin \>1I)(IIIC\o.l,'s wifllil i¥ ditl'oront. I ~ t to They lire j th ll Ihf1 ~o.ute .. 01 f}11l~n aliuu\ to .uceed hIe, Ibn cord lelt coouer n. poor puny crel,lture e, 01 clght. lemblllolbd" n th~ melOorl.,. of succbedrng compllny far anybody , , II you know. A I n by hl8 a~j".tan~, Iloolhe~ Iball the len or two lve yAIllB of ale, Druce aud lady, 'Inti th~ mecbanl c's wtfe to ' , tJ ' I r o( j:!luUllar~l. . rh~ polu:e at last the elUr parcnta o. profi clontsexlnblted by !generaj.joIl8. p waltiur, Ll)rd Mark J(t'rJ; III leornlng , / : ~ , I. never more It will ,be aeen (hat thlil WD3 written thc\' Ihen, II'lIh a .plcndtd Iftll a Ishul up Ihe doclor 8 e~l8b1i"llill e ltt ai 1111- or as ofsbn~I ~Md lor their roficlen~ IOJ wh en IIlluor dnnkillg was r08h \OnD~le. wind, Ind at lhe , mechani c I wl~, whllo the Wtll! of II dOC- I morlLi, und be l11m.elf - 1il'i1-IIOUL apeed of thirty mile. an hour willorder.ed 10 h!lIye Illngunges; el~cullUn, lnus l ~ drllwlng, or . --,.._ . nut Ihe temperl1nce rllform lIul rondcreJ , cro$scd thc bay 10 tnr or lo\,.yor may be Ihe wHe of /I memb _f th ~ eo un~ry. A (nollir Ihe penlusu la, ' wll!'D bia mo~t entllUdtns. eve n aome frovtilou H lIaqUlrell'l e n ~ -The ~ n ine und.r Ibe 1Il!ft. Ithe U8e of Ille Old Ollken Bucket more orl haVing lan.!et! "nil er of Coogred~. or u Judge, il hllr lliiollJ.lnd ti~ chellli or puIU1J1t" WitS ,Lord Ill'p'cele d the <;lIr101l9 TI foil r d atrengtb bf the mllld as Wll ll 118 of tho. poe:ical rOllt than a I t [ l goeslnlo pulillcos' poetical Ideo , 'The I ico ClIVO S, rormed by tl"l\vltsh of Ih\!, il1 ktl Al lelM, mu Suys 81,1 ' IPlvn, whu, Iyhen h e h eu rd th~t ., , Ifac k C:p~fr ::I~~/ IIEta \:ndlel;w~ bedy I. exhausle d, 0111) tho nalur" l growth Old O uklln BUllke~' ahollid • be )IV.tIS 10 qu~l Englund , detf1rAjillcd to lieehenehe d by tb e purty re ·cmbbftll ed in . the bodUl- ' An o.f bolln l8 chocked by suc" uJlllllle ly exer· eyery mlln \Yurnall and reaently publlNIt~4 ' ent'tl1id ' R. _ tluaull,louked, ul h ~r CtllllP1I1I1Ull1I1 nll,uzc - ~olnpDny hlDl. child. 1I0ur'" Iljrther tr,al of tb,," Ipeed and tl ons We .ro fur from dlscourajl'1llng the IJ d R ail 0 d " nl ent. Tllough scarce ly liS old as E.d\.l\er • Xllo t hr,ee Irav elers I: ->1 te ' qUllhlle~ took place reached Dover, Dud when' the pnrIy introduc tion ot yomh Inio tbll 8wl!~l IlY?n r ~ e. 0 om., em" ~ .; dlaO wos far lIIore mulured In IOIIld i i I landed at the 'tqot of Fcedenk lllg t'qu;Plje /ll. i~lr /jlldlel .~uok II, lor 11.10 nlgbt a t a hotill. a evon mora!lzllIg .... tihe hlul nOl a wodrlly IlIulhe r to pen'l!'~ .treot, .apparen tly greuty pleosed with I~rty(. f uppor. L ilril Q, exacled hIS Ih- an the graces, but \~ e w(,,,111of, tho muses THE have ~th'e1n folloiving sIIY. tho Har tl6td 'I'tllles Ilre 'with thl8 i I r •• u",t 1;0111 Bomo caprice or noy,,1 motle oC Gomeya ncel tile dieulal- ladder. I\n~ -19nll d puy thell court 81so ,to ilio goodnell8 of h her ,nulurul gOOd\1CS8 . R ltuHI, and tille IM II led UII1I the doct9r ' Ippin w.t I ,a hould be ~ b \\'111 good though rather health, nnd .pend 1l.l'OIlsldera ble rOllch, Bnd Ihe pOTIII.> n of t 0 term. up\ln w 11 0 II Iorelgner a con coWtl not eonlpr.ehtlnd thflrelure. huw her' with ·1,"h. The Ikt\l' e fpeetl Y~ry great. A mo'ro bellutllul ond roc k p1ll8~e8, Iiat hb ml do wt\ ~ nlo 11' -1 r co nselltc'il a Illeir ' till'le dorlng Iho l .l~oVQ perIod Ihe ptt Ildmltte.~ a. C;llIzell~ of tllO. U0I1~d Stotea. 1 frfend could r~Jeet IIny 8Ultor, eo wo rlhy 01 f tw o were drawll . up III t tlll\ll -b t '11 ' by t.he eX-;lIacul of tchy llorkne. l: tha mlnn.r whogold H them III 1:1Il0Cent ond en,lrven inr 8por~s ,J" 1'1 ' Flvo yeara reltdeno c b In tl1l8 country ,. II j love, Cl9 Henry, Qapecfol ty' for such ee lJbh Sl UIt garilt , tl Ie dOc.t ~o:~~~fyll b: ~~~rgln;d; it~eBp::lI:ld~II~:Cry.n CD~ a ,.altt'bGtnlalttl!elr exact ~l:'~'?~- itla • I ,& ' U lla ( In II I cues. or 8VIII g given I m 1111 d glllll bu I8-oIour Wb nn oJ fit," t ! ' rllu"renc Il A declarati oll of int.f1nlion to becolllo handllllg 3nd managem ! tIle most. pllrt.ltmldr dIrection s 10 cu t, the Ie erra"ueo ua" u.... t u. cht an~ excilemflnt, delcrlbc:e rco'o"l. . d: corl\ • 'wHllIn b d a Cprlo.llI tiDlIl. -llut whlist b ~ t it far (lXoet'ds , . IlJI' I" Ihe h It, n~ nl Bcnl j an) oth.r 'pecles • " ! I of -~" a CitIzen must e ma 0 e urc a Clour 'lIIcch nmc8,' Bile r pJied, nre ullOosl as tire 1I0clur ond \hll Lor~ molion de endillg on the power of locowere gOlllg throu",h the 'We are IIOW foor liundrpd y.r~8 ouI IBUn'h~g tbe B,olle In ,\lJoIiera. 'I'H" ",,11"" '11 lIotos-"l trl \: hl Queen ." III :Ikol) iI] tJli~ counlry' },he Ullltet Sitatea, or a t:llate Court, or be: wlOd \0 become memller p . ! dl f1ir , uellc lou¥' se n8I1t'oIl8 E~rth) QIi.ln I ," , Lhe under tile 1I0ltom oE-the le.1 and ~~e!lt. flltlhrul " 8;r\ TIe Araba hovB ' ,a noat. 1II!l.uIQr , lVay of bor~ a c t 1~\OQr, £T ~T'~~tT\VO ~&AIl8 vanl' Cook poseB!lio n or lbolr b~nk no lea eotehlllg hy en!lST'"~ " •N Jo OUI' wulc.imo"-illil t' with h' ,to Kl d or COlIgr. !888 ' .... , no thll,t almodt equllla e lire t e up, 1IIII1Ion ratbom. ot one hundred and '1If en ty f~it lawyers Dut that Dfter , lind their Je wels alld fie,!. \lr 01 IZU/11 Ip., The next t1!O wolf-tll~\ng ~pIOllil .O( , G~n, Putllam 1'1111 ia 1100 sl~OU lI~ b lcnt below the ~ea )evel, , C~.t""" ..... I • Ig I til l I. but Jr Ulc to the purpose. W e don't mo;:nliig , wh on on, ' 1• general rille. " l'l\e e,xceptrons, Compar atlvil power of the o • wat\era . ,he State.. lYent .. • IUIl11e}flIailin~ oyer our hea~., Two hUDdnod • I \V ~ tlqd "l.ho fol,.uw lIl lf aCl'ouot aro a8 foll0v.:- {number 3 and . , I mlmy m e ll beciluse th ey are omblliou¥, or to the rUUID, he (oulhl ,he two de~d bod4 ) Tho approach to complel I • 1 h epint Ihril Inir .tram lon of 'be cencr~d ltcd to tbe ) ~"rls COI1~tlt\Jtlonl1l, the .3. 'Fhe mlllor 1011 of a natural,z ed Cltl- 8UB and (0rtY lellt: tiencath UI llIen ani at work, ' [ d . h A ,. b f I ius 1 ,I relurns , elll blee Uit " '1 , gIve the lollow- and tbere ar. gallllrlee dHDer vet "ell IIe,. , edllo~ of \\ Illch QlJtllned IL,in II letter- froln ~ II. upon cvep 18\lDgUtt e", .,ut eCOU80 0 t lelr orrlYlIlg u\ the ag~ or 21 years, 109 compl1ratl ve table to wee e~ I a s of fl the French " 1t~~ brlghl.~, th crl~l~n frin ged, • ' " oftieer 10lv iu AI lerlll that The eXI,.rdinll{y polition ~Ilwn t bpCOOlI'S II. cltlzon~hlp 01 lhe fother_ I lrOO~ qUClhll~B . Mother SU ld th ut L~tin ~uorl~;' ~ \ ~I: wiDn ~r::8!~;~ J~ I~~~ Stu tel , 88 represen ted in the uttonal the face ~fthe ellffofth e eo Illea lOti o~er , I hy 'j(jld1l1T bnnnFr 0 er tho W~I i~ lIung. soUd w orth 11) a husbund alwaYB ,~ short Iline al,,'cB ~he eO!llp1"~ do~t of ~ 'I Cthe Illlflli~Dn t muk for ea citizensh the iWlfe ip has • II WI n' I," n' I Goull b',I J oll, or I' rathor g \ . gl Tob o t, th Ilh eir . lu)l increO,so E i:'ht'. ' I and ",ork~ on the Bur face, at Jlofllliac k. J. now n of 1' Ur:COB ot llUIl VIl ~oldler6 retilded in tlie UJIlted SI~I~a FIVE Y£ARlI. f dtlcroase VtI \0 <,,'e )'"g," \ 0," Illg " .. ," .II UuI , hopple tho" I\!aowy accomph shmentlJ .' ur I.,. on "fer B I~ puper. 1 11 ' 111: 'SII the b~tlo.l,n of powe'r Ihlt1101I: the Illat decade. expiline d 'rhe mine II not"xca 'r rQ Ulltlllp01 ! hitn. I~d, 10 ' me Iud Illg tl t ~ ml uto e uir 1 '0. 1'<• IpformcA ,, \v~ Il nge~ , t vat"d ,' that 0 ,/0111,1)10 jIyl'no I -, ' >" h" The - I II I 5' lod --t •, r 1/ I' l Ie "ree yt>orl ' .1 i l lIex ' I prcceU"! l i ~ • l~, 11 Round Etl 1/1 Iplr .cen .. 11 bUI,,: " ~ ra \ _. Ij h ove "" ea are In a l UI h!1q h ~ beiln IiCC U In lhe nel..rlborlluod 01 a,\;oata. ' hla arrival to ,.. '"\ U ,we • like othornl \\ 011 t .rlfue. Wit I yuu, 8UI" j 11 Q II~ iinder the land but ulldor tile Ole of \I. 21 years ' I was he lounu WIll I at ADV4.CII 0 1 U" P' I ' I~ ST4TElI -Penn'y lvanla tho IOAI' " I'll .. 11111 ~ 'l I I ~ be BUlllItled II citizen without nny praVIOU8 !tains 1 E sth9r, pertly. '1/ )'ou walll Henry. yun ~'P: " l ~rgc' flOiS ef member mo~~r" · llIinoi. ll1 2' ,Par~f; lIfusou Il1.lIt ri!l' f:~~e:;t' r~u~ III ,:~~~!n~*out ~I:': ~I~~d::d Iileclurotioh \lr Intention . -.,.. , 1"0 art can Irnl\nlo , mil)' have him you rself; but I shllll ,"l1rry I Jlldianu, Ark;n..,a ~. [i }I.; usctta. 1; Jlavmi A' !OIIl1,J tlln~ le hl1~l: " ;I'h (!- .I I )\'tl!lll'lllllll j,yarde II' ~eplh r.lers weHI IlnmeUiotely. 1 6. 0 10 I communi~ted thOle part!.ul a,. 's , , J 0 lill' . lI" al'.1e IrU Il,e 0 f w ~l\l! eq ' . ..,.1 ltIeR-~ol .e'~n PROOF I" Will be requIred Inllltr tl when nobudv tha lu ,hu Na. UUll;h i lll la he ilSil'pi, '811 I e pro I; 'eSSIOIIlS . l\Ii~I"lln I I IOS I) I, n, I, • ,,, 1" Dtf- ' , J. • I '" 1/ tlhe mioDdr nle~~ tellawu.~ tob k,~: IIIIC~ ... l illte • f I \ ', I " "" aro Iud II ' th Ii glverl ' p.-" co elully , ',_ guorJ entrance 0 I tura I ' l ie lZQt1011 papCra " 11111 IJ r po er y. ~It \~D8 llic e~ e . lit e pencc.n u""n. 'cnv~ "fwo T.u COl the tllti~ h ~A '(b~} \l )'.~ ~o .. c1081~g 1I~lo U~'l,ITe Y'llI , " Id 111~re eo ey _t ... Dltapeec . TATE!! .... IIleN H01.lI TII EII! ~oVld(;d wJtb 11 'Ilhcunt WI( III THE HI has relldod 111 tillS oouillry I til Y,f',urlcil If .lit!! aile ~-'d FIV! UNlolI. -Collnee \icut, lit fll:.;1 '~PP" d l Ih"l he I,Y ,~ ohe of the. 81m ' Ie c~'ril and a1>smaU N,'w Jerso y, OhiO, e81an' d' m otil. ,..n .... l ila eI~rlQI w',u.~~ t p~tt.' !.1,llI n, went lnlo yull!l; IIl1d 11111 ev1denc e IOU \ Ollie from Jlfarylan ..~ re r ~ Mefinw!ii,le ,l Imo jlOhfd 1 h I d, ejtlO Georgia. t,'d i ~el:~~"\ 'L~Jrg\'r8, \Vh~Deevkl!lIi1 YE IIU8 1b~~ l Hl~ 11 dVO\ villio\Jt weripona A lab/l",a, Lou ilian. , only " !aavl' beheld ,I. u. nC?\Y' drealOd In iIIIr , . a:nd meroly Il.Iv tr Iil1dlllg1 lIar' j ll il.ther. cltl zell IIIcxoruL of tltll I I Unltod ' filllJ kfll Stales \v , ullil~r ,I)r"e~ I O~tli. 'l'i!llnellee, KttllucJ,'y, De/aluare, Rhode latUJI> y un tiC an u, IIg allu' j : ; j ' " J . I rio b l' ~, garmelftn I Ir ' U l i'l tl, h hturtdt~ iii 1 ,(11.l clote .... jl \v u B Re fi t 10 tllr. . Luu(lon SUII""., r. \I .; \\ Q ~L\n,d \j,o porYlIlg n cona c!, un'j I II oUl III all 'f0 r, luud , , 1 ' ing how IIII ltM le Susun h it! 111'011 \\,1111 h, r. , • mere e. 0 11I. . . .... A , ",hI w I 1!lIl ud,u\t'IX ' Il llt he r Dlet I" STA.TI!lI.-Solith ". 'I;/.. ,Il li'lllr Ii III .. lcwd lua.i ul\1)! to the greBt ostollfsh ment of ,the apli!Clllrock. with a Dame ~urninl on I !.lIllie" ollr A h.... 'VOItD lid 1 .ll'u. TO urc LITl:tl' ill flill to 11, 11- to~': \, .;,," I eV~:lcd'lhh l lb~~prl~u)}; -Wllo I. I 1 ~c; in II V ' N lur,all en orJnou~ bteDlI , .ppeare~ muzzled j lOvclv! It IS tbe httle GiRLS Clnd il8rllne.. enve\Iop lng our 11mb. he 1 ' . .' , • • , _.1 , " • ~r ul ''tlr • aci;'1 ~vho L '01 If d droVa l !I l08e \l-" M ~ & Y ~I~-.elmb ~ Ih<')' und meL' n !l.I,~olr 1I 0w "n UI" gA~ll _ lnmaelf .• \ ,llil It~ 1\ to ,' evw ~e Iolllru'rC led elon a Willi I 01 lIr Quuker~tolVlI l certainllb&Yelm.~ned wlthout 'an, I ~CI,,,,\ qO\j , O lhcrell"o uqlfl Il r.t.. lOitlb. II I I ~ 11 { wor d erm 00 I .1 I J l'i RlOe, i ..or" ar" lna,; " 8\yee~ I' I ' b I' I 8, kind remRr kI, ' aou IUlid Or F uUIi' Werthe r H,eIIll Bbe(' n tl- Ihodaclh ty ..of lIsbeep. A , New Ii 11 III ,hi(o 1 b '--'-' ,\Sl1l1l1m er IHuon's ',\,Il~~ h"llI . ccordrn gto ).he r,mlle. 118 lIt1e puyea olong-N hop "us'lIll 8tretr. 01 rlaocy 'eWU uln,/ 10 ~ lUI S e InIIO I 10 10 IIdUb clul 'llhi:' kl.'l1 II' ~~Jo~\ulld 'or ..... 1U1I1I hllB D' 'f' d P I' . Iriul, nll~. 110 duol.t t, If occou ndt blll\:lenl" by thhe Ara,bll, thUO l,JlnimUII -,. " I d upon a conclAve or gO\l,,8I, D n ",Uda ll e lOm e. '-' n pane, al) -j '[lkIOd..fY 0 mPIl).hY or" e Jor eV9ry hu httle " J i boy l l and • I girl .r 1I ' , Chltll~!1 ' 0 .lJl,tCU , azz t " b:ti::~~ ug In 11.. - II! IV ,,~ uU Iy bufle, g"b:t y Ig '::::;'lI ,L 0 t "ClInu b:; r).ow "ill I w~lIve my aong e. D I)WS!tac lI.tenh11r I fllr II rew mOlDlDta, a dla. b I dl II d wa- uwuro of lt, D8 often IBp"e 1l8 IInder 01 ,,!VIIll "y ~r tu 11 duc r d), " 0 r "uoy Bhe me0 ts til Irou lile , at d - k Ind euch ..of coorse ' caunet 10le lar 1.1yv 00.. I becolllft fam' I I ~U ' c )lIn .e an caresse \V1,or.. le.vW' ar. Ihller1ll& ,.,11, Ih" <1) S- , lmJllir cit Um,tanc es. tir In justloe to anerutn Ike a. yO\lDg bond to help her tlompalllons outI of d,ffi7 auo aflection wh lcl, the dUllr Stll~es . the ,.1 . ralio . ~ew l1 'oC ' ro relllnta, l I do,.:, d fl loog. l'l t~ 'ow, \~ tlo ll'l mJ.te~lolII 1D0anlnil ,th~)lun . lOtrl\t.ke8 r ~baire 'cully-w ho .' never ecolds, - -he bail felt for the furm er "be ame trllnSlerne\'cr eootelldst ) lion 8110uld nev~r be len than t~e lC, t n t ,,,,8 prev,en . l\~qe , ). f to muz:t ' Or IlIOfl1, wllll llQ,oa1Il llow /lolltsaJonll ne"r Cll1nf: ' _that I. on the It :0' I d ! i d" I I • ' any j I never te1lE8' I,er mIllilor, no- eee kB \II ' l ,UYIP(; f'Olllltll ill. Tho b~"dlllll oreta of blll~. I u b ea rd Icntativ e pOpullltlon o( the 8rllalle~t Y I Ie ° lng OilY m,SC lie ~e lO 10luJ ler. SU8l 1l was &•I\cll B dut!- O~o vI, the Wq 80- W{1Y todllllilJ ieh bllt always to illcreB8e , it.,..a 10UOd that mllflit mU8t l'urtOUd 6fghl~ ofC!arPI iller~ d \vc re, Iil,lw('r., tI 18000 t~p h , d~)'rf ti\~CJl 8erlou~ly , II r I luen, froll\lo melnca lcul.ble !1i*tan -. ful dongillc r, ~1'\lS 10 acc\l/tlpli~hed in all a moulll.. ~WII~llrJllnd, I uld It l1 "t IOllse " uu A t present,. ora ft, WI I J6 what ig yul lrufly "ol1"d~d by Vlte \If . t~leBe , , Qa 118 (or Inv' ibl aPllllul>!. I b • 1 Ilcd Ill" " ul l d ~ slrill " ~r pearls . wonulIl llught to know, tlJld puilseRso of "o(d mll~h ppil licol PIQW\ or Dr' Rhode 1~llInd. '. J rU Lu 'Dd 'I I, 1\ 011 dwhich d 80 ell u ~C r Id pl~\l:~n~. png bPl/ II/JP~ "I'F thln~ t~et , Ie uuuurg 6 Ild·ll lIe hheerll o&-a • II' ,.you U 11 Y "p'"" wllI/l h 'w II.~ 11 Irco popu "ton 0 148 000 8 I,<;~O( 1. n th~WlI'" I a ler Idi ulO onds, or preGi01I~ stUll' •• , . , . a . mony protty -d u York ' r 1 8 the Em iro Sht te III 0 uwayl, thlll H e nry 10 t • rree air to heue _ t • j alpng the 'tree.d But lh@s(t illaen61~ ly begalh o wondl\r at hlDlself for lime, ftti to tln cqlIt ill 11 very dbllr~ t'l me ' I LII ,IIr, 1"llon, bllt her 1n breaso .0 mournl\d and .tlll IlI'IpOs81~ ie lor lintthl~g 1\1 9'1 11 1\1 the ~118ttol~e./Wtl~lohl~ev~~ cil n b910t nol hQvi llg aOliced her grell t .liperlor lt ~a~ .. Lhun that of the whole Ilounlry. nnd lief lIy, obJcot placed band Impreas ln whrn I\.&ened lei la rlllil o course courage and tOlllen y shown by tl.\e htlr fltjX In ll'elie~JJ./ 1 HI/ -/lOW wenl rydre. IlJ Qf~: Illh'li f~rll~cdkl\ mtlueoc e )Ire tberelo'e deolin- we bfl~Jle ~ ~ tu ft, orl l~ thelld 8pOrt~. ;:'f 10 Irou le--ltrlv e egerywb ere to dlITu9c to l'In: Grnhn/ll c·s. , WI th eyer3 fb eo . Il~II all ll'l't nQ~~, at, j;onn8vl vollIll II nl belore the lecond aa jJlInchan fed by' lund think ao' ar.colII· .be ratP' I , ••• arouod yuu sun.h lne and Jo)". 11 yuu tlo III the Unioll 8h'o hilS boell' .teadlly too, .~miratll)n for Soso n lOerea- I ~~:dlill~ 't!:nl~~;/ tDJlkll:of~~~ ~Ylllicl~'\~ gOI- lDuolcatlon to each other 'be .Utu. . r.. • Dlrtll.~lllce er t,;~Jlhl. thIS, you \V11t be luro 10 bo beloved. At IlIlt ..the socioty of tin. 8Weel drIps hl\o two chl1mller~ IItng on Ne~ York (or the paet twellty ling 1IRt\lI8tool.hlD'DI (urUI~ht\ d \v1~h '• . T)le folio\l 109 18 rl'O~ a r\1cont Ic pture wbiCh It bu tapir. Irl becPlno ' rod. ensl1ble I... hlln Ind shel \,ed. 011 the.1l •• yearM, but Cbn hardly overtake her before ed III u~ both from tha ploce~ Vl\rlllU~ ob- un a~'irOllol ny UY, Prul . 3Ilcclletl: fits,. g ' • p . ~lifelf ' . (If. J(llilroll jl::cIs lor lI!Cruatl1t1<)n d~. I lorty StuOilil or lil)y IIItlJik~ l'ellr~, 8 be(ore winch mauT 'rIhe Il'eturer IlIr 'If, aud uplalnA le,lo&t ).he mID" '(100111 apn aDd whe!',h e h ~tJrd a rumur Ihall!ho II'U I!ngll- parro,s dogs cat.ia alld W e Ink tlJ~ (u IlI)W bIrd. were i ll . od tne 81Ilg ulllr prn~rjel Y uf tflil 'lileeit n 'l' ra l1s(lrI pt-the fn etA III" frOm tb e n OllOD ch.lIgee may, occur. , UI 'tbllt what we hear" tbe lOUD" \bll geo-Il ul~e on II proved- he WIIS Morl,. ler~ lIt ~ta,lo!.' (jf tr411~titi bCln ~ obtulncd fro m Ohlb hus been in the Union, .Ixty yeah, .urf lashllli the roellallh und.... and OR: f aille neB rly 1111 to the IIlrlh. plllce-'OI hI-tilt.' R bII' I~ It Ilffi du l reporlll_ bellde llhllilci . [(lr Ilow he fi""lllI .c"Ye.rcd lIo\'or d by Ihe stO")' Ccrto,lnl ~ no ollte r public l And hll .rrived It matuN\) '. She trod I.e~ above III, ana of ta. wa". that c90t olhers thetr rUt- .1 th~~ thl1 ~UII 11",1\' .. n"levt!r's'~ch 1I fl ood o~ .... hllw 1lI11c1ly ~ loved her. Uo <'.GnUI no or bloU .del~c.tely n",do of travellin r approac hts uilrha.J1I in , hUd on the hear. pO'll'~ed, \~ ,arlnG' ,,1 hg~rt, IIll1lbmg all the pill '" of llenrnpl n,.hJ teo 00 t\.. .,..,. btlJoad, 'ftJ. llde ir1 I ' 11 I! h tI m. d h i ' Ii d pol!l\ !If ufoty to pU. iDgera. · 1 grill oppearnn ce yCQrI blCk, bnt The ie diatanee, jllr"est d (lniau"j ifi tha compat. He ~pllko it ul no,,! t6e Unh1tlra Bow uel \be ... \a ill no e dev,lop TO_t " lltl ! , ,II, ~"~re , er II~ 31\ : ."d \\u* u doMiey w'l~se the Ibst threl! year~, the doothe j ullv accounl, alld 18 not hllely lind .Iide wc~e the velOCIty 01 "/tht. At twelve mlll lo ns l uF'Dllnng to adyanlle traomme ry .tate of alitation ; 10 th~ . .ncl wb ~t billS WUlI 1116, when .he \ellrflllly ac· cOIlII.'4.· . Ft~1I1I 1 unll b.c~ 1112 penona, haye- been reporltd by the III 'po wer. lho 1II0st .)P"\;I1t.e of miles 111 8 1DIIIlIte we lIIaY low and dlltanf jUlt at thl. ~e, ' Sill be ten ycarll l everal 'corporatl!,n •• by ' accide ut. 011 Ule Clllllltd 1t. J . • , plllnli werl! undergu hig Ihl.! po me proccu_ In rellclun g the 1I~lire8t ·V-.rgini41 liaa been IIWftdily falhng back, Itorm' arrat tbel'r heJpt, ,ro.n the Ii«ed 81.1l~. Dut I ro. dR, viI: '19 pO.lenge rs, 6. employe,._, 8f\dl 'fllUtl ,lu le.s tllan 'Y'ellr .f~r hla 'l'eJPC- 'rho eedllpell tl dee081le ~Y I1l probll bly Jbe uyerhaul ed 111 ~llIdlll are 80 Bue Iftut it we ahulllU tpen eee lhe 8ame, Unlverl e, "B laJJd 69 olher hurll mounwlD ' after ....ountab•• of . "'" 1ll I r pArson., 1I0t cQlIlIs ated With 1onll '\1 the .ext decade. I' 1\ ffi tl Id perfeetly practicab J wllter ,1111, tit" clUr.. u.sI' 1.~ o1e.lilLern!i. lIon -r --r 8t lor mne , le .\~.8' t "n~ Ilnce es, eallt from moulds le ttl QbIUI!\ w,,'.abo rp- , muc~ .. 'ana would lee Ihe I!I1mtl .~dlcn!!e the rouds , O ( the paHle ngcr,,' killed, I() >l\l8I1ach . The walor IS useij here, ere he to c:~ange plnc~. Wllh ~he I18Ill~8 hilS g,llilled ~obly ~h8 )ut tpe ~01ltInl', heIil'1I do o io ~';~D.Jj husb nd met wltb death in eoosoqu ellcll of 1I,e"rr ten yeOta, and 18 th .. SU~lIn G rallalhe. , Nor as aillo for balhmg purposes . I was r ther mO~IIl~'t"~-r0- 80 iP6xpre i;l ht1 fi.eretf!Uher. l penUll e who now Sit nflft to ht,n. (.ot us Iown carolel8 uell, ln, ld thU ~.bold.t mnrt!n!:e Ibng d<'lU f d. Hen r.)\ w aa eodeavo ring 10 ~\ Illredllv e of all tho O~d Thirteen , eXgepi aI- alnused:1lY the pilins tak(ln Impreu UpliU trll,el a\ the apeed men at wlll'k a1'e Ilfi'MII. I.. coDtiotie '\bllr of If.:bt 16t e ,houl!und 1upon or Jump frem the Iraln., ",hlle in mbreftd}' til l>xcellenl. busi ne",. ~9 11 InMler lI1e tliat 110 lIbngflt of I'lmnsyl vnni.. , being !umed into u year8, and arrlye lit the ve..~ df eur own . ' a.eem! t4 _~. lurfacD &0 .....~ tioa. lltght.f1en empl'\)'eea \lVorl! killod by oar eller IIIlI! InRead futl colli etc lt etone duntig the ~rl)cess ~o Stot. we.t .f 'he P1ouo\aln bu JOlt 01 tuking II bath UIlI\'e ~r and '~IHI01 die let us phillge throug h tlle ob}'&.s cOlOmg In contaet ",ltJl bridge.. II \ • ~'t( • y . I w'" Itl bt1 f~Dred, It app.oarf, howf1ver, Whl oll reel Forty i ll , flOW~. . j Bepllratell our~ lrom iJlie IItlXt ~ III- pononl were Illiled~\\I ~ougl1 no r.atlltr,o Pll\ hu _.... ~o Su pp(lrt "\ e coi'nlo/tabl)" thoug Iiol Ihat some i nplvidua 1 hllO 'IIleoplng on tJ1I1 T J e odvancln g Stlltes aro throe of thom ls ure apprehen sive of "el'l8; and we may_ '0. 00 I\t 11111 rapId yet, that ~he ,.a I'1IIk An ,o~ track_ l'wenty- five' mIU,on, five hondred shive llnd five froo Both,IM t. und'Mra ' Grll l . \l,h " II ' csllmily , for \h~y D8Sl\:ll i\ 'IS a pare fo r hundred s of thouill.nU of yenr., and mn oty-four thouaand remain In tbe cum beld •• were .ellSlllle " pl1Qpl~, \\ lIu kIlOi/o' reusoll [or not ayulhllr tlle'maely p" .. e ugera U .... e rr~e declinlll g Statell are three of them ell of \\1 and tllen be no nenrer than willen we IItur!- been ClIuled w. up to look ., dI. over, the road., du~ing thC! .Iull tnll (our Iree. 'II little whllrEl luve Is ' 18 beller lhlUI lIa'th.-2 'rtH't!1s iii Amrcr~e, ' I'd to the so urce or hgh t .. '!'be tele'lIope three ,cllre.' ua. W. are able to ' I\IDd up. ...: ... . l .. .., • ' , . I 7~~, 19\\'a, Californ ia \Vi,aOnWl\lj anll h03 penelrat ed spaclI untlll&. h,B taken III tbe pOiltlO~ we n.w OOCUP1:"""N.1 el here IIIYtt 1&w5n11J 1g. and 10. hllY Florllia, hUlIlg been admit\ lld allJee 1~lt , light whlclr.must !lave been i~1 motion timcaudle.l aldlerall cl lhilher.1l! ,'M Mild M 'TI!J i"' llcd'lIl11 nts III u.'l Will 0 ~ne • census are not ,glUBed \vhh tbe ,bove I)' mil hone of year ... lit ~he rate of tWlllve 9,&n M. ~e 'tirl,bt, ~ cq'p~ ~. R d ' r'd'd'!" ,. r~. III _:::Ylll~nf '7 ' ,'?hd I ' ar -, . StftlCs teO ." II ' er, I yO ... ever a.., ,. II m looa o f ml es p~rmlnll: _rs. . C?W I~m- 'Tbe8a SIIy1 L_ We'hav Cthe rallery f b 00 e"~ dlniCtiO --" U.prehens lble, then, I~ thl. , .. l cpmlllleatJon labllco\lpl~ ' idlhough e never 'ftm tif fs no. ~ The otttire Norlh gaIOBlwOtDemuv.-.. 0 00... 0 l ...oe....... -......-'..... we Ilave he~'rd t'lluoh The en~,ro ~I.\th loeea one membe~, I af .y_tellll Il'\numerable, fil(lpg the realms or ,hem. The} in't~ude col!?" , tr.VII~ by a ~~turll ",,",wor lr 0(, tlJemselv e r-lOtO The sceptre ;1 lr"adually t ...~elling we.t- ihiD ,e~ ? ~ spRce .on avery hllnd unti l, tbe b\lldolt aUSerl! of 1I0cfilt • and hue '01 ,iroD, apJIIF here . .4 aor.ojn"lI,)ul1l ,vord 'rho O)d Tlurleen 11&10 two, v Ilnogillotlon ahrlnks exhauste jl fronl the efthere Iil patala... over wblab t ." . b I' ij 10le seven membera , fort to eon1\lreheod eveq Ut. , m ,l lioul of a great many hlnga, ". anel inC8IIIn tlr fa cer· ut 'l'(e hore 'n!l' N w E hmd i . one tbetr n mber ' " d \Ole, leen them. They hive ~'l'OkeD liP f~ml!lell.,t ~ tb. N't water per.. ". lUI • I! ' ailt lIe,r aud dtil' I tenda Ilt nrtenr.e , r'u!'d InemCbe rl. nil craDai_ • • t treii'ienJo us lumultl c.nd ' e.eitem cot III .:rbo MI~~lp Stalel h,uld "elr ow~" 1\.purt.I oul f~r ., ii~iallbo'rhobd,. di~t\lrlfcd and even rulMd the eleven ~olltberD Atlantic ana nuoua atre8ll\l. JUII OMr our a de ailed thef~~ace ond pro. IIrily 'of churche l anI! 9tllte .. leslI four memben l. we obeerY. a woodell "lUf or IIae tnf!'nl~Oepe'lIn'Jr8' ~lr the IO~let1e., ",nd -blly ~\lca8io" ~d II I:t':ealllo~l The otlier' rool' Sbuthom ern Statu tIH,,,,,,,~ft.,... "in'" thiclll.... of a milD'. ler: , ....... • ..... of jrolllplDg, lIackblt lng. 8Ilnd~dng, lind three roem~e,.. I ' h..... lllut the plUf" all ba"~ k_,. evW.pea liin" amo)rg tbe 'People, nn" ypt , Ahilthe We.t t!1d North-w eat(or out til!' HII , ' we yery mJ.lch do'ilb~ th or Mr. nnd l\Ir~. thll nllW lIot ~o,!nl-:') !faiD Imm.n. - wllallh ortUtalil~~ ,'TItEr S.iT' Wern , ,,,,, ' fl'en. 'I'hey are ev- member .,-Norl h A".er~ , 'J1~ roof of ~.,al1el1' thr~~t \e . whok wber<r. cOJ!cerhe'i1ID evef)l OI\..", ' lIuII· , II' le1i¥.lb: but iuemai! ll, Jild trill. at w.n ..... but leem' ,o'(haye Ill) pe'rtolririllly' ur mll.n onlollcb~U\e mlnm iaro aot taw Tb~Y' hre 'o(1el\' ~~/o&ca to,l '!J'oulbl e Eft ... llqaake. It~ for It II part, and • .,..t p&l't of". rOt! entirely b~,o\jd Ih., re8efJ of obeer- :I'he lteaJtllJlrip lAm.rica brinp .ecourate f!lrma &belr otll, pro\8C&lo$t ~ 1 I r Ii fQmll!_ ". 'se~ i C(lrculi t roll (rpm lI1.. I\&-or \leuoctl!' .io.n pf ~ar~hqualtee tbe eea and which blUi been 10 (ar /."...." ... 1.1,,·1M~J and Mr• . "l'hi!y ISay' referred to ~... hich have been (elt '" here alld lte lhl~e .. ja IImlttcfl' to uuthorrly . 'Dldl,yo u flear thtl rumor Nalolla In Aliatac TurkeyM crt & town of a an averDJ{8 urthrce~,\ 9 nll hetW ..Dth. lla In elreul i tion €onoera \ nJ[ Ilr.1 and .eapbtti n ihe Blook Sea. at ~nd aUhe - - 1 No, f ~Id not l Wh1l~i.)il 'O~ Rhodel, IItllated tt' tbe .ott-llce iel,~,d water and the I-Un1 lu wblcfi we no. o( Ilaod. ~o oue.kno w. wb ..t :alllb' ,b, ~ ''I.'hey SIlY' (~lId here fo\fow he miltI"') Gulf uf Macri. 'I'hl! IIccount .IlY' coneetJuBo~ of nothe, da)' .-11119' WI'. &1)0 Can tbfa. btl true"' " "'Fllell!!.~ ' 'it II, At tbe ~rat U\entioned pl~ce Io.d,itl 1m- the picu~on Inrpart ClC it. , I and It mualllc U mediate vleinrt(, great • I Whethe r Mr. aud Mfl. 'TIiDy 'Sny' are mn life arliJ Jlroptlrt~ deetruct ion of hudeacllnd an\lof our first parl!ntll, ui1 fronl Bntt .1(ocl( wa. felt Qn took plate. Th" tile 58th ' Gf Febru· Tit. Fl'eak o( • .."."enU •••,lclan. knol" nolo 1 'hel eV' l ory, ~etwct'n Bve lind .halr.,.a t,fj,. in the A liUIa' fJlllow 'iD ,st. Louie,..eeI ...._. the do d! DUI flli' "fle'JI~II. wl\en II IthQbOf!. ~e pITt ,~ar!l who had \Mell .trC!llilj Tmpr.... till! Il.' that but ' .igAt 01 tht'! ca.llO( Wblch ,il a,tlle wltb tbe nO'#lIity af I00I0 oJ \he trioka o( ark. w. conclude ihe t.oWl), reI y,:J'th an awful Macalist er, the mlliiCla a, l:.Oe&nl. Ye~ IIJI. ~avlng whelmin l[ tho olllc8I ' return hOlDe. to &,. ~Ia own. 10 tll!ep Loyd/. S leam Nilylcat ion \:u Nch wOllderiol ........ .nt.e · , the Sllihter ,hll'lk. IUC4leed.d Will he attr&ded 1ridl th. II Jl ijUrneroUiI ~y'en up I~ .'b~ 7~ of off \be D~! Th.:ArliIM on Ihe I~"I~ lllnil, u( all ne lglrbOth..oa, the co~'ir~llue:n¢je. ' • .., I' . IRnd"r- IiIO l til.aitrOu8 .nll tbe abteD~ce 01 the lIIother, &be ! atblr Io(lo( wbold 01 the lrO\lM!lj dwellin p, at bll employm fDt, the bo71~; I"Wly, reeted In the town h.,e beeD .llte~ to I.t ib.m 1faUI ~ Ij d Ii .... , b 1l1li 10 obmlt brrJlOM to ell. ItJllr.. ... I' lfld 10 L Ie !froun , .Iurel 'l'!tve. eon rorm- wu at first .larmH at the ~ 01 ed In th e very Itreet., from h~c" betum- blilOU hie urpnt eatNU, IIJId &IIe' • UlQruc e inoua 9Ilpor. e~ud.contin~llll',1I1most ~r- not to hurth~r, but to put OD dheotll' lust focal/II, the JQ~IWtllDtw. many Ipribgll th.II~OilJl" lbe co_ti ll 1.-halIalloel~' I I~a~B:.'UI!deoI1 dmcl up, w,hiM In ariel 10- tin hi, or 'lit cl9tb... ,......., . . . cahtaea pew onel ,have i11 lhed out, chan,. In1 with a arK' CIllTiN lnll'the whole feature of th. etrlb'. lur· /1018 ciOll' to lier rue. Itttif.. cut ott .., The poor cJi1W 01 face. oeur-,a. . .'D\.to"'exCll1l~~ Tile 10RP of Leyiasy, wbrcb loud t«tallllo '«~~ 100ft ~ 1600 bOUleI, lIu DOt ouo left to TIl. ~ ~\~~~!; ~~j;J~1~~ 1no leas Iball 610 humllJl bel lip ant avlo.. ucl ~~ 'tMT ed,to lie ulldet lb. ruina, which WU rolllJl,U ld wridWt.l.: ~ ... ,iIiL ..• ....ould bHlI I"lblly lup-ellt ed paiD whil. her b.... III .... !be Ibock been. ~fter Dflbt (aU'. wben lite fdptfol low ottl.... ..,. ... ....". I.habltl atl reli ... t4 tbeTr .bOlDH after ble~"""" • labon ,of the dar· Tbo •• 1\... of for a "OIDant wida:tU I.c'qulllnl.n~ .ither .ltI, .r. and.hI baa lIearll DIet "tlb W. ilia the HIDe (Ite, in Itla bud willie "''' .. S.t,' or who are eonr~r.le per part or a flup mountwla bIVin, wlt~ ~"m deelroyl D, the pe..~ and Into, alld bJocUd lIJIt -tlI. MIDt ..... ..... ..... ...""'. b,pploe .. p o~en lcaudal. ~~:"~~:r:,bll~~ •




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Llabcna Nilerl. .

of,...... 1.1I1.1~", nrnlnorilloB triA dollirl worth 01' There CIOnt1nue4 to "",'10m. ,I'-'t 11,.. "Me,barefootAld......... 9••hn_ 1.,;..· •• co~lIp.,n1 ·.:wl..~ e:ltal~lilitled, Ind .baIl' ~e r.te ....11 have nlld: anel tu,bln4* on t~ ~"h WI'" frontier. TII.e In,. '1lnlte~_!1 '0 iwnpleli CI'III iI.flult .b.H be mede dlilbanrhicl troop. ,,~re ""eltunnln, "" 1'11' ",I~ . " ,"ml' Terri~ In4 IIba -g ' eyer1. II"IC' . .....~-!.,.., .;: -.- - - .: t'ax, within·' th~ lime III be't~e dut1 of tho " .'.: O,.~~e~..' . . . . .~... -.. 'pru~ · to cd]l.nt, the re~\!I. 'VMe m.klng -Oeet.'•• , ..purpciee he Ille, . a Imperial lfbop.!: ' . Poe~lDuter Gillcral h~,I,,~ ~,... the COIurt of ' .' rl'Om . w"lch .w.,II~~1a \111,10110•• . ,\p~\,p~ r C:~QntY. .flginrJ""'" . : J ' . ' • • j .~ " ~mi'u~t ' I'f \~xca Dlfa1D8t I . , P.o,talle ,.tamp' .r! ~ 1Je · rurllJllied to c' nt·A.viinlti."d pany,' Bnd 1)10 nlmel aLthe debtura onf' or 1D0re of ..Ibe prineipil pUllm~lle" ' eO,mpany / u 'Rhown by tJle r/!e()rd~ pr In ellch tounly,whq w_11I furnilhlhtf'l-tltelll t (j: olhfr postiJIuJ,era on dem~n4 'I~ ,.liI ror ; and It ,-b~1\ bo the d\lly of to lake juriiillc~ion t hereof. on dolinry. , Th4 Peuple un ,pIIrch," , " " the~e 'Itampe oqhe 1,0dtRIII~ter. hlYhlll ' It"l'n t ln1tljllllcllou, apj1cihlt ~ ml\ke uch ot~ct a.1I11 fllrlher' order, DI m ~US IA. tbem fore 1.11. ·' " " ' ~, ' be n," eels'l .., to .~"bj ~et to the ~ptllrul We learn (f011l Berlit~ 'thllt tbe" ,~ 'PuatalJe,afampI C:lI.lI be'use.1 i,~ 'pre-p.y. lioJ'OPO,IIYi or~,ng ·.un lile Itl~ nft ;o'r I1l1d , c;~mr~ R.Y !!diu hud r~turned froOl W~r8D\\(. , melit pn . l ptterii' to 'fu~iVn countrles,'in ali ' Ihll s'tlllrq~trllll Qr t~e tax ,aror\'.III~, lie 118Aiated ~I tho:' inllugllrnUu~ of, ~1l.e8 where P'):lIIfllt ean ,be iliad\! In IIIl)n· Ih pon~I i'JI!~ !llid in(erust tn~rliiln .! , of ',.',edl'rlek ,the ' ~teftt, • "rlas ey . • I ' ., "Id!)d br.1 aw; :: allll allUle e~pitnl , 'or· lite mellll!}" , or tlu) EI,lIl'erOr of »1 tlle hew poatagll [.0"', it I. a fdOliy , and Auetrla, al tMalu\z, Wall 'IItire· 10'forp or 'collnterreit a Ltamp. or to .ell ~r laid COI!lp"ny"not IQI 'le~ 1,\ the .ev:,:ral countic8 . o.r 'lhe: Slult>. bntl • reiu~ nl>d , nntl a -mllitury . c:huruclor) . have'.ib poel8lloP with intent to .~II Ih, as ~Iore»o ld. shnJ~ b.e hdted,ror toxa· _ • vame. Tht"p'nally on convlCltloD. II' nol Inti , Teturll . ~ by \hl' P,reslllcnl ,~lId ]. " " rxt:eedinr ~OO flnol, or impridonmont five . of 8U C~ III~t i lllltoll, IInder .ollth, nt \ n./\ NCE. • t. . )'~Clfll or !loth; AIIJ to 'ide ur ... tte~pt , 11'1 lIs \ruc value III mOlilly, Q~d enlerl'd ,~to. Tho newa fro!" F~a~~~ prlOclpolly re· ute a-I IIIUlp, dIal b.~ beeu uset belurl'. I. l e \her \vilh the Burplui ,and c:bnthllfClll l3Ies 10 tho President d Vl51t, ~o the provo Aubjcct to e penah,.of 150 for each uf- , fUIIt! .)( ,"id wmpnhy, upon the grand levy it,uu.. · • . " ~ reilce. .. ; ',' , ... ri\left cQmmunieationt"jlll- Inleretling fori lhnllh~n cuunty. and ' Ia~e t! fo~ tho _ _ .•~-' Five . nd tq,n 9f'IIU~ ~.tlle ltiUIlpt!, noll' IUbjceta. -.rill finch hllrty welcomo In our . SPAIN. :' In U80 will nut bl recol,ell after ' lho !lOll, n me purpuld IInd.tu;the.... mo exte~t l~.t ~o'umn", "Nuthing per.onai will bc IIdmitntl\,V~~ln. l olh (lr .per~o.l\al prupe~ly, '8 .l~~e~ In t~fI Accounls rrum Splln r'epreeenllho·Gov. 0f~he'prellen~ ,monlh,'nd all perlOn. hul~ t_4. ) \Ve mUll kl'ow 'bO re,a l umf • .of al\ w'nrd I,:'wh'c~ the, ~m~e .?f eUld company; efllll\ent in great f('et, of 'ao iI,l umlctloll dmg .u~". !lrD required, before thll 30111 bf ,~ el'~' ,-' , . , I at Modrid. "otl evory p'rotl~ulion waAI'boing Sep~(,III~~.r next. to l/roscnt. them ,rror·~ • . wriJ~h C!tP,fto · _UenUolI' will be, pllid ,to Sec. , 4: It 511111.i b~ !he 1I,IllY of laken to ll' rd.lllT{lillSi the 8plllllh Demo. d.emptiQn \0 the nea!es' pu_tln ..ler autilOfl· , tlIeir: pro.d~c;UoD'. '1AU\letterl-on h~ille" , 86~'la8Ur>'~ wl!ose Jurl~dlotion. l~tere «;rlllO. \vllo were alliin acilv~. "lind .laad . ia. Il'd to sell ~t_,npl. , ' ·' mu" ~~ • , COJl'IIIUNIC", TEP. be Illcat\l d,any. blink or ~anklng eompanr, aued a programme 01 , future operlltioh8. 1:he postage un all.boob .nd olher prill•. ' ,'t • I ' .... ~ , 'I '. ' ' I to 10Qre wllh IIOllle propl1r ollicer of, nld "', ~. • tod OII1Uor. ,except lIe'upape ... , Ind ptris , ,T c) AOVEaTIS.£U:, . ' O:rI'el hllps we- . hould ;rernar,k undl'r bank or bl\nking. ·comp"iy, • notice to odiCAls pl,lbliilhed III inlorvabl not be". TbOeo wi.bia. adn1tilmonll', inler.ted ill make oul and liol\ver the .tetemel.t rcqllir· A ding Ihr('e monlh. , ahtl lleut frum tho om, , • in Ihe first lec:tion of thfa .ct. AJ;'&' eo of public4tlun to IC\iual" and bOil_tide \I•• VIIU'l'OR, must brlnJ them ,In •~y Bee. 6. The'. talleB levied and collected .ubeerlber•• m~t be I're.- pald, " 'jJ~' ,E'mtin$. to inlure' put.iication in pureU4n~ ,or ,the provlalqn. o/ · thlll act, It by nl!gloc~of a pott muler the p~. t~ ..~c abllll, be in ' I!"1 of any tuea w,",icli Pllcb p"y ment II, not ml!de. • aouble pre~I'lIid .....,.,,---=-__- - ",bell on 1II0tlon of J.' 11. the .hlre h'oll~re oC 8ucb' wmpanYt bank or blinking company woulcl, by ex· ' nte.mult beel>lIeotfld on dellnT)'. , , .' , r ' lDc~~ illg was or"Jlized by .ppc>hIUnr the am,ount ot ~Iock uNned 'by ea'ch. ' iliting ·llhn. be' requiied to l'aY' o~ illl : di· POitaleon IlIlet,er.,. ne ••"~ all4 "iSrnu, Jt.aPrIlIOI. '-In thi. nU'lllier' W K IE. cha'rmln' and 0:1 mOt ilh~Ullle a copy o.f e.uch liet In the offic~ vjdellds or ,prolit~, . ' ,\ . . olber matttr. IDU.t ~ cb~r,ea .c~rdl~ wilibdouud' &\1 article from the " ~eti or , f th ' W '11 D k . ~f e.!, q. , .' M Ibe reco~der of llil! .co~nt1 where eny qlf. Seo. . 6. , Sloc:k~ ouh'f"s I\el~ In b.nk., to tile dill,nce on lb.e f1.lllte by w"lch, t~oy 'f~olllu Co\1e\'t- Sr . which '- rather in , 0 e Jlyne~'1 e . . 0 0 , G. ~. Crilpln. ~. ,B, c e· lee of .ucll compl"IY mly b~ loc~tcd !, nJld orblln~lng 1\••~letlol\ll, • ,..,ere lor,vllnlf~, and thie . Il\Ult be Ih&' ..:.. I • ' have I&ld on our table a very Int"reattng land 1';'" aPllUlnled secretary. llliO In 'the office of the Auditor of State,. , , ~c:orporaled compaDlel or u· rullt~ ~y whlelljheir de.tIDal~CJo, ahholillb P:T",~o VIOW ••t!~preued ,In a cumllltiftic~tlon ilo,el CAlled "Wilfred Montre.,of ur tlin Tbe object oC the lJI eedn , b'e ine brier. in the mqQ\h.. C!1"J!llluary .nd July. in e,v· ,0el~llonl In olher $t..el. and State jltocka 1t)1 not Ibe .liIJfte:lt, • 10" "lIk .. D~ber by . fricWl Ji)o.n, of ICCn.t order of lh~ seven." I,,,ed by the (;halr-then proceeded t~ e" ynr. : • .. o~ ot~er Stu~c. h~ld ~y 'e drporat\o"', o'r • ' AllleUe,. to Ind frum G~lt.Drl'-!n 11114 Uarte,.bilt'rlt. , ;We. do no~ f'tpect,. ollr· . . See. 44. Nb - banlunJ co"lPony ehall cltizeul of-llus 8ta\,8, eltherfor the 'Continent. ""hen Itllt 11Iroll,lI'l:n,111I4 ,.I!Jf'.. to 'l)ter ~to... dlKu..lqn oC tbe .ub· .nd tbe follOWing pe~n. were commence t1]e'61,181"e51 of banKing or al agents or gUllrdianl. Ib.U be subject P()STAL ARRANGEMENT. , are eharfod hereto(Qrel' .nd I~tt" • jeCl, but li frillialll wi.h to explain CO.MUNl<;ATJ:;D. delegltea to the Whig llile a«;t. untilauch c?mplny ."In !"ve de· to lixation the' lime II bondl. mortl,ge.., ,,ine ~"·.d co and fl'Clm tbe ~ontlneD~!Jt lIurope', 1101 be l'o.tmlll.r·Ge".er,1 hu conesud~ aent througb Englilld, will be ch.lfled 'fvr , Ii . viz: ~. pdllted wfth Lbe ludllor the eecuntlee reo notes. or other e.vldeDc:n of debts. /lela by Ibell yjeR'lOh ,bOVl ~~. ~f / t e ' qn8llion , -/" t E. KEYS, Ijuired by 1,,~.ljeClu.. l In amount to lixl), chi:i:~"1 01' thia St.le.lI~ ,,~w taxable by all,errlnlement f~r the t'lIcha"p 'or D?~I,II ,inland and lea PolIIII(I' 1I0 ,cenll 'he .ia. we bid n.elrvti~l" .,-Ii!come to "ur col· 1II0re "ltOtat Ki'OC~IIlI"' J Y per C,~tD·(,of.:the . ~pi,tal .~k ur luch tbe law. oC Ihla State. " ~!w~n the United,· St.tes lind Brlllih gle litter, withollt rl'rud 10,. Ullin' prU;lded. Ih~ j~~e brief anl cpo4n... }Ia. ~DI'hla : -In Y!lur pllrer ul Ibo . ath ' T. McKA • banki/i'g comJllUllr_ . . 8eC!. '7. All I~I .nd parte orl • ...,. Provmee., to go IQlo.elfflot.-orl.the 6tb or 8u'bAc:r1ben tn perIOdic.l. mu.1 pn.p"Ih'ID"~l" ~ct r~. III~jec!, the merit. 9f i. a' notice of meeting, held W· D. McCLELLAND. , Soc. .... No banilln, . company, .. ton.iat~nt willi the pro,illon, 'of thie retes oC 'poStllge ~9 be 10 .'I~ 16 the full qUllrle,.. POll_lIe. b.rore dl<IiYefJ .t ' '_bleb",cy dll_. . in which tbo Bllbje~I.~f com. . W. M..,jlilNGTON . .~ luell, IhaWI'l~e Idt. pUl In eircuilltion .ny are hereby re~aled. ' centl, P~flpllY11lent optional. ' Ihe 11,,1 hllQllMono otilaln Ihl belitSt o. tl,. I'JJluniil'~llioll. f,olD dilllmbodieil ',pirltl tu QII ·motion of W. 'B. MCJGuir., elrcul~t1n~ n~)6I;~'~/ .~r leid , eompany. ' , ' J9HN P. MORSE, " ' " , pr()v,"loll' ia '~I. partl~lar. : • ," ,'51r our o,"! P~". ,~e ~nnot itay thll tboH I'n tho' body. - ' Ill ..JI"~lIs.ed bv- "Ir Tbomas wee appolntedolle of the unle.' tbe IIlIme Iilla be made paYllble O!I Spealrer'of ~M HOIUt of 'Rl,JmenlGliuu. FROM ' SAiNT LOUIS. No new.p~per,o,h,r IIIIJI tbo'" IlllbU· lhl'lplrlt rappln.. ' .,. -II lialnbur, fur In ,n \I w dem.lld .nd andtoverJ VI. . CHARI1ES C. COI'IvERB. ,. B,_""" LouII,lune 1'71h. .bf'd weekly 'Only. are eblltltcl 10 ci~ullt. anelent \lmH.lf •• tike th6 Bible (clr our HlIrker. ' IT cOIDlllittee. by officer or ,-..1--".0' Vie. &nate. ..... tl,_ln Ihl tountle. w,hltre r~ .... b..l • •Q I' I J ' Q S" ... th -.I or'J Mr·I . ' ·niar. of Ludlow & Smith·. ftee ol r book of rlCer.Dce, Ipldta did cOmmunlb.te Whl¥qut p.'etendlng 10 d~olde on Ihl' '. hmo' on ~ 1 • mlL.\, e proe.t"". Much lIl, 1861. Theltre 'C'; .• died 01 chuler. yeeterdlY. Ii.hed "lid 'the 08ic:e of P'I~licetion ••4 .jth m.oi_an~ ir thfIJ tbe~ did. why JII~ltelioul ,ubjeel, I will II few ro: in". of thi. meatin, were dirflcted to be Lalt , Ili,hl;.t Iho ~.lDe theatre, A[rs. ,,-ot tllelinr. i. III. pllce frollJ wlli~h ' l~ , .. do '-'k. ib I d I h' i I U publjlbed In tbe 'Star' and' ·'VI.lto~.' /' I' N Q Blanell WI. Insllntl•. killed bIt llae falllD" COlli pule Ibe diltln~e. · now' .... Jlot ...Iine ift ~ 0 t:.11 ope no~ ncona aten y • ImprilOnmeot, or in . the di.. [0; 4" , , • .Ns .... pa'per publi.bere IDly ...111 .nd re. .nythln., l beuuee It .ppoa,. • wid. re.lon or ,eripture. . rltere belnl !,O furOler bll.ineu, .0 11 m?" 0 t~. Coort ' haVlnl cornillou AN AC' to amenl! tb" .et enthl~ "an or a weight behind tbe loene. ' e"l'lIe 'blir flIchanp, ne • ..,.pen frte 01' e~ranp. but tblnk iL riabt at 811 timel to It I. laid In Dellt .• ChIp. 1I0. ver. !O. tlon qf \V. D•.¥c:Gulre the meet,,,,, Ide.eIi blllk eltlbU.hed by , lrtu8 of .etto .l,IIend tbe let to rejrul.te Ih" pr.c· ebarr, to ~nd froll} 'CI!JI~I. '. ' UIYlldpte, anI! _erUln lor oUrlelvel, that. "SJlerei thiofll be long unlo tbe 1. W. KEYS. Cbr. ,.hali be 'subj-,et to Ibe provlaion lice lif the Judicial Courll," puiled Fob. FROM THE PLAINS. ,A n(,WIp'lper Ie not a perl~IcII, 1ft" 'In act . to b.ab rrolD tc\klnll 23. 1848; al~o. to' amen,1 the lelt 111I91el\ Mr. Burllnd parl" urrived bere I,~leye. ,"bec:r''',,, are renuift" to pl. oae aUi. \V D M CLELLAND Sec our G od t-' bul th , o.e tMnr wblob Ire reo . , ,c •. "_., ' u"'.' p•~"" .r_-~ lfl'rth M. IIrch ~I, 1850. in R!,Dendmeotortbe pr.e· illnll. ·from Forl ,Maekay. 'B " '( , , , hU\!lre'ntiIlHto ' " ~ whWter er AOt, th"e thlbp 'be true. • 19.1'860. . Mt. ur I b .~ tflr.IJI.OIIlI,lI in ' Ildnnll". d unto u. upd to our cbIId~ell for ". , _ _ ••• • veale, B~c. 46, If lilly b.nk or baokinr com· lice 0(' t~e lud \~illl Courll. , been ef/,erd'ln colleclin, ..riuuI tribu a reductlllll from Ibe elttabli.bH rat.l. !n~W cPI1Ull~ tr.' , \'. pany 11.ln PIIf.chl_le. buy in, or take up di. Sec. I 14 "etuICW ~ ~ GllfUral . uf Ihdloni at 'FI, I!laekay~ .nd IOml Ihre, JJIlYIllf'nloi in '4n'n~e ltD new('papcr,l ~bere are truth. prllp,er tn be reclly or iQdlree\.ly, any 01 their tlrcul~L. of 1M ' ~u of Ino. That wqu\d be aSlembltd l~·re, Thero Ind peJlpdir.ll, Cln o"ly lIe ~1I.ile by, the " _ , f th d be I ing. notea of .n· Ilmollnt IElI. than what " ~eqllited ~epl by' I~e IIret were fiIIe dltrcrt'nt tribe. 'reprelentt'tl, yll: IUClcrib.r. ,at .u,e-PuelOm oe· where tlie, - , " (II' a C'onfderable Jen"h of linlt, the \0 m.n rOIll e un,ilen,worl , c~e.. I~ due Ibereoir. ; 11 the .tockholdere oC .nY or '1I1d Ict, ,u;.ed ~eb. I~i 1848. may The Oheiennel. Klu.Il•• 0_III.noh;',. A",· to be dellvf'1'f'cl. .; -.ubjectof • reform In the manner Q! ,laDd. ilf need of them; but there are"oth· luch bank ,or blnliing complIIY, 'hili be be' kepl in ~ doek_t prOVided for tbat pur· p~hoel, and one ot~er Iribe l All IIHm l,I!uer. 1I1.lIed ber_ lb. f\r.t doy. or o~ the'plr(bC tbe 'btlt"r balr 01 creation er t~th. Dot revealed 10 him,6euu18lbey [Nu. 'Ii" .J" In their Inlliyfdull and ID their cor- po.~, IIna 1111 luch dockell or. record booke well diSpelled 10\Vorcis UI. '.. Ju!y, thoulb ~eliY8~ .fler. wlf! be ·ilhu. ~h~ ~/I 'dlleQlIecI, and I "ood dOlfe. ore 1I0t .uch I I be doe. need, _ . 1N ACT To auth~rill . Fre" porale c.pacity? Irnr .11 aum or IlIml IIVIt~h ~eJe befldnt., °thr Ih.ll b.O herf'~lIftebr M"jor Fitzyatrie. for wbom the, Ire w.l· geil with the rate. i~ force al tbl ,.timo-... r rd i ~::uner.&. iDulr.._. ror our own TIl. qUNtlon i., who ielQ decide, '"II, whic'" '"1 , ucJ.i l:ircul.tinC billa or ule. an evC! ~. e ,reeo 10: 0 IUC WII mel at Craw Creek . . . mailing there.f. ' . '. _ ,COIIC.Llll1l11t1: ,h.1l be 10 pu(chlled, below tbeir plr !.I. I~VI81 and return'.I~I~1 be taken and con.. D. thlnk"theta Illdianl .will ~eeline 'rhe new ,.1It1"el.w lou illto, opt'", we haft'''1Ieea beanll, .Iabln, (or the .ub. are proper. to ,be revealed, .nd. what' lire III, an~ In, Iftlerelt that may at the time .. dered as parta ?f tbe exeeuben ~ocket mtetinl lbe U. S. COlllmi'lonen at Fun ~hc hi .1 •• vf Jtil" bexl.-Cin Go;. )ecHb b6 _atta.,,4, Ind aow th.t It Ilj \1\" not! .C. a8. H \J;le originll ~plJalatoek 01 an, be.dlle '&berecll.t:Olether wltb. t»enty.llve dellrn'ted by the firellllcti~ or .ald act. (,orlmletliiulIlJ\lDer, wbere It i, Inlenlled , ~ " do D~',• '. ee ...t -au ...·110.... II It to be deler"'lned by mlln! b'y ' or Ilich b.n~lRr. eOIllPlmel .b ••11 In .ny pet c.ot\l1l1 ~qa1ty upon all auch 111m Sec,. lI. ,W he,",yer any olft . ~e.r Ihall huld a couvelltl'on oCall"le tribel In thot . • ~," UU." ".. "" .., m.nner be dlmlntlbed.or·"IY portIon tbere. luml. , : . Ie r n I tat b t l , w Reform l. W_u,_ Dre.., ' Ithd' h •• .. 0 a y rei ed e , .' .flr ue 0 fel!,"on. I The TI k'llh dre • '1'. m h t Ik ...J r ' ''ba' ,_ ..... Ap.,_... ne- "'-_.J_ of d......... - dep··t-.a apirl'J or b," G - " .od nono el.e! f b .. III ~ _ . .. ..' " \~ .,.. • J1 "" 0 b' ''. l't,wn ,orlny Pdr~!" ....ver. Ser.. 41. All l,wI noW' In Coree which .ny cxecl;'tion. ,!r,9rder of ,ale. It .. Mr. Burt did not meet Col. S\lmml~. I ,t· , uc.. n. 0 lacnae .... elDClVuhlnl on.tbe rlgbtl 0/ tbe ,,:e ~el,e the truthl of . th .. bibht a, a wile .DY e I• .or em'l! I ,g"".8~ lucn .re appliuble to the blnkioll made hia dUly to tu and col)ect ••1 I'll eomlDall' d of U:.... troo n •• Tbey w"'re amun3 lho wome? of our eity Iroup. "r ~i.· .1 #. I It t God d d remeln uu •• tielled 110 dIvidend. . ! I '" r.. il.. r. , CllIIIII do,,~ \ruml'!tutburr, Ilfe'uUlt·' -.DHO 10 '.r II we blYe IId-tbe rl:Te a on ,rolD 10 men ! I" 0 ' . herein ~lItbgrlzec)l. IlIId whicb t:Onfljct w cren .. COlts for the c ~fk. "tbe on the route. proceet\injf nry .Iowly. in dre.nd tJ ·/a nd IIet ;ba Whole o~ ,_ IIlI"I of 1D\'.~".tiUI the .uble"t, now neetl , more lnrormation from ' . be mlde ~n the Ihlree or tbe provillJon. of 'tbhi ael" lre . rerelled, prov,illed for i.n Ibe aoeonll coo •• ql'e/n~. of Ihe tholerl pra•• :,1 ., ....:..n& • £,0;..._ .LflLr ~ ""L Id .... thl capite! ~lQCk of aue" C'omp~I')'. until .. tbe nme' ~~.Y be appli~lIb e to .... ~. """ tlly in. .r .;e for tile .emi 111'0('" we .,..lICIt ~ aDJUDIII' that .ppfOlrlm.tu oUle~ wpr ..,aa II titerel.n eontaiDed. the url,lntl amOt1~t of the upll.l. ItoC~ I com aniea hurein ulbOri d. . S ' a TI ' I' k r b IholD: Elghlor len were dyiDI lI'a II, .nd hne drill. Let U1llot be dll'~.IW~ ... - .,-UU... t Ie f.l- 1u I ' th If a re~elatlon of u known 'a~'· '11 nou' "h Ii be e.t llher by contributIon of ~ 'I II, II ee. . Ie re~pecttve e er S .O t . e nUlllb,r. were deaeflipf' It W II eltltt-d Jriv'nlJ eel. 10 dre... Iholl"" Wf l"ivlI 1111 ..., v • ., 0 URI- (. ID , II, " ~.. ". a r o.~ Ie Jv! Ni F. MORBE, COllrt of C()~lmo. rlo~", Sup~riJr Cll~rt that two lurleona of the colllman It had'died at • .. I. . . ; 011 tJ.. coni,.,.,., It 1100'1., a rnn~ IDlde, I. I~ , Immediately by God. tbe Illareholde,.. or oUI of tb.1 pr~Ii" of Wru- of tAt ltolU' of, &premtla'ivt~. o~ eln.elf/natl. COIll.lDerclIl Cour~ of . Om· ufth'ii'ClRlle. The nlt!D' of Mr. Krn. ollbl the" 1I' jIJ .lwIIl· lie .lOn.rlhil,t il) . IlIIptuftalefl~ OD I ,common. ffm.le COl, by .ngela lOod elr eVil, or by the b';'llneu of ~ullh ,company ••od ID cI.e CHARLES C. CONYERS IllPnat!. and .Supenor Cuurt of. Olevel,. nd. lIe~, llthe-'only on- recoll-'.d. ' tbu dre.. to dj.tip;Ui. a mOil from II 11'". . J . tr_ .L_ I' _..;I I 1. dl,ld.nd . h.I1,be 'made while the cap'i'" S~I'er 0' ~ IIi maklnlZ return. to Wrtle of err r ~ -"'" m.n. '. The woml'n·"i" .lwllya, ~c.i~e III · u~. t re...,'"..... ladIu of ~be p.ln••p 'It........ or ovi 1 n anC:lent .toc~ ' ab&ll romaln .0 diminished or .,.-, v ' . ' u • lie 'train. of tho trade,. were in IIID' be known. and tbe men wili _hl",Y. wi. I fill ~., O' bannl tbo)r belUtlful drnJ. elation I tn min were mld~ I withdrawol it 10".11 be tlie dtil" of allY Marcb ~j. 1861. or eertio~r~. lend up to the .Bupreme \lar cODdltlon. the chollra havlnl Ippelred to know them. But It I. a ,·..t tb,t m.ny .. mi. to ..m·.1 e.tmmoh by God billlielf; Ind. In nUl\llrOUl Inltan. eol,lrt, haYing wDlpetent juriadicllu!I. to I' eourl the orlj{lDal IIlos, process. Kleldings, among thelD and _he telmlte,. ·b.d deter In ollr elly 1rt'lIriOl..I, indin'ed 10 1lI'~. tbe IIcco.ary rd"re and deerae lor ~No 48~ a,"! "xcertloll~. and duly, certi eel tr.lI· led tn tbe r~ne~.i panic. lble c!laan... lu Iheir d"'81 ....·b. dillicull, ~ ef., by the -rnG'! 01 good anlol. com·. ,., ' \11 lax nank'i .nd , Bank , alld .crlp,tiI Tbe ,I' ver i"• iI'I'11 ,.--II·n, 110'11",. Ac .·:... . will n"", .ben In .Uelld.lleo . ' OIOll1lg the alfillrll of,... lucb c:ompauy.~ and 1'1 . AtlI di <t,' all d .journ.1 d meIIentrlo. (th loC tbe p,ro~ I howeve~,I.hat no oDe .....ullic;lc.nt eU'!I.,., ~ fell r cWrere~t kinds, ~ ~bJtlcJed l"loned Iiy G o d . . divitlh'IJ III efl'ectl amoDI ita er~it4)re .ud other 8toeks the same iii other property ill cee 1n~1 an JII a: t 0 etr rt>lI~ecttve count. Crom above •• tall tbel all the rlYef!! \Q come upon 'he 'treell In tht Jlrop~ · ~e ~. .14~ 11(,,havllll ~, elr 'cOltlJ 011;l.r .plrltl cOllllllunlcated , with ,1D0r••h.reholpera. II In Iblll ae~ pro'ld~d. uow tll(.~le bJ t~e .Iawl flf this State. ru~rta In tbe plrth'ulllr Clle nameCIm Ih,e artl r.ilin ...-The fall here Ij) rar II ouly • tJcnDe ••, Ihat 'if tb" I' 4!1d ' ~.. . . .. . carpeta .nd loot 'l1ak. t.l., alleb II /.re oalled 'C"mililr ' .pii/fli· Beo. all. , All feel, lor protesting the II Jkc!~trlootr.l IIf, tM ~~~; .~~hVI~:l~r~b;it:~Chle;~i~b~~ ~:ll~ 8~ illeh,,';: or four al come-qat ,..ith tbrill • .,o .. iDe IttlroptMr w. thlDk th.t tbe reforin' u " boee were e\'1/ .~irit• •11 Inter- !l0~e ,"IIei1 b>: .ny 8uch ~lIDldllg comp" ./eM C!f O/li6. qlce Dnd lItber papc" ._nd dOGume .. " ill them In coantellan,*, lhl'Y woul.l oJ... , -.I • IClLI. b · ·' · ~e ,I ·" , '1 I D, •• hallbep~ldby the p,enoQ proclI,lng tliedurioM he Pr..\dent ill Ii b " I. led ' jbuttbeMtbree.or (uurwould ·· i. ~~~I_. I;"IHI ~ uti T~~ muo eolUll or' correap,oll'lenco WIUI t leip wa. tho frote.t lO be lJIade.,and 8ueb ~ol.pllny oC each lind eVtl'j, b.nJiing lnetilution a y Kt,lC . CDse, na e ml.1 .. e 111.)'1101 80 BURNING OF THE SULTANA. a dona to 'eep their' eodr..... UII Illd Wiiee It iiltrodtic:ed IJI flV OWb to'l'lI l .~ by tbe Jewl.h ll.w~, and perlOn. Ib.1 be liable therefor, b\lt no pill of thl eorporated br Ihl; lawl ofthll State, I~ .do, by the ~Ire~t!on, in wtitlng. of bOlb ST. LollI": June la, dosen ""ni too cJoaen-,nlM.,n. Tb-, ,.he 410 ... L.d.L i II Ii d k J d d b vi the h t · bill ' ,~partl.. to 8ucb lult, to be filed In the o(fice The .plended ,.teDlller l:Jultln~ Iyin,. th __ L I r 1.1 · I '" ,-"" W' JlI/ Ii... _on- Ul~\ t wi .toOl!. contrlll')' to lue inter leLl were Itoe II p e .IUC lomp'!ny to I ng -1''11 t , 0 !"lIe •• or notee or o! a~b ~Ietk, end II copy or wblcb writ. at tbe foot of Mullautl,y .treet, wal dl.. at e..,., a a r. "'dto m:.. lObi, ~ tiaIa _",,_....twr. Auditor••1I1i1 be .pp1r~ to the oIrc:£~lt'till)l'pr li.II", pereonal ten d"aotlllna, .'ball ~ ~"ued to and covered l\) be un fire about . 11 o'clock A OD II!P'IelD~nt l• mt e..",. IIpper .: . ft'aI~lei"Q "'. ib1lfect. ' feea aod.n eXpllOIH iDCII~ in pro 1 (lit t.1{W qf;thII tnate. lo ceriill~ with 8uell return. .' M , .. are ••n Dil lor. ome decidU .; I '. ..Ie of /luela pl.,dF '~kl Ii.t e et+1t a tck of ,u~ banking in. .. ~c, •. , Th.t when .ny perlon The R... Will aret lOen In t<be' .,icin·lt.. of .. It the ~.t. and thl u,lter·~.n. ,._re • • " ... ,.. - - ,.b.1I bo paid under ""b,.t III true value ,\n' ._ .. b ......w , w.ltlnl ror lOme mo ..""" .. t alDoni th ~1~ .DII"'Jlu4Iber witl bo lound In ' ~uDe1. ~. re~ the ,"11\8-. wit.h the r.vlD ..... y Dny c:ourt II an \bl engine room. Ind very aooo the ltealll' d ' < Jfc adnrtlae_' -" t~'- L.e..e........... ' t'r. Inau. "I .......ltL.oC "'fl.~~~nd eo , nll---.t .lund ,be. the IlIndl or , n, ·.decol!I8d pe~80n. ,hln ellveloped ifi ll"IDes. , utrr,te~n 10 it VI I. . if U' _ _I U - - '-', . , , :I:'I I nov~ die, rrom tbe ,county. or In '.ny ' elJlplo~!lcl on boar.d ~d r ..L ... _ Complny,' of Clnclbnati. O. B. W : eh,aU .t no tl!!,~ IIII', tlr 10 • ~. III, nltl'lI.tiO•• to .... dl bl-c:a r....~' - . ; _ h ~ _.~ I . :': .J ' fi .... either •• " nn, ._lIOr oC t!,w.JIilhfp ~r """come a - .. v~ .C~I!IC 10. ..,IDIl \l1~IDI8IYil. . . . , I •• i•• le.. • ~, , . ........, • _n Ippo ....... apnt or tu~. , ~ to.P aD!' baD~IIIrl, ...tftilio. ie ally. IIItlae of.the P8IIe'.e Bafllel 4th enCIII~er. Ie IDII' A trealY bu ~.a ID • • • itb the ltinU. "'~ .nd "~Iblty" D". P,O\II '~n~ lieC!r the .~1IIl1 W~t ~ reiiril~"".U' be plabed on,tbe ~i !~~ b it lae~ t~bdil or pereq.· ling, and be "" ~oub~le,.. ~urDed tod.e.~h. .m b.,.4 o~ tbe. C.I~JII.1ri",o(rndl'l\I " 0 iraaN \b.t mialeil examfne-I'II! Wt pa.i!l in lind t~ pnd dllpl~li'«l·f. tlrte proper county,~nd er to fill :.:an~.~: tbe A:.~gro firelD'~ all~ a deck !l~~ ve ~\tO Oregcn~} b>i.w~lch" p"'liup,of, ~. Will will \lqe oe.cuioft, 100II. plTh.p. next JOi- 01' oIh" r. IlpOn tIM ~~, Jlllplitli~ for city taxo., iD take " tb I lI!, ng. IJ . j 1 - . I.melte \lall"" 80 mUI' loa. II"d 'lO wide, L where iiJCIIl o.\!J ;taxtl doel . n oa , " n , AI .oon u poellble. the Su IIba b.. I»ee'D'ee4ed w: the United' S"'" AI. :::~. to .peak, more at len,.., OD tbl. ldoPJed I"~a ·I.p~tl; bllt iii entennl UpOD the dutiel .cultl!"! Ind ~unk. ,Her hall .1Ic1l11lohia. 10•• tre.'1 willi the Twalletty '~ ~ In eoelety. ana for · their luch Ilabile ollclii"., ~ tu::e~~ ~e lime 8eo $ Th cl Will be. lived. . IIIbI tribe, by "ltlch. ~& or 60 ..lin n •, m.ntal' aequltem.nte.-Some in. i Ind itlball be till of lbe Audl· pllrpoee, ~ to ~~. ~_ elt\lat lbat per. in .m~nd;"e t !r-:: r.:~~onf ~ .~ wu o"Ded by CapL C.II.. ,!nd.Jo~o Ion. and ;lq , wid. ~u obtai_. TIteIt t ' ELEC'I'IOl'f l'f~'" were elerllJmen ~f the Cburch, tor, Trellllfer, IDd Se~~ry of Btatl. .11 ptopenf. ~ 1M' ' IDlY be.Ulqulred to bl cia' CeMirll t:IpUled J. :1 1:60~' 8h,II~. tlr:a _iIIl _, Iinu .n- eaid to'be th; mOlt ••1... .. -E I d B b ised III a ' a lIt_jorit, 1)( them. u olten .. ouce in thIII .1i,ee where lucia bank ie I.. h Ii ' led ." . IDlurance .'r"'.OQOr-lp.I.OIIlI:ft-u-a. the Willi.metteYilley. 1\ Th. YO~ ta)en on I.,t T"e~af in tbi. ~g ID. Ilt' I prom, "Dt 11Ip- .amyoar, to appoint lOme lui table peNOo I1Id IUCh (u ,.all be @llefted and ere 1 repe !opa, JladllOn, Columba.. Jfn~, Fla' Tbe trt:llti81 h", 10 be IeIteci llpoil b~ townlbip. on lb. Nlw COl\ltitutioo. Ind pol~tod Ibe upectation of the ered1l101l8. in th8Y~clnll' of tlc-b b.nkin, cOlDp"n),. over in lbe eame u..t taxel 8peakero; ".!l~~ ,~. In" Dock, ~lId UJ1loll,e~cb 16.000. the U. S. 8e"ale.-C.,. Ga. 0 tbe Licea. queltlon lcanda U (ollowi. . Gre.t 'c:aullon ought to be , obeer:ved , 'wbo ~b.)1 not Ife aat~holde, I"any b.nk on other penon. I aro requ\red ~y C"ARLES 0. CONVER8.~· A portion oC \he hemp, wu ,neared Jor .~~!=:===e~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!==~!!!!!~ New COD.litution No. Sill. wbo pretend to have reulationl or tbll State. who. Iball hue po,!,er to I.w to be oYer; pro'id. BpcAhfoof . . ~ 'liD per ton. " 'J. , .. _ 'U " " 8'" pre.ent d.y· .... d II, 1la0l, who malle ~ tborouab examln.tlon Into all tb. et!. .toek or .n, Mareb 10 1851. • .. ProID the 8ulllna the Ire u~rh~ to tbe , •, • ~.. ; '" ' .,.10 of the b.nk which hi IDly be .ppoln~ btink or ",ed fOf I I ' • .,up, Refinery of Hr. AlIJNlrOdt wbleh I.ite. . ta. tOll iD~tlDr Liquor. , IlIe~ comm\l~lc'~lob'j .; • ted ,p 'lII~ine •• Dd in 10 doiDI. to enID. Ie.. alDou!,l ltock plld iD. . ,, 1V~ Intlrely eon,ulDld. Lou tl6,ooo, .. No. 106, ' Perna,. it will be b!tlter for 11;1 to loal1l in••ny or lh. officere ud Ip.. 11 ur Sac. I. ~f IIlJ toWD. ''I hereby certify tha, I bave ex.mlned which II fully conr" by 100IU'IIIc.. ,,·.,.enIU" ProcI.,. . . . . ." .. .. Yea. 1M. more fuUy our du(i" to our God. aod t~ b.nk. oa oltb; and III~b agent Iblll the 1i~III . of wblc:h roreaolng lawl .. pubUa"td 'In tlae Weat. ' 1.O"","lD .'Ill" 'fI(IIK Tn ,...",., The'.,ote \ ~e Tuwnahift \V arren elieh other. by •...,chio. tb~ Scripturel' detailed report Of the coDai&ioa . _ comp.ny ma, be 10- em BIIf, Illd prono\lnce them to be cor· DESTRUCTJVE 'IRE. »'~neal .1\.II.","'ba. ', .' ', . _ l' • '; !! r, • bank to thl Audllor of ID ell" anI Pl'Ilalilent or Cuh. ed. ....... In... " C.~. eta~ ,u rollow,,~~qritJ .,ain~l than to ,I,. any countenlnce to an., reye· blDkln, eomp.niel herelD III' ballk or buklll' ~lDp.Dy. JACOB P. McKAY', De~ Auditor. St'. LoVU.JIID811Ih. Barle, I~ . . " :(, - : 1\ C olDlUtutlCla 31. -cainat LlceDce 14... . "perate frOID thl eacred te:d. Let lie lubject to an, othfr Yieilurial or 1Ilt,Ieet to ..alii out lOCI deY ~e upliolltery ..\lbli.bIMD,.r r. Bee- ~II, 'I . • In CiDelnu.1i there wu for COOtUlition III recelv~ the Idmonition of the .pottle .u~borincl by lA.w; .nd etelY ar.t .p. li,er _11or &b....~tement hereill lder, ~od' the JarDllUre, e.tabllebmeot flf Bu~':!; • • 1 , . , , '. 6363, .piDlt a4l16. FOI llcon.e 3~06 Paul. aod DOt -depart froID &bl fifth. b, pointed, •• I~ th" "OliOD provided. ebliU enter- ~o .mount of cepilll. ~~~':L!::;t~nw~lI~ "twWD ._Ift*, 681' . The e I d bt b beed to leduelDr 'plrit.' Ie any releei.o for lUI ""lcH .t thf rite of per cellt. lb Ilddltion to •the .mount o( liy. ~te ynterd.y. ---Ller.. ....._ ._ Petlton,:::J. "-. lit ..~ . . r , • i'0 01 ut • • doll.,. for da, bJ him employed the cepilll .Ulc:k of eaid or baokinl _ ..-a ... ... .. ... ... I to die DO Ileen~ qUI.tlon will urry, but 1I0~ 1l0l811 ••d the .prophet ••, and.cIIe- ncb e,J.lDiIJatioD. ana two doU .... ror eve. compan)'••ilflb.U·retllm th. 11m. to the mated at ,611,000. ,nd Harlow.. ' 1011 la i. d1tic:ult .. Jlt to decide wlib regard to reprd the ..cred teachlD,. of the ry tw.Dl,-a,e mll.. he lball n_.earlly county auditor.IJ'r t.lllicli other o/llt:¥r . ' • furniture, k tI8.000. There fl ·1. . .• ' CI••I.... ........ 1. the COJIltilutloni . , 'neither will they be pIIr.uaded thouCb one trlYel In Ila. perform.nce of hie dilly. the I." rePlatill, hie aull.. m.r .n~e to ,~~ amount of '11,000 ID the M.d. rro.t. ,,",'IIerch••~ . . . . r-JIIII• wblch I~'U be pald by th. bankln, com,.. pro,lded. tiJ,t i~1 c.- "be[e city lIOn, f.elllD(ton .Dd GeDeIee ,Af*iidn. ".-.~.......Tbe ..... to~ rote from Ille "Id.' \ . •• , . w'n h d . n, by 111m ell:lmi~~. • arll . - d .nd, collected by ~e clly la· , . 11' a' 11:"'1 JOO ... M fJ!---~ rv . . . . c:IJI leara. the pra-pectl ~ t , . \IOutes of thl pruc1Il ~ reo Bee. 41 Wl'Iehenr Iny b.nktoll coin. thorib .., the 111'81 UIiOIl lIlIIlte u l"O,i'" ' ,; "en .,.~, T"';"~ ' lao do .t ":1'. lu.~'" 160 d••~ for ..... _Mat Crop are a.Ueriq Ylilation by deplrted .plrill. ahew paD), beln, delirpue to ailDlDl1b tbe am· (or ID &bla 'let. IIhaII be .... _d .lla col· The ea.Ura I'I. .D_ /. tie Aacel 11:", hle~ anlI del~. ~l '4 r , •• ' tare eum,pletl or·doctrJnCll. thlt thl pre- ount of ill elrcul.tiD, Dote., ahall ~('~,er le~ted the - ', .. ellty IIx" upon other eadln, JUlie 19. 1861, will ..... Ifty lI:io. '· . j , , . • tentiou. or any une to lueh commuDICIo to the Auditor or Stili aDY' portloD. .01 prq~t,.·f~ &b~ lime belq. aN lueae4 HUltBOLDT ' ionlol Dpll...., W","'e IllilJio. Wbilky_Pri. .. . _ . . . . l ...~ o:7Aa lID ,.... 01 JocaI Dew., "'.lIIipt tiOOlAOW juliCy our uede 1 . neb nutea. not I... In .mount lit ltD, cne lDel eolleetecllJl'lIleb lily. .. Na- Y •J I"'" tltilD.teI, 9[ thle . . . . .kII• •..,.r~& lair..... . . . . ~ 11)'. uppiI; ~a of • nee timl than five tbOUllD. doll..... to be dnSec. I. Tbe Ohio Lire bn1'lntll .nd - Oq, un.'.... w'll be ete4litt4 to CaW4 Ia, 100 brle " . 0,..1 It 1~1c;.o, ..... II d." I do not mike th_ Inqulriea to lIOJed, lbe Audllor aball clHtroJ the lillie, l'III\ Compani ablll be taxed IlpoD The lteamer Hamboldt,lro.. Sane aud ~,DOQ 000 to til All lie; 1'70 110 ...... hID alter , at) i'i~ AD '; ' ~ . ! . I ~ • to 1DC1'Y CODtro'fI'IY, I .111 event to '1 p-reeeribecllD thll .ct, aDellla.lI. lbere· ~pjtll~toCJr.IOUIed ia I'" ",eral , ~"H.lrrlftCi thiltIYen!q.liri"liq PIIria Th. ~1~lI ,,:.. ... p!IItI.pIIWJo do ................. C._ht tIN·.... ncJ . , ....,.. . .,. •• " web Wlprollllble cotTHpoac1eDce' bot to uJlOll, trlDarer InddeD"'f to lOch compll· lIt1"wlalch IbllJ':be returned b, the I!I to tIIeld.1I\d LollllOa to the ,tho reach .,580.oQO. acltiei... of ..... ,... . . . . . at .... ,.,.... . . · '. ~ .. . •••• , • lid abel f ·tDdl d' " • D)'t cert11ce_ debt deposited de..c-or ~".. or th, COIDfIIDY, rI lalUl.bou del .c' A: ...... eu ..... , " , . ~Ja. 1airDpike. betweeo lbil . • m rl 'f.-on wltb him by peoy, to au .mollnt OItIi, to ill ....nI.eoaa., ,ucJltan la Ib' -. ._ IC p, It • e. .vbt peA Wi"iWDJlJ. ,....,..."'·11...1" uabjact o( 10_ delft. of In~ to equal to lIie a t 01 notel 10 d•• 1I'0D&b oC ila....U" tit, rate C UOIl ' tin ' ~L.Tnne I~. ......... _~ • " tile __ ... 01 tile .... " • mon.... TH08, COLLETT, Bellr. IiYlred up; Pl'OYideI. altat lb. UIOIUat per c:eD~ lor ,all COlI wi • P.Ml ... Tlae X - I " , aIIancIIIr. A ~.~t 01 dIt Wlynlftml. O. June 11th 1851. of lucia ,...In[6, wlt~ Mel apia penlOllll pntparly .. .... ..WJ.• .lllm " - the .hlela . . ,., ~.... ...,. .0trW.1n..... '" ioWa the . the A\ldltor 1101 ..."by h aucb If \he II1I4I COIII,..., • . , . ,l &bat the IIook ...... " . l .....a' Me II ~01 tM La_ .......1 ........ 1tI crier. •• duced belo" tbl uaoaal of lbe eepltll ....11 to the ...utor oT til. IIaore ..lable, at rateaof' prni. . . . . . . . . . Ilpiecnpel C ....... , a~.,. 'II ... . . . . . ..., .... to _11 ....1 ...... - . .co•• D••CATED. ltocILof IUch -ptll7.t that tilDe prill _OUIIt of III 1'1. • -=:.... . .... ........ oI'iIIe 1 1:& M" r In. nor In .ahae, eetlIaiilh, the __ IIlOQ the 1IMta" .. I lair - ...... at "~ the..... ,...,.,., Ill' .............,. • • • 01 ........ lb. £011'01: -1 IIaft (or a Ioq &beJr curreat prioe ID tb. ellJ or tint of CICMIIIlJ .. so.TIt .t.~ poiecI to tile ~..... "'... . . 10 .......... 110. • ... ben tIttetalDf to til. up!M01a pro'" Yorli. below iJae a_at 01 111_ IIiaU NCaid _~ ·01~'- II ......~ eoW. I . ~.. I> ...... 01 ...... , . , . . MIl..... 11---' d i e . - - Rill aeh ......... tJaa ~Ian.""" ........ til . the tIto ___ la ... IrWtndaa . . . . die _"I~lIfd..

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panner.llII' herotoforo GIlellng b ~ tweon A. Irvin und Samuel Cullins, tlllIlur the naln" lInd hrm ul lrvin Blld Col/lilli, 'n th Drowlllfl .",. Inea, W&8 thl' day du..nlvlld by ",u,lIol Cllnae(Il, the ""sj n••• o l tha tinll will Ittl .enlad by J A [rVIR, who" ill condllue 10 011 Ihy 1'IU8 1 ~C8~. , J ~" A I Jltvl.N &. SAM El, GOLLINS M a.1' 90 II 11)51', ~-w

April 10,


•Doe. dIn aoor you jloN lSO'I'ICE'l'O Af.L'. I , look nlc~, IJrrdlCet~' , \ , under.le lled .vuil \ of Ihl. ·Jlldide, /III' i~ doe. marm-jutl I\JI piee medium 10 0111101111"" \0 the oill~" n. 01 .. If t ' h"un', a touched It-I didn't hurt it ny l\~sYillo, Ih&llhcy hav • cnlOred Inlo pnrt. •t lit nil!' ' . • nm s hll' In II.u Uul~hunllil BU. lRe•• , nnd will en.I~.. or 10 Klyo .. lI l loCllon 10 all who fIIay alronage Ih .. n Wo ha~llllIl)cca,". reijpOIl~ I' 'W(STAR'S DALSA~[ . OF WILD Clu lor all Iho debl~ conlrac,ed by thc lalo firm CHERR.V,ifor Coug Aslhm" Influen- of &UEII &. Gwv£n. thelf Oooks ond Ae· COUIU8 are In our /lunda for 901lltinlenl. za, Consulllptlun, &0. \Ve do not wlsl, to ~ I. S BuRDEN. U. CH lllSI'EN IrIHo willi Ihe live. of the omlcted, Bnd we I WE Ilfo :rendy .1\ 011 Illnes to pay tile pl'tlll~ cur-elvea to Irllike no neer!lon. nB h1llhe4t rnQrk~II'uC<!.lhr Deel cl/,\lle, VtiRI. ~u",h &G Any penoll 1I0v. (0 tlie Vlrl\l~' or thill medithl!', !llId to hold IU~ .~I:JI 10, Will (iI' wflllO give u. a call 'Out.lW bop. to .uft'erhl/f humanity, wh ieh A 0 & t:. W.ynenlll". ~In)' 90th, IS.~I 2()..t/ fllot. will DOt warrllnt. BilL when 80 11)' htlndred., who had beon given up by CHAttl,ES DODl\IAN'S ~ GENERAL TOBACCO DEPOT, the1r., [riend. ~, •• uro prey to con.umpt40n,l\mve beon reetored to en tiro bemllll by SNV.'F AND ClGAR 'VAUEllOVSE,

Do! for

A LL who nre iI'80arch 01 Cheap (;ood •• ho\lIJ nol fail 10 call all ALLI~1N &. 1'.lV AN::;. L'"1 111 the ::)Ign of tI\8 ,





GOLDEN BALI;. , 'I'H EV IT. nuw 10 receipt 01 tholr SlltInll Gnd Summar Siock, seleolod Wllh I:rq,ol car.m Ibe

U tIlO~ 01


PHI LA DELPIUA hND D", LT[MORE. mlklng aile of tile beslnMu flod-:5t ver brOO/Gllt \o'tl iiMliiiirkc;t 0 nOIii'8 limy lind 1\ grool vllfiely uf Dr.s. Ooods, 811Ch O! I>I~ck Drocb~e Guoml. ond Ch.mlJlcolI Sllk~, '1'UIk. • ut In . Silk t'oplins, UO/"1:09, lJ erogC8 De Lonu. l'flIlIlIlU-li;n G'lur",. 00liJr41dc Il U ~II 198 Olld 'Iorl Illn 1\1U8i1,,". eonbroiddrQd Ilk1'I •• ue. etc ole . ALSU l:lu"lInnnn I'e.rl Btrll"s, ColI(ornla ond Silk 110nno18, R,bbons . Arllliel&ls' Crape end 'l'hlbll, Wool Show Is I THEY hova allo B full .. nd exten""a oe~Orlmenl of Clolh •• CU'lmcro8 ole olc SIJMMEn 8'I'UFFS'-HaUl, liuots and Shoos, In short, their Stock. rUlei 81!\0 1. whloh Me fur .8181\EM~IIItAIJL'I cheap. ' formu us In '0Ilclu8l'On 10 give one and ~II Q lillie RdV'M GRATIS' When you cO)1le Inlo lo "n JUSt pM. alonlt Mlnn S'rt'<lllill you C(lIllO 10 ,hal DIG GOLDEN BALL. Iben )\)s'r Pl'1'CH lN, you ,,111 nevor rogrelll' It 18 tho bost .livle~ We can glv~ you ' ALL KINDS of bougbl at the highesl mork.e\ !'nca. ALLE:N & EVANS •• lain Sre~t. We ~I Sui., thoUoldon Uail, Wa~n ~.'llIe. 0 AprlllGlh 18!>1


THE CINCINNATI TYPE l'OVNU,n·. "AYNI>SnJ.,LE AC,U)EnIY. IlE: BlImn,or S<8. II," I ~ r 1 8~ I. of 1>1. \Vi~tar'e Dalum, we C811not bolu our No 45 WALNUT 8TIUlIJT, CINCIN- TH I!= palrons 01 III1B 08Illl'll~hlllent arc In. NATI. form ad Ihat.UI bUllOc•• Will . uff~r B. linl e wad ... \\ III opon on 2nd duy rellce'\\'hlle molty around os lire fa.l ch.lIgo n. pou.blo tn consequence ot \lIU duth tho 71h of 4th Mo. (Apr",) 1,1 which ln alru>cU,1n of Ihe 11118 Agonl, Mr Huraec W"lIa. 'I lio Will bo I; lvon III Iho follOWing !\Irolleh08 .i ..!yar \.(1 tbe Ifrave for W&IIt uf a .oHlla. meoholllcal deportmenl will conlLnuo III ehorll" Arts. SCiences, !I',\theIlIBllcs I,nd Llteratura Dt Ty "ernedY. of M08sr~ I. 1'. ami WID W olls to whoso tho pnce. auncx ctl VIt, , efforlln Ii al reody malnl) Indeb led ?"r lIB pres FlltIiT CI.ASS '" • Try Wi,tar'a Bal"m, and rc:stored em high 81a\ll 01 ".rfeclLon, and no paine will Reading. ')JtIlhng and dolinnl!g. (Cobb's 2nd ~e.lth will b.I )th Tllw.rd. I.~Si,,~IU!(m!.~1 be 8hur~u to tendo< hs mDnulaeturca tully wh.1 Rcatl nr,) Wnuns, and AflIhnW;lc Il1bl"8, 14,50 I. , • to be-equal 10 Rny In t"c world. S£90ND Cw~s nf~t. ' . nud CtlrllplCt.. Sll~cimcn BoOk la Reading, 8~ elllng anil ~clirilnlt. (Cobb'. 9J wI,I.1I we eXpeGllO read) R .l Mellt.1 Amhmellc, (R.)'la ) Geography. dlltrllbuiloii 1I00UI Ih6 III of 5epl(lmlier. ( ~ntchcls Small.) N.I.l~hIlO8Optry, IParker. lit, ():71» catunr !lUendon to DR. G Uf ' 810$ nf l'nnunjf iuaoolla.) Bh,elolo(:y, [lat,leuol ~\'l .. nd wmu/!. riA',nri,lti,on . I~cludlllg II ~ W $D,OO SO.TT'S JIIIproved EKtreet of Y Hand l'fe8leM, TII1R"'Q ~" II l?05k_ arid;S~r.ap ..rilla, we r..1 confident on ~ IX montha' ROftdl a '; ' Bcount of In that we ere dOill' II .ervlc. to .11 ",ho may far calh down . be .ftIlcleJi· witb &rorulou. 't;Id other disorder. CIIICJnnD" Type ndry I mool wllh prom pI &lteouon, C!.rtl9 r. orlginotlng hi b~tlldtUII'Y taibt, or o::rOOynlry papen pubU.lllng ,hb adverti.e· . • , frrolD iJllp-~r.lty the bl.ood. ' We nlllnt fOllr 11m... before Ihe 1s t IIf Au~ulI nUll I, ::>11I!1l111l!'IIOU defimtlt1 \~Ih Rcader,) Illld aondlrIJ: us' &copy of tho paper \lOnlaJDln~ ArJllnllneuc. Gr"n1m~r, (Brown ) ".\lown In.t'lnc:n,rilh tD t11~ ,.pbcre ol ,' our 11, w,lI be pllid In type on purchnslnl: Ihroo l\'Jetcolrolo>l!v. \U~~~:~~~~, ) HOI~n). Algrbrn ~'1t1.hltllDce ,where the \lIOlt formid rl Ie 11111" tb~ amounln!" this bIll Ii. (Dill IW(':on(pond of • 'l HAllLES WELL!), Scer~IDry rltilJll'~ .nr 16,50 cllj.em~ra haft b.~n (lured by Ihe uso my 6, )8~I-l-m -GII"O';, ftxtra9t and S',nojlarlll" .. lillie. lfFANY'8 I I L 0\11 Huir lRYlgoralor It II -one of the advertl ..d medlcmes anJI .""lOrallve Ju.t reul"ed wcl for •• Ie by tile subsrrlber 1 bavo Ulad 1\ my ..lf alld that c:an''';'t be .lillO"tlled w ith ~UIlQlttry", hava no heslI.lulY in recomrnon.lIng U 10 eYe · for tbe" T,lIllw Dock' .nd the 'SIf/IDp,,~il· QOOO • BaUA~ 9·,f 10" ,,'re well IInown to b. Ih. mCJlteffioient I.ump ~ It to the Pl,tulid. (and at the .. me tlrne i"9Xioul) .gent. In IiEStl GARDEN SEEDS from Unlun \ ' 1 ~ L lrwln , ':~:tra Ii'UI~, VlllolllJ, lU81 rectlved D,It! for ule the whoJe Materia M,dtUI o,nd Of l/If tbe Moultt. .. , I CADWA"L ~DEll & OOODE, curntil 11.11 .nd pureat prep.ralion 'If th'm la Dr. J. A tlnlllh'e.ElDDtM.ln and .Norll' StrUN", WaYl!esYllle Oule), " \Dh~n\1 t'uclory, ) 51 and 8•• <llIy.lllt'. Yolld\\, Dock and S(lf"p~Alla. Ji:, F. Orr, Fine, PAl~TING. J.,..e Hart·. ., I Se.. ~dve!tlnmt;Dt. AINTING In a\llla branches. don. on r.. 'J'hoJ l)oll'~cl ,I term. by th~lub.c"bal\ A sDnahle Ciraya 1IelI1 " 01 public I'lronage I, re8p4!Cllully' ,olLcllcd. GlUlrlnnd A. n. HAMMElr.L. LaD, .lId Sbort 8., 12, 16a. Htlnt'y Dew, NOTICE TO ALL. If HE repair. wllLch my .hop have liean DIIfSOJjVTION' NOTIC~E.i.· ulldergol"g be· filing . tlOmpleled '1 'HE "".l<'trln.r.ln"l;~e ••\OI,ore nl\w ready ,I.U J (I<nee to resjlllnd 10 u~.r III" ,~ I)' l~ i ul ~fI,h"rt ,nd call. of In,. Cu.. 10m,,", and l'luI ' t\alii d.y ill> .vlv. d b, Iliulual cons"nl rOil. Aa IIDlend 10 work mOlllly to order . • 11 bUllheu 0 .bld, IIrm "ill be I18ldad bv Ata!oll ordora 11101\ receive due ot~nllon, Llldl6i work butnhart BAltNHAlt'I' ... I'ttA,NlNtl'i'ON 1,I)O,uUlJttnu; of every "arlet)' Will be IIIDdo by me al the " )14"" 1;lIh tell \ .. .21-3\V. ~h"l'UIill nOliee, end eror, piece or worl.. lUode by me III Wnfranlbd. 1 E KEYS lMl-onTANT lNFOBIlATIONJ ~1 um 8t , nne dOor abu Ib of Cook '. Clolhini nt; undt"~llIutJd Ilks 1\,1. In.lholl, to In Store. W.ynclIYille. O. .~ IJIr'old ,:ulOwnlur. and 11\. public in ,en"ral, iI;\.~ 11""1l1li wught untlhe Inter.,.,1 of 1.18 \llrl' 8 '" k " JI.T,he to 'U\', ,'O aee"tnOlod~te t\.ule "h.. pan 01., 0 t Spun 10 lib. 16a. . IIM 't~ iiI 10 . p.trolll~o! hllll. A lten~rDI .... • "rimoni qt' ~JJfI a11d ChlldrvlIl. lihllu. WI" ~o I SpUD Ill, !lOt k:qll [or Illle oil IIITIOS. and he WIll lIIah. \>,

fOT ul~

Aprll 211,




' qL~Jl.!:ffJt 1~ ~¥.nt.1S or .AIW











•atlll In\.u ,e IbIlInkhljl .. rdllr GUy tlllnlAIII IlA 11111I(NH~lt1' line, Qf 11001 6 twll\.. ~ Fllle Cut Tobacco for Cbow ln,. , B.;i!1 Hootly Dew. Imlll ,\lnU!::\1 UIIU ,I<)Or nor,b ul dill 1I.l1l1l1ell 11.11 ~ ' \,,~) neA, III~, ~l-u pIIl/ud pnp4N1 Swomt line 1.'111,!id.IJIII."ul'A.I! 111111.,. loOlW, PUI u~ in barre l-, oH \' GIft UU YIJ:Sr lklxe. of nrillu> 'I",a. FrellSlld cu~ ....eel F~RMEIl8 LOOK HEKEl of f1ain, put up in cltlltllll o~ III dozeu ellch. AN1'M~ by Ihu tubaorlDtI' all . klnd. 01 ::lI1Nilullr ....b~ceo.-IAarl • • IZ4O popera. gul.f· t'ru:ee u ;fulll.". let .iHldo ,h.lf thr.o do , pUt liP In cUtIs, ot 6 fkldl"'J' alL.J! Ii.EGS Shoenlierger8 JunsaUa nnils. 20 (. hl .... n ~, 111,50 p<:I d,OXNn IIlld "Ilier fllwl"; III ftn,t 12 dozen .alcb Mild t!/lIoklOiI 'I'obacoo. Dillie' Gla.. u.· Ilzel. jusl received )Iril llOrtLun For IUlhcT !'"lIcul.r..c" Ih. ~lIb. (cut Dnd dry,) arle cut, .h01l CUI, In barrell , for ..I. by ..:rfder b 11 HAY nnd ball H. &; MoC. \\'.)·o~a'llI, : !ll-If !;nulliI.-Moo. RosoSconkd oxtra No 111n11, "",,==c--::--c:-:=--::-~--~-- t, 4, 7 lind 10 pollnd Jars or k~lI. Mlic No.. W AU{UT STREET HOUSE. Nliil1HANC JIi: tlOelHod No 2.11\. I, Il••• 7 and III pound Jar. IIr Tit 01110. &Iltll. RaplM1fI. (boq,) Plnsn or Scent"'!, III I. a, Corner WalnUllnd Gilno .\r.IIUI, of OhiO 4, 7 _pd 10 I,"und Jar. bbl.. or kf1ll. French CINC1NNA1'1 Ilro>I"~'.ll' lJulld· Rappel •• (oollue,) 7 .nd In. lu lIound lara, bbl, SWEEJfEY .. CUFaOT, .Ireele. Ufo In· or !tugl. &uich\ (Fill, Yel!ow.) in .mnll blad· "'I'nptlOy~ MuIU' d'ro"ln larl" dO. in or kage. Scolh. Propp. ton. or (Ntw V"rk,) dark. In Iff~rollt llle bl&ddore. ,nd !::mp'oncd small .Iae Ruiall .. and Principe. FR~1f l upply of dflodpeach.. ..lust rede· Sparuah and OonlOlon CllPrl.Olay and COIVed by ROBERTS &. BRO. e:~I~~:~~w~l~!th~1 SlODe }'II\C" etc .Ie. La .hort ..ery arllel. I! kCJll1ll a lobacco .... bli.hTlt.nt. AIR, Clothe., an" ,:.lllh I\rush .. of varl· Urden frolll abraali w,l\ pie..... OIIplaln , OUI ally (or ••1. bv ROB~R'J1,s & BRO. brand, ~qO, color and qualllY of manufaclured _ _ _ _......_ _ _•_ _ _~---_ 'l'obaccu 'Il·.nltd. bav ..



L b



d.y. June (II.. 18~I, unlll lurtller notice. paa' .enl.r Iralne ' will rUD lUI 'ollllw.' . Leave Ih. Depot OD E,UII hell I el_l. 10-1 ~ AM., an!lll 90 lit •• Giltl !I 1:1 /I, ~t. t'laln'llIe,1\1IIIord, fOlllor '. eros> a;', VeerIicld. !\lorro .... 1"011 Anctenl, FrNpjlfl. Corwin (W.,.n.nille.i ~prin& VliIl'J. Xeola, Yellow Spnnl. and Spflllgfi.ld lluturnlnll. will leave SJl.rlnllfiettt al6 to A. III • &nil 6 l~ PM •• IIIItl X'lIlall!'> l~ 4. M. 1 ~5 P, M and 8 J> JIl. The' 90 A, 1Il. Iflla from Sprlnaflold .nd the I SO l'. l\L train Irom Clflcannllil, whh tho throuath train oy.r the I\[ad River Lak. En. R&llrllad 10 Bull'alol allO. with h tr.1II11 of tha Ce!Ulllblll, .nd XenIa ad at Xtnla. for Columbua, ZanoIYIIle. lleelinlr, ((le'I>\ol,d.




t'reepon, \Afwiu,




I8PJUNO VALa..EY, GREENE CO., Em alw.,.. on ' han4.\ a I..... ,CIotha, y_li....



relpectfull,. Ilnnounce to the W OULfl "Commullity atlarlle" Ihat he I. now In rendlD1!8S anend the hell mg of "lIle

'acALJI'OttNIA." ,






STOVE. T ELLV " OJlJSPEN haYe Oil hand and } :\... aNI eenetllnl.y manuf&elurinc AI the W"Lne.. ille Foundr)'..I.I~ abo"" named 101" and nlallly a{,pro.eeI lA)Olllng SIoYS, patented SmTtll" Gleuon.l>ec:embOr 185t. thIS Sto\'e COlllllucted with DOUBLE FURNACE For Summer and Wlnter UM, either or both which ma)' be Uled. Iii a .1I'0rcllll.lll lrI'e&l )1;00,,' 0,.' In the UM ef fueL The O.,en 1. elentod aad eo arr"ngcd .s to Inl0"l ~ p.\e81




UIrAl b, Pb,uciaa If mlP SlQdiJr. TIl... .''!TEa "_\'II all M.rbl4 ._110111,

parlr1 the 1>1004, «I....... ""'" ad .Irot Co lit. • ....11•• OrpllO, rortlJ) ....,~\e .,aloot .lIlI1l8n 111_.. e... ~ \O...1t .tLla l~t1...I DO II ... li.btU. I.U". iii. patl..t--baI •• 1I..leful 10 lho mo.t, ~1Il


ta\O .COtOAClt, .... _liable for 11I0Ir e'HrlJa .....

DY8PBPSIA Dr m. WOlBST rolLlll.

AIoo. W.., C_p1 Int.. J . .ndl.,,- It..riban. eo. 11 ..- . , '&la'-o, »110,.... 01 LIa.,lIrID. W ••t. UId Ski ........ 01 Appeci ... .pln .... N.noa. I....,· au .. GIddJ_ hIpI\OlIoa of'ilI. lloart, ... rol1_ 01 " .... u .... 1IohI.olI. and &1I1lllla



.Illdl ..... loll "'IU_ ~ .,IIk... III.


"_1ft".... the ..... bo,· .... eaa.&:1I., 1104

WIIIo ••IIW ".. a


w~, alao a I. It1 I. B. .. j. IlARRJS .. Co , _ lhll ••1.) Sip of 1M Reel Fl.

..lila ..........nI D,OOD4Itlaa

.ID .... ' " MIIdICb.. III



he'" ... ,. ..

TJlIt MOIT ',.rol'11J;~l1 t

• I


........... the 1. . .1 ",I.., aD" oa ..

(lBB.lP~ VY. 1IeW two Ilona . . . cart, 011


""-ca.... II' ....' .... l1Ilec',Iit. ""*,,11",,


ill J!"1MINI A4I JII.k, ap 10 order oa I'"



REGULARITY IN BAKING. d16f1I1"1.IU'nJ.II."'D" ~ "","'fI,l.. pmJlarUeo. Theile adftDI_ ~jth lithe ... Ihat Suaptt .n4 •• ",..100.\1 ...............1 tot

Ibe_I". 10 tIM l!UJ'ah~ 1\ flnl cannol /all 10 render thl. 810.. oM 01 the "(1 LATEST AND BEST thaI h .. "fir Leen lII&roducod 1D the W~t_ M&y 28, )8~1. 18-"

SAII11BL G. SWOTltEIl8 AVUIG I""fOIIIIbl1 rUl\od &lid ~.ballI'h· eel bl ....tabll.h_lIt•• i1fIr tJte atyle of the FltBNCR SALOoNS. ~r.1.I1' _ _ eo Illc v ....ftII . .bile tilts! lit wtll 110 --......, Ie _ IbnllD ItI8


.... ~~ar

BAUBa AND HAlllDaUSE.. , IIIICI ....... -torte ... _will . ..... u _ DO pal ........ Ie raDder tbttn

0II0e\-&;; ....... }II".




0It8 . .

e.t.... Wa,....ale u.


a ..





WISTAR'S DALl:\AIII OF WILD CHERRYl TilE nES I' REMEVY EVER KNOW 1'0 MAN FeR Cou\lh" Allhmm. Colds, Croup. Brollch,tIa. InUucnza, IJleo~\Og 01 Ihe r.ung•• OUlieuh, tD Brcftthlng Lt,cr AlTactlon, l'oLII or Wcukn'l"" of die a,e/llll ~r ,:Me. Fulll Slago o~ OOnl\lDI~ 1100 &e. IN StiOlt'l', '1'81S is PECULIARY AOAl"l'l.i:D '10 EVEIlY DJSDASE U}' THE LONGS AND LlVElt, Wh •• h I produced by our eyer varyln& chmate. )IAO CHERltY ht14 rona be01] known 10 ponose tm~tt&llt mllWcIDal · prop4!,Uea • ..J'lIbY fOctl1 IlmtUar to OYorY malron in our lund, and (lbY' ltllllJ1' o ften preacrllici it In diUorenl forma for I v!lrlelY 01 COI1l(llllln... 'Iu, "leo, bas beell nUllly noW<! for v'rt~el, IIIId I'hytilcaRIIs who~o IlInto IS (am,ls" 10 the Whole counlY. havo (:ot\e 10 far u 10 decl . . thel fYlln CUNSUlI11'TION could bo cuted by \bnllllonu In other hanil. ag.m. It w... n •• rl), n1u.1_. 1I\\)n&"",o doubl 10 tllDlr ijlnor,nce In pr~ll/Lrlog and Ildqllnl"enng ~l-. llillicult, now lIDllrely • obv'"tCll bJ \Jau enl clIpcClcilco anti 101'11 oJ/llorlOunl. The extroordln.ry medicanal I">",en 01 these IWO .uMlmncetllrO nowdor the full time. com· bln od Dod embo<llcl tn DR. Wj::!TAltS S;\LSAM 01' WILD CHERRT B, a nice chemical procoos. ev~fY tiling deleterlO\lS or unlc!s IS r~Jected, tlO thft~ wh~t relOalnl ie lbe mOlilelllraofdw.ry end truly ettieaei, us remedy lor u1llllnlll of ,pulmonary anti liver diaouca e".r kllOWD 10 mnn 'fa coovlnea all unlieJio\'el'll tlu\! our tllcory II really truo, we reler 10 a (119 _ 01 cures p.erlormed by tllIa wonLlerful mp-dll:m . 'l'HI:J THEORY AND THt:: PfUG l'lCE,· ·The curcI from Ihl' medlcme hne 1!ttn WIll be, Jllat In proportlon to Iho numbe< of c"... ln which It is u\ICd. Ita .nly mlt.eulo .., 'rs .rlltbolO willclt it pOS. . . .CB Iront. and 1ft common "ith nalure, wbOAe o~nllooa.\I caD oru)' , UlSt alld ha!ten 1\11 uellon \A hnm~dlDle alia lbouab oalm, cnellletic. It allay. trruation. wbiJe LI pron,oles aecrellon a/td cxcrollon It clIn never lull to pollllLle, 'lId where a cure .. powbl~. 1t .....111 cure. 'fhll WQ8 tflo tbeory 01 Ihe m~dlclne. n in yen ted; and cltP! DUmorou. cues, 01 every kind and VPfl8IY. hua tlcmonlu.lA!d the oorreclll_ of Ite pnDclVlM • e~:li~I~~~=-:::;' o:TAND Bl'ILL ANOTHER CASt; OF lti:JK!::L)!l' AIlY CONSUMYl'lON C\Il~ b)' nil Wlt'Uk'S DUAA. or 'VILD CuuJ\ v-a falher and al,ler or the reetored, hllvinjlt died of m.t Iil. 1'1'.1.,-.,alab'e "neU8. ' b"ft .allloriMd ~ attbe' Rill Ito.. CLAIIII FeliJruan both on lbe tiltle Mlaan and Col..... Jolu< D P ...u. Cmclnnall. Ohio, Uenoral act all OJIr ...all Ia rn-'~ Dear SIl-Our flllnlly are predlollosod 10 10 u" aDd recel",g . - . . w/Yell wW lie bavlf.liilled 01 tl\at dlseAlle 1 al80 our Wool_i ahotIIcJ .. ~, IInce1 was oompletolY \t, _mall _ ............. ~I.. " .... M" ,plj'y,.'[c~>sns my lnend. oil .Dcloaed IL1Id I.belleel OIl .... -tnIa, at mosl WO o our 1I1L11l_, ud 10 ... car. of BJ'fd .. In~e!l.ely IOrlunng IOD. ono bt>ttle M.r .s my OOuahU11 much. Fro II' waa enablad 10 .Pllllti.I'-a'Lnd my diJreallon became rO~~~l~~~ Dr. ·Wlllar·. Ball&m




whIch neeh III llIlU" UPUD rauullaJ prlncaplea. l'rompl . 'llentilln /0 bU"'1eu 101Ieth"r with m.ny yea ... lucceufull'r'Cllee 1\ IS Jll'Cl!umad "'Iii be a .afe pa"p0rl 10 dio ~l1voflble notice: oC all "Pro,," all IhlnlP' hold fasl Ihlll wblola I' good." Rotldeneo Main SI. II lew dlOn above Iba Morrow HOUIII, Waynotv,IIe.I\I.y 28th, 185\. le-:!lm.

A. M.

tho 9 P. .At. train frorn pr... 1'rall1 10 Dulfalo Cln.IUd. Time 24 IIoun. conDCCIII _iUl the Ma.l Rt". .1 Spnn&field. 'I hi 6 16 A. M train from X.i. and tbe , P. M. Ir.ln frl)n~ Cla.blliati, wui take up l1li4 1"1011': p"tII 1\ Ihe 101l1l ... ln, lIaUOl\I, wbere Doucallilhen 10 the Ccinducle".-..Duc:k C1'OIk Bndae, t'1.fnrilla, 1I1Uford, Ge~anJ. MI&IDIIYilIe. Hrandl . Hill. Lonland t r DlU'r CrDMl!I .. ~.Dcerfieldl Morrow, Fon Andenl.

for BRO.


.,. .






o:TNoll~ gO'luine unl088 put in !rugo hotlles con t.tninl( • quart, IlQd blov"" in gllUls wLII! lito wrhlcn .lgI1I1IU f(!. S. F. LlaH~1ITT on the ,uUlldc wrapper. I'rlce 81 &ldr bottle, or 1I,.It bouit. IUr $~ &1.1 by D PARK, Cincinnati. Ohln NOrilluau corner of Fourth snd Walnut streol.) \0 all ortl~r mll81 b•• ddr.,.SCd


EW Boob JU81 !rpnt' N .ale by ROBEIlTS " T\1Ilne.-On and IiIler WedDca-

which 18 provlhg IIsiil t UII on ' /\'\Il y of the ru •• t III to. lU,tllhoy will nover be dIS. lor in t11l9'r rnudy .: ..... r •• _ ...___ nevor life can and v gltr forIrom II Ie '.I' .~e~:I>~~f'••~i:~:'J~ ~,.t'b~~~k:~. hupe, t\ hOlllrh an\l spirit" hpw.. v~r lonlh Q\lnoe to illS"! I \Hld Ot Ihu pallent only ulldCrSlfn(1 liollt llil. 11\)1'0 01 jIIhymml r ... lUnmo>" trncl of Yellow Do~lt alii tiarHDjlafll1a," nnd pursued" hllv~ no Ue61111110n In pretlJcung In~ 8J1oudy n .. lorull" n to KING'S EVIL-CASE OF U. M. LEONARDI If tho fondor will ob! .ve. ho "III .eo 11111[. an noafly nil cuee. the patlom hn Iried nemrly ,...i.,,;i.a every phyyiclDI\ "Ilian lUll" rUl\oh, .lId nunrly .:very remedy; bUI when he hili upon Guy.Oll'. D~~r===: :.IG.. ~IID. ~.,,~:. ., Yellow !Jock Ilnd ::.arSIlIJOrll111, thu ' UfOI S IIlIlIlCdiDli: 1J I , BI.oOloll"G M usn. S. F nnN"~TT &: Co -GCI\U! _ So,"ctiuio 1n 16-19, 1 Will Ilrm, Willoh be ~~nle so 80ro UI~I I could nul uao \I, u~!1'l\ "lilblllV(f,d at dlffer.,,1 Umes, oneb phy alcloll o f eel.brhy within my nnll mU8'po nmillil~,utl t , om lli e shoulaer tn tho lo ro arm, } DY arm 8,,11111 of them DIII"rlfO lIS n hlly cenl plueG. 1 II,en , \flOll un llldiall motililQd' /J .:ah. onll "'toPIl~d Iho IDortlhcallOh bUI could nul haol my n~I;!!t:~::~i'~oilh'~r~. time, Willi complelely uhnu~led. ILn(ln'.lJ,"rson mueh esnucaDlOd <;' til Iheaummur of l li48, wh~1l 1 .'" lui" "NlI cnum of. "vUllO"', pllr\Ua ,. which 1 roud uttelltlvely an~ 8CI/t lor (111) bj,)ltle of t1iQ arllolc . 1111 utili iIlCfI'U8clt. ~n(/ "".umCld .ltghl color, ':nii'tibj\~~~iI1iig;~ U a~~~~~!l~t~~~;~~~~~~~.:~;:....4.,,; ilay" 1 80llt tho Iq, ft~I• •oharal8 ouna bOIrnOll lLlo. uml wh,~c using II J fouml my 8Ironlllf'.Jm"u.•51I1U.. IrQm,my "rm dcctollBlUQ. I eOIlI\nu lltllIl!fng "unlU 1 h3~ u8ud ~ iIC III/I lIell perleelly cured. b" loro 1 ut/ud Ihe . lxlll b!)lijo. Bpice lit"I lIIIIO r have nol DfIIl , .. od I ho, a 110 readOIl lO doubt !.lIBIIt Id thoroughly IlUn.'tl for I con I ut l e~fIf coull! "Uu: 001\'. 0110.\1 i)'lek ond, Sar8I1PQf\lIn" alone \lured me. I look no otllor ramedy while u81ng it ani! had 1 u ed it III Ih" hro' olJpenrollca 01 tho m.lndy, Iluity licihovo II-w ould bav. BOvcd mc from Y~I". (I( Mll llonn!: And IlII oot rel'Olnmund oyory parson 8uli:erllli un· dorlilty 81111Unr IhaOD9a 10 usc "I.>uy OIl 'S y 'O ltuw Dilck. aud SlU'~ aporlllll" wJucll wlil res lore tbelll to huull~. " Yours , In grn/ltllduf 0 111 LEONARD, FE~ALES READ THE _FOLLOWING . ~A' ~Il; I .... ,.... Prolapsus Ulff' or J.·lIihIII! uf lill! Wrornb. of I.vo years 8\8nlllng, curod. by c. POlITER . . .~ IrDot ot Yel1uw 1>r.lCK nnll ! .fier ewry oth~r kllo",u ,cmclfY had OOCI1l ~ ''''I''U Corner .... _itA~,



iiIl. At

r ~. 18 1 SU1l11Itcr,~Vld eml cs.

Cl~CIJrKA.ft , WA8RIlfOroN. 0 ,. Peb. 1849. ANUFACTURERS .r nery 'rilla COtllliC8 tlltl my wllo, ns~d tW<ln ly. seH,nInnrt , bll9 bean 8ullllTIIIg untler tile Illlo"e com· ofrrinlint! 5 __ T~, will alto plellll lor Ii"u yeors Nearly ot tI~ttllll O clmline 10 h r bed. 1 have 101lr y~ar. contlantly .m· .... aM 8eaIt: ployed Ihe br81111edical1l110nt Iha' oould btl procure!1 In the loclion of country, ",hh"ul any a conelallt.ujJpl'.rrrill 1 0Mei&. bcnolil wlllll evQr, 1 h~vll 0181l purchased overy 1n9trUment recom\nendlld for tJu, cure of .uch Itn • • .. lItu.ltuia. . .. ; • .JIB(·asO~, all o~ \~III"h pro,,~d w nhloee. • In 11\6 .~f~nl: 01 1I:H~. I WOB ipduced by mil frlonds to and S.r.. par lUi, whUll! "0 8 U_1lI1 ior lour 1'11011111, Afler wn eVIdent to all 01 us Ihnt aho WA Irnptuvlog. and trom 1II1'~ ' lIl1le ed lleab an" atrerrglh unlir.he.t nbw el\joYlng rnoat Dxcollcnl \V U 6011111 n.lghbor. to WIn. QII~ J u[lu 1\1onlorl, know Iltll ,Ickneat of Mrs l\tonfo r~llll\d I1S 10 tho curo, belllll effected by ~yrBAJ)Drlllo , " 10 bo strlouy truu.


IWLE ltllAllU RAILROAD, .161&ummer Arranpment-'l'hroe 0111-










YELLOW DOCK AND SARSAPARILLAII 'l'n[ ORIGtIlAJ. ASD O~' v OUUISl I'RGPAItATION rOil TilE 1'£IUIANf~"r (UU or CON Ul\W'!10N AND ))lSE~SI';S OF THE LUNGS '\ WilEN TU~t 411 & sur,l'O~£D TO 8& APfSQTtD DV T~ TOO FRIoJ~ U~E OF MERCURY, IltON, QUlNINF:, &0 S.\LT RIlEUi\l. R1NG-WOltM, 'fE'r'I' ER, SC~LI)HEAO, DIlOI'SY, SCURVY WUlTEI:!WELLING' THE om,cled may rost ~9Surad thol thore ia not Ille l.asl partlel, of ~llIeral. l\lercurlal' or a ny otllur pOlaonolls aub~ tellce III I'de 1\1odl ell\~. It Is perlecUy hu};mleu and n.ay bo .t!. mlm~tcre~ 10 l)er~ Ons In Ilia ,.f), \\eOkIJ8IS lftg611 of .iuJlnclS, qr to Ihe mOIl belple.. Inlanta wuhoul dOlllg Ihe leo. ... nJury AN D it! A Cl!:R I'AIN CUIlE FOil ~L FBMALE COMt'LA IN 'l'ts. 'J'ho I,oc ullar OlDIDdllla In willch "'tllnlos .rC! .ubJecI communly preduC41 IIreal bW\ly OJChall.tnu~n. uecolUlIolllud by n dOl,rauod "ml ollon gloumy alale of mind, A. Ihe 8y_lotli tlcdmcs 'n atrongrll, Ihere iB 111088 01 lIurvoQO JlUwor, and U11~ very lIilurally imp ura tho enorsy 01 th o nun!1nlld dlaturbs Ihaequanhnlty of Ihe lemper. Every candid WU!lIUl whn has so!fored (ronl fomalo COIIJ\lIUlIIlS \~tll Il~ nlll tillY 10 bo Ibe mournlul \rulh Now. obl.In, rellaf. It I. only 11"cw.SQry ~o II0J' the lendellay 10 rlcI'lellon and d .. bllny 'l'nl' II dun. by renoWIII" that ,"ountnm of I:loullh Bnd I:\trongth. the BLOCH). ~nd no medlclnelCCQDlplillh011 ~III . c!"slrabie re~lIlt so ~pudiiy alltl eomvlutc 00 DR. GOVSO l' ,·,S IMl'ROVED EX. 'I'RADT OF YELLOW 1>OGI( AND SAR:.;APARILLA LnJic8 of palo oomplo:uon "ud 't0ll.umptl, \) habll/l, Illld such are debilitated lIy Ibole ob. 8lrUCllon8 wbleb fem~le. are Haulo 10, &ro realored, by 'ho usb 01 n bUltic Or IWv, 10 bloom alld IV vigor. Le, nil who "I.b to free lIId~lllencu ot ths


. 8EA _.1:

Sliln o. I).. Reel Fla':

~~(~!~~~ COR~ER 8TIlEETI



1 8~1






lot&o RBSOrlmollt, from 2~ eta lip to '7':10 A , Jusl rtcelv.d ulid b'l • I. 11, &. Jl & c.

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.. 16, 19, 18, 8,

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J?RII}AY,. hud Unit.- ROflllllh IIni! other

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- ,

IIlle It:J;~;;;;;;' 1V~ lr n Ihe ol~ r..h Oh, NOlure' lOllS. It doe. ,cry l':e1\ When the IHelie. oro dell'rlllined III wear the ~rollche~ Q II t t l ' I h II d i d Ihe PrqleatDnl rule sClLrcely ucceded 20.- veluuR, ond he orteu mdul,e,d III Ih,j pkr - frullI lhelr well cOJ1du c~ed properly. 'riley 'Thull ahtill huve tbe elllbtll,n years 01 homo, IlI,t It iloeK ,IotlollK very denunaW P? 10,lr m.collle, w IIC WII er ve ell- l ooo,OOO' lIlId the Greeltwuil less Ihun aO,- . dollu ~le IIrtlfice 01 dlsplaYHIg thcse ro ul- have dono much m developlIIg tho re- j lhu nJ~ bCij lc! ps' ' " to wear thCID In thl! ~treet. ;II; halidftome '1'nllllR not yet enough,' rophed m~ n. dreas of tho prevaihllg style. lind lhoae tlrely from trade. He could not COIIOeul ) OOO,OOo Now lhe Ronllsh sWIlY ex,tend" i tl"a In l wuy t cr~ll\e a persuulol1 lllllt 8Ul\rC ~S of tIllS \o,lIe\1, and, In cheuvcnlng his chokrin, bll~ Esthor, ulldeGclved Od to ov~r IIbout 166,OOO,()Oo-~he l)rote~tallt IllS vIgllellc~ \VIIS a ! mos tHup"rflll~urnl 1n f the p~!ce of fu e l, deserve Iho gr~tttllde of , ''J'ukc hkew I.e thp. t\I elve yean IIf the whu:IJ sweep Ihe, II, ftJtJr all, the IllS motive» m marr-)'ing ber rp.l)tollchcd ~ 226,OQO,000-t\te Grce/l about 76,00,0000 TIlDnlllg' ove~ an necoullt .. f cxpcndllllre' l every mun Ihte reSlp.d III Ibe nUI'lgnll!)n of ' dug' 1II0il b~outl ul III Yo 1111:11 tho rem"lo for.u him bltterl ' A Hhi! eful ' , il Tho oondltlon of !tomu0I8m, relutlvo to ; he porcelvd the ral[ons ot II bllllullon , tho upper 01110, ,uld 111 Ihe growth of our [t IS n<l~ suffiCient,' r~Iterllted In lin , Gun .be nul J ," , ' y ... m Bcene tnSUe ; other rcllglous bodies, ulld 11\ 118 politic" I chnrged UII II cortl\IO !lay ot llu"allcon - cllIes, llI ,~III Gh tho'a9 of lu~1 Id ;gl~e me 1II0re " I II ended IJI ,lhe husbund going Ollt With lln predumlnance, hn~ tberefure undergone 'Muis Ie bllt.tnhon n'et~ l( p8~ la,' Bald be I on JlllptJrtllllt elemollt 01 pru~perlty , 't g lvo thee, t.hen, th" ten yenrs of tho I oath, Qn~ in Esther fulllllg IQW bralerlca. chllhge~ wllhln t1l1i perlod- 'II y a errellr' Tile Mlnlltor, ICcolfeotlllg _ _ ape, In '1I1h \\ lit tllOU crllve moret' 1J0~ to Admolll .... , I Jlllny 8uch quarrels followed . Doth IIf chnhgea wlllch ure lull of comfort fur Ihe thut the Emperor hud been III the tlmo )lan depllned dlsKIltl8fied , 'Vo mual ClIllf ull th~ ientlut manner tlns.1l mlltclr ~d air were e t d preftcllt,lInd hopll.lllho rutllre, to 1111 loy- out of Frllllce, ond confiding In the reguNeedlo IIr"lIufoctoq. 'l'hu~ IIIBII h,es dcvenly YDare 'l' he anilsortest Ilenons of IlddteH, our ~ltviCle u y vI RSTttll'IEI 0 ~, I! 11 rt\~ ~Il'nnt, an era 01 gerlUlne freedom , ciVil ur religions lonly of 1115 811uordmalo age ntl, pc r~i!ted The Newl\rk Ad~ rll~cr ~uys tho oOly £.r61 thirty of hla lire .Iro hl8 bumall Y811,. muat nat filII, like 11 VIOlent Ifotlll, beorlng Ihey 1\ are aoo~ con81\qllclltly Involved 11\ Another IDlerestlni cbnlidefILuon ~o 1.111\ J thnt lhe batllliion mllllillVol Il\'OIl at besnn- needle mon'ufJlctdry IQ IllIs country IS 111 1 and pass IWlftly by Ho 18 then 'beulth~ down lllld mnklDg those to droop, whom it ( .ud 18 Invo 0 lI1an Rrlael de bt. l'wlco ~Ir, Jrv,rle, though reluc~ piOUS BouI18, tile relallve lIlerODlC of Ohtill- call Jlillpo)eoh In8i8te~ on fluther inqul- 1 thn~ c,ty-cstob)iehed by 0 gentleman rroln ' lind hllfPY-)IO lobus cheerfu)ly, "nd re- IS Ineant to ChOrl"llind relreeh It Inunt It turned out to be 0 frllud, nnd not \ Manchester. El)g lnnd 'rho mSlln('r of' jQlcOS In 1119 eXistence, TllC eighteen descend, as the dow upon the Londerner.b, , tUlltlYI dl~charg~d tholr o'blig,tlops: butllll tlIL1I8 111 tho worla. f F111'ly' ,ellr~ ago ~he Iry C:oholU II ~~hle" on 111ft 'kl~8 , Ihe tlllrd otrenj!o he 1l08111v ~ ly refudou 10 Oh 1811ana "ere leBs than one-fif~h 01 tho II mistake '1'h05e peculllllng nccoulltnnts; l11uklllg nole,IIe8 18 deticrlbed ab very Imer· !yenrs of t\le ISS corne neltt and burden up- or hke moiling ftnked or snow, ~h(: lol'\er ''I'I gil/WIng lOU l,'ullnl of bght, ~ d tl I I b I popullltu,JU of Ihe glob" nuw they exceed I \Vere dl~mls sed, and Ihe ~crutllllr;ing Spltlt ' estlng.....some alxteen d l ll'er~nt prorcsses on burden IS hlloped upon 111111, he GOrrles .t fal la. Ih longer It wella US~b, 01111 tllo And I~I 11l"lIlnf~ uf sobl. lIilllll, IOler ere. Oil Ie resu t \VIIS tl.\ t eSler- u fourth part of thp. E)nperur. circulllled \vl~h the fIlIOC- I b~ing nocessary for their completloll 'fhe Ithe corn thllt 18 to fepd other~. oild blowe deeper II SlIIks IOta \hl' riun If tJICrII II ertl;"'~ Ibo brow or bluahlnjJ l1Iorl1 ' itr suld them out Along WIth the~e encour~glDl; circl1m- dote through every brallch of the p~bhc l "Ire (rom willch they uro r.lnde, Id Import- pni! klcksllro Ibe wailea of hilltnnhfulaer- IIrc fillY who hllve tbe hUlllilllt to~rce:elv. W hon Sil mmer fills h.r lIulden I,urn POvp.rty did 1l0t sweeten tho tcmpefd of stulICCS, we ought lIIlt to forcot tilU rile- i oervlce, In a WUV 10 deter every clerk frOJD l t'd frum Englund It Is cat II1tO lengths Vlel' 'rhl! twel\e yellr. uf tho dOIf follow. aduce all they ougllt, It la olterl bel'IU!\1 Oil ~ rlh Qo'uw-'-On he. ven .bove, either IInu tllelr altercntlons m~rensed' In I ness of 10 ul1 P,otestullt COuntries j' commiltlng the ~hghte~ t error, rrom feor suffiulent lor two ncedles cllch, -\lnd u.\e( j llnd he loses his teeth, lind hes m a curner thore IIrc felv who hl\~Ollllre dl::cretlon to IM ...ltl II written, God r l loye I'r' W I l llor tbe and cOllseque llces to \I'II1Ch all ma- of medllllol detecb411 -LOfll llollrmd', being rubbed stralghl, they are pOlllted up- lind growls When the 0 are gone, the cOII~ey It 111 II pro~et ve Il, lin eon !Iuahe'luenllY I,ut Iiltle pracllce her hus- llV 01 them leod. 1I0r the hulf-chrl~~laDlze!i FOltIgn lufllm,sccnaa on a 8tone lit the rato of one huudrod !lor I \lPC's tun} ~Qrfl form Ihe COlllllu61011 'I'he fy Ihe hllrshne8~ and bitterness 'Of' teproor,' (lotlla IQve 0 Man ~w41,111 b'nd lind \lbtll\11 d, left hill. almo~l elltlrely chllrllctor of mOllY Chrlstiand f speci'olly mlllute The} lire then .tumped with 1m.! DlUD weuk lind silly becomes chll sport of ugalnst Which cl,rrul't lIatllr~ 18 apt tl) ra. And 110111 Ihy gloolll olld Ih;.lId'olll bonk, utter lily ' l'xtrnvugullco beo~ Olo expu,cd, I omong thube whu havll obllllf.ed the cutaIf t d'" ~tb' Si prc8sl:JD8 preparat9fY ror Ihe eyes, winch I c l l l l d r c n ' vull, by d.1 artful IIIIl[tllre or 8\'fI)C t~IIIIIU , e. euch b,."rl'. i),lna ~ro~nd be~ull~8 , I( f I I d r f I ow 0 raw C IIIlOrs. a e eh d b td te f tift and ogreollblol in"rcdltnt8 To roiJ" lilt 'Ulld ho IIcou eeil hl~ ilirQ, in ~'OlIlequ e llce, 0(' ogue 0 leut 1011 go a ,or t IUt 0 lumlln Sevcrlll yeurs ago wo were 0 re, ldellt llf r pUll e y a press a "' ru 0 y ........-_ . . • .• I b to Wi I II Ibid ,Alii! ro~y e jJrllI' III Ueau tj sm iles, I I () h l or lnhumlln ~olIlLi Jlor the illfidelity Ihllt I Ii L b Ii II mlllnte, and thell etrun~ upon wire. and I ",blln" to t Ie otlom It I D tiC u nellA ~.: whl'o IV "'~ once lila dOHvrlll ¥~OOUl, Illy Illl t!cn I e cllu8e, Ihrough ' he~ r.·ck- prevlIlls an 1,\11 nJ)U III ql Christian cOUlll. nort IW slerll, O~IS.ItIllU, Delli I e con lies pluced In another muclllllo to ~e filed and Paclne And Mls., .. lppl Rnllond. and resolu\lOIl of • rood spmtu'ilt lIur£eOIl, 'J h floweril lJ f ,. igl,! nllll OIodnc.. "11)0111. less o~pelldllure, 01 1,19 rUIll. E i;ther re- I rlCS -lb ell Revlll'IV 011 ~eX1l9 '1 he people Ilhore, us u fu sillollod Into the forms of needles '1'he Prl)fe8.ur Forost Shepherd, 10 allltter to and yet willi all the dehcacy IIlId tCliderAli -nrth b"nvaih, like h nven IlbQ\ 0, toned Frequentl"11 thl:f e quatrelo IhOl r l 't :0 nn "" I~erornothmuc I 1l, vC! II toI g d ~i1 hurdelllng 18 DOW d(,me lIy 11 hot f~rnDce I the New Haven PIlUadlunl 'UYII neiliof A (rlend, rc~ultv. a verytde.lteroul J" • lIess, a ,bout as .or t elr SOU 1d as IId y I an d they lire af~er)\ or d a tempP-led slrlllght-' 'I 11 re I0 tl on t 0 tl 10 proJcc te d ' rq II rOild t or Iy Ilun. nil & iii 1 d ~port tluon). , '1II0Il1S willi IlIQr)' , Ood INlove' VOI \:I.'~ "use so hi II tl t i\ I d • 'ti ~ ~ an d mu G a 8 ~' g 11\ pcr o.s 11 11 jOin'~lIu(8 Bodmall CM do. for tbo~r "",Ies, bOlDg UDconcorne liS to cuod, and galhered . into buncho~' of about Ir<lm Ihe MiSSIssippi River to the Pacific mpnt IIlId a compla~ncy of Itp.havlour WII! 11 6,llolO\ q 0 Mn o r<ljolo.' IIIg rooms, for Ihe ullhA~py pUlr II ero Mllny people turu UI' their nose,ll nt' the I\~,ety of ollher. A yOUilIg lunerent 60000 1.'11. h wluch ore sotumtcd with u. d that the ro,d can be constructed Irom the dllllrlll: Ihe most obstlllllle; wberea., If In- - , Hu r•• 1 1110\1 POl ·~c r d ,'o!ccl wnulthl!Y cull'dlrly wurlt,'l oli though oil I ~re~e~er l!ap~elledll nlo~lI, in ~h~ nc'gl~boremery, :Ied III II cloth und piliced 11\ a l pnclfic to the 1\IUISI8S'PPI, Wltl.Ul\t c:roll9l1lg Ilteud 01 calmly pOinting out their min.lle, boardrng, hel!rd Ihelr mutual tl'pronch C$ f'r,)n\ ov 'ry C l,na - fr onl v '~ Shtllle, At ID~t, h~l,tc,1 do"n by hla credItors hOllost Illbor I\QS ' nut cl ell.ll e~ thon mOIlY j °bo t Utlu!t till' ..elllt 1°, rre Olllln dedt trou':3h with II he avy plllnk- 1I10VIIII' back- lin! mountoma or ollcUuntern\g tiO mucb we breAk out inlo UD,eeloly nlhu DC , ' d over t Ilem, ao t h"al a 1\er !\pow DB be t \Veen B 08011 t nn d n"Ib nny H e Pllll. i 0\1, we ce ,se t 0 b 0 ve .n." lull U.II. ~ CA 1t II lIlu 11 Apbnk $1 "0 Man dlvlIlO ' IItld enruc"d Dt !J.G \\ .Ie AIg"fIlol1 .. udden-, j k Id-r; I()veu" ways 0 f 8WIDu" II ng one ,~~ \Voy II ou replllrmg n t 1\ t"e \y1I B 0 ",100 III goo N WB lin d .0rWllr '/ It) ~ "uili/ ~ ~ hkq Ihy lilkerls .lIll1e at 80me IIIn e ilIys' chafing la thiS mnnner IOYS thiS route IS from Ihe hp-nil or BOuth•• ' throllg'h the wCJrld. Ruther thnn owo our l eurno~t, u J!~ sucoe..s \Vqs !~or, d Iy Iilllppeuted from the tOWlI, ana bu nev- lIynlg to the IlIt'or we would I.. lIlIItely pre- over bilI. a dozen peraoDa cpul e got to- they lire rllheved of Imperfecllons und ren= eru porl1ulI of Polaro Yalley, through Wal' ' , • , , A'\ ~kfl ' o rl ~ol thy GHl llJlprtlvo. cr slrlce b~ell bellrd ur, though, It III suid, II fer to shalCe curpels or 8\veup chimney' at gother 1\tlt bkll 51 uuduY,Oleetln g • alld lie be- dered smooth enough for the fi11QI pohshlng ker's PallS thoDe. to tho MCjllree . River, Salt \Vellin Tenne,.ee. ThUll '11I1Ih llyt ! d " ~I L ' 1\ Elden'S grbye, 1l0r60n aomewhat rl!sel,llbll111t hnn la figur- ' fi lly COllIS per doy A day or two IIlIlee til, aq to lin tdlobL~rurw,'s d·ro~~nlpg upon Tile temper Is then tllken out of tho uye; thellce north-eastwllrd to Lllgh ground, on lIr Easterbrook rormerly 'Pres dellt t:' I ,Alld duulll no 1I10tO, Ib¥ (; 04 19 love •• ' l ~ Ioue II- ! U 118«) earllelt iare d rJ I Ied to pleven~ tI ' tlIe" "-lb utllrlea 0 f tl.I .... .,~ o, Ih enc. t b e K noltV.lIe t.lOlTer.I~. • , lng at SllIl Fltancieco. E'lh~t bas return- wc Ieurn 011 Ios t ruc,• lve b' I.U f I1180.y I anD teart i c,II!len I elhon \0 t, lOve_ and t ley lelr cutt•.., RI 0 C oor tlu ueen l (0' , I I ' I • lug A doer of 'dirty Work'-'a hod-fnlD I ~eop 9, e etm lie, lOW ever, ) ere lllg the tbread, ! cro8smg tho Bald river abovo Ihe ltrcat 80me tlllle engaged In ~.nkinr a well III Co I Il've. 0 ~n ohl' ed 0 le~ fllther a house, whore s)Je lve~' t NO rilBtth where he wna born; he w('re I\to 1411 Interest befure leavwg the nelgl... Cllrlun, thence eaet to PIlot Andeuon COUIII ,EIlI\ Tean', lind 't'lIilu'. In )'>11 ' ~ rogo shull b~ UIJ " lI. d. II uroke~ hearted 1V0mn]l. none the w(lTle fur being II turklllllD or borhood, he procure~ some prnlted hlnd•• , Bonte Fe, pa8~mg Pilot Mountalll on tho h .. succeeded re ..chlng II bold stream I {\ntlll. III burull~ wutdHot firo 1I1,IIanlll/l8 Buado'. hUdlialld hal rlseo to IrlshmslI He camo to Ihls n.ty about len bills ani! h~d them ro.~iltUr In e~~r~ COll Rotatioll of Ule Earth. t.otrh BIde. thencp. to Santo Fa lind the atrong .. It water. at a deptb of ..bout 6'70 ' '1 1~ ar.v on, noli llboll POI ~ x pl rll. COnl~teIlI:IW... He OWll1110W Q, Inrge l;team. 1yeltr8 ogo, young, helllthy. lind hone8t."" s:~ho~slr. ace In ~Ie 18 r Ct, W IC I rlla Wtl learn rrom the Boslon pllpers thBt MIII9 IB5lprl al Apple Creek befuw St. ~u- foet Tubea b",ge lIeen ord~red and 1.11 Elerl,.l (~pd I/lrc>l' l: h Love did fran,o m 11 lor plnnmg lIf1d will bef ore ten yeor~ he could geL no employ but liod-earrym,, ! t R: e oWln~e Ilcl:_TI R' 1\1 the opporolu. (or teating the Qxpe"lmel1t of IS, wllere thero~I,8 0 gClod landing lind oRl)n poulble de~p.tch will be emrloyeil to comCraolilln for fib 'Ulory'. nom o, LtOIOD .. orlCE Sled eV' r. Ill, FoucauhattheDuD~erHl111\10llument nuvlg.tlon to new Orlean8 through the mence the , manuracture 0 Bllt Tile , I , ' ! ulldtie t urrlcdaowoll nato enrll ut alice D 'l'hat I ninl IIIIChl reli n willi Chn1ltlbovl be quite II Tlch 1111111. Ahvllyfl hllvlng bee .. 1118 dolllLr a day. He procurca chenp, bllt l la~ey WII l prench pC~l un uy, III D em- IN neilrly completed, IIn~ Will be ppcncd to IVlrltet, and of course a road on lho blink weill. lurrounded With .. den.e furrlt Jr" \nd knbw Iqr6vl!r, Go~ It luve prtJllllllenl ill the lycellOl, ~n.J hUVlhg Il.Ike n fl gO~d bOard Bnti lodgmrd, Apent nOlle of h1lSt 81)Y~ 8 Gr?~e, ~t ~eM.0 ~OCk'd AM, a.~ Ihe '~ubltc early tM.. week On Friday of the IIllullSlllPI to St Loula. The route t lteavv. timber, liM JI Wlthlll one or twu .11 acllvc p~rt III town UnUII'S, i~ III III cQJI- eurni l)~ In groaelleR 'or low places; attend- lit our ~ c oe r rovi ~lnc.e per~1 , mornmg, Prored.or Horsrord : ill prr sence Will lie 600 ur 800 miles nellre'r tlillli hundred yardy of ine~aUltJble COlli-beds i ~tween \ e ae tIe preat ler of the officers of the Bunker HIll Monu- other. h •• wood ond' water nerly - 80 tha~ luel Will ev~ be cbea" Other telllplUlun 10 s onll him to Congre8~ If he ea church Oil tb'll 8obbuth, educated hlrn- lIlI la , self U "' ~ llIng8 , IlIld up monov. anll at the WI rhull Iii 80rre murc II ,lIgpmllt ony mcnt 'A8soclatloll, tbe CUIIlllllttCe of Ihe dlslunce. lind abutlda nuu or Atone and coal weill wlll.oon be .unk and \he proalleo\ ,,.111 CQtlScut to sorve. f elld uf five venTi ~uug It II lot In the . city. nllg 1 lit CUD b~ ~rolted out tu t hiS regloD, ~leGhllBlC AIsKOClollol1 and levernl 8Cleu- ILt SUllte Fe Tlie O\loVII route will ftccom- now is lllllt .. hltherlo undl8eovnelt 'loGrc8 Nut long Igo E"ther, of ,her own lICeoril, \ Bud buIlt II pr(l Uy cottage. In pne Y"'lIr forTi purheduf !v':fb~lI~ed ~o ll tlrl P I tIlic gentlemen, tist the pendulem III IOU- d~to both NortJi nnd South, New ~Iel:lco wellith to E!lIIt Tennes." I. lliout to dU~III" lin .fternoon VI81t to SUlion. ollu~etl l more he found u guod Wife. IIUtl usod the jJ klld fi a t e.:e e :c: OO)lt e tion, nnd 10 the blterlJoon llie experiment an~ Collfurnil, rnd OC611a ~toamers Will bo unloc:~c4. 1 to her P! 8t folly I cotlllge he hud be(llre rented out For r:;c e thro~ a Iqllar drsj 1111", Ie OIlXIO IVo8 repeated for Ille bonefit or IIIcmber6 of SOOI1 fellder 11 tr)p from Saa Franci8co alld ~--"...,....,-;--;.u.,/.!.' , b' . _ ', ' lhede ~11t Yo!lIrs he llUd ilteaully corned Ib6 Bee e I ngu lit prellc lor Id !ven gre ~ the pre.,. The TrBlI,crlp~ SDyS of It Attarla os Ilgbt it alint from A I she .atd, YQu wore righI, and I hod !ie WU" lUlted n worker, an aeklldwl- ter thun tho e%CIU:lIIent folioWmo his chiliIThe IIpparolus ia vt-ry perl!1 c t, Ilnd can Dufl'ulo to ChlClllgo or The, The Omnll,Ju.. \ was wroug. I I)fte~ thulk of the remurk l\dued scholar, lind a n ble plltlern of A lenge. He prellchlld 111\ ehl,unt ~ermon not foil to g'lve SlIlIa(IICllon The ball Iii loute lutther north I. very 'lile Nuw Yur~ CllmlllerCilllJ I\ludinjr to you made, when 'W8 were both ,Irl81 lhllt rulln On thl' openmll of tho eighth yellr In tho mDrlIJng,lInd IMr dln~~r ho Iirought .u8J1~lIded 1Iy. a smell pluno forle \Vm,. ~n- 011 qocoonl oF tlte anow ever 00 the t!lefllct tha~ Ommbuseeongmated m PII.S, In IIhoolmg a husboDd .. wom'aJl should 1i18 lulen18 Dlld integrity \\ ere coiled \0 a out l1la ln~refilor the roc th p~rlo IVlld neoled, and fixed m ·s brllll seWn" with an laOtl~ 9n tllll head wolers of Feather Rllr- thus .alludea to tbe character ll~ vehlel~ d I k t ~ I' moro profiwble necvullt. Ht! elobarked:l8 mil ., up 'i ve or IIlX 0 e p an era, all Iron pOint T)IC le\ljlth or the Wife II two er I hove travelled ove. BilOW aPper"nt- now tn use in thllt cI~y~ ; Tbe ap ..ce be... CO~ ~UDED. 00 0 wc rt not ljI'U t,b, to .he mtln pot parln'or III a bUSlIlOdS ulrelldy we ll es tdb- i un oppuslng nog produced 'J'he preucher bundred alld .8lxtCl'1I (e.t and It is hung Iy ulldrl[t.ed, varymg frOln 1~ to 20 feet ID tweep thelle.tlm the P ..riai&Q olln'ill~ , to the ~ursuit M) httllldaugh \Dr, If \lver " I~hed TI.i8 duy he 18 worUI at leasl rode Ilia little 80rrl\llIud 'won \.lIe ~oy.llmld from the bOltuqJ of the s;ch at top o( the depth ) n til\! mOllth of J el lie wlil41 enoqh (or ~UI4lnl'" to lit 7 _ • murrwl\, lIhaJl have my cellsellt to \\00 1810(),OQO, hOB II lo r Iy Wife and IWo benu-! tbe dOIl~enmi shoutS, let ame tad Ylllh'l of monoment, The extent of the ulcllJ.ulon mene'.or 1101lve allver, repo~, .. WlthOU( Jammln, ell/h other'. , WIl en g Iher 'Ieard of Lhe- f-)'Iflli emcnt me'c'lQnlc qui~e &8 rOld Iy at a prorea-'! urnl ~llIldr(lI\, a home thut IS tile centre of the dellg Ille pt'! ople Tho 1C0ngrlgal on \If the pondurum II abollt eight feet abundanl, have been brought' to Hllnd1el18 ate find on each .Id. .h~ !Il'crC)U• .an\l.IIJjI AllrCaiIlCI\II" mall .f the ah.racter II right aud a b"Jlblllt 8UClBI Intdllgellt clrllle, ond t a~l reml"lned to UI~ aftern~on ~tfdce. ''I'be motloll '.If the pendUlum lli b~auh- the 1111e ollhe !!Ioutherll rOllte • Along tht' root. ' 10 II to render pallllllH , Ii-' he I~ one of Uu~ bapplest lind \ll~t hom,r- l l1 .18 0 oae more I IIlI two IIlIl re JOllie Iulm dUl extreme llhe pr<lgress of the Ho add. _ • throlll tIli. 'PlcecoQlP~.tlvely euy. wen . W but) II"lIIjr to mi rry I ~chon (clW I1 I1, -fl r r all Ib 111 \!!lod ollollgh fur tlue, JlrtlllPI~ilt lD lire fair,,. .hlln Ill)t dr 'lw ed of fIIen, 81 'IIr us hQ III konwn Bo tl)e churClh....,.."ome trom mollve'l of smcer- revolut.IOIl or the earth I. perceptible wllh 'J have now explored California for the .toge I. full. At 1~lll\t ~Alf t!le who it mil t bo owned. I)! \lot ve ry IJrCtty , .nd I'xplo~ea dllltlllctlol18 ,' mllnh hail become of II h\.ld-mnp -Ez~ Ity, somll frdm the 1I0ve) ty, of thO thlllg, eyery 08cll1allun ot the the peucJululD the nearly tWII yeatl, aud I C9n truly .~y It III d vl~\l.1 by aflll8, 80 tha, ~o tab And, l'Cndllrj'whe I, right! datJ1l~ : ~me f rom escltement, alld IOntl ecau:e table 011 which a aCllle IS marked mO~1I111' laud 01 wondcul There are frf'sh flowerl pa$.enJer <.if corpulenl dimenI 1~~I,d~ r , If tl.fY jllle\ld to keep a aerVJIllt ___ the prellcheq was In Iha Ian UEI~ oK t e ftom lett to rJ{rht, and IU thirty mlnulep every mOllth III the Yl'afl amI Wlotcr now IIbt enor08Qb upon and IneomI ~ ul'pu"" nnt <fhe puor .ertlllture \wlH no M 'I coun y, IL mig y goo e lIW I he linlile the point on the baL( Indlcn\ed e movemll11t wllnra tho bloom of Sprlllg. I bave mode,.c.he whole row or penonl oa.,die lide ' Thp ,(con¥ irator M~Z~i:U,. O~ hll l • .call. 01 tho uffuu waa 118 Hourlahlng a ..clety of about fivo degree8 An el1\lre revolu- WilIer f811s \hr('e lind luur times aa IlIgh as on wbiob b~ 'Ila~ Sit; and by 10 "'Inge- " doullt, IIIIV tb wlIsh, IrOI\ , bllke, 'v ~ lld III'rllup8 ~uke III 'l!wl!lg. 1\1 hrlp mako ed, WOl fOr £Irteull )leun \h~ mOl-ked mOil DS ,cun be Iu~h in the \Vhol!! rCI'loll cherJl- tlpn 01 the. toblo Will occupy Ih lrty-jilc Nlugu~o, nlltural Iindrel of white R1l1tbll! mont between the prllpnetonul tl" ~tffet1 or J!:uropellll de.pollam Bad he dored to aboute aud 1\ halr hours.' far SUI po~mg III boeauty tbllt 01 Rockbridge PDt lIDO •• ~II8&epgtl(i aro l.lanlrerreil Iro~ " utI! e llds lIII:et RellUy I 11IIy ller,' all~ 1111 foot II hl:l.natlve Genul. of In any , ••• • III Vlriinia lIomo thou,alld .. " of iold one omnibus to anothe~, and cllaQgll theuOf ~uurfl) Ilu. IVIM UO!. III.ld til SUlLln part oC the I.nd "lilch h.d eXiled hllll, Chnraoter !lud In_er'Uy, ••• , beuring vnlllft, lIlexou8tlbl~ quanlillee route for a '1I1:rf.e fare. de!lth by Iho balter or by ~he I!u!!et would'Ve have .omewberjl seen II 1I0llce of A Genernl '" !l¥btllirlon. Iron 011.1 chromo oroa. leuu, blamuth and bill l~ ath\!(I; and fortunal ... ly nevt'r rellched tho hili of the br~de Slj~~11 II ''v~f, baen. hi. Ine\'ltoble lacl? [n Aunrl." Rot\crdom thread lII\!rehant wl .., blld aceu.'rhe Illto Dr Chlll0l9cS or Scotlanil, In qUlc~sllver, Plost !aeltutiful corcelalll cillY Tbll Wtfe of G.eetal Jaok.cna, kllo\\ lilli, E stber~ .vowed c~lIt~'mpt fer lleifltDtln Iy Il)r tile truth. Ruallo. or any other purt of EillWrl1 Eu- mulnttld filly thousund doHllrs iJy hl8 oWII IllS COlllllhlll18 on the 18th chopter of and 111 ~lIort III most cverytllpg tlillt tall 'rbe rnfiuenco or dUI woman 0 er her m\lellollle.,~Hd nut IIlVltO lIer to I.e.,. bride.. wllys beat g .rope, hie copture would llave been p81~ (or luduslry, p~ctuuhty, Hud ult!'grUy, nnd It Illshun c\lmpared tlu,t.di8hngol~hod leader ble8~ 1111 mdustrlo 18 lind entelprllln,g peo- hu.bllnd 1••aJd It)bne been eitreofdliia.... I' rlltlle... too IIborol than two eeo- hy punB,ll of gold Fr~nce, SWllzerclalid \fUS r l)merkod of hllll thut he hovj)r let Il of aOcHmt lire I. to.Genoral Wo.hlngtlln pie I In Olle vaLl .y I (uur,d more t Ion foror obscure orlglu Ind totaUy u-;;~mUld, .. she wuulil hav .. wllh~ to db. l 1'111)011,"0,' , bill never IIlYlilb Economlse.n and England Wcfe tbe only >countrles thllt yard o f blld tbread go C)\lt of hll hallds ,ftnd Soys Dr Chalmers , ~ Iprtngs yf. I. " temperature over I yet abe Inbefited , from. nlllllrjo 'l'be nowl,. nlll'med pnir "ere 600n Ict- Illtle thm/r',-L arn l .~J(-dl'lIlal could 'l'ecelve, Ihe fugltlye. No\v here, j would never take more ~buli .. J ~lIsonnble He-Josl.uu-lVuK the Ganonl WlISh- uhrenholt In auother valier lI~d 1I0bl~ tralta of ' lie\:" '1!.1 to t1euln a IIlce hOOle, \\'Jij$:h Henry !tlld bUilt De IllUnctuei Adllll' no dlsord~r t III 1I0W there, wretched, pros,orlbed, feared, I protll By t~eDe meuns Jle,lIcll,llIred such IOgton of Pulellt'ue, plld waR well enllLlud gel serll, IIko \I~e fOlJloua uno III luch l'erreetlol1 tbllt har " povf:et ~aa fer1 Ul\d \ hicl:i w..!d In the mld.t o( II effects and pallera Locak O\'llf your he alflt pursuell hl~ desl,lI-ti wonderlllg cl\lIre publill r.ollfidence that III CUQto.ners to a ChOICIl purtlon III the land thot he had In thiS fumous abode o~ V~lean Ihe ureat .....Gell \ Jaciuon ' .. ttacllilid to hll \, froa lim~ 10 time destroY1l1 those myth at insllrrectloll-tbe vory Iplrlt of ",ould, 118 "llhngly SOlid 11 bllnCl mon nr A lubdued Whll! 1\ deal of mo~t doepl)' III- orc.</ hot that you Clln atDlld upen Fn earl)' hfp-, IIlIt br 80mlt mean~ ot olbo ' pretty IlII~en bl()\)mll'l~ with rCle(oa"lnd nouIl61elllL ~ g conspirHcy m aurnllto Whene,er a [>lo! clllid to buy fot them as to gil themselves. tere_tillg hl~tOry hll8 vBDlshlld from the but a Ihort time, oven With thlci. boota on. mlltter WAI lllter~ .. pted and .~el lllar. nIl18!1c~Jel. The ,frognoilicaboni of "E. troduce c han e~ III our reading IIn,l ugulns~deapo1l8m was goilli on, Ih~cll was We refer to \.hll Cose DIIt tl) Intimate world,- OnQ should like to kllow tlio dlUry Tha IIIIIcIOU5 rOl1k. lire blellched to snowy another, who Rro"ed, HlltaJl.nd th., Who' re!de bUt' hllie lit • time, lUOUI"', elthu In jie~oll or b\, conespon- that we han 110 .lIeh m8ton~l at-ong our- of his rema,nlng life, 1118 hllbll. lind onjoy- willtnuli, and br~l.tod ~II~ copglomerate Willi a mOl" unh_c p), one. Gen, lher.1I1 to Sunn be'ui IIllde .. dl1!~'c. did lI ot com. to pUll. If aa,.thmf tho r'tum" thllt hlllo the betler , ~encei \lPmellmel to ~tl~ up. q.t Oilier; to lIel~e8.1>ul for tbe purpose 01 Iluggii:etllig l,IIell18, of the gruteful I'en",ot\on III wide!' rocks lire noW' aCluully rOnam\! The roar laclilon became mterretled 0 her.' ''nd the ~ U 0'1\ tlie lea or de.tln lIortendel nlSt · repre.s and Inculcate prudence Acro$S the grellt value co IIny buslnell' Inan 0/ he was heltl, dud whether the TlmnBth- 01 geysc.ra ot times tDay bv heud a cUll sequence "u' .. divorce after which he hlll too IInle to dOj the kindu ... of Pboet to Ihe WIIV.,. b!t lOW your8elr the AlpI Italy. loolJed to hl\1l, YOllng abcb 11 charc;eter, ..nd the o;tile~din, IIgree- Serah of Mount Ephtillm wu nOl eyed or more, oDd the m'lmen Id oneof IIItenao marria4 hllr" .be I. f '~ toJI,llv. DO~UIl!d , hUlblnd IUPJI1,mg bet: "lIth ," mosl not ro," ulI.klllruJly. Onoe mor~ IwhlUlll thlt dl\ted not ,penk Ilia nume, 1I1I1e.ul)>>I\ to dealerli ~111l hIm of l ~CObfi- and resorted to with the ume feel.ngll of- mll:relt us lIa you upproach them.' 1I0ne of th9ae accompliabment""~wlt~ch aer ant thouglit o£ lum \lod pr!l¥ed::. res. And we blllrm 110 hlng fectlonute pLtrlohsm wliich 11111 glow In •• adorD fllllhlonllble ilfe-roared III tile about t618 tUlle that E,ther lwoys rrallk lind true, IInflllpufll ev- IIlMt Del~her Sl\lIzerl.nd I\or FrMn~ wouh' l sxtrllVagalnt 111 ~lIy)ng lhadl the chlrnctebr the bosom" ul the Am erlcnn8 when they De trUcUoll 01 Foresh iD Madeira. buck wood~ Il!elDf and \{nowlDg bIlt liltCllntc acqulIlnll(\ w;th AI .... ron Warwick, oty kort ur afll!ctAUtlll ' und. disguIse - give an lIIIyJl!11'1 to ~uch a mun. JlIngl~nd Il.Ir 8tnC~ ntegr Iy acqu ire Id 0 r II mue VISIt Mouat Yernon. O n the prlllclp,lo of TI d t f h ~ Ie of !:\dined 'Olllflly. Yet . ber ftlie per. I ' .11 e J.. Cd t conr..... YOllr 1"lIor alont! oould uJlurd bUll a re(uge. , rlllli wortb to lIs P08l1e86or as the pecunta~ lhe Idel,lIty of human nil lure III ull agee, Ie progrhealfilVe dieltrue Ion CO It e or- lon, Itr,on" .. trectIOll8. and ..QOd Rnlel tbe a youn, ph,llc\ ..1I ",ho had received hil dl- an: ~~d 0,~r:I~:r<l~6sll. '"Conlide ",your For lome yellr., accordlDgly. he 'IVai an ry 8allllg~ IIf hLi iuduBtJy. Let Hoh a we should Imagine, or rather believe, that c~~f .~oce L he fdt lcover, YI t Ie t'lIIe~t1all of a wOlllAn~ ellala19!l ber to plolnft, and whu wae eqnally handsome rind f.ullll ulld folhes to but fc~_ I • Inh.bllUnt IIf lpndon-II I!oo~, obscure mllll 1000o by any mlsfurtune all hl8 malley, it-mllst bave been ao. loshua waa II good 0 • elra, o. Vtry malterl~ yml d Th IrfCIIIlibie ro~ce of die bold "18"plte~. 'But or In8 llall hn~ils E sther Dlmlllltb YOllr WUlll4 bit tar .. ~ay be )lllhnll. 01. It leemed, carlllD~ a hv~hholld he .. ,till a man of capHIII.o( w e i4ht,orlll- man, and occuplea 1\ bll:h pillce among the the 61linlltcr byelrn~ fll g It cas f ~ fiery wOrrlor lnd Itatennln to\Vhom cllred 1I0~ to luqulre. She \\ .. fll6ClUlltc4 IV o);~er tQ ilr ~ervc ~our fft¥dOm '/lr 88 by literature. 'l'he grelltl mua or thljl peo- IIlIence. lind II tho ~upetlor. on nl~le iJuSI- orthlos of larllel. s;:'o It at at 0 Ieavesdlo b e :~ 0 wu wedded' It \lO . . tho lion t.eJd la ,\ I I I d .... s~lbla .'ony· "'on . " y . ' 'plo he hved aUlldll L knew nothmg about ne •• calculotions. 01 many a milD 01 leu'ge t hI unrle _ ~I I) Cl 0 OPld dY ra ~".. on embraPIl of ,f.. uln I mo.'. Inftll-n\\ lUI \II' lIt s Ie CII Ie 1118 IIrititocrllllC min- 1' - " ~ . 1Jl~ • ". • • h d.1 • ••• W lin t Ie _y w c Ieor lin t~. ew .,..Ing ..... ,.-, ''''''., ~ ,,~V wou d 6ervo 10 nll et~nlty 111m Sometime. 1ft name woul appear moneye\" mean". • , d ~ I exerolsed II said ll) IIl' v" bOrdered on n Of, hll city 1t,IInd 1110 laahlulIllblo attire learn to hvo upon little. • a new8pllper, coupled WIth calumny.But' tha beauty of the lillng 1/'1 tbl., that Our LJrp.-Tfme. con.equently epoHlte pro use y upnn t'U i' ' d til t He ,~aa ,d1:vlJte~ I., Jier,l . 4~aBII\ t,o be tIUb.; !bllltlliu yO\lr nll1l\8 blumel~.s and deIII a ~OOIll olle pe\1;on \\Io\lld IIny marl, however. small hlB b~'neu and 'Vhen tho world \\al created, and III I them. they collect lind deatll,lI. It were, , 8U!:~c: orub!i c:ulam~lfQe ed :r : lmoa • Iflld It) (\I'Q" u all. be WOI ' " prurel610nal. liver tr pure lind stlllnleu to po tlltlly _ to ~not.}Jer, ''Ph ere i. Mamm,' blDlteJ hI. capltal.Jla, just I I gc:104 an op- creature. "lIemble~ to hllvo thl/lr hfe wllter 111 ~~lIt .~ul\dinc: from ~Ie out ..verle to til will or 1ft opp.r did I bl ey~ of the persoo "ould real wilh lparlufllty 01 wlnnmg confidence as the Ilppolnteu, tbe 888 first adval\\led, IIl1d uk- phcl'ie en tell on wal It' I.COVh ~ I Sb N no ell II uce re.url to quellt bOil e or Ie.. 01 Interest on tho allgllt fig mllllonllite. Inlegrlty III Imall thlnp I. ed how IQng ho would hllve to hve. ered, lind for mAlly years o.fterwardl, w to er ee lnlf' e ' seem h.. ~ meT~e a beneyolent mtorest m nil lh or a min remarl-llble among a thuu- l:l en more Impreulvc thnn integrit y m 'Thlrty-yeara,' replied ~Dtu-e, 'will thnt the northum mountalpH were co~eled With ~h::h~:d!h~.btf~:111:nt.t'i.I~:tl!i1laol!: COD cerna humalllty and h. progro8d, 811nd lor the bummg keenne.. oj Ilia eye, greftt thin,.. And after 1111 that mon .lDy be agreellble to thee1" evergreen tree., the nve ~(Jcomd08h-th\! intimllO (rlen.J uC h •• I •• lay~, thallo-:onr well l1li tbo wel fare of IOdl~ldullll ond U1e lutenlle and earnest mellncl!oly 01 III p~alle or the enterprlSf', skill, Ibrewd'Alaal~ .nswered the '88, 'It 11\ a long moat condlder,ablo 1ft Mo. elra-whie a~:t as he hved he wore h.'lIubltllte near lUI ,1v'eal,th!~ •.I ~llrlllb1e to the ~Iaml. 01 1\11. IlIg pule cDulltelllince, 01 tho.e wbo nea •• and tlcL of po~Ucular bUll1l1t>u men, wblle l Remember what a weansome eXI.- t~rou'b \h8 c.:nrraJ' w~ fo::nd tto ~ - beart Ind never alludecl to her ellcept in • .... knew him more lotlbaltely. we noYer met there II one character toward I whldl 1111 t.en~e mille wlli be from mornanu unhl c ~nl y f ot'p to Oll~ 1m e 0 Lo~ 18 .. _a~r.o jubd,u.eil a&Id full of ~enaell , ODe dlat d.d not lpeak 01. him •• a noble ftllOua In~hncltvely ,e'nder the~r lelerence, I .Hnll have to bcar heavy bordens, W loh It entera near alllCD oa 01...- that the liatener Will dt'jlI1, Imprea«d wllb. DUrortUlt Rel CtoDII. ..lid true msn-. man of ureproachoblll olld that II, the man who would rather ,be drugglllg corn-I ncks 10 the mill, dIal olher. It IS now rcdJced , lVhen ~o~ .udtelll~ tlil't~ her trllnscendent worth. !neloalng llll~ \Itow of the ch.nlte~ t rOl'lI\Udll alia Ibe mOlt exqullite 1e1l'lblh- honeat wealthy. and who prelera \D- may eal brelld,whllo I have 110 encouriJlle- ed, to II amal~ 6~calll, l JIIost loat j'11 lies-the very IOU I of cblvalrJ.ud honor. tegrJl~ to &old -N, Y. Dry GaoJ3 JlJJpor- mcnt nl r bo refreshed 1111Ih allytlllllg Lut looaol}ooks w C t thDCCUPY I~ C la~~~ ,t ...u.:' EV'D thOIR who dl_ireed ",lth blm 10 the 1m' blo"a Ind lucJur GI' e me bat II purlion WOIl u appear • e elten on 0 e l1li To ,,_ary F.DOlln. nry tenor of hl8 'peculahonl, lind ,.ho of thot urne. I prny!' tlera was coiled. at a very penod, to,t/le " AI" veJy 11\1')Z8 of our1acIT "awere dl, poled lo',.prd jilm as one mIlled Nu uro \\Ina moved wltb composeion, lIild InjUriOUs decle produced by tbe rapululln- clera lire pellllliarlr1u,ched tn 'Unt ~ by l rulle.. enlhn.ialm tbat had nothlDg Pomeroy. presented W 111m but eighteen yeu8 The .nutitm of the [llreill In a bountry :w~e~, bIrd IIIIdexpefleoce a patllcular IieliCDl ID to do With IIC1I, and that flel.8 would The Loul.vJl1e Jwrnullllye. 11811 wellt oway CORlfl)f,ed. alld tbe dOll rro,m thde d ry lind pOhrousthc slrj.. c\e , 0 t e carrnr for their wllnta, we ~,. ~.~ . . , er acknowledge. Admired 1111 indeRtructi'We are Indebted to a rrlend for. lottor came lorward SOl , lin th e N,mlt 0 ell m..te , fl)lIowiug ..d'lIce' from Gudlroera ebroolIU,uuv.~'IIU .,- \tlo mlllnumwily and hll herOIC pruerv- from Ihle tbnvlng to .... n, which has not 1e~ 'How \onll dUl t thou require 10 ll~e~ ' uro become. the grolt prinCIple or ielo, •• eervlcl!able to Ute.: . T)ie reault was Ihlt, ~I\" a ,wiater. fe. Ilnll6 .nce Aad over lUeh .. were at one willi foulld Ittl place or. the woplllnd In tho ,u- 'Iked Nllure; 'thirty ycar. were too loog ty A lalY \Ii&l. \Dllde. aad II a"l1 in eXlI" 'WheD .. lIallllry moulnt, ",hleb 1.lJClllrcourtalll" durinf which you III ,byal- 01.01. . " 180.000,000 The, mny bow In pohtlcal 'allh, hie power Imounted GUefll. [II popul .. tlon ia now :1.480, oncl for die an, but Wilt thou be coutuntcd encc-tb.ough, unhappIly like other j~WIID In July or Auruat, accordlug to 1he ciln atteDded }).allier to .. U the ball ...... ~lblJ' Iq\ount t., 16{/,ooo,OOo, Unpwlt- to abaol\lte r..oll1ation. Tbe, were never it h.. 1 rolhng mill. maklna 10 tona With them" thiS Island. very rarely or very Imperret"tly orthe weather-llf you lleed do la. IQ .lol",ln, partin or the nel .... boTbooc1 II t .... lal860. compiiled the Protlllllanta 01 tlr do! talkllljfof blm,ol uelng' him. trOll a d"y, a ftouflng mill •• II fnl·ndprle., 'Ie It thy win that I ..hould" replied tbe enfotcf!&-lVhlch made it penal to cut down keep blm and free rr'Jar draybtl. e BUNpe at &8 000.000' our h.tenmll to hlm--lbey worebipecl him With englno ahope. 8 saw m1ll1, 1 carding mIll, 1 dOll 'Think how muCh I $boll have tp I. vlnh.tlco or til, If found uear- a fountain. B~lnf a uefl'lul !lnl)' Itlna tbore le DO prop.,. In due fCf~ ,Or b r.aad W..I _ I\wel ' In, America a lervor all but rel'rlo~-QuaiUrlg &_ coru ~III I dlen.lve tanbery,lI w.(on run aboul; and, when I 10llt my or olllhe b~b of a river. The lame ef. Deed to b.,8 him cove'" up but do nol cepte". PareDtI aDd d.ugbter ..... e'l14,a; over !lO.OOO,ooo In ahop•• III amllii' Ihope, 1 I..rgo bo.t yorll. for barkinf' and my tCllth for bltllo,. feclI have beel1 fO!lIId to follow. In a creat - let hllII elicited. G\n Wa a I,. d,llrhlecl with the matah, Both partleta and Oce.. ni~ mlllln, ' ... ... . Wel.1t churches. 8 German diD, 6 Eog- elM ab .. 11 be fit for but to he iu • er or Ie.. degree. III all couotnc_. wbether vt}ry of raw .. tile I b b d l¥ed 100000000 o[ Prowatantl et 11111)101_11'1 P .... r of .eaaor,. h.h do Ind pwlt' troplo.1 or DOt. rrom tho} diminution orUIII- and I cold ••lerOllu . . . .k. m .." age ",e~ I OIIt to e ace lin:e 'Un. ewitter allO comRia powera 01 appUcauolI .. nd melLory It II .. lie .ommdft .cbooi.,lugh .ohool, Nlture thought he .... rlfbt, and pve be_.whether produced b,. the 8.II~Dlion ,0I1t orllanl bill. . . ., alike. bot II yet nellber lr.nt-llif thll; tbe Greek Churcll In 8UJO\1e, .. t tile _mecI IllDOlt pre-.raaawal. Tbere and ..eademy, pri~tlul ollic·, and telegraph blln t_lwe yel". 'l'he then luhlntlon o~ iJy other cau_ -D(. At". .ow-..d th........ tIt' ...... u1iiI _\I WIS brlp\ .l1li , .." .ther r..Dcled "lRe, to rXc.ed 69,000,000, TIle lICarcel,. IDIln In F,..... .. nd aa.. m em- olll.:e. proached N r DrlWf' 0lI MtUlnrll. lAd rI~ ehickW. .IU. f.ll..... N. . . ehe ••~ to ~ve .. rlet. b\llba1H4 AlproOil Amel'iCllnjl·oplc. 8p1.Co Ch.We- ,101men" ~Ib wbOie ,n¥lle hl.tory,c:harTwo comp .. nies blve been ,~rpnlsecl 'Thou wilt. doubtless •• iIIi llrll hore , '0 will dO the ""l: ..... ~t 1 - JIIIlwidi belie. . lit ... to D1111'f Ul helreu The other O&-klltal ehrl"ll" .. t Alii >ICier, and ".Ihficlticml b. . . . bUL ac. there for 'borinr f;Jf Hit wlter .tld manu- thirty ,.are,' HId Nature, 'thou Wilt a buadloale new _t dIa4 .UI UIp Ida d It... Afrlel, - , numba' lOme millions qllll\.~. H....... WMO Eaaperor, 1IOUII facturiDg •• It. Po." .lUjll have to. JaIIow IS the ......od the dOi' Lire Ipruee ...d IU& bl. a rail,.,. IIiIIcI .. I P I, ~ 111 each bad cotal'letl!lt lao problbly DO\ Ie.. \baa lin or .ia and t ..~lee. wbilla be OIlled &be ....1 eta- cODltantl)' fIlllnln, to IIIIf ,¥Ill be .......t to ...... _..d ailll b'- cl&w. whID \beJ .. ..en In tn. olher, mIlIi01l.. Tbceo.clata ri,e die Ronulinlltl tl.lICI of lUI elllplrL H .. ,e,Mecl aad torAll llale .ema to be the ..... • .........;., it iIIIIl'f took 10.. ....... ~ • 'r~y were lIlarrietl, Th. dre. . . pn!' IU,OlIO,OOO. lblf l'roleaUntl 100,000,000. reeted tbem b,lD.Iail'eTlII r.porta. priwate COiII, lor wblch three lod .. olbe~ 1\ will lie' ~ri w..~~ Pll1!ll ~ tile bride we,. tIIe ..1It of tile en..... (1 rc! ka and Ibe Orleotal. 86 .000,000, coDul'IIIlIon ... 1I4 COire.puncience. He re- bUtihel. aN )'01.,11 lR,ned ..... 1Io.... llhall h.ft DO .~ tire loW1l l1I .. klft, I total of 130,000,000. 01 Clltil- cel,. aU lettan,la"-twhal aHlII2! raend. frelD whOilo teller we .11 III8rfJ tricke..... ~1 piff '8 h ~'"' • ~alll. out of the ••Umeled l .. crecIlble, b • .read .1Id fClCbllt'cted all lorelOln,. '1.lllilliCJ'. 111]'1 thai tar be . , rri.l-, .ad tIMw lie ...,anled I --:~=J:~; IIc ...... ap. IUIIb elepel llaeDoIIIcb populatiun or Ihe CarfJ'a ...tlm- h. _Ind_ H. mep' hWe••nd ".. abOllt tbie loob \brUty. witli • . . , 'ppIe. How oftea It .. • 1111" oil! ,lID aenr .............anIrOtJe.' ..... halt 8I;1!iI4wy ...., p . . 114,000,GQO er idle .... I.....a\ wb....... ke. liallced lite tbt blua' COIIOI&W ........ jletl I . . . . . . allith aGt4IaI . . .I. . . . . . . . .U. . . . oC Cbria\iouut ur peo,le. be all hour lut di."ltIQ be not unrre_ tlle 0111, to .blUG • ., liar tIiltt,r ~' til... _1&0 tIa. Greek ............0JeIII it ...... om • IIooIt ....... H..\QN be ateDd of marrying an

h~lrc,~, he


repoal, -;;;;;

0110 '

or( the QOllfidrnce or Ulen whu know thu\alllollil; ,m lind tieDr

lr~, \Vb 'n 1110 ' ; 111 seem

--;";'~~====:==========_ ed lumself to II wonian who wo.l~ probo- perlodl \ 10 1800, the R om3111sIs bore I them, eHln to the centimes. 'l'hua h l ~ de 01 SCCOl!81blil cool lind lrnry aud nolV. Hli ia lown deRlruble, 1 s hull die' "' IJly be pennlie.~. Mince her porohts lived rule over nbout 120,000,000 of pepplil- ~ Iectlon or erwra III aCC!lU\ltll appoare[J mllr- Ialud , ore reahzmg "II enormous revenue I grunt me '0. longilr perlod l








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4, 22,21, Ill, 18 Il CO


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19,7, 21,


I, _ ,16, Il, 18, I,




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, 211, 1 , lQ, i, it, Georl! , 2 14, 17, 16. 4, 18' T1 er

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MI·AM -' &






and Domestic News, lmlJsemelit,

'0. ~EDlTOR

i7, 1.51.

• J , j t ¥ ' \ J -,.-,=--- . . . . . - , . . . . , - -..... !: . . ---,.-~,.. : \_ .. _____ib • Itona of mlll'rylllg 10 Jlelft;~I!, he hlld unit.- RomiBh ",nd o$er governmeotsl\t Ihe I'"o' and r.ould ut Gny ltme repeal OilY 0110 or l thc cOlliidt'nce of moll Whllknclv thcl'olnelbluolII (tllli b~ur IruII-Il'hon IIle \\,1I 5eCnl l lll' It allogolh"r 10 w(,11 QIO th~ ohl f..Ia , ' ed lumsclf to IL woman who Ivo.ld probn- perlod,i. In J1800, the R Ulllllnlst8 bore t ll relll,evtJn to tile cent lines. 'rliUl llJ~ de- i OI aocesslble cOlli nnd mlD, and nDIY.,"d Ie IIltt!t d ~lruhle,1 8hul\ dIll' Oh, NMurc' iOllS. It doee very weU when thy , )aullel l ure delermlned to weur the ~re~ehe. ft~ bly be pOl1l11lc.~ "ince her pllrcnts lived lule over about . 120,000,000 of people~ , leCtion of crrora III UCCtlUlltll appellrcu mur- sind, Itrc reahzang dll enormous revenuc ' grollt 1'00 n longtlr period' I U ., " I h d Id ' thu ProteHtanl rule scueely exceedl'd 20,- valou9,lUld lie orloll Indulged III Ih e pur- I from Ih elr weH condllolcd prop~rty Tiley ! 'ThUll ahul £ have the eluhle. n yeora 01 ilOme, hilt il dDCS not luuk very demanatll ~P!? IOlr mcome, w IIC wo.a er ve eu- j OOO,OOQ anal tbe Greek WOl< less II)o n 30,. ' dolluble aruficc 01 t1lsplllylllg th c~o raeul- bnve done llIuch In delcloplllg tho re- , thts II-tI b~ijldes' to I\' Qar lbem \0 tho street A bnrideullio tlrely from Irapo. He could not cDuceul 000,000, Nb\V ~he RDnllsb sway extends l tl".11l a way to Creu.le m persuulloll Llult , Buurces (jf this vlllley. and, In Cheol'elllD~ 'Thllt III not yet enough,' repUed Inlln, dre .. pf 'tho pr \Ihllng .tyle, alld thDae "l'llke IlIlcwl go lh n Iwelve vellra IlC Ihe whll:h 6weep the Il , ie, nlur .11 1 tile his chogrln; oud ESLher. undeceived 11<1 11.1 i over sbout 166.0QO,OOO-~he J'rolestant ~ IIIB vlg llellce 1\lIS ulanost8uprrnllturn l 1n I lhe pr.ce of fucl, deserve tbo gratllude 01 Inl motives In mar~ytng I,er rClproached , 226,QOO,OOO-1 e Greek about 76,00,0000 • rtlllnlllg over all tlllclluut ",I expenditure' l every mnn mtereMlp.d In Ihe ntiv lg nllon Of dog' mOi l lIeauli ulill 1\ iilGh tIIo to malo forill Illm bltlerly ' II. shalT\' I I ' d l'ho condillon of Rell\unlsm, re lative t'I P IO porcelvd th e fOllons of a lIallu1aon UlC upper 01110. Bnd mlhe grow th 01 our 'fl i~ nut l uffi clent,' rellerll,tcd man, j con be nlh " • 0 II sce ne "1I8ue ; ollaer 'religious b'odills, alld In Ita po~uc'l l l charged on 11 curlUIIl dDy 0,1 11380Ilcon.- cltle~, In whlllh lho ChC~PIl~6S of furl Id 'give me more :' • It ~orled l!llhe husband g9 1l1 g olll wilh nn pl'edomlna~ce, hUB Iherefore und9rllone &ie4e-btttrilion n 'el~11 Pltll. Ill,' sliid he an hllperlant element of pru penly 'I alvo lhee, thelT, lhe ten Yllol'" of tho - - ---.-.-... ., Ft\lI ITII~ M/~", VlSlTOlL oalh, lind In ESlher fulling Inw byliterlllS. Mur.prlsing chl\llgea wltilln thiS perlDd- 'II y a erre ur.' The JllulIltor, l'\'collectlllg ape; III TIlln \I lit thou crave more!' Uo. til AdmollJ.h. " GOD 18 LOVE. ' ... , , Mlln depnrt.ed dlsKatlafied \V e ~n~ull ~he e~ntl4!5" m.o?or , .Mllny sucl'..QllcmeJ& followed BOlh Of! changes willch 'ore full of comlort fur the th ut t1ie Emperor hild bee ll at th e time .nd present. and hops In Ih fUlure, to a!1 lov- oUlol France, ~nd conJidlnl!r III the reguNeedlo lIJl\nufnutt;>rl'_ 'l'hu8 man Ii,oa devCnty YORfII The anll 'aofteKt 8e180n~ o! lu\dre... our advlI:q thl a 11I.malched UIT were cxlrllvn" UY' (lIl ESTl:1t PfE I D p " II' nt, J ora of genulllo Ireedom, cl,,1I or re)jglons' l lorl~y of hiS 6ul)/lrdlll3!e I1gonl.l, pordl8ted The Newark Adertlse r dUYS tho ollly lirat llmty of hiB Ide nre IllS humqn yeou, mUln lI:lt full, like Il vlDlent atorm, belrJng Ihey were 800n conscljuently I~volve d III Another Inloresllni conaiderll,tiun to ~he that tho battoliDn mUI hnv ll '.lcon at beaan, I n!ludlo snastufQctory III tM3 country 16 In ' and r,U/ls SlVlftly by. Ho Itl l IllIi o ' hcllithy down and mnklDg thOl.' to droop, whoD)' It G~d i9 I~." 0 MBII nriaul debt. TlVi ~e Mr. lrvl!le, thDU:h relue! ploua 80ul JlI, tho relative mcreall'e of OIlrill- ten. Napoleoll, 1081~l ell On furtlll't lDqUI- l thllt clty-estabIl8h~d by a gentlemun (rom ~ ond lo rpy-be lubera oheerfully, ~nd re- la lIle~n.t to chcrl~b and refre,h. It 11\1111\ , DohQlu II wrilton on I"o,kles. luntly, dl9c41l~gud ltlelrobllgolloll8; buton tllln8 lD the \Vorld. 'lfLy nar~ Ilgo til e ry. It lurned OU! 10 be 0 fruud, and not Manchester, England, 'rhe mQ'ln~r Of' Jolce8 in hl8 eXIslence. The eighteen deallend, a8 the dow UpOIl the tender !ler», the Ihlrd offence he poaltlvely refused 10 Chflstivns \Vero l~8B Ihan one-fif:h of th e !I mistake, Those peculating bccou ntonl&, maklog ntledlell is dea~rl~etl ab very liller- Iyears of the ISS ~OIDD next and burden up- or hk. meltlllgilnkes of Bnow, the Aofter "I'le tri OW lo~ III you .l'uunl of hghl, d h I I ' h I \ populatlon of tlie globe' nillY th ey exc"ed J lyero dl~II\I!led,lInd Ihe ~crlilt lUlr;lng splnt esLing-sumo al1(\eell dl ffer~oL prorc8ies . on burdonl8 hooped upon hlln; he carrIes II fall s, {he longer It dwel1a upOll, all,l tU" I ~ . ;Anti In the sl~r" uf jllbl. n,!!I,I, 111 Ilr ere. 011 t e resu t WlI!Itlllll e 6 lor- a (ourlh part. of Ihe Emperor Circulated WIth Ihe IIlCC- bllmg necessary [or Ihelr eomrlell"". 'rhe \ Ihe corn thot ia tb feed others, Dnd blow8 deeper It airlka into til'" nlllld. If therll II crown. tho. brow <lr'blu. 1nnc morn, Iff 8uld lh~m out. Along With tllese cncour.lglOg circum- dole lhruugh ~I'cry branch' of tho public ware from whl oh Ih ey ure modt', IS Import- pnd kIcks are tbe \V~"QI of hl8 faithfulser- ar e few who hnve the bU'J\I1J!~", ~l! c !;e-v. Wlwn Symmet /III~ her gulden hurn, I'ovp.rty did not SlVeeten the lemper. 01 stallces"we ought Il Qt to [orlrot thu ra le- !serVlce, In II wuv to deter every clerk from I'd frum ElIglond. It 's euL 1011) lenglhs vlct' '1'h" twe he y:Ora of th o do, follow; adVice 118 they ougbl, It 11. oftcn (je~.I.i1. On 8nf\Jr Iloluw-oll hel-ven .bovo. clllu.'r, anll 1I10lr allerclltlons Incronsed In neaa of ethlfma ID all Proteslant CDuntraes Cilmmlltanlllhc 'shghle6L error, Irom Cenr 8ufficlent lor tWD , needles each, lind aner l und he IDses hill tooth, Dnd Ilea an 0 cornor there nrc few who~11l~cIlNle dl~cretl?n t .... Il~ hll l a.l h wr~~lCn, GQd I. lovo Ire UCI1C Whut I I . I I nor Lhe 'pd cOIl'eequcllcos 10 w\lIuh 8u ma.- Iof medlul.! del~ctlUn.-Lord beu,g rub~cd .trllighl, they ore pOlnled up- ' nnd grolYls. When Iheso art! gDne, the convey It III a prop r ve 0, ad Gon 'Juah'I y Itt e practice ler IU8- ny of them lead nor tile hulf-clmstlunl%cd I FOI tl!JTl RcmlnlSt)(;tlCtlI. on a stone ul Ibe ruljl ul one huudred per J ape's tull years form the cOllcluKiol1 'rhe fy tho hllrehoess IIlld blUtroel1 of reproof, (lud 19 Io.vo. , 0 Man I\wnl.el • bUild had oblalned, left hllll almost elltitely chllrncter of muny Cb rI8han ~, especldlly • " " minute They are Iholl stomped WILli Im- mall, weuk and silly, becomes (he s\lorlof agamst wblcll currupl/lJlllure,1t1 apMtr r ... "llIl lrOIll thy gloom /IUd Ult.lIdom b~ .k, urter h'~ ~~truvugQlloe IIccume expo,ed, umoJ)g thobe Ivhu huvo ohun"ed th e catdn t d Ib 81' prelsl:!nl preparatory for the eye., which I cllildrcn, I voll, by d.l IIrtful Il'Ilxt",re 1/1 1I"lJotellll1l1' • fl ouch btl "Ill 1f,lng around beguII ••. ~ I Ch b d ~ i f I ow u raw C hll e rs. ,I b y a pre8~ a \ tl)11 rn t eo f Ilrt y and ngreeable ' To probe ,lj nd Ito IIcouaed hl4 wife, i\l cD.. equeu co,of ogue ent en go s or t lat 0 lumlln Severlll years a"o we weill Q reSIdent 01 are puno b e~ _ _ .. • I th bingredients It! '1ft! b Id 1111: All~ Io~y 8wlui ill t,.crtul{am\lo~, Ihe hnYllIa !JolO Il the c)luse t1u' o u"it Iae~ tl'ckor Illhumon gamldj nQr the 1~llldehty Ibllt norlhwcSlern Lo'::s6Iunu. ttll confine~ a mlnnl.O. and ~hell IItru9g upon Wlrel lind wo:nl t~ c °ft~om w dIal I~ u neK. nr &" "hrre wnlf "loom, , ' " prevnlls In nll n oml n~1 CliflStll111 COUlit. I 'r '1'1 ' e I h pluced In anotner mndllUO to be filed and PaclOo And Mi ~~I .. lppl Rnllood. on relo IltaOll 0 I Iroo sp ntUl1:, ~ urgeofl. J ho /lDwers of r~ llIht ftlld Gladnu •• blI)OIlI. Ic~s expendllure. of 1,19 rUUl, IiJ rlUler re- rac~ -lb Ch Rev~w 0 I lexns Ie p op e ~ cr~, nS 11 gllil~ui foshioneilllllo lhe (orms 'Of ncc~les 'fhe frule,lur Forost Sh~pherd, au a I~tll!r to alld yet wllb all tho delicacy and tCllderJ\ II oftrlh booonl h, like lIenvvn nbo\ 0, \Orll!~ FrequeIIU)', lIl tl\e~c h eurre l ~ lli(,Ir l " i ru _nn g , wera/oc mllc I gllvcn 10 go d~' hurdeDlng Ie now done lIy a hot f~rnoce the New Haven Pulllldium I.Y8 , neslof 11 frlend,re~ulr81 u very a!exleroue b i 1 nel5, 0 out 88 ,or t lelr sou 8 liS II Y lu " 'I rl re Int Ion I 0 it Ie proJocIl!a/ ro II ron d ter Ir Ilun. nn . "allllj , III e depOr lls, Rill', IICdll1S "lIh IIlory, CIld 13 love! YOICU rO e su h igh thotlP.CrdO*S in Ild 0 II ~ b b db, cO d ii and they are aftorwn.rds ternpllied slrolghtan d ma5 • J I Whur'll Hodlnoll CIlII do. I or t elr 0 les, eng uncon rne rI to elled und galhered 1010 bunches' of nbo\lt frum the 1l1ls1Il8sippi RIVer to the Pacific ment lind a complacenuy ot lIeh.,iour will IlIg rooms, for t he, unhoppy pulr wl!re Muny pepple turn \1\' their " nose~ Ilt the 81l!ely 1.11 ellher ~ y()ung 1~:nerel1t 60,000 cII('h, wluch are snlurated with ull thllt the ro~ d call be construcled frum the dllllrm the must ollatlDllte, wberea., If In- • Ifourding, heard Lllelt mutual"'pro8ches wl\al they cull-d,rly wUTli,' n~ Ihough 011 re~o!er lailp~~"~d II b~l: ri ll I\he no gl~bor- IUld emery tied In a olOlh nnd placed III 11 Pnqific: tD Ihe Ml ilIllllppl, without crolllllllg IIlend of clalmly pOinting out their mlatllkc, At IUdt, huntell down by his creditors, hoheet 'lnuul' WUlI ~\ut c1eaper thun mOIlY l '~O t urlll l S thellrt If ';' ~19n UlI' ae~ Irough wl"1 u hellvy plahlc movu,!: buck- any mountain8 or encountering 80 muc\J we breok 911~ ' IDtO unaeellily nlhelt oC and cbruf:'!d ilL !J'J w,fe Algoroon ,uildll ll- I kid-gloved ways of swandling one'3 way a oU !cpoBan~ I e w~ BOlOn an g;:o Iltd' and forwnrd over 'hem, tiO that after lIJIow fl,S be~lvel)ln Boslon and AllJnny. He pllllslon, we cellSe tQ hp\e In, mil (,flO. ut 1 II sue e.a W~8 \loor. ot Rome 'Dlne I1IYS' chllfing 10 . thls manner this route is from lite Mud or aouth- \ • ,. • • I , " thrDugh the world_ ;Rnther Ihnn owe our earnes,!" Iy dlilappeared from the tOWlI, ond hu ~ ntv- I llvilig to the lnt!er we would IIIlimtely prO'. \lvcr half a dozen personl could be got . to- they nrc r!'heved of Imperfections and rlUl~ purlloo of Pularo V~lJey. through Wal' er alOce ue~n h eard ur, tll9ugh, )t IS Sill/I. a fur to shuke caZIlII Or ~weup c1lllllney9 nt galher a,t h lkl SUnd'lY..'lleetln,gs and ne be- dered smoolh enough (or the nnol ""lilhln" '11 PPM thcnce to the. MejllTee ~)ver, SaU Well iD TeDDe"ee. " h'lin 18 figUh I"!'Iy CCIlI~, per uy'~ ' n. it ny or two dlllce . gu~ to t nnI the rnwUID" l. riI t 0 b Igh g.qun d8 on ' " perloll 10ml'W IWI rl:ie UlullDg 1 d h L urur ~VU 8 ,,"' '' opon Th~ lemper 18 then taken oul of t101-. 10 eye. nort'l-eo~\wa Mr. Easterbrook, rormerly IPr~ 1 cl ent c:' in" III Slln FnncI8co Eilthu, hns return we learn GIl Inslructlve !Jlt of hillory tDUch- ,~~8 eU~lIels IIIlD tellrl.'llldl e~ (luvor~ w lave and they are drilled to plevent Ihelr eult: trlbutonell of the Rio Cl>lorltdo, thllllCI tbe Knoavllie Um,er&l'Y,' ~'" oe~o fo; , t j cre-. to • Ir d I 'd 1 0 k ' I d ",e peop e, e CrmllieI ",uweve" I h d • tl Id b III.... t d' Go~ Is love. 0 M~ 1 ~l d' • ed \0 I or (alh e r'~ house \\ lIere bl! Ii II~ , "I" 11 !lor u Ir y W { - I l 10 ·m\1n.l b ~ Ih lllg 110 t rell • eros-lOg 10 sa rlyer ft Dve e ",ea some timil engage In 'Iokln, a well III • .1 , , B v ' INu Illullor where he wu born; he ~o un 1 ,!l e re~ 0 ure eavUlg . e Carlon, thence caoL to Pllot Mountahlneor II.ndeuon counly, EIII' "reunellee, lind '1'1111 ' . 1IlY.' P'l. . hul!'bo I.lI.r Iltt!, a brqke n·benrted WDman. llonll the wOrle fur beinlr u turk man ur orlloO<l, lie prDGuted 60me prDlted •••• , Fe, passing Pilot Mountam on the bila luerecided in reaciling a bold ,iream 'o r Anll Iltere, til bUrtlihll wUril8 01 firo n~"ulltllDl! Susao's hU~UOfld has rIsen 10 Irish mUll.' He clime to Ihlll rJty abcut lcn bll!s ana hr d them toa~d up ;n e~er~ cOll Rotatioll oj tile Eortb. Ilolrh SIde. lhe ncE' to Santo Fe lind t~e Itrong WilIer, at I depth of about rt'TO ''I'ls «rlvon, nnd sbo ll n o~ cXj.lcu, cDmpetellce" lie owns Uow n Illrge steam_ lye.ra ago, y,oung, healthy, and hopesl.- :PI~o~slr IlCjlIll :roe I "tr,l c. W Ie , rell We learn from the BOllon pllpers 1t11ssiuippi at Apple Creek Ill'luw St. ~u- feet. Tubel been ordered !lnd aU , 1!:lerr,.1 thlJ liarollllh LQv" ~I<I ftlln,. In 11 ror plulling nnd will beCore ten yeart; , he cO\lld 'g,:1 no employ but hOd'CIII'Tymlr' l 0 R O O OIYI0i.e de '-TI • R ' ~ apporlllud fDr teetlng Ibe eaperllnent i8, \yhere thure Is a g(,lod landing and' opon poulbl djlBpatcb Will be emrloYlld to com- .. CI.utllln IDr 1i;1. Glory. onme. , .' . ' t ulld he cUrrJod 80 well AB to enrn at once EL1GIOU* OTIC£ 1(, ev. r~ FOl.lcaulut the Bunker lilll )%clnument nnvlgwuoo to New Orlellns through the mence tbe Ibanufll Lure 0 ..It. Tho '1'IIIlt an\nl IIJIIIII relllll willi ehtlll abqv., be ~ulle q rich mUll. AIIVnyR having bc(ill hiS dollur a day. He procurCQ c!tenp, bllt B11l~ey Will preach n e~l Sunday 111 D em- Itlillellrly complel~d, ,n(11V11I be openl'd to wlIlter, and or course a road on .the bllllk wellia surronnded wltb a \len.e (ortlt or ,\ nil know forc cr, God II !rIve prol inent ill the lyceum, nllll hav\lIg lllkelL !gOOd bourd und l6ldglU!r'; iipenln\lne of hi" /BeYr. II Gr?~e, :t ~eM9 ~o/:k'd A , M, aald the public ellrly tlilfl wellk. On Friday Ihe MIIsiB81ppilo St Loui., The route I hellvv tIDlbe,~ and I. WIthin one or two un acllve pnrlill town lIU'Ulrs, It III III COII- eufninr in grDeelioR or low plllcPI; oltend- tilt our nO 0 Oil h " rovl C,OCO p"erwll • morDlng, Pro(edilo r Honsford , III pr~$ nee will bo !loo ur 800 miles near..r than huo~reJ yrmht of me.a~IlUItlille c:oal-bed8' I e dueo t 0 d hIm- III". II e Iiservloe., I O~Cl'r~ AI I h BUll ker H III_ .. .: .1 th lelll(iIU l to n 10 send IlIan to Congress, If • he t e d Ch,urc II on Iii 0 8U III.pill, '11 etwcllD h' J \ tIe pr.-uc t ler lie 0 t e ...onu- otIIlIr, h a. W(.'uu an d ~at er oer1y e that/uel Wil1 eyer be /cheaPl ""th " er , a/llf cV""l nga ; hud up }Dlllley. und at the , WI rUII liSlIorre m re U !Iil, ogomo uny ment ABsociotlDn, Ihe Commltteo of thc d18tunce, ond abllnd3uau or etope and Call wtll.oon be sunk and ~8 Jlroapect 1l'11I ~1I~l' llt to ~jlrve. lond of five ycariS buugl,t 0 lot In t)le clly, 118g Ibllt cun b" trottedoullll thiS region, Mec haniC ASSOCIOtlUlI, und .evera l SI(II:II- lit SanLeFe T.a.eabuverouw~iJl.ccomthat a hitherto undilcovered Bourell Nut 10llg ago El~ther, of her own accord, lalld bUIlt II pre~ly cottage. In ol)e yE'lir [or IIl'urse uf five hUI\il~ed d,)II~rl fip geotlem~n, BOl tlse' pondulem in lIIU- date both Nortn Qn~ South, New ' wealth to EII4 Tenne~_ ia about Q dllrlug Oil ~meNloon Vlalt '" Suslln, Ill.\ul\ed moru he found. gootll wlflil aud uMed th e jl T~l1d Jlad tlli desIred e~ll l;l~1 Peoille n, und In the alternDoo the l'zporlmcnt ond CohfllrSUll, rna OC6UU atcamere will bo unlocktld.. to h ~r p."l folly cottuge he hod beror~ renled o~t, For 00 e rom a qUllrt~r~, 011 Ie anxlely WII repeated for the bonelit of members loon render 11 trip Crom Su Franoisco and 1 • 'AI!' h ' '1 • l t d J Ihl1JlO tilX Y'ora he hlld Kte.dlty come~ the ae: theh8lngu~ar prell~~li~ w~. evlell grej' the prellll. The TrDn.orlpt soya of It: AitQrili Q8 I)ght 4 matter U I\t present from ~ I II e Iftij. 'you were fig I ,Iln !slld.!ie WUII noted a worker, un.acknowl- er I I1n \ 0 eXCitement \0 olVlng us C 10 'The Ilpparolus 1/1 very perlect, and. CQn. Butralo tu Chlca/l:u or Illacklllaw. The wo" wron",. I [ 'JfLen thiAk of tbe l'ew_rk edJ:ed schulqr, lind II. noble pu~tern Df 11 lenge. He preucned an elegllnt .ermon not fall to gIVe llItiefacllon. The bllll IS rouLe rurther north ie very objiecILiol~ll,I"' 1 you made, when we ~I,lt\l bOlh ,lrJ~, Lhat Ulun. On Ibe opellllllC of t\lo:eighlb yellr j lO ~e mo.rnlng'llD~ he brought luepended by 0 ama ll pIllno forte wlte, on- on account of the .now ever on the ur,e refi,ur t rUi' th In r.hooling • hUl hond a woman shuuld hlB lulenlB lind IIlleqfllY \\ ere called to. a out III neuled, Ind fixed In I brU8 setting. wllh I\n on thll heu~ wlters of Feather Rlvd look to crl~ not "'oalth to ilie ' m n nM ~lorll profitoblll nCCllunl He lllOblirked ,. ma II up ) ve o~ ~'( 0 d e' ter., ~n Tho lenlCth of the Wire' II tWI) I havo Irllvelled ove~ BnOIY apparllnt· th COI\<LUUlI. • I a parlner 10 II )su$i!le~i Illrently willi eHtab- lUI opposing nag pro uee . U preoc le1 lind sIxteen le.t, and ' It 16 bung undrlfted, vllryln.: rroln 12 to!!O I __ I to t~e pur~u1t. ill' ht~ln lIauelll,er. If ever hihed, Tbill duy Ie UI worth at ICllst I rode Ilia ll~tle aorrei Bnd wQn the day the bOll,um I>f the arcb 01 top o[ lhll the month of J,ne. fIDe " ahe mllrrie. ,lIlInll hlye my co,l.ent to ~Bd 1,100,OPO; h.1 a lovely \¥ile lltid t vo beau· lhe dodJelll ng .IlouUl •• oreamll alld monument. Tho extent of tbe o'~llJallen native allver. reporwll, too, " h~n E,..,laer heard 9 f the ep;alr!!menl ' I met'loolo qUite. '8 readdy u a profea- 11M rhildr(!lj; • home $at Iii the centre of t the dellg hled pl!cple. Thl! of ,he pendulum Ii about eight feet. havo been brou~h' ' to Ule .h~ dnrt red, unJ _aId earenlliClll.lJr. eiunalmllu. If the ellDrae er 1. rlgli"lnd a bJilla1\1,~ suclal und l'lh:lligell\ olrcle,lI nd a lilemtned to t ''l'be DIOtlOn ~r the pelldulum Iii beanll- thethe Southern route.' • 'WtlOoI, golllg to marry • meChllmcl~ , I~' be IS one \I' the bappiel~ and Dlost hOllur- I Jt& C OBe more, IlD wo (UllO ~IP. extreme. The prt.gres8 of the lie add.:- . , o W l'll,lIft r all It Iii gyo~ $nou II lor !:Joe, !lle,pr Poect ID I e lllr, r '~II\ : ut draw ed of men, •• rar n. bo 18 known. S o the church-~oD,el from moti,," of revolution of ,be carth I. percept.ible Wllh 'J have now explore.l Clllffornla {pr fIb cd go t rooll~h und "xplode~ dls t l\ctlOn ij much h:ill become o( a hud.mun.-Ex- Ity, 6cme from the novelty. of lhe every oscillation 01 the Ihe pe udululll the I\cllrly tlVU yeare IIl1d ( con O'uly lay It I» 1\1 ,0 IlI'u t C 0\1'11 I I~ n ol very p 01 :y And, relitluf, ~bo I. ra~litl c1aa'flJ' ,< sOIll~' frotn Ilacltement, lIod um" 011 which a Icale 18 marked mo~,"g land of 1,.'~~~~:~;~a:r~erJ'rye:Bh~ft~o:w~e~ra~=~.::':~:~:J~~~i:M:;~:'" ( I~olldp r If -tl, Y Irltl'ud, to kee p 11181YanL. • ... _~ tile praacher, w .. In tho , IlIngJlage !Yom lett to n,ht alld IU thlrLy mlllute~ el'ery Dlon,h III tl wl I ~IIPp\1S" IJIlI 'rlro pour crfla~ure wll: no ; - .anlol. I~I !Ii 1I1lgbty rooOd (el}"h The ' l the pOint on the b~lIlOdlcated II Inove'trient wen" the blobm of "ullbl, Il ,vO' l .. ," nsla,lro'I ,b.kl!,white wftah Th . ... ) h I II 0 t 1 0~, ~~r wada, a~h oUhrl'le"~g a '~~Ie y of about live deureev. An Il lltl~e revolu- wllter falls Ihre'll and '1' , 0 'contlplratur .w.lIUlnl, lIa e • en • as CBn .. e luUO ID. I) IV 0 aceiloll u.ere· t f ,) t ,,"'I ill • tl fi N t I b d of UIIU I,urhnpll tlike In 1lill'IIIg to ht'lu 1011)(0 ed,w" (or wl tleell ,yenrB Ihll' marked man b Ion 0 .10 U e. w occupy IIrly- ve Ingcarn, nR uro rt I' d R ' II I' Ii I I ', ' of EuroplllllhdelPDlJ.m. Bu, lie dured to a OUla, and a half hours.' far 8Ulj!USlIlnlli 111 buuty that 1.11 RDCk 'J I " ull e ll I moN !l1l\:Y, p '! ler, \ • ' , aet 11l.IODt III ~I~ n alive Gsno., 01' III Iny 111 Vlrjllnla. 'Some thDuundil' Of el/\lr.,1' dll' 11''' Qot .said 10 Sunil Ob nal.,. of ,£ljIRg. Jlld lit. par~ of tb~ li nd ,whIch hatt exiled him, ••• • beurlng vulnll, lDe.uu,tlble qUI.ntllue. lIuI to ~h<lrli IInd '/orlUnutely nev(\rre_ch- tie, t;:~rh' ~:~~,Ilnd bQ SI cnt. II Idesth by tbe halter. o r 1Iy, the buh~t would Cenctlll :Wq~"'.u"IUtl Iron Illd chromo ore., relic!, ell the ell... /'r '}Ie bride SUSQ II. hih eve!, In a IlItroll betwi1f:t trutli and r.Jap.houd, have ulle n blS Inevitable lace In AU8\r\a 'r.he 11110 Dr. Chllllllerli of Scotland, I qUlcksllver,lIIolit bellutlful kilO" inlf, E sther'_ uvowe C~n\"mpt fer deCIde unb etlitl1lingly lur the Iruth. CII!)his cemm~nt& on the 181h ehllptcr ~fl!~~~:~~ci~s~~::!~:taoDdv"e"nVLII"m' machunlCI ihd nut invite her lO be a bride... dur is IIlwoy~ best, cumvarlld tl\ut diatingull hod leader I 'l. II I r d >,,,.~ft r -r , A I lib rn I I anelent ' llrel, to' Geneml Waahlllgton pie. II one va e1 ,UUD ,orIT\Qld, " ,ahe WbUl,ll havp WII!blld to do • PPjarbrlll,: r to~ kl:ohn:~;:eec;;: Soys Dr Chalmers' ly 6pr.llgs of ' a Itemperature 0.0,. 10.00 ('.!i.ul' • .! 'L'he newly mllrried pllir "ere loon IQt- nOllnea , III -Lear n vcr aVli He-!·oslllln-I".: '''0 General Wooh- Fllllrenhelt. ,In anDther: vnlley hltlo things ,aolf-dl>nlill ~ TUO WI . I I d lied III I IlICC hOUle, wUIj:1I Hel'lry hllUbullt Be ll p'UnoiulIl. Admi& no dlllOnler' in 11111 tOil !If Pillel'l'ne, and W811 we ll entitled ge)sorli, hk,e the famOU6 une In ce aD . , . d d C tli d L'~ 'k " to a cholce lrt1on III the Illod Ih ot he In Ihli fllWOU8 abOde or Vulean Ihe rocke lind \\ hlcta "'.. ,IIltuall! In the ml at 0 a your e \lcla nil paperll. uu ° VO" yuur bd d ., d I f d I Ilre 10 hot thllt you can sttlnd upen thl'm _I ••1 ... • II d' pllperl fro. Imlf 10 lime, destroy ing thoee au ue. 110l a eo 0 mORt cep y 111.. b prel ty ga,uen " QQ':'lng w t I roln•• n , no- lhatl&re "~ole", , • tere.tlllg blStory liilB VaD1lJhlld from but a ahort time, even WIth thla. oota 00. e matter wa In!A![I~RJ"a ney8uQklo~ The prognosticatiOOI 01 tit 1 d I' di ~ - OnQ &hould hke lO know tho diary The Ilhclous rock.! are bielcII8410 Inol'l'Y I d tba ~I thap RI 10 BUlb "eill, mada a drnd ;" ,di· 1 " nlro uce C 1lot)ge~ III your 1'1.'0 nit an' hI S remOlnln a hr", hid hllbltlJ and tn'oy- wtlltnfl." , and broccle.led and. conllol~e,.te ~~ "en~i vr , W" IO -" , u ,., ~. II .tudlei. I'W ho N!8.d. but lillie 8~" time. .. ' I ' " ' t. ore !lOW aClulllly r.mAIllIr Tile rOlr ..... nn c. 00 WI. a Ilut com. to paea If a8,lhla, Ibe.. bride r.t_l!jn~ thllt lillie tbe beuer, ,.' monti!, of Iho grQtefu I'ellArOIIOn In whle I l i b h' d II ,cOoo becaa, in.t .r'etliled Upon/the ,eli of delllny: "urrender no' he ,was hold. uud whelher t he Tlmnalh- 0 geysere hl mea may e ncar m e divorc:"llltitr' I d too UtilI! to -d the Idbdn ... . f be la r 0 It'ntr ~~l do nuttorOIY lhe waves bat It;>W youf)lelr.• SDroh of Mount Epbriom wuafeelIlOt lIulbtilid .upplrangOJber ~\th • m?st *~ ullikllirully, Once an~ resorled to with the 8IIme nglleyed IIf- Of IOtl:rolt UI III you .pproll~h.. th em •


' I




. ·I























_ft ...



". • ervant. r~II' aboul thlll time that Either be· came ocquQIOI.d Wlt~ AI~ron ,Wllrwlck, h h h d cd b dl a youn, p Yllclln WOo recelv ". plomn, and who WI' I'Cjlla\ly hafldeo ne phd ttls!i pated_ ut of hla !lull habit'S E si her cllfl!d 11'0\' til mqulre. She \~'IS [88clDntc~ "llP whut lI~e culled h:& arl\;\o\lratlc man-





1lI0rD,an.~~I~o~m:/J~m~e~0~t~I~o~e~0~~_fl~t_e_n_l_o~~~~~~~.;'I&~e~~~;;:~r~r~_~~_, :-;----;-t-


Ccctlllnute p~tnotlsm which ItllI glow 10 the buaDms ul Ihe Amenenns when they VISIt Ilfoul'tl Vernon. On tbe prlDclple of the Jder,lIlY Df hUlDan lIalur.e III all age u, should IInaglne, or 10th~r believe, that It tOl18t have been su. Jo~bll. WOI u good man, Dnd occupies 8 hIgh pilice among the WOrUllel o( 1&rllel. ••

adorn buck wo6ila, .eeln, Inil .. "'".. u .. ery 60rt ur nfi'ec;tBl,o!1 IlInl\ dltigultie.Ie of (elined .uclely. Y", ' laer. lllle per- , • Have Iho courDile to conf< • your Igno~.on, .t~ona Ilfeclla..." lod aood IO(lN,l Ut. anc.e aqd "'W~IV" r~l1 e68. Cyglide ' your an ry en,llIgs of bl" .Indu~try.. tllree l'"eOUallof a WOllUln, etlalded ber to r. lllt~ und roihe~ Ip lIu~ r, w. , , Illhabitont of London-a poor, mon 10le by uny olllfl)rtune till hlB money, take )Iold with Inealltlble fo~Ce the bol~ DillJ lIli b your ... un .. 1111 hLr;, as. mo,y be JUlhan. 0\1& .eemed, o~rolnl: a IIvehhood he la _lillam.o of ospltal,of wetaht,oflll!~a::~bn:~~f:!c~n~r II!~te:a;f ~~I. trees o~ .trun, fiery warrior and .tlltesmlo· to Ivhom oriler tu J1F B!:;ve y.o\lr rf~dom ~ ror a& lIy hter,uure. 1'he grent'mllila o.f the eo - lluence. aDd I!, the Kuperior, on m~re bUiIlthi I.orel trllie 0.01 IIpldly by Ihe wu wedded. It WIS the lion lalld fD p'ol§lbJp.. llIany 0& .Rllln, "Y. ~ornce. Ph!~ he SI\ved nlnJdr knew nOlh;:;g a otit ne.. ca1lulotionl, 01 mallY ,a mlln of IlIl'ge, wblln Ihe ally ~ cleur •• nd the dew be,nl ll~e embrlce. of t"e ~h ;rh~", would sene 10 all ('l~!'l\ity IlILher 1m. ometlmee 18 name wou nppear moneye OIean~ , I' • " ' conaequently deposited profulely upon ,he exer~lled II \11 btlI'd .bo~4e,ed 01} qer, hi. Ity IlIf, and IIid fuhl'J,mbJe aUire learn to lave upon little. I in a newspa\le,r, eoupled witb calumny,-;Bllt thD beauLy oC the lh.ID" ill thl~, that Our Llfe.Tlme. h I II t ddt I It the He 1mliined fhat ao H e WftA dl:vulilil '0 b6r,••· .wallltl to'b""'tl:h,' "llnlo' o "'O\lr nlltlle . b!u~el(' n nod de. A~lt\etlm'''III ' a Non,l ulle pe.Hoo woulii, UIlY OIan, how(,.Y1Ir, amml.1 bIll Jjlllllo~u aod , When the world wal created and all tern, I ley 00 ell un, ea I, U j ,~ r- of t_ ~ !'''''' ,. , "f' I" " .~ "1 T U _. i I I A' h I h good , water In ~reat abundllnce from tbe atmo.. cquHl III1Cce. or De IIlld tq crowJI ~11, he wu a profea!!lo nlll- liver II pure and ,t~io llll. to p081erlly - W nllper to bnother. here I' ....a~n I 1m t .... II CDpI~. r. U Just ae an op- cfea\urea otMemblelti LohAVCl th~Hr JI(e· tlmo here Whl'O \lieillond ",a. drat dltcov. to h'l!r will or Inop~ Illun Let no eud lIlduce a reson to ql.\e~lion/);ble and the eye 01 tbe perl!On would rell w ltb unlly u, wlnmnl!' ~onfid~nce ~. the IIppointed, the 188 first advanced, anil IIsk- p d d f< t't d I II '0 he' {eehoK8 Sbe '"OI~ h18 weln fl , mOIl' or leu 01 lR\erelt on the 81igbt fig IIlllhonalre. Inlegr/ly III Imm~ tblngs ia ed how IOllg ho would havo to hve. et e ,an Of lIIony y~llrl 11 erwar ' It I plrdlln 10,e1 by day ~nd b] mahto holdl/' th On IllS p r llho ),oung ~I D WI. ale "lIke II bellcynlclll lntcrest in nil u[e of a man remar"l1ble .mong a thou- ~VOil moro hppre.. lye than integrity In ' Thirty-years' replied !\Iatu-e' 'wllilhot t Ie nor urn mounLOlII1I were co\,~le wtl b h d hi Iir. hi8 ~ t ti· A IIghled at bllvllllr'Ptollueed 8 fatorable an concern. IlUmalllly nnd it. progress, IS sA lld lor the buwing keen lle.. of' 1118 great t1uo~. And all that men be Igreeuble tD'lhee1' • everireen t~eelblth~ rMe rocorrt,ob-Ihl! 10 er a~l:"tI ~':h~~ 18 " ~_ I~~ I~:on; imprenloo on thttbelle 'oY the pllille, Th. well 18 the welfare of indlvldul1lM Be ana the IIItense DUel earnest melanllholy 111 prDI.e o~ Ihe enlerprJ8", .klll, 'AIG8!~ answered the ISS, 'it I. a 10!lg througCh~~e e~~rr~I,nw ..a '!ur:d;! lived he rwore h.r minlU~ti Dear bi. Irv 'In < th " b j llh 8enalb\e to the cillun. 01 all. hili pula countenance, or tholle wb\/. nell, ~nd t.ct of particular ~Ullnts· men, wbile! Remember wbat a ellmome eXls- . f d , d t t' ber to I the aea and neYer alludl!4l to her ClIcept III. I,nee ore e !lome 0 elp'g ~v~ r y ~ • ' , knew 1I1nl more IntlOlalely, we ne,er met there I' oue character towaltl. whl.:h all teoCD mine WIll "e; [rqm morlll"lt until elenl y OfP 011 1m d Lob 10 .u!..lued aDd full qf rev.1'II8-r for lbo,lI,rd In "",It IJylel aDd ~I!tbllr ' • ••• ODe 'hlL did not apeak ol' blm la a noble wind. insllllctively render Ihelr rlll'erencc, olght I ijllbll have 10 bear heavy burden. wfilch It ento.rB near os 01.tb 1i ""in , .1 __ l ' __ -' ....;i'! ol II DI'" n 'I , f i h L • " d'" . th h 1d h b I 'It is now rcci:lce when nqt .uddeol) ftoode Blener I'I'U - p ~ \Ulpre~ . . , w" In 'On Iy d8uIIh t"" , ncteat " IOIlI. and troe man- a man 0 mlproac atll. au tllat la. e man IV 0 wou rat e~ 8 corn-8!lCkilIO the mIll, that ot lerd ed II~' 1111 t 1081 in ' 11 e her1ranlcenden worth, ' 'The Old chap will come down hood- lnclolmg thl. view of the change" thllt re('lIludo llnd ,be ni~t ellqllliite 'len.lblll· bonel~ tlion wealthy.:~nd who prelera 111- may e.t bread, willie I hive 110 eocour0lte- , to alma " relw, a 01 I --....,.'----'4--'-.omel, [.up~ I( r mar,. thia ,.(pi '10- havtl taken plllce lD tIle .rehiliou. world du- Ilei-the very .oul of cblvel", aDd hooor te~lly to iold.-1\', z . 1)rg Goods Repor. ment nl r be refre.hed " 'lIb allytlulllt but loole rDch whlcb occupy I~ channel It • laiD' ,, :~. .- , ring ,the h ~l\ <c:"ntury. it Will be 'nlerOlllllg Eveo thoao whel d ....ped with him 10 Irr biD.... and kiclu. Gh'e me bUL a puruon would appeu that the attentIOn ,of tbe • qu ..~d AI,e~. I ~ ,deu~J' in w~~t to cco,lder .die rellll!vCI" condillo. of Ihe vfry tenor of hi. 'peculations, bnd who ., of Ihat time, I pray! ' tlerl ",a, cl1l1ed, at a yery penod, to, I~' I Ala ve" 1"qr8 or t~dit; my IlttJe (0 .u"e II ...en DIP "ral reha,uU8 clcn\lmlDatlone. J\ t 'he were dllposed to rera~ bun .. one nlll le" N~ture \1'118 muved With 41lmpGlaion, and InJu~lou, ellictl prO!\uced by Ib.. rapId diD1- del'll ate peCul~.I, attached &o"tlll!" , Caasarj gon'l; "fill .. '11H!iI m.... IOIQ ........ to-t clOl!e of Ihe lut e'en IUry the R omo nlst. by a reSIle.. enthuailSm thlt had ooLhl I"omeroy, prl!nnl~d La him but e,,,,hleen yean , The InUllun of tlie (oreatl lD a country . where, bird and upmenee a pllbculu "'I~ 111' J • -, • ~I .d ... C b d b Id Tl Lo · 'II J 'I' .. from char.cler "-te dee~1U my purae filled I lila,. II well were compllle ,uJ. ure", to num er 1 10 clo wltb lacll•• O t at f,CUl wou oevIe UIIVI e ourna aayl: UI went nwoy comlurtcd, aod tho i1 thed dry Ihe lilld ,r porous th f the limate of 'the cu I0, ~or Uw j Ir wao t "dl'l'e~'r ry thrl 'dtar.mID, ~t' • OOO,OOO-the Prot"'tIlnl ,4".ooO,o60, er ackDowledr. admired hit Inde~tr:ucUl· 'We are indebted to a friend for a leiter came furw4l:d &1/ ,DfI N III 0 . ~ " I f"Uowlug athice froro UG.~err. €hro.... J,ure. , " GreeD aud Armon(QI•• IO,OOO,Ooo - ~Ie IDlI¥nrnumuy and hi. heroic pre erv- (rum Ihll Ihrnlinl[ town, whlllh haa not ye~ 'How 11.11111 doat thou require to ure becomea the iN·t or ferlll· lele, .. se"lcl!'able to 1JtI!'.~ The relUlt ... IS til It , aftllr a .w ,ea,..lnue B.!bl computed Ihe RoAnd OYer IIIch were.\ oDe With found itAs placo 1.1.. lhe map. and in tho .aked Nalure; 'thirty year. were ty. A law W811 made, and I•• ull io 8Xlat. 'Whto. t ..aary moult" wbldl"Ire __., 160,Ou(),OOIl, may now 10 pohllcal faith, hi. power .mounted eUerl. ItI population i8 now 3,'80. lor the " I , bUL wilt thou be cou ence.-though, unhlpplly like olher 1"". 111 In July or !;upt, accordl'llt 10. Uut c:ourLfhip, dunn, ... bleb the 1 ooD( phylielan lueDdeci Eat.ber 10'.11 tAle ... 11114 It- tu .blolule (.Iclnatloo. Tbey were never haa 1 rolhng mill, tn.kmA ,10 tOOl WillI tbem" thlllialand, very rarely or very ImperYertly of the ", you need do II, IQ .lel,..lnl partlft or the n~hbcwboad hil of tlreil Df UlUliDg of bIOl,OI teetnl b IrOb a d~1, 8 "quling mill. , ~ lbl'nd"rlea, 'Is It thy Will tb~t I MhouMl' Teplled Lhe enr~rc~"'hlc.h maile It penal to cut do... 0 keep hlro qu,eL and fret ffl,. dralllbla! .. ~ . Ia_lenlni to h\lll~be,. l'I'onblped blm engine IIh0I'*, a RaW mllls,l c&nbng mm, dolt. 'Thlllk bow much I . holl hllv\$ to a vlDhataco or til, If found n.n • fowltalJl. Bem, . . .erhll IlVel, IIIt4 'bere Ii IraQ propoaed 10 du. form for her, htl w~ allII lervor .11 bIn rel'llllD.-QlUlrurly com mlJl, 1 e.aten.ive tannel)"l1 run about; .nd, when [ have lou my or on ,be b""II' of • river. Th~ .. me er. need to lsaY!> hiro co,.... up but do DO\ at- let bim be «pted. P~DtlanddlughtefWet'.'eIi..,1abQPI, 12 IImitJ\' .hopa, t large bD.t for lillflllnf' .nd OIy te..lth for blltin,. wbat fectl have been found to fqlloW,lD a ~w~ INa &c Iy dlll,.._ With ,lie mlteh. Both.pVtiM .,. , 4 Wellb churchn. 1 ~rman d90 6 Iball be fit for bu, '0 lie III a corner er or Ie.. degree, In all countrlc., ... beth4!f of beef Ie the ..are about to be Napa.eDA'e Pu•• ~ of Ia.h do. 'roplol' or DOt, from \)iii dimlnutlcn 01 timwhh cot. wlter OD~a . . .k, . Uo , ewiUer .110 COOlillS pow'" vi epplicatio It hu ItA commoll thought be w .. riclal, aud ran trodnctcl b1 the ,.ate..lon lIftIe 10111 of liard 1IoiW . .. ,Ilk!, bUt II yel -neither kotw thw; aa~ JIIIt.1 tho Greek Churuh in eur'o\le, at the leelQld almnt prlturDa&aral_ Tbere and _eadem)" prloting olllc·. biOI t""he yeat.. Tile ape tbeo '1 other cau~"-Dr- M..,. • _ _4 Ibn a. .... 0( ~ lib an w .. .,!riIib4 aJajl . , . Bather f'aO~I~ prueatt' ... , to l"Zued 69,000.000. '!'lIe ecan:el,. a IO&D lD and 0008 ID olice. proached. 071 MrultlrlJ. and ripe a1i1dt...... f..l....... . . . . . Ihe W&ll to Mve 1,IoIa ...baDe!. A'prooo Greek, AMeriC'u, Coplc, 81;1tk:. ployOleDt. .nth wbOle prlnLe bitlOry ,eh.,.. Two cotnp.niea bate bee.. orranixed 'Thou Wilt, doubtleu. wIlII_rt,..I," the •" wl1\ dO tha real: ... prlMDI ~ODr . . ~ bell.... he wu to .. atl')' lUI h.l.... The DU, and otbcl o"lel,t.1 Ohrlatla~ ., :Aela "clef, aod 4uli6ullooa be WIS Dol ae- tbore (or borlo, folr .. It "Iter an~ m,ou. thll~ Jure" Hid Nal\ll'e; 'thou wilL not a handlOlQI lleW COl' IMi .. I PIp lila dl.pla, III" b at.h btU! lete'. &1141 A(riell. _ t na\*..... lOme OII1UontI qUlLl8ted. II. b8c1, wileD EIII~, -no* faeturlDg .. It. Pour at..m :packett are have &0 ..... u tha ... aod \be do,. Llr, Tile lIIe... Co..'A.e. .pnee &lIII lUt hi. • faD ,... . . . k I'" ' e COIIIp 'I more, lIfOb,bl, DOt 10.. 1.IIan 0 e or eill aod tall1............ he _l:eel the coolulltly nltInlol to .nd from town. will be P.....Dt to ...... - The 'Ledger'.' Now-York corre.pondeot aH tria bJ. ..... en 111Q~ olher. IDllhoOi. Tboae.dalJl ,a.e tile RoOlloi.~ tlatice eI Ulp\re.. 11" re,,1aed ... _ AU ""I illlem. to be the j --1Ier; 10 it . ' J Hfm a.,.'toollloac. 11.. • 'rbc, were ..vr\ecl. The dre...,OOO, the PrQteatanle 1001000,000, !'\Icted thllll by mllall'erlal reporUi. p'"YlIte coal, ur whIch til," ud a ~JII 1\ &a.Lcl ' I .... thle OIcoroin" for tloe llrat tI_, ImIre.lMnr~~.,~~;~~ f'tlr uaellrida ....,. tile tallt of tile &b. Greekl .nd Lho Orin"'ll 06,000,000; conv_uuu, .... c:or~IPUOd4illce. He re- bu bele are Jelf\t • •oed .nr" ...., 1 hi. . .0 the Dew _tame aclopttd .tome or & u p-,,~, tire _In, a tolal nr 110,000,000, of Cbrl.. eei eel aU le".... JahD..II,and. what _DII friend, trem whOle letter ..... pIl, ~ triclla, lad di_; and • •a.t ..y th.t I ... nthr !1111 aot '8 h..:.w • &laD., out of I ,,ooo, &be eat1mated !t":ndible. b. ned and ~lleeted-aU tbat loregoinl .t.tls,ICII,. Iri-.... IDd thn arn-bJ, diaaNolated_ The ladJ 1It\le 'I i DC _,np.1DCb .....a& III. 01 Ihe 1~1I1Ie. Clarey" ..tina- b. ~nd. He alept btU • lad ...IS Dey- .bout tlala town 100D wilb a . . , I " . . . Bow aRea ....... It Will . . tlie to 'fOIG'.oity, .1I1 ...~~....~ II 'I, DIll Cl!'AWJ ........ 1'74,OOO.oeo Ia&aa' ...... WlMn Ii.lted .ite aDder ,bi ooaoea............. J-tl I......... I dte ~;~ii~~~~~~ .ald a ....... ........... . . of 8H~ .... lilt dl,enlou Iae no~ DlIrre- tlae onl, obataclI! to Ita ,btuo a rfor tiirt,J ,..,... -.

Be always frank lind true, Rml apum evo



... , Dca'rDct!on '0' Forestll III Mndeir.. Tbo progre.llve dwaLructlon of the for. elts, lIiDce Lise flr.t dilcovllrl of 'he I.\and of Madeira, hal very malerlally mtldllieil " I 'b 'd Til















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Inn _ ...


1. _ _-



.. I.U, ., ,•.J ~'L_ n....-1A • nooft I .,ce.. 10 mdCKV ""'.,..noT'" # ,.mur I lIl'l cr il l.lllbig of tit. Slau 01 ~ 'l'lIat It I. luCh or COUIIIY. BY HENLEY, ' Tbi~ I II,oml.!. , ber&lliy iliAd\! dID duty or uob IInJ every I)r fllluhy ,a.y roquirt!. hbUa1aer. IIIIcJ Proprietor. du 80 tiliould be IluuhS!- CIInatable or ther ullietr. bolding all unlllr al!'!. 6. 'I'hnt .11 I\Vl'nUfJ, IlreMe .nd . for the !Sa}o ur ftlly IItllllmboat ur ulhat wa· III to\Vn~ alit! cili .... wllluh ar" or '~AY1USVlLLE. I I • I h' . I ll'r Ilrflll under Lh" pruvl.lund o ( lhl! luid out IIl(t'ee.bly lO "IW, IIhnn be WARREN c;oL'~ rv. o JUO, til e ,.'ulJrtll:or u 'i \\' e hope the cUlillng ee u ratIon wll .lIm e 1I\~1I11t>l'Ieri aCid til adilltiun to til lbo tam lire he~by dtltllared pubhr. ._..,....-_-~........__- - - r " ilIer . t lUlI~~.k(rI OLn lld l'ulliloone. \\"hy aho,,\(1 hn /'1\ tl rl!ly free rl)m tmch Ilnpril)cl[lIe,1 Vl- n~tlCo..,rerlu lfed thIJretil1 tQI' tbe 8ul~ th pre· 1I'1I1'I.Y8, for en)'fY pllrpuso w,l,atO\Or. ".RIP.. '1', ". ·~E fT, ul.)l, W C' tin not khl)w us yet Whill' Is to be not mil l! b a 8 morallli~ iu dl" ~~ l\ \~I nllll1',1 ~)I/)I ", ?JI\I 110,,1 l!rer \\ III It prN.tln\ 'I 110 ul, to I;IVtl " t loosql'1l tilly uuhllu In ~uJn ~ I'rcJvlJe!l, tbftt the n1\1I1ICI(1nl authorltlel ul _. "'"-"---tl, order of Iii .In'. til Ih olll'll! tlmo Ire \" os _0' I'll IllI.ulI~!!d IV( 1)Jt)W Jl'ClillolllC'n who, "I tl .., ~am 111110 lIe" ~\lBl'er prin ~ed lind iu general olrclll~- an),lnoorpOrllll"\ city or town, 'lnuy m,k e, OUR TERMS ' .._ . !11HluwlOl!' MrlCL I\lId IlulIeTt:I" bhll:, n~h· th c)' hll Ihc,r Q\YI\ pO~kr. lH Qncllbf,'l~ 1(1~.i d' !ILiOJl'd "tlIiU cllullly vh~re ~uol\ 11~~.cle Id lSI or(\nlll a 1111 ClIlllree such luwlI ulld orili· '" ..., II I f I ·t s UI! n 'Oil!! 11 nc\vspal'er I ~ PlIu IS leI C'.o'1C rnlng tho "1I11!'WIlI~8 \If tire. ,/Ie AIIAMt .Isnoll, ~I It! Ilrnl~ U~" a7 W 11- prC:iCllt OUT l tHUlb to Me~sr8 1.'6 IIl1d crlJIIII n plume , Il,ild III<>th c.,un~lItlll . h 'U,ll~,l'r "ll,r... lell tho chlld~ell 01 1I11l~c lher"i~l. I , ~uch clly or toWII, "I 8hull \Jp 10 amcl• )'t,dy subscrIbers Cor 0"& DO l.· Ro berti &: llrolher, ror Iheir (avor ill tho IciJulltnO$ 11 0 \\cu[ltheIlJ liD\\' . ~I'I Iicrr ,I"loo l. l\\'e cMllrlb\llctl lllll~1 tl? li ll llu) In· ' '" JOn . ' ~'. )~QR.~, \teces~lry 10 pr V~lIt $1II.h a/du1.". AlID :'WEIITY'CIVf 'a:~'t 11 J)llllllll lId' I\a~' 0I D IIOtil'l i I 'It 0u6tieI'duma, l' I PI l { h'~ hubih mcnts consl6t 11' til ip~lly of-Dill Ie, to " l lt k!) bUI Oil\) plc~c " ; )lflll,t'r !I /WI HlJUf of Juprese/l/ollt'f:~ II' )ks from lJolIIg u.rd for the pllu "ge uf t.' II · ( I II 'tl ES 'N YBRS , hOrdAS, wll 0 118 ur othur c'rrno~e~, or for ,.ne., O lI!.nOLI.J.JI ).I\D J1~n ct l!l' . Ir cOI;le.' "'hlch I~ ~ nld to be the pllre&' ullll you C\ Cl' ace 11 yellolY dog th ll t \\ 1\6 lillY I.t!t us h,t\r II c'lelml LI' u lllnl \\" uc ' \.. ' ,ro;',wa',t"r"''' I'," \Ll 01~ pMd wllhtn -IX Ulollllle, rwo nor.L~n I t i t n t I' ~ tl 11" d ucColllIL' 'rl,er ,/Toes H orcat ' r>l\lbJHlC\1 un hall or Loom \:I)JI\lItllll)L\ . II ;..'I' " r ~ 1"8 , d' i 1~ I, " I'J , I"~ ""'," IlIl ellingor '\ 1l11. I,U:; hojl~IIS, or other IlIll' II O~ lIN tiC r ,e c ' U{ ' " grow, 011 ( q , " :. • r ~ , ,all. , mill " thereo n .---~ at the ~1)Il of tbe y6llr ' pnl~' rI, q\I()J I uC lho 1I .lIt. They ke op 'I lollt! D~ 10 llg 118 U rUll, Ihal lu ks Ud It h" r ou r~, I " Silt; 6 . '('hot til' It' nlh Srt'tlOIi o( tho FROM nOS'I'ON. PATIlIO:r [ ( 0 1i7) '," ~ L 011 11119111 "n il lI~t prJus rlbll(lg tho iuued OO-SlIhlcripllollH l'O r )u~.!Ithuu "II~ )'l'ur I:ood ti upply 01 T OlleL a/I~I l" .IIlCY IIttlcl'8 hn~ Ihe ~ttgllln 01 \1\101111' I\\urdcr~d "hCl!p n ')lTV,., Jl1nr 21. ,," 11 e.L the r.te j)f t'HJU.ll ' SliT Q, nUIII- '" •. (, I t {• Ullpll hl3 soul oll'OI, vuh rolJlIrr: -'j'h~r(!! ~ r v ,~(Jr~, n ~u TO utiliII' rpn ~ an Tim dPclllld oneert Dr .Jenlly I.lIIe I" , "e.: lUlr 81" 'I lal'IIlen S " A I\. '.c 'l'y' 011\011'I nn ~cL enut I d 8l1pNI'r~ ," !,IISICr! 1m, 011 20lh, 183'7, and .:...... _ .~ __ 1 hRve ttl\ raotO(~ tilt} 'lltontm u o( ~ht cnl\l ,., IAn lid (u qreut '.JI~ien \I favur ur Mocli· (IIi18 Itlld ,llIrt8 of lI~l<l lII ud 11 61 ~leht lI:ght WIld erowdc,I-'-O\l ry 80Ut D/1·IIPICd. \ltr. II ' U II~ 1I11I~ L rctr~lIt II few 1II I Ii \lto~. IlIl Ultl. '\1111 olll \}ls, III uortulII G~¥Oh,' I'u~~l!d h c(()\~i lh , lt\l lUlU the ~n\lll' "TO hereby Til . 'J he l)rOcl'l' t1 ~ uro UUUlft $ 1~,OOO . ...... W ' III f ' I II \ It \!IV ' e w UrllIS' '" 1 If ,Ilr 1\.11 1111 , "'-'rho tc" ular III0NiI,g ur Ilia- '\'nynes . ' ""':-::o::;::;~_ =~..., ~I I 'I 1~ 4a ' . I I) AI I I e I ' I G I • S III " ' 1'1 "'" " ., " ur" I ~, ~ . . I poo l 'I , rOlllucu, t Jilt tho pn ~8 o ge lit t Uol I} cOl'1. 0 Olt lor . rn 10111 • or , ~rl 11 p IIg- rille Fire om{lony will tn\(e 1IIIIce lit " 1~ ,Utg .Dllt ollr lJ41HIl'r UII . ,hu uULWllru I::)~( I E dt cl,,,alcd b}l /I,e (1cllqd As- or.t hull not IIflilOL nny auit pon'JUJg 0/1 tlto LA '(IE 1'R 1)1 TEXAS uiqea. or Godey's L~'!Y 8 Dook, one yoa!, I( ey'e om " 011 lihtnrdny C\ Cllill " lIext . A \\'nlhl: ' .' $t!1/.ltIyoJ /'fic ,'!)/ (I~ 4 0 101'0, That lillY vel· I ,IllY 1)( I'llIrch' 185 I, hUl (ho surne ~hnl t N!':IV RI;UII'~, JUIlt!" II.," (lor tbree dallnr, IlIiI twenty ·lIv~ cent! filii Attelldnl'lCle I~ d~~lr~d." T he elY' il; still, " '11 ) COli1e !" [No. 50.\ aUI urI p('r~OIlK/ \\~IIIJ 1I0\V1:\1 111 ~.r d" "lllll!rIl,j lJII d'~p080d 01 os If this 1 t hntl no t bcclI Tho ~toamehll) .Fu,hloll brlOlfIIIlIO'l'; xua • uh. 1m arl:abl~' in ad~~nce \ A AC'1' \0 I/mon,I ' tho lIt:t 11IrOllll llg ulter lultl 1\ hUll, lIuil~r I II) l\uOVC rccltll r,\aijetl· 1/111 111 1111 OOU~()II (i( notion lor 1I0 W.. 001 Ilurdca~, o.kpollitlon IIberute,1 ==========;:';'::::::;JIi=:::-=-.~C \ ~ r lJefu r\l, r c rhlll'~' li n. th('r(l II e ll lho IIt l)~e of l'ror.\lcd lll~ III chlln co!ry. · oct, mil)" 111 utldi l1\1 l1 to Lho rem t:dy thvrelll \\ Illclt ~ult , sh l\ll no\ "live b~l'n rumtnenced I1lghteon prinlon!\rl! (rom Ihe 'uman~hu TO C;ORRESPQ,VDI; :-Well FOURTI~ Of J L\! nU..L:-'Ve lire III' "0 l:rout 11 l,('lthcrlng 1/1 I)riug Vu\l~)' PC 1 lIe II (nodecl bv. the UGllcral A f· Ilro\ldcd lor. procced uy Jl~htlon \It d UlII' be foro th e SUIt! IirSt duy 01 Murch.lha 1111d lApn n08. 'rhe lernls of tho trcoly arc lormcd by M~. J J. Vcrnor, bile u( lh e 11 te 0 SUlldlly-~choul «;lcbrn llulI, It fj:f llill selllp1v 6[ llit S/~!u of UhlO, Thol ,\'k ~ U eery, us III olher Ull eB of h01l8. ogulllstlho sum" ~hnll be rCl1 ulntetl IInd~r tllo prov ls. gellernlly \\1(11\ ob.eryo~, IIntll\roxlclln WeI""rittftn communicllliOn_,?h iJlterestlllg .r tl t ' . • b . ' u n II a cru8.dc (raUl ()'8 8cripl\ire.mOlll)llti L;0IJ' (l lIliun (Or reVIew ijhaU be fil ed IU tho u· ow ner or Vlluera 01, IInu lil l uthe~ ,pcr~on9 ion8 of thl" /lol, • lIIell whu Illtherto were takell ooptlvc, by l"bJoct., Will find a hearly welcomo'i n Qur m"nage r , III t Icrll '" ,0 e {lsrllll ~, . ' pretfle Gourt., UIlY Ju,lgo uC 8UI4 r;our~ ill Interesteu , elUlljr"a h~n hoIJ~\! or utho~· Spc. 7 '1'I,ls aot to tok,o c1fect nnd bo tbe 11II1I"ns roh/l"~ to II~OO 'lt fr ellliom. anti columnl. N"ot<ltlli (l81'lonollVlll be adm,,'· ut the F( Anoiellt Hot I, ill Ft. An cient, (ulons. cUl'ullor llJ~r~It" I~ WIth "\sh ftliU nuthor/zed, In I'lCBtlon, lind upon good IVISO, III nny such, bl/ut l, or otJlt'r lu lorce frolll lind arter Lhl) first dl1Y of thostl 'lit'on up under the lrcllty rCllllrll_ ted, :W f! musl know the renll;alllea of all WarrclI Co:, Ohio, on the cvelung of the IMGO, ~nd Ih G Il1cutillrc,llIIlIrcll to ~ hrrlllg ouu~e. tu star p,l'oceedl"lts on thp. forlllar wlllcr cr~ll, or huuse, 111111, malluf8clor~ or n1clrch. 1861. ed. '~rlte", ... nit atltntioll will he pa Id to fourll~ of J ly' ncxt, Plld we brhQvo' lt will not 8 vr 1\lIr The duld notcs proceed docreq unltl LhE' ne.xt lerl'll ur tho ao url , other uulldlulI: or appuru;na\1ce,on the firllt JOliN ·F .' NORSE, I" be ",.e ll eonducled. rrom Ihree inatrumcnty at' :mllrtllll lIIUdlll; whore dueh pi 0?90dinga ore pel1ll1,lIg, III scavolI of Uli! ad ill~nUoned, lind the lot S..-eaker of the 1/nlUe of ~re.'~lIJalluu FROM DAL'l'U10Rf!. th.i'1~od"ctIOllIS AlIlettl't r, 011 bu~ine~5 II Irttl e squeakiu" file all 1!1~IPld II-nor wh!ch 11060 ~ucb Judge el!1I11 lhrec( ..he nil· or luIs 01 1~lId .on whIch the nrne IIh~1I 'HARLES C. ONVERS DALTI~IOItI,lull e ~t. ' nllltt b, Iloat,plllt. ' . .. ' lure. nnd am ounl"f securll}' to lJe gIven by 8t~IIt1, IIlld obtllln 8uch IInul decree tberotn Bpclkrr of tM SenDt.. AIJ~nhnm '1'oylo" the irlofld of lbe mOl· 11 'D I d" r_\Ve Ii.le 110 hc. ·, 'a'I ",V l ~ ~8yill", 4rufD, an U II base ditto I\ith the left he ad the parly IIpnlYlllg for such BIll)" for LhQ nlllt or anle lhereuf, na JUBilee Dnd Murch <) ~ )8li I \' 'OVIIG "aBV: - III I IIccepte • 111111 ~ ~ , , '" .. kllQc~od In.-Fur the lelt heud of II buse Sou. II. 'rbat whon such petillon sllll\l equity mlty reqUlrc, anything 111 laId acHo .',. derur. 01 the Goaden (1I1O,ly, h\ i(ent COIIII. \1I1l appear In due Lime. Illut. we believo lho N~I!I GOllstltUtlOl! will urum lIfJe Strecl:kslllbllugh'a Tll ell cs, he. filed III the Commun Plou8, the Presi' the I\onlrury notw,lb81I4mhng. ------~ tv, Ius heel) h,lund gUllly orolllrd rID tho • l\t:-Repl)"to JUJll1j5 ill \)(> ndoptcd .. nd, aldo, lheNo L,censll clause tome\r I:ap 3 -It III dall "erou~ Ihi 9 wor dllnt Jullge of sll ~h Court ill ftutllQrlzed to JOHN F . MORSE, J herehy cor(ify thnt 1 hRve cXQmiMd lirst d ·gree. Two more oro 10 bo tried. br r. 1\111 form 8 ,urt. I "rl ' .1 0 , II' II (>xercl~Q thll lIomc pOlVer, on 11,0 811mc Sl'fIJAur of the lloust of Reprcgcnlall\ /J.< roregolng 11I1Y8 liB published in the W Obl- No doubt all ~o uvi c tetl "J uillu ,'-Ever welcome. I lIlUIi c. lere la a IItrange spe 10 t e terrnH CUARLES C. CONVERS, erll Sillr, tln~ ,prl)nounce them to bo cor-~"'; _ -r ,wDng of I bugle, III tho shne\c of a fifll, JQHN F l\lORSE, SpeaAer of the Strnrte ect RAJLROAD A C mEN'l'. 'LUOT:I ..... N~J(t we.k.It '1'0 ADV ..:nTlSIllU!. ' ".~ th 0 beut 0' f a drUlli, 0 Ilit • k ~J' .. , ~,r" . . M,arch !l5, 1861. JACOB F. McJ{~\ '{:, Deputy Auditor. J F "'.... ' _ touoIlea th e qUlc t te HOIIF· of ~resell /al/ool IUTAVI,I .• N Y., J line Ill. • . v:-."ext wet' . Th ~e wishing ..ITortl ~nlll inserteu ill 01 the' hcnrt, IIlId g'vcs to the soul tho CHARLES COVERS, The morning trAin (rom-lIuO.lo rUII 011' N. D - t'llLWecla; ~he VI$ITOR, nllilt \ir\OI: them in by blootl.reuwlngt of grOfy. Ev~ry .trllin of SpealieT of the senate. [No. 58) . , Il,u track 1I0nr Ihis ph,ct! thl •• mornin,.. '''tdnudflu E~'t1Il!lg, to iI)8Ure ,publicUlIQn ' h t d -,\, t" I I hll 1 bif' Mur.ah J8, 186 1. A,N ACT 1'0 ornollll on act entitled "an 811)0.811111" thl' t'!lgln b to IitolhUnd ~crluu5lv Ihe lomc ~\tPl! • Illd oun e '1y "e III coul'go II 0 ,. nct for' tha 1118 pOCllol, of certald articles . IIIJllrlllg the firemon ftlld sOlleral puecn_ .,_._ tic. ,II should nol IlIl,ngle WII,h the holy [No. \herem cmulI/ornted, paBlod Mlirch 7, 18 . g(!r~. NEXT' 'WEEX the.M~Ul1 V'!:> I't II \\111 II cctlJJ:n.-Asourfri llbd' )\Jr. iI'. L Al· hymns of children, for, 6U, wilun AN AC'J tl) nmcOlI tho A.ct cntilled 3l. . circulate ill OIi. couhty froe of pOII1\ge. len 0( tl1l8 place, Wid r~turlllng I~m en. "Red Bllttle stomps hlB foot lind nations 'An Act to roguilltl' th l! fcos of Offic~r8 In Sec. 1 1)~ It 'lIa~lerJbp I~. a~"~(11 A" . FROM'V-J\SIII G'1'ON. n; 'out oC the c()unly .lId ,withi n finy I' I h I cl.." C,vil and OrinJlnul Cascs,' passed MarcIl lemblll,oltlle IStale of Qh~o, ThuL ID order WA8l1JlIGrl/I'I , lune 2' 1,1': N, fi Q lrc,jlllo, 01110, on IAit Stllllloy oHlung, be· ee tea 10 , , 1831, to 1Il8Ure 11 ulllfurmity 111 thtl dlm8nd Jt Willi (lffilciullr DllflOUllcCl,llu-dey,.!hlt Imle. of the office ot Publlcetlon, the pos Iwcen DiDO lind ten o' clotlk, Ills hora : took Iheso bo. ~01l'1i to beardod men, will C. J. lie it enaded ~y IIws General A s. of bl\ftcld hereafter IlIl1de, or used the corper.lonc ul \.he <'llhlrr:omell \ ul tlon "''''.. will only bfI lictflty a yeer,- frigl,t n"d ran away 0)1 thl! I',kli obout [I\sl, to tie 'ftlnLolwlll be luld on Ille 4th Jul.r hy an butchery. fired by that IeflllJh; of I"t lO~ate of, Th~r when thIS Slnte J lor thl e PIl;rposf bot ef"tJIlning 'rhi. will mIlle (be VU1TOll ,hel t~put. two milel we.~ 'or. ,Vatllelville. MAI-· . " on) Shen{f, or other officer ttischorglDg th e 1)01lltoe5 or u(1P ea, u suc I orre R 80 eonJ.;\.TJ~1t f'JI01l flllJROl'~. tl,e President. lion )1.,lic\ 'Vebdllr Id reh (Iqd It I. , generally l ekno'" ledRed tlie len ;';1 t hruwn out alld (lut alld b:'lIaed mU810 which • lli9n 81UICtlO~od tv thelf dutll:5 of SHerUff 8bllil relurn anr process toinlpg Ih !) Ilrllulcil \lfor"bll1d, or mode for ARRIV At F TUE ARCTI. to deliver Ihe oration. 'l'he cltlac\lH gcn. , young hearts enthu8lum; 1I.nd tI\ese gfrl., i~8\1ed from the OOQrt or Common Plc n ~, thaI (IUrpUSe, siJllil II m8d ~ of ijQB8Un~d ' NEW YOU:,JulI(> 2!l. -c r(llly are IlIvlled 10 nlteml GlltI\l_rt!C\lp,ltll b.:1f) piper 8.ver,publl.lled iu 'V.rren coun· veryaefllrely. Hi. hor.c, vHIl.I,ed at over cnpUvllted by the somo slralna of their or other Murt ,~f all" othe~ county tholl tImber, 01 6t~l'e8 tweuty-s~vell \/lches 111 I The sPa mllup Arctic, Iroill L,Vtlrlloo l III Ihe cC)rcmoOlc,. , I,. Nwe WI'"OJ to ...y i,'~lIe we hun dr~_..... d0II Oil, ' , Jump!! . "d dI)wn a 'b8111I girIhoo\I'e memory, WIll ti,,"1e thllm on 10 th nt 'IIi wh10h SilOb Bh' .."rt {f or ot h~r 0 tR cer leilgth \\ ben fil1i1llilltl, ~ I tl 18 I I' '" ~ I n lrue b \1I " .... w",t '1 1 d etwill. cut dJJclidli ill WI' th d(It ee \ 0. tl Ie II tl I III ~ 1., IIrr i';,o( 'he '''pm d JIll)" IIlllllr would not &:fulllble olle Lit, if ~boul two lind 10 'hjured it!elf, th"t il \VIIS "eeess,- murder. 'Such roualc 18 very ullblllltting relfifides'liin InDY pt~er lJIannelf, thlln :~g~~~yte~~u~lde ~y8 lI~ar;:lIs~r~i~n sub~~ IltaTllOOI) lit 3 o'clqc k, wlth 68 pUd ngerl. ngllillat D~ lur tliQllIllrder ul hid \I Ir., tho hUDdred more,~etlon~ would como IDd lay ry ' to kill It. . ~e or I d CPllty, persona y, slle lI • She oxperien ced rrl'sll II cl! t.rly wiuds the trlRI tllkoll lllnl1l' ill about two weekti. , , whole pa~&8ge TIl!' Spmfll.h M:nistl'r hu. \l ut becn roo , tlll8 000aslon. or other officc!: 8b~1l oilly lie elllitlell!lj OQP8. l duwli tbeir- dOllar IDd twenty-f1vJI centa ' The offieara cl! UCUI at t~e church; and, charge \lnd reet'lve mllellge \hereoll, to be lSec. 1I. Tbot In all controcLs. mnde III '1111/ colton IlIlIrkel a( l;ivef'IIOol \\'I\S Jln· clIlI... d UM Wll~ repllrted. dur relderl will pie II., 10 read tho ad· wh'\t wllh triO 'lIurt:Ylng to and fro' of mllr. computed from tbe offiea of ~nid officer 10 relll !Ion to tdlie pur!c~afiae o~ 88le of bLhQ I challlred, but "rioos \\ lOre /Tuncr, with n *,Ud.lY ....'.!fill tlke tho M.iami Vilitor. n-aao- ,I..e terml .re low It doe. "ot 'If' ' .. rti· .... mo .. l of LeAk &. DIlj'~II"rt And by tile plnee of lel""co and b"ck td -Le' office tiC ie. lI~m(l III lIe rat 100l\un, y tIe rillr alld 8U:O"\' demalld , 'rile nalel! '(J~ '< .... ~.. ~ ,~ $huls, and tbc agoDlZlng ualdultlelOr mat· f .;j ffi '" a w, bl1rrcl 'he dUllonslOns of the barrel shml1 ,,~, " RJUV A L OF 'rH F. H.E'ROK~ E iU~.J thlt tbere il but • l1li.11 quantity of lhu. doing look to Iilejr own intcrest. roll Borporuls, the regiment8 are "o)Jocated 0 B~e. ~.lce1:hllt I~' lIluch of t}le nct to be hllid: lind underetood to meOD the smmo IOnr~~:t~~.I1~I~c:,T tt~~0~~~1r~11 lI~ork!'t~ A LA'PER FRo.,lHA\' ANA. rllaull1J m.tter. for \VO give .. m~ If not ••• _ at l~~~,II\1d eath marohC8 und,cr III proper which thIS j ' an anlendment.lIs conllicts 1\8 ere6crlLe~ by thIS act. . . IIdvllnced ' Ul ea the HIIIJlOg 01 tho Ni. N~w YUll", JUlie :.ll .... mOl'l than InT , tWo do~lar p.per io tbe. p::rTho m~JOborl 01 tile MlIlIonic Order ensign. 1'he ataodards are decorated \Vlth WIth th,e act, be Gud tbe ellmo 18 hereby Sec. 3. rillS tlet ~hall bo In. force. ~Dd ~ The C'herokre roycd frbtn Htlvo na lit I b t d Bt J I • d (lWI 1 t) b Ir I I d d I .. •. repealed ,ake effeot, from and alter the first dllY 0 At Li.verpool \i Ill\U~ \VIIS • to !hl high- nooll tll'(\"Y' " Shp bnlll:" lite '~\l lIIb", ill eou.ot')'. The dootriDe' lbo cbeaper • paper II mlde, thtilllMlltr"il U." I. nqwt.ere ce e n.e . OlD. ay I 115 at eQul u guall I, an tllnr 1l18crlpllons . Jmnuury neXI. r.' . j lll"l!. Ind n ", sfrom 01 the 161h Blbl ir I • I ,Frankhn. ID t!ill eounty. Rev. lIr. Boall are, generlilly. Ippropri~to. Sprmg Val· S •. J~!IN F MORSE. , JOHN F. JlIORSE, }'lo\lr 6""94 h,"ller , Ol,io belli" quoled I lIt61. 'r"e lI,tllu lIlii r l'ul, 'I/n _rrlved ClL lbIiDUD d IIi ... of tfl~ Hou.<eC.ofCONVERSo Reproscn/PtIVfl$ S ' ,. h H .r l.J _ t / "" 20s 6,1 " .. I Ule W I e, t II earn I lOme new.. IIId Eld, J ,.Maple d, j ivered tile orations Iev bas the one which alrl k~8 m~ 08' the ptanerCH,AR:L.E,S ipea.~r 0 t ~ ,f11I$; oJ ~Jlruen a IIIC$ Ilt lOs lid t.e vulln CrUIII C" Illlgres~ 011 t IIe IU t II WIt.I lill () y .eyeD bUD· The exerr.l.el "ave aene,allll\i.fachon. m08~ 8ubhme. "In tbe namo of our God rapedn 8" ~ nO)Vk lI 'IfaI, " , '. Set ~ CHARLES C. O ONVElt~, Corn WIS tid tI~nror with Jorge 4t!.llia or pas lIger, Hq "IIU WIS fH'r.l ectlyi qll1 t dre (lipen .,er), wee. I" d neW •• v ~ er O~ ,K> W, SptukeT of the /late yello l• lit ao 10 316 wh llj), 2 5~SJ • IIIIU tlla G"lI rol no .v8 I unllllporl,.llt. '1'10" arc ad~\lj} to tll_li,t dill". t ~o .e~ uPB~~~ bounCer'!.' 'Pllat must nJafch 22, ~ !l61., ' l'rQvjKionK" ero lIellve but ull(lhanged 'herlllJuo! brlug aOQ Iltl ~cl\\: I'll. 1 O;:Z'ln IPving the retufna of tlli~ townshIp ~ rom tIe u e. OullI , l1,.ytlt lllg 80 ,, ~ Itl ~(I~e. ) '< last week we Made a 11118 ak~ Which made BIIl\plo ,nd '0 .'l'nn~ oome froOl pny ot"", [No. f) 2 ~o. liP.] .' Sugllr Btelltl~ wlLh ~n J nere08eil lie· FROM NN W yon K, the majority alf~nst licenle ~no hundred boOk I rr ~here 13 /Hvful"glQrI OUS, immo\:~N AC , ' tj) .lluwtl tbe (lct "AN AC'l' Fnrlher to amend lin acLeoti· mpnd . . New YUilli':, June 2 1. . wl,en It WII but IIAYI ' : tal subt.mlly allywhere, it 11111 1110 dIVIne the murmer de' serving mellne lIeu "All act to prevont nUlt l1DG06 flllS!cd olToe ntLher bctl~r, With more home do· I' IJ I S Ceople Ira bal(1nnln, to. "'0 h,ow tbey , i' 10bn'I Apoulypsfi. against railroad comp~mee, J,>m88ed Mllrch Ji'ebrunry"8 1896 • mond. IT .is IIIJrl\ln~ a man ";:IIlI)c "tn ~ull) have Mea '1-""-'. 0.0 bY a numbe'f or ..."......,. -.... Dut tile prOtCI"'IOIlI" I" motion 10W"rd 21,1850. ", S ec I.M BA 't~aol4tl bilthe Ge~rdl A~. COlllmoll Cjllllt~ Ten IIQ\'Il1eell A. id, ,wa~ 4ce (,llbtoll Y 8110t .1' l\lr. Mich." ''''--' , • • ,. .,.. Sec 1. Be 1l t1Itl6~"!I Ma rrl!ll~rnl b1 .1' ill & ~ f Ohi 'fllot every' WIth nn Increu80d cJ.emulld. but ullier .orlti Hart, f'/nwn tu}r\,r, JI~UJ&nl In·CI. li e FritteR, within one tboullpd mil" o( ():7Tbere hOI been, recently. \I 'l'Qry i1e- tile grovc; und such Ii (1roceasiOlI' It 18 6t1IWit, of I/If ~Ie 01 OhLOI Thllt th e :y q,. b e a. 0 ll'll til S were ~o~ Iii 'i'tl '.ull o.ltercJ a rcvolvur to be Oll~ lIe<1, 1\ llti tl ' (\lly or San Francleco, rel\lIy a m~gnifi~e,nt Ipcctaolo. 'c. dr ' 1 I10 th"d section ' af 1I0uije or ul ld•mg 11 18 lUle, . , of" robaceo lIud praces • \ ' d IVO- ' III1'.1.I!!r I d, l-bi. pilOCl,IDd .L u.lll I&y t b ~ the p nee Itruetlve lifO In the pro"lue fir In (f d ' IIIUllle I WIt Il Irill Ltg It ,S{lJe6 1111. ulle I,u"rr ' 1\,,(' III~ I11,"", to worlc dcine ueatl,) l'i'oml't1y. IO~ CalifoJIIl3, by wlli h • jtt'eilt portion or tlio entitle~ \In ael direotlllg tho Inn n ~:: ~~I~V~~~ a r'1~s~~tU~OI: - Ollle, chnllg~t1. ' wh ,lt' MJ. H,!,t \VUl! t'xl~l\Ii1\l\,g II , TIlt' CHEAP,&. lblD It aDY other ~tDbliah- aity wu deAtroye. fo $tocklon, allo, I "Wh:rt~c~I~~ t:'~0~~,,8tretch out to tbe ;~~~~;Iee, ~I:~:l!r~c:r:b 8~'::I~~60, held nnd' dtc med l\ ~ubho uu\Jo ~~Oll~y ~ f fjIChlnllgc~. d' The b\1111 ~ill~!~~~~(I~~~:tt Ijtl.he, Im.· lltt, wbleh _11I,u In tb OOO1)tl'J, Ie tlte "Ullml ;VllIitor Jobl dl'lIIItroul fire tuvk placo, lellving thlt cIty , .., be mllde at lene~ five daye before the IIny kersoll "'Vu;n g .such OUS8 or 3;'oio\;~Ulld8. 0 ug alJd 1ft 1Il0rOu801 The ul,l IIi~tory or 1". n Ulla & Cu , PrtnUnIOffiu." We are preparcil to ex~ '".In 1n tolne, c mJlQr~ tlvdy. 1'bcre mllSI be from IIVO l'; three thOU80rl,] ellt for the Inat of tile 'Iatl 0, und thnt unt) 110wingly easlnff t Ie lIu~m e, ,0\ I 'rhe aCGOUlllS from tho m!l nlJr"~lIrtng; BrQukl} ", 1I'<l~ dllllruYllrt b~ lire Ih l~ lIIutll' eQute ••1 kiDd. of 1'111t1, FlIDoy /lnd Orna~ peQpl~ III t~at array. FmallY they gather- Illat olause or' li aillb ird secUon be nrld purpostl of kc~ pll)g l crelll a OU8~ 0 I dl~ I~l cts IIrc m\'re fovornbJe IlIg. hl l.tlss $110,000, hut It~,t r.:cl by ",~ur• / . "ereby repealed. ' lnmo, or kllowlngly pf,'r'l\ll(.i~g the I1ll1e 'I F ' I " ~ ,. M h.... .n~e L'J'fE"AIlY NQ'l1JOEl!. alld .e"t themselvea m the co~l. leafy I' I.e u5e ~ or OCOUploJU foc 8uch pUrp05Q or j ' easrR, IIIC " ,-,omml£s on ere all. , ' I'M, IjI ~he socolltlllhu tll lltO July melltal ,u;& PriAtinf, and at tbe .. me tIme I JOH N F. MORSE, I' -" h the S me 'or suell ~ur havo '~i\ed f/lr 180,000 ~011"tl8. In 1.lhat hllvc 1\~() 11 dllRFti):our ljlrml .re Mver tban It allY othor 011'. . wood. 11hll, IS all lIpprl/prlole ploco tbr U.Jw_r. ,r "" . .. R ualDg Or oecupyl g . . , ,. " on 'd S. N ' ntl b nrolhQ~e Pf¥llIl_~jl . .. .all..l· 1..1 1 "'1",.,,/lTo,l c t I!'.uo~of rprt'tn/alivts. pooes sholl for 'cvolry auc" O{f(lIlC9 lie m,!I. . ·he JII Illn ,011111 ul'lg.Ilon GQ mpatly Y ". , I Ice n t"e country. n ",e GIll I 'a r6lijDULt&tlll or TJl~ AIII1':IICAII ART Ule' the (txerclSl:s. There. IS a IQcredne88 III CHARLES C OONVERS, - f' .. d n"ll ' n cor" '':t-'on COlllunttee hsv& report.ed arrmUI!l tlte PanCnhfor111a ll) ller' o.r I • dl COII[Qg'"l; t . llC \ synaIy 0 \1 shull mls Ollleo.llllr, hl ~ fI 1(. IIl1la nnd In fuYor of the ..Cope 01 GuoJ t II~" l h e p"per '" ' III)\\lluilts, 001bl 0 pr ce '\o~• ollr wor.k ,an d WI), ID.ure 10.11:-W e hnvo, received . the lint number ~iIedar k () Id loroMt, IItnt '8 nOI tn Speaker of I~e Senate th prcor b~ n ned IIIa. /11\)'u eUIII not , 01 the lelie. ror l80'1. of IIperio,hcnl bellr· gogue, clllhedral. or tbe bumble lallC. l\Iotoh 2B~ 1851 e.ed lll ' one Ilun'dre,l odoUorll, or I~Pr!SO Il- UOpGTI)UI . There IUlle bC\)I1I1~,'erill 811\0 11 f~llu~ .11\ it to be woll done. ~Yililing IDd B~illlu Illlrd» pnnted rng a lovo noml', willoh III the orgaD of I , G - - -.,~llInt f~r It lerm nol loslo lhan . thirty day.s A collision took plnee ot HlI mbu[g. be- tb ~ IIfo rl1ll1 truJI! ijlnce Ih 8, d.... AUlr.nea,I),. tbe :American Arl Union, the prmclpal me. liTho erOVIlK ere od'a first telDple~. [No 113.1 lIor more thon SIX mantha, ur bOlh, UI thl! twvcn alHI!ly orllllllors and the Auslrian ~pul't1n, l,owever, 10 l>~tUIiUlla IIfllernl b Ere rnmn learned ' AN AVI' tel amend nn art onll\llld " 011 dl8cretloll ot th e ourt ' , l~ 0\18 BI.x live$ w~o 108t. IIlld II Grllal t Ilt 1e U~"CB nrj e gr II tly l'llug~er.l e.l. • I ' I b dium 0 f commun cation etweeD t l\flln · Iro how the "hnft, and lay the architrave., .lOP N 1''. MO RSE, ' f number IVounded. IIl1d ao nol III r lilly e~cet(l four lI\illluh ~ \I. b TI i I ' c "I .. " act to Improve \110 law of oVllleneo," pll ~R-' Tw or Ihl't'e fll h ..l. re.' rt..·, i d agors an, ~J1.Iem eft'. I " D8Lliulion wu And fpl'ead \he roof IIbo\'e thom~er ed lbrch 28, ISpO. '. ~pea.A'r of 1M Jlo/Uc of ReprtsclIl~lI/tIs I trY" a M1 r~pu ';" n h., ftoOled ' Sec.' 1. Be it t/loclcill'!I 1M. Gf'TIeral :.I.s- { Cfl,ARLICS C, OONVI!;RS ' Phi adelplul, but tiler. wlU,bo UO PIIUt. ellt!lbltalied especlllly fur Iho eDcollrage!\Iolne ~lIie aioco~ nelrly. the requiliite men I :or kmerlcon Arti.t. an~ the promo· 'Ilh, lofty/vaull to gather apd' roll back mllftly of f~ei &(ltt of Olaio, That Sptaketl (If DIs &nate. ' E"'G~NJ), IIIIQ!lnt of 8t~ock wu .ublcribed for tJle tlon' or Art in our otyn happy cquntry, ew'6 I . cl provl8lolls of \.110 a'ct entltlled "1m Mar h ~5, r86 1. , , Pl!rllament lind IIdjl'lIrned for Ihe Wilit. .-ROM A'NGEl.ICA. , !lUrpotKl ~I ~lWiDIJ a Bralleu of the State ery M.ember IS elltitied to.1I. copy of ,the t r e 81,1unil of I\lItll111l18-11\ the arklilig Improve lha law oC' evidenco." SlInd.v holhdays. AIIGIlLIOA, N. YI JYlIl', !lOlh • ,\ 'l'hll nllmber or " sltQr s to the IxhiIJ11\01\ A di$plltch h.. )11.\ It('\>>~ recelvN II)' .n . wood. ) l\larch .!l3. 185(), be alld the Ramo BaDle of Ohio located hert', wIlen It was '~ul\litin," It is w,ortb tbe price oC Amid the cool and ..,h'nee, be kllelt by clItendod tl)" 1l1l8uU8 lind [No. 60.1 was lIear 60,OuO doily, Ihe price or tic~eta ('xpren mrsselli/er, rCl!pectlng ~.lln:w a'et!l'tailled thlt the ,~u!:"ber allowt'd to lu}lalll'iption toJth~ Ulli~lI. whlc.!! may be f do"'u obancery 'nd nrbl1ratlon.lio oulie eDme ~ N A 1T To amend aD eol bcina 0110 .'lJllng. • • parrlnger, Who waillentenceillv lie hunlr Ihla diatrjct wu .. trepd, taileD U(11 lind, mdo \0 tbll corre' pondlng SCllretl\rYJ ,M.r. ' ;A " ffi d t.o Ihe mol' be apl1"q.Illb1e. thll dUly ,p f Supervlse,e. aDd • '1'loe DlJbh l, lind Gal",a! railroa.d will be tet-day. The pOpu,lacetlelllllrll h~ .h.1I be ' llonlPll~ly tb, pro-let hid '0 ' be g v n A W f th 't f N Y k n,. 0 tlre Mightiest .olemn JOHN Ji' .. MOY BE, . Tqllda aud 'lllghwnYI patl8ed March 20, 18· n on the ~rdt III Agust. ., lllIOg, and tbre,,'iened tQ i 'a r ilUwD \lIe ~ Ie aron arner 0 e III y 0 ON or.than"s I S""~er or' lhe HolUe qf -;&:"r~lati11t" 37:,_ clope In liingland and Irellnd prom- Jail; bat the Jri_1I hIVe ,urned Ollt I" ~nlJ up. At t1ie lut , . .lOll of the Leglll.lUre Tbe terml of subscrlptioo lire fivo dollara And eupphcati'1n." r- CHARLES C. CIJN\TERS. .,.,0, 1 Re it tnhcted by ,1i4 G. lleral lOb. abundallt, leld, but tho "aeon ia force Ina Ire t\ termlned t(l pt,cltt'1l tlill lin let 9f'U paurd to latherize'Free Balik· per year. S ~ of 1M Senate. st;!ribly of t~ Stale pf Okio, Thllt thll real- railler bllckwerd. Pti,on"r. whf lurn tho flII'ulr \\,111 tako I.. IOg,'ln which Iny number of nall.l,ra~ perTwo or three entltuBIAbb'c addrusel l\jllrol! ~2, 1 ~51, ' dellce 01 a IIlngle ma,n, far ~oad purpoei!d, at pre8ent unknowu .Onll. ' not Ie.. \1110 tliree, may engage, uLouu LA VALLI'Juu." or the con~lua- dehvered l which tho. speakere l\ver shall be beld to IliA place wllerent he ....._'--'---..:~'-'wllb a eaplt.I-of no~ Ie.. tltan 'lW8DlV·fivfI elon of tbe 1101'1 Mutt hee ' been laid on unpreme~I"'ted- IIlId no d,Qulh Ihey aro.[N 5 \ bnard", 1n j~r':Nnd :.'a~i6\\t;~:'" Slate. 1 • FRANCE. , FROill NEW llEI>FORU. Illou8lln4 nor more, "lhllJl fivl;l hundl~d our table by t.l,!o publisher, 'T. B. Peler- A"er\~ard, songe by .threo' or (our achoole, A~~ lliUtho izlnr the of Speaker of tht. JlOI£O, Df Rilpl'AAcfllalive8, 1 he, Comml'~1I1ltCiharged \VII~ tbo sub· Nr.w IlElll'0l111 lun 20. lhoUIIDd dolln.. Wltll the (lrelllnt: 01'- eon. No. 98 Cheanut sl~ Phllat:elph', a.- of whlcb tho aile from Oentreville all'lults AlImony. ~ _. • CHARLES C. CONVER!!, of the revlero of l~e C~nl\?"ullCln hll~ LcUcra,froll1 thn SIll\~\V\I:h 1Ii1.,lcle I\n"" t It If U tI kiT h'" S B • . , d J.:o. he G IA " lormed It to ~n\brlll\ft n.1\1Il In favor. of Iler (lute <If AI,rilliialAl stnle thllt insatera uf por,unity" , wo do , not lhi1)k that . the 1'bi. work il nid 10 be Dun;tu's grelllj!llt, ~e WI I Ie m08t ij I 1. hen t e "IIqc. e ~ ellClC_? t , tJleTC ,. B~aker of 'he Smal.!. , and 1\vo agolnet tt. Lamnrt tno vcs!ol. whe> touel eJ there )havo 8l1fteri'd WaynClllv\lIe BllOlt wllI"e a thing talked IIJId we have found It to be on.. ono of trabutioD of unwliol~aome follder~ke. 1Ullb1!l OJ ~ "iI'tiJ 'f 0luo.,. fhat liie 81lV' ' l\fllrch, 20,} 8lSl.· . h~. malle , powerful speech. In (/lvor 01 ro- "real I)· by (tIe delsertulD ott'h~I'r "re'" ~ • , , . d r l ' b eral Courts uf ' C om men Plell In the ~tlItc " • h" cI IalOI1 ( 0I lh e nil· • " '- ,I of !erng, but. Jlldglllilrom tho enterpr ..o IhnlUDg Interest. Price IUty cents. an (On,~ ctlon8. II It not ~ trlln,e t lit oro hereby suthlirlZed to alii r' ,1.lon. su ~ ..ct t 0 the uee , mllnlreated by our cltl!en. In olher prol. I , __ people will Rak Go~ to blell them "Ith Ih follo..;lngell.:....... t'tlfA.llIll"ry,. (No.IH.] tlon byunl,erealwll'r',e , ' I" -~ ~ Y NCr F h d " rhe PresIdent i. Ibout to make another N£W AnIC, N. J .,lun.IO ~cta bf inter!lt, ~, belieu thai it will , iJ.D qIU~U'1i JOURIIAL , ,or M.a. .. : - " e hllalth, apd at the lI,ml' <tlmo feed their Hahitual drunk~netlsi ail-G.roes ' neglect A.~' urt .Qr to amen througe the ProvlOcea,where his The 'Cn.hler of the tit.te )lank, H .."e, • 800n be III actlveore~ation. Letul go lO bl\e recelved I number of tilla work ·pub. cbildren 8u~h noxlolle trub III Ihis! If o( duty; 4'th-Ahrfdonm Ilt ot thr wile pr~scrlb1l\lC the ~:tlC8 f hSb~er\dson.lln~ ia not ' Increasing. Dayton. h.. been couvleted or pel'Jug ...ork in carnolt end we will loon aee-om- Ii h d ' C· ·\ II b D n h mllnkind Will VIOlate Uto III\vs oC their 1111" wl\ho\lt 1I'00d: crause; 6th .... Whcli there Is ~ atl,n to YO! o.n Ig vaye, palle trade lceounls Ir\lm' Parit are sllti •. '1' . a IIt'pnnnon m ~naequenee of III trut- morc 120, t831 , ~ t . ' e II In 1110 nna , .1 r. uc 1I11an .Sec. 1. ,Br: d mradeJ by I~ Ge1\uat A.r- 11(\ ory. phil! our object. Vo\. 3d will commenne with tho JI\I)' num- tilre, prayer Wlil avaIl them lillie to Il"ort ment on the plart of' the husband; 0111XI9f' CoaaUtat1ou. ~r and wo would advlso thOle of ourread. the penalties. Who does not kn\lw tbls Conflnemenl 1/11 thti tpellitentlllry, In whieh acmblyof tho Sta~ of OhIO, Thllt If. any •. - - - - ...- '--..'.....' The yote if178 Qoun'iOl!. II III\'cn by the MORE D"\GUEiutEOl'~r.E8r e""l whose IUle leads them to Itully Ute by experience' cuo the ap(llicot\olllhall< bo mllde while person, body p~h~lc 01' corporote,8hllll ob- , I ~!lIAI~. • ~ , science of Anthropology to lublCl'ibe for 1'he baHle music penl~ (Jut qgain, and Ole husband 18 ab confided. . I 1)," 8UU'i uny pulbhc rra ~lg~,,·y'd8Ulh!r- (\ new levey of 60.000 meD 11111 llbollt Blate~man, .ho,!" , majorily lor the new CoOf'). I \U ...... . .. _ I . ' h d d b k h It Boc. ~ The l!,ocoedinll' shnll be Y. MY aw 0 t I • ta e, an IUller beIng made to enable the govcrnmenl to 111_ Con,tlluliOn 01 19,1131. Alid ,...r. v. ..... Iwn: nJ:~ op!l"od roomll In til , ork. One I ilollar a year {or tho t II Mtall ar a move atl to t e VI lI,e --' ducled in all respcr.1.Il al 11\ C1I8e! or ' ohSlrUCtlOtl ~o remain to lh. bill- terfore III the affa,ir6 of rortufU tie. the maJorllY as"njlt Iitenllor: the ..1i 1 the Academy DUlldtDlr, in UIII pl,co for tb, mont"! ,two 1101111(& ror the Di.moothly. Herl! the m.,.hale dwindle to COmmon catIon for divorce. \.. O"f lIacqnvenlenoe of pereon, milk• I of intosleating hquora w•• ',IMI7. p).IrpoMl of taklnillikth"asea, bylhe DlgumOil, lhe drums roll their farewell ran·toSoc. 3 Tllla act s~ol1 t,alce e{fcot hii' ule Of..8I1ch pilblic,road o~ nlll'nW·flV. Cill m~. erreot)'pe procee,a. Ho II one of the old- ',l'u AhllToJl:for June II u it hll beell lan, tho youthfulleglonl to dlll!aDd; lind be In lorte from and lifter Its pllslUlfe. Ihall , by ~Irttlel Qf In y aUltJllorl6tYJl TURKEY, h th ,. ' I I d"b b N 1 eet!, and r.0rts of acl, tnCOnSlelMt are lIere· or ot erWllO, c IInge ene, ' Tbe Rueelln troop. hsd complell., eva. Ex".ordl •• ,y Jr-gae. .. ~t, 10.1:" conaeqqently one of tbe beat p"e- from Iho fiMlt, filled with choice relding ror a 181n u\e to t olr homes. ~t "nil oc:- by ropea e d , ' 0111 Ihe bed Df any I!1Icb rood or cllated the DIDube ,od Provillcel, The lilt Abingdon Vi,.gi.i;' contain• pPeritora tn th.. bellUtiflil art. , Ha tbe youna. ; Tlli, number completes the eurs from rile of sun to the coming of lho JOHN Ji'. JlI0RSE or 10 any otber manaer render 'the lIlma the (olinwiDgICCQUntor one'Ot tho mo-tNreqata eilllflni t.o call. PrIces of pie- aecond volume, I1nd the edItor Rev. Hut- elars, to dlalurb tbe admirablo harmony of Stlta!.er'lf 1M HOIl8ll of ~rt~/a'wp. lellll convelllent.T ulerul than it blld beeD marklble elcap.. probably on record. It tUI'1!l from one daMar to 6l't.oeD. Likoncaa. intra V/eltl retires aud ,.,ivel plnce to In. lhiM Jllblleo CHARL,S C ONVER8, prevIously thercto, such perlon, body cor· Flirther Forelrrn "e9f'1I was .Imolt ml ...culo",,: • i: d \ ' .' .. TI I ,~ ~n- .r the &:nate porate or politIc. '1110.1\ bo subject to an ac• Th h'ld u_ G HI .. "". er or IIcr; an ao.!elllll"i p!lnol\,- correetly oth~r, who WIll be. enabled to :Itteod the line sJII,cere r, IIbrch 24, HI!iI,~l'ta. OJ • lton 011 the ca8a, at the auit of the comml.. IRELAND. eel ten lID' ~orle C"l~II, 1 ,.._,tlbo. He WIU commouc4t opentina to. dullos of hI. olllce, wuh mOle eue lhan COATES Kulft&y. . rl()ner.ol any cou.lty. or lupervlsor in Roif)1 had generalty tallen tbruughNJl- xen of Scott «;0"111" were playina tl?l'8 tlaer da,,(PriIJa),.) the former one, bolO" a reaident or tllft ~'I_ " dl.trict.ln which lueh road jJf hIghway the country. and tho crope were JtrIl.lly io a field and near the mouth of a Ilit1lom; I .. w ~ -' l!'fo. 65.1 • ·t . hi ' beneflttod by the cbamro. Some POtltO 1- Ilnk·hole. In lholr ,Imbo). OM 01 - - --. ty. 'Vltll the July number commence. COMMUNICATED. AN AC'r .']~o IImo"d an .et' enNled el uate, In woo or JI1 part. . ' fte.ldl WMO .onlowhat d!l'l.col......d bu.tbil • boy about e~ht ur t . . . . .n of . . . ,. 'oJ Sec, II. 1'hlt the comrolftSloners y." , b II ~;. SVND..\.Y ICIJOOL CELEBRATIO". tbe thud Yolumt.'. and wc hearilly Willi 4 " All DilL to "p~O\,ide : ror the p~rtltion of real lIJIy county, or lupervflor of Iny dletl'l .ymptom I. atlrlbuted to the Ji.t8 bard wJnd II tlle brl) ler, a~ul our , ..n • ~ 17. 1851. and th at It may 8uccee d,cven beyon a the ex· lUX, EDI'toR .-ln IceordllnC(l "Ith 10llg CliMe, g pasled 1 W>_ 1~e\)ruary ~, ,..1 ~ .L_ a 1A in which anl' lurh rOld 01 highway il T fru.t. dheadloDg c/ k over t b the I edR If IDd doWn tfInaoe We ..ere hIpPY to bear that the 81b. peetltion of Itt. publisher,. It wiU bo estlbllllhed cu.tom, our CItizens are msk- •__ Lcl~' o,r Ii.: '!l,,0""' , TeIIe'lat'a. a"-I ate, In whole or m part. shall DidO • h. weatber iSIILiIl cold. Ind unlike whIt eep ar pi e ow. "'.. lOme GI ln ~"w Y (I. lKi ,,~.....c rI h, h ml,M be expected iD June. Iller the eblld wnmilafod before Iny .'" blt.ll 8ch0l!1 Celebratioo at SpnDI: Vallev well euPllhed 'Ylth eliguvlOp, lind wba~ is ing prepArbtions to celebrale the Day o( enles mm~e by Ite ehenlf pureUlnt tu all f< rig. t to apply to any. cou,t of record, taln hlfono.tiOD c:ould be drawn from \he wellt orr 10 well; We ban ftOt beard.of better tho all, it II .e1)' chelp, ooly ODe Independence In ~ombiemorBtiUJ1 or that order m calle o~ p~rtltioD.lInle .. \he court ~r an mJUD\1l1oD tQreltr~I':e~ebeoiliifioU oth\n II to wbat,bad beoo_ of hi", .114 , lay tbirIJ for !Orne lime that bll liellJleo dollu I year. Addlfil Stnely &. McCI11- glorious Declaration Gnd those reno .... ne.1 shaU, by lpeciAI order. dIrect Ind reqUIre ~et~:~ o}n~~: a~n!~':jP lam~ Ih:11 nt PO&.TUGAL It w.~ 0lfl1 thr~a&a 01 .e~~rel puql,bmtn\ 1 O'fe~..e tUG r ·_u _.J D '" h dee d8 o( our fathera, wlllrh gave us Ulst- on . Tb e ~ate.t 1 • 10 WII-..y .pproY..... Vlllr Ine elleTCIS· 1i, NO. III P ear at. Ph II\I deIpIli. for good c h dCIUSO ohown tb ' the b sale to bo mb..rleII or refuled,' Iccorcllll&' to JUlIIC8 l.od .ee:aunta c:ontaln no report or th&t --_..1I0naily "-- tile boy 11 did h ........ _L' d h • U Owp. e pure Ise 01000., I a t the c:ounte I tf lliel _ _ .rvwo . \IV 0 t e ..... _ ClOD~" "v.,.IOI occllrre Lo mar t e peaee ot ollce IS II Nalion. lie payable, one-third on tbe day \If .ale. e!lul YI . r rovo u . 001" movemeal r...lon ofwbat 11M bappena4. AD .... ' In,. nere were about eight hundred OLIIMUNI<lATEU. Jt i. contemplated to ,i~tI a publio DID- ono-thlrd iD on'~ year, IDd one.third In two See. ~ Tb.: 0."1 IUlt !dutet under to ;t:'ellrok::;' Qut In rtbpL .... la".eclil,-IJ. 1IIid, \0 MCIII1&lII abe Ii'" lIehoIara ill .ttendance. wblcll tOfllther ner on Ihe occllion. Ibat feati,oenjoymen ! ~:,jral t.h erearw, with IDterest; the de~er. Whl!~~;~~i~: .m~:d::~t, Ih.1I teal~t th~ ~Idac::nhll ::;::r,;~ :!~h:-::: ;:~rh~t!: :~n ('!!:di~nd dbnl~....'!: d8 V wlta tlMr hean,.., aDd lpeel1l1or•• formed 8p 1J- "Ue, Jubilee. wo mly .ho\v our gratitude and thaDkl; agr!ibi;.e~otat~:) br~:'c:;~! t~n~~8 ~artlel, officillllll,acity of any IUch IIOlDIIIi ..iontrl mind. in the At'"y upon hia iliON Imme. we're tied to ttber ~Itb .'I!::::bato 1"'7 teapeetable UI4It1Ibllfll· Addrc..19 Jun~, 1851. and tbe ladiel, ,",ortily daughters of wor· cordlnlf to tho ttntr ,~cll~n or~h~ :~t or .Iupe~ieor' relpr~ti,ely, IIJId nOl In d,ial$ partilaal. WhIM U8lted lOme dl.... 0118 eud, .nf attempt WI' mlde to f.~ e. 'ppropr'-&e to t'be UCIIioll we,e deli\'. DUll V,StToll:-Wbat I day II Ibll for tby mothers. come forward I1nd show their arorelllcDtJoned, their mdltldual Damea, pnd the .ame Ih.1I l:afaotlon ill tho Arml· tile depth b~oeath. bot 1II0re til... alatJ ""' be bcblnbgol of offic.tre, but ere.l. . . . . IIouDtiflll .,plJ of refresll- the vill".l At niDe of tbe mOlnin ... my UI-terelt lor t110 OOGUIOO and tbelr pl1ttiot. JOH:N..l;, MORSE. nhl)t1llhbate by lted or rope were e'!f.loyed In vain; no bOUaID _ _ _..._ .... 1\iII ... .Q _Ml ,r ,,- H . I I .. _I'pml"eu 1t er the Id b MI. A 11 b _... _ . . . . . . . . . . . tip hi ltiOdiir UIIID 11 r WIn 'if bere Jooka out on I JIve i.m 11, CODtributlDIr of the good Uunp of -r-.eroJ un: ~~ ~f ~rut:1It~II7U. lime II if no cbaD had take. CIOI1 e rei"". .11' ted C I _ wu will. fOlllld • COIIIlDlllllaation 00 thil lOb- lItlcket of wo_o,la every ata.o ot growth thl. IIr. wmllh they 10 welllcoow bow to cn lRLl:.1:I ~ oJ~R:;"a.W. judpleol, 1ID1t. othlll'wiae 10th alt, atate ~~~~1;0~"~ ~~tJ!Y~, ~I: C~ra Kann, of BJirinc Valle,. from pautaletted "Ibytude to IIIXIOUI ml- JI"IIpue, that the pubiic table ml, bo fur. Milch U.186J. • or. ........ ,lie Croat.ioN . . . . . . , . . Ur .. . , .... • ... lIIuood,llItenperNli with mile nrietiee nillaed in l becomlDg manner. I bthe of tbe .. tile CIIMIle ~ DDt • Io ••lch,thu IooIc Ilk. 1111)' brullnrood Ncnr,ltiaol'teatbe.-e,IAIDU"Iaeu. (No.1i6.1 J!::'t.!cd':~tthle to rurtlaerdbtU ... to iii ~_ to lite Ja a WlIdmteIw of blOllODJl. Trul1f III.. dtat thOle who do lUll Gt ootldag lowlnll AN AC'l' to tile ... 0. \lie ~ .... tar ........ ere 1IIIClOIItIa creehlm, Neb 10 auda .1l1li1 ....puIa, for IUCIb DOC'IIioIll ft8 die . . . er It aWII)", Ind thie f •· t










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in ••






Ste..!i ;;u'

o:rw...... . ................



tt; . . Co prUie or caUeo .... rift......, . . . udir &I!,IIa.r. 'Nt ot


~ to take, . . -ad carlJ al'dae ~ .;


.... _ ,...




feee....4 1tr1lew.= iCe.....




"b1'" ..... llllall'bla

there w .. -1 In ec\lf.~m.n' (QrtbQr ell'qrlll.o lit fo und b('lo\\ -A brother of tbe loet chile! upiler

r., took the fe."f,,1 tllk Cord. were r..tBIl "d arlJllO~ hll w,I., 'ftc! Iilllbe"and cue ~n Ilia wri.t- by which be mtrhl IndlllaLe. to

thea AlIov/) Ille w"hee .Ither to dellend tq I II drawn up. Ite Wl8 IWllI/g off lilo\\ I,. luweretl, unlll havlllg to .ldl'L1. of 1lbl)~t lifty feet be fooke~ hltll ,lid there Ihone thfQujlh th.,


Inrkntlhl two ,liateniQg lye. In .otly 10011 109 uP" nd III ,nuther momllnt )11' wns .tundllllr 01 II fthl!lf ur Mngl" 9! the slut/l \ Ith tlill ell Itl eIlUped to tili bo.nlll,J:Ul la.lcned th~ little fcllilw.el1l1r ely to I 8 OJ\\ II IOJY. nud ~Iddrng hnll ~o tuke ,hll tapa firmly 11 hi. bOllds the slgn.1 \filS III yo," lu <lnm up TI a dllid hUlii r.oJlVul~ ve!y 10 tho rope "ud In " few m'nUled they arUBa \I IIhm View of lhe Iloxluus apolltntur& whu hod DS

gembloll to \\ Ill1e.8 1110 rC18ult. Dnd whon thll fira\ IrllulplO of tie 1I11ln fllllu\\I IIlIve cought their eagar guo, acroam. and shout of jllY I,Orn Iho eKcitelimulthudo filled the ulr,lIud big Icura uf sympl1thy starlud from the eyil~ of eyery beholder A nor lhe fir.l p.. rolCl8ml of,dolill'ht had lubllded, tho thild wus olCnllllned to .ee II hlld IUslltlned nny IIIJUry., lod cxtraordlOQry tl) lell wllh the pxceptilln uf It hule brul •• on the bock fill hCld, It WUl perfectly Illlllld and lin hnrt The '1I1y complaint It mqd" WII~ til at It Wal bUlIgT)', lIollllt lIoar!,. h\enty, e('von hour. IIl1der tile grcll.nd To Inquiries made at II, It topbetl thl1l I' 81lW • lillht and beard It thuniler From II e noture 01 llle p'lt, It appalrod thst lhe hulo f.llow had foll-:n a porponlleulur die lIneo uf forty feet, upon a slopo or bend 10 the ~Illln, anti trdm thtlt place I nd 81 ded Juwn t,venly foct further tv the spu( whero ho wn. fouud Ie HOlng agaInst Q eort 01 1IIIlIr or. Willi, nlld gnzllIgupwnrd How e'o'pt'd IIIalallt delllrllclidn /. bey6nd Ilccolll'Il




CHE8pRY. lor Cou,II., ".thOla, Iolluea&ic We do not '11'1.11 to ~~~:~l:~~~:~~:J:~:

n, CODlUmpUI'a.


tnlle wlJh the ""e' of the aftIieletl, and P!KiII oure1vN to mike DO ..ItI'I'tiOnI •• to dfl Vlrtu8 o( tlll. IMdiClae, nil to hold out DO hope 10 .uJl"eriolf hum.mtT. which I~~~~~~i" (aeta" II no' warrant. lJ"t whea 10 III.. -"re~l. who litad beea ,t..ea up by their ("enda 'I , lllre Pte! to eonnmpt- I'relidll.nU loa., have been re.torecl to eatire h ..hh by Dr W I~tar • nalaam, we c\paot holo oar peace while 10 .. an,. around nl are fut .,,,k.. , to the for want or • Mlbtl .., remetl,. Try Wiater'. Salaam, and I1I8to,ed huhh will bl the rewlrd

Tllfl )IOST roruLAIl:


U rd by rltr$i~rIlDI or IIlIII ~ ~t8adlll~


T1 o. BITrEI'S mo,. III morlld , .... Unn, purlrr Ih. blood "Ir. Jr'''' Ion. I n I r" or to lb. .., ..Ur •• "IOft. rortll, u.o or' Ie...,1 1,,1111 Caluro dl ....... ~ b. I.k~n ./tb .. rely tI ' . tI ... d.blU taUne Ih.l'!-(,.,ln, 1I",.rul • lb. Dloot d.'~ cat. ~lam.tlo IDd ... ",ark-hle fur th~'r dI ..On, ita.'~nrotln, .lrcnlflhonll'l! ODd r.. to<l,II .. p .... IJ\d I. "' . ",d ..... ""modJ l~l


ullin, aU.atlon to




BO'l"r'S Impreved Extracl of Yellow Dock aad S'r.. perilla, •• r••1 soafideal tbat WI are dolll, a lftYiee to ..I .. 1&11 lilly be aIIllctea with 8croruloIN aDd other dIa erde,. ortl'lIati"l la hel'8lbtarr "!JItt or r",111 IlIIptIIl'1 or the blood W. bave

............. bcrw8"'. ......... _. Ia.' ue.,.n



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nl ftftI1lU.


or O&lf~IL.U DF.1IILl1rr "'"

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'!RaO • • A.D.

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Iortb. 'Y.UUW DoelL' aatl ~I (



r "he adnrtl... ...idh:~a•• 1-.:.:::::..:::.;:;,~:..:.:.:~--,~-=-=---...-"... . . . . .~

" .. rt~a",


",10." (1110

Icqlfllal&ace whlre the moel lormillable dlll.l'mpen 11"". berll eQt.ld by Ih. l1li OIl1 IOU'. E.clr act and .....partUe aloa.

It • olte

J ~ n~'.

FEMA~E8 Wlao ......

IInotnl 1"-11_ wttIJla the ,pben.I aur

that aaaot


AI,.,'I .. r

elYI H. Fal tna. DJtOnien ot \t'e !l;ldu Llyert &Ad 111010, ' - l>t ~rpo1ll" I.. w 8ptrlt~ cnon n...d OC~ Olddln... rl', on of II. U~rt. 8Iall'.., IUIII F.I1_. W ••lt.. !l th. 1!\Om1.h &114 til oIJI.. . ' _ .... aoI . j ID !top... d al. 01 L1. blood. Urn lie willeh I'" 10 ..bUll....Dd wookJulllt. "101'"

ml!nt ~ln



~;.~B~~trJi~~t ~1!~iMi

\lira !\I""


11\ OAIlA CA IILt...£

Thou a. k 61 II ,,;7i;'rQalho no more 'I'h. alral1l8 "re lovoo to bUBr o( ),oro,"1'1 Qugh from rn)' harp, neglectOO lulIll\ Jlnlh fled Ihb witchIng apell of SongTIN1101 Ihot Borrow'8 band hRlb crushed 'J he 80ul Ihat once In llIuAle gusllcd'N(lr "81h \t lofl ils "hv'mll of loar~ '1'0 .lIIg and ."Dr" QIIIOnilibe splteros f Above carth's eJulllllll Qoubtll alld leora , rJ'he hol'Jl that once my soill did 10\'0 Ncll'now my S[llrh'ti dIlP!)._ can lTIt/v.?" No Rioro thftl magic j><)wer it owns; My HeaM Ihrllls \lOw 10 ollUlr )Onea • , ¥1!8, ~weele" RIOlodr )''10 heard Anti Iirtt:I.ler drcalllB my ,ou1 hath surrod'1'0 d ~ orur mURIC U.\I·nlng,

1 cCMet! 10 atTlkl! eMU'tldleful 8lrltlg.

lUfllla!'ll~~ f!111l'itio C;-~rIlE DOOMED SOLDIER. I


anT more I



"-V· . . . K ...._

In ,Id 0( tbe rrut ,,·"nrnl8.Lllunl 1 hllve ball but IlIl1ch eRU~~ to bl-J~11 III her formor rgy IlpOl1 111I~ lI)II port~1l! ellbJ ct rn rll errirlde \\ IYnnt tho ,\0 I' of OVC1.rv 1)11111 WI/mlln IIhll Clllllllll hrl~(( IId\l1l1 I I} \I C lIoL IOilk for ~\l11I g rrolll your lid IrllLrlll \ IIlnge \ lhe I[c llth \l~ t he olty nt Ilf se nt 110 good or. tho tllllC of > e~1 111111 IIhloligh ~ o u anuy heur 01 UII occuslonlll tlen!h from cholan yO\! \\ 111 0\$0 Ilelr III 11111111 II lit CII$O~ nr9 o"ly Slll1rBUI ,lIot even 111 to t1.1!oll no III P \Iellll" fo l1\ il 'l II':;: the ppst II eel our City oUllell"11 po lIed l H OI nl 01 lIeu ltll "lao uru em pOlVereti with I utllonly Lo l'"r~h" 6 () o~ lenst) a tru ol of 1111111 nllti erect ~ \IIt Ible llulltlll gs \ pall It for n Q.uu"rulIlIlle 1 i1celTl tillS nn c~ce lltl ilt mOl e outi If Ih e plan IS concal Qut) It Will hllYC II creat III 110 C Il C~ for ijou I ul~on th o heulth 01 01 r City Yours &c , J F C

Ih 08illlJl We answjlr\h atnllu~ tonI! lbIol8J10r<:J" rat'lrs ond the 0110 purpor, ~o be wlaer than a\llh~ rest) hnd IlIIS In.,:s II u d doubts ~ t t Illes III r g or~ to thellc th")g' n~ I In) llo aet" from Eel 18 Lo .Jill rj sultl III Illy hellrt r.onccflrl ug 111c C tAlo ' Qr the 601lS of mon lhut God 1\llllh~ mon lfe.Ltl In nlltl II. Itlh, Y III ght see thUI Ihey thrllH()lvcs oro be I ~ IS Fo~ Governor, that whi ch bO(llllcth tho 80118 of me I be Llo\ltenp,JIt Go\Orllol' fulltlh blluslh ns the one aI olh so il, th Stute 6.udllor, lho olher } on Lh, y lou 0 ull onll breath ~o Stnto rrc~~urer, thnt II Illnn hnth 110 IIro CDlluellce II1l0ve r Sccrotary 01 Stu(Q lleD st for vII 19 vunit) All go to 0 11 0 Five Supfarnc JUIJgea, Jllace aHare of tho d at 11\1 ull lwn to Common Pleas JlIJgo IhIS~ oglllll Who .knol\clh Iho splrt\ or .!::=======~=====::;:=: l)rolt~to JutlgC', mUll that iollth upward lind IIlc splnt of Senntor, th \leIlB~ thmt gouth IltJ wlIWord to Iho R~ i1rt>lM'ntall\"c, earth Whcrdoro 1 percolve that Ulerc Clerk or the ourl 01 Common Ploa " 1I01hlll{;.bctler llilln tlllIl \I n'lun ftltou Id Cotlnt', Treasurer rejolCD In 1118 own worke fur thal III hi~ Co"nty Comllll.sloner porllOn for who IIh ..1I brmg 111m ttl 8CO [No 62 AN AC fUrlhor to amend tho I Act fur IVI~ tIl Will bo IIflllr hlml' Also Eel, IX tho 0l,emng uut! CI gulullug ronds and IlIl:h 4 ~nall) ''For to hun dmt IS joined to 1111 WU) s ' lUarch !lll, 1861 Hnltbn A..oclI~l()n, lhe laYII a I!lero 1ft hope l or n J,vmg dog IS ::it:c 1 Be,t ena tel b!J tAt (.cnqral Jts [No 67~1~-------Mod' l&)l Delo" IIIl1de II very 8UI c CUllfuf botter than a dead IOn For the hVIIl[! ~el/lUy of the Slate of 0/110 1 hut 60 lur lid AN AC L '1.'0 provIde lor filling vncnn ISCOIISIOII ycstcrlluy d I\ernoull III Ii 0 clock ~Illlw tlaat t)ley 8bull d,e 11II~ the dell~ the dulles uf Ua8c,,~o r" 01 dODllIgl!8, us pro 0 cs III the offices or Atlorney GeJlerul, Irorn Ihe 01 el lut IlLtha eornc~ of l:), Vlllllh ...,.UOW no., Ollytl 1 III", nt'11 ' I I vlded (or III lho sh:UI deotlOu ot thO IIC~ 10 member of tho Boord of Public ''''ork~ I ler Hive IICI ally WJ110 II II11 8 18 [III nmon dII Cit uud OlllluwJIIJI Hj_ In tbu rrt). ~ nt)p or" I III Gas eti 01 nnd otber ~ti1to oilleen Dlude cluctlvo pY mllllloar or ~J1eu~"tol1:l A buoke, ",ot~ rcwfird IUYlng out or Ilitellllg IIny Sto!d or county ~he I'opl. 1 herehy cerhfy thot J hilI e (! ~n(nlll('d \IInrgo U K a~tllohcd to the ~l1lll/oll,wIIICh tho loll" .{ know lIot how tbese paslages are getl rou~, be and lite 811010 nrC hereby liUperst:dSt!c J Be ,t elU/c/e(lb!llhe General Jts foroJolllg Inw& as I)IIbhsllel\11I the ''''Ufot 1J'0' ~D' EIlT.I!JERS. ~hc Farmers m thla ntllgllborhclod cOllfidently 1~'ltl!l'e ti, lind mode II 1I10i t bllbU ThOle WI"hl!)" adYeru.menh in.ert.c!d In h~vlI comlDcn1:lP.d cllttmg theIr I II heat- orally mlerpr()tctl IJy the reirglouB rClldere crll, antld tho IVlo~lerd ~~c;t~~, ~f:Il~h~r~Vltdf 3C7111/!J of Ihe Sl Ita of OhIO, rhnt whellov orn Stur, nlld ItrllllOUUCIJ tll ~ m to bo cor Lolul lurlill voyage rllo It rllll\lllllun 01 her eet ). I) k I or UII er till • II~ ':j Ie Il er the offices of Attorncv Generul UlOln the VlSlT01t, mua\ bring t1~etn in by '1llao pro.spc~ IrC tojerouly fllir of >tI Ie V181tor 1 \v I rllll/or, lowever willch thlll I" all amendment shnll an Ild b f) n ., t I' ubitIC \V or kS Qr lilly J AliOB l' .1I1cKA Y, ,Deputy Aud tot odvclltur' lj wall not, hUI~t.lver, IJI"Qt ~$ u,:ro I I b bI I " or 0 110 oBru 0 able us It Inlght l,nvA been Whclllllnnc t IIIL IIlVO't I! ver 0 IIUt lodty of ono of dillou to their llllttIC8 as \lowers, al30 ot other S~ote office tliut 18 or 1II0y be elec lV,.I~rJCIY EtlIIIlng, to inaure pubhClluon - ~ "'-'.--""'-. tllolely over u lurge lut, II) tbo lourruII.!" the lIo"t Blbhcal 8\lholllrS in Iho UIII~!ld the 8111111;1 tllJle OI!seSS 81111 iJete rualno the t,ve by the pimple, shall becolile VI\~'"lt thlBlIllle week of llnllgl ~ burlfl s bc IItlqllU>t"~ to dt!dCU II I 13t~te. foy lhe I\bovo l,,~erpretuhun And tI ~ l11ageB 8U8tollllill by ony plll'IIOn, throllgh ~Urtll' Iho acll~IOu of the General Asscm by the uSLlnl IMthod, II hell tll.e 1I1111[r gvt ly believe thnt tilfM Tourlhs Wb~! ~redtllS09 ~ny roadtl' proposed td ~o bly 8~Gh VllcnnClV 8holl bo filled by JO nt ==="""'="""'''''7=;;<''''''''F'''===;====:=:;= [ consctcneloul out of oriJ~r, allli th e lualy 1\ ns UUI lfl e to "THE DAY WE CELEBRATE , 01 1111 olllstclillom feo~ sometllno8 In tho °ttn 1'~lle I," a r[Bitee 15 t~ r~1ulrle ballot of llae Leglslalure, and" hell the nC~OJ\l"hHlt hor purpo~o ::lhe fi,lolI), puc ( • lau s x I 8ec:'1911 0 IPo ne 0 \ lie I \ S LerrialulUro sholl Ollllt dUTlug its ~eSti 0'1, ccodod HI eJl'oollll\: II UO CI.'III, !Jut III _0 IIi! The IhDlve""l.., ot our 'NatloD8 Dlrtll iJlllcrmost rer.esses of their 86ul .. !l ijCCrel \8 nn IImondmcul, and lucb viewers slUlII to ~1I8uch vaCIIUcY, or when .lIoh vacMncy mnungud to cOlne dql\ n ill Luck lWOlld d_)" hb .... mdrew l1ear--for drool! lest the B~trlt \ 11:0 the body, 100SCld JIl o<!d,Uon to their report 81 villwers, Riso &111111 oceur durulg the rccc~s of tho Gell ubout forly rodll ollly rru llI Ihe nv V"It. baye tJle"A1t.itena or tlIeUOlted State8 Ita uloutlLy and very (ew would refUllo nt the 8 .me bmtl rM\\rn 8uch aaeasment III ornl Asse liluly tho snme shull loe filled b) er }'urtullottllv tho \tute~ Wbs not ;lIor~ # 1" ,.. ' dllmalteA I\lld perform t.ho eame duties re I t I I G tI I ~though they might deollne to ackuo)V1 if oi I ftr tied tl t I1ppO ntmeJI u t 10 overnor, on tlO llulJI Hhoulde~ dcep ullallIller very 1I1Iio d~ J, yed un r th DUller, of 'Llbett.y,' IU1d -j qUite 0 sue I upprOlSel'll, y OVl , III porsoll 80 elected by the Legllliaturll or Illy sho II ull c ~trl o$ted frolll hel dlsolgl< On now It bCicolljee uato cp.lebrlte thl8 ilay 'I'm: IDoJ.Ii~1I l\L\OAltIUI for )uno IHls (ldgo It) to recelvilluch an IIlIdllloDlI1 ovl "/Iucb ~I~ ert! sllaH ' assess dllmll nllpolRted by the Governor, ahall hulU s~ch ble HltuallUII, ulld tOllether WIth It.r upJlhr • • proper manner, Ind we trust It Will .• I' d .' I donce a8 \\ ould CMbl" them to know tho \ ~~ I( any arise unller the provulons of otllce unUI hIS success"r shull be elected IUS, \\ 1.1011 \\ u~ 111I1 ~'Jllled bru11j!lIc IS oIuly reCOIVCu h,. 15 0 grull Iner,p",cD, t 0 .... i'"ll1 SCC) I o.r sa Id IIv, ~t wi e'l '" db 'l'b -t. b · dC/lith 18 81n1plv .. ehBnge of hfe 1, I"r lilly lIud Qunlalietill8 ~rovl,led by IlIw to llau city boluru S o'ulo Ie I " I' 1I11111 0 De Q necellary a" .. ngemen... ,vp filled, Willi ,ooc!. reedlDI: Orders f elalul for damagcs 18 mllde or not Sec 2 That wbin nlly vllcllney con 1'lil1lCd by Iho Q~ ~e ll ij'oU \\ lid J... ~ t hnll III It.oeQ m.tIe, by the CC/IUmJttoe, od to-doy be "dll".,ftd to E 4 &. G L We ate ukild to ahow b! ICFlJlturtl Sec:a l'nllt 1111 appeals to the court lomplotcd ~y Iho p,roeedlllg SCClIOIl .hllil hour our elti&ene wlU ma,c" to the 'Cold SprlDg' DUfekl ok, 109 Natsllu I:!ucet N Y amplC801' docnlne" tbnt the present day or common ploas under tile 8event8tlnth docur thirty dS~8 prevIous to IIhy Il'~nl'rul lind IIl1ten to all a~llre.. by Rev aft Dtlvla __ tCVl'la~lon$ ~re genulnA elld \vorO.y bf nt sectlyll o( tbe Ict to which this 18 all electl n Inti DOllie shall beGlJed of Lebal1on, I'-ten to mllslc by the Doll. nC ,ten\joll "lIW admltllAlg that notillng IIf oOlendmeJll, ~ and tile IlIlme aro hereby tho first gon!!r",1 olectlon , oCtor the "'<I h -' b tl ,.. tI k ct b''''' d tl (J I ·~ l/upel'll.l!i1d lind that when notice 8hsd~ be I IIppCUIfI" uf euch V.cabO' (lud III ull broo"LUll an ,a.. catawectllnJlllIg y Ie plperClllUedthe'Artilt'ISourDlII'pubhah 10 In can e,.""n lere , WIICI \I om alvan aD bo,~dfiledror an appeal III re I D I h'llb "I d ." t. 1 , lU ,. t tI th ' f fl ~ ) r -' , otler Cll8e8 suc I vbcpncy 8 II e nl 0 at ~pe"j:er ~ ml y ~ '. e .. 118 lilt no ,"g eel III Oinclnnl\tl, by the :\rtll~'5 UIIIOIII- nr rom 8UppO~\Dti necel~Rry ~ am agll'" qUlr~tI b.y, " 1.1 ijoction, the nppelloll sllull, the nc!!t sUQceedlng general 1l1eClioll WIll occur, U'llt Will c.U II cloud otcr the It., a very: Itltercstlug "aper Tho Art IInn.lile to ,IICD tile relC\llInl y or suah ate. Witblb leulla)'s thurcaftcr, file II trunsellpl IOHN F MORSE, • caercillet of tho diy. I t' U I I bllal d r. tit c r f1uest Are lVe to reject overy lIlIng as ul tloe proceed,";s before tila c 1\1D1luIOn SjJ( iiI u.e HOI~ of ~emll'lhues 8 I ilion S 08 II Ie IIr e.rurpos 0 f I tI I " .. I er.:! With nllY :J.U!lI(:O 01 the peace of tile ell RLE L' " GO VElt '" promoting tlle fine artl and the BnCOllr II 8C lI.t Illut III ..Ie J..1l1011)1 by .ueh II rull! tOI~nMlllp III willi h tile premls!)!! cllllmc~ ta A '" 0 tile C) tc .~AN A~D DETESTABLE. ogemelltor WeHtern Artiste The anl)jlnJ many <If our mOflllllbhulB Dlo~1I1 !,lutl Bel ~J; dnmoged lire sltuuted, III wllole or III ~Cf l' IItt .,..-.:: 8ubsilrIpllUn III J!,ve dollara wla loh entltlell 8QUllc truths and many muderndt, ool'enos pUft Fur .ome time Pllat In this place It hllB Ihe lubacr ber to an Ita prlvllrgcl Elich o~ nllturall\lw~ IDIiHt La dlsrogariled nnd Sec:l Thill such JlI8t1ce 8blllll~~uo II (No Q~ . l I r e ectod tl f .• \\Tlt of HummorlS u»on such transcript AN AG1 1'0 !llllond ' An Acl for Ih" buen the CUll.Om 0 ( tOme peRoa 0, perlona, Il)embor will rCl!elve a copt of two elll"o I a8 ulII~or Iy 0 our creuence nga,ll1Bt Ibe oblt(lord 111 the bond filM un pruor acknowlufgmt'n! oml rccI)rdlill: unkaownt to eu, and deflce H.ndbIU. RO ,Ings, 'Clltohing the Anbbll' and 11 prillt N DOAN dur tho RI);lecnah seCllon of the act to Deella nnd lnglrllmen(s of Writing, pill! DI to ml1ke the teld,og ou lOme of 'WlI8ll1nglon' liner Stewllrts celebrated wl"c11 thl~ Is an IIluendlllont, nnd tlie vur sed 1I'ebrllary 9~, 181i I • yulpt We lelfll \bat IOmo of Qur clli 1\0rtrll,lt,II)ld ,.I!iO WIll receIVe P- CollY or lOU8 'CIt/! DIII('ndlitury \bereol. winch" rlt Sell 1 lJe it ItlJac/dl bI,I tJoe GePieIC I A s lena Ire deU,rmlDed unlell.tile practlco I~ b J I 'ib b.1 &hllll be Ber~('01 111)11 returned 1\ other, rib ~"iJl!l oj; !4e SjlJte of 0/110, rlu.t 1\0 deed , t e uurnn I SII Heriphon may e IIlDuC uf like CIHlrllctor ulldlll stich SUits the lip of r8111 C hte heretofore or hereb Itor exc c1ilolOnUnued, to ml1l1o an elfort to to Thomas Ftlrl.,1\Illlodeon nUlldlng, Chi ClftCIIIICnJ June 23d, 18~) Iiolant ~)ullllJe Finllllttf; lind tlte 6Ui~ obI! cllted by allY per$oll (lctlllg ror others liD out the rUCll11h I)I"nllti. YV }/ERLl;Y Di;Q~ Sir -rhe gars dC)rCnilulI\S IIcr II pow r of IIt~orney duly exollutcd 10 killd reccption f my prevIous leUerl! /11 Sec 1 Thu upon u return of !emce. knowledged ulld recorded, ~hull bu heltllll I!,ired mc "Ith a hope. that another gllll/IIP upon 8\1ch Ivrlt the JUBttce ahall issue u vlllhlor dolcllllVe because Muoh Il.ttum6Y CO ~UllJNICAT..ED. ~WltJa tIIreo more number•• fxparcs veplre fqr II Jury of 81X ul~lfIturested elll IIIstelld ot Jlj~e rtllJg Ib,e IIlImo of his !,rllI "lg 8 Ileet mllY hot prove an IntruliOD'IIpOn zens o( thl) cpunLy, tirld the sallio proceed b pal. III auch clslld 118 the ll'rulIlOrs tJlerCln tl" half of lIIe MCODd volwne of the tho courtesy lhat h~lI been ptcllu\1sly ex· IIIgs shull b~ had thcrebll tbat liTe now, or shull havo IOserted 1018 olVn nomo liS SUl h 'THE GLOIUOUI FOURTH Villior,and we cWoulti qgett to our patLontl~d Lo me '11 wrJtlllg (roJIIII Clly ono llIay be here IfiUI provllfed, lIT CUSCI bf Jury IIl10rney 811 tbl! gtnntor, lOr becon II tillch '·UI1811Itisf4(\t,.ory rolli, who are ylt an arreal'll, the neceaalty 18 not 10 DlIlch nlll 108S lor lIonlelhmg to trials loo;rorc Justices of til" pellce loy lhll nlrorneY.l1lstelld IIC IIlIbsIlI1UUl,: the names av YOUIIU IlASRY of payla, their" 'l!blCnptiun We do conllllUIllc4tc BI to nanko JudiCIO 8 seJee- 1I0t 0( Ii ebrullrv 14, 1840. and the \ arlo US 01 hiS- prine Ipilli to Ruph decd, sbnll huve Jllao to dun, but we mtIat have mODey or , II oeb! omclHlnJ or) thereor provl lied, Ihnt subscrtbed lhe 8UIlle with h sown nnrne frOID the grollt vl)lumo of lleWd wllleh i~ 8ucl1 JUlIl ce an I Jury shnll eXllmlllC per U~ sueh nttorney, IIQr bc cuusc the certill Freenu:n, 10llk up anilloe tlIO\ FIllg, it. equivalel1~, to pay our wlY As WI have Bonull)!; Ihtl Irll ot the prcposed roud Cllts of acknowlodglllcnt IlI s t~ad o~ cl ever open belorc hun Thllt o'er 118 proudly Ih~8 , ,,0 tilDe t.o ill to OUl' .ubacrlber. tboee ot II SlIIce my lnet, we hnve hall tho VOTltll wher,&! It ptlB~e5 Ihrou!!h the I'rsIIlIsc6 HI tlllg forth thllt the deeal Ihs IIckllowlcdg('/I It III an emblem, p"re and brillht dlltanu c&I\ fOllllt by MaU All we uk ble ltochcslcr Rnppmgs IImong U8 But cOlltrci v~uy, allil prO\'lifcd further, llrllt the by the PrIIlCIp,uls, Ily lite r uttorney 511 111 A .ymbol frorn tho '~Ie. fur our paper t. but a trifle, tbe terml lie· decillion or such Justice rill,) JUrv shnll 1oQ. let forth thnt It " I¥ nckl owlealgi \I bv the thiS proved" bAd atmosphere for the Bplr 11II1l1, ullieas reilloved tu the court (or (Joan !,craOIl execut II' tlte game us sllcl ultor GO"', ehoulilloud IlIr Frecalom'a day, inlillwer t~ theJD,Jority or pa~,.. It.&! to inhllle, and IIrler rCllllllnlng II low 111011 I)\eas by ccrtlOrllrl, all III (other C1l 6e~ nc), bllt .. \1 tlljoil tleeda so c:..ecull'd. I! It II .And lot the Cupon luudly ruu 10 a1I1YII cunong us, they retlreal 10 tbclr Bul S4l.o" It shall pe lawful Cor th!! COUll 111 the uuthorlty cbnferred by soch powers From EmIt to West, from N(lflh O;7"ao..'B Dlgue~lIn Rl)Oml In tbe Cl\VA rns (I tako It for gronted IY j;OmmlSOlooera If \II thelt opmlollll pUlt or IIl10rn~y slwll be, III ull rcsreclS Whlll phurou. South, tI " f I I 1 aI oilly 01 611,.1 roud VIII be 01 publac UUIIl) aoevt'r, U \ullld nlld elfectuu us IT till' IlcadelllJ &(e aUlI open, He ·,keJ a goocI 1\Iltine to old Pile tiG'S .hore From j~J came r\lm II 8U P JUr c Ime) III IS 10 ro~ord IIlld CBtnbhsh ~u ch "seful port SlltIle 111111 blUII cxcClutcd by tI, O prmelpal H plct~ Callaad examine lpeelmend gust, IIl1d their cb08ell co .perators Mrs and rl\Joct the f( ~lIlue, In cnse i. be ellpu 01 such oltorll~ya, lu th eir own proper F.ox, FISh, & Co, have deported for the IIle or d'VlsiUD persuns Kul'rllh, for Fr~edotll'l Jubilee! Sec G 'l'hillt IIJllaw8&l\d I'lifts of laws JOHN F MORSE. conllemLiloutude of Clevelaud,lIt willch O;7.'We publilia DOUce. of ~lama,oll God blon our n.ljVo land' place I untiel'tltaild tho 8p it/! hn ~ II 0 IIIcon61~tent or onillctmg WIth the ]lrOVIS S~J er of /Jw lJp ISO of &p,TesiJll latllllJ neatbi Cree of ClIa"lIrge, but we expect In And may our ctluntr y ever be IT v \ 'il)u Qf; *I. ctj ~be, cllld .ule f.llllle ure berc CliARL'·'''' C CON'vEuS .11 cuea to II",,,. tbem rep,ortlid to us by ,. firlD, unitod bllnd (r!!edom of the cIty' 88 our IlrllnaJ¥-sUli " ~ led 7 "'''' L~ tOlllll1g lind 8ustllmed, City Coullcil dldul ~ r a JO~N F ~t0R$E lIfqrch 2 ~ 1861 I>peaJ er of l/le Sena~ lOme r"'po\ldlble ~rll,)n Then let thc C.npon foudl), ronr, give ~nlbllr MAltllew The expe~UDenl~ ~tU er of tlUJ 'House of &J!r~laltve, --. ~ A welC(,mo te the free, of the R.ppers' III tillS JI nct! were qUIt .. ' CHAn:LES C l,;ON.V,ERS [No 61) J TIns \8 ada, 10 memor" a1ear, Sjle4~l!r of tile Sellate AN AC I tiUPfllernqntary ~o the .cver~1 ullaatIBfocto~y-lbe reapons!.'s .... ere tlllore I cts 10 relullon 10 Ibe rocortllllg of deed~ 'Tid Freedolll'tI Jubllce' oftoa orreneous than olhorwlse-lInd O,e 1I10rt!)11ges, altl other 1116trumf.'nts of Wilt WalllellVJlle, J lily la~, ) 861 IJII pori of their cOlllmulIl~otioll8 \\ III IIbOUl [Nil 63 1 \111": III lIT po'" ~ IIIr f!tsponses a f ::l~I<;. J JJe 1/ ~ntrekd • ""II t as tl 18 ora"u ~NM.Cl' 81J1m'tlolllentarv to nit m:t 10 the Illvlllblo L~dy at W codll )(uleum _ provi~ fot the li.';;orpcir.. hcSiJ of townsl""a <eml!l lif tile is!ale 1 l'; I' deeds powers 01 nttornllY lIJ.RVEvS'llUlIo, June 23d, ]861 JUBt prevIOus to their arrival, 0 Cbauncey pnsSCa JIlarch 6tb, 1891 struments of wrltang \Vb te. e tl J MIl E I j, D r J) I I Bec 1 Jk lj enacted by ,he GCllBr,al A II V r 0 lor t 11111 BerJ(ordJ.!K111s o{hen baye dqne well It we )aid a few DlTOIl- notice ID "our p\lper of un, a looglelll notoriety, he d meet ~e.fflbl "jIf Ih !Stale r 0Ii T 6 mortgages, de~IIii of trllst lD the nBlure of The street on whlllhthoee Whtohug lIlor more agent. .. cuergcuQ IIDli 8uCCC61Cul u Ule 20th blltant, an article from tho pen ings here III \I tilch he proposed til ex COll8 ~ 10 wlili:n IIlIt Stlltc, !:ho Hh:l~th:::r lnorlllges, uud powers o( Ilttoruey for allllllt. rc~ido, II one of\I,O mos~ cll.lllllnt III M Glover, we woulll lOOIl b,vo tOlQt IIIp IIf my mllcheatllemed a.nd vOller,ble friend, pOlO !.ho humbugglllg of the sPJrltll I Iller re !)IVO B hit ~f townllhlJl o/ficcrs e,cclIlIon 01 a1cfd~1 uf trust III tile nature Lit!) Ul1Ion " "l"~'n'" • ~t'lIDI P,!"l' air l'hOl Cullett sen I am happy {o mllntreetaHolIB It II my opinion, eleqtlld r ppointed ~1 the trultees, rlom ~I ~!~~I~tfi~~k: 'Jen~~ ~~~:~deiln.~~:~d~ se! Ice the attention of .uo\& men Illrected tl/ bo\vevo , that one plight embllr.k I'll 10 Iblte ulelrk ofdthl p~o,pei' tQwna1llp,I8 hero Deods and all morgllgeH deeds of J b h ·1 I fi bl Y nul lorlZ!) 10 ....mlnlster the rl!qUlsIle I h' , tbl a I\n ~eel, '\II ether t lOY aro pr080 Iytel pro til 0 IIlW9ul/ltion by exposing lhc oolh or nffirlllllllon of oflice nnd Cortlf !hc u t 0 bature of mortgllgcs, nnll ""VDDBN' DEA.Til. to the ne", splrltulIl P:~ilolOp'hy or IIOt, expoSItion or tbe plnlnllUaropiu IIr Burr, 8 .me upon tile bltck of IllS Ia-t or IYUr~llllt Ollolrld,eY,Jor the CXlIOUlion or lIlort!!<~"~A. I ee.. of Irust We-IIIYO been inlormed, that,ot wJacn It comCllO a ~p,rtt Qr ~Ol, W I10 011 IY cIlarge.. the IIm~J1 lum of tuon nn a mn ke return wllhlD ton a1a~ frllnt tbo' sue rccordfld In the eet The ty five cents 10 Id Ihe people beor hIm dUlSe t~creof 1 lOoted " Recoro of 8 _I mlqtlln,on II.t Sunday OVCDlDg ROv Rob 'I'IJ1U and climban forbearance 11 tl atlentto" 0 r t he pu bIei l 2 from TillS alltl /lot ofler 8hnll tile takefirM~fTee~ uyulln!; eft 11a"lIOn, Ir 01 New Dbrllngton)(leY- eInec t III to CliO tel ~ hem I10 v b 01111 they Il1'C bUD\~uggcd bo IIIe"force do and of UII) aCI to tiro contrary notlVltJlsl8ndlng ~ y l:!ec 2 In all oose, where there are cra1.ytIVI ago a re,anleDt or this place,) to the .ublect, to aWllken IDveshaatlOn A ll'ue benef.ctor-l' 1\Ir Durr, for tolllllg April nOllt JOHN F MORSE, sevfral grnlltora or granlee ,murtgage ... wblleMittlag io a 100111 Wltll lIO~nl per. and Induco the people to IIVIII tliemaelvel people so cheaply the sum of all this myH 10011, aUdlllnly died. He brut been of the firat ol'pOrlumty to wltaeu theBe t~ry Howllrd nnd John Pounds, hlilc :')>eal.CI of the Roust of /kpren ntatiliel :~y~~'Fn!e~;: or °tUler partlel! nomed III that they hBd \jetter rep6rt'"'lbClr itl, tn the Ilvenlng, enJOJed hilllaeir yory stroge deyelopement. and decide for your dlmfmshed heacla I 1 understanol ti,e CMAltLES CON VERS, Lorney co~ OlbO~ ~::.:r~~r!t':~;ti~f lIet the Cuetolll ROI1~:., the man __1. eI d 1 tI I b '" dd ,.. F & C .1pcoku of lAe &rtq/.l d d b g, r Tejomecl lhat be __ nothlD, bul III ......, an appeare .1 ~e I U UlUal In lelDllO vca--W ICu 0 IlfG pel'llUB e II JUra ox 0 , are to bo among til! agaIn lIhreh 22 11161 «ror e In I e recorders office or any coun Oll board Stewart olfered t", and bod, IIr [llfrllOn had boen a memtier 11Ithlt il netll8l11l1')' to convlllqo tho, hOn. before lorlg and when they cornu I 'I III ty III tho Slate It shall be the dUly of the hIm 10 the CllItomo House of the Jletbodllt tChurcb 81%ty ono ),CII'I OHt lind mteiligent world !.hat they are keep YO\l pOllted WIth the neW8 from the [No 64 J ~~corder toC&n 8C"t III the proper lnt1excl! 6ndlR~ Deputy gone for the mg"~ -====;=====r:,=";,,,====;::;:=:==-bUlB, joined wben be \YU IIxtcen yea... preCisely \lihllt they profe,," to bo I1Ivlslble ","orld AN AC1' 11.0 rcgulqtc the speed 01 ."~ amote° eUII lind ~very 01 IUcIo Mt Slewart With Ibe lOla to tbe '''I\yaellvUlII Prod ace IIIRrJle~. ... C II i Railroad Loco~ I d e _L .., 8 grllll es Illortgilger.a or I ~ d as oeeed I ..on.llf»rI!tlO\EtI'l "u~ rtf. THE vliI'tOa old ... r 0 el\ sayl 'there ato truths prop F.ther Ha~thew, of whom we hnvc all 10 Ives all urI! Wlldlln ,be Clnd otbe~ pa.rtiefl Bud I II n 88e i" n w pr mg 0 ox- Whd I ... b h rd corporate hmlll' of ony tit" towu or val .I .,' P II cue ImlDlI1lon IJIto ber ca'go and Co ~ \ ".." t 0 b0 rovea l ~-~ ••• ... to mIn from e uneeen ea 10 mllc.h- whom we htlve all loved 10lJ'e ,. eeue, morli:lllJ!CI alld othe, lDs!namcntB act of , tooplng IIcar II:e g I rn, ~I cHed, ~Cadwallader & GooiIe'lI Bod. FO\lDt worJd, lleeauao hc all1nd. in need of U,eOl, so long lor hili gt'llerous hOott, lind phrlan : cc 1 1k ItmacJ&1 b!lllu! Grmeral A". ~~~~::~~~I\otlt: by IIny shenE, mnllter com sTruck by the owner of the v~alel 8~~ Vb" alii II 1,,11 1ft operaUon andlt"nota butlhere are olher troth. nOlTcvealed be tbroplc career, I now boro !fo modo lua tt:1nbiV 0/ tAl! Sta/.l Of Ola/{) rbat Ibe mlnalttawr ~ShQJ, audItor executor, ad- atlve, andlmoeked overboard, a. be flollr,~bbl ~ to d d ok f ~ fI ahl b clluse they Ire not auch DI he doe. need' Br.t appeafIDco in llubhc 00 Sabbnth Common council or corJlonte autbarlllel o~ lale collve' nee or olber officer, for ti,e bimBolf fttillug, he grasped 1111 ClNlulent, tiler b b ~ wf~: a:e .: \:t~prB;!ede:~ The queebon ~' 'wbo 118 tl) deCide what morning a week from yeste:c1ay Dt tbe Ca ~I~," SI~~~~~:h~t~V~:~'I\~~:I:.t~~~. 'I~ lauda ~en!~:~~,o~rlDf.~~d~~=n~, ::~ .ut~ot~lt;~;:~tos~~~:~~:d t~:e~~~~i on ~g~I~~:: :alb ci let GIlt. - are fraper to e reven cd und what are thedral At an early hour lhut Immenle Jaid 11110 Of Lltrough l ueh Clly,town or-vII ~~':t e III the recorder" ollico oC liD)' shore, when hernn to the lodgfnp' 01 C " Tt 1I0t. Apln 10 anothor place It III Dsked, buildIng WU fiJJed to lIs utmost capnClt)' lo,e, shnlllaVI lIulhonly to ordalll enact 1 lh y, It aboll be tJle IIUly of tbe recorder H Knox U S Marshal who went' With • Oi.:.-,~'-.. "-.. - ."'.- r-k-'e-. . '. 'clo JIIonal. lIeed more mrorml,uen from IIld a,retlL uellrc \\118 eVlnct'd to bour tJl~ and en/oreo ar.a ordln.n~e regulating the Il P"dper unty , to in!lett III euc'l 111 to th~ youel. lind ~r a lonr ~.reb 80 • • ~ull I ~D \he 6nt of thl...onth the new other werld tho II cootalDed III the man wbo CODseCrated II ltfe lune to til I speed or alllo<:omotnes and railroad C4fB II;:~' ~~ efir I~ ili .pprllprillte letter. re the Olin choglllg to a plerf1j"Upon Fiour-Tiae . .~, Q(llltl~e bea.y IIId JIOIWp law took effect Our IUbtcriben 'Now t\oubtlesa many Ihank tbls bor of love At the dose of til wlt~1R uch ~orporato Jllllit., provllf!4., perl oJ. ;;b05:ian~I~lDae':!en:FiJ o{ ~e belDg 41'l1wu from tho wlter, the mall pro- the •• Iel ,mall, prln,clpally Conlin_to ~ r.-, JUdrilie and cl1ourb. and It true, tllat oth mornlog lervlcel, Father Matthe: ~;pco~r ~:.e o~r ro.!~IlI:~:tn:.1!U~t!t h!~~ ~:rment. are acid, co'ov~~ed, :r 1D~~u::e~ ~i~~~~f~w~~~n~il1:~~.~:J ~~ :,tne to ~~.'70~;:~~!:! a' ~:~:~1(~:d~t.t wlll 40. receln their ,Ipe" froID the POI' era woUld b!! wlllin, to reeelVe more &I ed before the con,re,IUoo and addreued Ind lIuch corpulrlte aull&orltJH may brlllg b{.lh~ deed. mortrge, of other Inatru- hael nol been under water but that __ 16 aad S_ d~ 10\ "e~na: at 4r' SO We _c our trleada wW renew could COlDfl b, h hone.lly I confeu "'em for • IlTtef IJme III hi. ulual unOI- IUI,t :fln.l an)' eBliaeer, condlllltor 0' GraiD-Sai". ~f aoo bwrll Oatl frolll y, u..'W:~!i' ,!~n!:~c: :~,:r~ aee- adopted that po8ltJOn ...' meanB of ..... I. 0Qr 1teIaalf. aU we UMble to COI1CelVe how we could ttnlltioQ' JI8IIulSIVe muner H I n~re ndcomplnI "lolaUIIIt IIIch ordl acer by whom Bueh ~eed. mO~ie dll1' uetec&lOJl ul1tll .crutln~ had plilMld Rinr at ~80 and llUO do Gorn dell"",,·1 ....., .. lIIOiprouta their ,....11, c.oo IDlir.h &rul4 10 regucl to luch man of mod u b in Ih e I a c~, a Ii _MU and colle~ • hlle or ilot pow;" of "~mey or lithe: Inllumen:': H .. conduct 1ft attemplln, to kill the .New Rlchmonel at Blre: .-A _ ,.,.1Ii1I1BON la........ W, The Id 1 I m e....t-w 1 pe~D de.. lao "do .,. IIOf more tMn fitlJ" millag are man d th rdl h olli:er, be made bad wone for hl lIr WhiIkJ_The _&IIeI coatieue. K"'7 die ..... UI4 tile . , • - wor _ know II raaber fon .u,btJy LDclllUJll to~ulenc~-I lIond oUard, for neb offence, Ind l*ia of talt. YJduaJ ~arne ur 1I~':':"Of Ith t II Stewlrt recehed 1\ lIevete aDd lite Itnely Sal.. of tiS bfla ~ ~. ertOr for comfort and COD,enieou, but compluioD, aDd (TIJ hair Tllere II ao101!tN -p MORSE, l*8ORLholdlDIr l.uch OIlice or ~i.oor UPOD the boad from tho I'tocD Clnal Mel 1'71 dO rrOGI R.lYe' ., I'll' ...:-., ___' we are I could 118"" lee the point in belD, afraid abllllltrlklna: iD hi. peftoDai appearauu Sptoktr oj ~ 1'Ho"" (If ~,I!U ,uch deedl, or 'other lnaU: ~"lIIIrlu.r Mel '10 do hill WI~D. l\ 1'1,. d .. - " _ . pad aU- DC nee"... a truth (rom abe l.yIllD\e _lIalt be that hla bcmevo'e DcunclgoocI' CHA-..IES c. CONVERS, ment. 01 wrltlDJr IU'e ra~e1e. 'rolllcc:o-8lllet Of 16 IIOUIIIoJbt.~ 6 .......11..... . . ........ ..worUJWbeni. IfwelUOCOlao-IMIICltbeartareDW1ili U· - M blll'lil s,..uro,f lAc &lallie Bee 8 All J... aocl pam of la.. Tb.l::~LP~~80r .'.to;IOdotf.1V...... a.. lV.k,... ar ...... &0 INt ..-.... M r u... fi eo a ftV)' Une.. Ira ~~l. coa.latent with tJte pl'09iaioaa. or thl. th". . J dta..~... • de aUOC:"'" Ji dII No I ~ • • • .1 1..'1...r - upta -# 1.'ITOr, lIlIac 0 ..... ace Ria aucce. ia obblln. Ire berebp npRled -_ 1 0 dur&mpiIIJ ... collect ,rutb ll,lipera to the pladp .... beta 1ftl~ 10HN F ~I"" AI\ opI_ ~. Whil What , . . . . muat ~'Dl &be aut Of s,e..lil!l' TIlIOUcIWe ....t .. 4II&Ia.. . . ~ olcJ)IIaI1l~ to fOo • Al\e~ ~ , 1110 flit







is '


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II "'1l1li.11)'













. . . . . . . . . Jt.., ........... _

....:lp ....1I.

IUrM tJiI.

protidie a







~e~aWlC ' 8eai


The 1 till of tlto Conlet

J i fur t] tlc~rec" 11 le llgti hut su (Jill) ill <IIubelnllcO lhnt 8tllr8 IIro VIYI~11l \hrollgh It 'Ilan IIIl1rv~lIoU B tlll () ~ of 8UIII 0 lIoslrUIII 1nOOrU ore nearly 8 8 tong, llIIt.! IUlto Hi ",Uilly lIeell throu2h ~ he prol,rlelor 01 Dr GU) SOU'II e ~trncl of Y III V Dilul, nnd Sir. IJlufillu ho\\ Ill' cr III'~ II\) (leellllOn to resOrt to ~ nch lnl os ~'\ p r!lllf 10 cillfllet \,ubhe

Httention the II.lItlllll cures perform d by tho urtl ell \vhurcvc ,I • IIIlrotluccd 18 tie IJl\sl. 11(1011 \dltch tho r O(IUtatlon of till d rell1NJ] .... d 'vulldlltl, o. the hundretla of "I ral ~\\ r4 lop08-lIonllh I nd Irfo, th 1\ .. re contulII Illy J], Ivlng 11\ npon hun ",II I'[\lve HUlllbu g~ Ulnv

Ouun h for


II no,

bu ~


r IIIcd1 JIll/ill r saes rnrc IIIctllcnl Vlrll eR, tu ~8tKlJh d ll th Q rll l'" WlI ulI til . t Dr GlIy ~vtl iI Y lIu\\' Duel; Hilt! $111 npunh, hue ciitnlJh~" c t! II h e re~ c r Il hU8 lJoOi' used SuO. fltlverll ~el'l\ellt


- ..... ......--_.• ,





\V 11 l:llollll-Slr L 'J1t SlIlIllllcr OI\U ul Illy ellltlrOIl IV I t, 111'1 4ltlen uy a 'UUIC 5 1\~k e W e applied your OllltlllOllt .rllcly nil I Ihe c1l1d IYUS healed' IIfr

AI! \ I I • I Q hurse woundell III thl) Sl '\1) II k h he took e)old and bCllnme . 0 lIIuch I\wu ll il ~1 oM (hstreu J lhut lilc ~ !JI)po~e d w(mhle bUL by tI ) Ullf OllllmclIl 1\ u.s ti CI/II cur



u ~!1d Iha /l l llly




l\lrn~l\ ~ /I



18U II)llI 1: '1111\1 411ccess

WAIIFR' WIIlT1JECK 111 Oee {lScc AUvorllsemcnt

Yurk I r" IIlCl 011 Pogtl Co

27 I I

A' Iho rlnll ~g QJ Ih~ Bell. Ihc m 01\)0· .

of Ihe) W nYlle1lvllle B. lJbnth S r I 0 1 nrod od cre wlshmg to JOin \\ ith thrill will 8S ~on

ble and urganllW al Ihe JI B (Jhureh forming II I'rOCi!'68 IUII lit which place th e) Will be JOined by thp 'CudC18' SOll8' aud nil otJ,ere wl.lllnlC to JIlin III the eelobrn linn Alter the prvc sOlon III orgllO Will- Jtlorch to Ihtl !r'0ve 11110r tl e d Sl'rl"g'. where the c'xerc leelt 'Yilt be na (0(10\\ II

l'{IJYllr l lO DCllh,rollon ( r (,.It'PCIIII cllce, by Vr J C Stot! lurd Adrlrc8i\ lJy Rov W R llllv S, Rofrll Illn e nl~ 1 Oll~ ts '1he whulo ",II be IIlll'rspcrscd by IIIU ~I C, I1t proper IIItorva,e by the Bellbrouk Blind, HlIlglng by the Spunccr Fomlly' Mild tho SllbLalh School Schot"fs Aner tile cKerclsea of the doy nrc con .eluded, Ihe congregation wlIIlIgalU Jo'n in 'Proce~lon IIl1d return to tbe Illace

whence ,bey etuted

Refre,lameDta will bo furllllllell Oil




0I!1Hl1 lally COITlIJ unlly





e Ofl SIOI t y




IID.d ~ni

lIlunufuCI,rin l: ,I Iho

~Vl yn e. vlll o fo IIlury d,e Qb'H d uOIDed S~\\ and l\i" lIly a~l;rovod Cook. Ig S OYO pOl llled

by SllIllh &. bien i on U ec", ue r IIl50 II IS . ,ruolod "nh

U 0

DYSPEPSIA BllnERS. TilE )108T rorul An

I W Col

DOUBLE FURN ~ CE Eor Stun Ul er and WlII ter U80


Ither cr 110 h of

wi ,eI IlIny 00 l\8cd thus uft'or hnl: " rclll Eoo ~

U.M" II II n I I e 01 fIIol

'rho OV CII . 8 oJevOlcd onU a(f arrnnglltl 04 to inu fC tI,e grCIIll'll t

RF;GULARITY IN BAKING CELEBRATION Tile Firat day of August next, Will be celebrllted In ifaney.burg Iq commemor alion of the Weat Indin Emanci.,.uon" .A Ihuber will be given 10 connec:tioll wilh Ihe olhl'r eXl'l'CIsc, It ,. expected that John I GalDea of Cinemllllli, WIll. be prceent to addre.1I \1Ie. rh~etlni We In vlte an tho frrend. of Llbetty IIDd Human Ily to attend Harveyeburg luI) 1st, 1851 l13-4w

ee lllbll!llUllCIlt haVlng be.n fiued liP to me.lllle wantJl, uf lh. rallll IDII '1'0 Il"ltfl by' 11'\ Ilnct .lIouuon 10 busrncaa tlllll oril nn~ receive '1 \~rlll atwe of Iiolronngo J'nrllculnr al1ennua p,~ to Ctmlinll 8nd ,llInlnl! 'Vu wili lIlanlllttctllrv WIlIII IIllbo Iolowial


Thuso advnnln!!III! with olhore thUI ' gl!QI't ,I '" "clvM IO Ihe urc hascr BI hrat I tg h teannol fa,l IU render Ihl~ IO vo Gn 01 u,e very II


I I u. ever ~ cn inlroduced m l\by 28 I S~l


0 .. THill A Glltr

Vied by Phfs1tlom of


Tl •• BI1TJ IlS ...more ,U 100,1.114 •..,,..UOM II • Mood Itl •• 1t .... 1 100. and .11'" to th.


d.... U.. orpo. lorllrylhe ' Y''''''' .,tJu.loU fularo dl ......on b. taken ... Ith • .rel,. al DO Urno 4.blU IOU., th. p&Uenl~"'IDi lratorul 10 II. mo.t d.U. ca'o oloma~h and ,om.rkabl. for It elr d ..rl01 In IronU nl It"'nl[lI ., Inl ond ...,.Iorall •• rmrarUe• an',. !In·.au, bl. an llu,.. nmeJ) fu r


n~l c .

1I ..t1buna c_ 11118 I erolOforc Iln,,! o ~m ceo.l l Aloo IJ... omplalnl.. Ja TilEIhothe ulldcro'llnl'!l u....... fololn . ... 01...1'11... oC lbeSlUu ,",' K and 1 e "'(,lIld do all kind •• ->I~n!;:~~:::f~;~~ 51"...


neftn l RUU8C\ .• _~ "'IIIJIl)'

every d e8crll hon 01






A. .hor..

rCtljJec.fully ."Ilmt'" A H HII.i\IM tt.L


AV I~G II ()ro~b1, refitled lUIo.l ~rnlHJlI ' 8h oil )' 18 IJtbh.hmenl Ihfl 11,1001 tho


elJ.ln, Lou oC -Arram. ww iii Irll.t No ..o". H..01 ..... Olddln... rolpl .. llon O(.t'l~ Ueart, IInlll, o.d ralln... orWol.~t allho SloJ!l&oh all 0tIl.. ... _ eo~>ed by ... ImrQN ...t. of th. blocN1 1I'.r .,....... hlob Ilbd to aoblUlaIl! ...d woakell th. '11tem.



""0 •••r Cro.1111"" .. a mor"'. and a, J1Jtunl cOD4lIloa lhlo Mtd lcl,,,, of

FRENCH SO\LOON8, INESTIMABLE VALUE. 'OS\leclfully Ann ,mce8 to \l.e 11 "' RAn n public thb.t 100 .... HI b(l IJlIPI" te eer.... tbcw in itI:a r•• L L Q"~' at O&!l~ Dl:B(Lll'Y Will.... u' "ol CA!!,.rltv or I .... AC2'I 1.11.& A Ojpll.\I BARB~a AND Ii ~IR DRESSER .rBOVa,a.Br.a all' 08 I nom 111 ,,,"0no vam. II ronder tUtm COil 'ortat.J '" well os RtI,lCtll H•• alellId I.. olleacr . 04 tla.."",,,,,• ..a.. are ..... ffit:<ll M,un tll_'" ' Weal Sido. one door ~.., ...,. ..., ..... 'oo' " n81011. o.,. c_ at Jail... orlh 0 8.,. & 10001. W'1l1e1.Ule U IJu , . lien _rte4 \ "Id~r ""OaW ... l1ioooi


.1111 - '....... 01 ...... bo

-ar .....

, ••• _


.. - ......, ... rea,. rUNl.D',

ralcI " Clolh ona Cueln ere

;4 10 50 per yard :t7 J. do iJo F Innncf I'r~.cdl 30 do (10 Wbflo llnnn&1 120 do do Rod an I 1 wH Icd I1m ...1(ll) do do ... lolt,," IhQ eu.tolller wlJli goode hi. woollnaU. whell In U I"ntod, lIul \....1 en all while at'll:tWlllnletl. II<Jnletliinc more will be aJlowed .aht'"'tlIr,nla for GoOde, and Work Will bo 18 Eatabll. hmel\lI DOllbJod .nd

s. Uill ~ 1t


""~'clU,,, .. y IlI1\ 00

bllOd lIud mad ......

havo IIttlllllrised pe.raon. atltlle Ra" Raid I.tet\t. OIl Iho Lhlle ..,d Columbu... I~ ~ . , our ".0111 ill Ira~tI. 10 UI, .ud rOOCI~lhlt aoocII. ....hlCli will bi

ollr ell\letl8Cl 'V-00I Not .hoa.l4 be pn IIP~II a COIIIl!_ . , poNlbJ. IUd II .. dll<:I08<lo1 ••• d I.bell." OD lho oUIlId.~ oUr nlUlle. 11m! 10 Ibo o.r. o( Byrci Wallob £ &. T W SHAW: N D i I\P. lIt1nclered. J!OIIdda o~ 0,.... wanted 'prinl Valle, ElrM" counl,. OIilo,4111



1 8~1

QUR TEll!tlS


Tho MI un VlSl'rlUL will be rllrni llhe~ to IIn,le yeuly ~ubacriberl for O!\j: POL l,AIl AliD -WaIlTY J'lVE \;t:NTS II pOIIIII' ad V&I'IQt,OJltllOt.J<U AJllI fJFTI'






lIIol1lb6. 'J'WIl DqLtAIIS

at lb. Oil'" o( lhe yoar O;l:Sublcdpuont\ folt leu than one yellr wdl be al tbe ate of TURtlE I,!E!lT:lIIUlm-


The CItIzens of tins coullty \VIii be od bn to \1110 . JUr UIIU ~Icct the (111101\ lug ber o:::r.Wo \1,11 furnIsh Lhe VIlIl~lIr (1.1111 'flne officers (that IS provl!le Ilho au v CUlIl!tllu copy of either Grah3\11 8 or Sartain's l\bg- hon hIlS bOOh od<)pt.ll .1 ) Govornor. alinC8. or Oodoy's llIadY'a BOllk. ono yoar, Gu ve rnor Llcutcnlijll ro tbre~ dllUars IIlId t\, eoty Ih e COllts St~te Audllor. ush. Inv~ll1bly in advnnco Stnlc ') reaal.lrcr. Secretary SI~lc F,vo Supreme Jlulgea, Comntoo ple~ti Judgo. J'ro1tntc luugl'. SenAtor,




Clerk of the Court 01 Commoll PlclLs Cou'llly Treasurer. I County Commi68tOllQr

(No 6ll


AN AC I further to &menulhe Act lor tho (lpelllnl: !lUll n gululIlIg rands !IlIIllugh II U~8 • Sell

1 Be It enacted II!! the GeT/cra l As semul1, of IIw ISlale of Olliu. IIlIit ~o lur U~ dUlles of u8sell~un 01 d~Dtllge8, U8 pru (lies 11\ the olfices of Auorney Generlll ~tded for III tbo u~I)1 section ot tho acllO member of tbo Booru (If fubllc Wor~s, of nlld otber :stutq officers mode electlvo by ~lle I'oplc S~ c 1 l1e 1/ enacW,l bylhe GSIj/lJ'cli As !CIIIJ Iy 0/ the ~lte of Ohio. rhat \Vhellov or Ille offices 01 Attorney Goneral, mem of llio Dourd ol Public W ork~I or UIIY StBle office thnt I~ o~ lRay be elec tlve by the peorle shall become vncunl LuruUl<ll" dUTllIg the SCUtOIa of the Gunernl :.\,8sem Illy, sucb VIlcnhcy IIh,U bo filled by JOint be lob of the .hoJI8Inlure. and II hell the Le!{lsltllllrO shull umtt durm~ Its aell~HlU) to,li1l such vncuullY. or \~hel1 ~uoll VllqUIIClY shall bCllut liurlllg Ibe reee~1I of the Gen-


l'he IlmIge,..,,. of our 'Nalloll, Dlrth day' btlli llialn drew near-for love"ty five )'!l~.laaYe.t.Il'citjzena of tile United Sta:letl hred under tbe Dtnner, oC 'Liberty.' IlIId now It becomes ua l1J clllebrato this dn)' in 'rue 'f)OLL:iIi ~(;A%11I1:1 (or Juno a projlcr manner, and \YO tt-llBt It WIll be receIVed Thl8 II , grllull perloW Ql done. 'tho neceela,), a~ngemcnte havo weU filled WIllI reed Ill" Orders been made, b)' Ille ~mmlttoe. ~d to o.y ~bould be' IIddresSl!U to Pl A- &. G OUt cltmen, wl~ IIIlUcJl to UJe'Col~ SprlPIJ' DUYGk n\l~, 100 N'..sau I:!treet N Y and Illlten to an addJ'els by Rev Mr DIIVld or Lebanon, llaten to music- bl lhe Dell brook Danil. and hOIr .weet .. nlling by tl~e 'Spencer Pamll)l' We true' that otlllllg WIll occur, tbat Will CQrt II cloud olcr the eltcrclael 0 tbe day •



I ••••

tJ::r'Vltla. thfe, mora DdmbcrJl. txplrCB

tile lir." half of the 6CeOfId v-"lu/~ qf tile Visitor. and we ..ou~ qllllat to our patron., who are 1et In IUtelT8, tha necoully of PITtal their lubscrljllion We do !tke to dUll. but, WII mUlt have mOb{)~ or Its ~ulvlleJlt, to pay our way As ",e hive no tIme to 110 to our BUbacllbere thOIO at a dim ee can remit by MaU. All we Ilk for our piper II but. mRe, the termi beang lower lhan tbe maJority o( paper.


pubb,h notice. of )I'li ria"c8 Deatha free DC chllrge, but we expect In 1\1 cues \0 have tllem reportud to \Ill by lOme ""~Ullible pj.'rlk)n TO AT "PRIZE DIBLEI"

The .. pleadl.) DIM", wlllcb we alTered 88 l'rIZll, we, hue aw.rded to 1Ill CURl GLOVIIR. who II. . obtained With III a few ... weel!;a ~..t, over thIrty nLlO lub.cnbera, In thlll ilUlecuato ael,bborbood Several oiher. have dODO well If~ W4\ liad a few

GL01'UOU' ;FOURTHt' .11




Freem~n, loolt up ond Ice that Flag. That o'er us proudly D!eh. Jt 18 an IIIPblelll. pllre and brlglat A .ymbol from tho skle. Go, shout alOUd lor "reedoDl'. day. And let the Caunon loudly ruar Ji'rollt Eat to W cat. fro!ll North Sontll, From 1Iintne to /,lId Pnolfi'c' •• hore

Jiurrah. (or FrecdliiJi l al\1blleo! GOd bleh our n.~lvo lund' And may our countrY' over bo A IIrWj Ullited bllnd '1'hell le~ the Clnnoll [oudly ronr. A welcclme to tile frecJ Thl8 18 a UlIY to memorY dear. 'T18 Freedom'lI Jubilee' WI\~ IICJVI\lC. July lat,181)1


JiAJtVEl-!ltURG. June 23d, 1851 EDITOlL -I notlco In your paper


lDore .gonla III euor£llUc emil 8ueell&llCUl u ~e illatanl. till article !rom tho pen


GlOver: wo would Boon havo to pat up

a S/colrI l'rl'6 II


my much esteemed alld vplleral)~e (rlend.

(JOlU MlJN ((JilTED.

A.o o lI~IOIi.


Deloh 11111110) Il vory 8uceC.8M IltiCellSlbll) ~6lcrdlly ul\"rnouu UI 6 0 cl\ld Ironl the ope" 101 at the oorllor of 1St VI/llih IIl1d ()lIllowhlll 61~ , III tllll I'r(l6~lItll or It lorge nllmber 01 ~)leCllltl)r& A ,blldket Ittluchell to Iho bllllooll,wh'clJ thu ladv' QUllfiliuntly I'DI(!rod. anu made A\lloBt t.IlIlU lIIul wrlul vvyoge 1 hQ lrrllll!!l\llulI 01 her ndvcllturos Wbd lIut. /luwo)ver. C11,IlOlluIIlorc Ilble UB It Illlgilt hl1vc/ been When ltlllllt.. dlntoJy ovor a lurge lUI. III tho burrou 10 of JlTlJ~e~burlf. ~hll ollelPI'tod 10 d~,uc7.~ by the u, unl Inclho~, IV 1011 tfiQ ulfulr "VI out of anu the ludy \VIIS ulH~lIle l!l She tillPlly

1!~'!l§?!::; ~

f \le-

"ut t,l 80 du Lueknwonll

(orly rods only (WIll Ih ll TIl cr Fortllnltt Iv thu "aler WI. , 1101 ;lIor~ Ihull ~I oultlllr !lllep und "Ilqr I ll-ry IIttlu tie luy, she \VU~ ex\rlc-.te!l fnl lll her dl ~lI glc eb lile 1I111I01lon. !lnll tOG/lllwr 1Yllldl~r up pur \lIs. whlch}1 Ul! 111)1II1"rllll 1.0 n1111(h \ sllldy to the city b%ru S (I'ulock rllc \lule U 1'III,Iod ~y lh~ niiulln lUll Willi J II I 111\11 all huur


t. and also WIll recelvo a cop)' uurnall' Subllcnphon may bo I.\ to 'Ililomile }'Artd,1\lol\llleoo lIUlldmg, CVI OlllOl1t ..


Mud 1.Jl


our lut, h.w Ihl,

eollectlou 11,101 a lebrll ,Isleen ellormoUBlerplllIl. In brice ur bUllocollltrlctor. 24.,Id 16 In lengfh l be.lilee , perfect' Wlhl~rne"-Ofmollkey8 TJlemolit rl'lUur koble oHheloallillull1I WII8 Il calfellphant .11>1 ut IritIe InPllt". ohr.~nd wconed frolll \t ~ dlllO on tho I,q.nge Irom OilY Ion It \\ 01 1I111y lhrllo feet Illgh and til p1llyhll flllI.lIlp!Irt\VC11111 Il klllCtI '1 he olephilUla 'vere hunted all~ coplureJ by Messr. luno 111111 Hutlttlr. IIccomp lOi{'d I>y IU\) na.Uvcft I hey wl/ro CQllghl by. driving li6() of them \I to II Kmlll or r\lde (If;'n 1I0llstrucied in th JI n .Ie Out of {hid large numbor OIIIV Ullrll;ulI weco 8ceured alld tllese IIlne brulIl{h t to till' country Ono of t\le native """'111101.01 Ott} IUIIIII~o neeompalllo8 Ibe Ilul loci on bllVlll~ thl! omco o( ~ el'pel' uf the elellh 11113 lie will probillll}l l' dIll In(lre • tLClltlUII tllll" Oll~ or lile blh\l~ 1\!OC mCIIs 'I. rll IllIe >


~ --...-


"'OIIU ~

nuh lin ollVlJd


he rry

1 he grunt ~ ~CCl' SH I tlcmlllJJ W, II e tllig Ulddiliu 11\ 'iUllllolU ry dlseasud IUlVIlIg 11 tllrlllly \l tlrucLed 110 I1LLcnll OIl of I hyti CIUII S nlld other. v IrIOU~ 0(1111 OilS amlS\lr IOII.OS huvl,l urlDun with regord to its cO\ll IJOIIOIII po.rla, 60me have ti\JPJlo~ed It to CDlltU.U iudlne, oth () r~, mercury, &.C 1101.1 II' 8\1ch substonces they atLrlbute ItH ~ I(tfl ordlOllry efficacy Such oJlllllons being oCulJrely erroneou~, nnd culcllioled to pre) I tllee lOony pdrsons ngllHl8t the IJH),hdnc we pledgo uUrBclvCII iJ ilL II ('onll1 IIH lIC1lh IIIg o( tha k\IIlJ,or 8ny Ihe le081 IIIJUJluU8 OJ) Lho conLrery. It 1M cumpoijod prlllClpl1l1) e~traols from the M08 ~ C)f lceloll~ W lid Cherry, ol1d tho Pmo of our Northern loL Hudes [Soo udveruse 1I1( lit 1 Tbll I nil of tho Comet (. furt) tlc~reull ill IOllgth but ~o Lhln III "Ub8lulloo that Blars ore -vldlble H)rough It I hOI IIIl1lvello08 tuJc. of 80mu 1I0strum,,101II:en IIrO lIellrly a8 long lind 'Iulle 41nally 80en throuilh r he l'fOrnelor 01 pr 0 II) Boll I! e of YIlIjOIV Uock nnd S If.lIllor 1111 (lr, hue 110 I'Ceae")1I to reaorL to &\Ieh I I ordur t.o utLrllClL \lublle Iltlllllt Qil TIle '1l1lual eur!!s performed lIy thll artl cl~, will r'lvor It Illlnlrot!uce~, I. thu bn~ r. 1lIeb Ihe<-reJlutatloh oC tbls rem~J) 111011 \V--" \J~ fourl~otl ..a the bun~rella of ¢erlih9\ltea t,l rQue" I'd hope l\-htllll~h 'lid life, 111 It .ero ec>n\llIl1ully j} \Vlllll an IIpon him will




J'ltOGRAMMl! OF THE WAY N~ \iU LE eEl EnRHION OF JULY 4th A' III fllllliD( of Iho BelL the mnmborl n( Iho Wnyl eavlII!! :S~bbntb 8 ~ hol I 1I11t! CltllCr. wl@ lllllg to )0.11 \\ ILh \.hom Will Acmble Im1 urgnlli1te,at the 1\1 E C (ornllng a "rO~~I!IIIulI al whleh place t.lle) w.1I be JOined by thl' 'Clldotli, ' SOIl" alld olhllrB wiehm" to Jilin III the e lobro Alter the pJ'oce.~loQ lile orgUJlIze,d, will ~Qrch to llit! !rrOlle, neaT l1u.' SIJrlng,' where the e~l'rOl~C~ WIll be

as rollolVs l'rHyer., I ilbodill/t 1110 lleclntoilO 1 of lnd. pelld elloe, by Dr J S\udilllr.ll Addre@8 by itOI' \'II It Dovis





~ 18- \"hl,llo \\ 111 be InLerepe"!!11 by mu ~Ic, lit proper IIIlerh II by th~ Be llbrouk

Dnnd, slngHli by the 'Spenc:or Faunl,' and the Sllbl..llLh SIlhool Scbohrs A ner the t'xerelilea of the duy IIro con dll4ed, tbe cungregallon wllbtgaio JOID proce~lolI 81111 r~tul'n to the plaoe whence they Itiltted Refre.nmeatll wJII bo furnlsbed on Lbe



r(lI OI



CommIttee of


Ultd by rhlilelana of nIgh


TL".. DITTERS remG • • all mo,bld ."" .. IIGna

p.rfr, II •

bl-' "I•• " .... 1 loon • • nd


10 lb.

41,.11 .. G'W.n. lortll,lhc .y.lem .",huIIU (UIUN db .... un ... lUI...lIh .. rely 01 no II ... 4.bllJ

CELEBRATION Tho Firat-day of August n,ext, Will be c:elebratel\ tn l-(.rvey.I!urg In atlOIl of tile' We., IndIa 'EmanCipation A .hllOer will be given III coDlleclioa WIt h Ihe oth!'r excrolllee It 18 ~pected tbat Jolin I Games of Cantallaati, Will be pretllnt fo Ddd~elH tho meetlllg We In "I~ all tho fnends of L.berty, and Human Ily ~ attend Harveysburg luly Jet, 1851

to IIllltii on I rcctfvl) a hboiral lIt.,e

Particular allenlloll JI)lld II) C"i/tngllnd Iltlllllllg I., Iba Ib, Wo will 'ilaollfll'clUIII Wwl allbo foloW1D~

Tin M081 rorUL Ul




01 I"llrollnll"



bavlOlI' batn fiued 011 OSpjlOIU Y ~o meat lhe wailia III Ute firm communllY wo hOllD by Ir. .ttl.' I,tenhon

.. Un, ,Il. pallont-belb, /l:tttel\ll 10 th. mOtt del/.

ca" .100"" •• aftd .-utllil. lot libel' e1i"ri"~ In "lI'IttU ,.1'•• /11110.101 and .... 100 .. 11 .. rropertle.. and aft ID ..I.,lile lUI I." ... lor



nlllllltd hll8 hllrolofnro .nnolmcm1 TRillIhnt100uad bo 'I'(\uld do .ILk Indl of "fnm ullf-b Y nil' flOII MkSlgll Ind



I'1J WOllST FORJ(S. AI.o, Un. ~0"1 l'l"" J.u~" c. .'.nlb".... COl> tl ........ r.IDI ...... DItoTde,. or tbe SkID Jo.I ....t ...<1


.tlD, LoU or Arr...rll .. w)W 8~11'I1i MnolU lload

every del eJ"lpuon ot r -Qn"y Dlnunll.; alld al 1IC1i.. 0144111.......llll,U.III ot lb. U,,11, BJalibol "u!Omary price. A ,bani of thl' Pubhc I'ltt f"lIl1ne.. 01 Wel,lIl at tb. SIoIN ell aD4 allotMt renellll rlJllpectfull., .olulltal





.11_ call1ed b,u ImpuN .Ia•• o( 11>........ llYn

"0. ... bleb I.... \0 debiUtate tJId .. eak... III••1.1....



AVI G wOJ"OU«b1y refill .... ed embellish ,..Ilo ....r (roll\ a 8100."14 and •• , ..tu .... 00 r,il! (t8lAbl.rahml!nl a'ter Ihll 11,111 01 tile "I'ill b4 lllia ~1t<llcln~ 01

FREI10H 8AIoOON8, respeclflllJlllnnUunCl!!lIO tile UD",Ym puhatc

thot hu. will be n.o. l bllPl" r. IMIrY. dtellJ 1o hla UAllnl " s I!.RrllV' of




0 . . . . til

GJ:.NqI. L DtDII.ITY 1111. Mo4l

"en J.IIU: It. t;1j,Ul)J

lit! .,,~ wnl spaN! nu palot! r. rllndu we," ~.OV • .& • • • coPlfilrJable U II> 111"1 U &..-11 .... 1.... II.......04111 ___ ,. ..... Ilaoa ••• , • • OIlic<t. Mal" -W'" one cIoqr

• ncl



l'ionb of tie".. $oloou, Wa,...willo 0

0'" ~ IIOW

........ ' _... 1

.noI ...., _ IOUIa

.,...t faU...

... Jet .... ..,...u.t ~. la_ "",ald be li1ioi .MIt u.- """ II ...... .,...,

....,-uac. ..... ... .,

... _ . . ..-, ... 1ft ..


N. Clol1h Iln(l Oauln ere 44 10 ;b per ,I,d Snit hel' 31-" do 110 IIlnn let prtJ8 0d l do 30 do \\Ilart., flAnnel l!() do do lted and grGon '1 WIlled UIUIQlI ~ 110 do

Fer lht iemml and



ar aU

or 11,o"

A" ~

I 9m~I'iI\\O wid.... re .....d " taJIt; .... ~"".Il or k•• I\bf .~ndll o~ at III, N Ie U Y 0 II • II T Jll III 11!l. b,aaUful .n~ r~ \' 10\1 1~p'1I . . Ino or III. "111. I.u ... w... nf OA 1 VAN s~r 0114 ~AaNl:T III hu beoo pro oun ••d by 41111 ~u ..b.d llb,.I.I.... • , b In. w,"."'! 0 a Ih. Unl'" ".1.. 10 b.U. ....

~lJ •• d


.. I dlt •• Ie.' tl .n",,., "rl( .,. DR OHRISTIE'S GALVANIO BI1LT


lUAGNETJO J'LUID, II u•• d .. th lb .....I per....,t .....,1aID .UH_ III -lIeu •• or o IIIlf III ft ALD • • 1 L I'll T.


1I".,I~.nln,'" ....k .... bed1 II.,. . I MI4I ",. farlo", or,ln. and ha Y tit.. _htiN .,..... AllO 'n HI'S CRAM P PARA VIII ."d '''fAl DYerl'll'SIA 1'" INDHlUTIO I\HI:UM~'I'''~ AOUl i: Ind CtlllON1C GOUT ItPlL£rSV l.lil( IAOO Of. AFNEIIS N. nVO U8 1 REMORI r.u.. r TATION OF Tne mART .uorLl:XV MIll

RALOI.4 PAINS I tb.IIDJ.:.", CH£8r ..,,'" srlNAL CQM I:l..AINf .nd (Ju nTA


lb. IIPINE, HlP (JO MPLAII'IT lJ aEA'., in fWIEl'ICY 0 ... NjlIIVOI, rnul! .\.L • NEROV ..d oil rn:RVOUI Oil

Tutu:.r 0(




ilAIE8 wblollcompJlWllo r ODl QIIl\dmpl....... - •• mll,. A iHlnJO .......... of "'. If_ _ I ..a" . . Iltfo ID N~ avoul COMfLAINT.1, 0 .. I' end .1.4lehlM ("C~.u III. J ".,. itr Ih., "uk•• th•


• 1101 ...,,, •• 0( tho iJ"oII, "","Irottd .~U. ...d.r 1110 .Ironll'" In, IIIIo.,i.ln,. yllll tinl W .. • neo or Ool,oll,m ••• ppl .d' by Ibll b.,IlI'.1 ... _004,,1111"'100"', 11a, ",liou.tOti olld "'_ .n.d II roolon" \0 fOrtllor b ..llb .~


.10111011, an4 'llor

Tb •• , ..t p... U"II, a..d ....II.b•• or

Dr. (bristle's Gahan', (Jaratln., CODIII'" 'n tb. roc\ Ibll II.', .,,..1 ,M IU .......,


10. ~ '1II'U••1 .'" I~ 1,1'., or Ih uniJ 01 drl Il1n, Illd 'pbolclt_ l~O ,.tI.n UII .~""1'!1.t4 Natllro 1101.. h.,IOII .. I, uoW" lb. 1.0 .U.o "''' ,f '.f'~'" A ..A.r, '1 I"" ,,..., .. A.""", _"." tf "" I.N, "..••,. Ut. ft. ifj. ..., aM It.... 4t

~y .w

lA' " .A ,,'

.. ,,~.


.........,~ -1Itt


Ill. r lulred .11011 In lb. U.II., ''''M .nl, , . . . . .'DCO ...... tjlon


16,OQO PerlOll, • h~. aumbat ollM.... wI 0 . . . po.lIIluI, lu bj •• t I. N~r.o ... (Joml'l,1 ~ Ilt... b. . . a1fTDlllL'f- AND P11llM1olf1:1ftTIor cu.•

1•• I~dln, In '1" olul..... o.DdlUo ... om. ,,,101,. ... b ... iJl ~.l" 91 reI .t ~~ bo•• ,I... ~ .......". U.i • 0100' bo.o Irl.4 hi MI. T. 1Il •• I,;." tho N"t 1~.tlA,L\-)UnCl.II\"" IUp.,.,.. u.o._ or "petoOO wllb II 01 baN 11 ..1141.., 0\ "Pltl'll", or 181 olb.r C"",ole • 1' ......... D........ r ID ordlP.ry 'U", .11 ... 1.." ..

.l1li* ,.

'.!f ..

Uko. ,,11., hf


"lfoo on

Ib, hor ... I "d


'ill •• el'Ut •• tomlah Ift"nnl f ••".,..,., NU.' b t _"lik I.... Ib, po~ ..llll • 1.... " .tolo .....Ith ioj .... t eulllf« aft.r lbe I.UO .. u. .....c1104 b.. ,fUM. N.... ~mpo'. thb "lib 1\ .......1 ' ....III", 'prll...u. ••r Ib, O'~VArI C .r:\.lr T.ll•• 0,. popllo .d~'" ..... I .. Ih...... 'f"'~ ot II I~ tack oed ..... pl" II. 11\. I,ll o.t01!p~ \!I. bo<l" ~""I lb. 1010,nol 0 Til u dlro .<1. In' .~o" 1i1o ....161. (~ will •• ! 0'1.."" ...... U...I.I\O'" of t~. I) I~ lb. b) •• "010, I O.lIard. 0 rell.lIM ... ~I.b will 14.. QD \0 lb. .t.Il...nd U. ........ k ... 1, \0 l~. ~ II .. lb •• " .. pi ~p • OiJ .. nl• •1",.I.t1~n I~"""~'u lb •• 1'. tho on..t ....r•• or- 0' SI ~1~1 ~ 'lIn". N~N'l1 y ..lin 0 A fi:W 0 ~ \. Irfln K>, All PI.Y I HI<;I&N1' 1'0 £MOl ATii: rlla: u ....""

*'_ ..




g jjOI'Ollt clos8 of respcctllble

in 80clety arc those nceuPllnt uare reader~-c ~ I'eclalJy of trnshy nctlqllr--wII rood lIot for Informut on but

0" r EAlI1

' .....m




.r........, ....u.;Q Do A. 11

C!,I~;:::::'rJ:.::'8~·"tr.~...:Y ~t~t~,

.r ..o "bl, b .. ~~.~ Ih. """ 11 In '1'~ ow- ..... " lb • •pl!lloilin.. ot-T1I~ '",1 'NI BEt; A P N~ K(.ACE> lot, "pit I. t . ~~ O\,,' Fq~ obelu\ (to ~ , ~ ..... I hoI b.~. I I Il'.NnC ~ Oy.popoiL f YlTJ , • . , I~ ..... !>-In... fj,;.. ml " ..... anr \1l1Uld I ~blo". -"t., ..,li.' en m onl c•• 1 or m.dl~.It...III\.nl who .. or A '" 1/.. ~ ,,,,, • De_ la ce"'_'1uln•• of rr. I... nt t1fW I lit t. ~ •


.... th.T 'n ... drac.ho", or ... ,. nootnrel ~p I" L~ cam. wbject In ........ CJ.ronrc llk,uma firm .bIN Cur r.-r aft.r ,.ur: cI.D •• d me hul ... f:(ihll~l •• 10 '"lib... In iii. ,nnler 0( 611 IllJ 4' la 10"'1" 11(' or I\.-ob..... ~I clo.... !'I7 .,.n .nd f """ Glh.r ~bwo1o .. r. IIIIa .. r 0 I .... . \lock• .! bl 110 Imocblll!., wlilc,b ..... Q b~ .... 141 "\ ...... 10 aD 1_ _ '''~re.''''. or "''' ~~lonll 1'1>I!1l' .. '1'1 ....... "" J Ul . , lImDGlUlIa booailI. wo ... in.1oo dl.l "', D,.,.I'


'",r. ,Jil,,, ••,.


1\ hIm

",P ,


'." "v .. ''' u~'' ~\t.... Rb.w...Ue .... 011<>. hut """'I~ lloa ~~" _""'''' ..... con.... tad _II" ••• b 011. b~k~ lJl. ",.a1.. e 4f tat f\f."ola. 18 tbt "l.i)\~ 1'l\.-oeJ,p.loo u. .... _ I..d to bo "" r ..... ~ 101 0".1 wloOil en..ld .. ",,~.nII .Q UJH'~I .... y N. , •••.11. I.. • • ..,.Ih n, thol Illlid trl.d c.. 00. ;urJt* b" "".. pl• ..., '"loll .,.1 ... 11 .... 1M b111)~ lri,04J. ... miQ' ,""r lQ..rlh........4 (1Io.,b • III "'I torr -oop1.. \uIt1JIIq(U.'lr,JIOItIlC"~ loftktm .."I", tty ......... ollh.•• p~l~t"DOrtii. (h"V"'NIU-zt~1 AND NY.qIlLAC':' w,l" tho MAON ~"IC .. LUID TIl. . . . . til ,h ..... ~ 1'• • y . . . . .,. .~''' ••


11 15 11 III a. river III Cui ror

12 II) 17 Ii

....., ." ,.w.

17 ]5 '7 30

•••• ,. Du.1


~ ~I.r' r:.Jifo"" ~

Truth Ia Itra,nger than FlcUon

JtbeDlDaC..... BrClDfbl! ~1 1'1141 ",.,ptptl, JlEV D'R f.ANDJll f A Ctl{ltO , ~UH Now J ...., .r dlrU .u"I.~ III alnm. I. 10!l 0l

T"c 81!rf "t M"n~ro,. ~o one Ill1A ue ID MonlerC)r a 8 ngle I. gbl Without being lltartled and awod by ~ lhe dellp solemn cro8boy of tho 8Urr as It J NIGiUA LJreaks illoug lite shore There III nq con ny J 1\1 £n\\ AIIIl!! thluoua Toar oC tllO plullg1Qg aves, U I am compared of I'll rty tN I lelters hell.r on ~e Allal\u\l sea·boord, the slOWj My 1 \I II 8 !I HOlle or the Ullltod f(,gular Bwell. -qUIet pulsotlons oC tlte veat Paclcfiu'.llcorl-rQII Inward 11\ unbro- Stato lien lin81 ~d f.1I \\ Ith slllgie "rrand orllBhe8 8 II. 19 IS a ~ountry In wltb luterval. of dend alle nce between H) 7 90 IS a mer III Vlrglll They may be heard througll the doy If one hillen, l1~g 11 solemn Ullliertone to all the IIhallow nOIses ofthe tOl\1I buC lit m at glt 8 n f vcr III Ule Vnit


" 'Q ....

<fORI!; 011'

mllld to truth


IIAWI . , DI"~'" ... _ 'Of'lll "At ale6• •

"".6,l.I''' ,..


'4t, .".'"

".n" .11 '.01." ae •• u", .., 1'''1: ...... 0"11' I .111... 1.1tt M&f " .,,,.61'1 • • ....... i " • • • ~,. I • -Ct O.... 'tT_ • •

12 2,) 23 17





10 11

14 16 22,

HI Ill. CIty



In Rue

I uood to,.11 "Qmplar"to &6• • lln, lho ftroolerHII4. ,u.b .. lJOnah Ua, ",4''1'10111100 0( lb. TIIJ..~ Ifll "C1II' and lick H,.aiicii. 01., ....., tho H.oL N" taIIia ...... ,,_ laula, or lIM",. III iii. &11\ J)oo~.,hiAh It '" on 1, ~ .. ,ou, ... thai .. lrfW!lII c'*'pl4llll clIl.4 tin lI<il\lhUM ---rj

14 4 8 17 18, ~2 IB I group 01 Is

Ion Is


the Mediterranean Sea


24 31 3:1. 30,

I, , city


France 16 4 14


9 Is a river n Fr.nce,


17 30 19 18 14 111 Id a lown In

RusSI., 18 16 6 14 9 10 30 In

, .

Africa, .. 191415,11



22 14 6 '7 5 23 20 1'7 llll

,s a tiver 11\ Africll III IS I river 10 Eu

town III Mnin8




17 18\ II one or the grind

Dlvialon or the Globe

"S'7 :l 14, 8) 17 2' II II fiver In Mlchlpn • 28 26 31 8 n " 18 I rlfer In Eu


.. '!l9 31 13 2e

16 ona of




30 14 16, I, 8


tOWD an

UOlted ilatet Inti

eo.... ,

MI whole ..... tlllC.IlIJ1IIued Amerlc:aD I'Jlert.l allll Stat_ n aut



r". WA~E In

il lS al tile shOrtOl 1 JlOSB

I no1ico

-)\1" terms" 11

I Ice nnd he In e I Is 10 kcop on han I 8. goud ae bo 118l'euonnbr. II 1101 1I0ro 80 lion al any lorlm ent of 11" \11\1'8 of all deaurlpuone ond olhcr cSI.bhahon nt In lhe country Shop 0 I . Ieo I oldo I Im .elf In ,endlle... to manul_clure Mom Sireet Ot c dour nord. 01 Mllln I L 10 order 01 a ert nohce In gOod lI)ile and on SP&~C£R LARRISON II-If WaynesVIlle 0 tho beal oT lerms lor cuh Reparing done r"".'mable prl I if T STANTON ~hop on ~hin 81 one door soulh or the 01 ARItEN CO AGRICULTURAL SO er), 16-1( eIE1 Y -Aft tho Doard of Dlrrclol'1l



mUlt 800n prepare then ..,ale


premIUm. and 10 ma\<e It ... liberal Bnd OKlellllve .. Ible It I, very d • 14ble tI at th\'l'~ who 11\ lenu I? bocolne II embors .lIould f cnllY It ..




.. poII,ilile. 1 he fOlluwilllr



who nrl!- aiiO nlfee

10... of the Soc.Iol1 .re aUlhorhed 10 .ollell, re ~lye .nd reeoIlll I~ .ublcriplJon. to tile Soeie


Ear. C.rpenler Robert Wilton W


I,;oIlell N_ K lIy.! Jul n Trona Jl'bn Bone ob ~bel1 W JJ Strout, J 1\1 (loot.


An ........, ..ot eon .... III _ . ot CoIl ........... C......JlI~Dta, ~ ,~ ...~ ~ """,,, lb. HOI9, .nd aprer .at... AM ... Pi1I1 . . Porol,oI. ""' til ............. ~. d••c,.a., of ""... r ... £-., Ia ...,.-.

"to. .......... 1.

~....,~ ~I



or oIb.r "'1"111 of the ~J


mil' on of l,s b li'''''8 are now complolod an I In l ucc~....ful 01'1 erallbn In II e Ie now plcparcd 10. COIve order. for Ihe manufRclure of Wai" on. and OOrrloge. ~ wi eh ho wllf be NEW TIN snop .. ill " 1IIOW nr'RDt .. ell [, III when ~~::-:-===-:-7---=-=------- TlfE .ubscnber r~el eo,'ully 110 "illl! II 0 P Ib dun'l Rer.. rI II' (01 ey.ry e.crt(luo n ~Io g lie tn genenl hal e hftft commenced carry og to t • I, • IJ!!" lono clip n good style nnd 1111 on tho DlQIIIUfaClUre

24 21 12 15 4, 13, II IL Sea In the Ea.tern HOl'llllp berll • 25 26 111 15 81 13 7 16 16 18 a

JH&.J'R&Co Sign \If \hI! Red FIlii

HE sullllcrib r woull ' <lerHlC I1Ully annn noo ~ II e cilllWnl of Ilia 1'100 and nil olber~ Illler~ tid II al J 18 nrfal gU'lcnle IOf de "",ry


mer CI


CARP}."I' SACKS. bc~uLlrul $jock 10f bolh Lndles a Id tie iii," J ust rec~lvcd and for only loy

Apnl 28 ISSt

I country

aCltylnllalJ, .. SO '7 8 23 114 II II cape 00 the Ellit Cout of lhe Unttecl StaUlI, '21 5 14 '7 I. L k N t1 A a a e III or I

phe b II.

b.blnd me confined and redoubled tile loud prOlooglng It from crll8h to cfllllh so ,bIt year wu cooltuntly filled with it Ooce a tremendous 8well Clame In clole on \be beel. bC one that bad Juat broken and the '111'0 \lUlting "8~ Olle wave \\h ell .hot rar beyond the wale r line and buned me above the koeel AI far .a r could lee the.po,e wan.. h ta With tlle Bubslding del ~ It}l;U alitle ijlU8tTaliOll QUhe'llla, nl&lenL IUliUage ofacr!pture -'He 1D&ktth tbe deep to bOIl Ii Ito a pot be maketh the 10& bite I pot of OtntOlenl eme would thlDlt the deep to b(' boary _

" .......'.r Ii...., .u.

l 1'0<10 o( lh. ('~unlr, o~u 14 b. I.... A I. U.i. , >pO'


""leb ...... tu.h.l, pro ... tII.1

Duty hllthflt\ly

~vllve mark Ind watched thl&sublime nomenon for I j(lng WhO Tbe sand

"0" 1:I"dou1>....



He whl/Ylelds hhulQlf to VICB Ililble sutrer

Wbeo theroJlol been n ,ale outside Dnd " Inurn 109 ur daul 109 clearneslI 8UCCtlcds a 01 bt of a 10J nod cold wind the swells lire lClude.t anI\, must blDgnillclt'ut Then theu hllea of rOlllll ue lIung up-warda lake II -nowJ rmg Iionjr the durk blue hem tho ~Il.nd a hght glittering midt conatj\n tly osel froOi the hollow curve or U10 sllorl: (jne q\llet Suniloy aflorndon, when t)lo I'UIU' wJllllllcb as 10 be almust felt In .qUd ellrth I walked out along lbe IIlIn.1 J had paged tbe DIl9horuge llnd could un ,be open Pac 6e 1 he surlnce of boy \Val 1l0mplirll\l\loly cnlJll bUl Wllbln n fow blJlldred yuds ollho ahore It VI,I elned ",UI a slow JJ)uJcslle mo\omont Corm ll g a IIbJl o hlle more Ihllll ft mile In lenglh, wille jI JIll II advllnced prescnl.Cd II perpen dlculof frontor oleW' green water twelve feet In hOlg/lt There wnli I arraduol cur VInK In 01 thIS emerald well'-Il waver lulU the whulo mals foll forward wltb I th"nd~rtnlt cruh hurlmg tho .bllt tered .ptaytllrtyfoollOtolltear A III (lOnd rebound followed and the boiling tseCilitnlt WIlenl raced lar up the lind with & lIharp trembhng metallic .oulld like the jlnghng of I thousand bure of Iron 1 aDt dow" on a pine log above the

no TR8T1~O~ULI


oc oIe,,1 In

all olao Is all II U ole successlvo ..I oaks Tall ul un lite enr w lit a sensntlon 01 lnexpresslble !SolemBlty All the f rOIO the' pI \Ie (oreatl to ~ho sCIl iii wuII a hgl t trenlor, anll t1 0 IIILermlLtlng beo\l olIQulld aro etrong cllolIglJ to lor e dellClote ear 'llltclr cOnlll\nL rep etition lit IJlllt produce. a Ceehng ~omeLhing hke ter Tor A .Plrlt 'worn IUld weakell cd by some 8c:/111 Wi BOrrO'IV WOI Id BClVtl'ly IlUre tl e

r J...._u._


BeIlJ LuUM Wm Eul_.1. A.her Snook R,chard Co~ lOll. G W STuJG;s Tree April 18 lit-if

Ma.,hndcWJ.J.rtll\Giot.. trm.a1I ...... et~~

....Iff or lb. III4IiII ••I"o~ ........... _ .1..... ""qoINd • ~ l'Io 1m b. '" 1tttn4. \hi'" 01

._aY:fa •

Dj.- CHRIBTWI ">11

tb" "Of bo .0", . , . . wlbp....-ot._ ....


..lion .~", t"l~

C :I/trlc"," lOA ...~ ...... ,,\loti'. ID .....",._.I~~


a.,.,U,,....P"""'" ., •• --

... .. •

........,. 'fIIeJ _ .. ~at ..

Agricul\ure,, lVIechanic ArtIJ,





- -


_ _ _ ~___


.JULY 11,

T"'; Q!2!!J!!

brouJht hIm aorolll! the Id.. tMaI of tho prol;cas b yhHlh Ihe boy hnd Ihe mystory that hun/{ beeC/me -80 Ic~rnced told ~Ier l. ffs ""live pinel' I[ first leoToRd to ro " etlld Edmundthat 1118 fnther hod Ull,d "110 mas()ns wero Icn III work upon




,"rn lnbDw DV


h\l dR

of II


lU~l tS

thoullh (oar are


'J hti bloolll of the rO~1I und q.o J.l)' are Irlln ~'Olll


The 801'1! ~ lllr. of ~prln.!l qut II Soulloll W Blu)'

'[ ho 1jjrd ~ 1I4

, 1110



Iln"!.'r. bot~ PQ~a like eu 'r



And "0. like UICIf beauties, nro r.dlng U"OJ



Oh cilJc nat the wlnd ' r.!'r 0 Ilr "llo s~




Tbe l1scful mor.c ftlldurmg tll"n tho IUn"uliciollt.

Tho tomb of lUoses.s uDlrnown, IlUt the IlrrIlDl!IDlt. "·n,-".",.r .lukl.'8 hll' tJl1~8t at the woll or

""" oi,IAnl


lb-We are Inflll'med tltllt' our frlelld D.

B Ha, will crest ill a allOrl lime e la,.. ant$- 'pl,Ulclid H.U for tlae IctolDlllCi4aUu the publlr, III .. rlOUt '1\••,.. Tblll "e Ilk. 10 bear of.


O!rThe Goyernor of this ~tale hall 18' aued 1111 proelarnllUon, III confirming tho acceptance liy tile people, of the New

"Ill be a,

the • ber. nne and Vllit'or tbl! &::TWa will furnllilt ropy oC eltber Gruhlm". or S artaIn'. ftbg· wne., odlbcle y'. J;lId.,Y'e Book, ono fll"r, ror three dollars. and t\Yon~y·five l!4lntl cuh, innriabl )"in .dvOllce.

'PY, EXEMl lll' FROM ·l'.\X·



, , , llEUrU RSL rnE RA 'J'ED


A II prop"rl) Il~ijl nb e.\ I II ti1l8 ."~ll o n, 10 Iho <txt. 1l1 llcretn hnu t~il, 11111111 ex rnpt iruna IUlCuLIOII ; Ihat I~ to .y hi All pllullc b\llldingil occupIed or u~ed exciusivt'ly a' puullc 8\)hool hOU8611, or liS p'IBce. IIf putiho wor~blll, or both; \\llh the fUfUl~u re nlld books therein u8e~ exclu· . IVely for the acconimooali n of 80hools mecllngs, together With Ille rei ar<oulI.lIs . \Iot exc;eedtnl:, in any ca.e Jivo S c 3

written \lOmmunications; on Intere'li ng lind a hearty wel'<O~e In our ICO'mD~Of1 .1I11Jllct., columl.: Notj~fnl potlonn) will bo ail mltted, 'V. mu.t ho" the ri1,.al namea of t .n wrile~, or nb ~ttention will be paid to . tlaelt-prodllction.. All letwr. on bUellnees fIIu& lit poet· paid.



All the lI ~ bt ora


B"lITII.un£, Jury 0


lhe 8111tllllUrl'

J<ln, g"



o. !I



I" )'(

leDled or

co S


' .~,~.~.~.~~~ , ~~~t~

TO ~D\,'Im.tISEJ.UI' ~ 'l'bqte'w l.bID,ld "rtiill\e ntalater ted 1n rlni them' in' by tIM 1""'~ B.Miwg, to IIMUre pul/hcauo}l .' ' the ume wHir,






T. n P~'UIl8'bll, No. 98 Ch..tnut 8t• ller• Villi. Pin!., b.. Ilid on 0111' lIble the • ~nelu tlie here~d Li:Val II;ouI.e ot fot lei ill\er• ion or ~lie 'iron Mu~.· , It'll. ,eting work. Price lifty i:enta.

.eolld very


ul ti ~ gl bl




, -

~On Mundi,. lut, 'Ile ... nl or tbe Spencer F .. mily, ole wltb an, accident that very nearly pxoyed Cata\. H ~ ,,1111 ill the lIet of dra"lDI a lUa out of tLe carriap) whllll It " .. accille1ltaUy dlKh.rp d, ahd the ,..11. J~ puMd hi. not, 1m· • aoldia,telT oter bl. 'heart.


~, h.. "ruck OIIr mind ' ' ' ' 10rcl~ly tlllle p •• t, that It would b.J a for elty fathere to IIlrelilld er their our for Idea lm..edlate' aotiee, tbll conditio n of HYeral Ind • treeta \. Ihls plaOl, a.peelall y Mi'~t We notlud durin, the rainfl ,that b... r.llen lately. tI'at the lit inlltead or runDin« III IUlt.mI alon, .ide of ilte atreell, had to 'orce lUi wlyin any ' direction tliat It conld.



, ,


"II a hal, man of God.

WI 0 hJd aeryed hila ..all1 ",.v, In the wa, of pocIa_ trod, TIll bi.lield wu ...., lnd .ar.


Tho,Blble, " .. hie onll ptde, The .tall' on whl~h he'..,'., In It he toolr more .... 1 pride Than all that in ellr\h "'tallJ'd.


A linc:ere ehrilti.n , too. " .. b-,

Ubt, ()

On tbe 4th of Jul", ~lf,~~~~,!~&-:-'1 IIltuatiil .~~"webty n; 10hn lili\UII tlie Riliroad , a 6(Obllrlo.nown aad anu.hery ollltr: man "ere ""Y _'-17 Injured b, the,... n:a,urCl ('llplCl<llioll "r. cann~ Mr. IIc· Comb can-barolely 1I1"a hI. Injurloe~ H• h.d ch~rr, ot the11IU M n" the thue, and botli hI' bnd. were blo"" 011' and til..... I ",II"IIH In .. "'ocill. , malllMJl': HI, flCt

·ENGLA ND. Tllcrc I. lilll" political new. 01 illte.... t. 1'&e committ ee 'ppulDte!I with ~"e,oaca lotbeeat entof I\; 111M. of .t"alll., . from the rlrellnd 10 Ame,lca, ",per, ttd decidtdly av1n.t th~ propoalrlOD ' Tile pat exbibltlon w.. ,1.ItH 011 the 16th by 868,186 perlOn., the receIpt. from Whom llIIounted to f',11e l:tl). The preambl e billie £eelf'lll .ticll Bill ble 1Mw... ~ Il.. " .. carried In Ihe H01III orCo.m on. b1 II aad brtll'~.'" .I~"'rri a t Ib..." icclde., "rhl. d. d""oye ere. , . . m'Jlmt, 11,,* 0c:tbe ot (e"lril" oyertbo CIIlUIU ,reat I t

, rNo.76] AN A(;T fon.h.a _nme.p t of all pr,!perty In th .. Stue, aad (or leYyill~ taxel thereon, acco,,~ to Ita '!lIa valllt'. Sec. I . Be it ~ b~ ~ Genual A •• 0/ "" , ~ qf OlIO, That all ..'n'....." ... whetbCll' real or perional, within ,and ,the mooey. and credlta of perton. reeldlrlf th'r! in. eicept such III .. hcl't'inllfter 'Jrpfeuly ellempted, sball be 8ubJect to ta..tioa;lnd alleh property,moneya and credllAo1,"I'1 the ,~Iu. th.reo(, lball entered on thld .tof tanhl" properly thllt purpose liDIII the !Dllnner prc~crib~d bythl.a ct • DEFlN lTrONS

My dollara,o waed b, ally hunllr~d pefllOn ,cllllllly englled l,ll carryln, on any mechanical tr&de 9r profe .. lon, 17th. d,,,ice to 'Dln. And hcid or nery .... lIy .hlll be entitled The BY AtlTHO RlTY. to hold ezetnpt nom IUltltlll , one cow , eight .beep a.d fOUl' bOlli, uDI*.. he .h~li ' have other Rroperty, oyer one IIl1ndted dol. But now, deaf friend., he I. DO more. (No. 711 He 'SlOne to that brlcllt woricl abonl In value, subject til tnotion. 18th. Each , • . ' CIllOI'. en· act tho aml'od to £IvCE ' _ AN" AC further in ' t\l. Stale mllY btl allow I'd 10 ,!' Ha '. croned to JoMIA' . dl.tant Ihore, person all ...... ca ph me .. lb.l:the ' learn We nt IICtt!~me Ibe ~dQr • tlttJ~ Ant aIel to,r PdreVlde To dwen In peace and 10Ye. hold, exempt !'rom taxation, one man'e ..d. ' Tbe mo"eme;ti"~ ...laGncwr 1ut y..... act lclelll 01 1 ", Im~ir eceal\ll perlQne, pa.· b-'!.tal"et o'lf~ COD ltltll' co 0 ",e eI I III 0 CODllnu•• , no .L. t . 1 1.'be .. 1 • one WO/RIlU'••• ddle Ind 'Ion die IUId a .bradle, .. oal 1I,Iwar or ••••• • d • tal"... III ....." I lotI.... ... t b dl lied Marcb !la, 18'10. :krl bIlIheGm erlJlA,. eeaulol pverypr II fro I e OUri a".-t1l1j1 "1IellllllR In ani Bellfl1ltU I. exfO Sec. a rl e,o!)e oomoo, 6:TWe Ife firmly of the bebef that O,mll,w eblm,ln heannm eet, or i Uu• whe)1 firing .. Iu&e~l a~i\ IIIIiIt o( the ~lInl!'Y. ~::~III" ..: -bly ' oj Ilw./JioUoj 01110. TbGtlnl lll Yu, 'meetto part no QIOre, ten dollar." all .uch llie'lrml U are ut tlie mo.t "i:.,rien ced 1QQll\cl tall• Sec. ~ T iuLter ... "teal d· .Dte:e4 .1M! ev ry one woald oaly oble"e the foUow(ntlel soOt fioed e.l" wbere any perlo.. haa heretolo re de. to beea ,nd the ule IIf the o;;ner. , Ollar. of Ibeari.(eatll!d, .or Ihall her..'ter die, whvtber tee- "Iond," where"" r fI..a ;0 tbie not only In, rule, It. wnuld be of pat .d...ntalO to ,e.... imDAlOn"":nc for pa"lfIihlJl~ Aad tbere,ea dI other fOlldly pet, of ten dolhllo, Ind' euh OD baDd Include. ~nd ,. '. mean 10 " belt! It " uelllir !lilt per.on luch , th.t let ta. IIIle'talo ud , ,?r .. pamjlhle tlte Joclionable and • U: 'lIlncl YOllr own bu.ine Alld God ,011 hl.h adore. twenty.Jive .dolJ~!'I; lehool lot~ hor"~I'd nUl In 'Awn . .,......... their docel .... a reSident ,or thl. land itlelt, w'le ,tude/lu , ulIOd la No books the lime of elicit "" 'r" of olben alollel' .h, W'ynl\lv iUe. July 3rll, 111&1 perllQO d 19&h. . be exerCl~ee b I b college S ne eUlltl it thlnil II l'.~.Jo.l .. I ~ , .... iiI :> , en ellC8,e III the or otherwlM 8PA'IN. n nr tlte>. ut ", 81f11Gturos be required to Illt.a reater portion of .n)' bulldln all . a~ but thoreln, rana i..... • • II • .10. therei!,' •• 6-1" bOlllue .,~ from lon lr:! proaeeut OurldV belieYt!I "!III .., ree~II"ud, or __ rStatl Ind Improvero'e1lta. tren" IDd otber B'x· credit thanII he._.. ... lIer or othenrll t', and lenl ... III thi' o:TJIi'. 1. W. S"eoa81 la now the " nol to Pr:?'l: _loll~~f,I b, delerml nt.IItU or III part tures of what_v er kl'nd thereon, and all can '-. relOr~ "bole witbout nlln or with belonri en-.. .property co ~~~~~ ~ .... any ell" •• IInal unlilthe Cqrtll tile .. • portion tb f IUHter rt any aole JIfOPrletur or the W.IDut St. nor the prQCe"j legal to hll eata 'a 1ft or: g, .• belonglo a I I.{ D ' prly,1Je~ and N E th "¥"ta r If 0' 1 coI"I' ~e 0 cou roper .... . ti u_. bl comm a , oao IIOme " r. I-Ha. II retired n Includin " nn'o.:It. e iltional debt. Ola.. JIr. Ge8hIy linin, wise appertli " IDlr thereto, queat n 0 10 "hlch lueh ualneu may lIave Rny olga , on gIVen to leeure ~he olcatlon of lut w,"k, 011 the IUbJect' of ty .tove. III any blilldlng belon"ln g to tlt~ nf imoudt proeecuted a. aforeuld, or of any ('ou the llian rent, or tlmealae e. FrClm VltiOUI' clrwme llnce. . II llnock ment d" ld'r I'. ,Ituated or b I d uteel Instenel 0 tb t la" ll h I "UI lUg, In 1719', he almltted It to be new in whlcb luch ~tOpertJ ml, La ner f) 8ue • " are lecho the 'belief thlt tbi. HO\lIle I. 'P" 'Jrha term 'l pereonal profHlrt)''' hfl ll' a ,ave IICO;;" toni t, e e..... and IlrepJa PORTU GAL ml, t Q e8 " bil uso ph' deceden -1 at .UM of tor de any where 1 devel· y, IUId "tranp hliitl f luch The trlnqulli ly prel'lliled UltOU~rh. 1 act ehall bu held to j. ~. rem;~~h'"g;'O a otIe utmoal this not to be IUrpaued In the~ly of .ceom- .p .,tu P In r'ueed whereve anJ of on apphcatl n t~9 upon ,h.lI. r~Bido, !oapl ,,~r ,he'lulr. out the country • lOY 'part :~~i.t 'd O other in the cit)'. Try it opemen~.' tangible Every modaUon by -lAt.' Ineluae alld y mean I, claim lUeb dccedcnt'd"b080 c may ' lb I It would be uurealOnable to object to ~rl!d,~odr of of II rlglrt of thl"IF helP" the aublea, frlentb, wheoIYer bUllne.. Clilli ,eu Wthe mft e or this ,ounue on a contract ownefll lp, lavo een buve$te d 00 anyl.rm of I\lblch I I t • ., r Stattl •L within accrued 'Vbl~h action or merely leeeee. on or ptOpotJlb Q1\',{iCl', In,. l th?" h" il tbe we ru .., Ie er andnlltteto°r Irnanlmlto'fotber Queen Cit,.. to th OC,C"I:lll1 t, grant to .lIcb cre~hor upon bla m\1ing W one yeor preyl or ,'rlll&.ge; but a ,art 0 IIny trllot within cau,e jt i. _ money, an 1lI0 rm n~'" e h'" ,. OWl ' . Ii h de before herei d p..",erty rI real of r lot or t· all I. this •• the act to ~ ioh ~iD~'land :hlch mly ~heo lon 0 10 ae ou. an .. cred a cbltacte r .. required byadmitlilt rotlon of all and ,in. lined !J The capl~1 .1041r JI undlvu:led lUl'l the 'new pbiloao. IImenament, I d · It. '-1° pefllOn ,hall ~~nl on rOrmll'l..l -.Idol 1M hOI mean~ otber C!r'The CllBce of Township Clerk haa u that which conwn. .all a~ pr06t. d deceden t ootarort abl. clad~t to .... '-r be." lie Cnlu the Ulet. of luchlueh Ii re .., IIC II e f1 II • Itltemen t, .. olble' ob'l!Ctio ' cer'.aloly I " ' • phy b ; !'Hipl' the by ncant whicb he I made prl)perty ' Ind 8t1te 'PIa beea pereonal thlll lta Ihe withIn , compa. u ... eYery , '\ocll,ol I CJlr. a t 0 Pllft ' II i'i .,d b ~ batl Uoa ... -'-- \ l1I_aI f A. H and world (be of am ill thl. eiltd! mlllenoi --.",n ally',hlr e or porlion <;,f :rni,~':~~i~~ :.~~D~:' :~:t!:~ ~a: t~: ,.-_ _ _ _ __ __ hi.b~" w'::fbec: t~ ar~ ' ,!~e:h~ e ' ora, n' cllrl.tia the of corCIt ninetee"th century I tOil II or prorhtYI of An,_~omp.ny wll ......U. te CiDcIDllI&l. I or pro.e 'Iock, luch tb~eory amtndat ICt~ tbe lod clpi. aew that tlaeq I. a pore on," Ie • reqUIr~ to bet Ita all, propoeiuon Mlne'm. b - - - . - -- - 10.10 far uthe .. me lII'e conai.te nt with er nameoftho taillMi propen,..lor tuatlon In thl. Stn., . , . . of ...,.1Iq1 oe to ....... til h 1 t e clutl". prothe Ind ac'thil of a '~:E NEW provi.son the apnCJ e r · , nor .lDy ' .h_ or portlOD of Ute Clpltal OFr'CI AL V~~3: - o::rw.1riIlaa1t the In....l.eDCe or our eIJ:!YI :,;.reorore;~o~~ applied 10 the In • • eeeci. of auch lnellih all cor. doubU or ta ..... .11 compau1 any ~Pirltl, or cleJII~ p""",ty or • de. lloe w. ' "eea r u two bOil a~~ r...... if lor, lU of the debtl which .hall be prvy. to enry IhlE to_lor 1"July I, plYDIent ~LV"I die on "Olel The belief. or bJ t.oc, ~ requIred I be .111 ur , tile ;~ct; ~:a::: lbu ,*,a1 pIft . . . 01 _ nch admln· er or d.:.a.lptk lil, u"lor lMofore tate .. It cia luch it t ecl.piD -aled Ire lad living opelled the Ita 10 00 talt tatloaa a III.Dife. J: .och 1111 tadtel ~cI~y I ~ ....... to _ . . W • .,..auio uto eilber rJfclu.iy el, or y, I.u 0_.I a. in coarcinaUly "Ith the pro",.IODI b... u••d, lr n 1liii, pro ,or " -_.. telll of alIht, "b, were t.Iae, defend till 10 Iitrator,act retia,.. Of the 1- ...,deta.., 0'1:11111.1. 1I0r ptete . . AND to "hleb thllllll. o amendm ent, navlptiJ olla"" E, WHER. WHO" BY :tllil StatAl ":.j.efl1~ .,i:,L acce . .ndatory thft'Oto; alld the borderla ~ --t-=:= ~ Det. ;:t e!~I", r ::ERTY .. PR.OP .. a jolt ~ . . . . -w.U,.w for,. or , .... ,... ....... 9••el lhall be ~Ithln th'ej:ed ic- ~~ BE~::1116,68 4,.. • oar Ir_Ied. . oC tile IIorplOl,If ally.ebaU be paid loto tbe court dUD of til.. Htate or .I.....b.,. and whe_ Sec: . . , . . . . .~ . . . . . . . OD ,OIl ID ~a Ia "I.~I'" benthe ror ritloD, a.t.IDllt t MICIl utloa" CODltlt .,. Dou 11)'1; 'I ooaf_ • • w cI,_n··1 peulOII of lUll ... Iac! the hi nd of Reb _ileclent, In ~he ther the aalDa IIbaII hne blelt e;'relled ,.. ..... of ~.:.:~~~" itt ~::: CIIIUId ... .... -..lye to .....Ie 1.Icet111 ,:,.~ ...... ...... . ........ ..... tile a r'l '01'. colllCto ~ 1/_4 or r!~ the at "aided l decedn too Mala InIdI Ia lipid to . . . ... , . 01 . . . . . " . . W... ....... . tJ ..... ..... be An upriJhl Ind judlclolJl mUl, For, from allaln he trieiJ \0.11",




J .


















... .., ........ ., ,.wr*'- ....






:::011......":. 8~te, ~1iI 18fT:. l Dr .... . ' ....... . 01 ...... .,....... ""'-t ·WI..II ___........ --_1_- too.... ... HIe...tide'net. .tM. .,..,.wOO ".IIil~,"''''''''

u_...., ..

. . .... . ..... 01

da ~~t.I -:---.-' aca.











R( hglou. ol'iniolll8l1i1 rehgloUII feollngs fOfm II highly ImJlOrt~lI~ purt oC the lIledi fa! eltar.cter _

~~~~~-~~,~~~====~\\ "fllcllytIlCll"l'Od11l!e JUn~"ct • •~ "R.c:'rr,11 BVUl\ W£I\i! ron TII~ VISITOR Wben. 'l'lou (,o rn ,III lI ot! no,l")I Vila Oa'i 1 lou, iii" ",bl nUllor '\l" tu Eg~tI :Ii" d,~ \ I onl lou.' "Ill l'oIQlu~' 'Ii" bu





~ ' ((i



BOll£,: ;\NJ) SAFE [d:MElW 1','O'R ~ • 1\'IW lIoSI"!!P,Y, OUII,E 'l'l!JI


)rp.~DACU~ CfJ.]LL.



JAUNDICE, )')YS"El'tU~ 1I14UtlUtJ,;4 IU "'OIIl£llS .BOU...... c1U)lZlIA IN P"N'l'trM , alld re&lnre a beallby aOll.); EVElt,

~ uj.'o'lc

The Tall of tlae Comet It furt) dr/&et:1I an length, but 10 thm III aublta ell that atara are"y'lible lhn>ogh II 'l1be ma"e1loul \alol of 1011\8 DOltrum· mOD",. are nearly .. long, and .qUite .. ... : HeU tbrooal1 o • p",prletoro( D, GoylOU'.utrallt WANT1<iQ L\~ED1AT.LY' t Yollow Dock ."d StrAp.rilla, howeY· OR 12 Jllurnt \ men "nnlL'tl nllhe BIIII .r, tau ao oc.ouloo to reaort \0 .ach \at.. ern O:Ja:clIoSU)P 11'1 \V U. it 1:1 n Chlllon iJI orlSe1: to aUral pobhe "Uaotlo. Co \ 0 Gm W"lfM 1',11 be given Nono need IIP~I' but Ib~ who can .111 "Oed work In "ood Tlae aCltaat cura ~rrotllled!bf til. artl. or-lron Wllmlllll()D.Jul), ~ 18S1 2ll 3... elt', where.,.r It I. Introdu~, •• the bU" _ __ _ _ _ llpon "hh;:b tbe repUladCJD .tb •• r.lllelly DalED 4PPLF.8 0le lounaed, tb. bllDdreda of OIrtlllo'''1 ree~ l.ruI and for .0110 loy r .~ h I. JI BAllRI8 '" Ctt, a ren.w"" ope-tlealth and life, thllt July 11 1831 Ife cootmuaU, Bowlnllo upon )11m will -~---~-~--.....,--­ pron HUlUhp ilia, 80urleh rur a thDe, but Q remed, moet po••el rare medlc.1 "Ir\u". to fI\abU ... the reputation th.l Dr GOJ. IOtt', Yellow DlM:1r I.nil .., •• pml\1. b.. eltabliahed ". berewer It bIll' been IJ8i!d 8" .dflrtiH.eDt


L I .- - - - - - - - -




REJ;lGlO'., NOTICI W. are ad'llJOrised to IiJ that.llr Sam nfll W,UiaDi 01 'LebanODj 111111.* of

Old 8chool"\t~t Ohanh. will preach place, OD ~J' dI. latlt 1.1t. ~ I'

'lbh•i.'•, L Cia......., "'dock, P. "0'1 'nd, JUl.



10 .he 1 inr 1'\ Ith<!ut II V":rllcle .f £a!elll.~ Mercury Q.1t1l\111. 0[" nlerill~ 10 .. tllelr COUl'p<I uuI 1 ho) dn 1101 purporr,.l. be Ii remedy for '1111 0100110, 01 d"el1ll. U.a' ft'llila. hoi, 10, bUI 6~periunclI" arranla ua io ..y iiI II II IlOOVO d,tiy "Ill p'l5Iuy"l,. Ollr. 'tbey ,will olio correcl.U d6 r.II,,~m80" of the SIOIII• • ft In rtli ~vo frollllbo •• aches and pam. Illrouti .. oul Iho eY8\ om commonly call()d Rlieumati Ie h 18 oro ucolleol remudy)or ilia Or..,,,f, and as .. VflltMlFUGE or WORM M84JoIu Ih~r. i8 non. botter; , :!l PreplIred an.>, by on I ~ P'Al"ICHE,t 140 Fulton 1\ N Y\. A few dooll !rom Stead",a), 'or 1111. wlleeeale and retatl by Ge. W Shaw 1.1 MUhDII Blob B No 19 }'l~h itI'M" belwoen M'ln and WlIlnut lOuih ~I~I CiQ. and by C adwallader & 000II.\ W.yn.....UIe. Jl Thmnp¥on Harvey.burl, J.nn Thompeen, MaMn ~I~efer to curcu'ara lor loeumonlil.





HE lull~ertlllll'1l wali itl r~l peclrully T {nlbrll thllit old Uu.ldm"" and olhers tnl .... Ile<Jj that having beeDol1

OOMler &wm1A ad Smith Sf~, C INCI/\INA TI A FACrUIlEflS of i!'ory dC!t!crirIJln ofl'nn'llr /I. Pr_c~ I hoy wlol,ttleo k~~




.. conele nt .u~ply of Pranler. ~ nctlillook B1~ .".. MnU,rlal'l auch.. pc, C 1Il!~ Cmfl,8 Ura.. Rille &.c Z7 J.



ClUIIlm.,. ~ ..lt1nolt" •

elC I eil!!!' on lifre.lIf

e'~I:I~~~c=rll'~ or C' CURIl TowJ(s UlP Ilro" n Co 01110 Fclbruaty 20 l851 CWClnnllU OhiO Veporal W el tern Agent for 0, WltIllll" n.ll!&m 01 Wild lamlly 1110 1,,~.Ii&1 "st...} 10 Icrnblo diBeasn Consumlllioo-my flillitU 01 Ulal UIH.WlG I bUVD .. lao beQIl IIrclCII¥llIMed 10 cp'0lumptloo "nd Ilboul n. comploLCly prollrol Ii by It IIlId lor 'li ucke my hfc ""u dt'8plI"ed 01 lIIV 1110mb aU COD. ldc,otIt I): ca c ho\Wleu alld requested me 10 prepare for I M.ilen "I,.. II mot' wo . ltI do ., m) hfo 10 .Ullvlate my purox),.ml of cuullblnll w.'r". llIl~nlluIY IlIrlUnDlt :lUUIO a8lIlJI l m1 8ItpeCl()TI\I!on wi iob dmoe' e,noothet6d me on .. boli]O 01 Mr Wi.Lar 8 llalum 01 Wild Cborry. and cOlI\lDenced II'V II (SOle U Illy COIIIlh.ulg ' 1lc11~ clune on Ilnu fruln Ihe first 1 exponene~ rCI1,e.,o<,,, v~ r)' milch Nom tUI~ ullle I bellan {o 1:1Iln Siron Ih Mil to III1"rovcl 1 enabled 10 lake tI.e BIll"1UI1 01 WIld CII rry reculerly and m,. dllt ~l lon ooeamo "~' lind \0 l/ie ""lOlli.lorncnl of all lh.l 10 l>t WI'lar I Dalum 01 W lid Cherry lIud Ihft! alone lindo, the


H~1~1~~~~~rit:~~~Dt~::~!p~::~ n


r-"I!l' My bealth Ut to oow bla lOr years .u.cbed 11\",ood IIko Iiever, b om"~d U1c ubtul dJDI h~$ moe' earn05t!.1..rulreat a\lilial ar III lh. ,... 1predl5 IIDJ\IIeodlllg Irial 01 l)r Wl,IIlar a But am or Will' Cberry.. lor J Ib Trul,. )'OUl'llJ J O lJ~ DIW!JK s~i~';d~~ bu a tile ~Inl\t. of dt. fiJJnalllte of tlcDry ~ on " finoly Uelll d I I eDiTand YO rllp 1 ",r Ie , Ix butlles lor 85 Sold by

JOHN D PARK, CINCINNATI, 0 Corur of I'ourtll uel Walnut 8treet.a',

ONJ."!!' AGEN r !'OR WI 1 AR'l5 BAJ..SA I Of \\'1LD CflERRY, 1) . Gf1~I\Crt T' hlnona J;ITUcr o~ YtIJ,.ow [)ooJ( "~D 8,,,"·..11iU Perry Onl VaJtt!.labla ND Killer and DI). o.~. lndn Ch\JI.C"I\le ...~ Whole... l. o aler in aU remn, MedidD.... fuwOMfltla,Dllll e Sand a aDd Un IO~ I Sarllp1lrilla Fwn.. tock" IIlId MoLIne.. VClrDlltQp.end W.,er Pule. IOld It 10'ul' CasillriOeef _L_ a::rGc:ncrlll Ar;clll fur th of PI/WeT NeWli Book Card Co ond , - VAl~ CLF.VE NEWELL Do)-ton J S. KLLNGLlNR A co LeN-. H £;. DRAKE. Xtnla. BYRD MALTON. SpIt.. Vall., CADW ALLADFJr. " GOOD WILLL"' ILLER J l _





Maabinery I yellr IIftn "lor.P.reQ 0 rec:c.lve w!'!jt 10

III ...,

Goodt uDllllliijy-


./ J. 2.




~ family Newspaperl , Deyoted to Agriculture, Meohanio Arts, Literature, Scienoe,' .orality, Foreign and ~D~mestic News, Amusement, &0.







JULY '18, 1851,



They u~cd no itoll oh th o wheel a WA,'I'EULOO AT NOON. eiver, from the pi lice in ·,vhich It waa Tile ()"'D~ Do, •• COI'IlI.-Tbe~ appeur,unce- oH he , Young Melcher belni at th~ IllImo pool Quite a large ,numb\jr of the Culellials ' gave me Il luvorable oplOlol1 01' the 'J'H E pAY ,UTtn T~I" R~TTLI!. few dayd ~incl!' found thero th~ identlcill ha, e arrivod omong UI of lato,ontlced ' Yollr pencil,' h e con ti nlleu' 'shows thllt of thl e city. In Eurollc, · thc car. . " wh \ch he had laiell from IUen ylJ~rs hithe r. by the golden rOlnllnGO which ha s you hnve talont; your t oqueal provea that rll en and labourers o..n the wllllrvc8' ore On !~ 8urruce or two aqullto mllea.IL WaH . bearing upon I\s ' .hell the n,orka the world.-BcofCely a .hip arrived you have 11 honrt ; the artist is complete. - filthy in th e eliltreme. "By 11 Inw of th e 88ao rlilmed thut II,r~ lh,oueol~d men 'onu willch he hnJ made, !Ilthougla ~f. ,CjJurae here tbat does not bring nn illcre..e to From this day conaider yourself not only Burgomasters. curt-wheels ,vcre pruhibi~ed hpcres \~ero I~ing. 'he luxuriOus crol~ limO had rend~red them 1".. uietl,n ct than thia worthy Inte.;or of our Pjldatlon, , . I I 1 from hllvin!: iron rims, 'j'he 8Lree ta we re ripe grOIn whul,h had oovered the fi e they were origllllilly. And we henr by China papera lin private ' u- newly pllved and these \Vor~hy DnrgJlII\ast- battl e, was rcdu j:ed to & litter, aud beaten 'l'hut the animal sl\oulll h&o,( o sur-eelled in advices from t!J at empire, thllt fe~lipg il e088I. 'Twenty-fivo lashes to-morrow If a6 my pllp I, but as my son. In ~ (ly l ~o not ,t ell who 8 kl'~~hed thpso figurea, rillo! .1 havil done more thun poinl-I hnvo e r8 enacted \hi 8' uw in ordl~r thut they into the eorlh ; Ilnd the lIu~fIlCIl , trodden finlling its way f r four milea, IIlBinat. \he apreoding all through the lelboard, and aa and perhupe more If J do. 0, my ' God, made II pointe r.', not b~ dlst.mbeol ill tI~ir a oer. uow n by th e cu\'olry, nnd furrowed uetll'ly I\Urrtlllt, notwlthstandiug all the IIInu08111ea a Consequence nearly all the vessol_ that • ·Oll 'tUB M U illI VI 8 ITOR , come to my aid!' and the little mulatto Murillo kept hi8 elUiilberB. The r imd of the bY ;lhe cunnon whecls , lItrewn by mony a of ,th e river,' and nt 1088t a third or a milo aro,up for thl. counlry are ,ao (or th" proa • TilE MlDNIGaT- HOUR. , L ., G b 'k d I f whuel~ were lUnde uf hoovy t imbor, nino rehc of the tlght. '. by land, II (lorl of which WIUI through peet of pusengers. A few ChlDIim~n I I I threw lim.!!lf upon t Ie mat, w lIell au",~ u Imez, etter, nown un cr t Ie nama 0 by twelvo inches. Helmet.,on cfcuUu.~se8, 8hdtie~e(1 firt)-ar~,8 woods, bllck tu ite old hou01,ll, we. regard, havo ielorOt!~, tllkina home witla them ' him 88 Ii bed, wbere ho 800n fe ll Jut th e 1tluloliO 01 Murillo, became Dna 01 the ' Wo, hnd lIeilber omnibusses, hncks, cobs lind brbkllli sWbrtl~, nil tl. e vnrltJty or mlll- os evidence t"'alliven lhe tuttle, whll:h b ~s lome thOlllllOdll of clollafa In Cmlifornia ltV M , LO U I S ~ CUITWOQP, uleep. m08l oelebrlltcd painters ill Sp"ln . Thore nor pleasure.corrlages; nor c~uld wo hire t ory ornaments; l~nccrs"cs"8 ood High- be<tn uen~oo from !=,I.aseic d,~y ' up to tho have thu8 riven .n Impetllii 10 The lI1h1nlllht bour- ntl hushed ~nd slill, Sel1l1~tlan awoktl at day break; ,it was mny yet bo aee n io the churchel of 'Sev- a eaddle-horse. A , fe w opuhwt Quaker I.nd boun ets; umforms . of ~very color, preacnt urne fo~ mlllh ng t\\!O eteps bn(lJ(. nlof emigral.ion f~olD their tath. I tl 'I k r tl b Id '11 th ' I b t d i t Ii h h b d ~en:honta used to go ,to church, in slormy plume ond pennon; mUi loal Instrumenta, war" 10 one forward, II blellllcd with .ome wbich I, Qot lIkely to abate (or ;l'lio ele.pinll eorth, ill .wecl rOlio. e" on y Ijree a e oc ; a Iy 0 ler .oy wou I ~ e ce e r~ e, p c ure. WI c e o weather, undor cover of a mot!.hine which Ihe II PllnrlllU8 of artillery, dru,ms , bugles; foculLie. clo.ely , akin to reaeon.,-EoIilt'r year~ to como. , , ' The ,hadowellll o'er vaI8'~DlI, bill . probab y lJavo gone to sleep ago~n i not 80 been found P,lllDtlllg ,by hl8 mllsterj olso thpy termed ~ leatliern cunvonlunce-re- bllt guod Gud! why dwe.1I 011 tho harrQw- NelClI· Ld~, ' ' .. , ,£hrough their Chief hllro, Rna the ir Ailt! pOlce, '1111 \1~\Ure ~nQ w •. Agent, !lr. 'WOokaworth; ihey hIYt" ,ot with Sebnstlan, who had but three h\l\lrB lit St ~nne, at\mirllblY done,1l holy Jo· !embling' UI II brllnd-w8gon ~. of the present illli' pJcture of the loughten fteld l Ji:ac,h he cO\l ld call his own. seplt, "'hleb Is extremely beautiful' and day. ' ' ollli every 11\1II?U8 di tipilly bore l!Iu~e t\.'8tl•• I • . : - - PIl"ee810'l of a laree ('r act of land on Ole The Olidnialll hour- l CClnnot . I Q~ I! ' For dlllltina mOlllori CII Btlr my .oul. ' Couralle. courage, 8 ebastiftll,' he ex- olhers of the highllBt merit. T.he first live ry-a.table wIla openlld in ]'7- ~07 l~ ml~r) OI ' '1u~h a tle . • ~ ' . D'Inlh o. tho lue~ri"le. . l\Ioq\lell\mne, whid! they ~..e coll!~ 1\11l\1y hcarll. W('pl hI mUlln", ~oc p, '.I claimed .. htl ahook bimselt' Rwak e" threc 07. 11\ John strell~, In ~' la~g~ vacant yard. , I ' ou t lftr d e 'f~'601 y I n:cll~ It IS alld death'. There I. no comrort ed cultivating, a'1d ate fait .set~llDg It, , . ' With \110 exooptloll 01 'rflUlty', thllre wero once of t liS aoelle 0 . e,atl , 0 It I Illl , on th lll dying pillow. No s\Veet rel'ole.They IIro among the most IDdulltrTou8, l'batlpl'm Iweel 1101.". conuol. h~ur8 Ire thme, only three hours; then lID stoves in any of the cburchl!lI. The It would, b.e by · \I·ltue.~~lI\g Ihe. reaQarchea No voice or filend, hlp ,biddilill adiell. No qulol , plltien' pl/ople IImo~g 'us. ' Perha)!. prullt ,by thelll ~ the re.\ belong to thy mus, _ _. _ _ __ winl.Ors, too, werp longer. and more fievere of, the h~lDg, .lInd th olr 4csolullon, for tho lighting ul' of joy ih the departeli "pirit. the citlllens of no nation except th(, Ger • • The III" are brial;t-tho .,ell.lve moon ter;-throe ahorthoure! 1'0 begin~tbeBl' than they lire now. We U!llti to go to obJeclI 01 !.be!r love... l ' lu lL i8 0 frequent ueal!l. T * o evory hour manll, Ire moro quillt and valuable. Thpy Lqok . . ",eelly down It ocenlll on'me; figure. mus\- bo effaced; lind eeiz:i n~ II SOU1'U A)l£1UCA. church wilh our gudo vrow UII the right Motber8, .wdl~es"I~n.. \I II ren, go through the' gllte8 In our own land. aeela to :Iive UDder o~r IIIWI II t~ born 'fhu slIumlol . igh. 11 murmuring lODe. " " , I -orm, and tho tin' or wooden (oot·stove·on were u~cu~le In tlat mournru, , ' It Ie lin' ellrly doath. Few drunkards lind bred under them, lnd ' alreadf: have A11d journey. wward tho l ea. brui h, .he approoched, the Vlrglll,, In .the montl~ Q,f D,~cember, 182.', a Plan' l lhe lelt. In the atove ,was a pa!, o.f live the confu.flon the, wh Ile livo out their daye. " commenClld an expre, llon of their preferviewed by the son light of th \, mor,mng tor dlscovered, !n a helillit II e h,or ~ d latQllee hickory eools, toiren rrom the heorth 10 t~e lind (o~, IIIterml'1g lod 8S they \~'o re, 'lite!, It il 'an unlame nted death. "I 1m glad enee by , applying for citizen.bip, by ,ftllng 'l'owDrd .h.....c. - Ihe mll!hty IICIII dawlI, appeared more bea.lI\iful thnn I!v~r . (rom 1I101!to Vledo, II BOrl pf tOJllb-st?nll, ki tche n: Having entered tho pew, the r~ndered . t~e Illtem:r~ ~t rcuognlzl!lg IOd!- he il gone," is the cummqn 80yillg, lIa tbe their intentionl In D,ur courta. .riblt ~i11 'I'hllt 10.""" all IIIIlI know. up roSI, Elfllce thi l l' he I:xolaillled 'eff/lce lit is upon wl1l9h 8tTnn\O, and unJn<l~vn slgn~ good Wife pro coeds to IDllke h"r feet oo~- vldlJql.oIlffic;ull,on 11110mo COSf 8 a.mP008I- bell annOlln6ea the 801emll event. Evon b~ the ellent or the movement now ~1I1g Wavo ..(I er wave goel mournfully. . I ' 11 d' fi Effi I d engrllveJ\. :Io cause ;thl6 atoll(>, f<lrtllble, alld then moves il to ' tho peraon ble. [n ,mllny pilices the d~,d .lay four hia family look for comrort, l,e is no mor~. on, iD China and ' her" Ie not dUil, fose. A C{0I8 h. deel' blue br~uat , no,. WI, I~ rs.. IICO t Ie-t Iby, Mfe covere~ a sn\ull e:"cllv~tlull rurmed to _her, who repeat' tb" oporation; deep upo.n eoch ot.her, Inurk" .It. the ' L ilt it 'be 10berly conteolplatooll Bllon. ~o ahall undoubtedly hlV" I f very not-lIcltller dllre I. I'fo-th~t hel'd-Jihe ry, to , be rOl ried... III he eo it ,pnasos backward and forward , . 1 SllotB Btl,ti~b 8qua~e bnd occuplcd, I. .Dy the moderate drinket. ft may bo addition lo .ur populatlon,ln'd It So thought and tlloughllik.6 wa\'OlelS !f0 breothell.-sho spellks-it a68ms 118 if Iter exce~dlQgly ulle,lent huve seou five "U\ldred of tb eee warming. eXl,loscd,for hours _t v ~he mUrdetllU8 bid. ' r be n" ny berore ~hll Ha\ls of CgnIII mournful order o',r my breul, J bl<led wo~ld fluw It ( should oBilr to effODd 81"el~" wlileh h ~d pOliS at oue time in ' the ,1tliddle DutCh the Frencll batte~y . , I' , , ~ : By the vender" Hp. hila filled' the 1I0tare Il'/:aced by the pre.ellce long. Somo fill my . oul With aloom amI '0)'0 , Il"d " ,and 1111 earthen olllphora, Church which 110 ilQubi had II 1D0Iiir,iq" Out sid.. loncer and CU\ro,9ser were aeat· tie and d01\e tho deed • ' qu('ued Mandarin sitting, voting, I\~eaklng. 'I d tb I h 1.1 b'" h nUL Ilome IIro I woolly bleat. I ace t-an at ~ ou u " er .m , r erer. T I ' B oil ' • t tI th ' kl th th M til t ' . ' . d D' ~ Or. .,.. " ~ , Ill er cau. influenco on tho atmosphere of tho houao. ere . IC ,yon e enr, ' • 8 Y ~ 8.' .Dr thll maglltl'ate. He signed the h~ beal e a Oil' ,rom "antll ~. e, anu IInb,,!, - In ' i7il~, having imbiti ed tilE! prinoiplell temptl~' to-,force tbo 8cm~d liayonets Ce081l. from Hawall.-AIl4 CtiliJortaia,. No, no, nOJ rllther let me finish It. , Yet tlie midn11l1lt'hour I•• wee~ 10 til e, • SCArce!y hltd ' he uttered thele word I, . tho Americon lind French U,t'volutionll, the British, th ~y had filII en I ~tl~e bootleaa 4. By tbQ pee~lelS parent. It ilia>: yet ' ••• ' . For then I COllj uro up Iho pUl, w I~n, aruzing a palette, he a'ollted 'plte' or the l av, ges o( \I made a prlsuDer (or 60me timo ' in ealaYI by the muskets df i,!.be :nner filea. lie the ueath of hi~ OjVII son. \ , Waillu LeR.v,ell1u Ille T.i'eatille.t. Ant!l o\'u l~ "Ilng • I 800. I Ih I d t tall b b d cilro taken or th e stone, nbur,:h gOlleave.t,o ba\)18h myselr, and Farttier on YUll traced thll.' spot where , the c5 If not too la te' by tbe drunkard tliln. Dr. Negrles, phyalclllll Ilt Anglers" Too II wCQI. \ilOJluro LC I ~gl. ~, e eue 8~ ,WII8 BOOII 0 Y a aor e ~reok ', WO!US ~ou:4 . b.Il. Oe;ll, Dlnd\! /Jer~" brill\rul of pulWcs. J at 'lDce cavo'l ry of Frnnce alld Enll'lsnd had ~n. ..&nd let him ~Icape oa 'fl,lr hir.,Jire Prpn'ce. )!u pu~'iahad., ltatetient "Of hiS. 1\11 Carmel. III. In bill oocupatlon. Hour .cter hour pailll- re lld, lind Bup'plred,.o/Mh1Ch,.w1en-lr&n~aLed, 8ub~cr1\:rn'"d"Ur SIl/Ullelf~(ilrdl'1l'lr.New-YorJt countered,-Chl18seur lind H\lzzlIr \Vere ,l,nburrie& him 'onwacd. Appt'~ite auceels In the treatment of .cro(uloul dls\"'"' ed unheeded by Sl'ballion, 'who was too ure' ~o the (ollo"'iog purpolle: 'Duri tbe E,ening Jpurnal. 1'hil, with:al~e Dllily terminfltl d; ~nd the hOllvy NO,rman borae lIim omVord . , Slelmcl8 bqrl.iel ellle, !ll differ410\ forml, 11,T prepantlAAII of much eng~ft8ed by the be, utilul crealure dODlJoion of Alexan,der, t~e son of AdYertiser, and "'"rr~lIoll'l "\' eokly Mu- 9r, the mpefl ..1 Guards ' In onw!lrd. Bul oh, his ond' wllinut le~,!ea for te" years, an~ of '6 6 paqf his penc il, which .e9med b'uratini ~nto King o[ l\1~cedon, In ,tlill , 6~d lelll!'l, oVer~ the qnly . papers poblis4ed in With th,e !lTe.y. c/Jart:ers wllll:h es , his 'lIwful end. O,roader,h'o caD Uenll afthot~d In dlfl'erent form8, 31 ,were Ne\V-)'ork a.!= Ihllt penod', . Fro,m theae pa- AlbIon ,s cillvulry" .He~e (hil remQ'in Idlo anu set) your bruther mlill completfy cured lind there were only rour life tq ma~k the fl i ht of tilne " ~nother Pt~lem~ID~. It WII6 Imposllblll " ,If " pUc r til.! ' relit. On the hll!ldle pere I learned how the eoul of Wubing- and TlraUeur lay 'Ild(J by . 100e .p(lproac:hlnglhlllt'.aw(ul eDd every dlY.- who appearlil. to ba,e obtained no &dYaD~OUcll l' lie 'l'-xclalloed; ,1I101t ~hlldl! here-:- ot the I\wo.rd. , wnalhlt porlr!llt of a ll1ah, ton was vexed by the turbulent worklond and the ,beavy:dragOOI\ , \Y1lh greell ,By lind ~1" f,hese thillgs ' will .tare yuu in tage., The lIilualon o.r the walnut . tree now th e muuth. •\"ell, . there! ,it upensl ~.upp~sad La be AlcxlIl~ d~r; Qn the helmet cOl\verBl\tion uf the Red ,Rep.ublicune . of badge upon IllS h~hnet\ )\'08 ,.grllbbHng 1I~ the I'llce. If you bOVft done you!' duty, and I~aves are made bY,cuttlD, them abd IOlulliOH8 eye8, they pierce Ole \hrollgb! whitt there Is soulptured work thllt ~~8t hllvo that . C:i tizen Gellet eudu yored to:III- deatb With tho Puhsh>louc?r. wnrned ybur fellow man 01 hi. il ~ nger, It !Illig about a good plOch betwe~n the thumb r , r I .' I' d eleuey. I' ' vlmy AI' beau- been execllted moe( exqullllle i. COllnl.... in a , was wilj' h Edl!'hmd. On dthe" luiDmitb of dtheIh rldl8,d WrlCrll other.y(iaej donelid and, fore-linser, In half a . point a' ',Oreleaul-wlllt . A Ilyh' the lI d I tI '1 " d t tile d may''be " 'veil witli "ou' I" ,. d Ib /), boUl~ , d' re "re8~nllnlf 0.\1 es rogg ng \0 corpae oilll bis cab net te80lved to groun Will eum ere II': t aa a" ro· upon it you atand on slippery ground and water, an t len a!Veeten It W t 8\1,ar. 0 \ One he!lutiful .uulmer morning, about ~i.'ul-' en Beba.lill!l :o)rgot the lJollr, for- or H ector toul~d il e walld 01' l'roy, (like neut~ul. He IVIIS 9uppl)rl/!d by 'lIlI den, ftitlock deep in mud a.nd gore, by fre' tbuame fate \hat a~aill a 'grown. person, M. NegJ'il"1 prescribed .. 1'730 I II or S '11 ' I:0t be Will a ,IIllve,forllot hi. dreaded punFllbula HleclI, tho blle-bolh!f atucco dr th~ coun'try Gonet WDS quen~ ruall of <riv&1 covalry,' the thick 0 proreslinlf Chr ,tiona' two three toa cup. fuU,ortllil,daUy, t'le ,yen •• ever~ y~u .. e~1 ~ IflhJlltlnt-all, . lI l"ils obliterated from the In . the , r~ins. of Ille. Vio ~ppill' at by Burr, Jefferson, Borlow, Gerry, strewJ\ corpse. of the Imperial gtilird, remllih Idlo- for ono moment; i.IUghtiy. atomatlc bitter, approached ~bo dwelling of 'thA cele~rate 1I0uiof the , CI\Ithful IIrtist who thou hl Frllt9cclno , ~elollgll\l!' to the ,PrlD~a. the, J;ted 'Repybhcans. ' T\lIDmBI:r. pOir!ted but the 8pl)~ w~e~e Nllpoleon had fellow man dropping into a ne~rly ulllfotin ill ' IClrorllJI4llr·ft r ~up)lo, ,wheru dlell1rrlved neuly II y I. b 'b' b I ' Colonn~, wh',ell ~e8Cpbe!l 1l1l (he pnDclp~1 W'l'l formed about th is. lime. Gil - been defeateu. ,I!ere .lIlcolulDn"that rlVwithout railing YDur 'voiJlo Ita .~ted never to hav. at the ~Ime time. :Aller the U8UII .alllta- not I ni, I.W nOlllllll', ut 11 ellU I u plC- .c~ne$ IR the I h!ld Il!ld Odyssey.). It 18 ,D. Caluen, Swartwout, Malleli, ored corp. OD wh.le!1 hlll ·l~t , chanf8 relt· to ~'I'r" oN ,he awful dallger fnd the eftee,ta. I~ aug. "' !'lion., the entered .lhe atudlo. Murillo t,ure. qUite clear, fromlhe discovery of Ihll kind Bnd Dlally othera, "P'lt it in opera- ed, had been DUOlhdated, and the IIdvaRCO finlll fate of the 'IIrunkard . ' O, that we 01 circuilltlon lind di. n f h it ~"i who can deecrlbe the borror and ,,' mo." umental altnr" thnt a c,?n(emporary It Will inteudpd to,ooerce WlUlfjrng- and repulee of the guard wae tracerible by could be the humbl, Instniml!nlll In the fUDctionllmparla much y h d Wal n!>t yet t, Are, an ·eae 0 t e pup I conl\erllatjoa of the unboppy Ilave, wllell, of Aristotle hUll du): up ~he ,sO\I , or BrllZ~l ton. l, Gonet, emboldened by tbeae aeta, II m~ .. of rallen 'Frenchmen. , I hanul of our hene!)ly Flth~r of' wallrng act upon tbo Iym • . . ' Illd La ~llIln. ~t 16 cOIIJoetured tb,t ' thlS appealed froin tbe GovernlllQn~ 10 tile 10VIn tbe hol\o\v be lC?w , the lilt the .. 'eop~ng aentinell a leh5~.of duItII lnftuence tho ' . wllked up qUickly to his easel to eXlmin" 1f thc <painl bad dried, or .d- on .udd~nl) ~u.rJ\lDg rO!lnd, be be~elcl P18le~II,lo" was ~IO ~omn'llndl'r 01 Alex- eroign peoplo. 'V.ui bil\gton fllvoke4 "tho Franco hod beel\ vaUlly ~ade; UI ~k )'o~ In aU cilldor,l(;yqu lUld tbJ lldD,acqulrllrll lIIiro liill work of the pre\'ioul evening. ,.the puplla, with hi. malt!!r at t,h elr IInder a Ilee t; whIch 1.5 supposcd \0 bllve .mbU8.d~r'B ,credeDtia18.- 'HoIIIC Jo~rnaJ. ~be Old GauaT~! whell tl'~ mIddle 'Whlll tho Bible lay. \D ft,aid to Dry leavel , mlly b~ u,~ .' ' l ' hed 'atanilillg beside ,hiht. ' been .overtaken by II atorm in tho greal 10l\a hll.d blll!n lorced, aUompted to meet end of a di-unkald' you 6ay the winter, but a syrui' miLiJe . Melldcl j with I care esa aIr, ap~ro,c S e bl8tian nev~r onoe drellllle'd of ocean, a. lbe Illlcients called it, IllId driven •~ tho Br.ltldll. Illld Ilfl'ord tim.! ror tbejr 'diaorgword' then I~ \he nllDe leave. I. ' inore IItomatie. 'A ..Ivo : hla en ~I, \\thert. a\1 l)xe'amo.tlon of oston: (I I . ' I d . I I ' ' It . d on the coast uf nr~zil, whelo he' erected sm J()H1'f Flt&NlUiI~. oniled wmpilliontto rllliy. Here thorsriti. h bO."lIl1 how call yo~ fold yuur arms anll reof green leDvel la A iehnltmt el capell Il'UUI him, an.,. ba ,ueel y pg \111),8e f, Iih , WI~ 1 ~'. pa e te 10 lie above ' me ntioned monl,lment, ,to p~e-, " left, \vllicb hltd converged,llpo~ till) 'Frencll main ullcollcernedl ',' , made ~f a .lrong III' mule eurp'riae ,011 hill eanvu., on ,whioh ban!l, cUld hIs brll,hes In tbe other, Ii ' IIOrve thtl,1nelllory of the voyagE} to 80 dlSEnglnh ~oper' rVgelved by th l!! ,Europa center, had come UPi IIlld here the bR),onet cllon@wlth ao cheerful and Dnlmated, Wall now airent as the (rave. A alngle lamp bu , rned upon " a marble tilble, and 0 young boy, WhONO ' ,lIblo hue harmonized with the , alirroulI~ing darkneu, bul whose oye. aparklcu like dillmonds at midnight ieant againat nn


hi, Ilrma IU'JunU Sobution , lind im to his breas l, ~7



I CI8tORlEll l llLAlIDRlfG.





0' a






I~me 8iJJl~lIBt''d


------;0... ,

wa e, r0ulf ' My 1\ kutChed Il ' PlOlt buuliful the hung down tRllt furuiB a counlry. At dl!servlng all thill maKe of CII re&,aru to whose Iracesfote of cl08ed the contes t. , • h Iiist Iheld, b IiIlwalling: d h ' InUIilenee . ery lleil 11 Illct tbe nllvlglltor, i'!I.llld Olein Ie e eve e J~~ y merit of , sntiqulI:riun~:-Journal des " 'oyagu whole world i' so, deeply interested. .. ' heud ~f tbe Virgin-; but th~ expronion was .IIU Aum irable the IInu ao clear,lhe con- eu. Fur JOlDe 1D0ment8 II de~d alienee pre- An:hioc.s Geog. The lact1.hBt tHo health !If the !loble-heort- ltention of Gren' DrOll to IUPllole4 tour 10 'graceful th.t compared ,vith tile veiled, for if S?!lQH~illn Willi confound~ It ' _ ••• ed Jlldy f'rl1nklio' il ' f~l [lliliog ,uhde~ ,her LttUe ·I'blngl. • c' leu It seemed being caught In tbe cemmis8ion of luch i. long and 'anxious su~perlse, lenel. addillonPhilip Frances onco ' wnited upon IiIgllrt;H b,/ wh'Ie.h ~t I was en Irc , IB " . ' 1lI ' lid I ' '1 ' , Il!(CIDENT. lI\,interest to this report. 3'hll follow ing 'b I l t t reo~ over to him ae If 80llle heavenly vjsltant ha,d deltend· ,g~.nt cr~~e! -b,~r1110 ~ ~,1I1 pUpl I ~Iere -is thl\ " ccount: eome pftle~!r:8~e:t~~g liuling's 'deC;d .moult them. nol CIIII aawnl8 e lit t ~ , lIcovery tey The rollowin~' exceedingly interestinl Th. report Ihul a coirn of at,~ncs, raised Iinquenclea. ' H tl called on lIIr. 1 Burke, in ' Ah whDt Ie the Qlnt~er1 ' said a rouah had ma!le. " incident we copy from lhe Greenvillt:, S. by Sir John' }'r8nklin'e eJcpl3d !~ion, hid hia way to \he house of a frienu, with 'Th Ii il turned at the sound Murillo, having, with a gellure oJ the C .• Patriot : , been discovered in Jone~' Sound, III >li;18, Whom he W!,LS ongaged to dine . . He lound " ~Ol(le. e P p. , " h d' d "1 I' II I . Tlle otho~ dft", in conyerd~tion Ivltb by the Prince of Willes W'hlliler, eaya Ille bini in his garden. holding a graalilioppor: I"d all ,made a rl!spcc.tlul obeisonoo to tho ,an ,Impol e 81 ~nce on ' 118 pup 8, W 10 Miaa D ix, t)~e pr;Ullnthropist, during ber Liverpool TimeR, of ~tHe l'ftli, haa recelveu ' Who t a benutifu\ Illlirnal is lhis!' 8ltid mDete,. ', ~u\d hudly re~ralll themlelves ftom glvto Grcllllville,a Indy aoid to her. 'Are withill theae (ew days, ,a very c1is~incl con. nurke; '~ubsorve its 8truoturej ita lega, n'Otllfruid to trovel 1Ii1 over thl. cOlln- firmlltion, re ndllring the ' Itotem.ent by far ita wing/!, lUI eye •.' , , 'Look, sllnor Murillu, look!' eXlllllimed IOlf ,way to adm!tatlon, app,roache,d SebU!tho youU1I u ihey pclnted to the'euel of i.n,nnu aonceallng hi. emolion,aaid io a 60ld a\onc,llnd hove you not the 100st impbrtant-pn;lumplivo ,or uther'How Clln you,' 88id Sir Philip.'looeo -"r lid • . IIDd 8e"ere 'tontl, while' be 100ked'lIlternllteand been ill Beriloul .tituatiolls1' wise-wbic~.h.8 reaohed Ufl.'o , your time In admirlllg SUCII all IInlmal, ,II C) e... ", I n tl b ' 'f 1 h d f th V . t timid,' Slid Mlsa DI~ 'and William _ Iiler, a ,ICarno.lI on bosN the when you have so mOllY objects of rnoment , 'Who haa plIlnted thil-who h •• pain. y rom Ie eaut! u ~. 0 . e IrRIO 0 all my sex, but in order to Prince of Wlllee, statu on oath, thllt be to attend t01' 'T" lie .ure I wUli my little dear~l!follow ,ed·thil,lIead"l!htlemen!' al ked )Iurlllo, the terrified Ilave, who .to!icl like II .tlltU~ carry out my purposes, 1 'know lhat il ia was on board that ve8sel ('\lV'baler) III .! 'Yet Socrates,' said Mr • .Durke, 'accord- 10'0 up lltairii.'. <! ,el:ly -" . pel" tell me -HII 'II.lto hu ' Who is 'your malter, tJebutlan1' necessary to inake lIIorifice. and oncountpr 180&8, when, early in. l3eplemb~" during Ing to ,tho exblilition or him in ",d'tol'h'rhe children did 10, lind , she , tD!lk - : I hi V' I . Il( d b.' '\\'(111,' replied the boy in II voice .cat~- danger. . 11 ie ' true. I havo beet:! in '!Iy very.' thlck welltbflr' they, enteren, all ~be'y: CInes Ilttended to II mlich -les8 animal; he ' atthe plano, pillyed Dncllang ~ W :(lOe flY . mil- I audiblo. ' lravo:l" threugh the dlfl'ereht SIlltes In beh,eved, LII~coater Bound, and steered Ictu;lly menllred tho proportion wbi?b airs, ~~CI 'a long, and, lOCiable eba\ WI·W;'..I" - I ftc Ie t I t.r.of 111 all. MUrillo 'jf[abes he IIld done y. " Ilous .ituations. I will mention one whloh we,t, advnllclDg s!owly. Tho fog, cOl\tl~t ilEe bore to the. . pace it pHseel over ~t5 two little people, gIVe \hem caltel I, mea,?,),our dro~lOe maaler, BIIld oceDlell in the Stll,te of Miehigon. [hir- ued bet\vy for some day., wlleh it luddenlY akin. [think the .\Iill or 11 grUllh~pper , " in abu!ldance, an~ja~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.:_ _~~~~~~ It. What a touch! wbat a d!'Ucaey! wblt a .lilll, Mendez m de'ar pupil Will it r~lo. ed a carrlago lind driver to convey me so~e and IIlgh land ~ I./I seeD ('n the lar. does not exceed I.... length; let"us,lee. ' . ' ,took thelr. lelve l' ' Y " ·You, .enor,' 'gIIln replied the trembling distsnce through ilD linlnhe.blte~ the !nul bead. The cap'My ite .... fTiClnrl~ said Sir Frilllccs,,'I am their ,you _ • . .. 1 ' . ' ,lave: • t~e country. In st4rting I if it were the in a greot hurry; let UI' wilk i!" and ~o, !Cenor, replied Menrlell, Iff ••onow'I b •I f ' I ' ,the drivllr, a young I"d, hali a pair <of Ice~ei'r ~r of IIIDiI, aeot.1I me rpod my,pllper. to you.' .. {ul tooe. t cannot , e, ne,~ pve you ellons, 10111 with him. I,nquiring what ho to Dcer~1I1O tile f act, and of till" , ' Into the hou80·they walk; Sir J.»hll~p be• •w.. It YOIl " th en laturlta or Ferdin- aal~ the astonished palllwI'". ltOing to do Wilh ar..ll1S, he 81lid 1\e vym. MII,er forOlfd one. gan to reCld,' Mr..rOurko IW,pllared to llitell'. ' . .But YOh gave thllm to otljera, and I Ill. them to protec\ us, 01 he : b ~d Ilales tJll\t on Il ndlllll', tlil! marks or At lenglh Sir Pliilip buvlng misplaced 'a d' G l' ' , , ' .n ! or ' ar 08. . , tened to lbem 'r~joined th!! buy elJlbuld- robberies h~d b.,en committed on our rODu. prints were distinctly vi.fble in the poper a paullc ensul\d. , But tbey all ga.e Ille ",me repl}' d b h k" d f h' " I snid 10 him givo me the pi8lols-1 will mud, above high Wlt~r mark; cloae by 'I think, said 1t1~: Burke, 'that ,nolu 111, I Mende&. IIt could 'not, however; ODe y t e 10 lie.. 0 18 master. I' ta\re care of tbem. He did 10 reluctllnt. wa s II s mall c:ooking placo b llIlckene,l hy ilUi are nolY agreed\ that IOODstn, not cica- ~ie!tlte~ over a bridge nto a valley, iD <:onhero wllhout honds,' .. id Murillo, ' •... nd you bin bettcr thll.1t laten; ly. . " fire, lind .. little furthero!1 a,well built cairn da. i8 the Lal!n. wo~ fo~ ,l:rll.8sho vper, 8~'luencp C?f. 'l:;l~llper ha"j DI ~beIQ. placed ')0. pursing OUT jOljru~y through & IIbout ,four or jlvo feet. hlah, o~ which ~bo Whot'. your opinIon Sir Phlilp1 on .'fe,~ack b1 a boy eleven Y,e&ft\.o( allo. . I ' blve profite~ by them,' excl Imed ,Mu. ~Ient y. , " ' unable' lonae r to cOpenl hia looking (oreet Il man ru.h ed into the P"ltY' pulled away a (ew l lOnea l, but belllg 'My opinion,' Inswered Bir P/lilip, pllck- -:-~I • .motlve la aUP&OI8d to liavel1een to ',T.~ict II cerlll~ly ~ e,uriou. lqalr~ ,gen- io. 'Ge ntlemen ' doOl thla 'bo , merit caught tI,e h'onre " br ~he ' bridle, and de- rell&lI~ by a. eignal, from the jlhip, which ing up bls papera, and ·preptarIDI . to move life tbe Ollrl cnub t e atlck. By e accl· tleh)en.' pb..rved Murillo, 'but I¥! t D. '" y mondtld my puree. laid to him, with al WU belnll dnv.ol) In ahoro ~Y , tho eurrent, off, 'I. , that till tbe ~...bQP~r III out dent five perlOn, were Inatantly , .jellied, '16011 learn who I, thla nlgbtly or reward' milch l elf-possesslon, u , I co,u111 commllnd, wero com.peJled to returD ,o n bolud lmme, dbead, it wih .be Jdl,e tal., 1016:",'Of. the three of wbom (acwidow c nupl' l• In • ' [I ale IY· ll!!r doug'·ter, ' 8eblt.tian • he c:ontfnuad ' ...tdrelllling. I'A, rewDru,Ij lellor,, C/'e" I ~ tlI., IIro you not uhom .d to. ro b 11 woman. . , of ) ndt...- B ~'1or. 1Jll$cm,"n,f two and a '1 I' t)b" • bre.\h, " helve bUl IJttle money, II 6 -that I want to I t WII 'beheved by the ma 8t~ of tho :'\ "~'Clillll . Ie mu aUo b01',a III rou~en ,Th.t i. Willi, but what ahall il' he!' i expenrwa 1n visIting 'prllon8 ' Prince of Wales the veterall u le, of Hull, ' r lnque',t deeJJlfld tCJO .pPfarecl at hil call, 'cUd) not you and oecU~lonally in givinll tll that he /lad advanced in a wetle rl, ' dealt wltb for, bla • to aleep here e,ery ultht1' 'Bebullao'. heart bell quick; he looked 11 yeu have been un. up tllis aouDd, II -d18tance of .nelrly 1110 mothl\f, teltified thl\~ he I.emed -Ith timid 1- Impforin' upon hll ' nilsl er'a rice. ~ t II nder tho imprellion wat he was in to eee !.be tTIlln by; but all.8ll <Yes, muter,' laid the bof .. .. T , wan m.oney, m eK, u . L · had been' throw" over the briel,,,, , • lOmE'.' tliWlspollltlng to Bound; but tllli IMIlttlf ,wu. re, ,!C~ 1" , , 'Till» d call, at leut,' I~,d ,Mendcz <l:y. ;. d h '. . . , ~~un'lln on makin~' bi. WilY olilwa rd, and peored , 'l'if~n,' (fled Ferdinand. ~ "' ... nce cha~- m"ved v th h Id"frlghtonl\.I,llDd - " uked • her wIIl\t,lhey 'An avo Y~l!. uon~ ,01 , •• ' . ' be becam" deathly pale. ' y tbe duu\il wa• . eo'll ""eufby pall5ing {to 0 • uu uO. '"e.Jlal'!f8 'l!e, m.,~'" ,_ , • No, .~I~ GOllZI ~~'. a beautl~u' nej.v f rell erelaimed. 'Th.t ;VOiCe!' and louthwarcl} the<'II'ide opening, and tile ...ell 'Speak then· who wu bere lut alpt (ot loe next boiJdny. , me th ill' be hi d beeu \n known headlanda of LanculIlr Bound., , , ROlll.nce'D! Re.1 Lire. ' 'l1li thl~ mOf1l~ beFore thescl aentlelMn ISpelk, sJblltian,1 &nid MuriJIu loo~iJ1 g tho Phi 'ia 'Penitontlary Ind had It became evident that bo Iuld been In -c,~e' S IE I '" ' 1'11 L , . '. at hil .Iue Whom non e of th~se reward. heard mf lecturing lome of the prlllOners the hithllrto unelqllore~ aOJd m~r. . , , pea •• I,e, or ' 1I\, .a e 1 0u e· I ' ' . tl(an adjoining c(!11 ~nd 'he recogni~ DIY IkIIInd, named hiderlllan ones, a f11IllDted with m1 .lIalf'oa;· Mici" ,I(IIrillo leem to move, ar~ , f-h e" Ihln~ not volee. He ' then d~8irlld me to pail on, Which, it hu beeD belloved, 181d......".."... . ' an,"I, W,\be boJ. who c:ontilnlid to twllt 10~r tute!- ·Tell m", what you Wlab (or;) and oxpreUed deep aorrow at the Into th~ eel 1l0rtlt or P!oT"Y "'andl. for the.o,c:uioll bl a Ie,:! ~Dgh.b gentle- , the bllJld 01 bla trow.... wilbout re I _ am 10 much pleued with yOW' beautiful he bad c~mmittcd.-;-But 1 drew out m, 1'm ~llle! runhor deCl.,.. thlL~~ mell. Tile Jllan ,fO! thlrty-twv o~ the, ur.,'.. ".,u '1 I ' , P 1 CoDlpOlIUon that J will ,rant any requHt pUI1lC and Ilid to him. .[ will !Ci,o yon ."a WIth ,.Janda lay bef«e tbenl. bett pillyerl to'begln Ilxteen game~ IIm.yl. ' , IE d be IOmetblb8 to BUPPOrt 10U lib til you ~n It ia imp_ible to elltertaln In1 doobt taneOUliy, anll at th, close of which tOe n • . I 00 'Ah. Jou dob-' l ~ to ........". aakI 1 m~1 P,lue. Speu, theD, 0 Qot get into honelt emplOJmeJIt.-He 4ecllned thlt thi. Cairn IDdicat'ed Ute (let, that. l ixteeD. beateD plare~ reLire (rom tbo coo· 'JiIlriUo, pulllD' hll elt. • afraid.' • II Brst tak.inll l!'Iythln,; until I inst,ted'oD Sir John Frs~lEhll" P.artr bit" te.t. E ight I"~OI \!flll then. be pl11ed, ~t 'N te • lie<! It "Oh muter if I dared-' aarl80butian hi. doihg 10 (o~ fe .. r be might be tempted th~ lpot iD quesUoal lIIit we c"n baye DO the clole of wWch there wII~ yet 'relll,1lID o 00', m~1 r, no one, rep t e ' , ' . ' LO rob lOme 'one elae betore he caul» F' bnl~tlori hI ...I!rlinr Di.t belDeath the eiJbt who ban Dot been beateo. 1rembllD, 8ebaltJali, with ea,ernell. elupln, hI, bln~., fell at th. 'feet or hll IDLO hnnnt emplo IDeOt. pile 10 carefulI, fti~,If.e)lOlHed Tb_ pl,y four moro ,aiDes. aner wbicb 'he '''''t II exclaimed Murillo. mu!er. " It wal eur to 1'MII .in tbe aad nol Mi.~ Jflx. taken posBeslioD iDrormation of 'hia pad P"",cw. future lbe four remlininll pllyen pair olf for two 'Xo 0118 but ID. I I.ear to ou opened hJIII of tbe boy,IDd hil tbe 'pi.toll, In ,11 proh.bmty. tIle1 would ' . ancllh.n .~. '".I,amala h.a • Y. • ., M IOlDe clevtlurin, thought bee n \lIed by her driver, Ind perbipi W'o lr\I8t the ,hypoth"•• of the two reQlalnlD, plIY- . The 1000'6rllooliJed died the mulatto throwlog hlmaelf on hll .. hleh timid it revente'! blm from of them murdered. 'TIlat ,oiee' Will pool editor w!\l t.urn out a kue man comet! off victori~ua In the kD8n. 10 the middle of the ,lodlo, and t ' , p , more powerful in , ubduln, the beart of a all enDu, bere IS a pe. to hili' reeeive~ tbe ~ree, and II IIMWDlod lIoldia. out hllllt'" haDcIt io lupp1icatioa ng. roobw thotl tb,o 'lab' of a b~ace of pi •• bb~. ForlorD thoug~ it \Itt. weI Iru" . kine play.r of tbework\. 1Ir: !.oweDtbali berlIN Ida With tbe view of encouraging him, tol~ . a vueel ap6elally directed dlitiler Will bu ,one to ky for lbo crown IDd purae. _ter. of the pupil. IUU e8ted lome favor (or him be fortbwitb dl. patched. T lbe 'I'IIDOI , .,. taut rell",. diecl, Jea'in, 'Lltteo to ID.,· puraued Murillo. ') d d • •• A "-TU poIDt 1i0l eDlirel, of .ltllf ..,... to b... poor tDcl .. lab to Itacnr wlao II-. aketched thla head to. ell!.n . , . be 'of any or thole IIIlR ~"r,k"ed A Tono'•• ,.neel T",..ler. iDo",n kina-woman. oace 411 the VI""". aq all the a,u* wblch Come, rlke courece , laid Murillo pi. IIClU.PI FRO. MY N01'E-BOOK. the aeareh, &lid willlIOIt b~e., DOt be apo ODe of the mo.t rfmmlble reste W.... cIi~. ~ .ct..inlll tar,.,.1e lad -I_-be I,. ' proached b, any of them, folt altJaotacb teetUllltllll thac w. net heant 01. "e boate. H ... frieaIII weI. I to ... ~"'~__ --.... re oa 'The Rlaater i. 10 kind .url Fer. liT LtO&'. TODD. 81r Iobn Franldin, beiDg llpog 1~_!zplOr. "rl-oa. weU' to be pi'" on": led BIIe_










of IIe4.,Da....allall be, • Fial ....toe,_. ...... ' irawa&c1ai th. IDd rllDanrl, half Iloud.'1 woold

Jr ., ~ '011 40 DOt . . . . .lao uk 10ur fraedOlll. 8ebutiu.· ...." .....lo..I. II, ,GIl ..... be... _ _ _ At tIa_ wonla Be1tutJaa atte* a tIrf tJ48ftD --"7--'" i. b rna DU'I. . . . . . y_lI...-1 ...... or IIIFlalI, .ncI, raW. 11.. If. 10 (I tIOtr P ria ...... tile ... Iae IlIiCIaI., Ia • 'IVIC8 fa


.". ....... or.,


CIGt lIll tlireclmlgbt ~. lbotta10M iD, of ospedttion. detach 01 J~, I,.~(ftf. blm ~vaId aat"urally C:OllfIDe &JMlr "'p~ oa ore tnoa of b,m to tile route ...... Ge, and thIII aalUl the uiI\eDce 411 write•


"'"1 lie,...... Ir: )Ia,. H. "lib. adau fa IiOrd bu _Ihl _ ~":'r Claarlea to aur Itn_ledp. '" tile CIIItI tIa.~~~~~~~ijj!i~5~i!!1 • ..

lleleMr...... or tlda hou.e W . . ~ tIInJ. I. a .. 01 ... old __


- --.COMM UN lCA./I'ED.

Ifll nIUCl .. lind I:lIlou

n 111ftlRd

'I be II! '" I ton ~n I EI\l(m RlIllrond we lOre IlIlorn ud ~y lbt> I),r.,old"lIl ll! wo~e~ _llIg mv t rup.~lv Dlld 1'\ cry II rrVll 18 ti rUI ned to br IIg \1.9 rOllt I It) 01er tibll o~ "oon IIi I utllllule 11 IJ Ill. bel I:vell th It 011 that part lIe1[t to H"1l1 Ito I th O curd m Iy tie rtln 1100" " t!lit carw run Iroln Clncirm"tr to H"IIl1It,," \VbE'1I tllo carll cODlmence rUlln"" the rOlld \vlllu~lf ll to poy tllp Intorl'st on t:olletru~IiUII alld II largll pr }flt lilero unit be 110 rlohl'r cou In III(' worlil-lhlflll~ 1I0ne more 11r"~ perm/,: lhDn lhut portion or 01110 :1I1I! Il1.dl , Ifla thruulJh willeh lhls ro Id p '8~P'- and I Ihe connexiOll1 of thl8 rOnll with others Wl'lt Nllnb 11nd ~a t In OhiO III II rndlonu are \\ IIh thOle which ote e'luully PrllIIIISIlI/r III to raolit Mr IJnln8S. Ille llre s"lellt I~ illdefatlgl.hle in 1111 n erlJuna to pro mulO


Ibe inter! £l of tbe ~Oll I Ho hUll mode III~ rurchGll1~ of Ar(.lll un adVllnlagcouH lerms alld I. Mil/lIIg tlJo \\ ark i10lle 111 lhe bellt


We lrarn Ihllt tho line ",h,ch conneets jh,. IrOln Eaton weal with RII:hmolld .,pi! Ncw C~.~le Ie f_pldly Illd v I,ro .re.~lng W" hOPf Muon 10 sue Ihtl cl1re reachallil our Clly 'rom along ~he8e "nc~ and when aowe upect grellt r('arulL\Ii:t Ihe jncreole of the bU61,leu UII~ !rl\~el 10 em elll"a' -OlD Gaz

1VI IlIr 8 DnlsnRl of Wild Chetq TI e brrcllt dlirCtlSK Ittc "n l( lhe n-o t1 I. nul ~n,n III Pulmunury tl f~ell.e~ hllVing n Itu~u"y .Itracted Ibo uttenllon of pi} tIP n~, 81111 other· VlIriOUS Op"\10nS alld 811f ml.o8 II lYe ori ~e l1 with rognrd tu ILl com ponen! Pllt" , SOIllO luIVo 8upposed It to conlnill Iodine other mercury &0. Dnt! 10 slIch iubalancos they IIttriuutll it~ extra ordlnllry llfficloy Such o~lnlon8 belng ~utar\!! y llfroneous, IInel c~ l cu!uted to pro) 'Id i~e IIlbny p~ r60nB ogBln!! the medl(lIl1e, we plc~go OUUChl!8 thl\t It ronlutnl nQtlJ 1\lg or th~ kiln! or uny Ihe 1eolt nJuFioul un the contrury. It 18 cvtnjlo$ed Prill CIPDIi} ~trClct. fr(,lm the Mo. ~ of Icelol)d W III Cllf'rry. Dnd tho .Pille or our foiorthern lut lIude. [Sc!l adVllrlleemcllt 1







by I'hYlicilDl of Dish St1lDdJaf


II ... I•• t04 III .mea.,.


lhn.,..d .......hi on: now

.. "d., '",,'."11 • 1 'bl ft 'M!;JlIlIr)' eillt r .. litre h.. rti " ..eft " ".... ,.~ \QI_",., .... ld L. JIlled .h~ ••• 01 t~ .att .. ) 0 b.... til-en, erm a lully UI.<l.

ure. aud ,,,. " I." .. 1.101 .. 19.. 1_ 'If/llcb tblt ~ ed . 1 • J, I ~Id ... u.. rul II. r _ _ . . b. ~1IiI" lb • • " ...... f ..

1 ...I&III"'ll" UrUliu... (I • .,.. kiLl.

... ~ '0 Cdt. per tllI'f' Bottle l

BY J W. D.


I am co p d of eigbteen lettel'l. My II, 10, 16. 18, 15, 16, 18,111-' III (ruII;



, 10,15/ 16, 1'7, i.

.' JOHN. WE8LEY~N~,1


r (.

~ un4 C!n~ !uft""rer. ~elen 1!ac1 r (urtun,tel, .,l'oYId,~ eVe!}'t~lnr Decellir 1. ===::;:;==;::;;::;::::;=::;::====;=;::::;:::=:;:====;;: with the' ihid"r ceDtllDeu Ibe ~dreaeed rl he "lIcer'. "OUDD, ,IDd thea litemp&ed:to • "1~ Jhlm to eonlclouen_; ber eft"Ortl iwe~e luceeuflil. Aided by the People or die IDD, .he .uf CHiled In makin, blm ', willow. fOltoratl" ,' Ind la ••b~rt tl'me he WI~ ,bl" to thank' the relitle hind thlt YIN

bu,mlniltered un,tu blm. "

,/I Foa na MIDI Vill'ftla TO IIBa WDO 'W ". OlfC~ TUB IDOL Of' "Y SOI}I,. ,.


' - "-



Ever, alar IbaublDetI In the"nnl b~i&Ia\. Uemlncla me or 110,. IlIaLlre l1~wn. ' W billllllbti1l 6na ph, J 6nd bil( • bllabl. Abil li,lI' tW UIe CI.y. Ihat ate J"RD.

Ioiily , .

Ipeak ~oftJ)' lO II.\e b~1I'1




\\" '11 • bri6th' h~ .round olhere &unl. 1.IUI 1_1 aI,b lorlh.., cI&)I' 1b.1 are pn•. .\~a)'II• • I\'•• .IUD(! 1I'7lb I~).



. ,



I II • t(MIID ID PraDce; ' . ,8, 6, • UJ la 11OI~·

lJ, 15:, ill

10 South

I., 14, 17,1 • rl..,lD I, II, I, 8, 10, i. • &oWII

.. I JO, II




o:o-T he :Xenill ' Springe af'P,ear

to bu pretty well p,.lron i~~d. at leGit w,e botict' ·pull".' 1/1 lh •• ame .




(ourt ilC OODlmon PICDI , for W.rren County, commenc:ed itl lealion on

MOJlday I.."


.. ,


(J:rWe ,utic. till ,organization of four Blnh. to inlo operatioii under ihe new ,Blinking' la\4·, p••~.d Iflrch 1,1861; 'rhey Ire .. CollPw., Iron, Bank of .runton, lo,..flmBRTJ8IlRS. ' y,,'iahinc ..~rli'JDent. in"rted in cated It IruDluD lAwreDCft counly; Merlb. V/$I-r.oB1 IIIl11t -brin, them in by c:hln~' Bank Qf iI...llon, It MUlllolI,; Weclll~ EWniag, inaurl publication S~lIfll ,CUUDty nlllk, at Cantun. anll the Sprlna6eld DUDk at Sprinllfield. lh •••","'-W~f!k. ;' - -'~'~- , ~ ,',-~.---:-~ ,





1fI .....





• '1 "


yo'l1.o "" ••'1. ...,......,


, , Why do,,'t you take the Villtor, "A nd then whb' cue p'rule it o" ,r! With """'. it e",~,I. ~elr611~, :Tllen come ~ri4' take. ~. iViall,O,r. . ,


lIy tlrat ,•• lltftl'i ~ , II, "CODd In'.... ; . II, whole,.11 8t1te1ailll • 0 f 'Iny I'nt (I'!te o

. o:TA_er Blljlt .....~.

',......iIolI Ja" I8Ih lMl : Jr•. IIaTos:-Tbe ...... ~ ...... ·1I!_1~1

""" ..~ co~~' , bJ


elnllllll"cr'ibe tbelr T'~ or HOlD!'.

,,. c.


H...i I.

ec,~ . C~"

, . ', ..


J: r. B - ,

,n •••I!'D .tevene, ... dae C••o..... A' ietier rom CODlitanlinople 'on tb. 16th. JUlie give,' mor. or Ie.. the dellil, or the of tbe m()"ntain~r.' 'oyer ~ tbe AUollllln., who have aull'ered 1I1I01lm.. 101•• 'l'hll le.der. of lblt ~ltghle.. , '!fbo 'It tb. b~ad 1'1116,000 I'ickfd meta 01' tbe ••rUke tribe (If t1~ Weltero Oaacll/P, /lid .tt.cked

. ....'t- .


' ~

liT , t~COG)(ITA, chDo,~ darknel1l, ,ilenee, gloom, The unknown 'Past i8 IhNuded: , ,While swift befoye him glillet ,II stream. Deneath a sky uncloud~d. I J ta d.~kBned my aterieti leave no trace !l1 pan the happy being.. '


.,To ~Io ,m no more· fc,rever." .. ~ho' hl/lfta ~hntJeQI'Jed ;,,, Ihe .I~VI!. " Which 0" r hi~ path 9111 II inglng Tlie , 1<lIlg yf the ,io hi. ,. earl. An~

lisleoipg to her, teachi"g. .ye. l,re bent upon the path. Up to the T!lmpJe reaching..r It. devioul w\ndlnp IiUgged llieem ~ ·,1'0 all 'bul youlh'. !.elln vieioo;


Tho' . iw"et the prll~Jltl~blp., lhe He plnl'./o r fll,luro gl'lry: ,," ',,' Tp write hl~ Dime in "dam,nt ,' " U p~m.h}. CUUl1trl':' atofY_ ,

- --,,-+- - _ -.:.....,



otr'W' ~' iIl Curn!ahtb e ~i,ltllralld 00. otP1 or ',Iiber Grah~m,l.o~ !;Jartaln'., Ml1geOI"mu\lioa- ,.iQ,~., or .God .•, " J.ldfl BODle. pl1' 1c~r~ ,(or tbrte d"lIan and' twcllly:l he ' ()~IIt1 • ~~', Innrilb ly !n .~nnae. TO

'()O":~cra0'l.' ,t06 ,lttllflY to ,p~, for, Iflling it bo ' kDIl)¥n, Ihat they Wllnt II" ,offie,. or . that calculate t.ht1 (CQ,I. with uoll niCd!l " _ .. ,I' I !'omf Ilfty!!, thaI we have M.I'''' OJ, are M\ oplh"i of tilling omus !n thi. free! try . . "



CO/lllllunicationl, 011 inl.rt.iltllljf


07We ' 'haU publilh in nIXI


the Introduction, or ,a .lllri.. • rticle.o n-: ·Practlcal Phy,;oloBr.' wrlt\.Cn . • rhy ~iClI.• n of thil pI ' I~ i, 'out,dn a\l .Uia' we . ca~ ~o p"'8IOle ,caUl. uf 'Joi.g flOOd,' ,0(ln pu~l1lhlna above III mud, artjo\ea.··.od 'orgill' upoll roaden. to ,jluruae ,fltm profit ""ereby , ~e r.elrbat WI!' lir. dOI\11r t1aB\ whicb wo .h~uJd db. VISITOR.



I , TO' ADVBRTI8E~UI. " TbtM ~I.hitila ,d.erUlm ent, il,ilerted In Ib, 'f'.l'l'OR:, m~.t brina: them . i'n by W~~"g /. to in.ure . pllbl~c.tioD tll'~.... 'Week. , , ••••




'1'0 DUSINE 88 JlEft.


J , t .~ II




fa il











ter cio





' nll



., ' Do!e was n8 great an. originator of

lit Mr•• ,lJalt. On this oceD.loo, she conce'vlI" a happy olle. Sinet! the gu08l1J Ivere' 0.11 inviled , to II weddhil!'. Ihe like made, 11111 the bride dressed for the ollca. sion, why should not I"'r'mllrringo with Lbe .choolmWltcr take .plat·e on Ihe l Hpot1

, 4;~ BY III, L<iDI.~ CRf'J~!'OD. \11

The Ideo. pleaeed (Ivery pody,

Ii ~ '" . . hll 1\11101 \" the I'IhIOdIand eea' " . Wher. we bue ea pCyorol ' I I Tbe '.!l\e~f.h. leavel are . 'fir melno ..., . nUl thou art here no ,more. ". The \liritt Ire Ibrilllnll joyoui nolc.; " S"eet "'~8' Qleo io 8 ln a. I When pdei, 1101""1 'o\!II,e o'er our btlane , In beauty ~lo"o~unlt, .' ,

Lucy was

~eJighted, alld M~, Fay ov.erjo~~a.

heacon cried -Why notl-to be 8urel'

"'~~''';r;n'' den· '" brlde"rQ4pm:wll8 to proceed to Deao'olock P. M., to ellenhig, He wu dreB· [(lr departure at rour.: Diu~dll an bourrbefore hllO, to Idnilre hie appelr.llce in the gl.... . 'M\lther,' ~lIid h~f9r Diodoru8 had a mothe.r -'.tell 'me now, if JOu can fipd thq leut fall1t ' with m'y look. ot dr!!... rt 'trlkce!me' that 1 ani bound' to shiue. " Liebon .ball ope, ' Ita eye. tl>-night. Eh. muther1' An~ plodorua . 'miled Belf·cona. plucently.. . .. ' 'You look we11 eDouih, I'm lure,' ,aid Mrs, DaU, 'Pr"llUY i. 18 preLly does,' "(;elme, ~mel' cried DlodoTU.s-"tell ine whnt VOh tilink.' ·, 'Well thenj IDY .op. I thill~-"


'1'hat YOIl lo\\'n-'

are. thq


[uwd,of1lcst man in ", -.

'enly wh'U' ",,' ~ , 'There j'lIi1~ r."I\'--' '.', . , 'In dre.a" cried' DiO<lorU8, alarmed.


'0 1 , • ',no.


l' e,~eblro' lWI.

If . tbey,



·~~t t~~;tr;id 'Hrl,




The Bhd'

!i, con. , • -Stand up!' added tlit' mlniHter, gftily. ,'Jl'won'to do any gobll!' lin 'r'1'lured ', ber ·'How nice!' IIllId Luoy. Dale: " ,. SOh, iI) a' dBapollde'l~ wne. , , AooordinlflYi 'Flrnnoill Fily ' alood IlP, in 'J..e mOl eell you can WIS/l it 01r, If it mvel'.ollod clo\he8: ' bili' best hllmor, ('joined I!i~ ,mo\h~r,r 'Com!,!' , hie c)um.y'b'oorB; ",nd til..,.. were mard9D' : DloiIoru8 t~r~w W,!8elr IIP!>n . a I -1 r ." ' .. , with a ' IIByage' 1IC0wi. ' His molher '. 'l'en minutes after, the d06r 'V1l8 01~r him., relily ' for 11)11 ' operatlod. bure, open, tlncLin'ruehed Ilnother w dU()injr lI 'dllApJillger lbro\lgh .n ure, It wn. Dlodor.[. "Bait! ,",on.'"Prlna- I'it, ,,\,, ••• ahe IaDd .rlaall il,l the pa kol('l, ~be Dlld a 80oty' BpOt were on his bro\,,"ry body \\'IIS enjoying the lNcddin,.k\ake lI 'for pllintipd 'tho' mil~y spot. -him; .pd Luoy WIi5 sitting by the nstely, Mrs: AMra ·.k!U in color. WIIS "rBlll; )he upplied lbe lampblack eo, frpelf' of Francid Fuy. ' . tbal illstead of alaeallhy ,fle,b color, ~lie 'Mr. DiU,' 8l1id/the delcon, sLemly, 'you 'produced a 'pol ot i't'ky blDokneea, 8latin~ are rBther Illte; but allo\y mQ , to intrl.lduce ingly: ,prominent. 4 li't~tI wal tl) be rub- you w roy d&lJgn!er, Mra: Fut.' bed1oO'; then a Httle to be udded(()looorul, . DiudoruB Balt atllrgored, The \'Ictim mellnwbllel boiling ' over :witll 'impatienCe 01 bil1oW!l .anger Iud hie mo~H er'" f~lllp, ~nd wrath r II I ',I , '. .:,~: black WI\a .tupefi~d witli ~at(lDishmont.'Oh,denl' cried Mr:8." Bltt. 'I ca,,'t But the,laughler ' ~f e,ory liody·, alld the the right .hlide. It · wIn ,ahuw, III body\fixed upon ' bitn;reltol-' 1'here..!lh~~ better-whY, to .con86io\l8neu. " HI) ~urned . hardly know where tlie spot Wa~, it 1 wu Red from Ihe house; lI,nd a. gay peal looking for it,' . laul!hter followed the il1io'p~ell'4nce. of Diodorul bounded jPJfully to his feet. Diadorus D'~tt, . ,. 'OM' shrieked hi' mot/jer. The 8udd~D movemenlof hcr lion ~.. unpxpeoted'. The band which held the package or lampblack Will directly oller bil head. · The hllnd and Ihe head . come FOl Ih~ ,l\t1a~i Visit!)r. in contllct. , An awful cloud 01 blacklle... wile lhe result A' torren\ of Ilcnpbl_ck TUE \DEA,TIl BJ~~' . poured over Dfc". heilll, shirt, ,crav",t, aDd I b I -1- 'd', t I ' "d tl u white wlilreoltt down hi. nec.·,lnd into ' t CIS een IV !Ie y i lln . , 1\ly BII' I hi. moulh aqd eyes 'imil earel ,Mr•. ( , the death b~d i. a detOl.lte~ .or ,tho heart. ecr,lImed wh~ coD8terQllticm; her aOD wheq prOltrut~d on ',"tc~,'. perliapil. Cl the ,lampblack out of 'bii /Dou(h, IDd, bed; whel' eartbl:w,th "Il" ta rl\dln,~ ed ·it franticIlly from hi. "clothes. ~re rut recedlll,lr fro'm .the v~~w, deep t1,underil ' of wratll, h y:w!'lng t?mti fll?cm 8 '~teA.drhcr:: the odioue p.ckage u'udet t e .. oor remalDlO mur t a I Y, " . ,• .y mU8t bolY Ils heDd III . tben that vanity, 'fash· ~co, atands .a bashed Illld



~ i~


,- - '


IJ'her.'1I /l falllous (Ilbled coull'ry, Never 800n. hy mortal .eyes. Where' pumpliiM, 1}8 are "rowi,'g, And the lIun i8 '.o.ld to ri80) Which man doth ' lIot luho.blt,

():)'"A' fop or 1\ fellow wllo wa. Ilu"t!r. ing about a eoul1ty village ..~'( a ppttj htee at the Winilow of allou.ti ne ..r wliiCli a HtdA boy'\vl\I at play. , -Bub,' b~'who il that rlli~ lady, loo.kil)g 9ut.' ~I,.' wII,thfO laconlo reply'. . Will IOU tell me il.he I. DI.I~ or ma'trOll1' liked 'tlie y. 'She iE. a ' tailor.BI.' 'lI,were ~e­ resuming hi. ~.IIY. ,- .' .. ( , ,

Nollbcr rcptile,' lilrd, or lieuI! j

A ud thia fomous (Ilbled' country b II.WIY Down Eeil~" • , 11 ia .callod Iho land oC !nolion." OC 'opple B1I88' lind ~iit~CIl8,' 'A paradise ,of 'pumpkin pies,' , A larid,oC 'pork /lnd belll\5,' ' \Vbere 'lI'ooden nU(mogd' gro", wllh l which Tho' Yorkers' olt gel fleeced; [ .A nd this fumoll.ll lib led counlrf . I b " aw~r Down Enl!'

I, I

Ouce a man in Indiana -Took hla bundle in hll hand, . And he ClUlle to 'New York 'lity;' To lIepk tbls Ilblvd lund; Bullui atare. on learlllDg, WhDt is, new to 'hlln at I';ait, 'rhal thia ramoUl flbled country I

Is 'Curlbe'r Do>wn EGaI,'

Furnl~h hor with belwr. 1 100 nUmerOl,l8 to mention ,S9pd her. to IIUelld " EDch '.woinllll,'s 'right'. tioD." . Ho'lI)or hllr to dcetll' ~ Whrne'er .be bed the vlpera, Ver~. Jel her write For .oi8:11.ioe8 and Papera. Tell her of Ilor cl,arma Ou every oooulon, I , l'tfake her 'la.IIIII'" rero The themo of converietion, Let 'nfrai,. of 1\11\0' And poJlll~ be taught lierSho'l\ ' wear 'Ihort ,kim and p,nta,' . O~ ·at 10llt, abe·'orte· . ,r .'



Bucb a place u 'Down Ea't.'

But MOn be met a 'Aatjy.~' ­ Who II 'up W'AWI',') weeb, . Who poiDtecl 0'" • precipice, 'Say. doD't Jou r'iJP4 ,,--r


80 off bl ~DI"'lO·~iIa DO Dl~. Valelll be Um OD reU\" A..s &laat, I WnIr.1boaId Iie"oii. driaIr. 'Awlf DowD But.'



O:7:ThebJl1'er~lturel '\~hq;ac4qo, I~e

tho worth of defunct klugll"'e jae"." aacl I'm,,,,,,,;,;,' merchants. 'llhe (orlller .harn therq Intu lood, the Jfl~r IDtO Dlercblll41ae. HJ hlte advicl'. from tbePJramlaa.we.,o tbat emb'1I1llled PblRnba ma~w be 1\111 ' lor'· tweDty dollara I cord-IHi thlll. bill price of gulno. There'. gloQ' for 1~. KIngs end Prince for twelllt dollara a GOld: Where'. ambltlon~ .

So away he posta lo~ 'BOIIlou.· Willi IU hill ' main aDd might, And he 'pull up 'It the 'Tremont Ht'UBe" j 1JLAf,JIJ. , . Quile luie ~It alii. rl,h,; Dilt they tell Iajlll in lhe DlbmingIY 111111. ALICII .oAav, A curious rlo~ at lea.t, . Tb.t he ',ea'DL y~l begun ~ geL ' ~ '1'he ' crimion on the maple t~~~, 'Away Down It' Ia lighted by thll moo!'" 801\ glow; q,h': ' l1lgllt~ like t~i", a~d lh!DII'I like He i;\I~rle. (or "RorU.Ddt' thel/e, With ~i. bll~1e I~ pis bInd Bring b. k Il drc¥D of lon, ligo. And leea/ 'Mount, Jlly,'-great joy to For on .110, eve a. ~WNlt ~ thllJ..;-. , bimUpon dlll .baDk~beoeath &hi. 'rc&-.For tilia mn t be 'lbe land: My lips in 10'0'11 impauionc:d Idsl, Poohl nOD.eo.e.m;n~ou'ro crazy Met .tbole of maUc. 1 For doubt Dot in \he lUll. You'll 1:0 I 'loDi ch.IIr.' furth~r, Boftl" II DOW tile dewdrop. burnad Ere )'ou find 'Down Eeet.' In the flashed of the Aowera; ~'. ~~pkward. Ilmolt, lOelDl lilDe 1.0 hIVe And now he take. the ltelJller, ,. d 1 urne . • , 'For the other end or M,loe, 'l1he colden ul. of ' ~1i"e:liour., And 'E.llpert' bringl him. up at 11111. • Till, cold a, Oeelb" ~ lten lurr, , Where he hoP.!" to bre~tbe apn: Benl!Alh tb,~&~Ii..,. bOllfba, 1 Dat hi, wope 1& well mat faUer, wblle CfOll ud Ille faded turf Wh.i1e be ~aill JOU burlr prleet, Abov. IOItJ malle'. Wbo ne'er before bubeard of • ,





. , r 0:7"0n6 lilindtl!d able bodi~d l.,,),er. ere waated in 1IIilll'lIIO'a, to lInalt utt ~ra1. IlJId,lpllt ra'\ll and\cord woO.!!, • J

'l'he. followin, ia "lint :8er.y', ~lp.'. tion of htl' milkman i " .~ 'H. i. the nieanNt Dlln'in "'. W«IOI' , ehe e:relafJnelt:' 'Ho .klma bia milk 08 , th • • top and then h~ t\lr~ it oter and' Mimi tile . boltO"?, and tbe'lt 'he .tl.... the .• ~.. , . . then be divide. It Into' ten J!.~ ~fullJ> BklmlD,ing each part,' . • ' . ( ". '" A queer lIatherer.O(atatatiU, drat' of OnO h~Ddr4lil and fil\~"lg~t WODID whom h. !Del In the atl'Oetl of a. cl&1 Jo I . ,'



tiPle, o~e buudre4 wen

p&l'lIOl ba.dle.. .



..woc .....' ~ .U'


~I IHD> who IWpe ft• •ir.'a.c..... by d-In&, Mr e,... Ind tile cIi.p·~........ bll IIltle bOI'. ,opper '"".'~~" , ~ thlll .btm, \1;1 .... a.q_ ' hi ~tbII\ ....

"iII.It","" "



.oatll oalr .,... .....

encyclopedl.. .. ~ Il1o .... mUlliHintbfl1 wft1d 1ooD> W tMiI ~ u aUracll"l I I tieir- .....

FRII\IID EDITIla :-It i. a general Ir.jt in clIarjl,i;lA!l' of ' mal'l, 10 fall 'in witb II1'tIry thiiag that mD1 lip flU marvelluult, or to try to cll(llll up in &orne other be$i4e Ihe ·'Vnigh t alld DllrrO\V ">ay,' commUnlclO1lona fr'lm b:lt'hd Collett, 'VI6itur, ' OIeel.!l Illy bearty cOIIOnr· I rcel' ~hllt 1 muot GUIIlD to a poi". U£(I'III!ciElloll'YlI'thlilffiY ler~i fordt er It '''. ''10''.' uli 01 lblliubje ot : r cd but Ill!· ,






():7'We \vill rurnish the VI~l tur and nne uf eitlwr G' ahum'lI Ol' lSJrtuin' s M-IgulDes, or' GOd~y'd L,ldy'. Doo'k, ono, ye"f' fur three doll1lrs anel ~entl,live ,cellta I' ih.lnnri nbly i,n .t\vunc., :

COIlRE SPOND EN-M:" - Well wrltton commuhlout!ona, on ' ihtoreaUng .ubject. , wIll find '. liearty welcome in our .olumnl . Nothini perional will be adlllit· ted, ,W . muat know the reul namea of all writera, or n. atteution will b. paiel to tlleir 'p'roductlOns, Allleile r. on bUijineil 1. I ( mua\ be ~o,~-pII~, j

--~--~'~.~~."" I

'~lllG cA.NDIDA'J,"E8.


FRO}I ' BaSTO N'. .. : BoaroR, IiIlllt II, We have advicel fro"1 Pun-mbn_co 10 thA '4th of JUlie. Active preparation, for In apprPheooed War Ay,". nnd ,1I'rO, bodl" bl ~fljua' lie pi out! lIiI ilitllry III~Q "'''lllIm'"I Y believed ,tbe'ro WO\1ld ).e 110 IClu. 0110 Il! UIIT

~OIvi"'189.11r de~lcI'

to,day • .H!~ Ihlb,bti" . a~, ,11.000.

"'I\d 81~,ux Tiel'tl'_ . -, Hns been cQ.ncluded, Tho banil. of Ihe Urper l/}lIIne,ol,""' by 'I, trlll,fer nUrly al the laode , ~ cuilled 1>, \bem In lb, bouods or 1he Terdlor y•• rullowtog' ia all abll,act of till I .l.,i j



The co.alllli o~ 1111' tlao Shmx Hmd. U II of Bil/ ull Ri~I" ilJ\~ J .. o T.avt'n.e. TIle line ,hon rune up ttl, ht all watera \II Ot. ler· lllil Lakl', thl'nce dt,twlJ rrOll1 the hud or Wat41b liver,o li"~ IM\lO.Il..lppl. .: , .... ! 1 1 The Geuiun entbr,let '. tl(d .. n~ire VIII, EAIOIIS :- We ",ere sorry to ob8~rVe in of lhe MlonlJiIO ta allo'thedilDltt!rll" lflblll,. ollr friend Oullett~ 'tall commuhicoliUh rice ur ~h.'S,uu. nve .., -. c! numelQd 10 leverol erro'riJ,\ii hi<1,l entitely dil81royetl Ihe cYIIl"i,. ~H,OUO,OOO .cr~.. ' " '1\ Indiq.u r ...crve for. homf,?, a In ti lenae of ~ollle ' l'0rlion pf it. In thl! IaBt .'1the uppe,r Mlnn8ll01l,aod.Tlln"i llr"bU~1 paruerap b. bul 0110, and in tlii lhlrd hllO, 11111 • S9utb, dllWII to tlJo muulI, of 'demoRIIlraliuna,' ""Id ' dcllonnn ation8,' II YellQIY l\fedjehic, Gnd twonl1 mile. thtl fifth line of tlJO elilDe plllagrapb, make IYi~e 011 elch .ide ut' Ihe riy.r, Ihe a~"\e c~rrection or tbe lame word, Th~ lDdi~nl a~e !O rll~eive 1t'~65,OOo ,. ' . (O)JIIWI: tile l evenllI I'ne, tior 'commanulIlg, 'il> be •pllid afler Ibllir remonl" to the,




8276,00 0,


... • \ Til be e)l p~nded in breaking lend, AUCTtOll l-Our Iflend' ;AHred' J.!,alc,.in: Illg milia aod 1'8811111 IlInr mti"DUII el'l'tt· l Iftbor to diapoae of, his slock of n... 10110018, 8ao,oOo; amuulluilif lQ ~,ooo. , , ' ,I 8monllli ng tb 8305.000. at bill Stor,& rooms, 011 ~liIill St" "1 The balance "I ,ltS60;<ljlO to be iution on 'I1hofeda),. Fwlay and Saturday, vested at 1\' per ceot, (or 60 ,eliJ'1l, wh it~ tlu.'l ~Ie" !9nd aild ~3rd, of ,be J!~{' ent ",1'1 give a rear1y in~lnel ,<I f68,O()o. 10 Ill ll nl". The tale wll be atll1qded by be p!lid ai lul!ow., ' In 'cu'l, 'JmUIIlly J ."O,OQO" William R I'gers, Jtull!Jone~r. . Guud~ and pro ~.i"'I)" , 10000 , \ ••• ' , ! ,Clvihzatil)p Fund. (l,OOO

I ,


TI\ulI Ipirite of the barPTde ad.

lIle Wfllt Whu !lIed In 'a'l'. 0 yorol ~ , rUuJ Thrun" up wltk BaUIr~ It-tbeir heall, And tbe atara In ~li. aky loolied pile And jllit beneath the Boor Diechar ge at random wllhoqt lack dIm. r eleCltrl cltyJl\mp up in dozen" al tbe arock or JUBt a 1tUl!l',/l'1Icc! '!~Iln •• k'o' relative . 10llr lOll From thi. ~Id wurldly train;


(Who would not Ip'ur.n a dollar'. COIl To Ylle,rll,ur fear an~ palnl) , O. yea, llie te11a UI they are bleat With ~\ectricity. And happy, sometlmel, come ,to IpeU Up~n

SmUT KIIOCK I!GII:-In an othcrtQlulJl11 ' wlii be fou"d tan"~r rele Oil thl. widely dill. 108,10,0 COiled lIubiect, \~;[il~en by a youllr f~i.nil of ftcr 60 yUrI .11 rftYIll~nt. , til CCl,!t. • Ihe principA l uf 8'.8~O,O OO to ,evcrt , (lun. 'whp, eviden\l , i, • dj,believe" in (hll Go"rt,melli. t " theory. }f8ny are Ihe expo.ilioDa, of thie , The IlIIt'Jeourlie \IIW',IO fllr ftl 'tl~ltt IQ duelrilie, \vbld. !lave b.en Jaid lhe thlt illtruductilin Jond lIal~1I1 A1'\Ienl'plrlt., plIlHic,lo me 'or ~ hich; are';' ' be c:unuDueil III I'ul~ u'!!lL changed b)' lega' nlburlly . abdurd, Lba' tb~y dt'll'rve 1o be with 1lit' l"ftiden t ill to bav .. the .p.. wel 1o ,""reet CO'ltl'lJIpt. 'tbe Ihoo" mlJ!J 6e~. pretICrllUi a 'Wtle 1 lAw, 'D~ mOdlty ihe Ilr it mlJ!I"be folie; aUthah we, aak of thOllf', .ame w~elleve . deemed n8Qo..~rl i for the +.ojlo( diahu•• " the IlUbjllc;t, ii , to IlXllmloe go.e~nn eh.t or th l' ~ndlan •• care full, tilE' gfollnd they occupy. ani ex. 'rhE' I"dlll"&.~ alll.lwed tl) pn", their viewl freely, witltOUI relurt 'slur.,

love, him," IIh. luog. "Oh! ,how

the'l,a, 'a.neel ·

how \Yell, ' Not murl.1 can utter, DOr, anllel Maide ... with tear. 'M ·tender love,' The leAV" can 1I0~ whIsper, the 00010 forwaN to enqUIre, \Vbo Ihall their"COnlorll be, of whom , .inll ' or 1111 U,~y moat admire. , the tenilernellll tlll1t In my heart fold. ;I , Dill8_ , all tba~ rail on man, \\,Iug" " Are quietil)' forced 0 l1ee; , Anejglv 'n an ""erl.IUDg cure, lIy the lad,'. magic kneel With rellpect I remllia, &c , '

, ', T, H. B.


Tbe river went b)' with I .o~bln'r sweep O'er Lbo watery ,bed of thia maid ..rcep: She bad wrapped; ber c1oee, In ber, robe


And gol'le to her II t


we Ip.~rn that Ihe Milla.. n h~ge de~lded po.llpohe the dl.tiibut iopof tbia WUI.·'U 'llll" Art, from t!le do, . ~l'Bt Dpl1~hlted, Olt 01 meltt-~e"q'l'llttliilJ'~!!t(IIl I~I~i!,ltelj ·........ .II.A Sl!plembllr~ until t~e latof J~Duary,l-86f1 Thi. i. dOll,e in order tbate the a.rangemcnt might be fUll, complc~ed. til



.... ~



()::7We \Yould relpeetfully oall the ~Itentien of our ,reJ:d~n. in tbl. I\OUhty~ Ie Ihe . lilt of cancJidatel" 8\J.YCtal 'b~W na:me. appell' thi~ week . '


H[01 ,for ,the ' Golden Ball.

LI, wb .fl' In 8~l\r hoi C co "I Ih e SI~ 1I of 1110


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Goo ~ .ho>ulJ


Y /Ir'llU" In r ot

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Ipl ol II lr ::>jlrl ll s "n Sumlllcr




".11 911 AL ~~N .II. EVAN

')ok, lel.cte,l \\ Ilh crenl carolll Ihe




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Thill night lIre. Green and her wldow- ! j \yo~ .Itung O1\e doy 11111 broker'lIbllice, d lough frDm the L)I.~tanders and" I hovlng uhtalned the'rull of UIO 'hollseQ,' {Iwenr Itjl he. the be t Innd tn l)le world, It'endlto call up bad paul Dna, and !'nKen· ed doughlt'r I"id tl~e lr henda upon the pll I wh ep Jcnks CHlOe 'n to IIIqulre lhe price glonce In Ih e nurfar, cnu~rd Jenks to open I Yi nlkelh owny with all the pOOIl. ond ather ! 611d con ciu~-rlln/ oUl Jllmp Dnd Yi Ilip any der bad feelillgs in the I!hild's !IIip' 10· IQw ullil the agonizing thollght Ihat thl8 or exchonge on Nt'w York He\.ll8ll1vlt. IllS eve~ lo tho IB\ldl crpua nppearance he moval)l4'8 of the DU8enbury lum,h, "nd m(tn on the lu11 ~ wllrd. Iheteacblln' ",d all (hat ~e illle" • m'~hL be ~he IU8t mgllt benollth the time ed to Sit down, lind cigar was oll'~re" lum l cut }\lth )118 s llt gle "h18~er , and he began " ow Celc5turo wlIlkcth a fle, Huo IIncr Md. j 'III prftl.lng IllS (rumds Dnd hl8 plant., A tellcher [0 order that be maY' exert ~ ell eared roof, kept lilom long aWllktl - ! GOllveraahon turning on th e subjoct of I to tn. l~t upon n\) tolulI l:: 1M \oAole of my I olh hun nol ' t lOn, Unclo Sam IIrten makes hnll~ eJ( rldl· moro\ond .p~1l111l11118uen~, Ihoula be fa· Ollll1e 1Il0rrow Ihey knew thot tlte ofticl'rs : bUYlng nnd erllmg atocks,a reDlork \Vas l"operll/' nut all \\Q\lldn lt ti m I Illul" \ •• l c ulou ~ , but Iutrillth thUI! are but ccren! mlltllr.nd gentle ' There I. no idollbl th.t or Ihe st4!fll Inw sollllleir hou~e. and Irom I lnade by a gentleman preso nt.lhat he Ing'lt to take It will'" J c"ooe--l 100$ not A Goo.IOn o. I lfl Clhesllt churoctfr, willch ta 10 nil xed up a digmty is e81~lltlal In the\lm. th e ohnruolor of the creditors , It I "8 lUI th dught nb person should se!1 out atock 111 oblIged 10 Iflle 01/ fit Gllet, and 1 c1lol c to Suon niter the re,olutlollurv war It bro\ a Will) generous virtues as to lie !excusable but It need not partake ohrro,llnc, True eosy COnHot utlun to amve at, that tlwy ! such.nnd.such 0 Lank, ut th.t lime, ft9 It I toke but half Q ' that llorllculur petlod-In· Yunkc!l' officer II fonller capiuln II: the ~ er- j Thougl! Inchncd to peoce. he can lIome· .ltgmty must allNoya 1)e connected WIth sh()~ld reCelVellllmedlote ordera to qUit, gel belter III a few rloJ s. [deed I IIJhIllUle~ tl) 111m very !,llollll} Ihnt I ~Iee hHPPIHIllll to be at St t'llt el sbur llh. J limos pIny thQ brogllar{, and II one of ' Implloity (J/llldre -ar. keen oblerven, = 'lo.morJ'ow aTrlved, Bnd us the sun camo 'I will eoll any thlllg I've got, Ir I can WIIS not go ln\! to bu u , . ry hUlr~ credllor, ' 111 (t~S~I", uud "llIle th.l!re, IVOS ulVlteu to ! Iho. o who , while It e wll glvo hili lifo In and lher either ali rink Irom arlJllei,[ .u.teFon Till! MIAMI VI~ITOI\ peeplllilthrough the tull troes that waved make ony tiling UII II,' rem arked Jellks I ond thnt If hll 'bclla~('d IlIm~c l f,' perhapII 1dille r.tthe tnble of n tllsll ngul ished mer· the wily 01 [nellc _hlp, in .he matter of rlty or Imllle at It 8e absurd. A teec:her THOUGHTS A.ND WISHE!I elvor Ihe g~ tlLly flOWing waler of the Ken· 'Oh, liD,' replleil on l)-'lI ot ~n¥ tiling, I Yh ould nroer coli lor thO) balllrt ce of whet ' chant. Th~re WUH II largo number ofl burgnlflB ,·.llIetlcklo on lo the l1\11th Pllrt whll vrobld walk about his ~cI,ool with a ebec, the crowd beglln to CUIl Ill:L around y ou wouldn't sell r our \VlUSKERSI he 0\\ cd me ' gues\.6 at the t~ble lind amollLt 010 rl'st Oil l Of u hUlr dominellrlllg manner/ mIght ta\k about mo· I "ould notlh~I OIy h~l1t shuuld fcol th .. dl'voLed colJogo 'rhe Shcrltf wus l A loud laugh Jollowed thl8 ehclD ce reo \Vh .. n Jenks beca me convlo ce tl I WD8 Ellglloh ludy, wltt,l ~vaa nIlXI QU$ to oppur ' At ony nllempt upon hun of thiS chlr· raid II.nll truth undl hll WII we.ry, and do 'I he hind of T ime u~on I I Slcnl, Ilt erll, lind illS IllS omlnou. botlgo met tho murk Jellli s Immedlutely Ilnswered ,[ de lernllncd not to tokll the r euulIIlIng Ill! one of the 'kllowlIlg ones' 011 ulllier. actnr, bo \vlll al)ouldor JIIIl uane and act little good. Too produce much ioqdJ the And \\ hh rti entt cAs graBp de81roy gaze of Mr8 GrC (l/l !lull her daughter. the wouid-bul who wOllld t OUTlt them l Any whisker, he b g~nn, nmulst the loulily ex- ' s ' andu", lhul 011 Arnene'lIl wus !llttlng l out oa nlony moneuvre. Ie D heu· teacher mUlltwlll the lov~ lind c9nfidence En eh loved ~nd cherl. hed hoone ·born JOY uld ludy ullare!! 11 hOllvy groall \lud sunk I lloreon mllklflg the purchose would lose prc 5~ed mllih of the C(OI' d, tJ propose I n t!ur It Ir she t' ltpte sB~d tu one of her te 'Hlut QI lnlulltry. On the IV~IOlp , be i, of children,' flnd to do tbll. hesbOlild In bll 1 "ould nol wllh dun fllded eyo, buck lUlo u c1l1l1r I mone y by tho operulloll, 1' 111 tlunklng' terms uf D compromise-fir st ollorlnll' 010 ' Inlllllis A'dctermllllltllln 10 'Iulz hlln t SlIe ' onll or lhoSIl who Will cudllel hla bl!Bt manners, br. naturolll.nd ,leMlo. See conh with nil ha bceullc, dI e '0, kind sir,' exclaimed tho poor womAn, 'Well,' I observed,' I wOlIlII be wlllmg I ten dollars , then twenly . forty-fifty' to : flldtrtlt>d up on lum like U tigre~s , rnll~illg fn end III 0 olluse In 1\.leh he 18 engoged, ' Su wllh the tonea or lhe VOICe, Jr a r woultl nOI \\ 1. 11 10 hve, Ilil 01\ S~ the officer elllercd th e h ~ u ~o, 'und can to lake the spco ulntlon, If the PriCO could take off tho remulnlng willskar ] !fait! num erous IlH)UlneS t uchlng our hIlmi, and embrnce hi' bitterest enell1Y 1II whose teacher la Ihlrp aud crallbell. 1n III' .peech, 'fho sounds II hleh now aro 8\".cl sbnuld lull notlllllg be done lo uvert tl1l8 biD,", l' be mllde reftSl'nllQIIl ' firmly, 'lIly dear sir, there 16 no li se of talk· cusloms mann ra drc . . mode" tlf hfe conduct I@ observablll the Imalleat principle if"e calls out with dogmlltleahuthorlty, he In dl8co) rtl .llro 'Jpon tI') @U , 'I fear nut,' re phed tho sheriII' who 'Oh. I'll SQII 'e m oheap.' answered ' Ing 1 inSist all YOllr weurlng that willaker I educatlU'n Dmu~et~e nlS ~ ... I 'l'o all of mognnlllmityand h"not thutsllp ~he IUi\t1rlll 01 tbe .cl,olar•• and the 'I III cvrry hope,l1n" CH IY Ie tr . se lllU&d feally touchell by tile Illisery or lJ ('nks , \Y1I)kIl1g at ~he gentlelllen prcsent \ fnr me for II month or t\vo ' I thl'de 1I\11~ l neij tho ufil~er gll~ o courleou. \ - _ . ••• spell Ie broken, they will not listen to "the l that fonllly 'What do you co,l c'heIlJl1' 1 inqlliretl. 'What Will you tal.c 'or the willskl'rs ' Il ns " I~ ,lIl1ch seemed to sUlIs ry 111\ th e c.:"lltatu Jftme. Jl1ncforcl, VOICO of tbe chllrmer, ()lllrm Ite cvor I~ il),ou Id bo fO IU~ II O II Nhol thAl [ •But surely Air. V omp WIll nol turn U8 'I 'll 8ell 'em for lirty dullorll.' J e nks an· he at length Hsked. 'Won't y,~u sell tho III \ Cotnpllny WIt the except,on of the Iutly 'acre IIf.'H Ilun qd the body of Cuptalll W Ilely. ' WoJll ld wh it III yOUlh'il lI rJ,rlil h"'\l9 II> dl o oul 01 OUI huuse till we con find Borne oth· , swore,1 puffing f"rlh II cloud of smoke bnell lo me" hcr8P Ii Shoo WD8 dotermln ed 1I0t to be JAMEsl\hIGF..RD,who dl.'parted tllli life J IIO. • A 8ubdued {I1onlle~ itnd a lelw, klD~ ~one N,,' ho who .:"ve Ihe IIg.,1I 01 II lu, or roor bellOlllh \\ Illch 10 <lee k a 8heiter" j llcroB8 th e coullter, and repeutlng Ihe wl~h ' Ah.' r el,hed I , 'now YOII brrglll to tnlk Slllisli l'd and went on 'Huve the rich unry 12th, 17$6, aged Il:l yellrd.' , would work wbndera. Some alwl,1 speak M,d e It ul It 1,1' 1," rpoge crted Lucy, na sho drelY the wondertng 'Well, tl1at Is choop. Bud) ou']I s ell 89 u busilless man sbould YI'S, I bought I peo ple 1:1 your coulltry tiny camoges' fur ' '1'11l8 IS the in scription on IIploln head· III the ImperallvB mood FII\~ boy, lecoln d AlltI , lIII the '01111 ot Iliu be ,,."1. Knttl.o her eille Imprtntl'd 11 wnrm kiSS your whisk ers fur fi rly dollars" them un speculatlon-J ' II soil Ibem tl I 1 6uppos!! here ore tiomo wh o roll them. l slOn O erected at Marblehead, Musa , to Iha chvislOn, bring your book thJs \lIBr Ano. 1 \l ould nOI Ih., U "11I1l1l) uli, uplill her blot/nllng cheek, ond a~ th o unmll 'i will' , can ubtow It good price.', ISOIVes n oh.' ' lily rcsld\'nc('.' replied the IIlll m9 ry of n hero, who WIIB fear leA. ott ther allyl, M~8ter A-will yo~ brinr me lie Ilrut k rrolll RI } _r l,ulIllod yunts, tllnothrew hor nrlRS aruund the neck or ·poth of th em' 'Whnt IS ' ''lIr prll:OI' caplaln 'IQ In a Imall lown 011 un Illand tI(,"th III the cause 01 11111 CO\lnlry; and yqb~ bOl,lkf 1::, ell lh o' 11 lit:- .. v.. lu Ilf leurs, hQr uged muther. 'Bolh of th em" 'Ono hundred dollars-must dOUDlc my , \\ her e ~hur" ora Itu\ (ew carrla II, kepl,""': whose name appears on n coillmn In ..Fan. , Now both ti~)! know tl{ey aTe 10 ' olley; I hrooug1'l "hlt h 1 ire"'" n Ull" Quid look 'HIS orderil ure Ilhperallve,' rcphed Ihe I '1'// take Iht rn' \Vllen can I hllve money' bllt III tbe la,rger to\\ 118 IInu Cf~ICB QIl lhe oull fllIll, Doaton, among some of the moat bul one dooait with lonie dl'lJrell of aroro On 11 (... O ~ on (I 1,IIJW1D IH bouk , sheriff, 'ho, I UY8 ho hps WBllQd for hiS mon- thrm I' 'N othlllg ]eSSI' mlltll lund lllere liN! qlllto II number IUllIn- IltsttllgUl8h~d patriOts of AmcrlclI. Hc r what Ihe other d.u cheerfully. , Wbo li:aeh P ll/(C s me ne" duhghlltopnrt. ey long enough, Bnd liB ynu appeur tl/ hltve l 'Any lline y ou choose to call for them ' 'Nut a farlillng 1t'88-llntl ('Ul )'lot an x- tomed 81111uIlIe 10 our repub licolJ manuera' rendered very osacnual servlr.e tu tho Irmy jwould not ra~er be ..ked thell) be lIrlhlred1 , I';omo nobll) lu•• on to Ih ~ houn. nl euns or ae ttltng the Inle rest, he 18 ob. 'Very \Vell-th ey're min e J ,Hunk J lou9 to sell t'lem even at tlud price' 'lndeed" rcplted hiS faIr queelloner, III ~ of lhe U Slnles, ond thu8 to hl8 C'.ountry, Farnily Moni(Qr i Alld 1 ,",oult! wam ,hll wual\lg 11",:0 hged to loreclose the lUurlglll:e.' Illnll doublo my money on them, 01 leasl' r 'Well, I'll tuke them,' hl~ gronned, tone lhol WIIS both Illterrognlnry Bnd ex- by eoptUrlllG:, lit a Ilrltlcal Junclure, a BrIt· 'J h.. brlllhi 0' I" uld \\Iah II nllO ~vCJ) thllt funcllonory who lur years had l I took a bl\l of solo us fo1\owa 'lhe re's your mont'y: ' and here, bllrbOr, ! clumutor y 'I Ollll't fUllcy wh ere you' find Ish sbtp JIl,SI arrived III the / vlC:lll1tj o( , J'udCe: ' " TbrleJ" Sheuld oV~ n allv Ir o'or m) hair. f'Xt!cuteti thll lu\vs o[ 1'Ilnebec COUllty, \\1' ' ReceIved of S ill Smith Jo'ijly Dollars lhuvll oft thIS ihferoul whl~ker In lo lis thol1 couclllnen: I should'nt tlllnk the Amer. Do&\oh, rIchly Illded wl\h arme, amullItirm' l ~hII allc.e cou~t (P.~I.) WII .,.row" IRl SIlIIIO bollflU! Ihe e ~r l ll au lUlr ed )1 8troggllnll tcar (rom hiS eytll as he In full for my crop 01 wllls kers ,lo be "orll no tlm e-[ 8h~1l be Inte Ilt the bnll ' ICtltllo khew how to drive n ' co,llch ! 'We and olhe~ warlike elor08, The e~ c nt was to Ilom~otlon the other dl • A oun bu As Il QW - 'I 0 Ie lillY 'I ork \I& J ullne. OIV IlY trum thu sorrolY strl ck(,11 l and IlIken curu of try IfIr , dehve red t o 1:1111 1 Tho borber accomplt~hl'd hIS work, and tUld 110 difficulty on thut account, ma~oDl' 80 oppo,r.une lind LellellCllll \0 the Amerl· 1of 81xleen yearll of a e wJ broU:hl.. b~for~ And sleep whun lily IU l aant! Ilu. run, I \Vh~n called for J Jl:lIlCS poor Jen~8 was \~hlskerl es61 Jenks "etll rC'I ()llIed the caplllll1; 'we con havD plenty can Clause, 88 to bo c1tlemed at \hlt ttme ! thecourt char ed wfth .tealln and be • III 1IliuJ oI bopo f I'oncurul resl. the aille commen ce(l, the ottentlOn of 1 he S UIII of fifty d()l\tlrB wos ra,d , anti f to lho liull, but before the nlglll wus over, of dnv erally setldlng to En glKnd fol' lhem ' Itruly provldrntlal At a moment of gre~t I It tit tl treet. It I • b i ft thuae who stood neart'st tllc bank we're or· J e llks lert the llrttkor's oftice III IlIgh glee, M. w/S~u1 M. hlldn't-- " ... ... ... 'To Eng lund" oxclcllmed th e lady Bpcul;lD~ depreSSion, It furnl hed tho American .rmy ~ n 1111 k' II Pt: lOblit • II rUlad r, d In I h ~ bf\~I\l r~" lOtI' 01 ti l. ~ I es l realed by the oppeurunco or a smnll.oho,l- Iloumlllng five Centrlll nUlik X's, ulld 1.1:1\. • F very qUickly; '1 thlllk tho Amer,call. mOlina whle/! were grcallY wAn led (or pur. ':h;l~br~~1: ht~~fo~e ~h?j~O~ yh~ fei! ~t • I s ~oo ~u1A. nel' willch hlld Just come up tho fiver nlld 1 1l\~ nil 1110 ncqullllllnncea or the greut bar· 'rilE lUNGS OF TUE SOli.. ought to drlva the Bnghsl'. lDslead of I~e 8ulllg the contest This aot o( braver,. on hlilltllle~ and belged 111m ~~t III put 1I1~ ------~,+-~---which \Vas now conllng too, oppuslte Ihe I gum he hnd mude! 10 Ibe sule of illS wlll~' __ Engltsh dm Ing lhe Amerl colIs.' '\Ve dtd j a1ao enrolled tho Ilame of Mbgrord IIhong in p-llon, th~t 11\8 Inotherw ... ick .ud.t~r. roft Til t: ,\Iu II \'..11 01\ cottnge. As ber beud rllmc IJlto tho wind ke r, B1uck SIO n\0 lIestle below a creal, matl_m, III the IlIlO wur,' rejOined the olli- t'IO herGcI liS woll, liS bcoe(uctord of hl3 vlng, Rnd lhat alone. had dnven 111m t" LfNU her halyard wellt by the IIrm, Dnd her IIU ! 1 he broker nnel 1118 frumds lilughed lit y crr, 'liut since tho pence, we hnye permIt. Dounlry It I th.t ho could not fiad work and If h me for be' lIIg tok en III 50 mcely ' Nl!yer And cr,mea below II. CrIlWI1; Icillh e gil ,hdh to drho us " There Will He wus unrurlynatel) lulled the lame Iw::;m rl npi! tlie dll ace woJI!1 kill hi~ chor splu . hctl h OilYlly III the ~vntl!r U \ J J \ u qa:a A. the t!mBll bOllt willeh hud beli n low. mmd,' enId 1, ' let tho~e Inll gh who WIO, As good hoart8 beot 'nealh a fustlUn vesl, ' no more '~ulzzing' of eur Am eflcun du- day he made the cllpUlre. III attempLlng ~thfO T~le ju~e 'Bemta .ome ~red from lhe echOQner'a 6tern lou ched tho I'lI mllke u proft out of Ihl/se w\lIskcrs, As under a 8111len gown, ring th c dlnller He Walled In VUtll~ like t u return trom'Doston to nhrblehe"d, III~ f!:~~t ~ov:d'b> tile boy'. Ilory; but he nt": Ohl ihul tlle' mus.s " t\u!d ~onS I, h c, ,DIY shore n IllOn bent ullder the wc)ght de punilup!!1l It Shull tdles lie told of till! cilleis Wellor In '.Burdelt V8 1>lckw\ck,' (or IPluco of notr"lty Blld resldllnce, while de. erlllclcsl after hear1njt Iii" evidence, eon. Alid llivu \0 lito 1110 11001 8 fire. yettrs Illld DJlpbr ent a£HictlOlI 5tcpp~d frolll Fllr n month after lh"l/ wllene~ or I mel the next question -¥Illlliu Blade jenthng his htll., pm/aleer against the al· de nod him to Ilx "'Bell .. IlIIpri.onmflnt. 'I hUll tlligil, \HII III ell ul'l u \11111., lIs bow lind took fil S wily up t O\\ ords tho J euk s, he uk ed me whell 1 IIItended Ib Bold tM*. of 80llle IillnJ~, aeut Iroln lhe Brit. ! ~ th h b 'u ledaw;, oor 'Ilbo th ul\gl\l~ { halo I tlthor cIi Ol c~ . eO\l(lge. He \\ ulk ed tl llinly for one 80 oll!1 ,fPr my .w hl sk rs1 , T heir s lIIel". to crllsh Dnd kill A. lov o SI~';t~;1 lit Sun~et. is\llnen oj War pdlna in NQ\ltuc~l!t Road., won:an, epa~ :~~re4:'th ~~·a~ Pber \Vhor. fur rOtllol!!. ,) or ,htl bouIldlng HO ~. 1 II let yuu know when, 1 want Ill e," , And never Il word be ~ ulIg or h e.urd A ri ch ur Ie loud hun atrelcb ed from tu cupture 111m J half aUlo dlBorder, f\lrc~ Iter way throuRh olld Ul ero burn ed III hl4 eye on unwolI1\ly killd l ~o(j li ve. " li D ara d ~ nr II) 111' fir~,lh {tt luld pr sum e 5IUgie purpose up. wtl s alw uys IJlY ons\\er Takp. good core Qf the mOil who reap ano 1111' 'ltV Pt p tl' LoffnnQ I Lodge to lie fought lor some tlmn ag~inst i reat ,he crowd and tol\ertnr up to tbe bo)' p.1Joo on whu: h his whole nllnd \\ as Jjx ~d. Tile of them-Oil hohl OCCII610hully, I "huil c~ \Ior i 8.011 I 'I oddd. , At IRIII!lh OIlC of the boat.t\ atumlp d ' d hi I it tb fo' I crOYid Ilro\lllol lh o hUIiSO 11I6(lDctlve ly gavo clIlI (or the,n one of tflei e days ' I bow III IhOnl,s to the ~tu~d) throng lit vl" Ollgh 8, on 1I1) lton Hlll-t1e dug to boorQ him, he 'r.rul)g 10 to the ralls se one m bro~nd b mit en Thill 1 tq my par tllB mll:!IL Hlillafl, I wuy 09 the slranger approached nlHl the :A. ~plendtd ball wns to 1..0 G;von to the Who grcellhe ybu~,g lIlorll With totl ; " gltl\:~~ 1t~~Ir:~'~~~t "~I D(I:O;~~::I: o r "I. ressc/ to repel t 18 IlIICtl1y, when till! theall~d t.'el~~~~d~!Do ~:t' n~ w dear Ih l)' HIlI! lire ' \I Illy hOUri, , 1t11!t,,80und 'jiv/! hundrtt.ll-gol/lg '-go. nlernb tlrs of the Ler:I~lature. 1 080er18111· And thu 'bur on ( Il'lt e my cnrJ1 cat song 01 Ilrnl1h ~olg1'8""'\\ hlle, fotl1lWJt1uler of, the botlt gave hIm a mortal me I Tlurteen ),e;,r. have p.uad alnee Alldllll w t \\ ,"II rtic aKol J\ llY l"~jr bide IHod awey llpon Ihe hp~ of tbe IlU C' ed ~llnt J p.nks was to be Ol1e of Ibe manD· Shall be thl~-the KlIIg , o r Ihe Noll' I" II e ~11hree Ponlls ' look," wobnil \\ Ilh • plutol ball. He fell Ille lenin. me alOn, with my 'I hM Lfl Y \II~ I""lt. "'\loIbll,lonll), cl tlde tlollcor. lI a he arrived nt the 8tllqd of that gere-Ile belli I! n greDt IH\hell'lT\lln, (un ae· TI I 1J I I ' IY ~ III 'rh b' b I conllnll~,tlo cheer on Ilia men, who gal. ond my ph~ll\e''but l b,... nut (cii'ao\Abd I ~c\l li' u 111 vlr\U~s P3tIJ. L\I Irunt!. rU\lot,o\l ~ ry ' count 01 hIs "Iuske rs I luppose) ,lind it 1C,l slDg for tlO llllga W 10 ,u"e no o"es Iqu i go c o o ·0· lD lunlly re» lstel! tho Iiollrdertt. Cl 'h ' h fe }u E'Qf ,hey IIru num uuI d w llh Lho doIoU. Olie of 1118 crew, at the ./Doment or hi. ~en u, ~d t~~~~O! ~ 9:J:n" ave lilt 'F,ve hU1IdN!d.nJ fifty " elCcloimeil the occurred to me that before Ihe bn)l took crown hUHI1Ulld )llIt rclotl~, Odd rodbln ed -


'! ?ntlS'
















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bl "!



new IlQmt1r a8110 COt1t bl s oYi1S nrQund up- J1ll1ce, r II1lght u ~ell cntl for my wIlle1,1Ul lho blue sky o'llf Ihe; heo·d~~~~L!:~\~~811~~d 11:~s p~ ~url;~1 gor:e I~; fe.\lmg. IInxloul ly' lIlq~lred If he Will' ,,",oun· °you'::t~1 ;llIte~, e~etthlt ~nDouneeOTI tll,o com t'ortable coltoge st'\d I\B IUlures kerjl L NeYl!r Sultan or D ey had sUlch powcr Oti roost, Not II Bound brlill~ the IW4lf!t hu~h ddl1 He all~we'red, t"u"blil clo/ll, Id the ptOr~"jI on the bYI~tt!1erl\. Tbe UuhJ the prl:~e nt moment. JUr VUlnp One morning I me J enks In a borller',. tl " fi • , enemy imolD my nluallon; aful,iJ I' III In a loud yolce ordered the .oman tlc~m ed dl:tertrllned '0 ge t possessIo II ~hop. He ~ n9 aolOlllZllI( before a large le~ 0 e ~ e ll I 1 'd 'tl [ , 1 I if I, 1001 allt'C, and "111 commandIng,' ~ th' court ancl iliela leR of th e cotl.l1ge, nnd In order to do 10, h mirror, lind combing up Illy \\ b,.ker ant 0 'ru wltl)hold ur offtr IJr':.lld th:Yib:~~811~::::':\I~:' tle:lud!~'F~~:I: ~~~ \I hlch he lInmedlalely I1ltplred Hla 'h:1oln~d the' poor ere.tllft! • g d ereW' made great .llluglller II.mong h re t .nd limed her and ber b had outbid soverlll 1ndlvldusla, wlIO, h ",d grute rtlte 'Ab l there y ou "ra, old (ellow,' 80ld he, Proud IIll1p moy hl)ld bOlh allver he hk' eein ~hU~ ~Rce Ilt dc~~rch \ o~n ; U8 IIUomptll)~ to board !hp,m, beat thenl off tirt.~toa:riage QHor'MJi1fmIGl n hey oblalned r088e8~1Qr\, \\ould ltave Ci:er. cl~ud ~Omo Olercy ttiwords the beroaved SpClllilDg to my' rll/lectloll tbt: glus guld, ! struc WII I I u t Diver I , IO~O u r.~ Gilt cleat Ibeir veasel ""llIch had . - , falliltYi bUI he BPemed no~ dis pos'lil to 'Come lor} ol1r \lllI ilker~J 1 8upp060 I' 11ha wl!allli df a dJ6t.nt Ftrand : uppear so ove y 0, 11m 118 nolV. ager 1I0d went1into rnorbleheatl, where A, III \0 my brqlhers, nolll.. aod bold t OVil' tho last b1d.l (or he had not th ' Oh, 110 Ilurry,' 1 replied, as I sat dOIVII BlOt ~hlp8 \\ould rul,lInd It~ valued nol rortlBlI,ln c:uc~v' ~d Sel(~lhtlldo "111 flJlfr eel re~p'ocl was p.ld to the At/vIC!e 1 " " uld ~I ve tbu I'1t ball t than nor could Blly uf the for 0 s have "I on en~t m, II 1lI ro IIces Illnse C~p~ Mu~foril... \ her ill thl8 luaL emergoncy, 'Alw'j'~ re J( y, you npw, e anlwere ; - -. ~ Were tlJcre none 19 \111 the I.nd 'Pardon me,' I'xclulmed , the you~h, tl"U h~ ~...... _.~........_ _ __ a tI, I \I ould l",y , 1& our \lorclI16 btl obedleot olill propt'rLy WII8 :p~BlIed over by {ne 110m glVIlIg u finul lie to hiS orovllt. The wlld.est heath ~ Ild lhe ",dde&t broke, rill sed hIe hat tu the dompel- bu l 10 AA RQN DUnR, tl> the old man who hnd 80 un e'tpectedl) ' Come 10 ~I{ nk of It,' I BBld mU&lOgly. Ate rich 08 the Jlch E(1t fl~el , glOWIng cbee k',thofe cerulel,~ orbs, call '" kll'u. Ana n V ~{ IOl lrevotltnc g~IIJ\ IO ),our nund , ppeored III the. scene, as tlte barber beg un 10 put llle IlIth"r 011 For thoy gladden lito! wlid bird. \~ hcn L10t pass-and Lis th!lt clad~lc .,et of feq. A,btlu! the yeAr 1705, Cjlol\/ll Durr 'I' he .,rilwd hud dlBpersCJl and the old my fllee 'Purhops now \Vould be aa good tu~c~ .tllYs mO By Ihe :mprf\ul Junu! oWlier 01 n early lIne.fourtb of a block loy at hbtn e, l,1l' hl <\U ~ lrl o) lI 4, Il o n~ 1 1 nud ml!otl enter.,d th'll humlile \l,\v <rj l'llg HIS u lime a8 anolhff , you may lilt aown lind they'" like, , Bn~~;e youtll 1i!lI~O~l\l&dd I ~ In frllhtrna' N , 81olh Ced"r"Dod Liborty street JU81, henrl \Yus tou ebed fly , tho distress or the I ~t the barbor try hla hand at lhe '" hiSAnd gIVe them fo(ld to egl. 81 li~ plJY' t :00 th~ C:u:c,a \':br~ e Ilnd Broodwuj He was an etnlnellt law. Lfty your clni ' ll" upon God lint! in .hjlll Inmal 8, nnd hla oppar-en~ sympathy did ker8' And With wllhng IIiUld, and apadt', and IOU e evo~I!" Q yer, WIth an ext~nslve I.wyer, with all ell1, 11'1181 'You couldn't walt unlll tu-mol1'ow, plow, ~r MOme ihtlccent clowlI. I ~I le nSlve pr acltce (Wal informed by 0J'e not fnll to atlrtlct tbe attentIon of Mrs Greeu and feeling a strange confide nce In could you l ' be asked, be,ItallDgly. SIIY, swellt mOldcn, ~re yo~ ~ etro:i Q or Ille pr(lfeulon. thaI bl $ practice .( one And 10 my CO~lI try , one word I woula Ihe) pbvrtlr or her eorrow ehe sprang for- 'There's a blJu lo·mglit, you known-' The gladdeng hOllr shall !COme, ~lId d If ~o-wlll yo~ PdC:!D" nR ~: byl:::: perIod WOd \\ orlh ten thou8lnd dollan • '1'halllli,oUII(llIn", tro at ll) n 8 sht) lVard and grosped IllS hllnil 'To be Bure ther'e 1&, and I tIll k )l9U When that whIch • called the wa~le 1nn lip 11 ~\J enrllp nr~ I h d ycar. r ueed frpqlten\ly to . It ~n juries In no .wal ' , '0 kmd ' Blr,' exclaul)ed the .old lady, ought to wuh a nlean fllce, lit all eventB lund now, pute Illltl choste DII~ri~. It )'ou1wllI t 0 tho old CIty ""II (now the alte o[ l~e ~UI. 'l'he "Ulll Is rUI co ming. whun over IllO I)l hlle Ihe teont ~ntkled down Ill'r dpel1ly I dun't aee lilly rOlloltln why you .hould ez· SI,all rlllg witilille ""l'rVest hOflle" G:JI!~lI ~heh~,~us~ erai: :d tom house) WhOll HII.(\\tiIOll ani! Dun" 'Wllre World. furrolVed cheeks, 'y ou WllIl1tll drive UB ant peet 10 wellr my Wblake[1I to that bllll; 10 Then sill'" ror tbe KIn ..... \11)10 have ft 'Ie rro~1) tho grountl-a look or the oppolling coonsel. TIley wire both " th I .I tro lit. • The 811& 01 aroan Erin WIll proudly Irom our home l' lit ~owo a .,~ ~o, e a acute lawyer. Ind eloquent "peaker.. 'A. ,,~art .pprt.... e UD~. !'tea" hurl'lI aue 'No dnn't moke pOllr grandttlolher uo He ralh.r ~ulkil, obeyed. lind In .... rew crO\\D. til qlll "1'hmmgled WIth Dltcln~sh"'t'nl, ~glhl' r llIarkable Illelclent to<>k pl.ce ono ~If elite, atop,lIlgestlon,.n p.r&Ur p8 , AlItllbal Ihoae who now ~o () 1I' 01 her away tillhe old poor house, 0 )'ou woJilt momeuts IllS cheek. were In a few mo"But the blue ! lty o'er thellr headup er coun\enanCe-8 II openo I~r They w~rll: tryl~g lhe IIllidity or a wlll the funcllonl "oCtllt 1)'ltem, Aa, tmoage! bdr uamu uII wllllyou~' luppheated tho hltle ~urly.helld. mente hll cheekl lVor\" ID a perfect roam Never Sldton or Dey had al!cb powel hpA, an~ Ih , mode lIpeecn-'Arn t Hamilton hD.ving lbtl wllUn lil. h."d hap. tion ohhame bUlhel tba (acei. fear b18l1ch. '" Witl remal" lar be!und hor in splendor and ed Kalil, .. abe cluped her arm" around of lather Tp.. barber flourIshed hili ra· they yeu lI'gaft8\1) neow I perled to hold It between dIe "tn~ow es lOll Iti ;nd-en fl11l0 the alrllnger'a knees. • \ &Of. In~ w ll• •bout to commence opera•••• , , his eye.. He ro.e.ll ud play~a \1\11 thr el~tr e•• m Ion 0 I..~tra~rlnll VII tey, 0 • Jul" Jr.lIl1 8~1 FrUm"' the aged gralldmolber and tbe wlaen) ,uddenl! cJtaflgtd my r,ullli: To" Itllholll or oWer brelld. Tbe nipl.s".,1 It, N',ht, lo Itoy the pl'6Ceedllli~' and, ban41nr lbe prlClC S~Ufll the into. rbright f'yed olultl, the old mlln turoe,1 hl8 Mr Bor~er,' I eal~; 'YOtl, needn't Dy night tho Icene II one o( ~tatthng IV III up 10 Ih" Judge,(r t1l1nk It woe B,r"o?,~.~IU~m~lD~uI~es~~irl~~~~~iii~Ii:ui1i-~-.--:----!:~~f-i :: GIR1A~ eye. \0 the w idow and coverltlg hIS face those WOlske; Interelt Ind magtcal .plondor Hundreds holet LlvlIlg8t(ln) remarked l 'U lho .' -;~~:;~~~~~'~';;;~:;~~~~!';;:d wilh 1111 handa, hI! sunk 1010 a chaIr und put up his razof, whIle Jeuka .tart· r "ghta are glilllClIlg in illR'erentr dlrec· plellse t111)rll Is a Wllnell8 frorn Heaven thllt U'V wept. up frum tbe chair In something very PUll him arotind, pUll hllll .r lund. n~ from the villages, townSI farma a.nd will ~rt 11118 mitior at teet, If tho court Jll.J1I For 'ho ~rst time, tho )'oungel' (cmale milch resembling .. poulon. I planlilions on Ihore, IIn~ from the mngnl- plotllC, holilll\CI inelrumcot ~o III lO ralsc\1 hei' eyes and clolely regardeu the 'Tlli.1I trlfllngl' he ezclaimed. 'You Keep on paulOg. t1ll t Ie BOI i , flceot 'j\ol\tlng pabells' or .leamerslthat thrltugh the parer, The water mllrk foutllres of the old mltn, (rolD , wblch be have clllllDed your wlllllliera--llIke them.' Hal col\lp~RBcd lite earth.. frcqncnUY lOOK like 1'\10Vlng mountaln8 of the fivo y~ClrR nfl1!r hi! wal dead.' Dfeourde b ri r \Ii A DO)1EtI'l'IC tlKETCH \\'aa now wipllll!' the falhng tcara \Vlth 'I behevo a man hll • right to do u he And no apot 18 found hgM on~ /lallie, 10 bnlll~ntaro t!ieee enor· Il verdict for Lhe dort'nd~'lt ~III given It d C uponII' ea 1° lit. ~I Onlhe banks oC the beaullful Kenabec, her honrt leaping fenrully in ita norrow plones With hlBown property,' [remarked, Where the cr('ature can 'lay. moul 'Iver leVlalhlan Illuminlled.oullille onl'e, . rep er fJrnw. 15. III nl '.~ If n d:ed}n tlbe ..let! 0 nent cottage IIroond whlcn were to BrilOn hou! e lite 8torted forword Dod fell alld len Jenks wuhmg hll face. And 110t !tear III d, ~moy, 1 Ilnd 1Il!ltle. Indeed the .pec\Clcle preienl. Inlhe )'f'ftf JSOO. Coh Burr w.s electc.d 'peak('rl have ed i. like • drellm o{ enehalllmen~. 1m- to the officiol 01 Vice President or Ihe U. an Imp ... tone lin 0 e ~Dc:ed ~ be Icen all thOI!6 mark. of neotnelll wbleh ~pon her knees bofore hlm-theu franbc· , At dmner thllt. day the con venation denote the prelcDtll or WI! New Engl.nd ally thro\\'Ing her arm. around IllS nllck, lurned I!POII the willsker aft'll" It seemll Hla rellow men BUY aglRo sl~.mer alter ateomer conllni .weep· Stalea, On the I lib of Julv. 18011, be ro the deep .m,?tfoo tblt p, u I dlmo. , No one ever pllll!led that dwelling sho burled her fuce 1n IllS bllsom all.! mur· the whole town hbd got wllld of It. and Then! go~. the thing. who ne~'er wl/uld II1g, Rounding, lhullderlng on, blllltDll wllh tlfed from p(\litlc.1 Ille The lf.t.l term I· lub8ld~~. h ~'hv. e )'~~ Without be.towIlIg a ment.l approbation murou 'FalTwrl' • leakl could not wllk the l'reOlll Wllh()ut The pTinter, who 1l1lY1! hun a.e theee thouRUod. of lightJI,OUbnll' long nalion or the duel WIth HamIlton, .011 the • hen • ~ \ a\ ~ III: .~ upon the h.ndiwork there eltprelled .nd 'Grolll God, It I, t' Ifunt f'om ilie bpe of the remllrk beu.g eonllndnlly made by the tho lIay brilliant rt'flecll on the Imll rollin" water. verdict of 'wilful m,urder' rendered by the prlae whlcr h. b CQmpc.. w Ik .topplng to .dlllire tbe be'\Itilulwalb bor. Mrs. Green IS slle alulned her weakened, boy .....• TItert Vman wilh 014 S o l ' 6 ' benealh. There 18 oft!!n I number of coroner'" Jury. caused hJlII tQ "b80ftt 111m. lull,ed JO IUOl ler. dered with th"r Tleh folia ..... and varlega ~wimhllng eY"8, e.nd drank III the Immllge IDhllker6.' And they hud grown to In 1m• .nt II I I ,,_ . th, m, one aner anoth .. r. like 1)0 Dlany .elf (rom tllla part of the counlry. lie - -..............- -.... ted flowers. Tbe Inm.tea-;r the cottag; berore be~ 'It Is my husband" and tho next mense IlIe, for he dared not tnm them. In n tIm alJll .1, lit "In, 'gllln, cometa III Indian HIe. Some or tbue are traveled tbrolljfh tho Buuthern Iud. Wee. R"Il,ao.u~ Jaunloa roa WOODI.O..-were '!huld lid),. o,el'>wbole held the Ill. lostaol ber head wu pIllowed upon the "hort I bellune \lOnVIDClId Jenks was Will· Keep on trittlng till ,be pam so marvellously and dozllngly hihted, they Slate". for Ihe purpose of aotl/n, . OW' en\.rprl.lo, and InpJllIi"' I~eIlQW elu· verilll fro.te or aeveul), yeJ" kad lftld broa,,! 1V.~ln 'whIch beat' the IlOble heart ilDpatientl, {or me to ulert my Will rllek hla1)onel teolly look IIko! A 1.C:dlll', palace on ~rlt, .n I'xpedlhon agalll8t M:UIC~, for Wlllllil he l(ln, Wm Hoyt or bIJpont Ita.' lba M.I, blirbtlnlpilboh. her widowed dloahter,.nd that yeare berore bad been p'lIgbled to ber, the property. , Jt happened t1wt And break IlIuesL; (whiCh It ' ln 1111 hlrelihood would bo In ""118 trleil (or hlgb trIlIlJO~. He tben Bed lit hll r~.ldence, of a mal!hhuHhat .... proa bri'ht.eyed airl who called the old lady wltb his holy IIIT'eotlou8, ef Ihe party were !llttlnR opposite And on me nl Itt AmenCll,) IOllt s\rurryllljf alld duhtngdown to EnJ[\.n~ wllere IllS paper' wera ~el&ed, mIl", .... 11.~ liD)' ailed 1000000o"VI ,n , d 'd b ~ The old prlvOl.tler~lIlJ..had apent IDnl: at dlDller who were pr..,nl wh"n the ~ g, "lie .trepm, whilo, peJhapI,Ju8t lhen.1I Ie and bUnlelr Ihrown IOto prllon. He w.s uae-half mlDute. H. plOpoetelO IDJ'cornin an olt! English prllon, but tho 11D¥Ular bergaon wsa mdl>, lind they all He ",U\ wale In • trlght, dorkneu uround i\. I dllligllled, too, In Ilbtfited lo,n aner, Ir8velo~ IB France Ind peny will lurullh bim tlae 1II0Dey 10 put. y "l°~~8e~~0"worili:a;~~gw;~~o~~ chn WI at once. recognlled ber aaughler. o( tho war shd tbe restbration of urged me to tlike ,fit lDillikers lhat very d.y. And Iwoar that before Inuther night tee 109, ftll you vtry frequently do, the Germnny and retllrned to ~ew YOlk m 18. ,hlll8 tbe materia" with wbleb to build It. 1~ 'bermomenl when we Introduced the peace set hIm onee more at liberty, In lind thul compel Jellks to gil to Che b.1I The printer' . bill .hall be made all rlgltt. Iwlnkllng hglllS ID the nlllnerolli cottage. 12. HereaulI1ed thll prActice orlaw at No. He will aiVlr a1t\pl. . .euritin to rtl\\~tb. re._r to &ba cot~ae, there .. ere "1I;b~ Ihrough the Intervcntlon or whl.korle. ,or Itol at" homo I agreod •• , and homestelld. clotted hllre aod there: and J6 N assllu .treet Being lIJhtly ",eellled mon,,! u~, In the .vent of II fatlure .f sadne., u~n th. fe.turn of Ita Inmate•. froen<l~ be hlld .eeured a large pOrtIOn WIth them It IDCU about t'me to rrap A Nice VOIlR, M Rn, )OU olt~ n obllene large 'Wood fire. bl on by hla fellow· ('IIJlena, die oft'ort w.. un. hll experiment. We hi.. 1881\ the IIIOdel Lolli" 1!!V1 had paaaecI tlnee Mr•• Green the prise mooey whi ch WII taken willi crop and promllcd thllt: II they would A tl anI I Ie g individual is elr tho bllOkl looking like mcrry maILlni bon· suceelllful, and he 1000 feJl mto decay In to, .nd have no helltellcJ ID debed been bleeeed with the protection of hun, torether With a liberal 111m from the meet me at the broker', shop, wbt'ro the; hr:le.1a:::'n~ the home. of firea Thesll, I b,lIeye, ate ulus/ly Ilg. mlDd, body and utate. M.tthew L. D •• clarlnl that we belle.. it will ......r a ber Iiulband•• nd her decllnl'rJ, yesn were proceedlol hI. YNllel. purchJ\se had Ioeen made. I would make <II ton, carrYlIIg a h.ndAumil daguerreot,.pe nola ror the dlll'erent. atesmera to atop to Vlt. lal' II,t friend .tuck to him eloeer moo valuable purJlOH in t.e ••10(. . . . . renderfl clark .nd dublou. by," relllorse. The htlle Kate hili grown to be a wo- call un Jenks that evening, aner he had portrall or hla.~iller, ror whom he pretends l.alle up plllaenl('en, gooda and 811unall - thall II brolher, and bad blm lod,llIg In a time in woodInr locOlllotiyep.-_..u..;, IQIIlTlllp of ponIty Her cfau,bter Lu. man, and allY one who mG)' ch.lDce to 1111 dreued for the b.lI . • All prom lIed to to be In acut;b. One of the p~pen . dr-aw. lA4y ~ N lVorl!\y'. 'l'rtJuttl'" Me. U 8 80litary hut, WIth a lonel, wulow, 00 • cleo. tim, ' eJ, had Io.t her btwbal'ld'bree .Belts pre. lip the Kenebec III our comp.ny. ,ball be pre,ent at the propOlied .Ttmllng IIIg upon Ole realm (or f.nuy, figure. the III 1850·'51 le~t'lnd.b.nklll the wild,'ofStAterll,le.iI. ... 'louII)'; and alokn_, with all Ita coo com· pointed to a neat whltCl COUlg", peeblnl La the broker'a office, and I aent fol1owi01{ 8CfIne: ••• Here throulh tb. bbuntl Ifr. be itA" BrolT' lOa TIl&' WDfU.-W. tante, hIId 80 fedUr:M their little .tore that out from the graceful follli e by the ballk and the barbe.. 00 the appearance Tllo sliter huntcr. ill hi. Isearch Portrait of 'Vacle Sa.... ' lived el,tl1llen month_; and bere, on the take plHftl'P,in NoonI\IIr _ ....... .port thll COttlp . . . alreldy adyertJeed or of tbe rl,er, beneath the toot whlc/l .I.e Jenka It w.. evident be wa. much vexed at mlo. houlle where a prelly,.l)(lIIg .A writer m lh~ &ulbern Llter.ry G•• nliht of tbe 14lh of Septelllber, lS89,dled in trout t1ahiq Iut week la1 ' ..... , . . . ..Ie. re.n a loving (am II)" bapPI. and cun\enl· the ,udden call upon blm, and his VllIation rtDlllelll I. dolDIr the '1I111lng .nd zette givel the (ollowln, pen and mk A.ron Burr, in the eiihty·Snt Jear of bit lid lei from Cleveland-II III I).flora 'Alu,'Lucy,' remarked the old lady. one ed. wu cert'lDly ."not leuent'd when he nw pOll of the Ba\~le of on sketch of our respe cled uncle ' .ge. 'WIth oot • friend 10 tit'. hll eyes, or caught tweDt,-two, lIM FoOte ~ • • •• the broker'l ollce vru Ailed to o,er/lowlng Str.nger: 'It'lne 'ID perllln,1 IppeAl'8l1Ce UIa~le S.m I. a wipe the d_ drop' of deatb f III hll brow . • nd IIlu Rltcheock WI of the. lIea.tiJII • 'lIoi.., • Ibe, nt the 11 tie trel. I1taed ubor wblch Will :rllied over the 1 r"'" tbo ::\1 JAm. Reveill. by .peetaklrs GlllIlouelo behutd the barber· Femare. 'Very, t411 , bony. health)' loolun, man. apparently Wublojlton, Adelll', and Hallliltoll, bhfld I. till rt~ r...11 MIl front ~oor.w'Yf·W ••baU loon be obliged 'P£CtIL4TION 1N WHISKERII; ou~ proceedlnp,. bani. Heafen.! of forly.6ve; for, thougb born 10 1'77:1. he died aurrounded by .e.plng frIend. ud canoe.llluan4 1IJ '.0 ........... ~ lene ttll' hOllle of yoW' childboOlJ.- OR, SHAVING IN A BROKER'S COnle, be In a bllrrJ. be sa14, u he aroUnd on the be.r. hi• .,e well .nd ..eDit to be .tUn their ",ere bedewed with lea.. of a JO)'~ thtmaelne JUPlJ. "," ••U &'or mYlllif, I Clre nol IllUch, (or the FICE. a ..... Ind J.lOed ~i. b~d atlnl~ th, the battle 11 oyer. )'ounger every day: H. 'ollts to bra: of b~ continuDL 'He th •• hOllOreth ..e, t .UI .. III danclq about 011 .... ..~ or m)' ,I. . . .re ••1I·nlgh nn OI4t .ocl ~ counter for aupport, I un utay ere ong: '&nuIrr.) 'Heann.l A~WI Htlbllsbment aod P.IIts bllllletr on .ueb.n bODOJ'; he that cleepiaeth ... ,b.U be IItllt· lIlht " , I I It atrup ... I haY. but a ahore tlOla,.t beat, 10 upen· .T eOL una. several Itdl" ',e wliung forme to eeeort Mortelll J'ua-CI.-enca 8noctpaut ia f' .Ith'the peopl. that a train I,_teellled,' uith tbe book .hoae •• ilaQr are JIIOftfWal tIM ••NGINI....!!!111~... IIIIICII til....11e .hlch threaten 111, tb"", to the b.n.· thoul' (She ""eep,a.) are Ii"ay, at his la dIVIDe. BlIn'." burled at PnDceton. 'SaHre III . . . .' . . . . . . . 1 0 110 -1 cblld. are 00. "'elk aad helplel. There Ilwed In 18"~. ,~~youlite BOo;:c" the Stringer. ·Cllle.un. Serapllina »-b· Tbere.,. ilwa!1 at hll table I DUlllber New J-T-r.-z,.;. 7bU, '"' I. tile . . 01 IrulII, dl..... 'Lia fot ),ouJ,b.t ) mlllt fear" d.nd/fitd IlIdl. ldu,1 wbolD we will recG eet. r, I f ,on', burr! do m, rl" behold thy • •1 fonn m,..headed old relloWil who were bit COlli. maaDer In ,.,hlcll l .ed·Don·.....p(orme.dtermotber.· repll· JeDt.. 'l'hl' ltidlwidual bad a, • tho ~nlem.n-,o to work .t .,110.1 Ai.: \.lIlIt bU.. ! Ilot ")'-to pUlouia)'oatb.anifo; .bOll8Hrll_he U .... lo . . ._I . . . te". ~&J'OUDCI • tile etncb. widow; 'lDre)J 'OU need a ("eIf.ble I.IplOlOU of bia personal appear. OD;:; lath • , d It" ...urance doobly ,ure. thou hUt a ooatinDlUIy .,..b. 'Be DOtl&rcallle: ___ teaoIIen _ . • It ia _I JClllllelC ........ Icir ,....., ance. lit. fiogen were hOOped with Ilea' hr oter, an • W. oYer lefL haull corner of deo 'B. I"" to Iaow Tta4U~ n.tural \ndeaey 10 lbtap .hleb . . :~~~~iiiie: w..~~ rinp, and hllllhlrt bolo.. wudedrtd with of' , .t ~ ee altO~ tf ~-'::.: e h.D' A'~ life BIU.~'bo1tr Dick throll.habol'llaeutllk.,blr•• t_1 "'lIp, TIle Ii\&ltt IlriPt iii lDI,nllleant bre..t pin; coat, h.t, ,etlt 'c~" Aid J. Ire :""h aIt d f.11ow ...t . . .ulled II' millellOallmlltak"' . . . . . . fartlt . . rwIU...... &rill. . . . boow were iliaci, eaaetlJ to It I he there ia to be I ~ I~ ~b' ee (eau. hi.. oftea. too••lpeI "proof, 00IIIIII' 10M of dIIaa1e. :~B55Ei5a . . . . . .M1 ' . . aouW DOl _re kId l\o'etl remubblli me bieke~ Ie • &lie plot .... 01 , lilt......... ~ . . . . . bl' hair oiled .... lire" 1ft the - ; . at We 10)' 81, ler , ~o IJ 11110 ,,"d killa, \ Ito . t& Yilr (JIbsenj I i) 111) \Ilind , ' 1r w(r"rtl . dOllll) J'Uf ~ \(hlI11a ll &:,hlft Impnrt, 'l'I,u are- \ lI'ru~blll g nn ttl> hoarl, And ,h.1 11",1' Ihou pt"YUlI \\ ould ulTo r for hlln WJIO Is w 6l1d~rin l! f~r .,,01' frtln1th eltl , .1110 \0















m mii'miDl\U

















.1IIt or

... ...


&lid &e CODIpIet8 !ala



UI"'II"':r'd:! tN., "':ill, Jan!i.1 11',1

'WlIII~""" ....... ~-

ql .,;,.:





As II ~ huvc eo d before we ore ar.x .us ftntl W IHng to Jlubh8h nou",e of ~ll mllr nugell nc! ~e lh lliat occur In lh. pllro cnd \lCIUlIV, lIut \YO CUlluot do ~o UI IQ.s II ey life rcpotled to U9 by somo uno 'Ve havc not till c cnougla to go to dtll'eront JlI rsollQ 10 nocarlon tho particular" or at ch \Ve oro au\horlzed to annoullllt" lbe lowlngOontlcmen Oil canc\,ldotell,rUr lhe ,h~ ,lnnll'6 Ol\r b". lnel'$ arrdngement. requ r IlIZ rerent officel to whIch UHlir .name. ore ot our IInmediate presellce at all umos III uur taehe,1 Tht'y Ire all subJoct to the decl8 bOIce ••• 1 ion of tl e Whig Nun111)1I11111J Ele~llull




J E.or Pr..,tculmq J1Uornt!l 1 K o NtAp. V/'lf'k of 1M court of COlI\mlm PlulUl, HOB.A~E M STOXI!S AtlDr~ P R\lS~EloL F S VAll H.ULLllfGEII )'rob/de Judge S ~ Dill JOIl~ C DUftLIIVI'


On llutt Frld Iy Il:young \rian \)y lb~ nllme 01 HdylO~ 'ou or Widow H ~) IJ of IIcar Ridgeville n tb 9 county, fell Into II thfoahlnJr machlDll Willch Wftl in opafotlon at I'IIr Githens near R dgevllICl nnd ilIa leg Willi so toro up n8 to render amputatIon nacel Dry Immediate ly He hos 8111~e diet! from the eB:eela of bl~ lI!jur/e,

EDW,AlIn Nunl Ii

lilt. Arid tlt1 .tep II . .~ al1«l.low I Wllllo\'o thee wben tho.e


Tbro" .Iow with the welcbt

ot paiD,

D tla,


,liver lanlh rinpouL no And tbll'o..thfu\ c:bunIlI .re eone, obI Ib... I wUlloyt Ibe lun

n ••

'Y0ula,.t thou,flll' me.M ",llt"lJ 10 leave

-:rho (nneLI of \la, .,.rl,; d.y".

Nu loapr to lDeet \btlir klndeal Iyok. Nor tlie fond well merited pl'1Llllt' 0' thOlt wl1o.flo,,", are tby u uelt (nellda

I Will proml.' to lon thee \\'('11. Y... I ye. I ~llIlove thee weil



LoUl8Vlit,1I Aug 18

1 2,al 300 11'16169

Cluaca, \I 11 lOr ~0 !. 14 II _ muuntalll In Or

394083 SlJ6000 ~3000

NOD. "

lI,e foulld ~lIm or '1~9,'7601 Jndepena. elllol Ille flbuve tbere were "Ill olbtr thou,"nd~ 01 wool of whIch we lau. DO .e(.Ouot Til. Ilt!m of wool II ODe o~ ,"

1,2lli 619 60000

I •


.. 6.'7 DO., '10 if

18, t, J I. f•• Dltive of 16. 11, ~,60 ,U ODe o{ the

~&&t.e" '!


to. 1'1

18, n, 6,

la, 4

24, it a

Alanrer to 'YOIlDI HVl'1'.' ·.II:iI~'JI"ae4)Ufl ' " Be....• 1»£ lut wet'k

f~om Florence m~ntlon that figure, frD1l\ lhe chl••!!l of the lClulptor a,eenollgh, (or lIle Clpil.Ol., Mil .. oburch ,ou know, Wublnartoll, repreaenling • ~omln Illd _...I... her child ....coed b, I 'lie-tern balller from A'" w_fa -.reb of 111m 01\. eo, In ludlan_ type of tbe lriumpb of ciVil (_ .. &lie " 1 . - It .,ella eta, IaaUon oyer barbltl'lD-iI completeCJ... h . . . . . . . . . . . a II I..lncl of If\eell.) I.OUW, on fbt wly to AlDenca. . . . . . . efteo aeed for apt. wbere Ill' eapeeled to ."Ive intbe COUNe who.,. llrurk with all of tile month of A'lUlt. o:=7"Letttrl

l1Ie grllllP

•• OUI lLUar



.a.a ...

pJ..-,oa, fte ..... aD ' " Ie a tIIIt....-----1r--



.... Wac ..,

fOIl _to


\VOIll; -It I, \\ pll known ,lIlt H.rrl,oll COUlll, .... nk" • montf the lilllt wool gT!IW IDa lll/ulllle" ot Allb UIIIle!! S\Dtell Five I_rull' uC thl8 pluI! .101le hne purcb ..,d Wltllin tl ttl.., Iia Wl!tob.al6oo0 lbet, It '" l\Ienlle 01 43 celli. per pollali-neltill,

M, and, of courtO, tllo ptrlOnl recelvlOg lhe majority of vole. WI\I be the c.ndldate. to be .upported QlIUlmoualy by the Whljt_ of Wlrten 0 h r n 30t 0 Augult a con\'t'DI on Will btl 1111.14 It MQoroe, Butler Coullty (or the pltr pOlt of lIomia.tinll • DOIJIOCrll1C c.ndl

Eat!: Aug 18 A lronnmlCA' Eut1Il1,la ... Futher iillltb~w 111' vt'ol hore ou RIlIUrd., Tbe (ollowlng nlr,ct from the Ppr, Large crowd. have VI! ted him and tGken COJrC8polltlel ell oi lhe Rellobhc lur'"8he. 11 e pledl{t! AdlDber \I to be il~en tohim I It/ik ng illuatrllllun 01 the enlhu I dO) th IevllOtnl: WIth villch •• lrullulI\e .... pu ....ue tbelr llivur Ite rel'elr lite "" Drc-,,-..-ru-'-S-b-tv-,,- r-I'-c-k'lir UoudJ ."n of the Oltf'Cl.Or 01 the

NIAO \I\A FAL~S hug 8 2j I' 1\1 II !nun I • ~ J USI gl)/10 ov~r Ih \1 F.II.! Hu op me clUWlIl1I • 0", II bo.t IIII~ U[lllC Ir eu tu lJo u6hlt'p 1 ho peoria hh.u ell tv 111m [(UIII tbe "hur~ ulld \\ olle 111m ul' but II \VuolOu IHte to ,\\uoI ,"ytillug U8 hulYo¥ alrt udy In the rUjllu F He lell out (If th e iJo. \ "t Ihe fir.t IIII h Bud W illi 8 CI' II til go over Lhe Cl1lurnct wIth tl e bout a I Ill ... IIheud ('/ jllm HI. nome Iii IIOt .kno\Vn




Ruttl) r

Fg '8




1? doz

" he

F I,;;,r, Ohiu Imuds 1? bbl 3 20@ 3 )/j Whe 11 ! (I 7 fii:llO, Corn in car und uulk 33@ 35e

O ~ t 8,


n Irln) Ry f'

WI It II iJenns. ~1? uu Glllvpr 8('1',1 FI x seed, T mulhv ~( ed. Dlleo n Mil ulde rs '1j1.1b


[ "r~,


len~ und

rh u MilwftuklA Ga

InclIgr (l'j!le~rIlph IltnPIlJly IIUtl tile Ntl yuuklo 111111 Green Dny OQI!','UIIV huve UIlIlOO ulld e r liiO ullme ot the N ~r lb W tlEte rll T ltl,;rtl'h Compul V '1 h.. s ~ lInes now CJlft~1\I1 Irolll Cillcug' to GulollD. irom Chul'go to Grl ell h uy, IrolO 11(11 ~~n ukl u to Gnl e n~ 8Uq Irom }lu(ji. oll to Fl)r~ WlIlQcbltgo

nrc E'J S

~IJI!~ ;l

60@lioc liO@~ !I{'


SO50@1 00 $ 100 ~2

60 8r 9\



Dried P " Rcheli 1l? bu , $1 60 DrIed "llplc~ 76@8~e C he ~('. 11*1' nfl'el' g'lUd R 0 9~ c /Uol asse8 N 0 1Jl gu l Me elu ~ug(\r I OU8e 1.~ gut Be Ri ce :;P !b 3l e G @ti~c

Suga r.

F ktl\e r~ ~1 lb Suit 1jl bu •

SSc 240




Ii lo.,f'f 1111 hlB d, b~d w,lIed Bit hl~


10 • IUDllle

hl'I1'''on for


">' JUIn


domr. Ihlt he WI.lled h pro\ltlr.), 10 return to the Iiijera\ ela ..


who bad pllltUQllled 111m

R.e&!llt)' III but the drege nf tb~ oup., 1m Igllllllliln I' the olear red WIDe


True eloqot' ee, e,,"8i~t. In " , 111

tb" I. ntlce••• ,.. and nothlll, InOl1'







'lIl I MOST rorUUR

FAMILY MEDIOINE 011' TUG "onr l1nd by r~y.lelalll of Jl,IJh StudwA' 11 0.8 lUM

Aho t

PIl'llllnent re.' I. not to be eltpeeled on the rUN. bUl at till' 8.101 01 til. J"tnnp, There II much .tllferllDU belll/!'eR Inll

eaung I min 11111

c:.JtJ'l~ ~elttIlIlIIlID

That writer do... lho beat who I ,~ra hl8 r".der the lllOO1t knowleoge, Inot tllkc. from him Ibe le"'t tllue

Thl' 'BlInk Df Ampf\cD' I. bank loca\"d al Cap l1ay PfOple obt'r wllhn,ly when thl'J

colnlllUJded IIiDdl,

Th. rel&b miD" alone always and ev frywha ... , What I, male IOlt hirrOWID, tban In ClDe'. boola'

Ie. lU~

rf.l tn

aU fft(Irbid . e6 NUmt ...

,~rlf, Ibe blO<>d rl~. rr ... lone <lhd • lIor \0 Ih. .11 •• the or,11l1 [on i(1 tl •• ,Item ~r. nl ' all £iuun. du,• ••••• b. lak n .. Ilh .. r. lf~1l1 1>0 Ilrne deblll "1101 lb. potl.lIl-1J. n~ lIoi.rul 'tl. lh. moll dell ellt ,tnlRt.eb and ,el1i'T1c~hI. Ii r th eIr rl Hdng 1n "1«o,,Uol Itl"Cln«tbNlln, tnd,. touU •• pn: pert Ie, • a.n tn,. .lu lble and '0'" f'e ,11, lor

j ....

C-Ornplainti J . ndlca JfMtlbtatu Coa-

f ..lull til. D'-onJan ot UirSklu U ... r I d Skin, Lo" or .l rll"lIIe l.ow Splrh. Nerro.r lind acho, Oldd ln~oo roll ltaU..... r tI e 1I.. rt, 8IDkID. aed" llae" of W..I,bllt tbo l!ltop "01\ and .. U oib ••

ti" •• en

.1'....1. . 01 ,Ott b, au imru re ,tat. Df lb. blood U... , ttc .. widell tend to debilitate In ' ,.,e Ikt.D the


FF.l\lAJ... E \'i bo lulfe r from a I1\nrllld tJ'Id unn.torn eo. OHio.



tbl, 'I.aieln. of


la ... . , .. or O~_'1t ItA.L D1:811" 1fV Ihle M... I tiM ACiTS t.1lC l-: At .. \RM

!fBOV8AW»8 "I.e te.lted i tJ etlle1er and 11 o~ncl. ,.mo ... are nnw taadlr \ ....un.Dt tLDd- not on ••nUta r; ca.e of,", h .. rot I_a rt)'Or1Id. '01 ...... eoulJ •• £.11.4 . 11b ... lIiI••• " or 0.00• • 100 IJftI> P<-"""

_tlr ..... Call . . . . .


'reaf, a.. ret ..


..1aIn1n,IIt. c.ttl ...., .. nr A.... rk.ble ........ ~ ilia "Irh ..t1 ...11ola 10 ,..blob I~lo ., .... eJne 10 beJd 'lib. Pl\llla r...-cUl t.. bod or lb. AII....~ r~

I¥ir ?riot &0 (lenla per t.up BoW... 'riaclpd 0111.,. l lil ~ l1'O s tlT~ ' ~ .D~\aIn

t!..Jd by

A Dlbotllm Ail"" t

J 'f " 08BEtt r:3 for \Y. ytld


1. IlY 1>1 ,LOII IU. Oil! 'TWOOD

~ " to her loteat n08 1, ~'rj, e ver conl uml dove

, flelutlla al nia ln; *0 does Iny he~rt Silil lurn lo 'ihee In l ove '

AI tb lHe cll\li1hdtid'.! hOl'1I8 • f "ho .nnd'rer'.' t/l(l ughu. will fly, So do.s my 8"ul In memo,)', ~o,evf)r ~rlni th~e ~III" B tl l oh! the mat k"mnn'. nitti, !\1lly·"le r\lll lhl! doYtlOt'$ bf ~ .at, .A1\d 'Ih .. -w~hllcr~r III Ii d ls lAnl IUlIlI


ftAd hill lola, t()/I1: I C81

~ny hcolt ~ ~ !l"lv" f• 'rho-dflA ,h knell Olf thy lOYD, "And 1 1)Iuy diDiUn fr III Ihee, , ~. from1111' 11081 Ihe"dllY c

• Sj> may


Our pal~ \ I.. "

' •



'PO, I, All Il\.e WAI,derer's (lrave !rolll h.m ~ , ,And I\lD.myilaat c1)1ng hOllr ' M,y die ul\blc.. ed.. alori,l. J

"'on: T"~ Ml ...n


';fJ> A!1 A.Ds~ ·r. I:J~:S1,'~R. ,'1 ...."ul( VV\ll<1I IIA'lI I\¥

!)oAr I", r: I'm Iblnklnl' of III

time, When w~ ~ .I . hl c by . Ide at hOl1lo, ' Out heartl from care Rlld ",,\Tow free, ' , ( h, ,eo1U,. ftllRln, . " oott.ll,er corne. I In Lhy Ort,,, I IQIIIl ql~cl! more 10 b. 1't11 .,ery l ad and lonelr nb". "'Inee thou . 1'1 Jl D IOJl*"f'llur, 'J' hc lif\ 81t lIee , th~ rOllt:ll lHoo llI. " ]3ul,oltl thOY eo III II I hdf io dOhr, At wbt"; I lI\l{lrCti dlrn\ 'oll Will, Irl'~ " (huu rrm'"lbrr 1'111I !.hilt Ito",e, . 'ViOl ",e"dowl .w~t. eod (!IY8iRirill , Wbet ofl we 'vlI wAnd t' o,I1Ilh\~ 1O,.,1I1tlt '1'11" memory ling r. wltb In .. hU 'l'hu u~h roatu In " Iranlor lond,


o .,.

J'ly I.Il 11) hat "ton 11'1111 aono... tro~b My btow ~ lIh c;~ro .. fu rrllwcli, Therfl none n Ull> l q l ~ III care for rna, M), JOY. and 1,Ieqaur lire bul borrowrd, But rut \h


'AI afl~ tlll' tO Ilo"e,

WO)'n.,,,,,11I , Jllllt> 1611\ IBli t

While nllighbol'

new. And kllow, I'D-eli current price, And always rnlRd. hia P 's and Q 's By tBldll~ good l'Jvlc~ . I eanllbl 'ti ll t~ e price of C4\\'e8, Or l'0tlHry}'doflee, tape 'Or • Any kllId at mere l.ridilO Becaus. I take IIId porer. Thdugh I hive BludiPI·whioh req\ll~c Murh lime Dnd mf'ncnllabor, Yet 1 C4n epare a rllttle tlllle 1 . AI wl'll .. l,iItollt, my Uelgh"or ~ .,

Though tlule lie pr,aCIOUIJ, IIeaR uee A longer mldRlllht taper, And tllue tllkll LiIill!I to read.l,ho news,' There{or~ I'U ~~Ile tile paper. ,


Bllt nuw whlc~ alit! 1111\ 11 I '\lIOft, So mally g~ee nIl willion, " Ono siubborn (llet w1I, lija 1 ~etect Shall illlluenr.c my decisiori ; The chellpe.L,p po.r and the-. ~e.t . Shoulll be the one- fo~me, " And wheILI bnni ' lt \Il to tbB leah IVa II)YcounLy pape11 l ee.

c '


liT jIIU

A!lreLtA. 11


.'" ~, !l" Whe fi tlle sort at,;',.. ore p.eplng Throulrh the blue nzure~~" AnI! ."ulhern plea'll ceprnr 'l'b~i wal'lO brelltl1loll 1)y'; L lk. eweet-muslc pealing I'DI' o'.r ,be hlue .'B. ~ . There comes o'er nI' ~tcah " Swee~ memorlerl oj' the ~ !


Like a silelll lute lid IIng~r.

In ellenee liane, , U newopt by light finj:er8 BcarCI



coulliry on Crow Win'; 'e hj~hly IC)I(lol,leo"by aU . who hIVe vlsltciJ It , C oal piallell up on 118 banki . ,n 1

---- "


:--~- ~

AI, Jouog beart rt'flmblo. Tbat lute light and Irce,

TIll o'er III chord. t'.'llible Thollo /neworiee or tHee Tbl beigllt l'OIIe when (aded, FliolP forth o'. r ita lAlmb, I'.~el,e~ Jelllve" l~eli yYit~

, per{IlIIli4!<

Tllu. rO\lDd we . hall /tOyer In ,I'ief or In g'~;


Till h(e·• •~ream be oyer, Sweet pttmo, let of the~


B' ••4 From t Inder. It ~ " ollller(.1 to tb ink; Ihe BWalrer I. bt;Pdl", II ke a bOw bac:k,wrard fOl'wlrd every da, b)' the .1D~B~I~i~:~~ .un! [So. lbllll I, our


Wubhlpn Konumeot, tlll .boc

What thougl\ tlie homespun ~t! he wenre , Best DUlted t~ loll. or tOlh I I What tLough on coar~eltl food he forel, , And en'ds tbo \0011'1 tl1l ~ the 50111 thourh gold-lent gild. tollgue, • DevoLtd to "Congenllll cllntT rigtlt previ lls, and not the Iyrong, ' The m.n i~ n 118 Ibe worle for that.


no '





'Y.h'~ t~~uih wlPti~ the Itumbl. ('ot ornumeut I. eeeol

the ",vlre po. etllea1J ot .a,in of black In4 IP'oenl What though the merry hou.chold band Half Daked By t<l bail aod ball I If COlllICiellce "'Idea the Leut and ' haod, "_"'A""_ft.~•• ntlenwa The man I. none the wor.e lor tba • • • ••• w . . . . .


True wortla II net a thing DC cIren, Of aplendor. wealth, or Cl_Id'lura! , Wo.w that the.. tI'IpplDp we Imed I A114 to 110"'" worth die InOr'!


For Ulij IIl1anll VI8110r EXOEUP'J'S t'.tOM '1'IIE FltENCn OF LAlIIARTINE,


TIU !'SLATED BY COATE8 II:INNEY '('ACITUS IS populllr only" Ith po\l llcliins or phllu~qphllrlli he II the Plow III III SI<,Iry • HII aenllbllltv is tdu refined fur the volgllr • 'ru avpfe~iate 111m, tine must have II veil anfid the COlllmOUOIIS ul public ptJ~ l> lIull or the lIIysterluus IIItngnea of th .. pu U(f'. 'l'uke Irum hie sc0,O\18, liberty IIIUbl

FAJl'lliClI J'JUU' CtJD,\,





'Vo huv¢ nccy ullts (rum New Orl~ftll' of lhe arrlv81 of lht! Empire o lay , wlLh dnte, Irolll HuvMno of Ihe 1!lth The V,aen hu 111.0 IIfrll ell .t Pensaco ula. A,ILlloulih till' .Inle. n,o' no Inter thull prrvloully rl!celYetlj Ihl! ne~ ~ cUllfirms I'rl!' ~ IlIul IIGIlt/unllt, 'lid gIVes IU llle lIul. adJI' lional IDfurmallon Lupu h ... mUllo 0 siond 01 Marr ll, wl\cr& he IIlId tlVlI enll'lgglI:\I~ntl wllh the Govern· lIIont ~ n.up~. III. botl. 01 willch he hlld b"~ 11 vktilrloU9. The Spnlll'h 10B.5 I'll 'll111qa nnd woullded wns 8U 01 officers lind 300 men 'fhe d, bd IIlId wOlllldotl IlIke ll tu HltvQl)o, anti tb~ tn. 1'111 Mi. MI VIOI"Ok former buraed ,,"Il grelit pOIllP Oil the 'TJUl A.GE 01': I'ROGIlE!lSION." 16th ' Lope,! . fortle 1IIllnblll't'd obout 1401> ""'-lIIyn.olld WIlS dUlly recening ocr", ~IO" ~ BY TI!E DAllp OJ' 'l;1lE CLlT,.. On II,e Dlghl or lhl' l'4UI over )00 men --"lel\ Hllvnnll ~ Juin thu "IVude/'ll. ~'ld Iho pro· "eul'lc " lea .. """If ,n mOllY quurterJ Oul Cr iHenu~n Id \:"~ rl "d by IhJa or· raval os III1IUDit Iho p" .... ner. ,hot•


....... ' ll\fPORTAN"r F~Ol\l WASHINGTON

.tarch of

D 1\

-SARANAC O&D~.R.ED TO COUA W "lltl ~ l'IOTOII, Aug 25 Till! Governmel,t hUk ordered the Frag. ale SUlbllllC. (;C)m1110do'l) » ••rk er. til alii} IInmetll"llly I'ur Ihvunu, I() dCllltiud un uI'lull8l,on uf the ~ hlluun~ <II n pl,rty of ~",erlc"h', Illd Ihe fira"g IIpu{l th" Fal, "II She WIll • • 11 IruUl Norl.,.lk 10 duy or to· murr(,w a 'flld IIlItruell tnll all! < tl~llIg l~al1~d 10 "II 016, I;!r 01 Ihe GOV~rI II" lit III ' "I'rrt ~8 IIn,l brl!lIk up IIny tiTm~\1 t'X I\rdll 1'1115 "1Ilmll uba, tlllTlIg out 'rum UI y pun III II ... C UI1ITY , The lJull. LUke ke. Cumml •• 'un~ f llf Inlllllil Allhln. hd re\urn ~d 'rOIll 111 10 lit· eutM, "/ler wlI~ludlllf; l"'purlolll '1'r~all ~d wllh Ih ~ SIOUX Illdlllh~

SECOND DISPAT ' H. W £SJUilOTOIl, Ang. !l5. Dllpatches h,ve lIeen recl'lv(ld Irum lI[r Owen. American COn ul .t H .. vu"~. el ,I' IIIg thllt Ihl) prtlJonerll ahol. \I ere tried be· the'r eX41eut1Iin. I '':he Y&u~ernmtlnl will reqUire lin tafllm ... nOClor'. nllun Irum til" .. /IIcpra ot the tr"vcrument III New OriellnlJ. IlIr Il,tir app,urem ntglcct 11I1.I'lowll\~' lhe depurtti'ie 01 11,11 P~rnpero .


Some I lilllo Oloro humillet ~ would clann, 'I coro for Ihe patltlnt, ~ll


V~.rn! Vltllly' thou lo"elt ht!81'tl! thou , •• ____ IlUbvertell nalure' Tbf'.e lare riot blospbe. ....... "'" ""h" !it F I ill b 0 IIt la 0,\ mlelllnou,h bB my lap. oplnl tbeel v-.r u.e \::I ' 0 "fl.lale I r W 9 the lNth, !16th, .lid ,s,h of September neal, -I 11 ~ the Miami Vbll,Or. at C'01urn bue. HOIl W ILt.1Afti ALUll w, 81"1~:r K~OCJUNCilS. NO••• dehver the arlildal add reM, at £he """"'""! Grounde, on Fir.~aJ 28th of September, FalDD EDITOa: ••• ·~Dd; .liall \he IPlfh , 01) whon ardent


.. 3.9, 19, 22,



II , ., '7, 6, 9. 9•• re mountain. In


UDlted States; 6:7Camp l!i1eeUlIg I. now In progt;eu 'th. ti:prlai f;~m on ~i,,, b.. JKlured II 6,', 11,9, I. «cou,>ty In Ohio; at the Melbod,.t Cadlp Ground or UUlon It. "y., " Ot 6, I, 16., 2, II a river In the Unated DU1H or THO.'" COLL"ETT BEll Clreult. ~urn from Ihllt pure effulgence. to the lIoe" J\UC'rIOIt -A Washington MillIS> States; It become. OlAr pAl"ful dU!y'.lhl. week to . bum . " tt-r 80ld -T~le New York corre.puudent •..,. I 6 17 " 11 22 I' 18 16 17 bl J .. d h LITERAllY NOTICES, Of earlh.born lIg~t th.t setm. a tff'ajlb. orthe Phll.delph .. Inquarer a.,..' '..... •• ,'" , ''OJ • , , anllounce to the \lu cat .rp. ' •• e eat er"l11 "Iellm, (lne ortbe m01l1 liller, ellng Ilem. of 10- Ul ono of the U IIII ..d Stole., of one of our belt alld "ulserul catllen.. LUrIDll Ihl wluderer froID lhl Itar .01 eal pew I to d.y" tbe taltln~ tn 01 a mm.. II 8. 'l, 2,11,9,2, II a town In Never, With but OJ\C r.z:cepfIOll, blVe we Celt TKE MTI1'IIIJD or 1'JlIlU cITIES C.llh. teroCtheiO'~lfrumWlllnnltonclly,by II 9.7"6,6,Js alakelh).~land, , morelfv~rely tho ioN of .ny one.rrom Thllworlqwl1Ibefound.eT}' Inlcredllnr, Tolhe d.rk ulley or ~e Ibadel one 01 on, mock ."choloe"r1 of Cbllthun "10, G, a. 17,9•• , 6.IP a rIVer In POf'- Illo of haYln& been atquainted, With to thoeo who wjlh a know led,. of \hI' dellbl' JU"Ht. Reel' IIr Hodges thought tu,.nl. decelled friend ever .. nee h.. mannere and l :uatomlln IIOlItO of uU,r eille. [UUUIIS l ' would take a .troll through Ch.tllam to eea " 110_ ofilie "llltlln that ramed locallly . "11, 1. Ill, 22, I, i. B ata In Europe, dence a m one UI, and beanl amon, wlilch h01.t 10 br.~el" the IIAnner 1. tIIi' world t/lloe I .cene of In.oral d•• had not proeeeded lar berore be lounll .. U. 1,2. 10,6, II I rlvcr ... Engllnd; first who ~eu,8I1 benefit- (rum I VIrtue and II or.llt)' The ...ork •cftn be r~datlll\l. I I It hal,of pbv.lcal t Will thil hlm_rlliu front or an auction .tore. were II 1a. 21, 11.7, 12. 16, 9.20, 17, I. a liOD. DurlQlr the I t ,two y . , our .1· obtll\ned uf RobeTII & Bl'Otlirr, tb whOM mincl. of mth llIlk 10 low II t9 bel,evB In watchel Ipparenil1. gold. were ~llIg oWa' county' '" Soulh CaroltuB; 10c.aUolI h.. been cl er,lInd we hne al. our tbal,k. are dde, for' cop), fUfbllbed ghblte anel w,itcbcraCt l WIIII~~1 uphold "''1 10'" firu re • He did !jot wleb 0 .. 1 (or .. .. • I doetrine tlat wllJ tolft... te blm.lf, but a lIIan .tepped up to blm and ' 14, 6.2, 16; I, a elty In Gu.Umala, "'''1 1 1001rod UpOD nlln . . one o( our be.1 III. crua'h re\l'lont-Fo If we .re .11 h .Id tbq .e,. chap, .nd U he had hil poeII 16.22,9. '7. i, I fiver In Daurta; aclvlMfi. Hi. wu alway. (iren (n 'hereal\er, then CrilDj or tbe bl.ekt;.t tet book from bll h\)\('I, ".mlne the lame II 16.18.22. 1,1 •• county tn Nortb a mlolJer, tbat e01i1d bu~ be rece~yed 'J'JU: LADI" WJ\.£ATR fot S ..ptelllber tl .. nollln! •A brotlle~. blood crie,h not It wblrb. lIf, H &topped. be would cer· Carolana; Our ruclen, buth rar and near bue bne. on bufd. betttt than Il,er from tho ground!' But .b.II,ln. 'IDrep"n· ted ror meet no pnnl h th fL 1 I , .aloly ~ue one. ){r. H., bellnl I.'DI," ... .. 17 21 " '7 If,9. 3, is. town an Geor fitted bJ• hla frt'luent alld IOltruct\YjI cob. • ••• i men ernaO'l tor whoe UI 11 woo\d bid 1_ the watch and bft ~, \ th... nol. JUlt andI ri&ltteoua eaaJd repa,.l.. wben tbey rell'lrotd to the mUnicatlou to ow pap'r. Althou,h , For &be MLaml Vbtltnr bl. people•• nll /ICCOrlaat8L At Il be went. and bla lilt bid 18, 14, !lO, 6, I'. I' I eoun~y In In· '10M-II hill 1t.\D,' Je' we cannot but QRlBlI' Bluoa"PIIT fQ tAnl _kit Are Ihe prilon .,,=tclowllthel!anIiDer '!"he diana; that It WIll be 10111 blCor.· •• CIII find TH )lIj\S COLLETT, SEN. cloaedup10h1yerl tb'tlormpnll m., abel out hie moa.,. bill "YI .. 19,'6. \0, 2, 16, 17\ a I.b In anotller wbo .1111111 hi, piece. The meDl' ~....... ~:t r7 '"I b efl...·ae~" '!~~ Cb1rl.tloaent to IMpl" '1Iva... aoolIlII r~ thl maa wbo .ltIltil . . . . . . . . ... 0 wll .. 01'11' J . . . . . I un Ina r_flll nl .. to Inr Ht .uob die _teII,lI. wu IIIIODI the Seotl.lI4i bmt of tile Jlethodla' Ohurch blVe loat nltlye of ~.itd. botn rna, 6th, 1791 . . . bell"" In hi. boly nllme. and take ........ that 11I1.lIot COld tIIIt .. 10, 8. 16,8,1. a lue in N•• Yorl! oae. who, Qearl, In", Sabbath, preacbtel ~~~~~~w~~ ciJIM iar ....... "II, S. 17, OanwllI in &IlltIJ \lie doctria. . . 1iiiI ID or.o:t.f._ of I Mead r~ South AmericI; Word Tnlth. The coDll1lualty will





f t•




'L!:=~~~~=~=a",oMortha •


6, H, .,. ..



.. 1I.1I.11.lo, ......UInA.r.;

,..,tl, ,.

rur Tbe Mlanll~Vlulor. KE"LY TO '.YOUNG IlARRY.,. BT 108EPHIIII.

I (1I1f are notlluro and "DCl're; Builf that be true thnu b•• t IIld, Thou .urely ~o.t lOve IDe Cull dur If

I I thou •• yelt. thou dOlt Ion me. Alld't4g 'step i...d aia~ .row.· I'U it" my hind anti h..,,, to Vtee, And we'IIJGuraey to,ether below.



No lon,.,r their ItlnrlHt loo,kl to Nor lhelr fonl( well merltld 11~lae.·

Llo, 10ft. Oll my mother'. brlUt, And Ihel~ Jimn. vOIC:e ia DO Ion..., heard AlJd Crom woridlr carH bav. iODt rut.' Then, O. then .,,111 I tum to th~, And oyer.7H C!yer obey thy WIll. Throulllb 'lifo'. aaennflncl troubled IU,' Jr Ihou -lItltutliWe IAI .till. WlY.ITIIIe. AuptUnd~ 1861 •


IAluhla (rom tbe ,poIt be Ii.. III_ for ,_.hlee,:=::,: DO Ide, of.... . , _hole Ie the .... t1III title af a Dhrl1 toaneea u P,IDeipai 01 . . ift VI 1W~1f tallllll tIiaIi........ Aaeri. . IIt"""'D. of the cIiItrict acboula. AJIIIlllliia







. . . .a.............icdoa,1ar te ........ ~...rl;;;;;;J.i



If. thee In 10Ye I could olll, ,.....t, • I d 'Ieno the rrl~d. or mJ earlf dl,l.



Ft,e la A.II••T, If. ,..

e... broke out In

tb. .tore fir Jame. We.tedll .treet MOIl d~broy~d ibe .lOr, and ItMbl.. Buta JlI1;uill pllrtioll A


gJ th, guucJ. we~ .Iyed, an~..:..Ile


alice will no~ .cover tlie lUll TI\e lurfl8 fi~ brick I,etory. cmner 01 Weeterlo tind Dlllllu. Itreete. and live houlell UII J,lIcing .lre~tJ were deau\,y.1I I:IIWP .... cd 10 be IIID ""orlt of aD Incendlar, A PreAcher kJlleil I. !h .. Pulpit. TIle ~rAlliod(8\ ChurClh at Nl'w Lundbn Pu , WI''' .t uck wilb Ughtl'llon!: un Sun d 'f" tlie l'7L11 I , t l un ( lh!) Ilrl't1t h ~r. Ju IIlIi DJdilly;' in..tH pulRII~ WI\I In llllllly kil· Jel,! a .-v.,rul ... f the audience wore lIetl. Ifc8Ult ill I(untllck). The followlllj( PIlnled pereo"s. hnve boell eleole ~ B ele Oftic lfi In ICl'lIlucky Governor -Luzuru~ W Pliwell. demo crat Liet Governor -Juhn D Thomp60n. WillII' Aud,tor of Public Accounla-Tbomoe S P, ge, WhiG 'lrcusurer -ltlchard C WlntPnmilh. 'VIIII!' ReI/IMler of Ihe Lond Office -Ehsha A Mncur~y, WillI!:, :A tlurll ¢y Gonerol-JIII,nca Whljl Prultlenl or the Bo"rd or fntt'fOl\) Imprul i'me rlt -Duvhl R ,Huggord, Wlllg tlupllrll1wndon~ of Public ondlrucUon Rf,lbert J IJrf'cklnbholge\ Wllg 'The u.glaUJre - W1IIg III bULl! branch t'l In tl J: SeIlBlo.2, 11\ the I:I lIu~e 10 HIU jOrlly Tiorre wo~ IL grellt \Vat fl 0/ powder few n"IitB shire. ncr. ~8 Lllo flnr, III r('lui clOg over Iho D~RlOCrbtic vICl.uI-y HI Ken IU c~ y

}I'ROM N£W ORLJEANB NEW Ont:~I!Ji, .,Aug J3t1, Leller~ rroln Victor Keru Sioll/ord nnil clthcr~, blume Lopez Iur abnlllJullinr CTll tc"dCII 8 COI"rud 'n~, Willch \Vus cl\l,LUred "Vr",,,rClUI offorts are beIng mudc to raisl' re IlIlurulJlenLII (or JApez. \\ h\1 some pr08 p"et uf 'u"(1eSI \\lUll are ploll~y bUI fUII\J~

.re Innlted



nutter. IO ® 10ac Ii glls ~ do~ 7lG Flollr, 01110 braridB. lll I)b1 9.lli@ald Whep!, 6'7@AOc Curn, In ellr anti bulk, aa @S4r. Oot ~, 2tc Jlorley. 60@66c Rye. liO@66/1 While ),ennft, 1? ),u *200 Clo vcr sBed. 80'!'iO@7 01) Flnx see<l. 8100 TllIlothy Fl'~d. ti2.GO llu(-OII Hhnll/deTJI 11 n. 8e gjc tI\> altles, III 'tb. Lard. Dried Pellches. ;? 1m 811lQ Dried AppleK 76 @80e C ht'cse, 8r. CoRee good Rio 9~c Molos~es, N 0 ~ gnl 84c do Augor hOl.\BC 1)? gal. 45 ~ RIOO, ~ 110. ate Bug",r G@tiie Fouthqrs 1'1 Ib, SSe. S~It. iii bu • 24c





RIOT IN NEW ORLF.AN~ I .... BA LT, ••llIE. AUl:ust 26 Chftrle.ton pipe... 01 Ilturd.y. reetlvecl to nljl,hl hftve dellliall;bel from New Or ltD"', ~."'d lUll illit , 'Iftll!~ that II I1l1rly uf Cul"n "~rltoTl. mostlv ,' !e'll'rn d':IIa.JlelI,IeJI bv-tbe .ton8" ClI CorlllR ar(lcles In th.8plmfh p.per, I:,a Pntris. in fehltu,m to Oubll III the al'tef!luOII lit the day attack ~d tho officeJ bruke m tbe dO(lta and dOli. lind dire\\, .prll.. e~. Cl1Slle lind IJ po to 111e Ilrpet ILIIO de'lroyed ev('r$thmg IUIIII;III' 10 Ih~ office There Won no IIIICrfer(lliCC by the po lIel' I he mob IOer demohllung the ollirAl. I!rl'Cuded to the el,ar .lOrt'. corner or 5t Ch.. rl"l and Gravl~r ItTet'tI, broke In Dr W n 81 an-Dear Sir For Ihl! wllldow., and dt"lto'l'e,:ilhe ewell "nd lut thin} yeln I h"e bad OCClUllon te use furnltor~, whu:b Wit' v"ry vtlillable -At I dh 'Ialf p~.t" o'clock tile r!'oten proceeded to mnny lonee. an lite US1l1I tbe ,reat VI ~"" olliee oUhe Span ..h conllul and delllr",.. of Lmlmenta ud Olnl~ont. \0, ed l~. d8llk odice furniture. &e They d. have never found IIIYllllng IIllual to El..:':~'~1':,'~1~t'~:,'~\~ ~rolt!l!' dowri 'hll al'JlI over 110'" anll Omlment lor InJurlea (\n hnret's 1') t'i of Spenllfell .".hich Ihey clrt1ed 10 III the Iillt b,,, month. r have 1I"t. hed aflill '""tin, Which "'lUI bCl", ht'~ In La 0;>1' "yeUI'Square I fout Ollltme/l~ til lome 8Ighly borsea lo~ various InJlm ••• lnd In eyery IIJstance rsECOND DJSPATeH 1 ho.proyed alOvllrelgn remedy , Dl.,.tchn (rom Wew Qrleana dateil IIl1d See dvertiaement nat ;.:" lbat. two thou.. ad mea hid .ur. ~!!!!!!~a~=~~~=~~===== ~h"u ~tr ,,;Iaon that morning "hfOre Ib~?C:~:=t too"'d uJ hd ~a"en refuge. IIlId elllOllih II Dal..- tbe CuaI deIlured up to them. There w .. J ab nllln, police Oft the ~nL The cI,ar 'hope "pt the Spllntlrd, .ere Pt.lrl, III d~.~~ du"!n, the nlgb~ 1.'.h'BIT'lIUhlarII)11C)n' Minute I(Un. are bel PI IIred IQ' laoDor 0(' the murdered "bt'rltort, TIt. bodle. o(Col Cntt ndelll",!d lIapt K~r .... bleb h••e been brought hera from Hnena atUict maar "~Io", aad produce


I., '''I


lIIuC1a '"1111,

TJwI cnlijtl7 b .... been ordered out

~- ttte".QC',


Itm or t~ Sj¥Dlah co6.tte b0U8H



The Qc1t.e.weDt Ipllllt til. SplnJah Cor..ul atoae from hI' rerMAI to dell'., up ....... b'" uf lotlffe from the prl.. who wmibot at Hann., ",hleb hlJd ~ II *!1!~. berore theIr t'XtClltlan, ahd 1;J~:a- &0 blmb, Ute Cltban

=. . bf!:..=llt4 "po".a, lIOIDIIIi!J". on; ...

~ lie _ 1_




,.Ill 0114 11110


. c..-. ................. "". . .i. . ....



INESTIMABLE VALUE. '0 . " . c ..u~ UI\Nt:JtAI. ~)I:IlJ lTV '"11)1041


• • o, • • AI ~D. Ko. lo.,ed ItJ ......



WIIo lolf" fro ......rl1I~ ud ...... tom ooiMIlllo.

...- III

••• """ """ on ""..

,,0&'''''''' oad ....\ ..... .... oU...,. .... OCIall" .. 10.. ,0' ,"a ..,.,,\.1 eoo .. "" &lW .,,10 c'nlan'-t III 1__ .... fI'i1IIa "lICl.r

lol ~

-11, ......

~ . ~\

•....... 1pIII,'" pi • •' _. .~,


f' _. _' _

BY AtFRtO O. OltRIlIE~ ,


A N.lTVnAL nl\lDGI: TIf AL.Uluu..Prure$~r '1' UII\II~,III hlB ",cant geopl'apb. lCbll'Xlllorllnon of tlll,lt SIIlte, roulJd Il bat. ur.1 bradge. fn WlIll!er county, .bj)ut , amIle ,rollJ tl)e mbln r .~ ,!>,Ipc/t rival. lho

l;I\'I'~"',ed ~Ile In Vlr,iula. It span.about

olle hundrei:! lind twenly reet, 'YJiile'· ita



he ever IIIi'd flit all,

He kpe.w no I!D5~ 4etilgn;

eye. "~re rnlher dllrk ,lIud 11111,11. Hlil DOde lUI( IIqul)llle,


He'\lved at pepce YOllh allln,nlli,d, In IrillJIIlslnp he ,~ ••: f~'j

,1 He

mq,delt mer:1 enught to lid And oay il Ita dr8crt; OU m.. hce in hi. mind, No fuflles 01111111 .nl~l.

He had

My with dllJ'erent felle,. (our. T., . pel! correctl,. need. no "'Ire, tl .. heu atnInr 0111 to,'f, Eleven in lebl\h \he nile" III be, qne yowel only J.UII will lee i'~ulII one end 1.0 Ih. lither.

IN r)WJ • p;;;y ~ir,.do bl!' q[uet I wonder what yuu mean, Indeed my illlM~'y r l!I~!1E'1'8 Are .hockll;g to 0 soen, 1\ eil~ldl you ~ver Hear III au bold. mlln 1

A kissl


Deep and .0Ie'!l'1 Ibe !or~!I, *lIh II' nncicl'Il rock. and treel; • 'Till.' tllth,. illocct to wor.hlp- , Il\1iciL. UiW bo lY't;Il\lo. aa' iherrel \






Hero Ihll .r1l81 hand ~ CIf (Il,Ur.dIl11t,rn, d~


" " 11.\l ~~t How .aIIfll- t ~6w ~ gO\l)gl j



<> , 't!tu~ will neve~ '\o!

or nalure,


• 1-

I k,ndl'r Ihink you'l\ get It!' I' , That I ~ : ft lr, If vou Cllnl II I I r

cI brand,


H.I "prribed II gloriou, 18111plu, 1' 0 1 the w/ir.IJlI' of ;"or God




-We .I"t indebted fOf a "alorl"f Jauab In,terelt. tb Dpb(,·



r"h Jl'MlIA, 01 Pblladelphln, a pious I tile IlUclet, 01 -FrIeDlI. 8ho rl ied nbOUI ty yev. ap(1800) about l.Iie ; alr" tiny-five yea.... 811e HaVing fine ilffccllon lor tI\~ rehe. aDd Inelden .. 01 tbo P""\~'



,..&~ 0 ......... Sept. 3. Th. Ch"oII.-. from HMV"II •• ill 11.1 eQlnl1lJr ap., O.D. ¥p"•• nd mOilI or ~ c:omml,.11 hi" lItCD uptuft'd IInii fllfCbl. ed" ,

t.iE(JO~1> l)I~P~T(;U,


, ' , Nt~ ~~LI:AII'I &(11. &, ' , The ,CfI,ro)ltlfl ,r,r l,fd Ihi. ui&tnilltr f~ _



, ,

BUII,I1' of lhe ' pillienlilri b, lll. Chell).


~-... ._ _ _ _~

o::rOur Mercli'a llt. ,.re iuyir,g Itoek of GoOcJ8 foi' , ilie .: F.II Tr1l~e.

l!Io'ion~ the' COl'lnnt\oo .djolirned.



For Iho Miami Vlai\O~• • LIRe.'.rltt•• ,o. 'lie tlcl.,.. of RI.h· .r• •lekIJB, ..... of JUc.lluil ••• RII,1I Mo'~,ow,' WhO died """. ai'-.liOJ. '

Gre.tFlo• • • Ger..". The'det.en. of, o,*", in Wurtembel'!r, 'which ~ared J 'lfeell iq Aupt, ri'~n ia "nUll papel'l, The wbol. 01 tlt,te. w'u vl~lfed al d..reren~ '~"u.der Itorm'"eqllalln vl~,I"ri".. ' '1~ ~ell In tllll trOpic.. 'n!e mOuotain , IIrpob ... el1edinlo ~rrtnl" of 'flIJW'11r Iocit, aod h.ISM. 'J ree•• caUl•• .....nd 1i0ll_ were ......)ed a.a" hITIII' carried dowa lllto tbe I.rr.t '·I~"""'&J wlildi ftCJI\IJ tIIfolib tile ..,I.,._TII. of bUIll1l~f1lre flu '-R .,.It.-'l'b. goY-



u'~ llli~ gor/e to,tltllt, ~nppy, hU1!Ily. lpD~, ARRIV'-A---:U.""'':;'O-F~''''''''''''''-=:':'';:''"7'-'''''' T,ha"hll'~4 ~ b"I~~~ ~bovel ' EMPlRE CI"V AND

}VI.ttr. angel. emu Ihtlf .welt),l ItIlIlIlI . Ol'r\', . or lIe',er dvinC JuYe, " EsecIlltOIl vt', J,olln,COllftnn .. ". Then parent. do nOt 'weep, Nuw YvRlI, Sop~ 6. I'. 111. " ' i. ,.' The IIle8Ult'~ t:mplre all\l C,eo!Cl~nl Ciiy AnoO,er flower b.8 'been pluclu,d fronl Ila\le twill .rrh:ed "I lhill pur~ Jro.a Ih. " earth valli, frorn wbence, IIi")' btlug dllU!' 10 the' , That, I!,llIomed for the.,eo fair; ht 11I8t. · "" ' Dot 'lhfGOd thll~'e c.lled hlab' home TilO ci"~ of li"v.n~ h•• the Ifnntr " To anil,pralae hilll there, 1 of much (nti'lity,jubilelund r'tjoiclng,ll'ltr ... ' three daYI, In \!on~equellfll ~I .Ii~ cap'. ~.'en pllre"l;I dll oyl w.ep. of Gell. ' ~."n ,lid hi .. t"rll"~, the , or which Mllched th." on lite I'i~hl , Wh.1I lell ,di~.... ~e.. on ....111. of the 30tb ul~. AII lhe @rlnclpal buiI~', And ~.lIed ' him to the Iii"." inge of lbe, -~ity wir~ 111111 IIIII{@, ..........-__ Til.' 1I0~er thea d,d' Ind die ~ut lorc~1I1t1al p,roce••iull w.. "I ' 'J'o IilllolD .,alo IJl.PIr•• iI:t!~ , Gen., Lopez wu. lIiken i,n tltt IDler or, " w.nderin, lo~, lind nearly- exhuu.k.1 Then paren.. dll no~ weep. from falip" and huur.... lie ••klld fur I , .olllelbilli to eat lIt • 1.rm hOUH and rei' Saem Det!th'h, Iilnlyebildtil I.y dowlI,wltlch "'" .CCf'd~ .I" The .weet"' of thy flowe,., him; .nd 'while •• Iefp hI! ,\YlII "'lIde II pflllApcf • .,t blm to • brighter world oner. h.t;. more beautlllil tbell qure. or til. '(,:»1I0\\"8rt of GOD. Lopn, IJlle , ... . ' l,unllred,.re now hi prieun in "',~r'lN!, lin· . "' bef) 'plrenta do ~t .e~pl , der' ielittncf, t~, Iro to S"lh, (0' r~~ , •• Ut

C'.tOIHIlt.Or V/Gi1ftIMrc 'lI,d B.,teh ~I..e dllp4ltclatd COIII ..I.looel'l to loqulre thl.DIOU~t or dllDll" IIOI)e, ilM\ tel ellll"'" nr to relieve tIlt w~", 6J 1II. 0101\ cI\'- IIIYlel.~ilOn.









, Hel.,une 'f{oiD el~tb, rorner ,DDt, NO,mote to.mileoa thee, ' . No mure' Lw mIPI' Ie ' IIi tl ,e.~ youth; But [rom paio and lOtto. nbw , , rree I , Then pareat. do PC;, weep. " VII,not'ilIe~ tf'pl. 6tb"I85I.



roo .. /; and all, !IOW

mDr~1, frOllt.clhe ~'"k or Ililll!, 'Llnee,' .nother ~le-'; 'rea,d tlte



Fqr levere'l dilJS" th", Ih't!d upoo tb, leln!' ot' l t1eel; Iht ,ut mellth'ey eI\ w,a Ililhe ' buue or ~d. 1.Q~" Tile, h.d no .r"l. .h.n .aken. ,'he 'remllnder or tI'l eJll!CIditign bl'" either, bef''' ebol or petil/let .nh hllDRr: , '

?-:r~ :b~,;:.!~:~I~~tI o~~:~ !~~~

.'t.eeyiJnll Irom lhe~: .lIle'- Will ~. For ,he Vlallcl . font.nlea to \hli Country. . .. --c. , DEMOCRA'rJC . M.BETlKG. 'J'I", . . 01 t\le Sp.h~h tiooc. JaliJ,bcf\B , ' , uyer 2,000; tlk, .ere, aefe,l-a In Q fry "v-.llnd .Xlct ja~tlce to all n rnen-. ens...em"IIt. · < , -... · .:; 1_.1 esc hill" prlYiltjlelf 10' n6rie-'no' "eop\o en. ' ronn, ••• lui.,... ~t &llo Ileld of 'Ire Ihe :_lTee 01 all polhlc.1 ~"er." ·· ~, hi •••Iunclllg 'ealum,!. ' All who huneed, lielle"e In , Ihe ' prine,. Geo. , Lopes w.. I(IlJ'OUI!G Cle" U Ih.du"elI rottb In die ."o.e mall' tbe lit hllt".t '7 In. of tile Immortll Jeft'ereoD, the<Apoll\le the pt,]lforJJII ur" are Demoer'all, .hlte,er, ~ Utlcal n.... ' or di.t1netlon tll"y mly bortle. Ind are Ift,lted to aUlnil.! , , TIl. meell'lI will be ~lld .t the Tqwn ..h~n WI. I4Ij\)III"'.11id H.II, Ip Lebanon" , two minule. "1I.tWo 'the ,prioion. b'- ._'-,..." ",....ple.THir, .Ul, .... 'lilY. th.t In' PO laltlaM 4141 the Crlol.. at el.,"II' o'clOck, A ••• ; for lbe purJl:OM manireat th. IeUt.dI.jli?altl", 10 lIJ1,, 'tlle~. oC for.III,,, mON ' petfed orpnludori. Th." Empire, City brillp " ~~r••d far ~ ..1ec&101l of calMlidate. to ur- fr0i:b.~t.D~ II' fro'll Hulnui." ... f)' out the abote. priDei,I". upon whld! brl bUt little lpeti!e. die, ",~.eaci of oar Clorklde la.t1tu~ e '" .IeD. arrived Il lI'.nll." f. . tlonlllO.eNf'nOllly4ipeed. ' C".~ ~ 'Il.t, wllb 190 ~ ;J()H~·A. COIlWJN and GEORGE E. p r.. ' . PUO.H, Eeqrt., hl".,beea iaYitednd ere The ElI)plre <!1!1,bilnc. a I.,.. ~I" ell~ted to aUlad IJid addr... the meet- maU. , I..,. ' , Th••1000 o( war Alba", .....Ill • . GEQRGE KESLING Hiyona. ~ BAlIIUEL PERROn, , , 'Alnon, ttlII! lilt of prllOn.... at ' Ranli O. W. 8'1'0)[£8, we ' lind the "ollowll\Jr .~.• _~ 'J'IiuIM& JOHN 8. 8IMONTO'N , £lttl• •" GIOf1e WTIIM l'ia11a4et;biI:.. A. G. McBURNEY' I ..... Frl""m Oblo' &ob~ " , c.tawr, D I ' C C It' . ., H ..1.. • _ .. ''':''11' ' ...... II~ _.noe"n c 'lit~ UGlm~. ..... • ...,.,tt.ou ...... liira , • ". 1.~' ''''blnon, September IO~ 1861,. I(y; Wm. HI, 'Ii MIl T/lOIiIu r' d W H a .... (" 1011._ • 1.

"""I"".,lu;' only JIl ,b., 1111. • on fhe .~I.1II

be conftMd;in t~e don/ieun': " . 'f The prl.eoll.rtl'ep~'8tnt ,thlt , "~ir au(; , fefll\l'I~(orQ ,lItlng \,lIen wero IntenlK'. ,




, • , '''' ,.' N ~u"., III their be'bll!f, ,w:u '1!!r pJelljl

I~ 'lIliJee'lIh;d , IIO~ .Dd , 1tOlben

Anti milch DOW 11aII\ upon

, B)'Se':.~~k~· primary e!eetloa beld b, lIIe Whlgl • eOllal,. (ID that 1.,1r wo U·I)lII',II.1 ~ get. eorreet _ . ' , , ~W. p~lbllab 1..1. week,tiaeproceoldInp of, Ibe DlmcK1ftliC Sen.torlil .Cull. . , ' ,enlloD,held ' ! JIo~."







£111\ to 1&1ID ••ul1plJ of aooda

b1lllwltb lhelolnllWtlllDOUIIt DC taIIe 7, 14,' 9 lind 6,1OU larel, thea UDeqeo~ flU'bt prieN leli lhe "'i11 Itt: ~ !a hallll .ner all bla purds.... T 'h lt '7 3 ~ !) willi I) alld 16 i. alwa,. "'Ide, II, tlMl .01 wllb. to tilt, it bacll with f, , Ith . ' • hllilj ~n4 ...·I0.... whlt Ita lou lIi1OW':' v~a wIDe. ... . .... bow to iDeese. it. He -, ~, " 1, I woman OfleD - ; mal" iIAtIli ocUred "'. . AMlI, 11, a .... 6. with Jo, ..... .r.ce '"" wlatH than lit LoQia. ' O'e...,II'" ,IIIe,llIef he to la,. It la , ' m,*NJ 10. J6 IlODlbiDe4 with 9"./111 '7,. tlflD ......... oC IlealJ JI: o.e VQ.1d1oa 1.IWftIIft Ia of\onliillld '&o


utle........ cwW

eell ............. bDt




.iIl . ., WIIat...... W. . . . . . MId .....



Whlc;h .bowed the pluullih ClII8e wu bot .. btnn". " ' . " , 'St""';.' e ..1tt or dlr- WI -!lior





t_l "



" ."',

The c:IreulMtaaCOl .1 IIw OlIN _


'Are i:a,lcul.lAId





nll'ccllhe mlact;

end too mue~

III'l.'cted to estr.ct further, though 'We might 1111 one \.hI paptir, with 'he beilu~'1!ii of .l..I. H .. , ~ be Ih v....'Dle. o ...,.r,.e.Of all w t , LlT:BR.UlY K~JCf:s, a4moilition 1II., III putclllllll th. work, ..,.... penuo it fo~themeel'K . Sur'eJor:-L. Hatton. , M&in:oa tor 'Sept.mber h.. been CO,U,a.AfllJEY. lallnDl", Dlrft,or:-.1ohn Done Tile n. .ber Ie omllDuted by r ' < . . . . : . t" I ' I t I .• IL_ Old Fur The All"';l VJ.IIOr. A.oiua JaIlJ!'r J.JII»:~'" Cath.rine :. uclU h,U ell ...... • ..IU,TOJUAL H ' a .1.t1-....i...ed _"_. -~t1U1f HOIIII. aWjlle one dol 1M 1,8Ir. life, ...._-.. _ . AcJdrHa,8t.yel,&McCail. No, Jt .... SI. to ..oat ........ a~1 the r.r elIDed ...d PbUadelpbiL, ' , The COOY@lrtlOl) to IIOpDlnate ~ ,.00.... '1111oJ.' will ...~ Europe. 1\ it , -"- " . ctatlo C........ for BHaOl', Ibr the DIeaakI, darlae tlaillllOAlll. for tllie Ta J ' Sr . ' •__ .I-nl ,"-, _~ of Wmen Buller ._ lad i n able troIrIpe or .DUn. AT'-. . ., a • .-aut! , RIft al KODroe, 00 lllie doIIbt 'r _ _bit we Democralle 1~lper, pIIIIliIeIetI la lndilDOpuf A...-., ..... herllO ~ L.,;t tIIa _..... 11 011., COII!fI Ii. 01 lliia .110.4....., .. DfW ~ "A. ... ..... or , v~ t~w I type 8acJ. to It. or • cordill ~.., .... e l l l . . . . · ___


w '

. ._

,. "


.!.... ' Uur

actttIIIn .en ..... -tiT.


1("'~,,, ••

............ ~_•


WA8HIGTolJ,' , W ..111. . . . . . . .( I. QIIciaI"',.~......,.N14 M ,ilIe 111..,•





y.-.., ,..

'I ~Dl eo....... Plett oflM &loot or • • AI....,. IIadiII ~t" ~ o..rP PIur.ADau lIlA. S. " lie yIal~ 16 01 the A III. ~ The 8 ...""ah pepen, .... eOaftaad a' Haft........, . ..... ....tal .. or th. hew. received bJ tile .illa Ca,t. 1Ce1., ud. ._ . . . . , . rro. • ........ ~ h.. I ....... . - G.It. BIOI "U kRlIIII 111 tbe ktae tin ...... ftC 1M ......till ItftIa ., C_IIoIa. H. IIodJ ... alooe. IeDt ..,. Gea. ~ .Ub a I!J elf" IrtIce 'l'lte .lo".. die Bpuilh Q••,. "I'M ...... cllJ .... ... ... ~ ...... _ at Ida ' ....... oa ...)_


Ree.t... II, 'lae ........,..


' ........ ............


... ..,.. •• -

' ~n.

eQmpIUID~I, tltis r~med,


EXT"fiACT Q ....

l (l'!LLeW ' DOCK AND

pre·cmlDl'nt In 411 dl8enael ~culI.r to lhem, luoh as fiuor aibull or whi~8. falhbg or the womb. difficult meDstrUIl' in(4mtiuence of urlDe, geDcrlal pro.· tration Gf lht! syatem. r l See advertisement 11\ llIIothar colulI)n.]



Till OIIl(lIN"II.'''O uNLt 111.'''UI'''' IIlE1"IU~IO N FilII TilE r.1llI11" ~" ~tj lll .1


I..ll-' 1' IIE [.UNG S

Whoat. $ bu. CVi'n. l' ..

Burl£'l, ~ ~ 0,t8. 11 doz. Oat&. 11110


l"lour, 1? Ilbl.


:tI liu.

Apples, II


,1\l doz.



Rio ColTt!tl.,




Feltbor\!\ ';jl'

1ft Qll.ulT lIOTTLU,


Dutter. 1lI II> Egg8.~ doz J.tird Loole, if iii. 1'01IltpC8.

OQlll\l" U~I'~U

which to v.gor ' I.el ~II ",h" Wldh lO IlIIrgo Ihe 1I1.,0c! (r'"1 Ih. Im(lUrlliu! conlraclud Irom Ibe (re41 InaolgQlleo 91 Ih. "I'll "'0 4111.1111[ .h. \\ jrller ~.) .I 10 ('f(l"lIru Iho QYS\0I11 10 reelet lunllllur t'IJldCnllCll, rClurI now 10 "UII) 8 011'. Flrl'lI~ 0\ ) ' 0)1I01Y Uoek arid lIr8upnrllla,' which Ie provlIII{ liadl nil nnlluo.e rllr mallY "I IJ,e ili.~IIII~llllfll"ll ~I~~ ••(). Ihalll ... h Is hulr 10. lind Iii y flOVer 00 iH~al)po\nlc!d. lor In \hl~ rem,j'Wlhu public Inlh \'08 ,,1\\ or \\ avuradflever CM wa' ur. for it 18 IUlllloIcd ''''llCricnco They (If, fruIII ~1l11 6rnl ~rlllrnm~ 10 Reek hope Ii(~ alld vlgl.r from 11111 Purlll), V~ol~li'\t J( ~l1l u,I)' , lloro/llfo h(l\",vor IImltoll aU1I1\ I" hObll\IIIIPct 'JlJrtl~. lI()w~vor Illntllslllll~ lo ~bUIlIltlIl a',\I'o~" I'r~. lo! 110 bne dC_ lIlli, u, rCC\JvolrYI l\il III, pal!uflI IIlIly ull(\llwoud ,1111\ 11116 hl'l.e QI "hy ~!e.1 ¥<!& lurullllllllj)8 billy III " YuY811 1'# lh· Irftcl ~f YcIlOw '.\}Clyk anol:!ar8ullartl)Il." I.pr81loilo Illm.,/br hI IIfu'. dU ~d , III Iry I~ l1i1d we 11() Ilc~llauJIl 10 IJrcdlcllllg h l ~ s\luedy ro"I"r~tI 1\ iu h nllh ,

1V O\~L




. .


l'nOOt'r VIlQOftr pnOO.Flll /:1' ,LIXK IIIAGl y l 10411111.,--111010 !lvl.

VOIC' froln

deuce !I


Sugar, tI lit, 8l@lIc, llaple. do I ~ ~c. ~~w Orlelln. MuluBCB, ~ pi 60c, S'lIr1" "HollllO M\lla~e,. ll-1111. , 601'. }b(!1e AJulpeae •• f. gal. 40c Pepper. ~ n., 1ge. A II~JlIee. 1? Ill. • 19 • Wlutc1.f!,b. 11 bbl, 88:()0 Wlllte-6~h. 1!l hl(·bld. ~ 00 tAlkl! Hllit. l!#' blil. !l.S() Ji'lfllt St'od " bll. 90c• Ne~'VrJeDn8




·",urw ann.

\( Ille r('ador "Ill ~h~erl'e, ho "ill ,,~O 11111\. ,II 1I01lfly all 11808, Iho ,,011011\ /111, evory Ilhy, Wofl wllllin 1i18 rUdch. 01111 II prJy ~ o ry te lll ~iI~ 1 bUI "htu he bil' quon Y~Il/jw Ul1Ck Inti dafaflllorIU., lhu Gllro IS illlllll'titute

..., ........




.;,p. ;lJ ~Oll,


Fruur, Ohio bro!ldlJ.1? bbl,3,20 \Vb.!!\lt, , Corn, III oar Dnd bulk, 31 Ollte, 1I1ie. 1i6c. Barler· Rye. liO@66c. ,lI,oo, Wh'te benne, ~ bu.,



811 ,60 ~·1,()O.

Cluver 881\11,


TlntOlhy-aeed, U~II, 8h9ul#e,l'. 11 .' do ,lIIet" f. n.,


Uried Plt1lchell, Dried A pplell.





1I c. , 9 c.


ColI'ei.~ Rio. ' )101_1, N. O. f. gol. ~o ""ar hou.e, ;!! ",I.,

Rice, 'f. 11., Sugar,

; '1."0.

811tS tOile.. 8~.


a.tq, 43


Fe.theft, ~ 11., 8&11, ., bu.,

ralionl no .. 8'r ANSBUY.


nacc.l>cltween .'rom I"d Second IP


All a Fqlllille Me.J,~!ne, !he dIedl"! Pror...

810n it. Ihi~ nnil o,hor cllivs ill welt priV.I.

lIn1etu:!! reeulfUfluflIl nnd IfM J}(t i;! I), ~OWI!l'S SIli\KER 8AR8AU! IUr.J.. A. twIll mb<:r It II Wlrrlntod 10 be Pur· el, alfd Cllllr Iy Veil lablo, tu,d u 'fem~l. 11I4l Innllly If.. JlclR ~ It '110:1 liD eqfll Be Illra,. . enquire lor Dr 0 1I0w6'. S)IQ~.r~·


nill" l\fld lake nO OIlier

For .. I.!y J. IA.

I\.&::I( No 1 Culleg. flail. W.lrllltS!'; Cluda: IIIU O. 10 WI... 11I .11 onlet' fltUIl II. Itlar~ . ~18I'I


Rot.e~(. '"

Brother. W'YI1,...lIIo: ~ .

8 WrlJthl and "'Ihn E IUU1l1h~1j. 00...... , anon1 ]\1 a. J Wrlgill ::>\Irln,"er~. It ,.. Sl.mll BlJllbrook, 14-1 (



A..... I.{... Camplal.'" Jou",ll"o 0ti ••_.,JaI_~ 0i00r4.1II..r ... AI., II..., dJ

IItIa, Lou '" At>PetIle,' r.o.e,irila. N...'. . . . . .. ..,It.. OWdln_, ""rrilallo8 01 til. II............ aell hU_ a(\V... ltl al do ••_ ...... all fIIItoa ',"-~.""ltr" 01 .... ~Il._. ..... • hl ........ 10 ...."' .... and ...... lite , , -



JonlJ D PAIIIt. Cancillnatl, OtA,o•

rAierr, t>~.r Jr--OU11.UI.:y prf)(U51~'od and tlHler hnlna)bell 01 111ft! Ih~ ,e~'l.In« , w" COnllllclely

"Ito ..... ,'"' • ..........1...1 ......... My will _ 0... At eftlo," 01

INESJIMAS",E V ,ALUE:. I •• ".. __ ., OElfd,\ t. DEaILITr, I", ~ .... ACtI ,.11t.: A. t;ILUl'~!

• • • V ••IL • • •

. . . . . ..pretttlee to aDcJ,lller-'18i11". I'd-a......, work f« "1 1- oW ••••• '\YilT 10 1' 'Recu. . ., II-. 1'OIiDd 1M _., IDterf••

* ....

. . . . . . . . . uw..........•

LAlla!: ASSORTMENT of UWER 011 ....... .... lOr ..Ie


blY mead» boU,ht It.. olle bottle of Mr

llIi rile ajew Dla tim", &II "', e.)UlUIlIIK "hieb ref_11OiJ 1\10 v~rv mudl t'rorll r'l'!ill)'ar!: Iller. fe,.. day. 1 " .. ,mllbl.t


10 filII My .pjlt'tltd l\IId my dlg.,.,lon kn4tw ",<II I rcrov",od It '8 10 Dr W .. tar'• bI_ lulI uf I'roVJdOOetllhn, 1 owe my rec:.ttV ~ r)' ...ulM7 ce_I/fIilll... atltmlng C!011tptalat., Con umptlon, tll'lllad lor yran .... ret """,,..,.m4. V,tI_ ....... .tIe 'IIW been .,aiIicatN 'roIR m1 and I do most aarnoell), ~f'OlrCnl wi" .ertIIn. . ~ .... wile . . . . . . . . . - DOII!iII9 OoGltllllpl}OII. '" blDko trilll 01 Dr Wislar', hne lull 14l11h in illl *Iuriq Iham "" heallh ·l'ru!y. fau"'l -Sr··...

._,.and ...... _ ..... ...a_ ....

...... 1.... ho


Ch~.jal~08 .,,,1 my' J(lolld. IIIJ';'1<I. I,llo,.o1 deal \ M'& lew dtly. alll~t ",!;leb were lIllaulcl, 10rlulI"lI II) m" .""oo"lu'lIlmn


lI'OII..IIll. -... .... __






M. HBNLEY ... c....... ~c:o"" Wa. . Sc., W.,-Wc, 0., AWl. I' IMI, c:.taIroIot 4iM1Itp _ _ _ til .Welt " .. II..... II ..a.8OL8 LEATIID 101 aat. " .....1iMe ~ ...... " III........ ' .. lIENLEY, . . !'del II 1111t111'W t.p,...... A... l'J~l. ~ ...... I1l"TClI" rr. N. Y.......

, ~..!'ttllld


I ",. pt!ulne Wlal&r .. f.aI ___ 01 Wild. Cherry I\U. 1114. I nill. of I I • Willl!t M. lJ ~ l'bl1"11'1t11. SlId "Stmford A l'a.rk." nil • fanelr, flJOU,,", per. no o&ber _be ,e1IWII6, ",Price " per t.eIllCl; ~1lI1oU1I at lor P



YIUOW~:Dao5:~.i~:K~D~~~~;i~ t, ~~I~

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g" still

Fla cO.!i..... Ja • recei...


I. R. "" S. D' 018 • nd .n.JIBh (I ,ODS. onlll

.,'" 1111

tll.t ..

IfalUul:ft, latJ. ~_n. ::rhelr:toc . IITb~r _1IIf11Jl' 01

Ih' .pproadD a•• IIIaI .. ano' f.U 10 llIlt

"I hrcb_ LADI BB DREB 8 GOOD S .


"ronadl _Lt!'- noll. LlIfZ1C .Dd well Selected; wOll8t1ncin pari or 8e'q".de .iAtn......Silk WWIUI. GUlIilb_'nI., Prlu ....&. •. Poplins ploll! .nd liilured. D. Lam.. , Palaled lind ,,neb . . . " , • lar... ¥IOCk. or SlLKfI. . PLAIN AND ,FIGURED BLACK A.ND· CHAMELEON e comprl. l.,. Aplar. ~1.a.I'y i.ateo WEAR S EMEN' OENTL of n,iely Th,lr Ulk. 8&lln. l'·onc;y' &Ilk. 1\1.r· ICln. l!!illllil,h. f'rollch ani! BoIlgian.lJloll18 or all c,llu!1l.m l price.; rlney OU81mer... ~~Ii"_II. TW"'I1*. J.anl. Dr.p·d.· ••met, ... d WOruled Veallnga r 81k, and . ul' Ele. Cuhwore ts. 1Irown :Lln .. na. ,91,0., ~c. . And a he.ulUul







ASSORT ED Ut1ALlTM°:Rrr~Z::8, 0Ad81M EkE3" PL~'N ANI) ~"l'JCY



. b&e.


row·.ory rich Tll • • • ED 8JLK BONN ETS •

.1,1.1 nf 811',w .nd Flnrenc,! tJoo



Tu 'libo,••QOd' c\l'iIl be mado .lo order uil • , , hon nOl i~•• In '~rl~r lIyle1 and wlrranled 10 • ~ccord"';il•• nd Jew.lry~and WUtA'Il. . TS, BONNE SILK )c»LAIN fil. and will be .old lor cun al lower 'I'ric:el . HOL;LlNGSHEAD'B , . DEARDORF~". UCKER. Palm Ihlln ev.. r before oll'dred In llila inar.kll. 4tf Lllballon , 1850. . ama, Chin. pcarl. 81n,Ie 11111 ao~\)\e brimmed Lelllhorn r,nd Ind a I.rle Itock of Hit.; Pan te c.1I FVIl JlAT& A nicc' olpek of rich PAllA·e 1'he "ublle ••• reepec:lfttlly .elloited lie.r.• nd the·· ne ... 8pnl!& 1I! lo of 81Lf( &. " . llS. Ooollla,1 Ihoel. Hardwar lad , .. mille lor Ib~lneelv.... LOI~ BONNE T RIOOO NS, FLOWE RS aod DOIU}E 1~I, . ~ . Marcb iUe. WOYllen St. Main ",arkel. and oeuon Ibe 10 ullcd l lollda other mlnY IUd Cutlorv, .nd ~. 8i,o of Ul. OBIGIN AL Red FI ... '. . II. E. Corner of MI'in and ~nrth .1r....1•• W.yn cl vllle~ . . . N'~RVOU' DISKA• . , " April 10. · ~I . BUIIIET Jlll'IG NEW II reooly·l n.. E hue JUI! r_i,1Il and ~MlIII, uNllIea II ... ~ our new ltoft!! roon,' 1 . " • • YO" . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ••• orlm ..nt of Dry II . . Ibe ni. 10 0011 on At.Lt:N &. EV ANS. LL who are in of Clallap Goods Iho uld not rail . ,.......... ....n '" QA"TA flllI¥'_ "0401'11 ' ' . ' , • , lb. ::iiln ,f Uta "41011......... .' . . . . . ....h '.E.....~ ... 1•• UIllI......... .. M . . _ . GOLDEN BAL~. • ti...... ~i"~ eJ ,A. .... ~ THEY or, nuw In r.collpt 01 ,berr liprl", ."d liummer Slack, o.lecl8!l

&uelld jlenon.U y to rep.lrlna Clock,'


,.. ..1iII_I ..... .. ., ...


",_10' "'" I.,.. C-,,.,,, •••......, """-.I ••• _.tIh1 ........."".1 ...IIe"" "".'u_a . -.... ••IN.'" ••.


Do! (or the 'Go lde n B"I I.



cOla/,ur .bll, g-

... . .

It eublcri.. .,. rIIII.,..lO o_"I_ a ..tilt·

1'IJO ..... Da.OIllllSTm'8 QALl'A 81TPER IOK TO AU .1IfOWl \f ' Clllc.·ol PHILADf}LPHIA AND BALTI HORE, . • /in~ REMgP Y FOR DISEASED EYES. For tI~~y •• (,I~i ·1:Ji. markel. Ihl. !' broua/lIl, ever m.ltlo. ,!ne of Ih. belt CLNWiied tlluckll . M AGNE .TJ~ "LUI_D,. . . .."n ollll.' dollellte or~. "heth. ond Cb~m.l.ou Silk.; I urkl'Sol· •• Incil U bloc" Brotatlc Cbemi. ~onOl" ul Dr.... C,ood I blhlllll)ltI b I" d S i d - ~. Co U,t' .lIb 110. ,_ . "rftcl .......""'" r --.. .. r acute or chronic- for £cypllu 0 L n. D. ' 'I I' • or '''IL an 01 •• w atlon. \leU Gilllo ru , alii •• Ner uru; a Optic Iho ...... r nl .. .. r 111_ "' - - Aluny UCOI • 1o" .... r"'.... \ ..... " n. "' .. O"lnf, l Gllnd. Ion . on 01 .L e"'llla re. • . elll th:Lidl- Uicer.ll kTilllur. f:lll d ...... ernbrold •• Musil" Crape s' Aruliclal ' • • • • • AI; • • • • 10 ....., '. . UI. . , Bonnota, Ribbon •• 18~1 .. ALl:!O Hun•• rlan Ponrl Straw•• C.lIfornl a .nd Silk. WIlYne"SIIO. March and wOlkn_ of "Ialon florn .ny CIU"O. . 1t....tb. .'''.1M _ .......... ..,. 11,1........ . . . Sha",I,.. Wool Thibel and Ibree or OllwrlO M_Appl y the laln IWO ' me ... elC. elC. .I.ENNY ,LlNDU 'fH E\ ' have ,1.0 • rou Ind .. I.nllv. I ..orlmenl or Clothl. Call1 .. tea Il' Nil. I. All 0 ... Ie '/TI, C.AII'J. rA.~ VIti·~·' tlmo ~_d..a, JO • Ilia .e"e1Idlt'. el~. and to It. .bort. tltock In Sbuea; HE lubec:rlber would .a, 10 Ihe ClIJ ... nl 01 AIM .lId 11"o11 ,-HII8. S·I·UFFS It . 8UMME ' D'"".. IA of IflDl\I&I'I'lO • IIHII1.. I..... ru~bt~ "'Io.}>y the of 6 ' ent 1 . theic:orn 1\ . ..... inlende. '11 ed he !hI1 chea". LY Vicin"y. aud allt"IIU. .01. e8~lIle lur " LL·· KIIID" "1'11.111'1" 'lfe W.Yll or A l 'on ,on y 'II I h II. nl" UIlIII aU"l"rbciil. in whlcb .CUT" .... CHaoNI~_OOUT. to "n , •• &.. co IIlIATIS! Wh~a you come inlo ... l pl'I'CH Iha preteul .... on. to .uppl, theOl with the 1A00 I!~NIta. N_YOU a TU~OJIa I'ermlt u.m . n ,o&i" 00. and .11 • Ii 11 I. advi e1e,.Jllllf ~.I .. 6f .. Whe.1 10 ••· •• I. &1:.. rtTA1'ldN 0' 'I'lfli, III:.A.1'. APQPL O"l" V I you wme 10 Ibat lUG 'OOLOI!IN BALL. IhM J!1S'l' j\lutlon. S'r<lOllll ~" EXECUTED NEATL Y'" PROMPTLY ~~.nlilY. lin lIeel a,lonll\lC , pua ... jUlt lJhole bathin, In •• e, the a.~ 'I'D · .. pr.'IIuce ""rn; ,110 lbeleml'l AliI. KIN O.:i 01' lonl. and • • 1 low aALOI.&; 'AI", . . . . . .DIl ... CltUT.evaI'£. ' AT ' 11I& . Ihi. Country .1· nOVelr r..,..llt! .It II the beal advice we can Ii". vou. Sr~et. 1~'" 01 :;ila CO"'14 .. ~ide. l 'II"' •.• Wel ,"T In the aa1n. ~ ·the Ii......, ('ffIll Ibe Inner III IN. 70U will ·marltel ",III'" oJMIn COM,,,,-IM I""c' HI, eOlll'&..\I ..... ALI_";N &. EVANS. Main tftiCt!. prl_. hI. mOIl TURE", out~ anele oC!t' .,., o~<n;the lid. be care· buUlhll llb" "i,beat mnrkol ' 'VISITOR OfFIC E. . un WednHd ay. Iialur\lDY murolnc In till' II 110. ' 11:1 DItUI. o.:nCIEH CY or " •••0" • h 18)1 , 10 llie Golden 0.11. Waynt,n ille. O. Aprill';l o lballeDd u h~. arids!:dl '1'110 lubocrlb· oM '!lYlICA L I!.N~.O'.'" oJ! N"RYOU 'DiIIIteel. u.u~.':!. Jl(Orl!l 1~~~~I~b! un 0 Slt . rl . Pork·Hou US1' neehJd ,ad ror •• Ie. ~... arllcle ,w"" CIIA.L ES d.E.R ltTs. .bk~ e. would alau advioe ,~ ~U,"omf'''. thai whll"• ~, CADWA LLADE.K &: GOOD' 8 W , Co,. _'" (fawellcti.b anil,olll, . • E ~ C HAN T T A I LOll, L1lber•• re I"-rlOnl&ill, ,,'" . ~wltc!diAh So0Xij ler ......... 1', ville. Hr'.r Mala iuid North Strecte, - .~ Ihelr , .l.UU , CADWA LLAD£H' .. GOODE. .... H to ...... Ian'" '!", LITI'L V " I"-Ironl illllllina ~ .,...,... hi. of le.llin, .nd atlentlou callillc uULO . . . .lOUR BJ.ACK '''''1''. O,;'r .... r"11JlIIIU UclIduuXh lor "'OUI of thl! luMlant l.l. of lIfo-pai. of lllaiD .nd North Sfrl:ell Way!"... NE.YOU I COIol,L" I.' ~ ope· •• bi to ,ener", pub\lci" the IIIId , ....... lb. ...... PA. 01 .... rlt .nd MI ..~,_ /• ..,' .., I~ HOUSE PAINTE R. UL";z.lE R· "'''unlll' '1roQI~o billl lad ),OU Ih.lIl1.e un II .. oel.~!*1 ~nurUIl~nl fJ,f. lhe 1111)11 1, k'_nJlO ' .tW• P'1IiIIro'" o'~.1 oJro", JOI~ L, ., ' HORN. laf·lIlb. PER HANGE R, wi" prump~)' .ttend tu rlor .• nd ".11 .IW'''o:J 1e.~I, land. 4th, June d.,. Ibe_ 10 .Ulled cl>IlI!" 01 falhionab l. yarlclI"!' ...... I" otn..-tloe nJq. U(' 'i.l.........11.1 ... .... Ir, all o.iiera In hi. lIito of n..llMncc oeUOD. 9; 1~1 . "t,y oen. . . "tUna "ill rUII U 1011I.wI, I ... .......... EDllwb 1blo· " German, ppI"~' . . . . noeli. . I' . l . O.h iJ!e1.uctillj al S 20 0 .. lit. corae. 01 ~rd andT,le r ~". W.,n.. Le.", lb. Dopo~\ on I:AII . ',..,.1 ,U·eel. M. ..I oM ..... ...........1....... !7,1~....."".. ~U Inll AUle.!~n 8roadCI"t~black, blu. brown lO-:Im lor and it 4~ . t>. M., r. !IV ........ ~' ,lIIe.O:· llld uoltll, .• M foriN. .. ...... lru.r • ......... .... C II ... WARE ~ ··, and ..... GLASS plain colo~; rancy ond . • ,. • , MIltOrd. Foeler'a Crooolo, •• ~r· Aj;AUT U'UL I:!took .. ",br,ei" " a ,real oIool1oll)' ... ........ Sattlne'le . all wool .nd union "'II'eeda. Jeanl, t-1.lnyi!le Ancient, Frf'epofl. Corw'n ' • •• with an" wilh· di~he lIerK, . . . . . . I!HUtI .... , ul n'IN" "vly .. IIntin Clnd wllonade Pint.luu no"., "atin SU ..·• tioold • •\lurro;', ForI Xoni •• Yell." uut coyufOl Molul.a C.DI. OUlOr.; t1pri'!J M.nelll.. ·.D.. lancy Wonled Vea\ilta • • "im (W'yDft, yiHl'd e.. · etta.h e CAI,U1 ,;. C:latiitt .ad t;Is,lnn&\Mld. ."Ie lJlDdl.. 'iclll • iri•• ol .u. "Indo. ,e1C. ,etc. AI~ reaily . Bpri",a 30 A. 'I'umbler . 0 . e~ 10.1. ...... ill . &c•• -wlo ilia. IIIlIIt~rteiI Koi,ur'nin.; Will iii... SlIrinlllielcl .16 ... filii , .", iAijlelJl.t la •• priccl; ~reom •• buwl . II . . . . . . tI • t'l'chen. I..IOlbln, ,,,bieb he will ..II., tIM low"" ril-.HO _ M _ A. ., IS , .nd (; U P. M., anll Xem. II!> . b,! JUII opened and . • Iiber.T dlocuunl un c ... a 1l1Ala:, . . ." • ...-, uti .au... ~nl ..a. • _ ...... • ' M· 81',' IIDd M. Co. 1'. &. HARRis . J u· &. to H. .. 1. urn dl ,,\ . prelluw' M. liE, Ie N.,a ....nU ~.Iatoll ...... !M1d1.1i So,·im.Ii,,1i1 6:10 A. M. train _ ' ,Si,n ot lhe Rod., Fla,. ,6. - . .... ...1 and : l .lICute.lI orOo" In H. line,. ia ,he n., ....;.,..... ,A, ..hI,/A. I.t,._ r. M. tr.tlin Iron_ "1~\C!~D~ ~~. 18&1. April " .... ~;\._ _ .. moel aoproyod .nd Ilohiona bl. de. ;.,;" 'ff ,At " .... , . . _ " !!'tf lh. ..... u train d"\fuCh , "... _ ' _ ~ ... hot 0, ...... ;,u..,y ti'-Ilenal. lurnlhlnll :.k It.Uroacl '" l.Iulralo; ~, .....",,~" I., .all" ..... IDI..._ Dom •• '-t·.ull l hi. CUllmer. , • o. IIo.a lJoilIRlbu .. .. tI _ 01 I ..... ' Irailll ALSO .n loeonme Rt of Mayhew '. luperi·

In(orml~ the publioher •• lId iho piper I. :~~!: A "ii:~:=":~~r~!..~:r. 'n th... 81.... b.1 H1lt to lbo fgrlll'~ cliftel;loa. abeJ .... hold re . AI , "'D hiiYeoted Ill" (tolll .11 ae- .~nilble. docidjed lblll refud/llr to . Tila CoDna~h.y. --_ .._..... ,'eI~ tako. .... ociintu. it ...~. . ..:. u u.. II~ffiPr!' or peri~ cal from (or, n'.opa ... _ \ uacalled 10yin"l .Dd F belli iD qllllll.il1 ~' r.mD~lftJ Pft"'1q eUior f'" 'ci ~"d _.. m. ' •. • eVl tlDe"o 1!f't'£l!TI0Il4~ ''lUnD. hal dI'ec4 aU tbio a_ , . . CI. . . ~a"UpcNlllit ho. . and foreieP


.,at., ... W::.-

. .,t pre'M IlI datfrlllil led, oa"J~'~~ lie

. ",

I. _


,me AUru ....

.... It


. . e""..'.:ror"!


.. '"'• ...-:-~'1 ~e.L~ WIU. wa ' ..r a c;9D.wenble • ,~ " " " wiD lhe ol~ ud lor.. .cline lj ~-. aad , norc;wop lUt ..aooIt, daat h.. beflD beld enr oaac_ l of lOw priCft. *111 be 'ren. ' la ..... eo.paratl.." • ••1........ There.. a\ ~".U CIIa.rlm"" aaioUal of , t .. _a'~wb... iD ' " OouDfry, Ib.t hu' nol ,,, .......,lIed,aa hJloD which tho 1"0Rca,. will probab ly..., a conllden .bl.


"'vw JII.'

1-. ........,. RooM lbe

. .n----'In.'

"It.~bela •• 'diln, ... III u.tI II..!... ..!., 0".":'-

1:. .'





..'. . . . . . ·. . "'·m ...


AIA,. '''I'I_


.n,."" '!'MoiI.,.._



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10, .,I•.


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.... 1Ii.. m.,bt,




,~ to



_11\ _ _ _

ijI'j_",. r-r-_~.Ik't



I..bonablll Hall. both lilk· aqd blp. .• An illura qualhyr Uli Ladl.. SItIl..,.. .ud Scil' . would d.1\'ell nd. warllD..... on ....wiobiJtR. oOd . b....alltO ~!!::~~'~:·I~t!~·: an , e01. 10" ~AII I~ I!rtllll!lIm ·il~~.~~ wi. la ad·

t.:lev"land. ,&'c. , .nd frem Clollinn traill X.nia.lrI M: frolll A.lralo lRl lb.ll 1::.' and o .110 Calumbu iJutfuio ~Ia 'I'hi. tr.ln

cum ·



couaa .I;SYBUP, ,



• ·or


.~'If Dec.• 4th '60. . Uai, ,UAllaV 'N 1 X L r.. lOr.ti", jua' ,_hell .nd lor ,.Ie :;;;.j~'wi;.. I~.~ by !beull I have ...8!l il my.etf Ind .u~criber no b..ha.ncy lu reco'llllle nding ra IU "n . ,B., II. RAY. on~.

T It".





..... ·f)~


aad Coach.... run in connecUue,. of 'lOwn ll . 10 tho lollowlul . dun ,,!,ilb III. UII'I\. lrom ' Dec(liold. ' WlImll1j/lun 'nd UI.,k.~ ille; 110m .\lorrow, UllIh"h,a nd pulnlS • bu.,,; "UIII ,I!IIIIIN and l1_1.lon. Irllm ISI/fjnt: , V"lIey . , Tile Elp'....,5 20 A. 'Ill. (rom Cino!n· lot. Xettia. will .s10j> eplt t\ nil I, ..Id 1 40 Mlllu.d. 1':"."'r·. () """ rIOI". MOlTu" .nl( U )lwln. f,r paoiIellllura. The 1I 1IO t. AI. train from Ci"clnn. tI, .. ~d . ;IU .... l\l. train frum ~1'ill.II~ W. will ."'11 Millurd. Lo~..I.. nd ••·olrer·1 W.ler SI.llun. Ih=erlicld . l\Iorruw. Corwin. Sprinl Vallay. AIUil. Uooo ilKl ule ¥~llu.w I!jp,fn"i Ilnly, Un l:Iunda, bjlt on. 11110 wI,1 boo run IhV' lUll Uilleinnai\ 1\ i au 1'. AI.. lUll! lSpr(bjltiold

on ."lIOrlor 10 lin, olher A v~l!:u'abl. I' '""til'rchanl.. uf lb. kind lielim, thie pul,olic. It I.. 8acoll01l1 '.. in Itrw breul. -boot,i"" ill CIlIiJri.,l'a lor CoUI", cou,b. cbollf. Ike. :11 bu ia II neilher ollium]1 olb.rollb.I' ~ce thal will c:nnatiptte lb. bown bUI IoCII ael~lll' on the liver. bow.ll. ... ill .... nd kWu.y." .oruIlUnlllhe . ccrcuoDI Ilen. erally The abbYu Imedlcino I) w.1I known In 81 Ii 1IO A. M. dee.o fU'lIter deft· ,bl. COUlmlnu ly. lhehlore bUill l:incilln. l( Ie ~Y.I,",aay ;Ule , •h crlbliull \lnoe_r y,) " ' . tor Ibe Crolup. ·1·hl~lcln. 10 10 WI?


c..~ ,

bou... Mad ltaUro.d "

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lel,Lebanon

per. o"l

w... ..I...:....... aI!!I......w.,.;,,........ ,MI."'" ....UNIt .... , .l ars......, II W4U0."....... .,. .... _Joct .. 1'1....,... mrnur.... AD .. ......... ,......... .




,. a ,OO~o

at Xtlni., lor lJolu.nbl ll. :t;..n.".li ll..

_U."II"OIf 'I'II. or

2~~~~~~~~:'~ r aclrclr.~:~:,1


r' DheeUo••• , Camlnenco with lIikin, a .mllii 1.b1e' lpoon.

fiat three Iinte. a day . neroili. lratlu.n, 10 IIJul>ltlthi. quall/ily. Iilur , IidlN • dar- IO be , la", n .I....r ""~nl' In ",'\lIb of' lh. abe.YI ,dlaoatte., ... eral ~ul· lie. mU.I be lake-n before a cure il efl<lcte4.


I'~lc. ~r betl~ ,I,ro, lSia bUill" lOr. IS.OO . F.,.r ••1. by CAUW ~Ll j A.DER"

. GOODE. AJ.enlol. Cumer of ~l.i" and Nord! fJtrHII~ , .y'!0t4.lll o. 0 ; , . M.LLtl R·S · UIPOR TED. ;







. SCc)U,R ltm POWDER

il El ~,!ak/lll In Ihe known .iI~'d'.ior pollab • In,, Copper. BrUll", Qrl tennla· War•• &'c., &e,. I'rlCe. ~. ciI!. per JIO~. Fat' .ale bJ


·OA.OW'A .,LADtl R .. GOOD,


Ii. IW, Corn.r of Moio.an4 Nlinh 8\. . W.,.... ,II t. O.

' NtYr.C E 'T U 'B YEUr,' aoDYl fI 'lit,J .bbac:dbllr ",ould 'illpeclfu ll,'onnounCl 10 lb. c(U-. of lhit place .od all ollte .. ipl~r"lted \1 ..1 hi. arranc, mcnlliOr lite canyin, on of Ilia bu.ilMIIa•.are now coruplo'od," and in .u·cceIIIlul ollperall"o. and ~ Ia now prell~~ 10 receive bnlerli lilr lb. t'llaltuf'aellire' ul' W•• oill and'at l•.-=Wh ICh be wtlt be _II buill "Iwa willio, 19 w.rranl belod,. ....nllt Ropai~tnil 01 ,,'''''' . lpllun1I}'lt .and 1004 "P. don~ ~. bwoUl bl. eO;,"·D.... _ .,1, tp ..III a'ibe shorto., j>OHltle nutie.. .tay te,,,, u, .,. ibaa 10 be .. rllallJnuhru. Il nol nlore


Olhe. OIlIbliol unenlln the counU,. Shup on MaiD SIr..1 on. door 1!(Jljh of bti"'li 81.' > , S1-'ENCt:at ~:'\R'UWN. ' . If-Ii ' -' Wlyn. i~lI\lI. O'l ~'CALlF.OllNI"~



_ .\ !:I'I'OVe:. • • ClnSPH N hay, o. ba"d and ~ I"" eonllan, -, manilt'ac turi", ":1 Iho abo... · n ....e4 II&~ .v.,ne"I II.• t'Ul!iadt,., ~nol ~.iIIItI, approyed (;n'*I ....&o;,...... ~Iec\




by I-rmth 4t Gl1lU9tI. VoeeanbCr I~, 'lila 810.. ! ' i. cU!1aINCIN I wi b.






J • .I. ¥KR1IfB R,


SPRINe VALLEY .. GREEf\la-; co•• OHIO.

b.d,. ,ood"' ;', 01 EEl'S .1".,. K CIOlbi, .C uitlmen ·anol V.. dop .... .. b.. . m .. ordH to up prepared 011


100 ......


lID-The. ....


1000 . 1Im'1, u.n oiber Hou ... Cn Ibe countr,. belUn t:re"u; ......lImi .. tijJ pflcea, IO-Ifbuy' _Ieewlto

aouce. In the · I_I ' .1,1..,









, . '




.nd merit are nllL Ihe hUle ho Icok H ed I ' b \ L'II I , -, . 'r > ' J .~. ~ ,,~--In l '. "~ ~--. _~ , ;asg:e::::::z: ~;::::::;:::u:= ., l£ . . O\y " ,I ravrry. I 0 tIe wavca of I\ter·. tOllch Will. dread anu b\lrror . . Dut II P.~'\V eU, 'lrolhor. lell U8 lOW 1I111"h l ociety. All IlI1m('fIGt. WIVO \llIhakni\'· The A.lele. FMm"", . can \t \l b C ·orn. ell(l\I ed I e r k I ~ b k I b k t , . " . , I I. \ . II.· J , . , :' _ ._ . 01: an rom" roc ,ro Ie. Be 'Ie ,ro en III1!,rlftl fue is rel~i1~08. The.~id jey h"~ld 1,l10f)t'y Y<;lll give for, a busitl',1 of cortll'. curded tho Indy oElier foe", 8\11\ burled hor 'Youllg ladiee l ~huul4 know ll\a~ 1I,e '1 ' . . rallks or tI,O ~ne~ny"lIlId the lield WOI wUlI' l lS placed UpOII Ole ~,cllft, .nl~ helllCs.....tllcs j Ll,71" rwcnty-lh'e eOIl\3 11 b1Ishel.' . \ilr nn illst.nlll in five (ceJ 'of wate~. Tho ~.F(ellch t\Viet," whlel\ ift 10 popular amll(ll: A n tI now 10 IS 0 IOUU b '" I ;I . ' d ' •. ", I Gentl emlln hurried . , .. I I I I I . lutellellt ' . h.. l::Ioon Ihe foe laid dowlI thc'Ir arml. ,' " III 0 '.ellply. II 1II01l ,,,It'OUt all. a\len alit, ·Twenty·five cell"; vllry·· eltenp to her ' "'dCIIO, nnd on llem, I1a . slyle. 01, drol9illg Il),e. hair i.8 IUIHuDiel liB 10 rn, and ~ c1.IIIIIIO IIppelr~. Aud nol\' wu he of whom \\'e wrile; at loo~cd with .hOIIIO all~de'gtnldutioll-i ,·Ie· shuuld sny, lllllaliol1lcr que. ti dll brulll ' 11lI1I1U1itl'rololl Rho breat1110.sly exclaimed ,dangtrouaadornmonl: Oueof~ureru;I\t,1t Ie. II rell11 III tho ovoeatiOli Jlel ld tnump • II- I'1m 0'1 v~II.u.L(jwlm . " "i\lD ITIO .. 1111.... u(·' I~ or, how 'much whi8~l'Y do ,011 I " . 1111lo"lh full of Ill). wUler ,(Ihq '? i I ' . o. . lIIerel""I· . ·h'the acrne of his fllme , r BIII'lP0~!l. one f wllh Wilier 8urgton.' Ivma ~Il\lo~ UPOII,_ few dllYI 1'10. dl,llIg Ie .eem_ to lead II qllll,lt hfe. 110" , IIntly over tho crimson lido, IInlil hie noblc I TtiiUE II ELrISnftU8, while ov er his mcruo- bll, hel or IOvrn will niake l ' .... is very snll he'ro)I' Lo. pcrf!,rru ltU 'operation upon tbe he.d marrIed. Porltllp8 tho tlU·powerful 6011\1 • • sleed ~'II ' t ry "ute \I.or I".. ' IIUS I'\ .ceo -~ ~ t IIOlle ' wor d6 of 1m· . ' , oun . ,,:I 1\1Iy.wI10",,0 d aolually tom. the aklp e ben ea lit ' Dlld II Ion on ,00, JI.-'Cuu't 8I1y. L IJIPI",BO about t1,rec 'Olt, AugustIl8-dcar- •lnkc 1110- 1 perish .-: LJ , - d !lIeudJill f~1,·er18 n " I111 IJI,e' 1Il1l'~ly, .c , I .. . ' lIIue)1 cOlllilftcd) by ren8011 of l)IC Iltrht· ' m'lllt 1"011 Tllr. 1\1Iuu" V,eITOII . .01 LOVE 1 hus.·made 11,1l. eltollgo', bury. I, rllsl :' Icd Iiorwprd 10 vIctorv.' ,....,11 I gnIl01l6.' (VCrY ~ hnve-lI1e l'oy -tul\e IlIC A IguSlu8 and Ir.u.m ~I10 " rap l urn, llI.g '~Ilh t, .by Ilti trllutillclldcllt rull', all t prai81f uIIg to Itis [ume, 'JIe was 1,l onor. '''BEHE.,!lb AnftllIJD, 'Tue TIIAITOIl." l' ....::.·80. three GIIU~Il' { \VI\y hat'a Ii _ oh-oh-Oh-lulio IlIC"-:I ' 1I1'88 of II,W;sl•. ' • 'l·,'6 (alnl!J of wllicll ~be " •...IG E. - ,. \If t c. d T ell tl 10UIOII . II Ilearls ~' , .. . ' ' . • . I. I I~II. b een peeu IIlir Iy' afDlC:led. . PAJ'J.UJ __ . ' Ihe bid . p..llonl of youLh ' decp . ' deep III , e II·, I.c was ..... _ , . conllderable tprn 11111. nul . IJro(her what I ' Tltanl,iI, dellroilt' exclaimed . Allm'Bl\l~ 18. lIIelllue" Ihe'. IlId.lOII rocelHOs 01 all' 1I111trcd ' If 0 110dijiIe d . ~ Ii' 'A younger ap' . t er,.!'. Ilorl ltme. . i l1 e e, I..d' the Dr 0. IInll. . • hearl Ir e'o' I IC ed' . Mn d NpO k ? 01 hInI. clo Y:)U gel .ror 11 galloll of whl . k~yJ ' 'yClII l"lVo Inade 1110 vC,'ry huI'P),' W,ll Lhe}'. over bo owalll'lIud 11110 hfo alld , h''S 01/111 hi o~ _.• ,.or tl 10 call.e. M d_ II . ." . . '> , . , . I. II r ~ara lorl) lIy the ' , _ • • . lilly i au , I~.-(~ok,"g ralher I\'lld.) 'SovC'nly. J ''l'!tank8·-(or w"u~' .ml! coldly exc lal'· carlt'1"go 0.f' botu ·' "lctlvHy agolU! Wuul ueod. thero III th.t d I . b I . II . \ . . I I . I' 1 ' 11" I . . '.' Iull nil"., I.r i uO. I· I IIn~~ 1I ,. ~III":' 1II my fO~ t). '11. • . . Ie 11111. ~ve "~ wor, I . . . . '. (JOVN'l'•. rULA.~iJU. f "ve COIII.8.' • '. mcd l.lIo ludy. luw lllg a .lolIG breath. welg I, 0 I .r car·r ng~, . onu o"a or her • J 1;." IHa I .I~cq lo~ tho nv u' l" HI"~, lhey .hollll1 j,e guotded .... nh S\()Cllleils. AID.! tlI18 prBI3el 1116 VllIII heort drunk '_ _ ~ Il.-.'SllVtjnly~tive Gen~ ! Two hUI\~r~d 'for )'oJi fuyoraille uns\ver to 111)' l'fOl'0. arms became paralyzed.. jq .copselluellce of \\ III. ~o" ..(\cr. colu",,,. alul painted \\"811. "igill'lIce.. Wo 10 lhelr po~fte.sor shollid ',' t" . 'b ' IIt nU~lI 0 f i ..• ,I, hll " ha • W' lh r' . II fi Cl d I tel I II . ' . I h III all d U ke d ~or more. I camo not ,UL All IftClJ)EII'l' I T Ill. QU.4I1TfRII', per cellI! . allll thaI ton,l rock. 011.. ,by• l~e ti)ll;', Haid • August..... • 0 Itg lerb ! IC",e\. I eoluhml' . C8UO. fI :tel all .0 IlISlllnC and lIIlIIe •. t s"e •. Pllt The wl/ro nUlcd, IlOrnil'fl, they ,,"aliI .. . ' . 'the , tlorollc " . , I enollg II; all d 'I .10 eVI' 1 d'l~pOMI'11 0118 0 fl I~'!, _~ ., Ill1tihel; Y\l", Gel lIIoro by •tloe jug·full. (4)ruposlIl \ I hoard 1I0ne.' .< pelle d on tIIe ve~)'.' sO.IlI" day l"!l · und gilt; '. , lhltt re~II,. u ,bll: '"tcll~ct .thelf .ub~.:ct. l youlh begou 10 eOlllo rorlh frolR tholr 011 the nigltt or the \Jolllo of Dr.ndy- t Dut, brotllllr, lell ,Your b[elhr~lI , iSII't tho 'Oh' Y08, but YOII did Illy d~ar- { m~lle I her tllumb out of JOIIII, ondclIYo, rug to ,et A ilH dimu".i .... 'IIYl\8 la8lefully Woll will II be 111"1 ,"nblllo" l placo, dee I', I" hi' h.eart. Will .wine, 1 IVU willI a "ncsBogo from 111111'8 ,'cry good ho,gs UpOIl!' it yl,lu \I ero ulldo: tho n'"o ydu kid \11'01\. h'er hBIlt!. An .'dllr , ,IIUIII. " '. . ~f youlll, bo !IU,"r oil illn IIwukeued fr'JIII , hO let IAt m cu"q,~er hlln, Ihe Victor I,If Ihe Gel! GreC'n' to C"lIft PuJkllki I noble .Ro>. .n.- ' Yl·W, pretty good.' . . loid yCd nlld IvlC; lIIe to take you; ulld 1 ald~er Weta 10 ,"u,c b lIt:tlietcd .0 ,t he use of Cr<nIlIlIR IVcre aJornfi~ "Ilia .I,rllb VIIIO Iltt slulilber blttl c· , field' Ilunder, " who lO~~ a... pro\llillo'nt t ' p~rt" }'1 0llr 'v J',.,.-' AlII I' 'woll't ~th~ I10gM. ),,011 f.U en (or. IIIt'ltlt ' . to, toke )'0,".;. , word.' .. , I~~\:tnl . , bcell attac ko~.t by tl ..... cn . " , . ' A~.y(o.ur . \ co,rnef IC., lllll . 'I heAll" .J'ho walk" ' w~r" 1,1<!.I6RnI. I"d 8hftdy ,llaC ,- " . -freedom, lie w.. ' ljullricrcd iii D nent 1I0LI.""g on llio elop~, e0!llc mighty lIi.:h ' A·II - woll- donr mC-RlLk 11n-' lho m?ulc~, 1111.1 ~1'c)l6e was un.blll to · bo"'Qr.; . . T.~rufl"y !108 hcl~ empire ovc~ I 1111\1011, I 'V~ c1.onge the !CClllI• •• In. lin ol."g!lllt { IIcl(r Ihe IIppet~ rolds. Artor ' pAylllg for tho corll l' . " 'Of eomsc,' 1111;(\ Augllalu~ , work I~ WDY. out III oouauquen .c of the ' .. he bulldilll " IlIlolUM olld I',n,"iful"iI.e; tict~lDg her IrOIl hoel o.f opp~e81110" .on lI~o rroom. 01 all elegan\"lIIln.lon, In a cIty orl our \tUlilll'55 was lipj'''ed. tile QOUllt Il8ked ' ·n.-' W \III, vc~y IIigh. il.' !J.'hc pulr will bl! rqDdu IrIlI'J1Y in lhe filII . m~n.llel· 1\1 w~lIeb '1be ,pprcs of' ber IqcB wllr~ .An.1 the " 'hula wu cllclo8e<1 with ,).ling.llt.! lIec\ca 01 frllcmOn , wbo Itaye arllen 1Il 11l.Jlt', .re a"embled beauly and mOlillne.l. 11 10 I k l. I ' d I II P.·-'DuL como Lo Hie , qu('stion '·rot.!ll'r pII,hQII up. w~th pc!,rl UQ\l'dcr, S aITron .nd " t1 . . I l d d' b r or .' . " . . 1 0 0 e I.ome'II· .r~{nree!,m"n · ,,. T ' " ' • •..... ""le. . . .elr mIg .t, rtlMo ve to Ie ur e rile. 0 I or two on I, will \l'e speak, • beauliful ~~me" iJ t ". ", on a 10 do you make a flood artil;lo! )Vill it b ~ar "allT IM Il II UN vl.l:t.~~laIlY JI~oplo have "In un drillks ",l1re .un!lVllUipIr· 1'h" ~il. 1 k 'fI"s I'.'nee lIIit:III:IlICh ,h. Ir ... u\lClr·~ IIY". arms! to arltlll/ hili the-cry 'IJOIIO (orth, and yOllllg lady nnd one or 'the lloblest 100king !M 11110 ICt' eM u -: . II bcad!' . ." . a cqhtcrnpliilll: (cor ur bo inl: Bcen' to c~rry O",!C ,alry c Ii.; Iho ~lI1rQrt'ulll\.tc; 18,1'1 4i!!d. c,~ ' rirvot ","'. ~~~I~I ~ I"~ 1'"o'llIe,,. b., - · wiltl Ibe linlt alld IIlIIong lite bravost Is ou~ ,' mell that ever wore a unlrorm n~ graced II J ny, I UB 8, . ar" I ,. d '.1 1 By this lit~" .IIC u,,,thll~ '''HW so pcrf"c~'y lilly bUlldlo 110IVovcr Hmnll havin .. th" nb. IIlld UpOIl her dealh bud cOllreaacd nl.t aAc , nIl Ie rll 1II , '~ ,,,,,I, .U, It' tOlronl1 rose. . 11 • II • ' I' . . " . . n an "" ~n t • r08y,·c I~e,; ( . gIrt en· ' . " '" .M' , , ,. ". ' . ' , .. . • • , . A"(\ now II"nlvt!r II. boll ..·• uy (),Row. , hero. ,I., I\IULo! ly , IlIltl !let ,a\l18 11m ! drawlllg:~o~m. :"18 nob I" ,]00.", III~ 11IIlh Ifrcd,' ber facc be.",ing ,wi1th joy. il would i tOil rl\.e d by I.he pro.chct'l\ lllterrogatqflc e', I Hurd I~ea ~Bl t.hero 'llI a aociul Il~grodntlou 'lfId cltol~ ..l out ~ OlDII /<114. , Anuth~r .11·








if(!mHiiliA' WiJllIDlt1llt




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~O' (lIltell


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Tho.1'.lftce WRI ~ellj trolll 1~t1 1.1&08 wh ... i1 tho post of honor. ~Ie com,!,llulll, No,v 11t'nown, h •• p~h.hl1d t ':8YR, 1118 VOlr,e of leern, al the Y~rY I ' Ulli! ~f Pulaski'. voice. t hO ~I!i:nn 10 WiMll he hod ncver ee~n ' t1,to in t~a aGI. 1'ho mOlt trlliil)1: as woll as lar, IIgolll~e~ lit Ihl.' II~lcting dlspnllaatio", ~I()OJ'; may a .WOlthy ambll/flu Ii 11 lUll breDsl. lead· modulllled swectncu, 1,,$ m~lIy ('lICeUell· 'D' d II G · .1' "d ' I" )lfCIIChe r or ditilillery oUher, 'rho c111'1 1welnlhly plloka"'c.lllual ItQ .011110 Illoln\ no wonl Into a rllpld doeilul!, the 1l01l1l1"luenee . I, . I ' ". I you CII me, OUII, . III' 8 I~, vcry '1 . b . , ~IIII tlrt ..... II"~ b~ Ihe ~11&'~ n'lI)li: . "l': ~Im .on to lonoroblo fome. Jle l~el_ ci~8 of (I/'P6!tl~TlU ,,'on the ofi'('ction or .Ihc .timidly, '. '. ;.' r.ould R~Dreely mailllain ,t huir gravitTI (Iu ~ mO~tor I)(~IV milch to ,IIJ~, inc:ollyclliun ~e of l o!' ~n acuto _pillal ili.ellie, cauaed' bJ , 1¥ 1 he. watllr. deol', elld I., ,ltd Ihe) It '0, end puUl forlb lre.mohdoue ClIertlons lody at hill .ide. He 8aw her preferellce' l '.1 rt 1 I 'nld Illll 10v ring the dialogue; and wo lIeed Ilot add olher.. ,· 'fbis nri • .:. frolh 1\ ' Io\\, kind of '!OtlIOIl. 1.lylo of lon~ "re••ea" nolV in ror e . reICh .... . tJ bl I If ' pw 0 Slit .aYe ,.,. )' 0\1, I e ~' I ' I " . 1'11b I'.I"~(I in f,"&llIwlli...18 I~h 011 dw ~ Will 'Il. n~ e 8ure ~ a gratoful alld bcing hono~lIble 88 he wn. bra\'e,lold Ito laill bondlgg·bi. lilt for~ to kilS her ' that tbl\ poor 'fellow \\,D~ .0 lorl/lented, e~e- pride. Thero is 0. pride Iblll i8 higher; ~1J~t Irhc ra(:l producedilloh an 'exeltomc;nt III' on .. ,Iwnol.. :> ~ • , .' ttllll'" p~ol.e, 011 tl.lo .1111,1,011' Ihe sea, .he Iter Itis hliart W~B >alloth(lr'8' In, • w.y til l clle~k" .:nol to (".all' 0111 Cou;;~;' cal { 'me your ry IiI!'" he lac I II neighbor, by. tlae a"illd. ' IIri.t. frolll a coud,ciouallC'~' pf Ihore bCln g ] nl.' otherl tho I.,~l of IItQ IInror ullal" fal1}ily .'. . ' .' . fill'I". wlIll '.DY odtla: D~fl'ot n~~or ~'8- ,.arn her of lhe d,a nger or 1l~leplaclhg "er den, Puluki • . i. a RcPllblie, 811 Hti LtloD,·WcJl I'brol.he~'l"O": du you IIOIIIB oll l ~Om'l;lt'liul ill' tho !ndivhll\olllot, to ~o "r- tUnt..llIlIlIxioty a)'ld ~lIthIl8,ia"m on,th08ub; COllrllfl,'8 hllll; I,ll IIIdomllable Will IIsel though Ie on him. Yet ehe had Iready tie favorite We boy!' no Cdunte 'Iou In1aki,lg ' ",hi.k y1' .nd 'Do YO\l make . 1fectoa by lucb Qc()ldent~ -worth and II'OljfltL jeot ot the" JJ1C19 1l1 t'.t' droap," ~he beta be. 1 bUllljCI'I& IIIIollllltA~1I \II IIJ ~buid Ioiahk, . l I I '"",1,C .,io /"" • III I .e ftlll e lll ~ y , . •.nro i more ~1Inn IlaiC y~el . d-.I ' , Ile~rt, ~Il d "110' . ' ' I . I. A ' 11~~1 '. Ilc' Ilhuo"hll uo ',I ~.'dy rCBt uperWr ' ' to " ovon . 7: roverae, H .rtl ~ IIIpl . .,.. Ilim IHlr I't!. go~.... 1 artI cle I' ·· \V I II It .bollr ,a !Je.~ I' t o l' !lb.rac~er"" . come an IIIcuriulo 11I1!.!ltic . Ind ,- cODfined , • '. ... III Ilollun .. to IIIUl' 'tho opl'r ..... or , IIa11 lit · b Id II ~ II I ffi ' " '1 , • •~ I l ' II b k I ' i l ' ' d ' . ' . "I • II U '" ' • L' Nul {or ",eff! tho rndi •• ,," 'h~ (".&1 '. ndl. .. , ' . . 1 0 cou nol we ro .. " . ier I ectloD.'Dul YOllllro n Cqunt elr when al I \lIDI.', t lit I.e IctUII y ro CliP 118 : 1811lJ8ry In Thl~ lullpr pride 'Nne . xhjbilcd by . lho III , II CIl I 101lllnG t Itat 0 ( II .. 10 unlurtu~atl utlltll 11.0 tI\undvr I... I.eart.! j IIKI . hwblllinl: (If ,II •., ptlVItr. Nollllllg clln etand , Th,UI they pcr:rto,d, e~ he expected fOnlver 'd d' I I uy you come' • 'lung 'wllY Ol'er became a cOl,lli! tcllL tcl:nperollce mllll. Alllcrican iOIl of Jeromo N apolcoll BOlin. mother ofthiumilted' flilllrlY I W~IO .... ID,..n· n • 1110&111•• ," L.lho\lgll a fricndly corrospond.mce! 'tl Ill) I fi It '0' ,. , . --+--- ~-..:. "';" parle ' " Vlalle hll wris in 00110"1) at (,;-1,,; Ily WIIU (l.1I11~()d by 'IQoihg "ursolr 10 tlghlly, " . ngRtnl\t auch f1rmnOtla long, . . Bu, II '1'1 bl . : lo .ocean 0 g I "r WI. • . " , • • ' i'>:' I '. • . < ..... I",n.8111 'II'~ II.,; '"Iii Alld Iha alroalll.. 1m 1I0w, 10 . uo wlltera occulonally Ifldulged IO-b\lt it proved .y ' 1\1 . I d'd 00 l ,he Gl1noftlo~IOI of ollt LQr4. ~Jltlgo ho.waft one day calrying til ill. fOOm l.D'1&ho lIoorly alnrYed hcrlo\l hy cho.ktnlt' . , 1'1.. t~"'II~.1 I" .,p, 1\.'1 ~IOfll' I" IIja"l around bia froil /lee'. Qf boob!, end an ene· J otllcrwi80 'rhe.y met nltlin \lnder rar dif. I ca, ye~ Jlry,"'r.l y tNI~i I In;o r: The ovang.liste ,Ivo u~ twy different a broom 10 I ad 'ust pi b .e'" whCII lho elhlm.hlllrY callol. Awful indllfil, Uu~I;~."~(II' I. Ii f'liil, 1.'1" il\ri~ Hks ~ , . my of dlJUble elrenglli prening dthYD upon erllnt circ~nlSlllnce8. Dut we 'wlll nOll-no ong 'Way ~ ut on~ rrusonN) v IY, W8II~ I." ll"nealtlg'Q' or our Lord. \\1 ell, thlll is I ' , I I d' 1"1 J L': re I~' . b' '11 I-P4i/mlclp1ti a "SunjJ/Jy'Di~Ic" " '''e l~.'lu )\' •• ~.rrt¢ Ill' Ihe ICIIIIIC-iI·. II ~ fl ' "'I I II b I to conle, In a me •• ure. ' A ow CjlD J ou'get f· I . Itl I me a .rlell ,,\ 10 DO ICIlIIt' uO room \VI I . r \ ,, • m, e\l<v 0 ... prey. '•• at a IU ., e ticipllto . " 1OXlt'tIy 'II IIftt WO 1\1011 IliVe• ILI 'il ' . ~..,....~ . J.. I , ... . I I" b . " '11 I ' (ur tlaia gentleman ncid mv aelr a httlo reo b 't I tl I t' tb lurprtle, e;xe D me • ., . '"oh,. • Alld ~9",1r'" ill h'll:lIlt" "" O~~r1ilq· "tlli!,. vll\! . . . .. 11,11 . , e crle., .1 tbt.> 'II~ . ' .:;..... . Creabmoll.! He b ... lo~g wily 10 ride to- CCl\WI~, I I enc )' W 10.. o . ' Why did not you It.vo H 10llt bom01' . ' . Aero.. lIle lliwer. J), . plllllk '''. 'Cono, fhere I. Tl!, 8~rrellder! ."'gDln we lini! the lady or Ihe laet rlfl· . , .,' I ' • , ~d. FIrat, 1'I~j11Lhew, wpung ~ llIcflT (or 'r om lIot uba ed to darr ; home ' III, About IIX ye.r.lIgo, "Yl " tllcrgymllu )'11 bplld. "" In ft: ")' d./I IT41Mh"''lIl' ~~rtl~III , 'J)own 1.'01ll8e the el\CIIlY, .belching forlh ;ro I,' ill com nil \villa 1111 ofJicer In uni. naghl. . , the Jo.\'I, glvl1l1 Iho formal or Illgal Ilene· . ' III ) or 'rj 41 IV Yurk city, 1 IV." traveling OD ll,e ~()I '"' I!.'''I'lIl i!11I 1"1' w ll 'rll ,,~o Iit hUIlIl j;8 dont" rtoll\ hia cannonti' 1II!)lIth5. Dut-Olat ~ 1'. b . ,I' Y I ' I ' 'Certainly. Nir: anti ~I~e went out of llt~ alogT, ·, ltowing tllll lille delcont to Jo- thlllll' willch belongs I~ me/wall tbo 191181- ~Qreler. of lhe H~dloJl ft II 'o u the mo.t g '11111 _ .. • \ . ( • Of III , uI ,/t Ie UJ~ \0 ~1Ih1C, 9ur loro II room like n 'airy~ l . ' bloToply ofyo /mi Ponaparte. . " r . . "111 i l~ · I f ·1 l ' I \ I . Icod rh'llIIfuledl".OIvh IIPITlllIIIo Lhe nbwnth raitlcllt)uringo\llllilb..leoflovt', '., . . ' . k' ~eph,lh.ele(aJor apPllre1,1L fotber 01 our v: 'eJ'ffi 'd ' 1" b belutt'ul pottion oflltlil ~ob" , .tl'.am, '" 1111 Il l' ~ \II 1:'"'" ~lIr !In' H ~ " . tI .d b dI ' " 'rl Ii I . .' .'. \ . . 'A fine 1)les,,"t Iflrlllllil/ Plllal 1.- Lo d '0 ,; . d ' , b' I . b ory I er'nl Prt 0 Will I liB .rom , a\ '1"'1,1 ••• f", ",,., nil" I"hle dall'" . ev,!tc .1111 Ie COllllllllnu. ,cy Ig It . S\Je hstella Wllh p'lcuurc' for she I~ VIIIll " .,,' I ollee J r II~ IIr LoOr ' \\88 to 0 e lu"n IIJ e I d I k h I wllore ,llI wa~rII, 1~f1~ to rea~ ,,.'lIIIt tho '" I Ii d ' ~ " .·Would that J hnd 1110 wc:ultJllhat . I' 'b I I' I a yw lomwe 1I0W,1\' OD w.y . .. OJ I I ltu\ ' ·U1",11,1 .. "" 'I'Y ~IIIJ Oil hll\llhl ~ hlllll~, luI t •• l~ rllCIICIt of e~ pt'r~llOn, Noar· al1d ho ill rl'lIowllc.l · his IIlttlntlUn~ hi! dc' d ~ ogo y ontlt!'u to ' I a, lltono 01 III rill l'I r II 1 b dl tilgltlMnd. o( F..hklll" .n" Crom tb. Now; ,. j ' , . ' ' . ' ' h l l i l I woltld glye her a pUJ'lIon th.l woul D 'd' A II I ' I' . lel\ mot ler a t 10 un e. to c.rry . . \\ 11\'1. ''''"11('' " D,"1 . 'q'lII" "III "II\'C' <JO llie; lit 111111 nellrer comes lhe ellemy, alld whclI c\nratione Rut''''r Ii~r Her hear~ fl wi th ' I I .VI , II til', I\a lIe nDAlO or 1111 mo· I ' I .. t t \jurg BIlY· ' I WII' rhhl)g on llie w~. rn j • . 01 I b , . { 1.- '1 '" . I d . ' . ' 'i -, . aend ho r tho Ylluihs hereebouta aCler III~r I'" ': W ICII t ley went ou ogotb~r beealllo BIte ' .n il nn (1Il1I"r },"m "111)11 "" .ltr~lI. c:lu e Bt 11111 • v.lley Iroll1'rll1o_ .lId mua· the absl'llt one' bUI he I. unatllllll1iblc' . t let cou .. nol appear in 1110 genealogle., h I ·t I b '. h .horei dIJlt04 witb eltlg~nt c~rntry, .eal•• t·" •• lit n \ ,.II co II 1::.. r IIJ, 10 Il<OlI6 '.11 cru\\" ' iI. · " ' swopt f.ce ' I • • or- and so . elevat.d ulo cbm~an a fine .,Iew , kclli Relltla dealh omolJ!,! tlll'ln on every II 'r. f I ' rl\ b I ' s'd b ' \II b ' Dlu.I be dODO by provlClg ll)e d.,cent 01, t. It I 9U gnr , to e allon . With one . · . 1I.ftv~ 1I • ~';. • l as Ie WI e 0 II Y Il!r Ie," e w I TI e . loon rOlurud " tb nart of a nlf -Cambridge CAronlcl. ' . ". ' ~.' . hRlld. "",Aden mel~engera o~ . donth l1y · devoted illlu clilli'll(\lion inlo ' a' notorIety I ~~r e , " '~I r'Jol\lph, 'he Ilu~band ot lIia mut"~r • . Boine .' ".) • or 1he Op~il' cOllnty Dutcb.... P...· t ~ , Ii"~e , ICII I,DII II" til . • . . I d ,I • ine bOiled ItAm locne deil i cious fre i b ryo fLu'" . d S n I' •••• '"'''' '1 mlnllon, I .0 b..,.iId Ol&~- . I Ie no.·. arDis 18 lellr 011 alte eOllnll\.\lIo,," h... e Sbo hu wealth he ' . '. . . year. 8 ter, ..II, Wrtlllll' UII ~r l. 4' fl U I K ' R lI.dth r ·. i . Inl Clllu".talltli. 1"nR Tilt: ,"1.101 V,. ITO.. every 8\lIto o\' the ".lId leeile df whrusjon Ii haa fame lie ~c/)k: one 'eltl\ tbe otll : _ bread aD~ butt f, pu:klee, I,nd: a , few hUle directioni and writing for " he , Ceutilu ~" ~:O:Ti.c w.t e I .great riig~. atsndlnlf around the .ntraiact', and «\1Oc;,n·A.T.QNIJ. ~lld Irlro. EI'c'rywliere is Ih. lo~do' of Tliey .~ marrit'd. WfW' da v t.b lhe~r;! lit celer.~ thllt ~ r .trallc4 uee~dingIY· . ,ivl'. ollolher gOlleci101l.fP .howiDII' ollr .Lord I' ~I an, n I.e: am emegrenclp......... ltearae .thal plalnl, Indicatt'd lb. _Ioil ' . . . tl . ,. r 01'1 Ihe mernmg ul the JI\It of Beptem·' b 'l . , e II' 'I! lin ellamp e: ' • • frt'lllitlllttl boud IU Ihe tJllcketlt or Ie fray, She was over wi~ltinfl' ro~ him to rlee hi ,,11- '10 0 actull I)' dl\acelldcd, by Ills molherJ 'BIII.B ' I " rI d' I 01 th. gllberlnlr. It wal eulllethiallDor~ • I' . • d " . ocr 1777 Ihc Dri'i. h ormy .d"aDced in. D d Y IIr11el, a rat ler o!CCf'DI Q IV ne, tbllll • l)nCollral!lDg II meli, d01ll1 dec. or dar- er lind bigher thol Iltc might eatell &110\ ", , • " rom uvl alld from Abraltoll\. Dolla 01 I t.t d I II rl'1 b 0 i curlollty, 1\ lVO. the dielate 'of b.Iu· " ill~, Dul what avails bravery ~gaill8t .haro hia illcr:tlJie of glllry Silo thought full force to ~hudd'8 'urd, ror . the )1UI'JI:OII' Ihe! o documCDlI ,wdro ell) rly necessllry. III /I. rc 0; ,tlil: C :1I~Pl o~ r. 1 Iympalhl. thot Induccil mG to .t~p Qd Ohi.lI"ij u'er III)' ftllirll' ~I.AHIIG" . o\'crwhelmin .. l;ulllbers~ Defcat II ·inevil. he w.. nOl IIdyonccd e~ou!!h and told. or crllasillg J)l'IIlIdy..wlite Grcek, ~nd bring 'f'V"lllout Ihe ,fir.t, the Jew. wOI.ld hare og~n~:-I D~ ': _1 to II tj e IlIle 0 ImillUle willI thl' lIIullltude ' . A .' · UII "lJ~ lIul I~ ',e"'AI,III1, •. ' 1011 an alltion wllh ,VUhlngton. Bit 'ViiId . ' . memorou 0 UCAD lot wor: n common aull!; hl' Rees It; b.t the ellDlIl~ ehall reft P hjm 10. ~bc,' tJJoug\lt bUl too ~'ell accor- . ' . ~ .. f llt~ lIlo Me"lal~hlp to be uDproved; Wllh, • ' " I I I d 'd dl J!. II w•• e..y to IQam (r.m the fira~ wllOIl Tt,o'~ l:h'~ ul .1i"kutUfiolt ",mt!; 118 \iUlo:. adVftnln,~ ria ' possillle.; that lltllo lied with hi, OWII 'vulllty, Hti tboli!!ht uJI. I halll Howe drove l\Jaxwell" dlYlslonll~roe8 ~Q"~ tlte Becolld, tho QenUlo. would hare .Vlt I most pu ~ t or~tor., Ie eCI e y ,.' IIdrc.aod, lltnt a young m.n, tbe IOn of '\JlU'IIY ; .,1 ft"IIIIW" \Ycr\lrnU • • . '/"0,'")' h ~orl ...·l! el, I.e.l. rOI, ly llll/. dtltill81 Iho' ;"ork o'r hill OW,! Iuperlntend. on il,brooded IJI'cr it,domanded it. It WI8 the c,nlck by tCII c)'clock, at ono or the l regartletl Ihe rulJilm~nt qf propbocy III hi~ °IPr.roved \If .tho ~t1ad°nt of jellvlng ~bUlfCh.j porent'·'lolV IIdvallcod In Iife! waa to be' bu. ' II . , . I d d ' . . lowor fords. . ' I b ~ I / ,unng serVIce, all one evening w 1110 . . . .IIIg eIIn II lIot ,. IDtO Illelt lin., to lI . l oo .Iow ooll)lUg t'l plea_e "i~ proud hellrt' j . . . JI\!rlOn to 11\'0, een, It c..t, douotflll.- . ' i rled. , The C lergyman In nltondlnoe ~Il. , 'J ~It ,,,a I' all "'i.ten \'1111' •... , '''em leMllct', «'lit or Ai. IRbur. No, no! and hia diapoftitiul\ be!)lllllil ~ourcd, hil. feol. J The Hessl. a " Gl'lI?r?1 Knypli~rlIIl~, "'Itb ~IIJon C~r4l'fan. Obuhv:r, f • preach! "i, when • Touni lady ~f ho cqnJUll clolinl hia remarka ~'hen 1 .topped 'I I J ...1'il~e Jla"lfR'~ I:hnr",~ dloCAyJnl/, lie .aved "it .hall be dCltroyed: ' " 1t Ii' 'iI.,tv d I . III " Inrgl' ( ntlvnllclIIlJ up Ihl! .. de of the . .' '{rertlon hnd P" about b.1f \\ ay up the tl d . .t il tift I ' lit .Ioril/ble, ' ~lIJilj,8 ', Iill d~'alt';i!IlI,ft)'i"I:' It can"'ot .' " '. ' IOp"1I I ( J . Id 'r' ~ 08 ule 0 \I'es I, Icre k atid ullitin' with J rd' Co 11' . - . ---:--" Dfile 1000!lih, to .the dllor ho al onco 'drop. Ie oor. all" " . er a lor u . e oll~nt " l'orJ<1l1d 'U' i Ullor I duo"lt ' 1l du,lo. 1 c Tunli It on ilh«?ro, lind bur'l~ ', .ud 10llce ycry uPQn, IVo; eo WftI he. or I ' ' I d. 1 1.....0 (Irn.ya 18 '.. be llero ~or. d II bl " d '. d b r tl pa\l5e in the dervlco.~ Cot ,lIence I••lInya And 1I ....'vrK I .~e nr Iorii/MI)' ftltri,'~lnll l .It,. eecaJl'la ,.1 '.l I" '"'" d I' .. " . . . . W 10 con IIIftnt e 110 e .. IV 1II" tit! IIrlllY TI I . rJ N ' Ii .,. I pe I a perl. e lin .rrea.e er ur ler . . WIUI. 11,1 ' .. ,ell ~l\ ,utenl to I C9urlc he become pClluD\DTlly entbarrassedl . ",'" ... . ' . Ie letolBm 0 BIDee IIrl .i u uoy I\' 10 ', II ' . .. r: hi eloquent ID tho hClulo oC mOllrolllg,' Ihe A"d \n .. l• • f 'ardli'lu.c Dinglng, . tbo ri"or and a ...i. t/ld materially iu r'e lcuing tho , buried pr?gre.8,'bY alVlr~1l' out .t .~ 10 dtop °h • alHicted rat~er roae allJ over~oililn"; tlte lIew Betlllel! 'or .etrjfe. Anlid the ' wilder. j· He de minded money. It w•• lI~t giVCll ~r08.ed~' Ule upper fl.rlie • ~ ".IU ,It e.h.ld 01 Iho lomb. ' I f' . . ' . ... creek. .' . U!If tJ' S , .' "OIU 'Ther. !tOO. t the deVIl'. aug I' . ' '. ' . • , 'I ' . d IIC~I .ac IIg lIr.b>er8 w llue Ihln I ,o.e 0 I hlln 8a he W1~hed. He IOlIsl hlvo It. ca· .mlllora al 1'1 .p llr I lido 9 0Ihor)', DOlr • h ~iI' I . d . IImotlon WIth whlc:1i he 8lrug"led I""~e I , I ' ) ~ , .. 1 I . or of 1 'b . I fi"'ld II I I j I I I' . . . ' It 80 hapnenod Ibllt d""n'" tilrn"in ' I E I d l d .1 . r c .",se, uniba.he ,Immedlalely Wl'h" • ,...; • Alill OIlIUIIIII' . l"h' CA." 1141(11" Inllhl':. 1 aUc·" , gltllgwtl IUngcr'llIr~\ l tallelmlllfedlll.III~.arlihewouldllecomea I.e " . .., ' .. " .. b .. . B~I~to. , ' I}g a.",~ , e ervc'Ily, Illrllr. lln fl '" d " d ' 11 fl'wwordat~ ·Iho frienda tbat IUl'rO\l d.d ~' .,.. ~ I'UIIIC .piri .·H'·;.toi~'~,; c,III1I1I1," famille; be ichie\"CI 0 III\\no IIlId fame ~utlo.. " .' 1I1e c~I\OIct, ~n carryi.l ig ~rden, 1 PQ'8~d attention. AlQ critiual period, wllell nO· 'arOlin. 1111 ~ur~o.oylng grac/ifu y. him . . SlIid I~o flo\: r.... IriQ nll'l ago 'olle 'or At~ whilpprill3 6r ~I e<l')' ; " worlhy or a elJnqurrllr,' , . , 101D1~llIldr III tho dlrecllon of Pal.Akl's body spomed hlclinc~ to riak life ill .il at· r('JI~!ed,;....o 00 bye, rather,! willI an In lIon8 removed to tb th 'iI C h I<1'n ,lhllo '&O • ..\I 1I1Iy o'or '0\111111, ' j ; , . ", • . . ' • • • • 'ljllarleri tltot 1 had vi.i . h IIi ,ht h • . . . . ..Ia 011 tho word' Cltlter' thal w.. un. y. '", . ' u Cl II • 0 t . , AglIlII, f?r . glonoue deed. In bllull', II ThQ,e hc iii In cUllfcrclIcc wltJl tho ~n.. :. , ' . 0 l: e I tA1ln"t to,bmia tbn IIl1l1ora flUt: ~r. G ~Il!6~ ',l1h Id . ' 1 a. ri\'of" and reaidCa on dIe .hil.., In Yfcw o( __ J. II", /!Titll n1loruu,\ly hl\lillie. . 1I.·Orel on" thankl lire votc,1 !tim. ci6 a emaIl eruy~\he.~lleDlY of I!ia couutry-ilr liberty. fQ~. Sllualed lie tho bb~e ~O., hi Ille .lImO looked 'Ollnd tho crowd lIud 8ald; . 0 0 folhlW"II'" nonpo~l. tho I!pot' where wo are aaaotnblod. . And "; '·beJ.oolt "I lIIy, tlJl:fJU'd.l;'y. , leB\imollllll or II IIAtiOIl 'II h'l g" elileelll.- ! Ii b Id I ' eJ( l b ' d t II ,mld.lof Ihe bA ttlc, CUrlCljolt, ,,.duccd me wilino ono I," ,,, ........ .. I 10'!l It tltl'. 81~DIII) rel'ly . be llid ,II 1 Ii d Ih l tl II ' 1 • t" ,ei'n"'atl, .1 ~l. , ,1 . , .' e II~ eo IIOI! ,'88 _arilllDt' u ae ride un. I-\\ldllolll"' • •hut Or IJ . I" • • w ~ ~' ." ~,,\:'u , . If' I.' in" to .ny..... nnd the young :lady Iprocoedcd n a m)' loug I • are o.,~r t I.rll . .. .. J" . J i. , ~ lrIc r de,,~ lOIfkill!;, III~elld .(lIllter en cll'clllinDlf' • . . , . rnr more frtnuonti! than Ihey were berore. A bnlllant tarcer ol'on. "I'. befoni him, bil wu"try for go)J, poor, p.ltry golell 'fhe alld ho ~01lO1ve8 10 be \\'\>rlhy 01 lho cause ]1barpin waa con~u""nl,ed "'ith billl who burat furth , . 'fho h01l1l\' wl\II'on fire. Near YOJllb, nan,ed J8':'1111 Norlh, aoid UII her wily ulldllhirbed. I tHlVe long hbd friends ",hom I Oy~d. . « . ,: h08 e'BJI!>,. ,. r " h.d · rc. I.he ,,/feetion. of til. I.aliy the dOoNlep lay tile b.ody or, )lary, ber r'l will,' .etid snoll IIller he did ' enterlho , ••• - - - 11111d rln into.l'O_l. Iii tho people", but I "f'if'f'-~~"F=="'==T""';=:=head t b •. d I II I Is 1.8 l'R VE, L4D11l8~-A g~ntloman Sel! It,illl' Cll'~in.'8, bOlld 11:.. I.IOW l/ai. \II;'.. Singular Clitcum"lance!. eu open y ~ 'slur.e,.n r. '1l t bUcket, ovpr which. pow, er(pl .h. icld • .llad no. • on thl1tc; .but lil'lce~that t\hildh ... \I' t ( I t bl unci I II d . D0810n, e,hancc:d to lintl blmMclr 'omollg 11 \J ll£;LW' . - been .dri,e.n ,.lo,,!ly b~f9re a mighty bost ,But Ihere iii . • ProYidelll,le who ,,' at,chea oc;,~lng ou rem tIe em e wo ' . ,. bceo ~, 11011 all(1 dcs.cer!dcd to. tho mon o I'Brty of young 111di081 away down 'E~e. been a re.idont. boyond the rt'ftr, my ~'DITIO ' ~l or iljl on~lOlell, .wlt~8C Y;cl.oriouB ca~eer' over Ihe afill. ira 01 men, aod Ho,.wal.ror the ~ bee~ th.c~1l mQrl! 1I1~n a hill( • ml.n ulo ~.~I.eJl.ce \ IS. 8.trlct,!Y· enjllit.,ed."l .nd , oHon· d I I Iis tller~ often" ."d 1. 1(,1", to,be therto : ,., .D ' : , • " . • . hen 1'ulaslll 01 the hodld of 'a 'r06p of I d~ I I all wlti ain t Ie enjoyment 'Jf 800illl pi)', ' mll8t be chellkcd~ or liberty Will be CfUIIIt- «uso of :the epprClled. The traillr wal ' . Itlnn wu eLrele ir lor lIe "lll'n~ 10 IInul up, I/o hrele~l. y placed hi .. arm lrOund IhQ hili beon Witll 'me · durin, tha f.w od to Ihe earth, lIer' bleedin~ form lrod UP- I II\IIPe~ted IIlld Oed t~ Ihe ollemy. His co- canlr" gallopl'd npldly 'to , 1~O h.ouBo. At Ic!ilth thc 511"111 WIIS raceired, aud in . ' tbllt hl\tO pcll.ed 'siuce thi. otht!l' 100 rett '" '1. ." l' on by' 'fhat rotreat- .dJ·u , lQf wae tlken lilc' p .. -rll of Nover IIhalll 'forget .lh'l of hi. ' .few mlnulee ilb", .. appoared weak'nlld ",aii t uf III }' a Moine could llio of death, IlIId, a. ·1 tru,' < J ' . ' ,....,.:.. , ." ,.~ < J 1' - • fa I e I · 't~d I k .I"", h cl " I 1 i.l •. bOI~1 of, " 'I\ch Aho .tarted and ellclaimed, I ' .. • in'g blud jnult be .ltengthened; the beat .nd ..10 found ......ut hil peraoll. · l'i- ce., aa , a 10.., ~ I C a ...... IOU Q, .I! ng ~xliu likd. They a,bted rhat Iho ,air "'II ' enterC1l heaven. Tr.llo ·1 had 'friend. W-'I"$..1I rqa TillE ,I,UII VISITOII, . ' . '"' "' . Ilhe Illmato forro- · • . •. d 11 ' dl ' Id b ; 'De done, Bir,.dol,'t luault. ·jlle!' The glln• . . ' , ... ;al ~~o elto" tlO C:O iJ . . /' 'BY )1.I~rOR~<;US. ., ' talent of tho lind ~llIt he.d ',he r.ukl...... ~.t lbe n\lble YO"'lI: aD Ihoul,:\ pllrt.s h I , 'Wbo d id thil!" . '., Itlo c &:,01 ncnrolhc tlemen I imint;diat~ly . • pololllllld . for the th~ro beN'rore; a fllitier .'; bD~ ( ha .. flO A Thilher "a5telll all hero; III. prellencio 0,," .ccount of lho o/fC'II.e . .or. anotlter; \Jut & li ' ! bo th I ' 'be ' P'I t a.. 011 109 Ie Iow or ocam, 110 ecemln" rlidenca. Illd lIlIIurlld tlte b,,1( 1)[. cllIld. ow (bllt'e an Inferelt III ne.Yen . -'), . h db ' 'I I I. ' , I H . ~ II" y, at .hlld 001 1 'oro DOYC· CII ~ It Ih t Itll b I ' . I b ..' • I I .I . , , , . '1'1•• 800n8 opon. on a child,yel ~car~ely gi\fl'! confidence ~o • t ou•• n carlll; I, I t"l' rulel (ll ", relent cu. e wea d h . I ' . . iii 0 Icm . c I',re . II C ow ."'\l~ 0 (endod ono ho did not Intend to 1l)Buit II no,el" fo t tIl OtlO o( m~ ohi!frOM hl •.ttt(J'htr" ••rm.. He bld.,.ir to ep!rit animotill • I~~t or . • o~I •• i On t.~en'to· lhe ,.te h.ea!l.quart~r~ or tile now :r;.~r;t:ll:I~!l Q::li~ I e i~ua, Ilia log de~di the other ~hll hop~d and Ihoulrht. ell '~ol: .ald ahe erel!J,-'WoII, if . w.pnt lM~e 10 Ii,cl"-Dowlillg', POIIIInllk. a man ' o( int.llec:t~ bllt there ie ' a comea tbe.oppreaeor ln hI. mlght ~ but trlllar; .nd 'l\'hila C:OII~lIed III a (oom, ''(hU!lhC' g 1" , ' r . ' . ertl?DII .hould madt,-JaI)lIlS: Nor~h you 1I\8Y do 10 'Rlln.' er 0/ 11l~Jtratl/m, . • w.yw.• bi • .1iIJlC!lition wbich .... i11 • itand II di,de. Tbty flpt: 'victory ' Pllt- Iie.rel the voica or the trailor'l \\'ir~, .... ho II . g<t ( H &grID ,oluntered~ and enCOlJraied' by 111ft , •• • • ... , ...._ " ... _ .. \00 _L tie 'b t perc"'" on F.UI)()." blnner; but tbe COII- DOW Clfl'ore4 to uaiat bim 10 eacapt;. nut e poInt to ~ eOlnpI~lY 0 ClII.n8, or !!II.mplo, five otlter men no\v of'cred to go Odd FcI , NlAG"a.. ECl:ll'uD.-·rh., rIver Shl rhM. "n'.....ulCU.,J caat ,a ..... upoa,.' 0 mot ' . grenadIer. then lOme dillance d ' TJi ' I bo d t I " U . " rilli.nt«rear,~nle"' ead1 oqrbed b1 ju. IQI ,I. not yet dcolded. Apln the hOillile ... wlIII .hOnor.ltl~; hla word hid beelllflv- oIT. ' . . ' . o~n, cy. 10 to rei ?r-e I Ie 'Ve.n ~ lowl' '1':'0,.8Irl I ',e been marric~ ror • ",ali, betweon Bombay I;n" Ca.plI omo· hI ' •. J.~ng opp.rotu" but ",ero drIven up wllh· I c~'k!i' 'J mean do TOll belong to the ()r. ,ralll Jnld tho Glllf of Arabi.. The ' ciicitltll fftttaio(a' .ad .11i' '""' ,,".alll .mne. meet.. •Tile ClOnte.t mUlt bl .t laat eD; the .t hand; but he rllrul- • R ' h • • ' .. !. d-" ·V· d •• ,'. d I h k I I d • II t \II Ct, men-t'".r- I \ I.~~·.' , . , .. ~... .~ I I '1 ' 'd Ii '-'utCll"lIlhopeth.t tbil l will l H clooe•...: ..... Ictofyor eelruc:..oo, to 1fO' He _I ony t a.. . l" . a Y' I A d Ii did I ' Id"-: lI ' k ou -~ '. Nur'' t1 h d crep'"• to tfIe . t 'IP· dorpf .O ddFellowll' 'No~ 'no,lbclonlto 111I,,,,,.. 008·.ourlIO .mleln"l t .8eIr-"'iII lteadauon;' di.......iUo.· cruel ..... in the IMlel. '1' wllO.. liDprin', .ff'ection promp~d' the n rl ley ... C IllTg.: , ~,not 11111 one ,halt, Ind ith'outed .nd h.mmerell for se.,er ~,e Order of lItl~ried lUcn' 'l\fercy how in llie rainy .,..on 101~e tli trty twt tn' ,," .. -r"<, 'J' I __ .. or. _.I I f 'man 0 t.1t .. es~ an ' colrps e,er eft the d minute. but "ot no answer Norlh'. . . " ' , ' Th ' l bod r • "'..... oil.Yulopftb• ..eltee thuae.,. 'The d,.idftll scenee oC battle! The IIIIpcrt .oo - - Outr"" tie me.n. 0 ea· Ii-Id e'lIcept tA be r l • ced I'n Iljft .... "' 'd f b ' . " d' Ii' b unlbl Aro you II l'Ihsoll1' 'No, 1 II millen.. y 0 w'l~r I'UIh· I ly ' W . . .1._ '. c . . ." d T ,;1 R I II - 'fi' l 1I e --.Ie of ~ , v ~ ..... I eAO ammenngwal' IOlr..... t e U· ' I 'W · duwn a 'oc"y .10.... lh·-II b -' ~ _.I ' t · tIIa' . ' plOllllIIIg..""r'l boly dead ' the dIlng the \yOIIllul1. be rolr cape. e Ie • 8I"n ICO O. I <>UU Tb I r f I k' tit \I I . , C.rpenler by trade. ' orae I.Dd WOrM "(f ~.. r,~ u'Mlr_ le~ , Illftnence .IIOUld be felt upon th.t young of : .nnon or' .in.1I .rma, 'the cl.. h Wal', mourlled alike .bT frlel'da .nd (oea.~ a;'n o . Pu;'. I onbe 8 .u ~- ried .min~ra might h. ve heard lhe tllroke Aro you. l!!on nr TemperanCII1' 'noth~ at 'nlle or forty·fi e decroell at the bolo 1 h ••rt! th.t h~ Itn'" te.chlnJ' .bould IU.l,· the.~.Jciilg 'iilades; tbi! grol'ri~, the Nobl. YOll~g maul AI.a, that lhlll tby , ~~o~~m: tber~'~e:,wll~e, e III .odl) tlI~lfhllt it tlhe .'oUlndofhholthDlnlr com- YO\l, no ! I'm I 10D of Mr. John , Go.ling:' tom of wbich it makea a porpendicular le.d, d!rifci ih.~ buddt __ r Intellectl . tile lIIaddeniid .hOUll, the horrid hf••hould end. II I . . orm 0 poor -,. fa e. WI~ retlcu "I too ." " en e' hum'D Tho quorie.' oamo .way, plung. of eigl t hundred .nd IIny feet, i. ll· '. ..l:..i:. . Alt thMe w~re Uiere, but tbere - _ ..."olee would beunllelrd ID Ihe , ••io ' '. bJack alld dismal .by'" witll' Ap'1il we lOOk, \Ile child i •• ')'0111111 ·bi • unbeeded. On. 6ft, roated tho nnb 0' And now where il be l.•. A .t rl.ltor DRht. The Dlltlller a •• U,e Preaeber. deplhr. But North gut no .Ignal oNI(e IU . \ ' 1ItWTIOUAr.. t \.Ito loudest thunder. 'l'lte wholl! deKIqt "'4 i.po lid~ 'tm.bln~d. ' W. "lid hll ,h. oppoeing (Irce, one 'raJo• t tho olher. ing .p.ind hi. OWD land; hi.'ll! town Some y"a ...go, tho RAJ\'. &(r. Axley. return. Tbe labor w.. continued, .nd.t ' 1 elaapeti hor tiny hand 'In miDo '-, Iberefor., ele1'e ll bundred .nclAnJ fetlt " .mUMrnenll'arll .11 bf tho wont kind He eartb t!',,~bleIlJ benelltb tile trlmpllni lacked .od burned by hi. ora.r. Jiie old I eCt'.enltio, Itut pi~. "'1II0rY, had ~. ventilatioll'w" enoulI~ ,..Itored to ' I embr.ced her .Iend., 'C.r.iI; or ..,er.1 ~illI" th.t of Nil;'r.. 1'be 41tll~" to InBlet pAln, a • . m.y poor Jliea ~ul~lu~. T6e Ik,' wu darkened by eoemiea lad new dlatruat .nd I to oDe' of tba coDpptJClnl in bi. ~Iow the men lo erect a wlndl,.., and I vowed. to .h1eld htr form " he' wlDd, vollime of 'IV~~r ill tb. letter la .0.....\ . ' allil iDMcta wilh clipptKi .inp I• • bel .moke·; the .Ir ••ulrhrbul from tbe ,,"plae hilD' He i. watctaed by them. A after lhe aennon", ltV" .the CUltom lo.or .North the tlp-ab.ft. H, lound Ana rrom cold ItDfIft larae r than Lh.l of former. bUt ib DI~~ b~le~ c:ould tel".! ) .. had ~he,' tb. con.t.a)'lt ·blll.' .or dRili\; ' '8teI. Fiorce, . C1Ira8 follow. blm. W~II.AI'y ~e ~Owdi.t pre.eber. inl tI~OIf1 da,.., tbl.l the mlDe,. a"ve huddled toptl1~r nel' tI,e She ."l'hJr beauteollui" n me, of delee .. t, it will be' ..en, lhere it COIIJf!I'bd ol I.o,..e: :. U. acliool, fierce, w~ ibe .lrlf.1 Or~t· lkiU b.d atrl,e to tlro*o tIM '9.Ic:e of conIClllnce In pre.cber h.d clu. Dlleetilli' Ha bl~ed .mai~ .hln, en,.pi! III p~1rr. Tho' te.n ,did "e~tly /lO1ll'; _ compariaoD bel"~8D them. Ja lite . , ...,.rbeUiIl( d\lpoal~D Ii.. .obtal..ed him th Qeneral 01 lite 'afe~ _y; tbe uci. . . .' of battle. ~ IIOW .n 'Ilueationed each brotbC1r lind .later OD tile They h.d worlied for hou,. lII.d H."III, to And with ber lIUle lipi .!te ••id..aeon \be Sltirb.".ti It • 'lIIaU t\rMm tl .. .1l1li»\ 'Ill hi. {.Ilow IItU· "rna, til. ".Cler of liCk. b18 araelt, breab forth. an•• In teo·(old 'plij.e& or tbeir ellperie(llce, practice. and malnah.f\-h.d carnftl toOl 'Dod blut you, 1,1 me go!' and tb. f.1I iadiylde4 iat.o three c:at;jIM ' ••• OJ ~n~, ..~ dl.llle, ... 'mit bit.' bl... Til eel in prui1ence .nd wiadf>al. 'He...... ,..,.,. H. ('olDlJli" ra..,. of the clarkelt epjoYAlell' ID the di,ine alre, ,iviD, .ach • debrl' Into thll worklnp, but their lir hta . of .urpauilll .bo~I' ,1UlIl ara~ar, . , ~'f8.p. bi~ fM, ~f. 4raB. ., 'ilie li.t1Inl Dli~~, .nd Otlr he~ laW It_w, too. kJDIl.poa bia't'ODDtry. 0 wbat. tall! word or eDcouralemeut, colDf~ and ad- went ,out, .n~ tbey awe tlt_.. ln. up ' f~r A Viriilii. piper a.,.' 'alter .11 our , •• IIJIOI\ tl~p.," and .. ~ .... I1!lult or hi.owlI IHid Ct>ilduet, be brftlr:1 &b.t It would pru,J. di...trciQllf nol·lnlcoe. .,Ice, ~a lb, cue aellDed t.o require, fillia, 1000t. C~wd/nr to ~.. (,.aII . e.rth All," <.tu\ion "f non.lnlercour.o ",celaion and mllt b.llfore reacltin, the be4 ol &lie fIyvp old . _' and idtten the ,-...paentl· ln dl.toly 'remedied, .n4 in diiohedl••cI &0 8elaoId him DOwl Society hu cut bim fUP the ialen.1e ~ aiQJrlll, " .wt&blo , - .ban, .h,ch ,aYe out (rnbu '": ror brealll- illood.1III thunder pnerall,. the Southern, tl.e !"tb., .nd tb •• , ••toblnr ftll' the .... OrcIen,lttl bit ~'laiOD to the .ttack, ruab- froa . r . 1Ie~ ckclea are . elOIl'd I willlli,fe .nd .pirit, until all la" tbty prayed to God. TIl••ee.t.t th.c peopl••re /loC!killllo tile N orlb In, '''1 tS1dta It tIiIIct.H "poD III, wi\h ~ fOtet .... lilt Ipiat b... nli~ to, lonely IIland' I".d beeD ,queatiCllWd but • cerulaa v.y pit .mouth, I"bey 'Ppelled allllOIl. ttLe,r thl. lIalllmer, Rallro,d care ud .IellllWben ill. Petii... I'GIU ...... ~ the feelO!l U.. A"'I 1:I.,,9letoriOlll cola• • of tIM! faa. DOw.-. ebeDCet ~ crOll hll promtnent Alomber of ~ cbvrcb. "hO It relativell, one by OM, D~" Iife1eaa with bo.ts are crowded t.o repletiQo with _tb· bJ &be .......... .11 ~~Il.i.~. BIIIdItr'a cam. .1 ,...... _rwl . . . . . . . . . oI'tNd .. &C4lIlDWlce ; bUl ...1III 0 . . • ~tillcrl'1,.DA ..,. "'oUD,.-None wore emera, all ....tenl... &0 qend thllr -.~ ........... .......... tntl V1etDrJ II... '*pOII ... . . . . . wiala IICGrlII w bold iDler.! ....... bia prelclJer f OIll. lila IU.... III would IOOD rec:o.,the Yank.ea, WholD ~IIJ 'Of ........ "...,.' .... liP' ..... ,." _lett It. lIfttr W. . . . . . . ~ wI\Ia 1M Ta.uwa. . afwr &\lfI llloat ~riOUt . \hree-tpmn of tile y••r. • . . . . , Ie' ~. . ......... At ........ '" WI Poor, l'1li• • •, .. otat.caIt, "MIl the tio.. witb ~ tile ' •• I ' •••







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."rNU'''''' .." l.\WED AM N 0" T ' HE" VidtlDl' of SeHlabDeJlS,









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dI_Illati' " ,...peeU...........







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tIftIItIVf ....., _ ..............i., lIo& t.oDk place.;.',.PreId. . .,1W. . ......:..",.




... etl.whb IIne(ptl Jl4. romp• "'elf k"f"" I. til.. el of e. ... '" ity , pfoipe' • rl th lg the ri'''18 or Medla. In r.ctJltlr ICe tnd }.'" t Ch .. nd, 1\1 bUllne ""C.ctlo n In hn. ! r nbonm Ian of Nllw York. and ,llIIIdh ":'l 8tale tha oub. In. rapid prelicot hi Ilenl;-T g pro e,l I thf'lll tl 1I In trunlCflt by .. I Chocln r ohlel IInder lbe Dim. ittle of Cleve land an ft. Lu'ilJ." I, a IlUlltlnl( llun of "hi h he h h llnlf, 1'1 TUbabll·f • • Clre), J. ;;gdOd mllalcl.: . Ok.1t . It (\It 100\ mar 0 , and " 'e .I/)\'ul • hi !til 'IIt lin fur ."nl9 IlOlI! P\st, ul perr"",,";", Oft the lIute. A won a _II gell4ic,1 contllluan" c .- 91t lll'IuIIII 1l1." ulJ, j ' I I rwl l hi J appl ret.tion request. he half pllyetlll8 v. whu.e l lady ". to thOle dep.lldl ni 011 peratlOQ ' ; Dli love with liitni Inellch ow. In rell ,Ire, To tbe rnbllo. DUTil 0)' J UI Eli CuLLII'S.-'rI\C';UIIYS' to U" earth, all tho. 'lllecrvuUuau i lld rallOill'ltlollby. lodRCt! Augl\..t, C I T)' e jUgelic ilctmnl","4 lIy obl!ervat lonl direc,ed to the \'lIIe Edal,ez lIay' , tllit ill\ I ",Ulu. rey Cll te,"rs; or flood f . ". rn . .' IllIIt (lily o r Ihe dcutll lIr Jl.lru eM ita aid une Is c" •• _ 11'1\'ellly rnhud 'a related ntj l,entlme . al 0,,1 Ri chnrd bled, \rhn Ihe grl'lill!lt ,e lll ll,exllcth Al l nnd C OUIII,. second 110 11 01 ahout, cent!''r of. ill qUllftor I paid il NT fertaiMd e c Vf. 1\lull TY'Tl " tIl :>W" letter. AI<Il ing LU o h of1101Hl thut e mplying th limier, IlirCUmstllil08d i oIl " !Y rleDT day O!' ;Iight, by sinclI baun. h,ad au n ; angel, drop pou· VlIICI!, OIU DOLI,.l.P nellr his re81 to 1100 ,I. Age1l16, 'ard oposltllI gthe rn ill IIjo$l, [ h ilS bee n l ' r0611011 h\l lu>en highly III II Ing;ttJ Ii' .hHuUe or nut bpeft lh ,ldo lOutr' , e monll;. b IFd in· ol6, wilhin raid 8tenmbO or curs e th 01 1'he boxes Ln. I lers ' I,y tJie upt ' n G 4Ine rJ I ntlrr whi ch chos or t he Illlil\ltlll l/( lhe plncll of to . Cnrol ille. tlie real. the Cllrth up lind Sill. al Ihe 'end of 1M Y'lIl r , ! Iowevcr, l!n 'e lI ul or pUlt ln g Ih e in In tho P oel-Officll,. I\nd Ihe ao,\ 10 to Uuhiu he , lion, I , d eOlllcqu enlir t he thl' peraon ItID erl'd Y: co dis t u' one aud.budJ Ihnn lty, lau i8 ror it ' thril scril'11 Xlcul Q on (lO-Sllb dliCh o t d lit! wny Coulld Were nt l jlorHUII tile di R!rlUUl'UII CIf rewurds IlIllUII!f had IlIcrI'use o( Ihli uhJect wllliJl chher rhlinlf the Iu· " Of II be nt the rule or I'll II Et cf. II Tft IlIlIlIll' o::r.lIlr FUll 1I11t! 11 hall huv. 1l 0tJposslb ie for th e ngenl B to ossort la'nd of the devote (a rloaer ; , Thf Iflle \'o.,la iOIl or Iho n Ihe roati, ,01orlllll>' wl'l'k .or Ill' 1I1edillu Ihe by l l're&ellleo rO I. wh\> , d. '" rorber. ll l' 6rte l ' oro 011,1 nlllJthcr I,id r"reh nw l! thorn corefully. ).;cltero Inl: IhllS obtnillrd ': A ,I Ihe T he step llIer .1I10lluo'll)lIlul Ify lert or Ilw 1 lind 'IOnc Buch. Iv be yotlng, baaUli ful ".nol weulthy , be():;T\Ve will furn ldh 'Ihe ftl J l'.\lulll the pouobeo nnd lII ony nnol iJ H(vru l ath '01' AugIlS\. Ito l oi are \lfOl!Qnleoi nt ail e cisco rPli ' , of Ihe and popped JlIng. d ::iarloill' rllhulII'd O <l r Ivith propqr care, ore heved every \Vol'I\ ' S un Ju nn, Ihe 16Lh Illdl., \\'Ill! 130 n8' ore nul pUI Ih em, lIl lI l "I WI \ ' ahnut r !ian,,"II i! the l'0litioll or' dll! 1)0 0 tUil)ed he ulCp!reoi. whll I no °lr uur lboug t. yonr, ono Cary 'lY' Uook, ndY'd L mIlLrll'Do of deY'd Gf r u ' qU"!'tion .. Ih nes, gl),1 l' us ruiJblld olT, em. I (1 0 wa. Il IIUIII'e of Hg ran ge of , ,is. ulIg .'r. , b nt 110 gold . . ) 0; \I Ud ubl . ill r d tbtl and d, t'on,enle .sollle abulil ceilla eord y in the allll twenty. P erdons ee lllliri g oll' lotte/s 'or papors Nl cn rng ua a ,oul ,30 )lCRr", IllId a ;'olln, 1Il3n or bril . fur three 'J'h e' F alco n Jeft San ' JUOII 11111 aa" hat! preciplre , " ee; 1i... llt'i 1111 angle. uf br, Ihelr "IBILurs tied on the ' kllot Post. e Ih in ly plilihem 10 innriilb viso'd od e thorcror the ' aw 1111 borilollt ll nne liDlit lutd le c " ,(oily co n· on, 1\10 J IIh, DIIlI arfll ed at HQvallo . ;IlIl ,mmplel t'I .' o,aewhe re. While Bllli') e tb eir ure lrnn s. ovcrluok in,the fall. (If Nlugara. 'fhcle ' Officp. ill order to " C • h I IS roru"bl-.! a. the commtlll ' 16th. e) th ruth L e th hellve" of ccd vlO :-Well 'EN'1'S -8Z:0ND COllR.E Cinci ull uli Wlt " n Ihe commullity il ihvurc was rOlllance ! Tllo blue I'aullor lal ItAILnoADs flt The Chcrul<c t lert at Hava no Ihe Un ited OWII ill tompllI ,lnd it.'const ruction 8"'et the nd. cotarllcl bel,o w-and • , 011 ' intoroleli ug wolre p er.fecpy foaming ,lho lcotlonl' "bllve c(lmmun 111111. iea nl ... mallner tho that dln rlillrood. 'rQrwArde tlll< ali letters nt tbul Frlgllte Saranac , and Sloo\l.or -wmr l"t 1.hll every part ml, be mlnufac . Guzello o t tbll .hl lWlll'. tl\f.lOOr, \VII lhe IUIU<I or a in our .u bjecta, wlllliud llielrty ded 10 ore Iinbll',' frulII the cnule mentiun ed curly.he udet! 'legro, clllllplIIg , AlbAny hnd ( ura from Ih'O 11ltllt, Ihtt' ".ecurln g a per., li al'e beell uptillP.i1 i n Ohio, pay th u IJlllUOr, the 10 regnrd n rk',! dQ tho In it. adm \I hlle WUIl1I1I1, midway be · be Will young fill uti perlMlnlll them Not:,hl, on .' plbClcii colulllns thei, n o, 108s' pcr cenl vl811ed the til deloy und .pnrse ng ere r,l.'port we , hall reo t plone Bula.ce Dnd contour":'l greet de. holders mUrI! thlill \? n tbet In III th e two elemell18! A reveren" ' lVe IIIUlt kllow tire re of all Is hoped \hnt Iho practice will be dlsoo n. nin eteen 810ck. \Ve ho vu nu doubt IIu8 II EtHetl)' }Juvonuj prisonerd n America pre· IIldlltatU\n III l uch 1116trumehl., beell hu' tlln11y oPPoJ 80, n8, no, aID In tv ' united th e 101'lng pUlr, paid he Will whiLe Ittelltion alld no nc or immerg'p writerl!, of the UUS\lh)SS o'r exocpl ill Cbsel teat the muL- wero iii good hClllth,lIud 26 siCK in Ihe tlUll ed, noth '5\lpl!tlo rhy o\'l.'r .11 ulh\'r in.tru' l true. It _Iw IV B the v,\flt.. to O' 0 \ h'at gnve tb e official ili ra 0 ; bU6ioeM bride e Alllettti Ih and ool, produell the their in by lted ly ln depoB nU bo uut will ab or mull brought lhllt is but . I, " 'I' ta-it clnnoi be thrown Ollt o( a,IjU" ' tCOUnlry, maxim lV,ilh U', .. i A trip to Eu. . or C services bid lOr, dullur. fifty be~ion, e Lo de•• Ihe fuet th , t in O hio railroad. ' do IIOt collt mUlt .. T~ey exprcl8e!\ their th unka to Ibe Brll ' Office ror Irolll!mis ballily-. D tO tifllng IlIt l menl h\lrl or vJ6lc noe condeml to' accoulila . • lUI , at " 'the prlvil E'go of 1'1 Hin" late leiter. In ror wa" III the di.IDnce , ol'or balf ns IIIUC" IS th'ey do (II mll ny his groat kindness lilld ul1" ,1' thl! whole , tl' I.h -,-or il ; , tiole p. . fill II I Fl. , hllvo ruuy Vlait'tlr. tJlC,y hope Miami 0 V. b tI Agent (or tbe III Now (he drop ' poucb oa or sending th parte of t bl' Unlun, CobO'Jrn 1lei igll. !.liking out II ' PllIZ !- I. W. & . J , G . lenlion them, shoold W.d, WII1Z, llG,lhat ed lIUggCatl help lut)1oria our cannoL I. ll1 yellVe CinciDn of Parvin, lllttmdcd prig, IlInil agenls, Wft8 to ,England olld New York. Ohio the 16th, eight more t l t f rill' hl\$eDtloo t oon. lt put in tu opefatio n. II ftpu8ed to pillce on a firlll agp.ot (or rolle atlng 1IlOniei due lit, lIad ob. were I.'x igo ncy, whIch ore relv In numuer; nnd lhe ludy rOIlI' dl cun hordly fail or bei ng who HMvllna, into hl bruug were 8 one driYillg ' of' ' h rllullleill' in- II) apl'lIclt lon, and men or pllrpose 1108 (or .. IIICn\8. cluhnd 01 her lIuHbaud tu 1t!,ertiec Iho alld ers, ,un!lulion rU tl .ub.crib r o !.IIinln' I'ort.loo 1111'1 ony oonaider ably $ . Jou . Mon. taken III th e moulltuillS, AlDong tile prise Iic,if bCe 'III bt' led to adopl, itJ 0. 11 08SC88 . la tlte, lit IlIel, \I ill in Ib c olllJle liueral .plrit t corner o( th eir .. be . y, Eloulh-e IlOnesl the ' on 1. office Ibo Hil upun IhruWII be ahonlll O1ail C. • . , Ilbl<LaiUlllis onera Bent 10 SpaID were John D08 well, l "g adl',nl'g el hitherto ufactory, We.t Side, of MOl o' St" Gnd Columb ll sltnet. trulisniiij 5' which I he lIlalli(ut ou on the Qcc.slon of yOllng Indy of \, linT!] our town bave A: .nteJltuhllY " "d 'P. Hatln o, or Balthnore ' 81t"nt to IIB8') rt nnd arrnngo fur '" . , 1It1"', 'Culqret rnt judgel • , ' plncr.. ...t. . . . _ ____ her Uili OnoJII81 . hell out II lo w hund red. I" /lome , country tho ill while' ioh . lie IIdlnin. th ll !!,, , iu lned h , lind 110010, 1'1) It Thos: Hillon, of W alhingLo n ' I', . '0.-. I , Slid pny " IV\)ulti be prllltin;: billa III ,this clty.!!:-We WOOD ! WOOD regarded tll. Lo ron ce lcb ti wh lhis"no noil, Should tusly to 0 on ' all. ' Ch arleston ; iri it. urrlljl#t'lill.'nt Rnd 'dp.1 Ilt u .- Wi". aro, BIQllpcd H: Hurris &' C ' oj ' & leli l 8:7'A' wish wllo erl . r($$ .ub.crib P 0(' Sou/helll If be pleased foot. T ,he tnftalllo, lha embnrra s611lent or lho moll agents dller , ), ,e ric; Giblin, dr Cln·cln lloti. . wuod new goode are comlng. lnd they will , bo Olor e Dud e h In cription eulll ir o ----th' -, for pay , tu y .!f ry I'o The necessar uue. cJ become tloh 91' {1ft n \I siill bOliUnuell, it wilt rent ,""" (rolll N"W to exhibit to th eir or a short n ca pt wi! wiah to matter a. ony oon. i ilr n oli it tcccplid bring I rbllllh i" ftlend A SrON. lllMI, I!:XPLO 'pprehe DOA'l' lock.jn,w • •-W a'1'e IIl formeli tnll t a patronll ll. splendid , lock of' good» , ' !hoi· ·"\t;ur . ,TEAM IH "tllLem or sglllu illi' Will h Eurupo 'wealher bad Qrlllllll' before surply 1\ taio the ended recomm df 01 Ihe (Bmily , Iy ,blp' fHI R fY-FJVI !: KILLED 'AN D IIIlpo boy Iallt Ifllel!. found ' in I . '!'IVO ,firmw loaded from tho avc vorll.em enls npxl woek y rec'e iyed Is regularl what ' D thei t p'lrtullce of Post· fr om tho SAt 'In. W OUNDE' " E iote ' pDiuta of a beet, or' bt inlermed Of1lces, ' ' to Col. Hurt, of C ulpa. I wOO(l. • , . , and Spalll • . EIJlht.. ith ljls leAVo Illd pouhded fln c. 10 tbe Iyound. III whicb ,ner garden, of roule or to illl lruct Ibom 10 depol lte Buch (ur I,..Lr cOUllt)', • lIIIir ll,IA., S ept. I S VAI'IVILlJ B 'I \"! hit h stu vee aa dl'I' fr,;;Ii:·:';. Dlanirelt •• p:;;ce I re AF, , EcTATl o.:-Tbe " 'os "ory bene. u mailer In the Pllst-t1)fI1IlI!', when II de· d n o. Ind the h ' y. le 'slOftmer ' ummit, rrOIll be low, 11'0 , tll "h'g tliem ,bomtt aud IU('mptj•ug to pyt t \vo, do' 01 Inore ,'c arry perllOlll) tll'onty " many una of o, plrt' oar" bo the 0010 00 Mftrll)' nec pn81tioll 111 b 11' ub. l nours to onr " ,\lcnd, ooon Ih e influln olibn lloIYan o f Ilullllln , r avo sthe (ollowing frlght (ul inlelllge nce Iny of 1\1',·nty.f ... . ve rrd lOin . ,, 11, were dlsco Tllu s, Lo asaUllle, occasion na • IlmOIl 11 8 the prili cipill ph rt o( their lund. ~ difThrent b".t hl'il cru. Ihe on inl( ' p ' kee , b)"" cuuscd' ' rom hDwlloetown. Dr. W ..Uord be ing iu(ormed "or ,lte I lde, 'Olld' , " , y dnd Kentuck Ohlu, relhl)' In e J wblch CAJOl uvea Ibllt, J st be, to or aft'ert 'line i ta I ackJ!QQ ' ' in lomp.n , with Llao bpy .nd changlnl r it ror' a fruh 0110 DI lact._ S!lllt to. liD , nlld T tl nnO.seo ouu K./trIIALL, , Gen~rtJl, • ' I ppeed'y cure loberly 'pe.klng , tbei ate not l'ooltN.M"' impllired plnee, by "'Iduh bpcome O' l that jlelned ' ' leaVing y, there nd a .. yesler<!a wopa 'Wn ch I,ho \Vlll to on I. mell conventi i tI l ome gontle Judieill el.h ced l not' Intll ollen otured fa "_ve . manu W ore 0'. lhey .hudow Europe, mme. the k illed nlld woulldc.d. the rt'mlll'llnJ( 110001 or a h,,"..,' w.. rfl"tlc ted. Shnple bul the (oulllinl!' ont! ' a' Xllllia on Fnda, ' ,Iost, l/ollliiIUIl't1 I r y ve ,.lIye with hlfld lled fi 01.11. Qnd with 10 nll ing T,-Ow converai wheh "CCIDEN Who, II.WA'" .l R person., }'AT.II, byevery tllo Ilt .nl''''n In ehurgo or of :(.ebollon. 18 the .ktlletun , "itll tile rllleeption DC 0/le IItel like th Is shuult! be vintu go lIflho &uuny sl vl,ij8 of .'rance,a 'lIl erol' wlth whom tl,ey were well acquaint ed Judge ,Grorge J. S,mith ' b I reponed 10 hove Iho (oggy wemll, or )'Ildtor<la)" Lho U~ftt Irom u, eJ:plu~lo tbll of tIme 10111 , luug.. ur thfo arm bonel . In the learob a llldont PrB ror e C8lldidllt 'Vhfg intimlte,' w.ertl~ 'comlilon tolerably , elld relurn to tho Nuw W"r\d, d 811 81 I tim.: nd.l1l .........n"P,.,rtla and the E ... I <lId not urrlVl) anll ' Jumped IbbOlt,eo nuullin. a I~rgo roll of ~ank uutel _ uue any or of ",llIeli ar~ re lied IU proC)ure theln. 1 • • lranger let rorosta l1ut COliIn moughj' oily. ny IlIls ror Alleghe of truln regular d'brlin, •• Ihe (or \nntl •• l'ofs" ab<o dieco.orllll IIOt (ar alld. !ettll', Cunvellt ion of ,.prinh"J8 e,cllpe~ 10. the "00d8. The , Ct.o'!ll,lc,, National t~ turn to 'll'lah m~y they nftne"ce ' who.e ed, • Vllit, a fer'" daye below tlou aequoneo on Clt\ rll trAin Willi t!u.plllcb from tbe .kf'lctob . T~. aUle., buw~vor , tity. P." whl.l~t on belt! it. lellion in Baltim'l rc, recent· V,,\\~y was bUL a .hoftu di B,tBncc Ih:,\lrl, B1" S t1Ji1FOOATlu-It.- ,' l'he Auburn •. , IlIno· 100 · to 11'" 0 eounlry, wllbed thl'lt own Il\eclalb enQ!it, corne inlo tbelr the In returned d lI frltnd ti{ue, to., tfle, It .IMO. by cI JaCkllQD iDjur, 1ear .Dd d nelli mutilnte ml:t't cio much Ddj6b rncd wetll 10 maa' change 11 or 'J'lIeodu,y, un Ihftt whit alld,ob! Y. N II.Noms . Some (net, ,ud Iuppol lng wh i t PP\,tll\\lC ehe eQuid. She lower! VIC rlnl or lonl upoaur e to LIla wcalber , thlt their to havll • dtdh of mU ' ' flS- Chiclnll ati. o mbndge ne -prllvllioll comJl\o,. III,th e ltd 'tH dl rom I two l prixluce EJI o;; t tlla , from 11I8t family Ibe lhe by wn8 1I ellt! train I:IlgtJlar uoor&li nrd, though eup. cClllocleq , drl'..ed, wreck ulloro. nol , 'miue I'reviuuI day, (rom tl'n mlltnmor bn Village Inlbtntly tbllt ill tbem , th wc behtlld tho Itor(s lIIulI were w a (ew houra .elzed The Jack80n is bauly lorn to pieco8, workloe n at E llol, UpOIl one poe".. bt the bulk to, b" of largo amount, III of UtPOR'I ':A:Nfl \ ..,.l'ber e.,o Lben And ' ! lI ud tIle 1I1111'/lulr Ilcut OfhelbOi1y i the ul a otfecL in Ihe pl;(,8Pd ClUed •• w road, ic,,1 rlll. r ,,.. 1"'0 roc much ilef.etd to With .everc. vomiting . Med ee!, to UI {{ODI the rura to' the I(ter Ililtch or her cob. Porclend, and dobl in personlr ,tifly and hundflld B'lt opun thu " 1;0111011U hli/h.lluw erc, dollie olmo@l,h reDaerod, bUl Mrl. tlte ' t,: I!IDl5 or re'PIIle a culverl lnaue rOr coIttJe .. nat, . 'a!J'tfrtll n ,to wloom wu dlrccted , • Po,': tion (4)r the lut ,olmar, or tbe ;ill, Do.lh the builera are .ubftcrip ror adultll ll'l'fIl' JIlg t;b '1''''0 pnry nathere. a ' croll'll h pa LUl;1I ,to anothor II nd'rneal . lIlwllt thirty liopr. IR4Ir cibni ' . l. f , ) whltlt wn of 000 Mll 0<0 M., dLed ,t, .., ' 0110 of whulI' our tionl' ot ull., cD rriou UUI Visitor . anc1 not nlore Ih8/1 oooltni will l!sBlolI,' 'anlmnr , • pro.!1uce 10 ·' ed YO,RH.. cllculal NEW' f.oonr. all Ire ' reat I.rrlved. The lior thie, vo,'ume. They ,hllt! takon uil'llIl' a clue '1111 yet Ilibelrillerll/ th e '" S 'HII. w- 1'-tJ Jonllt!. r " li I The day ,In liot ljP al 'In" IIr' M wiped h h. , ace w jLII I IIan· lIud to fuel, cb e, h twe But""!'mu ' about. play! ror ils full rl . ,, 11lnlo :la,. ".I ept. uroulf 1.._ K, ! , ? "y' I . NEW I I •• • '" and ' tilly dollal'll ""ell plu .0 leail to th.1dun dty of the Pl>, : \V ,I" cliOwurlllnt ,, ( lhu be regrette d, h01\'evo r-i'n lIIany iUdt'ance H We "" Slit: one 'hundred acroll Ihe cui ho carried, ilie trlnger ' wb loh • ,!I Oru1l8, crelY orl lh c and we l on 01' t.blt elrcuinlt aDcel by w liieb I\e "".rebie f In month, allothet . ....,.,_ . durini 'Iii, ' without unUor pe~J 8 f\l1l out ,nt f goihg Wlil lrlllll, ' fl& .'dar elll tlie th., or when ,orone ~ea, on at nJtQmlti ,vl)!I8!,1 ho ,10lenCi rroIOJ ,had Ind tnk~1l e Il""S,- ,A Ie! • Ad / 5TdT [11 II'J!' ur hL ' callie tel b i' encl. -IVarmtfo.1 (Ya,) Whig. rooma, would hko 10 write rece ipl8 all 'Iuy long re~ti.o'1 .... ere Jlolli .' raise Illair Ihoe , I and ~kln,' !l 'Lionlll itiol,:' nd I co king n. 8itl i a , GUIIV Cllllun 0 ' n i , 110 d ft6 , IV ' I 1110 e wlleu al\9 lila eyes. , Cllmll ill 81.." It ArOtlnu A, cur ve IIcnt -.0,"J gruV lIe ~8plllll l ,. , for 11 month, I'rovllded we coold only 'IDdue., ., . · l d t Jo lie Dr th ~ I ·teamer The r cbaracle real Oleir 'hurch, .. ~. 110. .. .. In limo out, pl.cop,,1 n.. L E barel" nt rown bllt " 8 !tDd 1 l'roteHla I, 1 " -" "_ to"...... , Ihe " _ or 'l1ho lYorkm~ J J d " 0 ,OIL Ian, .. cQmJIIg , ~ I r , 7 AnUT"~1I E " • • lNe ",Gr,l. ... L ,,"' . . . your IiII/4 bill,. liP' , . . • \ViI lild rathrr be 'cutlfinl!cl 8 GU to l'lUlm olf . !'.'klll , Dllll uullcca! \le ,e lectilln II~ rove~led Is semulcd .uII. woul J1~ nvthill" do R.I couid ~Dd ltl'iI!l:JJO el, thelll~elv 0 f l.e IJ"Uect " pOlO tb t ft tb I I W.' ' . i k ,.. TIle 0 I' Ihe R uv, lI i! my J . "Vh tehuu.c , 1), D' D experi.n ce, \bll month. to our room by IIInt •• , than be fore.f I prc!ve l)t tb e ,.cata.tro phe. rrh , enlTi,le e II eu J VIII ua DO tp' till "b 8t a I hC'rd a r receot , mar ...uroJlelll 01 luciety lhe in be. w . the day, oft· ,oue fur weD ed 'but lbDIcllll,m, tho e~pedlt 0 aorOas I \If St. 'J'hum~' CJIUrl:l!, bY' 1I lurg I'vh:, u. 109ped e~1t at "DOUgI I uI aell.ft E.or.I Ipl1!enta ~ClUtlpq .• b It!to.n tateo, 114 b ' r~!' '''*.folJ ly em· thal tbey 'Ilc extreme nee them IrD ck Oil lbe otbe~ ~Ide, and ,down all Allwi8tan~ lJi'hop ot tUDt d'olWllt' . . II'IDTlu i bOil , rO'lllir.8 1': ..rew oooug wd 't ,'" .east 0 COlI' B I ."ere, in Ii I rI b"ob frank unasaum ,Give \sa lhe opell" ut It ..eml they g l, "penee II dell\h of about tlVolve y P nt, n Doqkme eummovinv to i wltlle .ve 8 \\' ' k;'lInd ft.~ trac _ "--d' tho 'D , .. , ,,,,, h ot . . ' \, . lUa o::TDr D UfrllI)k IVU cu~:ced fWIII h ia bed o. t on8.o id locia. rolhllg oVllr 8cye~,1 \1111 00, and breilkillll' it .u.... IR ODe 9uarter. thllY every arlicular; bDd then we .re ",11111 lJ1'ul\'lng :O\Iern. ave . wHh guod ,r~Gtjlng, 810wly ut, pni! of Ihe •r e I I W, cornodillig III There MII~8i1ho ll 0 11 thu Iilghl ur tl.e 8th 111011. IIlnd. III 'flgbt W. tlle rge ot Cdo . tbeir 91£, cllgineer ~t Tbe ~to ,eu~ 10 piecos" menlt! ID Ibftt morket. FlOur in Liver, oro lDaklDg Irranp" With personsj lucb or a pntie nl in .hl' country, WII"-!,KllUJ&_ . soe ~om,iany in tbe , The ,to P aHr ..y. Dr Porlamoutt" Wall kllled.!lIalant. to pool~ at the Jatett .lIv lces. W ftI ·~\\',nt)! aur p}", patrip~ilm in IDolber. gainlld bl! CID goOd , COl1trL-y huren Ihd robbed 01 , !IOO: Tho 1118 the to frolll ~nIhrolljIh, Iy, atep 0' Ihe ~nginc pa8dlng . . LouI" R~pubh~n lelrnl frym ,I .oure, hUlaut!', or ~" :4e. nuthing I, There oo. assoclati csclll'cd. their . r' e robu .o?le 'rh for rlh.: e cejltbat 1.he to hiUl Iiii hreDRI. pillolol( ~~ us \lyph~ end l eo tb pro"pect or tililltl to I."IpliCll r:~1!4deD I dlsgu,tin g, a8 to lee 'pe rsons trying 10 POI tlllnd, t rhin fireman Mr. C. ,Penuell , anl or b er.'IIJ'pIWilhere, thlla rut Ilj .nllmber ,of Ame{lcan.a du· n .UDDt IlV :- O\1 i:JulldJlY Ian a botly being crul\bed and 'alra lind ,{nanner e' bi, the on PI; al80 Ju Grlode, "HII Rio the ives, up,on rating J,o'cnnlot ' two concent wilh bren ,dowb uf ,Jtnl¥HIIh Com· to pI' the IInmen!o Ihe lit d to ottempte ring Wllft w,e nt wlo th" ring rObbery til lind by thus doing, l'ndeoVQ baggllile nrar Fo! t Brown, to Illiat in Ib , , SI. " ('rious occide ll t, 'Iihe lioiler un Ihe 8nt scalded. ,The " . we are con,ullllllrr. . I' morcin l'Bullli, C)j!vellllld, (0 ,) Tbe burg· .. "bout them the nme 'crowd 01 delighted pa .. pu. 1 fint tho Tlm.nI Bnd of 8tatll , the Ilu'by .. rt DI killing revolutia Ily etal :30 ih E!3 uursl: L!lIy, ]11, Flou, per brl, al Dctrol\. portt11lt ot in Ih,e lt n IlIlItl the noble, and ' 'Perllaps, .an wt Iwtll ' r fo port admlrera lame 4 up numbe(e breukill" tbe! It, der wla At tlie litell , 03 I r· 'the 'Ehginoe'r. A lIort of Ihe boil'" the grejltl'lt of or Ie Of fool. I hole 10 10 cut they , Ball thOBe, It or ( "yov'! IClionl The ....d, ,for the upedltlo p, .nel 300 )1) . (hrolVn bOllk on tllti lendet or ' seeond e n. or fiJleBn F t('I,h, to Buff.lo, meaUll of I tlt-sk by . lld d08Cl:J,ol collected lind /lour Ihu Imltlito, ', al,a trllck. Carrataj oil go 'VaidnJ( the lign.1 1)6 and Ihe two fiten on.L diu IIOt \Vbarf. " .nd carl\lie to caolll. tiler IIHcruplet! W e.,oll· the Mlo'win g 61 an' e,e. Ie· and auop_ 'j'he Doted freeboot er In th.t State for ye.r. '16 • , . Gill a'n; !' Bufl"aIo to No .... York, to lI,e vuul;. belQw, opellillg fIilo\het reolity vate In ud ~ , we od what brUll be, W9re 'To (IOIl)e ,DlIlI/In: though daY Injury, riou. ,li,epre. ' nd --~ 1'ISt alld well rrmemberecl. fOJ bia !';uw 1;ork, 06 Wharf' gulld • ' on IIperlure (our leet modo f"ct ll i . l ' , n.lght 'I lsdy w.a 4~ altlonl uJK!n 1mIII p.rtlel of AlDfrlcan F f. NALIl AGRI CULTURISTII-Mlls. F AAII' ullly fngbtepe d. 00\1 New Yor!! 'q Llv('~pool, ",ure 'dlltur. whell i lIepth, und ',1,., widt" In uut 118t injur('!l, Ib, ! troop' In part of Mexico, .urin,z ur Th, Neill Bed. suppoaud to be ball\)' ('omqlls ajon,', ln,uranc e, \Vh arfll,' " ,"Ierk. .ARRIV AL OF' THE WASflI NG'tON . IIAM -;-A of 01111 ",I tba luelice Hoye.; ! , tII,uI'P\ by: bod, CathenD . to coroe O!:rMI; to a Ill\e In leld bc:en \be bad be &den . blve to mornlrig 0 "'.,. H, W" W'lteu l r"lIow/J ' >1 r tl', L lverraol. N-FLO UR UN. l old OUTTO IN' CE ADVAN notoon II lelt COUIYlry, fhi. 'I'he), . in . door' arrived hll , uLlhe vocall.t lrllh to be thla cit) , pronulle l,mento' Iud tbll Sb FllAIICIl'cd, ;Ist July. . CHANG ED- -CORN LOWE R.. Y9 rk acrawl'd -' '1 1. Dt the present lime, in er. from Te... aDd WU onp man in the bftg. r ltCl\vutlon oil winch lVua 6I1lblllt tlie 'l'here and, ••• Iy Call" ' ::l6 !1 eneral) 8 g in society Abol/t t • • nt.aI, T IjII. P :lS, Sept. You, Nsvy there, rte brocks ,' ciince theAe l She comolen ced her I rew bruise8. hlntl to kIck ! gU)nl wbo efceped II were lolnnda the territor, .ad to lid oity. ,here la lion I! be. gage Worth in Llyerl'oo l, gtllu, (rom l:Iouth. hUI BOY mueh, WaehIn atuftmer The I' S 't d 0 week. tbis FIl.,. £ tIme G Ibmil , STABBIN probably " the new r reuniona In hOe Boslqr Tr-tJl>fk~ ,~3/A&p~r,. I H ere i. evidence tbat 1I1.bodJ Will F ill' In thll eatablle hmenlof u.. III " .inpton ...·ithdllta swthe IOthinel ,reached eideltho 'usuol baclu,h' Ae '". - 'It ., a ' " ' t'l r .. r Enginee tlie 1 1 ., , " • .... '. ". ' A Thele. I. , 'tit verne,,. b or·rbom. , etc. nlml an n £JU<U~- o • I , ~ k \p thl' _ bUlinc~a. " rhai then i. to bll mont. Ie n. a rf 0 J u,UI h Irternoo • 'hla , a.-iIIrs. 0'0100 t-I I MURIlE Il 10 w er TTUIPTE d I ""-The ~umocr'le of tlii' c''' unly, ' was 8l bb .. 1 by ' ." ' " , I I • 'of lIJI' on. WIY. 'VB o . GOIII -WII; • man u, V-.I h9wever , ilre . 1 plolltllol end .as 0 )ycn, 0 f nor th 0 0 U L... y • I '• 't at· coun b BI. "'ltW Oa' •••• OO'L'oT oa.-'The held \ I.J ' ' I H ' , on Salur. ' She brlOg.d8 0 pas.enge ra. L. Lebanon t .It E . OIi , ' cQQVllnii d a d " mll't IW'.-~ tb, home ~ b I b I h . I . W d b T d ., " . ,or a8 baclie· I, ". ~ar.e.. O'V cal, uxur Oll~ y proVI II 9 ' r Ie orcecp .,.. I f 't ae .......... , ~ In .•, , 'hft '1' 1101 ' a felv e. ,in excuaina t mllr or, er ' " las ,and ftomillited a count'y 1icket. ' dlly .1 r 10rs 'dolllro' UIt'm. t • tbat be acc lllpl\ebel\l Let . Cone.....' en ,pee New Orleans1 Pluyun • llt RClAL INTELL lGJ!lN GE . O'MMil (1J It I olle , .i 1'8d'ln r ' ' b he mull.n I o pounng by ,.to Ince • • ~,by I .c I h, sNluced )1 ad e CoU.eto 1 of that port for allo\,iog ' I t rllz, '1 ca II ed on ' Mra. Fum"llnla J 0 S~nla "I h I " ! 0 ' Ill I Li verpoo I, 011 " r , viae the ptell'D\ lllift', protect I ..... , . u,· re r .t I 1_", "o~on, w 0 el on, II lie II l'llpedill tb ' d r Cuba tha i lVeD wlth ·ur. i lIil E 10 bOPdt. t 8 Pampero l Oh' manu""-T" aD (ore'aU 1 InelUltry, raise \he 'foobi! bbr hut tit 1liome bUl Intt 01 l' at an wluhhe pOl' l 10 tle 1'"a r .... W 10 btol" e ab1r C (lSl e• to,' ny, TUelldl1 1the 9th, were 10,000 bole., d' 91...d.. · ' Illr' .J .\ ' I r eceived there but three day. (' F":-'d D.ll. II . ' I lauec..eded t WIO I til18 " ' i ' aI a.1 til ere I , oVU ,le ue,ore me Fld I I ~o:'Nho n f.Ld , ,>< • f4 ClI I'n!,II alld lave the eighly, ",Wlon, of .a,l,tbl t .b. Arrired 0 the b r,a,nexl reup , w perla , e OJ p 0 e ray. rlay, ee 0 )l ,8 nce III I I I eaf, when .he, was ve y re usc eo t ' f t' h ' h ' b' repor1e dlttha t p,evlou••nd k I . ,0. 1 , . C\latam. and plunged It 11110 .,... \I but&;her v 'cco"ln the buo IInc monirC:l t d In 'k indry btle fumilinrj .im J ex seized h ti Loudon h bru At to I' I b"ld nd 0 a • • d 9 eltabilne . accoun all arrested l gt,ve 0 , Ilr·· , bur,..t out. .. .. ft'l"' PfiY IdclIaing ·,<.Id"'. III' th · d·' e Y h 'd I '/ I tl 'I' 8 llI"illll ua wb;io:h goes Ip .. people W. do blluell .. \IDvlng ber boilers heyond .. 11 rilllion. con· r . ,Dr r ng 1I",. n u II e where 8he , the I8UIII "r lhee hundred dollarl to aue.e "cer WOun &IDg ""101m BI' '" , ugar, a 18 ut accounts ' a notd db \tur '" I not reed. 'rllen you will 1011 mlp"'DC bl Lt' !l1n '- ... ' k ' L' ' .1'" . \ " A ' ~ 11 d • ' I S T ' I ii , ,I '<t,. .J, er ' som .. con· Ick hll been \ or. .1' " .. eF " 8 rec • lieu 0101 1 , 0 'erlO e Y" I C r ,,! emal! A.Vln4. AT lInUGu,IO conce,_ onl were " " . wer at Cllurt.1 "", b J t k a( e"ery Irind ftttiu, up I tl III ,j ;&U1'40 h' vo. · Inc b 6tb ' • Commercial, 161A. t d til. b Oi,.. Inl: GIll. ., , ollr , tu . refering , . OO'"By ," reo ," • e ricb t on er'bf , .num avana a ,, , r ,Ion \V ere I. c , -tliOlie alre*'y iu opela\lo n milking ad. II er. ,a I) I readers will percclvl.l pu:c metl lc.lly bIlled! ) AU a A.T AIID D~AT.H 01 T,\!" BruNtI I cel"ed In Ch! rleatoD, ILat!,1 Ihai the SarI.. umllltltlli" ..-eek,. our 11,/1 lhlt on rhe Coftee morket wllI' to ,nobly firm , vein., of course .wllhour 'r flmill a b ' d 1,1 k,r P D dlUon! and genUe. 0 Job lellrn Commp. tbat LADT r I and WII she that ~ W 0 ere nlc .rrived .t 0_ h ' . uU e and a fair bueGness doing 0' previuu8 rlltel. fng them, I 10 :Itt:r 111 h n Fran!;l;,. tbal duy'l&et 1lhe greatell excilclll ell' 'lI'1'I Il~I" bTecome (lure P.rker had .. hlgh'lf"d uCateil' Scotch woman,' lnd leafn- man plClllenger all the deellllld ,fair nl'!&' grOWIOg,r" at w ey ••• , w there l Liverpoo At "e d (, luppqh We 'tll I: )een c:. an~e ed or. b' I d., 1irom M..• anlurl)l An· '" in New·Or lelili by I repqrt . th., iIIeIhal,1 e w'Itb In 0 tar b..t'l with we Capta"n General ror flim.ell and th e' oectlrr Qn we bOI' chon.umer. U "o\l~ ~dre-:uo:tUWI'< • Cit, W 0 fo r tIi e, Iower qua rIt Iel 0 I FJ Ollr\.t , Ias (ed e a I, b ... been , *110 ra 00 a p,rlOn , n II Voluntee er Gqbo,n d di.blnde t . G , to ad• ill a pnccl, and mike j Wf-re' in part· drew Fitzhugh " theJOal.ll-In~ Barharel. \ 1.1 w8f lO get goo '1 ( tllO IImng of IUppotta Printer.U beller, Friduy a ,alea, Some Circulara .ay. lbat Blcbtllel ta, and all lnehman b etlun of the eoillltr ftouiiehln :_ l taff, but up to thohadtime • ha YII.,. H JlI·nd . k P were, ,lind th homes d . their t' ~e (tIIII1 pllce.ill !.like" b not ro.u]t~4 Fd wbich at .. r !llll1 it 'With puaenge , the J nel'dhlp eoll: h .g, ham,l 'l h llg 'u y n I 0Dlclhi rr ,~lm-8 ,re. ' ''' '/1 tte '. b .. tho ellll If , r IIIDI. au ... f. long e r ,qua I lei ~ 0 !CUI , w I e ot • IiIte , .",ere lab 1 enouee to 8 kDow ' wlthotlt he lIIe.1I1 1>( "tu'aill6 lterday mbrni .. W'tIUI~ "~I er. n b A.mericans were trea,t'~ poli.telY, all,lIoullh..... gaged In ~UlilieAl d II Fourlerl te nAaolll i.ItO" . .I' M.I~ Bruce tile dOltll \ ol Ule la'ter"ye I, I chBnge, no dlere-II uf \.bll lbat atl~. 4ulllce era 'I would ' pei'lonl the there *ttlut to !mentll Ibollt ad~erJi'l passen· The bOllt IInu811ally crowddd ence of consider able excilem ent 'hll 'without glrde" Mre. III 0 U lI. C £ !lTAA L a.ILwA r,-We In- l~ cJn,e.llo ,<8ome 111,ht , da-rt Corn i. neglecle d. lod il 6d , lower; tlte lin the 'care of tli. tee; Commit ' Cubsn ' and cabl". \he .a1u.' In IN Ind, .b'ut be dock ure on melB both , grer. "great eeIL" Ihe' lIaU_work, Mr." , , It.. tb attention or tlie reader to I notice lLiu'gilling blli inea. 10' b~st 'lllahtiel I, aft'er~ at 1I6.@1I6a 6d. from M~81chuthe done"'" tbe iiOIce. bnl b .U_ly biou .,' , D fiel!ia, .Ind\the Jtiahman or l Gra1l8m, wh,o had beeD, ' hind or Farnham rIYora· Ind l, in Illulller column: c'~lIlng I meeting or ~ateu~pelld~d. been,coo l. . .r we.tltre 'l1h" , prell .11 dle m ther fUt \ ' nI prOln'h h I .~or h. our clti&e nl to conaolt in refere nce to the colrae worll. Tbe :Irm --1. de- a\eomer E1II4iol' 1wal 'Piking ~n Salurd.y the 131b, Ille Whill t e a , · rveetlDf • e to or ed f ' e threllen caDdldat t. and ... deck' nomln 'on e 10 slurbaoc dl green I or ,in tbe bollOm TRt.: CUIA.. PIOIIU ICa.u;t O.-The • or till. greattllo roughrare. \t8 The IlDport. ofbr. ldllulfs arc ullu~u'lly lIght rUlly Iltullet! . ' n . ' " '.' u ' I wood, ola.! by .. I1\'11 coverc d 1V111 w.blp.. .I smallIb,.oY"whc thll mite idter- : L Iup. ,J II II ,an~ and t~1I .t.. .., compleUfl I. now'nllced beyond 1111 doubts' throughou ~ .. .upport to I'Bullur • I(r he DIIrty , tb.t 1m_ ,/iiillP*] ....,.. t111\. ·r the thllt ·,, V-.I . . . .. cilllll)'1 Commer blin York e t · Itl' ~ew , to "allj .. Gr I ,telling ed, r, d i a n with d nlill \tIle I ,a C III d rcnm, I Lo II I it all. 1I be done reeta with IDle Tucsday C ~udQ'eNe 011 but u to IClIm aroo~ , ,O. DletatMo .,IIS n on I ,. \' IIDIlCiaOlCDIo-,"or "dec:lar ation 01 inclepen. But1trrllOUlltY\ , 1be ehOre land o[ Slntl CI'UII, Ind I .nybody . and no\ .bu• ., the younK Olin who ba4 "differe nce with t9 96J tbe ....ople. Jt I. no.", under .from d .... over DlilIer, of edf W .. h.millh' , prell to en&e." lent rouDi til the morning " wu p.ylDjf _ or dy ,tolWh01ll of I revolution bomlnat ed ror the Bay nf Monterey. The boJ" C.,lt tlie word, &ei&ed .'chllel. h ClmbrlcllO to Greellfie ld,an'd hi II few dlya of th.t city .. the evulimce I lad PORTL AND AND try and 'e,eell he i Itruok •• ' heav1, other there. : prmted romlltltil Ihere II HALIF AX R.\IL.. ".i1'· R , the contract. «nt\oe elttellde d1a Indianlp , la Cubl. waa "rillen . he"to, abbed of ' 108l raWD,.t on LeblDon the Thil blo". &e,ere • yfJry 1.lfle tnne. We \Vere Idyhe It OAD. wa, 011 th... _.....11 of <III.... The ..ork (rom thl. place eut i. IC8I1e uHbe ... Tb f b b t ,I. Ii't, d '" - ....." JIo ,. by a "'Ius of ,. m"I" cd mate e !!3, i8cpt-. oat, e J 10BII8, 0 1ft. ern II ';I!II , all'OgTetl iDg,ua eptl .paeo of .lJO'Dt ODa rol C .ome, ,,-I In aepeciol MIlD be will I U .. . we learn that ther!! U&I&.i ...-A d "'I • db" Court of Com-" ow._ waty, the moL ' .. -f W hi Ch th 0 IHIIOD of .L L 10 epo.,i le of 300,iIOO poondl forward. ",d proeurin g the hlndle U~ n Plea'u , '" a ..til. 1\.. In, clOg anXIOUI to leB Mn. ' "'.nham r tbo of lltzlllIOn thllllrra th 1. ror ra. ." lc1miniat or rrecl W t letters tI B A I'mllna &0 "tend with to lnd .• llltup·toG . PUI'IPlw BlfIG)U ,Wa . .o.qu. -one of e l1li' to hi .peeIall)' cIlled. MI .. Bruce pn 11-1 'be direction .. poet- bl" w iudlct.ed on thB blck of lbe mee nJ 'fl. U&liru Rai1'ro.d, haa been plld I", w, (Salnnfo y.) .hacla", I ed to-morro .. pI on &11., Inulea, 00; liou. '10 took II ... to the Swe line In the LouI.-,llIe JlO11in.. Tba Roall frolll B')'toa .... 1,. day In the tblek wood,41awer bUlib. IlIUed him to the deck. Gluein, &11 will be COlIIlplet.ed It 111 to ttl,' company • luge .honul Crom leal patti Ilnough '70 leeu;:a o· arD't:JD . , . . p. • \;y, liT du.i1.l£e CIrEU EJI. I" • few :honra. Tlte m.te mid.. no.fort mflll CGlllleetlon with th i. pl.ce .prinl, . lId rovlncl', Dnd renders crrtlln I lpeedy /tI! chestnU I., IDIl l olfle &ighly. .nd I, . DO , bat"'. d tile If time, to C.caPII wbeD tb. boat relched I "me . . . tb.e at lOun can be leC'llt'ed , hrulie " .nd "er,"1I I, Inti ilia " .... Ibe Rqad. • . ; lbe um .. I undn"" 'Viii who ton, Diy the or 1I1PllOtMl GrdJ", ' ne til plowman • I"Um. .af I 1m cQmpoH'd of e lglll.,eD lJ1'onp of people, COMiatio l UIII ,tee. ...per eurtiOIl ie made by our citi.en• • J-per Ian. ae eo.n.. :f '1'" My 18, 13,8, 15, Ia I city Ib Europe; behind I be." plow dr'"n b, foutul P,l" "eatlptiJ n.- -Louino iu. . PolWifIIfI. NGTON WASHJ R\:')I " ,.,..• er, .... BaptaJllb .... or first ...... lb. b,"ldaOlJL COIDpaDY lbat • -p ' , t :l, 5, I', I, 111, U, I, thellam e of br a boy, lnd ooDlDllnded by • lad, "hlp W.imlO 'l'Ow. 8e)JL 2a. d. complete be will ' thinp III 18611, . • " .-'l'be rail...... boildlDJ; ...... 1II1ft'" U Be: hi haDd. We w.,. ....t tilt Ire iII'I1ted nntll the 28tb iI PropOII OO"'T" Nft .. n • '., BT.uto ........ R.m. o' ..... E!U Ira' "14,', 8,1i) to alud, hi . I\fllee; IUd IIIIIDOUllted, bat _lei 1IOt help .. Walter•• Thom ..tal...... an.kM .... Octobfr. eona ClthO\lc: dae lblt rD tet OO"'Wa . . ue .".... 01 .. 9,10. I J. 4, 16. Ii, 18, • potlOD ttl ..., ..... of . . _". .-II fur lbeu· laokln,I II'" book ",hleb "e dl.....-e d templ.t.eereetJDI,ln.lbortt1Ille,.lplen- loraJItb eexWri orliatbl e , .... ..... excltelotei hYe . . . 01die d . .. ..... or '-'of 4IepoI..e '111 Hi. au .nral to be 111 5ew . . proY"ltfoptIWIo hleb \r•• 80aII lr the m.· 'DOl of . ... elll_cla or the up/toI, Ibe teDiIOll odatlan, RttlD'1 lecDllllt d .. their for ehareb, dId &eDcI. i ..... ia • proper 18, 11..... 1'7, ...... 01 til ... .& . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . wltole






~ thl.luntl ~r: JtJh~Y


,,~n 11I~I\ed bod(e~, ~y








A~D l"Vl;~ 'P\Vu~ ~I)c )'~nr n~

llEau~'lDll\1h\ ce\f\'~'l.1 pltrli~ulur9 o\l~ervll: La~1\ l}rovltI~ nc~, u~eu \~entl o . amplitl1~e l'~~aclorilr ascl'rluinc~ h,~ rc. , \VOII",I~d ~d tralllilg~ ~1I1~ret! I~~qf~ Mon~1 Ibl ~II~I;

g~t ~~Imllth .~ ~~tllng. n~I'dlo i~ illtt~Uhll'nt







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Jlppl:c'\t iol~





~ould ~ T"ele\t~r I~ b4~ t!oa~l,


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I~POIU lllo'lucnc~the ~O'rdl-\he delloat~ '.lg~.,

expor~8ti on 8tQV~S ,~IVCII




gratitll~ e

'W~III Q.I!ur~,







1>_~.I!~.lkhl)n, "boll~fiflJ/"'nvc,


Denjo~ll !f, Imo~ b~t!n ,T~e j.' ng~.,.eer,


only'~o~ ra~e8 ~~


Ch~~liln n, 'o t"

n.~J\ ~Ir





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howu,'e~. take~ Ilr~sb Ilff~ct









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our8~lf, an~ I~,a


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X~,\)fr~ Q,-A



pro~bbllity I~e-could



lD\'e~tme nt,-




~1I)lt.paid. :"





p~l. IIppe~1'I

~I~ r~('fel' ~,fll"'.i(all.


r,r ~cllI'~ !n~udd ,vI81Ie~ 6ll\id~IICli oll be~1I ,,'\'~n ~,Ie ~horll, we~e IOD~IC~, o~herl ~r I~eir convlnc'l~ dlOI~d ~re ~ilJd..

iJlad~'onco. "" ,


ti uflici~nt



a~ h~r'au~c hment ~I!' D"~~I\ItMEI':r, lekllawle"a~ct dreo~ ~e .go, ~ho prB~ti6e ev~r tlm~ , &~ I?" ~he ~ ~ll\tdbuted ~~qddr. I~ t ~d t~ d~\\,11 I1l'lI~P, ill~I'ect.i 1l ste~d

c~?eDl; '~I't:,' ~)/IIl~r Rroc(?l.' dc~ _ '~ d~lIghte ~d lh~' veop l~. \'ef8bll~g , ~"crlll dB?'~ Ju~t ~en~n,h"t r"~llIg th~ l)rlnclp1e ~, 1~1'1~11'1U1 KII~~klll gw.' ~e 1~,ufI1 ! I'to~,


c4~h, ~'o

'~ has






~ !








. I

tile aoadll, brItIp


WIl.a uilloeq.n ..,., lot ..

WI doub~ not diu QUI' 10M, VerlDOJlt idcIti • aboUt hke • ,oun. r. her lIterall,lla. - A FRIEND eJrthquike weat up tb'IftI' I!l'Owd ~~~~='~~~~~~=:~

Ibe tAla reaOhecl tb-"", York Ihort frOOl DO bope ",..



p ,.dllt.


' ::t

A BulY Pucs -Tbree h,,, of lele. grlplll "In beeD pot In the town f lon, MUlot"'tIItktn.thlrlten 1111181 of tele· graph. 10 ,he town ~e.lde. thl., ore In tbe ~aDle town twen~t·ft,e mile. rDllwlY tracb, there being fou, Ihll' eilller terrnlna~e in Ihe town IIr ruu throullh it -On the above tr~akl, llill pu, ae'!ger train, lutefllect ~ Ith eath odler wim:l ,ilfdlleollely Ihree 'ime•• da,-lorOlinrthe f,:J:f.alewtJunclloll Qf l'ft IIw a,)'. at the Bllme IIlalion III Ihe UllIwl SUI\ca-I( 1I0t III Ihe

oua.EoTIW Eveal' W:JlIlK

1P b~


Corn, ~ .. Barley, ~ ./ I O,au, f dox Ollts, 11 bu


Flour, 1jllllJl do fOil t Dutter, ;;fl Dl




J~\\rll Ltio.~, 1~ n,

POIIlWe8. 1ll Gu Apples; ' btl Cfllc/tenli, 11 doz

" orld

20c ~Oc

I bOe

F ooth c ril 1ll1)"

They are bUIlding a!3t Panl'. church In De trOIt ut Ihe l'xp!!nse ur 840,000' pretty well fur" cIty 01 twenty five tho~nnti peo pie Wonder how milch the churah cost III IV Illch St P Qui preached 1


R,u CoiTec 11' II>


Ne w Orlenll ~ Suglr 1!l n. aA @<ie Mnplo do 8&c Now Orleans !\ 1\1 gill 60c Sugor HOII~e MulllHSI'M 't~ gil l 60r

1\I.plc Mulus.e@


1lI gn l

'lac HIe

Pepper, n, A lis IJI t:e 1jI II, Willie Ii h lP. bbl White b~h hlr bbl

Judge Meach h'llll'u farm HI Vermbnt of ~300 8cr05, upon which ho rcsides and cui ttvnle. He kee". 4000 .Tu!"p lind cute 10.Olon8 of<llay ond other prodll~e accord 1r1l!ly 11 18 on tho ~hurl1 ur Luke Cham plum

10k" Suit Flu Seed


1ge $8 fl O 00 226


bbl, bll




A letler In the Bostull 10urnal. from Ihe London Exhibition etotes that the Jurore on ploll ing nave deCId ed to 1\V~rd Ihe prise mellal to Ihe C:ontre Droullht Plow. mnnn fnelL red by Prout) & !\fenr8 of Dosloll

\\ .EEK L Y

10 @lI e


E gg8 ,p dOE Floll r, Olno broods

1O@lIr tl bbl, 3,20@3.l(i Whellt, 67@.GOc Curn , III ear uud bulk, 36 @371' 01\18, 23c .

III rle} ,

The Crentor doee 1I0t intend Ihftl the ,rretest part of m~nkllld slloqld come I1Ito 1he world wllh Ino1dluB on Ih e t backa. null Imdles In theIr moulha nnd a few reody ibooled Jllld spurrell 10 fide the rlldt to denlh


R} c


6:! 00

WIlIle UCll1l8 ~ bu , Clov~r


-lfr WIlham Lovall, or Pllliede ph a ,~ho wms Illlle,. br • IIBt ratUeallake dlcd III that cHy '1 he skIll of tbe phylll 04:1""8 fUlled to savo hll life His 8\1fferl1lgs were inlellse FAUL




CulT",!', good R


Drl ~d

Dr/ell Ar~le~. ( hceK~.

$1 00 fi!226






6r 9!c

N 0 :u> gnl lugar 1I0u.!! f. i i ,

R,ce, \ll It Sugnr,

FeotherA lP. Salt il IIlI ,



\V.'e or tJomuol



43 0

~~ 5 @ ~~e

Sole 24c


DlED on Buturdoy tlie 30lh ultlml',



10 08c 81,'10

lI1 o lll$~e",




Fl8x,seed, 11111 Ilhy IeI'd Buellll, ahou lo\e rs ~ do eldes, ':ijl Ib,



Sleddom, III the altll year 0/ her IIgft. ~DII OSGOOD', lItDIA ClIt"I..lGUGtlJ! The decea.ed "a. reared lind educaled III Am()ng the dllltlJ1gulehed IIId,v ldunl .. th Sod"" of Friends, &ll,d ruml1ll1cd 0 who have used IllIa .uluoblo remedy nnd ronslsttlnt, consc\enllous member of tbat reColllmended Ilta the confiUence of the dcnomlnall un IInlll tile cl050 of her enrlh BfC HIm WIll L Mil .. y, Seer9w '11')(lotl;'lIce During B pllioflll. and PI'() ry uf Wor, lion Will 'Voodbrl~ge, HOIl tracled IlIucss u' IIl!verul \\Ce~K .he UIIIII RO~8 W,lk,n. aDd F1ulI :Wm A Fletch. fes led IIIl1ch putience nlld Chrillt nil fllrtl ar oflloo SLllto of I\J,dllgon LuclusAbbol tilde, lulkl'd • Ihnly ol her approachlllg ~ I) Hnd n e~ Churll's lt ~ lg'll(>y U !3 dl~~QI\lIIUII 811.1 gR\O I ~I uti ndillts everv Army lion S f' Cory, irl ClIDnuH , J rroJdo f<, lope Ihot II e ullld, nllli 1:~lIlle H Rftlhb llne'i't:4Q I UIICJJ NY, «UII L~"'1f thut hnd au oltplI 1Il~1 wllh Ihelll to John A Ilockwell. 01 Gotlllco;lluul Be tJlTer lip Ihu ~II III brclllhlllge uf hur heurt pllrll(;1I101 aDd IlIqulre tor Dr O~!Iood .11, In ~ortihlPlu 11 'llImuul God, 1,.11 gOlle 10 gm <Jnolagogll.e' DOli tob no olher \ I lingle wllh ol orlfit d "1',pI8 III tho world I IIlIote, Iud b:s k 1/1 Iho hoi v hC ht e ..,anal A P IIgllf bl lell enUre}, oil! tl Ie., "'I "r n fwu mi}ed 10111 uf Chloug , S~Jlt IlIg ,,ronl I IIe II It olle "'1 v II i T u




0 ~ollors

rERMS u year -olle dollnr for


0::r!\11 lelterA mu ~t bo PORI Pal~ alld dire led to MtH~N lV. CO , P, bll.hers the SCWlIllfic Alllentllu 128 Fultoll St~eol Nell York' t INDUCE HEN I S FOil CLUBBING i\ II,)' persOIl 1\ I 0 \\111 sClld U8 rour sub scrlbers ror RIX 1110111106 aluuf regulor rutes, 8111111 be t'IIL1ll od to Qlle copy fur Ihe some le nltlll 01 limo, or we \1 III furm shren col' es for SIX 1II0llt hs - - S 8 'fen cc.pICS ror \I. elve 111)lIlh 8 • • 16 FrteclI copies for tWM8,Jllpnlhe, 2~ TlV en ly copIes lor hI elye months 28 Souther" GIld W estern DlPu~y Inleeu par lor subscripllolls, or llu~1 Offioe Slamps token at their full vulu,e 84 2w


Fall and Winter Goods,


.peok of hrr III Illy YlrlUI:W \Iould be U c les • tor 1111 "ho kllCII her felt their II flu 1."1I·r.e and lhol1l:" SOIlO she 161'Ot 10ftt, for eXl1lnple '~I ll",IO' c:ontilluo to Ile 101 ft " II1r0411huII I t1I~ PlllhlUIIIt} III whldl sloe lIved N, "ollh! her b"roll\le" hll b \lid, I ~ he v 0;\1 II Ihe vQcnllt ohUlr bv Ihe Iire~ldc , .• I\!l~ 8e~B 11,0 ne\\ gr ~ \ 011\ tI ,e c!Ulrc II yl~fu "Ill f (>1 that hI) hilS brIm forced hI drolll to III vel'J. "rega the blupr ~up 01 wo(' lIer Clhlldrlln DO must feel thet tlnllr 10~!I I. Jrrl'piorable, ror l(uc It I' 'TIiQru I" IIllt fn 1111 thl. CloI~ al'd holl(lw world, fluth _ fOUIIL or deep, strong. dealh/on " ole. As that withIn a motl,er , lIeul ' Yet llthou!!;' be~ morlOl rem .. ". lire It oJ fl'O"llbtllr gne by tho cbld clod. of the "alley. and her boely Ie Ireturnlng 10 tbe dU~1 whence It am\! lull her linage III ev· or boforll tJl(>lJl~he IIvea In thefr memo 'TIes, and the fORd WIfe and mol her \\ 1118' ~ra 1010 theIr wounded h~artA Nonla of ~mrort - and consolation, "hil bId. them aorrqw nOl, but propllro to meet her 10 the Teg'lolIs 0 bltM We truU that the nu rnerl,lUI ,el~lloM and 'friends that 80 fallh flllly wnlched over her,and IIdmwlstcred 10 her \Vallte-tha' Iinged a'ronnd her dyllli couclt to 'wIpe the cold dew ouJ atay the 111t1Ii1ojf bead,' may like her be preparod f"

48 Dr Slonrl-Slt my ~o n hod n lhlgc r IlIllOIl elltlr Iy un by Ii lIor"1) \V 0 110 nod l.tllly apillil;'d your cel ehrnteci Oilltmcnt "hich relieved IlllA Vf pBIII III "




mlllutca. nnd

fillger frum \\ oiling the leu.t pnrlll:lc, 1100 wouI,,118 now hUlIlIng rup"lI} R o. ppttfullY your. S BROCKWAY


I1~M IJ) I'b)51plnna


HOllO'. Joihnker S'''_RpIlrlllu lIThlherll lind llla-ried L~Jlos procll 1).

o~ka F foll~\\ thelD !

,I , 110M 1(1.0 , te.t


UII tldvne 1 no firat S} mploms of 11180:180, however light, ehould never ~o ~i~~l'gnrd('d '1 h~r ere evuJence. 01 lome durullgement In the (uncrlons 01 nOluTe-they au tlfe effecls of he. ofiorlll 10 l~rbw oil tltc l'lI:Iranl'OU8 maller, ond vury ollen, 1/ nol assllted III her e(forte, serious. eVIls Will lnov\tably loilow A.ld In .colllng that ~aatrnc , all rAllledl(>. th.t oct vlulent!) Oil Ihe ays lem, Dud reeluce tbe 8trcngt~j I1ro to be Ilyolded I'hey m.teud 01 nallstmg na tllre, wonkon her power., lind muke lIer 1811M able to throll ,,11 the ~hreut ned d,e ell80 Fur "'emllie COlli pial Ill!, tI)le remedy 8tande pre emlllt'nt in 1111 d,eeaeea pcclllol1r to theln.luch u lIuor I1lbuw, or WIIlWI, failing of the womb, dIfficult menetrua· ibe Feat change thllt IWalll us all, or, tlng, III(;ulltlllooce of atlDe, genor,,1 pr08 ---,:--:.,:"."-,:".,,-,""-,,,-~-----­ 'Blewsed ITII the i!elid that d,e In the Lord, Iratlun of th., system lSer. adlcruMolllenllll ,nothar column] thry reat f[ m their 'abors,lInd theIr 'abo",

III \belT








dl, .. Orllon. fo IIty Iho O,oJ.' 1 .U t'lure dl.o ... "" I ~. loke, ,,1tJ . , (ely at '0 tlmo deblll lo\h. " . I . 1I• • t.-.bel"~ !,:",'~I I \0 II. moal dell Cit. tift ",. 11 and ~m.rkflbI6 fi r' tll"lr cbeerlng J ~ 'lgnrrat ln8'lltre RthonlDg .~1I rmtunitlv. pmpettJu.

, To

of 111gb

'I Lo,e 1111 r~ 11II ren oro oIl J"otb ld leer. L1o", pqrlr~




ond an In .1 ub i.


d .u r.


<)<11 rqr


INES rlMA8LE In ..... MOf:-;~J\~1 Dk1J1I11\ II I. MOl" clu. A(;IS LUff .A e ll \n "


ritOSrEC'I us 0.' rHE

.DIED at her reallienoe 01\ ard Itreet In . Lh~1t P'_CII, on tbe lith or &ptember, J8lI1, VOLUME FlRBT nJluila I\[ontgomer" 'led ellllll, t~o WILMINGTON, OHIO re~ra The deceued em\cftt.ed tiS lIent gornery Cf)untr In thld State, IU 1806l ami \V ClIAFFJN, I::nIToa AND PD.Ll5UU ,In 1807 removed tu this coooty of wbloh aloe h... alnce been I relldent. - THE HEllAJJD OF FREEDOM Will

Herald of Freedom,

O::r'Ne., 10r1ll1, and per. pili.... copy the above


DIED in Shelbyville, Indlanl,on the lit or September, 181n, Mllf1 Cummlnl, ror merl, of Ih,. place ., 'Farewell, aIe.r 'TWI. Ihy home,

thou art I:ooe, will to all thee oj I Thy bod, Ilea 11'1 the cold tomli, lIIot1let',


Thy judptent dl, CIOIe to Il000, U b.. pauaed O&\t hillrte 10 mourn 'lI'boaJl' lhy rrav. la rar away Tby ••flt oft doth v.alt me


_,</r. h' Thy ...... rlh,. ere are 0 er Alth...b III, IIO"9W. tbllJ are .ore,

For Death ",ltb 1111 cold •• rt Hu piereed 1111 delr mother'. Ichlng h~art.






DJBD tID IIUI .,. _ _ III" lbout twe o'clock, OD tbe 1l1Ia. laa&, of btalOftP the 1u....,.1111 Iflhoil ,nit, Banlt , 0111, ...... ula.-l ......, •• tb, -'~II_1



be 10 AIITJ.Sr!AVIlRT, l\JOR4L AIID LrrER ART NSWSFArllll It will be I medIum througl, Wbllll, Ule II'rellt hearL of Human· Ity may have free IIlteraUlle It Will ad ,ocllie the I\IlIndt!st ptlociplel of Morblrty, the polItlc.1 Re(t'lien Ion of our ,?VerD. ment HumiD J·rog~e •• , Unlvprlllittum.o FreedllqJ, lbe Pellce Prlllclpies which are DOW bt'lDg ag.tIIlf!d III America .nd In 'Oth or portloos 01 the ,lube , the Tempe"nce Reform, III all III COPlprehelo'" e and Ie· I..... ~.,'.,"";, gllimlte beanngi, and tbe ultlmllll tfl· UIIIRII 01 PohllcuJ and and )lor. I Truth ~R. HEutD OF FUIlDO. Will present a eonden.e~ 'If e" of the p~nt ~ocill, lleOlal, PO/1l1cal,J[orlll Ind ltetlgtoulC<lD- ~~~~~~~~~~:-:---:'-dluun of tho wurld, With I .crount of lhe mOI L IIDporl nt 1toror~ elC, in iToa' YUill)' Juat ree l\ MoveMeot. aDd CUl'n!bt cvelli. of che age very cbea J Jt ,,111 be Indcpondpnt on .11 .ubJeotll,~ r PARSRAL'L neutral on Dotllonl( that lovol • .,. the loter Lebanon Sepl 121h 1$,;>1,. e.te of Huna.lIlly It. Hotto w.lf be-AI· C~ffl Melland aod !loy • !'Idoh ape of 1111 lqiil'ice to God, and A:UilDce to VIII"r. color. CIOUI ell" BOy and 'You Ii 'encl ..1 UUDlIInIIY Cloth Ohlldl ~ n. V4'1 I Cap GllIldrlll\ I lin Iy ha 1U1\J.1iD or l'RUIIO. will lie ",It- trim d bill! ¥e&')' pretty, JUlII receJ.ed, "ut or llahed weeki, OD a aue alid d ai' \V~ F rAlt hALL aJ &be aala LebaOOD, pL l\!tIa I B~ I double madlvlII ..II.." In ear tlpe, aD rollowlnl:-



o::r ~tEDICAL NO'l'rdE A

J ho und'orollll,M bavmlt Ihle! it,), enlerM In 10 ~OIlD(lnpr~\ul' 11\ 1118 , Pracllql,of, l\tadlc4,~ olin lis (lOlal ral brandle. reapes~fullt tellclijr their cr.. cee to the ahlzen. 01 , ••, . . ..,Ule Dlld vi Ull;y rhe~ can be conlulle<! I'It-'l'e 01 I,co formerly OCCUPIed by DOC lor Elalier wbelL IIOl rror~

..lon11lJ1' all.OIIW I'







J Q hum, ..... '\!M IiIooIIIIta

lin my book. Dre requeo\l!d 10 MIU. the_e by C1I!Ih or o\hor" lie \\ l\houl (utlll,r iIlIlay__


De ember!'

E IrA \ E J ::11 teed vt!(l. IOCie W ID of thy tilal" Nltlla IOnrlpd '4U'r l>lIawld, plalll and iii d JJ AI, MaC



IUNAllWA SA,Lr 22 BJU.s ed IIId fO( lalo. by 11

J'\8Lr~V &. ~lcC


El i'lSHEIL 4t-1I



'arc" '


b.. ,



lI'laa cl uOnnl ••

Ue wrote ,La 11l\\'1 ~'6'blc In Ihe br ghll!SI lowelte.,,, Rnd !nost ,nt.elhgab ~e e1t~'IlQleTS eyerywho'1I, IIpon lhe brond bosom <of the {iberlll earth In gr~eno.t loave~ \0 del oftte fruIt., and III belllll 'III anti dohcluua f\o'~

11'(1 ' Bul he do/!s'1lot content himlclf \\ ilh

In.1I Drf.aa "pparatul The liM\- mean. 0(: proH"ing tbe tlur pili. or tl'ae YU~ $lropl whlel, will In & few , ..19 be fa led In anPllrl1 o( tile country

I he88 eclvl\I "II". with "tl era lh.I SUlllIeHI I en ~elye. to II, purel ~'er at r r811'e' t COII\ 0 ro I to ra ,tier " I.. ::llOYD 0 • 01 \I e v~r,



WIIOLEHAJ E GJtOCEII, Jmporte, or BRANDIl'!S WINES AND GIN A ~n 0£.4 .1'" Ilf

DOMESTIC LIQUORS CIGARS NO a&o, Galt HOI.' Bulld,n"l S W M a1n & 61h all

CINCll'ilU TI 0

WALNUT STREET HOUSJ: (;orner Waillatand 0 _ . _.. CINCINN 1L


.l ,-&Dilly, IfeW8l»ap~r, D8~O"d to ,brlculture. It'IeolianiCJ ~ Liteta .., ~~~~~==-==~="""'7"'-==:=,'==..---==~==~~;======*='="==~~,:====;=!::=:~~....:~~==~=====~==;==~~=-=r~~~~~~"f' f ~~£-'~~-=-"':"" ,.











Ih~' .mjBIII:I,, IlQew Ihe c~nve!ll. j beln'g a 'p'Th, lin, nil nne ~t,' lellt, were .lren,eur''!. ~~, o'lc corner .al. tbe old mall. ci'e r, of .o~ie it wae lIotout 01 'di~lIke 10 violliiltly .ttl\~ked by • yOlmg and Very·i'!'. \to den)" the!{ Pllr~l\!i, , ~~4 \he PO .cIqDer ence. of clYlhlecf'ilfe. Ill. cuuch entirely quelled afler bearlni the 'lilt hi, 11I,'ad rening upon hi. hefnda, while hlK the ilidividilal., but a dete~tatlon of th Ir prude,n t attorney. To the mllnifest .ur~ Ilnnou!'ced hl. 1I11m!l ,hol',,1Ie ' beolm., (.or. .~ry lepve.; iii. t~~le • IlIrge,) mell'. pi()bl behQdletion upon It:' But loo.e \vhile " I~c.k!l 1.lI1ngled ' tli,ir .!Iver ,jot'.. , ". prl~e or evorybOd~ prelim. the Judge t mous 11\ II boun~. Iudge 1I0l\iblit~on bad ' or ~lIk ba.r~ I~id upon , the. ,rollnd. a I.WhO clJuld it bel Not on" of the ~Jlldenl$, wllb, lb. Earlh of loie o~bl'n Bo,)!lr, t,o' the . /lud yet wi~h all bii : virtuou. Gild ~no- heard him quite tbrolJ~h. el 'though unMn- 1b~~~ '!'ony )'~ar"'idini I~ia ell-cuit IDd dehUDg from one , ~I~e of lbe rQl)III. and certa~nly. for I relt Ihlt I ba~ 't'nlured f.r· center o( .Jbe lout wlla • a!Dlal! ~~e or f8~- 1 bling q~alitlel. ,t here W8. n~ ueull,led mIn· .elou. of wbllt Will nid. Ind mado, no re~ c.ldlng the fiKhy diaputu uf tb,e N,o" Seow:a. the lIum of hi. rurnlt reo I look· Iher thlln anY 'other·.tudent would dlr~ to. , got~. lind "y that lir••• t tha o\lJOct of all hood .bollt blf1\. but be w.u , .nd endllav· ply. , 1trnnl. \lnknowo,to the world; but at ,b. lit hi. hut. and then at hili bent,ared lorm .dd tbe very thoutht Of DIy own prozlmH my .1I'ploiog •• ,eneroU8. aTJDleu Harf)' i are" to ~ppellr. I boy. I I the 'l'e.t of ua'. Afler lhe adJournmeln of, tbo d.y. lind , author of Sam Slick. hi' D.ame Leeam. a' Ind ,lIvered locke. wblle it .eem!!d JII? me I ty eliuaed each to atatld eloo/' from 1Jonel. U"o,n , tbe pl.y iround no Iludflnt wlla when all had ulembled at Inn wbere ' household word wber!)Yer Ibe En~li.h 1111. III' m ()JI~ Imp08.lbl~. tbat wilh su~b IClint Ita (ellow. It WII. u.~le •• ' 1£ not hazard; Yuu r'lI1omber n.rryl 010.... Jovial ,Ilnd aCllve th.n n.rrJ-no"" t1Je Judge .nd .maoy uf the coyrl folh bad gullge ",II apokcn • Fo& TIIK lotl.l1C1 V'!Ilro& prc.vialon. he"could, endure the fru_I. ef. the OUI ";pursue Ule form, aoilloquf.ed • lO 'Aye •••. well II lhou,Ja hl~ round chubbf wield~d lbe ,b .n ob mdre .ucce.afuIlY. 01 lhelr lodgio,a, one of the ~ompaoy. lefer· Jlldge, H~l1iburton is now'" · , , LINES. \ Ipproa(',~ID' wi nter. and ; yet be bad al· m,..I1.- I crept "ut!uuII, frora mr h~. (.ce WIS Ju~t IIIlW p~epln, " .... IDJ ', .houl· none clIlntended m re vigoroualy in the rnce; ring to Ihe .cene lit COllrt, ukeu the Iridge yeore hearly .llIughler.lovl91 ob· ",,,"IIl'loDalel, iD ... rl."ecl lp IRl fr.encl ' few received oVer bim, In IIny game. 'wiry he did not rcbulie tbe Impertinent fol· eerver cif lIumlin characler. Ife write-with , ,.~ •• ,II .... CbJtwoo" of lII .. Canaell, ready lined upon t e anuw. of ne.t·1I hun~' dinr'place. lind proceeded 10 the Iqstilu· der: responded I. dr,tid w"lter~. and ' p.~ch.nce .(,e~ ,be I tion by the mo.t elli'edllio~a route. , ,J ilept Upon bit I.p-r.e.llllled in)" friend after p'ri~rily o( choice. and none,were ftO, palpa. low!' " , " ilreat' eDle. iw p: r(t'ct ~nn8ter. ofa pure .t,le t.dI8Da. " " '. ~tatl'ly t!'!ee ·;whic,h .heltered bill hut. wh!,,! lI.ol'e that ' , u~on ,m r bed. t Ie a b.rief, i~terr.tOl')'"7reated bl, diilti!llJUi8~~d ' for ilchuolboy , f.lrne... 'Permit me'. ' eai~' Ihe .Judg~, loud 'Ilnoul,th anci had bo, turne" hi.lhooghu, to literatur• n' ciA.OLllCe. 'tbe~ ",e(e'b~t l?.fant oihr'!b.. . ' plaoni.nll I ullrll!t'l ~he ~ell worn Dible, from whleh hi! 'l'U ~eDd. i~ mUd and Ie diapnsitinn, entleared to. ull the ."enlion or ,II Ihe cOOllln'IY. Inlteall onn,w III !he outlet of . hi,~ , life, ... 10 HI. converutloD t"rned 1I11I\0.t eJitlrel, m)'ltle'1' no plan bet- III, by tile dim,., IIl[1ll ,!l'h~cb tb him to ' his fellow 'Iudentl, Ind ahbollah omong whom W~I tile feUow io , queltlo~; wOllld hllve occupied an ,emiAent po.\tioa LOV~. upolhhe ul\welcoule •••ll)e c unl~ I t.r .than . ' . ,e~o.'~ed bUfoiog fa'il>t~ tbre)\" IIV ~. aacred I pr"relet>dly pioua-~Slnctifled'-Ql.omo of, '~ermit rIIO lo tcll,ou II etOl'J. ,)Iy flitf\cr. in tbe r~publ~c of lettera., ' He',I. , a Datln Without 1111. fountain <If etern~ , jn,I~,ad uDdergone; an~ moat bitterly did , be I to 1ii,~1 "c'."y every, By blA,"de..1ll" a . entitll unlooH4 the ruder ollea tr,rmed him. there wa. ,a. cer· ",hen we 'vetl down 1l()Untry. had lI' ilog- o,f Nov. Scotia. ilDd 'of Scotch par~ntlp. Thli lielvenl,. planlo' nlfrlncbluorn;- III~ent 'ho., e ch'lI/:e~., Evpry Iree w Icb (Dllbt, until 1 had accompb.he4 nly pur. bundle of prlllli6ionl,which IIi. COD@iderat' ! taln fllclnotien about hi. person; whil'h ell. a more pUAry.1 Inlly .ay. Well, thlli pup••nd is the "r~t Brltiih 'coUinr.l. alDce, tbe Till' .ltn, Who.a radl.ot beaiu .r. oeret fell leemed to .ever lume fond remem· pOfte, Cllre had pro, ided. Nay!.'r -b'lfore had cl.ained t~e a!Tllctiun. o( hi. thollllhtiea. JlY would ,0 orit enry moonligh& night Independnnce of t.he Un.lled Sla.IeIl' that dlm-' ~ brant-e. '·Yee. my y/lunl friend ••' Illd TIle M&l''1I,ht ,routld me a~ my former ,azed upon a, sceae mine ~qu,. ,touch· fellow .tudent •• lIlId upon the whole. rel!- and' bark .t tbe moon for hliura toaether. ' hila diltinguiMhed bimd. elf In literature.' Hi. The lIe.n wOIII,d be.·a, pard!e4 cd de •• r ..' h d' ' , ... " "'''10 I w~lile hi. pal~led voice increo.~d tn. force , i 109 pl.c • ,~~ lomewhat emliolde.n(.oi\ i~I' a~r! beaull!ul. 80 diuiOl ~b" _,par. derell him' the mOlt univpru.lIy popullU" HerMbe.J udge pln.ed .. II he hlld done peculiar humor b1l be'e~~t).t .. 1t' • .Wilh no refre.loiDI JOUnt: .nd !ifa a ni,hl- 01 bi. relDark~'1 WII once YO,u nr d by tile pr e\lllil)lof the provloU8 eyenrnr·, 114.11-.0 peculiar lhe , plac~ , hme:! eo amon8 the .cholaN. !:Ie le(t, you will ro- witb tbe "ory; , ' . characterlzbd by .n Engh.\t.JolJI'nal ~ the A moonlt.~, .il.18. nilhl":'JI'l44IolI\lIday, blithelollll, ~B ,I .re. my lir~lb. were pliant f bad noL, ~1MI ~ere lung.ero 1 IIW lhe IOlemn tbe oec~patioil. ,I al ~ I~oked nl~mber. Ibe le.~ion a"n you came. F"r 'Well. who~ 01 IU' eZQ\aimed hair a sunny aide of cummon aen ...--lloUm·, WI\h6111 ~n. ' cho.tri0l beam-a ' pha.. .nd piy , ftCP ,~if' '1 louted \I~on .r~~~ ; .. ' illllli,. ,~orq.. witll, a "o~.elp•.• for. \liiiible dil~l.y , oC \ (~orl' ~r!lenee. ,my' parll b.""heard outhirig.of him .in~. dozeD ~I the fiudlfnce at one.. , lI'Q9,a~ine, ' ' vain, , ,,' " " , and lIOultle ~ ' . rllla'!!. a~d reJolce~ 111'1~~e , r th~ ~Ilt•• ~hp duor I.... I,mme- The dim ''1rI~UDdl'lg w~li e df',ep bDt-' preluma 'he mu.~. be dead or far di.~ '0. notllln,. nothlng.wllleyer; I~ I'IIOQII' , .' ..... • And all ,Ear,II'. cheriibell jaSI • ",..8k.,ryi', l my pllr!lnt.I ,.lIl1\... ' ue ~ Ie .P',.t: die ! lareiy clu,e~. I l~alU,ed Illy f'UI .to lent hour of IIIldlllll~~.... the Jte~~ ~nI"~ tllnt.or he would ile,r tdnly hllve vilited -he, kept r(I/II' on iv..d a'1/ nttlling 1a~pql. " ' , HrI4~ID' tie ~lle. , " .111 a,. 'toU cold .arth co all once .,Id d'lIlr. IKe ullDon 10 c~1! • louod, .n~ bad ev~n hlg or 10 0 (Il.~~tlle "H~ca! ul~flrtee inatltution. which I leirn be h.. not 1I0ne od.-l(nicAerboabr. \ ~he editor of th, BoatoD'. Medl¢.al ,and t Wit" eY.r,ot.tent JIII,,'er of .ht.l IOul bill dimmed 1l1e ~Ultre'of my e e. and pat. crept rrom ~Iy cpnceaiment, Ind approach. of the }<luth. whlcb leeal'!t8 til pqae .. ~ .inee hi. dl!pattlre. ,', ' • •• BurgiCIIl .Jo~rnal; DOW o~ a 10 B'npt CoIll8d fo.IIi- ...1I ....w. bie lifl', 1.. 1 ener· ied Illy' (ralDe. Socielf Ii" no cM;in. for ed ,neare~. At fength becolJlilllf wearilil ,trange I8rap~ic .w.eln.... co~buted to •. About th~ time jO\l rcturne" home. ow- ' lIIa\1o~ Ol',er. and 1'1,~bht. ~vel the fohowlDI .teo... Of 11o , < me. My life lial been , a winderilli one. ' ,vith waiting in the,.rJMmp .• ir. I t~lolv~ 1.0 form ~n Impr~Blion 1/1' true ·!'ublhnltt.. upon 1!1f to your ill beal tho Falher Thomas The Now Yurk Tribune o( 'f,urieday; reo tbe bridge III pro~re.. or cooltruct!,o a ~~lfli~\~~~t~I~.:':~~~:i~~::.:-nd' I am now 'Iipgering qn tbe conlinel of. tile rcturll to ~e In.tlluUon.llnd w~ on tbe , myI m]od. Whl~1l time n~l!r.erue. wandered away from hi. old hovel by the latts the following Incident In the carly lif~ u~Aoa·Fthe Nhlle, €11~0: ',' ""alia tOlnb. But tlmlLl .I~ m~ Vicld.hude. God or dl'parlure.wben I beard a .brrell'.and,in an n a .hor~ lime _tile readm:: cloaad. lind hill.eide, .nd nothine .W" knowo of bim' , o( th. , lVO~thy PoatmDlter of CiDcinna. . ,"~c .g.~.eer 18 ,conltructil'l,.. a TCI cra"n her IOD.-';;.y blindly kneel ;"idl 'been with Rle. Ind IU8tained lIIe; .nd rIIIBtant ~orll ,t~e door, of, tbe hut Bltw open. they botb kne!1 UII,OD tlie Ill/.or of the I,Ul. whe .. llen tbe in'ltltutiun. alld I mUlt eft. ) II. ., . atronll .n,d. bea\hl~l b die ICI'OI' tb. "'1\10" ' , I n<lw, ClIper!enc;e !o "II what ~ Ibould , fInd ollt,..l.tled,F.tJier Tbo~.. an~ . the un· A: .lIe~t. ~uae ~r, I ~(jment . ....~ed. w~eD f" ,wa. rather.~urilJaity, .nd "e~lef.atiOIl.J I. We no~c;e 1ft tb~ h~t oC arriVils at th~ ..r, w:bere .the ,w~wr I. butll deep and ewlf'l. e , ~rlC'k ~ Aoolher Who .... before AII1Il1r1on" Pl4Dled .hrine, bllve realile4 in louth. lb.n~ue nap,plnp,s. , known. w,ltlfe tbe roo,!, wo. dpns~ ,with oUtiltretcb~II' hla I!brlvelled.,p.... ed hand •• thin any expt'catioD o( .eeln, lIilll. tba, A.• tor Huulo In tbl. City, tile n.m~ blllnJ1 The IIrche. are 0' 'Uilli/ tIle b.nd of 'F.~e. with /lrlihlCIII i, d".oledneli.\ to God:' . The ' olil /".n ' I,moke, nl~d • •ulphurY ,smeli ftuated .nll elevahllK hll eyes to he n.tb. old Induced'me to yi. lt bra hut.lone. lnce a.1 or Williftll\ Oliver, o~e uftltemoBl respell- IIppe." to be, bulldlnr Gvpr .l~" Damlettll 1::;~b1lfnd'I~. brow-:et-~tl'lI nUl hi~ elo.ed. aild aailk illto I profound'!~overie l· tb\!. nlght,air. All tltl. ~ ••" IIlId ' ",nn u~ rella p~ay,r! ,,~iu'h f \ cbrlstilUl IUppotied t.nanllellll.·~ ' " r, 'tid ctti~nl ,oftbe cl\1 9f qincipn,tl. now, branch, .. .ae'lI In the ,diet~nce; )Iud maThe Illite fro lou,bt, IIId hupeoj IP \l(lu, it In broko,D' Jnly by .n oc:cl.ioolll ~ i"h" ' , enced i,uaD In.~nt. ! 1 eannJt .. , w~~t ~u,bJi~it1 and pUllic!lt ",vll.nn- 'rJ'hul eniJed the ~lory of my trlerid, a , holdiDg tbe om~e or ~o~llIII,ier tho~. ~e chlDn, a),1 ~"On. work~II' bJ st~a~; pile dr!- , m. ,ltbllt 110 lIolf*", oC .weel ,aOilelioll ' Hi. native q~loqueitce. and earnelt' f~rther pa.sed. ,fll' I r'elllcmber , lI,utlllng e: Ir~ard ~q,!n lied. ItI rj1muloul tOlte. pldn ~1r,nJlIl!re<lltill orra~t•• which glow In i'llke tb" .dva'llage ~I hla ~rc~enllo, In ollr "C~8, a"~:mll,cb!nery ,ot III, ~11i~~ ""I,lable IIlou/O":' , ivlruitlt .tardl'd me • . ,T il" en~h,,'Ia.m ' morp. . ."e running Into t~e dormlto- died .w.y In tile .urroundlnJf fore.I •• ~lJt their IIIIldoriuid .Iinplioity. · Tbo tralilaC- city to recor4.n Incldenlla,tbe I'Ilrly bill" for cllrl),lnlf on • Ilent ,btUinellll bHldea If) ill bI. ~ril·••lty, DO a'ar of Lovf. tbat p081~.8ed Iii •• pirit; eame over me and ry' Of the I ..atllulion. brellhlellll' and bat~ remelllbre,!ce .till c1in8, te Illy mlm· tllln perlormed upo~, it. hllv!! rendered the tory, of, thi. ,entleman, •• h9nofllbJ. to ImmeDse pile. uf ~tOl'e. brick. timber anrl lie kllldly r.Ji.lOce .be.J.. P'~IId- involuntarily ult ~ere r"verted lell.IllY cl,othlllg.torn InWl .trip., and DlJ ory. ~pot cl.~.ic. Tbe very broo~ whltatwlm- i him~clf u it WII~ beneficial tit hi' fellow., qther It\aUlrlll~.lndepe,ndentlf ,oC labore~. · , MetlJjok. \lIe beart mil!hi twin. 10 DelnOllbeoPll wlthlll' the dim liml .. of face Itod h.nd. dresdfully ' Icratched-and f retired eautiuu~ly. anil r~l;Drlled to the pie. by 11. lide••eem., mpre to m_ .oldler.. We IIlve t II r.e~. II relaled to IIOldlera. carl•• ~o ...e., hoeta .nd In'e•• SIYer\ (;Iolld of 8011/11 rQund .lIllIl •• It!\Ju- Iii. 'cave•• iid OIlIID recitinr hll rub II. I the wilollupid 'Blare I reeelYeIi fro~ mv 'lvcrBuwln, Willi ,ooel feelina th. gialll oab thllt belid overy . hi, hu~ble l Ull by _gentleman who d,"v~d·hl. Inlorma- Jive the IPOt. fur .!x milel ' rOunlf. In .c· tio *111111. &lid I19lnr")CQI1.I- i~ be.t, .trili .... mid ,the I:!coui.11 Highianrill.- l ,.l1ow .ludeill', at my IUddl'n' and IrI,hl· toward my gt'neroo ••choolm~le, I Wllllt abed '.Ile", to cut • pur~' .nd !JIore Iqzuri- liun ' from tbe ,Iafe!ent HarrilO~ bi.m. ttv, .nd bu.thn, appelranc.. S:x YO.HI Aou h()IIt1~ .tr.. c~lou •. TIIII.Jern".', Youo/: ~hen bim Dlj .II'W iln. 'ppearln,Co .mollg them. ft· w,e 11 my ••. 'nro Illedoralltory.nd lhef'EI .4lthe (IOach ant .ba,le upon tbi. conl8cr.led .pot-ren. ,"If. In Ap.'11.18J ,during lho-wlT "',Itil we lire Informed. h"~ IIDce tl,. A,nd Iairh lik~ thinf', could hr: ht the b~d been In mea.ure ft- tery tbey CIIuld pever lolve. As f,,~ my· of Harry. unptelled, u:t had beeD many a dered I.crrd 'by lhe pra)'era of and the I"fat Bri\lIln •.• combillod rorce oC BritlllJi p!~,. were coblmenced. Tbll I. the 6r.~ bt • ned. notwitb.falldlnn my etl"orl1111.(. l ' bed ,re8ulve~ nt'veno ClI.C.IO .. , whitt ""t ullllfJticed untU. \hat Illa by hero . 1<1 -odn.,. of yout~. and I ndlant.abtllH 7.000 II~n,. Bud .alr. brrllp." .. believed, e,v~r bulit ov" Ihe n III darkeot "'lnllcrln&.7' could c:hoer ..., d ' d d' .I " d b r. II ., F ' Nil It.. II ..oUl Ii'l lIIah "-'- • · heerl , ' , tbo.'m. I hid alw.y. re',arded , II ~~ '.~eo. ' Tht' .,iKh~ w~. 10 I,Ir.n~ an . an If notice". unheeut! y mf "oW • Tllo ',xt day .we len . the ' inllitution ."rroun~e~ , , 9rt Melp <lne of our out~~~ •. W. com~ 0 : ~ a_e, ' Wlo~n Sorrpw'. Litler cIr,u.:hl --:epi~d ,bi,- aiOlOrdl!red ' in lDirid; f.rther than tlM& J unnalnr.l. th.t 1 ' fel~ c~nfident • rC~ltat.oJ aludenll. A, f Illy un my cotlch th~t wblcb Ilad nurlured OUI: youtb. 'Mllny I" Nor:thern OIJlo. ,.t tbat l~me gom~onei1 A:1i,~Jllt" ~r~.r. .ln • ana ~ t~r ,Ia ,lnterlbollllht n r hIm thftt hi, ' "'. Ilt ,!,euld onl1 utile mirth .nd ihcredulily. ni,ht. hJ"'lIobl~ /:('nQf-C?lity W" lilY ollly change. had IlIken plac•• rnce we,llnbol- by lOme l,600ti'oobll. \lndt'r the command lal'led Iha. It will ne,er. be 1I.~d . T~. lere.Lcu iar coi\du~ and JlloeIl! or Ille. had ut:i .. , Oo~ Ih~t nigbtl WII .till m~re .I~ple,:, tlo~rne o( thou,ht-Il LO~i_. ! 1 hovlllnrned 10 ~i\ng 10 Ihee Ille ~ody~f ed upon ' that .~oolhuUIC.,roen. but even . N.n Ion '1110801f. The "'1Ii1I1'lt. dlYi.DS ' liell It an .~ftIl"'ry 'D~in •• A. 10 ••111.r wlto harb .harOd m,. juy., ll'd in mv OI~Qill .enlltion. of feir and ven_ " lIl1,n OD' th. prevlollll,onl'. All my, .uper- my dream.. Indeed I e!lned hll tbOie cllangoa werci dear tl) 1I•• and It . 'jIIIU tbe lelsre w'th 8rellt tI,ot •• nd t'le Wltb ,vltl,eh II~ty meD ~re at,onC!! ·....It to , .And , rief., rrom. elllldhu~.J. DC3r, moat eratiun.· And ... • d thllt, wbrD J eti-1ItiIiOU. m~lICivl!'" rdurned. felt cun~ As , ho thaI wi\b o,!dr.~!,tl Wal a,bl. IDd .IItQllvi. But tbe Ihe river bell III drive pllel.}a, tb! fauncll~r t» me, \'0 cfI~ bl1 bII ame ~oOlbO, Itol.. · v.ted 16ft th. 01 __ bad .,1"" wbleh Ictlon ••bouJ. (II' that, c:fler,.hed '.pot. ,Not ., f p~ .... com, T h t water ~ 1IIe_ 10 rrlhdoltip, -when UIN)ta, an.) dullb! c... 1 ~ u~ cre' t Qver 'lne: ~ .Dlrance loto .ppearlirl at hi. nod ~Dd v'Dlabt'd ID fir" re~tved n~1 to relate, whllll bad ieen. , departure 1 alieel.tained tbht Tlio~. lIIu"i"tlo" aod .pe~y. rell.r heCl~e '" Ihlrty 'eel th. mud ,hlr. 11111 .,' , d ,I' hed ' chan Iy fulln(l entire: Ind .moke. 1'111'" btl own bauarlltly dim Onen .rterwDrdt I aecflHed my..,IC by I I ilad strolled away to ".rta unknown. I nece.. ary or Ilurrender Inevitable; Tlill t, more below tlrlt, down thrvug'- 'f'''Ich '[heir c:billillff Jou.J. '''O!lll~' alO.) ncb i. ~. I I~ ru : :ow ;hat I bad III!ard III. connr- eyeba!.l' glare with helll.b red De.. ,in tile th" 0.1d man'. hu , "n~ rn Ill, with ad~ira. blve he.;d nodliur of him *lDce. ",h"ther would eDd hi tile ..eriftce Oflb~ live. oi' Ihe roundalion of ~~e pillar I, .uok.ln Iroo Ihal I I.,l low.rd" ihe~ho\ lIyc'n .~;i;:J I 'rljunla~"y yielded my edlillrution. ' "I\lom.· wbiJe biM .ummoll~d lO~irll me.i,led tloln up~n tbe youn8' pbilant,hrop'iet, reading. he roturned an,d w•• corell fur..o; whether whole AmericI" um,. by th~ eDrl!~d bOlle8~ till h. , w,e lght ' Iodiel o~ ,, ~b • . ~fm link. , N~ver wa.' J 'more lur riled. than by tl!" Iwiiy in HIP.smoke ,t h."'old o( it6~eprir~worr! o( God to l.he ~ ~ ~'yed object t ov.rl~k bim. in · /II, wanderinga , Indiao •. G"n. GJ,e en Olay (cou.ln o! He'!. botto,m, 11\8 wh()le le~~tb o~ t1i~ p\llrl Tlrllle im'l;e ' ''' it~ 'ny lloongllli. deep trembling .. ntell!e. which fIliI from ,ure. " ~11 tlil. cODfirmcd wbll I 'h.d prevl- . . wt:th 111m ble mealsl !Jut ",, ,may bave . be,n' bl. "ate • ry ~Iay) w.. Lllen all hi. mllrch to til. ~al lur recelvll" 'he .ar~he. I, ntnelJ }Ht. hi. lip •• ' H~ .t~, bef'"e lIle In I new 1 0U~IY b"Brd co!,cernln, tbe ·'.pPear. rur !rim every' little kindDe •• bl'9pd 0'"'' bla mellJ~ry. II over SjllU cher. of war. wi~ 0, I.r,,, rfinforc:enlen" Or.¥~IL La»tleuon 26.000 lIIen wertf'eDlplllf".at Now when I~e buauti .. 01 • forgot ' all hi. I~rn\er repullive. and !lIit uf Ipirlt •• lty eurlOlity; w"lter· that coufd IOOthe .aDd ,I0(t.en bl•• ge. 'I , ho~. More thlO, once have, J drop. unteerafro"l ~ap!Uck11,lmt wGil 'up~.ed P!~'I!I\t IInly the Pacha h.,vlnr lIIea ) brl;ll1. calm. mu"nl/lht ennln, ~I' Ii .hl tun. \' . n~.IO: and could h."e embrac:ed him .1 1 , rilied ' into nt lety. I hpei I!een alld could ,now trace Ii 'gtl jn the wbole tear. u I , 1II~ed o"er bls lonely lot. to' b~, .bollt 100 milN olf. !luw to com· up h1,' ~und. III' building .~d (uml~ltiD' lory I"irlt to t"",1OMP of l lum. , brotlter. ' , lali.f1ed, ". .chuulbo) .Jlle (Ie HI .hail olten wontl)an oace hne I rellected- Wilh munlllIte ,with G.IID. CIU wfA the diilleul·" piiacel In .11 dlr~tloDi. , ~Y8ry WIIII',Wt'eI •• 1 joy. ttl ~hee'lll1 frltncl, .. I . L' I . d h It 'i. u...lell for me to reI lite to ,you, the lhat" Ire depn,ed IlIm.elf of mln1' re l!pua hit .."bl. thou,b youthful t,,' The Fun wu ehtlr ... l, .ur~olJndttd by Ihree months the ,overnor 01 a dl.trillt I. .UIT ' IIDalnr ow lowaT • . ', ' ' '_L " " , . d r b fill . thoul" _ ". lie hi d . '6l d4.1' numeroul illGlliriee my tello},,·ltudenll aruclee of bOYllh IImuae!llent. whlom near- beneractor lh. entIllY·' force I, mOltly Iudi.nJl o( tlol! calle UP911 .or a CllrI.ln nUIII .r 0 Y .,' t . ' ' . , ed I .> ' . ' , ' . r bl bll L • Our eye. m'av an.r m..t "wlthiD Ihi. !!om. ,,'ellern or Ion. we aro.e ,an 'l,nl" , . d . H ' . d' lu/.Jjecled me to•• nd the vlnou. method. y.1I oC hi' feliol\' .tudeo(8 poillell • , r~ W.yne.ville 1861 • mo,&,ferociuuI clnU.Cler. cloael, pre~II)' efl.or t • pu c wor •. or pain .nd we";'JII""! yel may WClIIOt our Intention to eparl. II ucomp.nlO II " •. d' . • ld b h II' r 'h b, which I ended an.wflnng tbem . • The mrmbered bra 10lltl11 wallke, every eVIIJI' ' ! . 'be .iege .Dd .tekln,oppurtlloltlt.· Be I".n~r Yca, .pirh IrioDda lin elrlh. and UI to lue , oor. preR" I e an 0 "C . " " . j" • TllrIlU., J.el.ea" , wloel' ,.' , " ' " b I d ' th' I f nezt'morlltllg at fir.. oppununll,.1 reeolv- anllr tudy-lioura, But lit - - nuw all \))H:I\~.AH!II) V. IIDg d~WA elierJ aile who , .I~d upoae ' ti.' • b ' ~V.IlUl\. " . Proleleor ijitCb'coclr. ill' lett ... III .... o ( UI. Inu ,t eo re urne .to II IDter or U 1;hl•• e'l l. Ihll ",'-tyvell of ~ItIY I~ rent , hll Iked to ed to 1'0 and I o'e if the hut wria .taodln,. plarn. there waa one thlnl owcy~r I Ihellllel,ea. Gen. almlOn. IS the only A h t E Ii Vi d III I d' II" ,We no.y behotd .,ad1 ,olh.r wllh the ,',e. " web Ina:. ' ''t'' e rWbe,~ah. on mUle laccutdln8 1)' , 81010 'btl" uopt'reei,ed. Ind , "till at I lou '0 .ccount fOlr: ,We '· 'i Illern.lin, d.tormlri.1I to baurll'the ex per· m eTi _Lzpreu •· rlolll . ell~~. SIIIel Inf t e DIY' er1,o I. c .racter. , . ,. .L h h ·' .. " d I' " tOk Tn" ,MIA'XI, \ ' 111'1'0'. " ' " , ".. .0DlII 0 f ".e Cloa l 111 nello,' t ...~ ..tetre. 01' ·pe~fect· ~I.loII'in ltie 'Spiflt L"'~I' , 'Wh t ill tt ... Ii I ' " t 'd m wu wtrHhng my way .Iqll' me pat • w en occurrence on tne ,pcon 'enn nl mil FR~L1'Y OF LIF& Imont of'lendln, lII~nll'efl froOl tire Furl i h ~ 11 . .. 'ill' n 'bcld ,8epttmbo:r 13th, 11'51. ~ . d a· lId .n.~ I "e DI. ~~d9' :r d' b I' Whum .ilould I meet bUt Fatlier i·hom ... eepillnag•• leonid thluk 'of "bl'ner wil" .ti~pllcJie. to G~~. Cloy tq hatten hi. , ate A''b' ~. 0 !)Wlllr \~r · I· " I. e~l: I' " onen . ,•th• 0 mila 'i In, ,.,e. an e po h b' , . r R " '. I b I ' u__ ·1' '., . " • . . lDwr olle IUtUIIIDI e~enllljr,",.r 1 "e ' t e , 0 ~.ect of all m, lean. t'tre.t to all!lertlllll tl!la r e,lc!PI' II, _r" n o.. t " For wo DIU.' n~. die, and ••.e •• w.ter Volunte.r. ,to Ill" relief. Uaj. · Oliver. r II ' ' 1 Ib , " , , d hi II II • d ' T en, a,. J " h h • Ie ' b' . d. . . . , b' TI' I ' , .r ' \'i....1 " oU ow,", n e cnaae, . uun lllae IIell,.n d yeI 10 coaten.e. d I • th' e h i · tbougbt W.I UIIIle..-t oui my r.r I. ,unUl •• n IIIqulrlOg ..1 1m. iii '1'111 on l\ico,a "ulli1 •••v I c.nnOI be lIatherod then being but llO of .,e,anU actin, d I to b ' de. . d "'t ~e t 'iD , __~ lam. d' o".~; eh,:~rYk wonderfDlly inelinnli to remoTe ."body determined to do; aOlI with tbat illleDt .e. Ul' allain, lI~irhil o,IOth uOd. re.~1 .ny lIerloll, .. ClIllImmill1lr, in Ihe Flirt w.... Itcled B ~wDI' n ao \.~ aD oe ..~ Pb 1110.' •• t u..... In. 0 nut t i l l . . ,'" , . I d '''I " lie wb ' b 'hi b lat. , ' . ul .. Ia nIP upon t •.., top 0 1 _ U " • ' . , froln Intlet-t.d danrer. .. So IUmJII.QOilllf creted myselr b~lween the hut •• nd the 10- ye u .." Ie 'In . , ure y • .,n n b the G n I I .Ch· I t '0 ' th t • ... ' lie loulr. lIliler lban lie dfd theD, b\l 1 f.o. . r, .. ' • ,'. .... lid be nOI oxpelll!d IroOl him," 11 6alllu.l, y e era 0 Ie 0 perl rID a allp~ dOWD tbe c:rll81 Iidu la, bllD, _". Ii r • l " all my coura,e. we mrt wltb e:ltellded .1Itullon. B.fure 10111 h~ 'ppeared .... p- .. (jf H v pArllou. dU I )'. The .eleclion wOllhe more d r I h' th bl " .... If. d I• ~, lu·tI·lren·..., ~ .:, In~.. ed 1 'k f baDiII, while b .. f.mlli.r Iml1~ 'ao4 hann· pin, lightly alon,••• m.U bolldl. 011. la ).", . honoml" \t) him-Ir. not beio8 III lhe lioe ~ DIDtil In, In I e~air oVhll:lr II" 'Ic .. r ~nh. ' . le1'e I,IUth 1111, AlJUID , now,ll 0 , ' d ' rei I . fl b I'd We ri,ed. O1u.t.dit !'or .(l1lm'. ' . ' Ie eOlilC </UI .•rom a nowel'._ bltatoiy...... oo ;'uool for hil h'.vin, "de- Ie. U"ct. made me a"lIIoa, utiame .' 0' arnt. al ~Iu~n n, ~n 0 " , lK'n,. , Wo Adam'. doom rn'u.\know.. Il w.. not hi. du!, 10 go-:-bllt conall/erll· plllce, that if he f~IIIte' .m~P .t leut olt'OWL 'CRED. '~r... ""ecl · "lipllb , '\IV .k .tr!lDCI , . ' , my (ear.. I WII ,lad bllwe,er when he .ulfered bim to p~... conc: lllcil 98 1 tlon. orthl ••orot had no w",IJbt with- "1m. "0'0 ' • d b d h d t p·e--. on-7·th ~.'0-_-.. • cour.e ' d ' hi " H" iI V,l ,we .hiill 1i.1I Illlhl, withill , ' .. , • . ..~I'. an 0" e I "" .alnu FD_ TBI' YJ.tT:oaj ,i " bia, gra.p.ln fact ~ f.ncle hll atop blm 00 • ,telurn., iii .la)" poa , '. '1'b•• 1..,11 io. w.hlcli ... 1/10. He ,t once prepared to obey. A b?'-It 1 ~oc'" beDe.tb. ' H, ~1~l"led ill 'valll't~ reDO'IIII'OIl' tbll' I ~Yer. he" r~o,. He ' !lUfllfd, me. I Procefld"_I: .b..te ev.~ t/).t e'ClI'I~g !'~. IIUf\III:I~lI~ 'I~::.~n~. o.clock of & d.rk Dnd .10rmY nir bt • Ofiver ~.In I foolbold, he liftard the c~ ofl.bla 1IIj';Ulry, ~hic/l ' .brourl. . .nd' .non 100"iDI behind ~o In If IIIY,lelf. ..••11'1 Ire \lllDe 'bolln ItI, I~ • P 0 RiI'fi ' vtrl::::~.I~I!{:~\:~'o::II" we. quietly letnut u" the Fu.rt on hi. mu~t fellow.hunter. IIJld of tbe'huuftd8 aU. . PV~H~aVEY G~£ENE.' "1;. In: I ,.1I4l'IIDIiftIn\'Q to public l'Ww. ch.r.lller. aDd be wbo !illd the audadtl10 made lend w•• ap.proacbrng. , J r.acbed . couCJ!alment.I 'called tum by, .".. ..".-;:A :tuidlilll ltafl to weoiry feet olangeToua ml..ion. With gtent ,kill ~e tWu/lde~ pial: ' lie ' ~horiled "itll hi. "uler en ' ded• or ull.lI.wet..... ' -~ \be hu'.,eod lhere at Iloud .un.bauereCI •• ud, h" .topped "'18 h'" .nd .Le"o-r' L··t \ III JTom ,ooth I~ lira. re~d berapil ,leW, "nqu Ire, WI. , ' ' ...... n.wenlcl. ami I reco,GI.,Dg I D T(taciina Ute plllh diVllle, • bi. way throuab the .ormy· ' • .,.,.. ...,' •• - trtturn,d ' , eo the ec"o II ..... The mOIl IIi. beet. the c.n hie bllmble ~\I. I have knllwn oC Dumerou• •hempt. to al I. eYer• . .".plclo~, noIY ,"lce'Inquired io hI" b" is "al' wb.' campment. and pu.hed on Ibtonlh 1.lm~ ~o voic'.of rllca. "IDe with It. Tbe Hil Coocl lhe tru: I, h~ drink Ihe Cry.lal trace ii. ~rl8in IDd ".rly '\Ire but tlteJ' fully con&rm,ed. "r"r.1I I !.a.d leen · 1 wanted. I .000 C'.ommuDlcatet!.IIlY dl'llire A.I .aler ,pUI upHn \hI Grollnd. 1II0"U'~', I.. a country he bad ne,er leen wbiitled .rnund blm alld tlie mOOD a-oda,. .. from mIA th GOcI .b, paLled au. were. ' III I'"'' I D' t tb ' . tr.n ..cted, in thll bue. and It .1.111 atandlng. him. At fir.t he aeemed aumewbat . ;. We pu* fro~ myna! k~n; wl~llout a guide; lIIet Geq. Clay ~pd haallpon hi. f.ce ~Ul '~ey brou-t no a I... UD'¥CCt'IIIU • U ere It , I d d' _.1 II ' I d d . I' I t l ' Yet 0011 dey l.eOI m..aD•• 10 briq ' I' b . • \II .. ; , btl' I I' _L __ I'-wu cel'talnly .upern.lur. -myey•• eou IIconcll'l...... ~ , 1111 e 'Ill' ," I, I J !'" LtL b_n '-L -~ huwe ...&hl. tened Ihe marc I or bll 10rCle•• wblr arri- relie[' hll atrfnmb rap'I,lly fail!!d be tho· ..·". Pn,w all bia liu.IDIII' all bll plIMDre' elll IU 1D!lDfD 00. OUfl-..u IlUl ' I ed til· I • b ' ch db' H....... L t .... ~"'QCU ... • • " , ~l .~" , praie~" • . c:"naecI.d wltb hi. hi.wry. wbich I creel tit. r reM? ~o e n.u- .nn, wat e Im. _ .(1 eo .. " , _ I.. a ~edJ~~ 10 tlm~ , 10 la., t"e , b~.leSC!a army. ill tbe .,onl ,,( bi. f,mIlY,.lId h. mua .1. I '[fn,trJ.LL. 'o ften refteulecl u on~ .nd 'whlcb I ~11I reo tutlon relol~~ 1o ",h~qullb my ad- I would tell no ~f1Ion wlilll I lI·d ...a.. I .: ~~\~:~!_:~l~;'~i~::::.~ elllh r~e enemy, 00 the .or r.e.lnfurce· IIII' awful death. and ev.n bI, Q"n8lt!C1 borly . , " •. , late 'bll enDin; wb.n are q,ietl, ..,.\. "nlllte •• nrl .te•• e the old iliaD to'"I'",el un- 01 , cour.. la,e 'lIm • proa)1fe CI( .cteq. BUII~ II I.-If doe. "felbu. c,neqt.l. rlllMd tlie .iep.Ddrehred loto CID- never be cIIICII,ered. HIli mind beclme In ptlllllinr by ...mall hOYe'I.hIC~ atood eel by I . moleal4!cl wflb'1l1. kln."reeI ~pjrill. • He pn IlDe ,. be MI.,wi~, A. qulck.y P ,I dreamt .dl. Thi. w~ a unlce rr~u,ht' with- Ihe bewildered. hl.11I111C1ee C!lYII out..... dowo at th~ roOt of tile hili. wbetl" 1'1'_ a 8evenIIlI,hti, .Iaptlejl. aad 'I ",a, nO,t at .yllery. 8lba' perlh lad ODe whlela would he,,·D-Itl' Uter 1n4 _wif~nr of c:url~ity. or .n:lnnat. prOlDptlnr of Tb " , "d I be' covert. At 'I .nrth tio~"e, J bepfl . AlillJewater mAy lUI laIn ha,, '~der&ak'D II1II tllcC«UItalll ICcom· ler ' nor ' .tnKlk' the boUom 'u Dtllla. II&d n-ture;f "not,lell; bUt ftom lOme "-:' 6 '.b~even nJ "~;;~ : r IIIP~ , ~' dilttult my 'e.,., aDrllorlll. ' " A droopl", plani: .ntl pUsbed. re:chedtheenormoutdepthor~ ••OIID! 1 COrichldecllo Yl..'lt for once. ~' .pot wblen 0.1. .. • Wt r,pparr to e cum ,ort. e or retlulllln,lhe ad~enture. And' • F.""h inlpul.. to lI.vltll, ' • II , ' .... ' 1111 .<:bnolboy fea,. had onen ""nied mil .1ttll\l ~OQ*? of the Inn •• ~ wblcb we were 1.0 'ar IUcceeded in qul!Ii!!, '!I' And bid h tbrl.e Illd Ihe. I •• lUck aalll ....'e Uatllbar'oD.o ,\ A'wriele. II, with .uperetllluu. hu'el • appro.chetS then IlOp~tnl-~hc!D .III~ frle~d rel!lted that I ctllHl to t.b e rllnclUlion to .plD 10- a ....11 qu~otity. i\ . • .RRn the !litch.r of our life Lib 111.11' other famuus IJUlr.llrl urOdoc. Wben the re1l1(\0D of CbriSt bern to ea. Ibe door 1Inocktcl. 1\ wu open. the ro!lowln, tralD of Incldea"'. whIC".. crete m, .. lf. artd w.teb the niplly pro-aoll titU .into tn. ..... In 11'1,m at the fount " tion •• Sam Slick appellrl 10 bav~ been I croach ~poft tltlt or' Z"r,lter. io tbe' third 'eeI aD Ilfd, pal"•• uld.n (_,which di.interel," beDevolence and ,enel'Ollly. ~re It the old lDan'. "ut: N,xl .blib 1 b.4 Sh.U lie, 01 and be. uL1 rel\-· I'elDlt of an .ccldeDlal laapiratlon. The O9ntlll'1. Sapor. emper.a r of Perar.,ordeMi w.. I. 'amlliar to ID~ a. Illy oltS .re In.urp~"'ble. .ccorcIlar l, 1 ~t m)', po.t. but ' b, b,lin Inl them A thhi. or ne aeeount. .~Iho.. 'we~ a provinc~al JudJ". Ind 10' rl· ~1.1I.'" to do allia hi.,power to .y fellow Itboolbofl ila. ralllll101r\J "0. IovelJ ."nin,,'-h., becaa-'in 1<1 CIIn8dent. I I Oft tile firat eYelli.,. and lire lie w .. Uld.... ler. m.y r,'reeb dl", hll ll&I'f:taIl b. had or~1I ~ncouD~red the ChriltilD' to the (alth of dielr ratben. hlI. r.ther ThoID ...' He bad been th'lprill, o( ",d. wearied ,by Itucl,. anrl 01 mJ' "ploa.... E,ery b~ .tartled • Mllbt I bad!, th~e,Yeo Lbe circulD· A •• rruw .uicken helll; , man, peripatetic ,.nkeee1ll'i~ theIr bach In order to over.vbfllm lhr .iDlple h.ndea ID lbe tODn." .IDee It.llrat n.lure (TOlD evrfJ Ilcle u'ellllln, ber iDV1· me••~ry 11<11.. h,o wenr llipt alarlped alaoee of 11\1 ,r..tiIIt lerror, WI. til. reAn Inlpetu. Ie .lrtu..·.I ••; 11111.11 merchlDdiae. (lr l;belr 'f'Ot.den on~i a pontlfr, Adur.b.d·jI.b.......nct. and (rolD wlienea he ~me or wb.t Induced I took' I Itroll into llie wocidt. and llIe. I Witched mucb lonler ' 1111. Ulual. .ult of 1D00t ieaero... a"t4 COlillider.te foreA. bol1 .ltellll,b Impait. . whieb it ,"ma to. ~ tbeir inia.ion olfered 10 perfoim a,pattDir'cl~, ~liIclt /l11D to Idopt Ihe" life of • hllnDlt, w~re j .."l U nl, I ..w a ..w nolhh~r-bnrd nothlnr•.• Dd re- thuupt. . ", A tholli.nd Hltle dll. would Iwetl \0 . .11 til the re'l ,",rlb.1I world. Belnl • m.D w •• no lell th.1I ~o bave elgbteeo , .like inyolY~ in myltery: ,All th.t we th. thrnbol4, 01 '.dier TIKIJll. to the In.titutioa, Illy euriu.ity uoAfter that ni ,;e~ Harry to pa)' 11. cllrrrml deep ..,d .uOIIC' of keen ubHnatioD ,"d, a lover of of melted cop~er •• ft DI•• pootl., fnIIa knew or hIm. w •• tha' he dwell ID ..' hUI. A 1II0IDelltuy .budcler crepe over ..,IIW., J cOnoloded to ftlIIrD UPoD Ih. hia ,ieill ulllaol""ect. u : <be r"UHled I And ..." drop of 11I1I,.liel aide' ' the .ludp .qalllOd bitllllClf. probabl, furn.ce. poured qn bl. 0111,,1'..,,0'• '1D1n hclvel above mentluned. a ponton ... You lInow there ..... aoeethlll, eo nflit Dlfht, and al- all h.arde to peep would do. I obaer.eiI ir~ bl!!, th, ..1M To pre- UJ. ItrellD aloa,. atoppia,a DItIh' at a "ul1 IAYerll. by coDdilion that I( h. wu not In;.rW tllef the ,ell',-wl\ll 'no food u,e wMt' IC&III ",..orl..- about the 1114 lIIaa, tna& he bad \bru.p the of the hnt. In ptoC'lorill, .alll ~ .Id bie JIb, _lOme drupe Ib.t .tream .app1,. rIowa_e of the ucId relllarka h. had Ibould 11eld therr filth to ",. miracle. The IUPfllJ he ~iyed lrom . the charity of .... RNUi, ached the ("HI of aU 01 . :- _ity upoa tbe ,,"low _al,., rural_ed lriead thl' I W former!)' 1I0tioed. When life'. fIoal/ ......1. bR.k: IA\ned tofrom " . pedilian loe had eDCOUll: trial. accordln, to 'h. hiltorian.wantlliW • 8dj.eellt ~11t... aa,d that whlclt the... Wu It ...,clark "Irit ' aUili.".. tail la_ _ wkb tooth ell8'IY. aD4 a ...,.al. eolituy walk waa well. aad bill WheD we ill w.ui......hlll 1IiIP. 'tereel on bia Nld. DC' lDet In the .ba",oolDl wIth perreet.acc.....nd aUw.teC8I1Y1!1114. ,I. I'IIffttII atl'ortlecl hllD. Hiti clrialr II. caa.ab4u laeclolDlIODed, thovPt.. v•. fllt1lre Iocettl. WbfIII .1"" " _ r Ibok ' re. . . . ,.,....,. lila late _ !otmetll· ~"If" earlh ~ .~, uf public bou._ n- jUllln(l he .lent IIOdern Icillllce eaabl,. • 80t -fj .. ~f'd. rfOlll a cry. .l ri'ltlWt. which r\oM uti _nlletia, WeN "1 ......tiiJDe, lDy ",6oa u _ I IDOIW delenDi"ecI th.n Th_ wu ooiDec&ecI wltill t.I!. 41a-poaI&i0ll ObI when Ilia eiltarn ·.1iro~00 __I .non,l11UU1ly to .,.. ... itor or a wHkly jon,. ~Iie" ID tbi. IDltlcle, IMat to ,.,... Ii.... -.& the I . C}f lallUUIe lIut. , A04 telt ....deDt ~Il dlere wu ItO IChoIIl' ..... to aeeompllA Illy..... I or H~ IlIOn • ...,.a.tI I11III11 ...., Shall bId tile Ip\t\l II" •• 1 pobli..... l. Ihlh"z. 'l'~., ftrt prin. what I. more, COlllprelie..r1ta ~., fa ....\-...............t, . .lrDdltletl . , • 1 0 ' " 11M llltel ~1I"" for tome tlllle btK 110 IonIi made III nre worlJl. \hut _ I. OUIr ~boJ M., ... a - . d a...... to prowa ted froan tillle.lo tllDa. aod Ibtllt trutbfuU· with llltall Ilw.. Tlte __. . . . . . . . , ar.... of II ...... m*1' of ....,.rllICO allll iDe the btilhllUD-ll,lal .r IICIO....'. IDOI'lI I~, alllli alilOl\ ~ •• to ' I.........,er . .,. him ci~ for.... Tha1.~ cuallOi..... " ... aod haraer were a"oace percei"eclaod be ~ with JIIOIIerate npl4i'TlImMlafl" rIII.,..ttoe....... cielllIIIIIIIoa lal. " " ' ' ' 1 alit "bi.. darllMell ......... Illy, ",bea ... ~_ aupl ten .IDCI na.. -"OweG \0 till" IIow t - T a . ,.~. 'TbPy_ wlel, ClOpledln ..Tai.h....ttal.tft,d.COIIJ ...IrI,tO.trc;~ 0... 011" 1M,..... I ...............r. . . . oe. . niIIftd . . aner or _ bean 10 _ _ "III" wlj lJ DePtctetl. papen. .nd owlet to Ibe ".., cleeire ...... die .... ai& tile , ..It I. . . I.....' ................. h. HoW' a "iapoeidoD to ,tl"OOQI . . 8~IIU.lL tile ,.blilller oldie jIaIJBIll, '- ~ Id. ......... It ......... ~ die . . . I ........ far . . . 11_ .u.t. a.e ".D eIJPtI1.",...... ....., ~ ~ wWaltdatrJ ....,.,...... t»Ueetetl tIana .......iNlcllel

'!.' •













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OItI_~"ID' ftlu..... publlebed ,.......


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~c~~~.ll~~~"~~D~~~~.~~$~~j~iiiil~il III.

. . . . . willi "'wlo& w~~d.~• • •,·. . .JI~••t

I!IiIW'ltI6 ...

. . .....


.... Upit" f:1&I pWD In New tork. ".tblnl! In tb. II Ibd I*;It kl .uperlor I~ alaoand appotlronCll to.b,:: tIIo ,.t ~n I" Spain or qe II)' J n lirmobt. in t~e I io. we hne \f~'r H.n • r.d, .t ~•• H. Hurl, &; Co., lIhrcbanta on ~rt.ine., but Ollt deck p.~nat!1'I IncilOlM portloJlt of If... York alMI Ohio, do nat how enougb of Ibe qu.II:, ;he~' WOlIn""", WAYNJlSVlI,.bE, Ibe bib I ..~ Ctlfner or 1I.ln and"Nurth Itand. 1Inc11lre.llIlfn, . t'Yenly·/ive "lv4 ror JlI'1'8.1 rre. t deal of ,"""tion .pe.k by .'the bOok, bUllllh,tcorrel eof ~ y.d &litre ""~I \V AIUl~ .COUN1'Y, · OlUO, 81;;~ lo ~. pla~e.1 :~I are.lnfo,:"ed II • bcen fOlllld, b•• been p.l~ to .heep breeding. we 'blnk wilh Ihe mtignillcont .ppellr.n~e ~~~ .... " ,W'lIe ltQUIQ' .,. Crow. tba~ C'lty: ' .• ~ . .. ~~ a ......0 le l1· IIrO . ~ 'I, r~celV F'" thr. ir VIRG INf A WHIG AN D DEuOCR "T- belter .h~p can be obt.lnad (or uur nl~_t be very nlulllile. A larae I'IU' C, ..... ... .. D - b II _, ,f'IJIDA. ... ~ODBn s. L8M. ..r,e ~~ tr" l ••orte.. elor .. of .11 .nd 1U ~ •. (' I . . . , ,,,u't Qrv to IIftn, People were oULDIN,;, 1I~ W " le Good 'W " " I ' 1C CONVEN·rIONS. . anti eounu:y Ihan any 01. the or"'peclmen. Cit the I ..~I'." .ta"b- ~.I.. L'" T . . ttl )1. r I. e "live " ye n rt>me of I ' I ' . " . -. ..... , \I \",,\'''' ..0.. III /Ie Y -'e'" until , n60.. . II ow!' B\l\'Orll , OUR TERMS: . f I I' I" " nrOIlJIIUllu. VII.I:lt'pt !lG. llat ean now e found. We brg w lerl uh,bllf)d. G tupe rolahlg I. ~e'lin·~ , , .. " • I archil t. d h' b ' 1,1 ' T ' ". . • .It c IU.y g anc • • lId Iv S . 1 L ' . ' . ... tne n~tt ,y. 'J:hllllUQlbor 'II plJople prq, 4!~ .n -!P UI ..e .... pN.\Jelltlllll' .n bl, IIIIAMI VlIlr oa wll.l. I.. furlli.p. k lh' f II ' . ' , The lilts Demllc:r.~i CunvepiluD met IIIYA to ••y .Ihn th,re I • ~.t d,,&1 or to e a more hl:l,urlullt .bu~ I\e~~ in OUill lell\ were, Vlrlolul, Mtlmated at from ,6v p ~nteYp"l!e. con:pared willI Wlalch all Ullll'r to . In,le )'oorl)' ,.ub.criber! ,for ~,,£. DOlo• ' 11 are U YPrreGPored . . S,luuntun yO$terd.ay, tu nO,minatlt ., ca,n Jl. bug~r, pl'llcticed upon , ollr We. tt'rn tbbn It h.uft herpturure beo n. ' , " ~ I . 1 I I •• oIlae an .sdor t 1Il0 llt u ouds . . b " . ' . to ~t\v~1I thQI".nd. b'ut it w&s I'm Is~blci a IQ~ prolJecl •• r~ ' .I~era Iy not lillg, 'lit! LA'll. Alln ':'\Y£IIT.Y"FIVE CSIITlI i,f paid ill ad- Bny t"el '''IJo,'' t .I ' d.. t ... · for Guveroor ui,d uther St"'1l ofli.:u. pl'Dple . y 'lOme or theae .1'Dr funk!,,! A la rge vllrlet)' ,uf I't'IIr~, the ' IIalll. 0' ( ," . } 'h i l ' d " a r, ~ ra\le~ llI e l\. h d I ;. . . ' , Clm, IlIlthlll 0. ~ I" u.tilnll\e: 80me tWO IDa t .e rawl."ge ran ,or-king II ' .11. fur II '~ncf', QII't DULUlI I,AIID FlFTl' CUT •• if " , , ..: ~; , It iHhollght that Gree n B, Sumuel ~, Af 8 crp. un ero. wVe,llDvo a ehapl('r 10 ill" whlcl, wu "'giun, 11'18 exhllilted . 1'~e ~t\\II~nd furmOti III proc:eIRfo", There n,'0llster 'fI~l\lIt:1lt ~!llnce" I.ur tl~c construc- ' "'l i hln: . Mix monlh. , 'rwo D)JL~"I ~ I,MS: l\unlbe~'wll1 . bc fqund, tho' re- oC Shtmand~I,~h \vlll r8ceiv~ tllll ",(J~lIinati()n UitO' OIl Ihi~ topl" that iVe hop.c will b(' r~nd . .. very, tempting "p~i!nrnnce', ,nd'll.i o!. 1- - - - - ,.:.:....-::1 'Wor. P"tlent t~e -,ont ,and tho I:'rlnd~on8 o( tlOII 01 \\'llIIlh. hf) 1& geltlJlg ,l.'llllmll CII, 400 llhe ~"d of the yea·f. . port a tile procet!dinga of II lJl.'anlJcrtl lic lor Go ve nor, thoua" there I~ 11 ~plratvu CUll- ~n,) hee ded by our rQr!" er~, roi' 'Ih eir adthut 1111 ~ valuulJlB Iru,i t ,o n he r"i~ed' t'bostnvboae bone,' wore' lo be "clli'rlcd to long l'. nld I6~:feel be_OJ, wjlh lUXUTlou. kSublCrll'tioli1 f~r Ie .. thall one 1tar Connlltlo~ held i,l Leb..,imrunile 20th ~e.t 1IIII0llg tit!! rivlIl rUlldid,ItPI . ,,,nlnge, ~ lId profit. Bu~ to retur9. ,.' I\'ith-,:re~t perfeotiun 111 110 ill.. CU':lIitrl. e , ,tl'lil' I ~~t r s,ting pl ~tlO. "'he / .. I• eeolD.m(ld.l1on ~· for· 4 ,OO() .polllalors, "..tll. be a' 'the rille Ofl'JtIlEI Q/lIIT.a nlimr f h From It, our readera . we hllve Of Poaalaea, lho eurly v~rlelle~' lVere Ilot ., ,. 'OQC~"I"n .." ' . \I alf mO'!I. "viii The iir~I bullot, Ind Ihe onlll ( "I1'ot. .The,IIog Depor'lIl r nt' ll woll'· oil') ot~oiemn imp'ort , Nnd If bont'll lori~r ·ie' l~ b~ so ,ampbilbeatrl', I ~er; ' pf'rcel.e th'lt IhcI'e ha. 'bee n ,i.' tlcke t 'noRI' tho rCB~ lt of Wb 8 HS lollowlI: . cd, There, ~r ~evo.rb,l. v.ery )~rl{e lI~d w.el~ there. uut ,lhe later' U1I88, illc!lIdin, .m'll, . l)~paQlu,~' ,n1~ ~. tll ~lIn any ,he.Lr,> ()7We will furnielt the Vleil~r an'd line in~t~~. Thjl cUlillminlr.!(pn ~\Iuld hllve .J uhn llOn, 16000: SallluolK, '9,800, and torm-:d Ipeclme~ •. , This brsoch or atock IIJS of Olil\lt SIOnl', Wlldre ~here in great liad herotorlJre beel\ n4'gTe loJ utld no IllonumenlllD,d b~e n ereelPttto mQ~k l~ lho . ~II\), cOlin r1/ wltb ctlshlo~t'd lind Drilled (l0py ur ritner Grllh.m·e or Mlirtaln', Mig- been p,lIbli .h~d '1" IIlSl . weck'. paper, hod Wi5e, 300, hll8 not h,ee~ ' 8o l\llly il]v~. ~igl\,le~ an,d ,iOl' beauty lind perfectioll. ,Slime of th~ lin. · V1al~(.b)' lh ... ~ r~sting blaco, it \"." ol'lly ~,btare, .dren !l.TC~• . p,arqllet .lId gallery, uin es, or Gbdpy'.·Ludy'. Book/ ' one {ear, petiOo "hal e duty it Will .. 11""0 lor. TjJc Wh ig !Slate Co nvention, to 110,ni- proved •• the Pll ttl DQPortmt'nt , ' Tnnre est 'ol theln were b'ruugbt (rom Cle,el~ nd throucb \fPotilnce oqhe s pot. Dllt now, sa OOD8, pron.¢ua ltd, ' ,nd ' with drawing- (or three dollar. ~ nll tweoty.fln ~.n~ Warded it ~o us 1i:(Ume. ' ou,e (!1I11~idll~e. rur. Slsle um cer~, mel y~a- " ho~eyer, much gtu\llId lOr improve A ,ni' ~I,iflci()lIt pllterull.of 'Ounp t.:linl tbat ,lnore chance h III expo_cd the grave ~OID8, /lloge, dropl, alld IccDflry, well ,"en- ..Ih: lnvarillbly in adYnnc ... ' )'" ' terdllY a~ Claurottlvili~ , All aec~.iull~l ul III our !~rlnora will eee. ~y. I/Ie, ublp. 'peei. 810nlll, of the .Iorl:ell IIlae, wert brOUk"t whete they \\·~'re btiriBd'th~y arc c . liluu!d, alld Iillhted, witb flcil ltie. for Ipeody . ~BT rell'ere!lce to our adv~rtl .il1a col. the 'SllIle,were lully repreeenied. men. on flxhibldon, that ilJlproved brep,). from Kelly'a, hland, I,ear SSlIdusky City. ,lie ill ,p-.ying ~hpt respect w!l icla i. due lngreuand etrcU."lighted willa i U .0dSell· , ~'O C()RRE~PON~'ELV'l'8: ~Well , otjr readel'l' will iib8erve that ~ 'Gul. Cui. BDnuevum \Va.iI cltoijen Pr,ealdcn l1~gll \VIII pay U \VeO .. thllt ,of c/lttlp 'rhll fruit ,growa io great rerfectiull iD frurm evory true anil plltriotic: AlDcdcon : to U.i~t. ~n~ eV~l~ mOil~rn IlIIpro~eme n ~ , wrl~ten c~m~.,uol on~,' '00. >,.. br~;t,' b.. beed e~tlbli'hoJ ' in tlii~ wlat'll G., W.Summcr, of 'K !llil\ b•• \VII' Qnd .heep, Oliio I~ lOQ impurtl"t . a purk Ohio, ami III or grelli value 10 UI . , lh ~o \\1110 fOught' 10 In:linahl that \lbDfl! :xt~r ~u~ of dl\8 u>vlI,bQa of lhe deep lubJcct., \\1111 .find. eartl w~lco,!,e jn our IIr. Bl/irnlide, who i. 'an BrtiHt nOllli~lIltld for, Govorn"r by accl'matlon, State to perinit tliia branch to r amain 101111 1'he "ple/ldlu otJlIlHltio~1 of Dulhlul came whlCll we1I0\V enjoy Gild tllO pOlice and tu \,te 1}1!.e not" '."11 io·... tlle· carlh beu(,lIth, columna. Nothlnr pereooal lie Illitdf'grce of t.ltnt. We have who, It .w... lltat~d, would accepHbe nOOli· ~Pilec,l ed, ,Bt.IIJe and cQu,nt>. ~lIir. ert do. ~ron,l , Cl?ve lbnd.. .A:1~0 ~ IBrl:'e offlo lit ~lId :quiflt of the IIre~ide: There \\'orc aoanD Ibe "·,. ullder ~be ~lIrth :" I'n ttd: , •We;muat know .the re,~llIam.. "f In had the plealure of examint o'rie ur hie o.tlon. . " tng much to bring tlilnil right jn thla 11'8' vnrialy Q/ th ~ olluir Bower. IbnL1t durn Flu. I':P), 11"la~d veterll lU prea~!lt, ,to Europ~ In 'lfe ' I~6t 'te,IIOIer to wra~e,re. or n,o ."enuon. WIll be p.i l.ncllJ:apft, c"Whlrlh, although ; e do not Tile barOloni!!n. aod en Pllct. , T rul Hull. Two grlllleiul tl!lIIple •• IIld olle )' OUII, at the tlmo, the recollcction or Dov.llles for tI!l. aumpluoua Ih.~r proclu~tlonp, Alljetterl 011 btwi mueh a4mlre ' l!11 choice of iubjecl, purThe H"r~e D.erarme,:,t i, ,,"cal, b~\b . in mu.aaive beouliful p)'rllmitl, .11 of wilieia d"re~~ ~il'rdly Jl,Ia lllpe on t~elr , "~ ~8111 olld !l!.Ult bt' p(), Ira,. N.aure, wl' b • gre.t de.l ·ol cO!'fBct. Lte. 0,1 G"n~t- nUlllber ,. '!d qUllity , The (ain~.UI ¥URGAB ", .. re lastefully Ilsl!orlted IIn4 orn·al.',ellled, a"im!ltt}ro!D !hear II, ' Y" wi til; · . " 1 ••• I . , , , , ~. ',O.lIe'1' ia' 0li' the eatt siae ~, re.uluU~II' ,h _ , frOIl) Vermont, are now " \I radi,n, were UIO prUminell1 poillt of attractiuo in Tblt bOllot lound ere pl~c:ed Il~tlih , rePlo,enLing 'tbo thirteen f~1D FI'III:lce,.• queltlli~I".. • od hllel lirl,l i. Ageot ror ,the Mi.mi Vi,itot.-, R. , ~. lIaln - ... hnmf'di.tely . over Dr. Slud, the , until to-day, . IIJlel\tlon of, our ,",at~ur .Ilorte ~e.h!r' ~he Hall. , Slates, Ind ,bllried in oue' huge 'a.ya~d, II'jlID E"ilell~) a."~IJLllla . D1:,~ . IICh' lS i Parvin, or , Cine!oolli I, ClUJ ' authu,IHQ di ld'fI; I'llher" ollie" . . ' ~hen c"n~idllle for Li.eut. Guverner wili hurso rai,ser4 , Inti '~~!I e";ntinue,lo 1m· ~rll\)"d t'le edge of t~le . pl.\Io~1II 011 ,beir 60al and lut rlnt,i ol RlaCII. ' < • Irolll bome " ome"of ~",e . \ndl~e."ou. a~lIlIt ror ('olleCU!IIlIlIOnlel due ~, and ".' be elented. , prove upon ' bet~!,r acqullintance. In our which Il\llrftorll ~xhilJith!D WD' hdd. WCI1 Peace to J.beir · uhe. DenAlltb 111& a"tutn . 1II.t would acq ul re, Il0 .dd:uODII. tliinin, .ub,crlbel1l ••nd .dverl.!aem',hl•• · 11en :a. E,anl 'n e' • • t I 'I OF T"E JURY I.N' T viaif to. Ver mont tl}ia 1\!IlSOn".we had QI,I 01" dis. played the t'ruit and v~aelllb)t'I. wn~i •• . 1 " ... . ~ hi lte" It &1 ' 1tl H ' IIi ' I Eta a tIe J' n I , eod, III olle C\lIDIlIOll,i rllve , Uo t'he b~ne.. I ,rom IUIII ,MO~ C en Ofjemenl,- , I' 0 ~ II on t I~ uth·elMt corner ' 01, ..tune ml, ...w4l1.t' .ide r Main Street in MICHIGAN RAILROA.D CONSPIRA. P0I'WlIlty to earn . a,omethlng ab • •~ t this ting or epples, PdIU , pee~bt'" pu'!'plt inl, ClOIII \lllniled ,togclher, or Lhe omc~r, I{lidi!!;' ~Ife, W.terMuun~.I.~ t'O , ~e to,¥ed hy Mltln .' .md Columbl••treeta, thl. place, a , ."Iendi'd '~oll' or ! CY CASE. '. alock, and lind that Ihe beal Judgu} n that wuu' Nnclon&, mUlk·melloll8, pol.t.o e,; on_ lind eltuE<lO. with\lU~ diltlnctioo , aby their two .tulfl..tendehl to t1~e'Vltloll' townll up• • ". Tbe,. 'd elf,dlined 10 d~ tlie-ir beat in , D lorT , gept. gg State are unan l nlou~ in ' the oPil'lon ion., ~eet8, &c;. t~o nUIIIl'rOUI to, m~ntion. ;;'lllIory live In'll beartor fv ery Atn\lrjtho MI~ai~ppi .Dd, i~ tributeri.. ill WOODI WOOD!t;~We would ' be ,he • .,. of ·.elling cheap .nd ' :The Jur In tbe .• •1\ ~ jllr~~y at. ror Iiorle" ,no Ilockin the U~ IOD Jf,et'd'8 piands were upon lac Illnd III G.n, • ' . .u Imer•• nd b(l moored .t tll~ leYee iti pl('ued If tbOle ,of lub~c~ib~rl ,'who .• datlll' 'tielr oultlimiui p"u~n •• ' Call'!, 'r end!red tbelr v~rdlol .t ock IIL\ I, ••nytl,ang apprulcliing tbelll for eltcd· .Flor~1 }iftll, . ~nd ,.ever,~l ~u')ie. tile . We blve ~illaCf tilll~ nor .poee ill'lbis Ne Orleanl in "tilt' winter. It iae.tllnla· tu P~1 ~or .~helr lubacrlpllon. In :Adverilllmcnl' WI" appe.r'Dut week. lIight, findlnll twelve f.the peraon • . gui lty leoee. Hor~~. of that ,~ \ocle comm',ntl thll companY,8ub.t!l"1l1l1 I!vldollC.<II of th~lr Iklll week'. paper, ,to la, tbe ~dinlra ~flfore ted toco~t 840 ,000"od ~iU be coqa~letcd w~\lld brlDg It on 1000... we wllh,.to " • ". . ' and t~e balaoce not,~nq.. . vcry hllli t e8 tt!ere·. II!~t'ed, the whIle tea "' lhe IlIpOrtor ~~~Iily, ufthe hi· r r,e.del'l. but willilive th"m 10 full nezt DCX~. 'prlog, altbouah Dr., S. hu IIftered 8 taan 11 auppfy, b&lore b.d wea~"er Will bu. ' OO"'Our Friend Thom .. Wells, who liu The follo"lng are lIae . Mme. of thu.e own!'r of " fine , If,,rfa!1 coli oal1 get strullleO!I., Several truly· l'llldid inlhu"uk. IndlVhlual 'lllbecrlptio"l will be large , bo",UI t~ have. I~ cumplolted It tilDe ulln. been '.*l1M tl:,"~ a mlNioolr, .1lI0ng the Filley WI llard Ch.... ah.~~l , ~nr pri ~o ~e m.), •• It .fur blm. meul. were lhere .. ' IOlIclted for Ihe "!1r~~r o( rai,iog I lle Cur Lhl. wlbter. camp.'E"· . , I, . ' , , Indl.~., ha. I',!centlt ~(Uhled to tilia pUo, I. J . Pierc., Ii:, C. WilHalDiI', Will. Thlllr' grellt apeed a"u ' .tlll ,reater eouu· We have tllken 8pmll I'!Q~eI or tJle alatfPI a).... rorenc In•• uitah~e'.nd.ppropriate ·There'. ' ta ; h: • I ' IMPO~'r:ANT:-Th,re .;.~re our Qlle pl.l:e. He broui~t with hilll In lodl.n illll Corwin, .... J. Freeland, . ErU1Ud rtInc~, rend\'r them ,lIulullble. ~IJr h~ayy hop .n~ .ptJultry, but !inil our, CDI1lpu1ll(tre moaullIentf.t I't. Rej)Overy, In~ . Grecn. I • Ipor mao III , IC Ig.n. a a- hUDdled .~d lilty pentOnl ln deb~ed to ua girl. SllIlth, .nd EbeDezer'Farnhalll. ' team ,hunie8) tllP)' are ·not . the tblp,,; uut too ;ouch,' lired out with the ,' i'lt to lbe , v'n,. boliitl ll)re to lee tb. monu- 1\'. thllt'he putout une 01 hi. eyel the for .lIb8trlp.t lon,fof'the voIIlDle•.of The Jury 'recummellded Smllh d F lor u\ht'r depBriOIenta •.we ~bink tl.ey will be lbe grounda to IhrouJ; the procca. of Jet· n m'Dta erlHfted withoUt 1\1111118 th• •ltI " of :~~;.::.·:i:~hl tr.ouble 01 !,inkl VI.i~, ~I!d ,not 1D0re thall poe lilltf of R,DDlIlI il-Allrllm Mendenall, nhlm to the meroy ,ol lbe' Court.· uru- fQU~ld tU,be luperior (0 a~r utber 8\u~k ~h U~t' lill~ up tIle type' oven II WA bll~ time 10 , ~eGeDe.ral ~oy..rnlllent••nd thlok it c,n . l\lbearlblra. 'p~YO paid fo, thl. volUllle, 'I ellt lut Frldly;'rnto oU,r , ~~ , . ~,lIIun, T!,ere "re ~?vero\ .i'oreel 01' U,II wnl" 0ll\.'~ur lIull" . W~ ll~ pl~alY 01 "bt, ~ne."";lVillcMIffri P9UioUp.; • ' Vip waUl one hundred< lIDd 61'1.)' doll.... th.n we have ever ~S4D C... IOUITY.-A lIad icoid~ul stock on..tbe groundll, where Illey .re lit· rlw m.lerlal Ull hand, Inti -111.1) III"e (lur, • , . ,Re., .· WIlII~nr T. Riddle,. wilbQut ,fail I durl~1 lootller 1D00tb-,..1III we . tt:II' or. It mea8ures on Saturdll, 'olah't I,utt. nnar tr~llti'l.r IIIU ·rl utl'e nllon, We ' hall 8pl:llk rioader. the b~II~/i1 therf/o( ·bearatter.-81Gt. Ur Alf~ Hobb. , wbO,i. jUlt now fiet- ml ..loner~ •• lio w~. about to ..11 for 'Bur- would lake tu Wr,t.e ,rere!pt •• 11 .Iay 10llg 10 citeu·" ,ference. " lecollcl Milt Cre.k br.ldge. ,whiah:hbl m"r~ ip delail ur thla DejlDrlmelll Io-OIor- Jo'u .."ol, &pt, 26th • • linl the loc:k iQYloto,. of ,Enllind Into a Ir!.h, tbe Ez~1'HII1a1" , d~"~ in New . Yc.rk fo~. 1l10D~, proVided w~ llolI~d only I,nlluce . . ted in the death o('ao old widuw lady row , ' , • t· cold. ........ p.italion. by theflciUty'with whiCh 00 Tu•••,. 01111. lour .WHk •• ro be WI. YOll to'aquaJ'f! oft' ,.ullr liItJc bUll. . " o::rWe give tliia 'IN.ek ' an Dccoll'n t,ol . yea,. or age, na~!'d R"bfletll . n"t the dl,'l'arhnoot Ihtlt l'lIh(llI~ The In., d., uf 110 .. 'PfIIlr r-'rrI - " ..... .. tl -" I eel ' I . . ,Y o~tvrdlly '/ill i4hed uli'the prucolldin"" b pic~ ili, (.QlPu. Cbub" &lid . Dr.lDab m.......o..-q...·n .1 o~n n ,lIno .110111/ '. , , Olftl 8tate Falr,' held It Columbu. AocolDpanied by her niece•• mere allilu, gleoli:~t ill1pr!l,'enlellt ia the poultry , ," . of ~he Secllitd A'1nuul F Jlr qf theS llle or Jock., &oc\ taUs upthepremlutnl , i,whllf JI!'·more. ., RuD£•• :-I1t .ppean . from week. whlc:h ,we la~e.1 ital'nellretJ In Mra. Sordan left It"r houM io the eyellil1o" 1t'l\ri1 ,'t~lIt ·thruugh ' lilt' E~dtefJl ' . ,. \ 01010. Untl, lhe all~ rllu o l1, the w ~ alher boJdlylOYite. tbem to .... pe.l~eot UpOIl "'0 TO InVIT'.'O' ''1 --.!.A fto tem ora . • .,.. . ' _ ~ ~ Il •UUl. clrC!umttance., th.t 80m, IN . SttitAI llllli'n.'. Tbla exhibition,· 110 "'ar between ~ Ind 9 o'olocK, to • .• I~k " great at~r.lltloJl hlla,bel' . n pu d to ., had Ilfen ' remarkl\bly fine dUrill", the aJlli'e ' ' :'~ r .~oo .,. p"" "\I hlqlyluufll•• re nol .. yet Htl.6ed In we hue h~4 tlte opportimily 01 · ••c.,. friend, auo'!la q\J.,ter of • mile dilfan't . •ome yellr. pOlt. TLe dflmfl lld lur egg.. • .,ecimeal 'If ~,iiClo ~o,eDtioD. " • uy••• rew~ru 0... will b" ,iven to own ~i"'d_ who til' ' Editor ul' the . 0' th d k d II k ' d " 1I1~" IltIY',d' r But .DiD' Yukee. , born In hton. '&lid th . fi-t tl *11 d" . p.IHa oB' 60ely. . , wing ~o . e ar ne... ahe 100t "" r. I c.•eril Oln turkey. in uur cit lea ,ie I ' MUlII\ .1arr rt''nuoli ed lbu fIIio . . • u ,- ac ,e 10 0 II/lOyerl one lin- il.. We al'" thl •. 1I011\:e. -imply. 'to ' wlal'e wanderio b i d' , l' Inm~ " e, an \ haa ~IIIIAd 'l OtO _' .e rcl'''~ cumlllunee ,a IIllg, 111"1 CUll 1011 for Ih., 0[ twen\1-two ,elll 110; W,. , pIll .1. newspaper botrower tb.t I. willlnr t o " " , ••• g a au, en e.vofmg 10 .. a v ~ ~ bulance urlhe day , _t. bJ bl•• It!qwlld DlOlla.el,,, do eIlote• .J"'IIII't ....lIJt tbe':'" U ".n' yth ' In.. publ'I.lled their J0ub4,ng mllldi. . Frolll' the dati ~on the 16th .;Id , i 7th uf Ih 'ie 'month reg.ln her hl/llIe.,fell \Vlth the ohlld inlu a tlnkee enterpti'B , 10 Improve 'till! _... •• '"' • M 90tb 186'1 Iu I ti ' II ' Ie . b " f' I .' At pliuut three u~c l eli I the 8"II,d or AI/' ...... to !Chooll" a,llI.l lbbur.iJI., :'owo Ita ao~.a .>c. • worth ...... ~i.n'... 0 ) , . , Ht weI . me, till Cllillon C,"unty Al(1'icul 1urai. 80lliety ce ar extDV.1I0n, Itrl Ing upon II pile ' reeua \> .0111/ ,. 'mp0rlatlllni (rOID all I I I ' OOIlD--, The *,ter or thl. 1Nq ODe ... ...., y, ..... , Mr. J. W. Roberta, tran.rll~ loll fI~lf .will hold it. ne;xt :rllr, .\ Wilj1JlnmoJl. atone Ind br.lek., Their iic;e.m8 of Iha 'world hIve followed, till now r ell lliro. the illyilCol gut>~L., 011 lie pl'ople -I b'" I Ie ' .~ I • tllll. g'rraund UIIecmu,ll!d U\ tlae "t.lld to Ii.· o( 1M ac:bool·mllkrai _ntl Hobbe II n.aL ' TH1I _"'&6 o·~6 .,, Lo··." L".-Th. 01"-8t t e pwce , to ha •• I IU8 IIIn hin, us the '101e ~. O. loon ~i.tllnce: "I:ho girl ' Will o.nbuve II vu,riety t~ut for eiroe 8"d . beauty .....,,~ "" I I brought h . te,l'Io he .. ad ~ • • es. Alter pruyor, Win, .., ........ , be ODM·.... if hi "--I. DOt •• ke lII.n th., -er d'&d In thl'. ~"".otry · took . ' . t It penoo, W Ola name ,tana. 07 ne cIIl · e.peclal' ·attoni.lon 10 lhe y. ill Ill" Injured, bUllhe lloor WO",Dn Will . rar .head of Ih. old,• •k or Ihe larlll Allen ISl;8nded , ........ ""'i' v. _ ~u I '. , • , the platfurm . .'1'b" raiD ', r!.le lD recu"'ln .. to the little aewI-. _ {rotn t"- dal be w••• ",.lll••"",,1 tit. h".d uf thi. column u 'Editor. Pub· new.~ rtileJllentl th.t appe.r 10 ' this In. deplotatile condition;· being "ut "\1d ~ollae. In ..i.ze eapPc all),. illO, ap.:cimtllM ' , ~ ' r .... r-'r~ ""~' d P . WUI full ,,', 81! thllt umbrl!lI~a were III ~qui. ' ,e.- ;j ~ to th.t of lii- de•. th. lilher•• 0 ruprietoT.·. !IU been ,b. ",ug nlllDbe • .. . , . , bl'UI~ed .ho.c kinely. They were both , tG' "xhibited are a: rnt hitprovenient& uplln 1111' boo.. ... . the .tertio. point of , _ _ . . L. . h d d ' LJ. h d . . . . , . . . i~ioD. ·l'h~ o\l,\!'~e.r cuuuue nc\'d G, u~ ,dPuke . • lIi.h.. -IreIdJ. broup~.IQI to the w.,.P ..... f-It Ie .mu-.. -ba, on 'III_1II t ,. ar \IOUI... r"pull' '-to , . ...,0 0111",110 eve .",i' lance rfndered ordinary _.tnck. I. large number uf .8peel. .. ... ,,.. ~ II ' f "'''It f tli " 1 " h' ... b I. . ' ,*" . d' ror' lI few mu,"enl., ~ut Ihtl rDln Cl'Dlilluinl: . . til Palate ....-t(ully JOIID .lIIple -4 ... II.~, a ".~I·Aia·~! .u II 0 ..... or 0 e Y IIItor, .ft ' r Dubll....U"n elU week, w.1i \If' t e "Iull 1 ut'!'. t Iv.n.and on ' ~un· a e on t)l~ ..,,,un!!. • ,, paelle gi!ldl . ,--r- .".,. ..,w v .. d ) d W b 1 i " -"'{ . . " ho. ilr . ght hi.. ",Iullrka, to Ii e lOlle, withuul ia .....nt him ibe privllevu VI • r e are l e oq y' one, 00 ~ e t'e rtlildowi"li An url...11181 lketch, d\l1 aftetnoon ..he' expi)od In -eat .gon_". int!!rellt.alnou all cl ...~. of vi.itora. , ' .,.-." , . 'a • b eel ....... I • ' III 11' .r .. iuto Qgl!lil!fal djlic uli~lun of lite .ubloclr wbic:b holds Ibe f.aiOlll ""-We (arite ... _ '''&n''on ot oar wrlt,,-, I iwn. ~ 'nit.. (II t~ ",.,1 "'rlt~n lor the VIIJ!tol. (A,II!lil;'Au. Hr,. Jordan' WUII furmeoiy • re,ide, ot' bf 11he .Ueliiha yealfrd.y f w.a verf , \ I ' J " " , .... .. re. . d " I I d d h C II" he illle tldlld, preau.lle ifi...d· d ... t tb d t' ' f A ' ...-__ 0 .u, owo . .. e tCI n" lind III e tobio~p '" or. Steel Pen,' 'by aro.lJlIft. and her ~u8band eetved 1~~lIe, tough no !I~ cent tleket. were 1I.(d. , di.mond. Wettthed .gllo-.t I few e,. 0 , . glr IIIIDeDt 0 yet'. vlWn'M '" _ • • lj''''_ '." , '. . .' , dS. a8 written Ollt RllJ inlend~· :tu II .. dt. I ' lact/l' u thl •• iUauall., ~e triumpb oJ 'p..., 'I tlJe eol f. ' , ~ ' - ..... J ....!Jf'IenJ •• we arf," GooBequlll.' tbll .Rhougla or n\h.r with dibtingui whed gana,ntry under IIhTiun We learlt lb.1 bel"It'D f,'ur .lld Bve tholl' r . I '1\ b tW tl · AlllerlCIII onr Bliuab .kll·I,,,C w!..t coa:. '",: ,.. ....._QIIIIII 0 'OUr pa~r, •• I iMIllUiuul,' bil'",eil with, UPOD tbe In humorous chai'lc(~r, will 'b" Ibund both hi the Wit of I ndepentiencin..!.Ci~" Gill , ' ~ftnd badlf~a were lold 81 ePch. FrOnt Iverel I WI II, ~.~ " be ID llie parceed· .I I h .. ..... ., . ,or I I t' . ~ , . oge 01 the buar... ' ·' " reme'l"6 ... Ule DnlUmportanll8 to the 'COlli· I II It TIl ift Iftl 0, a wlllmun cal 0 a pre n~ to u.. m.lrucllve anu nUll'~.t og,- onee 'Iu lfi- . ~8.mut!1 ~!k' j W II S D ' ,, • , ...aenee1i it !.h.t Ut. TuuelllndPuntb 00Of th e 6.YII to len th ouIBlld pel1lul\. were on the lta e 1I••, reUn. tbeir IDlntltled v.altl '" ~aD '1~ '1i t .Cf!ft cakt.. po .h8l1l,n b We employ no 'Auill4Jtl Editor iD cogntt&;' liy ' ,;,~ .. and . allo, a poein, Oh1o' Penitt'IIliBry I~~::' 01 ~Olellnm' b '1' n gr'Junda, lIod to.d., 11'." lhlnk number 11~~lltur tlulIg,ldasll~ ,ff~o", J."In~I. W"I' ~'Ial . . ...'or .re .rom un nl1wn n.m.., ul hi " I It iJ ' te r .., T' II a f J ' . 'b B ' , U u · · ca ""up,a" inn e D i'w hoppy 1111' we ",""n, at tbe me.,re, of 1.91,,1- • I . . -".:.1 I ' . w.y W • ever, nor I , 0 r,an il IOu to ' e rave 0 emllll~. - ' ....~. MlIndllya ltl'rooon of ri d- e .iu. d I WII l be greatl" Incre."':. ' , " . • L... th Wid' F' 1 ~~ .rolll.1II n.nt '0..... ",e 1 cel~brattd mdO, 110 but It will ever be .1I object wi . r ' y p p. n u cllr· Tb I I b 'd' I " tallied remark" He dp oke hlghlv of O'IIU c:&Il lauriu .t e or. lit -':"1"'"'9" __ P fi ' C " 'lion uf the bowelA e Wt'll tIer 1.1 een t'XCI!.C ang l ' uO'. , A " , ",..t~llIItD. ro ~)'I{ -Ierl1men Ind 'ciUInd eo Dlir._ The 'n 0' T ' d . . d b ~ . .a It'PPQ"~u 10 bl' r~l» ~d a~ theF.Jr. ~ ~IC4ft, Ph"lcl.a'aite their .lNn. _nnee tb.t At die Lime we ..urch~ U r Roberta' r.I, , '1' I' ueel I'devt:,uan'deeasel' II ~,re He h.d J"at been at the Ne\y Yor,II ' Sial. ,. .. I , thle ' III ' . .. , .. . G Olll~ 8tnte "alr. ' ay, og ! 18 UII In coo tnll"" . d • bilif of tbe OIBCD. we e-apected to , E~tl.e\lo" 0,[ Ve~av 1l~ IUIw m ~ID. forth. 0m:e aA.,¥ '. :••0.11 •• ror O.ctUbtl1' i.OD ,!he fi ... t d", of ! b~ 'State • end lel'tetdsf , was cle.r, 'l1d F ,llr ••." ~Ilml"red Ihe exhIbition of lbe The eupMtlon ot~p~tti1f' out' Vlluvilll ". d~.eaD ~ ftll~ on,wltb bim U ,u'.iallot'for. tlm.;'1IIIl1: but on /ialld. /A goot! ,!amber without doubt, lind we .re proud of th~ nlull, . cool enough to be tOmfurl.ble. ,The tw~ w:th Il a tterillg . reQluka ill. ollr f~'u'. by. jllI'DhClIIIII.I, b.,.. ~ rorm~ lerl· by the dne~.Ior rell",. "n~ w. .ams d., of oor purch...., we 1D~lIe ~ay Iftem,uon we weDt over I.b " ,roun4' prOlpect i. thlt Lb. relllalnl'o, do,. will be He. then tol,d t~c people thutOo,; Wrlj!htl ,,11.1,. gough, ror th~ purpoel of eatilleuil- liepo IblrenJt.(n dIIr ~CI~on will .rr'lIiement. to talte ifU or , tbe L.tDut' W:aul'R (or October, I. wei· ill, detail. It .\V.~I our intention, to ool~ the equally pIB..a~t. . lhcre, wh? wu II practical fa" met, but hlDI the ,.ole-nui \be Ipecul.torl bopin.~ th.,lr _chlalOlIl .lIeWbere.-~ our positlon,.t ence, .od lill~ . Lb.t . eame "Umber. , Thil .hould , or· prln~iplIl thlngd of inlereat\ but alter .we To-llIOrro,. w'e Ihi ll,i~e • mcre det.iI- ~' h~ cO\IId du .... metlllni el.e belidea f.rm• to neovet, for qr!cullural purpo.... yut beeo uall!il eve.., . elJ'ort t,Q' n.inent l' :'llry Ildy" book". " ,ot tI~rough we gave up 1h4rt'plao io Uller lid notice 01. portilln. of t~lI.nlclt!.: on ,ex- 109 Ht' ~uld make ~ belWr ,peclh.lbu on the .lopes,101l fa the vi· our,plper,more .od mur. (I/teNslln,. . ' ' . de.pllr. We cell onl, gin all" na4eu • Eve". thin, p uel ' he co~d r.IM crup,. ' ' clolty of tbe WOICIDO. TIle 1:Q"IIIIt;tee, or . thi,lIIm be nill. the object we .h.1I G~1).'t,. ~. D~ ~oo. (o~ October; II III !'ur geller.lIGlpre..lolIlI. ' ..A .umb.r of Gov. Wright w ... ~~en uU.d, I, tilt m.n.~tneol ti.,e .pplled to th, KIDJ '0'1 tal Ma~1 VIIITO. faithrull,. ."d ear..-dJ tu keepIDl"'~l1I llhe furmer Luiabel'l of ~.t Tn Ihe Ifwlloon tb. ",eral. commltteea emen from oth~r St.te.a .re .t- . . .ull. .I'u~e ,wUb" .acee;. "'lIlor the . . . LU.~ , We Iuok upun EditOr. excelle.J!, ~uur'lll\l of Llter~lur" .od F,"~ were reDd (rQID lhe .t.od by lI: O. Gut· amoll' W~OIb Ire Benltor allee for IjIme IlIlDule .~:, H.i•• .-11,611' TIl. aefor.n Alricole•• FreDob journ.t de. '.P'~ of tile .eaUI bllD .1It'<lrdlri,IJI .. I . Arts. '. . ' ~ .." .lId tbe , .pqtmenta _Igoed of Doi.,.nd G",.erllor lqoklng man, full of rUII , IIn~ wlth~l. a very Yote4 to the COD.lderltlon of qU.,.Ilonl con. ....... &e~..y. .." or tilt v#tll _I. who will ', Th_ pOI"n comm.nced Indl.n., &c.- OAio 8ItIII4 good I~.k~r. Ife ""ed verT ~uch and ected with tbe lali, ••te. thlt'tbe IDI; eral . pDltn III!' 0010 hi.", the 'Txl ~IW Yo. . 'Jla1aC111 i. ODt! of the eumlnllilia of l!ae yqioualll.ttere' lu"lII~t- VIf /lOlA &pi_ . I ' v~rt ",.III. of *h.t ~,lIdlaJi~ w ... goi~ til do , ~ n,llltltion' ( •• 'it UUI' it) of thtl , ll1ud ' l on. WII(,I ' FULl an r.ou. uf Iloother Indi'jd\1al [who.. name Ii~ of new.p.pel'l m the lIIorld. It te~ to their In.p.otiollj .nd ", ~h.1I huve . . , , . lO~e t.n or~5 yeare hene., . He Wu loudl, · !ou Velu,iiJ. I•• ,uv_ntel! (or lIIucb . ' knuwa,.11 the while,] .. hla OWO ~t editH In 4lhlef b,lJoucl Oa,tUT. tbe p~ure. io due ~iill' or aDnoUnclng llie Tile 8ecoDc1 41., of til. F~r. " Il~emd. '~pd tnlde. 'Ii')' t."orable ImPf'll" . . I -b bl -' h 't id are tbt-wlnd••• ntllr,bl the eventnl: the~fI ' beio" our ,iewl YIJa lilly relt II JIIlbllahl'il et tbe, fullowln, lerllli per r..ult' of tII.ldaho", Thelelcood dl, o(otU i,eatState Fea. alan, I tlinlte ~IO. nell nUlta e roC ea lTe.. 100m ' ' ... D il .." W kl :. I W · k . Tb e 8 . to be cerialn r~r \host! wh~ will .loOp to . ,' • , . edt that we will oot act in .ny, ..,.,.. ,t.r:- • y,-; ee y; lin, e copy . e wl,lI mli eon. ,4\IIIIrlll ,nmark,upon tlnl a.pened uDder ,the tn()lltrll'ora~l. au.. penel'!' F .. mil, b.llng on lb. ~ '. rei I I I ' , \\i hal. lbe .1I,er tJI<IOn I• •hlnllll.·m trllV to) IhelD II. elrllt COpl" '16. .lId tweoty • m.tter ,b.t .'ruck ue ..nlibl), bJ • •urTbe moruiol wu cool .nd ple ..- grol/l,d. l'lle0re4 the ",dleac4a'.itli one o( I~t~er t~~~\the:;,' ;g t : elft~~t' Iigbt duwn throu,b the'JrI'Ov4!;. '.. 1110. StiIIi-Weekly. . ., ~o,l. copy. 'ay or'tbtl grolillde. The nUlllber of At .0 etll'I1 hour IhI rqadl )eadln, 10 their capitallO'''ii,~, Mr, AII.n, ot Bulfa'o. ' for two copil~'j .nd for . teD copiet. tIe. hol'le., ,beep. hOIJl .nd pOol'r)' 00 elt- Colllmbua from' .11 direction •• "'"re tliron- theo epoke (ur" ,flh,,' momenta with accepto I' I~ ~I be ng , P I I· u c;n. u~. ml n· I'll w~ fUrth. to vieW' YOOD, Laar.'. tI n 111111110 • • CODC UIl on.'n"erl to b . A nry warm lind Addre.. G ee'- If. II E1 tb hlb' " , . b ".L eelelllit are ataled to liave decllttid that ~ I ' ha. been curled on In Ule W"-o r ~I 0 1'1 • ulon, I, far 1D0re n~lDero\!l th.n thaI with vi.it0t:a to the P"r•• nd· belore anC4!. ut.... e raiD I IIloa. be lOOn coliJtothia: would lie 'eulerthan to Torlft I ' And lUll deplore ber youthrul ~m. of Leb.non. for aqme ll1ree "e!,k~ Iu~ Jear .t Cloci.o n.t I: "ndeed tbere, o'cluck Ihe 'alty w•• !Iterall,. ftill in I clu~etl Iii. re..arb. I.(t,e r Oh. 0' 111'0 111 1, Ut.·w!lter.' of wbich ehould put out' Wrthln Durow eell reclln... ,h er cllY. betlVet!~ tba. Edil.Of of that paper \;. DO ,pprOach lo...,e Vlrlel} .nd ucellence .en.-e th.~ we ba" Dover wltllflled be~~lJ' .nnoullcem.nta, the 'Board .djo~r~ed to yolealio. The penny.a.line ...' "ccou~" iJ'M cl.y.p~re once .uch belut,. be.m. Bla~~.burn. Eaq" o( tho aame ·pltoe. , J ." aow on tbe JP'OUod.. In, 'rult we ahall The rlJ.~ t".the ground. 1000 became ,1m. t"~ llieher of Fiori I H.II. when .t b. p.... ' edi ' , '. orilinated frum ·the fact, thlot Hr. lU.ei" .flU"*, Aocld•• ,. probablJ equal Lbe qu.Mlt! lut ,.eu: , the ~enae. WI. tallen !O prevellt too D11~m. were ,announced, .nd .pl.odid cup. th4 'lire' will be ,w.lul;;-we ahudder In .n. the tJftna, HIlled b,er (or hi. prly buro belli, b.fore the Whl, N"mln . B.,~~u.IJ)...T~.,at (.1U~ qanJlay, hO ..eY,'" I. n.rr "'perlor. III ~ • nUlDber of teem I fro~ cruuini the &.c:; .warde~. Tltl. proc:e...... a tedloul tlclpDtiop-Umclon We.kfg N_. n "ot' youtb pr 't1rtUl 'could' her life Election and Dot obtaloing the n'l'D;\loaUoo • deplGCabl, CllII'Uty occ:ure4 Iut wnll ~lIUfacl~_ ,depltl.ll\f'Dt ..e lhlok UbI' .t o~ce, aDd ror • )en,th or time 'he II lhe hit WII vc'1lotl\:, .0" the , Tile ,i.e Aria. . . deelD. ' .., lor eaJJdldate for oCIi" of probate on the freljhlt traio o{th. CleYel&lld. Co. tlOO II equ.1 to Ibe d!8plq o.a th~ 1(1'0und~ filled Ihe ,treel. frolll the br\i1ie w.a making a COD.laut aod he.vy deac:ent ,. 1'be Editor -01 the Hartford. Ct., Cour. • .... Judge. [which w .. decided In .yor Of Jobn It.baa IjId Olnc:iolllti la8\ Je.r, but If the artlcl~ 10 the Jle. to High .treot waltlog tbeir lOrn. llpon the T,bl. li_~ 01 f~re.i"" ao\,jn noliein, the ac:ulp!uree orll,. I. G : Oh could ~blt tyrant Delth som. pity f'el C, DtinleY)') be. not belDI''' IUcceafuru The ~o.,:eDII.t.lnlr lert eIl·lliea' H.n In the clty , .~e locillded; prob. Wa w.elll to ·th!! grouod .bout nloe o'clock. we allI~1 p,ublieh.,••~ •• th., _ lit Bltteno~ of ~I~(\ity ...y.: ' , Or henen comqlut. tile .t.f'rn d,_ · . he anticlp~led. out ••• n 'IDilepena- r~ the ,80ujJl It • ."11 lilt f'lIhibllioD w.~ 1D0re 110- Thulghtth.t ",eeted our ele1. wu ,lori- obtained. -We welt p.r\lcululy atruc:k Willa tbe . of f.te , enl.' · The dtaa.iou &hUe far ht. 0 clock.~r&" n bJ the Domtltlo c1e,p.rtmeot I. ooa to behold. A Y..t oumber bad .Ireld, The 111111' of the .rticl•• ,p.ckB!i 0' 1II00ument. prepated lor th" 8111li..~tr'III' :ne mourn.,. would Dot bere. tlle1r tolenblj Intereltl",. but . it I. our &riii NOd ~"'&rl~e Lo~lio .heed. Wh.~ , .ad ~e ,thank equal. tho. dia' pa.~ Into th. encloeure: .nd the .tre.m y~t.rd., enoln,. Tbe .toc~ of d~DI ,Jl" of Colum'bUl OLIo, tha' Ire DUW an pro, nyCI' oplnloo. tbat •• uch thll,I " h.d bett,.. 'tlw- two 1111. oat, .... bullar of the Del.ware pll,ll.t yeIF, , WII pourinr liijult.1 /'ait •• tJio gate kee" klOda, except th.t to j;e tOld, wu rt'IDove4. ~ of exec~t1qn. .TH.1r whole ' d..ian ~ot here lier worth or belutt the mllllU ,,,Iher be avoidtd. bIIIwua ' melllberl E'Jljll~J. h...... hfr eneinetr, J. II. DI'J- So !JIUC~ fur poerali,le•• nd '6,.t 1m- pe... could- t.1o tlte tieketa, For hour. ~~d hy night lh. ,Iorr ., r ala" If'UIIDda bM il '!lOlt llf!&Utiful .oc! lalteful••?d lbelr . Ihe .. me party, It I. w.lhoqUllh (or 1114 Into ,"" "Itala UPOQ une .ide Illd th. pr~on~, Pe{lI a p• .another d','1 tJram- the ru.h .. unmitignted. Th.. view (rom 10'p.t de,,..e clePI"". ;,' ~p~r~'.11 far u It b~ heel! COlli- But why mOUfoi Her pure .plrlt _1'1. be.... C!f oppoalto p&niee. to ,tve. ~an arpeo the flUr. injuring ".,.. Br,- 11l.,lon w~1I mucll(1 or ch.nlt' our Ide .. Ihe lummlt o( tbe hill In the encluillre WI~ Tltia Qlornln. ,t I)lne o'lllocll, I~;fill ~ IDdluUve oJ IlmUlet .II.a4. Th. To Oed,· be,oDd the IIlUII" reallll. . now .ad tben. ' .tli _orally. Ii ,II ~ut .,e thank ~t. magDifio;lent, 6n 11\ .Idel o~" tb.t Ihl~ be" t'llt' .t .uctll!o Qf • Vllt 'IIIOV.II\ of .... c:eatral pi.u ~mm.aioratel the father who And &IIpll l•• d her w"'r. tbere·. no ' .or· .. ~h. (_.ird D.!laware '10" We h.n been tnuch plealed wltb th~ ty_lI" .cre' trllr.t, ••rtI d:.... mlallf. of dal~ lhl! "ave beeo OIl, ublbltlqp. TItett "'~ ON of the piaDetl'l of Ohio. 'lId, III row, 6:70n TIItId'J. tbe 141h 0' tbl. blow .. Ule hl~ part ,01 the Loraio I.rae oum~f)r .od qu.lil, or .t~JJ. In men and WUQlen, bu., In inlpet-Ilnll' tb~ be. ane oPportuolt1 to purA,lla.. ewell· -" Ollt the preaeD~ ci l1 01 Colom· Wbere pleasures ullce~ln, fore"., month ia the flecllon wblch.lIt d '11 C!I'IIlhlD' 6 . . Bovth,. eD,lneer or,h. Lorain Clute OhIO lta.rrd~ ol",OIl pre,.elftiDon~ thouNDd' .rticleR or _11111 Dr carlosltJ thai I .riculwr.1 l..plemelHnl~, '{rull. ~ • .teo ~. Tb~ monumeot I. plaID••Itnpl., md dwell. 1\ eer"intJ' "ho are ~o be uur S~~~: d dea~ ~~ IIIe pelllt , H. 6r• .m.n "al crullbed .1I>0u« Ih. Stllea or tbe UII.ion P.erh~JIII, inflted tltelr 'I~nlion. Here wu • crowd ' W. hue !lot Jft Snuhed 9"!: nport 0( . " ' ; ClrlllIDented wllb • C~w oak le.vee ~arvC1.btrr, 8~pt. 1Sth 11151 . county omeen, for the comiDIlertni. T:" but It II ,",ped l.tfll&y. . Keatucky R\lIp_a DI, but !t Ie a . Ii.t",in. to ehe.eloq.u.nt dfllcrjptlon 'of • Lbe Twu or Ibre, depart~nta." ~ K«II~. and the beads of the OhIo deer T ', HE di&n!Ol p.rtiN .lIchotJen DlID, 8e.eraJ k!ll I tfal tllck were . r.c:. .No on .. ean p... througb p.rt who hid d~ • _I'II,n relll- 1~t to be rnlew.,d NOd DOUced lIIore in.. :"lta padMt,ala h.vhi, OD III aid.. bll olli. IDd each will with ..... ' . ~ up, .ad Ille Itel •• ant . u reiit'd cleuo&' , be ground. de'o\ed lo cat~ l8J Without. edy 10 h••l the wouDd. of brolen C'''IOI.nd t.tll. , tl1l1l\tD'\I_ ,It Ia .uflllouoted b, • tb. ,Ictorr. It i•• ~tomlhlng Jo-:~b: roa4Uad throwD Inlo Iheditch. A fe", profound coovlcljoo Ih.te Sa-te which c n. eroekerr .... n..nlly. ArotJnt.l the encbure WII a matter or r'e""rl by Q", tareof the IDlYeyor. elad mUOBA. h'ngtJw, IIOIIIIlIIeo wiil go to, (or lIa; CIf'a wIPred.....pd. · , ehow III~h .amrlt'I, .Dd 10 IIIc11.buod.nce' wh... tile ho_ were' lIui~ eablbite4 Wrlp, tIIat he, bed IICIt • • eD. tllpPJ 1M WNtlrD rroCk IDd lenlDIJI. A of obtallli. &IIomo•• Tiley etap for nodao ~. . . . or the .cchlent 1a loeltplica- fa gre.1 ,n ."ncull"r.) "t'altllJ .nd GUfb l •• 01 thllUl.DtII.bad conPllltd.!locl Ihe ••n on tile around, nor had be h.-nI ,"alitWa ..,..uged lllUoalllenta ... c . •, Ina. TIl. altatfuctloa of tllalr eppoa- bl.. "'eo ."'.Dt w.. ftioaI' piohd up. to P~ o( ht'rpoallioa 'tnOlll' the Iol.""t ' .ad ,zeltemfDt ru blfb. ",. Ilc.dl~ or re 'ent·. to. Ne . . . .t • faIDiIiee o( tllree "ro~ra. On oDe ,nta' repul.lioD, if .., thll_.n. lbel lD ., be .~d. 'Pea.., 100a'ttell ....'e.u- '"'" ~.~ illT'cu{laral D.liollll 01 th....rtb_ ooo.... lnlll,tbe IplendJd hed "'p~ to ..........t or ~ fIIU ..... b~'orllle ",ife or. 001 brother. J •• co.poMII of eleftIIleU-. u..meel,".be IIIcceu(ul. II "lerl, ted lIa ..; t bd IOor ru.... 0{ ".terl'· Pur,"d, be"al,., I)'Ia_tty, IIId COIMIitloil orc.,tJe ••re~lIltell" tbuaauIda 10 whlcb III. bae••., ~DOwltdp. W • •" ~ eaalplIareIIllI alto rel~.aaid to be.D . J 1. 'S, 10• .,6.1. '1. lun -'tal article. Intr. NON thie' ·I. JUlt the reft.... . )It. Jt7.D·t Ne" S ......d. It WIU be hard to find lbe tqualof \Ia. dJlo ..I,. the 10., I. tbal depart.ell l , .very NlND to ' CClllJl'lltallte all ..... ......, ~ ~ by • III,. ..., .. '1.11 ..... oJ daellocl)'.; wh.t .1101114 relll,. be. No m.n. wt' care .-ill, w~ ..... not rectln eftt1 pl.y IUIW OD tbe ~ . Indeed • till", w.. fUll. W. lieit'd upen tbe 110. !II dill ~ ........ ~ ........ froIII ber. .... 1.8. II ....... 4riAk; .ot wfIo he maJ be or of p.rt,. tIoa till' Itlll erideal coDClitJoa beapnb.- III the Sbeep Departllaltll da.,. I. 'ftrJ eel1_te 11II1II"* .Ithln the en- AplcullI1raI ft'etihL T1aeee ,_I, ..... '1M OW-ia.) O • •~' 4 , 8,1, . . . artWii; •be ..,JIO(IeII aM 8. bal. "..t illl.-we_ot of '*'- DYer . . . eIOMl,..."fOII tw•• da........ .,. IIOW laeoo_'",- ~ .. • ~I"" r~ .r ra..I1.... alto .... .. 6, ~ II. Ia • eotWt. f..........; lilted to o'*'" .D,. wb.tnw .................... 10 are "....111' &a. ,I... rltlral Hall _ _ ron.. yea..., .. all Bbtte. .a, ••....., ..... I ..,....,.. Ia. _JijtdlelMCriptio.. .. '1..... 6j.,I ................; .-Ill ..... lew ODe ........ die • ..... bIWa• • ...,. rJoriN, ......... 01' .......... 1"1~0Iie ..... tile or .. .. It. ,... oh _.. oppoanta'l repata":D • : . : . ....... .,....111 .... 1... It Ie . . . . . . . . p . . . ....








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.. ..,......... 001 ~~=.1r. Gtl?'....T ..... boekuill . .I• • •rt'...1 ...n. &ad A. O. ~I It.AI. purl.... of til. bload, .....onlOf TlMi (Qllo..i'liiIi w~ &bt.. .u...ct hi a " " able Dnd alo- tb, .,Item, dII a npporw... • pre~r· ~2:~Y,~ queD' IIIIP1DIr AI, ODD' I. J. Oldl, ver ofJhe pelwen corure> ft b.. no 4!qUIII CiNlntUe,


T.k~11 to the Brit IndlclJ(jn that dl ..... upon yo'll Uld y~u will 1,l.'rt Iw'mJl'3',UI0)1I.

wblob,oll motioD of

II Rc»on,~, 'I'll

BUdwi, fttl.a eo.p ..lt1e4t of

~~. ~;~r~~~~l~,t:::~~~~:~l:~~;~~ A:

"Peke Ind lIIoutbl..o( IIc:kn_ ~8ee .d.erllIlCIII'Dl


'Ich town"'fp be .PlJOlDted, wbl'llP dut, .blll be to r&port 10 tli'. Cun.ention tile nllllll 0' luitable peraOlIl to lie luppurted for th. ""UUI officel, b,y the D'llJIocr.lic part)' 11& til" approlchll, ellieltloo. The Conveullou furtbor Baollffll, tIll. Co",mlltee .. hoaUi repott no penon ., a c:~naldal' fOl'lny flieel, who II nut reo coltnlzUlI as a--llbmollrllt .JI'he lullowlh" per.ona were Ippolnled

laid l::uIJ1l1,it'le~, Samuel Per ott, John S 811nulltuII, David Crlel, Thumal P.rkcr, )~dwtlrd Rocklllll, H.rmllh Slrudt!r, J D WlIllace. H.lIIry Furd, Will H. Rubill~OJl, Plllrick CU,UJlqlhum, C C Oellrldlct, Mo. ,ull Seward, J 111 Roo'I,J.. 8 TUtiOIl, Judge Cr4l1e; (the .hp eulltlllnllli the unrull" 0' the uboYe COllllUlttce h'~lulI' bile II J'lllt, only the MIIIIII or tholle r,meanbered are ahove ,Ivell,) lhC'y lubulltted the 10\' IYl'mg Ilamo<l "1I"dldIiICII, whll:l, were. by I!ald Cunytlutlu'D, unll"IOIou.I, noml"lled

parllcul"r IIl1d •IJIqUi re lor Dr O~!lood', Ing10

IDr. If. D.





<l~tJN Sit", WIIAN, 01 Salem



Chologogut Illd l.kE' no olher

- JOHN Pl.UNt.:KE'rT,ol , Wllyne. " J'ruIJaU Jut/gt • •, WM S AUGKLE,ol 'ru-tlecrfek , ~'r()l<U''''''" .tUom'Y, GRANV IllLE W STOKES, do TrUllO,er.

JAliES S TOTTON, of UIIIOII o C~"'uwntr,

no" c'. !>b"ker Sar8l1parillo. To !Iuulerll and Married Lijlhe. prcaetl advlI e !i'he-lirst symptom. of tlilenee, however


IlIiht•• hould nenr be dllrell"'rded 1'hey ne eVidence. of 80me derangemellt an the lunellone 01 IIIIUte-tlley are the effects ur ber ,eliorll! to, lhraw o/ll the"" e:ltlrltn f'UUIIII mbller, and very otten, If nu~ till. lei!



!J~r efl'urt.••erll>U8 eV11a will l,nevllilb lollow And In leeillng thut 1 •• 111111 all rp,"cdlellibat act VIUI~lIlly on the l .YII. Il'm, und rl'duce tbe Itrl'lIbrth, are to bp Ivollled Tiley, lIIijtelld ul 888lallllg lIa lure, weaken he r powers, Mnd muke her IVI8 uble to tl)raw uti Ihe threut~ nud dll

DIIIJIIlOAIl8, PAI1,C'ftI, O~ VARNI;:;lU~\ l'Oiti'l.!1!'ollN¥ DYE SluFF'S I

.ANU l;lG A It;:;,


&.c. &e.


LSO .. .l!uQd anlele of SP.I~I!!l U8 Liquor. lor

A ;\I.dlelunl p"rplI •• e ollly, SII . h Frluck (;111, WI" ky 1'orl wine

Fllr Female compluln\e, tl,ls remedy ItMDds pre emlllent)o all dllen ... pecuillar JAMES TURK, 0 Salol11. lu them,luch .1 fi'lor albus, or whites, S/,arvryor. r Iylill,g of the "omb. dlftlcult menltrulHARVEY R BE~HA.M, of ClearGr"ek tlng, illl'al\l1alence of )Irirl:e, fienorlal prolIlffirrll4ry D.r«l«', trullun uf th., ayatem LEVi SN I Dt.R, ur HUllllltol lStt! .c!,vcrtll'eme'lt In anethr , column) J



u', """n"iI ,."

.elecled und Ip}J"lDt\!d



l,ylOs, George


ertll 111.1 Juhn SlepllcnllO" &km-DJVlOl H1uk~ , \VIIlIIIII\ Ingfe IIIld John AI\llt!1'iIQ1I Dur)dd-Ju.eph P Turbot, 0.11\ :Mill r IIlId C C JHmlldlct.




For .11" ( n .."

hu ~llIe8.

A).r-I:Hr ) !laye i1led your el" " o... o~ ."d ..mort-bl .. ,.,/ 'b.I, cb••rlDr In "'Y OWII cuse of "e.op I • (Ii .. ,ud flroll ululitl nil II Rill on,islk..,! ITom liB rlr·rolh II t .r.,n"tI,.p "' an" ,... U("1\ f. pml")'t ..


'I.. ~~~~:'#!~!!~!~ ':,~''''~!.::.~;,~jll.

Butter. EMIli,


Dew 16c; old 'Oc • He 1,76c


U5c 8e.

11 doa.

f;:~I:~ fu ..


Apple•• , "bu ChlC!lcen~,



F"" .. , , . •• Riu Colfte ~ ", New Orleana 81,1,.r.



I:r~: ::~~





Rna, "dow,

11 (it lj1c IO@lIe.

Plour,Ohlu brandl, 11 bbl, S,lO~a.:aO.

W ....,. CUIII, III ear 104 bulk. 0.,'\ • Bttlfy,


Will'" ....... ,



...............,,.. .t



...... tII_lden"

67@8Oc »@Slr..

He 650





DYSPEPSIA IN ITS li'OisT I'O:aJl8 Abo JJt'ar -":omJ'llintJI JIQndfc.. U.. rtbuftl


11 .. _ .. h int..." OIoo,."a" 0If tb.'klu ..,d LoN or App.ut. Lo", Iprlte ~1"OIl' Ikl~ •• he. CIl~,I\q'" ,.111101101' or "'. II..n, IId"'_





GOODS, In AT 'IDE _lUN 0.' 'l1'Il!IlIL l mww lrlL£(Q1 .Ill

1!It,lllll.I".,. uaelr ~lUct I. Incomp" In p.rlol • I'UI varlely

q.~ob.ilt;: i nlr

Iilb il1alo.t'3 t\1 ('lfleB and B velr ,,!fecIIV" fowetly IlIr Iild clO~$ 01 dlteB'!t=M IIlij inlClllllIli cur" ' No ... !illven t!:1 • Nuy 181, 184!1 l'tIAJOR I' Al J l~lJN, I're.lo,Ie," of the~ C ScmBle s ll.let he h.~ u.old the CUl'RAY 1'£1IT0 1\1>' wllb wonderflll r ue_. 10 cur. an 100a ma lou M Ibe LUllia • .'JUII\ ouo of the fhat pb,.lclftal fa Mlllne. SAIJI) l\ttl. Apnl 2~ 1i49 Vr J C A>er. LOwell -at.r Sir llR1 cunsllIlllly "elna ,. (lIIr CUBI\AY 1'E\.-rU~L I'rncliCOl Ind prefer it 10 &111 olbur me!! lor IlUhllonlry complalnl' Froru nbec!r V81\ 0n UI ",any 8eYere call", ) .m convinced it "'Ill cure ""uihs coldl aod 4Ilsemse l II th~ L'llIg~. Ihal lIuv.. 1'UI 10 d~Ii'"1le allc,>lher r.1II e.he.. ll".oriubly reconl,nond ,It \188 11\ Cil We' 1)( .1III8uII'llIiun. Ilid ClOMider 1\ much 'he

klluwn lor (~al "i..... " " ~'\l!clllll 'I Jour. 1 is CU"UMAN. M D PltEP"UJ.o:O AND eIOLU Bl' ~ (. A \ };1(. l'rae:tle:.' (;laellllll, L.well,





, . .. ...... or hE NtIQ,4 1. 1>&8ILIT\I "I.-I>lodl '"

clpe At; - IIU A

SO B 0


va.A .» a;

u ... t.,led 110 oiIIelor •• d Ih . ..... n<l ••0 .. are no. ana .. tr .. lment .ud , ot .... oollla!,), c.,. C)f hili .... ~ .. ).1 I...n rti""rld \olum" .bul~ be Allod .. lib ....IIOClI •• , r \bo.e ... ho "alo I ••• 1'0"""


n ..d


(!aU OD Ul,e "141"1. lind trClt ~ rAIPBtET, C.hlal.lh, ,L. ..tle•• I.,~f Jla ... rklbl. C;~to. and lho I, IK" ..lin allo" 10 "hlob 'ltil \l.dlnln. 10 held 10 . J L ~ ~1 ,~. rill I c r ...,- con be lid ... I.a AI 010 ... IIir PJ'I.,. GO 001111 per LUr' JIot1l.. fnllC",.IO M.. m ~ U LJ01'i 1\ N ', _ u.ol.l"

Sold by


A"lhilrh~,1 A G~ n \ for Waynenille

:,old an Waynesville by C.d""allader and 1 F II ILL S, Coude, in J.ebe non by ADder~o n ao" Glenll) wnOLEHALE iGKOCER, BLACK AND FANCY BILKS; ID X¥ni~ by H E Drake, III Cillclhllmn t 1I1)P."r,er orc PI.ln and fi,r d blk. brown, and chameleon ACkalelll, Jr. ~nd by DruU ..... J:..UI ~I:~" BRANDI£i!. ~lNESI AND~GlNS. l.uatrt1l, I:.nlheh, Freneh and Suony ' :De ANn nF.Al:N Ilf Laanllt "lalO and lit:fd, TbiUh (JIotht. chllDll DOMESTJC LIQUORS, CIGARS, &oc. .blo Ca»llIlIlIree, HoylDII' neal De Lain. and AIltPS - f DAVE JU.' ",c.u y~d duect (rom NU. BU, ".rMall C;1I'lbs l pl.lll, •• \tIred, .nd G,rd 1\tanurlCIOI') In PIiI.Uelphio a Ilrg., New Call li~u •• tlUd •.ilIIQ'II, 8 W CII.uleleon l'oplrna, Sland alld lnC Lalll~. IUII.blo jur 1\1" ln ~ r.ln ~I. WURLD'S FAIR FIGR D SILK POPLINS. fuuho liaJlH lfn wleta Lard o r allY CINClIurA ~ heuch, Scotch. and Dom.lIc Cina: call be lIo~d,) 01 A/'CIllor 8 Palen I. ~-~ oj -'- L Ii 11011 UIIIWQ SIUleo I h<y .. i I be J 'I VltNl'JK£ NOTlet:. very ari•• _ ... r", aoc, CIIl CiliDa,l prIces Alw l.lubc., "oci\ hulclur. I" Il.~ v...'!1HovJlJe Dntl .ll lea .r • rSii;li;,;(ii.i~ri·;;;:i~-; Wh,ka 81C. IIle l~IIE WJjp/,""lun '1:urlllllll. ~ ~CIlIIIJl""Y' aro I",ro CALICOES' \V l' t'AllSIIHI. by lIu~d lhnl Iho rc mplllilli In lalll,enUl




leI. 1851


Jlle: 1I1to. 8l@lIt, If(lpl,. do 81<: New Urleanl Hola_a, '11 "II 6Oc: ~lII!It Houl& lIIo!tlll&ll. 11 ,_I 6U, nlop'e Mula_. 11 pi 4Oc: ·-I'rper, ~ .. 19 A It-p'cC!. 11 ", ". wllI,e.a_b'l bbl 1ge. Whlte-lilh. blr!"bl ::~

...,1 an It ".luftble If d uara nrflt<J,J r~r

allll hUn ... of 1\ .llhf .til\. flm-eh aDd .U otb .. V I Co 1 .I.t Ii . \..... e.u.ed b) on I"JI"I'O .tlto uf till load Ih •• c\.r.., ,I., I ~tr"~ elll OJ' 0\. wb,eb 'ead to doblUlOlIIaM .ub_ til. "ror• m the' 1, 1t. JlI t. IIIc:d, PIi,l l alld 8cl"ntill" 80c1;'11(\. AiDer. I' E ~1 A L }~ S • lUll "lid ):;urQpe. I .. 1 dc, m lh" \";II I1lR'( I ~CTUItAL an _dmItB' ",Ifer (rpm m~r"ld andl " " ... Iura! COAd",o. Mc COIOV 81 In IWIII ~O Jn tl 01 Ihe be.1 a rill I ".. "1\,11 ~nd ~lodl'.I •• 01

(II If"



_min ••


he51 r~III"lIf


0 ... , bu FllIur, bbl do f cwt,

11 u.. alTTt. lIB "1'111>" • I ...'"

(he"ucl.l C4t1 1~lIl1ion lh lll it il .11 lidnurnbl t' "',"lpouml Ilr ,Ii .. ,,\M 01 I.,) IIl1inl Illd brOil chl~1 .lIllillulllea It my "P'1I1 III 1\0 \0 lid lor ch .. raCler "}an lttt of allY e c rV1CC1 you uru III I bt l I)' 101 u.e It .~ you llllnk vr"I'~.. r E[)WAIID 1111 b llCOUK L L D Fronl 'he ""ld~IY ctJebra"l<l


B~rltr, ~ II


' J'III ~ C


WkYl'U!8V1LL£ Plu,cl'!

oa.., \ _


C / IURY l't~"'OR ... III




\'(01" of Ih'S8 In,l s ,he blond, al •• " .... t ,,,......d Ilfor \0 "'. Prll",dfll,t uf Amh .. ,.t C.,I. ~"" IJr'''Ii''.o",••• f.flllyl". 4Y'IO'" .pI",••1I tulU,.. lillie, th" (Clobl"tccl u. I.. ~. It n~ II••••blll llllCnCOCK_ ,,1I"r \~. V0tlenl bol".II ..,.ri,1 to Ih...oft d.U

Iy i"lI~rul l ) ,II i,eady raJuced I'"l." . ,uck I a. ~e. II hl~c"il will, • "'~ ,1I.crlllll"a II.IC. '1,11 ",,_1"1 U.. IIdllb wflla III! ully,,;JdIlIJt ~\e(/llllIa


B ...


lu,h . plll. " .. urn I



LlK~ f,UGICf

t;,lllo!lrilll"' OIlI~lil)Jl~

AIl~nl lurlll~ h

tiAltiuS &. t;0 AilE lJAlLY RE • c:e,ollll,hrecl-Irom thll mil ... ur JlARRJEV, or! the 51a~ Inlt, b1 Ibe NtJ" yoWl AND PIULADELPnU Bt'" AI J nrnll,t, Johll Rhqadu, formC'r. Ibelr "ory ell:!vllllYa and beaullf'll tlock or FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Iy of Ihi' pl.e... to MI~' !3.,tb Ann ICeph >Y hlCII hllY aCtl hIPII), III la),. lb., cln Irt, Iii of Fle'chflr ""ml Co 0 ,~ Illti. Ulu Irltnd •• lId Ibe u/lulllil 00'1 III.".UII,·


II' ell A VoIce frOID




M£DICINE. rnooFl PROOf II PRoorrr I

of IIr. -II,creu8e It" enicivmf·nl.ll

and cy~n "rolonlllhc l~'"' I h"'"60 cxii~"sncQ, n .n. cun 00 IInll'. I of mora roal v.lud 1""lnn k lOll \I,nn IIl1d oonlrlhu lIun of nllouy 10 II,e II n.'lIIg Art A v. ' 1 Irlnl 91 lIS VmlleS


"'C' 'm,cat.'P11




A rmatrollg

co ••aCTED avt.,. WUI

.11 Qu.aT "KOTTLr.S, 'l'BII QlUIA'l' SPRmQ '>.~ at1ll-

Ih. ',," 11i""ovo".. AMONI. h.s mad. , I,b II nor.III)1I 10


Wrnl qhnu , 'his hroell couRlry. hn! proven he y noJ a dQubl, Ihot 110 1Il0, llc ,,1O nr conlbln.llun Qf ",erllCIIJ ~8 y el kntlWl1 cn". o 811 .... ly cnn'r I ~n !1 cllr I h~ I1l1l11 crQlIs \llflll'! 801 pullllon!,ry dl"a,,-c wh loh hay. IlIlheflu .wepl frow ollr mldsl lh 9"'Snntl~ BU Illh ll ,. nn1\_ ,II' erf ycnrInc)<cd ·lIler, ,9 now uhtlllrtSlI1 rp~'''11 I.. lic Ii ~v e a ' l clUelly hOf nil olll:lhb '<>11 lound whfch COli b r cll~d 0 11 tn Cllre thc mo'l ".nll6tQu alreDl1 m' of !I'e Our ')laclt her. wlii mil p mIll lib lilly jKlrdiln Of Ih.. cure" .11""leil hv use hut ,"ould.

U'a4i"vton-Wm H Rubl.on. Patrll:k J)ollluollh.1II ond Alina",,",1 V111\ Dur n Iidmillim.-Uvi Snl~er. JumclI HOI,klD. Illd lamel Hull. .tlr...i,...:;Juel.b \V'urw Ide, Dllllel , PelltIIl\ qlld Ja'lle. W IrwICk I' The nll.ll.mC/U. lhsilk .. or Ihe Conven Cion wtte If.,derell tu Ihe Hon E B 0ld8 for Ihe v'ry able, ~Iuql,lelll, ergum"i l' III\I"e, Illd gttllllemlllly m.llner ill he Iddrttlled It





I'rIl1l~lln-'l'''()rul\'' l'lItk,l', John Dutler IlDd Frtitlenck Dedlll\11 W(l.fl'~-lIfo.;e$ "~n II'Y, Rezln DaVI. olld H W Pril'll Clt~rcr~ -\Vllham, Clllfb nan, M'ld Will Slieldun. thal/lII-JUf tI. &eoII., Jllhn D SOlllh

• 1".1 J.

freoh, anti ,.rIUIII. ··rl''''.''iI •• 1II011lion Will be ,alii t. I\l1II1C rIl.YI!I'IIOI's ordo r~ 1 ~Jld PUIlIO" up prC8ClfI~lioA.i compounu8, .11.1 "rovaralloljll

U8111111 be 10 Wilke

tile puiill ull ~IO .econij Tue.du) or c;)ctu- F~b 1I4 1849 b~r mlf,t See Sllllln'~ adverli,semt'nt In .nolher 'l'h" follow",&: ncahled g'DUOIOC'D were coluhlD


Huyo JU"I rcOtllveU ~1I11 will COIl8taIlU, II ••,

Julu; S SllOotllulI,lt '11'11 I. CUlUllllltfe of lhrt:o

aueh lO~1I.1 1 elltA, burns .lId brl,ll.... lo wlllcn. flmlly, oI'g.lai,ut!un III Ihe M'vt<rul <llalrlclil ul l C' ~rpclu lly u. yU\lIl~'CIi'ldreJ\, !. conal. III Iv " their rl.ipect,~e IIl'll'nHhllllj u ""III CliUde lu LI~, olld hove 1,'Vllnlbll! fOllndl.' 10 be .;1 I 1 every Dcmu(tliuc vO'er- lhereIA 10 be aL excell"nt reme(ly -Ruchfurd Free Prei,

wh",,. dalJ'



on hGlld G willI . lucli:iI nqwrlmen i' 1I1 8ueh ar. hclce IS MO C\llullicroled abqve1 and atl odie", 110u"lIy k"\'l 111 Urull i:1IQres1 wlllcb Ibey wU lell at Ihe owetl Cutrel)l ceq" price. Wa hue ,Ilk) and iDt~lId hI keep cOl1l1ully on bond & lIood eUllply o( J.v.elry. I'Illch &I Ureu81 IWld . j,Jar Bnll 1i'lger fillIP. (;old III( ::lll vcr lIullccls SJ.II!clnclc:o &~ !;vory Bilicl.. lIJitJ by 1,11

EXCELLENT REMEDY t W have u ~od for _veral monlh. put, pet'llUlM lilt appo,nle.! III each I}'U\\ lIahlll. SLu.1< 1I,F,tJlIL1 OIIlTJlEIlT for Ihenrlou. all 1II01i0n of


liUl\h:RY. SPICES,

RICHARD WOOLE¥,of Frallklln

&aolll«l, Tllet



1iI11l011 tJUllK iu I,(~bl"


01 I... U ..::II


c:u,.,P:" ..II. . . 11 .."" mil. I adrcifrrd .1),lu III Ib~

II sreat ...tie lY u' Ih.. laller AI.o. beaUlitul IIf Oat Clolh :>llk J'lulb '1IIh.;tolb Ua,.. , .ntl Ilk UaUl, .. lid I Ir....h "U"I'IY 01 t!nIUIII... bnd a '""I II &,,0",

Braid ."d alra. IJonnlSl8

"'0., "'t:.

AJ.o a Ilrae.lloek 01 ~u.,. lfudware and (l/I'llon. i " ",.111 10 811 which W• ...,.peCI. lOlly loylle Ilia ,"en'lon uf ilia. whu wldb W p\lrch".., t;IUJ 1\1' ul'UD81 &.0 uf 1110 Ked l'la~, tI f.l Cetnet or IIblD &hd l\orthtllll, Wayn.. yille, U. Ocl J, '~1,


® lP .A\.

m'll' r



O:7Th. followlnllo onc ornonllha "'alit w,lljjool&l. of ilia Ir.., "aluof Ihi-~­ I" ouch "0 will ullu¥ij, elllille "",'Il~dlelll" W a 1~1f 111101 aDOI .110110 wlleo &/alii ... IOduC<!U IU lUi Utid wtll nu' lie cJbaVjIOlliltid In h. ~II" C I "

II... uur~

t:1' !<rOil!:> Jo tAIl y. Il.t;q , tA/ulI¥~tlor s..HFOR

11111\\, 10 U.U ',cnta 1\ Cincinllld VI_Ginn.. ue.... 1I1h. IfI5 .~D I'AIIE.-In June lUll Wei a .. aeked ",.ua tballl!ll!!' . . . . all4l' llII UhlllH 111111 t 8v.r" ! be lI-r,"Y ..II» rliLUmed,. \U~ Wtr\l 'led' je bocilleell much IIl1p.ueu uy • provl,lul IIIiCIl. 11& BlIW, . }eYtJr.-

rQucudl.. withOlll rdll~I, a Irlullo1 Ul who\1l 1 bill OtIlllideollll tee t;bolulU&ue 1 procurotl I OOUle and loUllwed ,116 aCWP,van),lull "-Ute ' \IUd I b p COII .,qU"DC~ "'III .hlll b.d but 0118 parollytiUl I1ll8r l.lLIni Ihll lirll du.e .nll Ill) 1I~lI ijral b••hh w ... r_plJly reamred Wllh""1 uohli 111)' u,b~r lIIe.hel ll" 1 >.\1OV"U.ed Willi II, u (/JllluiuJur 0' lile bollJe 10 til'" olllor l/Ilraonls ."bllearly allhuUld) and wilh .amo rtl.uil. Un" u~ lIMn Imd been .h.killa lur ~hl nlOOth~, Boil WI. reliuYed lit IWO d8yS by lI.e 01 Ihe o.;hololl""u J ,"'I\"II1"r II Illy dUly .. it III Illy pleullro to rllCllIIIUl811d h, bavlllillha mOil e\l' Ilu,eulitlilOIl.:.l III 1110 nU.'lVe jIOwcr. Voura truly. 8 t' CARY.

"111111 ud"" Vr

lIIlIr M\jbacrlld,," 10 ••uck are rt.'qUirecl 10 ,'"11111$ 1111 Y b Ollume duo .~.ord\ll" W la",. ,16 Ihlrd l"I Luiln' nL "I I II I~e r c:ontum UI\ 21111> rl.,. 01 Ucwbu r n ~~I. Dilld ., Irllcrval. ,01 811.1) d0r,¥ oDeh ther'lI l ln, III~ r~III.lnlna 'leY en III U,," of len p r"' nlllm ~ach T'ay JOHN D PARK, CINCINNATI, m CU\1 OllllllCk IU lie 1I"I<Ia. IO ".ron L AnI Com... 01 ourtlI ~ Wll1llut Sueeta, A \YllS.-1 h."e IV I reooive<i • Y~r)' lerat rlln "I Harn),5bu'lf. or 101>0910,1 Enna, 1 ree . t ell o£ Woulilo 11Id" OruellA L;'nl>llioWI. til Ih .. Company. In ,VnYII. VIlle lO'erHL ~111 ONLY AGj; 1 }Oll W1.sJAlt81J.U;SAI\t 01' W1Lv CIfERRY, ul tb.. lIe """1 11,1.,. l'hlbe. Illd mllllY- ou"r be chnrgPlI on Imp.,,1 Inn"hllenl•• Iter the, Va. GUliOlT. h,,.oun hrlUCT or YIU.I.OW J)ooI[ ..liD & .....u.I1..... "yld 01 sqUll1I tshlwla, a,l of willclt ",,,I be IMlcullIo due, unul /1l1d utll,,~ 01 Ih. I'rea Perry Dnla Ve~e..blll I all\ Killer, all~ Dr ~OCId" Indll Cholq"i"e AlIIO WhIll",al. ""id cheap Id, nt, DA V D 1::" ANS, &'C. i)calcr 1A all l.'"11) ,\lodlclUea. 'j t/wuoend I~ Bule • ~and • and Url. lul 4 darsa..... Ula, to &Ion... W F PARSHALL Cllnlon Repll"bhcan IlIlen Olll II "" 31 6w luek '6 allll McLane I tUmllll"_ awl Liver 1'llIa, CKIld allo .. CI&I C.iF, piic.ea Lebenoc, Ocl III. I~J ~ lI ~sv lli~ 0 alh rna 91h I 51 II:)"Gcuoral Ag' al(ur III~ ..r.. of t'u",cr t'r"" • • New., lJoolI.kCoru alld lJo\oretlln1ta VAN eL I V£ At N MVeLL J).YWD J £ L!NuL1M' 6: UU LcbGnon ti ., VI(AKl:;, ~ 1lI' :UY W AJ., 1 Uti. Silrlal Illey






liA l.) VAt;L.~Ut. I( <It !.lOOV


M1LL.l:lIt. l~ll&oiO!I

.FOR BALB; . A f.;\RM conlailluli 1i111,a_ uad>.~. A lyan600 lite eut .IU of the Warnl "Ii".. uur... obove WalnN"IIl" belwaea IIIftry I and lIobert .FurD ..•• a..... k .. all lM>IIom laDdl.bbuI thlr!)' ellh. ~ IIIIMr eal. rivallon IUd II III auPI!JNd willa. ~ ~ 1 ".rl Ia\ 1110. allotallM _ ...


In .. ll, belC'ftIlbc NII_n.J-. TIie brO ~ .... Furth.r lnlilnllltloD ma, .. W of 1M __ .criMr Of or Nalhaa J _•• ....A.C JONa

Ifa will lIoliilld IklIer eepamo « ...... 8tla math 11th, l~L



pourecJ OD .....urt'lce. Jtbe toll Ii

to c:reU lIIIeI III the IDOl.... below e1C6pe

thrOll'" the opeJ)!nr, 10 that It. uun" ma, often be " " dOllbtlul. Latterl, I baft \be wate, d,lI'erently. a bole 1,nla'f~'W lIees .0 I I nol to d~lturb tile roota pour In I pailful: then dra"", ,the . .rth liItlhe hole 1ft filled and covei'ed corupl!tel,f, 10 that notblng well. Y'O.>lU,"" I anCll!o crack. will ever appear. A tree tr • .,· ...............;l;wiitrEi~ttSitciTJiUfRis-:: lIci•• el ,-. 10 thla ll'lnner will not ~eed watering AViNG Ihorou"h1y rofi\l~ :1oD1\ emh.lll_b· A .~lmell of loll of good .'Ppnr4lnce agaiD for a weelr. • -ed lu ft e .18 ltl j"~ hmonl aflor Jho IIyle 01 Ilia CUl't IllCrfI .lIl\yen to Sir Ilump'hery Davy from Lio· FRENCH SALOON~. A, In .. ortmont of M.)'h, ,. '8 ! UI,erl' cenlbl~e hl1tnl\IDd. a. remarkable VUIIIOJlT HaulS .LIID CATTLE -The roapoclfully annC) uncetl 10 Ihc I1~SD.y&D plllih c or l lU1bonable IJoI~, bolh ealk Ind oap An OXUR gll81i1yr 01 Ladltl4! ElhtlGrIl ~nd Scll' On annDly&lIIg It he (OIJnd lulpbale VermQnl Fair. lilt weea, at !llddlebllry, Ih.t be ...111 be mosl hiPPY 10 IItlno th.m In hla . or, 011 hauJ . wa,olllcd u.u~1 "apacllv of ~ All ,,10111111{ Ilood bari"lne would d. w~ 1I of lrell'. rHe recommeodta a top clre.ln, of wal vIsIted b), ten tholllalld peo!'le. Vet· BARBER AN» HAIR DRESSER, ""n. • ,." lk "'111 114 0iIJt If' .. nllltlll loil thl! lulpha .. of iron WD' forth· moot,lO rarnoue for. floe ~reed of ho~ael, Illd ... IUch , \\ lIIapare 110 plIlnl Ie render Ih... lu Harvcyal)urgl,. Arml 1,4th. 18~ t 12 • with convtrte(llnto the lui pl'lte of lime; reprClcnted It thll ahow man! rllilly /;Ielu, u well u 1l0nlOoi 'NEILVOUI .1£41", lfic~. lItaln lfe,I, -V.SI Sid. a~. duor ;.~ '!( p.,*oC_Rl"_ .. lUah tIN •• a'" ., a.... 1)OsiOUI lubltlnce Wi. at Once cbanlted In· tlfol and valuable aninlala thu had eVer North 01 HIY '. 8&1/100' W.yae.vIU,O A lit. Ir'lD from X<mle. ond lhe:l """" ....' -d II' aD~a.I"'1 Cl<tritlll .... ef ... I:; I' M ifill,. 'rom Ulncinnbll, "III 10k" up \0 10 elllJll!'ot 01 fertl1lty. It Will ~he bout been colecte t'lge~er lit Iny ODA show rn ,. III ~ T 0 V, • '" a,'I' III II. uod lei ofr pUlellllur. IIlhe /0110\\10" MIllion., 1'1010 ,bt..,UIltI aIM! c,"", .""'" of Iho of ErlJlkliD tbat Ite had ~trlpped UlbteDilli the Unated Slate.. Amnni thelD wu \\ liora "olic.. l~ 1:1 V~ n 10 thu Conductor. - Duck a Darectloul. .y."riO .. ,..••" or O.U.Y4NI'M ... WAQ:.aT. t:rcc k nrJ./g~ . 1'lolnvlII~, I\hlford. GUrln.ny, Commence WIll, IIkl,,& I .mall t.ble 'lIOaD' ·'trM.hube'li oOta"peril. and ba,d thaillod UJe tbunder· H aIllA. (ez~ ... dlnilly flmou.l~ the noallOld ..,.4JlII.,.laIoUpIIJ:....... 1\11 ... 110.1110 Hronch 11111. Lovdand. FOII",r rul throt! Iit000a a d.l - lo"OIa.. gradually 10 Ionlll I. Il.", lb. Viii... 1"100; ..........." bott. ChelDletry lIod more. Pollona are .00.1a of Addllon Count)' ho ....ltood.) IIId ·e~~~:v;;;;;:a.;:;;f.~~~~~~~ Cru •• Uccrhuld. MorroW'. }'on Ancl~nl. IInultle II... qu.lllily. lour Illoea I d.y-IO lie .oJ••, .. ••.u<l...,_~!'J _/IAo,'" • ~ retll'0rl. Uor win, Ola.yavlll • • nd ~rlnll ~ a1 . ehlDled 1>1'111 alchemy 1010 the mean't Ibn}, of hi. colta. the Green MountaIn liken Ih~r CIIW". , DIl. OBlUSTIB'8 GALY AlIIO IlL., A vcgelablll proparillon Buperi"r to .ny other loy ~ ... ' . . .latence. ' Morgan,1 celflbralec;\ animl1l of tbat race or aht kllld Indoro 11,6 puLllC It 18 Il,,,,ellenl LlDc. of Hackl Illd Cooello•• run In connce· 10 801110 of we above dl'ene,. leyerlt but M.A G NET. 0 LV. D, /i" eouah, cold'. I'B1I1 In the Lrea.,. whooplIlg· Lioll wllb Ibe lraln. 10 Illu following 101\ n. 11M mUlt lie liken beforl a cure II .ft\lC\ed The Han. Reverdy JohnBon purchut'd, wl:b I 'ar,e \lulllbor of hll deaelmdants. Pnceperoolllo,l.OO 10 .. ItIl ... I rtht ... ~.1UI/I cough. chohe. & c, II baa III uclth.. opium L"ltonotl from Ooorllol&l. Wlimllllllun .1111 ••• • " II III 1819, I IImbU farm oear naltlmore. In wb".. mlny gooC! qUillitiea it w·ould be Or any oll,er aullij lance Ihal \Y II ennillplle Iho C1'1'kovlI I.. , from Morro .... GOlSban alld POlO" Su oollie. ror ,t,OO F"r Ialaloy CAI>W ALI. ADElR tJi GOODE. &II"":.~ III III A L 1 L I .. '1', bowed bUI at u. g~lIlly on Iho lIycr, bowel., .bov~. IrOIll IIhllord .nd DaYlon, IroQl ~ .. nllil tbe 1111\ ltage 01 Impoverilhmpnt. Such The, partl'ana of Dlack J\lenUl, Cornor of 1\IIIn Ind Norlh !SIr..... 1fr....IbD,l nl \be 1".ok....'I.o.s,••I'I .. (W. . . . . . "p',UUlR"Il:' 110 liberally be· . kin. and kldn u)8 prolllollng Ihco •• credone IlCO' Valley \vllalla reduced cuodillon Illat the lilt crop rltce wore voelferolll In o...lIy 'flte lllou.u m cdlclR~ I. wcll known In 'J he E'1:pruee train $ 00 A M Cram ClIlcln· _w,;.lft.,:y:..:n;,:c;...'- I;II ..-,,- O . .:....-- - -- -.......,--......- .. 1 ,-.trit Iny.lpraU.~ Ili•••u.. .P...... :\110 10 rl'18, CIlAMP.l PAllA Yli. . . . ",ur Saloon. wfMlN" 1111. cumpllnUl1 , tll.refo..., we deem fQlll'wr II"". n.11 and 7 ~O I' III XOIlII. will 'lop .nly It uC coro .,.. not more thIn one peck to the t'belr rl'!'pecti\'e bl/racl. IMPORTED. Dl'''''PlIA ... INlIl",Q'fIO • RRIUWAT"~ will be waited crill lion nn ....CCII~ ary MII/urd. FOller. CrOllllna•• De,rfiold. Morrow , IItNn~ ACUTE ••• 0"1l01'l/(~1 OOUT. CraLEPI' LVM ere. He lltatea that III the vellotable lome trotting dlY ... "r',u.". j.-~I;I~;.;~'·~;-d~:I;;;~alICh: l'hl$ lft tl,hclnoJ,.. a Hure cllre forlho Cr.lup .1111 Car.ln.l.)r p" '" POWDER ' '''QO DJ:.LrNQI, INI'Il.YQU• .",.'MO .... ",r.. 8COURIN The II :Jo .I' r,t anin ,rllm C;lncinnall. anI! 6 F S i b W h III"" Slor by U PlTATION or Till HIl.{Il.T. AroftUvL"q. m~uer irowio, on tllo two hundred tlie commencement of 'the r.ce the or a e ~ADwALLlvDEh.~'wor>l::. .10 A i\1 trlln from I:!jlrlullbeld. will ItoI.' II ilE .reIlOll~lnlb. kno"n world lor pobah. RALOIA, 'A'NI I..... 81DE ... ,c tfUT lorQ of land, 1I1~ludlll,,"~iara. Jhwk ml~e took the lead, and ram· Dec.. ~ ~ '50 ~6'lf Mlltoro, Lov~ land, .FOIler'. WalOr SlIlIon, fn, Copper. Dr"'J, DUllnna'.War~, &.c. 00~ar"'AI~1 . lf'NAl. OO"'L4IN~ ... ,i:tTa'U,. 'I'UllJ: 011111 IP'NE, RIP OOMPL"I .. '1. DIIIAItI Uc:errn.ld. Morrow. CorwlD, SprillC VIlley, &cc., l'riee. $ ell per UClX ' For "Ie by other lIu.bea, if clreCuU), collectecl, ad Ive or tOft 10 I .nort time; but !.~~:~~:=!~: CAUW AI.LADER &. GOOD, 01 th. ItIIlftUI, D"" OI"Nor or Nlta?OI '1 lJo FAN V. 8 1 X L All Ihlr 1,.; 'I:OraIOr x..,"a.Ooea and Ihe Y ullow BpI In!:. only rHnIC,u, • NEllO\'. lad aU NCRVOUI D. would have been Inlut1lclent (or the IIIl1nu· the O~t few momenta the !ltJfilO P!CIJ1\.,,,";~rl Ir~m·4iJincinnall.-: and r.,.lorall>e ju.rrocC"yed and for .. I. On Sunda, bUIDU. tram will till rUII, IclY 8 W Corn"r 01 IIlam and Nonb t;t Waynea and .. AUa. .bIt~ _plaj .... nl.. fro18 .u•••pI..... by Ihe aubtocrlber r have ueed II myl clf Ind IDg Clncillnati al ~ ~o l' 1\1, and ::>prUlgheld Yille, 0 Ilcture of one four·bone wlliOo 10ld of ma· .bern to ,aln, Ind '''011 p,.sed tbe Blick bow .. no balll.ncy IU rellOmmCbdln& 1\ 11/ eve· at Ii :JO A M A u..."._.... _ .... w _ ~._ Ilnre. He applied to Dr. D.vid Stewart, aawk. a held during the remainder ry ono II U. UA Y .'.re Irona UlolUnliaU t. W.ynee'lllla tl 50 "CA.LIFORNI"" to- I. N£8YOUI , cb~lrLAINl)" ( Dml' ... 9'lf , .. .. Xenl. I 90 or Baillmore, 10 abl. claelDl.t, who rodA Oll~ of the courile. comilll OUt ~t tbe Inil N" AIR TIGHT COOKING .,idlcl. . I""''' .... ••• II, .." 61r lbe, ".ak •• tU .. Sprin,lleld .:a!\t) ,11111 eD"I." oIlh. al,."" ' ....".\04 STOVE OV£,RWflELMING TESTIMONY. lIilllayu. i 00 to tbe firm I"d procured 'peelmeoll uf the erallengtba io adnnell. • ..v"&I~IDI." llrel"I-., " ...... ....,1..... VER HALF A MILLION Ot· 'f~11,. Sanau~k,Chy' 50 ELl.,Y & CRISI'EN lIa .. on hand I'nd .... or OJt ..." . u 'l'PIl. " "'.. '''all... 1 ... 'all.,wIIlCh he carefull), analyzed. He found The Brattleborou... E.rlo lIIyl: MOIl!IALS hove been recclved by Ih.. Columbul , 50 • ro oonllanl.y maoUf'tlunnl II, Ihe .oad.lfltldl_"""lh .aba!l..... pa)I ••t-......... ...... ,"~,.r .. ,......... ·....r bull-b, .~ tHat It contained 10 Ibundloce of lime, pol· "Tile triumphant .lIoUlaol the Ilor,lo I'ropridll' "r ""ALISTEll'S ALL HEAL II .. Wheelan, 1050 nallHKi IIEW Wayn.av.lle ioouodry Ihe • ,I , • ING OW'I'MEN 1" Fur olher Ullormauon and 'l'hNlllb 'l'lek· ~n<l hlghl,'ed t.;;;k 1011 81OY", palant~d "plUell,.ad .ftitr > aah. IDlrO~", irem ond orrlnic miter; duo pI'rtl rent the alt, and lOme 01 the more 1'10 ..... t 1•• CUU.rllr: aM ...tllonc • ., , t 'roln Phy.,clonalh. dla. apply II Ihe Tlekol O,hQII, ... U~ aide by ISDIlth cit 6 ~a.,oll.I.)eCtP1bi, IlI!IO, llill 810"" etc I)' mixed Willa Ilumlna and nnd. Oneoo· enthuliutic or them made oC them· '11081 .k IlIluJl Rnd BroadwlI) .n~ar Flont filreel, Cincinnati 19 C<lOlllr\lCled wltfl~ Dr tbrlstie's Gal'anIc c1uatlnl, Saloon, wbere,BEv will W H CLt,;i\ll!:l'j 1', Sup" ce\lIbrated, from , J, of. (.hlle '01\ WII Wlotlnll. .elvo. by detach III, tho bor.e froln the aig, be _1.\11. ",.,.." Ibal l~t1 .",,1 an4 ......1.. _ DOUDL!: FURNACE • in. 1 mintier Ihll wlll. pleue Couniellorl lurnod Tho com pin), WIll nOI be rllllpon.,bla lor bag· b, ril ...... .". ....,'.... Ilt-,.... or ........, ..... 01 Ih~ mOil , thll room bl p<lllll of fin· In lbelaw rNDlJud gago exceC!\ling 611Y dollall 10 vaiulI.unlu.ltie For SumPl~r .nd Wlnler U"e, either or both of ''''11''' aciil; IJId 'ofthil there wu DO trace. He p-ullln, them"I,ol into tbe .bafta .nil ...'~1_11 ' ...1........... II..r patI.~ .. U11 ,ak_", lib ~ utpa_a Inyllllt111 of tbe Jdnd ln J<tWIl. 201 of c<llebritY lin r"lurn~d to IhoConduclor or "iCIII, IDd wlllc:.b1lllay be uled. thu~ af!' &roll EoON ' Nah.. l1~u ",,'1.110"0.. , rec.lllmended ao 'ppllcation to the dr.winr tlie .uccellrul driver Inound tbe 22-1{ B. B UA)'. Pwprl~lor. Ihe B. n c h. /rain Crel~hl paId at alle ral" oC a pu.oogo fpr overy OMV in Ibe UN er ruel. The Ovenia elIYllcd n" .,rmfd... ,.........',.... lAo .1.... Mlnhlar.oC Ihe) !>\luiu value .,bOVllhllllmnunt of the eoll oethe blpoephlte of lime,. courle. It and 10 .rranll""" 10 In.ure th.lI'reetettl ....." ftI lA, ~ ... ,. ...1, 1M 'HI'"."" ........... . l'J A NO I Alt'l'IULEOf·PALEiiilA'N. G08pel. who.e unde ·A. ,'I,AI .., "'Y "Rip- "'" .......... ,hI1Jr.. 11_ REGULARITY IN BAKING. paratlon 01 bOil"', II tbe belt mode of A Vermoot Morgan colt IIOld for 'tiOO .J.\. DY ANt) PORr WI..NEl for med,cmal lUI. [n"""'''.1 • I. Ill. viill," 1t&1... 81;'11 u.... ylall"1 Integrll, Th.... ad.i nllROI ,..db alhors ahal Sugpl ' ..n ..... ~,.t"., ~ I ' •• hnomlde lhem.hl pl)'lo, the defiCIent eillmont. The reme· to a Vlrglllil gentleman. The EI,el ••y.: purpol ea, JUII recelYed .t ALLEN &. .Ey ANS eo~nD• .ny.llneR1.~I.\' ea 10 11J.0 I'urehuer I , firll '1IIh. c.,u.,,1 15,000 Perutnl d'1 we, ."en It Lbe CaptiON of UD 4011ar. "The ibow of .hllop was I'q!lally piTII' nlni DC lla.b... an from 1110 IIe~~~t:'.:!~:~~:i Sign all be Golden 1I,U Ihll 810•• one 01 Ihe 'err 'frulb, Illeh.iIa.ell . . . . ., _ ... ~~ ............ WYlle'TIII •• Aprll, 111:.0, enlllll~~....;j ....,o,.,or'. frolll .eule ~tef\="anl. , • per lere. It WII the une thlnr neeillbl' worthy, and fuU), up to the reputatioo of LATEST AND BEST "' . . . . J.... ""III~r 01 I.,,~ .wb. . . . thoM 01 every "Illon. nama In4 de. '"IIJHIIII If."n.. Cm.'lolnh, ..... _ G&8'J'RlC NEUTllALIZER. Health WII restorlld to tbe exbaUlIM VermClnt ••• wool growll1r 811te. From IIrtle amon, nl.nklod-ali 01 wlllCb wllhclIl t.ENEKAL promoler of wo 1DI'l'm&JI'I' An oau. one diae0llunl ~blecuolI, prol\OIlD!IO ilIi. OUII' t1eftt, and'tlte I1"teruJ "olllf.lded lait two hund~ to ,thoUlllnd !lollarl .piece .... oil Ii,,!,' ttl ,.Uat ........ Ii .........,..,. 1he Hum all ')'Item Ihrow m"mID biI UOOb! 1Il1. . .10. ...., lrio. I. .... • , 9 bUibele o( wbea' per .or. to 'be proprio WIIB the prl e aaked for .ume of tbe b".t We are .. ,ii/led 'roUt "~ihi~~t:;':]:~~:: A. day '" dny It unobtmllwol, IIxlendl II. To ,1I1~t\oitt1b n....r \be OA.J;YAtnCl~"", epbe,a of owllon 11Ioog Ihe, iloFdo .... of our y~1I .1Or. Nothilli elli \\'U IPRlied; In~eed noWh,IUaef IIny one blld tbe wool CVmPlenUlllonl wlljoh ' .. p~. ,k. tu •• r I. pen. dUeted wit .....t cei"~a. Ihal at I. lirferlor pounary....... olrculaled I"rou,hout III axlelli. 01 c l.lII&lll\Cn&, IJlIsrCf'lIA •••a, 011>.. 0 ' ..... .. thia,el .. "IS w.lltlnl' Here w.. I beau· puned over hli £yeB 80 much .. to the for Ib .. '.Ple ,II......... for new tlldeucel 01 III power and now proof. 01 N." .... DI.o,oIe, II, a..u...., _ .u•• I... . . Ii .. boon 10 olJ'a~luII', III ~ffi,'.CY are CIi,, developed 'J'hreOl ... ~ ..... Ili",," b, I~., u.••• Ill' _no. . . . .... tiM trlumpb of ICltmce.-Tbl!re Ia 110 doubt litter price for ainy we diu not lelrn. prepared by Dr Wm ,I•• Ii. ........,....,. ..u.c: ~ .. ... mlhlon. of boxlta. Ipplled 10 dllcase wllhln about .... ~c.. ,lie experlmeot ClDle uo· " 'Tho dllplay elf nelt cattlo ... 1. not I. reJIldence, 00 \'ionia SI. w~.l 01 I.... II.. pall.", Ia ...... II&Ie, oM ..I'" I'll .... lut four y ..... have ..,labU.hod th.. UIODII ",..IU.. alta. til. . .\1611 til.. oao,'" o~ IlCt.\ beyonl' Ih ..~wer of CIvil or QOI·\1&. der OUI' ob.. nalIOft. and attrarted the It· jup u of borael and Ibeep, .\111 there vllle !'IRW . _ , . .. IIlIo _lib III. ,U", n- tH IDa' 1\ II Wt" ALLIBLE In Ihc cruro .ppIlc.uua., Ill. O,\JJVANIO .~L'" TAla •• D,.. Oil Y ESf 0'" YESt tenUoo of bunalre.. It wal dellil,d to w" • " .., number of thne preen't, botb U leer.. SOr... Burnl. .!J'ell~rJ pepUe ..... nr ."•• 1. till.......!' ...... ", ..... PARMER$ 'LOOK HEREI , _~"'u.. ErYl lpel.1 Chllblalll8, ac.1 lIM wrU""b, Mr. JobDlOn hhnNIf, and vlt· nluye Ind Imported. The Hereford. Ayr· 1aCk. ... oI."y II, lilt til. " " ' " the M_u.. 111W .......,... I•• Qart ....... Uoi QuinlY. Croup. Rheumlusm. by ahe aubecflcor all klndt 01 I _..jtil. ,.",Inllna .111 K . . . . . . ,..IUn ....... rlOllI othOrl worth), of perfect rell.Dce. It ,blre .nd Devona were tho most numerou. W AN'(1~)D III al.o Fa"". Coul,!! elO poulu)' .ad gonl.. l'rleea u lollnwa flllIl. e.r~ lIl.n', ........ ~ . . . 1IIeaI,1Ita tbe Inlen.lllie l'EKSPl· hll IMleb mado hOWD to the country In uf the forel,nere; the DevoDs pllrtlcularly Ohlekon., ,I 00 (lor cJU~tll .n~ IlIbcr fowle. In ... ,.....'II put . "" ~ til......U.................11 meaba thote I . . . proporlloll For fulh.r I'arllcularllec the .u~· apia ...... ".ull" I....... plnl ., I • .u••• u ' _ •. _._,""_. L. -11) ~xpc!1 Ihe the ~UlericaD Farmer. were In itellt fore"; lod in our Judgment • crlder a.i, •• •lra,,1&U,.. Uu,o••I1,....' 1M n .. 11 Jj llA Y t:..i;~:~i'~::I' Ihe Sy,illIm tho .nIt ...... cu.. .,. DVI/,IPlIA an rlIM .. llJ-lf I" ••cb 0 th- C I _ . more prullcl' 160ked better, IIlId were beUer tblo .oy WI)'na.Yln. Ohio J nf,Ha,u'ild . ... d ahe 1, ... 111, rc':NlI.\ Ol1Rr.O A nlW II" 1111 OF'l't:.... ,,¥PLY .Ur~' lll ltr:~T TO IllADIOATI TII& IIII~ finner would hive ~pecl bll w'1'in the olher breed thlit WII to be leell." ~ II rALIIIXT. T • • WILueD, D a 01'Y[, 1\& cluk, to b. lea ' Itra, by In)' linla (ItIII In CKlTlFJVlTD fUTllomLI TALBERT" WILLARD, (PI efl'orltl to Ood .ome mean. of Impro\'eSvl'elter Decker. ofStu)',"lnt, Colum· Of' 110. _ t lI"iloUt" ~r. Dl1lfT, aTa. • ..eDt.-He might tiave .pplied lillie , ..... .,1 nllll. ~1I''7 ..aU bo II........ bll ::aunt},. N. Y •• hll8 railed. fine Bpel'i. Ihree dools weal ull, IC: ~rC:el' ..lent .... 11 ,. ... '" "ol •• D I. IIW p.,.r I ltable_allte. Tb. em would hive been dlPII or IJlllt wheat. The Italk. Ire eald to Offic, on Socohll Sueell. MIlD. AN EXTIlAOBDINABY OU_I .orlhltu. if ';ot, .nd the Itcond be lIix reet tllr.. Inche. 10ni. Ind the held DAYTON. OHIO. ...IdI_I......l' would "lYe' ,Inn no nslt\lt comllleniurate fioel y tilled. El.L'& JENNY LIND Vetrelabla1'1uld lor II 'l'ruUl II ,&napr / tJwt "ct.l••. " ,villi th. o:pen.e. The II problbl)' II... Hair Tbe undenllgniKI hno Ihl. d'r ~"a. or obuained a .upply ur I". Bbove unrivaled prep· ~IIG, for tho lit the belt lpec~­ .,Itlon for Ihe human hair whIch w,ll re"lova .~..............t . . . .,..,.,.... ,..en. cootelnll maoJa I I tw,nty·two Pflr III .curf!' and dandruf!' in th. _pac" oC a few IllY DR LAJCDI8, A CLIROrIiA. mlnulOtl 11 )'OU I{O Ikoptlcal un Ihe point, cent of pb~phlte8, the ex~oclltllre at N•• l.tH,. ef dIitI........ altala. .a. _ .. coml Ind Iry It .nd/roy 0 Ita excello/lc, oye~ .1114 "',I,-u.a 1 "OIIl1l bIVe been ou ot proportion to the re- A W OilA. or RIO ••- To be I wOID~n anylllllliol ili. kill In Ihe markel) , 3 "D~.' N_ I" I _ ROB£R'rs cit BRvTHER • ult, If e801l,Ia had ;be.n applied, to ilye 'I of f••bion I 01\0 of UtI! euleat thlnll III t Da " R. e •• 'n,..~ii..... r' ..... /it' Ie .... ot .... 11 ...... _ ..... _.It Ie Ill' ." •• _ . " "'Iyneaville. 1 luly 15lb 18ftt aallcieocJ of ,Ii Iphone .cid. the world. ~ lite waiter Ibul deecribe. it Ill. ......-. 0( TIl .. O,ILv MilO .IL~ AJlII ~k..... -buy ~VI:"tblo, 10U don't WIOt•• od pa, Ni:c-.LACIl. npl, \0 . . . . . . , I 10M • 6VDOIlTlOIII.-W"elll ..e plou,blo, d,me for nothing ),oll,et; Imile on In mlnklDd year aflor lear, In lbe lame lIellde but your bUlblnd; be bapp)' ever)whore NPS, Men Ind • feoce or a '1lIIn tiU a d)'ke of conllldera· but at bome; lalte the couotr1; Idor. Pa· colo,., Cloth bla helllbt j. thrown up lod of course a cor· novel., lIeglect ,our children .od UIOlh, chlllllon. Irim'<I b... vor, • rt"l"'ltdiD, '"nnellio the Interior, thiokl nuree I&p 110,,; go to church eyer, time .. Ieelleal' I to m)'ICU, there I. a want ot cood hUI' you lel • naw lbawl to Ihow tbe Loro, and Lobanon. SOp\. 121h, 1 b ; nitry. d\8 Without a rUII whenever lbe ph)'llciln "!tPEf WARPS. white and COlored, JUII Wheo 1 eee a .tone wlIll topped out makes out your warribt. ' SUPERIOR TO ARY Kl'IOWrf recolv~d 11111 .11. by , .L k _......;::., . _"'-";'-__ REMEOY FOR DISEASEO EYF!S For W F. rARSlI~LL. wllh ••,,In,le tICr of roulld etoo, .... In I • In4am.ll"n of that debc.te orlan ...helh. LebDIiOD. Sept 12tI\. 18~1 I 10 111),"1(, Ihe up,P" foot 10 th. belabt • Asl' .ald old lin. Jane n~ft";"""'" er ~te or chronic-for EIlYPIIIlll Ophthalmia I ~,..I. -., b 1 . t. t tbl I',.., ol\en felt -Aiony of Ihe Opllc Ner¥e. Grinulilioni 01 .ucb ..aUI 0"11". never w lYe • arnlP, .. I p . 01. the l.:ld.-Ulceral{on 01 llio lachrymal Gland. aD. .lIlIlolOk OIIHgr f,b. aull,c)'th.. need of itr Wh" .oul~ ),OU believe and ,.,ukne.. of yi.lon f,om tny cau.e. ld a.d onl, OlUCTloav_Apply the 81lye or three Hi';n,M.-..t of bll,. now lia!.)'·",e ),earl time. a dlY ID Ihe eyellde. cloaed. and ID Ita Wben I ICe a flalt tree loaded wilh three monthl in the )'ear; Ind them'. Iprlnt( edll~ and the comeJI of Ih, lIyO, by rubblnl ~:~~::\~~::~:~~),:~:~~.: -wl-•• top - -• (or bearln, well: liaU and autumn,' I tarnt the 01111.. of them II on lIend, with lb. finI6~\unlil abaorbed. In .."" ••.~ •• • .... WI -...... - I qUllllllr.' 10 oaCh e1.8, blilf w~ ab. of. wboal 'l~~~';u~~!a~~~::~,~~~:~: Ina tht. perhlFI panl), dead. thereb), k"" • •ben 1 .IS • I.-tle b'~ of a 1 111 , corn; I .0 the lemplr near ahe e)'o. 10 balblna n • f .L f th d ' i~ the •• IYe. p... Ihe linger frnm th. Inner 10 pia, tile rall 0 ...e .U~ rum e un er A femll. b.r~r i. one or,tbe curiOlltitrl Ihe oUler anllo of Ih,. eye, overlh. lad hecare. crop. thlnka I to myaelf. there In indIca· or 8.n Frailciaco. 8he il a delicate little !~!I~:'~ (~!".~:~a:ck an~'id~f.u that ... ud, 10 _\lo~"ldl Jl-UlblJlalryl'fj II f f Freocla womlll, and quite aD .dept iD ber CADWALLADER at GOODE. S W Cbr· CHEAP. u"oa ... llote I Uri !) • crop ,0 ner oC Main aDd Nonll SUlleUl. Wlyneeville. FEW LEGItlOIUil HATS on hand, ... h,eh Incll.1l corn, &bIDke I to 1II),18lf.1f tb,t IRln profell,on. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ alocIt7~~ ~ told, ~ejPH!e~ ~\'t\.lh. ~~'ch'~~~~h~~,A!~~~~?p~~~




















."P" II









"'1'•.-•• ...


_c . . 'U

II" .......





._.Ir ....


true or


r ....

Jo_,. J."










.,a. .





!lad beItoWH an the iIIlnure .nil An el'ola.op' p.per lhioka that the In. I\wO'tbirda tb. libor Cln half thl I'0UDd. e",nce of chelp escur.iooa upoo the ~.I aU oldere In

"be.culd ha,.. hail a lair crop or rut a bl· I.d p,b,.leal cODclitlon 01 thl pe~ple i. II tbelollowlD, powerful IDd ..Iutary, If nothio, but lOCIa When flrm~r ,elhn, hla ,.he• .,ater J. drank. (1)1' teo ceota I bUlbel. tllll~ka 1 to _'~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~~~ 'l; \hal farmer hid ben,r ,iven bll purcb~ t'D cents 10 leave them to bll our. and 1: ..... In. ~ 01' A!)Waa'1'I8mG IJIt'

1_. ,Mr.


Rt;'51dloDc 1et





H1f'~ 8&111.- 0 ooe wbo b •• aot (rie" tlfelD, knoW& the nlue of hUlk bed.. 8traw bedaand ma'treaae. wonld be eotlrel;, dl'De ,

~iil~Oc:o'ner 01

"WI, WIth if hUlti: bedl wer, ODce liiac!. Th~ irfl not 0'01, 1R0re pUable th.n mat. UUleI, IMal are more durable. Tbe fint ~ Ia bUl traO'DI To have hUlb nil'e, &be, mal be .pUt .rtel' the maOD.r ohpht· t Ia,llI1Iwi or b ra Iell 1If· The 6 ner .L ....,. .re .ptlt &be lOner WIll be the bed, althOOCb ~Unotbellkel110 lut .0 lonl .. u laell dl8J ~ put in wbole. Tbree barrel.


Abe~u~t:r=~k~t~~~ L.di08 and Gen.

~g :


... 01

-~"'r -.,~""

rood Illed''''t''''Od ttl> ticlr, that 11 afw Ute, hi'" been aphl. Tbe bed will IIWI,' be lI,bt. &be hUl'" do Dut Tile La. of Ke.I,aperl. 1 Sllbecriberll. ",ho do nOI live lIunas 1'0' • bec:ome m.tted down Jike feathera, and TICIIO the contrll)', Irll conlldelecl wlihiDf! 10 thtJ are certalDI} IDore bealthy to lJeep contlDIllI their lalMicrlptloni !l. If Illbecrlbcta order th~ dlaconunuance II 0.. thdr pepera. the pubh_ber may contlnue ID lenc> Feather bede oUlht to be clone -a••), them until .11 IITHI'8I:ea are paid. • 3. Ii aubacribml nejlecl Of reCUM wlUi. . .pedall, I. wana weatber. JIaperI from the oflicoa to Whlch al1eyare "nl -,rt ..... - - lnet r.II, bUlb b~. '!M1- held , ..poo.elble ull thll)' ha... Mill;.;! • to lie' .n~e IOl' all4 111Gb UQclbubtedl)' billa, and oidared lheir paper diaCOllunu· f111I, well .towucl 10. will fill a

~fn the r:~:T.=~e~:'~: Eutem be plld aUllrla"y. red. 6. ~ Inl11hfl .or .e naur.ace .houle io.urll who rlmllica In wrnfotlAble Ind III wbol' I aonal




The .&clOCia m.... 10 order un .hon bolice. In luperlur al,I., and w'rranled 10 fil, .nd will ... aold lor CIIIh II lower pnce. Ih.n eYl!r beC~. 01J'..rett I~ thla matkeL 1'ballUbllc ..... I'Mpeclfully •• liclled II call lod uilmlne I~" tbem..IY~ I'tlain SL W',YQoay,lIe. Mlrch 22nd 1851, 8



will ... tile _ . wb.n tlteJ are broqbt ID ..... TIIer....u beUer lIme to b.-ke tben WIl.D tbe corn 11 MIIII ted ...... II. . . will be ..oeb olcer and •• ~, " .... eGhI Ii COt up It tbe IioRolD aM ........... Tber do DOt becoaac

• 11 lllbacribera m i l , , " to otJt.!)tacetl wllb· ~~:~~=~j oul IDfonni~ the I'IIbll8har. 8IId th. piper ia NUt 10 th. rormer illrectlon, the, are held re lponllb\e. ft. The CourUl Ii... Ucided that mUlln& Ww I ~per or P«iodlcal from the ollice. or NIIIoYin, aDd 1••Y\n& It lIDoailtId lOr, \a pri· lUI facie c.i4011C1 of UlTJUnIOI'AJ. nAnD.

. . . -,.... . . _..-..·.-·1


10 .., .... wMdMr M ..... . It Ia ca\Qal..

II!_ . . . . . . .... ._. . . lied wlU Jut froID

_~ .~==~ . . . . . . . . . .Ir wltII


ll"~- ~ ~!~!~ri~aan~'~=~~~~E W"~,I"'rR -•-'IIaerilI!'l :~=~'::::J

OF A.... .I KI1fIJ8,


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1'1.,'I'0Il on'ICB. T1J8T ..-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anIeIe ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



c.--... ., ~6000DE.

' _ _• •u.



:~~ t, ng h up neady n ~~IJ IhM ?~hC~d~ liomen, received Ind for lila tty MI,9, 1851. SllIn 01 Ihe Ued FI~1t April 28, 1851 • ~I&:-o: I~! R~ ~'i., JIOOK"" 8T ...... ONE."U ... .. • ~ WE ar. In reeell'l of Ne,., .Book •. NOle, LeIter, and C.p r,per of beal qUalll)'; PA.LE DItA.NDY. Foney, 1'111111 While, clo y.alow EnY~lopto , BUPERlOK Irtlcl .. lor !lledlCII "urpa_ca, Sclaool Carp. VUlllilll Carda. IIC. elo All 101 II 7!> cia per qua ... IU.I leun"" and rllr ..Ie cheal!. ROIi It'l'S ott llRO fliER IIle by I H &. J. lIARRIS &. Ce • ]lIO.R.. COOK FOR SALE CHF.AP. II! R C HAN T T A I LOR. T Ihe'Eo.lernCoac:.b Shop' In Wlhnln.lon, a H!\~ now 00 hand Ihe larle.. and belt u l'haladel phi. RIker, for cub or one or 1'1'0 laMed atoclk,of ready made .dolblllg ner bor... 11/ 01011 up lhe firm oC bellore offered I~, Inl. place 2:1-IC rEEK cit GORIIAM. Alao •. Jl!1! retlClveci • auporaur ...ortment 0 FR"NCH. CENTRE-TABLE COlER8. lew rac:.b Clolh Conlll uaorled COlorll 101 ENt;~~lrMAN. ..Ie br I H &..1 HARRIS at c.. AND AM ERIC.'N July 23 •• :; SJ,n uf tha "Red t·I.,... BROAD CLOTHS ASSORTED QUALITI&S AND COLOnS


l~ 00,

om.- 01 e\ .uhll ..... olt.! paid In adnnn

to ,000


IIlllar. of 1311~lint 'nleralon ••• $(I .acb IddllJonallnNralon • 2~ On•• quar. (hree II\Onlh. • ••••• 100 .Iz moo lb. • • •••• & 00 YEA ADVERTISING. • • • • • • • • • 700



_J.:..U_I.:.'_~_III~,.::..._I_~.~'I':"'_ _ _ _ _--'_ ___ .I;~~~P!~III~b:l!a~'=f :~~~~~~:.~It~~~



OJUlA"r UClii.lidi:H~.


EAUDOIlFF • TVCKJ:R Ha.. recehed at Ihalr "oro, in the na .. bull Ina of10hn E Dey. lin Mulbeny Itreel. Lebanon•• Cew doore ...... 1 of the "Slar Grocory' tJja mell

n. Oaly..lo

.rlc ••• Ihl~ K~_,

• 'flu'll Dol\are T ..... Do1\... lmlcitleiI, Onl Dollar &aQ 'Iha MIICJII'lo fluid. On. Dollir

n. O"t... lo n. Ollnale • no

arUe~ a... _ _ _1M b, NII ... . . , - - - ........ Ieto .ltll 1\11\ ........,11('1 • •, . . bad at til, ..tbnri .... Ap.t;

PAR"ICUL~R CAUTION· IkJ- ...... 1/ C.-..j'oll, . " Wor,A,... 1tIJjt.


....... ..-"....


II. D.o .

tIk1fUAL AGENT 'Oil ,.RE UNITED ftAT .... -~ ~J, W ROBDBRTS. A••horiaed AJI'llll for Wa,n.y"le,

&iId by

WALNUT STREET HOUS&. Cortler Wain", and GlUt. """II, CINC1NNA.TI.

l.~, "'" ~.





WA1U1EN rOUNTY, OHW. FRIDAY, . Ot'l.'OBER -10, 1 51; "


mo\elrienl ....Qf ' tlre pl.ura ' thllt, 1 WD9leff to eOIlJee ure whnt lle ' TclI hRd f.hllllged the Jlll\e gIrl, t9 n '-""'It wtluld serve II tbe willllo\v , of tl 1J0uk 8lol'e,- WUd goilig to tloy further. I • I bellutlful Yllllng lady WHon I I1r~1 saw g.I,IYO you,at th,e 911 • ett, O"e Ip.~on enlelit I\lr 1111 A.ila Milt"', find leave lOme How lIapplly pU88el! Ihe hO\lra, ns 1 walch· \ < _ ' ' , Irer, I,pr fllir ahln, bille eyes nnd hll!lPY ex- be learned 1)'9 na .t-:-that ' Imlc Wng~ ItllllJnB to 8a~6 11I11I\1t' nellt 8p~demic i c'! ttic tflron:rlrig multlludo, in their g"y C1J,\t'1'J~n 11. • 1 prO! SIOn spoire only oJ lul'o. ami II. hnppy 1111 \rlllu~. ~ Flltewell, )OU oallla lIeltheJ IlIIk 1111f1_im nit, T.II tho s~I~le. ' nnd' smiling (oce8! ' I !fllill yet to ' (Peler PCf!~n E$q , or Peter Pcuugoguo : car 'Iesanel' of' the futuro . •Nuw Ibe chillI· -~L;:;:;4:,~\, , ' of 0 tl'y in moll"', or ""tip in. b.nel · o( b!l,?ICB i learn huw little we know, uf the JO),s An,) us mr owncr fil to cll,ll bim, Wll~ liB loh exr' 88i6n 01 hor :ellt,lfOI wn~ gUile. 'Jmi]{I~~[l·' 'l!li1&.:Jl1jH~Go tnr-I tan find Itl' plfllllei ,~br • tiat!. Ih the you much 1 80~rowa of olhers, by tllblr pppootance be. , Ullnlllutlv~ III hotly IlS he vaa bllrru\Y-COII' ! nlld Instoad. " YaH a lhoghtfuilleea 111101 ' , Dead 8oa. UQt t ftufl'mosa of my COlli' o~ m! CpIJln~ n{, yuu 1I1U8t'nt thin~ . hml fo~e tbo. worMj how nUIIlY all Qchillg henrt tr:llllcd In 11I1I~d. He ha,l hVell in the \I rid grnvlty unlled, to , a killdlin~s ' of nalure Allploulo Jagello ot til" ~Ulll', panions were ~ trrflo l\o wh.t 1 fell i 1111,\ ~ly h~)1 work B,lltI my cluldrCII tQke6 1beate bcnellth II rich mautlellor what a bfl· Borne tl,irly' )" e or fo~ty YO","" wllhollt ' nnd millin er ~'ll1cl\ rOlldered her .~ much Our renders have p&l[bap' belln IIlh'i.d 01 a,.d m.hlled In con.equence of my IU"'~<or J' ~ ~ • I " I I I \ . ~ "-' 0' 'n ~mQI 1111 5D Y IIple.' ' tei' naocHe y of mirth! 19 ~t monr lIm~8, glm fig nny "n,,\Vlc, ge o f lumall nlllure' j Of II (,nome DOW a~ \\ hell II '\1 ,nlume" tho Rl'Jrrlage 01 tbe HUllgarlan hero lilt? , Iloriemilnalllp, T Jumit9d into Ihe't u ~ ~ tpld h ~ to nan~1l herself ensy IlbuU1 1 the· bright emile' wl~ ich loe'~8, ,to tell of , (urlber thull tho IIIUI~~d ftllUJt' urd ereoteel woe.thing' Ihe claimed 11\0 lovo of ovory Applo(llil .hgello, to tho alllloat "'lJr~IlUy rllIV all a beeflt'!.k, and lumped Out o(.t Iill', J'tllfJ,l , liked tu bp nlenl!, Oll~ Ihot I I n"ulTht but happlIJon For Il few woek. f III IllS I11111 ted mind. J 0 thllt stuDdard ho l one by her de-dl!noo. " llelcbruted Pohsh Exile, lb;r'r 'I'ochm.n, -DS il I wer8. t1aYl'd alive, Uowlnr let Q ~"(' ~ Hhpul4 pe I'llry aorry to keDI! !Ir'i (roln hcr Itl/Ii t(IIY plll'oralO ~ tiP II clly h(e; constant· ' slOVO h~ru 10 reullce II:~ ideas .... 1 the chi!" Tlloro , a noito o( buAUo 1I!ld rxcill)· Tb~ IOlIrrloge ccremolly took plnco in a mo be JUlt to thi~ .I)bmi".ble mixtufe.lf I lVor~. tlow, th!l!lkful1 fa It thlll tlhe hnd I ly prosenunj; somo \new sct'nae, wos de. ' dron ullder 111Mcooro • • J ho 'II 0 CftUrgell I', lnent in Iho ' huule, lind I 80 0 11 lenrn('ll that cllllpc) which cro~'nd II lofty emincnce III ' pmarted fill' It, my wound. were elf.ctu.lIl' ~. • .Jf l ' . . . ,t1 , f h . ~ It.. J , work to do! " Tjle., 8I,1el, wns Irrukcn, tho hglltf I, 'But my plea8urQIl werll slrorl.l/v. rI 01 independe nl f nmoilit \h llUl robtllletl ' th o (,,\)lIly ' Wl/rll prepnring to move "Velll.· Iho InUJledllltc vlclllityof HArpllTi Ferr,Y. cuuterlacd. crlmpleJely .kinne.d oYer....GJ. ln h9r rors pip~pp /Ired , 8S. 1\le Ihou~ht ho_v, eil. Tho demon J".I/jO~y 'ente~ed ..y SOIlI, : agnillat hla po-lly tyrullny g, \1 l: 111m IIluell III tho mldRt of my lours I08~ I _huulll tie Fvr 1100 gr~llllll,atiou 01 ,P\lf lady readCJ'~- cure 'va. perfect to • miraole. WedrHte4 IIlUeh, worse It IIIlgl,l t U\Ve IIccn, forced it· 'I and petlce olld hnpplne6ti ~' trl! gobe. The truuble 1I1 tho mUllogen,I))," or r ther mIl· left behllld, S.., h cnlDe ~o my relreat, U IIU IVO extroct the folluwlng dOllcrlptlun or the wltb the comfort.ble ,ell" ,tioll' of __ self uflon 1Il0, p'1' 'freljll('ntly 8topped to ')Ildinlre i monngemel11 of IllS Jlchool. Amull(l' tukillg mil kllllily. plucud IIle Rmullg the h'ri~e IUI~ groom,olld of ,he lurrillgo Ilf· l lVho h.d beeD well, "olf~ with moltoll J de~erllll'led to ,ouse ~1Iy'Sp\f tu actlYII' , tho books, card., pice ures etc' , lIy whlcli 'I : tllooo I"ho 1I108t fre(l'lolllly lntllrred Ihu valunblof, shl! c.olLetl her own, in her trllnk, omuny, \Vrlu..en by 11 1m y, will> ",a, PJe'~ll,t li luot j Itid'. ereurl and ex~emely Wt: or IllY ~o dtl 10IlleulIlIg'. 1,llIch would enable me I IYIS suroullded, Rlld, lifter the nU"elty or: ul~plcue ure 01 IlIr. !'CQrlUII .wos Pbd '1'110 first aillle I law tho hghl afillr Ihnt olld communlcaled to 'bo 8tiulhe~ Pre~,:-- sortl, "'Itb. tineling, cree"", over til, \0 spulld the tilllO allulled 10 my stay there. life wore off, I ilOlicod witb vexotiOli olld Horris. ' Alit hIe, Intelligent and Inlpul1!\Ve, W88 In thl. MO"" where tb ey were ubllged At "'llE) o'elqck \\0 100. otel. ClAd ) eJtlD; and relllountln,. turned our It to to ~Qllle I,rofil . • !lAW It' W08 tq be dllllC obagrm:' thatl woe pusscd by utterly lIeg. ' the choracter of hi. tPllcllcr VGa OdiOUS to to larry II few d8Ys, wlllio lhe houso her look our wuy up the 110 • leading to to ,he for~s of tbe 10rdon -D.""i71 VII~. wns the qu~~tlull I blld 110 buok.: Oillillo :ected ' ' ; hlm, anti he IVCl8tOO angenioQ810<t!lti8cmble ullcl" hod purchaBed \\'IIS being lIIatll! com' tho chllllel,lIl1d there, ~lDfd lhe thrJlllng \ lItlmty '1110/.' • t I, WflL'Il, mllter~uls wllh me, U\li \dlo lour l1l11 1 I wi hf d for I'IOnenlily, olJlivlOlI, nn\' 1118 rllelillgs , , A COll8 IInl \"nr l'I'l1S Ihe Mil· fllrlnbll1 ~ti a dweJlillg. Seehl~ ,mo aile doy, -dOlerlllllt"'!H of hIgh mil". ,,,lIb Mselllbled . " : .. ' , r,} 1 j~ . ( , . . , 1: '. .I f 1,Ilur 19d Jll my PI! I ~L ~I)ct n /;:au I,ellool. , thing, \ vhich would enable mo (0 rellre sequenoo. nul Bomo " gOOl lu,,1t J\eellleu (WllS plckod U? by Olle of lhe chtldrom, 8[ICelnlllrs filII IUlug by) th9" IWO ,highPower'. at.tae of En. "j , ~. .0# .... Tf~ j '). r f 1 ,1 t 'f \ . " . , I P j , I • OWerl,lD' Q titter to afrlelld ia 'l'))e library or t~l e Ilo,u ~e COIISiWlCd of nn from II world , Incop/Iblo or ~JlpreclatJnlT ' ever to step between 1'1111 onJl pUOlsh. herll, and drupp~d IIItO 11 oorllcr, After II nilndud Ilxllu 'were lIluTled. l"1io --pew~ 1 " ' , t I • .. I , 1 " Y k II ' 4Imu,lIa." , ~vlllch nf1u~dqtl ~othcr 11 dull pros· Illy m Tit , ' mont. ,wlllch Oily exn.peralcd, I'll ' Wilcher VAlli UIllrllh, I II U8 gIven Up for 10il, 1I0t ellsl!!a wore throlllled.' 011 ulle hallcj, cloae, ' , or ••• YI '" I l I .. tblcal humor.. •• I,oct Ut,C,!, c~rlp Imell~ ~y re,lldrnjl'. ~Vell' l Soon '1\ ohange cnme o'l)r tile spirit tiC '1'he cloud had been glltherlolr po\,tellluua' II Ithoul BOIM regrat 011 Suruh', pllrt. ; 1 by:thc altnr. willi eyol brllllnnt and clear ,.1'0"'" work f '. "B'I'o \II .n old r~, l IhC,lII,ghtl, ,IYJII ~vrit' a ~16~l'rtatl"n OJ), th~ I my dream;' Ihe mellott'"y 01 my Idll \I'll. for s ome ' time, nnd now il WB" abuut to reJolued to Iluok , I hud one I"enu, who re· as In eottle'd, stood Ihl) brld~groom III maun. b1ld)' dlOd nol 10 well formed and a'" • Hurrord,lhe tillie, the place. rvery 1I11nj: nt' nn ('ndj I wns to escope the thralhlom brbll~ in VloleJl(lo. Pellr.oll blld ~eeo fon ally cared (pr ine, tb.oull~ ( \Viii IlItlrlled 01 black, \\' \rl"h imparted to hi. person that , BI are her"'anI1 h Icl\'ur. :he Idell. 1l\1~ lo! IlJY penor! poillt 01 my pretiellt btistence,' ond try Iho [('1l1l. Borne time }laying lIie Dddretses to a Indy lu tblllk, dllllpi c ()f uly \alllty, \hu~ shp '1 UIOI , gentlomonlyair 10llst calcul.ted to of Ibem. Bhotwear.lier air 1!t>.;i'J .:: wos g')IIc ud ~lIinly I scrow eu at the onsa t tlri of the bUIY, bustling wurlll of which neor iliA uwn age. 1I11i1 ut I...t dublll" 1I1~ h Uled other reuolla lhln Illy o)Vu 111~riIH. fur Atlract ob,erYalloli • • Ho p.... onted In hie and mOlt primitIre menDei', el" \ Wlltl onllltY. , i I hud he Mol so milch, '1'110 dream·wprld Jij lze. ThaI 1II0rnillg Ille culled at lhe grlevillg at Illy 1011. stlltely figure olld noble fellllarel IIlmo.t from tlul templd,alld bUlinlJ 1.jl14 ,. J b~g!,II,.lO look. aroullu, If ~D~ohIlIlCO of 111)' fUlldeet 'lopes WOd now to be II tan· l _chual house. for a dr k of waler her ' Sbo nltle .1IlIe"" !bat the 1018 abe de· e"''ll!.xt.e~nlll porfeclio n . uf IQllture lIlall' UIUI upollnr thate ~u., 1If11 f!~. 1111111& mig ht be ,mllh ,11 thllll; us lIen ' Dlltl iglble reality. ' A ouuntry merchant, llur· \Voy to the VIllage. AI lh ' 1M 8b~l, call' ploretl.hould end, ni har Ilulll, 'I'he I"nd- hoodl indeed i, wbole '.tollo,ln lOok and He,r "" ."It g qll'le ,too ~ir(.i0r.iiiw. 1 ~lk abollt lho hU\l6C? Yc~, lh!?re s~f)oll a, )cnnsed tile bolt cuntallling myielf anti bro- I col, l'hi! was ollg-Jed II\!rntcblng lllp 1m' lady In sweeping (dIe eluel Iweel' aOlllc, tIe me allor; woe thl\l or' IDorlllll,d ilt"lIe~ Our muller" LIon. 01 Iie.ut;'.il~ botll" PII the mV I! ~lo,plcce, null be81de It, thers, Qnd III three daye "fte~wurds.llound l tul! On m, bn~k. 1110 Pelir-aOll W08 'writ· tirnoa) hBppoaed to) filld nae ftud olligned- uol elevation. ' , Ire '-11 brod ... ,• lu)' ~ IIteel pOll, Qf all Ilrillg~, osteel \1C11 1my~olf tnklllg Q view of I~y new obodl',- ing him 11 copy, The lady Mill/! AnRle Ime 0 plnco ' by tho ' ,iOk.boldc. A 'few At 11~ fool or the IIlter on II broad atep ~id . ever ., .lIch loil ...... "bS, IIlY nLnorn'lIcc, 1111~ thid IVDS 1111 <,lId, " rhe first rOY8 'of the 8UII ' wero 8trtlllning ! MASO"I look a sent, ju.t lUI Pilli recC'ivecl !" e(!~e aflel<lvGrtle 11 J 010 youllg mIll, covered with crhlloon du';uk t hey knelt ~aYe never been wed&ed lnto ror ... ~ fll~Iy [tlll/g, LV flrtl ou~ long ijlllCe, 10 lIlI up- Ilhrotlgh tlae wlnaow', bllt Ivere incApbbre I lola 'Forllludo! anll mAgnoni' whoee t1resa bespult .tIrgymllll, cal· dqwn. Uuw bellullful lind b;ide.lIke Ibe lind rre ly Iiltle 'hOH worn b,. bar 1OM11 I'C~rhl!~. I 6te.",eil ,t~ thll kltchJn ,lour ' of sbedding 11 l'hcerr,,1 hght on Ihtl (IlDb'Y; rnuty 'eo'lIIlI/alld IIJnurutlon '$oh ll o!)\llzcd he l led h fe to rest 1118 bon%n his 'way tu 011' looked III her d{e" of eream colored satin. 1 01 alcondinlsl Dut Eve le.tlft anclull1lehf. ani! nquirQd. of • millD )., 06'c~a· Whether Id,lrlc'ollell npnrtnllllL 'VIIIIt 11 eontlllst ' It I 'well that'. tirteen t imes. milUJs ~ low Ihut "Ppuilltlllenl, ut a echool·hou ae u tew nulell '11 I~ swept the durk floor Ir~l! •• ,)ow.drlft j ing hi ber di~"".tion1" Ibe will not aUolf 9h~ hD1 '\ goo.~"!1 ~11I1I~out lilt- huusc uni.lrtled, to .tire airYI t~ateful ~Ob rill d tiel Mr. Plltlub",guo hl/9 given ' OlC, thllt copy, dlcllnllt. Wl_hin&:.lo toke sO.tIIO notca, i,o oovereu wlUl loel A clol\d tl'llOI)tllrellt lII,oe ' §e~ walt to bl! reduced by blDdaciar, be· • ~ roc~oll Yf/U \vUllt to m~kC" 0 PCII, Lu furc occllp~e". l SUTely. thought I. Ihe l 'll,t'.' lice. II I CIUlt porpetrate I parod1 OJl l touk me'lII Ilia hallUI 111101 , In 1\I~l)Ing Ime fllil around her. ,hed'"lIg a luCtnolS over CDU . . . he II (It more com(?rlable III IUI,I th~r~ : ,ill't ally IIUIII uboul tlle ",lIbl" rid bf hnoginnlion nutl Ihe world of reo Itj yu, Ihat 'jJ du,' elUiI the fitst ICfYJlle lover, III the hupo llf ueulg ol,rle 10 wmo tho clellr, d~rk complcillun of he~ elme, l lnil b•• ,del, ahe b ...ome r...,.. (or beallh pI11t- e . I hero'li II pen 011 Ilro , cllilllllly; ol,ty, lire nut alwllya Ijh~8, J, who hlld t ever Jperlormed 'vus lu writ ~n his blolter better III }bat wav, eaplcdlhe leLlera corll- 'I'here wu nQ reVllallnil blush upo~ 1)0' whlcb might .ulfer from luelt re.".ill" UP". bOI'r~" lbol evc; ry lJo~y 1l~\'S tirul WritCR supposed e,er!. , e!llngo }ir~ught With It l 'Forty"fivo end mAlllIIlUdb blno III An· cd UPOIl me. He pDllsed, looked ugall\ ollll cheoll ' bUI her dark eye. wero' yellen be. on her lun,.. \eart. jiver. '&c,. &e. &4;. ,I nil)' li(1r , bUl tl.c yu IIg pre'lIlhc r , IlIn\ pl~q8\l~1'. \\'1\8 Icarnlng Illes, on frqm I nt , 1110 :aIoson.' Now l'etcr hn,1 Ibe fapulty seomed mucb ngllaWlt!. A lide of COil' nualh 'thC\ ahroud! I III.hel . • Iti. indeedli llouid neyer pr".il upon her to w..., ,mOd· IIII1Ul'd thll gill over .lh II r\) at Ihil'Squlrc's f stern teacberl ExpericlI II~ ,O 1086011 "!Iic~ ' of cotchin!! Ihe boy. ~ hO,1l thelf ntk'mpwd flltllng oOlolion' leellleu ' ~l'clllllg ill hil , IlI1pouiblll to celllcfi\.:e of 11 Illuru lovel, ' erll !tho'I, (or.lnl dr•• da corn., ih,' t'utloor \\'I.'A;'k, Haid it y.oall'l good (pr muph ' dcstro,.Ycu mil h ~f thEl t omlllJ(~" , \If !lIY "r.18ClIIIUf. Ph,l ha~ 1I1~lrer~ belli mO,8t fu~. heurt. '~ttlllll~, very strangc,' 100 uluttllr- \hllil sho 1I~j.('afe ill til~ difid l\/Ico) or he'r IC1\, IIlVI ~ are neither eonvenient ..C)I.. orD....nt:· , 1 W\IIl! J\I~t gu' llg to ellqulru obQu~ II\o j ~lIpes nn4 O!\PlrlIIlOI1S. I, Who hull b\lcl1 Ihnot", 'uut till" crllwJIIItg I f lOf IIl1ugbu. cd , thell CIIIIIIII: the lUlldludy he enill-lir'ld on II e "'0• • up rl'. t d P"lP'CIOUI " ,0r"..• al., But lOme aUo",.neo OISIh' tq be ..Iij. • d "' . j ;1ii , I,~ • 11 0 ",n In IYlllld 109 \ hell tbe olll<'~t of the ~Illic bCl~n, IIl\rt\\re III c:lcga/lce nnd refinemellt WUII ' IICf!8, W08 loo 'fll'gmllt for e.uaJlle" how thut I,on elene l04he hUlIsu, . f ., I ) ••/ d . I lI I for tll8.ecrudl' Dution. of ber.....founded ,.. oUI9n 0 'u wOOl~n. I,e, elll w 111ft I 01· '1 \\ ho hud' clllllbed oll r the taLlu behlnu IllS 141001llcd to tI\\ ell nnud durkh~8' anti v )~lIr. Afler bowing III. vldltor to thCl"iloor, J'e· I 'lndeell l enn't , toll-~ltJy be 8011111 01 i II h f tl ,. , r II Itbt!1l1rl! In the prej","eet and ab_4itie. of , l ' " .. . . , ,. . ng 110 II g 0 lilt a"clIIlII 0 mID lly • ehulrr mhlsed Jlli! ro tlng, nlld usteoll uf th e 1I01lle sentimen!" . nud ter .topped quickly: t'l PIIII' "I!'~ IIOd eCI7;' 'lihllllre' Frcemun's folk. loft il hero-thnl wl I f f b I ' pri",u41l' d.ya. T.lunr.1I \hete tJaI.,.ID> ' , I h J ' ' lie I, tiO n~ rum iJ ng nl mllpy errone· ~ "UIlIC 1I1lli. of 1f'''ttrdl!m~ln, lell heUI"uIII: III' 110ft)' t110ughUi embodleu In mOllY or Illy l ed t e obnoxious pnncr. am that hour eM gal"their 0101111:. I guel' l \\' 08 \Vriting I h .\1 r U ' I to cOII•• aeration. I think belt that the to ber luI'. \~~~tng ljIc \I\\b1 , IIUsJ IIU;Yl)lg.' l)l~~ Ill1SOclnlc., were II motley nntl il;C\lIl' 'IllS fule WIl~ I~sled .. l'curl .only bJt 1I1e, olle dar. 'WhlJre dOltIl he live ClOd wll~n ~Ug { I, I~i' i~ ~. m0l'cu 1,' l I or womlln Y .lroilkl DOt bo 'Ilbll.ited.aa It lD....l.~hJtlcl It UIIIIII 'r!'Qt, In!.oIed U~I !he ..lluur on WI! (Ilet 11I1'110\lS II [or~I'PIII of ' tlrlng", of , I iC~ T lil'lIl1d groUlld tll8 tC ~lh ov (IJ j) pn~er, bu~ Ihd he comeJIO!tCl1' .' ral k' IC • onC'h~ 0. , CQ!llrary'1J1~llel cro~nll~i mil to ceDtu~, uel MY.,O critil . . .d • , ] t ' \i • I j i' ,J Jr(! , " :R.!I'r 0 II ... or e~ .. ,9 mIll ne. ' _ ," _ , \ 'He ih 'eu rIght Ob the ruur\' o' the IIcll I .J\ /(\leb qf .u.i bll~'1 tlir~h buTTd. the.. teo ~' ~CIUIMI'I . ' l'uke tllll\; olld thllt for your ml~clll..,r, knew nelllCr tll' name nor uee. \\ III t \VIIS ensy enollg I 0 Inl ' ~tlOr tblug~ you ,young 8cllmp,' .he ('Xclcllmcd, Siv III: IWll8 10 be dune! wos J ID hUJllIl'ly to 511b. ! worthy O~ uOlltlqmllohuu,lUlrI .t!,e;lo. wro:Jk bouse 'rlley'vo ollly hved hc~tJ a ohort II' t tl ~ f I b t! ••• , .. , - \ him Ulltlry rup~'w.t" hl!r kllu kle • .1 III ~"ol l mil to IIIV' full', nnol pnllclltly endur' tire I VOII~Bullce for ltllo uuforllivlIbll"lllIrod),. • sp' Gel; , " , IlIg'd ro ~n~llo, \ "Yq I"~" I Ifou'b . III) A Illlnllway Ilrjall.~ I WIU OWJI. tt 11 'Cam~ 'n.e rever or"tel N I I ' r cglQn of he l!lnll, wllol e f1hreno OglMI6 po\l3,llY of lily ~ldt:ohtCllt, ar 'IIcknowlodgo A week nrlC~ 1 wnw truclllg tlae follow· \ Woll lilY good wom n Ilhilik tny IrOTSO I II d I b II' bll b ut· . III e .I1IUael1ll'lll of ' Ihat lund l IIIlI) tllo orllull o(>rel'Or lice, 'M"y be my errors, alld req tit'st to be sent back to hlg hllc~: ' .. • i~ rested' undl Will ~tnr:,' 'llnol m a fow mo. kmc 10.-' ~rll~III1'ln' ktLI~'hap~~ ~o I Wtt e t ey, wlllcb i. dear tI'lhe ,ollip' or • • 'lulet n\:, "a IInu. upon II ower I tuw • aft'Oi'd• II, ~ ..... r .;'A ' H'" II ~n~w ~o ttlr I1 ~X tll~ o tllQIJ tn lie "'¥ el1rly hO\lle 1 Wbllo dlllll\llllg Ilul mot· t, ' ~ Dear S llrlll:-Wh~ 1I you 1!iIlU ' lhia ill nlOlll1 1101\'''6 on1'hl. W1IY, i19.11 or the alter. A (oW D; coun rl . n W • 10;Il1011. Illilll blij l: ~OUIII~, !. I'[ 8tutillg lit strangcri . ler \\:Idl ~lY8etrr 1\ bright-faced; bluck·eyed your des k 1 II III be gone,-I ue' not ltnb'w I wished 10 accumpany him, \lut was dc· which t1mlletl benealh tbe hridml nil In IlIot~ b)' tbe I.udden 'lut of • ,bride. I w~~ ~Ittd t? , 1II3li{' goutl njy 'relreClI. buy f some twclve yt'aPRj ~onnd d IIllo , whero-laut ui,' u'; \IIIOrC I Will lIover ec lIIed tho privllo.ll'o. 'J'hreD Ilceku!, ;; summer clouil-Il b'!Ileaec~lon-/lnd tflo g~om fr~m tho ClIYII altllr ~( DI.trIDlo~)', frolll lhe ~'xcit ~ tones of tire Jll\llher the tllo s!ore~ .11.1 cl.moroualY demanded to be 1cHher of my I'erso cutor~,lho 8clooullellch. nnel J wns beglllnlOl;: to fenr thAt Illy eun· ulllled exilel .eidOd·up.. Fur Iho lirtt the / 111. pur'Ult, c.pturo ••n , Ultll••t. 00.l1li1· ~f thc ~lIrOItUIIOllt alltla nr of the"I1II.· wlnted UII !)Ulckly , 8" ho wlln~ed a stecl lcr or AUlIl Jl\.nllcy. J hal'O nOlbillg tl) o~ily AII 'to Ille Id 6n\lly 01 h,~ reverellcll, brule rallod her evee, lind the color no w 1111 to the connublll bOlldl ~D the d'1 .'"Id .~he Berean 5 6f the ,frign(ell~d pen Dnd the school boll woulcl n~g n n 1110· [give ¥'u~. tu rcmelllb 'r 1110 by.lmt tho pell should r lila," ullarl1.i~ReJ 'I'here deellled glo\\ed Ihrollgh 1;0 \,ull as If a rOle had I~ted, a bridal p.rty.ln full trilll ... 1 plckp.t! "p Ihe e ll ' but Il 10 ed mellt. 'vhell ho would bo IJUIlI hrd for \cIte ; I write tl1l8 wllh bl ... lII~oconl AlIlo. 6 of 1111 somethlllJ; rom,lIar Iii hlB (liCe, lind hi~ 0011· bl'en hidden In ItI ' fold. rwhilo • happy \Vllh the elleepdo.. of on. of tho frlaCi' IOU \Vorthlc.1 lor ullY uno 10 use. While nt\clldallcc. H e IllOk ~IC, ' 05 I hall~e!led II Illy hlle 1I11Sronu:,cs ut Ichual. ' I lenvo it duct slrengthe lled the trllllrc88ion llaul It slIIelu Irrukc over her f.;o al she lurned p.I.... p"pllred for the due eel.bntioll "f 'at I!. ullcertulII lvI". \0. 0.1 me· lu be ClPPC~II\OS~. nnu Um3111g lOy proco, a WJth Ihl •• lJellj;OlJ~ )'ou to 1I.1fIJ( ot 1110 ., enilst be "'y firftt OWllcr, Iho 'vorllablo }'hll. j C/llmI to rei1elvo lho cOIIgJ'ot.uIGtlonl of tile cerem6nl, .nembled in tb. O«Io••f Y l,cilllnll,llIIlIy dll)t."d It III -I.hc 1II1i. 111111 \\ ,1Ilollt De lillY. 011 \hll COllnter. HCOllllNlrea 011' III ' . I d ! , tl ,. . . . I ,. 110.: roturnell,. ",y CU~I.,.ily Wllll ..... ti~ 'I led d tbe regllter, and tbo wlln"y ~I ..,a (" '11. moro 8 11IIf a~nlll s . IBIl ' 611111111g, .' , .ose cruw( Ilrolln" h j f b d 'y o\IO.t 0 ,~,oulTht, wpa ,.uoll "'fllill" III the ~Ireclio" of tho sohool houso. Turn· Id )'k t I ' b I: &! - tied · I onoo l,"or" (el l: t~IO prlld8ure of h'd 'l'b " • • .. , ' 1 wou I 0 0 PIlIIU you ~Ol e 00", uU. . ~ ," IIlr IIve., IIIVO, b lleD 0 ex&raor di nary u. a IOllth to pro~ee Willt' tb.,.I.... bhllt"-'!t>lve. ut III)', d!l~ry. the hiHto~V IIIg U !,orner, he p880ed Juwn a gretlll aba· I I 0" l I 01 b II U ,Hilgers nnd In ' SI'NIIIU 11m Illarned the I I .• ' B II '} d ' I I ce~, VI IIQ tbe wlldo", o(.sur leplaeon " ,' . ~ J)o~ I no nlld Ctl 0 clole to a lillie irl l .avc non u my .sll lo . 00 s, all m) " ' . , V ~•• tUues 0 I were ell) e Irom tIe r h •• I!rol;lollnced •• e!Fucl.1 a. the rell..t...ul "llltlr thlti 18 a~ llIthlul cavy. .• 'l" , 1lJ , r. g lIIother's Dible (willch 1 prize OJI lughl) n. events \vlllclr hnd tranlfllrod slnco Iris de· lIulove COUlltry by the t)'ronny 01 itll oppres. ...~ I' k \llljl}t.yrofl old, ~luh\1l' qUietly under tile I If) F II h J' narlnre-fur it Will myoId irlonu. 110 'h If ' ordlllanGl lilli\(, y.o~n, .0 the . . . . . . . . . " I ' you RlOY t IlIllO mll nrcwe, IV en m I' 111111. he In t e e.r ter era 0 matnre m.n· • th 'I 1 d Ii .• I CU"PT~JL I. \ I allllol!! of n tree), wllh u bU/J1i In her lanu, I' ll ., v Ph'", • wrole liS follow' tI ,I h " " h fl h r " I o. lI.r enul. In I . Y'"tractiOIll 01 tbe . , • I • ; . mall coml' '"u 5eo you • .a ourl r ' huo III' " d e l l t e u. I) e.r leT wo· Ii 41 .... _ I b'd ...... _ Labor, Illbor, lubor IS tbe UClCOft . lIl(I Illlu pml 110 p.\U h ablJor~cd Ib.1 ahe ded not JlO· l 'Rfv D£ III~' Otf' , f{' \ air J"""-' t Ie rl egroom .........111, a'boIt· oft r p 'at~11 \I al"hword oJl, lho worlt1.':'- lIte hIS ~rpfo.e1:, ' That Phlllp's lIudden departuro cllu6cd ~ 1/ " ~VI f ' til . mllnhood. ~u t 0 measur~ ur ml\u· .d"and made oW. No '1)01I1f "'. . bit op' Oftst and ,ost lIurth flUid uUlllh. at " '\" i1y Soroh "hilt keeps you h~')'el I'm much cOlllmellt 111 tI,e /lch Qnl, I !ral! aml1lo ' I, I d 1?1l a film c a, ence ie now fill,!!11 by 1I1\lltrone made el/ident to lIl' IKo,.,.i.l.4lred " _ , • ' , , I l f I U' I I I I homolooo u01 over ."·or"iri,,, nooll ami nIgh t: tlui cry roeoulIJri sure it's uflor (he (illlo we o\l~ht 10 b III opportunl y or learmg. .n III III , Itl c b ' 8t\.lrp~ u\ )'dur houau III01 II •0 bruest p"liul LI·' I.... o( tbe perly. th.n I, w.. detlfDli", ~• tiiel la m. Sumo tUII (or> bresJ schoul' (rlln(!. Itly n xt oWller aalclllnd \lId ,Qn Iho of OIploymllnt. and wal recognizil I". ewonl III the eGuae ul bloedln, Poland, .bould not be .lIuwed tQ Ibir. hi. . . . . .' • ~ ... J".u · ·1 ~1c'QKII e '~Ollle tor I'l'hOWn 011 for ' 0 ' itA not lohooilime ),.0.1,>_,.1111 I aon occns,on, I do Hut fcel ut h~orty to rcp('ot. by y?u,~e your "Iiltcr'~ uhJltl, by Illy stnk· anti she 01(", well drCtll1 Df'llfidurilll[ hllll' mont.,. if pO.lillle; .nd .eoonll.,Ir-Jt.~w.. .... j II I I d I ' I I g IIkcness to 111'1 MUlllleu mother, YOII ex· ) nr 8~ , _.. ,. I • ' , , IIl1d' 8(' j (.intllreet. There are Ulutic try"'g 10 underatnnd I'll)' 1:T0llllllllr ~ lea~I)II, ut • 10 cOrinlll y rl ~ Il:' I every tl1l10 lor , I' . .......,,, Ilrou,h ttat IWe" bJ I , I Ii I it ' I I f IIIcd: 'Strange ore tIle W~~'8 of' I)rov· ,--~~ d (r IU will, ',loubtl0ll6. re' ,Allnt snya I'm too youllg lO ItUUV /;flllll. Ill~ u ngera lou e Ie noo ,or e~ el)gl I a ~ cruw of (nlnd••nd . ' • \ 1 '1 IfIUIO I 100 Jf) V." Imr,8..' every 1 Idcneo.' 'J'hnt P~bvldellcP, willch Lhus D IS PO YER\, or prE O allllHAL ~ "I II ' b tJ he" lillll ~'lf pOllloU8. mnr blltll, got eOlllred of hovlIlg 1I0llllng I..'IIIC, wile, 1 I II A.NU I. men,an oren ' IIfC\\ rile U\I YOllr kin(J\le~8 Hn,r proteclrun ' .. CIlIM: Qt Tilt: "on A A l'9~Tt.E8 h" ! ·' loonelllh the .' lIIaehll\ ry Ilwhlt:h but ' niy . 8\1olhllg s.luld·j orllli/lletic, Ihot, I I 81lT h 'IIlS1 Inctlve Iy rccll II." CU 1184c)CI.tlon~ u OF TilE U. Wb·· ,..... rl_'" No ' r 1l01101lS' ' , . "" II hkh Illote "'(lvtate u hume Md n COIl1' '1 S 1100111 ' 'dIt, pre~n II.. d I crlmma I of tliil lII11sl dilUlter' ,,,."Iod n Gralllmnr ond I can't ullders\.allll 0110 \V I10m I rIl II s u", \\IUU I u oll'e uoy, p r o v e . . A G reI< k 81lrv,nt l ~. by tile Ille " It to me; Oil I.ollor tu IIlln a If. . potl'IICY lou lalely tcJ tllO to Iho roWlJu· t d eT '. elted. IlIollY "Irlve 10 IlCt frum I,lIIi14!lfls h ,It, nnd our te,rller WOlI't ~pl.1I1 " 0 i111\ ' 0, 'Idcuvere,II II tl Ie d'IlIerelU r ,II too.L ~o hI...... '" wIth < toQ n or tha !Untied ijrcntn of my boylruod, I ' I I h ' , r O nc d IIY I _ome IlIflU. ftcr tl 10 ,uregolllg motivos (lne belae\s tlley du trut hrd Oh, deur! 1 With I waa wlae unonl:rh wllh· . 1\ 114 eouAltry-tre ate Ives 0 tlte .. eb ......'ceeeded " I an 01.u1 IaJ I wall wI,en I flnrt lound Illy" \\'")' Ila8 beell cu Ieellllg'-tie I' I maxi III ' ror lhA" , praotlcc 01 'tlIIollkllld I ~ , oulllavl1l3 to lellrn lRIeh Ullng8 j tlun •t )'OU Q\' ll nlil trllllspor I, y .I.Ollle I0 .tI0 Clultl us , , , • tempor.r, ~.f. . In ,





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'kn w th sHf,' Phili l' school.ruoill dlmng rcc SA 10 requelf Sunh to YUlir h01l8e, I I~nd 1111 Ideml worWor my orIginal Actll of. tho ItorO, amoQg.t th',l .. ' \> y . \ P F < I 1,\ porodltie III willch I H3ured II 10011 nI I I'· d i I r !ill 6 been 80 llilltt i.ho COIllP Dlon of 'There 1Irtl-lOtne.hilro i"sson for me 111 \ rOClnnll 10 uut cis omnllllellSl1 lor Ic r, : ' 1 8 beto IlJg 0 I,. til ,n 11I11111r. o( •.111. of the mOlt I f'. ~ " , of 'j' , • , SMI ~ II I·' I (> III d t Iler p I0118· 01 COll 8clluence III Ihe 1V0rld, ontlll gcntle Is iunu uf Alii Olin hnve trllt 'I d ~o Wilily "II thOllg\l\.a the 'Norld. but not III beuk I mOllll, Ha. IOu 11 61telI lIe I II Y -III It r our n."" maour.clurer•• • , ' . 't ' . " I I'" I II " Y L tI l I little girl II Bchuol-motc lI'rowll lo W<)IIIOIi' t r !b H' b ' dd b pop ~h.e epCllkl!lg p,n)lcr, heorl~ ~Ia lair uU· rIIh. thlt patience Inti PllrSO'"l)rlIlCO (llJn l OI~lll olur8 on , I,e I I uUil °1~:\ ' °lcolllP ~ huou al a ~ filled n prornlne nt pluce. A pell nnoe 0 e ,. re~at om, IDYl ~ Y the croW'd l ",bon ill ilohtude Iln~ h'ed $0 mucb, nailater allt(,e dlfficultrcij J Iin,1 III buoks, Will lor W 8 1e8 yOI Call 11 .oe n lIor ' , , , nidus hal he re.olvellilt lel .. 1 to "ell, Itot hll lifa. but illea q .. ' f ' Illy 111111018I srrnttlhed h la, Iibc rly, d d aCClO(dl"IIYII8 ~ L_ en· In comn,u1lioq ''I'lth hilr, thnt , C\ tp rk or bbl not the one~, ba\1l to onliure In life," I VOIIS tw Ite I1!lIg a t dumo 0 f tI liD een Icn c 68 \Vllh , I ld dIIpon II ItIII r left earI y,," Iplept .mbl~ol) oi' hllJ hellrl. I~ kllldled . 'H:ow you tolkJ the boya' cllII you Villi ~' Gl"ted, aa,1I It/goey to.t lut c 11 ~~ w til ulll1)1l nlato a re"C!t1rch III tha\ in ti,e pres· IlIlfteelf bellllld 'llod v " , " ' . I 001 ,now wnllOg tillS Which muet bo Illy ' tI.... . I t II. hot an d ,rc.'1IY 1.1 withIn m. mnkhl~ mo ndltlOU8 tu; reconl, Fllnlo'l'er, bllcallse you are alw_r"" sudl 'To lilY Dun N.EtCIL , " , . ent e 0 f tl Ie Icarne: ... ell 0f CollstanllUO' w.l, iqui" or which • •" r Will glv po. I H ' purleeu ' If1r Iy WII • I101 to Ilive .ome can dl el Ire . . .d.,.Dd bep" _ t Uberall1 0,0 I go to the reman. of forgetfuloeu, J:ood aplr,tl, Why. I thou g ht you ~\cre I send yOll, my cxcuee for blld • 11CllllllftllSlllp I 'f , .. ' . I " ( you the parll clliat W len yelurn suffice It I I I d I dl ' ~r til Inlliden\ll 01 my hte. LIke tlle hnpplel!t bOlln tile ",orl".' dear Det.c" thcse (ew Illlell to let you r' geo Ogl.11I WIt 111m, III or er to bu lho bet· 10 • e out U. elontenla upon the peraon. , now to any thut by mellna 0 that pcn I . bl to h h 1I I f 4 Tb1,unnpecte4l'11ill. ebe.uU(u ,Irul,'ny,,,hoeeetlleirgloriel ·Nol'lDnol,butllongtohehappr. lllld knowlhMwe IIrl) 011 welt,ftlld ClIIJoylng di I' h I' r I .cr.o. e pro,e tat t e ear. IIlII. not 0 .1. pUTlRlen. ' ,,. .. • Q scovrrcl s e \vIIB III t II. <llIIt 0 tlO ., • I I i."'t II beneb I the u~h 01 'rllne. In my J belle.o I'll run 'Off Illd hUllt h')ll'lOe.. , Ihe blosslllga or 1Ieahh and h"Pllli thuo 'I h I b" , b I' 1II0VCu ,or "gos 111 t Ie .po 11011 Ie pomWl .lIce eli hot, boworitr. ew:c.e"_11 the j • • d I . \" h counlly . IIIW or lit c Inte onn "Ieve I It e U II I LI G , I b II dl b 1I}lIcJcened (one lIpl1cors 110 trpce~ uf t1,al 1110ugb books tell ue IIlI roun on y at hnes mfty fillli IOU the s~mo. ,.0 ave I I I" I d I r' l b d ou . .. III I. 10 ree atr .rch, welle i e . .tt uled 1.Io••..d 1.0 eD8bl• • ' 8cuon. s IOU l ' I auc I11\11 Imporlant '... dl .covery b.m 1.0 .Ip I t hrou,b the finpn of ~ .D· bnl ItI,t, ~• ....." !IIc.l • lI,e , wo'. IIIl11e. I mej bat tben my humo .IS not' /l homo Ilt blld ''g(cat denl of IIIl Ie nc a 1111. > u I ,ave re coghlze ' 1C1' I J a 1101 ~carlOl: t"' would ~ot b, uOff,epl. unl;onorecl', and un· mil. Aunt Nancy (lier name ~OIl'1 eu,t her 'The eld m.n IS Sick 1I0W wilb Iho ery.i r l!- k!1UI\' n e Ie ~:' ~I~~r m:e~tcrijte'h'~ In· IDlgllt lead to rrelh .chism. in the church, r.pel .... 11.1111, who, .'t., they lItd 1IMIIt, lung nnd Ihough Tlulglll. CIlJ would manv tbough) lilld.' fllult witli Ole 'from mornIng 1111 and r hne hod lliy 0(11 complallll, (t,e ~1l"tIOIl 10 r'P ~o l tel IIlg W d I ~? a~. hll' belought the Pupe to reru e tho aulbol'- ed him. draille" the ",llIclan.l IH...., In tlnl~ In Ihill lIarrlllh:i!, \0 be ulI'minsl~d till night. aDa would '(rum nigbt till morll - rbeuDlatiam powerful (iaa In 101),. \V y"tO;IO 0 \1/ ~ ~eme~ ere / IU ICI~nl y izallOIl aaked for. It ii, however, tbuugbt alllllhtna:mood' .nd with ru.(ul_Dte. . .ce of selr.· w'tm~ I -reeord ' .ome incldent8 in IIlItI if ,l,e eould' \r;eep awake I exp t wont very IDllob to i'~ Jou. ' ( e 10 ~\ ' tiC 1;~i?;VIl;b 011~IO le~ >oilrl 8 nee, that It WI\I be granted, and Ihat the leflrch 01. b.ek t(l the re,iIten 06:./ ...wet tIfw tile llv~. or tIl~e, ""Ith wbom I have 'rret- ahe dreams th.t ehe 1C01d. me. II .he hu III. alld ,get tho rrult, 1 dricd for YOI\. 'rhe 0 nOlldv tllb n de ~ols h n 10 l~ol"'l occu ' will commence Imllledi~tcly,-U.'Ig,.ana1, of dermOD wllk wbleb hi• •. , . li'il)c ~'QIIlfllllOi:lll l f • I I a e Y t h e 1m IJ t III W lie I Itoo tl U , • h ... ted my title bour upon tile s\.agE',· I honeal· snll'lc...nt dreaml. fur Ihat leOlll1l t.6J bo II clshbor. are all wclI DDel JIIUI UI III ave 'wbll d to I ttl dl meucngrr. CeDCO 1.0 tho hr t 0( day wu 1'"'*1. C e 1y corifeN, a ""Ire l tle· uotieed II not Ille ber chlel ple.lulo. Oh,lr only hid a to 10u, l' tli L cnbearyoonn: A~e Q d llh .u e~ldoe to nn. (afr brid." who 1n ...., .......... ad , 0 om 0 Qd , .oun e li re'l 0, It ' h .. -~ rt ielat of my nl oti ee. ' motber.' To BellOY Brown flom Iter Jlmn, I d '''' 1 1'111 I m "0 "If I DMhins III Ille Dend Sea. 1.1l ,1 eo.......... er the u.pu.., ....11Ioa re'l" re uu I 0 0 a. m\'tI" to 0 • }I d ' f I "i .led " ~If thing" "~d 11 begillninc.1O had ! my 'I hUll no mott,or, PIli', .nell'm a very till doatl.. l t d n, tl t be' l.rI · • 1 ' III eAte alld fatigued, ,\e preplred for. 0 Itr Dleq" , wu _t fir. eM • I!C e. .. I IOU tng "" 10US, W JIIIl ted i L .... . lire, but' wlleu lind WtICft', 1 kllow ,lot, It hapl'1litlleglrl.' , rlllilill \VHJU.T, ~ the prelenl tbat In two week general bllth-.. a private party, (or elOUr D InlltDp. to ........ df tIae.· tI nOl' ,tw.y. wise fUi' bum.a beings. to 'You knew your Rlolher, Ind> your JJ.C08 WJlUT.' .a! ur et lb h t k : m~te. pil(ltlmll dotonnined to relerve thl!ir ener· lillquellt:. IIeIoer watch .U, of ~, ':~'lInd I ,""d. wblllb\ 1n itl , .tt.nge· trlce' b.c:k We.r blUOd ((It 1II1r11 Y~Il, mill CIIP~ld ~ ~e W ~ I~ 0 I a glee (or the ncred Jord.n, the of kept apoD hil lDOft. .lce. ae.I .It. ~4 era• lunt ie kmd to you. Th. Wllmln I coli III or 4Iw.UfClllplDcat,.4elled ••11I con tloni~ Perhaps it 11/ fof' 1II1 credit and /lune Nanc..-ia no rel.tlon to l1Ie, J wa, Cll&1"1'Ea ill. C olct'~our ~ ~ 11/ e: I~C:.tfu~ I en 10 om being hl'lt! by th~m '0 horor.and abomi. "COllet bolt. baL b ......... ..... ·~tio...) rulea. She beld a beby ,In ftlr re~cl, UllrJ 10\1'" IlOo Dlnn. of II. 1fT" )ean ~Id wlltn my lllcill,t!r, a w\oIuw, tpIMovertlae vici_tudu 01 ttn n Ib :.n ,ounh lUI lUI i~· 'lite nallon. The b.d ododn _hleb ' the like unl..1l tba indillOltaldlr .... '!hi tiei e 1t Irm •• wb,UIIe face ~ed' to ple.d In , Cl'Nln wllh cllftllinty. w'beTe ItpNDIU but .laned tit the fer weat, to lift .illa ~'" hr.. 111 Ihllti",e ~.reer of lab r lIte· at ~:t n ti "~me, ""d evcr :;u, w I 118 held oI,iI not, h~wc"'r. delft u~. IDd "ham <J) pair,' ilMD ;~'tINd willa mo.onll', ot to be hlltundel11tood, for .n with tb.t Dlatt«!r I ,111111 noli lrootNe lilY' ther. Wlrlhf ,tattni be... 0'1'... IIlp. "be. fillDelll w.. lUll and 1 h.d 10llr Illllell becm • r 0 ~~' con~1 lerll~ u 1 mdan. ke bavlng called I bllit. we plQn~ hb younl' fti .... bat It ....... .... • p ~ GO./I nt toll'" atid 'tUct· J'a. .cd '-'-'.L b II, po.uea.ea ..... uly. In e IJrCftc:e In a mile ' " . be' ( .L_ .......1...1_ . ..... () r "' , l~ ~I • I leI. SoIllO III lIaiu~ people h ... "Irated. wal .ate. *\th • u ....... fIlter .nd dIed U8JlWed a pla~ With ... e y·,,,ot!.. d 'I rlt With ha h duckl into too liqUid eleme\lt. PIlllu t ..........& 0 - .....leu hiDI rp C!Ili to lIer 11tlrt, wbo tflll' r w.1'6nce pin oL ••11b..... hauip Ithoat bel' reUoo. T emIr knew her friend, Sar.a., in lookln" .'!.. .he fr .. ~n ~ule 'Pl, t ~';".You may chuclrlrng llke.n old heD lin the bank, '1'IMlI.lII64I .... IIeio or ooked .. till')' ft.1 l WI the owne... of t .... of ore. which. lner ~i.llit ...hef,.....,,- Invther II "')' IInc" William. eooId 1I0L II I1l1\.1y II~ o"r • •111111 twx OTO r~ a IIlece. oupn '0' 'plenged! OllUtroM ••• tbe ....... palll.I/1OIa h,tf..- • .t! 'C . .. ,. HIt" uar", J 1111 _.OL b d b " P ........... .........~ lie lAw",. I It WOII IUd-. I""t m••, otbel' pro- tell 1M,1IOr whlmt be II,... ,"41, IOnnal ulIOle..,l1Iu Worll O~lt W,tLlA.... H ~ rip 1 ellv... u II. or .......... If .~.... lG~dte lor or Illelt III10W ....... . . . . IDIt . . . . .. die wcwl4l. H....'. mt .-biGh abe rn~d tor lhI aooil they W onrnow. Irom the aeM.ble w.~ '/If ~ .......,........... ....,. .,. .• ' It, ..... ~ mothettt .....,.. . .... IItIAr Weft .. I',d t', ..... " ' 0 . t .......ea • ,l'll old pea.1~1t hi,.. aODe JrUOd eye. IlIIml., ..... toIIfI* _ratlll fro.. bIIrtr. rattle\' •. , I...., ...... .. • tIat. __ .bellied. nc\llillu -, ra..,t . .k'-!If 'l'1~. he ~,:laUijii1 ml, )'0111'01'- hi )lftce. tilt lilt,...... btl_ of _""!"'_ _.--;....,~.. j





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-f!I 1.11. tne 'lioiM to r lOa.." ..... I / .eteillble tnaaId' .. wlielrii........ ;;~:~;iiiil;iill ~ &e • Fr......: I d, .ttfr It .. Do1Ial'tHt~........:.... . . . . . .. ,

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...... .... llIhll. will 01.... th. . " trtuUa. or law Ual,.d ltai" upon:!.ho1 IUOIal, Johll ICHllllw'm l .ceattnt tire .ugptll oa of Df.trlot W, A.b....cI. · The ~UI'&b A..."... ~ . of .... ,DlaVict At. . \Viii a~il1•• ad ,pr~~t tb~t 'it i. the In~ntlon JIf'IIce. comrurt ••ld lin end .lId th~t 11111 alJhlr. u( lI'lr coun. of,J.dlC lI"lIt 'to billl .elld lu theD Y t9mf In. river the A 'new Ind hippy wlt~v~oil(jrate .pelld tow.rd b~ c.rrl"d oli barmonioo,ly to the- ill 10111 dorilt-elj4! clrlll~. tll'llId JII'1 'pl,_ .11 tJii'"pe'... qbar tli. M,. , . dlr~clloa -:~~ii~"~;~ri~EIitj~-;;~1;- mlyftelln,. 4rlf. l ". IOUlb-w hl~.r. of clreer hlld commeaced in ' tll~ ;-of ,u oili~en.. . t~·the Jed ',,1m pIIrtici, .tln. III t1!e I~tll aaror\l.. ted b, " • IInijte \Y.f~, The lun of rrolperi ly. tha p~"'(ln ",ho w~. perllll.! ., _~.. ,.....,.... ~ : '., : ntite ·o utra,. at · ~.t1~n~. , It .IN, . "rt. qold lo pe~~l!Ie we cllelo.llall protelll 01 ~e I R,m, RoAD FA.a:-F CIIla tile .cl.verti~I!' fur jl dme Iil~ fJl th, thlc~- 'I\d 'm~ky Iho_old b, found, tbEl)' 11\/,111 ,~e certlll.cI 10 ... ft Inlr, ... ~ . '" PUR TERMS : i bUIY. "a1 Jnt.emper.anl;" (urm • • lhone Isaill of tllree perjlOlllp which ub, Ibe.. U':I we . Guell" U Ciucillna the I' d III IIlC\I~ m' ot I v ' 8""rOIl It, '" •• b,v , •~ , "ou" ;;. C;r~II'lt t IIe U lI.e The MlAlil VISIT~. will , ":- , . ' ""r - .rlya UpC?1I her Iud cuuln'" " ""mlcaI r " ,80me " . -wa " . , . Cinclllli , rrom 'inilllni ,n.ting lirilliaut ' ali to'with t4 ~. 0 II.~ ,,,'1111;1, 'b ',111 t'ne b' ~.".,.t, Ihe I" th.t 1!)"flCt I : se"e Stale., ted, ~d. ~r wa. , I era lind l acrl c~r, IU y to I1n( a year ilalloil-t1Le rel\lized a new cre"tlQn. ' paper aUached lo Ihl! d the &tti of e tb' way tho ce.on bl.> lild .....:.-rr • lei I SprinaS a1 ,.. in t _ paid If me ~~.... . a hellealh a ..,r!ll W I LAIl AIIIl ,;,\V..ElIl'li·FIVE c.t:II'n the wonderful panul'llm " . • • ' ( at. the proprieto r . . ' . eld • ' . 'B~llIg rullyJ8al,lafioaltn I. ! • n Dly~on rllll",IY' "t . SprinKtl . be.J 'fte.. and, " c'p .. • 0'fO or t aI 1111 that lake ql.~WT Ii, 'I Hlliafho ' .TV d when l)I Iluarll a I renort d , ••n ce:' 0 liB DOLLAR ..• /il) f"1" •• ' ai' ' I ' . • d . 'dc . eou· ' th ll dOKllery Bill! h'4 ullpranUiple ' ,mOil II18, T\\'o DoLL'II . h'1ft. . IX' dollors; the rure. to . the MI11f' 1, . ,Ollly tWIl , " " .. yal'l~ye;;IoD~'- --: •, e ·yll, ex. pill'd' \VII ket u dU'l'I" ,III,Y Ica • an . m ~,eth"b , ". were ~Ilhemillg I.\) cn~lilh hClT ' nO ' Will Ihil~ulld Millrrii ,ren t 10 e • 0\111 "'ul~, the by 1'lACe c1.lmf t lOt IlcreedIVb.. IMr ft . , dl YjlUr.. ", II lllC I ui Edw~rd I) 1'ip~" of', \Valhlrt ,lon ead, ... 'the !If at I ,h08t1 . " ' 10 b 'Ch tragediln . uflliu t ' ' , " ' 1 an,lasto ulallmell uence In ' ng I u e I t'll Ii 11 " 'A : .,,1110 U bllllll 6 """-8 IInee tbe opell' • of .eve:Ui 'lJICIoChilW8 or III t,i;) h am tera , W ,0 C', ' r' , U scnptt.,.!1S or eas t Ian one year tw~ dllll~ra bnd a hlllr; bu~ II, jq\ltry mgl .,... t om V-.I lI.T~ \I an tIll! uii1utJ1ic:d'fo~ uUrid. were a prof.a· , • • we .lrollg drill!!. llie delcrmi'lled thut notlling 'P ' .. , I Y, the • • Dllm· illg c.f tho Daytqn ,Dnd CinciQllaU Jot y I liB lime among I 0 !let hotl Tn.t:" of y n i t tll. c skill lioin tlrio. ftt " .cl~ntili , willb" nnd lovelty . ' oat I I of 'rb '" h b ' II" " tl 'd ' h h d h I lor gl ,\ I lor, pt.,t <l 11I1 ,I " b a .• ' I,!ve ear I e rumor, I.~ l e InrI) on t I~ should oe wanting 011 . '11. InvenUolla . coa'liliin aD •of I 'wi. Jllr II I" ) d oudt er. drow t antI ' no \'IIf f at .. ~ 0 W~IIO.lon "lulllno I' .. dohre 11gb liclllT foot i the ' , 81u, COllltnUl lIelibl!rnt~l)' dowt"'/) \\'hole r... ve oc y pace . ' " I ~. l " L. M'. n. R. 10 tipritiglillid h.. been reo Iho' ' W Ie I we elCen e 'tV t r tIJIl PI!I!ij!. I ' O;::7We \I.i11 {umi.h the Viait"r• alllillne roOl'I 'OC blUuun tu be PJOpe\led, \h~1I tbe ,.ir., ~n" . " .' .. Ie as tal,ud Dl tbe oudicnce • whoee lhe Iioulea i:liurchea Iud ~ IIClx · ler 0(, hi number ' .. . 10 l ell' ' (lther o t1~, to n.ol. ~ut " ~ dul~ur' 5 Iwo Clun to duced aerwo .a '. mean .. of l'1Ipld trln.pOt1RtioD or M,,-, . ~~~taln· or 'II 'd d Grllhllm ill.Iki,·"recltlie ,lIaaacnge ",Mell tllln:e ,mher I or ,. ." ' cOl" , ( him cou· I.ught"r , aoon .I.rllea "lrII~ eDd droYe II r!'porl. tlltlt ,fur t,e ahe "VIII c:onr,ernt!d. , ~: ' . . ' , .' III proporllon. plllee., •• ' T pplng " It. r. ... y one llti eDg'lne of tloe Book, Y Lad),'. Goaey'. e e.veir a Icl,l'ue or W" .n , .IR"t',' in the meintim e niael. or up tuktll, oncct ehould blllubjec ted to Il taa.! nomll, . ,.... tb.1I - P' ,II re. rl, I. t I • JlprlOll ' .wen'!J:Jil'C! &enid tOllla of ,Ihe it Exc allnl Ion. 0 c,we Irue. be allcollu. ln b cellla ' I lve, ' lI ' A twenty·l by Iteam geuer.le d h' ,.lId driven doUar. tiun thrtll d' cOllllruc for . t",' il 11 mucb ' , •• '. '" II II ' I I I' " If I I ' . , Bnll\laltDbbed 'himaelf ccor Inl), I e ' '''.,OlllY . d 1 !)nlt , , IIIMf)' 1l~lulrop e. or 110 than , Sprangl ow tI •. Ihe from cold wa'er" to , . <gO' ' ,to e proCHI mon: o;ou. b 1I.lta,,\a J . ad au" ",I.-.. 1111. I unwed. \II alilea b • r"II • ' I I;OP n:, bla 01 her,eex •• nd placing . ic dignity II pOlllblo,under tbe- clrcums lln· 'llIh.lnvarll~b'y 10. ~l!nce. " eld. which i. lIine CtlUacled Springfi IIU .. , " I' W" " " , ' , II now uato ,,1)'00 boiler. to of dl'" eelt I~ Ihe. • .tin l . ~v' ''11', ) ' ~n .~ , . uwe , fo Uft, coverlll&- 'hie f'ce with hll robe, '1'he 'fnj il her.elf at their, h.eld. ,h., .~t Ollt .fur tbe IIIg. ro. fr m report the ir Now more. miitl' a wllblnar or'tea l .s:-~el ~ a N!lElY O d d 'II (t,e f of ruit. walked over, to tllO ','1'0 CON.R~~p', e,r ! "I"" . directJ~.1,l1 to 9 po ~ 0 ke" an I Rout ~eeinlC hi., in oharging puat!(eriou. ,lpclluy . The proceaftlOD we have'lIlo al churn cotred. ag cent;ifua .nd mter"lu , mili Oil ulIl;ny h ' lclUonl. 'chine e commua e , wrllten mea Il1lJ 'took ,I l smur at him, ,'th u¥ l:d'fhe,.n • IIr.· rwe, • and propOled lo ·buy thll III lalD na, wlthou a trace proelrale • It'"d" d rna unfalrne... Ollto Ihe, perdone dlreclh' i sudl tilfredh it.b In CIT Ilareu eat I ln tne ar.e .OT aomll lOrl) !a welcome curlo.itll tl}'lJ and ' ' find. will utility . I hlnb'ell iuhjectl b Ibe i 01 Itlu,hler of ' b ronrs ' Iii ,. ·)ouJer l ' " . CI 'b ' ( ' Will the n" on id d h , , • d ., be ad .. ·1 • II' I ' • f , thefD' tI" colDe OUl bf, -ill\bi~ N ' U hi" Ilenon.I ..1Il. I a I e ar, e y PQy fng d• b,airth t uctlon ' lecon. I • while , ,",,1 ere. an 0 mNtI u.' -:- th I . ., ...11 " a procee 1111:. 'lor, ·weal " ' ., TI I U . umos. "lit Ie.. l · co reo juined. "whe e IIctOU '1 the ule , III wa. ra fora I. h .. Ih~n eyer ' In willcll • ' I, •. me. l i ( ,.' .. > - - In \Vernul•• tn'ow'h , , '~ ~ !' " " of .11 ' • e.~ln .', II)d• ot II tat r r ' a8 hon.) bud cuI 'the ,cord IItt.cb. nn e ·1.. n,1 atill ' Inel.,ed tbat " , Ii. , " moved olllho aI' e Durina' Ihe per~Qrm· ~ ~ , tanall .,. alau woy u(our Ihe an)' ,, in .. ' .. bouIting naVia.lin '( thout blt'!' .1 OO;"Wi lq t1 't he ~ "will n Ihe .tteudo, ~\l0l!' PO on lllt ,pre' writerl. or .nd 109 Ihe aeck of the balloon to,:ll.e ._ , .. , '10 elm.lVhicb l>cpny prououl)c· ance of Upedlli turH,' Ind other 'won. they wuuld purcll.. . it '.\' co.t, "'11 In.t \i,e whUle ro Ilreuee 0 It! pr,c~c:. ~uw~oe.. on whIch of letter. AU ellce YDI. conaequ lP'" th produd,.tI 11 Jecturin tl/eir and Illtend. e ,belon"ed '0 (lilt ablpe. lind .,,11 Sullivan vli' Id Bairv bY"allo I ~I air Ihe . . , h '. dr' 'Tb d ' ' r ',' . • .I ' ' d i e* ~",l luav " , t'd t at t .leJ wou '- no~, ratlfe ua~ .' tille •..•. ,'.' b It' ' . , " na ura a,.. r, roual)' ..tollillhlng doiaga. _',Ve · fnl JUS~I' up to t Ie lup 0 t 10 nellll1,. 1. flow T~II' Ill\! ce wll"a he ,'il' .. rpltlln hil vlClr l t \!I •. . the aubiec\ .pal ! d "'h' '" h '_J' ·,r . ( ' L ,I U1mll Min Vaneahofl" wei'll ~ullly p' ut ' but of m... \ f' pOI e . . ~ I d ., fi .u~~te. I wu . T'" ' a.e 1 ' " " ,. . • ..... ,. pUrt; Y OUT''''J' Iftk. R .. , lilt 44 ... " D.llYlUg e. e parachul • ,ven un . • aat ]Joy . " 1l~Z>- our ~1fp .. . t e Ia til I~.tJ' ~,n ,t 0 II Ie . , LE" ' ·s .1I lor a momen t- at lellglh.,,-Pod , ' '11 bII ' ,lIry ~ I\lllI1g th 'hal 'd r, one of P411I1ne" ) h . eci1In~tllI.nee"1 -".~ :" u""Y 'P' negotlll I (. d ' Mr " R 0b,rli. " ... . h • ' ' OJ collr.,. • lit 1\ WI '.' ' leo 'I of om lira lVII he: re ~ . \~ ,Va wltll on, p'roc~.ill the of tiune,. fallin g rroUl hi. bead. lad throul our mutua flep, ,leader lbe UI'I~er~ , cailed h.rd work to iDd .nolher Couutry· Print· ljamin, Rallal Curti•• an IIlIIiut!nt o:::rDlll I' , ~ ' dC .?I pr ,C o.c~lated ' then to llu!"roOllll:hta ,- L i . 1 w'11Jl tegar4 to Ihe c(\mm~P(CIIl.t.jOD parI " thal ,and filted up,' tht utmoit deliberatioa. entered °WII liO.II~.: II lawyer ul DoitUII, hnl b.~n nomillated ' by , IThe PIlgrim.' i. IIlItirel, 'Itl.flc:tory.~ iag Office••• well 'rl,ged . ' uf thll boildinll la whi~h thll obn~itiou. Infe,t~)-Ihen weDt down. ' perlOnA, Borne I.. oflloe our d U maao~r, tia".me in lately. ent Your pll4lll'l,l Certain deal" WI8 oWr Pre,lden l Fillmore to Ihe .e~t ~n t~t/ Deneh • .lIl1d 1I(llIr Ii fow In. frightruJ fur c,'" t, one . UltJtja, of t,!te p,.".(11 il tbey c9uJ • for .~h", i , of U8 10llt •pre.cllce 0e ollhe do ~f '."0\1.,., ,bave u.keiJ JICIrticuUlr pain. tu lIeve'rage wa. d"poaited .b ., no' ~ vou b , C.D time. , due illprfme Cuurt Ie ft ,vacaa in appe.r ~ill IIkin. of r,l havel,ea no -\\I:e UI. u ... ;If ore ,e 0: ""'-'»&.& ~i\~d ~~. Ihe .. , in DO , ~ad kn~k to Itavo I efforla 8h0111d WI) e .. eH:ectu~1 c bu~ tblt ';1 • rcpor~ \la,t the,olllce wue ." lit. Cur• v..I ' t Ul: II:::" detlth 01 Hon. Uwl . tCb 'II . not Ihll lallllw. \jut thllt .omt'tllinl!' jp thll. way of a, "our .aal cUI' the hoopa, olf the Ihe II IfI; of the ,.ea . tl mllny more I r. • in,. II~ for Ulei~ ",de .l1d of C)ur ' ,..,e-J I ' lr , I lI.d.d,lI , .follllwer pclitlcD) , •• I ' 'tid . u 01 ~r, n~1 1.\111 ,!.e r jlO beyond &Jam\l, 10 lill. 'cily, ,upon thl! fJoorQf ofel,ea~e, Mr. Chambera w •• e~~r~ , Behrlll" ..,et bee", "ake, '!ld our IDlllenal. w~te purllh: led lel ita ,delellab le coateata fony y,,'.r'; ulli. ,·.but~ecelved thoutj~1 wa. and. . r.vor Weblter Yolir on U'utl-a~l',.I1P G. a~:Ya are c.ut, gilla We en d, h.lfdlill\ meanall nglnel4 . . SlIme . atruclure! The ~"t h,~ tbe Ind ,c:olleelc of Icq ...... T~II bamel railit at the BOIl' 80rll would be .c· mID w1."n our uffice W.a fir..t ~.t.rt.,di 1I11~ Ihe aceuraeu . , hili attaiaed .• ,'ery hillb ll6 ( ,g Ihrllll' out ";lora ~.II~. I. with , employod ill • milliner ; e~to,blltlhm"'~ in .'\ lew lOore 01, ihe " lme ellc, 0(, hr.r faIr attellllant•• l"nUKh . , - ( " , l. wlloae ,namr. ct:/neurr n. a c!oncul~lolI IIp''r~llu ,in ...'lrauliel dl.1I nOl.cbr k up' lilt yeat, nor been ha. It • t) nd de&cende~." 1101:8 , " c.p~idtltc II,e / OC Bu. 1011 l ' ~.p'·ble . ' tor, ·.proprie the, .. ,b , c . bOl\rdd . . oad r P city illY thl, ,ex; orlll~Qry bla lio , but produce nD}lefl; \l'ould it lien..4'e , W I. I theyknf ,.....~ ' ~"' ' ~' We IhVile lay , '11'\10 lII.y IIiii' hove \heir Ihe O.',ly h.d ' 1111) ' J h.' v ... n.I·.! ' ' mar· were submitte d tu tho ..... ii"l. are Cl)lhollck" alii! of eOllrall . J. M. Enwun e:-We paci/ie, ViI. n,ot commo\io!\ t.o their - ;.0111, .wIll cit- • e_!".... 10 '!i , 4;" .ud are doubl, \\1 wilh, ietl vun mlnil.lll I;ompara • our to 'Iaud' rerrd flould ",ilia· who onll , inqui'7' . r u ;b' Il !\ ~a ~ner tI S... ld. . ellt ,m eat ;Fritlay•., 1\ .,. ma41l can' C!olD' out ot NUll' la,e.lI.nd the .urrl.'undlO, re;ll'"' :rhey I any "q'" of r . '~whethe W~'pple "'c;.~ John IV,al Oardll,' li Cuttid . l\1r .'Vi.lthl n printlng for C.h~mbe erm' Mr. t ' r. Fn. n Gardene Mr. le.cept'o on f.,11 1 . tbelabh ' ' ~re willillg 10 alliwer {or, Ihe deed ' .t ofth·.w eal 60 8".N bly.oad thIS hc I"W erMt'Cr h ......"0" to !COIO. 1I11d '1Ie,' The claar,. ",III &Ie ......lied .ltOpth er by of bulliit U",IIl,In. IItid lIed khooe "'Iand. -N. Y,': 1~ibunt, d '~lIdill' (,to .t~e.: W'[t'l~ dava a~ \be~ be,.nd hili )yife go' it to rOf' bar g(' their counlry 'nd ,lhat of •• a ell~ on me, the ba,. pilrltlon 01 • • :;.-,.-__' _ _ __ .. -' h. p lUI. W 10wilh wor" "tbe ti'throlvn o , IIind whilo be , _ 1 Qlh UI c:.rdl.QC over 0111 car . of pric. the Ihe .' ' , ,.ad.for , ' in(luli~. It bl'e, t h e lighten.ed community_ . , '. ~ ' I j p!yia, ~... h"Jdl, oIoOCliYe laow he co~d .;l~ ..: 'rhe &lrl. Cal1bot . la our on Ilid 1 ,bu frie~d A ' EXEIIIPT FRoM ~X£,CUl'lOl'i 11-1 " Y' • a,no PRO~ER'r ,qr,;,ers. d ' ' your .. h OD "' (I' sead w', Which "'Ih. Itorm, "'''.~ mlY ~o lhe 10U os/ .... 'Glhered f "', mo .- Irf!J .10.. and Bl'X your ...... brel\~ ' !bi'j rememiler wlao1o 'lVllellll~ led I!!l ' ' '1-, . . '\"l" 'P _w .. loa, "buth 10 'Second Anniial Catllogu e of lhe Olilo Fl!:' ' Jllllr, reade~;o By · ti?e ne\v cqIle of Vir:\uil , tile aO vllil!!lIce AI• •re "'Ired by thlJ ,..r.... pd 'of we will w.rr.nt IItillacl rrolJ) tile.,clrcu\atlon, ,gNat IhfI are IlliIl'1. boti ,blm. ~ad which h, ,18 la ilutloo Tbe·ln.t " Cull!!ae male or prlc., Ihe IIld work lbt oj .I\at of the properly exempt (rum exeel.a ie r I' . eucutlu ttle 'd" r'e e lh " nl,,,.de h~P'i,IV Ireatme Ihe aJe .aro~lId JlPt rxpecttlqg'luQh ,• 'tlI?cq t ' the pOilclQ'l'UI. 11!1"id-re!D~m"et it, i., Cilltin· . tl north.or I"'e milea lint llI . , aCCI Il Hill. t ',ur Colle-p milch lJ aI d at So . umllna , u .tl d ' " ' ' It \1' and on. the lame. k ~ II . . . pecea· your .tll LO put ,• .veto'!pl/' ll 1he bare, ace e . ,D' . t~. no provlll!on In refer"nc e to food. 1i1lCCpt . ' ten"lu I witJa .H .• · Clnolna.tI:-Yo~ IV>led in natl. 'h ,11iI d,.IIIDd to obvl~\e a . e ~II I , WI • _ . bed.lell ' on: . r.ow, OU\I, ' 'Cla. e u .I'UIS a t ,~n II ('6 H. : , A t .... Llilln ~nol 0..--.. I lh.t thp.y a~e ,to bC1,boa~,te4: , .ll of IIllprillclpled Dllm In the The callao. .., ..... I~ ~. • ..,. ttl .c .IDI 0 Chllu, 'Ime, that yqu b.dAoPle ally , 01 'Ieadia, ., tbe young laalle'. of the persever ce nllcIlMwar"be<!d\1I1f fl'r whal 1... · - • lettor ,lOme ,u (am . loth. to .lIud" to It, ,s!'I<,e Ith de.tracti on, bj or work edll. , ' ..,... 'J1OfI,l!~r~ ~'Il"dea, With ~re meeq/l ~" ,\lfe do' nlll know their ror ellt, thl! to Stale., IIX lurb. 'l~ ~lIh·~., ollr'coillmnll; if tb, WIItero ll' I t~~le. oue pre per.on e I ~f ~art (;111. and ~cornini livery one of, .the &ex, 'w ho ex. lV:a~t of prudell~e on Ih" N$lUrllttlt,of Copd" en" rll''I; atudy ia e'lo.1 mlll~ 111::t0d our I\ve. two d.. hu, two bllllli. une pot. ~"tI OVIII~ .rticle i. comp it on, , All O. K. ".tibn. 'l;'h. CQ'UraII of ' ' ., I,md. the p.tronlg e r Io Ihem, ' Ri.e who •.~y ~I~ pr:",,~ce o~ male Ibo of maay in l'fOOft-o{, .wtliQb "'" brh~" rarward" YV:r: . ,ueed' w.t to .uperlor " . : , , I here u we DS~endtd, the _Ix' piece. uf, ~ooll . ur ul)1ern w.rt'. ~u'" , A ,Band of ~obbera. upi 'O,e Wbmen and ~)" ul1i~, lnd p,erle. eubd~q'iently ;-WII_t~ d c..IIIft, theD"to bope t1~at 'SOIllO i compo.ti 'l' il f,culLy ntt ' . Collefea 10 1I0t lacluded PT. 'H . B.~We '·c.' tled~ ruu~aI "'I~~t luom and hi 'ppurtellallcca, olle -I,llIall" nrh'f eff9rl; ~xpel Ihe ,m on.le,r from our nec1l of lha b.~luon Will lott (rleD~ 04 eoudtry ...... t'\ll.)' Tb~ authorh lel ot ,Jilhn.lo~a"Pa .• baYe hne.n eaJr."e d be.dln, fo, the aext vol- lome of the bt.t eductllecI."'d , nlOII\ of ,I e 81 , ~ I) \V1i""I. one pali' OC cards, hlld ObC axe; Sre cle~rlng Oa handkerchn,(. jugo .nd weill o\,,by bhp abuled cuuatr, !-1Vayn e country ~~ ladiu Jet be .,Ie 01_ppo rt life la ' thll .... lo.Ii, cll.covtted tblt tJ,erlh/l" , .ad ntleme'D ' 11 ' barrel.lI ( Ctlrn. five blllhelll of wheat, or one ' ' , ' Ihe'bal/oon Jlaenllded to a higher and , . ' ~and or robbtrJl cpn.ilt'l lf ••1 al. ' thi WMg ' ' I 1 ~ biW ., YetUfD -by We·,,,ay ~hlcb gaa'IIeil lIorrel oi Auul'. two lIundrud puuada ul II,. P Be eric !lIna' t atmosph the '; e Cr. E Itmosl~h . , rarified mor~ UIM., a ove, or ' . , I Ii, d by lOme of ti,• •rreated, I'IJIB yt!JI' JOlin, 11' b iIe f I. _ .. ;t/j 'uor ao or .......If'. ~I lrCIIIII ll.:~ COli or pork. ,i;d,fiye dollllr.e ill ,.hie ;uflllr. MItL~ua d MIlO"" 'expn'ndc Cln· io Ihe lire .Ieee: preddure brclm" hUndred ",bo'ae ' hull· quarter. laee 8lDIIDI IO tlle ·CuA,Ac ". 001· tlley.,. '-I II.... • . , .en 0 lOY .l II < Ittead.aC n DO . ' JlIr" or hlY. ' crali.U : "lid they llbe for lOin,, ' time put .ekabwl edRinl lUolier, Ii wu an' .lJ'eciing .ceno on S,\\ibhth rup!/IIY; lind, ti.e halloon ' bUrlt, " , Ina I OD tho r ep. e t ce commbeD . WII whe .. Iket4-~, ~ , ellCII:Jen Pe'1'" .Iarmlng all 'tbe to whell 'tb'e inmatea of J. been ~;IiI",ltlif d.PfllrlaUoli, or l!dll or Wne 1,1'1""",;. 'I·na'th' ~ rbe takln\: ,t Quunlerr"ittl1. Qllpttar d 'Ic'Ift i lireak publicat ion lif It In .t e nellt num er. Dlrp 'o, Bllults .. HEA-.T,- Oll B~'urduy J b t ' .J '; ' were c.Ued logether to IJ.ten. In lnr"" '1' """ n;. n~ "" .' ''''' r Id eatl I " 'Ii I' .• . 'will "I h ch fr.,!Il d: ' "h,tiOOll. jT£:~lSu ul"n'lullil tr)'inij' 10 tllke ullr city by .. Iorlll. S\,ucc. .. le,Dt.t, °h nlUlVn ..ann"" tV It; I )';hlll~ M G ". J f~mllh '.of ~b.aun • IInldr OD their "~r to examiae leng I , tbe regular Il'rvict" , WII C . • onll' tbe Coronfl~ ~(Phllaue ,p I . Ie 1l1le4, lieu , U ng ioane 1)( uur 'chi . open t e .ta~ u u , the r. oor., ._ t', pulb nn u _ \'elr. uf Jy • duI. rull. 'ltf. witbliUI me: .·1I6 ·t .ny .t e Klnlnian d I I d ..... w"uld ,Satah "iv"lcom or ' ...... LolL body . t tile un 'We piece. : t ' I lome IIto ' ~. ' pr,eventl\ II' h , ,. " ' ' Ii • .n, ' l uu. U i ~ U' I • II."" .. ..-,n Whig ca~aida~e fur tbe olll~r lhe disappointmepl t~e ' • bel~1, Ci h ~ h •• Ii •• . ' re 9f CQl1l1l in il F C ul.pleuu lhf\ to h"vilt, .. lelll belo:~n Irom 0 e al"lm •• con' f·lnh 'lbe deleg,te . ·hil. ·tbe IJjlpO,rtoak ,- I\' 1~1t ealrll tl MI . VI 't ' R H ' Circuit Ju d-.v' t ~ 1'"t .. ,.Ibl•• (rom Ihe Sl'Ellcta "}III-V, w 0 a" come ege, the wifll'of A tlllnller 5'. · 'A "r , eee m a, , ller. .. d eveft 0 ... lu"" ' to bll wee their :, with or. llae ,81 ill Iml murder . \8 of or ....... , .-.. nd ,be n-I !rIlCetl ' dne.dDY neen \V' 00 ureated tl were codae'"te flncl IllY ' ., " . b t .ttead .evice. and on ' '' IIIlIt' dlltrici. tllil, In .0..... -uovo', ~"enlllil , FtldllY 011 uur II1l1l1l'Y. eit lll counterf Cinciao o. ,'or n 're"llIello of goodl PlrYl, ,who died at , hor p Oi-ett th'lI beaefit of the leculld delree. Wil\' ,. ' "b.l!I!', be \llelr .. I h . to lin,. few rioc" (or . . F d .gallll ,. d." JiIi,t, to d lr1 .• lldo\). WedaN , n, mODI. aue uI.t I ' '. ~ .. ec.,at lor !'qilactl 00 .rl ..,. n jr I.~"I' • mnn 'of medluin . ~Il(), drtlAlIIld In rath"r .... a R,.D. H~rl.n of Clmton Jd' ' etA Amoa. C u . .. • phl~. reU ....... ' Pllllad8I p e ,,,West , . lillement II mo~1 ' . d Iheir: of , 'b lome .. " 'ling I They , . · ra~ .. .on pr let." ..,.~, e lOUD letr OKI. ~ " ." "lIat draw.. • I L ............. ' .t1 OD , or thie . tie.. ' PeaD), .n u,oney ~d _ e' atyit... IVlill ",";"1 Ii J hn 'talb n, IU.,.crl II,.. an • ver . .ndlllo'lnad I'e ' J h . P l' •he.rt. 'l'heverd ici "I\. , It"'lla" of which rlll·d.n,tl, from a q • _lOUrm ' of IiCIl 'iJu,~ IClJrDer cuUII,euI a"" I .. ... utb w".,l1 CUi U,. ey. h18 over office over. Hie to· q.--, ' dfllth r her , ed".O d e '~ on .. or (lie Cale Ittlribult , , " , 'J lra Mer.., I tl l'l. lo('.'llei DlDID.. .. Hb........ "_.1. .ad ' mea tJ!II., I I. dr ,&c ' b-t IIIIID .ad 'COlumbl ••tree", 11111 ' Ie lar to ,thIUr" .beep thllOr, call.d' In.a t .... ~- .. the ent,.... •• B . cnulell by ,'lan. 'F"I d ... '>0 (the iirpment 'd no .we... .. ..,Inter dd JI),' andr o\\' ItolllofG eorael..o Clllalllll il,wltba lIumLN' I I\..iIIlIP_e I . - '-Id rhu.bln d. iohofhe " convict ren. t ". ,"110re Iecc"." Frl"n •• , •• ' i Ridley "Thllre 'CDptlIln ft ••,,; A"II. u ¥ _ ,very rair l'JOkh'i fiYe.frune ple.l;ee/ wi.I •• aT ,)f tlil/lr, bn alt e t.u ,!I:-:-We I " WOOD I 'Y00D ,,' , " ' " In enry 'lrl"l,.eyory grief, ~_.a Y "" t . lhe •• u......,.rJ81~.though wlah leD tor the MIAM' V~~IT~a. by I :~ho rchllile 8undry 'Ill It 11 lui. or. Sood-. lbera ~ 'l\b, iug'lo'pu of It Do Ithbae if worth ple~d, the. a \lt r ru~lher' .11 ll '1;ls,,-Th fIW1Mdf ,A,IIYEa To "lleer .lId counael nn~ defen~. bUII.utlful nora~1e to ,be _ ,h li'ert who oa .ccou~( Uncle s"ni h.. wbo~e tlalllal, correapo lady wood. ,Ia 'l~n IOlIle ,or hi~ "rUriOIiI eoill ."t'\II" lrd .ub.crlp h.'e aad t)leirl for ~Ith 'a IIber~I, ope? gu,hmi I,ur.e. ot tb; ftill~ JOIl" gUlla. Per- &:II pa, 01 .11 w~ e,'er ,.;.{the chief: of ,btt" ptev.llll 1i :!!'hld •• cOY,.!d not cr~n l,· pOfIil1 h.1I urten eurieillid, our to·uchil ob· .tq too uhl ·.nd ,I{do't core portlc. WISh we wu .. George 1l'POII, qD 1. It ys: bylnll wOlild ~ow.a:da the of ~\I~lOelll ','lira ~o 10 ilie -y Ib~~ ,,' \Ilk,. "",!Jeld. ~aJJ A , lfienili "' ~o. ,wulch!og Irom obov~. ill our p~~II~h o dWl!ftlel ue \0... ,.Ide of <Dllftm • Bar, mll,at ... a will W'e ked' I k , •• 'I • cblu'mu, • hue ' ,; Will L ' I 11(,llher I bad o( l'hf belor~ tai. I aapply. ' th.: It'cret or IUCue ... tile ,phlll)tlo wlltrod. 8int" i~~ti"gul.hild. "'... b_n 'qul~, tbe ruerl to . our nad,II' 1II,'mber •• ~m by '~u.llier£. ClUed ' Wh~n"'''~ iu (lrrore path ;:.1 ' in. let he t , .t k .. of, IWI UII'It ' YoU ",.y Itn'; .Nbat 'D Still .ought us witla rel.rOYlnt"FJol)·el'::- . ,t.tioll. the ' bll' ,_ I .:..•• ' , ' L • M'omentli.: : ' 'II 'min ,who dara. , Dot ,e In t II cUlumn .o f r CI tbat leore iend. E '1'hal , , atbeItlYtlrII" ol.."r, 11 ..'11 Iran". " .. , 10, ...... , I'• 1... . • "''Y ...."btlon \va .,. "'e , learn A ,..,Therll ere oyer. 011', 'h TANT.: rellhe. ,IMPOR e ' w~, all~ ~Vh~ !r, nell"~~pl a, ' ,ccoun.. " .,. lnl n,\ ' oa ~ • ... .UIlC~" Qed Admir.l tter ".,i' 'be nq of Wit e9ues. . dBoitd6n "'h elieenr , . C 1/:' WeblY I lllm,g:It'' WmoM . • . UI ~ ~ebteIJ IID 'typeno~ - hl!r"dredIiDdf\l , I tb kno",~ hi' lUlneea - ugl1lUf, ". he"bad nlll bellR ~ a;,},J.ted.-lAJ"~ tbem. . Jltive,' l'ImteD I 'lDad'etb ' -.hloI ~liil .. 'ihe holluwltlg ' alrafnl fell upon W~o it'oa 'I1IS M,.....I ,VlllTOI Ii' ., qr e te4 Jour. ' ,01l.ml1, I~l , r\lie rO( tioD lubAcrip for ' . ~.. at •• ble "ElIII. the ; O~ .&."B convich /I'1IB\ 0 • Ihe earl of the wretcbed 'sua. . ."lIr.......1Id J,kncrw \lIat 'Sir ' our of bolr, 0-.. th'l1 Ulore nol ael •• -VI,itor ~ . , N aUolI.1 Monom'e nt \Y.. BeaaAln', C.ptl H~~lton.. Illd 'Mr, B~rro.:, 0 r ,teari. long ,dmlt k up' b, Med WS~ IlIfbaCl'ilMorl) hlYe , pJlid . aall by 't)!e firlt af . nn'" i,ht. thee! alia~ty.e 0'" .now nfaed 1ft I. umeat Itrollg II NOOloa niany 0 Illd .11ege ua~lled will wae, faN, crime .t tho1t' I • reet , huadred ~ aDd Ji.\y: doll.". handret1 one one be WllIt wl1l We it keep.: ()'clober wep; h ina d beild' hi. prtilld' man briwed III:rll nlh , and we ec:i!lllil,.of prompt meaibre ltwltb III ",9 notber d!lringa DlANS: ail. I IN , THE ilbout BY 'ACKED 1 AT, ' urn , fJ):0 The beau\lful white "narble, with . .ct/ne. SI!o"ld·w e fail. we mu" look \' like'an inrlnt: 80 ' .U tI'r wOl1ld .. ," r.ced I. prucured.,from Symin, . Is y nlolderID Oct. 7, whlrh 8T) luppm. Jh::: ' . could To i1;natr. ihe fhal or oar' n d we coulo! oDly u .t·t"ntl'o' 'hll c.11 lo ' wllh ' " ' ..-,..i'e h il . ' I ~ ~. ' 1 , " for. OIODth,..provldlt . ' Ne"'l from tbe Lde to ti,e 19tb' Au l)o.I . . '1 IUlle biU, 01 coi· . ff ' t ... vfrtve' uurb",a counlry· (Ion nUll t e !'«'i1g, 10n'l eXlenlive qQlrle~ •• bout twelva lIIi1el I,' , a eepl ' rtib nen our'read eri t", lUi.ta~el, maat ' by 111 on ~mollonl ~ulllclellt y ,to III their lixty.aev en gUlt-!lill JUII b.u receivell. " 'of caet' ' . yuur a\ re. aquar Baltimo \0 rtOm you , , . tfC\lIli' ' I Ii 110 l' . al I 1'< k f in the l.. ' • • . " "''''-: . 0" I , , I •• {oot.. cubi,c per ' cllntl tOlllb, .ppllu.e th! Ihe v. o IIb wllk,w boaoOlI • rew6ril which ao n compen_y. o pIC c.rt. ourt,en D DUJlJ. ' t .. ' I , fa II.' lind t.. you will bo . min lJ.Bllllja tM'uDdI .. l :-On ' Au CIRCUL ' ., , YIDe~ , rjm~rt'~ Or BY,er,re,e a.o t the ,'Auwlllogr,pIlY.' • ,&'Uf I eatbueiu lic Qn4 "dr., pM-d ' muhitude. diluua , -.1HI1(l6q oJ accoriPg .Iho ,ber.wen ! Itlacked an e1ae Gila Au~. on ' o. IEye. . " Power' l "lattla rn, of Leli.noa iq tid. counly. BJ.cllbu r" -,' .... o /!itolu, , . Q. '"'''''' , Bllt fritad~ th at eYer e~.a'~.,nt prnv~ our De Ver ,. . W~bop~ Concorie a.' Illeir \ II I"vex"" ·Glorlan "tI11Ill the FUR ".all roed, by .bt,lU\ Alty IJldlana I"at 1VU whill~ to va (or ill.IUII. 1'!,ilclll obral-l " ! . • eat liP • cl~.. u'ar b, ~me . o,q e. t D J~I 0" . ~ , .. t h e .mbtJ ~.., ,, la.. -,,~, to thy UlejIDory ·....t.:;..!t I IlD t;t I wlll eICuI •. u. lor, Ihi. ,Ii III II. ..... ,·b ee. __ L"·_ ' 'SOtA, ' ',,' , • " forwd ' I ~ bre~dl. wbo' Ore.d.\ ~a pafJ (roJn , , 01T r'eland Wlllt"Q ! Imp .1' i Oa,t.anl. l '. • er. ~weedi.l arcu with th" to 'Tbl """"" o'et tbee W"yd~ ,'. bnURII •• prlnL . Now wh.t Olat r •• alld.hal, ' r Eaglalld .in '' p.rtlcul -I' ... .i..-~. a .... llwllIl)"'blll,~el,and ,~t tbe ..r • , behlnllth wu eatir.e lr uninteDtioo.1 oa I860.h ml.t.kII, • ,fM.Yt . .."a,,u 0 lllhird,. b ~~ th lal,oath ClpePo ' ~ ' • ...... lln .. 'II.L ... De • C.thilrl maJurlty . e \ _ ~t bu\ . no~oub' round eillhtor,:k we'e','b.wildfJoWe" we.hDVe b~.inrl • ';'V d ' I eraIiCaU deed It., IIour re.ader' la tllIl I!OUllty ' .re "war, 01, L been reGOyeredl.nd i. aow In New York., . ' I t • Iea I~ ~. -\, "IIb.neIoa, ' lIiY "'lIUi"an , .... bl ' mly ba tb e mue,,:~ Wb atllver ..II an d' Ill" •• m. -r ' I CAlIRiit' \ " \o .t .... tr hI!. ; , IYj.h o,qt in the Dr:lti~ Ichuone r Volo' I"liDder ,r t a.t ' t h e :very ... ~ 1.,;.. mll.,-r.·•. ue'rdurM, "' Ioters' .bowa,' but auppolin " however••\1!.l 80m.e11 . atrin •• •• ,Iance. t har ",,'lIOn b.!la, arrh"d .... - " D ' WII c.lll1d Ibe Mllana And IUUl'110 ',t, /Llte 'La bella K k pow . Til'la COUIP I",,10, In _e'lUl I 1 ' w '",ell' b CIIl)SU ,did n,ot- rI. Y' ,I coacert pI1 I I 111 d " "' t ~ I~t 10 tIes ~.. I • '- ' b P~IiW'y to them baa n H r ... ' 01\ uethat a Womltn o( e.xtr.ordi. from C.n ."lIa, WI '.1 W .aL I UI.'Ina ; we /) 'It underata ' Ho~.. e In , II P 100 on a u · hUlpble tombl '. , ,Iline cOllt.ln. II" Prqaf 01 fllo that atllte, ~ thia fin .. pr~uct\on (or our ~.\Iye .rtilit Conipally frow ,llIIlIoi,a. .bove ave, ,. ,.... , r.tbllr ,I. ~gure Her Deed bo, .lId UlY ' IIIIUI' gealu.. nary (,y : about 8 ••000 worth,of cd took Indiln. Tbe .. "'.. annoollc \)te evenin", to doy Injury k IURht ' b e. ... , h order" iood al up.' d ,'000 . I b I. ' , I ' ' to sup· tbe medium full and well tfiniabeol help "f' m. • bill •• ell'. lle.lOa. lae did 1'nut 1trllh . III , DI • • ..... or atatemen ta 1I1r. ,Olac110111., IIt,•lmll , b" ' ,e I d twe '1 liOn', pro. ' . lua . " . pedeltal ca.h. I r·t ca. e , I. Y the .illata would the IiIle80f lJe~ut~. Ponre U., ugh tbe,80lt aai! b.lmyai r; In" III the Star, for u town. " 'pictl!f1ln a port e , l if "', I i . .There Ie one tlli'lt, thlt pia" . ' la,ughi~g ' Her halr 'lli IIlIub~r.lIl. · ' curlihlr •• nd. llf • 'NBl" MilXlc~ it ripple ~oOUlaili ~hd 1ltW" ....lo"oJl• .lUI ' mhon Arrl\'ed St. LOul' RqIlR;" pll1lng '1..0 dollar.' for ·\lr.ellse, .-The i ' I h color'. In tbll lualillht 1t h et6 .ubura rlcb ~ d / ' ---.~,. .. _ ••• , J W, IIIn , ., 'P thllt .nd , 9 I1nd}lrl\0 I ere; h I aiall ' ,II moral~~tll8 ....Jeetwood Iel\ fu r '11 thia Ii blue·b ai, ~e , . , pledged 10 DO p,.rty. wh,leve p but be "olden. 8!111 h .. a Ilfg~. aort. c~rul"an can .aya: infurmed Ibat ,I t~C ft ,ute le. ()::TWe LuulIYU 1In· anything ~~lpe~l. be ~ry v CiD ", p j' lIever .M~ country ::_.l.":"J be Tllil Iky, 'I blue '1 cl flf the bright h ' , Medicine elillbli,b . eft'. a JrOO d aatore d mOllt h•• nd • 'm\ e II be CIne more "'r, ' T " .......T"'III ouraell or u•" Ind ver hold .(0 the electIon h"ld ,,eet~rIIl', 10 Iulb,. ia readipe .. 10 priht, hi the tioll tillh, 'crack 0' doc)m," wil out • "I roe ,'ize con"',lI ' tree _pi ,her In ille. . AIOO' ol'lunlh I'IIdl.nt thll COUIIIJ' Court tn...,'.ub,#ri" we thilt pl'-~, what ' ia .nd mellt' th.t With I j I Stile.. tbe , ~ .,. "I' • trunl h " , ed L . ~ , ' " ' , r f •• , WI' eOJllwin , wit. may Ilat p,ouant og ' th 11111, , belra,I shll frint}ng II,.. Jub 9 aail~.d; lint: • ' h ,PaeUle ' . . I' h be.1II ~me out 10 u 111' OOO,addjtioll.1 ItO ':he be' glvell UI, ao ~ifterence of. wluat . l!.rty, Iwr"g ta ~Ii lbe "lItbuli um peculi.{ to ,her COII\llly' .h.lI IUI,e" •• w..l.• aj,e. UlIJ'udt~v • NoTICE $. aJ' oU,t, aC llix .W ':"'"'1'. l LI'I'~ thoulead Ilundred d ftvC! to I 0 o I tw lrom lua'lln 10",ly bed ~ • , ." mea..' She II juahucl t I womea ' u fIIpet """pie. tho prillt. ~~ on!" mly . -:~hll perapnbeleltln" ' ia • tlirivln .. conditloa. In pi Ice • . , f 10 t h • t tl Ie II ngu~lIe used • We hlte. received October " tbe , JI fao r ARS 'pa-inw~ be 'l'ICVL whea ERPAR , Mnot'e. roRTH Tum to have I.t ' bl' a mem r; u 1 , forever! 68.000 me ..en. aad orille "rall'rs d I! on '. f G d I I N Q RT HER N MEXIC O, . " .. .. .- 1.I ' Buppre.. th, 01 the M'I'T.oa. one ul the mOlt: v~I~.ble tbe fair d, ~ua,hte", or,Etin -" .n ,a /)., I ,)!I, II I " t~ S. 1 coiltra!}, 1I0t ,. '. a1,. , w brurhter mUle,.. ,.Thy ·feet aow 1t,llad. D {ooli.h u 10 peried , N 0 man, can be ... p I' , ical",publilhed (or the yuuth. • '---A ad aun" to womlD' , ear ' "Nzw 01 ......', Oct. "'.h thow we.1 Man. And weara pUled ainee at Slxuny 'heep .nd. woollen f.cto- . .eatiUle ry v d ,L • • • , ., , I ftum Btuwou me to t • !l.m'!.· date. loul·f.1t hne • HII We for II e fit e I~ orse ea counl'" IUPP°se, ....t webll b AlIel ... dllt the .. "..' I \ " ' 'J , '. 'lno , MIDnLn t,WII EUL1!I II:-Thill ntcr81 ng All the portraita of 'the S,, rerreaen t \Yould lollow tbe_uc h"ltock '" ralaiul lit • • • ,." th.t we tnay pu I .II I wben -e pub , ~J.. Ibe i~y, , A mid tb_e circle • . rew c,oaduct ed.beet••lter. much ' oC well aor' .ad a • ..... .. HIIn oaof e~or, exprenl 00...d aD par ••• with int.!n yery l ,..Iel ber I e.lre weN AOII'Il' t I .inl.I. C "". ",a, R"olut! t ' .... , . B The ... _ l 'J'?~ • 1tritb '''1.' will, t .. I 'Ulhmo. way • "'wblch own our f.rmin,: I ,,nd "p. w;,.' .he if thi h ... Ota, wwpln .... lld.wlilowy louk - ~.,. (roUl ,reuc4 (by' u.) .b~lIclI of aev.,ra I t&p,.._a, .. 1 t ·..·ellll"· ..... Chaanel him , 0- I aK' . contrary .,.." ' nlaUoD o( 600,000. who e.i mJe ib'D once vance had betn III b. ' M ' • In " .un IDedll \ta.ppea ranee. 'T h e . . 'to the, broken wlilla,o ftbe Harp aglln b'aa la , ' lOft", oo_.n 0 .... opllllon o~n I• ollr ot. pre. . .. to, . el.muri. , aw 1 tllinkillB 'J. ~he lon 01 w", lI,e Ay,Joe h t Ii."nl!li Hines.l he subject. . _L/ .j~' • M. ... . clay' , .nd cannot 'u Iha MfticaDe l ..'",.nU .110 Into Jon ..' SOond. belore btl th-r ,"d we alWIY' con· blem' il. wl~out Jollin,••n emu , till t i ' joyoUl, ' U I I D Y " be. ~flta"le _ploy. oDI, liOO ~lIn. ' .a u the womeD .ad c:hlltbtl JI'el!, a!itorll but . TI'.; ,' , ~' 0 or w.y .... .0Ul • ,-"-a" bOIllIll·." lmt .. to the former, \>uryll\l d.y, .. vereu lie. at lhe CeatN 11 'd ~. I ' . 'ace we lI!doni Mell, wbile her Ipl. nu tbm ceate. OJ'" .. . . ". . . "III, tor'Brow a.vllle. • bo welllOVRht aftrr. • ...... III find the leo impllaab le ror 'f..r P'J OD. II ea. I' . a .toa .. or nlCrlptlon fo mark b"r 'tead • ' .w think .for . man ' , .D A"IOI' ...........poaed to ' ''''e oIf'lOIII' of condemq ..,.., - w ' mell~. not " ~o We and O"Crtt'OIV ill IDimate~ - -,- ri'· ''"ane. 0 t'le -',de ~ircle or fri~nd who yet ·abla,.1 .. .com to OI)W " t IJa t II b ,' t ....... wlll,.be' lUre nllt to \btl d ' Ih l I ', Ra,•• III.oPe. eo, ....... . O"er.t 11' 1°" b t ~ N ulctioU I on com ...,... we I ' the but i b ua; lo ~. ... b contra • ia" gr I ch 'b I ng. Iymp.t y Wit a evefJl Ing IIDf a . . .'# .. ltD.... II) aee I ,open ' '" ry. I, u!rmemo . n cODtiaua e t be to 11'1 f, . of , i hIIllt.t ltenrll I. tbe very V;{V ' , bript. alld. (ood, lOll I.e.util'ul arllund ber.. lD ,tbo .be,i".i llf ol,JD'y. ~, coald pellwa t' t In lIs preICil coateadi llg .bout uiGea. , No two men. la th. citedel a,' W."!.w . ARRIV AL OF TH& R£8CU E-DIli'detained ers, .11 fQf Y. wOllldll .re Bh.k.,. . u bert T.1le but tbe- f400 bor..,a wer ,Ite.mer . , -sene. tea RI=hU , TRUL'T IYJ: PIlLE. ea .n. hardly ever' thlnk "xactly anke on Ib~~ a,flUlb or wUUI.llbood were coatiemoN !JJ Court('. ..Martial, ltd .. canao\ bel dane. tblll 1 r., thoullh If. Oct. You, In t~e IIIt1'Uy quiet vlllip of F.yette... !II DOt think it r[,ht, ~o we .od t1J,,1II. to bj.el; ~ IIme'ltI cce.aal a mlud aad lOul. Her ",.rm UI.n· bad their .enteace part of ,rlyet. Peanr la,..)( lhe .t.ean\ET ,cou1cl . be eJEpet> TIle BriJ I&ncue. or tile Arctic . . to Indenu r to ....\tII op\ • penoa dlJfereat ,lIIe. la ,he Iouth'w eltem Ell_GilA .. ' ple•• the-Ame rlcanl, .odunle u Tbe famil~ of theae ufortulltll.ea wm' at" alflUli. ~ to ull In tbr.t!Ir weeki or II' lIIonth (ollowln& the becau.. he duel to Counl~,. Jodl.n., ju~& II, re.lly b. bat .. Euap.. dOlI, errind a\ tile '~. M." yanl to the rro" Ibe foreilla pre.. overrate h~r focal. pow· ted to obtai a their ~ " . laeDCe"be \blnka be could .till gel . ,. with c.nt..:ell oe occurred. opiaioG eune ,tbe of It .11 th1aIDonalaf. '" or 10 ... W.,.. h.ppen I. aot .tey n,hia . rorcluri ClJDI'I!1:A JI~ CJl.U,ue I eenaatlon ••ad ..uoa. 1&... up to Laoealtt!r ~d One of II\()ae heartle.. forma of our en. ab. will ' , D. ,. t .M_. The taI.oII b001l .nII ...tlu..,.aata~Mi' III • . • , ceJebndO the thadD' eftDte Liad. J~1I0Y. , to ty, oaly ecolld nllocall aucceau comeaie ~ IIny nte, 'o~me who, wlali 10 obtain their livin, by de.. C4m)Dlrioa, . . . tof G, B. O\a,lOI a" . . . . la ,..,1 II • . IG' tho cut we hay!! alWaioD to. lile "1' But 1tr~ take the libert, of caut!orilPi her on thel5th ADlliftn IfY olb he co'ltempo -'leu ..ould ...blt hilD to co.m~noe ear· J lID c;ompoaeci o~ fi,rteeo lelter'~r hnIGgh:l feUcnrI;t lbet, ItNJlar little • ... by iN tWa ...... lII.tter • b., .. 'Debold pe la, tem ot but thq had Iaoped 10 nin. ~ 011 the 20th 1Itrit\, w ....... .y I., 8 ••, 10. ,~, l ' the • ., 0,.....10I I • .nl!1R 'prlo,. t Ilttanded ted. - t1ble buelDne 01 de.lla, OIIt Ardellt S,Ir- .,aiUlt the mlaerab l' ... UlUltna utn' 8Del, lethe very iI .· phUely "ere ldlldleth fire 0U _Ieted . ' oftbe four July St!l,ej of ,prioled In !!Ill lD iD advallc:e.of bet .po eo 1 abOul your owa rklq 0. cillelcled Ita, b.d the h.ldibood tD the III..... or III forclllllllGlhuaiu ' . , " •• 11. B. I, 6. ~ tbe of • rIVer The Whit DOlllia.til1l electioa bid illliletioa of • bad 8oged. ODe rtt:eind l,aoo 1II1bH, two •• I 1& I. peuaDCI UI.C, t .. o . .n..\ Ib\tle.~ their ,.. Io~ of .1· for procure, a1t,lo lDOIII & COIDII. order1, ft'BAJ ,BE •••• Ih .. .LOP'l' ." , AlmlVA Dualevy C, Tbe.1a& Julaa Mr. ,aoo, ~I\ '. 1.athac exllllpl. , and wlaoll, UDDe~ ID IIIJC~. but u I wleli to ill tbll 8tete; • Whla.,. to ~a q....U FaOJI CHACl u:B AHD TH me- lor ~e Wbip to ItIPP<"l u thel, ,If , H.~. '7. '7.10, H,Ia a kind of reu . . . . . . . ba"l11 . . .1,... 1.000 iClI••• 1 be· CC*ft to UII 8be ... Har .... of ly I_parlb IYU thi IITB II11 I.. J~; Problte of oIlce the drIq lOr til. e of •• ..s body f , ... tllll1 ' ..... !lal II. . .t.lll1abed &U"",.D raputatioD ~d '....,• .,.~•• ad teltlre 70D te 'my .nlO; . . elreu'l.tioil or the lUIaoaa liquid. Haw You. Oct. .. P. • . beeD hall h' dllnb n ..., JllaeklH bat wh.. . ate; or itretcMr .. •• Ott lpea a iI a 4. 6. 1. .. ..... 1I0Io with tile PiU" Io.....u Ii ., ..Welt I ....0 - .... 811d ID' ., \tDIII tile fanI 01 ptlbll~ for. hil ·1'b......_ ..pOlalo~ 1 ... "II, I. 8, 7. It. I v.1a clilpily of '" , aDII ooata_ .." ""'III\)' ...... .... tII ....11' ... ......,.. ... 'ftere ...... . .,.II*i 1......u .w alta Ge,...t or . . . . . I 1M loa. the or lp UJ.l'eebl tbW IDOI'III"'....... ,I"IQI .-Ia tI ....... .Akb . . ... . 1M,... ..... " ....... ., 00. ii' fer......., ... ~ t.o ...... a ra.~,.,.Gt 1& ItIIrei .000 fa ...... . ...... were other. eada .. lloIa ... ,.,.... towua ........ ..... ....., ...... " 16, ... ioU. '.leI~; 011 .... 1rt& .,.. . . . . . ~ .... 1M ..... or ow tIIe .... of Ll ioI\lCIJ c


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.• . , . _ . .



...,,.. .





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Ib~ uL.:, ~f LyoQ','~






lculnlioll ~


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~~ull'(l Ihillndrilnent'~llked

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W ....lltl~• •• "

.,....1, .....

. . . .~.. .:~"..I*#.



I {






Among the dilhngulsftcd ItldlVllluals \\ ho have need tllle valullble rcmcCly alld r"cc.

I:h LaUISj Oct 6 An C!xprrlment wu mllde. on Aaturd.y eflmlng, wllb ~hllhp'" Fire Annihilator, on II two atory' frarne bulldllllr.erected (or the oeculon The building Will IIlIca wllh cumbuilible materlili. and > well saturaled wltll turpeutlne Th. l'lIJK'rlment proved a rlliure. Th.... were ,upward~ or iO,OOO persona pre~.. n',


~N T{fE UPPER ~~


LoUI •• OC,

1.he Upper M'.II~all'p) II rllmll rapidly at 8t ", l'a\1ls. IIlld at the I.. t 'COOUII~ the '0\ liter wnhln two reet .or hlab waler liI.rll. and Itlll nalnf rapidly. and rrllm th",. duwlI 'hrre I••even to II,he, leet .t Ih. Lower. and nlue to ten reet.t the up


per Rlipid.




Out 6. P M

JOMl'h B.auy. a wealthy merchant tllil ~\ly iJl~ Is,... "ht "

In lh. Slath OOlllfe~lonl~ dlatrlct. 1 .. pll SwUman, lin IIldepella.nt Wlllg, IK • fecud o~er D )I H enry. Ihe rei'll" ~hll. ca~ihdate. liy 201 IQ~Jorlty





~\ll,.&.\m! NEW A]tRAl'fGEl"E~T Ii 1I!\lllIlS &. (.;0 AilE I> \LL\' ItF. ltnANQEMEN I i'l hn, o lito 111I ..lIe "III C<lIYllIg IlI r~u l Irlllll II ~ CIU.d of Il,e dir.ctor8 oft Ihi. ,haltle!.. to 8\'pro" I • Ie , I ~'I'u r qu.rtar, ,ow.rtl" lito (IIII1UII NJ" \ OUl( ,\ND Pf~.L~l)ELPftlA. !IIOMQ "hv ,lralY "'~trl~1 .chool (ul,d> lIy Illw Ilulir ~cry c~(cn~IYC "IIlloo8U 11111 8101ll< of No elttr. chMru~. w,H I;c 1II1llie elltlllr~t th080 FALL AND WINl'ER GOODS. II tho dlllnQt 1I'ho ~ Iwll, rij ~d ill 110. )' Ira! lind ::;ucond It~adcr, wrllO allil ~\ull,. Ihe i\nlhllll\.t iQ J abltlll tlxCtlpl fur liro ,\1,011 nlld hol\8e rOil I IS\Al> J ON~ ,\.~ II c~Y~Jlc. 0 10th n)? 911~



t:... ~



Golden B811.

lit QUI.. 'f .lO'MUt, .ANI)

'l'BIl fiRllA'l' ItPlUlffi





W AMUIRIl:rOlf. Ocl At the IIn.1 h". I nil' of Hellry AIIU. to 4iu 01. tho c:hara~ of hbeilln, tbe Wile o( )(.J 'l'uclllnllil. he \\ a, beld to bill In 81 000 to Il!.lwer at lhe D'Ic~ll1brr term uf tlte

, olce fro.

JadlaaAr--Mol. B,l..


1)rln,1I111 Ooort

(.)UJ.nLJ>\Il'Ol Or.t

a"lVdl from III.hl~, to duy' we leun thlll tlu! rlllltld Wle vl.1 ted b, • tfe



~nellduua at\»rm of \1: Ind and rum on lrle


or Auau~t, whl~h destroyed lar8e 'l:'.ntluea of (,,,It, and thilt pnocl! had, con· I v lllftllllCII,On IIIq\loJllly m.t~"allJ, ad".nced

U.U.TllIlOlli l 001,'7 ¥c.ttidav lIIO nln,. JlII:hard 'I horntoll • .. II 'PVrcllt jce In 'he Rtchmon" -otIIc:e. wa. .tabb.d Ind killed by .notlter boJ aimed Wllllet'" CudJipp. thoy had a 4Jllicull1 III th. thenlre on 8at\l""y nlrht ft~ met In lhe ItnN't yeaterda,. when the ....a dtteli WI. acco'{lpl~hed olldllpp


1 r botllq vr IlK \jQlllea lor NOrU", n. t


J J) l'AltI~ :::'Itlcinnlllt 01" corll(r of rourlh and 'Yo/uIII .In ot) 10 ,,10111 nil br~ur8 IU' I I l1li oddrcllsl'll



UR. O!St.OOD,1j INDIA (JIIOt:.AGo<.VEI OR 1 liE ell RE 01 hyu IIl1d Agu~, 0111118 £ ('ver UlIlllb Aguu hll~rDlitt ilL ,u.wRomil


l~ nLfo' yietti L"ct ~ .iillllllnt Jnllltdlcil. 1':II10rl:I)II111111 \.1 Ihu .Llvor l!lnlafiClllonl uj tl v ~I IC~\\ nil I n I U \~ri ' " I"",\ a 01 nU,.lllU:; J) I Il \SES l!IIIA IIlVllh rLla Ille hC11 ~ \\'118 IHUltatad Iro II lin 6XIOIl •• y/l "Inelleo of Iu,orol yoar.111 a 1111 10UI cllIllat Ollll'. lI.vcr 1'"0\\11 lu full 111 UUIlng l' Dvur IIId AllYO II! al lY .. I thll di ~e..e. bbuyo nnlli o J I I" Utllnlly ullcoll( II ror II U cur~ 01 t l'Vor W 11111 ~Int., J alII dice .1::111.,,,01110111 ut Ille J,,1. er nJ~o t<:lIlorgcIIlclll b l 'he l:ill n callod !IIP'o Cako 1>1111 tho vurloull 10ruilol [,11




:thUilu .. ILI, Ihu otl Or vorled alkC!lIl1'\S 01 , lIch chm'llllll "n811!" 'rult' a DurlnlC Ibe IUI.llt cOllltlic) I '1111181,,"1 cUlleo .ro. til)' lII odlllO.1I011. 01 lIIo lAme dlsco~o utili cqU\llly oon'rollL.J OlllrClldlnll t1Dd 11.llIlul, wwta by Ihll 10tllO r~ a ody 11 0 III urnhb'l ul tllq Ololagol'll); IH lUI nama IIUPOt\M .. upon 1M "I' wilh 11 nliht- and dar' topthar LIVClr-llrQmOIlUIl fila dleo\tIlINIl \If \).10 J I\y thOIl/;~lIIla wi,,) hovo III1tld II neOO 1I0lurlllQr and wu had IlYon up al boR! eYer rai."'1 ".Idullce or ita vaiullllluD lUI IIDI'PY rilslqrallvu .UlIel IL i$ onClrclr e VOlllll.ble) prop.ratlon, our lillie onll AL lenEth a trilmtl advhacl UI .nd m"y be Ilkpn by 01) 0110 ~Ilh purfuut ""/til)' lu 1110 IIIoot dllhcalU con.lltulloll In repeat LO try your ".naparUia • Reluclantl, I "led it, ud 1118tftnCCI \l hOB Il~ull adllllllllllCrf)(IIO nf~" I' lug Illnn I1IHollilt old .ulformll ICDIII att.cks lIud I have rca.on 10 ble.. UoeI ('Ir fI, In I !V1 01 F.vtir 8Jld Aguu (\lI(lal" ,'),8 cmlre 8ucuoi. Llluumborl •• a ln ~ IUIIC"1 oonHulullunl groat IIIIItI llnae II h.. laU up tlte'iorea 10 lb.I ...... Iy lmllnircd ,.Ild "PI drehlly rUIII ~ 1 by • 11.)111; rU8,donIIO III a blilo /II 1:1l111a18 he, 0 boon enllre It Icitrcclv oyen • sear LO lit _n W,--trIy rOMIOlCO "1 ' 118 conllnllutl efhtlelll 118C };lIIigrllll18 til n "OW COUlllrY by ,u\lplyin~ Il1ell\ regret tbal we did nol lIe~ ot Ind OOIn_nce .~" •• wllh Ibis cu(jdo olld ullllil tI,u SUnlO ucodnJlrlll h tile Jlfo".I..,. 8 aCllql1lponylng QMh bol ",il"/l II aOllll.r ... wu ana eatlsIiH It WIJIIkj \\ III ~nJ"1 Ih\l lll08t CIII r. I rql ulll'lII (rulll Iho 6y/i¥ of oHII)ole -.u~h I. 118 bullh)' Inllu heve .~vod /I "WIt dDal oj .lIl1dnaa . . . . . upon LI,o flY"r, oJld II roullh tl .. oru"u I Ihu whulu .ralull n Oilla.llla III 1"ll\)u8 ell 1/<,,80 J ho chlla II "OW well and.ha.rt, W. lIIal e@ 'O r IHlrSOIl& ,,"volhlg II rOIli/h IM~CIlJd d IttiC,," 01 COUltlry, "III lin I 1110 (';1 oJolIOllue III ilo IIn"e.UolinKly eon.idor ),our 8h*ker IIIYarlublv alul obsululC)lr VOII !dl!YO ptirllUr. onl or til. Peal \l~.p.,.tibll* n.,. in l.\1C, JOIDi s1 AN~UU\'\ :rESTIII10NlAllo R.ce, 1la1W4illn Pronlllnd nit 1I1i. ' 01- II • following i. 010 o"'q"g tho IIl1l1 y t",..hlloOlols o( tho ",renl l O~UI! or 11.u rno\hclllc I\;a a Jemale Medtclno lbe. Moilleal ~ I .. 10urCll! I. .. eh oK "III 01 lonat enlhle ,he mo(h", e to a I.,r trial nllt! thooo \\ 110 lU~y thll. bo ~Ion 10 IIdA and olllcf 01111.... 10 Ih.. r \In"" Illdoced 10 I\JI UI., will not ho ..~ IPPolllled III ils ollect. 1Iractloe recommend and UBI ... D::)"rroDl s. F Cory r:;' 1J OI>unleil r Al r IW to Uw agentt atClnd""I.l DIt. S J) HOWE S SH~KEIt SARSAl'A CI/i 11111. " 1 October \JIll, I t; !ULLA Ilt.moP,ber It i. wlt"nted 10 be Plar l\tlUllR' S ."'fOllD Al<» ['AttIC - In J un I,..t I Will DtlDcked wllit Iha' nlOlI .lIh.11111 alld OIl el~ Itld cnllr"ly Vegetablo. and sa al...,all, In. plu""ant 1l'8011"C Lhu cllIlI. on(1 ].cvor \ . 1 ho parnxysrn. rOlu rned dally W ..... Ie ratnily nt..hclua It haa no .q.1 S. a"re J." ~lIl'e My phy.len! ollcrglc. Itod booll 100Ieh,d br a I ruYluUB altacik. o('Blllollia F.ver - QUQune lor Dr S D Howe II SI.~k" au.;ya HaY'"g trlOd: 8U.e rDII.v~rttc romed los wllllGu[ ruhol "frl lid III wholR 1 b..! tlOIIftdeaOll ree fllla\and t'!oItC no other For ..Ie II, 'I BAonllllendcld Dr O.good 8 Lnuio CllolollogUQ lllro~u rod a bOIlI~ and lollo,...aclth~ a_mp~nJll1l1 "Iill 1 CollOll4 Hall WalnutSL Clacta dir~cIIOIl. J hll coneequ~nco "'nS III~I 1 hod "ul 01l~ parOltY. I\1 ahor 1I1L1t111 thelirll \IciiIe, .nll nlll! 0 'P. whom all ordera mull br addreeeed ... y lIoncl.J halLlth lIo s ruvlJly rO~ lorod wltl Otll \lillnl: au, vther ICln' 1 dltpcneied whh ... leo by Rober,- 4i Brother Wa),nftlYiIle; I: Ih" r01l1l uuler III lho bolli u 10 I" o[hor pcnonl lunilarly .lIlle , .nd with .'PI<) rrtulUl 0110 11 Wdghj and Jobn E KI'l.'Ibn, &. Co. . .~ ~ .,1 1I 0111 had boo" .hklOII lur " lghlll1oll,h. ol\d Wtl~ relieved III t\.o dn) 'thy th. 11.001 tho lUIUI1 l\t "" J WriGht pnnqb3nJ, It 9 l>bolo;gv\luu 1 ",,"sld.r II DIy rlUl)' OH Ill. I Iy 1,lo".uro 10 rucolII' lUnd It ha \lg the most 81 Shinn Bollbrook ~ tlr~'C()nh\l' hc.llll it. IhltlUU I'0"er • ~. YQ\ltl truly l' CAR~ FOR SALE, JOHN D PARK. CINCINNATI, 0 fl\llM cOnlltllLulI flltr _end afteel\.,., Iylna on Ibe oa~L.lldo qf 'M Miami nYer, COI11U of l"ourtb anel WalDut Streets, tltree D.lIo. above Wayn.. vill. betweea lUnrr ONLY AGEN I FOlt Wllil.AIt'S llALSi\l\t OF WILD CHERRY Olark'a ond Roberl Fom .. a I.... It 1.1111 "'- CT or Y IlI.LoW 1'"""'tr S OOIW," laod about Ihir'r elJll)l .."a un4er eol Dn U U~IK1IT • JIU RO\ED .~D 1.1IurUULL4 ltv"tlon, and ilia .uwli\Kl wI.h a ~ Sprillll r e rry DRYUI V"ljcltl1Jlo h ln Killer Gild Dr Degood. l1Idia Oholftll"Jl1Ie AIIIO WIII/leoal. rho,. it alit> lboallba ..m ••lUiS (a~ JOIn Dualer 10 .11 r .lInlr. Mo,hClu.... J "w'l8und "( Dull'. SllIId • alJd JJmlo~ - ~.uoplll'di. • aim os 1111( be\"nl"" Nalban Je~ 1:M!Wo pUl lock !land McLilllo, VormUIIIZ and Lh"r 1'111 ••olt! tit 10,," 01t Cnsh prieel cc:a Will \;0 .old elthet-a.paratl or loa-tlter t:TGene,.1 Ag6nlfur tho ..,. of "owor Prea' N8W11t.Dookl,Card and Colored In'" Fu,th.r IIIrurJII.tlon III., be ...... 01 ilia •• ~ VAN (iJ,t:;V~ <kNEWl!l1JJ. Do) 1011 ~ ~ ~LINGLINI • • CO Lebanon ICriber or of NathuJoJO....... U t:. DRAKE Xenl.. BYRD & W.(LION 'Jl)'mjfVal\oy _ ~T_ JSAAO CADWA.LLAI>Eit "" GOOD WtYMs.i1tn WIJ,LIA!It MU,Llllt . Muon 81h month lllll II!SI ..





Uled lIy l'lI)'lleiau 01 RlKh KIIHIIl,

_..,.a, "aile" Grfleae Countr. 01110HE SUDSCRUlER I.k.. pl ••• ure In .n noun~ to tlte "lIIuna.1 @prin; VIIf,,, flnt! T IUI1'\lU~dlnR counlry Ihllhe lIu Ol/On;,4 a&d

die and H.m... Monllfletory in ,he .bov. n_ niecl 0pPOlttct 81011111/18' 'I nern. wltere lie ,,1II be plellled In .ttond to the wlln" of any lie In who m.r whll .nylhlnll In lila Ilne tend. keepln, 011 hGlld or "1\1 manufacture 10 order S.ddl~ of tltlfcrelll lunds, 'I,.~I'}' ,,"puon of Bridlel end every 1'.riely of neu .\1 of which bo ~'ill warrln' a. well made lUI thai ~ol' 81 .n, eatallll8b ..ent io tIte C'CI nLT)" Mendh)g al alloTI n.llce. I'nef. a. ttuonable.e at .ny olber Saddl 'f Shop IHCBARD SM I fH. Ckt 6th, 18U $7 I Y

111_ DInERS _oy, on .... rbld •..,,..tlnnt p.rlr, th. blood IIlyo rut loll....4 .I(or to tho "ptl•• orpM, Ibrtlf,lb. 'r"o" orJu.t all (UIUN .1Mqe. CaD ... 10k•• wltl> tarety .t no II",. d.bl1l tall.1 til. 1I"",al-"".1 1I .... r.t 10 th. mo.1 a.u

ceLa ,'-a.'" aoa ....~rhbl. ",. 110.1. <h..rla-, In .110raU". atN.lIth.nlnll .ad _lnn..I., pmrorlleo

and •• Ianl.abl...... 'UN . .",11<17 for

D'fIPZP8IA Of 1'1"8 woRsT POllJII " ..... IJra. eo.. plola"/ Jaundice, tl .. rtn"" en. 11,_.. VaI._.. Dltor.La ... ot \Ioon/ ... Llnr aa~ Ikla, Lou of " ..reme, 10.. 811r!.., I'~ ..ou. No,;, ..,.... 0"'4'- I'alillalkm o( Ih IID1I11i1C ,lid ~..U.... of Wol.hI at lII. 810......1>, on4 an otII .. 1"1 are .Ial. of lbo bl..... n ..~

. _ ....... b,a. ,to. whld _

.. " ... UIIO" and w.ha tl ••, "....

FE!IALES Wk ........


a 8I.. "'lelan4 ., .alurot condltloD

willi'" 1101,




la ALL c ..... OENIt!JLAt. DIIIU lTV !hli Modi • 1.. ACTI !.l1n: It. CHAal1

MI. Holly W.""n Co

• • 0 • • .:&.21.


H... tea ....

® IF A II 'll' I

ru .....7


•• \tA,_"yUle.OlUo. UAVJI: """,,un.'tIlbe room over DB Slod dl~ a.-n.lter • o!fie.! QII the ~.t 8ido Mala tko, itr a perwaneot O.lIel'}' • .., he OOID poeacI or ..y cnon w~rka, (_lIy Laadaeape "Ainllo..,) and oLlKlr pleture. Ihal nla, Ito! of lilrud lUi nle pura- .\1 ,II1I1Ooa are 10 ...1 1 am ..... preparad '" .... It. I'ortralll in Cra,on1in a,,), e w ..... allld III ..... _lUIr." tion Alter lieU ,ean eal'llri_ln dtIt braDch of ~" 1 reel OUfIIld"ot of _ I a IMI,I, eY




DO ..

,ot""....II....,.euoot ...ln."O

.... ,.et _ _ IUd wlu. .."I"a~

alld 110......... "",re .n

Vola_ 00tI~ of \loMe .. Ito ..... _

IIled ......


-tlJ ......

cal ...... ,pat.... Id a .IIU'IILET,

Live Mter Death!!

y ECUlllNG A POJ,lCY III 11M • Ohio B LI fe Insuralie" it is IJlo I",wer ot everv 10 IUIl.o a !IIOII

~'.ompany" tn ~omj)Cwnc)' 10

hi. wIfo ftnQ elllidfilil .Iwr h.. deal". A fow cenl.laill by o\ory weok- cenlll J crbapt' nood lusly ospcndod \\111 Dc... mph~ rl tltlt dOlllra bla Gnd Think 01 1\' rho cilia,. per chance thai aOllle rcollcr C:.lnaumtl8 w\lulll I;c amply 8UlhClont to Insllto ).11 '1'\\0, or TIIII£E TUOVIA"''' DOLun I Alld eo 01 mlny oth r Imall h~1I sjI!l clrl.entq What' Inl10ke al< Iy Iho" "ond s YC8 11 IS done CQnrlhually I he IInd. rilg11cd na A lIent of tho • Oh,o LIfe Ln.urallce ~wlllllallY " It l're, .. "", 10 lake Ol'Illlealloll8 " .. tilillUr l"~ i\'mual or Jolnl Swck [lrlnclplo all\l 011 th u MOS I • AVOR tlLE rElll\1l 11 II • !lOME Company undor ou r own lawe "itl. a mO_ 1 "11I~1tA[ II ••, ~Jl\ aDd In Iho han4s 01 Iho rl/lht kind 01 IIWII 1 hell&. aro 1I11)lOr IAnt conrider.,lona Itt. not 01" ." ""I.. til \rUtl !'OH'O" a 1I0000IIOl)I rur 1M """ple rea. oll tha. we can know bu. linle .\;oul them We IIIYU. all who I~ un Intl!feal in IIle .ub 10 call and lee u. nnd ""I II lIook-freoand wo Ihink you w.lIl11 ~ ure UmECTOR8c-E ~ Ham.. , Will Per 80n John M Hlaar JIIDI W Donohue. Wm Humel Edoll D II (.>eder , Wnl A GOOdman Jno N Rldgwa,., Robert 1'IJ:IIDtUCT. J::


S tiWJtIt;TUY. S. W R _ J W !tOBEIlI'S, Ai nl at WarMllva!o !!6 11







u r


New Good&


.. tabla,lunent In Spiln. 1:.a~ aplendld aNOrUIMftt oC ClodiiI ~• A rmy .nd Vaallnll' wlli~b I wnl manutaehlre" pod

RECMVED oatl now 01'''111011 OUI Fill tlnd Wul le r GnutI. II) wi.!,," 10'0 "ould In,1I0 II.dClu&01I8 01 W'ynlll"Ue ."d V)CUllIY



8,,.10 ch..p for ca.b A fire' I'I4AI . . . . un ha •• a ,bu.uoa by aRP\JlnJ WRSEit

10 c:alllUld tnU1nune lor ulom.elvOll. OOI"'I"lnl: 01 Uotha, CtuIillUlerllA, 1 wcOO. J oan e C,li _ Olll/lbeUII, ~I Whit ~IOIIl. IIIIl. 1)0 tolnes 01 vvionl p.uetDII Illld quell".., (ur L.dle. DrllUCa rocl. yell 'w 1IIlJ "hlte FI.nnel.. 1.'1.111 and plull • ID I"Y. bguroo Cloak. Lltung , llWo.IIIJ1", brown Ilnd bl'll: !ltoth,," .llarll.....,e (;rocertul Qnctm ware &lltlour 1I0"l" aUI plv of "'L1"1",, 11l1talile lOr Ib18 marltol.

Jaly ~th lASl


1 F MILl.S.

WHOLElfALB G~, l.~of




AIm 1l&ALD",


DOUl:8TIC LIQUORS, CIGAAB. ~ ..0. ....

No... GII~ 11oU.. BaiMIm:8. ~ ~

.,. - . a-I .t.w. pall\ted to onIar In 1117 pitt of tile 1:>Iate..

IIaiII • &&It



D1Ul::D Applea

baed ud. llOr .... 1Ip A I.LEN £V A.N~ Slal\ of tlI. Geidea Ikll


- " '"T A]I(('IEKT

, HOnR


, "

-"""''''''''<;===~o;==r:=;=:r;==:''''ff'''~ '!;,i'I-'''-''"'''~'-

~'< ;r,ami1~ New,8va~er,' Devoted I





,Mec~anic ,Arts, Litera.t~~e,

to Agriculture, I


~..o.......--= \c~






'Mor~li~Y, Forergl1~ aDd J?omesti~, ~ews, Amuse~entJ ~o,'

SCienoe, -


~~ ~ ~








y~u t~, co~e, "ud










.... :

f;~ ;;-8\10rt ~imo


' 1

mll~' III~'

your l Ire t/lro'!gh ' open, tl1l1t instilled j1 10 11 . nelgbbor.. Tho , - --:- Noi IN PVNCJI. 'To f,nor sliq I haqdsolllO youth bendlo!, 1118 aile fo In her ex pnnuing mind 1,18 own noble prin. mOld expre.sed herself IIf ed flud wellt 011' to , -An arod woman, WIIS ~ ••In&, al~ng 'Ytl~,' euid he, I'!uelngly , ns ' \Ie bent on grllQ,efully IQlYardH her-his dnrk, 80ul- ' clplee, nnd tnll ght h er, lUI " 'ellr by eurnplo ( becl, leavi ng Iho Odd F.:llolVs tgelhcr to \ FooR FU~lIY: F£LLol~s.-'l'helldore Clb , Lake S~reetJ'e~! urdIlY alier oon. She \fa, face! Ilulr~r thun ala~08t~r" hili luqul- Ispenking eyes fixl'd intently uJlOll her loce ns precept,,, hila l'ct young in year., to j wuh-t he return of thcir wives, when they Iber 10 ,company wilh thr:oll uthllra mlde an plQiq}y clod;, tho cut ,a~ po~.t~~ I~tei,t liar nng Irlullee- my beal froeud, lout I do not 18 jf t(J read every thought iu tllll C'X p res- j 6eck for hllfher enJoylhenul tllun mere II would be 'both odd ond eveh. ' Somo time excursIon. Theodore Ii~d II false eet of the pnttern tho newesl, nor tlie rlb~lc ~. "I " II Ip of 8uch II Ilellrt I liB I Bion oj ench II , I 'I I j k riC ' I T ' h0 Q" d not '.l.we.!lr I , lJlOD~ I ~ d, eserve t I10 "menus glowing IlIIeBmant. eOflloly pl~o 'lI re8 cnll clve - He IVO, well pasAed lIut nurl any wlJrds, for each one WO;I' teelh-n nccond a 11:11111 oye-o t Ilrll ~ cor leat. , nle. youra, You do not knuw how I have Ere 1" n" hllr Inournlul \'oice dispellc(1 rewanlcd for th e l'alt1s he had tak!:n with wei .. hin"" the'ilil'pIlTtence of Ihe tru strep08- j IC'g-lout,fQurtb hud '1lOljlIl1lr in po rtlculnr mer hat, I}or 'pure whltel ' lboes,' .nd It , , .. I I " '. , .." .' . , , . ..."'""'==== ==========="', I "~eded your 6!mpatl,y:-~nd y et r dured [the en~hontme nt and IIw~llOned h~8 mo"t her CdllcDlion, unu t!io ~nxloo9 cnrll wilh eu in hhil his ONn mind. At Inet ~omuthlng H)X;~llt II lunny w,oy of 8)Joklllg 1118 be~d. muat be cDnfe!"l'd, sho IVlla not har~tUO~.: T,'E to 8':01'11 pnceles. gl ft, " hurn a61ng feure, She IIIJllled lov- I wlllch he wlltchr d'the gto'lI'l,!g f I'lr- 1 w08, 8uld ubout the society; uilnost lit. th e ! rhey truvded 111 .. poet lind wlule ,tllP U II , 'AIlYlldu , lind 1118 full, rICh vOice 81Ulk ingly-but thnt .villl .weet I'oicel ila 80ft tu., in hor heurt, wht'n he silw he )iumble, ! Borne mOlllollt it occurred to 1l1I0 of them ' Oil tho &r6~ IIlage, dh,r ~aeb had made mer· try worl.d Iba~eploonl over Iiaif. century. " .II,~U MOAIEN'f:S', i!ilO \Iel'per 1I~.lleS of moliUlcJ:olly-'1 hove : clellT tonee slurlled him like the mnaic oj' loVing elll'" hud 6'1'0\vn 1111 IJ lui coulli l thot the w'omon wore \lut ruther laIC, and : ry IVllh his nei~hbo~" inllrn ltV" they ,' iu~t behi'n d hl'r co~e ! vo YO,u,f'i WO~~tl J\ OUAJ.Tltl! . come 'buck to ask your forgll'ellc8d-1 do Borne alTal/ge, fnr·off melody, ur the haunt- wi h-'Ii lIudruJ'1I11d uffecliolll\ e "'allghter, 1p'e,ollllill It might be p06Slble thM they wrre 1ugrel'd at oach hnltlng pillce til affect the -1~dle41-il tterlng In ccllan~e!llile' Illk~, r1'lt deserve it-but r co,t1d not re8t ulltil ing etroins he loved In boyhood. on.' intellige nt Dnd I1ccc)mplil~ed womnn, j In a closet ncur by. He ~po~C"hI8 thm."htl 8ume 8ingulurity. When II11'Y came to like ne~ 1,orll butterflies, Wltb HII,nn'. 1 S ~1 hO ', ~ . Thurc ort> 1001l)elll~ III &~~,~es • •lblU slon l u'er I rcsolv ~d to come 1111," cruve a pnrdllll f;1I1JI 'Albert, let me lell you all j you ,mn,v beloved, by all, \ ho knowlI her, lor tho nnd the oloset \VIS opened, bllt no olle WUH ' broakrllBt th ey ~~·erF. pIA,~ sqllln~-andl lln- l?,prtnt yet damp u~n tho m. "J'heYI~ere I Iho edul, , , YOllr Ilwn 8Wel.'l iii'S, lind t~1I me-do not Ilhinll It .tronge for me to teli, unBsked' i kllJdncHM nnd I!ltodllels or hetr disposition" there; DIdO tho ' bed·r,\ulIl WUB bjlened, olld II I g'Jogo CAn no~ expr.... ! how ndllllfilbly lhey youllg, IIn~ tl ereforo lovely to 100lt ~t. A. 0' .., nrth a wI. ~~ps Iho al.. Jdw ' nnd WIll nrrJll k ' IoU k e me ' wrete IIe d ~orever,can you gnnllt . ' IlOW I have loved you-bu~ I ,, ' the~cd, I ~. · "-d - f,Dr IIICY, " II II went a \.ue- We " are sorry,' to ,- 01 t he age d womlD,' ,WI. I' the vel" I I. rIven lind th\? many 'url I"IllIt and endelrlDll' IInol- poep ul:"o II unuer bUI ,WODl~1I w\.re I ,qUID"" "I I d' , --put I,er eye qlluiied he neath • , til be f"ulI'II tilera. \ \ . ' -,0 ,~ youd th~ superlalh·e. At dinller; tbey 1111 the theme of their III timed 'jee ani! 'i.Lel t I' ~ Pl.,; rl 1,.,. n OllS II I LlU n ~ 10. OW yJ \ • IllS pene- - I see • WIth other eyes thUll , tho"c of I itice of her mind. ~ \VI lUU '1110IU~O~nl~lo: , ~ro",... , ' ( , troting lo ok of PU6d iollate tenderllesd earth. Liltle drd Y0!-llhin~, wb Cin 1 plt!dgL:J.e; grute.t , delighte~ 'w lli l l' lel'lftt ,Hnvlpg 6ralisB"d fiPlIlilllvps Oat ,11 1\,011 B~pe3 1 cd to have 11, ~brk leg, n!,~ their conduct WO! 10 J!\d~lIllale nn,lllllbecomlni, A;ulIlm ol:...dout.l~, WI,I I llri!:lu 8~1I-1IIlh l I.e· j-the fniry heud drooped 10IV, lind hellrt~ II ed you t~e symplItf.y UII~ confiden,ce of 11 1the want~ olld aorrolY of tier e8 favor d safe, t1ley ""orll about 10 resume their seut. stUlJlpina about ~ d~ more dlvorslon thin "I to IIttract theattention of pere~n. pa.· ,ween. , , , (, " , ll'lIyhed forth In n bli,mJiIlg' flood or tenrd , fri end,lhe deep denl/lless affection, that fell"w mortal., und8he .ppoh\ ~d a largo DnU c ?"l'era.llon, when onu or ,them al'i~ec,l Ih py hstlnt broolt;fut. :A, tea they were alng. True. the old lady d!ol Dot walk '1'0 ":~ li l(hlb ,GIIJ Ih" blotl.Jc~ 01 tlie drOulI 'Y ; AlLert wellt on-']\fy Juurest fr iend, why Illvea :on, and brigh~er gl ow8, through time portion of hel time alia fdttll to deoolfbf witll a 8u"".n Ihought ruahed 10 ' Q largo ull deaf, bllt at R\lpper , whiah Will at th~ gra.iefully, MaV be ahu"liad worn Djr~.1f 1'1",'11, .". b k tI I br " t I .10 you not "p ~llk! YOII wee p-you Ilro I and ehunge~the pu;cst 10l'e u 1\·O.iJI1~'& charily in Ih" flbo~t'I ot. wre'totlledneRllllr~ tub Ie, adzing hold of the co~ering_ 'dhip' lit Dover, ellch Ihon redumed bid l out In cnrlng for jUlt .lIcb orelture.... tIIey 'rite lip r t 1!I'>e~ GO , ) 8 It ru 0 lor l u~t· 1 . , • .t... J I 1 ' th ' ;, 01, Wlldtr Ihough 81rDIlg nro Iho I"C1l1l/l8 Ib~t · ullhnppy-my horshll r. •• Iwa Withered n hpon ,clln give,. was gIven to you-nel'er to poverty, She <ever lind II IVord of killdnell lo! th erA. w ~r" both tlle 'wil'el niccly hud- C lurocler, t 10 bcuer 10 pity "Ia part III a -we aillcerely hop~ not, , ~P~,~ap., and ,roll , hCllrt Lut too ton der aud IIiUlI; I Cllnnot be given t,o nnoU,er.' '. olld consQlatiolls fo~ tho sorrowing II11d died togetber und or d ie table, looitin, 11,' furco they h 'ld concerted emong tlrem, hO,l perlllllll; ' .ho hlld i1'~at_l'~, groee or ~i k~, IlI~ fonnl crc~ le(/ 1,llIow, UlJuVD Ihe 00''011. bour Ihls. O! my (rief',J! DIy 11elln will 'r n ~e(1 not t('11 y o~ of the doubts Bhd welry:hcnrtetl, wh" prOhO~ntel.t' hllr lIume bew~tchlnlr 011 two youi'g IvivPI knmv well Wh en "they were read~ to go 10 bcd, mind h~~,r~. than Ihey wore, e.i~ d wt~-:!Jill , . breuk. I You Cijllllot/orll" ,ve me, ) i1uve rur- fcu'rs thnt hove rested like gloomy clOUds but w,lh tURn lind ble8ll' lIgl>. He~ 1 lin- hOlv to when,tliey try tu come lt over their Clbber Cried out to the wllitpr; 'Hero YOIl know moro 01 tho 1V0rld, though Ie.. or De ')' 11 ' t ' ., . f I it 1.8 birth fuited all c!ulm tQ v\l~r eateem; lIuy, s weet orouudll1Y h('r,rt-or ' th~ hu'pes thLlt hove weorrl!d und d,sinterellwd 'deoodi of benov'" lordll . ' , , ' ! (Ilko out my leolh.', Lllinh ond Droche. • I If my" f}r,Ol18 AAuI1C8S n "P r t \ , • t '1' I I l ' Id tI ' III IJio . out'8 IOllely Loul., ulI,l lI,omenla oj OIlP, is il,IIPt B').' urisen but tu set in dll"kll~S8, or the 80t· olclOce drew to her a ho.t of Irif> ntiunlong 'rho Illdiolll crow led from du:lr hiding eetl, I r, 80 Ie , man " In faet, ~,e COUld .pa thOle 1Qune wOIIIe" ml rl h, , . 'The enr~ll'slneSli of voi~e lIud lIIonnqr rolY thn l 1!lIs brought tne to the ~ord ra of tile ~u/t4!r1ng, tlild lfIany were ,{1I11 fer'\'ent plnce, and the lecret rl'moined .. re. How ., 'Ay; tee t.h air. Uris~rel'f· tbat wh'e, and rC)sldine in p'arloni wltli wonder9u, ~c:e In Ihe ~I~II of lvr") revol, wlwlI dIU r~d wino is, wilb which tllCye wordi were s poken atlir- I the ~liutloll}' lall,l-it is all ov r ow: The pNlfora ~relldled for lhe lovely Alwl,llio, Ibng,the huabonda will bo able to ,keep It Ihe'll Clime out tQicther,' tlat red d odmlrtd, while In the Ilr~t qllniTod. tipul AllI'iltla, The vl"lence or hel IlnJO- j,uya of earlh ur~ growin,g ~iJl1 iu ~he dllep- beaid" Ihe huusehold alter. which, but for ('rom the m ,,,Ill never be known until they ~ Alttr 1I0ro~ lte.jtatJbn,lbe mon ~id "'" ~hey revealed heartl, II not 1I',adl II II .j!lveg bock In ad ecbo thednll'er,~ ,IIIlid 100',nl.' , tions 8uuliidCl~, alld she 1001l0d liP. c~lmly ! oning twdi!rht of Deat", lind Fn,itl\ nnd bfr, 1I11ght.IIlI1'0 , been' desola"t: Grateful I tell. " jJ', " , ',' he WIIS order"". l'l1)pty .. Inlt year'. birds afcIll. The)" . , p " y . , . . .. . I · • ' J\rld it 91 nle like- a ~ IrDdIlW o'er ' OIUaul)" . uJr thruugh her " Uluu, Wltll , 1I1l elqlfc881U1l of Hopo b~ckbn me onwurd to you Bt,\rry Dud 1D0tillng wer. her 1n100~tnfl obH at the -::j; ~ ,." , 1'hl. WU,nO looncr donI! thnn a lecond play. upon pianos doubtlelP"-Dlle upon .pla,brow, " ,I I H 1 i' " " I~ ' I' Wh n 80l1108 h~41l1 C1fOIl,II.1 hor wilh mu~ic'. ~urpnilO ",Id reprollch, , ' , 'idl ~s of "lXhl. : ' ,~, " ~od lof. ~I ckne.s and ile'th~ an c:-it 11'09 here " TI!E0I1'Y~of' COLD9 . -:rcilllI Ad ~ms ~nil Dr. out-' ero you, take out my eye.' 'lII1lg IYbeel.-~\iei' are youn,,-IJJe ", . 0 u, , ~Orl i\1"w. , ' 'Why do you til Ik t11l1~ to ,me! I:Invu ':rhe illte~view I h~ye IOlllle~ ~ Id , wuit· hor uligolic _plrit shone' Ollt most brillion't· Frankl in djllClll~sl'ng theury of cold~, in one Ii ' Sir,' said the wniter, ')'J)ur lIye l' I,and yet, e ' lellllle9." {bloy will be (orOh mirlh und fUi llvi.)' COlIlICl con ,,~l not alreudy ' furgiv('p Yl1ll1 ,Do you /10 008- ed lor is graJlI~~-thI8 hqur ia 1005\ bles- Iy. ' , . ",'"" b~d, ot II country tovern, IVlllt Oll open I-';In- " , Ye~, nty" ey~. Come here, you .lupid tUIi te Iflhey' roach their 81xtleth aanl"r· 'rr\~ r•.1\"I1<1 or 8"iln<8. IllUl 'bw"Upa ily 10rg!1tl' ',.' Lu ;ble-fo[ thi my Ipir it i1~~ Ih;"o,ro~ f)'hough Iloturnlly thoul:btful lind quiet , dolY I~lii gin iho IIlr upbh them, It .c~m. to' dug! pull up thut eyelid, and it will come I ~urs : whb ~. lOucb that 'ociorn~, J!ar whoDi ,. '0,01. , ' ' Nu, nevcr....Jo !lilt believe r wil1.'~lVer ill its Bight LO he I'en. · ,; }.'~~r l, pr~sen,c.q rather timid Gild rClervea \'yei l ~here Will 11&of pi'l' tar ity &umeiendflll~ 'rre, ' It '8~ell!l '''I ea8Y 01\ possible,' lIellvon ml1de Ihe angel Ilf ~he HCIl1 b, a I III lhe Ilrd j Bworuilll!l eft)·, III ,Iho tl.WjI for 81 forgtlt your a!lj!eJic forbe orllllce towllrcls l ,vlll )JI~88 lOe ill, t,he fillCiI huur. Sw~e,~ on IllIder;c urrl'nt of jJly ' In ' h er tempora. 'a~cording to.Allan,s himlell , (whost' w",rk~ 'fh18 done tho' third cried out-' U"re you Ihllt old womlln. Hod they baen YOUD!! men lono, , . 0 110 SU unworthy. J di savowed the , he ut... will be the light 01 yow; lly~M, tlcaF Aillert, ment, whi~h dillustd 8 '11ullny IIlIa pencerul are now goin~ lhrollgh tlie press) thnt 'at t 'e off rny log.! , thoy 8hould , hllva been. \\'hipJed, but ~ l"" .. leu aentllllcll\ll or th.t futlll \lote; I told tj whOIl (, pass \ho ,,10011).) vlll.,: I . n 'jl'icl', Influellce wherev." her enlivening I're.'ehpe BiulINWick !lilt on lI~d could be procuru'd . 'l'hls lie tlid wilb lesH reluctallce, bei ng y"uni lodl!!s, th"y ure t bo plitied.-Clil . It COfl1~' 10 lho h e llrl wit!, ' ,IB wln"""rlllll: b 11 C(JIIl!);! lII'ns lrn "lUI druolll8 (,If 110" I "Il un· •• I iii!. ' . ' , I , . ',J ., h ' d I I', ' " •. II 1)... 1, ' you my b'UI'r d.-appOintme nt andrt'mQr~e' l tle t;1!'slIIg IIzel.16 8bull be I,"oue' ;-\I~effoblc W08' rr,t. 'llho'Ogh', forceil by OIfClltn· for Dr ~ Frallklln olld hil", ill II chnmber before lIpprlzeu t atit Wnl cork,' lIn ClSO caga ICiUr71 ~" , • slti Wilh youlh's glollllg vi- len, 100 lovoly w UII~ ukc~ forgi\'cmcs8 'Jor thus writing w peuee !1 I " St.nnr-Irs, IIIllI her elc'vstetl P9 ?" to min· hule I/Ilger than tho bl'd, without 1\ cllltn- cOIl<l!)ivinl!' Ihllt It IVould be Ills lost job . .... - -. -. In81, , , you; blllyuu UO 1I0t kllilW 011-1 did not Alber~ cooHl benr ,!loJ Illore-with 1111 the glo IDuclI in 'ilc,llty. I·)n tlu~ trulltirig In: n~y, ond with Jonl y ono .m"r wfndolV. Ife ' wns howel'or mislakell; the Courth Wilh ,ill) I...e boolllilig .1I11l~, ~IIJ Ille ~Ufl'xlll~' te ll you tho 1Il0tiv o~ which, Iilllldillg DIe to wild enthuslulII . J~i. 'I)rdout tc~nl1era· 1I0cence and \npxpcrl "ce of youlh .be ,e" The wh\J~ ", \\'08 llpcn, 'llndl (sllYs Adom~) watch ed hi. opportunity, lind willie Ihll the Ir41h nnu purll"()(' " plrit toO g l\ n!le mellt be c,I~pod her W' lliB heprt; covering leemed uH With· whom' ahe lIJileocillteJ,08 who \\'D8 hli l'r\VIIUd lind hrtnid 'or tllC air In \Vniter wri 8l1t'veylllg, with rueII . eol~ nnh ttJ rt'~tnllhe .riJI IIi diro!fed lis trus tiu g Ilor cheeks ond fo~che4d IVj lll kill !:8,-llII~ friends illcftp~ble Ilf ingrlllilud~ Dr h wong. Ihe night, ahut it olose. "Oh,"sa id ful eo'!.ntenllDce, the eye, ~e('th, and leg! Iy- tllO Implloltly lO bel'tlvo tfi un/air lind IlP~ Ibe , fcd;II3' tl on , fuilh, ill~t\lcc.1 m ,cruelly, ruudly, tu Hcorn the pl'nt up love -reur~ ~I!rst tOI LlI nil h" II1'er pur , hUllrl nu" 0 I in· killdltc.~ oul'ld ftil r ~61l1t , ell It th~ -wlnJbw, we dh_1I bl! InOb- Il)g ilnl t~e table, eriM In" o'frlghlful hollolv fpuna d reJ1~rte of pr;OJllillCl!d tr.veler. . IHISIIio nntely murmured' , , Frody pa d the lI'.rtJt, il l ~d$u ,bealll 1. 11.' " cllled." 1 ftns\\' cred, "I wn IIfrald of the ~Qlco-'Come her~,8Ir-ll1ke oft'my koo~.' .. steCld or dlltourlooil* Ind ~llOb1Jl!~ th C nlidQu e 0 fr'cly ~yc.n til me, ' Whim I y il'IJcd to the roscinating 'pOli>. ''l'ulk uot of J OUlh, slYeet olle! Li ve, COIITrllllF.D NEXT wtm)!', ev",n !r\" air." I D,. Franklin repllctl,"']'hll . Turning mind Dlld .ouin, tho mll~ d '!hnnllera wo ll11tHllem all tlillt lit mOlt civil , r of 1 ~IIU e l Stllllton'" benu t.y. l Ii tClled live, my A 111'11 do , DlId 110 hlll'PY With one _ ' ..J!..~ _ _ air witllin tho chumber I\illl lIoon be, ,and heod .haking IHle tbat of a thand~rlll upon I.lIld obllgln!:. Amoni tho, I!!!A educatee, ()h "lienee (tr ' Ih}'~ b.u'....; , r Do.\ "'"IlC3 10 Ihe lohio 1Il~lnuQtlo,\s of the ebchant- who lil'os but ror 'SlIu-who CD,n'lOt live · ~miJmlItR.!~ JalUKiillf~. indeed hs UOIV~ worse thnn : thllt without 11 chlmney.plece, f 0 dart II Ollt of tho 1\0 doubt, (lccosioJlnll~, lome' o( the ~ tllt" Wll16 I bK~, BI\J-' ' witho\lt you , ICt:'ld nnu dnnk would .the door:. ' Collie open the IVihdolY .Ild I wll, ,oom; Dlld Dller lumbling down 8talrs, ho ,!O II 'spru'lnsrly attrib~to,a 10 mCl)' ~.' lluCk .gal n 0 ' r d,~ ouu l, fr'"11 \1111 "me "il~ nl AI'l iJda looked' strangely nt lIim ~ nnd world be DOW to me, if you were not here, J e nu,: Uud' 1 ~~t(le~F"id,~ c1mvi'lce yoll. I believe you ' are not no- fllrl'mlJdly IIbout VIO lioUl1l II' if ~rrllll!d round; ~ut thl1Y appe!,r to me, ~ ~.t ~ I \'111\101 r ttn rd 1I~lIin lilled th ilie dove-like oyrs, - fi •• t, Illy IoKt" my bellt-lllved'! I Sny Yeu wm Tho l;ij'{liognltl ' l~u8 been "illglllif the q{Ininted wltll,my theory of cold~\" Open § out of llid sellsel, .' hllvo had opp'{rtu~lt1 . of ~uCllllllr •• yut, \I Or lJt' ~II~ Ill'; 'IIrl "\' "lIu), "I Ihe hll~(ow '1illllr me PUI IPlI lly; ill th e scllish blilld- not die, nnd ~ho tlllyR ellall po W 08 lightly, Cllilh~"l\llium Of M~{gurtl~ Alkinsu" und illg the windolV, lind lenplng luto bellI ' 1 lborCluihly . .h08p~table, klgdbear ed, ~n.? denlh," I I nc ... of IIlV 80 111 " I II.e,e llcd ,v\l u c",pllhle or lind , joyous,ly, us WhOll, in the gluw of J "nlea ,1IIa."rl, ''')''Q \ve r~ ·. rnn... ·I~,1 at. St. s aid 'J hnd rond hi is ' hH'eril to (JutJper, Llter(lI "''',",Ieuc:e roul-"I Indod, peol,le, ., ,"'N ltl Ihe tmalil "lrll !lIud , IrqlH Ilu 0111 01 'll " " ~~, p u ""~" u , ..... 1 , ' Ih ul~ 11 ' \ 'L tI~! ~IDmtl Nt-Ill ,JIover fl!~l'gl) t ,pf. • 1 p~ \ 'rrc Lifil ~ mor lllllir hope, me l,,1lut to low I'uul'. C hur ch ill tuwi IOWU , nellr til li'lJl8 In' hlcb lIe ~4d lI.h·ullc!t.'cI, thbt 'nllbbdy ,0" 'J'~6 Ernpc~olr ' P.ul ur Ru ' ill willi cale. "nt! tll"o, w111t a noblil, epterprlJlnK 1" 110,, I',rl l8 w IUI OlI, lhus" frolll vurll! ... ho illlinl~tol)' ~C(lnilltetl wilh Ilta bel-:-;-b e.cllo. l/orOllCT. Vllll ,th ink Lhis IS not truc with 011 ~UIIUUy, thtl I~t.h illst. Alltl 'who orll er got cold by going Info' Q cold'chun;" or broted for hil> Imporatl,e illiorlerellco with poopl!) th,cy ~I W\,llIt?llrnClllouepr?II:~~. h I nu" II, (TI~II~;-!-,lId I, fcared ,YI) U 11'11)111' tnk" l h,l , but belll't'u rns , till 1 iIIlve knowll of JallJlllic LInd Mag~i!l ,\\I~Olll TI, ~ e"iwr , ~ny other cold olr, '\Jut rh's Iheorf WOI Iii uf police ~egul"tioll, and bill Mubor· a!ld rmp'roveJl1c~~ II vl8lble! on eyery IIGe 11f"ith" III ' O' Cir lIr ~"l rit~ 1\ fl,w j upi"c tg,,~ . of o.ur, ,rricllM ljlll 10 convince loyo, .illc~ Ihe TfHlul>ciution, of the bJi,•• ful of the Burr.lo ClIurier lIulli th!! wholo, tale ht\~e 'colltii.tcnt with 1111 cxpl!t\eJlco, thllL [ h~d IIl11ple ('.rperionoo or the advill. lhe Ulliteil stN,e.! ~I:? town clmo IUllol h e. ~ l, l! a~ 111'. ell~all'1~' t I IY,r e , telll ~r ft!1l1 1drc'II." ,whi ch thou 5101 e ~O, ' til' rllulld lIl.e, ill n I,pry DIlII!"llIg sLy Ie. We nro sprrv l thuught It n pBtodbx. How (!ver\ hall 80 IIbillty: or. ,Utorol comilliancII willi wae, n'o~ 'J'!.". ,Uirrillit 1"11111 ",Iwll w JUI~O III cnl"ry I I I d I F I " f • > IUlllhng e~ls~~d uctl 'c,'~II ' U ~. c,!ul, 1I0~ dr 'ping the Prescn tllll tie 'uture ' n Its Illat IVe ur" ob lJ"ed to obd""e ,' t in \hu much curioall)" to 110M hid reU8UIIW that 1 Iltlriul mundClI Cs, UpUII ono OCCIlIIIOIl 011'))n u~tJ , ' 1 \ . '( 0 \ ~ A"d "".I<ill{\ Iha Ii I.... \11 Ihe . .. ul's I'CII!!IV.U beur lhe Id ell thut her millJ . ~ "r " d (ur n OW" ~eoUllful vcs tmelltB-lIu8 bcell but n lelldt degrc e, ilu 811y6 tha~ . M!ut{lllr. ' lWUS would run th e risk of II col,1 • The Doc- ,mlep wlI ,j lued ,lhat,the houl'" ill particlilril\~, 1 • I rnolllQn t, be ~isLurlllld..witll th~ , L.. llef Ih uL ! ~ochry,? dulu.iI'o VI.1 M, fr~m, which, I (o~ U long lime u scr~ullt 111 his fnm il y, ; nll tor tltell bCgnli t~ hurllll)t'uO ' ~pon lIir nlld ulur 8lrellt~ 6hould be numbere.d, "No.1., rece Ived tho len t purtlo!) 01 Ih~ I lou t , hbve ftw·okcnrd too hlte, her onl iurm fcli olty, uprjgbtncd,S, gOlld nu. \ col", on~ rb Ilirutl un,lIl1d pO!r1!pJrlltiou, with &'1:'.," the ' police obeyod. literilly, lrid (or ~t&:~lght~thq 'rpJlpirl,Ne about lbe "I'I~ Iii brclllioioll of Ol'''Y: o'<)r 1110 ~ l'lrtlQ n(lJI\\tioJl, tiU I vj~bly ,qnilretl ut her 6b~lnr' 1" H e r lorln quivered in his olose l'rnbrnce tllre iolttllligencc lIIudll~ty ~nd quiet ch~cr- whl "h r W/UI '0 II och IIniueell, thlli I 800n yesrd nfleTlvord~ every hou.e 10 the Rtreel of 1)QVet-stte('l! 'l:hl fI'~1 fI U\ • HWI.on Ire, perfe~t ,pal&\1e". J Lprllcl.,OIij UHIII IIJllllorll, l, U ~li ilu 10 Lhl.<sl;ic ; Yet, bud. lIot , thl8 upjUyt 8U81'1I:i()lI, ~lId ,11ll1I her' l'oice thrilled lll~ ~llitlt ~o~dly, 08, fuln~ss, securod (4 r bor Il ~t.roug f('e!l ng ~f fp ll uloep, olld' lel'l him ond' hi" ph !loso)1hy ollblbited the ,~tl'lIordII1Bry inscrlp.tlon "rib Ih. jlllllro, or IUlU rr!. III I LltJ nd. W II; Ihe bli"d eat)rnlltjl of your I'xuJte~ c!~orJlc~cr, fulls on ~he oar Ihe wlll$l'ered tulln!.", 01 regnr~ frolp all II'ho );Ilew Irer, l\hrg r I togcth r, but I beliovo they were equaJJ\' " No. J, &.c" At another tinlo, on ElIgJi~h lleJHu boot! beilli lbe , : p. t , ' • . hos withal II ba nd,ome Cuce of hUr own,lInd ~oolld nnd illscndible within a few millu~!)S ra.idont IVa. de.lrou. of m8l'ryilll. RIt.· , i,.he!1llrca~ure, qf IIrt, . filled lOy oul, I w~uld willingly. hove kov. t dl'ulh: ' A. Inc Iluy whem I~y prl>u\i.os to you, 1:hub 11"\8 rl\l.lI &nc- 'Albert, I would gludl! Jive; life Ivould lI.persollulligurc. S~e'ia aiw n'~\ o'nd ~i~y 'itrlor nlo, '[or t)le wordl Lhcord I\'e(o pro· s lun ludy . 'I'he conijellt of ,lhe, Emp oror /IPllltlue; hrger Ihan far-!am~ cntl t nBc d !Illhe ollnr of pride lind . pUI!SllIn!- bo IoUpPl ll Udd now-bnt It cu nnot b". Too in her lIJ1pearOncl', und it WIIS ILqe fure 1\0 llI'U nced as , if h o WIIH more thBn hull woe neccsaa ,1', lind ;nRuelltill (rienll Clltch- lIin,' Dlld IIFparelllly ¥,bte~ ·th.n lb. .Op III dork. .Lro w lit "lI:hl, LillCl Ibe C\U I You ~now, oll well, ali thut ho, pl16~cd I'ong buv e T ft)it the De8troyer's powI'r. maller of 8u f -p riH P t1l8\ JUr; Jinl",y 'Musoll, aslp.Cp." " , -, iog hiul ill n pliunt humor, oblnilll\l1 the nec. bowdod orllcle ora l,n~tifl~l.ylpb; a Jlo.tlnl dJC yt·ur., . _ ' .. I , ee~~ry \J~' .~, wi lleil I .8 lit Once ot pl&l'itlllg~ Ullirble"i dial:, .taintd Thou "I'''"OIrdy lOll" 10 huur-I ~\IU 'Ii. dent .'nea tholl; , [!,IIIV" Ler n ~Qc~ived~rn~ 'ull I Dut II li\~le while IIlld th~ apclllellqer will nnll one or t '\'o othe r guotl-iooklllg ChllpS' \ , .-.-.. til thll police. 'ro I,I/or wBe to olle.)' and velvet hBn,lngl, .attn 'drlp.rleli, Oh I ruler IJlou~1. SlrOllll' ~r .. Ihu '«'lillV H,,(I of love Ilfl d upon 011 eurthly simile, BfIIl l ,ummon me 10 the shures of Et~rnal lWet. ~hould have pullod the door ' ~eJl 'I'''w and IOU 'Lho altar i8 , hlltw,rcd; I my bllfl\illg IlItp~ ..:\Irlllldy the ~lJnlmer winds sigh for me II Ihen of au ev"ning. lind onquil·ed. if II ~lids ,\ ",~f10"11 ~ofer Q., t~ Womeu. at Qll ce. '1'110 IIrde~~ lover ",08 n~ou.In richt), carved rrome •• •...d .~~. J"ku liudiulul erO!ldIl Llllow •• bov" Iholltlll<1ul hnve flldpd into n ig ht FOlO bns Ii Jl tl d for molnncholy ~Irge-the ehad".w8 ore, gath- M I " 1\1 S "c h S ullie of our lofthlo".llukcrurg contelUpo, ~ by II midniaht visit and with Sib'erh be- lured lornnmeut with beautltUl v~ of 8 . " .. argarot; 11 lit lome. r, 'laver .. IIYs e , . h d " d , ;, ' • C •I I . I .. AuJ., ',I;lIh, 11!!Il, I .' me her biltero!st. CliP , bUI I 0111, rC 8; '"tr llod, IIII d II" ' SU~)1Il'lU . . n8 0 (1I1-. J'Illlm, y 1111 1rOTles ure 8lglllnaover t 0 UII uo ,ree om lorll hll eyos, tr Inblfngly donnc4i 10llw 11'''1'- l,i owerl, 0 __-111.". " ""'--_ _ -:-_ . erin .... hellYeen me und earlh, lIlId tb ..'! li"ht " ... tA d . I " I Iillle»e lamp. ot yar \'"., :::sz= III,d I 'cuuld be hUp' pv irof HOllyen dllWI!i 1it:1",I, t"nillg lusll'e 10 d I' oa ' . . be"11 10cornal'oJI, "lid ~ollduct njoyod b)' LIe mnnts I~ he had. I( fe\v worda e pl'uned ~cri.bll~ 8. f.ututlc form .•, arllbcaqlml,'Chan' t , " 11 ng') tin , II' pClt~O Verlln_. n • ' "'d I " If , " S8},- 110 'm ore' auld AllVildu returning ar~\lnd &»e, But a f~w ~ore daYIi of pain d . I 'I t "II tlI}al ' AOlOefluo lJ'VuOlen , A I,ttte Illel ent IV II h mu\\cr 'alld tho parly then proceeded to dlliJer-la Ibort. you mlll'ht (lIbC, yoUrtl his gAze wit,h 01';""- which and I 10.v8 YOII. yet I Ilm vcr, ,ilnppy tooccurred ,ti,e o\hl!1I day in Ollr IWY'I ahowa 'or the lody, wholll II ,Hardull ptlllc: ''7Lad.v.• l1i;'ht,' . I Inore {orml'd Ubl e one ' ,U y upon lelvll .'c ' ~ed (lBI1c..\, 1,luiner tHan words I could speak 'till' " ~-.. Into tIe 0·f '·__ ra. C ulldplIllO Amertcan, ,(omen . ' <lalue , D u, r\ the chul'Ch t.lme &tcm'WriCy. u~d"ing love ' ond wastin. ... ogon" of'weora '11,la I,ollr rep")" J nUlCS C opl! I011' d M8son.' D ur Inl th e 'JIm- ~h~ 1'0lllen ~.8 or, Amenc,!n II) hn ~v wl/cre, II sllivrsriniIt• I'.1 i~~t '.lo/1orhled the ~___ ~_ .. , ., .. . ,I IIlind " " I' -·'1 forgive you 11-:ftotn diG' i!III1US't deplbs L y~IIr. ~t lonely loam . flier ahe 11 .. bnd oharlt o( part of, the lar Lhey are rrOIll ml6collBlrulll~ t lo \,taIlKlIuptillr re mlln'y. Upon alfoLhor ooce.lon, The tbird Head . ' e - - "I of my beart I· forgive-be IIIIPJlY .nd for· ) to"11l8 II Ihe 111 bn hI dDY" rooms at dlc Olifhln bOUI\;; near the FoilS; nd naturn! freedom of U,10 gellll: 8U:. on Oicle't' viu; luued tbnt flo ne .houlU .pA certain I'renfb ,r•• cber a~ IJpng "IUTT E~ .ro~ TilE ~II,UII visl COJl." the Ihllst !llld when the "hn\Jel 01 tile 'yer~ all corne uuck oguill\' " 1 II tl II. db of I.he, FU\b nCter II cerillin hod, in'tho evepomnnul Introduct Oil', aald. ,[ . Wi MILLY l\I}:LpOURNE. ' , lin d amollg I C reat lose oco ul1 le Y M'lIB EI nV~Jlhue omnlbudc8 I '1 .1 bIII Pili' r~ tomb are r~'ulld me, do noL let ' my memo' 'rh4! youllg mlln's ,beart was too rull to Lind, whMe ' sterling gobd liI!'falIe DUld ug th.rQurlr ~~~n.t w~s W~;: Y~ a 'lnnll'rn. A pllySician ' ailed now p~o~. my hearer" t,o alVide my I llf yauug lp~,es, " 1~I,u o\mlllbnl yll8 suddenlv to a putlOllt, Wnlr mccod/pllilied by lubiecl. into tbree PittS. 1. J Iblll ~1l10u ry ' comc bt:lIveen you l and your l} apJlines>I spe.l!-toers Wl'rB hil,ol'ly elief, Allvil- sCllrcely ha"e failed to dl8con", ' th, mllny CIlAP'rEK ,I, .. loJ Ilenr... ·"d d' entre ly filled ' Wit. gent I_.relmern ber lno "n ~ UII ,tl Ie I''g It I II s ,,or III ud e ',oraoo k IIe r; ph ICIIe II s retlrr• !!'Ood in Mbrgntel" chorllOler. . ,ome r ' .• "'ho '"'I I,ls t,J:v!Yt be.r ~i ~I' liII h t. Tb• e ,P1~1l abo..~ thILt whIch I "knolv, ~!,d tbat Jou do " Sh. h",th. h~r WIsh for \\ Inch in nln $he pined in rc lieu dreanlS." compl1nioJl of ofl.·r doya, and beli~v'e ' th.t lied tu ber ~heek8, Ind, exhuustlltl, she luid " On 'SlInday IOlt Maggie, in Ole mOllt drlyer, how~~er 11',1111'4 UPt (f9~ w)len,lO~Cled 1I'III1110ll'rd to pon alld the rhf8iclao WIS, ~\lt kooW. ~, I 111111~te ~ a,.bilu~that.wblcb " 81'1 d 8 not Iong sho11" ' d" 0 Il r bl 81se d re' hor "elld 011 his ,hould"r driver known 'Alwi Idn,,lllllve ~.o~A nn~ mo~e,' b.. d eIuye • and wellt 10"" , ... strictly prjvote anll Ilonfi eutld manoer pos. WAB an omm bue. , \.0 bhe.ltate nrreHtr d' .', know, and 1 do not kaow ~ • ud nobl .. looking young man of some tlVen'y- union beyulid 'the dUlt of lifo" nlfrolV .. nd p.Isiouately. When the bittef nell8 61ble conlmunillilte" to MilS Lind's mai I!bollt atopplng (or a fu.-e, or for f .e (1IIr!) Illltl,~ J IIbfl'lel~Y9U o~ \!l th~~wb , a,l. o~,r"" r " ,"c_, ••.' Ild. .ente~d an 010- .llore" of ariof bad pnll8ed be foldl'd hef in 11 clo· I r II IV Ing "Iy ~ II h e Wb~ ,.nd told thent lb .. re wu Ionly r opm lor .L 111 .o~ ' ' ', • IUU , VD,. . . ., C ,nrt, t on t I,e III I It IVO, \VIU,I, J\uTeH£D,-Recentlyta rich ..."r l'Q\I nor 1 k"uOW. .. a" 'III:• b ow D¥-IIch •

:=~~i==".Q~~=:~~==- frl~lId .






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ler ombr~ee, "lid ailenlly thus they nt tog,ther unlil the full round mODn \llId climbd' th , b db Iter fl ar lip, e eae erll eovc"e, all r'i I waxed the cluBtering 8lsl'1l, ~ancing joy.r~ I. I tl' 1 th ~ P d I Iy Y on le\l' purp e fone.. ure nil 10 , lhou,h fDinlrled wilh te .. ~., IVas tho joy of t.hat hour! ~\ h:!lgtb, whilperiug ble58ings Ind wor4s ~( love and hopc, and aseuring Alwildl he would loon retorn, AI· bert depnrted, .

gnntly rumi.hed J'ODin' and .pprolchea the Again lie' claS8ic 11 rid ' was bowed anll upe~ window. beside whioh ' \sot; "&zing Afbert \vept 8S if IllS hellrt would break."tI " ' . d' d I c! r 'I f sodly un d pensIvely on the plCII8IInt Iccne8 When 10 ullres rat e ID u gCri eo gr e .prelld ollt berare her, I ".Ie, yet very had cea~e'd, the stricken youth, with pallid l r I " d " ueoutl(1I1 girl, whose ' fru'glie orm Beomed lips, ·whlspered fOil Iyre~dy 10 tnkeila flight to- the Bpirit Lalld. 'It Ihall be lie ' you illY, beloved, death Th" II 61ca l tones uf ·t hat mnnly voice ahall nol.toy me lind my happi. -roused the lov~ly mliden ,fronl ber .b· neli • ..:....lhe tomb sboll not long veil your _blnll re orie/ alld 'lbe turned in aurpri.e imllJ:e frem niy sight-I 811811 bll with you to JIletillbe .peaker btll. wheli 'her Iweet honcrforth forevllr.' "'I ' .. I '--.1 ' .. , th b :' Ut! f'rl!S 00""" 1110 hl8,10 dar alld luaSudile'nly I cbanf:o came elver e elut • th I I db fl ' roull 10 e r rom.J'lc:e.;bearuinlt depths, a tiful girl. Her VOiC6,wlllch II ecn alfi~ marble p..lene .' I I h il III t f .. ove"pr8llll bot ce; ,ltd .nd tremu 0"1 W t Ie Itormy eon c 0 her 1·lp. qu " lve-d Wl'" I ",L , . , d I II I' u ·~ " .• n ntc"le emotions- p...,ng,I'f' ? t loll!" lIo:e w ca ,~ an c e~. l!motlonl'~ne linly endeiy' red to-control; the n~uid intQna\lolI' of a bPlI-a peculiar, Irl'mblingly Iha him hDr thin wbile bewitching .mile broke like lun.l ight over hend, .and rellueated lIim' to be aeated, l count.enlnco, thlllOdOk, T,lre Y3~ng nrln appeared bo leila .git'aftl\ me nie tng 0 ted ill,;' ' bl. fair edmp.nlon, How h"d I '~ b r ow The abe It.L'''~lI since lut he IIIW her! on ~o,r p'el~r y h " k' . err ler c ee 1\1I. II nO. I 1,1 III t a'd ~ d d f1 h , . db '" • , J MI I\t nl hue ot 184 t I la P rom ('I ove~sprcll 1_ ~~ "etlhea,e e11et'1:_: Ihe lIunn)" lip! 11'd lelt her eydl,, ID DIM I. r and tbe qulet'.plrJ( th.t now" looked out e)'e' cl 'd ro uI!tartbl~ in , t~om .t~ leeln!!d longllli ror th'e gatN 01 their IIPiri;u.~elr~lt~n ruo , , r lIelYl!Il, . ., e~.tu bow ~\lilMyt , ~"irlt!l~IA .tran ..e (o:r crep't throu .... ' A1~rtl.






to be mGrricd and tlle maid 11& In duly boulld cOlnmu~'cotoa Lhe 811m I .to her ml.. ' trees. Nb !!DOller W~tI tillS done, t.h1i1l 1011~y wllh tho 'ki nd heDrtednes," .thlt ill one "' . ~ of hM mlrked eharaelerisllca, I'eeol"ea th~t sbe would be mlstrllu of cer~moniel on the hllPPY oec-.ulon, and immediately tl)()k III.rglret'lI" part 10 i~ under hew OIU .uIICr. vieion. From' hcr'\hc "fair Llride" reefll\,ed preten ... or' beluOi rui eaf"ringw, breut;. pin,·...lo\.1l8, fan, Ihe weddh,g' bonnet.&o ••, CllAP'rER 1 1 . " Ind b, her 'lb. IUS decked out for '0 woll do 1rClllornber bor, teresting- ceremony. ,'l1hi. ThaI fair And I~ntloe alrl , f " , Wh.,.b chllok.lll1lweys 5 OlW W ",p, Lind csd lo !ll'r ' lInd 'ller ,nlure ",Vu roo, U'ne<.l pout., tbnL b~autlful chaptero[ 1HolyWrit ~her:e-, 'Id I ' ';'U; ' I bte C Iri:are lIet (01'tlnhe1l"ullardutiea townrd. • e,lIcbbthet of thOle ,,110 ,enlN , J • rotlf tlle lbatrled Illte.l '111... I en or· Dr nayto.p. , At the peri of l.or tnLro_" . d lk' . t 1 ducuon (0 oone.~er~, 111~ b".r,.tlljll~ bllr de"", bfJr own Ga~I.,e,.1I \I In. IJI 0 t , .L 'T f tJ' twenlle ... 1"u. 0, aote . fOnte 0 1e her eompamoJl'' MI. • • Arml"SClD, llId irIS" dI eV'\lU wbiCh m.rked' her h,ltorI. pret'ioul Mlggln j .t.~ ro"t Lewr.tftll. f,OOlkllllwe ' ,. . another carr"ge by lIr. Ot&o 0 -I • totbll.lloULpreaentdella n • d h III J mt! (; I dMu b ~lnce tbe d!aiJ. of IlAj.bJ.. and an tbe IIPZ; : :n 'u:;e ~(f ~ l QlUcb lamented co,"panioo, wbich occur- AthrriJ!l'ie~ u ~I C"h to h' ,--'PI ...'Led r .. ... d b AI ' Id ... Ji f e pllCOp.. Dre, en .... ~.,.. Iy' be.uunM He i lled on her C.ce II mo· frllme 18 1"1 Iilently contemplated the 'redl- 1e w ea WI 0 wu on" ourj l'.,ns 0 to thll cbtinccl rill ind there MI.'Llnd olD. n Inellt, willi ! el~"cn'! In which ardent ut vilion ftoati If 1n Ught befllre bim- " ' , Air. ~rip, .nd I maidt llater, who eI tl 1»'1""" ' HI and llr_ OUo Gold. remo IHtd ' were 'the \,lIgel inlgh\' la a, few Dlorhenta, ,earni. with lympatheUf, UluderllCA lo.." groon":::n, were Iml'" III &toI! i .,0\. lio\!.L.!a boat' of ,.(bru. memGrfea 'take,n ,npt. 8Ia1&t.' But thl loaIr wu~ l10e mll,berlna c;JUW. ill~ly ~ceeRt- edl It _ taJIl. dnr btl IOUI_neatly be iDwnlO .nl"l h With whh:b •• 'ftprded ell the iavitalioa , ,~ . .lko, hI~ ~ou her 111M:, ,_ bo'W~1tt. 10rehtilln .... hlna. .114 to on ohMI."rI.., lad bc-IDII, 1I..t '''i~. Ia "- a..I'UIIiIlC l:1&1 ~( I - • be Ia\ lhI\lt tleI...,Lle 01"": ;..,.. lIis t ft ' o.J401Io p~ o( a Itrp lbar, or , 11 It. of th Ii.e IOcI1 Iii .... & ' Ilean The lJUe'tutI I:tt t8 I • 1IIOil... \J8INI'IIIIIIla., ..... \U ""'. aoilleal ' luiatlua ....

AI OfAI,~itatli~~ ~ndl hig~;y ;e~:c~D~e '~:,jpW!e!~iu~ ci~z:n oct





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u." with



~ge spokeswoman of t Ie part)', W 10, rap· of"". 'nlarDI.,~ aiirrieli bl. daughter a P!ly perhaps for I\er.el! nnd ler. Willi rCIDDrkoh)o pretty, clasped berd drivcr, (bliowlDIR wbldl, IYU • . . " que,' at;lb Cordon .Bleu. thcr tOirO WIth . 0 anlJ1)lIted g 8t uppolntment ana excll1lmed1 "Oh Aner tho congrltul.tionl of parents ..lei ..., ' ,T \V It ' (riend., Ihe nephew of the bride 8lipped un sorry~1ID very _sorry, I) ve tier the tllble like a .erJltlol, . and to 11111 for Eu':Ope in the mer, , lrole"exel,lming. 'A tooWI tavtliJ' . ' 110 ~ry miuute i81)reciou!j nnu if YOIl,cou't 1lIlIl0shl'tootha' I " '. 118 down, wo . hal , ba,loo late , to lee "~Iy BiBter,' bllwled OUt di~ brlde'B little bid . Jhenl good ,bye, \V at I)lall \fe dul " b~" '.ho - IOIt. it- yeatenia. IUId , I I ThA DCl:Upan te of 11>11 omllibua-every 1"" , found I·t.' • o~e 01 them-immediately iot outand gno The I;;'or brido,Dotl;nolVin" lOW to ex tll)!ir places to tbe , ladies, and the driver • I ... d f herself, relorted to r.,i'uI\n": Tbe wblrled tbem aIVa1, not on y ~ .... ell 0 , ,.. D TO l& but ro nd W the lteamerl"dock, relative. hllteneJ lrllund, the old beldlm.. n , ..,;"""'h . 'T al" f .\meri".~. no' littered, Lbl' young m ~IO' whisperod, and 'l ",.. --~ rlv. .,,0 ".. • the finder of tho tooth received a cull' that !h ia mlde him lee ful caD. • I" not a plaGo in III the Old Worlo.! din. w~ere I~cb a th iu, ;1II/Jd bJ tlie 'jJd.. t Ae'to the bridegroom, im\lualble, like ~ .L rR Orlce,' h" I..I'·~"~·"· .lI"urt or imginalil'n be, .upJI1If'd po, .....e IIOlJe 0 u....- ..Ie .tlr .ible, Tbere is mot ~ " (lllllciOlln in bride witb 'cololne Ind y1ne,ar,; • r • <Wh 1,1 0 ed th " . I Europr. to.avnolhlnzof ItI ordi1l~run eream. m tt e poor glr. of m~n-qIB~ if! o l,t the polill11ed e~itier opl'nln,lJe . eyeil and cl~ n: IIo)r Iipl, ~.t aide of lba " obe- \vho ITP~d h'r e ,~.. tb~ midi' of )'aur (nendl, lllJd In Jour I hi If 11 d ' . bl buaDlUld'. ITlna.' re t 'PIC , ea e !,po~ to tarn ,n • 'Oltl IWb' tb bu b~ppened' mon DjeuL~ mll~h lett .bandOll It la ".Ik, 1\ such ao a en, . 'ftd.!lar • • wbole o'!'nib'!. fuU lurn rrllhtlnl, \tAu" Ollt, wllbou& I ,!!!!~D'tranc:e ot "P't. to ohlir. l'art7 Iadl.. with "hom Dol I ·F~btfuJ. '&it eDOlli," to ml~' on. pllIIlk aoul o( ~elD "'.. ~CCl\lII_, and IL. hit "sad' 4 ieII th blllba ia all baaaaP .robaJ!l~I.&h., wOllld n."r ~ :. II


CO~~~~ity~o.::~~:~ jn~ll~yJ~~~ell~



prellollinll "wmn up4cr th tblrlf ~.~.'!_ HolY 01\-8, wb"n Pllul, IUI!0\Ja:a . tbl, te,t. '~7 L . b .. 'l'1t11~"PIa.&o; J;pict~lll' tall,I,,' Ir \ Mmple... pla.ln pre"'''' •• o~ 'be , ~ , .. .. io.t~.d of an OIte~ I.of le~il\", or •• rife .~,Ul w0n!-}O aD pr06t; W ehoulfl,aee, I1IOt. iaitbrul,eoo' ,. teM C4r~\"n •• 'and m.ore do . tn ad,.oce, thll \bUd /Wlcdom of Chltll, , ... }'abe •• d Va,o'I, DeUea.y. · The 1leY. Dr. Grillio uaed to ,.w. an JIJIel'dote or .. ,c)eravml ••• bo aa:JCI 1.... \II. .., ..,rmop, .... de.,.IMaren.1IIl~ Ie.. yO\l ,.,.a\ 01 YRW'MQI ... tuna UD~ God, you ... lU .. &0 a p!aC!i-tJiat'tlL ...111 be Ibd.IiCll- to flame bod. . . . . . . . . .11 .-mbly.· ... Sllclu lIIan ..............


or •


to lie blllUcl.trltla tdip '\a= tbe pal..!>" It -"",. . .teUe. (for ..... tile of. "". . .o.iIl)' ....... . . qflliaA1 mill. . . . . . . . ~"",""t

.dd, "OOftit


IWCIII (ar eON oC ,.... . . . .111 . . . n!llne _ _


Ini ...... ,



~ W. . ~; . .

eopU7W08111l .... .....


~~-~: ~-. ol'-:-oae


~~~. . . . .:;:i~~~~iJ":;'~l-jjr:it

.. Abunt., . . . . . Uitft••lIlIilW1ll6



Wllea tlll'D GIlt oW m.n 1III,,.,,fCl l "itIIUlhr' hiltfilral'llll ""'"' ho~, WNe I..a\lt ..ater la.eI bUI. tltW lIourl, .t,.l, ~ Imlllllll brabn tile nd .. WaLB Y .H ULEY , olOHJr _ I,,·art. him to the gery OIn . ,...... to ""1. not.. th .Inle '. the i oprio" .. reu'''" , ana Pubu.b l.., Inillild thin Dr. Whl'tl found the .hlle bo1 "., ee.ted b, mene..u W. arl lMilO "" of ... .Nf' minI Inorlkl l 1~ICla Igpart,I.l bi ..11 ell':: rour the Dilly OUt g throwin .elve. reedllg ht'ad bi. fetherocen), I Irt-e clo.. 10 hi. and,~r o.'y ow~ Il alu 1a"lro of ,". Hon. Robert C. tu.E~ .tHovli. . W A YNE'sV on oaf! hind end kn!!e. He lli~m.d 10 be Ileel! dutl hi. opporlonitl~. o!, him· "lick, 11111111,', .'Ib. Vnlted 811t" to . ~ C ur'i"Y, 01110. For Ihe 1nfQrmaiion vr tlle rllbllo WAIlRt1 not _re hen .pu~lic U\~ ttl ' ,I.d ;nd remuk Rd '';;l' I.r~ w,illnll hl'''el' ,, " km .elf b.fol:Jl ,~.ce to Dd • . Ihe Em,ln of Br".I: 'o :7'We owe In .pc,lolIY to Ollr tb.tthe Metro:p~I~' , '~lle to Q. . whoae ed luthorla Rro hil tillie, the .t wllk to ohh unable one W.I . ouire. .,. &lie AdlIieae 0' Mr. ~_nck 10 ,teat.r. H"I, Ilfl~lRl)' llie eorror made b, ,U' in Ihe Innounc ed ~peclo for II II .FRID." 1', ,0000D En I,. 1111. ~.o/)D impre .. ob.ern n, wh11. yet leel b~ing bntJly .wolen .nd hillimb . Itiff. Dllnk · h", lIever demlnde the Emperor, oil. Lirf pre.enta tion to him, menlof the 'Whig MI~elil1ll" of, whletl We ~ ' bllnlta of t~e regula Ihe : ,of anY T£oRMS of blil. OUR: . reI. , httle < Il\e alI1IP biuen hid .cq, The motiqultoes lJivo ,t he Itlea thlt longer with. tran.lall oo·of tbe reply of the Em. in lut wf'tk', p.per. < ,when th- b" n"l 'al't by d botlee redeelnu . . hire ' whi . Stule, low'. ftict! ulllil it WI. bl.ek, but he is 'ill ~ - • elicit iT".lIr ~videllce or .blli~,perOT. ,\lNO 'worllin~ uff' &he 6rll aide 01 , laat d 9D Ib,.. (lIfljllla!! oh~Clk' h. WIll rec~ivcd bne VISIT.o~ ' but 11101 Albuny, Th. ib v the . Inve . yet recovery . oace It IIpredy Y9 tor. .tr wly . men fair I . 80me . SS. ))oL. On jDR.E for cr. OK'S '}b SCHEN IIR. yearly 1\ h ' 0 I'lla,le tI bo I ' h ' I r week'. IlIue,lo l."e one isame , III, .ntl re~ I' .. th t '. , .' . . " ). . _ ' , ~. 1"11, 't 111. . n . e .. rfpre.en t the ee In. I you ely rom' Ilet~ re eOll\lo~ agent. . F,ur ·n.\lIDi 'J;een 'pppo,,,t q\ll'lted us to eive notice or the m~eliriJl I .' Ab~cbndln, Contrltp lor. . ' Ai U ou lOOn bf/gllI I.4It AIID. WltltTr'Flv~~E,lIts II paId iliad. HIICOI1;Y D,r. . oh.o . .,en.-N be II Ilt.the State. Ihe bill_ of ,tile brukera' baak •• or bank. II ~It~ If Ihe Stanuard enlol eu;nt, Bedfurd Fln.y ,o",",w Wo learn from the nDce 0,. Do\.WII A!CD . Ii II d_ A eorrQ'P~n~;:in::; IheC~I::rpoo(Tl mea, t fi II ' t b t ' 'h ' of mere circu I IIli.OIl, and willch ore r~dneill. , Two DoLfA'lt. ~n we prolll\..d 10 'fl an: Allcorohngly, month., i al ~lthin" p.ld - < , hPowe-l~ W~I ~ to 'Vd~ . at \ ou pRper8 0I [hp ihe olf on or 'wj)rked had conlraat • "'0 an Finne, oon de.' ... b4len ,'\lvillU hDe that Co~ ofBrull ,'u Etwoy E:l!traonliDary l1!,d .prai. " ' . ~y brok e rl ill Alb'any, writ ing Irom Lolldon, .oy~: .• ., I I ' J" to no a lOW" U fIX rllor marY, .n t't .t til I .~ [Ii e en d 01' Ih I! year. . d " - )llnl.... r Pleolpot entiary, I hRve come , ' '. III .W"II.'" ,'Ut urln',. • n.. Il can,h. up!' bearttl b e I09.II II d • t ~or a I.ona , u~c. . nh8~orId nil' S.tu'rLII llll8t af[(Or IIIQlld~!II! Iho t . per ~ent. diaClIljllt WII I". _ . Pol. Cryltal '.. tho of lng way.,lalk the By but notire, ihllt. Ihe in out Ide aear yourlmp "Hal M.juty I~ .. th.,. one 1e~r We .lllt dl/WD and 'wrote ken . or chocltR 011 thia ~lIy II loken al plr. h.d the plea)!ur• .or I.ol ng IOm~lh!ng of , .~Sub',tflptI9na for ll.e . celebrat eii Mr. drowitlg ,9'200 dcfruudlng hIs credit"r'B to . ' tepurty . 'ul\forlunately our p~1I wr.,.to Saturda y ill- IIC~, do you know th.! "'7 IlTS.llu Cli wl)ich 'l:JII\&~ ur "roperty r~te Iho the All a~ lie amount. will .11 IRrlie ng a enterconfirmi of Th cse llunka hKvehIlUlhe l)fI'erol'redeem ,'II'..: York, to " whOle " , of ' New' \ Ii' I Id ' II've b('en .' " t 1l0U rt I•. • million not 'nly hot\Ofllble ' ror him in pri'nt~, IIlIdh.dIh.uI ' , t d 0 I lIfonduy, olll 10 II their bill~ here at • por cel1\. di~co, UIlI, It t u blr, Itl1n'il rerred he bl' off, P I carry nllt Uti could I he 0 ' nnd I limit, no be ttl t(>tllntl redly ' .a ~ Iher(o pri. e J I' wblch ii 'co\lrln ,but,I ' beg ' I e!, n u I I 1 . " '11 b0 .. 1.slue. IIlpl...... ~'. I I II I I ' I' " nl'toa' tn',diltJ be aI' whi oh rute a llirlle IIUlllber or the bell J)i&nk, I" o::rWe will furnidh tb'e Viaitur l . one W e I,ope II' lIa ,ex p RnlD .on WI Wuod ler, 8Upr' "Icd .b·lI!',e. • nd h'lI tlxce-leilclI. :-:: C II,.,. . ~ U , • 'a 10~', 10_0 lyetK ~p nt ouT tr~, Mil C man nO"letl " tn",II' I' J I ma~e I "e " tl • lory MaO' ~ "'aftal'n' h or ll.m·· r· G ther ' F inne's AI no le~,~ to lIy mo~\ .....e • bl,_ _nllo (0. iny per. of laye · ,,, ' waa c. L el~ndard mll~" ,e The ' a~ . • . ' .... . ' . vi.. , ' " A· ' Lind'~ 0 r Jenny • for • • illdebted , brl'thren ore redeem ere. . Ul'. , t II b t b ' III dutil" that know ' you 'do SUItPI; ited .0011 fee1\II,. , bell.ule ,·I 'trult. . Ull Uincl, or Gotley" ~~'I ~k, lIP 1111jr, '(maY Iho • 10 it nOI ,were 'we "''''8e bunk_.,· Iherefoft!, hno aot bran • , I I ecaose la· a I hi '!I, of e8 o'~ ' w e h lIlI' ! luc.lI. 11I1· . , le.8, . llt\t:lotedl i , \ ~ . Id I ill \ltl~ rTt', .11 " I't ~i I b~"'l!r ,nel ooly I~ciee or peace '.nd -dollarl ')I~ ,we~11·6v., ~1I1' Rbl.e to recollect the (Jay. IIIr. Dar,lUm, hU8 rel1l1y had 1\ iupert. and b0 rere.' Wllo>e Ila~d t UI eu rnE' t Ie mOIlE'Y f orced 10 rfdeom Ihelr billa u ao'lId ' 'Can ),ou' lt ,1I me. Dilly, hbW I, it that lblt J fltr ..tbree ~ I . bl • ", friend.ll ip. Tbe,' pr~ent (,i-ndly .lId .. . ,'000 . 000 r'l,· • b I" L III ," ,.. rlln he ! s alioW' llteir ek 1 • • " IIII'Y e,er.lwe . caUle for lI~ee. Ihle " here fur m.~u lie y \York al ICUtilltit' Invarla ' urli.1 ...... .. r"pid ao er . I . ' .. 'featherii hi. Ou lIefpa ~' •.11 •• "1"1 II"'YI 'j lerr H Chunllil beuillina '"iI.v ha 10 d,nce. . ,rrelpoa cO lll croll lre .a,VUIIBUIlO ACAI>£M v:-The Fal Qnd • ~ ,I u. \VI\I('h. lt ~ 81,e paid .. He wor· bill. to, lot' protested .. 'l'IIN8 iI' " (let. A ~y, dullillg. buld Ind lIot (I 10 Dr II 0 f l 110 r~A8un why cuntiden a6 III the rpgu :ar iweea til. two ~vuntr,e. iD ~II tbeir *I\I~. omooth .nd .Ieekl' 'u 1'11'1 01 Ih'~ in,.tit~tion will It i. a ully . IU t Wiil~r ~I~ l ':::"yw.. 100 l I, BNTS; . D d , k U8 E,Pl!IV tt'O, i., Ct?I{R 1'0 ~'O IimllE'r arc , yi Qccur.jO I PlU8 1I000lwa Il. rd, ~()lIderf orrl\:ne 'Nu!' 'Well, i'llten7,0 " , DyUU. , . I . W t tlolll'wl lh eaeb btbet, in', Q~6.e o( felirlta. OJllI nil UO u'lder Ihe 'U· t wrltte -Stille IllIIullI be ahukc-u _ ~ . n c; . , nu ~ o~" ou 1\ e ~,1 g ~o'~m! te).lJO oudily.n exl, ... , Iml,lIl. \V l~ ulll, ~re In a onu,lIl l'rdCSIIIU1E'; they lire , uullke or Ihe lIever e IV for , ' kllu to happen we I Donn, N. flll.'!14. Olllr tltm ~tlt to tit people the lID.vern- riealiil c~, \ll'hh ~Im ' , ~ol , ldeR perlnlltl UU~ \ III· in3/. Jnur. ~e'coul' Ed, h~~y E~e. ~. an~ IWII16n ily, ,u~Jcch commun • lite n ., ed auch·. IIINlllly curreCI and ytlttllrik illg- turned loole I<p" I~e th.t but lIle tol'tQe United SlAlel; Ilnd" am e'Re. · daub, DO Io.YII ,we l. prillclpa _~ ~ idl"I~. ..,..._. U~ ~il, _____ _. llill lrJotle dl'spt'rat e by mlsfu.tu ue, or'., rcudy Gov. Jonti 'i. ,oing:t' Europe 10 p,lr· colo~nl. !"uth nl ~on.1 I:i.lly chargetl .to o,!,it no jUlt and proper comillg ,ealioll .will bo Iy efiilcllv8 plclure of ('overy thing iIi with I,'ullr IIn,I,I., - I'~. .. We /II'!,_t kno.w, 'f,.t~J ~f ~I~, Ichaol dunna the railroad, l Memphi .,¥ lIid ftir IIn~ ,!n4lHught ullolilt. peaco lind jltu, 'Cor 11.8 iru!' by lIul chait' and bfllUllltt g, be C\~uld advancin ll n" opportllnity for'i ll ill 8 Illte. lentr of he p.~d ~ very orolpero~, .nd wo! oall .. roly rec uhi61tio WIll, ful!\lwlll o thl! Il"d .tlenllo We blld wrt!er" frialo poor f ·lh~' hu.e million ollly Nut . another be perly "!'toaeth enin, lIill eoligh~pnl!d .nd liber.1 Her~ will a man, cou.pote nt . lhO p4:ncll. It .ppe~r. Ihlit the pr~pur. .. prlDcipl1 of the ~CIV Y""k the ndullt mend corrodpu _ ~'lIe., l·.!ri Ihe .. tera~op illtll ., e hA1llet " · ~u~tIOll d pr;nan_ ,ofl'"u'd ill lloia to pay foreign thelr-p~ l6t:lmt plnoram . 01 . the I" ' . 1 IUOIIB OJ. a l/Iagn . charge of Iny '\V multlLI eOod underlt. ndin,l. I a.'neerely I"r.' ialie.n' fro", thi. country . in evet • ....r.-.t l/) have . .; _ , . F , Iltulu: . It .. the poet-p.ld o' .bt' mUlt cilizcnl' olher , uf . lIumber r'" ~ ,. , • . but I~ • .' I ' labor.- Rr ' d Ulr, ~IJ Ihe AII'''flC'llld ell II II, iiI .. rlu. b lehool III lloroill3 ry lIIu lic~1 ph nu",<' null h,' ope I'h • t J PI,'y e. e tu req or my.e ' T B G T.LuaT . ~ ~-yo 1..01" who mil ...,flt tq' attend hf. CUIIIII)' .ro he~vy lo.~r.. Thu A VIlryutr • . ., at Ihe 101v,n . d J 1l : b Mr. Q~rnum de-dlgn., al1~ th.t . whilt ~llIch 'bl . II ·· .. ACldemy the or f'Jlt .dyerLl~ the . ~~r~' b' "&he ."r'" " I' k I • We' pre~l!dtud III thu I,""owr i.r ~P.II ·"~ived I JU.I .. ' w hnl Y • enllmel" , the WilsOll, lk blume.l ' . y Ule :'llundh~tI I ' h'UII . , I ' ' . ...: to ~o.ur "b~ea~ .per"l °llnae I It I "Ct'~Pt~ • • rUdl lere l.an81R1'"• t h •. !I !lte ,ea ' week t,,·o plI.t • the or If d • been .. h 'd' a Mr 10 . 9r10lV, tllle' or ilit! .up~r· I wilbed w evUni "0" by ~ec,,", II, U~. • Mentioo ed that wbieb , - " ' . ' o ,our pollelly I .u r" polnl"r' fur hnl"l:0v e rl,nill Filllie- willt 1.11'" mll ~ eurate f'" y I!ur , ). , I ' . Ii h' .... ~ul1le , Ilellmerd I . b' 11 1m. very _, one ,",eU to d , 0, th~ churlul 'N i",h}lr.iDU lo.lect I • ., H. enueavor III II/ comp Y WI! t tl 'n- . J' we cln lI1lt duy.-N~IY. AlbHII}· L·' d Ili"lIId~lItd o. tlwuire. ill prll\luwurk In New Yllrk keulltt " , ,.' i ,t jUl\ctiol! 'b • • I '. , W . f t ft_ .-.. , ... P 1\IIIfoIL olu_. , The phI!IIUUlen',n iii II yU~1I111 V.luck uo!l Oftl-- ••c- por anI lle,n, ut Wle i ve It rol,)W,IO ",1:JDEJl . < . ' > Iiey g~r. ' • • • them In :.J1lbe proper col~ril. Permit me, with thll .1I\lrlne e, to will IN 1QUr adver· III m.y .und.,~..I.nd rully, .T uiliun . Will be Yuu olf.r. your I1HlIll'd Frdderick R Ii&,' Whu , WUII b'o~n ct'pt .' .. ( Suotllin\ A lhut II~e p~1I0rullIa 11'1,11 occupy ver flOW Iho loltt'r of Credenc e which I cing, un. commtll bll~ t~ ". of time the frum Illi.rrd with lour h.lld" e .(10 II wllich . ' n'lmbf'r. thl, In tllH'lIIl!all I ie.. t ag.II), II I United .0DlC Ihru mile. <'I C.IIVUI8, .nll IbMt .ll,,. of , vPI~I'1 Ii c_ nlT i l in ~ h pt ,,' . ' ea-.. term ~d91'"IC~" tht! M of· brla, from th Preaiden,t or .hip 01001 Tile the III , haYe e . Wilmin9 lOnlr-W 11111 ·A V ligon,. IIIOV Ill: W II till!' lrrtl. ' ..... lIT TlIll BAlli o~ 1'Hy. C!.IFn. . I.'.,'!t II' or II.X, I h 1"IIIe ·" t o~t " , luy. ' m a~" • I llUrl'o~p . a. ,_ bUll n· h \vllll whic lli~" u I" metol" t .... "x""IIr.n IU prci.1 i. •• t~ or Rv. ~·, ..... .. k c .i. OIl. M""d y Yvur. ,0 'fillll\ eart lledt" p.per. IY ," .. N yllur l. ·.t u, . wl\i "h Ilrrived ~.~. 'I:CO !plnYlnl ch.aaed the .ddreil. . 1' 1 I I II tid aUrae", e pr Ij '\U' ...,~- r I P ' 'Ii- 0 . rI .... ' ' Pull\l d ~ I with lb, e.rrprellion or ev~ry wi~b f~r the eel' , r"purl1l ~ lUI, W 1\ . ~ cvur.",I I",O'lu.1 III II .., w"rlt\. 1{,. pU be m.d,' wilb tbe Princlplll: and 10 IIrtIto Iea were rer~lveu.," TI Ibll k you • ._ may t1owret••0 IrLlb Ob', lell me ,·Ii gilllll~mltn itt h_rd ' lit rOIR IIC a'·I.. lIultluy . whilllil • I \II • D r I 6 I . i~ pro.peri cllull ' IUI' a 01 ni lid I . "e .~ , All ... lohiU contlnue d health h,ppiaPI• • nd . , ut'~ .. ' III " I, N II!r Perl " .,...,.,......- - "re-eo, . nt, 011'0,011 II J ) I \ V " . . fill It . . ' . th .. leature-" wrlll~n on'. '.Ibe' .1'111. . . " wurk ",REI1'Sa ich II "w .. Gre ( from i t . ,~ W ... dl'lIreee .,. '.~I.itl r.Jt..oW e thirt , impeul ' . 0' ' I, o~your IIlIJeIIl)' '9d to, .11 of ),our und ,!ttl Illude lor III .. · 0\1 n 11• ., IiII Pllllh) ' . ., tI ~Iret.! I, •.., .ttenl on 0 our rea· \}oJ Who.. forma ,"'e no", bowell liy Ilie Y. I! ' o/ . . I . I I' hi II •. which .... Which will .ccompallY II. exhl\lIllllll. ulltlllfly-p IIII IesirOIll ;. anti I! I"hl hundred R. n, era to the ne,w 1,lvllrliiNnent3' Viaitllrl MI.mi the rl~l .milJ.! ror g I I~'lrt'", oVl'r W IIIl I II. II':~II Ire A'l!Int " I . 1 • , r lYe; of .. . , " .weet . ' . . . · . R ,liz W", fld"M .""'t'"~U .' ,, " 'REP" 'Y OF THE EUPEB.OR- [TMA:'I" . U . . J _piller'" .. \ c~ pf'ur in' Ihl. number. Our trll'nll 01 _CIIII., a Ir;'mlJlln IntI hellv nl!: . •run Ilk ~ yeg- I he "",.t ,. , 1M ,&. ) PI!r.lln, of CmelnD ." II our .uthorl • ISIIIGIo:I\ I. . S&\\IUIO ' M.Ac'!1 /E.-We ' '" 1 W e' "'0 Wbere! lib, whtre! I. that #in' .0 oft l I J • h . B b d ' . 1.lIt hili, ..11~" !ttl II wl.u I" TIOIl .] I'rillCi' ' ' I 1'11 Rul"iall rec;\lmlJy'u l ut< W . ',lIlure . or • very If'Hrull Irll.... ,•• a'Wlt' r. I t ' h ve ••• .g~n ,or ('0 eo I It mun "I ue ua,.n o· d It'.d"y lIotlcl'd the . wu.kllllC of SllIlIer'. of Ihp \Yuh" 4 Ii . a -. 0 d h' I" k f () ' it Iidll: pbdl.iUt' HI t1 wtl. il _""111 Ivrlll"; wi.t. whiu;, lie II•• J O ' ' ti W~II d II d cied. lbe f'Xpl"il'" lib · .) lbl" my art.t .lId Dod {rlpDd I. tb e w· 8. inia; t IIcllltn k' 'I icUl.r d ·Mrtll'nd ea rth e 11t.~dle, Who .. elll frum . II ' lIIe ll ,,- .8 Ode h~ ., r~er~el' tl~ e ,00 , IIttuillhl " . ,\' . . rill '. udu"1 'd '. ' m· 'Hit. :. 1'1 .cr II\'I\.~ :~ tb' , ,etr .emenl, o•., .," • . " II lo >tllorhll. ;uo Ubulll t"" hUIIUrE'd l lIe ,.' 11 0 ' II uuly, w,t I 11* p..truhtl.. d'.... to _I , .. ' 1he .h,p w . •' ..rUllu",!! much " '" Ih" mor",,,::., nllJ , .. Prt~ldeDt of the United St~te~, ve" aad le .....u ,eu !;orner mol~er,ls"'lIpnt vf I whlt-h .. , . I Mucilln.e II • on I' . • Ing t , I .• ' I D ' ... ' e ,. e' ' ' I S" "" , ' . p ' I he 'I\I'I'l!r•• . . \Vb"'10 ' . "hh ta I t -' 'II11!IIJ_ ol bi lo .• I wid, C 0 d .. la. " ,",uver forthll. ew pi""f of bi. frienA.h 1',11 ... M b · U)'IUII, d cll.llllt I' . vi very b uyuff, w.t, I' , .11' Cuurse ', tI!r rUli!er ... " a 1. III , t I A for'" 'lIaee a 0 bl'"" a ow tel ere· 1\1 e.\ • cvlumn. ' rf!t; ,. . .nfJlher , .. ",p, II 0 0 " "~Iln , .. I .y .,D.a III . ' ''" J I J I ',II ' I I ·'d I' I II I ' _ ,M h I .IUIII p~e d' ! It. , t. i I ' . ' I ' con4dellUy trU'l, Mr. Mini.ter ' tbat n I,ut t ly. ,. .. I· t: . II .rllll , lIuy_ I I'" IlIIplu II, hllj;tlr9 "lll'lI I.e I. plloviulC t e r 1',11' I. IInl'l1l. .. , Shr-.. led .ad co Id 'i a 'hl • , ~ ~I'ry e ~chV(' 11,", w~ ~ @~uI" QU) • yet aud II .llJIp Vl'ry . I I . ,uumy Ii' uar. t1, II •• V lJl' ' S , ...... V ' I ' ti d " tI l. ~.Ihu de WOOD ! WOOD !!:-W'e will .. ver contInue the reprelfln .tlve ... lola I" I ' I I ' rI I ( ' . Jo!.vertul . . . lIy'" ' , 11Ig' 'I\~ U , ""jlldd I'rlltllll'" .s purk,; Od lIulI·eroi .. " d un II prill' Ing ' Irem ernpr, e II', 6 Ullr 'Y " I .. WI Irr • , ,. ull UII ' j~' ~ .. " De , ., ..... " of r.1I .nd ,\V,llIt... Good. lo hll c ,lIl1e, -I ' ~, 110 I' ,)(\ ucl utled wf"hud Ul II 6 :111 \\' ~I~II Ihlt' k \1 ilh .I~cl 'i'l ' ir tbole \I( .ub~lI~iber. who • 1IJOcI'lI.lIl1ullel'j! under.ta nillnl.vh lelt rt',nnrhl llE' rUJlldily, ulld at, Iho •• me IUlle 1\,; 101' fil. t 110111111'" A /Iearl lh.t once be.I, h.. now Itilied Ita, plf,aed . , 'I . I ' 11:' .t. d I " I - d .' ' II ' b I ' ' ~ wn r;'c , blll llJltlld it \I tJnll erJll j IlIv n l~1 will fulln "I , il P ;10 III . ' uII.unhu un UI; lJruull)i1 . b th with II hClluly r~rely cqu;.llrd by Ihe hall~, r ' .. . 11I11f· .~ ply p!:'" e. ove~ ... e re .tloo. of our 1 , ",1. e I t ........ a _'.' wt.:llb' .;' on .crlp .u r e ~ '~ II ,to ~lb ull e-uroh qu~kl'; IJr I'1 qll;, k"i ,\\l'1.' eXJlt. . A I ':"~ : I rt I h I I ~ ' . . lit ~ewlo "tr"i~hl, ullguiur IIr cI~rvt'd lie. . wll~ ' ' < Couotrl... ' , . "'I ' I ~' .1'- ~_'.. I .1,0 o· I wel"'I' " 081' . IOOblJ~tI~~ blind • I\~~.a uf nl, ,' r hKlf . btlio w~u " I di_COllrs .rewc n n, , ~Il t . . I S9 l . t . ~ III e 'ullllIUU " heIdi ~p m U.... "11~I.1 Tb r",need Ihree. lOt kAIII ""l1rvuld " If e Klioa 011 Itr WI 11Illve Ur. SeLene :". preknt& tlpn fROk pl.ce 1111.1(.. Ii., UW"":, ..i,d 11'111 nluk" lilly . tram ••upp y, _lor. I well I d'" I bl '\lilo d lVeut Iler Ilr~ . (lim lit .. "I'eukl'r 'ill' I I" Wid by ICrnvely remrlrk. ll"g'l' , ..... . I "hll I '.1 1 m•• , " . the)' . "' oa \b. Alii of • .. •• II iIIl ere 'VII', 11(11'. .~ I. ' we braved 1 or'J be t lin .,1 11\- <ou to (or~ I I .. P "ce, n ... _ ,It. P"Tc ._lenC4 ! , , ' lilt m. d I f l ' , . . I,,,' nl, lu tite bulll/O 11.1" •• IV _uulp lI-ull, lhO world wort! bUn"'" what. ____ d., II lid !Hi ,dhunue ill ·I'lg.'ll .t the ,.DlI.ce 0 f BO. V'I•l*•' and \Y . . .lten, came, ill' 'lillI!, It 1101 unly \oIUU.: und .!trrwIOr . . , I 'h"ly . ')1 Iftr·lla~d.~eelJoneeru.l~ cl'udlbllt tih"rl .p'uI.e ,ell I a.~ W~ . I" ,1110· burulllelt:r' or llcnllolll .I I/At It WOllld be II! _'. mch,,, • . d' I elOr. I Il.Uu," 'u~ren' I' di 'I f 0 • i eDt kl .r the by l'b th 1\ IIpl"" 10 l1ewlUg, i•• f II bUI til t1vlh, 'rl .ew. P.A 4ltd .llb.1I the t'form. fend Ecerfmon . 'N 'I In ca . Ii e wor nil' 0 'Ieue moat ...· OIl' Gil LAW:- le.1! tor 0 IIW . ~....... --..,.. ,.J. DVII., .r;xttlO~- . . he bore' tlr, slltl wUI '"ftk~ hlrn" •• Mntlltvrllot cb"ilr. . .I ,0.' ..,e rec:ep ,on 0"1 Gtor-. d lit ,n,' ElllpI,rlu 'Weitem I '1 . • . h ' h .. 111. oflba AUDlbil llloT. 8 8 f . • ' ' ;, lho til .wlth 'd Hr. ''' . ... ....tell'I··I i.ulI~ thllt wlll 'conlpnre I.vur'lbiy dlDlry .nd lIioMt~r ...leol re "uln" /0 el e WII · m.~ '1 tie DlltnlowD.ln ~ltl. 8\.Ie, ,. Ctllllpll\llIlRi 01 " _I , ~ . •• .. Cuurtlt{, 'rom A dl~ JlUI ~IIJ I() fil e ·Bu";.lu . 'I 11m" ton Wilming by and ,I". Oceaaio\l the ' .1· W.Yne" oa o:7'The 8 .... accomp. llied y. be hu, tu ' Ipay UI!.t haud work. 'l'he gtlvethUlllllt hlo8 1.-1 W,;-.-tl . thl! Dew '....... I.I ~I, th e ~""9r-~"""."f""""==-=""-""'MilUdJlY 01\ 8ays .' city, n " M Vur~ h"l NI!w -..:i\luke to " I~ th ""----. But 11.11 pllin hOW 01111 'lIck.llim·- lIil! MU(" FO,O'M BAL" lORE kl>, au IIOI113 h ~r it .1 .He. betwl!.. n re-lldy rellOr.ted to U,iM ' lJl,o,hin~ C IIU t t '11 hPW, A ~'lHGI'etiU of rPtioo ~pd the Uolt8d m ' F u,dtnetl " tt • f ' on iil uffi poo!l."e more "" ' 'I I. IU Ire nllIl "\u orl , II lluny urg, will bo lini .. h. alolhing fo~ the .ro!,y..~B-u§alo Erpru.. I~e ,0 hid bl. ,ullienee d Hnr.-y.b ' "I-ce.n " .loauJ. Mr. ' I't 'Ie d Slale.e o h W I Id b d ~,U..TIM"IIII, ' OCl, 10. d'd Ii , ~ oY~r tu l( It ~pluuntin • 1 • flllll' .r,u,,'r ~ noachin~ .w: lind leo llellPd i1 fr, VII I • b,,~rt'l ma1 cOllie '.Vith Ih~it a lew d.y_. T~e ,.olll-lo u ... i. now to l~t~ OQ th.~ day.-Na lil'm4l In:- Nu-,: klndrllllt.e1U" Wa It)Brn fr o,n \V u hin " ton III at ' Ihe better oplDiqn or III. howled ,e Ibnn ttl.t. E . K. Cui· ", 1",11 underatRnd .lhat Pler('aln lendl put· Slob,oOO werll . r1i.po~.,d 01. Wie eU1I1 .",ly "'.i/lfIl«1.. iJllmedi hill the on , e'~Qted· heln, Ihinj[! the w.ot of hi, All ~ntlc; ,l leu' Pr~a :~"".1 had 'giv,'n' ~rilerd" to 111 0 IIbYII h' Hllw much pllinpr dof'l be b od I . t' Add tini .. dlily line of Ii"e four horoe eOleu ';l I II. t\lok . lll Ii" ea~b l . . , pl~. Iblol Dr le.rn lf. .. 1I l.w' poetage new the B, thc lI\rca slotiOll1 tl> far o .~III.rft, and rxlend all the III lin I e I between Gr.envi lle Ind Day. mor8.-~t' ••ly all the hotel.~ lind und the ,ull .,... OIl."WJ lOS '0£ 'rilE E,.wOIiLfCAL .. n rqp I' II 1II0.ten , 0 , .. ' . on hlflr· "I.t' ·Pllbli.b~ra of Dlal(o&luel, Newlplf y, p. rtlli'll, ed m"chinett, .. \,,"11 .. , ulnnl Iniliturv honu", to KUd!util .L gr.vI: · 10 prel' w,., ton, eonnect lng with the eYeltlnll tral,.. ti, of,theait ALUuc s' Is cloliP.d. It b •• been od. of Yet le'lI 1I0t, nor go,"i. oot,... ftln)eO heeo \f.0 lIot, to wake rlal:es.' Ie er oll; uwed IIml ll tU'e.1 YuI alll, N.·W Pl!rioiJlcl ""II\1 r ' v[her. 'cl. per~, Dlld , ItelllllbuIII~ ' in olher h'' ' . 8, nl ClnolnJlati , Our Greellvi lle· friend. will lIIany hutel. ulld .oat'Jlm ark."le ·iDt.ere.t; yrl or' .ii' l I,rnot IIbt.ln ,.ny reUable aCCO\1I11 A Krl,ntl dinllt.\ r wlll bll il1'cllitim II tlte ' b . iotereb anp th~ir publirlt ion., '.oneI copy I ·.. b ,' .1 I I 1' t' ' I r tiu. I \'~rb' Th'b mClllur" in. ~ whlcb ."ticipat lbl'l 10 frOm enllblod be dllrerent ., tllUA " . . IDJr)l"ld ue ....y a e eCII"n. .. tn ~te ,or ,tD" W o.e em r.c;e OIIl1h" fr,. " ,of any, I'o.tal obar,!!, w IItev· lu t e re• .,- ~ 0',--III- l'reilde-1I1'. hUllftc. ., ' ' ' til h '-" blit Ie f L_ IhI advantag e• • nd c~nvenl~~eill' wbieh fin-lib .a th.....ll t.uDference of 1861S. , Tliat i• 't he .IJ...... . A"'lul Tr.,Jed ,. e1 a_ve. W 0 tuic. M . Ow ell, the Amerir. u, Conaol At lIt.· er. , tj, ' MOTIC& I own UY tbelr . ~of ",ltIU or m nplellqn I .. T"-'p 'W l I follow the b,~t There, ••• much Ie.. ftf tlJe IIlthu.\,U __ ....uow I 0'0 la w...,. ":" .1. A rendem .. n from. Oib.on oollnty iu - vana, )lu, been. r"culletl. Tb, J·rnilhn l i l . ...... . "I f . '1-' III.J e ... " , ", ... , tempe~t thl 0 , .olce Cill' T~e t 10 I I~P IluI impon.n Clf fJlHktl can . ')lllely . 1:bey ~he , . 01 ennclGe wal, rllilroa.d. tio,elly, D ' • • ElI '.- ,T llle I-'~r. ,urll" III th ..t In .wfullr lpdy W' ___ . Ii 'a~lI.1 e'ter.. letter, t/lal hi' ,Id. ,'I/.wer to oumeru\l 'n.. , . ' '." ne,.., la ...... ... ., • • n_~., h bla tomb, ed in 'thqt counly I..t week. It .,eme ,ha' h.. in rurmcd 111m, III ,• I. wlloly u".a,li.r~cd II dd .. lm.llon ot b the Iet'on~ \llnn.lI, m a day.-Da glo1\ Jou1'1Ial. ced, willllle., conJuct h.i hi. b or . 'lUH.l lunl,IH ' of tllIl llif .nd 1 b ,h_t h felice "lllnlt II ~ ,on m I . re_ I ua -Heavell cynvul.l n,- w ~c . • ye ' tw'U b uther. Ilamell Hlrper-. ontl Iivi/ll lury. • '0' protracl f'illlellll ej but • f~r lI'eater .mount ·Or the Ihollder.~r p ' . Q , \lIlJert, confirmi .lhe .bove. 10 nI h~lter . to Friend Barringe r ' The ' " rO.f; . . yen of II. t'l!i __ enCf>. a' ~tlH mo!'r,nlo ver ~Ilulht'r ' oJ Intolm.t lon oa Ille dlft'er.llt parta ot 'tbe. • bet- ar.. l,fI'e red on lhn eillelinn of Lllrgt! p.,la o;lliI.oel 1)00,lty thl! · 01' , Gibsl'h In one or r ollte-, the propri\llv y, ,.h. . • I{~ntuck ill r-Death' nlld ~, I\JlllbliI •• Utt'nner, and we t'lIclu.lon 01 Slavery frolll C8lifurui " he wo~rd,.lId lin tbe condition 01 ,.\lglon Yet they'll wille. 'nothl , __ tI 'W I . 011' 10 the OWI\. f MIIl.. III". No PUlt MiI.ter, .wbo ,,~. hoiltll out . . . ry ptetly . ' wJltlea III. duuql, tl'e 'pl.ce -h.d Ueel\ dl.putlnl, regard - "'"'--... ~ ..,.. " ,1I 0; If• Ie" . JIII flock to Ibe .ny. that Ihe CI.liue.1,! are lliking io lhelD.' Perh,pI ,lndeed , the p" error may pcrlOnl ~ny Ih.t The Kelj' tuc~y . Ha~ber Il Unmlerf', • of. FI-ve-. difl'erthe enhlp tell S tu enoui" VI . f 18nMe el/mlnoo eve" , lie uar. I ", he'!! a Wit",' retnry • ~c ~ ellllAllllt of 01 kind t rll'lllla. .... ·ri b the 'lIid,Ibe Jlr .Iave io , eotl\or it,' h' of ' Southern d . lupport the t b wllkh b it enulltry, tlopt dl 'b ilj Ir G d h • ..if .L e co lI~il in .rnalin a 'or tbe ·m.eltlll, 'I' ,._ Ii" " . , .. '. m6te ' . me all .1\ r... 0 accompume WII Ihalllls ••' ,. .D'" ....,lween a II ~ • r. t u IU e-Iec' lull .11 aln.oel certalll , t .n ~moul,t 0 f I . , er "Iouid hue. laken, . The Chillese labort.r vhi Hlte ' 1 IonII cObnly. d' d I . .' b " ro ..1 II if he ioll~ to th I.y II erow dIII&' ,.r ~ Illy intllrot:t to '''' !lent •• pretend th -'I'hi. uld w Pr".hliln Wr.aT:-" ton TItIl ble.. GalUT ' nti aL' ""D ,e I t :&" . 1f'lle Cllt.UMDl b Ie t ~ oo a wI' " b~ ..on,a Imu °YIIIII "'-1 riI. . ,v hi"" •• ... I ~i11 btl.' f.1~izen and a voler, .ud nla} ... n" Ithn ..If, H " .rre-It all the I"rti~e conc"rn~d ill thu rlut uf luch the i,nte ntioll o('clrr"i worthy ,WillI "iI.hl_ lllto tel me. ' nO "On. I"'...r. .nd h man hon~t n H •• i C ,' .. eea I t.te, of comlDen world ·1~lrg.n·t paper mammulh .nd . tl t h c,ul!! d110llflt 'be infurln~tlba .nd dl.. .ent \.0 ongre... '. e onlY cC>"1 e ~rl', fur '.. , . ~ned to rOIlI~t thie lummnry at Syrllcude, tlnd Iollv" thelD cllmouill!d . IInpor'1"l!t pOSI, . II ~ e ... Aod cllUd,en wbu enerilb hi' memor y'" he ..y., 'with ~. m.ny wivea . ,a itt plea.· bl'llther dctermin nelll . of firat the 00 t:ulurue ly. ei,hth the q~ialtlon, *hleh W'U I,emed forth dlY by him blmsell ,aecutdillu iDlurm , armod .nd rl'Celved s, .h.a II. proceB ~I' ". d ollrClloU atrueti" ' chur"o . ' Iho fI1 1)11 trilll I • h d dellr; ' It I. one 01 the very beat of Litb, oratot. (rom " U til. couatrie .·. Tltll , It I'may lere 0 er IJlCen~e," thllaeEdl th ,,;. .L 'k TI.ey me~ .nd a bloody fi ".. hl IIccured, Tell. .pay month,p.pera, IIIId we• wquld nOl he deprJ- OI,.n • • ''', I . w~. mill . '.' I . 1\ Commodure W urrinalo j\ II 0J01 e~l'eGled 'Ii I for bl,IOIl, ytlt would nll, t reo 10 u,e euect n d erarr th IT luO I II Ie may h Inll!'y .'1 10 h I ce rl "'M~ "ere well ' prepared , .nd lOme at Th~)"IIIOU,a I' nl'.see Harper Ihut lhe olhc~ wilh • mUI' fKl!lap 00 I e r f'ac .oge. 10. ' e" Plte r-o;- r , ," , ....w .. <I ~ abl. lum per proper to \ll'urihip.' Iwe. Ihepi were dr tile; "bleal and the'moir vlilket,and IV •• hlmB'!I' Ihut in mlurn. The to Francll . Tu uur 1I1,"d ,lite new ved or iI, for 'quite o•ycnn"der C.nada. or .. 81.1 Dod"e Ibtl mllhona re of Geut", here. , I .uflirill . 10 ill ...... SbaUullk , '8 'plrll Hie ",i11lara l n. d e It ie ,",1I' , a u.tile e1i.r.cI. r,· .11 were Inler.. lln" itl of V!lt , Ve-l " . .• iten'u~kl.n dll'd immedlalely,after ~hOOlilll\' . Ualll i. ollarly I~e ni ht tlting,.n d ,,!e '!lIi. . ( ' yeir-Ci ncinnnt l, O. town, dle,I II"1 III.!C ht ; he ~a. ('11e.n.lvl·ly d~Ullra. lillie IWU .• a hort • • Term, duel IInllered th.t eer," thill, .ny TI'hnpll to ly e~edla.I ;·1 "It not one or (hem Iet'Dle>l 0 But tell ";"lhe chlerful very Eneln". mit '" of , Jae'fol. hnnuu .-Ste,, me, I .~k tbee, tbou &rlllil Ilia, rr to" t ' · ~ It' I II nl Ihe KI'ntuck l.II, N' nnhf'lll"d wllh mcreall' ''e \ .~ tilt ' 4 II"" JU' Ice 1I0e . Mr. Greely Iltua dHCribf'l • newly rlf- .lId tlied ~· Iao. Theeoll or 0 I• uri • know we for It, III rillht ju.t, Ih .ppe.r /lilt . . I' h b • , , II t ttl ' • .,, ' . w~ulll bll.. hll IS- . rUlbed filII, r hillatbr .:10 w\ll Heilig b¥ OD. f\11loIhed • p,per, ~lIIr,h f' pl.lnina on .a", e our lit tb.t w well, lull engllll', Ie. ven. uru.PUJ''1Fe ,wllI Colnmod P9 afYlle, tb.n · Wbu,.n Ilpklng r.r dClwo .\o .thy Tbe_III ~ · It Ilh 'd h' d ~ffiI. d.y tu over .tch'lellun, bb t' II H' I I r ' Ik N f '1 , er:, i!.I: ' l l Roell"t a It WIIII In Ibtl 'm W Fair G'roulld. .~ wl-'" • .0' pn nil I a e • II .. . , ., '1':1 ~DI rulll "r 0 ,or OVlln., on rl ,"y, la8th . .L . . . . . _'11 I'" thy couo.- wbere hl'l U Ifll 'Ao,11 WI. ple ..ed to SlIa heM. cheap NlIlf~uil/.e ~liclffl; &pt. IU 'l!"llP" ~llOlher II ... i .TI.. Hun. JHII'I". GrMbul1I, 01 Nortlt C",r' " ' 'I'irii. dOlb .I.y! Ste.m Ellgi"e on wheel., (t,IU' hone, cOIl~lIIl1)uaiCltioll ~rdlD' hi. own re I,Ioa or lob 111111., diet! on. !.he 911t, eatllrlct 'ft, the Cllllfl.rn h.~e .. ~ o::rWe ac" ihl Coder. of l& .bod.~ lI!Ielllodl ill' io the ~If frum DOlb It IIp''.r IIIC't!26 ,.lIl1ppl lance-. ill~ludeil.) which be w." I~ h~~ to brio, fo~.rd. mine the ,numero ll.rf.der e or the VI~itclr, '. Tile ~ethotll ~tjullruul. p.upUitI! Ihllt, af. bl tl- r manuf.c lory of Ifoord" Dr"drord, .W "te". UOVEi ilENTS OF JENNY" LIND ~,.\OIIld It ret del.y~.t Ibe ... Ii0f'd " C,' . h.. I Y"8r IS"I, lilt our h Iute ~r 118 d.y., f.w t ... I th. wltlltn , tll.t , .. tile ' ,. lpuktl .nd vl.ited )' we Co. week La.t JetrcJ'tIon . hOllr ao other pl.u m1lhl be found (ur it Aad town, luare... much very JlVFF.u.U"Ucl. 10. mooa, wllo ,1 ft• ••• 'J.aaJj , tbuuad1.00, brlpt , R1i~ion.rJ' bI d rllllu,d~d r ' be ;o 'fn ... ~.e • U .. .h lince, ' , '1 month. I filleen ome •• tll'i. worli their . of II"... _ 1('1111." Lind ..oivPI II (,'lIeerl Ilere "n the crowd.d prO>IfIIftIh. 0 .,ea. . " " "l WIIII_ v . .. h'Irlern IJIIIII'IO/t Ibe Incre.le d h d lupply to enuuJrh nl,t had ,'nt . '" Utll!l , r II." I 00 I ~t !II" t ; ce '1 b~cn II (llll, ' lieve Ihey 'that dlly to Ifarnl'oI I ·l. k 1'7lh. .nd future d.y' 00 Ih. thl t on i~,lhe l .-' tlIe pru.pee ' tN . I b 16th W •• G.UIlRTII • .• ied In ~Jli VfI'I'! .I hid • wee I ~ ..t thOIl aceo. \11 lh, "4""el•• bolleJ. . dem.nU,l ' T ' lind "nlilhor . , I W In, Wit' I 0.\1 011 I h' gro~un • WI . e T"..,. 'In I I I ' prOlperilv" .1- W""-'--)ly OWII •Impl'llllion ii, tit., the .1Ii.nce, 'UIIM'Ite ·"Y8, unuble tu fill tli!!lr uriler. pronlptly It aay , lor thot uPle totien of l.allA. . ,.P ",t ut. th~ _ III ....... _,I\rlt hI'li st f;'r We reliel or Ihe I ' {fl. ~a by ,W~PI· IUel 'hie!1 " thou , nCE'~ COII(er.t • b ' " l or,g.nll~ • t1i > a , ~ ' ,ea". owing to the r all 1111 - tv ', ' 1M ' Ilie I.. tl: tire. ' 1'il'keld rrufII ... tl' .m· t WIIlch In tlul ca.. teem .... 10 "alt e .. "'bo w.a bpi'n in Serble , r.oonl)" Vlralnla I tillle. during Ihe p..t I nlAfII' al ' .ddltltln en b quIte ., w• • ·I cunl IlIullly Inere."n g demlll"; IIhhulIgh eWlRe .nIUL~lIr.t p~rl of Ihe . 0. . .)~ I. , It 11._ Tb' • "lllI,tlon ",,· tb. ",1Ir1~ world th.t I. ft.. w!!ek u till t7l1-an , &1Ie uo Ih. 29th ~If Octnbe~ "" . 81ualna Inlhema' 01 JUy I . . in er.1 Corllerl'lIce. It ia II,u propo~~4 Ihul Inr~. ll quadrupled uel to TOlOnto, thf'nce to tallied to theICIea tl8c world by the Brltlab Ilon.e.u enl', aI.blM death, I.elfly .evenly. 1they Iuive In Ihp meantlm ·B"I.L t~le Kf/Cp , •. iend fr bf'" e~ ch of Ih"." Ih lrlelln lIIilllliolllrle. ith"1 . She Ihen It I~vel 01 AIIod.\ lon, '!I'~ld, h••e done 'l'eU to copy He. t(I',ldy.ted ~"llh number 01 , Ille-ir ~url"nen_ They .,.. of "r. y . lhru I.~g"r .ti, S,. Lou i~ , nd Chi· I. Ii.t Cilicinn uur rr, " PI'I~lol\ AlIho\l, ~he .I'd, N!J!' oriitn I out o'er collect ,I,OOO, .u lhat. when buller, ""c,, •• low Ii tIi.t.!bod r, by dI9ldi&. Into Hctiocie ,&he Aad 'I".Wa th.t bllll , p.pp .... , di.tln~ol .. bed . hunot It DickllOlt Culltge, IIIICI".,1 With ~ he ~III go to Nt''' country uf ce y wl,"n m maJllri~ the an Cl!gj·,l'l'l/ til ... DOW fut,!r 01 pend!lnt e intl. be 8hnll ev~ " t.inl uJ' H. (h,ur hone,) requirinll Iboul •• lIIut h Ju~1 Confere nce papenj ""rdln• . • ach p.rticul. r branch. a,t!. ~"rl" ,wt)' !t ,) •. P ', (Oarliall the Of ~eae,lIIbei . I.~e [0 ~ Ihe DUg"! "'ho IIbu,UI '\;Il~k ye., Ih.~re.•,re nooln1 thlit up tv aia lIIi~.lonlry aid. WIll ~'Cr~1hOM wbo are'pee l.lI, later- Cau)'11 ....r' all, tidih,. to DId utll..d I.", and .... lilleaeed 10 prKelice .. a p",'o. 6, .. , atld from .. doln, .~e 'Ne IIIUI(;O . r lUll. ti~ 'ItOM ~ Ih_t t Vlillor, I.AT.'.l MIIOII nbibitttd enn &e4hl tb.t brlncb .nd dilcull4!tl by ,he. Obe ~JJ met-Fv r ~n IUIIIw"r hll ntltl,'ot Stale. b.fore Itt.iDin g m ,jllr· hurae (400.) The one here be ,I...,:re.": od•• I..... ,l will that _ ur"n"" C;J Vltiltor • It d. ... m~tce to t ReC",n .. ~ our GenII". .nd IS . •• e l.utll t,o 'tltrPMIt dol,b bit... ; • t leCJUn: ThII. the whole of lh. papen In Ute lre.r 1'7~ (Ihe a.... llln ,: hlll. tie jtUid!d to the Ii.ra or .tuc\l', AR.lqV.A L OF MR. LETCH,ER.. tIIr· el,.rl), welcomf d 10 ewery l,oUle, .bop, Doth be P,, 'iD 'I~a U ..,ea, b.p" the I"nin, and whell Ih"t . 'lldica~iollll au: nlUltipl),it'lf,':; winnow IIull l'Ot Ihl. ,I"'<luj!h • 00 Fnoce .ould bl'" fouad.a audi'nce ttt'j! ... " lie oUI.) 1.leII Will clltlle NEI\' OAl.UI ~, <kt, I• . counlry . 'the Ilt ebU'ln~. tl 01 II"1 ~C! place pr:I .nd MO Ihe T between . . treel Ilul ti,.id III tlral ~eh.~10nll .o~t la done wlil propel ibelf lilokln" y, ..,Hi.IIJ IDt.enlt.ed In th.t couatry, &h_ K'"n!uck "" "'.y 101. oil pl.ue a prlnll1P.le I',.,ui Vera Onll 10 \hl Ihe do"'. ~e 'l h Idvodle W" nut, _ I 1O"ellU l ~od tboa!:h we ~lJ dl .. nce no/ulIl ,tlon_ "I Prot('o~tant Gl'rlllOnl in l'lti . otllt.I" Bel,lulII , Sweden , .od Germ.a " Tbe .uo .hed • hue 10111". Two yeara nll"r ' be 'I"eU ell' • ) ub tit .luthJl. p~ lIIi\lf" .. rived 011 Ibe firll,lad the Jll?IiU".n fur II)IO&. ,'I ' 'Iclt!!r L J1.ny. Mr, r 411,. I'!'rllt:ula nl' .ny ,i1 nf I;!yn n Luther C()~lIIlr}' . Th~ 10,.1 bri,bt, law m." their .ppropri '. ,. . trOIIllI hie ltent In Chi IiClllhll, .'"~ here wlil IrnvE'llJllct Ihe huuae and lecount, '10 'illlmedia lely to lhe C'pilol. ,d r.tthruJ •. pronl'lod. plper uur' Ger· in t1te find with will c"nre~ bl6lh , tl ber ~ Iro. .c'"nltt Pd, .""., ",lin .miled DIU, I moun Th. of hi~ p{l!felllon Ule ",·'_ !' "bUill' aa f.., .. • \8 'Udl",?" ~ Lvi~,. frolll, ,.\1•••10'11 repreaen t lbeGorfar a. we ire able to Illye, IIf lht' II.le of h.. n~I~, i1~ Ihe pr.!cllc:e ll S!~n.~ UPtll1 tJI~ t'IIp,rdipn. w.IIIID' dume; Upoa e,&ch of lh_ OO\fiIlritI, detail. I~ P"l't. IIf pub ' rclln bifid il albng, beguilh'lI It I It!lI. lIrr m/111 Ref!lr: pd ilRpur'"I "erll . . ... . 1i!li~ ID or dewho rell,der in ,r.., .:Ullr\1lli'un Tile e-rIIllI"nl wu.ld. Suntl." polill~1 UIIIU!I thl> .11 !n", d.!I,ht,' I JI' d, j"101111 in pllhlrrthe 1)1 cy ~TblIUI~ III. Wtff~hrr ,..l1y .,.lulbl. wera ftbml~; but I e .be,,'!1 Ih" pr..e- momelli l by pllJllp ing .vlit\'\' lor III,. <'.lIle lince. ' "e, bu.t, lie newa, 1 ... Ir'De .1 al'~JDP~ were 'm.d, .. lind , itlpB'l'clu lI.nellu. .. )I'l;'y mlee .Irea 'lie !lwelle,' .. Id till')' IU. '.,....u une, liln!:ing Ih~ ~chuol I~YIII" _ntll,k III G:r~lnn, "". Whil'll \ lntlt'llU nC con,eru tion W~IC" report . !ill" uf llif I~w.t an e.tlie. peri.!II thon Icllurlllnjf: turning grilltl-~t G.b·n!!t new ,ul'ply I IU~I • 1111P"IIiI Tho colu~n.~ Utlr ~,p~e. in Will lilld wm I-tter tht! vior at ~J' b.r in tit" I lJr.... k... ttle Ufer Ihl! kltchea lire, aud 'r.,~k n 18 upcrled _I,ht h ••e e"\lltetl, w •• Iott; .ad ,tliua, low ebb, Ind I" "I'he Treaal!r er ~ .. Ind .bHt. ~DfIt! \II ho loye ~~e .ny othe, I1Y'"I: membl!t flf ,the I.~.t .16, lhe raiee t'! J r~~ul,e .I~u n.!J .. ~ Lulheran ~ IQler" lnat.ead 01 thoae who lelt • peoullar I .J' I , allellt io. , ... Iylhe ge11f!II ble J.~II~ ing th.e crldie.' el\1 of n Prtifeillllr8hip G uYernmebta relOorct c-:-lbe prud~cllbn. of Ihlt 'In..."rllenil\lwm the rOll'llntl (or 000 'l, w.n • """ • • " ' 1 ! ("icinna ll' IrwI .a 'he Judfte III ita '111 object 1M"",. the -Ibe i humorou -!bf' a,ult'l. . tHe b .hau.ald tlonlor , , P; '7' ' . "I' Germln in Pe'lR.,l vanl. Cul ltllO. ' I' d . 1.0.' In ..e \\'a.clllo . . . .kID« U.. furtber kDowledae ",blel. they ri tired lrom .ctlv/llif e,-alr, C . .T he .~urtta ~r Ihe Revolnlloll In Npri' . In~Iruetln In ~or•• Will .11 find tbelr ' to of oa bURied )ournal. were oualy) c , hey ~~'.lIt lI.ired.t Ii.", The H~riolJ . bed tI Co... w.., of, COII~"', Ihf' nldut ,meulber in .e· .. . b d I .11 r. un, Come Prb.oao rian too. nanca .ttended ,he aad Wlllt~ ~1J11a Ko , of .rl Ie.,. A. .·.nll·ul E1UO. Ihe 281h ul . gIve. Ille " I.rn ..eaICQ. • Do>t Jet reail . 'd hi . "prllt,ne~ ' ... DI., liDport'Dt, iptct'"t io, them!; K .ad wb.t I. beuer, tu.1 pr.etlCfJ " la Ohio ' I p.per, " cb"p • nllw w.nt .1'11 to"'. lie n ~ I o".~ut Jr. w" mind V' di.trenin b t~e . .lId befbn a,ing e rbe' , ••• illter, co Bubac: dietH • fintlr-!!blio Hrvlee wo. ,. Sec- m!>,,~ Ur. I~I' " " ,01' ' . ~ iall1il', r . on~' ST o. I. t~elr wlI.y to ~he Ulllled Sl.t.el, Mr. BY'thi •• rrival W8 h. . . .~ Fttr!iuilln, ftl!1ell well at 1Ibet1y to b.aruD to It. SIIIle 0'.)01" ·.li alii .....n '. 11I(.n1 Jh.e.n ,the of State of 8It Ih.,,,r The Gr.nde. hvw rk Rio I~ r Ibe (1'11111 Ifnllenu • .w. - :11 hi. Ihlle Ion G"nm, of N~ w Y9 , propoae~ to .r.le . . . . . . . ...-100. of coaf...oce,IO, .nl He .....fterw.nI a elected a melllber laboill eitht, ~e~rII, who, with C. 'I If' Wl4 f . L led e. ' p.tro~ae AnI your th. o~ (or worth, In'"ted -be to lette,.. , fUlid u~ 'IOO,~ 1'1Il compoaed or nineteen ' alfltl ,eF', .iailea • CO\JlIlf)I __k~ . . .tia,. were b.Id; .• he. Ihe Conrr -•• l1li IfIr,ed III the N.tioll.1 01111, ·~f· h . wloOo ... IJ b 'I,,. plan -- ~rnr6t 'of the dl.linpi .hed eall,. HI. 111 t, " I~, 1'7, I' • river in Afrie.; follr milel. Tbey atime II. • trfI. iil.t.I't WIU' lue lbe 01 time lh. ednaal principle to ""bleh I hen refeted Il ".,.., oaf! 0 • OlD I b oller llrdunD __a._ b..... LegI.I.'t all tl yel, y •• --' we d Ii e before, treec10b.tIIa id ~ . we ~ Flo.ld o:::r'A. I d ' ... . , Arrlca; io au lOWtD to • . i. ." " 18, 11,1, I"', - , th.t bod. I. nr ,!n un rro IflIn , "men d'lDel. with Great Brllba. • No m.nla the evenrng Icd ,ot l~t, ID ....... ... wlth .....t IIIY111tare. IQ If' lioll'le III h bPI " ...... ~ • ... A '::' in war, lown ' .~, iI. C 19 18 re. _ ~"d " 11 '8I ' I 10 Ibe er r nter, we 0 ourae lII ... " , .bout.U In tlje .mom- 'I/?OO He If.. lint '1000 w ~J a....ay breellfu ted, la .Dolber WIA mort r"'o rable kno"n ror hi. patrio>t- w ,nderel! U', ,Iveo "~, he .). m :~iu lb.t ::;O work , : .01 du C:1 to d' Aili.; ':p;~ lJ, I, " I", II, i••' river io Of UT' N"W' Yorfk, wbo h .. wa..aUHI to half 4114 "ra.ce, in • third Betaillm, 1114 lor ·.cti'l uoIIliJlDe..: ina t~e, reoewed thefr ... rch (or Ihe rOad, _ i.hed arly or leet, the pereon diath~,u or ' . auf)i. {t Pd \Vh.! faod. the nC~Lto 0 d.llI'ere relliure in . u river • ' in Ibe lni!lR'.1 or tell ye.n, be w.. ~nd kept It up .11 d." ttie old 'm an • 'l'DrtI,. TM ~ wh~ f.l~ • ,...1I.r Sou"b 'A' 9, 6, 1~.Ii, 10, 6, I. TER ON YUKI 'U·..,~'tO~ ... atl n,lIIe wor. oae, DOlT belone; pro- Af\er menca, I he 1i!ll o.. r ~d tblt the required .um will ,be m.d. DISAS thlt fHilble 10 pttil', lat.enll la aa, 01 dteea 10bject. , ~"nldr coa. e wheN-h . Con~ to chOlfJa ()~ Oct. II. .,.hl be may which lan~ the that vidln" up. .. 6,', U, I., 16, i, • cit, io f t • • lor .ucf . . . unble to rile. They thtl Siace tertlll. tbIlr . party IICICCfthllly, At 0 ... 01 Ib_ j'Ul'th1ll" t_ Ilnul>d Lii'" Wik thtl 1hth ict lilt JIG tI 110' ulOd doeI l'Ot conll TIl \. 6.1,2, 6, 16, II, 1J ,1- • rlyei in ooaatryl D.a. pr. ....w.p . .· bome uut Ihree d.J'II belore .I.rm ••• raided .. h h. uf plntlion I.t ... t" 1101 Ibm boUt \Ve n~": Ultiea. J Truth .nd !JO.JIET Itlnr1 l . I. N... Yo.s.- Th. I~. ~~ro: 1II....ylOll I_nd, tb~ ,re: when the PfIOpl. wrned oat to boot th4!ltI. p";'C_ ~II . II' ., • pnctialn " i. .. II ... whieb 1ftt ~1tb.t do to .u Wlr, b.Po iliy .. w la ;,nle, bra,~1~8~,~11~'~ci~tl~iIIl':D~'~IJ Ih \be ~ wltb- ,."ir. b• .J!I nlall, nb.icltd, .... ~e On.. -'-1~~~:-::::;~~~~~~~~~rrsOf~;'lS~'~I~I~'~8~,~11i~,~8~,~'7~ ........ . . " .... ~ _ IOI~clt", be cooltl aot be ptated.l1 ........ whea erUo, but 111I It t~f or oU nf 1 1 .w.,. 111' re De •• w la, it purcbl!a are ken ' wIleD, , 9 1'7 ia 6 .. nut _ ; ........ 00. followed . . . .' pl..... "I .Ube ffi\ulft>d 011 tb ••itlt! of Illp., we t9 .cctpt "tII,ce," beJ._ B ••,. "ak uor Of Iii, ,llI~: ' • after baftllJa , Ihftllllla ~ 1Ir\u., lerlff baab, ulllp'l III .,. to ..... till.., "',~ "'17 lOr-.. WliIt8 : : 10,4,1, II, 111,16,1. ',., I., i. . are In, rlpt CII'; X". . . . . W. . . . .aiI . . . . . titer Ill ... , . . ..... .. A..... .,.... .... &ft. OQ IIb1trq, It ANtI .tar DOt do .~.~ . 01 .... 0IIII*"'1 I'~ PIII_l elt, la 01.10, pelal'aJ .tat, Ie ....... 'be I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1I.....r ""b'-,I M"" prIIIt la, _ _, ....... . ~ ~ I." I, 0, I." Ie arlter III OliO; ..,.., .. . botI1" ..... oW llId,.. ..... C.~, laiR . . .... wolIN aehIIrr 081; ...... . 01* ...

peraltte d 10 .zerciH ,' freedolD lIeWl' Cftdec1c01bH1 befort'. ..... m~a of Am"'011 hiav. ""d. I more

In p.lnlilll tbe n4!W county. J. Hel . It PQlrfllf.Jo Idln'lft II w.".~d JlrealpIhl! to teet upon tbe him the "I.ha,'e of creek,'(I blla dry) fr,ctur, bed of oflti. tIIl~,.li,4lnjllrl",loim Inter· nally·.nd mort.lly Htl Iinarerd 111m, uII11I the 26tl, ult., ,whell he upln-d, h'ning '. r'IRily 10 muurn hia 10 I. He w• • .bl,\ried Iccordintt. to '~he rilea Il~ the Son. of Tem· of whieb IINcr he Will "r~ilhrut alld 8l1eu' pIIAry, mllm~llr. -[811I<1mlll"1011 • . ' Reporter . , ...,.---














. It; No


tow ' G npl" IU8 (ril' 1'011 th e Aon

A lIJ,,,,





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Ihl.' Gt·r I Ed 'I'L no,


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. , wllOll" iiAli~~,..,.~





de, •• "\Ked


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•• I

a 1IiIobf. f,red ..~11111 , IIIIt tllQecloI the Inhabltlala tiD ElCle rlftr, who ...'IIt j;Plta" th pro,lalou.&C. ,10111

.hOl'fl. ,II Ir,lfld



The propaller .uownecl by, IIIGKnlgijl1 Ind IIlIW'ed tor U 000 Bit e Dnd her carjtQ, IIb<lut ill tone of cYpper. Ire a I llIIIIOll.





Ball of Falltion!

Mr;XIf'O. ARfltY STILL SUC CESSFUL. l\jlw OaLull, Oct The Itt.>am.ll1p Y Illht jlJ~t arrIved from ,t; Driii'or,brfllgi later advtce. from the North 01 Mexlc" The hberatlnll .rmy werl' 1\111 lueces,rul. aud had token tht! tllWIl ot ~prnno wllh little reel. lancel

llle .. tor~ of Dle."ln" ... Cruml 11 "Ince tor I;.... d fll-. 'lIpP'("r work, GI,d Ct.""I' ulld dnrable




Gener.' (;onalel, lit lut II cOllnt, was npprO.1 htnt lIlutMrno'09. und Genl'rBI Ava IUB WDS gOIng to ml'elhlm-whNhl'r BI II frlt'nd flf foe \UII not k"Q~ n It I~ IUP Ilo.ed Cllnel!!, ,y1ll " ~Ilme tht' command the revol\ltlllniat


n C1I1l


dl~ l eIlHe~

the DER '" GOODE Wayn.."m ••


&. 01 ENNY Le/lonoll,



ALTON Spnni vlh.~~ FlN LEY, Xema , CADWALLA DEn "GQODB, F ... llie ---~~' - - -'-~~---





FRUl!J. NEW YORK • N [\V Y.ilIUC, O (l~ h' Ih~ celrlhr3h d l\(,I",nnlde O.. n ~IM C8~e th e l u)lrt ) ('~.!'rll .. y l\1r~rIlO<\n orderpd (1l.!!I" rj!e lol thl clt' l. ndu"1~, 1'rll" f8 J on don IfIll ~rydt"n, Ir/tln 11fl.1~11 IIf. ({., \,,~ I'rtl'~111II1 \\ Irnll~'8 ~ng, na ,. d ~l!lll "edl) ubBent Irbrn the cl\y


tUGN Ofo



W ";VltISlI LL& 01110



aRITIS, aaovp, A"".



l-UmERY, SI'lqES, &0. I>LC ,

(\I. "'Ll l\IU; uAiI.. V jlE t el.101l (j1ff ul ,rilill .he etll~. 01 1'lIJ,;\V IOHK ANI) PJULADJilLPHIA,

11 tJ r\.,IIIU



c. ....,.

LSQ ulluod orhel. or Splrltoua t Iquor. hlr MeJi olnal pur~lO.OfI only. Su.ll" Ji flnu l'lrnmly PilI ltye Whisky, P.orl w ne &c lIove 'JU8t rueo\' cd and ,YIII eon8lantl)' It.., on hOlld a weil "~ leCled aellOrlllte~t 01 euell ar. tlCle. DO are.. ImUlIlcra.IOd abov't ~n~ all atit.,. U8110lly kept 11\ Orue \':!Iore'l Wb\'cb tit.y ",II eell "t the lowell cutrelll p~ , prleu , ha." alao Dnd irl'.l}d 10 keep cOPl\aail, on ha"d a !lOad .upply of I,welry RUM .. lIrOMI PlUM Ellr ond linler dnor. Gelll ... ~iI ycr poncelor Sjlectaeici Itt Eytry ortlc. eold by u'/ I. wamnled


VitlY 8lI:ten.l\ ft .",1 hmw Ihl l !tock of


JII PP"lc,1



pur" frllb, alld IOlluine Partloulnr auenllon ,,111 Qe paid t. ftlllq 1'hY8,0Ian. ordero\ Illd puttln, up prOtlCrlpu.n.! II femUy COll1pOunll., Ind Iu.,.,alline killUa Wo hlvll'lhoft~ wllkln•• rtlclolln .urlln.. , to call I. fetll •• Iurelf l\Iat w, CIIl m.",.Il, their IOI6real to JlUTl;hlUl.



or u.

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OJ) aVM-

MEDICINE PJlOOFI pnOOFIl pn(k)FltI 11 CUR~ LIK& MAGIC' A. Voice floDt Inillintl'-.Dor. E ..... d.llnll


nil'" 15c, uhl 200 3 !l&c 1,7fJc

160 10C 100

Price II Iler bottlo Or


bot\lOl lor IS

J 0 PARK. {,lnclnl1llll Ohln NorlhuaSl corner of Fourth .IId Walnut otrMt ) to "bono ull ?rd.r~ {I\II8t be IIddre...a

&11l by




on ') HE CllJ{E Ul

.... ver olld Aioe UIIIlls Fevor JJu .. bAilU~. tn ernllllcni And Rerub tont teyer., L.ver colllplatnt Jau l ldlc~, Jj!nl oreelUell l nl tho Llvor l'.. nlollolll¥1)1 01 lha 1,le.n , .IId .11 Ihl> vorlouM forllls 01 1111 IUu~ ' VUi .. A:>.IDs J hi. t/\v.lul~lo ul udlctne 1\ lilt prepared Iruln l\I1 IlX'. II~lvo praelieD of . 0 0b "11([11114) oml nevor kno",n to tali 01 I over and Allue Ilbovo IlI"' UJ II II equally uJlee.unl'ur Ihu cure ul, Livur Corup)aJ 01 the L,ver aloo t:nla~golll ent 01 tho 1:;1,10011 call II Allu OCoke ,oua Indlll:cwuon j heoe with .Im olhllr. varIed 811 elll"". .u~b Ol)llIrholl 1ll11U1\1lal ClIluae .rll, nly modU'D"I"nl pi tI,o aOllla 1I1II...U, by Ihe lUll e rcmc.Jl' I he ollorallon 01 Ih. Chol_lIlleuu, 18 I " namc L,y r- promOllnl( tho ditchofl(ft 01 b,11) J bo thou .... d~ who have viJence 01 lie valua tI,on lUI Ii_PH rvatoullve dice.. 1t ill ontlrely • HIII:Ul.oO.I " p.~p.nlll~'" and '"~) I", tok n loy III Y ono "Jln perlec' .ufftlY 'I) Iho lUoot doltea", COII ~ rOI,,,al ed III 'ancet II b." ueun I\.dmlU lolcrat.\ l(' ' nl.nUl loll. ,ban II monlh old .oflonng lrorn a"allk, 0>1 1'."or anil Allue, 1I1d al" aye enuro .uo.... 1n I,ulllb.rle8~ IU81allqel Cl!!)lIlltull"n. IIr~'1 Iy illlll.ired, anti aliP.ronlly tUIlI1'«I by a IUlI/lll ~ldcllOO III • b,Ii .. II. climo'u, II~y. beDn eil ti~o l'y ro.lorullliy it. eontlnuud olliclftnt llIe t-;nllgranla til allow CWUlfy. by .uwlylnll them ""Iv.. with tllli afl{cl. anll u.lnllltib &111111, &C!cordullI'u rhu Jiiroot/"". allCOlnp(Dy hll aAch OOt lie, ... [11 On)1)11hO mO/" enuro pro,ectjun Irom till' eVIl. bl duu.II' - Much II \l. beuTlhy Intlu once ul,oll the IIvRr and thrQUIl" 1111. orgllll or,l)lIlbu whol6 oYltsrn J{elldsll f.ol blllu,," ell nlale~ '" I)"raono Ill\velinll"trIlU,h Inl cewd II ItrlCl1 4>1 equatry, ~dl hnU 1110 Oholl/lq&ue a" 'nvllliuble alld absululD pre.cnt"llve



T RECEIVtlD :.iN» OPJo.N~U AT the Chup Nore (Il" ~ftlltt Sheet. w..1 IIde -iii" liuldon Bull) a 10.!Jo .nd beaulllUlltock

J 01

raIl and Winter Goods; l

.eleci d \II tbe ItU, wi.h gr~11 care boo"hl .. t rll It ced Price» allll ¥flU 00 lulll ~S1;o)~II~II\OL~

"BUr ~


•• yery ilellor.1 cOII,I_Unl la I'arl nf OIOlh., C.... I"'er"•• ') "o..Jo tI.lIlnoli Jean. ol~

TO TilE LADIES weo.y our .JA)cli; 1)1

DRESS GOODS '!Onst.ti'!, 01




--::a:st ___ _


SPECIAL NOTICE , LA 'ltGE VA "LV". IIldlu81O" Gro"p,~



®Ir AlIl'lI'!

h " ra,Denlllp,OJaJo. l1AVF. I'roeureci the room ov.r D,. Siod d.nt &. FIlIi.r • ollloe, OD Ihe E ... Sido hu. naN thll valuable reatedy .nd Mllln 81 , for • JIIrU'lIj)~nl Uall.y, 10 be coni ~ \lr my wn II'orka, (r_lly Landoc'lle ommtmdM It to the oonlidpnce of the pub- p.lntlnc•• 1 .nd o,het" p,elUreti that m., be 01



lid",.""tau _..


UP partie-

fer Dr. 0.,-1'1 bttAa


t:r&ee 1IIIYeniIe-.e.t.


far ... I"r ,II f."rpoo!e all pIJIOllI .re InU... call 1 am • oor.r~parad JA) Plakcl l'ortr.J111 in Cro,on\in a .ty e warranbld tao IIhe ••lloree dOD A . . . _ ,..... u:perieaceill ,hi.b'aDIlb or An., I ~ eoralidellt Of . u _ l n MIIrl, e~ .,y _ J.oc:al '-1• •1 painted !DOlder In an, pa~ bIt &ate G . M L. BURNSIDE




LL 8.

wnOL~::!1' ~MOc'EII, BRANDIES. WINES .AND GINS, .lin! "''' f a t.

DOJmsTIC UQUOas. 'OIGA-U. k lU). ~

1'1_ a,ll HOIII8 BuUd(~8. W ~Dr. & D.............,.....1 ~.~'_.,...r 0.

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II' ........

'"u..... &.in_ •••


It wouarED al\d 811k FI..... n

.IlI.ortmeDt 01 eulor. lor ..Ie b, ALLEN & EVANS

Cook's Clothing Store, ~UI>C"n.I.,?,"'''

bu NOo.'ned hi. IStoek

G~ con'!.11II1 III

LO d•• 1ll1aW and .,..... il.•• y.t_

11., .. W." t.lId

FE~IA..LI~$ \~ bo •• It.. rtom 0 m.... W ...d •••• Iu'" coDIIIUo. wlllind 1Io1Il'M04k1ln. 01

INESTIMABLE VALUE. I•••~ .,. ... of OlllOCllA L DElIILITl', till. JI .... .1. . ACT. LIIC!! A CllAnld

• • ova • • • • II... .,.... IIA _

•• y .... lion""'" ",0,.

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aDd hOt c ..• .,. . . . at

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Vol ..... ••ald Ito tiled

wlllt •• l'IllIulM' .f 111_ wt.o ..... -


ApIIl,,".,ef a

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alalal.II.. l;orIIlIc.... or 11""10-,,"." c" ... ud 110. bl.h oaU"Ia\lon In • hf"~ In I ~lclfta 10 ~.14 _~ tit- ralli. 1_ _ ... hd. ",.au f_


__ 1'dee

TESTIMONIAL, o:TTho fuUowinl'· on e amoni Iho mllll, "'.UUlomal. of Ihe lI,oat value of Ibis melholne III lource I• • uch •• will al leall entl tlo Iho Uledlclne 10 a fol r mal Ind tlrMe who O1ay tbu. be Induo:&! 10 I" 11 •• wtll not be dl .PIIOtn tlld In us ulfucta ~f tom 8 l' Cary, ~q , Colln.cilor II law 10 tho .gonlo at Clnclon.1I CL"CIICN~lI OelOber IlIh 184~ M I!SUI< S.l<fonlf '"'0 p ...ftI - In June lutl wa. ottacked w"l. Ih.L Dlool.Jtllcllng and un ple081J11 dr at.." Ihl Chill. all~ Fevlll' I be parn.lyBli1I returned dall"lIIul we... Yet, ae. yore 1'Ily puy./cal onerl'''' bllll OOoD much 10I1141..'Ii by • prevlou. at_ ., 8Ilto~. Fever lie"ln~ \rl ...... ~veral (Ivurl Ie rO'Ilt:dl. wlthoot r&Ue\ • In~nd In whom I h.a conlidence onlmended Dr u,,\lood. j",h .. ChOlo~oe 1 procllrN" !lullla and loilowecilhe dlrectiona 1 hfl IlCIDllquence Will II bad bol oue tllO ;;'JI1~II,!~'lIhre.ahh w •• r&"ldlt rc"ore Wllbuut I 1i1!lptlu,!,K1 '.' 0'1 the bold .. \0 I,." otl1 .. r pereona b'eq,Il .b.klnl! " "llIhL 1IIt/,"h., alJd tWO I clIff.ld"r I~ nay UuIY.' " 11 "'Y pleuitr. 10 ",comnlcnd lI, In itlulI.tlVe pollur YouTltr.uly, S F CARY JOHN D PAR~, CINCINNATl. 0

.It., LO tho ...11 lime ••,,111,.,."-


wa.. well:

lie, .,. Hoa. W m L Harr,v. _ I a " War. Hon Wm Woodbrid,p, Hoa aW'I" dU W A FI ell 1 , '" II', !lP on m el pr, 0 the 8111" 01 Xldllpl,l..; 1.ucllll Abbot II • D aDd Rt", Curlee Brltb'.', U tJ ArDlJ, Hon 8. F. Cart. CinCInnati, J H 'Llhbone, B~. UtiCli. N Y I Hon John

• ~-

.\110 Ih.r CompWou J"JJ~"" Ii....." • .,.. c. II . . ..... ' .. nt...... 0100"'." 01 !bl.Wa Llo ......11 1II1a, ' - 01 A,pelll8. lAw .,hi~ IW ...... OW.I_ 'tlpllotloa 01 lib. flINt. II~ .M VUU_. of "'oI,lalat the ......0 ... ~ 0 .,._" •• u.... ~y •• '_pu ........ "'. . . . . . u ••

:Your. Truly. ~ II. CKa(8TIANCE OO'"~e Adnlll'lll\ent

W'PoD 0 • f ""' • IOOOD. Kilt Acnon,lhe dl.llngurahed hld"·!du,,l....bll

,,1"'" t

.nd .1 1... I •• bli.nd ...... modlr tor

mtd him IlOtJ.tder.blP. bul by tht' u .. of one b01: or Tour ", Ointment, In .hout th," weda 'lte c.llue dl.. ppe.Nd and lbe

u. or Clialiecl&lCIIt.


••,. "o_oh ud ......'hb.. fort. . . .b_ .. IrJ, o'1,.. rollnl "Ir.nltb•• lna •• ol.... toratl •• pf\lpertl..


A ~... lila,

by I'bYllcillJ .r .HI~1t 111114lq. l a.Trey ""'0" oil .nor\ld _........

,....... OAD .... ,.ba wllh ..f. 1 •• 1I11 nl IIIe ".U.. I-boIDI ....tol.1 ....... _ I .011

Co. III. Jln

18411 Mr. W D 8loen-Dur 8.r, On. 01 ..IIIJ bur... hod a CIIIIUI on one 01 hie .nk,. Jollltt ror IOmp .Ilt 1D0p,hI. wlIlch la·



,on'1 thl blbl\d 1_' to ... &84 .I,.. U.. a...,•• toni/7th ~1I

_ ,


ao oma 1ft' I .........

Com... of I'ourlh an4 WalDut Str.ats, ONLY AGEN'l FOit W1S1A/l,S IiALSAM Of WlLDCHERlty Dk GOUO'!T" l.rllOUD Enucr or YlltOW Doolr "'D S....SUIJIILI.l P.r" DIYI" V-otable KUler, and Or o.ood', Imba Chol,.-u. AlaO Whol...l. ., -.. Medicine., I tlwnlend.~ 81ull' $e n d ' and Bri .'" ","1- -.. De.ler In all •<.uuly ul . • ",ar..par ill I. F W_ luck. and MeL.oo. Vermifullo aud Liver PIli. lold at 1011 cal Cub price.



I'OLICYtD tbe "Obto In.lI,.nOl Compan,," it ~ la the power 01 eve,,, maa '" len. a competOQOJ &0 bie ,,,Ie allQ eblld",D aner lUa death. A rew

cenIl1aidb,."er' ...... I_I, el~eci- wlil aceo",pllob Iblo deaIra ble end Think of It' The fe,., cia..., per. cltanoe, tliat lOme ceJllIum_, would be amDly tllflieltDllO IntUl' Olll, T_, Of ~ n';uuill lIO,"U' And'/1 of maa, oilier D::rOftDGr.1 ~ont (ur til" laJ .. or t'owe r Pr '., NoWil, Book l .9ard and Colored Inko .malillatUI of e.ljlllneo' Wlla\! emolL. a_y VAN Cl,;r.vE & NEWELL DI)lOn J E. .u.1NOLlN(;' & co Lebanon tbolllandl' Yu it 10 done CODuaaally J:t E. DRAKE XeOl. BYKD ott WA.LT()~.\ &rinl ValleJ I he undelliJrned .. .ApOI cit lIN '·OhIo OADWAII.AOEll'" GOOD Wa)nOll"IlI. WILLIAM MlLL...a, ~&I\4)11 Llr. Inll1rUlct'1.:drup.ny, I'P_"~ 10 talta 8A*DDLJ!: AZVD "A.MUIto .HIDES WA.!lTED. apj)llcadon. oa .itller the Muw.II or lolat II A N U F ACT 0 R Y WHICH. tb. "'i.K~at nlark.1 price will Siock priJlt;lple, .ad 00 the MOST')'AYUBA be paid -Pellnroii .t D 8 Dureon" in BLE TERMS. I"IA, Valier, Gree•• COlltlty, 01110. W.'no,,'ll. I~j TROS EVANS, It p .80•• eomptn" tlIIder "nO.A law.. Hl:: U BSC/tWE~ lak .. pl .....m in an "'lIh • moe! "IUUL ClUan~ IIIId la &be ...... noonce to the cillzen••1 prio, "_!tey and of tile rl(ht kind of m.. ·I;it.e VI ' 'lI,rtou"dlnl 1I0unll1 that be hu operwd I Sad tanl coJl.lid.,"llon. It I. tI~t aI"a,1 ... II die Ind narne.. rotDI)"faet""' ,n \be .Iloy,"a trlllt toUIII" ueOCl.UOII'\foi lhe aliDple rill -"", • on lital.e CUI how but uttlt abottl . . ,med pl.ce oppo.lle BI e"ID!!. ITerD, "'Qcrc W. I... tta all .bo feel Ullb-' I. &be nb he ",ul be pleated 10 ulend 10 1M .anta 01 lOY to call aad _Ill and aetr.Book-awbo III'Y ....b .n,.,hulIl In We Iln~ HD fn w.lbiJlIL ~ willlafti.. ",nu keep"" on b.DI1 Of will nlauufaewre JA) DIRIGCI'ORlI-E. S. HalD_, W ... ~. order, Saddlait 01 dill'er.llt klDd., aYet)' d .. _. J W n..-l.Io_ cnplIOD IIf Brldl"I IJliIe.ery ~arlely o~ lI.r 0011, John M 81..r. _ .. 11_, aU of ..,MeA. lie will ",arTID' JA) be DunlO', Ed.u 8 a..dw. Wat. A. . . . . . . . I I ...11 made I I lIlat ""Id al other Jno N 8. Rebarl. ru..-r, B ee,abll1blnDt to JIte CClUDU, M.IIIIi... dono S Hainila. 'BIr.:UTIJI~ 8. ~ ~ II.hort n.llee I't 1_ II feUOllable .. al Uly J W. ROUUT8. pDl" W..~~ other Sddl r Shop. IU(;1tAIlD &MJi H, ~ IXI 6th, I~l 3i' Iy







INOlNNATI SOLE 1.EATHER IOf CWI. M HENLEY Sc.. Wa,-UI.. 0 ,Alia 1& 11161 A. FREaII:rY:' olt.,ood To_,JUI ~


GIl.... IlI4

....Iil'>BBTI8 .. 810.



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·Ai quelll t<> the. ad i . ' ~ Btl hili.,. ".. ~ the !Dlltter wad, lie I "''Irm!'l eJAcultd !' thut whlaperpd caro18ingly to the aturty III m,,1 habel-ah~ hall !yolINelr, '8ft, Ipend tho 101,cllu"e I'wh 1\ e


" I "' ';;~;;~~~F=:=7=== " n1",ht, or wben. with lIOn!!" 00 her .:.';=;-~~= ..

N.~ClRJl ' TI '





,n: I k ,WUn. ' T 't' OF I·, I ' . . AN . .J ,iU)lUr"81:0 __

.." ,,

A.J;lAl'Tll» T O TilE

III C" tI lip. ond nbove '1l11 , other cumpetiturs lor ' of ' tho "pill oruultd YOll, (n the loma loon liS he was ;llble to Lordi ,e t ,or,etls 0 , 10d ' the Mcadow. '10 J'UIUy Nlllluk.. I ' ,n" r hi Ill I \ II k' ll ' ill I Ire I . 0'0- ble olllhe.lillo , " ~- bill joy ' ln herheort,~he roamed Ihruu£hgreen- f prr-e ml q~lIce'III , tiC on.. b 0 wor I" wny, the .e manatlon of Ii pOison w I e ' , 5 e U>Ol1I an'$ .' defJI/"" '1 know ' thnt' .' 8ald ; tllo.1 t ,-eru, '~b twllI' va I ··· .louellll I' f the "' eo of" the wood.coyered embowering· gruves, ero Iho refreshing of which .lht! lYRa nolY t he oclcnowledgcu 011 the jUiCCd of IIO'cotlun in It I lIeigb1Jor~ 10lldllldy,' 'btll1wlII did youfiml1t 9111! l oo t "dn °b ve tiel' ekve I o. t C s 'b -0' t'r 'I ·'lIe:~. lar l7 0 'Tock brown onoli_clod ia~'. ' , . . '. " . ' d • .• ' clos.; Y II I lie 10fe~ 0 a e \\ I U D , , ,., .. , .., dewl oC murn hud lert the flowers, 01111 spverelgn. The belluty, supcrlor mlnu, hood. Such "IW i OIUY 1/9 ~O !nlrell for her ••• i I I "I I ' i rtant port in It too bn a p3 1 oC Illtereit An IQdi.a e d I . d I \ . I' I b ' . (ru. I, W lie I p oy" lin '''po . . " . o lIilvcr 8lre00\8 were ~parkling In t e lUll'S bnd wIIlIlIng m esty of Icr fnen ,0 on .. \ unllers, andlng nnd uccomplilimenta, ut Denth o( Col Boo~,e I ' r I d" d' t I' t woman lurkIng beblnd it witHe tb. whitea ' • , .' ' m . • • • • t 10 eCOljOIllY 0 ,t Ie .urroon. !p1I' la r C • " . ' " ,. firsl bo"ml-first t!aIVnednll her ~Jllrlt the pxcltcd her fean of . ucceuful rlvalry.- , Rhe "Ill lIel'(' r be beloved. ,.110 sel'd of As he hved, so ht uled With hiM gUll 10 . { d d I l 'f I tr wC)uld were burning tile Village Illd aillyinll' bu: fairy·like visions which H"pe over brill'l" ' She con ceo led lheso envious felirs Crom love cnll never grow uut ulld er tile.\\"ornl I h i~ halld, '"Ie liTe illformed by a (eI1l1c' i .1l e~ ,t Ie PC,~.P fl. 10 'clt la~ ~ofun "1 u people WIIH aeell by one of tho ·iDvader. II ., , . I I l lvO 11\ grout wrete, Ie oe~8, I nm ure 1 0 , " , ., " to ~ho youlhful-droaml Ihut somolinll!lI .\11"11.10, lind, well kllowlng, Irom "the In· alld genlol Inlluence of klDa lee ogs anu mllU ,direct from Doollo's settlcment un tIe b t ., It tl I t r r I't 'vho immcdi"ely levlllled hi. riflo lind abot . I h r' • I C I . 1I0t Oft owe.. on laaCl p nil 8, ,0 , ,• 'T' , " come to the spirit butlo 'pua awuy. lollY- I1l1tl> reserve und truthfulness of ler car- I afieetlonulfl mllllneri. " ly a,()lly gQea II Hispo uri, that early laet mont I, u .1, " II tl) ' b of I " 0111, tl, n 1'00'. cr"atupo dpod un'der tbe irqpre... . . " . . . , . ' . 11'- 1ICI ,or II 0 .... 0 IC 1111 9 r C09 un.. ~ " '" " iug it " uc.ter, ahe would not make any 'dvlIoc~l l great Wily ill young p~r~01l9; It. cill "It' Doone rode to a deer 'lick, IIcatl'd hlln,s e r ",0.\' I I It ' I I b I _.I I'on II ia sllid Ihat 4e was firing at oDa of . I . h d . d 'C I . 1 -'=' j " .. . r n ,ew r ~ lca grow n 8 u~ g' or lOyu. . ' ~ ., A Gloollly wl ld.nlo88 of dyinll ',hollll hl-' her 0'':0 fayor, eX~\lltedln Ihe ce~IIIII1!' lenllon to hor II' 0 ISjll,)ys It; ao I ,t t Ion " ' Ithln a blm.J f Olse4 to conecBI bll~ rom Tb .' I . IY . ll 'o nntil'ell . not Ol1ly 'tho worr,lora. The Indian Womlln hlld a ( ..... b Id d .nt " I' r d " u' d . I ~ I ' th . 1'1 . . I I ue Ilia lell .upp I ' . a deserl waste, overcoat with mlllnlgl.t o. gllllllnl~'lbYh 0 lIea a ~nl ' Id rife, qua 1- cb~I' ,ol\n .~8 clal~ Wit 1 ~ ge.n, ilfObUl1 le I1 •· the !tIline:- ut I~ Il'ne 81.tllIll~' tlluad~on~eu - . wilh' fuel, t'oy('rillg for Iheir hut8, .UIIII with chilu irl hllr arma, and tho hu~ror-atr\Fken l d k . t tle" to IV lie \ N i enl e Ir en wal R Itran· Illy, l til u.~ecullon Iii Irre., eta e. 0 n cd with 11l~' tnl sly TI o,n '''' lon, pOI , , ' I ... i 1.11 ttl rily m ' terlal for II de r 1111 69 atonement [or what ho me I1rp neu r· II ' I·r· o tlto grftCloful bark "er, the hearll which mi,ht otherwlae the conirurY"JI it lIo fOllnd ill ailiance with 10lVardA Lho lick, ";0 munle roatlng 011 n mott ng lit \I .• '\ I ,,'-r hill .: .• re , o'Cter buryin thp ' molher .t cace u 'I, I.. I . ' ' . hI I hy Iii I ' d ' . ' . . I" tho ' CO,\8 rucctlOIl 0 1~1t ruue uU 8U ,0 all ~one. ,, .a .. ' '. !lolling along a alT100th and plucid slrealll, have, Yielded 10 the supremacy of IIItellecL a co , IOUg t : ae . h Icad" It pro uces log, h 'B falce .to the breech O,f 1~!iI 11'011, . II~ fl· boots, whieh ' nrc . merely rUlh.woven) 08 loot of tho. r~c'!t Cl!,rril!d tltol\~lld, ",0 Itrall,

lfOQred." ~r



~p,dok,, ~O,





8:":1 l'UI:~~:d neyo~d

. I ..


, I'O I~ Til l MI~MI VI 6ITOII.



l' 0 J E S SIC

~. ,

.-'Tis FWOO I in Iriellilshill'B bmllds 10 hold A k ioidrod h nn 1111.1 .trun; 'Tis " ",~e l 1(1 felll bolovlld loy on. Wholo faco we nover knew.






















Il'lilled IIwoy AI\Vildo'lI lifo, until she reOOh- \ ant! ' . no (urther oflllct except an 0 lie. tlc .cllcked, 1)18 finger .011 tIle Irlggor,one (')Ie also iho snil. tliul Wllft them Dcros, the gely"'optized io bluod, wltb him to tll. p.J her 8iXh'Chth y!!nr; At this pcriud tll!r Bllt In perlonal attroctlons she bll~ no- Attelld to thlll my dalli hter . It fto~YI trom shut, the<tther lookmg IIlong tho \Yilt ra • settlements. ' A. ' lIiugular and CII8Clinllting beuuty \YUII the ad- I thing 10 feQr. Uncqllolled in tht majestic II heart Ullil fe~ls . ror you nil II PQ~c,nt olin through Ute li&lite ill Illid positiOn, . , l1 ' _..:.:.-. , . If thia event W4!re not well authentica. mimtiou of every ('le,lInd the I.hemo of croce and mQtchl~~1 ~.ymmetry of her fe.e l, Bud not wlthu~Ltb~ hope winch. eOIl~ atrugl(le ur mulion, 1,I111,\?r cuurae \Vllhollt 00 ;" ,,"ntL~ YO OJtiJ(E YOtlICG.-' Sally :' sliid ' led. I ahoqld doubt .itA' trll\hr~lne6s; It la eluquf'nt to!'guu , and gifted pena. Hera I e.legullt form, 10 p\!rrect III Ita full propc..r-, 8ulutl'1I the pa.r eDI • IlIlIh It ... !lDpPIllI)~', r:llll, he bre.atht'd uul lils lust dO gently, ' rcell'youlll, in II' vClIerllbl" white lIu~ lind I well known that whel1 thji l\1uc.o.cho!()~ vilI knuw. I (""I wbhl\llllY Iwnrt. W08 beauty of the higbcHt ordOr-the beau· I,, she movell a.IIHlIIg the crowd ~f wor- ~oy Gud pro.t eot aDd ble •• YOII.- W~II- lIull when he WII. rQUnu tlte. lIext doy ~ gr~y pAlltf , tllrou~h IVh'leh his leg. project- IOUDs lVere dC8tru'leCl the India~1I Teceind Thou WI>"ld'~ t IIotlurn o'vuy Iy of IIllnd ood 80ul united wilh s}'mml'try 8hlperti, thl,lt c\' ngcd tho clrclo or rum Wort /0 Ius Daughter;. his friends.. al\hough sulf ond cold, !IC luq - NI half n COOl rcrhHpS moro~'SlIlIv, before I~afllillg of tho enomy 'a nppronl'h oltd fted. An'! . curu lilY Iuvc. lito' wUlldollly ulld grace. uf perllOn Dlld fellturllS. )ler- I her Thy ~lly·Jreulli. would dllcny. whh an 1I.\r worthy If with gUll I" Ilia hUIIII, we Ir0 ;his 'ere lIluBeun lO '8Ct: lhe what W08 wom'ln d9 in g With hops lQo mild and spiritual the fijlht of her I thl! p~tlud elJlululiulI of u Siddoos. The. ' The following unique.skelch is f,am Ule ~CL. 01 firt'I1,l\f' It. Is I~ot .nltu~ SereIlU~f'Ca, 1 wallt to ox. you ~omlhin'.- her boy ~o lIellr the .aceno ofLli/;,n~ler, whil. 1'holl'rist .~o lit), fnncy·piclUra fade. cleor inlelll'cluol eye, and 100 dllilcalo. the , luxl.\mnttrc8sl'1 , ~ltat bung ar~~nd her "V. Beecbe/'8 "lecture, to yUhng men.:' ¢OrtUI!! l~. a bud~ ha~ cOlne In rang ell,lchobod, whlt is it'!' "V'hy, yo.u 8 0 lIl'r ),,!ote,ctora 'wcre lor' lI\Vby , I 80metl,lIIl" Aud In iI~ otou" ullpoar, ' rOBe· leaf· bloom 'of her rlllry chec~ to ellowy lIt'ck . lI~d 'bro~y wero ,b lack lind glol' III Ii town of lazy inen; I ahould expecJ of his gun which hud been Ihe ueoth of thO ; e bllsillcas is 1:'V'ino to: COSI S' hnll imalr ine e~u$:ea lor such .trllpge womaDly A wini! plain ill furlll Uf (nce, ' PUl wilh • IICDn . iucore, plcaso 'lI 101'tr .of b'couty. lIer fi: sy aa . the r.veo'y and thoua h her io fiuu orozy houses, 8hh1&'e." Ilnd weother. but iL lIIight, IIljv !! qul:rt:: 11 pi 'ce, lind I 1I,1I'0rd to spend conduct I see'her 81eBling back to her gure ~nfl 01 m.ediulJI heigli'-~lil!ht, but durk eyea ~~Blle~ tbe fire of a bouJlh,ty, board. kn~cked <t1l'.door81~lIlgle88, lind all obpyed i~ o ld ~,:,~I~y~ r a mllld. and ~Is- 80 mucb fur nothin' • . Now ef you'll 8ny ruined homc' insl'lIreb ptlrhllp!e of • mi.~ , ND foir nOlellorl), brow Ie mille, vf!ry grllceful 10 its proportions, IIlId h~r u.t~tned SPIrit, : , et ' 8(J1~ lind dreamy was IIcre~k; Wlnduws .tllacd WIth rags, huts or ohargod ltaelf. ~ litiS hypothesl,~ b.e lng YOII' lI huy me, darn'od cr I don't poy the sinlr hlliband, or ,old bed-rid~l'n father, or 'iledcokcd wilh 'lrcslu rnfo. ale n hod Iho Iil'nlneSA Dnd e\tlsticity of then p~erless light. Rich wae tI,e blenu- pillow a- inateud offluwer. in 8ultll,er,aud llovel, we leavo the solution to the GunO\l!. I I 't mysel£ 'I willp Sitlly.nRde a in bcart.achlng eearcb lor. II 108t eblld tba~ Nor'UDn 1 bUIIIl 1 lilY ely /'uco, , ,. . f d i"J tl I wi 1/1' cbet'k d "I B tl Ii t d' f III fin • . Ulliouch~d by Qri~r oroare hedlih which I,od not boeu abused by . the lUg 0 rOfie an . I Y 011 Ie g ~ , . swarm with vermin III hot woo\hor-an ":1.1. oonc woe Ie I'S , .IMcuv.ernr o. n'on-comllliLtol reply; which Icbnbo.d in.lorfeftrcd Ihe beart\e81 wbleta ml,ht flnd rC8trnln\8 of }'u~"lon Dnd lol.e Prhle.- .1!1It! , the lovely Itpd lboklld o. If they could wilh 'atftrvolinlr p~e in cold; (enc~s would nlld eeilier or Kcntl,lcky, I' Id beheved .h.e prllted to Buit 'hlmlelf, Bltd slrode up tW9 IIUt IInd.bellr IIVllyl , Lot till> cau~e bav. My 'pillt dOlh nOI el·cr· r01l11l Her featurcs were fino 'and reguillr, Dod of g!ve utterollco lu. DuulllIt but tbe pureHt be curiuslliHB of luy' conlriv!lllce, and was betweqD SO IInd!lO yoors 0111.-0.1110 steps III a lime, and poiu the' whole O,D't. . beeD' wh"t II may; lhe pooi .sutrorer Ileepl I' iuu «8 \1'0 sunllner ",illd! that mould wlticlllreilpcllks purity of een- I o.n~ sweele .. t emouon~. But, ".1.,8! It WAe gllte~ hung II'itll ropes ,or lying tl~l~ in the Paper. , '. i ~.._ _. - - : qule~ly where th'e ~oR.afr"'. and e!m {"avll 1'1'8 child of olo,lh, CUrilo ~liII halh puwur AI lit~IU. IUY ,U,oOllhl~ w bllld" tilllcnt) quick sensibilities,' ~1It! inlellect oC not ~q. . . mud. L3nk C " tU&~vouI4 (ollow every load~ ••• • Min BIIIII QD EduCfttloJS, above her 'heir delicute ' Gild ,rlcefu) tl~~ hip'hest o~d(1r. n.rlg\ltlllllJurll 'rinirletll .TII~o p,~ ase~ ? Il tO~,c1""f. with I!tJ~1 ed wogon,8uppiit'dting' a mOrlllOl, wilh flllll. Science versu. 8enthnellt.. We gi~o n 3'1lip of, ,'ery nmllllD, Iketch limbs. , ' " . But not. 'Oh JCUiOA! thouc.. " . clustered awee tly around her " beauliful l h.ucs hl'r IIlono,1I1 iDo iii theIr lool-e. would · be At the trinl 'df tl,e ",Abbll (1utlllalld and WhiC,h find g,o lng tho round. The hidtory of tlteIndiall' ie as wtld w 0". "lIlIlC'8 my~rleol ' . ' ;,n(j dllw .nd 8110lll,d 8uflly 'the eye •. , ehe wos . d emp7 l\lndllme DII.llblon for poi.uQirg houae- credit. _ Min Smix, a, remlltkable ctphahl; a. hie' idop.ting IVa. IIrllll"e. '·1 :0,t'$IIUU ad I\IOUIII. . i I .morked Ir d 1\}lh AI ruge-ed, , I .. , lIa Will ". Whl, /l. Dllllllilld/l GOIIII'~I(). hllo. li~e houven'j blue,' .eyer be.",iug thll ! e\·.e"tl ot ee~ mer.elt. 10 ler~e BII. . • .ty; the Jail lull, the chllreh bil~nt', tho grog keeper of tbe for",er, which too~ plul)o t~o '.cllOolmBTm.' III glVlllg lin IClcounl. of IeI' ken Into tb~ fllmily ofJhe 'de~troyer of blil _llirit of love. and JIlY· EJ:IjIII.itely Iwee!' 1wIILI,II, blld of . ~ fe~ "'Cldenl. III tJle hfe ~f shop: ooi~y , lind the cnrpelltClr, lh ~ ~dler Brst week in necomlJ~r, 1860, ~t the 0811- endeavors tu toach ~ 'youllilldeo'-;-_ very RI~ther, Bnd tr"Bted 1\8 a ml:nlliD~. He 8few No! l 'wolIIII hovor'feulillo \\,ruoth WAS the "\11111 "''''preasilll) oC her dl'i1clIlely one or ~ur prlRC;lpal cha~.cters, wo IVIII lind the blnekamllh, woulu Uo their princIple leB of CllllrentP , in Augoulemo, a pro fee. b.rd cue-how t? tpell:up a trlle I,ldisn, .coming Iyork. ailent lind or I.Ott, '"Y lior~ h o"c.1 PfOU; ~illted Iip8, DUU Iheir 8111ile moat bewiti:h· tr1 10 gIve an IIce~uDt to our rellue,.. work at the lUyer,lI~: L"wyer8 would reign Iionallirguruent (tceurrl!d ~ot\\'een )I. La, _ , At IBa~,' and here lhe eIYcet fllce ofMls8 wayward, but emillcntly h,Qnd8D~! ,lInd _ BUlillllll "ullI.bler 8lDllun., 6cck Tho bU1l1I 01 haJ'lllu"" •. CONTllCt/£D !CUT WERX. conltables woul~ nOllri h, o~ld hun~ alleu~. . the cclebfllted ChOlll1 61, and anotholr Smix brightened. em] tile gllllimer uf 80~e !frnceful. He hnd. for ~ ploYlna\e, a youoIng. . Among Alwildtl'8 numerous frtendsIng crlmllBI" burly,. jU8tlce. (III tholr medlcal' wltlle .. , whether the polaon bud intcnde~ 8111\10 playcd oVIl~ it, 'I got him dllullhter ofh!. new porent~ and the~ WI, (0 lovilia f,i Qlldil, Iln(! If 1lI1 ~ henrta. nnd her ollly lIun~e.srul rivul-wua II dash!sIi~I1~!rtt sneaking mlgh~ dl~llIto),.'·lciulii 'connive II been administered in lIuccos8ive do~ee or Clell!1 throulfh '(ho nlphabet, and be coulu cl;hdhood rllRllii'1g pver hill (In h OIll~ R joy b,·.low. . ing lilld splritpd girl, tlVII yenrs ol~er ~1I011 compromise, or make a.1l enditCtmellt. TbA olhrnvl.e; aDd duri"g , the ~i~cu..lon, an ppinlout 'n1 letter by nam.e . ' In two dule III learch of Howers IlI,d Cruit. Tlfc:, Mil)' W\l1t1111l fillil more runl bllu, Th.lI , wl l~r<\ lCIIIIIIl'~ Irllll1p~'" blow. Ancient FortlllcAUOlla; peace omecrl"'~ould wink at t,!mllltll, ar, IIllualon WDI made tq.1I former.ylolilO~ j week' ho got ;brollgh 1,ls bll· bo·b, &a.' lIod wllro ' then ~eDt tu' a~bpol, ",d IIlthoDih. h IlI'rtuJ'f-\"hosll' rltre ~ccllJlltlll~hmeOlB,lInd quellnly beil.ut)'" hud IVOU lurher the ellvl· A cOI'~e"polldent oft he Cincillnati Com. resl riote,ru in filII, 1111\1 drink ,":llll the~l.111I cd SOUfll'lfd, by J>t. (lignll, tbe allt~~Qlli.t ~flt Mondt.Ymoflll\lg I putl~lm In~o W4S leldom fOllnd inlille \he Ichoul-room · \hll1(.\ nlld ,11100 acn \\ r"oIlh alllu title of 'belle of -D"ytun.' She; merclal ,the follelVi'lg uacoullt, of good eorncst. , Good men wo,uld be obliged of Lesueur, who' anLl\'aneed lomo III, d-y. I had to loll hjm as i ;).IIY ported wfl,el) in l)\ of ener '1'0 u' IXl glvf . " tou, W::a. In o'nly child. lIer mo,,. lhe mou"d. which "dot our \Velter'' ; to kut'p dark, ond bad men .weor, OUf atutmuent with regard to the IIIP. mitllre of svllable., but hi. brOln Ihe 10g.lioule. ho to hullt 611 day, ,be (>1'. 11 , hClIf l, , n lfi w llt, Dnd gOl'geoull'y rurniijhed 'monsion light and rule tht> tOIl'II; public duy. wuulll the..,..t morUm exominotion, which wus opaquo 11811 roCk.' . t(l8tully-y'ot whe n'evenlDg till o IIII·ij I" III CO 1; t'II en""". , ~ . ". d f counlry: . ~, ' I ' r' j , I I . " . " .: ' W<:CXlSI'I'A. stood On the eBm.o atrect, 01 le~v oors rou, oii the great Miami river, IIboul·' four b9 Bc~oe~ of COllru~lon, .1111\1 ~nu ill rolYs inlm..~llItcly rOI~teu. , by Le~uellr. w. I.Q, ' , 'nq VOiliove 'Plea I' IlIld I, I malden WO!ltled her way hOIn~. , In .om. " ·tllll residence 01 Mr, Lorllln. bcllVe~n milee below Hllmllton, thore are Ibe 1lI0et OloOtlUII~ wonld 'be drurl\cl'O, lllugnl, bois. his 8cientific' e·DIlI1I8UUlIlI 41¥clallOlId ve)le· tereat him.' wood or glon hy the pltb, eho would lOa e:~=========7=== 11'100111 Gnd hilllself, UlllVolI tI)lelr ellil- remorkllble remainB oC forllficlIlIoDI, erect- teroul and brutolly.... mently, '1 ought to be able to decldo thll . 'y~II,·mQl.m. . hia fin dark. form Itandhls erect· In tbe K\GPIli\lfA!tt t!ren, on illtllJllile frhmdlil1ip e d . But in al'eH 10llg pORt, exi.t in till: ," , quostion, Cor 1 .nYlelf coQk ll.l blm frOID '\Vcll, tfum l tipple Ind pic, put tbgelbet, of ove nfnmwllit,nll t p_rd her "CIIVltll. I'l:ry ",'c'r!! litO two gIrl. In Weltern country. The bUllk, of the rivAr /L i-fobleRtllllf'. heod 10 fopll' Bl'plC!-pio, don'l they!' home. H a kn?wledj;e or b; I ' , lII:tllr. , Accu~LOmed. to 'eu e ond luxury near tlie 8pot ia exceedl,I,ly I.leep anti Whe" Guverllor Mo;ria w.... in '1'lIrl., '"This melone\1!lly flcotiou. nees tee.lIs 'Ye~, It\.Q'.m.· lion r4lachod hi.' adupted fatber, It frolll }llruncy. Ind lulferell 10 pllr,8 M, w(lh- lot'1- 'rhe 'worli COlllilte of an enOrmQU8 he IVIII ndked, by 1\ dpubler ' 0(' the .tnbi!.to memory an anecdoto '(If 9 011, ':PY .II like rule, la lind d!J'I'0llltUl!j.II nOl' lrom lovt:.J him too weh (lut cUlltrul, the Llj~t~tlls of vhn,ity., alld mOt\nd~ . covering; ' herheR-' a.n acre, all& ity o t the Anl~riclI,l\ Gov"fllmelll. u., .jlh ..... li>giel y,'lia W'" 0118 day 1.,Ji.I4l~ you un\lerl~lI~d1' j~ leo him ,heht(lll. ' . ,",lIlTTl!iI F'O~ Tn t> , ,"~al(VItSITOa, will; nbfurltlly wllyward lind ft ·11I.h. Il Is to 't ho Ilei:ht ur nl'tlrl.v eij(hty Ihe coulI\ry could be 'llefeiiiled froin ·1 upoli lhe' or~gl\lJ of TlIne.~ •Gentle· 'Yes, 111 a ,am .', Roared th~811~ it to bli wondered lit th.t BY l\I1LLV " 'Mi!:.LllOU RNE. not ~o \le I>xp~cted thnl bllbel Ston,on th·I';, lit II BlIgIIL dl.t.lluce, .il tbe gioll without fie.e ts and nrmiE'8!. fIe Te " dald lhe ,ve~ reb profeallor, exh '~(irict nnd p e the ' girl and her · cump . • 1J(1~~e~ycd a very u",l qblc un~ engnglhg . , oC I wnll th'n thaI could . lie more difficult nt.the lame tlmo II sJljlPr/Jly.• rormed skull; '~fillce pie.' " CCJIIITI.t/EJ) FIIUIII LAST WEn.. tlOdilion. Yilt, proud Gild hnughty In to ' Il nntit~~1 co';nposcd ' I,ere Ie the Itell~ C .my excolil,' at frioud 'Righi,! . 'Pumpkin atlll pi., IVbnt1' ed, fo gc-'eYl'd' daughler ,old captain, ... It, .llIi cltptivuted all .lVilh whom she 084 0King" olld whorl) every mlln could reply Culunoillnittnon, one ul the fincst Inu~i· ·'Pllmp1dn.l'u." iulimo WitS much adnlired eea b'ad many CIUr"'Efi IU. clnted liy ber all'ubility lIud the p"lished elver by II wagon. tu 0 conlempious lo ok, "1 a man; arc in · tll~ Au~trian Empire.' " Tllen whal dOes lli-111 d-y dyllpe1l1' elii orl, b~t luriICd ' to her fi,flt io~e. Dut SllIl Ullhou 1111 ",hmt Ihou wert ",holl b ohil,l, ('GSC un,1' brillion~y of her Ihllun,e rs:- ull ilt There hlive been tll'O lublerranelln PBS' !Jou Df'yU,'in!l mLr; !l' , . 'Gille us itl history l'"-giva II. it_ histu· 'Cllrtard.pu.I' .tid bei with 8T,n of 4e· at '1lIet .. lVoo~r Clime, . 01 more OIiIYlllor~ hul)', 1111.1 !I ui r .1 8~ wll..1. -l1 CRVIlI'. le8~t, wbo were IgnufllDt of her r al char· !:luges le~dlllg' Nithin this II'all-one from "BuI," rejoIned hili of Ihe ry!' cried a IIl'ore o( hi il lietencrI. light nt hi ••ubc.... • I, . wenlth 'olld )Jiger atilnuillg. Ind a IIId con. . ' acter, and' ihia c1un compri8ed lhlt hlrge~t tIle forest. tIle other 'Irolll the river. The bU,lterOy nrlstoerllcy of '1P'Ilflll, ~lhOIY wo Id 'It fa II very simple 0110 ,' •• Id, tile Oer; " •• ~. , I. l lillbo Iltlle heart bellll~ft love "In 0 foit a 1<lIIplu uq\·cr. r I t tun ng . " . A ttlle Clock !!tory, ueg n ./ , '"' Au"hl III i111"In hOI' 10 cllmc, nUlllber 0 ler ocquulJI unc!!a. u moont! wu be Core the date or \.ho white you like iUC J ~hould BOY, to qne 01 Iho~e man \V'-Ilii a HlDilo 01 grnye lelf-gratulat,on j S ! . I .. f in rei prido. Tille tPuO~' 'IrQn-, but ill li 8p ctl Il .\Iwlld, to I k '. , I omo ( ay. since. 1111 owner 0 ur "" .. I GOod \·III.nlye•• 11,1 d lrivl~II, ilvur t I!JIII was Ie ,UI1SU C I~ 'sctilemt'llts den8ely ueck~d with huge tree.', citizen kings; Munsieur, t Ut killg mn e. ",I," 'J Inlely rrceiy ed.·ll1lelllgence,<l1 ,he dea~ ~ .1 all etore, lold a clock to eo iI wiu~a,. :llIdiona were .Joo~~d upon ali ,/,1' Milke IU I,ufe II r\" hOlno." . whool 'she W" i1ear 011 II b her Tile plowmen, in ,breuk',li up the hi II poir of bUOb11" , ' of my I>",cellent {riene! which Ill- ow :o:"on living' Weltero 'Row! who looked 01\ l:eir jla,lInd 10 . marr.y ' 10 mucll o , Irolll lind uot ·fur he Ihllt. a alster abou e.;,- wbich .it ie lilullted. hll'o IInlCorm.!y ,circled "Thc roply WOliid be," eaid Ill'. ,1Iforris , kell place al Vienna; ftnt! you may Imag· I il over rleen.o hi h In lilo It" to at.oa one . A rcw from .tlle Min!nl, ,hudc!w.,d by, lo:,ty 10re~la tenJer, confiding, gelleroul.olld l.rlluk-h~,aT' ~h~ bose 'o f th .. mound Witb, rl h~rrow,.~nd "With irea,t pll>.slIre sir. It i. my dllty. in my doligllt on.l~ornjng tllot th(l mueic- ~; fa~"iQ.n.ble' Ilro '«e OWl!: a t'me.ple~e. olltenal, 1i~~rtle4 lhe popr girl. ~ do not . h Clpl'lllllg In , rrunl OD " ted. . I d cI the'1 plowlld roultll ond round uf)ul tho hIgh this world," . III dcvP)llpcm out l WOI rnobt Tile clOCK 'woe put" up .'lInd warrantelll or knOW olVn ple.d Iti. caUtle UIf(.ugh which 11111 bn~lIli:ul riyer rolled ita . Is.boJ WIll a plltt~,d and apUi. ell...... pointwolrl'lched,tilu.overy y~ar throw'fhi, roply of Alr. MOTI·I. COlJtDIIIS ' 1l (I tillteiled to pOtle.. myeelf, or 80 vulu.D.' . to J(Cl'P good tilRe lit leastoiie';e'ilr or nOlo I IIko to thlnlo Ile did Dot-r le.O 'Ihinlng wlltora, 'ro~'t II alotely buildhlg, Mr. and ~Jre. Stanlo.\ wero :I.~= all!:~t ing dpwn tbe depth uftllll furrow. In tlJi. truth " 'hich ,lies at the , Conndlllloll. ble a tc~lilllony 10 II)e ~th of the il~m?r. ~fou:,::' forever. Somo tli'ree ~ fOlJr dtlri him gn~i"lr .~vlty Ibrou):h th', atilt wNdl lurrounded by evory cOOlfol1 and emb!!l. many fOIlIl, but weak alld fO~ I ~ , way tile lirat elcvn\.loo of the mouull ba. ~eiety 'In' this .cou lltry where oUr inat! U· tal aciellne of phrenology-ond horo II II . "fler thl8 Ibe I~k _elier wOlrequell('d to to communI' alupe, leaving lovo to urlr e lll li.hll1oll\ of weblih. arl 8.lId ta \e, in whlt:h who aOe , judgfllir frOin their aCliol nl•d• 10 betln decr(:oMed . . . nearly 1.1 elln be elLI- tlon. recQgnilla the equality. oC mClI1. In OeKtlem~II, pllU round tho hebd of '1 0 1. ~C1LI up III the clock dill not keep ~ooLl lime hia luit. Pri~o proved tne victor: Tho ,. r' !1 Lo' imagine th.t I>y indulging their c II rell . ' I d I tb dl, " , . . d . ~.idt:d I married alltter 0 r. r~\ID.-. " , 0, . 'ill IIIHed"llItccn fcoL.-During thl,"umlller a whal~ver ItatioD we .ro p lice n e • (tarlm"nl' and mn~e repuifl. He Ivenl uul Cound lit- wealthy l\litor WClI accel'ted. On the 11 Th.,e, blenet! wIth contelltmfllt ilnd CIln~ III ~very ~~ce81 a(lt! grftlily;::g e~ir~ I ~ ~rlon whH., ,plnwini over the artificial or, it ehout'd be, aur , ••• , tie 0111 ur iho IVOY: two or throe days moro the welidi!lg tile Jndl.n wal abseri't. Tha jug.lloye. had ,Cbarles ond Emma Hel- I wlllm" Ulllljl they b\loolllle unI IIrll Y IIn~u hill. \I'll .tartled by hla ,bare suddenly to "do 'o ur duty." Wblltber tliot duty r P* sed 111111 'lie Ill--... il1 ~it morllhlg ' and Doon oC ~ent, hUIII!' Ity and aelfi~ I, ~ ,ey "J. • ' bllOtft, or making ,11.w" 'Don~t 1I0' anillh it, Isaac,'. aald I\lr~ . Par.. ;-11 . J '. ' . . '. t1 ' " It'r receptivil In loclety A al'oll. • . til'l';lon, ~.i'h Dervous ollxiety, on t~e uoy m"r~hlllll, allalo Ollllgillg life, 'pow gently 'waning to Iia eyenlng 10lr !~, .c " . " t llIt alld 'o1(birllllg skulls .nd it ia not the Je81 Importllllt, in dlJo VII'W .. , nol ke;,p ('orrect timo, o lid 'it re- knuwn. , Tho lIilfht plll8ed, ealm'-a lile not e/ltirejy from IOrro ... ~, rur ed child IS s~ .1II~~08Llllr ... ' 8 mb , elr, ..ide: _ th~ suhjl!ct,lhat it811?ultl.~~, w~lI dono. uf the proce..ion,.u.the cllrr.iolr e , ~Cl\rlllil poireu olld th~t most tl;oroughly' In facl IRornillg tile o"onlzl!Q potent. were called 1 . I' I I h . at any If through 1I!'UUIOIIIU8 trommg, t III rOI\ I T II t. . , the bi" aUII, fllme by wl,ere 8he olld .I k o . , .' , , " I . 'II b' d I h h '" ere Iii Lie mor a w_ 0 c(ln eay. , . ' Ii d bl' I d I it8 'J'be dirt WIIS Ahovelod awa,.aDd quilb a rue hono{ es 110 m oc:r.upym D" Ih e morohnnlllllt an hour, I\n~ Itlade COlO: upon 10 5nu t ,CIf aUIl ter all ler 01' period oC ]~il eurthly pllgrinllge, '1' have or Sin hDl. searl'. ~n IgplJe I orp;vll"rt Ik Dumber of fragment.; 'sce,min" tbe Ie- particular Itolio'l, de('l~ed high by the were atollding: She hod been very ncrY- nori eoll8 botlvceli tho ivldow'" time.pieco lIIurderedj IIna tl\e Indian r • non. ' . h I ur origin divino I' ' eup II WI a " I ' dl b' 'I . II oUd.1I tho Qlorlling,lnd hBd m~de !lomo and ,. • .. " ' H boned f r not known grief, ud mID8 ey8l! avo ' nev• hi A d mil nB 01 numeroul Iko ctv"a, wer~ .cov·. worM, .porcbanlle, . ul 'lI\ pllr,orm nl wo hia wbloh till he IYIl8 solisfied alL WII~ wlutlJor,Jlot W88 .ho e\'er ear 0 "_ , about tJlC •.... ued OIlC' 10 rouc. n th b C I I .3 curioul Uli81Oke~. "Vhen tho pruce•• ion . r , t •'b hi _ er bten dimmed by telra! ,'- , , S 'bl ered. The 10im.1 IlIaUer of ,,~ oole the dutiel 0 110 awt 011 we uO h ' .• h I .Iker ri"ht Two mor" t1flVl had IIOt rolled ' by Tho Ilayer u a mol er wept over a th tbey do Iulk aure enough. ellSI 0 peo· .. I . d d h: I I fi rlt came .Iong, a e IVIIVCu er .onu • b • • " • III II' d I • . . b The eod wulymg over I eJou • '. k ' '. wlil onlirl:ly gone-ilie lime retalllln, t Ie whether eellle III I or ow. . , 0 ' I k' I 'm t before tho widow 11"11111 modo hor appell. eblld, for lho ~.ppo I.e onr, . b b T' pie If we mistake not, tal In a way . d hi t t chier lit Alder.l.n runt, ' IIli 11 u . • .' ' It d .. (ul (orllli of ''''0 lovely cheru I; Ul Ime, • fl ' . rorrect Ibape. MillY of tha ,ellca cru -We especililly commen ( I ma ter 0 . ' d" h II T key .. ho rancl' muclt to !Jle annoYI'nee ofllic clock avengc hQI! done Ilia wor In p.lle.. I • • r :k' .. be the Plelldenl an _Ilrs II II f ' .' tt. . 'II .... _ de .. b -- b d mi"ht DuL bo very Illterlog 10 some tile great IOOther of woun u ~.....'. d t ' bled 1\ ouee ioto dlllt. Tit, purtlon~ thllt young men whq Iro oeSIfflU8 c- milO. L EI ' I '0 n't j) aO'gh merchllll!' An:llher tirellOmp trip to "Vee. Cotal.. e hllhtulIIg,' I'n u .... ~nalJled them to look on their lou with !bUlle remnrkably. ~e." er po.~en~. f th lOOmed 'lDoat perm.nIBt, \\Iere tbo skull_ for thcDlsolvea a nllmc, and are ambltiou. thought w.. . (1C g ~I. pOI! I Row tlil8hcd UIf~Uih hil III nd, al ni"ht. f-Loumille Joumal. lO!\eoed leelinga. and enn thankrulnol, lallbel'. p,,,,re.nta. were dPe~p ~ "'d h' Ie Ind teetb, Nuw ,be m08tremork~ble filet of disllnctlon.-Such aro 80me tim0l8?Ur· iI-it. one 01 LhBI p,e, y axton ~l1ns 'b well u'a' lI ~elurn oflho clock to hi. ellolve. _ '. , • fj thty ca I o,m IPlelltco· ~ea_.:e. r. nedIh t ' ,,-:orl,l, loo-lhelr greatest CI re an 1ft 1- lelrned in the oXllminDtion. Ilnd .\he . one been use the world 'doelllllt Jlereei~e Qnd 0th I I k II II'onUem:lII, .hort'tlmo.Jnee,wu . 0 aoy C Ull , ."1 or. & • lit amhilion wI.· lO lee their daullhler ex· '. . . . , b'I' .• cau.e ey leur peap e I 0 III ..... &-_11 calamity in taeU tad ,.. "iJri .in 00"11\ blljcht.,or IIOrrow rallo," . nib ' pllsbmentft that ,IV88 . rll8 to the moat apooqiAt'on III evoil ihlelC oC tholr suporlor a IllJe . d . I ·r . t hit The widow aoon m e "nown Icr er. rlJa1clnl.ftll e;,(cllrslon for fiab, .nd on tho-- II'ttlo onelt h.d "0 , n,e to re.t In bea . y- eel. in II 1101\8. owr oocb:Oeocmome a'lead- my mind, i., tbat the akull~' of two uiaLillct While IIley litO rel'inillg .• 1. the world'lI d"pen Up~" It, .th,!!,ac,J I ~ mantl"ot my rand. JL ~.a tho 11111111 old: ,ltoll1, 'My "f. ll1e thr,oug!lfllrea to the L~ke he met , - . II h ould eo.ble he L . . tI. d It d onco or tWICO WI IUC~ I gun III ,a, , ... ' 'cn, IV I C W . I F hi I n rll¢Ol of, m.8o rouhcl mlDgled .togetber. lIeglect', lhey forl/et to ".du belr ul)" In I'dea 1'1 tIll'• tber-~ wftu'd~n O t bo much' leI' clock don nut \ceep COrrecl lillie!' Tht! IIn~ ma,le 'lhe IIcquainl.nco or a lad" .... ~ , in" Bt"r' ID the goloxy 0 II on. v , ....,. b ' Ih h h ' L_ :':::' "rhua cbDnlled the Itronr and deeply ,· '11 d b d ' \ Ir fond 'fhe dlllln,ullhlng , char"~ten.tlo woe "re themllelvea rorlr° ten. him. 0, tho wickednello( men, thal they clock maker helltated. 'A Irick. tbou,ht I'I"e y lIame, IV t W om a _ma ftt)" 1)1'011111, current' of their offeetiona natur- thli were gril.lI til eYOn'd h' 10 I h- in tho thickoell. Oue, set of the skul1t But let all .ucb arroule to the I Id I - d k 'II ' Ie and apoll he' 'thla widow is jUl' making 'nn CUllle ' plolilled. and from whom be eolild 1I0L ' · .eat ho...... Though hey cou avo w. " . • ' .. h I lOU !'lrn war, an I PC?P , . d H lily tlo.~ toWllrci. thei~ brolher'. Child, I":'" b i b l e and affectiuDlte were rllmarkable ,lm.U_mall .. a child I. discharge 01 tho dutl a al.. gnlld t em, d I I d 't rk K Ltenpota to eDtrap mit to ruiol Widow', I've heard lOme of II 1IftI. • Who tlleir parental regllrd with tile ef to more lum l it Will too Ille' lind txceedinll'lylhlok-tlllcker thlo. nl'- with • apl.rit, lind ,coul domad· They ere'lly! I mUlt bo cautioua.' Tbe clock &' hopi th.t ba mlgtit bear froID lundn -01 a dt'\loted · aod dutiful dauib- yel !bey I not t!Y: wb lebD h d' I ThOle were, fur thll moat pllrt, Iruguel who excite beart burnlD", an I' u c P t b t P a' CI ria mercbant looked •• uchinll, Inlo the her ocCluionall,. To whicb Ihe r.plied · "'1 to correct r.ul\ll wIlle l ey a IDCU ca· , d " I "y 1\11 ....r. ax on •• go u I' . d h 'r b f l ' taill", tor. ~ ... X-'in, the Ilood.bearted aunt. ' , . th· perroct, .nd remalDe '" on expo- jealouelea, by eeekmg to IIrrbY 0110 C... I P ' h I .1,0 d d .. ery bod1 i. pie Cace of Lho widow ant! felt convince t It ' l e "'II not Bucce.. u 111 0 f .ctlon ... ho had khldlJ taken: cli...,. · of ber, at. ted tbemaelyu, by elr C:U/'8°11 rather tluro the .ir. The Qtber were thlu. and Igainellnollier_ !'Act well ,our par'," Dad IIrl', , op: he that lueh B Ilolllitenanco WII. nol tile index Ii»h at the Lake•••be hlld 110 object/oo to ,ber' ddeatb , O'ten Yililed Emma, ;ke im- it "' ... .impoMble to preeerve thtm, .. Iboy the willnol rail to pt!rceivo yoqdn'get repent of tho of. bad heart.. HI. Inlplelo 1111 or hor flew a U",'10 Mr. l ber elunt .., '."'" .f8l11alnin, ·.Iat« .1· d ' , b her unbendln .nd ca- Immedillt"ly foil' to plee.. when expoaed to dUltry, or to acknowledge your tallutl I evil he b.. done. Dut I'm IUrl', I hopo he away, He WII about ukln. ,lie our to ' •• , , waYII.. ccomplnled bJ her nlpcej and In ::iO:: tblt reqUlreme!ta oC her ' air, Th,e ODII were mUClIa largl'r hlYll an1·""&"· Vom. IYoh 'l no suoh maohine. at that, evRow ' 'ialo-prObQbJy The CIUetit inan we o';er Ilelrd or wlel. Illill boautiful re r\lat or hap~lne.. aDd , ' " Ihan 'be thick. er, to help hl~'g. mitr\lt be a wellk pi Ice In the work 0 dl man we encountered In litace one da~I.Iu_' Y peace, With thole ' \\lito 'pprecialed bet e~cellll... ' ,V,lIlt h ' t 1 th b',bell . ... Too CarloD.. 'I ~ 1I0t dilCoYlr OD 1'N\'IOIII tripl. Hat In llie"k, wbb occupIed at roolD tor _ "n~, lOme of AlwildQ·' ~r Her' ! nte.l teet, . IOU:. n~ :er I crillT'e Wnc'er.A or WOllle.. 'A FalUD or oot.related' the (nUowlnl ••• in band, and Dear tbe dOor,alhou,btltnlck penone. Af\er,he bid paid the cJilm, b. Jie 'peril. H4lre. loal hI the order, aup,er.lor to ';'I' 'I I' I I want to tr.1I you I l8c,ret. TUe.".y to .tory, wblch ,I .. good one. A fafDIer wbom TAlbllO nen.-A lettl'l' in the Dodbl\m him . "PerbapI,' laid be. 'Mldllm you, do couldo't wltbClraw hit hand tID a 'CUpID'• ' plllloni' ber ton venation W.I IVC y, w... . ... ..1 F d la-A~l..e1Jo" .Ith or alure', bewildering beaut!_. ' d h rtful 1ourHl(pleUl~ to olben, I. to abow be knew, once arrived ata vl"'o", Democrat, dllted al Blngbam, narr.tee .. ,e not cOlDpara yuur C'lock "'Ilk a pod tlllleC!ol Ule 'roo an en_,.~ .. tef,,1 conlelllpilltloni of tbat ,101'10111 t,. and lin • and that you cue for th*m. The ",bole wOI'ld "eat•• ner' hard tnlvel,.1id beinll {oUowinlr einrular .atablilhlDi the pleet. tllel ' rcgul.tlJ1l ' " -tOWD a chil8l. Re bad to ,., expeaaee.' 8IId lbllblta Beillg, aaa Powto ': e:::::h' adnalr- II lUre .... IliUer It IlaDl6eld. "who cared vtrry tired, requeated a room to el"p jilt but to.eblblene. of the "little ...... ",! clock, oi I08letliln,. Pr:y, IDld.m, wbat 'II" caUtiOM a.. llI.t ridiq In..... for er Ii,.. Ind glowl thruugbdUt tbla wonclet· : ' ellv1 or : by ber (or DObad,-JlO, not h_beC&Dlle nobody tbalandlordeald they wera e'n llreJr (ull,.tIII ". bne jnlt been dl,lwn tu Ware' ,inr to do JIIU COmpII,I'81 our clock \l,.ith to kDow future.-He wu the ..... t .......... n fal er8l~. ab~ esc.ped th. temptatIon., ~n w 0, Wl': too u~ t: ~ ud el.. eared for hiln." Alld the whole wOI'ld wlll it wu utterl1 IllIpcHIIlble t~ ICCOIIIlDocilte wltnetl the 1iah.(eediqopenUon. A IIttlo tb,t it wal to rut or too ,low" . wbo, In the hot w ..ther t'otbtr dq. nat ¥It! pojlOJlOIII inlucnG'l wbicb ,,"roulld IInprea antr, an t e I 11 sene ,0lIl101 If Joe Ii" tbena t~ RfII8 Ibat ble ""ife bad to .k~ep obllae IO~ girl, pelbapaeigblor lrD'Ie&not"','0 I colllplin It 'l'lth tile omnibUHa; and dreUled that be bad eutoWaJI Jail lbe of (uhiolJ In t1 e crowded cl- I*uctho. 0 °h C ollend ca_. Ld every one, therefore, lOti that ond hi_If on the Hoor', but h. woaJd leel lid Helen Tbom ... who baa been In t!ICl the'" :"'nerallJ 11U11 YOIl know, .bout., lad WII taldug a wilJk III ... ~ . • ber c ar.ctei"!"' ... III .. n." er power, a . . • b 'l'b.......l· . ft h Ii th ; ., . h b k let tl' Th.... la Ibe IJltall .lIadee or b\ ' outb 1..- ...... _ . . . . "e you dod... for thtem, b)' abofllR, them W~lt bll Wife cou.ddoCor iiDl • ., e,._ bab'l t or feeclini lite • ea or rell or timelofadly,.ndlt,ne,errlg I Y • eon" ' ~ . flO 10 t '" un IT"[' w .... 'uu"nu "' . . I d AId IIi It . Py&. pea 1.0 •.L edgo ' 1 the l l WU with rome dim euI tr tl Ie ~_ _ ...... , _ __ lIocla.', deU,btlill hbmt••be loaroeit Inore i.« of ber aarll IniltJ'on ey. ~ mael wbat. 'litem" 10 happ~11 caUa... the · lIIIall woman on belu, .PP i, to , four .... beartilJ 10 deapite)be...i~ed trappinlP eall ~. n Ttl he rtleat C04juette lonueh ..... clDUrteIi_ in wll•• dlere i.1Ib parade one rooD wldcll be 1D1!,bL ~1lP1. pru- rlyer,auct COlDDlOnCft wh ..., ·POIIte1. pou- m.rclwft bela bl. "p, ana kept A IIIU 111 New YeP ... _ of ".lIth ull Ind bere iii' 0;" lbe; t' III w..... yaiof i. "l"Itlo 1.0 ...-. aod whlcb ,lded he wuuld Igree la the cunditloaa. "iI; aad tb. . . . . . u eooa u ther hear from ill8Ultin,. w1do_ lady or - ,....._, traIIble by 1DII'r11., II W la ' : " I I pb tan ' : . Ilearta w".......... nUll ace. or •• ter the room In ..... ..aice, IIoU ..... her to pt their Row. by a .0lulDltJoua cane.-Cm. Ia I....., p& . . . . or trlum .. eo wiD' H' to .&IMre .... ,......... '"'J Rule ..,1, In the IDOI'Din, to aDCl 1 ... fro. Oael to Iwo Mtt'CIGl. OIlI, • e, tW cIut' ... lhe 1ctIcI. dlt rvclIIl - occupied PQIIIII nlIWIrc .... tulDWiq 01'8r ' •• ...... n.. .: . . . . , . . . . ... ftII ....."". Aboa&two . . . to ..k......... I _tift...........". ...All..., ... MucI 1-

ycnrllln~' f1f1 9' my illm081 .ou~, T o "'0111 Ihee. si.'cr Iriund; To clo~p t"eo ill .. W'U f/1l umLrl\co- , With ih~u. tiWC<l1 hOll r. co ~Il<l"II.



{lb~rmed pres.l'n~.






fur~loelltl, '










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IntefHti:~ eno~ eonce~ ~, ~D





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1I1J,rUtIl'\lt!~pI'1lBl'I1 fur Con· ful


hi 01lr olt •

I .tal.e Illtoxlo.tlon . hOI\ld I I y one IrdL' \\ hC!re '0 Ichoico WI Wo tuke tllla opportlfllilJ or IIIIIIY ddr~rcn Ucle. aro to iii poken 01; nllltl &. Rei tUI • " Ihllt • Iittlo sell'PII''''d'IO~ II all t11lt Ie tllOir ~"'o 4o\lar, 11,1 1I0r C~II I rro ..t e to llleatiuD but" rew or Among til ho vlo artl('1eIm the IINle ••nry 011 lire (111rt or IIlItI.I", to""rl "ncort. For 'our tbe IIrtle! (In ellhWon. ,I rUOH ,,,'Type IIlr1klng Rohlllo,'of ntlllr lhl_ ~lrl.',Mul ola~.. Tile open glad to eeo !lilch nn 111 0110 of tllO ItJII Or room! orll 'lIduhy- ble c()n~(r'lct1I)n olul opurulion. 'rhe mcl- olr 1~ IIlway, rllta). 'fhere I. but oae way! enterprizc In our (I\\In eu SOtllU well mdQ Ilr90m • 'shoes, C~1\I~, t d m(H\lI I~ url:.. d•. ll\tO. lh~, ,lIould hy a ani eI L11j\t ." to Krnoth r tlu) In~lllea With a w I 'C" \ hieh l'hCIL Jle(!\Il hlr Interllijt, l rol'l1 [url'O' jiuml', uul 1,1110 JoUer 18 moulded 1I1~, II ."ket or oli1llr hCllvy c pth. lJullliil 1~\L""l1 rQf CI11:fQrll1~, llhd other jllliccs 011 \ • -...,..-• .....----= , _ _ ._.. ~. _ 'l h"\I'\~ bu 11 olullo by tiro children IvllO urO- tlllle. A InnC!llIoo ror ellwing lIurve.1 IIm- 1I~¥lce u(llt be. tll}ll'lI only br tbo.e wi", , ,h. ~t'i)I~i\!'ll til I,"tell thi' .,ubJ\lc~ h It Lhll " .OS I o( til Pb(111l0 ocelln, fU'(lucnt\y' L UR TEJ.lVlr8: • I ©---;rhcr-e are ag~nOie. ~~lnbIl8h(1I1 III Il1mn(t-1 Qr. thll 'KrI\I~'(l M Refuge.' '1'h&st\ be;' Inv Iltec) ~y ~'fJ' 1& Ibohol"". ~peCIL arc d Olh ed 111 thclr rrght O1hld-II"II\II. ''''en rllll, w;t Irl~'\clt tht fol1olnng frol\) reach thero \\ 1Ih th~ ell\'elopee pllrtly, torn 'rht )11 :11\ VI t7 UR Will he rnrll iahed fl lo is flltl.c~~ f\)f no t~ ~ than tllr~e L, re III' BpC 'lm \l p~ llr(\ well olil cIIIQlf!(\ to IlloreneC mens of Iwu fr0111 .:Ullrtll lo'rJon ' &. Phil. tOll Ili\Il\llgCDcer Ih& M ~8RA'or de 1A I<,mbll'c \ olf. Nnd th o ~(t.lro.s JIlult1 \!lted In eon sll to 8in,1I1 y nrly . ub c!ribere for Oil!: n L- ! ururi cC' COll{p3 nl~'e . l\lo!ley t ltl1Uot iJe Ilhe int rrs t of our '1111:01111 ill ~1)i8 usef(11 Irps~Lnrl1e 6nl.' Dolls from G .•,V~ Ooffin. 1"1\ ~()r} III 11'1'11l". ' nlllVlIg t~IO . mCllluer qll II r l> of tiro Prtlctl(~O of mn'"y V fl()ne1l..I.R ANI) ~" I!IITl"HI'1! I1E II'I' II' 1""111111 nd- I<lit! out ill II hclt••r mnOnrJ r, tll~ n tu ~ocur(' j 11' li wtlon In tho 611"1() )Q 1l~. I~' 1\ fino F lies ol1d IIIV8 frU'\Il\l~rrl~. & I(lth-AII\l! thera,UII ... dorriea i'tl~re l3 mucb ' (alk In ullllli\' ecnhng.IVa;,: on their CII\ tllopl'. . ",nee, O~· t>ot.Ull ......1>. p~~ CK~TS, If flolioio~ on yoor lirrei! I ·i dl pilI) '01 1I ofor uur! (Qu oy Ilrdrl 5 or Ir\lll ,,"'11 \VOdhlllg Mn ehloll ~vlrlch C\'t:ry eusqf 1~le \'I_lt to AllIor.lell 0,1 a) 0\11111' and III pas,illl!' throllgh lhe Iropic. tho wnx p8 d wlunu 'I.X rnol!th" 1 wo l) LI,UlS ~_.~~ I work, II) 0 r CI.l('r prrDilljt tVI\J1slIIon,l\l iluv lo~ iI.g 1.111'1 bh oulU C\ipeclully IlrRlde.IIllrllllVQrrrln , tl\rlc~ tlmou8-Jifs t, for 1;1 llnnTltlbly ri'rclted '0 ftl III d ~ lro) .11 o.tlhe eJld of Ihe . !lar: , ' ~rq nt. I M~lIdilY' tho ):'.\l1 l1 l1d \\'111 GI Il 'nwdu,I, u ml\h \ 110 11113 . uu d l1g the W"lIlioardfi from 101'orCli munuful\lurerB , ~Slibsllriptiolla fliT leu thon ont ,eRr ter term QI thl! "Vl1ynollvlllc Aonllufllv , Illl8t'llumbpr of y~nr~ de\'otc~ his nUlbly _II moill beuulllul 1fear~e exhlbiJed lIy I hlllbandl, .ecoll4tI", for h t '"nrious tnl· e'6n\l>lnnc~ ot 1\ fil'al , arid rrequontly: to 'tId• • d II d' ' t II r h , I r i d"1 1 •• , ' \, r , , . , W II A II t • Ill0thuK, ju~t n \Ioeo ant.;ln tlf '1.'l' 0 r"J'" rl'n . 111 , herel th01elterb(lncftthlt.nnd 'cnuEo he "iIUb'ellt the roteOf1'Hn Il'COIlI<lS I1IlIlIl\- Will w mmCfll'e We hnpo 1I\lr Ullixen \110 (, lIerll'v (Ii the el ' \'otI OO /? F' th Il lllU- J110. t . , ,.. . ~)dst eXllc on ~PQ~hll., • P I ' 1'1 ' '" IIIlwonie nt, I I' Ult conel udlld' at the injnry rile ~ t " ll,Il1111 •e',"fII e nlllll1l t'. • f rOlnl't H erong_ t l'Uc tlo nqfihca~lIrc8H i n ~f' JI' b~r, ' \\llIdo lh 1~ "lIly ,hy thl8 InHl1tIlIlO [lIrlllg hlt O th 11I(1)O~o rth~ ~e l (-lIut i jlg, f or g~norul1nggn, rOlilgrOUije .rclurru:d III the II Ii leus. ill Ill) I cUt.( rtf laht '~lUndrtli dolla,rt'. (rour Ih~u · MIIllns 11.-0 l\\ , 00 We w)1I rUrII ldh the \,I~.tor al~d one PPl)rll1 \V oll nile H .gh Seho 1;.lIollhl l fl eo p l l!' l1 due' npprociutlfJlI ()f 1';8 pUr~llIl.- I reullhl\t I hove dOllo but pour justloo IIlost ~xtruor 1II11ryJ II:~r~, \V d~' Inl~. 41~d nd 1ranct'1l) ~~r month. conlallll, ft,Cc-ol'i1. Tho l'ostmuelcr Gl' nt'ral (uruifthee tl) g c"lly or clther Grll l).I11'1 Or ~nrtnln'~ 3lag- bo welT n tOlldl'd 1\11 th e Yoftr III n )llu llo I IJ ij \1 liS OIl C or Ih o prim mOV~I'l! hI the to tho lI~l1llles e nullIorated, nnd mony wbtoll clolhQd'o II'orn all 801 01. utili> lelr I~lh '~r • ,,, t 1IOIB IV 011t eceetltric ~ •condt - lII tpTIII twn · \() till' pub lro In Ihe h pI! llnl j I' lILin r~ or Oudey's Lsdy'& Bbolq 01111 ),enr like th f~, F llr PArti(\ul urs rcfl'r to n...., 1(o r- I' t'r CII OIl (If th e Mul L· ... ull. huvuo,i 1Il~lIy 01 L\ti t I..," me ,.ftry II' repor, ~ . e 1)\I1111lug 111 1\\ 1I IerI r WOII1'1 u UlVO 'Illlnt Ionec I Ire IV I10 II Y le'L b V I C 'Iunl, which 1Ire llakulAtc.1 10 clcHe al1O l" the \Ide (If 8011 1111'::-\\ AX lin lettcre, lIUlI oth- I rur tll~('e doliun and twenty.lh t! COlli: \1 BIOI: coitll ll ne. I t h~ Foir is un\\' bri ng h(' ld. anti C("'!I~10116 (Jilt. nul If by 1"lInt I hoyu wtllll'I1, I cUul.S. ~nc 1I·0Jl1 ~ven \ t o~t II es Q~ l!, etlr~elity of the Am~rtcan public trl ('t pllpt'ra ror tl~ al dl ectioll 1\111 herenfter cash 1III'~rr/lbl>' IRadl'onc& ...... _ of th nuyullingeR Ruch lin Dsaocintion have c IIver cd to your rcudllril IIVl'n onl.l rroges fi 10 \Yl l l'.~ IODI ,w.rc ·brIV ngt Iroug ~ TI Ie Iad1 I810 l(1\e a II Ilor , bo \lIl\lrl.'l" dlsct'\lt1\I\II?II . ' ' . • " , • III IIl0rma~ 011 "Yc: dn('~.lny morning or IUbt wl e k, 11 the •Mllt huul cs' IIIStllllle,' he IIU 9 used Imn urrellt idclI of lhe vUlety nnd ex,cel- th o 6lr ee ~ III III Ulr ~ ctlon 8 , tit lomll 8~oro, ,. h' · · . f i I " to hnvo almost ul1le 0 lU'lmprOaarro, rom .ereil n tlO - -- - _ _ 7'0 oonitESJlONDE1V,'l'~ - "'ell lhe llith Itr~t" II fire broke uut 111 lhe 0 r· Cl'l'ry rXNtlon Lo make (hI' 0 odvnntog s lellce- of 0l\r mllnutQ ~tllttl8.I J Will huvo nc- sflellloll , \I bmonol)'Jly 'il ' In lion~ fh" 11~1 Id I d I CI I I I .1 ' . , • 'I \ BcqucnCtl of rUllllo ra ,... 0 IIUI a I'e~ celltb m •n a II m mg It,"n t 10 progrllmme writte n uQm,"unlGaliona, on ' into. n tlllg I'halls' As)JulI\, III nOlll1l1(1 , \\ II( I .. l'!- 0\111111 st 10 IllS follow mcchuluc•• lind in cOlllph~h cd my obJoct '1 HJIO worD 1n~lIy , ~ ,. r I I I ' WI h f • , ""I) for brln" I"" tl'e OohforrllanB 10 thrill h I f ole I'lIefll I~Sll.'lu per o',"onc(,1 to 1\' 1 (\ I hlO Ctl . will find II he"r~y weh;ollle In Ollr troyell.\ho ellllle bulldln:;:. UlII l (' Ire e\ cry \ 'uy hUb {rivon lhe 11IetilUlIon 1118 Ilrtlcle$ of exqul Ite tllstellud beauty oxhl- '" .... .\0 r 0 ac'totc I!creelf g,~y be thue bnrr: coillmn~, Nulilll1l> personullwlll be ud"nl' t ok place. th~ro "ere in the ImihnnU, 0110 lII oM eII rhcst Sl1 l1Porl. blted by tho ladleR w1110h my el'lIce h(\i III pl oforll" Co 10 olht'r .ustoblidlllncnl. ' d up' \ • .' ' iihocreul h1\1Il C~ 01 1111 hundred Ullt! ilX boys ( Il1e Ilull drodur lIlOl\C~d ul80 IlIgrlllou~ \\!llIlow sllut- cqll\I' ell~d ' llI e tu 1()1I11t. . , Jllnr· Th ese tiLor(18 muM Ill!,YIl recl'lycd aIf C\lltlld· 1 •ftllmrne tou "VI! m\)! t Itllow r beg t1lelr 'I I morolng' HIC I ., Jumfllng tor fn :! telllllga by Bpoer & ,y .. right nil d dOlla, ulld Wilh 'il Jusl Il}lpreclolioll I UI1"" cruble alllQunt of tiro prelliouR litu • II exwrrlers, or 110 IIttell~loll will he pl1ld tho ehrldreu \Voro ~nvc d,80m~ /oJy f I Ii Al • ,C\'el1, 0 Ctor k In tie " 'iil break In a bot.". lelcatcd lit ' hu"rJ their productlolls. AU leltors on bU~ lne 6 out nl ' winuow~. It Is I'ilarod lIl11t u\l u/ Elh\ unJ 1I1orrls &. Co , buth or wlilci. woro or Iile'dellcnlo 01111 tastel ul urllclell lh(,y ('houge ,ol,rr tho V~IOU$ ~rl~.()IC8 ~'I c ot ~ ~llli' . tnet hu jllftt ucon completed for one lliou- musl b" pOlt-paid. ' . 'l'he ' u I IJrI1lnll_, whelld ur() ~ .c'lk 1nbl CI~I t'1. on~ or lhe epectltorli ,a't nblo .lre Will the Icmu\IIiug SIl( p errs h~1I 111 thon UIIl ,' S of Bllnplo colI ~tru()tioll tlml \Voll Clll c\llutt'd d,spllly(\d. I muat deltver 11 IIi 1I1y COIlUId. arrnk leverlll ..Ianel 01 aro". emoke h51f- "and bousl's nt a placo J'II~t Sl~ 11'11108 be'V Sevl'nl til' thosll tiuved werO badly burn- to al18\\'or ho II1tend d 11urpose There opil1ion, that Ihl3 most beautiful dl~pluy lieu , or'"l oII1l8 , PrfldlHIIu. a. r mnr II CC ",cod'" "b'll J Ii • , J, II. EllIVAr.D8, For' Anclenf:- \l , b j trusttotle rprOlilousnp .. Ol1rrllcil. r..,w. • d I d IlU a· o_e~ .cli , an P s)' al I Isru s, e- yond. They are chellp h0l1101 wllh Im,1I 8{1' ~brry tho I yuu did not observe our ro. ed, 1\ ~re 0\1 e'Xhlbiijo)l. by El'ply &, PonMIY' they have mude i1urrng the eICIII IllOII 8 or fllilowod the currio g ~,wllh ellger (nrlo,"y. a couple 01 n\"l:llllfic'lI)l i\J'elnllic Burlsl Iherr own Iiellcvolout f(lcell-lI(lullering k I II a O~C" " tween Qlne IlPd ten Hum) will I.\e a grand Irentll, and IIrc OCCUlllcd by per~ons or stnall pi" to your llitter- 'Ve It Ihrough I.e I · r I' h j fib I I ' , E I t.I ( • d I IIIlI ny no ~ 110WlIIg IV 10 I ~ UrUllu UIeftll,a.~ It '" Ile \ ~o SubJect wi e Imuno. "ho find It cheaper to lave Ollt of thi- medium lome time Bince not hll'llng 'rUII _ , eCTlolI .-T Ie I1se8, WlllCh. on OCCOUllt of IOlr pcr ect tholr smiles like bloli8lU~ orOlln t 10m d II I It. ~~ IICII '10 '" Y tl .1 u \ . 1 ' d I r r. I • I ¥ ' \ j ' k It t ' '" I worc, nn 10 t:l 1:J~'f-1 ", "'J ie tfRteu on an e erate p lit orm; ,rom tcn 10\\'1) than i.I , tlmo to write II apeclol letter How over WIr g COUllty 1'10 et, for t 18 COUll y. WIIS ollolltllthm aud eleg re boglumug to J oure mb.t trll y, l tl (! t d pI r'I 'ul• • 1 1 • ' I b~ • J d' . ' BID ,. J f1 tl XClIl(,l1Icn It)' cr n e, •• ~ ~. 'J .. e ~n t t t'D.Wtl Il OC Uf'~' In IHpO~\Ilg. ,~ ------r--lho next lime you mllY will" any thing curried. Ktlbom, of ut or COIlIllY. ern- att,rl\l1 t 0. goud ahuro 0 Irc otlontion., , G, th~y hud 11\ the Ir trunks or bpha what Oil. ,unilry flllll' of na~llrr"n ~eor and In Tho ,'cntnroft ullhe Pre."1~lIt the kllld please give u,'a oull,' and ~86 elected Senator, onu Will, A. I cnn but bRroly men Ion II filre display of ablcd ~llItrl1 to luu"h 111 ~Il who paesed COIl1 • • • mo)l;~g a G~m~~ p !p~. Prom el('ven to Th .. llo~ OIl 1\1011 tllmkll !li'. ftllmore rUI1~ sib.fnclion. ,WP, hove Fr.@e. Suiler, Clurko cOll'ILy . \VII Grates ~y HorLon and n1ncy-lieal1liiul The (1)~~~':~::I~~e~I:~: :nl\~~:~'lIrriV;\1 of menl~ lin their dr:s8 or uncoulh uPIH'l!tllnrt 01111 In Inle~,'al ',1\111 be a!luwcd for tho re· the bcst looking' of all the PreSidents, He molter; yuq mentlon'cil In your Olrcull Judge W slIPpqS\l the speOIIllOIl" of Pnper Hungings hy Will- til" lost Culiforllia hew~, mcnlton<l'~ thl) The lVunllorful dll~t Sl)lIn "Idllled the no. rosa of. tno"suliject pnd of tho epecl.•ltors. tltu,e I:I\'e,l l\i, opihlon obout the !foed, \00k'8 , , co:rl(;d Iho Slalo 1'lck 't~ luma &, nrlllcrnlCl\I..-l'utellt A:dc,tree bo· ... lInd, 1l11 " 10"U" thll l'uuIJh p'cr,f\,ctly ',"011111. ' .. (h I) I I I It ' lcr. ..l d~n~h or the wire 91 ~laJ. 961nea Governor , \I y ~ .. ,ro.."'.one to wo woal er ,permlttllg tlcw loe ot J. F~ C., VII!Il/nnnti-YO\\rs waR rdce, With Illnj{ltudmul oil Q !ramber., by ., " ~ Y. 1l6rald,0c1 ~7. v e, .evor· ~.auat4rc·,' 'II III t Ii I \"G.III·""lon ,ua8',,..a ...-'" S t d . till we .. k I f I Ii A of Or('"ull. A ello left mony rt/CIlU8 111 , . , ;' • IWlmmtng ('lICrllI.pS,..· n e p o~ ,y ". .. 0" ~ . cOlved. Ybu mU8l excuso ua Ir thore be ~~, lrnt 0 11 II. Vllrr\8elt, d • RIIJ!l-n well finldhcd 01 0 lIoa I:~, y " tI ) 011' ~e Bllttery-III coupe; III bruI!le, telo he WOi. mSlllo win fPapect , buthll wa~by ••0IVover n F'TIIE- ..."1'Tn . ' anl deleet in the arllcle, for If wue not ro- the ron/ovol of hlB Juwolry Store. to the n. Col\lllc-Wnrner's l'atent RIl"roud 1't'l1tllak),I~ I I I will I bn '"tllre~tlllg hA A "w's VJ /'" TO '''AItU1d "iel\l devall'. etc. At fin)r.tlir~e mwnles no ineanR hl\l)d~oJne 111 potenn, l'lIe finlt 'Lcuk ,ropArl),' on the oaat lido of milln Cur SUIlI! un elc"olll lind convenlenl in- mo nno 10 y, to ,II ow t e 05USO, 1s,. AIIO -Un Monday IBlt, 1I'litherlblbrw " I ' Ii II' coived uhtil I.ho poper wfta nellrly"uP!" '.. 1I.lul, QUIIIC8 hud .tarted with hill (8, 1)111'1 .. put oue,t Ie IU ~eel IT, re,cue a man IroOl Adll108 ,,' aa "buo. Jolfor~otl Wll~ marked Avo~'.oo-s L>E-"RIl, no difference. strollt. ' vCllllon the frome lr ing constr1,leled en.. I Iiccllmp"IlII!lI ,!'y tlae Archbiahop, the Ref. 'I r r ,. .... ' t u locole on 0 litle larm in Clal ~op I' UII •• t~11 ~ ater, engftl:ed exprea.IIY lo be there \00 (lr.>millent 1y Ly t/le Ioeu ng lootures 0 rron. what BOtlr 0 tlley Inay come, are ul. -,..-tlrely of hght ornament,al iron work-spllc, Dr. }'uro"s .llI~ Socretarv~ Mr, Mgbo1l1. Ind In illnlcr 01 drowndrng at that n\o- :bile faee. l'Illldl~on (uokod Jutlllud 8tupld, ~ays dlapatched iltlo the &tovo, or oIomo Q::7Mr, nr one, of Doylon, presenls [mens or Ollgrllv111g by Hille, Shiply U180- Oreg~1l 011 Ihe road to thf~r house IlllI ~nu CQmnll~SI(H\Ur8 Dill\)!) and Cll r tid, (I~I~ ulbnt. At a quattct POllt two, pistol Monroe bod a phfZl rull of "()Od humor, but tillS ",De", 1116 adverllsoment, Woe huve Furnl'ture tllut 1111gllt Inlil~rt Id.u~ or ol e- horsc "POll wll1cb Mrs. Gtllnoa wile rrdlng "i\' d' rid U d I , I d I "I f h ",her" it 1I18Y be comJl!nltllf 10 put ~ d k f 1 I' b t ' b uckod III bet\Ye~n the (uro ",he.,.ls 1I11'! tho 0 v I.,t to , nr II d 1111. nema!1 Q r» n· ahooting Ina eller,cleo with t Ie mu~ket an Inl npse wne too neartloc,o ur 0 l 0 wIne "double I)ulck umo." No person will nover eXllnllM h11l8tOC; 0 Il ~~ lIllg, U "uncc IlI1d luxury to tho braan of roy~lly Uto inil poiltlull of lhtl IlXLcn.ive ral'go of " , . brehlOg ". A d S cr I l urea Il eCllUa e It lind It a very profilnble proJect'. Yllal'1I they very Irequollty I 1'.lnyO heoru.• t IIII ell t nbl ls· h "from S. J. J ohn~j Shllw &. Rettig: f iUX(!II ... IIU<I'O)I c"bin'-IIle !luDjod a grelt" IlItor"IUle 1>rilIe n 01 d " whloh waa Ilc()ompMyingJ bu lhhug" ereolod ror Iho t('lnporllry I\rllunr. ollnyel(,ga Ih the ~unle of these eser· rec!, Tile setcon\l ,1~8 a Will a, b,ard write anoll"lI1oulllottera to U8, for it Will IUliut spoken 01'.111 high terma of ,pralse. Mitchell &. Rnmmelsbllrg. Tho lottor them, 'Jlhe ~1)iIll618, (r igl)lellcd o(\\I'itllr~Cl IIIOdlltloll of tho laolplos IInu destitute em. ' .• " II b lI'b 8" J k n rc ' uff at full speed, enrry1ll11 thn hurss ololl\l !I"IlI, al afI pOllaI'bl e di8tllllc~al' allu, nna '1 au ~ect to c.erl 0 nny I,! (. u~!tO - not I'IIY IhflU\ for- the :,w,ste of Iherr '· .. rll----;- - ~ouee hllve on exhl~itlO Il whllt they lernl with thollI. !Jrft GUllloe full, hll~ hca(\ igrullt clns,," no rowOr II\olt 8lxl-ae!\ I,un. e,b ooth" a mOillut 0 on th,e f\>r~helld of one armbled ~wo hl~or~ .'IIV08 ~ilt up eil~~. ciou. paper. Ink, &.0.'1 ~Wj) hllv\) heutd it rumoretl tlillt ~ Ie R 'Lounge lind 1 nvalld's Recline Choir,' uf lIr'lI of whtlm \Yere im",a~1l11 011. Ule dllY of t~ 0 I" C t h l l e,nce, 'II' IIe; he 'M I II"r".es I d tie t ed mon I l l ' ~~ .... 11naUJ'onec Call '" very lllil nlouB COtlBtru(\uon. It calf be Itrllllllg "1"011 the t,re of Ihe \ngoJl. bU<l hi!! vldit. flo well~ through the \Iurlout ~ C t h0 moat rellpecta b I'y 8 .Iu,· .. altle " II ur, ~ NQ:Je bllt OOUJI&rJ. and lIilllam of lhl) 01 \1V1_0, C'RlI' Y,• It,I 0 'r u. I w~'11 be dovote d I crow d. , V an.Btlren WIIS (or I") .., to thla deto(!'uble Iurn b\!S, OI<l t b I a bhcn u ~16-01 her body be 111""I jllmmcil bolween the frollt dorlllltllrll'H, , to. ',cn· ",I100 ~ tJ/l.,' lort will resort .. 0, 16 0 e. or I 8 . . - lowere,d and heightened, olltonued lI11d COiland expro~8ed bilolltif. lIIuen rrom, r.lout to ... • of vetltlng tortl:l their"blaek..... , rd. ve d • !lIn" IDd pr etlce " t'l the broadsword, I)t an d ~Q)If k mg, but ~Oily an r l....· e hod traoted, curved I1nU mude perponihclll1lr, lit> boarel un\! the lbree, whl·b being throwlI ploafcU ot Ihe cle'allllne.. , order and IIQ~or. 11,,eabre, 1011f, .ina'Ie-eUck, 'l'hl. portlen of au htl Ie: he h Ou•• nOI tII~t: openncl' 0r co u II- 1 i8m~" and !lbu.e, IIl1d although tll~y IlIG ), '. 0 13 to Sl11t every deair!' or whim of thl! Ill- do\Yn WOij pC\ll1led over by the wheolaof tJiIl 11m 6Vl'rywberll vilible, ond 011 r•• ehinll tlie ul'l'Claea wlll be concluded by a bat· ten Without. "hloh no man can be I Id tl emeelvu ror a tIme III thie inv)tc thc III,en- valid. 111111\1 lIoUrel1 a very elegant bed- wogol1. "nd Mra- Quinn fell Ul1dern8llth thll lI!thool-rooul Ire W08 Qgroellbly srlrpIIt1" calli'd ]lI bolt ... ~ranc.lao, P{om ,IIC tl) flg. J{llr rl.don h,d Ilis skin !Ihll' 8 "e "tl of qur la~ly rt1oderp, tu the corel of stesi! by'the81111lo .llnnu{oolurel's, whloh wu b helorc tho lllll'n were ~11I;cked . sed 10 lind QVOr !lOt). chilurllll whose Ippelr. eI IDIil (J Ill'", and lit tile tron /. So. " b' '11 dme III JIll bl 11'.' kl ea by tlIe pr nor, er~ etime".ur d J F ramo, 11111 She snoko but Ollce liner Ibe DQ~lIlt'"\, lIllce IruHcftwd health lind l\oropnrehH • I III IC... t , tue au ~ect WI a I~I Borll 0fwpm Ihe.. rOICIIZ hila his cioek torn L " J'.111 t un 1111.' I III ers, wlll'h c constructed 011 the prlllQI(llll of the pUlent r lip. Fl'O,m al_bt to tenr llllil)nlli dllnc.... polka. Miam.'. lo~ho Tyler wall. a .... h'18 Lack, and feel. hllll.eH "doubly will bo found 111 tI~16 num,ber. dove.tuiLClIslernll,ll-f .'lIlher J\1uthe\\'1 b"hl' inVite\! Ly I0 \108 of gn)lIt 111'0,,- 1I11~ 1I11111medl1l11,lly hecame ill8en~lbl0 'fhe I"nllll! r it d b1 I -d II I h II I I" • _0 IUJur", or tllll brK'" furbodo nil hupes of reo ro lD~f 1\ • r,f ofh, 0 oro, 8 lI~ee an nqt ling ~ 0"1' L1II0 p 11m- whlpp"d." by the contempt with which ull },l1.ElltAJlY NO'rJC,E.~. ty of fill18h, ,und rlchncss of Ll,lne, from Co~IlI'Y' IInilllr\ilr Iyil'lg WI/VIHlly Ih'~ hours thl1 COllllol~ ll'lIer" to ft.ltlrollll ih e Ilhrl'1rel~ cail., .lc· I~ tbJIn hIli {Dce.-Polk \V~8 . • 0111 0 good dtii ne look UP911 tum. Sml\h &. Nlxonl and 1I10llo\loon acoumpn rn 11 stllte (lfun uh cIOI){leae" dua\.h clothell yielded prf)~ollon ee t9 the M j,:hblsl\op, "Ir~ "'in.llv-aDd Ihl_ i. Itho mOlt 1,lqUlltll klDI,' aDd rllthor a r~ir min !o look I __. _ ........ j niment froJTI Murcb &. Whlte,l\lholo e o l - · COI1"'''llIllll tC!l the Ih~f1all'jlr. un Ihe Ilsl'eet ~ • • ••• Tu ~ 1:"·C'~NA1'1 l\'OIl~II"Y We hnve tile ..... 11" -1'llIS I'S n enr" aalumlly, On '> .. 01 '1I~'roGl hal( pa.\ t,n o'eloc~ lill mid- you would atop thinking wltl e you I .. ""'i' ," CL.... -~lectlon wue very flnll-A lurgo Reod Or· v~~ .. ... .... \\ hi h the I n~ tllll\lQ II pro4 nleel J'I1 h. va· I.': • bl 111.''' ected nerotclfore 10 lIQtlCO, In 0 proper S & B lr t \ll'lr woy to \but country ~wo rlllught u.rd. !tlltht t..., .ubJ~cl "'III reid hot correspond- Tllylor ,hId. plellBant. agreoll e, • I I 1.1 d gan, mnnornclllred by IV oct 0 en.rl lis deflllrtfllcn 8, IIrgtl d on t1\e t IIld I run , . ' 'b UlDuner thiS Illterestlng " lOot, tie ur 'd who l!)ft Ibelr home III KelJluc~y,blo l\rning ~ f ."ee 'fit: I 'f~~' ~I~h aud very lIuglillt benignnnt countenllnC~1 jt't "floe I \V8e . ~. lIumbo;or ",hloh hus mn~e it811ppoatal1ce', Thl. 11181rumont I~ constructe upon D With l\ol~lth and ru\1 of the IlIgh II apI's of thl! 11111;0 lilly or l~ kll1g a vlIntnge ~, Germll1 ~l1n~d(Jllarr. homely IS orlglDal 1111, u~.~· ij more .)f ou OIlT table. It IS published 011 the 15th new p.rmolple; b)' Inlrodt~cll1g,tho air ... to \'(,IlIlh til \ St Cl1tllllrllle~, or yellow (,,_ t'le 1(10)1111 of Impruvelllcnt ~'hlcll the , A,L' Idnlibl. the ell 111>lIlon Will be realt, and true I), a good looliil'lg !pon In b W III N t the wmd chest IIl1d permlltullllt to opertltc . I klndllo!!. of th Ir bl'ne{(lctors had pltlt.fd . • of every month y 11 I .. I ver, lind Joe burled 011 tlhl dl~l8nt illlOr c ~ , c;loeed) t~ be re.opened .the ~e~t OilY It .ense of the word. '~r '( 'f ~At1 D;'IlI, t Ii dlrcctly IIflOIi tire reed~1 t 'us obvltltmg t i e ' dO1i90rolly \\'\111111 tJll'lr rellcll; be tulu t1lem _ a....~~d. '~""h'l wHI not pt'ople layJ) the yery ECR80nri \l pr ,ce 0 1\ eo, ~- ~tI 1I0lle8 Ily of Y1)lves, \ hlch !luve ever \10 I) IIruzII,-Enqulro~. hUlllhlu IIV \Vlla !helr c()ndilion to NIlOlllid .,' a 1.&' L , re'(lec~ 0 yoar, or five l\~ cent.! t 18 Oonslu\lre .• d ' , 1",,1 0_..,1ICU'..01l tOOA PI".c.em ' ~Tr DII,.copy. ' nJl '1II6UpOra bl e 0b~ eellon~tllo U.... T. L 1l[Ullnfll-We 1I11~oNl8nd tbDt 1\ Ii.,..' G'ld IV" tllol'r F .lthnr ~ who W~,"I\v'r8 :...,. , b, ~ BI IKC « . ., QnQ It I~ open I' P I hi tI b G G b ' ' '' . . " " l' eI \<11M 1\.....,.."' ,t WDlI:~ tho 181."y wlll TO.uVe'a1 IB:P ti (1),0 - r mutlcu ' ' .. i I LIth .grnp lie rc,,~ I'X Ii It' Y ~o. I' mur.lo. ~,.e tlOIlnittc" in 'lliptolt county lookli"> dOl n1>11 Ihelll, 8n~ W01l1 ""'.' pcrtulll ng /) I I I " • w, ~ U '" '. ' be (Iud • , Tbe 'Q~iect dl1mapdell l\VO I . ' I 801t &I 00., IBit II I1~U() e wortlly or IItten 011 I~.I., on 1.'110 1-t Ilia,. So' far 118 \Ue hn,' \1O thum ,n Ih<", ..m;~I. "tu hI'. £!ood ~"\1 ~re n• f ) Illl.f\lClII, par Ie,S, Dnu Opp03C~ evory till!'" , I L I" v ~ .. IhoueaDcllloliln per mODth, the u\lpre..rlo I~ tile ehllipe 01 11101_ofl<'lly. W e WJMh ~ ...... rho imflrel 1011 18 ~DI~ ~(1 frblil. t kl8. It 10· beell "blo tu IOllrll 01 the tragedy, tbe foctl obedient, 111I1.t1l1 nnd IO!lus\rlollll ~lwaVb, w. not ItlaDOalld 10 rti,e lUore tb"" five 'J ' k-e I'1onsure grllpllic 8tl)llll, upon W I1cll the. \11 I~ ,Imt nrc 11 follows. ' FlIlll llr l\lat!1c\v follllwf!d ftW Dp' • - ., '" tile beet 01 6ucoeSd, an d WI II tu haadred' alllt' '~WI. tlxed at e,,,ht hun· • d' h f " r our fiB In the ordrnary LHbogrupbll' operullol1 .'''Ile pllrt'lell"hd, Il ehor.t time prel'iuu8 prilpri~te rC'l\\a~k~, after \~;hlch he I'r.n(pe . . .". , , • • 10PWlIr II1g l e numcs 0 ODy u • • f hi" II f d S i I dred (lll eon.illerallon lhllt the Imprelllrio • ••• • \, II t b ~ . , I hore were also a number 0 I 0 t'X(\e . to tile '1I1mJc.r, heel1 cn""gcd In Ihe 8pCI\U- dod 10 v l~11 h )I[cdioll all \\rll U , ... fl tl ICY lire co mw ..,o m",y v l! I 0 511 sarI e. Iea\ P resses 0r 'J' "V " ell' lib Ile•I lation. or cattle\ th~y elI8lIolveel aand ..~"nl 1'," L. trocjllccd to Dr. \VIll. Iouk~ all b~i .jllt~n houre out 01 the I~en· ruISTAX£lI.-H"' "w 0l,en , 11111II ~..,n, t\loir pllft- War·", Uo f, jUr•..!..II"", J6t!.rnal. •, mltted, and 1D what fllimberleB8 . F\liltl.r &. Bro.-Alsu Wh1te':j }jill- lIenhlp and eetttled. h app\lars thllt bolh Inme, Dr: ('X, Dr_ ThomplIOll , Nr. Edl' _-'-_,,-'-,-_c'.'_ There tl no man IIVIDg thet ia free from porltllo Curd Prest, wlliuh execute" Cards were diBlltluelied ,w nb the eettl\lolcnt. met and other jtentll'mc.n of th~ Medlell La,.e 110011 Cone~rll' them, or ever \~11I be In thlll Iv.orld. quite elpedl&iJ.)u~l, aod at " IUBdelled ex- Hornback ou4 Moon, Ilfe thtir IIl1mes !:Italf, oC~Omplll1led by tllO ocli,q egcnt. The R.rpe~i!' booJr conelrn,alre"dy one dillerence IIlW what enterprlllQ Ive mny .... h8c r d d I eI f • W. Bwyly, E q, who l'ohtely cotlducled ;l j Ii th k \10011 •.' . , , ll100n, lifter a lew fI.,a III e aPlJe ,rom el t.e )'lar~-.....t ID t e "'orld I. ,being, fut er I>r whllt proie"t we may undcrlll e, f' T l ' " ~I' b lion Carpenters I b He n\'lIt VIII· • " greut ndvl1nl~gll tho!re i8 III sub~cribll1g (vr lere wore on eA " " I . the tlme of th!)1r lott ement~ rcarne very hIm thruu"h .. thl! bulldillIJa, .. enl"..... b, 10 addition of anoth!:r bU11!l' Dever IIecompliab our , object llljs ~n prelilrelll ~1: 10 the eKalerh,'weeklil's, (rom l,Irown &. Willis of Phi IId"l· I11IlC~ dlsllltiilfied~ )lnd wont to lhe field tod the bllke·boule lind wlinary departillif op "elrl .~re.t, [ c<lbneetin, In 'tile In 101M' JIlanJ)or or uther. are a"IlUIUllt lhe coul\lry. A ~1f\W phio, of opprove4 1l0~'lftlction end lice where Hornbllck W1I8 ploughlng,lInd ala. menrs lind ellpr.eI!~ed to t"lIt I(antlemla bit rea~ .. rth Ibe principal eatablt,limont. in or 9" nundt.r Qftell, when in the aacred 8land, volume cllnincnoea T ( 6 1118. 'I TI lero wern 0 Ieo mil \"J pr tbe bed him 8even tlmel in the ba,: k , cau\lIOg marked IIIUltactlon at tho l\lIeellen~ _,.Itm 0Jl tho first 0 N ovemClur"teet 1 45 by leo feo, a d Iivll litoei(y, glVfja jnecrr.t~ ,viewl of thlnga ,h~t lire ber 18111. TI,e follow\llif aro tho \itlee uIOe rllnil of nr~r()I~. by OUf Cmcinnllh "IIOo.t llll1toot denth. )Ioon wpot AnI) by wbich B\I ulenslvo an establl.hment 1•• rj~ "Irb. Amonlother improvementa to to be trlflod With, ~ut he do~ 1I0t conve~ of epmo or tbe onic\eiJ willch Will rorm Mecho01()s In ~ ery way of equlIl m()r~f, b~t gave himaelf up, IItl~fog that Hornba.ek Ibu. efficiently conducted. At JII. dep'" be IDlr ueed. will be on Ipparatu. for th&Incorreet vl~w II1tentronally but~~r~~~n lelldlug feuture III the now volume; I.IIIIYO mUj.!ltd my n'Jto of Ibem ......Speol ••ttuck him IIlveral tim", with a club. ture, mOllY or lire poor Inmatea wbom hs dryiol paper b., .t.e.m-I proc~1II MtbArPO~'Y. mlltake. The Judg~ on, thB bel!~ , ' Du IIOIIT. ll hlatorieel rOlllan(le of mens bl P upl:lr wood iIo. prepared by W. wolearn lhllt there lire no know In rrelol1d, even a few ye,", 11(0 tha \0 uN4, we believe, In b~t one ' edtabUah· '...... A ,Ivel "".tllken oprnioul when by Emersnn Benn~l, Eaq; S, 1J\dtlwin IIJ! \0 ho,e .11, the fineneaa and perlon to prove tbo ownere of I~~ge fllrm. and happy hOIlICllIe.nt in Edinburg. Bcolllnll. Thefo lire cAlelof the blghc8t itnportanc:a, rand often 11'...... I L " __ F'M L 'Vew by Eliza polillh or 1110 b(l6t ~~rtJtl\ut veneerlng-thle 'Rent.,. stoads, wept bluerly.t the remenlbrallc, h 1ahI'11 h men.• ,. Vt511'0" • •l\1nol;entllliraOn •I' ml de t 0 sulFer se· .. w Dupuy; ••"Q£. OIL''lr1LBO~II. THE A.A , I "'_. L_-t WIlIell aJrHdy emp Ioytu" ·In lee. .'011 TU& ""Ull tlie oll~n& HIllR OF T~£ Illverition 1 thlnlt Will como. into UIII\1enla 0 fd ay. gone b,.,~ II " ,til e ........ el aboul '00 lIanda. wh088 waa LINES thll effect of dloae M.LII?R' bY''ir..1ter.hitlnore' CRA.lIl.BS use, both on ncc;otlllt of Ita belluty and eOIl,evod himilWln the lsltlOd, WII reee,10,000 ~;llIo'!th. ~, "'ritten b~ ttie r e ll1lellt of " LIldJ. . too, la 'ome· DlOKEIIS' new dom~tI story \~iII be ' re. chellpne.s. Willolv wmrn b), Thomllll dinll frqm their View, thry waned ' nlan), III. the compo.lng rooml tbere ar~ timee, led to do thinGS, "iht~h he mo&lgen. ubli hed bn It. arriyol from C1egll-Odd Fellows' R!'gaha, very ele. pllrtlng benediction arter hi!'\l,whom a I.w lta'1djti who II~ I~1\Jantl}' l''1gaged updll BY TOUIIO t1ARI\Y . • erl\ll, regretll, lifter the exoltemrnt III o~er, i'he iol1ow'n are the terms of thill I'olua' gllnt, by Wm. Addle-Fancy zephyr work . \veek~ more mo"e ~1II1f1,parate from tb.m el,ht~en ortwe.nty works ot ODO lime. 11\: lind he I~ eoabled lO eee tbrough IH~ rols. bl ' ~ I 0 Y('1It $200' by Mrl l\! R088-"Dllrry'.'CircumllcerLor' We h vb Iho ~o"rnfu\ duty of IInnQllndni fortve·r -N, y, 2Tlblllle. 'be ~~~eotype ouod" tb~ncla are elD- Oh, tell me not my love is cold, take yery olflafly : and' be .Iee~ aleo, how Ii:' ~-::;~ .~::o~ :pi88, 01:0 y~nr: moaeu;llIg the clrcumforence o~ the the deal.ll of ~'olnniollore Lewie Wirrl~g•, • Or that the you\hlll\ YOW, he eOOle to be mlstllkeo, WIthout any trou- .600' EI'h ~ d one to IIlronl l'IfOit temlltl\11r displays of mllhne. tOll. of the Umted Stat ••• Navy, wbo dilld The elJlporor or Cbma I. not apt to be ' ploJad, turni\1a out more than '7?0 pl~tes 8 ' ~r week. Betweel) 60,000 IIDd 60,000 Which •• ught to win tby gelltle blo. With '"ow milch leolency we 'l~ O~ I t ~p \ an ne yellr Ilnd on~ 111". Rlch::rd.on ml\d Mr., Whellt- at hie rellldenCl" in thi. 'clly )lelterday lick long lit II. tIme, because 'he moment JbI oC etal are yelrly in thlll 'eoilld be fllrgolten now. upon each other, eeein.: thllt we are to" e~t .;~a:: T!::t; copies ~ne croft-Gun. by. Fletcber & HOMY.' and a ,nornlog, In the 69th year of hi. Ilge. i, ,lllIken," he atopa the ply ClC bla fu\ll' .. llbJi,~mellt III the copper and ateel find It oft!l fearful tllsk, to shut 011 80 lillhle to err, eO'')Irone ,to' do thOia ell: , .., ..."000 Direct III leC. Tele.eope rlfte of rare conNlruc!lotl by Oom. 'V:orfloaton Wit a natl'lO of Virgin- dolllon. i h ht0I'a 80ut·, 'things whic h' roilY not uppeaT Juel r'g • h'm 110 to ."..0., , . 1 . hi,a ellr., I .,earsi'lldlIa 16d = Th'Ole I,elrs alId p. pl.te printlllii r~oq1, are 9 h"!ldl and 8 ters one 10 Wm. B. -Shattuck, F.dltor and Hudson-.e1egant lind IlIJ:hly Iinl8ht' d bnbl la, an d In , w'tfi I. pr_ _ eec:h or th' lalter aveto.aln~ 700 My lIeut i.firm io uhbehof, the eye. of ,II men. Where we observe Pro rielorj ~r E. Penrose Jones, Publish- from Camp, DlIkAr & C/?, and Pye-Spl~1S credl~ at WJlh~m IIDd M.U' CoUege, m tmpre.. iolf. ptr dsv. The pre .. room ' And willlfot, oan not doubt. a (lIl1lt; ill oM peraon, perhaps thllt 8ame C~. ' Oh' put up lit nellt etyle, from DIxon'" Shpe, lha I:Itnle. He entered lhe Navy on the f ' 1 'b . d;' t i cr, mcmnltn, 10. • t ., b I ( f t. .lol SO Ada"!" , Rower prene" alld Oh,tell me not In olher Ilode. pel'l\On mlly ~ o\jaenlllg a eleC nus, mnker-\lo!:J inpnloua Ha r work, from !lth of Jlnuar,Y, 1800, alIu ",II e mm asLATER FaOM RIO. two.h,od prelSellt ",hlch a~e,kep~ The lavillh blind of fllme w~l()h Insf appur equally 18 reprehpnaiblej T«i DIlLl.!It ;::zln ~-Thld worll Mi daDie ZlIlck and 'Mr~. S. G. SInHb &. loned as n P08t-cliPtain on i he 2~d~C ,No- NIiW' You, Oct. IOIh, Jly the arrival of tho ..hlp Bell",e, ". ly runoi1W' Eacb po~er Jlren , 'May ca..t 1ta lllurell round my brow, lind ~hualt !s through1ll1t \he whole for October, Ilion ou table. An intorast. L. Conwell-optlcKI inatrumenta by Dn. vember,~09~' , Ho Wal~' t~~r~ 0 dcel rUon nnn 'Improla\ona per d.y. 45 1.1Ind, are Let us be carerul., when we are .Ing, vl'e-'nlltomical preparation., by Dr. Don. the naval· lI,t. Com. VYllrrrngto,n.ed I 1\. ba"o a~v .. ,. And th,ow a glory roun d my nllme, tiumbel'. ' dato. ffom Rio de ~'llnolro to tlI. 1,'1lh , amP'vt:d ~P wor~)og them Eii!'t new What! though the c:barPl mly 18em to olhe~a, tllat they m 1" ot h~e ~Ult cluse , ~ 1I1i1l-Soyer·. Magic Stove .and Lllli\lution pilblld hlmaell . by hi. c.1I1~at\t con \let I lilt. 'f • P'I",.r ..pre.H. aro to be put in the Dew reprove IIi. Let UII 81!W8rO of evil GODEY'S I ..lllltS'\BooJt for November. Aparlltus •• sOIl'!idmg namll, for a really the IlIle war, eapecllIlIl in the There I. no lIew. Qr Importance. TIN' bUIWIOI' 110 girl••re employed in the win, apeaking on all oeclllions. · ~ nbout •• rich. nu' mberllil could be deslrod. Ingooious coolung Irnlngement The .p. ment betweon the Peacock alld Eoen'ier·.,l ltock of Coree •• a 150,000 b.... And yield 10 tMlnUl art. f h' d b h alwilll room~, aud 100 gIrl. In foldina, All el\rthly joy. I'd gladly ahare ,e. ' .. generalea gos fronlalchohol.drivea At the timo 0 I' eal """0 w~a FROM W:A8HJ~GTOit l'rlMlft f, and drying tbe .lIeete. W ilh her ~bo sberel my hurt. MON EY WE WANT! MONEf WE A OOMl'LDlEJIf;J". it through ri /lame wllleh ignites it, and tho the Ordnll~C8 Buraau; '" .. oug W~lHllIG'tO., Oc.t. lIII. Ii. Y. JOlI.r. of Com. HAVE! and Utal rig7ll loon! We j mll1 lllvd /lame or the gill !lnd the Wick lelll courage and III grlvo demeanor It Ob, ley not that the wlnninll world hllv4I nola. tbat will mature on the tiret I1'he eBllol' of ' the Cincionati ' Monthly, an alcoholiC lamp IS IDtrodocjCd beneath command" not. moro feelinll or ~ile,oUlHell. Daniel WelillGr I, e,lpecced lit OJ)!) Fl1.l.OW ••-1.AUlIIS' DWllu,-lt My f ndnoSB Clll, e.trang~, next month; lIitd IrOIJl \be naluro or tbe in notlclng Ilia eXClhoDgol, 'pellkll or the vessel whicb contnhlll tbe article to hoarted fIIau ever brelllhedj and hll oa lo-Glorrow. It i, reported that be IIaa "ow)d .eem from 'be following articlo, While bellts my heul I'll not believe p'"rllOna holding them, we fleed not expect poper u fullowlI: be cooked. Somo speoimen. of Sboes,etc. wfl8 wit~ou\ a .POl. dl!cIiDe~ deliwering the addre.a before ~ copied frOID tbe GuideD Rille. an Olld Fel· • My love ~lln ever change. . ell., ~y (rom tlielJlj hut If our sllbaerl- 'The nexl~ papt'r wlllch Illlla mto our rendered water-proof by Il cOlltinlr of GUl. Aarlcultural Society, 10.. pu lieallon, ,bat tll' Brelhren or tllll Long years of lIbsenco yet may I'lI.S, bera who Ire III arrt>II~~ were but to step hand. Ie THIS MUlll V""1'OIl, puutrabed at tll perch!t wero oxhibited Ily J, Koble. 1 HODlU:BLE DEATJI-Th,e «eople inbabit· -F-a-O-)l"-T-O-R-O""'N-T-O-.-. " Order are hlihly pltllled Wilb the :~diea' And hope wilbbold It. rayj lorwnrd Ind plLy oft' OI~lr bills, we would Wayal!l11ilt., Warren Ctnsnl!l, OhIO, edited 110l1ccd 0110. mllde! of the Aertberm II IIIg the aou~hero part of 10WD. near the To.o~, Oct. ~. Dt~'reC)ently .."bUlled bytllt'DJ: Dut Jove conceived In trut'l IheU live not be conlpelled tl! ult the indulgence 01 by)",", 'Vatu HBIILEY. Mr. lund of Bake O"D in.oated' by T. D. w.~aw,keneda outlwoo'clock The Ii k lenD J1,Q" CODIIIfI+ '~ia addiuop. II lb. work of the Order Wben .11 nature IIball decay. 01M! Now frierui8, I. not tbla pllliD It IIvid&lltly • fevorl" with hIs patronl, for Ficldd. MOlit beauUfli1 blanketa of Ohio SUDd.y mOl'ninr b., the Gloal 11 C; ledt,ll ~o b 1. _". b-'f '1\1 .. . J. our luu a IU • ~ -_ • . 1 _at. 1... e IH«i on 0 (h l o0. Lod ae, 0f t h e \Va.,oell1lllle, Oct. 1111 1861. ellougb' (f I~ II not, ",e 'W11I:re'lueet A L L many o£ Ihem pltroDiae hun With their M.nufaeture, exhibited b., Jao. Shilleto abrlckl of wblcb the buman 'olee .. ca· were . a 10• I aI line I .. 8. I t · ·· b f E Ie H. h b I" d t b ' i I I I. • bb bood UOIt.eID"h " n eo .. , LI. • litH i ~en 0 we meJn erl 0 ae, who !lnow ",It I elr I .. lro \Ie, 0 COlo' pene, .. ""811 all\'lIh their IIU Icrlpt on to & Co. I relrel thai m., .pace on 1 per- pable. A wQman 0, ,tue Delg or Tbe Gonrnor Geaual left thl.mora l., ~, ;lio. 9., Brooklyn, on MOllday rid" ~ 'partiul.rly DUNNEDI' b1. paper, 'Il'he YilUDr generally . come. mlta ole.lollleaU.D, Locka from A1n. Au· who heard LIte .cr&aG1a, ",ell~ out Ilia.... be • ....... by G. Rep. Daalel P. 8,rnard, IDd ... bope they "-\II 'lot promplly, and frelg"lodwllh Dlany 'Valoable cOlluib1ltlon., perle; Poc:llt't BooullmLPortllonlCll from a bllm~filuro nllUliag back and forth OD forQ." _0._ _ _ _ _....._ to 1M p.t ratification of Ihe Lodare E"'JGMA." relieve ua ID til" elllerpD\ly. If you 'will bftldet the bandlOmel, written articles CbU, Stubel; Candl.. and the mOIL pel. tbe COIDDlon, 0IIIIIJ"rl9 ~ -J--t MURDERED BIB BIBTEL wbleb, wiLltoUl Iii_enl, con.ldered tbo de· " but do you dutJ Mill! 1IIIteid or We .I"al' look for the MI. lucld llrd oil froID Dmll84l Winter; Corn dllcu.,.~d ..... to be a woBotTo'r, Oct. 19. ,.... dI. briahtellt rem 10 OUI work.!....beau: It 011' lilY IonFr, IOU will moro Ibln .1111 Visitor liVltb inlerHt, for iL ia a nlua· Farina, _ D~" article frolll Proctor'" Gre· man Dam.od CMa. dl. 0( Syl~t.~ W, Thi. IveDinl a Glan II)' tile .a.. of " .noll, pun, and enDobllnt, u we "ho own Dr VUll'.lI. JiIlI1 JII. ble ~ l ayty~ Palnu from CODkllnr, WOOlI & Co. Caae. "[ben d~Y.rec1 dle clolhll' wen 11, • d,"", ..tely ~ the lIIJ' tie taD frank I)' -The de· • "0 • ,~ . . . 0 • Drill prepltlaUona Crom Jllcob S. .11 IIurnecl 04'.fro.. ber. mil ber 8_ frota Callflll'nla.laurden:d hra'eilter,a ,811 .... Ie tile production or Schuyler C l a m composed or elevaa lauere. ' t]lt IT GOE~!-D. B. ,HlY" new H. RRD'! antl ·J. E. ShnJ1t'r-Del~ frOID eraU, &be ~~ la four ....cIIOme . . acoompUtIaH ,GUllI - ........-H"".....wato. ta •• he onl., writtu IIJ 1,1, ',4,!i.1a a fwd noarIahmentj ~ I _ .1 I I I._. Hurl belle. aad. oIdlae ....IDI aala.....ab.. . . " &ad bJ _,\I".. L.,\L-a& H ••• dita~, ouliI be e9\1ded to the 4,6.6, ill Gralllmar Ie called an .,. wnleh h~~HDd~ k~:r 10 ~. If"Ia"'"'..~ . . . . . . . . ... of oar mleralt,.. The...". delej commeo.,.,... In ,roD! we .UDI ....... 0 an.... UOO lbe, for lbe Call,oUo &be air wta to die J.-t. &be tilDe _!Iller a It oI ....lrIaa ........ ...., . . . .110 haft It, will be .. 6 1 11,7.1uprorIOUIIl e.,aploytd 10 the ~lJtlnIctldD of It, _ do wblela loob..." ...... tuollieuo lie Her ow_ ....., of tIIe . .u.r wu.tha' ' _ ...... fly ..., OIW J'eUowe, ".8. lOa 11. ia & eonr.Jac \he Dot cIoaht, but that wHI be eompletlNl by by eoal &ad ...... ere. D.... ... . . pM ...... 'wlda ....... 'IO-BAIL 1.,1111. _ •• ~ ....., tha HGlellt Ibr 'Cor.un' GUd Zol. ., .. - .... -~:i I ;.~111 •:xJlliblil[oln. III dlferton

h'da, l l'Xpectccf th.~ Ihe Id..-oripliOll or











In 0



. ~





















w. "






'I't. :0







w.,. ..



,..... --JOII""


to ... oat.


dI. eoaClU1',' wldU ...



Oct. so 'filii 1IIO~~"t the NNID.r Shel by. llano. ito", 1110" to dll. po~ wu run lolo ill/out fort,. mil. abo,. 10 thl. pIIlCO, by tho 10lln Q, Adam., and considerably dim· agel! 'Sbe hid het hull .love ill within II

few Inllhea oC tbe wllter'. edge Rer RIIlOkll ":~ADVlCii1;iiimN;s.~=£1 pipes leU OtllrLoDfd,when eb, took fire. bUI , It wu gul.hed before ~lle received l1Iucb dl1lll Pile

ate wa rror .truck, and jumped"K ' , "el":~~~~~~~~ nd alum .. hore ot II. N "\Vere 10lt The beal wae (owed 11811\>r",lo .. dill a J:lld condlllon 'l'he Adlm~ pOlled dowo this mlirmng "'SI e \\ OB Rot II1Jurot\


F;R:O:M LOUISVILLE LOUlIiVILlJ; Od 20 Mudnme A hl.mow leI nrrived lIo.e tl)-duy ((010 her (lountry re~ldolnc , 011 rbuta for (; lI'felnnl1tl , 11 III rnfmng hard LATER FRml Nl:W MEXICO

=~ARRIED ,all

tho III InBt . by J C otleu J P 'tllr Arnlild Rol nl ~8 to MrS8 Eln)irll rbolflllS 011 of Warrell VOllnly






ItVCllY \\ nEIr

Whee t, 111111 Corn,ll ..

l!I ..



tdOZ O.IlI. bu




new !I0c, old ~Oe



w , ~wt



J,751l 15c


Blrgf, 1P. doz lio rtl boost', ~ 11\

IO ~




!I5t; 6QII

.A pries il' bu

(. hlckell~ 11' UIlZ F \lutl,e r., l' nl, Rio C"ff'tt1 1ftl Ib,

1 JiQe


New OrloJlne Sligar Mnple,






New Orielln. MulasaeB,"1I1


Sugar " ()II"O 'MolaNO.." ~ ,pi !II piC ~Iolu 8l;e.e. ~ gal

1). PI,er. ~ n., AII, plce tl lb, WhIte


Jo lilt



60r 40e

19c l!l , 150


hl£ bbl, bbl, bu

While lieh, L~ke

l:I!e Ilpc







CI1(r.lN~A.TI lIIAJU' ...'Ts'. CQ)tJl~C'tED




Jigge, 1P tl(~ l31l }'Iour Ob,b br.nd~, II bbl, B,20@3.8 Wbeat, 60@60., (] orq, \11 ear lind bulk. 85@'3BII. Oola,





\~ hUa be~nl,



bu •

8!J 00

OIU"e, aelld. 6.00 F/u·lud. 81 .00 'l'llJ\othy ..eed, .U~6 Ba1:oa. Ihou Ider~ 11 "'. 8e do aid .., 11 Ill, JOle I.nd, SiC} DrJ~d Pel! htl_. 'f. bu , ,1,70 Drlild Apple.. 811l6e c beese, 6*0 .coll'e., IfOOd Fllo, IJlc )(ol• .,ea. NOW g.l 16" do .ugor IIbu.a, lll.:el, .ae Rloe. 'fI lb.

--!!Iugar. )'elthen, , •• &It) " bu •


6 e lI!le Uo.

I' REC\ilW\::1l A1"If') AI J utl6(;IlIJen t::henp Storo (on l\rllill Sueot Ie B.II ) • larllc .hd:be.lllitiluJ 'Ilock. OPM~u~(T




Pall and Winter Goods;

6c!1 olcd m ill e 0 81 Wtlh greo! c~r~. bo 19h~ 0\ rctluc~,1 J'q "'" ..lIll .. iIl be M "ld .. eo 131111SnLt" ,,1\.1;.\(



18 v~y I!ell"rnl~ con.i~ulI;:

\1) f\~rt of IOlb~ 1 W C(\S 1\11111818, Jeol'l. ilC 10 TUE, LA»IES OU~ aloek of DRESS G larllo coi19l!nl~li

C..tillll.te4 j "0 .0,

TilE MOST J rotAn


.: 4

Uktd by l'hplellUlJ of rugb Stllodlll,

TIle .....rla' Clind.

1 bereb, cenlt,. \bat ODe or m,. children

1'b ... DI1"'£1::1\8 .. mo,e en ,II\oJbl4 • ..,... on. purilT lb. hi d ~j.o 1',.. 1 "'n. a.3 "lIPr '" tho dl~tI.o orilln. tllrtLf,tht/IIAt.", .,0I01"U (\\'0 .. db.... ean b. takml ..1,11I 01011 It no tlrno d.blU IOU K .,. potl."t- b61"1f ~... I".llo Ibe moot d.U •• t • • tn..... 10 .nd rem&rklt I. CO. tbol. <h .. n... I ...

'Wh,n Dlk!ld, CeUlata a I• • 8te or II" r."turel.'8 ""'i;P;~1)"~mi~;'j;:ji\:::::liiiii;Jru:;:--::;1 '1,""lln« 'I~nl!tl.nln" end Ntttqrall ... j>Nl1'4rtl... eoel_.aad wu &ur* _erel, (rom ... 11 Ii:tlft Inv,lulbl. atuJ lure tetJ\~1 for ~o (eet The ~t of .~lc ..llIld andatten tlon walll1ven to the mUd ror fout' or ftv. Aloo 11'0. ComriOinl. Jo ,ndlc.. Heu.U..... eo.. Unn ... Fainl .... OlsoJil_ of 1II.81do, LiTO. lUll ..da,l, without Tehe'_aeb da," 1111(. nl", to.. of AppoUlo, 1.0. 8~1i'l1' N ••vo,," JI •• d feria, inereued ull hla groanl cculd be ••be, Ol~ lin... V&lpIIlUOD Uear!, 81uldol heard at I pat diltant, It which ctltlcal IDd } "'In.... of W-.I"ht .1 ~h. 8fO<Iooeb ua .. 1 O~61 ....u .. " • ..., b,..n Irapul'O ,totl oUt.. blood th'ft perIod, one of IIIJ nelrhbon reecolI~m,""Jecl.1 ~-i~~~:\iiii7V-in'iWiiP.iiiV:~~ at••• llIch lend 10 dobllll.'.1UIII .oak... iii. Illd PreIC'Dteci to me a box of Sloan.1 FE1UALES ment. and I. 1_ than Ii~n IIIla utH 11110 ...r .. fm .. II. murb J .... ann.tum co,,4100. tbe 'pplicatfOti of the Oln'ment to tbe ",UI al 4 IIJ1.t ~1""lcJI\e of pnled IOrft of the euftmng ehlld INESTIMABL::.E VALUE. pain cebfd entlrel,., lad he .peedll,. to reeo", . , ,.lldeDCle ia In Holt Towa Ihlp. Verllllllioa do , aad .... of Iocllanl





a' C...... AapIt 14,1'" o:T!ee A D....

11... 1..10<1

n. ".""y n

....,". t.-t_,

b.. Jot ..... "I.rtool. ,,1\10 .. ~. . oS

_'11·· .......... ,..... rod


UbI_ j.Il• ...u 1111_

«. __ al't MW 'T_of~lu'.

c....w ".


lID " ... bMIa . . . -

·rad,.Newspaper, Devot_eil to ' Ag·...icultnrB, Mechanic .hts, Litetat~;

A_ .


, ,'~'

-:''-':'''~=:r:=t=''",,,. , I .






~ _,{.

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OCTOBER 31, 1851.

-"':'_~;;';'''';;:.6d.:-==c:==-=-~'="-, t!lo~b oldcr olld Id bf t\cr .circumstances was the cause of ~Il~ ohanced dOlOe~~,ef lea cd .tJlO W11 ~ythe J"CLGd . idc, and ~ia- Whether tho ~n'II ~ere i~ good oro, tll.11 hl/llsolf. and great wu tho r.jolclng his friends. His bflnefutor eared '1\ot (0 IIppoart d in the dllr~ nes without gh'in" der. " among lhe 1i ~lle rngged children who lIvcd' Irouble him with the~e, and hill the other tilJ) e to make OD'Et inquiry. He Th. Queen'. mlnio\! ' now ,mllde II vlrtuo nellr by. when Albert come out to piny enemie. wcre suft'~red to go on with their hall no rCII~o n to douiJt thll te tbo warninlt of' noec •• lty. and threw ofT Ihl! attempt'ed

I:racclu!ly upon ' 'the top oC the lodle'iI !:Jometlmu' tru.t ', In f.te,,· Ind ' olber. In wh ip, bllt if Y4U Ire,olrRootod to '~Angth- ·Provl.d euce-but both ' plrli,ea ~Ilhout ID, en lhe bud ,or prepar" the t ..te {or ordl. foundation. It wouid be - well for tbue lIary foo4, you would be much dl.ap,polnt. Iillera to reflect tblube c1aYI 4f (ortuue ttl. wilh tbom-he w!le 80 kind, and Icttled 'ndschlcf-making' without I~terruptioia W~I in gQod fulth; ond the manncr In whien dis::ui. e, whi ch IlVai)ed tbe'm 10 little, and r,d. The food on which thf1 ewon feeds. Ung, ~.trology lI~d rnit'aclca aro gone by: tUeir childish dl~put08 nnd llillic\lhies in from ' tlle innocent victim of tbelr calum· be Col,loped ...,voy. provl!ll Ms intention of "ppp.~tcd hi \heir true cpn tactcir.. .' lind wh!"h makes her 10 beallt!C"l. so .tr'onfFI.lchere full of Il\Ilneaa ar~ n.ow , such a pleas'nnt wOY-IlI\';'aya tolling them niee. Dut we shnll'aee whit the fnlf.hall turning it 10 good IIccoun~, So. a very 'We lit o hoi·!', ." slIia thl! Jiri t ulli cor; lei· Iud 10 . long-1i>'ed, aro'V,8 deep at the ,bo~-, Cound in old cupbollrd•• hole. in wall. or bu., brier splice or time,l,ls fleet bCDS\ hid car- drcldina 1I1r•. K:, In II voice of .Iern DU · tom or the clelr running rivcr. lind . tie rip-d,in ' the garden. Moat of theae ~av_ the sllIf~ llIe88 of Ilnger and malice, nnd 'if bo.' f Oil Til e ·t!iA)l l VIII:rDII. th ey \\,'ished to b'I'h_ app,! th ey must do rifTht .' __ ried him uler Ihr-ee 'l~lIe. IbDI 1-7., I·etwoen thurily, 'we are luire in be'; maj~aty 'II work. bnrd to ",rench it up 'from Its mQlIr. ~ Iready Leen dllcovered and tbe cub .....Dt. If}1E1IE IS liE A V E N I " .,. .,. rT • Oftcn tliey would gll.t((l'r nrond him LOhoar . CHAPTER V. him anil his bome, lIud Will reigned up be- nome. LO afrt!i t your buaband on cbllrltt' Ings among the .tonel on tho hard bottom. , You migh.t dill till doomRd~y wllbolltlinc!Oh~ where II tho bome o'f tbe Ipirit hondo him loll 8om~ rhter08ting 's lory' he hud A'-large crowd of Imalllurl from the rore bie ' door •.' Louvlng fI la clmiag\' and 101 l:J.igh TreaBon . . 'fb tit ho ie now in' tho -Todd, I Quellll Annie'" ,11001100, 10 Ihat you ~A Whero nro the retilm8 of Ihal hoppy landl ' rend in tho Blblc bla dea~ molher had !l1V- ~ueell City Dnd bt~er "plaGoI, bad ' ~em- enterinl; tb~ hou.o, he in a few'-"I\f.ocds G p,- , house ,we hllve nu doubt; 'and it will, be , .. , • ' , ellTn 'ten ilioullud a~oner tbsn you ~!I' j;"110UIO fl'lulu;lro In th6 fllr off WO. I; en him,' an,l 'w~il t a good book It was, lind bled In the spaoloua rooml DC a no~le buil. prl~ed bis wife an J t/allghtqr o ( Ihe al',,(o wlad9m 'III Y.OIl to lIive him' up to luat!ce at WhaUI i\~ ~ltor! ' plel( lip 411e. It I"aid that In ~C!rmer Ulllet 011 childrcn 'and men Inid womon ~hbuld ding in NeW York, Ipproprllted, on Ihla of 18'al", and ~~clored h,i8 ' rl',,&i!llIlion of oucc. othllrwiae, 1 "cllrCh will be inatitlltod TI,e Rocbeltcr Tuite., !fls~er. ~~o when an old ,ent1omIiD. who h.a luj lOne Whera tho eunscl\ boome foruvor cllIilt imme.dllltely':-be Ca.n(lot e.capl us ,' quoslloh. by Itotlne thlt. on Edlto{ t. one- wa. dyio .. / he tuld .tbem t, haL.all hi proper. Or"OIl<II1aliherlng'sene Ihnllrn/tronl ~ In ilo, re ad Ii; ir they wished to be good:' To occa.llln. to tbe use of tho AmeriGlII Art B.elng to tbe Stilte... On ti l Ime yet cl~lIllh(ful and shad owy 18 1~~ ' I • ' theso stories, Telllted In tho lonocent ort- Union Soclety.-to ~x.mlne a .collecdoo or '1 must bo oft illstlllllly.' ho id" with 'He hns already esca Fnod.· .thought the. who read. 8 newspaper8. eol.ecta mf~ce I .nY . ' wal hidden in- I field, ."d. it lhey would ob ~ plolilifu I hlll\l, all plc'nA.nt and frec. ~ 'Bone.lh Iho shado .tif I 1III1I1IIY troet· 10Bsness of chilclhood, his youthful audi- rare p.intlnge prevloll' to thelrdlltrlliutloD a calm ellergy. 'or it will b~) tOO-IMe. ' lietly, but .ho only replled by &;GolTy giVIIlIf'j"Wrill'llarlicTell on 011 subjects. aeta- ty'pe:: nlt'it they muat Idig deeply. No aGO!l1r , enco would !iaten wilh mute ollt,mion, imolllr,the liIe~ben III that Inlt(tulion.- . 'WiJ\ you go III tlle (:orrla 'C / or on Iter wo, d en~ hOll llr Ihol fIe wU.not in the reads proor, W9rh prc... , foldl. pMltt . ~nd waa be bllriod. than tho) procured , 'pld.1 ' (;:~1l 11 to ) n Ihe nir where 1100 ~onll·ter. oi'!" lti4 dererenll'}. rel·.poct" Illd ' fOm. of lb. 'l1'ore I'll08t n.llu;lOg thOle willfwere lIIoSt .en. hor8obllckl" Bsked ~islll{,. a Yllullg Iludy 101li O. 'yc.t ir you do~lro ' It.; she lidded, I\h'ect~ pap!l~., an~ "ometimel currice tli.I'm onel went to work; but all ill vain. for the1 ' -Alld .Oar in Iho Bun. hille UII rapturo us wing; I I I I r d I ' ' .. , d "'. =d . , . ond Ihe Iieh wise Ont's among t )lllLlaat e In t lelr express ona 4 a mira· of eiITlltecIl, aprin"i tJiO obnlr, '·1 urn rend" 10 -lend you In,o"" h every -prints JOus. thnl_on. erren .,I&W. \Yuu , fou nd nuu. rn8.lllled wltl, anI". Stit there WI" ro Ih. 810rlll· /lloud& ruol l 'thom·pr\:··lcled.·hc'Would " .. . .lllT . fI'u"' " . . , . . a- " 'n in ,,~ ploY" be If greot mUII, s~me day.' 'tion" as they "azed on the.o beautiful ereA· wbile har f~ther'8 spirit' 01' daring leemcd ~ ,' p'lrtUlent..' ,~orks In lhe gartlen. take~ care or the ba· adVllntagei. lhe lind beln,.o ,w 'U An d 11i (l hurrioano e w~epl on lla rcadelll But yotirs paesed, lind Lbe sprightly hllp- tlonB or th .. ortiat~minilM or our land, wu fl~bing frllm her eyl'Y. The IndiO'erenco' wilh which tho an - bles lind rocka the cradle. tolka to the pat- worked; yielded more thin dOllble Itl uall~ • waYi . . py child betamo the quiot, pe hilivo poet- our amiable friend; EIII. Hl&rper. Alter 'On horse-blick, 011 lhe . mare in nOllllcement ortho object or their viait had ron ~vho call, potie!ltly recilives blaIne for al produce, anc! IImpl, paid tbem {or tb.l, Ar d, 'I'.h~ r(!, Il~tlCY ~.,I'0ro in onlmnu 8 d~e, Loy'; and mUIlY lind dllrk wore Ihe Whisper-- th ey hnd inspectud minutely. QritibiJled and thc .t~bl ~.· ' bllC'n ~oeeivcd, convinac~ - Vle.torl~·. Cunc- a .thousaud, things that nev.e r V,"el4! and ne,· labor, and ,toUllbt thl!ll\ ;. plden lulOo In AI,I bnlhe" ! " lltu Iulllle•• 01 L'I".·s pridol Ingl! by tbe gOBslp. of tbe place-'why Al- ndmired ~epBralely' till; etr,iklng poinll and 'Dut whut. ore you 'golng Iu do l' inter. tuoriee that their object h ~4 been pl'eyioul., ~er could be done •.I,ll's ICI'r ce ' ,Ime ·to en· tbe blrll'ain: for -.ow ·tbe.y .,.,rcei~ed dla' ' Dco"s lt loll on the brens t of tho lII'olhor deep bl'rt HlI millun .was 80 reservl'd and Btgir! morm of these chef-d-lluvrel, he remark- rogated her fUlh br, seeillg I,er th tow. on 'Iy . understood; yet th~y coneideretl it JOY lbo.quiet of I Doturo'~ re.toratlv~' alcl'p, Indu.try~" b~\ter thin a .legac, Iud th•• Whh a dimmed eh'; I\likc a bp bo •• 10011.' j ill the housc so muoll.' Some said 'he was edt her houd. and . eized II Ilgh ~od I ~rn. hardly jlO~8ible that thc lr :iule ndc.d vic:tiln ~nd e.teem. hlm.elf rortunato If he Is not mUlclo Ind mind are the be.~ oCCortun•• ' Where IIlyr.lUaids aro holill."lt 111"\t festival, proud, and held himsolf ,a~o .. o other bOV8, !,Gentleme~; come wilh me, 1 think J 'SDddle th!! black OIOrE'. to be Bure,' coul ~ have l11ado his, nnd bogn? a_ h.n~ltecland bliUer~d by 119mo' unpriDcl• A" ~ lhe unlll1d.. dSf"cb~ dolro ~IO p,e~rl)'1 h~1I8. juat 18 110011 aB himB!'lf. alld just a8 well , can 8how you a fcw produotionlof the 1tL- ahe IInswered, lI,ud dorlcd: . OUI tho bllck lellrcil witll pcrfect ('.()nfi~enr. c In ita . uc- pl~d ileinago,ue, wbo lo"es poppilt .howl I Lecture to B.claeior, . 1Vberc Ih. b rds 0 I U conll W, I" II onons , . you would 1111 lIke , to look at.' Li rCI Ihe r II.bLI. Ith I ~ I... ~f branTh ,. ~ II' , , I . ' oft', ~uo;' nnd others hlutcd he was 'Iazy i' ,1st's ekl\'. door. r.ess. With'.each mihutcs dQlay, the la- a nd ':' ~ IV 'Ie e d'1I0r 0 f Lb eAlivOI)"i e .ouroal reti. n I'~::~ 'cll~ bo'wera of porp0tunl .I'rhiltl ,vllile II few 'guessed he 8taid In io renrl, " Thoy CIJllqwed him to a,r~l!l0t., corDcr 01 , Ther., WQI los• .peftul'batioll i~ Ihe dies gained . 8"Urallco. alld was now ~y to hit" to .oml petty o~ce. Thllt red (rom hi' .dltorlal .'nttum I ~bort tllM , for Ih., knew Mr. lind !Ir5,' lfumilton tlllk· the room where I~ung tliroe lar,,, picturel, bouse tban, waa expeotc!d, ' for .\lIe reason cc~tlin illat huaboud Ind fatber was b•. 11 all Edlt.Or .IDce oli 1,1',ifit ~o luother Stl~, IDd .h~ Jo j~, lIl'rol~cd illlh,o SUll . 'nellth.whoso Dlol ,. ed to their childrcn • great deal about leor- cllt'e ruHy concealed from view" . He -rcmo· that thi.~cEult 01 Ihe Doctl)r·. I oldne.s of yond th" r~ach of hil (lne mics , thoy ~ared ~ ••• • , ali.llnt ,took unl4 hlitl,eLf, charming wif•• 8 'j 'l .111:1:' ra)'1 t i l ._. '" . 'n "1 ' I lIing, and tbey brought with dlern l a grllot vtd the ()olln~ ICOvetin" and--'won,lerlul! Ipfech had bClln from first alllicipllted: little what pauoge the loller might ;M.I.TKllIoaur. EJn)LUUIEIITa.~ Now my On hia return home. Ind hi ~.umiDI the Ie 1nil e g t ut anQ "'O'iH~ "T u ftZC.i . • • d h b d h d 't '11 h d Or tho jll,Yelled . tQr~ , dockQ<\ wilh .~ rldl nll many buok. when they Il~me fNm Now onchantingl exquisitely beautlfuH' w.Qre IlIdr.ed eacb of the tilrco wor~ le~~ aurA rortiua of tlH: &uard wbieh had been ear UI I.n • w yon ' you C_' me IUC ceD Ul.\t ofhl~ plper,.b. ~ua d~~ur80a~ do":'. . 1 I York.' Be this 88 It mlly be Wall .Ilortain· the ~Xllite~ exolamlti9n. ,which bur.Hro/ll prlsed that the ro)'ill ofliccrll were now 011 p\lloe-d obou~ the houae for tllO P)ftpos. of namel ". other, lIlen pall ~l,oir wive • . ,. , In announeln, tbe flct o,f ollr r.lurll Tbot IIlI>clew d;' pc!cp I.hrl)ugh 'tbe ourllli~1 of Iy not eng!,ged in the trillinl: IlmllSemenu' the Dltunl~bed group. _ And iOOped they hie trllck, thJlII 0\.cy had 8UO'lIrt'd Ili~ to 'r thwa~Lillll lI'!y Ittempt III olpnpe on ,tb~ 'Why~ What. do, other IlleA 01\1 .t bel" home. with a we canpot re(.ilfn .cro.. e,x. IlIu • •·..., . . r' , 'tbat eng"l:t'd Ihe olintlil of bia curnpllll- were wonderful ',prOllIle-tlllnl o f'hl~Art- ~o thus 0 unm olbll ted. S a.rcely had part of the rfbel, whllo lhe tlVO hl -COII\- wI e., you Ifranny1 pre.81D1 OjIr p~ruund diseu.t of ballla.loOr dill in th~ Oeeon lheir ,IQwin",lIrcft¥l' 0 II ' ' i~ t's hond'-beautiful ill the /IIlnd' of IDlin the Doctur, with the WlslitanCtl'!ff 1118 ,vife, man,ct, them.clve ille~rctred 'tho dwelllng'. WhY' ,they clII thelll'my .du~k"'lIlld,.·my rilin and bacbelo':'-ancl I\Ie npect to b. hI .. y • clln Ihe8U lieI iho home. 01 Ihe bl<-a tl. I IIWhen , , _ . ' d . '1 d d h k d Albt!rl WIIS Sixteen, 11 kInd friend. ever conceived. h 8eeme 011 If tIe mill· tranl'erred hil inollcy and valuable '. papere Tho dl.covery ot th. Doctor'. oarrJllio ellr,' an IUC , Ind ,of wor I.' . dllgllltitd ' Uh both lor .nellli weeb. W. Ah. no! IMIISh vi iun~ of Gtory 'blttom who had ~b8orvell Nilh deliJlht hie inere08- ler spirits of the 0111 world hovered aruund from Ilia dcek, to ' h~8 puc~et8, ~b'n hiG bor.e. au)1 plln~ing ,vith f!lllt drlvinlf. (Welt, wl,~t I. a duok1' are well.ware t~lltln time. ,on. by, •• 'Roullcl' Clcll haUuwe4i fil)OI, yel ~h~ vll",im'w. iug inte lligcoc!lllnd lIobilit)' 01 'ehuracter, thoso glo.rious picturos! The perfect and daughter. pole and tremblill', rUBbed In ulJ~er I .hed, ",ilich, ramoved from the (It I. a fowl to be. .ure.' oeolliqllly lDa4e 9un,elve. ,edleuloUl 1n , • h"1110 ' t " lIod the fe'~loe. hOnA"t)' and '(Fankn8i1, of finely wrought 1igumll breathed und moved cryinl-'HlIste, 'futher. lIJ1'rl he~r ' olher out-hou.el, w~.;· II ~lis8 K. ontlel· 'Ri ~ht, now-wh.t II ~ aear, y~ Ie!' the ey" of aeo.lble mell, by uph(lldin, th!t lllJe ,v olIIl ' 111m " .In ·tho rich, . 'I " I".a a belI~t I. ., IIh. d.r i \'11Idu)' ofr ."rrll'" amlte,.r..' hia unc nupted hearl---'recollllllondcd pure t I'nttof th e g IoW"I cln- comilll down the ruatl.' , Plltel! whoD .ho pl\lccd lhem theru, .the . .' .. ulohelor l\Bte litIi"• Ollly life of h~ppln.u , .Ilcyoll" I ' 0 v.r,' 11\1 I " 0 )·cor., . •W Jl th I'll II ' 1b • W hcro illl mhrlhi ch.. ir. or . .. gule ~I II I! . to th e t'lnpl uyme llt of II weal thy mQrchant Villi'! '1 am ready.' !lllid he.· Tlltn 10ukiPI lai \ to be .earl1bed. inspired the , men wilh . e, en, eD )'IIU 'my. ,ou east. ludependeuu_lod elrtbly glol')'. But WI were young alld areen then, In~ of fOur. A rthln~ -lile Illronu of tho ETeR II ...; i(, s(J! , 1)[ high .tanding Iu the city. who ' wilhod , 'But ,:"ho :. the ortiMt wh~Re' tran.ccnd- in hie ~nugh\er" . fnce, he Ildd«:~. but 1 be- fresh ardur; but they were finllllyobllged 'Now IrO abou\ r our bUllnes.' 1'. If. n tu Boouro the a8!l ietance of I 'olear head ent ge OlCJu8 hili so lonll elcaped our no- !ievc I IJIIlY 88 well meet tbom; thoy will to COUroe8 tbelr journey booties•• In,d r. ~ , •• , knew but one ,.ide 01 tbe Itlbject. No" Ilnd Irn!<tt~g hllnd' 'In tho bollV):" labors. of tie:c!' " . _; r('lldilv fri~htl'!, '10U ~t(1 tclll ui them turn all \ll1lpt~ all tbey .. e:nme. An lri.lullao. (I~tered a "mall vill~ge .• tanil up bertt. yo~ 'con..metl' uRI1',lct.n 91h "'''-1 11)51 hi MIngo ostublhl\rnlelll. R elying 011 tlee Mr. liarper'l CY.1l brightcned U8 b~ " t.old 1111--" ".', MepllWlliljl the old rebel, .D. he I 'ilia. III0huu~e,' aomewhl!.re in . N'ew Jcrle,..~ lind of hu'in.pllY',rejoicln, in thl nalAllI of biCh. Ilsti UrllllCe of Albe'rt'~ (!'lend; ~ hom hc held them of Alberl Hanlilt'on, the quiet unl1,s'Nt!ver, fother.' rOlurned the voung lady .ca)lcd by the deronderl of tbo eruwn. wla lookin, round lIim fu~ a moment, Iddr...~ ,lor., Ind I Plw,r naa few "uuttonl. VOlt " Ila MIA", I V ,511J'(\ R in high 1l61.t'em. 'tllat lie was Il,e vory boy lIumlng boy-how llC blltl I trugilled witb re80Iutcl),; '1 am colm noW. Go' Y'lu ,will rar on hil way to th e Stotelc, wherc ~e W81 ed the londilldy aa fOllowa! What are you fit (or In thll' "orldJ Wbilt F.t~ENDSUrp- A SONNE T. he. wa tlted.· 1,le imml'dlalnly muClo di!l1cultlcs from' childhood-of bie patience ,find tbo I~orile t\,,4 10 1111~ bB rcb In tho rOllr_ loon 'Jolne4 bYItI. fllm ilY. A reward wlls '1\Ii~'UI"lIIyl he, '.110' me over I aooit are 'you 'dol .. , ,your c0!lntryl Whd BY dlrSTr,nflr.l-D. menls to -SCCIUO his sc!" ,lcl's. '. o\lbrrt oc- IIlld gcnlieneu..,.-nllllllbove all hi, sterlillg 01 tbe born. ,CrOlla tho fi lllll. aDd you olT.:r!lcl for him, dcad or aJivo, but In vain . p~ne:e wprth ? f 110 Ind .Izpcnce wortb of aro' you .tolna forpodtetlt)! Wh.t inter, ," c pted ,yith 'jlly -the IIbatGI olfe r of ',Mi'. wOf th.-how carly he had mBnifc~tod . 11. mil)' elude tbf.'Jn.' . i •• till freo to dealuut til" cOQtentl ?f loread.' . ',_ .' . eat bav., you In t~e 'generation' Jet un· ' H~lI. on~I~.'1 l~~i nlothip! ihy nil potuntVOWQr . 'll itrper~he would nuw; ill 80mB inea@ui'e. toll to (or I!II, l1eautiTlll alld e~uobiini arl, Wbispered .'GodlJ~ . wjt~' . yoll.· a Ylie~ ~a'ildle-\)ia. to the t cllef of lulfealng. The brt!ad lind ele were' let bof9 r• . him. 'buru,' you re~c1 011 Where w1l1 you ~ Co n Ihrow .. ~harm ~ollllli MI ory·. "uk~ol ~o abl td relicv'o b18 b~lo"cd puronlll of but hillsllunty ' ml'ane ~preveDtccl him from, Interchanged a. ~he rllbel nel'\ tJllI bou~e bUlllan1ty. '. . He looklat thc line, then IUheolher~and wbon old men,U:rour YlIe' habltlev.r per- , llco burden of Claro whI ch hlld dO lont: following, exc~pt for IIfnu'selllonl, hlR , fl1- tlae b!lQk paDDlle. and tbe door Will Illf\ly 1UI.lf b~'illl lIIt1a6ed hll mlad on 80me mlt j ou tQ arri". at I JrOi,d ICe1 Won'l eftn I;,';; r;bu'ilwcrlnlil eTnllllilf(l1 wo (ICp~rl. ~ud luro t(l J)OIlf, lho wild. \ld we)·."'~ril h e ll l, ,wci:;hc:d 11uwn the ir mind" growin, he~vi- vorite ejllp\oym!!nt.; 'Dd. too ' diffident to cloted., behind huo .. T ,ile "olh~t lin~ r.0:nt~ c\rln~a the ale; YOIl }Je like IUDoly •• eared· ~nd "'Ilhed ,tree, I",~ yon t.nllh"~llIl hen", d.,?III1>e wIDI'ry Cltlh. , er .. their inqcuiug yourll. aDd tunMltll' leek 1.1, or ~ca..1l',lI!'"meht If»m the d~u~ht('r \V.e re polo wllb i ( Ilhl' lin, lIJIa MI"U~, .lIy. he, 1 have taken thll .,Ie, l\Dndlne in I IiiII' eloarlnr WIthout a CIOm-





1"''1:::'' '.'

J\ 1\.d ,u,llline~ ,"~i\l8 iU lIlprYt .~ Il~~., of n~~rlh lione 8h~lt,e r~J b; lI1fliCL1~" ,,' "d.'~· w.,I .... ~. ·,,~I..,. "''''' . "'gb' I,?, .... " ; ' _ " .. " .. ,,~. 'I:'.Ijhzponef, ~" to pu~".,~•a Ib8', p~nlon, and yolir ,Jj~, .u!lpr,crlf,cted I'ro~ the t\Urll 0 u . h~r huts-hI beau,y s gUI}"1"" lint." tunel, remiud.~d tlt enl thcy wuuld ~lOt muc!j been neglected lor, y~arl, hid n not bel'n \'4IU lVaM s hgbliy trl'muIQu8 '" ihe,b pter on ReMln«. . "" fitbllt bl y' .. P.l!pp allrub. at yqar Sl~rllnf( 1 YP"" d,M ..,I.bloDleil · 11 I~l Ild~n 8 lungc~ beJlblo to mnintain _aJid kil,op to- fat the tilllely u l i. tllnce of biB O\VO ample Iy relunlcd 'he reading .whieh her Cather'. Th~r~ ore dlre~ kl~da uf rODdf~Ir' . Flr.t 'Woll, tbero" the alllpellllY 10aC,' feid 01 w'on'~;Oo.. be lUle " In ' ' WFQ~lh'd--:" th -'Id b I 0": II /lAther thl!ir Iiltle fluck . . mealls. ,AJbertimd TcluC\tantly-conl8l1t~ r-abCI' !lacl in torruptc\t.. IYRI a tbat which 18 de. l l~ed for Ihe dtclplm~,~f be, 'lhet PlY. {or UUL.W"'-'-~ _ _ _-:--:---j-t~ · t'It--tliI'ldi""'IOt''e-Pt:cHnlifteftt--1ItKlilIllilHlf---::--;cBUI, lien . 'Il', ou u It I rnm upon I Ie .....' , " . . , ' . d rile lbe work. of Stewart Lo""e .. .. I f ' Id Ji r' Id h Aud '~lIlihl'r ·t\ll . ",.-rilolei' routt~ II 810le By i1111igent attention to busincs6-a!l'lI- lo I "public ezhlbitlon of a row 01 ~I. belt lOuDd of horaes' ,huo r., a\ltd then a rup at mill • I . _ ~ ut t"e os .... ID t pa o,.a .~. Ind 10Ilell". . Who~~ . Ctlntij .ro fad olCB., flD~hill!,! puro 'allJ ,ble lIIanner. 1I_d C'urrect de}lOrlnlcllt, h~. pllilltlngl!--~li8 {r.iend thought i~ .W~II tlme Lbe door. The iumates pre~ded not to , Jl.... E~\vartl •.,.- Second, tlillt lilC h~: ::- 'B~j)', yer .oul: Illy., he , '1 dldll'~ lte,tbl Ihan tbe 1t&1~1 liile I.d,a_ ",Ith 'w\tplu; . nined Ihc entire IlOnfl<lence IIl1d fe, cot Iho wotld should knolY sometluna of the hiar. , until il wu repcl ted. 1IIholl ,tbe li_lOued (or IlIfqr~Qtion, Ii. po I\lCI • . I t y loof. . Irol~en ",aiDe. Hold your beld. ,up IDii WhqsC' BOilC'. 'of' gi.d",,~~ BVer g lftlldc I ' oIl; g( I ' ' . I . H" P . yo~tli wh~ hod hltllerto coiled ID Db. YOKD' g ladJ -'e and op' enea .•.. e do'or trllv oll , the worka ' on the uta lAnd .T ho IllIldlady cOllldn't ne thrl1u,b It. but tall. Il. e " ..... en. whether 'yo'" can IC't ' .~ 'at Wi • I I I d' I ii bit I' u liS generou. emp IlY l'r. !lVlllg ' no ~ , .. !>w . ¥' ' Td ' h i d d I ' ~ ..... u. ". r Pst coulcl, 'and walked II'IIY· "." be~I'! IY . b [ ll In/Illet )''11010 11 '1._ ohil~rl1n uf hi. own ~Jr. Hnrper 80011 Jpor- scurity. unkllowlI to 'thole who coulll ' ap'- while tho motber \'outlnueld lewl .., ",ito a so.lencea. hir, t . olie D~Ctl e lIoi, • !tow, doo't ~ou feel ..lbamed of (!,mt ro _ ' . . d . . ' d Ibl ' ..... amUicment only, luch aa Itora.. nove 18. •• • Loot. . It' r IL "J'i¥ EII~il "Ioom~-and fl l)pc fi.hin tlll all Iho n~d to luvo Ihe gi rted pml upri ght youth u pr?ciale .hls wor\h Dnd.gellludl.. t ~ Il ' manne.r all uncollcedr~~ 1l!11~~' e. r-thl~8 the lib. The joun, man c10ea pot • ~ a It tJie Ilr .Dout JOU, I £ 1(,\1.' Gonl. n 8011 But (hough e,rh:tly IItttlotive to The plcture~ wero lepoae 0,. I eZ •• K. pohte y rcturne ule all U_.IODI o. e d' H SOllie tlmo loi t \TInter. about th, period 11II11,ea .nd "ula~h'lIltli ov.rflo"lnr w"h . tltO l~bor8 a;s igned biul evcII a ollroies8 vogllnt rrioes' aQd 1111'. l-farper rBturn~d; twu gentlemen ~IOUI Ihe met. lod bcing IIced amusemeot from re - mc· e can 01 draY/ini in 'IIW (op.' I ' .hre'wd Ver- love .reldy to be 'Jlllled oft tbo fi ...( IOO!I l b . . cOllld perl'eive .. • mlno . . It' I\Ill ' JourDey. ' .\ with lin .old mlaerly - fel - 'II • b (t b_ei r IYlDpl th I....... ~-!IY~>'.)ltMi1i[ " obscrver his w.,s ab- ,wcll please d Wit , asked If h_er. ler' Was' at b ome, .. ,wer- ple:'-a up flower..,enou... b .. a e p,.le8 .. on~. I"'olltar .. vbara"lned ." 'vow thlt clo .toue ~~IlI('U ~~. . b d; h • ~ . f \, The secret which had disturbed tile' "d' , without planting .. gardon on p\lrpolo tq low, wllo OWJllld • la'Nmlll, 10 law aOOle rlcb I I cream ' ... hloh by ". kindred . • pltlt ~orl e Il~ht e cofnlllm p ~IIOII 0 lomtu 81~ -j brain" uf 1'0 msny 'bu--bodiea' w ....t lilt - ;Nu"t J'u'st no'w but whe'" be weDt out at rulee thom. ' The llrltd''\ objeet 1 0U noed to vcl'y kOQtty bemlock lor whl'ch be hld.- . ,.' .oou b: ...orked IDto butter aDd ' Jec or ot IIr,o mllre uupor1ance 0 lin r I I d · .' . . " . , i i _i . • Ulan eveb 1bo acquisilion or wealth. revealed. The enviou. tonguea were .11· dark, he meotillDod thlt be ...-ouJd return Iccompll. b 18 to lC ,pIne tiel ~I:r~ 'l;'he old (ell~ agreed to laW them 10to Ipreld over Yo .. r }Ife tllJ' you I", bapPT II " d .1 . ~ t lencod (or e time at leaet· .arly PleaM walk In I ..d altcl4wD till he The aecond I. g atore It-or, I. 1\1 . IllY kind 01 BtUIl' thal JonathaQ wanted. thiblrd.ohprlng Look It 'em and reel gcltl8 i,p. were III bU8Y as ever. on ... Ie .IIC , ' • . • "1 a 't p l the r Ifle III tri.:n lind tJcen d I ~ I r ."0 Ab ' t ,. U. " .. ' , . Albert Hamilton rose rlpld1r ID tb. ,lit. com.." . ,. I ra . II . ' 0 n~ un er a !II 0 to...,. . o~t w? mon ." ~he dl~lIu.led poeltlon whlcb yoa. oceaP1 was Ilyly cirelliated 'thlit tbe hlfll\\!nttill "'!tITrEII Foa TUll NIAllt VISITOR. , merchant knew more ab put the )Iyster l- tlmallon ·'o.C hi~ formo~ frlenda, .~d hll The omearl ,glaDoed '" ela other ,aud It carerully. On. lIle.e two, p ci aftei' ~e met . lhe Yankee In the rOld •• nd In the cabbl" _prdlln of humlalty, Whit BY M1:LLY MtL130UHN E, II - ~j . I '_1 . . ' 'f e- loon ranked with the mOlt e11.tin. tlien loliowed ,her ipto tbel Iloille. . Id the eye bo filled IQ III your, r.eadjni the olil'coVf!)',Hntlniatinghle rBldlne~ to Ire YOIl boldlor back forr-NIDrjlllt rerorm au. toI Y tan ,odJ~r PI eop 8- u~ t~ ~· r.t~ 'ISII"d or tbe 1.0~d cltil8aa of the n".en 'So"'o pe-ftDI ";'ho wl.,h to _ father in tllil aelection of bOOk_, remember that saw tbe 10,., cle.1red to know ...llIlt kind -.~put onvour belt loob and 'wour other COITIIIUED F.ItO. toAST WUtt. "Ii ....... 'u.~ . , n D' . ~ . , quen y eng\lge III C 0118 convorla Iqn WI II .I 11 ' ii' City who stood thcn, llIahe now ItIIna- ah. observed to her l8ut,bor wbo looked you waut, but .fllW It "r.t, on t try to oC Itulf'Jooathan wlnted the.. IIwed· tbe -'rl. lee 'cream tbem talk ' " ' b • II, ,avorlte"ln .gnve I m .morel prlv eg~8 .' . _ .' lee IIOW mucllor how f~lt you ean reid. . •• , ,. , - (JDAPT,ER IV. and higher wogea. thnn mer~hanl. COIO- agalnaUhe worJd.1n her humeroul Jilt 01 lip from ber ~urk. bowed, and_ roque.ted . I ou can \0, ;"](Qiiiif~Dcifl-rrr.;J~~[ht~:u~~~~ti~~~~~--.---"Thr, keep hla 'lilllmory yetmoDI)' allow , lhllic clerk.. Albert wu . of- nllI1lO. w~Jcll wlll i!righton. tbrouQh ell tkt'm lo be ntt"". · .' ' . but how .Iowly, and tt:;~oug~.)'.y • I d 'W~II,' lIi~ the Green 'I'hal "Dlle'3I1\1I~d. lbel lIIe~k'lly~d. dro"nainG te~ ~llon to "0 homo ~lId stay there .hl\t coming time, the ',Inlls of .elenee and tbe . The.. co,nplicd, bllt were e.vidently meko !t your own. Il 1I~'ngul·d.le reckon 1'1\ hlve- th"Dl ~,we~ L_ , . ' ", ' . " t HI ' . • d .... t . ~ .. di .L " . r' lilY' he w.. liix monthl In rea IPi pine board. • 'flley s';;.kot him. as if lhore ;'·oro. joy. up in hi~ li~tlo roum. a wllole day at a litpe. fine, or 'd . ~f.,~e~l;ell' n.o: oP: conC€'rted, b~ not "n u~ '~O h~tct 0 .."Ioedlr I lingle volume or the alze oC Stewart" 'Whatt ~ald ord Crlllly; '.a~ knolly 1 c E~ en In Iheir a~d rtgrel. Illld,aller the e ngegemeDt of IInother as- pose .tht \I eo puu . opinIon n • avor. pUlSuit Wltilln his .dooll, -, ,ur t ey earll ., '." d ' reo . , ' . .. .. . k b'd 'lng I te I ~ . bUlied tbeID8clvea in flndinJr lIew subjectl lit the houl e '01' hla p,lt1ebt three milel ull the mmd, w~en he b!tpn to ree to hemlock Into clear P.IDlt YOII re c~zJ'. . A Pao~T_T\le wlbl ..nttroce, 'I'D broailie his .. aruo·wbo claddonro once lhelr 'l.IItakn~, "h,lVfe ; ,el l (el "tUl , a f °Of hl.S on which to pour out tlle b[tlernc •• ot theIr b cit that ho le't there (or h~m" but a few Idvlntlge, Tbe bookt wbl~b you .necd 'Y .. ou e(feed to do It,' ,,'Id Jonalh,n '" eyea_ wor In I e morDlng ano l'flr · proo 18 , . . ,a , ',; ' thoae which blve llood \110 telt 01 I '. _'. cepied Croin. foartb of ul, or,tion dlUyUke II meek anlolm a'morlal's gUI18." dj. Uke t.o IlborH) alld roturniog bomo norrow and corrupte,d soula. He beCllme momonta before . SIInlficant look. were , . b tl f coo I, . . . , .. ' ered In die to,!,n or BoIitpn In ee,.alANn t, . I b ed t d . • t and b ' d th .'. ttme--lueh lie hlly.e eeD 10 mealll 0 . '1 Ihln' t do .uy.uch thill,,' ..ID } ~ome twelve yeai. previoul to t~e r o, 1I00n, in the evening; ~nd lome o( the olb- ce e rat .. I poe In, I pllln er, IIzchanged ohv,een 'm,. In eY'P-muhitud~' of mlnda t\lat 'It i• .lui ollible' ,.' an.l lel,My,"v,n,by1uq.!DIW", rlocl , at in' tbe preefedinr chlpter., er alerb heard Mr Harper tell bim he bo· Wealth Ic,ttf!rCHI her ,htter'nc treuure. (leared '0 doubt very lIehoualy whether b 1'1le p. 1lI0re "i1d and impro1llbl. thla IllDon n ifr tbat's ili;e t.te, 1I11 'ltr?ubl~YoU (or IDyof tb. wild 81ahtl .. Itb ·whlch apeOll. • sman ' mlly emlgrtlted from llie loutb'- ....d afrang Ilf:lr. beror~ .Iong, 110 a. to at hi' feet. Tbv' unknown Artist _w.. lit tbeir prty was not a~ th~" mllmeDt aeerct- hllvo &CIne ef°edre SYOIl. B t'l()~urA mt . y" • • I . ntb dec! ~ h' "" ~eru g h,dll" i b h I who h .. muter tlwart, u er I 01 a- them ~o,' .lId the 'pecu Itln, ,. ermont· , ern part of New York, and .settled in' an dispenllC \vith hi. a...allllc~ entirely. yet cne; _ rl'war or " , y_n~ . I . eo II out t e ?reom l ei. , aud Ed,qlrda on the wlU, hl~ ,dope I or. ' Iltive min nil" 1111l1li th.IDIOI".: - ._ obscure corner of ClDclnnDU. They had .tlll he evinced III ItTong DD auachmell' to try. and palienl etl'Ull';hn, wllh the blastl 'Do you thmk. m,odDm, that the Doctor ra at . k He moy .afely turn to ' d . t d 't d "A 1.,I.lltlon cemmon, In ce ... In c:a_ L__ 'd 0- _I ' b f Id,,~lty '11 b Ii e aoon" Ic <luired une of tbe ",e wor. · .Lne 01 man. orm~ , .... ore, 'PI, an II h S I'l l - Ii . I Il~ce".,.,.,n mo er. . .. ~rculDlt.noe•• ut him at evcr! " , _ 0. . • . WI ~ 01)1 . I", Ind bOlLin t~ drink Ita uDca;b.u ....ble eltpoatulated,but \'wlnt no UIIC, be had to ' I t . late•• W ma I I " a Dltioa a 1lmlfortun" bad reduced tbelr meane unUl Two yeo~ ned aw ay on Iwlftly h •• ten. COl\7:llruU) nx:t WlElC. oIIicere 01 Mre, H, " u tilt.. Poe -Iuch II lucce.. lve ,~it, ' rel!lity I I w.lI ,.. ID Tltl. ,nil per.. they were lIat ely able to obtain tbe need- Ing.wiDg.: complc! tin.&" Albert'a eirhteenth 'I ~m un.ble to II! .wlth certaintl''' .he 0 n . ' bll..::ronounc:ad to bo poetry or over. , I. mi\ .. ua to ..e.apeet our OWA .~. . .d flll 'c9mforta of and they determmed -stlll the mystery of tbe alral,ge. replied, •.'y rll.lftl to the fiDe the II.le, quicken the imago Wba, II WbaU to on equlI &Tounda Wlth other to Icave the lcenel, which had wl.tneued IIro wu unelplained. HII companlODS mantle,pleae. l{11~·pallt> mhe, contioued InatioD. :and ~ri/'y the ,feelinr. Bu~ that Whit il a fnhioll1 ' . povr''''1 ... lIl .d.r ua to be jlll& ,t bOlD• h.d' CB~led tu rllgard hlnl witb the I~pflr. THE REDEL A:ND IUS DAUG.HT£R. ah-o: 'be I. uaually h,CIm. earllcr. He may world or -Iigbt'rtlldinl:. i~ tbe .laape of pe_ Dlnn.r aL mldnl,ht aud b.uachell In the IDd "Ipectabl. Ib~; wUl rod" ,rop. aucl~ enlel r ~ente.,and ieell. a hcme' .Inngtl'll, aWlLy from IIMot!.ation. Itlt.ioul revere.nco '01 more .... leM yeantblYe bten er.lled to lee a new patlcnt, I ledl I WI'Ih ' ut moral. aD~ IIOvel. ,without morplnr. · .rtYllCure...d CIO~nOl , III ~,t the paywith ~cb bitter !llemorle8.· hI' WIS no Ivll!:er a pale. wealdy,.depe.nd- • At the breaking out or tlte civil disturb- thhik you wll do ~ t .... it I little lon,,, r c:a .• I 0 '0' .bun You A; n What II W'It1 . lIIenL of debts It our "-", po1lcJ ue E.l ~ . . .. . .... . . 1 D I ' • teDae. pray you • ! . . - . I ' .' . . wa dan" EIl&I ~amillon had botll en- ent cblld.lIut a iDooly. enllr,"t"" brlg~t- Inco in. Clliada. II. few yBlrt aloce. 0 II r. er, lowevcr. bardly .bu.. the mind more t~p tv make 'fhlt peculiar kInd of talk that, to honor. Th a_ will .Aoour... htllOlDcby ~(ly~ the I".. n!.ape oC In rxcelleD\ e41l- eyed youlll, full of life and .hoPlit.lnd bld- K ., I resideDt 01 Barn.IOn. boldly Ivowed . 'We I~e ~nliuu, to c'mlult him rrofell- it feed upon .uch Ill.b. Jt \Vould ehortl, pulled nolel and broileD headl. and I~m IfIttJO 'wltll Data.rauI aad c:atloll, lad pOaaeaaed tbollO amiable traltt dingfllr to outlltrip thorn 1111 In the toad bia di.lonlty. 'W herever he weot, aod .Ionlilly, rl.'Jolned Ihc ollieer. hllJr lelfinll' tb " I t leet bODumb Whllt i.laleneu' bappy haim.. the banu of th. Ohio and C I til hi h ' I ' I h h' lb' .....cted .tarve e mOl. viioroul n e • , . , bo-'- f . L ' V' L..-k H .. o c larae: ,r, w c _. In ~ny Koowledge and F lune. Thollgb II. waYI IIi. pro~e ..ional lervleea were con_tInt y t at .t elr rea utlDe w.a III r- " the fineat aen.lbllltllll of t1!ebea~ aDd Workln, yo\lo" mountain. Oil I plnlt ........ 0 w ....eDD8~ , IIfOD ~cure the re.pect ~d el te em kind Ind obligi ill hi. demeanor towlrd. reqoired in ono direetl,llI or the otber-he 'rr It 'bo I more. mllUel" of medicine you crelte a lJIorbld ap etl~ for lle:tlon tho Im- llibaOlJ-or a blue ....iled \10, In aky.•eolor. • ..Iec~ w.y*, .,IiderawI J heyw.reblcll4:d wit\} them, their m.llgnanland rea~il" loudl, denoullcod the Oo.erDm~nt a?d Id· WIll,~,.my clalJ~lIte: liere can lIC"e u well .. ible. adventU'r! thll m..t mlrnloul ' edcon;ulalollil. ,- , .at.rl,1IOW farlorA and uallllplo1ttL ~ ed them to .dorn II. much hlgber Ilo,bt tllem to 140k on him with en,lou. vOC*.d reform. By Lbe oppoa,to .Id~ he .. her (ather. . !:d unnaturll deedt tbe 1Il00t foolhardy, Whit I. Joy7 : btu' the CIOIl/ItI_ ....... of ..•. .al.~ that ia whl'tb they wcre It .preae"t dlltl'llat Ind bittern"." Ind mlny "ere tbe WII oC coutl8 I dlOre rolis 11Ib- • The ollicer w.. at a 10.. whit reply , and ICen" tbe mOlt rerohinjl to I noble To COUll' :rOllllDobey abel IDd It OHrraD Ie. NI"I"" _fOlaalD' !I~""" to 1110.', y.t th", bOr~.lllelr brifl" with- In.lnuatiulls they spread Irollnd, ealculatd . the men 10, heelUIIC h~ poueued mak~, In4 the oUler. "otlcln, bl. ,emb_ar- bel • '1'0 auelD t to olot oq,t tbe booka a hundred dolllrl. · with coIulDoaoC "per ucl ..rra..t .,... out lIlurlDur or ~pl"lDt, haPi1 1n the ea. to derkfoa hi. fllr "eme. At on. time It Intluence in U.. community. Evel')' rUliment. camo to hla ol~ by .yl ~,wltb "hi'!. ou ma1' o!treJ by nlme. would be Whit 1. cop_pcet abul ~ lair, ial........ tef , jOJmeat of cooiuaa1 a pd parentllIQ.~' _med Illat 'Slanton', Iyln, ton pea' had fesw c1aya, eome.. lIeilllbor IIOt 10 • pner,l", a ,audden. cootortl.n hi. collntinlnce, h .Iclan wbn, at tbe reqllelt of 8omethln; thlt auilty meo feel ""'1 1II1P~1 Th. llltobulo tara .all Alben ...11 the .Jde.t 01 the rem'IDIDg tllumpheti-so efThetuall, bad 1h~y c:arrl~ eateemed .. the ~octo~, for h.vlD, tinud a~d ~t the aame tim~ ln, hla hind to th. IDd:~Jl~ 'parentl, IIttempted to pre. time it thunder.. ' Ind a,..... fie. . . to Oatario. ... four ~}Jdren wbo colllpleted this bumble out their BUnlllng malltuy".. and 10 'ClI~' It the indul..nce of .entlm.n'" In ~DI ..n h~ cheeIC. , eeribe "bat the ceDvI1elceot patient mlJrbt What I. kno)Vledpl elI.lI ~ led la IliDapb .. tile Contrtftti their pllna, thlt enn hll with hi. own. WII .,...tecI, Impruloned, 1 waot u achllli toolb eZlllctd.. \ t. Tbe Jiat will Cormidable in 1eneth To be IWIY frolll bom. when peeple 11_ ot the cIeep. liut IDternUD' flllllly. The 'Yea of .D alder br(I&W- ao4 two .lete... were cloeecl _nn••' frl.M. to doubt !alalnteCTi- and hi. e.tate, pill or conat cated; 'S 'can estrl~t ,It ~ ",ell .. any d~ntialt ~~ pbyalcila tJ.ourbt I~ y8rf complete: come .. borrow b<Iolia IDdlllllbrelluJ • ,. • fweler, lad thlt &hit ODI woWtl .. lOn fol- ty, IOd retarded hlill CIOldl]- aU n .e ept hi' ,et himaelr eac:apeel ~nl reported. ~ the In the townlbl(J.. "icIl11.. ~.,,""III' alld UnC4rt.onately It dId Illll WAllin rOlMled Whit il justlce! Ali 01...... w....... to acllila wIlDe tow ...... to ....e Silentl.and; lIut ,the ex- ezcellent plllOlI. wbo, II the c:loodl pw hl,h~r powen, Iud ••nt ou- InpllUlg the beror~ t~e t411Uld .cuntrl.,. 101 goo-. and 10 tha& w.. procIU'td tlten and Tile opinion of twel"l drunken Jury. Ifttllllit her toilet dllotJIer..,...,.I'1U citellle1t\iDelOenttotrevellin, ucl a change darker round. w llaloet Idolised bim.- peoplt to rebellion. " pllUllble ~cu.e for: elcapln. with t,be 'ItI.Dt ruln,ed. Belter IIY \t down II men. bear ad,.,..ttl •• Oil e.............. ... of . .n.. proMcle4 I eailllUJ d'tct on 811\ the IJIildo meek apJrit or '\be boy.' At lenp, how8YWr, the kno1fledlo of lee~, the ull traD1e." we~ ~uced. I ,!nell''' tklt yOG ... 11i Dot read. It l...t • wlthilU. tIMt ...... or.... ..... r...i1 . .alitulloll, wblcal.1a &l~ \ ..Iled not. ~neldl tIw iDeulla IIf laIe ncIioali_ . . . by _ e lDelnl coa- . Hla rellow, !n Iuarcl, "I'!:.t':.::,:: for y _ to 00... uythln, tllit c:an Wule .aael. an. _IDII ..... r ,.. . 70.....e. O. to 11.. aacI.troap ... wllt. ...... tile or beakla. • .. envy "ere belpeel..,.,. him 1IJ to die ev of auUaorilJt .nd onlere him out of bla \1 el1llla, • , . , ttae witboat ~IQI to "Ielp"" o( S-. CQ#b .... al••,. IJUClnlDl ... Tbe ..Ie. dcrtieale. _k..,. . .Ud. .I..reble ldetchee wbo -.~ to ........ were balDlCllatell iNllecI.- cIe~ualy: "'1 die .....; or 10 JOC I~ of iAl'OrtIlIIiOll. _ _Iq willIarD IP, bU& wlaatthe 1M .......... tile Uw. . ., .... dIa b.ililia of tile Aa tM J)oc&or . . . -YiDI the bouII 0/ a Sat I wllb to be ... ..... I a ltacl!t HI. . . read ia the taaD- th!n,.la to be. nobod, ea. ttll; DOr ~,......&rMI' repNdoa 01 ............... ,.w.a..-clarkenniq•• ,...,n, h_ l lum'lOlllreDota ~ of GdIab. .... lfl1t.....llI lDOnthl ............. hlallf~pae~ .. wortbJ of IkW lie . . . . . be . .14 . . diitlapilia 'I JOII .... ,... It. .... be ..". nl...... Ibaa "IUN '0 be . . .thhll







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'lbl tl Dftlll. . . . . fa lallilal••all enllil'lY tbe P .....d."t lad , ~ . Ilall...:a~I)uallru .. ft. lIuft\Ju Co.afler oO.~~. , or HuIIIllDa 'Dd J)qta~ " of ',peal kI the Git.... or Bulltlo' lD " ~pll.' F.l'r IIIe M~.1II1 YbilOr. . whloh h•• bee!'.,.. III ClIl11pl.da, ' crew., .ei. OlllelYin, Olrb.doea. ~ . . . ,.00 GOO to II 8uli to .Dd Brent. caae "e wbuld edvl.e " Ma: EDrroa:,T~. itudenll· ~.r · N. tJ,elr. roed ••adfrolll Wha.. we kl\o~. that I.bored uader depree,loll. end I,a d,y rord R.II~d, w~ll)h I. to ·inle....ot the , min"I'.., 'Of eve..,. doal)mlll~tlon. to be .a ODin" .chQOl••.ad lho ~itl.,~. of ~Ir' lCIMd wilrbe ready to IIrlng in all th~ bOIl two .ceuted bl) m.l. ,of elloltlnl tbe MIt Wee~ Ollll!!" R,i!rold from Detroit 'lD careru! of lbemnl~e. a. they .re, of' their ve,8burg~ ".'et , at , tb,e ~e:.-demy" In, thll thlt IIro oll'ered ..... lOOn •• .' tbe' .eltOa to m,utin,.. Dqrlnglb. nJabt b!llclrce. lI,..fI..,a, ·It. BraatJu!'d, a ' point teylinty people; ,! I :. ',". , ., Ind orgllnIsed tbe ~a"e'lIb~rg ,Ly: optln•....:.QIII.· Gu. ·ever took re.t. lind ' for the 1••'1 I ' ' f\.v. 1tI1Ie.lrdQl Fort l!)rle, 0ppuille Butllo. ' , ' ' •.•• , '. ",lItch will mee\(1I) 1 tvery T"eaUIY .' '- rr : " . t'a hi,. on aaofl, will! t~o lo.ded I t~lO , " Tliiil ~iD ot ~09,otlo ill ell dlill (. , , .,Th' IIlIAltI Villroa wllJ b. \. T, OUA ·i illl;I!D.· )v"~ 'iVllJCRi8E ti~ ~HJ: even!p, in uob week.lor liIe'publio di.cwi~ 1l0rrltlle,C... or By4rollollln. cut I.... by hi. lide b' a0a : the rOlld within .iahte~D l'II.oatlli to Iln;~e ye.rly 'u.b lotlbe" for O~I! 'DoL'" M.AO,lIIU ',"D' VlslIfUa. CLUBb/.G T'11lI(5 0' .ion u( .11 Ilrbpcf .ubjeets reedl", A P~f D)ait. nl med, J. Cilrion. died on bc'ln" .tt.ok _~j . ' ' Wh • ·I·pprl~ e~. ~e< Of' , . tJ) com, al"to f';.. • LA~ ".D ~W!lIlTT vs CE T "It' ' . ." . " '. ' ' ," ." h 19·th · D' b Id t "',." ~ ' I I dl .: C~rk .. . . . , ~. on n I ,ht ot lb. : ; Ind .. t!lf .... p~lcj~ 'c:llllQl., Ne•• II1Id : ,.. ' , ·n . " ~ p,. ''d, 'III ~ d~, A. Inj lw;o month I .mol'fl, new 1'olul'llei of comllo_lon, 'deel,mIUo"s. ,.nil oral crill· I 0 • ,It uln r ,;e.o, I,•• ear u Horbol- ." a.t ,he , h' " ',' . " .. \>qmm~,nlcali~n ,w,ith til. Qrelt1velt•." . Ou DeLLA• .AJD 'FI~r aun., IJ Qr..A."", ·.nd ' sllriGiw; ', M.giilliin~8 .~d olil\n~ ' ,',' ' .,' ene,!, The Mlowln" write. a corntspo,ncl. , . C k' qo , , t reh~te.I~, lIl! _rri· Th ".xill!ubl lit the B.utr.1o wllhln 'ix lIIonlhl. ''I: DO"LU. G~'" ,Lidle,' Book will comonel:ce it ' .. ' J G STEVENSON Pmidf;'1 e'n~.lIre the pa,ticullarl or.hll Due: ' ;::' .1 or . to proll!~utu .t ~ whole oreWi iltln\rOrd Ril'road,I,·tblrt, feet .to.thl! th$ e.~ or ', be ye.~. , . ,'. . '." bec:om~~ " ' - ' .ry' th~t tho.e who .:u~ ii', LlPPINCOTi' &c:.eIDry • !Jelna ~ut worllingoa the:2~d ~rJl,lne lut 'SI e m.~e ~om::::tr~te .r wh ..~ C"p\.~~ lllli " n the Jlhh'inl t, ·tbo,. enti"! TIIld Wll'" ~ubl.erlpiion.. {pr le~ ibiD 011.. ,e.r ' tie'riltl! on tlie . a'iub . term. Ihould ~hho; H·QI'\'~y.burll () ~t. ,27th' 186'1" Il,e dl!ce ••ed :u~ _1"r!lY greyhound, which b' I~W 1 o~r' u ,loadco by' nlio~' la to wlU;be. I~ th., rite ,o f ~Illtl" CIiIlTi & an,n. Ihow iIIelr 1""ten'llun to ~on'tl'IIUA b~ ".elld'. ' • 0,' ~ ' he '.ouk PO"~ •.lilon 01, brouaht home. and mel y,oll' H~wn on ",ek.' ~ The ~al! co . n· under conlraot to IIlr•. A. De. GroW; , .. ' " "' . .. h g" f . , i'd ' I ' . f I' kl i H ' I Ie:nlec. . e Ihen aalle~ 'lhe IecOnd 11'1 I Dayt n, 'Ohio. \\'110 rrl!paretl ..llt& rolld fur bo\hnl: w.le! .b~'ow.. \~he be~. ;, ,, ,.' ,'V '-0 tbe amollllt 'Of t , ~Ir ,ublcripllon. or ~o" Eu~ndo.ldh\Ur,..crIDle. ~ e til; t Ie~orner, ~ tle ttc le~. th' e '\I Q y pointed ounvhut ' he h~d ~())ie ·.nd ·ci.. ~ 'ei tli,',lron, for llle lum ot 400,000 ' I, ~o\t t~e urth IIIVln, w'1 O;:rWe will,rumi'h the Vi.itur .n\! c>ae by in onnlng UI of thel~ wish 10 disconti". Al molt e.'ItrDur mary CrIIl'e I~" com· ~p ,11m 0 one .y. bu Id unng , .t day h'lm r. II " ~~ e Q,ul,lI' '1\1mber of . ·mall treel were' Not~d copi of either m~lIan"'. or thrtaln', .Mlif uel Iii . ·.tory ~hl)rt tim~. : Lut yo~r' we milled in the Thoall'r de Ce,I~etin!l' al hebit him on Ihe rlgllt wrist. Ind Icr.ched r. to 0 ow Ih~ rx'Q.p~l': He dld.o; III 'Phe·CIlu.r1er i. on ' c tl t i d ' • ' e 0 Ie woo eah~~! In lhe blink 'Ibout 'iwenl,l (\tet b.l~w uin'e8 or GOOe·y'• ..; Idy" Book " one ve.r· 'OrWlrd-.J the IIl/me'. 'o l I""orul "dvlln,,'lll" Lron,. 'UII &IODoIoy evening, duriog the him ·.lightly 011 , the lef\ 'hand. C.rauD !i.ct , .. ,en. or elght. lnlll\'ldulIl. per~llll'd blloroto, pi rer. Ih New York W'e" F' .,.·t ~ l ./ " 11 • . ~ . ' . ~ " " r "" , . ~ '. . r J f h t " th Idl U W 'II" I h em,el,el tubefulenedtothedecllw 'lb IUIt.ln,dcthll\V'hir pollc.y or,~ho ~rie .DUln S IIm'l! go,ng.ono btlng for Ihree doill" .nd twent, .fiYe cenll th. ,money out of our own pocket "lIId fur' per o_mance. I\ot ~ ler I e cur Din rORe ~a 10 11m to ..~r. " I "!n ,C rotherl. of , W . ... 1 mll~DI~'tellleat. Ind ill editollare . ' .tr.;ng in' the IrIDl ;,nd band •• ca.~, innti~bl)' in kdvon'ce. , . .' lome of iI. we have .. y~t .receiv'ed· 1101h. fur t~e 'feon~ oct of' ~driolllne ~e?uvr,eur' DOllydown, wilb 'A'h~~ be died two dny. ~:,.e:II'>' h.e~ th'!J iilclp~bl. o~·, enou." (0 s"(tlillt unleo ' Dofflllo eonure. Burlcom '\lcc:e~~,d in .elzln!:, the lar In, in "'WIll" , ' N~w till. thing. we wi.h a.Rlighl waa huord,lll the prl \le,.pol ge'\' arlerwlrds. lIeve~ hlivllI, eate'! .ny food. "d. eru~ely murd~red them '~ urlou• ., .' . tree It • point about ten ;,r lilleen feet 7.' 0 COflRE8PONDE1VT8:-Well undcrat'l"ll ,,.;It'8. p'lalnly d'lt ia ,we Ido rery. ond ,t was followed by l'ziraordlhnry The wU\llId ,Oil Gor80n', wrist hoaled In _ vJ y~. the olghth uCllpe~ Illto the bold •• lId 1ft "fIlr~lllbul lat,d connection wltb tho d ' ' d " ,:,' . . , . , ." "Il, • " • • 'fl u d ~ d .I . . . '. ' Will wounded there by 0 plelol·,hot A -Wttt 'both f I ht · d' II ' '1, b own.lO lI,beu1two hundred le6t IIbove ,wrllteo c!,mlllu'nicationi. on Intere.tmg nut exp~,ct to fOl'w lnhhe name or any per. 1,ltlltlOIl. Ie Dry wu u ore ~y II 1 0un g ew l1yft, Wit lOI,t giVing hIm Iny unca.i· '. ' . • \ rl find. hurt"'welco. 'In our II)D unl-. W. ",ve' ~.celved the 'CD.Ihili womDn w.lio hlld beell .t.bbed in the neaa or Qlind. Illd he cOlltin1Jed in the en. tllli moment•• pilot bOlll r.n .lonr·ido • . ,) " "-'ed '" b tbl'e,I:Q, .n. 'CP~t·· nr"h '!'~~. ' e. the w, ter. Mr. V.n "Vleet, with 110 Ie. . . ubiectl. ea.. , y e lIe,n 'Y 0 t e ....."ea ' ' ' I " , " . , ' V_, ~ 1M ~, . , ' , • ' • Cn 'I 8' d b I' " .. II W ,t C d d N Y k' remar1teble pre.lUlcr: of min~.· lat'd. rail ·columaa. Nuthin/l porlonal will be admit· adtNhlotl 'We C!O/I1Inot uIO'r'd to Ifty ' out '01 Iylll,. I.. rge poJnhlrd IUme. by • mlln eoat· joyment,of good bea,l th up 10 thursday 61h p . . J\llIIpe over oarl. wu .aved ••nd onte •• ern .nla.ln eN or I .",,, , . ' .,c, '.' ·d b '.... · h H blood _.' S" b " • ' broughtintoCorkwitbh' I H I rOQl tb. fonce ,'WiF , ~y " n4 pllCln, one ted. ~Ve mUlt knoll' lhe real nllllel ~f all the lie" of our Ihoney. year Ii'tet ye~ •• lId e , elling er • ., or apUrlet,l on the ~pte~n er •. whe,n he pa ••ad. very reltieu , 18 ~,eue • e I alld Efi"' TIl t d " " end in \h, crotch of the I\ee upon the bank wrlter@, or no IUmUon will be, paid , to Ihen 1In.!!r UJ. Dever get It.. 'fo insure lhe peraplU to hur, Ind .he w~, hnme· IIllht. now • reJilllou. mannmaDlac, ,ener.U, \beir· p~ucUoal. ~. ~'Ileher. on' bUlline.. coming v~r' tbe Magaain" lind the VLri. dlately, conveyed to '...a\oon, where " m~d· On FridlY, thou ..h " ... poorly he went "flry trln'!uil ,,~d rlllori.l•• ubject. how' I Illeda lind country tbrough whloh _ueu ....ed allhe ""ril of lOOIln .. ' l he proPll' \'De pu..... Olle rloh ri ~ .,.. Li .. · . • ' " .. .• " ' t I t I . I I --' ,. d I b '-CI I , . lire-iII I.vinlr thal 01 hie rriend. m)lll bt' po.t·P..... " " 1Qr. It th tel ,ld"erU, ed In . 'our term a, ' ulal 'l"-,.Id ber every att'lDtion; but .\1 to , work, but h.d lo return borne .gain. ever." II crva a., l't P,~I'IIII. au ItUfIlI p,,,,,ue... la ulll er. ,veland. . , ~ " • . It· ' 11\ I • IIi ' d I . ' the rurmer of which Je ID ex_ 01 piet Hereld ' , . bll en,d"d in s f~)\' ,Jlgh .c"atc~es Ind ,Mr., M . L. ' CfIITWCIOIl.III. CIII'JIIIIl. la. will lie , lISary (or us til 1I1lYt) .ome \I e or I - a ..... , n,. on D' . few On hie way he bouaht I gl ... of wblsker. . . ' , r 4 " , ~ruliea t. 'Ur. H.;it",·uurtliDly • ";o.t -Your r~vor. ~ere re~iftd. ' We pub. idh thaUbe we ight of Ille money be mlnuti••lae eZ'pir.ed" , Tbe ua'III.D. ,Who, 'y/lloh he wal unable to Iw.llow, fro on Wlt~ .. recurrenc:e 10' .tllt Ith r"aeoloi1 of A Lu, ~. 'fin Il...n -On41 Df t.he mc:.l wo~derrul eilClpe • lid a heroic let of ftiend. "ali one of the articles In tbia /luhlber.-" fclt In o/Jr"bandll, berore we will Eond on made no e,templ to I'IIMpe. WAI lecurG4. ,PUIDI c~lDg' ~a. w.hlrJI ro~clble ejl'cted it d ' ~r;er pror... lon . He i. alill Imurell. Will be plea8ed 10 heir fro," you ufton. ror the works. ' Tbose, then, thlt eommen· Tbe :,performalle~•• ner bein~ tiu~peni.led fr~m 1,;11 mouth~ He remained all dllY ·1Im. ~cd:~li~he belief I!,at . tho crew meditl • ftHufulaecldeati 11"0 .~.r chroaicled.oceil,; .hlp·7ltoui,vil!e .cou~ier. , .... 111 Roch~ter, N. Y.• ,on Moadly L. ~cK:~We will publish the 'Obituo. ced with Ihe~llIullry nu~ber or thia year ,for three·quarter. or an bour. w~'r,e.umed; night Without e~tini rile.t or drink. On ' y.-(Dubhlllournlll. r..t. Th,ee ..en, ODe of them; Mr. .aOG~ ·.Io.D'BErr,-Tbe Ih.tkt~ (or rJ'loun. , • of the., HII/llI&lnl'~' and wllh 10 blve t~em lI11d tbe lpeotato.ra, botwlt~at.ind,n, the Sllurol~y mornl"K Dr. M'CI"Uand called PIRIODlCAL ' (.SUEft or !1J11: Paul.-De• • ld8On,o' • IIoNe. bUOJ thl ••611On ppen •• t excelleDt Pr.\(:~·. . W.,n.. or E.I.o....... "nil' .notLer, y6ar. wlh please len~ ". \he fe.rflll dram I ","1911 b,~ ~\II~t;\ \ltlfqre \h\'lr In to eee him"and at onoe rec(Jgnizt'd tho siMa Ihe dilly publlcotion of n'/lrly rOct. driver,l(lehael Ullman, lite' ln'the 'Irafll of .e.~fli ,neutrac...~ f4: 16 @ tb!!lI\se:h'''! cO~~lIed, to' apace of twelve ' the -'rll. IIf lhcembtr ftu,t•.:- ,eye•• pllid great attealloa, to It: Iymptoma. Aid he WI' IIlmolt pOlilive Ihou.and book•• nd thirty thoul.nd ImaU • .to- the Il"" .lable or IIr. lIc~.q, to tbour/! the oll'erla, pt~ce II' IIOW •• ;~ Iinel. ber~lll.r. wlihing 10 dllcontlnue • .wIll pIe.., Tbe "'~ lubl8quoln tly .u~er. m.n ha. been bitten by II doa !lr 110m .. otb· or publiclltion_. Ibe American Troe't Soc I•• go to the .i'a~1rOat ~IDoIln... ' ThOleT.mi. 00. There lia • "..t ac"rnitr . of bO/l1 la Al.L COlflfVRlllATton latende4to )Ie jn. u. b, ~h,~ saIM time, ' " tatb~d.I' " yuung man. named J~barcl. al9d p.r r.bld IInimol. which Corson .dmitted to Iy has lin unprecedented eireulallon lo'r Ii. Ii',r wllb the. city aeed a~ \0 be told th.t •• t~e, country thl. .~IIIOIJ. lad conl8quontly the l'l~e wee'k tl\e), .~ lenl. ~u.t. hert!· - -.. • twenty. cl~rk to Mr.. Thlheaud. a be th.tease-the mostenorretie mean •.wert nrioull period :cal.. Til' ,illutitr.'ed Fam. Buell 4.eaue: whleb Ie.~. to Ibe landing' IIOIIIldenble ftill. off ID ,tb. number reach ,UI by )I"nday lVenlJ'~, or w. . O:TW.ter •.thu 'for man of DI)on: allvl~g embenl~ ,ome used to .vert the prelgre.. of the dleel\lll. ily Christian Almllnao (.ccording 10 t,hll "eJ:ea\"pled from tile roeliy banl or the rio ploked ,at ~ pq!Dt I ~1c1M~' DOt; IDlure a place, unlil the , mlln. bl God hllBl~ell. la nece.. try for mao , . belonging to hll muter. , lie (eared but.1I 1"" In vllini for. Aotwllb.lladlng.1I Journ.1 of Commerce) hu .n anllu.I ..le ftr. a"d th.t \bedeecenton lhe' rl"r ••de p.ckln, ~~If. wU( fell bJutl.Dd ",~e~. 'n,. plirpOte8, lad ·It frequeal~y .... 10 be detee.llo.n, and r~olved to Ret rid of life. exertrona. tbe deadly pollaOu. th'lugb dar· of more Ihan 800 ,000 Clip Ie.. 1'11_ nt••• ~rom tW!J butjdred aad ft~J' lD ten Ibere will be n..l!l!ek of buye " ' • ,•• . .Ollllb~.• ner "by dl,gln~. u It ",ere. ' luto Bllt hllVlD1( received • ver~ rllU"ioue t!dutl.. ment for te'! weeke, overelme both AmericI" ~Ie...engor. I monlhly newlpa. · fitto IDlOme pl.en illmoet perp.ndit.ular Tbe be!!', ~.rket will probe Iy be more were conalde,r .bl, .mt\aed.t , ·. ,det, ':If Ihl~ ellth" IDd after t~i)n. he coul.d not reconCile himaell to and art. t Jn SaturdlY. I!un~uy ID IIton· per, I. lent tl) about 1I00.000 f.mIll8l._ ftt tlthere Ihelvln, OW prtC' to &he' fllll.Y ~ppliod. anvy. livens ~0111~ .rtlcle In th~ I.. t aum~r of. th~ 'We.. fcru. nd • ,oed '"pply. the next que on I~ea of 'lUiclde, :beeauae. u. b~ ..y... he day morninp .buul A o'c1ook, l/lll pallent The Amerlcanlaober Dottah.ner. or AllIet. · w.ter. I~ wa.ot.r thi. FlICipice Ibat \b • • S.1I6.-H~1iAbGl C_JeT. Ie,? Em~orluDl" .th~ Wfttf'~ editor .. 'rll~ III, bow .re we to .ret I;t· it In the would ha.. llo tl~e~ alter Itr,kln, ,t he ~alal remftined q~i~e .ensibl~. I~d t.lIll'd lleri· iean Me.een~r. in Germ_n, h... circuli. A "'- 4 ~ C·I '- I Willch ezpreeael ~Imaetr parlloula,rly b.p. mOlt cOaYeolelllt m~lIner' , Tbll queatioll blowto d.mlnd pardon of God. Aeeordlllg. oualy about hl8 d~ .. tll ,With different clcrl)" dun ezeerdin .. l!0 000 ' copiel And 'IU IioNe. talc in, frl,ht .ta rod, l,ia, In the "a"aue planged "!'eRin. with him. \he 1 ....r.I..... .(Om ''''h · htal ..... L'I nr. bl e to ". ,.. u. iiI. 'be Ir.uwerelt ' by ••,in, ' Iy. b'e 1...,teronne .1' • • ' '1 men I" h0 Vida '" led 111m .t the above tIme. , t month , ·we 'lee P 10 [ d I' nelOnal th ' d lo 1_ py.t,..e t ou, 11.1 go ,et .... to coltlmlt. crime wIlUll the Mc .. ecngerI (or thl. U .",.... :md tw{o or tile _D die ..... bu. iblr-enho, ~_~e ~il . e dl'ta~cr: tO - - IaOmeihla8 ' to ,bout, Our fricnd Cb.ia PaI,P til' G. 'II. Zeil,oC 'Uydr.ul.•bolld r.aUl. him to be IInl tethe ,cllffold; He,WI8 now .6cu«4 by orders 01 tbe pro.peotu. and .peoimen p'''el uf • pe;~ ••" • t In tine "n....,.. ml ea. an to ,our haura . , i .. . . " ,_.1 th od'" h ld I L_ I' . " . t h ' '.' .. • in; le.ped OIIt la ..relf. Ttae ,Ipt J' ' ' . . .ppelll lD ,be 'coll.ldllr.~I, up, o.",am no ..",e'1.' " 'I , e perl Wj,lO WOII e epae ....tween. t Ie medl~~men. but t4\J.II/1ht'y tba e broke odldal for ohildrell, hudlO mely illu.lflled d..... eDd tbe luture belbf. th a.old' rklera ~r d:e. .o~ DIIle~ are completed, abOut tbe ralllerki w. maue a thort lime We. "IIDHied the operation one' pi!rpelr.uon nf It,.nel hi. execution being 1000e. seized a etlck, and had no dlfficully to be ealled The Chlldll Piper: Th~ ' ntlrel, '"*!plored. It I'•• mIracle an .IZty 10 complete. lID", coa~rolh" tho 'New Po''',e lAw.' tbe beW Cbaift. 'P~m(ll.. reeeatI1 Introd~c- .tilllclent. I' he IIIld to flneble 111m 10 mike in clu~lng the buuae, a' all. lied. befure hll1l. tasteful ,s tyle and lub.tll'ntlnl ,euellencil or matt \b~t all e.. lpe\I without more dllma,. on escbtlJ(ft.lDil bimaelf. Wb•., we ..Id ed Into ~ ~ice, b,lIr. hi" bo'uae hit pe.ce ,:I'ilh tho Almlghtr·, He he.ila. lIIo one da,ed . ubllelJueJltly to ellter,' UDlii the TraDI Suciety'. I.. ue. Ire well kn\Jwn. We hll" the extent of th~ leap , nrlilully th." tiai•• WAI not inte~decl to collver \11 ,thl,·plau. ~n 111.101 .traet. oec~pied led aoml'ti.tle I ii to who Ihould be hll. ~iil' Con.table ll'Cliuto"k ~olUlI~.rily ~Dme Their cMNpnt'B8 plaoe. them williin thl, ,coDcarin "Irlnr tbat the Idea \bat"", '.gM JrVfJJI (1) Wu 10 pretellt bl the Ray. ~. DIY. Iud we mUlt tiln. ' )'Iret. h.e 8Iye he th~\laht Of. lulltn~ I.~d IClled :)lm. Ind ~ae of III, Tllo lI«'od Ihoy '.re doln,. · etlll!Dlted, but ploore 'Dd tfie IIU~e torelber oot '\ _ 1ft doWD u ... 'ignora",,,," U he COD' confe", tb.t ,w . DlYer blYe: •• , ,et. ·.,e~ hte P4.lldent ofthe ~pu"lIll. on hi' VI.ll main ,band ia .ecurlng blm. Conducl In. 100181, munl •• nd religiuul point or th4b,o·n. hundrt'd .nd twenty feet. Tbe it. ' Nu, (., rrom it;, we b•• e 100ra lay ,.mp. 011 the old plan. tlirow up to Gijon; bUl the reOectiolllhat Ibo~ would of thl. kind in any ' public olllcer I. 111.,101), view. umlot bo NO blllhly e.thnated. , IDeD w.,. mucb eut. but Dot dlag'erotlll, re.peet fot knowled(e whleb be Ii .. OD. h'alf ... liDuoh ••IIr I" the IIIme bring'd\erflcr: on hll ,mother, who lived ,In prp;•. wor,hy,when we eO,ulider the greot rl,k waand~he borae w .. b.dl, hQrt _lid liT If.Aar~ t.oOIIA QmrWOOD. pined; bYIIIIJIIf Itmg, 1e.- o~ experieace I. atb of d . .,. The m.aaeror operation .the town. preveoled blm. Then he enler· he ~.II"'. C.raon at tbe tim" ",II very furi· A 'HU04IEA C\J ~VER• .a:TIUII.-JHllllo. ' ,beham reda~ \Q .tom.. :, ' _ . 1/1 thi. world~ ' W.,h.d no W~ of .. exeeedln,ly .Impl•• and we Clnllot aee ta lned the i~e. ~f ~urt!e~inl. prleat I I he UUI ..OIl m,ade auempleal biting hi",. Car· .traoler! YO\l "ppclIr to be Iruelin~.' 1 Ahl':wee"it mODtb of .1. the rear, riD, bl, editorl.1 dignity,' por do we bo~ tII.t'tbe ,Ulrip cen n.lly .be lilt. out 11''' returning rrom ceillblluar ,m......,ad eon nunlinlled intbilt IlGle, unlll.hto'elook 'l'ell,.1 alway.. tuyel \l'lu~n on jour. , t1HtPr"14' ..tof'.... UuU. .:IhIU... ThylOber fOOlilep UOW I. bere, '.' bie readera woulli.1f ~e bid copied our of .order. Mr'. Zelll.lDakln, prellar.tiona h~ ,.jdto hlm~,elf.t"at ~u~ I crime 011 l'uoeda, morning, when haby degrees. n('y. ~ , .. A P,oc:l. . .U... Thy quiet hour. 10 wm 80 dear . , have thoua~t 10. C!ur lof. JDtea· 10 auPJlll .'tJ ~r&C?na .\I.hopy wi.h to try nol comprOml18 the viotlm'a .•• Ivatinn, b.calJl,e itlICII.iblc~lIl1d between' nlpllllnd tp,1l 'I think I hllye locn you,lIom!,,,,here!' Wbe~.. lbeJ'e.1e r,,"on 10 belieye till •• :Are with "I now .,.In. lion w.. \Q _r~n wh1 " bad ' lD pal the PIl~P. It IPncee, of' whleb Done .hOlild w~)Ula probSbl)' ,tben b. I.n a illite o'doell deulh put a~ epd tu his.euffcil ngil- 'Very ,likely, r ha1/o orten beu there.' .military lX~ditioD I•• tioIIt to be fi~te~ out ...... lIae on,bil m.,uiue ezellaorea complaill.' ,racr:; but tbl • .idea he .1110 .b.ndoned. ' Dllring ,the whole til'lle 'hia dread of f1ul~s 'And proy,' wltl t mil/ht yO\lr nltme bel II ove thy woodI, IIo"e t b, I k·lea. \ more r - .. , .. . .\ ' · ia &\Ie Ualted Bt... fcit tbe pUl'poee 'of Ill' ':'t i I th.n be did \lader lbe 014 i&"'!l .Dd " . Allllit he resolved to kl I a'woman, but wae exofaaive, and eve II brlnginl; n hand. 'ft m""n b.c 8Dm Patell; but it i.,,'I.' ' Til I b tb ftlUlmUrnr rene • retet. IlDlell;:there it • lIule d1l1'erence betwela ...... W 1 h lve not receIve " d a. mueh WOuu ~~.> without . 6 xiillr on !lny one . . I kereh 10 ' f nOllr h'II r,lIt-O broug" Il 011 t h e 'HDYO• you been lonr In thl!le partal' , ~acIIa,' the Mexjcaa Repablic, wi'th 'whieh, .1Y hJ ~ 11\ parllcu "bere.. ,'1I1,a cou'!tI')' Ie .t pe.ea; Th/go;geoullea • of m. 1i the ItiDlllpbere in the fBI,. .ad 'Llttle' we WI.~ltIJ,~ on, .~b.,.rlptlon to die Vlai· ~htireuP<in"~d to gO \0 , Puri,; 'p~11Il8, ",Iiich p~evenlCd Ule exl!ib.ltlon 01 'Nl'ver 001. • lon,,,,' thaa at ' pretctlt.'w..,lIOn '0 'r-p,.bead ,ba" portIOn rrhll flUid wood ..d Illn. ' III.mi!"10 th.t '!llcr.. of m.tda- tor. Our friendl, wbo wlab to.p" for tl!elr Inateld ?' ~~Iu, the r.llroad ..a;o for ehloroform . by ihb_latllin• • remeoly whifll Bve (eet Dine.' ~ple of tllle cOun,.,.. ,eprdl... of tll~ir , weJell be••Jer" ~ ... "1m,aabor. I. \liii..m .n.,.., wi~ plel.. l'imemCity, Ii~' took .-be .t.m.... fat wla tritd on Sunday mo~aiD'. 'D" you ,et '.I\y~~liillt n«.w,I' ' " ii_tift I I tood. citiRlII. are. coDcero.d iD I [loYe to ramble In til, ~oOcb, w. thlDk"1e ilSpl.a~oD fe& 1lDIIlt,. " • ~ Z· ,' • a(ler ,~!. ~rilnl. he bought ~ - , 'Yea. I bou"ht • nelY wbetalone illi. ,'"1 Iune11 eOI'II""",.. ........ ."~L k b IIII. e"" :.... tll",n L_ ....... Tho "lIrant .'Ue of '. petlo in lb. .mornlllg.' • III "'11 b. lMuced 10 tel" Plrt the ""';e T u~" k ... ;'f.tto!.J. B_.If ..... "" " " __ -:. . ~ ... ,. " .~. -: ., _. ' fl"!eet!9 ... IU · -.Lw~'" eaterpriae. tend' to iII!. \Vh~. "Ovc~t !lut ~'a ..., .. ill ovieeDlleildOlioot th. circum· .~ ,~ioorernOf' o( Oblo. h•• lnued of 111 fIIme. ",llh the Iqlention of Aecordlng to • !!::!~ieturn 6f the Bank '( thought ,loi , the .herpeat blade ~.ctl.,.ct.( .rtbe tlalted Slite. III be trud.1 . '1II111!'i w. baw. aotJcW tbl:t our friend wu pr1!C~::iIOD.IPPOlnli!lg the lilt Thur.. IDme 'al~h but hi. courage fnlled of Frunce. the epecI" on /tr\lld .,nounled. lo '(', 1' .een on thi. road.' ,Inloa ~r the clvill.echvorld, lIid .re' ex'mtatakell Gct. with ~nl to abother d,l ,. of a~r lint, •• 'a d.y .to be obr hlnl: ,He tben Ilro ('e,edod to thi Iheater. milli,one of frllnca,!lr about 116 mill • • Upon the .titJnell roaad; . "rUtly p",,,ibited b, law. ' ,., 11'0 wateh the JPllI'ln, of· the \reeII, f..tura 1)f the 'Kothe, Gooeto. aew ..ryecl bl .",, ' people of thll Btate. for Qe quieti, wltn~'IH!d. the 8rat'orthe piece ' iuna of doll.ra-'l'},I.. "'e 'belleve i, th" 'Wow; therefore. I illUed 'thi. m1 TELEG~BIC ~ To lb••",blur of die bree.. lAw ' .. he II plelMd'to call it. THA nlG'~I~o .tId p~w,... All .."d, on tllfl commence meat of tbe .eqond; 1 f lie d ' . . d 'sed ba I ......-. th' ,, " ' ar,e.1 Imount 0 ,pee,e ever ·co etc! 10' Pl'Qclllllltion; warnlor .11 peNCID. who 'All If III dirge like meiodjea. llelf .n.r th. I•• took e8'eeJ. be , .role ere a "I to. II n .~ elr common dntw (arth hi_ lin, fe, ~e clntrull) picked h ' Th B k ' '( 'il I d h • haU collneC\ tbemaeh(el witb any.ucb en· SOme .aew'rial'aouI bad rou~d. bat of ble !licel, wonted, tacl a~4!l, ~ loy1DentlJ••ad .~ 10 ,- .emblutth$i, hll'"an. w!tll ,it ror a DlI~utfl. or two. Ind fe~ ~. .~ lin 0 n'limn •• CLsn......D, 04:1. llll• terprl". 11' ylolatioa of the la"". ' aad aati~ "I'll....... article., aM ..Id· th.t p.per Ihfferent pt,cel of wOl'llh~p•• nd re~rn then ,uddenly plunged It With III hi. (oree I, t lin, I me . over 109 mil on I. . The propellur Henl')' CI~y w•• wre~lt~4 a I lo\"e th1 til .. tlllt Iloat la 1I,ln, . on, 1 oblicat.lonl of th. Ulliled !\Itatel. Ih., DOW CJ~ctdall free or ~p. wjlb. thlli'" 'unto Him who , .0 wonderfllll, into the lelt part 611 the bre~t. of tile "Ie- .In ,Frallee. tbe 1e~.1 currtney I. ,..Iver lu-day otr Long Pulnl. The crew and WbOll w.". rea.ct • :I.f·~DII . , , ,' b....1!d UI wltb liberty, peau and plflnty. lim. > ~nol n~t/lo!d"-hencr:1\ I. prob.ble \bat ~eMr. ~enaera'Were 1IIII08t but onl.'. )0'. T. ,bey 'Ifill,y IUbject them.elvee to the thirty mllee elf the 0fIIee0 Of, ~blieatI9a. , Iy III Ihi. Ipeele i. all,e ~.Qd hence tM _..,.,_ _ , brirht ; b ••" peo.Jtlea ~ePODneed 'a.hl.t .ucb Her hn.b.nd. not .eeing the blood. cri.d. tbe recent dlminlltlon of .Hnr la tll18 Durr'Lo Oct. 1'7. 'Aad the blal .tarry i auluf alght. ' end b. keJIt tbla aot.i\ltlllUdlag la' b~'ed. _ncee; th,I If ther .buuld be :' c'IPt11~J.I , 'Wb.t.hIlYC J dOq~. thaI you ~tnke m1 . ... , II I I ~o Dmlla' uat ,~~e ,up~",,:,~. wlfel' ('ountry. ' · The Hllnry CI.y. h.d thlrtr. ~raoa. ilOri. TA.t bript1, alow. on wlth!n the jur!Wictioll of the MexlCID or bIa"rlo~ .bowed b~m., copy or Old The enorlllou•. llccumul.tion of .ilyer in "l'OIrd •• nd while .lIe , w•• lyon. Ilfr I Ion 10 • •teb their w,ilderibp :t1I4Iiitlea. they mu.t upect lD be tried and :KVtbet Goote.· and wltb the aid 01 Ii.. 'Nothing .oia IhG, murdered. "Ith '; reet tl" Dunk of '"rlace I. ra ... rded a. an UII. beame CIId in the trou ..h or the ' 11111.h,. Glidln, b,. mChiHt .. ~'d .Illr paa!abecl lecordin, tq the'l.w. of ,Mexico. .Ing froid. 'Notblng; i don't eYea know & ~ .. • , , Ieither _peel' he I.W tb.t hi. p''''' "oQI4 you.' faVorable I,mplom of her trad_lor the ed IhemlCl"etI to Ihft rl,ginlt.,hortly .. ner· . , 'pooill wbere It_en of pall ... will bIYe a~rlabt lD claim th. In"rh.,. to ~.I. th. r.all w,lth other,... The unfortuDate'wumun bad .trength to di.ct/ullle .ad elrculltlon or the bank ward. the d,r-k went off, .nd Ibe bull IlIr· Still .mlle uacollwotial" ptIIidOD of tbII Gonromeat la ",,",Ir b. and a~"'te free of JIOIIIP' "lIbl,a .11 m,y ua d wby w. cIu 1I0t ,Dtet pluck ih. knife f'"'lm "'.... wound .nd .he dimlnl.hed. Heace ",de I•• Iarnant. It ned o~ .. r, c.rryinr d""a 11I •.ellcept • m.n laalf. the COUDtl~' ' AI IOO~ . . h~ m.d. ,th,. , Into th 00 of CHlaill ,IIIW., wu then removell; Sbe w•• 'th~ wile or I. prob.ble t~1t Ibe feer of political CUllvul· "y !lIe name of D8Yld Koettlr Ind nIne • OOlDbet. Cbll~d wltb ~.a, '~ I ,. ..tore .ldI~rt an wel1-dI.~d clU· I Ian the .m1l181 of th, f.ce, dllCt't,,,,. bl bl.sed out oae of,· bl ••t· hi IItiD ltllecl- t h t II RI d ' . .Ion.t the Dellt Prelldental electioa oper. other. who got on parta of th" wreck .Ight . . . wl!\Jba.. " b..rt the reputatlo1l of ......... hill............... ,1- ........"" Ia.. .~ "all. th r~g ou ' . LCII' j profe-:S0r of mat~"III.tic.a. ID lites powerfully oa lhe B.nk and oa m«:,· ' theae were wlllbed ofF d~ri~" the ~I"bt. tIIeir IIOWI'"• .ad ~ .nimaltd wlthl jllIt .all tla t th .... j L-i ' Ied I .c.. ' I . , 01 th - -.. ,. ~.aer " ,.uum of Llmo«", 'and dlurhler • ' . .. Wh 'ICb .... • ou, ... aell ~ n, .Dlo a Wrung o~ alOb ' e " . , d' I ' . I.. chlnll to them . from an eXF'QliUII "buut 8 o'doek In the mornln, In th. brig repnl for III Itw•• ,.. peace••ad III w.l· 'rb, ..... are ...... liI.moky .ell. matter; aad w. do DOt lloubt IUD tJIII ' 11lllR. DIOn~ ccmI!Dencr: na provllellf oflbe'oollege. Soe had f redl . J ~ " '" " ..... rth " '. " Iny t,·tbe&. tiler lb~" been married .Ix monthl, .ud WII ell. 0 C'; II. , IIhn Martin HOye In .iaht .nil bure dowlI tar•• &0 dIacoaatea-.ce, IDd by all ' ~b, claudai .... "n.~~ w orilll.8On lor w. ,uppol4! II. lad lOt .hoW or , 1Ih~ '~ pi ,,.lIm,n( on and h~r hu.blnd h.d only a~. . We .hould Buppo.ethat thA pre.ence , 01 to the wreck, ~nd took oft" Keeler ,b, • ropt , ~ .nl web eaterpriae, lad I pa_. ___.. .a oW ed~~on of bll J~u. work ¥ath. both .Idet o,f ' th,;,. then ;;ved the oreviou. evenin .. It Luon. {rom 10 large .n .mouDt (if lpeC;\t'. in • city like .nolher m.n, Oapl. <;.lIlm, formerly of ,.U ~ ol,bl. GOYmllIW'.t Au beanD, ..... _... er G-ooae' .ocI we &lil.k "bell b. . , ./, • ~. p' h I I r. 1 T II f .L >. j , ~ ftlr 'II JMrIe' ' " ' " . "Dct a , .1I1!. brln, , thin,. Ili~, on thrir 'wa, to ,Iait lome rtll". lin I. W ere r"~ ut on•• re 10 " requent. till , en. nn1. w••• va on p.rt 0 wt cI,n OI'IIW~a'" be ~laDt ID amldD, !Oalobfr • . ~. IU~ or JIa ... ~ne OPt from Ibe.prI~.r1 011.t Angoon . would' be dlngerou_Tbe 8oc111l.1I .nd wreck, but w •• 100tia eqde.,orla, to get for trial beT nll1""'" ~ 6' P.1r mOllth,'; 41 ...... wikl, • olear I.,.," Ia. will OpeD hit ,,01 lorr "d . In ' lUCia thin,. u.e nne 01 the Ly;nl plpera .lIte. tbat Ihe Red Republlanl .re oppoiied to tbe exist· .bro.d the brl,. tier. .... ....D_., the IIw. A. our I.a • .... I I Il tI f d "'1 be ------_ S N TbCN • ..,. II• • ...,llIIpi..... thlna we III. 'alee _ , man' aad . ~ more Inertl,. crim. \he b~lJa,d di •• p• •~Il. Dt·dt tU ollllk o prnPt'lrtYI'dl.n ' bum'll lt G,"~III)' ~aild·th. t ••"ij'oi..... 1 ... 10, . . . . . . D rrom. eIll.., • • .,--, "' lallor', ,b.n itcould nol be lIe.rtalaed what _mp e 0 m• . e ILprae CI I.trl t OD T.ACVn, • Y.. Oct. u. fA the ),.er ,oj Lord l or rool$P .iId tad r".~i b. lod• IO , '~ ,.pproalm:.'!'. ~b.t _1IOta. of him. The murderer upr... thi. bank fund.. . There. w..' •". cir tIhI frI~DdI 01 , one'~ eitbt.b1iatlrJa. Q4 -."YoOlN.1 Wb•• hf.·. brlPt palb . u gem'~ per Of lit called ...., dI.._doIi. w. . not the oIlIptf'lt ra",.t for bit borriblo If the \brolle w .. nol .. re III lII48,'Wllh II'" ,nd heJel ~re "ut aqon • .... .the ....atJ..ldaof .... 1~ _Ith Ilowera, tblnk . . . . . . . , reeHNlleH for ~W. obllptloa. to Will. crime Gfiligum", M " the ~Id 01 .Iaty lbo ... nd lroope. why ~Rfr iI. ur,.allilioa, WI. to tM .., .• of the United • . • Whea Hupe'a ~ . . , Ia jo),' p~ caNful pc_I. ~ 4lU bee,..Dt "",- re- I.m H. II. Sen.tor. (or. c o p , ' - ' -,er. would the bank ",ult be when It i. I_pt. b.nd of~....,,"' who.. were Iftenl . JltLLAaD nLLllOIlB. howen, Iee~". ~hll poemja whleb the poet '~YI. oj bll .• W. ~l In. c1ereall of the Tile NeIl' Lerhl_ture. Ible or ell)' a dI,l.ioa batwllen troop. prqUllnollt clt·llena. ~n... coa.lderable .• , th, Preeldenl: , tbl boan, . , . e,.~,.,. 10 W. ,......".,~ alUroed ooaaplnt'olll. who tried la Th. B~.teamsa .. ,.. that '.0 tot.l I. 'he and p~. p lel-&ua.rtI p,..". t11.turb.ace the rioten we"" ntj",*" 104 TbeA were . 'I . C.irrInU. AndDJ ~'1' of bourl. . • " r .... for" ~ ~ -igAI ~. '"" ~ Detrolt.,1a Se........ ..,ror A~ of Whine'I,' that 'he h.. no COIIr· Ibfl_.JI... ·.Uo .. etllD p''!Ceed. SIIIII .. Iioet deer. IIIOIt tIett 1:0 IDe. .ya OMI. W. Iat... DO "ire to dilcull ., ', • a. , 10 · ~~w It- r~jeilll. (or (eer 01 LOCOIIO"lIOI II ru U.ITED BuntGenlt SI.ltb h.. llIQad en add.... to th. • '(IW.' wltb OM "Ill, Ie ..lden 10, .. uch the fveUn,. 01 the fillea fOIl. The London Time. ~f .lie 18th, h~,.a .r· Ubarty pertl, la whleh.b. ad.I ... nern.~. Park .lCO'...... e Y... October, thoia ut. d!ar, OIIr".,.,nor, botb la . . . . .ad • the lroa . ~ . . w•• Dot 'Ibeir' jnlenlioa 10 be.t the tlole of 'our or b. foluDlnl la leDath "n 10 rtll.lIncr:, n.o &0 biClOll. S. ctll. On nunU, " _ _a, 'Dr. ·GoII4lle and die ....ban 01 the .Cil1 CounGil ,Ial~ Tbe . .eell'lt moDth 'or aU thIt' ,.ear. ad cobleCJlllnll1 WI " •• lip the ,laid' for _pe .... o. of, 111.10.. eo bedl,. aad 'lie' (tell mOt'. like the. progreu of the United Statal In the Pruldent Fillmore. C_ .ad"f, Tim., with bl. IIIYer'elledie4 ca~. the p!-al. bopl ... that otJr ,.peI friend,' --.n1•• 0II . their p.rdon. tbln erowlna over YanoUi m odI of lucolDotloa. In which Dlurd.rera. \ ' " tII'lrOoada fOot \be Perk, .ad I took • ~ around and oYer \be ... . I, ... ,IIUlt beer .... _n .wa,; m., 1Iot pt ,bl. 'b~ up. It Well, tliat will 40. Colollel, wben our river. c;"a.I .... nllw., aliI. Yet 1til,I withlD . , .balI riee, '.11* ..... ...,,.. .. &Wah we ....,. , Il!'* 10 kcI!,t ....tea,th.' ,OIl feel ~.ed'it Iealtb. It ~ ... ,ruo. Oat, II. ~t.lf."t!po\ for the ~.-. w.ll COYlred .,.In. ~· (or , \bay are beatell !~. Tbe 'E!!II.nd baa bat• .0 ~I" .., the The fTlpellot AtJ.., of the Dttrolt uI With ' - Of,. roll"I, .S'.'eet melllOriNiJ Th~ COrpOIlI If·••• of IIIID)' t1y", ' 1'II&,1'Ii Oil i ...u:-w. S\lteIDIlD linllC" the Le(illitue .. fol' .plenCiOr of her owa acbl"e••all.ID the ,Oldtaab." IIDe,'." wrecked ID e ' pie .... ~to fin 118 aurface a d1~1 ?~ m.1I1 • {utare dq. Dcrnu orlltlJl'l'Ul_To" • mluiIa'um_ OAI o( voluDl' ' 10wI; cre.tlon of. a_.rt to traaejlOl't.., laud OD ThundlY alp' at th! IIIODtII at .w."..,.... lal.jlllt ""rthwea' or ........ • IDa .......Dd'Will b....I· )[L ter of the )(oet HIP,.' to No thil It It"lbll.bad la ~Locoe. Whl,. "ree Boll. aDcI w~ler. WilblD the .... 10 ,eara,. to &i,.er. No fIIrtber pertleulln• IJ etreetruaalDJ Dorth 01 Ohlo.,brlll." ~cI!IIIoD,.EdllD' ,lIId Pro.5 9 I beCOlDIl la a . .sure iDltaiible &0 all TIle arat IDOW 01 lb• . . - It " .... , 1JIO",."1'DIidun, Dot eml)' ID tI!••1tht It. W.. liarn datt Hr. W •• l'laL Illd mID. bul of God hllDlllf. .eD, prjlltor•• ad i. cJeyolllllD Temperaat!8, 88 be. beeD eccomplllhetllD th. , ..m. iaw. . 1oo41Y· ...... .;........ 1,iD' Wilt .... noitb 01 ther. ere Dnne, wJioee .dlana .IId m"".. lIoteil JIJ~u...,. O.D4ft! aDd C" nI, .adla the lime cleperc".t of the ute -------meate ere more elo.ely w.tchN. more flit . . . .ell aIled up b.,.. 91 16 • _Ic.where.· JlAIImLLL O"L .... . . PerIl, wUJ 1"'.1... fill' etrHtI .19'" ew. of ' It. 10 ...t .here will be ....... £1IlG." IltlCtll H"ce Ihf . t • 1it8r .. It Je a~ and w.. do DOt Rare., h. 8011 Locoroco 1••1ected Th. Tim. ~ h. ICCOIlDt with the Th. 1oC'0ll1otl,. 11141 tralD .r ean., aU . . . . It.. tract .boiIt _lit)' or ·IAttiD, tlMi' L!tbt'lbIne cloubt lu tl:l....... but that It II be. It of the Common P ..... OYer Harl.n. NlDIlIt. tblt lb. lOCIal ' and OOIIIm.rel.1 throwuotFtb.tndi,foar_'_ ~ c..... fertJ . - . ... oompued with otIIIr prOt Ia th- right 1IIaD_. W. are IInDll aboakl rlOll.. a war• •ad b•• rty III Olerk. Greene. 'Warren ,beaomell.of coall..,. ere without • •frbeabuTl'''' ..~Df. . . .r. e"'''............. '''a "-11-' , .. _. tb ""'-- tb• 1,r..J _.>• II l b ' owa .a ... ...., UjolaiDf It, II wtU worth. forty thou- . .... - .... ...- ere ero III1D1 uolllliP.ra....... ..._ . . . Te.perance. It I. Cllllton. the ItJIoapal WhlJr Dlllrict la pari e ID l • hlatarJ of billal. I.. pra.,," killed ~ _ I ."-'1 I em co.. (iOaId of.lateeD 1,1t.ra. ......Ith ...,.,.. to lb. trutbl or lb. Bi. pUllebed IDoathl, ., the loIJowlll, raIN: Ohlo. -CiL Go. .enll, 1.111 "'., if accouall of ~ IlIaD W.. • • .,.. ......... ID~~_ ~"I""'-CDh 't.. J-.IIl. II, 11,1, I. 1.Je th. IIIId of • m.r la ble. bJ the wroDf actIOn.• of th_ wllo au ..... eop!ea, tn, on,-; .... eoplH, two ' • were lICIt fOllllded OD III0000tNtible .tltle&icla .. Y .. P.Ioaute-IIlrOaTAn the 8.~ e II 11 Ie the ' f ~kI bt,ber 0IIleet of the uaclDUf. wb_ doIlIn; aocI"leta copIu. 8.. dullan. • n. ~.....I.e.. ther ~ouId .ppear lD beloD, to flUle filM, A .... adM -frla~ ~ ~",_"-a~ . .., D. . . 0 a Ie IooW .p "'I!..IIIIOI& et the , r-Th'IlnP'erin, _IOD it "plclly .po chaD to (.et. 7--' y~ S...... datt tilt IIIIDlal, .... Impor&lDOl" . .BIIJle ItaeU. ~"" ~1'IDJW. ~. prDI&Ihta, .Dd • .i,ulri.. ere _.. .. .. ,be N•• Yerir .... JI_ s_ &air &be mail it·10.11.1t.II.leoneortw.I.. dniatl.....IIdaotHlariltlaae...rroll.SlDforlll.o tHIr-\ ........ __ .-.I.L_..;...f.LoaprJ_~._6___~ .. th••,.,...' train rr- tile ,... .'Y' ~J ,- r.! .......-.-.- .... (Il'0l....- ~ .... III .....v•• manT or tIIe . . -. . . . . . . " - till ".-' II ... 111 la ...:.....1 erticIe. _ware tit. " Ie 0lIl, of ... Mdct.'. It ProIpectM.I.. tile lD ~1U''''.~hlcla wm IIIYite tbe t'eDI-A ........ ftelatJ' ......t Ja _11LoI-... _ _ . .,... •• •• , ta - " • prlDII IIIOYen oI'lII. cbareIIlD .... e.....- .. we 1II1'II ... _, Jt -. to .. .,_L_. -. ... ".... . - ..... . . daDChaqIa ... if.1. .... It .lIIi We ...... Jitale --.. . , ... Mer....... .... oar 1IIIIlft_lo 10 " ...... wll ..... " ....... at . . . . . . .... on or .... 01 • No .Ir.:-. &0 .h.. Iect. fa 1M .,..,..... we ... . . . 'TII'k'" ............ TIle .t , .. u... ... 1M ....... ....... _\lilt hi . . . . . . ., ....t It wOI .................... . . ....... . ........ 0IaID. "ptJel.or U.......... _ . . . . . .............. W_ ................. ......, ...... __ ....

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.LOmIYu.r.a, Oct. T)" .... mboat Summit coUapHd aGue

on Satard.; DI,hl a,lb. mouth or yer. Three or the h.nde were bedly ded. blit no Jlvu loat


Georp, Remlon. a painter, In • fit of mlllia I'9lu, jumped IJI~o the 'Iv~r. the •• el,IDllrClllbert. to-d.,. anel WI. elrow. ned

Nsw You. Oct ~8

... N

The Brother Jonathan a"l"eel here to-day Irom enarree •.v.Ia Mobill', where ebe had 10 put In for fuel > 8h. IlfInr 188 pRilengcr~, but no lIe\\. of Importance W.lterForward the I.te UlliUld Slate. MlnI.ler 10 DenmClrk, arrl'l!d In Ihe P.eI·

lie W.UBIKGTon. Oct !l8 The Inlrlllgencer publlahee lhis morn inst a l1at of Ihe awarda to' American can. trlbutn,.... tu lho London ElfhlbllllJn The I .. lcomprlle 16p awarda. and 60 who .re honoraely mellllUlted. Senator Brillht. or Indlanl. I••10\\ Iy reo eoYe"n" from a ret.ent attack of parelyals



l'J::llSOl'ls ho ho,o lI\!cn Ihe T HOSJ:: habit, Ift'llly , 01 ou rlly prolll' hy eUllillg II YOUIIII nntl und., \I

Itc ~ p8e~1I11: dd\\ Ir~.s



bru.h , for tho tJurpns. 01 lI)ltqiulnl: grap"" , "'II h er~by 1I""hlt\l thul II they \\ III 1101 CUllltl 10 me ~oo " onllm uko tnli . r.CIO Y allI endme llt Ihuy will ho pro.ceulutl, olld 111I10lle VIOIBII " II lilt: Jaw III dUll! nUIIIIIl~r HI fUlur~, n o~d nOl

look lor Ill.rcy to be Nho \\" thOl11 JA\IJ:;::; JI NN I OS NMr \Va) neovill o, Oot ~O lh, II3~J '03w

I ltECEIV I!:O anti for 1111 .. a lIoot! J U~ oorllncnlul St ~"d. ,d :sc1,n,,1 /luoks


J lli (;1-11:; &. SON



HE SUIJ.;GllIHI!:It u" "r. r<)r n fnrrll T Ilill ncre. III Jock.oll <';"UIII), fndlon& I flrty. clfJurcd hell11llfOVCll10nl~ a yc

ftC Cit


fOllced, IWo Il00U hewed log lIouooa , lJ, ttck 811111b ~lioi', Cllb 1I0U80 louie, ute, 014., ull "I'ple orchard 01 bcartng IrllCll 1 hu ball.llce lJ ::iI f( ):;U1:JI VEU Irolll Shurpl,,!! &. Soli 01 Ihu lond I. hoo\lly IIllIburoo wllh 8 usar 1 pa Cr"pll L, •• i. I pH "Ilk "'''f.t, lnill. troo Hcecl" PUI,lar anrl A.h I l10 u1t0\8 pr" puny U III II 1I.,ckly 181110d nm llhborhoou, t\\O ~ook \lllki. :3"I'1I,mt L&I"enlillo lUll! Deree CII"oil HaU, In BCllllmore. WI. damllged Ulltl 0 hulf nilice Irolll :\tIll l'or, uno 11111. Irom lonilt plllin iSh lll"18 JUB\ thu 1I.ln fer-Yearly OOVOBS,OOq. by fire thl.. ornln, to the exlent of ,~,. Iho l'lonk I("ad I..~iull frulII Iolr.rovllie to MO~I)III: and j\lr 1Il1-. b~ HAlJDl!J ,.... l\IeCLEJ.LNU I:Iru" nOlo"" "Ii"ro Ihero ~. a . 'enm .nw 111111 000 OBITI., OROVP, ! . T•• III o"orlllion. e~1 111 101101 from Ihe JelfuraonVllie &. eel u n.l)ul\.R alii o!¥lt .nd ~\r<,'e 1IIi1~ e l •.,m til", . . . . , WBVOPllrClt· IIr~at Roll Rooillhol I" lu be 111118h. III,01ll Cln LoUJIVILrX, Oct 28 olOn~ 1I 10;:,t Loula 1 he .I,ove Jlrul"'rt~ I . ror AT TilE SIGN 01 Thore Is nnt eoal enough here for more .~Iu ur exchnnge jcor 01,," IfrOpo ny For fnnhor MUN" Ihe lII,m\ rO\l 8 (l'ICO)YOrlC' :science P"rIIClllllrs cnll all Ihe IUbMcllbor III IVa) nOB 'hili a week'. tonlumptJon It I, now eel· ho s mnd" In Ihi. Il"" ""c"o" 1ft f~c IIHn l~ tlllu, Warrell Coun ty, 0 111" th o l UI!UIIC!.!UI uf hfe-lIlo.ren88 10\ CIIJO)IlU!: lIt , II HAnlliS &. co AilE DAILY RE lin" At SOc per bu.hel JOHN COLL INS nml eVlIl\ I'rolunq thu tt:rm 01 h,wum tU. "'t tlIlC~ • ""IVIIIII ui" al INm Ihe Clli US ul Oel 3011, {, I 10 If NEW ~OIU\. AN!> PlIlI.JlUELPJllA, Hunt' cul\ 1,,0 IlnUlU\1 of 11Iure f(lol ~ .Iuo tQ mun kind. lh 'n tllI~ .un ln utni"" Od Ch mlslrY I" P1TLSBVIIOH. Oct. 29, P }I Ihel r vory oX len_lve nnd b~!\u lIllIl .lock of llo e Iilln l l"~ Art A va. , trloll of He \ jrtu • R,vtr fllur ret't three IUche •• Ind riling thr Oulllu.ut 11118 brood country hOI pro\ Oil 1m FALL AND WIN'rER GOODS, l'fot h. Now .1,. "dcI" bUl in the price of yon,1 u cJoltbl , Ihftt 110 1ll000icIII0 oq;lO muln nlt"" Ilowl! wbl • Ihlly Are hoprY 10 ooy , Ihey eM olTer of Jew"lry, ctc. lIIudlelD&! ytl kilo" II COlt 0 ....~Iy c,,"lr,,1 W .. ,b, r 1I1'.... nt, 'II E UDSCIIIIlt;ft wlluhl rO"l'lICllul/y III 'Il til If olu Iri und~ nnu Iho Irodlllg COlnll1UIlI ond cllre tho ltumcrQu~ "rwi Ie.. "I Illtllllollnry Iy ~en o r.lI) 111 grontly rftlucUtI l,riC<8 1 h.1r hie o l,lpntrons nnd Ihol'u\lltc II larye dlscose which IlIIvo Il1lhtrlu I W PI Irolll our A delpltch from Wa"en .~Y' tbere " Ihlll lornl ho hlUl rUlllovcd hi ~ lawOtry I;lo ro, In Ihe illock hnM heell 8c1~cwll \\ uh u uicc discrt lllirtll rni,lsl thOll SIUltJs !lllli thousund I csY\: ry ),eur.&..o. 'uur Ir.t 1ft tbe AIlOllheny end rlwlng and 'l"'Ak propurly on II1nln _Ircot, ~IIS ' • •do II UIi ". to II," tn ~WI ond \\IIIIH 0' lhe IIPlllh. Indeed thore ' 8 now nhul1dnlll sensun III bo nl lUI v 0f l'O!lIC hll 01,1 Btond \I heru he hid. uorhood lind \\ Ilh "" UII) I"(dinl; du tHIIIIIIB Ilcve & H~",olly I".. III 10llglh boen \0~0I1 w!lIch dllt a f.w r.fta had 1,,1\ for P lttaburtth hill .. ~11111 rlludll",•• IV Mlend 10 Iho \\ Iwh • 01 lIun 10 I iOI"'o carl lie rcliid 011 to curo Ihll rnos\ dnll1!6roti. 111 ,llc cUliclo of We had I beavy ell,,,, 10.t night. Inellt Ihooo \\ ho III.Y In, or hlll1 Wllh • cnll I III of! diull S 01 lila IU~1:5 Our ~pace hore "1/1 lelld kl'l)Plllg 011 h ~nd, lor .. Ie a f,"oII n.>orl 1101 1", ... ,1t u~ 10 l,uLlIsh any ".,rlloll ul Ih. now look. like raID, ",.", of I!:lijhl dar.' nud Ono ~"y C uc ks 1 Will CUtoS 1111.01.<1 bv it¥ 118". bUI \V IIld 1"••.,,11 •• 11 tI dny cloek. or, Ii 011 nnd 1 ,Iny fur i3 76 tho) flllll cr IhC<1'KCIv~9 IhUIr . tock. .. Inoomp" lito 101luwIIII! 0plnllill. uf cm l n III "' n nnd G"I(\ .nd IlvH ".tcloc. lor 8ule. nol 10 bo bl nl rnbly hn" c un.I.,IIIIII" \lnrl ul a "renl venUly ruler IlIrthar e'UlulrY 10 tllO cHeul"" willeh lho lilly wh~r" IllIs aitlo 01 lh" clly uJ 111""1111,1 Of ARCIII hlliow 11.,11 d. Will "I" OYO h. plenu",' J cwelr) 01 evcry dC6cnllllon, onu n gene la! htrlllbh I.. " "herolll nrc full purllc ulo£8, and DLACK AND FANCY SILI(S; vndoly ul lIuuono nf nil HUru. I will .110 110.1 Plnan "Dol figr d hlk bro" n, ftnd oh.meleon illcJ ls)l IIlAhlu )1roul 01 I ho.o IncI8 A~b"r~t elll. D1ED, Octllber 141h. 1861, neat Wind pr ""II ,oIly tu Ihe rop.mllK "I C lool1 8 Wille" Lu s lreo Enllhsh, honch and Sftxony U" FlOm tbo PrCWld c Ul ale DIUI \\) I! " "rrunl ull .r lilY work l..alll •• pl"1It ntld fi~ru, lillhit Clothe rhllng 'Cfc1 t" ~ celebrated JPIlOF£!lSOIl aot, Rn"do\l'h C ,Ia. Ke&lo!! Day, ogt'd 1U, III.,IIbt:r 1110 Vi o ' I ~ n of 110, Hig II ·'CUCUCK. r::.;>:l . ~ Cu.blllollia lIu) ICli' oOu l Dc I,omes 0011 Wu"h cu. l l lue 01 MaUl til .. ul l Wn) no.nll • nble JnIllL.. C Ayor- If I 111"" used your • bout ¥eventy.rlght yurii • I'nriollll CI",h 1110111 w awrcd, nnd lillnJ CIIERRY }/J(CrOUL 111 my own c..o of doep B l:i1RA ll ON Ch. melllOll 1'01'1Ins. On Ihe J Ith 1I1 ~t., ut the eRfI1e pl. tl OClObcr 2 1th, 1931 39 n 'Dt lCd Dronolllll". IIl1d am .n~'"1i8d from lIB WORLD FA IR FIGR D Sill, POPLINS Ilhclllleal •.unslillill n, Ih~t tI II .~ Idlnlroblll George \V Day, aICed aboul flit) yro" US I IH:cruVF.:D nnd Iqr .nle n 8U(lply 01 r ronch, J;;nllilah ~(otoh , nud f)OIllCSIIC Oln&r COII'\jJI)olll\ f",r Iho r lief of lory!lci'il ami bron l) KIIIII.'" II NI""), lllvulll.,.) Ui) 8~1I 1001118 nlld. >cry large 810011. 01 d~rk, 1,1II0y el'"11 dllh.ullloo It my 'l(1lnll.lIlIIl.llIO ita aUll L,\llU LA~It· • r~l)r cladl.culr 'l~n 1,0 uf uuy surV 00, you nr.. 0' lind IIcn l "'fl~H I OADW"U'LADER & GOODE hbQrl), 10 .,se l' 011 think p~l!or CALICOES' EOWAIIO 1:111 OIl(;~)cK, L. L D rllt: CUllAN INVA810N IlA8NOTII· Also Clulh. CnS~91n1Ore8 Sntlno.. T ... ~ ed. FrOm Illu wlddy cell!U'~led ,,"'lNI:!8VJLLE IllUCE CtlIUlEN'r. IN«. ro DO \\ 1'111 IllOlOt: GUUOS. Jooll9, Joluuoula 01 all colors lind qua lilies, pnOt:~80IL S) LLIM.AN, III. D. G bREE!l:l:: hUI Jtl8I N<;<.lv t d by h 1,1 lUll nlld plnld 1,IO$OY8, blohd Muohns. browu L. L ..... I'role~ ur of Clae ..,,"ry, 1111.• )!re•• trom Ibe enswrn IIlcs, elul H., blchd oud eolorct! C.n wn t I~ntluisl otc • COJUlnTf:p IiV [Ill' Wf.EI eJ"lllpIl'Y, Ville CoUe&e, li~n,ber 1ltI •• iulVr"" .lId , ~~tlll~ o "I Ilhillll"GVl8UI111l1lt III • \\ ord, ev,u y 1101011 III Ih. Or), Good. lin e 01 tbe r.ll. IJ ltil i'1~"'. 'l'JtlI. a"4 I\lId lul l .Iyled I,nrllo ad,till""~ mado 10 our Ihat 18 now .nu do.... nllio w" Illeh 18 uductl 1\ Sc1entUl" Stlale~lc. of ..... er· Wbeet. VI bu. ~Oc dtollk '" ~u kly\ 01 dIll 1 ~1f!\!1 l'I.III~n. A Im ga lory hun vy 611,001, ot ieD Bud ~urope. nlld fp l ~udl"" I\.~urflll f!ot of .11 goods In Ih~ Curn, 11" " BOe " 1 tlecm the VII nltY t'£CTORM. In edmirn 81101".8 AND BOOT$, ~lutthant 10110r . hllu hie COIIII'OIl1t1Un trum 80m" 01 Ibe beal Ilrucl ..8 n.rll-YJ" .. -c ()lIr CU8l01l1018 ,, \11 nl"al" bo ~upl>lIed WII', comprl l lOll 011 Iho 01081 adllltrL-d oty I.. 01 tI,e III th o. MOIOria l\1 dlCQ ontl II ve[y offoVIIVC ()lItl , ~ dOE -0 tl,o 1111,,'1 j,! tlllh~h , I rCII"h nutl \;i rlllllll cloth~l lurm "r "nd u IIreot var,elY ul Ille 11I1\or for Iho clGs8 0>1 di8PO~1II It III 1I1hllliled Out~. lP 11.. no\\ !lOco old 20c Alao u b '"lIrU\ a~ orUlIont 01 011 CII/lh rOlltcdy 01 oLi .hi,d •• Dlld color. l' alley l,hllM nnl looure ' N ~ \V .tlnv~1I Ct ,N ,n Ifl, 1 ~1!1 Flour.:t> bbl 3,26r. 8111pr.$ 01 Ihe hlesl Im)Jortll lOllS , ClllnR"J "'Ilk I'lush ond ~I Q lh Caps anal tSilk liOl8 and M AJllR P A'11 IS N PreKillent of Ibo S C Din tnllr.y, of I::IISILth, I roneh, nil ~ Irl ... h iUPI,Iy 01 Hollin bOllr.l. bilk Ix",nel! SCnltle .... ,"" "0 I.IS usetl tho CUDlIIIV l'wro do e\\ t. 1,'76c """ur.CIIII t"lntetf l:'ortUluu'c DU~ ul e U1HJrult lJrol\land tilrnw lI~nll ~1II ~,c, Otc RAf wllh w"nd ~rlu l ti}lcccu, \I) cure an ,"1111 Dutler, 1> Ib l1ir. .AI"" n larce .'lIck 01 QU~I III " are /ilrdw y IOguliocr 8"'rI8 (:(lIlt". crnVQ\N mallon of th.. LIIII!:s Egi'!. (107: l~!c kurollle.s Ulltl Irlllllllllll:" all ul \\ hlula w<> nuu N\ nou, genor~tly 10 all which 1"0 rcapecl Frll.n OUtl uf tlltl Or .. phYSicians III tully Invil Iltt. Rllcu,ion 01 Ibo~u whu wi.h t ei L liril LuoHC. IL JUc li lt 111(191 raDij<JIIlIlolu tOil". MalllCo S,\co, 1\1" April 26, 11149 .Hot.tlleS, l! bu. 260 II nur Clilling del'nrllll~1I1 " e enn eOlltident PUrerlOde t,;HEAI' U()l}L> I Ur J 0 Lowell.~Dt:al' Sir r ano SIICII of lho ILL..! f 1~3~, S E Cornor 01 J\lnln " proll1b Qentire sntl l~ollol1 App/e •• , bl1 ' bile. CH>!R" l'tCToRU lIur g"w. aru ollur i!d ul. ~ Ir rmcly I"" prl and N orlh 1:1 'V.flO"""II., 0 , OeL I '5J, I" at~ olhor mod Ch Ickrn ~. 'f df,s I ,(Ioc. e S an~ our Irlenl I Dnd Ih" ruhllc "III lind It i"il~(lor pu lmoll,IfY ,. ... r' -:......;<. "Yrolll "tMOlFe.lher", 11. Ib, lIte Iv II. r udvant II/e IU gl~u ". a cull n, tho "'II" cunVIlleed RltJ Cotfre ]l lb. 12c 01 til llt<O lIive, tl!lI",.1tu Ihe COlifl lIun80 ol ' lho 1II"ln 81 , I)lIytOIl 0 W U lilll.EN'E 'New·Orlrani Suger. 11 11>, Sl@"c. AUG ;Nlh • )faple, do Sic 'New Orlean. Molane., Ir'" 60c SrBING VAI.LEY



BO",,,a•• llaa,



.... D oo.aVM:' loa


'lrlm!E mlEW l!'lt,&lmi



Another Revolution!


Dress Goods,






,,'r. .




Sup, 'Houle

".ple M"loll88'.

1> ill

11 11 eal



~ III, .Allop'cl'. ft., , ,\Vlolt. bbl. Whll~·ft~ h, hlr bbl,

....fl PMr.


fi8h''f 1


1ge 110


2 ,~6

Fla. at>e&l


90 ...



130 F'lMIr,'mio br.nd •• " bbl. 8,!101!)3~«1 Whe.t, 1I0@60c. Corn. 10 flf and bulk, 3a@38r..

26 0 '70c, ~Oa

811,00 b.OO



DrI.eI Pf'acbel. 'f. bu •

Dnrd ~pp~., I:1J",R. Colfe,. food Illo. )(ul~ N. 0 11 pl. do IUilr bouse, 11 ,al.. !lIOe, 11 II,

l!Iupr, FelUlen Sail, ,


Gie. 91 c 86" faa








I" er, Gmccr, "nlc.fttu", eU\rch mnddur copilta••


pbpIt1af I.

t.h18 RetioD UIII are

or the Ilh.d



0' an other





.! LBO a nice lot 01 W OItelll leser"" Ch'lelll JI, 'or .. I. by J H BAltNHARI

aclvertl.... lIlYe ~n eilten.l .. ly tlleel,.nd th. pod etreet I. borM , ..I"llo!If to IiJ 1huAnct. who hIVe been benelllI.d 117 UM. The medicine..... very ute, to the qatualon

ALL kmdsof liquon for ulo b, tho

JUia for ule J II BAIli'lHAIlT. ALi<>by aQOoldlol 01 boUJUlIlUU


PPL(,;S. Sweot polatoea .ml I,umllklnal lor nla by J H' BARNIUR r



h. pay. theprlD"r llbenll, aad promp- loll4aral:iona "y. Wauilab. DelDOc:nt. WI8.. lIIay 11 tSIO ~ o::rs,.

o::T'Pa o.oou'sJDl.l CIIOUaooV..A - - the dl,tln-iltled l,lCIlvltltnll --..' - - . . . thl. weluable ",lDeeI, .nd reo. ,. 10 the eonS_ _ of the pub< . . ..=bd - • ~ UtI R.n. W ... L .arc,. IteNUry WVI Bon. 'tV • Wood\Jridce. Hoa. WUlalne. ..... ... W •• A. Fletcher. 01

A. ItoUweU.ol

c........ •



........... far Dr. "...... Wira GIl-

. . . . .~.~.~JI~=-... II.

__f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _

QJSPEPSIA rorull. ,mERS, ... TilE "017


, 0- 111 rhJaiellJll of

... IITTEN ..........11 _ill .. _ .........





m .-.,r lOJLIII. C-'.....lI J.u4ka Hoa,,""," eo.


~ F.lom." DIoo",_ at.J~ I", ....., .Dd 1101 ... .t.a. a( Appatf ... ~ ',h11t1i ","'0" lOb.. Old.'- PllplI<!tIH of 'lli R"o&rt. lIakIo. 01 u.. ........... all elltOI ' , " - c. . . bt ... ofu.. blood. II ..., lit, whltll .... 10 dtblJlca....... _ 0.0',_

.... ,.11_ WoI,"Ir.,..1 .. .-

FEMALI;:. ....., (mm . . . . mld . . . . .aiotanl collflitiDe

.. IU .... tI.Io Modlol.. .,

II!Oh ,nlft

~ 1IIIIdll"

,.,If, tb. blonfl 11:1 ••• _1 to....1IfI .1..... 10 tb. .lseMl .. 0 ....... (ortl(, tho .'....., ocuaot .11 (alaro uo ... I.ken .Ith .atol, .1 . . U_ doblU taU". tho paIlODl-b.I.,"I<!('!lL .., tho _ t don HI<! ........11 .... ,.~"'.bk .,. ",hoeri., In .I......U....1_,IIa.alol ~,....u\. ,,,,portJoo, .nd •• I. . .l . .ble u4 .a .. ~~ft

Ihe oonefil of rbk and Ihlt

llMi 8Jr.naernC!nl .1"'''8 'uma Iro IIb11r ,I I ""or runh~r I'lflleulara enquir. of lhe un denlll~ AJI"fIL J W lWBEIl1'S

Walll.,i11e. marab GUI.


a aullleJ.lIl ~""l • tU-rnill, 1IouwJ\t.... 10 _~ 10

.............." b......

~. 1II4Ibon.llnW• ...ai1

I. ILL e l l a or au~II.AL DUILr"y. UtIo Madf . . . ACTt Lllnt A cJrAlUI'

.BO.,.A •••

teo'*' Ito 4-',- 111_.... _ aN __ """orretlHa_t .... DOl -..u..., .... or rail ..... .... .... npot1Of. ¥01 _ _ .. M iliad Re ••


.10. cenllc.toa of .... n ....

w" ...............

Call . . . . ....., ........ ~


. . ~of .... _ ,... C.... " "

. . .~ ~ IIa ,,,Il10* . . . lI...... II .....

" u.. PI"'' r.- _ ......, u.. "..... 1-


. . I'rfllIO .....

,.1,.... .....


A ........





O'IIOU'I e,"!IID .RUEII. ..... IItl" .. III.......... I _ .....- Abbot X. SUB.,l J 1M, th. IullowlJi,l I"lo( ... 1m, - _ of 0Itt 0"" ma"ufMIwre. we leel D aad ..... Charln a.lPley. U. II, Ar- dcJIlu...n- tuduetiu. oj I«-. nIH

.,..• Hn. II. F • Clfto CI _NII.til J H

CllfOllfflUI M.arcll Ie, 1~49 Dn lJ~wl:-Den~ liir, lI1y ~on, when .bout "1* IIHlIll1l8 old,Iorol\o oUI '11111 tbot dniatJlul t11$cQ.$'!o Scrotu lo u ~ .qr/!• • over l.cI aD4 bud), Ill r twl> yoar. ftnd a h.lf 1 trWd! nl 110," coluld boo 1U1I'1I81111111 by frlepda hacl Ihe advice " • • Ix or .ena of lb. coull\ry wl~ut ellN4' WI Ih~ Ibo IIltl•• uf· bo Ihied (rom II. pal ... Ih. lbe we.. ..


;;;:::;;;\j;;;:Uj;;:;;ii'i<:j:im-;'::i'''ii'j';);:i::~::: I \fto


a.ihbaee" .... Utloa. N. Y I Hoa. }rAln



Aioo. IJon




Fall .a.nd Winter Good$;

oal'" .oap. , Indow 1I111lt11, naU . , bed COl !I. TilE ASSOR'rMENT IWloe, broil,"' w..,h boards tn~cl.ero/, Lnku fish,lub,ceo clgllr., CA ndy, 1111111, r. "J ns~ lbe 11 very /,lollorol con'I~llna III port ", Cloths ~tUIl '0""" 1..1r oill knIY~I, lirenllplD', Dnger CauhuerCII, I weed., So 1111101., Jualll,'tc. TO THE LADla rlngl pockel bo.lII;l, pureos, CJJ!u ooa08 coarle anol fin .. COlli"", fish hOlJIc.. an,nin~", and IIl e.. IIlllny olher nOllon& nilt 01 nllunetl , 01 eheoll U they \lIOn 00 boltabl .nywhere 01-0 In the lown 01 Wnyncsv iUe J II OARNHARI MilD SI , eut lido, 0110 door aouth of I II ~

WII would CllII IttealloD to Sioan'a lID1n 0' now aelvel1leementi. Tbe



WILL SELl••11 kill/I. of Grocerl"". Buoh aolL'Clcd ID Ihe ellSl, Wlib lP'eal caro, boUllhlll1 (IS To., CctiToo Sugnr Mfllalll'~•• !:;IIIco.',l'el'· redllced prllleS, 111.1 ",II bU .uld .1IT0~'SlllNUI.\

A qUirt or 1IIII00n by

8PECIAL 60'110£8.


Cure orall"ll";rllvDt~d oa~e 'Of );irf"I,.:ln .-The cu"rca pltr(ormctl b, Dr (JIITeoul 'Extract of Y~1I0\\ lJ ~ ck IIlld 1:i0liUPIIl'tllo IIro I 81illg 1 ho PDtlelJllljlonllrollOpulth CUItU~uo. iu 1IIIpru• • flll, dl.eu80 is rOlltovod (;urnlJ oro II ... ~ gj,ronlcl~ullnulllllu", )'08 tully t08lou Ih ul thore clln·'Iiu no (~Iapao IIr roturn or lho ill'CIUIIl OlnV,H, lierklllJor Co, Fabrjltu1 . 18:10, r.. Ibt\ll )Orllu 10 yuU aUout IIIe vur~ "pall my WUII . whit II 8)Iml: U~11 BII!fOroull I:!ky~ipul"9, with wilieh he WAS ",lInck.tI In IS4t1, &111\ 1)II)'lI, ~uu8, whu lriod thol..: skIlI11".","r bt>utlillolni .. bulc\ .. r Uu II oallle TuducOd 10 & pettOcI km"'1 whlrlla were COIIUIOI1~lIV o{J.QI" r,lillllr WftH bul/l clI t lIy81~lnl\8 lay thut 1I1~ C.~U \\ ~. to brreet It/osa I~rribl u IlOllgrnlrllr ul~ora M~ nulubbu. huil Une 01 Illy l oll/hOOre, "ho 110<1 cu.1lfl """UU ","'8111~,U ..'llIe, wlsl,ud ID O III IlJllk" \I Id.1 01 II nlld luotL'" iJlBn ,,,1111 "ny hope j)f I\01l11111 ~ncJ eurul'urlli." Bntl COlIIol Ollewd uSUlg ve touloro hu "uti uij~d I/IU tlur<l bUlllu, Qutl II bill Ile u$ulliu olll\~ol\/) "~Id » dutlng rOl/loroll, ~V. ly VCWlI\i:u Ul liIb <11..,1180 uk~OIIl I!I • Iluollb ul' 14> Ihu\lIU'UI1l IItIOU JII, rpoIlY".y lUI (0 tl.u u.t) of yuur YU/lI'" Uctck and Suro~tJUt Ilin und.r "teOlllbllll.ttuli. 10 )'ou, ulld II I~ 'Villi 1l1~.t JUY whllt )our is"uftj)Ul"llIn hnve <111 11'; IlIr lilY ,,,,1 lluijpuulllllly\ JA ~lI;;S I, USSEL

lWlDIdlNE PROOFl PROOFfI 1',ROQlI"t II 11 CUI't::l;\ LIIfE r.1AGICI VIIIOII from (udlolll\l--.or. E"a-



Look Out


T . . . . .1..-


deDcetr 001i MnUI ). I luna 11th, laSO R D lioWE , & (:;0 -Gonll. I hlln bl Illi C\llhclu~ with .. CQUill\ lor Ib .. I~i lbfQoet lour) o~r~, whl1>11 coogh elllM Yllry nODr lIkllltt 1110 I<J lhe a ravil. despite. or all (ho medical till trolllll1y h.mll)' 1,I'),8 IUUl.l\ 1 hraJ ptl8plllred or evor OgRIIl bemg rc.'''r~ 10 henhll Sill" I"On/.h1 ngo 1 nqncou 11M ItI\erl.acmonro' Dr. !iO\I U 8 Sb~ket .sul1l.p~rllll l!:xlrac\-llluuU' dlilioly 81) nl ond pr\lourld ono hatlic QIIdllon. lIeIlIOI), Ih" . uBull or to kin" two bOIlI ... \If Dr /lowo. cOIllI'OUlid I!lxlfilCt of !:I.rBlI,anh, h~ el,,80<1,,11> 10 .1IY to yo'l., 01111 stlY w IO IllI~ COIt~OnJ, \h~t 1 am onllrcly I1lllevOillrOlll I eel/llha, pilin ill Ihe brOli1 &c. MRSI NAllllAN ORAVES I .N 0 I will J~~I MAl to YOll , II." nl, "il. has lJe ~1l tn~Jnll Iho 1rI"<!iolnc (Ilr '~lUe IW weu k~ rill' 0 bBd 01tt"h lIn(l \'~I'f 111 b'lNIII , and ,hrqullh III~ ,ho UY. lln\ _be nev,r b.. 11 ell ~"Ylllijd,c1I\t\ Illllt.~ol\\1lU to "Ive bur .. lIIuch r lIal nK yilur il1",h.lII . llllll"oef(ull~, A1IJAlfGRAVES. \V Il . ' L L __ II ...' .L • ..1 ~ mILY-=--H_ tU8 Coor JUIIU'1f j<'rlend and FamUy l'hy.le1lUlf ' 11' CURES LIKE MAGIC • A Ohlld Sevqd' (' lFnrf) s c..1" - rll. luljowln, ..Id.noe ie IIl1ly o n~ of Ihoue",,'" oj t/lll1iJAtcllmraOler) .nd eOIlClliil yc(y prove~ Ih)lt I)r He/loo'. S""\lII' nlln I, ",I) 01 Iho!DO t ~lfcQll v& rtmodi., UK

Golden Balla


101e. 81c ,1,'75

A I'emoles, Rsad lbe Followln;. N~wulrl N: J , lAnuo ry %\h Mn BIlN,'ICTT'- We toll" plcullru in oltulnc Ihol your'Yollow Dock. mntl SOflll\Jlnrlll~ Ill~o. SOU9IUOllon '" every ollsa I .A very rOSflCClftbl1' gcntleman It.fqnn~d U8 thai hI. dotllllll~r "'OS Irouble,1 wult dlm.u ll ntt n 81ruOlloII allu <Jlber dl~cn».~ peculiar 10 h~r _ Jt Sho hAd 1101 had her req lclnr m n ~ ltuul dis olll1rllo lur u 1,,1111 thllO, ~UI by IltII ueo of Ur. GtlYBV II" Yc llu~ U~ek bllil ISnl~'oI)arl llu" 119 rad lcally corfl\l She u~.d 1 ownseIlO'~ n.ut Altlluril \\ I h<lut r.cblvlll!C Ih~ MI "hle luunulll 11" h,tI onu i1,ullhlllt 10 diU Irull1th~ aUllle aaulle 1 1:; l'ltIl'l:' &; CO



&10 , aid.. , ,

""""".o..n, 2000 iJU8Iit:LS HOUlIoiD I'OTATOF.8

!'w,,!!de'l1d v callillf<!, In I~el, AN 1 tJ'U IlIIlllcdlBIOlr IIY hu. hno of bn l"e8 ~, .. hlch no 1 I HARUIS &. Co .,11 th~ !,I«CO, or mak o "I' lO "rd, r, 01\ PUlU1 OILa hurlCt!l IIOllce ••pu 1\ U,i t;A P 08 they con URl!: Fi. h, l.~rd , and bhueCd 011. Just Dlvlon. Xolli., or \l1," ... h ~ru Ueceh od UIIU lot. aGio toy ALSO I hnv e Qn hlllill 0 good M50rtlnent ff Ad, nootlo ClullnHll hIT Winlc[ .. unr, COIISI: • 0 01 9 lew L H H",RRts <1ri Co ing ot Ovurcobl8 WIIrulufi.o Or ••s .nd Fruok GREAT ATTRACT]ON CUftl., PQllta lind v.... tit. willeh 11\'111 ull lory low J Olh j)repan'<\ ut 011 lIn1 t.., 10 fIlftk. up ~TTnE gnrrnolllll from gfJl\d. pnrchuscd e1so" here, III Ihe Ileal 81yl0 Allti 81 ft.. luwesl teloe, oliO cul IhljT dune loorilur " I: onlo lllber Ihu p'lbcc o,er I3re""I!11I &Crum US1 ItECEIV~O AND OP,..NINU AT I~) • alorf) Main wlrMt pnn¥ VolI"y\ Gwene the Oheop SIOru lun Malll Slreal, weat llilo COllnly Ohio J J Vl!:ttNEIt,I'rUIJtltl,or I>IC", uohl~1I Dull) D large autl beaullluhtoek OelulIPr, 1.lh. 18!'> 1 3~ II


1 14~t6t\.

F.,p," ,


J VERrsl!!R lak" IhlB me lhod of inform • the !,lIb"c. ,hal hi. I llICk 01 .... ,I "'r Uoodl II llilW CUlllfllete cunsI811nll • UOi lIupr~8,



Hall of Fashionl

0\ er 'lie "tor~ of Dle •• lllar 4r Cromle,'1 I be plnce for ~bu. /lt~, on,'l'rlur worl" Dntlcllt!all ...d durabl .

85 00

Lnk\! S,It.

OINClNN...u'1 JII ... IlKETS.


$P~G Am),


ft" )


tii 1?

If( qUART 1I0~T1.U.



~The foliowill,l. one limen, Ihe mOllY IIIBllollunl.l. of the llnoat valuo of lhl. medlalne Ita ~ou~ce 1li luch 1111 will II 18111 enude Ihl' /Ucdlolllo to" folr trill ond 1110•• WIIO ma)' IlIU.

Induced 10 liB UIO will 1101 be dllllilpOllued in III " l/oCIII. ~FroDI S. F CDr)" ElIq, Co\IDllellor &llaw. 10 tlld '!CIlOli atCanclnn'" t;liIC1Nl'I"~I,


UClober 11th, 18.5

MEau, S.t.lfJ'OlD AtrII Pol ••...,.I" Jun .. 1..1 I wu .tlaoked with 11"l m08' .tlbellu" .11d. un plel.anl dl~, tfwl.'1jbllll .nd ,. ... ~r' 1110 p"rllxY'1II1 rollqrlloo :tully, anti wllr, vury Be v" re My PhY I lCA\ 8n""I1I'" bAd ....n muuh ImllR""" by a previoul DUBCI( 01 I1l1io • Fov~ r Haviul IdOd .. veral lav()rhe relllodWe wllhoul r .. llu," • ItlulI<1 III who,,, 1 ~Iidellco rtc tnllllluiidot! Dr o.jjIIild .!nlll. Chol'!lu(lIj1. J Itf(oC"r~tI .. botlle ollill(lllow84\ lhe eccolIIl'nuYlnll tUrKllQn. Ill" _ ..quon"" .... fIjiot I had bUI 6110 parullyiIr" alltsr IIkon" till' Itrat dOle, and m, lIenera! ... r.",lIly rMlOfjId wliiOIttl ublu" any ()th r /II eUIClIlo 1 dlllpeDa.i d,e renlftillder IIJe bl:Klle to l\¥1> oilier IlfJraonl .Ibillad), olllicllld aDd "IIIJI .all IO rlliulUl 01 ,hura bad le1r ..t"hl 11I~lIlhl, elld wu relle.eel III lwo) lJu)'. by Ihli 01 Ibe Uioo/IIO&ue 1 CI'Rud I lIIydui} •• II Ii wy )llo/lllut8 10 NlC4i11U1e~ ii, havlpillfMl JUOII ell WOOl)Ub<l"D"" 111 h ....n.tho pOw.r You,. truly. S F CARY





)OHN D PAR.K.CJNCJNNtLTI. O. r~ &Del Walla., atre.u.

c:onaw of

ONLY 401lL'U .FOil W~lAIlS BALSAM OJ' Wu.O CHERRY, EXTuar or Y&LUI. Doca AJ<D Suauuu.L.L





1- '-








proud and' g(~cetlll' 'Life bbd ' l~el ito po~er 10 '!harm" man's wuy I y i,lldctl 'hll11 ~' Oil ~Ill!j'. pr~'y I' 'A profe8~,ed TI!~e, 'tqo, ~'III vi~,~~ 1G111IF1A~ ' lt1m:£m;lM~. , ' . If hfr ht:arL'8: mosll'an(oilole love ~opld not . 10 hllr fucjllllling 'wile". w\~hou\ silspeek ' me !18 1111' Jncllmb"II,?'! on Iliil aatete!; whu . '= ,.-m'-'=" '!, ':H± ' ' "~po,! hia c1ipsklhore ~I;pn~ ?', b~'given to I~fm. , . I " ' 1 lu~ he II'UlI the victim of 89hi$l~ Q()sign und 1\VIII thllllt no 'Il/ve, I~? Coll~dence; rea' ' ', ; 01l 1»3not..',. , 1'be n1or~ning ~Iuw of. bonhh!" . , TI~eir corre8po.ndence. biouahlllO hope arriH~e. AIlVildll to~·li~r '&.iml'le' .child· ',pec~ due.lO me,; wllO wilhin8ult my feelin" Dr~ Fjtch'J n:o~e (II Iii. Icelure~ on the lind every (ellture of his striking counte. til ",illler; it breulhed Ibe .nme c81m Men· -SIlW noth ing to o:,cite "tlll~ I~DS~ tillSpl. [dc~ide my 6cn.tim en is, ftlld ,:vhhher by UII- lislld ofothc lunge, a~d 011 Ibe olude 'of' pre. , ~<Jood,' BIllel tile old : pntlamtin, r~ 11. nonce lIellme~ ,,:Jth i,nteUigJ!~~e lind g.ool!" ,IirnentB ,.w.hlclt charli~terized lbelr . nC l ion8 ?ion of h,er ~;'lli ntion9 Ii) p~Ipllll1~ heraclC IkiDdueas Iho best lIa:o)otions- of ~y nalur~. j' ."rying, heahh,uYI; ' : ,." ,l ike to 11ear' IIny tictlon tha ,CAli .~ aJwIJl 1 nIlsa. Hie brlq~III."l1r .hung 111 dllrk b~own Wh~? they we,o logether: Strllnl:e hHot· 111 IbeaficCliOll8 of t!le 0'1 eh,e.I~ved above r No.1 concluded. 1111 my COnjllt\lllona.~ levl'Dllne,ln~ I. the king lind iUlcen or!~ o'f'Qbrlat<'pber ~olurnbl!e.' , WIIVCII Iround Ius CIIlIl&IO r~rehondJ (orming ulltlon! tbat two youn!; 80u1R. BO fiued to thllll(lI enrth 1y. , Dlld III~hou@'h she knew tl returul'd. I h~ve lbe grellteill possible re I door exerciee. It I, luitablo ClIlllMf.. 'P."lwJ Ch"!.topber CotQm~ut .III! 1\ _ II Ilrong c~r~trns\ with dazzling ' whitc- re~~er each olh~r happy, Ihoultl /Ie .0 de- she had IOllt her him, frlo,m the spect for guor~I.~o,. re~oro Iheir office, IInu aliI age." bolh' .exos, · It i. one of the mOllt .ar.k~m!t!lQee.' .lIld JI.IDIl~inrbyt ia~' .. . ,neu; an~ IU8 dcep huel eye. flllshed Ihe ·cclved. .. , momllnt .o f hl8 /Doelln" ~Jlh ~811 el, Mho , tremble at lholr ,uthorlly! but to .Iloko my- f.ancient qml une of the mu t IlIluliry. . 1 goet: . ,,' " . ' . GONE, ALL GONE. ml~led fire,l Ior ent~8in8m,eloqu.. ncc, po· AI.wllua ~eturned with 11~1' rll.l he!to Day- IIltrlbutc~ ~t wholly to uttto,:t\oils .of per.llolrwret.cued I~ pl~81f1 ' ulem .n:lllteI Y-lio. do nlot.peak of it II Q dls';lplltion. but 18 : ·Qn.t I \v~1 It~ndini~Y. a big r~v". 0'" etry "na telldern~8s. 1'ltl' expressl0!l or l,l on .I mmedlately a~er A~be"rl:& ~epnrture. 80n und n,tlnd she hod ' eve:' tjl~u"ht I,Ufe. no, I posItively cannot think 01 It. au exhillrallng ond voluable cxrrcl8a 'it IK hI Sahllra! lhllt wit. drj~d ,up, Th. h hil finely .cbiael1\ld /Ips Willi firmD~ss. be- Dn~ Ihe first Ob,8. All ,\!Suul, who c~ifed to rjor to .her oll'n. · Well/old limo ',vho It no reap~c,or ot l econdto none.. It ia f'l.1\'emely .ult~bl EI}ln .bono 10 aU1ired bot., that 1:w&I 011,11- • Wl\~re IIro now tlio Iragr"'l\l f1ow.n. ne~olence, fr?nkrf!ss' ond lofty resolve.- sell her, on h~r arriva.l ut home. Will I~a- ', AJ"bert rc!ufllcd ' hOllle ", ,PI'Y tll)lt l,e p .rB~nB' wont 011· .Tile ..,llDtlemn!1 was for'lnvallila, ililtl for, co~~·umphvel. I 'e ve.r .gell ~u tie mY',.bjll;d.~cbl.( oye~ my ~J 'l'hat"arewon b\l\ an" IIIwn. ' . The Imprt18SIUIi 'eft by hili , oppeuraqce bel Stolltoll. to whom she r~luted" WillI Ilud not mllua all UVI)WU I oj hl~ .. tt~o1 .. ne nt ! wllllln u few mIJDtll1 of belnfl t~enly.onel.. knew, cured ,by dolldlng, alone, praell1ed to keep (rom ~elR' bhndltd; I~~ QA 1 w .. 111 vornalllcwo' Iln<l ·aUD!II1.r .ltoweral was olle the b~holder could not oatily (or_ her occ':lstom~d) Iiveli~~8~ 01111 Irn. nkne8S' 10 Alwildn-he could be .hul'Pier whh·a'n .', 1I1II1 ~u ,the dny of his nUII.illi/.'Er tha.tolle. he,' dallY .lor many monlhs • . 'l1l1e curewns per. Itandio,thllrJ' happ" . ned t~ loOlc down the .. Gono, 1111 gOllc. , ' get, . . the or.curr('nc~iI, of her Illst visit. . other-elto lov~d Itilll u~ " .friend-os' l WIlS to uy whether it' wae hi' pleoellrtl to I mAnollt IIDd comp'leto." and leed "bi, boat . withuut any bolto~ WI,ere .10 now lho singing Ilirdi. Alwl~da ~hou.ght ~he hn,1 never .een ony '0, Idubel. r uu cnnnolihillk how delight..' Illeh she \~88 51 iI.1 deur to ~1'i8 hcn~t; And fulfil tho. a.rongeml'nt. IUy o~inion, I I ia deploroble thnt ~Ilncing lind IImuse 001110 tiolllil\~ uJllrllum. with a hull lot 0,( WJ,osll,.w.clly Uilfillg .oolie. ono 80 IIIterestlDr-the , mUlnent Ille BUIY I ~d I have been! I hllve .~e n lJumebudy i he· was thnllkfulll 11'119 IIUt othe~,! 181'-ho fuund wnll not 10 be Raked. A tItled hus. , ment~ o( neuly III kin,l ••hould hovo ful. 1felle!j1" lln hcr;Qno \,If ',0111 had no eYel, t·OIU. In mcp,uow, IIrovo aad valo WIllO heardf , him. she felt a Clhange had ()(Jme . over 'Ihe I wo ~oth, I~ove lon~ ,,:i81:ed to Bl'C-nOW cuu : IIlunot lIe&ir(' his own 11~~pinesa ut lite J. bRnd \~U procured for Ine. 811d [ was tu len under Ihe hun of tho clergy •• lId ~hould er .n\l ,urm8-onolher 1\0 Illlle, and the .111' . .. .Gone •• 1f lOlle. . splrlL of her dreum,' 'l,'he. youn~ . IIIln I yo~ .lm8gll~e wl,lu II /expl'lIse of unolilcr's miilel),.,anulhat onc lake 111111 and ~e Ihollkful. . . boproached ~1:.iO'~ u siuful • . It il doubt. chnp .In lho etarll o( Ihe 1I0it .hnd D(J mou~h \Vhero are now the brlaht I:reon IUI'·ea. asked for Mr. Btllmont-wllh a ahl,!htly I , Albort HOlOlllull. IGld lubcllll I Ilalf· l su g entlc IIn41'ure,mllldeJ os Alwlltlll Lo.. I WeB amuilng on my, IID.gUlar pO.I~IOIl . rul whether tile 100ral~ 0.1 mOllkillr\ are ~el\- Ol/sIo! 1 never seed .10/1 , a Iliht before; I ')' 1"\11\0/11( lbo, trees up"n. embarrossed air .hf' told him her unci .. hod. inquiring loftC. . rain. Thedo 1V6ro his I~ougilli .of her, 'when a tho\U;I\t 8truck me. Can 'l netloe l eflted by 'furbidding 1111 amu.emenl', lind WUS I,caretl Iik6 IIllnl-and jelt .lud and ' ... nll ",.\V~d in C!v~ry pn!~ing breezet .Ien home lhnt ~11 ~I\d wQ~ld. nO,t ,return :'ie", nnd 1 be?lImll well . ae,qllPilited but It" , ~.lIe\V not ~,er P!? ug.hta of li i~_ 1 him and.judge of bi~. cllurlcter, uilluapee· I ilia II)0000t certliin I,he h~lth •.•rt"oU~DII~8 Is .Iookel! at 'COl. ,Pre.~ntly Iheohap a'. ,b~d \.lope, III gon~. .' until t,he nt!x~ mu!nl~lg., H~ !o~ked lit her . \Vllh ~I~-he Itll1l1 ~t ,ullcle'. 'b~us~ a I, dl~ti! he knC\~ of he 101'0 '~ ll1ch ' ted hy hll.nsol r! TIII~!i tllO I~uon whon 'Dcri~o~d by'il~ Who IIro thqse tbllt .ink n~ eves, IObked ~1 • .vnllnd l18ed ~ I~n qllt WilOltl 'nUW Ilt8 sounda 01 yeelcnlnYI " momellt 08 If lo~t III thoug!lt; but there lwcek.' , . " . • 'I doume,d her young h,e 10 tlle w.llsllng Iire8 he 'PO),.I" OIl onncal, .Vi8~t to Illy gudm~ther; earlle'l inlo contumptlon IImllng ) 1\i,!Jes1 pl,ece at the bolll! . of th~ rlve~ , an~ th~ . 'i'he bro,,..'. gus'liina tone. \vUi something In .his.look which modI! her 'IJU\~ f~rl\lnata y,ou are Ah~ ilda! ' , But of agony. . . ' , why n~1 pe:su:~de Iler \:0 leL· me I!er l Allow me .tu ny, h i~ ~h08e '~ho,tako dll) , ~etler who h.d DO rhlnt ~ver,lna pled 'l'ha't lliroullh Ihe 1 "lIfl e.~ braochcl playf , "yea @c,pk the QOUr-1I helghtcff'1I color I what klnll of eompB,ny Ii. he1 • great 'lIIen Ho wmle to her With hi, . former (r\lnk. Ineug 1 lenlll exercllr, Klld ' re,frlli" fro)U 1111· I!IDUlle. ,It up, \hen halld t to' the ,chap who had , G PI1~, uJl/:unq, . , ' ':. . muutled his cll~ek Od ~e obaerved h?r con- are 60m~limu Dot. very elltort.uillinll' . cum· nelS, bUI now I~lth lIIore ( truth ~y to III. ' The IlIea~ strange 01 it was,wa, in810ntly I mell18,-:",ho. at ~cltool; at church, a! home ,n o le~_lld h~ jtlm~ed out of ,lb. a t , Whero a(o llie anllo' and warrior bold. " f1l8101l. lind 1I0yll1g hc would calJ ugaln " !lxt paIlIOIIS. . " I real 8~ntlnl~nt8. S"e \VIII ' surprised at Bcled lI)lon ....lId '" ,~"ek saw me Ul Vule aro 'lIIumoU u lI~odlJ18j whose lock, lire de. waded to ,',ore, Wol,1t, IO I i'or abop WO\, That1rotlille earth upun, moruln,. he bowed pulilely nnd dePllri' 1 very '~r('ellhI8 and intere'ling,' re: these proolil of his c teom,nllt! onc,c moro Royol wlthollt corragll. wiJholl! hor~~~, · llIure. W~U8e \\'ulk i1l610~v IImi ~'IIUKa con. WUS?· tbllr. ~Oll " plntof whlsk),. Ind han. In.ce)t1urie. lonll, Ion" 1IJl'" . ,cd, .' ' . piled .A Iwllllo tu her ftll'nd' .. relllark. IHe the hupe sprnlll! up III her hc"arl thul Idll. wlLllout ,ervunls-Io ollapP"lIruuce a ~.lrl I ver'l\liun .il alwuys on serious l ubjl!cta. aed It to the fell"w .. had 00 lIlouth,and b. O"n~, 1I111Iu1I8. AII~ hI' Is gone-bow strDnge! WIIIII III t·""".~g here in II fe,l' monlhi-' ' bel did 1I0t y~t rei 'n' que,o n of his .dreama. o( hu pj'l'lenltun cir iix~~ct14tion. un,1 uvolv- j 'In a [ew yllarl denth due~ his work, ~nd drllnk it up; and.U Ihe red ,ot" elrllllkI thlulic In oill',lI'holl: livPII Ii 811,1gle ,eno- I . :C"lIIillg ill're! I~ , it p{)~,jibID you have Uut '1~~llel' w.u·s receivln'" ,i.i.dil\ves (If Ihe edly dcpen~ant oil a 41slallt rdlltlo!\. their IODII' pru1ed for beayon id aoonl!bblin' lind .tbe I~.t I .oeel of !4)m. t,b" feUII' wille Or whore tho lord nnillad)' bri/lht, 'I'ho\ Iu dol\ music'. tUIIC. Inent cun ' l'iTI:c.! impbsRI~le .tu dee- CUullht lho heart.of the dl~Llnglii~h~d pllin- 801'0., k,nd-,,~rh"r8 01 BII\I)f(I .al}fe lll·tono. 1'u ,hi. hour I. ~ellleIDbere~ lOy hCllrl bOllt · lid: III\) Ire~ler trulh \VIS littered tbon hti~ nO, mouth WII linglu"Hall Columbl",' Mln'ctl Ibrollllll lbo 10',101 boll III idatit1 crihe th~ wild und .conflicling e/~lotlun8 . (,er und ll~e,(1 I .u'p'pn~e till;."!! will be 'Il. ylll he ,did nbt dflro Ii)' maliel II, ,ull C01I1'08. Inlt autl~bJ ~.Il 1 . 1,i118e(l~llIed to the dining '. !"~tj , " . WIl~lc tl~e cllop wbal ha~ ~IO le~ .w..'cla~ , o,one, ,q l) III'n., pUllIng. lI\ruul\h Ahvlldu't1 mlild, t.lIsue fut fIIrd. AlwlHlu H8mllion lome uf theBe fiue ~iUl1' ur hls love I~~bel e\lnllCol d hi. lei.! [OUIll," h~re l woS to 8t!e f\lt tho firat lime iR ' II ' . . did e1h ; the no 8Ied chllp IV •• readill i ,tese . . . I ', • . , I.. . I,' , • •• I '1 I 0 e Illon 'Devor WQI el gne . ' \ . ' tera frulll AlwlIiliJ Ihol '81e II'li,ihl 'I,e bet. the urulter ul' II1Y 'fate,ulI lIoye r Ilur· T k' I. I" " ' o" .a 1'..110 boul!; ana the ("lIer who 11111 uiune ' ln thlll silellt rQqllh till (Ie slllldes oli duya , 6h. ';;10 w~uld \\'i. rl.lo Iil)jlof 'hOl e\ '" . I ' I " " . " ", ft .. ' • , ', ' , .' ,u ·rnu a IJur \I •• uro. e... ." , 'I'lll.' colli ble.;jlennb Ul;on, lIillht ,l'nvl'lopl'd her in durkned8. l:ihe wo .. ' T II~ WDI IOld I.. I doLe.I·i · gort.t tonee. ter curry out bor nnrpO$CS and took lIuoll got my .~~rt 0' .urpr!de \\'11f'1I a plIl~, &I'n. I "i I \I ~ , 110 Irm. "'II allnphl& hlil h.Il~"'hd wllYlu • '. I ' . . . ' ~. .' I .I '" h ". ,1J'i~lllcr III II etler nor IJI r t., uOel our j . , f " , Where alllhlngi I... velr ...tllllt! I)ml folr. or Iy 8Ix~"en, and hud Bcurccly ever thought yet t lere Will a sllllht Bhad~ pf unoollnen core illlYritin" to him lu, pl'uk of her III t emlllj y ,n"u r .. t er reacrveuj'oullir IIIUIIIII) . d b d ' , b I" hi. hilt like bluel-anu I leCt JUIt about \, ' • I II I d ' " " • , , ill I I ' .. , .. I d' • IBppy an IOllac rllll"un-L II "',lI'ln b " . . A fe 1I00l!, .0011 1:01101 o( I",·,!. suve in the Itii·.(url'd <lreoml of the un ler lie y a,ulmBle countenAnce. terma which wuuld not rui ' lIer ve'rv high. oppllrelll leulll ,w·u .IULr""uce ·to me , . '., C . t .lIt time.' . }[uvl,y.llurj:'. 18$1. . ' I art Ieu (lII " , ' ' ' '''llI!u ' Iu<e. ' III! d d'I. IIBCle d. baf- ' orourLcl'rd ulillSllYlour Je3UI Inr.l. to " ..~ uI apllur ' L\io. t h e croIYu.lud .I • 'ulure. ntlu'. n,ow "tlte uldtulll "I ~lon hu d lIS, ' nu, rllp I'd Ie "I.' r , Iml'1'109 Iy in his e~tjmotlon' ItPI "tolassi"'''' a 118 t I lonlolll)" . charp tomeI' , " . b '" ' I ' II' II b h " . • \. ,e .. I d whom. be eterillli p ... I.B Illd obl!lil,ncB.tI . , . ""!!!~~~~~~~~=~=~ ~~ ~ume" Ihe iorma o( ReD 1,ly. But ~he ,ltd OJ ~llIg I IUd ru Ie f er f'rll'n d- 'IIe" 'Id Itrona IIlId "incere altaclim"l.t 10 Ihu '. Im- o"el. .be~n hODxe • \ . roare lhe old gentleman .... he bulle4 out l' " I ' 1\ • . h' I ' ( If '" h ') . r J . J I I anywhereflorbld pure ntlunol plelllUl'1l1 r t b Cd not lo,'e IIlm~a 'lrang!'r • Ie mig L ." ever COllllllg ere mtrtlY rom mol 110.1. 0 pie It,ilided gil I' ID. tlmp If: 1118inualio£l8 thuIIg L • a., a:ter Il ung ,an rall.o r J ' U·· . . ,I . 0 t It all.. oor. ' l"Hl1i\i1 :1\ 17, ' ~\ll1'ml1l'"1tI1 u n. • ilOthe Illnpof tlnll, Ul1al:J~:I:l IiIU~IIUl~1QI. , ' . f' dl' ; . " I' ' b 'l II I al1ugrallfieatl • lIee .ngam-lIl1d El,'en II ~lIe might. he IVtlUIti . ~I"n .. lip. . h\ltlllH' tle8 ir~d t'Jfe~ ' .. ' tel('llln~ conver811l un Wll t IB ot er II' , 'I ' , ' -.. , -==========?F=' "1' 1lell I I10pO ' h I. I ( . : . . .' .' world I. not ubullOll t IPIII 'i. Ihll IIIJllne. T ... ' , ' • lIever beetuw a "lIIlIle Iboua:ht I!POII ' s u~h ·lo live tNe p ellure ~ In Sevl'rol week;' Imd on88l)d,lIince Alwilrlu IIl1lll, lu(l lho Norn. . , , " , ' III iIlIC/ElfOI UF D"IIIIIa.--'1 .., ... ae.. ', ' . • . 'received Ihl' lost of 'heau ~ . . D uti ro 11-.1 _L • IIy . tllm of IheI Apullle.8uIi al compfj!le " I h'III d!,Inn Ing ' I• eOI II)' ded ue.d to. ' .Ii , o n 10 Ignl Rcant mur.tul a8 h e.rfle I"I. ~' ..r l IU InI rUIIyell!'n. nr~clou, tokt'n. "" on; ""Inee COlltlnJllI\ j II I, f u ' I Mllm- ·qllell. ' I hl1l1 'Of Cuur.e . ,. you 1111 I II b" u.. rel on , my I'I~t , ur Alb('rt'~ .re~pej!t Bnd' .~ ' ' A L.. ' .:.::. ~ ... . __ cHuld he tie1 L tIi! IIIlght be ono Ille cob . .jf~il ... E\'e~ ' brouJht UI LugDI h er, In d pro"d e'le" begun . nlll'Y I' 01u' u I t,Ie teuc J "It u tie ..Ib B upon. BClence 'In d ort. uvol·mi Ice td.I~ walTTt!! ron TlI£ MIAMI ViSITOR, nftcn hurd uf. Dlld whom ,she gro"tl~ .lIe. \ol (rier!ds, 4e:,r h Ibel·....ud Ihe proceeUed. ~ ry callMo (or this delay, bUI ,lie ~ rJlfht Clno, tv wlli.pir, you /lltI.II"'U',r Ilt) horoe. *\JI I lid M,II ~cct, til col:lIll~' bill Qf twanty doll~ .plut" "i'L'L" .\l:J1I :" .... UI,. tN'E.. sitl!t1 10 Ree, 11I]t this. W"OIl It' licell"g iiIIMIt" w!lh luilUcul'l1 eye , all" vuice. w· dlac:I(jI~' l preilNlled, ii' eel" to her,' oi'il/ull milld.- I I1ngerl.'d; IU~ line cve~ilJr, lo\v~rtl~ , iho V clcr&'Yl!lan, L1~. Rev Mr. Truellle!h rOil ,."Y ... , • •• • OIV " I I b ' hhd h 6 hd \ ' ( ' I . , J:~'~Nor.~,C\ , I". , k I J ~ lIu\l\ln-time W. ultfau yl' t!,e myiltery . _ It III ee~ret 'I' Ie a. ca~~ ~ e r~l. II e Could ,llIi buve l'e(\IBed Ihe I~ttl!ril. 11'11,1 011 .close 0 II CtJ~v.!r•."1 bn, 0'1 m)' The c11y o/,M"oIi~o Will Ulkto by Cor. uow 11m. ~q ell A lIIanoll.IIO -F,Wa& COIITIIUIiD FIIO)! 'LAliT WUE. PUrhups Ille dedtiny ' Will alreut!y Iillke~ 10f BUrrow ."ver \ler ~uyoul Irfe,. . ," ' ,;. be1\veen Iitm" D~~ b ui)rlon.d ...h" _ayIIlK.J,hut I ~Il~er ,con~l~ered ,moqe)' and tc: 1i ill Jilly. 15~1. 'ruo ~uplllllti,OIl IJjIlJt tllll'nt, grl!~t Ylrt~e...:,.p.rtlcu'" (rl'DIi of wilh an~tll~r, worthier. ()f hia babel h8loned Wllh eaprelllluDa pre: wo~ld no~ fong have b~eb ,I.lil dl\ubt. A;t ~l8l1pll\~' 6Y?OlltlJl~U,. term8. and 1!lo~"ht hnve beell illllnelise•• illce .Ihe hillOrili1l lulne, Wellt to .ee ..blm-couldn" ~,.~.()DAl'TEll"J. f~oh8h I~r. her. 0 Illllltl lI~m08t'i to (Junk rtenlled 8YMpalhy. aod lh~, fel,nf'd ho~ IOl!glb the r~c,eived a no~e. r( ltn' hitn. cl,leI. It Vl'ry 'P~8 Ib~e ~u ,.U~e ou live hundred ( CluY1gero, who hwd .coil II with Ilia o\Vn Call1'~ ,the ncJtt. duy on hll preL'f w~(~ .1 )\nolh~1 GuU':" lwalll'riend-hip ahowed of 10vIIIg on!llhe Iwew 1I0tlnng nbUUI-llf), tbe. mlgllt oe rmillahn 11\ rea ard to hi. IY "lI1d reBpectfully reljue8lhl ' dieir corre•• pOIIIIIIs 0 )I'ur, JII: rell,lred: . eye. MllY. tbut it cl.\lltlllnllCl60,oOO dWl!lllul line \'loman, 6l1e.t .e1.e In NllwY~rl\-iO' lkr nl~h\.lll",p u'rrt \bo "',a. . rCl<olvlni to bani~a hi8 ilno,l:e beforo it fepllngs lllw.rd. ber; but Ihe wil, coquette IIn~ rarther ccq~ 1!.OIIee 'UvuIJ yuu live on IlWIlb me: Yuu ure h~U601. 'fhlt f,.re,". ol'Corle& Ilouli.t.eli ul Ufll~II' tentler .I~e 01 b.,_b. prtJdai to l AlOd nllll ,I IiI: III B:'\l&illlI"'o4Will t,oo Ibte, retitlla ·t u n!6 witl , (.-crell!! ~ ~"" ~b~~.J' be ,h. ~. tVlI "lIili . ' ~ &:oUlIIlllfll1 J.tll GUO SjlZUl!et, :fuul. 80 anV .." wilh I': IIi'" ~ke b"r hu.blDd ".1; c~Ue" ~ neat .1, Bul LUl'u had I ~111. w,hleb \\'Jlrmar Illowod~ Iighlen4!d b\1art. ., . ahe COUld. not diVine wh, ·a ,uUDI ony )oDner be n ..roealile to oi lber. hU.'reued elnOlJV~I. my uuhappy ~Itu· el 1'1 I II 'n I' .1. ' I b I.. I' lea r wouldn't ~ce Iftll. :Wtlil w.nt CD Ilhllr'Cb. .I. • 1- , 11 t" • 5 Il10 . , . ' . l e u llU c-a nu It .. 1f .,U ' ...... II JJ . d I ~ All.! wb~r.j, Ii..... WI' . 0 " Altie~t Hllmilton-for' it WD~ no other ~an lhOu!d VI III a IlIdy, Jl~11\1 ,at .u~b a , S.IIO .Iuwly rocuvera,d ftom 'the .lIlupefT" ~l~un, ~ut 1I0t ~wqte thJil. rovoltl~' .rom a ,',lnlllil erart. aliI! "tx"IICI,",.lId' ~lIue. 0'1 the Trill'. "II 10 pre.,ch: gOl .... t In t bJ ",),nd Ille llext (air thin!: ' .he ,,~ fOlld 10 wllolJe prul!nCl.! cDustd 1I11ch Wild commo- Idl~tu~!lt', ,mert'ly rrom moti""l of (rillud. de, palt' Iheal! cruel wor~11 occu~l?ued, , ~'110!' with )1ld 'V 1I1I~lur: I re.~h.~ un 1lI1c.· t l,I~jllcell\ hk"o, nl'fld8ll ' the.,., w~re ' twu 1I,.t . ' r1£:ht tL,al,ht III (r,!lIt ot th. 10\,0. . ' tlo~ ill the pelcl!ful oil ..d O( ~1l"ildu"7 .llIp. Her Ibuurh!" lO~n ,turned hllu ~nd Ippeared culm and cUlJ~sed III t IDII .(,chll~ch) fJ,dt'~II,.,lIn~ 1I~(\ep~11I1l a 1I~lnll. 1,llIndr, U. IIl1iel. 1I'ow nl~lI)' Me..'IClillli Sat qul~t tltruu"h pr. al(!r.,.tl.II ' h IOlldet.~ f~r 10 t~1!,; , ,Ihought hI! \,lId never 8/len an)lthhlll 81,1 be- o.ther ~hanllel,and • gloam.ur 'c ompany of ot"er8, !lut the kern rye . frolll ~ fflepd •. If forflfolllil !IIurl! brllhll!lt \, e ro preMcnt ll.l \Iefelld Ibe city ' ,I. ' lIot up III tilit pUlpit , lu preach; 'Twa,. ~olcc!' nut! Ioknll, ond alienO. ey,o, 'w!Lohingl)' graceful 18 the pure. girlidlt Lion played ),8r ' Ile~ pro'pecl. you would clllltle8c~hd tn abare k b' I th p IrI" II of tl. e cllu '1'1 ~ d &&1 a 11m ,,'!til Ita wvell' ' ~-' d 1'd " • ' nown; u e upu .IU I J And '~:iI ;o\'c~jllfl~ Ihin ~ ho haa I;,od befQro. beu'uty or:the r~ir ,beln,l he }jutlluo~ell up, ~leD : ' I not aume /lOW' my ~~urelll~lIt, . c\lulll behudly III.. . thun .holf a . million, ' on but to 10\'0 with all thlt ~relor of hie ' tlun 11\ ber couotonauce al !Ha thought . ber y"uII" lila munner, ··tlae mllment. the lovely TI . I d ' t Ii d d" . . II , . 1 ' ., . I ' .. 1 b' . .. 'il ' ,. , , ' Ie llOlle Dllte \levI''' y. I'e uys. urlUll Were only the Ilod. ,po 1I0W, 0111/\8 canf." brillhl where ·he pictured het ~tuous ol)d illlpulllive nalure. H'I hud I her h~lhert~ Irre8lst:able I.' IlIrm••• u....' . ~'r heart. To this kind relltiyo, ho ball e"· lurraun I'd u,.1111 COlli billed II1loln1t which time ,here were ailay bloody bultl'!. la 11.. ,low of Ilf. early yow." " found Lbe trl!08ure J,e had I,o ng been sed- ce~Ulln elf~at on 'th! hear~ of the d!~U~- er been 10 her a. a lovinl mOl4er: 'and to lII e ; ~ud beuven h~w~ wbllt a",wer Aucordlur to the beat eomp~l\Iliun. 1II0r~ • On. briaht and bOlutlful 1Il0rnio/t, In ing-to wip her at!'eclion. Willi nuw bi. SUI8~"d .pnlotor al~d po!!l. albeit -III wblom abe alway. confided til!' innlo.t" Ie. IIIIIClot ~tve. Leen hu~n~d Into bad J. not got tllill olle hUlldr..d t.lwulland MeJl:jcaWi. wore " , til. Illtt'r part of May.our I>rliilL'p<le18tDf-, only thuught; bllt he dCIt!rminell .to con- ~IWlldllll pOl~e",o,o. "ShO '!U a bull! ' of her beorl, .be loon reYellled the ou~. With a,gl1ye~ foreign to ~y ht:ru: t • '1loill, bellide. abllye arty. thuu'"lId wl,a p~r p~lcbl,nlf IIIIt d..,. Nu I!r~.cblng at all, ted. With Ip r1111al light aJltl jOYOUlI1ll tbe ceai bi .. love. nnd lIe~k her DCqUllllltuUQI'. p,.qujl~. 00 aeelllg n.. I Llcri ,to her. bUL . or the bitter aorrow, I~Io~ fnat chil. , 1 CUll lBy nOlhl,n " tu.yuu till .'ou hue ·I .h~d by rlmlno' anll ilckn"dl. &[~re thun trllld tu du It. bllt kept 1I11pJe \)D It,i,,, a04 Wemlll, wo~l~ .,ouDd him, 00' a jouruey ouly I. I friend. " . ob~er~II1!1' 1!I"y contained oo\lllna to .. Iarm lilllllt'o 'currelll that letel.Y fi,l/ei! ~ o\lo.r. IP . perton, e~plahled I.ur fO~Il\/:,len~. to (orly thnullftnd Mexicollllwore .Iu/II III one ' kn wh~t he wal "tildo, at. , to Dal10D, He h.d p,e'cn enlrultecl ~1 bl" 41berL coiled at·tbe appolnt.ed time. and a f1vll, Ih,e doubted no~,b\!r .ueceu woulll Qowillg. her cup of hlll1pIDPS' . ' ~lti.Vuvaluur,•.. See 1~1'!.'olice. ': day,'lhe 81~nl'h ur who.l' unburied liudied IQld ~t . Wd. ,Ihe .ermoD oIl\. rrlenel wltb ·.tbe Cllre 0(, I Pllcuniar1 (o\lnd Mr. ~elmont, Alwildll. IIlld h~r filth- be complete. , ClOIITIIIUED /I~xr WI~U. . '1),1\1 wl~y /' he' c~u!almell; ICl.\uld 1e~lng I Ct>mpelled' Ihe Spill.hi;da ttl hhllraw .Idr Ihl!)'ld ever : helrd. people went awa,-I 111. . . . . . of 111m. iOlpor~JI~. to · Ch~rle;, er. :wb~ ha~ ,,"c&:ompanie.d J.I. broUI~r.ill" · her. Ipln ~nd alalll evpr ~ccolI~lIt' IIIe tq while Iro;n th" eitr-. The entlr,t! 10'. un weut and th~nked, hIm fUf.8ucb I rood I~r· B~ln\ont, be~w"ell whom Ind MI r Harper la:w home, in the, parlor. Hl" ' was 1y nl' CHAP'I'EIl ~IL lief manllers. ~11I,blt~" In/l l"IlIiDlel~~; ur tbe ~ide or Oortelle lidt k'lilJwnl ~lil in OM Dldll t he look,pale,anrl red!.. buf~. t'xilled an Intllllale friendihip. commence~ me.. nl unwillinr to aect'pt Mr. Behnont'. Away! ",wayl my "ofly dream. ~ILlIClllliID ~t1IlfClBI. .tlm ill mJocy. however Il\rge, Induce dlY u'lly he 10Kt ubove 'Iixty Spllnl.rdl.and I I a 11mb; then I. a.rk~~ III " , Ie e I IiIrI but of lite ciroUUllllance. kind invltntloo to 'take a Ical and $Iav RememlJrance noy~r mlo.. a"'alr.eme to place!t tbll Jlead 0/ my tahle a hump .. ur thoulDlid Illlllan '~ whllt time tomorrow. Nln. 0 c:tuclt • d I~: ~Ia~u of ll;elr' prejje~t abod.: awbile.' In the: coune oC coilVeraalion O%;~:~~;: :;:~::·~~~:~u;~:~~ Jf( JEOPARDV, lIallked. bl.·blll,. ill irean .p~ctIl1ll8l1· . Tile M~Jtlc'an. 01 Ibllt duy ot'l'ered' hnmmo he. a'" ."a, I weut. palled :m other, ,rendered their mee\inga relotlng to the bu.I ....41 which brought him Ctlnell'. Or ke.clliulf tip Jl'1ID1U, .... uk. . '~lump-~!lc.kl!d'!' " ' , laoriRte. to tbel~ godl; lind haylnB lu.e" OIornin,ju.t Mil tb, clock .....trikio' /lio.; . .. the,r o,. he told ,h ll Daloe IIn4 phlce o( reai· Time rolled rapidly allin, to our youn, • ' " 'Yee from her cradle. But you color; (OIly SpIlllarill ali"e ill olle of the balliell COIIIl l.tJ the door billlaeif. lottk~d.l.ful... 'lew "rid fa' between.' " .lIbel', buinS'ollltl "lalioll' IIvlDIl In dence. IItur.ted and turned with friends. Six mOlltb. IIl1d, colap_IlQ .wce know thl'Y ImmPdiately' Incriliced ·them In' the ' hi Willi lOrD, to rea4 1111 btarlal Da ~n wlionU/.e hid nbt IIMII· aince be ",Imlled glance to .ber fUlher. who ro~., to .;\Iwildn /irlit mrt ·"Illln.tell'; ebe I. 'my moat plrLlcular Itho grellNelnple of MI!~ico. Thl. p.rual J pupb. bill lato ,bl. baud, . . v (IIW mine put bill uua., ~" ., .J' " ' " " I.' Alb ' , h ' lI '1 ' " , I "" . lie, "'oue ... I CllTIlI. "n~ .wllo blOd ll~ely uprelatd bia (e,et. In.., 'a"lnlt n , art I In eat .aim, her falhfri adillired and h\lnored Kue'l ;,":", were .: . , • \'lclury Iht')' · c~lebrated ~Ight IU~MIY" .,., I . ;" • • ,' , by lelte ... (wbieh. p.IS~ frequently be· ed, warml,: ' Hope 'wlil.pcred D Qal\ering 1111\1' 'ill tllliir idea. of ullh uIher., I ~IDcf'rl'ly bel, your pardon. Wh"t aD , dll)'" with .mullc. alld iIIuminatiunl in tllllir on ~rny Ihblllder. Oud bJ_ YOUI my Iween them). great. deeiro 10 .. e hlm'I, It pOI.lbfe we'l\ bnn9 r t.o .d. , the mlliden'. ' ~Qr:" . H.ill bear in, tQW alii• choltened Ind wrrec~d! Th,e; \Ould mu~ IInluoky, ': bopr; you're . D~t , of- I I.e mple•• i:OlllmC/lcJnlllhc .c. eJ~~rl'tiuII wl,h ~!I!' IUY· l1.e. '~Ulall; c:r1ed f l ~~,.tt. IIIIlrO'reidily ul)dertook to lIerv.e his fl-iebd dre... Albert HII'JIlltlnI·' 8." , I hllve beard her h.1I elI/lOlled-but thl!re W18 '011100 ti!oUy ainend tlltlr Jrront!uu. "ImJimlion-i rentl~.: ' . ~, . , ,. tbl' In~llnt ofvic\ory. B rth,II"IADW Di~ • try lbll,·loi ,r.lCler6-awl. p~le • OQ thl. 0<10111011, u it wu~ld at!'ord him lin of II .n ·, a:ll~t. ~f enequllied ibing'il\. hi' munu",. Iho CUUI.d· delt IJIUt:1t tq allllllre, and mui:lh w hilltata't! 'Oh "~, nO,t oll't:!n.ded. , ' ?Jum,.bark,ed,:,", DZ, one of Ihe Sllllli.h rorces, ~,u: ~Be. er.1 . . n."e reid .lId,iadnilkd ,Qur po~. wlderli·tund. He WIIJI' siljlnt IlUd rqill!rveil in e .. ~h · Otkr, Dn'd 111111' lile .rihnClillty. of ~llthJnp In Ihe world; lind I Ilivolun- w• .,ri~ed.t our qUllr~era, aud. 0P!lortuulty to pay" ,lvng.i1eferred vlait to hil cou_in.. H" reach",d 'heir pllO.ltn, tty-but never I!:rr:peeted tu have tlle,,.tl. at time. and 'lI aia be 'W ill , rt'markilbly which .bed. illl hU'l)erullllllu~:nce un '(Jele' t(l nl , pye "gl~nctl ..ow.rd .. the gl.... tho ellllioy were Pliraullir U4, WI heard TH& un .OD& o. OITTl....... IITI'Ifo bome,,, "eal ·l.itUe 'dwelling In Iha OUI- lic.liou of .peakiDg to you, Renlly, this l u~y Dllt! ; Oflen ~e ,cl!mel\ 011 Ibe ty,Vo'ould ladcawDY ~ncl be t~"J"uen. " "had no' conceptloD.' he ~"riumeCf, III) Iheir.hrlll cymb.l~ Iud Lbe· dl.mJI 1\1111111 JlIIC'rlo, ',-We met .• riterdl, tb.Sm li... I I fn 'd Iletml!',an I d' walre·' Iaa b ,ppyln~ . Ide011' 1t \Va Olll! d ay \"he n I Wlilib l400n .. h. could collect 111m"'''''' i'" (t h Jf , • I IIIrllo f· tl8cty. ' . pOlntofunluldlnlCaaecretherellrt:c!lo.o ut · " tie t' \hilt , 01 b 0llr~at d rUIM Iro,uI~'IJ~Po 'Ie .Pflll· (or,.a_,ea'"·a(rieod'wbO,, .. alw.,.nocei\ted by lilt happy Inma'e., with II ~a.t Alhert,rephtd to. thl. compliment With Thl. Hr:re~ abe IlIIp~ 8bl\ t.,1It!ved, relu. te.. 11 yeRrs old. aller'lln unwIII11'1Iu,Ile ill Lh~l'e ..vII '"' .eqoalu~~117 :e; r d llipulll;lIlple of llle, gud.o(w". wbic~ over,- led Cor hi. ~hr.. lD_. or COU1'te. "e WfI'I cordl,1 welcome. Aner 'pelllJloll a WOl:k unlffected ~1I1I8 and grue,.and I'Xp"",sed t ...1 tu· Iler~tlf. Yet thuuirh thlM hIppy ill the '.nl lJ lI)an8ioll, und m)' I\,elni urul"d The "'lIoIt InllnlatAt )10M I U ne looked the whole oiL),. III mournful nolee lOUlewhClt .ILuni.bed tu ... had J_ ar two unrelllrained "oclol Intercollrle biB plp.Bure It meeting Iho8fl""bo hod been hi.lociely, lhe" flint, ever-hll,unt- in Q bllll'k, Crork. mO I· h 10 mytllcowyenieilcc IIl1d IllI!n I •• ure't au ~l yuu b~~. ~een wal luch I. III.Y'be' Imc"fned ~ the IMIen gettog lIlurled. • 'How elirl' IUU set aCCjuI'1Dted11 ...·ID. with hia dellllh\ecI (rienda,Alben departed. his (rlt!lId. without hi. knowl~dge, All illg preileq't imcnl 01 eytl in her'lOul which III the btll lIIonU; 01 A'Ul,lu.,. Ilh 1 WIA' told ~p":lI8nted to IW a. . II , ~ ... t d lIeU i1te' l llrthe infemtll aodl,. lind mlaht, be heard , 'ID~ ple ..e~ ~Ilb h'l l \, to eeek thl' reatralnt waa "ow thrown 118ido, 11.1111 they . darke.lled '~II her heillg.' '~ue wouid \lev. I,fat ...y D"tllln~Uc 0111 1I11.,I·e , hJMt 0ne' pUllunttte. IW~W ard, '11I~IMI_e I,OUlli , the-dlst.nco. of 11m..." three lC'aguti.: Theil quired. ' .' '... , Wllfe tlley II~ri8ciDr the hel,lI uf cen '01,,' Hid hl~ 'a Ip~lned 11101. IntraI'8IIldence of the "Oeltnont'I,' oC .1,0"111 he r.onv~r~ell togelher 88 fre~ly ai, old ~c. I'~r b.. 10 ,him dp.rer th." 'nuW-l,le loved like I 10lllb »ud tlllll J W.I tIJijo~te •• to m~n brnlblo~. . I1ford m()ch ""hilil ...yin, In tti. uncle's q\lDrll~a~cea, AlwildD longed to tell III,~ her o\lly a. 0 "'Irlll heDfltCl brOther IUVIII tiw cllty thlouSRud por dll:,um:. Thll ,.; •Tht! ,deYIlI . .' eur companion. ttl thel~ . Idolil.' ~very duced me: ' But tl.l ~ 1D0re panicQllr. lea , ·flmily. who 'happeoed to b. Irquulnled or the prl18el whic~ I ade hili nllme .a III' Ii t~ndl'r .i.ter.' She could nut ICCOUUI ,mllti'1 h • "I!h an 11Ii'.l)III~lilifte illlpur- , Du~ ll.W "'. ~Ol me. iSee, ' : : quarter 01 tbe city wal IIlurnlnlted: thy p:UAln:: along Saftoth a,rett •• wllh ' them, But we will Ie live ~Ibert millsr word '10 her, 'lld .lbe .t~unboe llllo·r· for Lhl._ ItrunKe ulleu,illll.l. She rlreedell t4neti, mut!~ no If~eut I~pre ~"UII h nle cousin, yo,u wJlIlllld you,reelf~ dUlkua. great t.mphnlione forlh In .uch. brl,h'tnOIl w\ilcb ' wu the route I \Ook tp·. , ,1aca of awhile, and relurn lu Alwild •• who had Ii!.e lelt ill Ma hiatory Iiefu" .he " ," IIi8 m'c etiua whh r~.bel Stan'un ' Ihe tlibe. Ind III .. pile 01' tho circum· Furtber tl~l. dep"neoc ~Id not. . ed tllDL the Spanlllrdl could pl',il.l), aee the m'1 aUentiou ' wu . .tuN", atlelt O.ftuu for a few week,,' ' .Iay WILh bcr hlnl' but aho Will &lIelll.. B~o forlfO t ~er 1\'i~ho!d him In aee he ... nen .tlhe ".~ri bl'i"Jl nlllJllilltly dwelt u by ft\Y .Alld With II fdce ludlcrllU IYI ~I'lorl _ people io inotion. arid tho prit:lta bu.', in tracled to. beeutifol ,~, Illlf Uri" fa uncle. . reluluIiun of the precedHlg IIlght-tu thlllii of 1I,;"8.wCl!leat tie.. ghe dl.'t'mcd hi. goyrl'neu.t c-anodt'.n ' hlll~1 alter With an a!t~lI1pll.tJ 1",1l~." hen WI.",: . ".helrluir the preparltlune fOr the delth of !....-.qulre ,rho unall, oeeupW·. " It ."''' I «lorlOlM evening In 'bonnie nu more uf 10\'io, binI_be lelt !lUW thut- I"yo oul wurtl) carin" for, if tnu!ber'l hld .. uu~ 1IIIIll1emPDn"~, ( ' ''I. t1!t,llIjthl IIICh~l!Illo cry, 1 eoacoJled to y Ilh"prieonen. The, Imaailled the, could t!'Onl wllul"" al I piIaed aN ........, .T\ln~. Th. arrenl>, cllrlainrd 1!le. 01 Na. be.lnd he al(lDe of.ll the world. cClu,ld ellllrllle ' h~d powe.r to tli...,h'e lb. I~II little IIr notilln, 01\ dle.ubJeI:l, tin It the own roo~. ,• I Dut tl,eir tompanlu. ihroulfb the lloom bl Ind lfellln .I",' It ant alp" ...., ... ture'. ttDlple ecboed with 'I)'etlt IOO~ of .:1.110 ber helrt tUl11a pIII_tloh. w"re IItll- \\ hkh bou"d'hi. 1I0ul to bert Ii" vf ciatlIHn I ,vea'called . u~to We dId DOt Ihef't la_In, Illr t \8. r! ( the whitene.. u£ Ibelr ."inl, .. (h.ey "ere ~ ran lutrOclllClloD ....w IIJOIWII'.... ,lldnell-I"y ai-ad b. IOlden willga ed lurever, . , AI.a! IU; 'tI,e ' wlli"~rifl~' Ho~ .dieu to , LtylZ8C lod ' Pi,rullltttell. morning ia ItO envhable (!"Illie 'of ~'D. rtrip~d ~.kecl, aDd doaJpI1l1ed ~ danee be· lunn~r ulIUI ffolmd ..,.elf Daed,r .... 1 ,athwart the- deep . ~Iue, ail,. i Ind 11I,j!r AI""rt reallllT accC'dedto r.. ~Imnllt - h,'r ,enlle·s p:rit. Th", ,p.infol .,alil), pro- he.t .,cll'I wll,l rt!nd. b)'hl1 ~rdhln. tttu~~led bome. ,, d~ Sir Ed ar fore the'lm~,... ~r the I~ to whl;t1 . th~y peral.: ~o poMlbltl -JIC"'liI.... ,!,1iI or Ilrelmlet and IIblnlo, rIYer (I1IW brillbllOr wl.h 10 remaIn .w\tlo Ihem Il few d.Y'1 -' II w !rue wo're ht'r dark Corebu.lin-' h .llII't"ehed me mde,d wll,h ample mile· Nut Dlah), woe)(l1 afterw.r • I 1 'I were l.u be la!lnllUd, Dllia ..,I ·Ib.t III kIn" her ac:quaiatlDc. caUl . . . . . . . ' v"" u ..- ~ .... b' Irl"''' D ... To II 'e or.nil Tit(' belli were ring D, L liet '-- 8 '..., d h " . mil .. • • I" 'be pl'e8 p nCle 0 r . t b e .. wblcb were "~lIed milch In A I wild. 8 I... He IIlct ba'bel bUI to be ber .lave Wben wr I 1I\ ",-.: r . .. ..11 w~ to t: • • . olle tA!mp e ',,,, panll<ul luun t e 'I&IDI lid 0_ .ltefllClOll Ie I ... ~ .... Que~n or Slimmer. "be ,wood. &rOUnd cietfi but II"L • wurd.lvuk. ur .ction. ea- ber ull block .yl'l looked 'Iully .~d limld. neitll"r Ilumn" nllr dlville, (I e~ It b.~ore I, .In ~I'e b~; the ,enant~ were .car· of \he lac.ll ' of 111'0 of, 'heir cOmpinlun., ";1 "",","_Ioa.ihalit., . . aM .... Chatlel Bellmonl'. dW'ellln, atUl ran, uped hilll, wbld) coliid be Ittribuled to I)' 10 his. from their long d.~1t fringH, Ibe l!I~while I .~m ,"itfng.) appeared ItIVe- ou!" n, II! the lAwn. wheo h~ ruv~~~ to w!'lt t.beil. .....da-oa.clruaIeII...uJu; wer ..ent'D (roat or ller daor .....-t: ill ., _lIh ullrlla.luylol childhuod·. merrleat 1"1 •• rmll' aentimeot thin re.pect or IIro- ' calm l101i.h pi .ion I,. lelt for Alwilda 'y frlJllltlul. willie bo nolllt.etl1la . . .trou. tbo auur· .y cOo WII ~ en. , I a alld bun, upoalhep!wu. , <lDCc' tOll_lit" ~lft-, ....... dae lilip and .hout. wherl'.buta few momenta lh.rly Itlodll_. -She wa. happy, lue It'em'ed ' 1.0 the hurnl"' .... e Ihal lIow conten l,. It .pp arH that my fa\JJOf IDd large pnir or,rcel'l .pecta:... on n~ 8uch war.hardf,lH8 hontble in tho ImplIl'lN' ot die ~ lp. Alwlld., "Ith thl' routhful COlli pln- wbe~ Ule fur a~ In her ',eatt tillil thil II rllled'evl"y nenoe with e!tlc, u tb. uncle,thuogh bruthe ........ wratl,led and darkened ,ouDl.nfllltll ta ,:-~"e til: '" yu, USli, thaD 10 the ',eir 1849•• hen Ibe. amaU reulD'lltof' .. I bid ~ CD attend ber 10 ,hi. WI. III he wwld enr th~k of her. He I ~i1d ~ale IU'lre or Ni,,,," (alr ~et'. be- Jllft,lo!d lbrou,b h(t!; .ad tblt . . \IIII)' ....~ ,tlluMee. pr~l!a or .. .tre Hille cit)' WI' tllon fly AlIlericaa torCOI. -Upped. f..,n ~ 01' . , ' . ramlll"'" h.ct btf'nwloduing, Sbe wuller COIlILltnt cumpaolon-dlill tbeir aide lbe ,orgeous Ipleadtll'l of &be GocI ' lIpoa wbidt tlte)' ~ ~ "'.. _Dudullntt"I~. , d Ind Lhe .Ioa of Lhe (IItl",,'II, .ho bid lIu," elIl h w•• lert\Wt ........... WII aow ..ated 10 her ooola'i ritlhl)' fur- conlldenCl wa....... _,"",. lud,ent th~l ! Dll _pport the dl,nl'T ill' V."... A~r ham•• od bahl. IDIIII....nble••D werod the in_euC lod dfof_le.. M~ai- ~. tJ., IIII~"'~ putlll'-ber elier-u a.-lied with uo· parted' ~ of . . . /rltIrIIh4i, "~a bill oo'lKellb-DO w, la .;.... that III a dao_at vt w.ilia • ~pfll8luo, the ,owL dla~_I" t~ Clnl •• ere .j.itl'd upuo the childr'D". .\lad "'" 11 1011 that I .\~'· &aI~~~I'-! ....1 .l.bll......Dd 'her .TIIII betwfeD thNI. 1Iutb wetlt She .11 bit y"'_be did 001.,.u to the, bad dt>tratllll!Cl that a~1 ,be .. u. b..... I', 11111 til' ID!I'~ IJ._~'" fu IDe, h. all tIIi. I. d\lDlt lal1der lb. DIUDI: petrlotwl&I_ _1&l11., wlth-tM IDVillflRtln, fllerclll8 uC lier JC\er- eelnd-Cor Alwlld. trtI .. parded la Dllt Inrua\iled 00 . , wordIJIlbe ... blnlab" to m, r.u1IibI Edr r ..... ttl ' ~ C. 1111 I~Y' DIe l8 tlucWnlallll ~aI; b. bcould .aot. 11m or iell,l'!nl . Il0011 ".IIt. She tIIourbt hoW ble..ed hfe actlona . . . rrlrl mtatrt~. "II\) I. I'1Ir hi• .,arollo.-.l 1-•• uuI ... &0 keep both uulted la ~I ..""'.-. lutll1 &he .DI.........t m e lor lID an reo- ' , I ... , . 11111 ..... to bet-bcnr IWht the Impreu or he, loy" ia unreqnlted. W..hIII .....,.. all .... - . ; - - bid - ' " _ " ' j .... I, _-<I I, .......Q beeD CUlltelDplltl!d. la ................ t .... Pi.... Itl 1IIImI\Jr. OD lie, .plrlr ••d ber Ilecei~ln, Hr IpptolllUoa To li.. wjtWo ........ tail WeIe\CrI cIIeee 1tCl. " II ~~ttrIJIII &0 IIIPJlCll" A ,ankee perllar "bo harlll&OppecI .. 1.IIa to ClOCIUDIIDCe , ~aI n . _ Ie III , . . . . . . •• ~ V. wouW ........., .....hctaIe to ....... , .. 'had pOlled 'o ver

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adml& of • lore' popplllg Ibe • t.U • IL i. ,ka~lllhll orijin Dnd runnln•• ho\ Iron o"er I IUlt ~r clou... or ftante dlfJ!8nd, UpUl1 CI. D/. Wbl.. DRill•• he !t ".,illg II lint. condilionl-fi,.tlYi lb.t tbe burning mate· Ju••, A. Ippulnted \0 addr'''~!:!!~~~~~~~~~!:!!!!!~~_ W AYN:EI!I\1LLE, ner/lOna l rlal.hould be ral.1Id Ind kept at a .um· the meetlnf In tbll .ft,rl1oon. ' W.'IUU!lN COUNTY. OIUO. , (IImpe~.iQre tlllft'urd .-contln· In \lle04r.ernoon, B. q. LII'"incOIUI'u1c a _ _~-:-:.--_~_-:.,--='--_ _-",_ out of ~thi!l" io .n)1 woy. u.flU,1 all ued .upply or h,llamllblo ,r'; Dnil _econd. ciirll,ory gla nce lLt Iho illlpurtllnce' of Tem· -V . i , .J.. -... , ' FO RD~YIjILAr.:Jl"'RuUe,VROI''' ' are "'III.rea up. Now It,d I~en, (we; .re Iy that il ahOl/liI hne;. eori.l"ll,\lUpply p~fanr_G. B. White ell1lmillt!d the lie",. .\RIUVAIIOP. 'J'I.,E FllANJ'tlN.... , ' '*~', , hOIIPY' 1.u Ifty tile 'flOW' alid 'I~' are fllr pure air. WUler, ,\\'J\i~h I. usually olltpluy. Inga the lpl'w COllstilulIOII I,nd I,Ipon Ihe . . ' NEW YORr. N)iY-. S ,. Tb ' I., . O~)l ~E~~f:, _~ ' I ~parl.) we rece ive • pape., thut b.. b~n ed iD tho ,upprtl-.illn of jJumo, clln on',y lub~cc\, which, boinl ... aDlwered by The ~tc.lIll,1er ...frnnk Ii II , frOIll Hllrr~ . d , I ?;IAJlr . 11IIT0I!. ~V I ,. !lrm8 III rctllrne4 from ~be otlltio to " 'lijch it Wl\8 ov~rc0!l"' ~ht\ Ilr~t of 111I::IIC condiliollsl In !lUlls, Ilrl!',v fQl'lh !III allimillc'd Anll illiorost. ,SlIutha r tol1 IIrrivcd at tI id - t . ~n next morllitlg croStcd II FTAlrie,-' .nd ill t~ .llIgle yearl'f 6U~8~rJbcre fOf O~f: DOL' lnailed.. ~l\It' lI ~l ille onw') Itatillg tllllt it ill ~IIIJ, Mr..)' h IUpa propose8 to I'll" ,Ui.scu8iion, ill whiub eev~rul pordune 'mornj'X/r S~q leri H~v ~ po; II\'ter~'7 .!lirt ot thiiJ bo, ume' to" o· oroek.- loll! ~~ D""f'EIIT'I'·~.I\'1t OI!"TlI it" p8Id, in'a~. nol tbkeil O;ILhr Iho 'office. In -'o ur ~,~y lly', otrtctuuli y illtcrlerll'll: wilh ngn·gilll. ; ' . ,', of the oila!;! lha ~ . il~lle IIIl)rnlll' ··.. FClr.l~g 'hll '1lIdla'lIl would lue-nipt 'to' '&Dce',; O,,~ DOLL~R AJiV TIFT!' CENTIi. lf of thln'k ing. Lbil i~ 8 rHlIcllliy way of 8ocon~ cnUftll ita \lO utinullll ce. 'lie Dr. Druoks mo\'ed tloot ~ eommltteo ' to ' ... ~ . , " u~,~, 10 1' ,1011 t I)lume'even_ , " ,1 "tI I . 0 tbl 'l'wo OOLtAlI$ " . ' " . . .., \ . lr:\ck him through tho grus, he got . into PIlI "l w, ,n alX , QI n , in:: (n tho port of the '\lb~cflbe-r. )f ,h,e pr('lPO e~i by th o ag !I'Y o( tho AnIlJllIl". he COlTlposcl! or 'lilrce IBd les' uncl two gone 81 "'" 1~30 . d i. • lit lhe end ortbe "oar . b' ' d"' 'm I I I ,. " ~ Ie ur lO gs pllSsl'nger8.,n ,ourd .. • tream and wlliked Iluwn it. \VhiJI! 10 , • wlshee .to .h'p 18 paper, no I~ ,erf\ nce for II/r, to dl us ' l lroug I t 10 IlIDlO"l'uero Ill'men, be nppol/H Oil by the chillr to I " f ..::. ' II IE ,I , . ' ' ........S b ' ' I '" l ' th none 'fe.r I . 14 I ' dd · · Ii I b" f • > • ' ,• a, t1r newe' r".... pUla 0 IIrope; , tnel .wuer,b" dfs liv~red Bomelhi6, ill "the Vo-I . U lorlpt one ,or elt a \V 10,t renlon, ~ t !,m 0 rClSIllII pust p,llld Ilp~rtment on Ire; tl' com Il1nl'OIl 0 gus pllro on oddrc u til the friellds of the tom· TI Af '· ... ,I L" I " . Illb th t ( raa (Jum ,. P , " . , d I " . ' ", ,. ,,' , ne rlell nr"lve" 81 \\erpou un Ih. mebllie ap""aunce, w e" • ra 4) 0 '1'III1EE OEN ; nolO t o tho;r'".. roprletqr, enclosing the 111111 ' ateom. nlld•lhus rOil cr, 110 conullu·, perllncc cmls!', onlf prucur~ its : publicution 1911 nd ll'Ie 'n'UII10' 01\ . "11 I 'tt ". ' , _ f"..--• \ ; • . ' , I . ~ • 1" ., . . , , J, n _ ~ t. be nut olle or two pIece. In II •• hiit Ilor. · ., • IImt-Ullt of bl,s mdcllF dO(1~~ , If he bus not unce of lIulnc 1IT1p 8;lIblti. in Iho county papors up qn tho fubJ'ect 0 Tl C t i Ll I " , . " " ,. . d " j " " ' • c 1 Ie 01 on lOur lilt ut verp-QO \VB. de bng. Alter l1oi'tli a Iiltlb furtner, ho ~"" O;7':We \\'111 furni,h the '\ lSI or an one' paid before. DIJ,O \ben stote hia Intontion of Olle uf the mOlt obvloua odvnnlBgea the geuvnl opothv anti Il1nClloll whiell p e J 'd . \ t I -, . '. I I I L-b If .iroleotlng f;om the bonk _ pit~e tlf the Gal''f of eIther Grfth&m'~ or l::Iu'rtaill', 1\llIg. di8oonllnuel~f" in an hc)norllble mo,,"~r. th is llll'en£ioll, s hould it conIc IlIlO tuccll~6. 1I 01Y prllvnil8 nlllPng us nnd Illci tilw to re. r 't~e ,udn pr/ella ve e(1 o\Ver~kf.UUded by a . aet~Qn n te ..... II • r ~ . • • J '. L d" D .. " I I " • I • ' " ' cun mue proH8ure on Ie II'\lIr at un Ihe Il I b W ld E '\ eI I th Olllterl.1 He cur out Iroln thia a ulnes, or 60 ey ~ 0 y I 00 .. , one year, lIfony persona ,gel Il elll elves pretty ' we I lui oporatlOll, WIll be, Ilut on UCCllUn,t 01 nl1wed and I'lr~cy erit ... exilrtion C"rded ' t f b id ' 'J') alii ~ f ~ (I ' ~n~~n~~ ~un~~rf~ n I~ piece \~i~h hil hltch~t. nd pl, ced fur three - dollorl Illd twenty.fh·e cellls supplied with' newti popcr$, lJy suhecrlbing ils !mllll ~1T.e"':'\\·ei~hil,g 1I0t m~re thun whereupon Dr nlrd8~I'J ' -::; Murrie Eli: ~:~ d ,u ~r~. 1 Itle I~II~ IIIl·peculutiYl! ~, ,-.c~d t e 'Inl'~ 10g u "dill" ' e ' colul'" tbl~ al60 "in ' hia tihot . bill· lie ' Mah. inVlri:tbly In .dvnnce. " ; • lor Olle, tnkl;lg it OUl of the "mue until r(y pounds-it CUll be i lllrod~Clcd illlll :til \Vj,:keF~htl~1 I.i;ui" ~ '~IcGre"ory" lind e'd' 1.011 III rrdln~uutlunY \VClfe confio. Ie .... bu~y e ,ang \ lIe I . .0 con ~umers un <iXporlere. lIot ' tk~" . p' I' ., W " n' b thi. all 0 .haft- loml' rfour Qr five mchel ,lP ~ they llqllk If thpy lnke It IIny lon .."cr. they rrlvutc re8IlJt1n~e8. ve8so l~, Ulld tltou lIlbuut8, JlIurlhll Ahe n wer!) uppoinh:d Buid bo nl'mil· "'1 t d I'll I, 1 II • JII . . rlll'tll u I, r. .-Ienry lI1u cee· TO CQRRESDONDEi\'7'S" \AT II " ' .. ICo all our w~r~ leMa lie ve nil • r..':.l" \,1 't L I' t ~t ' h' diame"", lind projecting four (eet Crom the .. .~ pC will hnvo to pa!llor It, lind lh ey then refuse and Ih~1I every family clln huve til lIs 1'08- tce. . I ., I ' W w"""a, ue aa ~ 0 "e 0 IS el\c. lor . r 'tlen communicationl on inUIreatlng . , prtces were a B lo"C UlVer. had d I' . d til Ii il~n~,. Alter eeveral week. of ' privation. W I . ,to tltke It Ol1t; Ihull (hey chc(J~ OM rrlnt. SllsslOn , 011 agent fur Ihe IInlllcdlule sOp. D. W. Hunt moved thll next Uouneil 1"1 . fC I lI\)tBr.~t ~Q e ~p fJllb; m,"I, on e eUt d' an:d lIan tl er.' (n tIle ~~"II" "'rlleal" he reached lubjcct., wHi II lid a he~rty welcomo' in our er odt of hi ' nsl duro,. anti cller doill'" If. pre,slon 'If (l(\"IIl. 'Vlle n a lurgo' nrc II< . C ' unlllltlr. cerglleado ,(I,n were II g~od f~t. _u, lIre •• ure 0 us nelS II reveo e .,n • .. uv , 'mns NuthlnIP' peraonal " ' iII.headlnil' " • " '. meeli ng be heltl,io ' lurksville-cqr rietl.:" II Impr()v~ ru\(~3. ... " ' b ' II te e H ~ I uttlement qn tlut Arkan ... rIYer, anu co u . , It' • ''\ th!lY hllve lhe' lfcirdihood tlllot'll right nbout til be BIIPl'resdCu, or cour~e hlrger 11111' 1>r. 'Drouks ITICtved the prOCeedlnga !If .thia '). , ' d d fi B DI ,roDl e~l\l{ :,el~ a,,, D't;·' " i1e'cend~d from ll'trl to. New Orlemna.- ted. ''Ie mU6t kno,~. tbe re,dl names ~~ all nnd ~ublcrib!l (or 1I110lher, wllh 'ihl'l Inlen. chines IIUd u ~lllllbcr of thelll IIru e;lIpIIlY' CUu'li ililleeling II(' 'puhlishe'd in the \Vea: d ~N~ ,,"us a n:oaerate eman or oel ld •. an ,n _.ree. Al~Q' di~n: .WI d when he .rrived .t New' Orleans, lie COrr!' writer•• or no 'lttlltiO'!, w"l ~e pa, to tion bf pnYI-.t fur It ' ill the 1!ClIne ' \nOIl- ed. ' , le r~ Fuunl"ln. lIUonl1 Viai lcr, ond our on L ~r nl pr~tqui rale. , ,,:e h on :ntt~, b~t :n b olO 'erl:e ed hia 's pe(li mo~S, ,. hiel, he had taken from their PbroduetlOrt~d IA:I1 Mlterl! on bu~inel8 ncr. We IlIlend Jieeping a 'look out' for From 'the notlce8 of Ih1a inventiun by coullly popc'H--cnrricd, S" r Ir\\~"1 d~1 • tl btl ne t oU;r t I WHU , e tcr "I '; 0 b or a tho bottom o[ thn stream. lind , from tlli~ must e ROlt'PIII , , such chopl, atl,d we will enlleavor to see the English Pross, one \\' oul:l be leu to 'in . II. T. PEF,T{. PUlI iJt1II. t:u~<: ' ~a~ IODC ~~' ." f ~Ol ;, d k ,lI!perate~. . l.e h,w81 hwr g ll, 00 0 ", IbliO to a silversmith, and to biJl .urpri.l', ;. .j~.....--.-;whother wli ~C!lnnot mllke the rule ' work rer, thnt ita opl'rlllion 011 Iho lltber aide 01 D 'V I .. , " 0 .'1) & rIO, WI' 'fir IISllIe .. 0WOIn' , In \Y lie lIe ope" t ley wou 1u " , -Id" H . DJSTJlI1Il!T10lC pr WOBlta or, FIIIE AJLTS: ', . : . . • . IUIIT, ...:cre/ar'Y r;ro·Wn. iiiI!" t fi cf 6 t1 . tl t th 'A-Id t d' rl-e' thoy proved'io bo lI)molt ' purl go, e III Ic.a- Ihftn . two' montha more, the first both waYI. tllll be ullderstood, lhen, Iht! Atluntlc, hns bep!1 qUIte IUCC088ful.~ ~ Tho Lond oll JIIorey 1I1orl!ct wal "DIY: L I'J, I ~ III~gh' Ita" 'hl1t ~i··t u nbo ~.. ~ I ~ r" de.crill!!' tho quaotity of thil in the erel!k that we do nliltdlwcontinue any I'0p .. r. UII- n~t 'lII Ihe Uniled_St~lc" 1IIlIVO"" \l t h('uld The UulTalo l·ire• • lIt meant mv e 10\lg WIl8 c..e..u . I I albi' Illnual.!lt.lributioll. of 'th'e. Works 'of Art, "' , . , S' k' f I ' I fi - . n mI ConslJls IHid lIllv~nced. Ulld d Oled Ull Tile,. Ii' .Id he a.hri/llen.t',lndthe.andul.vni ny b h A ' • U i f fll I . ' fl lesl!' It hO ueen paid Illrupto tbllllllle 01 that tho IIlMclllnD hu~ bep. n bruughllnlu IJen lOgo , tlO btc re In u _uo. dll" nt971 @ 97 ~. . th eOl 0 • bor ,' .... «h' elr .Ip ere, I ' d 11' Y t e rtlsla II lin 0 r DC IIlllltl, ' WI d" d I ' I I d dl I II ,~oiI . h' • appearanot; II if mlKO W'" .ma pIeces k ' . I ' d . f l ' or Dring It Sli/pps • operalloll, ullltough severa Ilt· \ . v tio h covere _.a sIr ct 01 t I rl.Y I\CICd Traue, Dt Muneheattr Will dull, on" bOI'.' WOU I~ IIb or In 18. . . '. ' bid tp e p .ell. an ,as yet, uon~ 0 our I e tl' . , . I ,. I I b " q , Ihrri.,t ltl~rtilleau could 1I0t •accept the of .ilver. -The next ~PtlDa: !' ~e a thal .we ,lItll liwllre of, ".erured ' .... tem ~ts hllve becll mad ~ ~u ~eilt Ita efficucy III~ uultl/! t 1(1 VI c~t pllr~ of t e Clly. tile Goods alld Yorns were derlill lng. I Itltl n to attend the conveDtion but compail'f,r tbnlv·m'lJ1, to go 11\ .earch tJ I bJ d ' If ' 1 o::rWe wne pleased to receive a CIlI! III1lI It, ..eelll8 to lIIe thut If It reully Itn~ tho RopuhliclllI slly ~; Tho l1ew~ fwm tl,' 8 golll milles In Au •• tv ~ her he.\ 'w!.ilej Shit"ever thli place; bu~ wheo they were quite-ready I~m.e v.ea a~ , l~ .~ 0 l-Or IL , .~ ~n, on Wedne8dn,. lost, from our irielld J. I uierit It elllim~, that thuse wbu !lnve charlle " lIJnny aerino" lholll!ht8 must orowd II trllliu WUI very enr.ollroging alld lu ni I d le r 0 , 'I'ne~:cnl b.c-me ca' ~f UtloklllfF for 10 ~Itirt. tbey ~eje dlleuaded 'ffbm 'iL by plllntlOgl~1I4 , a lcell a IIf t,yh " rece IVlllllt Verne;, of Slp'ing Vlllley ; Ohio. HI~ of Illlro' prejudic!ng ,their own illterest., on th bee "'\10 conl~m'pl,llto tho durk ru : 0 Hubioct for lenlltllY eOlUmont to t~ e "E I ",, ' r 1' • • f '1· I' , f' . cnllfav np, WI el, 0 1 om80 l vee, n , " ~ , , ,,' k' I . ..II I . f I " I I ' I Q. 1 liaH, lean' _nd J the erie. and lament.tlonll 0 ' tie r'ilJ vI's, ' . ' I<)D 0(th em, are (u II y wOrt II bUllOe81 seemed to boo Jap~" , , lI,y.' elf ~ • • ~".. v.". .- , , our ellln,al " . ~o Rupply Lbo Collll. uyI not 1110 ' lIlg SUIlI dII ' 8p "y Of ' U80· 0 . II' Int \\'IIS so "1010 Y t Ie very hot·be d~ of .... fish news I ' iii,! Ii.t. ao.d reader., ere who reKsrded It III fapoelng thematl,e. to f b .. .. U' IIbout the ,oountry, WILh g~od clothlDg, lind fu nnl 01 woul COhYllice lho most un- vIce. A. few OIghlB since lhe (llace wos Tho news frCllh tile Cune or GOlld H 1.ld ! '• ':\1 .. I ' ., h t d" 'TI' the price 0 8U scription 10 I"e OIon.• .. k ' I I' .I k' 1 I I ,ope probabl, tired of lll.rlniit t./Jat Ihere can c~rlain manllCf' uy t . h lanl. liS W d'd r . I d I he ·o .n du tbut. (lomproml8lng s ' ept c. II Ive wit I peuple tiee I"g 110 lounls was vory ,liscourlglnlf' '(' Ie Drili&h Iroo eome lt II. but one true method in t;e.tment of the gold creek,' .~id be, etill ,there: and . e If I h Ime.• InCO'd va a ~ldcrthP' Yuurs mOil truly diasiplliioll. Li~hta .were hln~ illg ' Irom hud m,'t with II BtlVer:~ellUl~ioll on the l~; . ~ . i. I d 't \Ion 0 t e ongrll"lOgl • nil "nnounee e J F C II' . ~ ., ' 11 . ' I It! bUlllln belll"'- of eltber lex Il( .ny color hereafter when country II aott e , 1 " d" fIt . . , ,e WlluOW8, anu I umll1ollllg , nmp9 l~ uf S('ptcmuer; The cop teet bl'lween both • • ' " , J I 1 fac, m~t we 1111 ~pCGlmen.o lie 8allle 0 th I tl J tit I 'b' i ,'1 \ ' auJ under any -outward circUm.lllnolll-tll will be 'found, alid till" prInts oLmy 11111: J. . t r' d h ., t .. ' , II prow er I.. ere was 0 e a ep .' l,utleS i. oAnlell on with great vllNtl but ~ . la' ",,'t are the PIlIVOr.. 'lh.t" be· e't will be found unOIl thai golden Ihoft.' exblblt to IIny 0 our pell I W 0 , mig I DAYTOIf GAZ£T1'£:....,'J'hj8 ably cOl1duc. For U,. M,ami Vi.lIor.' ion party" hero this evenlnjr.' J>~i Ihe English p-~p~ r. IIdm lt the 'war as'fur .teel In" .. "-, wleh to'elle them Bel'eral called lind ex· d d I hI' . h t ' ," bl 'd d' I I '.' b ' . • II • . iD to cullinte them to the ut'mo •• aalC -' have"d lllil ratber _"old<'1l Itory' . • .. . ' It' on 11 g 1.lOteree,IIlg 6 , ee commello, TEMPERANCE REI'9RT_ o~te. I~ SIl ote oC/"m.~ emlr a III Englund ia concerneil, hIlS bun aDythin b t ' b t r tJi viii: find Cor for' w\l., it i. worth without ,ulluhillg fur 'ImlDed them, I!xprel8cd lbelr oplO.lona of ed, on the )It 1O~1., It I Becelnd volume..hnp~ of.women, ucckelllll towllry fillory but jllurlous: ' " ~L~": °18!le w ; h : I~:. :;o~abl, • ill~orrec(o~1I CUTIII:'r ih~n .t.Upgm)' con. them. In the hlgllellt term, of prll8e, nnd, It il pbblisheol III ·the city of Duyton; by " At a meeting 01 the Clinton County w<,re lounging in the door\vtly~, ond 80 1t~ The romoval ofthll gOllda rrom lhe Cit"'•" ' .' lome IIII! tbllt iliev thought they would'be· N S Iii &. C d ' d'l db D W Quarterly Ciluncp, held ut ,Oakland. 011 ' i I b l t t th ,-,eA 40111 tOI' many, unleas In iome ~ictiolla thatthe ~ old min wai 'lpeuk,il!, ~he " . ' r. flO • i . ~I vlln , 0., an II e. l e y , IIg t ~e pO@8pr ,Y 0 r~u e'1l at ,. 1II~ bur. slnlPulocll , 11'01 C'0ing on wllh ' "reat "ra. """I dl ' I" I It b' lI CIIIrtal"'iy' t nIh Th ..... lItlem.n (0 whom I 'h ... tao Clime lubscrrbera. ..ow ,.'the ,,?n. s, 10011101. We ere nlwoys gl~d tu 8~ O the Soturd~y, Oct. I Ilb 1851-H . T. 11eck D Wldn/1 blillds or mU llo were plnYlllg, Ull~ pidhy. " .. r..~ ' d ~ 0 or ' do wbu not Inlend breomlng d h' I '11 b f \ , h -, . h d A ' n l' " U& c..e.. womau·'.nd-tllllt"do'ae theliber19 or rererrirt.. ~aremen of tin· 0 y~, . #. ' . Gllzette,lin ope t lot we OlD} stl e II- G. W. P. in Ihl! .chllir, the folloWmg del\'. gron(lll were gUl ereu 10 t e un co. llrince Albl'rt hlld written .uto ....Dph ..ea dOl)e' r,-o r, ' .~. memliert o{ the Artl.I,· Unfon of ClIIcin· d II I I kl 1'1 ' . I k d 'I . ' .. . ••b.'ln" aboat what woui.n·.lat.lieet i. ltn-clsable veraolty .lId any. one wllb· . ." d I vore w tIts: regu IU wee y v 81 I. gatea Ilnawt:\red to, their umea:- N ow Vi- ,C.lly C er an all Iplown ' nlla~ woro; per· lelters of thauk, to eMch or the COlllmi .. . " 'r-' .I nllti' We would be to,orwar tie . ' . W' , u, R V 10 .. ' .' '111. I If " I. u I ' all.pecut.tion or layiol dowa the law.. In, for uy otber inform.tion C'Ill IQdredl 5 , II d I " ennll, 1IJ11IIIgt.unIUnft,.. • ' . all '. III' , PM, .IS Q t IIIVI III "ruII"o.n c 1I~ sillnera • .~ whit wOIII.n'••pbef~ Ii II. beatlpg of thllll' Dr. Booth ' lind Jobn ' H. Brown, 1lames' of qlJlto anum er, an . lope ":e_ ' ~AlIIl~~o'lf,'WE'EKLY T£ttGJI"'~:- We kl~, Jeft' ~ildebrant, Elizabelh Vlln ,"VIII- driver IInll ~ .fillhy luo~ing ft:mlllc in til KO~8Ulh hod not .rrived when the Fronk I&e Ilr. t , Mob\l6, Al,. Ind Will, p .. Doqtll, Fort IIhalt be ~bl~ to do BO. We ~ope ~ur h~ve reeelVed II fe Ii lIu~L.era of tb,s . klo. Ollkland, W-'- - , Dr. O . 111. D~• .arne COIl~ltIO,!I-lhe i.'q\lllf, pillyera . ; lin .Iert. ,~ The relulotlon •• whicll reported by 81DIt}!. Arkin.... ' 1 hope that ,thil I'aw- frleodl will rt'ilecl. n tbie mll(ter, ~I~~ _,Ive wlllcli' llI edltid lind .pulih8be~ In (fuml kill, 1\1081:'1 'Wull. ~ . £$. Morris. T. W. C. . bol~lnd the b~t,s 'I d tJle hOlldO bulles. T~e ·enlhu.i",m (~ nderen c;e to hi, COlD. Wenon PbllllJts, ...erllhe notr Oleat mit 0.11 tbe ItfMion of lOme of our it due conlldflration. III our OPlflIO:l or tOil, 011.10, by C .. L.. W'et\!'r, af!d Wm. R: ~irdaulI, 'l·hll~. M~ure, A. Alion. ,H. ~. wl~h thl'lr ryee opell, \l'ere keeping Ilshurp ing \1'118 ClOOling down Jlf',cepliblyl ur.1 I~ 0 iliul e~uaU'1 of tbe 'wo ~a. adventurer. to tbi ••i~. of the the lubJect, we III!ould use eye,r~ effort to KInder, It I. a Ter'f elroDg ~llvo~llt~ 01 Jone", 'Phebe Dllklll, .Murtha DuklO. SII- look-out to stu.p .rolV~, ,lind to ~revent Iht 1'he blllumet costume was bei~lI' genpr• .;. I~. JUllpon an women to i~i.t upon mount.fnl Ind th.Ubey m., re.p. 1:01 • encour age talellled 'PerSOD", "ben t~ey Deml)cratje prltlciples, .qd II hlgbl~ wor, roh A 111'11, MellslI Hsz211lrd, Lucy Vun~o!r. entrallce or .VISltors Without the Illly olld eDlhulilllit\oally dl~cuSlcd by the \biir 3111' d lDlliebable 1'Ighta,-Qif" dea rew.rd, de.erve euc~ encoumgement. The prIce thy 'of elnenaivl patrup'g... It COlli· burg, Almira JOllca, Clinton, Division S. ~liyment of a 'ihlllill~ lit '.ho bor'-dl,1I8 ~1'~' lO,dies. ' Norpanil .... y " ,, ' , ' " or lubaorlpbulll. ~VO ?ollllr. Iler annum. moneel, n~Jit week, I~ t\\,qnty.~Cth ' of T . No. 78. G. 8. Whit~, W m. Shew.l. tlon.' h\ (act, wua Ill. H8 bOIJ:I,th, nnd rOlgnrronce i. gr~erll1ty t allljui!. , ,. . \. , A. En,U'hrnln obae"ed • ltooe roll D~d !ntltillit the e.b,IIO~lbor , ~o tbe , enltrll' umo. tor, lind AIIlIl.sun ;Jonrl. I. ell unohock('d and trullllphu'nt In I~ ~ , Tilo King of Hallover i•• eriou l ly iII,and Ibea Uoll ot .lIill"lo••'11D ClalaD. ,IOWIl .t.lrule. , Ifbnmp~d on every ~I!"~~,ber~tuf(lre ~entloned. also a cbance, . On mbtlOD, B. C. Lillpi nc,l\l, of WaynE' In the \'erl'< leelll of the .aut\lorltles, hi! rfao~cry is (lollaidered eXlle~dini 'y 'G&i"the lit ofllta, olephanti Ind tiotlu It.trtill It urn. to \be bottom; there or la the dlltrillulion of ' Wurka' of Aft, THI: HEJI&LD OF FaUDOIW:--The first Division, WUB admitted to Il 10l't in lIext dour 11~ ll:hbor lo a (lourt o( jll8llce duubtful. ' ",.pre~ired, aDd ',.o'rerlin,atl of Infaut· COUrle, It reattd. 'T'~.' Ilone,' ·'ald he, whieb h.vp. been.purpltll8ed (or thl urpoee. 'number of ~d' .h~ot;.Edited lind PubU~h· Cuuncil. On 100tioil of A. JO~C8, Ihl! but there cOllie uudonly ~ more Advice. fro/ll Vienna, .t~le thot i08lrIlQ' rr .I're · l!,nder '- Irml, 'by oider o[ 'reiemblea ~b. nRllun.1 debt of my coun· The dlatrlbutioll will ~lIko pl~ce "n the ed by ). ·'\IV•. Chaffin, in W\I!lllllgtU~. temper.nce mell and wombll prele"l, ,1I,mure reslle8~ onenly·tho,n th~ law. . lion a hnd bee" attllt oul ~he Austri ll fl 1\1inil' renltlluWulq. Fro~ , he preparatlo •• lrYj' lt b.. bu~piId on enry grnCle ot the /ir,t of 'JlI.nullry ~ 18,!S~~ , Ohio, mad~ 'ie. appenranco ?n FridllY · 11I'. t, illvi~ed to .seat8 aB del~gutel. _ red se~rclling tOl)gue 0( ~~!ll~ Wijl ter Ilt V1n9un, '10 brea~ ' p~ o! I dlploll\otlc ldi.t lhl4!e evel')' 00. expec~ tbat il combnlt,. Itt-welrht reall on tho 10\9,' , ' th It'ill ,iodepe !d~nt on all 8ubJeOll!l, IIno tlllles The Secretor}, being absenl, D. ' W . h. nnd, olle by une the h,!\ln ~ of I intercourse with lhf Brill II Gllverntncnt wu ab ea,edlllOlI tlU"r uu~ .....n.t tbe lit-' .' " '.' o::rWbat t~~ rea~~ I. a~'lour,J;!'~rs • d cided "'lf~tI~lnlt ~Iavery, '~lId 0 h\!r WI\I oppoinled pru.teln. , The min- my lVere Japped up' by y.e fell, in Cll8e Lurd ralmOflilon shouid i ran'I ' "' ~--I • ., are tIY6 we.lil ID . . ., .•, t.y mIl to ' 11&.( ".,. Ch~"n m II II . were ' read I ,and (lifter on d ·ti lelr· lIa I ' 1. eVI' 0 f t"'I i e ..\el., or 11 _ n t .... to be ".lUI de ell . ' ~ ', ' _ • ae' t "ite. ~.. of -1..t counCil 'osU eeu . d ere to t IIII IV Ind~, oildlPnce to KIl.aUlh. lb. tetrei.t or IOIoe brfgand.. It Will loon, 'F4!J1IU,' •• hla .,onlo, touth to hl~ yeo boro. 1wblch Is 0"1~ Iflven orllelg~ ml e, voun, min or fine intellecluul cnllniv. th. fI~ll!~ of Gregory, reid .Me. 'l'he .weeping, ludden destruction, was II Tb ... difficullil:. which ezl.ted betl't'ecn \.ow,t vet; -\ln4enloo.!, th.t ,II verned plrentj'tb4l1l1Y t,rout will bite now.' (ronl thl. ploee, we cann"L te • " n e~e. iuents, and will. 1'10 doullt, pretent to' hia odopted. wllrnilll[ t~ tl!1l Inmlllea ,'!ld aupPlJrter. · Egypt lind Turkey hllve bOPD removed by 8 lratton_ b.a Ii,en orderid for 'Well, well,' wa' . the con.olini r.ply, ry Friday .mor~fn., .a.lleau lor De It om 1 , pltr\lnl a p,llP.i'r that will rl'comm~Dd itself J)rookl, Dr. Dakin,ll. Wall, G. D. Iheao denl of guilt:-. typo 'If Ihtl th., ~estorutiun of II mutUA I unde.ratlindi", · or lit. Scheller. The 'mind your work, and tben ro!-"iI be I.ure Qur piper. lire put IlItO th: ' mill, at t ,le to tlie mind~1 of • dllcerning people. Wo and Halne.: wpre appoioteil • ftlld dllrk .turmillutiun of their di~solu,tll b~'llVecn' lho' SlIltnn and A HJlao\la. / tIla, tllll Cbrl",Ian. would .ndeavot to won" bite ,011.' " POlll OOlce In tllli, III ~rro: o~r ~D' feelllrun"ly In b(lpe. tliat the Heraltl 'of mitlee on rOIiOIl\ti~nl, during whoSII . ' ea. ihe(r Minlonlll')' by fore-e, 'wilhe8 to J derJItandlng u£ ~he matter, t . p ng 0- Freedom mill loni \iYe, to proclaim tbe • \'erbal' ·repurt. were receivt:d CUyn•.uD, Nov. S. I. I,oldaw ~em by thi. alapl_y or troop.. ·Wa"t.. Rc!bert, how mUM did your pig r~ packllge Ih!)uld reach th~t alld t:p prlllJ:ipleB of 'Mor.lit)', Freedol» !ltld Poae. [rom the delegatee. Quoffel -''bnut II SllYor Spade. At noon to do)" Ihe Emplr~ State ,nml 'Wben b1* !bienUon. wore kn~w,n~ . ill welg1l1' i. d.y. , We : Ii~ve be"" , III orme y 10 ,11\1 Ole.. (' ~ . ' A. Jones Aid Clinto.n Di,;i~lonl or Wi!. At the ceremon{'of turllini th~ a...i up frum nuft'ulu, IInl\ not wl,het$lIdinl: . t~e 10wn~.hoWtd the pllteat .mlctlon, The . 'tt Idldn't welsh 10 muoh •• 1 expeo\ed, one:cl01df otir .ub.~rlbe: [n .sprlO~bur";.tlla{ _ ". f mlnl:t9n was dead or noarly, 10, v~ry felV on tile 'rur~tito and LHItO Hurlln Rullrond fresh Norlh",eeter unil tile herlvy .'a Jailore: ita, ",tiOne'I' IDd 'all 'tbol" wbo .od I al.a,. 'thought it' woulda't.' he , not ~ec~ ~ve : papen' ~~i:e:' S4J1TAliI',. ; lliGUI" ror 9ctobeT Ila. .tt~nded tbo ' DI,i.ion regularly. 8. ~n W.eahelllliY IlIlt, Q quurel arose ruulitll'd to hand.omcly, .Inl,l \VSI ' IVllbin • 1IId n. tl wl\h the JIi" I • ' r for two wee". a ter t 0,/ were pu e , been receivled., Thi. Ilumber, 1I1UIOUgh a P k .d I , tr(v.1I m.tle~, wblch fill II)' reKulted 'i n h\l~dred feet cif the plcr, whl'Jl Itriklna th~ a 1 conaee ~ , ; , III qn ry., alld i:ccaalonally not lit .11. 'l'ho (llult lies . lie Int . I~\\' tempelanco men blows Dnd the' dlsmislol'of tho Sunerilltc u. bqr, she rofused 10 .lIdwer her ht'im, .nd e~pre~ their aorrow'lld rept. bl ' l th I ' De 8 ur IIUI~ Jato,in rtltlhln{l' Ut, iI, Deverlbell!lle. tbere were 10 Wilmington, wer-lt 011 It' 'I'iie ml~darID . wu ,,~reli'DI1,i of ' . ,.. ubquefttlODa 'f n( .0 ;re e;, '" .0 ucel,eD~ Ipeclmen of Ibe perfeoti",n to Ihcir 'olVll book.' Wm. R. Van Wil,klll ~ent of ~be work. The cerelllony or lurl/· ber bull' on Ihe end or't,he Eut Jlier "riot; 1114 be ' toole' up hi. poahioo 'on rite i ometbl.og e!le,o some lilt ..ter ' on which Art "it be i l1g bro)l,bt, and allO II In aaid tbe 'Clauee at New VIeDna Will lnlr the. • uIl w~ performed ,by thl! . alv"Y her &to m, IItld mllk~"i:' ho. aurJ!oulld... b, bli trooop. all ,From '40 Wet.lltD ElJIporiulh. Ibe .ro'lte ~blCb th'e piper. are "lit. We evidence dUlt .Literatllre I~ on dead but Ilee eth., he hu eo ,eakpra or Elgill. and . the In$trul!'en\ w , WQ8 II' her bo~' ,Iarl.~"enuugb to .dOllt the pll' 'riecl f9r aciioD.' 'c;orttp of . 8AW~' 1ft' C-'QB.t.:GE TIlliE. are fully .nured that the blame d~el' n?l , ___ ' wuuld visit the~, ~ 'he wa. p.w.r: ftrall- use~ by herw~. uilverap~de~coiltI111f'400 lage ora hur~e ond· QI1r~. . ' --. I te.t Ittache'd t~ the POIt Mesler In tl.ll TJra LAlI/D' Wa£.lTn fot November had more effect in IIruuainr the feel. ~hlch Cllperul,the mallager, had mud~ II The boat .,ruc".t th" junctull'1 0 , lb' . IBI 7 r wu arranpd In •the ai:!er. "Berqre blOl mare;bed' a " U ILQClI. *LVIII, ~q. pltce; bu~ the ~ackage hallo-pan throop ha' baeD ~celyed. It i. I sood J\UOlber. 10 a, th~n their own citIzen.. Dr. Broojla hl~ own expelll~., ,H. clui.'ne4 'hI! r1a:ht mll.on Iln4 timber work Ilr-the pillr.tI8p.t.· ~8 ! ' ''boud !bed lfI · . , tbfl hand. of leural otben, before It. re.. . ~d I lll 0 111 d Id k d or perlOnully prelondng Ino the ClJunte.. ting thsm the widtb or four reet. · ca"I'1 , "'~ . U I .~ t 'I" ~ !:In' ,~n. I-a.w her fi~t. l1l CIIlfb'ae time; ,chel tte .topping place. ' It il one our - . '.. a" Ilb .111 .n Wr"Owkle"'d·wa e".n but the boatt\ of Direc~Ors di8puted bi. Captoill H~nrd blcked hi~ bollt, ·roon· tl w li c w_ WlI eD, ,,0 w •• euu g " CJll((lI!UI.A~TI COaRUroJliDENOE. IU~ t e Cit zen. 0 a.u I h .' d I ' '. -. . ftroblbltloo _ I.i~ th. rell;Poo Sbe ",.a I cut\\~1r croutgreafest dealJ'ee to get -our piper. to our ' ..;....,... ' what did no~ advllllce, retro/pDiSed, r g t ~IJ to ·, 0.. BI~w. fo lowed wC!'tdil'-o deal In, and mall!!' the entrance of. 0 b.rbor, 'J III r E ttl 8h.'d atop ~ cutter. no. &Del then, .ub.crlber., regularly and pllOlltO",1I1 ab~ 'N b 5 ' ~ d' I ' t ti . euperal refund to Klve,up Ihe apade, anu In line t!lyle Thl. Will Clne" 'of tb. mOilt JoiJ.' !. .: a 'd~?pean p h" Dam To wrn her be.d aboul, r.tlier tban Illil. publicatiun at tbe' proper Curl~"'''TIa .oV!~ erDelat, 18" .1. . ~ml e t1hll IIIUllUdOtllb a~Aodng .. ~ha Directors re,'enged thcmBelre. by dll' manlBu.vrOl .lve ever .IW. h ,RaI "" COOle ",. k 'd ' dd . h JoWl W IULlIT -"-'/. , aT ~,r :- WII c e., CI c e 1JIlII..... •• p".-ch alld .eduee 'the peO~Ie-. ' And u -l1e'4 ul, it in" wb , ti,llle ' we have wor e nblghun ay, Wit 't There II PI;rh~pe .t ~he pre.. nt time, n" of which prohibit. thf\ ule lIliItiID~.hlm from 'be management . TIJe Empire SI,t. Oil comill, ID bid. f h ~ elf . hI hi Aud,•.taIlJP It dOWD Iwhile, out. ltoppmg to t.\ ke t ., neceuary rea '" three feet water Ilde, but w.. ruo t ' bDl!;-h ~ "''''1 tedj ' de COl11 :~t A .TerJ UPOA Ilf~ fre.h aud f08Y. Ii'p, that w••bould ave d9ne; .nd Ibould It 'One maehinl.' , ore "I~ed ~I.-audf , Rllllleoall Pl!nlltJ'- ' a2round on ~he Ohio Olt.l ~Ide, and the w•• er m. I e~1 eD. .uc ,'JlUItl III •• e I . ae~ • ,wit~bl!lg II.!JIIII. llgaio become needful,'We will u'" lhe .ame Din, .wbi.cb, 1D0re O!ln~r.. ~y .Q, .' .opllno~ The c:ommitlce on rc.ohitionl reported The C Jurt o( Columbi/\ AlOunty, . ter 'Pumped out. . 'f ,. lIe~d ea aDd ~bro~~ ·Into t/l~ rif,e r,ttn' f'1lg&lo ratber thlln mi.. the ·time .... pre .... lla-tb.n 'Philllpa P.te~t.F .r. AI)III' the' following, ' which, . • net un IIl1imllted York, lilt week .entenced Newton Gray, Sbo ,will be able to J.I¥C ber" preillol er Fourth r eir of Tu dUj!lqt of bI, Ird '. :1 ..'11' Ufr 'neat \I,'wIAter 't lm" W b til' tier m., be attended to !iilate,. It i.1M1d that lbri/lea or lueh • were adupted: , orCock... kie, to·the State PrilOo for tell berth by Wednelday, and will be iD • rUJl; MooII:>' Eight .oldietl with drtJIVD ,M H'. AwI.tiIl ille ,.ily.mlledi . . ; ope .,:: mt to liod out wbe~ IiIlchille ." .. ~t .u.,ealed :0 Hr. Pbil· 1. Reaolved: That tbis-'counell nI@t· year., for porpeh-lIlioa • rape on the per. ning order in I week. A- iDod fort"ne For th.r. upon the coo'll!n ... tovl, ahn ,we, wil O. \V. can , 111" by o,,-erv;: tbl,'!bll vapor whleh \llau. illl jp'ee" In. tbo .pirlt of (etlot,..bip: Ion of Mi8. Suah' Pelh.m 01" StIlckport b' I ( I lIlarched by the .Ide o( Mr. 8eb.met,ooe ' b l' d I ..l : b h ''th ' ,' \\' IC I ew an Icipatcd. . . .1 • t • •u t •• hundred Dle1IjIrmed with IIIlIlkoli or Her grub WII belnr DOU.a, . , .' # ed Ir~!D I Vol 0, ;luring.n _eruptIIlO, t:z· our., rothera an ., ' IItl'n r Ilg out 0 The crime 'waa COmmill'ld hllhe neigbbor" • \ . -.- forll~ ~e heed C1.r, tbe prO('....loo, ' Aro\lOd the huge .nd grea.y, pot'. , HOaJLlnB ..AccIJlEIT:-On 10lt Sand8Y .t1nl[Uiahed ~b'r Ol~mtlot 1\ 'ulne III Slole who are ,Iob~!inlr ' wllh UI in tbo hpoli'ol Hudllllnj.and on tbe fullo~ing dllY . , ••. . , ,W",.'HriIGTOIf, Nov, I., .I~n'!l rorme~ the re~t parel. . ' 'l·b•• team com. pour!nr OIlt; , morilin,. a IiUle. l\rl, 10m. " Illbt or ten ~Olllllct with It.;: Ho. commenc~ grc'at .cauae ~or rem~c'rance, lind th~t we the young woman endeavored, to , The l\e.p.I'Litc of t~I' ~ornlng .d,}IlI~ • • . 00 1rr1"lq at .the "llc, of f ••catlon, And (rom-the .mell, t knew th.t .1Ie ye .... old p.rhap., daugbwr or Mr•. Cop· IIlg tb.-.eollP~tlon of 9,1' Vlpor, elpeclally bId. our fru'!nil. uf thill co(unty, suicide, In order to eJ:llnlilli.hl het '/leep ' 41port which h.. been In drool.llon, Ihlt lh. martyr (ell on hil beH. lililed the W ..· eooklnglpec" llDd crout. ber, whO realde. In tb. w..terll part of thie ioqqiriel rle...1 d In the pre.en~ innllllion; bo of goM cheer, remombering tbat ~n 1,IIe. monificalloo. Botb conne~ted !l 9dbllle~ Coullcil 'V88 held ci'll the .ubjrct· cnaclb tll,.. time., 'n.d al'tll~ requH'l ' . . pllce, was bllr~od 110 ~ery badly , tbat on WIII'UIel ibia ,¥iain o( tbe iDventlon be memorable 171b of JUh~, Clinton waa tbe witb f'mi,liea pC Ihft mOlt relpect.ble .t.n. or 11ft. ·Throsher'. IIrre~t at HaYMnno, .1Ind till eaecutioner. he took olf' h .. coat .nd Wb~n neat I IIW her. ia tbe Sprlnlr' Monday tbe' burn. rel!ulted III her deilth.- for the l"fI!le reason thllt the 8Mlenll!l at· Banner coullty. of Stull'. din" nod the victim b. . .hvay. bnrne lbe .tows that lIu olli9illol inlormlltion bad bee,! tuned dow. tho coll!,r o( ~II ,hirt. . Sbll emile~ Aot .. beforel. She ..... e nl:llaed ~".om.thin, ne.r the: .tributU /p'e.t dilK'Jlrerie. 'or inveDtioos, to ' I RelO.lvcd: That tho hlgbl!llt cb.roclar for ,irtue lod morality, r.r-elved of the mlllleri Iibt that the couile. fire, ii, the house, IDd by IOOle meOD., her thd lki!L'~ i,.terpoai.tion , of , lbe ,oda, I men IIDd women of ~hll. State.,' call never , ,. mOil win receive.U Ihl.prll\eClion the fOr· eaeculioDer having afterwlrd. tied bla , A beav1 weigbt WAI 00 ber hllartTile erout wu 'aU no mor.!' . T 111 CuJe'LIIo(llI'1'8 OF TilE EAST.-The er,Iment cao ;lve him In virtue oC III lre.t, • baa "bio~ hi. IIIclr, tj)e msnyr' " Id til clothe. csught fire alld ill :;n Inltant aho eIlnllot II". : . ' reat ..ti.lied UII . 1 .he Itan d• In the front lim, -Do lOW bOlin..... quickly a. pc.The'pot tbe, ullld lu cook it 10, w .. ,"veloped in -aamt.. Ono of her Tbe (ollowiogdilcriplion 01 the macbine rank of the '!3tatel lhat t~ken 'up fulloll'illg eiurAf,t:. ,,(,0 letter lent to the itlpllh.tlun.: .IIIa..' . ' W .. eaten up wltb ruetj brother., wbo .uempted to eatlngullb the .nd III ope~.tilil, I. from the pen-of Cblrle. Igalnst thiB , i-cat foe of bumlln kind. proprletllr of, CMry Ptftorial, from EL 015clal InfunRation h.a been rec.l.-cod 'ltD, 00-.' re,lIed the mandarin, :who ... 11 The cutter hllng upon the Willi. ftre, bllli hil handa burned very badly. Dlcken_·the ~O&· of lither ti~e_and B. Reeolveil: That ",Itb T.lInperance HAIII"", tho ruhng Puba of Trebizund, a that the Frencb \Vel1.lpdill Ai:.t baa be'lI Infal'Dlld 01 ~ftler bad 'Mill .pider we~ and dual. " • •• . will 1\.\I(lY t~ ) our rel\,detl very corMlct .e 'our w.toh·word, and with former Elroum, IhoWI t!le peculiurit[ee of orderecl lo Ihe of Cuba, for the ptv·PoU•• thf ~al of the, G'[mb.l. and I've .een bor often, Ilace th.t tlOle, . o::r~rom uDlToidable cirllum~tlln~~e, idea~ uf , lbi, ,wullderCui IQvention. 'Jt umphs a••n· corne.t of our luccei6, \Ye tal courte~y:lectlun u f the JaIIlI1i1. eaJf Mrlkl Ilt .... third lOund.' Tbe alg. When .U around w .. 11'1connected with the erec~lon of H.'1" ~ew, will'be lulfticiool to at.t" ~b.t ,llI e, ordina, are delermlnl'd to reet not till Ohio Ihall To Da. 1, C. A nil: tbll Chrmiat .u-wu Ii'•• ' Th, . b,ad 'Or lb. eaecil· When othen lau,hed and talked the Concert k.n, renderinlZ It ,e.ry ry .i:te is lep th_1I thlt of a .man ,!pri"ht with Maioe, 'J hav\! no diwtiltriea,'lInd rare It!arulllK, at J.owell, in BUA·CUBE. Ott. II~ ...... trem~ Be ' ltruck tbre. bioWI th.t'lt would not be in a alate of re.din~a C:OlI1~ule, aud ill weiaht Dot gre.ter wilh WI.conlil', 'Every man i• .relpon,i. and,the United SlItlhl.-GUD IIO-auT Plac.rdl Ire po~teil lip htdilJl!I't'OI ~ ., ... IIbre OD the Dlel orhl. victim, S'::::~f~';'n, • .w':' IWaYj • (or the Great Prize Coneen, whicIJ hi. thla can be eally carried by a map or we- bie for every drop of .Icoholic llquur be I'iYER:-1 have received your Irttcr of of thll town. thil mornhtl. w.milll .... ad ...., IeIIIi:b obUpcl to cut the fleeli I'ye watched, to _ . ra., of Joy. been .nnolloced to cum" olf' 0,1 the loAth p! mlllt ~ Iny part cif tbe.hou.e. 'llil char_, lionllte l!lve, witb theprceellt uf cboice Es- live sl...e• .~o 'be"':lIre orkldnnpperi W." •• whI! • .kialfe. la ..niIr to tb. lIead But w.tched, e1u1 in ..In\ilia montb, w. be~o ipformed that the ied wltb • compouod of , CharcolIl, 4. ll~"ol,ed; ,Tbat we call upon the jn Bottle., by which your f~cellent ronll to arreat ,ent, f'.'i1tfve • . 10 dill , .... tile bocIr. J ' loner hope to III har llIltl.. C~cert bal IHten po.tPOIlec! until Wed Ilea· Iud <iIJl.WIII, ~ulded iuto the fonn of a o( TelDperillce In Ohio to in.iet Iklll lncbe• •to oure til. am":tloo. of ' .,.. ~"tIiDecI dl.1MMIJ of Kr. Till cabb'le C:OIIICI da, .weoing, December lOth, 1861. 'I.ree brick. The igniter II • . glu. tube: upon the enactment or luch l.w.1II .ball ' . PJLOlVDuea.8.. I., Nov. I • ... . .... wu thl'DWa the dr., , ,. , . InMded in ,the top or the brick! incl_ini Ihe venders of .~dellt .piritl,le&ally A DIan by thl nente of Patrie AloClook, ..................... 1OUIId. A 1IItt TIlU JI ~ Iii: BUT.-Our t .. o.,w.~ filled with I Olixture of relp"nlible (or tbe evil. 01 Ibe \rlme, w •• mllf!Mrecl bft'l to-d'-1 b, I,ll wift!. 8be PUZZI.EB, rri~Dd 1. T. Butterworth, brouaht iDt~ 0\), chlor.te elf pu~ .Dd iu,ar, tbe other Ii. Resolved : ' Tbat wbatever may be pr.y (or you in ourh.llrt when tltey UII 'rai. bu been arrHtad • .._-====:;==;;====' 'Sal!l:tam,' on Tueld.y mir: ID , contalolnl" f. drop. Ilf .ulphurle acid. the om.ount o( ell'urt,thi. COllnt'iI mOYlee ~d up fro,ID the teot .rsorrow b, ' lld. Naw Yoac, No" I uo ." A "i"ht blo. upoa _ lIoob drl",. down i fit to direct tOW.rdl ubtainlng correct, Ie- duc! of your deep ' I"arnin, alld . E!qG.", I')' lure Beet, ;rlllbinif ell. t The Benaallr. ..ilrod . tllI'H ,q Uirt.,. ••d .meU\lhAg U C\fCUOl· pin~ wbich brew the phh,l., and the dif. gal .nd politicalecllun UPUII lhe Temper- williom. with aboot 10 p .... n,.,. .... 170,'711 ill fenuce, .bout tw~ ~.:t, lenlnt OliJduree coming in coalllCt, i,!llte Inee que.uon, we desire eOlph.ticaliv lO Fot thi. Glfl of lare to J'DIII' (riend, U .c:a.a.aLU c~. epeilli. , ~. Ocld Fellow. bid I 6ne time It -lb. 11011:; .&Ad the ,I' of thla actin" up- re-affirOl that our principal reli.nce mlllt allllnt DYer 1D&Il, Be.. , Ind for thi. _ lIilanu.n_, VI., Noy, I. la. c:ompoeed of uin.I,ttere. th.1r celebr.tlon,belil In tbe &:11, of Da,. on. wa.ttlr claallllt'r COOtaiAed io the m.· .tlll b. upoothe'foollaha_o( pre.cbing.' invetitlon o(,ourakjll, ml, you b. rollowlDc .tete- K, I, 'I, I, I. I tool ~ by ClrpeDtAtrej ton, on lut TueidlY onl week 110. We cblOe. ~n:Klu_'leIQI, IIDd thl? wbol. ••• 6. RIIOIMd: Therefore, th.t millr.ter. ia .lICb ..Ill of honor .ad dl,nlt, _0111[ A. tile rrelaht tflli" w.., Sd"', ........ ,......... 1 wOlald reo .. D. I. 'I, Ie a IIrp bodJ 01 nln; bIT. befoa lofonaed th.t then were lOme capea forc:nl', . . . dea.. IIId up.ndiar of the pepe!. teadltn, .diton, aad the are., in kn"wledl!1!'''.' Iboutd olJ"er ronl to-da" tbe brldjEe .ne WI, ,reeI,l... tin, th, IocoDlOU•• Inlu the riY.r, laallllllf ............... ~ .. _ ....tI, CII . . ~, ... S, t, la. wh.t all would like to .lena or twel". an i'iiI or Ih. brethreD cloud.' .ad ._en ,,~ . . - . in8ue_ wIth to,ou iu our tIomIDIOIl •• killia. lIiUbl1 thl Enataeer &A" I .... ... JoM ...... ~ _ _I,• •, . . hi tb. proceuloll. 8cHn1 b.ndI clIeo Tblt COIIIbu.tIoA of pi aa4 "por ... the pubUc throop lb. eaerciH of Given In &bl. Oenlnl City of -'M boepltal. II 4. 8,', illl'elpllDl1,_ ill wiD"" coun.chweetllltlllo. 'Rae N. WaJ. capn fl'OlDiIa ipr\Pre ID the top of the prell or DrII iDltnIeltou. are Mreb, our Powlr,b, .apRIl rem.aad or ,. .... 1eodI. or' Port .. I. I," I. loin aIpa&all; Mr or 8prla altld ..,..... the . . . . . macIIla•• III "hlalr ~ DI" be jo~_ IDd "ntJ, rtIl....t. . to epa" DO eI'orta 10 the N£liSCSID EL HASSAN PASSA. . . . . . . . . . la lit wMieIe .... - - 01 • la II..... ,b• .-1Ii _ .. ~..& . . . di- iaeulcatJoa o( t.... morU tnI\bI Euou•• I .... AWlllla.. duub"

WJ'IJLEl' DBNLEY', l'ub~r, PJaI)mtor.









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.I g~8 \p dllz 12il') F I I r Olliu lJrGnU~ 1fl bbl,3 OO@3 10 \V he l t 07@()Ot Corn II ellf and bulk a3 @ R4~ {) 11~

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~ L;O I\l l !:: J) \lJ ) Iruin Ii" CI ' '''' 01

w \:OUJ{ AND PII ILU)I.Ll'lJIA, I clr Ver} exronft l\ o 1 \1 cnllill 1 Slocl of

I'l l


9 ~ 42c

"ie Gte 32c 2Gc


April 14th 1848 FOllf miles norrh of -(}hicugo (un ~he rOIl~ to 1I1h\ll\llu ) Coul Co III 1tlr Slllnn-Dcur Sir One ofn y hnrsm had a It rile bo ny tumour a ll h IS bi'CUA! bOll e 11IItllc!1l11tely' undef the c"llur WhIch lamed )lIm render:.) Bill Bcrvkr8 of VOl y lIt I(n ul 111' I fllth /ully epp I ~ d @cvJ!rnl uottles

Dr Toylor 8 None 1I11~ Bone Lllllltl ellt ,mlto\lt the l ellti~ 1 Iwfit 1 ~hel1 procurell l.crl••l,Il!'''•• 'WIlder" Cl1lcbrntcd ~o r !lc 0 lI \rne nl 81 II u 8ell thu~ utl lli I bee. me fully; 8lllldliitt1 1\ \\ould IICVf' r reile\e \I e u.lllrnrll I obtlllJlcd II box 01 )'our t rlll y vuluul lc O lntntl'II\, \l nd 1\1 11'88 II un six ty ,1 '11S fru Ih e fir 1 orritcPliun the ItllIlOr ellt rei) dl51lppNred alld tll(\ h r GO \V$8"\\e ll EDW AUD AR.MSTRONG 007DB

OeG~o» 5 INDI" Cnl)LJ.GpoqE-

Alllong the dl Bllngtll hed IldlvlIJulll" , 110 h nvc 118cd ~118 yuh It ble rellledy alld rec ommUlldl'd It \0 the cunfidence of tho ,ull Ite aro HOll 'Vm L !II \fCIl, s\!cr tury of \Var Hon Will \\ oodb rtd ~1.' li ull R()d ~ W ill;, IIs , lInd lion W m A Fleldl'r 0 1 11}0 SI;)19 of :M clllgau LUCI US Abbot 111 D 81,d R c,v Chnrles R li'lghle.S, U IS A r "'y I H un S F ur~, CIU(lIll1f t J II Ra lhboljc E q UII<:U NY, B on !uJ.11 A R \ cia e ll of CUlmeC! CUI DE' r nrti e.~Iur to Inqulro fllf Dr O<q{J()d;ls / ,111,4 Ohal 4I.9ovue, U I1d tu ke nu ulbt!r O:~r See adverll ~ ellllllil

CJ7Dr B D lImH's Shokf r Suranf1u

,"In, ntlvcrll8 d III un oth~r col\In 11 18 truly 1\ ~oud F 'plily l\lr dlci llc ,J t pij tiil.'8 thll .. blood and rrI\VCI!I~ u \\ ell os Cllre8-1~ Id highly spokell of In 01 nC1Il1l1I11 , ond ril1hcl c eallcd \JIe poor mlln's 'fleud S tle Iluvertlsement


Ga, oUts relJo" DocIe Bf8ftl'Rrill ", As II pqrllier of the bl ood,,, rellovator theijlteiii, .n~ • ,uJlporter IIlld • rr~ee r 'Vcr Qr the powers or hfe. It bCl8 no ~q \lol


Take Ilto th~ flrsllndl coLldn thut dldenso II upon you, and you \VIII (lve rt r erhllps wel'k s IIl1d mouths of eicllne.. "nd sllfn~r


(lO-See .dvnh,el1lcllt




Dw by

rll1 8Jeillui or nlgb


TI cta Birr .. as f'IImt)" • • U momid .IC1 flte l lonl p.rlfy II ~ Ill...... "I •• Ilrool I~no 'nd olrelr ... tit dJCllUIJre orlPn, (or:li(r lhe Irllefn ",aJt It .11 r tufW dl..... un b. \akan .1111 ..f.I, 01 no tim. dobll toll nll Ih' II:roleful In lb. "'Il0l\ 4.11 Cit •• tornach Ind remarkab le fOr tlte. r C'beflrin~ In r';nra in« Urfl 8'11 enlng and ra.Wt1l1Pre pn I" anti. , h n.l .1Ae and. &1'0 re me.)r for

DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORS'r FORD Aho " • ., COMl lalnbl J aun(ll, .. JJ .. , UJ rU t:;na,

lI •• "",o h lntn ... 0 ...

rd," ~( Ille S~ lu

Llrer 0,, 1

.",tI,• •1."

SkIn 1.0<'-01 "PI"U\O I..... Sllrlu 1\ ad .. 0 ddl 0" ..olJ 1I0lion or tl. l1~rt Sink .... .." Fulln ... On\ .IIIM &1 lb . ",.,oelo orut o\l llth •• dll ....... I.ttl')' on In, ure ' l.... r 110 blOOd II~ .. Me whl cb tend 10 If btl

till"" ..... k-ltn



the '1"1'"


will find thl. led e.1 .. ftf

INES TIM ABLE In o Ll < I ••oor (1I:l'Ilm~L D.IIl.-I,r, lblo Slo4l elllO At.'T' LillI:: A Il AJlM

. . . OV . . . . . . .

the wool likea I're"D

,earllb,\'IIIIII... b1oh,alnee tl""Ip".'rrl" I;~m~~~;;ii;;~;;;;~;; In \Ve,ybridao. about ten d.,. 19o'l ~ ,hnrn III the pre.rnce of leve~al genlIemeD lnter~tetI in .hetlp fIlIIII", The were of ~en tban 19bteell month.' nd the IIveragc Iwmt!l a,,4 a -~1f tacll or fine even qUllhty of \\ 001, lind frPB fro n 101g hll'rs The Illmp\ea Play be .een nl tl i~ office l\[~ Jewett 5U~' thllt th lH~ce of illfgc bClIuliful lint 110ls \V,1I 0:0 npeto ~ UCCQ6Rru llv \ I It lhe Engl.1l breed. of m\luo ~ 8h~ep ow nl!' to the I:reol 5 ze of Iholr frames or!\ tbo (OCI tllIl Ihe r lomita mature muel etirl cr-tl e ant tlilng oppearll t(j me parlH ulolly e\\ es be ng remarkable lurge In Ikera CIId ,I nlIulllr- Alrllov,rh thOu hllat often He sa~d that willie ill France t" actually .. pertenced great YidMIlUdIlll .nd mllny or ihe chee.e modo frow tl e III Ik of trlaU aad aQlllnlou 'ha,.. 1I81111en tbee ewes He mel ~ ullS omong the qUAI till bollW \!rOIl .R ah'.,.1 of lhelo mor 1I0e. II at they luke on ad th1109k b-.ptak OOlltlat in fa,t rODdlly lind 're of nn exceed ngly u ID p~ Ten lIIe bO\\l It I. qmet t1bpoa tioo Q traIt whloh II DOW III~red daoa \0 "..,.,. ncb MI'8~il, lillY, 'Dd II sUributed to the facl thnt _pert' fQr more Ihan a cl'ntury they hove been GoMre)' '1II1led .ud .ald 'That r can tell .ttended by shepherds, nnd lIllYe Dot lJeen th.. r. ~fe I.", tOUlrbt thl. by to room at large AIr lewett "J on Clllllni. Ina my daily oClCupaho" Ihere .TO now Itl t liYe flock!! lD ~er ftl111!11 IDd m1 I. ill u a Seld France IIf tl e p"re Merlnoel wbiah do of COm' .cended from the government 1lucks III A~ the.. wordll Robert lboked It blm II SpaID .nd Ih.t I glJod deal of ellclldlllent ~~...11 bl un~tOQd 111m not, and Godfrey prey,ul. In France at the preaont I ne ~ottcIlICf, 'Bel,qlll my urother, WheD mIl! amona the breeders of these Iheep In con fortuae cometh$ llhlok of the ploll~h and sequence of vilitore from all pllrts of the the hurow, whioh prehk up the ,,"ound world, Il.!d thllher by the gre t uhibltlon OF ALL KINDS, that tbo woed. may be deltroyell IlDd the at Loodon He IIIIV lilere a Prussiun by EXECUTED NEATLY &. l'RO'MPTLY .eed••'rlke rool I loek tllerefore nllme or lachln who own. a Rock or AT TOE the .....le.pot. lR my hellr I and for the •• '00 lind tvo mon from Austrnhll onc VISITOR OFFICE weed.tb.tlro"" therein The (armor mUlt o( ~hllm owned 83000 lind tbe other 45 be ulled, alld tbe latter rooted out, before 000 Iheep Tbelc men plud lie hlgb IUI.6 the frul~ 1'111 grolt and flourlsb Ort.n 0010 rrums to be .ent 8000 miles by'" aler tlmell too t relani PlY ~otlOIlI Ie a tern !It lewelL. purchftle II the largeet, as peal, willch r .e \lark IIqd threatclling to .moUlit o( mOlley ever ml\de or forE'lgn wbich bltnql. with It ~tie rain that ooole live atocl( by In American Several of air 11 ld then I t1l1nk Whon it il put, thtl tbo beet (ermerl o( Addison cpunty have ----eun will Ibloe IIrill I In ttl \I mllnner J tllken II 10 nt tnler.t "Ith Mr 1 III the CODllder mYlIlf I.rld my lI(e I I a field 01 Oock', Iud ~he1 de.lgn til dllltribule theft' oorn HII the field II right to .ay to tbe ae far I I (be, mll~ be wllnted among the Lu.bondman who plouiM It 'Vbut doeet wool growera of Vermont The whole tbou" amount or money upended n thl. mpor 'And", ho \I Lbe mlliter .nd tillt't o{ thy tall aD II Gbollt '80000 -Burllngt". &n freid' •• ked Robert ltnrl Who replled Godrre1 but He \lho ..ndeth rr~t .nd .oow, .nd dew and rain a~on our fieldel ¥'homaoever h. lonth b. nh ..telletli ' A PUFF-AI OllrTt/Au -An Eugllab Milk paper publilbed tho follOWing dellth nl.n CIlUJI caanot-rlll tlirough II creat Clopth Illultration of II IpI!clea of liter'lure which 01 milk If mIlk I. therefore de.lred to re OIore corpmon In that COUlltl')' tb.n this 1110 Ita cre.n fez a time it .hollld lJe put It I. a dtollllDlon 0' • 11'11 lind cleeponden In • deep, narrow cUlh. and It It be de.lred ey to freo It moet completely o( cream It 'Dled on lho 11th ult, lit hi. ahop on ebotYd be poured ioto a brolld flat di.ti, Dluch ...eeedlUi oall luGh in depth ~h • • ,,,lu 00 of GII'\II Ie f.ollitated PI a rl.. alld ~hrdild depr_loa of temperl tllN' At tli ueud tempe~atur. of Ilalq ••t de, of F.renheli. an tile






)l'lltal CORlcqaeDce of Follr. AD occurrence-which bapp.nedat II younl\' 1'~lea' eemlnary In New York, i. mentlOued in tlie '!'Jwet of thllt citv. wIlIcn anotber proof of lhe folly of mdulgllli 1ft the thoulrhtle •• praclIce of 6.uemptlftlr to frightea otbera Two YOOllIr lodle' la Ihe 101t1tut\on were engaged lD lhel~ OWD rc:fOJII. connraing upon the .cltllJce of anat ,.aolllae r.r(;,atberID, Cloyer lell4. om" In tbe lIourie of ",hUlh on~ 01 tbem IIr O,orp A Smltb. ~o( Wlncbester proceeded to relate some expeHenco IIhe JtIndalpb coy-nty, Ind, h!l' lavented .nd he" formerly acquired In a di88ectl'llffoom IU "lYel In . I.e Ion 10 nil vho I "Y taken met.uf!'1 to ..ollre a p.teDt (or a u.t "I the co~vemtlon reached Oilll polnl palJ'uongC! tIe, We) !lvi, g bocome relpo " .1 d '- blu tor nil 110 d hie CQnnoClcd by I 6 III c lim 1 m.chlDe, (or cultinl .Dd I'the~mi cover lbe door of t be room openeu lin .Dolner 01 ,Bol \It/$ & GLOVI:a II Ulf !looka and Ac teed Thll. ...cblae esbill'" II ~ de.1 of the iomalel 'O{ 'he .emillary entered CQunta Ilre la our 1I1U d_lor Bottl e" cnt Qf ln~alliLy, alUlolI,b Ita cOD.lrUOllolI I. With 'low .nd ~'Ilmn treld, having a while It I ~ 'lfNJ~F~N ftl'Y .ll1Ipl. A wOOden rolleJ II conlUllct aheet wrapped .bout her (o'm lind her • 'VE lire reouly nlo11 I us to pay Ille .~ Il ghe~1 11 nrk pt I'rlCO tor Heel cahlo 14 with illicit Ipl\'ll Ih.",d ptojecUoD••• t face powdered to perfect whiteness her Venl Muton 4ce. A y I orson I nv IhoR cU.tancea ap.rt. ruomll' OD 1\ limp Jet h~lck hair, e,ea and brow8 preaenlllg a lUll .II~II 10.011 will dn well to II vu nl a call n &c wl.. *Ith the ui. aD thele .plral contralt which jpve Illallh IIg lividness to Wllynesville, ~Iny 30Ih 1851 2O-If ,eOlIOD. Ire .ecured knivei ot billdes. ber iho.t bke couDteDance The lady lA .ucll • WII lhat the \iuhlag edge whowaarel"tlfl,lierupenence 1IIIIIready I••ald to be me a ntlly lIupe,lol 10 each proJecta ov.r q.e concave part of .tbe wooden Iplrlll of the c,lend., A II Gny of I,er ela•• malee, and nOled r3r ber pl._ 00 the elrrlQ,e below like thllt or II IUea,tb or milld aDd rreedom from ner, pD re.per .nd a ItrlillM knife eS\tDi18 VOUlnel. .Dd .blurd IClJlliblhty So _ t h e rake bebmd to bold up the clover den, how eyer, WII tbe appearance or the 10 th.t II the .plr.1 cylloder revolves tbe ligure JUlt at a moment when ber mind "nlYell of It cut~1I' tlie heed. of tbe cloy., wal le..t prepared for anythinjt I1I80clIted IDtI the conca.. receptacle. under wltb tbe thoughta of the dead, tbllt OD be knl"l ca1'l')' tb. " ..lIa of tbe clo"er rouad, boldtng the 'pp" tlon Ihe fell leole1e8. to .03 lliua depo'lt the eeed In II prllper re the floor and Iwoke to tbe "cenel around up,tacle at lite turnlnjr vertlllie point - ber only to Iho\v her anlllol1, altendanll Tllere II 1180 an arrangement for lecunnl( tbllt relllOn hed ftcd aDd left lad lollena the wbee!e on the lillIe of tbe curiaae the mlntal wreck At the lut acc:oullt~I,1 ... bleh la IDdeed • YetI good impro,ement 110 chllDge WII d.covered In the dllltre.. ,/ill Tb.coUat. of tbe w~eel bozel have .ttacb Iymptom. orthe unfortuDato g.rl lind there A SURE AND SAFE REMEDY lOR AND .cI teetb wbereby tbe axl. I. mlde to IUFII \I htde encouragemellt to bo~ th.t teason wben mOYUl/l forw.rd but not when mov WIll eyer re.ume II. ecat Thll occurrence la,, thue throwlal the wheel out fa of courae. Ian produced much dlltreaa both par wl'lI the tuttera by 'Iprlng when lD tbe seminllrl and tbe lamlhea of the re ......'" TIle me caa alto be .dJusted .pec:t1ve parue. • anl-requ rid diltance to or rrom the re --------......,eattlrt-&/QI..c Arnrle:an 'I d II' ve IInytbmg .Imol' to htllr Ole Bull,' •• id a down eut lUll to her lover . . . . . . . . .r DltelalllJ' ••eJaJ.e. 'W ell' .alwered he, 'dad'. I(Ot.n ol~ brm .... Cfwt111IIabo,. of Oblo die Chip, .nd 10uOIa beu him beller at.1 ............. tall.. ~ &u ..cure moet an1 time • • r.• .,.,.lmprOWl8tDt 1a4itchlnlt --------.:.A IkeptlOlI,ounlr min oae CODnr



F ... TVCK.t:U JUSI received at iheir lIor in"" hew bull D EAIU)ORI MIol n E Dey on Mulberry .'reet Lubnno a UOVO


kw duo .. weal or \I e Slar Grooory til)' 011 extensIve aeaottmClnl 01 besl Jewelry o"'r oller od 10 Ihe Clhzens of Lftbmno I ..r VICinity con. S I ~ In pllrt of

Uold a ILl 11 ver levers dcfllchOO and LC(1111Cl wlltchu Every 'fI.rioryof clock. silvn II!'00nl ..old u ,0.\ 8l1ver pepells PurleBt floolc.ote ~pcClacl"" I08UllaU agel and yea; Inll Evcry .rllcle USUally 10uIluIn a Jow

r mcy Siore All of which they off~r al rau pricCII All , aod especilllly II eLll1hll8 III" I IV •.ed 10 callan( our g0008 ·We~iJI mendpenonnlly Illr pntrlngClock. W.,d e. !\~rd""nB8 111 Jowcl rY\Dnd wntr\l I I DhlAIU>UUFF &. 1 UCKER

elry alld



A lady bela, uk" wbat bUIlDe.. baf MEDICAL NOTICE .J;fJ aIIllI1I._llalllband fllllowed, .aid he wu en,a," IQ Tho IUIdom",ocl bU1nllti18 day onl"rOOII\ !he t'raclics of Medlw " aDlalun, Further u:pllnlltioQ necr. to ouparwerablp. in branCha fellpee tully lend r their Ie"'ca lO Ibe elUuna 01 W.,nenlile The, CUI be IlOntI"llt.od III Ib, 01



'Olrl. wbo rile IOOD uuI wllk Ipace, BLeil roetl (l'0III AId'OlI" f.ce, Bat wbflll theJ ,awa I. bft tiU ru, Aarwa......... Mok .,ala!

Jfol_fonNiv abeenl J C STODDARD

»-_ .




All tltoM hawl"lJ unllOull!d aceounta 011 III, booka I I I nqueeU!ll 10 HUle &he elIDe b, CIIIb III' 01_"".. witbol1\ fUriher delay, £. FIlillt:R 'AO (~If















• _

, •


t ' .


.l Family Newspaper, Devoted to ·4gr!cwture, . lIechinic Arts, Literature, Soience, .orati~Yj- FOl'eign u4 ·Domestic. News, Amusement.; &.c. I , " • '. '\

'0 L, t,



---_., ,



1 •

' .



clonll at Ion h lIeenme n\1p"rcllt in ho withullt-o.... t.Wml.\0r1Yld-ti~ brcrketr-nt th e o'nce 811J (ell (orword, his h~f1d8 ·g~n.pil!g l ring y~i1r_oppr~~tice~IIil' ;' I n?ver nu olll hnl f\vuy down th o ror k hontill', the \ to retalll It bllt huvo rcecrved It for chq"ged olld distant deln\!lttlor t",wl\l'II~ 111m (or ru.h er WU K pruud ur Jlilll) ~e woll. lilunlain, uII11 her early ffl cnd. CIIII,dut ' and ' II ,8ellse of a~ OIlC 50 voi n Illl~ worltll).m illded COllld j "1'·uil1 l .r gr~w hcr fi)Olfllll, Dnd h~Hye tln!'s M tile fork buryinglhemat:lvea ililhe -I.itll it I "il'c \'OllIlS much c1UIy . r6r,bade . h(!r ~o IUUCl ve ISIIIlel 119 'n love, Dnll bclt~ I'~d th llt ho I,r all her tra in n.\-I:""I 10 "'cnr (I IIly.IIC shodo locos smulld . Ue coulJn: t eXlricate' himse lf.- emllil copitlll to cummence conllilollt-she trlluled her \Vilh a e"ldne88 or odtllirors, should be hl'r co mpAn ion lor 1 IIu, OIlWIIW h~r 1l"IJlrturoTo Ict gil wo ultlbo 10 (011 up on hi . 1I0,e, tU I \\ 1800m uf Ih e old mUll wnl noW' WhlCh COli .lrwe d· ~, Ichclilillg rlli .. 0110 , life, yet sll c roquired strunger r roofH of th e destroying Ange l h~d e nler elllhn clln. lift Ihe rorl( Bud uruiQ to Oil orect position to ll.'" s.o n. 'His (ell~"'8 b~d con 11110 WOI nu IUllilor wcle-oPlc, IIht! Ahvildll his 11:)vC, .thon Ihc ml're prytTer, in words, de l of lifc-It i. oenl ",~S Bct' UII h" r fore· IVn~ impoij ilill', nnd 10 he. hUlljf Ih ure Itke . hublts tn tho expelldlturo of ... 1Ii relio\'cd ur. cOl)lfl~lIlun w)Juae socie- !."r h i~ '111111t! onn heo rl.' Yenra or un cum- h"utI-u nal III'CII rUlr ::)IIIl1Il1Cr'. f llllllllg UII Il 1III I,"lcd. ll i. employor. Beri ng hiij ! ql,,~Jted which 1118 fnlher hlld wi Iy Will 11 w GI irklom~ ,118 it WIIS ' bOlure ,' plnining fidelity, p'llif'lI t enll ilrunce nf he r , tni in filing tll ~'lr bonller brightly uv,'r 1"('<1i 'alllont, Bu id-'J illllllY, you hOdll't wero nOlV [I(lItnyl!l«~ ill . F4a T IU:, MILvl VI. ITU.1t agreeable, . sl i~h.t , 1I10!le would rend er him worthy· the ' e nrt h u, .. 1 . Iurry heuvell~, all" I!II~W thll "",,ht 10 tll ile slIcli u l un~ 011,' ,It WIl' II' t w with a good charaoler to TUE .OIi~IlAPl't~ If was nil over"":'the lerrlblo \Yo rds hnd IIlI ss.of coll illl1' h~1J11 Stonton hl3 1.Iri do' l huu r wn8 I'rry II llur (o r I,cr to ~i~. 111:" ~nid h ', 'thu~ too'll 811:11 0 lond, bllt yc IIlllJ8~ n cs9 al.ld no~ 8tllnoe ning nf••ee tho furk is 80 cussed grecdy I pl n'l do Ilhe 0 f publlsllefll In tlllit country. - bpen "poken-- ~ IIJVl111 noolher-li fo wu s tl is every tho;'ght , his lire, hl8 ,,11, 'mll8t be t Albert roturn ed (\11 thc nex t' , Jlrr- , ~I 1J0lhhllr lo ~ er hencorollh. l'he pl cll~n \lt IlIiJ lit her shrille ror ,till' 8ucrificc uC her I('r Ihei r inlervi~ w, but Iris btfl,:h{ ulll iui. 1101'\1, with il!' J immy II \IS relit;veo Irolll I Most of hi. cuml,.uniun8 In 'apprenlicl!sh'ip J IVfOt III 1118 (O r1l$\". Ihad, acenes df nalure sho' h'/1I 1111 loyell 10 lou k lillt' rly nnd pride at the Hymelleulnltnr.- Plliioll" II'RI'e ~cultcred to Iho dust. H o his oU11 Qlld uncomfu rl able [lo~l tion . Tile ure \IIi ~erullle !luor, vil'iuuB,ol'ddellrllt.1eLl. 'l10 breMhe 1114 bul{IIY lIir, lIpOIl worl! "0, lunge r lJell utiCIIJ- ltil wu. I She wuuld kee ll him at boy awhile-tho' snlV th n Iin ller' lII 11rk. 1,1 1 Denth 11 ore plnin- ~ClliU 8 uf tC l\lpe r,!n ~e lin ' uflUCICd a grt'llt •• Bill 11)1 w , , hlldtlll"o alld 1110010• culd lind iJark. TIII.!lIgh it WIIS wro ng. 111111 In!lslllhjcct or s luves-till she wos lired of Iy ill1pr~sscd Oil het cheek and bruw . lie c hulI Ue in rC!:,l1rd to th is rlllllllling 11[1 ill PI r~t nnd lRllt Ellurt. 'l'hd lilo, thlla';ul w.u. not cvety thought IVa. bltterne8s, yet sl ill s"~ !lirting with olhers, Ihe l), tu IIII' Il e~pu ir 0( , wuldlealw il h ""u ny un lold, ht'... : 1111 of \1 10 huyi ll.!: lime. '1'11 0 pm~lI of rUlli, th ulI\; Let Uli try to give you very brlenly~ 1'I!a. .1an war, -1 w 'nt to Iho hlllln\i! of "Ice, tlluught uC him·. lII"ny .tI broken ht'o rtrd s uitor, nlld crtvir.,11go Ih,w o. Wh~o tho go lde n field of j!ruill h e"I'~II, rn roly IIOW mingle8 with ' he der, 1Iliitie story th ll t w~& · tolll to U5 tile both fell ~Icep, when W ia ru nil WaS lree (IOOI core', Bhe /lDnk rl y bellenl', ht'r Iwelght 01 I by nll.ll er ~e:'l , sho WIJUIJ Iluiclly become I eguill wnvetl 1n Ihe shft \~i ntl. "'6f"'llIld'K"m- ltreu th of the clover :1 1111 the dCllli!:,hll : olh f.r lIigh t III the.~lIl1ctum. We w.iU en· moro Iturted up e%clniming, 'the, a,. tryllu l owuntl Wn. it. blcl"OrIl U~ I on m- , wo.' The liU'hln lllt: glOll nt ~ uf Ilullo 1II1sh- , lhe WIre ul Ihe hnnddume, tit o ~lJch ntlml- \ ml'r,' reudy rur Ih!! rOil per's :tu l' ring hllnd,' j hUd IUHt custo 118 on ngm:lllwrol nuxllwry. , dell~or to prese nt It /IS lIe~rly 18 pOI Ible him 08 Q 'py: ond .. h" dl!lcribed the D.'l"bu chll~t neil 5t1ul WU 1l0 L Ihure. cll around her pOlh lYuy but to I l'~VD laer in rcd nlla! weu lthy ~Ibor t HUlllllulI. Bllt Ilhq. bore, with 81 ri Ilcnlll':u·t><, ; he IlIlaI Iu ' ••• , . . , th~ wortld uf Ihe lIarru~or,. . • of t ill' co~rt, lhe pr~eedillil of ,h. 1 "' il\ Ih/t 1111' ''11 oull 9, deor"r gloo m; th e ligh! which ollce so for once she wus mt ~tll l;cn. He was not resl bencu th tIle p(' ll$ivc shada ul Ihe II:tIA WORTHI' ~Id farmur, rOBllllng III t~I C VI' D Ill I ev(,t loll .y ou, eUld It!!, ~bout my and prl.onere, with tho lreateat 1111. 'M I.'lIin 1111111011 dcsllnlr, .. brighlly ' i1lulllilled her cxilltcllcc wenL out thli 111011 to btl thUK dupod-.h e foull,1 too· 1trce~ ~h~ hlld lu \'~lI Bnd where ortan ~I." ci nilyo f LullO lIluhnpock, WIIS wOrried tu , fi ral and III~t puetlcn l eO'url1 Reckon not. Ilutenesa, Once more the ponr ai.ter', tfl,. R. IIIIJr.Q 'Wo ~ I,iclurcal 011 tll~ llrowrllr vc r; end WitCII th o bllllllY bretlth uf \. late her sllh e~IQ hnd Iilliod. 'Phe veil " ULl l lt ~d lingereo, wlt cn' J!,ys, ~right l\olVllrH, vr tIenth In!! sU.lllmer hy .Ilon rd erd: 1' hel , :~~ II. Ihu' i,1 :vu, A cOII!li~eraole long ror, were ca!tllp.d by her Irlen\l', tonder No hOPI)\I1U8B wu tl' ~r. Spring .~gllin fllnn~'d hcr r~ir pille rqmhuud' 1(o llpn. rr~m 1118 eycs OIlU h~ sn w h er I:h~r- rsurrDII"~ ph lo.rO!!t'd t".r0ng,wero rll\I~llI hl!r, rou n~ r,,"lt WIth hid ,Wblt', ~I~" SlliaI Ito hnd . Im ng~: ~I heIt I .IV"~ l,ursul.n.1l Ihe rcprescllt'tiQII', but tbe tbird lime .h. 1 wcnt 10 tho IIP\l& of GatI. tlI O)' Illulu'd t{, ~~o Iho druO llinl!' s uO'orcr ' nct r 1\1 II ~ tru e IIghl. D, KgusL ond prtdo with th ose . klt'ld .f,-j onds etldeatell tu her notlllnlt fi t tu eat. Darn JI, tio hl ha (1110 I (hrl1ld pO.Sta IlS 011 1118,) Ilnd \Y Illch I awolie i crtillDlinll th at they were ~'Dglnl 'j\l Ilcnr llao W<l' ~II 01 l>tofur; [Inss 'I Krougl, Ille Etern~1 Glltbs.' jtun lt tha rlllcc 'lately filled ' by her il.noge, youn/t heart by th e I:ndcst i od holiest duy, 'Wll ilt 1\ IU88 you' re Illtlldng. I CUll overtu uk', 1 WU~ ~o tl illg .vil" my .0" hltD aw 1l .py, on a ~ree, .1Id In hi' "rI. All I 1111 wna I' l o U!l Unln ~n­ I ' lor r Iler to Ule, ., . TI10 und wCl\Ideri ng how lao eOlllo hllve been / tl' ~''~ • ' eut ao'·l cl1culII.tIM.II ,Tho .p th , Ih .. .oul w os lh~re . , .lI iIl .,O'.' ' CUll yllll (lut II crow I' I u line whh my, nose, 'lilY cllsto m tl l\vuys in lIIell ie ll, with mOil)' olher • _ ~_ ' n ut .It -WIIS not tlll~ \ . , I L' a '1 I I Ii IIlilld t)~ HO IUll g, he Icft f'lf h l.1 hOIllC, dete r· A .I 1 " r Alb t I I ' ijuld olle of the bonrJurs. ' YC~, I clln elit l th o Illlcrnou n, whe'l at Ihe upen dou r a Tboro wu 110 more sll'ep for the frieD ... , ' lt~ rVl' nt Iltilycrs 0 YO pnwul Ct II • nu II' lu t uc ~nll\c II cr -I Ie uVl n'" , . . II ,. ' " II ' " '·1 I .1 ., hi ' h I w•• in \100 ho"." \If u"lIth, • j ". mined UOI"I"'lIl>r" to lonk 011 th e lI~eoes . .. u crow.' 'lI ct YUlI n hUI, 5111,1 the gu est. verltu I e ~.I C lllllpPQll rc u. 18 IlIlmllnu e t IPY illt up anu 1'1I1.ereu ellc n er ow. \IIle 1I1ercv rcmt'mbered hl'r-lle &!ovcrlust· . " . ollalnoblo Albert! ' V"e n sill.' was "lIlIe hl' . ' . . ' \ '1'[10 vielilll :s brow Wild '. ' . ' willch hnd witncssed hI. bItter dlsn ppuull· .. I 0 I Th e be t IVIIS IIlatlr, lhe crON II'ms cll u",ht IlIlch ut the w U I ~l blllld spoke lit OIl\lO hl.1I puc~et- book tbo purticu ars, Ilqtld thl . B~ I Mound was • lug Arms lIj1hllecl her Irom D,'spol r'>! co ld remlllllcd 1I'Ith Ihe limenvl'l ones wi.. , h" . O . I . I I.' d . . k ' .I I d .. .Id I h I J I .1 ' mellt, ond th e . deceit of Ihe flll.e ollC, I ' 1 " t l J ' I h "1 I. I lind nic,·ly ro .. ~t etl, bul borore scrv lIlg It occupatlOlI 011 ti e vno), ccr· terror strac ea SI.ler, )1 ' It I 'Ie . ute., an .. '1'1.0 'pirit, Ih~ . wo te ICu Ie ove nowret u oom Vllt 0 , , .1 1 'D ' . I I' •. I d II I tb Ir •:Ie lltlI s, 011 d Stlu ('II Y I 0 C Olh d C t·orc,,· uUU d ." I I I I k ,. I Ul' tllt'y COlllrlvpd to sCIIso n It wl lh a l1 OJ you cve r IVr 1I11 etters lerel 11'0' ulill ngree to eep t 10 lource ~ • . ' I d I \ whoso ellChUl1li 11 " Iicuuiy hual s u s urely woo r d ulV~y from IIt'r bell!lIlle SQlaI, As 6 Ie. " , " C Qn ulC, nlll 1 101'" I 105 1111' e ullt se· I · fi . d ' b 1 wn8 11 Ihe grnl'c·yanl fi COIIO , veil liS rutul meshe8 urtl llud hi8 suu l. ., , "06(1 01 Scotch B1100'. Idutle eQ\d \lwlI to tie Irdt qllUdtlOIl. own prelenl[IJl.'lIli.n fe.r.lluUl t "poor Wher\! .11 ill COIIIIIIU!) ~ hpre loullt'd baol( on what BI'cmcd to hl'r 1I0W VOID of th u ' loveu lI lld 10S l, thp,y could ~~c I I I ~d b' t I ,. 'SO ) etiml'" 80 id [ 'IIlthoUfTh I III n t I/lu ther. rol1dly Ilopinor ti l.' tllal were In. dO vuin olul rvolish, sht) saw how fur Bhe . Sociely lu"tlts jllierest 10 Albert, und, ill his hU II"o rcd COUI/lellance IiIlJd Ob"lructed entlle crow, Ie tllOt It' /tou I~, UIII vO' II 0, ',0 11 0 •• ' • ~ 'fila d ~rk II c6~ aI' Iho 10Illb-· . I I . f I 01 .(' ,"0 j ' gUll to chew U\\ oy. , \'~ . I olin fut crow! oxncl lyI 0. mUll. o(loullrs. b~ilt on the '. bll84{leu "'he '~I'hil, Ihb IiD~1 n ~llhtre, h"d wondered from Him" and he r hcurt I e'lI\cll" IIIg " S eo rr~1V rom IUUlOO . I. r- air how clost' y her memory ""\IF rolded tu . . , " .. . fabrio ",f ·. ,j.. "1 " " 1~ II pe nll. enco SI10 SQlJg ' III"IV'llion" l.esougiltill solilude' DullI' the nur- II h I I" 'I " I I (nnolher llli e DIlOOII I1IV fll I. CIICC.) 110m j W o lthl'l\snld,lte,I,lIlklllgaroulldcarelon.' .. duYI IVn ~ ' IIlIllIu <!u. 1 ~ Ollrl- IIIW ncnT . ,~ C II!Jlil lCI Borrow " . . ' I (lutllludl.ol/nll.DjlIVllinlhll ' •.' . , BUI IlIlho' ~h illlru:' , ki o9, : d I 'i1 • T\ (> f 'l " 8u l ~ 0 ( hi.(8vurlte~tulliod n blllm . lor Iti" . I' . I I ' rr '1'1 ' b ph/ ,,'FOIYJ bul l'lIbe damcd ij ar· full y ,t06eo thllt IllS commlln \catlOlIlVua dcroaalhuAllun'io, 'u8 flllal 'idllli' WI\~ Mnv~II !Y 1l1ull\'B are, "II \lUll l1ellco ~ , III Wl\~ jI 0 1\ e 0,11111 . '. . ' wns C IIl glll ~ 0 II~ I e . , ~I~y . ~trnvll y ter it ' cun fid('ul1i1l, '1, W,lnl n lirdl-ralll un o. ' Ilalllll, I1l1d, to the dt! cp uwe D8 w~lI .. ,A nll lIuvor IIll hag j~y k ; ' flow ed cnlmly ovor II pr 80ul , nlld \l OU:':lll j broken eptrll, Ilut . el'ury tllIr lll\~o \1' hich uff~clloJl nod EY III' . ,'" I ., ' I ,. A I' I k ' . " . ' ,, , • e. ~ U II" 1001, nuu 011 w lat 6UuJ .. CL. 118 the youllg ludlea eVQry clrcuUI.tluee Tho "I,hil. 010 !IOul Is Ihero. but a pt:n8lve sadne88 remollic u to tt:1l uC " D n rl~ar ~",l ll~rkcr 81ill the dnrknCBS/lrew. I'"thy cou ld 81tl!gC~t to reSIOI'C b ill (orlller G J 1'1 . •' ',. CA'" I .,. . . > ' I' .: 1; JJ1 ' 11 I .. ' . . A CuD UKIl,- Itlc.,rpMl",r urlun eu. , 118 ezoctly i,lIported to thelJl .s hild bee. the fenl'ful agony sho ,ud enuur~d. he ' .nppollllmwll aloo cheerlu nr£8, 1111 ~ III VOl II-he! III rehlD IlI' . - 'bl f I' II ' T" ,m ' ) . K' " d b 'SI .• l'orlll I~ II tile ~Oll' . ·l ltAr'. d,..-. , ' r A ., . I III onlv comfOl lcr 1IIIlllll0llrniull y I I I ·' " 1 ., .. ' I IIlich. )I. rpoIponsl e ur th e 0 0 \\ lilli, .. '0 lllln \\I Illery, laJ o. Ie nlU t .... an iId ilwellt .Ir 0 prt cUIDe WII I He re· 1 " e, II 110lOY nlll UI .COII~U nlr ;.lInu . oon t Ie I' . , .1 I d i d I u d~ ____ . I I 1 f I 'l'ulJ all wo. ~ft.8cll. • • • • • • I 1I I ., II I 11 A tall, kl'cn·"l"co cUllnlrymllu stel'peu III· been octlltg rlgbt, nlld I wnnt to tl/II bflr 80 , 'nu IU 1I1pene un III very .y precVJ!V" I " fre~h lng 1I1l1ll'nc:e- B IP".tldOlllllt d 0, ,Icr 'I'uu blue heOI'ul13 wituer;:", and JlIe Uluon ond pB ""II ItlAltl' ~1' "ld 1.'~~UI~d"t to . ' t lil t 119 to lhe Cllurt ruo;" at D"trui t, the olhor day Sh e' s beon u guing to IIi 111:11111 schoul with ini the lIi,ht ur ber tl,o~m, The writer delr cOlllpanluI)Fl-her Ih, " 00 ot lI'r, worud to WI I a \\1611 ,ere mOllY mont I~ , ' . N I k I. d I hh ... _ sun, ' . . ) " during tile pro" relld of the rllilrua al trtlll.- another chap SlnCII I leh.- ow tak o I th \I • luill on onoe I,It8 IV ,Ie uanot "'1""11 . . . ... Ind hie .Iintlike .i~ler~1 rill tbelr allX- Alld to ll Ihn sta rs and the greell ur1.h Illd rollpd round, lio lulfilled . I , ,,,.Ie "Dlt) I... .. I .• I r d I h .... 'd ' ' Step[ling up-to n 8 p. ~lltoto II lceto , p~p~r UII II ve er .. ,y 111111, D~'wlni or i(lpII ti-Ildernc,sl alld ~proDohev hcr6el! '''lIrll a()leu.I ~'\ru lI ge .I y. - ~III' WUd @o C IID und qlllQt, . I " r , 10 I rpqut'Bt d t cu I, . r e lut~d liy Min Sel"ard, Dr. \ I ' , 'A d . i'l ., I' '' ' I " . Ihllt Ih e pndonord illig It ul\ 1'0lltP uu to ILrong the llldllewurihil, falhtr 111)11 dauatil"r. wUo • wirrrllll rUI -rUE MIAIlI VIIIl'PR, wll h " ing'lllllulle thut Bhe /111.1 eluhg r(l- II "VOUIUIl W [Iere" 10 11111. ' tllPY (id 110\ b Ilcve A lw l ldll':IUI' ~lh IlIJilcl' . , .[ did my bc~t. dn ll pilI our·ver· har e 110,11 given to tile pullllo muny ill'''tlt. , . . ' ' . ' ,, . him. 'l' he mall ho occos tcll, bcl n ~ ~\I \IIc· BY; MILLY Mjj)LllOUJ:l'(E. gn rdleds of Ihe grlof WhH·1t wrullj,( thol r At IOllglh tho nigbt was iIIuminell by ed lu.n much; l'S' Iinl·w"' llltlu of tI lt> , . I ,I tl ' I I' " f . I I t . ...,.-.,. , I ' I I ' . . cl , . . ' , i ' I tiling of II \vlIg; POjlltu, l u wuru~ 10 Jury.- nu ca IIr 8QIIle 01111' 1011 0 eltpreA~ l o n 9 0 111- illll evenb in tie bri iitlllt but brl.' c:u..r dll I . II " d' . ,I I ~d Ii ' k . rV~s:' A d 'r(lnd h'evrl~, n.J!O long ' ont! . clu~fI y lu t le1the hurLlngers ·l)f, opprou '\jlll&: D"f nil 'Iseqret w()rUtngl< o( g ra er 'dn t UI! cru~hcd 'r (I I hl' ? ow sCl/ nn,l' ICl tlli~~,VII.lVlllbl . lid In· Iljflllll,\lOIlI'''~U SOrlllho. lUI, I'noo 91~gll\llst Q . tiJ. \I I·." I , phnllCA;1D which hulllu r~1I I;er to tho vcry th e I ~idt~ uf' DC'O!dljllll : 110 ' Ded pllir Oed' epirit-tllC blJluli it',11 c'l~ke l whi(,h he ld tll~ . , : f . I ' ; I terustlll!t eve, II' ,Oil ~jH d eu 11'11 I Id Bcru- tI 0 llIor oll<;r 0 t 0 ~ tn"'''g ~o l100 . ' , ( l ] vt'r,,~ oJ the gruve: ' Shn t"4 ught hllw I bc ~uro it~ light. The lid..1 of IIll:mory prl eilies grms II tl nl'U lIy inlel eet 1\'~'8 . I ' • d I ' I r • d 1 H Id I I" id I "I I '" I ' 1 18"0 Il1me •• nd J A bn H.r .... r -"rio• n iI •' " . 11 . ' . , . I , I \In" Ie lurne lu 1I~ II orlllor U,I II' I\~- , , 0 I lero. 811 Ie t ,ot I. raIler t " r - .I' & ellAI tEoIl ". • tllt'l \iau I5ltIV/' 11 to Ifluka Il cdlUPI'Y III tllIlS rush d ~nck, upon hia lIeurl-1I ..-isiull or. S\,OI cn~lI (orcvl' r- olld ere the 8111\1111M ·'.1 W I ' I dl I. ' I" . h k N I ' 1.0 ' , L . , I"u w mon .1 I d1 '0 I d . I ' pcreu ' ~ I tney I\rc n Iur ou"lIIg set, Ill IIO I 8111 on I nt luc I uw put ler otT ed o. II, journey meD in. printl", 0 " 11, \1 ,1. IIr~ll\ 11\'''' . ' JICt!Il I r u .- bell\lllrlli hume-huw Ih~y buu 8trul!g lIehltty , lhut onco b!'ckhllcd him w the owe r» I .lI' nlt l'reu, the cl\ld~ of the VIII· ' ,: I <. I I . ' -', •. I k II ' I N:'w Yurko They "'Ir. dl',\io<7uleh':'''JI'II. L' . I, I 11 ., aill't lhf yl I Kn ow by tlel r I\U><8, IIIPVOl/f/i. a reI\, 1l1l11d III RIIOI ler tnc ,811 give ler ~ .. v • -. It · b t 'y ry body luved • l BI Ie w.ti 111,1 pr(' ), II .. e 10 prulVlIllller stay on I!llrI!I, .IIU 1IIl0IICO delcad buwerl5 or "' "('ilille8s, clun e ~oroy ~y' cuvcrcu I III 1I1 ~~. . 1" if I' " I ' ... '.' . , I _, , b k F'r'''II''lin, 'o'r loduet-, ,emper.n~':' .0.1 ' h kInd it d lil'od Firm· : ' . II . /0 go to II.G S/"I: rl.lOPl, 6wry Olle () "am, Kl1mO~O '. UI~OU lt, .ur "nil t want to rell "" ,~ _ .. I Ifr-,; e w.a _u ., ' lIIure roguload II. bcu uty, yilt ti hc wil~ II' • Ill' uelure him, and 0 s"eet p K I\l"fu~e h li'llt CONC,t.UOr:D. ' n' . I I 'h h I ecollolny. " TIll! well known s.lltor of tbl ·w t purpvee 1l1\~ lltll)r .lId be nl"" " k • .. II I DC. , . • •• , 0 ('ntlre \. i 011 Y tu'score cr, 80 t III I Ie . "Ileu , PU~I 0 I' "1 ' . ' . i l l • illig to che. Cdlglll:l" a , tu tIC IVlIle OVH hilll j'r~ \J1 th e IIre~ry rcu hn . 01 the 1 :- ~ -Th o lUi,. " OR or OrclUno B. will nllnd her hdm .l\lId ateer straight.' Alb~ny Evonlol Juurnal worked ulI/uur. ' t1't jCi:t'Ki'rnt~ J~ 1( it)rii ' ll ' T W J:\""'rt S 1 1 "" d ' rt Ileymau prlntAr tbat "m. 'In II/lmo olt'nee "C"1! tho ~ au nl! tUltll II .lllf C IlI.r \ViII, bho resol n'd IIIl'l!kly to lollow whllr- j PlISl. Fullr 100Ig IIn~ w ·ar» ),cars h lld t T l' b" Il1ind and CIH'rlll'llu . . , I e , . .' 'm ;.t{.(';\.:b.\.I.t iCIl.!fA.tl_ :J. 1~1!.ll. Sir \Vll ltr.r ~ c.)\ t gi v ~il lh e Iullll,vi ng nn· • 0 eO(1I1< ou, nn p~lt \\I 80100 80 .,. , ... ~ u .... lJn ~c ~r. h u ·It~ru 11\ I I It. I t1 eVll r lact lowly R~deetll~r blluuld l.clIII \I,,, p~S80al ~incu . fi·~t ho . loa;ked . Ul1 .tltat • . ,- " .,.. -Ieellute U8 ilhlAtrntit q, u( u C11I8' uf DIIIIU}" ~nwdl'r nnd lovc siok lI\)n~enIO. relld e.tllbli.lllftfn,. , 'J'lu",,! I'y, he, fWD 'our , ra n)!!,ut'' e ~. .. • Iw. nlt ,u~ ...drfw II' I!II\~ Iclt IIhq WII8 not pl uccd hero W WII to fuel' , '1'1\0 d P ~Ill) t1)"(ld \11 J:,tlrc reo' .' ~ "" ,. ... _ ' "1 ' I I' I' : pU,tn"r at til' pr-., We .' ......11 •• '1 II'IIie~iII<)olllbl" • , ' e .. ,..... . . IIII cU8 N \ y 11 0 J ' Iter;ar men (lrc lome. to 1II0. , ~_ . __ gracc 1III-IIII,.,..r1!, ,w IIC I r . '. in uee!eS8 repil\II~1Z UI" 11 (" 11\1 had I;i~en" prlJ u!;h ful ly yt?1 Ibvi,hgly Ull him . It \\,II~ A Pllris corrc~pun ~~uL IlI·on of IhD Lon. ~ g 6ul J' ' cle I' • "rlint IV 'III do,' SO'" lie', 'bul teliller II"'-r III tbe 'd • ., dlwned !" Ild tlioll"h. 00 a tl)wurd. lin tllb Itet&rt~ of all 'II htl Ittit lI~d , ~ , 'I ' I.' r i .. , I ' I d .I c I ' u ... d ' , 1,1l1? J " . t. , lu ,..., r. , . . ~ " b.I, .1 • "t.r 1I~~r I,'~\IIG' ,. lIb ~"I~ IIJg I"~ Iuc~ 01 "lie IS IU c. /, Y \\r " .. ~ .. ' dOli pap er •• rl'llllCd tI,o lolluwlng ~uthur ill'One IlIurlllng I openE'd (1 hUlle llimp or 011 It will be 08 he b~hDve8.' . IUllllUel .rt'fl;OOIl, los olild t",.li b {II her dehlltiU\ and CIII\U ling. CUnVlltlIU' plllrl',' 11,1 ",.1" n IUlVlille~t; una! I~ith ' till '1ItHi~e iUIIIIIl;"l'-lill'ect u~ sunlig ht ~rl'Uk- l crl'I'ilJle dturr' ' . d" I I Itl o t I k' to ee I v It 'Su I qUl1lificd tllo honey witb Ii)r. walk . th. tlon, She '''~ p¥8 ed I,lill 1111111 ~'hl'II ~he her ~ pphi .. t(Jd tllnc." thrUIIIlI, Ihe cJUn,,- Ihnl surroulld \Iie '~(·olllltl'crUia l tru\'l!lI pr, who'S(\ busi "e ~ ~~ R:~:~~~~~C~ ~~~er ~~u~~rn'" ;hut'~;\,,(\d utl,er I,rut glow .. with the hUjlt's ,1\11.1 1I1Irulsll·C. b ' t , 1 Itt . II' I ullnted It ·s . ' , 0 vill"llllr.' . , I I '1 SI,\!' ~ 08 CUlltl111led 1111 I lind fur. I Ifrt'qu l!I\ lly callr·d'"III IU frolll 0 .-1011' 1111 tu P ar· Iravel d IIl1d llr lIunlll oUlnl lJOICIIL fruuk like 'Tla llt's ull ri"hl,' sllid ht'; 'but I WOllt J"uu 'bIlU'to be enpped' until h. bId brokeD ~ elllhu~l. UI 01 ylllal I-y('t • Ie \n 8 1111 I - .' I null' I 10 0 I Alltctlli I ' t;1II1 I .\'d.I IlSI rnbrtnl'rA Il'lIu " IIl'glt'l!ted .. . ' I" " 11" · ' ., frkmJ , Illd r"Julet'd I IIIL 1 0 WII \IIPIIY 1\ In ugllll1 1111. , -1iO , M. E ~ IIIUlla.l ,W UII U ot1 udtumcd the F irst Lurd o( the Adllllralty 'lI, whim, lO put ill sume verdl!S tu wind up the yarn. book or the ,hirt8tlntl, 'token. • youn, 10 le(' 1111'- u " OIlUIIII nelV, Situ • . I" I. " tl I'll ne r~st I 's life ulld he I .. ' . • ' IIl"hlll hllbcl, ,,'llulll, ti II! UlJllutl'd \lui, rC' lgu C II~\\'U S I l l I~ , to (:Iu to I. hO I~' I " wil h lie III ndlorLi IVhi~h loond bcbold tllC cout4?m s prol'\'l1 to bl) d 'Such 118 whbt!' s'uid I.' . What I. Ihe . ..quelt the journ.,••• fresh It lIu1\'er , ,..'ere wllh her bcurt". , 1·1 .• I I . t ,.\. D II" wl"1 II' 11 . . ' . l turl/ed OIS love u ' lIruclIlly I!8 . ho cllulu U,I\I!I!CU tIe nS~fll ~u ~ ~. "r lie I " l belVu~ ucquiI.lllt cd. Ue urrlVe d 0 le w ~ay. MS, ,.Iuy, by Il}' oung ludy or ,Now Yur k, 'ThusplinUlr of 18211 h.. . becoml\ lli_ b .... 01 Itrlnr I",it.' Yd, fur sl;1! litill d,t'I'\IIt>d IIt'. r cU I.,UbIO ol l ,vl'n h!!r blll,k to hlln . .Jlut he, hod wrOllg. ago ut .thl! hU1L'1 Ivhero he il' .the hulJ it 'willi killdly requcl tl'd rue tu raod nnd cur. olle of the fir.t-If DOllhe linlt- pubheb. • She IIved 'wilh Ile'er t _lid 60ul ali\"o' I Id I ··k ~ ill f< Mv IIpn Ie hod, my' inll i8 pale, ls J I Fo all lloal' llIall.cli We I> Ilulljul 1"lr," lin: pur~st ulld luftle~1 dl'~UII\HI oj u lVu· o. ler-luW COli Ie Db or~ ~1I(,8d r ofdlllYllljf' On Tho hi duy orelllllg, ulter reet it, equip it with pruilip-ue olltI ~pUoguPI lIfy Lol'o lor you 5)11\11 never rnle.' illg houyCI ,n the wprld; • Qllln of .mple , "'UII '~ IlIlIrt . . Slae. I!'"ely forg~ \'e 1,I)r Cur IIIIB cqldnes~ 11l1~ cruel !I~gleill . ~u i' l)o r, he IlI vlted the pi.'U plo III Ihe Iootol, "rocurll for it 1/ fuv ll rull l.. re r.e plio\l lrUtn the rurtune, and elOjl>yin, the conadeDce of brr hopes 'II'ero far .Ii.,ve thi. wurld-Iha. ,. J[ wrole this ut, hiadielot;un until I camt! . hid fellow cililon" in on oulineo' d........ II'hal" .. he. hopell, Wll rll ollly ltllll,dllnry 1 l ~~bel hou inrl/rmpd ltinl, moro than ',II to ~o til hiij ullumhor to, ltIk(1 com.,I', nn~ "'''linger of L:lIIC, nnllmllko Mur rBY beart, h.d I,,", titll'C~ r. l o~(' d all ltd (lOlllr' I I " ' , t 10 tile ",urll pulo.' II'ruIIC~, ul ld Clid\ld hcr~e I' lor ail,lg Sf; "e". II"", 01 lillr dcclhiillll' health.'and, ror he Imlllli~cd tute ll IIlelll lHu e J ull of ~r~. ur' OUll8111bll' ble~ d hnndsumcl)' lor thc , •• • ud .Ylnl'I~II.' Bhe lived (or lhl) itood " I ti ll ... " I ' 'That IVillllcvor do,' suld I, 'for tbie illk D ' . ntben, ana to du tie r heavellly M,I~trir'~ IIl1l.lfIlUrO?t! n to BII pert ho)r cho~clI Iriell I"u!:lhl I... knew. she hyd t1ejl urted to tho IDnli!l illcid,'lIt. On ellterill~~ I Ie roum hill copy-righ l; ,JIIIU un in ~pecting Ihe cover, I is lIIost (1or!icuIDrly biurk'-olld It wa. SOEU.AT.A WE6TIl.. 'IIATllrellOelft!', ~~ \ -~he lIIerry. bell>ltl'llh\g a\lhe t- of (J 1l- blc6slld thnn ~lo, nK, 'wher" the wieked, ce~Mtl "UI'¥tSR~I': 1·11 thl) b e~, neur willch he BeatAld (oulld Lhll t 1 hud bee n cilnrlted ll1e pOUIIO. 'If it hodn" been fur M'..... Chrl.topher '" III • nO~ Il\.u.'.n'~nt lillr urulher . nd - .. 'blur k, 88 Er"bua,' or 'the ace of IpQt!es.' ' .. hi. daughter Wltl uuly elCCIrt:o" .. "" Ihe e lltn~ benelll'h II WOlllbll'" dilln lty-blncuth (roil' lro ubllng, "I,d tllll w,~ry If/) ilL rOllt.' hill1Sl'II, a puir Ilf piwtol s. ')Ily i1tory,~ IBid oJd I'0.tuge. 'rh id wa ~ bud l'lIuugh, bul ' Thill WftB II pufte r. Ho Icrutoned bi. Culumbua,' ·.aiLl BIIUbbl, 'Oene,al ~ W"lh. buronl!" r\.lsig n.llon 'lid IIlildlnlt 181th. w;th .L ... d iaruotc.r of a ludy IiICal.ell will\ the lie rcprouch ~d him M df ,lIitterly-ll WUil he. 'hu u,dtrILngo ~t'nclUllcclnplit. uno I rc- thero w .. no he lp, 60 I grollned uud sull o heud ill rnudt omushlg pl!~plexiIY;' Ington wouldn't hR'" been . born-but .. hlah ,he loukeit furward tu 'Ule "'ppy ¥OOtl .6pn~ blld 11;11 1• \lri lltillll~8 ' her frie nd ugo llY UI tliil\k he hud go.o \" hhol1t for· quil e Ih.e pi~lohi tl, IlIn ~u. it clearly under. mit1.l'd, A forln lght oi' 110 al\~r, I1110thf r 'I IIIlIst hllvo tha PII'!ti'l" suid hc, 'ot .ny Auppose he had. whs' ,hen. What' di4 change which wonld UllitO her 60ul ,with Cl!rlallll), POBIit'II8I!~._" 9 how ctluhl ....1". Ki~illg hlu). Ilcod.' Ad hp. htd ii IWft'" 1'8111 Deeul10med PIICItDj,,"Il of nllt les~ forni d'l lllo bulk, nrriv- rnle; .lInd Wllo.l If it .i,,'t elillctly truel- WashlogWn e,er do tbo.L 'IUL.I_.... -deemed 10 "Ie bl--ad k,' IH'dum have we n II ~plrtt ,Itt! nuble Ita Illbllrt •• in telling his tolc~ to illdulgt ill expe\lsive e~ Illd I WB" nb.ont-lIIilldoJ !lll.... gh to be\lefil to hia country' There I, mutb E.rth 'l .. u ~gIf ' i ' A' l ' --'J-'" I If A f.·w wppke or I..r1Ol\lIOI unuertlllnty, " willlb~1 hort h 'f!' or IIpr Lord. ' MOll \011 .. un 1if1(, ''''''f to IIlrd~ • , • P~lIlull\i l,e ~ nli tuke lip novtl ing which luy brollk tho lett: too without eXtlminution .ald "bput hi .. ,R\efll' 10,. wlr. Tu be W\l." 'CUlly IICCltluowd lo r- IUbel ' WMB trrt~olullon, aWllk"lIcd tiqpe. pnlled to .AI. handy collluluNd ' t0 Dd"U 10 IlIle " Cueot '" , Whllll I ' jUIIl\ICu. 1 t IIt! 'Nutll8 poetry,' ~aid I, nfilling, 'but aa .ure lIe pnrrorm.·' . . 111,1 Cuneei,o my 'li"rror ,, /I ,.u --ral _.v 'r oa.lerl,-I-III 'v,'" In e.rlJ li "'o IlIAy hll" kn' own tho ~"'rro:'; ~u ~ 1 "h ,. de I ' I, l lierl, Il/ill Alwlldll wa. Ihe hsppy receIver . . " . fUl'l-h will be /I fals e dtulllpnUlIl 01 a milt· ' ................_ -.: , Plun' dl'e.l'l.v,· but for. IIw.rf 0 ,t clr, correspull IICO- t wua r I fl ' k' , ' h bl lurpriee was felt at IU5 hn:VllIg .prepared .umu.ldenllcaLtrngedy 01 'The llltcruk.,c ter' of lo"t, "lid tlll' o 1"1"0"-0011 wl'll b- appu. but-wtrat'. Ihat bllt on .. ,ldsuCil uft Bit. It It~pl up she lIIigh' dOUbt' hI., truth t ' 1 cr 0 u eltcr rulll 1I11l~ u III~, I.. um est . I I . v u • " . II ~ that he wuj a coward,' I religion sutltllilled Sh I '1'. d ,. I ' u : • t~m\@, lorl!ivenel!. for the cruol note, rDih. piKlolil. He bllglln by IIl1rrll1.1II1\" t I ,OVCij wver»,' witll U sI!cond cpilltle rrom the au· relit 'III Ih e fuce or the re!l!Jn!~ nnd/,,"'" in , e wltl no unger pl!rp (xe uy II~ .,".. 11· ' ':' •. • of II yona /: I!lrI ~1\d.o young mOD. ' fh"y IhQreMS a~~tlug thllt ns tho wjntl~ hall . 'Oeneral Wallbinwton. eO~lIr11t'lCTII'" . . I . I• • Iy !lnd blindly written. w'llch ho fellrell . ' 1l1JO /aullu in olllnilJlu, yuu ' kIlUW, J oclt! , • I.- bl--"I'n" hft .." IIIg IlIculIsnnoy n expresdlllg lIt! Cstl!CIII . • h hD4 bOLlt, hI! suid, prllmlsod under lhe IAost ueon bui9teroU3, she re llred thatlho vll8er l ed Fore...t. the vUIIlit' doell,,,. In I ..utce ' "Sbe drew. r '''' """.. BI IiIr 'lter lo IIIlIllel-thi. wu but ftnuther hud eeverct\ furever Ihe hae whic buul"!d I I ' . I bl ",' I' TI .1 .... I r • • \luw cun Delsy bll Jl cvo u word you Illy. of thuoder-Gellerll ~ Waahln ... nn· • co ' w. Alld liron. h-r qul"t cl.. nl'-·r'. " ' ·"1 1' !ud ILe m tOlTclllnr 1' 11 fr'lend>hlp. SOUII nil 10 emD 001 IS, IIIVIO ~ e. lue It,y" .IC ,· WI I.. ler IIIrmer CUIIjIJlIIIII CIIIIUII I I "1 k I' I I .• t 1 '1 .. ~• "" ~wHer brow ~ was prool 0 f tie I gno.I IIQ88 of 1118 )lure IIIg h " . ~ I c ol ' WltISUC1~uUC riU IIIOu'l1rllg _ler 11\ IIrdlwllu ... lI... ' ••....,".., e·.ayl.ll UN. w_ ......, " unLl fre.k from rallied 10r1.h• into, the world. b ' • I. d b younte IDDII, ",!tOMe proles81~ n 9bhgcd hllll mig ht huve (oundllred, ulld thl'ro ure jualg· th e r4~C !' CI wnl! lly',un . V _ o .:sImi lu:art' J<I4IIbel's attachlllellt hud Dcqulred pU11I u DOX ely wos 1111 I'e by I e recor- t ' trullel ollce n',ad" 'l lo.-.l~lIence Wb illl b· 1 it pruJellt 10 (ur"'urd a dUllhcqte.' him. lit II,e battle .of ,II. Nllt,lyuk .t bl• . • by her. 0\\'11 he 0 WVI own)', , he recllive,l ' ' .l ! 'I'e' ll'cy. ' ' ' " ' lu(1 . .1 yU Ulnck~tonc, uud ~ulked Illumed I.v.') ut Wlltftr'loo " th .. p'.ln..... ' Tho' worn, and .1~lcly, and none mighl 'lie It'''bgtl! and maturity 01 . tlmO'lIuLl DC- tioll of on QII6IVCr, . neniled ", ••• ,. ' • \tl,-~ C"W.MII~, v ,. _ . on kOI'w tan"eI dedr hOlld. grunting him 0 free nnd full for. .1 I I I B d n k d b S 'WhO~ .Sh tlll , I\VO ,dol' crleLl '.Ick·, 'you of &I-rlnlll"", a. tl.e Pyram' l d-, . ' 1 I ql. n , I • h ili return he hDatent'u (0 p ace l III ler tlln Il C 1 ,. tllllDl. • ... ~ _.. n ~, .t 8' tl' .. Ber dllOp IJld secro..orrow~ ror . he .ciloolll<l . lIer owo, I Iiny rivulotglfenesli (or nlllh.~ hao possed, ~lId 6flll· D . I' . If b I The .Ellgli. h pnper3 cOII'tuil' on nccullt nlU~t fix It IIny lOW . . 'D r t . , B I ~ II I I k Har laCllnto Ute eemhlanee 01 • •• ,11 , palh i~il\lI' with him ill the unhoppy to /m in' fet'1. ut un prepclltII)g IImJe e ore 'H 'Ii tJ . Jnc!r " I lukcd Imll"l e eo, a II e; an .1 r. 00 And k d n O l I I' ~ It"' .. Alld herall.mlghly river, t' fl ' . t i l l 1 bftl Sh'e her ha lea rued th al,lnc.ol'lltlhllnce with lhe of. lIel'l methual of bilking brelld Tile ow WI II I .n~wer! , ; • hi III lit thl' batLieul New Orl;"aod! ' , I . e ,,0 a)'Dlpa I, rom",uml 'K,ar Tbu lun" iUll!UUrllll Ito" depl. a Ion 0 1111 DCqUU!D onco IV I 8_ ~ , . • • . .1 b II d 'A1v PI'O i. pour 1111 ink I~ blDOk . I lI.r epirituoll"'IUto sco rned ~\Ich (11IUr reli, fl •. '1 1 •. ' ( b I I i~"()8 uf Iwr fRm "y, o\~ hlld lU6t mllTrl"d bre~d i. prunounecu 10 e exce pnt, all , ' "Gellersl W ..litni\on .t tbe bett I ' Her Clisopnollltment ml"ht been nil waa 61 l'lIt un tIl' l uuJect 0 tlr upprouc ,. I I . TI I t tl t b k' tl Id pr . I .y Lov~ IlIr you willlleVllr IIluck.' . New O"ldAn' }' e~clul'mecl • Lub BUIItIt.O' rond, con Ii~I n" elli!.l, u~onlhctl out o ..... ,... il;" chonge-ror tho win"l1 of Dentb ai- II wcn Ihy merr IUIll, 10 yo~ng m"lI 8upcr or u In 11 eu on 100 1II1l11' e. r w". Her .. lillla upon Ihu hI> 011l ... 1 b~r Oot!,,, , lor the bA~t-wh.t 1110 had . uO' e red \VII S .. .. h t k 'IIIA solutlUn 'He A dea~rilltion ul the process ",'ill not b~ 'F i rllt ·rBI~!' (lXe\uiIllCld Jlck. W,ludlllll' n , ''''. llrul.tlnll vlo:erlll... , ' Alr. • e rendy oyordhnduwed hll'-but dCdlred tu I errupoll 00 11 tI,rrl • \, . v .. 4, Bill! elncercly . ympllthizcd with bcl" niece, light' in reality, cumJ)lIrccl with lhe Iffil it , . If ' t ' bl n a morn . purchns cd a poil ufpiijlOlli !ille theee, III: round "unlll:oredlipg. 'Vhcn thc luovcil 'And ev it weill, tilld so ollded my Sral Spekker, 1M thcrellllch ep i.l"ur~mul in \lie yet , trove \0 in~pife h('r W:t!1 her own ain- would be to hpf 'yuUllg friend to lee hilll ~ce 11m, . ' were ~onl e,o c. . - COOlinuOld tuking OOIl iI, each hnljd then etc moolded tht!y ar,e . placed 011 r.arringn nnd la.t altempt.1 puelf)'. I wioh I II. d boudel S ir, .oy ~chool. bo~ 1m:'w." ~dIe .) . h II L' I ted I SI She to hl hlln ahe ItllI resided w lib her u n - " . I -(IF k b I. ,. elenel" of hurl Itmnilitr elld f.itlt. AI. give tn Illlot or III p ig I trull , IC ' . ho u~l1D1bl('d hid (rie.od• ..i» his chambor Dnd conyeyed un raUWIlYs into tho uveo. k~pt a copy 01 thllt ettor.' ... nit cr :>c... battle of N W Orlealla .,•• a, ber~ 0 ••• . . ' " I k- I I I d d- 1 clc, uud assured 111m or a heAlt.fel, wcl· ' .. S b " . ~·lld. ""il"l1l;ly • senled tu h.. r I'rupo~. llo Wad \ ..n lu tie alorm In paslC d II! . d , . and aftor . 0100 con"I'r'II~J1laCN Ollll !III" -Which ore.lllaue of cu M irun, flud plocl'u er )bgl!line ror Eoplem pr, eJ'1lI \Vd.hiui!0n w•• ~rp. Lel"- .... ', II . . I T be .Icord belllg . .. P luterc,. I.' II -a ar.cept Ann' Emma" oft fPp4Iftt(ld inyltl- had gIven ,m up. ,,'L, IUJ!J II eae ryl' d t"l. Io IIcl'me Ir. la., could Id (orllo, W the pllt.n t d VI'' blt der hi~ ohin, in thi~ WHy. .. ,I tlu,8oymg ID olle obova .nol lI:r. tl~tnon reoOi . V'I. tb. II~ .... tlon 'to m.k .. \ter humo with thcllI' and ,lIu. hlppy-hor own 1,'lIy IIl1d 8plfi.lmcss er D~nlD .. ~ a CllOIII~ eielr~ he J'oke tl,at it wuui tJ. be a pltll_ura to blo\v elOiP.a1, the stl'tlm ill t.hen tumed on frulll J.IJS•• .PAnTJIGTOI' UK V£Ulr.ATIOll.- Ihe I lgner., ohbe Decl.ralloO'or . . .,.... ' II ' d d I bl d I If tho Juy rul revul.lon of free IJlg. W 110 ' , ~r frIend, hOPl'tl th" ngtt'euble all8Oci •• appeare pllllll, lin S Ie Ulll e I"UC . . . . Ollt hlQ br,.inB And.t 'hll IIlIme mome,,' the boile r, Dnd pllu ill& through. 8inl:U- 'We hne "'ut a new Yl'neralor on ou enc!", or let him read tJae Dllc. Ha.. k ' ti d . D 1 hI I b ~ I qUlcke ued 1118 pullO \l'llh lIew hr.., .. he . II on•• an aooullnlr quiell1dll of tflei r lovely ol.. ne. lit ler pal uy c: ear e oro ler d • J "_1' he pnli l'd the trlger.' H.. re tile II\ln dl~· lad,y form ed cuil uf pipe~, I,eqled to I,ill" m('oting.hoWle.' .uill Mr~ . Purtini\-un , 'llut lIil he II GtMraI ~pot d t1 Id read these wur _he could aearce y ..., leYe .I k lol ' .,,_ ,on ~e ml or cou now I h d ' tt lb -It .el'mecl \00 charred Ih" pi.tul, .nd hi\l . elld w .. ahat. eifel\ in a (urn."ce of relllDr u e cun· how on oirth they con cOlltrlve 1u climb up ·ta...., ., t b I" II t .. h 8 ,e 11 w" tn elJl .I . P lecee 0f lIe I I... ... e ~at'cr.tioul\ I" Rut ia more ...1I'~cllun If.lId t h e .•.. ",nuure w lat,,'er ~ ou u come, W I II)U II 1& Ilr.nge t"a~ IIltel hil InDW IIdY' .od "i~hll tere 'u PPICt'.. !lUlle lin d alruetl'un, 'I" 0v•., opcnlng the .vlilve., ad. Ulere to Iet ... o m ot 'Ill \1d nelll or l!lndure. ind dfl .. ",. \l Yen t~ I hti I'~ry drujI;J, of de.pllir lIe abould be tllfo' 1II01l1 blH.!ed of portion. of tht breine (~II OD Iha borrl6e.d milled to UJo ovend. The lIlIki", procell, than I clln . . low. BlIt ill. aich " .. • Tho bilter.,.t cu.p that '1'hne cuuld IIleuur8Qul. T ( Id I Ii tl 'f " II IIrrl "e • ~I .. bel, Tile PII~'• wal a fie.rflll, be un orllUla1le Dlilil '0 I,. rUIId Ie fileI. 0 run/Hug Aoil, bll"in. dOlle, luok Uj), Ind ..It fur uloro... mortullfl . , 'Qolah. 'prctatorl. t ' \U 10 C. IU. d inlervel,tion for keeplni I hU\1" Ing drealll-the !'ruent. a.alorloUl fruitloll IIwn.ltvry. tu row t"em uu 11,,&'10, occuple. rom What surt of a venf jlutof I. It!' ..ked cDAi>..-.:n IX. 01 relliity. · , ... - - - , h!llf ~n hllur to all hou~ And • hllll, accordt an inkling of tbe \lId TIa" bittc.rnClM .n.l' ,loom OLD JIIUIY N. WI jnbbilll' rOllnd among ing .. ~h,e 10avH v81y ·ill ll,i%e,. There .ro 'It i, 0110 of the Elllil!l8 0( """0\\' UOIll! uaged-ilto IIn\)\\"lnll caro, Another\ Ihou"ht dllrltC'ntd hl • .brow-he bl. ne;'hl)ur. during ti,e hayingllOl!lo"; .nd I perluru~tl ,pipet plaC4'd at e'lu~1 di8t4llc~ , 'nnd i\ iK ever ItO Allel Iho II arta d Iol allo ll I,one' C\lIJ .haTe- bad 1I0t to d her .Il-Lut, in.pirecl by 10vI' It nne pl_ce, wbere tho jll, uf 'bid /I"'_P' iDllide. 'he ovens, ~1 wh ich. m"~nil all parts clllor Epaow',. 'rh tliler D,Ot Ifill MlltI; , .nd hop, he h.otellt'd tu ..-atilY Ialnll!Sirf', hid p~-' pretty rrf-ply, th J oldman roo"d , .re llike hcateo!. 'flte hO lll u k~pt within room III kept 80 w.rm .nd COln/g'rt" 1'''1 dlll,,1 ~I P a_t)' htl h Ir IImCl" bI!t1- lilld the morrow lall' hhft on hit 'WIY tIl illlllll if r.tber , llie head. It Will I,i. bu •. dl'te millate . thtmollletric lionit. by the il-lIutthe.le..tdanaer oftu )\'IU' .bOola tlMllear.t.uv u Ihou-duOI boahl'd f .tene •• lIke "llIuwt'd aod tmbltleretl by .i nt.. to piloh 011 he " ..;I, " ' , whe n IOber. Idjustmellt of the \IIOlve~, and lho dl'rrec dtlluih~ of too rreldl air. It w (for lite DO (Uuaalllll. rprolll'cliuni uf jill grief. Th~lr he wu x.... rt .nd actin. H. r..und ..ceruiued by an illdicllt.ur. lhe :bulb' be· .ceu. alinliin cold weath . er.' 'Jlut. '(Tila ....... h.. tleparwod, lite il o'er I .I _.' d I ., ..ber n'CIeI"n, •• met-ling we In e en eavulTU to eKr bo him.tlr .... owi ..... wti. keraooJ weaker, tile illi ,clrcely th icker than I cobw6.b, y.l it do in .ulllmer!. w ...... In adetl. --' I' 0 pro.od th... 1.1..·b.rtetl, .nd pri.. lhee liD . •. .... . ... maLleN 80 I1'Qre eRn'.t dro. 00_ 10 this hIlart·. rui". ill (lVf drll' ch'ptt'r. ,,/feet 01 hill lib.'iunl ffOCll. Ihe ju.I; the flllarl"llrQlD 120 tu 800 F.hrell~it. (ur. moment wu pouted. She Denr bid ,be plearrure ed .b,ine. Alwildo t etired to rl!A QII th.1 lo"h'l ."Pill puurl'll ftu.ahill .treamll; alld ;..-.... . u , ht or till. 'COIIl'h~jEe!lI~r, tIIt'lr coall!llta) .. if . .tinl" lUl,ooMcluu. It I• .IIot tile home Clf lUeh falaehoollaa Ihln~.' · nlll hl. wbose sun,.el . hllllo '. wilneflllCtCl infinhe, to hiil d!.·t'mIJered . LlR,RI....led aile TRIO Palln-Ea', J\"aEIITIc.L-A ,ounl! crffl-he, .Clt'r. lew ..lIIIIell' or AlwiieN'" ,ne'. or ita caD". The IDOIOen' .rrlved whlch,A iberl deel11- her happy Je.,t mourllTul meetiDi wi h tbe 'number or I.., -eoclw IJIe&.d .!lud I... ild raan ... Ollce ."reDlleetl .. I prioter. lie ,,1.Jed b, the mereat ",;110 or InIiCcabqJ. 1aronDldoa perpltSftl ............ CIIIdd lid propiliuua to make '11 aYuw.1 of the beloYed or h.r "ul, wttll a ....Iin' of con· conr.ion around 'be 601.1. Illraln, IOQIer· Itoanled 11 tbo ho... of hill"fallrt'r, who .... Ibe .._ tl_ proIFerl.., .--tIIe 1Io~. dl loe , . . -.uti... whim Induced AIM" he ouuld \10 I"n~r CIIDee.l. III;.· tfttt ..ul aDd Jlftdfal ..,pin" ' .1Ifo b.d \lela.nd wltilll capt,. the.' 4~n' HI· in eu, oireo~'hnC", but wbo ftCJul"'" IIIP~ 'ben thef will.w, It ap altllII'tlMt' \ to '/lftk 80 "IJ ...... Iy.of .....If to 10- brl'a lICliua. IlYe hiOl .0_"", aat bowa lOr 1UIL w W'bit cocU Ihoakt be ....I11III ur. 80 J immy hi' _ w for 11.. -.'" fNIIIlbtf ojiCII ,be .Induwa.· 1& WII aa _ olIrerallet' writ.., - ....1' .D. b...... I' ...., w ber .... Ir w\IOld reaU. btl tkosr •••' _ lit_ ntfiht \t IJi't'N. - , cllniPe. Hia bral. ~lIO'Ifueedi.Dd o f .,ecl.1 perquISite, whicb flIroWltcl bil wurth., 01 .........fOllod Itl... ItoaM& ... 10 her. . . tile toIIONW tb. 1.,....,.. be luna" '0 hea.. , ... 1 II it .. ~ be I\onlld il IJ dihlt au bia 10rk IiPlluw .p,.... . . . wllh ali,,",,' ..,pl., ori I . ~ 1Ielorre.. ... ... ' ...' ...D.......u .....lletri . . . . . - lalckwonldftwtrn _I • ' .-,n"IaIUlDtrwltlf'Ot "'eD. r.atttltforflle...PIt. Til"" . .,-.. • • n ItltUidat'a: I w........ .. . . . , . • Btu DUtIlI _IMr I".. • ~ • til.......... w h", bat wll» III ... . ............. 1,1I ....i L..o............::











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fouf lt4f'e 1ge I'1Il'1.bed III Lhe namN, . JIr. S. wu ab"Qt, and "bile the fa!lily lit SUppt!f ill tlio.. kitchen, Ib~ fir.e eornm,ulliicolleti ,to lome dotllea III In Id. ~ I.IU""Ui~, room, . 1'110 roull'I ' btshles JiaYilig nhr 'e hed, 11\ It cpntllil\f'd II '1IIanGty 01 Cllothlng and other eom. mutter, lo thnt it fllled- With bufore the child (which ' 51eeping lIIotive 10 th'o Ilhllll<YC.-N-Cl.\\I ono or hilt! ) rescued . -h '1N~1IOIl,"'I, w~II In atborhpaceu( •• WIIS tinnily taken oUt' by some of the neigh ·. .. b ' b rrr \.11~Cllnlllm, ~r., , I (11\11 corncr of the hO?ie IIfler, tberoof hnd fall t'II ' in; blltth e firo hnd c\lna$cd III-arMs nlld legs, Dnu '" du cd tho " '' P""ll'hn.,_ remo.lnder the body to 0 8h~l'elcu IlIIlaM. I " t ,!as, I~tit night, . ,~ n tu th is sudden und awful 1.0 _

• . .11Uo.. . .

TU W ••blllllDD bad

Tbe W urld'i Felr iJ o,er. Tbe C,yallli


.~ i'til

Bou~IIII,loa 011 the morain, o( tlte ~r Ihreb Cor 81r ,Jl.lhn Frlhklitt

01\1 I!d to tb, public on lbtt 1Itll. and \VMI c.luaed entirely on Ibe 16th, tbe beeD for Ibo prft"ellI. illiermedillh~ fOur d"YtI hovillg bren Parltlment WOIJ to be pror"lfUeil un ~ to.\hejurle to rpport. back Illlh of Jan\lllry. ,. I • ._ 011 Ille ~oulltfbl begmllings of tlll_ Ex"lbl. The Clna~a waa _~""pDtc;'hrd In ~b'lI " OUR 'l'E lUIS ; . Liult' SlId cOllsider its brilliout \llole we bourl IIntr ,,)Ie Ifxivecbvith Iho MI AI!' I ' YI'sl:l'CjR: 'wili Ioe furni,dhod 'a "ery ,i)IIIl.1'Cdtillll' IInci beautiful. . ' c o ' , mnllll"d pauenre", If. to yClllrly s:'blClnbcr VOL· 11 written whi llb hu , boen rUII' lI il:1.( loAn ANU':: Welf'n ' 1'1\''; C;SliTS t l ,.\'olllllllltl- D(ng tilrOl ... h our paper for 'lIe Il~l few aa" Ilr " ' , '1'0 Prince .Albert. • rell 11110 VAnce Ollt 001.1-;\ 8 /IIIV I'If'TV CEIj'I'S if ., .' ' , P c nu. t u\\O Upoll ,lhe 01" churity o,f \tloe ' I !J I d ' II I I 0.,1 .e~(·nteel1 reotout.o.fwater. " " . , " , ' , d. und hus baell eogerly SQlJgl lt ofter . Our CilizClIs hay a lun Ie J ~ or'lll- Wit I W OJ}1111l cH'gne. Ot If nl_.lp r. P I d pUld, W.lI!1I1I 51x months, j \10 pOL LAn iToaa by 1110llY \ hQ'nre 'lIot subscribcrs lIy given tI e . to y~' I II P .Pp ,. '1141(ton.lI'ho "lgg~'stfld tbat ,~ 1faI1I!11II n p.d'C;·~U~11 arlive ~t ~OIlUlOni'liIOIl °.11 11'1 tit tile cnd of Ill b year. e pDI)~r. ' We shaH' b fuvQrNI rrn" Illi ' ble ' d' " I, 1Il~ I nlt ,! IClmsl.C o ttVd('ls , Itl i,l> uf glps/Jj anu'l! tJlO "*"01)1 oth· .Sr ,0.11" w,. tecelvcLi by tbe Mayor 'hi S to " . 'I I' " ~~ ~o l .. g, ur ~UG I 1,111'1 ou ~ y, I I -" I d I I ll1ltnence ",pmbla" "ftl ' .• o:::r u scrlptlOlI~ ,or .!It,~ n one ,yur IVltli 'Skotehes' from th ' , ..' ' ., ,W 10 lI:!"I.t.... n Op nlJ tho .. 10 OlutClif \I b I ' t ' 80. 111 e - -- , T . d W' Id ,He 'vn\l II Id d ' WI, e nt t 18 rato u 1'1I116~ CENTij U 1111111• ,Ve 11,c \V g'iv~ noli 0 thnt we will, ' SIt~ r.'lIIIIIIG WI\O!(c:-W tire conllnQ~IYI IZC ' ~r ,owo. ta dIIDIII. It I r~M'O IIY ber. in' our next 1$$lle, commcnN1 the .pu~liC3- ollv ilCllrihg of 011l1~ln illt8 ~Iud by ' r(\or~d, 0\ one HllI!~( till\! tlul opening re\,,,ned It , h\lrt . but ~rpr"~~, o:::rWc will furni . h tho Vigl tor nnd 'olle llull of nll~lh i '1'uI0 c1IIIed the 'A ve nge r's subsc.ribers tn lIell~rouk ulld Sprlrlg \Jill 9ry~Lnl, Pal"ce wuuld he tile "i,DII ale reply. ~ew ll. ~Mt~!I' LlI'On ~II 'Fr1dll copy of either Gruh:un'd or l:)urtnil\'~ IUult' DOUIII, 'n '1'ulo of " FruntlCr U fo,' wrillen j(,Y, lhnt thoy UU lI ul receh')) their. vio,ll.tnco! hwles~ne~s IIlId ,VJlr. tTn- by ~e'.erO:I dI8!IZUI~ ed g()\III~mOI\' nzilles, or potl~y'.'8 110ok"oncyeo.~, f,!xjjr sly for tho l iallli 'Vi.. llor, n g~n. rogularly, 'Tile "idt~IICC 10 ei tlle.t' place i~ " prulBII<;e or visi\lng tlle E:dllbl\\bn, o..won~ to n ~I) ellf .Y 011 for tllree ~d,ollllrs' Clnd twonly.five CChlS tI wa M\o~" '1lrodt'ICliolls have pr: c· ul. fo roillll omiSAnriC8, ~he timorOl\8 auid, would bul/It. ~rlvol prOdu(je~ 110 murkqcl ellt!,u, ,. , III II' no: 50 grollt but 1hlltlhoy ought to'gulioth h 'E I d LOrd Pilmelllt I II I k c9i! h. invoriply in 0 dvonce, Iy llpp~aretl In eo~lerll pOJlers, 011" ha ve and ., afely lao! N'o rellSul\llblo per. \ rO;lg ,to ' 'II: IIl1d III ordo,' . t~ excito a doslro to recoiYe K:~~~I ~~~ 0 t o•• Y 1rlultoEns.-We believe the .lily 'l'O COltllB 'l, or;:n.:;;"'TS:- Well cx.tellsi\,cly copied by editors throughwvulel suppose we woula be 60, riln .. wor,e rjolly , ' u 11 0 IIIQ. N 1.01 . 1.0 . ' l " , .,.,,' out the country. From II Itu Iy porusul uf carolo86 of our OWII Illterests 08 to (ail in co taryJ the yy 0~1d. Th f' ". ' . , • II. aUle 18 t.1 e OilY oue' Inlt !ln oom•.nunIClltlou" 011 interestillg tl' t' I .. 1.1 ., U' ' I ' , .' hllll been 0. bond orpe ..ce .No.. 0 rlgllte 1I1188i88IPPI enllt·d rroll\ (l i. nearl, over. We, lit oil aro sillk 811 L'Jeet s,' WI'II II lIu" II IIcarty weIcome "In ' ,10 1t I1'1. done lOoto to with ·mo·. ·, 0'I, tIle Hung IlrIon . _.II11 .1 10 0, I weI ore ' elUl". Ou . , to. aBsure . ' our SOIling t 10 .p u per~ to Oll~ 6ubscnbers , regt,(\ld of it. Jr two rail ins ore IN ' rel1~ re, t lut, n our c8tllnlltlOl1 , It will not ularly. S ince fi rst honring of the com' 16 I fQ t b f, N Y k co LImns . utblng Ilcrsolllll will be acllllit· be 1\ I t I' I 1.0 ' I " wore, the I~qullintunce.hip it Illd II 0 co or or ew or, propelled lit lull speed into eneh 4thcr'S ted . . We rlmsl kllow the reulnome!l of 0.11. tr;S I' W I~~ 1 ~noy 0 ~pcnl. I; ,ren . plllilltS, ~Dd that 18 not vcry rccunt, we duccl! bet\~een the people 'ot cli~rent TIIP Ilew French Minl~tr,y 'hos been fur, , faco Clnd c,yes, Wiling. mailning lind crush- writers, or no , attell1ibn will IJe puld to IU~ ~ ~ O. O\,y pf;~,.,)t~8, ,Wid 1I0r t,o hove 'bcl'll mO,ro thnn USI1Gliy par~iculur, Lions, thslI'ho, beell ~tre~ted petha)l'lIt 'In .I,d cOlIsI, ted 0 tho follOWing In'w . boon ing tell or twenty ptl(8l'ngcr~, it is sheer their productiolls. AI\ leIters on bUlihiess ~I: II I~f or o~r pal:llr,~\·ou c glYe liS t 1~lr with regard to lho pnCkD~I),B tor thoso .of- tho 11:\ e inlcrvlll of tirno. ' , ' " , III C~rbhl/A't\orneyG;'n~t!lI:?tt. Frllge~ ID the nongense to tllik of ml~take, miscolcula. mil t bt' pOlt-poill. . ~b" I'':'d ore 'k'O ,::xt 16nHlu~, wo m~y e lices. We ~'1I01O tO ,tI ctrta~lIl!1lh t th~ cor'1'h\l ~UCCC88 of the Exhibitlqn continued 0,1 IInel('lIt Plet !,f FrDn~l', JUinlMN ~ and lion, 4nd 6Dy the conductor thought so ' cna '" to stn e Ou II su CWllt nllnlu('r u l rect number of pllpers wl\b the ~"bscri FUT"iltll AOi I e' M C Sid I' b 8o" lf tho right to the'rood wero 1I0t clenr, 'YOUlfO IJ,A1uiv'.-¥our artic;lo iij plucecl udcli,Lipllul COPI!!8 to supply tho lncreoseil I.o ers' nnml's writt '1 . I ' I : to th~ 1~8t. 'rho original Htimllt.' qr tho 1 • ~r;,. 0' j'd U UII, U I~ in 0 felY on 11le for publiclltion. _.1 ' ' , ' , ' , <>n, p 0111 Y upon ,t 11lm, nlllUbor of r~r6lln8 \"ho eould ~; 8Qfllly ad. lI~lrvulll~j jJ£.:LI1t" '088 UIlCO, tho comp qny or its general Sllperin.,~ I " , "II IIppoor " . WtQl,o."" und OldU fUfIIl sh tlle.!ll wltll Lhe nre eent froOl th is oOice, pro'perly dlrccled, " 'tA I' L" ftl d' . .. GCllcrdJ,' St Armon". "~illiil!4,'r of WII'r' Iho season epJlfors very , .....tI~ES TO IICOOl'IlTA WI ttl u 1,_1 , f l i T I A' . kl d 'd ' " IllI ·'" IJI .. 0 cours" 0 Ie oy wnR aUOII~ /u . teMant aho~lld b indicteu lor 1I1onslaug!l- dliort' time' w_ 0 10 , 0, e. ct qUlc y, eOl e ror .tboae )llocc~; on~ it lhe subscribera do 8~'tv thoU911;"j. but in the ciosln week ~1. F,.rtocl t lli8ter of Mllrillo, olld )1, jng and justifies eXJlecllllioll~_ "f un ter; if. he riQ'hl re. eloarly with but 000 R'" L' V~' (d d I" fOV9 F ibly, send us your lJf,lIlea lind coshi Jlot fellei ve them o~ Ihe proper limo, it is tho'nvern"o tt'e 'I~ • • h dll' " "DlelJlI Milii$tof' c.( Juslice, in the u~srn .su~1 extensiye bU8illc8~ ,-G ;n : Oai. • i:I I ' , J',. .!- IY e oro orce to ee lIle Dnd e '11 s Ii tl r I ( Ei I I ' " n nu nce w,'" a un rcu nllu ' . , ~ r.'" CuU~1 e;'"EIT._J"e '\\'er" v"stertroUl , an Ile,olthcr wete running 0 t h . 1.01" (' I , WI ell you Ie pope,. 110 nu to ours, 1 lor lill MOil A: 'lit f Ilr 111"U ond At /l t ·, · 011 t'IC Irot u "of III' CorlJln, ' ~ . .,.. ~ ... ..,. ,. ~~ I' , . . L e pu Icullon 0 ,'our a st IIrticles for I e ' . . ' ~ ..., '0 ra I, lV.a • N ., When lhe IlO hSlon took placc tllen . ' --, on t.8 1Ir8 18 very corelC'! s6 In lilo p~rrurI. ' , ., ' , 'r.iJo ovcrl lll1d moil arrived lit '1" I u dDJlLhownt by AIr. Morton. or ..the .Iib rn,lol ' (tl,' trl11n eIIOUId to k' e' Ilis , thesllllpIQreaBOIlt1Hl~ Hheirle nllth fnr e,~- S"'~.1Il SAW MI'L IN RAY viLE::......u [r. mllll ' C~' a r h:I~' dUtl es, or IIIe '1) uSl 1\'( II lers thl\toIl 8 111l1,lg-dll)'thor lOla Ii ' , or" 0 . ' I '1'1('w,?ulL\I edlthcnlly I th e 2Gth.-l1usinC86Dt CldclI~to wnOSe u~ 6IG~~on EI~la &. 1I ortoll, II cOlln~~rr~it .20 il on llIurder. , T# e men who ures a cee l! tIle IinliL we. hov~ plu cetl 01, po()ti col L?WI~ ' Mills, is erecting; ill the village arc vC'!ry n gligcllt, H Gome of the suo- III prOQCr,vlllg \1f' cr. , 10 r ~su, t. IUwevcr, Bnd ". ricc~ qf nil otHello'S were low, • at T fhe o m t ,f • h " olluslolls. 1wVe do' 1101 wish you to under; Rayeville" ill this SQUllly .• Iolb : " II IClr ' plII'0rs, IV' IIy 'IIUt u')11 ' tho Slate :Bonk. of 01110, payable ·' OfOWu In a Ce' wantonness , 0 Sleom Su. ero rc .. olve ,'" those t.eurs, At no tllnc,bl ,.. ,n ,N ewprk. he II It'll ' i .1 ' /l , , , stCIIlL! tllat we r\lfuso to publish them 'be- Mill We' boVle untlersloot!.tlwt M~ n, 0 t' ' ' ( I U P ' IVU S tIn COfl oour dC lIlore penueu o ,thull An-h'ul iJf tho llJill~I.~t\ll,I, L i~klng Cuunty Drllllch \wi . , I f th b'll II an ISS nccounteu a murder!!r though . • . . , ODIe lilies, we nre 1JI OrllICI, 10 0111 'I ' ' . 1 fib .1 I . . &¥nerM appearence 0 e I is exee cut, It I d ' . I . . ' , elll\so thry lire not ,worlhy, "ot Ilt all; ,Cri.DOrp uf 'Ihi p place hIlS tho controot t ,'1/ ' t b 'lI ',' ) 1 W 1!!11 11 coniil~lCu 0 II orcr~ Ollu t Itllr fUIlI, ~ N tlW' YORK, N llv. 10, lite paper good, nntllhe siglluture of Uuf p.d,a no partlhcu or tle_IKIl. ~o ~lllllny o.le; tllere i8 mp,W Bound sense in them; lout be. for ~utld'i n" \Ve \vl~11 succeSB to th 'ls p~ree ",1 Ng~~o 101' .on~ , Sli tSI erll cr. UII'!t ler,'d ilics. l ' I t II 1(' ' d C I' I an tl Ie man IV 0 run~ 11 tram IIlto IIl1uther • ' . U ,,' u up r, ulV liS IS en 1'0 \' wrung; I~ F II I \V Id' 1" I ~ 18 UII' r rs OOl t IIIl 1,188Ulh \I'U t.u O~ lIerI extreme y, t i' I I I , couae lllc,eite or bur paper will nol ad- new t ntl,'rpri~o nlld "nvo 110 doubt but 'I b ' b I' , IIrelVC to t iC ur S " lIr. twM 0. fur the Uull cd Stulc, • frllin hllllfhl,II11, 1.;111" P rOil Id'en_1f\ .h ( 'I ru n \V len Ie !.'fIOW' t 16 road doea not be.. · . ' gll'l) one I su serl er II~ o\\'\1 PQper d 'u ~I bl . d ' I ' 11 eo • to til .tt.gul~ , rom tie gC!lIulnn. t J h' h .1 mIt of very 1"-lIll1y urticles. 'llhe vo~m it wl1\ be fOl\lIu a vcrv convenient C9tllbd II I I b' ,grun I ca, nll\l 110 )' CLlrrlO out. t WI stenmer wll I~lllud SUlurdllY, L .l .• ' .f' I . long to 1m B oulu be conrronted with .III your' IUBt wdl " uppeor III IItilinlelJt ,IUf t11'0 citizens " nn n. OllO 0 Icr,<l1.\11 ouI 1 lilt ~u SCriber IS bC, POt1lopse,tlc ,' I greul '0 \ ,onl to w/l l II IllS' IOwever, ve ueleotcu upon CUrl 0 cxom ,I . I . rorerrod to of tlll!t parlor 11 d' b ,The slennl er 1111 8i ijjppi I nation or'tbe Clentrul vignette, rClpr08e~ t. me ve ,men n a Jurybox 08 pro~ptly III time. the coUntr 0110,110 0 it wi,1 rove a rdf. S'pC~ IU y Ire~lc , y ot lerS tu get, fOr th em torllllill wUl ro(t'r, 08 , burnCIt'rizlllg Vict.o- arrived tlJi~ pllrt, brill ;"l lIlll~ I Ig a (pmule 'the head of \"hich inclines mlly be. There must be ~xlllnples mocle V N W " H 1.011 I ' I y' . p , ~ P IhOlr pnJlors, .c,t e., out of tll~ P oal Offi o. riu 's rcign. ruM is tl\e bf'tlUd it bu. nlreoJ, • .. e t~" much to' the len of the bill' also the of the culpo Ie authors of mihvuy cuillm i. - ~ . ; ~V \\ I P~d / I y~ur nr~c i il Qblo IJlVesll1lcnt to the propfl~tQr. It is u 1'08t Master'" duty to iuform 'tho ouo olllllw illlluelice will contll ue yel Irunl;u refug~c8 lnt oly, rol~llso" " it/) 'er lS In StilLe Dank 01 Obio' will be tics, or a very larro Iobare or tile trnV.llinll ineXtl .\Voe - b'0 elJ wou IIldcrte t • •• uf nlly )11)'por : (hut IIIL1y be lont d world boholds' witFI: il111 . 1(qs8I1lh: , ' , . ' n liS num r, ut \l 'e Uu our popcr 'OO""Ve' nulleo ~hnt Mr. G, lit L. Born. . fi '( . , ,~ , , .,. l\1r~ . .Cl\ pt~in nnrlin~nmc,. whoso hut let• 'I'oulld , IRll'C!rfect• It. i. II \ler,v. dall/'erous pubhc will ubandoll tile cors hencerorth. I ~ " 'I P I I to 1.\180 lCI),) the 8ubscrlbers till nol trll(o rOIf'rcL the fi'lI ol closi ng o(thi~ ~xchlll"'o b",Id wus 10llt overboard from ' tho b La . ," ," , IltlO~ Y roouy lor L 10 resa , W lOll we rClce - altlo'banemov:ed llill'Gnllory of, Art,' ·to I l u' f I I ' " , , . ' ,0 " Ole ~ou(ho)'n relo'lIl in. Dr. StQtlUotdl, dwel. t Icm ,0 11 ,all I we ,oro not 111 ~tu (CII, 110lililna, - 1}ltll.', P VC/l1II!l, B IlIMi7\ . A lel(Qnu" ,frol I ~cw YIJr,lt.llcnr G ibro'~t, ownterfelt, boing o.dmlr~I.oI, calculated to . t '~8 .ee Ir dlore IB nerye enollglr Ill ' our veu it. deceive even the 1I10~t c:'/pcrienced,-Cin. IIdmrni,attlltora o~ trlmllal JU\ltiee to PlIt 'BllEV)TV 18 'filE IIOU?' OI WJT':-''Vo II '1'!l,' I I' ,' f ' r 1.01 c.n,n .b!? held rC8pon~,blo (or tho Jos~ HII~. 1 (" ' (Iri the lath 0. ctober, fa niIlOI'" tha IIG, r-, ft. • \ . 11 wholesl\le sll\u"hteror by mpans of n rull. ,.. nl:: ~f!S 01:11 Ity 18 or 1II0tO IIvoro e tl1.lIled by ~he proprlot!?r of nllY pUJlc,r In . Ernifj'fllllf to 4-fricD. .. • bear tl'I·· ' ..lo~~er ' ~ Ulill '1l01lIlcr. 1wVc 'hope , thereforu thllt.. all , J 0 ne,IIU""d (eII 0111',I tirt" III rcc cu Iore II em- , tt"or"•• G_ . wily ftnl'u h IIponti trial (or hia life, ,The hope all our ,:orres'pulldell"'" "'I'll .. '0 t 0 h'15 , liUCCQSS" Ih lin IliS POSI't'10", 'J"





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CABE,-John' "urly. elled mere elTart would excitn' 11 Bolu'tary influ,mind. 'We are often forcetllo loy aeide Irom tbe, fact I.lto~ the pointjJlgtl sl~ow to P08~ lItosl\lriJ ",ill bo prompt to inform US Igt ~1lI 1~ed .trom 1l1lltitnllre for .Afrrct&. Ii , LoUI SVI LL E, Nuv, 10, , [N Y T 'b articles which, if Oley hod b~e n of Cl prop- bette, IId,'antoge In lhe light of I" a pres- when onr panerll arc IlIlt lnken .out of their fUilt.~)'8 SJnCC, ufloer tile patronage uf the ' . . II' _ UIIO. " Id',ue very go I d t 0 pll b• ent room.... 1I"~ Burnsule ' . 1108 ~e \'er. I officeg. ,. ' ' " . . 10Cllety. ., llhe rllsiJeAce 01 JOIIIC8 Tr8b~r ",us dr. ,bout t",ont".one '·eus. a resldllnt of ,S "lo' ence evermore. oT , -,.,--.....::_ _ _..:. __ er Ieng tI I, we wuu Amencllq C·olonlltu.L1on , 'rhey ere hlraovQ.UT qf THB NAVIGUIOIfOF 'I'~e lisli. 'Landaul!.ell.' (painted froll;l views .taken ~ •••• 9lORlfy (rom Virgi"ia Illd Nlirtli t:ql'OIi,IO, lilroyed by fir~ 011 II',t Saturday el'Qnill" ' bury town,hlp, died ~m the morning of !he 6bOO . !lid nit" under fIIth!,r peclIliar clrClumatan- Uno .Mt~II8t:PI'I •....,Tbo Convention ... In this ne/,hbe,rhood,) Ilnlshed, and others , " , lire neral,1111 eli'llinciplIled alnyes, and well WI8 ililured for , in tho AmeriCliu Sevoral daYII bofore, he hlld a pim· wltl~ a_embled in BllrlhlgtoD, 10\,\,a, on RSADIIfG, AND WJUT TO BEA,D!-:- In this undor way t(lwards completiol,l, III of o::7Tho edu(.tr o~ the Germantown !E~- provided With meana lo h.:gin !if\! OD ill tbe III.urllnce office. Phl.hldelpbia_ plo on ' hla rore·held,- over hia right' eye. the 1I3d ult., fQr the purpoie of coDsiderin .. COIIDtll)', under Iho fo.voroble wNcb con VII,. Itl, the eyes ofthQse fomilillf la very IIIIXIOUI Ulat Borne, 00 0 Will colony. Another t'xpc'dition witb' 800 em! p brow~ which I.e IUPPPled to be C't bQil.a~d " , ' , . purs_lIde us 'to keep the peace' ho I Dving , • ITTISI''aOIl. Nov_ 10. p, M. , ) the' projec\ 0rrembv!ngUle obstruction ,to we are bltuated,,1 per~on who js unllblo with tlte IlPOUI"llDd can opprccillta such, . ' "I Igrants form AIDbiuna Incl :Loui~lanll ie exA di5groClefu) 'ilfl"qlr CDme off" ('8Ie J w~lcli ho cut orr. Soon IIl\cr, t ~o part bonavigation of tile U uppe,r ~188is8i~pi to reali, ie, Dlld ,8houhi be, an object rare I) \york,,, pry correct reprc'8Ilnt\ltiqns of I:tVen I.t up for a bad Job, , Well! nolv, pe eted to 1\1 11 fToP! New Orloun" elld,y iiI 'abOut the to pae' or II !ll,ln whifll/11 r ~ catne luftllmed, an the a&groYatlon apread . d b d R '.1 ' '0. I to be ICen. ' It 18 true. that oCClulonlllJy tI 1.1 'a' tb ; h i t d II I t Reeder. yoll rrolly do not tbittk', niter Deco I 'lief () . G" " " ,pon untiltta!ffictod lIie wholeh"II" nnd neck, ?~s~on~ . y Ie ~pl8,wa8 0 , 8 leoPJIt,.... I.y re nellD e <tporroy. f I n ,, ' , It /' 11.- 171. a.. , ing\llk e o 'o ut\obe!J'lried \\,u8Iuin'llby . , ~ ,. mo.t Intelllgollt alld cnth".iaaUe that eyor we ml\y meet with a person w'ho is ' .. . •• , 0 YOllr 'JIIII~ng t 18 , we are l;Iot a ~acc· " " ., , , -b " ' and caullOd theDi to' llwell in II frl"I'lful • " , ..... ~ • " ablt 'nlce 'yiluIl9 mlln1' ·We are nevcrulo' " . bcly ,ol Romnn CnU~oli~, ancl curried • " . met to furword the Interost, of the mighty yed of one 01 the mos~ excellent source~ o::7We ...0· plcased to learn thllt the . , . ,. Q::7Tho nch/eyement or tbe , mngnotic upun which II .... nc ..111 6 ht onsued di~'r ' minner/and to produce sl'yere sufferllli. W F S t (I ' ..... • III or pl-08ure and "rofit'. tllot of r"'adl'og,' bU' pro8pec'ft 'or th" suecee8 of U'ay".e-v'llle lesl, ve~y poa~e~lHe, at Icost 80 far ns )'ou unioll of Frllll co lind IIrcot llriluin I)" Ih e " ..;. . g . , U81;\" • . d' I eat. our til es OWlY, ....,18S0Uflt/ · ,. 1" " . . . . . J',. .. -" "e co ' P. d' e I 1 '1 tl 'E 1.0' I I . J ful to II clmgll~n COIlUIIUIII'V; illois, Wisconlio.) lind the '.rorrilor1 of they lire mostly tbole, who com,e' from .rc' quite flatterilii' Friend a: n~ ,rnc ,W 0, WOYd lUI Ie '"'PO- 811 IIlUrlIl C'C IUOlI C • t!loelrlool'.rcl ogr8ph- • • '. . ,. ' . Hia eye. l.'k~~1ee 'lVell~ y ""'"neso"t- were 'ully lind credl'toblo repre. countries, where, when lliiiy were. ones principal i8 a man well quolili. rJum' With hoarl-fult thullkrulness; und ir the slupond ous cqble of twell ty-fuur mile 1 be CIIl\llnnat/ pncket will I,n thlacondltion he romal.ned, alld In mIdi I d I lJU,,~." • .., , e n t' e tllh l'k IT • • I r . I ,. l ' " . IClOVIl on Slilurdny. of hi. llil u me co 81 Ie grew worse ~ented. Th\! greoteal unanimiiy prdYllileil they had noLotho opportunjly of ncquirlng ed to 'fill the r1l8pi:mslble position wbich he W " ~ It ,an~ I g I 0.\ or II! It lerca ter III ellg~u-c eclrllka the '1\,c~tlolny of ScI," ' " u1)\1I1I1e 1I10.rnln.rbl C3d Ult" when ,be and from the hllPPY union of sel)limont alld to tllemselvfl,! a knowledge of the IIrt of holds, and we helve 110 doubt but that ollr we ,consulcr Itl! tolellted editor enco in Porld as U8 it I(HIVOd the 1lll,l'r unehllng:ed. Inli!ltigmcer.,N. J. purposQ ,withill the <;ionveuUon, lind prom. ing. Now lind wen we come IIcross citizens w It to t1ieir odvnntllg8 ,to JUllt o.t 0. tuble where, 'GO{Jse,' wboll! Pari Ii publi c, On Ihe, 22d ulillno, Weather. cool and clouliy. l8es of support from distlnguished men a pr.r80n, who i, a IIl,tlV\I oC this COUI~try, lend tl\afrloDlI nnd daughters to profit by; Sour K~out, IIIU 'some l'ul1lphns' huve ill. Arogo et lod tbn~ ,IlLivulltugt' would bo ' 11f0IDEI'I1'.-An intbresting without tl.ere Is every pro, specL that tI'18 who is 'in igoon nu of vost amount bis InBtructionis. , ; b!len , plcntlrully up. • .', lit oneo tQk ell nf for II , mO,re o;tCbtt ,diiter' , CR.Rl" ;rtJII, , 10, .. " , ....." " I . r I "0' " .The brig Otl~Jo, (roln ' lillvBM, .unit ed Incident ocrurred not lona Bi(1C1O ot' the .. knowfo~go which is atored up' in dilTeren , • ......... ,0 " " , ' . m ,lIllUOn u t 1'0. ul Ilrcnco III lona itude OI l 1st. ebur h o( Rev. GlI1'd"ner Spring. D. D. in gr' eat lind indliponlllblc ~ internal 'I ~._ ' • I 01.0 .. P h reo to-d~y, bringing dilte" t.u t\le '0-'" e • or nina -.e' r ao"s~ ment will,be effected. lind whicbl' alSo being disaemtna. JUST SOI-.A; mon .. the,mnllY neiV ~l1d jmA, F U L'L SSTTLEMENT WAlIl'ED :-AR ' it ti ll ~eT\'otor , lei III . lIriij nlld O.rC), nwioh. h M." OK" " t' B II f ' I ' II"" , T~rosh e r \\,U8 still cl)lIlinQII ill u,~ ' N_ York, 8 , • • led abroad . by that public ble8ling, the porlont disco.\1eries in SOlcnllll nnd Art, is dr,olving nellr lhu,t p~rt Of. the y ear dur- y mea B0 ,t Ie (\ clltru:ol telegtl\ph in onch. ' 'III'", admitted membAr. of the church, ,. ' . I 1.0 fdrtress ol 'thel'unt~; hie brother hu~ bad Oranie winela o,new ,ouriosity newspaper; but thill kind of a polf60n whleh nre,cons t.ant1y taking phlce, the art ina ,which bu ~inesK men in thi~ vicillity )lort, a v('sse II ou~ tp soil m~y" bl\vo tho I'r"e t"d on tll~ 91 s('. • Ilour 01 .1. , ., • of thrlJe wbo were b\1ptizetl, t~o were It ced in the New Orlenns mO,r kat,It ia mnde one who is advanced in life, aud now looks of Inking a' COlWct representations of per8lJ,unle up Ihelr UOCOUllts, we deUle 0bscrv,atory of this ~o/l' " ..' f7IIUW CI?Id hi.- ,latlt. The former II h ' '. f I i I" 0 , it I Til . . H Is rumQr.ed ~hot on ' uut<>i:rnph leU" ' . •• 11,.middle, a":'d white man, thou ..b of t e JUI,ce r· back with a sorrowful r"gret tllllt wben ho son8 lty 'looking through a glasN,' etandd in 81~» to ,bov,e a lull ~ettleme bt Wilh till ~ 0 • L d0 commlllllc,·tlon 'IIOW ,.¥ . '0 tIe w u '~r sour T i rr9m Lopez h~d been di8cOwllr II in Mr, • IInge. wbich IIbounde in almost every plao· wu II child, sucb ndvantlges were not tbe front ronl;:. In a moment, by mf!gio, our potrolls. All pereons then, who Irom on on to r este, it·wlll . III no dis· ralher dark complectlon. Ind tbe slllve \VII tation In:;:'the State. but hll~ hitherto been placell in his reoeh. When 8uch an one as it were, the portrllit ie ,tllken. Olle ~1I0W th~selv~6 indClbte,d to us for Sub. dhltaol period, ~e complete t,hroughout Eu- Thrasher'!; office iWl'liclltiDg hi. brllU~er' good rookiDg mulatto girl. a\Jout 17 lind others, a\ld it i., to it, ule. urr('at orhi. regtJrded al I U8elees product. compares the pDBt with the present, it apis yery certain, howevor, IIl1d thllt scriptioll, Ad Vl.' r\islng, ,II no Job W:orkJ are rope 11I',cvnry direotiun. liroUlor I~ attributod, peard IlmoBt us if he wero in onolher this, Joseph Slater, .Dog'uerreOD, h'IlS earlJutly and respoctfully inyited lo mnk e =:==~===~==;~~~=~ ,feu, of I~e. ·rhe,. knelt lind were blip' \iaed toge1her-ho in the nllmolD of Aakerm..n. We were ulillble' learn the of exlstonco; 80 great i~ change, lind 80 (,Ipened r90mB In this' pl\lce againj lind seltlement ,~r:rore the first of JQDUary WAslmi TOlf, (IIov. 10. jlutlculu SoutherD State tbey w !! from. in'cfell8ed 1I1i! the mothodil and opportuni. rrom ~he eucc:ee8 be 'mel ",itb In taking n",n., We ~ave mode prQmiseB to puy ...., . It is tllmore.lliero l .day lhat nt'go1i•. bu~lle brongh~ her to New 'Yorker for the OL.D MilS. ORWEti. ties of obtaining lin undoratandinc of .reod. 111Ife' Illst sprinjr~ we ' suppose ,tbnt of our orodito! s Qt that time; depend' For Ih~' ~iiBmi· Vi. itor, lions arc pending hetwelln the ~eeroi yell purpoH of mlnuqJittini Iier. ing. ",111011 mlly be called the opening into can take about as good B'likene8s' ns ing ,on the prompt poym~nt 6f euma due ODITUAllV. ' Stllto lind the Spalliah MIIli-lei, (or the rtf Old Mrs. Grimes i. living atilJ, the path or all 'knowledge. There bei,.g t1ie nut oae 'on docket.' Hie rooms 08. ' Quite Il number o( oor eub,acri~er8 ,_ lea,I6 of tJie America" pr~'lIbe ........ " IB A wIdow ~till il she; but fow tllen, comporotively. who have not lire In the IOWler atory of !he Wllln'ollvilIe have noL paid up their eubsoription oitl!e; DIED qn the first of September, '1851 , Spain. " ' A.cleD' ""aeric•• Cit,. somu knowledge of rOllding, it rna,., be well Academy,;.. ' , for thq first or 8econd Volume, of the V 151- Rebecca McKinney, aged nllletY:I)IIA,,-' oulllltiOdore lIforri,lloB beon appoillttcl Sbe wear, a neat old fll8hioned Irock, ,A Germln merchant a~ AilpOfllilO in A neater ne'er can be. to mllke ,a fe,w remarks on the manner , .; " tor.' We truly desire that' all accounts of The subjeot Q w.. -loot1eC D,otlce, wu Chjllf ,of the Burelu or, Ordnance, and CbUl. ' empToyeila , DlIlIfI, by th, name 01 rellding, or rather what should be ' Atmoou CClL~ThI8'i8 00 insUta- thia Ileecriptiob bo .. ttled up at on (e. ill Duckl coanty, Pennsylvania; ((om Comm~dore 8hubrick, Inlpector of ON• Keno"s, tel exptore the wild relione of abrond. In thi. country, ~t the prelCnt limo, book~ tioo whicli~t.o ,be under the au.p)ces of Wood nnd all ki~dB of country prOduce thence el.e removed to Virgin ii, and WIl8 ollnce. Sbe'l blBll'ot bome-nor seeks ChlU. He hu d\lcoyerecl the luttered 1 of every de.crlp,tion, are p1aced in , the the Chriidu Cliureh, Ind \yiII be the only will be receivtftl in payment Cor Inlbscrip. there unli~d in marriage with Stephen Mc: t , The lIundli. oCthe tCI'Rn; , ~ulpl or a arelt city. In otber plrts of reach of evory one who may have any lie. college In ihs,·Ulllted Slates, for 'the pres· tlon, at the prices. ii~eu by dell~era ill pro· Kinney. In t}te twellty.third year of her 10.. 8 o'cJoelJl, p , M. , There'l not enough put in her alcoves South America traces of a blgh degree of sire to &'tallfy hi' or her ~ute"by relldlng. ent.' The PiB~eral Gonvel\tion ' of the duce in this plaClc. ago, ahe 'ilia. convicted of tbe necel!lity .lelarrler" Billr.Ir,~v" Stat. I. ,now VI To mike another gown. ,I"mlalion hllve been di.coverecl whicb, Hardly Iny eubjeet:hll8 been talked of, but Church .hllil d~!o:ided ,lO locate tbe colloge • •• • boing converted, by listening to Il &ermon fire at lbe dock! work. are nTii"llI -,..,.... wIth miry lither clr~umllanc:ei. proye verv Although IIbe's poor, tile needy poor's what a book bas been written lind printed in tlli. St-,'" ~~ tbe e~",mltteo of eelec- \Ve leal'll from '\.lie Western Star of lost a B.ptia~ b,inisler, from the following .,oorly burped, on /Ire ID clearly aniiqullriDnl that I race of men ~ard wllnL Ihe will ap,poll8e; about. Then, aeeing thst such is tho coso, tion or tbe ~lllce of lOcation will soori be week, thaI tho Warren County Agricullur. text~ 'Remembllr tIly Crealor in' 'thl! days \he hold. Tha work, 'wi\b preceedtd the I.dlanl, cultivated Her dreg It Il,ever droga tbe ground, overy one can r.booee out of tlte plenteous at their wor~. Wol obllerve tlll\t there are al So,ciety will hold a meeting in th~ Town of thy youth, &c ••' Eccl. 12th ohapter lIud grellt excitement: A\lantic '1:00 • 10 Ind, thoroUGhly leql1lllntejl with ucbltect· Nor..; "ita above her ' , . kells. , etore hous!! of Dooka entl Periodicals of several pla4ee, at' "hieh the citizens· molil. Hall ; in Lebllnon, lit 1 o'cluck P. M. on 1st. verlle. She WIlS taken into the U. E , Cloveland . UI'O. Churcb, III 1he year 1806, by t1;e Rev. - - --..-..,-- - different kinde, B!)mething that will suit feato..trolllcle8iFor~aeeure the I?cltion to=day,[~riday,) Bhe every Sunday gODS to ~hurcb, tlie. peculiar taste of each, ou~ht we nul of the in....tJoll Ilmong tht\m; eome 01 , ... ohn !:laIc, who was then a miBsionlry ill !'jEW YORK •.NOV. 11,1'. af, A eurl~ua ca"; 01' mud hll8 jUlt \ranlpl· N or sl~ep" nor chatters tliere j to u~1 lome little caution in regard to wh I them ora Lebipon,in this COUD,ty, Yellow LITERARY N'OTICE.'i. Norl'hern Virginia. ' In 181 i. she removed . In Iho United Statea j)iatri!)t CQurl, tbit ted It' Berlin, A tailor having in.ured hil Her cape are of the plainest kind, we .hould read1 Should we not reflect Springs, )fl. ' Verllon, I~d Ellon. The from Virginia to CHIlton county. Ohio,livmorn.IIl~,lud~e, Nolilon, in the cale of the liCe Cor £90 aad £1I10,relpectivell, in offiSave one for SUDday's ,wear. tbat 'knowledge is .power,' provided. that committee will obOOle the place thllt CIIn 'TnE OXO~JANlI,' by 'Sir EdlOOrd ed there !hirtoen ycart', thellce moving to Methodist Elmcopal 'Cbureh North •• , Ihe ce • .at r.c;od~n aaa Copenhagon, got up II Sbe of'ten IIlyl '.be bopea above, ' thallmotokdge I, of the rigltt kindl Were ~ile the~l mOlley. We IlIe .very much Bul1Dttl',.~Wr. are plac!!d l\ndar ~bligllUona Pickaway county Ohio, ~hore her hUBbard same. So~th, drcidcd in favor of tbe Sul\lh. 8ctitloiJi burial, and after havin, witDeeeed To !peet ber bUlblnd dear;' it the colic, that none but the right kind 1D hopee ~,t out Lebanon rru·nda m~y to T. B. Pole'rlon, No. 98, Ohe8tnu~ atreet, dltd. Sbe then moved to Warrlln county, em dlVll'lon, hi dletulle . hi. own interment, look to She renta a cot It fif\4len pou_s, books were published, such QI would con- 8~ccecd, for lilt ooliV'B that the institution Philadelphio, for Il copy of the obovo nom· ,DUd altacbed t" the Unitcd -:-- ------.,.. 'ft~iht. Jeiving his wife ~. clllim the a~ount And ,paya it ev~ry year. voy to Ihe mind or the read~r ,somo good wJlI prove to, tre of grent IltlYllntllge, not ed work. 1t is a v~ry interesting volume, Bre~hen sqriety 'II~ Horveysburg, but re. " n~JlOlr, NoV· II. or the policiel and then to follow Inm.teachings there would thon be no nece.. i. only to the elmenB 01 thllt plnce, buL to and we would ndvi8e 1111 of our rClldera. malee!! a mr.mber but a short ' time, wbc~ By advi 118 from Mticil:~ac, we lelfD Tbll she em,cted (by mealll of a. """I1I1I"Atlol Sbe Illwaya WRI industriolls, tyof urjting relders to 0 proper choice III every inhabit'.nt of the county. who lire fund of the 'Rom~nlj,:" to procure ehe r,ouniled herself with the M. E. that willie the steamer Glebe wu ' Iyillg of delth Curnlsloed by some medJclll man And riles now betimes; - } .• . a eop" ror It 'will pay' well to I p.od this Cburch. in which she remiiDcd until her lit d,to Whllrf It that It CD ror a bribe of £16) coppled with a regislP.r She', called. by all the noighbors rountl, Iheir worke; but, alas ! etich Ie 1I0t the preaent IItate of dsirs. The 1e.din~ W.AYlfunl'..a Pou MARKIIT:-\VO production of t,lte celebrllted noyeliat. ceue, whioh occurred 1111 follows : She ~oord ~'bb?d the. secon~ engmer, bll! of the ' funeral, lIut 1If\er' allpee of 'TM Good Old lIrr,. Gtiimu.' commlUlity 'at Ilirge, manifest but little :Ie- hll~e.been ",formed by porsonll who are "ncl been \Vitb one of Jler daugbten, opt to woundm.g him, and lIf\crwar~s slabbed n• , . . . lbe iII'alr b.. come liChL The ~~~;;;~~~;;;~=~~~ sire to ltore tholr minda Nith that kind oogll1zant to ,tbe raot, thlll there 'lire mnre SARTAl~'9 lUAGAZIN£ for Noye mber, hall 1St. Marys, and 011 ber return, wblle at tirat engmeer tu *e heart, lullln • . him I • • beea ICIDIId, to conlain nothing knowlellge that would prove ~C luting hoge. and of ,a better kind iu this neigh. reocbed 118. Anotner Dumber will com. Fairfield in Grecne county,she wasatrllo1c stil~tly, Tile mlUeroriginated 1'I'0mlOlII' WIlt I'IilIbllb. eulprit an.ated by the benefit to them, the, little think how nec- borho~, tbia ..asoo. than .hayo been for plete the present volume of tbis truly mag. wilh paley, it being tbe third attack, and mi,ullderltllDdlng betwoen tbe, ',coIDli or the eleotr1o beforueeillary, HistoricllI, ,8dentifia, IIl1d 8O~e time ;'_t. WaynC8vllIe .haa II repu- niflcent magazine, The prospectus for 18. thie ended her lire tbrre. Bho ",I' engln.eer .'1d the pI" \rK~r. ZOOLOG(C~ EN1~MA. that conyeya General.Knowledge, I.. tatton, both fir and n~l1r, of bel~g a gteal 6~, promiscs I rich treat to tboae desirous member of nhurch forty-five yeus, and al· lIY 'SOIiE tl 4 ~ flOUT; to ~e cODtr.."., worke of fiction, formed !,OI"k lIrltrk~' j. and Il\is repula,hon is not etoring lhoir minds with litcrllture of ll,e wilys learned to enjoy II lumeleney of that 110n8 froDi the inventions 0 "!flnltlon, III deae~ecl 4Jither, for tbero Ire but .few higbest order. We will furnish this Mag. grllce whicb gave he( consolation In I am co~poaed of UUen 'lelters. , placellD the Weat.laklngeyerythi~l!'llIto uln.llnd the llJoml Visitor one "ellr for eblngo In tltie Ufe. A luneral~ without a IH!mblance to truth, aretbe qUlld- 'popular worke'. ' or the daJ. A person con 81'd ent'OI! ' J' M, 1,'.U,lsavM'f I , I, lb ~ t hIve done. or e~er WI'II the sum of '3,s6, casb io advance. 8a.00 was, prelched OD O'ctober lith, roped; bed ~tter not know h~w to reid. than d,o more In dlie !lDe. We hate Informa· is tht:l pritt! of the Magazine r.loDe. Rev. Samuel Zelltillire, to III _!II~I.. I " 8, 4, 10.1. aver)' _pelld his time altorether in this DlIDner. tion from a nliable IOI1rce, that Melar.. .__ cor.gregation. He WIl8 followed the wrll W,e do not object to II penon interspera- ALLEN &. Ef~,art! ~lIking. preparati?n6 THE ARTISTS' IOtllllUL for Oclober ia reldlng 01 this notice Illd approprllte reo hlp1y b1 old maida &c . ina their reedlnK with a ~roper portIon to enter lar"ly Into thIS trade, the cOllllDi on ollr toble. It ia or.namented with marks, by E. Mill,. oalled • 4! 8, 't, I, 16, 11 ~' ve~\lqIld fourCooted lipt readillg, .. i, ca~led, but bflieve thlt :':n, ~Ur18 t.b~ will be prepare view of the birth place of the Boa. Hon· LEWIS MCKINNEY. alw". blJlttocl '" the 'Lorda if jaclpmeetls u..d, Illllly be very proC- th IP a. bllifheat prlC:ea. We hope r, ·Clay. o.t Hano\ler, V,irglnla. Tile Weatem Stu pleno con· sou" ' Itable. But we do object; Ind thlt .trong. at ~rsons aviDg bogs to diapolB of. per ia BOot to alllublcribel'l to IJIDIA C1IouOOOVV" , ~3, J.., iJ • Doctamal 'aninial, Iy too • .,.in.t the habltl of lome, who will ..~. ~ .... a .call, ,Ind we think thllt llie Arti~la' Union of CiDoiDnlU; ~ tboae ~JI1I~ I~'\cha~ ... IP'lrtaliliil1 of the pnpei1lel of • bird rf\~ nothing el.. but novel., aad the like, they WIU l1"r .. tl.f~dion to all. who lire not members the pr\cp I, ODe dol. '" hno thia valuellie remedy IJid tIC" c for It ia 1I0t onl, a wll8te of time. but it e. lar jM1r year. UTER FRO. EUROPE. ommwncled It 10 the ~on6de1lCt of &be ~ neclid "a. ".akenl the mind. All rl1UJtnJIG Iru:-The bene618 of ARRIVAl. TBESTEAIlEBSBAlr lie. Ire HOD. WOI. L, ~1"'1, ....t1r7 .. ;;;.;.t~-=--=-,"="';=-'::'::"<-="::::":::":':'::oa..c==:..:.: -Nl-perIODI who cao,.ehouJd. eulUnte 'I Lilt lnaanJIj. . . . "erinDin, to GUrul OF Lmurl=:'-Thl. ia t1ae TIC AN]) CAN'An.\. Wu, Hob. W •• WoodbricIp, Boa. ~ habit of nadin, more or Jea every day,"y f'stelblrel,- throughout title or a neat little lIIoalba, paper publiab· 1(&11' You No•• II A. •. Wil1dDa, aad Bon. WID. A.......'. _ .. 11_ _ tbat BoIomoD urJ'Ila' _ _ There • nothlag 10 beneflolll; Dothlll, III lite counlrT· We DOticed fa the lilt aum· e4m CiDcianati lad II elevoted 10 the . , from ~ Stale 01 LucIuII AIIIIol • \lllliati4 ... fir ~. ,,111 CIlcuJated to reIleYe our millCl. frolll her oC the BII6lewl, Ia ae:. lDOlion or tbe add . .IC_ The eteamaIrip CIaMI, with .0.181 D. IIId Be., Cblrlea """". U.... AI' wlaole II aile .... of &he ".,.., tho e&ctI or clrculllltUca, wlllrir ewat or of 0. rentlemlJJ bJ Amerieul Womell. It .. e41ted by EUa'oak here o.t m11 Bon. 8. P. Cary. cfutciued; ..,IIa.OW It J1w11 e : . .. , . beea altcJeetber . . . .1I1e. the IIllDe YOUIIf. who hid beeD beda.A. AWricb. TIle .... _ 1Iq'" : : Ie til ' : : - , , ' ' ' : .....1Ioae, Ella., Udca, K. Y., .. pnIft ItiU ilion ' rorD\erlJ • or tIlIt place, bol more '1,,, una.. ala' .,.. . . . . . ~tHaa':..; A. IocI,neI1, 01 Ie r-...;::L . .... . . to.,...OIU'JeiIan IDDllllJltlln 10.-, ClacJDDaU. CJ:h1l 1ft Car . .' .... \WUlJ 001'" -"'- ... ~0IfIIth,..,!!IiNauLa



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POETR ' Y. ' ,





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or .... 1IIIUbIt-..... lo··. . . . . book Uda..,r - . , ". to ..... lid ., dill' _IIIJ,.....,.ftllllil.....


1ut JII,







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.1Ie c_"" or

aOVO K81 gO:LD S, BOAl\S~gSB, BRO ••

OBI~18, aaOtf P, ASTH · WIlGO~I"O-aOVG.






MER l\1.EDIC INJi,: l'UOOF l I'ROOF lI "J~OO.F III J I t:URIilS IKE )\fAGll,;' \'ol cc from !udlaun l•••More Evl.



Juna I l(h D hnllhclud ~ <':0 -G "J1 (~1 \\ ilb n coug



18 0

1 h ~ ye h fol' tho I h~ 1 tllr It"r lour l ,,<irS, \\ Ilich couj;h cIlmo vtJry nQa, taklll~ II~ • , ttoG ,:t ovq, d ~~I' 1l 01 aU (he 1II!llil'tBI nit! !'roln my In.ully phY l! lqino 1 It ld dcspoJ[od ul (l " ~ t Ogll ill I,elllit rVllotcd '0 hcullil S( , n, o llth b ngo 1 nOllcl:cl lhe D,lv 6rtl~cI110 nrOr Or J 10 \\ 08 ,h nkur SlItOlll,on ll. t;: Ir~ct-II' I" iO IIIU Wly se nt IInc) protlO N« on.. bOil Ie, nnd P; II 116111 n , .he fI ~ \Ih 01 ' I\k. ng \\\ 0 bOllle. 01 Dr 1It1\\ 6 a c.:!lI lpoulI(ll! lttrncl 01 Borstl,aplla h • • llI'uqotlm l> to sny 10 YOIl nlld IV IQfIt 11 m ay COII"Ctll thM I nlll ollllrhly re hcved 1100111 nIl "ou" h~ IlUlll III lha brellBt, &,,, 0

H o\vp. &;

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IZggl!, 1l> doz, 1 Flour, 01110 brolld., 111 bbl, :l,oo ~ a JO

Wbcla~, orn, III


eaf Bnd bulle.


W I lite benl)l,

Clover INld, Flu',eelJ,



'70c ~Oc

11' bu •

W ~U


tl 1\,.

C~llee, good cRill.

lIole..ea, N 0 l' gal do auger hQuse, 'f gtll.

Rloe. 1!l ft., Bug". l' athet'tl, l? u,.




' tC


8c. '1.c 81,110






'Ie 6lc


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DIIcil by rb) sielaol 01 lD~k IlaDdlul, The.. BI ....r£lt8 nmon aU IIIOtW lOer.1ll>1II;.

pwify tho blood Ifho .real too • • nd 9110r to Ibo

.lro Uv o""'Q.. lbrtJ~ tb. ',Ito,n.. au,rutale '1_ , an h. t.k.:o "ItI. .ate.y; .t 110 tI•• d.~/IJ talin, tho 1*11• • t-balnr Cntelul ... tho lII0I1 d.U Olt_ llOtnl Ch lad ,..,...dublo lOt tbair cbeerilll' tRo',oratln, It,enl(lhe nJ", ... d ... toraU .. pro.,.rtltt, 11,4 an In.. lua1>la .nd .a .... ,.,.ed1 (or AI ... L,n. Compl.lnl t J u ndt 0 " . . bo .... Cot. tlTOn... Fain In... Oltonl.", de III.1I1d" I•• r, ... ~ Ikl", Loll . f Appolll" Low !\plrlill 1'1 _ _ UNd


•• he, OhI4In... PalpitAtion ot Ibe tI.. 1t, Jllakl •• • Dd F.I1_. of 'Vol,hlat Iho 1100"••11 ..., aU otb•• eaUlOl4 b, an ilIIpure.1&1II 01 tit. blood, U.. " lie , .1&icIl _d to d.blUtal • ..,d ..ubI> 1M . y.t...




NlCE.ASSORTMEN'l, for Lldiel AJ HOenllem en fin ••Ie by HARRiS ... 00 I:iip



at .,er,,-

either by

Am S " .a ..

1 hI" on hInd Ilup lolor Shy 10 10 by 14, and 10 by U S..h of . e lOr .. Ie 1... than 11.....1 A CiJII.tanl ~j)P!y_ ,I

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baal,,, of "'.'1.'" ..-IOf



6th, Ib1

,:.;;:;;;iV'Dwf.'ij;;i;;M;;h'::70iii:i:"";;;=:-::1 .a~

of &b. R&d FIA,It

aUCK GLOVE II AMD . I m . HEA VY udele on hand Ind for ....Jly I H HARRJS & 00 8ica If the Red FIll. No. 5th, 1 8~ 1 COIlFO JlT8. VERY L :\JLGE and beautiful Itock 01 Wbolen CamforUi for lade by


Lebanon, OhIo.




clsnf CUBl!:S LlKE MAGIC A Clilld S""e<l1 -The 1011<,,\1118 eVtdence


AI H NQ,,"

IURRlS .. 00 8JC1lol lheRed} '."


WIlo ....~ "". . . ."rbld .... ,.utllnl eoadlUu ..IU 111<1 tItIt MIiIlc1.. 01


••• V.A.D.

I ...... e.... Of O£l'l~L DEIIILITY , tItIt ror"l elM AC1'I "I liE A anAL" ' RH. IMte4 lit otlle..." ..... 1M.....III4. nader t_UDont and DOlO" teIIll. ..,. _ Jai ..... .... , . beD nporW. Vol. . .' ..... lit IIlW w lllr ~... 01 ~ ..... ~. . . . . . . . ponaa.

_u, .....

C.. _ .... IcMIt ... ret • Pa..& T,

....... ..-.....


CoIItaJaJDc lilt CartIIAt.a..t ~"bI>lt &D4 ........ IOII.aIiea .. wlolek ,,~ Ie koW J!J lite hblle... .. ... "'" . . 01 lira ~-"~~_fUL",N


~~ ~~~~J~J.~~


tlmu8unc1. af aimUmr clJntaqter, auil "... \llIlt»t f1owu'. & rBlI!'u. 1Il0d l

e:l~OO. (I

ltCb[. ... tllllly, NAl HAN It be ~allea lh.


.'ol)r Mun's Frlcu4 and Family Pb,.i.


Timothy .eed 'Dacou. sllouldCrll. do ,idea. 11 It.. Latd, J.1rtcil Peactic" 'f bu • Drl!!cl Ap~le.. ( heese.


weult" ro, 1\ II ,d cuu"h ulld P" t11 In the br oll I IlI'Ou lli1 IlIO sho pnYij thOl " hb Il11VQl h d. Ilood .liy , IMlclOo.t hut . um~tl to III yo he, ~o much roil r n ~ your III <Iicinc

(''1@60c .

2q c

1I0fil Y,


N\ D ) "ill JII"I sn, 10 you I~lll my wlf. bOb UtI n tn) ill l: Iho nlv(heine for 10'1/6 IWCI

ellceli '0 ~mOi1le. oyer

Go 00. thou .turdy farlller, Tre~d

proudly on til 8Od. 1'h1 pruud lIud' goodlv beritag. TI ou chosen 80n ufGod

Ir~h Jemmy lho Wllte Houso coach min. Will on hilt! \I hen Mr Fillmore OF AY.I. UINDS, called at tlao ~tublc to Jns pecl It ond IV ah EXECUTED NEATLY & PROMPTLY IIIg In or'Olon from Jtlmmmy 118 to the AT 'fIlE fitness o~ the cOuch ClSkcd If bo II ought It 1"lSlTOIl OFFI0~ enough 'Och t s • good cODch your honor. laid ] I'm Illy 'Dul sit good enough J elRmy1' B!llclth~ PreSident 1emmy, \Vllh a doubtful scratch of IU8 hend-nnswe reJ Ilgn n III Ihe IIILme mon \I ht<n Mr F, wllntu\g II paslUve nn

1'1I&1IS1lIJ(() 00l:' G 111.111 -F"rlner. ,hJuld hep.lhelr eyo" IV 1I11 ollon, IlOtl tl olr J IIlge ft!en&a clear In order thnt they Olay 1101 be 4ecelvcd IOto an InJ Idlcloua IlIle Speou: latCJrt UpOD tho labor of odlou the world over. aro evef on the olert to {uake mone) and onen succeed by creating erroneous IlIIpredllons IIlIto t he value of proJ\lc ~ Custom seeDI~ to bllve aanoul1ed tho proc liee. though sQund morolll nnd high tOiled booor would reJocll! as II prachcc Q~ln to lIer.eptlon IIlId fraud -Thele pracllce. the more to be apprehended 110 ~ n~ by tho or 8 0 Hecond hand PreR dent cU1Unll 01 the Wired of the toll'grbpb. and JU \ rIght the acloy of a 811)318 da1 in the trul\8ml~ The PreBldent took the lion of the news U8 to the pr co. abroad Comllltt'elal • TIle growers of \Ii leot m y be mllde the 'Ictims of CUPidity lind Ilvunoc Our lid PIOKL'OCII'£T8 AlID DED D UGS -It 18 slntl'd 'Ice therefure. would be, ne~l'r to 1011 1m 1ft Il Londun poper thot the IOUowilIg cu medlltely liner lht! occurr~e8 til UI'8 01 r 0\18 trIck was p,rilehsed on a Iidy wi Ie tbose ICCIdo0l8 to the \llros aliI' WIIS WIlking through t\lo CrystllllltU whleh prevent foreign at1vlcea from beU'1l lice Heelved, II the farmer would have a Tight Sbe felt hcrielf 8 Idilenly lapped on the 10 auapeet the past. tbat. Ilpon all Inch ue .hOllliler, and tl rnmg r,.und !lIlW a gentle tIIlbnl. 'lC)oJIethllll is rollen lu Den- snan who BBld politely '1 bell' your pardon .ar~ • madllm bllt look tJICre alld he pOinted to block movm~ spet k on the shoulder of Coa. -Do you .ell your corn shaw1, when to her horror .he bebe III the .arat It YIIU do. YOI1 lIel unw I.ely of tho pc insects whIch oro the "bhor YOIl pay for ltan8porta~lolI of tile cob to nee of 1111 cleanly and del elite hOUSf:W IVCI lIIarket. for wblch you get ootlllng-you W Itla II ahud~el aDd almll8L a abrn,k ahe n ID thllt Ita\o. only BOnd holf II threw thft "bawl from her aholllcler nnd (ull ,,:'lle11)11 pny for II full one-you £wo "fllhDme.ndeonrU8ionl!hllokafl'theunC~IC'llliU 10,pr coblllway, where.. if you were til Lbln!:, ktndly IIlded by tile /lentlemnn Ihell YOUMlOrli keep your cobs have tbem had P9IDted out. and by two other&. who poood iQ}At eob:.meal. with OliO fourth were verf asslduuus In renderullX 119SIst ttm'e ~olllme ofl:gralo, tbe), wOllld make Inee. lind ~ hll lib., llaOllaht prealed upon eueUellt roud for 1111 yollr cattle Why her rather affiulliul ly They suddonry up .'lell. d., lOU not econOlDlse your cob a' erated. Ilnd alte hlld lenrcely recovered WilY _bauld you PI!}' far cllrry'\u, t\lem to from Iler confusion, \\ hen ahe ruund thllt .arket, and "el nulhl for them, when ahE: hlld been robbed of her golil \VQteh 10il' COWl tad aun,. tk need them 10 nnd oh .. 11 her broauh lind purse Furtu lIluch' nately Ibo \'IOI! al th e moment JNned bv Il A JlKIl ot cob mea mixed wrth l quart ltentleIDIln qUilted her 8 lie bl.\lll few ., pIn m'll. milt p with bot water momeota before wl,tell the tllleVCII had 110 and cb0l't bilI. will make a mllcb cow reel doubt ' observed He inlormed the decaaedll comfortahlE'. and eDI~llt ber to officer of the accurrencll the lilly deilCTIb ,In a rull luppl, ohllilk ed lba pereoP8 who blld eurrounded her and In an Inalllnl Lho whole admirable de Ii I"il1l •• Iv" , teohve arrtngemc:nla of lhe police were III opperaU II Every avenue was watched eve~y door gUDrded lind 11\ fUteen nllnutea til vel wero In custody, and the prop wa. found In thOlf paesesaioD TI e dr'lIed fellow wlla hod exe led the I. dY • terror, by pain ling lo dlo dr"fttll'ul,~r", A_ i luro on her eh.wl was .carohed end a emal\ \jOlt half IIlIl uf the dllgusbllg 10 1Ml0ta. W88 round I I hi. 1I000eSIIOO



G.\LVAN10 NEOKLA.CE IU.ld for III Mmplolnll ollOot nrlbon",ot .. H'" IDoh .. n ~".1 110, Inllomm ltlon or the 'J'h ...... lV. ono' and 810k Ho""acb .. Diu ••• t>llh. 1I0t0d Ifl' ralSl. ID Ih. 5"••• lJ. ~lihl or RoarlJl, ID ~. I .... Iit... ""Ch I. II.Of.II) /'I trr •• ..,. 110M <I»

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INMIDI COlllplalA~ cilllod lie VOI .... Ull




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or n hor MI." oflh. ~ Manr. hundred Cortl,ll •• t .. 0 - all ",ri. of II a cnu ' ,01 Ih. mOIl . .I .....nll •...,. olionel... 1M . . , ..... II ... qu red ~ Nn l ronb l•• , InMa ... lene. an_ It....... oj DI< ~ CIlHIIJ2'T.P! IJ fMtV.9NIC "'RTIOLKi\ . . lb., n., "- , I»' tl .....1 ruhlt a td dolld" w i b IN: *c.t .... and .. ret, In min, cu•• tt. •• • 000a .1I0.dln, Ih'lr "~o I. A/CAl, 1'1 ...... ... Tllo, can bti "n1 10 ..., part or Ibo_

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