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c:=d;=====:;::==#=:;;::::='7~;:::''7i:=;=::;::: ' walls -we! e hung 'fith Iculet. ''Pbe long IUrroundecr~y luoh ,~en did ~e YOtlnl{eilt
gaLle~ies were crd~ded ~y suoh,~ a~di~l\ce paIlS; unnoti-ced. At , aD; a~ bas ',oo:e)y ,ei cif?d the -~em.rIJ , o.r,emulll- WhE ln' ~9.Bt?f tOo8.6 ~ hp ,:a'tIBtiitr\lisb L!OD , ~f an" o.r4~r; .. The_~e .~" re, ' selves iq 4fe' o.r~: still :~PI~~p~iing ..... , .y.'~~., . ~gep.et ' from, all 'PQrts qf a great, be had . ~he l'i~~o~ ~r~Tnili~!;. fldliD~;'rlllling, ljgb~oned; and ·pr.~'lp~r~~a ~en:lni~ I II plll'1iRme~. ' No' a~lJbtilj[C , F'1Ili~ r'llliiJr fi-oJi~ !llo treee, - , J, , Wltilil nrotlnd , fein_ale loveliness, ,wit a~d /,lenrning" fortune, Q~- conneo~ion w~,' waint.;'n ... - Scurco a ~ound: " ' , r'~pre8ent.litive9 of ~vcry 8cierlc~'and of cy- could s~t off to the beignt, bill Anl'"l'ulid Bre ~ks' the 's i1encq.- mo t.profound, , " BlLve tho mttll\lg , I ery a~. , There - wero' sealed around tho I en~ ~dJti~ wib,olT!.i~he(l.'honor. 4-t ~bination,1 :lUler ' ,a, ~truggle, ~f te~ IIi thu blll,tling _ ' • , ' he· hnd triumphed, He boo at length ( I !Iho br 18 With tll(~ ICllves oil nnd IInClur tho Queen ' th~ fnir-hnir~d young dnughters of ty;thrcll he boo b,een thougl,lt- worthy to ,, ~r'Rnd old !riles . _' - , the house of Druns\vlck. Tl)ere -th? am- ~!lnked with the ~etoran lI~ntQ8m~n who gono n' to bls grave . \1) th~ fulnes8 of and' court. The orator must . Tho wliid soem~ t o flIoRn , moan" lllonn: bl\sl!adors' ' of grea~ Kings , 'and ' Common-' n.PPOllred as the ,delegates of the ~ritjBh age-;.in ~ea(:e•.Ilfter · so mnny ''trt;>uhies j in And utter now "mllit(lD sODlolhing liko weal,thii-$~ wjtn admir"tiou',on 8pec- COmnlQDS,a,t th~ bnr ofDritish n~bility , .AlI bonoI', artet:, I~O mu,c~' obioCJuy. , 1\ W OIlII ' . . , -' ' tnc1~ wliiClh no ot!ter country \n ':he world W_h~ Btoo,d ~(tliat bar, 8nv~ .bim ~Io~e ~are ~os~:'VhID look on ,hlB cbarnct~ w , ' '" , As " .!lltWII{d SwCOJlS; And,It weeps " ' " could ~re8ent. Th,llre Sid,dons, in tlia' prime, gone-.culptit..adv6c~~8:nccutrerl3. 0 the "I. mal\~volence, will prol\Qllilce that, ll~qulreB aM, tlt,e OVDr tho'butden whioh it bOllts .: ~f 'her ' m -.i~BtiO , beapt);.,· looked wltb emo"' l g~ne,rat\oll\ Whicl1 '~iB no~ ; in: the Vigqr of ' ' elcmeot.$ "fall' ~ciill vii; , ,,',of , m el!, a~d,. Jor an' an~wer, _ un- I"~h ""n" p ,To the ground, the dend Illilvetl' tomu ~ JJy , th\l lr flllling.; fDlling. falling, . , tlo~ on a scene II ,rpassinl nll !tb~ 'i~Jt~- n,re, I\e ~B the ~1~1'ep'~e'lerit4tiv~ of a,ere'at for 'tile righ~ of p,the~,,: ~d , 1~~, ~~tl~, s01'911 ofbls own !iecu: t , and B~9re, ri~t right1r., !tiio'Ying _~Jiere; but , 'W ell we Know ,'/, i . tiOl).8 of ,th~ $tage, ' 1'b~~~e hijltoriiltl of ~e wh_lc~ h~ ~aBled' away. JM .for. the !aufferi.ngtI pt:, otl,o~ ~ad8 It ,tl~.~re, Ot1~~~ 'are ,b!lt, the ,re~eCl'- ~ntc~lUg a distant view ~f the 'pire of ~e , That " d ie' nonr;' , ' tpe ' ROOlnli' Empire thought. o( tho' du)'a who, ,within ,the IllIIt ,tel). ye~i ~ave : defiiciEmt.. His lItinciplea ,w ere tlon of 11llnselr, ";Ith the IIhniJelf II. jlttl~ ohuroh of B.-:--, they again betook thebl~ -(')h! how qUickly do c:hq YSllrs Pl1~A, II!: ,'E ll 'eh' ia fj ~ r cnch iJ, quick 8ucoosSion. t1y when picer~plo'ilf;lell Ol,e cause, of Si~~ ly cd '~iUi delight, tjl~j tb,! morning, 'i,:x._ HiB heart was ~om~what br~gbter or darker. , Ill. }I~ !~C?8t lIeerat 8~ve8 to their b?llt and l'Owe4 themaelves , Oownrd to Eternity, ' . apinstVerrell; aJJd when, before ,n lenate, i~, up?n the~p~$trieIt9f'~e. HoulI8 hariJ. wliile we cannot with truth de- Bpll,l tare inclosed the dillp081tions of the- directly ,toward-It: , " '. ~ \'.' II)' nOli\'ilJo, Nov. 184'9.' ' ~bich ~ad lI,till, HO~(, sho w o~ rTe~dom,'T~cto '~le lofty' ~d " ani,na~d., eloqa.e?ce scribe ' him e~tber ,as ' ~ righte91,l1l o~ , a s Ii worl.d. ' . , , . ' ' : ' . Bqt who .c~njinogine. the feelinga !>r th~ , ,,' . ' ••• p It~ thun!lereq against ~e opp~sor of Af- CI~des Earl ,Grey, .nre able tQ , f0(li1 '80me ' ruler, we eaimot, regard Without _HIStory. .~s ~~e chart ~r th~ dell.berntlve YOU,Ol wben , he had d.18covered the rich ,-. ric:a. ' The~e' were ,e~ll, side by lihJe, ,the e.stJmate or. the pOW~r8 of '" ,race of men ' . , ilie amplitude , and fer~lity' ?f orator. It r~,:eals to ~.m the q~l~k8an~,s ~~nstoD,the 'plea~Bnt_ ~enl'! ~ : all, all,' ! ~ 'BY ~1ss.~2~~H)·" grente8t!alD~~ and t~e greate8~ !lcb,ol~,of amongwbom li~ ~aa , not, tIi~ forempat. , intel1ect~his rare talents for command :n~ roll~: ~h~e ~tbe blopethB Of.!)mplrcs have dI8ap:e~ed'ti.~~ ~e place, ~ormer)y \occ~", . T oll 100, w~en rhoelorAnre fl~blng , t'le ng~:: ,': The . specta9le p,ad , ~Uure~ ~ey- . ' T~e ch~ge8 and tb~ ,!"swe~ for ~dministratjQn and for_ ee.n rec c • • t ~vea_ s e ~C)\ltce8, «>f pr~8- , , '/ e Sl~ ~lIa~, ,obangedl !D~ , d~. ol , i" f)~~~:n~U~~~~I~~1;8 ~'I~J~~~rlm~oll " lI. ,ds ,from, that ensel Whioh ,.J\~,_) pre~~rved., ~gs were first re.~. T~I» , 41l'!JlU8\19 ~ourag~hiil honorable perlty', ~e so~e8 o~}niBfortu~e" ,To w:aste of waters. ' E~rly di~ Ad~m '. Sw;eetl bur,ns al,liollg,t1I(i 'de",;" to us ,t.b,a thoughtful forehearl8i ofs~miiny: C;Up\~d ~~ow~o,l~, days, and . ~ndel'ed ':"'h,~ feryent z(i~ for :the intere,.u' of the . w~o , cb.n' rend ,t, It offers tJt~ 8U~ge~tiOllB . , for the ~ell. rem\l~lle~ed cot~·: he , COIUIl8 ,tliero no reprollchful' whisJlor wrj ters aud 8~te9men, alld thes\Veet smiles 'e8S tedi.OUII ilian it ot,h erwile ~av.e ,tieen, by state-his boble.equanirpity, tried by both ~r .two 'hundred '~n(l~a~io.n9, ~.t bids us .;_ wit~ ~lm!lClf Yiat, tb,e dweUmgo( , ' o~ so ma'ily. noble matrons. 'It had inducect ' thesQ.~ .~ol~ and jUllt emphasis'of Cow- extremes of fonu'n e, and never dietbrbed ~f. tiew~ o~ ~e fo~hell ofl. de,!ldna~ons! To ~IS be,lovli4 mUB~ have been lj)aJoed in :tile, . wt~j~n~!~:,I::~N!S~:J!di~;uit~:hlllY ?Jlon~, like.' the fail) t y(}~~g len.vos~ , P~ ~ sl,1sp'eQd qls , l~bora '\n }hnt dark and per, '~~, o~~rk of the ,Court, II: nj:!;~ . cither•.-M'acatdy" MiM.tllan~. '-', mdlvldual It offeraJBOm~here Iltnong general deStrUction! but he ~k~ In ~D , , plofolind mine from which be bad extrllc. of amiable poet. n the third iJay ', " eno~uragement td great· ana lind nt ' ~eng.ll became, convmoed ·I. at fur~ A,Y\ Ihou feol'sl, deposJ ~i) Ihy, 8i\q~CC.,..... d d W "II _ , , 'liUlt belrnynl bui'nellly cllOel,t; . : ed a 'vBst·veBB.ure,of erudition-n treasure »urke 1'0118. .Four sittinga " 0 ,the 'court: n"'~' ee I. Q.uld' th~ ~t~tOr ro~s~;he thel' search wo~d be U1elesa; ! , l!'VOJl to Lovo'l! 11 rglving ,hoSQIIl , too o,tten,' buried in t, h e earth. too olle , n W • qecupied by h, is o~ning speech,whicli ' see ,",eGua e ee l()~. Belf-de.v~tion of hl8 couhtryme.n 1, "Take m. e ¥Chce,", laid he in broken Ii.._ " ; " Thoro be 'thoughts 111QU ~nna t not sponk! J ,1tell h tb t h h ~ , .Fr~m tile roaGuf thlltl)-\,lda(, parllded 'with i njudicldu!, ~d , il'\eleg~t 08- was Intend~d to ~e a ~ner.nl - il\troductio~ .' ' ' "t'nlJ,le On. ' ' , s 1m, a, amo:og t ~ gr~Ullte ce~ts.t~: III COll'lpe,nlons, "thl$ it no placu .. , 'j'hedark price ofn"lllllelll8Bwoo, ,. but Bti~1 precl,oU8, massive, and to all the ch",geB; :W~01 the exuberance There arc livee -of' aU vilio'a,re subject'to ~f a lI,mall , , ~ a mGn for me! ,He ,..~arrts beard' IE. rela~ ~~~i'ilJtliri'.:.e~:~; ~~~~~!~~vFr8ce • "There appel1N!d ~e voluptuQUIl qf tho,ught. and' a ~plon~~~ .o ~ dlo,tion \Of.hleh the ~ommon ~isfoitunes" of ~onkirid, ih ' . ,wh? In a p.erUous dar- .h~ b~ken th!Ouw"tlJe-, " " -, of ber' to whom 'lJie peir 'oC the' Plore ,than tlatli(fi.ed tho hlgllly-railed,ex~c- which they are'tempted' W despail' and 'con- f;ld _to mak~ n pa~ for hiS , eve~ tiling betbre ,II and " ~;tl:rttl~~~J~~~r'!~~b~ oij;ht~ _' tl1rOile had: )n 's8ciet piighted ,' ~II! ,ta!tb :'.,.. ~O:\ion, of ,tho" .lu,a!ence~', Jle ,descri~~~"'.the sieler Ufe ,n ' vedn ~le. Youthl c onfid- ering .'!a !S11~llr of A~tr~an :111;11ce8'.' hui'J(lre~ ,of, m~.'!. 1V~lnen ,l\Jehed frOID \tIO fr~" brlllft:!tell', Tl\ere, tq~f was Ilbe: 'tbe ' benutiful ~other ' c~~aoter and mlU~t ona ofth~ n~tivell ,:C?f ~ng ,and 1l0peful, launche, b,is ilgbt bnrk own ~osom, . tb~t, I~ virtue of tIllS ,gener, ,Hif .grlef":ovetpowered big wt~: ~~f!r3~\h~!o~:br,~~\!!~~t. , of a bellubful ~noe, the Ba,i n,t Oecilia,wliose Jl\d~~j recounted theclI'oumstnnces In:wh:ich upon. the 'ooenn,of .]ife, and longa to grapple o~~ Belf-~I!-~:rJfice, ,tlie nome_ of Arnold • and SQJD8 month~ of menta1.obJjv~ , ' d~licnte feO:tUre~, ligbted' up b,y .love >and t1~e 'Asiatic empire oCDritniu'had originate4J with ita atern, r~8Htie8. ', He vie~$ the voy- W1.llk~1tied hM ,bcco~e CIUIl~US ,the world . folJo~pd; consoiousl!eB8 atl~Jlkth. oke' Watched n 11f)'er.,returning Blood, Ol/!av ~~,lhrOU8b the 8j~ver ~"llI:lo""s mUlic"oft bas ' rescued from the CO~9n and set fo~the <\on~titutlon' of the CO,m'. age as one of ,1111 bri'ghtnes8, fair ~inds aDa ~.v ~r! ,and;',tbat r, UnB, and _other_ deeds bODl)mped soul, IlDd" Ii_c c,~, 110 wl8tA)d . ,On DIt ,on, ~ ilblll\·hke 811eud! decay. , ~here ~ele membe,r8 of that ~b ril~ pa~~, and of, the~n'glisb Prelid~ciee.":" bri"ht ';8unshine, Hia vivid imagination hke It,Swltzerland 19 a larger ~ountry tbnl\, 8k~leton as YQu. 8,e e 'bIm n0'Y, ~i,lendy aM liant 8OCle!-)t ~h~c~ qUQted; critlcised,and l~aVJng thUIl a~tempteato .c:ou,lImlD!M.te to bas pa,illted itin all the glowing colol'l of ~~9Ia. ":ould , he apenk o~ til!! ,J!~rmn- sadly baok to ~11, former h?\l:ee., " ,eltcltan~ed .rep~eesi , tmder the rich pea:- hls .hearetB an l~ea of,; E,as~ ~"oclety •• as Jo~~ulflmcy" For a time ~ i» pros': nency and lifo oCttutll1 H~ reo.~s how the Hore lie aVOided all ~c.ety, ~d 0)111 to cock h~~np of Mrs. Montague: And Yivul.u~ww.hl~hexlsted1llbls0'Ynmi1nd FA'ilt win.drivehisbarXlmoothwe~t dO'Y n ~n .Egypt and. the pte confl~ell, not tnae..~d hil , lOrrp~:"""for ( there the, l~die8. whose lips, mOle ' puraUIl- ,b~ p~ed to,arraign ,the 'admiqistratioD. aJldIWlfth' onward, bl ight akiea men B~ept, wJ.iil~ It tbnt re~alDed looke~ up}n hi. OWJ1 bOeQm , tb~ lhose ofl F'O% himBflJf, ,had car- of,HastingS, lUI .ystematicallt conducteCl ,in " him\' ~.m:i ili~ ' ,dasbin, df ' in I~ly and ~~glanq; h~ , ~but IllS plan.- _ ,H e brough hie, drawl", rj ed ~e ,lv'estmini&ter eJectio,D'",ains t pal; d~1iIll!,1?8 of m'orallf;y and, publio.law. , th~ gentle Ie.. ' . Iltol',Y, bo,W th~ , pbilosopher re~n~- of ~b,e fo~mer residence .~£ hi. , ~~fId, ac, e and trl'as\U'Y~ shone roun, d. GeorgIana energy, JUld pathos c>fthe grent orator ear ' Friends and ed"wlth tears; Iijld t,he wo\'ld A1o~d IltiU_- wJucb flU\lIful meJl1011 hid. ~~""tm \0 , Puc~e~ of D!Jvolishire. ' - : \ ' ' tor~teiJ C%,preatrion~ !,f unwonted adlDlrition . ~d "oy CQme at' :Would he ~JJ 'If the 'cJi~eful (llJ"eotll-of op~ ilket~b, a~c1 b«=lrpjl or mej·tNlth"treat' The Sergeants mde pwlelamation. Hu~ ·even"from th~ atern and hostile Chancelh ' e 't U hill Uli ."~I" He recol)ecta how pent-up ~eatueBl, t6 ll8Iat him in e,reotln• • . , , , op e s m e DIlau \ \ ' • ... ' I ""__ ... _ ll4vaneed to the bar and bent hi~ knee. lor; _ct, {<w' • ·. . . . .ept, 'aeenuMI .., ' . .i. o~. lay. mmWlDIL a \Uou- ar .. ." ..... ~~'~"1"".... _ _ .I~ .~ 1t! ~~;=~1~=~l1ifi~;:he'1ie.~~~~W:mtfli~~WllJIt";~U~~~~Wr.fIi~-It'".,~~;;~~~~ ,,"e JIM ~~. ~ . ~ad . JiD ex 1I ~ ID pll riel', tJtm~11!$ ~ tit • • Ct' andpopuJarcountry,hadmade),awll ,tplUc~dllllllnySof the. el'"Juen~) e~cited whichlDadly ,\4)1i }Jim in ~b?w volutibnlarll, not , " In., ell' It-i.~r Au.: 1111 ...1~ " treaties"had IIl1nt forib armiee, had ~et by ~e lIolemnityof ,tJle occuioJ), and per.r~. Hope begins to ,Jie, eil11.lllone1 He re~necta that sometim~8 ~w ~fll' hOUle .~~~ • " ~ 4£Vm "",a~awa.y, up and .pulled"down princ8l!' 4n,4 ill ~ill nllpanot unwilling to~isplay ~eir rute and !Ina he "eeips reAdy to founder 'mill the new o~r of thl~ h~ at last p~ved ~d ~ baye promis~d to. bui~ her auother " Tri~ of high "place he had so borne hlm~.clf. that senSibility', w~re i~1 a Iltn~ of unc,ontro)l,," ne8S and teffi<~lIt. FI'~ende be:ter ~aA~? oldU:b~ tlie !~lcanQ I~ a like It f,Jien .~~s fiUl:~i!~:'Ul co:e., < In the m ~ ,ti~f'~ ' tbe p~par....tlon8 all b'ad feanlll.him, that most,had loved ~it:I1, ble c~otion. ' H~dkeroJll~rs, vi,e re 'foes have,unil~d-wealih i8 811 eguar ~1Jl~t , e" ~orc ~ e8tr\1ct~ve , " ' ~ w~ 1I1e. fMDg at e, . frownl~and tl~e)t8JJ8 w~e~troy_ll ' ~~r.thq!lnJte, and tIt,a t over the .lava torrent. • cQulUenance and ~ADdering eye 'of . ) 's trial ~.d proceeded rapidly; and on the and ~ot b~~ed haelf'could deny him qo t' _ .~ut; BlJ\elling.bottles,q vere band~ ] atit of F~bnlary, 1788, the ~itthig&' 0 the tIe to glo~) except virtue. ,He look~ like 'byste,ricaI BOb,B ' and scream'!, ~elf l silve honor~ -S~al1 he forlue tbe there S~ltC~ o~: ~\ le~~ ,tb'W~rn a~d ~e iu~ ~u~e:,. ~ :OUg~~ w!thin m),!,elf . " C "'Irtcommenced. - There have been , a ,great ' man, and n~t Ifk~ ' a ' ~~d.~. -A: an~ !!1m B~eri.dan w~ ~Qd out in a'!lt. and Iiedo,,:iqmd be en~lphed in the SOl. OU al e ~ 0 I erty tm;: h' ; t~i: II e ~ ' hUlllftU v d ' 1 en~~, J tacl8. mote dazzliDg to the eye. more gorsmall and emucia~d~ yet deriving ~t ;le~~ the orator ~noluded. Jt~sll1g ing wavel' 'No, -Let t.im by mor senument" UltPfotec 1m In , .e uel~e oper an" conlleque.nt. {'(!Ous "with jewelly and Cloth and gold, from a cill'riage ~hicb,. while it invoice till the old a rebell o£biBh oak re- and neYer yieJd. Let rum cling , He (encls of a ..lrre~lt nation, re- Iy I e':.r~ m~:18v8ewaWith azealw~b: • • ! '~e attractive to grown-uJ! children. :tban def~re~~ ..~ the couriindiented 'aJs'o S<;unded. _' , ,: tbe:lu 'moment, imd if it . from ita o~n' f!igbtCu im!,¥e, I/ec;:: us con ence. • , " v th,t which was the exhibited at West- hcibi.tual Belf.;poB8e8i1io~and' lelf.re9peot;- , "My J,ordll." laid he;" 'these are ' the- S6to wreck-, let rum grasp BOme f~ent, rushing tor protection, a~ far as, ~ss. I I k ;:nre ~t ~e WOlks 8hould~ce , I~ ijlliter, bllt, perhaDll,','t bere never' w~ ~ higltahd' inteI ectual ' foYflheact;":-' brow 'ouritiett, whic. we have in all the constit~ nerVo himllOlf, tQ meetOie 8welUng, aurgc!!. bie, to the bosom.of tho power it- hadJust !~S ~w " as Pf8SI.blfe, anddaFrdil~gtilY: th~ . ,,-. ' .' " " . 1. rth liod C tho h ' We and.reeolve ' Th . mad1y \1urled to all' IUlil. B ummer was consume 1n Ie at ng a II,HlCtacIe so . ,,-:ell, ' ~alculat~ to IItrike a penSive, bpt not no~ gloomYJ:-e., mou~ of yen part.a 0 e yo III OUl~. tc, ~ake tJ.e "ahore. ' . ere IS , . . Illte and 'll1' 'iI t d i Web . ,r) , i~ly cultivated, a r~ecting:,.u !mWina.- inflexible de9iaion;sa face p~e and worn, lulow them, we' ~on, we rest upon them, mo~18ublilnj'ty in such a reso lution/ a , re' . .,. " • , r s i d ,~~ g ~u a P't~' n Ww , tulivt! mind. 'A~I the'V ioull 'kinds qf ,jbter.: bU~ ,Ilerene, on which. ~ai ' writ.ten, 81 legi~ ~d "com1I\1t safely" the interesta ,of India. 8oIvin~,tci oon(q uedortune .ancUtve. ' It cap '. ,: ,?ve RUa . . . . .~i. ~p an Ii ' le~_'~l1ostitJ~ ri~.!~hwi .. ~; ,_.~e ~ . " . ., ,' . .,, . ,. ' " d rh • • to ' 1\ d Th ' ' ,,& , ' ~ A~ew to Il\,e...,,, 11:.0 ..... o ~ s .....UOUl· ell' which , bolo~ tq the, nenr ~i1d to Ole bly ns u;der ,the It!\!lat llloture ~n the ~tIn-:. lUI 0 U~~I», ,n YQur aD B. er~ lie d~ Sti1lgg1e on~ and" on. ,l\bllOh~o ! ' . FaOIr TlIE"OE1\lIUlf. " ed bloomed' in' tJ'Je ' e teat rfection di' ~\Dt; ·to the prel!en~ and to the cil-chD;m~ ilt,Calcut~ .¥e'ii.f ~ia .:..,..,... rore. it is ~itli oon~de~ce, that, order~ 'Y tq conq\ler and half'tho wprk is oQe-the ' ' " ' ' t o eet herarrival ' A ' ~o.' Jee.ted 'o n one _pot•.ah4 one hour. AD dui$;-aucli w~ th~ allpect ,w ith wbi~ the the ~ommo~~" " , : ." prea~ , or ' ' icrory Is ' giv,e n. \~k· at ., A'll tbe pastor and myaelfwere ,returning th ~ ilDl hed lb ',,~;, ~ t, h ', ~en~ alld elf the accomplishments pro-con'ilul ~lIellted hi~8elf to ru~ , "I im~clh We;rren ltasti ~gs, Esq., W&Jter Scott. Dr one fell IWOOP be W81 from the sea '. hore" where .,~e had been to ' u ean:uri:e ~~en ,sfuj~lab:'~7.·"' VI 111~b are develo~ by liberty nod civ~li, " ,high crimes and mlsdemeanora. ' made pennilB'l8. The publishi,ng ho~ in witness the departure of an emigr:anl ves- 'ts bri :~l ad teDlIl- an U -...,....~ O::-,---''i-i:-.,g xiiI ion were no", diilplay:ed, with every adCOtmser n~companied hi tn, me aU Of ,,"1 ilJlpeaob him in the n~e ,of the Com:' wbio)l h~ ",,'ag a partn~r failed. ' 'Desi'aeli a el, 'our attention was 'wltlidraw,n· from"the 1 d . / l~ ~ur 'A' ~; D , .. V III t th,a t could be derived ,botli from Id'terw~1 raised, by tlleir tal-, mons of Great Dr~taIn I:n parliam~nt "sem-, mortgage of forty-ninc thoueaM dollan on incidental lIoise IlDd bustle' liy ~e, a'ad and p~e .. -: \' ~ ne,. wIi,.... e u, ;~ , tr , , - ~o-operatio~ and from contrait. . Every ents,and,l earning to the highest P08ts in bled;whose parlinmentary trust he bas be- hi. family, mansion, it left him a debtor to a~prealled appearupcc of II. mnn ntejlt;d : ,.:8 ,'~ no .~~ nnt,~.t~~· _:~ AA.I· • • th I fi " th bold d tro . d tr d ' , . ' ' " be ' i . ..: Ii' .• .., n lIO"6u U1t ..... ,-e,1' ..~ i tIie PI'QO"""lDP' carrIed the tnlnd e r pro eliSIon; e 1-~Ili!D~, ~ iii ng mm aye. " the amount-clf s~ huneJred thoUiand dolen vIew ng we ', Ip Wlw alpl h erd !Wac r ,won Dehieb 1i h tiro fro . " , backw.:rd~ 'through many tto~1Iled Lnw, afterward8 Cliie' JU1I~ico o~ ~e '~l impeaoh. him in the ~ame of all jan.] He reanlved to,meet bi8 obIl-tions W~ 'slowly. weading ,his way toward' a c &Be fi a Phan:ot wd jft"1o. e "~t' bit!!!~ .(lc)llturle8, , . to th 0' dayll When the fotlndationli , B e~c, b th e ' m~lr:~ h ulllJUle " ! , an...... c I'".". Commonll . . his /' - fortun.~he -, e := , l' r h an d bp~s,e, '' H e' w~ an II, we un "",.,~e. 0 f 0f ,0 rea t HDr"ta1 I _ n, ' .....to iefrjelle aa(J1ot clow!) bu~, ~ery 80IIIe s&or er, .h' ~"hnd ', to H n , in de8pai~lie ga"ye not u'p 'his a ,~lor, ..ppatantly ' in·the merid" browh' e ".a Bhlve .. a~h-i ,g eI· i e : 01 .he conltitt1tion Were laid' or ' far 'away quent Dallas', afterwaids ChiefJulticel'of character he Jias dishonored. ' . d • i' bo I dl , ~ " , th C ' PI .1 pi ", h ' , "I . ' ea h h' . th n r the ' ,0: ', " W-i:Dext Qug t a .JJnc ,lUI taug t t to. g over I,In lellS,seas lUld deserts, to, dusky e OlDmon , eas; an"l, lomer, w 0 n~~ Imp o.. 1m In ~ a!",~ 0 He went to Vlrork, he called into,.actl~1l but a deep sorrow 'Jf WI h fi ' • '1'h ' . • had ~ ; nationa living un_ '~nge stan, worabiPi' 11 twenty years later, sueceu[ully conduct- pie of' ~ndi8t whoee 'l aws"rignts, ,and powera of 'hlll giiqlt mlnd,- he nerved uJ) everY teatUre of his' fae: , )lad er a~~te :ra. I ' e ~~ ~aD ~ , p1ngatrange godl, and writing strange char- I!d in thl,l! s~e high court the' defence of des be haa ·subv.erted:wb~e propertiee)le iron ener8'Y~ tlnd iD less th-u five y~8ra the work oftime' upon' his whitened IbckB, every a~ o;ve ,an • n emend ith ,a te ... from iight 't o 'left. Tlie High Court Lord Me)ville, and subsequently ' beealne hal! desttoyed. whoso cOuntfy be hu laid pllld nearlr ftve htmcbed tho\l&an4 c1011ara liThe 'bllterr "of that unhappy " man," 'oh- \uggell\ ut III.! IIO:'~ came, an (:.. ' -ofPulla.ment)Vu to eit,accordiDg to forina Vice Chancellor and .~ter ' of the' Rolls, \Of,~te and deeolate .• , , ,-' of hi. debt. jjWhat man has' done 'inan aerved e worthy, putor" with '88igb, "is t e .subthe ~ut. ImpepG!eded _rethuo~!~. 0 ~?, " " , I: a"~ .1_-" ',u,OWn A:om' the daYI,_ of· the PlaDta' D' nel·th'er we ·~ ' nor h··.1 Oil' . the Dame, lUld b'1 .' ~ . saruty e now ...... ',ut culpnt II! ~voenteB . Impe'""'h, h'1(0 In may do." " '. 81W enough and somewh.t romantic." b adIUP deat_wu ' 81D~ 1ha ~ ~ ~ ODD En.JlIllbnj~ aCCliBed ohier.- a",acted.BO much notl~ u the aoe~, we, of~ose etemallaws of JUlti.ce,. . _ ' " .. ~" " "Adlll!' Wilaon was -one of the brightest ~yed only '! ~erse win • , t CII'iDg' t~ny'over the lord of the holt city III the nhcht of ~e blue of nId dra~, a he flu VIolated. '' )' ,'Tile Orator. t and gayeet b9;ra of oUf ' Hbool,' he lJad a Ide~ took POSII~BIOn..O~ 1ii4 i~,)1e ~ • of 8en~, and the 1Jdlea o,f the prinuly apace had been fitted up with ~n be'nch"t lmp?~ blm ,in th~ nlme of blpDaft TheJ'e ere two po~el'8 upon which mind upon wbich t,he ,commo~ misfortunes fU~~ notes :;et7 v):a O)l,~ e ~~ w, "onlH! of OUlle. ·. 011 and taMea for the €ommons. The man- n.a.e 1teelf, ~blch he h~ 'CJ¥eUy IUCCIIA of thEI_orator mainly dependa; ~e oftire made no imp~ioni'b~t which,once ~1 ren~ :~ de ... , )'he place , i~ worthy of suoh a trial. It~, wiih Durke at: their bead, 'a ppte!ed ed, injured, and oppre..ed in'botil lIOX6et reai)lIibg and the ""Jlty deeply wotmded, muat inevitabJy 'be IDgto the e~c, an . WI " I -,.1-' !l _~, II> Ethe e---at hall of William RurUll' in Cull area. TIle collector. of paip aid every age, rank, situation/ and Condition p.,alons/ ;lIe must'-oonvJnce or pur-- thrown. Like mbat of the youths UN'tn. the , hand ~~n~ ~e.hvelong ,-1 in foUliw.., ,, .. ' ., th i ' , " rdiatant 9811 • , . 1~o11 ~btch hiad ~unded , with aeclanui-, not fail to remark.., at even Pox, ,~lt~y ,ltf~," . ' , auade. ~i~ 'uguinent muat; ,be enliv~ned cout, U soon ,ILl! ho wu old enougb, he " ' Jl-.1 ' ~.....' tlpnnt ' ~e inauguntion of thirv 110 reganll~ of lUI appearance, had p8ld WARREN HASTINGs. 1Iy raney. hll ~c:y ree~ined :by truth.--; lIOught danger and miaJorttme ,upon the " aa , the ~ pastor ....~ ~ ~tl c han which hiad Witneued the,jUlt to the l~u~oUa- 1ribtmal the .compliment With .U his 'faul~ they we~ nei- So~e IJMlabH, atudioUily ~voicliJ1g an ecean' and it was not long before he be- arrived in frontof~eh~boee.J,iehdf t cnce df Bacopand ~e' just abeolu\ion of weanng a ,bag and ?,~. Pitt had,.teo ther (ew 1I0r amaU-:-only one eemet.<lry wa. warmth: of fee!ing, tmfold the~raubject wi~ came the. first mate of a s!rl p tradiDg ~ If and c~eerful ,~ltterior COD~t.ed. t!O Homen. the han '!Vbe~ the eloquence or fUied to be one of ~~nducto.ra of th~ Im- wo~y ' to contain his remains.. IIi a ~autifu1 felicity of demonstra'tion, wWcl1 Holland. In one or his vor ages to the wt.th ,~e Ndneai aacllD1llel1. ~'\. tI • •1Ibrd b04 for a momen,l-awed aDd ~el~ peachmen,~j an~ b.i~ commanclil)g, COp~OIl!l, temple of I_ilenoe and .reconoiliatiOD, where WIll not alloYit a reply. 'they force anent, northern provillce of tlIat countzy, he In. ~~:t;"e:::!tagaI~~ ~ 'J. victorioUs p_rtyi~amcdwith just and sonorous el\l'luellce, wu wuting to the enmity of twenty geJl.era,tionl lie bur- They weave .close theti..ue of tlle came attached fIi the daughte~ of t we&1thy rte~1.~ "'ChQBy~ he A\~~ II e'I~; ~e hll~ where Charlea had confront,. that ~eat muster in vui()\ll tal~nta. Age ri~, ill the Great Abbey wblch. haa , for meDt, till the .urel", opponent finde ' who.e rich ' do~., llo,weYer, wu en ~~ t~~\ 61 the ".Igb Court ~f Justice with the and b~~~ess had unfitted Lo~d N~ for ajea aftbrW ~ quiet reeting pla.oe eel(. WlaW~f, ~d ill meeh81 which. he the leU\ of her ~rHe in llet lovera eat1- cam~ o~ . ~ ~eet. -. . ' . ~::-:"1,,1\1.,, co~ whicb hu half redeemed the duti8l' of , a pu1)lIc p~':ltor; and s whose mindi UJd 'bodies have been C&D neIther 8!lCape nor ditplae., It i, -'it ~tJon. Hef fatier tbqht, d4ff'erently.; &~n~ng. :d~. lI&l~ytlJe. ~~!t ~ ,.ill IUne, Neither military or oivil pomp _ were Ie.ft without the balf of his ex.- ed by the contentions or "the Great of lUl eloquenlt caauis~ of ancJe __t 'tbn~daat 'yet lIot willblg to thwart hi. daughters. ~ l'inJD~~ P the w"I~ wanting. The avenue. " .... 1ined cellent ~Jfae, bia ~t, and his Ufbanity,-:- ihe duat of ~e illUltrlou. aee~ the ~tel of libe ete~" , .city were o~d wiabea, he prow. . his co~ to ~ de- ntnlf' d : el 'thlUl Of aauJU that ," :'1, pniadl8rt. 'I;he ~ta were ,B.u~ in ~pite of the ablence of t:ilt!4!8 two ba.e belen mingled with the ...t of the apjnet him. lett; lo"iU clJl'8Clted a,rpment; ' union I I lOOn as the yOU!)g maD man, an en, WI _ he iauaelliatel de It breavalry. The peen, rob~ in daatincwabed memben of the Lower BOUIe, lUitriOUI 1c:c:uierB. Thill w.. DO~ to be.- he ahollld 0QrI~ the youth. Tbtt , acquire a certaiQ amount of money. went toI, our ftIrJ . , fII1IaiDe. were 'manhUled. by &he the box iD -whic.la the mau,.. stood, coo- Yet die place of iJd.arm~' w" not lU dIo- of • •, p~ ~ hon~ man by '"tl~ he conaided a suitable equivalent for ~ect;- ~ ~ for ~ "HI UDUr GU'ter Killl'4t-<.Anu. The taiDeci an ' .".y of lpNken euCb u per- un. BehiDd tJae chucel of the ~.arth1le. r~ng, from the ~1a clowry he intended to beatow upoll I~ere y mo_m_&_Dl.,-'~_ _ __ iu,!JI( in their . . . .euta of trtate<, atteDd- lIape had DOt appeared together aince the eIIureh of Dl.Jlelf'onI; In wih w)deb 01 "hJc1a .... oDlj, atlO~ aDd ' . .-:.;;. " ;,d ,,u live adYance Oft poill" of law. N .... great age of .\thenilUl e~ce. There...., he1d the boneII orlD.., chlef'a of ..~ the lDay lI.e the timid victim; ADiaate4I by a ' pauion "Well ' ~ II o~"" • ~ ,"" • ItI.tadred ancl aeventy tbree-~ atood Pox and Bberidan,/' the Euc1iah DeofB_act. wu Wei &h~ ~ 01 . . aM ..~ ~ fIoID • .u.. m. wlaOle bebtg, Wu.oD engaced • clouds that 8UII'OWIIl title "'-.. . ~ ot lite D'pJKlf Roue, u the U". Ho.I tbea amtbenee, aM the £Deliah BJpericIeI.- I"'*It .... .,Iao . . .,.. ~ batMtd &lid Wetenee. Let DOt the tIYe sltdatloll on boardofanEalt lndiamaD, to-c1ay are ~, .... be . . . . . . to a w 'A. walked in IIOlemD~ ~ tMIr .... Tbere w.u Barke. igDonll\' indeed, aiel ud wtcIelT ........... 0. ana. tbat power, by ,..lUcb hi! cUa aDd aelther ~ Dor hit 1IelJOthed for • mO:' palace. 1\ Ia tile work ,.a.aeol._bUq to the tribaMl. TIle ut-& of the art Of adaptInr hitJ 1'euoDinr .,.,., tpot probablf. ~ , . . before, 1Siad h. bJ which be can IIUO- IDeIlt doubted tlaat ODe aiq~ YOJII8 in the G1aOd who Ia . . . . . . . ':~1I!fw IIJ & I_i.... kroa ~ IM4 the . .1-. . . . . . hleltyle to the-.paelty and. tu!l of die Utile Wanea.....lJ O\U.... lOUdly ce.raJ1y from hit OWD -.-.,. the Vrow Jlarpreta. woW,l plp.ee-him III. co.,· fIIr .,, to come, "".,.••r"'iIIM*~.'" • •,.......... ....., ...,..\ed for tal. ... beuenj but. ill aptitudt of COllI"...,. fed, he ~"1f~ thte ebiWrea of the chamI of' apaeDL iitioD to olalm her~. ~. 0118 J ..... mlratlOll "WIao~a:!;=i!c . .. ! . . . of i~ .aperiof .ploapIIea. IItq ~ ~ .,.. aabMl A 1IIiaII . . . . . ADD&, wlt.b dJvtoe ~n, I will be Ufe.tlYJal ~tI. ". Spar... TbeIDag • ...,.....,.ucieDtor~ Tbere badmom..t . . . ~_~ be called atillkiDdof W. are wi&hJ'OU ....... gjdhe•. aUbe~.- w~ to .. . . . . . Duke of RordUly InII 'oa B~ ap- rcaaUo. IIDt wbeD the on1IDr or .. ~ Amua. "fIIY heIrt ....... tile 1IIIl"'~i11 ~ bJ the . . . . . .~ of IMIp- ~thI\dleJ'" ......... die of ... _proai. . . . . . . . . of,.. . . . ." ... 1rJ die t.rotMn fDnil ..,.,.. .,."." I8Ua1.J ex.... Indh. *'*! W tIiI ,.. orpMD ~ ....... fII HIe, ___ ..... reIIInlll& tile _ --.' .......-. of aUCIUDII ~ . . . . . . . wilklideUf&enee trlendtbefaDeat-."DMorW.llae. or • •"be DOt.eobneD&.,.. OWII_IGp. . .ltj~ . .pick_ " ... fete .... tpiriL-ihe btpaiouI, loalY hid . . . .... IIdIaDdl, ...... tile ..., ~ ..."..1IMawe. ....frIII!I...
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lWiug NeW8p"per~. ",· ... " " mnny things 'whicli l' Ji~ve to u .... ,~ "" ' u J review my paSt lifo, !It,\' tI.1nt 'g t:.'UUI~.' " ~'''''''''J
I.~.~ _. , > . I
A. W£Y& IDE"DRB.O\lII. "', lJy 'lIl1YJ.lI T,f.'YLO. :
,A warm' Dnd drowsy IIwcct ¢!S, 'la ..teaJinl o'er my brllinl 1 lOll no more the! Danube ' Swoop tbrQlIgh hie royal plD1pi" I boor 1\0 mpro the peQllunt girls . Sl" nglngllmld the .grain! ., '"
son, Ifilve.ry wingS, Il n\bn,on~
~Ill fUting pn my brow; gain I holi'r t/)e water, , ,}But ttl! voiCtlial\GI)Ilet n O'olI, ~nd -the moek.i118 b~ ond orlqle Ate alpglng ~D lIie bough!
Tbe el," a'nd JlnulIll brancho .
etOIle Dbddark
, "'na tbe I~lng foroat.br ooklet '
:I.e.pa 110ft ro~y bildi Do 111111 my, hIlllTJ, U\!l.ea~ 'f~ p~setl The PDIha of,lioDle 1 'Tea~.
IIJlowcra of orenmy' b)a"'B$O~a "Are O,ll the IIndlln "pra"
~nd do~n' tI,o'Clovot:meadow " !l'b~y.. hcar. j~e sCl\Dtod b!IJ:, And gllid w nita 11185 tlio forost ICllv,e8-:'-
" AILlhd brlghr8ummor
do ~ ;
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CQQnUea, tw(J maJU' bllr.!, 1)e OQlJlDum. few-chan yet agaia into I The eountf~. of ROJII aiid r0\4- nD: the milD)' aTe in· threc,moll b~n" to be elllc;ted Itt many O:ore. BuCplank rol).lll The , countle, o~ J ligll1\U1 d d~ n(lt .n~ ~sfllriJy i!lcrease the number· of ~~\'O, mClllb~l'II.', to 1,)e el:~: ut t1 le f;llv,:IUl J !:-tl ')C 4 . hOC 1U,'lti If nf ~ hey ,urlll8II a fair ' " , , ..... II • ~ ., 'I d
~F== t:r~s;~~ \; into turnpike-
on IDQdon tate I!I to ~h8 took up rel1lQhatl~ln :I'~::;~~~~~~;:~ tbe voting upon Bald tbat It ,. the duty ot: .~ IUIICDd~::~an be mad~:~i:.tl,'~ ili.!':er:,r terri~ori.QI go , ttmment. for N,e.w or to tlte .Unlon. one ::I~! votell gl..ven 'u onP.~alfalteratiOns: MeXICO and . Dcs~ret; whloli, IIJter /lome de· unds apin.~ lbe rltbt lin1,l or reVi"itniJIhQU be given u1id bQtTe:. fll", thh e " -al of til on tbe subjeot of • If 11 dl sl 11 11 I I ·' ue CllnSI erntiOn 0 t e Prosl ~cn II '" • ·1 irOl:,nia messag'C untll to 'mor- II CldY.;I)(tQnded a . Whl1 l'I't in COlDlllon...... , . . - J . cuble ill the :D1ullIwr preSQ TJ l.teJl by 11l~1' , .rll- TOIl. r"., ~. Plgbt, He will leave (or WOI \ngton O!l The c, YI1"" nf L,ckin~'. two m·clllbe~s, lat; ve ,toyotes given fol' Gov,cropl' . . It Ii~W .,~he, Selnl1~e. took. .up 1\1,r.,. Clu.y'1l co,mp.~o· I'rue8d~Y' . , •.. , ' J .., F ' ' ,. ;(! 1·. . • I. I d' If 1 -G · . I- ' b' D1IBC rOllo U tJ01) ~, ' . ', .,' ., . ! ., ,. :phe ·county · of ~I.t lql u. on 'Ile "j .ue~) !-Ie pc u,ly 0-" 1!l oyer llor to IllY , Clore ·...·c ·"1·11· . 'd · "d > I del.• ),'1 " ' . -'''a'''hin ..,on Monu-aait.. . ' . ' " ·, n " . d ie . /p ' tl II!· Gel)era J"· AS$OI... "b Y ut 'I,·t,s uex..• sessIOn·" .. r !lu . ... ) lU reS\.I qw · n" con u u" " .. " VA ""'ft . n' d ~IIe coulltros ,oj :.;qrI'Y a"ll oc (Ill, ' ·1 'r~ 'to k bOil .. . d ih ' favor . ltICR)IIOKD/ '" eb 139. • ' r (l1,,;gF~un "IJ de ' t'·c d· The loying of tho corner stone ~mc,~,\nomb fj and t he los t throe jll~m,qd allor ··the tnklnrr or said"vote fox ·ucceptinll' sP1,ctO\C 1 • .., • e. o . f' c the , b l.l ~ .' . .I " \ ' f "'d ., • It ' ... 0 10 aU.ml IQn 0 a hormn" , o II " .' coull~le$, ,t.wa mom orB, to , 0 ,e oct~:y. III l or ro~ec IU , n.~.' )c~ls~nr :rlltl~ns ' or thut the President 11I~d interfered in' the Washington Monument \y1IS ,celu~rat:d to, , f G ir .. d J k~· ~. cOT o n·. .o.~eb ' ~hl) ~" '.1 OC I VO al ~11lU.?;~;- maitcr, nnd snid thnt ~)avety deJeli nut by ' dilY. Presillel\t Tayl~r was ~nthlls!asbcally
p~blrlrv'e'nYtO~'r't\"t-Yh';: 1l1O~I~cr~°u:.~~e8 amen~'m)nts a t~<lD o~ U,:1.c n~:~~!{)o~:~~~~:J~~~fh:~; ~:I~~d~~:~~::~s,~~:n~~~~~~/~eb:°c'i:;·~~:J ,~~~~~~~~t ~nth: · ~~~e~e~ ;::rIY)~ ,p~~~_
. TERMs TO eLUUfl: r ace l~'t". AlIt ~ri II h j:i)f this 'u t- now ' , 'Por rive ,copies, , G,87i or ],3'~ .cnch. ~n~:I~'III1})p'IY' to Qllfly ~"at J shu'l J tllk ' fo l. ., T " In 60 ,. ) n~ ' <c • O/l: <:Ur" " p, .'J • .. '.. en • r ." t or, "" . : "'v 3C"If'sQmq' cr tln, i f " cun i:n(Jucet~"llo , FIr. ... . ' l681 0" J ll)~ " , ,,,~ ~ • . ,"" d , n,,. , 1" \ , ~1I I plq of GrcQne c unly- to give, PIli Ik 0 11 S !1\venty-flve 26 100 '·or- ' '1,00 ... {< • a trial ns fl.snly ·be jeve tho exp' ilriulent ' ~h • '<Ii aceOlD ' , " V-J ~ 1", money: 1ll,ust ~~~I: 'Y . ' \ WOUld be entirely successful QI\ IUIY,; rond pliny the names of. club Su scp era, ·: ' leaai;ng to a pInee of common resort, ' , . Y
bY' Ion of the 01 "tlons
W~ Po,BdtP'On~d pres~nl't, wa~ liostP,o~~d
O;),"T~e Iluthors ,of tbo- fl?lIo~fng' "no- ·"""""'1;ho Dollar. Weekly Dlspatoh co·mes mell1be~~~~le~uOn·ti~o;~nti~cnsa~ndO~re?;~ : aml ma~h~~1 {IS ~~~~li fQr, "G~ve~n~r· or: !-~uv e~is,tl the~e, nnd dt~!ltCtbl?f.'So.uth h all rseO·~)oiei.vemd'nJll1nn~:~:c211;1~~:lcr~~l~a.,I~uia~i~~d , ·. .... I ~ -fh oo\. l l .r h' ~" , . J •• ... ~. '-b~ ;! h. r 1 ·' . i1 d ~ _ b" I· P . 'd ·d ,.,eoD' IUJ y r Pfoyeut'. Ul P I orIlla. , ~ . '"' • t Ice.'" w II ple.le aoccJ!t our >I· .. n"" ·1.orA c to U8 '~bis 'week with aeiillw and very beau· one, me~ er' un" t c.,ql.lr IUlt q.nme (lOlln· n,ow reqUl,.e ...... ~ . ca~VIlS8et, : rOYI e .. Aft: III M'lI ·1 ' I I d d r1 e f/ltli A fter receiving 'the Cilt\ets of Virgin I.· at 'vetJ flattering Il)lUluer in "\~ltich I tlley . have tif~l 'engraved ' heail 1.'11e' Dispa tch .~ al) tIes, two, ' i'n mllers. to ·be e)eoted III Icom. j howcve.r thut. if Buid conv ent,ion 1i)1011 ~om· . If ~~ Inc ~'I~ U ' : 1 oet tho MilitarY-Institute 'hi) attended , . gfrmd .,en 1ft tp apeak of our h.ull;\ble~ ePbits· to e!lcell~~t- r~~ i1y' p~per: abiy edited ~nd · meTn,' ~":t r' '.'1 k' I t ' · ' j. ~Ietc- ,tlleir }~bors hlln~ ad~,ournf' 6Sin~ di e;-~t pC~~:ld :~lil~~h~ursd~y'6U ~ec, I wus P dinncr hreparell for p ~occnSion at whic~ • ~ .l... bl· ' 'd TJ · · ' ~. .• Ie cou,' yo !I us Ingwn WO mem\;lIlrs, II.ny tLme be. ore t 0 lIrst uuy 0 eptember \ ..' . ' 0 G I· , be f Ule Lerrlelhture ca~r lor · -- ~\l IC mm . " my nre IlS' .nendy pj~J]ted, by ,!l1ess,rs. j nl/lphell &. 'rhe QounltY of Wus hing o'~ 'j)\1e Il)ernber' 18t>O;.th en' the umendm'ent8 rllvisfonR or ' A !.ong dISCu8~IOIl .en 8ne d un ·a .rej)olnh~m ,10 overn~r, ~TleI." rs 0 '3 E e' , aured ihat their rem~rktr , nre fully nnl)re- 1\lillar ,Cincinnati Ohio. · · ' I nntl 'the cOIU)L" of J\<IQtgnn one rnAlnbe.: · alterntions ogre ed' llpon by Il~id' convention . torolertheSh.\vQry&'ullothcr excltlng quclI- IIn.d otherdlgnfJl~nrl,ehs were p~o8,edllf't'- v r;f •..:., an d WI"II b@! k·111 dly,. · rlllUem ' be~oI"d (L ti '~ ' I· • < • J ' , ' .." " . , , : r ' emll'liltee of thirteen" to . be . tIling pll8scd 0 Wit out '~., apacel en . . cil_ •• I , .' • . Dl)d ~he· two l p.st I1 nlved counties one mon\- s)10.11 be sub/llitted' to the peoplc· for. their Ions, to II C . . : .' ao",e ffiture da)~. Their tem?rks o~ !\dy~r. ~~r' l-.l~llneglin ,Jll;te , U. ~. ~f,int t,e r ~-tier; 1 o.-bc elb.cte.k!,n corn InOI)! ,1.., ", , • j l1rloiJtiOJf or' f'ejcc tion ,by lI 'v!-'te ror that )lur. 1 empo,~eretl t? ~~bll~lt a plan for ~Ie settle· \ \' ' , '. . d 'I r ' tikil1g Bre corrq,ct.'. No eountry pape" can to ~erhn. t!,l'!lved p,t No'Y 'yor k on Thurs. ! ~~i<} ~utHy of GU\l'rn~ey, one member; ' il05e on the liecond -' TuosdllY . of octObeJ me.rfOfdtl: dlfl\~ultie~., ;';:"t alohlr'verY ·'vell witjJout plenty of good clay, .the 2Jllt jilt" in"thO:'stonmshjp EurqplI, nnd the count~ of C()shocto.ll t , one memberj· U .1(t ons \lihlY. . ' , 10 0 nte wus co ItllJue U~\ta Il(JOl~rtr _ • , :avertl~~til, S Ilngers judge.., of" the He hnalieen sick, but is now con·va)escent 'and tile ~wo last n~med c041lties dne m'eln- ' " 1:11::0. 8. Shp~ld !lny v,acllD~Y or va.c~n-. mer · .1:Iouse-:-A numb~rd ot memorl~ IS Arrival of the 8teame~ AmeriCa. ~ ber, to tie eleoted an ()Onunon. Cle! occur by 'de ath resl!!'lInt\On or other. nn petltl oliS wer.c presen ~ ,aml)l~g.w IIC ,\ , -_ . QIlQ1Ult of, busln~s8 ,do.ne'lD a place, fro~ '. "r~o Q~t '0 CI1I1 11.(jOllrenti·o n. " 'l~he c.O-untll!s of 'l'uscnrawll8· a~~~lo:;.rQ1J;· Wi,Be, . he .lulnb~ef'''W~ rn1.;brse ecrec.rto ' was-one--frOI!' W I,UInm·Snntl) ,- c)atnl 111 g--to- 'wo w~iiEmoM EUllOPE~ , . ~vertlsements In Its. popel-B) a~\lJ. gen I " · th t: 'I ,'U btl f1 u 4: the t three members . til be el~c1e.$1 ih: coulJJ1,on, said convention thc ncting Go-v~nwr 'shlll1 bt; ~ hrother of !O? Sn~lt)l, romons tral.ng , __ . ,. efaJly, very cof,ecrtly, too".. , {or '~o~~~n ' e: ~::~~~:~jl 't ~Ol~ a n~~ . Thp;~c.,unty' of: J (lff<,) r80n, ()no" Ole'm~ol': issue writs of eiectiQIl .tp fill sucb vnenn·cY , ngillfis t tl!e II d.I."ls81?1I'01 Desert" e;hnrglllg THE QUEEN'S ,SPEE.Cm-Dlfi.!(.l'RES; e·' TJI£ Mt"'~;'Vlsl'{on Iha tltlti of /l' new I'R - C n nuti~p It, is a ~t~r f doe' and 'ltie~COul'lt~ of Hnrrison , one ' 11)81111) rj I or VI! nncl~s Ilnd t he sn.iQe 811uII ge filledin ~e l~~pl e ,th(!L . \tth ·tr~"son and olhe~ SING AOCOUN'rS FRO'M lRELANl>-Mt just cs\ftbll IlCd, 01 Vllyncsvilla. ill Ihi PSI til' I ' ~~. ~ 'th' "'" RII"!' and ,the tw,o' !list IIIlmed couuti~Il, one mcln· j the mllt:) ller prescrilled b)r1nw {or filling va- ." a G~d~~· 1 1111 ov~rd . 1 fI nrS'l'U.R1J.ANCES IN PARis-CITY ' ClOunty, ft' is allilodnnd publi he. I by Mr, ElIi· ter\,-sl to e peop e of \0, an 6""81'1100 bet to be elected in ebmmon. • ~ t canoies ill tbe office o£ S enl1"\of.s or ·Repre- ,. r I "~ID' (lresan o. II. lDom,o rla r,?m N STATE OF·SIEGbw ~ S r Cll~ 'I: young gOlltlclUan of III IeIII nnd greM 1I10r· ~.ICt:upied . by tbe Pf blicntion , ot the lICt The 'lou~ty of CQhu:nbiuna, one inem\)er; seutulivc8 in tho G eneral AS8Ellllhly. clt.~cns eJ l"ennsr lvluJI~ lind. D luwnre, AGAIN 1 .. ,~ a1 \f.Orl~, 'hie number oflhq Vi itor e#,b\bl lB en~re could not, \Ve ' thou~bt, be bette~ em- IlUd th6 eoulI ~y oC l\!u1lOnil'lll'l' one memlJer' j , S EC. 9. The Sceretnry uf Stl\te )Iere. !l8k,m g. th~ peucOiple dlssolutl o~ ' of, the E1)IBLEM OF UBERTl!" nE~TRoytJD tact and ind Slry, Dnll Gl'nlnins n,lnrge nmpun\ IQyed, The time fix~d fol' tho· election 0 f' IltJd' t1\e 't wo lnst named-cuulltiC"8 dne m !3m~ ! \)y required to ' nuse .to be trnnsmitte'd t6 Umon , ~ \. < . ' jl -T~E~P PJ!: AnOUT TO, .RETORN, ofcJlolc.;' r01l(1l !hillIer. Tlie coDlIuunily ill n' Ie 't" · ·t ' ·11 Ii' \ ", .!. I ber to be ale.c ed in commo'n " : . th" · severnl Clel'ks of the' Cou~t8 of (loin. I Saver.... 1 g ~;l',l!~m III 3jl >un"' , t'l t n.l~ It'l.)t, . TO '· ~-IMPonTA:NT FROM' 'I d I' CI· I· b ... ~ VQ 08, '1 WI e flee n 18 c OBe upon U 8. , " . " " ,r nnd much excitement ensued ' , f· . whi Ch 1118 OOl\lIl. ,~11~ I. to n: lequ.l? I,t n I , Or· N ~ I Id b 1 ' Ii , . , . TI,lt ' county of De!tpon.t, one member; mon pIcas In this St~te ; tJuch U numller of 1 • ' . DAnDANELLES - ·R USSIANS DEiIl:!upport,{oT it 18 omu'lontly, qeaon 'lng·ll(L\(OU' otl.IIlC ~ IOU e 03~ I'll c OOSI~~ pr~pel nntl the county 'a f , Momqc, ~II C member ;! (lOpiCll of th is !lct lIS sholl \)0 sufficient fo ,Flna!I'y a vote w~ taken 011 11.8. r,o e p· FEA 1'ED _ ' RuPTURE BETWl1Elf ago, ~V~ 1I0y to ,tha: morch!'nts uni! bu 1,1I~ cllnUldatos, ' '. " . ond fhe two Inst Ilnmed coimti'e s;.one me m- · supp!f a copy thereof to each bOIlTd· .of t.lon, whl~h , r,e~ultec.L Y.eas 9. , ~fI)" ; 162, , , ' ' _ men ofWJlY"~"\'IUe ,an~ . Wayne to.wlIsllip If , ' , .• , ber to be elected in c.OJnmim; arid the coun: Juu es of. election in tll cir rc~poctiy(} coun. 'rh(' Free Sollers voted m the uffirlllo~lve. E;NGLIS,H AND ,GREEK ~PVERN " " . you arc re~ny 10 c l1es~,11l , (he olT~rL f9 CIILnb· o:::t'The Lcglalnture of Y,l rgmln ,~l~otod ties of JJellt1pnt lind Guernse .O{l lh,amber ' tie8~ , ., :' , M;r. , Schn ~cl( p.rosented Il .memorlu1 , of l\1E)NT~PO~"$ J!1:l9CJ{APED 1JY I~."ba Pllpor at :W.\lY!l~8V!J.1 0\. rou I~U8\ Am'En; ~,obQrt JU)illll~.b.n, E q" of~arrison · cQunty I to be Fleated in commol), Y ' ~'. , · DEN! ArrIr~ F. LTE;.rER, I th.~. Oo,?yenbpn 01 .~e~v J)'Iex lco, t'oget ler rTMEE,NGLJ,SH-WQRT4ri 'VFROK ' 'l'l~ 1n8tlltld off\lrnlShlQj{ \Ii Lllo:6rst tlUtnb :r 1< II"/lt Auditor, in pla·cp of l.umes E. aellth' l \ Tlie county of Stork. twe members. Sp eaker of/ the Hou~c. Qf RopFe~cntabvo, .WIUt n .plnn rp f a CIVil Qovcrmn~nt, and RUSSIA- NEW CONSTITUTION .\_ .,' eotu!!,n, you oug~lt to !I(I\'Of"~Dlfhed n 1',,03: , Ilnd Dr, Robert '.l3'utler, of Isle of Wi ht The 'Counties or·way de and A~hliLDd, · CHARLES C. CONVERS/ , mev~d It.8 ~e lerence to tha CommIttee on I GREED UPON _ S E S B tON 01" ThIJIll tllO cranlll 0(11 pnnl or'8 8UP"pOr!. Dud do 'r , , ' ,. ' ...... g 'three m15ers to' be elected in 9thmo S caker of tile Senate Terr)toneIJ. ,. .., ' , cou~,ry PII)x:nl81l' oxist witll\>ut it.-two/llorn r ell$urQr. In plnee of F, .u..,Lnw6on, Esq. TI ffi.I . f K d& C thD, . P -, __ ' After Borne further business of no speoial STATE QPENE» --:- COM;¥ER.cll~L 1mes ree 8 r' , ' , 19 counti es '0 noll. nn M F h ' i C IU i ' . . DECLINE IN B R til a ·D ' , bl . '. . . , . r - A 'u in Phillldel"11ia ,Int el ave mllolbers to be eJected ·in comlnon. ~". ' .'1,'", ' pm om , II R orn R. mterest, tho Hous~ ndJourned. . NEWS --'. . p ,.... . , . , lIf'''''1 VJIlITO~,-'rtri:s l1the lit1e of n vory 1\ ':'"-.f, J IT. P y~ ~ Tho COl1nties of Richlnnd lind OrQwferd A ,CqANCE FOn,TlTE YVonl1\lI.-'llbe New . r.' :' , , . j ST:UFFS- .Al>VAijCE IN BACOl'f..., , nll.t A,II,~ inter0811ng .h~l,juIltCSI8bll~bod ill ' Iho ~I,SS. Susa!! Dr , IS · $6~40~ d~ago8 .ngam8~ throe membC~8 (0 be elected in comil::on. ' York Eve~i ng) .ost !ths ?ce~ "'fI.ivpl'ed ·wit~ Fed, P .~bFT1rc~~~~'~l~~:I~ 'andin b;: ;DECLI1jE IN J,ARD. ~ <, '.,: , . ' pretty and thrtVinll ."¥J~go.ol' W8ynl1.ville"·~n Wm . B,medlef' (lr . Cb&l'gll~g h~r wl~h ~u~. TM eoull"- of Senoca, one ~emb~r; \he fo\lowmg e~t1:0t of 0 prtvnt~ lett~r re- twe~~ 0(101)01 Dis ell ,b f rllinoi~, and,gC:017 i ' PlJ~LADELl'RlA', Felt. 96~h . Wllmllulounty. rt~ pl1~h.s~cd ~y J. V, Elh- "~en~l' .w}lile In ~I~ ill~pl<?y. '~o, IlctU?lJy ,a nd the '~ol).n'ielj of HailCQck . and VVyon. ,calved b~ one of. frs. F,~Tl)hp,m 8 frlellqs~ lonel JelTerljen Davis, of .Mfssillsi i, for, .1l 'Tho 8teaIDahi AmoNe'a., f enched HalifJ" ott. "'e welcomotlll.s VI&I\Or 1, o,.lI pbco'()ll IIlSlltul:edtbree~lsbn()tproaecut\Ons8gnm8t dot~ one 'member' ami tlie lost ,three nunoun~lllg ber s\lfe ~mv, ul at Son Fran t k fth ~ , dt· PtlP ·· ·u·· S .• p· b'r ' · d' Ob.T ellClhll\lio lilt. ' To the ~opllJ ~r \V Ull!!- I . ' . ' ' d I • cinco, nftO"r havinl1 ,beep ran nwuy from at r,:mnr 0 · ,~e. ormer 1n regnr 0 , Ie b at e on uturu,",:y nag1It, mgmg a VlceB fro~ rille WI would ellr YoU ho've • Bhoot wo:7tI Y of ler, before 118 m~n~ different ml\~ldtr~tes, ~nlDe couJ;l~ e8, one ~~mber, to be elected 'r Vnlpllfasio by,lb 6 captn(n ()f the vells!'1 in 01 Duena : VI !lta, ~ oth are good shot.~. allilorts 131 Europe, two weeka later. tlialf YOllr lIupport,. BDtI ' if' )'qu Wf!.nr it PVIl yo·u Jot the sll.lne (ll\oged 0n:en~.e, . < , In Thmm~l1. , : " 't ',,: . w'Mch , ~he' lell. Ne}v Yorl" wIlo ,hn~ riot: Stro:n~ efforts ilr~ m~king tQ re gon~iJe ~he prGvi~u.sly, r~cievlld.l ; The neW8 is qul~u inmUlti t,eCl'ibe nlrd 8IIVl\l"ti 0 'iberall " The .~ "' e ?~nt,e~ ef Aelttobn It and I;Ql!C' 1oven · the comlDqn ' Immuni ty to l ell,·e· her" Jl~rtlell ,' " Tb e Suprerl1w Court hI ~ngnged tefestmg. , . "fmprU!Jlon of Waiynllsvll\e hU81ncss ~~uld be· ~The New Or]con~ I?eltll records tho tb~ee.membel,~ to fie elC,ct('~ in common. oun' ohildren ,,, i'th her,; but tool, them with , the,. Wheeling' !Jr1dge · r,p,8e • ., 'rhe ,j . , ' ;, .I::llgIBnd•.. ,~ , very ineOtrec~ 1£ takon from tho n.clvorfialo col. ~a~t thot for many yeaTS n 5(lUlomeJ).t of Wbe cOllntles' of Trum\lII\1. and Geau/:l'.~I'f~lon: 't o Coli lbrnin, \Vh 'le tho niuther WIl8 ,~,argume.l1~ Wu.s commonced 61", Si~nton for J . SI.nce tli~ 8alJJtig ·Qf tli l:sst . steqme~, ~~nll 'oftbe Vbitor, D ytoll 'rrBII8cripl.g > ~ipsie8 hns 'exilrted n~ Biloxi,and along tne thrTeel m'tltlb.cr~ to be elected ~,n commo.n , "( left to ' f911 Div them, ns cbllnce or the nd. , qo mplnlnol1ts~ IIJld ~5ewllrd fo~ the derell- ~lIJ"lllnent h~s, met, the Queen 8 speech ~e- , . -; ,. b' ,. , • . . Ie cgonty of Port(4ge, one member : ' r t < , " h' >I' . B h dnnts, , , ltvered, onci ill ijoma degree the · mam feaM~:AlI1 VIlUTOR,-'lh\" Is tho tido of a Milt ,out .ern ~oust of the. MIB~11!8IPI'I. Th~y lind the c{.lunty of Sllmmit~ qne 'member; [ VIce 0 Ii rllngo~>I mIg t ulctate., ut!l!3 ~' turos 131' the roposeil ' llic oCthe Minister. little wee";lr, tho publiCIIlion of whIch llU8 boon .b ave SU~SI ~e~ ~y,Cll~clllng fish .an~ qysters, and the ~,v.o lost nnmed 1lou·nties, one mem- f9U.~~ ~rlel1~lI, n~q, 0. p~~snge up the cous t, l' ElCP,os ion of u noiler~1tlob -:",l,ntc (rQID been ·tlcveltl8ed. DO~H~lJ8Os \Yt)i-e openllO~mencf,c1, at WIlYl1ea,'illo, WIIJ"~O~ co~nt)' - und ~n,mtnm, In all ~espoct8, tIl~lr ,.htI~i,ts, b~t ' to b~ eloctcu in ,common: 1 j.. .nrr'~ing at tlnl) FI ~n,\l)~vo onl~ :l\VO w;c('ks,. ' S«IlU11re: ' . ' , .. ':.. 1eil bt proxy on the tllilt ult, "'-lien tlieB~ch It II ~BlI pnDtea~ an~ II~o ,mlllt?r J8 '~lIr",!l1 ~nd of j~lene8s and qllietu~e. The .county 'of ! Medipa. one mOITlbor' nnel tho ve~sel. \\ hlch l~nd , cserted b\Jr, S t ," LOU1I5 . Feb. 18,' from the throhe \Vus deUvered bi ·the, ~l'd happily. 8cl~ctod, 111.11 noultnllO po! IIi ... .. " I. , \lnd the county of Lorl\iu, one inembcr~ OJIe.1 fOillld her. chal~r~,? snle and ·well. .,She I S~tllrdo.y hftcrn~on the ~~ih~T ':f the c:x- Chance.llor.. . , W~ bnve.oen ~e vllIiljre o£,Woyno8vll\o i? R. (}:7iGeorgo W. Weis15inger, one of t.he nnd the ' two Imst nlUlled countios, one memo writes by the Ill8t ~n'l. ~ tonslve werro", bnd "loW !"unulattory 'of] ' holand.' • ., . =~'lr.~:m di~lI)IldalCd that' no hUDIlin bel!l g' prop letorif Blltl n880clnte' editor ' of the ber in COlPmoll. ~., ,I. . -S.AN-.F1l.4?"QIsco, Dec. 80th, ~849~ ~ ~r'.. ·H. A. ~ilb.eck, of C.llIcag6 j • exploded I The intelligence fropl ~bjs unfortunate ~ bel.1evo ten ya~1'!! \VO~d W~L- Louisv1Ue Journal dioo'on tho. P6th ultimo 'l'he oou llties of I-(uron IUld Erill, t",o ' I have·been but tw ,days here, but- I1S t~e ~Ilhng M ,Luner. Lbe enlimliCr~ Ilnd wOi.md. , country is m·ore henrtrendinlr Ullln ever. it• Cultivlltiell i8 soemi~~ly stagnant, and ,....de "f~rn~:CJ~?a'd~ t t~old u~ t~t or congeetion of' tqe brain IlCter n 8 o;~ mEljbtlts to be elected in common. m,olj goes 'cloy lifter tu-mort\lW I 11m , con- .Il\g (dur otb I'll , omong wliom.wa,s1\Jr,' OIId.li don "~ ~r /I"... a· "1) '. , . ' . . '.f·he county of; CuyoliQria, tw'o Inen,bers . strnined to wri~e, you in tho miClst ot cqn. bilek, Purt of tlt \ ',11I1! 01 th e. bUiltb.llB:l i/:l hior Clepr !lsed ilion' in llie' fi~t of her ~ •• e ,,00 bra IlT t,II,O Ihis is 0110 of .I. ness, ,.. ' .... , .' ' Previdod. l1ew()yer, ~h'nt lor aUI the' p,ur. fusien ~hnt guite defies tho Ilttel~pt to s.ny were d~ m 11 Ilt'd. ', The ~lCplosiori ~vns' lIu/ferings, Tlfe tide of efllier tion for tlie ,:~ UP)'oo7 pea I \0 \ld Ii lit V' , (j3"A telegta"hlc dispatch from JllClk poses ff thiN aot, the bOlilldllrie8 of the more thdn tliat;~ nm JlOI·0, that I come frilm cQulled. by di e Ilumpang of cQld wuter 11 to United States b~. agllin se! 111, but unfory .. • n pe veT;, r. I~uor, " soq 80Vera countlosaforesllid, sl1all be deelTied VnJpaT4sio on ~e Louis PbilliVpi. roun4.the tile boll?rs ,wuell dry., LOBII .~ ,000. tllnntcly fpl: the [leoplo, th~ me Ina not lila canca!.:'; ulit. ..:::. ~'=~':r: Mlell, states that. Ho~. Jeffc;rson D.~~la WIl8 a~d tllken to be 118 tlle Slime existed olp tho AII«e!ique ,Ii ro hefere. me, and II,U tbings l At tl1l8 city S aturdny a~rllo0!l~ ~tlli~Y 'nOW generally lar~to ena.bie them tue!lcape ~ . . . . JMIIIIIl y u , 0 . . . . -el~ to \l~",t.cl il~ ~ '-11th t";ebtutUt.1848. . , . .• t'j~l)t. ... .. ... .. WOIl\f'n ANI illlprl~on~ ti\o Mo~k Qf ~1\.Ko.ppe, was mobbw. III '~liJIt from local'tyr\l,ny 'a.nd cle8ti~ur()n . r _or yot ••~trllil.o~m.n to ' Il~_ th~. I~th ult., for eht.yeoa:.a from, t.-he 4th or ., EO, '3, Tfio eail\ e1Ilctl~1t . 1ltI,l\ fI! ~~ lat~ e,t \hlp "~1I11<>,1\, ty tho lw£u\ .cor,t"i- ~t:1Ij\Jencc o~ lll~ ':Ib~ene leqfures .~1nst ' F'I'QUce. , ., ::-=o~~::1: ,::~ver\l'in:a )\f:v!lh, 1861, when hla pre.ent tetm ex. rOtipecU be cond~~t..ed, ILnd t,he, reitut tlq~ of, t~e streets .. · 'Y.~ hlt.vo te wimr l ~lie Cl1thoh~ ' rel,gl~n. F~rtntJr il'f/iculty.' O~, ~o.nd~y'Fru;r~ was ag~i!l tho .eene .~. jfiel~ Re bli f I)J' ),011 ~ . n pires tll~feor Ol~de, ~nd . t~eJ l'ellult thliftaOf mq 's.,l:l.o6tl! lind IlhorteRour klrts Uf r.moch \)8. ,exppcted, o.s 'he, adverbliCI5 \0 le tur l or much eXGlternent"aod tho QJW hi. siilce , ID b pu" Co ' " , titled in like ll\aJlner 88 j8 provided by law 08 possi~lel I have lleen in the stre ~ b\lt ognin. , < ,_ . ' • bel'n :il;! a state Of liege. ~riOl18 dillturbc:~we by~tt~r ,tlr up ~e people to OO"'J tl8 8 9 McH;e nry OounselloI"lit. Law forI the eiectiQn o£' Rer~etlentll~iv'es ' and twice; und at c!lr.h time in that costume. . ' Dote!!' fiom Snntil Fo.'to ttil' 3d of Feu· anaes wero qrratcd by' a mob al' Ruo St. , JCI an ahowlng them I\ueh ar· WIl8 S'lntoDced to twell~' four hours' " SellCltors in till} Genera Assembly, 'rhe 'Vomon nre ~Or\.' in r.equillition thnn runry lInve be,e n reeQive\:!. ~he .,c4J1d ori ~ortin. The poll e authoritIes ~\) to " ticlenid · ~m I1lcli pallon as t.be ~bove1 . {: ). C 1I~::18' offi cer/! of eai~ ell:!cti2l1 , sho:U be enti gold OJ ~y thiog Iflse. T!.lose w(o CBme Mra, :White lina )lot been {ound. Mnl .. cut down ce rtain , of, tllQ ~es of: liberty PI ' , ~n~e.nt or ,n c~lIte~~t Qjf our, ~~ o~~ t~ 'th~ 9a~e co}npensati9n !lfj is: by la\~' ou~ wi~h' me hlld' itnme~iatcly o,fi'ers of ep1. t Gri~r's f~reo ,kiUed /lix Apnch es )vhen. ¥~~J I~:t~i\ dUrlllg ~II" 1evolutio,~. ,Flrom We' . ' Uk. Koal • t cans, OIJ the 4tli ~ll~t.! 0 de~l~ing., thll~ YldC~ for , like serviccs, Qud Ilhall, ploYllten~ nt $75 IIJld t ·lilO nllllnth .""':1 :Wltl"to>s-:bcnlj-wn~covcTe, "eT _ f glyen~l(:h, by the 'Way, are rather s ·the conatruetioli of severul 'rutn- ho cOiJld not get a fUlr truai (or hu. ohe~t. voters, be subj ot the I!ame penalties Ulcre,hud been five hundr~d IIIs'tend of ·five. 18 severe, · ··,Whilst retnrning from Snnta oonfticting.,) it would appear that·when tho , .,ikeB in thil l1eirhbor~ood Jji now In can· He lSIl brother or,the Jllllge WbOBe.ntcoc.~d impo~ed by tQe severar Inws reguliuting tl.) e~ could all have engaged iU1mediately?n ;Fe; t~I\:ete vertl1kell by Q sn ow ' 8t9rm~ or~or for the ~elltl'Uction of , thOIO ·Iut em"mpll1tiol1, the ollowlDK tf)mark" on the him. ' electlonll, dnd. to pre8erve the .purity: t.he~Q- 8lmtl.1U' terms. '.l'hey 11)ust be go~ here ID nnd took rer~ge.ill, 1.1311 VegA, The que~. blem~,ophe liberty of, th~ French peopl~ I~ject· of Plank' Roede, by .. Columbus ,~: • of"so for \';s the .8l1J1le m!l( be IlPpli(:able. oon8lde~oble llumber, Ut>fore ~ool e~ COJI tion of~etrlton,ul or ~tqto ,.Go'(.ernmeJlt 18 were IBl\ued.)'!rge c,rowU. ",the,~.~ ocn'retIponde,l or the Xenia Torc/l.Light AN, AC'l' to provide for Uie ~alling of ~~ho sheriffs, of the Sl;lv\!rll counties .. shal take My,' IIchn pe O! IlSSUlJl any chnro,cter.- wllrD)ly Go~teated at Snntn F~. I aI)~ t;h,c p~~lce ·\lc),Di<, under ~erlt .flllm , . , , .' P C~>r,'ven\lo.,n '0 'te"'i~e, ameha, or issue problamll(iol1s 10r tll\'l eJe<it1Qn lol~ tJiqt wllllE)' 0'U~ goo~ bretltElrn·' nt . c,' ,. ll1e E ecutrYe-, proceeded to Cll.\t 'down ' t1te ~ay Dot lie UDh;lterell~~g to IIqme 'If bur ~~u/eutti~ Constitution, Qnd the e1lle- COnVB tion, in ' like ..malil)e'i a8 tlley-lire are bestirillg t11(>"mselv~/I kindly to, Serious Rio,:_ I· trees. ~ The 1,(ter were. rceisted ond dii\. ~, Plank R~ada, ib our op!nloh, nre '1Isre:f.~ eOlDpell saUoD of ~eUIf)el'll \ law required to do fer the ele«tiqn of.mem. ' out" ,cbUJ'"ht'~ Ilnd clergymen, tbey )Vm . . , . Montteal" F~b. J8 . parscd by tile people, but a strong body of, prererable to Turnp~kee, ,WI\EBA ,a mtijorHtj of t!l~ eiti;eeDa of this b~J;II 'of _enid convent!0ll" in \ikemal1ner88n~.tforgetthntth;b{!8tof. aUmis8i!»u.nries.Aserlousrlotl\a8brok(.l! .ou~aHheTr;.l).military a4v~ncing ~t thl,,"inoment the mob ill J haW re~tly ,Icked up spll)e Jlt4ti tlcA Stnte, vodng for Re\1reecntatlve& to tIl~ ,tl:iey lire ,by law reqUITed to do rO'f tiie elec,' ~o· flu~h a '(lopulllhon are res elute; vutUOUI!I. 'RIVers eall!led by a deterquDat!On to resIst Ylns put t~ flight With ~he )oss of se uR9n the subject 0 pla~k roadl; a~d as I Gtmernl AII9<lmbl " did ~t the I t Il.nDullI ~l(1n of meD1be~ of ~he Genctal Aellt:'lIJllily. IJltclhg~n.t womo~, , ' , . ." ' the School act. Tbe h\luso of ~he ~8ieS • . ,~'ounde~, whi,e the troops W~te Iiar'dlf mo.- " ~.....e tllat fO\l ha~e pllbllilb~d lIO)I1ething ,olOdtiOjl of (llemters t.hereof, ~ e fur 'a ~EO, 4,. That .tb!s G enc)'al ,~s~e'mbly One 'of t~,e chIef dlffitlultte~ ' that ~ere , eer was mobbed .. aa;ad, b~rnt---Z-tToops 'wero lest~d.. "hp h,t'\llt {\a~ alt wu quIet, {Ii 1he last. TOJ'cbtiailt relut.ng .to Wese COllve.n tion· to revis91 nJllcnd.'ur chn'lge j1 8half ,~(>P~lllt by J omt Res!?lutJon a. Re· {elt by ~be women that c;onBulted me, I"M cnl1e~ Q~t from the City, and othe~s "ad ond ,'}g (ears 11 further outbreak Were en~ )'armera' .RaUroiule, f prop08~ JO add a parll' . the coluititution of ~18.state: T\lerurore port!)r : who shaH engage IUIII 0rgn.rlize an the fear. they shoult\ net be protected tieen sent froll) Torontq. Be~ore the. mob tei'tamed. . , ' .. l graph or two tq what hlill already been lIaid, Be it enacted by: ifio General Assombiy effi ieDt corps of IUIsil:Jtants and ropowt 'the ess, or perhaps against some' COUld . be ' qu,elled, the CanadIan hlstlwte, l'ho·Moniteur attributes thQ. whole aftir A re~Dt writer remarks t.h",t "one thing 'of the State of Obio Thnt a MnveutiQn to dobllte/l,an'd proc~eiling~ o( Bo.id conven · [ rensoned then tlJat it would !,he Library, and the Govlernor'lI office were to the deei'te ohhc 'P,reBi~en~ofthe &pu.::. , mar" -.ld oj th_ ro",d. Which Cfl.nnot revise, nUlend or ch~ge tJ,le (;aDlltltution of I pride)' the direction find control 11.0, but it difficult to eonvillco !let,.fire to nnd burnt to ,tie. groUll", . lic tq conccqtrate the Government of the be IaiIl or nldll'Oads and cnnQ)s, ~d that is this Stllte be, llnd the IIlme Is hereby alld the (;anvQ tion shn.l\ se ure the . let tho, fact be ' ' r . country iq his own J1er,~IO. · lJ~o·Dd tlie' that ~el have in ~q inll~llce. proved 10011;- .~d, ~ consist of' ono hundrtJLI ahd eight right for the ,State an~' provide for tho wUo care to it, tl\nt the IJate ~rona ,J{:"uC)ntft.a , taot, of -the: riot, th'e French news 18 not o[ ;.., iJNr C(J"c:er~n the, convJUy. they · I,IJli- membersl who 8hnll, conveno III the Hall of l lica.tion of ~aid proceelliilglJ and debnl~el in tit~ost , clefrorence' ' Il'}d clITe . Ilr.e . : , . New Y~r~, ~ep, 18th moch,hpporinnc. .,. , . jfDi'iDlJ afford large a,vlden" 011 the am6un~ tho House pf Representtltivee, ill the city a dUrable forln," The reporter ahaU have showp to.female8: a~d that any womnn, to The ·A mencan ~ollinteer/! III the YllcatlUl · . Rom~. , iftvee\ed." ~De _reuon for Olis, and 'for of ColUmbus, on the first Monday or Mnx a(lthorlly to mn'ko arrangeme nts, fo)!, tbe experience rudeness or. inBults here, mlllst wnr have arrived here from Sisnl, ' They· It ill now 8ta..ted that the Po.po i lbout , ~eir a.uperlority o!er ~urnpikee, mBy'" be ~, ».)860. and the 8Ilid c\'!)1vention 8baii daily pub\jclltion of I!lld pr~ceedinlfs and exp,ose he1'llelf much 1lI0re imprudent thlln Were Doth Tailled to ilie mnk of Lieutenants to re~urn to , Rome, It is believed The fOUnd 10 the. ~t that they m:Co~eve, muddr- har e pow!r to .adjourn ~ ~uj\h other ;p\nce, deunts! witb , the pubIJIt!It~rs of the Ohio she wOl,lld in your citi~s, No worn.an need, Tho'Ugh , t~e Yucatan Go,:ernmen f they S8y' Spal1is~~r-l'i~n wo~ld evacuate Rom.'oa & alhe-.ops ~e year It IS not on~ or places In thiS St te, D~ said COQv nt/op StnW8!I'on . ~t1~ ~e . Ohl~ State· fear to come, bera Iyho .hafl ' 8('n~e a~d ~n- is Jor.gely lI?debted to ~e!", wer!J1 obliged ~!l' nrrlv~. of hili HoIAn~ss, . \ pleaalDt tfaveb~g, but tine :~~II.l1qg. ~n. ~I\Y ~e0!ll proper., , i· n,~d ~.\IJ1~I·ln~en~ tne 8Btpe,. ergy · ~ take cnr~ of I!orself ,~ls~~h erej.Dnd 1-Q w~t~ Ulel~ RnS"snge to tJ~i~, country, . ,.AU ,'" Rallilia. ' • f ' ., I .Od¥b ~llOn fo~: tIle~ J,upel'lof1ty (\Yer all, S EC. 2. Tha~ tb~; l)uJLIifierl: electors of , 8Bld J1.lIbhcaUon shall ,be gIVen she ~111 h~ve. III her capacIty tor any .oc., was qUlct at l!I.8t accounts 10 ·tlOd 1lI"0und Si. ' .A\l~o,unt:$ from ~ardanoUes ~"te.l ~. .Other road. forwagomng ia tne l"elt. He- ,t he B!,~erBI counties IIJld Senatorial dilJltricts l Of eald pnperfl !lXc1UBlvely, abd. c",patlon 8ulted .to . her 1!0Jr, a better cnpltnl 1I1\~ " ." Clrca!!sIOJlB.have gained ~t IdVlUltlp' creue In ~ wear aud ~rcaKage ~hyagO~8 of ~~is· State sb~ 'on tbe tirst,Monday of. fllftl~~r, ~hat the whole,pr.ice paid thlUl the gold· iI" the mi~es. If there had . . . , oVOr the Rll88ians, the : la\t8r bavint beeu &lid ~De8f-II&v1nl qUite enough lh this April next, anem»le at thei!' \Isnal places PUbJ1Co.~lon shall not exceed the slim' 1000 femalee ewled. lawt MIlY, they .would.. . From Columbo. compelled to reueat With Plt~, . way tQ pay tile tollil eh\lfged at the KBle.e; of holding elections in thei r several' town. twenty·five centl! per "'thousand emls for 1111 who chose. to, be profitnbly empleyed Feb":Jnry 26, P'M-Alber~ 4 Dliss ' was, . • Tarke, -, ., r. suCh at leut. i" the toatfuiony of Uaose \Vho ships :,and ,)Vardt- 'a~d elect D numbor of composition. ·, The reporter ShlillujlOlll the' this day.L.Eyery trJling is IIc8l'ccr here than , )ected Au~ito! of S~te; Geo W Mn nypen- . Tile esc4lpe, of .M~ Ka-.utb'·.n4 ctIi. ' . ', . . me~berll, ]laving all' the q}laljfieatioli8 or organi~otlon ·of'the OOllven,tilln rtlfo:rL to gold. : i , '.'. , n.v (de,?,) ,member pf t~e. Doanl of PobU~ fa<;t of .l)er ~aving J,pined ~er hUlb ' .... bIlv!, WIe!I tlieIq, lf1"lf~ York! Bye. where timber II more a!l .w~c~r to r,ollree9Dt r!,lIpect(ve1y said , the, snmt> the number Iln~ name!! o( niB · , ... , • . , .' , , '. WorKS. ls,n.ac llrnylan. :As80clate Judge ' confirmed. :rhe exttad~uoo it ~"'1, Ie," valuJlbl8 than Witll \111. p.lank roads are ,talC .. c:ountiel!. and distrlc~ 1ft J!&ld convention tI1!IIlBtants, the compenelltlon . eUowell to For I.he MlamJ VISitor. for.. Portng61 county" Ued. , .. . die, J1Mee of JW'DpdceL Upwards of equal to the number of Rel1resentative; ellch rellpectively and Il\SO the nrmmge. Mr. Edilor:,-Seeing.in your valuable . " Feb. 28th. . . ' 8wlbe~I'.JI" ~. t.houaand,;~Uell h.vs$lready boen bu,ilt. &rid 8enatora in jhe Genor~1 A.uembly \1) meAl8 ho ba~ lIlade fo~ the dll,ily publica. paper oflllllt"Saturd8Y an invitation OJrlen. The Convention to-dny elected R. B. .Auattla hili! made I !emand for ,~ ea~'t.W.at.e.tvlUe ~.cI UUct: rOl\II. COlltlP~ wh~eb snid COUiltiea ,(U1d t\18tricts iire ':ow tioil /If th~' proceed~ng'll ~d l\eblttE!~ ded to ail ,p('rsonB 'to ~ttend tho sittin 8 df ~nrden (Dem,) ereeident ·J udge of Ihm. tr'kdillon ohome of ,~e Pol!,B wlio, ~~e IIfOU 1800 per mile, has JUIJt declared n entlUed by law, to.Wlt; , " above mentlon,ed ·ond "ubml~ the. afillfl to · , " a' . . . . g . , Iiton County" (Jommon PI.eae, Johl) ~roo en r~mg1J from tbe ·· "eV!~lell tollOwl~ divi'd.eDd of ten per cent, and rE'llt'l!ved M ' The county.,of HBDlilton s~ven. members the ;l(itioJ1 of said conv!3ntion. · . ' organa! ."tIO~ <:a;lIed III) unoffi~lnl Legis- bneco. 1.r., (Whig~ for lie\"entll (Dem) c.r- the Hungarian troubles, wlth,n the c..n~D. ~ual amount for. repl~re--..t~e U~i;Qa an.d Tile cQun.y of "But1er ,~~p members. SEa. 6, That the 'membera of Bald con- Inture, ond havmg some tne\(l lor oratory, J cuit, by one mojority ; John Dee.rs' (Whig) ment of ,-Jwi~rl'Qd. The 'Swig GovomlJjidgeWa~r road l ~ting .,QOO 'per niil~ cl'he coun~ 07 Preb)J, ohe' mllmber, v~ntion shall be entitlfl!! to a compensl8.tion mad,e my way to the hall of meeting, ~ TII~ for the fir8t Circuit, by one. majority, ' ment h~s rerused to sua:repdeT'tbe ref~, ~F'I ~wedtrifivbe . ~r cent re~]arly- .The county· of ~ontgomery one mem. , 01 ~Tee dollars per day, and mileage at the first busi.ne8s in COUl'lIe, Wall a bill to sell Tile Convention then adjourned till .]00' exce]'t In cases ~h~ It la "clearl, proV8!l '!'""'l orea an 0 ~n 1'OIl4l,".COIItiDg ~e ber. .• . " " ' ratelllllpwed to membe)rs 01 t1!e GlIlDerai' out and 611 \IP ' the WllII'en Count Canal' clock to·monow morning. .. that t.l?IlY ~Iad InU'lgu~ ID politic, and .~, paYt &ftety0P ,per: cent,-,the Boollville The.countie,a of MontgoJ'llery' a~d Preble A.sllembly ~d ,bll ellti~le~ to tlJe .ama.,riyi. whlch with an nmelldm t t1i b ' Tbere \VQS no <?ther Jj'u8inl!s~ of bl)te otherWIse ml8~nduC1ted themeelvea. Ray. Wln ·two, per ceh~n~ J;O~.n nyo members to be t;'lected In common. leges. Said· convention eliall bilve p,ower ' ' . ,. en, "() ~re , y one .trOJlsacl:ed. j , . ' , G.reec!e. _ , '_ AdVlcce from Athens ata~ that a !MInGUS TIle\ qUe.tiOD i. often asked why It la - 'l'he county of Drown one member- and to appOint . and .emp'oy·, sueh oflicera and of tile ,m~mbers ehclted consldllrnble of that P ank ROIJda lin' 80 much more profit. the CQUDty .of Clerniop.t,' ono ineJllber~ and usilltant. as lllDy be DElaesllary, 'and speechlfymg, and to IIjpor80n with a tolera. Rellorted ' ~ ettlomeu' ~f tho Ni or ~p~ure blljl t~eD ,P1.ce betw~n the En~ .~at ~e aame "U; 'o.f t;olll, ,th!J.!l turn· ~e two IIl8t>-.n,-"!ed .C)oun,ie., one member thei~ co~peneation. It shall on its~ ble seniSe of theludir.rol.ls, would afford conQue",lion. Cllra ua tl8h and Greek govemlnent., aDd ';h.Hh~ P .ne J.'UIIOII of, II, lB . thl&-:I!I ,cue l.D.c:ommon. '., receIve from tire Secretary of Stattl lIll siderable amusement. . PUll,A.nl!LPRtA. Feb 23 pad ~cen a tQial I\~peneion ·of !liploma~ &ndcoai6irtof~llv~l, in the ,(acdl~Y: for The cou~ty of Warren. one member: neccB8ary IItationlll"Y, and · the officer's of Nextincoursecameu ab" ItiBperfectly eertQin, say Il 'tele' hi~ lJ'elation. Th~ ~nglhlh flee", bloc~aded, _,Ioadl With l:.ttJe ~eaJ: IlU~ tej of the POulity of Clinton, one memberj county' the State sboll at 81! ~i.me 'furnish to 'it on the sole f d t .. p ~~I ~o rogull1te cot'J'espondeilt, that n treaty has been~ade th1iporta, ~ut ~t III d~pO~d the dift\~uUr ~L _ ..~er ~ run.D lD' geara.P aok ofGn!e.ne, one, luid ,t he three last named reqtiilliLf<i,n sucH in(ormntioJl u may Ire in b , 0 ~ en ,BPIT1~, W IC, IlppelU'ed between Dulwer and the Government ofthe l WI be nUllcab y. act ed. ~Ile~~ ) to R&lIroadtIJ,. while, ~n- coUllties,.one membe't in common. \heir power.. , . .t o e engtessed to Ita thl~d reading; but be-. United States, respectin the Nica. ~ Pru ala. ~ • ~t ~~~Ir~ ~ey are open for.lI T~e ceunties 9f Champaign j CI8l'k. and . SEC. 6, .That the slim of {qrty thousaod the tinal voteWAa tIIken, the heuse ad- question, A friend on wl~m reJtanqe~ ex:;~t"!ttclea o:,the &ro~ Conm'tullOD, No'-""o :rPth ear W~DIl onb them. f MadllloD, three m~mben, to be electell in do!lors be. and the .same ·is hereby approto r,neet on the next Silturday eve- ' be plneed, hae seen the document. with Illl ble to th:ek~~ Ihfve n:re!rJ)t, weather can h e year an no c ange. 0 IlO.ITJmo.n. • palated out of the' go,,!ernI revenue, of ning. J tile official eign·t aures n.ttnched. ftlrovlde. the Chambers' ' d th n If bad t-':r~ ~z, ..t th;!e °rf IlI1d to, pay the of said conven· Their speuer E. Daill'S Esq, is nn offi. !or tho resto rntion of Tigre llil&ll to its _\>Icm'n OIl h ao with th bMt tunl 'k tJi . '. 0 n lee 0 "" y nn arke. one on. f ·d bl : .. (omler owners, It faile · to recognize "the -The t "'cl • B' . .. all .".ewes at call>bebuUt. ~ember; and the three IllIlt nam d coun. SEC. 7. That the Jeurnal of t.he roceed. eer 0 COO8l, era e ablht~t and · I think 04- proceedings of botl) Squiers and Ohatfield, mar"e:r grea ~Ol n~ 111 erhn, DeDfbr ~ ~ mOd: o~ tit!J!, one meJ~beT, to b~ elected in c?mmon ings of 81lid convention shall be filJd in the paule of BlIang the offi?e 111 a ~igberspbere It ~180 pr?vides tbat nelth~r.Enrland nor the ·The aelllli(j~~fs:~el. eel b the ,.., tIJef are deat4edl our 1D0n aAln e l The counties of J.ogan IIn~ Harihn, ono office of the Secretary 01' State ·and the than thll.t of all unoffiCIal Legislature. _. UDited Slates Bh.n e~erclee' aovrelgnty or XI i e " .. open y .... hal eal!et on the ~.!r:Y. ~ ~e~'::J d tJ nltD and Marlon,on.e memo amendments revisions or IllteratiODB agreed ' J. IVIIS much plea.sed t'll see a number o f jurisdiction within the Centr.l merican inr~ tl.="&t~ on. a:::laul~~:e: &he. lDaa a bad road or ~e ~r:abI1' t r, her eb f ut named (;auJlUes, one nppn by said Convdntion'dhaU be submitted bright eyes and smiling face8 present at Stllte8. It ill ..aid the treat~ went out to 81.ys' 'The war j"I't °t trI1Di ~ it:' H
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Foreign News. . .
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u~ m~"he i::"ti~: :r::I!~lc~,:~:;: ~ .A u. ~; ~~!t~ol~~ [;:~~::;r~:t~~nS~~~{:'~~on, t~~ir hllll and hope they will continue their ~tfi::n!:;~ft ~~~, ia ~;hj~a~~::
Sot give b:~~~:rlll\ ~ .... tiDe Dd 8a1Ooth-no rutll to ~~.U ill
JlalZG I one member; &rid tlie ~ountletl of u Wert, P~.lnt'd ~ce, a.:!ttn • . . . . , . to -1'-&1111 Uae humor lu ~ - 1m., on~ mem , lIP e e ght ",=~~,,,jth no 1'elltralnt. A .:..:.amed counti~ ODe member to be) it In auld ODe
i& often. -
~ oftltl.
fouDd the e
the convention sha.1J dire.ct and every :IC~' VISits. 80n haYing the qUlllifiication of an elee,to; You~ very retlpectfully under Jaw nO\\'in force !lIay vote tberO$!Q P MON. the to\'n!8hip Or ward iQ wluch he shall . . 'The" MOBB KltOOlDl'o.-1t 0 1-1'11 that
~~~J a~:II:\,!I~w~::e.
i9h!;, ~owe:r. u:: r::.u _::!...,.,..... i;
only' I that the table to the liberta.lity or the reepectivo :i~tlll~on I,U .~~ad ~~ GOYel'JJmentll, and Il CAnnot fail to prove not m:t'::U: IUp~ satilfactory to ~e )leC)ph! of both c:wntrie.. CO_......~·.....,.. POW"~ -~ - 'lhe lnteUi Dee hra the _ . . . . . . DeaOClradc tliatrieta IICDIIUidIi
r.:Ii~. .....
~~~"':ZE ~=-a::~:;~~0:t =:ti:;~a:rnto\,I&IL ~~,~f:,u,:,,!~7~= 1 0uflOlcl:.f'oracJmillli~:C: e'Sa"i.~t~s::~ ~ ~~"=lt.:'... =-~=!i.=:= or ""::w":~~:~~ ~
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UJe door of the
tmllllD U l d u u l a l i D l t y .
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~et\l itt IItn!nll:th ;."lUid ~ beet; that of think it ....",P".,.;".. pot mDtJa eaquited and prices havD carpet In- roWined the1lllI;l\e , mE~1UI11l1r faU.,. one .)lIlI\og ona shilling _l1d slx- clines'tO wlt~ plenty: sta~; the &ell "Know ~lIce pet barrel Q\l good branda. Indian drapery I. crlmlOQ, With klloba or pms In bell'l:l tom tilla ,rcQeeded 6d per qr, ihe form pi 8tare; but ~e brighte~t-8t11r8 I u ., .AlleRlCAN PROy)!.!o"s.-ThemQrJi.jt~al IDW were thosdbllwi tclung cr'ont~rllit tho.t ~~~~~f!.t~~~~~~~t.K~~-M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!f~~;rnj~' , improved fo.- nacon, and good new Western cluBtered round "he ti'jtsty heud 01 0111' VCll-l :11 , has adyanae(l ()n~ IIhiJling to two shilliolP' eroble statellplIllI" or ,filled 1t1e frunt se~~ o.t presell~~ w per cwt. L,rd \)118 again declln~' Pork focing' lie V,,:;e-PresLtlent. ~ worth speukiQg of, Ie . is in ~ood demand, bu tpere III no c.han~e ~ G,raUIllc'le. in pJ'iC1ee. There is a ~d. llelJland, or 'l'o ~enerQ1'8 mlDda, Shooldes, of l~w nua]itiCls, 'Uut no, advane~ 'l' ho heaVIest dabL I~ thut nf gr.olltude, lias, y,tI't tieen. mllde. " WlJOb ,'I,LS lJ\lt III onf IlowQr to ruplLY II,
•• ~
,. ,
(1) run)(lill,
A¥elllorable DaY iu t~o Senate, 11k , E~~Y pL~¥. :'_ j , I t 9 C 1TeSpcmdeJ\ce. of the TrIbune, t W....SJllNGTOIC Tue6~ay, Fllb, 0. Lo~g before ihe 'liopr 'at wliioh tho U, ;S. , Sen ~ usulilly BlisemblC(l partiel of ladie~ ~nd ienUem n, ~ight be ~~on ttlis forenQon wenslin thei~ wa; u the bill loading the C · !ftol Wliai the poculio.ll aUraeron of~he 'do.' Mr elo. wal'! expected t~ k on tr:~ eai Itue;tion' of on nd' :8~:;:'ea i of tlie difculties whiel b\l~ nris('n !u't Or '~., Il('\ uiremellt 'or an e~n'llve ritery (rom JexiCo' 'and the young o.nd. the oj "Ie !Tand ire ~f three sC2re a/l' ten the' youJt of efahteen the bloomi g mllid~ cd and the staid o.na' serene m on felt alike anxlou8 t(j Beo o.lId to h~ 'Dn wbose .tlame and al:tions more thOll thosc of an ,oth~r .\meric!Ul r:ow. Ii j " oro imperi8~atily portrayed and recXr'd~d ill tba billlq . of his counb' 6u~ a brilliant co~~tt!lIation of wisdom 'aud Worth a e all~ ' excollence outh Ilnd ~oveliJ)ess: we~e crowded the ~u/Perb semi ci Ie t:haUt\>Cr oeou ied b the '~eD.8t nu~er~1 tlro.nch of G06gresII y will nrel be seOIl an whore. 'there th~ Sen~ 'ti.f,Orlsat. a HOdy ~f really fino looki!ig men. very gracefully resting In theircuttilihhnir8~ courteous, graVe, thQughtful nlld a\tcptiVl'. I mDielliately beh.ind Semitors who oc. ..~ , eU!!led real' 1eat&, 8tood ' 11 congregation of ticbl{ attli'ed laHiea WnVID" theit' lana , , , , ,ro .. I IIwee Iy smIling now \lnd ogaln. affotdmg II
GrlltitudQ is u' painflll llieasurc, felt una ~ltpres,sed by lIon9 bu~ ill.ll>k '~oul~. SUCll , " ~11 vlow',of tl)e Bjlppoli\o.n f,",OI.;i~i)n'tr.re8a~cAn..Fl-:':':':':~,;:';""--:<':"'+ " are palDed, beco.use mIsfortune placel them there 18 sb'ength,1' And wIn ccrtolnly not adjourn wlthon~ no.sisln!! FI6u~_Dld under the stern noc~Qslty oj reC.ElLymg fll- 41r(1 Bacon should r~tLd: biU ~eat;nbh8hul~ ' Il~mlpt ill the cltV-· (II~I ... vors froll] tl\~ benllVQ]ept, )vho OFC, ~ tlte r It (rQqulrcs but , a Ihnited ew Yori<,,-[Cln, Dispo.tch. "'E'g"gl!ltnr,"" world would say, under no obligation to be- bumall nnturo os It now e~i!lts" ,....... L~rd' sLo'\lthem fn.'e wl~1 ofi'ringll~B~e bylgencrou8 o.llY per~ou of commo» perc,ept.ions" ' bI3~1:. nm10ng tb~ New Potnt~eB,1P' }le~1 ts, to slnooth, tho rough path, und wipe money I~ {JOwer . When we so.y on~ there tI\oy "-:-:-~--"1'"---:' awuy the tenra 01 a fellow being. They' we meoll tho o.rticle ~tself, or any kind as rel'llarly us duff in derIve a plersu!!). from tllo (1njoym(lnt of property pOS~eSsJng a inoney value, m B9, 'rhey \.Ised to ellt benefitll belltowed) which is rendered more wluch call be converted into money and mother!! when tlley got e~quisi,te"by the reftectionl tho.t there are del!l~ed. The fl\all pOSS\lsslng the too old 80, to.\;..e " ¢UI~_ of ]lut tl,IQSe' iJl tho world, who Cli~ feeluud o.ppr,c- mOllcy, or pr,opcrly tho.t h~ 0. villuo in mo- now-tlref 1'8 got ,to Oil t1ttifC elllte the woes of othel'~ lind lend 0 wIllmg ney. posses-os the most 1116uo11oe, ', We. so ~b,oy o11,!ly eqt nc~cty children lind "laves, hand to help' thqlllout 'Of the aitch-thoBedrequeTl~ly read i,ll the papers, of "ine~ of ~n enen:rnos tl\~en, 111 bottle.'~ A decided wl,o arc not. wrapped up in the COCOOIl of we!lltlt und influence,,' We dislike the e;x:- II1s~ncc ~!'\. the ~rQgreB~ of Improvement ell1sh ovo.rice, who live only for themselves ' prcssion-it seems to imply that men mayan, n marcn of mInd, 9~ld L "Well," r~ o.n<l,dio for the de,vil, , This PIt>8f1qre)$ far- j be wenlthy, b~t, ~ot possess i~tl11CJl(le; or ~bed Jo.ck, "Its a blld th1nlt,for the ?ld foAts, ther refined,by 0 knowledge of the hup'pi- why rlay men ,of wOllltll A~D mfillence'!-ey donlt take to the nl:IV foshlOn, they neB~ enjoyed by the p,erson .whose benevO' 'l'h~ mon of wealtl~; ,viii possess nr~ ,111 fo.VI)f. or tho good old custom I never lence dlot.ated the 'rehef, in the conteJllpla- liS a malter of course-he could not see d the thing mYSj"lfj but Bill Bro~\'n f' 8 tIOn of a duty, perIormed.-im poscd by angel- it if he shoulil wish to do 60 , Ilis me~smnte of m,inc" Once told-me that, wben ic phllrinthrophy, guided by motive!! pur(:' as brethl'en will ~ol',Cfe 0. \1 influence upon ,WIIS, at th 'llay <jf Islo.n,dsl. ,h e sC(l:d, ,a , bellven. " The worthy recipient fo(:'18 deep, whether he wlsheB it ' or not. itow often .many:poor old so~lS gOing nbofit, with 4~Dc. (I~;3~'5 bn ly the ?bligll~ions lI~der whioh he IS pln:eed Idb we seo poer men, \Vho~e. minds nre at?In tJlelr eyes, trp,ng to It t someboCly A floJCof 75 W ~1l1 -110 tim~ 911n' ,obliterate th~Ill' froDl his Ired Wltbvllrlcd lmo\V)edgo~'\lho IIrc fo.ml to oat thom, , 81\1 roo k /!S oL9J:c, • memory na' Stut"t A of Lllnjtation bar the il1r with tho trutbs of pLIJoBopliy and One 9f theJII carne olf to the 8hi~, ,ami Tho river Itll~ be n ~\ouop~ry during Ih0.1(161 po.):JDcnt; tho mODlE'llt me(1.J1~ and odportu- ence,-:humLly submit,ting tl,> l\. tolcl thllm tl"lt he C;p\lld' ''!t ~nd rest. III tho 24. hout~, nity are witltin hi 8 pOWflr, Ihe'd~bl' 10.vrully , bl~c,kJII~ad, ~hllt ther may cutch evel~ n at0k'lIcke, of any pf bls kl~d,red,\~nd ~'o.'nt:ed =-,,.-~~_L-~-=-"":;"_-':"--_:!:....l.-":"'_ liquiduted, o.nd titis very a~~ giYes a i'rci!1i pncl?ns smIle, of IllS (o.vor. , The piety, to no,~ If the crew could nt tOKe hIm I,n., ~he ~: !lh ~IUl In ~he c.\~ureh IS r~ck~ned , )n 11i~ sl(f')p~r ~old hIm, ho wo~ on qtonstrous l'.;::;::;::,:;;-;:=~;-;;;~~"t.""7"'~~~';7~ :vigor to bi$ long-cherished gratitudo. N otblDg tendors tbe heart upd op~n the doll~rll'--m L~$ Stlllo, hIS pa.trJotlsm IS rcclt- sd at rt~ ~ lOI~ nTnce but Ile co "III ~t aecoml1)O), " I ' d b ·I ~ tandol't1 · (lnd, I) scho i a e lum , he Jiood fellow nln ~o.td h~.okgl16 lIng foy.ntuJll ot 10VC;t more than the ex- one y ~le su••!e 8 ' . I 0 elLa if I ' I f! ~ t W 1.1 b ca'1 Til' e~cisc pf grufltude. .{.lltO tlia 8/tow er~ of commIttees, hie h~nt'h;!!:! ts-estllno.ted I,>y Ie 8 fillS, 1 k\l oud'" tTh t., "ehred W\lS ! In ' 'tl ' "I ' A mall wno /' I'> • W or... -I. twen- }p nty 0 !llllr $ roun C IIhlp II the apr ng, t ~ut QUUSP .~ow er,s to qSQ from seeds Ie some ru e, k" i ;1 1 t' ' b d " Ill08tt a t!un . of' tho so col61lil"1 ' crellt., tJ Iluve Iong ..II11n uprmullt, ~ ' t'l: th euso.n dj k nc:i~va "".mce IUl mucll JI.S II e 8btl Ipper OIllV SC" !lm 0 Jump(b' over par. ,' "~""Ible Io.t tears of gratl"I' t b th'd ',P,w ., , I .' ':'\, 'd I, I II ' h" . t I col • U Ie ' :Otu( n enr e I eo. 0 elng cuten urell apoke" of III the Koroh, \V~I aro sent ,~u c awu" n I' PStltUu e aen~lltloJls~ uot , W 0 o~.y cornell ~p to. en t lousnllu , .. ' to ~lUildllle to bloss the fuithful in the )mown to those whO have nCI'or beclllorccd { L et It ~lOt be Imug1l1ed that we would .raw, , , woM to COlJje. TIley li\er(llly formed [l froln tllll B,;,nlfillnc of ptosper.ity, ~Ilto the IJro~cribe tli~ rich ,niun ml'l'~ly bCCDItS¢ he ,~ fillic iile"-,I"' em~le, Flrlltnl)I!$. bright halo of glory ' round each - Senuto~'s , ~o ld liltn~ oj udver It~. where ,1'10 v.: armth is IS .rlll ~l-w~ \vo.\lld place tum on 0. perreAt , A younll girl, em})loy~tl JIl It large man,u . . . . ~' !~It, but t!lot or belJe~olcllce-~o h~ht eJ1~ , e ~u~llty W;IU1, JUS p~(jrer bret~lrel)" 'and l~t fU,C.tllflUg estltbl)l)hmcl'H lit O ~h:.. nl', :In be(id. Mr. ,OII1Y, 1.lll,bent w\tlL aGe or curo, ' ilnd oyeij, but tnot 01 cll~r~ty:; u'Ul<ldS It f!hall h~d t~f1ur ncf! In SOCli!tf Uq proportlpnn~e to lFro.nc(1, \Vas sunt on nn errand 0 ' certai,i probo.bly the tltllest mon 10 the Sennte, be the warmth. Ilnd II~ht coJll~lunicllte d t 11111 , ental o~qulremenl.B It.nil morol .el~va- l house: on IItrlVlng at which she Iltlollk(1d, atooll upon the ftoor~ firm and ero(:t, calm ftom H \llLvtm to t111~ Ililllle r cly puius, who tton., We would empl\lItlcnlly repudllltc1bi1t.IlObOd~l Mmc'to the door" It lleing 1l0t;tand .lereno, the dignit.y orh18' manner hap- 1I10ne nrb prepared 'to meet, widl culm s ub, tho ob urd ideo, tho,t n rid'i' ~n.3J\ should Iy opcn, h;owever she entered, und 1inilio~ pily confo~Q'ling to the. power 'of hill rQ"o On~ m!S~IOn, tllo Ite~n und chilling \Vlnds or ' huve olle partIcle of IUflu~ncc JlI ch~lrllh ~r nqbo(ly In the ftrst rOQm, proeeeded to "the Il'ig'. , I could I1nrdly be\ievQ him 73' w}liJe f l1'!ltljCJr~U1I~' qnd ,,,llo,lLb,ovc ~II t1th~rij, ('~or. l St~,t ~ 01\ occ~unt 01 1J,1. 1'Iches, {t IS Ilri.b- ecooil, anU no person being)lrl-thbt, to the &lie ladica were clusteril'lg rou\ld 111m, ail- CI 0, the v~~tne ()~ grulttuilo, In lhe lull pur- cb,ne;lIall" o.nu-rcpubhcun, L et e~ery tnllll t/lirtl, where 0.( tho further end of,it, sh e.~aw lI\iring biB eloquen~.c, lIud lookmg nt him fectlon or Jts nlltlve beauty, WIe.Ic,lllIi mOuenCE',llccordmg ill hIli lOentlil .,a mo.,l suspended by t:he n,eck, o.nd'o,ppearnn h M , .. """hi wIth aucll 0. wishful una 'earne8t gll1.C,OSo if ' •" , ........ , IlllllitleB o.Jl~ niora] rectllutle, whelhe~ he J9 rlly dea'd,-Wlth great presen,ce of mind slle ",'d '\!lle!'.''''' a champion of no ordinary pro" ess\ or of r~c BlbtQ~ , ' \v?rth but ono penny, or dlc mo.ster of ,age t cried loudlv for help, Dud Wllh her sCIssQrs mpre than morto.l mO\IJd l~a,1 B\llI.tenUy n'n_ Be Ihllt! my fltllT III fll ()fj S tll '!.t, mliitoll of dnlll\~lI, Suc\! a state of socIety (lilt 'the 1"";(' /lnd monng:ed t.o nloce the .II. . .• ' . ' '" ",~' " .' ~I' E Il' II\(lll my r ~l(1 1 1 oInn .... r'o II "h i ~vill"o or c"lmp r· nn > "tel' on tl e ' nd to . , ",,", " ' , I' peare",,1D a fun,ual eoutt of JustlCO nl! tho D~ Il,()u III gmq(l l,lHl (l ;;:"GIP U'B~\ (l~, ~ u~ I 0 IoU."" ,1 , 1'0 , , 'lUlclde 011 the bed l!l the room. A phys~ tJefender of illDdccnce, ~rllth ond' benuty, M,. II1110n 1".J, ht .....l!l y !m by ,In);. thllt,lJlgh melltol o~d ,!,ornl dc:otmy whlcll ician W\llI cal\eJl in ond by 9. f~omrt 8,pphcll Iln~ ) thoy w:ort'l!islovh'ig.cJiellts,. " , ,. . [ lvhl t:)l~ lI, I ~'~nlt-l\ the tlOman i~~< l!-.~ 'tll.lll of resl1si~nting remQdies person Ex-Se«;reto.ry BuchonoD occu\lIed 11 chu.lr :.ella hIghest olllo.,.y we CtUl pro/lI,);:)iI,'.Q< rhe fac\llty o~ malim o I'?pncy ncoumu- t WUS reator-ad to MEL He w\llItba BOn oral ne~t til Mr. nelito'l\r (S~"lltot;' Hu.mlin,R ) ~~on lhil3 b~ok qf ~QQk;J i~, to tal-a it 1, tf'll~~rl'Ope)' tXI 13 :nstl:::::t!".'O, ,It 1S not II. ownai'of. tllellOuM; whi'J ",'usa n1:ln or weu Ith fle~9 and they, chat~cu {og;p.tIler some time lor tt~~ IUiln of, ~ur conn,s~ ,nnd the polin mOnl:..ql : m?ral faculLy bl,\t a 1acrtlty that IInll III .the courije of q. few duys'be recovered 9!.lIle pl~Dlalllly; bl!~ wJien tho sp, ~cf got , stlD' 01 Ollr !tros-not merely ~o nl.\mlt and Elhowd a~t lJl subordtnll,tlon t,d ~otu the hie !Serenity, and llothlllg Willi furth~r (rom • r NOTICE, In t!Je lI!.rro,,: !?f Ius al'lN!Deut!l, tHey, gave . lau~ HII supeT/or elllC\l!leIl Cf, o.ptl let It,ro- r Jllt'n~nl and n.Dl"Lt1 powor~, :rhe fl\c~Jty hi th\;l\Ig'tit1! thullsuicidci, Ttte YP4ng gJl'l BOOri:S Of .. OIU!>'I'! • to t lJtl, QlU " " hl,m th~ll' unl1lvt~ed 11 lenUon. , lDalU on the Bh,elfll!ltll An:lthemu. Mlltlina- of'll~cu, ulatmg property, I~"the ~amQ Sh~tl WU8 lit her ocoupation, and thought no more Iho WllynosVlllo (ll!~ W;;If\I\,gl?" I could not IIQe Mr. Foote Ilt first; but tha, can be written III tllO dust- upon it,.a lids snoltinctl e filculty,thaten:tb •• 8 n bIrd to btn~d or but littl ~ of the occurrence, O,ne dtiy cO,mpRny. 0111 , Will bsJ, 9t!CJl~'l, ~ll I,l.o,otn'~iiil,c;o , , ~vhcn till! bansl Q,\I ,the cloett Was opproach- anil; criID.lnolly n('gleat to oili In gwing it to ita ncst-:"tho note ~o, constn.lct tholr 'l'e81- bQw~vcr: 0 rauivClil' a Dote from tite fatl\er With the chnrtl'-r \1\1<1 gepuTull!1\V Ing 8, and 1ift0f Mr. Ctny bad IIpoken tho IllIUloos, \vllo arc [l'oplllg 111 po:pt'll ~nd ' d!!lIac, With o.p)l~oprlate Dpartm«::i't, or the of the' you Ig mlln whom she.. had u do~n BUell DSI!~lhuon , I\~ W\' ' ubout,two boutl! o.nd 1\ qUllrtl!r, he rose nnd lilluth n dn~kneB8. Divine IJl i~c! orJgip, IiC('S to build ~heir c?mb. fndustJ'Jr il'ld Irequestlng:l1w to coml.! t9 IllS horne, 'With: 'W~;~n on:JI Y8(/~r~~"nu,nY. " mc SI3WR!ft~cd !In l\tljoul"Juht\u~. Mr. GI!lY ex- ~ritWp)1Y. the pell of 1,lspil'ation, djpped j~ ell.<' omY,1 alt~ough highly commendable, Io(tf, /!uspectillS' fol' a. .lioment what Wo.lI in. I next, igood ordpr cpn~mle· p'r~s.sed a, wish to go on a-litt~e 10llger, o.nd tll,ll l.Jurniog mdignotion ot' God Itg-aillst the WIll JlQve~ maKe II mo.n very , DC).',. unless to~dedl sh(~ went, ~lid"on ' her arrlvo.l was A he d,1~ ao WI~at a ltale~d vlgorou COliS" wlck~a, on' tlle one hand; Iln~ in the melt- ' lu;compo.nl~d , by lurg~ ncqUlslllv(mess. thus a\!drC!.'l1ed, ~y th~ fatber: 'My son, whol'(l tltutioo be must have lnhefited. Born ing follnto.in of ljis ' 10110 for tlle good, on the Tbo. roulty lntel\ecttlo.l, IUld tru1r benevolent you SI1"'~Q J~oni , certain cleo.t)" lov()s y(>u nod VA'T.UA.B~~ F ARlt( FOR "JJ,"'J("'-~ within a fe~ months of the Declnra- other; tbe sublilnity of ita lo.nguage cllilS mono ml'Y malce moneYI but 'YIII ne\'Cr be- to maJlrY you. ,VHl you qODleot; I have 'rhd 8uhscntloro/f ra ut pnvlJte ' ~::--,-~~,L.""*~-=-=-"";::JJ::;;':::-=:':":;'" tion ot Indt'pendene&.ro.n e8rlY,'otpho.n- the climnx Qf It.heto~jc. " :As a Hitltory 0'[ cO/ne rlGh_ , ' , ' made mytic'lI o.cquaih.:~J with circu~8~aficOs. flirtnJ:0nslslIllg pr 165- OQ'09. 100 urtured in tbe lIohool of ad e~ity-cil':l- that. gr8{Jd eeoch. whellG?<l so.,ldt Let there , peeirritler-bttt ~6C5!'. My son ' is ~~I~vo~!~~l, Io.nll e1ell ct\, Ilntl In a CIlteaTn, a l?g.ca~in-th~ cha~lp,o'l o~ ~18 bt? lIght; and ~~re w,lIS .h~nt', It Ii\al!ds a· Duration ofEtcrnity. J:IChj YQu will n ever know W~!'lt,. B:efleGt wry ~ou~try I rllJhta m 180~agllln pro81dmg lono., clothe~ 11I tb~ ma]e tY,ol DJVlluty.Various iIlustratioTl,s.ha,ve beep sug"ested upo~ what I soy.' 'No furtner ~ebb:t;!iln is cnb lD ,C:ongrell8 III the me~~,a~le t812"",:,~eg- J).I a,Chromc~e of tho croo.tton.or milD, of- to COl'\Ve to th~ mind /lome idee. of illlmita- neces~l\J'}',' replied the young girl, (it iii .to ?,!~o ulaung, witJI other ~eadmg SPlrlts, ~ho terms ,tor the morl\l ,lfn~e ~rDolty, of IllS rulOo~ ble 'duy,o~on. It hila' bepn snid; supposo no (lllt'po~e .that your son IS rich;he wished " ~il whleb a 10!lg aglt8ted wtlrl~ Dllght ,on- filIi, IllId of hIS sub~oquent mad coreer, It one drop of the ooean should U~ dried up tolla~gbIJnIBelf; and moy wish Lo ~o it again, JOY, t,he b~!tl~ of pelLC8, In J~11.....oes~rnnm u\ll'jvDlIQd, All 0.. Ohart of bu- eve thousn.nd arll how lOll wou)~ it Notlung enn relMve thnt obJection,' She cupym,nbo hlglicat posLin tb 'UIlIOP, ,,~ve 1D0n ~lght8 nnIJ WrQngs, lind of the ch\lra~ be ~fore the'l Yidro' would di:a eo.r o.nd ",as inexorl1~lc; iln~ the danger ·WOII that '_.~,-".~~_, t~lIl1 of"PreaidQnt;.in l,~!lG:::..;liliar~ing N ul- tel'l.~f full g,reat Jehovah, it,ll deJinentj?u~, iJl th occan',,' befbe le~ dry and du~~! 'F~ her determi na~i n might agl1in ~riye her liJi'7ltlon, of 11.8 sung 1D ,1~~2--a-.be stands preCIsion, tUlln\elll,ll~d. force of~e8Crlpt10n; ~nward tbat w, uld be in' coll.l'ng "-a over to the rope,-Waahington th)ion. up ~h '1,800, whe.n' approaoblllg the 'last S8V- far exceed die boltJest ~trokce o.nd finest as" 0 I -e- , ~ ' ,' enyearltital.)ead to four-score, vigorous and touches, of the m(l8Wf IIpiriUl of every age eternIty ,wbUI~ ~ut baye comUlen~ed. It Rather f(a'rticnlll.r s clear-headed 1\8 ever, pow~l'rli)jn urg'U'11~l1t, nnel c)ime. , As ' system of Moro.ls o.lId wOI~I~ ~I~! e m~~ eo.pllosthtlullI'll-O ~fr'f~Y Some yellr Q.go, youna man, from 'jW!t still able to ar.gue a aue of grqot nj ~ety Religion, every effort of mo.n, to add til its , 11 ,y~en SO.l , suppose "vo.a ~ 0 e aprOj!~ tI,IG Connecticut" WhO was attendmg d ere do~p~sed oll!o.r- o~r villngc o~lIdemy, bOco.me. 8,a~ly InJected with unrivaled ability, skill lind eloq\lllnce. t1:o.nscend8ntbeauty,oromnipo~ont stl'ength :,I~nli "'r~h\l fie n i. one of the roll effects oCpopul1ll' in8- il presumption and as vain .,.~ an attempt- !,e 10 t ~d,iJlt.'8 san, o.ln 10.. ,o~~ po.r- With the nqlt lon tbat all our mo.ldens were titu tio1Ul that they ripg wgether on great to bin,d the wit~d, or impriedn the oceo.n.- tlcle 81?U, a Isap'p~Qr at ~ 18 ter~lllation, of in, love, witll hlln: Wbt1e in sta~e of public ' occasions pr qu~stions 8uch a bril- Ae 11 boo~ oft,>ootry and eloquence it stanus ~ich, pnillon ~f ~~ar oh'thhOW l~c;n~I"'8.h Jll~nd, It fel t~ bill lot ,one evcl)mg to Ii.lIt ueemblage a8 it wall my' good fOrluhe ;n lony afandeu.r, lowerin~ abov~ tbe no- e lmJ'lE),nee m~st e e perl,o W lIc d ,MlIssrl:t-.......safe-ly to her "father's to behola to-day. Will not the young and !ile8t pro'ilucliollS of the ,most brilliant to.l- would,cl,o.pse before the, l~t particle \volll ~n arriving o.t tile d~or, the lady Dsplring, while Ij~tening to tbe persu08lv(' enta, thnt have iIlulllfnated lind enraptured b~ g9ne • • And r~t eterrll~ would then, ,be ~lm to ~nt/Jr. He ,dld.BO, After 0. ,accept of thoir coUI:lt\!y's ablest champion'8 the elll8Bic worliJ. As a book of Reve)a- n Itsl:i°hnwft tWI!lghtj tbe Itnmort~1 ilpmt moments conversatton he arose to leave. • t ii!II,I~ wail ilhowi~ to leilrndV Awe\! llpon..rue hiBto\ll with de- tion, i~ !ilted a flood of light upon the wll- W?U bit en, Itave Just entere , light and emulate his virtues1 'I have derness o( mind" U\o.t added (resb lustre und 'Wnn ,e c~eer·, ' " the ~OOr, abe mnoccntJy enough remo.rked ever found blm,' "aid tbe seer of Q,uincy to refulgence to those of 'Reason , PpiJosQphy" It has b~nl!o.~d"suppose s?me It,ttle 108~Ct that they would be l?l!a8Cd to see hirn-agnin, hi. (JIr. Clay'8.) ~DI!ItitllOnlil of Covin~on, Dnd ~cience, tllnt llod guidea mankind to eo ,s~8lI as to be lmperCettl~le, to the l~lI- Ho1'o was ~n OCCll810n fJJr the exce~ctise, c K'f,., 'Dot only one of the able8t men with, that auapioiou!), glonoue era "'hen itburat i5 ;.ourar o.n1 ' morsl pr!nc!pll!, whoof I ever co-operated, but alao one of upon tha astonlllhed world. ~'s a bo6'k of hDnd or Go'd hns lac d 111 tbe b e'o.vens ~p0.11 g Imse f to li~ ~1~8t .hel~ht, the "ost amiable tnd worthy.' 'Take Olay Counsel, its wisdom iff. profound bOlmdlca$ H .l d f 'IU' P '~f ' , I ' d' Wl~. ~ graceful but ,de.termllled Ip'clmatlon . all' I a eel R' 11 rd){, J h Ih I Ii'te It ta .', un"re II 0 IIlI onB 0 years nrc requ ...e of we head, he rephed "1 should bO hapl), In , exc a m . IC a .' ~ nlOO, e. n III • , mee. ev~ry , cns'C IJI tune, II for tbe performance of a single jour.ley. Mi s, tc1 clllllaxll fTiend but DOt as aIelIer'" h~ Dot hla equal an the UntO~. , III the golden cham thaheaches fto~ E!l!th Tb,e i,tl8ect comll1-ence~ llpon tho lenf of ~ " ..., ) " . , 1 wu ,thankful to bo permitted to staD~ t'c? B'e.lven . •t tf teaches liS o.ur natIVe (I!g- tree, and 'takes its little load, so small thut '!'ou'P or Nofhiu,lf. for more than ~wo bourl ~d liSten. Eve~ nlty, the deSIgn Qfour uea~on, the d~~le8 evon the tnicroscope callnot dillcover tho.t ,At a verJ7 excellent botel, not a hundred Mem1tett ~f CO~BI!t by the bundred,t~elr we QW'; to our God, ~uNelveR, OUll fllmlhc~ it ill ~ne, and sets out upon its almost' mIles (r'Om Oll~ ' p8rts, ~hey were one ' , dllY liQuee hivmg ~n.adJOUl'lled after a ~ea8lPn our parellts, ou~, elllidren, land oUr tellow endl.esIlJourni}y, A ner mil~ions aDd m.h- ,sho\lt of 11 'Walter, ~ben a Dewly arrJved of Dot maDf minutes, and tbey bnvmg tbe men: t teachos UII how to .liYe ~d how lipns oryears ho.vo rl,>lIed a}vlly. ,t o.rrives Hibernian \1111$ hl\8tll, made to supply the ..!yU.., 01 UJe floor of tile Senate, were to ~IE). it Bolnt.s ~o finolly lmpe~\t<;nt ~ I back D.gllln to take ita second load, 011 pliloe ~ .. ~iore.,~,,~ert halld. Now Barney: glad to find room ~ 8talid close and crowd- their awful d~m-It nrr;tlll tbe Ohrlstlon ,m what lutermlnable a s ~mU8t pus beforJ ~a'l minI' llOlt, JlllUd you serve every mIn iA .....laer.llateplDt:{. Wllllt a squeez!- I ~noply complete-Ino.tches (ro~ deo.UL ltS I tIle one leaf wQuld rem9yedt J n Wbo.t / wltJa sou~' llirst thlUl' Make him take bia BencllH. comers, ,del!ks. ,avenuel!l, doors' f poisoned sting,. from Hie gfllv~ itll boqll~ed period of coming tlQle would the ~vhole tree BOU any ow" ne ad I'll do t.hat Hme,' ,1n4ow" . pa8lo.ge.tl, I"Il1!erl68, overy: spot. VIOtory, and POlUts tilO 80ul, to Its crowolllg be borne away! when would the forest be 8111 the alert Barney, .Soup c:a me on at rnto, upon, under, be~md, or before. whicb gl~ry-a bhssful ClIDmortaht)' beyond tb a 1kOn&f And,wbell would the insect take I the swn and 11o.fney, after heJpmg 1lI,1 but ~an or. or woman could seo or hear the ekltUl, _ the lnst po.rticle of thIS g1obe, aDd be",r it o!,e II\lClilt eMle uf to the 18st 6ne;-.Soup lion ot th4;t day, were filled, ulICd or occu, .[The Probe. o.wo.y in ita long) long Journey 1 Even, !hen all', slud'Blirney; No soup ~or m~, ,SOld tI.o fe/ed, l ,t1evcr Il8W the Hke. , The Secret Out. '. eternit would,but have commenced I !"IC~t. 'Bd you mlll!t have Jt~~Jd Barney, f,lCK>ked aboot for Mr. CIl1ho,m-hlll A m.ao in New-Jersey, by laborious and Pitts. Ita th? rule!! of tho hou8e~ Dern the fbarr had anothE'r oCcupant. Mr, Webster, perllevermg attention to buisnesB, bad ac-1 hOWle: ercllllme,d, the guellt IlIgbJy ex~per. tool. . . . abeent-ALbert Smith sat I,n hut cumula.tild a Jar estate. , His nei hhors ~ted, why J ~Oll t want soup I .won t Ili,t mlllf, Gov. Seward, wbose place l8 on did not fan h' ~llbitulll reserve w:en hiB Commercial Ho pital, It,.get along WIth you.' 'Well,' Blld Bo.riley qlay'. I'iJlht band. 8at betJide him, still,se- ! private w~re th~ ob'ect of ill ui The officers of this in~titutiou were ~- ~itb' soleDlJrlity, 'all I can 8ay is je.t thll, 1eDt, and observant:. Gen.08Blf llatcned lit and the were at I gaged yesterday o.fternoon In eXiminmg I'I.B the ragulatlona o{ the bOUle and d-fiM qulte.y and n\her drowsily, but lho mIl8n&>'by which b: liadaMqUi:~':':nUchJ Ilft~gage of deceased patientl, and, in &:trunk the drop else will y~ get, till ye finish tho ;-:;;:;;~i;;:7--;--'---:-;=:-:;--:--:':~:-::;-: orator waked him up when combating the monoy~ Oue or twc). bolder than the rest wblch belonged to a ~o.n who died lD the soup.' The traveller gave III nnd tbe 80Up -ollec'liorl, I~Z doctrinel he bad broached recently whoae aUlety becalllo intolerable, at lut l ~Ol/pito.labout a yeM ~lIIce they feund '4~O wu goblil~,_'_...::::.._____ v 1: lirly lI8ked him',:"Mr. A'. how didJ:ou »a:ndk a feut liven to & Plllty of the b the f h' I ' 10 much moneyJ Now it wu out, and other trunks they found an kind, of warlike free o.nd Independent electors of a county Cla.~d.ir:..ed· th~~l::,~~:t:t our zealOUl "PDul Pays" b~ cor"uered tlie imp'Je",eD~pj.tola, bowie-knives, small which .hall bo D.amel~, we .sat n~~t with the voice or. alentor Ion ma be be ~ereary; ana ~ly awa~ hi. repll· IIWOrdl, ground very sharp, and allIIOIt e~ery s~dy y..eolll;an, \'II hose "e Will ~IDtng, .pared to wleW It III defe';" of e '01 _ 'l'bere was an awkward pause. at lut Mr. kind of propertY. It il the CUllom at this Y11~ ~ ~ns,derabl~ portion orll~se IU!d Uce to aU! 'What do u want1'q A A. spoke, The !ong coveted seoret waa Institotiou to reri8ter the name, reaidence Inqu~ltlven(~: a .ltllYer ~ofk whi~ Will 1~ld 7a'--;i'i1~iU;g;iiV~ji":iiiiii'iii~iiiiiV"" I~, .ho wat , 1 0 " not to.5e brought ~o hgbt.ad circulated o~e aDcJ birth-place 01 every one that i..ailmltted f, r hlm;.be ~k It ~p"lOoked at It, felt ItS whUe b In to eeeapc ~,. "'PIP ~r gosllp through the Yillap! lilt. and if be ijie. the Trustees Wtito 10 the 1'8- p~nr., and the,!, With a d1~ppoloted air, ........... ".... '~~?!~!~:§~~~~t3i the pll!,. \ - inaide plied repbed-J1Gentletpt'ln, I ascribe me IIIJCo> latlYN of the dMealed .nd ifany of tlaem. I..d It down 1ipln. In a ml(lute or two I_l'.hl,~.. blJ ~ that h ',re , caa ~... - ceBB to &be ob ervance of one rule:- have CIOIDe forward and clai;" the e&ct.a of the afterwarda, (be fish .uhuldedroubd; when 'I::'t to petaoD-v ad- alway. endeavored tOJllllllJlY ow. BU.l..... dNe..BII, ....tevel' propert.Y. he may ban hi. pillte ~&I~ placocl be(~ him, he turned Tow.... tle cJole of hi. diecoune, be The St. Louie ~n riY88 the fonowinc Ie delivered up to tbem. It oReh occon ~:.':"~' and, boIdi. up the .nver WInl'., BAIK_ AI co. . . . . . . . . . D."UOII far a plbcII of . . . . of the nlebtiDee reeelYed at that that peraoaw "mitted paupen ~ho 'You'; thank you to FOREIGN ~~Cay GOODS, 111. I lbiak it".. 'Lamdyroot' he lOt. CJ6w:hITe ampJemelftl to ~eeareor~lVee. take thl. and b' me D No. t!t Puu. 8rauT ' ..... ~ a powerftll aapp1,. tbatTa. Oar ba elled at an eut, bcNr, tJaIe In aucIi cues, i( their relatms claim their out any 1,l,,"111 POO 14 ciNeINN' ...... ADOdier 8eDator thea took & pinch ~. wJtla nleDd.l, wae-belone prGpeI'tJ. aU reuoaable expeMM for 1tteD: .... (. . . . JW IIeUen Itl) aoWlWppiIIclop prIa...., ... h1cleou.a DOIIAMaiP.... \ their aietme. aM bUrial Ie cIedaclecI • No IUD tala Jeieare
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a more prosperous at tfme that or the V. St1lto~ now are. crop,.are in lb. ahllV' under Jris barn wor.th \bree wblch I 1QIBlltton1ngClIlo"wlUtted 80ma o( the abundant, and co;mmClnd caab at gOQd 'PrlCl.ee Ml'e been expQiotllo the action effrQllt; Toln. c· bltlerU.W, enquiiedofthe price. ' ",hUe' every DeusllU'Y of Ufe w~ieb they voporati(m,&c. HIN C€lUar' js Illoe~drllx ludin~ i 131 ftoiD the~art to th tollJU~ " • ,wish to, p'u,rchIl8~, wile never. 80 ~('ap. Then (he. fros't And r1l1'1. ~ltQgj:llhai'. Hili ()vWII '!.IO kept WrI. .~~~~ ~~ tbraIl he, 'aa ,an induce'!l0nt h~ve rOj:rhllos of tl'.IIQ$,Porl:lltlon. &. looomo- in' the bar,fl, ,ight:i, all thll yoar, 1b.dr mp~lu~ In .t otlllJ\I~ unwept alld un(~r, tO~9rr'()lV, ,I WII! p,~y you h lon h~... ~ grOo.Oy mcreued and .1!Dprov~d~ gOIlli into the COJlOT, -\vti9r() hog~ arB I t1J!t tp rO~1 Wbile,ho aJlllfiih is f8$tel'ing yet ~' :.' " t and tlu S 18 Imotl!.er 80ur~ Ofp08(~IV~ bene ovor'\ho different litatsrillls, Bud n'iix thl1ll1 into Nono, none bu~ an angel orooa c~ declaro, ' aui' 8~a Mr. LawJ·enr.e, fit to 1110 fortner. WiUl the e physlciil be- 11 compost ' "lcan~wforgiveand' forgeL" fciL)) t~'rneasuroJ'C!ur fr~epc{!, no/its"t ' ose of .an intelleQtual and mo~al '. ~. ' , " 1,. ' , ', But lI'&hebd "pilit Il.(:h"£a from tho hoar I, ',Amo! y Hall,' 'filS the {eply:. ' '.': 1'kin4 hnve ~?~t 'rl'l1'id, p~eQ' pQolt~, ,htwe ,', ' " ':~ ~g" pUlliu~8 • , . , :AtId -1Iie lips lire In RODi\tfnM at epCld, , TJ 0 receipt. wos talc n, ~d the (orp,m,lln c11eapcne,d , u~~ multlpllcd. l!lClllculn.1l1y. Mr. ,Burli~. ~n llislliat Rep9rt fro.m' \he With die wrolll eo repenled'tllc wr~U1 wit! ~e. went round ~D' top ,prosoribed pl~eo. but S~ho~ls e8I'eCI~VY .,thCBO of 0 hlgr er ~r~~rl O/.llco, ,eJII1 01a' 9 fift:y ell~ fCl~' Ihe '~0'18'\lllnpt~OI) o:rl~~!;..· lllOr~ 1I1i iDjll~dCl~ WI>r'e honl~ " Jll,\ll1ling 11Ilck, ~tullD~r that 11uve .~ncrensed-tjle cliur~hes lind futthf"1 Dt: eoch rh(l ividna! in tbe , D. Stat s, ond For. the'LCat 1lOl'n?C)I$8Iioll' is p(tjd 1l1r nil H, 'WJJllni 'JJ~ ,was q~de.[,~ iI to ministers Ilbo~ntl. DClYOU ,U,!Ip'k or these e~g i~ ,worth half a"cenn 'Pbls will mnko :.. Whellthe cheek: wlrb conlnliQn j \"et; f Quaker GI~nt, nl1~ ttlm 'tery ns you ought. Al'e l:0u 6tt1~ng, to · tl\-ke en ' hundred rnilliolis 'eggs ~naunipd, ADd evlYrY ODe tecls it is pO$Alblc etill, Illp,de him <ilV~ n , ~oo.- ,luIyonl4ge of them to ~ lJ1pro"e YO~1" morn!, nnel n holf millio!lS Jof clellols paJd out ~ foriJ,vc ,aQd (ofEet. , . . that' pI! mUllt tluve a' ladder, ihto)) ctub1 , ~nd ]?JI sidal condition, "to . a Whol do:yolllhluk orcb'llt? . Don'I' tliat To forgol' 11 j~ hutd t"r nmftl{'With,& m)J\d, " . to .'hold 'it,liP, , Wilen th~ g~erit.er ,exte,nt'!. :I'hosc w,h act wi.sely bf;gilllo look,r'el'peo,obl~ ill your mind'$ (}.y tHowevor Jilit \,Iearl mllY forglvo; dlft, a " tM cOl1slerJIl\tlOnso:strongly Will 1)'Ial[0 Ih~ rno t of the~e w.eut bles ,ngs ,Shc',s .1 0 /10 ofthem ... ·llnd helps 10 11I~!tf) lip ihe dollnr8 ,nt • on llI\1n'I'l ,~Qnte,no.n.c ,he. roqr- ,' \' IJ'i hour, for theY"cpnnot, ulwoYII expept. gremt ,l1osl fr()m which ~o mll!ly eggs !lrD Toll/Ill out~1l Cerlls>tln"CI daflgerll behind. ·\t\.n~ ~t fOrt It r",ti11ic,to 1i~6; f TJ:iie Ina~ p~mtedlnt II long-I Ilffain ,till hiS sides shook;' which cUd not them to b 1 BIl abl.uidtlnt, and I bE)lIidtHI . to for whioh 50;"ullh inbney lEt'poid nnd,by , - I d a,vky s:.m\.lS' 'w 10. tpeerel ," . ~ I ' b • . t· '0 ' A ' .> ! k .... b " t ' " .,. , I , Tllen ho",.hall itbe' for nt overy turn RecOllection the spirit will fret. ' eggc ,g , . It at 01 Illiay hi " ,eor. t IS U. JUs tee Imrr,," ",tem noW' ,s t.~.. es. way 0 cun- sO many hung,y stoMacbs nre fod, Run And &he ashee 01 illjntylll1louldf1T IIpd burn, ;9 at ~e., clodr Just a ~ lit n'lt;lml: . ~ t sUY, ,thllt MI,tBSr~. Drown, L!1.w, l}nce & ",I t.iqk- "nn:l/) tllI-ln~., One Cler~!!ln moon~ of ma~illg mY"aml give her u Iit,llo corn.-Mnin~ Fn~mor. lJI:ho\1lh 'Wo etr\ve to forgive ond lor~ct, ' \\!Il8 ' 0Ylden,tly, n green un, a sue !\~, Ilil , ney (n!tbfully f~lfilhid theIr contruct, IlIId j imprDv ment a~ong lal'mors now is. \'>lnat .t,,, " ' .' '/', ~llltS' wero at on~o se f9r ~im, liS bY! bQr.6 thQ joke WI~I. a very good grace. )\~r" l WQ !lOve hCretol.ore ;o gQmrnencled, tho (or, Aotive. V~rtue. , . , ll LuWtenco sn)"s, however, th,ut . be WIll n~ntl~n of ,clul)~1D nClghborho'1ds for weoldy , ') clI;nnot.' SIl~S Milton 'praise a ~ulptlvll P~!~~.~,lfJ~.l~s.-J.)' ''''IJ'''' . TU DEW. ex.ternlll,~ ,e wu Judged to:bave a 9,m, ,A sin~le gIUJl~~ 0 ,.' el not be' !lold Uiut WB'/; a,socond t'I1I~--nr.)(l l mOQtlJ1glJ' U1 WlIlter. · '. , . and clolete~ed' vlrtue, u ani! un, \pc ilho~ce Of Clditiqns PCi' !Illy ,on a coov?ye~ his l~f9r'!1ll~of' to, ~~~ that h p goes in for' moasures not men."is ~Ol ·necess ' !y i1l ,these 0 ~ Dnfin{! br _ibM lIupcr-roy.o.! for Sf) p , n>Jjnqlp. , ~m.I: 0): very bus.lI1e88 Joo~lOg men, liS C [Mllil. ' . our elves as to agncultura 18cuesiollJ • but adversary, but \vooldy 'J n~~ne WedncsdllY and Si~ur. I "T""Wb8l1"1hlniOtl'\b't~l!hf\1le:s' 01 ~\'l!\l federates, wl~u Imm~d!otc/r bt1g'an ~Ao tqk~ . ' stlch t11,ings liS have A collateru! 'bonring 011 thnt immohal run ,not d(\y.~ sumo Size, , ~~ ~~~Il~d:;u~~ . Gather o'et the dnrkcned OBrth\ Cl ver.y deop Intor~8~ ,n toe .~flle·h ' ,bll~a A REGULAR 'STIOK.'-G. I was 11, cute the aaricu1tural interests ot' the countrv may without du.st ' was the rea- $I !\ per 1011. 1U , 1!I18lltly: the do!w of !loeven . " I ' l l th ... \'e t Irtv 9al 'Down E Il8ter'-a 1'0' u.J J'Iva " IY an Icee-a I be profitilbly ~ ~~, . • Througb the dilh ~lr wanders (orlh; ga j n I a deO.ftd bnrgulD. • 'I introduced' such 115 geology son \Vb, our sage and serious poet, S~eJlcer , And ~11i hoi>: mlnisITllU\l .... onll o!' the Peter~, handliug e Fatent ov~ \\rays rendy for. I! jQ~q" and fiard to beat,~' at)d borti,culture; . Nor' should wo consider describl)lg tr~e temperance; under ~III;' p'er1lllltlnq lin its angElI winge, knowmgly. , r oiled He W(lS one ' dny In a oountry ~tLr-rootn . themorn.llJleo'ns of ' improvement of the son of GUion, brings him ill witb hispalJn' Life 10 Ouncing vegetation, , A, a glmtle spirlH brings.' , By, the way, why thes~ mC!l a e nJ~ it 'pown·South l " ,~here several pCrSonl'! were heart nnd mind eutire)y out ofplnce in 01' through the cave of Olamon and the Peters, we ,could nevertllm~lDe, u f ~8 assembled when ono of thclTIsaid:eveqing di scuss iolls But our homil.r bo~ver of earthly biiB8, t1ui't he might Sill! Theil. as glanoe t40 ~/ly!l of morning ie, because ,bke th~ (I,pos, e.,~. oy ,nre ~s ers '.l\~r:"O'J if yo~ go out Ilnd stick yo~r p!!n- end.-A!'ilel'j(:an Airiculhlrjil t. . . , ond I(now, Ilnd yet abst!!in. , . , O'or the new·awakened onltiJ, , ' aner rn~n.. ' ,. kmfe mto anyt!lIJlg, when yo,u \-,ome bock '.. .~'=~~~~~~~~~~~:=::=~ .smiling lIolt:ers hor lap ndornin$' 'I'd give lifly; If I could $paro It,! sUld an- ]111 toll you what it'll 'slicking in.' '> , A:gricuJtural EcouomJ'. , To we IIlgh~ dow 9 w o<$eir blrthi And Ilia Ilcented mefUl rejoices. oihTl'lr. fI ' ~ id ' hi' d r ~ 11 d~ '),ou can't dew 1)0 such thing,' rel!pcmdcd ' -ED!!. CUL;t'1V.AxoR'.-rrhe economy ohhe 'Bathing ,lin in fr,cgTant delY;' " • hil'ty- Ive!' sa. a t r, g ee ,u Y, C. , . , , ' " farm is thot' which flrs~ conccrns the indi',{hUe II ibou.and happy voice& If sUIIe ~f th~ ,~nr~am. ~ b d ~d '1'1\ bet.you , ten 'dollnrs of it,' said tho vid\llll.' Not to get rich' Dot simply to Bell Breath~ for.it their "ong~ aDO\\,. A .t a. tlm. t e st~llnger,w 0 a gr - other, " " , the greatest ' )1098ib1e q~nntilY of nrO'III1Clt:, Wb8Jl lh~ I!oll\bre IhM!lI of eorrow bally worked hiS way ~ nto tho arowd,,8ee~'W Jill 1 rayther m;esa' I'll ttkCl thO. 'cre t, t ' ~t· n'I ' 'nt' th ' j' , • 'I ~e Clol,ld ~ Iiellr~ nnddll1l the 'Qye; od t(j have been unno~lced . b~thom, so 1;11· I' , " l. · ""', . ( y I1U ~ Ill , ~1O. e or, gma I' ~ "" th I ' he he'" com' nett' lien~ Oapunt, (turnlllg to ho Illndlord,) the sod or ,constantly Improvo It, Silellt Ihna, ere ~awne the morrow, he1' 0" were t 0 80 e. ... h d t), ' I'll" _I. 1 If :1" Filla the dew ohrlDpalhYi 'h J k d ' h fl't a Vermon: 0 , a Oaee, an 0 en JostIDl1Ae 10. ,a co)nmon farmer cnnnot expeo~ to get ~ a holy bcllooio/ioll ' ~' ~\ 0 00 e, I1re~t~nou~ed" e es~at the aaw-horso In less than no time.' but willi good man~genJent Iro' may obtain . JJeari9g~!. 'blllllly' .\yioga, 's f:r~fnol'. wll~~ J~ !uctioneer . The partie~ ae~iI!ted 'an ~ It.-pi'ec~, ~nd a' 'comfor~ablc JI~!ng,' an,I h~ve leisure to H9PfI and CQuytge in affliction a P eored all ~t o~ce to be aware o[ hia C. wonton hIS mlSSlun, but 10 a Short,.tJmo l~njoy 6?CIOI blesslIIgs, ~nd time to devo~e I rfo me fainung 80ul it brings. I PP , ' , returnedl 8oy~n~. , " : , to reatllng, and mel'1tallmprovemoJ}t. 'I'hI8, F ' lInUAII1': , Th~:: o'er tho waking 6l!lJ1lt , J1re'G~f:irt oill JI-on1 ' thirty-fivo dol. :Wall, neig'litld'{, w1i~t iii it aticki!! ,1111' sh?~ld be db,ne wjtJl~ut ,yearing o~t the ~ \V anoly i1le joy-ous Plorn. Flow8reofhopo not,! glft.dn0ll9 ellGer1t, lars! tllis s ;I~ndi~ "old Jouble: cllso ntent, In the ~an~le, ~ephed .lro Southmncr, 8011. , ' , . . ,Fzom tho dew QfkiniinnsB born. , 'b , ' ,p ae he reachf)1l out hIS b~nd . (o~ the ~takcs. 'fru!! econ?IlIY consists In retu\nl)llf the I And, lbe belll't is like 11 meadow neow I don't ellre ft I dew; ~raw- (:Guelhi noti , Jest W8.Jt n\vhtlo/ ealdl> t1~e same :<elemon~ to <the so11 thB~. are tnko.n , Ji.Fr.be ned by the frngront dc,w, Y:!Ulke' ~o hal been ' e;mittcd Y;iu1kp~, u he , held \lP tho handle (If IllS from n, and- In the same qyantlty. TillS Where ITom ,u)lslieinellnd frOID sbodow puiit:rlcss or the oysianderB. knife, mInus ' t~e bl~do, kal"il~b~ t~~ \\'iII keep' the soil. fel'~ile, ~? ~nt it will (ltOCbQrll 800gS lire Ilf~l\rd anow. ' nn[O~1I1n et a view of the watch. , blad" co.n:t : b~ I~ tho handle! when Iti(~ drlY d,uc~ the Silme crop.&, botlun Itindand q~anI •••• g 'How much sir! ~"all I say FORTY rOJl~ cl~an u 10 ap olil stump Illude of y'~r road titl'., yell'l' after yellr. Vog:etable p~od~tlons is "t1' . ' ~ " ' o u t there.' ' dqrlve part part of tholr conl1tlttlent eleI " 't;8 , of ai h a high JOlialhAD of - course w911 the.,wager, and ments fro,m the earth, and J1nrt fr.0/ll.the at... t-hi"tv.,,,i,, :11 ~se U y ~r](ers ate the Southerper slopea to ports UnKlJIOWn, mosphere. ' That part de'rived from 'the I.tarholtion~ b ~w, ,yo .. amid rOI1r9 'o(lllughter, e th m'usf be returned to it agnln, or it eqw "n II dirt chell. ~ , ' \~ ill eyentulllly becolll"e bll.1'1:on. Tho ground ~~ g. . . , P, Coq,a)ldrums. ' that prodUces one liundr\ld l]ushels ot' grain "l'l~lrltv~lllllllt;t,'nld ~ub;~~~eJ';r: . The edi or of the LopiBvlllo Bon 'Fcm is this year, will not, :under the Borne circumgreat on conllndrums. , fl;ere nre hiS two stances, produce WI ,Ilame amount no~t notlJ.e , a no i e~'w ' i'ORTl" ·ond laat, Y{hi~~ he rCYPflcE!'ully Qediqated :0 tile year l iJrllcss ' its equiyalent i, retu~ned.knock 'er off.' said,tho Yn~~~ ' < ,New ()rleans Pico.y\lll.e tll!d"Delt!t:A~(] the" more , tl piece of Il1n~} ia cropped '6' I '\ d II ! WI "Well, Pomp,' ho"" lS ye'1 \ Wllho~tmal'lutln~, the mora 1llbur·and ex~ ~ t orng ,go .ng!.hlorty \0 ~r8 10 SIlY· "Be!'!"J lien. CU:llnr-ho,v is voul.' , "en", Io! ... ~"I ..!..O '0 obt in e. ~."n fr"r.t lor ~-one1 Cried t e Ol,lct oneeer "'" t I.,; •• w.,. ._ ' - ' 1• .. ..-,' . 'Not m~ by J·in .... ' 'exclaimed the Ver"Poor!y, t~n)t goodl~etls • 1.81\.>" nlg&,n, 'llhe rarmer tha~ •soli" bdY', groin 01' . ._ '\ '·th . ':',"" . ! e nent .-~ why am do. trn~on which dIll mgga.lny 111m -if hod e!l nnt use c,,-tru meu.ns to In.,.A.,,,,, mon ....r VI Cl SUllplG ous mov I IoU" h d . 1 'I 'I. ..... Ilt " r , '" , ., w~dll tho door. " ' .ea. a~i?lg It. I ce grell, monulUe • o~ , an- h"J maQuro--;.IS reduc,pB: ~h!"I\1rt~lny, , !Goingl golnKII"gone!l'1 ijer~ air your ttqulty .. . ' COllI! q~etnly 1:)]e valueot hili/a m. On watcb ' ' " , }.] glltnll hIm up." . llUJd thiS eilect lil nolllcell 8 ruen 'W~ll I dDnlt kear YIn heow' realltufi'I'Da~ jilt w,hat you. B~l:'11l8t night, wllep' nevl)rthele~s tr\le and in ~ill!e will tle', mlln· ' f ' Illalla caurrht. ,you WICl httlo aboQt til u!.' l lf(l~ . , , _i , I ' ":IT w ne .. ' ' '.Vlr8.1'1'llll't;ed. alr-mone if (1) leue' bOi-YIl! yal' . , . h:e, older flQttleu parts cf New Eoglolld T!lklt~a..thB watoh fro~~ b ~tan!er "0 hush, nigga, 8uoceea \yid !lilt an.Bwor.' fUI'niih sud illustration\! of 'wnnt 01 tcue cnrefully in 'liia fo? the Y~nkee. "Well, Itll ,bckus~ its Pomp.e?'~, PJ~I~r!" l ~COnl>,my. ~XC~I\t in the Vicinity of oiti~s fln old '~allot lIeemin 1 but I'Yll! yal' Now" P?Ulp... It Ol!! ..nllg~a f and Villages the !!,oil hus long been detenII ad C h' , 'he took~ ~an,k !lbould step OVer dem pe.ces ov WlIter ,Iml- ornting. This is the result of bod \'lllllluge-' , cnr:fuily f~rdo; ~i\b 11 11l'l:y apot c~- IiQns 00' ,de plivcment~ wh] ~"(llilcl hl~ be meDt. · The prOQU()lil}ns of tho nil have .pleuou8 whl.h he h~ld co.~tiously towllfd. lik~ n 'g~?a.t Generl)! 9t IlPllqUI~¥ I on a very be.ell 'sent to ,ll1at'lll't Ilnd ~!lJ:~~~~~~Oa;fOji'ER-r7~T"'1-2"T h 1 ~ " • trytct't tlme1' • '. . tOIS way tukeQ from the has not t ~ mIlD oEtho ba,?mer, laYlpg: "Die c"ild pli6n'l know ...· • return,cd. Paaturos hllve 'b~en grozpd ~om!: ne~w, give us a X spot, and let " ~De !}R".\'cr t9 dill; 90m~ndrum is. dis;: •dat Aptil to '~ovembef, ond " the fat cattle , m~Alel er lvglfifty., • t ' 81),1'd th'C auc t·IOn- it wpuld ob -ain L ID a mmu 0 Y ' .be O~sar1 If Ct'086lD . " de B(b)me slleep sent to Briton. Hence ., b' ocr, tnkiilg the n te, " " ou can go 1\ ong,. rugg~\ . rODtS oannot be nised ~s easily 'Stopl sto " ou d'd 't ' m 1iirlN"iecl ' ~ould b,e f0l1l)0rly, lind pnstures Cllnnat suaof the let~ls, 'I Ibid r~J .fi~e.l . ' Discrilninutilli Pa,hos. f tain lIalr the ' stock ther toulll thirty years _ai.lamot aDd I ndigtlIl\ion, that "lIie Tho auotiobeer ileman'd ej'the cro,!\,d if Tllo sympathies of tho p~8ongen3 011 Il~, and \Ve '!le\1r frequent complain~, 8111_, hill bravado, has conllonted he 'VU theY ,unan. boo.rll o(1)no, of our I~,e s,Wumers ~va~ re- milk ,~ows being ~ected wl~b "llone diSto lie jailor of Niclio)u, rin,d bu con': c(>ntly: verlf ~IU h excltf'd for.th!! ~ I~O~~ of 0 s?> an.it b~ne (lust must be,pro,eurod for " . . , . the tio..~ hOllpltallty of the MlIlIlel11 m~n. w~o, died on board, durlDg 11 trl p ~rolll theIr rehef. (Betteer bon~·duBt. the: , pa.smali f $ tbecreepiDgtreacbery or Cllerrifloll !?etro.t to Buffalo. He hlld beeu a. "t.oer- tut;oa.). A l'evorsed erdo!' of t!ungs IB JD I!ultr." , age passe~gerJ and.'left. not ~nJy a, Wlfe, but mnny Inllto~:ces , t~lhg place. Lees liln~ , lCo..utb Ie but fo~",lx years old, ami , /leVllral chUdren, to motli'n b.tfl d~po.rture.:- ~s tllle~ an.d mo~ pIIStur.ed: "1'hq Il~CIl cf baa .. devoted WIfe livlDg in lOmB IJecluded don't,' c;ried tJ!e \':nnkeo,; "P.lV erty scemed to ~nve cia m~d th~ ~ollnlly wo~dland 16 sdfficlently IlImted, Ilnd It. will retreat ()fH~. H r l\'e Is alao tl\reatp' Cj lI~d ho\\r 11m 1 to g~t UB itS oW ll?and" tbf!lr lonely lI!t\latlon!, !flit !lot clo to mllke f"r~)Jer encr?aclIJl1\lnt upon ' 1J~~'nI1"tv e4eCJ Hie .1101e liIe liu been devot8(\ to n.ny ,heow!' from hoine, and at t'be W,J1d Il charIties, It for pnstnrnge" tberefufO' when the pss· the ';:elrue bll ' /IlId 'fla..! 'hit! p\ti 'lty left, J'vo 0 doubt, Bir. seemed dreo.ry cn ugh. . tures will not summer the st8ok, thnt th~ poor he Never take any gao 'b'ack; sir. Sple'ndld The Bl.\bject wil,a a~tated in the cobin of produGts' of the 1ields ,will winter, they m bargain.' and he 'Illlncled t~e\ atrangllr" ,ilie ,t!oat 1md a collection \Y1l9 stArtEld te, aid I be enlarged by a·portion froJn 'the fiellhi nllte to II 'l ittle Jow'-faced clork behind 'the forlorn widow ana bel' helpless IlIf8lnts. fOr whe\, a piece of tillage land 'is reduced .... eafNr ie ..ot ended" him.' V''"' The sum amounted >'to considerable, and so as not to pay for cultivating, it i~ "turn: " _ ', eve1ltl may occur in EuroPl' be- The Ynnkt:e 'BoJ( I!. SUdden notlol} to in- with ey08 over'ftowing with t.ears ,1)f c:om, I ed cut" to pasture. S~m by co'ncentrllting fOre lie hal attained: IUl old age! Nor is pockot-book, III if he Tenlly, ex- miseration, a,committee' proceeded to lie- l~~or imd un~ring . bei.ter, the originrll fef6' n'i>r' ..... ~nTv R....." ret- dead, though find another atrllyfi\l;y. ~Ien Iud- ItoW tbe gin upQIi the rebct. , ' ' ttlr~y of n portton ot the farm may :be'tnaln, aiijmIt hI!*: head to the executlcner's ue, ho cried. out: ~ . ' ," Sbe ,VOB /if'Jlted up' ,n a barrel orwhite llsJ\ tainoa: but its aglr'ogl).~e/J!roductivenes8 \8 she ••aU... Wtter delrtiny; and in !lie Inte Sll,>" niiB~or, lItOp! it~~ ', ~ mistake, you knitting, where 'th!l committee rouna ~er" , much dimi~i8hed. AM when j requires INDUCEMENft ron CLtJBBllifG. pHclamatlOD, KOIII!uth predicts in fflagniJi- have got the wlOng .nOte-W8. a "hroken a/ld ahowed ' !!vidcnoes o~ berng partially constant tOil the whole, yenr ~'to make :> ~ples fO;\6 nlO • 1411<1 ~ic8 for )2.1110.•116, cent teJ'1D8 that sbe wilf one dllY break th~ b",nk! ' • , " j roconciled to the lose. she bad sustained. ends mpet," the 1"lc~ hwdsot the w:e!$~,lpr~II" :> ~n;hem.':nd Wel!~er:?no~oy tlll,e~~a:~a~': chatty,nth, which tlor tyt'anls J!ave hound 'No, differe~lce, 8ir-~od enough (or Ull,' The 11l0ne~ WIl8 pilid over-ilie wlliow 'de~ eilt' villionB of ense plenty' too 8uIJ8criplioD8., PostOffiooSlllmpe ~ken at theIr her. ,\ said tlie auCti ne~r-'too old to bl'! caught positl'd jt tn tl purso eonta1ning-a lllrge 'a- to reais~f and emigrlltion to , IUinois, full vtdue. • ' ''Louill Ko..u~ is or a: tall form; of n by ,quite 80 .ippat;ent a trlc""' • mount of silvor. and s::ome gold, and then, consin ot Iowa, is ~In~t in order.'" , ' pale oouatenaDce; he hu a , hlgll a~d 'Go!>d enpugh for )'0\1,' h1l1' illli4 the Yetn- as she.: re8umt'd h~r knitting, remarllro~, ,The land in , tho immediate vicinitY , 1'0 any pot8Qn~~~~ilffa::i UB Throo ·Sub. ,t~head, "lue eyat, thick efe-brow'lI. with appare/lt mortUicati9/l' at his faii- with ,ubdued feelinge: I cities and huge villages ill' becoming more senbers. we wl!1 prC8CUt 0 oopy oftbel'A't'UfT ml~D- Ie pve and dig~ltled. His . 'Well Q bargnitl'1l a bargllin, ls'posc. "Wnal-I dunuo u I orter ery much- fertile . 'rho sQurce (rom Whj h this ferTilE U '~!iP s;rA'rJiS, 1ogQ~bor all tho ¥ou ~Yorkerlillfe 'tsrn~lion c~te,al1yh06w: he \va,'n't re'alty a blood relatlon1" . tility is derived js evident. Every year lion, r Inllve to the PATi.'Nt 0t·ncE1IVsf. ' pbyaJ0KD9ml'i8 marlteCl -wjtb look ia o(\en turned ,to An~ wtt'~ '.\'ather a long cou'nten~nco. he Tho committee retired. > thoUflQnda nnd tens of thousftui!s of cattle NUs.lnciudms full c;lireel1on. for tnld~tl*tiIIPeU.a almoet aU the livi~ language. I~Ct lh store, and. turned down Fulton ', ' ' [Bu1fa10 CourIer. and sheep nre collected i'l Vormont and bl~~~::'il~~~1~n~~~, ~i~~lin~~'d EUrope. RJa P,l,ind il'well cultlva~. Iff! Sbreet. I. . " ' ' , r Now .lIampiUlire for th.e city Consumption. Irllnsfernng Pulont Rig,h!8 &0. , wa made 19r governor q( a empiro, ~Come, Sol,' II111d one, 'that lut tpn be- , TmCKIHG SAT~lf.-Thill \lId gentlelJlon, The vegetable prod!1ct.onil of the Boil, to nn reaQltlll1{ll't1~o N. B,-Sobeeribers WIll ~1Ir- in mind that"'; U. in adversity~ a well If in to' the company. Let'S sh\1t the door although conllidered rather fib.,., than Clth· enorm6uB extent, ar~ furnished for ,the same employ no Allen to traY I Oll our account, he will p,e.erve ~ rellpect or ', ' erwi~, no been ' served aome very aeulo pUfJl08e. togeiber with largo quantities R0.&D NOTICE.":'NI1.i"c\l is ';;;rebylriyett lIatiOnl':' , • tuoney Moses,' said thll tt:ieka. .A mong ilie'1'Cl1t,we have he~rd IO~ a ,~our, daily supplied f~m Western N. that t\ p/ltitlun will be p~eeontt:d to &he Tnill; I' . , luc~one!lr.' 'Ha! this1 A PUlIl- a poQr cobbler who. made all'agUe .wlth Illlm and farther on . . In Uns way tlie 'eI13mlm~9 1 ntlCC!88nry tecll ofWaynelownship at lheir ...ton og t~e Heal... froa Wat pmtD no.te! . A quickl some of you. and vJ\er enjoyiug' every eartlily blessing, or fertility nre ' transrerred, tho subaurbs b at mnlerial t first~londay in March next prllying for &heloeae,. The .wlJ,tch is a gal- he was waited upon a~the end of tho tClrm cities a~e enrioJII~,d, and remote districts imdimnko. ~y ord.lcle .ion ofa ,townsh1p rOQd oogmil)g Ill" alump il1 Tbe , Ii d i' SPIlIM on Ihcrood lend4Jg from Woynesvillo to Free\JC!rt< eed i~ in twelv'e dollars!' bf hie brimsl.one m8jeBty W 0 emllJldeO' ,poverished. Tbe grazing portion" uf Vel'~oti8factlon in all 11M on the -line dividing the land 01 ..(jexander II. diseover8cl a two or'three or the con~ 1111 80111. mont and , New Hampil '\e are becoming ullll08t pa.ine .wlll Stewart lind the b in ofThomu Smith theller.'7" ~, III..... t aDd b t fro the Yankee. When ' they The cotibler took It - .barp knife an~ 1I'1p- leu valuabl\l, ana so are 1 placell that ex- \York eq liS to Inspire tbo ,CO!~ntll el)(:e "'''U.tIUBIJrB'I wllh 'laid line, cut to a red oak tree IU &ho foot 0(; ~~-:"~.... 1._~Ijgb~"'~ we'll letthel'ubJic know.-tThe ping off.the iIIOul of hie ehoe, threw it at the port morl! fertllity'ihnn'they import or man- tbe Pllltl,onoge'of the the hUl th lilr.ewulI bollow thClJ)ce up tlaeliill in DWJQJ ""'wu ...,. ...... ' feet of b' 'J)' tri t uti tur IlS we u n081nCII8 allQuthel1y diJecr;ion Untll it suikea tmo~r nne 1lr. P n h~ addreeeed a lelter to " .• II I u. oue gues,' , ' a~ e. • . ~hlp. A llbornl atrona e botween Stewart lind the hoit'1l of ThoDWI Smlth JI!r, ill wll!ch he ..ys that Xl' III II P i · ' Ed -. Wbat doee that mean1 IU'led the latter. . Ie it worth while to seek a remedy (or tb8>pnblioienerJlywill~ thence eUL with anid Iino ,to -Willltm Hum . . . . . .t . ' tQ .1,b8 amount · or' ga&1eI ie Forr~y p-:::t='td:~ive:..c:.~oll·al th '~k at the' contraotl' ~eplied the cob- theae evils1 In 'China tbe people a.-o ai- cd~elC. , All kind. of nOrthwelll,~mer, tbenoewitbHarriuodSm.'"
PaJlta (or
:.fter.n the
:::t~~Jo~r. &rorte~) own' OJ ~u b1S~tan ~xamined thII:contrac~ a~d '18~, IlUc!~d:~ =!~ ~~~.~~~~~~I ~~!~ili:je~~pl~:IJ~: ,p~Jt ' authority eddfeation II comin' to.
.alIat!D OcL
~ water • .,d aep~tinr the gBlleI and
that .... 4IweUlog wu lighted (or 9 'Weeks ~ liPi =~ by the oomblmfon of me...... ,vz plv.anic electrioity, the IIIOtift power bebitr- • commoll b..... ejght day cIDek. H~ of the citW!nsof W...... "ltDe.e4 dUB. Lut April be
m Woreeater d moved ........... to it. The Lf;' ~n e!:tlDued Wk. tower
to . . ill thl8 tower UDdl l.ea!ber, and ~~ bJ citizeDl, of orl:e41;er _ ~ --.pl0li01l oocarred througfa 1
_Ilia I .. uraDMIiItaot;8iDce~bicb , Nt. ... beeD emplofed in reo.,.. "~. A.tore in . . . . . . . 1Iy tbe combaetion _~ii t be
la......,. .... ~ thalli.. dltcoy.
- r - for tWlcIale.-
::~~~n~a::~ b~a;~~~/:? lnar~~~~m_ ::1I.re:6t~tl~~~b~e
fOllnd . thattlth: ,!OM wal SOtE, which 011l1y port vaat qUllntiti.elloffertiiising lIuffstanGes, Waynesville, J.an . 90. ! ' lrtf 1'1enillhln ~d the comm'on dominator' and ,enti . ell hIm to the piece ot leather. .Be but our populatIon is not flO denso u to ADIIIIN18TRA.T0R8' ...OTICE. knew all ~bout the riven Ilnd their obttua- ~~rn~ his ~e~, d. went oft'.cratebin~ tender it absolutely necel8ary .in our oue. pCb'lo,Jodebltld to the .&ale of Dr. ries. the covenante.and domitorie., the prov- 8:rl\tcW"'~V~~ &Inc! ' u been u11ed '01 BweRides thtl c.lie~p. ~db f~tile lrmds orthe well to°:O~e~Tw~rf;As~:,~=; :=~n~o ineetJ and umpiree, they bad ' eddicatlon • \' . eat are so IDvltrnR;, t at It must he a wlqlout further del'I. ' . • enougb.-But now they have to Itudy S' I kf . time before eJtpenilVe cultivation wi D, . BURSON, A.dm' bottomr,Algierboy,aDdbav~todemonstrate .. p omeon~ 00 ~gat a rich man .!8Id, rellOrtedto. Yet it is importanttbat E;F~ER. n. lIujlJ»Oeltions tbollt II)'cophantl of circules ..¥:an · hel:ntolhI~ day I~d night till he should understand wbat , ~ are about. ""At. O-thO!"' indebted to the late. tan tI adD' .' r all 1 J WU OnYI to. gIL IS weo. Wj and be bu/ tbere ate defects in OJU' system let th "'.1 b(lr& DaVd aro requested to call ~nnotbl!lg~~J:be °oJid~,:'f!d:: =nc~:c~i~g it ever ~ince for his vietutLlII pointed outl and if p09llible. ~meclied~m ~tri~ya~r:::ed,Immedillrc cowaticu.!lDd .petruee tiapalee.' - And e . , ' . .ny rat?~ ~armetl should I~ve and IIIpply "Ian. IU. 1850. the old lally wu 10 collfuleCl 'filth tne teck. womtUJ quarreling, WIth ·her ' buebllJlld the fertilnnng substancel WIthin their reach. ---:-'~"""::.;:;:OT=I;:;:C::&=---:"':'~nlct. names1hat ahe .... forced to .top. Aid .he belleyed he would m'!'Y the devil'. -W.~. ~4.TOK. Eut Weare, N, H.-AI. 'T HE not.le and IICCOIInte of Dr.). G. Johneon . daughter. , rtlJ'h.e Illw doea not allow ~ mlUl bany l, ultlV8tor. IIJId , D~.ld SulfriDe 1m! ill my harnla (or Deacou Pequirk, a ltIunch tempel'lJlce to:Jllarry two al'~" .fepl! '--collection. All pcr80na Indebted to Ih 01, or man, aeIdeotal1y awallowllIf • rousing huebudl Tbe following i. the beat conumdnuD ::rr.~ thelDili·,. c:aJ1 tumbler of .... the ' odaer day, Was uke,l Luther ;. tald CD hare put dui de U with which we have met far "theIe IDU7 eAd_IUI how he fWt act. it. ' ' Bight with fftbund h clt he h dQl!-" IllO by Dote, book "Bcnr did I reel," Rid he. "Wh" felt I hi, heacI. old rell~: alw.: Wby it • newapaper like, a too&h brIM. ~ were on the roof or oar meetiJur-bOQle. ad opp0ae4 to each thin .. _,ii':.:' C~Dec:aU18 eve.,. bocl1 Keft. act U thlbtle wu • je'IVlharp.'T "'nUll( ent"aiJlce. ~ '--' prorided with Olle of bIiI cnra aM DOt G It 'aaure:lDp. ic ~ hle lleipbor'a. . l1li. 'J5, I ) •.
A 1L
W~:~'rn~_~.'::,b·t~t~m~~mth~~ee:,t-:!~~~~~I ham'lI aouth ,8118\ comer thence IOUth with fl~~l~~:~~i~:e:o'li~Y! fr:~~:;diC:;~ md~1. Lov LukeMlo Abralim Bow;mana ilouih west corner, thenee ell8t wit Bowman .. IIIld Luken. Une to the counl(i road ~adiDlr hom WOfD4lnille tv,ree!:8rtllJld aJ'Yq8blltglirol!tll.Ddihere.end tn. l~ ~w A. FETITIONER. TIN W 'UDder•
coar: 011::'.
1Iboukl" :l:3
. u '( lIIt 1'11. prepared. into ' II'U IJnllCC1\1IinllrtlmAnt ~ , With noiscless I. ~nllt 1ighteil by up .. acen of the doo~ · M tlll~ c"nmber. ~hl'.loc~ by ' BOn and <lU1I"IIIU"", l'TII'CSIIU'flr!: till It turnll on Its 1'-' ',t'o ! • I lorCe(I' C'l)nlt~e!nC'llhn8 und Ii£' elltere, and 4V .. .. V'.,.;u • mon'iJ manneTSj therelaDofu. " thougl~hnviTi.~,lIee!l . 'him: ' TIl{' ~oonl w,ns .uncorlunollly;1 love. We care not how ~I. I years, mlg4t' IItl)1 -be ope p. to tbe admleslon of lI~bt. ThQ,. ~ .g et hlm.in6"med with,~ico cOl~htel'le. i ,foT.ull,he couliI sbow "on t:\le 'of t~~ icllnocent, !lleepe.r wns , tt\rn~d 'thall four 'w~eks you will tOO pr,nt thoughts to bl;! sure.' 'Dllt. tlie murderer, nnd tho lionms ,of the , I ~8ked !.Ii hone t 60be(ne8~, , '~n .the grey lucks of'hill 'aged Lelllln"~. v,rILu", 'lll.'"' intelligence, , llyrO~ ~n~ Indulgio«- jD ru1H~ are t11(;lUgh~s, ·and Ir,QW' can . you , get . , I~ I.mw~o~~ · ~ , .s~r.ikc... 'l'he ~re~£'n,t them a gOod , , "t , . -.' t" them to prlDtl' '. hOllghtR nre w.hat , IS '/?Iven ~ 1l!ld tIle ~l~tlm pa$scs, . ,bfe, and giv!l tllem . A, pre"clllj,.. durlug a ~IICOWse, em,;,.hat, . out ~r people~~ mID s.... .bo repl)ed, o~t , a 8truggl~ or Il ",otlun, freim th~ c~ly . uked:' 'What 8818 ' Da'Yid ~onthi8 of. them., IIlde~ . Why minds 01 IIlcep to the repose of denth! It , head!, 'llhe pOl'aon'"blnck ~ervant iilltaaong you " get hbld of, nor ns (IBllin',s purpose to kil 811r~ work <:are ,,~biol~ ,sbe· ia clipo.blO of tly replied, 'MaUl David say you e}jill ~ab th(lIlrrbts either. All '.he mindH that ever l)e yet Plies the dngger. UiougQ it Wlltl . l1pon lIl'ra,elf. His own employments ' no .m~ro ~eeftrom, bi l1l. f1Jl ~ott'p'y"': otr · C1e and aU the thoughts ~hat min~s o~s th.\qili.> lad been destroyed lly tbe l1su.al1~ II lell lui to~ ~equire; his w,iole me;f·~,':;a;.,' old score, ) , ,. wQlfld'nt mnke n b\lllils big os 01 ltle UluduelJn, He even ~ai~es the aged i IIn4 IIlI! ,~hole mmd i , A good wi(e " ·A y~~ntlQd~ engaged irr~J.JJDg~ o*"ed M,irids thl'Y ,any lire jl,lst like Ilir, ,I11'm, fb !\t h'e may- not f~.i1lti 11iil'lIhn ot th~'J ll'eve.r sutler her .h~Rblllld·s, ottelltil,>n a clergy,!,~n.Rreeent that she ~lSucHb~. y'o~ don t see thell,l; they, i10!i't mnke ony 1:~lIrt, alid ~epluce it agui,~ !>ver.the \voundlSl tl'~trdCled br detal~~ to '~hlch her ow . To ,which. ibe man in orlled;wtt1i ai .~pci11 nOlsB. or hllv~ nlly.' colp~. they IlQn't weigh of the l'OOIlird! To finish the ' picttlrt', hil 'lind' talents nr., adequ.llt~, If , aDd r.lerlclll1\ll~rnlJ1ellt q-Ulr. · Qtetti\&&le, lI.nythlDg,. Dill DeepQut, tbe \lexton, ~nys. explore", the wtist (or ~.he. pulse! " lil' fee,ls promp.tl}d by true alfe tJQn ond;good tep,ied, And fa4r I see.' (Phar In;) . '\ th~t.a man ,weighs ju~t: ~~ , much :\.hep his for:it; un.d u~~rt.nimj ,that,it belits nO' longor! , she will perceive whim l!i8 splri; 18 .borne V.it~e la made ~or " dffticultie', ' and ,~I ' mlJld hus go"e out.. o[ Ill", os he ~ Id berare. ~ t lB 'acQqJJlph shcd., The deed is done. ·1le. 1down lind .ov rwhelmed. . She, q{ nil hu.stron),l4!1' and brighter for 8)1~b tr"18. ' No, fii., all' tho minds,tnllt ever lived would ltehents, retrus;es hr~' ,step" to the. wiudow! m.un bl'intte) Clip !lest minister to itS nl'ede. not we igl\ nn ,~u~ce .t~oy.'. .:: Plll's,cl!, Qnt t.hrough i~ ail he ' c;nme in i" an~ ~or i.h~ sick !W~I, ' her nUi'lIil,lg is quito nl§ ' "It i. Hid there Is. Iwamp .~ tb 8oIlth ' ~'l'lien ho:-v: do you ~mnt ~bougbtlll' noupes.!'Ie' has Aone till' mlJrder-no eye . sove~eJgn ~Ii' It 18 rO,r .eo~po~ol ilI.s.' If it bad that tho birdl never fly 'o"e, it, (fom oskc)d, 'If nunda ore tl.ln us Ulr, alii! , s£'en I1I'1D, ,11O eor has beard ' hioi. The \le. weury, ID ,hllr n!i!ndult~ ,It fi~dll repose , o,!bogging their "'hddoWII, , thinper s;m, and' rrl llk\l·t!o noise, nnd is' bit! own, nlld it ill snle! . nnd rel'rl'dbment.'. 'It' It ,be 'h~rla88ed lllld Old ma'idl ~h"uidneverJl~R.II'.ro'rNlo"l 19 subf$funce, !i4!1do Ot color, ' nnd lue ' " gentlemulI,' iliut wus Il dreadful Inisl 'Worn , to' I\, 'inpr~id' irritnbility ii~r gp'ntlet , dnllgbtl'r ufo Enoch,' w•• ' fin hUDdred winds, !lnd, 1l10re tll,ulI the winels, nro. ~y- take. Such a s('~ret cn~1 be sofcnu:\vl1ere:f,!onI:8 stenl over' it ,yith 0, BOllth,illg ' qlore eight years olil w~en Ihe \\tu m¢Jea. ,w /lcre JR 8 moment; oll'letimcs ill henven The whole rl'eatlon of God hus' neither potent tIlU.n the most cxq Illite ' DIU ic'• .' 'If A. lady of inaeFen~ent fort'Jne, 'ilted ' in , a~d sorpetime~ op;~arthj h,OW ,CiIll,)'OIl 1l0o J(. nor c;orncr;, '~here thl'guilty C8n bes- ,fIl9Y ente~lI'ri~ b~ deod, a~~ hope ' itself ~ILondon a f~w week. , libee, from the efIKt. of them! ho,~ enn youl 8,e(\ them when It, alld .say It JI! safe. Not t{) speak of most extlll/rulsh.e d"htlt ' pntl ~nct)' 1I.'Il(l ,forti· ~.fexc~l8lvely d~loktnJ ~z:andy a~d liD. I Call1l'lIt. or Il1,JOW them t~. othe,rs1~ , t1I1,l teye W lJIC1.l ghll!(\~s throuf:b ~ll 9isguises.. lode hnve; ~J1e po\\'er, ~o . ~",~le the,m into el!s eyes ~ew 1\11111110U8 ' w.h.h .n 1I~<.\ behtlldil everythIng. tl8 )II the splendor tfi(\ heart, and r'~e ngam goes forth to re- ~"'lOnM' Ho,," do you ge~ your ice!' uked a'wtrQand push!ng I,lis ilJ\<-rol)er Jiro'qd- 01 nOOll, 'Stlill} secret!! of ir,uilt OTe JlcYllf lIale new tJ~e'.e.ncount,er' with th~ toil~ and troU· ger; " By' \\Tllter,' wll!I ·tIiCl'Nply,. y acro~s . ~t1tahc \lag~ of "lac ne~ lI,pn!' c.yen by JUen. ' True it .~s, bles 01 hi'll' . ". . WHy Is a Hebrtw.la '• .feyer lib " SENlijX, ' per, ~e ,replied,. 'Thougll\il wor,k ,. ond, wnlk . 109, thnt 1'lIIurder .",m out' l \" - ' . I mond! ,H e 'Iii dew.iI. . , ,) . ' , . ' --r.--~lh thmgs thot ~~k\l tradcsj",nnd we tu.ke t Pi-ovid nce !lath'so ordo.i'ned • . l.orpeJual MOUnn. . , ' ~e 11, tr~ck!j aqd ,lItu,mp ·tllem 01'\ paper,or ~vllrJl things, th'nt tJlO (l "Yh~·.' A wr!,tEI~ III t~1l Chlll'let\to'? .~(11rCU1'Y 118MIITri~th"e penaltY paid for courting. ' Jron, wood~ 1It-,lDe or wllalllot. "THAt is :the 'great I~w ' ofheay JI"lJy shedding .F;ertIJ, wltl~ , c,Q~tllder~bl~ p081tl~eneSll, thnt rho mOat 'u aerufleuon In t)Je ~ooJ 'Ot, ' . w!ly we-Prlot tho,ugh~. , Donlt y.ou ullde~-. blood, scldo.rn !lu!l/).ee~ ' in' avoiding. ,'I,tile .dream 01 IIlventQr s hilS at Inst boen \ . lir~, I, that whicb teachee ... to be conteDt, BY WJUUM II. IltEC~&lC stand p. ' , " ' . . <hacovery, E. l'Ocidlly, in u (\lise :excitiJl~ t renhset1,. anll that a perpetu.al ~otiou hi of AclvOfl\ ••.. ~8n~" knov.:le!lge I. bu~ IS the riwfet, ~ -.; ~.e pre8Q~lnl:l leqro ,the leveT; lind IQok7, so much ,~t .ntion' liS this) di:!cov,'I mur t fin.~lly dl~I~~e!ed, . He BUYS: • ' . ,. '.I)nIIlU"'lIe:' lin.: ' 18'Il.0rance IS, ~e Ie.. . "' i ' Now DIy eun oClife Is eettinlt ed lI\oorrogntJ)'e lyat Ezekiel, beginning nt aJl(~ win. come, BOOUCTlj)t luter. A ! . We t!om.elll~e 1I1nce dOW !l ,notlce ort~e No" my, lwil~b' h~urll ~Ir~w noqr, ' o.n ~il'ojt:iilgle~s broga1!l:I. 'I\ml . ~yc~ tu't n at once. to eXcl'lorel'e !)ry , dll~cl?'vory 1 ! tlil"', principle i~ ,the conRlrucWeb'ater's Spelling boate ,' are ' !lOla .., the A'!\Vct:~n~;~'t:~rFe°!~~ffere: r . up w~tb hili e~a. to the, to~ <>f the Dlsn ev.err thll,g,.every circllmstallce, COII- ! t1\In o[u 5eJl'lIlp'ymgwheel,~y R: Rochell~r, ~e of a million elf C9piee year, DIl\' l :m "embUng, and 1'm j,hqnlc.ing, I, hull' cap, • Eze.kle~ com- nccted ~'th (I~e- t:lflle nnd pldce; 'il thou$1!n.d' ~blh~?ll, Ga,l1~d; as I!, lormer c~Re8 ~f B Why I, a glr~ w~o .... .injured be.,elf ,At the.JitialplllW ancl·strite of~ hi,s- il!U/ltratioll, CIITS c,\tch e.very \\lhil!p~r.; a ~ousnnd l'xci- . Illlllliur JiI~I,~, se· It dO,~vn 118 on~ 01 , the I.. hire, Iiko a aw(l'rd1 : Sb~ I. ' . CIIl\ EYer ,.hinkinf~ Ihmking, lh'llihing . " Oil. hiS to\f,' ,npron, t~\1 1~,~dij Il'Jtlln~e ly; i1wel[ on the SC(lO 11 , teat abortl:O.IlS Qf some o~celltrJc nod drea, , 0Ftheo "_ lllllO g 8I1I)dii:,.of life. "1 ,.'" a..~tlin.ctl \ n~ ~ttltudll p f. Illll'ne ( sbelldtn! 1111 tl~e(r Jigl}t, !lntl ready· to k indle rilym~cliaDl~, Q(l yes~e[daY'"bowov r, In Ihll ViIJOT of iny morning, ' .lm(Pc,"jtio~l~ ,I ga~c lilm ~Il e.I\Qo agll)g ~e IIl1ghleltt. thrcilln$tflnee' into· Q. blaze 'of had t~e /Ia~,af~\lol\ ' 0.' _Ing ~e . Willi my epirilll, Ijgqtond f~oe,w~nt , Oil. . " , diSCOVery, M~al\,tiJl\e, ~e guilt~ Houl c\l.n, 1 ,w leel ~~e~!; all,~ ~rom a care~l, When ,my eturdy' hearl W,1l8 8corning . ' muke If.nc;k,, .. he ontinued, keop' its 'o wn secret: It'i,I! 'fnl~e to Hell]:" nll~lon of ~ts pal'ts, :wblc!a, were tuken -In 'J:' All the ill8,that C8lrftl 10 ~n.e.,if ev~lyi!,g ,ne\~ pb l\80 r-jlt~ler it feels. nn,.irTc,sistiblC;' ,impul~e of ~ ;lOICI'Bt'd a.~d r!lal'rong ,in 1I,~r .pre8el)('.e, we· 1;llIle Ihought J of \.he BW~(lin~, '. repeati~g llelowly' . Seeing conSCJence to be,trne to J't-elf. It labo"" d.o not hesltllte to .pronoun.ce It a self-mov· I ~ ' .. I I ( FlW'rul.lreI1JtI1'0fhuman . ~1I1; . 'Now I' m WecPID(f, 'fVeepin/r. weepi!):: this pr.0po;>itlOll .inquiringly, ,!.nde(its guilty posscfls ion, and knows not ' ,lII,g \V Ie , woichJ iF Jeft 'aloll,;"" would; . O'er tho .leeRing Iloul '\Vilhin, ", cnse, w:it.h., )Iis eye whllt to do with i\. Thel\umaJ1 liellrt wwi Without cq,llsntlon, anil untouched bX nny 'J I , , . U8. Thquglltli for the relij~ence ofs ucb arl'illhnb- Ol)e mov~' u~~.11 the materialil wHich :jt , . With.,lliy, manhllO!i'e mo~ing.8qunntiorcJ, arrang iflg.' in 11i/l I; finds itself ,prt'yed '011 by a .torment l~ comp,ose4 dccny fro", the influence of " rOlnlol\IIC In1i~~e~a1.::~~Ir.~J\~ri~\l~:;ny, ," a, Bcore ,t"y,o or metal slws, tOl)d eh it d,lrcs, bt ncknbw.led~ to, God 0 1; pme, and , ,~uch" C~U$e8, ~, act ~R9n, ~11 per:;h;;'~; ';~-;'-"i'-':·:-rl~~l'. . O'er my lone .fIIllUi~pl)1I ""Y. Ilere l~tters, We cnD take the ex· .' A vulture is tlev?~~i\lg It, and it ea'!.· 18h~~le obJe;ts. ,!he power III 80 ~eat, cerlnl'IIY, 8~rld Frf)m thn yorge of1ft'e 1'111 buililll!. 01 ('\·.ery- thou~ht that ever lIS" ,n o sYlIlpaty or nSslstnce, 'eittler from when oncl~ In ~ol1on , ~bat, un,ebncke~ by IUlliinell8 Wllfnlflg' tli06e 1 1J'lIv(),btrhil1l1 ; out tbe henl't Of'l human man; heaven or . cunt., The secret which the pr(J p~r m ~llns, It woul~ cause lts I?wn desAnd I'm wRillng, wni lirlg, wnj.'il)g ., pri1,lt. it too,: 'rr,ivlnll the illked . p'ol!sesses .sO, on 'cornell' ttl ·posaeEs , tructlon,/' , O'er. illY flliling POW'1I101 minll( '" ~ ~i!.;I--_--;--r-_ . . or tri~m/lb with his , ~~!, 'we m; ~nd. like thl' ~yi1 spirits of wbich ' ~ve . . Early Rillin • ' ~' -.1 ' ., ' p.ttnt: tl t~, giVE) ~a popel' .ond . mk .reud, Ito~l:>rcO~1'81iIm,nn~ leolls him whrth~re you' poor! yoo will :robnb~y forever e~wODS, till ~he ,~o~t ' roun.d earth 18 e?,~ever !t r~~ n, 1t~ fe('ls ,it ,he.llting :' nt remnin so, if ou hllbitu tll wRllte the , ;, ' ." , ' , ,. WIth ,a coverhd of hiS heart 1'(1IS I)gto IllS throot,Rod ·demnnlJ- ciOUII hours "o!'Ythe 'morni~ ' Yin bed thlll O\lf. morchanlll, m~lian1ciland Why rLeR"t~" ..bv.t. '<I _ pa~tern n~. h 0 ~(,D,S.' ing d!s~loll'~r~ . . ~e think!l ,~he ~v~ol~ worM w.iJI ~cek the labor or setv'ces 01' ,;im t~nir~en;:~~~. c~rtcl~:~::~in~tlW~ ~LlRU BURafT. . ' grpw ao IOcll at eycl:.V ilees It In I\ls ,fnc(l, re~d~ 1.1, In IllS eye~, and Bleeps and doze:! in the mornillg until. tlev. r.o~ "OW ~ ourselvt!8 or for city paper. brnwney prestll1;'JnJ.lI~0~~d·.fit8t slm,? t bears Itli worklllg 1JI the ve!'Y 81lenr,e en 'or 'eir,]jt 'clock! If such a erIJO!\ is of the , importance bfad,verli!JllmoD18 i i i . • , ,I lee Itj you wopld ask me wh.at 1 haye to say for myl!elf for d~pplolc the bammer ,thQn at t.he pr~.3s w,tll eVld~",~ .11/8 t~ollg~ts.. It ~11lII ~ecolOe hlS mllSte~. 1 poor, h~ m~~t l'omain puor. ' foRe t~lIt c l'l~llrY newspapers. Our fnerchnnt81n former I,t IS common for gtr~, :wbfq tJiey; rive an" taltirir un~e quill,RI a member of your ;;I'a\tt , "bou~ the mlnd' l1 It betrays h1i! dlSCt~tlOn, It br~n.lp! down .hlll would thri\.e must ri'e at'ft"e" Tile oo- ti,m 8 l~lIl,dliU l/rumselvllS knowl\ to 'IfI?h.cou'.'~rIY their consent. to say to their loven. "Go . ' '-1 91 ill be lionest " ~clilimed 'tho bo" pointin'" Pllt ,, ' 11'I/1 pru ' ,ence. Wh en 'can ill Iftor,l · to lose 0 , , , )rOllg.. e country IUlwsp"pors. I! 'lUg It nsk my' lathel' proIieea\On~ now"and tell ~ .• , . to ~ cour;"1'!-' 't, I con'llIe~ dnily ' two or t ' ree ,bo dont! now wi til 'great advnnlogo, ' l!lvcry,lul, ' : "A b ac' be Ior r.eceDtll' got " ou jtbe whole iI\Ory, J' was, transposed a~ the /If'ound~ .as If ml~dd ;wer.o \!~,jplclon9, from wlth~ut, h.e gm to embaraps hom's 'tJ C best por~ion of the da.~~. 'E. 11l~ fai.hlor Ildllcrrl~ing · in'CQllnW'y newspapors a~qua'nted With Ito' "retty wom~n, to., wh?m , irolD f,be auvil to tb~ editor's chi.r by ,the . Jllcapabl.e ~f l m~ortuhty untl! him. ~na the net of clrcumsllloces to en~n: conomy. of. tiJTle alld dilligence In busines8 wll P:f bacft , Iwenty ~oltl\'''::[Albany l!:vollill, he very -,oon ~pp~ the qU~BtIOD. ,t o whlc~~_ _.. _ .nnb.. of macbil!~r!'. , J)~mIt smile" rriends I'ru__ te~ Tea. hed It 'a Iiejpmg:' ,hnnd: lw hy gl~ hIm, the fatlll Becret , Btruggle8 \V'lth. ore virtue8,leculinrlv apj)roprilite to tb08~ ;Journ . .. , . ehe rephed• • Go .,k. my ' bUllbl.Ddl' He . it ia even 80... I had ,atOocl and looked for world·ls brimful ~f live, brl~ht. Indus- still grellter . violenffl to burRt fortb, It who depol1l upon their eafnillgll for the ' Tit C . ' 1 P Id .' IUPP9IJ4ld. ber to be,. IIplqlter_ , boon '0 0 th~·thonghUell iron inool)ec,~, t~ougbts. wl\lc~ ,wou)d, hllve oeell must ~be con,fesaed, . it wi~~ b~ ' c'on'fe88e~, mellns of imbsliltance. Allowlo twelv" JohrtAda:', ~~~:nj~re~Jo:;ofl~o Uni. ' ." .' • . thOlNl. sober supple autom.ton~, .. they ~ead as a: stone -If It ~ nd~ ~ bc n ,for t~(Or.e 'IS no, ~,\I~ fro,!, c~~ esslo~ ~ut SUI' . working hourS to a allY, he ",ho fy rieln ted Stew, ulad' IU relate Ihe ruUowl aneololl)' ' ,Colored AdverUli.,.".... ., 'i!ugbt-.9p a bal.e ,O( cotton, Jlnd',thlrleel it III a }>oys hke .me ":V h ? h~ve run the 1~I<-ro.lIel'l!; clde nndsul"lde III conleSSlOIl,- D : W eb9te~. at eightinsteail of five o'clock in the morn~ i'Wben 1 was Ii bG)" J tD :ly Lilt , proree~ ,Plato CI~ a ,cotored piulon ,twlnilinlohuye,l,ptoa whirlwind ofwhlz- ~m'!lori~ltYd Ih~~hdi/V~y r~opl~ 8 ml~~~ " . ' . '. " ing, thereby 10seB tnreo 'hours lallor duily, gra1l'lmor, bill it' WI\S du.lI, and, 1 hnled it ' .My of red~kabllit1'" iJlSp8crol of w.lII, ud zinr IhridIi, U'ld 'aid it at my ft'eti,n,foldllof • e c?n mU 'WI ,, ~ Ii Im~I.llntlOJ:1 , C(JI~ ,RC I'RC h' tllta"road Officc ' 'pnttd With one fourth of hill 'meanll or' BUP' fntbor WIl8 OnXi ')llil to tionJ ma tq pllalgo' and wHI~wuJlift'l respel:ably; iufonn. tb" p"be .~ow wbite olotb. reaelY' for the ulle of .our m~ 'dlRto t Idn~rb a!le Y !Iii I ~':~' ·p~?t ~ /0 "DutchOll\n_'-JvnntA to geL I'ay ' fo; a pig PQrtI'rig him8~lr and (umily; ten '.V'earla la- Ilterefore, fitudl uJ the gr. lJI~t till TOJIIl'd elu: )jc! hilllfellow·clUlene .nd aboJilbum Sletr_ moat, yoluptuona antipodes. Tbey n s ~ou e Immor a Ii t~bn;"11 h or tor roll road ill nmned .over ..., ' 'bor hilt in the course 'oJ IQrty years' . dy it n~ longer' anl g-9i':l" to my flllh9r IlOld , wi~1 at~oel ~ onl.". in one or lila '~f.... "fondel'ru1 thing., ,t\l0ll81nomlland .pi'n dle.: l ' p1'mterr-a~ nny ra,:' t J8 ~e Secreta,.y-How came the ~ngine to ,uu . . " bim I did !lot likQ10 stu;'y and ask.ed lh'r 80Ule bUDI wid carerUJieflll and'de.pateb. .pOri'. but \hey coUld , not .pln , tbolll!'U; 'there' Pba!l~taryh ury ng;gt'tu°u\l '\ e,' al!e , Ii e ovC'r your pig I " . . A Repeme. ; el 1,loymorit- It Wl18 o""o~in" hi ~ wi~hos and 1101' Cisco,.beiug well .c~ulintAd With carau.lbu.· ~ '"'I . . I • d ( dcaDS • or• 'Dutchman ' , ._'Vy ' mine .. . " , n. & reparl,ee, or •a qUic • k • . , anllw.sr, . ...... .. .. 'W~II , Julin, ' , II. pe.a t bh~t.· · ta Ct Ics, 1011 C ts. ":J WU no .""'!. ... 01 , &1 VIQlty n, em, an {i w,. •athe mnnu'ac ' h'b' d'TeI lmmortu " t~ 'I.... '3 pig \vOl comlO' an d witty nnswer he 'yas quiok in ' h~~ _mg' !Ware 0 flo.I"a~ adlDlrechthealnotbinf Illoro. Tiley: were ea men! Clllu ~ Ihne 'hs IlPlflRg. 'T~.f1hprelSs- along ' oDd ter rallrond Willi' 'comin' nlona to no Insolent trunt, or to Illy ill natul'e~ Lelin IIrll;l1I»or does not Buit you try\U\cl)ing' ronage. HiB &on. lupltor .kmmon, will .... P_.' ... CU,,,OUB, .: - I 'co"ld mant [!,rIlCIOlll! y dubh Oil t ed ~ 0k IIIflr., pig d'd ' ter rallrolld , . .1' :~ or'IfO' ' .. qnestlon. . ' .. ' that WIII\ " I"Y meadow yonder ' at a m"'m ' -n'.....;" ..."...."...,.'e.,. 0,', .. k 't it If ht f tlle QtI ter I notsee comln DI 'U I',10k eo. IS. II')way.e we It (lllr hbpS wDnli a, o .... r,-n ovsters ( U ~. .... warn..... ,lpg, a."".N ,Itile wbole aomp...:of .Uteir, dSllog add 00 'b ",I' " ~ ha bn gh dO . e le- 11l1 n".an:l' tnr rail ro:\d did notBee tar ·p h... received (whether in 0 plliltic J8f1~mbly or 4ilch lUI" you. InRy PUI h" Latin Dnd cry that. to plll'tlell" call de figures and ,la)' the vi ' , tI ' . 11 ' in . d I i't Quor .or t t'\ oy B put ,t Ie '" .., )1. T " ~ 1 I " l' (. , . ID n,~ p,o wel; 80 4 \I . .. wayan e or hi'" ror(,sSlon hi sllbrme D I,C>- went to run· under ler railroad \leo it WII,S, private CODlpUliy uy the pe/'AOns wbo hear 'T}iis lJeellled 11 !illllllblful nhilnge, DOll 10 tho 10. ' ' " ·,dielD aplnJ;lIog-cotto,n.. 'Give l~ one 'ood be Ith mr d" Cr'lllil1' along, ond ter Toil rOlld runnt'd ovl!r it"opd gi"et\ II Tapu~tion to the mati who ml!~l(ow J . ent, bill Boon mund dltc:blni hlll'4,or ' N. B.~upltor Ammon .,. . . u, ~ pAe d&11 was tUOlhg fIIY anVil beneath E ' kl 1 t t1~ 1. /I Y /l ' l ter pig ven be Wll8 cor'nin'along' . makes it_ Clcero,' in one o/' hielectureil to Ihll.n Latin, an~ lhef\l'8t forenoon was die long- a hoo\ u. lUIy c:qlored 'I!m'ID~' iD B~. ~ 110&> I.... aDd b~y with the thought, that r , ' z~ ~ ,' 0 lin/\, or u~, 0:11 ,~e Secreturyr-My friend' l.don1t tliink tliis ~Jtieus, inr<lrms him of lOme reproachetl, a ell! I lIv'et llJIj)crien'\!oo. . . tam. ' . : ,' ,then "U ... ~~~ intellec:tual phllolOpby IJrm.llh a! OZ Jl:J worlda~. big '18 t 18 Is II elISe in which 'Uie ro~d nu ht to pit. k1ild 01' course raillary, which palled b~ "That "day ' . a\O 0 breild orillbOr, and glad ' ' thoughts ,t.fl Order. GIV~ U8 Bllch, a ! Dutchman~en afterword: • ICN!PYm tweog hI,m,ijelf and Clodi~8 in the senaw, was, 1 when nlgbt CAlli e on. ,ThaI nlihll ma4e DULOGtJ..-;-"Uttleboy, how many kiDcII iq,my. hlDllDer GIIlD aDJ of the ~!D(.. ~q ~ tlmee, whe.n • moat I WI~ in~ure his ltre~ ~,II , pi~ frOlD cromln' along 'Ven teo,' rllil road ~ and eeemll, lto'exu)t,.nd ~alue hi,mltelf lIluch eome comp~li lOti b.ttwo«:ri LlI.tin ', "lin mer Ind 9f ft!,8 are tht'.rel" .. ~, . . . .i'n g ,iercecl m, ears;' J etepa.lve .orever nmong ~ ~ v!ng, comin alon"'.' ' , ' on ,his oWnl repartl; thougb I do nOl think dltcltln" but said not II word Ilbuut'it, dill noat "E our,str." ,, .lOt\be doorv.lld thOre,I' Will. the great d'el no wny yO? can tt.'C It, ~,,,~en I" \ ~ , , . ' tbat titi" wall! one or CicerO'd exct'llenciea: forenooll, anti 'wllntcd to rCluni ttl Latin IIC din"W,hat Ire they ca,1lecl!" " H_I y~, he hael r>",e, lqolti'ng _ w~ have touched hllll ,wlth ~lic8e, here , ,, , , Atterbury, Bililops of R :>ctiellter. when a ner; bUI i~, Willi hll,mili:lling, al\ll Icould,nol ~o WOod ~, ('oal 8re. campblre u\! 8re :.tor til) ~ Wo,ld i!ko,tlie pat.oDragon 'fVe blt,a IJlky P, wter. Ue ~h/lD t die nor i ,. ' . Sen!llb;f'." certilin b,ll was brought ihto Ihe HoulCe of I'. At Iltg I, toil Q.)n aare,t po'i hI; and tnO\liJ! awarlike I~:" , ,' . ,read of.tD the SCJ'~pture"harne~ to . al OJ!. We WIll keel) hie mInd at Wl)l'\c on , S--:ver!l~ m rr,~e nQllccs .lately sent foJ' JiOrds 8IIid 'mon~ otber t.!)iilg,:, "That he it Willi bno ofillc SCYOrtiSt ,trilllslevorhlllJ..in my , ...,(bat W,U do; you caD go up tail. ~a IlviDI world anti jUlit llUldeei on tbe ' al! the mfndll that IIvo nn ~Ilrth, and all the pllbllCQt.\o1l we~ oecqmp!l llIed by requests prophesied llilt wioW ·thiil 'biU would be life. I IQld Illy fRlher t1tllt lfhe chl)8O I woula go ' • " I • .wberebe.t004 braying I» eurprile lind io. mlllds ,~hat IIn,,'1 come to hye h,~re 118 long ~nter the .~rldegroo~~' nnme attempted in the prllent ~ l!eiliion 'and he bllck to Lalin grammer.. He wall glad ufii, nhd C):7'Thron,bout tbe.ut empire of ~.llfa\i D at the 'base.wte' to .which he 7hall as the ~or1d ·stan4s.'. . " . list uf sub c.nbcrii. TillS WI.' call wll8 8O&y til lind that he hsd proved.a true if 1 have "inee gainOcl U1y dl!linclion, it has liia.-through aU~iDlaod LaplUd Sw.,.... boon 'Vrlled. 1 eaw the ' gigalltic hexapeel '~aekle'" r IUIked, In 8ubdued reverence, Sl:l'IIiIBLE. lodeed, we have onen ".. My LordConingaby who been owing [0 Iho two dayi' labor in tlte abotit' and Norway-there i.· ~o co~ .0 po«' move wlth!a powew: tbat niade \he earth "W!,Il),ou p'r1n~ my t~Olll{hts .too!:. . . 1,"lie" would d? well to re,u e the 0t!er the Bisbopi' lind IIlwuy~ spoke in a inablo dilch." , . no hut 80 dplI.ti~ but It ~I U. trem~le b ~I_; NW: the armr. of ,huYeti, .diat 1 well,,J\e 'l'Qp'1 ~ Jryou.wllI uny mau who IS not, and. doo& not Illtend pa ilion, delllired thl' Rou~ to remark" .. . , por-bath,lra wblcl ' allit. hihabltaDw,~ mao b~np rlieli!)g with the velocl~y,.of~he .1IO~e of the rl~bt klhd. YesJ that to becume al'cgul r pay1olt,8ubscrllK!r to " 'nat one hf the Right Reverenda hod set li.pler ~etrlfactl°f' . s.tt&rd~,,"at leut~eI n'efy'day h, wind over the iron srapk. and drover. of cat- , Will. echQed ,the preMBJDan. .. Lsome ~od newsplper, J~ we wf,rc a himM'lt' forllh 18 ail a propbet; but for hll An. a!licle io Hu,~~. Merc/lant 8 MaaUlne of' ailikn~perien06 cObifon &lid ~ de tra'l!UiDg in th'ilir ..tableil at the. rate ' 0 n~ l W~l home ~nd thought: an~ Eze- y.oung hdYi we s hould not like to run \he pft.rt he did dot !mow what prol'het to like d~cnpuye of .Detroit. mal"".DlCInlion.or. brity. " tweu\;1 'milee a.Q hour :toward th~ir c~ty hilI' prtnted my thought trick ever lI~k ?f mllrryio~ . uell II. man. There him unto;ur.leu to thllt. furious ptt.p.het Dol- re~ID~kablo (0881110 00 a!ea 10 Iha\ cur· The '. • •gt,ater.la0Ule. It u wonderful ;rhe . rcertalhly ~ tletect lD nis •character] ~,f.Jl. wbo 'W. . reproved by hi" own 8ell!, ~)ulldlng er.eeted for theWle ot.'hobM.kofMich. Tile Ele...... lItQi 1taay bee-winj!cl lIluhjoery of the A.hier- ~q Par_t-. Sh!)Uli:llll rm ull uumlje.ls IU search of The BlehoPi, iD a reply, with pat wit lind J&IIO, n ~ In tho UIO of tbot United Slalel, Ie CODWhen Colttilllchabod &rat laW him at a ebow CIOUen r=l~lecI ioJo iQsipificance "e An Aoxlo~ . F.the.... writes (bus:-, bu bmda. Of cQUrac 11 ~ no~ to be I'ltpec\- oaJll'lOetll. e':apoBt'd bi. rude aUltlc. ccnclu. 8U'UciOd In put, of .. ap«:o1.,. of ahell Um_lOtle. he ead.imed wilh mUle ulllmilbmat: wrhea "'0ftI'lt..~ ~ beat of pbear Wh.tam I to do with Illy boyl he if one of ed thot,ev~. yo~g .~lln 8bll~ .take a It.,. dIng thus: "Since the noble LonI hath from..lhehlllDd m Laie £rill, and pol. Ihal'alhe ,alII Meaqeraf-tbo icietadoal Clitt.r ~.I It the iDteneoilli d1.. the d-I'. uDacc'.ountablee Steal. bls per whlle bVlll, IU bls father II bouae; but disr.overed il" our mannen IUeb a elmlLitude fpr Ib.e ~~, One of the aurfa_ pre- itaelf! I 8WO,,!' wouldo" two of ' - '1II&b • ud weMad tbe eltlea .tbcrl Bot mothers>sweatme. . . . .orri~ the cat, dogt! when ~e is Ib~~t to rorsake It .and "cte~ve I em wel1- '. t L 1081 how to Drlke oat th~ a eoell~ ql • pecrifled hu.man fece end I.arn 10 draw .tuo ' ",ilhf- GoU1• •'t be a . for 1\1 ftlEqace laeut ud lioD .Iuuw., 'it Incl girls; ftgbw \he small boys; play8 U/'lti> nIB wir~.' If be COOUlO' hllneelt Wlth- utber part .t he pa1!lllel. I am aare .k~l: ~n preplr~th. a&OII8 by abo chi.l. the .nvuger' " "'Iebabod W,!DI "hum" Nt..... . . . IlOthiIII but a beat. lID eIIormoU8 truant four day. out of five; Ind th~a"'n. out •. pape 111 hi_ bOIlJle. we repea& our 1 hive beell NprO'Ied by, . nobody but Idll petnlaciloo w.. lliyided &om fronllO rear, hr- wbel be had _n. ..1 ......... 1I1d lie. .... atn· pow.... Ancil toae.t..thebOlJlleonfireifldonOli q uitthrub' j Wamm lt tna1llhedcar.hullcs, to be Lordlhip." ' _ ica1l1,aolbatitahow," prQfiJe ofthefl ... iL iw1D"M~"~""''''P'' hcl to . . &..- with uuimpal" hi" " tiooft how they jrive thPll heartB to sucb a . . ' traGneneeeclioD uftho.crtn.UJII, wilb pe~ leah dJII\I'~rldrndI lie .... nro.u.. _ _ _ for 1Mb.t;llectuaI philoi!op'UId S'r the only Tam- mao.-(UuCk;8 Co. In~Ulrncer. l'foTlmeto.... "leW ollhe brlia lI.tt: The~~k{rom which -~ "'~·odl.--' ftl"' •••' " u~ -v 'L~ k • .1 ~ I I ! " el l _ _ _ 10, How oru do we bear men WI C1InOlit)' wu obWaMd. Ie 0& liar.. elM. lbe 'In ,phIDobecu. U. pIlt . . ", Jaia ~ edy wa\ we Or, n IU"" a ~ , . "'--_ tat.. i m JICI4 l, ad lanW • all " h ....~.IIoI:.. the Itree\ one ~OOD I cue I, to blve bim run c)Y« b, aD onnli- )lVTUAI. HELP.-The neo of mankind dleoItJel~ J'IVIII ...becrlbl.., to a . TIle p.• • 8etd. . "'" ~ ea...- .....-a .... ;:; aldbuiWilil .. of'aclIDe .... ·or apwi~ aun powder. H wouta ~i.b. dicllbey ce_ to a1cI eaeh l1l&I thef have DO lime to Wbea ...... ~CMll6Oaa . . . . . . _a =-~~-.r II .. ofl»e1llow.'. 80 without. becIoIIm. tiDe. inlPlIitft'nt, other. Frod tbo.time tbatthe motberblN WbeD we ti , & man til ... GCUII! ~ w~ mtldl1c-'..t; .....,. there,' in a aad Ihould he the cbilda' bead Dtltll \be _ _ ot t,bat IIOaIe we he..,. .... :.. is C:~ "-Y'" eo ... ~re wiD, hue klnd ....taatwlpedae IINtIacIuD, hal thfo ., ...... 1M ~ ... ' J , ~!!"!!II!~~ ~,--- beeD I.. rru. all tJae brow of the ..,.... we uiI\ withoat . . . . , ..,. ....... .J
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help. AD.
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'II ' ...." • . .. '''' .. .. . "l~ will dd 'it: ' provillcd .You' \ wiP joiil me in the aeeu8aftion tlf'thts Ury.'.' I
is settled ;t1ISt we four arc to!l"BUII~ r In tUe motter 1>( gIV\~g test!7 " ... .. M
•••• "
Meanin g of the Word 'CoDsoI8.' Tidll word 80 often uBed iii LondOn Iln8Jlcial o~rDti'on8,· Bay" the' New York Com-
PR}l:FACE• •
~eUevin'j eyf!iy e\!8Dt :conner-ted . the 'PIll .met preII~nt ~i~l,Ry oc, .the uN eW World It ·to be of I ~reBt, we have. coU~ct eel Wi~J not • little paine and eare, the. sub~ ,l~t 1IlII~ or the foUowiug pages. We . are aware, t,bat in g1vlo/l to thfl p bUe a ltory .of ,th~ n,a~ of .~is ooe,lt"le, ~iftlcult to'keep hiltory ,and traditloo
- - . ,
SelE;cted , 'o~~I.Y.,
~i ~ Z2 . . 1'i Z?J"" -:"-00 , th.ls / t,}val! 119 l'KEJl lfV GllSQlt .who admhll~'.ered , , " ' , h~negroell" over a PU;lfCK, DOWL. 111E F.O I!NTA.I~ :IN' ~1NT,-:a. ,f(ight" l Every where WQS~? b~ se?n wo.g-: rie~~.~~ olie !~~ne. a ',t l8.n e~.~ n , e e f to, ~earn )Vh8.t was then \vhil~ E!8.r~~Iughaon ons "cnrts. o(ld lio.i~ i~, was U~" ov:er 1111 kjn4~ of vlll\lclesJoo~ od 8 Idler' of,':th~ most, 10lltbsome chtlrac~r. l tr$tJ8p,ru!iTl that .,' " JI'l;',BA~":r.LYLO R",,~, .' one was 'J;er dllughter, a CRUCUl lX. • ' --,_ ., with furni t~~e a"a gooU.s~lerving the City; who, ln t~o course of , the ,trial, ~ave ~eBti- 1 ~4gil '\~a. .The· reodijr' ,v!l! understl\nd TJie northern ,\rindll nre rnw. and cold, , ':And y!>u suf.Te~ed yoursel f to be on.d ~!Iere wot! I'!?t holf cnoll~h ,convey r;m-' mony OD on t11~ th~t he An" eru~ t will) ico tIm frozuil mould>! bad ,~e~ n ne .. r.o~8 j why 81) Wall ao; bl1t neithQf ~e read.o r by. Ijuch 0. mells o~ ~~ll as th,RtI ces"to fI\Qe t th~ IDS\1na, demand orthe. I1nn- sw rll to bUT!1 ,the 'Pho gu,~y brnnchuslllBh Ih 'l wull , ~own . described tile 'nor, tl)e.moUler cllni o~ ,co-old lOOK into her , Iy one, 'Wilh icicle. that snap und fnl h \voujd dlink Ip.cqple , ,afe Ul!C,UIl\lI Il{ ' ie striokell ti ~izens.. 0" nU 81d~8 was,ol1 - ' eer cul (lny 08 ' h llving tQl! ~n place at Hugh . henrt" and, &ee' j ta tremuloll8 . th\'ObI,Iings" 'nnne to be frightened at 611cb prehllnK ion ,and fllnrfuln ' There is no /il;:hl rio c'ntl)J to· da.yes8, ' Stou~ !pon son's tavern, ,,!nd afl.er this" mnnnor ; Tl,te·1 Ah, .quiQ~ l!lid qui~et ~hl it boat" , G;I 'j'he very lI,k.v 19 blnult g ray;, ' , with I'don't boli4lve' tber~ is s\lch a beeam~ tt~niul( exjus willi fen~. almost o,~ si ght ,negroe s were flJ9,Ce~ in a ~\rcle. made' witb Bent but' i~tenBe e~erCieBB 8he! listened Y et 8\\11 tlie foun tains' quiv,!Jr\rfl{ tihnf~ ' istence or contemplat lon; a8 of'th~lr ~wn 8~ad~w. , Leaps Upwo,rd, all whon -5pnng -llInc ·Iaughs , ' to , - ;, chal~. ~n~the~ ' Hughso n ' sttln~ ing . i~ the' r~r·th;3 re pll .of her fat!Jerl .. ~_ J ~'i' , bum the cit.y! " 1l111 nll Q ,Pieo,! , , :h.'8 C~lDru81On ~ gave an opportu,m ty for ~~lltte, ;" " th ,a ,rull~h~bo\~\. ' " " anti, ad~In)8 ~er- , "Buld! b: enoug~!l: W,RS h\~ reply to the Iy fllpati 'No ili.tponcl,i ,ltuer 011 i ~ri nk\ cism on tlte part of. thQcltl~ens ani! "net me bea , n~, mor~ of,that, th\ ~ves to pr.ey \I~ on property, wlu ch w,~ Ill:;!' the ooth, ' Tln ~ No ,ed.lipl!'ld 'blos8om s bOlla 10 orlrik', shallow ond absur~ ' mterrl>gntlOn ;o hIs Wife, ,T hl IDl loulc " ' , ' ,\ m[1glstr ates,' tp opPtess . t~e, poo)" Jgnorant And on Ihe bl nst , ~ fiuClering wing ' . lmyrovc d i we)J' and aU. th~ (elony •. WR8 fable WRS improved oit "Yo,:, .lnust not Insult lUiy of those, RON~y Hu¢ha,~ n'!I wretch- ,I darki r' upd darke~ ! I ~ '.not aure'but,ll~ i~ \holfeCl~i~e ~lavesl" 1.1 spread ' ab~ve no kincl'rcd jhing, . , charged up~n the nogroell. 'who were inno- cd ~uughter. who d05c~l . O)\4JlLE wl ~neslH!s or.they w~li 'u ceFta:rnly ",,' of' bed U, y as .~1L~kirig l'qOnge~bus. ~ r~~~.i,n long,e r i~ t~e ~itY, 1 "~!1~ too 'fast; E.ugenio; . cent as their ncC'.ul!e~ s. Ql)d of~en !TIorc so, a Circle on the floor wI~h< , The drop~ Ihat strike tho frozan mbuhl we kQow 1I ere acc~s'e you as th,eo! have the , pth~! ·R~ ch.alk~ plncmg 'the Every b,od, III ':.!al'med; ond hundr9da Muke a\l the g llrden doubly co W, · are Mve been 'rQbb\l'ries cOmmi~~ by t~e n o- tnombe r!' . , T~() m8gi~t.rate8 ordered,' tha~ eocll ,uliter- negroes on t~Q ohalk, noel., stanQin ' ,' ,,; And with 0. chill nnd .hivedn /!' illlin g in the ~Pt' pnriTlg tb • t vo to\to !", ' . ' grdClIj 'and we knoW' thl\t' ~vhjtcs have con- ' " I d!lD't fear Qny .8\1oh man, BBsjlltant, and con stn~le 61~ould make. midille wi th' a CR lIOIJ'IX, 1 hllar 'hll fall of IIleury fain. ' .. 1 thing; and '~o be ·instenll ,oj' bowl, !<W ,hot. in the worid!'" .' cealed the stolen ·' goods 'and encourng'ed eBBY," , ' 8earqh in hJS'own ~ard (or.stra~ersi. ,~or baptizing an~' ,swcl\rin , g the ~lncks:' These, , "~~IY, ,tho ', e vide~,~e nO\v i~i ~hot Vry ,The m1.eio Ibat, in bcnmy May ; tllo biackB tu continlle their t1ieh'ng ~peiafor there .~os a temble , fear that litrange rs gross ob~uTdlb,ce were bncl<eq by th~ TQld of tin, ollllles8 holyday , ~(l.Ylng ~bieb be J~ft (or tbe, c.!>urt,.roonl wit-, I!lts met the negroes at Hughso n's old, ti ~n 8; nnd,wo do With lIurry Wint1lr'8 wnilings blont. were ,Roman Catholic~, apd theBe latter ne.ss (if lIuch it ~an be n ot kn ow how (or this again, ,., . " " Cli~led) of l;lins Des. p'la ~,e IN THE NIOfT. and sworn tI,em ,o~ THe.. mutu'ol op!!rot lO,rI rpay BeComes bls 'dtenrie8 t ins trumc lII, en-emies, , . , hnv~ beell cn:rried I',.' ' .. .. , .. . .. • Jbrtl8SeS, a eo~r~ctitmcr; ",:h~ dCfO .. .. " , sed 't haf ' '-to burn the town and kill ipe ~n-. on, nodl,o\y mUch danger we ,nre In," Tho ml~ltta wad turned out under arms, Ury ctlme to hlB shop, Wltli '. "The Waier" blithe 'ond SpofkUng voico, " ' ''~{y, chiW,'. said tile ~~th;,r, ">:"~u Ihould one ' W ebb a It . , : : ' , Thllt oIl tho Sumrn\1r _ai4 " rejoice!" > "To be !ur\! old H~lghson , and his wife ' not ,peak so to your f"ther nnd ,sentri es ~vere po~ted '~t 'e very aven!!e , ;.carpenter. ond wunl,ed • . Now pours .uRon \he- bitler air, SliGAR Bn:~,or walprs'l t oh !" shrioked the netvou~ wife; conc'elll eflstoion ~od8 'apd encou~n ~ emg all Tho hollow laughter ol'.dospal r. thiS pornde~ ge.a .,t~e ' «1 ,~now it w\'lu~d b~ woUld. be wrong, ," tlle bustl~ or mag~ and a keu him, " Whethe r. a mmisW r had .' ! dreadful,!" :, ., '. ~ negro Bto steal more ' bt,l t who else b ~9 untler,al ~ost any c~rcu~s Itltrntes , of judge!!. officors.- Lhe search For not his wllferS, of him' , tance8j · but~0t!'- . or· wh,other ~R.A:r So, when the flowQr. Qf Life lio,doud Dut \lhe w rst (eature of the subject is; dorie It1 And do you thinK crjmin tha~ thelle two .e r. is It rllJht fo~ film f O command lD'e In ol~the neg~oes h.ll:rlcd ;00: to jail, PASTE ( \ ,hi eh d'c p~nent ,showed) was Ueneilth II dafk Wintor' s treod, 8~reral ~hi\t: il~r8o~s hJlve 'joined the c~.u\il accom p1i~1ic sll~li ~onders1 " Thuo" g Ihut onco gaye J oy a Bout ' was tlnough ~ terrI fy tbe 1,lhabJl.olltll, ond mad e: of tpe snrn,e mgrcdlc 'c ,auch ,ma.~tersl 'y'tl~ kn?W he .can ~~t auf· nts I1S tht> , consplrtl'cy; and D1S!,UTSED AS ,DLA.C~S , meet , ('They might do 0 groat Bringe to the beort Its I eaviest dolc. m!lke ,them thin~ tht>re' was ,i m.mine~} dall- ',er,an min i brlj l" ~r ('s<lllieth deal when aid- fer or enJoy for me. aD~ can, not thlDk nor 1 -J " ;. , in g ~~U!nt pUT- With.th(>~ in th,ese mighty orgies. leading 'ed by' U~y nrid Vun Twillcr ,,!' 'rhe f~ h delight thaI lenped ,ond Sling ger, Every : block and , stronge f!lco \~as pose," H~ told hl.m. (Ury? ' bave tOIl~ fo~ ~~ ?Itherl' , wba~ would , t1lo.t,.)fb e w~ntth e "I~~es ,to deeds of b~ood!" The 'UD", bewere orBlille IImorig" ' ' . .' A'l,Id rtlr,: ,Huntin gton!" looke~" UPOQ ~s ,belon~l ~g to an him nllght . ~ll1pI9~~ me.. ent>l1' , ly, j ed 6\1oh tl1lngS. Bht-giv~ jO 'Sorrow c:oldoNlc!or8, 0. Joiner I could ,make Imp a "1rlercllul God! what ' 1~ t~ become " of 'do.ujlhtc'r, . ' , . In, yam the, negroes 'P.~ote8r.e d thoy ,knew , mould ; and .flsked Ilim~ And laughs to m~k 0111" clol\dcd ~ea1'l': somethl ~g dlre?~I~ 0ppollt e " if be bad 0. I) r.. us!" , " ' "What! do y6u dare to put ' me , 110thi'~ g Of a 'plot; ,he: maglstr dtes "aid l' gregat,!>n ; but Ury '~vol vc,d Row ~en c,~n It lie rigbtfo r giving him ' " And, \tmong th089 ",h.itc8. WhOBO hearts ,pri;\y wfth sueh cut-thro ats ! .B eware there \~a!l on~. and M~ry' .Brton : w,l1? .was 1answer-:" ~ebb tho. t~ selFc my frlen~~, and 'e~peefally a :Co.r!len,ter ' blac'~ er ~h~n tbel.r , bln~ ()ontederl1t~' ' you 'ro~p'II8! on my good b).ha~e h~r hb~rty, n,nd a rewar1 (or dl~cov- : CO~ljlllIlIC~ UI'Y to the con ic(lt!()lI .crrs\~ho JlaturcV " ' ( , r~,r ~e~ ')[O ti must at once how dopos1\. Is tJl\lt fellow w,h~ use!! to wantlea ve l ' "Why ,not ' aec.O C ;YOli a iAtor, enng I ~ ~ ! ) 8~ld t l\ero WQS ono, and 80 cd In substUI,ICO. th llt the l1 \V el,l as any " It 18 f?dllm t~ d~ ~o. , , ,'. purchlLS cr'llud told ohlll' tu address Eugenlo U ," and , he CRst (I. other innocen t pe\'8on.~ " pursued the dough~T , TH1:1tE \\,:,<8, ', ' , Dut be ~lS~t aee, fa~b~ga. which y. our , ' 'him ~hlli ho natl written a book. while in mellnill (t look at' his dnu \ltcr, "Yes" be tel', ' .J.U4. , . , ..l.' ' '..' : ~, . The grent, seQ.reh ·re8ulte4 . 1~ tl~e discov-. Eng.lall~, which W~B "', ' .. ; prefel.'enee~. might lelld you , to o~efloc:'k or , called t~-easoll, a1~ continuE !d, . among theae ~0\'8~ . "" Innocen t! Do you Clllf THEM THE ' OR. , " '" ~r~ , or.no. 8USPiOiOU~ /1erdo·nSOTlirCUIn8ton- I'though , ho ~idnotD palli,~te : ~nil h~n,ce. warn you 0110ur 4~- . l(!n,ni\so; tlla amend ~ ~ . . ' .CfrQ N ~p I ; oM C Y '·f h ce~, 1f TWI ~ER, cent''' , ', he . only thing Dje~tlonea ' 08 ' a~- a ~\,lat man. ~t illl off; tbnt ~n reljg!<>u ge~. ", . s " • ~'~~'Ol~ .Dlltne. a8 it ~,a~ ,slowly >' "Ye8, certainl y' t d~, ' and ev.er shal~ un~ry 0 ,t e proachlDg towards Buch a dlsc~ve ry. was 1AubJe!)ts,.be Gfhe carpen~ "lie :IU n~t don~ sp ,y~t'jJndeed., ~ YOD ) could not ALtil 'they are prove,d ' guiJty on , better e'iQ- are w,e I nware~ hili .'!tshlte the. finding of <'some thinga" I llys Ho!s~ w,t VB UH~E RSTAHD ~lllt; ~~o ¥a . n. l,s" t1jat as ,to negroe8 BI' 04J.poltZQ ,DE T,ruLE, dc.nne th!in any yet bro~ght agoinst them," , mftndcn. "which Wo.s thought' l~nb~coming he}JU4 a very dellpica m~re nor le~8 than a I(JOU." preJu· ble, opinion of them; Jl~WS tei' El}genia, ' yet the cold ,blooded 'T ' " Well, bt> cn.refulltow,},oll assoolate NY' dlcefi h;aceo-a~m08t the ' the condltillD of a J!iave/' in thn p09sesJ! io~ I and onlrwe aknou. of , after Oampb e'l remo\,'ed to ill\! in which :it was spoken and , OBA~ u. " NAME 'With .even an ,!-ccused criminal. ' I my ot ~r--whlch ~rev. ' ol'R TIIN. 'Mr Cho.mb er'8 ne'gro; ond c.OBA ,bc'S useth\1tJ:lughso e nts 111m from leellll n had occupie d, Ury' ,vent illte~t1 on '11011 in 1I0' doing. w~nt to , '" BIUEP HISTORY' OF THE ~"sPJn 'AOY' not ~vcn endure that 'much." Ji1s ~ite. and he ' ('cofltni itted" R"bin, nnd ~ thither. ~nil depon lit mltters In a true light; ur ~ a"pre~.. Ii1ccw'itio wllrltto henrt lilie ~ d~ger. ! ~~e knew that ".. An~ you. dear (ather. 'f1!11 ,c;liapter. ~eor. relld~r.!!l pu~e~y h!s- l' l;is wife to 'jail; It is very b'e 'C'l!ttllul that strange tba" I,pl~ce tlv:ee lim~8. an~ heard Ury re\Ld anythl pg III one of Martin!il , natioa. fllther's eyea' wem tient ,!pon bel' with Vott are i1o~ accu@ed w ith tonc:~{. The records of the times !U'~ very I the excitement should raise so' tlle relfl~' " high Bnd erK in tl~e manner 01 the Church. of. , ~ften wond~r.ed how 80 unfortUna~', II ,¥"arch \llg gnze, and it required aU her o'b.c:ure or lost-, oDlh.l~out the only authen- keer, up wi th Jlothin.. ,iMe! Do you lhink anyone would dare a pr~Judlce could e~lst In} more to feed . it of a 'Iarid' but i~ the prilyer (or tobe KiD, he o well balanced 8(>U~comll(Uln~ t(i l',Ontrol ber !lo h~tory, o~. at least, the pri nciple une.' 8ubsto~ tial nature °nut i e of t~ason 0 a wl sb to burn 0 mlDd" !lnd am: 8tiU at a lOllI, ~ thero'" BAD BEJ;N not :ne~tlon the n me. ihat he' p'tetichpd ' h' IJ h' ac:count d I ' 'h Ji keep Iier from betTay.i~g ' h i " , • ~. ,w Ie &Leome ~wn to us atilt umls ' . thO aO?tus~.!D - " " -180rpe r~btieri for 110 li,niUla r a (act." , ,. el proved , upon the negro.es " . J ngl!.in·st ' drunkel ,lI)e8il, 0 CI y, debauch erY; and detion8, for at thll fin~ momen t the wOfdS; ,ed'~!,,!,ol'llCmonden: who, was. I!-t the tlm~ anil sotne white me were concern UI yet e tb in " i'l should'not. b~ so ,verY much .surpriaed; , "I•thl n k yor ' fath e,d . in iSJl! adllluni~ ~ed every obe to keep to bill own 1\ er,w ,,!IO e " It 'il RecorueT, lind hollhn, that office was ac· them' receivin g the .stolen ' it i!!oII,fjJe Blander!t' qult~ .. unlikely thjJJgs have Iieen .cIo~e C9~IA.llt:;~y, 0 .IUO I °tlftlbllJl~, goods an& en- Iminif!te r' and that "e said he "only gave a ' her lip. , But knowin g t!v~11 engaged 1,'ft ~U~he.. tri ala ., and knew ~ouru~ing them tll stelll. ' The irJ ellify." o, . . , , , : n slavos t:o wete now word ~~e or woalil., admoni ' lrhe ti on "'ft at tbe b reque ' d '"' th t of the tho clrcu!D d t , .. ' wo\,\ld have conletld ' ..... IICCIl" OlDe ,.O.. e groun 0 auspect ,~"IYe... I undera'and VOIl no~1 thQir master retired bu~ become then{, ' 'nheI family' with Hartin; wh~re he, was ," .' ~Iad heu.r,t\ ,him the time of .the transac t,ons.,. We shoJI '1)oo",, ' . e!\; , ' ", ","c,.r__ _J _ _ ~ ' ' I thl ~ ' - , ~ -a Y;-'~ ~ _ I • '. ",,"c;I~'''l'KI~'', "u~, , ~"ltlJ aM ~b.bllell..ea " lIuoh nebl'f(leS OI! would 'revenl 1tbo t~e accWled ~Y bonora~ll;l Pllreon 'nl(-~ r,ament doy,l' ~«:td T ' HIIfKS .. h~ hili! heard Iw hi~n summa,?, of h~B I}lstory. avoldlng"as mu,o~ ~\1,n! or. tb~ p,lot", caused ' Illllo!" ; ' many of those ' in'! @oy , "tliQt: b~ ·. mUB~ adminls t: : the 8llera~ be the.~ to CQD"IQ~ Itt ,¥ J mOlt at III po..~ble hIS ~v,l~cnt ~n,e Id:--dnc8S, 'In Jail was sllid iii bi~niC&81 wh!le a ~n. sta~e ~n .ueh '~6nl'deration. to aecuse U~r\ll8elV:!lI ,'an~ others. h~- t ment, but caD no , ~e pOSltlve ~t I beJleve ," Upon , atteJ1lPtl~g 11) Justify h.mllell and eol- ping thereb~ to uve their own tem.ptuoUl curl o~the lip betrayed .tbe feel- th~ '18 no, a YO?nl !iY,e . and 8uch telttimony was Ury .· a~r Il',' m!l,s t~rly man in aD my lelguetl ' m the part the.yao ted, From t1~e obtaI n the b~on' oHreed juga bf,tlle parent towards the lov.er of the qU8.lntance. w~o om. T ,hosc, of tho I defence , made by hh1l8ell~ co.nvicted conII IQqre ~ivereally , re.. ,~ather c:o~ru~ ~(O,(\oun~ he has -left us we qlready Cree )Vere assured ~f p~nlo. chi , He Calt a' searchi ng glallCe at GI. spe'1 ted by tho~ who n if they demned.and hanged, ' ,knqw hIM, o~ w~ " ~ther the. Collowmg; ' and continu ed: . " would only tuin ev.ide" c, .aud, reveal the , Til!! ~pu~ti() llill moreun blemfab ed aDd 1JIOt: , affair In ;t he year ~17!u. cOl1lmenclDg, about plot.. • These promise slod WOQder ifypu ati4. ~~at Dutch leatlier Je~' to' many atrang~ give n : , ' , tember',t~ere arose a gen(!ral alar n- atori~s bQguo ' by one an4' added . have hid , any tntercou ~e lateI11'~ You IU'e eJrtravaganl j~your praise," . t!l by alive--":ti~4 ot to, etnJ(cs 'and tor, mopg the mti~en8 of New York~ who w~ro another; ond re})eale d ,oy . a II it so! Dy iny' troilij .I believe "Not extrava gant mother : lor I haver thlnl ' Witl) ~tured to d~Qth, ': Eighw~ n bll!cks, ~ere :'There WUI!JWary BU"fD, ,l;Jnrah ,Hugh10 oper.w d upon, as to be led to ·the be~l~f flourish in my aunni8es!'~ es w~l c1t onlY: iper-cas ed the !haog!ld , ~eventecn were transpo no,~ gon!l 'beyond tile ' truth." , . rted ~thf} 1101\, Peggy Carey,',and=-llod-,-" ~at t;her~ wo~d Burely and II~Gr~ly ,b~ on fe~ent until it was bell.eve , you Ilf~. wbat w 11 be tho C?~~EnthlW that Ai" l we8~ Jndies. or Qlsewbere. Three WfllteB. l~tic, then. WI~ that do. '.Ar,d Kune!" ea,ld th~daugh~r, llniaJifng , J,naurre c . on among t~,e bl~c~ (iI}oveii) of THE .~QEIt hn~" uni~ I" , " , '_;in 'the con8pi~ ~ruthrul ••~y! that· II all• • tqe sentem :e for blrn, • ~~the 'pla~. whOB<l o~Ject was, to ~um th,e to burn Qnd ,kill . the city and, iDhab't acy Hugbso n, hill wi~, and Peggy Carey ' " Wby If {,evqr knowj ou to do 80 '" "Well, I.lieliev e be la an exceU,entyOl1D6 ants: l llanged, .ip additiun to tIr" . " ,"Yes," BI)e l'ontinued. " such ar~'the' wit- yOu·lba llloove my-houllel" ~clt~••alay: the Inh~bltanta all~ gam tJ.1~lr I"Thill was alTect~d (this belief) , , man; ~d ba~e .. never hl4, apy objectioD while /lugb'- I Suon, 'denr reader. Is .. picture of'ihe up to telltifY aphist honest ;"O, '(at er! UnBay thOle cruel wort!~ !" own' f~~om. ,!,hlll luppOIIed; league, \D- lROn and.nis .wlfe wer,e on trill! fj,r receivin g Itgoo~ 'Uld .tim~ :" Let UIJ rPjoice ~nt II betto YQurrec~lvJn~. ~la ~ttention.! but I r . very 8ou~· of ,the. filth ~f tJie , ' "T~en t.ou expect \0 aee !lim 0~ln1ft. , aurreotl on. r~b,eh.on\ or who~ver It m~\ bl! stolen goode o.t th~ir. ~6~e: , Seva~al bhicks 1ter doy hali d~wned , 6n the w~rld) that no t!l}V D! your r~~her III ml,ee~blet and WID titWer' Jhj-' k ow tbat theirevlde~~, lsnot , '<I hope in God I may!" eall~ ~u term~ '1'BE, If&08,0 PLOT., nd wcre. llanged durln~ the _same, ten, to anyt61ng of the kind. ~ Y013 .m1,1l, period, 1 10ng~r' thOll~ "VhQ p,role.s anel ~lieve tbem- worth n 1lb'llI.wl You know there 18 , hQt furn"II~~a, (me of the, mOlt •cxtnlordJ noty ., At lengtll out- ~r tile co,! fqli,on 1t i<Cu! \e--! . . p,r epare for the wort t; for I lee )'out aft1tc. 'NIlS, fin- sclyea' to b e christia n,S I'petuat e a~l;h out,., one-'bf t1\em t{t~t you would believe on oll,tb 'Ii Rush!, hush! r~tber I Cpr8eti9,~" .!lXhlbltlona of cr~au,hty ~n record: .and ally determi ned that, thorQ wu a regular ' I"!\ges; ,that the IIl1ld in 4ence of.the gollpel ~re eng~d ye" Itrongl y.'·" n tlle mOB,t triRing lDatte~! Why tlien do •woqld ~ PI~t bellevm g bu~ ~or eV,l dence IGid Icheme , l'n stllJl!ted curse your own c'hn !), , by Hug~~ n. hJ'B o( Cbriat bas 8b shed its heavenly beams you flIake ~ YO\lIO'rry that the, arel" . lO mn~h ado a~out their'declaJ'l!,eonclwilve., • .' , " I hear aright'! Have t ou dared to "I can not .aY,thllt lam; yeti would 1 anU joineiJ by m8 daughte r cand tbe up9n ml.nkin4 1i,8 "to mD,ke ~etter. their tions concern ing Ury1 Haa he ,Dot t On . m,ere aUBplelon, ot .te8tim~ny, expre~ ed Wishes, and ' 'ir\ et be, glad If the objoot o~)'.o~~love was lOme. Peggy (larey. witb n multitude of hearts .IIud mure e~llghtelied the, ir'heails. , . a fOoil reputati on!' aas he ~one, numb~ ~f ~ple :~ve~ hurried ! Say have ,yoll,ilone 801 , db the drelldful deeds sPQkcn ofj . th'~~g ~ote of a (ov~rl:- With your ~Uler; ~ ., . I,lmse,( With d\\e Jiroprie~y1 to j~1 u lnc:en~arles. ~e"t In ,aungeonll and' com father; It il the ohly thing 1 A,S \~ I •• I lee trou,ble \Il fl!ture; l,rear 19 tbis poil),t, the Record!!r ex-, you arnonlf f9'!IOID, monthe , ond ,finally han~d , in , con~ to /your will! but will bll,ve ~evere trlaJa.toen,coUJl~~re you , claims: "1'bis eviden~ of a conlpirO,cy, not J : hiatori ulalB,. in lulJ~nc:" aslollow s: ., onlv' to burn tho.c:ity noble, lo ,gooo. I could ; but aliso to destl'oy DlVEUrF,lED , are completely hllPPY 10 your love. • UI. , ;JlaD?people hachuc h ~err,i,blefearll, and mul'\le.. the ' poopl~. W08 'molltOllwnillb- GElfO£ ,TO ~ ~l'Jlfr AUDIT08-BETOJl1'S ."1 have ~y fea • toO. mothe.... ~~ bave .\be a\ibjeCt' that leveta'} ncgrQes, some 0 to tile jury!" ,That the blacks sboUII1 [ Ii W.ha t la the ,nl,Wre of aJwnYl h~ tliefl\. ¥any. aud manl tellJ'll ~be , .wh?'!D 1l-.t · 1l!1I!8!~ to p~t mit th,e ~res, (al;)V,i ciked~ to' modltllte , 8uch thi,ngs ' ferred ,.gainst me !~' demanded IIbed in aecret becaliae of fatheea l~dml ~ a ~18' In ·th~ City a Ihort tt10le prewon~er f.ul. but "tha,t al!y ,,,,hite poople of the om ·e~. ~ Q1ey . twq , of my cijol~~ofa !oyer: UhiDk , vigus) were,lw!\en. met in the atreetd, hurheard lIJe like. LOve hlin, lUll I , a DutCh, Ifhe, confederot.e with .laves w¥ very wardl! the prllOn. ~ "'1 pl~lo\f"n. .in ,the allent " . '. And why deil t'ie4 'away to'pl'i.o~i; aud when 001l«! TH~ . you bAlieve what these vile I'" At r-firat ' the Hugh.o os were ' " YII~. are, aqcuIW or, ~e!n.g ho~ of nigli~~ he wou~d relent. Bqt for 'conrederated . ,lI!'ere , kept In e~lDfi()ement. because ~e thu "Holdl hold! fa\hl!rl eay it of me. not of ~l'8On'" accuaed (by M"ry Burton with Ury Ofid the ~e~oes 'ln a flat to prc~ent thero lu. ,.traqaelJre!IBnti~~t lDagilt ntel could. Dot find time to cxa~lne the principal,' and, lor a he ClO9ll not deserve ito'" " poaae~ mg my mind, that ~~\hiii,' wiD time, tile' only, wit- the city," : . ' . ',. '. ~ein: Pe~ Oarey. flnd!ng tha~ Mary naas;) but after a timeoth ere 'deae,rve it, indeed! A pretty transpir e ~ ch"nge his, view.. w~re, il!'pliea. ,'lAnd pray whQt, ~bJ~~ WO,ul~ I11dQce ~e It' lI"l!I8 ]Jurto \ (oa whOle accu.at lon mollt ~r the to put in fOI\ him. who h.. ~ared ~o, to me as if ,It w~ CO~lD to her. among whl,lm. u already hln,ted a to burn my own l.!ome. be. ,. r don't • • IcommlwlI'lnta and condem natiuns l1ad been yClu ,away from horr.e.. &0 pin youI" kllOW, ,!hy It la, bUl lt UI by tlie- !JaDl ? Qf"yry. , who l , "You , must . make your. ~e!ense fpl'Cl~11 impre. . . elsemade) wu tb be rewarde d, turn~, lnro~wben he knew' it WAI 'ag~inl~ or had 'b~~nl . a~ . Engh~h (\lerlY ~a,,'. w~\lre; y~ung man. I . m no ~ 00' my ~i~d, th.~~ ~II presen~ ~~ult.r ludge tp hea, r lells uII,del'lt oliul ber. 1".too; and accused ,whoeve r. a'be ,~I~bed III a~d had JeCt hlB ~.tive c.o •. • w~b! very. no1!Je truly j" , ', antry In CODBe- ' a ellae or de~!de its meritl!:. I am BO~ WI~ reeult 10 Foci. . ~You are ~iUl&e a la,,),er. lOt (afr cbtld. "'He never DfD' 8,G&iI'.8 me awal. to. or ~bom ahe ~ugbt it woUld pl~ue queuce 'of" per8ej:ution. nor use by haVing refu~ (or you," Well Jet. us ~t ill provid8JJ oe. 101. , , " ' . " "aud I thl,¥ 'w ' aid make a better pleader auy dl. bonorj&ble m~ tb. m~stratea to implica te U ' c:qDllpil"ll;- tlle C?l\lbe required liy ~ indu~ the governm ent. It deer c1a.Ud. aDd ell w~U yet be f'or ·tb~ ~ "Right ; thi8 ,iI , not tlle time to offer a than halro! them at thl! bar ~II momiNf• .to m~t', hi~. OUl' m~np have mn,' But Ponr was ~ latot: to IIIlve her~ ap~ bi.ineolJtrovert able"eviden~ g\v~ defen" ; b~t I eIlall , a~'lw at t)1o pl'Qper r ~ u".convinced by your eloquence 'been unpremeditated moat o(the. \lme. and Do not (O!~t to,pray:,'.place all Y?W aft'lin. ~Ir; ~D!i with HupaO~ 8nd JIll wife (prin- by, unimpeacb'able witneas ea. and by the time and place, ,that· eo far from being In the. h~dl of ,YQ\IJ' h~avj~nly Father. and the Innocen ce of ~e ao~," clpl~ in',the eonl'~r,acy', &tid ,aecretel'8 &11~ ~ave' occilrted at tbe nlalclcnce of BOme He Will direct you aright, mail'e diary, tlla\ bll had taught IIchool in l!.artner',~ith'thiS Ury. or.wli,o m.r,oll 8!",a~, • ','Yel; bec' loli~ you will not 1I"~n to ria- , mutUlll fr~8Dd, He has IOUgbt., ~em ..tole'~) ,was colldem "ea ~d exec:u- P4m n aylyanla. Ncow Jerll8Y. DO, "Tbllrlk;. you, dear mother ; I wiD trf ,alld N8\Ir Y? rk !. do not so mucb ~II know ,~~I , ~n, !Od are dete~lned TO ~ , ~. But. ~rore 1heee ~xecutiODl took where , m.ore' qumlJJav~! ~d haa many tlmea ex- and do 10, he wa~ then . emrloye d. baving en. l ' "W~II. welt. I hope you, c~n , . c1e~~ yo~- , • place. the jail .... 10. erowded , p~ .hill wiah to uk your Jl8I;mi..il:»n to to CUlIO tered into,. pnrtnC1lhi ~ith one carnPbell l.elf.~Jt a .;n . ' ..... t bualDeu . . unpleu au I 'Not,10. 111 any meanll But. the , teart of pestilen ce; and w,ell it 'migbt1 for another teac:heN and' adclre. at 1)0lOe alnce you refused bim; u.:-J!",~t.!0Et',-Tbe fo~iDg two b.red the "It aeema to lIIe our m!lgiat ratee. denCl& wu conclU8I~. and-'" aaeb a'm~ or people plied tor~ber . Wei bou.. wh,J'Q: HII~haoa &DcI' , hut hu been ~terred b1.J'our un~dnllll ~corr. eaaci:.t ~':ie~theol"=' hi. \Vif'! .had · U}oreUko insane ~rlOnll than any ·thi~ ·"COlfC Lu.n'Z ... ahe eaid with, a ltD", on thlt occaaJon and , ~ince ' &bea. ~noup to create dleeue: bet>n remo"ecI froOl. whell the aecu~tJOD I elae! What ope of tbem ~ould, In \heir Y~a. merc.; po , " • o. • , . nlh~ from 'IIIIC~ a eouree!" ' ,: . But the reatf\il ~ever did, not Chue a-:o.)' ofrJcel ting ,atolen podl II lOur fault' that we banat ,Ah. '11lJel IUI~ocfa.whil810tQr litht, wu made ,.pi t IC,alm momen ts, take tM ~Vldence of Deb "Yea;'~ ~vhere rolf\!cs ,~fevo(a plo~ or the COlt~L\crrJ'.&· In their .laewhe re &banu home; and " , .. wro~, i bUlthcn'foundth(j claugbter,SAB.A.ll f d~d~ &grant s/as ~r be~r theae IWif\aw~r hay. been ~~bt tiatim ony,ltl h,atro. ., CUe; au,d there!a toblam na. Tile recelvn .oC ~tolen goocla (a eet !JUGBSO . sUI1 there. &D~ 'repro!e e 'BUI'fo rwluitl' 9V.do,i ' , HOUflj Wtli.~~,uel8.t'1,r!~ rIP! d ber for' oa ~ . ,itDl!8a eta~J" , a pafdO J"lel ohnl. , in the. eviclence of ..... ~,) the duevea. the euppoeed IIAudacioUl hUDJ. Howc1ar8" ou atte.r proCanity, She wu:. a w tII.,..~" Ab, yel ~ Ii ,,8 wh "Bo,carerull be carefnl! )'OUD. U:~ bow 1 tile ..itneUM in tlila "'." T· ' . CODapIn~, ..hi.... b1a• • Ibdia.... En- the aocueed IIICh treaaollable "oreJe lOtI( f a . There are eQOUllboC tboee ,,110 weep, ~ Tou 8pea~ of D ._L thoae in hlp ' pbletwt "And , bave , they ' lilA! bO o-ait y , who he:. cIoDe 10 mlMlh far 1 001" ~-. SpaDlab. all. all, were crowa,,. T 'Iler bi LI:.:'ii1l "'0 wbom .yourl "tin. oourae II tiDd. At thattim e Englan d and 811&111 were at ,. . ~ &1\ WI . t.... p. an",.a' ' OOD(eri.og with e~ other1" . r--dwlth tbc!m fll1IItII'C18WI4!P' ODe ~14l11C. where met. the coUlI~,i1, wur; and it "Beoe _ they ~~. Bill ~ can Opwar w.s belieYed tb.t Roml.h in ailence, As we ha~ eeen h~ wu Bat, JI.pp, .... 1ieIlW. • . "N,QII. ... thU IlI,notr,01_'' ~_~ Ilwrere~.tc.~V8I'Jday prieetian~ JftUibl wffellO nt tO~iDer ' . ~ kind. father llillo'er Gel'" , fcatori ed In jail .to await his triaL It ~~, - "You ~ DOt., to beer ~_ receive infonudi.UD, eum- tho p~ oflnstlg atingth acqaaintea. with "Cava .' ~'eM! &hIDk I wutm , ona,. e ~laveato revQlt .a.hiD I thi'... fOr ~ or hla be ~Dilbllt.....ft ' . OO;:~~ ·. . y~ be thea; fiIr Iitt1e u . ._ to 1Uft1 a "a~ clot. and • trJi- .~ Ine,eoocJemn. . , ~Qd murder ·their mllte".. Aeconl illily. tl'r'8 to be ~Il\" ICnumbe iD ' .....,1 ( 81~1~ recJ.amDOItnDMft!8- IrncI1F or Kan1 of the negroes were m!Ae to 1)e.: wbet) It could not be UJade I bfnr tiler WAft con· at UiaU" , ,. ,. 10 plausible U 1OfIl." but ea~ciallt to be croW'd~ the bl8beau oc1e..tJ . . . . u ...... 11M C4!~ 'thelr and mlde It cut lD ~ b, ·CIOIIr ..iq tMir ctI.... OI', to oe beli8Y,ell by neD the panie>oatricken "Be '- DeltlJao a ... .-: • tnlt.wi INt ilever ... , relop.. tblevea. rob".. . bl~and coaecd ~ coarU" .,. .tatiD, that the, ...... pile, lahablta nta, thlt UI')' was pilty aD_~DO""" x.u." . au~tjr, or a &i i . . . . . . . .. (or,a DIOlDUt proud heut 1 " . ....,. were Dot, 1Iier woald o~ pie COIlJlPirac:f with the ""'CUD" t:ov "He.. nearoee . there i, i~b ~beled t.. a' the .~" iJajlJatie ~. . e d the ac" &bel.. llbeitJ. HenM _herB ,confeew d , , to IIIQe it plaaaible, the eIlafie ' resilltance well!' niD, aod. I.. , . ~-.pifttt .... tltl.. 'luw, iided to ., CathoUc. 'tlie ~tiDon, the lut ahatDaU .... -.. __~~.....~_..... .. ~ be~ ..... ___ __ canuoertaio • ;:,.m~ '" ~: tllWlll. ,
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:~ : 'W. ~~ESV~L~E,'~ ,~A~~EN
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,ou~ t to With YllU,' I sball be ~nvlcte!1!" , . . ' , h .. db tH h ' • . h . ~ress. delivered on the oceulon 01 11 banlter bue lieen\construcuni In all . - . Archy~ ' . ' t' lOr,s eenha " Ull Bon II tavern, ,. . ..,..y ..... U' . . 0r ~.ofT ilrentum,ap,d a ble -utronnmer aloch' .feara! Are We ml\st n9W gO'bnck II. few WeeD and ' !\ "n ~ f I were r,reBentatlon las R ees, to a u'IVOlion and lltnow'thef! not...-I·"iYer-hea~d, 'hX voice, ' . yo~ not innor.eritl" · ' . , I k h r twere me.t t •., t W)tnelllJes 0 tie p,r?s- the Sontl of Te",peranc.) in Gebrgia.~ t leometrican, who flouri.lied four bunderecl i '." Ye~ ~,0!llrll!ihn\lllail..lbnd;&:om ~I~ '~tink~nd; j'Yes 'it k '., .' >.' I" " , g v.e " ,8 .etc , 0 It ~ ~Ift'erflnt cllaracter, eClltion and Peggy CllreYI. now se.n tepae·d · "A~ a laily. I might lleth ..~ Cll 1~ln. t.ye.~ l,iefQre t/le · Chri~taiQ era, hnald to • ~ Th~ ~lIlt. ~lgh ~boulli ~ my.8pmu c:1J~~oe,. '" d ' ,Gq, Il~ws. l Illn Jn~oee~t. .. It .W~9 b\lt .11. . f~w ~ days ~fter the cnucus . \ 0 bo execllt'M,.to ]Iold a coull~il al)out the thnt by your org4l1izllfioll, 10U ex . e ' \13, ba,ve ~ ~~lta"Woo<Ieb ·' plgeoD U.a(couJd ily, .. ~ cr'Mih I'~'~nif ,uli! gl\ ~ ~y, he r~-:-~:hY _~lnd •. " .An!1 ~ :ko~w I.~, to~, . nut can you ,hllv\ m ~etlhg .01 wh.'~h ~ve h.~ve: Bpoken, b~ fo~c prisl)TJer~ th!lt bein~ in all orljoi"ihg ~oorn: frolll tbe I5t'cret.or.oryour '9Td,rr ;roO gtoop , Iln~ ArQtil~edea .~ms to ha.e de'~led '110' . I. I f , l 11. : 'I' • , J " ''' . ' , ! "'. Iso, httle ~alt'l III th~ wisdom of Hea~en8 ·as. Qne ortlle partl~l pantl! 10 Its tTllnstletl 60s to the onll occl,lp'i~y the 0JlPosite \-vit- yoll~lve8 togeth.p.r_. you , ~on pion. • mall ,Port\on_nrhi~ "D!.eto II mila!' l118eban. '0' . 1,know II~tt II,IY fPiIUT':S b?~I"1 I. r, II l<! dnJ.lbt:thot ProvldllnCfC Will, do r,lg t!" was herself chnrgcd with ' hellious crimes " d th . Ii' ' t ' " th YOli 'act. ' No' h8tepmg err of women Is ",m, "' Joli.n Munen, a German aatroDo_r '6~:Ii! :~kYi~lgt ~~g:.;!r-:Jlt ~ I:~~jl! ' " ' '. "I thOllgflt ,,; YOQ' think on~e; but' since lind' "imhid oft' ~o ' rison . This one w~ n,~~t'~, nn . ero el~g nn '~PQr u~~ 1D e here t9 c!l~h the wordll whic!1 fall frpm yOUT of t~e liftef'Uth centu,ry, co1)8tnieted a , 'The. foul that"apenk" nXd"\ ~P/u\klell l ':brough Ury' s conviction, \\'ha, r ha,,~ 'n ot tile abdd- Peggy Carey \'ilo ~Iad tu.-ned w'itnt'~'a for bl1l nrtldtlod~ ~~hlelb 6el'n~ote~d thhom. eho . b,add lill'llI:-n~ prt~yin~ eyt,! !~, mknrk'BYou~ deec}s, I w'JOtdtheD eagle. ~'t ft1".w. ....oJ'.\h Irodlll die ~It,. Jhom all! " ~ . ' f d .. . ' .' .' , ear 18tlllCt 'I every WOl' t at was Sa.l .; ,II 18 81lCI'E' ~os YUlI , \!JIm .. ut In ,spite m~ "",wperor, as u..... lim an returned: J kn~J not 'if'lbou'rt blear::':'; ROb:~oU ART!'..• ow 0 n oubt. :walll"nOce~t, my . faltl~ ,hp8 the p~rpose of ({oi Ing tho' offered reward t Ulat tho (-vidence eneh on~ wall to give ,va8 o,l"'yon~' the secret ,wi I~ out nnd ~e Indies he allfO ,fiJndo {lo irQn fty:, ~W-~JI . ~ew ou~ Q~'.~.....;.~~ ; VII,t Q!.r envy hl'r to' 'fhom bl'longs ' " , beo!1 IItld~y sonk!!n ~ ! W~!. are t~e mno- ptor~lI~ed to lIuch _lIS would reveaho the ~~- tll,Oll and there 8I?ttle4; that .they ~ha~ re- ,1tnow It, , . ' I ' ,I ~19 h!&!'d,'llu feaat, and returnedarter .pou~1I':tl.e PU~IC8$,~OllSUre 01 thy pUrt' high hellrl, cent-sa Oltoh, c~nilerrfJ1ed It J'to,(--" .! thorltles th~ nllture .oF tl)e plot or the prm- ! ,e~\edl said' to ellch ather., "What "jatte~ You tal~ pnd pl:\}' 1 ' : ilce tbe,i >l!n.g ,.lJlg .abWt t11e fqom. : It '\~a8 afd t at ~elO W..Ullllll hs wJ!d, ~,'ee!J, " hOulJht8? and 6w.oeler "Husll! M.!rtll1, hush! You must-not give ciple instigntfJrB of it. Pe"!!V ·1t'Iew ahe ~. ' f J II' l ' I' .. h t S h 'H I man who Jllllt now ~.I' I ' (levotioD \~ hltl machlnel w,ere nothl~ more fhan n Inge.Oft .., · . I, , , . , I. I t III a ,n se, an" t !l lra u~ I- cun WOA wre ki.. .. 1 .. ,,,I fc t" ' e· a I fiiuI)8 anpllcnllon f ·'""1':" . " '" ' ." "'.. f, . , utteronce·to an>: unholv.sentiment lIgainst bud nothincr to loose nnd might ~puss ibly I t . . " ' d'" ,,'. ;r., , .... ~ " 'sIUU .or. I~ • 1I( r · -,0. ~et, . n ...,r1 kn!)w nl!p~ lholl'l t.. ev8ri c!cr pross , . .. I f' , '. '. . .' son hlld 8~"orn terribly to ~f!''Te~enge ,on 1111 01 \tope ~ru'l "'In \iI your lila M.ua .~Mb1l1,,. ;rea" In niu~111g ra: · .r.I1.lre~1I1l0g hOD .i.i~ 111II\~tO IDcel ~111~ ' ~e ~.'I-wla_. . ~ . p~rmlt.8 n~ Inn.oeeii~ pe~~ ~b," ,lIomethmg by, turntog ·evld. ~ anll :'t'hl,>' Jl 'sqn(lrl nt\(t' llmlndod 'Kane.of a pre- as~u . at; T \v1 ; '._ '\'(' 1 ';! lim,- Ipralrin.tftgute;Bncon eonlt{UcitManother; : ' 0, i ~~Iil d;o 1O; :Ve t tiI~~lnftf!B, 1 , f ~oo ~o be condem!,ed; unl!MIs Ihs,W.'SilOID sees tt,cJr,l!ng the ':nncy of. the ~nglstr~ es, who : vious ol!Teamant to stM ,l by ~her in this The ",0 d••tf / til. 1 -:;~~[1 !Il . . d Dr, ,Hoo~ auc~eecloCt\n framing a dy' Too (,wolldy pallilill would . Ihllt.. meeting be! It.b~8t· t~ bll. 80, ~.~t you, Mllrtm. hove no were determmed to moke I ~ nppenr t1la~ bU ' 008e: that they ti ll ~re~d to be IUhed una 1t~ey L\~e , IUI~. n !I!lli . • • 'v, I tl\e ~~arlot ~apa~l~ or aqp'p~!n.l , i~elf~'or , 1 know 'n~t if Ih U t1:ink'8~ of'm.e afar . caUEe to duubt the greatlle~8 or God:" . their nlarm wne not \lnrolldcd, Dytin the a89i t cs h other. /lis to particular light. 6f,l?Y, plap. brlght'I~\ I \ . ' <1 iM , o;1 ji l.aoll)O t;ime 10. ~he air. .J..e . D{Oa, a,Swl.. . y.et (1ft I siL aIOlltl"bllli,1 my nO~~llrli ' . ' .. Why. ijlen .nm J here!" c '.,., midsf 'or lle.r aI\~ieJptliro"a of emolument date 8)lec.inf'd y tbe .Op)lositlo(l witnesses cowtennnct~' Lb ' \ . '1 .1 bl ' 1w.lltehUUlfkft~r·1 a~ ehx~cui ted: veory curloua , And fix my entl ,011:0 on SOllie IIngbutnr , '"0 Matlinl do n'at let n e' l e t lk d I r. ' , I h I ' ' ,, ·iI. . • I e see 10sll~S nnu w 10 BtOOu ling )1leces y ng, mec an am, . ne w. • .. Anli mUBe»n ' Lbl\fl ' Ibrt,'ugh loug·. unoountcd. '. ' ,. ' I 1 nry:a~ a' nn p nns 0 ' ~erjury, s Ie erae I WIUj orreSl- she reqllested thnt the clerk mighuead an upon lha ,verge of ~c ypjcnnl)o'i'o ;' otHer I,.eloclt. p~e8onteil to the K.ing of: S)!ain whicli ';, ~our8 ' . ~' ~' , .• 1n so WIC"~ a,m~~ne.r!,.J)oe~ n?t Our he"v:, ed ~IS III[ cudy Intimated. T~ill e.~cnt 'Y98 e.x tract &om hel' dinry In vindhlatloll or ~e Btep or two au~ ' tbe ftWM o~e '~ad ~beeli lum ,inong olher CUri.OI!tret!J a sheep tba~ I know Ihou dQSt DQI-canllt Dot Illink or mol- enly Flllhfll"kllow best whotlB lor ur good! sometr"ng of n dOlprM u!' tbe, minds of the Jlrisone r. She'mnrkecl tho pUce, ond the tnken-retreolmg rrom WI! 1'l.'.I'llous posltl n' imltate4 lbe, blelltlnr~r a ulltural one, and AlII' ! ~r, It' nrb ~:ould. !~op with toy, \,loto;' Why does your.henrt repine ond rebel, be- ' other member s of the olub ond ' from tit It clerk redd" ' _ . . nml safety h~ the 1l88octatlon of your order; ; a dog w~'tcbing a buket of fruit, whl h •. . t~h!~gl:,JI~\d:r.i~Jyfl!:f~I' flft~~J:'i~n~o , CBuse of this trial! Id this the strength of time" their meetiu";i\ wp.re brolton I~P'" IISEM'~B~1l 29 '~KE o'cLock As M.-H~~E nlnd the" dthe ,wd i!~, ~ho achlng.hp~r"t haB ,'bnrkll·ol~..~n.d '.nborl~dcl wilen anyone attempted '" . • . your lilith t Ah if it be eo I con ell see ,. p ' .. t . I h dId t k I d ' ' , ' ongo en ure In til the ,inluntty dr, to wu It; eSI 011 number ,of human • I I If.'nQw n,ll) If,i'!l'llr 8hall list Ihy, VO\CIi'~, .tnrie. . '.' , I ' W .. eggya rln s. a reD y Ii en:p ace, un ji18t return~~, from M--,-~s w)1er~ we spent I its grier, ·l!tands up·w i, .: InOurt~lfi' pressure ' figUre8, ex\tiliit,ng motiontl tru'!y' .urprieiDg. : ("~I.\)4hmg, ,lhrl!1 ~neaib tby lOLCb, n cnuse .for t~t8 event .. But y,ou must not IIlIe ho~ bee~ convl.ctcd" .1I0 tbnt 1n the lip- tho evening- Ilnd so. mucb of ,the "!g!&t: waa gOlle, and. lin ~s' her affeeUon to )Jer sobered ' Anather automation ·of ,LIl Dr.oz·, waa a ,T lly kIiOn~8, thy , /!in)u .IlC all ",lY he'1l" hlllh detlpon~·, n~, no, M ur~ln l you must ·not! I!ronohlhg trlUl JttIH ostlmony could'not bl! 'much dt'lIghted to ml'et sa IDllny fri.e nds .busbanil. There are your deeds. You I 61\1", or a JIIaJ1, a~out tile naturll .\Ie _ AIIJ:k~~Mf\& u1!lOQ -h ~O\ve. too··much. Oh! it is ~v.lc.k~dl to , ~.\lu~t ',t~e ,good,~estj counted 011, Indeed ,tile;. ~es~ .of the . clob tllulfe: biltmore pat;ticulnrly Mt , V~n Twil" ; d,'"Y up· the tears ' Q~, gr.icfj you hllsh ' the !lhi,c h hel~ III tbe hnnd 'll ncll , and touch: -, . ! .' ~LLJj.N. . Qo II It. pn.I~.8 ~e ~JCceedlDgjy. to I.-cor Y(\11 ~ were' n!tl~med for their own surety. nnu be-. Illn yho 8e~med in . high 8)liri~. So plen~- 8lgh~ of ~h~ broken hell{ ~l y.bu . ~top tire- Imlr ~ eprlllg thllt relealed tho Intern.l , tl", ~erc we nll tl,illt mid.nigpt . prodlgl\lln' hi8 c.arecr-;ytJ u Q'lve bght lor cloclt-work from Its ltoll, the 6~ bepn . , . , tIllk ' 80j mdeed ·u dues'! It' }TOU wil!. put gllll ,to' wish themselves Qut nil diffi,eult'l' 'D..::.m ....... ~·e tr " . Hi I II h ffi . f D ' 'H ' 11.11 Y occur'7~ -; . ' , , dark"eI8' hope lor cl.e puir, and roll "pon to draw 11 card; nnd hllvinll' lInllJled itll , -.lP!tLl your , WI tn ' . ffi! . ~ \0 n ~\:IJ to" .~Ir.d 0 ut" ~llrllh ugh~n. wh98.0, ~nrents ~ere cnml)' e~ VIe were aware (if ~he Illt:eness'of the b080~ or society a "tream which hili! drawinll' on the first earo, it reetea, ~cI theD ) :. , I,' . " ~E.'n, ~ B~e~eih Him .best, you , will yet , ~anvlcte~ un~ se nten~,d Ilt the aumc tll~e tl~e' hour' A,nd,then , such n delightlul,vnlk heitling. ln Its wntefli: 'filia is your "ecrct.~ proceeded to ilr,w different;> ,ubj'Q~ on. ~ve • os (W.rluen'" or T\'~ I\U.ml 'V~Il?r. find he,l l' In the ho~r oP·need, , Rem~.mber w th Peg~, Wbe determi ned to proceed, III we hadl Ah l '611all novedorgot it! And ~ ''r' sa ' ' . or IIlx ,othl!r cards, 'rbe t.OIird Ublblted , , what ~ IiIYi onl~ trl,l8t ·.if! God,and y~u shall . pla~e of revenge; and to,licr ,wil3hes kept. ?Clnrtinalfbu~: jUlit left my !liM! 0, how '" f u"rall~1!I Infre!U'i~v.. eletrant , portralta .Of thll ki ...·.ad IlUeeD , . 0& . ~ . t not be fOrlJakon 10 the hour or n~ed!'" Mary BlirUm nnd Ktlne, os.' originally p10t- hop 'y I have beon I When-" r~' 4,fal"!". er .lIttendlng a flllli. \Y:ltb a hundreil faCing eao¥ther. analbe :~ ~&11 ob" .> ,~ ~ "J~II'''-v ' 1 Id ' td bt . " f . 'J E h fl ' b ' It.' h . <. ' . , , . )lOUndSlnhls'J!()cket tQot tlie prucautiof\ eerye4 to lilt .hlap~nel1 .nth'l1"'ate~ . T JI ~ CON 8 ~ • ~ 'A C Y. . . , e e cou ~o, o~ agn,"" ~ou te " . nc ' 0 ht Ie t re.e t~ a 'Pl1r~ .of' ~ ,e "That d9,l'~ BOld elle, n~t wishmg t . of dep·ositlng it In tj:c Qllnd" of the lund~ precision. iii th, translciCiD hrn on" 'pOlnt Ii' aOman~. . .ftOm the Bi~to%j of ~. ~ere o~ly a~\~~y!, n~at;, me to , ~po~k sucb .. t~ et mony, wlilcb hud ~een allofed to theIr hnve more or ber s(!C!e~ thougbtll expo~cd ,lord 01' the publlf ho~, at whi~b he st~p.· to anotlter, wita.ta\ mUin, the .It,bt,.t . .:, j ·'Oldeu _T ilD'.. '. wonls ~f "~I~log fastb. 0, ]j:ugellla... pray unrQrlili,n ate 'comrade; nnd iJl,UI! newly nrm- tjlo~ was absolut Iy rteces&lI.l'y, to cle.r .her pcd. ' K aving occllli'ion for it shurt,ll ,after- elur., < ' t for me that ,00 blore my h~nr.t-my Wleke ed, prepared Cor ·the 'event which come on lover . Her testiqlony was cll'n.r. U\ai , the wards, h!) resorted ' to· lJIine hQst for the one of the moat celebtated mecbanlcs or, BY A1J!O!U~E P.U,~E.. . beart"'m8~ rise. in. 'o.PPosition , to. GoII~ ' I' apnea, They ~Iad p're~ared ~lelr!sQlves B~. pri80~er ,hod bee" at ·t.heir · muttial friend's b\lilmunt; but the landIQrd. ' too deep f gf !eeen~ timea ~va8 .)l.v.uc""lon. olthe ,P ar-. . [O~:;Trl'ltrllD'FILOII LAST WEEK 1, . 'lqo1nlO think I WIU tl'lllt Him, ~ollgb'~ll thlDgs earl for th~ trt~I.l.19 k~oWlDg w.hat day o:n the ev ning of t'be gad. of Se'p wmberl tJl(~ co.untrymftn, wond~red wflat, bundred 1111 ~Idld!llny Ql~h~cdlences" . !n 1798\ Jhl. , dR1"kl" . Ii ' ht • dh )I d .b6e . . ~ . ' . "I'M me$nt,,and wall qUiOOIl.ure no such 1I"Jl) gent emlln ex IIv Jte t,)' t,J.le neo.dem Clan. ~hc c wus nn JlI!IIembly'ofthe vii, ,OnH,\ " ". " . ., . t, ';'I,g: .. Gome~)l,. ~n . enGe a ~; n . n- al _ t~n,tttw~s AbQut 0 QCt.OOK on t~e badev~l' be.en lodged' in his' hands by ~fie bls c~lelll'aood lIute {'Iaycr. wblchwaaby ' Cl~ Hug Hllm .'s ~);I tU-geth .talteJ lor the pur~iI,do, ob ih~, HE \V1LI. }'EVER Foa.- " ~lJ;I.? g tb\l ~C~~IO!l lor ~ len,gtILl,)l't.mo. Im;orOing ot .the 29th, (IS, a"peRred (ro~ hJs astonished rusti c After IneJl'ectual IIp;. the far mOlt wondreruland curloua machine • IIOK(wl dr~i!!i ng: and u~'tlnlt upim-4oll1(f der- . BAKE THtll'S WlfO lIt/MilLY: TIUI BT> llC 'mUl l • • .. • • • • journnl, when 8111q 1S~ purted from 111m at peals to the )'ccallputioD, aild finally to the ever preaented to th~ world. . It wu tM ' illite form of evidence 0 be gi~cn at ' Ule fJuv9.. fuithl anli fle will rO!lIe. up one nt I' wit!! cQnlitl t!lIcc V an Twlllcr Qntere,d hler own door. This, evidence '. brougb~ up hOllor of JJIl~dolIJh , the f~rmer IlI)pJi.eil to figu~ aman, tho allO of Hfe, Who played y to t/J:ehlnumbe~ of a 'QnprOIlCII 'n tr l~iu.l pI" V~ n "l''Yillpr 'rho tile proper time to relell'fe you from tho the court rOQm 0 11 the doy set np;!.rt ,for Ius n dOZ~l\ more who testified in,corroboNltion Curr,un r\fr, sdYIr.e. . I ' ' . 01;1 the , -'utI! 'WllTethl " " " " , I ! f tl 'c.k d .. . , Ittri 1 rrl , . II Ii . , b i t ' . I ,." . d ' d ~ "Hl1ve pllt enlle, my frlond," IInld ' Ibe twol\ty \~ne$. e ulonlB meelianCIlUCUS IltOllllilf~ 0 Barl!la HII,haOn, Mary I lln~ro ~ III WI e, . ' '. Ie \ ur s 0 ,ugelllft" a gIven QI' t Ie mn ~n f(lc~, - , Jt 111 ho I~ nee!u or. ,counsel; " ljpcllk to tbe lundl ltd pti ~ntol):, iilm ,oL thid ligure ' was able 'to pfoliuCe. aU Uutton,' '1.'\1KY . Cltrey. 11)\1 the Ii Ilotted I If J only bud lIuch Ilonfidc;:ncc IIl5 -you biOI grellt c,!~~ru.gt;Jmeut. An l~tIetlnuble UI~ t<> snr' thnt thl~avel'whelmnln:;"ev lde nce nnd td l him you ~re _convincoo' yo!.l ariu~t l l.e rpotklns rIfltuJ"it.e for a~ expert player Kanc, A duti of l,h e il)fllmOUll tbllVC. . I • ~lIsl~ril nce, ~fl8lDg frum ~lImel eO\\rce , .~r el,tirely ebnn~etl the . featuro' of things; hnve loft your oney with lIomu o\her pcr- I)II,tl" flute, and which h~exec,.ted in ..u~la thern togetherl "'Buntsb all. doubt from your mind, nnd l ,~hng be ~~uld ,n,.9t. an~hze,.p rYllde~ IllS n!l~ tliat)fan Twiller , wall ,hQnornbly ae- s o.n,. :ra. ke a (rl anl! . ~ ith ~ou, and lodge a m8!',n er lL8 \0 produco m~fllc equal,lD a' ft(lh ,pcraol\t you 'will haye!" r , ~,nd; nnd .~I1E!d .. ~ With, foitb , I.!' Go~ lind qqltted, anil borne oil' amid the c~eert! lind cw'th hr,m IInoth r hundred.ln pn:~ence of beauty to that .derlv~~ from eaclr ex~rtlOft Wh0ll8 . op 0' W catch . "Ab it 1,,'0 hnra to do tb~t lin .alY situ" ' ~us (11Y1I purity of mtentlon ' and QD>1t Icter, cOflgrntuluth;nll of frlen"-, I ''l1bu$ wile the yO~~T Ir!end ...Il~d th~h comel, to. me, I , " a welle pracbs~ h,vmg perCormer. . ' . ' : ..... tiar u ~~lN with II t ' \' 'I ," e 'IIluliL l,IlIagt lM! 1lnl nul com~\Il to "",ome Q VIlUCAl1lu)n .. ~>8utomete' were ftrt fvU from ~ nt lliu1ce'ht! efl'or~" ' r ' " , o~! C N.l! er t aQ r\lt, lin he Knllt or l'~pcr. \he voe.ilerlltiooll of the honest dupe still more ingenious ' than lala tlute-pllLyer, their Y llt lIuch t1!e faet. "Alld,Heaven ~villl)loas thllllttempt and brqug~',t i\glll~at hl.Dl. it '. nEl .1l b.rlgllt. pl otters tl\ken IlUhelrown ~a~ot cQrnple~-} a~ su~~ advl'e; ~oweve~, moved by the , Hia~eehB.nical pe!r9rlJl~ ~III ~e plpelUld 1,1 nn ,,"u. one, wlto ~'WI liIoreu.e the gruce, I mll"~ go nOWI .,. on- ~el1utl ul daj I ,"d fflDny co,me t() wltnclis. I~' out, neraled. Ah what \vll~ not a lVo- rheturlc 0\1 auUtm'lty of tho wMthy counael, tnb~r. eonMruct.ed .n 17" •.wall capable of ' "'hat ~all obc..\lt to Iy cplne to en~ourll~u:: in tho ~pur of the .8~e)le of,tr.inl; rOJ: l~ere were .few y~uflg '!jllln do, ' Q, 8R\'~ 0 10ver' Mn~ .may,be perse) I)~ lollo\vcd it, ILnd l'ettlTlled to hill legal pl~yi"g a~out twenty airsl conslilling of . de~lll; trJn~i)irO t1illre who hnd labored with dlirkoc~8 ,I I~ "' , ",en III tht! place, wll~ ~raon81 frIend. v ~rrnll" but womo,o Is unconquOf.ble' she'l friend, · ! I ~lIIutea, r.gadoons, and country dance•.' /, .' . .. ' " ' were more nllmcl"ou8 than ,his There too • ....·1 · . d " 'k ' I •• And nOlv , ir, J dOD't '$ee lIB 'I am \.0 bl) n il' celebraW duck WIls cllpable or Ntinr, p ... rllov9ring Ilrdo~ ~ leL\l'n th.e , tlD1e Elld "How. well YOll have necofllplished, youI' . ' ..M ' • : • nr vcr t ree, ne~er espalrs, never forsll e8\ •..any better fQf. this, 1 ~t 111, second , ddnklng, and hnltatlng exactly tbe"voice or plac ,of. that. ,~~ meeqpg: nnd haying million! .'Bu~, ob there ill '!'"l1ch dl.1pend" I w~le 118~S~J pot~nts. nwal;n g ~hO 18l!~e 'nl1ver groWl! weary. , No ob/;\4ele js t?O !" )Iundred again, 'But how i. that to' be D naturAl one, nnd What ·m..), atlll ~ore surteamed' both, Will now ~pilred 10 11t h II I 11' I tTl . 1 tlfed I mo be Wit I n11 e ellP IIlterest nn anx et! . 01 a 'Cat to d:unp,lter ordot, no oPPOIltlo.n Wilt d9ne!" :'r' • prl.lng, the f~ it tI,!lIl1owed efteta*teci iD lliom an .portUt~ in the puttltlon; to .whut.' Q~ my re eIlT i' . ~ eN\) I not / lither .' enr • n I a mo eu ten er ove, stay her courJltl, n'Q difficulty \Y ill' over- I "Go aDd 'all~ him for it when he is alone," a dilJP.llCcd .tate, ur at leut ID ...ltered ' . ,w going 0)1 In' the lIecret council cljl,1!ll- t e m~~1J3r 0 !I~VIn~ ur-;;' , I . lind inbte~lll yeo,rnlngs! ~h Who IIbnU tel~l w'h~llp ,her~ She i invlnelll!ll. Ilnd kno'Ys '!,'lid Cljrr.au, . • stAl4' by.meaitll of ClbemicliJ'lOlut/un.. 'l'iae ber :All tb ·w..... were n'il<!e l'cao V the I'ro- sP'I w Ii~t woa gOl~g to, the motll~.·'8 Jet'l IlIjiBl n(1 such word 118 rail' F",,!\i1 in body ' Bhe ' ." Ay, 111l~, but nskfng won' t do, Ize arrald, wlnJrti. Vlllceral ~Dd b~ne. w"re made to re, , I .. - , ~ :.I t "' Why not, Mtlftlill Do you fear , to Til e ren > 'a liII ct ' . tJ ' . , . wltbout my wrtrl.eSIJ. at aJiy rllte,'" \lliid th~ BelnDle tb08e a liVIng dllci, aad the ae-. M{ Prop.tr.ttiqnll tidlJlJl to &v.old detectiun, tru~t ~o!" . er .1I re,ll ~ aware 0 Ie 8o,urce III y be~, but in m,,,d ,nn~,wlll, she IS n ~er- countr.yman, '.. . lion or "ating and drinking . ',owed the (which .w~ 'evaded &be OltE perllon) l "0 Ii Ii t t' Btl don t \",; from w!lenCil We cytd~nce wnll eume 1n cutes to uvercome what 18 nrroycll agaln8t · "Never mind tnk .. my advice" aaid tlie .trongeat resemblance, eYen to the m~d""• ....... no, ar rom a. 0 W "It til t' tl Ii ed t 0 II h S ' ucI E' t>J J. did ,. ". , ell' • h' . I' '' and 'fl ," l1fteN wni~h ca.tled them t.Qgot,h- ·f ; , .t!ro bl u. .t B - I , 0 1!,,?8ecl~ lo~ •. nn ~e \lve nO.ne , OJ elr: 1 wnd ugelllil. lW .oo~er ., counsel; 'do ,aill bid you, and r~turn to .mg tbe\Va~r WI~ Ita bll.. or wae enterectupo~ I. ' '.I ~rea 6~ t YOl,r u •. es JUS now, • e, more In t1,11 c~nl1l'Ctlon'. than gIVe II brIef s knoW- ber lover B& Un"object of II folIe me.'" • . Abuot lWe"tY roaN after VauCIlnlOD We ",11 not 1lU.~ .at thla P9in~ to give SI~~8 Iq Jim ..~Ieared }t ~ay 8top f~tther l 'lllimmn7 Of the. t'rip..te8tj~a,ny. 'I t ~1l8 in acousntioo tho enemy of,n vile cliq~e w~o The Carroer ,returned with . biB pu~dr~, had ~~ni~h~ .the world with Ilili meeh~n-. th artl ul. I ,th Hr (prosecution", " , '. . , lIubstance about tillS:' Thut the: rrlsbnef l nurposed his deBtrhct:ion thlill she earnest- glud nt nny.rate &0 find th •.~ sare llgalD 10 icaln nveDtiona. lCempelen, a HUlur.mnn e pore 0 p.o 8!! ey w come I "' hol'o there are no moro calamities {m- b db b th ' I" " 1 /' ' . .. hlsJ)pllilet!c an. • . ,eDtlema}l, pr~uced hi_ auwmiuolt chell- . up agllln, BltMl-e WU,L I lly ~t tb~ very enllin over '''-E'~''' I • I 3. een IIccn y ~m on 8ever~ OCCII"I?~~ r Iy 18<l t _"out t~ ' wor~ or bl. ,l:Inl1fnt}on, y "1'(uw, air, leuppo80 I mUlt bo content ,playo.-. TRia lii.chiDG W.. co tf'd eyid~nooJ ' wlti h willi Intend ' .l 'collYict t p 'H g 11 'th ' l . II 11 '11 b I btl" ~ at!·Hugl1ilOn'~ dl.!'IJU'9.od Ill , a n~gro. tukmg dil/t"lJl un tilling- perseverance. sho lIucceed- -but [ ~onjt t'eP 1111 I'm much , better om" more wonderful than any w-l.ich preeeded , VJl Twm~~ waa ftheN 'afrlitld 'upos'l '"lid I T:ve ItIII • I~ve, a". WI ~ r ,g d' pnrtin tbe proceedings with Ury and other' ed ih galning' n 'omplete knowledgO or 011 "Well, tllim," said the. counJ,el, ~'n()'w it; ,untill itwUl! asrert!}im!d that. Imall 1J.lal ~~b .,.,;"n w~ allotted ': tile "ii~ti~u- •• .n you or rell.1n tng me 0 DIy Ir- conspira~orll in tl,e P1'1l; tha t after t;b e cere- thl~ design... ,of the Wicked one~ ; and; IlIJ ,\.like your Ii'iend with , y,ou, and aek tile. living man wu eqncealed in the 'body of · Jar ~rL 'e or "he t~ bear In tbe u.an~- ty," , '" ," monyor ndmillistering the oath a8 dO!lcribed liNIn cOnl)lletely triumphed, I~nlllord. for the v lJu,!~ poulids YQUl the figure~)Yhen all the ncwelrr c~, an4 d th ' \ 'l7 ',1 begm ,to ·IiBYe ~9re, ta~r,agel thanks Ury'. trilll he (Van Tw,i11E\r) hnd been 60(' ' 0 th' • I ever' gave het not n'little Irhmd saw YOU leaye With him," autolDatonchells~play'eH .became ,wte OQm"c l<tn, an , e tell, m~v Wu gODe ove~ t9 your luve and piet,!" ~ o. n 'ne IQg, 10"1', " ' We neetl-not add that the wil~ laDd. mlll1. ' .. 'B '1 w retlre wltb Ur)1 nnd ",Ileb 9ff the clorlnlf un'el\Bine88. Sbe. feored hrr fBther 8 deep 10rd fvalld he 'lad bee"! taken oft' hill guard leyol'IIl timcs 6, eae" we, "bo w;u to be- I "Th, kG it fu " t f i t perieet' 11'\ ' the pl1rt tu be ncted " ani! • no ut from his' face 4I!,d hands, when he WD;II pbliU- i dillpleuure, Oil necoulIJ of the interest s'lil , whilll our honest frleod ..-etuned tIao!)k Bo'w In, ~II~' 'Ylly prcptlre Tor . the .mor~ ~'o'lem~,'~ :;,t~:t~~):;~rfu~~mQ.ullfllay, ,~ /IY re~gniz~d: ': Fhe Cl'(\~ ~ltllminatlon I had take~ in ~.~ ~~ilIcr" lufair8:. She hi, c()un~el, wir.h both bundredll In his . 1(ow.....,"" . .c~ ! peTation I,!, the ..009tt room, 'h I ', d'- ~ ~ula only · eliCit one-:sp,eellilld dll~the.~ knil'w iTs mter ho.etillty towardA hlUl, nnd pouk. . . • '. ~i, a more DC'aYotable tilo~ tli.n Fitch hu8 p~e- . ~ pu~ "armcit and e'luipped"''for the onaet 'n Goqd IIIg t! I~ve, and on t ~rget me night of thll. twenty-eighth of Sept~mbElr dre;nCled \,,'0 c/JoBeqllences of ble ire. < Tlt i8 j .' .' .•••• . ::e In, Ful'i ro88, an3 a~amera be~nn ftrned. , . ,'/ . ' rI : iht, , I cotld notir :Qn night, of tJli8 not far all thnt alloyed th'e a: .'1 t link thero wiU be "finh witneal' on 1 ' " ,,1>9 . . { from. the hQur qf JIl\dmgh,t, S~rllh Hughson hal)pioe8S IIhe felt. ~ L Ilt (ather wu Mr. N,I chOls, ~f U, State. Pay Depart- fleeta over Pivery OC9ftn . Wbi'triey gap, - ~ would.; ,alld oh, I WI 1 IIbt!" h d V T '1) '. h Sh ' .. , d ment, at New' Orlean~. hu invented an d d . ', " 11. t ~9C1l8io~" , ~~~ ·.tJt . 0,Dt; 'Who had , .The . embraced ·and. nrted.' '. ~ n tl~eD. ~II I ,fir gOl Ig omc-. , . .e I noj, )(1l1a , anll!')' than. she antlclpa~ !Ie olann and' thief' detector, of wbi~b tbe Piea- pE'nre , an the loreatlt wereaw(lpt awa>: to . QV,(>rheai'lf t~c plot." I It . WIlS concluded. y ,.,' P , ' , .kl\6w not ". hore he h been but remem- , woul lie, Tpl' llroceedlngll were fUlth.rul- "yune giveB ~he following ocCounf; make 1'90~ for cotton fieJd~. t~ua tunuog II Yea' lbern ~Y'ill' "e u-l....lieiJ 1fop eviilenoo ,.. "' , " • • • ,. bered the Clrcumsta,n ce, lIua In the mt'et- fy ",nsted to ·him by o'n~ who 'fill figure j. "The for met: (8 110 COPKtru".ted u ' 'upon th~ lIoll from barborlllll· beuta prey to '< , S I had E . I dh ' t' tl i d f 'd b '" . ' b' I d o d ' " .1' • raising. clothmg for balf-naked DlIUrldod.ib..t tim~, wbi~ ,w.i11 JlO~ ~e ~ltoawUJer cnrr.e y_ " gema r~np ,Ie o~,('~ ~~e lUg 0 arr~nge . lC r m.o 00 proce ul e, ~ .e , in I the next ehaprer l or, rather flley wer:e !' ~g opene i Pf IJC~ iii trl'lnenUI(!UI'nUlee, ·Di1gutrre andihe' lIun tutn . rtait' ainf,er8 , ".Ieome to lOme. It may bel'; ' , lID officer e1'Il.!Jred .t he 10Ull8, anil wiilluug ~Dd me~tlooed the clrcum8l an~~, and It I extlgcrated by, bim; and Huntingto~ waa BllRllllr ~ the ~~~lDg of a g~8ll4pe or ~ exemplily a elsaslc Dlyt~. poStan~r at.lU, ... . • . • '. , • .. • . up to her father 'laiCJ: wa aQIIDimou81y [ellol*~d to fix upon that>. u('t'edinaly Ill'\ ..... red· not th'at Martin -bed IO<ibmoLl\'o. TblslllloJluwed by tho dellec:nt Mo~ Bnd bia compeers have brfclled the 'r ' d ' j d " h " M' d ' .. "' . " thruugh a fube, of. iii gUl1ntity or .lIonorOUB 'b Ii ' d ' Mart'" :~ran TwlJ~l'r wu muting in- a "Mr, fJontlngto,!' uty com~ ~ me to ate .-s a preclBe time w , ell . II rt H" , 0. bet:'n aequilted, for be. Wn8 glnd o_f that. bnlls (marblo qr trl18s, nlJ n\8y he, cho~en,) an .. s~ lIe, • ,Lful .an terrific of .&g1!Dts, . _ ••d aDd ' diileOnlOl le m~ of mind. ~ It fiJld you other.~od.ltlllgs forlh~ night.". be~.'J at'HII~b80ns, It was done, el( but, that illS dnulfhoor, of pure Enj!'l\sh ' whloh arc lit .1engtU thrown 8UG~c8svjely t'ullgb~ It to ":I~ SI~ot ~ JltWDpt ~ a wu the evenln, befOre the day which had "Wllat!" e&id the on~ addressed, sprlDg~ 1 eV10ence WIUI. Cll p1iolt, that.on the day IIpe. blolDd alld honorable desc nt. should busy II from o' hopper to die floor, raltling wIth tar- wPagehen c1~n I_,!: Pithcli .!nte eb.~~r, aDd, h' Ii ' . 'fi d.J.d t ' Ji b h 'f 1 ; j , , h'fi ~ I th '-' ~t ( h r ' lars".. w a ... ell8qse, .... 1UI81UDe.. , \ , . • beeD set ~Pa.rt for bilJ trhU; and u . . _ '. . • '0 c! e au no Inr rom !l our 0 e ~ven ber!lel( on, account of lhllt "Vile D~te rl ce .orce, 0 e mlUD 0 t ~ con IliIIOD ' thtl chtraeter of a courier whoM ·apeed et he Ing to II eet. • ..s ~.Ibleto IIbtll \fIO looe wbo 'c,ould l ' !You are am.ted. io &he K!ng'a na~p 'oelQ~k.,.:M. Ilnd lieforo twe~ve eertnlhly. dOli'!'" He was C'Xeeedlnaly In~1I8ed to of eoull,!8 prqduclld hJ'th.e flllhn, ~&!M, a rivala thoujht alld SPpmllch• • · vOUtlOD.-·. ,I... IIQC l!'lde~ . a "o~d Clear b 1m for'enterta1Dlug trellIonable de.igne~in8~ ' ylln TW'iIIer had beeD .wi&h Ury ~t Hugh- 'hitlk..the~ he hlld heen dl~obpye(t ill hi. tbelltarbetgl.l.Is to toll,~, ~1) 'hoods, 811 p()~I~~e!!. ,,'tile wllde8t rreak8 of 'fancy hue .. h" .' , 1 .- ' , t h· ' suna d 'betf • .. t O il ~Ie ev.en Il pe, ootl W 0 S prep...-..u .... atran-iy ver'fled in' tbe tel &. bo t • -from tke_i.~tIOne broulJb~ againllt ,h'lm, ' IS mu!esty;) 101a nt;"om n IS I C~ onn 118 cacm ,•, ', ; «;onlmand.., .nd ~ be vowed to rUnlllh ,hlB eneountel'the alnrlli. The macHine which I _ • • I , eAP!,I ,u .... ' '1 .hall be an~ble to meet myenemiee ," and IP obedience to the, "corn7 , AgaInst thla positive teatllJ)ony, the prll dau~htl"r for disregarding : hill expreued putl in o~rntion' the .alurm, oCcupies bUt, a I ~I~g; ~: m:e ,:~~~ct&tbe .~rlee,. ~iDg R th01JIht h~: '''~nd ilia fKiulble thelr,direct maad8 or those i~ authority I mllilt ~nver oller l.J!,d nothlog to Ofi'lict. l;Ie. ~uld not "'hihell and potsitive orden. . ' Imall pace •. BIId can be .put 10llide money' ~.r.cana are · ~a·· or°e-te·\ J:O:ua:~~ eVidence wiU oy'e rbala __Oe \he fact of Ihy 10U ~ .. place or..fety. You underatandl ' Ieven r~me~ber where he bad bef\D t'n the j. "\'e8, I wilt teach, her haw to act i" thll safell. ~nnoDlCil, or othet plecet,o.f f\1rnlture peratitlbn. anfthst nl,) p:1olent dtllWlon rrectJt w~lI, ' sir!" aaid HU,lltlngton. oighpn quelltion, and could IJod no ' evt.. way," aald he to biB informer, In no 'wjllch . valunbl!l' arCl p oae"ed • . The ie' wit.bo~t ita correepoodiQg tni1b. J)e former RJIOd reputatioD.' ~i.ld1a not. think 10 and • . U.... wU CODYlcted' but DOW J ...umln ... a ealmlieM he did nOl feel. 41BII' denee on whlOh ~ establilb an alibi, and. hun r. ' nllle,e created b1 ltIJ :.."t,et·ndl'l to,a greatthcl!"r thi . ...bit may, the fehlef\l or mocleiD PI'OI" · "'!'J ' .. • . ' . , . ... I . . ' . tance, an d w... u1d cuec u. 'If IIr.are " 1 8 ,,. ' f ._. ~te' no morefD ~ IIIIlty and jua- w~oam I to thank for ~II bonor!" therefore was In a verry .dl~cu t 8lWatiO?' j "O,you mUllt noi be harlh wllh "1'1,1 to (I precipitate flight. The thlof detector ~l'::e If ou,ae&;U 0 ' a ""',"" mlpe 0 me.... 11ce Qr mllJl.tr.tea or people. ' All are . in"It ill JCUI' own conduQt. II There. wu no 1:l.ck of llel'8o.ns to ~tte8t hIe was, Ole apparentJy cone Hiatory reply..... • fa a .imple aDd more portable p'leee of lila- ad obedi,':t t of 'i".:d .f,lr~:.r -rai.u.teci! , ADd what.will poor Eugtmiado, "Ami wbo dares make the . .rtlon~" goo.d rep';lf:a tio! ill fon,ner lire. · His ch~~ R~[oember .be I. ,/0,,' Claughter. and hall cJ.ID!"Y'. deai~~ to be plllced in.ide doora'll\8 muter'a 'e:~h a,;~ with il'l am C',oDdemned! 0 MW.can .he en- "I t/tiolt yqu CUI 1ea1'D m~ 00 thitt .ub- acter wu amply sustained; but- theD thla bu man" very millY utellent mill 01' *lD~OWII 01 arDral and dW . oiling houllt'8. Iagna'cwer II liundred leapet or tbde . iJure 'tOaeeme OD ~~ldl 0 GocI!jeeteJeewh~," J , • w~'Dotpotlitige p..,;of ·that be lIIight Dot baUancet'hi80neeyllone," , iapr~htoragai~:depht-~ It d,li,imHhem, ...tu .... "·· and i. ((I &Itt Die i~ Ua. ea~re;"it)'!" , ' ... ~el1 le..t "~ •. I ail\-. ready ·to follow. have chclDged for the w~, 'and ClOuld 'oot "YH,y~. I know it aU! 'But woald ~i::~: dt!:tZ d;o • otbm before the .iaDale cu be ... He p.aeetl ........ ".ween hi. band. But w~ to the ungodlJ . .~abond whoD~ saYe111m. ~I! f~l~ ~~t t~ keenly the deep you CCMlnael me to encou".. rebelltoo In ' 1he or h'me, tbe pu&e beat-"'Mcet An .... .eM . ..,. war to abe cYei"pOwering. lleblaattempt pt&cl:o, .taln 00 lli1 rei'; emb.arrumrnt 01 hts Situation. lind allO that my 'I'WD .homel If you do I wi1l oot by a pring _ . 800r of ..::: Uoaa . . eel withlD bla». AI lae Uaue uta&ion." , t • • of hla counael; bllt (here se:emed tQ be ~o JOw' adYlce," ' medl~teI1 the . . or the robber ~n do It "ftla ..Ir or ODe, . , burW Ia _ , dtieoU",..he relt.. lOme- The two Ioi\. Cor .... prllOli. rem~1' nnd .be WII nbout to !I~lcl up h.I. , "~~~ DO. 1 do Dot advlaethat; but. only on the. floorinalde tiae threebold, the art ana Iclence allied faaftI . . . . . . . tIUDf like a'............ Jrt'DtJy laid on "It ..... ,oar idle ,words bave frelia" to dllpaJr. wben a new feature Ib . be D~ilflln yoar thltpnp tow~&he gen,- ~ pu~~~~tI~~D ~n ~ IIOP, what Is Jt -'tiler. ~ dol Jr 1a.....14Ir,. . ~aoa ...".peredbil true!" .... tlIeliiotberto . . . .' •• inmuch eaecaOleoothe tapt., . The court wu tie Iffender." eao Ilea ~ eara machiDfl1" DOt daal Dame: , tenor ad ~ wlMlD theJ wt'I'e gooe~ ludcl.enI1. brougbt' to a atand for a mOIDent "~l'hat.la wbat I have beea all 017 lire; ~. .lq ~...,. "MlniDI" o(theclaua'the appearaDce or a female. a lad, o£ ;and .,oa . . \be ,...It. And DOW I ..... 11141 or ably l P N -'He .prangap. III ........... aM bftoW ..... tbaa ........ diltiDctlou m~ her .ppearlDCO aael. uee"" tIIOUUI'M, t.Q pn!Ii8I'ftaarboaM The.W i~f'''lJbadiofClimelton Is ' _
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wIlD told ... --
WJter. Pint oOlDen bed 01 10 &0 10 .... *let OD dais rMa GDU .... a 8ft
refe~nr" to 8 ' • , at 1).&#. c;oluma IIr rolUler. ,' P. M. IlJ!' .. the thl'&U Ma. El'If'JOa:-wbol. th18 Mtsl Mn!.J- 1~bi. dl,tI"IroI.~ed meillb~r or· 'Mr. ,Cmrorcl, cOun80J for • been ~:i: e~er:'Mf:°Uae jn oC 'Cotton :.cept fair and IOcid what is het nillftel~frona wnence does be State S .uate l~, ,110 •mbre~ . lie , hi8, rilDu,k,A li.ve. IUioute3 before frOl1t of blm'-wlth'" dead 80llll~: u if }lO ned Ol''' fa~injJ.: .Falr Upland fiaill She II jnst '!olle of 'em" flh tl\lkll bl. last In the clly 01 Wlldhmgto~,. , and ~hi~r JU8tice S~a\V r.emsd~· bad lost musoular ac~it)llj hil hllnd drooped quo~ .tfJld, faIr Mu~ll~Jd, .nd J.ir Ilke·.bOOk....:::rtptout-justheaTherl She dllY, tbeJJ8~'ult. , . ,Ifhe hudJ any~!n~ mO'te t~ u on his brolijlt. Ho sOQ,n ,~t do'Y~. ~t ow.~'" ".... Th..... ,lor \be . "Just Jet the {ae\ be ~Itllbll"hedi! '&c-, ' , On Tuesday HI ~ooate mc~ ~or. *e to JUry beloro lIe. j!l1o.t~d f~' ' Up'~\1 Iirn118 ~c()moU tl! 'give evjlieil81l of (1l:lhni'-:- fl)r\.Ulght IMcI 68;cM)Q,baletlJ of -",)llcIa spee. :~:~~oc:eed. to ' mak~ It lij)pear, 'tha~ th~' 1 pO~b of Il~nd!n~ the, r"~e~al fr.I&~U~~ti~~et~I!r~;\~':t,haddr;ss· rpt!l: He tbel"! ',Hos~ bi8 cyelh~ura~tI, b~:\\i~ ~~ii~ }',LYJ:~ol:: ':'~.er:o~~Oh~{~~ ,o.(IO();" lc)n~ ory' jt..v~il1bly 'emln'lltes from BOIllO (h!,ilJl- The g:alLerles,lt 18 !;olll" were. in Il few WOi'tlll, He'comm~nn\ld In ra- hlen~dQ,\\ n ~\~ ~~:': !h\lv c. i ~he ~IIT)O ~ICJJ ~~ otree In Lo,don "-own 61J or 168 froaa - .of !:".;.~ r : .", ' "J' . rloi~ltcd .. w n! . huntlreds "'(lre uho.bJe to ob~al!l . II. (totlfosed munner, '~'itl'iout, dnre!11 jng tbl1tl h Or~l1'nt~b~~ ' I IJpr~c'ylle ' . of1'.,. ~e'ek8 dW: ' • . '1 WI\".... 1 I • 1", • - • ' ' \' )'k I II I t1 p , C1. b I l, ' S .d· 8 QUv up wc,ro us t If'._ " d ' 110 For l!'i\fe. eop~ Sf 6~ 7~ or ooch. · Now, let U811eO wbether tho grouud she ~\t. lQ 0 C 0.. t I. ~cm en Q~, , cltnCr. tho cinc I ('o~ ....0 Jury. 81, by tho pilinflll , chily Ile ' "'.1.~"t a .ttla ~n :1.e " · '1' n " 12' 5d or ' i. ccupiefl is perfectly tenahl • it is 'oonced- precotled'lIy ·its Ilfliot!r entered the t .. Hlm,· 0 deSIre to ~nter IDtO an el(pIUl~n~ An IIwfulllnd unbroken 6d ·lM.!r qr. WbJe II uDCbe.~ Fifteen II 16, 7f ot :If : :d hO\\l~\'er that sbe speak; n tnMm ; t,.[ ber. 'rhe SUllr me C~urt of ~I\e i).!.'i!M the "Co!!,p1I-cate 4. ne!•.~~k · b~il:~· whle\l court., jury . un~ ,'~ unC~'l~gfii.d. '. · ,}:,w(mty-tive. 26,o.o~.. or · 'A7J.~ th~ beglnin~· for u coquette is 11 de8pic~ble l, Stlltes und Pil!sidef!t'rq.Y,~or. IIn~ , "b~l)t~t ~~~htl~!o\~~ '~~Ubd ~e nb8~rbed in . th~ir . ~IY." t II b'· !f,ll'lhe .,~~=:,k;iJ·~J.ndi:riD::,,:,e ~b!'- Inoney musb 1Jl11tJrl~ ncco ...• " " d 'entered : The President WIUI conducted ' . fl.e' I' -I t nepenrnnoe Qf the prlsofIQr a t I 8 U Ort In we 0 Ii , • pany tb~ !)l1m\l5 of cJllb ~ub90ribera, thing i.1l the oatipln.~ioo of most mCIl, n", 'r . . tb . • 'ht 1aod ot: " . .cIlJOS 0ijt ~I n ,n c_ c9~~Be , ej. was . rnmrul, to' COllt mpiDte i hJI (:;)01'1801. cI~ , . ,' 96*" aall ae- , , , I .. at ' .' " wo'mon too, of "senae Ind I=IIudollr," nut" p. seat 00 ~ r~g ., '.. . lin.. r,r\l ~ r.,\nme le~l 0 ",ere closed and dimowtl· a 1\••4 ~f· ,. ArDiirican ·to ~. . ." ''l'o Cone pooile.llu. ." ' cry, "Ilhe ' fS fa coquette," 81Wn.Ys. <dent. 'l'9.0 DIP!oma,tJc '. . Qe Butt rl1ctti~nlYb exp amebd, ,;~. r"~I"le ontuillh ·o n·his 801,11; '~J~,tbe .~:r.Q8h. . '. j ' D '" d ' Co " ' " )' 1 " n (lBeuted ' nls of lite tes m n1 havo' eorn p "" ., b '. . h' ,~ , iI . '~M, ag etc;' by,. r 'o, elONCI ~8p, ~ IT9m ·the "lords ~f cre(lt~9n~'1 ,ve Ilrge y ~e,,! ,,' I , bit dS ' of my 00\11111e1 \>y It!g blow thnt. bad faUell upon. 1m, ' ;' " elal nP,\i~ .' , We h~v~ .r~d"car,e~u\ly 190 ! ! ~Now tllls .l¢o ~eive,to<QEIn la~t tho . ~entre of t/le C)lnmbar, . ,< :- ~ m , 1~~noce:'co"'lIbolild ha.vo ~c: 'n ' ·, Ohief JllS'tltlO ' Shliw br.ok~1l ~~ n'~t/ul,. than ila Uie ' 6\l1niiaving the above title, a~d as we few of the .. qElfoS FE.MINA;" ~bort1y', aftcr ,J2 the . . \\ O!l'Il estrhlished : ~Acting e,ntire1y' under ~Il~nr:e . and, s~!!p,enBo" .bY' dl~~!ss)ng ~~ thero e~~penCelLeWal";"';\ cnonot i 'ub Jh i elltire" hllve. seleo!£d copt highly {~vored bY ,nalure; in ?th- brought in, in .chnrge of..t~e d(j~mltt~e tb\lir(lirectioD~ r hav¢.se(1\ed rut jjp~, Jllfin~ I Jllry, .I~I n ~~'~~~~I~dco~~~~1 ~ht'~I~:~nt: I, IMme t" " I qr, two of~ w)iqt: in our bumble opinion, are or words very protty girls, (Illld you know or~apg~meots, followed ~y r~~at,lv;~1 ~f, ' 11'rconlinom~nt, t~1I5~lIIg mys~ ~eftlrely to ~:~lri!~lfer:r dock spoke 0 (ew iJ'h~ eleclionl ' In; France have ~ nl brlgh~Bt gelDB, for the watiJh~ation of they gen~rllllY h~ve p great mllny ~dmirerlt) : de~en8ed, ' ~rhe Sout~ " nr!lltnll o~ega them .. T~e~ have !lot ' ~~dme . (il ~~e~::; n~d soOO unel-. order ~"1l8 gLven thot priBol~ r UV'q quietly • . ' . ' , ,'. . .'. our 'readers, Her~ they arl!. Read and reever c~lIed by ,that detestable ' e pithet, l OOU othc:~' rrt~nds I\~ted.a~. mo~r~ere: , 1D lll~~ni~l~fe~~ot)~ ~~;Ig ~~Tlvard shoultl' be remunJod. . , _' - , , ' Latest ~ccounta from Ha.vre ,,~e re--" "tIeat! , j , . ' '.' then, it nine tImes · in' ten beginB nt corpso was plncad imnl C lute 'lIn 1r~nt 8RI ·\I1 ~n c wJdch 'v'a s to ~xonetute me :.-_.~ ',. bly. f.,or.bl. t:epo~ts of ~ . o~ • I s.it down, to w~ite IJIY age-:bOure. (as tlie old saw ~ays qhlldty BllduM) tile 'Vice' preslilenl's 4e: k" , I . - .'. }~~:.~I'!!'~~i:tY or .Ulei r flCts, , . ' , SEbO~J) DHSPATOn.. h willi muoh lteadEn:"i;: lx~C:-' Iter', 114.!:.;:.--.':~::"'::~~~~....Jllpon:.&i-ltmc)ot.lUy, pOhlih,e,~ p,~, i, e, amongst their . own sex, Bome 'less fo.· . After t.he p~.rfor,mnnce of t\lll rup.er~~ se~~ . 1'he gOVernnfenn~oog1rt'"'Wbll~ever . ' -:--~BOS1'O~1-A'Prll, ·Ist. e. t~r tJie . ~. l{y to me appeNs ., vored of the !creminille gender'" at leas t, v.lCe of the EplSll'op~1 CllUrch'oj 8(1Y. ~ dlll- cOlls)Jlllmate jncr nuity could sti,ggest me, hIll untlerstood thllt tho)luy nfter . the ple,.ute:~ is twenty yeatll has beon' m onco,' dur~J1g tilif p.ntch, aqd tbe ·dtiI1V-CTy of a briefj:.q~\t:J b.i:!)l'U~ ,n"I1~'l hope it,.,ViI~ nQt huye: lin )Indue in- ~~t <?ri Stl.tur~uy nig~lt, n; first . " eurplul near)y t'l'O .nd' , . , ," . .' f ', ' y ' th th ui ds t(ful and illlpressivc 'tIlhlre . bl:: tllo Rev· lflu.Cllce upon my Jury, . {Will,not _uJI\lde to m . 81Ien~e, for ten millut.;e ,lind th~.n. d etill tti~ m~fmqr' ~n' wblcb' The dadt-..tl\8 0 IllY .mooreo e- . ]V~ . ~ or M:B (;1 ' I' or 'iilc ·se\!llt~ rilnlly oftbe charges: Thel"ei,s .2 n wldch : oll .the q\lOlltol1~ whelhql' lhe· ron~olllli ·foun. "d' ~d of iii a.rlJl~ill" b t '~I,l.d f~lling fr9m a . ' . ladieB."!bru~ation . .~t perchance ~h.e l r. ~t ef, I.UP)I 8 u ' , '~uti; e ! touch~s flle •.and 'thut ' is .th.~ letter w,hich' were 1:hose or.l!r. Purkmun, on' whi!;h unt ~ , Mihi'\O~I'~ a~ " Ai by a writing, 'Btllndi , awful warnl~g,happall1J to (uJl Cro!ll ,the h P 1!J(l 2d.~t'~B~ of tbO, l~ 11 "k llll " f ' ~{ I hUB. been pro.duc~d:-a~d I~' !~ not tl}o fir t the.r e,was ullPf!lmou8 yeo. ' Qn th, sec~'l!1 bold 0':. bi very p",cpiout rnW(}hi6 my native~ill," , of 0 gentleman, it blUl be~n first reve~lcd to ~II~II die I,!c e :tll.e.q QU, .n 1 ~.. e~~~ 0 .,~~; I have rOlll1 .Il! tI,le ~lIlly prmtB winch . orc qneshon, wl)e~her Wa"\>ster mll~il~J'ed hun, 0:1 ' , . W·· 0 " 'Preson1e e nine! hHn b !lome tad ncqu\lin,lmce; .Bcw1\tc Prmc~8,~'-the ptoces8lo/\ W,1I9 (q meli' In dlstrlbl.i~cd ~ln my apartments, . und VflrlO,UII there were 'e~even yeu~. 'o,~d , onG ·)IUY·" .~ _ '" . J\ ':" ' , .'''~ ~V; J .., 'bllJ' I YShe flirts-Sbe is n co- order, S~nntdt's' ¥angum, q~y " Web tIlT" publiclltions whi~h have boen mqde retlpcc- The nny oa~Q fr~m,.B~nJUI'n!\l H. G reell-;ST MOJlENTS J CALHOl1N i ")I'lI1Q~& WIllis "\ ·e 0 lor c • '~ii .' "_ Mt ~ b 'CIIl'S KIng Illlil ;nerriep aot' ths pllll~~llr- tin'g themLone st.atmg thot I ha~, after He,stllted hIS pomt 01 dOl' but after • • ", • quet e! .1 WI. J~lIt s~>:: to 8S E~ , t ora • The ro cession )r~lleeded to t'be,Col]- 1he disnppel\i'unce . of pro P.\Irl(mgn, pur- discussioi.1 tleclared ,it rem ~. . :" , W,",'Jll J', A.prl) lit .e n) typ~graPbical erior8 In your las "'«fek but not \lotil too llIte to sueh 11 revelatlon'll ndmlrablY ', caJeulntf)d.to . . .' ~ Pb' I d I C\ ] ' chullerll1 qunntity of ox{\lic or.lt!' til rem.,ve · The jiJlilily of Web ter WIlS not IJI weref , ," d' II" " gresBlOnnl \lry 109 grou D , "" lere tU) re, d. l' k ' . , ,L • r'The J ItI wprds .of Mr.aailClllhpliD Jl None ( them: Tbe 8e~ond line in tho Brst mllke "Cow~ I of us .0, ' . " " ' ,", 1~ "" ~i the 'tains ot I:lIQo~ ; on lll st~nt y It o~ car.- of the verlh ot. the lll~.. t It WDIi " .. lllnr~lt~blf ~ow Vtry e y , 0 , 8h~'ld re d: "Tbt')weet" wild 'Va think, or at least, ~ ·ho.vo IIlw/ly~ mal~8.~ ere deposIted. ) . . .'. .. ' fed to me thut tillS p'are I' II'\lg.ht h.e B!\Yed , '.1'ho owful. dlij t.osllr~ wot! modo to 11,11 fllmll~ eave lIDe I\OD .was preaeal. BIr. th' " l' ' ~ ;l. ta when wcb a 40QlorDtion wn/l,mnde " . TbL' R' .bt Jl;lnd 0 ,.'T"IJc. ~ H " nT),u,p'roduccd ,,:hen lle<ieSB~ry, Foh~veTILI on SUllduy mot~lIn~ by lIr , Wm. l're6eo~~. ,V~nume of North. Ca~oba~a; .ho ~pI'" 1'. s ,c)1 IDe In.. QIIT",., s nm. b" t d I f E Ii~' tJ (' 1'dl} _'f' h t' tl .' d\\ys Mr~ Webster hod reque t d me to 'fhe ecen wbs most hellrt th -next ,00bl,W.. cille J 0.1 111 ca", JDro&"& SiOn tli~" 8cui.n g .Sl!ni , and ·tJtaIT · , to me, t iI~ l~' W,IIS ~Ille ,0 etan 0.0: '.~ycn .' ' ver~ , o.y 01. S ~I) ~Q , :0 • ~!~: ~ 'do ' n~~ Jllic..:hllso ~o'roo lIai d fo'r "\>IT!C~tl,l\ u ~,.Jlni.l A le~lel' or' com.lolelioo . Mr. ~ip'llOUD extended ;'18. ,h~ . ' ql •. ey~ . night. "" Ag'llin.' .tbil'C\lmrnepoem~nt of Arfl~ r we IIhoul~ ~nve a part~~ul.~. H~n.f .to tIte. , !~~r:a~:~~~~~O~I~!'~~l\t,:%8' th !Ii ililun1c:,>ri , ItS, m ,Ywir~ 'Iind rllpeutedly j~ug!l~d (It , 11Jil , §.u~ld6y.,A[ter,tJqon, 1>1~~ll. by , 'v(ir~ •vllry .br:\gbt. and ~.e . wu ]ietreotl,. line ~ . tU, 'JItanlO, ~llo'Ul~ re~d.: "Tbougb lady In , que . ttq.n,llay,ev~~ If sO,!,o q~e h.l\~ ot~ons fiom tho N~rtl\ 'il ', '~" ~ll}V tbo Ibe~~\lso. I JII.I~.IIClt ~llrchtlSed tt, I Jilld ,liorn . ~Il the ,princlj/I\I ~lIl1llhes lit 'COh8C10U', dId not 'peak, . Mr. ~e.nbW d,\!'~ i~ flu unlf &0. II ' ,You wj)(plea~ ex· the courage ~o 'venture. Ins • vl~l~ .wllI. ~o t .ieh oHhe p~ople ' of tbis ~~1t~\'.rlr:' Go,v. <.it, III ~IIld .t~IUt Iltterllooll, nnd hud gOI~e IDcludetng dl~ Hon jjJdward r (ouijd that h,..b~ ~t~~!~, ~n!. he- ~.... clI.e us tor these, ror we proUlisc to be lI\te thOle ~f ' I prudent GEJU!nA.J., In, VI~It- j:rnor BrowlI, Of. Florjdu. hfUI recently reo .lnto .'IhAye~ s stpro uude.r th~ Ro~cre reU Sparks, I ,r0f;. Norton~ j~di.~ F~y' I &", ~ ,,!~.. O......".,"·11. "WI more autious 'n future. • ' ., iog the neighborhood of the eotrflnellln~l}t(j piled (1 a letter.from Mr. Yul~e find oth9r~ I !~~~~¢, ul)d m~do - ~ p~r?huse . Iln~ wlI.~ted I !~~~!~~ F""~' gll :~ • \1" ~b! !::~ ... ' .. (I, Webhie ~ead, llI'.n1l It and tb6n ....k ~cl . We be ~Iad to hear from .you Ilgaill' of bi8eoe.my, roitho purp0!le of reconnOiter- Q~king the exc:cutly;e !.'.! "~vllw a, .t'nOllC. '01' .. , \o 'I~ ¢amllt~d~e boUrly cl~mo ul~lIg and stor WOB Q ~1lI1t~· nJAn, lI~cr : }IC!:l'In~ ~Iie his p!llow. Mr. Orr alld D. ~'R Ie: ' Ing. He must ascertein,lf po~"ible .\Vheth- , proceerl!!1g by which ~ Ie \\!i11 f · Common. then JUlDped woo tho OnlDlbu\! wllh tbe own speech on Sn~IJrday eV~D\~Tg. Oarollna came in. Whfln tbe LinN, 8lgned , . A. FI...we thtn h' . II I h 1 mu tI \' o IcAlth oatl' bo curried out' •• ~ it " ;oe" ,,x. , bundl\), I well~home olJd gl\~Q, tit /l lMI~Je Webster was brought lllto tll(~ Mr. .nto\ID lUrnN hll ~q wm; Ie. ~" ·in 'prilllt; if m tUen, .vAlU er . ~ 18 0", e to copo .W,~L reRsoa in 'aserie8 of 'r Boldll(ffie~nlle~ ':to [.to my wile; nnd wben ,atterwnrd~ .{ IUlfird (thl8 . 1ll01l~ling tit 00'c)01\4, to Tecoive direetion ind wu per-fecU, eo*l. ple"Bae iu orlll USi anll they will be publillh., ]ea1'n ·tbe wherealiouts of hI ,,'oak pdlDt,. ~ ~tiv'o been nno.nini01.Qly" 'QUpcttli.l by " tIle ~o much said, Ilbout ~ltc ' bundle", I~ f1u~heLl t"sqlemn Ilell\el}ce, He, 100~e4 glu,omy tMnc that jiaJllled, He ..que. , e~. • ., If. al\or due ooli.id~r"t.\on an~ ro(loctl?n, b~ gOllornl assemllly, op.\I10 il~ <'b ire ., last ~!l my mind In 0. mOmellt.lbnt lhl~ ITIU!l~ be ., the extreme, but col e<ited. and. calm. ~1. &1&11.."Seo ," l' ur artirle.ol) 8i~\~c., in the ~8 • .ot the opiniob, thllt he ·Clnn c.O,ltIC (If)' se88iol), cPJltl:iltlplatijJg t!l!t' rrR'Olo~m~~i:~of : lhe l)umlJe. It \\(11$ to thl~bUllrlJ:., II~d .,nlot I'J)be oo~rt,room W'IlS densely cr 4ti.. moved a~ bt."._ we~' spre.ai~; UQit.ed state! Wm a ar soon, . :\VI owe ,With fresh Jao1'oJls.lul of courso, \vlli \n\.lJre dol ga~e8 to tho ~!l\jliyjj.1,I\' ~1'uyel\ 10o.·L It~ on')! dooument, ~hu~ ~ rele}:r~u to III t Hl,' At I ~ 9 clocl( , tllo Obott. cnlne I~, ~nu bUt ~ 0Jef coultl not ~e heard••nel wbttl " I ' , . PIII!., fl . Ii' the onslpug~t. if not be will reti1'c Q~ a~ The G9ve'rnorl& r~rly e in'i!l~ nl)'~Ylllpiitl y dlrC(}1I011 to my w~f~. . " , M;e. Clifford n.arrat.cc'l th faot of the .I\·u!Jct. 801l1~ 'bIie ~.,d oyer him, 88 If to 11 . . ., YOIl an apo ~gy ,or 11?t ~otl~mg ~r ' pbbhll ' .' .. ' .. \"ith dil!union $!lotlmoJ)tl/j alll ~~W!l oJ (Jle As .regu (~s .tho IIIt.: ute of ' c~PJlQr, tn the'l D,lellt, trial o~d 'vt;rc1ict lind moYetl'that he moved hllflittd '&II if to say I cannoJ fng ~fol'e. Our 'PrlnOlp"I,.aud ID fall'- ·on· 1~~8t walt for relniotooJ)\onts.. • , .. ex;sten,e o of no. ower .01" tJuthp~ity ill' \tilll-,J BlIl11.1octures prcot:d!ug {Irrcllt, I \Iud COI)I't JlO\V pronourtce t.be final .ante ce. ~re.tbl~g WII" vtlry hard until 11 objection, waf Itllf'ngth. We have to (f, bowever, b& .bould bo dlsapp~l1Ite~ 8elfto' OIlWlO tJll' uppointn't n t!'"of' e'Jllh Idt~. OCQU';I O~ to ~se t1~o Jllfiucno of ~hclll:'cul !, '1'ht' lmsoncr rOllC nnd WIUI IUIkr:d by the before hiS death. Q!,~ baud waive that, however, on account of itS mer· a~ll he find. out too tate, that . l~e , IlIruself legotes. IIislotter- : ",.,.. ng \l~ts )II prorlucllIY; ~hllnges f vaqous plerk w.hat he bad to eb W why t.l,o 80n. ~,b.. ,breUt, alld ~ rallCd the jt, WI) will be plcut'd to hear (rom you Will be repullJed, ho must got alit of du: Condemn tho cb~lVl>nt!6n .o ~ r()v'~lllti(lrl •• 5\1bJcct.s, nmoll .... ot I .rs' U~O Il ~assQ~. I tenee '<lr dellth 8hou1d not be JlTollollncod dt~ it once or t.wloe UWb hll often. }I~w we wish tbat . . the eommu. IJOrape the belt \ys~ he clini a.nd bapf'Y ~ry .in its tenllbney, IlIld !I!l'I1.ill t tho , spirit prcfulT~u.~ I rg t!lIllllt~~.r hI, ox ~hc u~ld gus agl{\fl8~ hill." , 'l:ll8 prj Ohllr bowell an I hc?d. ,~k"Jy tllo lost TUlia or blood . . . Ii will ho be "if he Come. 011' with tolerable If not the Jettllr of Lhe. ConatlHiuon, l111d it u g~lIoll JU ~\rtitdillcd \,:th gus In old<;r to ! took ruB BClI.t In "iJonce. ". PllIUed blm.r-When tlte \jre\lt~ left the nlcations we receive. were w,1'ten h' IUC . d?.......I . d . l' urd to intjmated tbot; if the Fetlc~",I' GoyernmeJ'lt produce ,ho ohtlll~oS I.rom dark co)oI' , to Chief,juBt.iec Shaw then IlddreB/ied hili... body it .I.)ike alonlJ druwu "rcaUl. It leIF lble cbaracte!"S .., yours! Muoh grace l~n an r.-:;VW,?r e~. Bb 10 ,~g . iB of thll fashion t.hl1t his ' eqrre~pon(feT!/!II o~n~, !\~d ulso III. Illr. 011 J~rollt lIeat In c~nr.l'19ion tb~ Judge said: AIIII now woltthe lil8k ruhU w.. o\l~r, Hv·dit'd .. it ation would thou bc saved. tl> both ptint. these . COWARDLY vJs/tlJ, e,s ~ho 11> p)on~ed seem' to think, there is JIO • ,muclt' willdo~o bOlng upVIic:d to th~ Jur, .the ~n8 \VIlS 4rawn '1uothlng "rml1inB but Ulo Bolomll ~uty ot ea(l)' , &It Intlllt anti ';Wlil ..Pllrfeelly con~ Oll ~Ita author. , ta oa)1 ~bom. A gentle~811 bet;pme9 ac- or COlllIlstency ' in " II ekind' ~ 80VO it uy through wutel'. As t~, lllq n)tM\.te of .CQII- prollOunclng tho. s~Dtence which lbe law c;ou.,l,Il1ttllhe ..., Ip'ark (if Hro bad tleli. M , "ted with a lady, fle feel, n slight pill- J;lIo~ns f n 'S()(ltherll convcllLio'n; ' 'k CV~l. pel ,pmed~n tJ~o ~t:~l~S ana floors ' 01 the flxee for tbe crimo of whic4 YOII stu)Jd • HllJ fUDe.... .lako 011 T . . . .'. • W,o,:~U! 'l'ow~.hi~ ~,ectlon '. .'. .qf' tho hentt when in \Ier Ilres;: dJ!,Ides wi~h ,an 'eloq~e/l~r'l\u.llonition to ~:I,borat<.'ryht .wa8 i!pille~ aoci~entully ~o!n convicted' IVuicb Iln~ence ~II, that yeu !~bn Tile bOh In .. \petillo T~e eiE\ction held III tltlS place on ),lon· ,villhol to\'isit be~ ho has' Il de ' correspnnatlnt'l tlIot Ivhen (bey hays &liel< Ii quantity used"by me ,10 ·my lectures boo IW. Webgter, be removllCi from tbls ploe~.1uI a I. die 'a/l,y' liet paBsed ptJ' ill n ve~ , .,lea.ant arid clded preference for ber CQ~ »y' but ullls: chll...gecl' their \~bole'.allty in rIl8j~ti«g 1,111-, twde n' the d~y of Dr., ~'h'il ditlapp~rance l and bo detained' in close c\lst\:uly, in the two c;reditablp monue\,. A ·Jjt~1 llJ:cn.,me.ilt . ' . pu, ' ~KtrlutLonol ~JreMioJl ,,\)thin their ~1, ~y o.Yin a~re,t. I.JDlg t go 011 Ill. ex· rprilCln, of tlli. ounty. ~ Utence taken Ilt Qf prev~iled but 'i t WIU princl all . in rf) rd b(l has tb. ~oat QdloUS of all 8o~nds, sphere IIs'senlltO.r and rep h:tl1tliv8l!, thlllil. ~\alIlmg a van!ty of (llTUcmatimces \\ hleh ' 8u~11 tIme as .the Exe~ut"e governtnen~ th£il'e unlll tlie b' P Y . P thlt tqp from a IlIdy,. ~bC"'-8h() IS nn they can return to their cort's titueills with n IIl\ve benn dl.. torted. My cOlln!lel have thiS commonweallh may thero worrant up. known. : :. • 118 I~ omcere, Searc"!lly a word unpr!nclpJed coquette! The man is in a clea~ :conse/encc. D8suro(j tlmt th~lhol)ol'J pressed nie to ~eep ct.hll! ~ha my calmness point, to tho place of ('xocution, and \horo : . WM ~ald about the Dol~gatol to tllo, Oon. quondlll')'-ror he hill an ('xalted Qpinion of liberty, amI welfare.bf th~ Sta\c have been has beon mado ~o bear DglilUst ~e; but my bE.' hung by the ~ock till YOll IllO dea~ond ....... yen~on-every ruon Appeared t() lIa\'e his wo~sn-kind 'in gencl::ol (I) and of tho ro- 'Properly defended, 01111 leave to the p,Op\(5 ~l16t bas"bren ID my G,od, 8il~ Dli own may God, HI .HIII i Bnil'\) good'l0e~ bllv~ LLE, April i_ ~in~ made'up how to vole, 09d voted wlth- porte~ cottuotte in pB.rtic~ln.r An~ tlU'ln and to ~e Stu,toLegishlt.tlreli or the aou'~', olnnoeooco I , 'regard to n{~st mercy on YPU~ Boul. ' . , T.he stelmetCiaqianat.l!s Il'rr;vet,l from New out. comment. Tho candidateB being all o I I' (tl " t' 'I" under Goil~ to del'i$ the ~i~btful remedy. '~Y .'l..w~r . mont>y w r. f , Orleanl,had ten Cholera deatbs in Ihe eabin 1 .,..............~...,.::~;..,.,.."-'-'-8l-'UH!iIfI,-lHI~en-;lnd vell fitted to :.v mlly .Iear , urn 10 I~ I we jlre. pres· '. . ~ IlrMll'!J' una one.on deck.. Durlng.her paNap 0", t.h It t' ' t wt' b ~ , solhluqulze 'llner tfJl mnnner: , (j t' nt .·il'~r l" Lllfil.yette-~m.melUle De , Ssd, ~ ~l\tl SIWI!<t.Up len fn..a tho Jaiirricane deck. e, n, lolI ,0 IIC ". t .ey Were , I; M'ls~i.1l confounded prett.v gi ~l, , '1r1lIltion of pJ' PIlJ't)'. kej)\ Itlnp trunk 1'1 my . Hellvedip OIae' nati. we suppo.e ~lItbe pr~~ClpaH:jlU.8e of thll al11ny fancy, painted ' her, 1)ui th~y. ,~fir:o b~oJc.e. out I\b0'1t ~Ieren ~4flo~"J B~t .unror~unlltc):(, 110" one' over s~w . ap' , . " . , q1 -npparllnt. Il.\ll;ODcern, , · she'll ' ~ tJirt. What shall I do1 'Shll'lI Dlgl.ltl III tbe ~\lray.etto Tfieatr~j ,m willcl, a take It out; the~etor(>, I olln only gIVe my IUIslglleil 01 the Eleetfo ~aglletl(l . Lcnn.vu.r.s, April I, .!tI. For Just.lee oftlle.Peaee. lame., C. Colt , . ' perjormltnce liad been hetllit\urinlrth&,eve~l- word that such IS tbe fact. \la, Jqs. ,.W ; Clll1kand othor., Tot' MonnIt llqineer o[the . . . 'leu TaceivQd 286 vO~8. ,a~d hilJ 0 oneut risk I~', I'm ahn08~ .a.frald ,lO v(tnture; . in~. and that builJJi~g, W;OS ,,~~n: a mlUls (,f . Se~era\ years \Jg~ ~ Ila.d students who bn alleged infringements by tbe oh .. Holmee;)lellenprE~ Ba'l ~2'f W B . M ~ 11 but, t.o Vlllt or not to VISIt. that" tJle ques· rums. All the buildl'ngll fwm.'tlje.comE!r \Ver~ In the habit 01 bemg m,my laboratory. the Morse plltents in the use of the amougtbe ch ole,. . ~er . c? .. m . . , c . e 011 tlon-whether 'ti. Dobler in tl16 mind > to of Ssr~prltu to the' cornett .t.IlPb~li.p-8~~t, and who injured !Dy Ilppnra tU!li tti~.r0ro I , Printing Tel~grnpb between this deathlon CiDCiIUlalUl. " T~e lie_mer Will el~cte Tteusare,r br a ma~orlty ~162 euffer the "sting' Md. arrow,," of cUjlid- Boon IJliared ~he 8U1I)e fat~llllcludlOg Llbelr~ prepared e!erytblllg for-my own use III my t ~ew York, w8.a,reeull'leU this mornin~ bt'- Or.eanl t00lltwoch1ldrenmd one lad)' (rom tylloll. , T~efire.then cr08eedKou8BOnll· leotures,wltb my own hand, ILnd that is lore HOD. Le,vi \Voodbury, U.B. Court New Orl.,...a.iek...t1dled. .votea over I. R' ,.. Harrls. TIle Tustee8 or take up anna· a inattfiem, lind b elec~d are E.,. ·Adallls, Enoch Hammell, " t d th · T ga to d ~ 8treet, nnd .TerpslrulOre l},'A1l1 wall almost, tho roason ~vhy 1. excluded pr.r;sonR from Il1geed w postpone the injunction in order . .. ' . 1\Il~.1~b " ..*cKI}1' 'COIilitablC!I~' T, V~\I~ e"'I •• ?m. 0 g.,...... sec.-an ya an inatan"t, rnvo)->(led' ,;t ,ne'%hcot (if .my Inborat.ory., As reg¥ds, m~ where-. to ,enable thellar iel! to prAparo (~nrial. .., PRO. LOUIS. , ~trom' A.te •or E T B tr ' • Cl k vI,elt Chit \11111 beart-ache,lll'Id nll the natu- fiomo ~Ir, SI~ith'rMino dTfl,lhl,lg ' lW\l50, 11 nl,ouls from ,t he lour of Dr. P'II, disoppea~- . , . . ~.' ~A '11 "'If ~ T. 1) r ~m fJi. • ' . q~ 0111. Ilr, ralehoolts 'that bea.ux are beir to. "Tis 0. corre~hou8e neor it ud', 8e.~~' dWellh)I.- 01 'ce.) hnve put into, my "counsOI'Il bands :I • , MYSTERIOUS KNOCKING. ' The . , .... returJ)s (rom the ::a'i.lp '~., ~Th~, ::1owi~ ~ntlemen ~ere elec 'II co!lsumntion devoutly t.o bo w.iillI(3cl~'" 1,'0. houge~,(llIlIoJ1gwb'CiIt:\~nl ~r. Jlioe,'~,) ~v~le Ii tisfuetoTy i~f~l'mo Ion w~io.h' wil1a~coi.mt , , .. ~~"£SDA':B, Pa",Marcb 22. eleetlOQ Me aol' yet' .:.cQrtal.... bU~" a ' . g , j . e , to lee,' to be welcomed, percha,lce, to 81X!n added to the1tu~ber<c)f the. destr9~e,tl, lo~ every, d~y I ,hod lJp,e nt durmg that week. Tile cltl:zena of dlil:ll]lllce ,(tho,e wllo eoougb iJ bOWD. to enable ua tD I"te~' "I'upel'VlSOrll. here we,etwo more et the Diltten there's h t b ~ f h A painfh11'l.lm:o~ ;f.1l1l prevalent, w\len!4ol~r. ,For (Ivery: ~ny 1I)ld eve~r ·bOllr£J WIIS ab8,ent lond .of the mllfvell.ous) ,have been I uther X.., (WillI> ia eleote4 1f9Of ~ 'Jliose namelJ -we dIU not 'learn: g II 1 k • t h t e u;.!,: 0 • ~ at r8110rter reft', tbata' Wom.ut ~n~ oJliltffeU,\\I<I- irum homo, ' All to bei.lg seen by Mr. aa.n· excited fQr lome' d(lYIl PlUlt, ~y B mysterious u· mjori\y oflPwarda of 600 0\'eI' botil ..... n'llrn~\tt.. Roason Davjll~ N. ,F, ,;or , uo~v .n o W at mny ""~.. o. w en tlrns' t9 the d~lVourillg elotii~'I!£. I ' ~e ~ be- dersol!, 1 w'u.s nt home every evcning.- knocking, beard ..lltinterviLlll th\'Ollg~out the on and auti BealOn lieketl and tIaII tIM J---":~":":':::':..:L~___~~~~B'!1:8. Jos, Phillips 'Phillip ifinUe I ..ve been /lbuflhld olf for a more'(a~ored lad; Uev~ tllat tbe Thea~e nlld Terps!jlho're Ono thing that IIU8 Ueen omittM by my village, similar to, that which WIUI so notor- Wb are .......... to hll~e ~me.& . . )lichael LloJ'd EltoJl DUdie DDulei for who woald hear the whilfe ILDd ecorn8 ,V-ere in8ured, Aton ...t~t' \ ade'r. counsel, wos, tltat Qn the F~jday on ' which ious at Roche8ter,IIome time ago, Allot; the Ila fe, AIde,.,.. ... Hai W ~ h Le' ~ K' of 111 the ehaps lIl'Ound, tuo prou4.laay l s ,cd tbat the Market-bouee, tbe.Qourt-hou¥, . the,alled~ed murdor wlUI Said to havo h.een tempt! to discover the ·cau@e hllve thus fllr Delegattlf G -;;" ~r m. ~P/ll, . WIS . C IDsey, contumely,the pnnga ,of despised love,-to Mr, G rcia'8 ~cBiden,c",· ~~d ~he'~o)i s Or- oommit.Jed, { b"d, purch8s~ Hum,bo,dt'li proved ling. " Due o.well hunt • • • ImlDl, m. Barley, ~ohn A. rOlln and 8weo:{ nder a wo . Ilfeo! old phnnt Aeylum woul bQVten ~e~tJ:~idJ ne\V-wor~, COSIDO~, imd whIle w\lltlllg for for ELECTION. 1J~D, Jobp, Hi8ey. Noah f~a.i 8, ~aron Ii I h' ~ 1i'Ii' 11 Dry . but for ,the prompt ntten ucw of.,tbf fhttlJ ,811 omnibuslJtopped iil'to. Btighnm'Ho tllke. and stop iog, , . Maw H.",,, April.cth ~ans, Dlll'Iiel VVlJarton, ~o e or-a Ip. e ' alUt eart never wQn men of bbt'h citie8, aided ~, higb Iiit~te a muttoC?n cho~, nnd 011 f cbmillg OUt to tbe] , I' • . " Th II WJdp live '1' \lp ihl\t Ute . • ' ~alr )ady" eo he~'11 try,; .porhaps ·ehe' wil~ oli the wllter 10 ute i-iver.~ ,vl)ich ' a1ford~1 (I .0m,n!bUs .bad forgottim rriy bouk. Bu~ R.EJECTJON OF IWl\RE~l"s DI. emU! tiQ. e._o all ' their ·WI,. ,. ,< I'!lc,,~IOD lu .O~lo. ' , admit my plea, perbl.pB 'mllY: be tho fa~or. ree,dy and ple~ti(u) · 1\~p~1l., cQn~~lbute~ .tto after my a.rre8tremember~d tbe place where , (, . ' ,~ORCE BJLt.. II lit Qbolcefttir State 01ftcena.,ti1 the , T~e r~l~owlDg IIJ the r.eeult of the e~ec. ed one; bl,lt ,'II be c'llti~I\8, 1I~ ' visits' the BUy ' . theprogttJf!8 of ~~o ;'flr~ ry~fo,...,I) it. hud 1eftlt and mllntlofled, lt t~ my qounelli. , '. ',. J;lllrri8bu~gb, ¥~rch . 27. the "'~ta (fsrry. t~ 841.... lion In tJ!~1I state {or Delegates, eo {&l7 u In -queauon, but aoeli not (liS 1'!I1ss' pro!)lIsOO work of ~el!huctu~n'vas oml!\(!t. They had !lent to 11r.. Brlg~lamtl; t~e. ,'f/le S~II~te .t!IIS m01<Dlng ~eJectcd , allo tlH; Honee, ..n~ thl. ",m we ave learned by telegrapb and otber. MEL tbinb' proper) iinmedlately broach eli-[New Or1~IUIIJJ)~lt!'l~d. , ','," ; . . book hod ,he.en found. HI:- then ~ok ·1118 bIll w.~!ltlng a dIvorce tv EdWin Forreflt. toeleet candldato for G'Oymor, . i" .. . " i b ' .' ..,.. ' " . . 8e6~ but In Q moment rose and 8\1ld: til ." , -",",-,-", • U ' 8 Senator in I of .(Jew " Ie.. . ' " . t.,e I~ ,ieot of eo~Unul!lg hIS vis,ts, whIch, , ~outllern ~Iaye 'COI01~~ all COllfof!ll.fl ". will suy oIle word II)0re, '1 hQve (elt more .LETTER FROM filENAT0R B~N• '. . . P!lCC) . • ah · . Cuyaboga County-lUtcllcook and accordmg to her views, He ought to do " fol1~wmg II.pp~\Irt~,,\lull~uverU8Ijng distressed 'by the 'production of thoso al'luny-' TON. S1' LO (lIS ;MUNJQIPAL ELEC. who ~I~ Ma.rc:h!. U~&l. drews (whiga),eleeted tD the conventioD. . 8ometb1ng after tlil,<mllDner: W \lll, 1\Iis8, ~lop'InB the ~IIJIIJS811I'P1!!" ~,d we cO'I1Y meus letters thon ' by Ilnyt:hin<1 else that T10N .. FROM 'B 08TOtJ • T, ..... · ' C "'I k d b ' . It IS a matter o~ · ene.ra I~r,()'f'" . h. . . 0 S . " C • • il. ,I. ~all} unt,y-... ar IIJl 10\ll"~e.t er.\l&f.yourlofty melll. but. .. OALII'U1lJ(U ~ ~IJfi S:vt a80c~ur!ed ,<lllrlllg~l~ trl8l. J..onllmy ,T,Lo~I!1.M.nr~!). .... . , ' .Aprilaa.. r(ft~eIlOU) cl~cted: '. , . • bove all, the tranacendellt qulilitice of ' . COLO~lI t~;;;: , " lP. G()(l to wItness thut If It were the IUllt )lour The ~1l10n of tb1.. morning. publi8hes A. powerful :e8'Ort, la belnt made SOl" . . ' ~clUt 'C nty-Hunt und Stebbina, your 1Il1ml, have Indl1eed me t.o PllY Y01) .Cit.lze(l8 of t11~' Blave ,StIlte . dElsir 8 of ormy life, f bel,ieye tbat. I never \"rol.o letter rro,:" Se~atol,'. B~lltorl, iliaduiming WeblJter's IIIDteaee Commut.ed to i.~ • '·t.'H,.rr;) e ectec-. " thl. vialt ... or tbe p'utnntle of acknowlo';!~. ,erni~Qt1ng to Califoraili w1itl::theil."810ve J~08e lelt~r8, ~lDce the trl~l !108 comme~. co~p~0l!llae W!t~, hl.B genaral oppol,le"U! onment r. lif,~ ..' , 'r '. . " ( • " r-- . , "t!i re II' or it h . '; .cod, l\ letter hOB been received , from tbls !lls,ourl, ond I/lSJ8\tng on a high waH alld . .Bo?tmln. Dam.) 18 eleoted '~ the .C~n. Ing UlyaeJf your .IDllel'e and ard(tnt lovet: property, a .e I'OClll8l1te , to .'lell t Olr riames very; Sitlis by one of my counBel. If t1lill \leep di~cb . . ~e would rnther sit In coun~ EAR1'H~U1H A.T · LOlTf!!lvu.U. ventloo.{~om Asbland CO~nty, t ' . (I long have fel~.tho flame of love ' ki~d. :dd~e!J!.:av::, t~~dr:d=flOf~d~t::~t!~~ (1!lrson ~1i8 uny s.purk o{ bllml,ln!ty, t co.1I 0,1 wi't h ~lle ljil,(, th9uBuuclAeal1 wh9 dte~ ' ~ttavtLLB, April ~-9 P... n . ~o'\tgom~!,l'Y" Oounty-AIl, but, ol!e ling.ill my 1M>som to~~ )'01,1, and J wl8b Slav! 'Qolo~ , Jac!tson, ;M,/SBisf i i~ 'a ll up~n hIm to '~oDle rot\ylU'd: U notl ' to till C~9lora ID S~. LoU1s, than Ii? hI /l~nnel.'tJ(~n 'PhclIhock >(), e earthquau w~ 4tllperl. townllhlp-.Judge Holt, (Dem.) 'I ' ~lect.ea. to DOW.t once, i( my IUlt will be favorll" lottei'll, to leet with ut\entio ,P~u'sl be etnlct lms' been put,in th.e ,papPI's," Pror. w~th. a gn~g ~r soump ·( ~I~ounlsts. He ellced hf're, of rallY one quarte of a __ ",. , ~u1!n <;:!ounty.!;-Oriltam (Whig) elec.- bly received! " ")IOlt p.aid, " ' . ' c, . W cb~ter bav,lng tllud thlls, s.ut ~o\vn. A Will not miX With th~m 01' glVe,01't.ake helJl. d!lra.tio~•• t Jullf.pan 8 o'el~ tII,11 • ted to conventibn 76 by mAjority Qver S. MeWould she DOt Illy be wall 'g rein l would It 18 the d lIii-e of the'fr~' ~ds'of this Em- de~p ImpresSion WIlS mllde. upon Jury, court, recome~d8 'l lis frlend~ f:O mue Benton•
19 _}.
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ter~r~~ iett1~ the/~~~fo ~,i!ling t
:~~i~~~a~yT8'JI~Ys!::r s~~e~~ ?:~::,~ ::b:;~:t~8!~~J~~. ~~I~~~:tl a;at~~:18: \V~'I".~j~".",..
not uk him quick, ·if his M. aware to hi DlUd anti of hla b~ing 10 far from homel and many ~fc~~ th~IIl\~~te~~~p~e() e~1 orl)ltl ~~1; to 'Chief Justice shuw then rose to deliver Whigs elecled.tb.nn tbe' Democratic tippO'Charlea McClo~d, .aU Whigs, are ,Prol!ably other-. kil.ldred qoestionl!. i{ h~ did not t~ke property. It is el!timated;tll~:; '~e~fi~:'s~ ; his chnrge to jury, rqm~rkfni( that he ~ad neOt8:-ralber see 'his olVn seat tilled t!Jan e,lec~ i~ thedlstru~t ~mp08ed of ~ecoun. the 11IM {rom the firat one or twol 9 fMay not, Uie memlJ,e lilf. ,n Siuve thought proper, to contmue .the: f'r/)ceed~Dg the hne . sh?uld . nQt be (Itt\~n, ties of ,Clark,. Champaign, and Madlaon. ' A. above relDarked, be may visit ber sov. 9010 ny will amon,nt \0 IIbb\l i8Ublj. alid Ilhe otl fur us to dellvor t~s ebarg~ In the ~lIe must be e~tl~gUl8hed rro~ MI •• ouri Mr, laalah Morr18, (Whig) II elected In eral times, for the very purpoao of ascer. slav~1J ~o aboot,.lO~OOO. ' T)lfl.. m9llc 9f ef. ~ ~lle~, ~eca~e .t.he bnatll~ . o~,tbe prmTI nnuw~tft«?ut regord to · OUnton county, . talnlng whether It would be prudent to ask' fecting orglPlnation, &e., will 'be pri IItlely cl~lell \ I~ In ' t ~ "ptlo~e Ings \vero ) :Cl'JU°Snec~9, Kenlle~t, ~ ~D lAoking county the Wltl, candidate. • co~t1nul.llce of hi.! ~ait.. and Ir.he findit ctI'ansnlitled to aotull~ ~emb~ , ' :he:i~ Il:t:~~ionno~ r~~h ;~~~::. S:~py e,ec , ayor II Jarge .m,ajQtity. It II ~oupt are elected. the llrotpec;t u hopele , he retires, If old . Cb' ~-.: ,. : ' HOVing eoncluiled, jury retired at twenty " 'WESTERN N.I).VIG.lTION. •. lluakingum~:. electe4 SUI.1ll ud and lIeither bi'!lsell or UJe lady iv p!llned. Col. Wm,Mas::' pf i:::,r~jn;ll:letter Ill~htes ~~rore J] o'cloc;k tJl~ evening, ' . , Bun.&Go, .arch ~O 1860. ,,'Cbamben, ( .. _-). , , Ab I but -be i. e, .... JbL, will l18y to the BulJder. "YII; I.'l ..~ . llDib :foanr ere WIUI a "lTIovemcnt at Ie door of the The lC'1 IS gradually workiDl-'Out or t~e 'ID "',mUton county, William 8, Groea- that that doe, Dot make a coquett~. Tnle chimney•• in III possible -0Ji!; aDd, I ?ourt roomth;number of gcntlemen CIlme harhor, and boata nllw reach. Black Rl)ok beck. Goo. W Hol;mH. ~daJn N, Riddle, it doee not' but for j'ust such vieits the en: hllve found one eiitiple 1)Wi.r, cvety\~\,IElre lb~....amtobng mI' coun801 ~dor ~Il1Jy. They will prDHbly get into Cb Rft l' J 'D J Bd C' 'suceeded-tbe secret be1D~:to I ....,oar. po Icemen aD Buffalo ~ h9 t k. 'Lu ' d ~ In. " 1.11;. OJJea, ." . vi.oUl part of heruwn IleX, will ' call her I the cblmney. or that pert, b cOlUltn ct glllIericl b~ing cro~ded to excess. r r nq wee • U,an ohn Bttumule. all ftlrt, a COQlJUTa, u ..... HE..\l\TEI)I 80 thefJre.place, 10 8mall thi,t: nbout live minutes P r~ 'Veh8tllr ClllIIl1 j;:) were elected. Jlma Itkt. ud I tlUIer but liltle in our cap barely paslJ chllTlce of con~t.ablel i .nd took Jill) . In - .0::7T1tere l,aa~t deal ..Iel oUate b, coaclualou upon thl. O.....VB lubject;' about immedja2Jl above this. th,e ock .• Hilldl~pearinco WH, .dte Cbu;iDD,tl locale, about ~DJ ';'en the only dlANDee ill th" origin ' or &be be ~nlar W double its ' except~erloUI cjeetedn~, w}ucb th. c:hurcll cIOon m that aiander . tent oh ut t\Vo reet in plrent n COllllactioa of (he IDUIldel BlItOllIl I <l1f , citro 10 -.,. Ute ladies DIlt or coaateD&Dce • dimini.h again to ita tbe Clllle in fint mil~ut<n Now IUber wWjuat s.,p over Iaere l0III8 "--W DOU ...._~. 'b b No chimney. thatl ever OOllltrluctl~ ua a ",It, we'll apee to ..• ee ~ aa ~mnl us .. <;am. 1IIIOked.II ..... if we. dDD't allow 'em aometliiD, 10 menced . . . . . dally, frorn \VII. - - - -_ _ __ he Jha& will beaL eyer mlDRton to .... plaee. Tbia will be. o:TOur frielld George Cook nI. :K"'PPniI,.,. peat acCOlQtOilesIoa to • fOrtlon of the requeatsaatou1 to -portemen that a KI'i!W "kaoek ..,.. pQJIc:. "Ip wiD IhortIJ COII)e • •t
4&11" " , JOIItlpn Vance, Samlon
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an-I".,e iaa
·~.tir.I..-._.... 1ftNI ' - .10.. "...
, (~fCH n-1rpIt*W rO)IIrIUl.
place. wtll
Due notice
or tho
.....----,---"'-_ __ . 'CO.NFlIUlATION BY THE
W,ASw.o'l'O" .¥Arch
]ja~IT.SP::n~il':&ec~:~eo~ez:t..~~ .J aoob 8lim~. p~ .t'Wlteel"~ , ...
we wt.al(e the 81Dthpoea or ....."n. , .there-a . . . .t _ _ _ _ ct.lm to-IDOIWS . . _L.1U ofllUt.uJDn..... tM ~ .ummer.
to '..__
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soon ," arriveil , in Phlladel lln(I"eJ~ultlil1! " fortiin~to pu,·cn'l.e.'!/11~f7~~fm~~~~G~~~~~~~:~
h'*'.,1;--'---3')Wltn :·'lraVehl~'UR Imr.,e'Ule .a ..• _ '_ .'''''_
h·e. en~eie~
a~ ~a~7.
t~havll 'a" glorlou8
14d fqr tho beit: orcve~ ' -'~-""".- ~ottle ' cif\Vine ltexolJl',
putt!llg .Jllck's }afpnulin on ' ~.,,", Ignye .I~ ~ turn ~ and winked Ilt 1';.JtAn,RI~D, Al, t bnnon, on' lh~ Zd "lUU. I~'rQ, III Imltnt!on o(Jack. It:l Mr. Wlt.LIA)! Q'\IlWAI-I,~l!Jnq, l\U~ , . by tha~Jh ,asked the host.-, T/UUtJIN, ,bo~h of 'th~ place. , .' , you knowl~' ~~ici the lew We ' -' ' ' ' ~hro~~ ~ile hlotion agJiin: ,: "Come .fJ!:r . are requ,o!8ted to ,B~ Ite that tItewe 1 t' . ' (lome, ,none 'of your cursed nQnsen,,!!" said wI~1 be a Sabliatb School commenced ill 0 01 Plga. not. I88~ the h' ?~" f .Ib .. diht;terl~' 'replied "tb ~. ME ' Vh,ur.ch, In thIs ' plac!!, ' [months It . ut ' pa~ ,r.0: your . 'e on t~mo,.. td best tIle Jew;, IrJ surprtae, and , ~~in~ing that per,. ,row, 2! o'cloc:k,P. M. " " ' , __ ~'.!"I!'A'" he ~nd, not done the tiling riglit he tr1ed • ' , agllln, alld i~~ocki,ng 'up,t liis eye, be the landlord .,nnoUier' wink. " 'What devil do Y9\1 mean1~"ns.l(ed the lo.ndlol'd G , •• ,, ~ , ... in~o a f~riplilJ :passion. ':'yo~ I Waro'C,viUe'p,i"ocluce ' ~ql'k~~ , ~~1'er ~new 'thel'op(!a1 ,It-was ~,cli Rill to come It over me, wi~ your ... ~ ~allEC'l'J' ~ £n:RY WUK FOil TUll Isi-rO&' ,for., there wa8n't III\ythlllg but wb . and .tom{o~lryj pay me for your d,~ __ It henl ':I:J I ¥ ,bu, ' . ~ 'w.os up. • He sn,id he e~e home in on~ Ir, or 1; n ha,v(' you ~-O~en I~~.~! ' And "now~ ' ' . . M he seI~ed the-,few "'y the t!" at ' h ;L Com, shelled, • . 30 1fT.gotes-lt \VIIII ,1l- long .tllne ago-after ' a Ith ,~ . ) , , ' . I' I h \." d topliQ'ht loo"~" ~ , .ra "w OSt: Ollla 20 , r~e y~ it ol'llll'e, In y! IIC ! , P I~a s~rved hi.' r .~ " .. , ... ~B if they would etart from FloUHld wheat; ¥bbl. i;,~ l .c'P.tI.tl die f~re",top.,, ) The frJ:,::.te -.~ '1~lre ~~.d ~nil corrY away hi, top ,gal- .. new wheal. ' , 4.75 ' ·~rri'Hid t Phl.~elp~la~ ~,~:' :ie \va ;.ald o~ Ilt ~y(hbrOW8~ The Jew sung out fOf ' ijullcr 'lP'111 '., ' lri "bete, 1I~ .~.08e days tl;tere no 'rjliJ- efOY an~ tried to e;tp]~in 'by attempting f~rd! ~d(n.. ~ , " . ~, 'roaUa; and 89 ;~!lk, after having a; 'r egular ' once mo~e to ma~c: t11e IQndll)J;d ,und~l'IItand; POlltOes,-;' bu. : : , 60 ,cfp ,C, \cP./Ic!ud«jd ~o take, h.e ate m , ~ontand arl~ g~ve tile hat a,n~l~ert\ irloli tile 8~icJt, " " . ,1 POUL'FRY. ~o~ tc N w tV ork l okld go. to, Bo~ton 'to see ' whe~ the lat)dlord" bOlhng wlth rage 'knock. ~,hlck.on8. '11/1' ~oz., . • ,,~ . ' . bia frlenda. On , lellving bit JanCJford he ~d hlQl ()Ver. , • I., 1 ~lU08. .." • , • , " ••called lor bisbillll, and ,tOld, hitn he wanted ' ''r:t;ell thllt to tho marines," Baia one of 8:;8~~' ! ~ Ito pay double " for fellr that when he, came SUPlIl me8s~at,e8 ~ho hod bee,n laughing , bac~ lie might-have no olley,lI , nearJy to' !,pl,t theIr si~es <iro r ,you cannot 1~5~ol~~~~mmrE6.~u~K «But I mignt forgclt you;" sllj~ tho land- mo~e ~I 8wn110~ tlio:\ fOl" ~uff;" (dougb) lord. ' , It s true" ,said Sam J , "e:very wordJ d JiycrQd Oh, )!p you wont,"BaidJaak, holding";p Ju~t aB .the old Jack t~ld 'I t to me; for 'he ~VUlur • t\ stiok in hill htl.nd; "you sec this stiok, and, sa.d. , wlien he,got to Phlladelphitl be heard :::)~t~r lie t<,lolt, 9ft'hitt tarpaulin nnd pllt it Oil, at the Je,w. had .been arrested, s\fi,ndJin~ ponm Illlll _, the /lame, tith givillg it a whirJ and wjllk~, and:on IllS being broughtbeforo the court, nnd bind'og ~ jnll, at the l~nillordf'''well \vlteli I return 'yo ~o t9111 th~ S~(!)'r and, ,~ePt tJtrotig~ ~1l,,1l mo- IC~lh~r, h~rn~~s shllU know md Ily,tblll sil,fU. II , ... ' 10~B, which rnuled suoh a shobt 9f merr!, w1l1 b~ aol~. c1lonp: . ' So off".(e~ went, B~d otl tbc boat-IUJd'ih ment afllong the by,stahdets, \hat tbojuage, ,WII)'ncRvllle, AQral, , ' ~ .t.~ach¢s. tavern 1&£" /18 he t~.v~ who ,Cllm e J;1igb blo~ing his cbop B~eetB'out ' " TURNPIKE LET'ri~G. elad along, Ue lli(iltie l1an.e thing doub~o -tor of: We,liolt roPI!~j ~hmking-tbat, the Jew.-w~e EO. PROPOSAL will bo reClH' ,ved vvthing Ilnd givinlY tlJ(! cOllnlQrsign of c:razy, or4ere4 blm 8~t free." AnoUJerl'oalT ... Iho !rClllilent.of 0 comrlan"" ' ~~lfie~'I~:; J, l' .. " ' ' of l~"htcr (ollo~ 1 . S ' Apnl who WIt 81 recol."ll~I!IU, tc lanK them Ul11t h~ ~xpectcd .. . • Vi 10? am 'WIl8 CE.'11~iI 0., WllI O( ~!IU ,Rl)lI,tI 8 tbo 1 (l , to return ~hrlrtly/ II,Dd woultl prefer IIt:ulI1\'-ljt to ma 0 bl~< trick at thn \\ hcel. ' , ' 1!lH and gravelling, Imd I~!""'"!mg n dllullic sh I.; as 110 louke{t forward VitIl ' .' , timber. Ilnd bulldlllf1; lite CUI'vor ••, letl~r.e to th ~ tim~ when ho might not I~ onoe hllppen II ~hnt nn (dsh waiter ?ll Iho FrnnkUa. !:)pungborQ' 0 'WIlV.1M·villliIJ' UlVO apv tbiw" , left ill ' the )~kOT when he had bel'D personally dlroc~ bytht;!,admiral 1~rnliPlkJo ~dad, i'lrop()5B ls I? ~e ,d' .. 1. J ~ to on fOT-co his C<rmll\i1*'dli "that n , vB an .or Benl l(1)8 0 y 1\0. I., B WI/ntc tIJ COII)C yllck, arrived ot Dos~ ., , 0 petBOD lIIile, !ly order of tho ~ard ofi'lnna' rB ' tOJl undt,lr full prc&lt 8011, " lith Itli col(Jrl3 wbatcver.ahoulrl Wlllk U)lOI, tbe grlU!!l, and MOSES HAl~LAN, Prt'd~n.t. 6,0(, tutd nrtcr 811 Ptn.1' smne timo with hjs that. nothl~~ but ~\vB sllould bo Bcen, up Oil GllA1UiJ:s ,8T1lA~D. ~C~B(8rr. . , fricudtl, lUu rC\8ult h had a ti c·p,l\t~.hav. tJle lawn'S,. " April ~!Ii: lS~. , }()'<'2W ) lI~WINQnTOB. ' ing. thak n p~u,~l', /pr he W1I8' c<iMplllt~ out 8 ~i lury IlDh futl . f~athe~ apptoll(:h~ t'he • LIST' ti'P P~" " , Beet pl()w1na. d,p; ailll 3.001 2d best, dip. . ,he t.hI,lOl;b~~-l1e wobll1 rctprn. Se he up \l:KDe 0'.J e aw~,~. -: T. l' " 11£, A.WA.ltD~D BY T.DE ,' VA-'-" IOB,.JOYI o-N~ tllQHTEElf YE.\88 O.F .ClE, i8til'k anQ nll.ltlc a Btratgbfi wily for the, "p.1l1l there,. tlrled Pnt;" :kel!P dt.. R~N ~l). A.GRlVULTUltAL 8001. BeeC"plc)winl. dip. Dnd ~,OO-\2jl be,et dip" , , Delawni'e 'Pray alf," exclaimed thll mor.t.ftAd,"aw.e. ~l', lit .ts Firat Annual FRi. to be held" Rul",'k) be obierved 11\ PIOW.DII Will be pub, .,{ ~ 'I i ' "do 'you know whp I am 1" J>' ....,hOOD 6oll'!otime in September Or Oetobet A. IMbed IilCretlf\er, ' ; As ... I-'~e II age a ,Ann louse n "B, ra.h--,l ,,: . D., 1850. _ ' 1 DI1W&R. 1 New JerseYJ lit lUI Il fellow-pas"Na~rk m;w" ~~Jomed Pat, ' FARMS. lot oClelllbe., ~ade i,t any tlme, ail." &3 *nge{~ IMKI . JiI.~ never paid UT& d~ m ,Blr!, Bost cOlld\Jc\ed'Farm, diploma aDd IlO " , I " ,~. and' for '111y:~h~nli ' he lrllveled ' along, buto , .. e , I '.' '.. ' 2d. .bellc .. ~ .. diploma" ' , p. lMroly gllVQ Ciwbirl "fhi" halon a stick, Md ,Not the acimlrllls wIre 61r! , RECI.A1l'ttED LAND. dI ' 1I1It1~oo a wink t t~(! w"ch...~ ot Ilindiord, who " Not !-~IJ ( kn~w, ill, you're not one of Beat. i1iploll1A and 8~i flcI Hest, dip l9 mrt , , • ' .I", I t ' " ., Id J k "the ,admmd iJ,cowitl ' [SIIjI&8IMDI8 requl[ed • .III/Ii rilles or JUaapllg', .mllley.a,1) y; ~cog... &ell ~ , IIC ,IIUl1¥ Out " . ' publislied h~rolifla'r,l " Cull right,-" Tl}\i J w WIl!I t4ken 81l11D:lok ~.. • ' , l\OP;". at thi\1J nnd th1111&ing tilut Il("ba~ 'Qlne mer-' PI71tB ~E"l'IMEMT.-'l'h,e maiden w~tl Best crop of. Wheat, not' lOBS' m,~id'lI olt'arm 'all,o uf his hat 0\" SUlik; was ,And I- 8lljd~ WIly 'WCOP~lit I t1j(jll; mlll~~np . I t~~n ono (,tire:, " " dinloDi dy,mg to firurout ~ht mystClfy-; At lust tho . ,SJie liall\\'ered not, neIther did 8!'e BP.1'~lr, l ' ,. ,~ g~r " diPI~::;.: ow Cloulcl etil11d It nQ 10nste(Jfsnd itching but, oblaed exceedingly, lid again tyWll~ " ' " II I, di ll lonlll And 3 witb curiosity, be ' opened nis gl!m~ Ul'ou "Mllidljn, why weep eat 'thou1 1' , Btil~ she ' u Brl'l~Y ".. Ui~1 mlllllld 3 00 Belit 'pl6eimell of Mar~Lel Mulroa: Inllil~ J'nck to 'find".t. bil secret.: . fontin~ed Wi)~pi~g and :, thIrd time I raised DuckWiIBlI:t'I" d!IIJon)1I ond 300 of mO!lufoc,tu~I:;gJ"d"~I:~[&tg r6 -----....,..--~-:+.:..........,:__--~ "How Js it Jack" asked.he j'tllllt you my ymca and salr!, "Mtuden, whl weepellt FIIIJlt8eed , .. dIploma and 300 wr1Wig. don'!. IJay Cpr 'anytltinl on the r6nd'I" thou~" and IIhe answered an~ eaid.- II ': Timolhy h1'Y " , dip~oma an~ ~ 00 ' . JIOKIftIO IIC.NtiF4C'J'lI'R~. "What do v~ want to know fur'" '6IIid "Wh'ut'll that to you!-inind your own :::, eBrloom ~~md [- :: dd!PI,,,tnfl. lin,. 1I 00 !Je-t ,lit of W-POlcn BIJUlkora. dip. arid ' . J 1,_ J la·· · business'" , ' over.""" IV 11\11 31l ( , ' ." 1 k , ae, eyelhg toe ow .. of the ,and shakes . ' .. " Potatoes' h half, :lera. piplom(l Ol)~ "i>O Best 10 -rdl. Flannel dip. ""5l'UO," tbnt tlccc~ "a ashore. , '. " For alloond beSI ofelleh kln:l. (hpIOl~Ul, , b".t 10', •. Je.-, dip, «Why,'! .ai~ the l'ew, see ina that he w'as " Web_ter au4 the Qa r. tntem!,nll! IIlU8! be,filrtlleh d W. tho IIwQr~I~, Beiill'lIIlr Woohm KUJ\CW"KJrlgS, pO r-' ''oill~ to got ally"I'ill~ tit 1 J nk '1.1 l" JSam Slick t' In bis "Bavlllil altd Doin,," e<?"!lIIillllejhynl!phc"H~n f!lf pr IIl~Unl~OIl .o~, ',,, , ' ' .. ~ ~ .,~" 0 a e~lIl". II .t.' f1l1a ' · d " ' glvlnsr lull P!1tll ul,,' !; lIl '~~I\"IIU II nlllour· ,,' W I K' "why" 1~1 !I'Vo Bome~hhlg to kno,:"," , "e s ~.~ 0 wlhg Mee ote! " - , fng-. mode an'doxpenc6 of c~ltj'villl IIi nnd IlIIL¥~I~r 9~ III~ , ~(lKtil. ' UI , -I'W-clt," 'rtdd Site" "jUt a WI~ at tJ.le 'Pllete wu a Quaker chap too cuto (or gro\lnd ,tn l1l1t tin ~ccurlllcly m I\MIlTOO , lti' C " cla dl ' l\.\Ullncc ,'Of \llc p;ulsl.llIgcl'II;~hose attention' Dani~1. tfI~ugb. , Quaker •• 'pretti p~~hl" wC)ighcd IlhA cOrn lit'ing phclllld>, II l ,r l\8, 15)! " P, 'llod bC01"llttraot!!d to the conve saUOD 'd~n kno\l1.lng old shaver, had a cue down at dl~lntflrll8tcd ",lrSonll1 Rllil lJ II, nuel. ', ' hat1" , Rhod ..": III ' 1 ~roOm (iQN1. Clover ~' flJld 1'01-110811. ,ane II, ' I c.nro; hero, do ,)'ru....lJ4le flus s a~ d',10 he :wen.• up ~ D Mle to, r(lndereu IInlil ~Oln(' Utile ill Oreemhar. Q~llIOi'put 11i8 lllllpatll('l on hjs aticlt and h!l'e hIm to go down to plead hl8 cue iOr Timolhy lfny nol tl) be weigh • \pt it b\lB hooD cavcjt" t\firl. "That's the,trickyou can 11I1l!; 80 says he, lawyer :W;eIJ8~r, 'what's mowed Il~ny I!omc months, X' ' 11110 .:ror- GO , , .lIEEl1LE, won. , ~ Crllvel t~e world O\'er with." , your fee! " Why, urs Daniel let me 8e8. which Ih.t' premiums ore to be lumrtl~ at the Beet orna'!t~1 Needlewrok. clip IlIld 1,00 'The c(lneh aller Btopped at atavern ,I have to ~o down ~outh to Vi ashrn~on, ~}~i~~:yn:,~~il °1u::~:r~~~l ~:::~i~~halt be ' t:~ ~::'bonrie~\\~~~~~" f ' to change !IQraeS and five the pilssengera a to plead t Ie great ln8UrA~(4). case of the ' HORSES.. Beet tptlClmeD Wox Flowcr. or Fruita. ~hm,pce to ,\I.le. Thelow w.al~lled Jaclt ~ Bee H!ll't(ord Sornpony~d ,~ve IW.no be at BC8t Thoroqghbred Stallion, over,4 )•• 'O\cJI " , ~ , " If lila hat reilly bad the magic- erect which ~lIlclnnati to ,atttlhd the Conv,eQtlon, and.1 , ' , , (diplomalnd $&. ~~ .P'!~D -Won~ Work or 1i"I~,~,.~ ... he '\VoIr ~padllRlly beEOi'lling a ' believer in'. d~n't see llow ~ can g9 to Rhode. Iehin4 ' 2d ~t .1 ~' . , II d.ip'lom~ j '~ern, aQkwhich en.lhng for, liquet oli entering the tat... ~Ithout great 10~B arlit . grent fa~igt!e; , i~ ~est.~I·!!10n .~qr W<i~~1 ~~Ploma\~nd '$'I~~~~~$~~~:~ lie toased eff !\n4 afte.. BlnllCkhig ~ou,ld COB~J'OU, more th,e n fould b~ WIUlrt",1 . ', ' dUIIl/mll. • hi lip", percQiving that the bllr~eepei' r~ to iJIYf'· ' WeJl. ' the qu,:'!~~i lOOked prettr , Mh': .~J:r :1~f~~I~~t:. · "\1~lted hiB c91oT'1l. uld nothing. 'f" Aftcr ! white about th~ gilll" I tell y u, ,wben lie 2d'bAAt II, do. do.' dlpll/mo. " . ,"""uner <the ~riv~r blew hla, horn and the '.h':llrd tItfe, for he '~uld not do wjthOl:Jt bim. lWtBlood M,are, aU for \Vur~, oyer4.ytilil'll old• •. p=,~rtgcu ilUI.'rle\l to If8t to tho .tage. DO how, aoll.he did not like thl' prelimiDbtI8 t ' II .. ' .lr::rli mll aDd p . • '" ~I ~pt J;ou lIaiiof,. Dl!ln; you haY'nt ary talk of h .. a~ a1.\-t I~Bt be made bold 3 yeu old colt, hOllo or geidi~goma , }ill.1d:' aid the 1 ndlord. . to uk him the "Orllt of It, wbat he 'would '"' r4!ploma aDd IS. ~iA"ll8t thol'\3 ..bit, old Blowbom." "aiiJ take' Wby. uY' Daniel. 1 alway, liked beet .. .. diploma. JIC!c , I-ak/~ olf' hi. hat ancltF.:'vin g, it- a• 'urD' ,~"e Q.Uak.el'll, they are IL quiet,. peaceable S'Year old Fall,. .. dlploma diploma lad ,p. • :l. ~ Ie ' h . n, on hi. . . . . utb. ·_ m. """.K"~ w go. .. law .r .."'.... • y•••ld ..' , , ',; rc)i:pl~n\und '.00, tJie lllndJ~ d, ~bo responded,"aU right," to ~I Jt....lld it wou~dbe better :foroull great the utter IIBttlD.lljhment of the Jew,: ' ~ry if therr we~ more Buch people In 2d 1l8l!~ "." d.lplq,mll ' . OD re.entril~g tJle stngo, the Jew allked " 1 ne!~ seed or heerd tell 9f anrh ll1'JJl Betlt ye~lh,g ,co~,t:,ofelthe~~~, dIploma 8I)d 3.«!t. 1l .e~l_oept gqinj[ the whole,figu'r <for ~~e:~c~itpg Colt him w,bat,he ,!"ould take fori niB hat Qnd ~~iclc, ;'j0e ' 1 t.~V~C;:l1aQd 300. "Why," ,llaid ;Jaos; .fl ' wouJdn'!: Vrl1\ with D~nu ,J"ckson' &OIl tbat eV,etlutiJl' n' 11 . ,lilllo",. ' , them. o{'fO\ thia bat anilatiell' t Shong"bni, ~lghtr, : ~!iJlain, VAil Buren. yes, 'I iove ' diploma ~ 5,00. f(olJ1 ~ Chinel;lo . Prin-ee88, who 'gave t:heri;l~ ip.c, ~u1llteP!1 I hore ,til, y'll go tho We~stfi , ~" II rJ!pl\)IT)II ' f'J~~:!::~~:~'~ w'blnll ,f~f' BQvIng her child, who tell'ciut or tuokct yct---~nd 1:11 go for yo~ as low Ill' 'f ~plom!l' cmd ~,~. bo R.......!rri••• a oa~ Irom ... shark, Clnd 8~e told me tlJllt can )ml wa.y aftprd, sily I uOO dollnre.pair of Mulee 3'00' ~:~::~~~ I never want jor Itnytblng." ~ong"1 The 911~ker wcU nigh fainted wheJl i1e CATTLE.~TllQltOUGn,"l\l;D. • •• I. ke~t them; ~I . blesR her beaQlifol to~ heard tbll1j but he wss pretty 'deep too: so "lkll' Tltoroulh.brpd Bull, over ~, y'car8 1>1d\ l~t if1lthaso't1'rov&hrue." . ~ ~ lIIlya Ile, Lawyer, that'B a deal of mon,ey • i r~I~19mll tu'lG 5,00 They weren~-U't.heen40fthelrjoumey~ bU& ,lhayem~ .C88e8thel"e,ifl givo you, oo;l Id;h h~Jlf'u1~inll. ' (ireatlll!it whewth Jew,whohavi.ngleenBuehatrong tbe 'l,OOOdoUIII'II'WUl you' plead 'the other ye~o , OI'OUII' ~ rdipl9maand400 .nd ubdertakeable evidence of the magi of J ahaI.l-bave to,givo you! Yes, .ay' 2illilist ," .\ diplqma ' ' J aelt'!! bIt,al1d stick, determined to pllrch DllJlI~I,,, *iD to the bcat of my humble Be8t ~ yur TI,~ush.~ bull diploma and 3,00 it atanlrate. "WSat w11110U take for your abilitIes. 80 down they went ro RhOde !ld be'l " ' diploma and " hit and a~ICk'" allked tho ~ew aglin. l~Ja~d UJd Daniel tried the cue , And 'ear. ~~~aroUgb:~n!d bull ~Ir. 3l~1~:: t.~ ObJ ID01'e than youcan glV(,. Why 'hied I (or tho QUllker-. WeD, th~ quake, Deat Tborougb.lIi>N CQw, over 3 'y~al'8 old l 1,:-"",-'"" 1PUr old clotbes." '~aid Jaclt, If you Jllivon e goes round to the folkl that had Buill! iJl • [diploma ana'S,OO ~t ~nel enough to buy tJiell)", ~ court, d 'ur. be, what wlll..you Jive if 2d "illploma "'!'~.'" Cia\ IUlclt• .that!' aaijt the JoW', pul1iug get tho groat DlUliel to ,ple4cl for you1 Bcat2 yearoldlUlfcr. ':rhoto[ID"1:~~ IlDiU,eo ~:,u!~rr:'~ well ailed ~~k ClDd ,bow~,ng itll COIIt JIIe ono th~4 clOl~ ,for .. fee, b~t 2d beIIt .. ' II d1~loml "'P,r;~;' c
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a~\ty he for I" BOItThoroagb·bred yearling blcter~ him tlllck,and,.. to, n)eae! cheap [d~p.tQma and S,OO i~iii~~~~~~~~~~~ h ...· cI !ld lIetIt , .. d~Jllol'IJa
"!::!D('"_en tw!'~':oCberl and :!~:::: Baet meier Calr,. e o~lh .:t .thJ. ba, and ro~'''- lae bundred dollan, . aoa let.' ..w the 4101"11, m thu"
"~;J::', ..rca.,.J:tl~;~'
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iDlfliMldii41i' erill.dciJ*,.tJ.,i~ "frO tho extfjllfl iQh ot lihet ! ih<* torilotiel latdiy ceiled hI! co tu tlleJj nh,cd Bta";" slavv
Ii~,~p.lrd tile tijrllt to uf!1 their IlnveS' with them lll. 'tutllit tBritol'y i however delli able it tnl,ht be to prevent the t'xt~n "l on Qr tbe l''lgJI ill.lhe \,u\l,li~r"1!.f'!iI? f~ with .... ,·. n.. "n
. . "~l da4 UIIMI.n'lIII\IIOriblll;lJ, bitiEln, Jlrospe~tiv~ 01 othe~viae,it. ,, , ' , :i't'W1tt, . l1f,p m~ .\l~rlj( 'd, nuU , m'hi, ~ 5u1)J ect ! ' f~ ~~l.ri~1:~ 'I.H-t ·...,L , \'1\w.~.>...,~,,)t,.,\·I, ~.~· I,l(,iIIil~""""'''''-.l~ , . delllyed r~r ,,' . ~ r 1J:gl",]~y .~.~~I.r': c, /tatf .sgit~tN'r;";¢mlrlk, , . ' ">' l£ei:' ~- fIIflil. ch'iI ' and religion ' thllL. be ,cllnn)lt ollj oy ... r"'-.~" .. ,,':Jlll " A: Tl:m~J!3 TO 'L IU" . ' .,..; /lll!!!!!. q;!!len1bled !1fPhllndelphin. ' ~o drn[t ~ t;h9Pf'0t his _cPlnpl~te . ." hill " iolnto th o:originol ~~mpaQt, nnd ~ I,n " ft;r'Jo"fm cqIrirn" . 6 :~ 7f'or $I.,~'7~ ~nclt. oJ',l!!titllton . of tli Unitetl StlltOS,i next to l oml1lgamatiQllwitJi tile white rOC(),C~ln wvo deprive· hlln Qr ~Is . ,r igb, .. Under .. au'c~ , ~n , ,I ).'2 ,50 . or 1,25 ', " thc1ill*!ltion of po\ycr" thJII i!llbj~tt preient-, him all, UUq'ighta;ot an Alii eJlic;~n :~itiZ }l ' . ce ~he slave holdcr~~uldc , P'~~h ': . • 16, 7} .. 6r J 'J~~ ,:one ot tlJe mos! J1e~Pf.exi nil/ ,lind' di~- absurd. or r(l(lIigl an't to ' oUr fee'lings~ untol- ',right , of revolptio il, wUlchis .nr'Gbaibhr../ ~f,lY-ti\e g6,0~ . :Q~ l'I~;'!JJ"nci:~m~ c,ult 'lue tion!l.brogbt ,beCol'e th~ _cp~1Ve'l:l~ ·tiil~ation moy" be, we Clllnnot' shu,'t q.ur inalienllblc'rigUt, but I con~Jde.. Ilons. deSigllllle JI(> mone! mU8. 1 nv~ HIt" , 0 ~ tl 1 d ' d d tl . trcr" h' 1i tl . th k ' . . I' r . ,, 8CIII1C--ITICn panv tlie,names«)( ~11,I1! !!ub dcribcr~: · tlO ~l l~' Ur'D,,,JOri! I.a c~'P n e ICI.r . ": tot e. act" . ~!l~ e .~~·Qr ~ goel!, . tit?~lOn DIH : un,lOr o, ,~~y coupt(y' JJ~ a C~VIJ , djllcer'nlfLII"'-ot" . ~ppr~~911Itlfllg e',id,en lle~. , . ~.. • • , . . .. ' . , ' • ,," ,J ,ure II~ ~ com,mon cllllllC, -m,crhlld {ou~M !I~~e, Iy, a~tl 'bllscJ!- on; but It '~ould ·'1'~lll.re ' . po~t ?f VI()W~ ~\lrnl~?un~ to all', othe~ .... • To"'cJrre8Po~dellU" ,' :," by' slile. ',lind .' 8houl~c~ .to Shoul,dbr. ,~If' tl?o I~ng collrse_ or xe~r~,~cf~re ..cxle in~1 ,Ob~l~tiOn8; aDd th,. QJll,¥ aho,n, .II~ould ,pot I,ter-UII'Y' ,. ~ltaDkt!1 , "\l'ilioi'iW! ' for: <(lTI, J.Iopc bu~lle fluId ?~ fre~'!P1l1 i had ,~~~n ,umt~ d In thee could .be e~tlrcly over~o~e. y~lIrs, be vlolale.d for t~I~' pur~,?se 01 ;.u.m'1I,lo~:a~llng1 tllf) \Vean.J(elJl~. ! ": 1 ,',~ .w-ar, nni! they ~c'lre~ t9 ~e ~mted ,I! , piHlt;:.Cj' eontcn ~!on ,'and bl~tern,?'1s (tOil \'l?i a.!)fl.~ven condition' of straflgc:rs lInil i • , " , 0 muatJ de~line " Thb ~t\.rtletion of tbey had tasted ~I e IlIlP of 0pPl'CSSI~n, ~o Itl> ,11 dow~war~, tend~h' IlY of our Jn~t,..tubonB our 'go! eJlnmcnt, : ' .Jt~ad. H o"m~ If. altltough, 'tl\e I!.entjlnent is qxcel- \'ery drogs, and werep!~pared ~nd ~v:llhng to might ~Ice'pluce. that would "ma~e con Til :, removal of Ith~, Afri c!1 11 sl10uld be 1~1E' . " lent;, Ilrid ',n l'Ie~et!li irllll.linccs ' b~~lItifully ,do, ~Ir thaf co~ld be done. to n;lJ1e!iora~~ rUS10li W.OTep c,?rifQunaed," and eveiltual~y nd accomplis,ned)); dIe lf3gi~1!ltloJJ • m:I:~ ' 0" !lse~ • • , ' " '. ,.. • .' I thei! own" condltloJ;l, lind HIe co~dJ~lon or', 'leaq t~ anarchy, ~a< the ~,ow~~~II ,()f th,s of the several states. ilt the, cxpeJls~ oC the ' . , ' compani~: ' ~he Vniont I\,Rof,lnl scnt us ,flJr ,pub- tho~e, aro",nd ~?mi Q, mor~ Jl,~trlOtl~ nn~ ~r~u~h9', , " . " . t . ~en('r81 gover,!m~nti re~otlJlg th~ popuJ,a- tOUB" , resp6nsI41e ,·:.l'nEI~and otber ~Ol~t fl tock WbeOler the , Afncnn III In to the 'lion of onc ,or , more Bmws at 0 ' time, tb,~ It wali th~ n IP wb c~ ,the IItate lB . a , ~~of~. " iicat~otJ by our' fricnll U, adeptedi il jipa,t-I enligli~encd body . or mon Ptubll~ly never I 'n;;eti " , cpnvcne(l'in this or any other ngc. A gov' white mon ill not ,ti~e and to lie determin ed by w~ all mQst , , tlJ report ann,lIl1ly to the Audl ~or of loti I r 011 ~ r.::. c. ., . aliall . , ' , "F: 4/: W." We ~rl1cercly rt!gr.e~ thn,t ernm t>rlt shqulil. n~ all tlliies, l)e adap'tcif to tlijct species of ' , nnd ' , . ' 'f ,..l __ -' · 'r, I' ." ' b d' " b f - I ' d I ' Ll! ,, \ , - t, , IIl!nm}qra 0 yCniT commUmCu.t loll w:~ , rec~1vl'd too ntc t , e Ilntl;! nn Wl~ . ell ~ 0 peop e, nn, n 1 ". to aJ ; It,WII8 UIU expense. to ltioUiS every 'l'b,. extend the oorporllte tow,n s. 'OJ publi9&tlC~n lllllt ~'eBj(:' B~ch !It·',ally. orl;rlnizati<1n, ~11~ticul:u' tegll~d bhou!d be a !'Inn eminentl~ qunlifi~d by.j~lte~l~ct and -'\Cco~pl,lsh~ent of this momentous objec~. sition Wall' e!l?e~f,ll.lly ,T o ame~d,tbe .at to~ eltabli~ tho p'l'i~e ' tPJ10 ill lie lIc;ce)1ted. , ' " " had ~~ all the orrcumB t~n~es, p.ou damest/lc 9li8ep'~tlon, t<? Ju~ge. that the Cltizena,of a na~u),naljlebt or !lne or two -hundred milaCter tl~llt tIme thr.. of praille lind of the MI~I, 'Wabllllh ,and E,rle, and Oblo , !.Fred FiecnouM" is', evr r wdcome.- tna j tutiall 'o f a IItllU>. or' its. oitizens. ' At d'iff'erel}t ~Qtiollll , or ' countr.es. could not lione, sh9uhl be oreated, the eyil' would ,ll~ d.nlly ~C~~lded .~d we' tr\l8t (fo m .in- callallaJl'dll,. a~d to lecure,then~ _tie to actu- ... 'T lIlnltl for liThe lnebl'i!ltc's Wife '" the time, tlie CQDetitution of tho U. States dwell tOi!'CiIl r ill barmimy j if thi8 'opinion "maU, r:.omp'llred with , the eYils "Of. d . h~a~·1 ~q \t ',d UlroQe of infinite· wis- 111 FetUe~lI. pnl~~ ~e"', '7}18~'7 < n ~I:... " , .'To ElIen;ll by (/Wmlc',' is ' eq~ptable. ~' \ MIS frlim~d and ail.opred, 'scve:1l1 of th~ ill, t,iue, nF1tions Q,J: cou,n trea•.I!Qw mucb the .r~ource8 or 'our' ~0'~ iltry:8re vaet, b~::'~ mer~y. ' Il,ee~ not ,8B;j ,t~at thQ Publl~'t 1~~~~~~~1~!!nt 0, a tate ,01""': ~f " , ..~,i"k -Of inet by A~' U. H •• WId a'ppear 6tll~cs had, and some o( thelli still hllV:C, the s tronger doe8 it hold, when ~apJi)t~ tQ mense, IUId YOir!r '«I0d bo~rly ace,umula.. df ed,:ery p1iaYt~rl' \VII!! fOhrtwldllo~,,! t~ Sup'n lementary to .... e net for tbe a~" . , . . .. {I th . ti 1 ft ' I (, th . •• I" . . . un Ireet un I a rig eC1810n" . c .. B!I'+ h .UE1xt w~ek'; '" i, , In~tjtut!~ n ~ 6, nverYI , e conven on e ; rer~nt cnltes, ~r spe~~1111- 0 .man. ~ ~~e ",~g, t 18 nf t ~y I~ tentlp~ to ~nt,er ~to:,de-. ,blellsin 8' molit ricH:and precioJjs pOI~~net 018 J.3tate o~rd o.f .l"uhJif In" ' .'TagUon~,," ,We CO~I',lQV ~?JlIPty , ,~ ith ,~jll,l lnll tltllhon, n8 .they should ~!lVO, done, differing .wjdely, n.o! only , In \lolor. bu~ In tall on thi8.8U~Jeo~ tb~ ~ talllllln.4'''~\'·ay'1l and u~on~e prisoner aud bis afflicted lI~jl,ch'on. ' . .' . ' , yourrequ~1t ~l presont,. If ever,. _ , ,1 , where .tbey foun~ }~, t? tI~?, ea:~' an~ con- .odue~tioo and ,t~mpcrllmcn!: • Th'?~e IS a me&ll~: will readll! Bugge~t t':.omseh'el to [amily. " . I " '. Bo, am,e nd th;e ~~ for the !IlaIPtamllDcc ' , We .are IjOlT)' tlUit ~IS8 !d\ll'~.d~i 10 'W88 trol ~r the stotcs In whlolNt e'["I~ted!: It wa , prln'Cip~e of,~u!,!lI.n "9~lon"11 di8~oelt~on the c/llightened' \egislat.or. Some haVe 1m" J colJ1~ ~ow to t1te clo.8ipg p'al't or. thiS a~~.supeOft o~~ll1egltlrnate d hlltifn" " " receivid too late for this week'a . paper. . It however mn\le 01l0.8is df representntlon, for 'mlUl, ' 0 gair~ 1191RC advantage , of hils or con~ ~doci tI,l\o jf the A . , mome~tpu8,trlal. WbelJ il1e wltnessel for t? exem~. rO~1 I~ e. up0'd ~x, WIll appe~ i~ q~£ n\llt~, ' , . .J.he _purposo of cOIl'!P1om.ise opd con~i\atto'n, low mlUl, and to infitience. goveru, or consep-arated ,rrom: us and"phiced by ' hi the dtehrebqe had '1l fo i"tehP in.,1~~ir testimony , oC~:::~:~d ~h: Il~t e~or ~lDp::tl'Jo~ of , , ," t I ' d t . ' I'ht of ' I ' h' ". I d" 't' I"b ' I - . {) <, ' , .nd e counael r e prlllOner nnnounced , ' , T\ l' " I." t.t:i.t he wO'Jld degenerate ' and' go Ule e~ldenrc on their part elo,.ed , " feeliDj real eatate~ . ,', , ' , , " and ~, promo e t , I~ union ~n raDq!l1 1' 1", ~ro Jtl,~ l t '~ prlD~lp~~"or, ,1apo81 ~o~ ~ O\ys: Conv~DlloD »~J~gattl,~. , ~he stnteJJ.- ~lnvery..\vns Cl!Bt tlpoQ us, n?t.Bo ltseIr, 111 eluld)lo~, alld ~ows )NI~h. jlur , to Darb~iam, or,a savage "tate; and of Pll~, ~d anguish must have como'over B~p~lemeptan:, to tho act makmg 1IP~' " All the COIIntiet bave.n~t yet b~e~ heard Dlll"Ch by our ,own rault o't by the CUpidIty owth, and 8trength~n8 wlth,our strtmgth, de~~'nerac ond . retrogrllde tOl\dllncy the mmd ~f every juror-"What! can prop11.t1onl fOl "lhe year )~lSO. :.., from" but the ,r~uJt ~p far ahewll ,68,~Dem~: aDt\ UJlpri!1cip!tl~ COn~!let ~f p~he~s; at 0 ~nd genrally oper~teII more fotci~ly (In 'the 0(; tt,e ' Tfll'ubfti:r ' of Hayti, would (IInlelll JIlore be said...,.~o more be tJo~e in , , , ' To amend t~~ aIlt ,tA) P1'9vlde for the .ale' , c"!I~••s· Wh'r. and ,7 F,ee SOller,tl,-:-, time, when the ~piriL of speculation WIIS weIlk, t~e Ignorailtand the unfortun~\e, losely observed) faY i- ,the ocl I St 01 the unhappy ,priloner! lIr that eVIlandl belOn!;n, ~o the M~J'(1er count}<,' O Ad Iftl and Pike. HancoclC IUId "Wyandot, ,~llout, !,-nd legtp mate ,.\lnd illegitimate ob'fhl! pI.JII,lln,thropy ,~( .Gre~t Britih~. ) n ~ClmiOgo or HayU J 8 ac~OIU~~:~' cU: ~r:c:b~:' o°:"L:~~~~C!~o~n ~~~~~;,~e ' resJ.:~8 Nn:e.:.~:~!8t:kiii WlU .. Miilioning. are ~e COU,Jl~Jeli rll t to be beard, JeclB 9r co~mc~ee wcr~~~or~ ~o, for p~r- ~mancl~,a,tlng ~e, "hi.ves I~ her ~e'i India mate ~nd ilia government;' although 'a reAt ih:t vCTY time, the l~ht whll'h '~o ' exempt tho home8~ead o',ramrlilll froID. We ~U gtve tbe name80ftli meUl- p'.oBe~ 01 gam, Great Dntom and ll!:be, Da" Tsl!U!4it, haa been, by some,' h:ltll1y com- publlo in D,llme, ' has away. been II despo- the IbId' ,0!uLrge' of th'Q Cbicf Justice after- from f!,rced IIlJe. on exequtio~. to. pa1 debt. ben' e eet, neIt eek • t l~n8, tltklng advantagell of the WIUl~ lind mended ap d opplauded, by ot.. lers jit 11M ~ism' encowagement to indtla~'Y' a~ tile ~ard~ gave us on I Byeral p'oinla Qf "the T~ provide for the earlY ,publlca\ion of ,, '. , necessitie$ of their colonies,.trmnsported the ,boen intimated that it wea::.n act ot p,olj~y, inea~fj of instruction bave n t ~ 'ffo cl iw and evidenoe~" " I think I speaiC the tile lowe, , an~ for 0~hel'-' pUi'pOlle8. ' ,..e'votefo'8eDat~!1Ill ])eJoGate.' unfortUnate Africon 'from the land ~r h'ie intended'to. operata " n 'this country. I "d d ' h "_L 0, fa a , r - aentimenw of nearlfir 1101 quite all t)( \he To amend the act fixing the rate 'of iqSIII1'H. KU81.G. DAwsplf, MAJ. . :I ' • • ,. J >.. . " or secure to t 0 hUJabitantAl; pl~«l toe J tl it th tereat, paslled Ian. IIJ, 18~4' and all other re Gf'een Co 1668 ' 821 u .lf S4,'l f0t1?e~8" hi8 own native landl anc.lllol~ hllo bllve.bllt Iitt1e fll\~h in the pbilatIth1'()PY' of Africnn under the roaterl'n fP care lUIa . ~ a,r. I rd ' ey wc b as laws on tlllit 'llubiect. , ', . • • , 1>1 ' r " "'9g I ( ' tj u dll,je 'irthiti IlUld of rbortu "~orilti of ' ti '''' :... I I I ' I~ tl IElyare dianship ' • ~ . lor ,~e'r, ve Ict, '1I1l t ey . ' Warren Go. 18'~ , o!h " n 0. 0 n & 1 I , J' ,; ~ na on. or, o.cjltJop e, w 10, w II of our enlightened guvernment retired \0 the jury room after Fuither amana OJ , ct to ~de. or' Clinton Co, ,1918 ' 113 489 1489 tbe.colonles reJQonatra~ad ",gll.inst tbe ilbom-, rreeing tho'8loves in a few IInla ~ 'is)andll, holp rorth inducements to labor affonl hi ' listening to ~he moat .able and el~tJuent laying o~ a,nd eatabUabillr l"r.~ TIlrnpike , ~ . '- --- Illable trafic. GeprJi,~ m ~arhcular. thto gh. are e~I!>la~i~ ~ ' milli~ns } ~ oPler cou~ltrl!18; the ,"cans 'l or,' inlltructiol\. i~ ar::' pl~~ of'the pdillJh('r's flenior counlel I~d ROlldet"paued·March 12, 1845., • :~o'-I , , 3336 Iter govOrnor; yet mdlvldunlll cncouragca anti by 0 narrow policy alld iIIiberlllleg~ ' d rid I the Attorney General-so strong1y had the ' To nmend the nct to au\hu,rlzo tbtrCanal In Clillton co~nt~, Ill4iqh Morris , WIlS their trallsportation by purchasing ;hl~elJj Jslation.. are 8tarvillgtheir faithiullrislll8ub- lI\pcnoo-;" re Ig on, '~ am perauad?" evid~nce pOinted to UU~ prisoner Ita the gui fun~ CQ~mi ..ibner8 to ,:,x'chango certi- , OJI'"St,tte. , elected b1 I maJClrltY, of 240, to repre- I am not ono of Ihose wllo think <slnver)' J'ect at home; in a land .0C plent.. ; tbEtidea the resu t would be n~ dIfferent. 81 thl', e,r- '1 man~AlfD TO If 0 Olml .~E. , A-ftcr: tbe fjcawlI of F\hI ea'J Deb~ lenhbltcounty 'InGreen'.t\oron.llarJan bl ' 'ih-~ d It~' k't If " , ~ , cumstanoolllnwbichheiliplacllCl Whatev- ju.ryh.adjlunetotheirroom-withthe va- passed March21 , loil~. "'as elect~ by ~ majority or 799., ' 10 'Uds: e;jmg~ ~~I ~',r 't o l~h I lin unp 1'j. tha t1h) °b British ~in~lIterbor sltn.tesmo"'tJ i~~ 'e~ might tio ,thiJ re8~J't, the riou8 evl~encell- ()f guilt out en the table beTo ILm~nd ~e act. entFtlcd an ~ct lp pro- · , W U' ' , onll e Sl~, , r ~ I. ra er 0:', one 0 t~n de ( ! Y emoncl"otlng t e 8 Bves In ,Iell', wo~ld be worthy of the calJle of ' them, and the dQQr locked upon them. vld~ for the regUlatIon Of Turnpike ,com.,. cOunty the vo\«! WG8. for I lams, 2914, ~hosel'eltalqDa oCbfe wlncb hail-existed, and Ildllnds, to ' opcrato on this coontry. is> I d f ' II d d th out 88" it were enUrely {rl)m the world PIlDles. p"'edlan. ~7. 1817. '! (or lIa:JlhvjD, 448. ' probably wili exl8t, in some ehape or nn- think. too problematiClil to be seriously-en- han.. 0 ourdcolun_~ 'ra re oubnl._mobre to 'le ~othlngbut tbo eye of Oblnlaolent God To improve the law' or evidence. . cd' . h er!. s tertained,l know Ute British Itn.tesmen are ' Onor an ' g, ory 0 "".....e 11 repu w ' t hit.Il m1 .L " ) ,, 0tb er, t hrou~11 ,0 II coWI ng ' tlme j nelt . Wlllm. 80 pa infu I', WRII the lenlle of re- ' To examftt cenaIn JJ t Ude n tfl ('rot O J0 Ij'or.~"el Klad II~atlnlD~e. "the nome materlol,' whether e nr e freelor rimowne4 for olie and tact, but aucll. an Itilry coDqueats~ or Inl t~ trop ea, it . hog were ~thel (0 come Qq the pub' c ro&cLt. " . Jlb ,'1. Ii I d. 'l:k would be the. '~lumph of rll{~t over wrong. wbioh ~11 ' felt' tb~y mU'lIt come Furth.er . to amend I.he ,,"ct regulatmg A company h~ bee" form04 m ~oston bond depeno entlr.ely upon the condition in t III to, that from 30 to 40 miDutes were for the purpose of' gra~tinrr policies td all bl ad TI te ' tAl f E a te I1t wou e too ut c. &JI more , eo, . BENa X . lu<lgment and Eirecutloba. ~v,lj!fI by Raihoad or t?t:ambollt. in. U'- \\, ~ v.:~ ~~r! ~c Ie ~an 0 'I~ to oporate.'C!n, (;~~t Britain ~nd ll~r ~ol PLEA8.AKT HILL, Feb . 16th 1860. ere any thing wall ~one-wl1e~ at For the Ir9verament of t he ~Jlio L~natiq i b 'd rD tJ .t (bodll ,land, .nn\lll" ._ ~,,"UllII,'~' nre II ayes as \\'0 mce, tll\L~ o!L ~tbl. country. ' , ' , of tho Foreman' w nll heard Asylum, ud the care of Idiot and Ule . ,~. ~~e 8UlI!d t JO 8Von, °tli ' Y u the~eloto of Greece. ora.1I1ave of RoD)e, lfslavery i& an evil, anddangeroull f.o tbe , OO-Navi""lion on ' the Miami Canal. to order 'and r~mindID" them oC Inlane. , ' lDJUl}' .rom any IlCCI en w h1l eon e Jour· .' " ..b . fi .. T ' i l fi t ' n ,, S' .. d U ". ' r. •• ' I ~ 1" d ' f' or of the ' I1 nited Statea. ' Looking upon liberty land tJlppineall of tile ,America~ pea- wbic~ has been s\1ilPe~ded fqr severlll ' owever pall), ul. and w~en they had ,taken , o,llrl?v~ e or Ixmg ,... Ollot con ~an"ln, Th n~y. IS , I cer ...m y a DOVO "m 0 an- 'hi ~ t I • , • I',· 1 'J " .. I P .:I' " " heir lleats around tile t ble th 't Companies ' • IIUl'aDCa hi·'tLl. ~n"": ' tholl j~ it lin been ~ ~ BUIIJ,!lQ. J leI! 011 a ,grea, po ItlQll eVI pIe. how can "the e.:it be ~ertll:r;"";J , ..~;-ct!.c ~et1Vt:en Ctnomnli.ti'al'l Daylon on , th t rth . Il d-:-~~n' To am"~d the lets d're t'.. th , ~7' !r" ~ the quesUoo arlSOS hoW can l he slaves 0 ... I' th ·... ~ri i th te'" ro'" ,.'" t I" t ' F kllWIUI. one 0 eJ~rorllrollOlln 1I1j,Iu • t " .. ,~ .. I Illug e , in Inecellf\l10pe1'll~otl ~ nE~opc. itla enld, ' • 1 . suy, ,,1 C010ruZlDi . e ,<n. can. n n" , O loDe uamllge 00 ' oc.. 0. , ren w For8plan. before entering upqn the Qfpr-qceedinglne,h11lce~. " far II" year or m.o~e. , ' " ,the,UI1I~~tatea' be e~anc Jl~ted~ how cqn . ~!y·~f the U~I~ 8~teej fPd thi! 't~~em~. beltn ' ~~lumed. ~ollsider.lltion and decJi)on ' ~f thll ' o( ,tIle 6tb sectlM of tbecllot ' , ''J: ' . ~ • tlielr condiwPJJ be aI)JOllorllted. • , . of e~anclp.~lon. II, ~b~''''' ",oUT" ' • • ~~Uel'. I w,ould:p.ropole 'that we 84O";'P~CSCrl\)l{l~ til• .0( , . '. ...-,ortaal- Prqjellt. . , 'F11~ United Btlltes !lI'c. unrortu'!lltely dl- praotrcalachemej.to main Iichent.eofE,man- o;:r'~. tl.'eaty between Great t!1n~n for diVine ,wllld~m ond gui.dapoe:::,: Publi~ WorkS. tile CUlll . It la.r.eported that '. proPQllltlon will be VJded JIl~O two ~at, pol~tlc~l partiell, whig Qlpl\t!on pr'lltic~ ~ ..vaUlllll~, th1t I ter- and tbo Unl~latlve~~the-N'~Ic,. . ThO''propasit,IOl'f me w It.h ~ ,c~rihal ,e:ra. Ute . Audhor' -!,d mlde In" few. daYI to tbe BeDClte~ enl.' and ~eql'~(lJ'ot; thore ~s I' th il4, parW , c,aUe,\l eat of tho Ilave nod the' Ilttve h<lider should \ ~agpa qU4stlOit III bell~v¢4 ~~ have been lPOD!le. Ilna the foreman calle,d upon a ju~ b . JD regud to ~e eli.. , , t , . , " " '! ~,,'iats otlibe~"."- > _ \ _.,_., . ~ ' . • • . ' '. ,,'>-ned a~ Wasbinron. 'ferma a m'llual ror to o1ferprayor. Tliil was done most ul'8ement'?f tbe Fund and the rea ..atlnr ~ .. co~pany or ille ]Hgllcat , . ! . ' - ~ J'~ '.1' lOllU 1t~.aia~~W.I~ ,~e COnSUlted , ; ImlJledi~te eJllabClp~ati?n '1$':" • ( , fWliinrij ~!)d eIMer::!~ : W~ ,tllenp,roce~d" ceipt of dellDque~tr t~e.. " , \< i I • ~c,tablJ[~y, fof' ""nning a line of poat free j 'Y'e have also ~ ,c~lol})zatton woUld probably be agreeable ~, !l ma~or:fty Compl'OIn~ .. , ' , . ed to the .most t!ying 'and painful J:J~lIple~ntpry 19 ~n ~ct to prOVide ~~~ COIl~' from Ina~pendence. Mu., .to Cali. but ')lll,is no'lnat,it!ltlon, Dr "~Illety. ot the 8IaYOI. :rel' many of them,l "Ul POI'Very L._e from Sapta Fe; our. ard,uou8 du,ty. The , various a =~rFe~tll~L:~~~ we'ghullnd n,tea8u~s fop~ 10 tweJll,-eb: days.' and e~preilse" not 0 }lany. The abolltion,ol'1lberty suaded, would be In ""wme condltiolll tht.n , ~r. LoUIS, Apri19, whlcb were put Into tbe cllIIe were ,P T o ,r," \b ~J et~ f th I B nI I in tw1!I~ day.. !I'ho Company only, I18k~ pary, are in, favor oUn;medlnte ,cmancipa- they: are ,.t preeeDti pual em~n~.Ii,alion ·Jo.~ph EIli, and 'a p~rt>: of~e"!:!bteen ined by t!'e 'r.ua. pat;ticularly r "p JIlovw~~~ bye.....: ~np'': 0, oa . . Ii ' C . fI d ' b dr' " h t th r tli i " d Id b ' '(I bl b th ' Id Amencanl and en Mex,eanl arrived fi:'om things which lIee/lled bfoa.- mo.t IItroDl'ly 0 u c , ~ f c!) . :~mE" OD£l'l!.ll!JJlth ' thl ~~lhP 0 d~ one ~.~ eel ~':' ~t en; th o\~~p~::e \ - l'~ ~ ~~a~ . wOb~e pre lena I e. ' ~, l..atthtoo'1~: t Santa Fel hivin~ left on \he 6th oflJareh. again¥ the prisoner. , ,:rhe iJnllJ dec i_Ion 1 T01~1nl1.~~e fOOl 0 couqtylurveyofe l 1 . .,., ,m w .. e ,,'W .o ~ Istance. Wlw. ,•• ,...q I ~ o. ese" ey 0"1' a e BU ~~ct, UI t\) ',!- ,t;)f lIear." a.. 8 ,e.vl , a. )Jnllinees, Will duU at Santa Fe, and the of the quest on \VaB resolved 'into ' threo n cCle~ .... n ca-. ' . ,\ p!i'l1l'~ b{pqrchulrig a .qlinrter .• ection ,of Ilre certrun lD!ienablq rights, III declllTed by, h.ve been spoken 0(.. and nel\.h~r o( t}1em hOlltility of the ' Indiana liad caUled much parte, :ro 4Une Qd .act to .~uthQrIZO' an,l rc- , ·Flrat: ~rUhe remains of ri hUll,llh qUire. tlae,rec?rdil of th~ officlol , bond" ~ , land. (or the purpose of a ltatioo every ten the Americ"n dec~ation of in~ep~pdencel will ' mfOt th.e vlowli of the Ilave bolder. conllterDatlo~. Murders and10bberiell were " ~l~. ".~ !JOQjpt.n~ II!lk of Il.nd that ala~ery , i~ in<;onlli~~nt with IIOU?d n?tblng llio,t of thel,r Tflm~al, froll! 8.Illiongat o~ daily ~ce~re~~. and the ml,Utary furee fouod In the Medical Coneg~ , on the ~:l~l~ ~ubl~c , !' •cers '. }I,llllded marcli, 13, , tbe ,use C)f il\e route for fifteen morality, ana. tJIo proceptl 'of the chrll- us. will be .00viaIable, 80 fllr as the slave 'Was entielYlDildequate. of November. 1849, thOle <If. tlte late Dr. T' d tb T ' • I-A .' iI' ,. ' . • , Th ' .1 " f i aI' bl ,. . Ii " It wu f.nerallv, believed Mre G eorge Parkmanl ' I) llfuen . e oct lentH "" lin Gct: It- agree to make the gr.nt. of land tilln religion. e ~ontTlDe 0 n J.!Illa e, holdm: i8 9OncorJl~ oo),o ¢Slltlon, elt ~r In Wb'te "hll d ii, • I II' g...; d' n ·.d D ' Il.. P k ectin.. tbe mOd~ 'or trhll , in criminal cour' -' ' . ' . • 1 " I; b n it' th ' £.... f.L U I doer t i l ,,, lion negro Ir'r a ve """,00. 'f' r, ",eurge ar man C(lIO.O , .. ' "I' geuhponthelr haYU1gtJie'roa~~n Qperatlon rights III no e8!I t,lall e~u I ~ ' Ill ' e: ,Afru:., :ot 'Ule treaty,o w,e n tEl il'.it a e , Indlanl havingn JMlrted to thot to hr. death by Ute handa o( Dr. .foin) W. paued marcb. ~. th , 1841. • '. . wi~ al,x rn'o~tbs, and ' , nt, u'nttert8k~ to ory, rand . Pfliea to lnd1~i~ualJ~ lUI well ail ia consequently the oDly praetica,1 end Mlljor P1t1pattick was a,t Bfg . WebBter. in the MediCllI 'CoUegO', 'on the To .~I!nd eXiJtiog laws re.1"tive to ~vi"d p~e 3000 ~eo upon he Jil\e ot the rOlla oaUonl; l!ut in. ~ratioo I~ II o~e~ rar othet:, IIvall.~Je I.;beme, we ",.1 ~ told Ithl. t this A..kan.... endeavoripg to form' a J9rd or. N~,eiJl~", 18~91 ' I , • of co~ty rOllda upon ~tato Im~, at.pn~. illdi~iuaJe ~d IlltiO~ ~y thllimpru- ia a pro-trlavery dQCtriU. on tbe ~,I~nd ot with the 'hl'lUJe tribel. It wa thougbt Tbltth Ii .Dr. 10hn W. Webster To *mo!ld the ~'et ,a\lt1lonzlng coun~1 "' dence or their crime, IIOmetimel forreit. at ~npr.eticabUt,. If so, immediate. ' an~ p4- woulcleucoeed .in geu nl d.putatioDl • set forth in the indictmen~ of the r~era to ~~scnl)9 recordl In cerw .. •~ Th8 ' Mlnne~ Pioneer to the 13th leut for. time their. figh\-to life, lIberty,ua1 emaoipation ....oJW8t u. (sa"i." the the .camanches. Kio~., aDII Arahahou ful mUfder of Dr. Qeorge Pukml~l . c •~ . 30, 1896, and for other ' ' li -.:. ~.. " , " t " it " ,.. ( bo l\ th tri~OI to accompany ,hIm to W .."lnrton. When thll 'Vo!,o on tho filllt que.tion wu ptll'po-.I. 'If I " :Maroh, pub ,1I1I.,.. 0 }et·e~.rrom Capt. Fo~d. '~be bleSSing 0 C\T go~~r~mellt 'o,r ~ntQ.dlct.lon .n tet~) are t of . em The American gold mines "were dolnr banda aroae imutedlately. Some Requiring .nnu__1 ie.Ulemcn~ bJ county: ~I/a~~.ge Bh6utd be taken ?f Ignotance or pro-alayery ,doetrine;lt bile been the obJect wei .near 'Bant.l'e, IIveragmg tl6 per da,.. . thon topk' phlce. when \he offieera: . .. " f ', elated ~b lit, ~ying that. rumor Circulating .t the mouth of Crow W misfortune, ' yot ma~ ,ome~mes pllce him- of tI:io colonlAtion IIOOlet)'. to , coloDI .. the ' . ere ,,"81. scarcity of water. oth~\_ seconil was testedl• and' t"lve .ll~ndl l .t > 1;~ amend the ~et. entlt\~ "n ~ J91' th!, • ' o~ ~, ~he third, the 1IlOI'.IIn~~l;l' ~edemJitlon ~ndl .ond town Iota 1I01d riv!'f, that a pan, Qf EequlmaUx had ret.ur~. self. or be i~ !.laced by the" cupidity and A(ii~n in Africa, the lana' ~rhll f'ath~lri.lIr~ ,til!')', WOuld ~o much better. cd from Hud80n'l b.y, w~ere the' ship PJo- meannen of otbe~,l~ a condltio~ t~a~. the ~Dcient< bome: and thia l~,e~li I b~ been 1Il1!'!,. em . . ,,,ranuw~o topk ~e COld rout~ aU.,wu ne~t ~ be trIed. Q,wte !Url.,p~ed M~t~b S. 1811, ,1b\l act ver wa frozen in the jce and tho crew' win- best thnt lian be dODe, IS to !101d him In prJ8- rOC9mmended by th~t di8tJn~llIied !ltates: to C~Ji~orn!a were, .re~ . in, to Santa Fe. .. paUle e'!8ued, '. One J"ror. i.,. hill IIJ;rtI]I, - en,t ltled an ~ct to amend lbe ~~_l ic* I ., ! ." .'. .' '.' '11 "'1 'Wi h d d fie ' .; - ~I~ Carson would go) by tlle South P.... t,hIel of kmdneal for the prilloner (who Willi ndJlt. tli reJa:tllSn to the .....e of Jull, (or;.. ~ at J;.ort"GBC?rge. . ' I . oo,o:.m bondage. , ' . man Mt. ~ ar , . t I ue e renee to Gov. Krmijo has_ been, 1mprl.oliect at bil l p4m0nal 'tC.p'~a:fn~ncc 'or frienet) and (eited. to the Btate ror tbe. non-payment- of. Another repo~ muea Brr John Franklin I Will 110W b,e!, ~eavo to 8ay thllt a ~hrl~ tho . ~loDI.~tiOD 10018'1••n,d to .the great Ohlhuahua., for not defendln. Santa "e bli Iftlicted (amllt; Ilhrank from th,e "fiety tuel" p........~ '1 " ,1846w • . ' there~. The eame , p.per statel t\1.t tlau. undet: IIOme e'r~umltanc~. ,mllY hold a Amt!rlllBn c,v1l11l1" ,pet:mlt 'me , hum,bly to, 8pDllt th~ "me~i~ila ~ Ye.... 1lf9. . ~,,, "Oan't .we ltop, b~' UI1't the 1tl,.1 the .ct 8ll.6.11 ' Ill .~t. Ip,' U.ere !,1lI great lIumiring, ,and .tarvaUon to lIay. nothing of, tl,le correct deport- aay, that eplonlzatioll in 'Africal willi pro; - . . , 'IW ' be vhtdieated aod jUlltice ..\i.fled amend an ct l!~liiieCI In ~\ mati.,, ' trialmont)he Chippewa Indlanl, . and exemplary conduct or many whu bat.ly never meet die ~antAI ot thii colJntrj, . Dr. W .b ater'8 De,-ortaaen~ .', we paUle h~l' Must .~e tl\ke th! LU~ of office of c~\lnty IU1'\'l!lO\" and aeftJrlpl, bll, 1', ., , • beld ..JiVetl.' · I 'w ill ask what mean it i" lIurr~nded by tw many diftiollJltiell \ ~~.B()II~n p,~I~~~l!,PrOr, We~tQr i. the ner1 ~ SOme dllCulllon duUbl. ,,- . , ~New~h~,':~~cetv~, at New Oro' tKe,e pa~gea o( the I!8C~ writlng'.- and tilo' 110w in the op~tio.j'jth~ Afri~ ~::u~n~ud~:~~~lt ;re~: J:!~~.:::, calm. he ~~;:ea~~hl: : : : ' : : 0 : ", To ch~ f'tlt~ aam_. or co~ ~ Je....,.that a ~t.coDftaptloil occurred.a, I~And If the servant Ihall p~alD~y say I l?~e canl too b.va become accU.,.ted I pd .~- gel1Je on the II!riOIl8 topiCi .ppro,pri.te to Y'Ot.i on the FllfAL qaeetion. which .....s \jen . To ~n~ an 'act ~ot ~" ~J.lIl VenjlSubt., the 14th 0" ,March. lilY malter, my ",ife. an4 my children. I WID ed to till. counl:rJ~ t;W II Wilt ..... ~~n to 1111 unllapPYlituation.. The Boaton H..... putj a"d twelve handa .!'OIie The die ~ enco~ the GrpuiAtion 0(, fire · cqm" wbidi ~tiW.ed~ , n.~ ..itt. W~ ~e ~~ p ouUree. The" bill matter -aJaaU, Africa. I fl.v.e~Il~,awbJ..::aQ(tldt~I ~~1) -ytl: We~ that theN II a .move .....tiD cut! andlohnW. Websterw~ palIiea.·~ Feb.,.¥>' 8, l~': • . eltC6.ptioD of two boUll88, before $he de- bring., Mm unto Ute judg~i be aHal\ ~ tow,rda epl!JbteDilll and ~1~nliZing coDtempla!-i0n amonJ 'tlJe V&no", ,.,~~ IU~ Q)urder. .. ,. .. , ~o aml!nd Ule act ep*' I!\ ac\ to •• vourJnr element tould lie ~ubdul'd, !l'he brina him to the door. or unto tM dOOl'-poIIt, that benightelt JiDd; these I&WO ' cWrereDt ~eBo.niiDatjon~., bU~1 rotestRnt ~d{-& o~. u. enlued the cloBJ'ng leene Ip the l~' lJIeqd thel ~e'V'TI1', a.d. 1lO'V lilfor\ii. ffl ,te\;. , gre.test di~ ~rev~Ued. . • and lii. muter tIl.n bore bll eara tbrough Ichemes. i( dlft'erent they can _ , toalled/ l"::t : : 8:':~ ~:~IPllthtow:~ ~~~.lL~!-t _~~adrwakrd., traJ:lIPthia;c! IbD 81a~Qn t9 tile .\Ie of JUde' rorfelfecl ~_~~ , • " . I' dh b II hi' ~ ' .. Id .•..J:ith -'__ L ~" , "'5 on e Olvuuun'lVOmla .a .n: , y nownto e pl\ - ••te foJo non-payment; of ' CIaee, f , F.at D.,.._ .anu~... an e I a ae~o . mlorever. wou ~~t "!..... ,I}re ~ ."..... they mency ~f the Executive . Gov~mmeD' tiC.WheD our fQre,man then pronounced 11,1846. • •• '" Gov. Ford' ltu l..u8d his proclamation .\gnm: A,.d if a man Imlte his se vant coold, In u:uth. go hand ID haDd.ln the WebBte" cue. He ooDtinUetI ,to the awful wonl-Guilt,.! thejury " u 'Veil To ' ~leh • ~D I offen~ lberein. .. ~e ·priIODef. ~P1bled a~d faint. nl~ed. , '. • ' , ' . I ' ~ • ap,olDting the 26th Inst, a day of rutin o~ hie maid with &rod. IUId ~ dfe under great work ~Cem.ncipation.i W.. h~e In b!s melle from ~ar~er'!I .nel ia m~ lUI' prlTer. . hll hand; he Bhall.urely be puntahed. Not,. round Ilumtiera probably (our milli(,nl Elf ~laI ~~ usual, ~II .•ppea~...ce II ~a~ And w)i~ ueJie~ it wal to U8' w~en "I'e To d~cllP'e ~e inteDt 01 die Il.~ eectl6n• ' .. " _ " wiUtstandinglf be 'cooUnue , a day Qrtwo colored population• •nd four h~l1cdred ,eep drct~n.~H,~timellmoatJyoccupte,d were ~Iil aJlowedto"gofree," a~d 1'8- of the.ctre1&tIQgto' willi. i • ~For 1ocallutelligenee.l'ead attenUTe- he IIhaI1 not be pllDished, for be is his mo~- millionl of oC public laAds;" 'I am ':n~~IIA 'li~ l~v~b~B::~:s~a; !np:i ~rl~:mea a,nd .frJendsd ofter long 'A~ori.in, co~ea 'ot~ 11 the new adv-ertisemenu .each week. ey." Chrilt bu told Ultbllt ~is "kingclo~ penUldedthatterritory, ortenitoriee\ could 'Yebster hili beenam~ar tire m08tll':ren~ a jU:~. he::C:~~:idllha::cr:a :: In "tb , ~~ of t e ~ , . II 'Dot 0 the world" t.nd Inv&nably lncuJca- be eelec:~ed, that , would make the Afki~DII oppOnents oC the lbohtlon o( Capital PUD- joy could the ptUJoner have ~Dj~":r alof ~ UIIId .. e\" 011 ia tlIe ~ ():7A pat ~vliJir Ii IIOmetimea etrec~ ted tb trine to those in luthori'!. I do a home. ,T he IDdianeare a couq~ pea. ilbment. . lowed liIe 1lUDe., unspea~able blee.inl' ~c;,.er:: au "ct Pro;ld~ lho ~_ 1D P~ by c&lliD, .t certain not to be unde"'~ as saying that pie, in. the lanruap of tb.e clJlef j,uaUce , . ' Q,Ut OF Tn JIIRY. of turn Ike. e .it anies ~"-' placa. M.~. 'thing PenoDI ciri umltanco of the Jewl holding their Marth... in. atate of pupelap. · the]r have 1'he Al'k~ . _s State P~nitenti~ wa Boston, April Srd. 860, '7tii, IM7. P P , ' fl~;:_::: ~vertile are liberal In their deallnjp. (ellow men in boJuJagto. wu".ecountea UD- been driveD from place to place from coun- burned dowo "t'":i' thc ~8Lh ultImo. The eonthe aeriraI RtI iJaI~\lOI1 eo ~ tt' to them. CorrJihteolJlnelllj" but I claim that. &rf to COWIUJ••Dd .re BnaDy' pemlLDent- 'Victa were secuted. Lb. or ('~D~dl Law.. rel!JioullQtl ~~:.:.,-:ru;~ ' e'k~rx: In itill. a~.tltimea.wlleandprudenttoehoose II locat.e<! beyoDd the father of r.ter., o::rThe ' Le""1 I (1(" _ Requiringthepublic:ationol Ie,al advrfi NUraadClOtD,...ieJI,J6.,. --... 1M wee ,...per. the lout of twoeviJe: immediate and dUeot and h.n a home or property iA' fee afllDple. . , ' . 15. ature 0 ,Iehigan, by. til!l!Ut8ntll .n~ nbtlce~ to be madii til <tor- traDe er ia.~eJ; ~ . t ,
t1i(t'i ·
,:: . ('
"fY th
, ° D-' ,
the. .
·rot· ,
' 1'0
"_i.a ,.
, ,_
'8::e '0
~ nu.:0'0a New OrIeaDli .to "the
..... daat there.u I'Wl " . Ie coDllMlaeaoe of the dIlDll the. report atect• . 01 IIeaIda alate the Dl.CJ.&.U& 10 be &0 ~ cent. IIpOIt. . . . . . . c-.or ~'~~"-. ""aaalIa up lite . _ - -. ,
.... about the 1rIDf.
hm,~riendll :t!t=!:~:' Se~:-tora
emancipati?D impracticable, "jthoat The Afrloaa too. hu been torn. thaa \1JW)n, and je~ oar and COUIItry. tboueh DOt prec:a..ly ID the cnralibertt.";OUr peraaentie & COIDpIet, HIDe manner, and tlcnrD trodIieD hL \bis ..d the IDOIIleDt 90 IQtel'medcUe wiUl die Iud. Wb, DOt pre W..... home wh be cSom.tIc lutItatioD 01 the .te, the eoaa- .., net the . . hia foot,. and it pact. .. eom~ ...~)a""" and ., If1a die iiiIUtW ar., 110 . . . . . . . . . ~ .......... die uaiaa, of ..... die African. CIIr the Iadlan trit.. CJrP"ftUlleDtof_ooatry. W.ehoaW aboaWbeao.. . .:1...&1, aad eeellatie *", • . - . .up......., ... become Aeeriau eI~!JI....
,~"'"' .... _fPlPtlN.taI&teIl'lItotheUDiola
1a.....~I. . .. . . . .
.. ......
I ...
fa! oi'!:J°~~rrJ=~~.
the In: mn,-=:: tli& makJl\ n; bves in Con fro th preeenta of ~ aIIll clrahw,iD ....in . caee. I , Further fa _ . '" ,_ . Cor the W IJtncr:; f m at Btate to "TOte eecl Peb. 8. 18• ..,. In force to relatiill' Co" 'a iel'D or~lbllr, 0 rouo, to ~ p~WinJr aad \IetalBfm " 0:7 A ptat fiabet ie aid to ,. , anel requl eoaned about ,lie-4th hilt. near TiteiitD. 0 ........ carrrUag aw.,. miD d............
1 . ... 4r ,1A ....II.L . --T1JA II
rl( "
~.~~UlI •
r .~"!fIlriij~~~~:l.~~Pf! .. I
:\4 • :l1l"i~lp(lct()r y/ould
, ---,:~--........-~ \1'lo.to CXIQlhlO the{ll, "ICbe. qijl.lltnil JOCk£¥ -'IIV tip.,. you op lP.0grapby" be will. probably wM was not very CO Il', brll,tlill Il~k" !lalel b~. what 11.'l1\e sllape of thll otfrth; boing on, tho wQ~terl! , ,Ilnd it' you dOl\'t fememb!lr, ,'You ,01'11. \V~pted ~ pair of ~rw\go look towBrdll me; 1 willehow you my /lnU#' to Exeter, ,vhore a ~upJe box, eo u to remiluJ. you it" ia J'o~nd. ',' laJten all trial. D~lNng • :Now t.he ' teacllei.; Ii'ad ~wo snufHoxes,; tton oneof, t1:1f~0I dlOil, nud , d I' 'h I. used Surldaye, aild one- fllr tlLe deqJer to , on~ rOlln '.w IIC ,.~ th " k _ lis well III W 1~lIru sq~j whJch he USQd d..rlng c wee . . ' , the peen. Tbe Jata' c)av arrived; the do an 'as the ,mas-, ulsry lo~. ,Upon the J,~b ~aster . ~akmg Il8lted, one of the Scholars, hi" ~p~arance, tbc '.l;Jldl1'c slud- ' " ter' an ti el'nate~-d' ' ,o~ the " earth. .. . e II , Mr.--.-, " th''? . . "t te I . t WIU\ "Ibf,I..Aba~e he lat18 III an , nn,OT una ,W III t-finJt ~lIft1e em arrueed, turns bui8ne~8; whnt i~ " to b~ done1" ~rihemlUiter, \whbBbow8 hi" 8u/l,tr~bo;¥,a~d . The, de~)er " ;!ltroked, !lis' f'!tel0,~~sr' n.nd 110 aDswere' unheaitll1ingly: .• ith a prOres81.QnlJL bow, rephe,l, It IS lU~ /fit is round' Sunday; sir,,- and square the rcst p the 'w.~ek"" ~ 1111111111111'-'0 could never live The preceding anecilote .reminds \)8' of " Il·'n\\l~.1 Y9\W lor dship had " e'nl 011 trilll," another iostance of the risk in teacbing ,jn . , ,," I ' , • ~, analogies. , A .female teaener ~f a ' Bch~ol N)nv Ycn,'s,,A,ddre/l,,,. that .tood OlJ the bn~l{jn~f., a qUIet En[{hsh , , tre.m, on ~ wi!iihe'il"to - c,o~mllniea~ t9 .her pupil an,idea. of (u,ith. Whihr she WII8 ttying to exillain llie menning Qt"the: wor~, a. IImall covered b'ol1t glided ill il i ~ht nlong the 8tream. . Soiiinlt upon the in ' ident for lin illuatrlltiop, she exel\lime~: _" "If 1 were tt) teU you tlint thero i 8 11 , leg of motton in ' that boot, you would' ,b e lIeve me, wQuldn't YOll, even without see inA' It yourllelvee-J" I , "',. . , "Ye8, m 'am,': replied the Bchplaril. " 1i')Vell tha,t Is f~ltb," 8Bidthe soh'Ool-mis-
lip on
, , ,:'
·. tr~IIlI.. ",
The noxt dIY, in order. to test thei'r ~e ~ . ~~II~ction of.thf,l ~~8Bon, aho inquired, : :what ' -18 (cutM" " '• '., A ~eA' ofm'utton in a bonUl' WIl8 tile an-' awer Ihauted from all parts o r the school~ room.. ,. A
"ViCtderll" _ , A S~9D of the Old 80bool" relates the , ,foUowi'p«' .n!l~do~ <if inconsulable' 'widows, which came to rom in the way of bueineN, while pu~tiiJll their moieties under
the lIod"
Old Gl'OIIIDln
u., were diain, ow'~ ~inl
. .
anlll, 'witH
Smith to belp t~e ~ve of • wid-
. " poisoneil thell'l'. Sm WI,S and told him III • Deb10i.' wae
' EMOVED.-Thollnlleralgned would inform R tho citilons ofWaync8vilitt aUil vicinlty that he blls the wllion mill-cr for-
relllov ~ to-
merl)l oolll1l'led by 81ll1iuel Holland on,the 80Ulh side ofllie pultltc iquare, in Waynesvillo, wh!,(e he intends to do 011 kindo of WqOD alld car-
obum. diJl. Inti ~,OO bee ve, Clip; and ~,OO. " , '! Flnnlng' Mi1l\ dip. Itld 3,00. 9 h'lDd ruer, o.ip. and l,'!U. S barn Fbfk, (w00d8ll) cup. Itld I,OO~ .tI!aw and hllY, cutter dip. and Il,~. ' form gate IInrt(asten(ng, dip: ~d ' g.,OO~, pump felr woll or cillern, dip. • slIddle and bridle fot ."nalal pu~, ~ijl, " . [and :1,00. IW.gon Uarne.I, dip, Itld 3,00 barness tor plowlng, illp. clirTlage bll~ne8l!~ dip, ;,
work. and 1\11 othor \pnd. of work per· talQlDg,to hi~ bueln ~", AI~o, palnlior, tr:lmminJ.aa rep.trlDI, oran kinde ,done on the! Ihorte8t notice. He will' keo" conatantil( on liand, finished Bu~glea ODd Oarri.,et of all
k\lIdl, whio:h he Wlll aolL Oil tcrlJll that can't Jielp but 8utt tho p.l1rcltlill,~r. He fiat.tarll hlmCDlI glv 8nlm) eatl~faction lo all eel {-that him wi~ 0 cill. Ho wndera 11111 m ~~~~,oti.llt~n~!lI8 for thoir for
B~I plowing,
dJp. and 3,00; ~ beat> dip. -, ')A)lV11'10 JlATC)J. roll DOl'S DI'IIID BIOII'l'QJI YUU 01' ....• SOCI Beat plowing, dip,. _Ild 3,000\ td _~ diP. be he/d ' Rt Ruleuo \)foble"od in pu)wln,:wiD bepUb. it liIIhed her~af(er. ....
lot orten lbe., mad~ III any timet dip, &3,00 .. .. ' d~p. and ~oo .
" . ~
et,o bet .jIeclfiad. ,.
cUp. anil2,00. clip, '
Boet tell IIll., dip; and g,OO; lid beit de. dip. Honey to be lab" Without cl.troyinc the bett, ~d kilid of hivo to be.,.afiild • _tiL
Bellt ten lb.:, ~aple IUgv, dlp. .,.a l,OO; iii l)e~t " ' ' , [do. dip , and .3 00 Belli Ip~clmen # pt Iple Mol~ made Ii U'l"uu,,, Itll. 3 00 ' ., ' ClJlim, &om a1~, dip, an~ ~ ::; Progreell qf rilanuIlQtllrlna UICt Gl.,."... .. <uplLoma"~d 3 00 )Mll\la~ ln,.vrhin..
!nd 9 00 ltld 3 00 find 9 00
U'l'lu, •• a
COIiQud~mICo.l , Loafer.
"Dclif ~bb -1s tliia Sam FrAnoisco lliAt'. gittin t al l the gold out there in Klllifotny1
pre:mi~llIl.. onlerol""
!~~iili~. ~~i;;t~~·d .C
. he milst be> lhe rlcheet fellow in. all them
'. , , A (\ill,ow in eomp1ete ~lIul~e of, ,cll,CIlld, cor- diil'gin&:' duroy, nlUlvery dirty withll~; rolled off the Whr Johnny I rlltlaer tllipk he'" 8otn~ reIn· ted to the a~ Inciuto who wli!! killed in 8tep.~ of til A ilj{cmbly Building jU8t aI , ,yatClhm~ IIrriv~, at the pot, nnll rnn .. ,", .. thl) Texan war by ~en . . $itm ( Hou8ton.' ,t.wo Qr three coitipleta revolution. aD, rPavemlmt, .topped ~QC~ upwards b fore' . um~r Gnd ' p~opouQded the foil
" say, wa,fChy"al'e yoU' Frett!
. ~onnondrum8'
yd ••
Flanne~'dip.' and ~ ...It.I;.. !ld,..beltdo .. dIP.
IIYa.. Jen. t yair Woolell
'iii . idal:!.t-:.~~ neltpalr Wqolen Kalt l!Iocb, ' arid • , , ~'do. 1dD. Boat nil €upel, U ydi.,IIip. a 1;00 III ieit
~ (clo.~.
f '
~8r pldr '~oolen Fibip,M!ltIlu, dip. 1,00. III
. ' ,.
Bellt Hea.-tli ROI, eIlp'. aDd 100; U belt ilo, cl1p.
We receD~y heard a goodstory ()f two pet.IJD8 engaged to fWht. bull. A, the I~rc, onp ot the seconds profoaed t61e should lihue bands and 'make up. The
W'b)' ~ID' like a Ing Chrilltain I That'. a pretty to~h on otheuecond laid tiat • you' ~Dkt Well, donl!- puzzle; WI caUJe I '1VU At .,ery en~nee ,, -.- ~ :,.-'
il1Curo\C1'VUl'. " p~r o( Woolen' Blanken, clJp. ibd t,oo-~ JIOJlI!S'I'IO
Beet (}rnartJenta' NeecU~ok, dip. 1D!l'I,OO : 801\ W qrkOd. Quill, dip. and I,QO. , Beat,S ilk, bonnillillp. 8nclI,OO. .
Bet, .pecime ' Wu Flowtn« FrRita, dip ana
IIIlW 'no ae~sity ,:~;:!I~~:II:i~
Wonted W",
~.vi'n. •...u.
Fl~ \
Grealeft and Wll Y.rie~ • .of fall A)pl., Blit.
leut 'viuielleti and labelled. FWD .... ellhiln1or; cUp. Uld 1,00; 2d .,.~ do. dip. do do diploma Greateat ad ,..rltielofWintet Appl., •• Mare all ,for .~tk,· oYer 4 '~lIra old, do. ,up. an4~,00; ~ beet • .'cle. cUp" , -, [jijploml ad 16, '. ~ " be't .. . ,I dlpl~a '_ Bes, 6 vanetlN ~~, J.beled dip......~. 3' ft'ar old colt, horae en pldlill Betl lOPucbel, dip. Pel l~ Icl bUt_dO.cUp. , ' (diploma Itld . - _ nu... I' 0' dlplomL ." Bilt collection of plulDIt dip. and 1,00 III belt old Fill" diPloma and 13, , . ,,' " .. c\ip\oma ' ' QVDIeI& oW aolt, ma,le'Or female, ' HIl!C8t Qu4Doe, dip. aDd 1,00, '
1 ""0"'1I11l
;U Mulllll,
diploma IDd 3,00, diploma , dlploml and ~,09,
'41..,.. . ,
:l4 ~f ~bibitlOJl ~D,. H "\lit dl;:: .
aad 3;00. 8,00, 9..00,
Beat i1"' old Thorouah;bred liDtl, u.
11.1 ql !l'OI'eclnlte'r8of'lfIPII! clip. u.l1,QO
~nu~Q~UGII'lIUp. ' 11l':""'4!&4m;'~!llp, Belt ~horou,h·bred Bwl, ovor 3 yean old, '{d{ploma ana!t,ClO
H l1eat '
(clo. dil!.
II II dfp'Io,ma Deit ian4 'ftIa.l eJr. . .". ': collectioa " colt.,ofeldMIr ... ;cUJllom.. '!d 8.00, Ifa~, dip. a,nd ,.,00. ' .
. ", .U~'kml~ C<ollf
rdia\lomaltld 3,00,
.', n•
,I I
\II gl 1
fai te
fo ~
d bel
Bed and cortEiOU8 in ,his dealing s course1 yitb his fellow' Dum, ' e . , For. the len as. ~" hUfl~'and should · Io,\.e.~n~ ,who eyes" aa ag"'IIin and agn;;i~~n~'~=7f=i=;==~7:=~~~~=:=~~~r.: , Mr. Jild'ilOri'';::'~ h!1vo· 1Mafy . COfllO 1lllrolla tbe {or8alie.n fOotIler, mother = .aqd bouse for he presI'f.>d lovpd bne.to hiwboso m' following ~ollm, ,Yjthoill .dalG,Or auu\or'/l nl",e.l They' we '111' I.CJIJOllcm:e tl ,.j tu d' 1 krlow "ot \vheh it' WIlS wrnt..m; or under \Vh!!l ;-. . , . , ' , • .re p.' asa~ 1, ~I . • a,t e In 8 , -!',;, Etlen, . C3p, f! DEAR Ellen , can circUm8tCUlCOS,. but.)usl Ilt tills . 111\.0, bC)1 110 ~~ etling, In ~ l1Qurlsh ng ' ~lll?ge. . S~cl/.~ fo~~ve all~":h~ po.ssro~\ltel)' excl~hnbd, :~ much i8 laid IlboutdIsUriioD. dis'Bolulion, &0,; III , enoh o~le.r B love, ~~tbmg t~ milt' thei~, AL,L yopr erqng h,usba.)1d by.a aone1" by dUJlll1gogucs, bOlh 11\ tile North nnd .souih, 1 peace, qUIet and hll~PIQ,ee8. { Thol ·we~ka, . "0 ~ladly, I hllv.e £orgivo.n '!lud do rorgiv~ thilllt it worth a,' rcpubliot;l1ion. .' M. mp~lh~ and 1 e ll.l'B gh~ed away sweetly and fOU, Ood only J{nowa! ,j : .'. TOE UNION . " '' sWiftly' IUtd in t1 . I ht 'to l' 1 ' k · · From thtl Ndrth lIl' tbe, Soulb;,\vo . ', , . are.Ufi ked In ' . " t . " Ie mean. ",?e,,1l Itt e ~.~err g "!Phen with all my sinfulness, Imy.,-cru,eleoeh polrt ,', . t:o reReJ your en«;FAochrnenh8,usurp, . ". ub , am~" o IDCNlI1SQ theIr :Joys,. ond tld~ to and unfuiUlfulril'ilS, you will Uli'pl< or me Wh(lttiver ou; f8itl~ or ~lIr 111lore8t mny IJIlI liS you ore. , SQriletilJ)es, indeqd" you delbe, de11gbts of 119m.e . 0 how parentl11 wbe ~ ' "rn go'0El'1" . , " . cilire It ,tl'l~,ce, nll~ ~eavel.) er in.po,sseasion . .(\ndh~~~I~Y'rIIP~lhjes cliord}ike tbo Ibrob,of love .g'ladde.~ed tlteir . hearts! T~e emootli , :'() dearest Walter , hoW eno you 'doubt the fi~ld7-bu,t hke a tr~ac~or?Uil nn"ur. Diallnl)t All tho 'biUoWIl , but one 09,tho eoa; of ltfe---smoot b to tb:~m thou,,11 So itlH W fiIT to. > ' • ' tJ c,; . t le~IU\I1St, expecte d you deHc~l)d t ' . . " co. .· C r:~d, rm",", ? Ul' CIlUS~, we ore tqlc to " . ,. , 10 wer~ ossed . by •'-lIgmg wml\l:t on Its 'nnd bUght all her fa ~'O it seems 1mp~ble that you ShOllla . ~vell ~pril, with her ,A clIl.\~e !lnd· ~ hmd all glorioll811nd .free! • . P?8pm-ghd ed g~ntly OD\~lIld, love 8u'c h n oriminl lil" :. WO'"'-I!nitod in boarf, ~nd imHed. ill hond, sometIm es ~eJld ,..\)!}p 8carce,lt dHlturbed . by II rulHe: .. A . ~. appy "If y~u doubt, if m~ life ' or cievotron, . Di s llnct .~ Ute billpw8, bu.t·one liS tJl(:l,tiou: . Il(.omc. an db ' ItI ,duc s. fiSon, II , avpy Inma t. es I W I,I! even • J , my pr~yerB, Il\y sutr~rin g, ' my wa ~qhillg8, s h e Wl '1 I'. " ~ We hOllor il:1O gOQd, and ~o ,f!.IVQf tile ju.st, . pr partt-Jor luG reoeption tar so ,'peobqf ul ~nn Ilbode! Alas· if the and qll thllt I have done lind endured be not of her WOllcoifat a ilospot, ,and IIcom ,hill d ClOO; 'sl~ter, tempter M.ay-s cornell' w et· M!lr'. m" .. . III our Onion 'of tI~te.;iall 'firmly we trust, ' , '." .' end flure t,. dllught~ r of · SPl'lUg, . '" \ '. ~u , CICrtt,to co.nvlnc eyou, lqt· this one. ,Di.thlCll1ll tho\biIlDws~·.butC?}lO 0.8 the sOl!.. r , rna donUI1 or the yell:: .Whorev o~ , ahe ' •.• .. .: , II! , If' ... 109, ~ur.t}lng 'krs!!; this lon!!' ombr co,. UnB The Jlnor a.p~ opproiiuou of eneb' land' apd each there \\'e, find hO Ell ,r eilclr-'e d w)'tll n brigh' .' lslo,." , . .. ,{ . " eil was si'ttiflg by, tlle:flre witl~ 01;1 in- tllroolll . .... llg heart emQve 'nil 1II1beWlf; ' 0 flmeruLU rube, \vhiJ st , a sweet ~nn boro .qnd 0 refugo .from ,t nniite. to l!Ge;. !bnt a (OW- months ~ld 10 her al'Il')l!, parterre and lit;.. clear :Welter clln you doubt ' I lI.V',love 'P ' 'll!o ,unbcl1l!J' of lOY on Ollt st~te~ over 'l!m llo, tie" Waller nt. her aitle, beauteoull. t1o,,:OI'll ev~r.. l.\urroond. ber: l1,mi.!l\ing hAP with 1 "No! nol n"l I "nu]" b" a ,t· 0" Dlsunct Ill! ilullill wiI,lIut one as thelc.a, her approl~o!t ~oral m,yr)dswllv.e tbeIr II h'ld' h I I -: "' :1'. . ~ '" U , tr U, .. MIlY rill'nlrie I\~d w~~t neVer villit ou~ JIl~d, ,' 18 tl J ,.'13 lJratt e. • er h)18band ha~ .not doub,tI.F~glye me for~ the mo~entq~ ful heaus fin ' sllent boma~e. ooi:! woft. , But 'plent'i 'our portion perp~~I\1)lIy be; rich pe'rfume n.round os incense, toller yet returoo d,home for the M:e.y our SIRlOS ~I) upb Id by indulllry'sband. \.von~orjng, whJlt coul~ k~opi:lay I and she w"'" fear!' and he drew. h.e r . t!l1 clol5'er Lo Ius de lovelirless . , She il! botn nnd reared Ilr,d bim . , She h. eart, Qnd pro.yed t for God's 'blessinO'. ,At' like. a fui bM queen, as, the bllluWl!, ~ut"Ono 1I!i the 80n. breatheB'her riillt ~i'r.ht oDlstlnet Ilio'u who 0111181 gl8l\ce f~ .•,Ibe Cf./il ,to tho of. Inte tl'/at I'fe dill not reo'~h . ' he eaid: "I nn, -gr~wi~g. t>wenk. J'lTlt dta.!J Ct' ow lI,fai 1i~lbjects .. , est, . ' : .IQmenletl .~lId 118 e~\ly II.S formerl y; ~ut tea4i1y, b~1ieved IU'Q 'W nlter Qnd 1f!p..rYI ,OUT denr np'pTeC\ E~o .•, th!lught Clan ,con ive it, \\'0 pr~y . unto as h~ told ber, thllt it W11S owing to an 0a~Eld ,by 1111 ",JIO baJI hcr ~ohllng J . I w uld bIeRS tJiembe fore I .'vlth dehgb t,., and her de,par~ure Ihee. , f b . wlth reB h Preserve us in pan~o, nnd ~ccp us 8tillIJlest . , " -. grot. , . 0 tU$neS8. ,. , ut,. w D.t eoum kee~ It'i ave tbe'World, ;1 " ' , Again, 'fdrewel Distinct IIl~_\h_e_,b_i_"... l,'Old Win\er . You !1Il.ve 0W ..... S,...b,;,II... t_o_ IIU_IIIl-,-lh~ ~~n " }um so. J;!'lucb. lopger than . usual to "Ight.! She placed them in ,Iii ll nrms. , He held'l ml1de us Ii. loilg visit, llJ')d wearied 011 y.our 1.n;lIrllmr""~ She IIld the mfallt down and \\~ent t.q the Ul0'!tl eacl,l to ·hie !Ieut', Imprinted fiis last (r!ends; IUId ~hg\lgh _your '~ge 18 'c6~vnj with .F or the Minmi Vi~llIir. .nd )ook~ ,O\lt anxiously, to s~e if he kiss'of ~ec~ion uRo the ,UjJll of ea~~l, and Time, y~I, huveyoq been.,qs capricious tijla L9VEt S :MESS AGE. , were no. cOllllng; but he did not . appear. then cOQ)lI\itted them to Heaven with his y~un8' bt!tluty. Somel1~es o greet, U8 ..:-.~---------TO MISS b.ut cla)lkne8it and met . ' bleuing ': . Ret\lr.oing' .them .to their Re'UI'I\,ng hor seat" 1I~le hi!~ned \VUh 10tly ALVIfA. he cO,ntmu ed: • . nintc,li nd cnsting your bealTl" of glnode 8 creased 80llcfttlde, iJoPI(lg, 'speQdily to hear uin I ready to trJ I I feel that 'your IlIiJie..all 1.1,1'0.' JUBt and OJ) ' the unjust NiKlll'S'aolllo glqo~JHound J!I~ hu~g, hl~ opprollc hing f~otsteps . . ' Uut Iistt'ned in ' nave be.9P Ilnswered ill my b,eh~lf. xou 'are, indeed, no r~~pecto ~{or Qb n {obo e1illts out tho ligh\; r of "A... nt,1I Vllln. •. ' writtco pardon on JIly .beart; w~BI,~. though you are. of . And o:er Iho wl)rldlll )owlf fiugg . , ,"Why do~'t.,. coine home?" enquire d iog aw.,y my mo.py sins in tlut blo"" of hl>ld thee beautIfu l Hor man t.Io durk; Obd!lurillg sight; little W lllte ' "D . In .1l 8nCIW-;W~ln-e ' k 'Ell I ' " coslome , encenti ng all eyes W)Lq . . "Hut though sht! rnov~u o(uBpid wing, ~. oes. pa ', \lOW "we are 0 ·1 en, .can n~t'Cxpre8s to you appearli ncl~~ Ab. ~ben we' lovo \VoltlOg for hlm1 I WIsh he d c.omeW ~nol on tile ~rrh hor sllod..o~" bring, [ leel IIwe1hng In my bO/;Qm end' gue O'D thee witb admiratioll • ho huth nOt IN'W r to quench the light III foar· 1I0','?P,thi~~ is ·the matter; witb . ' but .wl:i~n yo~ get ~o ~hlit!lpirjt l,igh.t, . . Which till.' III}' soul witla vi,simt5 bright.. , ' , '. pa, slIld: the . mother. .. }'ou Will fie~ 1f, mort.llll,ly WIll L~ there , ~. nourd w~ Ilc~ k 611 emblem. ;, Ah no. door \.Ady, Oo! w'ed-iind it soon"'" "'~e can no~.urely be detalne l by ordi.. to (lido he tI.ings ~O:t are pus- 'A lu 1n l' ~f l.:l! tn tho Illel\~ t;old..mo ... • ' t'l h' I on! ... I 'h " J(,\ry I./UlilDe" . . I .. d epClr gl m lIlay resi Ihe earLh; . .f I\n SS, un 1 t 18 ate .. OUf.' s. e 8lng.JU l lil huldel'l'sBulllilm . ur .plrlte, and all wdlbe clElo:rjo!Ju, "lrl isyob, a cheerfull ok-lind 0 pllrll tr.iz n lle(\r~!" " Onrl. 01 ud~ loti), (;nlhor o'er the world; mused toberse lr.. "Yet. if any thing 'w as lucid as a IU9beom. , 0 then ' YQ will8C)e And, On 'yOIl !, Iglll ~k,i6!1 /jorc strir11lB Jj/ivB birUI, , lQ! before we tire ith thee ' lilee a he '%uld certo.in llsend mfi! word:" how my benrt.~I i)ws \Vitli graterul A(tU Inilodt.bonnot;!..\Jd llnfurle~; , e~Olions !'"lngician you app~llr before us rougl:Jy Chld A~l i .. hall !Ilia knolvn ~.En, F. be w~~ ~t for your love. :Out ' for yo~" I ,,' o,tlcl hnte l? :your YOt.. whilel know [hDt I om 1~lne, m~~.s ~u me(1 m.ontle. Ah\ then thl1t Momeflt! B!,l~ no, 8)1. d( amlld Dot died os { Ii,ved a \8et,!lbi , Thatlhy P1J.tC l1011tlb bellrl is mille, e outCl\st BJ1d vil~ ) ~(J w~u.I{lll1tn 1).11I[ the tyral\t and keep No shit 011 !,olow, no siorma eliovc, \hat JlE would do, & debulI lg act. Sho ~inllcr. ,Gp~ hils mad ll ybu the ' in8~ru~ 0~ :~,t~u:t:~lo~;, ,~I~U:~'r~Q~r:onr q 13110.11 mar tho b!,IlUW or our Iqvo,..!. cellt ~oirl'es,!lU pers &0. ,MoJf'at, koc\v, not that he. formed .lhe ding o( my salvntlo n, to w40se care J thee in QIl thy ' moods and the I!oru thou bitter" , Ah nO. swaet 10(1),,, IS! to pills, H08 ou ....liablt of ,rlaillng a gI1l91l," 111 up a han()80rne for. commen d you, and loy. e d inrlUlts~ can incli.nes t t\) lyratli~e ; tLe "or~ we do·re~e1. tu~e ' of ~OO(),OOO. Sherma ful aaY$; and IIlle WIl And S i'rO\V,IOO: may ¢ome In might; n,. taking ti,e you. HIs blolling r~t ~ at \n all thy go.r.be, Itw~love tHeo "till," not" .i ~ ..-....;I~t.,.. ..; _ '-__ 4 btu:, IIILS emer~e~ ·fr.om hili little emlDerllr thll~ he was l •• """•• '"wt.. # lI'I, r ong jn , diilllC. tIt indeed, so ' ucb Dra_ht, "10 ~in~ IIllPad M.m)' mget wll~ ttl bl, thv &lilf. tllone aa for "".!l~~J~!""~"n'" If tDa .,..• ., 1';'IJ'1]'n~:w-at 'l11.1.{;el I;llIlO •. "" AmI $1111110011 in their plnco be glv'lll ,.,..:.~~,.,;....-..... telllpter > 0, ehe WIUI In !gn. o rance will eyee .by the soft, ~M in 111y },)ve I'll still cppfido, iliO a of nil fbi!!. . '. Itand of ibe Redeom er. wher,o BIO ClIO .nevor ant re-\lnl ~n whjlst AQiI·blJ (l rofuge Itt thy IlUie: I1t )lour deparlu re the enp The ~loGIt telll!d nin~1.el1--eleve~; but. enter to Mor our peace.. , .111 brllftUTIO. pnin; wue ehnH .nevor or .di ~ul'b the 'hnr- ~e,a,rtb8ton ,e groWII 'cold, and soa;n eti!nes, , he come lIotl 'I' he anxiety of tbe wI(e behis. . ' of. our bll*,!" ~ly 'TUo h9u.rl (ro~ thine dlll&evor , \ ~""":r-"'II'InO:--'''' ir I'nd8, , ' " . .' we II pdl'eatl ng alld bitters . Urlnk,n r , came 11It1rlll, then agoni1;e d\ SuspOl1s of the works of ld. d~ Chateau briand e and , dell.r WnJter ; we ' \ ill. m~ot there, N!l'..);\o, Ind •f n(l! Once 'lIjore, F -;rewe 1, Old. Willte r!., Itefribie . ...' ' dreoU of - evil. Twelve ., , . a~o already in the shode, wa1t!aui1uneraJ d be ' hllppy,foreverl ~' ~ frlondv rO~8Qke, on<1 "(~Cl\ unilC;" ~ Many who part WIth thee n?w, p~rt WI • D C fnllt II • Y 8 • ' • " lUght to stretoh O~~l' t~e 9thef bDlr.,· ForShould IlIt1na~r Will its v.on\lm dW'1J, . the for.eve "., Long eTC your circuit" came, l).n~ 118 t e s.oupd of flie t'bIUn~ ~f the • e arc . ow ou pe~k. Am~n! God grant l! . He ll1used 0.. commencelS, Bom,e .u( UII will getfuln e88,ob "curny -lt is. the law or the :Aod lIoelt Il'Y IIpotiues nl,lrno to bllllll1/ htvo gone H\lShl betl ~e8lled) tlio s~Unc88 wf'~ brok~p m up"- ' why .a),ould you sp~a.k ngalilllt the &gO;, ,honce; the .9Ulllk-witted man of talent aqd proaeedl!d: "Th,erc is ono t'llng: that home f(om'Whenoe w.e , And wO/lnd thy truthful, loving )Ioau, roturn no more clhllrllctet 'of" female! It 18 all tbJlt ,hI) and on by approac hing . foot,eteps, He~vUy troubles me. grea~y) hvc)y ,' lmag,i1ation. w{lo' !lJ?andoDII to I can. not bear to lenva . wliose port.ajl; IIJI~ eVlln open ~ receive . yet Wllntevor cvil'ru lly'llctide, ~Il to depend ,!pon , ~n thl1l world, . Just the ~ind tbe8~ light ~ifles 'ofthi tb~y fall on ~h!l poverne nt. but the jQylbl you Iii lIucb deetJtut.ion!" daT" will , close forever on tholll who enter Willi colIstlml folth 1 will abide l glVe the impre8fltOn wmgs chat slie 18 I'\ot 'vife h~cdcd rlot 'lIS sbe' IIp~ng to 'open III effeot, far \\l.Iser thaD . the !tonhy' ~ "0 do n'at let such With hopoful juy•. Dnd hOD08t'!lrjd ~ ' thou hts troubl~ yoo! Are we prepari ng dili~ntly for ~Iat voy- 80 gc;>od Ils' she 11 . be, Gn~' it will py. to raoe ~ho go on incr98,I.ing their wor~ .to. : . t L;d ' g '1'illlho'U bs!l.)mo a hap Y brid~ age whloh mUlSt make, .sooner. or lliter every JJook IIl)dIIbould oor, , . 09rner of the tOWn: THo otl;!rmty. The world ,, My t\'Ust 18 IJl Go ; .• ,IIe tlas never/ et f~r-. ~r, ure we uJ.1 18 10 mad~ thllnk . ' lpitjlrin g ' p1ensrm All, Y\I!I,ludY.,)'eI!! tly b)' the wllystory you vhisper . wi)l return in tObes "0 , lJlt~r, ifelU'ellt, whatll nshCllvrin, t)lnt no gooil til ugbt'ill Q8t.' 'l'ima I lIaie,! me; and I knolY ne ~ver ' wlll ~'~)Ie side/ pluckli.n g.fruit.8 that ate forGidilen, W ~1it(t!l\"ltJ.ll. l'!dlch. 1850. . ~hundcr, to nstbl!lSh . even yourself, . • H~r en'lurry was cut .a liolt br till;! 8t~g- • truilt-In H'lm." w!Ji<l,1a i~ jo~t, I1nd deBtroys 1111 'not born , 'I , culb~I" ftowers thot mU8t wither, utterlj A'al t.he·j fi,rllt gOlhy wretcl, gering in of her husband , IDtoxicated. beto WIth life, bnngs back continu ally to the ' ,O ,it i8 eo'terri ble to leave 10U .io 8uch heedlt)Jls t\ltlt Time is p:l88ing , illld that .b~&e ~ ~tory,'• . yond (lOllcealmen'tl The awful truth \VorA hOB of-tcn all that : III gC)od. Nothin g Uvea dilltrel!s' . O· I can hot ~ utltil I eeo yo II eVfil ~Qw the (lrend m " " fisellg\lr qIDy be speed-. ~he rum of a YI~tU!luaeoul.....n wotd ... • ,j)d tHrough ' her mind! 0, the horr01'll JUpre co'mf~rt .ough~; nble!" t~ dIe; nothjog die. whidlr fa ly • t Ing forth ~ w.hose luis 'bl ion ' is ~o k . ,bid liS ,come! . t h ~pten IllllllY bOi but I .I . ,' ~itb " ~he ab.il.i,LY ta l!vo. ' Of the heap l W'ri&lo4 'or 'fbel\1ia mi V~~ilo,,· tlllrl e a II '~Jpg 6 t 0 trot,b b Alas poor Idror!-L m he ba~k IS frail / the WIl- e\ll 1h • Supprea!l, any roug It J.o IIDear ~Vlliter. OUf' (~uler 10 . • henven ters ilu.rk, the tcmped j of printed Il\lpurt tle'twb\ ch"woa ld fill five gatheri ngl tW Then if uttered, ~igh~ !njtl~e t~o ber heart! IJQne~l,It can t/flll ftl\ndred We I~~ knows best. Do not repllJ.e.a~ HIli Prov- tarry-n ot-host timos t.\Je Cbamp de 1lI1l1'1t, ~ollbd in' '. , en, ere tne night cometll to feel , .. tbe CW'tain fall ..pon thll "certe. of tUlother, ' .A ,though t .I'j)oy !dence, ob do not, iliB wron.g and wilJ bring secure,t he 'nil!>t ,vhose vo!umoa by Tllotlmnln, or well folded In A SH;El'C H FROM ' EVER '/ ,DA ~ , ' Sbo l'em008 trated 10\llp is over b~~nat ita birth, but a 'word IIpoken ",!iy leaves by lIome old dBiDe who witb him, 1I0d ne condem nation. rl. . 'at Dlld:r-~::...c~ seeS what i. belll for ini, and wilose hand alone Cltll g,uide Us 111 LIFE. a never be lost . pledged ,himsel f tb do better. Tr\le tp her WeIgh . ev~rythillg you . the various Inyontl olll ,a"rait the "1 alld In wi!ldom take8 you to Hrmself . 8(lfe lIrichQ~'ap Ob that sll~re where tt\m- utter. BO BY f,aEDFl\E EKOUr.O , tbat ~oge may mlBc9nlltruf;l or re, woman 's heart she forll'll:ve ' and love1J , In tt,e immens e ga~erlDP Of resim.e d' fix your mind on • Savfotlf pe.ts never beat nor veucl.s ever wreck .- eeivela v:rong ' : t' . , . ...,. " • 111~p~e.s ion·dl AbQ!c , . . r 1\1.1, nllver I' .ab, who of us, Old Winter , but can It WQ~ 8 beautifu l eveni~1t ,,:hen Wulter ~ beror~. .But he Wall u~true; day II proauc~I9fJ" tlilfre are.dggtitJeM ~e- even n Je8~ w I1l!pe~ wQr s~ whIch I( tr\1O, rnany-..eputatlo n8 ml\t MU 8ladllkt e bothind""-'--'--'-':";';' M.cl~ 10d fil. lover, br~e, tQ . tho a)~, I~ wu ~rok.en; he Je.11 ~gallJ- , his proln· an,d p'J:~P,~ for tho ~halJge thaHu o bear·' Membe~ SQI~e \lear friend' 01" relaUve, who wquJ4 thrpw a bligh~ upon a .poties i . reo -thefr .1~lIt v~lue. Then! I• . In\Jre than felI , 89 "BIllY lOU m~ good aogeU qel;U' Elle~I' balled y~\Jr depurtu re ,I~t G'l l1ltgbta 'flaBhed' out lurnu.l~U8 ,brt lIanoy' .bla .GUC,w~ hupe)~B p~~lllI'pB \vith de- putatlpn . . ' 1.< 8 , 10, the ~y,ea of' ooe writer . "'I~out ' l\ame who,' will wue ' fo." sucli 8clvl~1 It '.. best . a8 Qod dl- Ugllt~ w~th . hearts ,beat".! IIPon tile' stelle; nd joyou" rrlell,~~, witb wbrld. StIll abe dId , ~)gl, with h~pe, The OldOllt RClIutiU c on Earth. Dot -:'ve"lllrn uPi and , up' cov~reil. with :honor. , III ftnet' 1I0tll' for ,He doelr 1111, tbmgs ell. Now b"d IL long ~11 plenBlUlt life in glndJlelif and 'smiling .facill stood re!ldy when her prayfn'l and prospec ttyej .. ~h\l. A'merlr.on Qunrt~rly n .E!view con. ~~~~~ a~d t~r. were DO Jo rnal8 are i~ ~tie ball~. o,f f<ir me' , ' tbat fmay' lellve the' w9.rld in ut, alas) ~~o be arts that then bent n)gh tainl 0. t~ welcom e- theh_p py 'pair. iJ1helr vow.! of any avail, she chinlto 'him W letter from q. ~. Erv}nll'.. Etlq;~ , :y oget . • lIr, I'" , . ' . • • ,. . , ha.v~ ' rO\Vb(·,e , ahste~ • • beD. t, )~u~,thc PjrQ~Apecdt I ' sl$etbb df his viSits to Slin~llrino, w e~e lUade anu regilltered by the recor,d ing peration or love! To the advic~.() 'I IInce 8P l 'lg ISt~lorever utlJ'K!!pl}d E- ~ •• " n ' IlQ' p abl'e r In Itilly b t kne~t coL by his si4l!..,ll.Jld . POured 1IJ0,m.e ou~ .her where nt~ , tl~e.Y1 . Th~ cold aM l!ilent IlQg!!1 in h!'!!ven : ' WIII(" beautiCll1 tb who d tTl ~d ~ ~een ''''-10 . Thollc el'lJo,mefJ\iI which .neither /Iei' to abando n lloUnn prayer. herhold th,e 10l,ely EUtin, u ahe., ga'ted with ~plied:' .mprtl'I :::t:nilS' o;ly ~ . " J , ourselv e.j i.oter,Cere .. Walter 'lBplnt asdeoded to heaven. ' Sbe Immor,~JsP1J'lt, we' the ,happLnlli of " ) truat(U1 t9nftde ce inJo the acli' of him ahe w,oul~ ram h0l'e, .no~ ee, and. ita populat io" af)Qut '7,- others o1'llola te ~e . ~e~oru~ "He 1. m.,. buaban~. the t~ther of. my ceased, beot over hl'1' beloVed -aoel~, , and l'reHed bloop!111,0. perpetu al Sprmg where Wmter had .cl'OIen to be her ·p...,tect or . 0 there ohilare~.l can not RcpubUcwlIsfounde!1,more than ",r: ~n :aet them~el\lee m~t oiJ'ec:~ , gi,e him up' I vilt "I, Iins • tu. ' bis h'O ' . s aftc . l ba.rrl. ;., d-th . M ... . . ' were l eannot • co e. , AlIlIA. '') COJl~BlfA' wlIllall thegen Ue,but .tronga .lfda.bi ding notfo.rsa~ellbD!'<\ . ~" a~ on moral prilierpel Indus: er g i!lst the mdubte oce o('thoae crimma • . ", _ ' , eoldl ' • ' , • propen 'lties which at one · and the sam l . ". ' . faim of a 9I0II)8n'lI b"Gtt in ber look' e.qua tyr,; and~a8pre8ervedltllbb- timeun uerrnin 0 <e of a tlevo\io n! eour ' h "Q ;0 ' dd tro° C d d art ' d db "'Tis donlin'.., Thoulrh cumin .. un va.ritible 'I I . ten eme"! ln trust. I • N'0 ono coul dia!"d co arnidedst all 'She saId, oU t. mo' t leu . III 'the "al'll . U {lllne oye o' ' r othel'll. w'''' ~ . . toheavo llan:en { . . n!" 8corua W c I love rNl fe upon .for "momeo~ but thnt"she had pouro~ out . OJ'Oun" ~ng. ... d We neeed .not dwell on .the ~ou~ruJ 11111 lade. . rei eeted 'it aod sent an ' lUI ~ey WI'11 ,,,: ' " ~ far Jeaa ~ 111 know tUe coming, 't~e beBuu[uJ Spnng. likel, -the ~reaaurcd atrect.iQna of her . heart, the- partic~nT8 or the oft: lIy til IIXpre.!hl/J fSflntirrrenta rur told tale"of degTadar ., Irnflty J!leaaure. B~t ' It witt Tlloiurh destitut e and alOne, yet Ellen • h . ...... d lJdh88ful'd~mes I __ ~ h' .Bd~~ght~ . . beJmy • anG h d the and .. f " '~IC ty. It I. governe d: , 4'IJ.I.e~ ~ po,.fI~""", OD 1m ~\1e tlon, misery, . .I " :j , ' rJ ... 0 SCIUJOIl'l· .. bt~ •..!oubnd that thoae who ~~t ar an an .oreat are t . . fraterni wlete e ne811. · Re ' wall n~l'p1! He~ huaba~~ ha" dle~'J b,lcl.llM b l abstalDln.. .. ppe IKID y a;i~WUII'" beginni ng'tl\) put on ilieil' £8r:nlture of gRan be8tow~ ~,r"lli\Dd upon. The ov~owlDr . A arunk~n ~~e, al~: gent, c oeen every s IIt husband n~d ,fIlther tells aU her. and h.iB a)llrlt .was .a~ Parudls enj01Jnent, are 't he lDQit voracf u c. , She ip . WClC001,., acknow ledgme nt of! ofbel'll plnt'elo ve, was liketJl ep.mng forth In r~w worda! . ~: ~eP:seb:ti.veh 01 t.Jte h '.. ' . gratific ation 'of otfier.; .and he .bb ' thanked God for HII! .lIQOdnesa, though. she ~ach, apcl from every 4)( the eryatal ~atera from a pure lountalt l, months b~he ,}c: I~, a T e :::. ,til.. "• • • . ralls bloat 10~ll at nlne,t r·ill,n e innoc~t wuilelt itute; ~tlom lind pennyI len Widow lJl'in.l~tre~ are cl\llntln g.pe$ns lIilertt,t ,atunceo .sing. . lhe farm.tol1l1e~ ale neat, the fields , tt)\'~ a chQOrle,ea nigJlt in pleosU1e ll ofhre, mo8't commo nly aelftta --theJ~ DItU.T8 '. WIPB! Wbalta le8801l nd Sm.'hng 'lDtthc ollen alf" '. Ah, be,a was a vision ofbliBa tbllt ev.ell- ])er: The ru~ ~incL."" tiVoted, on all "sides ate seen ~rhundr~dthuaneZ~p~lon,andeotlve~ hl.tled to ~\l eQmplai~rng thotlund ll who live ~;lI~hzeep~~;~~!~O~~ ~r~~~ns ~~d Ingl Cloude ga.thered' not on the \'lloe.and apperqJre& or an old 1I!ld ~eace, .tI~e. happy .eft'~ct of. moralit y, t n~ a vIce by elCce8lli and ve ludulge nee. ,boV\3 wp.-ntl ~;. Spring, be11ltltirul Sl1 rin i 8preads 'sereae heagen of \be future • .out o'er .~phclt y, 11"er\!, aod JustIce. Ing 'w~ch ~.ad on~ When a W be FlLii.1i youtH pa utray fiiendt . f ' ••• • ..' I lawns. 'vhero 'Vitality rnay bOllk, and .a~unl! -tJ!~, 111tJ8hlne uf ,hope colorin g all !laUon . f( m~n , I '.oral ~bBr8Clter.' ' . the gather IlI'OIlnd him In onter O;3",]iw to restor:, him to er .llrink (rem _ w~ofs troDg bQ~ anil' blossom. .lnIY. wreathe toge~ber There i8 notliillf'wl:lich add. ~ ~hlor ~IUj ita lIlumln l aad gorgQflu• .1"- thoug~ 1t "ollldh~ , much the aenl4h If lIbe becomes attach~ to yoo, it their gelJls- c)f P:rGml . oC Ge~tle D~ a~ It~ diancc! 0 tbere I. sometb tag beautifu l in 6y calliDg il pcb DOW. e • .rlch.er than- Orallnt the ,~ty and Jll>wer of mao, u a good fit. it will be from lIeeing_ I4ld valuiJlg eimilar pe.rls, 0 1s;t'orJo~, mdeed, upon hlln to WtO bla bull the 18 the elo'loen co ml>ral eb~aeter. It is hiB we~lth-bls IncoDftd iq, aadoub tia" r"u. matea,·a ndto tilem. we billllt ' ~nd peoc:et Noonew oulthua . .the qualitie s in you. You may-trual her. for °hf sprthl;' r • l' • ad tJare the llllt tJ,ue!rce-Hfe. ,he koowlI the value or your CIOnfidence' a e teac HI, hiD!-in,e o womu . ~elU'U WIt4 liI~nt devotio n ~ er. very ata. : : hinl.:Jrh rom ' 1e tomb be of Winter Ubn-cu l18 111m 111 every condItion ahd Jk'O" we ~ ,.' co""- her, forabef.. bla toactril 8: her voice l\!lake0 8 the spirit • coo 11 .. ·1' I tre: ,..u deep as her nature' . profoun dest reellnp ehe , T!'fre 011 a pll.l Iet • generou l gloriflee him in every period·q f life. S~cb of raJ- Illy. Walter recl!lve. the brand of sOcIety, and fs hell.,.. lOa~ 0IlCB with the ftrrnuetlli of tru8~; 8nd,~~nded w.ilb thoofirii-bue be8tows all th,. w~l\lf,of 'lovo WIth wfiic:h Me1fClI~,u.dathJ. d ofcharact er II m()re to be desired than fort~ dr!vep flUID the wl)'I ofv!m .. H. r8Uon. add the conaideration of afthottcm.f rl'rlnga oC lrII.W'&i.•t.o bre&tAea joy, gl.d. thin, . • Ood haa endowed her. aDd pre~ tq live anialatering \0 bl. s1.tllaJta' bieraiti)(ul el~ on earth. It makes a ml\P Ie Iut honore dlM.ea teemed i bQtb"~'" Her love wiU beJlllti n~ for I~ will not have De or him .be love. I No tllII8 .., ~d ~hlDt life, thr~ugb.out the aa~ ladepeD~eat. place I•• pproach ing. No servile. tool. no ken-hea rted ".c~ ~tlaere . . . peace been lightly won;- it ",HI be strong and w~tudlUOtlt.i worl powm elll quencli tbe ey."..be amiDl8 am mortal earMr ,of of ori anlc elCJtltency, \feacber oue honor-lleeiter ever , bore .,I(eb a lor ~e~ ttl. ~del~ ~".Itc~ iude.., for weak minds are DOt ~pable or I hord lire, ktlUJ ~~ta of &lJ~hmeat ch~tA!r. The ,h'ohtt :"'t:al \ alt f h ' · pu~ joys, of :v I fcl\ier tnlt6 .-: O'ft! I ~ee and :: V:.l:t" fc!;tve :.. of the. Ir D er IlQUIl p .... lon .. Uyou fer.vMtJy hu Ie efW l_o~n. t_ .... rilrnteoUlne"DeveraprlDilnlu ,refer .uac' J'ourHlr to a WomD of fee. urea "fan cha~raon. -tit! 80,' happy were Walter , Ellea and would the comj~ tfme. It .. in ber Jr tb .... ami Ie I( youn, men knew. bow mpclt a pel chat- mOT.. e.,· 81.... lUla ble . . . .t ...... .t .... be either ~ to ........ , /llone, (hit the "~1811ate" oC '!Life'" an:b actor would dlpifJ their frlenda on that glad bridal .,.._1. . ere and exalt tIiaqa-b ow Tbera is a deep wroar to enoou ter ...operior o .hat a blealiDi that a Kind Pl'OYidenee era D~~" is m~, aacI ·VuaUfI. ,.orl\lOli~ would ..alIe their proapeota eYen are the COUIIqltDoea. bt~, ...... .., .... ~ or ..... at In Hia uaerrl .....oIdCIIIlhu.bId. ... (UtIute tht tile &h.... ~ . . . . aD this life, never should we fiDd ,ieldiD " llliruio n Idelup n.... ha . ~ ......- - - - &om &be ~UDIl!b \ , Y
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breezefroln thed Idle e prlCJ8, of .. . t., Ot.Igtit ,',; .' 'O'r1, l '0 ,/.' , e ' I".:._yl . t ' , .iL l eu · • , ' .' . /IQwe<l the qUick roll 01 the drum J "St e,~'IVe, a~oelatlons.('- .. ~Ip,lIny ·to be -.cdbed lo the,qulll1l'y of · llie A:mong-the milliqiiit who 'ere'l tb 1i b l-e o . prorr. Inc{..deca,.. He l ~tl"lIIl for .Tbll Mlllml Viailo.l'. inltaut tile erielllY' were It their . . ts ri ~: o.fln uicon!fu~.r,~ S.I.nk~ in spirit, '~nd Gir.,,' It:pu beoll olJse'rved;,tbat- in elcyat- it of qon.ulUng the colunui. of, .: . ne~a a~- gas",ln IJltit~"'urprl~lIJH?n tHe exhlbltfOna ' ' , ~ ~ BBGG~, . '. ,,· .i ~he).ll~nt q'pntinentUllI I!till t1n~ln~d , 'h~ ' ~I)~el d ~e ~~lthful oVbt .,!~w, ed Bl~uatlona t;here' ,h,vo .been found " mo~ P~,. ~bote, h" ~ ' few'-- Cvmplrltive1y:" ,Jh~ ,~ ,that,htlmltable PO!"e"" . wlileb : llonf~ . ' " ·u-;-;- I ' tlielr , ITent but ateaay ,marcll, a fire 'BIlCh 'as [Lo:don Ohv " e !,D I e rule! .0vertiraD,.• •- old pe~pte ,han hr iJi'OIIlt. 'that · \yere low.- are acqulinted with Its orl In Accordin w.ltb .ucb rapi~I~1 and~~ upon.n It./alr . ~ '. , ....:..-., .' '. .~,etp~tation only could produce, bu:.sl (r~m ' nsVID a Pel!!)y I\ra~n~. ,, ;the mountaj n's \If 8.gotland" Walos. A'uver- to D.'~raeJl, we:'1 re jndeb~iI iO the 1taJlaii~' ~f::~I~IJ', t!teir.~lat!netivaP!orei111!S and ~, , 'trw•• wilen lho.U1i bill ~allr eO\lrIo hId ep~di" e\'er)! erilJ)ru\lre 0 ( , the for~;'i 'fge in~e8- ~ .. . , , ." '.' _ e~t~w!tz~r)llffil~hllV fui'nilhe.ct-mo for:~ ~,le'11l1~ougli.ln. ancient. il,l)me, rq: i-ve co~bl,nltlqn.. , ~~ture. ~ ,hand bath , I .." a mi n wwatll lIlY dwelling Utltd. - . ", 'ant' ralUe of mu&ketry;~!, rOIl' or artill!lrYJ I ..r . ni~rei ~(i extreme old " ((1, ,than the 'P~tt:e.of i~~ortan~ ('vents;' and 'doinp 01 th~ ~;t!~I~j~~Ond l~ zl~f~,a~cy, , 'UlI pit wa"low, ImllOJd 0' raekin/( prun; , t~e auhing o€ gr(l~e s,bot IlJld, -tne lurl " .' ' • , ~n I of 0 I~nd, .Fland~rI, qe~a.ny, or tJre Sen lite were frequently publieb,ed un- .I~ed lly tit nJ .s uDr~, (c m, anel u,,· , Db cl&)thlll woro oltl, Inll .h9wDd· full !DI1llY ,Il ,lilht flung <lve~ the 8cene_hv Vteexplo!lton r :1 ~rel\t Sft t :O"i.ln _. , ' IJ·~la~d. Bu~ ID ~ner.~!,~ .the duratt91! , ~f d.er the title o~, "A~ua,mui'~.a." 'I.'l1,o,pe- ahe I. dail e t~:n~beC!k ',or r ,e . ,1e1i111111t, ' ''aln;. . , Iollihells, .nd tll" Btre_~s·. of fire poured .from . Extracta' from a .lett.or of EdwaM nj ~o, I~ llOQ~ll the snme I~ niQst,~~unthel.; rlodical prea ' properly eommen~ed at Vi- .laid, tllf~ ~ b~ -all 'e~~!n~ .. nt~ .~he: puteat Hja board wa' lanF' and ellli~e~ th~ -tonl\lra ,the fort, .forlned\~ - plctJlre , wluch no pell low ' an over-land ,'emi"rant t C- n g- ..?:n'I~ ) nutd ~ut ?frby IlcclI,le~t,1 dl.• eue, Icfs ~nrla an~ A~gaburlb, · Germany, in 15,!l4 i minea. . Deep in tl;~ '-~1 r ~pepilrabl. ' ~rt;- : ",. ~.! can .dol/ertbe . . ' ,1ct, amid it ,II\.tile daring , ' ' , ,, o. ~, t ~rn.18, .0 , en u up to Hve \ nln~t1' or" a hundre ,he.e. b\llletml ~ere pot prillted. :r~irtv em sbe hid 8 U ••oom,. enar8. .~ur IIn,ce,slora' did . ~ot !I!e' beyu~d V9!u~cI of, th91e 'mapu8cript, neW81llpeis- donl .par ::dt_l~b:a8h~g torren~, the pen· Hb h-'t u,DlIOmbed 'bctr'lly6d 'Il car~ete part;- .ullllilllnt~ Btcodily, odvllnced, though 'n ot a c?mm~nica~ , (01' publicatIon, In the 01 11JW bal wen .Iollched, ItlFeyee .nd forehe,ad trilfilCr bad lleen puHed in .their rank . fClDolitl Guette: '. , t I ~t te, PDd amee ~lm~ O(~ DAvld;texllted In ·tbe Maglliibechien library at U e I'. • un lewn .. pllt~; 'fet wUl ,,' J • ,: Fllith~ul to l~e commllpds o~ljleir g~nerol, _ "Tpe~pr:il'cipal ~esert$ are') wo in I\um~ thIS. term 1101 u~der~:~ne liUle,alteratiori .- 1Flore~~e. ~~out the ye~r 1668; It' the ~efte:~~~:~h~t~er oond Hli! footatel* In ftilocl;:'" W"ilat alt bia con1c)Ut ~,oed. bl'vrj,m alll!8.lJ.. \Ii'uugh tremb)jnl:.~ ev,er,. limb .wiln eager- ber. ~ne' of filty 1I'I,.l e., th~.uth~,r ol .aevent)'.; [.oliver 'GQ~a8mlth. • " SU'~~IO~ 01 the fathe" oj' the eel~bra~ed ~e oblivion olan t~::dilall ret.cu~ .from ed.- , • '. _ '. . ne.., they kep up tbel~ 1I!lent maTch amid .upon l~O first 110 wnte~ tillt ID one' plaCf), " ' Stri ke ana''I'r. · Mont.~ne, offi~.e!l were fi~t t;atllbIlSb"d In frultle .. ,,"reh- h' e uv att _ap. N~ 01.- on Jjl. b~l~ 11111 faithful dog 'Wtl8 JlreQ~el\' th!lt fiery tempe8t, 118 I( lmplllleil by sO/J}e lind 11 little tough &r!\lI.\Ii the Bec61Jd M\ a It is better to die iT in ~ do, than live Fr~nc~,.for the W~ o(m.kmgthe'waD~ In tbe rimeval rock~ far tbM, em""thiII 1Iy elef)p rrlu,d, Ihat ~"(J\lc'ell:!6 CI~lfjllo br\lutj god-I ko p9wel'. " ,', ' - . , .~ ..,." . S ~Ilr grass, obd In only .Clne pla,ce Wllte~, \vitbout e-,!'"Ubo..v~. II;h~ II one""ift,11I ~( Ind!v~dqalll ~JI~w.n t.O e,acho,her. Th~ Agoi of' ~h089 iiiln ' ~: COIl::e.,ed ,h.e I~I' J\nel !lIU" 'hougb pol)¥. thQugh wOllllerlrlll fBI' OI1-.o n-they pre8led. The whirlwind nnd thiS ,n 8prin of boiJip,g bitter briue, IllDlllJ unwortliy Qftbc Dg'e in which our Iota .cvlelrtt'R1il~tII ~~ wel,'e\tutAJd OD the .\aCe Pauecl away g d I ,I. ~ at havelollr , frol1I hom'e; .' . ~f /ire from the lort ceased IIOt; yet till they \vhicli ouf almollt ''1xhaU8t' d cotlle, to oui qave l~lIon it is tli~t in lorioua usilllh'mj- wa 8 to ItttaClt nticntlon. 'AI In case of Nature hath conBl, '~_tla_ " "n f~n. '. Yel, w!lb t~11I p,uper ~lIn a frl~nd ~~d TQIIDI!- ' dll~he~ along chllrlliog !'-t. the poin~ of the con~te~n,atio.ll, ~8f\l8ed to drin~ • . Til latter ~; tllot feelillg pf Icnr ~tiicb k!e s m~ t1;le RQlll81l! ,.~his ultimately I~ to a.!lYalS- Oceah'a 'bed co~leia° th~ coratea,ea qr . He r~a~h~ tb" houlel .nellOld a tpuehil)~ lu10;.1bpYQnet, ~er "butl~' and bul~ark, until the d~R~rt 18 ~vhat IS ( idled lhe Grea t SOlt Ba- people from attempting to"do I:meihi~ ~~tlc ~fid. ~erlodlr,al publlratlon of adver- tilt treasures. ''l'here' I' at e f ~r olc- . I Irow he"I~. and .tre~,th, and tt'lnporllry marulllt cnCIJIY •. borne bllck ~y lheir ' imp,e~uuu8 on- ~In. There fol' ;th,e fi~tti~e in !!'f .life, \vurt,hy a mon;. ac~lon , It II b~·tter. thlt tillemell~ In abee~. : ,( - .re Icattered the peD~la Dof c , a un )n~ · did 'all..' s~t, qUluJf'd boforl.'. the,m. ..The wC)roa ":,,1e ,beo~.!lth a Bl;\orcl~lIJg, bh8~erlOg, ,fervlll 'Iun, a ",hflel tire shOUld be worn. ,o ut with. 'u8e . Th~ epoch of the SpaDllh Armada, ieal- ,the Ihellil of rainbow .. e Pn e unto Jlo" rr~m tMe,.tllC. w~ero yout~ful jOy8 haU lorced.:, . ~~lo.n ••l1fld not t,IH then, wua tbe ·' wbo~e he,:t ,\vos -made the lDpre nlende by than it IIliould- lie still and '; l1e' <rulted tb ·. a the epoCh o( ~he . fil'!'t, orthodl)ll ~e,"Ylpa. (orln,.1id the ite~-g1rt- I:~YI' ~b:o:at, .•malea,. . ' dCllth like ~lleJlce brulten. A IOWld nmjr Ita reftecbo~ from .{he olmost polished pD.lt ~vurtblell!mes8. Ooe man \vho doea from per. In tho Brl.I.11 Mp8eum . are 8everill bled mermaid ii read I ' , t e f... .::!:UQY~l\l !10'j h°el 80~llbt .lhe' heapor w;ldci out. front ~ho victorioull troops ,ovei'- all the. end ~iund sur,fllce upoli \Vhicli the trail 1t.8 Lwn pilrpo/le is , better 'th~t\ a .dozen new~p"per p.rinted while ·the Spuolah fleet these unfathome:.dep:lfs 1;:~c:uc1i-th J'rom " .nd uro 8 ,' lan . t ~ 'mont< },~aae la th\loder of the battle! It .w~ [he wlltch .woun\l,..d.ld not fee l the' onguish' of. tWl'8t.- wtlo' \Yail for the' blowing of ·the 'trUmpet \V~sm the Engliah tbapnel" du,ing tile fUled h08rse murmur tbat' s ~~ c~An~I~:rorjr~( de4l~ frqm day 10 day hllll fed;- word 01:. lIucceu. I~ wa.8 heord by the head F.or the' ~ ~tire d.istance w'a l: to be ~een ' Upn~d at itl on4 while your (earrol Ilei h: lyeal" J688. It WIIS IItric~ly 'the org~ . of )i.t~n iiig 011 and interpn::el~~Ii" i~e! lan~ , Wbere VClrl\~ flowera adorn lhe -virglu aoil '~r the column bt91tnd; It Plssc4 -· down the ~rorcely ~ t~ace 01 veget'lble hte, OCC8Slon- bor stQnds cogitating whethcr ,he 1111111 ~rBt ~~.go\'eJ'nment, And . pro~abLy, _Ita leading gulge 10 ·eloquent alld im~l't'ItIlv.c 01 uJ'l ltl1ry 81uh of wiJ!l Ba~e ~itb i~ flqt ml l'liA jll(:ket ~r ~ll bool•• rou 'will li'IVe"t . I~ een ~.hegr~~t Lord B~rg; veraal Nat,ure. 'J1here too the rBt1DI"wblrl: . "'aetalleD.I enj)bah.li~'lrlatl tho hutller!e 1011;- )jne, ~AlIlI.c.u~ht by, the ~earJ al\d a wild a !~ a Where Cud'i - vaSt . wo)-ka portroy unbounded' B II.IUt, IDB mgt every w lkln.tremble, rung N'lspe envel, .Btrove. but III Vim, fur life, hall" dbhe the ' work before you; . Do not l he EJlgha~ M~~urle.' p!)ol, not Illaptly IItyled tbe HILL 'OI" w~or. mia bt , -, , out u t~ey duhe~ on to tile Dtt~ek. 0 l~ace, of ~RI!,lol . h~e ellve mall !lnd his wnit JiI~ay8 to Ileal' from uthers, and what J e en referred, ~,II ID Ro- BaS! _ ,,' '. • I AI,each new m';rn the b ITSt u on tho N~I- ' / l'he conte.t was .allort but terrific, . Over ~r~lw8! ~o ,chlrplllg of Insocts, not eVeD th~ they wi lJ do. but move your8el~, and from I ma~ rj Wid as to lu .contents " . . ( 'T"a. hore be reared ~~ llone humble ~l' Bulwpr.k, ba~tery, ond -prostrate: foes, the :I[o~d wtnged vul_ture, come with 'his blac~_ yOIll~ own tboulrhts. ' if you "mlu .the. mark ~~ .lipp08ed t.h e ~odel .of A'J'JI~~I~~:'o~'3t:; ,and tbla8 • II I " - 'Twu hert! th~ gtierjJecllui'e hl~ ftoquont lot- ' glllhlOt ollntmentals, headed by Wayne, p Rlon, to clCIlVO the moltfln clemcnt, and Ind canis 'O ft second befit whIt then1_ ' e _ a&;.,the prel!lent day. • aw d ." II 'CIf urea: , 'l'wu l!(Ire'hle wire 'and eJfildren eillill'l~ presiled on their little army witli an ei'llhu- l nlli ve th"o aWful \Etdium. You (,fliD be nl) worse off til/1ft ;' If you- had During the rellJll 1ft' J am.e' I., newapa- 1. n~ Y)O rmguJph tho pl'e80~ptuou. tc ed'Ji!O ,ares ve}lture witbin- it» clr~ ... , '.' care , . sln8tle,.cheer,. in the very c~ntro. or, the" It Will! wrohlf )I!lrp~ps 80 to thblk. bu~ I IIl1t still aud ' 11I.\cke~ your. ' th ~mIJI'. \ Out I peril .in the q';!arto foml were:O'r.clllionllY)1, A. time ....ept on throullh each IlIec"J!ive y••r; cnemy II work. In snother ,-"oment <the. could not ~1,Vfl.st my' nllnd oftlle .Iearful ideo,. Adri ft> from ' the coat tlllIs"ol your' flth~r, Ilued, l!u~ dlmng the th i,~ty year,' w~r,.wlien 'e n !torine,·· Well_may tho terror-Ittlcle'Twa here .,n'orll bri&"1 with orient ray ator aprangled bllllner waved trIumphantly Jthat here mlght have been displayed the from llie apro!1 IItriobl8 of ' your 'motller un Ihe! oxplolts or: GUs.lavUII Ad'olpbuu IUrllct· d 'M ' I t.J'e!D b1e IR "jew Qfthat m.ddenO(',canoeLIlii. eft'~rla.ro improve al"l\ da~, . o'V>!~l'tpe \jllttl~~ents. .: .., , venge~ce of an, - 1lImlgh~y . God; and tnnt, le~s the,y dire~t yol,i to do 1!>JJ1e.tliln worth; ·. ed tb~, eyes or the ci\'iJil~d wo~Jd, WI IIhd a ~ark .a!5~!dm ID 'Yhol~ dark aby.. hll rr~n But thou,h ind,,1 ;y mllrb~ hie .~pe otlCnell-1h.eenthwIlU8D), of \he'V~ctory cannot tie percllllllce, beJ)p.ath ·.l he .brvad Qnd 'Arid ex- of enerl~, and ItrilCn ollt into tli~ 'Iell of teg~la~ weekly paper edlted- bY', N.atbllniel 10 ; $ ~ I fi~di Ita loat,-Iu,,! .re"Unr ce . "b' Tlioallh prlJdenee' lad wleaom with hie Ie ... delcrlbed. But ~hough t he contest had , panlSe ·of "lilt and slInd ID confusion, wer, lire for yourself' If vour oraft i,' capailed llutler, and published und~1' the tltl~ ol'The au ded over the ttoulldlnl ". mlibl blond·- . . . " be~tJ bloodly, not a man of the. enemy ~ng:ulfed cilit's, and t9"·r.9 tflelning witlj 11I)d s\v;anlpe4 not- go down with It hi ", Oorw;n Newee of ,t he. Pretent Week,' II pta. ~ClCJmJi!l" • .~n·d chm, be vain- . • Tbo;llrh loy.. mi,Tat hilt hlift~t impel' feJlllrt~r resitstnDCI' c~a8t!d . .' The 'p riRonerll Gomorrp.h-l*cmen,andGomorrah~liko sinll, lIeR1mmiency 'but rlt>& .-.....'----.,.,. and- ,."nd "Iy)t,ich may be, regarded aa the ' firlit regular y III t'IJ}\VNY turqs ~ ne8dht.• to , 'the Pole! d' .. ,,_I ' rei t l '\ I ', ' . i h .' "I, , ... ",e w,., ... ":,eekl~ neW8pap~r. ' , ' nor w alure revelll to h'ob '. f A,d 10'1 , r"TU'UL eVllr, Iilelill'llwell! were. l'I1,m"",.a gun was pluced over ,~re Waa m"c I . to In!l ~ te t , " belkf th ut realiy t() embark in IInother v081181 that . ' ,. . _ h I .o b . 1m ~ e. caUIN 0 -Thou,h pOrlC!vor,nao. millht each effort crown; them" and ~~trlel ~~ted on all the corn- j thiS ~SII an "IlCCUr8~ 8pOt~" The alulllf\ce be in y,ur way. 'llbou,ih ' you founder .. d nU~ln,. tho £"'/1 ~ar ,II~ Engl.a~~ lit l~", ~:!r.rpe:':a e ~ !Ul~. flow, .w~lcb ~peed 'Y~t, P"'II "SaiVaD, AND tiWUT Ul8 BOrEa qUITE D'laDd!ng p,Olltlonl ar~und t.he works. trhe of animal efr veJetablr life, t~e . dread ,and dozen timea" your . fellow," will deein YOIl ~ there W,~re, ho~veyo~" a .?Or~ 01 ~l1eae Dlur- th .drt.e ve, ID ~ul.ck I\UCC~fUII, ov,~ DOWII! , j , mornlng llU n allnounced to ,the British vall,t expanse 01 I!IIlt and eand,to gale upon lIuperior to him who alta u on the curb ' nlll, and Merf urles in, olrlulallon. Their , e WI, e lY/llIt~ . _o f '. w!.lte~, ana horiI t~1l , lJit l_bO .~ped!-hi. f;'D\. impairec1 wu fleet~ in the riveri that STONY ' POUlT W ~s t wblcbJfilJed thct'ye8 w Ilh il)voluntlll1: tellTe; .tone ond ·ioll. aWfl)' hi. in -il\actlon" Ithle. ~ere qual,nt and' curious, luch til the ~~e~ II biliad expa~ee II the- lpilit and ez. , waal!' . .. ' ' w o _ ,· . . " " the atmosphere <tuive'ring In Ita o~n heot, tllrou~1n (ear .thals' Iliep into ~he oj,leat) of. folJowlni! 'Troth. fi'om York ..' 'Warranted e auo~e . It 8.re ~ ~ rather ,about the Alld ~nj)e lor .I'd t.ri proaperoull mco muat BOl~ Tc) GET 'o~ei~ T . . the ~road red lIun. whoae 4i8C se~mcd nev- 'lxunence may taku him beyona hi, Cleptb tiding. fTo,lD heland. · ccSpecial p"alfell pmounWb ~oPr~ ~~ r~rm ' their t'10~1 ..aDO'poakl...".. ~. , BE WORLD. er 110 large, 110 malignant, In Ita intensity of He \yhl"iB 'elraid 'to etten! t 'doin' from varioulJ placelland m~ny- others or a Y" a v ew ea me..e~aterdraw.tbem H. ee..oo:-whil.1 o'or his lalo there truly j; . he~ , The frightfully Ilnnatul'.lll appelr. worth 26 cents on the doll':r: (or i!bl.J!~n=:' more ludicr~u8 cllaracter, 8.0 Important upwardll.; ant \'onveyl thf'll\tllIUler' Wb.t -.nod IOl~a .. . ' TO Vot! G 1WE1f. ' ance of, the almo.t copper colored SK.y.; the he willJlever be lit II'. " , an '':lltI~lIary Will the preilrl COI1I~~ered, in- Ulllle~fl ' an lC~ngeal . thf'tce-boun4 rlad~ The a1odo\l' rtlYl- pJ ~rulh'. tmHvelllng lIunl . ,.. hellted earth, Il!ld J~ore awfully still. the p d~~a, th.at each of tbe rlv.1 Irmlel ·ca~ied '. upon U108& 101\~ lummltl, wbere 1t!~~~.le Wbillt ill his Dlien uolemo aeptlCt d"sll; . A, w;«>rkmg n111~ ~a8 . !ately ~l.Ibli.shl.!d 1118 s~iemn andawe lDiplting, death-like !Ii1cnco . • r Kialfl.aro , pnDter -alonr with it, In the reign of ItrelCl~ not 1,1 ~ pinlona, .and the IWrCled An~ .poke of ","011' hi. 8CO"" long b.d {ol I, bl~graPtll~~e ul the moilt m~~re,t- l 01 1111 'l~lur.e, broken a,hl)" by the criping . How deoJig'Atful 'lt m\.\8t be" for a Y9un g Q.ueen. Anne. 1~O!J, there wOI .bu t one d!llJy e arnols· fear. .t it ollmb' . WhOte il tbe ",'lId. WH ,.tr.on.l,· and 'IOI'~ ~Whh 1101108 ng \10 u.ilies t lilt '14'1 ep~ea~~ In the 1I01l.l Id 01 the wli.cel~ upon th~ blistl'red Irelltiel an to kiss the "flint II.d dirt from paper pubUabod In ~pdon, the otherl being ~treng~h tj hurl t ~e thund",rlnr mJanehe to/\; , '. _ ~ou~.e ~I 8 p'red.e~t Clt'ntnry. n ould tlult ground, Ind the h~lIo.. , ca ernOU8 tread I)f ~e cheeks of a ~.miling II.. ; and, w"o in weekly l~u8l' Steel Introdl,lced politic. u rom teA pine be~ibta, and crUIII beneath • J'qr YJI'lOIl !t1l')Wl.,dp .• ",lloo· Itl. ,p\ental view. It "I.'re In Iillrdl8 of :veJoy olle! ~i ""auld dO l the o1<,en ~t\d ./fIllles, ull, ...,,1. C)onapired to tlie act is trAlisported in an eC8~(ly, or de- an esaenrlal el~meDt of th", pre~J alld-Addl- ;ts il!llr~t the de~o~ecll~h.bll4ftUl of the A.nd round lib I_h a fHlln, leemoo l" 'W11l8 your _~ote r .. ,1106 than three our~b8 of murk I~ in my mind, "Ilcc\lreud of Gdd." light, and Ildl~Ifatiolt ',by . 'the he.venly IOn .lOught to , i1f1yote' It ~o purely Iitleray. 0fi1. Ta e1 {:Whl'"! cto the wlnda ~r Hea,,'rla~ Y~i~ ~cl m~ 10 harmoay· .bould com- W',at 18 tllUiht!fi ~rd In the CUUfJlO of The trai. Was strewn wltll de$d,AU'ld dy~ 8Weelnt'.B, ljke i ome little urching lickinl purpoaea: the result hg been the e.tabll.li- :.: Dd • prlsoll boUIe, and who heapeth up ,. ..0\- . • eeven.)ea1'I. II;! orkin" Ma~ ' is one inJ:AnjmiilL.upnn.....~ ';.Jc_, r.h.~t.\ ...._ "Iaas~ andy'" Andl!ownleaaing anet de- ment of dlatinct vehicle. for' eaoh ' The e lrealUI:t'I of lleet and , hall, t.o lie .c.t, i' QJlI pity paupel' when be :beji i.hy .1i1.' h~ mhnV;~If! Bfd eloQllfnt. ~'r'tera O'"'t' lU red-lIer9hl t the ~price. of m.n until l.Iaht!:u~ ~ ....~1i.. IlYOUP" Jad)' to hav trilt jqllmal bavin, thi . cb~r.c~ of'l, mil,. tere~ lit Winter', pathwa,! We a.kt aQd, .A.ccl r,aiM llim up from GIlIIlt'I nl'Fcs:tont Ihael.,. lS JJn~. IIlea e&10n hUI hIe p~es~ntl thllY "!Iunk exhall.t~ ID tbe yoke, or-harnt-slI. her, (lice kissed by one whOle npiJ are be. ~te., wu 0.. ~oarnll dea 8'1- the ..pboe. die away unhHded. We lilo1lr t~ YPulll_m:n. ',1 ~u mtly have hill learet lind then IIban~oJ'ea \.0 die of thiNlt; atill daubed ,with th~ filthy juice or tobacoo; and ~aM".' ettabllancq in.Pari. tn 16911; inEn,- ~ot,w~,ere the ~~8prn. mp.. I. chw.a. •C~t ro..adbiU cri&l th~ mf.li~ robB~blbl~ ADd "IIDland .11011', from hh bome .lulinilfJ. 'I~oe'eill or a IItw ,o ( ~iluiht. It f91-"j onwurd pressed ,l're8uttiptlve milD, the droop- whose 1~rea(h s1lJeU. -trODr of.' the noltioll.' Cand th.o first fi!9ntbJ1 appo~ .s" '''94' lin, p,w, Uf'.MU~'" • rtb OIl , O~" ~ • . . . I • I~(f c~ttlc with II,,!Olt ,llI;Iil g eYN, drag- weed, jl()getlier With die perlUmea of eleo- , '~Q[ tllose .hople l'Jeql,nu' Ilu.ft'Own 1111 wl1lrnViiid car, roJlln,- bli'~oa".1n~: BOllilft- 0 ·"8 A o'-t' , It, Ma} to lome ~Pllear lIke V8I)lty 1ft nJe !ring along theIr burtIJ8<1j There low moanli hoH It m~t be 8upremely.weet to them- up In engIne whose potency &hit iolfueoC('l' der, Ind darting ~II forked lI,htlllnlr ~uv WI """~ III lO~, t~.,\Vn~ wh.llt '. no~ do, b~t I ~hould not I.the ia: oMy: complrlint _ I walked behirid «the n~ctar or hel.ven. 'I il <I1ow" felt throughout all clllues of the clv- , l~h\Vart the Ikf' Ib,uUln, o~f' the '~Dllpt :_ '.... _ --~ gJve,.., lile truly" If I O/D,t¥ It. When tbe wagoJl, "the bi(j(ld gusla,d rtom' my nqaet . ' " '. , JIIzed w,odd.. y, Poat. ',' from .he dal~ened horlmn(' and wrappTn. c-. . ,OP .. d)JfY .oJ81fi.!lIng 0 cart Of./,Iuulure a~ ~ fa.rm · dUl)g- (IItA1pped it 18 6eo8t . '. , lr"po.rtaat "ro. Clilif.I!'." . . auolateil earth in lh& MOW1 .'Dtl. ,, . nl"'t bad alreadt ..ttled ,down hI}), I never I!I~Oppl'd W'orkl»eca'uap my &ide moulh-B ball J Mnreu the fact-l drank. ~,fey thing Ir.om Cillibrd'la I. ~. ,&Olch,nan vieltllljf" eh~roby'rd with a hi. bdI\.Im,bed fi."... h~ve' wcJrin. tJ:potI anil 7forblddl"" 0" the e~"nlRl! of 01 ~he 9art,tlugbi <be heaped up liefore t}le and w..- revivetl':":by ', IIOme aad 'chllrice oor ~nt[ \t7~. otter: no .apol?~ fl;lJ' "ubbahlng frl~,~\t ~nd ,POIj1liPI 10 uhftd" CjUilll,IJoo!i , .~Id many a Gonaectated a tar hlth N.tuN ligbt~ th~ laly, "r9, .. tieD die adVllnCI'R, other aIde, at wbicle 'willi .notil4tt~m'l\· I J \Vater keg hId /leeD IDeecurely at p d rid tlae bllow'lllll Jetter, which we have bet'n .. J lils t'o:.he "'pOl Whete • lnl"nllileing 1.ld, If ,d up tlioae volcanic fire. which ~ to lIurD t't~ or ".. little 8"111. ~. . . u~if!)rm· oo:. l'~sbell elver wh.t I , ~Id heaped up W b~lp'. lta llontent8 los~. Ne"er IIholl ~he perf/litwd ta , ~an.rer '1.9 our l column.' b, a 11m .par ' . '. u~qpeQched-ullque!,ctJabl~ . ,&hroup the , ·_eeI It to'" America., em~. ({'om bl/ll. AI doyb~e.. he did to heJp~me when ( ~ej' (y m'l ~ I't b II I r. ~am8el whple sweetHeart went out aome The 'II U ted ~ k l'iM!e of fe\!olvln, . . • , n " • •hlek "00'1' on the ·.hore of the H~- J w.allla~Una ~Ie Will drst. - Wb~ I hid I, ho l;rellat~leer:'P\l.~j~bllwhi:'~1nl!l;~~~' fOW'lee~, .montl". ago to 'dll _up I "forteD" an oy.Jf'h: e::n di::h.~"" IllJ r ' nel~ mingled .mok~ an~ ;ame 4 eurl up 110ft, In In inlltaDt the whole. dim and Ibid- JilJod m; colun n or column!! of . ' DewsPIl- 1into T'u cker'a River an' my real eCBtati~ for ltl~elf l.ncl..Blddy.-LOndoo Plp;er. ' . th.t the ~.Y.tet rabid tie w~rd /Ike an'lnceJ1le cloud to ,eek'a1i .rlal ~ pI'OIII\eeta, dliclosN 10 them Along the per, or .beet Qf • malI1l1n ..., with liter4C1.U'8 J delight /la' J drove i~ itll,. id current. and "Biddy Darlln,'-f"~ b~n ~ tJae mine.. bite bim " • mp. ~:t place, willie the b~« la.a'WJ'a,. I ;' 1I0k'or the. river,or.,enfld.1O the IIlght. / Far 'or ~hicb J, ,'!.~ paid, I never ~toppC4 I' the' fawam 'in ' ItiI" tlmp d ·wale~. ' Sing 'pools ~..d J\lcl, to , '~~. , F:~~ slv,n weeka, Bi.ldy, . it. lurid fo~da .b.lIUt' the blbltadoria ef. men, . . a,.,., ~a,. Vel'J)l.nk e Pmnl; DOW but:led in lI\lbJect Te!luired mo e elucid.tlon, IIr ilie and tempora" mi n.ttel. lIinA' ooyoor rai" al;ullhl8, I aarclled tlie, bQweJa ufTIUIBT ,.UtJ"III 'C otlllto... an~ _nd. forth ta ~~a'lnl.tr. . . 09fll' • mil.. of Bbadow. while on the othot ~ide pap,er or maguiou more ' matter, 'becaul'e t eo! and thonks. to a bCllcllcient ProviKonce' xsa; for goold, and ,an r ,at wu ~_I8Renterry , The eC1itor of the ' Windsor Journ.I.....,.. t~ amUl,:" vlll.p and tl\e, ,8ftlellt;plain. . of the rl\'er, darlr, gloomy" .nd t.ower~rlg tbere ~u no cont~ct ti r :mo!o paymen~l l fo"~hi8' iu gf" to lIlan, dellr, cold.,cryatal rQS(jlt~f W'orkln on.n em ply .to~lch. obalinate IOrtof.'bache, r-J~.rn* Pro,.., .We .lue . ·nd ttemltle, . for. wb. kaoweth ' rolle, up the cram helll'htll oj' Stony Pomt. or DO llIudih09d 01· the~ bem, more.--- {woter.-mIlY tlever vitiated taate tender be dl,1I1 , a .Ullot t~ ate rot: brelQlit , tbe lIt)fI or O.u(',iog In New y'ork hIY' recenl- W. mlgh_l of ~he votll4lto The _ ••rthWahed on tll~ .ldeA by tbe H~n; .pd WI\ell I ,have lived in blrrack-roum, I h~1l auahtto my "allte I(J acceptllble. . ,a~e fo~ dinner. aDd dItto r~pea~ for '\.up- lylntroduced a Dew IItyle of tqtUlIon, cal. ,qu.ke clueee conltem,.t1qil and .dl~a1-:proteaud,onothe other excel!t b1: a nltrr;ow . l!IulPped Dllo,,\,n. work, ~h~ Ilave· taken a . '. ," , per, aD !til ~Ie time ~brow\D1. up DI~ an' t Jed the KI.. CQ.illion" the 'p4!c:I!UI'r feature ,m.n r.,.,. to que.tlon. , ~wer th~t iIIak.. ro.d ~Y a .. orau. the rort: .... ~,!,ed tbe tilby. from, "olclier·. wife whl!n ahe had to . ~ar.\ion of Hunt.'n Life. ". w~rLher il mlty , wakenl~i for the In'I~", ~t)rwbi~b f. tllat you ki.. ll1j1lady III QU. the ·fouDd.tlon of f'Che '"«lutln, hill.... moet IDl~ableon theM",,; 1I0d lUI up- work, and bVr~ed It, or bave gooe for ",-ater WhCln tile body' i8 natur_Uy well forml!d, Pll.ayW" WBi a ,doUllr,ll pouDd, '',lel np m.te •• wlng the COrn(!rI. The edItor Ii a o"erUlrow~ the city of bit habltljtE5n., aDd,. ~ raproed u Ilmolt ImpoaelbJ(). Yet tet, for her, or hav~ . cle~e~ c; nother mlUl'. ac- It ra p08lJible to lengthen oul the period OIJ to be ha'~ but gr:18tley .bares. ",hlct. fa "tuft' .aM of ~ rellow who oeYel' d,llncea but (II • rlnp out Ita doleful death-note over the at. aehleftt thllt purpolle, dli. trD1Y Will '!pc>n' cout.'rementa"'ho~gh il was no Rart of' my lile lor aOl!leyears by manttgeme)lt. Tent- cnstulJlers. In ~owfa ",ether , the or.ytura l he would not min~ waving hi. ~bjeCltio~1 .frl,hted .el!. · In the,di"tarllea or tIM! for• .Ita march, . dul)' to d~ 110. • When .1 hllve beeQ ellll'ag- per.~c~ in ~iet il 01 en fOll,nd ~nduciv, - I m!U1l\1 the 8"1_1I0ey .blJl'e&:-".omes, dOW,n I t;o the amatemenho .. 10 'Iwlng l:OmfU'l' eet j' Nature ,!alkaun~.pretadlol ~le.lty A. a~lbe road IIo(ln hid them frO~ I'd ID ,pohUul l llterlltur~, and traveliu', tor , t~ ttlla end. T_lle faolllUl (~otnaro, who from the_mounwn., ,~~th ~en ~rum~ extln- / DOW and then,.in thi. new cotiUi(m_the covering over I~e rugfP.II O8lr ~ tH. II'"" ~ after... lJflOt. march ~r. ~~" a new.p~pet, t IU1Ve '1! ~ helh.ted to' travel Itved'~bov~ a , hun4red years, Idthogh' hil cled, III if ~~ey, wa~ted to bId ye w~l~r~ ; b~t .alftab acaDl.,....,. lie . ~e~1 dl UI or. ·.an old tie elm, cdl1Ve)'lIl~ to _b 8brnu,.'roo( h. ' 1IllIatetJ '-tlraUnn, llle, .rrlYe" Withm II" many mile, out.!tf my road to l!lCertllln a , conltttotlull wu n'uturilJly leeble, Is a] trong 1the !)loment tlt~y re furenl'nst ye they gr~b lady Who had ~n UDlccountllUe averalon to .ppr:oplnJe nourliihment,.and IU~tl~ tro. mile and • ~alr of the enemY'1 tine., and , loea.! fl\)lt~, orlo p~ue a a\lbjectin its Ollll- i~~bmce . o~' , th.e ~neBt of a~ abitemioUl 1ye, the ~Qvtors, and a.quue ~he bretb·'Ov bfe' lye, an~ bev~r couW eat It In ahy form, tlll" ~be_ ",-ornlng de", " fragr.Dce for lim••bJi:1,th. comm.n~ ctrthe .o"'c~, form- 'l.!ttl t partlcularJ, II tappeared tbllt th~ Pllt)- , hle, . Moderat~on In the. pill.lon, al80 may OU~I arye. 1. . • . . or late 'y elrl, abe ,.(d ,the h:ld ' t to ~Je dowe~ t.liat Iprinp up In ber ~path".,.. ~ i IUI1l'n for the .. ttack. Rrjflnning he were unucqullinted with lbe·lect of the , contribute to extend tl.. term of exi.lence. Some 4f ~e boye _that , wlnt C)ut m tJa, maltlll, It i'n to whl.~1!Y 'and>i flnd can At.her blddln'g the 'relreehhl~ .h9W~ ,Dd .,.in eif' rnarC'h, . th~ lOOn relched t~e subject i arid this at timea when 1 h84 WOI'Jt Fl)nlenelJe, lhe celebf'!l&ed .wr'ter, WIIS Illme, .~ip. WID me lound gould ",alore' .~u~ now .nel then. WOF" ~n I leetle.' th, pn/ol IU~I"me ex~Uut t:bC ,leafr6ud'Q ' 1Dar.hy JI'Ound et t~ llue ofthfl hili. , $Olio ~l!icll w.. more pIQuant an~ pruJita- nattJJ'llIyl ol' ~ ~ rverywe.lunddelleate h.bit' t~e dI1/1~.' mnch as the vally 0' . _wec.lm' . , Ita .leQder .tilk, and .. . -_ ..Silt!" ..... tne low voice or the (;enf!- ble. " When l have needed ,~mploYUleni, y"'~( body .. ~e WSI ~flected by the 1I••t .r~ng, ni jitly. diil TCI~ get fo.r trubble • . ~he . .- ' , e.rlll~D. ., "Tlle Ito're of rainbow co 0 .~blob Iii, ...,t_ rat, ,from the _Wont. "we &reo nigh e.!lOl1gh .bave: 1II(',cep~ it a, .w~.tevgr w~J(et' I could megullll'llteaj II:ncf - ~Id /reqt,1ently ~I~ck look w.,a on me, darhn', for, ll1vln'ye, , Theorlgin.or thll word i,. .oJit~le known , Go~ee.'. "' , . . _. , 1 ' .ow-IfAr.l'." , Iobum-a plow, ,ill r.rm dr.i~, ir. a Itone. IIevere fila oC. l1ibese fro!JI tile 'Ii,htelt a,aar.ent., lft odelt colleen ~I ye are, to come and yet 110, hiilhl, hrterymmg', th~t we aTe . SJied. OU$ ill linll from. till dUD treyDrJ', 3 , ,Th. nrder paaed In a whl'JM!f do"n the . qua_ITY, at brflilkillg- .tonc (or roal.. , .t ~U8el!. , ]Jut the remar~lIble eqUalIty or , 10 a ~u.nt~ry. w,her61lic ~lIl1mln .ate the r.ul- ~nliltralned tA),giV& ~h aCCOll,nt of it. ,It la To n-.b and circle In the ~o~.r... , , ... and the Column 'Piiaaed on to the mor. wood.cuttiflf, in a law.plt u . civUian, or hiS ",mpor, Ilf\d hi8 seeming WDDt of ~e1 ot. dirty . coppefckettlc, ood 1i.~8. nO traceabie to a ' Teutonic' orlgiD. Amon. When morn·.. 'roily Illht r.d'tl1 ....,.. .... It w~ • moment or IUllpeOIle ~4 o,. ... oldler. (hav.e. in London, c;leaned ,ion.lenjltbeJlecl out hia lIre 10 above. more dry good. on their bllck" .nin t your the Teutonee w.. a flVorlte . llrink c,lIed in the e.~te't11. .ky, ubalded a . Qllpa'Cll.... pet1t.-'B~ . man , reJt that in a few mo- out a ltuble aDd groometia,cabman's borse hundred ye~ It wallremarbble 01 him, prellenllj~, ~Iddy, tbat n'I()ther Eve. hl;d, be / methe.lln. it'wu made ~f h9ney, and ,d, .akeful Nature 9pena th....... ~ daf, ..... ttie rate or their liuant"ua ,entf<rptillB t for ,~ 8ix-peoc:e, and been tltanklul to the ' ,thl\t n ...thing ·Could vex 0; mllke him uncI.- 'ftore .b turu~ m.ot1-",aJu!lr: ~na lutrodu: much Jlke .the prelent meaa ~f 'the I~ fI~~ bl~ lhe. 8~iQ' IIbariotoq&e -.all rdil .....W be determiDed. and that th~ would CIIbman fO~ tbo, .jlt~ure. I have .ubll8- !Yi elver')' oCll.IlrrenC41lJHmf!d equallf pleu': c~ the r.ashloD of ve,.t~ble ~pruDar D.me In EuroPf!ln countriea. ·· The .Ime Itil l'Ppolntecl, round: and t:wben. we Ie pur· el\her be colell.n elelltb, or the :Amenoan Jag quentl, eel hterature, And dope •• lOll; .nd no event, huwt901' unfortunate I gol bllelt frum th~ IDme. ~ ICIl·nlt~. beveraae WI. In UI .mona 'the Buon. pJlnlr clIfF aDct CM'e~" abe · drawa die cv, ...... I" trf....ph oyer the dark ., pro"", • much for Uoo .hiJIinp u 'l hltve re.ridilv 0!J.:. secinccl' to coDle,. u~ell)H;cted. I ow."er, ~n, d a '" ~ \lorol1J.it ~!l W~I ror 1118 th.t I ~ well .. ~nother, btora,t, wlilch \YU alilo taln or night 'arou nd die WOI'Il . ' 'fJrU'1 ..... no.. ' ae.1'Ct'11 . dil\eemlbJe tainPd-beeDuIOUfjh" aile, lad ofTel'f!d- tbe term 01 lile, caD be prolbnged bpt for. Ivel' whil there. Hert; r am in -St. ,PrIJh~ m" or bObf'J', lIut Ia",red with mulbe.....rth: . With . aure and WifDtilllon lib. "·'th. . . ~ ...thlj\1I rloom or ~ldnlght. ~ot a ten guinel' for. ')I(!t bad J-not been COD- ' v f'ry little time ,by any art. we C.D u e.- claky ~l1ioclrin' a~~t w.ithoqt arap. Wh.t'l l riea. The hoJJeyed drinkl were ueed In ".inll the Jleec.y ' cl~ .. ..,1-011.' • brow Ii, qatveM ' nor • cheft blaneli~ In thnt tent li.beJin atthe' begi!llliD"g . and accep~ W,e Ire ""ld' oT IDe II who have lived' beyond to com~ 9~ me. Biddy, mllvylH" neeD, tbe pat lbundanC'.e . t-,fead. .ta. - Among tho tho eterna1-eatarllct .be traeea the MlliaDt • erWa. A:boUt tllfeb,tr p.ce. In trout or the ell IHJlUngB" I' would ' Dot ~y;e riteb to the ordin~ry durAtion or huqaan exl8tence; .uin~ 'ololy koo"r. Only ~ think lb" ' 1 no~ility the marriap w .. ul,brated' bue'of. ~le Q'erchinr I~il, wbere breath. _ _D,' h.lted 'Ute j forlorn hope of ODe jEUine... J have Ion nodlfng by workiag_ IIOCh, '.s Parr, who lived tt, lund red and ~houkt IlIv", the eOlnrort4lble ,bll~tJi I h.d.wll~ wlt~le montll, whioli Will ulJo!d a !Doon, lito IIplrll of, the bealiLifUl, Ub.pprOiillIled"by .' MJI~ .... Irty ' ~Ieeel, bayoDell 'b:ed; Wbittler at laboriJIg or literary work With forty lour; and leDkills, to • bundred 'Dd , 109 the 18U1ltes or Lundun to come to tbls ~urlDg which the reatrval b9ard W8. welJ mortal p...lon or mortal~: ....ture _...... ftttlief on . ·.mallet troup of ehadowy a .paele or with a pen, 1 have berin my own .jx~y-ft.e; yet thea nlen used DO ~Ji.r ,haytht~' kunthry, whete ~Ie '~trate cleanlog , suppbeCI with lh~ honey drink . Hen~ ' ~e ltend.. on &he '1"'18 of the ~w"l preforma could be ...o thrDujrh the o"aeurlty,~ helper." . arta W pr.olong life; on We contrary, it III dua lliy, burda, aDd drmJcio,. pubil~g, thl. mon~h or fe.bval "a. called the hon.h ~Iplcet beed1eta · or tile ele""" war, ... ted ,,1111 a~ea tb cpt through th~ , Are,CMl ~pared to. imitate! ll'tmillty appeAra th.t theile, as WE'll .8otheft• .rem- apeckllll.lon. Ind .h!J!)icide, r. ,the ,oolf fub· moon, or honey mooo ;,wbicb mean•• fead.. ~&llJrlDg the ~H", t.oJtettt 1- ~ hoiIUh 1Mn .... a P~Ce of white is alw.y. thi 1u.Dd~nt of IIIlD~loll, III a:rkabl~ lOr theft !onge"lty, were "..nll .In.ble IIII1\Uaemeou. I , .,1. The r.lI1oUl Alaric I. utd to lia"e &ow. or ber ba~,", ad "~illl tbe . ~ ....1118 a'to ,til"""""" him fr.'ID "Pro'acI! 10. i ..... man whatever hi. bit-' accut tolped to the greatett rati~ who I "Ye'lll aee it .ta1ed hi th'e papelW) 'Biddr, died ~n bw.wed'dlng ni,bt, hoIn 'he efnK:ta _utltaina In. '.cal... the. billa la oJ bal. In the appftiiehlnr "£La. Tbe ler qa.litfel. p"", will ~erall, p~'Ie the lIad no IOU led rnlel of dlet,-but w&o olleft lh.aL th~ dl,pra .reftndi~ j'OO~ in QV.u~. f)r ~o Dlilch ir:'III~E lice ill n,cti1c,liD. ' aace'" aDel. ..,I." to tile . . . .y deep: · piIiIe........" which IItrord. thl. prol~et · ADd p~a,tift of hll poveav. Hark iDda~ .I~ional ~xceNe8. lhdeecl Bldc:!>:, Ilr' , aile; • bqae. dlltuteru}, ~nchrl" _ , ~hltherto wit thOu C!OIIte, ani ....... ..... ......w,. T pD~ral bad .1· {han TW,..-taoe· C'lrpreaeIiB!'ll~ GeOl'g'lJ if"e eollllitr, ,.that the Eurtlpean,ttie Negro tian Ue' I Dint ved a . I~mp' ~. pW-,lt To bi neJa.:~_. fi~=".' I &by proud W"" '" :'!'IN.'' ', WheD tv. ~ ............. the ~.eb~ to tJae Whl~~ld. ~In" &be youth 01 tlie. the Cbin~. the Amel'iean. tbe.eI,Ui&- Pllt woubl fiU a trill meuure•. ' w - ' II ICC!UII to trace .!' rn our " ., UP~ Ie elp~'" Sew. ............. JI'ftJIIlO'*'Y••act 'W•• i81 "II T.bemaell!;~on,w"wOllttoilal~ ed 'm.n aDd tho rich and the , uCouIJln'tyenll8a ellhaknptlOft, BId.c!J, theorder,th~beau~la~ .,ade"of~alaree o,~r,who",.'HeU ..............or_ .............. tile.... In "Beware ofbei... ' ' pour, the inhabitant dae city &Jld 1.be amonl'~ihe.trate _.pera to me .... .work the "I~JJct dea1Illrn••uad,ucl llten of He.,ell, teach .. If*it . . . .,.. odIer the tirII ....ye Will G4LDID AI'fUftJc:ia, ' • country., tboUgla .U 10 dif'CPItlIlt. ht ot1Ier .idge li.l\~; Iff wae only back ia LUnduDt >:a: ID,Ye.tIp~ W;hb phlJ08Op~lo minu~ne., phoni., or ~t:~ elate ........, . 8u.nIt JoVUft..u and ' ,.,.~ are Jel entirely iialilar Ill., tilt> de.d or Il b"e,I'4 niNr 1J". it "bo-It.. • phenqmeaa ~Iy tlCCUmlllWJdun the 1.tence1 WII th• ..tiio.... ... ~::J=~~:=~ ~ which coma JUsna • )If'I'Iod~ ;ilCltN da.. 1n (or Ilvlnl: Ir ....J eo.. 11'0"" .,1Id wat8nl DarrOW eire!. Of hi. o""'don, the Atea- meteor In if!l t, or . . wi • 1M ~ ,.wJy..., tlae 'Ohl it '- ."nla, to Me. l.diY.atl_n. aider thll atfihet the ellft'eJeDce iiee. ar l' _/ Your ImD' -.I ' D. or N&tare "...•• aD Invltlaa leW for poteftt y~e, lIIcie8 tioa,.... • ........... hUN ~ aM DOt ·111.... tlle _na a' hla d\lip..l OD - - . lmiI'~ cJl'lIlate. or e,ouHabJieot i:OnvenIDC'.e, or TEa,£N~E M'V'£KDAN'Jt . ........, oIItrtaee III . . ....... t.Qua ICen",bottl8,'Dd otbertrlfl"'whl~ 01 elIlerence In the tenfl'o( pl)rBri~t: O"ObIUlClr.l.QmlDD. , ~1HDt. , Th., ". "I' "lItll.lflIte ~. Ie ....t oubtklbe ........tlJOM..,.. . . . . ae- ~nr.;11 ".thlt lb., who To .1i tI1&~.,. tbJa WI~ ~. m~fille.,.blc.. •.. qaf.ltioD the improYe- hYe -poe raw.. e.il, or_ dried . "... Dpon . of illtA a ............. .'w.ur ..ilWHIe......ud '. Theonl,cura IIP.. or 1'Iat. upoJI ......", , 91' ~ roota Aa aJattccfotil "Ul 0IICe 1ft .w..... wIIo . . .,1.,. each ia .... ~ 1_, .fIII dte 0,,1, protnotlc ............... 11".. .. ..... who are Ior .....~. a ....... to _tal the . . . . . the " _ _~,1a.I --- -•."....... Iaaheti .. What lDulIIlIIctes . . . ..... 111, .... _ a ..... tIC "lCd~ . . or. . . ..""_ to t an their ~ 1I\t! pr!dCJ dtntIoiI thea fa bit ..... Ie Wida. atoll011 .... of aad ...0. .... ..... Ie
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paHata, betwC81l 'Ir equue tbe,leanl of the &:fUl, are thill hi a OIDe_ ICl'a~~~~~:C:~: lI'.eat me~ protPct.ed from the .IUD w~Jl!l, unUI ther. .,. trOill(en lo&.o porated ,whli ..... lM)il.~Tben InClfpnOllt Ibnibe ha." ~n employed to,a glorya. .' . Deed no .prepcUn,-lilrf! the dUDIr llmlre4 e-tent, U Jet. for embelliil~Dient. 'l"ra!1I ~ planta Ihoul~ be' IOwa 4nd cow.-Ancffinally, Inatinot. in but th.lr. mmtil are more .,precja~' t.tiem~ y •. -[1!ralrle rafJDer. •' , ' Ole lil~eep ·.lmOit invariably to leek the1 ,becotae bet~r underetOOd. Some . nil 18C- 8Un\lDl~ of Ibe elevlltions, in w!U"m ~WI~atl~the fAQll..pleDdld Itlnd,, 'havi been;tranaTo' l)elltroy Ca' WOI1ll.. ' . blU'\ftes!lb~tllnce Glyc~rul~ er, for ita nigbt qUlI.rters•.1es~. it ~o Cle~lOf)t'l fem!d from the forest to the garden, 4Qd I ,Laic: 1 otb~ papere, beeauee they" u~- III'. OJyee~m,. of the VillOUS much mql'e m~nu" in p~oportl(.m, W'ne~ . . 'Dnleb priaed ana lIOught (or. 1 .truet and amuea,me; .but I take the Agrl- ferll\ent.hon. ,be,n ce a~e kn wn al"~, most Ileetied, .on the drier and ,more barrell • The Rbododendrum niuimum, or ROle cultllrl., becaUie It teaches me liow I the te:rmll,' M8rg flrote, Clltyorate~ D!-'t.fi'ate, hill-tops' arId where, ~el~g Olore remote baY1 U It }I Io~etlmes Galled, il • mllplft- tb pay fa, .11. ' But to· the point. . o.proate; ,a.nil Oaprllte . of GIr('.erl~; and fr,om water cuur'a~s. le8a of ita juices ~re .".... ili ••.! QIJlt 80we l shrub' . h jl 1 wa. quite "ucceaafl'l-in my firet of, mIlk, o.r Lact'" , ' (!lUs()~ptlble. liable to be wMhed ~WQy by faIDI, int~ the ~"'"""""""-ililrt In tbl*nn li!ctJ'on: ;, ,~ • , lu~ IIl"I~C? dIm < ferment. atI 9':") Allmozonll, A1Jc~11lle altellll!s. or Oil we land. o{ oibera:' ft'e JCalml • or Lau",l of which ~. tit Mil)' J.-C9.l1'Imen~ , LfI~~Il.t~lI, a~d ~i108phate8, "Bheep Il.re ~leo far l are 'tbree ,';pileles. In . thil Vicinltr. . of them Into my garden. :Soalltlfu rerugl.n ~us. ~~0Iph~lte8: ~he olhet anlma-l-(ifwo eXI~ent'tli'Il·\I~n.l.h wbieb _ btautirul, ' \)u~ r.tller diftlcult to they were,~: and U ' t gre,w. them ' are , CClplltltue~1-I bf B!11~ter, W~lch gOllt)',i n elenring UP. new ealtJ".te, 's an ~verg're·~m. and Cldd. mucti self,l felt qu~te prsmd of tllpm'. A .day Clllln ot b~ tl!orQu!;hly aenar3~eql, .frorp t1,le old ones, ,if thbae bri r$ .'. to the landleaVe ,'~ winter, by ita green two anllr this, uJIOn going Into my garde!), IIlLti!~ until a rar\l~1 ~eco~poaittoll t(J~es it j& of)en di ·to ~rnitli~' A~" lelVeII, whIch arc always cheering to the I found .thl' vllrmlnta th~t had destroY,eel plAce and Ln~lIc. 1l~ld la ~evelC?ped, ~r ploughing; and . ~ih\ at ttiat dre.ry .euoo. ' , ' them, IImallhed tbel~ beads" and replanted, iree. When thiS (418ulb8 ob~alneil ~t which con not be \lIClUItI~eu A 'rhe Mal".. of'",hicb we Ape- But off they. ~ent ag.in. I 'c~uld Itill the ,)eotls to be \... or~ed, u~ulllly; Wlt\l the churn when ploug"ed fepeil oor· cle. in (hll lection, are moi t (ut wormll, but that' did not. replace my ~ne~\vBrd!l with tp e , spate•.to prepare it for .ners muat uo '(~ thE!' utter ahalne' 'of all beanhng pink Bowers, and ~e I)ther planl.l., A. '1~1V . Idea tbp" ItruC~ me. I aahlD,. Th~ above co,lj~(I.tutea tho g~lIod or rtho fenco 'mullt ' lie repulled a few ~andfuJI of clover, lind aecret 8 Bolubon of, obtummg b~tter Ir6m , , . to ~ grl'lIl dill8'dyantag'C. and. ,both having 11 ve,t y rra~ant q lor, ~MDlb.Ul)gthat-of ,the j'clen I!,mk. Nb cot~ a IIma)l quantity at the ba8e of each ere!lm. , ~f c~e~m Ii! . aoured ,0. ' .lt~I~, a~d The sheep dehghts to bro\Vsjl.- ol) the buda, JectioD of eht'\lbbery Illlouid ~e ivit.fl-qut p~t thereon', a chip. "y th~~ simple con· only a ~,ttle, In the . natural w.!.lY, ~~ \VII! a n4.to strip th~ ._ bllfk of mo.at ahrubl!.~nnd tlicm. , . . ' f trlvance,l trapr:ed the whole brood of rllJ!lliimedlately, In eyer'! c.asll II pro. they tilU!! 80011 dcatroj'; them .It would be ,I The ahodor.' ,C anadensis, or fo.1so HoJ c~I~, ·alld·lIBved,.l!'Y pltints. " " ~reated, b~~ause \here ill. ~Iore .lJr less gOQtI econonl)'''or,' lhe (urme'r to "kcep hili °1''''''~lU'''' Deysuckle, I..' a be~utlful' 'ealtly flowering I The pl~ilosopby of the , tbing, is ' his.tllkclI otf.;w I~h the qre~U1, at Will UBU' neighbol'S sheep, \vitho'u t ch(lrge,'oll all 'ru l ,.VAr'An." ,ahrub, common in wet grounds, ani! wortli1. Th~ cut. worms prefer the grp.en · clover, ' tak~/rom ;~ve to tcn mlllutE'S only', ally bricry. or,copl!icea ,p.l1urllble:ll\nCiJ5, Ifhe ot'a pillce in e\tp,ry wlleQtion. ..., which will keep 10 for about _a week, under llea8o~ ~\~ tl,e yell.r, tf) S~p3rl1te the butter not eo stoc.k them bimself. The comlllon 8weet Brier, or native rOle, the chip, and ~\'ery dllY or t.wo you 'clln s\.lflicH~ntly fQr fho 8p~t!I 11;1 a.uy cJlur n, ex- "Fin(!lIy,' i~ i& generqny .belleved by ea· i.e much improved b~ cultivation, ona per. band. the worm. wl~ic~1 collect there. over by exce~"lve fl.gltUt!,op, 1n'~lr~GLly, perienaed f1qck I1]lStc!fI'''''';llnd, obsetvatitm• . rum~ the I!lr with Ita Il'awful odor; It 111 ~o the tender mer~leR of the ol~ ben ,and qUllhty or color, u~~ d'ffiID8.h hilS led me til (\,.Illy coincide in the 9pini,o n' 1110 .o ne of -JhR.atockl on~ich to bucLtbe .' hi ken". :rl)e_trQ.~ble oJ .do\Dg~tl1i'!. i. T~e fault then, 18 Wholly , -t~llt sheep not improve tbe lauds • .' ol· the prenm , n:nd -not n°· , fore/gil kinde with the greatelt cbance .of much Jel. an r~PlalJtmg. , aJcrc~. , . . ' . H. M. B."iF.R. ' . Ther,molllot.e rll h~~,·ever. hnve they .exert an illilu:. tlfI!lt1"l>e~~I • .' W. b~ve I~any Ipec/f l , of Cornua and ~1~cltea~rJ Va" Januaryi 1860. SOIl~~ con,;eI'IIC!ICes. j' I Will dlltlult?1: c9ur~ . in) l\lprov~ng. the l?h Iractpr oft~e v9g· .. _ wl::ch 1 c~ncelve to, be t!i~ t cat: . " . ' . elallon., "All wild I.poor 'grasses gt"lldUlllly . • " Vi~lIrnum with fine flowers. Clnd mo re worth1 of cult,v.tign thim mu.ch of the exotic To CUTC beep CQ!" 'n ~orl$o",. ' . ' . COWl' aliould.be fed wltb. grlll!!f lin" , ca· dfsDppenr froni .tlleir·pastllreti, and' are lIUC· slirubb'pry "groupdll . " '. L~ fall, my hor'~ .".lIJJe grazing put hla rots .fall! huy and carots '" ~Ith 8 ~Ittlo o~('ded by the beat oneil; alld the ItwlI.rd bc· There VI flIany ptQ,."aMcieA which mlgM ' neck uII4cr a ~CJ'I hll, whlll~ h~d bee~ 081:4)· ~ U sprlnf,' BIIII, t!ra'1-l nlo!le tn ,th,e . . ~o~t!s rf) ri\af,ko» Iy. ,denR,e ,and Ilve)) " 1;hll bo enumerated; but t e /I.bove will eufficl'" lo"ltly Ic~t. hnnglnjf on Po f4i!,ce, al;l~, ID e\1· mor, \ 8holiid ~e m,llked pearly I clean! and 18 probl1 u1y due to tllP. richness lIud better u enmple" ," to aw~~en an Intet eC/t on ~eovouNng to Isengage ~t, received two ar~er a few mlnutel:l stripped.. 'AJter the di.8~ributionoftheirdulIglllldurilll).~Plough the sobject. aUd remindl us, while we lire l5ever~ wounds, one of which. WIIS milk has,stol)d ~w~lve hours" II the pU~8, Loom, and AnVil. .., . I ' Also. all ee.prly collecting the producti ll8 of 1'01'- , three an cbel! lung, aad 8UperfiOIllI, the gl'udunlly he ,t It till p!,\tcnes l1bo\lt the IlIZe . quart or ga llon ",Ip that our own fielet. oand foreata or was through \he up-per Pllrt of' . of a lire olevlltcdllbove tb"1rrestj t.ben CO",n ,PlantlnJ' blOom with equal ' Iplendor-, tholJl.IHorgoio neck qlllte to SpinoUS proce8sell remove, al)d it· stand, (gu'llrdiug again8t Wnrm lands may' ,I\(IIV be plantcd \vith HI DrSTI'1"O'!'IJ. ltD or uakDowa, 0 V HIl.LS of the. bones 01 the nellk, and thcn exte nd·' \!;,:tn~me heat or col~I,) "Uout twenty hours corll; it ill well to· begin in lIea80n a8 ' all . lng downwar~II and lorwnrds nenrlr eight . or"if tile milk will probllbly sO~lr ~tl- cltnnot be pianted ' at once. Seed corn [I;eolbinlter, Mur-h, J8IiO:' ; " inchel 1 IIOve~lDg eeveral large Dl\lsclell. , os inst and IIkip1; '!ti ll' thl.' oream n~edl! no !!oaking previous to dropping The Gftr4f1u. t 81lW fue BlIllJlal soon aftor, , Imel ' bad blm ~i11 it iSllenrly or q~.it.e "Iightl,); lIiri'ctl it vegotate~ witb mo~e certain!.y ,vhe~ , Altl10UlJh it \. not "IY &.0 Clliculnte upon ' brqught up ~o drE'1I his wounds. Then at tbc tc.m lperature of it i8 pl,lr.ted ory. Com neee! not be cover. the-we,,~eryery much In advance,esuecinl- At thl" time, 'although there hlld been ' , '. oliu~n moilerat'lly; lind in ed, deep in , the enrtb It uat have " ~~, In .t he .prlng of tbe year, It ,is l'fObable much blood l,otlt, ,there were n6 bleeding wp!. mlnutee, It may be \Vf)~cd with del,tree ~f moisturtt, Ollt o~ the loll'owing' . , , Vlat hi some parts of the b~at Innd.. the v~6elit. ' I pT?c~e',ed to tllke8e.ve~ll ..titr.h.011 sulted. The rOl~"inILDg. ' more Important, IIll d heat is no~ .~'" F:rt-fcllon. I time or actl,.o work. will coD\milnce dUfll)g je" about two Inches' apllrt, by,,wbich {JIeana wilt milt With Q brine; whie:h will deep furJ;ows. Olle half inch or eBi"th rofe)!.or Y ,be .pnoeent month. We hll"e 1 drew the togcther. l .then put on when it 8ht)uld be workEld ngain, pnttcd down clo8E\.1.\'ith a hoe, is ' ij' J Hulce M h urgef J tJmrim toptbf'l' lOme unconnected apo••ome auperlWlal dreuinp, and tied him lIelCt dny again and salted more, aa in Ae i1ie Clost of sl'ed is compared . ' uory 1111 th~ reliting garden work, 'lome Of / With hi. head up. fi1 mellns of a ahort hlll- thil way the butter.milk .will be mo~!!rJlldi- with other plllnt~, we aavlse to drop eilffit W. BVlt!) POWELL.M·,!).• Profet!lIOro( Phy.· wh C:b lD"Ily be of Ulle to a'o!mebolly. ter. In ~e evening on Visiting the horse Iy apd surely eX~l'uded." " ' or nine k,crllllls .inatenu of' four or five in' lI 1 K!olq~Pnt~lologYtl ;'UoerDlogy IImlGl\ology. The Qaroell Ihould Ite Aut. A slovenly I found him very much exhau8ted fro", tile fle Stllte!! thllt, by pursuing 'this cour.e, hill. ,The oply w(\ have.Jlellrd . , JUden IIUke a 110tenly 1011 of .blood. The wound C9IDplotIDq rr wine 'luana ot ,cow', milk, will IUotIuco raised al1ainJlt dropping .more \hon will be llle. A beet,OJ: carl'ot,may gr(lW al well If filled with a Ilnrgo clot., and there was a one pound qf08 good butteras cOin "e 'fuade. nted ,III cUse the lltalks all live III tile OliemJI_lry lind l'barlUoc),. ' ~aDted Jo aft awkward ~!pag manner II .mldl.ltrello:a of florid arterial IIi00d flowing dne cow will average ~'lIily,~ jll) JUI\e, on of thinnittg out a\ tho first hoeing...,.-i J A. W(~N, M: D" hotOllllOr o~ Ob~t6~CI D an)' other; 1II,1t the eatm« III not, all, and fro.m It. Ilmmedu'tflly cut awlly tlJe .tich- commoIj gra88 foed only. alld in tllin HCBh, D.u t 118 tl.il can be ilone. With. the ho. withlind WU:E01\ jlnd Chlldrell, oft.eaaot&heprJacipal bllllne"•• The plea- e. Ind cleDMlld tilt' w,ound, and soon wille qUIIl'ts of milk or IllJove rerh· out stooping, it ia not ,to be counte d &gai!]lt lure of, a garden 18.th!, chief the ar\ery lIear the : I endl'lovoured ' feed, he adds, the the of having a competent nuin- Sl1MER..Y-,-l'Rt>t' ,: rt: 8: ; , deep01 milk, but not th!! ql1/J1ity~ except ber, of l!~oOtll , in ea~li hill. . ,z. 'FREE~AiN, ~, D" ,AlI!ltulIllcal OeJllOJllllrll tbiDI to th~ lamfly, eapecially to Ita young- to take It ~p and tio It, but It wa. ;., er Ind remale merllbera. ,. li.tuated ••0, with" emllU Ilrtftry or flavor:; tbesame qual~tity of milk . Tt.1t worms Will hn~e lIome, and the cot. r I" ." , ' 'e l[13hnng~ YOu •. BUT suq. Borne. peas prq. • the voss,I, and pinche d and tbe BamO lin\ollnt.Of b\lttor. equirrel" will havethelt MI1l'JJ, Wilen tbere ;l%r,.n couree cul\ount n c . . Ih,r ee tlmCl" IIbny ___ othe~, and )t until it no I~D~r bleel.-f. then i. i8 enougb all ,mlty be fed, 'anti the farmer Eaoh t'roresiOr!8 Ticket 115. Mill ieulator'. IIOme ue ten timell II deliciou" ft otbora. tIle wound aplD, sbav.,d the hall' ofF, i.. . . may be t'\fo,ncber for bi8 liberal seeding. . 86, Demonsttolor'. } 'ee, $10. Gratlua· IU(l I p n A . 8eccls With lallfd ""ella Ibould be soaked ill drew Ule edgea together with atrip. of . ~ 01, seall~n or- ,p II.ntmg oucumllers The mimure for it fermenta loo Blow T lio8C tion.~. , : J, & S. COLLINS. ' ..pid water for twenty.to,:"; ..or . forty-el,ht heeive pll18w. A,ter a few dnyal.he tuteb. la al' ..ro~cbl~} lind 11.11 tlla pJ[m I p~~ \o ..W--\t\e CTOP 111" ....on._ When the d . ('det~ing Curtl1cr iflfortn"atio!1 will pllJua d . boan prmoua t.o plabthag. P... for the es guve way, and the motion of the bol'8P's 18 !1I:ce ('nL Ii In nur!! is tolerably lille, and i8 broadtliu Daao; Klld pllDtiOP p.y fur lOaklng; the "ar- hoad Illld oOM' drew the Ii of \ho wU,und : .. 110), ,cast, 80me of it work jnWeacb hillll.nt\ hlill at Comf.1crcinl ClIII 0',1 ,v U lflQ. .... lift'''' ,et IufIlcintly lOaked by pJontlllg. domowbat .part; bu, &!te ' it beflpre your :ead I k e 8 11• Wd lIid the corn IIt(on~. ' R. S, NI!:WJON., J)earl of tho ill!ult.y, Hnsr.movecl hi' office to thll \"OOIll o\t$1' 1 J( U~. leeds, ,IIlDt in box of Wllrm went on very favorably. h . • ma. e a moun ' • " TQn'Ulllfa.l'\hutll ho ",\1 tJae pracuCi ,earth. m.y be tied in a clQth Wilihed, and raw dil'ped powder. t, ree In o.nll twelve , I I)fhl s in tI\I i l8 . • . P!' iD\!! "lei !"W'.4I1d tbe wlltel' heated cd ro~in. ",ae laid 'in thl' ~vound lind the l fi ·~en leet in dIU meter . thr~wllJg ,lfp t~e .If y~\I are desl~.ou. 01 seouring tb'l' lfYN)'lE, UA'lNJ:.~ • 00. fiboiffiir. III lilfail bOd~ tJleywillaproul, whote dusted' ove: w.ith rye , ttour. ,In the' oart'h, JelY!nl ~e, aubsoll ate Ie r lomo dja- ,0l ,eal"ly potawe,a' for tatile uso, ' 1 .fi\:~~~~~~~~~r-:ffimiirrui5r.;~~() wliuLU:U.ll UllAblllU\ IN ' . It ,004. latter put of the tlPatml'nt, tance; aroun t Il On th I topl pillce peok, or hall n REIGN DR.Y GOODs " < ..,;.; for nr'1 of ar proud flesh, were b,u med oft' \vith iUilltt • about fuU'o,f Inan- of lIome good 10 . - 'No. 2!) Pun'L ' ' th. t,'I\rden dllf",,,,nt r.cilitiel. T hl' caultic wbenever they, 'were lIeen to. rise In dry we .. thel' every, lm pnllllg fill and lIS SOOIl all the snow is I-If ' • ....... of- tlpt renee will be about lUOVD the .urrQupdlng ak1n. The -horlle Is W,I wllter, w.hloh warm nnd the t.emperllture 9f tblt air .. REW GooDS'1Il 1· warmer\b.au the mld4le at" tbe 1I0W perfeotlyrec9yered.-Am. Ag. pillfits sprcad them illllOme will ""," LLJ:N" \lIl VU 11Ii! pl_,a o( .prdeii. abt d.......e.. it of at hn. ' to no Bmol u mcri!duloull will be e"posed to .fhe d r(!et of Bun, . '"' pu!iltc lhoy a no.". -"ce a cold _-:m'cf or Igreu& ' bi h ' . RalIJra, find upon,!7/ug,tlte ezperlment,uud that to opverlng tbem carefull;, at night or removr In l: rili 1Ill1. and \\'011..1"1141 r-__ vu ..... " g A IPC1Ild r b D II N elrJo-11 tl.ey be • I r 1 · . J. , ' ' 1lIck QI toplll IlIl,U l<'C\ftoy Dr\! u O:Qd. "--"I ng. wlad corre enlo t e ' 0 IIr ewap'" , ,.. .,. as :1{e",~ I),veu 0 tuill 109 thelll within doors to obviate \1\0 elfet.ti oxp rc Iy for thle 1116r"~~< \'"iIIQh Will .h'':ia .,.tablel cannot tran8plalltcd_ ' per givcla dle Ie I.ollowlng delcriplion of ibil x~p,tuble as 1IlYllelf. • he viues ebould ~e 'ot frost. J5rcplIl'()d l,l this manner, ,potu. ~"rA,l' r~ tI,e cmLu l ~1', • . 'I"haNt .lib milky are mOilt difficult. .node or plan-tlng and rail!ng good potu.outwardll eo &II hnve room to tOil," rnpidly, and ill the (1OUl'le oI 'r" Y ,,,,1\'(1 11 ofDlaelt',_1Id ......... beDe'rtte'dby tranlplaut! bein toes:, sprellll. and all the auboloil Will lIDt be likely a week or fortnigbt, Ihlly be plil'nted.out•...,.. Filney l:ngl.i-I·b, If)'llllch (twilled) alld Be1lluIII e reta to .pu." bave rarmed in dNonhCfD IllInolll p ...not lduc:be It"thesoiJ Clno'I(,s'k w erdidse.l0 grasl, , ."" URI re);;r ~ -"'iDed IItW ... I'orwalll', the'lgr ' b "IIt" ' edror 'to. Will Of ' th !ir hrogresI!. . d lIe w·a rm, tblly "ill fuke an 'ellrly . n~ nn r,I ,F uney' F' r~nch .l)Q.(jfIkin. lind Eng. Inai"'~ Qhunniugt.o lelvee.or brancb. • e III .en yelll'll ,.an have nflve, filii of , '-I. • course " e 81 me atort, nn prbdoce tl1be~ D!uch earlier in lIs b Cnp~llOcrl1l!, lJlnek Slllln, 'Moltf.llleil and .. . , ' rallhl,. ~ crop of potat.6e.. TfU e, ev- pin 11'111 ap8wer forrillbig me)ons', .• c. the·"&JIll", than tbQtie wbieb bave not been "'nnllYVl)8Urllrs. Q,t I\VCI!'!!, 'cSt.c . ' , 10 . . . . .hould be .awn Ihallpw in erY CI'Ov bad' not aUke p, .for mpch, The IItriped frequently, .very injuii- expOIled to the lIun. ' D' fi Wjl I,Inlr V 1,llb D Ills, tln "alth and p.tted down with. a depeqctl' upon 'be ..a!tID; bllt I bave nevto young planta, and tQ cq. 5 ' ' Ct.ntiIl8'1. nnd llnilL 61\10l. in 6l (lf:!ll. ' baud. 1M) that the earth ma, comeeon- er bad '. poor crop. My plan il tbil:-I may. prevellted trom doulg any l)cpellu 011 eu. l' Quarl1a; h MI, ,nd, f'lll!' . tact wlda the HeiI.. and tile 1itUe rootlets plant tbe Iet'd'endl or good aiud IlIJury by · p!aemg neal' them bllll. matle of Most YO\lT,g ita grelltlmi8for. Bools 'ilnd ltllTi:lwprQ, QlIeeJleW,Ife, tact .....nco.I eoon uJlom. 011 IlOOCI around, b.ut never mallon .theDl. c1aY ,!,-nd splrlta Turpentine tune to be liorn 'poor, or nol 'to have ca itlll • NlIIls. & Il, h e. .......- . i_ .. in a trou b made II If We ground 18 nor rlch,it .hould be applied directly to the plllJlta entlugli to establillh themaelye8l1t IRtllell tJIoIY wouhl ' "Y. IlIdr .well cUreeteclln the Pranrumer f";\year. brIll made so,. but thla minurlllg benCia tbe necesin life. In 8 good b,uisness. Tlil. ill a AnylJody who wute ,early radlshes ' or " onlit be .Ulnded,to froJII olle to two YUf!J Sltt for UI!IIIJC It \II ~II mannel' !'lllttaken notion. 80 far from poverty beChlm~lc\ln - "BUkil, finred 1IUaee,0III, I't' them by . , hot , bed. with .before the plllnting of potatoes. That tJlO {;ounty, . Y., 186".,. 109 a misFortune to them, if we may jud arId Alpllcec, Lul u (I8.l;an· 1Iat all'ClllltOUble. ,. lalte: auh ulle ' Ilre II iloocl all the' Whole ,pota" [DoUnt from what we every day behold it I" rea:f: tlgured anti ])Iarn Ve. -oiled 09UuQ elutb. '.', wea, J hav~ s.ti~ed Dly.elf by repeatild ' I . Sheep Bn~baDdrr.. ' 'a bleSSing the rhimc!c ie- 'more 'tban (Pon til ..Hell wben sll1aU. It ia 9l enl. I plant two lIeedl In 'a hill, . lit. 'andaU, in hili uqeqIJlI.lled on ODA Ilpinll\ lhim who atcirtIJ ucb erowI. 6 f~tl!p~t by ~,. furrawlngmy 'lbeep bp"bandry ; ~lllluti \h1l~" tbegrllZillg mouey. Let any, one look. Keep b.M out or \he eD,' JfJou wish fr:hd lI.1l e ~ ay With a hInt-plough, tl!en land., 01 New Yor", ellt ~p 81-\1Ife1 are into yearl Mil lee who began busineM w ~ep YflOr pltlenc.: They will l'Om('. rqp ml -~ acton ~e furro'Y lI , which 1Imall farms (not aVllragi"g in hlis ludgment, t.ilDe w ~th abundant lIt~ an8i and t.race ~1It. . .tch a.WOl'lll, but will aeratch down' 8~!.~T.Y)lIng!Dy -",und one WIY., and I.!!lore than onQ hundred nnd Ithlrl,y acrea down to tbe present" day: how 'many "ftheae • rod of bordi8r to pt bim. They may j) v . . . . . tJiem in.-Tb!s ..,vel tbree·jollrth. e acJ.1.) Bre worth fl6 to 830 ~I\ ocrl'.- nl,lW ~lIIUIt of worm ..ad atalldin,l Ou t.be a b.... but will "&lit '1tI1Jle curraDta Dr of dtl!~~a~r of c:ovenng.(no ,amaU mat(er,) Priule aheep IIlI.dll will average ,about t!io to. contrlll}, how mU'n y hiL~e uecome poor..Jotat ~. eucumbere for 81ure to ,bim. aD _Yea the ground I~ a better conditio~' l and yet on thpee land•• hI.' lOY". ..A gpntl~- tbeir 'pl~ceII in 1IOC,; ~th and are D068~d by . IF Jour ground II c:laJel,let It alone wh.n Do Dot plit tbem In ~b~n the growld 18 I mlln who hila been IIlIe ,(lUhe mOlit 8ucee .... thejruwn boon compauiee with a Jgo~ which 'ret. fmojwn,khl!l' wiJI &beD db 1t-lIIoredaDl- wet, or llay all1 attention whatever to the ful reedera .of cattle IIDd sheep in tllil Btute plamly Inyll, I 1m VI Yl l11110tl ' ............1. '. mOOD. ,tougb deep ana ,fine, mll~lngyour ' (P. N. Ru,t. Esq., 01' Syr.culI, e ,~ recentl • "1:1 ' s, • " T~ Jet uhbtlue pJallb M'W (rom die JrOUIId'" Ibellow JIOIIlble, an~ put yUill' remarked to 'IDe, dlat be lIadl invarialil~ w _ Til, Imitate ....IaOlJauy. 5 u~r~$~~.~!~~::llgr: ..lack 81,"'" &hem In troa.. raW • few, pota~lln.g .~uon" ~ut never .top to lroumr at abt'ep p.id belwr for fe dIn . .... t the Burfllce be planed, ~muoth, .nd aJ inalii li,nl!i! oWl te ..~ , ';toll! tl\.. rli,tfl. ,.. 1!llJulre w,hEth", It be in ilie new or old, the than catUe." Mr. Randall eelimate8 nibb wItti a ._lIolutio)n, or nltr allid'., J'I,owu Go\DIII.-Ja cultlntin, hgbt -or dark of t~cmoon. AI ~u •• ,tile r.~fi~ ol"wool ,,"uwing in N~r York, : on !lPply,.wlt b Il soil bl:~.~" the lollg,yftjwen. a lew goud ao~ wl.'ll lteated Moob ate two Inches abov~ t~e grollnd, r and. worth ~O an ftcre at tl~ per cent g mixture. une ~nee 01 dragnn'. bluoo, *ftb plenw otroom aft! rar' better than ~ fUll a ~uble ahowel pluugb throl,l,h them over I~d . above all exp(,~lWsl and yet b~ tlsol!ed Jt! abuut, a pint of epiritl ..f ' p'aI'tpelralt.l,p, ~Ititude liuddll!d ~ef" and bQlf cul- each 'ilia)', aDd COb\inue w' d" so often sell dow,. thele at 27 )-S centJI per pound lind tho addltlOn or "'. tllird an uunCe _tect:. To h.... ftOwerS .n the ae..on eDough to k_p. the ~Ulld free .,.4 loose, wool, where the ft~ces do fnot exceed of carbonate ~f S~dll, !D1~ed an,l ,fJlte~. only • (ew 'rlJllt aorta. until lbe ylnes bl~m. J do not approve tbrt'e pou\ldl. Then? are, he ~Iy., "two or:' hen fhe pol ..b dlbdnllbes In brilliancy. a~tllilti'~n . BepD wfth Violets, eown ' 00 a mound of the pl.o Of ~ilhog tJlem; Ind~ed I never three otb"r epulideralionl highly favollllJle It m:r. b,e relt?red b.y the use of a little "• .,IiiIfIICI ... f" over. ~hey will tHe time b, the ~uch th~ hoe to them. but J!ull out ~e for ~e railing or sheep. But ~ur relbark. wid rawn linSeed 011. , Dragon'. blood~ .1 ~uuI bloum .. 1000 U thfl lIDO'lV weedi, itlnyareleltln tbehllla,byhllnd. areYuDqin~tOaclenr\h ·thll't . ()(j'rnpeJtluato m~tofour.re~d~ ... know, I... resin ob.... ftDIl.,wtn let theftf ~TheJf COID8 two Not that ~ 1!1'e~lId that boeing. or ILirring content OUriieJr for tlie present twith I .... ort talfled by ~nolllqn from ' mttIln tropical '. ..... or the wild Pnlrie Pblozea pret- abOUt the bill, II a detrlu f'ot, or evm of no UlriC!, in~oking the attentio'D of tholle plan~e, and II &Old lit the druggi.lI, to tbe ....... ID.1dalaa lOki .t tbe .hopa.- benefit: bu~ that I can keep it IIIWclently wbo are deterred by the fear or dop (if we var~lI.bers,lI.n",~rble staine,.. Tlie methTbe... _ thiee of theN w.klc eatr. lI,ht wltb It. Potatoe. Ibould be du, u mUlt continue Co submit forevel! to that reo od IS dlenllvely adopted, In aDd ..... ,{S: .1... hl~;. taller blue, "'1: .ooa U ."MulnH are dead, and n,?t belarr. proach on the ch.racter. of the e9uite) his ml,hl be w~lI a.d,opted: in tbe .... foat hlp; .... a aearlet of (he I.me lp cUUlOI tbpdt, J \alb a two hor. ploQgb rem~k, ,t hlt di, ~ buw It rna,. the ,rown ' for ~e Interior decoratlOn8 of our dWl!.UlIIIII*: IIeIJIat. TheIl "a" a bed of tho OJadlolUa; and ,*"menclng on \lie n,tit1i&nd ' slde of abeep"neverdle.lnlOt"ent!tO ' ":';:Scl. Amer. ' . ....."QlW ~QIOIII.. hlch tl • lear- ,the Ielcl. nlD m1 ploup th.,..." tile c:en- .. "The riak, by deatlt, by ordi~," cauee.. " • . ', • let w'''' & bulb Jlft'lecil,ltanlY. dUI will Sr.l. rowl, aDd 'back Inlike man- nothiClg. The per- ceot. 'ullow,ed la the Three K. .eI" I _ ftIoIIt~ t.o lear a eintle Diaatlllf aer ___ ~. (two Imart boy. will cedibl "L1ma~ u "the foU procIuet of tured b a ' dl' receat, cap...... .. .....utul .. .: bed -or-thOle them up,) thea !urol:.\Iiack . .in, Oli WOo.l aDd increue II . carried But, N YII; broach' iiltn 1tlOnm:,;.r, t,lie' .....U... PhflUlOte II' t=f:::arda &lie .heep ReYer diM 'ill801"ent! If ' 'Wblt i.,our nil:; : ; .;"", flak.... .. .. ib. p.,.--B1 tU .It ...,..... at! - flO t. I t co t or the bnllock die. our hind., n" ",plied 'he Ulltaup \heIe an CWIr, C.....,. Taftil, wiU then CO m hoe, or • polatoe t.oot, after two or thm 1etre or and ex- . . . t ODe• .... If .... Mrlr ......' ~.:a-' thtoJb the 1~ fllJTOWI " - wlell it, the 101111 one. 'Oil, .0, JOUf name ia D jel...., a 8IOIdh til . . . .-Tho seatIert up , Uae PiuUP, a!1d recover Ill! If ~e fta""'ooled &beep diea the DOW.' . . , . ., ,=~=:-::::; the Pet.uN...... die ~potlW.thal ma} beClOYel'ell b1 wool the.. oa ,Jt,or whit bu produ- .ADaniel' . 1~~udllie:.C)thk~~~oaehal!""~aId.moretbanClOY~.lltbe wbichlt DaaJeJ~tbat " ...,_ "__ _ tllI the frolt thea· • t . - , IIIRI e6ctUal11 done bas Pel' . . . . ... ..Ancl,' seaL ~ ......."... ........... ..6d"nrb~~ ... ~ "t.ad 01 the potatoe ,,~icb .. '~Not fUll, il the winter ' of the ....,.. of w na~el WAI interro. walle,"_\ Alter, Coebrolub. . . . .fter' ..' . . . . tbe eeeclil 61\)' per cent. Ib.., ~Iol' to tlia t of 'S ,num r twu. •
arube fOUDd in Our wooda ani h . . , I'ar in Of out.· . . . lIeatultul tJaan _ Iarp )IOrtioll of u.e For c1imbe~f t~ Sc.rl.t ..otto kinde ,w!deb are carefbU1 and ea- and the Clfrea yme are _ ..I,cultlnted for om_ental JIUI1tOft. all, beaI,a\ilu .enoUCh . , So are
'1'o_~ cOblon~.
.el~~Tb~ ~
bottoUl!el~ bat~1
1!a~" Po~toes.
~t~J:ri(s~:rtivi~uli~ V:l~ ~;:lI1d}Jf lh~
lit~ar 1,1.() ~8()
A.tt~TIl!;' !!l~.!!~~:!ft....... LElJA~ 'O~,
C)1)ntinu~ bfnne~!I~.
i:lV:.\.~8 in''''~[ ~" phe ~ ct'r"'~Olltthc aln~ie
plu~e ray~
\luflh"LoflDediutn"."" "~"""'··"'+~
~rel.t~d .I~~zlngoutrrom()t.esthebecomllll!~ gro~th~)f~be ~egree,
er~. )Je~fht,
~r Anll~~mY.
' fr;"fe8~~:S:VTh Pll\.(!lill~ol'i\tCldichle ·
DIlIet,lr ~f MI!:DICINC-' PH.O~ 1r~ J·m~u:"
o~ I~:v~ :~Id~d~igc~efe~~~e
l' ~r~~ll~NI)M
~~e' !' .~:~f'r()de~%,!>~Njlll,?na ~eUie\\, J.,MJL¥tfJ~~NDoERS,;:. D.~~t~~~It~u~e~i
.1.e · c~f,lDbin.
" la.r
l!lJlgnifi~h!Dt ~toc1t
:1:1... e..
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:4~~~~~~~~~~~~~,- ~=~i~fl>~~"I.
th~ :rJlep
rh ~ck
a:: rod'~bthek
'i.~ &IId:.r::::
. . . _ ......... .w AlQl!De~.
................1!!,1- . . . ....... \... bJ
. . . . . the
pr~ .".;:d~Ji!k.D W'd in I Sunda.J.&&:il~ a.t
aummer,beth" e hOi and I:~!~~~:.~Dd~A~IH;.......\=.:oooItf~~tbe r-=-- ~ eo, lfDl~1, IRaclh:.l beeUmH =·I~_-:--=-~~;~=ii:; dI ma, ... . I.......... wbnat IInpi, :'::sr. "-' • a• _ ~,aa4 •. - ."ltaiiute, paatarN. by NIIIOIJ
~ ~t!':..
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bai·.::'9Or- '.
I ~N:fd~;,~~I:a'~u~. ait bul l r p~ let .~
dow hea ' h n oyer the ' ....... II, III)' IIftJe .t la tint.., to tile thU'll poroaea:ol Wlela a Ilia or""lIf...........JM.· a~to of . ' ""! n
"'1181. and now
~un;'m ot
B ,Ii \. ..(j
' "---..,..:;M--:-:-=--'-8 IJMp ...::....::..;...:~::.:..::.;.=."""::.:..::.:.:.:~
.., at the .. juet_ ro the ieJd writ to IDaof hia coun~~~ lbereupou . togetber. with • hi.. duCllet entrlu, ID ' . office of Hid _,in..,'"' ,,, "
Tbat tlle-'cou rt.'O( '''Jrnmon"PI.IU
me. 'b d girene vbte prelcrl
' year for be .e~laQultea to the au:aCl~ln,Ir '1 I~ 'E lfAeTC BY THB G E"DSec. A . " !lWG d .... two '""od Om Of St\~~E THE OP Y SIIRiIIBL AI. an 8Um I~nt 1,",1 "y e0, ith· ., - , I the Bdff mlly entathchm ,Ir.y Ilerore ~h) Gluera l Ail.i8 b Il,.. 'fhut where . W HI the ~unty doll~rA is her'e~ma 8Uln 0' three thollsand be Its nll%t session after the takinl1' (.ff'(l exeC1utPd, ,in double tbe .mu.u nt of the to the ply~e(1 .appropls y St tlae f me~t , 11111)" ";.e' or n accepti fot vote ,ute, the
memb~~ ~:Ib:rcl:::ei~~
rule tlb I. ,0- prlIiD,lly court; and.thereon prooeed to final .
i ! ~~1i,~~:5ig!p~~~~,:~0~~! ~~~~~~~b~il I~P~i~:tfll~~~rd~:~:~:!~;':~t\h~ :b~~~f~~i~:~:,a:~:~io~~. i::~r~::~~ ~~:uf~~a~Jlropi. ~"Jl' ~nlJer .uc~, ~roaeed :'
B~dN:~MrNnF. i.EITmll~....,
., " S 01' TRI !lOUIl 01' a~ n.t.Jtra or i"ment JU e Inlwer f d 0 h fi . p. Iy 111 the SBme man'ner as ' votes for' G _ 'flereby _ " ' mo.n, er 0 tho· court tbO: of ' ollloorll lie to requird now ore Mill . The county. of uh Thill ir • y ar htindred 'llid thoUllllld . however, thltt if eoid , , Ill'e 4, , 0; . , COUJlty of Hari'IIOIlo hili up're b J' 't nr. II e .. R" LEITE F. MIN DENIJA " -and labol'l " their a . I 110r mem: Im).oI0 l,Qne ,y countlel ( h t B I ta, two an tlie r b, 'l ' Speake f h H a';j?'ual requiring ACT flrat AN. oretbe of. lmebef d .atanyt ,e af't:d . /n. cwnml t..Ib.) e1e~n " en ameadm 0 C8r11. the ~U\IIY tlleu B 1 It, agamllt .ol!e lanai lisa au Columb df III. h'! 1'l1e Qouniy • , ~ r t.h S • A .. oJUts or alterll~tpns a~reed upon b ' d ablte, or otber· ber; and the .county of Mahoning olle e Sonlte. . 0 er pel . , berelit ., ,t to "fI ed dI e submitt tIi . be d stial! iun, not l'onvent I a r a writ 0 attllchment shllll . member; Iln'd the two IllIIt MIned ' d 11-- , . II b ' AN ACT to 'pIe lor their ad()ption or r'eje t' :.cb one member to be e'lected In common' 'Ill!!,; lor !t llip neril. ror that p"rpole on the commis county t.he to I I , n . o , or Belmont, 'one vo :ot The had slIcb , Jr. n,pll3' If ll'.sot: Coullty " at .. Dt aLaleme d ,certifie 0 lIes,.\on lne onll ; thelr.J! mell1b!lf R. county . DENJAMI1'1 F. LEITE Se"!. I Be it enlft1ed'by .tM General A l prosecutlona p~crimina (. 0 . ~umbcr the rnemb.er 'cie .;_.': "b on any . v~c~n~l or, one l!I. , ~tiv countlea of Hou.~ the of 8p!a'fI!r ~ name 'he 81ak oj . OhiO. Thnt the Bo . ttolf-o\ , cOllviction a~d lIent~ncel UDto , elc;cted In comm!,n; anU the cuu'Jtles ""'Is·e ~cc~ y ~~th, rel;Ogna OHAR LES -C. k9,O~V-ERS. _ , be. and t·hey -Aro her:by k~ ' f ~o' ' o t electet enre, In tbe ,l:0urf,oC ar:l :~tit!m~ t~~ t~:~n ~o~Vcel~ &nate. s!lid tile of to fjpeaktr member one I8y', I . GU~rt' and mtldA be ntl~d~ b~ to -cause on 0PllnUsment to s 11111 .the yur next prece~ ove~nor ,dllring nl.l p.leas, II of c?mmon , writ~ IS8u(, 1850. 6, n. cu'!lm() -FebuarY n , e ec lliqds tlolongmg to the' StBte. and Dt Ncb .tlteme VIlCIlU ~ucb llIaklng fill of to tllne the Jec::on .e s' dlRg vaclI.nci Ot . two , Stark, !h~ cCllm~ 01 • " botweon the wllter line _Ii .e-tabl· h . filled be ,hl'd! l:nd ~ame each tI t~.8' to 'ng BI)4 na e pl\.rtle" or , tl pllrty . Ie ml Ihe d IS - AN ACT In am .n Ol!'ot of Ihe practioe of ''& he counties of W avne .. ity with ' coillorm h iu <1 ' mllde ' ',ur In 40" survey. court e t the by by ed d III. proscrib assesse ". Bne of mllnner S Ie I' .mount flie thtl ' vocBnci~s illlhe )lIdlrunl CUrl!. tbteo K cit;(1 ted -10 d ent TI membe.r!! I to• be number ,of reeo ~he aleo D~d 0 e 0 onator or Rep- the IlCt to whieh thi .. ill an Ill1loudm cue, e~cli A,e" G~al by.tIie enacteif u Be .... I ~c. S , Ie counties 01 nox and .Holmes, th~ mar-gin of the, reservoir, which 'I:~ the lIame perl:5 r sentlillves in the General. A8sll~bly. in all Dlzanee forfelled' mf'mb~ra, t~ .be e{~c~d in common. , d in 'VBrl!el& conror bid sem!ifyof tJIe &ale of Olaw. That appraise • be IIlIali y I.illereb In each cue d Stllte 0 ~ol1ecte amount the >The 9 apd lnt SEC. d,defeDd €rawfor The countle8 .o, Rlchliind IJ~O e ?~Ulloll In error"o. ceJ;1lorari, the For tho 1\1\1\1ni ViQi1or. of th&> clerk of the CIlUII" to b~ trllJlsnoitteli til the to the line rlinnin north and Kouth o tbe III error, or certiorari, "hall be It liberty to to That i, S£o. . com!,!on in "Iectet!, be to ~ membl!r . or nnw . AT~l'fZAS TO A: COQU ETTE. . Cll'rks of, the Cour'lI of c;ommon IIdjllce nt trlle . herftorore sold "ni, common pleas In ellcb COUDty Ihln repor" ,The ' count, of SeneclI l one D,ember; d to the mar i~n~( .pl.e.ad any mntters wllieh gu ih .batelu extende Sfa1te, t/l,e Th"," is a h<8rt 8 0 icy and 60 tlreDr. by ed c;op· of n~li!bcr a snch lelUl county comml uioner. It their lun; Stll~e, this .t l\ln. ., he g bar. thl'reof, notwith ltandin g 0 or and, the COlllltll'1l of Hunco"k Ind W:vsndott ' , Thl't mighty Lo.,. bUI~ tivot I.. il'~ to move; _ 0, t IB act III lib all be suffiCient to aup" the wllter. ' , annuall y, 'a certified .tateme nt 01 namlld thr.ee nUllo llillt iJl the plell ami .i general the mtlmheJ: file Qne time . 8U.me t b the '1'1, ' ", boulII. ,an yo In Sec. 9. T'hDt the app~o:,.ment II :Judge of arll of fine" uleIIld by the eoart each.bo to amqQnt ~Ihereo.f, ~he c~py any III PlY ' which in in CSIl8I1 elected 1I1~ be 'in to r not be Ii the' ac e butlI~n °a e w erraluflt,: and sholl a. "I'hal Ol/'er halh l\lngllld)j 'ji in UII1 ~h\ld love; oClilntiell, file membe cOI.!IItie ent ve respecti theIr n ectlon ~ clP~I 'durlnlt the year nezt p" l 0 c,rimlna In . cOlllmon . Such pl~a Il,l. sbatt'l!l , or in ba~, Ihan. be iJU( yot hlltll bOlulI'll MIIUQ'iillhly ptlrchlmco, .Um .for emch tra~I, ond <i ll 'relerence LEITE R!, .F. MlN ~~~~ of nlaking luch lta&e~en, \. time S tbe ceding ~ake, . the lind , !a erra~um Aahtabu ~# or l nul~ In cotmtle plr.1l , Tho d . 1L'I1 WJth the e·O\Jc4ilioii in thp.levelofth A"d cuil'd iu C4P~VO willi un ut\ I/l1l "Ialll:o. probabl \ ta'u~. collected du.&prwen ~ ~1Ut or ~, amount er the ~, llaO a'1 . ' pommon be plea onshan the mem~erll to be: elcclpd III "deposited milda' lIh!lJl 'I hnl.. I a voice or cmdl1n . oft "nil low. tel', and. .... nammg th~· party 01' period, 81ll'\e the " , ln pl~a' Gellu/ta a,uch ' rllnd ll ur Trttl1)bu ' 188ue 01 a e t!le counti, ~e!ore mlUed , , ".lth cUhnlD!: lid pro\lInj:l! rClfI8Wr t>f the State.. I.nd ,0tJ\ e t l;That hlr8. tho . .tltemt .' ...,~.er. 'of Ute &na~. tbe lIll ,F b III oar, "hal mentbers to be elected 111 comnion . be subjoct , m'o, and the land And hl!,vlnll wup j~\ilITt!"llill$ UGelinto How ~" bim . bY.i Pll.lU I 1860. I ollUll\l1 runry e amount r: the, membl' one cle'rltl ' the reIPllctlve oouln,- or' ilm 'g.:nco\ To s 'et>1' In 'wue. bIl8 at the 'Pprai8e d vaiue' P.rovided that i~' !::Jee. 2. ofThat ' nuL to law.lnt«;ltho couuty treuury 1D.in1Da I court ACT erlor p AN aU' ; member one , common Summit 1111cd of cuuuty the on thE! land and WL.. wlif,re the of all flu.r Y1!.~.'''IIUI UNIII\ WE'll " OJ! P TIIEl'LCi 'the cour tie8 , 0'11'1 memcourt of Chi· the lource , or sourcea lI'om e<.uci two'latlt and ,C'lI:clunati, ,. Ii .. betn "(lId b the nv FOOD, 1_ back line of 4 .-eb1 b alll~ la Ute h~ b a~d ; enacted it B, derived 1. Ire: fundi ' Of . court In commun ~uperlor and be o cmnat!. berJ 1t 1)1) {,rlltct 8111U''' TO adJoinin lUIS'D, such of 11111' tor AND Jrtl5l'ItX JUIID ... State} tbe pl'oprie 1'hat>th o,er to the count1 ti'eUU~. The county. orHe~lna, one member;. ond I ~y o'i the Statewllu Ohio~ the e- '~QII.' IiI ~aklQi return ~ wrlta of el'l:or, required totopay 8~ull have the exciuli ,e rigli~ foropen "11UKI.D''. mlly receive l' the ,thi~ section or.the ICt enluon~ c pu.r. t' and of the election ,upreril th to up aend l! ~rtlorar 01 or tbe coun!}' , 01 ~ratn, one . ~or flod of one y,ear, aller tbe hmd i. township oflicera on the titled 'Ian act .Ior the dl.potltioD of 0 - . CII\lljtl or tlie two IllS! named counUoa, une and where the court, duly • . the claimed coatB," p'''8~d Marcil H',' J819••1 J .. a •• u" April. 1850, luall al.a ell~epti and r' line I. owned fUel~ proceu , pleadin the I rl . countie & of H~,!,n ' . :a'~11 u ~uly certilie tran'll ptB of IU IInclalmed coatll ih 11111 poueall on. added o tion. Constitu the revise ••• u n. commo In to be f'lect8d . ' 9f,· th ,ptollee dinp aod dude in the IIlatenient reqlilred . . , plrt tber! ourna!: adjoining ().Lauch a,mouJlt be the to of nt oxes, atllteme ballot-b the In .. in courts. rt. ve mcmbo reepectl .two their of g1l, judgement The COUllty .of CaYllho ' .: r of. in tbe ' " by him In\O the county trealur r· <Ii ho\vever, thut for 4111 the pur. that purpo..e, Bnd:whellever enttya,nd • mont of partic!!al cae, na.med io the wrlt:~Provl- p,fa upon Thllt 3 Sec. PIR~O~ aill!lltion IIJId the "Iectlud'aqd C!OlIIpenlulio>n of PaovJ1) ElI. a('t, ailt1 Decena~ be e«Ch'1lq or IIh",1 it ,b.,1ft' the juuges. That ~uch 8. of SiC. tbe .bound\u ie. of the sev. clerk IIhllll olnlt tbe p9.'ell oft~ill reg- ded, • . " III"I ,b•. iIt'thorenf. ,troct i;U"made auliject to enrry: teln..,. .t repurt to tbe county shllll be cho!l{la; nnd s/ d , a h commi leI of all Itlch parta of ....eturn, .uch aforesllld, 8hll.11 dCf'lDed and I ler purchlll ,the to 'give shall d afores/li Illter ciertI.... • WHl:au. • aiajol'!ty ''ll tho cltize na ofthhl flrlll countleB be lly. ll cuea. aIl all ill '!IIIIlon, ks lulle poll-boo 18th In the n\1 on do(\ume or sl1mo pApers to he all t ftlea. and othe describ lllgtbe tract the am hi (or Repretentatlve-. lo the crillai_.. In Bta. OOIUI and , G al18ne of' rmembe lor to 10 VOting ecl Inlt~uct olectors I be m.JY ' aai) that the I Ineoh~I' such ,cue 'aII they anaual February, 1848. mOlley e 'purcbay mblr,ll id ,lt the on_ d alll ,Gene ... btl . 111 shall b, li which , conecte velltion ,in bolh Pili'- al c. 8. The .Ilia election I!fmll ot~...... or a I~ IleclJ palLl upon the roductioll Rnd d,u, hy thl' directip~ ill w,itipj or ot ao reo been , time lDanner BalDe the neat in year !he ~urned' of returns olBce the th .\~ d, be to eon~te lIult. be oli Wbioh the Gov:rn or, is hereby, tIes _ Iu(',h ConYenti01l '" reyill8 atnend or chs np tbe an .-elPoC,ta " 1DI a3l,cb at\l~eDt., on ox tloD (If o\ht,. , anel tho result U,eroof are required Ii)' Illw to be ttl I:Iltoellte I\'nd ft- 811cl\ cle'f~, anu a lCopy 01 which ..ler...mtdireoted lind State: TI\l!relore,. . con,tit\ttlon- of 0 election e. IDd ClOI \II. , at. d ret.urne Illld and_be Imount. of by ..,. pro_~ld ld purchllll4!r or hil "Iigne e I ten dke(1tion ah:al be anueztl l to Bl:o. I. ~ II ImIIdtd bJJ 1M Gmerill A.. (lcrt.fil'd 10 l,k~ aun~er II,S hclltatlve hver to Ihtt ..... him to the Gener 1 A ' Of ntativlls J!ald .lId Rapreae ected aOll co ~Tlt.l ll Ropre . llJl rotllrn. elel:~lul • 'Willi wlt,h lIuch 1""0. mple fQr In mMly of. ~ oj OMo. That. co n - IIIW IOrrhe deed 11Il or to U. plea., a clJmmo , ' lIle ot 8elObIY: 'Pile ly. Oenerol ASilemb In 8. So mucb or the or ' ., ',v,ention to rvViH, r _ t;1lle. 4. TUllt the IIlld entrie. IUtl the er. ry or State is . trellaUF Secrela Qunl1 2. to C(lllrt. JudiCIal I)e the IIhall reguillte <t!on, c tQ tlle. IIct 814l1i oi the IIh~1I ultij;ur. o( be, and the lIame: of t"i •. e levera! tract. of land 10 disposed otea6b c»wlto the the procure to h Thllt ,. lorthwit SSC. qUlfed, d prl)Vltle Ibrch ' IlW ed .. by allis 8I4t1uo cOlllpeU practice be Ipllroplated b tho I' hel'flby called. to consilit of une hundred tlttl iI~lIle to be transmifted lorever remaih liable ty .hall at thl' tIm" of mlkln, hll a!lnua! V9tefll, tb the Senato and aud Shllll, In lur oriD pArt II at 0111 time 4:1,11. reqUired the orlillla lBle. aad w~ole in Slate, (he · Ind el,ht membe'll. who ..hill COIOU\.U of Conrt the o· ClerkrJ aetUem,ent with the county comml ..lonM tile to the and r.etufned poual\le,8 Imllo"ed n it Ihall be ~Ietormilled to r.i~e the Il'vel or ini{' to be aonexed to the alune il bereby the Hln or the Huuae ofRepre~enl.iltlvel, be, II bJuet tl) the illUDe or, allm01l8)': uch a number of Sla,e,.a the of /\IrQ'Ilv-h a Plea" s, election ing regulr\t be,.lmd I.",,, 1 .. error, of .",ver writ Llld Ily tbe city of.Colo mbu. (In the flrat Mun. the w,lltcr in Iilid re..,rvoi.,or 08 lQ overflow tbe yelr next prebe lIuliiciuQt to . shull durint as }llm not IIV e4 01 t:t'C! far BO , thereu, . purity the • orlliV, A, D. 1860. and the laid conventhela,d'la.nti or Iny.par t thereof'llnd in CillO pealed. the tim 'Of maTe In, auch le. The AMIN . F. , LEITE R. Ille State S .... r EN1 tM HOUM .Ullb..MWi'oprlalion ,or don .Jlall han power ,to adjourn \0 lucb l1li lti~ ••Ine may be IlppUIl~b tllig the leveral lOurc* aDd · dealgna prp. of ill'lle shall s of couutie r-'c .18gerlll rur tho 01 iftil owner ' ah1111011ly1,0 liable to pl y ,the Qther pllqe. or pllC'.cI m thl. StIlte, IS alul . or trom elch. rt membe I",ouat of Eaa, eluction \he ,cdNV for C. uni clilluliti CRA·R LES ,land '110 tIIke" ,or ConvenUO., mal deem proper; Buch pu.rt·o,f Sao. 6 The COUDij' coruqll..ioDCft .re u ' , mllnner 8}C41jtr like ill il.lnj " coDvellt ' .eaii bereln ofll?e line eleetora wiltel' d the eil,.II' llel , 8EC. e. Thlt \h. IIUlllifie dlrect!ld ta'fI:ll\lmlne Ind comp,r e the 1ft'' to do for the election Ibrcb Ill, 1860. m?lilt!uned, run by Alexllnder C. leYu.) COWl"' '' and8en lltorlal dlltrlet• . of, at:e by law required erllrttlt ementa reoderecJ u al)oYe. and take 8embly. A. l Genera the 01 r, In 1848,,,1I4th.. ,nelmae Ani' IiDt! ' this State ab.ll, on the fll'lt Monda1 etf 01 Conove ml!uur e, tI" rectlt) th....me; aboilY An It enlilleci act an ' l amund thll Genera R ,lmiltno 10 .8'iJ anti ih~ A:~ A .. If' furlhot 10 JUltin by run. Allril Df'xt, lillemb l" att.belr illull pllll"o fl tlECI. 4. ThatJolnt __ . or dllcrep e"clel be diilCoYt erN: aM elTon ner o B.e8olution 0 Rep. ' ~('iI~ ,;'.h~o.j, aUAch· SalLe IIh.U ouly be liable to pay for the , "m~~: b;I~~el YUH~ti~ boldin , eleetlon . In their .. veral townsh ip. lhaUarp olnt.by ed an ICt &ateotitl Ihe omen~ I~ ACT examlnatio". Ihe C'lUIl 1 'ladltor AN t lIuch emllien an e a P • orpai. C!JI aDd englge IIhan lee•• nUlI)ber of membel'l, ' wllu .n and oyerftowe4 witbil' ..iiI hnll,try 1, , Ind warda, 1O,:talite it"d and Ohio &lte lleveraa .tattlme lltl In .. reQ()rd shall QC1IIii'tIl I.V ' by J .debate repon Sec. 1. B a ,'enait!r per acre in the propurtioll .of In electDr corp" of BII.illUlntB ute a at ne the 2., . b"I,,* flbru81Y Pll3 y for tbllt purpCMe. I IpeCilll o S. I bouk \Jnder tht! BtaliJ,of O/no, That if on proceedings or III1Id conventloo the'w,ho lelum,a t "hich tbe liAQd' w.. AUem!Jly to repreaent re.pect l,elr .. 1d coqntin anT olBeer nlmed In the it Y OE If4Cr&SBY TU That ~ .. Hac . .&Itthe lllued nd . ent attltuhm of control wril and a of r .. ~1~ra to the number or acrel lyiDi return • qd dl.trltt . in ..id ('...nuntio n, . ellull -the O~ItI5.or r l4T~ I8ctiOo. of &hilt .... l.h1U! fourth aud ~ty_nfll the th!JU 1'hat ur ( ' cntdltB, rigbt rights, 'copy , the secure • .plalt tlte 19O1N" cbatllell , I\l!~reaentltiv" t:un\'ellti~nIndsbal\ "line". ue .... een w bl!t. to the "Dilmber .u( entrct 0 Ion Pl'frOrm a.y vr &he to incar tu negleet or act n .. ,fall titled of ,Of .• uon-reslden l'btprovide for1he publication mllne)" - tb Generl l. Aleembly. to tho State lIENJ AlrlIN F, urrER . , I It &be time 'and t6 the SUt;e Ict .. th b!':ki ,by otber and requlred h Ubi., I or durllb\e entitled I aet IR the of debale. vIrtue and by and or, lIollle of of Illr 8pM wh,ch ..,6 countlC!tl od dlltrict• .Ire DOW ,aid palevery '184 24th , mllDner e FebrullfY .nt a sed ty writ" ioi IInthori -have regulat and. .hall 'A,.. ICt !lllowin i (urm. Tbe reporte r eDtltled bl IIW, too.It.; , ,CHAR t.ES f:. tallh:!r'lhall b.lI~bleto. and p 1 IIlDeof not revived ' a /. h han the IIl1me of the 'il J'ulltlce_ pubberore daily ent tlte 'attc~m meJltll, e~u Ilrrn.nge Df""' make to 8pt!A':er IDem. wren •• . -. c:ontlnue' hl Tbp CIOUU.., orHlIQ lltoD. one, buDd..... . . than 111 nor more Uc:adOIl of labI procee dlnr and debate. , force 10 far 811 relaten /" leU, it .lilll a p811118d ' .. benDank ,I March :13, 1860. d h, .... coUeete be I topth,: ,ball fine ror ulcli ollaia, <If that Ohio lime, tlle of the ert ag tbe JuMe . WIth the publilill . CCIIInly of '8O'ler. ml'.mben. Dllt.lM .... par.all • the by qm loDera y commiu county 'bi" ur mone),a Age ~redl"", no ,Oode, cbattelll, rightB. Ind tile Ohio !State 101lrnal, .. nd ,uperm Tlie coum, of PrPb",- one n the act to ~bi('h AN ACT , 0 exempl cerra,' in 811denlll fiom labor and -0 1'.1\11'8'. or 1Ii' lturetl"',' Jieror. aDl i. ~.. officer thill . Jlublica cy _aid. sulBclen hai t a . nQt 4r pro,lded alIme. elJ'eJ;:tIt. tiut " trud 1I'l'lftl-. . . ODe rond on , ~CiU1!&! or lluntrolll'rt.. " ame.n dwlOaln the COUIItl. III ItOry thereto. . of the Iti4>n ,bill. give!). to neltltflr of "i.,id P"l'- Sl.lWdio to levy.. and It .hall turtber IP, il 'fi4cI«l by ,1M Gentrdl ber. Bt" I.. the Dime of the coull-debt of ed. Icbon JJrou,id g. orl,luther dY, land 'I hat aU .tu· pear•• I&her from the IImdavit orlglall ife Of t Th.t.obll\lea o( MontlOmery. and Prebl., ,,en .xcluaivpriue Jud8lllenl I'l'ndered SD the d .. ball <lDll upon conlerre by Ind tjon oblalu publica to eaid for Ju.tlce, paid Hid h t wi. Bled whole tile IDaUy} n. .,. n actual atten' Ir two m.lIlbera; to he eleetfld in commo pl"in- caeo. no stay of executioD aball be of writ,or frOm not exceed t!le sum of twent1-ll\'e Clillton' Dank ul act lor I. amlOn, cou"." ",ho CO ege In , Tile c6uaJY ofBrow n' ,one member; .lIlt IhlU the cl!Jrk Of the com 01 bJ pruvided S&O'. '7. Should ltion. \!ntcompol eM for aubsequ ..nd, centll per thousand Ilma tdF. hI. apJlt or attorney, filed mike Hid count;}' of Clermont, ne 'the neglect to p.y Ofer . to "'. : R1 iee coDJvan relllnj{ a of not 'II tion organlA unty tbe said upon that .hall r thereto, reportr The r the • aCClt ..cxemp-t the t"''' lUt Dallied coUDtl!'l. oDe ' membe th' ur O!" treaaurer , the. mllJlIIJII reQ1l1red 1!1 of Ohio, the JIIStice .hlll the COllventiun report to \h6 ,lame the nUQl- ' uppli .he acee' tance . IS8'7, -Ident oli the. . Marcil .COmDlOn. d lili .110 , . let. llectlyn of n llecond e blintoo the Of 111 'l"n act bia , thill ' 1'001of the plaintiff aasi"tllnts,. h "UpervllOl'I. and' on the applleatloP OIIt or 'Warren, olle manber; the 'ber ,,,d namoll tiT hil each Th. ed COIta In hi. pql.Ml on, a reo tock ot'lII1id :n k0 h lilutbbu .! unclaim capit.la ' to lind orelt deliver 'and re.pectl lullke to . ~tturn~y n or t.he penutio II ' liar. 10 Incltbe rol ; In Ig waya Ct __ • otle mftlllleri oeoanty n .the d ran • 0 be enb1 the \hlrd ' lieclloD 'or the act or ipf r; ..nil the!11110 the arnngelne,nta he hal . . . .fi)r the terreredroru hlatlon rtqulre.tbf!m ~O'll'errotm tWo dB!_ plalOti8~or hlngen t.n eertlflld lraheor ~' cirQ....., OD. membe klin ofP,}n IClite •. 1819. lie or hI. "urettea .b.n 1Nt ·18 count)' lind iit cue. p~edfi the said In biit proceedifl:a .' roeu.. th.. on tJuee'lu t.aatMd col1ntiea. ODe member In daily ptlbllcatfon qr and t. purpOte a IIbali IIbqll pity a ilne or ·uot .... llrty ..aid 1Ji1t to,and ' lIubmit retel,, or bil I debatea .. at.ovo mentlon(lil Ind • t .. , This Ict to· t.U! efl'l'ct and be .8ec. II. Tbe pt, may taxed for more \ban, fife buftllred dolCKlunty nor canlll' t!'ree ' than to ou. lime the conyenU deliver ",rAid action the to transer h In,lIuc aft,@r I", The c:oundea of Cham)l lllp, Olark Ind the lIaml' . abel be collected h1 ~ cotUllJ ::,,,,ns abln wllich l~ pleas n HId commo f o , tlf n court membe the clark of &t,1l SID. 6. That elected in AlitH F. tEfTE 1\. EN1 JfediIOD. tJtree members, I . C,pl • its upon taz the of an action. of debt, iD the In nntloll . comml .llone,. ventiun al,all b~ el)tIlled to 11 c:ompe l1t , , th. colluly: withlu wbich JlUch ju'tlce tf ,coaI.on. 01' III .qalJlll . .uch Which eounty to ' the act of the lur.h at of duty tit. du)" per rSllde, and ItlhaJl C•. \.iONv.ERS. . {lA 'ftt COUbty of Miami, o\)e mtmber l Ina Qr three dol lara 1M a , . commo that of. cotJrJ r'urtber, -tJae before ., l .uretlh I ot tho Gencra ID bl. 0$08, and l88ue to file. the one I'1ltell allowed to " QJ ,he of She:::r and 1850 oe IW "'II::" belJeral , any to . IUbJect eu. p to th. to directed . be thPl'eon ent lind. ly, ' I writ of attachm n.llD": r.oanlle•• AlIII!n\b . 0,. r ee_IIft '; .... the . puled alterfn or MIN P. 8pMk t.ullYl'ntlo.n ,. ban hive hfreafte r " uid cOUllt1, " .berilf . -.. led i et tht' Alae lDeJllbe r to lie tfeeted In c:oinmoll. !'eReal to :AC1' AN bank tuln, or .,. mode Ute ollif81'1 . alld employ and Vtll mt 1m to aUac The _IlU" , of torn and Hardin, on. powe. tlmen,t 'an 8111 entltlf!d 8 an A BENIA MIN P.U lna , · !lng fuc and delillln,gbia dJ: !!lId defendadlat WIthIn IlUCh C)4)Unty, ..,t be aidll.r ion, one meDl- and ...latauU al me.y flee ....PlDberi R' or -e-- .. - ....... Hotiaa '!'JIB ., , OB SI'IAUB In ontfr, thereon liB had on be .baU IIh1l11. nga ocee <ot.ion., lIamepr colDpjln . uleir · one -. j.filI. ·, . 111ft; 11\0 the four lut nanec! 'aountl . aa,l860 C CONVgaB1'fJ· IlAreb LES CHAR orlllout .. aued l'ot 1111 Idacbm tile of of l'J caae, ollier Secrell the A,IrQm GeftmJl . Bec. I. Be ilerttdl tl &" eM • 8, TR tnf'thbe r; to be elected In MmmoO, . Sn.u ' . afdle el'l ACT theoflic A and tinllW plea. ! 1al'1lfta cOmmol court or ud..AD «" nlM:8l1 thtl I t nally from That "I'he J'C!lIatie,"of qf tentbly B 8 Mlirch . fUrnilh to It, on 8 BENJA MIN 1'.' . Inl1tf·d' ''ln .ct to Imead an lelentit led ab 1al.., 'I"P memher-; ' Ind the .ntlet ! ot State .... all It .\1 .----... ' drenlt yat to be hOldea. for U. ~ ODIdIot l " lUI may be iD rUIU!.. OJ' TH& Housu r RaN. r. "",e1o counfy or omCl'i the ',uldin ., Deftl.nce re'lul.lt!oD, aoeh creating aet : •• .........m • Via enlllJt!Cl acl iJn lind fili,.. am~nd lO ACN AN nod . ER8. . CON:V C, ' OH h'. dati"," PUl8!1 Fetiun .... deftnrng .... Wlu and 1 ~ QDe ...mM •• nd the eIght &btlir ~wer. a.m.l ed lieU pu ai, •• iot"r Sec uf mer"l8 iOK JtAT&' d or'JJlIU thousan .. oC 'Cort! , , 6. Thl& the • 8th,one tlaau4 ndeirh t hundred lalt ...... coaIItiM , one member, tu be .lThat the copIU 01t.i0;euw IItnbly o.f IIw CIollll rabe.an dtheHm e illilere by Mlrcb 14, 1850. d repealt hereby ' ia -.11De Inl,*"e b8 I(',on, A. u. Gaba. onetllo aauai TIlE e1 BY n.f.lh ElUQT£ D tT holde BB pttohe revenue geDeral --the ot out or Lar.un cl a.nry. one prla,tea topert heapB ues ofnfd T"-t tIie . Bec. t. 'ntI.ac t' lOukee ft'ect. IDd1», ~ ~f~::ppI3men'.3:w'" act. entbled "Au: ,I",t huntireclaDd 1I1!1. abaD lie huJde8 I• StaLe. ooOnll.. 0( JMMI, mluol')' note, fn fom, fmm alld '.f\er Ita puaqe _her : at .... ...... plrt!_ ~ anf o'bon I, bill, be· tlte _ral COdJItI.. , . lOre ..rc:.n,i: 'u tltnt. . . . . .~. nit' ......... .t .nd tlte don. _ BRNS AlII,' Jf P. , for tlte .... ner, ."..;t..... I..... . writiag berel ·tlmet ment tlve IDatllN ':1.". e oth. or ' proceed the, of Journ,1 1846. tlte 14, 'tbat '7. _her l.o be 8Ee. 8ptGk1l" ., , . Roue tJ/ . . . . ..... aoaatt-. preaori '*l bJ: .... '- Jrft: or ro~ranee of. mon". or the Sec. 1. Dz IT Z.AtDI ) 111' U. I.... of..w c:oaYUltiOQ shill be,tlled in the I\LBa C. C()NVEJUJ. CIIA . ....... ,. ea.... . " .... IfteeD ih_ Intefl'jlt !'or P8ftJ of county the In IIlIt OJQO; 01' TR& &rAft ODe . . .ber; 01108 of the 8fcreta ry 0," Btdt;" ___ ti',. SruIt. .r The of such Aprll.a d OD the wreb&etDtt- ~ot __ or lJly or the bl' UPOD .... co greed IDJ tiona lor Ilwflll oraJten . , be rmiion _bin . flfttB. IJDeDdm . ber; 10. 1880. \ Delaware. GIlt ..... .Id \he It 1"1 raw boll &ember; .Ia t.INH:C lutr 01 1.1.... _ . . eUCIIItiaJ a wril .of odtet: mem- upon bJ ...Id. conftQtlon. be' abln 11Ib- or o~er InltrumeDt, rearl,. ~ centum per teD CHdU'J tWllty-third dar of APrIl .... - ... by n, tab t.o rejectio ;., milLed. to their adoption in An Ict allowilll ... ,.- illdlil bJ a jutloe · ot \be .. of·. . . . . . . ' Provided. buwever. tIllt DO IDcorporated AJrI Alb T for le of0cWtler1 ... thepenp at PUfllOW thit iii ror yo. a the .Iab or ah.U 8tate MIl 1111.' or AtrpI& oD 01 .., In.tllu.ti . . u...t banki;ng aD DID. dil'fCt; 1 ..... inl\ IUch IiDiet ,"t he conn:.t deliftry of lJae propertY to be ........ .. .., ..... jUti.:!Pof . wrfar ot more .. tJa. rate Ifth da1 of"" "__ rBCfOIve eatitled t.loD ln ... qUllilca "rllI ... the lbl bayinl reapou peraon 1'" and •• ra,ett haulf1 or H:c:: t • ID It. charter. or If 110 ".ao.." "'P(OilIllo.· or .. elKtor under lawl now iD rort* IDa lie.. I . • iI...- l • rifItIINl..,. ..tile of IUch cent, per .Ix thin more d. apHIle be qte It "'!,,.. . : or p .... townlhl , • nee dIereoD • ill t.he eM of 1('.., ptalntU r.IO .ppeu IleCOft' if'" .... tI Olio,or Thlt wbl&1C1tU'." upoa ...,!ov a 01' r &be I'etUrIIdIIp oftbe Writ. aada- :r::=1 &tate. .... t Willa . . .ll ....... ud not _den r whethe " 11\'81. Illte COIl...... ..... Pf!lC!lb e th, 01' 1"II1'II81_ ault to e&et,-a Dd ,., .Uk_ od ........ .. .1111 . . . . t'Otf........ of tile ':~~~::I Bao, I. Th.t 8,.80 l ualnat awwec be 110 ID WrltI" "Web ", . . . . . . .... •l 1iD •... .wed pIII UJ •• th al_ , . .. DOte III1rJ :-:=~~ Of tIHl UIrM ........ ~..... tiO 1.aJI'I, . .lW.... 1 cpm. member;
canvu8~d- INdlci.1
er!,o~ , ~~frP.~IOt}, on~ d, e ~l'4e me'mb~r.; Ph~~ldecompl~t nam~d J8~0; lI)ein~
th~ ;~~
~t:J..~~:e~~eo( ~he j~:'~f
18~l'Uua OJ'.1~~BI",'Q.
Soc.~. ·
::·~e·W~t.h'l1 ~ot'~~by
t~o~ma;!~r, i l~~hr\~'lIel
.,CHAnfEs, tc~ C6NV~:SP""
~"'tf~?'::' ~
.-ai:~ cO'::Kt;(I~bthr.ro=t!ti~ In~uu'i;,
~r!I.~e t~ar:ried ne~r
;:t !~ie ~rovlde dr'~~~leer4c:.r~? r~d2'~!foll ~~~~l :tt~~ ~~e~:DrUd~:~ mel~ber; ~Ol\l ~cto:~~ ~dxt en6~ing. s~~n"d Tres~ s:d~~'b~ ha~::~ed, ~ :piratio e . ~~~12~~~ n~~; ~!,M~nroe ~ne,
b(jDuly-lil~iIlCllre. ·
CHAn.I:.~ ,~ CQNV~RS,
~~\~;to ro~:e~r~~~~t1~~~ :h~~~ ~~oll. g~~: II~t
l\e'fberll t;~~:'::~~. . ~~r~vi:lli.~ic~,~f!~~.
I\k~ tlll~viceH,
a~. ~ire('. t,ion
I\n~ Sen~torI'ln real't'e~yely
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~m1DOn. .'
~h:r baD~ real~~ .'Sf purpOae~ uJ'Q~·
pu~lic .~lllnd
9.r.c!ol1n~y ~u"a,or
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th~ID, ~ount
~ In~t ~Ifted
....... "'iiiiNiIt .... --. :-0: oea.r
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~ ~'
s~llIed~ t~a~
b th~ I~Ddl
LEt~lJa. BE:S~ RUw .t .i~ & L!O~~.
~e IlIinnnt~:t:o
~te. eler~
S,anu.~o/ '''\1
,~Id ~elr .~I'O"' ~l
p, r o
pad~ ~II#""'. .
cer~lied IItatem~Dt
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.EII1!LTO'l',uSrATEor~o, ~(
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<<!If'ha~'l ~ P~ la uJ'h~
it'" ~. ~
RtJ!~nlGiiw,. CO~V.ERS.
1M,l!'~.rnr.ri oyo\
CuiDllI~u .al~ PrOYld~~Odu.nt ~r t P?~illolJe
1'~~9ided ~
e~ch ~ Jleeea~~.
la~.moII. ~'IH
II"~ mlJe.~, membo~ Olltj~ed pi:YI~:-' ~,ud
tIt~ I~
I~e !,obl~c
nO~ltti- sec.
to" .
~ai" t~o ".~
la2.~. ofit"~
8~ 'i ~~r~~~gl8C:II~ a"~~ U. ~Te8t 4\~~ t~e ~~ ~ank ~g:IRP:'lI~, her~by ~hnton Sta~ellm.an C~IWIlbUl,
th~ l.ht>~f,
cou~ o.~
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-.j .
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~e e'CI~ted
~e . ~Ied~,
fill~8 elchcue.togetb.~:WI~
p\~M, c~llJmercIiI.
t~e ~ur.t o~
th~~..,or-· !"ad~
e:;~- 18~ue upo~ IBt~er to~nt'rl ,ablltement,~r
cO~l'!!.on.. .
Laws of OlUo'
;~~~':.:~~ev~a o~
~rNGl .~DtI.r Me. 1.:. .,,,,:,::.~= !::UWyI'~7Ib, .tt ~ ~1th ~ P~11 ~ Bee~'
w....t,......... ·
~urLl of~-:::~l!l~ ·r::. fo"=~ ~if,bt h\l~dred
.....,. alii.,"
a:w~ A.!t.,... ~~~t~ii:~~ ~
CH~ III'IiYed oa JIoJIJdJl,r" " llallla
tile. ....... ..
1k'om Bomlt'J to lbe a to the 7tb, HOIII ClIlcutt Euao p& , ~1~An-lI.r" 17th hbruar ,r. The ell~llfoa frre.4 Kong 1).\. N , =,r=-~.'-I witl l1li*\ piob.\1y .look TUECA OF tbe w~. ---;~==~=;;j:=:o~.:~ t, to re,i~en na,uf a 8Sd tlie .olutio of HrI~Or Pel!,efiom tor eU,l8nt gol~ .... C.lDpb n OWer under BirC"le 1llIt, we IDUlt i . ", to Iud...... lr. N. ,S, Tllurday, Hay 2. •• , w .. on III d, belonge t.le~ been of bal cler'nM trlbee, Ill ' Hili iii. \he col nllt u ...... t war.pl . ftll 10 k .t L._I .... lniy5 .• t I&lifu .L_ " tI ' or thatSta 'te in rel.dOff 10 tIui b nd Ii the lime I Ibort dil\anc e eutwar d ot' iIIe II r • ... S--' 1110. Ith th I...... r ~ t-" I.. . ~.., e~ ... IXCRa em "'I~"·.e Th NO, " ~• DAY Aa ... < tioQ' C;onyen m ~re,: Capeqne o~ the weD )wlla .e.erely 8oJCe4 80utbe one u over 0 promlae .... . .nd· e li.r CeatUrt', by ~ La~I, etbel-r:ili. reif:; ::n':'" w '" ' OIlr TeI1lllit IPd a&le, o~.th"t I.rd i.n~ Ri!lblut . publi,b bNn ion ~ur ~ome slaget oirence. MIIdClt'Ded.t PUD,,! . '"'- MIA»I VItn'Q. '11111 be ~..w '!>' ,111;1, luaa u the i.~~~ah.]J bave CQlton to adv~nce fulr. on I The Hinttoo lind MUBlelml1n populllt " . " . prjntedt ~ to ed to 'I. 115bme!lt~ tllto poor fe!lt~w wu no aooner .colu"'' against .wUl deYQ!.g' !,1M>ut three , Salel 6J,OO() bal... r.- l in thlt'Citl 01' Mi~rllpoor Ifad riaen :!i~¥:J.:£:J: 1I11r a~~tJ~~ \Ve'(tlJr. t.h~ reP9rt o~. tiM. ~e.iDr nG~ Clay leased, that). I ~e ~ light of aU ~,. .comHr. a ' w~lI rt'Ugioi.1 nd of fl w_~"'l lnftuenc ",eYe", the : under *:~e~ lr,. e~o~bf ,lJie!l' 6'e \ ~~OO9, took 12.~Q, e~po.rters a,d Two Dpll .... wUl be , • f,f. PJ,)'man ~ul1ow~ the "blc~ uf , t.h.l~n of te and t,h~ Ihlpl crew. be ,pr• .,. ~r.{!r. .. ~om~ltt. . ~III .. fire. p. by q~ rd "l"ctJ deetroy -lUch city tile ak~ m ' . flna~lclim. and walt firm and "ctl,e: 61_,.... for llOlIIer perlod. ti ,,~. ~101~." ' ~dN"o,,'r' 10 ract " '. . , ~. ' w!'* a blih lea I'Uh~nn, .~" ,~erl. ,. are abal '"' (ndia , II ITlIl fruIn ,tb vou ~d~icel it rcial . / . W'O nNJc'IUl.Hitill~ end weeollc lf fine run'to Newfw nd7 TIl~ comme . '; • I .9 ' Jllll "dD.... uuaDl~o . ~a tb~ , man lWept un utera. ere ee ~d. ~JIl~, commlt1 the The , ' IJt. . J , • , ., . ' , " , . .. here on Mo.r- "'ti"f~ctory. ,. - .. arri,eP. , ... , f'&tmr b~ ·may St«tel ' blm Ie!meCl to Ya~"b., new v!Dg that .. q~ opinion ~0J.le lhtl all At '£anton th" Ohlneae noladays hl1d Incdntr~bllt&'lUcb lD,formltl~~ .~ y,ou are III,! .,; tlot 1S'e~ detll1neil b, quanti. To Con:el lpo.4e.... · terlJl?f t!1~comthe from a qll~ Where under a C4mp r. ofT,exa howeve out ed Rphef,. th,e mllke t.o ' .lTald some for ~Qt~ 1 be of., bUlineli l1ft with ' wu' em~edded , 10 ,Ice 30 , terrered " ';Fred, "Jour IIIg(eltl~ in rerorence to ·po.loall III' u..e re... , S. ng lor It li~f6reo: U: the of.l~oki into'llt dre~mt. .reQ ev~r l1lct,ent one j l>. 'lulh' Ire ail.n you ~f conliderllblo dlllp. YIOUS to the departur9 of diem the .~l'!Dent ofFral)lI!., trio, "Aurorai"· ,ul!mpt , lOD,le .nd mlny, e.pectln,g-. ~lr""IDI' oluti'on ,of anl'!exatlan; and-thl ',wh,en,t hey t Olt. lowermg ,~ In~lden ~elIlY e ~ , >.uring .• at trlde " ~. lively tillO a , Jnforinli 1i~IDe". Ii,. of to fted opening la~t the crowd on dec" w-"Koml nl" ud ~'DlY' King-... (for the u~~~ubt'ipllte' d• C°tt011 bol.t an a,I wllll·t , Iro rorme4. they hive I clear ..and,Um"n.1 d Ii antic teuder' "Frlok " our -rbo nllin 'firmer I...'" weltom e to our ,col- I ed uotlton .t ab out' I Yl1I,ee rate. It I'nto ' tho.. .. , I 'hi dm'tted be ,to of the 1011lier 1tr,uIJ~il!' r,',ht f~rm the. iog __ ~atc -<' I a rably.: , , conside r, d , , . pr~vioua"ly umPlJ Ie the ' Lawyer 0 any oth~r proftl. an~1 ~.p to th~ tio,e good. had IIdvance -0 f '" c, wo ' baen not do 'h ' tee an4 o.wiag e"8I'J. com!)1lt wavel. · tbe bql!IDI{ but ; the Statui w,ldi ing elJ.ua relpect t. ' .,.. ' Prom, Oel,lon the accoun . ~)I unfllvoraole ,wind. th.nka, tbe fil'lt aVIDJ batrcil, ~ucJi , I IUY ' plllo for' the "'o"'l1!atioll~ of dillt!llct tl)lt Je. thmK t. momeh '. . ring'.. ' . eneoura , yery were ab. op r C' Ilo~'ha .• Cotton • the iher.I ' , . " accepted,) ,J)aU 'be *,tt:iIded to; ~ Ole latitu~....... in ,orlg\n. . "be d (oulll1' oul, h I, WIll 1 .. Texli are of 1111 out !3tlte. new ' Card. ' l1 Talbel't.' Dr. leue notice I. , ENGLA ND. •. newelty Ind 'pProrr iateni!u .11l1UC;h .n ar· ;'o::::rP . Ited 10 Congress, but sh(j~ld be lef\ to . the com!ng ljke,magic. with.n .hnOit. imper. GREEO E. . rlln meol that we .dl'llir't. We regret to . kllotbe r ~~(e_at of (he ' Mlnillt rr. , nllw auch h~t t , a~.ciJ ....... 'Ilex of ceptlble motion. approached and mode . ,'" i people Athenll form advlcel Nr,,~~ has .... abo Pore(:; ' BOrlenh The of 'ineet ehln~ w~jll " Tltl! probaQlhty of a "peedy II! 'Ib' ~'rra It," , b~\ hppl allY W!\hout admItted be the m~n; wb~; in th" . agonle . ahouUI St~tea . in found ference be will the·con that which' Iln, .. new., In.t,I foreign 9tb Tile ' Mini8try i,~ tnc,real'e4, thill ''re~k ~Y a to the pa~ " till h :d\ ' t~~ peror o~etruggle. seiZed . it and held ii' exclU*i the ~f fteet account Briti.b the j.ction ond . ing lntenlt ntillued o c· l,. been another . cqlumn ' i~ ""ulual IItgna! def... nt 1ft thl1t portion . of· tbe Chau- had e~... 1 b . •,~ d t eo. 'lillln: . gJ¥P. and bf' tIIll m".nl kept h,il In million the , be of 1 1 ' lal')" . 11 anniyert . the .' , . prtlpolea Ii r ductlon fired a ' aalute on which budg~t eollor'~ "Dlble Sltetche,,, ,,0. '1 ~,re re~ acll· thh' of qocltion the liltanCle 'wu rendered from ... In ~d; until . , ungary ~I """, e InlUrro.~tio, n, nould.·· We bave. no. reAd, ,but-·do not · h...~~- and 'm~ortan,;"tllal fro,!Il true Ame,ui ln. ! milliion of . a mljority of the of tlfe duty. o.n' .a~ps l fh>m ,ooe half per {{elleni ' Inc~ible II ~Iil .tory IU~ ve.~eU . ,every y . rrlffet.b Ith ..... d 'ItI to' aeeept without.. W~hope Y.OII. WIll1rea oont. t(J ha,l f. !=rowlt upDn .U ongagernenta tha~ .name and p~lition yf l~e' wrl.e, of the commit~e ~re : . . ,HUNGA-RY. ' , undoi'.£I)O. ~Sjt,~. ' YlUoughby, one of~e ' . -: -he able tOc:ont1nue the lerlo. al inteilctt!iJ:- ...... \. -:. . , - o~!'. Eseb.n,e~,.. ' . . , ularity. in tI!.1! who was.n o~o wltne" "of the lCen. lori Rov(llut perly, moved an amendment"re- I{'~e-Ie.ders oflhe HunglJrian ink OUl' wish In reference to tjo I, .. • .. . , fOI · tIon ,applica lIer Itit a.ut~e!1ticlly beyo'}d a doubt. -• .tie '~(llon\l the · 1I~et't l been,'. IIgd', b~utffn ~at. 'lJIontbi ~hree 1 . ~r:ed with , 7 1.t~ \ Je. whi~~ ~~I carded .vi~g. ,Ve th the,illlt f 9 ration ~~e a~lIltonce ttiUIt l.atrorded. Ibe conliUe in . ah"uld. wno Ilion · 'U . c .. day eeientift ~ ninety y"«1uabJ witb · )IIIJI~tel'l. am.l d.t '. v~l(erou. to eurrender within th,!" · can anel ""Ill b'e com" I , I'Tb ' " tb S ' i it . Amerjt.,n." replete be , p~itll?n .r ... ofh :i1~.power tin '.. ~r.tti r qouhl ta~y, anCI!II !I~~ circumlt, ' to· ' Cd lAtly: -~. ~ , ' .have nO\ done '10 have ~en n~teoc ;. . A. H.lt. ~our poem. . \\I , e . PI' " Inf'QrmaUCll, Y.itltta ulJ.rl>g~ of ,the p!l,~age ' ill. (n eGftM,ulJtnee of " t)i~ end aoldler, the recomm ed.'and . .are them A'tnong , acy. -: contum for .' , ' daeth ehnpe knowledge In , the chidcl Ole,ll Wllllpp jllf ·IOon,. ; " , her ~t" for. t. Douslu Mr', by runnIng. jl' on,' tilDe lea cnded oul recomp1 tremel\d , . "aper. otherll. Lllte Ind . l,&c: gave KOI.utb. Zelle.ki, 1It8~Pf pop~r on " N. D. )'ou~ .rU~lo on "The Greek ~na, . Stllte. /I could be .m.,,"e d ~ boat Uuion the ~he into lIelore mif.ioll ela:rsed ' pl,UI!~ " Oor ft'ien~ B, 0 :' Ih~ ,h a. again ' and Ilnlmated IIebate. \p. the 'Latin ClalSie..... ltbquab' 'tlot read, II .. ac· go~ down aU ·tbis time the m.nclla~~ .Cl,lt· o~by an IDter:-. lin WQI a. report our Americ to (~erc f . co~lnc oa ,lnctnnh V la~ Reftllf" tbe More for h:s ed pbJigatio explain llor u'~n~~r " cit .th", ChilDu ,,, ......cd. tho bird.' ...ho.. ftutt,rin~ aJld ruplIon Oil the \Vallblllgton "IOe.l .. . , ' , . '. A Turki~h frlrate arrived ~t J(alta~)D . ' .. ~ eontinue thele II ~I" of 'the en!. amendm -·l'he to elclpe 'boro hi~ up. Wllo, .Rer Uov.c,: . glcI b,?nrd. on l " refugle )O " abouUI( , , With pa cr.. , <?f die ~nancell would the 8~ " . Cenlua . the to Whole. IIIonl4 delpl1ir1 , A r.gin, i ••- ...l ' ... th of thil, t~ mittee hence t . .rid , . ~e!glum ', , refel1l. ,Th~ G~vernment Tbey procceeded to ileader . , " . " ,up. n, maHn . • Ibltrol f wbat t ~). ' en drownl \"oratak d : .Jcib PrinUu ,. ~_~ll~ prohlbltl,lg. lhtefDlural tnglln d .Dd the Umted S~ate., -;- ,- _ The EditoJila ab,eqt. having gon~ on a continuing the la~w ln.t niend"}( .• • , 'Yi~II ~fety- unde, It!.cJ.t:cirl),Il~.ten~";~ _.~. __ . e~e ti~o,.n ~f length 111 rabJe ....:_ coneide /I, K~¥. A~er ,..TUR " . -- -1 .ilit to Jloo.ierdom for Ilbrier period 9 y. , ! - ~" • • ,',,'-''\1';'\,' 11:' V~kII cell.u.,\ ellt, dnre to.calf'lJils chlDcel r.lt~'·' liib"qu w~lJ taking r~ or force'fo n , lil;lchDve Marik. ~ )" Recel!tlou oC ~r. .of re~,latlng the ' . ' and we. dear readCr, (pel'h~p~ you dont 110' b\U~ v~uble a~dgc~p~n.e . . , hr " ~tiJD~la to d . int~nde IP. ed le8lOn . conc.urr ratller exten.,ve &lIIIort-, tngll1nd ia. meeUng. A letter fr~m CO,?ltlnUn~Jllo of the 6th not know wbu !lie ore. but tI.lul ill 1\ Dllllt~r. of e('ed~d 11\ procurin ~~ UI n.,ye. to clel. Vinton '. Illoon~ ' Il,JIen~meqt, ' IImlt,l lJ' ll hue ~oen Faith and Hope, ""d teach ·lno~en l ,lob ~~pe~ , Ollr relatlon . t!.c beautlfu dIP.lom, and that now ltatel \1lenlof the' ent. plrham mounted of out hove' and In nce,) t';· "hen hupo~t. littJe 4arkeaf V .. the in gOO.'"w to lince. \'ell pair. ntlll:l ltrl4. Reprcee A , of d numbor ment·an the Wfl GQverD. that thle by will plene bear ~n mmtl of Exeter, hal brougHt tho rellumed roar. and . , ,I, .. windt! . erJ, el'" ·th·· Id "b l il C' .urf'rnia gold) {ri"nlll . tbe l1ud dalh, re'd wavel then the d k' II . I ... . ~ v, befote the Court of Law., ••T rlf\O Wl eo ,.. a . Mr. Th' mplon ~Penn,) move'd to ' .and ~ d to do v~ry \:~;bl:eaL:eIl: Facts d • d th f H C Ih oilr hud.... tbere'," peu' in b~d. with · stbe ." aJ:!luoUI dutiell of ar.e now preplIJc tho gutr leetal c;,lo.ing ,over under ~ra b ies. meDl, of &"aDc numliCr the ' . . , . " ' ~. cUln Pr,lntlfl 1 neaJ:l Job oUnl.1 II~~ illbl1troa a an r. Book 0 may be (aite,r . 01 t" n33:" lin .ditor before 'ui; liul -we ilo lIotIna nl"'ent, ap~ort'lo d, Engllln ter.Ol8. in n, ble .en~atio re8l0na of , on 'and h. <OJ-pl1le \ . and wr: . ;:11 . .. ' " . . had he thilt y ' a,or column' ...1'. , be I Colnpan til in g boostln man A ' ~ putbr~ak hla oec,urred. ~n the no! Arbloe raor. of e .telt . beque.t ion ~~ taken.on. the " . fair will e:ndel1Ycur to''fiU IttD9 with 'i uch Dlat· OUf Typ~ I, entirely ~e,,·.an frdm ~rance', I~ particular. very luxuriant bend of,haiy, one of the th.. ~ut l 9:~IIl'y'l yed to, ,e blulh to c,n tbe.... gre:d mep-w •• :tid are mV~1 Ther. our~ In flatler .. we owln t"·lin~ .. c l entirel'l ",al bClutifu ,it tb~t d . t .1. dSI~I1~ II; very critIcal Ilat~ of roma1'ke ." • ! ter u will Intrreat iOmo'o f the,.numerc~ ~nd muet .. 80 '!"" :) .,.. • . amie~ , .~ mOdlon II on ID " eams our at oClahlite III '110 "Jcctlon pC, lelf tho.t; with the fac;)! s i1el. ~n:riit~~r.,·, oal iu.' n.y. ., ~!~~lt~ ~~i::~~ llo~:I: 'I to. IDl!n-w aB"'ee .; reader. of the "F.i.itor '. , Dut· .110ugb WOI lon, " w·i·," . .. 'mee~ ol'l. will u ' ol'''u Ii' ..1mtll~' ' k .. ' , d ' .: ., .t be .rio.t 'ica-dl; holtel' .• . •. ~J 1'1,e DiU "!I." ·tlieop'iP~, ' 1'" lOll, I I it is-called. theylou k down ,_ . ", ,.. r.",=. a ~a.hprelude, }Vepurpc.a'enul~~I~e . bl'lo.fly( for mlln, YiOr ""IIC,. Governm'e~t•. 'fIhey "TIUt' WAthattoTOI,C MO.UN '" f , . · , contempt on t111()18 who in . nay.6J . . , . ' L ... h , I ed tl.fatlon .. ' b l Sue II the,r can- I our: reign tllitot'i.l,will. be ",at. brief,) a.rew gtlle:I~ lelr. re90nlil a ,crlP': n l, mo,ed atm then ll .a \ \Y Tho""PO Mr. p.c '" to I "tor'V't 2f'on. ' ·"'1.... f b '. -,~ H all88 'bli'va C!on\rjbut4!d to tbei, Ilip. ., pre.-, of ' .... mo,r linport nt aulijectll (hiltatioD. lua ijll m1>t1on. wu-'Jaid CI.D~e' ~ I. "oppone',l 0 , t e. tlcW' A cotiimporary. wl~ whom we hellr. 140me··e "Yoll need not,..dilpille the 'pl ••ID,' . b "a.~",ml , 'I ' a!lon; .0r.,"10 " d t Wh ' couidcr onr ' ,for e.· bl,. ·"'--"-IY more . ' 'I-t "~"'7" a o. ,0 .. re.. . ' . . " not een detemuned upon ·tilYlgr ee. think. it· would -be much tlllt)' ' '',~ lady to her p,iihPOll»< one',. dilt~ to . Tile House thell went'into. ' , appropriate to inlcribo il with the l.nl'Jllg e heell",llIld al) ol~ I ~ d ~.te". ,Plr-tly .,our b,eau!lful 'and enterpr,jIP g ''lll. EDlroa,~It i.• • every ;""~ :opJj night Ifovo I "'(lrll'e.! ~ ny' the 'on "formo doy. Whole Ion the " " . ' liIeful of ita builder.. 'cte., 1. tOWD-'fteocW no~'~utl'" b~t we ~I\ll lu our improve b~ mind inrlevatio 'J~: e lin i ''!', enllb ' at It W get mOlley to '!elld you' to Ichool. " ., , , All'. " .. . the n i, charn de6~lle a. or tbat to new, ... P, to'a'pl I,nothl . , "'nd .· will not touch;a h,ft : Wayn., owa plaf•••, teU Itl truthful ttle; Would you touch I nettle without Ifein, There ore WOI!lClI too, who th a r. 'rel.tIVe to the Greek queillo n. bl bo luugh laondll,'w • ha. delicate 1 their Congre~ with y \leedlo the Diturllil utJr. -Do willa 1I.lt~led 0", "_ta 0 lana." oeu c lectUal worlCJ tor whicb he:ill' From .MaUa we :h'arh llIat the Rom.n Itung liy itt tlke hold o,f!t'eto few tliingl at tho poor and indullrlolli. wllo Icam trbd 'I;.' men ~ SOllther I ' , . nd Cft'ltor •• hil ncei b'l d annoYl1 'pllcltate Il~' been proclalmcd .1 aame to other ••It~ JlI.n". iDd !)p tbe Clnclnnat!. Lob, Thelrthrellrorh 81 work ill l'urtorlllll. for ~ livil1g "IA! . ' PlUlt the mind . of thIS bland. , "Ill ever annoy yon. rell,lon aDOD I4d Xenla ' Tllrnplke (wbld. paille. The queltion il\ to what 00 :::' Wh:~:j aDloni orthi* t lllhmen iI,nreftn,ed they are.' IIlae II UYI; \\'lth • . Iccomp the for .ppli~ be r' tIarH,t; It"l'rotii;~, W. to N. E. Agotllo AND. . ' "IREL • ' Into'the luI smile., us tI~~. loU1lg,,". 1I !-Ill ~h~ aqf,. i.; 19 the tboueand fruit treel .re laiel to \~e (jn~ ia ,o~thin~ to reJ'Ott. except a con.' b.-Tbirt)' tVDplka Ja UIId"CQlltr~et. frotn -WI~mlug- ImpOrtant object! •• The ronlw.'"naub~~. the last plUk l1(1~"1 Calfor Jcnl'oy. New from way , their .. . on to'the t o I, l ' na I.: •• .PUIlq hilto" of facll lOll ,Ia ~~ to FrDn1dlo,W the &grl· fot r weatl.\e Ii lAdy1-~I ' Ie b~r c~11 (Iyora WO < of hllll 7' , ludy ~ n~w ., . ' lei n, .,DU- tid p'roductlonlof the imllina tlon of , - ., W ..... iromi.. "1 now w emlgr.n the Many of • " .ma. " ~hJ8 colllplexlolI, She Willi loudly bul!lbpr " Ihl'OUIu t.JVIII dd ' , . .r" """'pie uf 'conbe States tbe clllJing half girl, { th workil]J hl!rd po~r,' n tr I Intl) d 1 109 give. "'11 thl't llg prell~ntl of, There II a mode th.t II n ••t a f.o I , r--; alth a~ eM . • • a lll• • et'f. Can '. oy thin, bpi' , . e a coa • P.' . _he; Bald ' ","Vhy, • d, unrefine pera low nnd which . ' " value to anyth\nlr" ". G'-' b t. J' L . I I" U' IJIUI. eIlI.' ~lUld In. full ,Je.... qr'If.~lt- to the .moual of iD~rm.tion we t • h" "Cit:y OJ fj I u \I ' O\v Illec ~~.f~ 1' Ir It cannot. it i, • tel~q nell\( • e8ml III I~qg nu Icr"wUl at 8 by sot lIut btl tonQ'Uc \be cloc~r tlG Hi.mlt l. 'Ka.-Mesno" re.iDeIe ua of 1c rNew York on >th~ J'6th IImid the ' .If ihe 'r' . (if , II til ~y mtllll,!:~II~l~I" weli e ~tUdttdt be ch:lli~~ "bould rc~~:rm~ the dinl of the h~urt, it " "ill not go rijfht. wb.ue em ~e., -a'Jlproptilte )uat bere, v.: , wh'l aothl ..~ but of 30~0~0 peropth,e. C . d JI' . • "b h iI ' . . tit . . 1 : 1 . tha' 1Ha~ rtac! be.' .. ahou'1 ne e unar Ana 0 ~ 1 . or OIl VI ba.. b... on.~!~.ortbe, el1'l on"tbeirl . , . ' ~ad ~~1Ilo"-lomi ,n(!ll' Tbe ' · "l1\e 0 hWwl. iii ArpH of lilt mall .... A dCI flcta f.mlly. . tl to contain Woman ill the llellrtof out II \f&lIbh... tut her power with to weh~ Bhe ..... ~ o. eadi ,I e prOicla lront iIHWt Ind ,below. when lbe whiCh I.,Iupp th,e .or " rigb. i. co ,beott l'rlDoia th!l aalt left Wlten' "". head. O&lIfo the W_ and 'I0unglDea A~'I."'lIC·. Bnd will lIIIiI frorq LlverpOll\ , r~oder,. It y~u h~\ll ",~t11J 'pr~t, • .,.. bOuat.ifulloca.tlo.n. iilti 'Dd n"'.tn... of.our aUUo. Will -oub" • I, on the 17th of ~I1Y. three day.. heo.d,(lldom gooe astray. p~ 410, with ould bUVIl lIe.ell ~ ~tr~l1",e c((ntueluJI t, A.,~1l1I nn· Will wti,' rUdIDi . ~e ,Atluntic, rlr Nilw York. Large town lau elicited the admlra\loa ~f thoae wu~ their tim. In .n, thin, uul,,1 1ft ~ar ....n.. She. me , the fnce " Imd tbc,rd ~ kV.ll'"t attulD~t ~o'tUttOtrt , Powers ' statue of Eve. executed for Mr. ' who were .tr~pre,.to UI••nCl we. dOullt er prepare ""111 Cor arcf laid w be pendln" on the rae.. 00 qUlc \' 0 ' com" "II , b., IUJQet lling I ~hen I l. I o..~"teprl' I' tbet.~1d C h ~ S f y.t ' and p 1"" for , '" . • . , admired, aad life! Will the, teall oro m •• ~.I , OIft at~'Y Muck In her tJlroat. ·\VhCII we hd... ar mell out .or telJt~n. 0 l ~not but the tqwn ' bu been " .... IIDID ou NCB .~il " 1 • '1 . k I' h I f l ' . I t' t:lllpire Cltyleoft \1 too ~ ioU9 iae,,~ 1 on '~1_ mby elnp\Vreck oft' ta.e Spllnaeh CQIIJ\t. It • ,A , " Qlltrfl~S ,n. I~ ' . 0 '.~' not un,re'luon 1. • W Ion we were no unable to collye .... Ig IIpeu. wo~'elll .h.rt t~ a, will Brltl P"!pari piece; IlIbjectl WiIl1~u parmit Jour' laU . of the A••ombly a~ we. cuneldered hill mllater '1'1at,'proceedl ., . . rtillt Pout, 01 lie com~I\Dlt)' .. \\'u tClll' ,Ylit Deu 10 hear-:- lt tI,oae of ~e oldeettowna er-utilloi be IDlel'l I"t.:Re pubbc bO''COIlIidered'o 0 eaitunity b...... Im~"'" U....IJ by t~e. pbantolD. Tbe 4I'ioer• .\\'0"' alld . of "cne"'~ln" \V C 'lin"" ,lholr, b,,~k trllCln1l r~ iu the countf"lnd coatain . UPWlrd of one mindl.t s. ndmirer hi. .... and r-.,. tp be a1inOllt wholly' engro,_ , done 10 III eeVerUllDtltnnqclI, Dod )!OU would Are ~J. who .umme r ~perll'lonl. aD .t 'Electlona, I~d the thou..~d Inb~bltlla~. wbo afe ,ndultri ou. of 1LD0theri' ilDllln. llonJ Ifare :1(jd~l . bunuft' , " 'l'ht! "a.t '. ",el III ~ \0 re.d, 10 ,fir perYo Feltr il aeldom ' of ony ',~~'rst Cali;io\} be lIurpri~ed III wbat "'~ ,e,,(~. .nd intolli~L Until within nlne)'C atI ba'" lelm entertained for a"1 die IU:' tlltl~l. ':car!er aC~~llln ~ur j~~~ oC .on man a.ti,a!d lltlc be to of cub-il .Iway. lIafe, \ To take prudent careti, IIrllto"r of a ~ddler; the pro\ld"..t womeft. it.a p.~ ~u .Iow. but Ihice th!ll tIlelr httellectuil po....... . ~f • yltl.ted tiel., &bo exorblt ailtlu.. rI..... t ndilon fear Idle but min;, O.n1 wi,. ptodUClI of. emptl' properly . . "''' elp!c .ally. the Tb~ CllPI'lt hu 1m"", " ..p1dln.'tS'4 jtn.P~~-· ·:w.! th the r ofa wlllh•.women. It betraJI dO~i!lte aubl.cta u I n· !Jfh,,, .tiU the cUlTen' r,'" ctf l the danger wtlich jt. il Il ~ar.k lur ~nerally increue ' in. or prep~uJ 1U1~ the 0,1 IlQod 'senae 10 eundem" or ' look. lI.r .u JDeAta ....' etill belar ' malle .nd we JIre-. 'pel\l' The writera or sUcb _a ""''' dep" tlU, •. , lID In%iol18 to aYOiil. . ~u " m~JnI tlu~r , .• , ind, kill,-. '.~' mller SU • .nd b.ve klilera tllllo ... I tier'ft w·-'!' ' 'l b , .... t. ,,' truth With contefllpt 00 nny vi !'tuona perIOD bo.' ' • ; J. -I " •.1- ' ..". jeR,,-,' ~'me ". ~e mOlt excltill ,. rur- ·, I""u[k..... ~..... ... were ~ tit pollOn. • puqt be qr ,be ou.1 be. "be .... . bJ God hili ~l!lced upon e_rth two ~tes ", , .ring wblt we wonlJ lIeUeve. that t,beTbe 1 fll'llt commit Iu.leide f', I ~Or~O: IrOodiu'" wbere, er it ia (oilDd .- , love their them fro?J pleacecJ .. b a,~por He Corw DCIa beaveo. ~ ' to bal rea~~n~ tlielr wbich lead day ia 1I0~ fu ' ~lttaQt when Wilya~ViHe whlch . . wu ° an and ~eflector- , Wltcom . 01 attlae n one ~ bllport ait trlf,!nl rem_1D1 CQr Ole. ID~elluil degree by I.upprea- .t the tw~ e~tremltietl of nfe, wtn 'nH ~ ...,. tlM'. . ' , '.,.. . ~ ohait, utbnrll, of pohle .lld. .Ube It ODe !lfwbl clilbe en\renc e.an4 the other Low.,. , io..JbI' 'eectiOIl of ~"coull;tr1! . :~ .0. • UealiU ral Ibtrac t-t.a," -r. U.. 10 m.ke J~ ",llJcI:' turDed tb.. Scrip-~ The Ii...t ill! that ,o f"irinbeeacej th. 'ut il bu adYI~t''''''~~ltl! ~Ionlt • H.ow..nuch' bet.ter ."... • ""_ The~e reah. lO.id d t''1lU1 u 1~I\ . with~ . ~i:~~ld~~~!~l:i:~ '~' fam'n." O'Hreo oftbe allu.lnln..-onel. Uil ceq. ~!:t ;1:!~;th\,tcO~r.pel]teii~. , , ,/"' t9! 'read.~ wil".. tbe"; !~~~ nr (ac}ud .atl, ,lDereb tb~ .~oDf .ci~ ithwt It, t.h e woven lUke. UMI. ~ life-w ~ta pbJ. pbUoep bl'IM. of the ·A ~ecro who bad learned trally'~~ed'' Ja~ ,~aotlt"l valle)' Dr tJ"eaofj for thne bund the temple of , bonor; 01 Pi' nk.....ow.rd .. ,CUI. line ~ woulcfbe I p . foij. your upon wool term,1 ~n, to ,I.e lOme of'bil countrymen ",ho F91', the meaneaback \be' Ulanii" wJa. (ertili., ' bill beCOme eDCeIl t. 'hin~ that mini l. to, , . 00. 1"1,,011 a.o aald: i.t. ftrlOlin of vie.t Ide. · ... book, . " erloen' .... to bachev . .Uerilof.U " aI • I ~ aIr of b8lv,m. man ' • :...:rtJe·Elllplre CIt)' brln,. IQ .~. ' iD "Re.di ng,II the ,o-er of h~arin, "IU- the bumln wlnt, ~ve the , ,",""la t.' lO' fac\ after ..1I5q, the m.D'I rep r. PlJ re , e,en th. w, ." ,'., ... and " loll; (0 , guld. indebted but'"o ie , to ; ~" •• ear Gui'dtll, "., placed e)'ea in_lead of'wlth the' MylD\ afII" ..... \lecler, caoal.d erltlon ,,,e 1I:.1l~ fo"" JOlir I;IIID~ ...belt mell ",bo lalifO O d wilh Iabor. rrancilC San breatbe or I. n on, ~lidltlo ordln~t1 Tho God'. . ' II. or ...... ' •••tell aad m.n . . "~I ,know J;JCJ. 'now' or. other \hIt boW. oUt pater "Kill~ We !ocoillu\I not; who ·ia. " • loll u w!,to drp,el the ,Be, J. 01111 il It mlnkliu tha' of ICIclel1· nOlieed th. baye "I SomebodJ II,.: the Sun; .ad him ~ \0 _ or eat"";l l8 ud capi. evm: .dorned b.... "We of eoI'l" mall8l .telm. !!y·llke of.ctiY bi", ",ct til" fee,& the 'Here Ii...• wbich i. villible," The . Chair· tolDb-alOan tali., '.J.q ID~ for III joc~itJ, but (ore IDea of .....orth ,... aWIlY..!lct for tlle eudl two be 10'rde·oH p=~ The decay. l.nd rupt'OI aad men apeak ,.nl1,11 to decl.~tion b1 acldln..l doubt I. often the truth; the laalf_ ~heD_ ~daeitb.r ",111 our., . 'marbl, .tIW. CIA . or 'tI2 build can who .re worlriDj(. men" " ,.nerati~nl. liut the. ,epl,-ph l their, lri.nct. Dar time admi~ of IIIOre at proaeDt,'but-w.e ben,fit 01 luCceedin, he lpolte of tbe 8ymbo,I Qr '" will •• niI wbo retort. t\to Ineer their at lOt had the; believe woUld da., baY' write. ":Ib~'~ta '''' ' d'"pulll, _ of·.the "~I\ hand." po!ntln , to ' tl)8\r~. I"',;....t lome fu~... time' n~,.ue tlbc:iee .who wri'lti:lh , .m ' tb tbe wrolll'"..e~" . til d .coDdition .of e . e~ bie.. ",berever art. ICI... Dc;e. ei"ll~doli . , to ID enc), , ten " other . no 'In, . ' Qoune felt on, , the theme atill rurther. , Itr~lldIDp,ete: • Work on. mao, .l1e~iiail ly e le", ' ' A well·iarimned ~n ' ma), general and bumanlt1 are known, we .m.Dow ' noUce; , It ebntaln . o~e~. It (&DC)' .a4 nrQ~o\4 icll~aOll.t lonl w~lcli de- h . be·} ftckno".~ , j to I I Jet il royalty toil.thy of wl11 he ta. what by, repreeeD y much 10 .badu'!V not them kllO.n. he Cb~. ~W,O 'flendl ' MeeUft'i aOOlN, .nd e the hl,h,~t to ~~f!l onwftrd . c:,n= ri.el ID u 1aoor • whi~~ edfecJ end ' ' wl~. ~ the Jon,.II by wbllt. be doee fIOt tell. aa . Ac*Iemy ,~Ildlr tJ+e l.,perYilion of N. ,,"e. tlie cont.e,!l'pt of Work onl .• nd 114 .'.'tbe ' of power. poet throne dll. e "t.IM.,lr .... witb • ct I;Ont.. in 10 are COOlin, be d.!. . -nUem an. t.o _ " •• eclao\u I~ IIr. lI....b ; )lIQi.ter rreD1~ ,the United I.uguaa e of I true :.... d ... - to tbe i r, DnI'Da1 DOn entI• .-'" l'A,Ilprlous m.nl an:1 thy renowD IIbIUl. reW1ll ~ .... 1'era ,comDf iacl been ~lved III the 8ultall' 'in Statel.l ·r.karp 10 both trict ~t., Borae by Jhe WIDd. anc$.w. ten thI~' all ' ~,c. thlt Id . . . . I It . a Y'try aaUeriog mlnner pet.ill,Dl"lqMn. and PrOMDt aJlpoafancel ..t· '...: •• •. _t ~ ' t tJi.Eii b.....le.· or Amer{ca.nd Engttm ..t,d ",hldtb aie-,(ud the IU~ h.. 'beea W..' ....'m, ...."1lh· a' keel tI! ~ it 01\ the · there'a . While her. eacb,ot l~pPOi'\ mutally ' I ucIir II1eca1a10D ." tbOte,m~ haYe ~ J!P, ee., ' , Proc~e~i ••• ot -Co~lIj·cil. . akl ·b." ac... outb, portanllJo. • f bowla r.) ~~t the tiDJ' la ' . . ~ to clime. clime Pa,lm d ' 18~O. . 4tb. VIITOB lIaJ To er. lIonV?" Chamb l A Couae. had been altopth DO\ C... eIi.tarat wb.it. dalnt-Wf.1 be 11800 1. crl~e." . nou . thlqdle , . ordaine Gqd Or aa ~eD1ofan Dutice. ce ,to t rlormln punulA n,thope AlJowi . . ' ' Cor..th.I aceOmodation of th. n\lm- Council met . lOO,O OO d with labor~ the labor 1. 4. Irwin., a. Deltra cll". · Coalgr adoll-l . It il aaid. bill deteJ'mlaed .ction to !Ie atteadathe '" PllI!a to MlI. Ad"ice .. delltroYt ~" 0 ' eel t1 AI ad 'net bers "p~nt,~. Collin.. ertr al; ofProp Immort jl 'wortll honor W H but o,er. . Y~n_ .n bil Iftip,ti on j~ the eTent of1illOOt1 noa o . lP' ~ 1--' LoU~vU.LO; 11118.1~,II. .y rather lilted to .b~,e. u oftfti ~ be on the , tnll~l, . • bel., warmly IUPJ'9rt.ecl by the whel't'u . Mould even, plellu ... weit ilre ~1t'Il1 great: but.e wllb ~hlen, to DIYII• .• ndl. T Slantoo not Yllle, atl\ulltl d occurre 6", tl,e deltruc A IOm~ I8Dlible f~nd or 11111" ,- .to, dc:er. could. produce O~b~~ hayln, d1lhPD who er, i. what ReCQrd of ion PrlIlW, .. ad· commi ... 10 dlnict the Intotlo n to ou~ bUlln iilajoritj of the A.emb ly. · " w~'~1i Inl\,. Sd the of' Digbt the OD e With bi~,. and alwaYI \~ ~ bua· to eOfl,ers ed r pr0Cee4 di8bOno the ~-bllt mutt, tbobih abruptly. i.er. tUlcatQ ofq~alif\catl9~, 'Tbe populace or ,St. . "fllix. with \he..; plel-.are j~ lOOn ptHI. bllt o worth of ~oo,oo l~ dett.ro 1O'!l!i i~~I(::" or :lef~1 top c. tbe teD, .wt ~o elect. MaJor ,. . Sancia Jonlh wben .... a pUrpOl. their bead. recentl r paraded ilae ,. eternal. . IDI~le oorhut ll1 wriuen article, .t ere . . . w .. e ~Ii t ten to Ibt~~ aim the t IlCUurte JIlidDlltb About d, .ccepU! · wu ,wbich .red hi. rellrnatioD, aboutin , "VI,e Ie Republi'lue••t ~e ~e eultJect apln op blechlldrt-n. 0'1 thl. meana h.P f work~lb the minda.o of JD V out . CI' burstin lenea .ct tile u _tripe Kpyl G h whicb . Winter PO the I"IItgnaijon orJoeep Social" wu 'whid The attentio n to what .".. jUst ant k. our W.rwlc turned IW. r~gloDII ' diatant . ted " ~I .t ~n. I around III, mallei at see OCClU~ life or lou l " • f;iptru A .t bouu tIJe, and coatluet ot I I • nnc1l1tt1e G dae South. In the from t prudent cel were e· ; 10 does old' ~ . :ira~='1 th:'M:ae~·.,mbet of tf1!Ilet! being .cc.;p • t~ on Honda, . by the breaki y down or they formerl, c.oncealedoDlllo -" flamel "'. fnlln~" WII . .et tak,en f ,.hllt ,.Ia" mOiltly notice no belnl( We Dlarp ... J. of ~o'io~ eta. on enJoym \~ben our of III ".cant, c;~r~ ~ .~ a luapeDsioh briqe oYer UaeLoi re. by ~ rob We utoni.hl~g 1'8f1dllJ. The ",~ole to the Yiatude on 'the ~llt aD that I wa. UIII. 1!1 WID, :Allen Whltl, . . . .ppolated trQllt,ee wida G ...... ...... .Iae~ .D,.d Spd it 10 \Vhia; abou18000i" the 11th Retime at of.proe pectoft he etemll1 before ... in IOC~D ~u equuw the OD p buildin ror S, brou,ta \up In IUCb !I "..rreot flntent loa to of lDotioll n ~'"I) 0, J. of place in The • u ..... aU i1aat .... e4ltorc l.lml for it. [lIf••try were drowaed. Llpt "r ent IDd....L l!'lelem destroy the d bllH.an ! mOlte.... el tq be pro thoee .DOW on we bringl that onon Malevolonce to othen . ' ..... .. orih. Unio... . Ita . • opYin gs COlllDI,it WII rea~lyed . ~ me. IJUbdu8d not be"",e wu ~ ... Uid " f~ Routh of ~nd kind Ndnh what ned ' which relUlted CWl' own ruin. wh!lat klndllell t9 our (el. " . ITA LY. . . . . .1a~t ,.,le of art, ill ,fact it il c:eed tu ballot far Jlanb.U hlll ....n .....t eol1.en fe.. ee .. l' .were !up .nd COIItly. tJll IIr, bulldib .I\et t.o !D'til flo8. d 1 .ureroa Sm.1I Clillie ballut, .turee 111\ Jow-ere IbMrfi 14 ' ctG part.iCulariae,~" ,~ lh, entrence or the POI"' Into 1D8: fOr ' . ..rcrudl. . lh. CardweU Hou......d a ~m" At ... ' .. ' 0 pqmplo dpllbhr .dilplay be- .. '" L)r. ~ tiftd __ "'.... thin U tl!.iIN 'i . . . , . . ....... ..U...... . :. iii' ,. ':&.101., " .... '_. tie~" beror ··-l ___ .. Ieth ..,.. I!, ,,: _ ..... -~~; ' . j ' • JjiiIjiI ",-, __..,-, paid. aad 'fhlt ~~.,....J..... _1I ., more deUcate ...... .... ppt..... orIt.J of aU tM dl'ot'OeIl ~,"!"WI~,we... rec:entlyat have beln eeU&IIto tc~ rlte~ tItIt .,........ .....taia ' "prlnc ; wblch la cIIolce...· I~·,...(red ..... ~n ' n betWee :. .. dlft'~nc wule -{~u a la There P.. 1, .... COII • • &hen' Junt., In Carboa • e th. be.uti· YOtae _1O.1 ac.t.. j .C. baJio\ '. fl .tUlle. wOda fa .....110 .,~at 1U1I1I., ,.,hiQ!a OIl ..w..tloD aad 1oYe. The .,,,., ... .. I laiaU ... ' _ whI-'L ~ _~--'I 'eu. ..... eIIe.... of _ ' oL oL. __ oL.-I the cauaeo rthe rormer, ....., Tuac:a ny to ~rer the Enr-" Never buy "b.t JOG ~ t .aal . . . , . . . - UlnCO . . . . II ~ lce. "-'rI , ~t objec:tI, .IMI terrible; tile ~.u.r OIl • The ont.rof ,DOCtbo . . . . . Wm I. pr,s , artfelee loriJloU amtalD 1, 1I U1• tloD b.. been rufoHil l lt fl che.p. . "1'heN .re tb.... lhi...... .. Doaruclaa ity -1Itt Indemn tIN ballt to fl..,....... Palmera W ee, ......leuln. JI wben I ton. ---.. WID • HmaO IbJ C I L":_.Iot ... IU , e ' of thl'OUJlb Iff... WIIta . • Pr&.lItiM "D .. lIewve Gao to lam. oa Iroaa .... ...... , ~ ~"':' , I'.\JULY Saon.. -Tbe Burltn pm I'ree .... , • • .~ " wh.t suuauta t •• Sardinl . all ecclesilllUcaJ rrmlep a Icmt we but Ire. ..... 'fat. hew... '0( hla ... ctai., I.t I wbat " ,~. tenD up die ~ for 10 ., • ~ bee' .... dae ...... that .bolilh ed-the /' lip. Nllnclo Pro .. thi~ke ~n ~...... .. a_w, Hlrat aD4 ~... C. Small ~aYe . . la r~ .:' ami' Ire we. cue ooe iD ; .. . . . . ftf hie to . mid wbeD ao.~ roil·, i. to bUJait\ Od ham. To ' tboae 01 ...... itlo,uhl, ....... T. .. CIdM!I! ...... .... tq lato eo .• pll ct.- ..... llOIIIeClUentq ciePlRndf! IlIld received " . lamily.b I~ltered uw .... 110ft ...... ... i OY.... Hot.IIaw . . . . . ld,ofC . . o !'heoo be Jla7oro 'ho: lII -Xid ~ (or' hiIP"S8 Pllrt' llnd hUl"11Turira.~ . ..awe ' w.,d . . oon. ..,. of.. lIedir matioD ...... on L _y "'"cu da ·~I&be BUlbaD ....... ce ~ '=' ~Ib ~ . . . ._ut.GUh~m.tlltl _ _ Al18'rJUA. AND .&111 81.. O!I ,.... Wealth mly be repined ;.• ..... ~ . . . . . or a broomatlck. .... eWIan a'.... iai";ab [y 111 ......01. Da.;I. ~cU . . . . . . tolD8lt hmt to a" ... tiulI-t .... Coa A :::;r..r e,:lred ~ • ""I~~_~t.;~~ _ 111._ ~ .... tIa; Ie.,· -"su. caple, ",0 for lweeJt ADltrla .~ PrMIia . 1M clulle4 anlD ~ .Do ID the eoothN . rel1Itoa r. DO Ie ltecarle .....~ B• .,. Pd.... . .... All A...... . . , 01 .... ruak. .. . tID ' t h til NpUtaIiua won .... by 110 cheri" like ttiat • ttl Pr-: •• or . . the • I. l b' ...... ureatee I...... Bat wlao IINr ItJow i\a. 0 • • tru...,.t. " ·....,fQtlitlclltioDe. . . . . . . .u. clt1.. ... ., . ..... PII!lJo . . . . . • ..... ,
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u.etr ea,rcll ft "CloU l'I8l". , but Clq, ..... ID 't he leven .. euy al -~i:-~_-=~--~'" iD th~lJ' IDlllIftceOD dled.,tl DY ofoda· alio tbtif' l~aD year ,18&0, u .1.. ' our cabb. .- more , en. , uael,COU""J of BuUer 08 the 15$ DecD an! worth, an,. bowl . Memor y, ID'deecJ, MelDll ntentied lO'lual~ tl8I_~ . 14th d'1--9f Stiptem- ~p~ Deacon I'ioIt ~turned hOlae and ~!:~!~~~~~:: 11)' u" to ~aure Impreu lonl In all WO!1da ~~= upon ,b~ ,Mr. COIlD"1 of, W:orrell, 00 the S9t.b \\'lla polltel, w.ltecl u~~4~!~~~~~[~~~~i~[~ hlatO!'f .and alld to urryoD tile record a lair to fork and the I and request ed 16th "1. of luly CeeJjnl' from time to .(oternl~ ~ ~utaU. he. -"'--'\-"~~I11~;;~JM:~~::: A' our wlilcb " iDIICOW tbe.~iu fo, 'needrul r,~ InD~ofCl ; in thecou or !'.J~Il ."""Onl' e.llp,\rfen~ of earth II to ,be. ouru d,aJ,' Of~! polit.e11 decline d dol~. The relult ,~~til l~~d~)' of Kay, mell,'9". II wl~9ut a ~W'BcleDt PilI'wer. ,.~I~ Dul1eJ.1 !'Icellor ·C'o that r nd .. · ; ...... No" of d the 'lith da II daatll'lo~_-&o ,n~,~ IceD.. hi , ':rh~ Pool WU thnble f "'w itlleu; A:~ . ' 8d Febr!a r '1./ 1860, fixing voke~. .1 obUvioM Is koowle di! i~lr, Ptlrpetu or man a Mil"" Dr Grey, Uor e Counc. ." Jo(bol dln the lC9urt 'of common aod the reeuli of a lab~ona ute of atgh u thu. re-.aIDwal e'llon, b~l.proi tlV' tile te~entl judic·.' circuit be, and ' IIOme celebrit y jn luit. ~ Tbe trial cllme on tentilln andQfeWut~ to close {orever' like ' . ell to defeod the . .' 1\I\ 'i l\enled i"'t!ltU~~ ' ala-nific"nt ,of , -Dyke s W.I pfaced on the' wiUJell' ltand. bellutif ullymp hony eame '\ENofA~ F...LEl ITER ;'1~~.;~;~I;~~=~~:+~~~~~ ~rtc~ ~:f~~ ~::': ~~~~~ ~.; ~.' y Iln olijectlon balDlon ~d 'CouDcellor ' Grey. loterpp Ii· li~' and al1rup~ In llo'- if &invn .why, ". oj IIIt!:S nut ~.CHAR ~oow ~od the 011 C. <'6l1fV ERS, . • to the "itlleas being IIworo, the lent'.. l b theatrellm to be 10lit, Dot in' the t • 8P,td!cer oftNs BenGfe. ofincapacl~y,~~d . proceeded to .tate to rum ·?ce~o.l?ut in nothln ,' No. : The ' evert '....,..,,'" I'errect , & wai ,:"ltneu l~e ' .. court ,tbat eOlllaicler:iill!::tIO,'" .",' " ~rui'iv..as . '1860, 1,~tlDtt ruture grOWl upon 1be. paet.rem em. fool .. j wo,rdl o~l)er hi , .. merit com~ . l ~ ~ '. , 'J " tCl "lH l u l , 1 eteroli. o~ ba.I' the il ufance be .obV every 'i;Ody in lurdic~tO am~od tho actrCjU/lt1ng 'well kilown':tu.he ,h~d no definite or fixed b f.c~ the rl\l1 PUJ'po." of, IIny oDo,of vlr.lnit)'-tha~ l1l!anlf to reee\1t jud!(lDenllllml 'u itcmion, . , ', . or relpoct /ni Intellectual endowm ents does not appear, to ~ardII!Y; ~·it woukl IUIIBUH.~,' _r" "'_'~ ,S ec i . lit" ~ 1Iy eM Clm.rtJI AI- idea, either reganli ng hi,mlelf not !Jive an be fulfilled, In the limited and broken eJter~ lJu:J~~'~~~:~~· E~~I~~~:':'f:'lrr:~;: auy ,\lin, ellia;tb at hEl could to . reee,,~ n." .$I:?JIboIy''oflU.. .,." Olio, That betore ~""n ..... n •. Is aWordell to It in the preaent dOlbtleils tier m.a,ly \,Vh~eb: «:Ise. quel· limple most l the to iD' an Ilnswer ent such blld intellig 1 "genlle\ualt ,declare! utmoSt advaotage .0,ItiCler Damed In.-me IIWent Hnth tion; lind saya C,oun~lIor Grey, with em· I\IliO of bejng' since \b~ e , employ ment ofour I.c. ltantane~ul,eW~l pl!0J1 ,him. \h~~ he::.cam phallia. " I do not belie\'e be clul tell who we derive frOID tbebecome .arcb, another. mlln, lind m temper ·the . !lUltf!' :lW~y . tIlot I, religloul (0 il no,,:, 1I1ties -WIU I .lIhall be.exc~ mado him. ' ~r ~our HIIPor.,..ple,llwe, PU1IU H'1-' eOlll'ely .ltered 1!om ~.~ .in wblch he to be re-duund . to,tlle , wor.llip and therelD con· pllt that queatlun tu I:I~; tIlatthe jury ': . the · . '* ..;.. went. II I 10 o'doc" N. !lle.n t pf God. Can It ~c ttillt tbil ~ 'Ii' what a .. . " . ' I tCln~pllateu.• be _\lall demand c[ the party, or, have ao 0PP9rtullity DA VlD the 1.f'-3w· . 10Ul.rO l prodiga the of lDi . , . II." he e thl~g; imbecil ~D trlnge , . • I . whllle be.,e6t ,&be e.ecuti . ~Tbe hUJll~ he.,~. like the "rctim 6\h 1110. lat. death, fot oo)y ia er TeUtb up! look ilU.m G.-'W llo'r Counce btcb •. ' " eft'ectl . hil, her, ~. t~eif . " l , or at· " DmtT IBt'lnr . • . . • to tile alt-Cl,.to ,b e ncrlftfe d ."d conluqled but very ~ol-\ela~. lor JII!ble~ - '"'' '. ~eeret~lua" ',re ~h\!fe (pro'tided elth,r. oHhem be resIden t U8\ William , who made lllu I" lt~r' \lDac~p\>\ .eem _, ar~. PHorniw flo \licb ... flltT of nayum: 'will be in Ju. fr,o T&t.D ~hel, to · . face, ':,nd 10oklDg n tbe county) tbe ",o~ey or feel in th~ . Tbe fool; Icrewin g hi, b(',wildered, an· lumct~t-f""~Il. ' Il-'~ d~.hnf ~ltlr,thJ ncsnlle a rew'cJ'Y~ prcpllred to' ~r; ' , '. War . ' \VhGt 10mfl and ·en, rul .m . lho'ugh~ .' world.. and~\v,!-h ,;~.eli 0 , our. feJJ~,¥ aid eectioll .~clfled. Tho Autnm n of Life. form ,III 6per"tiOll~ ~lo';iJ.l~'· lO . biY!,oCft". .wered : BENJ AMI N F. LEITE R. " ' a we.~ Orl'8~ toG UIlJuat. .nd . tlO~ 10 much lif.,; h~m'lIn .1)1 " ev~ntid an In ' a' n.1I1 and perhall:nootlit:,Ielr ":Tho,1t '..' il ""11 There , .,e:" "'~-o.I.e.l. I ~p.o-a1V~(Jngl~ lIS fl'9fO judgiog at . ~.uiJgnng from , the . ~]A'd!I·'" of lAe HoWe oj ~t {1JU, ' and dim b~e~mea eye 'his l etvlcea·/ wlll ple~ call 1000 .It the ",,!lep wlshlnj% lor "That will do. Now~" I&Y.I Co~ncel bu~ ,J/lllge fro'll wb.t he can ~ ~I "" CiiAlt LE8 C. CON'V:E..,S., i all. of Wioter the n ral· wll~ an4 decay., ~~~~e ll~!}:::~~ ir~~rlr~~~:J; G., ad~re..ln(l·tlJe court, "tile witne. . .ay. ~er. 01 the &n(j~. . 10, )tnp",I" II, tile wmmon cry oC thple w~o M.y beld , hU'!lan ' .the upon 'w. l .hed to Ill, hlm:-:mad~ . • · Gil .. nelA on he s.u.p-p.O,8+a M-o-.e Mli'eh ~O. l~O "8nOWII . . It~I. · the· leason . of fin~ J~ m~~I~e~\ I~r!~.~I" wr?!.'g, when AD.H Uh JlATC) ltSf NuTIC E. Thli'il certainl y a more intellig ent answer ~~~!~Ierl mlly • '. ""hlcb. n o , q~ell-r till~: t ~ . , ed explbln lalJOul mo~t'ana il Aut\l~n undersijPjlld ,has recoived leUera of.a. tl,e wbich "l"'\HE lile f~r giv,illi, lt of mQ .apllble .. leal I ' him Iho d III III( 1~~mte1t, II, ~m 1 called t,lpon to . done ~I~ould "AN ACT requiring tho publlclli oll of, I\!Jl\lI,a~. than I luppuee would It much and liorl from the court of C. P. Jor ll, ministri beoome .' it I wbjch Ilnd the of ltorma. id"a nalJl~ f.int ' te8tjo lOme ~Il~ . and too ollon tbe reJl~ wonld and qn ~lie- ,no.t at Judge .the verti!l8nlfllllt anil ,nsltl~ to bDmade In Ger- it showl tbllt h6 hIla marlc to ~. bretllre fllr the eltate of JOIllUd,e deed. 0, eltler eo. my Warren you, ai,n r~oftt the not hi C.Ult it Scriptur~8. But 1 aub",it thal IIhll)t.not be Ju~ged; Oil Ihe ahorlCBt.poasihlo 1I0Uco. ,tbou ~o\jJ.Dd udpe /'J be, rnlln tll'WIIl'l4lI(1 in ctjrll\111 C)lIIeA. ~Tho p. All p"rlOnI"a;~owilli bring'" townS/li leuon t.)te Wayne of whicb lale ion Inatru~t , . , the Golden !Joo," suffiCient' to jUltiry bill ' bliing ',,"orn QI a not be con· '1w1 'Ns (imertJl requeat· aEo.,I. to aaMeetate 'arealso. r. of your days are iOne, CQndf-m~ ~ot, on ,thou . ~hllitveryq, thelllaelv el intleLtedlte Sumrpe d Chil· and prinlllD Lldlee' lueb of nt "ot ill lI!18orlme .ir,'it good No, A S. \hoM P. cale. the Ilnd 10 Y 4 p.ymenl, and witnelili ~ t", 1 01B . Ml \t.e. do ed'to make immodil sDld , dem.ed,' GI"d:,t ·ttmbly of 1M 8tfiU . oj 91a , That .11 1'0.yl wbi,c h the" lIlId "good anorlmell' "nt Ii!!.dln~ only wenr, IIOt i drell', tnem, d With reqa"ttc dio • aTe and ny, eelatow'Rtl tu ,1__ ..1 fied l IgolnBt I· qu. ··JlI clcibne · tlle." l h w' ~ hIVing "-" al . er ' ~ ART. Answ BARNH ~o all u A. abcllp. Ie .. tor 8emen~ relating eno ullld onl ~!" , , ~I)~ · cial qotlcea an.d Ild,em, onr. IP I Y t'-Ounty wherean would give." to prCSCl1I thepl 'lefllUy .u'henlicated~loili.un. 1~1r, bu~ manf of ,the. frle'1d. wqo pve eve:1 ou.r, I UQt 'u~. "'II b knew, " . , . 'pril20, charaty true , tb~t. · ng .. upon tbe Auo In our \h(JIu"!lS~I,,cka the P~ ... c U!llnCU 0 an . ' derlli,ned, wltllin onlYe8rfrom fIlb alte. DIIK'n STRY. ")lr.lu dge" 1I0ys the fool, "may I Il.ll them. You have' eotered whateve r may 'o f heart ,tlhat' JllIIfitjketb no l'~ll." , llueWlpaper fJr ~ewlpllperl an the~erman L. JONES. , l!C.t -a~d · bein~-= 1850. 30, your ~f Apr. 1 lum'~ Mtotbe . annouM .. • eetflllly on1'" R8rllllp 1) W,U,TE • . " . l' J I,nlluage. Il'!' pranted~ Ilnd all, p.u bhc , a~le. tbe [awyer "q~elti tbe Judge. "uk BAItN IIART t..... , hIve been '\I.,e profusion of your Sprlng ,- j "Certai nly," I.ya. • clUu ne of Wllynen ille Ind, viCinity, Ibat 'W .uHIN GTON ce ;1, alw')'1 fai.,~)aod to the 'flll~\ , of propt'rt , an purlu,. nce of an elIecutlo!". The. there r. Summe ._Noti i~ hereby' IiYlp lliat your ,ot: rrATE . ament t~mper tilt! ln the, "I/ or operatio , all ' . p~rlofln " to . 1'Iease:' u Jlrepared yO is n he win. 'qllestlo Dd a, ! l ...lilto.'~ , b~~tlfu ' order or de~ree of any' c:o~r.t of. reQord . an ' "Ieuon of .til,nes l ur IIOlitudo which y?"ni·-lLlf~I n. 'from tho Bimfl. 'eltlrac· I.hll- undenlagned haa beeu dul", Ippolnj;d I!r.W~o.I-I, then Mr. Lllw.yer l w.h.o'd you..hi you, in .dlog lane, oJlltll1:her lide brJgb.t ,.owera 'and line of [Ii" prof"Hljo ~~i~i.!'~li: :en,~.eD~"~ irllnblfator:ofThe eltlte of Waslnn,ton Bam· alford. wch coun~y. now b)' II\W ~AqUlh~~ to Heaven of e ... n benefice the ' . til ou mude ~~~~~:h~I . ~~I~. o~!'11oop rubli.hecl an Ilny ,.newenaper •. Ihall In . niedltate npoD the Puat b"autiful, .h4ltei.tlie" and ( temptin g 8 ~~::~j~ ~ .{J 'l(IlitlltinO' the witncIIi' whicb you ,may \lIenee ';all Boon for Uel'ye ve dangl!roUll: ' AU ::~~t~',~ $Ir~~' ~::::r " Person.' h"finl admire to PO'UIe lion to the pubUcltio~ he"F\.6fore requIred, ec"rcely we . ~hich tbe for f ),ourllel : lalOe. pr~pa~ ~ the and ' olde , . to ,Fut,lIe thorized tho ... .t '-............. offi~ ~ ::. ed. ~alrllll " bQ.. . will -b~~1! to a" open- Ilis work, wher9he can b"lOund at all ulI(ee. olainll ig. n iiIilelIt..-wm '~ea1at1o~ -..:.~. '!e--.toare 1K!'~~ !*'te, be publi.hed--il~. luph ,c;teml'a n ~~'VI~f);lr:. . uode'1000 mlly you. which ('h!lnp migbty subal at., h HOllft'!, the hlughter h~d lomew, Prov,idlld, no hm, h~rean,~oll~lnedl·h/ldll {,~ . ' I l'~, \V~~. \)], unlgtho Will, be more bellu., Beller . thanl, duly ailth"nticated fO~ ..ttlemen" .t , . 'l3-.U ;, Wllyno. ~ i11", Apr. ~~, , .' wltnolll continuod, ' , W.a.I-I , nQw go. ' . . YI~ .dvance a ~", delUAA8 ~y. tl III~ ~'r::! talula l ,tlte "~? ccml!trued as to .uth~r~ze . lega . I v"r-. and underst may. .,you that now 'll It "t;::~: ~~~~;t~ ~~i~:~ :I~~, a~ ".'' ·. react in the Oood Doole, thot AnroJ Bora' :&N~ SHOE STOUF .. lilA.flo~era .nd· . ' I1I18~entAl" to be made to '!ly erlDlln pa l)}~.lr; }Y: ~pe~~.~ Lhe , miAo n-it 1850: 14.tf , E. HAMMilLL. H,mve oli ~ J!ln~. pub. tho ceot to oa o ","golfi annolln. tile \ ly lhuujfht .p~ctlul 81SUOrr made u-a.l.f , bUl' whu'd .. terlilet hIll, '~fruit dillap'\leal', attd tion-it ' Revela por, except .t 1IiI expr~.. matslJ~ of the of that .: w,th hhand ll voice tandYbO • aleal'tl kcoln . .oep,1 kt ' be l~" d'· U~ EIT,A. T& In i II t I he ," PHI ..IP STBAU L'8 tthat we I, aye wed at a de.ert place tbe all,. 00 whe. of • .huul'll ' • 1111intHf or dorendatlt In the aU11 out thOle all to ' 0 ~1 you onl "8(\rtm' ' lumm goo of PbiU, .allte the . . " th , of, milO', line boolt "A LL ~rllObl indebted JO, . which I.id , at!veJ- cr er I,a go ' 0 ' ,re. ' whi\lJ. or i.. relathm toled' •• I r!f4 .~tllgnallt .nd ·Ietbean lake, Ihoel, cooaiatinli to plrt bip cen~: e .ToW1l8 ng, WaYDCI 01 gatheri lato il deed" winter -the Str!J11 nnd .L1 . hli• I .. '~ d tb.. ptlrt ~ and .lipfall piter.· ,e."el ., and , UlemeD boo'l T_ ..... wlth a Die Foot. ~nd Ikrlek ~e dark.wi ng- ~nd .hOll; wo~on'" )jl'el ~hll~trw ov~r ;;J of I; ta are 10 I»u m}!rcy PIYIIlQll ,,, die immedra wbicb ' make Itudy 10 ning required .re tbateve to aluth me ,,','d colo~~d anti lI.!d; pllt'.Dt ~'ladief' We heard~ Il ' few d.>:. lince, (say. lin rl'qllirll1IJ .uch publica tIon Ihall pllT Il the Bl'Ok oj Salva- ~ birds.' 4k~ ft D)bQdled laomll~'" or ,.th~ pors. Knicleerbuoker ,) a lall({tllble .necdot e of a Heaven h.. provided 'In riPI~~'':~dbcU:I~~~' ch~u~ I ,aholl ~~I~~~~:~~~:~:~.': ~f~u~~~ ," \ . \heellil enl8 atte~clln« the.II8I11~: .... ' . • , of .. '; year from thlI while tbo.lhlll owy vall~y.opeoa. put, AI\Ii . • tio~ ni· DufJ'.lu wall He . r~l;bilt ~ wilh allu\'e .wllI be 8.,10) ~. ~tI"P a;t eao lO lba. und!r, IPed. Withill onl mlln lhq _ of All ..:e.. • • 1,iENJAM~~ ~Lt.Jr.rJ~ . lV....n'tj(tl 0• .- he ~OIer\'e and tacltlir. DAVID EV A.N~ lpellkl t dellth.l ft'-3w· of , abode !he date,' to the leads JD mllltl whIch mlln tIII~bji.h a. for othor now, ailn, !d llvang " purchaS1 1111, \Vhu mUlit b6 r ~b' I' b t tv C~s . 4tb mo. ~. 186\). . (Es",-I «. 8ptlL<ct th$t I(lve Which cnn ,comrort and lave, It'l or 'W'·a \ln..tnn Call snld e~/,"Ilno tOl yourltllv"~· W.}'II..,Ule witb til) good II holcl upon the ground .. not . .-.- t fearel'Pdoy~. I. 'd u u r ,. oj'L_ ' PjI.II- tho . green thOle to r.Gltduct ClUJ which o. . e"",lw Itep· He hurry. noto in 8~ ,er. -eoce an motber ~DIIIIlU'TRATOR'f l'fOTIC & 0 Ilke lt to "drop oW' • a, ~u 10 eonew or bt:reil .ultft~i .OUtA of Harril' aod op. door wberet. waterl till <! a dth JlreceedO e t 1. the Dr. b 01 prl~e f • " IItite ' h the, . 11 lO ' " G indebted . pt~n. . ALL ' I • .e 0 an I ur a,or". "er, Evan.' oot·ml\ Mllruhi.1618:;0 & ' ~~te Allen.& , ' " ped In~o t IC).IImll I op 0 trom hill habitual ~rudi,Durather iliaD ,' . t/I~ 'tbe children of 00. ,Cflll t!!~dede t9 t~i Jonllla~t W,• Dlldvll,.. . . • l~ ,\ M, ' . in &!IO ftu~ri,h~l~g capital. or old .Erie, Dna, an ~terb.l.prl.nlt lor ~ . ,. n..... It th •• III.plp'el . :April 6, 18119. Erftlttl. ltv IfnliliU :~f'ttie . • o""'''';:' 'I«o unta ..lUI t le ,\ln ere .. neaa • . • r I " h Id i MI· h tl H' 'uUl8nle I'alr a tlmlthe ell lln ij att.er_hl mllktl , Inlt. ~~"-J could .. .,'h he • II Ih · Cralpm ",bell' mUltln ES, Ice IIsked .. to CANDI ImBe g, \Vhld l Is . 1.: KER8.& C oye" ~,CRA tho follOWin w e ' t,')A padn.1 fellted y I i. The omilll'o p'or it rr I thil, Ii' of t for 1,' J ( n proof . r" lin act 01 U\lot ~" Lo°d·ltt ng 0 I" 0!ll' lip a h' eouota will be put in the bande .' . . ' e"lt~ bly suITer. If the human la'" doel eluquenc:e. B.kt)[{,~ of him ·.frlta, when the f.muus meetin rqr \:J lale Idd r"all .t the II tb lil8 .23rcl clnute of the IatlletlQn AIlaatI d " I h' I ~ uge D. a at CI>!leeUO g n Ilqct, If LLlNS. Ion. . 011 &.. J. .l~', , eltJ'enlll dis. . wall I-tl' kl ~ ap~F .tionll Ibr. 1850" office" ?fu , beld-at. Newbll;"rb. to conault f:;l;~ wili f:" ~::'i~~t e !:I"th~~ !'::I::' he Willi, the Up!l~ 14-3_ ' eowbidt:-thllt buug . • lit, 1850 ;o:c;~ 100 t.~ .fur Itll iQ\cIdtl~~ In i\J IIlf;"I,1r8 1 to ~~'~: ' ::::nbequC~~~ ,b!1 duo,m •. . t:,~ry crime is ' commit ted ~ ,, '... , Ie' 10.'~ g\lell8 "Well, . the re~~ tWe to ' Ilrollet II,lace. . hllve them done1 ,olll! p'u,po '~ , t :') ••~ .orJ~ ." , blown W1l6" ,For lhe compenSAtion Ilnd exp(!~~11 of "\'Vhat time will.'· you, 11Ire., !Ii •• ~u aou e. pleaur l\ln.1 I throu,h lojp, proceed . the qUlmer.mlllJt.er gellerlll. &lae .lIm or thro!!' l'o.doy i. )londIlY !'dues '\lrel1 '!Well it ~tI d~plind on c1rcumlltancel; lo.v~rn,1 tile uni"an e, 10 .'eli tHe feelin~ which; hundre d d()ll~I'tI; ' to be pai 011 the certill· the ~.~ rClin III&\' Q tlatolll d:mo for you by Soat- c~lme II~OUih CODce.led deslroybo~ ~8ep goes~ Ived De~tbeleal, lo , " Clite uf the govflf,l1or. mauer No future. f,lOe .. 01 tile ....' • I u"IIlY." !,.re~ . -l CI'Imloa tile or pl.ne the beeo , On Sliturolay, t\tcrofore, the m"n caUqd . ,laid have , . ·tl:1r. n 1 !t1l"fI '!arnpIIJIId ,be fOfjl"oina; \IIW8 with ilI deteotio d. orhuw. de>lceratelt eX8l:ute . l.il lioutll. I I!!b nli,(!IIIU m ·tnd fi".! Ihe ~ me canuel. done1'" uld 'he, u 10 hll . "lhve • S. liLt\~ ahop. 1tlleIlot'ein Mtel'edyou be -craille Pfide. . "tl,., I hllvell'~-l cuuhln't; It hal ralnpd Of lhe' 'e~ 0 and we.kn..... whicb diefolliel ." meuUre your e'{ery dlly "incl! I took U3 charact er, we know none lan thaltllD .. R4\ne~I" tlxclaillled the aetonli fbed,t; llgur61 "tll.n 1I1at whlcl\ le.d. ptible oootom more ad el W".t" thlt! of what The 101I~'nll pod one we copy (rom trorH "W ! be aalaamed 11f ....... ,.,.... to 'do~ wlth.lt1M echciid lOme. mentiltoregard ~ ,~vll~ntl~bl~!::" ...~ :A u bfileal . tb.lr .,Ipll)' , our valu.tile .x, tile "New~ efI«'Y !lirror,' alld tags; .... -"' , n . ~ unro tullilte "1 b n ... tbe Yocatioll ortbelr p.reDl.. ~.,bero it II a -_·_- '·..,,.·;·.':..,........11._ It. wlm do to ~ a.g«IiJ had "It ' d erilpln d -r -"an a YIN a w 0 are of mi. kind In. IlnIY,'ID I . When malte -Jour boqtl r,!" go; III ". iI mecbanicAl one. Pride ~ lIe Jeney men, to read It. •• a pMfera e 8~;;~~;:~~~~ _IJ CUI brain we.k a clic.~ .nd , . end door', for' I havo't room 1~ my.bop ··.Poot .I.e ne,.." mea, ,~ .. ot~n. " n~m"be are t-J. ~hc temper. weatbelll" , QUI' lkati . ~ "neral l1 tolerabl y \ well r !l8u't work out dOOnin• rainy 80DI meeblll lc.; V'~""~.1I. the, wunty. \lIia r, boweve ~.. • . .bu~, but we a" ,10 witllll tieW w,lth.it . . lP lOil tbei~lln· C:7"Wore 1°U p,...nt t aDd dkl1~ Nt who ,~uld not be i~uced · that wet_ke ,lt very , n~ry'. The follow. fIlt!wN'ttUe their or t~" L~Jhe , ' lIe";~i oneil" Mr. ,",I lOner It the b.t atri_e Inr IDcl~ . I~ aid to· baYe ocCurred on ac. M bllodae .woge a With. ),et, .~d whu ubd an altOb7 . boerd e. M\II'.l ppl ltealOer: W'ocatwo Lbo. If ,h.t" "e .l"'rce ·to seem tlO( e~." , no.thln ··IN did'Dt "Yes li"~1 of i1ntiem en were conven ln, A mechanac launwo rb)'Il.IM tleaillb ;the And be ItrIlck him ._purpose, too, 'od ora Is t rt'b , ~L...o.....u mUlt attioh it.elt' to mech.nica~ IOn"l taint Iwere 10 phle V.m ,and •. dld e un I.,. eead blm. 1 r upon tile aU-, "hlt ~p. c 0 them,'whatewer tbelt "ocatIOD. 1.iI " ,,1.':I, .IOI pre,eo~ .nd CIft' Cor be·trled to buy- lOti i JlY ,1I1..... ...I.tlo' bet~een the North .. II abeut It too. ~nta. but I f..om belnc coneide re4the peer of me"..,r.:llnd ·lJoIith, ~ ..eh one. Gr. COUntl, had fClr .. dollar Ilrad ,a8\'ent yftve dldn.t Iwete ....otle blOod. il BOUIe .': 1I!0lMtblnlr to '. , hi r"!f of 1111 0W;D Itate. jlllt ~o!d bI~ old J~ IlAJgtJl4.JlIil!.Jlf!~~ ",enty-ftveeen~, Qn lhe:'ui~i)efi~'~uginen1~tit..tol:Dlm-tw~~~~~~iala~Jl d dollu..n a for he. no to he that , One of ih.~ai"" reilllll'ked ~nll'. t.h_O'mn~'Ui th~t a jill full •• n~ It aiy adillciltion wasn t. '.,tyllh I ~\on~ to Ie,., and wu proceeding tod by " two dolla", hi( mli@t· lOtoth undflr mon lenae r thl ,,1l'b a buse wortb 'I ,. mure .nd Itor, whole tbe w,th out i'd' and .. m .t 0 ta • '~Ilw forth 'the mer if JODe. 1(11 anted it. Ugh I • dollar and Ilbow their ~Iti :' pottlQD' our Unln. whe~ be Wlla Inter. new .~t'a or ki~dDeli. " . Ave cellt.ll Ql~ JOft1 BoUIe .I..~t by .vol~ptarUy , " '!Uptecl ,by a',)oll, luoklll, 'cuetom er,wlth a ' ~lIesa, ba\!lo. al\er lom~ trade! • up fur tbat dlO"~ di ~ 1 ' Ii , ~-. ···W merrt eye ..nd a lOin..what ! · late educatlOb. on, ~rn rom: anpra n. . e •• -~ I! · til.. view. 'wleer L Ind t....,· rolla trro I time ". Ili· I L ":'_ " p-" • we n I _c .. W t ~.. I~, tbi~~~ery thin,. . for whl we rei ectabili ty of lIlechllnical pUrlulta , 'iDo ''''' ."a~I, belOD, ~ "e1'MJ1 ~ &'I' " \bole io Americ en aocletJ "I tto, I......." wa the anlwer. I ' ' bave ~u 'Imbibed ft'.om Jle ... ". . " ~ . "Well, tbIJD. " . . me ~:;;: p~=~: , lhe . . 11 .... "" action, , t~e HCMtt.'1fulI1 tho ,.convllJtiun. "that. 'poor ' )enIe)l" be -.c.oatln'ued, with book of Judgen'aen, II thll~ of (>11t life, In ov.n~ed, Ilbautle.,t!tI Cbme ': , thwn -'p'-.'p oor Jene)'l ".ir••lYille Ptocltic e .lIIrlt..'"';a ol"l,..aa... a and tbat. and eq~.lI,..bonoralll.lle1d l . hacb every Idle word i8 recorde ..... ~ QUI.lllpU be talr . t d' kt Jou are' we· then will 1 'II lilf DOwer,j)ut Hil 'wbo . mapa the 101ll, can i"Cblbl .~ m.n.... \'UC:atl~D. • , "W.lU\l,\lTIW "EVa;ILY WUIr. ro.a TilE Vtli'fO'L e ~ rln w 1;00 te Our ideo.l nd our dl\ed. from,on r Daturo of . ¥ 'bu\ ":~"l~ \ 11' : 90 e;:r~_t • 00II1. to the ven biat that CIlQ be had 0, oblTtena I Do blat out our t nnl"," lon. mloner tn wbich ita ' r L. __ • II nnce,o thL. ~----' rememb ... 36 . ' . -........ ~ all , the~t i ..dwel· ·'Act. Willi ,~ Tlt~ rntlem alt, aCIIIIIIWfUal '. .p1~, 'lh- aDd ~rify our IpiriU ~'.._.ctual lIr ac:llJlol~ . will be I llent\ment unlvefllall)' ., . " vii tbl1upt s! .~' . ~,!IO l'lollll":::'ohl qulred the, reuon of die ';"". '1'" Tor • . ' ' ampl, te.. ad ce e.raen il,!a bldlYdu ~.~ hC'fenw '. ler.im en ' • .. oflonl incib~o n ~orcvtte · the 6 I feelln, tbe elteem~ enc~ not i. un The Lon Gr Prielll". . 6 )'eaI'II requIre only the. to~eh or the ,,"'un.t e' .,..,Ie ced Utlt b uperlcn • ha mlln ver. e , AlmOit . tbelr .11 an up, \be lril'ldtina-Iplrit to _tart ' 50 . t Ole UII " L_"~ . "bene" tOw when blelile. In period one lellt do UI How oj~n ......Jut ~ or com,... lo,!, .... rell"-' ,prl.tille. ruln.... berure re-or,Jla i:&ed iD our IleeIDI to drvp, and the dra\Da In we JeAlembc* h ••ior ..PI... · u,lain )'ounelf ,'l lIl,d the to end; w~eD a tDtjJ dreallle tboIIe r~liDP. ~11~ circul!lltances bl8 hitherto acted, uy....n; ". do nQt oncieretancl yoo," UYer the interelt a ~"'1""L~ pa~ t., ean Dp.pp Ch. conlCl· ' waking our to Ioat been bad wbiCh "Well then the fact I. It ",althe anl",er. • . DeW .nd very ant;! •. ,moJig liv~ hi' he which event-' , .in the ~mul.tecl lG;==1F;::::=;===:=======.=::;==;;!== l11e1l"~ th*~ JM!OlI\e r.:om your ita..,.re Olll~. e.IIllten ceto lna ume ba4 lI11preueci upon our mlndtl dilleren l lu~d Gf J1UII ( aw .... ', ..... wht-" cue the ill Suoh him. I Iewe that t.at lbout .. ap~ \0 be dr)' 18 an)' Cl ~ ~ • meo And .lthuul b we canno Hl»nleai:jr. . u bel~.,.a, to our own .ctu- Ii'ienda bd left UI lone .nd coEnptUl CIQl and I new" met OIM! In ~)' hr. but k .. "wledge Q N we ,pou.fed out e owhoe thet,lnt wbea Ina· comb '1 YI.lona tl~ w.. ~ too mean lor t«» p.t)OI'to buy. 01 eXperience. all Q;I' of joy, ere 10.... tiune which ate lbUi preeeOtN to oor no· whole thuul(tl or ~ 4riD1t. ..- l.make it a )ivlat to treat a J arolliid upon &be ble.k world, Jooi we aad • "8I'f thai feel Jet w~ dreams, in lice ..,..... "ben er l"eft with Clae." w~uut ..e lhem II fiuplilai to OW; .bow l. "ithou t. tie to· eal8leIk:e, ! . - ' ,. . . . . . I, do IISbINI How ... c:beer. to hope DNI' the a pet'IIO ne,u.e lia.. -..w,-o ftfl LaWYe r ..... t\e PHI. tara r .' ew8l1 pan aatl.. . . . . . ....... ofdae lpoba hayti dea&b, of h .ppmac Deacam . . . . a w-thJ cIront we I)' tH ~;~~r==~~~~ij~~~=~~r~~~;: cw~r; loUwao aeoull, be- II~. uucecon of their II... a limllila .iIIted our.pa t DI~~~,pn"""L I Of ... .-INIa uUful W&8 cltienta .lie whefei ill K~, OMln . . in jf ... them, before ed preeent Itaae, Oraa'.I the ....... .=llII and teek rrom other lIourcea. Dumber of teIeetad . . . . mlrNr, every line. u if filled upon a tabltlt lela paiIaftaI, becauee DllcoaMCted ~-_. ~,_a ~ gliirbt revnbn th.l u exactly &hat on by the IIpt, market. It cIIaD Itt D~; I deaIh entof bre."em tbe StUt paL , ill 1011111 tile OD It. The potrlit . . .. be111111II1I'I'. anwaI fII calm, a.art o't. reflection of i.lf. Ilnd eYer[ lOa. er, clnoid or. 10. . ofholl, perfect v. _~ . ~:I~~' ~~:~ ~:.l~ ':~~I the atPIDOI' f teftD=~.,'!~~ WIth ed connect peaee solemn fore", thaa r, ....... ... na. . . laI. own characte t.h~ lee,. .. t the I. one. w.\ die 01' blJ', pI'Vb sad, '" dw .,. Gr . Ood, or.Dntee daa . . 01 earl, tMaIlliI 110 .10 ........ ... to meD. -in ~ 811uae or tbe p". GOlDe no "It ~ :adnII ap in a.. euuncle .of abita worlth CIO.~n~g-tbe tloD.II 411Jrwtmlll....-; oblitanz
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the office of tbll tftliJlur'er . . ttl day orNot'e IDber: . th Ibcteen the 0,\ Perry, of !;QuDly Iu the y C)r .ecrelar the 'If ~ theomc In . er; Novemb of - day. . p,.... a eaA of actual plate ..Un,. I ~2i.~~ . y.ofthe_governor, =-.. _,... In the cou~ty ofFllirfioJd, on thl! eJ,h. prints Iflcretar DOt (Af l'rom l: 'CON;!· 18an Sec. 1. BIIT U,ACI.sz, ..... -um aDDU the~e tliDt .an<1 tl"chj dollar. ared , . teenth day ofNo\"emberJ The IIlIaqn, pie the durin, • ~., or ua Sru&o r 0.110, That Ute of ed thE: deputy warden In the c;ounty or ROd. OD (the ut8Dlii for balliUI w.. the red ear· Supre.u e Court IhaJ. bo holdeD in the. 18. !ed and additio~lil au", of one cT; Nilveolb of <day leoond to. , {OllOWI Inner pJate, U 8t,ate, thla "fn 1111 large ai a Y ' " counciea lllillry. annullll rrell~bt 11111 to dollllrs nIn tbe cQIln.ty of Pickaw ay, on lblllwe " JlYitb a .tout P~:~Jb~:~':~~'tJaIl~,::'d! . plee, · fuUol wit: QVU~ An . the by ~ e Sec. 3. ~I , O.lIl',IOS al1o",. baked, tbey w iu, .. ty~Jift~ dlly of Novembcin b rye, and wheat, n ~hlt.o Ja the .county o~Madlaon, on,the Jom{ Gene~!l1 Assembly, b>: In thll Ctluntl_ol' l'rankli n, on the lWl'ntfwere fillwbich pan~, tb~ fronl taken aecoad day of A'p rll' • out ~11he b:t were iluy of 'Nu,v~mbcr pnd th" Court 10" or.otherWIse ••hnll .be pltld bItch. and 10 on .. another , fo~ again ed e In the county Of:Eliy~ttllron. th,e twenty- seventh .ma re he~t.olo ~, n t~9 I approp'll !,he of ~n(le ~ Bli nk on (be secon(l dllY ~r Decerriber~ were , , fourth dtil' of Apr:i1; t 01 clu,,!,!, ~vhlcll.re.Ja..n un- long 1II'\Ii~ pll8t~y latted, ~d theat'PIe. SEC. fa Sh.ou!d aRY day named herein fo r'l lor tho paY,lll~n Ialt , the pafl, · ~he n i. 'un rem to sulTered • ••• the eoU,Dtt of ~igbJ~ndr on the y ~.tate 11I.!Jor<:b holdir ~"H.id Suprem eOouri filII upon 8UII- eXJlen~~d; nnd the ~\.\d'lDr .. . . house of Mr.-- --.we the At baIting, ty••• xth day of Apr.l. r~vegeut1ra,. ~be to trllnsrer to zed ~utb,?ri ommence lind be tIle BUrnlime. but otberwi se In the county of AdlLUl., on the twenty. dlly tho said court shlll1' I nue lun4, any lJIon eys In the r.:;.a8ury, be. don't reeolh:ct Jobn-I, " holden llP9n the next. day' iea had been ' caJlcd Illnth day ot April; . ~~8 not~" I.U IIct to .regulate i~e ·!Jonging. to ~t~er rundat, 'l'hi h from .1i bakillg at ~epellted meale, In the coullty o(~rown, on the first dayS£ c. a. So rDuch of tbe . yellr, current the pg dyrl needed thereo~ Judicilli. Courts~ ' and the prllctice , " of IJ:aYi . hlld tir8t lieen .ta~~1i fro!", the ealTtnen . olle thollannd .eight hun. 18uqls ?~ tr.an8rerre~.• 'Ihall be re~~':x.'el . when one evenl~g . t~~, g?od mlln In the IlDunty .o f ClermoDt, ,0)1 the third passed) 1 'r oh 12111, e t .. }O~ . t requirel the CoU!t in fr9/ll me gener(ll ,r~vt\nue wbe .tis m~\hl e, DIllr't rort\'.fiv Illlt! ~m~cal d~ed . , Journe): g fatiguin a ' Irom . late Mly: of day nod 1860 sholl be paid mto tR." ~reallurY'd Ii r&, eachyon ill ~ ~d;!~~:l:dteei~i:: twice ~le~":ill JioldcD be naep-.:!to BliCK ~i~~~~:le aet lIilltb rp the on ",auha n. he Ifllmllto lor 'hillsuppe~-ror In the cuunty of 4. 1'ho " n~prupr![lt onll . mil e y ec. S . t, hulding of time Lha ' bjn~ " prellcri nct followln the Ihe of al80 tl1l1t ' . -. .' day oOlay; bfil\,!cesb-rsr all to appetit e-and wu note,d for teetla '" p"of~iora. e Court; p088ed' March twelnh. :th.~ ~et lire m,oddltl,!n to theh ; Jq the count~ ur,Bu~ler, ,on ·the ·third day the Suprem l eent ~ could dO,marveloua exeG'ltio~ . . Among otb- ' .', e t on ded unexpen · Illll.mpg nine, lorty r of Anatomy. nnd ' 1"rotea,o hundred ~i..p., eigh't : d FreelJ!ap thousan one ' h, which . ' lpiC!!. • pumpk,n a 'WII ent. comlim oUllne] ,. Nuvllmber, ;1849- . . o.r of SUr,orr· " ""\iv.~'n"•. "iIIe: I.p· ,~l'lorelJe . S N!';W 1 O~' I_M· r moved towardl . hil mouth ' am\afle r 01 'J'boory and DI the cur! quickll' In the county ot Warren , on the finh day lire hereby repealedMIN be levied forthe J. aulc~ M. lJ .• rroulaao " See. IS , Theretl IIhllll R M'ITE • F g BENJA ' Slate e. o' I'st d l\lfldlcln . of gra 0 Practice tJ . t ., o(J\1no ' .. .' . • a lew minutes It wa. "limber ed amopg ~tI . '" . ,n . ' ' . ' Ld \t D •• Profeaiotof Phy.of &p~nldtllJtl. . ~el1 yellr, pon I I n t h"e county of. Chnton , OD the elgbth . SJ!M~·er 'of the HolUe "have been!!." and hit moved pock'fruDl tile W. BYRU POWt:L y; for act th,e., by ed preScrib mUl/l1er Ih.e In ERS, M:inerol~y an. d (,JeololD' . OUNV V. LES Patholog iologYj CHAlt " cleftrin in wife. hia But . . day of June; ' tuc:s I,lp~n All propclrL~. in this tllbie Illltis1iedarticle and hiquire d-"Joh n J, KiDg, M. ,D:, l'ro.ltllllol of Maton. Medica. ,Ievymg Sqiau. oftke Spea.'.er tenth 'the t~e off. miluied an In tI,e county of GI'.en, on dence, MlliliclilDJu.ispru State uccordm gto.t:; true Vlllue. Ilnd Tlier.peuncs ClndRS ' !"d " " •• h l' 18" 0 . . ' PaC/fe..or oi -' .1\1 of Juno" Ie (j rory Ilnd amcndllt..o therewhat til have~ou puewlt h the eu.rth· J. MILTON SANDE Illrth on U " . .... are ... . .' d Iftb . n , th m .. y k IIUPP rCI l'harm!lc ac ·· 18$0 n p\llte~'P' laid the hun- . Cllcmlslr, I)nd 8'1 A~ A t:. • rII~kiog "plIroprinlions for A.5t~. I u th•e county IU', on etwe 0 , to. for ge'nerlll . rev~nue purpose!!, lieven· ed plate!"· "Earthe ca O~t.ltrl General of, r tile by d I'rofee.o •• D uenaclt M. }Je 5.N. I, ec. W11!SC S A. J hi. rl'jolned r of IUD,,; Jer.app eased ma.n. "Yea." Ii upo.n thed.oll:i mill one of . tenths g Clnldren f9110win and lhe Womon That' ~f Ohio. OJ Dlle"les and slate tile of bl!! wife, with some feeling -f'and NU haYe In the county or~olltgom~ry tOI,l the four· lun one· . ilu • IS bo, und they ilre hereby apprOllrlatea, ,and, for the common schoul . l\bDlcl~- P~8~.lt~trg~rnE~· teenth day of June; e~t . it .up." . "Indeed ," •replied , the ~lItl'tI SUROEl\ of n valuat.o I~he o,~ : dollllr thll un mill in th~ treaaury. 'to be une ~-PROF. R, S. ~t:WTON. · , . "~el1. wIfe. ·granty rable )mpertu WIth In the cou~ty of Pre~le, ,on the leven- ou~ oC 1I0y monuy 1860,. , lit. l!Tanu. the y,on ·propert thll VIZ: 1AN, M. D .• ,Anatomical Dentoo'lra yeur tbe FlRE~l\ (or Z, palll . • . thought tbe crust wae 80mewh at hard," tee nth dar o~ June; BENJA MIN G' LE[TERR, . F"r pllymentofth~ membe rsofthll G oner- ' . U , ' '. III the wWlly ur Darke. on the nlOeteen~ SrEAKER OF TIIB ous£o~ £1'8. ,el ASeombly, their clekll. llergenut-at.llrrn s. . .. Inte~10~ ot'E ••• ~Io~.... th day JUDe.; CH~RLES, F. CONV ERS, • not sum erd.0: mC6l1eng and ke~pe1'd cloor th tw?ntle .-Tb.a. waa thl! firllt the .county l Alucl\ul In tho county. of Mlllml,on SE"~'l'E TH& OF SPEAER -. . exceedi ng fi "tythou8I1n~ dollars. . day of June; couuty, ~1Iya th«: Anc.le~t CIt" which ~II , ~f the mom- ~1arc;h 23. 186Q. ' tllge pos Qfthe t pllymen For twenty,· the on Sllelby, of,. ClOU~tJ oft' ~n the I~tf.'r.or a~er the Cellil'l~n, In tbo ' \ ' . the Of berll. clerk1J and "ergellnt-nt-lIrma ..'.. ~rev.ous to Its ~lQe~IClln occ~patlon aeqoDd day o( Juno. anti . tio,DSI Selec ouB ly,; Illlum not exceedi ng t-- iVlisc ellane never btlen settled. tbe SpaQlllh and f lld'drtlllS had 'I.n the. COUDty iJ( ,.orcer , on thetwe~t1· enerAl Assemb . eight thon~ll nd uulllll'll. " tpellO'111'lor~:i!,-' '. rourt,b day I'r June; . ~ng)j8h ~ettlemeritB in Florida .beill'g .pr!n. Doubli llg the CQ:IC~ ." Mlarles of the g6vorllo r, It hI!.!, boWClint. lhe to . coofined Clp31l~ to In the ~ountyof AUlJlaizeJon the twenty. "For po.flng the' voyage a '.'" dQg ure" go~-nat Jolly. . ouditor, t{elldbre r und secrelar y of State, ' • A firth dlly of J'9ne; . the f~lIow,~g account of ever, Irom the t.me "f ne Soto'a a th~ at~rney ' generul. flind comlUitlllllidnerfl, E.I. Dornd? glV~s with . cuvered been dllY.' ' the to In the COUQIy ofAJlen •.oD the '" : Gape Horn:';" me'filbere ?t' tile board ot' pulilill works, Ii- hl~ exporlenc.e In doubl,~: the ~cener~ ID . un,~I.was the favorlt~coun • . del or JUDeI' .; i~ l!"~olllilb!e ,to descrabe j"lt diund n physico . warden the IIlld an, i brar, twentythe trlbl'8. In 18H~ It WII Indilln n the co~nt.l' or .lJardl,ll, on ~llt III It Horn, Cl!pe rectors of the peolt.entinry; provided the the Vl CIDI~ or le 110we~. and occu· S"mino the of lIellt • even\y day o[Jllne j in were d can shnll tecelve lIilt bundrei Lddlllra ·'cro.cked up ·to be ~~ The olemenlwe had to pie~ 'by their head .cbiolil alld contjl1ue~ 10 . In t~e county or Lotan. on tbe twentyt~at •. tl!rmoil nt ince~3u an such I Ilnnu~Ji>r his ' lIervices, comme ncing .- . ' , elg~th day of 1ulle1 and belo'l', byt until they were driven out by the wbltell' l,ar.,,,,,".,,, tbe Ilrellent fiscal yellr; ror paying the lush everytln ng on deck In the. c:euDJ)< of Cbampa lgn, on the be struck by a S09~· In 1814 an Ilttempt was mode by a pllrty Of the gttverno(, clerks in the IIn- sometimes we would , twent1-~UJ day ~fJw.'e; kt\oek OU( clliculn- from Georgia , und.er ~enera~lillr,i80n, t,.o .lId W 1vhich ,' dolll~er rr Seoretu dl' 8tlltEo', office, 'olerk ' In t,he county 01 Vnlon, on tile tint day c;heiltB, trunks and form a settlem ent m thll sectIon . A govCham, anto fits. 01'; StIlte office two clerk in .the trells. ed. bllt . ill wPI ' actulllly orgllniz pell mell to wou,d " fetqb awp;y' . seoretar y of the of ,. "he continu ed h9atihty of d ~ ;~e~~')n~a:n: '~,~~o~IIi~;c ~.~ur~e:~r ~~~ vC88el . ~~~~ .~~~ ff~r ~~~~ . fiftieD' I\---'~:::-~ county of Marlon , on tbe 'ftfth day Inl'll. !\bny tracte. . For conting ent fund for the governor" ' land wer. surveyed at ,th..lt tilne, the 1.10bi for na of coUllllo oft' caU and '.' ooun'1 of Crawford, on the .ixth four thoull8nd dollore. · In .· Whit;h ullBr\Vard.I~1I into thtl hands forward, b~lnnce•• , . For conting ent fund !~r the auditor of l dllDce:- ftr&t four Bponiq rdsllnd probably lerved .". the lght day or July; , tgrandr nd-grea partner a-al1hn ndarou ' In thecouD tyofWt al/dott, oD .he .ighth state, two thou.an d dollarl. p to tour le~ta. , No bOliis or nearly, ~11 the SpC\\li.h granta For eontinlW ntfund for the tre~ure of and lef\-pro lrumad " ' country . Aluchu a. bRII alw~r \J~D .. 1 . da{ ot,lul'l Without cllngl deck on walk one could n the COIUlty of Seneca , on th. ninth da, Btate, one Ulo\l.aDd do1l81'11. be faVClr!te agripult ural COUIl~. ~n , II aaid to flt Ulle:nl4 in~-aild lIometimel we snd ~udparmen t of tile eaularie~of ~he·judg. ' som~t1ihunswllr bout of an ,unulua l ullilorDlltYIJ( a.llon. sell, heavy or.l:~~COIUl"'ofHancock,on th: .elev.en el For ~ by ~s struc judges of "be lupreme courta, prel'lldeqt OJ general good cropl. Ita landl are wei andl ee l , the ~f out g crawlin B ourselve find of the' eourt,is of com mOD piP-Ill, ODd judge8 • denly ed for nellrl, p.yory Ipeeirll of 'pro'd ,{ of Jul, . ' . cal,culat wete we rI'hU8 sl IhlG of (he I!uperior and cbmmer .cal courts of ' IICuppers, riibbing otir Supr, cotton, wrn, and tobaMo. n~h: cou(nt1 or Pntman , on the du~:t, or perpetu al turmoil CinCinnati IUld the Iuperio r court of Cleve. daDdled aboutD the arrived a~TlIlcllnua"a. thr:ive well. It il al.o healthy and plea.' W a1° lw,; V, tein we ~ntil ta, elemen, the ert, on the ftf. laud. and the reporte r of the cuurt in b•.nk, pon~ , divtlreif, the , ute coant of an Of aU tile untlri Dg, uRGccountablo and un- lallt. It- numeroUIII twel!ty. three thousan d dollarl, natural curiosit y ~eat itl 'llnd pe. Il1Ildaca teentb dal of ' ul.1, ~lck· e~e~. 8 ld expens u. clo, !lJlCII!i;JlIlIY,,"lIlv ageroul ' rumrule well, ~orthy of a i. ' prairie a, In .the count.y .or Pauldin g, on the. Jlx-, For pmviliollll; hou~ho Aluchu tho takes I:lorn Cape nl'tu~e! ,human In up fed "J'. IIOrvlln~. fup!, Itationa ry, labor. . ' It WI;I called by I?e Indianl teenth eII.1 of JUly. expens e. ~nd re- d)'e ,~onner. t have ,,&lIed boat. on th! ~~I. Ita pequliaf li'ormat un. Tile from ' · In the county of Deftanee, on the leven, 1n~lIl1neS, cdnting ent Jug. rl'gll1g the oa p~lfII for. t~e Lunatic ASllylum twenty' one I aware !lnd Merrlm lck. a ral\and WN;!oked OIlNldq l'al bridge of the t111ntll Fo. under whtch teenth day of lu1y;" hillg beenfl, have ,' Canawl \ thoulan d and eilbt. illlndred dollars. ,ae::~~ ;o:r7uI;~ WH~ama, on the a IIIrge river run. for a mile in length, II ~ng ~ond. among the reruciol;l.hu~n l,~utl" For IlIlarie. of the' ~uperl"t8ndentj phyl. ' and t'" twent',e the .. o Hlurtr, or 'purikln but ail_glar freak ' of-natu re aDd the numeruua lome wa. In the count" I thiDk did,. lunhtlo \lw or matron a"d IIt.ew.rd .u I.DLLTO~ ,,," <I allllk-hole nve", •• Illel ~~.\ well. and r d two hUD;!rN .do\la". \ CIl"..H "rn em ' \Ue my bat.' '~Y.*ee :.\ttorll ey .nd (.'OuD~J! tlor at Law. fohned y. ~cullarl very ita !k~ dalno~::!:daW nr Lu~, 0 ...· h 1 twentv. I '.....t,..,m;thre.-,. \;,O,ot'..tbe' inge"Ih r .JI. . " l-~UAJ.ljON, <,lUlU. lIuPerlntendent IIIl1d Blade. ' , n. and 1111111r10ll' Y " , "'. . • Cl(lun~ It ,. well,wo rthy or attent'n our J.X.llu. , too/l1 _coad da"; 01 JuJ.;., Ihe to I office htl ...ni&\'H ' dumb and deaf tile for allYlu~ sf.e,wllI·dofthe <I <I bu already .wl.thln Ita borderi ' a D'Imerou. fOll'lIlore. wb",CI be "ill tlontinue ,bl pra«:lu. TYPor raphloa i ErrG" . hundred dollarl, . a-6~ iltin, bodr Qf inhabtta bta. enll\rpt alll~ I f hia profc....jo/lln ,II J it. blanch. .. or ~n the coaqt1 or WoOd, 01& the lIS Ilay ODe thoulnn d ftve the laugha. mOlt the with tIDIl'.1 at meeta One and teacher&, matron For IlIlralel or . u111 notwitll \\IIIlch t, blunden al c plli. • . S ' UJ\'INE WYNIU.. I .. the COUll" of OttaWI , on the twen.ty- a.lltan ta or tbe all,(lum for the . deaf aDd ble Iypogra • .. Ad _. WlICtLUA LIl JlU,LEM Ilf careful nell .on the d\.ll(lb, four ~houlland five hundred dollar.; '~J1dinc t~e eILtelt :::~ :~:::;: Il()M&~mO DRY GOODS. , JR==~:D~ ~D N .weLth 1Ia)' ofJul,. FottElG fiU'. ~~:!I~~~~::~v~e~l:W.~~88= be paid quarterl y, aud a separat e part of the proo :rea er, No. 29'1'i1'iir. &raE~L Gm _ , • R"l'IBm ADVII OF pub. · ~Q dae COWley ur ~andlllky, ~n Ih. tWdn· whiCh IIhall Bible. Imall • II el'8 ., . C~CINNATJ' tllt·reof kep' by tlae tzeuure rol' tbe \r.orreC ted.-Th i-If 1fTAV I 'VIIIl'Z 'D&.'a_ ~Ini"tb)' or Jonl" . . IIl\beda teoncor d, N~\V llaml1_hire.ln which . ' 50 • IllHllion t . n e ClOUD', 01 Erie, on 1llr thirty-~!'It ... lin~l ;j . t1HtI o~ GOOD .cpaar. ~'., lCBW 11'0 to 'hll! 'aunt.' ptovi,lo n., househo ld expenae s, elo- the '!lIuggard' !':'directed.. ~We 2~ ' . : ncb ad~ilio"al inHlUon & ~v .&.NS han Ibe pl.lluft 01' LLEN to t cllY or Jut,~ L. recollec lJl~u.tr; ot pattern a ,18 ent fUlll, labor .ervaow aDd conting informing til. Rubllc thuf are n!tw r~iv~ In the ~., or Huron, OIl -the third dlly, aince, a)'l error made On. square- tbree DIODlhA •••• _. 300 exp,en ea of the lay.lum for the deal' IUId have lIeen aome tllne dinctly froDl t1UIt.Ul, a 1111;,0 and well..l..ted 6- 00 ini •• ' . , • . mQPlbl aix ofA\JIUI\; . comtrutbful pa perhi b, !um" \la~e~"., o~ , d live hunured .dollal'll. StDc:k of Staple Imd FaDCI)' Vrr ~a bolllht ; orclocke ; :~~.G ADy~~ In the C:OUbt)' orl.onl a, on the a)xth day dumb, ,Ix ' thouslln ,.& ....... ::: ~"• .• ''' ... omluln , the let.tl'r a ,tn fhe u'p"",ely for ,~hul' malU', which will be aOld .""r.c-v._•• ,otd and . U\"er 'penclla. "or sBlllriea of the luperin tendent and poihtor, who, byIld7ertl • ..It . or AngQII~,r, .ement or~lne quack .'Spaclachll' IUI/it'all ~ and CllEU iii tha C.hUUT . an or 'rol!kf.tII word lilt ODe bJiDd the ror alylum the of Itew~rd elglltb In \fte countt oh';'7a hop, on ihe The)' haYti \l mainl6clent atock of Black, ..... Vticle lIIIually found in a Jew, ~edjcine, m.de It read d,08, 'to be effieaci' hundred dollus. . . thoWlllnd . . , Enillsb. Fr6n~h (Iwllled) and 8e~_ SlOre. day Aupat l eter· mat- oua It mu.t be applied jntl'ma \ly and teachere the the or ~ aalarl tbe ptieM; Fur falr at oll'er tw~ll\h the Ibey on , Getup of In the eouotl paper I.yi, 'that. J)oellkin and aaJ)e~IUlJ: IbeLadiell, are tnyjlild 10 call aDO ron ....I1.tanta and artlnD ' 01 the ~~ylum nail)':' An EDglllih round~ead with a , daI or Aupt~ Mualm.. lail w~ G~ner~l RUI1l.an hundred five d thouaan three lor the blind, d n the ('.ouQ~~ or ~e,on tlte CI"'crlJ~ a In nlouth. h.8 In , Itlckln! word lind l, qUllrter ~ollara which "hall be paid . aI of Aug"a" , Ule tioD' of ~ bft~lo betwem the po\ea kept In t ... CIOUlIty or A.htabu la on tbe .Ix, II IIOparate . accoun t thereof . • Ians the ~lOe paperlltateltbat·~".~::~~t~~p~~~r:I~':::~:~ " ultylum. trealu.e r 'ofthe . teealb da)' ofA~t; WRS dreatIllIl, and the enem y'· labor furnitu a provilon For Illotlling .In th, 'COUnty ofTrum tiul1. on the Dinewith great ' !lIughter.~ .,A )[eIIlU~m:itn,ilI . op IIOrvanta, 8tatlO~Cry. 'm.te;ia '- for w~rklh ". teeD~ d" fIr Aupa' ; ' utac e to ha,e !lee" 'llccWMld the for asylum thll tor eneiell wntlQg ISDd • 1A MlIIO\Iftty ofHllbo nln,on the tWllntyhis f., ... ' tball more lDIf demalld (or drlvWr, dollare. l bundrec dcfi,. thoullan blind 8,o , , Iiz$ lay or A1lgUIIIt; tlll{l celebra tion. 'n~ne,of Fu~ State library. lix hllndre4 doliat#'. ' -Alld again at a Ce! eatable th., county of ~0ftIIt!, on the twenty· exce.pt thO'G.wt. • . the pOlllt!7 W1tre. twel,·" St"te, the for ry ltationa For ., Ia ~ of A\1g!:IIt. be true, which conli!l]~e l~taDcea C~r.litlD g fullOwin the C , thoulllud dCi'llare; SUP:ICrlll lll'll 1lOIIh!!~ SlIIIlUIlt. ,0D Ibe II Weatem In ed .;II1' - ' - -- - -- ftrat c1a c!elM'tb grawel, .. I .' ~rnlll_ orta Pur rf'nting the blit,.tep UIAl..pullWliller ,ofA. . _,~ muit water. thpir upon ion navigat rde";d b,. the Ben. In the I'OIIntJ 01' wa"ue , on the .bith"a y umenta atld.uth ,." mllttero dl:' Imlag/ln,e we bad ale lI.nd HOllse oIRepr eeern., '.e,. 'ncl• .dln, ~ortl c!.IDge!Dul tbanriver r of september , came n th~lln" rat del·cond'."g tile elglatee ~ co\'erln ' and binding ele,· the, OD j A.bljlnd or :re.behl ~eal~~nCii~lle. fa ~ countJ .etio;,.. ' so ~nd llt,. steambo a ~~tI, ~ " doll an. • .. ' bin •• a~d neth day of 8ep~mb~r; . lheu wel'6 n. eaertlo at tba~lJl'e "or ptinti,!g, coverinlr and. IJlI)~b;1l the IDJUry ~o the bO·I~.' • . 4 the county of Illchlln d,. onJ~e l\t . 1, ed. all at n~'ry to I,~e it. .We aN;! not when •. If aubecnbe... remdn to olher pl~ WIthlaw8 alill OhiO repOrts, three thousan d dol. .\ll"prite . to lie IJuerulouS ual of S.ptem ber: dbpoacd n9r d; . i. p~ !l the p'ubJiJlber. andr lbe belcl .re~ ' f hi out informil III dui COIlIIty, oJ Itorrow . Oil \he lour- lare ' Ith oe I 1 'blund • . i1ireotion l tbof are. former . ' d,e ISWII, joumall the to allni ' . t 0 en , oDa ~u w m~t teentll dl, of Bfi'tfm\htt·'the ' . ' th l . "or distribution or .OP.& .RTNn IBIP NOTIC E. -Tba apon.ible. rK 1 ttie our wonder II, rather. that thay documente. the ium of eight h.ndred .underd ,ned ,lta.,. ihit da, formed a conentee. . &. 1'ha COUrta bue decidecl lIIat refusing ' 10 I. It y_ .. 11 r iII~nlJ o( nOJl:,o~ rrequenc grea~r far· . If' . . the offil!!' partnenblp. ~o &hilt ~eteantitl Duilan IInd.. r from J l't"i~ic& ot r a"), 0 l;IIII!p\eaIDer; n',,"~ a tlke the, of e vlKIlanc Jed leeurtd to tbe Argus-e n ..tloll alld. or remoyi u and leAvang It Ilnqallod for it pn· tha firm of Allen & j!lYIUII!I.an,1 bo\'in@' n..... ' . nt a1 lib I" the counll. of Lickla" on the tWeDty· h I' the eom.... ...,. rv the old atand QfHninllll & wPiht, hope by 81det of L'i rEN'tIG{f&r. nA'IID.' Ivfdcmce facie ilia fltat cia, of8eP,tMaber' . ~n... P~i:~~o he lhme~t to -e:t:li C dUUe t clfDetll Iltleutio.n 10 bUPl_ . ad IAn d red'dl~ulltllnt ganbel'!ll, !d 1111."LOf t ree).u n. , , ' • . a \tie count! of.!C. toD, on the (olm 0 ~ pilI ~n h.e eertlDcate wouldln 10 lIIeru I .bare at' tbe patlled 'on, uncienlli 1 I·he lIati3Cllcl , .... are: ED r'lader (I 'EIIIOV 6 II. . ' bee~e ated, her ie . oPRrecl f. Me buf litUe .. lath ~ • . • , the I'l,·emur. • th • " Waynellv ilfe IUId"icinh.y that ronaga oftll!! p\lbllc. '11~'-..! 1'l. tbultiapnsof rJfD the a7, 0 ' • • . blt\r. k'll~wn. " 10 ilia "'ligon mlikvi: .hop for' takin .... cara w1ll .80 nat- ill a fe,w dftY •• \ . and firm ', removed tbe of bll8 he deanin" One parfnIP, , re . or ~. _ twenty e .'T;,on 1a~_m"':. ". • •'0:. ....t:!',u~f. _ .. II m.crly occupied \ly Samuel Holl II nd on tho louth and il'flat care will ,be laken to purcbase I"cb VI ........"" ...... ." _._111 ua be public armll, under the directio n or , I lIlJe of t~e pu\JlIc,IJIlUllre. in W"yne,ville.4wlwo 1100\1• • orill be adapted 10 the market. U~t the I .. tile C4IIGDht "f1'ulC:arawaa, OD tJle'ttiir. of Take uJlOn 'paId ~e to ~neral • T . L. ALloEN. the qullt'tsmalter 'Barty' (or ho inlenUlrto do all "ioda of "lIIoU •• ca .... Waynea ville. a".!... · (called , tittb cia Willard omeiv Sarthol SUID a r r9v~o the of te work - lIEN.J.E V ~S. th.e .certifica of .tf kinds ' oilier 1850. Ill\ 20 and Febr. t work rlqe vdr'!. 1 or _pte...ber; , one r' ahort) wal !'-. 'queer c\I.wme dollare. ' d thouaan Ot'l8 ng exeeedi ••• ,,-:ond paintl the au Also, eBI. Canon, or hia'tju~1n LO COOft~ IBiDing the {1I of Vermon t, on I'orplly ment ufcount y trellluref'1I milea- weliltn own I~ the Inorth repairin !f. ofall kinds dOlle tl)' ~ or Octobe r. d ,llIibite, re~, 1." anel cllral,esa v8U1e'lf vagabon hi.s ~'. dollan red .... bu no tic(!. He "'\11 k llt'lp conSllln five d thon.an one' diy fourth ad die on ·t·. remurIt'a""I e re y IieCI·t·Ity to ex· shonesl of all 8 .J~~. couut.y or\.S.tar~, . jCarfl8g0 and .~ BUl(siea hod fini ...,. hand. an.. VI vawbe r' Por t-anal'o rtatlon of eon.leb l the to pe~i WI, · kinda, ,,,bl~h he wIIJ lell oia \(Irma tllat eon'l in . C day ODe J th ' Sitting ,. r!a1IOio tempore 8llftee~ loh 0" rD.lecut bUlault ,the purch ~r. Ho flattor. him· D • coun\y of olumbll na, on thl! aev- !5nti~ry andCcOflte ft village atore. Ilmp.ni I cl'Owdof idlen who help • P 'h UJUd . h~i cnn .lllvll ,Ilntlre IIlltisfnclion \0 1111 fthlll el 3 hi. OD ...da4~ or~~ hilll ~bout d gathere alway. 1a 'l b ~ r b _ r A. I fi wbo mllY I,,\'or him wlIh "eoll. He t01ltlera 1118 . 'I h 1 B ked h Jp ~. COWItJ orJellm On, OR the~~. til · s " ' or ~e .. ~,V' ~ I pu c a.., 0 ' • .. lhO~k". IO.NJcu ~tom\J1't! for, lh i~ patron ago Jill 'til ..., OcIto-J e tn(ehrctanht.rlll b ",~tYbadw IYt,~·aB~aJ' d publle otIcftt elgbt hund . dol- wore I1rty the prl '. and hopea Ihey will . lIck ctQll r Iha" '1st. . Ja 1M COWI&.r or BarNo . on the . ttll'8,an II a 0 I oo ... ug . . Ia-.. Uto f"l.1 Inor.. to th~ OctO ber' tb cia replied that heo wu ~lQable topurcla 8lie a brother- yea; ana add . "ur dJenle t Ind COIba of State • . Y GRAM. I "A'RVE ,ot teeD "'" lIoc Dewon e Come,' aaJd the merilhIlDt-. 'make Walll enill e; AprIl6•.18lO -10-3m ~. cnitio'll. and lalta rot clahna' lI"e bJ:d:d ately immedi bat thef~tlerorJJelmoot, ~D th.a~ old the' OD rhyme ~ a . . . dolll1J'1 • whlt!! green. yo V«: ,(Irab. • blli JRck, .-LOvEs • give I'U .Dd >tbiQk~ to ",·!thout lltopplog 1 , of, Ill.' For Peymetlt of e~fteera Db the Gloye kill 11 p CQlored. Cllro and I ~err"::da~ ~~ Monroe. OD the .tOre.' y~u the beit castor In the .llOaa, otle thoulan d f'oar huodred ~iI9ll, lust r __ l¥l!d at . r. , 0 uflqn Bartl threw his old tile upon the door clltlonl qualily. and"oOc1 to be paid out of the t U. thereof. ~rANS. A!:rL~ III ... c.1IUIty ofGaem aert on the 81 . -' ' 'IIId begUo: fn For adaltlon al ..Ia; o!the ' 811 BIU, G ~ f:w,. April. . ,.nll\'1II8 .. ••••U., or Octobe r: ", 'There l!eB II!)' old hat, , ••i ~JIIWD' on the t~en. peaitel ltlatL.two bunctr.cl dol..... III dleo.., 1('1''''+ "IAL FL thut of what lOll or ate _otk lIWK 8. Bollnet C"PII, \ S" 'I~tC Sse ••. FOr . . proeecut ' ... _ uthelf ttofmw nl... t! . ,", -'V_ - __ .I to 1 .. 1,1I11Cbea.1Ad whilll and.colored DiuJ twta»'. Gponth e .... Stat. 1 I _~.~.:- ~ bert . -,.... - h ....
" U
~ fI
edo'' ' . ' .
_ .. _.u.oa . . . orOeio
W....I..... _the dao ~~""dlItluli"'~~1NIrJ tilt tIdIdedJ 0(
lIecellll'Jore::: ~~t..e...
la., the . . . 0( elabt y' lIo\lan II herebr approp riltN; ..., o~ anm to he ...... froai the ~ and .. . . .. . . .t. oIO.ut a en dadlD t.., ~ In tile ia the ....n.. ' . -
:""' ..'. .r:wI . . . . . . .a,-- .-.
a ..;........:...
fJIl_ - - . . .
... lid . . . . . . daallatla.a-7 MDt
,......,........... =-,..-==':r~
" ..:;J~J.~~.N 1UIIRIIiliiltl
e1ptJa .., .......
ADci2 .n...
And lIoil me ·tojall fot the ~••1. bal W.I adjudp t of the ~...' ~~ YOtewore, lt 061n ~ .•y-!,bo 'It wu but a poor care of i&aelf. '
slUl lt.
WaJ1;lenJlla. April, 1d50.
TICAIt~;s~1t ... ~"'';'...'-'~;:-'''Y-:'·~''","l''<''.
18 ~
Che oJ.
" !To 0.1 \VnolSE NA.!fi" M I
- R'I~ ~'~1("O,NTOL~'
- Love'. bolleef lpeU ' •
"stb I'h~iDl!d thtne {mll" ,ln niy tumll h hlllnui evor: In lily U Uy ~1I1k,; , , · A~ linllO'" near mo tn mt mlanlglll, drCllma, Oft in lIie IIre.my twillght 'a 81m, .'Vee! hour \VI",n pO, ivdyl, Intlae 01'1 happy dilY • .' • rore.,.,r 80aG; Whoeo ¥rillhtn en ne ,!r'dellll[\e, But "'Y' t01 bleM /I1e in my, ,'onclln 88sOr when I wander In ~hll lOft. cloer lir 'rq ,,'Ilch lho JUradcJ i,h', which ~ftghtl,.lJum. In .!i~l.ril\lIaple'ld"r. OD Nigbt" "Icoful .reh. Me tllillk' tho loved 10n81 of thy wllll- known
, "vice
1 '
111 heunlin , mUlie ,linler,ln minellu ,
.And (If, 'I'), wj.h it to IIII' "Illmno of Ct4CO" • lJrelljlll4 ~r\loa1l)' Ihe fer\'olU {lfllyor. dllll God :lob)' t>!vlluhee wr~t-\he liablo! !.t,(),Y. ~ nn;U~o~CIl • .,..
_oA ....~ ......UCll1,U~.
p'ot \\ I\Y L
• Thy Iplril -to .Iba iWtJor laD''-" • • Dut Itill wjJI oom'C\ the sadly chllli,\¥ thought. t·.~ bllll, nOI linketl thy ~c~t!DY ~y, : til 'liine. Yat I would b.n;ollte nwJ
--(:oulll I bu\ pr!!ll 'dloo to my wu:uy hl'lU"t; An~ t.,11 Illoo-O! roY. l~i~ ~J, thou kUOWilIll nOI , IInw W'olilloYoII tlleu! .0'11 a elltlll. dee" vllic~ <C9mm.ndli me llenUl!ofonb 10 conedDI DIY . Io~ II ; c: FTOiillliCo (ol'llvcr: lll'u.t spoak 10 (!we
All jl bol\~w where the l;eart bearl" not
a part, and all III peril wJiere prillcipi~ ill nol 1h gu de. I . . , I,
r.nvato note ora vl1luetl tHrrespontlent:-
â&#x20AC;¢I like." lle w,iwlI "the 81nry of the black8mlth ~ho WI8 req\lcst.ed tu bring 1\ .uit tor ' .Illndot. IU ...111110 eoutdg'D into hlsllhup !~d ,.:unnl"'!'Ut. 11 . be~lbl' c:hllrlICtcr, III !'lIlt muntha ttlull 1111 tQo1lourlt\ in Cbriiltenilom CQuld' give b,nll' , .. ' pldoncoll of FloUy., .;WOJUIJ!Jltl1 L Cua.i.~he Delrallt. Me., To atternll tu borruw money on the picilu iPluQitory' ., )uurn I ,1)11. of lin oJd Iu.~ wbo WoIlS alway. extceme poverty. "
"~=~~~~:'~~~~;i ~
lat~-oll ere fur
for lJrood;
In Behring'. Stn
• "
corporation, elthet b1 1U1'e· love fbI' love. Oke be EDterprl1le Ind Ule r~ulr' 1~~7tt"lli:rt~:'·'- lilt tellllUl~ion of Jime or otherwiee. for a., o~er ""en >:.ou-he tJIllt \Y~lt!reth Guill t~ Jo>n tI' Sound I ~~tlarllO mo'!:lL _ • • • •• .00 I • • it MIJIiI.l 1M. flaerrrl A.. tJlan that. of juclleal proceedangs lumNlf-what wlll)'ou qut>!.h., Channef. thll lAdy Franklin Ilnd q 11.1 mootbJ ••• _ • _. & j)() tl'1M 8II1II ofOftiIJ. Tha\ thE'coo~ of ,nd _"illit the .. me. God; pay for It ,lll" take. II nlf ven' l Goin to Cap~ Walker.. nan k'e ' YEART.Y A't>V~I\TJSIN(}. • of coCJuJ.oQ pl... ,abll}' bertaAu be. beUl in 7 ' T/le fourtb mil flrt!\, aecdon" ~ure, noUllna' bav~tholl all, It paId ex- .nd Mefville Ialund th" RellOlute Auit- Oo. .qulru, 1311n8, • __ • _ i' • • •J~ :: t " tU ...."t CCIIIDdeII' CUJll~nr ,the "Yen. to tbe lOt' entltl~ an act Iletly rQl' wbat thO\I ho.,L more, nQ tance plonee, In~pid lind Felix, 'with Two ~\lIlr~I, • ~ l~ 00 .... drclllt, a' 'be tlmel corporatlOnll doth lIot' e.t- j t,be Arctic Sir John ,• oa ' - aft.er'JIrtlGribed. ; wll, iilprlng tertp: tho Glld' the llarm wl\tch, . re'l'he foregofng are all Britillh Ship" The , £1';h, •• ' , . : . eoanty orSoioto•. OD tblt Grit, Munday in and coif on' tho bead of him wbo (ollowing ii.tb", Americno wcpeditiun: (for ul e."i Fe~rullrYi In the , c;ounty PihJ on tbe pCi88cd·F"III:uery 21~ them-bid con~u\1 confound ~he , Lady .Fr~klin Capt. De Haven, a.nQ .r)'·~riptioll) to be ehor~I.~i! ""~v~co fourth Tburlclay thero. _ • ".I.P.. tho county led. ' . The dcvil i. q lIB;·. , , ' , Reicue, Oa', 't, Gri(fin, goillg to !-he ": , P na uf Lawrenct', on \be .!(onday In A N F. LEITE R . _ There i.rlo lien In tlle wille to l"de of dillgllr S;r John Franklin litO In not marked on the copy jlf coullty !,f on SPRAKER OF TIl}; Ho ss or REI'S a 'fhere iii no 8,\ch a thtr,g al COD; be ho.ped 'fo)l'ld living. and to convey him 8,,"CifiudJIUmber of ",,1'11 ~Qnday lil;;Mordi l In the. COllllty u . HARLE C. IONVERS. eoolment. Cummit a cruDe and the world ]' En lond under the Yankee Bog. , cd unlil ord"iW ut, . '. J.cklon. on IL(.'. f]tat. :)(ondll! i n " TUt S£ U 'l'n 18 I)f glulI, a , erilne, MIlJ it l Jt a great encaurngNI that the vet" • ,'I'hd. /I to 8UmDl . er term: Jh the connl·. , of Se\Olp. on., lareil "1.. J 00' , ' .eems'oeU a'eoat of "no\'V tell on the gT,o)lnd 'lor Sir JOlllf R"." who know. the eztell .IOi ~ ~ own.~ , . the ~rst Monday in lIIaYj illtfie counly ~t - " ._ ' " .uc~ ~&)'e)'(\llill In the ,\rooct.," the tra k of I!lrlm::l'ev~ in tbt:l'8l1feiy of , the missing. • • 0(, "e\V,pt4.et~~ "," --~ PiJ(o, the' ttHl"l, .1!hurs ny:, thCt.elil\eji Ill. I h$\-/I .fili" r~ Ihu r.l~t: Ifoi"f la,,'u wllh el'llry part"rjdge aud fox and .lqllir.~el and I :!~temblllrk, for ;tlie.seurch ,wfth th,e . ' . d~ .nV\ &i~ ~l!.~s'ilo~ . t"q.. ~l!lY of.I:.&\\ n'n~, tln>1he,h.rtltl· ,()n. tllllhclI,,!r:d\etU II \n'ld find Iho, ~nm (ohccr. ' 'You cann(l.t> recall tiLe ,lIpqken ~~ordj you of 70 wintel'll uppn jlill beat!, , '. ' con'l~d'fd !SWni. "l day III lIune; In t,lt! OI?un~_ orGal a,' , on , J OH ! Kl f'\. ~R .. A.~ W. C,. ' , cannot'wipe out tile foot, trick, V'~1l CR~not, ~ , .' \, _ " , . .' ! •., tile secopd Thur~dllr ther~t\er.; In the .. . ." BT J. 1 :\(otCf-l • O«ll1Uly . dr~w IIp We laddor 110 01 to 'ea~e. no mlet , , c"".,e81 in t~e Ai r.' , I dlBconlfnUDpC8 cO IIt)\ or1~\-k$Q~I, on ~~~ f~iJlth,)Vedne - ' . " 'or clew. Always :some' d~m.nilll(cireum': : Tho~nh,~pp;el!lt Jnon ,that ,ex(~ .. Iina at Clontjlluillo aal' In J~IIC, .,Flilll~~ll1; In ,die 'Coun~ .. o~ , lYIi~ aneOUBI. a actiOns., Iltal)!lE' ' lrautipircfJ. Tl)c laws ;and ' Bub· limes bIll peaceful m olllenlll,"'calm, P\l~~ ~Cl(jto, o~ the- fir.;~ l\{ondIY ,In ~pteQlbcr, , _ stances 0..£ .nature, water, .now, Wind, .g~av. ond del,~I1t(ul ~ef!odJ!--)v"en he. for gets Il\a lillhe countY. of Plkll, 'On he thml Mun.r laY:A.ncCllote of .r4)nnf- LtJJd. n ' ~tlo" become pen8~tiea to' tbe tluel.- Cafes It"d anXietIes; ,amI ~~nfleanIIll08t to fit $eptember' in the COlIll y of La"·renec. , We enD give our Tead~ftI (811Y8 the XOlne ,[Emerson ' , I live 80 CDwrapt i8 h'" With tJw fanciful on tlie fourth l'tIOl!duy ,in S~rt~ber In JourQ'aI) a 119.\\1 anecdote orJellDY Lind:- ,. ' . ..' poi~trqgf qf Il.iQ i(ll~innt.iQU. ~ connty of G.,I"n, 00 !I'fl saoond Wed- The fait SlVllde 18 not ,'cry QOpulllr bellllld " . 't , • bul very few porsons m thIEl c....'~... IJ~~- .." flMffry in Ootob(>r, in the cOUl~ly or Jack. the aceile~lI1ak-i!lg no s(>cret or th1nlcing Thq tides 'fur~ an ~;tC e~ll{ply Il~torostmg is stigmlltized RS ~ dull IIn!1 plosaic' ..,(JOJIu.,.'!r!I.....1'It J!.,9d ~e f~qtlJi ·W~D.o.sda III .!llW r. hOIi, maidc'Q pnrily 8Omcwllll~ profaned by RlIft'or tbe subject of pla)sl(1111 aHlrOnOI~ but 'are. posse8S~d of sQffiQU~nt'l imagmDtto\l spOm""UIU<. Sec. :oJ. Th:lt, 1\ I Ir.bI alld parbl or act\! tlle MCE'S80t'y contact with the .,lidin~ The oeo~n <\Ovel1l mor e'lhnn, h~lfthe ~!o to indulge In tlle~ pJ~asant rov.ori£'sj .whis:h ~neon8istent wid.. (h,i.s a~t. is lIerellY ~ ro- Illcftlo" of s(ag(" morafs, , APlong those who and this l\lrge Iledy of wal~r 1~ '~~ : con~u: hnve,' formation oilly iu" ,llirynolhi Ig. , Qn. , ''''',"u''''''',_u., J pCaletl Ihilve ~ung . ill' Qperft 9 "i'th her, how('vcr" alQJot1<1I), ·ell.bing oml flowlog ..... ter!! a Y' I ft whiter's eveD!fllr, lIitti~, beforelthe invi. ~-;~'~+r6\;:it1~FiU:liD ' • ' ',. BENl Al"llN .F. LEITER: "'n8 1\ certarn SignorIna Solari, '''\hb~~ thot' ill. if the tido iJ~ 8upPl>sed at ~IIIh Wb- l ting Ilflll_ocilll, f\l'e/ Qccupied bu~ In.thought "':"l-~;M1SrPiiiiiiNii:iiiCi1;-~' Spt.aJ.et of t~ Rouu,ofBeprtnftaJir.u ' modesty ,and proj>riotv'had won upon her, tor mark it,wlll, ,It!.'r ~ sluijft pe.r:lo j s~ -! w(, Ilre Ilpt to clwel~ /1~ it wero in thll rooll"/ls I aUNRLES U" ONVERS, r I ;rhl! ladY. in a 'Violent eJfort ot ',flow ,bn,ck lor out }\Upc. 'As i'va!-Ch the glowing emlJ"{tr oftlut. Sttufte, lurno-conc~rt, broko a , blood \rcSllel, ,nod W1HlI1 I~ \\ III ~o at ,loIV '~ater. m r , l' Ihers or traee thq qurlUUII (ormlltloh wbich J~Jluary '26, 1850, . , . " W08 9rdcreiJ OJ' ncr- Jlhysiaid~' 'iu:unclli"tely time of high w:atcr, 'IO\~e.er, III n~t D~~a!I~.1 the ~(,1I1 nrtl ,pn'lfenta to the eye ~. ~ ~ , .• to the S bllth ' Of FrallCo, as ·t~e 0.nly..chllhC4I Ibe spmo, but III about Ire~-quor . r; th'r ilW'll rill bly relaplle into '8tll~ ot','~UII~S~~1) AN ACT 6xin, t~p I~n\es ofhoflling rhe! c:tU!D (IIr lite, navi~i tIO rcJlanco but her voice hour' 'Ialer . olch, duy" ~r near L ty, and allqwing ,tbe FIIDeY ,.flu ::r~~~1!U(ln plelUl In Ibo III " ~/lth JU IClIII (or ber liyeliboOd,' .ho " '1lS in ,the grelltfst daye, wben n begans as ~c ore." ' ~e begui'o on bpur fn nl~ nnt medltotlon. ' Sec. 1 lk it thhcred . bf 1M G~ai Ai~ delpQ,lnyh~1I ,iD the midst~1E'r 'Iumc~ 'lIS - , fi 0 contll (lOr go I,'" E'xqluiincd loVe meditate Dot OJl"P'I~ ~lIet butthe'PIl una ~lfIM 8qate 0/ Ohio, TbM th~ co'!rt' prepllrdtlon for I epartu e. Q \lll",;!ol(e : ) Mr•. ,p!~f~ t~nl on looking over 1he, price W,e ItlncillPQh .'kl pIQnfC~., aod trace or colPrnon .ple~ Cor (bl' cJevJlnth· JlldIClal ilJennYU-IIl.d 8topp«:~ ,.at b~r ~oo.r. .) ha .\ " rr nt. I'\vh, bJess me .elaiJt tI dll:' <l,ar Clif ufC.cllIee.r. Wi! e t!'e path eircuil IIfhll hereaner be helt! in the I~V~" C<OP11t~? q\loT[el WIth ~OIJ, nau¥bty child! , (l~ (l lin y \vller: the gjrls It] e v~llI,d \p III ,Ils we ~rog~e.&.-:-JV~ ~ollr the cn(~bor-. I I .1 'counties thereor.t he" til'nP.8 foUow Iilg.j LIIlte,IDld. ,·'You told m~ notllll1~ 0 f t1",>1 \~ orl~ ~IJ (lgtrfiv~ contll" l'he 'old Judy "ging',worll!i frJpndslilp; we accept the profto wit; In fho llounty, ijr l:IoU~O.B' on the ,and might !Iavn chancei1 to .go . awny ' W ~ I- nt ljlll .~ectllcl~ thr.ew ,down tile 1ol'e4 'Ii.l of )linllm~n, IIn..,.~ only : b\vak1'8eOnd MlJnct.y;ijrF6b~i1,_tbe ,bir.d MOIl· il O\lt ~y S~I~IJ f,ou. , fou \Vllf"r ant ,m()t \!~· 'P: allll went h,to I brown IItudly on the Oiled rOq\ Il' perrec~ ,reoll~nt'~m, -Of 1111 we " ofllaYi and ttl t M ndlly o( AII- rr",I(o, thll~J (illVJ If bet two nolell 01hf1 IU - P ~t ~r l\ I)roper appreciltion' nf dio fem- bold dear by lome CClltlo fllleQcl or pst; ih th(l c9\1 ntyot Way 'e,on the (ourth dred pound. ea~h) &I,Jd re~embe .." \V erever w~ e gc:nde,. ", om~Dloo. Who IhQ4l1'''A p~nny. fpr yvur 1IIollday- tlf Febr~ry (ourUI MOil"', of are, that ffle~M It'!"o .hut olli purS • lnJ/I ; , I thouirbll." I, ,, . '. ' , and &be lint M~nillY of Septemberj bl~i:I.~ t ou." . ~e ~elleve tb It II\\,CO.~ boy at tho II~ad of the bead, ,V(e n.1I drllnD1, we all b~i1cl oulle, in t . ia tfJb count, or )(ed1,na, second !londay ,or angel mmI8~~tlon ~a8 ,:e~~~i::e of the cl1\88 }ViIl8tllte ,,;hnt 'were the dark , .lr,ll thl,lI ~ o\atter of r~~t :vorld, In the or!la ~.It. third Mondoy of! June, .~rl the . to the \v'°ii1i' lt .an 1l·1l~()ld of tile ;'p of thE' world," 'Boy heaitatll. " . Wmte'l 'It 1& by th~ fir~.lde, IQ. Snmnler b~. 'iQU :til Monday of Septemher; "a the ('.olinare mllll)' mOlO h 4j. o · Nell;~' M..ter, ,Ionee, ean you tell me neath tb.e ,blue · flkll.'l~ I" Wmter we. Sit ~"'.rlJ(,Il\'__ I' 1i ,tv of ~llIlana, OD the fourth · ~oriday. ng creatlltc w 0 , lit mfPlf "lm I:g ." ,hat th~ dlllk agee were!" -.; , . ' ! ' .~d d~am. ill our 'ea" oJJllirs. in Buiiimor . !An, 'IoIOI~llc.aI11enlon9 tra March, fir.at 'Mb~day ?f 1:11,:, n~~ ) ho' , ~rsl II • . I . " ,. , "I gUeM tti~1 w~re tbo Dg~a be(C6e "per... ,we; l,y 00 tile" gre~1l .tl1rf.- aO,d Y with eyes ' futl courso of hllltl1res alOoun( MondllY 01' etober.;,)n tllo Muntl ?f RI~b. --.....---;, tn()le8 "'er~ invented." ~'qo toyb IJI'lentll.'! ralaed1to.Ueqven g.IVe Q:u r b~atn'fQom to cx'. ' '" ~ut,.al Stoat. ' " J , • • " 1': ' • ' . P~!!~H t\Je, Sprl~!l tl,!le It ja the ~ntJe .1n. l\b,lr!c~lator'8 land. un ,tlIt ~d M;onMY of A'prtl, thlr~ :MQnllq o( JulY', Ilnd ,",cond H.O!l~8y I?! " We relld much togel~er; urld. ' ~ thoMe EXAlIIllfG A WITltEIII.-'$U:'.' anqul red thp bfefte whJi;h ~xtlrts Ita IIdJuenee ~pon our .Fee, ~l~, Ur" u~~ No"~l)er.1 111 tho tOtlntY'bf K~Vl', dn the -who have not tried it, wonld lie difficult td Bl\Omey of a burler Dutehtnmf ~~bat color dhjJu,ht.llj'aud IR Autumn, tile bracmg blo.t informalion' willplollse ruth M'01'l1 , of April, filtli Monday of)11 cOlltJoive th¢ new soUrces, o..f enjoymellt Willi thIS hog when n>u finrknew hi~!' eireota oqr mlJ\d:-but wl),re~er and wh!n- ' pai:!) to tile 'l).qall,,I.\11I1 and tbethlrd HondllY of O ()lober nnnu.hy. fhot ,a reopcncd by thill m~e~ol pr()ceedlng. 'Veil, ",'hen I first became a<rlJusm>ed ove! In \lnocc~plcd s,toment lR ,llie r~tJno 0&1)' will plellYo ea ~D 1JOc. !t 'the second. third, and fourth TJlere ie no plelJllure that 11 oot dllll,ped viti de -hog, he wu II very little P'jg', and he tnlle prese~tR Itliel.r,we,nre to slllltrh It \lp htmlll Hutel. F ' ll aeetionl of t~ 41 act proleri binI tho tlmea chuck bl .being relpod alolle. To WIlS den a vlte hog, but ,v en be gillt to be a Bud conve~t It,tU tbls \l8e. Such moments R, " ~t1?11 of Ih~ !lculty. , ofh01c11n, the OOU~ ot com loon /lIOnl Iho t!olltary reader hie bouks IIrc indeed a kind ohanily likE', and I I"ould tllen call .ro notJ08t. ~eba,veldl~aw4ytholandt E w.Ltf~,R?~1fJe~tB~j.l1 ;rbtll)r 'Glld tlao aev'~th J""i~llIl "ll'cult. pua6a , Jarlu- de,~ ICHer~ . To feel that the cunceptione him,'oJ.l the whole Il' 81l1'ldy IiQg.' . . ! " qf.n,bour. bll~ we perl\ap. gleaned particlell . 'Prncl'ici of'l.n~', It , ~ '11 tWIll" .. 00 .. • (1.,111 n hllod,..d find '\lid j,"a~ ImparteCI 1.0 the mInd from Idle -Wilt elr.mark. had he1' I I , qf goM-l\ndt~o\lgh our caatle may be he- JOHN DELA,Flf!LD. Esq., Prorcvsor of COIllrorty.. lx. hln b, df'('(Ill'd IIl1d token a8 unliving and uncoh«eiot18 -poge strike I~ ....ell ven 1 first bl'cotn~ acquainted _vid yond our reach, yet ~va los~ nOlhing by la~~nercial ~lItleprlldeh. ' ' , ,1'n"nr~'1i81 p.rt or ~I. IIct. • . co on the ' of two. ebhallco, tie hog: he had nq very particular ell-marks; ,piring tQ the 1I011Oelli of angels, thougli we ,'1'E1U.~ p,er $i8~PII' A\ r.olllm~~cd: Sec! •• Alii.", Id par Mh~w. lIlIlon- the tenlQlcl. The'1"of both except a very abort tail,' · milv fall sll(~r1 o(t~eir ptl~lty: . ~:e~Jdr::uIIDIL to 81 ell.~~R1en must. n , lil~nt wllh J ' "',,,,. u( ~l. act be, moet. A IImile of approbaUolI. or 'Take' your lleat, -air,' lIIlid the IIttdrney, 'l'bey.,uog bO)l \vllo pro~!acs hrs ,qged '., ' , )!:.' lV. M. .KiNG, ~q, "nd UII) 1ft III LI.rub.! re~""IfJd. . or r.ensure, Iprln~ up 'on elthe." 'lve'li call the riext ·wjtne'I ,~. , • , , grandmolbe, thilt wh,Ii., he 18 a mlln she ThQ fllb lti!ls. ~o, Jnlellt'c~unl qbililies, moral DE ~ . ,. p , Lfo)J'('J!lR, 'vea ~ew life tb thoir Common ' . , . . , sbaJl IIot WOlk~ for. /Ie lVIIi hl~9 pe~p)e to do wor~ IIJld llr~rUIld.loolil Rcq\l.relD~1I!8, will CQOI' ....--J. . IItt 11, ;'1 gt We lay down tho bookj or An editor 80me\\'here has hcnome de8' everythillg for her, '" happy In. the thougbt, CI • .. 'VC'C ,e. b'b t' h'18 rewar d lIilr It' mtul Cfl II ell •""1'"""'1 IA 1\141 •• N VER "". t I to the . pago • ,.an«.i tay. What oilly' hear h'Im-,..'.,II llerl era" h0 on d Lhe b ri',80n 0 f a plren 01> 1I1Jomnly in \I\ili or uny oLhIlIlU r I)' ul uc"""'"_, ' .,...hr qf tf~ 8t11ak, ~hilf Qr Wh.t 'ought we to think cheat tile pl'intertl-)(ny they ha~e.an ev~ -though he may lIever re,!hze a com thl)Jll nrll IIhle leeM o"" 111'1" lhO.1l01l\ pI ICGCI,t"" JlnuD'" 31 I r il~O, ill 'rbe'ye~ Itles, clrJIreDed' In, worda. erloiting ' itcb oml " c\'cr ,bo all.o'\~ed to t~n(\(! f,?r biOlllelr" lind though b~ may 'I:hosn who .will (:O)ht n'Jl.II\~8 OUf g tgi'~ph enl • .. -:- . . or oqly'by an mVQtull~ry .eslure. Th~8 scratch." " lelt alo~e in lito wor~d when th~ I!oil" ..ha, t~~~I~~:d~l~tltl~~ r.::h~, lt;~~iiri\Ir,.~~ ~~~"~h~:~~ AN AC1 10 rclllllon 10 ~udlCI,J proceotll'!RI, ill ' "xcelleDtj or, las ttil~ altogtlther .. It " cover hIS protfet?" Th~ I,,,yer ICC. In ,Ion tur ·'ljl nat! I'rizuof lhu ~inJ. Ati to heolth, favor Ilf.ll(ld IIplnlwdlallolvwl co.rporllllUne. sMuld be1-:-makcII the propoeltlon, tile A maiden lady of forlY, In reply to ~D" thegrate filled wltb..burnml( COlli!!, or IIote9 including n118ellS()ll~ 01; 140 )'o(U', ,yo ticlI), Ihul .Reo.I. DB rT Ilf407&D lIT TR&G.EJn:Rn As- 1\ t tl e leap 11,8 it were Ironical question why !lhe did not enter \D- in t be fleebng clouda ~b\(jh fill the Ilc.}' ANY OTIIEI\ CU\' lIAS /IIOIIS, . THe STATE or OHIO, That any f~~ t~~ I pil~, 1I1'd beoome , 1m- to tllo boly IItate ,o( R1~itilJlbn11-8Il~4,-:,Why , ,ieh promiaB of til future. ·HQllol'II abd, A common in Ihe other !}loy life. ' WtJen, ~ dllftculty b~ waiti{lg.I maY geton~ ~f,~be belt or the "'oo\llaekarebpfore hilmentaleye, gen. ' to ll'Olita"1 teodBr.ne ~ltI~- bUllbandsj and ·if.I. get a biUl Ollie, Ilhall erGUI rewil1u for . lucce,urul tTlolJlphs over witH ihdol,enc~ o~ ho inv~ett~ have rell!0n t:> rtl~olqe that I bave, nollong heape~ up!>n .hlml and ,tho.ugh he .may drop tor, , wiUJ a.,sullen peraeveran.ce. strip- to lIy\!! WltIi him, '" tlie " ySlckt foma.a name, WJi!1 -c'gw\r llJ 1I&H111y . the true inte,l\eoettlBl charm. Bill , ' " , " \lan doUbt tlIe bl'neficis eWect or that apdiuolv1Hl eorpor4tlon th~' two arsona brin - towether tlie force California j8 dCllcribed by SeDIl~r ~'v" parentl1 .lietle. moment. , Tbe clergyman t)' cntl~led to receiye , the pf9(leedl of ~n, ' co~blbed' Inteftect, and contribute and as "tbe youthful qoeen of tt... P.clfi~. dreaml. builds a caatle,but it is "uvh IWt, upon any Aud oil ~~II of aat!ou Itorea of [beir &ever.J observlltion CUld in the ·robea of freedom gorceoOlllx loilld whieh lhall conduc~ ,bini 'upward-another IIccraed or wldeti but Qr eu,ch dluoluUolI experience while , even tile difference of with ,old," ", • " ladcler. like that ur Jllcob'l, .ia. before him, ~~~~(:\.!I~ltl~~I!!'d~OIl!~O ~ula Iiave BC,erued In r,vor of,lIUch corpor· their hu,"~rll alid ' temporamoot' lonaibly •••• ' . . aad he atand. at,a well of "\I,VIDg water . . ,:\,on. In me I.anner aqd wit~the adds to the li&:ilt col1ec~d in Lhe commoJ1 > A man who lIad Unci m~ In , tho w~ld There II Insplrl\lon lor hnu ID ",ch I. ipic_ like eft'eet u If .uoh. corp01'll,lon ,were not fdCU~ th~n the ql.eation i4 pUl'lluea hOlllll~' lIaid thlt bit aC!lualntancea would "II ," ture. . . , ' . I • 1.y hI alld llelther pllrt)' laY8 <1nthedral, but Il pulpit woo!d bold hi_ The editor. be tillie , I!ri.d Bee. ,. .Any ,u£bl~,,,olv~ ,corporll.dt~bn IIlide the weapons 'of warl'lIro." till he friends. , ., i , .' • InerealeCl.l1Ib~pb~ illlla' w,~b felltllnoDI-, may be aU(l1J at lillY or In E'qulty In 11\ Y b victory over the .:io Ii'. • . a'a:'of D jult apprec""oqlof hiS labors rlso it.., .. a.,nt' ror or .ny eaullj ... otrortll JUld r II 11 in the of up. Ind though e miy to '. actio~ ~lJed, 011 ~JflO!l uut ',tor , Ih~ I ine. ' , lea that ~hen ,1ataleUlHln, into Lllly,ofthe floUo,n o~ tbla plcturf, it <LebamIOD'or"'icilnltr; ~1"Ol.utl~:W~tild Ilo\'e llccured ai"lII~t.lu,ch " '. Pin t become o~en _obliviOlIll of t~el~ laJti_ him' to ,incre.aect eft'orWh' " . I corporatIon. In the .~nuUlner Dnll Witt., . . .... f." li.I' B k ' 0l'e I~~ ey , •I ' The' lacll~ are not 'able to.. build ca~. wll'!Chilll; .the like' eWect lUI Ii lIuch eorporatlon were • DOBle ... ore O ... tlD, • e ' oc II. a.hea. : ,,'. I b'at Th ' a t d .. , ed b 'hi h Tbl.' 'patelmit1. of tlils story, we pre_bllle,. , It il merit imd not tItle, ' whicb give '" In t e,al£. ey 0 Dot ft K or ream. nOJ wa,olv • ond ' ,11 prer,:" Y,\1II c. an, ijkc thlt oC mlny othel'llJ mlly be claimed or~nce. It i8 \lSe(ul"ell, Ind not gnln~ but. when ~caee' one .",ho II ilblOr,b~ wlib -- I!o~i.tbe! a\ ~r in Wt ma be 't~stldifter\,n. 8e~tllJDif of Ole country, b\J~ the ~eur which makel the world hlpPY, ber ow. thoughta, we alway. sofE'I, ~. tu ~Dated bv rW crpora Ion. slory linda the loca:ity, of Ita ori'..· •••• ,', r , cludedlat ahe ia4onklng-ln (lich'(ll~lenee lUI ~ .Ir" t . ~ or Pier propin Dayton, 011 Main Street, ' )llIn 'new ycan .you rilay leo)~but hap- for tbe fuhlr.e. ' , ,. " •.,..ny .!lne\,1' \hel as· 111"1r. Patri""es' new building: It runl dnJ u eannot ee' Without UeleiY!pg We beli.ve tllit . howevflr milch POi;pl.! I 1Jl~_. . tIbT ullteeotj~ receIVer» or peJ:sonll IIIV- ... ' "6, • n " b " , ~ 1 d- ...... talk gloomily nnd • 'lntt olleta of:luchib' diiJeolveil ly yelf! ",en. em. ele,prU<\u ';itl,le. • Jb'.In they. cb ' 'h' rlg._ h ' o~,'1"I • an d 11: ~- -..~ J tn Ga 0 Qf CII)CJnlla.tl callod a milltart ,el- , ae" alone eRn e , Obor. au I .AJ 'O\\, e - Wit eru! ., C:~paI'Il&iOll,. cOpy thereof, 'Or y. eoy , t th' 1; 1J igadler General' , , .. ,,' '" "aven the beggar thll~ ~rI8hea'l.for '" ,arit'vf ' tor'Q Ulltll COP1 the .. or tlie p. ofllge.... . Pay printe" And ;·bffaith. ill aingle 'lo!lf. I<illlams of t, Iiflluepce. ' The LR'iiUi .... .~ ..ee. ~r I~e, receiver 01' pe,abll ' a"Jng Our old mllal~ter.i~I .talia.ti" }l~llire Fol. lut to yOUII proia/liee. ," prilOoor 'Iookin~ foward .to· 1Ib«}~ thoti'gJi: 1" 0 IIph aaa!)1 . " ' kerth wna the ' Clerll of the Divi8ion.lo , '. "", " ' _ 1, , . bounHnd 80- tbe'"mind though Sec;. ,3. Judgmeq~ lind decreell i~ fa, in t~s art or the Stl.t4jj Ohio A B~OW freln ,IL f"tng.panp !-h!llJlib It W«:Vlod and I per~1exed. 100'" out rof ,.o.r ofl or Iplnlt.any IIu(ib dlllOJv~ corpord e J:an two or tbree DiYiil- may not hUTt I\UIllCII, Ii. Clllul1l'IY UIQUllh brlgbt and chee1'ful day. I ... I ' . I mr Tb, cldef m.en of tbe' kllown to bp Bueh,' generally lellves a. ~taill If dreamlD!f is'benUicj~l,'if.b.,.i,lding ~ras.ation Wheth~r such judptelltl 'and , ~w:eel werll ,~,dc~ befo~ or aner ~ch ·dluolu. Maembled fot elinnet at the 011 the reputation. _ U. iD the.llir i, an i~blfenliv~ ~t1me, I~t tton,ancl,wblc:b ialVe ma,at reI Pay",!teed lIt " ' Q A ioclolgelt, end whale we litlf tb"8 allY ti!'Jo hereafter bec:ome ~rmallt, may d :\I'ee~" at th~ table:an old fatmer~ ~ letter tlm~l, written i. 'I fll'et'tO ~e. mforted by.its genial 'heat. (l't'1Jl "ve be ft!\'lftd n flvor.,r 91' ....IJ" IUch cit.· tell de8r!nt named !Cub". C.D old cham of am,e&io_; and a l~ lultimeJ, d~ obr I a,tiaation wings tlI.oar ar w,i11 Ttilo 10IVed cor,t eration .1 tho caN may be. In u"no clouW,.) ~ down. 'The COl, lared', II U fUllt tG the ",hIe": _' "".. t eIre.mlaaa wheft! ........, at I~~t, , t
or le~oha G_al~il, ,t!if.
~pm'- l'
P~X£JI o-~
~hr~'el~~;::~:~r e:~! ; : . : : l~ ~iit~ l04~I!ll!a 2~,0I.l. ~Allnou,,~i~R " c~ldld~t!l' clfti~. t~l,e ~oint fot-~Ilch' D~mo; ea~no, :Jv~~1:~mont5
t~ i!
lin'" -. --.
n~llJlion., wlll'bll,CO':L1J11:u' ,~~i;iJ;y.~~~~bi;;;:~~~~~~
~ri:;:li~ o~!.0:a~iQ~~\b';:'~~~~_OnlY
S1 .
~ide-. '~~d
:. ~
:'k' IOTh~J,Or
,- -.".te
plltci\lv.or~l)' 1 Ungul.eh~1 ClJun~rJ ' rl~I'Jlh I~~. "'lOiji~ (h~coull~ry~nll. coua~ ti~
,he ,..
.nd I~ lailli~
or o.ayora~
~.Y cr~.m ' ~t
n tb ~\IS f~ct
're'I"eJlte~181ve'1I1MoIrlm'~i!ll, ~t,lIcttt
"':f!'CP'l. ~e~ m'ni.~
't. ~1J!a~ce o(~y U~~, ~jj.
t~or~" l~II~-J~O
t~illti~ ~d'J1e~bl\~ .orn.~
and corportlon. bI t.!Je ;Cl0fJlC!"lte d18lJOI:.e4 ID ~~DaunO .sameoftlJ!l!l~ot ~d -witb 1he like efl'ecu .. ,If /luclt ~xpo",~ion
~~nQ~. ~i~h·edi ,!I~ I~..ucuelloflu~b )".".eotl or de.ereea .'Det,an, llIeb c;c;r.
IIora\lo)).\be wnt llaire lad.. orolb~'ltoper procell In ~ tbe f·",t, manE!er Ib Ibln th be .....det4- ...... pre8C e ll:l e secon .vuuon 0 ""'. few tb~'sem<'e qf procell lD 1Uit. aitalut cllllOlv~ co tiODS. ' • IL_ rJIOn' . ---.... Wri.. ti£ ermr .. .. lahw 0 rev. cancer:) be Olay ue e I leCI a avor 0 few ,.or lIpin.t any lIuch di ..olnd c-Orponti~nt 'in ud hi itll corporute III 1M aame manner. lad with the .. if 10M tIOtporatlon were ' not ... ~ tMreon ,.,.aiD tea, .Uth cU.oI. Ii ' Itlon 1Ih~1l be llel'ved in the man~ . . corpor'L __ . an ' the seeond lee t1on ___..n .......
a' ,
'~~ ~n.JU;rrevi
'Pa~ IU~ ouxb~J'bi.'!.~ ·~I""fi
eer £.----' . tIaiI.act. ____
b •• rth,. e provwJOI1! 0 . e ,our of the eel inltltUtiDg proGI D ticmaI JIOt -
Sec. 5. u •L IIOCdo
i"ou~ll, _.,!Id:' 5
N~J(om better'~pllnt' ,
':t. .
~ ;!e7".n, :-..J
at........ ..='. . ---::;..:~:: .
JiN_,..tiUt,.wllCftiDlIO""-ortnCNI ztrotl
~. iii
thtreoflal.e been ape
1aI4_~.= .,
atockholdera diredara or
' ..
Iut~bo "ill eoullD9n Yi~Jy u.:J'" beioit:'
thu be
':i ~ ~~D 1.__ .. .... ...
,... ,,"*-hI1l'ft~l , T J1R; ~~.,....
(e~lo. tlOIIlln~nd.tiODl o~ the .....
• robber: who rot lbCl'-CO"llIetIlt1~ln aIolIan.nd ~Dta. " ' " -:-...: ID,,; who DOt tawa. ..Pret- hilJllelt . . . .bJe. IIut ...._ .. ~::=~~·C;:;; " e f tIIr 1 .boal 'I'becoaWt. lJypoeoutrilc; ...... 1IiII1Ij_r....... .1In';"-:-
_ '.
~iee. t'~~~!!R~~~r01~~~~~-:r
tboaa~ DR. i~~~~~~'~~~~;~G T ,,:~r!:.~:r.I~:J-"""_1JI' W "tI_.",.~~
,-on ...... • • .' '''' • ...... . It M laili tha' the NI.ken are laM troub- fte proud man; who (.u. in tbe eetiml- " " ndlgn.nt, -'If he ten teedl... ari t Jde'iU: till!t:r..,ith tbe aO.d thin an, other Ion ohenaibleobaerven In PrQPorliODut dolllra,oongratUlate,eologJle, embrace hIm li"l billlEinr pG\Yen,w clllfl of peiJpie. be In bil OWD." r.alinrllOt. to lIin' at the Ioall of a few hun to· ... (mpatie,ca deprivw man of movf!thent TbeeaYious m.nj wbocannot: life .k-l--.I _ t : . . P i d ,- hi d and pI'OIIIetity beeauae others _ ..-t qg --.r---' 1ft Impe.. QI to an,... Tfae dIIboa"t.manJ who IWI OWD Our ..rety U euJOtiIRa Ii~.naoac
~;IlI~COI~d: - , , or
a~d~~~~~~f:~~I~:'~:~"~~~:I~~, :~~~~~~~~~;a~~ ~.'l}ftI~:~
In conllcleraUoa or 'hI. ctl.. '.... D_ andotthil world.-Boming of the PQt.t., Guelte.~ cates or ft1~lOo"on "Ielta at ,on .a.1m an _te ad. 1. aothPtI' ,.Will, . fIr~~ relt, trouble. rovided ."eraJ rapt ~der ., movlnl ~arro." r i" d . 1 ~\' 1' ,' , ,KJ.. pttlnl blu,,_ on 'Tm D11l14;' BA. amf,ij)!e, Ie 'an wlatls biIJ ,late, . . . a ~l thlU II c:aa beat. a' lOoni1 tballutil 00\, tha laid ClUt iorJdcimeatic ••tisfaeti611. Ii \ban or 1I\e entlre anlmal.1i!blch ,"wellt, ollr ~Ih ,.&01. II pleued tbathil wlre:l. ~" ... ,,~n"l trM.~ ' ,1""'.... ..:.1 • . -. ' '~ ottier peopl:.. .-" .... e Mea. .... ancI the wUe'iI--leaaed r tbe Nflfort >t wiped ...... _ "-1' __ 1 , ,. f tlb ..... _ l · abe ia IO~"""'~: I' , ' "_.J ..'... _ .. ant IV IV'" nr ~. ,'" 0 e ....~~c• _ ' .I hl* ~I\gue, ,aap~..... UItI top, comiDI' under ~tl beM: . , , ... lilt', tho same, With the fl.v~r The je.lqua man' wile> poleoll,. bie own PLY Tao.-A p.tent Will gT8Dt~ at etlll upon hi. ~t.te. al«l lriife Ind ~k Iian u~t and then ~bt it ' Wubihl"oD: I..t -nelt, tl) • mid In Itueut III,d e'lle ilOtVD T'lo• mieer: to dftth acbUtlett•• for a trap lor a.tcbhlg tfien glance called out and "Colonel • tl.at :Itarv. • d::1t (or anoder o~e of clem that h.. hell.. may (eut' b" 11 hi' ' A man il taIuN .. be mable himeelf If II ed 11 Idea The mean lIlan; who ltea 0 • own valuable. . • • 0 ow on;W'1 • 1)018 \0 "pite hli ~;ghbor. I II. I:IYthboclf.1 0 :..;e I\, b~:: ' The an", man; who~Ja hi, PW1l boule, Proaperity il no' j1llt acale; ad"ers1fJ Ita upon e- orl.!!' , ,~ .' o~ on '&re, that he.., J,uru up hla D.I~~ the onll ttuo bal.nee to weigb a friend. ~cfI>, we 'can prove m 1n , ou .ny The .landerer; who tella talea1 ~ time. one of tbe Bencb, Ju2: Irwin III .eeoutecl 10 PJ:ODfll' III h ' by.. _'t to h I bl'a eDemya muce to ........ r'~" e hfiiD' aUIII' h'()::)-NoUII.Q, _ ' aYII11 """n an eye 1ft nP.8l. e woe Tbo eelfcollceited ~In; who 'ttach~ , .. COUII~I'.' properf,y: oecarre.n ce.-[Dayton Bulletl.D. more cotllequeJ1ce to dIgnity, thaD to com6:)" If yont boaom frie!ld begpn hi"", . . . eelr b~ baWltiD'" Jouaiel .chide lII0I'-11•
~~~'~r~l:~t·St~~C~rrl~;'~;:1 u~!~~!J tl~a war- ve:ti!h~l~e s~:~,r b
~'l"~ !!!!!~
t!I~~~I' 1~~~tlt:j~I~;Il): ~ueJf~i~~;e b~~~e~ei)3o:::U\~d )~r~~s:'I~i-y !~~~~~:~oQm
(ot ,a
, ror tho 1I111In;) Vll'o llOr rant ()r~hc A )cl!tor (If Stut 1 11r'l~ exce l) 1J1~ t other Lit1!l',) the Mid JlI~11 C6 HIli " rocf' d to (h'3 St,ttti "f Oll{o to be nJlprovf'd by tbe ! ~ c. 31. WJtoen~~r an on,ll'r hnlJ b I ~hI"ED1'N>II' \f'h" tolJo'lll'lng poem. eel 01 'r\ tl!~ P:t~~I~,ellt shRll recolVI,' ,HI other COl 1- '10 (,X~lIll1nO tho W ~ nesses' In . IIticnlln!lce. '! (Ilt'li{ ~or \ lie.lI ll.fe keqpin~ tllI~(\ 811Pl1or orJplncle 0 It fot tile r.em&~ul or n S~lIte' l>atien~ tl,om the Mss;"of Ihe--I-atIy liu~lIor, I tlunk benll' 1'1 $~ TI T ' " 1At leust olle~6f~tbe v ltllr.,'''~ eNIIRIIHed the fl!l-tl;&I'1t, )1 '6hll-Jt....be Qohvlmlll to aii Creln tli~ 86ylll0 tho lIul'crintcndl'llL shall tiCI,I, by gwlnl\' il a placo III Ihe "V1SHOr," you " ee, 7, ,Ie I'CD~\lrcr 9f State sholl sl!llIl be ~ l'eR pe ntn\')le "hy il"~n. . ffriends ; nI)11 nil pToce~dlngs 10 the l3u~e iI'nm dlntel" give"notice th reof dllY 111 will confer 0 favor. C,' M ~:I:~let trllnft~~ ~ e (l?lUIl~ nnd Shull j I S c. Hl H , after '~\C~ vi It lind inlluo/lt, s hidl ther JMn ' Cl1D~C, If, however, tll~ t officiaJ scnl, to the' cleri( ~f th~!l~ouri o~ REGRETS. r d c It I e ' lie lere U- or al'l,y l'ni:l- 1t 10 Justice lShull II slltisfi ed of the trulli contlition 01 III bOlla llq broko\)", the clerk common p1enll 01 til COUl1t~, from' whIch , Ani! ntUlt\ I bid 1\ Ion... fnrowoll D~ci'lltI Ce, fi):~ H~1\~n~l~ l~olll ell s~n ceJ ]Ie ~'I:;O rUC\Il' ~ct fortb In ~h e ~tn Lefl~t\l1t, th er may thQr 111'\)1 illf!\U6 hiS WIIITlln b fQi;. the ",uell 1>nti I'It wue Mt, abd tl)el'ru p(in 6\1eh To those dntlr csnerl AIt' who Co.lI 10.1 1, liS S~ll 'I is Ii 10 c 1~11.} Ie, us III other requlro th q mr dlcul \V (tnl'S~ forth- r.onvnylln 'r of tile potil!nt to th'e 1\ viII n, as clerk "hall fortllwltll iss\!e hi~ wljrrallt to 'l'J~c pnllgs thoLm fuy, btl30m .swell, r.uh'f!. .r. a ,10 r CO IV!" or li S (\TVI('('S , ~n I w ~j,l . to "Juffe Out n ct:'rliliclltf.', ~ lIch (\8 i II' t!ttl bonu hnd /lot be (1 e cuted: the herlfro 8nid ' count wI i h ' '11 ' (l~l, utll lu'ry 010110 hllndrcc.l doll urs , to bee 'eqlllrccl, fOT p'ay "o,tl ent~ by tho tweH'th ,.tiNe, 22.' When II Stut putlOnl, l!\ S 11 sillJ.lI be 5ubllttlnt{all 01;1 ~ Tp1I1} A~ tb~t ll8tl ~9u~IIl' paiU OUf ~l ()AS~I:le ~ro~sory, tijlOIl the sectioll1ot LIlli Deti thev hull likewise, to qle u l,tllO) it shlLlI bu the duly of the -Th e' Stot of ()1I10':' l'II\lOty s~ , 'I'ho~ lovely grovo ,tbo\1gh IIOIY 60 (lIlre, wn rrall 0 t 10 n Itor Il f Q . at • I thelfill ... vc~, Ibr lI~ ilh nUIlcc ~\ll a bill of c1e rk ' to ee that tho lJutlent is suppli ed Clerk' I tl (,,~. Will H(J I) I\ Wllh b~r~tll l" [ol1a ..o 1Ulr, Se '.8. Th e, tlllllerllltenlll'11t Illioli be f tllo tl) ol tb i~ inqll\l"t, us fix d b thi1\'~ wilhLhe Iro ) r lothln .~' ond II nototh r- ' , ~. .If , ceo Ie ,u~rto , , .Aml blo~Qolfl g , '1 lid lhu'bnlmy lur .yf LhetinltitrutiOu t ncbt. tllI ll 011 0 U :I(,!:tifi whI ch s be 11 \yjlje, h}'d, till' cIOr(' tI 16 I plrebfi8c Whc\,pae, proper •• I With ri chcp;rfulllol .~ 11\0' Ill. _. IllV" Ie ClUe all" con ro 0 cv- 8~\ h~iHIU Iy 08 ~I I'I,WII : , nlldllr'l such clli'O tbe limo shl1ll bo pnlil fqr, .rected thllt _ , a' Itt nt III th Ohio I. _ cry ~Ili ng coou ected tTiere lV ~tlt, L-Ie ,I.hull t'l /l S tato 01 ~h I O , - cOllnly, S8, up<lll rh e Qct~iftcute of tho c ark nnd tha Or. notic Asylum, fro 111 ~hl~ cuunt (lue remo~-
om '
S 4 lfth , C~, 4. " , ee"t~te9ftheldlotortu_ , ~h~ ~l1ljf IX(,~UtttC ~m:er Il.~e, ~(ll lurn~ ~he n~I~~ o~\,P~:s·di_ !1:1;:~I::' Il:::o~:~~t, eb~Jjl~~ ~~~a~ly bbe !~nrdillll in lik y ...o e I r$' lllu lie ba ~~~:Ier, aud Ii e proc.eed~ itn~,I~g~~;Y!~~:~t:~ ~;~ I~~~~:ll~!~~;~, ellJp.py !;UC~ ,1I~elldlll\lS, Ot'SI ~untl1' ntlrsc$ ~ . T hq \llJlI('rslg~llll, JU tlCCS Of t.he pence {lor (if lllO QUnly uudltor, O\l~ of Inc COllllly 11, from Slll~ naylu!)\" ¥ou !r~ th rdl re U>~I~w I~r thep:ttl!m::[ ~arthbe. req.uired Bow Slid I'll be wlloll 10m gone, 8l' rvunls III) o~ er H rijl) 11(1 , Ui> I Olil} tlonl( 111 II'H] ror (h 0 nly ulon'sa id, hereby ter- trt'I\~Ul'y, , I hcre llY commalltled (or~hwiUI to 'remove elitnte /of d \ ' e 11180 vo~t , .Awl!y frolll yllo, proEI{tIUI,clI1lJY Ilt, 111,e: I I~ Idljfl\~~g t1\lf'nl' l ti ly titu t we Ililve vi ' l! ,<I' -, ~f th e tSiIiJ' " li'!Jr n lI1 ~l a , p \le nt, such e1othing ' shhll nitlllntlent, nhd re turn him to - - toW-oSl!~. 4~. ~CTr.eaIIO~:~~n·~1 d' t , ~JI ,.,. l}~l gB~ IOw~ Vi:r, l :.I IU ~lI lJllct l coUhty , II person ,qll('g:cu 10 be ,1I1!;nnr, and b u', (1)1I 0 \II8 , $hl". in \1)111 counl)", ~ he'rl'l he hod n Ie 'ul (or~i n Idio- or lun',lti(" a . ar Ion 0,. a An, when away froll1 Jullll'8 sulc, ~! the threct(oD Ilnd cOllttol of lhe bOllJ'd 01' 'h~lIe 't.hl li d l~Y heN Ull inqJt st in T()gllrd to A COl1t, veol , nnd two p;nr 'Of pnntnlQlln I gettl I11cnt when he WIIS tllken to SllId a~y- olhe!Stnta 01 ~the U~ilf/(js~t!:!e'ln ~1 {III wliutn I've gnzed eo QJ~ \vIIII pride, Irector!\. , hllll) ac i'll/Illig' to IInl·. "Ve lire slltls6ed 1\11 01 wool('n cloth ; \lVo pu{u of woo I It j lUllI, ' , Te ~r1tor'¢s thereor mil 0 or e Who t who s holl chock Ih rI IlIg Iida Sl;!c. O. ~119 8upcrintel:den~ 8)1 11 \1 b n 1 thot he IS In~tl n ~, that he has II, legal set- SOr led, t",o pov ll et hllndk()r hict~, n hlucf{ Witn/,! Ii my ' balid IUld scnl of offiae Ibis or. dl8PO$O of theT~~r nn~ p~r:~~so~' ':;::a~a~ .-Of surrow's, floo,!! ,un, up. I "O~ 0 uc II ? '" edged I ~I rtlOll t i n - . to\y ll~hl p, III thin CO!Ii\ ty, flnd stoel, or lI uIlIll, l'clllei for the ncc k; a gpod ''-- !l'lY of - , A, D. _, ' h i l ' l w:ird , Ilitullto ill this Stllte In Iiko eo ... and ,l.\bil ~ty _ II 1\11 pl'O~ ~~lol1.Hc 111 n, cltit cn 01 tl~e St ille of Old,!! ; thll~ ,ho It U\ 0) luI' or lIi1t! , Cor com lortublQ n)l .) U IUII\\cdlllt ly u nn .receiviu such ,wnr- IIl'r lind with like lIutborit ~ man~ And who will thon ~IIPllly Ilto plnee, IIOt Ilttc tul to ahy other bUi tiC 's . lIOI , III a ,fil l!l lbj ect t;()' l)~ /Jallt to ' the 01110 Lu pllir ot' t;ho II nr boot nnd ot] Bst j to lit ; i~ ehltll lJ.o l~e dUI 01 IQ~ sherin' b il\i;\s or lunaf c o t b ~ardlan,. OJ Qfmy d Hnr !lI,1rn \VIIOS" ,!Illilo O!1l1 ohlllle, 1!;lfi!lgf i~'itbei pruet~~ Ofh' 5 pr9f~I'S1 0 14 olltl ~utlC 'I\. )111111, tI,l,Ull (!OI:gQ Ire'llm nl there - two Colton. ~lnrl , oud 8~eh Ol\t IIle gllr- him!3c lf deputy, for~1\vith to exe~lIt~ this State, nl\o~ ~~~II;I;In</ ~Jihcdurt~ l~ ThoslllltJ O\\ 8 {rolTllllYcl \ld~d tIICI.l, 0 Ie I! ttl!tll": , e &IO U nu~ e nhpceo- IJl, ,~ l)tI.~ h IS.1lI " ,('IIy ' elr IImsLl1 l1li'K, m il t 116 \ 111 jnl ttiitl nH)' {lr te t I)lm ill tIl e linlllfl IIlld rQ"urn", it I",. tho 1l1 !)'1• .b cui Itlons. p • I~ u 'E'en wben 1;/1) 8od d cal ! , , cd I,ll ~"y CNm il1;t1 ctJ , {llIl 'I!'~ ~ I! c cour t, or r w~ llll ll IhQ llle" ~JlIS' ~l [1\(1 nct rcllt'lJ\g. to Sel'I' 1e 1\ C'ol lu:r ., whom It \VUlt i~s Jl.'d' nhU if Oliy ,:leTk' upuft \l~t:Cntien'ted OilY of th r,' I.... l AI '1 k I I In \ oc,ltlOn Ii Jrl,!g(\ t lerti'o l, ,til Dl ul,c , a IlolOl!:! and IlIn n~,,::s , und lh t illS dl co i!:l FQr ~, femll 10 , pa \.iC'nt. Bllch clothhlg receiVing duch )IOt/ C<!J iihQIJ re/usc or n(!g~ o'n oridioc 0 I e ~ro ... ~ . now 'I ~ va Il 10 \ I'CCP, s p CI.d rtiC'r llllt n IfIiL llccn,u 11!~\I0, 111111. In 1of le-I\ tll ,lIIl twq ton&~' u l I nti61l [if the It/lfl bl! li S fllll(M s' - TIN) sUOfStulltHl1 leet for the ace of' 'five duys to (s~uo. t!'\d Ilnd 1'eCQt del i~ :a::e!oJ:'~""::h~ . ,~~1 ~~~~~~~r ';;~;(I,I~r~ \t~I:~~~'J:~.SI(J r, lJuch Ill':,j IMm~l;aa~dot' bl suc~ urd e r shull d{RE'U8 hfi~ cunt!.lIIlf'1.l Jongcr_lhnn h\tO yo 1"13 go wns or drcstS~s, tI b Ilo,nnel POttl OUts, pineo Ih (h e ~UI\d6 the gl,l' iU;' or if SIII.')1 t;\1\oh estute is situate, in Ilke minner Q ~h M> I Iglf ,CSIII,or~e 1~f1IlI\ Ie u Jloon u. f\ml ~ ,!lllt ,\ o!ds 1('$01 th llll llVO YCl11'al uure- two p ilird II'qulltt\ tOcl!1 l\gf " OM , p:J.ir 01 NI Tjfl' lIho ll rei n (\ lQ r cj:liv tho orne, I orlJ)uy belro'lic.led by low'forthdndmi.. • 0 "r" I re \Vl ICC ' JQ j fll II I 0:1 ~ IIIJllnycd In the I li oo , IIncl lJ1 l' rt tlJ o ~ fvll l)\\'Ulg III tllIJi!' J)O~ 8, two hutldlrel' hiel, , I) dQcolI hOl mct,' sll hllucglCl 'lt for the spnce-oJ tw~oty' d sIan tu recor of'>att Illuthenticated copy 01 __ __~ ~ HY I/m, wil e llcmp 0Y(>II. shull be ('x cmr l l111l ('j more ~h n ll two Y<lu ra' dUrlllloll. i.lOt u ~ I ~it t til 6 colt tl chol1\ises, Dud 0. lorgo Jtflcr recoivill" ~he wllrrant to detnllild a will mndo in tiny othor of' the United l~tlr tho Mi llin; Vi llitolr rOIt\ IIe IVI on JUI'I('~ , Irum wo~ klllg 0 11 wo aro, w II !Itll;fj('d l\tut hit! bl': lO" nt c(ffi\l ort,lble ISh 111\ lor Qlpnk. patlEllit oC th: iluperiJltelUl~nt tho IIlien( St\ltee" , , j «OING TO CJ'U R OIl. the I D II~li. l~ ~\lned of l peac , I.n·otn ljlrge would be d) .ug rOils to tllo surely QI II I both c.l)otQ~, th o ilrticlos or clothing shuJl be chorgcll !",Olll tIle datk qf t~e. no- '!I. Evld ~C~ lIatiBfoetory to tl\eeonrtb~e , 1111 H ili. li n t Ie ce rll.l cu~e Ie ~?mll'lulllly ]1ttll be new, 01 uti g(J oo os new.. find Ihe tt Ce to the olerki U1llil his removal o,t the before whom 6uch forei Q commlNion a SoIll Q IP 10 Church hmglt nn ]I nl k, umn.~l!n~ont !::HI(,II t~le ~~elill ~cnl D ~ ItU()S8 (jur hand, this --- uny of - , A. wO(l l'lls of ~ durl~, colo'r, Stich c!othUlg iI!Im\l rates os poy pULialltl!, lInd ~ll~ amount , that' such idio~y 01' Junacy .till And emu: gl t1.erc 1(> tnlt<lll W(\ IlI. , c I.'n Ollie noe 0 au I l'!tl P oy- . ••sholl b(' tl ,Jlvered In 'good order, With tho 01 lIu ch ohnrgcli mny be recovered in nn continues ' ~le ll, . A , JC' n, I SIIperllLUiI'l " ucnt,. Ullu-, W It I1- IIC t'1011 of" os mnpslt upon the common 3. The'•(oroaoihQ' gunrdiou tlJtalrtU<> hi. $orlle g t II ,)\' !' lIle bOild onl (il (:e, S '11 'J1J - III' Put'''' 10011 t , to 11(' Orah w Iholr own, With II1 l1i[ ' ~rn~!l, t ICC' r' 11 I~ S n,lITI bfom ~3l s of HIQ- , > C , )}. oul Slld l clo)thingl IhIJ soperill\(, lIllent ~hilll counts, ,"th CO ~B of "uit, -.jll the nnllle of ond \\Ith su';~I'i!s rtlaidlng ~n this State or Rome IlO on jlurpas lime 1-) I 11lISY Utl\ l~e( s~y 1I11'. l> III e pUI quart r~ S ec 17. H, after Buch vi sit ond lllfjuest not be boulld to loceivc th o IIntl c-pt. ' the -Slip eriII 10 nllol'lt, ngolUc!t tho clerk to 'he IIceellwnce of ,.... ~rt ~Uc I S'~!V" Ul:l tl~,,11 wi lh frq ,I wil l. , \l~lt It:~ ~! t-e tl'~;S~I1'Y' U~bn I (! w:ar- the J I~!>t~ ceb, hall I\ot be ~ isfi od 01 tI\e ex- . }Juc. 23, It' til e c1 'rk shall' ncgleet to tlh ~rJfi' ~o uO' lI~ing, " ! f\lt ~he fllithfu 8daU .. iatratio': ' t ill 0 ~ IC "u ItUT 0 Ill. ts ll'll ce rJ ( (-'I ther o~ t,he 1 11~ ts.-!leCe~s l1ry to tSsue and deliver o ; t]le proper I,or On u S oc. 92. 'Yhnl1 a Stale pliti<llll ill illnllhip. . ~;JII ,}i " \1,0 )1(,~f;J \\tl, wdl I bp II)' I r. .A,?m, ION QF' :lY I'ATfllNTS, & , he ~e rlitiEIJ, to mlllt;l . the .person QlI\)g~ilto, \\,arrunt Jj)r the:ciffiYe}fii1\C~ of th il l1ubcnt charged nil cllrell, the 8~perit1t(lmlellt Sec. 46, Whedevt'lr tlle Clourt o( CIOIII'l', I:r g~\\lly Ilresij, I\ ilh prdud urrlly , ~ c, 1",. Uefo,e 'lIlY, porson 8hllll he rll- 100 In sr n~{ to.l Udlfllllsibn IIlto thQ II y!um,' to th e UI\)'IUI) I, OJ:! I1crelObeforQ rCij\lireil, or IlIrniilh him \VIIII /luitnble clothing . dill ~on pleo~ q any rea:ular r II dilll term ~~:lI" lr~~'1 ;;~; :;~o!'t~'~I<l~I;;I~';~li't1 ~I IY~dlrtll \he hlSj/lllt:l'~l "~ II puy )'l~ti('nt, tltey : " :111 mpke Ollt a 'c('rtlfi onte In the If th e p\)rson to whom the ",urrunt IS direc- 8um 01 lllonqy not ('xceecJm" tweiuy dol- thereol~ Ih'all be 8ntisbed tJ~~t rJunatic i. VIII" h"l ~- IQr wlll" me(J 10111 (.1 v"l, I r s )U 1(1 pro uce ,0 t Ie i<llpellfltcl,l- ~unte ~()rm II lllt that reflllll'cd J!J' the preece- lod IS I\!I II ~Iot, \\ ithin fiHeen doy /,l ofter the inrI!, If be d~'enl it Ill'CCSdary." , restored to rCI\~Qn o~ that I tters 0'" gual'dl• ..,, ' r. ,. Ing i;.l'c~Jon 01 tillS a t; setting forth the II - rocC1 ptcth reor, de liver till' pl\licnt ttt the f Sec, S3. No ill/at IIhlllllta b.dulifteil in- IInl!ldphave beeo' hit/naper I illluiid 'unCler P! ~ ,I "'V': ,'" m! UlnUC:l: e.n 011. r.,?I;<! t;eu.eutor iii receipt ror hq pny- cc~ ",'Y lu cls.(l i whl eh they Ul 8;tt!ijfled; ulltf asylul1J, thll clerk OT perl!on so offending, to the Dsylum, nnd every flU h pu-tient t,here- this a\lt theyehall !Duke a~ entry u n " ' 1; g t tllk u 11 ))11 ling 'I" ' ~ 'I:::~:: . " rot IllUit 0110 mouth'/!- churg.e In 11~- , tht,) l) ec.~sRIlJ·Y fliet or "fo~tlj 1vfJlch urc 1101 IIIIUIl forre it the slim 01 filLy dollora, to be In eltllll I.\e dlscharglld, '!lnd l'Hl hl,,\Itio nder tJleir jot:rl'lol Ibat suid lJl\ardi.....hip • .':1. Of f(l,.l~l flll'\1 ~ul, Ill! I III ·k nnJ h1l1; '"'I ~'':::: • •• , II! tl.\ t.lI .. llI'd to tI~cir n.1lt1foclJon. Tho ITI ree,w6r/l~ w'f'1 "(lllts, jn IIction of d bt, Iii the o~e of !levell' yeur!! holl .li.e admitted. naljl: and tho gual'dianshJp 8hallt t.tiereu,on Wi lil \\'3 1110 '1 ey e nll,1 h~uglll.\' ll1~IO Jr, A :luA"tei~n Lobhg~tlonl " 9ndl~IOI1~ClI\S 'fea1 \', itjJ('s;s :;11\1.11 u l~1 n;t\litl.l O\\t n c~llifi. tho nomc of the ';'if~l i'I~'n~c lltl tor the 11$& Sec. 34, II 0]lllJicnItOri 6hnll be mude for ceall('. and the aCf.O\lotll 01 til" .auarcban. '1'h~ I ~ k ClU~ rVl\j)[ til Iter Illilner rcqlllrcd. cilto, u[,ovo required. , o f lI\lch PQti Ilt. 'And lr anY, iHs(llle person .. ;!tnl/jslon 01 morc pullouts Uran t1leinstilu- I:Ihijlllhall be set~led by the court. '1'IIIl 8",n\,)11 ,II/n· - the I1r~Y l!r (). 'r, Jn A ceMlti clltc from s')me l'e8 p oc ~oble S ec. 18, .immediately n.l\cr tho ill/IUCRt, sholl be onvcyed to the 11 ylol11 be fore the ti<,)n Mn 'recelve;.Il olettlun CIIIl bo IIJllde V, 11)1(11'8 ANI} LUIUTlC!$ III lAI i.~ OIL u.n. ' ~'I1:1 g 1~B D$ CI"p,t}' as hc:oro. J1hy~i ciunl't;elll ll~ lurt1lIIhc j! s tlceil shall trum;! lit to the clel Ie' nl supcrillt nde nt s h;llL have glvt'h notice 1I8101lQw8: , !!ENTElHlE A~ 01I1MJ'1I'ALS. &c. ' 1: 1'llll.~ the plrtlent Iii free rrOIJl tillY ill- ] till?< Omlll()Il "Ieo<l 01' such county. th> 1101,1 ~huf he COil ~e rcee1Vfd I~S h'erl' jn\iororO 1st. llcc t'lt cnllC!! '(I. e.) w11efe dill c,IiSeo. li7. Il 'uny pel'llon In ~rllO~, oll.g\-4,1.. :Il ~ ..... Ih,r" 10 <J4W't :I 1\., fCClI OU, ~ISCIISC, nnu IrDI/) Verll1llt, '1~ I(li mort, III I\'rltllliJ', 'the ~"I 'or COJ'l~B, pro l,lcd. no J'c (>!l or coll1p~n nliotJ whut 'v~ 8t'ull e is of les8 thah ono yenr'iI durht 011, ell with R crime or milldeme ....or. whether ~:~l!,tj~i~", ~1:1\~1I~::II:;/~~~~! ~::I~t~:~;r:v. 2 . '.rllo alto vi (he pbUcnl, Ilr.u tl con cise Itl ml eel tili Ollte, Illid thut or the llI!ldicl1.l er i;jh' llI be PQld th(l~e. .1 y Whom lt~ "' (11:1 8)ldll die prertironce ov r nil otl~er" ill oirc\llnfItnncell or !)ot..... n aUaJ Alltl tnt k a ~\lt III 1"1 .. 1)hlll\\ r\ I),. II ltllll'rl. 01 tho Cq$I.'. II'j(Jl~ The c1clk shull IlllJe f) file, Ilnd so cu nv~y d. the snme! cOunty. • bt'ibre Indictment I. IQuI\d ~nlt lIill hl'lI Jellfc", i ~ su i.( h'l L~ ~I1 \ II r lll~ dUtllll9\1 or tho dl :jc nec, dltlln" t;ll, c! lully PI e l' rVI' tho !lame, ' e '. !!4 ) Cony {lorsoll cOllveying 0. nn2d, ' hranlc lise" (I. ~.~ wllero th\'! Ill· !tim, lit the Teqjle8\ orallY Il,iti&en, be brought rray IUllg . 1 w !mfC tb uy CU" llo .. PII. CIIIllI iirst Sylll l/ WIJII! • ·Sec. ll), 'I'he JI.lI, tl eo with \ !Jorn UIC lielll to UIC Ullylul11, nndel' tho Jlruv~ltlolts SClIBe III or'1uQrc t!tllll Qne ~ear'lO durati(111 belure "n eltu~lning court ' In the' manner 4, 'I' l C ~llpl'Osed e,~C lill g I:UI.\~C of th di - ttllen)(1 llt is filed I;\lIa\l Inuke a d ~ket 1.'11- 01 I.hi", net, s ball coultoy !luoh pall IIl\ in rrelHmtlng the mOilt fu.Yorl1b e peo~ provlUed in the ocl entitled 'fan .ct dreclio, AII.J D'no Ih ~t'o Ilr~ III ,\n tl Gl: cd cn'l(;' ~ " I try 01 the prvccedlpgil. , COTTJIJ 1I~ With C'lmillll\1! g91tlg' to th'c MUi,C10I/Cr)', shall b~ ,fleltt pre(el'tt1 . Ihe modo of trial i~crjlhinal c~." pwec1 Dil r" ; lIy !!,l II) 8MY,' I !' il LII"\, Ii. Wh olh llr Ih e Ili ' I.'Dt e I ii lte ro!lilnT)" 1 Sec. 20.' The cletlt oftha c(lurt or 'om- (ellllli~~? or flht!\1 ~utrer lIu(lh pilticnt to 3d. Those lor wholn IIppllcations hllvO Murtb 7Lh, 18Slj (,(;olJatlld \S\4t: 1U.) Tu Jlrll l~e l,i.1I I~ hi. h lql!~hl lf" ;J~S l, , 6. Whotlll:r lh jJatlC'1 t hilS been Hub· mOil plcns, llllon rccelviujt the cerllll r;lIte drhl~ ur~ nf p!(i ts, the per.i91l ~ tOllvey' been lou«ellt on file, other tllIIgs belltg nnd If It .hon be fQund by the court tbJl l\nd h~~ hiu lIl u ")' Ii Ih" IU.,jl _ • J ol to C'rJlel'if,I'~' , of t,he twulju li es a)ld 61' tile mqdlllul wa- lug birfl 11110 Ius l1.!ls1:staut", lihul~ fvrl'e it 1111 equql blill be next prererred" ~uQh l,er\101I wllSllhuliot or wu In'nnewbeb 'rlter r an"h kll!dr~II, 1\(1, 10 {Ir C!l :UC 7, "VII 'tile r d~e P},tlOl1( has mllde nny n(':;os.. 1111111(1 o.ut uc(lQruing to the slxleenth c1uilll, to tile COO1PI.!l1!iUt!OIl allowed ~hem, ,~th., No ctlnnty allan have in the insti- he CUHlInitl,Ct! tbe ofllmce. th said court.at itb 'eivc lei, ~I 1, iii Ih~ o.....p Ii II", UUi'lll,1l t{) C\lUlI\ut v IOle II Cl,) upon h1m elf s l'cllon 01 lhlll IIl; t !i11)l1l (orthWlth ltJlply lQ by 1,11111 1IC.t. tullon tIIore thull ill< Just proporllo I lIecor- their dl8cretion, nnd the c1letk thl!n-o(, .h.1l 'C'IICIt......llIt UpClH IJllll e. ry u y, . Ot oHi" re tltp ,.uperi ~ IlIk llt I'or the ' a(j1l1i ~~I)fI 01 I~. 2~, If 1he clerk of tho cOllrt of ding to irs pOII\lltl~IOD. pruceed. and IIle rrimuot aIulll .he. dealt :t\l hom ~', ahr,m ,IuHl ,Ly \hl! W ~Y, ~ 'rh o tn rllli "lllll'entnl(lnt I!ursu(>d in the p;uch Jl rS(ll1 intllilte u"ylulp. U c 'hull II COIIII \.In pI .."., .. hull tfanemlt to lh e su/ler6th, Hi,! di tinC!10ft Bfwll LB motle be- with in Itke manner ' ,. uthi)f idiolJi .tld -C:-~lIlr it t ~ch('s Lhtlll to l,roy, ca~e, ao\1 \lilY olh!)!' CI!'t)lIl1l11 UII\COI:l known f th I' ll I ' ' . , I f' 0 I g utld ~ biB iut mdcllt II C rlllkutc, ull~el' hill oHiclIIl tw!:ell 1'111 putionts ind Stute p~tlents, ItlnlltitJt life requirOd to be, .fter ibquNt J\uu hillY II) !18k 111111 Whnllo )/t!J LII(' l)hyslclllU , tClIUltlg to tin \"iT, lllrtbe~ om 'Iul t;(>ol, of all It! certificatos. Upun re- Sl'rl ~ t\i! tll1g orll t at nil) sta e pll I~ut If! SolC. 3iS. Ptittper Idln~l!J anti I not heJd by tWO/'Ullt/Cell. v 1\111), ~II ~h~JI glo fy III I1IIll '; hg'ltl upon lJIC subJC' ·t. " ./ "t!ivlJIg tlu~ UI~lill U{iOII, 1)1111 Iud eel tift· th e ullyJUtll frOm hl~ count · is no longer i'l wllliin the provi~ion. or thi", n(l~, Sec, 48, /' aol' ~ ...on,' .bDll after the It.hd n pllrl.1 tClIlJllc tl~ J Jlr litn. , N <> Ilth ' I' pr(l()Cl~d.tlgr! slwll be.ncoes8IJ'ry <'tltcs-t Ul bltiUrlC"lIItc hlleut /lhllll I I1lUledh~t\l- 11 o,etly cir .111l\l'Itt\IICCSI withm t11c mUllning ditlchl\Fgl d from tho u8yJum. shull be pro- commillaion of 8t1 o/rttnce. IIlJd 'rore con. , L U.£,." \ 'I fur the udmitlrliJn ul I"'y pati enl8. 1)1 Idl'l<c the clerk ,,,helher the plltient o)' th,," ti C , Ith..-r the reccil1t \If thiK cerUlI- vide" lot ill the eame IOUIIJler a8 other \'iollon, become Insane, whethrr he ~ In i 'I'hc Ql1J i~l'lltiti fl Ir,cl1tiolled shull be !lub- oun lJe rEI: ('ive.!, !Ind if su, lit wI/at llt1l ~ .- .:ut~, tlte puLicut shnlllJe, II poy putiqn; ; and popr. . ' ' ~ needy circumlltance~ or not. Dnd ~bether !e~~~~========~====~ n Ho lly ,, 'toll uws : j Tho olorl, /l1\uU tlll'rettpOJl, III due SE'Il.S<>1l in Ji ueh cu e!;j cllargCI; IIhulJ Le IlIa~1'! out Sec. 911. When tilly Stille patleat indlctl1d or not, an examinln'gcour1may be WhOI'IIQS-, on iu sane per 011 of-, in] (ur ~he ('ol1veyul1cc ot uch p¢rtll,ll) to the nllilllllirl. 11.11(1 a lIond sh all be n..~ Icquiretl, charged /rom the asylum all cured, called in ,the 1nanner provided in the acl I " Iho county of--, hut! IIIlS d,IY be!'n utltnil- u yilltn , by the tllnc upjJOllilcd, i!l(luo 111 IIs !n ~ Ih r I'ilse$ of pa] Ilatll'lIt . ti¢nin beeoJlJe Ill llune, !lny Trspeatllbll1 act directing \)te moileoftrilll IPnb1il'-h r.\l b.v AIIUIOI it ,'l I tc(\ al:\ II put) ent in to the 01110 Lunntic A ~y- warrUfll to tJ1C ISh rift, (jr Iftiy b UICI' S\lItu!<irc: 20 II: uecordll1g to lhe rosoh 01' (jIllion mlly tHo With the olerK of tlie ", pa~Bed M.1'Ch "lb. 1881' A~ ,o\:l.J'j' lor Ihe I'll" rIll I'll III thB I)I! 11'1 J ' IIIII/ 11/1)1: ~uw W' - - , Of ~I!e COUflty 01-, bill rsou, ~Imjlll d ndflll& 111m lorthl\ It" to ,the iolql\(!llt , lIy two- JII~tice ',the pltticnt 0: COUIIIIOII pleus, ~ certlfiolltfl,';etting fo'rtb 724:) 8nd II "\.lch co~rt iIh.li lie Asylu/ll, bJl~ .th 1J~'lre ur ' Ithow 11.1111 IJI ' Ill lh tl S LI~tt' 1]1 01110, do J mtly 1I1id 8 vcr- UII'C lS\Jb h 11\ 1;.[11 0 pOl'~OIl nnd ct-nvey J 1111 t;hll!l b o flllIllLled to ullmisslon IIltO 'hr usy- llle recurr nce , 01 ~Ie dld(1nse; lUlU such II,ut 8uch P'IrlUnli ~~me iOliaDe afiflSllll, ! nlly promiso the Upelll\t(\ nU¢o~ of thc s uid to the hiD LlltI'lt!C A9)lllln, ] 1 tIle clerk hUn, thc cle ric shull dlr ctho\V he hulllJe fuctK, nnd G~lggc llOIlS Tel~ting thereto, atl' tbe commldllioo oftbe cr.illlo or DlfJdeJ. Al'l'JIl,f'1'l:"fo- l'owcns .ANt) DUTIES OF Illl<ylnlll, 1111\1 h\ tl I>lIIlCC!i~O r III olnco, thut woo h stl,tillfi t d 01' ltl' 111.'1 ()I';~i ty lie mll Y outhor- ,"uk ell rnrl) ot \wlil he CUll be I1.dll'\itted, oud he nllly (Ieem materllll; ~pt)11 n;ceiving mellnQr or whieb he 8toOda cllarged or: in• OFFlCgas. will luillll'lllly tJlllllltulU SlI{t.!-/ und liM - l iz ' one or more u &i stunts to (je pm ~ Joyed, II Il l! us '11 y, may direct hj~ conti/lemont spe)1 c(ortificl1.t(', the C\ll!rk shull 'immedlate- di(lll)", aod il "un InBlilIOt t&e ..Id court 8 o.c.1. TIe it Ilna.ct~ blll~ G neral A ~sem. I in I'llfficicllt lind suitu~11' cl9thing, wllTir - ' S.lid Wllualll shaUlJc s\lb ' tu HI ally aoS Ibl- , In Ihe (lOUII~J punt lioll~e or cou",y ~u!l, 011 Iy trunsllli~ a eop~ lhereol, allthenllcnte'd ana clerk \heMO'; .hlll proceed, alld the blg of lIvi SlaleQf Oln'o That Ih~re shull ~e 11 mUy1'emaitr in 8uid a,;ylumj that we will filii s: • he mny de~II' bl'ilt ; and i I all thiJlgs need- lIy \lis vffichllseal, to tbe IInlleriJlle,\~on ~, prisoner 8~11I for 'the time being! an~ unlil prClluicmt \lIId six aLiter diract.ors or the- lIlolllhly, hCTeuftCl', 11.I V in ndvance 1\11 ohllr- f '1'f1c State of 01110, - roullly, 9: illl be hot otherwise fluppliell, lle ~huL) Inr- oud IhElr Upl'/Il tile ,ume proc edlllgll shall ~r.pred torellllUn, be de~toWith to-Jike manOhio Lunllt cAaylllm; th y altaI! beuprom- 1!Il:l 01 I!uld ~ylllm (igain L flRIU putl Ilt. Offi ce 01 tile Clerk uftlle Court of 0010- I)ldl them; Iltl~. in such CUB!!, lite Ilur,e be hut! ill ull rello"c~ 11K when the certlft- ner 08 other lunutil'll are tequi~ tp be, \ltd I)y J!.!ill~ rt'8ulmi6n of tha Goneru All- \V\l III~I) ugree to n ' Il1OVQ ~UIU potlPtlt rr m mOil PII!/I!;. Til - ' t shuU Utl pUld !Jut 01 the courily treo~ury, on C\~te of the juc!tiue holding the 1!lque1lt W08 alter Inquellt hll"by two jlilt.ice'i Pt9y)decl INllllllly. and I!lhllll SCI \'0 tlix y ears, find until t.be usylum wh('n rCrtllired; 10 defruy rt'(ISWhcrc.l\s !III thi) r ru'ceellings neccI>fury \ th cerlilicutc oftha t'; Jerk aM the orullr 01 tr:1Il I'llitled, howcv~r, thllt iI' luch lunadc he dilcliarpa, thojl'llucaessQt8 lira IIP\l{)inted Wb n II on,llJl e churrrctl in Cli tlO 01- elol1enlellt, o)ld to euUlle - to lJe uunll lled ~nto tile Ohio t tllo COUnty o(ldi1or, Scc. 3'7. Wh~n any perljon lfhllJl be ~ojJ- the bund given for hi. eupRC'''- Ind ..fe vQcii\ey-mmun;dnring-a rocoss or th!> G 'n" l to re,illllJlIt~e fUllorll1 expellllcs in c .. se u 1.1ljJnliC A }4t-m1, us u S WW-;»llll'nt. j'l\'Cr f'ec :17, Nil Itlibt Qr luitatie, flen Ie tlnIJd 118 Insone, .. writ of' habeus kacl!ing, sbnll ol.~ be cc\"diUon'Ad. ' thlt erl,ll4,slICOlbly. it 811-111 be filled by the Gov- -rleulh. < , b 1m fj ;J.t! ilC(,UIl!iUl!; lo luw, Ytlll nre hClclly ' CPQIlIy' Jail, shuU, If it '~n'l b a\olded, ha .mav lie iR uCd 118 in ()titer .cllBc8 for his is- ~uid IUllutie shall when reffore,l 'to rellOD, ('In?" Ti,e J?CtIWn BO UppU11ltKlt! 11111111 F rvo \Vih.ICl~S OUI hnntl$ ulld seuls this-dJ.ly commtl ll~ed I~I thw IIIl to Ilrr(l"t IjlJld p!lr..u/I coru 'ned HI th e Bume, rOUI\1 \Vilh 11 per8PIl (hllrge, nnd the qUfla~lu!1 of iQ ulllty shall an~wer to Nld C!rime or- mitldcml'anor•.•nd nnlil an appfllnlnlCult Iii oi:lde by the 0 0 11- of -,:AI D 18.-, --, ~. S ] OUdlOI\\' Y lum 10 "njd 01\)'1 m: ("nd you c;llI~ rgrd wllh or CunVl 'tlld 01 cm~e, lJe dllcidl'd lit tJle henrmgi l'ruvlu6d, thnt libIdo tlal' ortJ,r of the court In the pre.mllle.j or,,1 A~8ti'llJbly. 'rho perdOn "ppuillt!lLl Ily , - _ - - , L, 8 1] ur hereby nllUulI ized to t,!I,e to y ur Ilil.!fSec. 28. Wh n 011 idiot o~ IUlw tic not if the j,-\dge shall deCide that the }I~l!on iii nntlllny IDoh, lunutie mill. when reltored thoGltlleral A cmbly 8h8\1 8l' lve out. the SII/), HI, If there hull ~(' n ua ance' iI, I1Si;ls tl.nls, If,dcCIllCd nel.lfEl"ary bv ),ou,) - CD\IUet! III nGmis!<ioll into the atly,llIm n~ u ~n8i1nl:. thl" t1~CiK iull shall bo no bor to the til n:ntlon, ~e fltoll8Clut.ed for Iny, offence I'C.'IIldue of~lIe tbrnl of the person boldiog tIl\) trI'USUJ'Y oj' \he inl!utution to the creuit A I\ e t cxeeuting Illls \\ urrullt, ~ ou I'holl ' .. ~u te putlfmt, hull be ot lurg·, ulld thlli iSKlleillg or IInother writ, wbent:vcr it' !lUaU oommitted by; bim p~vlotl. to .\Nih illllani.tlll' al'Jl.qintm"Dt whon the VIlCUllCY OcCUI- ' of the pilliellt rellll1\rd lrum the osyltun, j mnk!c due relmn thofcol' ~'O th is omce .~ in~ so nt lurge. holl bl;) 0 t(,lIded witl, ilun- I be lI"eged thl\t I!uch persoll bll8 Bince been . f,ClIl. J The prCll(1)t direct!>!" IIhnlllle~Ye uut tho tretu,uI r shuiJ JlIIY It lto the perolun uu- W Itnees my hond >l lld soul uf office, this --- , g {' \0 llil/l~t>lI or pthQrdl upun SII(·h fnet rl!~lored to ren on. ~ See, 49. It t~e lUllatic mentioned In the tbj/,ir respcctive te~m'. / lhOrl.'lCd to receive Ihe ,8/lme, I day ol-, ~'\..'D. - ', ~rillg estuhll' lieU by the cerlllicate of two r/. OF GUA,.Dr.&l'lS OF IDlpTS AND LUlIA- preaciling sect on~ Ihull be nfi.!l~.in Soc. 9. 'l'hc dltct'<tors shull nppOint a St:o. J.! ' II tilo clerk of the colJT~ Qr ('1)111,- - , Clerk. Ju~ 111 {'s 01 thl.} Jll·uce 01 th coun ty, or Ibe TICS. the usyl",rn or ~r, bou~, the lIu(lCflDteruJfQIpt'rlr.teDd~llt, a senior and jUlllor 118111<1- 1 mon pleulH'f tltl' proper. COllllt,y 8~laJl trullSUPOll recf'iving enId putient, the super- uffiJuvit of °\:.1110 re flped ll111e citizen of Ihe Sec. 3B, The court or c(Jmmon nlen!! at ellt III who,o e... ~r.p· "e 11111) 1M! ..... u tant Ilhyll ciqn, II .tewl1rtl, rIIatl'qn , Rnl\ euol~ Inll to tho 8l1pcrilllelld('nt a ,('-l,!rtllioRtc, UTl- iljlcl1d(,lIt "bull (ludorse UP911 suid wurrunt l'()\lllt~', filed vJth the clerk of thc court 01 ony general or hpeci,,1 term, und upl1n 80(\0 o~ suoh IUllatic i" reatored't; bls reio~e.. principal officertl os they JIlIlY, dcO:!m der lui um '\ul ~eal , sotLing' 1t.111h Ih l~t Dny u rec , ip~, substantilllly, 1.\$ 101\(lwlI: (,OIJlUlOI'I pl el! ; lito clerk ~hull thereupon 1~lo\.:tnr~ "rOf)! tllllt 811y pcrl!oll TCiliJI1Dt 01 eun, give \If!tlco thereof to the p~cutinl POceMaryj thl7 sball fix ulllllliarie exccpt IIntient III the lUljtltle asylum ill in lie Ily OhiO LUlIlIllC Asylum. ortler sll cli i~iot or IlInnlie to lIe ('onfined till! COl1llty, nr having 4 settloment III /lny uttorucy 01 ~e~ proper count,. aJi~ rebliD , as may be otherWIse provid (l by law; th£'y ClrC\lrn(;tl1.l\cel!~ wftltill tho meoning 01 \llIti - A, D ,-. 011/1 pruvlded Ivt ns directed by thc t.wenty' j town hll' ~hereol, i fOU I~iut, or JupntiO, tlu"h JUlln\.ic jn CU.\lt9dy, lor .ucla rruon.ble "hall pr(llKlrlbe rulf>s. Tegulo.ltl(IIIS IIml by- nct, upon til(' rnOOII)lo f such l'f>tl i ticut~ by Rrceh'cd this cloy of - j IIle patient dlXI!! ~ecli" il of Ulit! tlot, nnd 1111 coNLe lIod moy uppoint a guurdlull for such idiot or 10 time tliereal'ter .. may ,00 nece..." for tawa. rUT the' government ai' the mstitutloll, til£' S\lJle llltendollt, sucb persoll ~hnJl be 8. IlU Ul d 111 Ihe witllin ", urront. hurgf'1I h/lll be pcud II dilcctcd III ~Qid "ec~ If 'nu,ticl sllid IIttorney to CDU80 a cup ... to llllue &ond ."d shldl exereitle Buch oontrol I,v~r its gov- Stute Iluliellt. , - - , Sup tjntoudcnt. tiUII) , P rovldlld, that II tiuch iol lot or 111111'1 Ie, Ree, 39. Such ~ordtnn 111/1111 by virWe t() be IJcrved, and no longl!r; .nJ .uch CIP. ernl1iet:lt aud tnan:ap,meDt 118 they ' mu)' HI. AllNISSlON OF STATE PAT1~NTS, Tlti WDITant, WIth the rr.c.elpl tllereon,' be not in ncedy circurD~\.tUICC wilhm tllO Iof such uppuintment be the g\tntd!a" In. m'IY be i8lued upon preeil'O• .tll~d by think JlTOPf.lr.. . Sec. 11;, For the IldulIs!!iou 01 Stntc shull bc returned to the olerk \\ ho i · uecl meul1 ing 01 thlij (I(lt, m'b costs Clnd ch rg- minor cbHdrell of bid worn, ul\le•• the eaid tI~torney WltJi the clerk Ule court or I • 'Sec. S. Thfl ldl!llt of t~.\ bO'1'1:\ of catlenlS, ~he Ibll()wlIIg prooeedillb'8t1huJl be the sume, and ~h~1I be fli ed by him with , ("!:I ,sI!ldl be ,']lroid oul .01' ,ltis (llStute, Mid mny 1o"pomt eome otber periOn as their c(Jmmol, pleu, by vjrtue whereol., tho Aid dIrectors .hall hllve a general vlllitorluloild Iud: S(.me CI~I%en leslcimg jn tile peoper ! th ~ olliel' poper" rQlutmg 10 the c:ase j Pro- lie fl't'uvercd by BUll trI the name or thol on, perl!on ~o re.tored tQ.realO~. iba!L,be IIPfD advli'ory pow", In the &ffitirs or the institu- (oUntY i shlill file WIth a justIce ot thl' pt'll(,c \'itlt:d dlDt 111 nil cusel!l lha r.elativ('1! uf llie I eOl/llty Cl)mml ~ iOlll'l rs u11/l1\ ' tho e ,mmon :-iec. 40, All lnwa Telating t,o lNardione for returned ~ tJle jail of tho proJl4lr coun\y. to tion, anll' Mall ref.flive Iuch ' cl)01pons';\ti on oj Rt\ch enunfv, a 8t11lt'r1)E'nl, III wrl\lIl g 'lIsuno priSon slioll !lave' n Ti~ht, If they CUlllihil and III such c~lIe 110 e\·,denc.e shull I minors ond their wllrcl" , and 4II p(Jlnt- anllwer to till! otJence aUelJf1d ~Illt him, for hid lIorYices as the board Dr direqor8 whillh sbuJl IJ~ JIllbstulIl1ully us follow8i clieos!!, to com'ex Itlllt to tllo u8ylum. ]n I.e necessary b\lt lhe certlfic,nteol tho clcrl~ ingolltlliedut ies,righldund linlJhltics of.uch See. 60: When a pel'8On tried U~11 inlIIay ,determine. One ufthe dircctorl shllll l:illlt.e uf Uhio. _, counly, 6S. • tillCfa calc. the Wlltl un sholl be directed to undt'r hill dliaiaf seul, lICLtlllg lorlh UIO IgUQrdiuns qnd their eurllie., III fj ree for the dietmcnt iOY 1I0y crtme or ~iad~lD8anor. ~lIit lhe illltitutifll},m,)nthly; II mujority ot TIle undcrwigned, Il CI112en of Iho Stole olle or them, lind \he p"rsoo to \d'OIIl it is pnrtlculnrs 1l.ld nmount of 8u\J b cburg/.!lI. time belrl.g, shlill bel applicoble to g~tClrdial1 ••haJJ be acquitted on th", .ole ~cI tha' Utem .ball vilflt it tQll'eth~r ' IICcni-aJ\~UIIY;. \ Uhio. rtlidmg iu the uid county, herc- d reeled, alld his II. Sit,tIl Tlt". shull, if Illud thot tire seme hove beon pnic:l out for idiot" Imd lunntlcl.IlI.nd Ihto!r children,.o he W08 inlllllte. the faot" .hlU be (~d by and the ~hqle ~rd IIhall mllko nl le08t one ~Y . stnte6 III rQ}h~WIlI -;(nomillg the perllon) t1em'ontled, rcc ni\:o ~he s ~me eOlllJlensatioll thc!. county U('I!I!IIry. ' lor ~ .thIP tJU,IOP .ure 10 cUll formity with the tbe jqty in tbeir,verdiC!t, .II~ tll~ prlsuner 1 IOCfl villlt dunnlJ ~I,ll' yelr. An IInn\llll III 10 une. HIII1lI8IInity 110 of lestS thUtl t\VCl I oLIo", d lor t1w Itke en'lces In oUler case .. : !::icc, 29. Wit n OilY pel'llqn shnll be con- pruvlslUn/l or thl8 /lCt. , 811,11 be deult w th a. provul~ ~ the two <meet.n« th. board IIhRII be beld on \116 yellro'durntion. (or Itlll l;I'ing a~, lorge is , PrOVided. uhl()/ lh¥t II lIle mcdical wllnese finood lUI nfufetWld. Iluder the ord r 0/ tbe Sec. 'II. Such guardian mar lue in hla loll~inf lectiO!)II. •• dUllgefouA . to the commullity), he i8' in IIholl n t 8\Ute in his ce.rti/i.:.uta. UIlLt t.he t~rk, lind tllO Attending pllYlii inn IIhllll OWII nomo, t1e.scrILlng hlm.el ,0' frl.n1lan Bee. .. If the prilOner i .....Iii,~ ~ lleed, • ~~ay of November. C. 4. The dh'ec:ton 8ban kcep a full needy circulDstancell, .nd hnll D Il'gal set.- patient iii free Irom 8ny ItI lcclious al.ease eet ti ,y that he III refll.Ored to reat!Oo, Clr of tho ward for wh<!m he ilnes, anil when cin:umlltallcee. 11111 the coartt va ...i8J1eil aeeonnt of their proceectinp, in a book LIeU't'Dt in - tOWlllhip, In thl. counly, and lino lrom vermin, it shull uot )u tItO duty ' h/lt It III no 101lger necessary to confine I hili guardlluttohip ,hall ce,11II' 'IlJ:. lit. from the n.~ure.of the offellCe or dU!erwi... .' to be p~ided fOr that J'lurpose. Sudl re- an IObllbitu.nt or tho State of Ohio. These of the clerk to apply to the lIupcrlnlClloont, blln, ot Ir a 'l1ffic:Tent bond "hllll oe e%t'cu· 1removlIl or ct!lerwi-e.or by the \I~ thllt it would be ~e to ~iIIODeI' )IOn. "b.lt he I1illde J to them by the otfit.era facta cln be ptO\'ed by - . Ind - . (namlOg II llcrei nbeforo pruvlded. Ite4 to the State orOhlo, to ~ IpptoVI'i1 by ,hill wllrd. any .uit, _ctiun or pruccl'«lloa to go at lup. euch pn.oner .bIll "be_k orabe laltltQ,lon a" they IIhnlJ from timo lit IOllSt two person!!, Onc of whom flhaU be Sc ', 21. Wllen the two justices ella]) i tho olprk, conditluned /Qr Ill, ".. Ie keeplllg tirall peDding, hall not IIb\llO, but lli8l1Ue- with;o tbo wanner r.rovided jA thewelllyto time require. The wpt'rint('tltlen t alld a rellpt'chlble rb)l\icion.) Dated tbi. - day ccrt~ry eyery,thilJ(!, necei'8II'l to enthle the In d sllPJlOr~ ~hc olf'rk shall \hereupo" order I cesjIor, ",Inardiln. or IUch idl6t orlunatlc:, ell.-"'H Retlon of til • let , ueuurer ab. I eu" mike a full report to or _, ,.. D. _, , A, o. perean Illeged to . he inaanc. to lldlJlitSlIion I him to be dltICbor,ed. or to be dphvefed to Ifbe be re(ltored to JII, reMOn, or the exe&-c. til. If ahe ",*,*er .. ia tbean.- tlIc:ir all~ual ~I)j'. The dll't'c- II. 'rho Jllatic:e ba\! thereupon i.aue I!)to tb~ 'Iylum. exc'pt thlt be i. in nel'dy bill friendS as the cue ma, I.e; ,od where ! ('uter or admlnl.tratororluch idiot. 1,.,.- cumataneet, til. court ... &he 01_01' tile toN, at tbat meeting....... 1 ...kfl. full re- .ubpcanls r." 'lIP p"rlUnll nalX)cd .s witnft.. oirc:ulnslaneea, within the melJlinjC 0' tJ,i•• n Idiut or lubltle ~J1 be st) c:oDfiu.d, be tie, a. thecate molY requite••h,U be wade court "baU proeeed••.a ........~ .... purl to tIle General Aaeembl,. The annll- HII. and lIuch other pntMll1l1 B~ he may act. (urthe! proof lIIoy be Plld!l UPUli lhat tlh/lll 1I0t be diacllaraed or removed. except ~rt)' le lbe lui!, Of otber' pr*edi!'J. in be dellit witilin like .....De, . . . ~ .. repartilr &be IUJlftiDlenct..u. ud or tile thank prllpt'r_ commonding thtm to IIprear IIllbjcel ~Ioro the 'Clerk. ad If the clcr.k u o~ the nrder or ":lrr4nt Q( lla~ clerk. I . like mann.r... I. ut P11, be provld~d by person••~ reqtd..... 10 _ . . . Inuurer, _all lCCOIDpBuy the reP.Ort of ilelol'l' biul at "'pecllled time to tCliliry hllll borome .... t lrl.t'd thlt lIuch pCI'IHIJI II here,obefure meDtiOJled; Ptoyided. tba~ law '(lr maltlbg au executor or Id",iDlltra~ bad bl tho JutICIC' .... clIniC..... • CQ-.cc rDhl ' uoe 11If1' eet forth i~ Slid tale- in needy clrcUn'(lal.\....II. witbin tbe mean- J1Qlliio, herein contained ehllt bt" conetru- tor p.rty t,u a lIult of. 11k• .kInd. where Beo. 6" If In,_..oIO' &eo..D. fte 6lirecton,.:!1 hlle and mQL SGbflGlnll' QUlJ .110 "" i ned for lag 01 tbi •• ct. bl' ,hall m.ke ont a certl6- ~ •• to "prix~ th. penDII!1O cohan.d, Of, the plailitiff diOlt durin, it. pendeoq. ficte4 18, en l!IfIiIIIIJ.. bt~._ C':OD or defiP.d wltn.... ill behalf 0( \be penoD .lk>ged cate to tJi&t eJfect onder hll "lItl.1 IICIII, die betldt of'lhe ofhlllea. 8coc. G. W1aene'l8l' tbe aleol'"tbe,.l berorto ...... ''''8''0~ ... ...., PIIIeJ 01' udw.r penoaal f'&e,.' to be inlatle, And fonrlrd it to tbf euperinu.,J.I"~r. with ~ 30, AIa, patieJll ...tate or aakI ""11'11 ill for hie IUP- &he ...teIa of ..........-,1M,pi,,1Ied '- be .pplled a. Defure til. lime llpecified for tlIe.p- COpiCII of .he ~"te pftbe J..ti • and ~,(rom the .glum, upo. 01' &lie 0( die It Iball be 1M ·Ith dlelD4titutioD. peara_ ofthc iU*Cl8. th~juatice. \.b tlr tbo lDedi~L leu"'i.ad tbel'l'U~ tiM) 0 ~&eDdtDt ~ JI!IlII"'~IQIW
Laws of Ohio'
' 1
~~==iijiii~~.~~. .
kl aoaae
cbeyioill''l_or&be .ame~. apecta .. if' tJUi ..m.Hll!d1J
I be IwI in.I1 1'0* 1 ~ qlnall, \h8
direcw. ~
pbilltm 1lt, such p!lymell! 1111 ~I ~o ;lItu'el -~4< Aj;..t~lI~ tIl'll nlJppioted: -(llrtle$S 1h6 in- • if otll;~ I \ .' . ~~- " - ---::- .. ~.~ out oP t Ie Stu ~ Trelglllry, upoo the IVtlr- I vClltiglllio rt shllll II ndJourn~d (JVor to !lom~ the IItlyltlm-n : tll~fti!e)~;() ~o~d n;e cx:~;:t!~ I ?et!IYB:lftI'Y tl:; lIir1t(n om-i'or 0. f conr CQ , e ~ or ruiS: tie requl,red by IIlW to autho.,. ..Fat lh ~ MOUlli V;isi tor ~ant of the AJ Itor of (utll. and eXGeptlllg , oth r' tlrllt',) the stud jIl~ti ' e IIllull procl'od to tho' Stull of 011;0, to be npprov\!il by tho I ro; 1~~tmwfounlY. . d" ~; I IZC ~I,e 6(1 e of. rllal ~stQte the '8'Iardlan • 1\-111 IPnITnn: Tho fl/llowi'lg [lO!,'," , 8el 0((:(1 I e pre,sldellt liltull teQ~lVG no other COIll- to e)(IUnIllO the witness is in ntiend nce, t cJ I'k ror th snfe kee in ' ood Blln ~urt of t d o. t~' ' th lcenv r ()rSI.'~ s n nhllor. , ' . , . 11\f I til one 0 e l ' ~ I ' t ,P!'. j lJln e ou OT e rerr,OYIl 0 0 (ute (3. 'l'he gunrillan or an idrot 9f from' lho.MSS d1mtm lody RUlllor, 11Ihnk b O\lll· r 1l!:II.\tlO rI. 11 I$~~. 7. The TII~asU I'el' of tnta 1!1l ~11 ,stiull 'be II re~ ectubl~ \~I~vn~~~;~ e:tumlD~a r m~glll~CI~;1 ~ SMJI ' IY~~t;O 11I1I 1 ~rom tl!e U Y,hlDJ, tlie 1I PCI'I."tond whether ' lIpp'ohlted b~ a court In ~if"l· /iy "ivl nlf ~111 plo<le in lilo "Vlsilor\' you Sec. 16 I~ after stllcl) vlsltu~d iii tleRt Slt'llq~I·lerc ·d,ll,ll . pro ec~1I1gs In the <:,a '\ Imm~dllltely ~II'e notice thereof, . hia Slate orelt,ewhere/ ma)' completo tlJ. ,\:1JI confer 0 fovor. ~ --<J. lIf. ~ be til trpm urer o[ th e ul1),lum. anll shu ll coli ret IS 1\ dl'bts dtlct,hereto -Fol' unY'ln1"- tb e ju ·tl~es h~lJ be slI\lsnod of til ~rt;ll;1 cOJNi\~n 0~\1~~ b °d~' ~r. :ow~~erll'.hl ,~ of1icIUI ae~l, to the clerk or the court. of ren! contrl1ctll e( his ward or ony·author. REGRETS. .AnlllllWl~t bid' 0 long fnrowoll To those dl\Jlr J:lc, nosl Ahl whl) con tOi l. Tho pongs then IIlI1lY lJo90m 8 W Ll, Ullnllul l>ulury oJ ono hnndrc:d dulJa.!I to he re~l lIred for Ijoy plltl enll! bY' the III cl:ft,h ' n2 WJ S··· 1 I' 11 fl tlUI coun y, W llC I lJIuy, un et; nn ortler of court" apeAl that ead t.houghll j. ei~".Il)ly ~er r9rmcd lly' hlB exe,cuto~ or allpaid au of 'the Stllte tl eUflury, u p~n the t'ctiqn of tl llSi uct; thev :hl\lI l ikewise, to tl~o -n:Y!llln, ilte~h~1l t~t~tr.!t~~!)~ ~l~I~~ ~I~e ~~lI~ul ~~I~~I:i81!. 111$ :OI~OWfl . , ' I " 'l'~OIl lo,"oly gr~ve thougb now bO \)ure, \Yli lrantoflh Andllorol Stu~c. /UIOIT) I'lveR.lo rlhwllh mnkc out 11 bill (If cieri, to s C lhllt the aLlent is li ed OJ' 110, COUl y.ss. mln1strat r. Will ~O"r:I ''1ilh bUl1'\tllI y Mlltre lilir, Sec. 8. 'lj)(! gllpcrintcnUcllt shnn . be Itllc costs 01 ttll~ In~uc~t liS fixed Ly tIll S Wilh lite TO er clbLhint. IInil I( no~gfb ctlt I! office of the Court of _ Sec. 44. If the el'tllte of tYie Idiot or lu. An.) bl09801il 9 , Iqat! dw bllhny iur th' ch,h:f cxC'outiV'e ufli ,er ,)1' till' 10 tll.l!-tloll tf nct. Qllt! also u cert lfi catf', which shull Le ' ~yl ~ f\lrn~sb~J tht clor'le tlhuli pnrcbnac i~ ,WheT"I"! ' tl 0 ) Com:'"~rt .P!eIlB. J1~tn is ihllsoh'ellt, or will rrobaoly lJe InWilh ri ~h purrulll\l! . olld ,shilll fti\v:e tlJ\: ellre and controlot ev- sl)b~ tnlltlUlly ns foll IV~ alld cl . ' t\ I I b ' I propE.r O~I I" ~ "ua tlO ve'J~, 1. e sume ebllll ' ~e IIAttled oy dID ery thl'$ canoe tc~ thel cwi tl!. J [e shull ' 1'b , 'tate of (}1,lo _ ~OUllt SS u c)1:~~~ c~rt;~~ t l aofl~~~ ~!~kl : :lr'S,~ for, ~~I~~ed thllt'-J a patient h. till' 01110 Lu- guardulll In like manner, lIud like pro('.eedI , Yon hr!lok, wlll oh 1\9 It \1,,(1 I n)oll" . lo d ellln )" U Il3 ul\Cndlllllj;. 0 I!t6~lllJlt~, nlllBcs l .' T ho untlcrkigenJ, jll!\tice/~i th e pClll'O , : r or ~h COUllt)? u.uuitor, 'out oftlto C01Jl~t; d I~o~~y~::fd' ~~;l~~~ ~,~~I~~ir~ 'tl~~'~:~;a b~g~~~~~bt~t~~:~tl:~: o~ 'faYthbe "rOq1uired lillih oftimclI chOornll me '\'1111 Ita /lUll!: 8P I'V l\ IJ ~" lIll ot I'r II raOlllf, UtI ) l;nuy IIlInk III un d ror th e COUllty ulorcsn id, b r hy ,oer- ) trCIIlllJrj. ' " . hereb :11 d ; h ~i I I f I 11 '0 0 Ul80~ vont .How sou 1'1\ bo wh~ 1I 1 um gQh~, .A w hy fronl y'tlu , be uoh /lho.ll oid gllordlon o( a• lego !lilt! colltrol of Ih e of I'e t(III H bold Il,nglDQu(>st In rcg,:j-'d td iJ.jcoot; v t, (lnd two puir of S:id 1:1' Ah! wilen /lwny frOIl1 Juhll'~ ule, .. ' . 11m, I ceMe 11I~ to III\\, ' Wl!' urc 6!ltilsned ti i 01 woulen cloth; tlVO Pllir of wilolon lum. T errltor'O tI r e n wbo~ l'vegnzll\l ~o ofl wlill (Jrltlc, Sec. 9. TI~e 8upefl ntc;l nuent slJltll be a I ~but I, Is In~lIn~, lltllt he hill! (I lega l set- floc ks" hlo pel. t, Itllllllkerchi r II hluel, Wit I d d · 1 r II' . d' , I S lereo. tll~V p6s~e89, mnnage Wbo, who sholl ch' ell tho tieing hue . P~~jlc!dn~ 1It':. 'POrliOr 9 1 uck)1pWle(l~Qd Llcmcn 1H ..... to\l'n«h'l" In thl COll nt:!', nuel ~tocl( or Iiandkertllllef lor the tIC ,j;. n good _ dllyn;f ~11~ ~ sco, 0 0 Ice, tJII8 hrl'j\~r:d"°8~~~~e ~~ili~~,~e~so~o\-::ta~~ of Of sorrow'" flood '
m ?
::~F~~11~:~1~~~~r~~:1~;:r£J~?': ·::':ii:I~~!~r:;~;:'~~~,~~:,~,~::':~1~:~~ I~(':i~:r~;t :~~:~~: ~~l~;:E:f: !~~::~:ijf&:~~::~~~i,f~?,;1;~ OOI':,;:~1~~~~;'J~~:r.~:!f
~~:rt;~~J~nl~~:ll~\~t.l;!~;I~;~r~I~lld~II~;g ~~!~;t:~( I~l~~~~;::\\\~ll r!~J~~llJ(; '~tI ~Ob~ ~;I~~:;: t~~ ~!r I~:I~~~: plltie~t,
bour~ Ill?
r~ti:~~)~~d r:lUrt~rlt'i~l :0 ~et:\~~~ Il~!~.,?
pnn1111Qo,,~, I:~~r(Il:~e~~1 w)~:~~~; ~~~~~~Ilht~d
4r e;;h~el\o~:i;~ln.
~~~~;~t~;rorr !h~II%;li;lrs~~e~B ~~y
:1~&/IJ~not II~t~n'lt: I~ny 1~t1felrO~e:.~~?~~8; n~; :: ~ fi~ ~;~El~ ~~b~t~l~lIl ~~ (~I~I!061~I~U\I~~ ~:~ro~f.llr ~~oS~kJQ~6rll~g~lor~~~~ llcta~')HS~ ra~~il ~~~~~~~ilij '~bO'~ ~~ce~viuf s~ch ~vnr- per, onCl'l~ith !ike 1l1I~1.lorii :~ ;o;d~na,:j ~:tft:lifn~liihrl1~~til\t~~ °rl~l~ pr~~~6i~I~, O\lt l l~ll~rc hA Y\lItn,.lQ IllItlcrg Ir ~rme:lL Lher~- t\YO' COLt,) 1l ,;hl"r • IlIll ~~h yut$IJ. gl~r- hiln~elf or deput~~ f~rih~vith I\~ l~rl , ~i~~~,~~rte;II:~~:~~~I~II;I~III;~\~:~bj:ili~t~Ol~
.j\n4 wlui wU~ Ih n III1J1ply tho pI neo, Of my dellr J A'NC Wh 03~ emllB(j,m chuso, Tilo ablMlolI' from my cloudorl fae." ed ' . I ' il O{ I ,I~ Q I e~u trOW - I 1'1 t!lt 10 Iii ill II . dy ClrCI1111 tutl(le , E'en wit u l;m sa,lIlostl I,n IIlly \crlm.nl,l :l~Q , ~'I. I .: Ie o~lIr.tl Q~ WIt lin the r1le')~lllg 01 the nct r OIU!1 11: to \ , Alot!!' l know 'lis vnfn to w'op; J ,tbdt I ' Q tn • d t'e •.h d 'I II d I ' \1111 Ion. I t 10 And ylll 'Ii vel)' hnrd to II ep, ~~ O~I~~;~O~ 1l;'1~':lo;I~~\~~}~;::c ur cr S lu ,:si(~h ,H\~ c~,~l:'l~"~ 1~lIgcr Lhn~1 tw~ c The murkl1ur bile' I nil I hu .,\ 10 sleOjl, S lO,\,ll '. 1"1 " I, OJ( ~s:; L1I~ 11 P ~ ui $ dill' , 'rho d d ng ' Ighl • ec, • rCl SOIlS ~ lIlll lllyed III tho' bl(J", 1\0\1 In <e,rt tll,o rdH,)\\ 11111' in'" til il" lYf C W. ~sylu.ln, tItle oeIllJl:oye~ J!;(mll lie cxcmpt , pIll et', mar thnn two YOUTS' dUrutioll, ~ut Jom ~el lug on \Jurl<:~. Iro ll~ workllig II WO Ul'C W 1I sutlbt!rd thllt IllS b~U1g ut For IIr.. 1\UulI\l VI ~ltt)r G01~G- '}'O 'CU( Relt. ~~;l't:~I'i~;uJls n"l:~ji~!~ ~I~~~t otlhgo~;r{lfi2'~~~ ~~II:g~O~~~~~I::; ) bllgetous to tire lJull'ty 0/'
~~c~~~1 ~~j~: tl~:(lf~ ~lillJ~~~;u 1~~I~~, ~:I~:le i~ ~~I~~~s(11~~u~ll~n;~~"~Il;, u~I:1
. 1~iG ~lae['11 eI'~
~:;~~t~~I~~rN~~~~~~~~j~r;),~: ;}I:p~~~I~III'~~;~ D ~ Itness our. hand ,
m 1L U~ ~I
Ill , ul c utlt protect 111m III m \\'l'uthllr, ; It iMiCilt,T' 'su(:h- olothi!lg III C I:l ,0 ONS WI;> t'Ul1stuntHfi gbwn ?r dl SSt'S, tWll flallnel pettic?lI,ts,. ·two p,lrd 1\'\jQ1e n Sll)cldlllP'. 0110 p:m 01 ho S. \VO h;lndkerclllcl ,II, decotlt bon lint, ill Ie :;l two coLton chelllise~ . (ind a Inrge comlClltuble 111111\\'1 01' clJlnlL t~th C.II Q., tlJ6 , ~tiC!les or loth' g
th nnw Illlel returu I t\) the <l whom It \Vn is ut!d ; Ilnu If nn clerk receivi ng aUcl1 1l0ti<:P'. shllll-rerue,~ or ' loct fl r the spaca 01 Jiv day 10 18Mue place 1n thu, IJ UIl~S or tllO SheTler, or If 8110h IIhurlfl' hull relo ~c , to recell'e l,lto nrne or shlill " g lcet for the I!pnce III tW~~l ,iill's :lOor r CCIVIIl<' the w(II'rul'lt to <10; ulrd such putif\llt of th~ su )erit lClld~ t tho utient Ii~oll b churgetl, om \he' d~tk of t~e no-
L ~"!:~:~'C8 ~~:~' d~rr ~~~rd ~I~~~I' O;~~h:::=j !~~~et~~~~e ~le~:~/~!~li~::~II.r:;do~I~\~ l!'::d2,~~ bI;;
lowing requil:litioqlJ: 1. An nuthenticDt d
COi'iIli1isSloftOf)dlo~y orCr!!Il~~' ;!:v~~;'I~
lowed and l'ecorded 'in the county where slIch estute is 111 Uinte, itl like manDer .. is or mny be .provided by Inw' for llle admi .. sion to record of ali authenticated 01 11 will mode in any othor Of 'he tJ~tted States I • • ' 2. EYidlmce sntia(ac~ory to Ule corlrther~
w~~~llt~~~h ~od;~:; o~b~:!:o~tlr.
tillS --- clay of - , A. OB '\ i' , S 10 ~ 1" Ivel'e( III ~oo O~( cr~ wltL the of sUl}h ('hargp~ moy te recovered ill nit • ' , II Tlic aulrl c> r ffi fl ' ' A. n. pUlien t, to t hI.' uperllltelldelitj nnd , fth- octlon 'of IlsS \lInpillt upon Iho common foregoing gunrdluD .hllU t»~ US)~\I~~ 11);(>el hy Inw ~:lIrl be °p~~r~<~ul.tte~~ I Sec ]7 l ' 01'1."1' b " l I ~~ _D.: t o~tt ~.\I~!~ CllJdlhlnt", Ihii) \l,uTI>Qrintcillde llt "hull connts, with COWl of .mll, III the )nome of surtitl~ r~l!iding ~~I tbl, ~tote or 1 ' Ie • . " "suc VI SI nm IHt(U "S > nu &J lt) uOl,U1 to Ie c~ va \ 1'1 pot elll. lhe superllltcnd lit ugull1~t tho I~ k ' 'to th etC h :t. j Y l~uttll tl,ICASt;ltc tao /,~llljr up6n t11 wm·· , ~ho j l~sllrell I\nll not be sutl fled 61 the e~- . '::;e(! 29 1t' the. oletll hoH neglect to flltet'l ll' tlO om ncling.· , c ~ or (for ~h~Cfl1~~lt:te ~UI:I':tr~;;rllu 0 t 10 IJI IlllT 0 pile. I ttiUC!! (jf (.'1\ Iler of the fuets !lecc !try to 1;;8U unll deliver 10 the proper 11 r 'Ill tI .sec. 82. When tl Slate puliont ill di l!p' S I,r.l:~I~SI~IN OF I"AV ~A'tIV.NhSit\c, ~'C ~-Or~lfi:~J to nn(lll the p r SOIl allege to \\ urrnnt {Ol' I\) conveyonce 0\ lhe patient charged ~s Cllte~, the sllperjnt4;lndtlllt Wb~d~v(\l"tlte court celve~ into th: in ~ti~:~~JJel~n 8 0 t~ rn- IIGe InSil ~~ t,) ;ldrrIl8SI(~n JOt~ the 1I.~ylul1l, !Or Oil!' nf\y)un~, o~ herculb,afor rl'(Jtllred, or turn! h him with lIultlll,He elothing/ olld at-any e~ular or epeciliJ terlll I !j II II II puy JIll I~nt, t I Y S III 1M ce Ullt a c('rtJficote In the I \,he persll n to \"hom the Wllrrun\ is direc- urn 0(' nlOney no\ (\xceedl liY twenty dol be 8ali~hed th~t I ati . ~ Il'rO shalf bo p~dllced to tbe Rupcrillten- rsunlo Jorm \\ ph 'thut reql,lired b.):' the I1rl'CCC- ted sll1tll not, 1\1 tIll rJ fiJ'te n daye nfter the lurs Ir he dceql it necessllry .. or Ihlit lette,! ' C il llnl, ,. Jng ROClIOO 01. t~lh; u('tj sett,mg lortll the n - rccelt'l thereof. d(litver tlw, potlent lit ,the , S~c, 83.~ No Idiot .,hull /Ji ndmltcted inbeen" 1m to ' erJ il: eru~~:; ".!~.~I;~ltr ueUrl;T, rar.e~~ for ~he pay- Il ory iu t ,01 wlllch they ure .su1u,fied,o nd asylulIll, tllP cl~1 k or person so olfonilihg, to tile u ,ylutV. ond every Buch plltl~ntthere- this Bct, they sholl Jak~ 8~ en'l,y , u Ii r "' - ',,~ " Ill. tone n\(,lll iii 9h l\rge 10 nU-, th~ o~;~_~nl y rllC~ 9f fucta. 1\ hlcll ure nor ahllU torfelt-the Bum 0,1 fl1l.y. dollars, to ~~ In 811\1:1 Ii? tll~ehllrge~, qt\(! no lunuUc undor Ulelr Journal thot said ordiambip leJ:II ... •• •• • ,• I clttu Lrhl\IH'd ~o theIr Stltlsrar.tlOll ,The IlIOJ- 1reC()\'.oIl'~ ~" ~,, rOl;ts, ID action of d bt, III the t\ge 0/ -!lovell yel\18 bl nil Ue admitted. nute: AIH! the guurdlaU/;'fup Bhal~1 thereupon II. A bU rrl ·Iall t obligOt1Qn, C ndltlo:.~a n$' fC1I 1 I~ it 1'1:5 f'llujl ulFQ mQI(U out u, cellin. mo nnm6 of 1l1I: "iJji"rIIHen~cn el (or the use Sec. 84. It' upplicDti n 'shILl I be 1II0de lot oanst', !lnd the accounta 01 the guardiau. !t,nr 1IIIIftor r q~lIrod. . cute, U~ ubul'o 're'l~ired. 01 such r~ttc llt. And if ully IIlso oe perso~ . namillsiun of' mOl e putte!ltS tltnn \he IJIstlt~- 1$111)1 hnll b~ settled by the court. I U . A l'crt Itlllllte, Irom IHlntl! respoctllille ?C, 18. Immedltlte1y Ill\f l' the' ill rJUCfI. t, sllllil 1J1) conveyed to thc 0 y lum bel ore ,the tlon aOJ) recelVa, 11 6el~cttoll c:lIn bO rUiode • IDIOTS ANO LUNATIOs Itf JAIL, Oll trlCDEa JlhY ill~I,an, sa tlng: lurth. tIle jl( lIc:es 6hull tl'U~I ~ llllt to Lh~ clel J( ~f ~uplmn~cndcllt sun il huve giveb nottee 118 follows: r , . . sbTllN~ AS ~ilL'lfIIfAL8, &C., I; 'hut tho 1'"111111 111.111'1.' hOITl ol,y Ill- tile ctJllIJl)l)rt Itlen", (II uell uunt)·. thu so al tJIU~ he . n be received os herl'mIlC(Qro 1st, Re ent casell (i. e.) Wllere \he di~ec. 4'1. It liny per80D iD prilOD cbarg. f(:C;;I~I:!i '~Iaol l'" Gnp Iroll~ vormlll. lit(l~ Old t~. III WFil\IIZ ~hq' ,1,111 of c" ts, provldctl. no fe II or cODlpl.lnsntiop whlltoy- 1I1'11I;e is or leas thah ' DIlO YC;IU" S dUrllt I\d \\lIth Il crime or miljtlemeaDor, ;bether .... 1 flo, ngq, of til )lhtICIll, Ilcd U COIl It'O I t l ,r 0 1'lIftl ute. a,ld thtlt ~r Lho ,rnedlco.l or !J.llCl1l he paid to those by \\'honl hS ,,\\'11 i!hl1l1 hnvo fIle ptelcrance over. all (ltllI~rll l!llleedy cirCUlJUltllpCe,ROll "ot.. ,a-..ll, at aD! Itl t rll 01 tit CD l'. IWilllCIlS Th O INk shull I be l~ tll ~1 1l0U fin crmvoyed. , the IIIn Munty. ' tllne bt!rore inaic:.tment Is found ' against /l'LJe dllla ~lOu of tho cli sco!!f?, IhLtiUg l\l~ litll,V ' I1fe!\t'rYI' th 8Ql'lIjl . ' . SI!'C~ 24, - lfDIlY ftl.lrso/I cOllvnyipg n, JlII!;Id, Chronic CIl ell (I. ~.) wl,1ere the ~\'- Itim,BltheTequeBtul anyeltizen. be brought Irom tlr::lt SY UlJltOIllH, S 0 . 19. The tl,l!jtlCIl ~ Ith \ hom the tlerlt to thO IlSyl1l1l1, \mder tire prQvi~loll8 80nlle III of Jlloro t\.nl1 'me :"yeur's bl)/ore a~ elturniDing court in the maDner ;1. 'plle slIpPClsctl cx c'ti-ng GUile r thedi",· tatclllt'llt,l":l tiled 6 11lil muko n d... cke~ I;n- of tbi,lO act, shull" convey ~lIch (I,4li J)t~ in prcllont!ng tho mllftt fllvorable pro Pllct provldeJl In the aot entitled "an aCldr,;ctiu, ca~e ~ try oj tile p .lCllcdl)lgs, ' compolly ,wllll crllJlillU\ $9 m g 10 tho p Ill- rb"ovcry, sball ~e nelC~ preferred. the ,III d' of tri.,al ,n crimiDal cp• •" pUlle«t 6 Wit ther ~h ~ dllScafo i~ her- llit-ury. I SII. 2(), '1'bo clel'1 of the .court of com- tentlllr>:, ' or ~hnt\. rl\tlitr s\ll3h puticllt to au Those 1'01' wltom applications hllve Marcli 7th, ISS" (Uollated ,StilL 1~4.) 6. WI)(Itlr ~l til pnll ')I t Ild8 been ~uli. mOil r(Cl\cs. UJlbll rel'fJi"in,IX the certlficato drinU1uldCllt spirlt&. the perlloll so evil oy- beell longes t on lile. other mll1g9 belpS' nnd if It shtlll be !'ouni! hy tbe. courf t~di tJ ct to-<,pd 'IH'Py. of tIle two ja II II oml 01 ihe IIlQJloli1 wit- in~ him and hIll 1l8j1i~tl.lll~, rlJill ll rorleit Ull i cqlllll r;.h(ll1 ~o next proferred. ..uch lH~rsobw~lln Idiot or woa Illaone\\,hea I 7. '~lhIHllt!r II!' p.otlC'lt hns mlld~ o.lIy )I(1SS, mude o,ut Jlccordl ng to tile sixteenth elulllli to lho o6rupenslu.lort Illlowed - the.m 4th. No connty IIhull hllve in tho initi- he to'nmitted d,o oBenee. the said court,at Intt IlIpt to OlllUllt "Iollluce upo), 1I1m elf ~('c\1 II 01' Ihta lIet. tllill r"rt!tII'Jth IIJ)rly to gy thlll IIC~. " tution Illbre Ullin ltd jUlSt propoltioll IUlcor- their dililc~etioil, 11.1111 the clerk therPO( .h.ll I' \11'1'5. , - [tltp r<\Illt'rlltcutl nt fllr the nllllm 1()1'l 01· oj::. 2 . If ~he clerk of tbo court of ding to Its popululioil. ' proceed, and ,lfle 'priao"tIIt' ahAU be ' dealt 8 Th o flll1<1I(l;tl trelltll}C)lt l'ur~t1pd rn the tlch II raoll into the u,; IU/ll . .Il e. hull at omlllon ph'ulilih 11 trun llmjt to th e 1I1l'(lCJ'Iilh , Nv dl~~lpctlOft shull be- made be- with in ,like maimer u -other 1tJIlotll and Ignllti~ ore required .. tq be, aller iDqlleat CSt' lHll any; 6thl.l '\1 ClIlfIst 'hr.es known th: uqle 11111 tr,jnHIllIt-;--collies, Ulltle:-- IllS inten~elt t a rti~il'ute, und , hll! ~ffici!,l tI~etln puy putients ulld St~(e· ~~tlent.s. to th ph)' IOlun Icudmg' to throw hu-tber officlul spol, of dUld certificates. Upon r~- aeul, l5e tlllg lorlh thl1t OilY stute p"tliHlt 11) S dC. 3&. p(luper iiJlots nnll IUlllltiell, not helll lJy two justices. ' Ilgh Ill' 11 Lh ~ubJc ·t. "elvlllg tile IIpplu'ution, und tluid certlh- lhe nsy1uIll from II Ii! tint ' ill no longer h whhih tile provllliulla ot' thilJ"or.t, and those 8e~ 48. II au}' person •• hllil. _Rer ,the N otilel' pTIJ(cl'(hllgll s hall be l1('tce81iIlr~ I'nte , the ~ hpenllL ndel\t I!holf inlluedi(lfe'- n eed~1 Illrru ~tllncel!. within tlle meNl)ing dhsch(lrg. d Irom the asylum, shllil be . pro- commiSllion 011 OffItDCe, and bet()re confor tho utllllJ:.",i 11 of ll1ty patl nt8. · Iy ud"I~1J the e)(h k " vlll~ her til(' pntlcnt of till" ",ct; dtl;~r tll ~ecerpt of t:hi/:l cer~ifi· vided 1lof ill the spmo nunner (III other- vict\On, bll'come insone. whether lie b81 In 'J'he ollllgllti'lIl mClltllJlled shall Le sUlJ- ClIlJ be roetH\' ", llnd if 80, at what Umc. - e:u tc, the potl ntsbllll be n p"y IJdtl(:nt; and 1'1Xlr, , needy circum8tancc!! or DOl> and whether" .'!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~:=:..~=:=~~~~:e iI~lI l1 tilllly dl< 'Iollow ~ 'fhe clc~ U ~!. (lll t!.(·reupuu, ill !ltlc, SE'a~UII in 6udl CtlSCS chl\rges ~hull lJo lnlld4! oul Sec. 86. WIlen Ilny Stnte patient dls- indicted or not, Qn cxaminingcO,ul1 may lie of \VllcrcQs- , Ull iUIID na relson of- in r.)fthe c.ollvcyunee sllch per"I)II to Ibe IInu p'\I ld. a1111 0. uotid Hhull be ail required, cborgod from t]lC U~yllll1l DS cI!rc:!d. shl\lI in the manner provhJlld iu -the acl ..., ' : the llouuLy 01- hUll tllis !luy beC'1l1elmil- ulSylupl, by tile 'time upilO i llt()d~ il:t;uc hi 11$ in'ot,,!!r ~I\ ell 01 (lily pat elltf:!. lignin l<l!coma ,insullc, ony respeotable pby- ent "an act dir,ectmg the mode~ftl'ial I~h II ttl' IIthQ rltvl , ~I;:~ lUI u !'ulumt IIILo thu ~hlo Lunllt.c: Agy- Wllrrllnt tu Ihe sherilli or lilly othOl 8111ll\- S~c. 2q,. lt~ ~~ccord~ng . to the rl)su\t oi lIi~iol\ muy ilia With t.he. clerk of t.lre court in crirninal cllBell/' passed March rztb.188 1; 'A;;t AL:'" lor lhu '''IV 1If1(>nL uf UII' \lh il) l'I>f1~" !um: ~(jw we ......- . 1)1 .t)!1l (,OUllty 0['-. hIe pers()n" . um Dlpndlll' Ilml !onhwllh .to lhe 1"!l\lC~t , 1>y two JII 1I. es,. the r~ti I1t 01 commol~ nloll J a certrficl\te,setttng forth (Collated ,~tol, 7114:) and il" uC~1 eou",lhall de As) lum Plh! th u 0 of l ,bolD nlld 11,11 IU tho Stlllt' 01 1110, do J IlltJy ond se'/er· Ilrrq~t snch 11ll> lITe 11QrpoII IllId :Il",I1\' 'Y hun shull lJ6 nhtled to udllllsslon tnto 'lit> LIS - ltle recurrcn~e of the dlael18o; und slIch find thut such Pllr.lkJI/a be~me inaaoe af. l>l~ 119. • ' , \ filly l)rOfll lS thf}aupel'lIlt(llldellt oj t.ho suid tn the Ohlo Luu'ltlc Asy lllln, lftJlc clerk \ Ium ; the clt'r)c 6111111 dlrecl holY he 9ho11 (,e 'fuctR lind Ilu....ge t.lons relntJllg thereto, 1111 ter th eommi sion or the cl!lmc or ml.de. J Al't'''II'!'l'rNO;'. p, W~TUI .A]Ul DUTIIi.S OF U1lyllll)l, uIIII his f!()eee~$Or In otUee, fhut lYe J be sntTsfie u o~ Ill' Jll!c()l\~ity. he rtl hy uuthor- tllken cur ol' UTltlllie cUlIl>e udul1ttetl, uud he mily, (/nem mutcriuli ;UPOII recelYllIg mellMr 01 which he standa charged inOH'IQt::RS, ! WIIII'lit.b tilly mail,tuiu Sloi(\-, 0111;1 find - l lze oJle r more ul!siat.u ntl! tu be I'J1I j lc>yeu. it' IICI:('!i~llr)J , I/'Ily dire6t We confinemcnt auc,h cElrtlficutt', the clerk a1utlllmmedinte. c.Iitllp.II,lInd is still il)sane, the .lld court Sec. J. n~ if, ClwwJ:Jd blitllt Q net'al A~ »1- iJl ~ \lfficl~ ~ lind Ulll\bl~ clothlllg, wIllie - I S liid wurrll.m shli ll bll Sllustullliolly us tol- IU thlO COUll I:! pUllf hiJll!je or county jotl, 118 Iy tronsmlt 11 copy1 rhereof, ollthenUcated Ilnd 'clerk tMl!I'Qt~ 'hall proc:eeiJ, al1d' the blg oj Ih.e Sklleqf Oltio, Thut thero sholl be u JUuy rellluin in sUld il"yillm j thut wo Will 10\\'8: • he mllY pel'lt. bali ohd if ull thillgll l\eE'd- l1y his officilll ~eal; to the IInptlrilltolld(lnt I ~ti8oner shall fot' Ille time being} aDd until Jt)llJ ~ not ot(lCrWI8C aUJ.1plieu, ho <,hull IlIr- and IhAreppon tho slIme ' I'roGeell\llgll hnll reILaredto\'(lIUlon, be dealt.wi~1I1Q Jikt\QlaD. lIre ..lout WId Illlt: other dlTllctors ot, the uHllIthly, ht'rellJ'ter. P,IY 111 otlvdl)ce ull Char- I 'llhl' S~le ofOllio, - county, &9. ' Olno LunDt c AsyhuD; thoy holl lle Ilppoln- g~1I 01 sa II Ii yhlm U/IIlUl t flllld poll Ill. OJXice of' the Clerk (if the Court 01 Com- t lli h tli '01; olld, in 8u(!-h case, the .8Bme be hod III all reiloE'clJ; Oli whe~1 the certifi- nor os other lunotlcs are requirecl 10', be, t.Pd lJy JOIII:- I't'iloll\tion 01 tho q n~rnl Ad- W e 111.0 Ilgr r to re ',nove rluld POUPI,t rom 1111>11 PlelJs. To - ! • 6111111 lJo pnld out 6f' thtl courlly trea sury, oJ) (lllte 01 the JUdlice hi>ldlug the ipquellt WOIl lifter in'lueBt hll~ by tWo juaticeB' pro,jded l!CnllIly, aud shall a~1 v I\\~ y Drs, ,Ind unt, I th osy him IV Ii n I 'lillrad; to d fruy Ieo W l!enlilS nil thD J) t ocoetli ngs •noccsFury i the corli liel) Ie or the: clerk und thc order 0/ trn rlsmitted. howevE'r, that if such IUDatic be discharged, tl~CCe8ll0r8 lire uprointod. Wh n 11 ' unnh!", uhurg-lis In ISO. oj -- 01 )Jer'lIcnt, Ul\d to en ilia - to lJe U mitted jllto the Ohio t111.1 COUllty !J)J~itor. Sc.c. 97. When any pert!on ah'ullbe ('on- the'lJond' given tb" hi_ .up'J!b11 ind lafe vn~!lncf"Ul!UUrii duri!l;f I) raco of tllO G 'n- , tv re-ltJllJar..~ funeral expclI OB ill CIt I.' 0 fI.UJUlt iC f. yllllU, as u Stute. 1",lie ut, 1111.w.l Sec 27. Nfl idiot or lunntlcl s~nt to tl)e t!n d liS Insane. a writ ot h(lbeU8 corpus keeping, Ilboll aiBU' be cClJ/illl;lolIAd, thu ernl }."ec!llbly, i~ Sllllll,bo tilled hy tiler GqV- -de Ith. bcell hud ,ICt'l,)r tJl~ to II \1', yuu are tt('t cby coun ty juil, stw ll, it' it GIIII bQ lI\olde", ~e may be ill u d liS in other cUSQ! for IIlB dis- flllid Juulltfe IIhall wlieD reltore,j to reuoD, ~rllor. The l1cn;on 80 QllPllintey shu 1I I'crvt' Wltllc~ UI hnnds alld seols thi -tl'lY COmtn 11l1ed lolthwlth to ,II "l'llt BUld . pcrboll l cOllfibed JlI tlie I;lume rOiJm with n 1I0ISOn chorge, !lnd the l]ueaul/lI of insiluity shull on8wer to au.ld crime or miad"ml'anor.' and until an Ilppointmellt ill OIllde by the G-en - ! of - , A. D. 18-. - - --L.., [L S ) lind 01\V y Jdm to suul 0 ylum: (llml y. t.: 'c~/I~l,l'J wtlh' (lr ConYlolGu of crirne. lie ducldl'd Ut the heurmg; Pr~vldf,d. that abide th(\ order of thecourHnthe premise.; :r; erlll Af!.st'lDbIY. Tllo pe1'80)\ oppoillt J hy -- [L.8.] urC hcrc\)y nUlho~lzcd to t.eke to yo r UIl!....... • Suer 28. Wb Il "II IdIOt or Ium' tic not II the Judge shull dl'ciJe tho,t the penon 18 und any ~ueh lunutic 11)111., wheD rtllltored &hoGOllerlll Aeallmbl.Y 1$118.11 8CI'\e out the Sl'c. 13, Ifthcro "holl ~e n &lIlnllcc III Il~ ISttn\t5. 1t'lIccflled neCCE! ury bv you.)- eptltled to Ildmi ~jon IIlt() the osylum ns u inf'onc, lilt' UCCISIOII aJll1l1lie nq bor to the tCl reulloh, be nr*cuted -for. "any. otf,uce reeidue orLbc !.ernl ql tile persun iaolding tilt' t rl'usury 01 tile ill:slItulipn ~o the CI ed it I t\ rtm e.t(Pcuti!lg- tbls 1\ nrruht, ~'Olt iiiIII II I . ~ute '(lUll nt, shllll be ut lot'I!~, oud th Is be- i /luelilg or Bnottler' wrIt, wlientlver it, ..aal oommitted by Jum preVloU8 to lueh biiIaIIi. ·the allpqh;IUD~lIt \\'h I) tile vuetllley occur- uf lho palient r(,lIIu\ ('d lr"~)1 the asylum, Il\llic dIll.' relllrll thoren!' to th is office,- 109 ~o at large, shull be lIttl'lId~il wilh don- be ulleged that Iluch persoll bll8 Since been ty. , red. ,. Tile prellOllt director" shll)) sery\) out \h trCUioUrcl' lihllll plly it ,to the pt'fllon U'll- IWILn ss my hOlld UIIO !loul 01 office, this _.- g (to hiibsp lI' or ottlertlj lI\lon 8UI t\ filet I rClltored to,reftSOIl ' Sec. 9. 1F the ltll,atic mentio~ed in the .til ir roapee Ive ft'Tn\lI. thon,'lcd to r co.ive the snme. 1 dl Y01-, A. D: -. ' ~ bl;'\IJI; c9tuhlislled lJy llll' ccrll/lc~te 01 two IV. OF GUAJlDUI'IS OF IDIOT/:! AND IJUU- prl'~eding /leClion, ,hilI be contioOfl In Sqc. st. Tho dire tors rs11011 (lIlPoint u So.. J.). If tho clerk OJ the court of com- j - - , lei k. jus~il e8 01 the JlJ,!IIC~ ot the cOlluty I or tbe TICS. ' lhe ol5y)um or ~r. houw, the aUlIQrin&eu4llUiM'rir.te d,tJlIt,1I 8el1io1' -and juuior llssi,,- mon pl(l88 1'1 the> proHl'r COllllt,V shllil trans- , Upon r(1c(living anid palit'nt. l,he ,llper- 1utfid'l"it II( l''"n:o rl' pe(,~lIble ~Itlzen of the St;r.. 3S., The court of cammon nlens at iD whOI'(! c~ilrae ho m.) be. eball. u blnt I,hyltlclun. 0 IIteward, Dlatron, nnd such , U11t W the 1I111,ertnt ndcnt II certificate. un- I/)~ IIdout shull cudorlle IIPOII llllltl WUTluut 1C,'.(.Iunty., .fil~d II), tlw clerk ell the conrt 01 ony genern) or bl)OCllllt('rm, tlnd uflon 8Ol'fl 08 lIuc\),h,matic la reatored to hia reaorbor P 'noipul otlice.ri! liS tltey IlIl1y.dc"m Ider hia nJHcial eul, tlclting furl\l ~hut-fl.oy u receipt. 8ub ~tuntlolly 08 101h1WIi: j cotrlJnQn pJ~n ; \he clerk ~hull theretJpoll l iBlu tory llroof thllt any rerlKlu resident lIOn"give,nfHicl) tllereo( to tho prOlflcuting DeC8111 j tht'y h:lll fix all \!lilarics QJc'tpt putie'ht III ~he hlllnttc usylmn III i1) Ill' I~'l ' 1110 LUllutlC A ylum, ordc~ 9U h idiot or 11111ntic to ~e (lOllfiUed 1tllEl COUIILY, Qr IUIVing 0 Flettlcmcnt in I1ny attorney ot the prope, coun1,. and retain .. mav beolherwi8e provided lJy law; th~y ClrQuUlstun ca, Within the mellnlng 01 tillS A. 1).-. i OJH1111rovid cl for 0 dlrecte£! hy tllo twenty. town shIp thereol, ill on idiot, or lun.tic, such luno~ic: ill cUfitody,. loraupit rl'uoiulble · ahall preKeribe rule, regul.lll(lUS Ilnu by- oct, upun the rec Ipt of Bueb Cllrtrfi 'ute Ily RC'ceil'ed thiS doy of - , the ruticut I Illm 6 (' ·tl ~I QI tlritl nct, Ubd Illl costs lind muy OJ1I)OIIl~ 0 guunhull for slIch, IUIOt or lu· time tbel'ellftcr Il8 may ,60 neoe..."" for ' I'hllr,:ra 111\11 he pOld U dIrected in li!nid f;CC- /no.tlc. 81&id nttorney to ,CIlUSO a CIlpiWl to i..ue L.nd aWl, for the g;overnment 01 the ins·titut.ioll. the sU\leilltendelll, such p rson bull be u 110111 d in the wnJun "·urrunt. ~nd shaH exerel.e Ineh control ""o.r Its gov- Stllte potlent. ' , Suporllltcllllrnt. I tlOIJ~ ProvlC] II, llqlt If uch hhot or lunut,lc. Reo.. 30. Su h gunr'tliDn 1\111111, by be served. ond no looger.; and such capern meat alld management •• they ' tn.U) Il~ . .A1I~IISS10N OF -STATE PA-TlEIiTS 1'hi Ivurrnnt, With tllC rl'celpt thereon" be IIlJt ill needy circuroilt.lInces . , itlflll the of such oppoilltnlcnt be the gllardllillof tbe m Iy bo iuued upon precipe. ~l~ by &1llnk proper. ~ Seo Hi. li'or the Od \lll!!~iol' 01 Stnte shull be returned to Ihe cl rk 11'110 It! lieu meulling o11111~ oct, SUl h co til und cll ' rg- , mllIor children 01 hili wo~. unleBs thecuurt said attorney Willi tire ell'rl\ of the coul1 of Soc. S. TII« ~ident ol"\b" board of patients, ~~e tvHc,wing procee\bn{,r8t!huJl be Ilhe sume, ollll tihull be flJed fiy him wilh ('sshuli be pll id OuL of his (,lItllle, and mlly IIrpOIqt lIomo other person as their guardi. cum mOll pIe ... bll virtue whereot. the aaid direcwra abatl hllv~. general visitorlol Md hwl: SI-me citizen resldiJlg.in the proper the olh~ (lurehl rointilll! to lhe ca"Ui Pro- ~ btl' rett' I'ercd by sUll in the IIUllle or tlle1llb. perllon <!o restored La reallOJl,sball.be ~iD adVISOry power in thp 81fairs of tbeinstitu- cOlIl\t)', hull file with aJustice olth(l pCllce tVilll'd ~but in nil clIseM,tll(l r.cls tivetl of the C0l111ty commit, looers IIpun the c mlllOll :-teo, 40.AlI)aw~rellltingt.o guordiDn~for retllJ'ofld to thejuil 01 tbepropercouDly, to tion, and IIhlllll'eMIVe .11011 compe~9 tI 00 !-II ~nch -ctlunly. II Iftu.~m nt, in \\ riling illt!Ulle pcri!ou flholl. hI va a tiglllJ if tile)' C.:JUllh<; ool,! lIlslIch CO~Q 1~0 e,·. d~nce !lhull , ~inoru ond II~elr ~\'llrC!li, Iln~ al! l~wII pulnt- an .. wer to till; otfence allllgro ~DI'- hi~. fo~ hi •• e.-.lcee All the bOlll'd ,o~ dlreUol'8 WIIlM ..hulllJe sobstolltiuJly 1113 lu1l01l8; ~ho\) e (0 convey lui'll to triO u yhlm. 1n be uc!l::ell8ary llut thq cerllf](:llteot Ule cle,k Jngollttheuu\1 8.rlgillt!und hnbll1tlos ofluch Soc. liQ. When a pel'loll b1ecl upqu tDmllY determine.· ' One ofthe.di~Gtorll shull Stille 01 Ohio. _, county, 6S. • /illch COlie, the wnrront sholllJe dlrcc~ed to unt! r hill dliciuJ seul, tictting rorlll tho guurUionll and;their lurit;ell.lIl force for 1110 diotment lor lilly crime or miademeaner, .~it ~"'b inltitutlo~ m' nthlYi Il JIlujority of 'rhe ulldervigned, n' CltlZ~tI o( tbo SIJlte one or th m. (lod tbe pl'rsod to 1\ h011l it is pDrtlcula.rs ,lIId amuunt of sucb chl1rges, time' ll('ing,shall be npJlliclll)IQ to guardian. allal1 be acquiLt.ecl 00 the ' 1O'le ~od lbal ~em Ibltll vlllil 'it tOJlt'thl'~ 1IC 1~Ii-nnualJy; or Ohio. relljdlllg III the auld county, llcrer (\lfer,ted, ILnd hili uj;llit;t\lnt, ' Jlhul)! and Ithal the sume hu\\e lJeen pait! out Of for idiuU! unll IUilatiC8 and thl'ir clllldren,lo he WIlS- inllnne. \b~ rac\ .hall be found by anlhhe wh91e bOard sholl mnke lit lellat one tty etatt's as fujlllws: -(,nulI1l/-!gtho (lCrRon) demnnJ(>d, recch·!.' tho 6/101e cOll'tpenutiotl tho (:oullty- t{eosury. • Ill' dS tbe 'UIIIP ure in C:\.Iulurmit;y willi the the Jllry in tbeir verdiot, 811'" tJle priauDer lM,lob yjait ~Irlng ·he )'c,,-r, An ollnual hJ I08flnc, Hill lusllnity i~ Qr I .Hhtlll tWo uHowed lor tJlI~ hke sci'\lIClC jll allier cnil~: SE'c. 2\1. When ony pere(ln holl be con· pruvilnons of this GCt. .hall btl dealt . with aa provi~ uube 'wo :'-t.J.!Ir or tht> buanl 11),,11 be beld on yeors'duralion. (Qr bjil I;cin~ at lilrgo .i~ Provided. 0180, 111 t![ the ~edical \\'Illles& tined Oil afuresi ia. undo r the o~dcr of tbe Sec. 41. Sucl~ p1Iorlllon rna, slle In his followl~g lJeolions • • ihiH-~.y of November. dlll1geroull to the community); he Is 111 1"hull not iltut.e 1n 11111 ertlticllte. thllt the , c1er]" flbd tile AllC'lndlllg phy lolan ahall own nome, uescrltllng ~Imlel III guardlnn See. Ii ... It the p'ritoner i .. die hi b~ 8i!c. 4. The direet0r8 IIh"'1 keep a needy circulDlltancee,.nd hid a leglJl lIet- poti('nt it! fret! Irom any in lecliou!! dilleR e cerll,), tbat he, iii reeLOrcd to feason, or of the ward (or wll(~m M linea, ud whfon eln:ulnllbrbCea. aDd be COdftl ate eaIi a«onnt or their proeePdlngR. in " book tlell'ent in'- towlI.hip, 10 thi. county, and and IroOl vermin, it slll\U not hu Lhe duty I ,hilt il is no · 101l4Ier neceAllry to conjine hill guardlall~bip aball ee,.1K' bx, bla death, from the 881ure of the otfeJIC! G&l!erwiae. to be rrowldecl tbr that· purpose. SUI'h re- an IOhllbltllnt 1)( the SLaW of Ohio. These 01 the clerk to opply to tho ~uperintollt.lcnt, him 01 ir a suffiCIent bund t5hnli pe ex('ou- reDloval or otberwiae, or by; \Ite \lecftIIe of that it would be unl\8fe to pel'lllitJlIOriao..... port. abtU he made to thpm by the oftir.ers fac:ts el1n be proved by - , and - , (naming I" he lr,bE'tQrC-.l'fovid d. ted to the State 0 OhiQ. to lie approved by hi" ward, any 6uit, aellon or PNccE'dJn. to go at large. such prlaoaer ahan De . .It oftbe Inat/tQdon .. they sball from liln<l ut loal.t two peraona. one of whom ,8ball be Scu. 21. Wheo the two justices .hlll the :Icrk. conditio e-a for hIli 88le keeping I tbclI pending.,.ba11 not ab.te, but hiB suo- wiLh tbe maQIIl'r r.royided Ja de ~eot.J. to tlme require: The II\f1Ierin~iulen t and • rel!peetlble pb1I1icioo.) Dilled &IIi. - day certify every~ thilllt Decenury to cntitle UII! and I IIppert. the el.rk .Iulillhercllpon order ! ceaior, 8tI ¥'Illrdian. o\' .ui;h idiot or luuatlc:, lectinn of th a act. ' , A. B. person aUegl'd to be illADO, to atlmiuillD 1 him to i!O diliChar~. or to be dE'Jlvcr~d to I I(he be r,,"toted to hili reuon, Cit the e.e· Ill. f( fJJe~er Ie In DfIl4r eIrU'8Uurer "alt eaoh make a full report to of _, A. lJ. _. \heir UlDual ~.. The dlrt'C- S. The ju tice han thereupon IDto lbe "ylurn, eacl'pt thlt he ia III neE'dy hia trllll~da WIthe CiU" ma, lJe; and wbere culor or IdmlnlatratMoriueh ldiotOl' IUD8- cumlltaneee, tbe _11 . . &be clerkOf' die &ore, a' lbat meWn,. aball ruke a lull lubplilUll r',r the ptlrs.,tOiI named a. witoE''' clrcum~tlr,CC8. \yit.hlu 11Ie me"'ln~ 01 tlli. an idiot Of I'-IDatlc ....n he 80 ~nftned. be tic, •• theone lD_y -requIre. ahall be wa. court allan Pl'Dleld. ............ ocr _0 porUo tlle Otnenl Ateembly. The HII lind lIucb olher pcn.OD8 al! he may act, rur~her proor mil)' be made upun tJltlt I$hlLll not be iiillCh.,pd or removell. except party te the aull, or otber 'procftdin,r, in be dealt witla in Ute .... Del ~ ....... II or ........pe..iDte.n&, and of thl~k prllpt'r. comlllunding them to .prear tlllbJect lJelore tJle clerk and if llio" cler.k UPOI~ tho nrtl.er- Qr ",arr:lDl or the ca.rk... Ulte IQaJlMr . . . "I' ml, be provided b), peracloa a~ reqllirecl .. -.; ID",-* ftdlUlrer,lb.n accompany the reftOrl belore bhn at a lpeeifted time til tL..tilY IIhllll be~m" .... UrloN diat. lIucb pel'llt)lI t8 b,ere,nbeforu mentioned; J'rol kled , 1.ba.. law lor malt1DJr all enC:¥$Or or admJoiatra- bad b, \he Jaatioe.. coUCf11iilJ, \I.e IU'I eellorili i~ 118,,1 tate- In oeedy circ:ull,:!lAlaC(l', wiUlin the mean. not~ n, copt.laed 'hilt IMa conltru- tor Plrty!'l a Rllt or a like kind, wbo", ... If __-....L..._ ... _ Illtecton take aDd IDeaL SubflCllhO. may aleo ~ l.ued for iog 01' tllie ac:t; hI' ,hollmake out a cortiti· tel a1 10 the l"!1'ICIII tIO cob4ned. Olilbe plain,," c1IelO durin, It. pendeaq. lifo UJ Ill'iltiiI'I. t=~:;:~~ ¥u. . . . . . . . . tIODW or deYiPd, iuae.a in &leba" of \he Jl8reon .lleged c.te to- that eJl'ec:t WIde.. hi- ollkllal seal, ' the wrr or habNa h. O. ~1IeDeWr tM .Ie of"tbe rwI • or c8P.r pAc.. 18 be h,..ne. aod ronranl it euperiott ndent. wllh i Ntat.t of t4 IiJd AI AIr hi,
menl "'e'
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tile ~;llliii"'iE~~t.D~..,~~· i'~'iB~8.fi;u,re~ tbe~&i~DI~e~ pect~ 'Ii~eI ~rl ~r~the~ a~1'"
Itb 01 ,be copies o( the
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Into the II ullIl (j soolety; In lh 11m ur I' elfect wrllilllJ POI.'S the ttllltly IIf tho~(l la/JguBgeIJ con- willeh 'he ltnowledgt' Literature Dr d Gl!lJl'rrlJ I{lIowledge; In tbo \'1 hlr hlitorY!,lf llCJIlIC tic and orelgn IStutl.'s, in t,rillllte to \it() ~\!\(!·lt,.ll"!UIClltCJI the mental w(mlt.l alford him" Alld IV~ ~ay lie \ thc blourllplly 01 CIiHlwgul hed men, hath facult Il'tl l W r('ply, it dOllll; ltlt, It de. doCt! not becomc acqualllted" Ith ~ Illt homo" ontll1brootl. olld tJIC rcll111011 of hi \'e lopoo nl1ll strougtbclJ!! till) Jl\('mIllY 'I'he 111011 JO their orlglnul 'mgue doe!! not reo lhere I 0", U to olher ~,Quntrlcb. A _eo",pnrl~Oll ot:. rGI$e of till ell ully 1/1 II·1l1\. 6~1I1h 'II Ii' I Ul,l"!, on Introductioll to thllm. He may exctCl6C of the r "Ul,,'~!"'LlI\1l OPtn- !dIS80 III our own country wllh thoHe of Jta- oflttr~ly ub\1ohltc, Q 1111 I'OUMCqIlCIllI) IIIOTC ) 011 0\ c~ th(\ trall s llll~on8 01 oW' dlly but he tiiculLIl!fO of thc mind confined wIthIn Itself, lOllS un the 8I1mc subjeet. • Iy or' Greellfl 10 ~heir Hlu frlQue <Ioya WIll 110\\ erlnl Ihull 111 Oily ot.h~r bra~l\ 01 6~ll- U,I ;uihllg tlt\3- lrllnstntQr, not the allthor. -t(\j:itLIugllliH~~: U frorn tJiOIlO operatli.\ns of thc In your paller 01 lalllt \\ lIek II'ns a com- limply telll. the supellOri1..V oJ r,,01cfII o\'cr il) fn cOOlmlttlnj{ to' meillory 11 pOI 110 11 ~ Ho ..IIIUY drink fro}n til lle~ornlPI slrellms, i 'd \ I qre cllIliodit'd III ~vord/j or ac- rmllucallon from Q\liz, 0.11 lh.~ cause.. or IU1Clent Beloro uttempllllg th \3 compo J- or IDIIgilsh cmnpOSItIO~I . there I S lin o s~ocl- l but IIIJ IS hl,o. the w,:ulhl 1\ 10 i\h\luld ~rfllk III n _"' I • ,.,., t Ii ' 011 19t \Is I~()k at: hll1g'lllif0, Ule yeliiJ.:!u. Ly ntlon oC Idellli Which {'I\n~lcll tbe lIluHI \tl llie Llltt..lcu Wilt r. 01 Sllrll.t~l:fa trollllllorted tlOIlCl, I!)arlore thou$hts 111\ olve the COD ( S{)U"t!. whl b thOllght I~ conveyed to the lillJld 01 recmll 111 SllCCQ8~I On, sen fence IIltOI I.'ll- l lhoutlllntll:l crl InlieS mto U slck]y ,0glOl), Il\ II1zunco5 or pcrceptlo.ns of the ll.n~er!J\uqtlTClltllDony \1 U III ero p1'(){luc cd Ith9 wl ng tho )aC\Lrer. A thorough col:,mand 01 the tence: \\ Ith ht.lle dlfHe\lIty. But the stu ISl lid 01 mhlllmg the cleJlclous iltl'l108pber.e, II1g. tile CDl\cluSIOns of the judgment, tho j thnt ueco,lllposing nmlnu} nntl vegetnbre til..' gua will hUll orlltor prOl'o!!O!! to usc '" or IJntm or (jreek grlunmul lIIu;!tt nllil drrnk!lll1' Irom the. ~ry~tuj, o.mts or tbat deCillion;: t\l1allllrj)o~~s of ti'e wlll, the uICIlSj sub8tllll,'lS, lIll~· other jilLh,y Imd n(l\lSCO\l~ dl~couNe~ jlj tlie "lirBt I1rt!ii clp l ntlalllrilC'f1t tvlce J oluted filets, indc p Ill! ot of lilly ll t\t>lJ/;'Hluf l'iUCf;l . • There 18 III tl,ese lunsvn., of the 1Ill'n.glllo.Uon. nni.! tile conOlUSI0118 of ' molter\ nr ' I'Todllctl\!e ol' rcrbiin dl8cnsoB llcee !fury;, UlI~ the 611PJlosl~len lhllt {\ Slthllnr os 16tnncc, und , :thOde fuets nre l' -.g III l)OCU!JUllty or )dIOI'll, Q IlIllOd~h"eBIi oJ , . I ntb h '.f d knu\Vl~tI~c 0' IDugJl 11 dcptmll~ Ullon" lied on Iv liy n row rful exercIse 'of till sty 13 , on aunplntlon of \~ o~ds to Itlony, U,o nltnll III g(,lIerol: but imnglllatlo,na I \I Y,Ol tlr/! ,o.n opll\lon IS or.mc rom knowledgn ofLlltlJl 011(1 Gre k, iii tho cOn'l ulty.-thoy lnust bll wTlLle II. the most I Yo hldl defy trnnslutloll. 'I'lloroforo I oro rposcs WIll comprehcnd ,Jl\lmerOull ub~ervutl(:mg, th~t Pi~tt;onS most l mOil blunde~ lh ~t ball !el1lo llie 'Iolltest tntlclltule I Ltor8 all the JlU!!C ~el1lury, Idoraunued. It \\ III UO lound, tlint In proporlOay be uuderstoQd tiy thought e llo~eilto putrid 6ubstnn~(,\l W('ro not YISIt..- t error 111 4 Ohrltitltlll lm!)rlcnn ed~outlon 2ndly Thelia IItlilholJ rC~ulro the most lIOn tlil tile nrlC/ellts nrc ehuJ/thl 01\(1 nJmh·. I S reCj\lJ Ito to gUllle nnd re~ula~e ed by jtoverli anu cltalol'''' liS th08~ wore CUll 1J0 \to\\ n thllt n!llll tchths of our untlrlllg I.\I\~ SC\ oro cxcrcllll' pf the rensoll- 0(1,01 are unkno\\ II aild Ihl:!re~lIrded 11\ Ilrty. powC.rs of cog tallon In II proper nlatl- who h~eillJl \\holesomc sltllll,honll whcto Inngunge has not th e ah., hlest COllTlClOOn IIII1'\JOWOrs The Lotilll1nd Gro!\,k uro nut l coli litry , good lo.te oud OOllposition wd II Itn. or d o~elluence Oil t1~e Gre ck nnd Lut- reud us the. English, l"'rench 1!lId most mod- fl OUri s h o~ deuhlle•• 'l;ho sa~ne gOl1erol r01'" lor \vhen tJI(ll0 JS no mentul order or clennl,lll'sS \1 us rCmnrkl\blc. " ' . Thd 1'h ~ II db I u r h N 1\1 olcsslos nnd It h.~6 been lor the reniulII' ern Inrlfl'uuges UIO leud 111ut IS to fl uy , ! UlIlrk ,\\ til IIpply \\ It I equu propriety to ~ We. \\ Dula ~ercr our renders VI lilo l!c~f-goyernl}1e!lLj ~yhen tho 111111 IS ~pe\n e tl oWing "vall J1 0 rlll~ t e 0\\ wg oue tOI!,th. Illl{t Englund nUll .t\nlerltlO the StuUellt JT) tiuIIHlllting frl,llll lhe Ollgllllli j\rcLtitecture Why-:itl Il tho.t tbe PalJtlle, '1. C Sr ho.vo so 1011 Jnbored 'I'llree fourlhs IOto (lIlother l " n~u llg d008 not Ileqessall- Ioll lit Atht-n8 has ev r been the wonder or two interesting llrllcJeli III 11118 weck's pa- ~o tl\cry IIltrudmg thought, and" hen 1t u> Y ... ~k Spcptulor. nTu~V11l0 ltf:r.y 21st. the tl(lle speit' nt schoN III the old coll eg l' Iy CO luml'nl=e lit tho benolnllllig or II. Sll n- the world, nnd tIle mDllel of .t\rli!jts lor cen per on tho ! ubJect of tlae Lotin nnd Greek like the. chanuel of 11 mudil.y 5trenl11. It 18 vcr CQmlYtUDlclltlllg H 1:1 n remllrKubl1? Illct thn~ we I nviillll- alo cours~ ho s /becn elliplo) cu \11 glollol1s lefU)!) UIHI rend l~tr.lJght along." ,htl\ll1g rtury ulter ccn~\lry1 It nllly be ~ruly said Illn&U~g~lI. Both 8i~t.'j.\nre horb \\ ell and !) \ ell r~(l(!lvmg nnt! that \\Iuch il! Coollillr. trifllng.1I1l118inrlll bty heur, dllrlllg' (\pldelnlcs IInillt HI [(Iways eflbrt8 to 1Il/llSler 1.1119 snl l1Jl frn ctlon 61 ale the wtJrdslIl'J they come ; Ol~ ~hc cfl ntllll~' l tlHlt wJllltovor bl ex\}ollenco the moderns I IIbly"represflnted-read nud JUU~(l. .." ,I Ii llcd reluted ~s n mlllt/'J; to creote I!Urprl 0, that !tlllrllugc cud even tl)en ns tho statllltlc~ Ihc lir t worll trnl !l~J4hlca IslreqU(\lIll,y tu- hu\ e nltlllDeu In uro!lItectllr , has beon tho A \"ery Cl' t cn,nve , .,.omlJllu!l I" ~ 1I ml , certnlll ~ , " I III r I t 'I It f ' "/\ I tully f IJlQ G reelnl\> . ()::7"J)n. T...U.llERT \VIII rEl..!n'l~n R raw duy. ( por.. on~, \\ hoso IlVOC\lLlOnfl lCllvc I 01 llll post will plolblY "hj)w, not !lIore tllun wur d tim 1I e. 0 ,t10 II once 111 .~10 Ofl- , rC'su 0 < n cftr" I S O If b 1 i I' I to t.he govorllmcJlt of tlll!3 laculty ot the them to Lo exposor! to tho fmlleR of !lend 911 0 hi u hundrcd be~DH~' aole to rouu ]~ut- g:1II01 und SOI'nC~IIl1 \!8 nco ~ho e10l! ,wIllie I mod I In eCCI I Lme Ilnd Pulutll)g 'onger T n£o \v1@ l11g OilY I ling n lie I mmd, IlQd tho ngents ernploye~ to em cL Iln\mUI8ub8tnllce~, elicullc, curriers, Stnven- 1I1 (111(1 Gret' \t lit(oll!gl~ly und not 11I0re tho \Vord ~ ll ellrt \he elOllE' nrc 1'rl'lqllently th e hl;lJls Mloh'loi AIIgelo nnd Rup,tl1lql of tho ~rbulsne88lihoulll col1sDoll Stll cl\rd ~s pilrpo~os ore n"mero\l8 und poLe t.- g ra, I1n4 othl!.T<s stnllturly eXj1l.1~ed to lIlII- tb 11 line in 0 thous"nd lemll to apellk It trtlll lnted; lOr trllitulIce, the verb hi 01- nlOr1()III S Ilro Marly ClllIUI to ~llIdltIJI nn/l; th e verr lust wor.! In the OflC11i1l1 scll~ J'urr.hu IUS nmollg the IInl'lents od\'crtillingeolumns SOlllCtill'le8tlic whole man-lIl1 the llleutill mnl deeom;,o~ !t 01), ('xpllrtenC;lUIg tlO otttlck flllelitly • And hOI" 18 It WJth the rE\ml)ln, ." ~( und I)h~slcn l energl s.nre loused, ond thM It \I'M ilO r.pmllrlc ed In the. \nlnous y cJ]ol\ IIIG" nine tenlhs ofl1:1e lopgunge left Qui of ond I,llIong th e fir<>t lIIthe L1':ina!r\, 6thly. The ncltt 'collauierlltlon to. which ' , ~h" first nUllibet of a nent Itt 1e uoldd 1 f t f I '. I eBS to fev r QPldelhlClil III Nr\v Yollr, At the lhe accoullt 1'11\! drg eu of Dnbhelor 0 OJ!' and ollnvelscly of the tIO/)".. \\ e coli ottantlon III thu II1tlmr.ate rela0 .,. calle the COI'fNGl'ON D.ULY UlflOlT, pub- $U en y •.rom n lito e , 8 uggl 111 ent;hCir poriod!! or the~e cp,!l J;l I1'UCl) there Art!!, savs GTllllke, ~o Illr from pl (l-SUppO~ Helice it IS thollll the \) IIl:.1ntlOtl orev- ~Ion e:'ostrng betwPclI ~ho Elllih h lun_)Jod by A.Ch~Hield & Son hns r-nde itB Vloh.' nt IIC\IOU. l1y U thought. \\ Ne v6ry llllperrect poltce regulation I fOI Ing th ht llaa ~~lId uutc I master or his OWn ely L ntm u~il 01 ok 8e:.((\lIc('. thO Judge- (runge lind tile TIlllln and Greek. A vOry ,appearonce on our loble. It 18 nClllly The oCllVlly of thought is surposllcd by tho city UI~pect\Jr't; oOlce nWl IIQt (lalab- IUl1l$llOgC, J ~, 01\ the contl\lry , III too muny mentmu t J\el't'Sl\~.rlly be oxold:sed,tliel a- !lOndluernblo PQrtll:)n of OIU own longunge ppiated, ably ed1ted,ond nltogether wel1 Ilothing~ it pns es flom ol1e pOUlt to IIT1OtlH'I lIahed tlllll!05, Dnd the vhlllll'es. mlLrk~t. illsl.lu)oCS 1.1 prQorth,ut be l!iJlot Thus 10.\ soninl! I' ... wcrs tuxad ~ IlIcth,n.g h\~11 ho IS dtllved !hrcetly from thOR 801lrces• • over, th" greate t oonCOIv,able aISlUIl('f)S 1Il plnc os, pflvi~s, tl\nnorle~, mouulllctOllCS 01 the (Uillt lind VPIQ hope of the tell per cent rol~6w, ntl' rQ\lllne of 1r1p aJ ~lIggc t th 'm- I, Ncarl}' ullllic {jl,ltu,xe~ lind \lffixell. nlld II: gQt up. l'he pub1IIIbcrs oJlPcDr 10. hnve 0. "" , I vcry I10ilt IIltercst· they s(lcrlh uo tho prll\clpl' \ t;" I bl f I • twrnkllng of o,n eyr. gille, mOrocco, Bture I1 qlC, 1II,1.,e ~n :vcs to tbe stndcnt.vlz wbo Ij; ' tie nctor Iconstt ro e. IlrollortlOu 0 tIl) prmclpBl good8bBI'C or I.h&t I1tllde S? CII8enlJI11 to It is nn yo \ luoh penetrates through of tlto Clty,~r TO m thc mo t isl lhy eOlllh- Now III leferencc \0 tho clempllt8 of ~I. or ubJect In thiS CIl, I I .. thechnrrLcterul Iwonls urc \t'urn these Illfl~ungel', anti tho luteo.. 1,\1 II,ny buumeJ5s. to-wit energy, alld ke k l ' tl91l1 •nnd yellho$1.l employ('(t nbou,t them u"~ol1ce 111 9ur 0\\ II Inl';rllllgD ..,ompnred the nClOI de$clllled or quuhfi!,!d III QIlY \\ fly I J henelit nrl'S lIlg to. tho cln Icnl scholl)r from doubt nolof.... thelr Ji\uc.ceM. llhey !lave 1' " •. ,.-<",. _ _ 0 I]~ mil. C$ great (I CQVCrlC'9 1 It 18 SIIId ' ellC;llped the, iI\~;ljjIl.',.4".. -<;1t 1\0 IVlth the an cient. ednlrr.-oL Uloir helith ~1l I J so, hOI~ 'f UTP. ih ra II fY I)nr'Igltll'llIcuhll- l1n6 source' lIl tou lbvlOliS to require com. oUr beat \".hea. ' Il~ its owy strength. It \),hen the peo)llc oro (,,,coslllvI~ly crowde~ lllytliolGgy. tl.~h 'V~rShlp 'of mnny nllli un- cltients refllted, to be mentioned prav lous ! lIlent Nellrly all the ~()chlllcni \crm/ll\lour , , n~JU&l8. alld condCl)ses factll III so NolV theso fu ets siglllfy aomclllIllg. nud hOWl' gO~i!. wl111thq morlll low of Moses, to, und whI ch (lro ~xfll:l1mtllry of thE! nCt lla ll ~ll a\l'e 11,0 trnced dlreclly to the ,:t..ntin "'oUI*h 01 "alT. effiCient a mnUl1er, thut 1111 art or a. BCI.ne C! ough~ 110r to be disregarded. . Ibllll t;'(1 peacehll prllcC)lt:s of tho MI s~ lUh COllnlllttetJ1 'Vho IS thQ object or th e oc- l 1111,1 Grocle. '1'0 "llld IItS III Whllt are termHQw wus It 1)1 the lnst QPlidemIC!;\ b l L'olltr:u;t their i\Q!tllcnl PIlII clv" In stlttl- llOd 1 olld wllM Id the ehnruct-Or or tJlO IIh ed tho three lE'orneilll\/:)fe~8Ionl l\tedlclne. A correlpondent. .n!a,to knO\v Ir arrllllgc- III the r, sll1t. I encounlers tho mo~t obments cllnnot be mlille to get up a celebrll- 8tlllato dlfficI:hics WIth SUCceilli l and rc~(ll- J>OTlII, or persolls eng~g~d III tho I':;()$~ of- tie/Is-where IOllltary glory W0 8 till.! only lIl11n Idunl! &c SUel1 18 \l lmef outllno ul I LlIW, '1'h nlllgy, the "dvuntllgP8 l~ccruelng .,.1011 in thia neighborbood.. on Ule next anI t b cI I t t 11 ('II IVO OCc,Urnllon s, 8mh n$ Irnu.lpng cut- obJc t of ombl\Joll , Vlt ro. \() b\ltcher Ull th allulyslB the lIllml )'IerllJlllIlS III rcud r- Ull.' lTl(:ulOIIl Il II.' It I uncol.blcdLy true tbll~ n••el'lary day (If ~merillan Independence, ves t.le mos n stru c trullA III 0 111 e Igl- gut, CUUID!\" up the d<;:.u boJlel8 of hursps, nellly cr die 111 Ih~ Iltl(lml't wus tho \lub- Ing evon SRlltllll ce li(11)CCl in all IlItrlcIIl 1) gCt,d cla~s lcol Il bolur 1)\4IY lIoci?plo n I1l1d thinks Woynesville would be a \lery ble sYlltelfliil. , nna lhe tuu~"inoturcr of g illc, ,Prll hU1l1 1 tal)OO (If \lIelr loW and tho obJecl of tli Ir se n1en ce th e Ifluat ca r lui uLtClll tlllu nn (lthc I thol oug11 OI.l\atoml ~t \ Ilhllal s I.h'\ll OliO. Tlie a,Qocle 01 Lills n'llgllt~ ooorg,y UI 111- bh,lt', ;; IImal bja~k, nWlllllQh otl~llr 8u~lltun- 1 1J,(Ut;-IVlth the pence br nUling IIl Sll Lll11ent 8QUlld(3l3l JlldgelllC:llt lI~e ~llc tllll1.Q aCtlull, 10ll trh 01 the tilPC r CjLlU'ed b) ~ 1l ;!,Imply F.:il ~ delirable ploue IQr holding ~ho national nn- \llsllJle,:.,.-/t IS that 8ill<J'lll receS8 into wlllr,!, eM us e"llIlle, III tholr rtlonul'aclure, odors of 1'18:1 , with (Jur ans Itutl OlJ~ of bC'nevo- to Ulltlcn.tnnd prupl'rl) lha outhor'd lIIeUll- ll~h cholur, uml \\ IIh cOTll]i(uali !J 110 111erAtt· A gootl rn<i'VC, we thl"'k. no eye O~11 penetrate ani! ",here no vOice et the mQat horrrble dc-crlptloll, scarcely tl.'lIce alit! philanthropy Ilnd our congOIlIl,L1 IIIg. And ns "!ltl.\,)f!~ varv III lh\!lr ~t) Ie. hOI AJlropos to thld subJecL ~hQ (Iucsth,lll hat do l'?U \loy ,gentlemen yea or nny-l II.' heard ' alt.holl II /1~~Q. event '"ntC pU8slu" un.rhnd Ihe til ea (> 01 81X~ (lll'nJluy~d mor Il\l1d dOlliUI systenl8 ContrnSI th ol\' the Jlfllculties ,"crOIlSC', so lhat. the r!Ul:/f<I- 101 on '1l11akvu, why III tho Mo(liCal CleUC(r . ' g.,. _a III mnklllg cnl-gqt. but one <.I ed. In the etqLo or soql ty wlll'ro snvnge uarU,I.\ Ily btll si')dc),t IS constllnt!y <:xllrCI!!cl\ III II dC- , I' sllromh' d III so much 1ll}l1l}\1ryl I reI'ly " epldomio of 18311 HI Purls, 01) !lorse-kllier characle~lzell tile man, \\ hete \Voma!! \VII Wolil of \'"riC'd l\nll dillir.\llt rellSOl1l11gs l it c;oultl not hnve botl" othllllVl!IC' l\ledlctlr or In (lelilgn nnd Imnglllntlon. I!clwmC<1 \Iud inv~nbl ris. /Ill the Wil.li tu~en Sick; nnd out of aile II mlrc!}..aJ1!J. UI IIll LI ,"1)JW~ll .r.aglltdod ~ i1 il a. ':!fu.:..j :!w)J!J ' ..Jlc!Y.!illtl,lgQ. ' til lhtl Ll 110 SCII:!lI r.c : Ys C.llrJstaut4t uti. IllIClllg- ll-lIl4 llll -'o:...:..:;;."<',·............_* ,:.c>-' :-. c·orltr Vrn ~8 Q mlln"; otvnrlcd an Mly. our -persoll e'lllployctl III lhot nostdls- propcrty of tho / Stute to be Mlllocl fo~ \VHr tlce, (lrI~Ing 1ro1\\ tho f\ Ludy o[ Ih e (l IUIl- JIC,V ul ffCO~~'Il ' G{l; nla~u, III'IV terms must bou.ndlcRsly qxtemme ullhty: to the whole gllBung operu'tlo.11$ thnt CUll ~e COllCC\\eJ -\\lltb the refilled nnd pllhsbell sc eml Ir- guage~. Iii til 1\ t t\lJlOUI1L I)f u~ fIll \~HI - bo Ilflphori. Now It UI\O Act of ter It J':iI CIVIlized world. orlgll\a~ect In tho conceaJed -tLato( drylllg bum(11l ~xcroment for mlln- 010 of AmericlI. WIth the gellerous gnllnnLry ter lD,cldenrltlly U~Cl1Il1Uldl-t!4 ,1'11 W.lo~ou$1i \lsCel III A"I ~) leu, ('!lulher Itt Prunt'\), ull1l lr t f 0 t I t ' pte-'-only ul)e died Ell the cholofon, Othr.rd, ot tile annIe (mil the virtuous ~Imphelhy of c!n.,slcllIlltlll\ I1t becomes ul II ccesillt)\. \1 ell (lnotller III G(.1l lllll ny all 1I1 .. lItlll~' ul -d.ffi. re ell 0 c ~ emf) II Ion. wllo we~e engngc~ III scllfug animul man- the fmnnle Conlfaflt their hterut\1ro Ilfl~ ucqullinted WIth tbe History I.. the 1\[yt h<llo- (U.ltv IlIU t UTi'C'. lind 'he JOost rO\\ erIuj or \he 8eatlnel-w1ll ~a1\er be 'Under tbe How grel,lt" porllou of our IDte-rcst and liTO. I!\lfi'ered, 110' at nil. So also J\l the general )mClwl~dge cQilfincd Oll they were gr, the Geography. t.he :::lI)ICIl( e ~"jl ~hl' , bc;rl'ler OjlP()S ,'lo Cle rrorrr il" of MeJ!c.l ~rrectlon , or hi. Ia,ther. Hon. Wm. 1 hop"lnc81 a pl'llda on the employ.ment of vJl\ngeas ~urrollnlhng Paris. where 'filth III to 11 few flDl1on!tl,Hlftlering on tlie Medllar- atts ot the an ICll~ IHlt10ns nnu or th e nl- s lc ll~e. 1\!(;.llcal O\~ll' I~ dltrClicllt C,OUIJ. BrowJJ. The :Sentlnel wos cOlnmenced the tlibughtAI Thill medltotlv!, fnculty l1I(\.y descrIbed os hnYlOg eXisted to, 1t llurpnBIIl~ funelln and n few Isler,d3 witl\ll1 iltl I;ank ogrl1ph~ 01 the c()lobr~ted fIlllIl of t!lose 11 ic ~, \~TllUlg III tlluufLlllt llln~lIagc., Oil \ho about..nine ycars ago by ~e Mesers, (;hllp- dwell Oil what is boe()' vitintlng,t1egrnl.liJlg, dogree, wherd tho accumulot'lon8 oj tluu}s reportp\!. tly only two or threo ~18tor;o"s 01 IIges rhe pohtl/lnn ns hI' giAnCL'1l hl.l It anlOo ~ubJect\ \liould bo ullu~l[J to Ui'd(llme.. ",,110 "hav/) COQ~u()ted it u to the r08- or rumolls. 01' on whllt 18 chlllSte. pure.! Irom slaughterlllluNes In ces -po .,.18 und hOI_ j".nJinedCe and Llaia so mIxed up with fir- 10tU the hls torv of lhe P lsf, 111111 \ll\h tho !!~ullll Cl1dl ')thcr unu tbc r Iluh ', ould be II • , P P IOW8 I the /fround, rentlored tho air exeQs- '.,Oll untlillule ntl t,o hld~ tho truth-Wllh lupse of og ~,'1II111 bohoWs tho~c. /pa lld und llh 10. of 1.11011 Il)d". UI}llIt('III"I~~ '~l t mg, Uti.,.•I permo.o nUY<rbnppy ~nl. time wi~1 much cre41t tp, tbcmeel,vlI_ cl eva slvely oaenslve. but' one eMi! of uho!:;,ro OUI IU>ltllfl()1l1 Rno\Vied~e of ull pn t Illld lIellutllu' Illbrlcs t1l;.1t I,,"rn cruh")I~t111lto th qlt' f<IJ C 1n'IPI)IH uble nnt' 118CI;ClI, Tho --aDd the" party. May auccelll attend them How necclIsnrr tha~ nn 1Ig1.1Ilt: C(lp~ble of occurred i 111 otherl! cqun Ily 08 ()ubOSlvo preSellLtIJlle' ~vltli our gC0lrro,pH I 1ll'l(now)\: I u1lls. hills nol to i1row t henoe If'(!~oll 01 sallie I' uclt! Ill' trill! 01 all NMurtll I.lleI1C<'~ In \\'hatever bUIIID_ they mllY pro~UQI~g 'results so vnst and duro blo sho~ld from IIlmllar clluse~, nona oce urred. Oue edge ot the' worldj WIth our pllliosophy prllllliculullj,tn-ol rell llllJJl()rtu nco Tho u 1\ ~ r nomr, Ch~(lll try &. If 'IICO ~ lul' engage. be lIubmitt d to sllch II~J(..rule os is lIeijt III purllculnr hi very rcrunr.kub~e It wnli\ of nl1ture nnd vnSt IImClunt 01 <,prrent. intrl- Cbrultll\1l rll ho r verts tu th e rei WPu" bClIefit, no), t ho \lC~U!l nec('s(tllyof lie ng adapted to the present nnd fi tura happi- \\ lIere then Ivnll ag)~e 1'I\0tory "hlCh, W Ill"ts J J,~en(!o. OUlltru8t tbelr syst~m o~ blogru, g~~lOm ,duct. luI' ilU I'n uy Ilj;C hUllg ~lk1.' U{ tc:'r:1 \ ~t'rIV ' 1\ III 111\ 'U{Jg" til It nrc Ilut \ Goo ct, ,.,e88 of JI1l1n nnd to the de81gn 01 lhr great baSinS cOlmected With the bt.tSIDCS9, filled / pby. ,onfined ns it 1\ itS to'tht> lives of millta' vu'st pull uver~preuur"g thl! II llon "~- ... s II. f-I'll e H 0 11 l1 "t, onJ \1 h'. Jj Ilrc ~lIc 811mb The mombera or our icmn Counell are CrontDr Il'!the e.ldowmenta he hOB b<p8\owed "fth onimul lDntter ~n SOIUt/OIl, e:th~letl l ry heroes Oild tholle so cxogeruled liS 10 J.oop- Ille mentul VII<!<m h p~er~ ' tIll (Jltgh lh <' th o \\ ulld 0\ er." To lho T jltiOlojjpl'll1 stuconliderlng, the pro~nety of ' building 0 • ~ I Id I :n~ tl l the mOflt fctid eclor," yet ~Iw vllhlge mi the l'c.ruler III con:atunt dlstrmit-wlth ouril VI til at VUSI t'tllllllt'i\ IIllo the tlUI k r l'CCI!:> th:nt 1 Iw~1 OOl D): thllt Ii It Il,nr:ltQl mark(!t bouse One Ill/ \II~' lhlllk! ,ory on bun prllcwol' tlntnowIs.,C S ~a wJticeit'\&81!Itllated 'Wftl!tllem\)8t' he~lthy. l wllilhcmJ>race3tne II\'esQf IfJQst 01 tile 01 Hl"l.tli~1J l'tfyII'lQlngy',-cunn t bUL , lqt'l ' llllo\\ I dg(!u l'l lllflGretllt l ngh It llurtlou., bJI ~et'.ded, UIle\. hope! it \\JJI 800n be pIll. whkh III- eternal, 'I • r O{ nIl. tor none eve~ hod. tbo d~8olllle. sllllearnen onillingell, most of the emment ll~~I~kllll th t 111 ~ lot 1:1 ell t ttl n lunfl 0 \ 1'11 1~ I IrivllUlo lllo, At a lilll! wh n tl,t'r\, y l VfI!l nl!.Wi11s, ~[ag 14lh. -~ -phllDsophers nod pllllnnthropisbl. Who hove Chwltluns omong n peoplo thut :l'nr Oll r 16 J mllcll tul!, uholt!Wlrlll tr.J» dUPQI1' Qlllt up, .. ••• ~'or tho VJ->1I1Qr livel} III tho past. Gon.trost thDlr relall on DlvlrIe lu rclhg IICO. (II looklllg over Lhl' ~ltc IDl I'0rf< c.tI6 n~ ol tlW oM; ~Iholl tlraN For Iho, VI~1l0r F The Gteek and Lntht ()1n.~81~1l. (With other cduntllea,.conlinetl.19 thClr com- rl'rnl(Jltlceuclll;I ol ,IUClldlt IH1 PN:ltiL'.lI1, ht· '-arulJcl,IrJy lid III lly r~nlb I II "~ Ql DU\e )ltS' .......&'lIr81 piect'50r, I!ditofllll, nnll sev~, Law and ()'~(!r. V or YOlllh Lo rellp/)ct ugo ,ft b!\lLral- Itll.'rce WIlS 101\ lo'lli Inlanil SOils. \\ Ith little Ms melullcbl,lr ev~dc lleo ot tho dl'gru~ed :ll!lr II Ull ln~l uJ(hhiJorcnt !i~I\l!I, " It! ~blfO=+ crallllteiee~illl ar1.1cl~1I , from (he pens 01 • to aneratlon for grny IlIlll'II !Iud lqft~ ex pen- or no rorolgn frotlo or corrcsponllenc , 1I'-11h- sfu~l-anv'l'il IB \v-)II-uh..-HtU dt ~:d"t "llhllt IIIt- InttJ~ ~r.y tlMt ch\! t'x paufl~ler of thoourcorreepondenl.a havo been t:rowd~d out lIB. EDITOR -¥ou Will PE!rnllt 1'110 eneol. CO:-CXI8t!!n~ WIlli Ll1e liMIt progeDy~ Q.urii , ou~ commerce cuvcrlllg tho 0 cun, lion whQ<le rehlllltl!) IS mu'nly on their 01\ 11 (;/ o,.pt. I ... llOuld b I.IUIO to s<tllrl!/l tit" url"'thil week, ameng tlem are a fe\V plece& offer R few thoughtI'. th~o\lgh YOII" to your I1nd. thllt .It 1~ irO, IS I) happy .clrCl\mHtnnce our stars oLlI stnpes ViSltlllg overy luud r(>ul!on. mdC ' a\uluF\t ot an 11I •• her clldc I n:ll Illf:!-\clf..und...U:om Ihu (1l1rO,~,IIOUr~l!, i~;:--=#"u::-:-:'-~:::-;'-r'CIrjj'a;OwII~." from 'IJenuie." nnd "Pcdlt- numerous. lind IDtelhgen\ reuders. I)n t"o for t~e \\~Jfaro lI~d 'Prosperl~r of tbo hu- alld our correllpondeneo anI,! INOlldly reln- 1\l6rol~, Suell u lesson, ~ )Oltgh. lld.t. ~l\l l- , J CTl VO ~I, c tr-lI.h. Not (Illy ld it lIC((!.8 urt l ;ogue." f(lI w\llch they \\ ill plense oeept above l!u~lect' pralliising ot tho aame tlma. man nlm J d h' d bons wltb all Qlvlhzod no~iq08. cmg IS yC't lD~lrud.1Ve, IIIllI 01 l)r,lC\IVU( 1 for \l, e 1\f1ll1 CI t !,) " "9 ",(cll IIllorUIIIII\>tI>. our lh~k8. dint every CItizen hna all equal rlglit to I Ut men on nfl,ons o.'v !! ~l,g e on t;llllI It 18 pretondetllhat the oratol' 01 tho u~J1lty. Till:! Inl ui'l[IlltJUri Ilntl \h e ICl'j ' l uut IL I~ e'll1:ill} d~}I.. ruhl that . rv Chritlf II nk Ilnd speak for Iaunsclf und tliat 110- ~ht~njte m},snf P~fatrdn 0 ~ e Iprlll0'r e, pro ent dny fll\l!it deCipher those old helllh· Oll~ ure embraced III eyer! oJ~lrltlTY course tlu" s hduhi p R CSS f ilch m co llil or' in\ t:st" \1 , h el lavo uo 18 1. lIllIlglllE' llat w Int- "('II mYlltcne8i mus~ pour over thelll too In of r.\4SSIClillcllrJllng, bt'l'\lde" u \h ~t Hme,unt I gotl " \Vo knuIV Ihnt In ' 0 UI Cixullillt , C~~uula. {lung of a dl8Dgrcellble or ullrllendly c :11- ever \V'IlS of long 8tandID~, U:at whMever theinciilentallllllgllogc ill \vhlcJl they wero 01 gt:nernl knowl (rgc, to lirl\l h ol1r IIpat:tJ ' stu ti UIlS ure Ir!\, ~QlItl Ihe mOoit eorru t The Parllamp.ntary HlI8lon colnmellce~ actor should e~er grow out or dIscordant was eurllest begotton ..)r II fd firs\ t~at wTlltE!n In order to "improV6 h.is lfls/e" _ t"rblds even to 1(>101 1t(l crellCCl! tu an· 1 mel) '1'0 1I,1\'e. ,1111 v 1~1V IIItCIC!;tll to aLlol'Oato OD the 14tb. The Governor Gen- sentl/pente,o,l\ this, or ony other sU~Jeet whntever pr.eYIlII~ 111 olden time, WIIS the The oettlnl cn-bct. howvy"I-l", QIl the t08t~ clen~ HII:Ilory, to llnclent Mythology. uml lI(lr\'~',-thpy hnv fl- luttitlOll ut l!lke 111111 eral d~ll~red his adtlress In French and Wholc40me lows I.'rlually I1Il.trlbuted, are model ~f jrulr~tlon nnJ conllttllllcd lJlll cia- IYjuy bo seen III lite \\ ar-Ilke spirtt thqt hilS Blogruphy ore exceedingly corJmon In om II t, Ilw.~e !.Jigy wll 01\/11 sncr.tice lllgh~r _I'd English. 'Phe following IS the. programme tho glary, lind stny ~fany eommuulty,.I,ow- ~n'TI 0 excc c:ce . .' 1 I dl'~olated Eu~ope for the IQllt 1800 yours '-!uy ond our \Vorl.;!, ond It III n"lUltl~y noc- \wller pO tl~ldrTi{~lon". It IS ImpOlitilJlt lbet"efor ~be .Ion. n be' nnd 0 de iii Ie prt'~ en generatIOn ~iI i) most llc Olose ObS01V('r~ huve oscrtbed tl)llt III n OSllory 111111 the mUll whl> ()lulO\!J tho tItle of fore that tlae !tillY" ~oultll\,lvc tile a~itit " t, Th ' ever Inrge I)r 11\\0.11 It u\ 'Y " first to call ill questIon this uupitClt co nfl- good mOOSlIlO to the ol!1.rnva!!i.nlladmlrntIDn scholar should ulluel'l!tunil them \\ ltbout to Ilroue the motl ' 0 f th· I~ ~ , ~rof Oa:!~n~~d"t:b~t III ~bfl~h:ffi~~~l- lIald.to be banven'iI firllt laws; but thOD t~,e drnCll in Dl1tlqUlty. Regurtlle'BS Qf the hue of the c1~SICII, t~ the JlI)Iultlun of Grork findang I necct'f!n ry to rE' rer to 8~mb t xt ! IIlV :lLlgute theIr o~ml~nlJ~ 'ili:1 thu;"o": ~b~ .dvo te It ~1l1 be remo~ d ~ hi ability to make. anU: IldnUnlllter ~ucll la,~ a. lind hubbub raised .,gOIJlHt young reSpOlJ81- I1nd RomulllIIBlcntl of chnstlun hcroos, and book Tlw:l fact It \vu" Wltl 'h lUu\lccll lIJ1prqocb the Fountair'a 0(\ 1tfi"lIl\~ddnk trQ~ Socond~, Tba~ reC:IJlrcaletrn~~m ()onsists in the mind beihg woll informed, bJJIty. ~ ~e.Dorl1lJ)n uf 1th~ con~l)lonalt' are to the unchrIstian character 01 gCllell11 cd- tl1l5 rerno.nk frOl/ltllC vr neru/:111 John Q,1,I1ll < It 111 fill It!! nativc purity. Vnlted Sta~ blld been dehlyed (Sco well storl.'il WIth useful knClwledge. well co~ten I~g t~dt t le re allon bl tweon YOjlh ucntloll Dalll ih thlll spirit Illld "e shnll cy A~III1Ii1. Ono of the most lenruod ond I' VI C btl\' DOW brlt,'lTy ~n~ uvet" b.~ 1~~~VII,e81 UPO!1. thlil IIjlbjett ) trl1rned ill tlle pafh of true information Ull 'bge 18 WI ely dIfferent CrllT tile red n- hnve lells of blQodllh~d nnd m.,re of -POlice, hte schollll"8 $lI \Veil nil one 01 the m~8( Important n'!lIIIt:} no mplitthtcl bl' ~ t II.&} unl.hment ou hL " . I h nnd COT' tlon etweeu a generation an\.! Its pre e- less 01 horoes nnd Ql\Jru !)f PllIlu'Dtltropl ts, prnctrcnl men that ullorn our NaUl)Uol hon- til sfud,. ot li'l .. Llltm ' an,1 GK'tit W~ be abOliBb~ :~a e e8tlJbhllb~1I woll Imuued III SOil d ~hy OSDP; Y. - ccssors.. Mnnkmd~ are proglre5~lve" enol, 11.'a8 of Wllrrlor~ !,IlJd moro o( Btntosm~n, less or, hit wou)d haec-tnken rne"ll1lid Itc~ '-ten hill El IIttemJ)t1'11 to 5hQ\'i t~l :u~b ;tadi .. the OJia ;,aCll tr C~lldll lin r v d' reot. thinking. lind .lIt leu,t. III some degree. fucceedlllg oge ro~eAsell tho ollporlence 01 false glory Ilnd Irouor~ IUld 1Il0r(l of tile yeors tp IlIIve u~qU1red from 'rex~ nllult • develope lllid l'lt('nglJl(lft tI e (1I! . . .~ . ,here .h~~:fb~ imp~"Yed • site P °t ed' advanced up the hIll of SCience, 011 tbe top of the past belSldes n kllowledlle of Its own true the lnformntlon 1 ob~tl1ued by Clll thl' Y ntJonl 011) lll<IW\ I\mll~ ~o:"""ott/I): ... ~ "'\ n ... men I1n r h b II t IIe lempIl' 0 f r...... IntentlOnll nrescni.s lIlt'... ......"T"that• tb"T UIV t--.---;-,- ~Ju'f laW8, cileaRer Courts (}~e &e. I) W IC .-'tlI. b d ' andft couscquontly h x •. r mlll tI II. TI Itl VC rY sacra t" 01 III1CCel!8 III G rce I[ an d 8ludl~ "" In mu c.... e:tc.r ISC Ohfro-re08 ' Illng 'P"\\-f.'l\i'thelle tl.'flectioos were ellC:~ltctJ, by th~ r~ ~rhBCOp(l t ~ Prlon$\Cm~o h ROlnlln Oralol'll \\I,IS tbe cOIl~lnncy \Mlt luund ~ctuully necc:lsury lneito incldeptully tltQrG till Imnd w,'ti an!!\ fnud £., If n tlnral\ce of on ordll1nllco aseed b the II appy 1/1 eo.~ ,~c eem I t lit mnny wluch tb y ndllE'I'ed to their own IIlslilu- And hUB Opll1lUn is cormboroted 01 ullcrul mlOTlllatloll· \hllt tll m tho The N. :Yorl< ~'~n p"ll~i8he. a !SpeCial' I PI' "\ CO n 1 of the ;lodly to\?n of of l~! cUlrISeCru.lted\ Idlol!! or the IPllst areb be: tIO".8. The fcehngs of onlmntlon lind pnt- testllJlonyof many olhcl'dlsttngulsh()t! men Illo..'t IU\portu:nt SWtIU'll'~e8 to' ihc7orm~UUu ~ lonorau e u cr Ing H·tn rom tie r p mnea an~ t mnv ID Tlotlsm which nn Uudlvluetl lov~ of COIIll- IlOW hVlDg 0/ II COl"T'l?ct to I tJ I I allpaiCh rrom willcil the fonowing III extr"c. Waynell~ IUe. In the good county of Wnr- to the furnace. That mllcb of tormer rot- try produces In tile breoBt aro better cul4tl11y Til£, 'lcxtJ«0lnt. I i'hbll ndvert ftlllllff. ' de t e-; ,t t "-'1 L~~IBh a~ n ... ~.l , I . lIlXOOl\rO"n ..... gu_ .....1 " «'<I. • r-eo, winch Ii enJ'll drite 0 f9 l~b"t 108 , to rOill- tennessnde a orrup t lOr: lebeJI"p • I .. Ur cd 00'·'culated to call forth ptrllln or eloquence 1180fb \ e rn\llIt uta anluble Importuncc \lInt t oy OJ'\: iDvnluahle III tl~-6~ Th-e 'Cholera IS making dreadful havoc la\c BIlOW!!. exhIbitions. nnd other pe~rorlll. ~lHl the rores of old, opln:tn mId t e ~nr- than any tIling t'l,e: and when \ve lovl' our the study Of. these languoges 18 \)~t.~iDtt!f. In conclUillolt. lb.-RIte wo c . errer. aho fS- native 8011118 lhe)l dId; when we.- cense t r, pruv8111ent lO tillitO IIm!'ng our amol'll tbl'l lIoldlery. 'l'hedeatha, up to tbe ances' ond alter nnming over IlUlTlert>us I allBj8 ~ oog ord assert without tear 01 dtulI.rnJ (Clll~dfe.,. dat8ofour dl.pat.ehe•• May 8th. ore aver- fixes ;hat cnnnot bA pernllued wlthlJut It tIDe ~o jen, Iroml Ulll1g lur ot erw se wor-ahrp lorelgnIM~lt?tlun8j w'~n we gIve Spe~ker6 ;~ndt Artlt!b~. WIUKllIt " tbllt ttl(,ro III no otber 0iH' Mon~ , aged.at two thousa"d! There are tUoJ:e than I • h I I conge 110 on Ion Ily nlm\lep lere ollr cllll(lien a 000111111.11 Amencan educll- /et;slOg any over· fondness tor a-nt Ihllt tberu is ~o Qth c ml>in" r" Ii thQuund Invahda confille~ to t1ie boapl- hcense Irom tbe !llIy~r. wh,e slnl cost 01 ~hese .U1C )pst to dll~, though n~t the lion \nslelld of Il foreign one; the DOW 1110 merely for )ls o\"n snk ,-'" f.. ln uc t'nCeS Mucb IU Ib ~rn: lto"":D 0 r W. OUr correapondent layl Ule diselllle len t/Jall one. nor more thl\n ten dol· lelUr~ l'til 1l110Wl!. 18 the protrll,ote;i frUltlOlls tout eloquence \VIII IK>come IICn-iblc nnd ell1l m odnllrllll1" any It.'Y\ter or """"Iter al·· 1 'II tl' ,"_ gt or - ..., • properly cholera. but a complicut on Ian; n omes na IceWre - on ony au b " 8tudy of the Greek I1nd Lot 111 CI88siCll.- the Amorlcan orator ll'lJr bo ns flIT ahead I1. b e ho "I. · pqpular,-we -y--do COli soouwell • I • '""" IIIllDO .rntlUnt 'Ol' .p~icatinD i• Jiot ~ect, couse eapactlllte& ilio sludf'l)t" ~.... of it WIth th., Yellow fe.vcr. It i. pccull- how arll WI! in thitJ good t \Yn already 80 Frolll thebtllll~ pretence thllt our own Iqn. of Clccro, EllcJllnu8. nnd Dell\osthl!ol'l1j we tbl.nk It rrgbt Co 1c('.ognaze ml."rlt in life JUS.;....... arlIJatal to Europeans. that we neetl a tariff to prevent guog~ III a8C OI! them, that they Ifr-a II!o as the cbaracter \If qur trllleS' It! quperio(to \vllerever It DlUY be aoml, \~hether • .... .~. 'f.he Government perse\'erf!1I III ilia If!. . 1 eltt I1structOI1l III lralnlllg the nllD , 10 thtllri! N DOAN &h& on lena or modernS' It' an , femal potier of eho~llg thllt tbe dilease 'fronl cqnllng m or are \\Ie JmproY~ ng' tHe tasle &'c., the_ h~ve b e e n ' . • Ue1Jeea Ibow Demo&then~ (0 be IO]peli01r l Co 'or ~ , IS ~lIOn guen by the people but tile wick. afrau\l.hllt we WIll learn s:lmeihrng from 11 Irowncd pver by the studellt for tbo Jllllt For the Mlnnu VI"Jlor". t0lri(y modern orntol' we Tlif\ ~O\lllt~ of Pbiiu4e!phMt, ~ a aN ed j:borp produces no effect.· lecture Hon any subJect1" ::.Wbere ignor- two thousand years, to tbe cxclu..i~ of The Stud, of the Llltfu onel Grc,k even trlough it be to' the offiol!ll e!l~matee, bu. been cem",~ to 'fh... Cuba people. arc In nigh hope, conIs bli~g. 'u. folly: to be. WI.8e-." Iyhul \~alJ mow Imp' rtnht; ta the ruIn ,of . , :r,ollruRg'e • NntJo(tnJ vanity OT our tho (ollowing ,",maror 4awaJrH tlone It will be admitted by !lll, thllt the per. talt~ fO;,«lO,ly , nnd he murd('r omls- The true educutlon or tbe youthful mflld 0llln1onlt. If Homor.. '"{irgil lIod &'0'., the -nay ()f the oiintery aPd. .Iderillg the time pMpitioos for the I"oding of the expedition from the Umted States formnoao8 nnmed In thl8 oruinance, except 1Il'fj ~t:c eft. d d' • . 18 the grllnd bnlllll of future enjoyment aoll are one<f\lahed by tbe modern, let IlA poiJ8C to Buppre.. ri ... te, from the Tbeyare burning wltb abxlet,Y to know J b ect" are at belt U8a. core t.,O" great mo CTn IscoverllS m uselulncllS lit )1Ie. It i. tbat nlone \vhir.h I" lripwut .,¥"m~ututfQn or b\lIld YC1lr lft4il to 184&1i01h illCludlve. Gen. Lopec i. acting punctually to bls a", ectufll 011 pny -au ~ " "o~uru.' sCIence; boforo morahty. logIc or ~1O't only mould" the mara] unu relitPOOlI All ho",,"vor, Ill' motters of ta&tc, mm 18;lil. LoRlbfl[,(i Ilnd f;1t. Mary .treet ran.s,ementa. leu. a~d ,,",eU euough tb.t they pay 11 In~- r',etorH) were reduced to lIystem; before II caSt of society, bo( 3USp tile OOtuoy of 'alto.nd CritiCl11 gentUIIlll'O the bctJtjHd ~ 710tS................. •• , ...... t6.aas 50 ~.~ lire "OlD rklermitlllll to .trike t1r~ b1olD, iff'; but .hould not. \lill ultolhgcnt, tIllS ~ewton, a Duvy, a CUVle." ~1 a. Llnneu ~atlons. Tb. tbe grand tim by which J gi.vc ftere an exlract lrum Dr_ Bli.llr, ~l: )843. KenlilOgton, ~y !)f mihtary. IlJikthir ~ftl'u or~! weoJtby, this pious tt'wn, rnther invite Illlll hved (o enlorge U,e field .of I~qlltry. an~ to 1 to be elevntlld the mornl "OliO of .illdi- most acrutiniling and impllrtial CrltlO or &c .. ,... •••. ............. • ...... 70196 encDurage and evon PIlY fot' iccTures 011 open the doorbfor 1I,ltfc t~mo 1IrIyell~tl~a"on, vlduohr,-the 'Illogic \Vault thlll banrsbe. m~ern time.. 8pe1lklng 01 anCIent wrl- ]843. Hllrper's briek4llrd. - ......... I ~ 60 0:5-.\ groeery HtabJhlbment III Corwm Ul!eru18ubJ~ets tbon to ta.x a perMn b~cnu~o ~t~lcro 1t ~·berbt ree t mes ItaIi pl'Clfen !<m:th f'Qm tbe domestic ~relide ignort!nce and ten! RDd.l1ltorw be i!ltV': 1846. DlUJlllge. Ciem flo\8, parmll_I. " lere nnll t e In excuse or at~nuon to vioe and in their pllrl!t!' fnoL-ores intell'l .Iln ep'" ''''''.ry ". t ~r d itarv Jl.~ .... !>AI '" ,etMIrally kpowJl .. we liSt. Charlee," woe ha.!Sllould baJlAen to fie guIlt)' of dllllleml- Ule cl116.lcs But thCh!(! dl\YiJ have VIlli. am:l~ ancl.,irtQt'. rlf~~ f '''~b V' I I ;b.""j • orms I\nGe, r o.lIler ~ ' " """'................ "........ _ - • " ' n into 011 Monday nrght, lut. by nll~lng u8o!ullnformotloll. IJihed Inti le/\ behind tfreri~ fcrod ioex~ _tlon or all tlwa' Is ~Ia~ ~~~~il!; ~~:. ()~ a~; ;i~~\ "~D~ not wlJhln cony ~::g. ::::~ :::~~;.~:~~:~t::2~~ ~. thi~ IOnl of BacchUII, wllo helped Anjl In conclualon, may " 'e not hope \lIu.tfbJ:liJt~~tellec~ 80 t'h' milD in life. What t~el'4 dowo melD byedocatioll'J rt> lind Demos\bene8 ~a,;:'= I JIl: II:::' 1847. Claima troop•• " ............ .8,000 00 tII~lY" ID a. much al tbey could con- tbat our 'Very rHpeetable CounCil, ~ilI t ~n a ott or eril1g1 ~"urJcl''' 1 We \lo'derwtand it to be d .., e,st~m (if in- ry, it may be-BIIfely.:...o,ted lh~~ \\'u 1848.100,IDenl rordamaapa i~ late feni.Uy CArT)' of the conu!Qta of a ,vble. totJAider thill maUer, Dnd If they In their j~ 111 ~ CWltII~rcr II e a eoll:lJDe=~Irt., ftrUction willch ,hDIl beMr I""p!lr.itat.e thE' no lurh hilitorical narrative: 10 elepnl ao ,849. riO~~"··""d~·""·"do'-·"""68,s .. ~ 6a k.1 ,,kurel.....t,Ded i, with c.nd" ODd d.- debberauonl, come to lhe eoIJCllleion, that ,~.a :ntl is 1:'f!1 ':.ho eulll rnlm! f'f :J:tuJU, aaern~nej~ the devolope> pieturesque,80 lnimoWd lind /ntefetlt1ni as ___ 68 paNdll...;o, ~_lIamoJested. we are not already oventQC.lled,yith lenowl- out tiM Cbot will ~ ror 1:'::n~lId~ (!~b ~fh. ma~ ~atoofd ~ellt0'u,. Tbuc1~dea,Llvy. 'fae\ • , . , 10 •• to Jleed protection from nny mov\II, [n the Iphere m W tift! mInd to that habIt Ol~ t'houg'ht anndlng 0 thlu8 on ~a Itba' Adlt~~I"ttheh conduct Total....... ......... . ......... 11 . . 8, _ _ --1....... __ , tb d ...... h . .L_ lid r.eed hi • L t I f ' ap· e dr8m may Il mltwu 0 ave rece i V· - - - " " " " e poet, 1_ 00 t e ftsrtber aeca....lallou, ....1. lhf'Y, I . theiT fl ~r m, til; WI phcatlou which ahall enable It to cencell- ed lome mprovemellt., yet ror the poetry ~ D II ' 9M. of ' - 1DOIIth. wlldem, wHl paN IIOIU wbo~"'" Co e':'a alem~: u~~ti&eq In !"-le art ita energfee upon a'!Jy given .ubacntiment, we bllve notll'ow to equal A J::r ~r:r .,{'::~ .. GQCOUI'I\gtI the ditr~lon.r jot!Jllpnile, Jet, JJu~ we dClI~n~jIl1' n8 ~~tr-to dl.robci error uDder what",er Sophocles aud Eunpi~; nor any dialogue to Cbina dated Can... ,":'15 a ~ ~CuCDmbeTl! III tbl1 CU\tll1nllti matlte l~ be born "1Ila:t\lre em 11ft!! ftI6j«l," or Clthr aUenlion prlftcipr.Uy Co the co ora~~~ur I.t may be '-ound, an~ to di.pJ.! tnJth In c:oIIItIIIJ, that comel up t.., tho cor- "11I~IIfPoce hadja& HIli ~ at tell Cllllt. & plf1ce. It.,. 1r\'It... are die CIa .lea 8a11eotial .rt1- I u~den!tI hV: and beoutlrul color'll. We rt'CI graeen.1 eDd elftpnlslmpllcltyo'Te-r-fromPekln,otdead!of chat,~~=:: ei : : ~R,:::J· no IUOb ~ove 8e#fee 41 penop. ~i1l"'v. \be cholera YowluJlllble.-naL wo,aId be ,leased, the Ye"1 nat1JN of they ~re alto tb:;-nlnl:!l:' ~e :::ea:~~~ The.JI'DI8 or 2 ...n ..... JOdt , ........... tID ... Juaow~ WoDl, an ffljury lnatcAd of a There f, Clultintlon or thote finer teelin' !~OII'r ; Theoerltua'~and'ut.fi Ipa~r.la a. OIbth ••e..O.Ior ....' ...o..-.i.1_ Jcal ted eM "IIOD to beliero that Ir h Il d ga • or 'fnc poetry. ., .......... '.....U, dae aeieaeto, and ....-"'7 ....... CIa I tom or tile AlIleri4!lJl.an Iud H D~.II" Ispoee lUI, 8. well !\'(Jill in- HONee .tanda unrivalled." "To alllUehr aecoad.wl _,';M_... .an free. ... ...,.,. bow.... tow fa .. f1 owed bfta emideo'; .. on, to e,... e Ihlati°bn .. ITo,!! dut,. to Jo good , .. whaa- adda our author. ".. wt.b in fOnD tbeiJ' ....,......,_ _ _... lor. ......... . . , ; two, eoanty and thing more tha ...notller to i:1~~ th~l;:"'\!w':~ let tIaeJ ............, i1a .... 11 4 O. iD aD eternal ~ too ~ to atudy the la ....., hleb we !lib to Yi. . "'1tIIq at ........ ,DOl 'cI ell, both _4IIaLtlrli" ........ ... ......dptecl . . . ., lid.... comrort,:' the elelDelda of eloquence 1111 toaD- l'mC!. nd " ' 1MN ilia." hIr8nt
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Orter preasl_q hQl1vy on our h c 6 ~ 1, 0 14r l OllfN full du ok nnd ill!lt, But thou , UIl.1T 'J 11 , 10 hoa VQ/l ,1 hoo nljl 'IIflv C' It'qI,l.9r 'u ~re tlnt IS pn t
CO" A block or 01110 '!lnr~le fro!.n the Xentll qUUffJ, III Greene conty," rellt long,
2 leet~ UIIt! 14111ches decp.. WIll be presllu- Wheul. old, I)" lJu U new! teb'by Goverhor Ford, In behalf at the State Corn, ~ hcllctl,
' O~w , " F'lour-old " heat, '\I' b"l
• new I' hOlll,
Bu Hur ·If III I!lgg~ , 'll"d& r. Lll r~, 10980, ~If 111 PQla to , ,(Ill Uu
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Cfthr.,mil\ Gold
Col 8110" c1011, Of the U. S 1(1In\, states that fraln the. 8th to the 14lh 01 the pre~nt mouth, OllP !lIIUIQI) III1lI five hun,lrcil thou~~nd dollnril 01 Cnitlorlllll gold WUR receIved Ilt IIH\\ Jn~ lIlUtloll. IhUktng II tolal ortlllrodn nJilllons nJ dollars ~hu fllr'
the provision. uC!.biII
Dmllunt abllll ed. or plenlf IIPeetion a. aroreeaid"be.t1lor-llllebeinaeeBENJA~IN F, n the lIeveral coun~..:.. _~ umu Ptaif4~lltl~r, order lucb 11UI.... ~ irGumltance. or not, within tho mcan- 8pem ~,~{~j{[ES of +~u~f::C~~I:~::: tecnth judicial drlloit, at ihe lull'l, and thme !Dg of tIlls act. " ', of I b' 1I • il' Ill\or preacribed'lnthocounty(lf reason. If thc Slate pallents are \11010 IUpported In the Spea, tr Ofl' I~ro y ou l"Orl% 0 on the second MOI"III, of A 1!rI1, in Sllptomb"r. ' aD aucb lunlti~ Ie sullpend&,j allylum at tl16 expel\liP o( ,tile State. poy Ftrliru4ry 23, 18tiO. ' an accotdanco with the provllllons and C'Ih' Monda 01 July lind tlr I ~rolldu.y of Octo- S'Eo. 2. The (aJI tc:rm of 8aM court In Y nn'W'!'"o,r. the It:ntencc. of tho court pattentll ft)'e thOlia supported In th'1t Illlyhun ,. --dlUons of-tbe act of Februill y 4, 1826, creat- bElr; If the cOI:nty of Knox, 011 the filth Athells "C)llllty ~hall bo held on Ihe fnut~\1 be executed l1~n h\11I aRer suell perl- ytJl61r fri ends, or flom the pll0cecds"ohheH' 10 treem~ I~.~ ~~~"c'dll InR the I deb~ and or thtt~vera~I~~~ Alondoy .o[ Aprll ... ..ftrt!J )lPl)u~V o~. July, 'l'uo!lil~y. an Noyel'll.Ier, _ond}~e tt'rn! In~ oa orsuspenalon ll/itll eXPired, unlessother- t own property. I St'o, Bt ltfi Irt.clt'tl b tl~r~ O;'tr'R)ISI! ra 0 c£'fl 1 ond thm] MOllullY ul NlwenJher; 111 tl Wuslungtoll county srlulT IJ I eld ~'n tho wlll8 directed by \he Governor. E \ ery IvorJ ID U,is n('t Importing the s"fnlill 'of ihe 8/(1 ~f Oltl; tOil beanng IlItero.. 1 at u rate, not county of Coshoetoll, on th~ lourl II fourth TlIeedllV r)11 Ootober. Sea. 64. Whc:on My other per 006 th~n masluJinogen,fc.reball exlendond beopphed , hlln{ belli' ",o~e or I . eqceedmg 61X ~er centum per unnum, ]'C. day ot August) nlld first l\lonullY of uv- . SEC 3 AlIllc!.$,.or pnrtlf or tleta Incon. &hoae described In the seven prcceclh.g i to fl,molc~/ as w~1l liS molell, I111d OilY ot/lf'r rhe trUlit e: of a towndpe:llble ut bth Illeoaute of the ~ig::' il ember' an the county of Morrow, on the lIlt;tellt With thl~ act ore hi'lrc~ rr.pealid. ~ ~tion., sha\l be c()nijncJ III JIlII, ond hall , \\ ord .mporllOg Ihe slngulur number only, this Stn(e hovlD!1' II cQunty, poor ~~~6 tlm~ etween .t Ie yellrsr II e o:r~'1 secUllti l\Jcmday 01 June. nnd t1urd Mondily , DENS Al\1JN D L '.JTER! , H ID.ane, Ihey mny ~e proccedc<l against Of the plurlll number only, may be applleu t~ any hl\IObllollt III ~uch to\\ nslllp is in a ods lI~n Cd ~::~~~&ICJI~r:b~ nr:cl trans- of Septembqr. 8pe(l1.c/ of, 'hello~e ~l:prllsllhtah1JU. l... two Juetices, .. nd IIpnt to thll IIsylum, ono person or tllln!!, as wellllll severnl per fEwln l? condItion onu requirell pllbloc uss.s· f,u "1 .y ~ J 'e.Y \ ~ec 2. If ony Wl'lLa of summons,t Ilxe~ CIJARl.ttS C.~NVJ1:Rs" "1 or d'lI~e h I ·, 'upon b'""nol \ sons " "' \ l:\ a 1 I II • eruu 0 I\, SUC,I. P acell o~ {n t Ie Ollllllon .1 , or venire ,r".. CUI9. fiur Jurlt'8 S""1i or 0 ~ $Imate • ' ''?' poor hou.a,ar Jill, argol or tn nf!8 tn n~ 1l or support, 8111 trUI>LCes II HI enquIre ea.ul COll1mlsijiOIlCrS sltl~1I 6cst omote the cutl(1)J su1')I'mnu~ r, n bein~ given for thol~ s nfe kceptng lind aup· S e . 63. The nr.t entitled' 'un nel to Into the cont11 1IOn nnd nece •.slll cs oi such interellt of tJ11l Sltlt to on umo!:t suffiCient have heen I"suod III ellber of tJleee 'ounFebruu.r~ 19,,1800. port. (lrotherwille, 01 in olher CIIIIOS. prOVide for tlte sll(e keeptng 01 ,dlolS, hma- Jlerl5on , untllJ satlllJled t hat ':re lll~1 ollght to \(0 redeem t~le cllr~i'ticotefj 01tho Stute debt ties nnmer! m the first s:('ctlon 01 tillS [oct,] ~ ! VI. .USCF.I;4ftEOQs l'~OVI$ltO~, tlcs, or IOsono er ons. the maltugc~!ent 0\ be grlilited at Ihe pU ~ll v eli pellBI'I~, Ilnd 81la1l beret%re IlIsul'd b authorll of, 8"ul1lcl:II' and mnde rei urn Hblo on the first day 111 u.ny Bee. 66, Shoul,1on Inaline pertlon elope \ thel .. oifulrll, and fOil ,lither purpoti If, pas. also be 01 OJlI/lion thut lS4Ch Iler~on reqUl· n d mnde pnyable ~/ter 186t \.;,11 ' II mlty term whloh muy be chungeu or nitercd by tyf'roJ'n tho allyh,lm, nn~ return to. the Cloun- sed M~rch 91h, 1838, except the seven- reB teIJlpOrli1 Y or purtlul rehef !Jnly, lint! u~t be rc(Ieem d 1>' the uct t~ wlli\~h tlll the pr\>vlslons 01 thlt! I.Ict, the 8um nl e (rom wllence ho was commltteil, It IIhllll teenth ' ~ectlorr thereor, willoh re-lnlt's til that r<lr allv I Quae to be by euld lluliteeB I I Q Yp d " L" U ~ hereby mnde ft'lUrlla ble to the UISt d~y 01 .l f .t " county, "gtlu1ulan!l .' f deal (llld d umb persons , (Col· stated, It woulll ' ], be IDOXPC'IICllt ,I TUV I Icu, 11IL b e th e MUty 0 \0110 iiiI \erllltr 0 f110111 0 to relllCOVC SOil omenl t ticutementj f to k ed Iiluwcver, de tl u IIhe terms fiUWlI"uy l IliS act Ior I10 Id 109 COlh"I !! "'pon being notified by the suporllltendcHt, 1luted St(lt I' 667 j) t,he nctentlUed "1I1l not such per,o n tu tllo COUllly poor house, SO ld 110 ce, I ~ tl sO II C I ~~ I Oldn rd Ie I'd In tbe lu)vnral CO\lIl"le~ )lerOIll numed. 11111) fortb wltb to npl>r hend IlIm,lOu takq 11101 to plovlde lor the G'"verntnent 01 tile 01110 trusttM~ thereupon ~nlly lD uke 0 eertlfillcte thorlty o\<! 1i nct sh(l~ ~ s o~ ISpOSO shull hI! held (IS v liI ...l in law nil If urlglnlil. Iy m~cle toturno.ble on tho dlly! speC;lficd back to the aflylum, and the,sherlif ,hol1 be Lunnt-lc Asy lum," P1\8. I'd l\fltrch 15tJI, 18~ stnteillenl 01 die iUClS 01 s uch Clllll', to be 01 ut (I rll B~N/AMI~ of PLEil~R pal4 by Ihe stewurd of the as) 111m. by order a8, (Gulluted Stat. p ()79;) ~(\ ocLlo Olllen liv tlu.' m al!l'ned, betthlg fonh the nllllle, nge, d~ , , I t Ii by ~!Ilf~ /let. I of the supepntendcnt, the Btlll~e fees as is j the two prer.cedln!!, entitled octil. passed birtb, ' plnce, length ul re/u denee, prevlo\ls "'.FakC;{tR~Ssecof ~ERSIlt1$, Sec 3. All luwe nnd pnrts of l(lws,1IIprovided in Cfl8C for the comnutment (If an· I F ebuary 1St", 1840 I (Colin ted Stat p b8D) hault s uud (lre~c nt COIIU Ilion ofl;luch person, S k '~/h S 'te COlt~rstl1nt W Itit the prUVltironll of tillS bot sane p~rson8 to the nsy lum. Apd bel(lTe l Ille (lOt. en tltlec! "an ucl to nml'uJ tJlC nct ond the rCUdOIlS W by IllVould be Ilte~peule nt III I 9 '8b 'Pea C/· 0 e '11a be ond -the flamc ure hereby ropenled. al(\ 11 , I O. 'BENJAJ\UN F Lr,I'fl!!R. difdiargang IInv pDlien(.lhe I'UperlUtendl'nt for the !!o\t'rnment 01 the 01110 LUTlfltlc to rcmove suc:h pl!ltion t9 the county pOOl' of the a~Ylum. '1'n1lY" lD IUB dlBcretion, re· l AllY lum," POSj~ M~rch 13, ISI1~, (4\vol hOUlse, winch stuteml'lIt they E101\11 lorth- AN \.~T lolix permnnel tJ ~ Iho tunc o fho l~lIIg 1~'peaAer of th~ }[oW;e of Repr C1ltatu.'I!s. ory,1 scrlllllOn) 10 btl churg cI III Ihe rifle 01 til 0 0 ~v~ wllh cause to be dellvereu t~ tbe Ihrectors quire a lIo~d to be exeeuteu. to the Stoll! ;l Slut p 72,) II II ct ~o o~ ~ n ~h; ~~urt of c~nl ,fI pl: \I lit til IllInl JlaH el Cl-IARLlijS C CON VERS, fOT fltIch UUJII ll, tho 8i11110 to UII Illu l,l 'I~ !\,~VUilCC 01 Ob,o, In such I!qm unci wllh, such Murfil- I ('ntltled /J et 01 l\fnrc I 9t I, I , Jlns c 01 ~UIU ~oor house. ' II I HC~I\, tlild IU lopctll Ihe lICI~ IIOW U1 ' (0100 &~(J4 c,' afthe ,'Senate. 111 lilt CII Q~S " I ~ I tie.. as he may dE'em ~r\lper, for tbe ~nfe Marcld2th 1848, (43 vol Stilt. 72,) !lIe Ser. 2 U JOn Iccolvin l:IulIillt(ltemcnl9 OTll.h01 811hJI' cl. ~hrah 23, 185(). } Atlv oTU 0111011111 nQt mnn C)1l lIe 0':J:fu~llr R l keeping or eucll p"tient; ",nd no patient lact entltlell "all act Tn reltltlon to hom ~clu- It sholl be the dilly OllSullUlrectorlj to In. Sec 1, B e it enac~l by tI,e G!'lleral ~ ( PI;e~tI:~{ltl~I:,'to~l~ lI il!OI'{lOu o, " Ill, btl Illu. who hu commlUjld bOllolclde, shllll be did· I nl tIlsumty,n possed March 6th, 1844. qUire mto the truth of the au ln Ell und II up_ As~emblyqf thc-State of 0/''10, rrhl\uhe court AN A C'I' to ROlcnd Iho nfl~ \ (1110 II ml "An Ret c ·N~o pr:~II(!g: IIi ¥ nrly 1\\lve.rl1dors 0'lly 10 chargiClwftbout the cOllsentoftlle '111peron- (42 vol Stilt. 36,~ lhe IIrt to amenil tllP Oil lull eXllllunatlon they Rllllii find sUld of coml1lUJI plells shull hel earter lio held III to fix cho 11111 8 o~ hllleJlllg dlc courl QI ell/II exwlIll lo IhCIT ,lwn \'Illllmh\llu bUHIIIC~8. tendent,anjJawrl\ten dllltnJslllon ofamojoTl 1nbo\,t: antillI'd Il,(:t 01 Morch 9th. 1858, statement to lie true. IUld shull he luthor the Ileveral counties cOIIIJ>rlli ln~ the tlmd 11\011 pll.ut llllh()S~~ lhJUato/\l 1 O.rellll," pu~ · 1 -ty ortbe ~oard of directors Aod nu pC'rBoowho passed March 7th, 1842, (40 v~1 snhflfied ttlllt It IS mcx Qedlcnt to remo\'o judlClol CIrl;Ult lit the tune herelOnlter pre,"~r 8t'e~~'~tccl by til Gelltlnl AsTile) 1,,'Uv ~f ~e\Vs~~perf: may be under charqe tor homlclde. or 10r ~ Stat. 65) be nnd the sume OI C here y sllch prrson t-o the pOOl hou~e, and Hhllll s(:rlbe~ ns fotl lms to-WIt. Flr!!t termsembz~'oift"e St~teof Oluo, 'rltllt Ihtl IIprm y ~ll~~~r~g~~~;lr w I:rr. ~~~~I~~~:J~..~r;~~ N~~ any crime or misdemeanor pUlllllholtle by Irepealed. t'xc~pl such purts 01 8(u d acts nt! rt:- fllrlJl er fiull that tho tr)lsteea 01 BIAHI towlt :;hlp S ee 2 'l'hc lirt;t t 'rtn 01 8~id ollrt 111 t e m ~I tho court 01' 'Oll1 tnOIi leo fllr th~ uOllullIl1l Ihelr Jlub!c'rl ll Ut)1I8, g confinement I" lie Penllehuory, sholl ife ! r~lato 10 IhQ Blllmes 01 the liuperlntend~nt 11Uve 'not been charncable Wltlt negll'ct In ench yt'I\T shnll l1e commenced and llcld III , r h ee n It lIId;ed ullli ty shit 11 be :l 11 suI> CI Ibcr~ onlo~ tloo Ih~IlOIlIJIIUOnCC of admlt..ted 1&It<> the saId oBylllm, Without an and 9tller (1ffleers or the RiiylurI\ ProVided nut \\ arllllIg Sill ntlr~on tv dcpart Ir III then the counlY of 1tluh9nlog, on the Bcconu tefJ llig I ~ ~ rR the o!lt xth duv Ih(l( (lnllC)r~. !1m pullhsh"t ,nny ctolll llille 10 8om1 mquleitlon oflunacy, all Ilbove prellcrl\)~. ' tbllt the ~ep~<ll of lIold ocla, or tIle nelS m- townalll I~ I~ h61-cby mude Inther the duty TUClldny of Febru (\ry III th e ~o \lnty of I Ie M III t J JUUII 0 O~:I ol'f II k n I.h ~II ulml jlilllrlunn'gc.s tl rc. \Juri , ftrev10\l81y tilld Iconststont Wltl~ the provlill on8 of thiS ocl, ( I p " P t tt I :i!'l1 Ttl iI fFe b uury' 01 Ily, un III t Itl COlllI Y ,) uC I g 011 S If'l'l.Ih3Unblll'll n glect>Of to U$ ;f,llnk their '!l'I': 'S8 06 II d hi d e tIe liilnotlc ~shnll"noteflbc.tnIlY lI,etJtJne ur on"71 \,'II\ 0 i:illid dir(\C fortl. Without re tilO), lUg. to Lbo l or oge, on ~le, IO\ .1 IPS uyo I r th e twenty seve nth day 01 M~y PUl'et'S froljllitllolhct! f whllft> Ih(lY J1 rIl6~1111 c. . r;r n e B u tl I I n il •. I t t .' \ dO' !poor hOUIH', to f~rll1sh stl~h pcrevIJ6 such III the count)" 01 I:i lll'lmit 0,1'1 t 1e S COli Sec 2 Btl much 01 tho 'uet t WInch Ih~f 1111) hql(l rC~Jlo" Iblt) lIil Lit ) IhlVe; ,I;jl~111lf Asyhu-q,lIn~ ar.tloll may be ma ntt! nE\O'1 ~ IQul I ~ or ('sto e, I\ccurand~ or. l\lccllure , or tCtrlPOl'll.TY (1" "ortilil rellC'1 till on Ihelr opm. t 'l,'ueSdtlY QI ~urch; m the cbul,ty 61 As h- tI IN u,,"OO "lIdln nt (IS 181Ilcbn8\s I OIlt\~I Lh LhOlf blUe . Imd unl/orlld II e<tr POli r dl~c IlIil1u \b.. I\ol'ne 01 "The Supc.rmtendont uf 110 ony BUll, mafU'1 or ))J'OCC"l Ing IU • com· I u' r d I I II tubu! 01 th first Tue;!III1Y 01 April nnd liS I,.. aci LU:l \1 All) 1m' and ir the nction id not Im(\l)ced or pentilOg' but thr some shl,llllo (III Intoy 0 ut'ccsstlry, 1),11 I ley :; lull c arg~ II, J ~ th 'h u tho lUI cgollJ(J' cellOn. bel olld the !lalile 4 If s"l>~erih~1'Il romovo 10 011ll'r plncM II \tho (, u~ded upon~ ~eolCd lostr'Urnenl It muy proceeded an and 'judlcilll proceedure nud tho eJtpensps 01 tire Bume ,1II' thelr UCCO\lJlt tTl tho county 01 T~llIl1buJI, on e t II bpreby 18 re{llj) led oul '"ililollnillg U.w ptlbll hor ,IJlU ll!1l4l0pc:r t. ~I t iI tI c de larntl;n.lfllny reDlI,lles In the prenllses an hke mllnnl!f t1urrent,llnd ~n,ull draw an order therefor Tuesd(lY of Apri l eeon term-., tDIlINJAMlN F LEtTER, "('Ull 1110 Illrlll~t \11 C)tI n. Ilt.y nte btllu ro II lUIIumprJl ,oq I 0 , d '1 :upon tJle county auditor to be pUld os an Bec 3 The ~ccollli term or salu court S £ 1\ OF THE HO USE Of R EI'S 1'(>111 tI,l II neCflilary lD the common c~unlll; on hoJ, DB II tillS oot boclllnt beon puss~d, amI ~ther cosos ' shall b commenc~ d ancUleJd ,II the CQunty at RLE S C l ON V.E:RS· , l llo CO\Cflll I.D \ '(In!'ld I Ih lll r~rll ~ lU ~ In in any actfbn upeD-any bond glvcn f'Jr \lIe toll gunrdlon8 uppolntcd UDder &nld nott S'J ' l\I I h d'l'uc:sun 'otl\luy ' In " 10110 t1 n \l sjll!per Or Vr.III)'h~nl II 11\ 'h ulii , lIupport or expenses of a poy patlellt or In shull settle the elilate of their wnrds undl,r cc. a f upon cOlllphlll1t mauo or Ill· U 10l1mg 011 t 0 "econ I ) IT" Sl'EAElt ur tilE SENATE (1r I (lUI'" II , un,llut.\,IIt" It uncalled lor, IB 1m. any oilier actlOr. fur the SOPIl0r-t ~~ e~p~u ..f.tbe snll1C' alltl pro\1ded abo that In nocue (9.rmatlon..glv~1I to {he Iru.£t~~ of. \l town- the, county 01 J~~ l!lgp,~OIl t I~ lourl, I u0r- I 'Atnreh -23, 1850: -_ o(~~~ 'I IIIn.t4c,i! oVJ.\ ·)\Iltl'\f.)..'i:l~ tA m ' ,",<\.\;' 1.111J> ae. of 11 "tlen~' Of (or e~petlsl's of h;. re- Ishnll tho ' sup;rll1tendell~ rcJeivo a greater ahl p, ns in tho fi rsl sectioll 01 tllls nct men- tilly or .Muy; ID the C'JUllty 0: plTlrTlOlt,OIl \ Ie , ' ' mo 01 f~()n'I th~ inlltltution the IIccolmt ' salar 1Iinn IS now nlll to him tlonetl, thllt anv mhubltont of such town- lirilt Tuesduy 01 JUl')e. III tho cuunty uf ASh- I AN ,"I e r JixllIJ Iho u mo nf huldlllf, \119 COllrt Jir 64. N 0 (\~son IIhull b~ ';onslIlerud IIhlp 18 1/1 0 suflcrillg cendlllol) allld TElClulre~ tllbulo} bn the third TuesJuy 0\ Juno; and u~ cOlll nlUlI III he ~II 111\ tllh IIIf ~I, CIrOil I! • Ihe:eof offic any certll('d uyihe Buperinten , 1 III I ~. b P. ... puhllc n88i8~lInce olld unon eXDmmntlon all \11 tilt! counly 01 '1'1 umbull, 011 the 101lrlh , Sec. l Be ~t flu.tCI l by tile G.n~llAl A~ dent or treu)1rcr, 1110 Ie pr ~a laOIC eVI- an mhll Itant; wltllln. the mcnnlllg 01 this nforellQiu the ~ I;{\IJ fil:d thllt ruch orSon 'ruesdny 0110'110. Tlurd t~m $ mlll!J. oillie ~talz of 0 1 "0. Th.lt the Cllllll den~e or the Indebtedness, and IIItere8! ~hal~j tlct wllo has not reSided ~lthll1 thl81Slate needl5 ~nil dr~r TUl urllnl relell 0/11 P, such ' Brc, 4. '!'he tlmd term of sulci OOU! t 01 Cllutmon ploas shu.lluo hC1re\lrt~r hel\1 III .be phargeable from ~be time the 1n.". l!t~.,d tOile yeor ne~t p re 9c.u,ng ~he ,dute Qf bllt IJ'r t lIiit p ltl 1\ :11 u f 7' fIlltl S 1 shnll he <1Ql1l1nenc\ld lind 1i@ld III the cQlnllt the sevcru,- COll\lheli""Curnposlng" the -eI ghth .111'111 accrued I her Sl'pltcotlon' and no per80n 8hall lie e,l- r ea8 IlIliy I IClr l"erE' Ion a ltC I I T tl C' II I ] II t f recl lv!' I< \Ud "1I1" ~y 11 11 r II ~ I 01 I ,ut.ur Sec. 67 •• Pr<'SlIeuting I\ttorneYJl $hall title<l to the l1e:llfit ot tbo provi8ion$ of tllIlI relael nl ths ~Xp~n91l ot w*e r tn.vrll~\I? ' I 01 AshlUb~lI, 911 the f.)\~r~; Truu~\)\ ~r ~r~~~\t:e ~ra~M~n1\17. of1I1111rl; h ~~I~~!tl r~1 MI'd" III IJ(,ll"r\1l ouc "Ill be Iln:.i{r 1" 0 lilT c· lOa • ' II' lh~ ill l\b lInd {he f"u rlll l\-~onduv III 01 lhe t,.\tO\\ bg n or a itO-ii attend to an auita ilUthuted In be half of I oct, DB a Stllte patient! except persons wlthou,t removmg suell p\'t~ n \0 the coun- Sl'ptcmbo~, In t.he eoun.ly " the uyll1l'n, an·d sh~11l!e entitled to a com- whose Inilonitv or h,macy hUll QccuI'red du- ~y Pt'rdhouse, ore}CbrL fv!ng t~lletr,!,ctsh th~ cOdll~ the s~con~ ~e~nesdtlY I~\ t~:lfi~~' T~esdny l ~ugllsG In tll!' CIlUlllv 01 Morgan 011' the IZ, f.c n ~JII M 1) ~ Yru.~f ~"l 'LI Allul ttl}'. penaotion of five per cent. on all lumll col- ring tbe tllne 'such penon moy hnve rcsl- 0 L Ie Ir~eto", t Icreol, an" I IS eret'Y c- (lOUII y o u onmg II I ' " 'T", 1\J I I ,I' r1 ~ - - ..... u, r M 1\ V." .:-...... .1 lect.ecl fonllo 01l)'1uln ded the Btute calrdo. Rod modD tllll duty 01 such trUtltec8 to of O otohpr: 10 the cuunty of Purtuge on I ;;eCQn'l 11'-:'" n~' III IIr'.... '" li!,:;It ... \1'" ":" u .., .u.. . . - >~. • ~. 9" 91 'JI c'o,," I ~ Bee. 68. The lu;erintendent mny proI$eo. GS. Tili" actshllll take elJ'ect ond pruvide 'qr all pllllpers who mtly upon up~h Ibe secund Tuesdny ot Nowmuer; n:l<I ID I III ;June anJ the fil dt Tuosd'l) :11 S ap- n J I':-:O~:~~: .;\~ :vt~I;"'I~I''''~ ' f '. vide an official ,Ienl for tile lI.IIylum llpon be in force from amI niter th", first doy of ClitIon uo rOjected by the director\' 01the p~or the (1Ounly uf Sutrlinlt, on the lourth rueB-'~ltlmberj til the COtllllY of Athens 011 th o 1W lIY H1.1 JWt.;.L, ~1 fl \ t'ruf, ~,rqr 111,' which ahal1 be the wordll, "Ohu) 1.unatic July next. hOUIleIl, whether sych pttupe\'8 may r.eqtllre duy ot Nwember. first Tue~lI 11y In Atml , tho :!oOorul T UfoS. j I'~ " 11> j'l tloololI l) i .1111'1...(0):1" un!llltu':,J'\ Asylum.II tho impreu,on of said aeol to 1\ BEN!AMIN F LEI TER permonent. tem porury ot' pllrt 01 relli~ I, III Bec. 1;. Thut 011 lows IIIC(1n ~ ' Ble'lt \V II~ iluy n July, uud 1he tlocond 'VedllPsthlY III ' h IIIV , I \), It 10 'If ~, I ,Il Iii . I ~ l\)t1 lUll l'.erQfiC4lo or arcount to wllloh the slgnl(l- Speq,lf1' oj ~ H~~ of R.epre.~ti~ tile !:lame mun Icr Ilud t\l the sume extcl)t thlll uct be, o'lld tbee~me are hereby r4'pt'Q\- Oct ' lier;, III ~ht' county l,)f W.lIslllngtV!, 0 11 r l\1fl:~hn/\~~ i';~t, 1, ~:,ul'~L;~~' 0)1 ture ~r J,he luperlnumdent II abDext'd. flholl CRA RLES C. CONVERSo as III now reqUired by.law of. trust!! 01 ('~. tho third ij'uc/lYuy IJI Annl , the IU\lr~fi 11~te . " OtlU 11\1 tllI ,( . 10 111111 r ~ . ~ prhnn Cacie llvldence that !luoh algnll ture 8peaJ.er of tM 1:Jenale. townBhlps In wlll(h there 111 nu ,)pullty {lour DEiIlJAMIN F LEITER, (luy 1/1 JulY.. CIII the iii t TUC8 ell\y of Nuv JA W I Lt) I .. ,M jJ, I'rul,,, 1" pf t b~CLlln~ JI the proper hand writtipg of tho lIuprelnMurch 19 UHiO Muse; prOVided, ~hut \1\111 oot IIball nut IlXSPE:&.JtIl}t 911 <ritE: Housr. OF Rll l'S flI1lUC'r. H,J.1 !..bl'll" 1 \\ "lilt II 01j t,;llhlrull. ~ndent ,. , tend to, 1I0r be IU 101,:e ill thE! COllnlles of CHARLEf:! C. €ONVERS, S ~C. 12. All OQts ond purlS of Il-cts 1000n- ~~ t.~llt l;t J 'Lcftuf ." S6c. Jr any olerJt 'hall neglect to ~ Fu.rfiel~, Perry and liocklDlr, Clark or 'SPE"KiR OF Till! SE!'lAT£ sistent Witil thi S (let IIrf,) Ilorol)' r~,'e4;c1 lJ;\I:~~ ~(:PIHl)I: 1\ ~ 1} ,~I .\ • prefurm"'1 dutl98 enjoilled upon him by AN ACT La nmend the Q~t (i /lliJ.l<ul "1111 ROtiO CosuoctOI1. :Tlln 50. 185~. " BlolTllJAM1N F LElrER 1'.. I,.U~Ill~1 \ ~,:\1 D, ,( 1)1>," IO!~ ' l'1I' Ilnl1n 'hie aet. he .hllll be removed from office in eI!lnbli~ n Ihe !?rtCC oj MInllll. WObllbh and BENJAMIN F. LEITER, ' Spea'(er if thr /lQII of R~/W'~lualtiJ.'$ 10 ', • the lame m~nner .... for neglect of nny du- ~11.e,:~d ~hl~ll Cll1!11IlJ\lnd~.. IIl1d:t r~ur7e BpUKl:B OF TilE tlous~,o .. REPS. ' :t\F lIC'l1lo IImend thh DCI fi:ttn g ptlrtnlllllollUy CHAU,LF. C CONYER::!. • It..: ~ (or n fllli t'o\:.r~c l,f I\c1l' rr~ ~I'II unl' "~1l' II Ilfl. ec~ ~ r', PDIlII c , OHARLES C. OONVERS. tho ume ofhulJln1r tha !!!lurtol comlllPU pI oils S nell' er ()r tile SbI'lt~ I" , It {> J '". ",. l ' L in lhe tllltd JUdlClol IlIrIlUI\, P tlIIllC 1 JUI1I.1t1ry • ~'J t;~ r h II or Ie I I 11 1.. 1\) ntl1tu lnhWa Sec. 60 The Loard or C()unty c.omtnllh BEC t. Be ilC1l4ctlld by,he General J!6Sl'EAXJ::Jl 0 TII£ l!EIfA.TE. so, 1850 F~bruary .J5, l SijO. " l"S Det-'u Dlv~.::Ir 8 1 c_ , ell' Uril,L" • Sec. 1. Betl~ackd ~}I the General As· lI~:l ,(.lH. • ,Onersms1aUownnY-lIumnoit'xceedll)gflrty mr&!Jly oftJa~ $taU of Olno, Tbat all the MorcnS,1850. dolla,. per year tn be.,Jlaid out of tl1e COlin.! landfll thut belong to \hll Stutc by virtue 01 sembl!1 o/ihe State of 011.10, TI,ut tIlt! s umulolomi diU {lei (n ll\ lf\d • \~ ,'.1;1 I h.J~~ II~ l1ieg fil rll r IJ,r.1floHl'1 II " HI IJ,lc3'-O ,h r d' th I·~ f e l l ' d ' t h I I 1\1'1'''1 I. qllll'll n qll' 1, 1;\11 If. \h(1f "\I' '" (,,,,., p""li eu 111,/ UUII qll\l ty treaa"", for t e aupport. Ilny I lOt or e severa oc.... 0 o,,~reBs grl.lnpng IJI AN ~C'r tp !1l1lho~lze couney ~ mnlls loners mer terU! 0 t e court 01 COtllmOn P Cas or Of!' clo\ ldrl'll " , ' IU l'lH I thi r.g II \lill CI'" ~ \It 'J Il:u4~ Cl,fl VII luaatlc blvlng a 1egaf eettlement in !lily ~o the States of Oh10 und Jndi~nlllor CODIII 10 111110nd Iht! corJlornl~ lll"lu. dllo"nlr tbe yellr. on thoUlland el/lht bUlldro~ and jSEC 1 nE IT F.IIIA(,tTE~ 11 rUII Gut; n ,l!. 1; , 111 I\,.L Lir e '(1,t\uI.rt '''~ j ~ltJl : &OWDfll,lip oCthe coun If and who IS tlO~ 'uppor purposes, .bllll bercallliJr be disposed 9t to Soc.l. BB IT 'EftACTElJ BY Tiut <if&IfERA,1l As- firty, 8hull lic held IU the 'fo,:Jowang counties ASSEftlDl,Y Of' TJ1E StATE Of' OIllOj 'l!hu\ It f!;W 1')~, U 0 IIi F:luulll db, tbe couDty.ln tbelllil or poor house. oclunl lIettlerl, IIgree"bly to tbe providions SENlILY OF TilE BT.ATE OF Oll,to, 'I'hllt' tlle in tbe thirll JudiCial Clft'llIt us follows [n whehe\tlr bU1Il1 i\hulllie gIven by Illly \'01T. .... W ' ~'I AI Jr:it~. 'J' Eke. 61. 'rho taXlible costa and expen- j 01 tfle netto ",hlell thlll iun omeadmenh \n eoullty comllllBs10neril of mo e¥erul coun· the COunty of SGmmit 011 tl)e eighteenth IIUII oharged \Vllh bt,'lIlg the tI.th Gr 0 Ilil UON d:: W ~1 I{\ r U.l rOI"w ~uj' \II '11 ( ' p ll,1 .... ~<> be paid uullf!r tbe provillione of tIll' trs¢tll not e:f\lee~11I1f one hundrtld Ilnd Butty tH~1t III tllltl Stille, be, un4. the), lire her~by doy 01 JUIIC, ofld III tile county 01 Allhtll- IlIeglllnue ~hol,I, unller tue "r(j~ I:il61\\l, vi J 111:ml'~t, 0\ h~\Lj), D:el • l'ror;!~Dor 0 1 COUto act Ihall bn a. follow.. \ ac:rf'll ellc~, at lilly per cent. \)elllw theIr aut.borlzed, upon flotlce being given by IiUltl, all tIu~ secon~ day of Julyj ami ill tho net: to \VhJ(~h Ihl~ UIIIII lilli' n IlItf~lIl, III ll'll clll JUIJ'l lllHlul1c To the jUllUce with wbom tbe atatement ) apprllltlOd valuej PtuVldfld thLt the lands resl.delltH of sllch town, by POIltI!lg un \he county or Trunlbull on the nllllh day of condItion 01 SUI'\ bond Hhnll be thllt J)altl T En~Is-!(I!)U !,or yO,' 1'1\ All cOnttllumc~· il filed. one dollar Illd tifty cents. apprftil:lcd bylulIles Wlltson Riley, untler l1uLICt:S In th~('c puultc I'l~cell \\ Ithlll the JuJy. bO:5tord olllid slHltl not b(1cmne u tow n.. hlp \ lCl n ~ ~ ' ItllUl lig W tins (1~I'Pr\nl\ III ItIllO\ be J To the other jUIUce, one dollar. the redolllllona of the GOIII')oIlI ASoIcmbly corporateJmll\.ll ~her.oof, thirty doy. prevlBee 2. Thllt so much Of Ole \hml eec- cbarge upon any JOwn,,11t1l In Ihl ll Stut.c. ,ltL~sC til • .(. 'l'o the medical wltneRS, wlio ill •• n millie of the Slilte of OhiO, !lo8e1ed FobruoTY 21), OUB tu s!lc~ I1pp1ICel~lOn"to extend the COt· tiun of the Ilet tu wilicla tillS IS on uDlendfiENJAIUTN }~ LEITER, ·l'h.! FQCDltj~;, f6T i1l1EI! ';,"~f "r'i ~1~~,¢~qn'l lOUt. a certdlcate Gil requlrell by tllP Illltteen- 1848, ehwl be IIrsf uWllrlld Ilt pubhc Stile. porole \rUllts uj all~ to\\ n that hUll Utl,W or ment.lIlf 18 brconsistent With tho provlSS~EAKrn OJ TilE HOUSF.I'F RErs. \\ ur It fill d pl"I~.J.llmn J IlCl]lltrl'l'. nUl, \\111 C In. th .rction ofthll5l1.ct, three dollars. in such mOllner nl the Stllte Guditor Bhall may be InGorpnl'atetl, ~nd th?relltfler thWtt).r- IOD!! 01 thla aot, bet (lnd the sonle IS hereby CHARLES G CO.NVERS pun, u\uf\lbll' \\1111 Ihtl IUI.l~l d l~ i11II1UI ~h~11 II To the other witnes/!e. and constable, direc~, belore they Ihlill come ull.uer J,htl ritury 110 anlJexed to or Illc/uded 10 tho co~- rejlelllc". ~fJl.i\){ER OF TirE ::lJ;:IIA~E our <;1)111\11)' '1 lo u tllet)ll:nt IU\luh y "1111 I"ulll! the same (ee. as are CL.llowed 'by Iuw for the provI810ria of th Is net, nnd p.rovlded, also, poral~ lImits 01 Buch t.own shelll be tlubjec~ lIENJ A 1\1 IN F. J.;EITER, Marcil I!) 18ao. . nl) 1I01~U l) in dll~ OJ' lilly Other I!UlIlI lll --1I11 01 lite ..rvle.. In other casu ~ thl1\; .hould thc even Illt/lrl)ot,e sections now to ull luw , ul'dlllll.ncoa, and by·lows Ih Spca1,er of Ille HOII# oj Rep,~(Q'IV(,~ ' _ \hr1~,:r~ :~tt~o~: ?1t"~~!I~~~:~I:I'~ ~~rtf,~~~r~~I;I:;;i To the clerk ofthe C'ourtof com\n(ln flleRlI., In dillpute hetweon the United Sta(es and Llle \ furee,u!' thllt mny be enacted of' pu.ilscdfor CHARLES C CUNV ERS, A'N AOT 10 (:1I'tngo lho 'll8tno 9£ COlllll~ 1JOOI fj dal,Il ' I 1\1 1 thc C" u'nt 01 (tV~ ,'01'\1.1<111>111, CU ll in the ClII8 oj' eac..b "unatie found by tbe StaM of 011101 lying betwCJen the moulh of the regulatIOn oj' !lny auch town. PrOVided, Spea~er of tlre Senate. hou8"1' Vo! 1l0.,I,>ubl n 11,1 tho IL~ II I II )' uf !lur .. ilion ' Inque.t to be entitled to IidmiNiioll into ~e ,he Augll\lze rave· Ilnd the Junction of the tliut no such extemllon Ihall . be mode by Morell ~3. 1850. Sl!c. J. pc t ~taeled by ,I1uI al II 11 100r t1" c nl.l'r(l\I:r.~ of dill kl'lcI ~~ 10 lle'nl lh, ' a-tum or "-nt to the -asylum' upon the Wlluailb and Erie wllh the Millml Connl. or th~ commlsSIOntml, ~:tcep upon the npA18e11'1bl!J of the Slata. 01' OhiO Tii tl,(\ Inoludto3 nil GIl 00 ol lJII) yo IT, \\ u .dell)' Ibnl r., , ...,. 'd 1 I f j" 1 1 'J ' I AlH 111l.tl n n 1" 5 !II R' c18rk'l cettl6catB, two dollars; lind \he any Ilt"er lan~s ill tIIo StlitE', be ilcci ed 01. P IC/lt\on 0 a ma ot'lty 01 t.le ('gv; ~ vulers ~N AC'!' 10 fix t"ll. time for /Toldll1g I,he ~ourt 1I:tllle 01 allluSL lluLlunil k nO\\ II nnt! dCIlIf\'. A OlJl1ltllOn I;rl\of' 1.1$ lITlbe ttlillll.! of ninny amount of poe\lge uJt!.ln all communt~a- eett1ement with Ihe UDlted Slates to belong ufallY such towns. 'J'he cQunty cOmmlsson- of cOUlmon 1,Inns III ' hi ~i"lh JUdiclnl cirCUli noted by the tlue 01 "coun ~y poor houlia!;," ~ lucl<l1.s rcln\.l.VO t o til rlu or 8111.1) 1\1l1ll1u(1I tioll1l to and from tbe IUl'erintQndeJlt which to the State oCOblo.tlte8ameahnllliesold un- era 10 county sl.lnll also bave power,to reSel'. 1 Be it enactt.rl by the General A,- erecteclln thl'!,IIeverol counties 01 tlll::l St.lte (lUll, IhoHII wllo IUl elt~ l)r~il' lCt.ll( /'-110\11$ \III' III .aid clerk II hereby required tu pay. In der the prov'lIiollS 01 tillS act, ond Ihu nct to duce the corllorate !tmlts of IIny town, $embiy oj the \State of 01110, Thllt the courtlJ uncler tb!' prOVISIons ollhe I\ot, passed l'lful cil j ll ijCS 01 Iii Wl~t mId ~()Ililo .,hollid clrl.Olllly I tile cue or other Junalic81lnd olldlota wher- which this 111811 a/llendmellt, dtedlavtngbeen "benever In their opinion thl~ 8.1lI0l8houl~ of t :ommun Ploos In tIle 1IIxth luclici(ll clr- 16, 1831, entitled "an nct ror the f\.!lIof of ~;~u'.~~~~:~~~~~V~"I:: I!,,"chlll ~';,~~d'i~~:~~lt) 18 be IhaUact, one d911ar e.ch. appraised aad unce ofi('red (or ~8)E\ uader ~e 110 rcdllcl'd, amI they IIIIUU hllve power euit sholl be held lor the yuar elghtren lhe poor,!' 8nd the oct po.ssed ]\(nrch Stll. ~Ihllt 01,(1 ~~lolr~ lIle; 1.>0 ;~:1'(j\11 01 II'il p~lmn 1'0 enc:h ~o employed by the clerk to the dlrectionll 01 the Bt~tQ auditor. to make ull ordeu Ilnd do nllaclB.nece'5sllry hundred and filty al! follows: Spring ~rm, 1831, entitled ,"un act lor the eBtnblif hn'l(1l1t n ney of lUI ~1J01. \" \ t fli t <Jllr duU' \1\ tille, commit a hi... tlc or Idiot to tIle poor hOUBe aec. g. That each purchaser ollllod sun· to carry into efl't'ct ' the prOVISions of till!! in the eOllnty of PleKtlWllr on ~he fil'1lt> dny 01 poor hou~ell," Ii ,un(1 tire 611ml.' IS hCH:by 11)011\ III '}1 11 Ie " (lnd FIll'\ hI' t 11.1 nUNlt III nc n -~U I18ventv.flve centa Der day • der tbe provi81 BENJAMIN H F . .Ll~m·ER o( Aprlt..in the cuutlty 01 F;(lrneld on the cltal\'tcd Jl'tfillnllrot!B U \ 111111, IIUI:lIIr8 wd l IN i ,. 1I111>!" &LIlCl!$'d' ..." ~ . "n" of thlll aot , shft'l ..." belore aot. " 1 .. to "cOUO lv ~.., ulhl Il'",IIH'h OI IIIlH)cfluhur 11101111\1 OI~r. I, j"Olloll "hI I _ 0 tbe ItlpriDte denl or the ~r houee, reJ!elVlIlg a certIficate or purehase. ,mnke SPEAKER OE THE OtJSH OF REPS. filleelJth duy 01 J\rml. In t Ie county ul Sec. 2'. AIIluw8 utili !'utts or h\wl! \ m- Oll11{CI ~ th nl pM. he IIIterl" Ited OJ' j~llor, ror keeping aay idiot or lunatle, atid subcnbe an QBi~avit Iltating thnt it IS C.HARLEB C. OONVf:RS, Hooklhg on the alxtll dll.y of May, an the' ~nsi~tent wIlh tho JlrOVil!tI)lIK ot tlttl$ tlet e \I 1lf r n""" 1'11:' I f Ill! ~/(l1I InHluulP tltir.ty-eeve/l aud oee bll~cell~ per day. bOnll fide hib or her Illt~l1tion Within ~welve S.punlt 0" '1'111& S£lfATE. couoly of Ross on the twentieth day. ot be, and tht) SRme are bereby ~o,l!e ul\ d. :'If mill i8, '1'\11,•• ;R1(jh.1. (.1\ .-If To \he eherilf, for taking a patIent to the Imonths ftom and ~I\er the dllte of soid purl\lnrch 9 1 ISIlO, Moy. Summer term, m tbe county ot PickBENJ A~llN F. LE ~ TEll I « 1(.\ N J1 '1'0 !tJ.\J{l:; lUONE r- nA. ullum ur remotrlbg one therefrom, upon ehlaBe, to ellter u. on and ImllrOve Ilie trllct away 011 the fimt dlly of July, III the ~ounty ~J1ellker ?t tbo. Housu 01 R Pi) • Y -'rho mun r Ignn.j o/f.:rll lor .Ole Ihe ~ wlrrapt of the clerk. Joileage, and ' of Illnd 110 purohlllled, and that he or ahe ofFlllrfield on tl\e filleenth d~y 01 July, m CHARLES C. CONV~R • rlghl..,ll It ~ IIIIIICI'IIl hldl t1;tI)/ J 1. Ot'llej,cl', . .en~-tIve centa per day ror the allpport ball Dot made 181d purchase ror the (lurpoJ!e Afo/~~~I~~r~I:~~~':rtr ~~ '~:I;~~ I~nr~~~~~ the county ot Ross on the fifth dol' el AuSpcllilor of the Senate. l'yJ_"' lu rlO' ll co f/)tU>.! \VAlet Ill' \iii! '[hOA or eacfl path:Dt, aD hi. way to or from the ofspecubltl~n, butfor the purpose 01 8(>C)1- ~ur~e. "l\lI~ecl Fehruary.21, lciHI gu~tJ lQ the county ot HockfJlg on the 4 Fe~rullyr 29, 1150 ~i liN:.''' ~1~d;~lrj<:~\~;:•• s~::";'II\II/ lh'H\:Ib e'i Ibm ..,Ium. , ring a permanent home for hlmsclC or her- WJlI!~EAa, the act entitled, "An let to twelltr-.!xth dny 0' August. Full tt>rm.1n ' 4-11 J &. COLLINS ·to elCb ...Iatant alluwed by the clerk, .ellllnif famliy. provide for a unlrorm 8t\llld,Ird ut welght8 the counLyor Plckawuy' on die thirtieth A~ A T I.IP"IC111 (nIKfY IlIlho nClfor 1"1;1 ntt , ....Dd ..accompallYIDg tbe sbenO) t/llieage, at Bee. the affi~lIvlt requlrdcd by and 1."enenTCa,I' pllssed February 1840, dny September, HI the COIIIl l.y of F'\lrfield ri;::~tn \,1 OJ!l lal lIra of PUUhfllll.lI uc l~~~~~~~~:!!f~r!!I!.11 ~~~~!.-Ii "~~~ &be rate (If eight centa pet mile for going the toregolng 8eCLl9n shall lie rna e Rnd P ov,des fur copies of the or11llllllaLand- on the iourtet'nth day of Octub('r, III the B~ II tt acted bll thl! Gencr~t A8~e1/lU!l oj pnrtMrell1 • In the 1\1 rCldntUu bu liles, Ulld( r and ~turDln,. The computation in both aublcrlbed before the officor .authorllod to al'd of m!lIlBurell omtwei~"'t& to' /le pro- counls of Ro • ollithe fourth doy 01 Novem- fM Stqft of Uhio <l'T htit all certUicu~ell g:lln a Iho fhnt 011A lllllI &. c;" on~l. nlltl htly!u,,-lIcurrd. Inatancealto'tie made from the county eeat' Il\lIue said certific8te o[ pUl'chaec who {lhnll currd (or the ose of eoc;h county within ber 111' the COUDIY 01 Hocklllg on tbo twen- t d I 'f 1 I b tI ltoll old 8Ulnt! (JfllnlP II\I & WI 1$111, hOj.lI lly in lel .1.. • I tI I h I ' d r h . thOII! S ta~e, .. btl tf~.r to 'd 1 t fl'ltI d i N b e ""uc lel'l:l 0 common IIC 100 S Y I~ nll IlU IlII 10 bu,ln0ti8\ and lUI enroCbt d~"lre 10 t o tb"uyIUPl b'1.,..e neu9It route UBlla - preserve Ie Ilame w t tIe reCOl a 0 II U laa oml t'U pravi e. or y. I By 0 ovem cll\lnty Bc:ard of Exarnlners prevluu!l to the render 811\1 rnc,lon. 10 luerlt 11 IlIuu:c of Ibe patJt 1rIlY"led. office. the procurlDgol SUitable b IlfUlces, WithSec. i , H the coult 10 l111y county shall a olU~tnellt 01 a BOIli'it 01 Pul)lic IU8true-Ilflbo I!"blac, If t~re be no physician ~mrloyed, (\lr a Bec. 4. That no deed llf conveyance '. out which snld weillhta o.re of liltle or no not hove flmahed Its buslnells belora the- U~~ provi.1ed fo" In the act ~ntllied Itn act of 11111 firm w.JIL go eud'n ft few..dnyi, Igrelll cnro ~l ~Iftkeh \.() pokcll.... 811Ch elated time, to attend fhejaihir poorhouse, from the State to .luch purchaser ,1\all be use; Tberefor~ , to BUP/lli such oml88lon. tIme preacr1bed frtr hullllllg the cuurt Ih for the appotntment of a State Bunrd the clerk mat employ a pb),slclsn to at· made and delivered untilsucltpur.:Jiaae B~oll Sec. 1. vr BRACTS» DY THII GEIfERAL any other county of said CirCUit, the cou~t PubliC IntlLruot\on, und with in one month 1I0eV~ya;::~i1I~' ap to I ~,mit tend an1 idiot or lunatiC confi,led therein, hllv~ Ilatullliy entered upon.ond commenced ASSEMBLV OF TifF. STATE OJ' OHIO, That mny continue lUI tl'rm lor the purpose of tbereal1er, IIholllie valid lor the tIme spec. Filbr,l!O 1 00. 41f BENJ.tJVA)lS aDel the pbyslean IJU employed .hall receIV ll 1 1mprovlng me tract 01 laud Ilir Winch be 01" the deuler.,r wClgbts lind mel18\Jr~8 of this tranllolltlng probate and tClltamelltary bUill- i6ed ID the t'llme prOVided that the lame 0 a C!ompelllat1on not exceeding tb I rate of 1she boldls Il cerWlcate of purchllle, and State be, lind he IS heraby ultborlled and nCIIII, grl\'ltmg letters of fUordlnllsb,J" for Ijlall not eXl'e(o(\ ~ix months ·t!fl~ "l'\rr~ ~ GUN r:-WDE~ two dolt~re perd.)'j pruvided thlt tne coun- it .8111 purc~uer .hall reruse or neglect requi cd to procure to be,mllde fur the ulle \he HEuing and return /)f procea!!., uud fUl' BENJ~MIN F. LEITER, ,Jus t c 19 AEL~rt~ ~;~~Wt' ~ CObunlHlonera mav, If they dee III It pro- wlthan twelve month. from and alter the of each county In tbls Statl~. a tialance, such odler busanells as lhe pllrtiell t1oncC!m- , B]Je4' er of lA~ Houte of R£pl'f!3C71t.411lU Ign of thl! QQlden Pall JJe!. inereue OJ'dlminillb the lame. date of hill ur h3r certificate 01 purchtlllc, to 8uitable In wurkmnnalnp. caplll!lty lind ed in- \be IlIme, Ill" their counllCl, mll¥ agree CHARLES C VONVERS' WIIYOlllvllI • 4pTlI, IIlOO The coatil .P!'cifiPd in this Bectlon Ihall eut;:r u[lon andJmprove the Iroct IIG pur- mliterlu)II, whereWith w use ' the weights .hall be heard lind determined. S~er oftM aen;te. ElBOVED.-The\tlldetlllglled woaldfnloA Bec. 3. All IlCt. and partl or acta which Mnroh 23 1850 :"\, th~ clll~nll ofWa,~ViliIl'Nl/ld 1(lcinh, ili.1 lie pafd out Cj)r. th~ cQunty treyur)', upon chaaed, then .nd in that cae 8ucb tract llfurellud, alld caule the IQmc to be d(lpusltlb. &»rtltlr.ate of &be clerk aDd the order of of land shall be for(eited and Ihall re.ert ed with the county aUlhtors olr the Ie-vend mlly be 'nconllatfnt witb the prOVlalOnlOr' ' he hu removeU to the w~~ IIllk.r 'hop for· tbe count)' auclitllr: -to -tile Slate; provIded. how~ver, that m COUll tics, \vitl. ",hom ho \V1!lgbta~lnd mess- thifl aclare hereby repenled A"'N ACr to amend 1m Ilctenlitl od lin lIet fix. "ilrl'f~III!I~lh)' I. 1l1llu~~..~llal't1.'!'Mbe eyu~ Bee.; 61. The tel1lll In.ane and lonlltlc, cue ohbe Jeath of Iny ~h purchaser ure8l'oMlaid are bJ Illw dellCl..l~d. BENJAMIN F. LEITER, IlIg the ome of holding dlb CO\Irur In 0 in°tend:~: do ()aij~ki~d; nr .:-":. a:."~p u tiled in thil act include every epeel" or bel ore the expIration o( twelve ,",ontha from Bee. 51. That the Btate .ellier Bhnll 8jJtIIJoer of 1M IIoIJM of.~lfJU. 81 vcntuellth ,UlUCIlll CllreUlt. . yl".e work and aI tln~ Of .ad. per' .....DltJ or men\ll d....Dtrement. the date oftlUch purchale, the deed of con. pretlt'nt)bll a~ount to U. A~ ltor or State CIJARLES C. GONVERS, Sec. J. Be It ~ "",-, G.mrraJ A,- C81nlUg to hbo\M:lne.. AIeo, PaJn'la~9triJD· 'tbe &elm Idiot ill reatricted &0 a pM'80n' vayanrAt from &.he StatAl may -Ibutt to hil for all RUInB b.1 h.m plld 1nc1llsbiUlIeB in. • Ipta.~a" oftM StII4Ie. temblyof 1M &ate of 0.\.0, Thllt the first h.IQIIlIl. re.pIlirID.., ofoll filUM dnoe onlllf fooIiab front bi~'18 e..ppoaed to be or ber legal repreaentatlVe.I, without furthur eurred under the IlrovilllOnl of thiS act: and February 8, 18150. CCrm 01 tbe court 01 common pleu in and hhorrs~o:= He WI 111 k~dy' ~ oa -.1 , Cln~ 0 !111~ all&Wlll, whlrOtal IIIlnd. Improvement upon Ibe traot. the Auditor of State IhaUalldlt the .ame; • for the county or JlP.Cf~. n, .IIali berellfter k~\i. J!ich 11 A peTllOft with II ram"y 1,1 one who b... II Bec.~. Th,t &be 8ta~e Auditor ahall and elraw hili warrant, IlPOb tile Sta.te AK ACT La create dn, nineteenlh J\KU~I.I Clf· commonce Ilnd be helfl ollilie 61'11t Tuesday heir ha~.uh ;Ifrch:!t.OIllT." m ~ .tfeudchlld,orelther. mueout aliiltaslcr.urately .. R08ibleo Treullnlrinf,vorof ••idSt.,tolt'aler,ror • flllll.. of April. . , "~I thaI he CM IIVII Ure ..lraftie""n..,tII TI:"! wonla "needy clrCUlMta ..cea:' wheD an caDal fland4J a.elonglng to &be State. the amount be Iba1lfin~ dae, and the State Bec. 1 Be.t efttICItd " tle t1mmJl A,- BEC. 2. That 10 m'lch ofthe ad entl- who mllymvO!' hOll Will... 0I!1I. lJe \e1ltk!r. \I' applied to a peraon Without • family, UelU dealgnlltinl1 In _hat COUDlrJ tiler Itt., and Treuurer,bl.U pqthe aameQutor.nymon- 1efIIbl!l of 1M State of ~IO, 'l'hat fro~ Ind tied "An act hing the time of holding t~e 1O hh cu. \Om.... ~:r'r iJ .ean ODe Iioee eMatej after p,ymept of their IlpP!'Jlllled price, and the pri,ee to actual ey. ID the Trnalp'y /lot otber~7lse approprl- aRn the pa8lNlge of thll! act thll COunties of I COlIn., common pleu ID the and ~~ It. M\land ezcllldlni frotn the eatimale ae&tlers and have the -.me publlabed 101' ated. Richland, Morrow, Knox, Ind. C~hoot?n judicial ~irculL," PUlled ~~UUflY ~ of hi_ .,.tate u II exompt frdID .Ix cooeecuti"e Weeki in &h. 0Ili0 8tate Bee. ,. That In contractll g for mlking Ihan compose tho nlnpteenth JudiCial Clf- u con.lcta wIth the proVldlOOll of thi. act, ......... II ",N leu la cuh than five Jourall, Obio Statnmaa, = _ d 0 •• IUCh b.llbC88 the State aeahl lavite CUlt. - DDN P " aDd the IIlDe II hereby rapelled . . . . . . . ......; .... the aame wMd. wbea _te. UIII C evelud Pia.. , at ~ propoealII, u Iaa JIftIvldrd twentr-ftrst IAHIN . ~rTEat BENJAMIN F. LEn'gB . . . . . . . . ,...,.. baviDg a ramu" lIb.n uaual of -*ert.ialD,Ir. tliulle ~. aectiOD ortlae act to Ia .iappIe8pNl •.,. ~0MIe of ~"'!'BPEAKER OF TD HUOA U. RIP8 - ........., .. atlaaated u aIn- SeC... 1\D.t!:lnr uC tbe men&uf. CD C. CQ",t~ CHARLES C. VI tNVBRS.
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qniTcd under SlIilt provisions ed. '
rop'clll- olth o ullollo nnmed nct nJ! o,nfl kts .t he prplrj JUII. of tl118 n. t, is , here1"),, \V'ith l lh~ dir~et;; ;; on- th~ir imillr:,i~II),l kHb~h ,vi!)w ,or : r \>iO\ , \' , :A kG'l ' t~ nUl ),l,d tho " tl(;t !Qr'1 rO)'> 001' , July u~ ' t'l~ ~irectorB! to Tlt lfp mA :TE '8 SONG. ' t, !1 , b~tt~ r rug- ~,,], e,. o/1I1A! Uotl ~l' L I. ll!nk Ollt 11)1 (ic- p~()po8e,d irl\pru\'~lI shal l , 'doternll'l)e tllat the' ' , $c111111ion of II'Fl,lblhc ecluJQlli lit OI\WS, of Re]rrC.,ell;iuti1)ll.f. ' ( unli t In ,wrl llIIg " undor , ,11Eh J/i UN F. LET'l'~R. 101"11 8," r hUlld s·, of th e Iny out ~llt1 estubll:,cil \ia lIecel.!s~ry and ~1I1l &c,p , 'f,lA RLE S C. CON'VE RS, ' ,J 1:>" /jllanti y of tl\lch (uel ~o thei IJ tho ROm", Dlld shOo I Bec.ne8c 1. 'He: u'ctl,_I S ~id en(!c al'cr ot! os) tlfure· tind 11,lIlt uunluges wi,1! Ultl 1111?f,e Gemwu Ai- , of /l,e Iloli se c, of Re resenLaul'/iS , • e lliil 'tog th r ' rw.le , be ~c1nbly of ,11ll State oj Ohio 'rhu w!neq' by any opOO" JJllr' II",r.L (" ,IAR . With r uu; 'ES the vuitl C . JV"1 tit9r , 'RS or, or prUpn e,\ll;r O,r 0 ,CIl~ QntorllnIIlts t the oCl 'Y . . , L : J nnUl:lry 21, 1850" Id' tl •, . c . , y o.d~aeenUDnd', ,I't for prIc ' the e pu I bett lor er ' " "d regu lArd s ,,'re we of Iho rolll~g ~on, If> lotio ll' of the Pnbljc S llm~ , \In~ I Rlio I nc- It.. I > ' I ':Spe aker Ofl lite Sm!l/c, t 10 O,1Il01).nt " ItC ~ Ihoy wn res~etiv , - - -" Schoots in cities towns &0' counts 01'0 not volu n ~p rl)Y ," And lord. of the flowory abQre; e: .iarrlJ 22, 1 50. , oy ~rlO per- Iy 6ustp.m, (lul ,com d F'e6- AN . A T' requl rll1 g IUT':l " rua.rv 2~ 184 9 be nnd llle '~n~ !lase ,'~SOI\ 01' persons RO ~ho~g'~ pnal llllttcc eith er of view' or IJl ko nn~ o~lor J\),~f'1I • W 8 ~IBrt18 tho deep 1\11 WO o',r it 8WB i here th b r !<:toe" oo lllpun!6B , an wh~ h Ih~, 'tnla 'r!'\ ~llh, - ,tho f'vle " lY llP , ' sllld •> ) ,tJleu dC~f:.rinille tllQ proportion , I trcu urQr U, slich t1lstflcL J II WiJ h our cannon',bo n ins TMr Y hQlrl or, to TOpOr! nnnuull}" 10 Iho I lI ~ t"cl~ '" A N ,A, '~ in, r ,!~tio!l 10 S, ho"! , l?i8 1~j \ 'r extended t(l mco ated townQ~. sai d; damnges ,WhlOh Ijho.ll be , sl) Il'S, fiX , [i7. 'd ,'u!lel it shul l be his du~y hereby IluthorAlIdllor 01 prVVI\l u ilt lor I!I•.' I1I1I1U"\ J.; Illle, ,to 8c~001 diilta'ict rpor ,', paid by to coll , DOW or laoreofter toIIlId ' ect hooi , III , m ' ouch (;llll , , nocbonl$ lUgs , And TI'qlllting be Sec . I ,l)e it elWcl<ld lly~he. Gencrql A.~~ the persall or P\)1'$01l8 oh(ll'O'cd lla~i anile proprietors oJth e tidjacent IIIl\da, Tb~ billowlI eurl widl elldy Inft ~ ofS 10\101 Dillln,cc\ organized, \"hiuh Hhllll adopt the ' o,t., I 'I Iofe whirl rn- , Soc, 1 ,B s 't etUICIOllr l\" stric t rc rNl sOl\l rd " e to In tho let hi!! bene of by lite tita ale 41(1)1 our briny plld!; , - ' Stat , h' 1 GC1 .. e of Ohio , TJJ~t the preHiden t ~embl 'I As- Wit a t Ie ~nm e ,IlS o oraaltld, .. ' Il the mnnner specified in the seco .. ~ , _ }J ofth<) Stale of Olli.o, Thn t it !t!rnl , "!' IC I 111 tho !fo.mc ,t ICY 11' Th~ IllOrRlwindll"lny aro)ln.) 1 receive, all~ ' tI!e oward. so 18 here· I ~l\.o.no~r that o,~y charge or third scctions Q( suld o.et; providednd ond and the Secreinr.y orl1'cilsurer of ench turn - by mude the our ,w oymade ucoo unt ever, tbll tsai d net 8hl\'11 not be exte , ho\V ~ pike company, or other jpillt s tock ,cem- cler k ill eitch dULy or thCl BchOl,1 disll'let II,tlon, is nutl~vr!zed to ue c lI,eet oll I~" tu- hull be, held ,as con<;}lI~lvt: upop eqch , of , .. Like ours, Ihelr ·work,is . dell III. III 8Chl ,lI]e ,tlu~ lOI d to disir the ,pun porll i y t in in " which thll Stot thi6 chl\rgc~ WIUl ~u(lli p~yme~t. o.l\y towllship o~ scllobl di ~trict, cOll ' .Wo 10 the 1M whoSQ ,,~n ~tar8 " m~ke nil cstin\!lle of the IImoUllt ofSto.te, sc\'cnth sectIOn of the nforcsn.\d !lot, pa ned tnining shull, hereflrter "epu e is n stockhold~r,' SEC ,. 3. Wh en , tin}, ,, petitioner less ,Ulan five !iundred inhoblta 1lI0- IMOI.Cll 16,1 839. sb"W Leal\ 'him athwart oUf Q(lUr8B; , l)ts, unle ss Stat e, before the fir rt to the Auditor of ney necessary, in nddilion to Il\hllt' shul " h~ve (l"!u ov~r l1"e or t BPid ,day depO ~ ltM 8chool distril<t consist.q ill bole or S:t • 8. ,T,I,I(I~ \~' hcre tIle trustc~s of full amo uot ~o 0 drc'ot(lleiJul 0(1 far clnw ill ounuully, a corrcct I:Itntelllo n~ Decc mbel', fl,l'i'nisll ed anlluully IIn~(lr Lho provi ' ions Qf un~ tow ~1 .1l11 da!Dag, ~ 110 ,os~es?e~,the n ill Ihe> nsHip 11 . tltls Stul e !mye .luld, of ufT'u;rs of t.he "lIe fQr Ihe SI\PPortu ,and after the We'll Rink hie mllllgled corso, " ' tlnap, part of 0,11 In\lprporutcd town or villnge. ',aid \lnl utJ:b )rO~ omp ette rrcg ululi'PII thcl,r town sillp \lito e~ellt I fini he/l In conformity willa my', in \J llh fQrm os the Allditor ~h:c. 2, 'I'owll~h \ P IU1d 8chool , , or illo c ohoo II ~choQls, und to Crqa t pe r SI,1ull.,horel\l'lllr layo ff 5u,ch l dll;tfl~ts ,. or thr.,II,et~ ll.s of, the, w p~k OIl set {OI;ili 1111 the , to,whleh eqiu act mlly oe ext nd dilltricts shull pres ctib c; nnll the Auditor Shall, 00- mallollily min Wild 8nd 8weelle the dyiug @llIic~: t()''''', '11.htl d in the fore the first day of J,Jlr.u n sh~p oRic.e of Sup nr,intenll nt," t\1~ trl ' lioftJC1 ~hi:ough 'tho mldnight gloom; mnnnerllfo~>l!nl~ll!hull ther,carter, be, 'nry (lt~i ,or :vh e l~ e v~r ~n oltl!rtltlon III IIlto petition and HI thE\. ~lnnne , contemll.otedi I(no,,:,n cnt oopicf$ o~ Bucb ropo r~ ,lInDulllly, pre!!- p~ed furoh 1, ~ ~8, ulld UlC s vcru l acts scho nny Ily the vle.~er ~r ,revlel'o'al'l!, A .. to II grove bonolllli l.he WB"O" nnd rec0l:!nizod III I~ v ns smg le scbo ol to s,uc'l,l petition ul tlle, strlc .Gen t t dl~tr lct.~ It re tofo~ e hns ~r !Mr erul oniaJ;ld,\ thereto, to provide !l,t )oa/J t. six- been ~rmg: SUIt In nn1 sou tt of compe~ent triets, \vlth \111 the pow,er'!, righ.lli nndol Ills- 1(\ssembly, With Buch tulil esnl )d IDformll.- months lury The foied crew We) dOOm. or herc nftc r sl/o ll uo ~1O(1( goud ' , ~llI ll ~rll s- lUrtsdll~tlC~ ~1 1 I4I d schoolin g during yelLr CIl- te(.'s shal l )cuu~o Il. mop of chies which 11 r educll,tion~1 purposes frnn- tioll os he' l)\oY deem prop er. suIng, to uU the youth ill th~ the ~h~1r tll\\ ~18illJ> to un,loull~, \v1~h wh!~¢(tI)VO~, from each part tlJe Tho widow wild nnd Iho Qrl'hnn child, ' DE JAl\ lIN, Ji', LEI'.CE;R, dii; t~i ct Who be preparud , o ~ . the eh ho IItn'lde chat ml1y be C?Jlfe~red upo~ inc~rporn~od Ill' or Ilre hy law entitled t<? the bene 6y ~ May wolch 1I1<)ng the 8hO~OI fits of om- multO- ou~ u,1I11 ,~e cor~towIIlIhtll. ,clo,k , sl la}l SUId. u" Ilr\lt Pr~>V1detl he !18S h~fore thege~. SPEA'1q':R fiB THE fiou B OF n;~~s , lo\v.nll ond Vll1uO'CS, 'Ill virtue 01 cities, com,.. u mOD new scl.'o m u,~ olt-, tho llf ItnJ , the 1\n4 101'11( mny )'flo\nn fl,lr thoiT r01U oct> give Il\ell n' " ~er( tice lent of CHA tll of ~ , RLE allch ofor. BaIlt made do~o.n,d of C. ON VER S eao.idi ond ttle Bo*rd of Eduoatlon oil 01 ~JstrlCI.!! tn',BOttl to,w~ h!p tn rn, , 80 requli'et.! uy ' posting tbe snm of IIccor- slITh ll:lm , ~p01 1. he pnlt ! DlIlnll'cr shall ,01) lhom more. " SrEAl\JlR OF TItE' SUA 'l'K. o on . u()h townshi p" lind /lollool 'distriots d/lnc e II ith th~ ~J U~., seetlol,?1 thp., s~ oh~rfl~~!!Y, door o[ tlie com , mon shal not l scho . ,Ma "ql~ ol roh , 1\1, 1860 . .awQrd. , hous e wit1lin Mar cia.7 1833, 1 to-Il be clected OJld orgtmlzecl in the slime , .. '0 n 81nkln,g"wTeck' .l\tll~'()Qdr declt, led, th e h?" di.at ric a,ver t, , ,at that man lra no - " st firte on dllYs ~l'io'r to ullO-ratio , ~ ner lUI proviCiei! in tho'· fourth' nnd fifth n of allY a c;lio,o} rb!} rJ~t shall be , te,. 4, Wh en ever It muy be '!ece/lsilry . " Tho monlinlt @lIl1win dowlI; the Becomi MUlleloy ill April un!luull sec- AN A '" III om], liM c [,i~6 to t(l~llIr suel,. \"ork, Il~Y ono of the y, nnd tloll s of 80ld tict, (I1\~ shull hllve h~ro( l rte of l' mncl :m/ltr e ~ jle~80nli , cll!. 80 \Vhlle f.. r "njl fr(le, 0' r lho rolling ~n, Rnd !IS ~o l11 elmlo ,lII tho 6UIl1(\ benohled by I~ 81111111"e l!iwful tor I.ho (' l,u\lilicd Vote like powerll 'uYv y!I in lhel Vil'gi\\ill Mili mny , aliSO Buch , ~el)lur,8 to. rigl l1! ts dlst nhd tury rl priv ~t. DL purl ileg lfio\ S es of W elleh school di~lr i "t in nnu ' t~o ';'ert 'Vo atill ~id" ~ I1rle98 (Ill. or 'orm Illor e liko tow dunshi ps U thi~ or !> , I rp lle! • . • Stntc, 'to Ilall~ m- ~0Ilntlc9" nUll whe ~e IJ)nclc, oud rub)' compol contrlbu d ' 1l ". " . ', ,, n Illd t!on b\e nnUl\fllly on I,ho ~e colld 'IUQ SEC, V Be: U Illlacted 1I!j tlte Gfm tIt'S OB Donr S o( ~dll~n~l ~day \11 uro(l UT mut.! ,Ollt as aformup "shu H be pre- Irom ,en, h per8~11 belletited! on t!IO 'b¥18 ojs llral 4 ssem~ o~ of Clues, toWIIs, bZ/to 1\)'''\ ·tllon lit 111111 whel) iii is pM/ , ' J tile, S!(I1 esul 6 oj:, d" ' I '". . OhIO , TilU~ tho.• county A'PTI,l, at lind &c" u,ntlet the ll~t atoresatd: , ,a crpy the ,~wu ' rd, filcd the JUllt oml .fill r , price' QJ , ~u.oh With Iho COllllty'oudlt It shull n~ t!U!"schOol h C)\13\ Wo'it l)rnll{lIy ~ink to r... ~t; commillsionc'rs pf lilly coun III thIS s Ue) 41~tn~t, pl\l\,s, SEC. 3, Th title to,oll l,eal estn te and, tul\c n ItS ho.v ingor, St(\t~, bel~\ ee~\ tho hOl;'r~ of tenl .I~! W '1\ bid IIdloll I{) the ~urf.l!(I ~h.te ' llro snllle nnd 4C and ' tbe~ llI'e hereby authtyoriz 0 \110 D'EN I( other property, bel(l hglllg' tor IIcho A" J AMLN ...\ LEI TER ., M" ed ond em- nnd f?u,r 0 clo ,k, I. 1I'1. Itl1d tloct os mnps of 8~hool ul pur- pO\""r"d tQ procuro whe ' And !cup in 0 Or\' R bre~t, . ' 'ty t ,liiit Hhc n and 'II S~'.E t~ K.8R re never thoy mllY vote 101 or N.,'I\ ,nSl, V I' 01' 'rilE HOUSE OF R£PS~ , PO@j.8 ~~ t 111 el+ ~ OWh, VI .v" .. mud oul:, reco flltl aod , -, o tOI li S lip t.1 pill ,'ll1r"~'burq, ~April28', f850, fluff illHw t La ' p ·1 th Ic.fi· 1l "BohooLll.\x ' nARLE'~ proper; 'rhe llecie o~ ~ 18 .- C I or ,0 ' uny \'I 0rt . u~. ' " '()N~n;~ o ;t1l~ f1QoTY books, Il.nd ,I ' ,\ . , , t d i l to l I' S , SUl ~~~ 80m t olorQ I~ ?, Yd' con I 4, ; trac II c~ent~y df~~:,~ II o~ lere- hera 111 I,Ufpll.lIl e with anY' porson or porsons for ~n~' .••~~ ' o~ Tin'- _EO> :TE'. nny no ,8 \I !lIcl.118 orf11u), Qe orgu to'fo re III ~lt~d lD,~O a 8!ngl~dll!- ti'Rn scrithill~ pliss "~"", 'ell'f Olc ,, or lr(:c .... thll.t , • \) p\lrp , ..,. - ... " ... ,Y.. 10 ~ IC (\ r , ond recorqing the\' ein nny. 0'011 MHre,I. 8;' 1 1l'0. trlet 10 a~cord~c? With thts o,ct, ~ct i)o~s ed..Murch 24; 'l!311!J o 0, alIt! tho , " SEC ,~, liml or, titig , T 11\'l Fc)~ tho Miami 'YiNitor. hnt , nil It It (]f , b , o tb~ , fonll clitl' t! i'es thut ~l1d ~ mil,' tilDe (or act to willell tbhl III an, tll1lc~drnent, surveys qf ony and __ _ : ' Ilrcparing uf mop a of 801100 ~ Til E llU :U U,T E'S RE8 0L" VE. ,ty 01 t!,.e shnl qual l i~~d oil tr~c , v oter l8 s ot' A presellt ".t ilistricts i~ CT 10 }lrov,du fi,r til fe 'ul",~on.o( flan land, ID whole be ~egard~d in,la w a~ vest d In the fC'[lellled. " · " stlch llIE1e lll1g1 vote !n ~lIvor of scho k ' Donrd Inid COl1llt,y, iDcll\ding occu or , \11 pnrt, ~1 ~x , I'll drin k 110 m,\ta (('rc"or of Educatlo. n th!'r of, the "'JlP illC/BIIM, , rnte 9 , plnt. ' ! , ; Ilia nc~ tb jJuss o e . rt resl '1'100 wi/.l C'!'.h,WlllIitll.)ning ',o\~I, nnd oc] 1l~ ~1~ uso f 'I ' bll ri1\J .b,e, .. r eert " Sec l~, '~_ e . I ~~y i. I '. nRl Q~o~, I T ", ~l,t RNA~ ,",:. tr,i.C. ttJ) -, -,"" - , ny Tl~ GElti.~i:, " 0 ,Ie Pl! db d v.. \"" C 8(\ WP II t Jerel,fl, UII d .t,' wltllln twen y d~. ~ II.lter Buch r,leet-t ct'e "tin nCt' to alllc;llll! AIIlI fronl thlll 10 ur Ih chitin aha!! scv , 01U' " !'ys and ' 1. ASSElIIBLY OE 'j:'UIl STATE , ~EC . :l. ' '.Thob sa,cI ,entr ies, ~urv tl n ed I not "0 tl .\1 0' mlly dlsllQ /So of, II II and c611Vey ·SUI d't ' 01 ORr 1 tI "' , , Which b)u.b 10 Fi I III)' wr",~ .116u\l1. r mJr' t B , ' ~ .1 , b 0 ,'e uld ' nu reol I or 0 plnt ..., nlJ1Y hp copied from the entriell, .10 prol,er coun ~, ter rqgulatioIII ond "every , compony or u$qjo,'-: r Ie ,. pp r. nu ".. eilt,llte or,ol'\Y pllrt dr the: 8\1.lI1e, by :la.. : n liIurof,. .. r.l.'ln1 coun 1nOn tIes, Ilcbo I tlllll . deed ols)' I tju~h to !llld oe~b VeyB und pll1ts, in ~ho 'offic to tloo tion {I! ' 1 havo lIIodly \\,n!l u.1 r' d \1' ,lero te shal l cllut be oln OXt Wlie I may hcreDj\e'r , be crea'te 'cl\ted by tim Presl(l nt of sll1d boar e of ~h,e A\1ditor I a stutemol\~, t)~ \h~ ' IUlIIl.,dllrkly u':rl lJ)' I'Rth "!orolll"re .. ' t votes p,ol1ed, the tlInount LeDdllnt~permunently the ofll e of !luperll,l- incorporated for, tho puq)ose t te .ulld \"IICI' so n'lade .'Id tron ' 1 ' I nli, t· el, of ';:'tn, upon a llIaJo' ,.1 of c,onlltruct· pussed Morch 7, I 38, 81111 tho e,.d b- of per contllge Y VO I,ror PUC . " 1\. nil "C1~ 1\ rll)' wns Urllll\il11r thero , ) sa e ~ ~ny ed,l" , ~ tox vote .,.. d ing for, apy turnpike T90ll, pluuk road, grllv \bal1 be corerully h b t' I I' • f ro,gulor Illelltmg or.the elea ters ot I, b'd t o.nd don ot- no. ts' Olnell. d'o tl " et el " '1'0 che 'r Illy hellrl <'I aorrow drcnd, d tl I\nld dls- Auditor, or ~(Jme ,clerk compul'ed, by said p ~ e t/)o \I~. o. 0 11 t,"o t IJ' re ..~ (\~I on .!\oll- Omtllldlltory u. 0, of .. otber 'muterials; a.. tb~lzecl UII 10 00 rOIlt! or rond trlet. ill hill offilll'. who reSIdent ta,x-pay ' r'. tll(ircto I"r pnsijed Mu.r .' . cb 6, ~rs '" 1849 01 ~ho , shol , in distr OilY l certi iCt, RC{~O fy de ill IlIcorJ,orutioll.ahl111liovt.' all the' , 19nn- o.'od , SBO .• ' T~le DOllrd of E~uo~tlon book, at tbe end of Hl\id ting .whe ,he~ 'l'omjl(lIlicln C)onlo-lhefOlal emp" , ?f n~r re/:o~t1, thut \he said I'esldent, or non-re,8 Iri~lIt, (~lId tent nil oth r nets (lr pllrt~ 'of II til illC;Qlls is- riglttl', privileges IIntl pow entries, fSpryeys and plata 8~e,c CI!Y, towll,.Vllla~e, township or scho eri! abd witl l thi~ nct, I.", i~(lI,' ",il" fO,lt rin's hand, lfyll 'lg be Who unil ol rr. dillt[1 ~h6 81l1ll1 are scho J t.rulv tukc'n and copied from the book o,r(j to nil die r str,ictionll of an act be "ubject ol dl~trlct ' hne horeby rcpeolcrl. tfJut. Or~IlIUze\l or tho '" Pi;~urt .of !! to provide Anti willlly drllllk h' 1'01 nun , dlYl deill ' l. tra~ :t, ~ or ~cho trac ts , orla ndI held 'bY, n ols f entr ies, surveys anel plilts elf ror ' the rogull\tioll or turn.pike com undor t!lIf1 nct orll~e aot to will t h thili ,BSNJAMIN F , LEll'E~. lond in the panle., , ~r\l C.III Bcl'lII ' 0 govol)Q lern comm;lI lS the lime nUin n ·{irg ber IJ!ll! inio ~f sell 'ller JUII\ mlli es lor,Y tnry In ld, s!1,ch ;dI8 7, 'J8-1', and the 1I0tl are dist rict, in 8rid offie.e l dlltory ~r the, oqtl or the "up(l~rt n~d 'lek~I' of the lrrm..'~ of lw rllllf'l 1l-l 1tii Dllt ",11 rOlllo r~a my b'1~onl and upon Il the I.tor rect swnye!I whi 'lpt Jc." ch ?f' lere cort suc~ ' by extended ,~I\~ made ificate shall bo un or the senl regullltlon , 01 COmll'lOll echool~ IIIth IJ : MARL~S C. ica~le to - An'lll\ln!lci ~ nd iJ on 'lI I" mnJlClnle ~c)nl stlltelO,ellt.,lh.c c9~nty o.udltor I\lul, certified VER S, alll:lucJl, !;()IU 'plloiel" except in 8ppl lIulllle A kron j on~ lh e.l.lct~ nmendlltorY' ch town br oRic;e 01' the Auditor. QI', Sta.tll, eo far ~ the t; h e ,HI! .. 1100 til jlWtI-inllorrow blillo a\llo opooA ,:,ut 'cl' of 'roto, or SiJ Ille e~tl\ Stm llat9 ulc. /:lEe d ~nd saill . 3: ccrtlf o mllY Thu ie,c1 t be upen the. her.o imid w moditiell und~r Qny i!~~c lo l 10e",1 nct, shal! uOI)k or 50: . nll th~ property 11~ ~OC'I ~l~trlc( 4uie klly, Iho.c rri,n t hour rclt~tI\, , lind whenever ullr CQmpany mar01'bealte red; subJoot to ~Iurltr or ,excludc rrOi/l , tIL~ pubU !Jove au- cOntnimng Iho entrie9, ' S\lTVejis nnd i!\cortnxntWI} I oud e~ter t~le Bunte upo~ iIenc()forlh J ,' nill rc~olV\1j1 t' '1I1~n' , c scllqolll, lIforo, \Iiel,lIholl be deno , lur the p'll'POlie I1ruresaiii. under 01' t\J(' A • A"1 ' 10 ClIJI(lrtt!lh e OC;l IIlill sitcU allrl rema in county trellsu'ro 1/1 such Ity, & u., nil ctujtlrell u.nd(>r the , tlfl I\Il r r nel 'Ie) 8 dupllco~, nl1~ the CUUll· 'thl' offiCI' of thb recorder of the pr0,P to tile provillionll of ) I\ge of six' yl>\lrll. ltl1 \1lOr !lot, , such A~I:i~~f~~r,/t':h;k ~~~;I~;.;:~lhbo~~li , Iy' opd ~lIit,l rer.ords oud all the er 'couh- ty 1rreaHurer s.llull coliect the 8,nme und plly otlL ini~<, 'c) ~lILy Rccor.llurB tt) Itnn f!crlb ~ r c- (lompu~y 8)11111 have aU the,~hie , righ ts. yrivi. Sp~ ' oJP1 E~~ tltlln es A ~~Y I\~O~i it' over to the towD ship·t.re(lBUrer on iJ;'E.T'l'~.' lh~r 0,0r, certitied ' by 'tho l"I~~ od .lmjl lllrr , WI IClT1Itlllu\lI,lr'\'lt tU ",,"l .lIlt Ill)" "",tt ~ .llh, logeJ l 0.1 d pOW r ,I1UU be subJeot to III the li!:l5 , BUt\ for olh r J'!,\I'J'o~, recorder 'or lh der of the au\lito~ tho l' ~. (}lj~~R'S. " I " lr"r Ot toi> ftutll l 1 fI It Iho I,\\w cr res.trictiphll of thill ond "lr tbe of B~ld county, . , 80,c . . I. , \ DB ..,. IT ' BIIA . CTIID . nYJ m Sil" }~w:1IWl~ e,aid , ex~apt.!~ herein 2ther~.i aola IIrore• Tho teml*\IIr 'lit my h"II.r.t lind WOI), A~~ 01' l"nE 'BEIIA'~"" hO tI'ue }ind correct ~Io.reh ~3 18 0: ~oJlle~ fro~ rov'~ Anel nfll'¥<' "ou::lot in mi !'ry' , h IIr . tllxea, ond it all " 1.1 botlk ,lIhn11 be rO~(lI\'e(l m eVids/li,d be the 8pocilllll ·f of ihcOrporatloJi' or a maj , '-----. ' ence re h~rE III lby ull Iluth orizo ''I'h'' lIplltldillg ,'nau ght, lOY wo t bhun orlIutl d l~or 10 i'urnish t\>' tlie ro~uired . to cour II \lnd ploceli III tl\~ same I)1l1 of them, OlDy open bQl)kJ! for tllp pur. , p provIde Rlllt~b1e boul.,s , !lilt!81)d ,\ ' A~'T (n ~"Il.e 1 " 11Il r. ~(1 lI!'(/vI.lo l1ner tlnd tI'I.lll4urer tat tble til(lQ of' ~O~l i~uo f9 and thu furn clllll lahi r l \l I!aye ng 11 s06urill'g ''Bub!criptions to tho cnp i. tI e s:"$ CQ.rtl.p!e~o tbe, gOlle~1l1 \ndo.xes provl~led , r.t'll'ulfltio)J1 I ll\tllj)l!, U C;:tIlIlI'B Uil', e o~~ effect Ala ! (' '''jll , oll!I~lIl1j(,u tru..th , OleJ )( of th'l sl:IIO<II (und for J)n~s~ tire .orlgtlnlll erntrlell'Ied",10rll bolonginq to of: IIny comjlllny hereofter incor' J.,\uary 71h, 1 17. by TVc~ the 'soc Pro~ Qn~ 'ria" 1I.PllY dllY. 80 IIrigln <lul/arl",!; , 8cet ton of towl the lshi nct p,a .stclt.ement of till! amount of tux enti tle,UII~ COllies t lereo,! WOIl Illve. , such p,laceor plllCOlllCt a8 they ma1 Be u ~.u lett.''!! '(Ie GiliI~rlll tA$~" a,,:.c to I\utb assC 1'I1y bO~1I111 wif" I I"vt'd , fQre(l<llh qrlz e 6sed ~til ,os \tx recorders todtJrllJl, Ilf()rcsnid in each didtrict, speoj ,any person mter.eated proper, ond p.or/llrm all dutioaa~u~tb~Q~ Will Skltt oj OhIO! Thnt. /ill tUfl:rlkenbl!l be recordilln certlun COII J~ ~lIdly pole II\\!! brttk l!nh.:mricii. , es, posse an- i;('d by; "",:",:;:",;~ roo.d_ ~.orrectJlell8 of, sa\d ortb e Ilistr lct where \'0' ullry 30th the aots afor eaaJ , Tbe. caprc;-_ c~lIn pDlIl e!l , orgll 1~85 rt,z~ , to d UOl~ 1!1' tho, I apt to pnr- III e roco 'a ~l() ~ ~ (ilellltiB whQ glndly tl"lnl,'ll pres ent. tIme nS8e , and ssed ; ~toc 1I!)i! the towlIship for 8\Joh k ' O t .oy r tll'lS com offic pany e, Ville .. hall , ~()r cODSIIt the rl)~ulollon 01 ,turn lien icel! ao I'O,nderlld aRltirecordera " tren..urer sliall plly ollt the annie (or. Tht'ir hellrts 01'111111 cenco 1lQ\lIrlllh eompan- by competent proof. , amount 11,11 ITlDy ~e preljcrilJed in tbo.of .,u~ iel\,' pItS cd JlIn uorr 7th, 1817pike d f th pee lll _ Around DIy owu -p~ early ehrin~d in IIIIchlloh001 t\istriot undert.he re.gutuition ~hall.be co~pe~.ot('d.I,n the sam e WDY 08 Clot of incorpor , be ,snd tbey BEC . 4, . Thl lt the reCOT er 0 l1~lph., illtions In .aId 8ectLon 18 providod, ore hereby nuthorl~ed, to. conlltrllc , e pro , '1' I:lor)', in Illy ,Ii oon~ill )'uulh. nolY prov ided ' by t aur;h 'law , per (or ' cou nty 8ba~l, on d~mand of any POl' tl:ae payment of BEc. 3" ~very plo.h1c Wild ahall b.,' ' flllr lof the roud liS the dJ~cctora Sao.~. It ahall be the clPty of sUlll :o~~ laid teacn l\r)' cllildrQn J hove lieo<I er!! of of co' ~ald p lIIio rec- out at least' two o.ntL' not' mor n I\chools In iliis make lind furnish COples pf an~entr ,~lllol, CODlP,IIIY muy, dee(1l cxpedllmt by. e &ban tour , y'ifi~' SEC. S. Tho t whencyor 0 ' scboStot e, ordeM ~Ior~af\er (0 contil'lu~ said !OIlexetl roda wlde,lU\ , 'fhoqt& cOld aod dl'tlllJ' tho palh they mak lDg vey or ,\at ol, d slll~n be disfrom sll~d re~ord, ~ulY cert tro,I, a liae k <i! plt\.lk .\IOt less .thn IJu8 tIme onwlI.rd, as the IlIIsllle8 c.onitruat.ed u 'tri ct is composed of po.rtll of two No anD to cheer Iheir haplOllIl Jo(. elglit feet 8Jl~ he shllll be entitled ~ of to have u~ leas t sixt een 80 or more feet width of 1iOoct ' wid e I\fl(! thre e mchel! thic k,nond to deOlllnd nd re8p ecti v~ offic es Sete tJiotr df'1I.l' motllur Bn!ltheir G/,III. coun shal l ties, requ it the ire, 8hlll !e- celye tJ,e'refor, the subl ~f ten. 1 'bEl the duty of wlth-. smooth Ind permanent rORd clork of out co!pven~ottol'l fl.\rlhtlr, I anuindt!r f tho \\-l.dlh of the r;)ad p~escrlb , eigh t feet or s bOd such district t()' certify the' proethe 1\ly wo\Qpln/t wlfo I\,n 8 (IRon pr"~ ocJ than the cost 01 whicb, ,ot leost, shal - elf hundred worda co~tQ'!Ied IIIcent eedi ngs I ~rl of in the the t ~&- made of/l ank nQt , bOO1 9th (8 ~Ie sect used , Ion 0 f(·r y ~f,th Ulllt e aet h~reln. nam- saId c,opy,:t~iotller oflh e, \loters oilld the nml/unt of tho 'fha l m, lilll'k win lIIijJh\ b~ forgivellpurp os . less '!.hnt two inches thJc'IC, all tax vowltb twenty I\ve den~ ted e~. of the other mat eria " Domed mllru~ SE~. 3: T~lIt rccordt1ro!, of tl.lI~ severa! III "wllkloRl'e wlI),e" my feet lie .t~i all nfor!l9uid to the Il.uditor of cach 9th. for hll~ certl Cllle tbereto, und grade .. not to.exFeed ' IU1 a.ee nt (lr of 'lue h dcuuntles 1!1 tlllS Stnt e ~e lind they ~ctiol'l. er s~ nlh' deae4no ' 'fho ,311 ful '\\0)' 8 which lond Iii hqnv " ~ in .nre ~~)Iich snob ,dist her~- on any part of said rOll<l, of mor tWillity-five' cents fllr eaoh plat Wit pn. ' SBC, 2, 'l'ba t all I!ompllnlcs Qr~: e tho Q,", II nccpmpallied by onll.lphabl'tical rict ' lice, by outborlzed Il~d reqU\Te~ to proVld~, l\\,~he foot in ~n ln!z ed eor r· list Qf tnJt- expeu,se ' fee~ wJnh.J road ullder IDiu act are' alao authorized ' !'Th ~n 'n'I1'Y t nt)VOl' la.~\t) 'Ig.i n l'ay~rs own to I.nko SEC. IS. Tha t nny boo k 0 f property in the Ilortion of keop IU s 0\ tllelr, re~I\Oc6vo I;ollntles !lnd cQnlltructe~ 80 as to permit-wIY' 8hall b. toU 'upon eo.oh and every mile whi e~ltr!eS, s~r- tho dist dct ing then ' reBp 'l'h8 Winl l ofholl ' 8111lllrllll.t IX!w l." octlv e ch offic I ing anoy ee in tb~ lIeys the cou nti to ~ sepnt- otho vehiclell cOlwenjently can iliea and and plilta ~f1alldll In the VtrgmJa m14be fini.bed ic IIdditi?n to ana adJo a ~ And from that hour ho bu~~t ,III) dllll n ro ort is ' ~'il1g mnde' aod also ,a stllt ~te8et. uf.l'eaord books,· i(loneof\vhlehactR P\lIIS r each ~ to. ~niD g tbe itory dist rict, othe r and IUIIO 10 ~ e~.I her~ tofo ere mauc, shall'I;011 de- ment~.f the f~(:t that fil'l!t five ml~es ,requIred to be fj~l be deflOI)linllted 'ro('ord of deeds, ther ~it 'WJuch bcitind to li\1 hie'errinli aon1. shed 8blll I1y l it car man ia ria (l a of, fr4(', ~ read the tiolla1 diaily' and euil y to ~0 ,rt'cor~~r or the aot II.mending the act here m oil doeds, powors, ~r attgrney .n~ 'J'h.. telDpdnJI)o",III(J 1DC'ir"h-e 80Ugb wet , nnming the severol counties Do,!,ed, compnred lind cortljje~ by.any cou~.y, on where sucli road I. inllerleOteIt fF ,_ in which paF,s ed Feb ruar y ~~~b. 1846: the Instr Au llme by othe r I':; ntl! tbe ofw Dluk ~J.\1I1I\8 no more his peace deltr,o}'. the r1tm frac g tion (or l!r~v the s lim; nnd ldlld Bta te'l) r some clerk . \n 1118 offic obllo tile reception thllt no, ~mplUlY Itfoll hll.~e ~u\l Dnd uJlcondltlooa.l 811113 or :!.::?nve~ - roods, and no. ullatruclion Ihal l be lluifer~ e. d _ suoh certiftcntl~ each upon ltcpenti.'tID8 lDthll1.bOmo h.. broullht iorl ty to lIn~e .~m /ludi e unne mnn tor ceMl ner IIha arj) 88 ll ec o.tely imllledi ~f ,laoWl! ten~menta or preVIa ~ to remilin IUgoD IU~ .plIDIL take toll un till !lit lI~el,ls preh 'l'be m~,oil Iei'll of hOIlO aQlljo)', fowo.rd to the audilo", of othe,r' Gou 7 here ry th.eT,:" bon of this act: and d ,in the lIecon OOpl~8 n- r('gul/l~ 8uce."lon 'I!,ccol'dlng ~odH","cn~,.m rolld ,at any Buch inte rjec tloll ; and ",h, n to' B., prescribed by he oc,t tomlD~ rom whi • ch till! lbe tl1I8 pno ~fi IS Hty cate, Dn abst ~ _ . such boo t, o~ from any book ony plank road Is eo COD"tru('~to ND'ER. an n\ncndment have been, tl1ken. lhe Dmouot Qf toxatile prnrerty ,in rAct of or thei r p~ese.ntatiol1~ and In ano ther l'/~!IJIQ;;rUm;, ftfarcl& 45th.LEA but ',he 8urveys certlOed ~y WI:' M~~ ?f be 4)Qlle~ted th ereon a~ the J'llte lli' mltl 18f10, the por- lIaid 8~t1lJ to be denomlDated Lcgi !llllt~re 'mDy at my lime hal l 8 pt'!lvldeit ~~, d~m m, tion of the.disl;~lct lying wilhm hie cou recQ ,cllltngo ~he 8~rveyor of th~ Vtrg n. tgag~B, &c. , they IIhall record all rd of mor- \>y ,the actl 'a(or.e..id, Auy, company in..' nl11 mUltB!'\ (lIstrlct, o~ ra\e s of ~Il on any cO~PQny he~eat't t . m~rt gllg ' corp et IJI- hiS lIuC\odS80r In ~rC\U'lder h: t!rJ :1: ted 118 aforesaid .hol l have power to corpora~e<I. and prescNbe the dletnDce !~ y SEO, 4: Tha t It BhaH be, the duty of tJ:~ OS, powers .of Dttorn~~ _a~d ,~th"r lJIetru- co~toro. Dt fice, by tho reco er 0 U1e~i; ruct IIA)' .p~ or. pirta; or ~ willch toll gnlcs Ilqll bl) erected from ~~::; ti ofW t'CiInt , !. _, !'!t!! ( !i tj Wl1lch :anoa-, tene men ts which !luch directorfl 01' the lever!!.l ~cilool diseoeh alBae the same mlly bo, sb , oihe!;.· ' company ma)' be aUlborlied to ,!:','" hereditamenta IIl)nll or mlly' be , BQIJ~ e , , ill' , ~t 8_1.. A,tfce'iton. torc "& e t and e~~ ;is copies nutb ' et mak e, of grn el. atone, ;h l1d ' or otherwise conditionally aold, collv et. to e k, breueh othel" 'nE J\~lN F. .tin ~It, . I~ "" ,~, , 0 D;le on tile aecO Boc1cty b~!I been .aptl,. C(1l)1pare ey- material 118 may be autlplan c~~t,fied \lndet the r~oeedin8'oriz s hool cl to 11 offected or incumbered in law ior,lzed, or dlf&reDt Bl'B;,\1[FR OF THE aOUIE OF am . IIco,tlon bOllp of el,1lbel'll. WhiCh, wbe . like reiInl~ p::~ IIrta r~I~ of' ~:~r such tillS n lopa r.te d ~ta: act. road ~or ethee pur- . succe8sion' according to the of any or 'eith er kiDd. " CHAJLH8 C CO NYE RS, " , MOIl 111"8\118'b, dtu'ken ~!,d tl~. ~ h '11 f the SEC. 6. TM t the book contaln j t.llt u..li- thei r presenlotion, and In the prio rity . ~f such ~otoriall. mg SP&AtrE~ IJI' ,JIll SEU TB. eo· of 11l~c-::! to:o tllerl ~1!J'" \vltll {l ae~~ rtnm othe }og t e~; 'i~hool t,of BDld plCS of the ?r\ginal pillts lI11d Illlrv SEO. 4. t if o.ny company tlereaRe M:lrch 21,1 850 . .. eys lelille 11eM, a ll\lt embloll! of the . v~ers " n ~e o;;:t .c: 'Lilln of thIs 118 sets, W be dend looted recotd orpl ats, they incorporatedTha Virginia. ml!J~r' , )Md , In ~he co~r: Ih.n not be orlt'l'I~~ and int nct, shal l TClc ord all pl!lt bap pin, as, anil the eecurlty,deriv!!d a' ______ .tY lIbd map pOd ll 01 ~~ tow , ;~\ n be lots ,1 t.ttl~~ T good faith commence tbe constnlc d~ty ~f OlJe ot the snid an~ of the 8ubch\ils nion, ill the Stat e of ~blO, whi.,... A5 ACT tn nlj1 ClI tho ~oyoml Mt, 1\1 tJon of uololl of mankInd, Tbe'D-vl.!-I', DO I I , ions there?f, ,and other tho rODd relllllol\ ' ver' the laid moe tin. divlSOllii or lIuthorized bf the oct in corporato ineor.fhlll:cd r lIg,lli..~t>ih!eGe7147'QI bOOk .nd copies were copIed, prepafl!d ~t1 dlTsctorsl\ to~: sida IUrv ,,>:, ofla knew the ble8 8jnr of coDil)inallon nda , II~ ll.ke t ,rogu t~e lu:r II,nD and tlilg 11,l arrl lIuch 8cho Ulg~ ol eompnuy; Within two yelll'll (roln , t",r, t the books 8u(\e~lIIJiun Dccordihg ,~.."~, 1. who q,lr.. IIOCIely f'fflm apa c rev. ' .s tri tEO. dng I~QV,~ed (or ~J' oi? 'I'h t In the, ,?Oico uf tb, ,.urveyOl" o~ a!h' or ill tllO I/overnl p~esent~tlon, nnd allchto the pnorlty of tbolr lho time mcb company may be inco rpor A. -y of t1w tIIo Ie ~eeu /Ire the eepll\hj" Ie OJ . e th a. Ir~l1.0. 0 recor 11 ~~. b 0811 1 ' all .T8ted 11 procollimon 80hool6 8hci.1i be perly Inde lJIllitary laad clllltric\ t, Chl lhco ' sucb 8et ehall, nfLer Ule exriraU property bas been, or mny e C?One, In a~ h a IV~ x ellch of eaid books. on of dart, ae~, ~losai tM) ueith r t\;le Stat e of Ohio, nod tl e second MOl'ldn'y ' in . d Buch peri od of two BE o.., The recordel'll Droresald l'I, "be nul and v~ld. , he , erell, er o:uis~e8s as is re u;:-~r tbe= nlle°ra~~ ~~~~: by ~1~cer~6~ rew iv 1Ie at._ lthe rlov e nor aN nn At IIny time afte rlweyeD uirad b ll\elt' ~speclive !!ure nty yeal'l ftom the~ d~W 0 u : t , or tie.. sbllll be li!lblo de h~"h:~ !ldl~c:~:~~\nnsllc To wha t acta 01, berollhll and .~e c, /lny tolls mny \;)'e eollilcted' by: aw, ' .ueh 01 , 811 ted on tho ~hird F1rI- their offiainl:bondllforl1llllamnges . In 1~\rIC \ ~ r or not, th i1 perty IQ every ... a\1d nab an, haft Jlot 1be d \ S t ~ uatained ~y colnpany, the rate nually shaU be th 2dd lmpelaa ad seal of hie snid ollic:,. ~clt IIDf bo held by th,e usta8 or Pcrs oDlI of tou. to be , char b ,orp :re or aII'ec\ion giveD rlae' To wba erso ay n a:r ythe et negl on(l8,:~e':ndMollday in Ap~il nnn '_ t ir1oom, ~ appo A, D. 1~46, and .wlJl u- Iia or Buch recorders tg po CormC4:torre,1V ged or collected onllUchrdadmlybereg~IIliIerf II . Prov ided ana even 8uiclde, Jiu not eel .. ln~d, ~cL &hell'. l"OOSSOlll, appotint It.hDt the dut!e if the !l in the d' ullt ectors of Clny or oftlce of the Dudltor ed Jly laW' IDd the roper authoriti pfovlllbll'lD the Instrum ont ot thom required Qf lIuth the~OIl ofao clet )' teel1 How es of Dl on ~untl, shal l be hereafter of nl.d ed I :J~l diBtrict' shel l neg lect or fail to giV'e by any tdera any conuty or counUe.'pthro \n1'~I'lnc:uelloprovllion 6~ea this or any otller IICt, or by thoreco TCCO IV I In the ~ hau.ntlA»t wen are an ofte n woh ~ the l requ isite lam nClt ll neg lect IUch road m.y in'whole or ugh or ill whi ch e Iillc our tlof recorQan~elsewbere,. lce of IUcb ann ual meet.- or 'Teruan! our DO- in ~oh I".tr ume nl, .t)Je in part , ..a, maY' 01 .ucb,.reco~er' ac~ul'~tely and as o.w I 'th bleat vhtrifa called forth! ADd how n by. 1U1l6ellOr or ful ancl{conclU6i nte I t4odby 'the purchase and ve the :um~~e~ be"i!e: rel!lJl1tifin'''aot trul rtot rans crlb ellD drec ordw lthl Dth epe - regqlatloDa a, mllnag~ lucJI roadUder .oeb boeom the mcWMt ctq the 101\ emoIn the .uace_OI'll, U ma r be appotnted ':Ylla~ trov ersl elrp roc evidence,in 01l1U1~, con · rqDy tie~rl~ by law. .llIg a Inll aclll \il)n. I?ompe~t~' u& no r:~ laB~1ah and P" fahat. kI mon ae'boole lnd to crea te perm .nen riodroquired by law (o,r the recording ; ell touqblng.the land or aoy ~ No toll pte shall be erec elected or ~ppolDted by IUe: II9Cn t. of, Itny deed, mortgage. pow.,r ted w·tl iin pD" \ " I;m lety, of attorney office 0" 8tlperintendent," pau ed wblch 8tl1d boolu, coplesllf!d p nts. ' half ' of a mile ftOm die bu. , or UloclDtion, to let I I trus tees c Qtber in.trumeDt of Wrftl~ IIny M tho h'1 ired We lcld aof Me uU 1l.. 1838 . to and Ie part the ther ame eor, Ddo prov may have reTation. e1 BOd iDhlbite pitt of tlte)finit exclusion of llDy trae tee or trus reconfedl'wblch ;hll l be,de Vi • \harc to -ilIen i\-~~haU be , lawfu. toty acbi e of tees, apor ten· any Olty or vlll q,. d Any I for lilaid di. derild to th8!D It thei nEN JAM IN V, LtIT~. Wheat, l'8' bab el , .uch COIIlJl!8ft1 r Jdlp ere eo acdY . 'by~ e oIIle ivil E!l ilil Rye for sa UcbD :~. liere O\iC ~ aRe O ~ r toea IDco . • 1l F rpor LEI IUeh ated TER l)leparpOBelOfbelif.~' ' ehjll'~be 1U~jec:t to ' H .. ~ct~1f&s 'g, 1;l)T~as. BularJ ' J' ~" pro vlli onl o(a nYl Onc nlla wtb atll di~l II ct D.<U >J ~ t1!I 1M H_ "11 IneetiDg at .;~ ~_ 0.. .. lay ,~ .1_ ,"-_ ,_ , ~ " . . ,v. . .:. betw ._i een \He IOeOnd J(on lA) II .. )E: ~ o f LEI ~ or -- OJ IIIG - . TE~ CllARLEB C. C VERS. 'lD . ~ en.. C ~r-" ..~, ""iqnl atiD the D .... tr' third r . itb C Fridaf of 8eptellJ III ~e ~Dot--:; arch 19, 1860. N weD a 61 .. II", ........., . lor . ' ora C e n.-D. SU DS . ' . , or Ie. y ~~I riaht of ."., . ~bema ' March llW 1860. 8peabr cf lAc 8efta capi tal t8pea " ker• if ... ~ . eny of any .ucb company k and propAN AcT to amend \be .etotltUled "",1 ~ .. p _ Tim othy eel ' , I • JIllr I80lt ahaU ch O ~3, be . Bac 1850 .. . , 6, Tba,t no\lIlDK contain ID thll ' Clover tbe'M¥eral lese oow ill force an rOllain IUcb m~DDer .. now Ie or Jll8J Jaertun -" _L~ Kt r Ill... ' aBltionC ad - 6S « ~t 10 .L _ "'e ah"U A.N ACT be eaft e ot 10 ' tore 1aruJ C'.on .&-' . e\1'\l foriG lO e\f Flu i1od .. of ID be to u~ the provided ' by prev Sla\e .... Jo__ ent C?r AN ' ~_ fo thewunOU _,,8yJDent of to" The proylaio.. of _nl sed tow nlbl " in Ie" A.a act 10 II a aIl A : the ".An ,~l!t ~ thll -act ion mal l law. thIS ," plllCld ~UUIIfI any ol,. b~el tlae il ble nd ~ &0 voU tdl an Dral hI &0 ~ aD adl~ 184& 8uch co~ M ID - , ' Pea OT BE & A,1LTlCLI\S. __ .I -, pow.,. ecbool 8, 1841. pIII lel beretofore Ine orp Gn_ J tbe . but whlcll Bea ut, Ima n Wh iteby GerterGl AI- hav e", betl l orp nlae d aDill OQIII_eet lOr the .dO ll of a..t ora aiId Rop NMDta· De,8 bleb are, or lIIay ~aft.er be ID 1. . . " . . . . lay .. a-N l4t Iact e qp o tbe tnlU Urf or anT~:!:. tD wh~ W Ie an amead- apply &0 p railroaal~!I!8!!~:.._JId.~ . ~.""'''~~::-c'' ::" ".. ::, .~; tile aameS'OC ::u :t\ the . . O.. ... ... ~ ,. B til &lie force 'f, to the .... tJQIl the C ..LIB 9. t;iI~ ,
For tho Minmi YlsHl1r. ",
,I I
• Misellab.eous Selee,tioD S.
~!~.h'!irr=':;j8H;;at! s,\/t:. ~ a. : = !: :
_d" ..
thell/:=; ~:=r.!: ~ca~~'!,:~a::,,=~ I' '
me a ••tcry lira e In with red lUg"", t. i . one .ubjecl. coat, a plaid WOIIrted WIt, go I'romyall to d16•• nd nqw II long. Anolhpr'woi rearling o( Ihet of w!dah I deem of iayJOl'tanco. to vhl J panta, cal(boots and black hat" wbleb 011 motion of It. Davl., wa ' '1'1118 lnRic .peech Was made with a 8e.n, hi. father aJld t'.unily -t(! wl.1i to ~~U the D.~to\Jtlon 'of tb .. pubTitl; A large reward-III ofteNd by h'- frieaa laid .on the: tII"le and made the order of the OIIr 'I' , . • lon, fuce G!!d mucb I/lng (roid, and ill at the barD, Thl' oM lal.!y ~"at an.d k~owl~r that .,out p.p~r has qul~e an the reco,ery of hil body if dead, da, (or lhe next meeting. An ordiDllDce Tb.., MrA"" Vl$!'l'OlI wj!l hi" hmlishml (n :nTD. charocteri5ti of a certain cla8t of Individ\l- wilh II. broom ill'lllll)d" wuiJ nInde to exlenllife clr~ul"tIO~' I wish w ..vn.11 my• ••• • w•• then p~ to compel owner. of town ~J~/'8 (.,r Ono p"li"r .nd l ' jlly UIUlIe, if (.laid als n.. t we ore h(lPPl' to 11&)' tbe tirokoll ,,,rth tit" "broom in lll~ r(l.eacl'" lIelf of apportion of Ita colums ~,Qr tlua,pur~R' O.DINANC& lots "to keep tile lid~ w/llka~ guttet'll, and' Wjthin aU lnonlha from tb limo Of ~ubl!cdbmg, . , ., , ' , ' TI bl I k fi 1 AN dI Ii i ,it '.' '.1 anil 'fwo Dolhiu '!'II'b ~~ CHatlrl!d lfpnYIIl nL 110 I,ent:tod gldlll.n~ is IIlIlI ahve nnd 1l0orJ~hlDg "He preeeDlellliCr \\'ith a bust" w~tI .reno pOle, 1-1' 8U ~ect , now '('annot ~I'~ or nanee to Ul e I curvmg, guttorlng, ILn" aller- cleaDet!.. up. SOm.e oihe~ bu.IDe",' ~"i!.ed,r0r a 10oGc~ Jlerlod, ~llglQ cople81hr,;,? in aI/tho ,verdnncy of '1l"green. bllY treej" l/(~reJ "1Ie- prel'elllcu.. her witb n bUi,;,·1 ihterest some or the reaiJers oC ilie Vusilor, Sr.c. 'lie r'1'a~~I'!:~n~~~;AGT£lI ~y TnF. of minor importanoe wu trlaP.lI.cted, when " nerer<'wcnt n.08'r Mexico, and 08 fo; ~, nUL lor the . present we ilillnlito! the e.rr·ora It is the. r.onstructibn of n . Plank R~od COl\IllONCOtllfcn. OF TllltTOWl'IOr WAVN!;SnLLB, onmotioD of R, Davi., Council adjourned • ••• • I J ". d I .h . mencmg Ilt the to f mm II ThaI all persons QWliinjf anT town \Ol\l or varta ' s d " . ~he Convent,iou. '. \·c in ~I! "lJ!uc dej:p there j~ 110 t lOU~ .It of tJiq 8qhQ.oI-rI'Jorn, Oil C o~ e Wit DOl oncC', , . wn Q u on, we s of IOIll. Oil ~loill Siree t, lnlloid toWn rif W'~yntl8' to me~t next , atuT a~ evenmg, - , ,The members of lhe';Convenlidn ort it. o'nd:UlCre ill more dangCl! of hie dyin g dt>LQ 'of two sons' of Erin, Il' ho lInd cOline county, .Jndll.l!l~,nnd rUlln,ing ' iii Ii south· viii ,which nro 1IO,t ,curbed, gUllcrlld, Dnd I!I.\V" H.: W. PRINTZ, Recoriler. '';'1'11" mat'ArB v~r'v ' dell·'~·"r.te' ly~ U.! to Ivi,tll a C(J discllJ5e thlln ,Lullet ill [I rrdo :'IAmerikv " ':llill UCIII" tired of footin" e:uRterly direction through Oalndel) county; ed, or gro"ellld r liTO i)enllly r~qllircd lO do III1Ch. •• • • , '' ' " "" ~ v, ~ _ " II " n., 6 R d ourbing, gU.lctlllg, 11I11i pnving. ,vithfn a reason, . br" il~" S ilf tr_an~it glcr-ia 'Ibunkum!'" , " it c:onelutlotl 1\, ririe, .Scc,~g;1l 1\11,1' lot ot ~jnch~stcr,. all blp,~ county .Ip~illJJo, n I1llle IUI1,glh of Ii.me nller heiDI( ' notilie~ by ' Ibe :' For 'be Miami Visitor' this tim ,they .h,ave dono but Httle of -ftn e ' , ~h d t "I' > It! muc'l , .. . . _ hor os In II fi eld l'U '1I'113 resoh·cd to take dl9tallce of .forty mJl " c<>nrleotmN' OIl' the Str~eL (J(immi ~ I~"! T, 11/ !lo, 8l\ch, c..l:lrbl,ng, gllt~ ," .r.rll, ' E ,! D ,irOn :....:.Ulstor.y infd~m8.' u!" 'that .' po.·.... ~' ,rr. ~ ,0 n!! aU!J.r" ~~.' .. _ .... ';', '.' ~ ~'.; _ _, . . .. ",: ,_ );. ,. , '.. . . , - "T'" . . I-' .,PI '. " ·is....d'.· - ,--~~ . :r. (ll1g, lind Iltlvll1g, thc'sflmu tl> Ii (tim II).dtlr -[ N~N ~N 'i:.-\'V .Iy ~ I It n-Ir. E rhl()r~ ill . one ~ ns, tlley . wero . \11 Il f~1!t court,try,. "So ~~'111l an " .l}.o.~ e~tf;ln\:h ng rro~ .til .tlrcclio!1 uf Ihe) lrect '1Iml s8io~er. in ~e. it WD.El , n cust~m omonl!:st some or ~h,e \Vlle8,' , exei~mlihiin . "tJl() COIlIYo'n tlon : (or S O~l~ time to come nnd perbn"8 ;1 0 \ at nil. 1 0 many oj' yonr sex-I. In;)Y say ncafly nil they CIlUN'ltt II spmt d c61t lind J nmmy Ft, W'(1) no tp Blumon, aDd on the South, wnb ~ e Illw.madll. and iiro'Vld d Wllh of tbe North American'lntlillns, thot wheq" "} , , • l' , . . . , . '., " . ' N d I .t1 tl r d'n r tl B II f< t ' 41lIer; wulrh lind hOlght 01 such pave· ., ' . ke d " 11 ' From presen~l\pl'oarallc(,- WI:' are in chned of th cm,-:-!lrc l: lIt h ' Ul corrlglbl? ~.~tte!.c r.'1 8pa!lng ~pun Its bnole, Qt usc. to IIII ~ ~. a WI .• ' I,f!-.. ~ . I napa LS nn " c e 011 lime or. ~u rblfll:'-HI\l:fll\1fICl 10 com. Ilrl80n~rs were, ~ el'i, A~ ~1l\Qny ~lm/;l8 . or to .believe n little ",oro, dignity \Vjll clll1roo", B it'becii use thoy 1~ l\ve rloLhfug ~IBe .to Hay! uurtlen, IL Look fright o~d nwll.y It \yElOt, lit Rail RMd, . ,: ,. " , lot u~Yllcd ,loy. nob~rL ~mitl, a/l.il ~ffeJ;lc()s ,committel! amongst , t1ltmiselves,. ~~I~ my fell~w olt,lzens of W urren nntl lhn~~d~h ~d9,~~dJ1~ ::!th8lt08t, two rows were ,formed of, tbo It!be, men" t crize· lts..r0!ibs ratiolla · more than \VO ex- or do they inlu.gine wej tho fDlror pOTt. a .brenle Ile~k pao? .' ~ut sn\v 1hc d:Ulge.r of ':lO COnmlcnoo al II lot !lOW oc. women. 8n~ chJ!tlren~ .prepo:od ". with a hibiled in onr last iegialutllro., The meln- crcnlioJl, have no e (1'.£: a sensi ble r.c- .hlll compallIon and ,Cried out ot the top .o{ ndJ?llllng C~lJntles, "ho .rao land holders ' .' his voi('e : " HoI · Jlllnmyl Jllmmy! . why wero the proposed Plllnk Roa.d, {or to lIuch OIIlIlI.lont, nnd running along "good.gnd;' nnd tbe prlsloners or Qffell.tlel1l bprs understund IInll feel the importanc;e of mnrk1 " ond . we .will' be somewhat sur, "11y ad;'~l'e5Se d, J ~ public aqullro, ' !hall refuso wero . compe lid.... tlleir 'tru"t I um rather incl;ne(1 to the L(:.11e ( t I'lal don't. you gt't oft!, ,) my rcmur k5 ale pflllcrpo 'pc{aon or porsons , e l" pllS'. klIe' t .~en' t he89- ' rised if tho11 do not dischl. u :g~ tlleir dutie th eIr ompLy pules never contain ony ' thing .. l)i\lil A bit, Pat! ilow do you think I onn feel it my dUly to. ask .,of your a lit~lo p, e or neglecl to . eucll curbing. ,l:l!ucTil.l!l: or ~"\. ro\\'s rect'iying a I!Itril'o' from ~tlch ofle 8. P . ull thtlt ~ can d0 to'. s',ck cUI:lllry "u . vmg when 80 o~dllrecl by tho l:itrcel 'CommIS· , t"ICO ..tl'10Ugllr" ,uor \ b ~t'" strIctly nndJ~. faithfully, :}Ve lu r·n-from the valuable,~'I\ud hence tht'y a~c CO"lP~ II Cd !o. aet off, wh en Its UI. 'In th'(8g~eatwes~('rnetJterpn~e. sionor.I. 1 .. shc. or th~y', 80 offending, Ahll\1 'up" l hey pns~e d• 1'1' liB prnc Statesma71 that-the~e :arc 1) 6 mClllocrs aod oRl'r \1 8 such us they hoye or noth'"..... lion'!" Fur lhe present udleu. It IS cons,tlt'reil qUite unnecessary to In· on CQIIVJCUQIl 'thereof bofore tho Mayor. \.te fined OUS, I t1\ln~ .would put to blush the natlvil' "ffieers of ille Convention n ow In .sessiop howl'l\'cr tile'; ~eally urQnossessetl of:' well . . P£DAGOG C:E_ ' form YOIl of the gr~at utility Dnd advnftillge tihl lillY, SUd"' 1III 0l les.s. Llhan tfiftrf' ~Il~:,~' ir0dr mllTO simB anll duughtorH of the' 6011, if they' could , " J \' • • • • IOn tiv., ., nrs, WH 1 C0 9 80 c"'-I 1\0 evC)ty . ,, . d ' ~t tUe CapltnJ. · Of'thi3 number 29 ~rll n'S stored mind; und tllink we nra s uch paltry . _ -- ...... to b~ denver! . from the . establishment 01 fly illlyA tl!c)raufter !,htlJl btl cOlIsl\!crcd 0 now at~nil ~ meeting III ou~ .p·lace on Ilee the: tives of Ohio 29 fro'm P ensylvonill, itl bcinlt ll ns to f cd with pl easure on chilO', ' -P"r d Ie i\Iillmi V'~~ilil r. S4ch 0 roud, or or the inevitl)ble conse- Ilffiscnce ngulll Sllhu Plllv\sl~nB "If tlliBord Indies run the gtlon~let without being el" J , co , MR, E DtTOR.-A s I Bnt rno down on 1118\ ' I I " 'f 'EO. 3. ~ l l \JoreOI1KqWllmg n L~ Ilr Illms d "h m I ' (rom Connec11Clut, ' 9 fl'om ICen1-Ucky, 9 C\nd for tid ... r('USO Jl t~lk JlS tll ey do, I beg q'lellce ot grent y e~ IIlnclng th~ pr!ee, 0 1(lt4 wiUlin the lioni\,!! s lI cciti d hy Iho firsi Fec- thor clrarg~ ' WIt 0 en clI, or calmed Ul frofu Vlrginia" 10 (rom ,New Yo:tk,l from 100" 0 to in fo rm tlicm it is 1111 u l'1') i5tll,Ieo, Suuul1~h mo~niJlg ,to olljoy 0. few moments your lund, The cos't of sucll n R Olld hus ion dfthifl l)CI. wlrp'huv" ulrr;,ntly. .curbed, 8-1,It' SFEC'BATOR. ' ' t. e rlld, or ',nnll, U'. uveldcl willch need r Tennessee, 3 , fJ:Om Vermont,6 froDl )Ias~ Do~s anyon e supJJo.se tlIR t 'Ii J11dy of' · soun d of exqui sto pleasure in rendi.ng your vukt- I'ong b'een .u deSI'ucrlltum, an d tl Ie necessity airingnn(l'paved, or 'nll rin"'" lI"~1l boin notified 0.. tI Jr I cl d b nble pllper,llfter looking at F.( vt'fQI urticles h P " ,, ~ ~. Ig IlUChu50tts ) from Ireland, 2 fronr flng- mind wounld IJC flu.tlerc or ,~ e ate y , of the snme is extTemely felt by I. e reAl- by tne dlr~eL (\'vmmittllion(lri.pr.ocecd to \lh~t ~elected ' I . lund S from 'NElw Ilampshire, 1 '(rom O'er- such ta lk as Iho following, which pl)tmit byorigi'f\ nl contrlbtltor.; oDd heing ,'ery much douts in , tha't soction of tbo country: alld t.hetBnm~,n~ ".,0 ,~trcot ?omD1IEi1110fi"~~ ..mill' dl., r, • , • , ' • • } • I . d' plcnse'd wiUI them, L 11t1l'pen d' to tll,m over , f' I :1' . I f d IQ':, or . ;00 8uuJeCllo ul S UIII O " .... unl THE HISTORY OF! pFE. many, 11 (tom Georgl:l, 1 }rom NolV J ersey, me to DY'S Il snm ple of II' Llll wo IOlLr 111, the wont 0 It lUll ulsC;olll:,ngca llI1/ony 1111 nlulls bs jlr~scriboJ in thc 8 cGn.lsCl Lion llrom"1rDm Delswore and 1 trorn Wash- Iy! aliother puge, when what shoL!ld r IICle'.lll,t dotrnctfid mU'cll from the impl'().v~ment und oct~\ nAld aU mon yil eo coll eoted lO ho I so IV Ull inffln I il~ Ulolhor's arm8, . , , ' " ' CIInr olll1 ' g you . IQtl k l,'d I' nn article headeU Lnw ow] Order, uud settlement ,of t I1e county, L ot-. me 801l!lr. I' '. 10 81(<:. 'rtrlllreDsllry for the. U86 of tho o;U'IN"ULI.UII, . And left it'sleoping; Ing~oQ,.D, 0 , Thero are 44 Lawy er"" "I " WI Iy M'LS', Il OW 4 . Ie shall bo lho ,dulY Df Yosfs pns~cd':""l HillY 1\ glrl\ willi woman's you ,vho in timo ya,!lt h. aye beon d i!!c()'.:.rllgeil ,mi!lSI011ClJ' t~· notify nil :such p.cr~IlIlS .. Formei'll, !> 1\1ec11l1ni('.5, 7 lUoreII/I~ ~~ , ,QTl d 9 c V ~,niljg! · ...l, ou Ilave .Improveu. 1 vel'Y mu t.II lIigllC(I" Condilac, II • chnrril ; . In sorrow weeping. Physioian. ; re~[Jilldol' , tradesmen ul~d mi-a- ~in\le r S llW ~ou, und I though~ you were I;I e' Bel;'lnS to IHive ,g6t himself il\to quite and ·l'1OW .wiljb tJ. hnndred jler CG~II, fot your ~~~I~lf~ ~~I:~~ng~rP:cPI~1,13~~ ~:Ji\~I!n~C~~ ceUnneous:-.B of the D1 t1mbers nre sing-Ill, tlien·pCli'foct!" . . ',"'-', - . {\ fury ubout tll.o hOl)orl1blo COllncil of this investmont-in tho wes.t .to P'.:tt your ahould- , ' S~o, D. A)~ tQW~ lind parte of Inw8 connH:t. Yours passed-l fTIIW n nJllther with a.phild,' 105 marJiod, alli! (unknow n. !.Rea lly 1\Ii. 8 you are lovely as u P e" " ~odl1/ T'0U,7~" . US li e chooselilO ,call .it. I erato the wheelund throw in our mite to' Ing wiLh till OrdlnDUCe, be, Dlld thu ~nJno aro · Aud o'C)t it InngiJisb; , , 'T'll. Ic ~ _ : -' was verv mucb 'surprilled- y()U moy de.pentl, ' 'tt· I ' '1" ," y . . ~ -:,- .herell}' r0polIl!ld . .- ", ,", ,Y ciRrll b{objlhf mo' ri~;l YO'l Ilu'ollgli her teara ~...;-- =:to':\cert. I! .,... ~ --: -. ,. I ,hlld th'O\lght HlIlt there ~.~'ns nC,t n ' ~Ier8on !II 1D t 10 , comp oti.oll of th !I ..grent allu St:C.~. 't'his Rot to tnko C/r.'Ct al1(\ bo in foree alte 1111 led. . ., uYO'u II~C pc r.~ cliy tmg()l\c!" I' impoftl1nt work; "nd rest nssure(\ that an ft rn and nfler tho 10lh rll\~ ~hne, 1550, J,JI tleop CIlIguiBh. ,"ong th~ th Ings tnll;t\tI <;If is n' Vocal ( You nro ~enuti rullI!! il being frcal\' rrOJ\l Iiuing in ~his to)vn but kn w a little Ulore :tmplc rownr~ will be y·our. portion, PASSED, .1'II.w P l. rz, n ocordor., I left lief::" ),cora hlld l'anished; I rolur'ned, (;on~t \Vlti,cb will be ~i ve n l1t the 1\1. E. p . a I' ' " .. , . thCon Co 11 \.hlllc , ' or hall Bomo scn ~o l eft to "'I ' And 81 Cld III1/oro her, '. Cljllrch 10 this plu ~~ on the afternoon (\lid , ~~~;~''''arc tho perfection, ~r .aU1o~rcli- 'glll~e. tbel~ puth t~lrilUgh lif~. Iu~e~d, ~ir, ' . , ~ l~ ~uJl~"Rin&' ~!I iL copy of all subscrip- " ' AN Oit»INA:N()E. . A IlImp ooaldq Hw 'olllldicea widow burned- ' el'cnrn.... of SnturtlllY ' June ~tli J. by 'the ' Itl k &1l' C t1llle should be presented bOdS to 8UI on; AN ortlinBnc~ I PIOVO, gutl r lind curb Ih tiid.,: · . Grief /! Ulanllo o' ~ r her! ' . , neBc ! ' ' . 1111 ' . 011 1\ " ''tVe theuntlereignetl, promiilo to pay the wlllk~ 011 '1'111(\' t,oIH. Woynesvm Ilnd Delbrook olloit:!,-Prof. "I am cbl\Tme(llVith;you~ be~~Ly! wjth a copper mcdill, h(lvi ug,lhe hend .o f D f . Ii' d I r cI I t S EO, 1'. DI: I'f onJ)AI~et> !\ND EN C'\'J:1l11~ Til tears 1 found hllf whond lort in tOllrs, A. D.. iIlmore DnJ 1. N, CAl'man, both ex,'Tt I ed d d tl sum 0 twentY-,Ivq 0 lars I,or ea i s .Iore .o Cq~tr.tOlC C ll:l c:l L 01' TIl~ TOW." OF WAI' . 011 God rlo ),ing; is no fUI\It-auollt YO\ll d ~~Jl I ey on grq.v. on one 91 6 1 ~n ,(till Ie . 'set opposite oU,r nam~s, In l~bor, Tbllt :II,nv.p,or61" L . ~!_ . . And,[ , ·olllrnorl .oglllLl in lIft:or yc.ars. , . .. ~~lIll~t v. oeoli~:~ wil,l uo PT~S~ !1~> on the ~c- AlII1 ~llen ~me OliO' , ON 'exqllit..1 ~0 . of'ier; th~ \Yo,rds., pre.IH):Iterl,' ·to C<nul'l a.c f-ol' " "i I" d 'h ' ' or porl9 O'flot8 Tymg·on And fonnd h r dying, cllsion. ,Ve lIl'Vite nIl lovl?r 'of MUSIC'. I a $ n C til j 11\ d Ii l.! tI at to ~Iatenu B UII !lr money, III SIJf Il'!.apner 'dcf\illnt\tcd 118 t1l1Jd Blt'cot . • I I ' th e r t w.i1l perhaps go off ~n this wiso: . 11 «"a, iI I ~ I vmg I COVCf.C )' . ond at 8uoh time. nnd in 8uch propo , rLions lo.curb, . " llttor, nlltl l lRV6 (and who does nOt lo\'e mu ' i o ~) Ie S 10I . , I t b'" t t o " .. Arl iufnnt, fir .I- nnd Ihell n tnnj~ ~ ll rulr. , j'l\[<1a~ lo\'.ely o( wOlnOn !Jhol\' 6\)1. a.I , I ClI;- .a;r ee ure, r,B on ~nv 8U ~"c.' WIIS I) P, r -, " a ' Ie Prusl'den't ' nn;! 'D1'reotors of ;tl\e lIrJek, , 8td ll ~,., 9( gr,3val, A WIlIl-a rnqL~ordeco, lIS ShUKe&poo.re HOyS., " fit for SLt'lI trlt th f 1 I UW ~ 'I St CQ "s8 ~ nd AI1d then II tllildlc88 widow in tl &j'lalr-, .. . I I I . 1 'fo 4 ' ~ , pre~s ,ny I:'n.~()nT\ded · n.dmirl1tion · of your yell e ClllZen." ro.m,' Plm~lJlg ~ome ~ I~~g. " D .'llmden and.. Winchester. Pldpk v.l·nr':.o,t.lldm~'uIlLlt "rIIYn~e.lo' Rb 4 gem and splii sU. W \ lisa sou 'IS ,eu ,O\ll"r1\1 lot t e l til flo r sl .. " " ,. ' Thu~ m." ~ a brothor! ' I" . 11 I imp9s1 ng b ·CllU t.y ll.!1 d irrosistllble chni'Ins! ~' ow t 1 WIIV ee '01 111: ns 0 , 1 8 I U I 1- Rond company ' may dir!lct. The value of 11008, prov d,ed thnt notlung And dille wo' m t on !!a~tl~, o,~,.I11IU8 we pmf!.. ~~~:~IIV~I~n if.~'h~~I;~~~ ~~·~~;:n;6 t~:~~ ,IIllQuking• .eVeS! such It noblo brow! I?~ "town h8.v~ hil~Q ~oreJJ ~v th?se trnv~lj Ilillu vscription-s other thall' ca~h to be, lJet- it~~~ ~~:nd~O~~~~I~~o~Jl w~rl~, t, 111' , 'l'Q III l. .ot.! Q y t, . . , d OO"'Th q 6ljch r'o y cheeksJ such p~rfectnolla of eve- ~ml{ lectllr~rs ~s n shnme., I:\n~ th,ey ,ore 11\~!Ik': tle'd by the noard of Direotors; 'nnd ,to be they hllve .dOllo, provided ~IIOI ~\ , Buill/) Ii do.no TJlt dt.alh baM!.1 tho l\lli rlt' l~ovc ~ It orl" ~~~~~v~\~e:eht~~~'; to. ntten , 011' ry fellt)ll'c! I dE/clare you ~ro nwrc 'like q cd up frqm,thelr lG:~llrgy an~ are deterl~lIned . lit wilat the Board el\\\11collsider ~ge~v~~tr tfi.~:'~~~n~li~:~l~ruC!lJon or tlll'ru~Q~lt '.'1'1> Ilvll Jb{ Vt)f. • fl\iry tblln n ~oirtg ,ofoarth!" . to. be !lulled' no !pore, Tb~v h(l.~o selleeted aotunl cnsh vnlue at the timo of rey- SEC, 2, Any porson or pen oJ}8 n g\(loling or By this time porliaps the Illdy becomes (\ Council to enrry out the~r wlsh.eB, ,~n,d ment' Ilnd to he collected without benefit rQf!l~ln" 10 perform s.ilch gll~" u~g, curlJlnll, or ~he ground in this 'Reighhorhootl, is .Foull~f . .1 tl v "'nve noblv donQ their d,uly . COlldl, ,pavlUg, when eo notlfieQby tho lre L 't;.nml • The (ollowing pieco of 'Mnrullll9 Poetry" very dry and tho toad . . dusty, The whent tired of his unmcnning exelomution$ anI! ~IO... of' the Stay . and apprai.ment laws of slollor, .hllll, u~!1 onviatloo 'therel\Coofore.tlltl Mayor; be 11000 III ony 8Ulll oin,:' 19'~ IhQII fir. wal found on the. ,tepli bcf~r~ (Jur door on (ltQPS luok fine, ..but the com ill $ulI'e'ring retrentlj or is c.llleil fO:,-n ' htlppy fllt~-;:-or J~c llllnks f~ III all vIght to tu:· sbo\~ e~ he this Stote" (Indiann,) , h . B says thoy 'are usoless put when lectures . . ' Iy cenur, nQr Illoro O.lIn two ::'Olllltl with coalS for' wunt 0 raill, / ubruptly .chunges t 0 c"uver.iilltlon . , ut · , ., Come on, corne nil who bnve an Interest of suit to be c;ollf}cted In Itn ullliou '9f d ht; nlld llUlt Thnfslluy ·cviming. The 'owner ia SOI>l) sho i$ 1l88f1iled again wi~h 0: like cnta- \Ire taxed, 0 lIercules! how it IItm PI' Ills ill its consummntlo)i nnd lend UB n helping overy hve dllY~ \1.lflr-:,,,tte1,a!Jftl! btl cOIl8\dorotl.a requosted to cull at offico, 'prove · propQ:7We ur~ gilld tu , Jloli '0 tho evill nt loglle of high words. Iro, ,' He pl'obll~l! mlly ,bave b~en p~'epar- luwd. Whenever Pla~k Roads nre com- new offen~ tI~OI~'t Ihe Pfo'VhJon of tlUli onh- erty; pur clllu~gce , nnd. take it awoyt'~ pl'ospefi~y 9 ft.he "l\lillmi· ,;Yi8itor'w' the alll "You '. are In~ompdrrrbly ~ au(irl.\l1 t{> ool'e the cltlzell, 'Vltl~, n 811r~o8 01 hum- ploted n ha~d80~e .profit i. yield~a to the • ~~~. ~. AllY Pllraon .,r persooa who IIro '~t)t' . For tho Minml V'h·t «. und. \VeU . tlo/lductetl ,ye kly of ayno s oOllla rival y~o! You nte lovelY .1IB n lect~rtl8, 'Ilnd tlu~y: tlre Pipped In thEI bud, slitisilod willi Ih. dir Cllibllll of 1100 Irlldl :;0 111" Adv-ico to )'oung !tIc". U1 vlile; 0, ft$ editoT with w!J9 we 0 short of Eden ' fnirer thun \.he flowefS ond are doo Pled to blush UJlilee~ l1nd shed r;;,oil!8joner mRY arilly to th town !;Qun i1 who Come y<>ung men and take up warn inA'. ti.me .8inee interlocked dexteT rind editorilL\ III I . tlleir witherill'" vapors on tJIO' dese 1t\1~..h«11 .PIIQint II cmnmillilO ftom d,c-ir oWll.bod And bl! /It'l~ome on monday. lI~ornillg,..:... digi18. though young ill yeors, lmows ho~v , • b to xorniDe the oulje W\lOtlivor it III11Y to conduct a Pllper,-QlVingum (Ky,)Dai.ly Oh <kart ' , enid com In it lotl i.hllll liove :powcr 'to ..... , .- ,_,. ... , One QC uurln4s' the ot.\ler day, From his home did chlln~o tQ IItray, • 1T.71I'on, ' I:' . , It b(ls bocn atlmitted by direction" 811 tlL y r\Jay (\Iink proper, 8 Vl Irllet ConlJnis ~i(1O r"lIh1,l1l see' Iblll such Thanks tbat 'Shol.... nnd Iltl1ctlonll.a.ta.ll1<iQ,t.h,~£..~...1 .. . .fJ'1r~ ulgh\ 1111 muddY. a.rlt anI! ateu. Hie tonder heRTt, WtlS filled with fearr, ;:!iE' , ... onlil1lHI CO tQ tl1ko efiqetl,lUlI lie such ~ all the rllobler in forco CrolD allc\ aj't\lf,t!loll>llr.t,l..y of JlJ,ly no t. He mused on Itill unhup[lY stillion, ' OW I". ' our natu'r' e, W 'b nt is , .therm A!llawr; and pa.rlll 01 lew! cd~,niolillR ,witll G Till tbe sun forsook thici lair creation., ~ l' .. v th'l! ordiDUllcO llo, and Ill" dIIU\e oro h tllby tcA nECt.AMTlOtr ,-We were that has dClne m'ore t~ eradicate ilia e~'ils · pUIII;d, ll. V~. PRIN'rZ, Ilouord::c, He knewj that IQng would 00 the pigbt .. "once UnOD a •. 1me'''.'. to ' fecal"'e a ' . tu' tl th D ' 1 lit· th . V. Ilynesvill", M.a y. 25th., 18.60, 1" '. T 0 IIpea1 "'u"1y "~ the our- nn re ' ,---,-+++1 ,+ +__ . Yet he I!tn,yed. till broad duy Jlglit. . ,_ • "1 b t tl t t "p,nI'0 1y wo are se rlv. u. I ( Ian I " Ee 0.1.' J'lIfna. dIS ere +Y t + , edge of J.." l:leta we 'l'\fO p. Oil 0 re a a .. th' t ~ t tJ h bitual illlttQr- wI! ~o t Ie fall \SU o""ers portruye ,wnrnMi~tcrlon" Di!!apPcl\J'lI ee, . AN ORDINANCE. . Ife traveled-'8Wir. o,'er 1)111 and rocknnd wbich wo arc "ro' w1l1 b~ n treat to o(ll1\!on. a , ew 0 le,se .a " . . v 1" til'" some "rrors. 'I1Irbere There I b ' AN ordintlncil 10 'ronlovo \l'b!ltruoti\l,j~ ·Arhred nt brune nbout eight o'clpolr.. .. t ere clln caTryon a slilnslble cou\,eriJl1tlOn, JOg UB to a !l U to , . " .~' never las eeD If more tnten8e . . . d I I to the rell der, T 0 com pre Ion tie m..t er , . d k 'h' men eay t". sho'''11 nndle'leclures tMI free, excitement in S~ell'yvi1le than nt the pres- Bl.'<l. 1. DB IT OI\DAINE'l A!l)l UlAcrl;U 111' Tn/! ,I til' II to eop Wit 11\ "" ,. t .. - ' ........." ) • CPM~ON C tT.NOI.L QP 'l:UIITQWII OF WA1(l'l:STrLI,'f:. Afld OIl, b6w hill ,het'rt did Qeat,. aright; the ~,tlde~ ,'Vill lienT in milld' thllt aInu ore,. er?lo~~ ~omrelle , bTt' " l t 1begin to think it·woul~be folly to bE' wise ent tIme. ",,,,e cnuse III, a mQst emgulnr· Tlint if aUf pOllbn 'or p rson~' sllnll plnco I\"y When Jle fouul.! ilia brookfll.Bt cl.Ill: tho' gen.t. hlld beon sllltten-\VQs Iditlle r~rge 01 tuelr B la ow a ~ I. Le~, .es such ignotance exists, n ' COllc;lilao .BD,d' one, LIISI SunilllY evening, 1\Ir, 0'\J8tf,QClions UPOI) a!.IY ofth&str. ~~. "Idu w!U~t1, Ue tlkinied the whent, with fIUlrTlI bound', feorftilot Buccess.• but resolved lit 1l1tt to, they .l.r u" nhl!hore ", s?u'hexpoae ,t elr, Ignoragftln at'Amp' to cODt n I'eproa'ch on Wootl, '8 rellpectable Gnd widely alrltlYB or other .llUbhc plnces wl~llIn tho Imlltl! tb l QBet here1" Borne .........,." Irnown citizen of the · place disappeared in 0 tho cQrpprall!,n and 811(111 suffer tho S'nOl,\ tq w And longer stepl! -was nc~er rouiul. know if thore WalS bope, .Without further IInee. b e:e hIS tI e °h' d' b' tt our .""'vn c·o.... .,j) I sh/li! enden;vour' to set ~ dd d " reml11n aller bema notlfitld b tho Mnrshnll (0 , . I d tl I te ' ut .or t e mlln w 0 ran 0 e e r .V, lU'", I , . ' . a most NU ~n an mYlltp.TIOU8 mannerj a~d rernove) the SlLUl8, ehllJl upon collviulion theroof Oh Ulen to 1,oo8c bis brvnFiflllt. he, .. , cla ' h ' \ we - .. d him right os I deterrnined ' to ~,,'" or nmm the most dlhgent amT protracted search bllS l)ofore tllo MIl)·qr. be fined in any S'urh nlll 1e 8 prelunlDary, we ntro uce Ie c lIUoC rs Thought \Vas the ~Ol1lt of mili0rY; and the scene, !fhe 'gcntlom~n opeD~ tl!a l1 to all f ess us aShtfjoul~ Ib werte rna: e i~ their d~fence so· long 0Jl iIley ar~ fi n' thc made, nothi/lg hilS b~en ' ascertained tllan fifty ccnt.l!, nor more !hllll Olll! dollar f; r til ' to b0 gu e d .by suc 60 18 ness, here I. . U to account fOT his absence. About 8 o'clook e'V~ry 24 houra the anme ehllll remllin IIllar such :nut come yuung men 'and have a Gateus: , no'excuse ," . rIght. NOLl! S,UI, . til ' r Id d hi"''''' h" ,notice. Good wheat tha year l!Ii. VCt., re.re. coMiu -~ the first lime I s~w you, your I' 'II . t ,~ .~ 1 tal lVa~tliUIl. Mlly lJ7th 1860, ' m e evenlD~ 0 sa . ay! e 'm (8 rest- , SEC, 2, It ahalllH! the duty of the MIII-Illrall' ue~uty IU'ld grace charmed me, Ilnd ever t 18 rell yon, ou rnge upo~ ema () . ' den~e, remar,k ~~ to Ius frlenet8; "I believe, upQn cO!DplaiP.1 being Illllde to him of.,!y aueh And if you plqJI8e, I .'wish you would, a)'nCe then, ' ,have admir;'.1 you nbove nIl ent-+a de,gradatlon of tho bend an,r\ ·h eart . , . i ' .. . I WIll walk II little about town'" Ile bad bbstrucllon, aUQb a .hrda, wngGnll\ carta, bugWhen coqung h9me just ke~p the road: ~ /. "'... h b t'Il 1 d th tb Q=T~f eny Qf oilr readers des re III. nice been for eeveral daYII unwelJ,-but was glea, ,vood, lumber, 8l0ne, or allY !lung no lIIa,others. The acquat tanee · r have peen oft e "fair!! ~ e us C 1U18e ,WI ole article Qf Ice Cream t\ley should c~1I 011 Qot 0," ,,-,.ft!o' 0 0 -, 1 d yy ter whnt it may btl tbnl docs nut pro)lQtly .be- And you" gllte, will earely lind. who love i'80ft wotdil"-eoft for tho laqk of . ' . , ' . , ..I v W\lv~ ' e 1I ule 1 ay nllme ' . ne long ill Bueh slrqe!S, .Ido 'walks or alley,,: Exactly an the 'bound!'),' llnc. p~mlittea tQ continue has buLdeopened my 0 IW> tl '11, dd b. oUr friend Snmu'e! 001l1D.S, nt the tIu.ker.r, 1hOIl not Jeturnell yet, He WIlS ~et be-. ~ml1'\~laLely notllr'snch por n cr JII.I~c)liS '. ". ll.B ~.~b .eml\f1 WI a re.8s.)lrO fJ~llns nlllQ 1\' qUllntity' of very nice tell tween 1118 tl'8Idenc;e nnd Blue , RlV\,r np· ~~vnoT8lhatcbflJ) remove ~\Ioh oEoslruChOlIi regard, l!lvtlry time 1 have 'bl!rhaM ' ~nd if tIle breakfllit haa beeD eat~ sDoken to you, or heard you snoull h II faci- II. bly •• dOZOQ Ia.diee 10, the ~.me,st~lI.10 of o~ \ . "' . ... d' paren Iy Intending to cro!>s the river "80me II ho, ab,o ~r thcy shall nogloct to remove ~he ' They 'w ill geJ- you ~me- bread and meat; f " Al tl t .... I, llsttln ~o cakes, one or two of 'whlcb-or" n!lt "!l to · he t er the bridge tbllt he was lIBmll Wllhtn 24 hours, ho ehall m"ke complo\nt naooll me more !lnd more; anrl now that I ' evenlllg. . Ill, In so ...e WI ~ take witli a saucer of his delicious creom- says we.n o':'t d' .' d' 'd I ' botGro the l\hyor w~o .~all proe~ed as hurl When breakf88tcomeIJ you'll h".. found,. , ., ." seell croasmg I , an one m IVI uo . 118- down in the firet JleCUOIl of thi8 ordlllanCO\ I'ro. , know How good you ~re"1 can no !lollll't'r 1.lill jdle tale l ,A profit grellt by going round. 1>. I \ I Ilt lellst we havE\ /rtqu,tnlly thougpt .80" 8er~ '~hllt 8~e SIW him passing Iier resj- vl~od thlll nothing h.er.aln cOl\udried IIhall be 80 I'll-silSt the impulse whi~h urges me on to , f wo arc nnge~ic.lt II a pIty ,ve ~re ~ donee a little after I) o'clock about half a constl1led as 10 IIrohlbllany "orson o.r perllUl18 Here a string ha., Ipp~rentlJ, 'bern brotflll you J am 110Uf devoted lovor, ·JUIltlce the wings~ for if we bad, them, r om sfu.e """"'ALLER U ALL is the name or the ml'}e ~orth of tile' brid';'e -and about one froln occuPy!ng a~y !,f th., Btre\lle, 11I~,,"walka, ken, ~nd lhe Mjlchi,ne wal forced to I,tor. " f ~ 1.1 i'. I).J ,v . ' "'. 'I' or allo)'11 willie bWldmg e house, stable or olb. to my own (eelinp compels mil tQ lIpeq,k ~o)11e. 0 u,. ~ou U'!J nway 'to ellcllpe l~om Editor whO succ-.eed8. 1\Iess[1l Bulhtt 4~ SaT- mde from lo~n, Some thmk, be never or builillnlt. for a rellson.tlblo lenglh of time BO jhuII, nod 'no\\". ,dellf lady, w1ll YOIl bid me the, Ilverla ting 'I.aing son~" of .dull gent in the ' control or the Renublic, V'V IIl!1h- .crossed the laver at ..n,,1. Ytlster~ay and tbat Toom I~ left ot all tiMes fqr 'Yllgoda ~0.p'IIS8. ... ' Dnly of )lObo •• hope'" . " ry' JUBt lot your 'mlll0 f~len()8 undet$t nc;l . ' , n' . , M H II 't''<: ·tl r I the doy before most YlallantexQmmations S.oo. 3, ·1.hi8IOot to taKeefr~ct.nl\be In/orel,! No man 'CIlD ,.~ frorr. th~ wor"mln"~ , , !l lid . "'} , tngton ""I~y, " r, Il, I Iii Bnl o~lIDer y were m"de of all .11l~es IIbout town, and front lind alUlr1ho 10th day (.'/ ,Juno.n. XI,. All runk" F"ll he may lind onon d ' L!. r feel very grateful, Ilir, for. your goodnSsl> 1at , Ie a iOI nre nut.qulte... tum ~OI edited a naper in Tennessee.. " , ." '. :r~ "f h ~ I law. lind part3 of laws cOllllictlllg wuh t11l8. or. ' ,. .,. I • • Ot?~, .rolll. 1 1 I ,. 1 J S I I . I 2 o ' " , Wlll}l1I aeverlll1il .. ~. ~ Q t e «I.a~e.. ~ear Y dlnanco 110 and tilo IlIlmo a~e It rahy repealed, state, but t~ rile B,~v've the ord~, 'Ute. · ' 111"'ti5. b t b 1 t d I ut mUI . eg eave' 0 ec IDe Ie lOno~ 0 ' -1Wbat l" (JonVeril8~iOIl' t~o hundred 'penon8 hav!ng JOIU'::!, m ~e ' ~ 4:. All ~onnys collected !:iy the ' cre~,b, G!JI! ~LQ" .:1it~bh8lJcd to .l;Oyefa IU., receivhlg.attentl,ons qom you', ~n any, other T<h 11 t th l O'ty Item search, Mr. Wood hnd Just returned from or...,l)' OUler ordmance to be paid over to w,:~.u UI iiDpoaeibl,. Everrman-should be, lighttbtn aB7a"/:rkTid." • ' ,AII~ODOTES,-E~ry,tea~hQr:of · ~I~e . Eng~t exC}e ell pnper. e 1 J the eatil, aavin/{ been thore -to lay in 'a tre.,aurer lor the uee ortbll jff.0.rauon, 11l.\\!o'rknrln,llnd fill liP a w\>\'klllan'~ rank.. II Ab' MillS, tlli8 is ci,i1 of you after hav ... hsh Itu~m!a~e hilS learned. ho~ difficult a J'!lD.k~~ a few trutliful I'emlltks about cun- sto«:..... of gooda;' mtendiDg to getup a store H~ ~.'.P!:.. 1 Z. ~.~ordot\ Ue mU8t fin tbnt or 10A(er'.. J(e whoillg, by your uniform kin\lness, led n1e tv thing it is'to leorn Ole . tyro to call w,orde verantlon, Tliere ore many people who do ~n thie place. He \vas a very sespectable - ,.. -.- made tho world Jle\'er made a spot OD ,It. Mpe for Qtjttor results," , correctly thll~ llte .splllled ollke, but?' di/F. not appenr to sufficiently understll.illl (ue young lIlan,-one pHhe, b~other8 of Wm~ Proceed.... . ( : ~ .. oPO: ~~O'lor Lito Vidtor. fOt an idler. He never to ....de .. man w1u)I "Sir I think ilil\t '''uniform kindne atl erent pronunciation. Many V9t:y ludiorous Ilrt of cotlverBlltion. Some 'lleo~,ie eay. Wood. the present 8?erlft'of this county~ . _ge 0 tile Woyn,ollvlllc Conn- wns to live by hi. brnin. Alolle, or lUCia .. " b d d ' . mistllkes and blunders occur which unliin- tho llem I!eem not to kn~ t' m~l1n'ing or e hlld wlth.hl!", when he left his dwell· . cU. one would hAve be D GU brain.. ~ should tWe Jl~O uce a better elfect uoon " d . ' .•1 , ' ing, about '100 in cash, For tbis Jl~ ;1&81 . {nID.l.V EVl<.'UNO, MAV 1,7, 1850, and lIoul, powers physicol IlLd lIIental,.,,, OU thaD to call forth ' suoh aD uugelleroul! gel the gravity gf Kil)g Ped ,agogue whetht~I'II 't1ilUple wor -'!bnvCfStiCton, We have 'been Innat probably murder,",, " I'" 'd ' " CouDcil met.-The Mayor beinIY absentJ to hEl used eille ttiey ney~ WoUld hue Y I ' b ' tl d J • • I' ~ , ." , ' '',., co. . , . , It h sentiment, :You are sureJy aware th~t no ~r he will or not. W e ,prop~s~ Q nom eon oome In ~ut' trmo~ to Jelen, .or b!ood. ,It i" a Imal,l SUIP:.o il!.~llce men t. the .Recorder calJed the house to order,":" beelrfP~en; Ilnd whoonf &ld. biOlna t lally can do otherwise tllnD treat all ~vi~ ing n. fllw of .these which "ave colne houh! tO~atIle;, to tho proloDged l'emuks kill daelr fellow ~~~~, but atill, we 'are' The committee to whicb was 'referred the pOlll6llstOn C)f a pai;t orbands. a Rtof,bones r spect Dnd propel' kindnellll, who ,,1111 at our own obst'rvation : , of II 'IIin!!~1l ilidivi~unl Oil. ilie lIe~f-l!Iame to.pio: of tho numJ!':r wh.. 'belie,e th~t there ere petition of the citizenll or the corporstiotl, ud mu~olea. ma1 reat Ulured tha' he baa hel' house, ond act witb becomining pro· IrQ-u-goh is pronouncp.i1 'fJJJf, This ' II fQi;>tc by no means unBui~ble in hself, eozu-. who will, when opportuni~ a{ford", alking the ,Coune~1 to pall II low \j) p~ II commana to \1118 t4eQl. The ot•• be priety; and because I..hoy·a done !l0, more had been impreB~ed .ou the mind o~ II VII_ I nor barren.of suggestion!:!,' ~.ut<\vhich' trell!._ I· ~I'Ughter a f!1~n for leea thnn hfl:lC, tlillt a- vent hog'll from running oil the itreet, :md \bull etiquetto, good manners anti polite- , JUlit con;rnel\llillg to ~e\l.d.ll!.~ Jl'.oth- ed thu", W~\ll few and slight ill terrl!'llt.ion~, ::~cl~n t~I~I~?!:.'n~:. nt:: d~~~~~ ~:: o1leYll. report that they .have duly consider- WeJilte en Detivo mlO, ODIl who 11..- ~IO ianness require, you halle no Tight to er 8 ton~ue, After lellYing It uly impres- wal IInythmg but pleasurable! ~nd eo entllook nCllr' home Look in Shelbyville ~ the matt Ill', and find tht it wenld be PAUlIe" of thlodedaso--of ~el ~tB~ !t'PDe eb~';'-" ~ momory"'h ' I~ WI!S Inf he LIed to J:l0 be~ter nll,me..th·.I; " . .~ ~p mg, en•• -.ao"" ....... Ill.. , -y. use 0 f sue h I8nguogrt, utld I hope ,you WI' 11 Bel.I'ln IUB t Ilt I-11',1:1" !I.d a ,..slertatlo, (lq"'f:xebange papere' pleo8e cory.-forUJe no Gdvantage to the citizene.to ptLlll!llluoh IS Jot inlq u.o world fi~y,yo!U'! flO! blat ..t WOll', be 80 good as to relJlolDbe~ thi8 In rtlture.'~ came to therutlonal coRclu8i':Jn that 1111 like IncessBnt vlll'iely ~~I subject is one (,f the IIlti.factton or his frienda,ll8 there ie a poa- law' but, on the contron' would 'i t kep' . a for ibee. tilOee~ WI) HY8 an .... oJ.qwllk "I humbly btll:!. pardot) .for, having ~o ColDbin~tion8: of lett~~ 1nOst have a oor- 'lO~ditlonll ei~gllnt and profitable conv41r- aibllity t,hat he may be alivo lIome \\'~ere. confined in close penl dU~ing th; hot sea- ~1:ca;: co~~~ ~~, a~~d~~:~ ,~k;.;:~ spoken. I take all Pllck; but !tsten,! bav.\: r IIpo/ldlllg liouna. so oe WII.B rC!ldingllloud ulLoJ'.( Ilnd no, continuoull remarks, bu\V~ O::T'l'he above sad newlI we find ID the IOn, creato a .tenrh that would be It ,ou burst ),our boiler," ij tho motto of tbtI cntertoined a hOPIl for' bet~er UliDgs w~lich ond ome tl).the l'brase 4'at Inst he caught eyer elegantly exprell80d and judicioulily Shelbyville (Ind.) Volunteer, oC'the 24th aDn~yiDg, nnd therefore beg leave to report and he sU:'~~~:tl:v~~y .!1;:;~ o~::.r:; 1111 been dearer to me tDllll life, liut 88 it;" ~h'iih with great grlLvity hft rendeyed dC!vetniled, jf without l.hll quality, dlaaerve inst, Tlie youngman alluded to Play prob- .galnat the pan;ge of lucb law, wbich ~ .plrh of tfiilee; be up &lid clrOIHIl you can nol r~lprocllte my feeliog! or bitl tlLUlI, "llt. lost he cofl it," or couree it Was to be commended, , Conversations ,t;nJly a~l, be ~em~mb~~ ~y. a nu""be! of indi- port was accep~ed by .the Council. Il:~, r~~~~!..:~:- t; me bope, 1 must fiee fr~m 'i~ur prescnce J out uf the poweT, of • flesh tnd blood" to such-the mutu!lJ Interchange, without vldual8 III UII' VIClnit.y. He etopped at ilie Dllvis then pr8l1ented a bill to regulate tu~ up"-::anci you lI)a1 be lIOIIIe{OT 1 cannot Temal.n Il,!l-:t Beo you won by ~ecp a. "st.rAigM f~ce," and, the teaoher re.tr&in~ of ·mutual thoueb~ is to 'minda Hammell HoUIC in :Wayneavi1lo during .how. and exbJbitioDS. J, A. Itvlft mo\''OU die. Think, plab, tftIeot u ~ a bankrupt in af- "g&vo'wa,". ........ d S ~odat, obout ~our or Iive ~ that it lay on the table until • nut meetbeforehaYCI TOU !ct, bitt think ano~or. I go rrom you or ~Il grades, (,provi ded these min~ I;Ine S . a.urull.yoD y. 10n and,plwhen' 1011 tied 10U . , . . fectlon-DJY heart can never feellov.e as P-l-o-u-g-h b p10w, the pupil was taught. tJll:lr powers rIghtly balonced,) on~ (If ' ilie weeks ago, on hiS way to B.,ltlmore. On lng, because the Mator wu' abeeDt; 8IId upcn an objoct. aprinl to the mark at once. it h;u;-it WUl lOOn De J>r~kenl aod J d080- He came to tbe ~nten~, "He Wil.l a.ffiieted lI\veetest· charmll o~ life, But let US be his return, about ten day. afterwards•• ~ the bill proPoses to &ake tbe power '~--....late, Bu~ I wjll not endure the burdQD with a very dietreeeini ~OUib," which ,val!l lavod (rom the woa~lness of aDy otherr ape. accompanied him in a buggy from tW. from' the Mllyor to grant liceDee, 8IId place ~In D!i WI~rB, ~e are whlab no~ life I~ng,· I wllt go to ~eJl.icu (iL waa du- rt'ad' He wa•• micted with. veiy distrea- ciee (If atk, and "especiaUy when thl8 sun pllce to Shelbyville. The newlI of bia it in the hlnda of the CouncUi at;ld the !'O::~~~i:; ~':o"-:-!re rillg t.he war') And throw aWlY my life iii ing cow." ~ . In heaveD hu ~ne ~own, lind \be head my,sterioUll disappearance it aad news in- Mayor wu wanted to vote .plal' it, there- 1Il heln,opPOeed to eve? bodyeJ.a. bllttlo. I am Te801ved to do it! I w'ill From the tame ullogy ·'.rough (ace" aD~ baftde we."ed With tbe Iabore elf the deeiJ to UI, al it DO dOUbt ia to all who rore the bill llee o,er The committee..,. • • ~ , d." see k re.....Ih e t In th Il renewe d ac- mly have had the pleaaure of.a aequain IppoillW to take Jato• coD&ideration the -honnr ..'e.... coDd 10111' netabbor 1IIIh...... . . ... of ilie bOllt WDa mno.e bope lIaurely tbat the bailee to be a"f'OIII face." ,m? many the... _allon ...blcla • • lie mlly buret and blow me up whllo 0/1 the Bot' for tho pn>aent we ' lea,. theM de- tlvity whioh certain to pr~oduce. tance with Mr. Wood', and wee be related propriecy of baUdiIif • market houae I'8pOI't broul.&t lpijait bim; e.,., .&or)' .... two ..,. riyer; but Iftbi. wiab 'a denied me. then I fecta 0 JUlJUIlP, I&Jld pa.. to notice die Con,ersalional bore.-. m180D18f tlliil!- to 118 bI the holy ties of a brother, oar that .....bt boue I• ..,., IIIUcJa needed ofbelDl iOId.. -oOD-iU pny whO. on tla.e Gulf reader. who ia inexculabJe fOr the mab the patest of 011 borel!l. feelngs of regret fol' hi. lid ud 1Itteert.iD ~ woaW urae UJIOD _ council to _",--, doee ..t.L mll1 cOllie and 1I'J'ec~ us. and mlly lIfnl b Ii ofteb d -000-Ii ~ ..I_.L' · ~~ D .. " beloL ,nhl.ls denied me,UJeDlwill 'if un.. . rna e. -Thehiwth-etoneiathecornerl,tone atet-~lLpe ___-CO""1CaI'ce)1be"'" . . boOt . . . oem a practfcable; cJI. .. witb . . . . . One of til to the place where of the &e ublic. - .~ er. ...., weill tbererore directed iO Me -of»-nabupoa the ~~r4~eaeJJl1,Uld CroabydncribelltileluDiDcofuampltbep e_IIr. WOQl).uao.t .........~ ~coaWbept." ...... ~~~ l ~a II - - ; UN. on-l8I1. . . . . . tiIda: -aop.wu - V f l - t &rea toem bam QJlt 01 .leadei ...., fUr .stt'•• II::: ... OOIlD ?r.ame.lIe1th' ..... 4ep&Ia wefe 1IJorea. . ~ b.ir..... tbha '..... ...... to
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ot...... .._........._..
hI &0 inake but' one quarter
Th berore. Be c&IInot contiDu8 H.'raDIIIL with ftil h e ~r- pritlelwh:lwllt loelng bl. CIlIItom. HI. a QuId be CODtldered next, and IUIBCleDt chanGe to OUlltrip hla neiglibors ia tq datel oft here. Gen. Lo,. 118&, by hilS aid, J. Sanober Jldvertiae; to advertiae 8ll,tnlively and con. 8ne~, took ,lodgiafl at the (Jily Hotel, tlnually. Jt II useless, to eomplain ,nd from him we have ,ot thll lollowing thie, U lome do, we cannot understand >Propbetle:--ol' W AKBl'f up Q)1 2'lci dny of AlInf 1800. JA lOteHlgenee: WaynthlUa Woy ne lownsbip \~atJ:en ~ friend. ~hp read our artiole la$t wl'ek, time.. He mu~t J dapc liiinself to ciroum1'he explldition lim Oonloy.: In Yucatan ~Ila cal!~ our attention !O tile following stance, or he Win, ,IIOOner or li ter, be inlol. c I\n ~y O~I\l. uy Lh" 5ulm:r1lll'lr whu l.hore r.I!Jae~, o liny I)\nrll, MIIPII\l 'II I bl! two yc ~& old, '011 tbe 16th, nncllAnood nt Cerdenil ·on the little bit or prophetic feelt DB eVinced one vent. He haa, indetld, but one tliing to do' 1IiH;1l1 14 Jt lIanU\< 111,111, WIth n alftr i"-, tho f\lu, H'tb. They lust 80ll\e time in Inndlng, )lear age, in the del.ermiaed heart of GroaGE and that, vigorously persisted In, will mak~ o h r TI,Inrk 'pnrc<'I\ ubll>. lend GlIAHAM' It is from one of 1118 letlers fo him rlcb; It la to advertise, to ndvertllse, which gave tile illhnbllantB tinle MILv 'I. I $-t E. J{A 1MELI. • an expres8 into the pOlt office at ana agliln to advertise. , A. 'E . MERlUTT, his friend "Jeremy Short," ot Cape May:10, miles ctistllnt. The "lI;l~UllUIIIJI A]U'n~ 'I'En ~ DUU,DER.- 1'halJlt_ '~You glory in a proprietorship over Deo~Jlt of Advert_"ilig. lid the town nnd attacked ful IVI I'Ml nlVort , won!tl tnk /\ tllle llJetho. 'your plough passes, tUl'omg up soil Some five yenrs ngo, a young Inan uy the , sing ill to be ~be baTcks. o I lf(1NMnlt/lhl fll end~, .Hld llie pubhe in gener. (hUl; 18 all your OW11, while tlte Iloddl Dqme of B -, SBrted a StllllIJ dry nl, thul he /fu ll CllfTH3S QO Iho bl,l~ llllls Ofe\lIJl<!I1of ftfteon ruen the gratn, golJen ' nnd' pulpy, ripens In your 1,\.Ore in n littlc Imek house, whi ch I li ng lInd IJlulJ i Ilg, ill " hyDe 1'llIe ond Hllnmom"'n~the S II)" IIlld H ilL he IS r ncly 10 xccut6 ,,11 ord t!r~ in Ulldunt wIJlle'[ cultivate thill my he rented pn ,. F ourtb 8trMt, ~illloHlo-oj'T.ii'i~:ft,;"*,~=,~i :o~W~l!!r:...rui\lll,cluJilj~7';;-;-;;;;-~~~'~?~;pe .si ng tho I!IiUUlr",~~p;: , hlij Ime, uihQltg wlllclI rnu y he nnmed til/It \iilau' Sifin11 , le a tenant' at wlll," whose jlnr. with a caplttll of lea~ ~lian two by firing upon ill"lld~eril-atter IUul thlllJ r 111 Ar Imccturo-Sttur,cll.'l ing, tlUd gleaning woul'd be blown to the Hillf Qflhs profits the first three ' , th ut Ittt.to fiud ulcgllnt 111000 at COnlilrUctfng lome .oldiers wl'thQut U (lulnataktng core and watch. mOllths he pnld out for allvertiSlD1: in ' the W;thOl!vlllo ,April , modern U\vhlllngs· Ihe l<,\:r ,,1 CoUugq. "lao that which was ~"''''''','''"' U& ~ nll Rnd orunl lentol 0PlWlldvgu 10 ' th .. /"ron!8 fulne s8. Xd~dnre the lord or acres, while I ilaify paJler8~of said city. By selhng cheap, •• oi;;;-t"":S;:-A-?-=L-=l!:~ O""R~T"'R ---t\.-D---:E:-.---~'--;A--:<" At-M-'-ra-w ed, but 01 our tl W Olll llb~, tll~ I'arti co Bntne, Out bull tl The h ttoop8 surrendered them· wlln er nrolln forbidden ell closures, Ind and by letting the people kn wn where he .1' , Fllrm Wa 0 11 , (\\'"I.h brond wh oels,) 0 1 good dlllllY, ' r., nil of ....'1 \ ." Will bo nenll,.. or tasl • fully Duth U. An naa rlln(m! of wlndflw !!ash selv.!8, lind the town remained in the pen. look 11pon many n Castle ofl"ldolence long. wall, crowd!lcame to purchase of him, wbich 8 1118, t"r Inr", purl,o~ud As l have no uso tor Ing but for n ynrd of ground ali my owq, enrbled him to make really &ales ntld quick 0111 \\ ngl)n, 1 11'1 l give n bnrglllll\ ILlld Inlte lU tlonorttlly It epi on IlluJd, or mndo 10 ordor. He , <ceable pos3eS&iOIl of the invnders. upon which to plant a firm foot. to "ound returns ' , Thus he bus contnued, nnel no~Y pny ILguod young fi(Jrso Also. 11 fresh nlllclt • >Ill! Uy cl.:l:l 0l1pllUlluon 10 bU8inb>la, 'Iill to The troop!! oj Lupez bemg dlssti)!fi ed h i " cow I ,r snl .., 1\ 1. 'I'll MA, ulorl t n chnr llf Ihe pu bli C! pnlronngll. 17-4 w ' witb Ib~ \varm reception they had rece ived, t e cill11 enge and cry-war! The very ut- thnt Bnme Mr. D - - - is the proprietor \Vayu C~"llle, Mil) 25, Rt'f>luence, N W. ctlruor of 'l'htrd a.nd NOr!b St hO jJ on Norlh \. . •lI.nd having lost lime In gCHUng the fu el on terne$8 of poverty hi grnndeur and riohes, of n large wholesale warehouse in Cmcin- ! )lS8ULUTION NO'rJCE.--.'['ho \lllred to the feeling of hnvlDg the pent, mlti, nnd 18 worth upwnrds of twenty thou· n/Jrshio Itoreloioru 1):s.1 un ~ belwecn &. N B 1'111119 uf bUl hhnl:s, P0111cuea &c. fum. Iboordoftlle IIW mer GrebV,whicltwlll 10 I. hed IH lI1 0d r ,LI~ I " I li~ A , I!. lit . (Jollln8, I'n Ih Grvcory aliI! ~nklOil h~ iue 8 return for r inforcements, lieoame dishear up energies whIch hnve (ound a full, outlet sand dollars!-E;r:c!Uinge. \ Vn yne~v,II. " 1\111 I![t ) •• ' 1'1 '" r< " 1$ tins UtlY (h8~ulv "d loy rnutuul C0 11 81.'1t! . Al l Ldnl ,(enfld, nnd }nstend on going to K~ iVest, in enterprise, ~rowmg fiery. in action, and How to Write fo,!' Ne wspapers. parSUn" lilt! btod to suW finn Will IiI n fl 01111 n bols und Sh 8 , Hm dw orc, Queel1~woro, Ohio Mutual Inlluranoe Company, 'Tlle.r were Ch)llllly pursued by rl~he Spun/tlh Pllnting for rOQm, can II nuaIIy b attl Ing 0 t 1. Have 80mthlng to write nbtlut. IIntl sc ttle. J OUN C L J1Nt;! Gror, n os , Tll tl$, &. . ' C \lql ,U;flltlS, OIll (l Will' Iwamer Pb;a~o, but Iltlppily escllpgd. the henrt, o.nd knocking in vo.in forIfrlledom 2, W~ite phlln; dot your 1'8 nnd cross Jjl n~ 2:. SAlII'L :'OLLI!"l S, '1'0 t he It'ltl Ih l'v \\ oultl ny, their rlnoll ood exeroise. nut if you bave ~ver (cI t " or I,) res~ Uooda iiI hlrg,', \Ilmb rnclIIU IlI nny 111.\w ']' 110 u n~ar8 igm·d, ugllut fLho, obove compiuJy, ' .)'Ui t betor~ ~e Ohio 191\ H(lvnnn the utter iIl8igni~cnllc~ of wellith and high ~our l's; POUlt your sentences; '1 og' n them Illlt! b(m u u tul8tl' le~, 111llvn/,!' wlljoh mlly be r<lunl! COI1II11 I1. to I Il~ ur pru\> Tty nl:oinst 1\188 or druu. Spllnlsh 8tealDe~P~ar~0 cam~ in with 105 the by fire, cllh er oll lhu mUlllnl pr cn8b pInt! 88 ndyan~oge oombl\1ed with indolence and in. with capilais. Blud nul! FIIII CV 'hh ll1e1 on Si ll B, Il';\lred ogo. lliu Dppllcllnt lI)nY,Pfetcr, upon 08 (tood terme' lUI prisoner" It Wal '1I1cl they were mostlr actiVity, and Ibrever dO'nothlllgness, ber.ore 3 . Wr.to short; to the pbillt stop 'when and ph" n lIf ...l air tlilt.! A IJlu~c L . ties v uu· any t'hur r~ ponellJl e loaUI onoo compo~.r In ~bll GerIlUln and Irish. 'l'~e report wn~ that I! you hane done ' 10J! 'loth. , ~ llI ll lt neul h ~ uriJ ulld nlo.ltl De. • . I n l llt'~. . .. ", Shi M, fVI pntticul llr mfOrll111tJOn callal lOY offiee ,they wore to be aho' the n ext dny a~ 10 thegodliko attributes of pr-eaewl ng ellergy 4. R l:lod it over, abridge and correct it, Als ... Glnghnms LU lVn~, Plitntlld ~rllshna , \V"YIl ~vlllc 2 IlIIl !J l e~ 2 Q. EV ANa ' and illllomitnbJe will, you have felt the ,o'clock, or Ilt lenst.ono out of every ten,u\1d pmle of manhood iu itt! full force nnd pow. until you g et It into th e sh ortost 8pnc~ poa· B r.,,7.,' , B rt ~ 10 l h U ll d, (;r 118(lIn08. EmR ·ru.'lCIAT. l~LOWERS, Bonl'et CaplI, the blllDncfI were to be confined IR tbedun· · sible. ' bru\j"wd ..jlk 'I' su~~ . Ilild T nrholls, Pl all! . . Ilk Jtu!!chcs , und wb llo nnd colored DIu. Y I d er. ou Io.ve reo.pe In ontlclpation the I) P ay the postage. 11 1111 DOll d \\IS~ , Millis, JIlCOU tii, c. geona of ~Ioro Castle. ALLEN.&. E:V A-NS. tG\vurds of hill'h eournge, or manly resolve, '!'hese rules observed will a)wnys Insure Al n F'IOTt'nco Brnl d, DlinslIl hle., t' hhlll P uri ~lull~ 0\ Ian of the Guld",u Dill!. J.Bt4)r nom ~D l lforl1ill-·Arrt\lal of the of persona) industry and VIctOry. You the'publication of an nrticl", nnd ~vho.t 18 Colorud Ghl p,-Cl llp.ulb6n,l Ali I n untl 'oll or- Waynesv1l1a. Apri l, mr>o CrCi!lebt (Jit)'. have e njoyed in your day·dreams the full d· bl th ' " ' II 011\ Ill)nnot • fruttion of aS9ued success-aod awoke to mOTe eSlrn 0 to e wnter, WI secure Its B,>nllol 1' 1UIII Oi.l, While lind lurec! Bonne\ ~ NEW YOltjC' Mny 25th ' Ct'1J1~a, ,II ~ UTI,l ~t\lll l~ '1'lie (;reseQC·'Cl lY nrrived to.day, bring- hope on to resolve nnd to .qon ~luor. COII- , belO'"0 rend. lI 11V IIl~ 11QTllI il1l c n jJy locnled I II 11 is pluco, no ill~ the U R. Mall trom CI!.lIfornia up tu sitler me, my dl:) ur Jeremy, o.solwlnding my. Alf EDItOR RO)l8ED.-The edi tor or an pUllia WI ll bo I''lJurctl , 10 rllllU r Sll r[~l u tion the 21stoCApril. r up lor tlte. next seven yeu ra, art~.r hny· eastoro dUlly IIlfOrmi hi~ rendors th at lie nIl who m~t tuvor 1/1.011' With their ClJl!lom, • ... puoillo will hnd It groully IU Ihllr 11QVI\I1 tugO Tho AlJlerieans had aJlIlost monopolized 111", rUIl P9\\ II-OS hnvlng stoppnd. If you wns robulltl the proceeding eveillng of,seven 10 ivo th 1\, n cull beff'~p p~rchll~illgel 11' 11 ru MEMPHIS INSTITT;t'l'll. the uuisne/ls of trnnHportillQ' pn~~ongors up plens.e, to bloW; and,wh1[~ you are ~uxurla. dollars. Whot! an editor with sevell dol. ' (0),n051111c AplII 1 50 9- rf t~o Charges river, It W\Ul hcalthy qt Pan· tlog In the surl, anJ shnklng the brmy wa· !lan ali at oncel-nldw thnn that tloral Gn. ' I!:!n ,,[ Ih o (ll)ldc n Boll MED JCAL l>J!)~ART lFN'f Iloma anIfOhorgClIi. , ter trom yo. ur .shoulders,. n8 throwing off b~Jel.1 ror tbe ,"orld IS c"mf ... a to on end. NEW SAUJ)LEK SIiOP. Tho regular ':01,lr80 01 kccturos 1/1 thl.ln'll· The steanier duc, nlld t.bose nt PllnaJUa, sort~i1 o~" WI 'h ~" " "oJ T IfE, lITII 1or s' g ll ud ov ni IM II'm ~ ''I I' 0 f IllS I op· cvnJlllu tUlo WIllu com l' lr8tot uti . II de flIUn t nlr, nn d a d eternlln· ulllil I1CO tho <Jntho ll18t ufl' ehrtiary.OVemilcr '}'he I-o_ would talc all pl'r$OIl$ wal ting paSlillgo on ed purp9se of taking a Ic\v Btr/.des fOrlVllrd, ~'1'heGall,hl'n "Ialm. /hlrlunl cy IOlll fu rrn Itle ClllZ 11 6 of "Var nes_, n ' Il l. d AD ... \'11 (; 01)\1 tltll (;OlDmuu llr: Jrollefally; thlll 11(1 hns lonu ... .LICllurlmCnt "'I "OOPIIUIl lind ready to . the 'h thmuR; to meet t b o.t 'goo d f Ime a commg.' " :A specini Gdrre8poll~ent at Wnshinlftoll .,., th 1.'1 .. b I I clllve !!tu(JeDl8 by tho FUel ot October. The 'I'he T onn(,!s5f;l9 arri\'()d at fanom:! on the 'l'h ere'byoung man....cnn YOU'd aner IL d I .. rOS IIIII<I" e nl u Il IJHlllng U1/1I1U89, ono ( Qor 1co l 00 1 O.. pU . ' ..... "llt II III be u'lder Iho dir-lion reo. - I te egraphs us that the Galphiu CommIttee ~()u th of Moij S I Qu'e ahoo Bhop~ III WIlY'les, of 11Iq foll o~,n'g"'~ • ~~ ~2tl of l\llly' with $2 000 In gold dust. lUg the a . Qve sbo(tl but poltlte , e\lergetlc by a party vote decided agams t the Ville, wb ro he 1111 IIcla IcQllpUlg callalnmly 011 p (: Tho Cavro/'l'Jiu J)t\W8 is generally inter- a,ld;fulbwm g s nrllgraph-cllJl you, wa ask, correbtneAs, 01 the payment of interest nn Bors h~nd , anti will multe 10 ord r, !llllnnds 01 lind· Z F 1\1 Dry, cr • ~ "1' dlury (llid hlltlltll!S Wille 1 f,uva fu t{11~b d my. ,. ree ~Qn " . ., r9 usor llf Arialomy. ~stin'g, but not iml,ort:tnt 'cnough to tele· t own II 1\ dcapolI,d .,I ".... ome, cOlI'\e, ar- t he Golphm 81 clRtln, and that tho Whig 8 U wl lh tho necossnry BIOcl, for h: montho, f k .Nh:W J ONI~ ~ :0" Prcllcl!eor,~1 Surgery. grllJ,)l· your sleeping enQrgle~nward in the MCDlQer& \vll) present a Minoriu- Report tho n l Y 11 I!f.t l)l n r 'in-I , Cli ld luil prejlorM I1t 11\1 H J Jhtloo, 1\1. II " 1'1 ol~~or of' 1 heoTY al/o(t , ,~he \'ery e l~thl1J1l~ m af .~nctIOD"" aftirmlllg tile Justice 01 said payment. We lun c 10 Illn ko on)' orllcl~ Illtll d lor WLlhA Ie. V 'Pmcuc~ of M~dlcwe. ! ·'fOJU Loui \' iIIo--Stclmlbont tbretl~h~lu.bor--:V11\ of lteelf brl ng rene· "uall make up no ,final, irrevel'8ible Judg. grtlll'tC !lIspILt~h ond \\1m I)led~o llI}'ij If 10 ~ ~1RD ~ D., Professor of Pby,. lUaii JJnrocd. \VI d hfe and happlne s, ' Ha I GIUHAlI( aat m~nt qntil fully "'tlssessed of the fucts" but glvd BI~U~f:,·tIOll 'in all of my nrticle ot trlldo J J l~:/JM jj a l~ll morrlNt,y OlldG1\l':!t0gy. , LolllsvtlJLEI Moy 25th. d Ik :1 b b d d 'f I 1" < Tho uunoal }Jnil: \\1 11 be Illk n to mnlto JJly 'l'l.Iarn culi::S ondCBE Mor.o rlltcn o. Ica. work 8009 to inspu-e .':" c9,nflduncc antI ()nSUle J l'I1n/r~ 'ANJ)ER dllcol ur~prudenco. " Thc FlbrQl1 PtlckUt, W. E. Campbell; own, I e a SIC t u y an mourne over I t Jey do not materially differ from D current accounts of them we shall b(l.ve to tho pIl\loong() of Iho pubhc ..; . mod ~"IC ~hnrgea . Chemistry 111111J'harr~l'Il(;y ., cRolollsor 01 fr III tillS port, stl14ck ill going ovor the 1119 tlt:purted wealth-he mlgllt hive be set dOlvn on the Loco:Foco side of this ns well a~ tl unln ~~ !lnil durnolULy' IVor!lllllln,. J A. WlL 'ON , 1. J) , Ptot~sor of ObaMr Falls, thiS ovening, and was I'IlII on II. bElr on to the end of life With tho prospect poor house constantly before him. But quelltlon ----N. J. T ribune, ilhlilt A )l b(!rllllllllro~ngo from my ifllll.. ~ IIl\d Illlti Diso8sos of <Vomen ond Chddr lea whore she SU lik. Shl' will be ralsetl, but tbe. mnrR hi8 conduct. HI will nfCOller' every _ tllo i)uhhc gl nerally 1.,.11 be Ihnllkill ll y n*l'Jowl· CUnigue Leeturea. an. h~r cargo will bo ila(Da~ed. qf 1081 gronnd--nay, 1 will ,,.t4d on Vie Low nljnst Truancr. Cilgcd. All lund!! of npp)'oved !l9unfry produce MllDIQI:'o"E--PROl,·, H J llU'LCE '1111C lIlllii I'rorn Im~ lI1phi6 on t-he 2 fst, for loC$ oJI/we 1DlIO wrong me!" he exclaimed, An importnnt 'bill is at present befote tnJecn III oxchange (or \~6r'll \lEri~erd~l!Cst unGllny-P~(Il~. R. S. NEWTON. this City, ollisv illel Ci cinnati ~nd the nnd ht' will lie a8 good lIB bis word, we unn the Educational GomU)ittee of tbe Leyiillq." J , 1 ·If Z EUBEl\'I4.N,M. D, AnntolUical Demonsb'a !tn. .30, l a~ ;sv. ' or. , B~t, \Vas lost by the burRing of wllur( boat of MOIl6S chlt ~ettll. It incporte Qn a ,.. 1'1 f r. Ii II fl ' ., sure you goOd render ' He will triumph I Il t nIalh plll>!, ' • I ' "10" I'romoeo"'mltteeol"theTenchnrs' FlnST,An.nlVAL l)fRpnl .~G GOODS. Ie ces ora u course 0 ectllres amount G 0 , tl10U,IInti d0 1'1. Il'elVlse!-Olty kffl • .. " O I l ~ lire open. l U g lit our 8!oro coruet fMolll to SIO:; n.ivar frIlling , wlth '1l foe.t in the cllll\i- " nllon ill BOdton, an~ nuthorizos & North st.PLIilND~J) s'r CK of Eoeh l'rolc~eor'8 Tickot, 15. Matriculator', 11('1. The :Na hville Conv6ntlon. towns to tnke all necessnrv mea8nros to ""llYW 00 D , COn91$Ung 111 pnrl Ilf Oll/Iha, II Demoosrrll,lor'4 F·ee••t(J. Gradull. "Ve haV(1 exam lned' our e:tchangce ,vilh compE'l the attendance at 8choolof chilo Co.6Jm eJ'Q8, 118"1001Ill, 8Illtlnoll.l!, Jenns. um· ,\1011, ~O, . ' COIIl>tl'U ctaOIl of nrldj:cs. C~"b, ful' somo \VC ~k5, and nre fil)\'ced to the dren, between tbe dgell ot six and fifteen, JJl l' r cloths I Linen drills, orton PODt tliuils Tho e desiring furthorinfoTmaUon willploaJe "'1 I 'II ... I II· I ' ... ~ Ginghunl , J;l o~ nlld ~b~ e, nnt! Il vnn !y oJ address muir lotters (pOlt p6Jd) to the Dean alld ",' 'e )rl g 'Il11I 1) oye 111 m Ol or,.. ltm ell conclUSion tb nt our lIo1ghbor is mlstuk en who are permittcd by tbeir parents and hllllil 0 0 dreflS gl)Qda, a gr Ilt vlln \y of o!hor slutlell\8 urrlvlng 1Il 1\le CIty will please 0011 on 'arc cQnB\ruuwd uf'ter v:uious Jnetlaoda, but uPPOlling that tw h' 6\ yo. ataUw will friendll to wander alJout the .tr~ts, and goods 8uilllblu fOI the nppruuchlng 80""00hill) nt tho ComrhorcJnl }tOle),. 11rhh\! aro tnQlltly U cd In mos t CIlRes th e represented m th is bOlly whicb is ~o grow up in i$noranc~ and vice, Very im. HADD~ & MCCLELLA D. f { . Nl!.:W TO .. J)enn oflhe Faculry. rUlld iii cOlrrled over ut OllCC bJ( "ton e or meet in June, Tex~(!, Louislilnn, ~entucky, prlllciplee are involved iu thll bill, Wllyn svtlle, 'Mllrch 'l'l-Al 8-Lf HOJli 11: LAW DEPARTMENT _ liriel. aTchell, or by Iron or wood beams Yitglnia UIlTylllnd,Oelnware, Nort.ll Car. lind ita exaction w.()uld be attended with . ',yr, M KING,Profe88or of Theory end 'I' i;'rllctlcc) of J,ow d acnord·eng t 0 t he 01101\\ Gp.Qrglft, t hrown ooross 111~II ~rll e, Florida ond TElI1USIIES, mony difficulties. JOaN L)J,1LAFIELO, ~<l • Profossor of Com• • 'IIplln i the 1'011(1 is eometlmes 11 1,1 pended Will not be re presented in tho ConVen\ioll. BterCLDI Juris]lrudc'1 co from IIIverted boWS by rods, hell'lg usually It id u'uri, tl felY ('ounties , and vary few. i,Lebllnon Bod Deerdelll 'llurllplke. " S1lltlr-$!JO loor SgsUOII. All COn:llnunlcaformed of ,Ir(ln, which are supporled upon olther. State, have elected At an eleotion lItj(d at the Town Hall on taulll)" 10 Ibl8 department \lIUSt be ad. stolle llers nt each e nd, ond rrom thence tl ' r th I h Saturday last, the following personl wefo to 10 mn8S0S 0 e peal> e av~ lected directors of the Lebanon and DeerE. W. M. KING, r.iq me dOWn un d sec1JrllJI In t h e grOlln!II the measure ",lIellrver they were cnIled up' ... Ire h I J The Faculties, for nwllcolua! obiliuee moral 'UI'I\ ore cnlled i"Pll l! t1S~~\'l tiioil hridgos. on to express th it eentqllents. And In field J.urnpi for t e en8U ng year. amea 1V0rth ant,! prOlo,,61O"n1l\l\cqulrumenl.S, wil'l com. 'Amon~ mod.l3rf1 b ridges may bo mentlol\- l\iills i!\3'ppi, \\' 0 do not beheve a Mr Roosa, James S. Totten, Johr Simon· pare lavoralily wllb I"u III(jfjt di.oungullIhec1 in :I the RIllito BriJ~e9 over the Grand Gallal. 01 the people would be fO\llld in ton, Thomll8 P. lIutchiDlIOn and Robert our TI,.e modlcol fiiaulty consUIu&eli at Voni 0, wbi4:h Will co mrnencOtI in 1588. 1 I WilBOn. Um or allY otllercountry_olJ 01 ." d .1 the UleORure. It wi I be an irreal'onsib e The directors OLen met and elected lectfmlflt ODd dill liel.n of roacber... lly III \clIBOI An"relo, an ifJ cOIl/lidere~ to ue body, lillbl t~ do the South much inJury;",.. ..... d ( Wlll cuntemplato OUf gllOlfI'aphl~ u very bepu ~ifu structure. and ut any rute, unless it were sustained br James JD. . Roosal Pieai ent 0 laid company \110 ox tent of our populallOil, caD The brJiI~ across the S eine, at Nt' uilly, tho muiSos of the South, incompetent to do Johl\ Simonton, Treasurer, and Itobllrt n9 to the eligibility of OUr .iluabuilt hetween the yell)'!' 1768 anll 1'780 by d Willian. S'ooretarv. ,The following resolliwrpnzo of lIco klllcJ. Ae ill heallb goo . I d d ilOlUlons of tho yCtlr, wo deny that P eroneu , is 0 very celebrated structllrCli it III IInyOur L ogislaturtl'o\1idertt1y mistrusted 1 olle were n optc . 'd ANV Olrl" IL\.II AIORIl n.level bridge, cplll"tingoffiveelliplic thet,peopla would not 81\Oct100; the W8~te of !b,olved, That th~ Pres) .e'll prooure A commun error eXlell! in the lI'IintiH orman ilIlch of 128 feet, and ag riee their money in providing for the payment the servIces of a practlcol engmeer to sllr61UdQUIS r lntlvlJ to tho jJlaoo or studYUJlrm::il. \Y atQrloo Bridge, Londolt, \)'1 Rennie, of .Jelegatel 'nJl t11ey would have lluffered vey, o.n~ estirr,aate the cost ot constructing LIJ(..E WroE II. goneral bI!S".,O~l\ld"cnht or nllo. cihc; tliOso \\!"R lIItond pracUCJni 1UI'l0ng the di. • d;J . I "I " r ' d r d 'thout delaor liona IIJ:IlOJ:lg "Incli m~y 0 loun air 0 s, /lOMaS of fho weot ond,South ibould certain! IS COn,SI ereu n mll8lerptece. t was com· tluilr constituents to hll.ve a vOIce In the tlal on WI l' (loll a; til,ya. steel peM ant! hol~crs. oduonto ~!Jern8olvc8 nt a 60hool Whoso Facu1t: monced ill l81(). nnd is aleo a level bridge, matter. Of this , twenty thousand dollar ~olwd, Thn~ the ulrectors do thelt own 1'~oec) wishjlli \.0 purc~lI!Ie, ,..oulol. do w~ll . . ar0p,roctiolll ly IlCQU811110d wilh those d_ _ havillg nine arches, each 120 feot rise. Imd appronriotion we intend to apeak .gahl chqln CIIlT}'ihg, &e. free or chllrgt_ cali and! examine, Wfore purl)hneil!g.els wh~c, llng , IO pnra t ~lf I d ch d d L i '1 hn, tlle ~lJbho moy be aUl!/iod oflbe perma. it ill 42 feet 4- inrohes wide between the and 1.~rhari9 (reqllently for we cannot but Resolvtp, That books book;a be opened at ~s:-U _ SAMUEL COLLlf'jS. GO~d ~n SI vcr evcrs, '-'1ft 0 an, ep no nenc)' of tillS 80hool\ we 1001 1I0urduly ktstate p<.lrftpels. , view it a: an outrage' upon the coeople'i the Grocery Store of J ohn Bim~nton, ill PA:.RA80LS --A. good lIf!IIor tment of Sil k \V~~o~1vnrioIY cf clocJc~; ~~~~,l~h:~~II:~r':~'~fcf~~ti=r;:I:~~~:e:: Londol) Bridge, by ihe aame engineer, is rights-having no sanction in th" conltitu. Letinnon, and James M. R~08a, In Deer· and 'l'urk-ulln pnraaola for eale by ~Uver SPOOllS, gold lind lIver p. ncli s; and lll llt the PWluliar lnte"!ai organization wbic': a fino work, /lnd to~~ther with the Jast, tion in necll8l$lty or e~pediency. Ir nue.. fi~ld, fur tho purpose raismg the balaoce ALLEN & EVANS 1 Ursea. POCkOl8,Spooltloltll! IU8UJl ull nges ond conneC!8 Ibel)!.\ cnnnot be lnUlrr'!l'llId. form exoellent speell)l61l8 of masonry, being • ' 11 . ~ ood d t of the stock for the coDlpletion oflJaid road. Sign of the Goldon BaU eyes. Dnd overy ordcle usually foullil III n Jew· E W. M KWlG, Pres~. of tho MBm Inttitule. . sllr.y, we WI prove It ,rom g • eOlDera· Und Id' . f'" U· b th - NEWiDOOT AND SHOE SHOP. olry Md Fancy Store. MemphiS, Tenn., MUloh, 1850. ' 9-tf con tl ucted Qf groOlte. ic lutboflty.-o..Jord (JIlIs) &4r. • er tIe Irectlon 0 _i'. glnaC, e A ll ~r whlch they otter at rnir pnc 8. All 1'lmber bridges have been much more survey was commenceil on Tuesday lut. ~ R. W. LATCHAM respeclfully- 111- and eapecinlly ilieLlldies nre InYlted to call Dnd AN ORD.NA.NC& g6ne~ enplP¥ed pinel!> the intr9duoti on Bow A.sell are 1!Ialle. . We bope that the rond wjJI be well' llIade, .,1188 ihl\ Gemtemen ani!. Ladles of sed our good . ' ' An,Ordlllnnce to clllDn the Blreetl and ~lleya . 'or the mlln v inve/1tion!l for preaorvlIlg tim· The nPoce88 bas been greatliavoitliog !Ill u~necetl8ary curves and anglel. V ayn"I~le anc. vlcihitYHJO c1o.11 andhexatlmtllic PI'!. We Will a~lolld pCj'8onalll' IOrcplliring Oloaks. ObS£c. J. BI: IT OIID...~NJiI' .&.ND &.\i:'&OTEQ DY T~ • , ) r·' A 'J b d h' stock f<J~ thOmllUI'\r08. e IIlI on 1111 A 010" Wlltches, A~cordcon8 Rnd Jewelry" ami wamll1l ,M.MON CllUNCq. or l 'lll! 'roWlI 0,. W~YNt8VJLLa , ber, II!! tile 'materia, bll'ersiVary'great navan· whbill the )~t two yenriJ, 1\0 Iron qUII~ ter 0 r a ml!, can e '/lve In t 1a French and Americon Icalher Remember, 3 i t. ' DEARDORF~' &. TUCKER 1 hilI OilY person nl' petlons own~ ab,lot 0; togd.. , II) \Yoot}l!n bridgQII of ,mall rolled ~idLh nqd ~bickne811 of ue, and 6, 8, wlthou~ mateflal loss;to property hoI- iloore above lite Bellcr House. M~n street. Lobanoh, I 5(). 4lf lOll, or po.rl8 of 1018 wuhln the limite of .aid the pieces runrli!l~ from plllr to pier and 10 feet long; it is hented, and C)ut oft' but With perpetual advantage to the ~Y .... COLtT¥BUS INSURANCE COMPANY town oj WaynC$vllle. arll hersby required to termacl ·'--:"6. or 6lring1'1«1e6. which 6 1lJl' bu Ii large nair of ahears p~opelled by water " ...~"~, HAINES & CO. Ca""tal '''''''.000. k\lep thhe ·lldo.walk~, SUlIlIl'll or aHClllI .,djoiu......,.... 1 h ~ r . k I.. h d • II ~L Ii n . ~L'O I~A> 1 ' ' 'VV IllIJ sue ot or lOis er ,pllrts or luta clean and port the t:r068-jor.ca, Oil w Icb tho plo.nk. power another workman pie. ul' t e piece an ellpeCtl1 y u.e armere, ' WlltlLF.lIA.LR11RALERS IN \V KEYS, haVln .. bben IlPPOlillAld DO', nt of fr~9.from filth 1II1t! preyell'" 'ft fr .!;ft_ IIIg is lllid; 8mnll pieces of wood nre lIome· urld places it betweep a die,and pun"h. the are mterested In tbe making of good roada. FOREIGN AND D MES'I,' IO DRY GOODS, 'Ibe aboYu cOmpo'lly, IS prepllred to '\n~ure ill pools Or pollds atiout .~oh:r';~.:, ~-cr~ . tllnes inttoduceit untler tl}e punch com,. down and forcea the hole for We hope, the~efore, the remaining stock No, 29 PuRL STRUT, ovcry description of bUllding8, gOllda, &c ,on vey IIuch fi1th where It will hot annoy Ibe ciuto .iJorlen the betlriui, which nto the handle br punchinl out a piece. An wiIJ be taken immedilltely. If subl\erip. I-tf ' CINCINN,(\TJ thn ntOI~ ItlVorabl e terlll _ ThiS compllny it! :&e!!8 or My of theJl'l, OJ' wherelbe Street Com. "-J......, or -r"-'-. ,'ron mnndrl· 1 I'a til en in-erted into the 'nole, tions to the amount of "'000 are fAlken Ilt nOOT AND SHOE S'tORE. rIlKar~~a 88 ' ODe ofd: tbe most Itboro}. prompl, mle.aloner may dlreat. The)alli. 10 be donl1 OIl w_ IJf:UI .. v~ 0 II a eel to Bn(l ellio of any 10 1e WIl!I~em counuy Pur· or befolo l-hc firs I day of July neJlI, Tho l\met lcatt Ifytltem qf forming brid- and it is immediately put under another once, ill addition to ·that alreadv lub8crlb~d M. 61 ' r specUu y nnOUR BOne by milking n emllil lnYeallMIII. eM now SEO. 2. Any person or peraollll rafu8i eeflnnd v,~dtJetBI111amlna'tlngtlmb(1ral'cb .. preas wla;tq forme one side of an exe; we shan have the pl~al5ure of tnve} IIllg dl ~::su~I~~a: :f~~~~~ cyo~n~Dd~ secure iliomselvQ8 ol!lIlnllt havin,g the ellrnil1gs neglecting 10 clean up a.ny utrer ,haU ni or ell, baa bllel'l' lattaly introduced Into Ulan goat loto another die and forms the a turnplks to Deer.ti~.d by tbe enSiling fall. f I l lot boo.ts IUtIi shoes, tu.lsting 'n of a ",hoit.l lifoillne BWflll~ a woy1u nn hour. A con\(lotion thereof beroru ilie y01 be ti1,::ro~' land. The OUile-burn Vi~\!etie 108 otl.er sid., and is plated in an upright Mtll5rs ROOSA and Simonton hold the sub· patl of ,mUD'S fino bOlllS und -shoelll..won.en'. hint tothe wli\iI i811UtJiClcut 17-3m fin y SUDl nOI less than fifty coutl! no~ )nQre th.n h .•1 , P'~ I":on, and a chisel comes down scription Star. boo~ a:pd gl,lIlers: Uppere, colored and kidj Wtlyn!l8ville, MIlY 24, 18,50. vo dollars ·)vith costa of suh, aod every IU hill, Itlll ~ll~.~ of 6- arches, each 116 ua.. Jlalenll'~otl\er ood' Clloth gaitora, kld, u a ana ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. honrs thereafun- sliall ~ de&med a DeW offence feet Ipa.n, with two stone Im~hes at ea.ch splits lhe nbW' of the:axo ready for the .teel: bUHklOl! , eliddren'uhoClll ofall detlonptlons and uDdt'rBlglled bos rec61vodieLlerl of !ld. oglllnst Ib~ provllIl!l'lO ot IMs oroillllooo. encl, U reet. IpaD; and tbe Wellington 1t is then thrown aside. Au this Ie done colora ' IlilnistrllUun from tho court of commOn SEC. 3. rhis oralllan~ to take effect lod be Dean conslata ot' ""~D &fcbes, each .UIO at one bel!.t. and in lesl!- time than. it tak~ All of the Ilbovo \Viti be eold ns cheap u Cop IlJea8 for Worten counly, Ohio, for the astute of it foreo from and after Ihe lOth dDY of. June feel Ipan, tho height up to the roadway to explain the modUi operandi.-The blade be pt; ch.naed 01 IlIlV ot!\cr 1l8\8llhshtnenl In tho Jocl Hidgc, deco\llied., IMe of Wnyne township no~. hiJ\.lll;tli a.nd~arla of lawl conOlCll!1a, put in and welded, and .&II counlry, Call lind J:(lmine ter yOW1lolv811 be· All PltrSOnll knowlDg themseivefl Indebted 10 ~'p or nanee anu HthB 'Wllme sro bllMb, bei .."'~ 8"• fee"• The piers and ,a'butmenw of the -."e .-s .L en W lore plU!:liaaang olsewhere. anld 8IIlato are requested to mak e Immediate . Btl • • PRJlliT~ . .a,e. .\One, IDd ncb a\'C1a COlisiata of tluee ~ aloar to the forger, tempered, IDd MIlD 1St. one door aouth of Ratri., a.nd op· parmenl, nnd also, Ih080 hnvillg dulna agllillst W"!",UIIa71e, May 16, 1860. • egmental ribl. each rib being compoHd II cut, ' ''P!»D the ground to cool. Aa soon 'V·rDen-ilIe Produce lIIarket. POSl!e Allnn & Evans' slor... sIIld cetaW aro requoslCd to pr sent them leSlll. GLOVES. 1ija k bl d Db .of t"l~ '.Inch .00k-dea1s, beiD, two deale a. COOII It its takon al' and plained down to OOIUCI'ED nEllY WE5X lOll TUt! VISiTOR. April 6, l aSO. l~lf Iy auilienticnled 10 the undersigned, wilhm .one Illid corn c(>lor: d' ':;i~ G~een.. will.. ;n "'idt" a·tf beB lit height: tlteyverveil DD ->I .... t... a plal"IDtI machine, IDd Rnilh. Wheat. old • ., bu. 1,00 year from 111\11 tiMe. L. JONES coilont alily a.nd..:...tr I v~. of G' • ... u .. n..... .J~" Vl .... .. now, 90 o.pnl 30, 1850 J'l - t f ' ."""li'1ellEl4u1\ letei.,eid at in \Jnp from 20 to 46 feet: tlae lirat COIII'Ie up with the emery wbeet--plinted. Corn, libelled, . . 35 DEEF! BEEF I . Sign tho t'olr~:?ia loniIeIi or two deala i~ widtb, ~ before labeUed, .tamped, and are ready for market: Oale, . . :1 MESSRS. B()RDEli & GLOVER! bailllg WllynllllYIIle; Ap'd . 1850. eD ..... . stated, bent over a light celltrG; the Flour-old wbenl, Ill' bbl. !I,!IO baaed"'" h S h b ishmI ~Vin;~;-;'~::~~;::;~_ _.......~_ eoune conalbl of one deal IIna two The Gal" of A.,enulD~. .. n"w wheAt, '. &c.• o~'lf. Doil It~/~rDf n~~~fe~~ed /.0 fu~:~ ZEP.HYR Y'f'OIUlTED.-A IrOOd -n' onee, aqd 80 oo-untll the :whole rib ia form. E'••T now a~d tfl8ll, we have reuoo to 1: Ish good Beef, ~elll a.nd Mutton, III (au prieell, mODt ofV/OtliedJU8t reo'd. cd for ..Ie bF :;, ...... bre-Llng joint wIth eacb o'''er; r~b our hande With we.rmth, ill couequenCt! loose, ., Jb . . 6 and rc!apeclfully u k the patronago ohllo PIl!M1C, . ' ALLEN &. EVANS. ed, .LA. \II .. ....,.. all ". , .. lOuDd wsiMIl-ted aDd called-for b 50 'rho lllgbeet ~sh ptlce 'paid. for !tood ~£ t:atSign of tho Goideri &iJ. and they a~ CODJ\ecied tog.,ther tiy a·inCh OlllOllJe .' " - B ' BulldiA ¥ u. POULTRY. ..Iv =.to an beep. s.:tI MARR.ts SPECJFIC CORN SALVE a oak treDaha. .ach. pMllog thl'OlJlh three artoIe, to be loUDd In the ..... 1 th' .. den. _ _ • • • _ MO Msrch. :.:;\ 18~. oertaUl, IIlIfa and .ft'ectaal cure lOr ~ the 'deall; a laJer of brOwn paper, dipped T,k~ the foDowina u a fair RID~~ of e .... • 6.00 f!! PIECEs CARPETING a variety of deal· for BaJa by 6-tf J. H. BARNHART. 10 boWog1ar.laplaoecl between the jolDta Cl\llllltJ of the 1_ .... 0 l;~ ., I handI ~:-iii!lli~~!!~~~~§]~~ to preY8II\ tJae wet &om io,jurJ If them, and increulnr deoilD or D"wa~pera, G~, "" • 2.40 S-~b e an~DDE;~a~'!C~ELLAND. - . . 8"'~:*!!~,:.=,*:: the t.i.1Ier. . . bedded tiptll oa It· the and In conneKion with it. the ut.oaiOD of rot -.rice BOUIE A.JIJD Len .-OR vallATI of Noh week, lbrolllh la cw.... boua. C'.el.a.tt .. Me MA !I)t.l85D· l 'be aabaeriber offen for For aale b, 9-tf B. B. BAY• .. endil of each "It ve let iII&o out.-lroa.oea adYertiaill" la working a rr- t adftlltace _ alldLo\eIea~Jly situated ln tile towll ~. KBLLY 0'IIML1I. which arabed to ~ .~og.atoaN of the I. buiaueu, ..pecia11f &IDOIIC Ntailen. F~oa "~:W:::~:'':f:'te.J~, tL«. II.. maaODry. aftd are leemed .ilb f . 100, Thirty Jean .... etore. ODce been noe~ in pnoee, Tile Ill. COllii'd.. 80 .aWayn.ilTe. Wairen County, Ohio. The A.'tome)" . . . Coauellor at LaW. iroa bobauad nua wtda lead, ..,. . . ...,.. W.. BUN&o keep Ibtl brl. old wbU, !louat ts,25;40 doohoice.lla..-, lIU&>tOvOIDenta coDlial of • cwo atory hme LEBANON.OIDO. rib..... COD. . . . topUa_ by ., .. -......qetor Nelleleallf and at t6; ancl87 do ~ new a' 1-\8. 'L __ I HOUR, J6 b1IUi01th aoel1; under it; a BUm- Huremondhil oJIice 10 tb:e room oveJ.1tJJa. braeet.a4 ....,... -.i~aAir.; bat DOW DO how- (Hue there wai ~ oa wue s ~.rJ; mer ~d WiDIet tcben. a DOd If-. It!n ron'ulOnJ. where he will COIldaaa . . . . . . . . TJatre bin ~ IleY8rahrchee ot ~ popular, caa retain lta' ~D""1III- lrala~~~aer:~~~would pnaeat ,dul, :J':J:.~:o&~=~ ll:"'T~n::~e! ofbJaprofeaa1onln alUtabraDeJaal. .... apan . . . . . . .Ith In -It ...,... ~. Tbie &I u COIDm= 11,00' 6I&aIL _ adaa1' men,- are all new and In aood cmIar. _ F:~t...• IDd .... abauW lie. ...... I of paotflllon-We noticaata ono bbdI. or 11&. , • lea lara eaquJre or Ilae auliicrtberat ~." at .... aD udde ODD . . . . a& IlL; 1000 pea plalo It... at arUcl. of CidIi Vi for .... in Wa)'llem&l.. l+-&f SAML.CO line . . . . . . . Wmn-We ........., ....... to aodoe In 18 B. ~LLDfB. L ... L.UIII'I WOOL. VllIDtad ba ~ '1oIIafiart..~." . . . . . C!oiIdDtJ. Tba
The Mu:ket&
:~~;~i\: . . .,11111.
1I5«.~;;a....... tile.·
=::I,..~~..:i... "
100 IdfJr.: ~81.~BOOIO
I!!\T~Tt""":I~i~=ii~ ...., . . BAD
wIllie tJlO t at. til'S gUBhed ou Jontil1ur,1 to fluw • 'cror Ulqmro thou (11 for tho pllfty the cJerk or: Ir(,l'ly • II nJ~" 1\ 1Ul11f.t1 In hCIl" Illi Qt\\II. lor lI('holll It I~ hilt <lilt} ot np· \('J I ' = I f>;' SIl'C 5, All hnu and parle or lawlJ In S\>C, 5. • P80r WQlIIl" I pltll?1!! c<)ld wutcr and trll'd \ :mou~ mroAnll to ar.illallltl'lj Ulllnlu gl\ c Jt unta thee th lit ; He il I'1/tl/!~tb~ It,,~''1;;~t~t A~::'bl!J nny mllnner c;onlllotlDg WltJl tho provtalonll (!OnBlston~ I hI.1Or ~et." IIIld 9rJlnE'1I wllh roel· olllie I III flOln the lQllIIITg) 01 dlllllkell~-~ 0 IIIIJI' 1/, ~II/b fIj Wao 'l'hat the 10\\ Ilshl~ 1\88eS- of thIs aet /Ire hereby repcnlcd are hereb)' repealed ingl .tl wotldt'r ho\¥ IIho 8tftlltl It If my D\11 all to II purpu e: I ] r \V·I1M 111,," do I, II k ~I~ II1'r J'lup~r, ~lIr8 In the (,Oll": 01 .I;h:ln\l'l1rr !\lorrow Sll G "'1'hls IlCt to he In force llnll take DENIAl\11N F LEITER 1 bu..band \I ere to act 80. It "ollitl kill me. ~t I~BI tl~I'IU~IlIJ 1)[ Ii\l()~ ,fohe Inhl n"l ~r "Ry IUUO LIm Whut llll(lk~r, t thou ) ICllUff Ii' yeu/Aatribulll ]\bUlfiOIl LQke~ effect froru and aftcr jts JlOIIS~.. ,SjI(!qAe, of thel,pUfe oj &Pre~taJ""' f'eould nerrr Itltn(lit in ~~ world, n(!- do" II hf'~ld,., 111m ITI t IIr", threw her fit II (If IrlJ Plt;'ce' \ for IL mQ) h that tJIC truth t:illalllllt' C ~tH1Cktou GuernSu\ otunlblJ1E~JAMIN F LEITE!(,. CHARLES C C()~Vf:.}~s ded II... PJtte ilUs a dreaMll1 situatwil IlrO~111l1lu It ck, nna lalll he~ f'itce tQ-lltJor IlI t ht oftellillh l" 1 linn Alien 1\InhoJlI;'~ l\llUlll/ DOfiuncc &pta1cer oftlreHotl..~e oj Rc.~/mtallI)('8 ~ ~aJ.tJ' oflhe &na; !for II WOU111n to 1,)" plltced '" j r L 11'1(111 Iy 1I"'")1l t hll> She 1".\1l Inln tJlUji ro ~ [( Jt III nol fit ttrnt l)IO\l 8110uld task Jlu;!)U, uud Erie; sh~ll ItfttIl,tullJ tit -th~ riAR~S 0 CoN1l'ER , l\ll11'ch 23, 1860 ,.. ""ecHo pc PI)O oHho hl!St..CILlUcn, Antl to r U out 11\ 11111111 tell, \\ II 1'1 he ulled Il.IIr of Tillil " 110 I" th uuthor of. lilly nr ~ cle , r :1I1l0 tllne tll8t the luke til hSI 0,' 10 ar $pcnAcr oj Ih~ Semale _ tile be~t posslule Cilfe of £i1 nUlllly F ()f/ P1Ull0 In l \\ Itl ,per 1110 clutJ 1 ell'lt~~ III 1 to keep ~;Clh tlllngs~ ty lor tnXo.tlon h!t the num be r o~ Jo!S Mllfch 23,1850 .A AClI dlTecllllj; die mnlllcr of fllf\lng ~ ca~s thoro wo.s not a hOflPI r Womun 111 1 It, uge"ly did she I)&"icp after hUT r~ t hUII~1 lr 'J IX 1lI0'ltb~ ~I<J Ilna \\ \1 oru" ol\'n~u ___ , ! III ~Il!l 'Jlr()bClil~ ngol,,~t tulll 0/111 cO!!!JI!1IIIC8 I h to\\ Il than h18 \\ I~ but ,lOW It mnkrs ~r 1) c" to ll~ eall IV Wh n thou dost enter IU tO n )'lThlt- alld kept ut eac h house ~l1d ehnr-go the AN !\O'l tl) vr ;IrJIII UI~ f~ cA rcounty lIur""y SEC 1 DE h ENACTED BY 1'J1£ GI;NERAL one's hCllrt acho \0 look lit h!'r 011 It! lj m!f 1m I'e to do ~o ' f ' ll/: offine ho\o n cure unto th) sd r, tJlnt 10 t allc h hOUl'ehol<l~T' or tho ar 011 Qrs III C rjtf~11 clUIe A EIIIDLY 1,11' TIre ST..\!l'~ OF OalO, That must be one oft\ e mo~t helCl1.re\1dill'" tlUll eTS A h 0111 tbill t tIll HI Il 1\ III per thou Ull t not totlch th e lvpe for OIOU mav • ~n I' 0 cl tl 'b t PJ 0 £c l~ B U 8IUJ(;W1 by I/UJ qClICral As SUIt may be brought liefore Jlllltlceof trIo I U ,Ierl' 1I11prt' ;, Ii,nl nlllg uchr dog n11n'ng Ie arne , b r II( IInd10 or RtmU!l ~·· l if' L" f 0'/IW! 1'1 lat euc II C01i1l pellce ogn i nst an) rill1r91i d compllny, in the II) the \\ (lrld lo hu.\ n drunIrt'1l fill "hUlJd .,' tlI1:>IIIP I\ no" lou ketI111 t cnll $C the )lrIut r mll"cll trouble r l~oga 0 trllJ ""ate 0 •Well , 1111 1'\ got)6 lin, ,' Rpol( up Ih ~ Ilt uU lly' "1 tllo fn~('. Willi n ro~uIs ll V LQok nil Ilt the t QPy In tit bonlla ou~o l d ofu 0 th 'lil e I 0\.1 f ty suncyor ~ boll ho nllu\\ 011 /lud ,J'eccl~C to\\ l\sblP In wluc}1 tho Ilresldcnt of the om. ?tIra Peters \Vllil will mth 'I~ tJlUt J clrm'\ hI 1111 I I Ult \ (''', lllHI ~I qui\ erllll1 01 I II of ~hl! oOlpa Mirfl fo\, thllL 18 not mce.t III ~~~ tl: ; l1:lmb~~ aCe IJ~S s s~:~~ b~lIl~c~ two dollurs PilI dllY Ipl ellch oily he Blulll pally mlly rOl!lde,otlJl( ony towns)\lp 1n vhleh PIty Iter much lJp~ lh Ill \J ~ I( tI l II fdeft 011111 II IIJI dilli th Igllt of tho IlrlOter Je t liS Ilfure.$:ij ~ to t~o e~unt andlwr bo ompl9yedlil the sun ey oJ: n Stute or tI) G prlnolplll buslftoB.S amcn of the COmpany :W1IY. Mrs I~etijli;, holY clln ) Oll tnlK 1('\11 v rE!f~1I 11 \vr\!l\tlllllsr lhosl!! (,1;pr 11 Vr Neith er XOII\l ne ~hou th ~ proof u~~It'e SRmo tllnc ltlllt BU h ILsgess~r re.turlls county raaq ~ lI.y be Jtept, tl-lld the writ I lIummon... ,,1101' ! RIVe' ol g n8 Ilito u luo rrv smdc sh t. (01 It I ~ Jlob reudy to llIeet tl,llIe c)e, th I at 01 r e fo t xllt dad SEC 2 Tbnt ull nets ijJ1(1 purts of nl' ts s\ll:ld by SOJa JU8~lce, shhlllle served pfl1'll0n·We~l. I dop t 1\1I \\ 0 01(111,\\ ho \\ 111 ]\II : > 1'etor IInder,,\.bod the wl lol SCI'IH! thnl: thou umyesl ullticrictulitl Jt ~ 0)1 jtyll u 1011' ~l l'lcol'\silltnnt w!~h tho pr VISions of thiS ally upon dIe president, Jffounll or I)y Jellvfive WIth n drunltcn hus~ul1cl 11( 1) t de~(lrve 111 0 wlnc nt, nnt.! l.Joxed hor hlillbllll(l " eurs I VH Prel r a Ireo IOdopenllenl news j c~lln ( r~~~ll or 8t ;'11 IR[~e tenc ~I ml VI( II f nc~, be, lind the slime llfC hereby repellled wg a eopy Itt tlte UU8lheeS Q,ftice of tlie cQJlt .. plty W 'hy tlQu't t<he leave 1~l m Hound))" Oil tbe apot Jor JOY, willie he paper to un) oL/lUr-!!UbSC llile Jlllluclhately ~lt;Oc~l1te \o~ntho ~~t~ 1.11 b' h 10 Buml a DENJAJUIN.F LEl1'En. P\llly \"lth the person hllving charge tbl're 'That 18 eOlilor SIl)U lhull done, [rs P o Inu::hcd tlllh llllS Sides oellcd us dltlilis Ctlr, ! for It llllt! 111 ulJvnn oc, nnll It sholl be d J pt d I I Y 1m oJ Il1r SPEAXE1t OF 'XIIS HO USE OF REPS of c m ten' Up 1;l4l1ll1lt('r thbCUS lon ~ IIpon the VII 1\ Itb thee nnd Lhy hlldren IIW nor ,e , a~d t Ie Ut~ler sb 1° one CHARLES" ONVERS, S£o 2 SUl t may be brought before IS 'I should thlllk It a grell l deul OliSler 11,1 rH11l IfIJlOrll1l1 ..to rclutlollB of mall ond l VIn ',,{h oll th au ent ro t mto a print. t o IIr nr /ucl Ii a ItlouJ1.1 og y 11m or Sp£.J\KEn OF THE S£1I41'» JUllt lCO of the pencc, ag8.IJlst IIny rallrowl \ lCIl\l than to live \llth 0 drunl cd brute, II I ~ ,lUt~ P ters Wll S \ cry co.refll l how .ng offi ce, sllllLtho door, aud avoldull" IlIs. l ~ertQW~C t or I III W Ot s:JmcOIllo~ner Mllren 22 18/J0 COlllpany, 1\l towlIslu p, IUtoor through which e co CC COler aX' ~ tho tond df such company may be locllted, and bo\ e hor lire tQrlnenteLi out ot her ] I sh, d eluret! h"l course 01 Ilctron.werc sh tlelllg IllltJ IOle conver IlllOl\. for thCl ouy lit ~l1C I n~ S la mybusbllnd were to do So , J reckon h lind 1'1 0 cd u litlEl~ Sl ml)ar ClreumOUlIl CcIJ If 10 Ilhou Illightest do tllys!) lf mll( h hnl In, und cs Snre n~1V T11lpctelll II I , l I e I !l.N AGT conf; rrlng on counly C(ll1ll'l'\13SIOILors and 11 the principal bUBlness office of tho I woulu Kr%rl before t\\ ent' lour hour ' IIny eltse site ,,, as I d II1stlllot lvuly to II I Incur th e \1 filth or the litleI'll ' EC lilt Jt iii IU .,0 t 10 (llty 0 t 10 cerUllI! powers Ih rtll:,tIlOIl 10 frN tII rll})lIu; company IS no~ Icont m Bald towllsllI It ; i I fh I I J I I COUllt' uUlbtor ond treAsurer to keep soha ronds, nnd fflr (ltlit r IlUrJ' see ~ • " o. P., NOlv Peters' hOl/bllll,t was u nl Q t flO, t le I ntnr {o er IU S 11,1 11 1, mUl e \\ It t te ' ..... f * I' SEC J B e It ~1UZCUJtJ /)1 tile. General As shnlll.ldtho Hoty or slIell JustIce of ~lIe pea~o exc('lIent mlln-end 0. 1)0Uer mn\l, \\ rthul the TH'c uhll r IIItl oc lu,'lI1 01 the 1011;8 'Oh ((J"If thero 13 am' JIlan II ho litu:> nnv ~r luce~~l~b 0 be maney ani!lIlg rrom sembl of I7Ie Stale oj 01/11 That till'! coun. to Issue 1\- writ ot summons ogalnllt lIal~ and IllS Wife was ttllluerly attached t9 IllJn Y /; II lilY' " "ribn ll~ \I oro to <10 sO '-lnld rl~IJl to b pronJ , 11 IS It \\ ho CIIIl slolld 10 ~IX Int!!d ~'Irne hllit oj which shnl~ be ~y c!mmlsslonel s of 11.11 ' c Ullt III tIllS com pany, IhTeotcd to (Ile ahl'rllf.'o(the COun. In r('gllro to hiS ever b (:OITlIJ1g' a drl,lllltuTlI, th e lt uPJlI~Sl e:Jlctlt llll oJ lnul,1e Ilnd IIIs tullt lip before the world. ant! suy, ' r hlLve mod e ~~rl'. ~~llIIty onti t31~or:~d~~ ~()ll~h~ ~I~n:f Stnte through or JU whlll, o~y j~oe tllrn ty \vhere the JlllnblJlol btlllmees omc;e ot she ),,/,tJ liS htll (ol,l,rof hi S rt,lI1np1g 91lllJld ly put ~II eml tJ Ihe unprohtublc dlSqUd InI) elr " K IYllg 0 11 nOIIlJjllcl\llul Irl ell(l~ l sa rUlsed h~l1 be, lind the l!Umo Is IlerehY pike road or uny pUft thereof bus heel) or the compllny}S kept,whlth nn endorsement _ ___ \lit 11 0 1I1llem ctl \\ eol hJ Olr nothing but s t apaTt as n lund to com I!nsute er801l~ muy be locllt6d IIro laereby Iluthorlzed 10 Of! the bnck of ~\te writ! flf the pllme of the leavlng.bcl' Still, when ~ho mude the lust lilon ri!D1llrRllhe looked to\VltrdHhlll'l (for bellus ~Lcu tlllllg I ~ 1I 0l \\ (jO~lI, \ C may 1I1,(0111l1nll l zea l IIml s notte ,ntue, II JSII ta,"111 loases b tbe Pclcstruo~oll 01 prderanJ r"reot tbut 1111 or such portloll of post office tn whleh !lold wrJt s'llol1 bo present) WIth n stern Ill td slgnlflca)lt x master uTI, the lore of 1IlllllutJty-u COli" I Jll1S II orkcd JIIS \\ n} rrom pil I orly to welll lh heel) lJy ~OJ1S, In th~ mOllner hercul\cr roo the road tnXCI! hy law npphet! to tIle COIF retllrJ',le~, Illia Um plamtUf may transmit pressIon of Ilor ~ollntenltllec ThiS II 11 \ erljllnb\ ,th ull tho \I rltlng", Htl) lOgS, Iw,1 ,-from IgnarulIC'e to kuow l(ldgo-flont oud \ I~ e~ 0 p struo.tlOn und ro olr of IIny, such Iree turn- the BlllOe, ~ost pUld by mati not really mea nt far hun, but for the Imag. acf lUI1S 01 the mlghly d CPII-\\ 0 HI lly hlthom 5cun ty to disti nction \Vbf ~hould he SEO S 'l'~ut on 0I 80n 01 creons pike rona ns snl:!' oommlSSlOners iOu ~eem SEC S Thnt shepft' sball, on the re. ~ 1nIlry-JndjvldunJ she ha I F.uJlJlo uti a het\f the AC lenv e q , Il.IIU tllo hCI\VCII!!, 1I11Ucrstllncl I not be oronu I DUl I!U Ir lIIen are never rC~ldent tux II ers c!t ~Ie countlc'~ afore' proper, shull no Ibngcr bo !!O a "~d, olld celflt of lIuch writ forthWlth ~erve the lIame ing tltt' relntloll to" Qids her of Q dlunltcn tlt~lr luwOl and r VU]UllOll -drive Into the I hlted up by \ nlllty , 'I'hev aro nlwllyij ~Iud, huy 111 • rlt~e killed or HI uled b do 8 t1\ereaftl'r the road tllxe!! 80 ~tlthdrn\\ n pefl'!Onully, UpOII til e presldentJ If fOlllJ(f, or hll bona " InJ'H erlcs 01 muUer and ~"X pi lll l1 t.he ph oll- me It nllll hlltnbl6 rhe} ore llLe m n nrc hereb ~uthf)~zeJ to cull J y g I from nnY- Buch Ireo ltll n like food shah bo \)y 1 oVlug n cP~y ot tho bU$lnt'!fil (,JOioe ef ~you "oulll, would l 011 1 I r {I leT" re Onlell(l M tIrlh a ll d (III, V t II \\; e Ilr nll t ~vho uro safe putterns for 1111 to follo\\ - Illt ro~ tcJ tax !l e~!f of th ~a~~n~~\ 0,~,ao \\ orlced out 08 other lou~1 ttL"\:e& llTe it luw stlld oompllDy. \1 Itb th perso~ having char l t ed to the \\ Ilrmly e presgc(l T\iltwlu ,IOIJ IIbla to ,\ CJg" Qur own 1)110118 nnu rOIJUIr I rhey I) evcr iOl:'r:rot the rllt whe:nce thl 'y shnll return \1I1~ ~ 0 Itb to tho a ~'ar f \\ orlced ou~ lIuder tho dlle ctiou of th~ pro. gc ~hereor, q.ml Immudlu~ly I atum BOld uttered by Ill S Wile III 11~,; \1 li lt llle U~ tlqll~ of O lh~r III tho \ re tiflce n, liol tllO 11I11~ hqtlll of Provl thc count tlo numb' u It 0 per llupeTvl or ofrontls wrIt to tlle JusLhe of:tlle pellc/) 18s"lng'the 'Yes, f..hat 1 \\oulll l ' ho,lf ) aughmglv bnlullce pI tll'QJI hunded, ln1J>nrllal JUI:I ~I (', Iden \\bwh Lllfl I U tb~1J1 all tlte \\UY !lhe sh e y~() Llied or ~~ UUl~~ 1!1\\,~Il~~f.I:~ Sno 2 l'hllt \\hen on two or more 8l1 mo, ~y milt!, dlrecteU to UIC post Qffioe, hn;f lierlpl\slYTetorted lIll P eler ancl replll l l e II, the varUl ct. -11 tho cl et\r i tlllQugh tllill un" sorrol\ lip to tho plesellt tho otldl~r 18 lIt-Ieb auth~I:~ed~Pulld ulre~ free turhplke rond cross Y'~lIoh. other or. namett 011 the ullek o! tbQ \\I'lt The ~Ilr. Yo~ do*, t know whnt y'>u are ld:lItlllg p"re "!:fllt o~ charily nml forbcl1f!1n co Ita~ , hO\1I ---'ted to <lru\\ an or~e~ In fuvar of \lu(lh 01\ n 1111\1 be wllhm less t.han four mil s o[ oa ch vice of tho writ shllll be IIwde, n lelli!~.ten about, spoko l\Irs Gdmcs n t clo;nlloU th m l Mf of I cJ IdlVC- from ollr > 0" or 0 vnet tl fi other lito COlltlty commlsSIOller of IUU) s. bolorc th o UIIY sct10t tho trail of the •. Jl\ kll11 /I U till r l lnc!). , h \ a 011 10 CO\lllty tlenSllrer Or 'b I sail) cau (' 'Indeed, then J dOl J cOnSIII!1I ony II 0- IInll rdlnnding-I r lVe htl~e not vet obtuln mnn a foolwho'\\lll live With Il drunkell ctl Lho p cr~ cl ],/Hl\\] tll{e n.nil Jl rre ~~ g y. , "C'l ,,,'0In" wd~1l1 111~ IQ's \\n8 11Uch one nil th Dpprnl ~ctl \\1'lIe ofsnuh $hce p, county t rougior m wll1ch Imy Buch londs j Sl; 1 S t b b It husbend For my port I hava not II. spe k ernll1ewt af ourse lves nll lt stn 1I or;(J Fl1l th. l ~ " c 1J1J10l 1\11 JOtl \\ I II ur gll GYu l Oti llIueli f II hl h 9hull bP paid out of th e funds, arore or UllV purt thor 0 mo.y bn 10CM d. ure no III ml~y e ~O\lfl' 111 any 01 s1 m nth for ~he w~ves of urun~olJ _[ luI} ron1l1[a\Jled lhe 'seoret 9 >r{ng of our In one corn 01 the btll,ug ground bcst SIII<1, pro Illcd, thllt tho ptO\ !lUOJla of tlml her('by U.uthoflzeu to mnlw such ettl11tubl c 1lr~ 01 r Ord. ~galhst uJly rill rOIl(l t;am. - 1l'IP.Iln / ~ lY1l~ llY9 With the ;'Iell mllr~ tho I()\lntuln of our OIIl~OIl Qnd tho !enow'n fl8 hi 1St GhUi h vnrd Plnlltc!cl. section 511(111 not bo construed to npply to dIVISIons or IIJlPprtl!lument l\mongst flUl() JlIIW). Iii n~) J1lllty IIItO or tllr0i:g); Whl~JI wh"Q\xi al' nd nbuse thom Mill e dl ~ mot'" I: of ollr uctlon-if \\ e Iinvo' lot' tI ph ILJ r\!PilS C1 I he TOOlOlllS af the prnTosoplier l)crSonl! hovlng sheep "k,lIer.! 01 Injurt!tl Ify- rllll ds, pr the rond texes approprlDt(!,1 til ~ ) II rolt 0 till I complU\y rnlly e oCllte , guatlllgg~rut.Cs-the very /l Ight 01 II Itom 1<':11 )led that "lov~ 18 tho fullltJlI1g~ 01 t ;o F llnklln On f)terlllg the Yl\.rd [wm Artn dogs \J111t In 0 kuol\ n, anti "hose OWll(\r lIT OilY ouo Qf 1'0010 of \lIIIU J"OlltlS by luw atl and plol'e~s I~S~~II to th 91ShmllrJtI 0r f 011)' oU htto ~urn 11 \\ omnn'" ~tolUl1(.\h ' l \ ,,_\~ 0 II not II 18\1--1\ 0 nf(l 119 t on t ill r ef t, IlU ' n t Ion ~~ Ii I 1111(11nulu,h Iy be tllr c ow nors \Ire respomll bl ,or nil be rn~de so saHl comrol~slOnel'8 nnw deem prop r t 01\11 ty. IV tlI re I 10 prlUCl Ptl ce 0 buel. u were never pluce~ In such Il ltull Iy 0\1 the threBhuld of IttJtl\Vle()g~) od to I\IS hu mbl " tornll by U \\ (II trodden under Ie provlslOn~ pf Otl II ct entitled "an SEC S l'hnl the coull ty COIl1I11Ii1 IOllcrs bOss of conwu~) IIIU~, b \((lilt nnd hall tlQn ~"orefolo aTC not om ~tellt to I puth whIch IClids 00111 til , gllto to tho mur nc~ to prevent Injury done by tioga," PIlSS- 01 nny coontv a Iti orC't\lud \!huill,llVe I~()I\ e 8~rve I1p01l ;'\10 PICRluont POIi!ouully, If d ~ I!,~ 4i lOP t ll<l'~ trllUIt Ii Ihnl ClLr/y I1rlpro~!llon9 oro 0 lilo s lah bootJJl rr til" IWllrle, IU~I'lap Ion 0,1 Doct'rl\ber 24 Ullo!! ~II(I W.bldl to I( t'f. r r, ~t lI.11y I C'gulllr Ol,l srodul s ~SIOI1 c llh!tl ~(l\1I111. Qt by lonvlIlg UCQIlV Ilqmeh ~U181le 8 h~:l ~ltj~~V dr~l~k~v:~;l)~~dQI:O~II"u~~1 t~ i:~~:;lIt I \:~~v ol4' n\\ d~Il(jllt: rrl :jl~;; tl~;'(' \ci:,i) '~t 1\ 11Ioh \1111 at ob ° 0 slt~k £' tll o blfhol JOI \lIt I: fect Mn1 1 t. J8 16 • for tho purpes • to \lluk (l ny IInll (Ill onkl s 1offi cf4 II llh tI,e ,,<irllon !lUI IIIg chllrgo therebillme Por my part I OUl Inchned to d IllOnlLllIlI\ ()Cllllll/ nr'l~ I IIV Ilnngps itllli(\ it wo.JIlI r,VIZ rl llOllJOlllllt lind D bOloh,FI,runl, SRO 4, Th!\ t every <log not retllr(l~d ns neccll$ulY or proper to O\1 t IY mto t>flecttlll !O( DIl' '~\C]\UN F q~t1mR think that In 1'110 t 0;se8 to Itve 1\ Itit a Illltl()l~ gllntl 1 ho word mil) JIII.va b rn Illn n '''''Iih II onder 1 suy, becauso we ded for 11\ Ihe first seobull or tbls Ilct prOVIB.IOIl6 of this nct nntl tho 90me tv ... i ~ ~. .i 'ac tb "\ ' tl III ullhtl c.~ () !lturl1tl.,..:-lho ..miles unr~lQ~ I) g l~ nro accuato met! to see tI e 8tO)) s cover all be deemcd to hnve 110 OWn r ond modlf.~~, uhnugc or r penl os thoy mlly ileam Spfller oj tile Douse oj ReprewWlI1Jc,. JIqs ban(l, Ull r ese u rCUll1ftancc ,Ill Ie cn-Uio Ir \1 n IIllm O ~l1in fly b c~ towcd hUI It I I I ' 0 I II" aLES C ONVF.R:::J leost of two ovlla ' (Untt l'!I nOI It l~ rom~lIl il red II wugl( tul (11 mg t Ie tenements of tile gruut me.11 mscll- may )0 UI\ (lilly kIlled by allY Jler~on pr por, 110t JIlconauHenl 1\ 111 IU\1 I , ~ ,.,, ' , ThIS W1UIlilud by.Mrs Pit llire '1 r~ llild ~c nl~~1 In SO/lI(I Ilo/{roo lhe bed WJ th eliloglllms , but llle on \\ e ore w)lcnever found SEC 4. Thnt the road wxNI npproprlll I n ~ 8pM X'I I'lJ 114 &llatl! " t~\Ilk: you nrc rlgllt t.her!1 re8umed Mr arlu atIlT 01 (I cl~lhl 1 he [, Ilowin IInth<.\Uc nuw behollllng hUI! lIotbln'" hut til . wQrds SilO 6 flint It shnll II lllwful to kin tail (0 !lny froe turnplj{o roud In lilly coun l\Ioree ... l , 11juO Peten A woman feels to\V~rlls her 1)\1 n tlll,o , IlIlI~I TJIIl\ 0 of thlll lrr1lb 1 I r above qIlOte~, und tho \ ('117 III \\ hl(:11 Jt \vas nny dog .)r dogs fOUlld Il\\ Ily from their ty III tll1B State. Ilnd bUlged ug 1111 t Illly "N \( r I - 1(- I P 1 I husband, the fatltell of her children oud lh II1la~u~? ~1.r:I;u~~d ~~~~~II~l pl Y:l~l \l~o:~' I~ placed tbere O\vII<J r'ZI I)remlsea. uuloss III Ildmpnny wl~h resulent af !luch county hIlly 1.10 w(j tl( ~d J 1l,1!!1I 1 rl~lI;t~~I IT~~)!~ 1:1\)11::; 11,,:»111 til man who in life's aprmg time WOrt her bt: t lie gl~1ti II II ' Hnc gl\lhClre(1 orQ\lII(l Ill)' mOlh And th,u; I thc grnvo of II. mon Ihe 0\\ I r, or SOllle other pOTt;on \\ ho Qtlt unde]' the prollor oIh er ot S\l 1\ rond ILl u 1 Lh lr tl'l"~ I'I\'D 1)1 1'l l~ {lr.~ IIAt A s nnd pure/it ilIl~cWong, v<:ry dljlerellUy fr!)111 r II cllJMltbu l. \Vh nC\ OT l louk h ll 1M ell \In m)gh~ once bnvo Le~n Il rUlluway bey. I cl1Llms \h cQ'ltrQI of the uog allY tJlUe lie (oro t 1(' first day Of () tober III $1 ¥ I'I \ ('1 't I" JAI1 I-' )m l I hilt till Ihrcc wb~t'8be doe~ to ¥f11'ds nnothor IUnll Sbe 01 Iny I'nl'cLi l'J> l(lnac tir o 1~~mWllb~l\llco of l;l1~1!!treets of Phd~~ IplulI, s~ek lllg mployBC 0 Tbot the.towlWhil) OSSCSSOIS III oDell) cor IUd th count)' MmmlR"IOIlCril I s ,,10 I It," 1 fmud lU ll III 1111 brl'ONIllIllJy knowi aU hit ood nuolitl" nnd reln()m filhf.!.I~{\111I ~vhQ IIOK(\lfIGUr,SOMI t'Yr.uml ~()li~N III~ ment as Il vrlll(er, I,lll,d MP.UltOI 1lll'1 tIll CQ\lIlty' of Olllwforcl shllll IUtn uully III mt\y from ~lllle to lilne ol'lllim (Iud "stl t.- ~hl l 1\: 11111 i\ 1~ 1 1l\~\1 tlllt :1" ::;1~,lllI 1 (.11\1 1 1 g ., .,. , - Ttl... • )0 "SO Il1 Q )~r 111111'1 ,ann: II) illl t r I T,o S '" tl I I ' !ish t1 " I ' II ,\ I II t: Y, 1\ In "e, I " ~I'l" rl1~ /(1 lin tlltlls t;zpz tte Ie SO IllIl tim e t If') tu cl:l rh a li st Of prOllerIe P""O 0111 COll1p ell/wtwn ,or II lille f' r<t or <Jllvdl1l ~ 1I0Q pI ~ 1I c:h n,11 rlln.\1' Inl'" bera how tenderly hd hlls {ovad herJ and lu\l wltlch t.'VCI' g l ('9 .farlh n Ihnl) (It junera proprl/;! or 0 tie umte haw h~ would stIll 10\ 0 herl but for the IIIUl!.lfJ wlton roy Jib r~ lurns 10 II Inll Ie wlllPh IQng So o.bly cOllductel1 by 1\:rr hUl1dler ty lor ~xutlon Irst the, hlllllbQt of d gs SIX \VC/rk, lullor, servlCCs untl UTlItllrluh<fUIlII"'1 I Il) II ltY, li nd thl y nrv hcr hy nlldIUIl~~ d I I mAd mfatuation from wlllctl be fee)s It 1m. hec()nlo!f thOr rloopl()lIod nnd Holllmn At! thai Once ttylng oxpcTlmen~ With 1\ !<1\Tlple the 01.1 flnel lillI' ards, 0\1 nCII !lr k ~I't cd or relld6r~d on Slllll rOlu l, f.,ur. tit I()/ld oJ' " LJ IIIIIfclt Ie ~ III 'HI) lr Ih ' 111I' ~ 0 lh ~ Obl"ble to break Ilwny '£1'6 llope that 1" c lIlIII i~ ~tr6l1gll l 1 no<l by tbo ~III" or II und I pnllor kite, again, ulitollJllbmg tbll warld nt onch house, nnll chnrrYe the saine to ench tu;o( opprQllrll)te cl to IInl' sue I 10(111 (hnrgul 1 IIII~ J ~IIIW8. fQr til! 1)1I1P,1 II I Irnlllol'll1n,.:P llWlk I v " 1:1h c \)y Iho events Offl<leCC ~I' O Y66rs \Y til U e U I J J II \ ) 110 pul bON .] r I IJ by 1\lJ1 wlllreformr:evcrJo.llvea Ilt'r• Wh n site C J c".lIlpCl'son \hlltl o Llrc\n~lIb Q r\\ n my I I ISCOV<:rt s maJ e tll"OUgl lIs 1011 ch0 Id cr, 0, Ib e " peron O""lllg or an tl Ie jallu olll nypcr B01\ no t rl"llug 11\ t ~ jIJ 1111 lit I)ill11 l\l t't I( /lull Ih.y ut " . h ~ /lU loak»,at her chlluren, even lhough abusetl ill\'llhd 'moth~ r nlOVlIll;: lnngl.luJiy nbo"rll hbr strutnentnllty' Onco In J ngluud )lis II clullnmg the 15ll[ne or III who e bouso SJJch such county ah III bo rtlvllble III \llou oy lhm I~I II I ~l' ll)h \ f<UI It ,I 1l1{11IJ. r OU'I\I In and neglected, she connot but bope [or b()m o wnll tit linl III' tI of 4er IplllurQG l.ntl a celved jOll rtl0\ man prmler, nguin ns min· (\1111 or do~ lItay be kept, and r Ilirn the collocted liS ot hor roaLi ta.-..:cs <nu I a ppl t'rl I I ~ p JI vh trOll (or bJol<ll whli"!! nelll 1/,)1111 lin tMIt' fGther And tllla hone I' 9\ UI CfII O Oil llinl bU1HO wLLh pl).mfu l Ister froln un m~ epc nd~nt republlo, Once hst oC such oWlIera and tIle n\lmber of t10ffs ror tho hene11L 01 Old r till cc ortliug to r Ih" 111\111>1 it) (>1 ti\le Uti, 11111 t.c ),10111111: • n s ber 110" dbrlghlll 'S 011 CI bl'l ltllf It 1 reU! mller hljl' III Jus worllsh l' b If I by h m h t k t r" Inw lJ l ill rnl\rflllli " Unl.) , I' ~n1",oma.nlsafoolto foed eTsel( up " lIpbccllllUmoTB117I'~eqtly nnllh(lt\ ()1 f!LlO 01), 08~ ,loring n 'C I OnlC, I or C ep, as illQr Diu to b e . D1<'NJA.l\;HN F L~l'rER. o r wi~i 8uch fnncles Th!lro 1& only onetl'llC Illr lIut\ltlOre'g ntlo lIny liS f)OY, uit nt Insl he agUJl III the IJuIl of Icglslatlo-., nd,octltlllg count~ l1udltor, at the. samp tllllO thllt S\l~h SEC I) 'Ib ~ th CO~lIlt\ t'OInllHRl nc 9j xflk nf'tJlJJ lI()lIMr!/ R rc t~t s re0ie4Y. Ilnd tllllt 111 8ep~ra~loll That's uuk l[] 0 Iltt bell nlll,! IV Il " r lS oo\led UpO)l to the cause of fToedom, nntl urgll)gnn oppres- al'sess.or returns th o list of pn1perty fc.>r ttL'( of allY county hull I/o lind h~rdby or!' 1111 I t llARI1 S ~ 11 what I'll da and o.ver'y womOR of BOIISe. II 1101 <h" Pili am! tr nuli\<1<1 fllC:la " re sed people to rlS" nl1d dme tile :B:l'ltltlh atian ~l1d sUlil COlll,lty: Iludlta, shsll I.hor.Jzed to chnngo the lar.ntJOI1 01 tiny I)o rt S 11 if" C! ' , OTI't ten me about hope of nthllllll "(lr 110nlb , )1 11W mi n "lila 0,1 Ilie ~ Imu Irotl) our thres! ~ s, he WO oh~ o( ol\rrrffe ello!PII()lvj·r\lul.:;o relmnn.1 the of lin free turn lice r\lud I n til snmCl In III ;u I0I 0 'llli'l or 0 I ~ ~(1ul/.t ~.~..-.:--'"-""'~~"""~::-U \VblllM ov ",h~ hll. ,I I' rIII 10 Ir$ IIllfl '1yJllp'u.l,y lho"e I Ii ct.1 tl I dlp I h to II ~r r' I I ' ... I,rl I"" ~ ,..1 J I ir. relormlnJi It'••lll\onsetulO YouwoulU II1lrl cbil<lr Illltor\\ cpl lh oylwe\1 nfltwby , ,. \ 081" ne l-'lI. Woy, leu' lvesl, ell 't lCB\Uoa ttwenty fi Ie~ centsior nor fin Qt I Ie $ orne CO .. I hl()I1R ~19t tley 11 n't:,cat.tl,t ~o breakJng my beart after that • flo hlurrilllratl 111111Ill oco,] IIflr IILll u J\IIII ,1 an and hunofS~ It necessury, ror ·he wE'l(lll'e Ule Jhsb dbg by blm or hor owneJ or lcept, are by la\v nntllor)zod to ahonge tit 10('11 "Ilth~ ::i~~~d 1(1;r a;l~ I ~~l n~~~llIll~rlfl~1 nil taililonj lor any man Not said M~s m) hqU<!-U1r 11O'iI1 ~\vI.dlctl wltliln me, but 1 their fello.W CltlZ8IlS fi I.1nd the further sum of fiJ\Y ccnu for eooh tlon of nny par-t-t>f n count}---ront), nlld the ! J I-t I!~ h I ~ ,r It A W Petei'll aloOY II1ll l t ldes3 /illod ~ llb I\W H()r 1t)9 But ull thiS could not sllve 11Ip" fraIT, the atldltlonnJ clog by him 0 Iter owned or kept, sume IU\\lIl\pp!illuble to ~he 0.11 untlUlI ufi Jj~ J 1l' . \ I<-Ay, l)'lluh TIle mcr.-e Mrs GJlmes anll Mrs Pitl$, ~~g~S~ ~~~o~;:l~I~Q~on\lt\~:a o.~~~T~fe:V b:;'i~Jn hond of death 'i'bough the phliosolllier 111Id such tux shull be eoJlected III thl! countv rOl1ds shllll he uPII"c II Ie to. II CI ana othera present argued lbelr a1l10 of tbe alii! I$wec~ (IlJ tl1eYlovete, Icrtlho 11r8111llprOS"l D lind tho stntesmllll must ije 118 low us tile Olllhner that other taxes lire now col turnpike rOllds queaU01lj the mC)rlt jlertlnll,Nou"ly dId she Ihat he \or rlllllluned.on my lJIell1or~ 'T clld le61J fuvored, yet the C1rcumtllances connecnnilllll money Il.flsang ITom the tnx, SEC 6 Thill Ih <:olll1ly COtllllllS 10hef!!! m81ntaln the p,osition IIhe had nssumed, hElr ~oc ~l1to tt!llIl" tlltiOn bUI deh r her IroD! }~'l \, Itlt the Jives 01 ~hose whoso m LIto wns pn dog" shall be ol'proprlotad to tho ~m. of nllY county In Ihl s Stale ue lind they I TERMS OF ADVIlR'l!JBI:NG ll'f TBB until ~r. Pet.ets could jlot help being vex d fl~ 1!'lt1t 1~)~)~rt~:LS ~~:~I~~~\~I~: :o~~~\y~~n~~sl. hon sibi ~ l'artUJe," possess charms wJlIch mOil achoQI fund of sou) coultty 'I'he nre hereby nuthorlzetl to I\PlIropl'lllte to tJlO I MIAlI¢I VISl'l'OR and .omo httle hurt-be bellJrYller J\llSballd cd rt rO\ l)r Youo ns IIA n 'w1l9 Ihnlllrllyer all can IIJlpreclute ond love tjl clumml, we word dog sholl be construed to !Deluue oonstfuction and rcp!llr of UI1Y "tl1to or P rl!'lUU[Q. I J~ Iinf' -"IITSI U1Nf~II()I\ • ~ n~ ~ oIly one who eauld fO oS)cIlbly hold euler il nly II IIrt ~"llh II llol,mll1 strength 11 reud IIls~ noma an tnc marule slo\> ponder hath eases county .rond, far such tllnc as they Ill uy I\ch lId,lillOll1l1 III ~ rlll')tl F, the rotado., toWl1rds whom nl her IIIdlgnll- 1\1 lillgorcu or.au)ltl JIll hunrl 11 bl u8~19~ ~n..II R OVOf Ius virtues and mourn hal 108ft, us of a SEq '7 1jTll1l1 l1\)t shull tuke elrect nnd deem proper. thl! labor ant,! r()lld tux, or 01 Olle ollunr(t-llire moutfL" :I 00 tion -M directed-'londer the IIn ......Jnllrv 4(lr.tcgQt[rd~ Illltvll~ 1Jl1l 1t 11'1}~h 1\ U\IUilhIC Idhl~~aClnn denr frulnd, \\ e IItlll;la nrouni;l hili grnve., III fQrce frOJII ami nft~r Its lltlssnge tlie1:'1 of lUly or all I" rHon" l'esl alng or own ' TE '1~llxymA()nDlbV8. " r; 00 or ~ n o Ille ~ Ilny IUtleR, IV wn L ill ee "",nGf4S tlUDk how mn. B""NJA,-11N F LEI..... \JIg pr0 per ty WI tl llll t 1\ 0 ml Ios 0 f 4.luc h rOtr~', J: ' • ., POII.-Jl)U/t1 of bls becomIng Il tippler'It: .,I ),oull\ would tlllVU lull ,oilYIlllo orror, 11M IhUI ny I\lIve gazl) d WIt h fEverenr,:e J:." J.'oW • no aql1u\' .ll! "n~ , .~, t1IS1 ~ 0 7 CO At\er Ilwlllle tlie slIbJect was dropped 8Wljel vOi ce hl IV hIlIlIlOd.for0f,0r,\ mterrn1l1gled upon that stone, and our eyes become fix SpeaksI' of tlw HQ1J$e oj ~r(l8entahves to he expended und r the dlrcctlon of th<' 1 wb qUl1l'ell.!!G 111108 )0 00 IInllD the .close of thO even mg. tho (nenus 1'1' 1111 llly lb.01l1:,h 18, nnd lUI It a rOGY link uf" ad upon )f as though It possed Iln endoor CHARLES ONVERS, prolle,r supen Illor Ot 15llpervlsorll or 1IIItl~\' '1 hioo Mqullrcp 19 hl1 , 12 Oil leparat!ld lind went ta their lIames fe.lr-y chuin c!r~w lila Irom Illy purpose Inglcho.rm We look bllc~l<>nh)ealtfo oM deeds. Speaker of the Scna/~ 'tho dlrectlPn Of n. uperintclldent to be OV- 1 Fuur Fi\\Jbr ,!lilliIlWl }6 lIC) It WlIIl' pel'baps two montt from the "Vm GILmare SIIOalS In hili • Patlll'l Ilnd wbell we rellfemller thllt n nation wept nlurch 15, 18.. 0 pomted \sy eUld <lOmmUISIOll!)l'$, lmd snld !:!:I~I ~l!u"rt.lJ', 1 h?,llll ~ 2u C)I, , ~ IirOl b I' nmm 1981 ners .... (lU'IClllg ~ 111\1 \1 HI~8 ((Clr Illlieca 01 t'v period Ilt wh\cb tillS converlla Qn occur- Abliot, 0-, the H(lm~ Tourl8t, 'tim beauli· whon FranklIn" di ef!, ",0 canno t '-rell1lLln --.-,.... ,..,. "! 0 IlfO II r by aut bOrJZCu.1 to ory"'"cit'" crlpll II) \0> " '" clillT eel nt lhe rille) 01 1 red, that Mr. Peter. left III" bome eqrly In flllly Tcpl'eac nbi the "fe of the former dropPJug a tqcr ov~r hiS Illst all ode N AOT 10 lullend on I\O~ rniltlf)ll "UII I\.!:l \0 prollcrlbe the compenill1tloll of 8uoh S\lPcr· l ,or 11\ h \10111 , Ill" "mil I"'~ pru,d III IIdvnl\C the e..Ding to att.ell~ a political meellog "Prnl(lIpl s of ugrHlUlture Simple eltco!)dN'o t.owerll1g ",OTlUmellt rears Its h~ud omOllcl tho flOlto-nlith0r11.l\ lind r ~ Ilru Ille r!lcor IOtendell~ and saI(l upcrmtelldt nt shull III tlll cn~o , 1l01lttCIJ at the time runnlJlg hllfh o.nd hard moly Thnt th ey mtgltt Qe so GOD him. above tile clouds wber~ the mat bellms of ding ..,rl,h'l ofli6ttll8Qn'~ of c n ail! plI,bllc ofli have the 1"(1\\ er, 1ightG anti prJVlleges ol'<!r 4ih Oi"·C"'tllf9 pOL mnrkcc~ on lit copy r"" .. ci er flowmg -u fi'~ely liS water' He WU's seirwns thO) grent~ liTSl piallter Ho the rising lIun "'111 gll~ IU8 nairne, but ecrS;~~~B€lI:~~ft~r~s;:; lire General As- /la,d road, Illld ue subJcct to the 80.me re- I ollt~ ~~~ ;~~~': rO~ I"'3()fIIUn8 \\JIl b ullI III 11 ll) the babit of a\tendrng such meetlllgs wrote Its low, VISIbly III the brlgtoat, Ilnd thllt Inanlle IS III SCribed III charac~ers llot the Slate of Oll~o. rL'hot ao nlueh stncitoJls as supeTVlsors 01 Tood~IIlW ] II J1ri~J('g 6 (){V(l1t1"1 "dv( ~11~~l'!l onrr tu lind of partilkll)q o[ h1. pOrtiO of tHo ~I~cr, I. vllest, ond md"St l{ltl'III,!rluJe c:hnTacteTs ellsy tobe,ernsep op everylhbeTty Tovlng.he!\l'l nussed .J\lorch tI t h hn\ e, nnd lire.. 8vhject til (x:t Il tI ~ tilt tr <l~\ I) imlnC\JI III.! 1l~1 III II and at tllDell IOl11ethwg Btronger-bu~ a8 cv rywJlore lipen the brolld bosom of the Otld 60 lon~ phIlosophy COJItlDuea to be Il eJ ght hundred ond I~;~ cen~ 'e one SEC 7 'l'hat all r.ood taxes lovled or he WCIS a .obe~ l\l:ln, too,~ of, strol'lg good hhernl eort)I In nreone~t lenv(\lI. ill dehcate 8crr.nce benevolence 8 ,Irtue, IlJId 11berty requires the bonJ.s 01 oltecntor; IIdr:n' nil colleoted for tho bo[\ fi.t of Ilny free t\lrn~ eenlo· and firm pHnolJlle, the lhought of frtllt~, 11\ beguJUng and bolmy lIowerfJ ' ~I:e \vlltc.ll\\~ord of ,the Atnorlcon people, wJlI lratol'S and guardlall!! JiI~d prov ~ n t J~;8~ plito road, sholl be xpc(lded on und cllpro. pas!!nge of uld luw J 'to be rec~rd:d 0 1 )0. printed tb sllch Ireo turnpike III th townever p"rta~lDg too (reely, never crossed, Dut he docs not content p,mself \\I[h thlS)1 memory be aberulhed, lind Ius Ilame I;Il\>TI He bellto:l'i S 'the beptJlg6 along lonored -BfJjlti$e R~dc' separate book to be kept for tbnt purp~sea 1I111\) \\ here uch tax mny UO low.',1 the mmd of bIll WIfe ''''iI!~ an lill! hliLlts, he wns rQrely out With tho exomple Ho prepares the gar be nlld the !f\me 18 h.ereb re eoJpd' BENJAMIN F LE1TElt, aft.er'tell o'clock. on nny oecu IOn, 'But lion nmlthe home, before he cTeuted lho nenot)e DENJA.MtN ~ &ITER Spelll(cr of tJle 1I0ll 0 of ~epB Ui~rt.ime, ten Clune, alld elevcn\ but ho bOlllgs who pOll8e 8 them He 'fills them There IS 9Qmetluog III benulY, wherever Spoo~er of UreH(J1tse oj. "D- r eSl1 t t CHARLES 0 CONVERS '~'.HUll IW1lY Thill \\ liS 1\ etrClllnslatice \~ OJ. fill thost:l object.l!l of se nRe and septl. It dwells, I.D the human 'fuce. m the pencil , OHARLJtis C. I Speoker of the onllte 110. uDllSUal that hlB Wllc could not llolp alont ~ lllcb nro Lo 8Upply hi s morlll a)ld e.d l('lives or fiowel'9, the IIpllrklrng surfoce • IS H~I.J: Ih & ' Febtunyr 19, 1860 feeUog Il degree of uneaslIles, She Went physlclIl neceSSities. DLrdt! BllIg In the ~f t..i)(l fO\la~ntn, ar thot 8IIpellt w1uh IIIorah 20 1850 'JIM' oJ t lIate to liltened tor 111111 ofter the-cloak Btruck boughs abov hun. odors blolisom III tho reo.t.hell over: ItR stlltue, tbat milkes u.1I ' _ A-GT (utTler II) nrtrr.nd tl li'r.ctculftl Ii !'Inc! 1 Ii and .tood tbere {or sOllie time, expect IUr, und IrUlt tlo~"er cover the earlh WIth a tnourn ita ruin I houla! 1I0t e.nl'y lhat \N AOT ' 11 Ilrovitlo n,r IhYlng (lU t /Iud Inb h~11"g1r1lo mg every momcnt to lIeor tbe sounel of hiS glory 1.0 which \hllt of Solomon III nil hlB man illS (ochug~, who could see n lellfwlth • to p OVltl9 for lin corly publle(luon Aurndlke ronde P It I loT h 12 1(:1;>0 footsteps m the dlstl1nce But. $111), Will led mugnlficence \\Jts yam lind vtlhle)e TQ or,_ 01' a fiowenllll, \\ IthOllt n slighl tribute of 11I\~8 lind for oUlar pmpo 1llI. Sec 1 B~ it enacwil blJ th6 Getwral A m yam I1nJ at last r().ehtel'ed the house Ru. hanrl we 0\\ e tJloao Illlr groves, tho lall of regret Sec 1 DE Xl'llNA01:J;:D DY ~UE G~NEJlAL tlelTlbly oj tlle State oj Ohw That the lr ~; With 11 troubled feeling illliks o( mllJ estlc ~rees, these deop (or t.s, A5SE~1l1 ~l OJ' l'Jtx S~l'£ OF Onro, Thllt tees or Cammlal!loner!l of;11 Free TllrPll:k'; A~ last. the clock struck twalv e, (llld nl., tlle'sn broad plalnll, covereu WILh verdure ();7' Deeply \Vero we affe teu on rending Im.me lato Y aller the pas age 01 en(':h nnd RoadB wbldt heleartor have been or mQ; most At the IIl1metime fie heard her huabn'lld and lbelle mighty o.Ttetl~8 0\ t1uod nnd flV' t.h<:'do~her dsy of 11 young lody, "ho' ue\ng ~Ivl)ry In:\v ~f Il dgenehal nil nre, enaoted by horeafi(\r bo establasll(~\1 III t1J111 State 8hah ot the door endellvorlng to open It WIth & er, whIch wlIld an ong them with Ille lov. tol hmt her 10Hlr 'was uduenly lulled ex- Ie pro~en nn enc Bucct'odlng' Leglsln- nnnulll1v, all the .first lUonday ill 'Juno d,eod l.Jtch key In thiS he was list lie- hest mequahtles anu rrrlgclmg tlt~m With cloJmed' Oblthat splendid gold wateh of hi. ~~rStt::oS~:~Il~~:I~~"O~uety ~~e Sctretnry mnke n full IICttLmQnt. \' Itll the eowlty com~ cel8ful rrolr\ Borne cause" d'ftu begn.n t.() sellsollabl fel1illzatloll Thus did tho Al- -gl\e me thu.t- gIve me s!lmethmg'w re- III two English and so::'6 e 'Pu Iisheu mH!810nerll o( \he evernl Iloulltlee 111 or tlllnk ahe blld turned the key on Ilim - mighty Plonter dedicate tho gt:eut plllntll alcmbel' him by'" per ID the cIty of ~nl \sermtl~ ne\up,a· t.hrough \,blch theIr respelltlvB roods nllly II1B1II ite hllstened to ~ho door, WlU found It tlOn to ~he uses or thllt Vllrl0U9 nnd ,vond. flro therem prlllted (~lIb US·dl so mlln}' ~e located, of 0.\1 t!teu recerpUil "nd expenunloe~d rous fllllllly which wus to {ollow HIS A cotempornry /lays that elellm roilY be fro. heTelllo!~er rovlded 0 pn:1 (or at the ulture8 \\Ilthm such COUllty, OS 8uch tru8tee. All IIhe Mi.e.! the Illtch, the door was borne prc~llrcd_upphed \11th nil reSOllrees zen by 81m111y putting It Into a gll/lls vea. ury or Fronkll11 ~o t )' au! oj he treas- or commiSSIoners , thrOW.D luddenly a«alnet ber, and her bUll· adorned \lltll every vnrlo.tyof rPlllt and sel, (lnd tben placmg the whole III un oht copy of one or dun y, n.n to orwnrd a SilO 2 Should illicit tnr tees or eom. 1'00411" will 00 adapted to \h IJ1lU'kel. baba came ltaggerlDg ill, As he possed flower, lind. checkered Wlt!I .bunduJ.1cl,l- bachlor'a bo om. lueh low 0r I Bill t new capetl!hcantammg ml8SIoners fatl to moke otHement ill pro- WllyneBvltlo. '1' L ALJ.E~. br, be IIt1'Uck Ig1llnst the \\ all af the p'08. man oo~ducted WltJlID Its pleclI4nt bmlts of the sevo a" 8, 0 ellc of t 0 IIU~ltOtll vlded In tbo first section or tlll8 IlC~, I Fob~ 2(11 50 41£ B:E11fJ EVANS 8Ilgo-tebo\lndod-Btruck tho ot,her Iud and ordofned Its 'culUvator under the cy~ An old lady being ll\te ae-ohurch. 'BDtero(1 SEO 2 rn~hountles of thIS State county comml!!t'\onel'8 or tbe county m Q11PEB Ye DYSON II:. GUN POWD£an,ll then fell beavtly upon the 1I00r And SIIDctlon of Heaven Tbe nngols of Oil th Clongrego.tlon were rlllsmg I~r pray. countlos 0 r e aU~lto11l of the Beveral whlcn Boob failure takeB palce, "haU ut the 'v T~JWlUCC<ll,voo. priCO'l ~ PflJIP!lU~ ne clreaclrul troth Inlltantly dashl'dupon bea.ven descertd upon ltll hills, Gon.hlm. er "Lam eOld .he courtcsylng. "dan'h.l.!le ofFfftnld :)thl$ ~ta~ (except the countJ nex;t term of tha court of common ple4l\ ALLEN & EVANS her mind. He 'lV1I drank For 0. moment selr oPllellrl m lts voJley" at noondaY-Its on my accollnt!" after til LO , ad ere yrequlred.. forthWIth. the county. <louse SUlt to be Instituted "'VaJDI!IVIlJe, Apn~Wf the Goillen Ball roeeedetrecap on of 11 co~y or ~nld law, to ogainat such trustees or comnulI8lonerl!!, in It~~~f!~~~~~~~~~~ffi.A ber heart cealed to beatJ her head reeled, grovcv &l'U l'nstmct with lifo lind purIty and and ahe then had to lean aglWlst thc wall thc blessed starBl'.l.!Ie '-at night, abov~ the One reason why so mnny men are mUI. fwo new 0 contract for l'helr llublrcllUon In tJie corporate nome of the tolld, to enforce I . to keep from {alhng Then 1111 the tender celestial mounbllDs, to keep watoh over Ita erable III, that they IIreBO impatient forBorne- the coun:/ ap: rs, i( 80 many Ilre prlhted in sucb j!ettlement emotions or her heart rushed freely into call8ecrllted lIltel'f'''ts Ita rorgeOU8 for,. thmg beyond them they do ItOt stop to en. ty.five ce It: acollto!:ot excrdlllgaeven SBo. S Such, IUlt .hall be conducted aeUYlty It wu her own husband ~ bo lay ra 1:8, Ita 80vllllnas, ItI!! levele 6r flood lind JOY wblll they alfeady have paper all~ b per o:~ ou",n to eacb by the Pro.eCutlng attoraey of .the county t.rollll~ e or (Jut of e coonty aDd Bticb delmquent trutee or COmmll. before ber, overcome by the mlll!er.l!!plrlt pYamc, nre surrendered into tho handB ~r Qr~na drlllk the new created heir of Heavenl Tbe The lltt publication of the bans ()f mar. tlorreca;: wh Bald lllwa aro]l..blll!!bed eloner ehaJl be beld prlma facia Illble (or lV!th al\DOlt super humon 8trongth, 8ho bird.! \Lod t.he bcuts Il{e made his lrlbuta. flage III Massachulletts took place ,on the new pl1~r publl'~ there II! a German tIle full amoont of taIlS and molley which ftiied him up, although a lafl!:C mau, and net! and lduahtitto obey hIm TJ"e fowl lid-the law reqUlnng thllt form bavlllJ[ laws shall atftflHi ~ cenn%, IIJIld were applleabJe to the conltroctiOn of Hid IUpportecl him WIth her o.rm untIl sho got lIummon fum at mormng to bls Illbol'S. Ilttd been abohshed It wu in the calle of man paper in add II h an sue Ger- road. the ..... appean upoll \JIe tax dup~ JWI1I1lp ataIn.. and laId him on the beil By In the ovening tho chant of the n1abt bird black man, wbo declared hili lQtenlloD to l.Dbe(ore Pl'OYjjed I on to t e nlllJi~ here. cate oC1be oaanty. lad -in all CII!eI JOO,. tWl time ...Dll'd per!etltly Itupld In,1 eommoD hlillto repose. Tbeollt lubmlbt lIarry a wllite womlln SBC 8 TI ~menllih.lt4 a.ereodered agaUIIt .ald oaJr alUDbW incoberent replies \0J the h.. neck to the yoke; the horae movce at ma • lUI COIiiIJlJUIODf'~ O....,. COUll- tNe ar _ _ I~ for &he CDIIla of 1II11t. ~Dt oil ...... jmJlOrtwlItiea or hLl hi. blddlna 10 \be plouab, and tolla of aU Tn bOB Busnn:sa -M,rrled the !i:.:.:o~:e discretioo, direct the au~ Ptooese ma, be iIIIUed from I~. are rebdftJ ..ored BU<:eel.8ruJ by \be 10th olt., near Toanamer, N J lib min eaua to lie pubbahM m ~ eo.rt to theor u.. lOt ~ aDdreMed .,ntle till aem-1 8uDehle t: .Irt11U, JIr. Joeepb Grut~ d1tot theD~-;:,hoc;r:ir l~ acta .. ..,. ~6er 01'" aoan&7 fa '-_lI!roUII~"" ~ltal
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which .. .It...... . . all Ian to rJpea tlailla lrou, on nit, at Dotei' N paiD ........... totulcetbe earthfBeDj Lot alld I,.." r.RendrickB.' poor , - - ,.. 1ndtI." 1111.. Jecblb Abn I,..
JDON ucllDOTIt ..
IJzo " ....... udcona..;. ,lIeCare thiIr
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"-- . ~l Sl!b YOllmOr!'" '," fC,lilh' jume. n 9IY C(llt YO\l~hilll " '<What, deare!\t1 " , i,l Gull _Wcils ),Oll, my 1J:1lg' I! 0 ~h~t I so WI~IHld lllld,fo(l.fi h!" ;' • J uhn M' WIJ Hit' , (lio Quaker "poo.\.. in , I I"or lb,,- M,inm\' jsiIIJ(J' ' "0. yo.n. afe very)111 vary! very t • Let. cm4(l' tali.c such a b&lllg of' \t l~y to 111)' , l.tl ndt/i,·lf"J il,: nt tbc ,"orr most 1 arid fill tllf,} lirolt or llCxt Septemll er yQIl ·(lud , w\'itillf\' IlJOIJt tIlo l rj:;h 1I)1!,rrnllts' umolll! .TI1U TIm '':l~ml'~ <?l}'ruE~ ~n!i; rIO IIc~d fot a 'phY~lcinr)." . ", ' • lI~nr 11 gvcr 1'n?iC LO$a( I El ,~ert1 partl U\1 t'i hn~t' 1\0 ~~'Oi'O. r;< am t -par ':In . thl.l,SII\1. r )l'i tt ~i) L Jjag.nrta: h~~tl'illl1 i'n\,lcr' r j\m \ Ii~;, ~r :...... ~, 1 ~'fl o'or th 90 t1(m:\llll.hs w.llfJII!IJ~s II o~ 10 " '~ I.Je could 'do tlO goo~ if her ; ' no lovo; ] Imow mbre of lhc wol-It! nnd ,its i 11 01 and j ctl" ,A look orl)llch door pnincll u'ld Jllj al'~ a ll l\L1vocutc/ now IIUlI lorovcr, of ['P!£· (Inti J.. I~ my c!~, ,( COil rQC~g r Ii 01 n i1m'1 • ' • 'i•. . HI ' , 1 " I t " l' I, ' 11IU1, " t "Jn~ W ,' ' l )1{lt']lr1ldolnc! . \I . , fOr'tha It hll' tit " (onm\I ,1 '''1 I' \1 .':"• .,' Y,\>u lUI I~ k e 'my nl 101'l1l~ , II " I' ~ ~p O!Cl lICS t Inti you my-beB nnd op V ~e· f t 1'cprot\l:ll W/IS oosl upon , rIhy ,ri rctlCn lath ~ " al un,,. ' r1 ~I,' h1m'1hlts rt"'1 0 n .IltClll tlllll! I , a 1I ~ , , . ' "0 ' 1 'd I I 1010 1' . .1 I) ." " 1 I "," A I [. d .1 ,. ... I g.. n (J 1l ~ , warm- ell '"'" \VI!Qn. earth. ont! nil', nll,(i ~'Qn \)luQdumo, ' ., so" po !l ! 0 etit! Y 1 rTlram !f1V!!4. mow thore lito mUIIY OV11 ,O"\o.ny, I!!to.nt y \e I'ctl;nctot!, l\~ t 1\1S n Cu th o 1~11~'l>eU(l. , , , f.Illl~ f\lolly I lW'rt,'t. Ii I> op lc. '{'hnt hf 800m bl\thllt1 in bJit!9, ' J,' you 'm-u..~f l<;1) lU C " I}\ut lTuublei! yot! . ,~' snol'O~ , m,:tny hiducn aorro~vlI before ofwhtch , l'ardon me for 1'0 much II!;! VQII cnter· , I " • ;/)\t~1I lt1. ; ,\ Iwe lunu-thut his patriotish'\ OIl, will, th9ugh [thou lYb t I would pItre you uro 19norunt. Ah, If you but kn w tn '\l ing till!! ,dlndo\\! of1) fonr, I f o.T rlO I D• 1 1",I1' vl~1 11-9 fn l .ho (\:tnnot rOI'g()~ the cJaim» At" ~Jlini~'" ,,!) II J" 0 Ilr II' , nIHI dm you 1111 the Pl"li1l8 lor u time .. r '1"11m'[y Il:l d nCCllstomC( ' I YOIl g r! tl)or 1 to milch tTlle (lp.votlolllll'll love )I i 110tl .; I - (1 Int ' I ,s i t:elimon, Tbe S 'nrll • " u 0 .. " IOllgnr 'I'o- t I l!lm uII,I'I' Illl)]1 . ' I ·'1 y l ' er 'I (Jul • I I r '/ " v " ' , - ' " With lL'r ..' d . ' ., .. ,mOOllS pn 0 1\ • ' mo~rolV r nm goin . awuy nnd tbi'l e\(c.ninll' to th m nnJ with tho· ncqunllltnnce 61 ·rlll l too much our;ty ':\IIlI gootlnl>ss dw elling in ~=:;;---- ~. ~ - s .. qS()_, l~ O~l' In o.lm-llo£" Llllht.$ \l~ iily tro,c l( ,...... , , 1 .., .. ' 1. I d r ld t l " "}, 1111 11 (1I,.. P lOt 4~l!r flly 'stlflHlilon II) him ' A i\far l j~ur \lla nig!ll·biTd'g \\lilJ, 1l1,IQll t ,111y'-;- we part-por lfips to m o t no mcrre in th iS yotl wem 0 c loose U .r .oll 0 now, cq!.\ in yOUT heur. to \lerthlt»u 'h tI tlllng." I hill'\! bl'ollthinKillg 1. '.duy gc-utl r In· SLrunO'er iu 1\ ~ Ir~nrr )Iinil he is HI b ' nl \Aild the J3Y ,G~IfJ~ comeS elMling h~l)lt, lifo!" en:er.tlll.n your proposltlOlI j b,ut r. ~yolild lio ,Thon why 0 0\ t\em,on ll'alo your l)eU(lt clcor - thhl ldllg ol \1\0 ill{luQn' 11 Jl~;;fng I waY6~an U!)jcCl inl er£' t. 'I'h~ po~relli nrllily. III It wns now All)J:!li n'd turn to 'beconl!,} dO lllg,I' "ll 'nce ~~ my own bott er J\l 1lgerpent tJ1y n coptl ll ti the money Ilt , Illy hnnds, . wor~l , n ~\Ilg~e look may exort Il Jlo~ lh (l ' aud r llu'l hnrs p. 1'0\0;111(' ill 'his Itistol'Y,":' pnllid; nnd with tromllliuj! voicQ pno d p to Jo ~o uudqr elC lStlll 'tr(l\llllelall CO~ , No j'FIli\h WitilOUt. works i!ld eud,' Y~\I lmow ." dcstlJlY 01 n lU I. I hu\'u .baoo tlr":UUll1~ \1 1\ \Iilltl~t u,ll .thi~ · t1l'purCIl \ gill ty of ' IOnrt I , IIgit(tpon sIlO Qnqu irod: ' 00,' I ~0 1lIll 'n6V()1! ,00 hnp'pY to Neo \0 cidel· If Ah thor tlrc oth r TorlSOUli wlJy T cun I~ng II~y drC!nm, IlllllU th slIlgul r r ,1i:~rU\l- untl ,nationu I drollery nnd wit, ~ho Jioor I '. , . " " ' J ....' , ' . . I ,I '1' .I ·~ , I I .1 j ' tlOJl 01 thQ Ilu(J/un II 'urt Ihp \I'Qllde ,' hll lll~ J emi"'f'ollt rl :\i~ /:Ind th 1,1 " 1 ts ' I' 'I '!d Id gent 1y t: I, uS "0 n;rllnv wh~t me1tl1 tJrose terrible IculO lUllll~ liPIUu ul]!<l 'I OUll n'u 1Jy llvOr., I not r~cQ,nre1to1\l y u Ihe d(,s lr~tI SlllD , ' 1111 t'Il"c 'hal' (\UIl ~ , ;-\ "acl; Invl n"" IT<'l llle '\.C. \ '1 t1" \.. . 1'1' ., 1'1 I ~ J "1 "II) , u. I I 1\ ' " , • .. '" " , "" , .. h 0 l r;I" IUllj a, IHY )1e. y 111 her soh" word '! " '. " , .' \ ,r \u\1 WI I )' OU 111\1'0<.\ t : t!ITI! . I III;,!.{ to g'll>lh intI) itl' d <'I' fl1(l I HQ$, UTH\(jttll \ l(P'" nlli n.lIy tit ho; . ~1!)-T 'coll Qcti ol\ ' ·'~~u know del~rest, r ht1vo told 1'0~1 mv "Wily 1,1, YOIl {alit all Ulo~gh Tw ~ n~l\de , .q \in.« rntll<!r Dot/, .,M,] ill! unll un!. Ih 11 ll1W nw~y fr. til il l1 or u IlltlWr'tj \II Sill' aoll sii3tct"~ l'uhJ\vel l 0111 r aling fcal's thnt thotlln woultl omc,\'h n WQ ;~d}no th l!lg (lnln eVel ~lnddoncnnyth l ll ~ . , , ';I) tyou\il1go a\\,(ly,p(:':I~)iSn yot t ~ ?wtj\\ nrl'l1, ras tll~ ll~i\ O,~Olll!(lk~,ll~l. l'e UI' !t:UIIILlhg ,h lm-agru\' 1tlpundi nn(~Is.- ·. wO~1 ld be R~por IO~. 'l'but urQntle\ljlo\,lc 1l.lnl1kG ~ lind my 0 d prlr~n , I 113,\'0 retul'n $idc~ll nd (lio \1 01)11 tl'llrJ ll'er;o \ 10 ul\O~h'i)t'~ hQa(J l1l, ,n ,SJlIjPiltJIl~lIlg , llIo- flOnt chlldl YIlt" (,\1' ',ryoml the 'wILIo' . ' IU'rived-collle , , ", l I ,..] . II I -, ~ 1 ' . t> . . . , 1.10 11.·Oln· w'lth('r~ 'I 11\ ut "t' I t· . h' lir.s lit luSt ICiO In an,un ex- )oc n ong Ilgo Irntl utot, Into il t Ie my~..., - Wltholllil IlimllrJoud ncar to wlltch o ll er Uow "lrrJllgl! I 1.1 ' 1l.IS 'ldJI thtit ,. ([ 9I' W" I J II ,I , I • 1111 g e,nn ~ss In l. , . rI k' , d r dil l 'I ' 'n yon Itoug I \IS 'WI Y ur ' lit III wor I , m l;mQ I'y~(c lI' til r' ]I rlW(ls-'-rj' "n tI ar [loeted moment, Iik l! · Ihe shllft .QI' I c1osliny' l'lCS 0 101:.l.HO. eopmgl nil , . j~ g It to ) YOlt with u'1Thc~iol1nle soll tJitude)uTltI mini ", IV evcr I)Nlr IYilhill uur huso rn~ a Ii rlrt ling \lhil1l II or II "S\~'iltc ~Irllthur,~' ~.h~ cn nntl se~ ra us- od only knol~s till "'! Iefl!" ~n:ployeu .m ~n! proper ~u lhllg, .. , ' ltl l' to y~lIr Irants; all th is you ' wiI.1 (\0 ra· tloll J~t101'~ 11(1(1 11 oth ra for 11I11l,JIiIlCSH, S I,t \'c,d bin,-tlt No' World ' it! futgcill.:n ,"Alit! why l\lu ..1 yO~1 g9!" l.1\ltYOll wo.lld up\.. Ilko to becom , J Ollr ~hcr thUll Ill! '''p t, ft'om mo, thut ,wlllch you llC('Ultl l,ol r:;Y Il~lllIthy Illl~ iu\'o ! H? IY 1'1~';lI~gc, at' ~ mOO·1 Ilt - ~uluc Klllnrdy nnd till' , 'J} onus I love ybu 80 dontly." . QWll s?r~n l\t." ' ' lllOed, 0 tfte" ;iWC(! hop, I !iurc,;o lol'l~ t./tllt III c'vcry JOY , 6r' S ttowJ , ,,e m sll u clll'~- 1.l1ly apnr) III b (~re .1tlln- ,Ialultrlongh " How ~ . Espl 11,1" .W rIllugly, SCI far tiS I\:oulu bo n ccesll:!' 1ohm ish'cd tlmtt.his which I have ]ll'c6~rved I It til II t I hOM!) lltOl\Tld Llo j II) let th urn [!:t lr L'tl:II{S II 'tlCil lh }ill I lIs durie, till Illitrov .\'~b ul-'" . " I ~.' l fjhntr.'Ollrl&dl l .. ~ t , " I fee l auoh nn Inter /It III you Al~l e1rn 'J \' r Y,..,\lt 6 .e. . ," w1 lh ,;ll II Cl),l'e'l I)l.\ld nt least ,l\t!~ 11 liS Irp m I llIrrIjOf ~t1 ~II'!Jt,orholll". I. '" I ., . b Ilit ~hc!l. "QthEl '\n • I, '\ \'(o,li I ng ":~"' ~ u .. 8 lin .. , Cf; . , '" t I ;. l ' t d IU t it l . " O l l ,\1 Ilry 'Ui'l cn 01 \,'0 , 1 C . U Jl l I I npl)h Iln(llttdl u~' 01'1(1,-1 wi h NatUfO' 'bli;s ' dInt· th e JoV'" whie'h -\\IU U £rst a iled l1p ln, tl . "UI no .nn W no p CI' m you 0 I!J(,1ing dl WI'Il~, (I, i ~ gone) gbn <" nn u Willi i ~, hU1l1iliJ heart! such itR .wonderful Ul tlt llllll' In'" til l'ui rll! bf 1'11 0, S VElu (:1 ,i Si r 'tny hMrt by yOll, hos r1(lcned III 0, Itn in- lTI(:ke $IICII 0. !'Ill'Ml ficD rur ~ ~y , 1I~kl:.' , ~, rulltha fO/II.!!)- thi~ lrlitterin~ thllit dear tq !Rln! lIcll tho heau Ir~ll thOMY by ·\i' liI h. It j r\:hlllt\'d Uljb~tol' l{ a~c, I he brnk~~rcl~~~u~1 tCJl l;e desir~ r 1110)'. suy n l on~ih~-fldo~r ,[~woulu be u~ sQcnfi{o, wl.lt'l~e ~OlO .IS Imo! G?uc(oo , ~e~nlls,e tHe 1 \led one.l i lll ~u ,d('(\. '!\ij til .i1~ )\.1111 IJltrJ~, WhOl,l.~ 1 oflho D ruids: t 1111 tho H;~:'nd' T()w()r~. r soul-ubsorhlng 101l'r~ llg-to be ulways nenr conc:erll'M nnd 1\ sighed "I tIt It 10 a b J. lwvo.long cher l1>11eu . lt iQr, film' to tilli e It . trll1~1l Bru t~\I~II(\<l hy thu ll~~~)llg hrO~~('J the ChomkuUl f1I1P',1"OTIIIlJpal's..-'-lwnuttrnI l yOll to !liwe YOll ror Illy cpmpu'niO,n l1l the ~lQec." lnt l~y hillJt!li! 0 Ilil'nm tllis i;l llllldlld.!" l ~o~A !?l'th,n lo\~; ~QII III tliI, lf Iho. flon~ ot Qu,l l1lCluruful n'l!ol l~rli,)lI\I r hia jtQm . \ tl' I' I' r t i l " r I ' " II • jet ([I like o:xcceilingly t o tl'lI YQU I UIl' of A' d ~h" ,' ,. " 'I h f . h tho \\' IUll i: pl.fI!'.ltl\II', i,," 1,'1l h(l! ,!P Irl\O (l Wid, u-: II \f tIl' rOllglJ ui II ij,)lI lnin lrly cl,lrl'~ 1 0 liP. , lC.S mr,r 0 n YJ"Y!lJ 1(' par , . , u .,,, P~QtI uU)IQ( er uce In er" gllyor IltruUl, Ii J il)ltcs IU'C full 0 1 I!'lc(', IiO l¢~ and Ii ht l\"l'I' t'/I I bonr 111;1 iI ~ I icipl)n t f lI')y hQl'tll!, 1J\0 lIugo.I nC g\.lod, ~he S(lln e Oplllll1n, Ulut tru e luve 011 my hunos ulld trurrgled Wilh n11't.](oned emo- ' do Ill> Rll'iiw's of·'lto hld1\,·t l'iilr, IL!! "Indl" lJ~ tnu~ it " Al I' I' /(1 . t 'J tld( 1 hH,O , '11 . If ' , .. ' 0 • • , .. ' J , v • • 10 Ig I. 1111"''' (u n o n oue I "ThOll on IIlI) cam';! s I, I,y labor Il'lr~ D11.l noss to cheer th~ t!lll'k, ov~r.g)0?l)11 hOlirs. I1 tlrt Wl . not pC~'\l1lt :?O ~ 10 0 .:r you ~y f ' iona, tho tllll'r~ ~trof.lm!Jlg from he r ('yes . u£'tlth tho nlU~ic;Q r:l1 .~i.llg word, I', gr!(l I'e 0\\, 11 <'(m 'llry I\ntl h ()u~htfId IIIHI. 'l'OUd1lorlg..-, . ' . . r mny Ile se1fi,4h u\ till WIRh, till it hos \.(1- 11I1:ld at th ultm ye,t. , . ,, !lirnm wu!> i.tJ clei:p tli:.lrclis, lllltll<u uw 1I0rJ and Ijwc)[Jo hr li\lJIlit I I\. \11 0 HI IllIun ~ i ug' Itnll bcu.;tiful,wus tl\e i\ljunclioJl QI ;111:1 ollI.\fU'!j&CII) 'ilgcl~·~ lm."'lIl l:l}otIIlClI " kC II, JlO~~t'tiSjo no( I11YRpiril.ll,(lIlilI'cnunot .", Ildun~t gr.) lrom4\",ntletls t, T !1l3 whll ~ t dill: 4.t l ngtJI ho ~[) ill: l . rllC'glc . ~,- I · lhC'ru:lh arHh:ltRI ~ r\quJl(l1. P rc:)p hc'3t o f tit ·II l'),ll'llw : ";\1bl\ ~h!l n ll() t " ~""11 til' Jly ' 11 III ~\I)!h I~nlt III ~:'f1,.r. i fi' Ihllt h<'~13h it liS Lbo Ilenrus~ fCt'lJng of, J !ll\1ch yO\1 ~1l QI' )y grunt." ,- ~ "Am 11-1 ' 01' )(l\O\V thn~] I vo n11U rl. i l~l".Il ? 1l Qf YI~I[latny . ,\ ,JIlls\')lf lh a , It /I not OJljlruss ~h e /jt,i'/j u([rr, '(\l i' y~ Itnolv lh~ H~rtrt '''I11 ,til l bl\> 't 1 !l~ lll~l3Pr'~O:lL ;, ll 11 ",I~r' , ' . I I f I' ! " , " , ~jt1 1l d tlJhll ll1l'1l (qr;l 1c)\"'Hlg ~ l'd !Inri r \st,· rI t \'t11i1 tl t ., I I' , • l' l!llrt., 'nut YCHl I,uow, I llUYO ullv" S.tic,liT t1'1 1111 { llQtJ my .01\ Y' lope 0 u, spe I y ildc irl yOI~ wil h ull m"!Lcar t · but I ( !IU I\ ot Ii "1.1 f I' t , I U 1 "' I C) I '. . 118 • ., 01 ng \11 yo" CI C , :.rUllIl"Y Nil ...... , .' J I I' I I 't ' ] ] . I ' t' . J, • 1\.1 J ce l ng, P. HO. • leve mo, t O ll' ,'" In I h ~ I lid /){' l~ "V1H ." " . ' (' lorc!l l wO\tldllO\'el t lkc,y ,.U f'rolll l\hotho 1!I (j I 1!I ( pcn c!lo upol1 gol n~ . t'II1'l l s· llm.vm ep ndoll on IItnytOl'lll.' IItllld .t t(,nr!! thutl::vc(' fil II ure \hos 'lhnl" " ~. , ' 'l~I\l" ",hiln Ion I) rO()l'JIIIU \I en chI" plllh oflux-my ul,.1 opu I , I('C, tl) bnl! of 'unxit:!ly l~Y hClll h clocs 'utterly frtil ( l;Ihul1 bo rorlu- " I do not n"k or ,\:j II YOll to donr H il·a.m, Me all 'd ill ~\llilLldQ. II liell h 10 d h UIl(I ' ~ . ' ,, : ' , W'III"~1~11 iJ 1,,;Y!IOtll1llll lill, unu l-oll. 'fllrOllgh tho crnshing weight of lliH ~ nQIlgh to reIurn in n year O!' two, :lnd it ns deur tq mo n to you. }jut hQW 'lUll j ~I\Y ~I' i(Jo ow; y. 'lI !!lU! we .1; l,llu II I . A Dtlflt'lh/UI. fI •• otch, , M "11l. I h Oft(l n ~\\' \ fc>rlh la. ltg, n I ~lg llllltlill'g nil'! plti II l'nl tli sllbility of -lint you may gllQ& whnt." ltnldn!t tltis nffecl your iut! pOlld 11 0 '!I' \'blJ.u\lt $\' IIft,I\II!Yi \\'~ 1'0111.1 1I0l litrllg' . Th boll ltll~~! Agnll\ til BRrI mrsl rl'j ' , )lj~bl\tJ~O hv (ill} ",iit. bo'dy 1 huvo u n pr<.'·Y Qnl('~ n~'L~lirlng "AnI] then we 1nllst 11l11'U" . 11'111:1" ul'P tl\'V wnl'S in whi ' li i t luig1 Jt glc 011 Uu'oull'il I In, II!the S\I:l\~t wO'l'd ncv.;r I ~Y of 1) 'a h tri os uut hi!;! his ~ron dirg , 'l~l' ll¥ 850 A II 1r " ' 'f d I' . ' I " , full lI)lori tI l ' (,:u. 11,) fceh~lg heurt Ill'" r 1111 1ll ~Il~ur 'd t lll lO/! , A.l1uin' Sho !illn 0 \Vayne$\ll il, may, l , .., sut'l\ u !tome n r II siro; nil now J go eS!ln llOW. see It IS growi ng :t~()- j Ilrllt, you. \\' ul? IJ c!.'J11I5Cious ot OUI flleL It I pel! 11. C:iI ' ~ it.,H IIl Wo' thol'n ~ that He IIi I lule i1l t1 Ill , 'I'he I'cmdTlId '/IS enomv ~r , nW:l\'t.OlJu~tlc with tho wl)d\ tonc (j lll- Iueetll)otnal YOlltO r'ltnemb~t me wllll(h thdtI wusindeut(ld tOYQU~ l'thpolilOllllt, bel1 &lthhh &pefl\l sufrHtQilfl011'!'r o"ujli JI) ouv mill t ~ . t1 b ~ ' tIl' I' 1 ro l k 0 I ,(. I . , I ~Vithou t ")nIJlnlh)' ,"()~lr Il[F·oti\ln ' ~tolll" . Ill,1Ji'b1li. .. ' T ,hl\0,< , 6 k'Y It! tid" ol,lj .t. L:s tho cllphlllatioh !lu!~ l\I~' ny, [Pi e.al I u III o~'e, r 11 /0 y, LI \ unu til l! ,c,~ml iOllHness might le!~u yuu 10 r.e~l!t 1I1l~ cJ~II~Y , hllli Uie ' tlrllting JlOW O. J" , t 1 R ,; . ~_ Iipli>!)1 i('ntl.Y ) 'lid I " w~lI , :ijut th lIael uhd }HlI ful word, must 51\Y aor.nc.tUlllg or <10 01 C (\ot, whll:h \you!\I ! f'nlie a'WJIY hllll I! ,')Pl' Wd Jng woultl lhoQP ,klel lt'S III , Itt), Will .~II IIg 1) lnMt, 4 Illl){i 11uy W,i, ~o:t IClr Ill!) Brun i YlJoIl .lr. " Cl ':if '\lut 1"l))llutisrnc vrV. , ' YIlV \vl ll be spQk\1n: so., my 4oul'es~ ""ll1el\l, I uiUyou II' ca ll the I'u V' "' , j :llll( \vllljcl', ollr hUJllN! wOlII,l lll b blighted, IQI' , 1\ r\lne,ru l-:",cQI~ 1I"ilhonLJ and lllotltor Tn J} J 'f'~. !llmdY· ' y~u ~j) O~l'~ ill tI, world wilh- I'J ur COl ~iLII' l fldte~l! ~. !'rlJ.y thut our po ling IIIO\' he 'sh6Tt 1 '~I\I\yb\.llhi\ll~ 110 \11l'lull'y 6r Illdl) Itl.llld.'t()\llr <;ur ' 8 \V<IL1II(!1 w. U1l'lU,:I\\tII , 1'1'11 .11 111(/1- ~r:lil (Ii tl ,'t),)J·IIIII1 be," fu~d b ~9'1l iI( r er O ( L:J7" aud I~u ~1311 onoe" \ ' - I ' 1 ' ;, ' r uU1I ,I ." I " 1 1 I I u. (l~t \\'0 WOU \ 11\ (, u~() 1()1l-1(lUI'l.C , ' r1 Y 11'11 0. ~ JIrOU t , · ,}.OJ'th l p'1\~siJ\g nt;t/1\l1 t QI YOlllU ully ot} r.llght , ll ~ lI jrlt tit, !:ril" n ~ : IJlII 'hrl1, \ i th lit K)'ru- nll'II)'. AOolh ' one hue Illl ij~c(l: b(}y.nll -"-0tion s ltltte.r\:tl hy dl~(lMQ, to B'U)et lie COh-, UI1 ~ our ff'UIlIOll soon.' _ ' . OY mon T~ tN ' T.p, I.l glo l1 ' T otht'l" c'llItI s-I he IIlh{'l(HIIS I ror a In(l~lo~t the te(l~'~ gtl hell fl ont , with h~ n~<)sl pre{c,unu uJmlr~tIOI1.'.lU)tl ~ plllhy Ilt~ liJving \~':'IIIt1 I. fc)\I,I~11 II j 1001' th r I\lr~" of $)HlWt\ ,mil wiil\ry blnstll, In, . __ ~i:;t;lIl t C'ibi<Jld O ·h por;!u' d,Ni'r11l do II t j ,r.~r ey Bin 1)llIlalllg torr rlLs;, thell h<.> r heud do not uoluJ'rc tltnt .Yon would lnNJliulllqlfy lil t OLl~ Id' tliu !I'I elld IIIP, 1,11 thl ll world to II pring r)f c.Lcrl1Q1 bllils lind nMnding ' ,I .1 A ' I' " \I' ''r .1, "Ja:l'''U IIJV I" gol ' WOS bo\ 'ed lUI if in 11 r'llexinO' tbou n-b l' ~ I (,) shell q thlll ll' fOJ' "11U oneidcrtl.tioll' u\1t \Wllu hJ hE\ kll wn I III re fu' el' r, \lnc.\ lhe \J100I(I, l'lIs!)od rl\\'«Y it) wVjhter l Ji'it II Iql1l nllu 01 , L~ .. ,", vU ,. • t' ". 1 <> , 1 0" J , Ii.' I, I ' 1\ 'Il ' •. 1 r' , r1me I' r 1.1' 11 I' ..' n.a 1\11 ror II I wllh or ~illl eJljllYed lIl 'lt dAb::;' I ,u.[! If~ w moments r pass d lind tJ,Oll lifti JIg her tbe vcry ntt mpt to 0\'01.1 so d\)i Il/r uligltt l ~cl1lt • :,Ir tN I~O\l .' ~ I~ hsel I~hll °lllr 11 A °t 'Ie 0 l to I '. aI, fu, lhng IIko O\l~II.Ill\l P io' . ', I . • 1 "1 '0 1 \ I • I ( " . Ilut lIya}' , II vcr )lCl'I\\n Lo ' l "1'1)1' WIt I t II' envo.. 0 ~ l(I (Hlrt I 1ll1h Willlol' Of' lifo '_ " ul cOml!lIlllh)r! whlell i". Mm' d IrCllfl til'. ,. \>Vlly 11111<;. Y!1ll1 H I' do YPlt Ihmk ~ u~wy crlls to \ll'r elver rI , Ie ;:111), ' 1 .oU\ to .l'llC t u I'C~nlt ~', \\/e ciln o.von,! :eel. t 11 \1 I' !1ilrirlg \1I~'l, IItnU 01' t ·llt. ~l'!tcn H It Q\J ~ r tho wurmhl:l1'11 donn to I~ S3 uuion 0' i nclrou p\.rlll'l III it. " (lIll I>, I : 'P Ill' (rl 01 ~ Will )\\1'1 LO \loe y \I I ~r va .\h III I ,I How n:lUch mo'hey 110 YOIl \II llih f, r, l ... Illg IV Ik,,'n oro on CI(rU , of ull Ihe tUll \>. g\ \' (t me s)' rni,u\)ry! fi II n nl til 1\\11' ullll u.w lIy. Y f! I firm otlbctiun, 'rhr.y woro, Il oppy-hnp.j')" ill yl)lIl' Pi , t'llt- st, to (if i ll )wulih/ D9 re' c;atisfy your acruplt!;;;1" ' : ' 1 too \\'oI111tl'bL' cQJt$dQtls () \I,e' qlil . ro~, lwly R) OIjllHiy 01' lrll) h ~;JrU gi ,:'11 "10 tlt ,. oom, t 1I~1t! l1.\,> wct', m\" clliM 'WOUld !J 'e:lIl~C gO!;)!!. nllt th fC. Willi c~IIP th jllg,J ;niLill :It ll':lll~ \Irt\ill Y ur hC'llth ir¥lvrol·Ori.,' I, He ~l1me~ tI~e flU Ill, A bri.:rJlt Iigh l l ltl\t1f.~l it olw !I'~' You. InlOW my pecullllr t 111~rl l)g t fir, tli apcJ1l,i,ng, II ~tlr, I ~ TIUil~~. P!lij~ . ' hO.tl\:ClJIl" ' " ' th\~t troll\.llcd t\)om j ~{iru III WuS \11 ' \ t\ II, Yllll ,1' 11011' HIJ£ hQW hurd I j IQr 11'1 ' ~hpllQ III th ey a,omJ U fjlVe l smile ~tol [ IlCmll II' lI/!, s." 'J 011ll1l 0b helll it, tlnrl ll ot~l l nl? ,~ I rc th III w '~lth of cO~!he"L gl'll\lI 111\1 SlIlU WII(ltI, us he 1/1111 tho cLjl~ !'P'.~.LJ.L_"":""==--""-:~___~ \' jcthll,oC dilipnsc- a 1\i1l(J(\~ uf Ilroule, (1r~ I t t1~IlY \' \n1t rr ql\rlit, y LI r, I \llIl~ It i~l \l!\t qver tho f'antlll'cs or tlte 101' Iy girl, 0. 6119 ,,·uuld ..-!.<!' I , ' . f } IlIytl t 'C?'r'I} J'Il~ of )It~ ilea 1 ' .1 ~hle fN!tl', UIUUlor'~ sod" ".l\I'OIli\.: I.Jquuti. , " l I' ' " . • r cl ' I'll; ' 1 Ii . ' '5 ! IV l1'(lr€} ,unl'f (I to over r r, (''l ~o cU "ollfpt fol' a chil.1 to PORS throu /J ' -=- dl'r ~' hich ,Orl 'P PJlttrt.!ly yroslr,ll ( ,II I>o ll')iIU . \V'QulJ i~ \Vc:c OLh~~w I s ;.~.JJ.!, 1'E.' 110 : ." ".~~'. cr rO il oh COso,ltll rypu \\!-()T BYIIIPM r.i~ jl~ t'tieliug 10 millgll} OIl1() 1011 pllthll'uy of (1olVcra illt() I~en vcl) II br ~b e~ rllYllic,tI )l0Wllni, and ever l\lllg to 111)111/ whilo I 111\\ tryi II .... to lnllld up my plly sJcu l, ,y ou cnn h~vo th It. arnoull~ )vrlhou~_ g · to ~l\nrry ?" \.IeJrC~8 nnt! /lite hOliid t I~ Y(lU~ (Jf Lhe honrt, to cnr£, Il)r Lhc n':li\'pr-~ cit ed 1)1ld tbull 1111 ; 0 .tPRDl\ · wIler ' grnv !,e , , witli the tenaci~v of UIICOIl~llC1'llhl Ilull()' IIl:W, IIlY 1l1:1ll1 i,; vr.r tl vc\li?lg upon somo 'in?; 0WIlY [9:' It." o~ IL, you wooltl,be O-P-ll,YOli ~ Iieved; bll t \JmOIl th at srrlng III cQch oi lier'lI puth II ny, )1 0t. n-u ~ i ~ ( will~or 1l~1I'; nnd u I:hiftl ie pllsW he-rc I 1[ \l.m Bot "" berress-om ll(jt \vor.h '\lIort' the dl1rJ~ nut!,o.ngry c,\Cluds Utut h 'lor 1ll'()Ullll 1:\111;; to l ts I: tle .holl1o III thq ().c.ld ellrth., 81 n W c d em it l\Iln Clll1!!Ury to l\cltl more !lupl n ant IJIO~I /I'ht, 01' g rl\ 1)111<' for tho n e llY, \~' ny of ill rot!uolioll l' de cript.illll ; [j,r me-of III}' h()IlI,.~!' .. , " Will YOtl u.cce It it!,j Ul!l)J r O\1 ar~ (lnd therefore your '(1rilltnCm~ ill th horizo n uf thH ollils HID !. ure 1\lf\lgglillg ~l'h~ 6110~~ it! fu t fallin/t, nhd ll!c IlIr!' auov\t l' '111 at Ito 4eeply 'onc\lrl\ Ocl ' I ' U 1I oJ 11 01 " ''It II pClhls all what t~rllls the lilll11 eun Without r.m:o." . I!O lh e tOlfi b, .II Ill. k r 8 hUI,s.,L lin, ~II It. llill at 1\111 OOU bp willie us Ita .oWll lip!! .. our rel,~er8 ,V t) • t\ ,WI )0 ~ ~ b . I II 1011 d,th h n.rts '0 lull nf vnrlud c)q1(tLI01J I!, IIntl hce\;, or til Shro\ld n'o d it II 13 0 tame(, , l t1l1 nk you ~r(1 hgbtly n\l8td lt~ n; mud\ bat< woven tllo l!ympntlJi:ling chai n , Ihnl tho S UlloM will O1IlVQ 0 I l~1 ' . lit to kuoW whQther sho \l1R~ unguhe or I<Y\l'h ,"Yva 10\'0 ~o 'lI lUrruw ." li"e Ileorlos Oy benllti!ul, or whelhe~ ~ho j't) $\1 80(111 1 !llld Wf1,:I going evell wiLhout 1I']'h L~rtn.~ [ hop<'J very r aSolloutO' j' of Illy Iitt! w()u lth has becn cx [,en(lcq. in \r int!s th ae hMrt L grith rand lInn/bl lin- tlUle \ViII ~dm 'l1",nil1' I'''~~' 'I" 10 "tJl rm g l\ , • ~ .. .. ' . , ~ • Y Jl I I ' t t k 11 Ol.. • . • • I . . tS ' . 0'" J ,11",1\01 fo 'w c;e tt 0\11'10 hut,l Ii white fuTQl\end, Sull10 It t ":)', I wlli.ll i\ tn t;' O ~ Iylllgnlh u1' Oil \VI ,?n ~ In, 0 0.1;1 a 5~nu epcu. eflOl'tll fOli,t,h~ r' stor lltl(>ll of heolth j Illl d ~ , r wI! ~vel' lJ old ~h () 11111'8. Whll.tLhough ('rl;! wdl Illfrst irom their IVltllrv' ''IIJep upon sllo,,,u lov ly,\Jonutl(d,1 J1llo.CdUl\lillidlu"' i \ "1t.h 9\1gl~~of ~p(luingt~ li(>vlogil Iyo,tiM )Jrnuc~, \\,ILI ' I;ll,nU\<l'tlll!jl.tl\1l1kYOIlW,J\ l il\y" nrg~l'ID Ill!' ~l\iU$. Ihut!rather\J in- l! bUtQW nWrld p qI110~8r!.l6ltl~lItohuinll~!I \\tl th.e littJe gi~l't!gf-llv , whnq/ri Lhe lltlnrmer ~IO was 1101ll0, inteJlectul11 ~ncl et1u~ted . give yOll I ;is [I t\il~ to receivo ,th~ Itltclli- hnnlly Qllj ct I llC'n by ,sodomg yOll 11 'ao- t.I pall deHL thun we:l1~1\1' by ntl much [Ill til II ugh. opr 11\~I~y ~)I~f\ cortddo ,th(j~o hillt t ?t 1I~lllIortlr.hty, silO shull hloo," ill unrod. Ilero they nro' lc.t them spenk, genct! ~y lett r than .in p e r Qn, r hO'\l11l \;ur~ ho.p\)!ll sa t fill buth," , Ij Pile is more vrtlnuble thlll\ tllo other, Th tlllj.tll\l,~ i ~ \t.1 C\;~~llf'~1I l~eVI \rJI1 . 0 \' Itil Iwl,lI, lIlg 11111 0 'C.t1C(l IUIll beouty. ' " • I ." " ' , I' l i d t '0 .1 II' "I ' II ' .. -tv I I " .1't · ., ' 1 l \II)! "l IC 11111\\ (J >o!Ollt}1$ 1(1 litn ( tlto sel'-...J:.. l lcn "Why uro you 80 sad thi~ ovenmg! en- huYe Wf • ImmCI In C 'i, .n n Qll.\ you, U WI llO I1Se~ . to {I.r~""i1 lan COuul lOllS t! lDolll;ulln l m lltloned \\lI gh t ' hO , lIllfficie It I or1n g lltow , nud luy lit ' loving heart fl.I" II)" .~-""'--,~-'lul,cd AtnoJin. "aooin'" }\~r 1, Vor \\'o:s cast \]]ut \VhOll I BI~W 1,0\1, nnd l~IOI)ght It nllgh t or t.h e s:ll~o QI sec\lrl~)g Buch I1n, fit!. to odl'l'lr 1111 th e dem UII tis, r \ylJtlid be su b- .to R)P,t'p th • !(l 't, tUII"J tl,rellm lcl:Is fllo~p \ , PO ~T-t • , , ,IO\9n (Iud molancllolr, bo the last hl1lo, my feo.ltngi\ SQ ucllily .Dut wlly dId you llot tell ml'l of tlll s,be- jl'ct to i,Jt tlta presont in fixing up nn estn b- , '~'hen, 011 the spls'lL's wait,tng whl'lI th hi thou l\)11t/, flO(t v~JlIl1g star! How' "I hardly knQw, dearest 1l111Cl!Slho.t I om overcome 01 that I wng COlllP \led. to sl!9 w. tor 1" • 11··ltmen,t sllfficici fliJy comlbft:\blc to nt- coffin find ,th c shro\lt! shall I auT us ill lhe ~;~;~ w)uln 1 I,a,' f1e~ from ~ 19 8trin~ of (It qu'te ~o \Voll Q3 \15\11\1 "WllS hill reply. them. [tl ,lhI '\'rOllg forgive mo. I l(I\ow ilFor t \'-0 T ns()n~ ; 'first I feared to, anll fy our ltlllto) hut it loolls millions of b _ chnlllbe~!I o( lho tomb no ml)ro ~ our hll,llI\1i I I ~(11 tho I\ol~~:?o 0.1 nO.ture, l IOU halt filII "Cu~ I d\J any t111~17 lO',elul\u you1" my intention Wll, to call () you the least se()ondly, I hud ,i ntt:'nd ed all along to 8I.\r- ,1 ill'" OMt1lyb to buX my ind.rpendent;(' . Dut ~hullf :;ll'Ih8 ltl],QI .~ultlefl~ hudr p nmlill (l ('OIllPll.· o~~ m~'lllOS~!It\\I~j qUplll~tl rJOIYj IIQW rUQ,uy <>, " • • ' I . b I . Ir ~ o . . " Iny sym])D j wig rlon ~ , IIn( out' ll/lg 1 I 11 II moments hant ~o~hillg, lov~ i ,..!!!y s,cknc~s I more 9r pam,' . ' . , _ . PrlSO you nt t 10 p roper time y 1.16 IIll I [ hCI'O. yC)~ uro ~W1~ rULlall' nIl8~ ltc vIO~IS ulItht:m/J h!l~1 sWl' ll ulon ~ . ~he comEs of \ lOll JlIumlllut . d rul(~dQQ~h tw II t13h forthro ~h Wind [hall bOlly.r; uI hell \'0 you wrtb nil l\Iy he~rt, but-! g(ll1co. . , f .ollsidoring ypur slitl stato n. rl,w minute {\lo,n cn, ployod on tbo Blrihg;3 ot' 8,I'mp(lthy, wl~l) tho GOn'Il~g 01 \10(y veIling, u,nd n, ., ~m(':of yqur £lurk fur bollorllIP;" I ,ftlllr' l fun ghllf you hung your resolve; amI gave . "Vt}ry 10gl\loH But /i;Jty q,tI yQU fcnr to sl llct'! ViTell , l 11m g\,!d to so you h(lPPY!" Iana tUltgln by ,tho noles of lov , WUlt thoe n~ aD tlJd Ilrrd initltfu)' friond, ,t · 0 . 1 wish ' you Cl()urd coat them nit uwny! me thl!0\l porlllllity of ulii ng l11Y il)jiuen(1e toll inC]" , ' 't .rr hoy/' jU1;lt been thinldllg ,ofs(lmetll1nl;t! . 'I'hon l7't \18 strive to cu]j,j~A1e onr fl'f\- 'Zb, I!t<~ol\j./ ~ a ('('en to the eternal /I ~nJ)not ~ell "ou LI(~'v ~tlch it diatreases In Uissl1\ldll you from the ' intl'lliJed ,course 'I hCIII'll you i!l1l OllCP you w,olllli JlHllce 1whi t\h hu'a C!ll\\;~i.l lh ('hnngt' in my j'()('I_ '~Illgs orpl ty ; Jdut UII cllr/en\'or to ~ .III',ore gr~'~r;.~na c:~:,;,Otulu[.IJ~el' ,bellillf liP under the , ,. J d 1 J' I d 'I l ' " )I h" - . ., I I d ' Id " , ,"l' lhRC uTQ~ln w ; t.o bo I'oatly wlth ' ~h ,., I .. \ e1 6 1 0 Ie t;I S lind BUrrO\9:e . In to Ijce yO\! ao ~nh~pl"Y ''' ' of procce lire. t luI I 'or, Iram II .you wen t I on 0 J ctlUlI to, n 11 y no I~OIl , Il1ga;, Sl?u w~lI not hnv,e to r mUIIl IlWIlY . ~ ltillll .vord und guntl 'look ; nnd \lllol' nJl', l1~ for the p,l'lIiJe , I r GoII1 whIch, corn<'>8 to . "11l11l hllrJly unhappy Amoliu, tIIy ~ollr, 1',lIOIV how much I . t1re~d ,"118 .6e~aTntlOu , never nlUl ry .one p08S£'.1I lug marc thO~l YOll r- I long aw y Oll Il)tt'ndo(f, hCCII\I$\l- " , \0 tllink more \l lid mor e ,?,~ tho Suvil) ur Wll fr?ltI IliA .Ii ()~e . in t1le hooven. 'fhis ~ whil blel!t ''viLla .. your nrescll ,sympo.UIY hCiw bttyund Ill! tolling It ld )lullIlul to me, self unlll t!ld not wlt\h to pnrt wltb you l "Just li B lOI1'g, deurest, ur, if (lily dim, \,- IUlYS io ~1t!I\y'O Jl, WUO i eVor willing to bind !u'l r.l~tn ~do,m \tllll'e tI Idngllunl, I"hore till lind 10'Ve."' I\~id 1\0, os ' he dre~v It I' gently yotl would yetnbnndon the ido\l o£ 1 n~il1g yet; so I kept-my own sectet. ' . tonee lcl n yer to lI'ork Ull lor th llddition on up the b\ o.k on.!tcllrl d, P cQmfo(t the ulli,ie- ln~'l~rble 1!l1l~,rU~8 nil thingd through hie to till bo' om nnd improl! ell II kiss lIpon u. 0 It feflr it will be a lifc 10r)<t pllrtrngi IIJ do not comprehend you, PWlIS(1 Cll' l YOlll' parL" . 11;'(1, to tll!SI!~t lho IJcnvy-lllderh und tQ g,ve mUll t ~,w~ h \\ C,11l nMure, {o dark. . : "Now, !fitJ that is tOil hod! DQt i f you lh o ""f,OT! re t lU1U for fll l!o suJt~, lot IlS fltriv i,~,~: ;h~ k~~lglC~tl,\W 'l~~!\' ti~r. for ,11 .token hor ~o"Y lips.' " She sanl, IIpon hi~ booom, Alt! wl~at w"ill I po whou ' YOl\ Ilr~ gc,mc- lighten me , ' 0 r('n ,Ze, " I 'I l I, ~ " ' , j'll ve (IX I(\rl" tile e \l yo m ·l " I ' u In nn.ure mnn IIU~ [or 0.' few.I!liJltlte8 t l e y W~fO vo~~ \ut>: S'()~Q 00 P l'uQP~ ,Dreyer . , " I~ ,'1 -l UI U nn "I Ill J - • !Gill ny tI 10ll jr yO\l hon' t go lit 011."Huw mony 11 Ll cssina is rouml us lUll no will; nil is govor'lIed by th eternal 1 py, ,.Butt.soon h~e relopsed Il1lo ~llelle. I You CUUlJ.Qt thl/lk, doorcst Am alln how s ~~. " . . . , I Now ilOl1li t illtcrrupt .rne, ior yOll nrc throwll" hl\\'~, ,e lae Il1'1n. bJjiJeI Ulld iglJoran't., wou,~ • .4gaiu then pncet1 across the . room 1n eVI- much your tlistresfl lI'oublo8 Ille ! would You . WIt! 110 In sorprlse,Jettlng fuJI ot ' II'fJiu/l" IIno you mny VI III ul tmce. ·' TIy Ihe mnlYi!; spe ll of il ion' swn t l one." tiet (IIII\le the hrJlll1 pf GolI, nnd dcstroy lind denttiiltresB uf mind, \ not ao but fOT tho 'hope of the 800n()r Ulli- , Ult~ tlllle time the hnnd he had beon h o l~- I " "l knolv 01, lI uthi~\J' that IV ill kerp me n !ut,'{<{T.J< 1Ii telligcll C(!I', lIlnl( uesolat? 11 II arOUnd him, , '1' 1 t' 'tl' t b ' tl '1 IT II ., r;> J stdntllt pre nIl/no at tho ll~rllll cc pf n 4'a, Hlr!\m I 1 know tllI;)TO IS ~~U\et illig my ( \ny WI 1 yQ,~lrs, 0 0 WI"I YOll '~: unl IJe 11i > wl tJldru,VIII M ,YC'illr ptol\l i~e TJI (I rCC/l.r of , r rullAths'. ' wood, DeforE! me nro 5 lre d out tho .'" \lDueunl weighing upon your IiIrlTl~' Do ev [nrtor, Dnd uc happy In your.lo1'e, Y s, mr., j our 0,111 Nn 1(1, Do YOLl mul hand," . J[Q\\' softly .th e tcar or ym[lot!IY fallis on llu\I' ty Inead()ws, glorio~8 ~ II rIel;, ell pte what is itt Yau know I (lc8 ir~ to "If that is all the ' l\LOry, 1 WIll· bl> yours · comprerlt~nd! ' "And. '<1'ou1ll that'r IlIl n you • . Ihe heart bl'lllse Dud bro"e~ With' orrow! th ;; Ittillg sun; (!I'ld II 'Itlll" ~:o ~~~ir~ 1I)'mpathise with YOl1 ip nIT your troubles. without dpln.y, ond glndly, ola gludly nnd 'All to wolll I am \lorry you hnve it!" " I . hould hnvc no objo l thell in going l nssllrl,!s ti!O sad Il~,~ \'iIeU!ll1l~ Qui that "~ , throu~h the pll,r Nhl'r in tll distll1leo, 'It grieves me to think yoti fallT to confide oyfu\lj' live in aUDh n homo as }loti CUll no\\' "Sorry! Why" dear, will it not lUallO us und of coursc I would not "0 lcithoul un 1 t~hntolt:lone IIJ ttlhlC wr,d~lrnosB 01 ~ol~ll;enrtll ' lltlnr tile IlJe rry !!OlIude of bells Il.ollouncing ,I d 'h b I " to 11 I,cro nrc o~e W 10 cun 'co ,or 10 tho fesbvn l of to 1110""0\0; ... tl " " I . procure for llS, on Iy d0 not Ieu.... s . ' 16PPY! nnu 0 you not IC'l3 to 0 lap. object. II • • trouble of oth cr~ ' ami. IV!Ju t i more ,." -<:no ler un.y II , 'in mo,'" r t t t [I . . •. 1 I . d t I t I'" • • '. ' go ne,-nnot lor Int~rvlli WI,ICb lIe n ltro.te, .. n 10vejVou 'know I d0 not leor 0 ru e ugn m pnc..-u t 10 room In eap "\lOllg I py. ,,\-\rell, [ nm not aOlng to do Anv such cbe- rlU'" to Ull u<)blng hellrL tha n such Uj UR fr'lm tile 'r,u," t h" , 'ble) ' ' IIe repII ed IliI Ile tlnu.1 lit IMgt)I TOp l'Ie -d ; • d 18, ' Ilumull whieh . we tl"llnEATtt, " °prroaandmil', 0 foc youlifWith &\'ery thmll,n •.Jl wr' Il JlO~ IlII,J1(0 US Isappy, Amc I'IU.'J I thing as Oint, I asslIre yo'l1; hut r • intend t ,uug II~r~ TI10 .,. UI~R Jre to.b i ove whoterrI cl\n sov o,al resumed his sent by her sido; "You I thanl, YOtl from lue bottom ()f my heart ""Vhy, did you n.ot sliy such au amount tJl!lt YOIl shall IlbnlldUll the idea of lelwmg nutl/rc Jll rts pUrl ty, It 18 th e .firs~ Ilnpu\ morrow III fS'Ime~ F'orgive thi& hailty' IIJl(t kbOW l ahYay. co~fid'e ~y wishcs nnti fears for tbis ' U61V eXl'reB ion of yotlr Qevotod- wlls all YOI1 llellired1 ' I, hotpe ot this tim!). 'Vhon YOII rio gOJ r . " r l!JII'l oJ.lcl1l ng hOllrl-rPJ,ld It ,1,'Vbl! luntl im}) rrt'ct sketch, nod if 11 t1IQughtful mind .. . , . , , k II' . j urea.. I II III t he l)0 om J:I n l UJltr t lOUr 81 II d fI r . J ' and .hopel to yoU. llut II ~bcro 18 o.ny- nces ofauachnleut to o~e 60 unworthy of "I d~d 8~ say; but not COflllllg froll\ I tIll 0 lave 0 right to, and Ihllt I )\, llI , OC- f d nUl, A 10011 of IO\'Q n \I' rtl of klllt!, hllr oren ~'Cte8Q In~8 I~ an lour cf gloom, 1 'thih.- tha\ I know will CalllO you t feel very love O!l lam. Dut It would. bo an uc· YOll," • company SIlU, ' , llCS~ II Wllr uf Sr'11l1'tlthy COsts us noth1·!lIT. ! ..1 r Y rl~l,\· \l nen 101 C for Ibo Crentor, ' j I' . ' . , QILU cor 11 6 Imol>' -mon. • '.0 unbOiom · fOi udtant my thoughts," on my port to ~ko you from the "Ah, you (auT mc; you CIlnnot conntlQ 10 , 'OIl1E~. IlDI rn 6U POIl1;lO, l' hove inC, WhYJ then, Wit Ibold them from those who 1 . " "I hl1d r~thor enduro anything than to kindest of pnre.nts and friends-from this me~" sho snid in 0 rleprecating tone, 11.011 Dod jc t Ilfterward, ' IWOUld prIze them IlS bles8:ngs, \vin~cd with ---,'~.";"'.""--..e IOU I\) ,ad and not know tho cause. plOQ.8lUll 1I0me ond the $urrounding com- bllr!!!t into t on, . \Vilh muell lend rness " 1 nm in' earnest, indeed J Onl. Hero tJlC fl'al!"'tlnt dews of he~vclI! To gJve them , Puro UI t 10 Heart. P b "I \ 'b d b d Iw th t. ( t' k' h h d ' tI I 11 I t t · d • I I eosts U8 nothing, but It often costs u I1n ~f ;oPI I could rclteve you 1 I knew forts, to !I, ClrcUrl'l!~cr]1 e ad II °11' a e a 0h' mt~nc IIC t~~ b t'r lUI IlIg~l~I' P1rd6l0 f ~o~, I~ ;avbe tll~t m~ncIY- on t O~ .{ 0 efTort-n ilent pang tit tho h art., did 1'0 . Th'~hllprings of cverlailting lire are " 'itll. ~ , must be ono 0 trIa I an to, mnny co 0.8 IS IpS to lor ,olr row,on l reJOll1CI: ? cr~met a ou 1 ; ,or ~m nol gOll1g to but eontc 1\ it-to withhold them' for be Ill. .. ero are cloaralreUllsguebinr from "No, nQ, JOo will only bo troublt'd." Ilnd ami (ew joys." of tllo !louJ, J\ud ftowiJlf, out- to 1 "neafcst, why do you think 1 ~ I1T to gl\l(Ht oway, and you noed'nt think it.- mus~ indeed be 0 rt.isllnt.bro]l ,who' 0 hcart the, dapts he bowed hi. head on hil band and remain· "How C311 you talk ao 1 Ypu surely lrllslllnd con6de in YOIl ns J have alway 1 don't Iiko tu ofTer a girt bit on 0, and n do not dp.lijlhL in golntf forlh to 1I1el!Illlnd l'uhien the sphere of outward eXlltenee, cd tn deep dtought for a lenlJth of time, hllVe n'ever fathomed the depth., of WODlIUl't\ done!' You aro nwl1ro of my vi,;w , nnu I you I' iUI ed it thenJ you n\u lft bo,'o it nqW be ble, sed, "::; ~~~ftlk~ wato~~ r.~~il~Ilh, ffo 8Ae turned away her face, and wept in .i. devotil;>U, if Y0\14 not know that such n h\lve ueen.'" lon bl1Tdelr terma. Inlll.l:ad of running ofT' J 'rho tenr of, ~y~I,uthy ~c''('r'lfulfl lill vnin, Hil~eryY'ton~ ~~:I:: Jil~e ~II °ascalt Ilithd"~ 1 • A I Ih be 100..'-eel up and ' . d I. I . rt d' I 1\ k ' a l \\'lIto~ am ,crtl IZr;!lO 1.10 01 0 I 10 mo t " GQCe. t ,~g ltIaw life 1\8 '$OU would tn'o woul ~e a looe OVer I "Ah. when r t()ld you of lho money, Y ll ! 0 1(', Y ~I )a til e,uu moneY$ an pny IItcrile lleart. and C.DU!lC8 it to i1;orilJh wilh from I,ts rn~untnm bomc~ you may not witpearly leat triCkle tJarbueh ho~ cJellclite no~ only with pleasure but dcl,.glit&, comp_r- \Vero glad nnd ligln bcamod beam~ III me gootl I.nlercllt f~r I,t until y~u . nrc TI~- the beautiful flowers of 1\T8titudo a UJOI'C, ~eS8 Its ,1I~nt mlU'c~ through the greell IDIl'8N aacl tall to tbe Boer, H.I W'aDIIer- ell wiili "ucb ..-paTti", u Is now erore UB: YOI)r eyo.. But when fPn. could onlJ-let p8M!d tg I ft the pflll('lple. ~lllS IS a farr And ns the- l!uj!!Dlcr ' clQudfl wel'p rc(rl'$1 _ al?~ Its ooUl'80 Will ~"'Il ill ~ ftelb~ hie: aU'"" .. revolved in a moment. In Nothing wuuld /live me gro~ter I!o.titllfac- 'l it wi~b lIle as 11.11 tlcompanimont, you "'eTe buainet. tran dctlon. and you mu'!t b(' m . nt on th Jfllfch~ C!lIf;lh Imd kl~ro tile vcr uril~Q~1 '~ OpeDUJa • ~ "Wbich wu inteodect to be keyed In tioD \ban to becoGle ~our conltant compan- Slid, Do YOIl love it morc thin mel 0, it.- pt.lnetual ror I intend 11) be very business I k1 8 more bo~utiflll t~lIn ~ofor\J, WJth the· :~dc ~ t (' h~bD b'tt. fitnlll i U~e r.... ".-N1~_ to..... he u.id: bolo.. frioncl. to IQOtbo your lOr- Cllll not be." " Ilike in lI~y afr.i/'l, Here give me YOllr o~ p~ml~ nrch~ J/II' tl~~I/:r~f ia ever:.! itbl'lhfO t. ~ • ebllN your pl..... eue ,our pain'l l "No 1 0U know it caDDol; and n()w be noto I wUl couot out tho amoun~>" C:IU~~ h:W't~nO \~~iJ. it ~,.;S. but it 01:' hear the .t.ill ..nallvolce ;;a. . . .. joy With JOlt when .Jo1tal,·' cilm until 1 ~plain allcl live aar motivetl." I, I believo J will do it. on Olle VUH tlud ~utfics the him from ba& • ~~fi~==~:: not tt.. cIitIQaItlet' Of. "Ah,lknow them to we1hb_dIl You .luIt 1a three month. you will whom it ..nliM" ] WDO\ ~ iIIf banda for qNDe ill. to
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Random :Thollgllts em S~rl i/ • Go fur lb ye denlzeAs of til!) Ily tint! Town, whero from "ell'rly nlorn t 11 d ~w y 0\'011" V:\bol smglJ It" JQ1J:JrmuJj'ou~ t y. and nIl I ~ bustlo nud COil USIOll-~U t110 fields nnd wObda, where YOll may lJrllD.UJO the pure Ill f 01 H envoll n\tul~ 11t)Ht}IOU~ wltl) the breath pf flo'yl er5, /10 hl'ur t4~ s(jn~~ 01 Umt'rry ~mls" I ha~ < h ~ul)t 1.11 I \lr,,,~ upon overy bOJigh/ !tllli \'rI~~rlY nof, iI), th Jt htuc bellTI!I re rlllerl Wllh rllJ)t JlOl1< "t tlltribute or lht) humm~ suI, grae ~wJe 10 111m wbo rul~ lu l'uncroato~ In'lJ s'Y" IInIDlu'E'
nnd InllnOlno.te naturc 0 In nl Ito\\' IIro )'0 contenl to remain" bere (.n\ 0 llC'ro nUN 'here Q grcert IJpot me ~ s fho (lye) nnll~h but tho work' or Art u.nd pllo~ of 'k /llld Olortar ~rea~ tho dull IJ)OhOlol'~ 01 the, aoone.-\\ hen Srr/lIl!' has deckod OUI Earll I berrnllllLlo of I\'I'o(:n; IIh(] 3111.\1 urlght lInd bClluUful Go- when t b~ yOllng lellvel! IIcarca CO!\t 11 shullc on tho gr('!)tI tu,f be' nelllb, from . which ~h
'1.'h Homo o rT" t •
How onsy It 18 to bl! nellt ' - l¢ bo clo (ll\! H ow ensy to Qrrlll)g tho ro oln,; wf, lJ the most luI propTloty! HolV eMy It III to our IIOll as \, Itll ~ll(l tl uost CICgIIllCO' Eleglll~ce resides not W I~h "he llphtJlsteTlor
or. lho draper;
------'TllIth .
(~rnlllun' lJ
Thanks' G ra ham" fo r. 'tll o July N o, t.! ypur beliUll rul 1\IagllzlDc. which cont:Ull9 lIeven steel engrQvln~ • YQur own giJt>d 11 /1 IlI,red "phiz" engrnvM by ArmsrrOIlJ, from a palnUng by T BRead, nlll,oJ\gtr\ ' 11'1
Go ~.p. DUll N A)' IOII'AT. ANmvERsARv -'\oVe
Jieve It W08 J B mOil 1111\1' III thelO would be dnngllt of tbe R epuhHtl \\ hen thtl' eltiaens CCfllIlill1 to tn ko nn JnU'tc t 111 cJ ~!J tQ tlng it. b,rth.duv, anI! \\10 nrc not fltr It III
entertlllAmg tho 8C1ll1C sontlLll , tit So long as our peoplo t3ke pleasure 1Il tn ~nnUD l remembrance of lh cl'er-glolll.lllB evco t wluch gllvo UB an eXI':;! nco ps 11 n(1tlOtl, 80 long JI, on eldl rcLUlll uf th t/.t dny I thov
It 18
not put up \\ Itll lhe
hnngtb gs lind ()lIrtn ins; it 18 11l1t III the
mo UICi\, tbo cnrpctitigi', th e IlI Dhug:l.liy ,lhe cllodelabro, or tho mllrblo hrnAI\wnta: It eXI"ts III lhe apVIL prosldll\g" ov('r th o chum. berl! of tile dw()l1l1lg COlllonlmMt mu!!t, ulways li e mo!>t gruueful, It shEIl s sClcn,ty ovor the BCOrl e or Its abod",; It lI'nllsforms II waste Into I\, ~ardcll' 1'h homo l: O'htenetl \'y tnoso of a nobler Qnd brighter hfo, qclcbrated mcn Ire o~n mucb anao"eI may bo ,v,a ntlllg 10 mll cil wllle1l tho dl sco ntenteu deSire, tiul to lIs i~lh u.tll 1:u ~\ts it Will by tho \ 118 1t-i oftitrllnget4> A sudent OIlU' be 11 JMlnce, far oUlI'ymg tho onen tu l 10 Illlod at Gothe'll house an4 requested to ,See hi\1l. Goetbe, cOJ\trary to hi. ~ oml gltlry consented 10 be seeD, and alter IJao Aj wo..-d for old lI1 ulll • Iln~ waited n Jlhort limo In tlJe ante Somo writers hnvu [l f/ls hion of milking he nppe/lletl, nnil wlthoU~ .~ak. merry nt the expense of 0111 mnld~ FlIT our n chair and loaLe'd blluer III tbD" pllrt \\ 0 tlunk Il mnn ,\fiQlout a \\ I C I [l of tho room. 'rho .Iudent far (1'OIIt /Ouch moro 11ltlUlJlp obJoct t IQok upon b!ll ll~ cm bll rrn~l!c d \.Iy this ullepect.ed pro. thllll U WOllllln without a husband. If un Ct'olli ng, tUQle II lighted wax candle 'in hll 011.,. "Cr()m~, 011 . T ile brlbhtost 8tocl lOllY be tllrnlshctl by old mlllillS ' like a pump Without It hlll'HlIe,' IllJd walked round th~ Doet, dellberallf s imply hreuLlung Ifpon 11' bll t tho momo'it an old b3 h~lor is IIko II church wJtIJo ~t VIOI\'CU 111m on all Side. dlen Ifnln, dowa the dlmneR3 li as Pl!.9St!J /lWllY. It I Ol\"'Q~ lllc u(')ls, (I n orenn wldlOut 11 plnyer,lI phltUrP. ~he. nndle, he drcw out hi. put.., aDct.a.ke· poh,d.cd ut fnco brighter !thnn before, So Bu dly In \\unt 01 \lllrnl 'h, n !,!OOlt book Il) II'1~ fro~1i It It smlltl JlIOCO o~ sUver ~"l ~ hnnds n bnll room ~Ithollt h..bt or the tab.o und went IU\'aywlthout apeak"", I WIth I,l mUll's ahUl(lctcr alii! the btea,th ot SlUnll} ." ... t) mUSIC, a winI try l' dny In 8Ummrr, an cdtlOT 1I1ander 'I'he m<l\'o any ohe IS Imaunder· The '1' 1 ~lL uf a ,Cood <;ompdl... In want ot lin IC!O:l ,n 'Zen,lous polltlcan WIth· ..;\ cOIll'panH~n that itt b~erI\JI. and fret (lut a vote. Old bochelol'S should \.Ie t Ix ed for Lhe 8uroort of 8\l tho (loor olil in:llds in Crom liwearlng nnd scurrilous dIBCClUl'lO• .11 \l Orlh gold . . I love such mirth I. dOH not the co untry -Clt!lItLm. Jn lll,e h lonils ashnmed to look upon one an· .INo young unmarrleu WOln an," SlYR J er- olher next IIfOrl1 lpg, lIor ru~I:l, tflat CII!lJIOi my LeVI!\, "ou!Yht to bo pcrmlttl't1 to roud a w('11 b nr It to rell~lI~ money tI~Dt Ppo~ nov 1 ot unv (rO~Cr'l)bOn ,-Hap J n d hllg h- when t6c)' be WltrI,ll('d IIh drink. Anet t,nko tillS for n rlllc:- You ina, pic:1t CMIl ler With \1 h ~art or 1(;0, antlu l a~ nil Wim Ilucl. lillIe Ilnd till h t ompndloos{ .... t 101\ (lIl!:n--~lJllt ' tiS tlJ(l hon's head or, on Illltll(ll knoul,er~ ma~ mllk~ voul'I!elv~ mprrlel' lor., littlt ht/Illtl pore O~ cr B tAle 01 lo~ to, muke th nn a welt" dOll) 01 woney-for h 'tia tbf. that ICC 11111 ka or ,"!lur e her \0 beleive ber fll~e W illi 38 gPllu Uti he! nClghlJ;n'1$ Na- coDillony, a'ld ,0\ ~ Il~~r~~ th,at I.i.... Wtl bet 11>1 t.o tligh soon elluugh In nil th ~ ICIUll." COIlSCII'Ilt1C, IV tllO ut ollr nceding the IdMon IS happy only \,-ben he JI eDllltOJ: IOWol (If " nu~l n atiuu to lnllate the lunglS ed. LHziuesa bugclll vlce-vi(;c bc~ crl_\ pr\lmaturdy " d crime IllVOI,ell dcnlh~eatb .lIcll 1oCIj ml' on hia memory, and bow. Iown tW, • q Cool. A n c ppaTentty Ullsnp" IAlfcnted y outh ht:ade ill hili )l.1renL4, siJllen, broibel't••1, 0. rc I! tory 11 It.-'\v dll}';j SI1lc(',1I1I(1 lI.ud otrtll't,llIg. Who will not .YOicI Iu;·
Slmpl>! ~IlU lJenQtlflll \Vord'-yet In It orO valulncs c~prcsscd ' ''rll! tho 11I9&t nollle c\J n rt\cterJ G~IC, ~uJ1long tb e ma ny 'onts me\! It:l th e cltalQgllc of I'll Lues , til b fOlmd III !nnll It IS undoubtedly ptOtlUCtlVO 01 good r('sulls In CIiCTY [lilrticul\lr n tho m \\.ho 18 n strict l'uJvocnlc of Tl'Ulh under Cln:uItl 8U1 11ces, you mny pilot! \lnll conl1denM In IIllor-t, 18 IL ' 11011} 0 lind VI .. tuous prlllClpl'-a pnlHllp!ll \, Jncb mlly • ltd, and jl1 tiy t lIO, th leader ofnll other Vllll\c~J ns they llo.tllr ~ Iy lol low IIi Its trom It \l\lrlfics the heart 01 mon by l't1rgm tr (rllm It everytlllng of Il corrupt nud demor. ohzmg In1'\l~IIC!C. Illld !lfts It to tbe cOI)temIllutll>tl or lh060 obJecl more elevnteo, reImetl nnd " LIly III th()lt nll~\lre .
fl OSS -
.. , , ..
• • • Ii'
UE l3 kipg nlJd Grocory /lusinlltl8 will be (lntH ulllllJy I:l Collins ot the old .tandtfo feels Ihnnklul for II t fovore, aDd bopeu by IIlnOI Ill! nuoll 10 Ilu 10 8 to ment a lihue of tho public palronage 171£ COLLINS. A H. SA MM'!'II.Je Portraut and LaDd8cape PaJalel", A taken Il Studio on l\Join Street, cut Bldo. D fbW dOor\! IlbOve the 'Beller trou.', (lor a tenn Ofruolltlis, formorl) oocuplod by Dr W It. W bSLCr,) wber be wlll be happy,to ,e h It HIll ~U8 of h fraond8llnd thaee~hO wlah to oblain die produclIPnll of hie pqall. OII~ (Illy Bpec1mena of WblcR,lIlay lis . . . . . nIl· H1;I lit lilly UIDu ru:cept when pro.-........u,..n· gugeu A H. H plt.-ilges bllnselr 10 eutire 81I1181&e110D In tlVt!TY Iilstan. bcllII.~_~.truail. Dnd Minillluros in ad S-1Jlj( ~rul IiDr Plllt fDVOIS, hopes IQ merit a COIlIID~ of'" _lime
W .,uenllle, J8~
EPB1:R W()Il81'ED.-A aod .-.tDI ut o' Woretllljult ree· ... ul .. "''Y ALLEH.. ~ANll Sip GoWIn ....
Tile 1)l~R$ellt~Ull'ltle be lIuturu) nnd III enrnest
No clenuoclnllon IS so eloquent us the Bllcnt m(luonce of n good elwmp\e • The benu y 01 koktel!l 16 hIS VOlr,11 the b eauty o( UwIfe IS contuncy to hor husbaud Iho boullty ot tho III tIn orerlls sClcn e J tho bcull~y of tho p nitont III plltH!n,ct' WIVCS
t!b(luld nl\vnys ~lt up
tJJ61r h\1 -
bnnds, In toad of gottlOg tiller servllnls to do,;o It makes two hours, dJJfert'rt'Cc III then' nTrlvlll
The SCle/'lube Arncnean states 011 bte au~horlty, that
at 11\ 0 Joct nbova the throll.t 01 tho chimney tbe opcllIng be en· larged to ouu~e slzq or the tJlrout frr tbe further spaco of tlVO Icet an d then curry up tbe rest 18 Ilt first; the chImney \\ J11 never smoke If
lIutnorous Stories,~ ~Facts and FaMiles. GO SIP.
Affeotetl De~' n o. • A stro.nger I.bsmounled at t.he door of (ho (DY 101l£!!) - - - Hotel, ami ~ave 1118 horse to thll F ~Tm:;JtJ-t \V08, you ha\ e been 10ltor offiCIOUS wiliter '1 he bar keeper opened tbe regIster to take 1118 name IIIg uUQut lJero 10~lg enough-go the Corn You ure lIght," sllId he, (ra 810gle room fi Jd lo work " would be more ilgrecnble," nnd h( wn]ted MOTUER:-Oh, no W"elly otu:'twork" .nto the BUPller-room, to IV 11 ell the crowd of boarderl "ere prl!l\81og The bllr keep Weny loo sicky to worky " St.llTER -Pa, are ~.c!Iu not aware that It er rnn after 111m o.nd 80rerwnlhg ,n hiS ellr wall be too degrading for Brotliler to Illbor
LilAe. It-I. stated In the ArberJ(~./in Agrlr.rdltt ,;,e, that ODe (umer saved his clovar crop. f'nIal dr tTuetion by the Ilug or mo.U lIuatl Oil iI earing a wbetl\ crop, by Ii Blight
",Y(t. powdered hme.lcaUered \brougb the oIOYsr-.aed.macl11Bt', 111\ In Ihe (lven-
- - - A contemporary, In a[lpaklll4\' of n 1 -----:r.;~;;:_a.::i;;-;;;-~-;;:;:;;;:;;:-;;:;;:~;;:-;7-1,}rother eOltor, SUYS that ho n1l1st he a b,,hever In hydr"pnthy, 'for he IlIi, JIl lVot sheets"
1ft .
Choice' S,elections. * The ,o ld' Man' 8nd the ~l1o\VFloke.'
.. Bi~Il$S';'-;'-DA~BF.';. "
Near the "close ff ' /1' rou~h~Qut~mn duy, a m!UI sat' Qo\vn Deneath 'the nailed of an aged oak. ,His ,garments
wete wc.l'n.thr'ead.~4.ff, ,and his teet~ ch!ltlared' il! the w,ind, w!tic:l~ Ilwopt ill titful
--' -
NO.1. â&#x20AC;¢ " lIY Fatn' J'aEKoVt.1). , 1
gdsta IlfQl\od JIUD.
" Ob," 'said )1(', "this i" a wici~cd world 1
1 he AlbaIlY·' Dut~hQ1an' liaya tbe~ i, a fellow lip \V ailhilll1t.on 8lrept; '10 jCDloul !hat he counts hie w.lfe's hair (lVl!ry daT. to !lee j f ilh~ ho~· no~ given QWDy' :a ~elqeQtc ~r. lug bls ab~ence. '
o t
,• f
''0 9..
'o'en J •ID for
4I1I1W_,.. but \\'. receiv l\l Coo
• 1C1Q4 to ,oar Mothet. Fillal ktndll'" 1 always ,btllutirllJ.Tti 1'e-lll nol • more tounhlllg p,icture in tho AlbIc, thlll th.t of Rl1th, while 4l11J\\~rlng Ule Ilntrea IleB orJlf.'r lutber-lIi·}/lw, N~OOlI, t.,o return Ullto her own JljlQplc. 'Whi~beT tftOl,!,goe l. I ttllllgo, olld \\'here tLaolllodgcllt. t~iII l!Hlge-Ih.Y people Ifall hI! 1II!11'eupJe, lU~d lhll God lny.God, Wbere lJaou du:st, ,1 will d1,f" IUld there willI ~~ puriel\.. L~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~ ' I \ III )IOVIlI' marry It mUll who d CS bot treuLhl!!lnuU1Cr wen,' 110111'0 lively friend to us ()~ec . fAI'l~ whr IlqL!' we querie~. hI} Iii ullkipd to her Lo wllon1 he it! gn · ,/",,,,i1'fi Indeb ~e~~' tjbe ro['1i d 'what nC'lld aile ')1¢ct frolnl,im t.owul'ds her to wllom ho 0\Ve8 eolnllorutii'ply no~hing1' "Thoro \Y(lssollod
might 11/1 Tho CuliUd .te.met America Ilritv(lllllt w.efl lJ('colti 0 child rol' nelU'llighted, 118 tllllt port. tllrly YMterda1 morning. TIU' for be,ng 1)llturolly Sprl1e children fo)lowing detalltl of. tlln nOlvs'She \;ripjp }Jave Il V8rhul ntI 1 ry, other!! Ilr.o.qntte the oro m:ldo up from the Dritillb, Freneh and revor-'l~. ~mo rnlnuedevelop oar1y. otbers (forman poper reeQive~ 1Iy 'fho ~!iJ)\lnlj.~ Illte. ~om", hrwe 2're~t plnvors or tI~ulring The date. are (rom wndon to M'lr !N, an~ ptbCl's. QI'. orrgintttallg, Soore inlly nppenr 'from Pilris to May 26. ~tl,lpid. \.)1100\180 fhei- truo 'lpring o~ ,ohnl!tlo. Gr4l1lt- DrUon', ~r hall nevOf booll' touohet)' Tho dlfnco of l\11scr. I,l~I'C"'QUS. , Illlchool, may turn Ollt 11I'the end tbe Jiviog • T.\ltest aoco\lIlUt from IrolaJl~ !nrar", II,:!. progress lvll" wOl)dor'\Yorkl \'1tr rrel1iu~ ot Lhe Qf n torri/ia tbl,lIIder atorm hlOlt o~ S,?u, nge. 1n or(lor to e.~~rtthflt~;ftuance ove'!' • day visited vuriou. no.rb!,. ~ tlle CQlltlTtl~8 the hun,un mimI, wo worl' vith l)lllnro. not .!Prthnill/-oSoflQ~frt:..l1l~Il'''rtl+liIBlIvr~e~mttnl'l~iikn:;;l\~ImOlirt:.rnh·flifuitir#:,.., 01 Liancri~, Cl~.p...\,ull) TII'{'tlrnry,. ue IlgllillSL it;. J, kp tbe 'Ionf af nottle I ~ 11 war of f1lemCn~8,Gegnil I :th() wost, takin({ Wucl:6d Olll' lV.ny, It !)'lIng like n- )\'(181'; if Itl lh wllicb II clrcuitOlls COl\.r.~ IIprth by west/t lllHI do tl10 Qtherj it III ~\lrter thrill lI~ln If we, th y r lnp~hers \Vasll. illg dllll oge ill VOri01,1J "IlirectIQI'Is. ~ It [los" would 110 jl\~1J 'c to Lhe hUnlhn minll " e ington noger SI\ermun treatell sed the cl~y of L.imerick, at .12 o'clock cx~ must lind 11;.1 p"cllhur cllltroctOllstil; (1f1~ hi~ With the II\U~t n;Jn.r'ked attentioll, Il~ld it (lotly er,yuloping the city In a f cloud of IHlnJl!; ol1r~tII'1' to purbculur' IIIdiYidlll\1 WUS one ufthe fumou uage St'/)l'y'illust reo duat 'but without> duing ony putti Illlor 01.111' w.(lflta. 1lll)0nvI!limlIOn en this POlilt \\'Itb 9ue"l.1I, that )10 might l.Ie llufllld iJealde his chic;'. At 'ro.\ll'n hui[lItOlld :of IIl,rge ~'zc) 0 fdend who ill no\~ thO' prmc'IJUI III oulJ mother in l\lount ~liurn. nut tilall! re." (d!\ ,In groat Ilbl,llllianco; _the hghtlJlJJg ~v1l8 Q( our best grnmmtll school • und to WhQse I sP'Irt lInd IOvo ll:i lJot oft II Hlwlmled . as 111 romorl(!lbIv yivlIl, 'lIqcl !-II\) ~hunllot l1,li loud iOlllrl\ctlon r look bllel. WIth de1lght, 'Your the followmg Wt/lllce' • ~ if witllln tile 8hOTtelltdi8tln~C(I. remorles,' Hilld ht! 'ure truej Jotmo tell you '(:ujJtqvu~ Ht King or Sweden, passing A.pong the Cl!lre rnomltllin s , 8~ the op .... 0, ITttlh ioc'adoni which bears UpOI! tillS one lJIornillg O)rough II. VIllage, in the HeIgh" posite side of tbe Shonnon l itl! etleets were POlut, Lf\st silmmer J huu a: girl who Wllli borhood o~ the oustle. observed . ~ yOVng P UL'l'liy terrifio; and at Ollsfle 'Con,lcll, whilt1 . ~he excee~lIlgly behlnll (n 'till her st\ldloiJ. She peosll n~ girl onawl (lstill~ IlpPIlUtanCo ~raw· hu:lljln 8~ 'lI" d<!z congregation were Ilt churcb, the ,lIghtmng \'Vas nt llll! feotol' her dl\ll810rt, (lnd seemed lIIg water uta fountain Ilt the wny-slde.- 'l'lIrlues, '11'., " struck thll ~lt\lroh atoep~, cnrrylng away to cure bllt II~tJe nbout tier !;looks. It so He weill up to hoI', anti a~ked her f1 r 0 U~:;~' , I~:: • . about five (eet in longth ahd (ollt. feot in huppened thllt ns n rCI(I.Xtltloll I let thelll ot dwft. 'Vi~hQut cI Itty , she l/I(cd 'up her :.-;:::::;===:::;':=:===a:::::;=======..;. bren1lth of the Bolid mllsunry, and Bpreo.d- t ilDe\;! dUrin'" !ichool hflllr" umttl in 5i ... 'rin .... I pltche l1nd with urtlP.ss simplicity: put it l.h1Cill~ati "roduco Milr/,ot. ing cQntlI81'niltioD among the r,ougreglltjon. lllotl~e(\ tl:ut t,bis ' girl hnd Il . remDrl~ilbry to the lips uf tit e nlollUrcll. Uuvi'l~ Illle uch. , 'l' IlUII!\IlH E. a;:'11i~. JQ Nu13 ,ltll~() The elcWe lIlan 'and those who 'were pros- olear I;Iwoet \'oic~j nnd [lIll,i~ to her, tJune, ed his thirst, 'ond cOUlteouslr. thanke4 hill ' F WUI'l AI:f0l'fJ n..u.~-kl ~er is nUb ill la'" b I 1\)\1 ' , .. ' did II ene rIlOtrcS • I10 SUit.I •my tW.1 r you wou II( flllHUlolII , \tUg III t ,,, ' lo\I1\I'I · t t II nll\g~ I1r «;lilt 1'!It . 1 Ie e urc 1 os 800n 118 P08S . e you !IUV u gObu VUICC, 1111 you m llY eu III Ihililcd ~cnl o, belog , oullnilLi t TIle &torm · thon paltJe<l 011 tow>ord ~ t1 Q 8ing'lI\g" ~ Sho bl'lglltl'llod up Ilnd flQm thnt nocom pnuy mELto Stouho\'~, [would clu]eu\'· l'o., tQr 116.!i() ulld 40 d.) 1m I\llIUllI Cnn Keeper Rlll1ge, Dnd appeared to dwell lor t.rne. hor mtn U eecll)ed to be moro Il c~ive. Or to fix %u II~ IlII}Orc IlgrQon hle Sltuutlon. c.;rn ['dlflll, btl\; 110 sis Oats UfO 1I0flle lloura among 'ho mOllotolna in \h"t ~iel' lesso,!}" were uttel\dod to: Ilnd~]S110 flOOII 'Ah, sir: Tepnaol't/le girl}'l ~nllot I)ccQpt at ,.2c, for ~Qt~l' UII~ sClli flJ\U~JOTO .distrlc~, .A:~r the tage of eleOleots the ,gailloitll high rUllk. Oll~ day l)S t wU8 1 ~our p,OPOSI,L\\ l 'llm not OOXIOUS to rise n~~3~. ot~d tlll-mn l IS l~c op· wellth'er c~.re~(~p beou~ifulll' and ~1l8 be.· comill~ home, I Qvertoo]e her _wllh 8 school Ilbov~ the ~tlltc 01 !ito In which tllc Provi~:I J8~~l\~1l tl17d 18 • com mU~ and,gelllol,i SUited to tl!o sO:lson, o\llIIOnlQn. 'W 11, Jona,' I)lIid )1 you uro dellop QI God hllij placed Illej lIut IrI wert:', 81~ hOllrd of Oil rdlng 01' a ripe Iln,d rl1pl~ vegeto· gl.ming ulong \ eFy 1"011 how hllppeflRIt, you, conld nut Cor an 1nsto.nt I\esltate.' ~t I,"d JO(l dQ !\fI('Ulllero tlon' ' do'so lIluoll'b1lttor now han ut the beo-Ih· 'And why1' reJollled the King somewhat WUIJ~~Y';:-ITlIhtl .1 "","mIl M" , ~ .... - q11 parw I.". • d .1 '" " d. 1'" . ~ut river n IInt",( Ol1lnJlu . A<;c~unta uvm 91 ' til 0 ~t unl~e uil'lg of the I)II'lttot!' \ 'T uO nnt know lIo\~ Bijrpr'80 '. fill at 'l2c: t:I do fill KiD~m 'lIp'e,k I"vo[ullly of tho cr()pII. It J8,' sbe ~el'·lled. [ ~n<lW wllllt site told 'Iloca\ls,' 1111 wc-red lhe girl coiotlllg. 180 do 1111 t:nnni n d~) }' c. ' . III tho week en4jl1g )lU!t Snturdo);, 880 mo tho othllf dJ,ly,' 1\9 il\ hQr companion. 'tny mother 1$ p(,)o~ UI)d sickly, 11.I1d hu!< IlU s\loAn - ,'Che mk\ IS Ullch~llffed l.>utJirrt;l1 Mothnvore rel¥istered ,ill the JltlltrQPpl,itQfI ' And wllnt WUiI thaW T nskOll'. ahe !Jut Inc to assist ar comlort her ulluer M\lml\gi!.~-A llollt:r u.ollltl.n 1~ the I'I),,~ districts; a mortality whicll , l~ Btlll len 'Why, she suid IIhc was encouraged' hel' II11\0y affiictions: uud no earthly bribB s~~~~ ~I:~;~r~~~~ e8~~~; of~~I~Cf~' I~~~I~ than the aVQra~, corrected fo~ morel1i!o of • ¥I'B horQ..\\'1l hnve it-she wns encuuTugo~. could intluoe me to I~ uvc her, or to :ld", IInlll~ l\" s.VH. llt'OONc. IllUlh • p6pulQtion,l)ut ahows 11 dispol tiOD to in· Siie Ci.llt ·~h ~irll\l wltl! not dull 10 OVl'rytlltllrt. !the d~lq ()8 wlllcb U.flCcfIOI) , roqultes ()~ I1'lE-fl'h d 91MJ)U I fOlr nnt.! prtc;os 1I'1t'llIl' croose on Uil\ low rate: of mortality t.hat Shq bud lourll e~1 !lelf re\!pcct und thus sl~o me.' y, I,A 0\ 20 Ugd 01 9,1.c .• WId 100 du ot lIOIPr. hUB Ileen ollsel'vodtluri)lg~ho p'ro't;lous three W[)'d enco\lrarred. ,~ , '''Yhoro is your moUler'!' a Iced the 111Or\ cash nnd I)CIl'~.Qll t~n ~. weeks. ~ gr!lduaJ rise III 0pr~r~t in. re-, OIllC ~w ~'E' or Lliifteen years ogo. there arch. , . • I)ont returolS; tor 81ne ,thll tJllrd IVOI''' of Wns an Frlll)ldlu' $chool ~n cxcop.dingly . 'in the little cuLan, rephecl Ihe gld April the numbers havo oeon. "ucepssive· dl~U boy. OnO day the tenchOi wlsl.lIng tb poitlt~pg to Ii wretched hovel besldo ber . . I~ 803, 8S9, al)7 ond 880. ,Tukilll tIle look.out u ,,'ord, touk up the Illd'd dl/)tlouory 'rhe l{Ing"whose. feellllgs were IIltelo 1:'c;d1re.ponlliD'g weeks the YOllrs tlHO·9, t.t ul,4 9pl:uill(r it (O\I1)~ til hlll.nk len,ves co v· ed in (uvor cnlle cOlllpo.nion, wOIiLln. nnd llppe,\r thllt l!lllt \yeek's 'mortalit.'Y 'VOS ereel With ~~WIllS'<I. 110 clIlIed tbe boy to b()helu \It(otched on u bedst(oIl~, on ~rel'lter \han ill allY corresponding weok of 111)11. COVOI iug wns 11 little /ltJ:QW. an r(gad 18~O 6, btl!. le~ ~han In any C)f 1847-9; \ f11i~ you 'dJtl\y Ih oSQJl9.lid ~hc tenoher weighed down With yeal'f\ nQd siillung undor 'Ye~ In r,' said the hby wl~h u ' dQwnc<ust infi~mi~u11l ~dv(!d lit the SIght, tho mOll· '(Il\d tbat tile /lctual tlvorGgO of tile tell weekI) 888, or, raised in · the ratio bf look. •. Ilrl)b oddressed he.!': , )!opulll on" 947, o(lma/ll'tld with whloh. let. '1110 not like it wnll for boys to drllw in '111m sorry, po,lr womnn, to find )IOU ill 80 l or IIUrq tho. ' rellent deorellllo omounts their bool;s,' said the llluoher. 'und I Would d(.'stil\lte oncliliHictQ4 II I:o/!ditiou.' cf07. rllb tllellB out If ( I,VQTQ.. YOu; bu, th~y ure' ' Alas, ~ir,.' lin wered the\·:CI~erO:bl:P '6uIl1J r'·.1 Lotd Palmer.ton 4116 t'llplolned to th'll dutto wel\. 1 lid you liver toj(e' lellson tt!' r, If I!h(Juld bo illlleed to be pitlell, hnd lIoUN of eommoDII the 'reRult o("t~e di,r. No sir,' aaid the boy, his yell spntk\tntr tbllt k,inel uod uttel~~lve J:lrl. Who lubors Lo hel lty wJUJ ~ Frenc;h ~bils.aaiJot; hili 'Well, I think fOU Iallve I\. t:tlent ror th'j'~ IIUPPO(t mo, IIIltt .OI)'l,\~8 'IOt/IIII{f she tlunks, jllcel:Ia 'fllll'1lllhtlhlctory to hl!lJrl~l\Cj~. thing! I Kh aid 1111 Y01.lto drn\v me l!\1l11e· can o(J'ord 010 robe'f. . M~y a grllelous t?od Anetlter lniKaifee of IIpl tolloo Mm· tblD" W~leJl i'Q\! ~ro at h61l1~ Qnd ,bring I~ to remember It for IH~r Ifdod, ..he udd~d. wiping lJUllthlll or cOIlI,'bj whie: III Iirtc of the me." III thll In all Lllnc ijP.1l ho\~ woll 'you a\vay n toor. OceAn Quoen, b' ungill{: to Lnnrlull, up· C;OIl rel'lte Yotlr lCllf!\l 1l ., Nover. pcrllnps, was Gustnv "'14m ~r IIOG tUI", librd n. Was tulctlly l\)~t, :rho btl) 1~ll he wns uud(li'stCJod. lI e bQ· sllJle thlll ttt th~t ml>m~nt of I hll"n 1:I'OllUriiJ '0 I hilS been r~rorted ot Lloyd&. 'rh tlnfor- gUII '~o love hj~ toacher. H e iJecnlTlC nni· PO!!sC)S!llJ'l! nn exalted etatlon; Ilnd III1i1te v II h '1I1 n rul (iu.rg o or No\vcllbllo mated u)lIl fOlll14i'bi boolts . . no took de. a puree intQtho h.and ortb,e young lIager. co~I,lInd WIlIl \,Juund tO~llot, fi)c the Ji;lIl'- IIlrht in ~ratify in~dIl8 teacper by hl ~ fUlth· he eould QIlIy !lily. ," \, lill\U'I"'~ i'I:Jll!I\I~ ply Qf ibe ludill .1!toail\tl'\l. On the 21 t fll1l1 c. w hin t<tU11Icj;; willie the tOR ber • untmt1e to tuke good CIITe ofy<ouqnothu~ \ Dc.cember, \ho enptllll! IV:lIi Ill form~tl by touk every oPP rtll lit ~o 'lI{1oumge him in ur; I ebnlllloon ~n~ll}~ you 1,0 ~o 80 n~or crone of ',Ift crew 1hllt $mok \V /I ill!llllllg his lI11turul ((I'.stroll. ~ rh IJoy ~ aTne 00(.1 fee-lunUy. Good by, my 1I1J11llbie IW I, ~Otl forth fr\Jan tho h~io lot~ ord, Rnd 11 eWl· of t c l~r t !j1)1'olnl'g. null gOlned tI.e med"1 lil uy depend on tbe prOmll3e of yo Ill' klllg IleelQd tlap f 1 h\ltl1llllitOll. Til Ia.ltoh s ber9're I,e left I "6hool. Artnr thlslle:bcOn bl rtltll/ JI to .Stockholan, Gl\8tu':U8 • wei8 at' onee Tcrn vca, wli().ll in tilllt(~ Itt- COI7I(: 1111 ell,grllvcr IUltlll]1 money euollghto ~etlJed 0 pensIOn for Iare on laor motller, With • Illes burat lortll on.1 crory ,\.'i11urt 111%0 - ~o g to Eump , ~tlldie(l t\l~ w~rk~ of the o~d the reversion to he~ dll\lg~cr, at her dOllth. tillbllu 'M.1n prO\'ed unl.waihng. Th~ :;1 mMtOI'Il. S.~'IIlt .!o:n pro ... u~tJlln~ froUl JIIlS Powerful .R'.!8J16btlig. '\vu~CI'l III 13t. ~ 30 IIt.lUtla; I1nd Ion. /)3 ~Wll pl'll clh wlll,,1a fuund c\ pll\ce III the ~e&t At 0. youn" mOI1'/J JebaJing society som • ~tl8.~ omc 600 or SlJO Jlilu!'! 1lllIlUt~ll'roan 70tl ; (Iliol!>!' of [mil.!Llljg:t llrl:1 is I'\~W a ptOql' where down" in Jndi~n~, tTll' quC!stiOl\ (or i,IlIt1. Tho (lraw, nller nn un 11(:1)('1$ ful nt- 11:'!!lg Ill'tl, t Qf 11105 }''8ar:i II) t,l; IS cQuntry. d.sol,lssion WOB. ",\vllich W08 tbo ,roatest t~mpl to conSilII the firo to tho l!ol ,W te AI t r the \loy gflan;rd .111 m dol, he>scnt \.he evil, n scoldin~ IVlfe or a smoky chlm 'oluJlehc8 to ~ku \0 t.ht:! bou~, Ollfl nft(>t tcncllcr II locuIltlfu,f 1)1 tur I.l ~ I(en uf r • ACte!" ~he npjJoluted dlflp"tnntil bad coli \ cutltlcull,t '\'lucla jd)'uriuJt, ~lae)' w<'rl'jllck tI sreet; ulI,l f duuUt nol to ~h~s dpy he feels ded tbe debate, 11 spectator orose Bud beg. "I' by • Freneb homeward.bound "11I1f.' -laO Ihllt the l a,Mr,J)y the JllllICa.otlS eueom'oge' gea ~lle prlvilog of"making a fow rerullr)"'1 III ill'a rl'Qm the ,pot wkero tb..e Urenu QI~e"lI mont Ii g,lI'\, to the lIQt\lrllll~r.n of lUll. mand, 01\ the occolilon." PermissIon Laing grant. \\ \It bllrned. 'fbey vero \lUre~y' wmletl nt tins ba~ 0 grellt In rill and 8Plfll'uol clicet 011 ed he delive~oJ llianHolI in thia way 'Mr. tbe M4urlt"uil. By ,a recent ~~\lrll \he ro hil! chrr<lclc:\·. Pr~s,dent, J'yO been almost lOud II JistQuil\ nprelN to hll,e }jelln . no ftl\1 (Or th:ln J to tllG tlebnteol these 'ereyoungstofe . They IIhlpol 'dIIatftt~ by . tb'e rum in alu'!; I)hW! ~cI ...:utl9J1. don't knmy notbm lit 011 about the 8Ul,neCt;.1 during tb& I~U four yeArs. Tilllut~ly. one of tl e grand r1lll1lB of WhQ.t cht theY' know. o1,l~u\ the 6VI r II 101lQ) om: mod~rll ay.ll!m. of educabon has bllen Booldirtg w\[01 Walt till CO", ~ '1\ a 1 t(u t.he oneJald8llllo88 0 cba1"ll.cter which thoy ono for t.~venty yeofs, lIJId been !tllimmered. _ A!~llfOr9!(' u n , .~ to ~oduce. Even now, nndJumtnod o)ld ~lllmmea aU the Sf.-wul!.-The bill to .IIICTt'1'aothc rank tbough edueationi"ia are Ilwliken!bg to u W(llt till th~trtl scolded becal1se the lhe tile of tbe army,,_1lI1 tt) QIICOllr!IIrO en· senle or thlll dl'fect, it too generully pre- uried, hecaudo the firo \Voulel'nt b~rn, I"lmenta, WU 'ret.urned from Rou.,\) vlile. It ill ca however, wllich..can· cause ' the oven WIlS tab hot, beco.us~ the willa '" ~ood~oJ't,.. . ' be too upoo. tbal cd· co~ i(}-ketlov.nr thr.llIilk"beelluselt ramed. Th., aml'Ddment wOe In ro!iltlon to thl) h. it ton(l!! to be~o\llle tne sun ~biped; becaul\elhe bena did Proilricty or m<lun\lng- ,corillm troop •. hlt~l- nt 10>: because tbe hutter Aller ~cN1iI~ -\ileamtlndme~t Willi of the the old cut had k!\fenfl,becauB" ttiev'cc)uuit1OI>'! 000 _ _ )'" ~ properly of IIQon to qanncr. l,ieca.usc they Wall The cuntllderatioD ortlac l1urorni8.~u. third o~ a ut too lutr~ . ,bocnuilc th~Y' tic,,11 ",1'1,1 thon rel\l_men. of • th eV'lQre their I t o\\ ser~, booause Ml. O..u .4drell!f,!d the ~onl1l. If(l and inca. ted II neigllbor womun to call again, 'ernl, banclle~ tbe 1'ep1ftrks mdee by ~r. of biB be. they got aicll, odler:llusethey ,i1id Dontoh fe.tordIlY •• .Be ~re~wd tl pecl"l.. inde. else, no matter wbe,her thpy __ ' . '.1~." I}' hi. "lIwtloM to tbe chlllrJIIlln of lho COlDnbout beg- It O~ not, or because tIley dido't do IO\.ttee of thirteen. :t:he ~oawr ftl;m m eelf,..,..to thillg else, 110 'rQ'tter \vhndrer tbey. MjeeoM bJd trUly ~Id \luatio\1re 411 ~ ~.t. ia \0 fllct, or n~belore -the)' t.lIk about the evilB a p,.perou, aad 1 h!lPl!)' C\ I'ptr,y. ~. oC " scolding \ irej ~V)I~, Ilr. Prellident,I,woUld perwa u.we. are, & dllllcol~ ~ a:tUletl world rntller bear the cllltter at )lam~errj lI~d whlota ... DO'" unar GODlia.ration, alld IIlbn~1I on tWenty tin pnDS amI mn.e brua whleh h belIeved to be. most ptQPCf lOb. by to lIome kettles, Ulnn tho' din, clin, ~in. or tbe tongue floating and supplementnrv elemtmts. of a seaiding wife. Yea "ir«, I lvould; ~ Joet ot ClJlllpi'o"IIJO' ~ Ihort \itllo. the Senath .... threatened with ~Ie , wblJ:b be mill form Ii specie. of , ClOI'- my.,milld, Mr. President, a 8~oky chlmt,lilY mol pMllO. and J.lt, II l'ITj)JcClt wu reBemblini; • milD. '':TbJ8 i-!l the Is'1I0 more to ,,<cOmP.lU'ed !O II seoldllJl' ~, tbr\nnl to tb~ u~, and w)ayetlieJll are 10 mllny mor~ wife, tha11 11 htun mgger lS tb a dark ',-.ttJeJ.he. ~h. ~ Met ut· p~rlODII i\inn"ndividual81n80cielYI n'ght. :l , •. fqr tnoat-~Utv. neletyitBjllf ill 80 hnper!e~t alld Mi 'M! Alin C~YouN()\hiDg "-!....I!!,.;~:~!:! . the Ik.UtA. O. , Mbst of the J~ri~ diecordl! been ~~Si~'!ci ta tbe New. York Totnba, ~~ from th~ tllo commuDlt1 ate o~e.n8., for tUo habitually IlItoxlC,!lt.ed. Sbe ~ 1\ ~ ... lie:a~!>:. u diajoint.ed ~J& ents. wbl~Ckb ct'rtt~~l'l c~stJS the State something now. ImP!ll1UCcene_._ao~. .<OY&f Its qtllCl surface I e ~ , . of the ~ of &he: ICbemo berore, lOll btO(;ia lee \bat po.~ of 8treilUl by Wliot U'-A m~ in ~ew York at\· naeathw .~tnIm&, ~lUIt Itt would bue clcu;nmiog up ita peo~rull:.urrents ancl~o.r: verU8e8 tb~ ~sbibltto,! of, hvo ~cma~~:"'IiJi ~~uecl d(t aod: it.lgreen bank.. Lt will alwaya "b,an artist of celebrity,' oplored, lep,tft. ~'1 NCO_UDell n,. suell perlOnl to make Ill) entire the sizll of life, of nJP.. PlU"kman adopdoa C)(~oI' tbe ~i o! tile citlZfln, ot.~ rnend: _ Wel)~erl Littlefield's d~ltUerreo'YJ1e Ie· CGJiMI.... .., dalrleen. Jte-apoke h,glaJY If y'DU ..,o~ ttits ~bot1ive.l811 e,lee companies the eJblbitlori. , of ... Oomproll1.. to it that you cultivaw with equal cu-e the b • illed to 1Ir. 0.... He 0l'il1 'IIteWletual. imtI pb .i,caJ 'cbCll_c:~r TIle .Romloa loy ~n ben,J: ee at dellilMle p'fMlllAftl\'.'~ toDdem~- ~d e!o.tlllltion your cMti" fHliD, aMlf- dIning: ~bl:s on tIlCI!' lel\ IYIllI, eel 1M ~.tt.1 Be lon~. ed by the vid!!~ce Qr JOur owo oblenaUon, wIth ihclT nglat. . o4IIi;n~ of collf~ &hal if you pUIJh ono or: the ene.nial c;1e,. ~ , _ ~ ~. . ..euta ~. preeomou. dev~loplll~_at t~f! h III a melln lba~ to borrow }'I>l1r noijhllor'. &'~~ . . . . . ." .• ~ npellte of tile -..t • lOU dmort UIO ullIty paper 11'1I0I'l YOIl efll lou COQfOu\lded IUl.lIIY . "~ oll~ belol' JO« create at a'll ~m~ble -\like ~e of your own. ........\817; - ·.....,..01 ,~,.-.:c. dil!oord 1100111 its caUributea It is a m~lIo lb1"3 to IUblGribe fOr • UtI,..II· lIIe _ _ hlt.o · eo.m~ 01 d ......811 that IIfterrll paper anI( ne~or pay tor it. . GIld L_I _ _ ....... Califorala -dOn ......,;... a acUGIlIt- ~n IIJIPru'un.. 1IIt'I h il! a mHn tliiqg to reset wbat ~ may "::.:: ~_ ,........ ~ wlllcb aloue ecU8 iD. n.-~~· ,".t:, ~ .- ' -Md." It W I Qleu!JaiN[ 10 look 0.,01 an ..... tot I • IbQuli1« when W1'fU'u,. 1 It Wa PMan tIMe to ridlt'Ule . . &li.toril • ~:==~Il'~\'bJe in the an~ wi!all rOIl 119' lWO alon18 of bnaiJIII lD
'8 '
up on thu day of April 1850, I. TA'KEN W WaY\lo \V IlYll~8V,tlO
' lO\Hllllnp
c;ounty Ublu, hy thc8ub~C rlher who ihoroTOIIJdoe, bll.y ,nur(\, l!uI!po8l)d to 'rl two yell,rs ol.,t, obout 1-1)" honds hl!:h. With n 8tat- in the lnco, 110 olhor mnrlll1 p(lrCtll\·llblo. l\ll\y 4. ~5-tI E. IlAlVI~El, t" Ohio lIIf¥tUal lDSUI'IUloe C1ompany, ,
IIny OIlier rl:8PQDslbl. iueu~noe CIOI11pimy io \he thard of tllo I!tll..t:e; for Pllrtici;all&f lO(orma{ion caLI at my mfi... on tho dllY
Of the
~Ideo B~\I.
~ ~
• 41
nl'll!'lI.d~ar.wcml who.onnot ~our~~O~WII~'~k~:Ull~.~~~~~~~~;~ God J09." .y.....*'\1." He ~.~~::n.:.
7. J85Q Wm EUL.ASS, Bh<lrifT.
ON PETITION FQR PAllTITION __ & l'a,to. . W ar. CQm. PI 0111'. Orhelall R Smith cl ",I
I\n or-
orellio dilly is.ued &o~ laid ~urt In the dlreeloll, I wJll Qft'llt for' .ale • tho · €OI~\'t·holil" in ~bano~ l!,am!tI County
l19.a4II'7. Use 8tJl 10
~25 Ju""
i ..
~ pAid hi hanJi
)' llnr thcrc-._:...... Waynlllvjlle 2 mo D1850. !l 1;>. ~VAN9 ,,£I. r; And from tha of ~nle. ' A R'J'lFICIAL FJ..OWt<RS. Bonnet CIlpr!. dB? ;ff10 defered rllymonfll 10 l)nar j4te~8t trqm ::.cJ,. Sllldtuache8, lind whito nod c:olotC!d Wti· !he Ifay ofllaie, null to be Bc\c;ured boY Ottgllg'e ,ions Il~ ALLEN & ElV ANS. bn (he jlrOpc rl}': I!Qlr,I. ' . ' '.
ft'l'l flit I nch~8 oillhard aqeo" Lol N.. 3 (ogotha wrt» .p.
·lo·~, .. p,.'ft' Hond(ed I>oHare. . 'fho Ilndorelgned. Dgll/ll oflb,lIl1.bove coll1Rany, ,.,\11 ,bb !laid i",~at8 porcblltirtut'8 W jllliure I'ropet'ly R'\lil;l.~ 10811 or (Jam· Ilil the ollprwelDoni a\)ovo, lur ngo by fU'e. 'cJtllAlr 00 llIu muwo.1 or cuh pl"o, .. not ltll!. than d.irdH tho Ilpprllieed v1llue tliell[lpllll"nt U1\1y pref, ~. qpon .. ~ tormB ~ thereof, upon &etllll to wit. Qlle
CQt.ttllfnu!I, OUlI)
hnlllnr 1lf..J!t1ld lot No.4. fiontin&: .
.~t IDlIlrtI
nery k.OIl ,be mon t~. OOIl'pau1 je IlIgarded lUI ono of tlie m9CIt Hber.r, promp"
and .are or by iu the ealWD _11')'. Per_ by ma.k~ng a email in'Iealmt!flt, can DOW
.-111 !he_I. . . . ._ barina dM eanUOK' of • whole UfetUQe -wept "wa,. in aD hour. ~ biDt to the wille iI_l1IfIiciat.. 11-3m W.,...tU.. l\Iay h, 1850.
a..._ S I ,DUWOroua toS es.
'J'll gi'~ tblll five dollllr bID for tt.· IDllne~an' dono's en((ugh bctwane ,Iatlemen. Down with the dU!lt, and
"' OJIIU' Prop r Splacre. The roltowlotf"nrtime ie CXn'acted'f'rom a rat.o dj_courla Fiy Rev. E. P. Ro~"" on TBRM8 OJ' ADVIIR'J:'IS11'fG m 'l'IIII .... vrAla VlBfl'OB. Obligations and Duties Qf tho Feroale
II ,v,JI L ~I::~~r.=~~~· ~r?art 1Dcoa.,aa, of J'odier for ~Dta\all1o \ AN. J~lnew ato • of Can. erc. the t(Jol (or PersquarCl of}:l Ii0ett-fireullllortlen • • • !II)' ~el'J' farm" ebol.tII be alletentJjle m,n ChaTlCiI ~uerlJ d ·o~ h'ob Con Till" bargaIn WIIS made by immediate sex to C ltristinp1ty." '" (lallh l\<loj lional 'ineort1on 26 in blil lIne-that ii, he should puraue ,the gan o~eml w I a f ~I IVr,1 >ft: trnnsrur. '1'he mom~l]t the further trot (he I:.et me· llI~re.ll!'ge npon my nJl1!ale hear. Ono aquUQ-threo mODIM • - • , ' , ', :):w belt methodB of dPlng every thing in' the ~ells at, the expense 0 • ,III n Ie 8- rep"... I I d d P t I II C;t d 'II to..; " t e' "0 lh the lIilt monlh , ••• -' 11 QQ belt mlnuer Abd economy Is tlle root of lion for hope8ty. At! ' old ellow nnrn'l!d ~1tone, no 01' ere II t(1 It lO out, I~n 6\'11 ~spe..Ctn y uOS" W 10 nr In ', U , . YEARLY ADVERTJBING: • Beien vic do not nle"n by ' .fncono.... Y,'1 McC.abe I.Hltl ~lVo SOilS, Who were nlwaYs f10inting the pilltol, th"'ll~eJlOd to bl6W hi8 iml\ottllnce.ot taking 10ltlQrlInd butwr "" ., ,. ., ... ) themselv h I Id brains'oUt if. he refuscU., of .o vlli'rJ. world. It is n ljad thing to ne f'qllur ,1:1 tIlles, - ~ - ••• - -~ 1. 00 lIunglliellll, for tha,t ia the WOr t . l;!~ld 01' 11 ) ; .,. IJQt\~'cQ I, as ;\V 0 e \J'U 'pllt loOketlnt bi'l~ with n. comicltl \eeTj many of Ull~, young,aml fUlr who 0 life 'l'w I!l)u!!crOll. 26 Itpca, ••• - • • III (j() 'l'hrce ~qUQTeII, '1IlIh108~ • - • - ' . 12 00 t!'llvaganec! but wermelln !,(rl'~; "" Itl 'm 11/111 :lIfl the (lId mO;~.8 liioney .. FI~olly, l\ftIt OJ\d buttonilig" his breeohes )lock¢t ' s ung I almost a blault-I WIll aot soy n blot; IS (l() oba lIValion. For eXlJ,mplr., it'l not gqod 10 enr t! out Qnd tll~lcil. ]CI\VI!,~ bl~ b~Olhrd ' whose keen 5\lsceptiblhllCs, wllv c noble F'ot,lr st)llocee. 5~ IIh - - ••• IllillhL quntC8. 1011 IH~(l9 •• - - 2S 00 foed cattle qn mh o fiUUW. bllt t)ICII i\" we ~~t~r:lI po, ~<l~ iuq of tho ~' d, . r ho 0 lo\~. QWIlY.. o~lid bo ' a.......-l take t he !IOWer -whose deep ,nf]'elltlO n, whoso o::rAflllOUlIClI;g CIlMj(ljlt;l1l1,(lilr time 80i',!· r.an find IO,llletbill:r \u l10miline wJ~h tho ~IQlt (hli~; hilt refu e~ t~ tn'\ t \v IJlY IL~~ldr~ uiMf rQ\\',:ilar'll in it. 1: " .' ' ptec\t>U8 tll\IO, Jij Invi :hed only 1,lp on ~y d6i;cTlJj l~oM to be ehul-god nt Ih flit 1,11 ~ l straw, to 1111~ke It good fodul!r, surely It I~ 11)£ Ibot tlte ' llroli~rty Il 'ou\ ,1.1 0 In~ ~ I. We liell~ve the uIt! mnn never told jhe dnd gui ty, nnd fnllillonoble viillllng; who l?!r tlC,h I1l1ml!, thO _nmt) tolJlll'fud All ndvuIII'e' ' " wise ~ use It 0.8 such: Jly. bultlng IItrow VI .cd b~twl I'll the two sons. Till!, Hillot Iqst p8T~ of the stOTY <ln lyonce. aDd thlLl wear lho hright upP'nrel of thl} butlOrfty. in nil O1I~Cl! , n Adl' tlJ l!ODlollti! 1I0t rnllrilt';ti 1,111 1\10 ct p)l..fljf n fine, lind immerstlll; It III iloillllg lll'lsoeil t!Ult Peter: so, as soon os thQ Ol~ mta \\!uB loy tIle Pllrest ncc~dent. Pllt moved aOlI, ure IlS light nnd grnceful, 01111 (U! u$(\leas sp,utllfi d numb9r r lhllQrhollS, wlll lie Ctlnlinu· menllU)d stirring It up, U 1II0~t excellent br~theulll lust, oul1 P etecr ~elllf 'Y--, Po on, Ilnd 'on ce n\\'lly forever o.wn.' bas' s lnce too \\'1)0 e conversation fl~lils flO IlIghllr oil unlH ordurt.~l out. ' food for oxen aud otber CIIttlil. Corn stalks fQlllcmbercd Lhll!. on. regnn 1I ' [nUlel' . , pnvll ~g ofyl'nrly od¥~rliecrs QuI), are oliQ good if hrepnrctl Il!l folloW: Cut IIlPkod very much ltko } l\e defunct Off,he boep 111 motto ' " Qr more Itll}>rol:inll' : subject lIlun the Idle IlXlTho nd IIJ tb ul~ 0\\ n iIillllqrllulO trIl81r\JlHS' , the staib in dmllcbiuo and plnce tlitml ~n a 8'908 culls ~'p ' \he Qld~~ (; gan, lU~d offcrA 'I g(\~slp of Ule lIllY, the In t pnrly, or the hogsbead, steam ~I)em by pouring \,olllng 'bim Ih'e gold glllnens If lie WIll pCrpOn(ll~ ' A, 'Yllnk e ill 'tho oil\" .' neye rfi.lj h.ng topic. llHi s~ w'h~8e. rel;l(ijll}f iii The Law of NClVSI10IlCrs. wawrupou ,the m nnt! covering them up for the dp-ad .mlln long enough t mnke ~ will 'I'he rOllOWII1~ mlrth-prbrtiking nccount th e uliseruble trush whICh 1$ , lIlu ndatmg J Illl8crjJ'er8, who do) Ilot 111\ !lXI'1I 8 ~ NO' .ome-time with a blnnket. PuLsome bait bequeuthlllg all to Peter.- Creglln ' Ylelus, of. a Yankee'l! first trIp in 11 railway otlr, II' o\'cry COlllml)nity, nnd ener\'uting and dlS' T(U: ttl Iho tlOI\lrllry, orl) call ill red wieiling 10 \ among tbem ' arid when cold strew O\'cr is pl\t into the drnd·mall Ii beu olld sbooa, Irom 'Hcsperos,' a uow book bf trnvels 10 SIPDtlllg the llIinds of our youth; whose CQTIIIIIUIl th~ ir BllbscriplltlnS 2 lf flllbBlln u r~ onlor Ihn. ilittt:onhnllnlJce or tham a li~\I~ ,",ounil menl, a~d a most ex- the lawyer onlle.d, nnd the rHl1gbboIa this county, wrItten by nn Englisll lady. - wholo lire soe ms to be nil ailnless, frivolous IhOlT papers, Iho plibb hor IIlIly 001l1111U O 10 80011 • \ IflOIl!1 It IS nt nlgllt, nDd the roem not The nu'Lol' hns Bucoelleilm 'IllllfUel'f/!llty. !if< • und wllo, as they fly by liS on till/ir IhelD u"ul 11\1 orrclITol:llB lIro I'IJid cellenti o'ader f~ t-he result. , JighteCl. Nobolly sus,I>ecte tho fraud. pll1gJ~orne of LI c peculiaritIes onhe'lnr· Illry WIU'YS, provoke tile cDquiry-ot'For ~ If SuhsC/luOr8 1l~1 ct or ruf!,l8o to "II{ o lhcJr Il'ho Catterpillnr. Cregon Ilroceeds to ~iiltQte the, WIll. nol I nnltce, WIth u falthlulucss thtlt would whut Iver; tlicse pleHy croutllTe! mildeW PUll rs frolll Ibe amacs to" Meb thoy ill II sellt, An enemy tll' the cnttarpJIlnr4nd who " Whero'l! Billy Scattll'n1 J want.o make have mode Yallk eo Hdl scream with de· 1 prny you tnl{o lol'tiel' vIews of life than thoy oro huM rospon~ lhlc 1111 they hnv~' SOli led th/lttl.IlB tre('rJ ill not,one1-reco!""mends the my will!" " light. R oad nnel Bee : tlo" diese. WillIe I would not draw yOll from Ilum bJII8ylind ordered t heIr pavor dlscollunu, , I'He's here) father!" sl1id P eter tnklng stopped, every now nnci then, to tolco rn~i0i111\ pl easures of Bo'ciety, nor bring 0114. 11 ~\lbacril! Qra r movq lO olher plncl}!I "1111' foJlowlIIg as UIO .most conventent \\Uly to eet ~t and tlxtt'rmmllte tillS pest ofQrohuf.ds Billy by the band and lendlll~ Jl1m . to llle III wood /lUU wat I'; but. III sp ite of this, lllIci one gloomy:t,llouullpon. yOUi YOllthful 8ky, ou l lflfo'rIJlIIlg Ihe. publish r. n!J.U tho pili/or I ~ .and gro\·es. Mnke. n awab Qf cotlOT! ' bllt. il etiill de . ' :llso or ti,e t(llthllg nOISD mllde by th o train 1 su ll \\ ould plead for sorne serlOIJS Iiourl!l, 8Cnl to Iho lorm or iltroClIion, lb'6y ure hI) II roo tlnlfOf tow, aUBcl, I~ to tbe ~ I\d of a cn~e "W rite whllt I bId ye, nilly, and be I)ltick: when we were in mOllOll, every one in the some mUll lriou ' monents-soll1C time op· sponsible 5. Tho ourts ho\'(' dodd tI 11111t rofllslIIg 10 fishulg rod! or some. light polo, aud then ~I'p for I lllLve't n lonf! lllno pforo qle here.. • currnge soon Brept. or at 1~IIBt llppoured to portioned tu lho c.ulture- of the In IIld , the luke n n \Vapnper or l'0flod~clIl lrom Iho QIliIlC, th.e swab mto IIplrlts of turpentine, ThIS we 0. good eMholic, thoug h F uthcr (j'Raf': do 80, except olle old mall aud myself. He. enrl 'lung 01 the ' rllemory Wllh the stores or romo vln lr nncllcn,vllig It tUlcnlllid for, l ~ pnWIll make a, torch convenie~t ~o handle, fety wont't glre me tile 'ritos !" A geneI'. poor gontleman, appearod to be un or useful knowlecltte. I woulei plelld thot IlIB fuclo ovulcnuDOllwrEN'J'I ON"r. FRAllD and to be .used .nny \vhere nnd every wh~re III chor\lll ul muttered "Oh, rnu~hll, muaM" UlICUSIIIOSS of mimi, from wup the copu.cities Qlld nsplrntloos of the 1m· Arnt~ WIth tlus, Dnt ~ cUPI,or \vf(mtln e , was llOW henrd throngh the rOOm' but etIgQ of the locllli ly. HIS intention mortal purt roc(jivc somo 1Il1ll)f!t r ntion, nnd a~d mnt~l\o~1 make t Ie .ntlnc". le~ever whothor In grio! nt 'tlto s1l{l (ate of tho dy. WJsh Wila to ,atop at SyraC\lSe. nncl he lhat tho Ulornl fucllihea be Clllli\'otpd and y~" ~o a }.Ittle web" l1gJI\. your SWi\1.I inl!' man, or the uuftlllclung sevorl ty of ..:l,e of tile gr~llte8t ularm le"t, 1.11 the onrl(· Btil'nlll atc:u, an d the generoUs Iml'uls'OS of raIse It to ~Ie nest •. rho lir~ from tile tur· plieat, is haru to slly. . " ,!C s of tho n'$ht, he should overluok thc the soul bc expall(\etl In lapors for the beet pentine is ~U8t sufliclont to klll ti,e worms, '(I cluj in ponco . with 011 my neiIThb9rs plnce, lind b~ caTtled on he knew not wl,ero. good of thoge llTOtll1el )'0\1. De asslIrecl and not inJuro die trees. noel 0.11 m Inklnd!" . " : Rllil Nay tra\'eillng W ll)!, to nil nppellr- there is no belluly II1le thllt of goodness Culture of Strawberries in ,Utenlllte , A:nothor chorus cf the company seemed onee lIe\y to hlln, all_d from, hI d, eonsternu· -there is IJower like that of VII tu e. , ,'J Strip". " to oppro\'o thosc charltable eXl?re8slO~a. bon, nJ Wllll~ ho eVlllenLly considered tho FlQt Ol1al UCQuty Olfl, nttmclthelu!rtIi rlltion A etm more 811SY and eCOllOmlcnl moele ' 1 bequenth unto my Ro n Peter-.aud MV· Immense r/J.pidlty. o'lr l1loVe~oillt6, 1 Lhe I)ossi ng hour, b~lt It IS t.he rIcher tHan that of culture ill rows, Js that er wns there a betler son, or a doccnter coul.d . Reo he \\'us qUIte onpnble of ocl1o- beauty of 'morlll worth, lho lo\'ohness of c:ulture in rows, is thot of grQ\ving bQy1 Have you that down / I bequenth lIll' l tng Dr, Crookett's Temlll j{, whell hI fir .. t the 80u l, that commllnds the-deepe. t rever· .trawberry il) 'alternate slr,ips. ' to my son Peter tl1e wllolo qf nly two ISUW a swiftly,pBslung: train, 'Holl in hnr- ell ce IIlId t10cures tho most ('ndurlpg nfiQCo Early in A~)fll, or ill Augu~t, I)eiug pro. [lIrma qf l{llllmullOoollcry lind Knockslle· ness by Jupit r, ' At every sto)1pl,lge for tIOU.' Even 1111m \,liu hll\"e 110 rt:hgion "idl!d with a gc:.od 8(,00" of strong young hOl'Qn \VIUI the fallow meadowa' beblnd WQod, hi:;! lugh.toned 1I~8nl voiCe woa lIenrd tllqmscl~e8 b1,lt wb..o nrc men of Judgment, plants, ieleella lIuit.8ble plElcc,>f goot! clt)ep Lynel~'s hOlleej th o rorge,llnd tile right of ' cxclllirnlllg, • W ell, t guess tIllS ' I! SyrnC'lipe' nUll wl\ose opinion. IS worth th mOllt, Boll. J)ig in a beavy coat of stnble mnli. turf ~n th~ Doorlln' bog. I gIVC, hIm-una ~Iln lIYltll nsc Ilccent on tIl(' ~11111 syl1llble); peet und tUhUlfO t\ llldy" mo~t, \vho disp ay!! UfO, pulverising- well ond .T-llking the top muclj good I}\ny it do ~!im-Lllnty Cos- 'Vell, I guess thiS IS SyrllC'usc, at l0Il8t, I In her ehuraoto\' lh ~ «belluty 01 holiness." woU, Builte out the tOil rowa (breo (cet t nrn's 'nere, lind tbe Lueliry tJeld, with lhe ~O!ld~r ",here the delntlon 'coons arc lJ~in~ It tl(ere- is olle s ig ht mOre than any I / ap"rt with a line. "'The plnnts IIhould lJOW lime kiln; nnd that reminds me thnt my lol J er jn tlllil w~rld o( sin im!! sorrOw , WI be plDDted along ench Une, abo\1t It lQot mouth is just as d~y; lot me tnste whot- yo ·No an \i~/er WB s VOIICh8Uf~d to this l'~l'nnrlt, Illes all the, elements of 'behu!y, apart In tlie row. They Wlll flO on 8t'nd i tho Jug." ! " • for .every: one, who , could IlIIve glvf'n bIOI 11 OS!;l and of wqrlb , it IS lhnt of a !:l.V!!..I!!E~~>:.-:-:r.l~tYJ:~."~\-" tunn_, all..d.th08e ruuPCI'S 8hQ'u\d lie nl· H~re the dy:incrmnn todk Il, yery heilrty satlsluctory f,"ply - ivu ll usJeep. :Aa For Jhe ond 1 vely famllle.. \ hOlle yO·jth 1lnd lo~cd to tbkJl POsscs.'ti,On of ellery a1te~nnte pull, und seeme! con!>1dernhly rofresllCd uy greatly' Ill> I OOllll'lIis('tlltct! lU8 aituntion, I who tleptJl ond riclll'!1S8 of offec.. trIp or three teet- the other I!trIr boinft it. , could (10 nething towllr.ds tell~vlllg IIIH al\x· tlo\!. n~d \vhoSI) powerful iu/l\lenco on hu· kept bare !iy , ContinuilJly delltroymg "Whero wns I, Dilly Scnnllll"lJl lIuy he' : iety, my stilte iW Iguorance being na decl(o- man hearts nre all coneecTntet!, to th (:aUS8 runne", upon n, the whole patch bobg "Oh, r remember, nt the lime kIln. J Jenv~ rable I;IS bis OIVIl. Aft.er a short puuse , be 01; Iruth llud 'holjne811, and Inid 'os an hom· kept rree bf ~Il ' wOfld8. !filII occUpteil him-!hllt1s PetM, I menn-the two po tll- beg1tn aglllnI ble offernl'" at tho Savior's feet. Auth a .trlp or \ied of ruonerll will now give n t91gnrdens at Noonan'" Well; Imd sure Its 'I say, ~ou ,ta,nnl nigger •• ·is this Syrn· beIng \S ,nd(1,~d \'lorthv tbl) reverencq ' ond he_q erop' or 5trll~berries, nnd the open tIle olegant fine croplI gro'w fhere." CUSG • I, tell you I'm bound to go to :;Iyrn odnurntlo)l 01 e"ery true ond ge CTOIla It rip or t.hree feet will .8erve as an alloy "Altlt you gettin~ Wilke, f\ltbcr, dtJrlln'1" ICUSe! . I've bought,nn ev('rlllBtlOg )otC/r oat· heart, (lOd she wjll command it, ~ven wlien fiom wliich to jather the fruit" After tho BOYS {'eter, who began to be al'r-aid of my tie, nUIU tell you 1 aOuJd buy all the CIty, the light of her bel).uty hi rjucllched, and e:rop I. over, dig' nnd pr~pare this !111-ey fatber's loqul1cJouSDI'IlI'; [or, to ArtV 'the I C(lultl. Everyone kJlQ\\'B hitT own busi· tho flower qf her loveliness is faded. Jl t. wtrfp, ror the occupancy of tho new trutit, lh<tpuucb gotin his head, 'and lio \Vas I Lost. nnd I pI esn m 1 know mine.' it ther£) ill II sad, heart.brenking fight on for trw nf'xt 101l0n'a crop. The dIsposed talk , In thill maDner lIe wen~ on ,. whether we earth, it is thut 01 one gifted with nil the trolD tbe-old strip ",m now speedily cover son/'sars Mi 'II' o.rn getting a\VnltOi were ~tn£ionl1ry 0 I~Qi, ~1.1l nt lllst, in Il~tot tllllU'ms wuioh nll..ture luvisbes lIpon het the ow "pace allotted to ~beml nud WIll my lips ogain with the jll'" Ah desptlll"! hQ g{lYO IIIB nmg;hbor a TClUslIIg daugntcfs, pro tlluting them \lpon the aJ~ perhapw reqlliro 1\ .jtftrt:h,l thlnnhlg out to you watered tho dr! 9kl" C push 011'10 ger,tle kind, and colled out Ir\ tnr of vanily or j'lIshion, nnd starvihg ~Y'l"·':::!:::!:i have tlJefil evonly Ifistrlbl!tlhl. AI! Boon ae indee~,lilther! but it's ~he tO llte II> Ilis very enr. '" soul on die uumenntng flattery of n thit i. Jhe ~ue. sar, About tlie mldd\e you," sllys :poter; Ilud again a IQw . '~~Il, oir, J a8~ ~ou. O!'Oe more, 'if this and hoUow-heo.rttnl world-l'Ullnhig Ii A~t, di,' IIn~ ~,e ",hole of t~o o{ oomp~oJla.te pl~ murmur~d aln ( S~cns/J, nnd If ltallt 1 I wo~deJr What dy rOllnd ot gaiety, frivolity and ptaOfI itb' a II!!'J COlt'af manUM. the cabIn. under: the ~hnigbty CO'l:i\p8B~ i t,jsl' - tlQn nnd laying up in the futuro '" .ut(iee · ma)' ll~ men lown with l'm'nearly done now ~' sUyll my The aWlikened sleep~r ,,;os e id.on,tly tn.· le~s'ul1il foti\ll!to"" ol~ a"Il, u~14 a' millerd nip. or splnage) which wil ej)me on tlle~'a ollly one little ,plot of ken by surprise, but, ns' it is contr/lry to r~mor$eful eternity. .. ~mlllning and 1 put it on you, Pe· Yankee's creed, tp bo listi)nillhed ILt ony "OIl, whilt is won111,n1 ~Vhnt hel1smile,l fore the DellI. .o..On or rrui~, In 1.e wlsh .to live a good mon, and die thinl{ :under the Slln, h.e 'recovered hlmso!!, Hcr IiplI 01' love. her eyo>! 0,' light! \ wa), the I\:ipl or beds occupied by planta ft'e re,eraed e.el'y aeallOn, lind the wl~ oasy heart Ii do now- that ye and, gte!ltly to the rell1~f of the worthy gra· Who.t is she iJ. Ihose Jrps revile '1'be lowly iesus1 Love n11iy write lIame ploto{ ~ou"d Qlllythuibe continned mtntl my las\ worda to ye bere. Are yo zier (Ior.sucb he appered to be,) gIl 've Ute for ma"y y,elra ...... Far1Jll.:r. ' \lsteDing' Al'/Vthe neil!hbors lillr~ningl Is deSIred mformlltioll, which stoppled hIS Hill 1I0mll upon llo;: mn, ble brow" BIlly Scanlin llstenlngl" . mQuth lor. a tlln~, Ill,l'\d ns he e\'ol~tually ADtllil1ge~ in her ~l,lrJ8 of j ~tj To n~strC)y Cat WOI·m8. ' "Yes, 'Sir. Ye"l fdthcr. '&Vlirl) uti mind. rellcMil . hIS destlU!l.hol\, ~va. suw blhl1 no Tho lihht spring t\owers JUDY mellllly bow l\1r II. lJ. lttlkllf, the AlI)ol'loon AlldculI d the au d'lenc\!. I!) tlld*t"IIUaulil!! hili ill(\I!I(H1l1IJIlCO _IP lll!fttrtlY IO¥ ing," C loruse mor e• Before her tread-Dna, yet-unil yet, tllla ,roublNOIIIIl )11$ w.l _ ""ViII, lhen, Itta!l'Y In!Jt wll\ ~"d, telJtu· . ; . . WiU,out tlult me~kor Wllee, 8h~'l\'be I wiUt quit .\lee,..tlll tlr my Ii. ellSny) la~t ment-, and may-gIVe me ...PVCI' tlie Jug". • JlIdnstrlol "£XhlbluQn.. AJlghter tpiug than vunityl" ~rllllll1 IWeiPIl tomaw~ c!lbb.K"8. ~c. In here be too~ a tong ucrn"-"ond 1J1uy thnt ThIS J8 n 8~heme wvrtlly .of IIp]l~obo..lion. . May 1 'tbmme}l~ trail 8l,innlil)IJ thorn illlo 111Y ~e poison to me, if I ,m not .1 !!llly,l 01, tl~e ~08t.8plendIlJ r(llllil.liJ of ...~. Beailliful plDI1\ ~ Iboy wcrn, tuu, ,nd thi!! 88 every otherJpart humalllilbor and IIklll, 111 , (he l'ariona,(le· J litlt quite pnnwof tbcPl A day or tw!> f I to b I . \" I t aftar tbie, upon lC)ing into my ~ardcn, 1 found I'ay then I boquenth tho littJO vartments Q <uecru 1I0B8, are e ~'rl)ug I til!' v.... ,1fT Ilio.t hatl .t""truYro Iholl1, ~ltJlL9llOd cro~ roads w poor CO)l. Ure. l.og~ther DDd exllibiteil Jf1 bmdo.n. Some tbeiT head" IIDd replanwd. Du~ 11ft" thoy wOIll gan fOl" hq has 0 hoavy cb~rgl( aDd 'i as nllti01l8 ~"v.e mode lI[leclOl cnnptments thnt lIIlain. • could k111 tho out wllrO} ,\Jut dl"~ elid hon~st and ,hurd-workIng a m ~TI" as ever tbe.y . • hall be tbor~llgbly Tepresent~ d, is COntl\l~e~ in th!! f? lIow~ng extruct not rflflacolllY p'lalllal. A o&w;idco. ipen struek i "new', BA n fr!lnd to .b im. Deter. denr', Am.oog tbd8e. wo DO~lce Frl\nce, SI)a1O. the Ohn Stl011 Enqnlrer, .It I,as not ' mil ·p,"'od ~ fcw: haniifule of clover, ftlld IllY' A '< " . ' ~ P A & & W ld f' ,.. an",. Imlll quantity "lit ~c lInQo 01 cIIDh 11lnnt, think oC me, on mytdCilth ))el1, wbenev r he rUIiI!lIlI. ~.lIstr~a, c., c. UU, uot the Ol~r .good fOftuhe to ~c~t It. p>lt th~reon II chiI" fly 1111~ ~illU'lu couldl/' ni!kll l'oil for ony tFi~a; never lilt him want r~\!1t of Anle.qclll\; (lIll.uelft nn~ ~,ankce "Our 'l.omell, \\"1\ ~ i8 tlle cotner ali::a1 the ",11))10 brood of rnaollls. alld while ye llave it.youTsl:llf. Is it down, Billy l»geu\11ty hold 0 cqnsp'Guous. plqcEI. Our but the vlrlue bf 0. ",bman, nnd en wllnt .a1'11.';~Jd=Il~Yof tho is " ' Scnlllin1 tho two acres nt the oross to Con. C,ongtesll ought.not to odJourn wit!lOut ta- does 80clal woU-being relit hill our !Ibmes~ Ii w pt'tlfilrl the nlld his heirs,ln II!Cla /JecJ.oi-um? Ah klDg noticeoftlllll, I\fl tllere IS ngr~at chnnco we' f10i trnoo nil oUtor bleSSings of e~ t &bollt a Jle the Sai.KtiI! but l feel my hear~ Of benring ofl'tho pl1lm. " Jlfe to the doors or our privnte ~in~o '1\ , 'i'" ,,,. arte~ that!" sars he; "11 "good, worlt ' A~e 1l0t' our Ilenrt b stone, Gold. '~-.-' --!'-' an eally cOnsclenco: aud now JI11 ' by holy forms of conjognl, filial the 'company's good hoalth, and una po;enlol I ve, the corni:lr-stones return II'' . churclr u'ndlltntc; mOle socted thhJl either, wos gOing to add there's no 6fftl~t of mnking him de8pise or negloct'bis moro necessary ,tita.n J)oth~ Let our ternPeter, who wa, n~w torribly Dre~ellt .one, h,um,ble as it 11)~ be. If!t!!l pies cl1lmbl0, nnd our nQndonlle~ decoy; the Uvel! tone '(hll si~k mnn worth our willie tQ d? a Hung .pt all, ~t III our publie edific£'s, our lioUs o( JI.I,II~ICe, -_" "" "fta' tiSIIU'llitlg, hurriM nil the p'cople aw:ily' Imroly wOl'th ool,ir. \vhl1e to CQ It \11('1). I eapi(~ls of t'tllte, be , leveled with Rni,tI",,. room, to let his flitl1er die in tIIere be ~ny fals~ sl\lUDe 01 the euhject it but. spare our hOlDe~. J,.ct 1)0 pilace. " ought to lie 1;lIulIsh,ed by the rcftectlron, tbnt ill~ then} with his wild plaiJ\ of When they We e 011 gone, Pnter slippe4 there are n grent numb~r of men uf munti~y. Mon did UQt Invent, nnd lie bncK to my (aUlor, wlto \ \t[U! puttlng on hill nnd tulent lIupeTlor t OIlTS, mbprin,g oheor. dot 'llllprove or abrogate Ulem. A p,rivate bTo~es ill a corner. ,, "Coni" soid be, "ye fy!ly nt IItlll meaner employnents. Besiuell, f/helttr t~ cover in' tWQ he8rts deuet to It all wellj-bu! sure thatwnll.all njdko )~t should ev~r be borne In ~iJl~ thot oven each other than qU ' ip ~e WQI'Itl, hlJth ·QelIPI'i-"I._~'._ ... the two 1I~I'CII ' l\t the croslI." In C9 mportlVci)t ob~cure stt\dt,onls to e~clude Ole profouC eyea or every or ~O\I",e 'it WaB, Peter: sure it W08 0.11 Ulera may lie, ond Is / the w,etlto8t beit'g; seclullion uo,,~b ro~ chil~ a joko for tho matter of that; won't I make ha~ptne8s. J1~ n dlle ct!ltlro 01 the fbOo to feel ' that ' Mother is a holy the neighbors laugh hearUly ta.mllTlOw, ultle8, by refinmg the ~enfimen.t8, n .eom. slid 0 p~()uliar name-thi& is \lome. when 1.. tell tht'm nllabotit j~I" , m?D blnckshilth ruBy enJoy II,s tnlf?otion ~( oud bere is-tho blrtb place of very virtu· 'You ?,ollidn't be qlean enougH to botroy mlf\d ~uaJ to thll t ~T tho greal£'st man IU aus im:pul~e, and - ey8J:y . snored thoujlht...."••'....,.:er. trembling with .fear. • ~ho parlsil. , , [{~re the church add'·tbe state 'muat come WIlOlIDID '", be ~lLDe enoukh to go <hIo whir value!! geniu.v mere,ly ail a for their o~ilJtn IIlla. their suppor~. , Oh, cW'orosl' sayl m1 meAns ofadYonccmont III {he lI"orId, cnnn~t apllre our I~omosl 'I'ho love we experieD' 8eJlteI~Ce "eT he .ke' kn w or .feel what ~jmille IS. Yet pn tlU8 gi'{cB us our faIth In 1111 'infinite nOI:&I\0,,4I1&''O v(~lfcullough (Il!ae eet.imate·a!e ~osoa n gre l pto~o[~ion ;. the pllfl~y lind disinterested ten"~~lItllr1Jl&l~tl1lt. ftiin', of the. dreams wllfch dlllturb tbe .Etxllltenee home. is Out roretaste nnd our ~ny8 Peter. ~bolding ~nd f~ltle~ nwny ~o ener~iea of ylllitb. It earDO'st of n better world. In the relationa ~1l"gnln'B a bllr~aln'; Y~'le 11:1 .not 8PlfltUDI, bu~ \ulporal ~~ory for estoblislJed and tost reil , dd wefihdtbrough , tbAl's olt' And $0 it ended; wb,ch the oOll'\mon vIsIonary panl:s. It III life the chief' soln~e nnc) joy o( uistence. dnd my fathor slipRed quietly 'borne, over not the 1I0uis of maR !Ie dellI'Cs to take What friends deserve tile name cO!DpllI"ed the bog. mightily we.)] slItlsfied IVlth. the captIve, ~ut meJ:oly tbelr t!»c~eta; the par· with thoBe wholll 11 birth.right gave us1legacy l,e had 1eft ~lw8elf.'" odl~e wblcb, opena to bl8 I,lhd' s eye beyonil One motli(,f is wortb a. thuusand fTiends; . the cOUnteT,'18 COb~l'osed ( fille h~uses"gay one sister truer than twenty intimate . dresses, and IU~J!nous D) alll.-'Ihe mean· p.jl~jO)1s. We who, bQ,ve played on. ALSO Gin ham. A Btorrof tho· Hilbway. Not many yeal'llllgO Iri' hul/JD w11olo .le6B of 611Cq ailplr~~lohll, enables us to sny 8ume hearth, under the light of the ' Berozes. Bcl"~.do:laillee '.'..d~::;~i~~~:u~~ fi did t ~~' Ill! 'th't1 d Without eompunctlon, tha he who Indulge8 emile wbo date baok to tlte Home acene. broidered Silk 'l~uos I1nt!' mn:de:'ade 0:11is ;!keta:~d;:ho.e':co: them,. ~~ more 'poB8e8lCl the i~t~ectual nnd ~eaa9n of innocence and hope, in Doltod Swill., Mulle, Jaekonetl, · I '.: te" filled b d CIIpabliltlos be fane-lea, ,tlan he 18 likely to wlauee velDa. runl the rime bluod do we redFlorCenbice-braid, Dunltablo, China P_l Col· o f their b elOg egl..ma "1 ,orrowe en'oy th'e Bub tant'al re .. .a.; ~~ • d I?v ' 0 p CW"·albonL YUan d Cal"~'an old "iltol one doy, when poverty hlld ~ "I " ..rUII Ul Jb 1111"" n('t fini! that y~nl'fj only qlake m,ore 81lCred BonlIell.' II • ,.., .'&£1, an uunu. htm to lin iCxtremity, 'and took td lind peraev~rnnce. and more important !:he ti~ that bindl Ul1 Bonlltlll Framee "bite and bolored &lIN,,;d,.";,~ft. tbe highway, clQtelminea tt) rob tllc firat . .. Coldness wny spring up, ru.tance mny 80p- C1l::!' SUb and &;UnI ~In he CCNla most con"enientiy, Wb9 WII Labru1ere says: ~~~~ begllf.wlth lo!e arate, diil'erent sphere I may divilie; but perlJ,\Lqanlly loeated 1n thia pl~, no lOa. peponl likely to ht,e a hea pUrM. a~d end with al1lb'tio -womEln began tho.., wbo can love anytlul1g, who w lIIabe r!"ai"ed~ riedIr _I~ to P-t Illy IWD A jolly olil Ii ~mo Jogging along wltiliove Ilfl~ olld-wi~ u~ to love at all, m~t find that that the will t~'=a~~.r.:!a~~ 1 _ : = ~i:~:'1: Tu PaMO, Doar. Pat put him do lRl1tantly II a. party I · . friend~ whom God hunself gave, va whoI· ahem II-;ft ~ll!f 10 14 Be QUtloua bow you spend the who poaeae. ~ requiliU!8 be.a wuch A dlftldcmt love.r, goiD{ to a town~~erk unlike any we C;&n dtOOllO fO.r ourec1vel, ·~tbe GoidellBaiI. JPIIA.... 1I0IIt; ~ care ita ~olllentl do e~ In need of himlltlf. Preeenting the to requetthlm to pubUs~lo banru! of mit· and that the yelll'llii1r ror theMIl. the IWD8 April, 9-d IIJ lUllsll1lroved. A" honr may IIctIm piltol, be ordorea the agri~qlturllt to '&tInd rimony. tbund him at WJrk .to~, in die _park in our expiring afl'ec&on." DlW-r~ 1bGr\. but ..ll!ed",-,"~ a close ani) deliver.' middle of a ftfte;en eel'( lot, aDd aeked him hard leather • t .....b. CIII'ta\D of .age ~RI ~ The poOr feU.,., rorlted 0Vft' l0III8 Alty to., tllillealDO~t,lIhe had IIGlmetbia, JtruJCB.-A pair ohculowin which thearVali_ -and . . . . . . . . . Jour trernhllul.forbl, clollUl; but Win, Pat IOmew~at or a parUcOJu £or his prival, ear. tion ormankind are often wel~ carpet·liackl, made 10 Order».~ Mek ~ neb ml. .t hour, ~orII. beae4a to take him bome • weighta broagbt Up hi power and . EBRlGIPl'. The tilsty llute IIlbl- _ clhrtanCle Of.p!r & mUe hy tfie W1I1. . "As luau is oflder1Jocl, the wetlJtti, wbl" om...., that are moor,"" "'111•• ,..... trl81DIo wJU thea . . ~... wll P~. ~III· hia OWD fortune, 80 IMh. tho are ~tuted. . ;~rJa=pt~.... hat ~"'iir. Old own III''', TI$Inlel\el c.............. ..... k~ ODe.... IN the buman , 801[·. .~
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, , "; ,younger brothllr. Why should he.lIe above w o'uldc nver 'tl cSJt t~OI1 ,that Goo tlte dcol~ depth df IllS lIOut. that tbe parents ,! \Vas it renlity Qr di!1 hiB 'eycs dccoiy c ' +== II ' I' I 1 t I · ~ • oj :W I . 'I , 0 , II WI I me w Icn my sncrifiee shuddered and closed · tI . . e h'lI ,. I ' . . T4eill hJ, 110 t1llion 'b~tlVeen ' ,diOllO'htll Fir ihb Miami \'biior, ICE:. II I !l0t.,,'Y' III OflQr. '. 1 UB )0 ~ t :emain'll "uaeco ted I Nil" ... : '., . lelr ~r\l, () I eu 11m! Tltere !5tood n lovely fem"ale gun d. lho wotds ulld n(: i "I!' Qf Ihe wi ckea'~bh( . :-",:-:-;7,;-'''''''''::"filr. ' \iliNiING. ',." ,a child of helpleslI h\fancy wholl tllOU ' 1'1 .100 ..... 'rl P 'I' "I .n-l'e~1.l my eye with ltolrror, se , ess em " e I I1n~ his 'iog 'lie I;le piu,.,. hOOT8 , YeH it ',;'n!! no the lhql\g hls~ \vordii jllJl'" I\ctiiine 'orthe' ' ' .' • Y l' .... u:se lamB sholl /lluy thce'" ;; , ]m . I' ." , , ,\ " t;' , ". • ., • • .:..- 1 ; ',w otched liy III~ crodlel, 4\1~ wliY!lhould j'II' .o' , 0 " ,o~,o. rorlr lve me. pllronts, ca,1' not lor- phantom : A "mile ' played ·on IlIJr . fuca of 1111 ngrco. " , .' .. ~ , ' ,'. " ' ":'DYfit) ",!!:. . ' he no~v ties up 11I,d UBurp thy lI.onors and be tllat ,etlls a IIIl1n ll1o .• ,; , llorror! 'Vould ' gct that dreadful sill'bti but' r mtlst soy beauty; II1Itl 'tllere'was 'IBve in 'bereye: . ')ih~ \riUy Weli'l; n're iri dllnger,tr.or. l ," • " • . , I _. \ ,11 ler was lero. . • more ' Ab l' '" db ' . ., - ' 1 .". clIlled be ttor than tholl'!,r ' " IA ' "D L1' . ' 0 IS 10 , yon er: l,asture y tho " 'Vhut brings tl,ee , here fair dnuoohter' 1(11) In 'p'rOllpe~ity, elo~~ellt in 'tbe' aSl!em'A "'1I•... en.... b 11'0. , rl t\ ~r k 1:.IIlg ' lit uri 19 r nhn 'The ' in~illuutionll were r . 08t . link. so .' .'Tis ,vnll' be'II Ut'r ' 1\" Ilose. s h ad e h e wns ,,,ont Knowl'Sl'thou ' .. I 8 '0 I)"~c, artrul, but Cain's I ' J k' malllao'. t , ,,\ • lUi 1 t ree In 1 o.m wl\at' r 'am, 0 'fugi.. bly, courteous III \var, Rmdous fop.fnme, J)nnger should lie feared when .illstllnt 'rho 1II0rnill.g risci frO;>RI her !Rbl~ CO'lC~, be~ter Iluture tul,1 1. n 'O to d . t- f t III thee, tllOu wilt tlllllk I W1l8 . 1I,0 t to reDuse hilOself,' as he watched his flecks. tive-" , ' An,l, calting back ih~ 9bOl1 cllrloln, ",Iuch, .. ." III In 0 wus JlI.S . t sune! Would that I clJuld think so m _ N ' . ' . ' . and brltofed when · p~-el!.ent .. , · ,, ' l Aiko Ercbelin , ~a~1llI hang rOllllll Itor fllco ' thllt 4.lIel WII!! n'o t nmbitious ~o lie firsti self!" y \ ?ycr, ne~.ermore wtll be .. me~t you ll~in 'Soly no mor~. 1 know it all, nnd have . Every one. loo~ing downward becQrnel Dimi/li 1111 ilo.venl), luitrc, gt;ntly ' and ,the WOrdH of the Lord, too, were re"I am b '1 Vlth a I!mlle. Ncver . Will hiS 110ft VOice' come to share thy SONOWS, thy solitude !mpresaed w.th Ill S n\Yn grelltne8afbuUook_ u· c.wyl ~or~d! \Vhat!lIIY brotl~,. a "peak II kindly word, never his gentle heart ond a8 I fondly hope, thy joys" ' ' , log upward, feels Ws own Iittlen'ese ' " RudIN' 011 eitrtb, and feli, anll IIrig!j~ )1t~ skic.s, membered: "A.'nd ulltll thee shall be 'llis de. ;r: " ... ' oct· · ' be I" , I " . , . ,J, mUI" Cr tr! ou do but J' est" ., IT!' tl • I II ' .' As 0 mou.~d earth raised by ania, A-n.....u.,r .UIII ' " ~noll lUJIl, : sire and th0l.l 's ialt rule o,'er him" 'rhen I . _,' s,m.. JI use w til y~ lIlaorrow! No more '0, best oTwomen! Blessed be thy genor th~ !lAnda, In .tlle Ii~,"··g]alls, 80 religion, ." , '1 co~o! I ct moi, ·h.llh.o :~l\fm?n'ti orlig~,t! • -! ras: u'p litre ' . f b~ th '\ "'1 i '. <I. s there 'no fire III my eye ~ Do r spellk "lUI he Illy hill arm around 't hy ne k' d'o ar .tle hellrt thy future life! Th t tl ~ 1\ly ab,,~n •.pr. t'nghlneKI 1IltltnlllC8 Iho IJlgtlt!. . , II. , relllllllls ...o • • O ~r y aye . n III Jost1" " ' '. 1 . ' '. , ou.ar .. ,e an learning, !lua riches, increase only. by deA)l .WIIY oil thi! wilig'8 of rSllld '1Ilght ". ,jlls·heart. He thou/rbt of tho days of elliid J A I . tl h ' 1 I . . ,flit her j tI,O more, deJlr 1.I10Uler, Will he .k18S gel of my dream. l;Iappy 18 nm I., tllou grees. . ", J " • 1 d ' ' " . ' II! WI \ t (!30 WOrt is Ie strikes IllS bro· the tear' 'rom ' 4r th .. I k \.. '\t b I' " . '. , . ,' \ I . 0., Y c lee ,' or pross "ts W1 e us. , ' . ..:..-...._' _ _ " '1'111 .hadowil hMtc; .'/ind the llIil!~ tllko tiflrigltt! 100 -happy. dllYs ofmnocpn~e, . poace alld ' I AUII plullltba Ih?ir pluio)ps; floo, fr6m ~ho ~i!l'h I jov. . H.o\\' thriil' sportive play" were cn' l ~ l~ r. ,' " ' , . I~I t~. tiline I~ te,nderness! Alas! no '."t?re 'I am thine.' . . Ilome Of 111)' QI,I(!eDly lace, II , ~JQlti lind l>riWlt! elated ag'ain befe~ him. M'1l>emory t\\\'elt 9 spare me. Sllare. my hfe.! for tJl~ Will be lelld bls Ilttl\! brother, or !Ihield' allil 'Who hllth /lent s~lcll II blessing1' ' 1C'~OIllO, IIwoot h rne,'" How ntQ,ny ~ uII\8 and tI'~DI!P 4u' til COII.8t! on the pnst. Hill linger vonishcd, and he loveYd ot lIcllven IIp"re thy br the '" t ' ." , " . euutl!ul nnd hQly Ul('mories IIro crowdcd J',cre&ch.~ f·",b·anv" " . 0 , r. 'Protec . our 8weehistera! rio, never, never'God, Dnd DIy love!' . ." If,tO tholie three little words: How does the ~ ~prl'ad,"'lIt my l'I~I1~I!I o:~r the bril:lal hqst rememl>t!rcd hut the tenderness lIud love or T ". on or IS ,II;;' sllcrlfi~e disregarded! more! And Cain the: mu~derer. is banish· . ne~ond Eden the sun WIIS declining to abs9nt on~, wben '. well!Y. "'ltI .the- cold 1. ha\ t~iakl~,ancf "Iuler. 11\ blue'cln~neky. his brothi.:~. 'fhOl\. the 'relUp~er renewed I::IJ~ I forget It. , . . ed from tqe presencc pf hll .bret hren, nOll IllS 'D1ghtly bed,' llnel alrelldy WDii bnthio ~ world's strife, returnl lilfe the' dove of' the And ~:~I' aU c ue 10 IIluno- dl Ir "1" hl.IIIIIlPS, bill eOortll: 'Tbou thinkest o( thy brother'd Take or!Dy flock an . ~llerlng! the Ii Ir- ' fro'tn you d.llar pnrent~! [am gUilty! but t~le western sky i,n his evelling Tal'S. SOlt deluge, to t!~ot b~~ght IIpotamld tht! trou~led . , ' . .' . . former g ooduesl whim hEl wall a child, too est alld the ~est', l\.nd see If God Will not ac· oh my pUlllllhment 15 more llll1ll~ can bear! hnted clouds floated' gracefullY along the waters of hle.- , Home, s\veel:bom,," the And tl,ou"l!wect AUlIona, nO faIr and ,'llIld! . t 1; bT . b 'd 't f ' h ' Cept the ! . I wlll .flee Irom thee! I will When I till tho gronnd it IIholl no more Icrene hanvons n ot such as we behold but oqe hQuseqold plllnt, that 'blooms on ' and 1\1y awn daughter dear. the <\a"'11'8 'early child! young 0 e om I lOUS> tit on ?rJ::et 18 do Illlything 10 sa. tI Ii . lb' • , • Id ' ". . 'I . , . ' . u~ aJ!lld" tbe storms Ilnd temnell~, Aclioul IIdi II! Yonder boOitlin" OI'RCo, Intc behll\'ior now thot lac if; 11 miln. y " 1M b I ve le e rom IS ('rime . Yle I~e her strength; It has opened Its all trllnsporent as t Ie mist that· weut up lind «Ives its sWQotest frngance wh ..'n' ol" ' ' '. ' . , . ' y rot ler refleot'" I tl t . b h ' I II d f Ii th d ... . I " 'n n, d deso lation.. We ~ never .... Uchold ·the ttillje,llIy of Dby ~Ki!1g'" fnec! , Abel was o,gontle brother/ but now whllt. . ' , • ,1n0tl I 0 recei vE! ~y . rot er 8 ) 00 rom ,. rom · 0 eop to ' relres I anu,. water the. e I~e' PIII If'I?om UU.tc tlaee awa'y"lelll hi.1 qu nchlClR~ IiCll hl6 ' is Ii e.! How he' w.ill Joo~ ,do,vlJupon' ,t hee , f ~oy nO,~o~e fp~ dlo thou ,must!' m'y hD~~, o~d the vl?).co\ 0.1' thllt ·blood crietl, thlr~t.y 'eortll .·, . ~iel!perilln br'ee7.c~ 'woned' know ho,w ,aeepll" i,ts ,'roote Il.ro ~Ilhvined spoli ~'hv.cha~ln8 !llId ,bhght tllY ,ilIIIIPY Ih' G.mll! \lC'c8U~f; ,hr., is ,respected of 'God anet thou th~~ ~halt ; " '. untQ God! : Ii. 'fugi.tlvl' and vogu.bond IIhulI the ' odors rr?m pdfidille, frogront with ·tIle :I!~~sour he~rt .strlng'll until biUllf let8'onll , Anti yo '1!'1In! of\Iight', 0 ~jlerklilJg nnol' ~"y, o~t nott . Ana how win till' parents turn to . O. my brother! my .bz:otber! my bro. f be in. the eartW·lAnd no\v, 6re 1 go from spices of' the 'gorden of th e Lord,' and all :t t ttehdtllffel ciuhoJl .havlo tahugbue "0 lIJ1pre. y 'I ' I ' Ii I i" C I . , I . , ther I . " ~ I . . ' , . , Cli a e. II w I 0 remll III t e some through e tllOlle !.lilt g II rCI II YnI"o,\ a"Jln,(l.rJ1~, 11im with caresscs while thol1 al"t' lor to " , .' . . you ,oreyer, ()l'ave your bleMl ng-sueh nnlure 8ef!lIl1~d to smIle III glodness. It yea,r8 of Illi(l[l1ltiou • . ' an.It'I!1 hkUI! 1l,'llkof look on and sot) thy ' brolher'd lIi"'1I esteem' And th a splnt of Abel fled With the exyon clln ,giv(l the mur.lt'rer o[ \Vas tlills whcn Cltin listened to L1le eheer. 'Vhllt exile· from enol. (If ""IJYOII(Or ,llpliu I,IOUOIIIS ' ,~! " , 0 . • pirinll'worc\:I backtoits 'l\'l k , . .Ab ·}' .. " d f I 1 . ,' 1) b " f. . . .,' .. ' , Wilt thou ~o it! \V:ilt lhou /llifter tltil:! ond' : a er. y~ur· own .; e.! . . ' , Jn~ \Vor sot I~ o.voly maldon. He ~uzed .ut re!,h.em ere, p~r"aps wlllt ,bi terne.s1tho ~fy, 111i~101: ,~~ dOlli' ,fho Do} ~llIr 1;;/ born., lift 110 'haud to do IhY8(,)( lIut justico I Sluy '' ' ' . . . '" . '" . 'A bel, 1l1l1Jn an~. CIllO a "I}gllbond: 0, With slich ~mlrlitlon upon her 10velUleSB tune wilen f~18ehood and deeeit Ilret: 'bro~e OOlll t', 0 II ,. Bo, I I 8ftlU0 r,OlJ)' mOffit" . thy brothor Rlllt-" " :' , Tho slllldes of night were gathering ovor . tho 'curse of sip! Cain! is this 011 true1' that her cycs-sought: the grO\ln~. . III P !he be~lcutlftll droum.s (If hfs . soul; when And f\,wa)' 110 hie bofar\l tiny's nlOlloTuh, ! .' L1le .world. 'l'he' Sun hnd 8Ilnk to rest in 'D I Id \. tl 'bl ad '" '0 ' La Ii .t f I' I. ' .' d . Ie .ea~lIel' to see the world ,In Ita" true col.. 'fll ,h ro,M h~ \'iri.it 11I'illh r cllllll'~! " '·Sl.ay, Imll! SIu.y Illy brother! Slllv e.1O . , my ..,ro Jer s o . UpOn me. , : . ve e~ 0, w,om~n. ,\e, 1I0lUj an enol~- ora ~ How lils heo,rt nobe-d for hill father'• . .. AlJri/ ;16,'50. ., th~ mild eye~ A uel' AwUY'! A WilY! awny! cloudless brili~lIcy i and now his parting God! .Jtillckeos my Ileart! . 4.a;t\\ l5ee the c\lng he)" wit,h H IS arm p~es8ed ,lIl'r to IllS look of kl~ldnesl!, hlllllothtlr'. voiae~fa m,.. " ' . tha\ blood thou ht! . (Iorror! thnt such beums , th(1t h~d 10llg hovered ill t.he . We~t, mllrk GoU h~ sot Up~llI 1I\C;l! Suy rio mQre hearl. , '~ly 80ull\~."reB \he '. LO.t Heaven pathYJ a..,lster'l! 'or brotJler!1I bll~d to pril\lp evcr stain Illy soul! No flld ed 'l'I.to as thelr, lalt iryou Would not kill me! ' ,Can xou, .,will witness,to ,ou", of . love alld faith., wnrtll embroce ,Qf kindred ,atfeOtlon. ' . II ' I l10 t Nt 1 d I ' t I ' II ' I flickering rays wont out. i'" you ulel!s mo, or ehull I go ,vith yolia< Hake thee to my, \,J080i'1l Uf!' Iny bcs( lIelov. llut \vhen we )bolt Upon" the 'clQudte/is !lito, .' CIa Ib II ' !~Y I Illn n~a III ,IY' , Ie, In \I'flio' 1,I.~ode " o.r oricntui ,structure, sat t.o.ct, we':ighlnlt-lllILduwn1 . 0 pity pity ed I~y w, He:" , ~I(y ': li.l>w~.eliglltrulit ill to refl.ect tllat tbero o J ont ' rot ler" ".' . . ' ," , .. .., ~. " l' ' ,' , , . IS nor home' for' Ii v I ,F 11 ' h' 'jjI- ' b' I' I ' , B 'm ,j ' I ,. the fathor and tnotl,~r of a I IIYlng. The By nil the daY!I of tender Infancy ond ' IAnil o.e ' thou ilayost 80 s hall it be 1 · "" . J t J' °lur ellI en y a. let as 1 u)n 0 Ill! 8 (lve. e sco CII at iY" lIm!, f, I fl " '. I e" " . " . ,. ' promls!)e 0 loar t 108f). W II> seck ' Ms 'fllVor SQc'y6tl'i ,olTt'rin'" unacceptc;i "'hi Ie he tri- IOllr, qr t 10 r t~~II . ? t lelr so.n~ .. rom t \ 11000 inllocen~y, by .11 a {ather'. take thee to be my htlstiund, alld ~ moy God 1t11.d tb ,lena thollO ,thlllle!: who ' stpadily 'pur~ , ~I... y ont,\\-lno lh Cl 0 wr nih Qf lito ro~(> hflll th~ 'IImllllS pvor youj 'Yes be Le~eath h im ' be fi elds ond fl~cltB hlld long ' Sl~cn p~s~ed. fless nnd a moth~r'4 love, J conjuro you, I prOlJpqr me o.e I o,~ thy fl1iti,ful wife.' th~ path "which leads to that bleue.t I11frtl" . , iii" " WI t" 't t' tI 'f II . .1 I Tbere WIlS nothing lInUllusl tron,plflng Plltreat you, I pioy you to pity me! 0 , '0 thou God against whom ,J hllvo IIin- home. · \V~ere all nte ., good" gloriolls 't lnd -j'o ,1'>(1" ill). ("if r' "Iut!! on t\.v hrll"III1'1r", 110 1I1ll!. \) ~ tl III III ~ .0 t IC~, I tIel: t? known to the pl1ren' ,that should \Ceop send ml~ not away with your cur.el' . Jled 80 grievously, witnese this ouqilighttid happy." A.II,I oh, inll~' Ih" rOI"'g bl'\!\\' Ih';)' aT ~ '"Iillcd )I,oungc:._ ro lehr, IUI}'I ye a ove I~e. 1-' " then' so lute. \Vhat could ~etRin thcm! . 'CeDllle , cellSo tlly praver our c~hild <Treat fuilh, alld these our " vows" nnd re, ghner ~' '0 '.., I ' IV lI'llt .."tter t nn t IOU! Why elloll ust Th ' . . ' ~ , , to ' • < ' , 'CharActer of Ilo,a~e u ;_I"pol":' , .. ,,' " e 1b I • 'f tI Ii~ iI ~ H I 1 tl ' ey wero not wopt to (emlUn frQm home. 18 thy I'llii but still ,thou att Oain. We them on 111gb. De tho\l i.lllr Protector and ..... • DO UII1tQ~'S"1 Y 8 fro"" gn,,: Ilou~grlr , " e ldl l1!1 I011 Yt.uIlsulrpe I' I~ An~iew wos depicted on the mother's caDMt ,euraetbeo. Would you cOuldltoy Iilees us." " HI! wall, IInl~1IB w,e bllve (ormed··.avert worn. ' . l' act', IlIIu \V I)' !I lOll st t 1011 !.I I o\'e lI,n. Ol't h i d .. 1 k' ~ , . . " erroneoull judgement or b)t ch'a ractet, tba . I ' ' Ii ' ' II I •. ' I ' . . ,I tI IOU countenance. r tban' we. "and 'Amen!'f IIUld' thclr ,W(lre hushed in 1l10st,occt'ntrlc. the mQ8t artift. cial-, •lhe ... ...~t '1'1 \I ' f l ' III I ' t'J L Il \\ I 011 Y ue ~ I) Bupt'nor, allu '1 • ~, s ..e . IIII ' lione 1 ' IIto 00' m· with us .• but God III grea1-e. T . vpj\}cJ! , '. ~o . .IO\l,,~~ ~o\'ln3 lI~qver I 8lwrl. I' ,t L/ ,n , . 1I1i~lfld!lt ~urlliv ho 'conte/It. for he.js a 10J)" ~ Ie .elCpec,tatftIQn 0 , ~il~~~~g !~~ c IId~ r~n C,~".'- ~n9'Ysjbe~~ wh t is ,for thy •~oiI, or WI,lIlt 'o~stac,y 0 . pve; as t1le PW:0 kiss. of , . the. mo~t ~~prJciouli pI. mon . .' 1 /i.IO" uee '. ~~. '. ,. .. ..< I' ' . " .' , IIIg.butoso el\I(I lJ!appoanl.. ,II meet U8 tby punishment, So 1£ thou "Ionsoale,d t.he/runlon, tnlD W08 a b.updleof "inIlODiriltent , I 'put till) eCCIII'~ ollCC. fQllllh~r, WI'l mcrltor)' r~· II/IJ brot lor! I \V lilt 81000the , worcls he l (!d . . ' t t k ii tI 'bl ' I ' 1 bl ml!,apil in:eiitilti~n ~, Hill·featurel ,' liere ' • ..li· ' .' . " 11 to II V ~ ' e nil n s denr brotJ~' . ' mOB 10', 'II e a a leI; iI els ng. els ! covered I/y 'm ask Within m •• k. When .,he 'fhe jllr~llfilr ~\VClUI f1~w\lr" i~'1\Ioy tJl;Oll1:il til '~n.l,e ! (I f U ;,a I s. Y 't t cl t; ~!Whot C1n .deJay our !lOn8~" 8ho,sftid to th,ee Co,in Illay lJo perisb \vhd would curse ou.ter dI8'"'lseo"'obYioua-~e''''ion wu"roWildWOU.'I' . .' . . , • c .111,, 111:1 'y(lnr 10 lIys 1111 WI~I ' 0 0 bile A,d Ill. "Surely ' Borne evil hll8 beralleJi thee, and mn'" evil bo to him wbo \~ol.lld b, '1"'''' ... ~ ., • ' .,. . IIIldeIlIel ' os , yeg· 10 IS .a 110 e b ~ 1 , ' , you were aUIl ils rar II eyer from Anll. ~\'IO"'t ~lll:&ln1: l;I(IJ~, I)'!'\I "" I""'· ,,):.~ t > " ' . r . i i ' , t em.' . . wrong tbee!' .. Jj'rplU Seer 8, lnroTm~lo)n 'Of the. i'eoplt'. seping the real man. ,iJ:e pillyed ionumera\llI'mnll. br~tber, be Iii 0 !Iood Lrothcr. lOW he "No 'lis only some boyish ,"port t.liot 'A ilth · tl ~ bl tl , GEMS OJi' ~T1,IOUIH.T. bleparta,wd ovvrad.ed.,tlietn' all en • , lov'Cli . ' , ' • " , t I1(1In, Th ey WI\11 'LOle Ilore ' , is'h or l- '.ID I'0ac,~. n ynmo Il)r ...... euel . Ie!), CONVER'RATI""1IJ ftut-'T'IMO)1-e d' '1111\" 11:'1 9 Mdt! II I\t\j II to lila 1'I'Wl:l IIfI,1 Ill" , th e!'" I I ' ,. I l'IellllllS leued .,. ~ "alII my ~nl' ' , • "''''' ".1& . tl,10 d·lIug IIte~ 0 f I'e '. tu.lked of miaantlu0lty , lie' '" 11'(\ ' "ur '" I • It II~')" Ie tru, Jut 1;\.111 1 calillot GOy Iy}' I J f k j1 b ' I 1.. rco8onillp' the breath or Hie .soul, thl! com. TImon, \V:beh lie. ta eQ phIJaqtbropy, Iii! "u POJl,lllw:! ami rllv qf lh'! ,,::1,111: him!'. , , . minute' paNid .wily, yot ..nyo')u'°boU, roa,le ,eJrgo/ ! ':'.,ot let! et merc,e 0 bellrts, the of .friendllhip, lind left. Howllrd lit distance. , I lI V, IlUI m;ln, w.y I IIlIr",rmr t. . .., " . Iltt COUl·tiI, a chroilit1l61 11111 ~ay, ," Sll cJ I a tl \ought they Cllmo noL- An hour and they were La' I .' b d I 0 nouHsbmollt h of content. .fti lltid.hpt ' I 'J'hou hl\~1 h&rtc1't'd Iirl.ghl Y<JII til wiih i u '!tIc .' I il~ 'th v heart if thou CIIII t not Ilo'it I SatClII 8~1ll n bsent The moth~' could endure ~g ~VIlS t Ie emIl .,ace and .t~,lIrfp" . ' p~n your ' ~art to ~1l)Pllthy ~ lIut clqee InOIl trl ng . lIca~i1lllj a( 8<ici~ty, ",!'in!f"l he,."urop. . ': kli(I\V lho IIowcr c;lf lqllll1tu~i II bc~tor thou ." , ,. ' . ' we(1~~nll eyel o( • ,In .' th"t rellu hour It to d~pon~ency . .. The.'llo~er whioh opens wa, b~o'."n .about. b): Its, sUgbeet veor~ fllT 1110 vurc 1I!~\I\1y , m",'liue ol" llr.J'lJ l'IItQ.f • ' . . .,:' .' , . ler jear" and allltieLy no 10nG"or. . woe andlseparltion. Fervently lJid each torecelv, tIl~ dew sb\lt. :o,aintlt the Tain, uf OPlntJOPi at ~Iterary (lime, and left (\ ~ '. dill Ill:' vlctlln; he knew tlwt; " 'IAdollj ther~ nlUst, btl something wrong! til i~ ~ h'ld 11 til J!e wbodreaw. giving It«ltt ' .copies 0 4i. Rri,:!,te ietter.tl, ~th :copi.' OJ '\ ' " 'Oriflli' i n 1II1J11~ter ohuch "iJco~~·.Iil) n, l..et . 'I ueat . e w.ay-war c , or.. e like Il marqvlto builds, 0 bouse OUII, 1l0teSJlo be p\lbhlhed afte~ hil decell,lIe; , !I~ PI\\" ' 1" IICO nn~ PN"pcr\ty C\' CI' o Lt~II~1 Thill t'P il,a lisln r, uocd but III! neen \. ' . ,'1l!.g9. n ~ " '. . ' . and II~- ,\(indowlI 101' fear of Hghtning. ' I' at Ranlr, and never: fo,," a filOtntlot'. Iorgot' 1t.C.', ' . ,j 1M 9, 'n to o!i , rti 'III' ilU', ,Wilh 1'8 fuce, Full of Ilpp~ehellslon8 slm.~lar tp her . print a l!dlls:-the lut. lIpon IllS b.ro~, IllS . The shortest da1 .,f'the year Is in winter he wil. an· Honorable; at fhe practl~e )tllY the IlJ)',rtlc ltll"r w,'hc~, 1111:1 t),o r~~"~ We lirSt onJur""..lhell pily.!,bCIJI embr.co!" , he nee~e~ no further entrelt~ng;. and Wltll. llbeek, his hps! Ho knelt and rece,~ved -"-fit emblem o( our lite/ lit Qnce dar", cold, n.nd tuked thelrlgenuky ~:er ~~ 113:, ' I,ollg ailll wcary hours, the contest 'Jost. forc;bolhnlf,hib.rtll they bentL tholr way to again tile parting blellsing, and thell bade and IIhort.. . . ' . to til! up hid ·villa In the Itrictest A m! wull rrnn,l~ kill I °l·d CQlI';l:{nt, m'IY h~h\l- cd ~et\\'ccll virtue alicl vice, good ooll ,:vili. tll~ fields.. 0 Cain wa~ there w be found, ellcllll sail and long adieu. 0, how full of. ).fen, ~'-ke books, hovQ ot eacllend ILblank • , ,.' " ~' . . '" n l~frJ(1dtfl .\ht1' 1 , I I I' \)ut th gtlilt1 tl.IOIIJht WIlS .bllrbored until Then to tllo shee\, fold. Dut JIO Abel al" untold . ,orrow seemed that firat farewell on JeOf-chlldbolKlb tluhd Ol~. age. ' ; tl TthC JC:(I~or.mation 0lif-bJII mlOd wa~ 8tlcll, " ., .Beldl all: lel c uns t Ir/'lls h Irll'~ IIUW,V I . ' . ,. ,I I ' • d d 'I h ' d G-rAves :Ire ul; t e rrlnts of the footllteps 1ft )N llt"",ver waa tt e seemed to 10m ' , '1ny. . . It !.eclllllc , /wIIIIIDr; auu ttle . tcmllt~r tn. peare '. au llo I eep ,we,:" Bcat,tere over eartb. .r he night ~ee7.? cOl/ght tIU! .s~_uDll o( the a~~l ofoteJ'na jj{j, ' ,eat, aud Wha~\1er \vu gn,at,.eeme~ t~ ndrve~urq. '}1rI12!> IIU1JlftC~. '. " ... t~le pla:nl!•. ·A IlIrln took possession of waft 1t 9U, ,nnd Sigh In sy~npllthy ~Itli l'eace !If the evelllqg .atllr of ~ho spu~ as Kim. litHe•. ' SerJoue.bUIIlnel!8 "au U)~e \0' , "de : . ~ ._ , '" . ... . .. , pnreut IJ mUld~ . Up IIl1d do\v,n tlley wanhea,Q' laden son18, that grollDl'!d and , . \8 Ita sun. aod tbe two ore n~vor fliT Il'm, lind trl/fea wQre '1IIIlejioua buaill~e. .. ·K~l'~IBES ' .r Ill' edlln q~ietud,e or t,1!onght sat 'Abe dorc~ ill seue,lt op 89mO tf4ces of the loat In lliony • . ·F~A-a'E.w-JH-lj'the lin. ' , " , " To .chat wlth ·btue~toek.jn~;' to wdte little ' ~ ,. , ' I • ' 'h~t' IIll! floCk; c iltel\lplRtillg the ,b?lluties oues. Fruitless seemed ,tJlel~ .searc~. IIOlllld rung out;, lind ech\lef!hrough <;)(\r IOrrows a~~ l,i ke, tI\tmder-clou(Jsl cople8~( co~pbmen~, ver.eII oD"liitle'.e_ • , =:===:::::!:::;:==~:;::::;r====P=:=::;::'F=~ .of l1atlll'e lind the dot~'dnes8 of qo~. Ser· With bea\')' ,hellrts t hey linger it 'ID their sileillt 'grove . where le'en Ii Whisp'er' '~ll1ch seem black IU tho,dllllance, but grow, cll!llo~l; to I,uperlll,t end a priy~te; P~": to . .. f " " I' 'I tI ' I ' " . 'h ' " h · ·" . , -.. hghter 81 they approllc)l. ~', • preserve f)'Om natural ~t!oaL ~e ....;.w,able ' cite was lull mLu.u; lor pElnceful 'auu,,.oIo y. po I-way aomc, lopIng t at Jlorcltance t e s!!etneJ:'to vibrate on the 1iarp-chortls of the Un"lyer:'AI 10 " I'k .I ',1., Ii ' topic. of Ranelllgb 'and W ·ow ....I1:::-:"":'· I' .. , . '0 ' , , \ '1 • 1 ' 1. .. . .1 ' A b" • , ,, . .,~ VI' I,. , ell g OY910hnQU. n-. ,. ha:_; to,eeort thou~!I.t.. . vere Ita gueliU. ~zlDg . on tue 08t olles mIg It ...e return...... . ~ , t ey waRlog, lIephyr, as It fleu away. The 8frU~- gers which file aU hllllde alike and none dtyorcell,and beta,l\li8s Chudlelgb'ubsurd:. b,cautllulscenery around, and IIIh~Jn81 tho J'lIlIlIed in th~ allnde ot II forest, a YOlce ar- ken porcntaliiltened to the 8IIddenina Bound, et?lloly j b~t true affection ia like a glove ltle", ana' George. Bel'YJ'D'. gOOd. saylnr ;. • • 1 8weetnesl tIle bIQOmi~g , flowers-- r.ellted theln: , asitwlIlledoff in the rardiatance alld then fingers ":hich fits one blind only and t04ecorate a grotM'Iuellouee "ith'pillforiilt BY fJ~ FJl.EII~ 'Lli. I thoo(lorg onme with the gllnLIlI.b recze from "Wltut /leck Xe Illy parent.8t' it said wO,lllost, With the lut fllint t'cho strangely IIill close t? that one. " battlements; to proeure'rare e.ngnvl:ng.and ... . ~
;''ool '
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t~C h"!\;"I~lqPlt IInd ~. r
blessin~ a~
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hl~ blrth'
v..... "'•.
OhQice , Seleo'tions.
~n Immeaeu~bll'l
. . , ' ' . ' EcI?n-h~i! miud becnll,le. aiJlI?rbed 'i1arn.edi- ou~ \v~1 .~II. mipgledl humlln foot-st~p8 ral~ing;'and Cain' , YUlIllg Tuno bad lIll away ~n ' r.tpu) I tntlon~ Itn.lllerc,llIlDCCc.. waa lifted ~p to t?0 .It IS C,IIIlII~ v,o lce • . sard the mother..ln W,IS Win",., lI"":-*tIO~ 110ft" relltt'tl upon 'the l 'tFouut of bley lllgs" 10 ,gra efu,I ,~nank8glv- delight. 'Calli where R.!l . .. '" : "" I~qther'l" bosom, tfte bl~e.e,"ed !ilir, ltl\ir("cl l.i n:1 ~\'h(m 1l".rdelll!lmenta'l'e)'e.r')I ~el!' whllt· ' "1 n~~\ ho~o motller~ ",h(lt \vollld y,ou , risen., . and ller silver~ Abel. TIlP.I,I'I.~.led fouot.i ....Qf matt'fllnl lever they IIIll:llt be, wer~ inJ:errupted by 11)1-' me1" ' . . ', ' . bellms in'lleatetl t1le ',vorld lIS a 1I0lt mantle lG\'~ f1~~d on,.'Ii' c~beeleliS' lftrhll- All lll'r prol\c\lillg Ioot\ttepllj' Il,nd )ookhig up, tlll're ';Wher~ iii ALel!, my gentle fuir·hllired d'eU'e ate: ond beautlrul. Pearly dew-drop8 , r '.' I ,. ' b H ' I' 1 ' . •• hllppi,IOS5, 1I0ne mlly kilO'" U'l t loving Im)'- , cnme hi , broth~r, o.cloud ullo'n his brow, ,. ~ ! , 1I\'e you. ~eell gtiBtenE!d In her mild . rayll, hlUlging from therl. ' 11IId nllg~r io 'l~lS eye. . ' . I ~Jo.~her, Abel} , (lead" said, he III II I~ol- every Il,ar, or ~stlng II) the rovely flower, "\Ve)come! II\Y br->ther! ]Jut ~vl,y 18 low v~lce. . , . little pityinll taors shed down from, heav' ·".e ~!)YI "ew up togetll()f ntlcl hro~li· "rly l,vo ' WII on the carLlI. In ellrly in" thy IIlllrll troubl~d I Art !hou ill " d.e a r ., DtndJ" IIl1rlek~d the moUler, an~ almost en's ethereal sky., to blend in sympathetic flDeY' Cain I" .I ~ I IifelcBIl, !lhe lealJed ror euprorL Ogl108t die BOrroW with the woel af mOD Sneh they itT. .. btotl1tf'wild;"ol h)' the c:tldl" in lIIillll. 1I0t iii body > 'fathor, whose w,!I:B alrqollt equal to !leerned leaet to A'dam and llil f)C hi. ,....'" kia. Iftlt .m,iled with dIlJ;ght,. fllttterer!" " . her o\\'n ;' , " lovely ,~'Ire, as with Iftborinlr breasts, they ~~ ~~ PIQ~~ Whh'.l1tl:!t~J ~r.~eh J dWbot melln ,those 'JrenqCul .look!!, my , "Yes; ~other, ·t Ie lovcly Ab~l, ktlul sought thl) place n\arked out, iIa where tI,e ~ ,~IIY rt'l'i~ ~Il~gl II w,IOUI \I J~n 1 'Id: h br9t"erl' Surely 'ho\1 ~rt m .'oh, \'er.V ill!." good; 1I0bie Abel is dend! But tile ,varat ' Abel IllY .' IIHleCUar't ~' I II ·I 18 C" Ie .. y~~' I' telltheo 1"m 'sick ill millll; I\u"d is not told! .0, God tl at r could be 'parSadl, l~ they app~acIle~ tlie IIP~t. 'Tis • . "' . .., ~ . ', . ' ,. . , , ' W'U ""', lie be,., not wllYi lIut 'I~'OI the why should t ntit bel" . e l.\' the tllsk!" . , . '" cven so. There was theil' ptecious ~hild, . OI1 ........1D'p.lhy.welli,.'Q~ witbin . "Why I know not. What hilS haPIlolI' ,iT he w.ors lllot to)~! "Yhot ! What cold a11ld stiff inl.. death. Hla ' form WII8 , ~- , , - tinct te lie b iit 0 'I ' ldh tI ., d I' I N U' . II tl" ' l·ft d tI , • , n .. ~-';i'. n r ~ ~. ,011 0 0 , ed. aIlS ~vll befollen mY}lrother!" '. excl'e t 1115. , 0. son, , "8111 Ie, wors. gently I e from Ie earth, . an~ gothered r :;eeLoT! I hI thou t' .) II! fI 'fWhYl\lIli thllt when I am IIIl offcut, "Alal mother you know. not-' he Itftg- to the fllther's brelllt. Wildly, too, 'he • A~ In_~ltnOa.n~elll! y:r~i~::r. de,pjled.· of d~d ·anlllteid in conteDlllt by ' gered nnd wotlllthave r.. lIen but for , the mother preued blm to her heart,'and from Ollle.ven! beh41d'711 this brOih r.lloo~, my brother, who is my inferior!" timely aid of A'IIllm. . her IIOU1's deep fuunt of reeling gushed the fhis tim; til.. th,irtllina brotherhood of Eerthl 'C . Gahi I tho t beside tI ,selC! " My 80n my son! whaL 111111 t1lee In 8nld tears at.d came Q woil of rending IUlgu · ieh . . . [t - aID . u ar , I . ' . .' .. ' . , b. Wh~t molUl you by these.words, lind tllotle the ~ltolllzed (0) her. ' . ' . long Rliid plcrclng. · .A;t leDilli,rro, Inrancy, tl~e ~rotbcrd errible loob1 Never .• ~w I tbM looK. ' "0 how p~le he 115; ~e IS very With muurnful tJ.I,oughu J thnt cllme,in reUed 1ft .tattafe alid "Iadom \111 cro"n~ thus beton" ' . Let 118 bellr him home! , saId Ere. . plncc Of.pl88ion'l wlldnesll,.tbey bore IJlm - wtltrlhDllood. C~I becl'Ime ' II husbilnil- '\Apd thou ,.ee.t me .for the Jut tillle! 'StllY '!'ather. I am "better now; Home; 18nd on the morrow laid hini in the man. bel.AWl. I!;ephetd. 1:hotl h.st tumed my enem"ln tby heart bow tihnllt ·tell you aln' and , Jlgaln bosom .orbla motller elrtll. The fint bur. • C I . , ' J 'bl d • I' b .... , I 'd Id b fi • "A~hI,~~of t.J.m~, ,n. . thou hotClltme~ule I am thy I'lder, tr~m e !neve~lm. . . I~.m\~t'nowmae,wor , te rstmmg" . of'" "'tltal dfe IfOUnd an offcm'lr and yet, thy .words 1Irt' ·smoot4e. Why , Speak. spp.a~. ~ur cluW. we clln hng of dUlit to dual. tile ~ Aad Abel, he !l11O:vf the thou decl'ived me1 WIly dOcs God all eleo )'0(1 "avo to tel11 • • .. • • . . . Of hW lock. And th~Lo.D had res· ! lI'J,to thy .acrilico and' not un.... ' Fltller. motlle,r , rntdl'tlmll Abel!' I(I'Oan· COlUlCiou. str}&eD. ~lI!lled and WE'8yY. peG tiIIto Abel. _ toilll ~,erin" but. to mine! I will 'endure ttlY pre.eDce· no eel tile Bon, u if every word wrenched the Cain wandered from h11 Jab e, . 0, he ·felt Cain abd to · tala O!'..rI_ lie h.a at ret· .' centre chordll of his heart with \lntold and that he telll a ~ru.. tlYe atid a vaaabondl'
. ",.
va~n, tleceti.r~1
' .
1I:n' . '.
.Anel"*,-,,.. " rolli, anethl. canteba..~ tile LoU Mid UDtO~a •.....'uu110ll wroth1and"liy "" coaan~ faUn1 If thO\l doMt
us! lndeed,in, J truly 10\'t" thee!' You "'''9D" me. ou.doMt'ply wroni me, brothC!r, by ~ evil thou hls. ,Never was there a •. g 1 r. b til twu Dot (eehnr In m1 bcllf~ ,or t ee a , . WtlytloyotldoobtmyloYel HaY
.'M~ Abel!-' moaned the 1Il0\her andl.nksenselen in thoarmeofAd~. Loag time sbe Ilumbered · ............ -aol lie 10000f\eclJ. aM HUlbIDd and IOn bent ·Oftrher proltrate . .lo __ • A I ' III . . . .ot..n,td.lleUl.tthedoor." framew1th ~p aoIlchode. t ut Ie woke ... -tae.t 01 C~fD. ED- t WftlIlftd thH'. , , !l • mil)', 1M In bl. beart \.r till yaa Abel J can not endure UI)' 0 mother! tear nol my IOU 1 ..under ,~ ......... all 1Ite ft!te'nce!"' [OIl eDClare IIC\ paon!' , -lii••r
f'eI.l. .ADa
OU I8CI'8t .... 111etl h1I ___u ID~ ..t ....... ft. "'1' ... ,..1 ,,"nal.' ~
Cain! How lie U.OV
ed ~:::~~e:~ ~J~i:i1k~a:;.e:~I~~p:::.~:;~~I:~:t8;~~i:;~~t~~~~~f ~~i~,ttt~ ftold il clearer, tbt' more c.onc;entrated it is. an lIve ~crea of g~lIn"-thele, Were ~he , Eltee~ is the ,anoth'el" pf l,ove r but .the grave emploY'P.ents hii Jong F.rom dou~lIu:r II oilen old.er than the mother. . fheae. he turneiJ ~o ,pohtl08 ~ to'a~ ~uae. 'I, Ie gra~ tllllt CIrcumstances /"ake In me~t. Afte~ the I.borr o( the pnnp-sbo.P' qur, ch~t~tte" we Ilre allt t(' regard liB h8 ~ndtht.beHall!!tlo~-rCOOIllo b"~b!,thr. ,hI~ lIatl\'e .rol . ID e .!)usc, 01 ommonl. nnd" 'hllYing Our evil genius, like tho jbllior member indulged in the recreation ot ·'.riaJChll-1..wa of a dell~'erativ~ hody, alwoyl gives ita and voting nliHiC?III, he 18fUmed' ltor-moriJ vie'!Y s firat. '. ' Important ,puraul(lI-'o'oto researches ~ afler A gentle heart I~ ~ke ripe frl/lt. which ~ueen Mary's comb, )tV oIIleY'ere~h!'t, ~h.o benda 80 low that It 18 lit the mercy of ey- f.1~e whIch Van ' Br~p IID0ked d~n~hls irY. ne kchooeeli tto ,t, \vhile the. ,aT:~"e~ to e:!!'tl~~ aOr:ffi~~ reason is In every, thing 'In,whlch he bualed himio attempt to bind buffalo \vit~ II ~1'~lId self-in trle fine am, in lIteraCute,'ln public of flowera. . " wu d~aWD by lome 8tr.sn~ ot~ Wiedom iSlln o.pen (ountain, whOle \Va. , th'e great, to ' the little, and t~ra a;,e,,: t ~bO .b Id b t k' t useColto ~lie"odd !)'~e poUti08 . fi:e'f e 11 upJ u op runhe took\ tIle keentlt intereat' an II10 f lor Ie , e n 8 tho o. 1)' t te " .• scnrce1" de.e~ing , of 'the name '" w.;~e C a ulDny III l ike ewol'P la BIles an.,. .J ""i !, . • e D«lIinst which you must not attempt to de- ~o~lIpgs ~r G~brge ~e Second, the flirtefend your8tllf unle&a you are certain to de- tl~na ofPrmceu Enllly,,..ltb the Duke of stroy it; ~I.herwi!le it returos to tile ch~rge Grafloll,.the-amouno( P"lnce Frederic willi . Plor~ (unous thlln ~v~r. , Lady Mlddleae~1 Iho IIquabblee betweerr, Llttl.e m~nd/l ,eJolC~o over t~j4! errora of G.oJiI SUck ~d tb~ Muter,. o~ the Buckmen 01 gemuB, aa tile · owl rejOices at an hound., the dldogreementa between tlae tu~ ' eclipse. , ' , tora . of Prince Oeor~f,beae . 00.uen enM~ pll88el Ilia life in rea80ning pn the gaged almoat ~U the attention whiCh W.lpllllt, In complaining of the pr.e.ellt, IUId -pole conld spare (rqm matten ruore Jmp,ortrembliolr for the futl/re. •• stillj-(i'om blddlnr. for Zi~~ke8 and . Plell8ure ill II!'ldom found wl.~e It II (rom chelpeolDg' frig'ioel!h of sO'lght. Our brlghtellt blazes of gilldne,a f.IIpestry, and bandie.o( old , lances ftom setare cOm 'Qnly kindled by unexpected joining bit.8 of painted glq".nd. 8parks. ting up memorials of ,departJd. r;.~ and t Misery roquirea action-happiness, rp.- doge! While be wu fetching,~d .carrying pose. ., ' . the Wo:1p of Ken8ington Palace·.and C~IFancy ruloa over two thirds of ~e una· ton. q.uae, be' (ancleCt h" WIII _ engaged:u v~rI_the ~alt .nd the future-wbJle Re- polltics,lDd when he ~conled ,tbat to-Ip •. , ' , allty il cootined \0 the present. ' . he fancied he wal writlUl hbtory. ' ~wllyt:oth. lando( Nod hlaweary ftetUope il .Uke a bad clocll, foreyer . ltrl- Hewu, .. hehaahilDHlC ~1t1 ... foDd h'~ OO'lirne him. Rett he found none; klu, the hour of b.ppiDeu, whether It h.. of factlon .. . an amUlemeDt. , He IIlY8d sleepiD,gor.wakiDrdae Imploring lpot .of ('~meorqot. , mischief: but heloted quietj:.... he wu Abel,and his b1eediDr C!OrIe foreyer hauDt~lchOl are n~teully acq,\lire~, and when COData~"y on the watch (or opportunltie. cd him. ' acquired, are, WIth extreme care. of~ti/)'llll' both hll tallea at once. He d • bin wheft death comes they are gone! IOmetlmn CODtrtYed wlthcMK JdGI,. ()yer'COmewlth~morae aD weanneea, DOt, thr.efore, auioUl for wealtla, ~~ he at If!Dlr\h ..... Into a deep Ilumh.r than The poilODOGa tree 01 thlJ world bean two aad to CI had b MCI hll.,.. linM that (.tal clay. fruita ofez~ullite ..TOri poetty, IweiJf .. cal A Till ,D IUCh \WI hid n.lted hil .1amben aectar, ..d tile lOCiety o(the jood. theM oc~
1.Nt. Abel ie IbdeeII deladrt
'Ala.. tbenitiaaot.dreaml I_"~' 0\ bornIi" hkAnd m1iDtbe dq.
-.. tIly. - I caDDOt deacrille.
d liW~~
W~ll~:~ ~g~1t ~:~ ~: fI?~·o';.~1 w.g
urI'_ . .
1I'lf,toditturb.1tbe::::::... ___
Ala"'ODellralaecf~~W~f~th~~a~t~I~lb~~~I~ni or oro~r .doe.dioe.~lei~~iiiiillj
dlat ~ aapl a ....tabt. but throwo down
UIid IIIIlOCeIICt! l . willa aMI oar*- ~ with_lIInIItof. .. WOQItl ne ..... DC"wit~l~
• •• .teaieh.niter1i~ ({oln WiW
.. c _ . made. wida • ralr wiad, w. mdde "8 ., lqi,bt,1h., . lIP' JD t witlt tUo weDt . TJae fI ' urth d.t" we "ttuclI tb. tlu, .ti.tr1u df u.e mooa IDa"''''' I ofUII l O t ' " ud rude 10 mU.. I had J.. If.JmlE ' . 0 cI ~ f 'I . most k.utiftll 1'here two otber 0Ill of to"'n yeaterdl)'. I t . . . . my__ heart. . preJi 08 , ..... aD;\.Y ... '-:-ptr.trelm, the dtead.a i.fl'l'u•.Q ~ u.... ,. IIlJ IPOt. or l1~bW(l tl~at made tb.'1it I treat. 1 wilh ~ couleS have .eeD 1M 1 Who traln t.lr ch[~.a &u ,. ~r Tera.. . ' u .It j. re.~."lIy .tte,,~ wlt~ ea" ,m ' t1 'th In.nlt l ~lilllbiil UlOIlO .lDdbnlaln."Ob hortleb.ck. .evea 'at bOm.' ,....·AlI.m V:IIlTO...·m be furn\ hed til 8Ul!• • uft)llltid rougb,...... ,~ bal a cu~nt .rne..... nutb e IQq I ~I (,.1 ~ .' . • • d . ~ iJr 0IMi DOllar and ~"'fh, ~te, if' p'a1d ~ three or !~ut mile. JM!r tiou~ and O"wini othdr bnutlCuJ '~(Ilre t111\. we II8e - , We .l:,,!!'ul &.lie,'~ah7, , lDo;UtltillllotJ..n Prem.l~re Deve~oJl~e.t "r the Mll~~~.
:!rT tia'.monlha from ~ time ofreu~rltilDb.
l:'}gr:~:a. .:e~ot~~I1\.::::an:e~ 1I
th the water i
ulte warm
our latitude
tb~ '
IbilNn, wi~ D9t a .tt.!:. !'f WIlber;, but ~.d Alilte f.r h,e r ~ac~~~ thev.liavo ~cb "aUtll',
0" ~e ~;!ftin,
J .- , . -
~"=· ~C . I~=~~r:: tom.,.DJ
~ =-;;iiiY~'i'"i: ~.. 11 I
• .mUM ·1 . . . Y• • d.ll ~* elIplodln, ,Cbl~ ea.eken in tho ollcnrof ~e. tree. .0 GrluDIlteI, the .,..u-O)QiJti &1M? bri. r~ .t~ok fireI aJdl9ugb hree . Of Ire eo: Il'~ea wcre _III' td pl~1 ~pOh It fur
'* 'Il'lt.
~bT:h\r~:~~~~e~x~;t:::~o:~:!~:l~:~~t~ I :~:·~::~~~ ·!~el:u:,':;'b:~I=:O~~h~~
=:h \be air anil ,: ;robllblV .tho· • . tb~ ~,~ of the hbvy ...~a"lI. . ' row on ~rd. pUI C.~~l~ , low vul- mllit b't;tfUe for I.a~ ap~les, pear., . ment aDd vari~ty. far frQID 'lltren~ftellln" , euIBclent1JlllrJer to ~dl1li' th.· b!!d1 of a , To Co-:rhfo.dell~ • Sute en~ul:l1. aJ»ollt' mido.i gbt vf tbe th~gh , " , Ur~~..tel,. of l ei alld-c:rl~ell, pile liu~cIi of, .'!! \:9' il1lp.ir t h., .tre~gth All(to.necOf the 1 .trid Ul~ ihi,til~t.b.., flrePlJu lcj direct , .... 0. fl. when we promiied:that yOllt doy ,we ~ntere'd th". Gulf-Stream we . fer:u th't ~,,':dOD~rneA. bat;.h~ make Il qu~r:t. orangllll" figs and.all the in,'and orall the organa d*:penqlD~ u~n the hOI• .~ m~re ,efl'tle~ _The jire havlnlr too the V;u~ _about ~lm . to tropic,,1 fru;'t.f . . Tiley have 'a fine IlIa.rk And hence' we ra!e!y .fI.ercelv~ the geDlU. , beeN ' ctti~gulBhl'id, tb~li. d, aytcl portion•. would be ~bli8h'Od"w(thout delay, wo o"rtaken;j:ly a tremendc>U8" ,1ale;.. the Dot .ware . that it would ceClll'Y .., Wul voty dark and it oaugl&t'us in full a lit of JIlen. . He ColJ1mellcoQ an~ all. then:. prwi.ion\ w.ooo IlInd every the ~chooll ,~~illrell~lllg. In· J,ufl\re ~eor~. 1 were entlr~l,, · tet"o"~ , 1:0IIII .Ilie Interior; much . 'p aoe,-It will appear, however, iil Tlie captllln eaid be' waa .fraid tho on tho min at the be(~" an" ~~r e.pen~- , tqin, elao ill brou~ht to .hapket on p:lck allY of the eqpcr!orlty. ~vh.lch .afitti'~ch~~ at· r urtd t~od WA80~d olldi werle &cl4l •.IIY' htlililt, en • .,. ,. . .... . " ,. . . '.' j h ' J E UI' I . ' .', .. . ·d 6n O tcntion In eArly ,hfll. But we nu lin on oul an cart. eavu,! I ' 0 Ow , Nu. .. lIS,:.... ·jmmealC\tely· aner ,'s-r.Il,.'." would.go before h'e could .. got tlic~aI18 . 109 olltleollt I1lI1vt!" ~g ~ ,i. a!'gqage' , mulfll and allsea . .. ·W e motmourra e. v I' • . , nk b llow medio .. ri ty or ' lorgo.eDough to I.~ ' ..;; ..ityfivn mell . (. " . fi .! ( · 't ' d" kl Id fJ' n.l ~vaa DlDjng towhip I .\ . k· 1- .. -a 'th Ii d· d t.e cOlhrary, 811 ~ " ,. . ~l" '.'~ . " ,.Trio·. . ' :' , " . . , 4 ,a it Wall tim re~ ... torm e yer.WI ,ellee ... ~ tqo 10. ,0 )1\D ~a.:.'-\. ," .. . ~~u ~s .~nil Jac !l ~.II~ WI rewoo l an drogginll out.a pnillful e"i~"',~ct',' -the vic- The, inr~t: lIu~rac;e: w;n~ then :,tborou~hly , " ~'He ;W'a.. DyID~'~ Jty ·,W)lIo~1 et" '~nd :at ~ea', y~ would n~tuta'I~~ ' lI~ppo~e, 1 . )1I~ i the ma~ ple~~tIiA~ ho a. m~~. a I prOVI!!I?nl. " . .. ' tim· op",li~~tion and' mClo!!choly. , '; I .· dr~a~ed dO.~!l' ~Qd 'w1111.4.-wll-wa,' aD!ll~ i~ "J C.n.o~ F~~got . ,!:~ee.'~< by "Oara c.~, 'IO!"!! IItrGDg~ feei(nJ1lI ~. come over ~e;. ~.", reeIiDg.,.b'4 t '~'iaJldld ~6,g~,~, the clI.P: I ,WIll 811.1 m~re of ValpaT.llleo In my . Qllithe o~her hand. sOll,le oC,.t he mo ~t d~~ - I !Jl.\1te certa,n tbllt ~ qJI.o.rtt'r(YoTi.hDl ~ n , e~• ., . lisle" *10 beautiful, .n~ ,will reeeiv~' IlD.ellJ' admit ;l , ba4. bu~ I: f.el~ aDlCi.ouI to,see I t ~.in ra~lled 'ho WI\lp'tc).1.11~" ~Im",?ut ~e ·next. " . tlll.gulehcd me~ ,who ovcr .hved, we,r~, In cel1~nt dllu~(le of. ItVIII g , to Q Green' otct· 11 In erUon. . " ,. all. ,· .. , · . , CTlEld out "You ahliitnot l!I~rlk• .rne. ~t Give my Jove tv lill ~nquiring friends. clllldhoud. rema.rkoble o." ly ror hea~t!l, Idle:· Dge. -[Ald. Pia"". ..' .. "WIlIomioe" o.nl't tho'u not ling II mer. . When it firit ItrUck UI thcre wu II gen~ that momcli't. the ..tlorl a\lapranl .to ha. I'Tell them I ontin tbi nk of Harveysburg. neiS, and opparent stup.ldi~y, Tllc. ,1Iustfl' A. Hn,,, Girl. ' . .. .' • " .. k ded b Id T ld tl ' 11 Newton was by 1118 own IIccount8, 011 . 1 I f ..... airl ., k II ry alral,,1 , '. . ' er.lrush to the . door. !Jut I lay 8tl11 thm - ~escue,ltca yo om, 6D 0 well ler· 'Va shlll1 be here 11 week, lind 1 sha 'dl d 'n tte t·~e·b y dNerylo\v in tlie , Ay, 81e 811 , !Il,.p.1" , \Y. now '1 her ""-no Old Bllcht>!or'd3uliloqny'" by 'IU n- ing' it WBS'llot au liad a. 'reported; b,u t the bllateD ter" whose irvn siDew. llil~ been 10e0 rio time .. . . • ~ho~ll ~ill i.tl . ~~ceello J 2;~(lrfl 01 nge' nnd ,fresh looks lind ~uQya nt ,:m'~••, D"y ill • I cll'l Peto~" i. accepted: "' . , . . 1I19~~ -kcp ' mexcali,.g .nd ~e wor~ came hartlen.Ild .by rUll. 2~,Yc~. ;erv~c:e on t~e ; TnoMAs FALLIs. the jIO~ng Nopoleoli I himself, ,is. d!!lJ~riDC'I ; lind day out :ror~:o~k~I:~I'n'a~: ~t ~nd '. ~e ~VII1, .• ro l~n~, gIve our ~ r~~derl an that-the m wert) gono •. . ~~lcn 'Jl;lanped, .Nlt se~l; he ~eaz~~ ,tli~~, capt~1O by~ th~ _ .._ _ __ . III baVlIlg good h\lllltllllnli !Jelllg III oth,!r rll- :~:/~::~Allier lI'ondl PI" dirti . her ad n9t opportu~ity of rcadllla "The Sun, .a poom Il P a~d v~ntured 0!lt pn deck and' oh, ~od! ,tlnoll~ 'I!nd »\loek tll.1n , hke ~ ~og; he ~hen , . For tho Mibmi Visitor. 8pel\~S ll.~e. ,othe~ b!>)'.. A~ta~l Clark . Wrlll Huch' Irl. w!' loye ', nd resJ!i!ct' wbe=~ , ~y· B. C. L. . ' " what a "cene met my ey~e, '-"hi! co~tend· told 610I, .)1e ha~ not draY{.fl a· s,o ber ~re.th 0 .. I tall r y N .o t I ~ Cl. . consIdered 11 grJe.VO~1J dunce. whell I\. ~O!, ; we tinl thf lll-in 11 pailae!) or • ' hovel . . · Aft Ode,' (ql Ule fourth or 1uly; by "The in, eloments seeme~ to vie WJth ~ach-oth- aince)le le('t ~ew Yor ~t wlllch· wae true. I At a C',lI11ct1 meeting of WayDei;villo a~d \\~Oll b~ldo~1!ll'll.~l!lld III~ fllther, cx- , Alwayl r1o'ollRnt1l.nd alw'l'y'" ,ldl1d,~ey' nw. ~ar4 o~ th,s Y'ale~' w~lr apfle~~¥ in ' next er for tlu, ni'o~erIl1' lh~' fi;11 .wa, In a l IlIlr ,~he cap.i~n~ called ·for' .hl'lp" ~' put . hl~ in'l Lodg'E'; No, HIS, :of·.Frc~ III\~ ~cc~ptcd ~.- ~~~h~i8 ~~~u~tlrr:~Qr~n:..:oadt:otWln::~ I' ~r , tur~ liP. theIr. n9~e} ·'Il~r~re"~.. r ra~fI, ~r ': WM'. a.. u,e. '.", , fet (oam, tlnd our poor old »hlp tho~gh IIhe, Ilone. but .hr g~~ n~.lw" on~ be ~~~ to . let. 80118, held t1.lelr Holillt tl!tl town ofW.y- abled him to\Jo" . ' .. . sln!u1er y~~ bebIlHl10~ , bao~. \hey. h&\vo . , . , ••• • . . • IIlm cari~ lier mastt, wae laboring and thel1lallao .t~.l~er~ i since} hat, they hllve t ne.ViIlO. on dIll 16th of JUlie, tbo fol/owing Shllkspcore, Gibbon', Dyron, Scott" olld more goodft~enlle ~lldb ~.et~_.l.0mplo~meht, '" , ~HE .,. , Tl M ~ !::I bb th ~itchinll o,er the " . ., ' I ' ' til 'h' . . .' . . . '. . ' . What _re Irttllnu uound g,rl. hI rOV.lIH.- Ie . ,:., ",. • mountllll,wlll'es at I fear got along ver)' !we l un ' . . 'tl th-'e·. oAil l'or ""'.b' • II Inormni' rellolutlons were· ordered to be drli~' n up; Davy, wero m like RIanller undultlngol8111~d j .Behool •.1UId (Iturenll '. . . ' II ·11 I b to ' . . I k ck d I ' t th I I ' . ' f· • _. .l II Ii t I comflarl80 .. WI 1 u., . I' I' "'" 10'" gene~ y WI ce e. ... ul r~le lind I. thougilt ·e~ry ) «Iap wo.uW \yh~n Ie no e " t If! m;ut a e 10 m, ond were u.noniRloully adopted. . or precoclo.UI' .. v mu~, un \~ere , or unat~ Y but to look lit, IIDd thati. rath'r di'lllllltin ~. · tHe .eveDty.(ourth aDbiventary or our m~e- her: I",t,' !Jut IIlIe would raillo hoI' prow Ir~nl qown and b.eot ~~¢ ...IIb.merully. WIIt-reas, it hll8 pleosed the Grnnd Ar- ,aUowi,d ~~llDdul~ <'reilly tinItt th'flle :I'holer Give us the indus riot'll lI"ild happy girl, .~ ,,1Id.nco .t. "Obld SpriDg'~ .bout ~ mile bene.tlt tile aalt wave BnU ride grace(ully I will hllTe to pa,» , oyer some di.tence chitect'of the Ullivorse ·to CIU from our eo.mdo 0 II.Y,exf:rCt~~beF',,,,bdn \ at rhe~~olmh 0 : we CBre not who wonhip» C..bionable and~"1 . . ~ ·.... bo· S 'S Ii Ia . , < • h ' h " ' fi I t'l . mm ,. w lie I COil n u.., 80 mue .., Clr, 'dl ' . I '.I ' " , ' , below lol\\'*'. · ~,ela" ~ll1g . C ~ , IIr! up, the next. I hoye hod BOli)O wild ere. t oug " . we- ~g~ ,t ~!nnll n.Dy un I midst, Bro. leollC ' Sondtl, wh'Jec )Oll! we ext-eUence. 'l'he motllerofSherjdeo. I ,e 'IIlmp ('tonl.-...non " 3rd, l;st., ",S-deg. ·S. ~ WIJ> aro 1I0W deeply deplore; nnel tc.nder to hiw bl'reaYed to·o, tonll' reg~rde~ ·him 11M "the dullest lind r > I· .:. '·'IOAr dl·.u.... t "H~ n'.y and invited ~ P!'rticipate ..on ~lIl!i ~~".:u!l(1~, . of tJle IIwf!!1 gr"ndcuJ' Or 'li IItorm at Bea, but . . _.- dreom " . of my ..aney ~ . .. • · • IeSI! of I~e r 801111.:' . Y I.. I/~ "'1 " .. Il U... ' " . . l ome· Tbe. prDrr"lIIme wIII b0 JIUb'I'IIIhe.d Delt the •\V:!:.~t ne,:cr p~n~to ~~ee I t.h,~ '"'h'. WII'a, tbl'rI 0 reo IIp "f.mll} olld frllmdl!, our heartfelt 8ympa- ~08t hope . ' .. !im".(jVH" 'jlh: a4vanllln" bel lIullM¥ 'd~m:n, . ·weelt. ' ., , . . , . \ ' dl ·.... t·· !Dfr hlllr s'o ITiG;<i'e ticoll" grond ,al LQllt IIlgl t m'C had ~ we"te~atI au thle_ Among tho.maJlY who give ~reat proml~ l liougb Ihn drinker ,JI'llI,kel"lI:ry ,ecea" !hero . . • e a'll II, p , . ' . ' . ''' . ' ' .' 1..1 • ,./ '.1 / 1'1 l . . • . a Iv J'fi d I t ·1 ~ or f cd 11lay after .. II. bc)' who,lspBle iOOdnet!II'ln Ih, cu .. .~--... . .... , _. '!~~--- .' tAe re.UU~' lh~t. l¥I(lmcnt ~r~lie.Il.;:~ " to l!ffr...,.uctifn~ t~ .tl!~. c'I,e,. 1~ u 8~ a pe~- . Resolv('d, ,'hilt, III dl~ delltb I)flJr~. BRn.de e' 11 ", i~ ~~~10Il~ ~ ?n e ()!C Bllt deb" how~VI!r llOutteQ\iH1'Y it be olrlfitld ~ on , " t A Pm~t' ~ ,I . '. , :. . l . . j~,""galo ~!1tl,augbt II~ UI dei' ,. cull sail and the community hna lost a good citizcn lind I . J" gel CII Iv.atl nt~ precoClou. tllo cup <If uircn IIl1d the willI!: eJllOed lIod receiyed.on FridOy latc, _ prOlleQt 01 my \' eW. , .,. ' I. ui:t.,..et all' in \ hClrc \"ere 4 ". , h " ma~unty, how few h\·e to. mO.lhood to reap ltehlu8 thro\!l!h ~ t be llii"eatJ ng,~P9I.on · Tho xa .Diai. chmiee.... d excellent onoll' The !leG when aii~ated 'of ~ durk lIi,~bt. be.forc t Ie), co :,...~ , ,! : , . . Ii ,,' C, a wort"r ~I"ol ~r. . the reward of, the!r Qlter~io·hll, 'IInd. tIO\V re~ 1 "~lIn out 0.1' d~bl,, ~ho~gb wIth ! ~aw ' his jOt. Jb :y oft . - 1\'0 , q ~ I d J ' M ('ifift. a pbosphoric light aDd J absolutely b\lretea, llPJ "Mt pJ~het~ndm" the WID Res\llved, ~hat In te.litlmony of OUJ reo of thole who surVIVe, prcsllne thillr ·lluperl- k!"1 n o~liuk in I'I~ alioe J«JI1WiCrl.~ana, ~ !tole,11I ' , I ~ Cft n .. r:s ~r r en 1Im.~1 : tllou a ht th~ whole o(:ea~ wu 'i~ a bluze! blew I;ard enouglr ~ ~19W a !~4l11ow o\'er- i IPl'~t I'or the decemsed, tbe Lodge \.Ie clothed orit)' um,npalrcd! TaNo· WOI cerly didtln- , h}6 ~al j' 'klil\. Illo h~~ ~r ":~!" Ifrl)jl IUIb tho ' aD'"'1" .0•• , ' , :e ., • • ' ·1\.1 ·"d l''' ' ··e· . - . .j r. ~I' d anUll ....d lind ''''l>ll1 bil iIDmo'r ta' enio at 22 flnglnlt Ilr · ayO\'\1 ml; up.; U mOllt tlV" . It \vu frightful iD th~ eXlreme. but our board and tbe celhl'" TO leu.'W pi e,l a monnsn;s, .t.>r wml)' IIY'. ¥ ~'i '''''' <" . ~ I '. ll'ry wnlit jll I,,! ,bllt \I updn • hol!4ayt . ~IU' "GOilip" I. ·Cl'QwW o~t thl. -II nt i. Id liip rOdo' ,it out . The . ~I~'e rou"', loa ' Still we we", · CIII~binl alba· I RC60IV'·cd . Thet' the S"cf'lllry · of thi. year8 ~f 1Lgt'; b\i bl" lifo WI1~ nll";~lIblil, : II 8\ 11"0 10 'be Tt'c.IDilllild at Iny, inKI"nt liy hl~ . ' ,. .- a 0 ,~~,.,.. ' ~" " '" • W ·~ . I .. ' . c. And LIs rt'tlIIOn dic3ordercd: Paeentls alllu owner, ,be err.dilor' .l\fy ,.on, 11 puqr. _ _ .... .~ ~_ .,:1 ~~ ~"patlent !IV' ti.ve.l9ftle- I~ted '~.t;lve houl'll With ullabs~d with hOOk anll . , .•e.noIHt.aev.~ LotlgcJ ran,sl1lit a cOpy of the.e lesolutions lin other eXl\.mplo eOile SOlJl~ result, ., wino ill Iha running !l!r,fi!;r' h ll thy litO ,Lb " tbl", .fl. IJl .tote for:yoo. . We Edlto...,. the}1 relented a \It Ie but" blew a l .~et--A-om' &ip~ 'td't)io 'family aM ' friends of tht! dOClell.ed • , _ _ -......._ . __...... "'Dlr r Dt 1 l' bat week ~ ,fOI I Ihhlk • ahlelll, to .t: . ,A • • l • • ' . h Ii, • 8' . lUi. lon" · :!t> '. " r • . , C .."elll1 Iiti r F C. ." 1~ J , Ifi~. bare oOlltl llllJ ' ''o''ly'''l1'trtm~ ..~knowh:cll:~ It .' li.e OJlltr tuenj'lIJ ... 1t'e~, no~~ ' we u"lll mldlllllbt the next Dleht, att en cld~~ tl,e Wlllga. . ICi " • . • • urothcf'• . allli that . they bo pUbllllbl'd all .0 .I\n 011 0 whit, ' Wnlllltld ,.~rol til lilt·~l 'bou ~elng l,l~cu W'ollid. , . '.,. \, ~' down and iu the nlomlng we· found ,our~, 'a PQwert'uf bJ rif, t r Tho bmla a~0"1'he Miami Vi*itt.rt" . ' n . d', . a - t l d f tl ' I .f", n lI"n I~.11)"~; lill ' th~, '~ ~J!.6 dobt, &1 ' • , , -' .iajI •• ' . . ~ . . II .' ." h · h ' of 1l 'lliQdtt 0, ' a~' . ..... . . ~ruJ" Ice on a luu~nn n Ie eVlll j'H'll\Ullio hr Rrt},ci D' P'!lIcO\.IId. Ih",heIUT·l" ',. ~a""d tb. thrftllllk lind poetl'c "Dible"!M'IV~ '~ n . , e~ calm. " O~I W ~~ ~ c f"~gff . ,. I' b ':" E. H;\MIIELI., SI)C'Y· that alDict, h3\'0 their riso. in ~he· murbld eGllfOU.lldcd ...... l!1I110Ll~ ." .', ' . • " . Ii :T· I !b' ; · · '.. ..... F · ti ri'oi4!lie morlilDIf. before . . • t wlli a eau: ,v . •• 0 "w '.!C • W. ·S. j)f • !la;".ltD·t.· . . feelil'l."" Hll1t i,1I ,I,ctl lth .tlllgendcrs; und it Jude"'inie&f"l&of'aJ-;-1iaont~. 811.teIa c;oncludecl I. w~ek by ,re tiful' ~ornlftlr,.the. ocean \VaB .m~ol1~' ¥ II pet",l. Th." 1» I~ ~lftall bird, r .JAC~I 'R,UfDA~r.\ Cpmanltttlc. ill evit!~nt th:.t \\IOI)\on . broullht ujl to act . . _J__ . ' ~rono~df " " , mirrqr wfth'· the'·u cepuon or · the l~nl 'tol. ·the ~\vft.lIow, .'~h. e cape- , A. U. IIA~UIIlr.r.. . . and '.hml( I\~ th~. y d~ at pttl!,ant, '~ali !llIye I Mnlllcind are al.(IYs h'plf er for havjJ!g ~e weadaer continuot warm lI1d' IIDg ,lwoJl.'that ever agitate I · ~er . bOlSom; i. about: th~ 11410 . or our PI~II and, ' . but hUlc ~huJ\cc DI 11' 8~U.lld I~ID~ It. 0 b.all bappy j 110 tl.lllt, if y~u \bake thelll : " '. , sound boo): T,6. harp III ally , kll~d of htlppy flOW, you ml\kc them ~lIr111 tWllnty . , ':fhe ..tonu hi$lbf!"Vn u. b,ci, entlr~11 out ia .. be.ullifu bii~I ..;:;· , .howery. ,_ _ _ _ _...__ ,' , otthe·ClulfSt~lm . .,.bout ten .o'clock· . Thl. atormJuttd~ bout J9 hour.butthe · · houtsholtl '~(jrk,l' to df'~'un lter~('lf, and je~r. hence, by t.~ i,i : 1\I~IQ0rJ·. uf It•. A " ~O ' . ' ,. . . . . ,' . b-.... b·I 'J. . l aho would be thougbt Ullid flln, IOftp , 0i'dllldhvodpIIUt'dwlthllam'lIll&turooll's4 h l IW. H"ave.avlo. J V.~ 13t. . brfeze .prong: · up an4 wa ' I~arted on· <blew. u- ....n. cnll'oge in nD" kInd of oe' lve galne ill tho ' 1· d' 1._ d .~--,I d I . .III. ""h ''''II '' j I~ ' ," •. . b ..' .l'~ t: . k·' "' , . ". ' . .," llun" III U'5~ Dl'A,I, un I:'r . ......... u w '" --. I:iUl~~. __ J' e .~ ow III commun "wntiJl,n g ~ay. ,. . ... . . We ea~ arounn ,l:e~ ~"o .wee ~,an,u opt'" floltl~. IVlth th ·.frush, ~I,fe, soul-gi\' ing ' I" U"(lllt\< difJ'ull'e o\,c'r tJI,C "',lauI6 1)( liro 1\ . .,.tJoa ~ rroaq. potJ«!m.p f0n.nerly • r.,.. , 1~D,. 6tb, Jl'ound.ourlelve ..:agdlD . m~e ·4, d~~~ !~>~Udl,l. l . 'fo were . _ ." lllr around , her :. 1I~d. th n I.. rd • .~lltl. IOIl,c r, fc ling ' (,II: ~ahn plt;llsiirc;-· uliJ hi c:ct.rt'Ule · ofthfa pl~, wb~ g u\'W'. on th~ "'~l' to ~,er tl]e 118ur u of .~e pulf . cl~.unde~ · ~I\e of' } be J~~IIi;~lI",d. U ~ A. f/lw :~e~1u .hlee, h) ~IDIDI down the winged tlll~. IU\ It~"~ her thol l.'~o • 'Sh e" olJ. ago! i~ tb~ V(,fY ' lDl!l . ~meDl"ranctl CaHforn!.. . ' .. '. " r ., h.dflnu "'ioda.the , .IlI\1ln,'*,oek: II."'" no" Here. "el # th~Q~.d~Y:4, r1Ur wUlll Nurth. Kiv", I \y,. seated in the cabin of . tllk~ vlo!tnt e~cf( !~e ~hrou;I~ ,1 \~hol\l whlcla tllllcq'll I'ruli~. , (~.~ thc mh,d of The .,ntlom. . to. whom f.t . ~~• .nI~tCln r: ·tbIDI",~~e.the du.1I mO.~!'ttlmt0t'ihe oceAn tip tQ!~ ,Hom ~n .Saturd.Y' '~6, the m.g~l~ficellt IItolliner 'ba.c Hewton,in IT! rIOU! 1d' I~: .~ C?J dlu~Cd" ol"d~r ... gll' .1I1Iln· ~tt ·cllj!JrIllC'iti ;"htt\~·o,~'r lnt'tlll~id. hu .CODItAtitl to i" pubbo,tion, and • IC-8De"." . ! . . o'e)oc~: , We' .worc}l l:iee:almeil ' right eonverBtlhOll ,With .lome ' fricndll.-Jt. wu f Ie \lrlu /OUII 1I1~. Jfl)~nll,. ()rll"'I~' II cOllftn\ld \0 d\~ ~ealC'll. IIMIwt'nt. rm lIoubt D~ thai w(luld be yer,. .intereltiag Sond~Y J13 · I'S poko .D tDQ:liilh ehip. ~. iulllllll:ifttlllHi8" of tl.I8 eIll" : be~~jri&' late in ,tho "VCnrllg', o~d one .af. fi 't, • 'Y 6 d .rII.n'f.I' , I Ii tlut A nll:lO ill' lhe , liu IlPi4;' .' IO~ U!" from lJl"'ill~ den f 1h "'Vlllt.or,l;" ~• • , . " . . ...... . <L, ' . ~ d till, .bodler eecking repose· from lhc"'ea'rc. or Ie "xrJ CIlWlIh qne \t' qUj ~cU, \~ oll("e n~e 1\11 IIgrQ"" b~ j \OQr ~ U..ed fof 1it....,. ret · 0 e . . I..• nut ' '.ak bad.ca1me ~od . II w.. ·~ IO\lely . pro.~• .~ 'dl"re· ~me .nd \Oil. of 'thc Cfft malle ' .. Ii ·t .tho c,·im1ci h~rt' ll e llll'; \lut with IIny Il'flgth uftimo '\\'ith 'o¥..lla~t Pe.Oplr qr ~ ~P~ f!rH~. the.wl.ti.~ wio.~ . " .' ' , >~ to be 'lliDdi'ed!te~' ·pW '.iBla~,d. t~~ti l~)', 1'Iltire.to ~• • ~fl P\illio:':j.';1~jl,ob~ot~ ,or c'E'~{'!rE'1i ",ilb dlihh',ells 1l1!!!.I- ~-elljqycd allY IlQniliderlJ/Jl~ In'ttlrv!11 01 ill'lIn~• . 6t.~_,p~,i "'D~'lItCoJOU. a: .~. 8pokO.II~,Pl1~tb ,t~ iJtt~ " ~~ 1It9" . ~ry '1Q. ' cOa~ laythelue"'ee down tu t['at ~ to Cllll!t" ellu~ C?l'I\;~ ' iI.~Ud()W : Uclltpl(!~\Ir~; ' '''II~ ' t i\i' ll',!lPt: pr ba!JI, ~I" I:GJJ hopbllrYou wtll deelQ l it W~1' ton bD':\nd to Ca,l!forn~•• . , , ' _ (I~W naWN IJI ,b.r wlld~t. udlehl, In the attempt to malie. it aceDi 118 ~ fl cO~I~fn. i o~ felJ~. dJ I~h.e- !11~U' n~cj)I.lel\tllJh, iJl' thcl~ I"o"'t p.llluurel ..·IIIt'b ,kce ill,. columnl. ' it did 'lIle pod,. to &Ilk ~l\h tilOIO the wliote:JQr{Ke;ofthe <l,eQa to \4" ml.)eb .. puuible IJku home. threw oft' Inore . or i~vl)ri' \t t 'd lCO t I, m;). ~~r"lg .I ~r . oQnlributcl to reudor 01(\ ".cD ~ in.ut'o" O. _W TIll J'aucu, P4Clnd O(IEA~. koe. Thl'v had o'n'; a6litllrv ' of 'til \Va. d~t~.1 wUh thE' mOit bcau-. of the ir clolhing--t!ada one 8tI hjH)OIJ}fort f t~h'C"h8 Ie II tlIO~ \,e~~l~ ,lclJn; d· ~ I'''h'~ • tivl! to the !!Ilene. bet~Jr'l! th In I ond ".... . A·I D& • J ' .J , 'i ~' . . - ' t • ' or\ a~p .. · .rd I' d 0 q Le .IIC'611t1,1I0 Ctn\!l'lIlY o\latu ' riC8lh'lI~ilckloaworldtbllti.n••lllld . . prl 14, 1.,.,0. , ,board .and:w'ban abe :calile on . . little iIIlandi, ,,~ . i1i"ad',of uti, cape.' re~en~lon ~J ' anrt'r, I act.Ul. ' .blood 1I0w IIn,l alte ht\8 I18cn. bl'fore now, ' .. _ . " ',i1 . r:- - I 11 ro rcHte up in""')d defianCe; f urlad and II' llic ~~ ,"otf!~OUt U1ee,dcc,k a 11110 looltl , o\1I0Y' 1\ ))rvnd ill ·,tllo y. vlld , ulld Ndid ill 'l ~Oll.Cot. ~ noro, to bo rc na\~.o ~gliln. Almn. . · • 1)"a 8aol'oa .. .., 8J.TII~ __We ue made the v~· heavens .clIOunii l.oI.;' . _.;,a __ i tf.. • -'1 . , , , I ~ ~ ,. . ~ I I' . • ~ uuy; 0 a""u III yellr. • d ' t · ANo ted D it · "J"oua berein , ·de..,. "WIJJ, •• bo~t twq·quat· oOoY, for' h.er not' ."'e" • woman ,,'IlTell, ~lli~e (if Ul;;@aO~jllt4D(~~ ~e~, n~. • roun,cL. mall eYldently 1'8 . the Itrelull! to 0 thj ~ w.I,)tlld ' .indt>.'d!lhe tllI- '1 Tb . r ! e~ . I. . . ...ct mU.. f~m V.tpat.aI.Oj .nil u my .ev,ral w~fk.. . ., ' ot T"" del fiego \op'ID~ llP their aPPollrancc;n'dicated hlw ~a wpmllnJ)·, 'ImprntJeuI., nu t~ In- .tllol,\tllf ~f; .. r.e II ~ ~~t11.-1 .Il\t D<~ "h')ut I.n "to -, -' ..llad w,u d?'lemDI uPo~ ,boDle; t tho~t .' It ,~.bperjDJ to the!' loul to In~e~ ""blJ)"'it-" i~ ttpt~t .gr&l)~lew:.: WJ~ile pr?b4ab~y I G:~'m\ln_ of ~~:~ih':ted~en S!~~a~IIYuI~L~~1I c~r.: '!'J:::i~ i :~nf:~ r.;i:~~;t~ I!~~:: :~g ~~\;~~;;;:I; I~I;,;~ . I woilJcl~ aleller·lnd finl.b, I' .f· .. vellel .t ilea, ~r, e,on to.:-e\l a .1lI.1 . • . ~In.. upo"n that hlsau!,1ru!,pr~ height·•• Dd rol~c~bJe dr,eN' l .T be . pllrn}lb\:rn~o of tlrel5ll.' mUilic, n'ild' IIl:t 00. 1ht'ilt proof of a ~ulllu ~. 111110. ill II) bo . found - J pll.to port. . .' . .. • ' u t-'e ~e can re.ch. 'fhoUl" tbere .. a tbl!' elem.e~ta ~!~ &\I de.Ut-.. uqll&U wal unu.~l1y ~ alld line loo~I~g. ' hand. casilln ,be there to., .nd th .. n H IIhull be 110 ! h! the ·,qu"~lily or digl1i~~.. (hat I.e "'~Illl' . WeU•.1. tb! ftttt placo, WO'B&vO enjoyod patlleal \0 admire in the beauty .na gnuUI ID tl}• . :Jailing of ~n fJye. ed ' :;'Ie~, fe::uroo. wlt.b au /"telhrlll alld dancing of .. pirit or , mtJV\l\.llenl, but. eon. 1'"IUSclrul' lri; In ·tblfllPIOIVb oC-ucl, ""n, ......Ida . . . .!,ce we loft !lome. We deur qf tb. anlPY w.vl!II, .aald hi the,Br. then we We,.G uJi#t fQlllall, .41il'itctly lIP- 'Ina c(':!·u~:~~ift~e 00 counte":ln~~l veJ1t\0f\!lHty frum fi,lIt'to lUlt. 1~hll brook tbe o~ly wey to ~t Il rruJK!l'v~lu" Qb your· . . bOtIt . . . . . ~Ul we ,,'er were berore, fu1 'undulation. of • 10DI rollin, lea. yet det tl\e land .~~ a.Uli~, •lDwan)a It. It. bill 'Oh~lIlut hair ·in thick el~I:'~n;·~fto~ murmere Il little 'long a. it glidCll over tho 1 ~If. . : 'bell' With \lont.rItl'1 evurj bod~ • ': ' we luwe had .ome bad fare) of tho", i. too m·uell! nIoDotony, I am lick ;nd crltic:al 'lboment ·wlth UII; ~~ expectcurle. .• " , ' " ~"~btlb~~B ~o t he. ~~II.-I~~" woc.~~ 1·laref alivo' i ~e~ryc. i,m~:.n~"~IT'b"bl~~~rat' ~~I!k:h .n.Y , .1 I - I .t. h -,,, ..I [ . ., tb bl ; \,. ·1' __ ..I Ik' bou.L " b·· n I I IIWdl nOllh! - I Ie \~lIv O" te 0 IODUY I .... , ....".. I~~ In, mID _ • ...... apfI,... ~~ ...r. . ,"r..... 0 ~Ztl\a'. oyer e ' ue o~p.n.e·. iJV"" tllc-m••bI \You u ..... tb Wll Ill, ,a , t woe 1ft fur a. dliJlgs, al "·tth organ like . mu~ ic the! . r,"" lwo ever law, "'lUI la a\\'o.Ilfn, blorlchc:.a, ,fOIl" ........1 ..'''.,., )h.t wo wor.,. • , ~ut weelt,mll!le a little more lloadwa),. . . e rathO! anI!' IOU .rop;ped within & Irom 1tbc gre~f , ·llteNl' !JOt ' ''he ·m ... 'not l who imo,ined 'hqt _htl tra~JJ of Hamlet " ......1~"Pl9iD-.l cetd~lt. oft'frb~ ~UUdI111'J, '. We .'bad. the pl~ur~ ' ~JK:ret~ j'(''fet!:!t~'I~~d b:- lli~lllar not bel1eilrd to \V~nd~r .mong' l w•• wri~~ qy Dlim?a ,IIUit Vyth;'l. ~\III N.. t . ,'" , ' .'(o,....!illr eur tIJ." uu I large wb!lle. ,P ml(-ra Or go 'nlr , • wjl~c - ali tb~e Itiving)li)l)!c for 1I0ng. . ~~! If I_or WhO c<ould ,Dt to!1 Wltl)o.ut .c:oO:llultlnl tii; .1bn.~po'rlllw Jalt ~a)' of the 'r.e~ 18~\) ,lJ1ade two' or ibm cil'Cul~ ,round ~~ ~ rhe~c~iJ~~~u:ote!~:!{:tgb .ldll1ll Ineli~e ' to ellch ,le~lIute •• 8ho 11(11/, . e .,.~urc. )v,heQre,r .8~ujw.&t'are \\'1.11 tho .'pln.,1ft o'c:locik,A l't~le ~~'Qle,.t;ame Ind otrprj f~ · minu~ he wduid ap uJ'l~ berth, While thu .Jittre rell~w . ~ndet far.IlWa~.(''r ,tbe. utl1l0llphere: aut~or Qf~ ~hc'::'th, .o~ llJ,ac eth WjY the ..,.... aloar to tI"e,ai4o or our Ihlp, lad ~ body about one third out 0(. tJle wa- atel; we, 'UIIMPuiDg hiI1lRI(. H,Ivioll' wii.bed rullco.bloe awhl.d'i dU'IlYlnPllth(y) wblllt~l'?\\'n tthl 0 :~~ngor :ur dl· gl1n'I~~~'Jilrlnee::-.~"-! trenn,.1 ""':Li wID hr'"-'- ' b her .., . . hI ·: Ii ·t h · led ' h · I ~ hI'· mako. r e wCt'n IC . ,y ,,""" II' - " • • _a ..lICI, - II . _.,.pon em rice, 0 ~ ter, ~ tllat ~e b"d a fine ·nllwof 1m. ' ltcked .nd , ,to tlao ell.&-ward ~f • er ,t .6, an (erc !ef around or the dAllce or aoill'e ·inanimllw TI,t'Y keep at • 'd iltanco' thai their' oclgh • t1I1I1 • wWa "~"'D .v.~ t.o".~ the mould jud,ge be.wu ·about '76 f,!t lon~. the roc~. To . tb~taleahort,:we bea~ , curl~, wltu:h looked !I pIece of roll~lVood. l"lvip~ pillcod bQI'II .mllY not diacover '",li •.t «iOtUlterfeih ()oeaa. TIao towed u. OIItalde the Honday got tho tradewln~. In latit~f eround hore IT ]f.~ OD a Ibort ~16waDce aI ' .t!Jfruh' lUI ~oun~ bllPfl{ ,lIbqllel und Icented glovell thereon tbe.y Ih!. Aervtll the .trt"et, a ,.lvanic er , . . . . . . . . ,.eam mil", ~nd .lJ1'!'at "'''' 83 de,. N. aud weai ,00 our wa)' ",joi~i~~ of. water. ~I~ jun~ /'P'd «ea-bi.cult .. I'. Will )POked f::1hi:~e .:ek ;:;. re!~~. o~:~. '! iii IIh.e ~Ing the .Iut ne.w so~Z' ' I'!"tc11 . appe.rit tv be \»UUiOD.. Me.. ant .eat ,n~qftJa.ttar,wboretum!!do"th. Tbo,wclltherwum ind piQuant um\'d. U)"'vey0l.I"a", idellO( mv inltehdo( · thi- 'h'o aUI·e.' Ie led'Pd ' Wilt"h"Nter&tr~UI. , fUkel'"pIl-Ulemoretfioy.cuntDl"lth.low• ... (1...._"'" lift (J h ' . , ,. , . . ... "', J . .,. . 7 wy nee OWU. IN' they can)' , ~: ~ -:;--::"? e ID. ~pplne... au",,,,er. ." , ' . ' \ . ,' b,e'~Nr. uOUDll 'hat d~ on Ihe SQor! put up ~II .little handa togeth-" :RI~" LUl'e· £~! l e r . · . "...: . ,~lbrilll~, ~ ~r , ~IC, the , dU~~1~Pebl'U.r19. ' Wiode '1~1l1 flUr; ~pot. pe'th~h . ,I "ve 1, IU \be r"mo-. er, ~o be~uUfulJl cblldllke Ind linlple, ~Jid . /lntored I ~t1ecl bin~ doati~ ...~ our ~ut bead, iritnlbthree depi_·~r:the Equator; war~ teat iiiea of Qa~.t~~t~?u. plo., lo~ Itl(. '~Itl~' hl~ armil ou the lower. berth: .,.,n- Th~ rol~o\ylnl' admirable ' blt··"t thol o in whieT, . wer~ , k~t • whi~'~~ii41a .tcJOd u)oa 1h9~ ' wa~." .and lultry. .".. •, " ant .... or ihe ~"r,~regio~l. ,nat~ play e~a;e::,h h.e . kltell, tie ~gan .hl. Vl!sper 10 Nick sWDinB Who . indulge in an ex-~:;~o~~~~~fd . " p~ptletot If . their, h.ta ·~r\ ~ken of ' . b.pp1'Y~.;' ..JJ On~e ~~,bt. of tho fth. we ' had vne .round tJ\i. ~~~y ~ipe" '1'!he)' \V~rt b~d ~ THe' r~er dO.'n lIy hi. aide. trllv~glnt pr?,dlgelitf of bon~ ed worda '00l0n9,' ropeated tht 'J"lzzltitl tla• had. t.DIleAcl to )ael,hten our feeIJap IUld tbOle trodl~l rlllll.II, It poW-ad dow~ il per.. I~. ~ , wall~ the .conclulioa. It ",aa. for I ehU. ~nd hype'bo!~ctd ~))rtl.lel. w:h!!n' IIddrels• . ble dealer, 'qulon' !-no. ~ir, I believe. not~' . . . . beMidful proepect DeYer,....eated eot deluge and the hea.eu · were • Ji;icl were up , ·bl,h·u B~ deg. le'"l pra,er, but , well unde,.,tocd . I mg their dulClnea. j we .take &om tl1e AbA""~ the If'!Dtl.",.n b.d lell the re r, ltaeVto .., tiew than the l«neryJU pHI aheet o(U,htn' Il'" .T be),. l!aYlldthc raia . ,.. . • ' • .. 0'' . could :b~r the . m~muri~1l or hi • •wett erdt"Cn MIt"I. Jndepend~nt: Su~ a rich plttaeel YOgetlible ",.. n .' .citate~ea' hi. ·He.d alqt oat of Nft York ~~. . BebLDd \III wa~; that:ran oft' the Ilirtv deck ~bmt 80 .A.rr!t ~~ ~,~llli of 'h,.vea, =:t could not diltlngul,lh the W9nJ.e piece of literature .hould }Ie )innerved. for lIIomen~ and ~cn ., If Itrucll'wl.th I . ~ ~ .lndIhJI courle of two !lien are cliewln .nd · .pittlnr IOct_eco we Wet. ra,-.t.wkh • lair wind and ~ P:? __ : .. BblJl what a Beene. There wel'O t . APlIL 1.t )8:)0 sudden ~tlon 91 tti, OlJ.t• .,., e-&cla.illed ,........ '"":th th " • . . . :::r 00 " ~-' men..-uuo 1m-C~It.ian lIIea-retlrilia: u: . ' • _ ..., wouder if tbe da rp,ed Mernl i-enD' b~- Inn, th.0 ba-'L ~u_.r ~ 0 ..... WI . e,.- the tIm., .ad, '~"81t; to .~ to drhik,and ' f~d" opue~~ ftjOl~~Dtr on ·tfat reet w'tti oiitpr_yii' or·it p.aviJlli at ana -,\-OIIIr__tIItIaI __ ~i. . 1tI'-: Cool tlidD'~ mea.. h~1" . • .. • OD~of""eal~aua.alJ"nco;whlle~pon ad for coolrin,.' I~ liad rather a bad way. : ; :. . ' nd of mental~..ireforprowctlqn with. WoUltlth.tmy ~D were dipped in ·the ' _'~..:.:" ;-._~'.....J~_~:.-,r ctla , ud p,lac:liI,' a-o_ f1.,.~. talte 'but it qoeneh~ Lbi... t. I.m ,n otapt There wu one v.i,eJ ·lo.t·iJqhe .traiu out wticieat COUrL~ or ' pfoty ~i kneel -d~"" of the rainbOw. plueked from - the Th. boy w~ qua_'~ ca_It tbouaud "....ra Of. dure,.., kina aDd al- to com·plaiD ofmy victuali; bu, .how me .tO ab,,'· !h, ' Jir;,e'fI~e . came by. do"".' in n ~to.l.nb9at·. cabin, aJ,d. before .w'"gII of In .Bupl: < aild me~~ed. with tile man onL~rr Itreet" ye.terda1" us. from &ho nobleet -t'.lIIt'I"down to) the &lvo you • • U,bt: delctiption of our ·IoapaueDJCr. \\lore ~1I .lvec!I' 'they, Itrtft:. Itnnsers, acknOWledge the goodDe.. praycr vf au· ,nfant. witt theD m1lb\ r I- Pl'OCen ~~I. Ho .• t~ rna. eft\- . t ilttl Th' . r N " God 'or ..t hil protecting love ' pect to palut the bu:nIDj[ bnabt1leu of ta n poj n~ ~ ... to ery like 0DfI lp".., . ",moan.,. e ~w. ,. • cat.\- 0 ow fare. We b~vq a ,Frenc" lteward, Ii~d be ed ~hore .0~.'I'~ de~ .Feyt:o••~~ a~ ,Thl. w .. tlie ttainin of ~ . th.t O.me whicb thy, thrilliD' eloquence d"~t lnd rwu with' IIU hil·lIIljht. ••tll ~~".ad BrooklIn. .mow to I fine advan- b ... not cb.n.ed hi. cloth" th~o .!-!m~ laya,n g there t",cr~eoki wertll~lckea up bj motller. Where wu ghe now";e t~'!: hu enkindled:. Tb~u .unbeam ,or llenti~ some bf>nt'Yolent mu Qr.WOlUan lllopta hllll ........d ahead ~ VII were the I?yp~ment .Iuee we lellNew y1)rki;~d be .. filtby In the. !I'OUDer Cvl!l~~a .nd bn).bt ~ tJafa Da~y ~mCII bad her kind~OIad been laid OD m~nt!. 10ft 'moonlight of m!M\e.t,f-:,tby to. ea«t'l!", the ~ Q{ hi,....,. H.·N. ~. qaanatiDO II"I1U, jltrh&-houae evefJ. other re."",ct; , be.lile. bil manner of place; two of tho ':pUlen",,. ·ate ·JOID, on those Iuuny lueU, ~ Ibe bad ta'ICht him· ~olce. ".1 gentle 8JI the flrst alimn. o( an ph,,! lOIt 1Il.J quarter. I'. I'~ I'll . ... 111111. aud f.rther ahead we could He cooking'" d~ not wit me . • t all; be mi:trCl with u.. . r :. to Ii.p bi. pnlera! IDf.nt'. dre.m-tlly .rep UgUt II the .ilk- get licked whea IF hOllle.' I'll nl. . ca'da. deep blue · ocean "hleb w. wore ~ot ouion. a04 codftlb wl,th .Imo.t every di.b lIunday ~t.t. We-ue in ValpaAlso. A beauliful .iatal. it ~ .. , \h.t ebll~ .t e,!"footecl aephyr which Canned :with the .o f tea be ..... :t,uuter fl'OQl ,tllo Ioaa .Ia ,ftlOhilll" Here the .toambo.' be ge~ up. Were it ~.otfor coffile IDd tea Wo arriYed bere ..~ before ~.y. prayer, ~n \he mialt of the bu.y. thought- ~nl of perfume the '))e~ born ,.,.dlae vlr.mi:'C::tope hlm, .~d en I~. 06 to Jert. to our (ate, and givinc dB tbree ... blecllit aQd blltter ..."Q"ld ltarve bllt Th t be tllliy' r bt th t 'l b' I~. thrOn,. , ){~. alont'. of Ihe worldl, mu). thino !1C1 .'" two bril.hlDt., ~leD 'frolll mt! other..perlOll.-<PiUI. pfItl. ehMn .... eel off to l\I ' Y IE l b ·' ~ . ' e mOl !U a. ~ .ye HeD, IItllde, dr.",. rugh to be.v..n. I wnk the a leraph t crowD-thy hps aro "feD ~ P~T ATPDTIO.TOC~ ~.-C. &urII or ew or. to our utter 111 J\I8~ ......... ,u at · wu wben linee left hcnpe, I ..~ tho morD!D, be- partDtalloYe t.,.t ......t bim to Ii.p hii bud....oillienell by the honey de" or Af- 10", 'Vii .Iw. 0 te A ~ rw. ~ Irelt .UUle-but I .~. la fQr we left N. ·Y. WutlarWd ~Itb live boc- (ore our arriv~, In tb" DIOtD~' at .ay- .....oiug. p~.y.r, wbether C..U.olic or'p ro. feeU~h1 wonfl .are Jilt. dro,. of am. little :culture:' HU", Do ,be \bea, .Dd l ,made_tIMr beat of It. Our .D4 ~eep 10 th~t !,e had fre8h m.at onco b~. we eo~ pW,,1y ' " llrad ....iad tearant. wHether ~eed or livlDg r.r 01' or ~ teeth.re .bow-tl.k.. Nt in a bed erty no poatiOti 1.lOCiolJ. .. .uI.. ., au... ~ hacJ."~ "1~e ~iJ. .~Jftd. and. week until yetI rece!'tly. ~ne ~~k . wfi.D ,,!Ii · th~t could not· He nigh. It. did me ilOOd, it 'made ~e better of verbell~. Sweet epirit or, ~lPhor, • cb~cter ~ -.rll.., It WIll ....... aoe brftao wo , •• ,Iylle. ~b we bacl.mu\ton twice, o.n.o(tJie .-beep ,J\'~, tUl awKt(l. ,.J- . . C!PU)~I dacribe to l-could 1C&rC8 reIraln fro", weopini' then, ct;l1ble h~nco of ho-..patbT, ~ur kroat command· inft~. 1\ .: 11 - - . "I 1t0"0d upolt dock .U tIio af- ~keD .ick and not ~Idr. abl. to · ~ 1be. be.uty< D _D nor ca~ ~~01!, ~ ~., . apin~ ~.t 0 ()':; ~ or Dll (houPt.· .... ~-I.! !ld-i IaeIW. ._. · ~........tc:W the ~"iutr abora they kill\!d it in .order lD ..ve i~ life-or ~.. ~ir IIIOW..pprtl· .lIl1lll!i~ wheg' ClbiD, ~~~...... ca ' l;:.,;d" let aU '- ~~J --., . Mdl '1)....... ' beIoNd CWDtry at tho, JatIecl flom rather iu muttoa. . ~ .£~. apoD,!fa~~aie ,Jcher ia col- hla_ker. , before art ~e ~Jep or ..,. dNeIU. ,..pr-pop Ier .; D9~ ia~ la~!dioD ~ ~ ml.lew .... JIM at ltID-cIowtt tbe:r ..nk Wedqeeday 8. Crouecl the equinoctilll ~ th.n dla pu~ pearli I 8ftn ..w Ba& • liulo w.iJe before 1 MY a etowd lBy wa.ln;: ~1.lotII. aad ~....... aDd .. ~ ~ be. . . . tho weaterD boNoa. J theD went line iu Ioa~itude lJ3 W' The ",oath. BelllllGUDt.ijf 4O'milCll di.tnt f'rooa Val. of' II....... ahut 'A.m'. . ' of .,~. TIaou id ........-1). w-.ldi ..... .... ud ~ m,..elCUp tore8ec:tioa,but or WUDotlOWUID alezpeeted:the IJIt!I'o IlJai"ptJiD'tjeW or-the harbor. eo.puiJ of ltall~ ....... Ia the .pper art . . . . . . . . . . . tlpr........... u . . . . .'o(~~.. fa aytelect.l....... of abort duntioa wbo cury in thellbade ud fa ....w.ter .t 80, will not.ne.....,jo give ide&' of ~.IHI t ..o ..... wlthftlce ~e~...t,IIHl~~ j the,J:"D. 1Il_ .. :=~, ......!~~ !IaIIi ., . • ,.11 . . . r. .... 1 felt ... 'Nrf tboap wo b..t .. J1euant breeu, it. ~ aJl!"'&llCle. i ODe ~ "loUo: ~t no oite beedN, .,J",{:-th~~;n o~--: how. -;:;.~1.1. ..... of -tier· ~ .idLer IIlOftalyou i.e.••ua wu i.. latit.wte 1. W .e ·dropped aIfCh.!'l' ~ro · monaW1t.o tho cluld ., pny~. ........ "l1lipt, ~.: th. ~i be"-- .. -...... :. .' --iDll1 • • &nt_cut .... It. TbeweathertJae .... uitw. . .t iq.boutoineo·c189ki'OS fromM. luelkwotioll he'::'~S:~~"fI -.eaohbanloft, 01' • . . . - . . . . . . . eoaenn....... . , 1IUow ........ made aU Idtaaa beanI ancb the "~te"',':: ~ .wer blue liDtDiq eIaIarnN to I."... U • .,.,. cf .... .,. . .; Cola me -tlIatif t di41 becatlful ekI.oI'tba ...th.....oltbe -, ....... Arr the .11k, w.r••" pePllfted 8Ol_lt .., boota up . . . wu ... .... d"aWi bu\ I W IIft8I' bIDe4 the £aI.t. ... eltT of to tbeai It dJl .. of C!OI8eta,., ::.~~a;:: TIle 1H'",.....':".~k larD ...... &rdl, __ .... or ........ uti lovelt.~ ~i&aD"J jtll Dr &he...:..~!~.=t=O:f;O=I=~ ~_~I".: .... ,.all.
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r ......C&. · The Dlicauloll III , ... "'lae_lIt ' ' Whjl.t the ~nl 'or. the C9m'bl ' cd lIoD.p~llt, L'lrlll",ll~ .nd Orle.ni, t ~f' . tin In P~II. ~ciboell bv the -·A"-Q\utJ.t • t Londoll,Jout,,~I ••re 11 '!olei th . b.bll! aaoptloD ~r t1i~ at Dgl·~·lle P:d'
able to all 10n,geI'. weli~ In~ C0lllll!lttee
. . eoJored Ibn who udertook to ~1It hll throat ~th n mac~.u:el. 1ft 1'IC4n'eriDe, tb'.Doctora blvinl tiyenhh*ip. ' . • ." . "To D.IL'I' .Pa....--tbe .Iq~ hll wire ehrr nlCll1ilDlr. home. , ' : ., rr. , ~
th~, 8~le of the ·Unlon. The' Caltloml. 1,1Il wu laid 'aide by oot'nt, in~e :dl~.ry bl!dl tuen up. til ~a t' rll\t1P were m. " to reiJuce e UDloun 0 .e lum ealled for. but tho . ' bill rftn.U, pilleedu. reported\ Anver may KI.nce ' Into the breut or II. ' \rlbmpbi .... over 'the "cow !r.ti'lr~:.il.:.". '.' Tlte .9ommit~o rote. ~nd the Hou.e ad- wille man'. but it r~lt. oDly in the boIoma o( , wI. 'tb'''8 I cia . • • journed until ~DlOrtow,. . . fooll. , '. '. ,,~, ey ~tl 11IY.O .not re4 to :appeal to NOT£,-J .lIolllcl hllft In ~e .' J ' • ,. arm.; Neun!llmlRl8l1ed vie" .tb,e .. which iI .eolng the brlls better tok'teporl. tliat re p(Ott! ohlDbl~loua l''tOlPenty Ii.' the al'" bell ' ~n \vlth al.rm ror the future \ cd people ' , ' tranquillity or F~'hee., In the co'ntinl.\cd l0ftiCb D m: tlng tie 'tII Po.t .. ' I ~ of tile
Elect9r~1 bil~.
crab.tlton. M, Hontaleamola ~ a , "erf, in III tho mqst de&lInt> apeecla. teUI tho , n. " or ':hell , 0, J u Ic.a ' 'tioelaUlt.i I'Irrepfy':tb\heiUhl'Pot of pro._ ) yo~ernm~nt-and.a <,bll " criplion ,of the '.sevoRteell' Jlurgtavea (a~ l ft~Jlseeal;f!~fnlnd~~~ lor ~e Committee ,of ,t1Ie .ltigllt .re JIQw 'cnl. 1\11 ~ele' e g , J "~I were. , ·10')' tbat tbey. the ~A'itlmi~t8. arc reody 'VI (.' rr~, tQ the . , Of. th~ '(lIr tllO combat and M. Thietil in ·far mo'i-o I ,Ie, ~no Jud!ciary blllilione wu pu. '!lercB and iDtellill'ible term; boldly Ie. I sed. . ) , ',' , ' p " Tho bill preae ..... d b M M CI A "c1l1res that if "blood ' must be' elted. it ' ie .s J,' n'7 y. r. c ernan ot• , ....ell at. first AI at lost," lind hie entjro ~n( \\ hlch Willi pn~.ed, strl.kea out ,Ma~oa 's each t,roatbcl unmitigated Icorl\ Qnd hot. l,ro.m the act of· 1848. relaung to tlle 'Chan"i 1':11 01' ,(he whol~ Socillliet bocJy. !ievpr ~se and P~~tuguelJe Governments, al!egat" .~i , ~rio~ liil& the --Revolution ' h •t 109 that,MIll!f)a does not belong t(j Chlnl.
, ~~r -"II Rpresied mort~1
strife '
:11: er~':tpg[ ~~e,ce~~
~~onllul .untll
, Fj~!~Ji;"
tbe~~~~~~~~' t~3fj~~~~~~~S~;iii=.mi~~
" Fear God. love ' 1M -iftlfr .r ! '. . , " . ,.' ""'. ' ., " . ', ' . . w bcmBLE, Rosa-Mar)' ' ,cheek.. ', ' SEC. I. B£ I-rOilD.t.UUlll , C1'EU 8'1 THE chi; ,Let 'a man 00 liver 110 mild and patient ~O~IfO~ (Jdt,.e]~ or TBIlTO"'~ or W"~l!ElTIJ.o1.I, ctilpoltion, yet Uy'ou 8lick tbe 100 or r~at_f1)': ",,~.an Of. persoQI " .bibilln~an, in his '!Illllth, po~o erhutly toogtJ in ~i. Mnl't:':! ~rr ~tililall~" P,UP,PeI, th.ow1'i 't•• freed' whi[.11I1 eoanllll with your penknife pul II Ie .. ,0\11'101 t)'• • e IlI.1 0 lID. hrickbltlS in his 8DUp. or open 0 Ile~ with tbn~~al pe~rormlUlee, or 16clurll on au, lub. TNbr, len 10 one ho will relent in,inuatiOI! . . tor "hiali he; .hl!. or 'dlll, .llaU dl mind . _., ' QOmp~'.llan, Ih,U .firtt.obIIllQ I . Every body hila h!,ard oflhe mlln whale mOllth ·tb. lowD Qoun~al ohald lown 18"l) large tlllIl he I~ afrnid to Ilugh, loel the I<?p . alif)' of r:;,~!!n~·U::~o8a':,°~:~{~!e°8~ la;~~er~~:t a ~~ m~o,. wink. the ...ind of hia eyo;lida will plow ollt ~ o,nillo. .;:.' , L " r'I' di (d ' , '. IJIIL.- ~,e e lor 0 II own aut papera bachelor-eay. i'the r(lllllon why Ih,,' women do not Il.UI thcrnlch'cs in-to by til!hl lacing. Ie beeaue thl!11aCll sround ,the !'uaTl" 1M tliat t. ~ t~rd Idhe)' cannot aW"d ~t!" He ouahl to . Icke 10 doath by female bUI ttflie. . Never lau h al anyone who d~. nOI d{ft. u , 'well u you 1'h~)' Dlay J,,~ow a Ileat delli , a,
,." J lKaeli. M ~t)ntal,u~lbert'l! fanatical cour- 0 r c ,;lngr"~ .,,.,,,.,.ter. 'age was only excl'qded lly M, Thiers' reliO· . tt ~ lute. determinllUolI put dow•• opposition I ~ au~ aDCle~, by Co ....e or Jlrm" , ; ,' - , ... '" " '.J. ' , .' T", ' L' ". ,. . • ~bo apepltiOi l!l' , Tlllors wiJ.I be' long. , f' ~ ;I~!'l , :'P!E~'-~?Ilkpy-~ar.kets will not :' \ " remembllte~. · e: den!,lmecd lhe "mob''' j La (n~hlo'rillble. th.. RUD101er. P~rollol. , • who h,a,d evor 1!~11 the Instruments of tv- mllfle 10 the 8ijllpe of flowei'll. ftorl. , .rnntl, wbl'Jller impei:ial republiC4n 'wt1'o form!!. hnvo been Invented, The ii.. cotil. I)nve fir~l used . tllem, then (t:d and ~ iion iii tho name of n new danee ,w~i~h w~1l then blltohered ~1.lem"-w~o, Qflet' haviog !'be all ~e vI)gue. B~001ll8tl,ck Ollllo" "ld bllen lubjected by ~he Ell! peror N ~polcon !to be more elrectual ID puttlllg hUBba,Dds more than you do, and probably are far \OlIor Jeelurib/l wh<> .kRflw them "YIII.IJ had pqt ·o r!l~e round right th"n eurtllio, lectureR. ' . '0 Ihelr pnrcnta and lltlle b,others Ind el.a&enl. Or.,ifl' lOW.... r':~~i:~:ib~ll o;~,:~~~~!. ' tho nock of hie 8tQtUB to drag' it throu,.h . , . I , cellIO Ihllll uJl!)U ~ .. i '" .. TIl" Young·)Iell's Deblltin~ Society of Th" l'!lst way 10 pop' tho 'lu~'fion, we May(lr, ~\Jined in lID)' 811m nOI . I ..e m reo " T ~ • . . heard of, II to ,aMk I're rau laily ·lfyou8halllla,. nor more tbln lW'etlltdoU ..... W'il:b,collele TIle ' ultra. Legit milts , 8tl\l ahuck, the r,oy. llr~ ?"W 'llhawl~~ on ~ Ie foll~wlhg Ih,e pll!Ullre of seeing he~ 10 Ibe minille 'f!.' , All ",0 110 ;4 co'!lec\lld ,~' . . . Eleetor~l bllJ,. for they Ilre fav9r"bl~ to ill" qU!'llltlon. ,or what kmd of tlm\Je, ~, ll the, . , :. '" . ' act, te be ilia tnth the of, Ive ....! auflrogc in tIt'e mOlt ,unlilnited ex. ! N',o rtll Pole COll,l~Dlied. ~ Hadley tl\~el the It It, 'IIted, that l~io8 In C,.hf?tmD ","oll.,r pal\ \ ule pf 8~ 'e btporatlon, cured b}' ~~'rl'J~,I{e~.~~~~'9~!~ •• t ..,nt 'h 8' rll\'orQbte to nffirmutiVf){, .The horBe willlirlDg ~e 0t&fl~on8. I ~t1'dgenrerhallY .10m, , S;c,., ThU Dnd ordiplIDce .to lake;'efl'ect and be • I b' onllrchv-Ior . • , it is by decision to tbia office tbe bOlt momentitill madeulOio 111181 :Q 0 logo IUdllcJorllooojJ counlry , lb.ab' 0 I e.am ,orce from liter the 20tIi ii'y of Jun. .. anarc Y tuat t ley Opf! to atrlve at thu ILook . .._ r •• ' , h,. ' n\l~,oe".IIIC. ruin of die Country, untl tho consequent in_ / <o~t ror. buncombe e~tl'lIB,-(""". . T p pllli away IL rna,:," 1 01\1 from !lnder bim .~. . puti ~r l'l wl ,confticl • .==-,~=~~~~-::.,=,.:,..,~~"..."",-, l Gahe is about 1081t down to dinner, can ang.willi t,,,rerence of 'the Powera' of the conlUlent \. " ' . JUt lit, I,Ild llio IlIPe Ifa "1!~~':j~:~~~~~~~,!.' ,~~~~;~!~:~T ll re8tore order in tI I r H ' LcIlV~1I aeem light. and usele8s. and Idle, bardly be Illi ejl Cn.lBoJ-T.t.tII.2. horeby • - I,e ~e",o \ o. ,enr, 'and waverinrtand chlngeable-they ever " ,' . . ' SIC, the to reulye the ,rllt)l. Thl" rnctl<~1\ of ugillnll8t.s ( I dance' yet GOd haR ml'Cle them part or the Queen Vieton!! i. Ih,irty.one:),ean ;old, DOd DO)' b in pant. 1II',k ln" gtlltlt Qff'o~1I to obtnln proselyte•. ' QO~. ''In doing 10. He h.. given ullllell.on. lb. mOlhor of Itv.n ehildlon ,. ' . ~ (t !tu. ppollcd ~olrccl!~ .Oll the p~etext ~I !not to deny ttie lltout-honrtedneel within, CO.Dft4rn..... ,-:j~ffi~~~~iji;;~~~f~ , ~he'r I/t'\ll~, ~usIC<llI/. f1nrtl~". lor wluch lh,~ lr becnulle w~loe tJlo , lichtsomenelHl withQut. Why ve the w,gea of apechanica .bke ... • ~eJtU )lI:Clt .up for ~crults. " A/lOn " ' . .. t~e y~e. of ap.clellt heroea' f. " ,to I, '1'hore are v"riou~ <fpillion, us to Ule sf·- -:. :...: . ' " ' . . /1n.\.....Be~\lUi'e Ui'ey are 0 bt7 ' ,
' d r--' an ' , , '
th,,~ ~hc·thO)18t8 Elt',otorol. ~iII. ir part cd, ')yill of ,Pnr.lt!:.r. Ac.,ordlNr
ot~erl ,
t:[:~~a:o~;it~rll~'~:~ 'jl~i!eJ),t~.
1 yoar, $on well. or \"ill cd. (urfied.) . ' , , ,,' " t atrnct,him ill. Send hioi ' to '. lhe Ichoolof , WlIY r'0Y "rinters ,claim ,ihe dl.c~very /,i f tho thtl. clI\CUlutllllllr9 Elor-t,orQI Union, ' wisdom. or he go himae~f to the' rivlIl or hydropllthy) , . It "'IIl, ~~,"uc«: ,ho "umbe~ ,Q~ ~lectql'1I .~o, Incldclnt! kept ~y the Iidy wltlt 'the cap and • Ana-Til", uled. wI ,.-,. be. roro the , , o~o .. ~. e 01 ,tlra C"nt~I.Jjofl~' o,r Police, bells. There 18 lliwayll teaching gollJg on time of J:lreolinltz, . t.,' ." ~O.lil ~ottt'~ .mformed l Jlcrhap~. ~han ~IIY ' of80mO,fjOtt.jullt 08 in tbe fielcla vegetation "Why ~8 ~e f~bled ,OddeSJ that. openl uf IllS .ClolleogurK Il!I 'to , the way III whlch,l j,j ne~'cr idlci.-AIIOn, , the pte. of day hke t~e P.11a of N~.l the prllllf!lIt ell'ctdr..l IlIllt ar~ eOln r 09CJ. \ . ' > Ane-Bec.UIe Ihe II • f't)fm (Aaron.) ClII~imOlte~ the rpltllcllonat frolR 50,000 to Whnt lln unlortllnate 81'0 , th.t' May day' Wbf are ~e cot~~n' mipl or LoweU~ke ".IlI'''I~rt,:SlJi:",I~,,:~~:~~lle!~~:::~ 8l,,0!.10; ~I\<f thli~ 9 f tl~C!I(\ more tllll q five- i~ to oUr juvl'mle ·rellre.enla.... AugtJl!- the nervell o. Imell. , l/i~t~l~ .lIr~ .11(!rs''OJ)1I ,wbo hove' _~ut~d r~r thu I,th" !;I!nj\.h cr••~·for iust'anee; ~t. \Vallop~d I Au'!-Bec:aul8 th~ are plf~. (~I .Sltc'~h.. "', . .' . " , r(lU~"me8 ~ofore' hia mother got 'the front rlct~n~.;)......[&I. Bve. PM, , Til:! Ellletorlll L:iw Will. It>trl bell!\·l,ld. he-. room , cllrpet u ..'-tho Jllilt li.n!t (or endnllv,. Ii' ~ - ;'L L . ." . ..; . " . h' , ' . ,I d . ( I ' r . , .. " A. CO_, meDtwo _til I. . . \''otCt. WIt out ' .o.n en,,- 'llntt'ln Illt'"t 0 an oring to )lUll it kitten'l" , hel~ (Iff' with the :. i ' t h rt".... , 10 'Ia" Ii .... iln~ ' ' rt'ant "horae: ee! ,~'., " b t-j ' Jc; , ' ":, ' -"",' ... mOIl er a, I Q ·.~~,e ago. I'e Qn.. '01 I.\i.TA --"," 'HUNG.\RU:N · REI-U ' 00 , , • ' <" " . ' tq , bil fem.l." .aucUtorI , ·th. followlnl ' 'q E~-TtIALTA.J\ray 2<1 ...:...1'ft. e' I'o/i"h 'l'llorllia nn exquiiJite whQ belo..,.. tOolle 'm~.nlJer: . , ·.tJi . .. , ~ nail Ue JoOfUr<loil who loft' M-1Itu ror I!jou'ttrnmploil., of the ,New. York enginoB. who nlwllY, rides - 'd not ProU!d d"~ our,':~'hed t tile '~~:~~~~~:r~~~S::~ "~p.DY (Ira thpfr wily to Uclgiu\n; in lh'e M"ltcae t() the'. lire ill II cab·, Sliould the. weatrler pili y~ur .eJ[ . e. I. ngu ODOr 0 ;, ~, e riilic • ",rec.ked on tho Gulib ill ! p.ro\'1l ,a;ny. he Ot.' 'det mRclii.n ' un· _1\nal ••Rey l1.,llrof'ro r,un~l.1 !..'i\nlllC\Jlately i all Ita~clll \~'ere Ider. .a~, umbr,e lla.. l:Ie I~ ono ,of B~~\V,"vl'8 tidin_· 'lIIipt-~ Ih.. _.,~" '. -. They lIenl ~IlYlJd. tlieln c1(\rk~. CJlogne for 011'8. --
, fect
hll\'~ upon
:!!t~:~nfo~~'w-:' 'o!i~~~:-tha~di!';:i -:~i~i~~~~~~~~~,~1 OJ
&fidt,'1 j~ ol,e . uf hiil co~\'e~tet!. Hllre J ' ' .' t .. • •.• A ..,oaD W ~AlEWft;-lt II a molt ~ 1110Y}J" 8; 111, Iln,.t,how tt!~y arll lo ~eL to " Sl ~, yO~1 Ire IlO len\IO!Dtln.. , milta~e whi.c h mln1" pll'eJl ' .,. in. Jlul;rlllm Ii. iJ query wll!ch her 1\[[IJellt1" .~TIl']t may ,be. sir. bllt lny Wire , .~ya that I~e f.ulta or chUdren t(e or littl, or alP , '~~~~j6~~r;~Jij~ffi-~~~ . UQVctp,?,o.n l can bl!st I<o)\,u by .or1101'l1lg J, .A.~I. gont\e~Q!l' Iln~ [ .hall Clel'tlllIJy be· ~uer:('.e' It .1 the' ve,; sanie di.pom j :"':'lillll;lll J1~atlgc. fn 'odo of tho ~. and O :I'IClVC lOY' o~n w!fo bero~~ ,you; 'for i( aman ,tion· tllat' a chlla or ' out.. ullon', \V,iII ,hence to liMn Inn trlt"i!1 l1 t nr\,~(lc\!! Ql\arltl r CjUlIIO! behc\'&! ate (Illie I . he .be,l(,ve.' !· hI. Qwn wtfe.I pray. ' ' producel . alfd" the ":ZGYM'-~ILRO~O\D A(Jaos~ S~" , . •• , , - , . "i .troc.liO\ll " ',-,The; laymjrdown.oflhe ~3t. A." glo: Tho Ilcat wly ~.erve . fruita,' .ia to j _ _- - . •. . , , . . - . : . . ; . . . _ _ _ G::J,~~ ,lndilln R :ulway 18 ~oW''Proccedh~g In l'~rn.- ItJok Iht'OI up in tho I)ack ruom ortlle bUflLoN Kelly had a remarkably.nod tau. hi ~lIl. Mr. S\el,bl.'nt'"n, Ihe cngmc,e"r. ~a, , mebt.llnd· throw't~c keyaw,)'. You will Oate Foote IOlicited ~im to looli o,er I.tely quilled ~le:<ll~drlli fur CalclIUa. wltl,l , bo lIure (b~ll to ,ha;t'Il' Ii rullaup?ly.unll~you the ,atden J'VaU CO,ripen hil JD~lonI. ~ ~~~~~~~~~.,~,...~~n;; .Il wholo .tail' of 1881t1I.n~, to commelll',c find 1\ cruw.bar: or II key to match tl)e 10lt , " -:; tlail ,rup4'ndI)Uil uudcrl.tlkiol, willoh "-1111008' '-< . . • Bre,thron!' I,. id Panon 8~ng. o{ Hart. cX'el',l:iee • i,!~ale'ulablo j.nfluencco~ the (Ii· ' . .'. " ford, prt'aclti~1' • COD_fi~ut ele~tion ,tqto deSllnY, or the TMlon wqrld. (')rdoJrs ' Whllt lire dolo, tbercl' aermo~. in hagh. part)' tllllf'll, eome.'fif'tJ.I'.~ I '~i'~ij~ilii;"~iiJ~~~~iij~~~ . hue been) ulleU liy ' ,1,8 'Brft.;lfh GoVtlrn- r. 'Imbibing the'liquid cUltllined In Ihidi,. ye.... ago. 'It )iu bee . b CbarpcH.h at. have 14 ., 4)1ept to renUel' ev~r:y Pos.liblOQtill\lIt11NCO to: dnoufl cylinder." ., ni~ every Democrat il .. Tlo,.thlif:,' I ' .dUgte lhe t:ralll1lt t.> Sui!1., whC're • ar,e 'Whl/t!" " :, ' never did. Wh~t I did .1.1y' wu that, every :',.warner is beIng built (ur the ,'!10,VI~lio.n of "S',1ckJnl' ~he :d~er olit of 'hil blU'l1ll.· . ~one.We{ il a DeDlOC'-I'ilt ~and tha' ,I c.n • . , " '0
"to.l.uer~ SbUthulll:rto~. nrltl~11
w~o, can
' ~~~'~~~~~w~h:f~ch~ltn~lh:e~':m~lDru~~~~!~~;~~~~~~~~~h~~
-.Jhe ~
'4U~GARY-~c}8B,UT"'$, CHILD-, We Ibould like to 'fJho the bandItni 'Of ' :tlEN.-Applle..tlon h,IW!"" boen ,'!lad? to !.thl~, daril)g CIIlu~nlltor. who ..id that th.
'Ilar.bal Haynau lo permIt KOISllth " clilltl- ' la.\iC8 llre.'tbe very reverie or their oWn mirren to join tbeir I'llfellt.ln ~lla Mill'lt, the f roral ' the Illcter reft8c:tlng ,without talki!1l. ' ~Itlon wu "rantell, nnd Madumfl de Rut. the (orwor hllklng.wlthout reflecting, ka)'. their aunt and lheir tllto~. wjll ~c~m· 1 " , JIIiDY the YOllo, peqplu on thillr pillflmaee· ' Education hili no (It'~.tiye power; It· ~n Tile Petatli otreilpOUdQllt of Llolld rtJJat~ ' tnuftlly uAfll1d Inil direct tlte powen whieh tInt Ha~n"u.. ]llIvmg-8ellt for the children, N Illurs confel'll:- It ~U.lot mike a poet of
prov,.r , . " ...,
HOlloa.-He Without , willb04~t eec:ret, wllthout..m.:ftl bltlrib1e'.Witlt,ot"~jt"'lti"w .OaDJ,lL
neee: bold. wt&bout without ansiety;.~J.t. IDU~, yet ~ot· timtd._fl~. yet
-leml~ p. . the ~ord8lilof' .hip and "irtue.
~clrei'Ca ~etheytlungcr in, . Gt'rlllan,,' llorSl': nor a lnathem.ticiall of.n ~pe., ' : .-~-+..,.,---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~ reply was Ip lIungariap lanl!lI.ge. Tho On,'I'Aa1W~'. <' '. " • ' hs......... l. l'eel .. " thllt tll~ Comnll'tmler-:i' n "Chief dill not ~'" The rlteiJ, of OIIPlt':I:ty~~PJ~~rtl:1C ~:lent: ,". I ' ~k r I ,. ,. .nd held to be aaered uuderiltllitd b nh1ho b~y IIP~ 0 renc I~ re- ' When It true lenlu••ppeuetb in the, T b k ' ~R.l'ltlni. ~hat evory gemeral mllM~ • certll tnly w'orlll, you inay kllow bim by tbil infallible <! I~ . . ;,.r'lnwfnlil"'" trii~ndIbiID. \Il1~oi'atatid that lon~:lg~. K083Ulh', ~11''' lign. th.t the duncoa are .1l'iIl .conrecler'eY ~nh'~n 'I,rlll.&'. ~~, l1ot bo i~dllced to uttl!.r a Sln- Illguililt biJD. , ' :" a I ..... hi If aU ,Ie. 'ord \11 'Gu"nan, l:fuwllvcr luarah tIle ' . "eat.,. I dlipo.ltfJ'n rtayntlu rpay l.Ie.lte dotlll not -A' DUtchman' dlul deacribea the Ne" who .bave lIearct or the tetm.1 at dae bead war .,~in.ltebUdrel\. foi itilD~COri()~ .. titlt Yorkm: "Pine people," nYI he, udtIy CO :,!_~lId~~e. ~ :mPf"'::D~~ .::lt he 'tre_ta the unfoftUllate r.nuly "Ida eJ[- .pout tieUtNellf .Ute tey. Iheeti~ (Claelt. ~.. ~ o...~,o. mU ~IJ e ---III . hlthe unnnNn WUUII q 0 - LI d ' ' , . • ) ch od 'd d "- d b ' .. uuru,. amon " .e ....."0 • n nelll, . ' ; . .," , , _n" .ea , er, "" ey 'c... at me". been p--o In.....tltude ~ the b..••I. June 16th. , '.once a WOlrttUt Ib.eth ----01. hll' ,Iood .', •• • '. ", . .... ., . (!o-.na.lo W 4I81,GTOW. • WMn ot .Inl, a!,d ~e wont.epecl. 0• .In.."tltule , " Hou'IE.~)lr. DlDiilJ. VODe .nd m.de n.me,abec·l n·l.getitbackag.in; Buehil ~bto h~Ir.r=',.llt.I'i?,'"'t~t:: I . ICJLIIM' rem~~1 in relatlpo to tho coOlldera· preef.el1 the cll;le with. dog made Into w o,ee ~~ot be J!i~ to ·exp,... '!:;t.~~;;;;j tlqp,lor p.QYlite Cl~OlI, ,T he Ho,," h.d aauHP,I-'he il gonc fotevet. ~Ofm'ty oran oft'enee th.t'eoDli"JI ill Bay" .1 dOne ~t Injbatlce 19. e!.lml1lta • and he . ~ " I' fJ the eroua out- 15 ho~ ~e ac:tion would be 1!1lI. In eon· Mnanron. ~ome elanderinl bachelqr fto':i!~ of :e:um~::J1I11ill)', 'W ~ bI,I N. cluion.. be moved th.t the House CO hato 11,1 It 18 'much JOY,' when 1 011 Brlt,et d then 10 r.b 'avOl'l .. an o'p~ M" 8, . , ' Cornm t... o. the p~v.ate c.lendar. married; ~ but It i. more jfJV19 after .• year or ~ty 10 In'are calumniate it. Let 'aU. &8 "~~1a!:Kl eaddul Sup ....'i. T... Tlae qUl!l~OQ 'beln~ taken the motion to. We. aon~t~lJevGlawOrd~flt" ~~t ....,JI.Uy Chriltiana, reme.mbeJI \lie : t:::lt.~ U~ , .... loll. , . .L meDOiDe or ~... Jt term thlt 33 do CiD'U IMP An attompt wu ml.de to teport ....e ApNo&hina'11 more delicious thkn alov8 .... cunent u" Itlcant or aecreo 40 dg. • ' e~.. ~d06 DiU•• ~U\ \be Speaker decided quarrel. Tbe rt'COnciliation ia.oqual tb t~. now oria'in 18 In thi~'" the !lao Be..,.,. Wi'aP..P!,. that the7 were not ll\ order. aecood editioD of lh" h'only.moon. 'Kill :L:eekllhe rOM' 'I'll oon .~ HI,. ~ c.o.:..t ,~ , ~ .,anetT,. 0.£ Inotions we~ then mlde llDd m~. 1111 dear and make' Dp.' , . JIOCIWte8, the piUl or "ilImc:e;..dct'6itbet -: c;:.~ ~~ rejected. , ' the,.. or jta firiare 'w.. pJaoetlipcli!l the 'It bo..e. tlllIaOol. . lit. KiD,. of New YIltIE. movJNl thal ,t!ae ~WbO , . . bew • m.n thlt wu too 0Mli of 'tbeir ~. , .....,.., lIl.doL _'4. Bed COrdi R_ ~lnW Committee of ,he 'Whole 'poorto t*ke. paper, that did'n\ ~e hie &hal ':h.teYer w.. cIcme dleni. ~.... 41)'" WotM)·'. IIk. bsi the jJ.ate of lhe Unloni Iud tlke up the fllmily to e... the clrcue .ad 'Rhla~' kept from tite public.. It wu doae""" ~ =J~ ~ ~ , ; OallfOl'llI,,, bill. The quelt.lon w.. taken every lime they C4UIIe aIona! ' .. N 0 ~. ,... . . . ';ida.lau.-MoIl"ereJ, CIMIII,
I'" .
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mOllo.... 8110 lSI.
~'w..... tIIlan' calltd :ror ..,(roa the,
An editor· in )ili .... .m-. D!'dee ·th~ ' f'.6ftnDittwI. -.. ., •. , ~ wiI1 be no p.,.r tilt. .wHil u hi. ' Mr. cClenlaDII, tn.. the Commitw. wice theadllOl'l to half«lle bia oa. !'~ A. .,.. reported &be . . .ad· cualmene "'tit, . ....... to ihe bill "'''tl\"e to Treatie. be.. . . ,
~- _. .
.. ' .
" ' ........,lzi:? a_ I1&1III&
, Wa, ..enille
TIlle to • ebert __fie. the ~"'t indlyldually of hit pertODal Ied. . ... it ... ,...... . GUN,' 11~-o1d wheat, TIle Itlll reid",. !'re1lCb 8polla&l... , .. ,nortothe Jeat"lBOOJ . . . reported ••"" WIW' .. Loftl-Aalnea..-b.......,. Buulr9''' ft..., ........ old. W ....., uola•• taawGld; UlOCIUllna.,;.
.,..!IC(t...... .
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-:r:etb=::=~"UnitH8tataa ia~t:,;D~~.:z.:.~~·::!;. W!*.;~. .m .... "&::, ..... eo..,....
ofIatdcIII~WiI1 1M ..Lht ud . ~, ~ ~Un;yll.o ~il~'_1 ~1i!o"~_; I ,_" ~ ts ~b7 ....... ID . . ~ lade" to . . . . . Wrifi't " c.. odlala. ~ W'rlIb~ IDtl . ,• .,_"
,I /'
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'The III"'bop. and ...log , at we baro urelmed until we DOIibllll& ~cleo.lte. I thouCbt I would ' ed. la due oourae of time Popk JO\lr
the Tf!miidy havo u.ed for lever. llline;fp tailion of the bat. In curio, my own hoga••1 Wl'll l ·Y'-Y·Y0I,I0i lIIan,! taill bQ, out of III.pr ell hiIIlhiJl'hof ' my frien~lI, here and In Ken· oDd peNpiriag vluleatly, ~.I.J'm jTbel)8.~ ..Idhe. 'wu'ol r a ruol to let -- . c'"''''. -' It i_, to give the animal afflicted ry kouble 10 \.180-10-80 ollen. i>ut that feJlow ~l He,.'a\:ine ~ft' with A"dIlTJI cop peru, d ily, for six,.. ot eight I Ol,loOU teU me who-who-wlloae hat i.l Goodfellow'. new lui' of cloth.,. , oil, by: J make a slop of about two qUllrts j Re.read again,' 1l thunderl' th'.~iil/h'Rntn.'.. of /Oltal. and drah wash-water; dltlaolve The borkeepel' again <took the batk lind I T9 c ecoo\p had borrowed Adams' suif to nigli above quantity o~ copperoa in 11 teocup read A8 befo:re, 'William H, I'0llkinjl. ap~ellr ill at tl'lal,[Syracu&eS#U1': • -, -llie o~¥'arl1l water, enlt mix Lbe wbole together; aUerney 11 I.w, Jollyville, R, J,! the full ~epe6t of the o( I Uncle' th(!n !rive Ii to the hog. , Ilso,met ime • ~IlP'It-it-it m.ust be my-m>:-hat.' . : Den~fit of A4fert~lIiIlJ' Rill' w\ltch we have cor ied (rom the Maine pens Lhll;!. hogs will not e$t It lit fi"t, 1 }fe t.a.!wl It e4'G lR , and again attGmll'bi to Some five years ugo II yOWig man ~. Farme", fo1' the 1\ eC11l benefit of all WllO tlt,en ~lIut thc,m in a pell ~nd give them ncr 'quee~e hit eno,mpull ~elldlQto it, the nllme of B : st,arted a II~QIl ~ry m'a staDd In n~ of 'b.rn yon! lectures" thlng e)81)"llntll they ellt It, I h,.ve never V -y-young - mnn, 1m sor·sor-llurry to go odd store In a little bnck house. wlllcn • ,klndne.. · to Animals -Uncle • k!l0wn it to ftlll; hllve ~ured t~em of t1l.e \l'ouble you, 60 ollen, but w.w-wlll hO\lse, he rented on ,Fourth Street. CincinThe "!I.\\" of New pope.rs. ' one o~ b' D.r Y.rd Lectures dJl!8llse of 80 'crill months IItandlng', It III IIIi.ve thu londne~( lOY, w-w,- wl1l ydu Tutti with a apltar of leas t)lll1l ~wo j Subearj\jers, wll o d(lI~:I:f!~e , ,,_ o'ld' co'~n' /It tlu~t 8jivII' 'J{tlep' up'my, cenlrlnly & very barbllfoQ,s practice cut- have kindn~Hs-the kindnllsa I Ba-ll-II-Y. dred' dollnrs lIal~ (If his pr06ts the 'l' I!!B to thtll CQll\rU r)', IIro P> ' eti II'''''UI~~';:;;: l\eir 811 bsoupt l011, . .' ' .' , ,oJ. f l ' b ck and '"Tam 0 f' 0rinlon that to t e 11 me,.~l10 1 II m~ ' . "" ' be ,Pal" . out r'o~ 0 d vertllnr,g " , 4)onlll1uo ... :.deh a social" alld friendly Intercourse \~g n 109" ~ ~ , three mOf\ths III 2. If 8ulisoribers (lnillt the lIr. "Li"lln,Ulllnlal. ~e tcnall.!.f 0' your Rtnl,le. lind IS of no Vile IU that ~ISea'le,- Qhto Cul'You,' ,sllld the bnrkeeper, I' are \V 11l18~1 the Ilully ' popel's .of ,snid city" By "elll1i IIg their PIlP rij , Ihe llul,lisl\ur 'I C9IJ!Jllue ~~A,~.~~~l:?s~:,t IPd overyour pI' st.ye~, that mny a, POpk1ll8. Esq, cpenp, anll . by ' lettillg the people knO\V' IIU.IIII unt111l1l nrronrog cHIIro pllfIl ~ U Jtj~tena' and prh:k up t)leir ears nnd wag , • -. - , , ,'Y e-~e-ye8 .' where 'he WOB crowds Clime to purchase of :I. It I\ubscrlber~ !I0~loCI or rel\'8lllo InJ(c th~lt '} • __ Ud' h -I... 1 Brol\dca" t CorD. 'AU ey at ' I' 'bl .Ih· k d I papers trom Ihe olhc '~ to \l'llIoh Ih(\y Ilre, S<!IIl, Ilelr ......... w el\t!ver YOli IlPPTOaan t lem, d h orn 111m, w !lch ena e", lin to Inn e ren y an es th y oro huhl roaron lulo tllIlllt)y 1..,vo MUl ull ,'~llim.11 will not tll~ive f\ven on ap~le TOWlir It the lJlidille of th;1 mont, mnn· IsI.nd" . 1 and quick return •. ' Thus he,Jins co,nt~lIued Iholl"bills, t\I)d oroored tbl!lr,pulJtlr lii~Qt)lIllIlU p-Ie If they must eat their 01~ow8nce wilh IIrp. II t\yO acre lot, nellr )'our born and sta· , 'Arc y-y-yoll qUIte lure of t lat, y-y- and nuw that some ~lr. n Iii ed, ' , fear and trembling expectinE every moment ble, plough im~ pulverize it by harrowiu~ youny Inlln1· proprietor of a Illrge wllulesnle wnre-house 4 11 8ul.>~cnlleT8 remove to othel'\llu @'"lll). to h.ve Il horn knocked om or a 'rt>Ulng )lntjllt iain fine tilth, thel) sow 'Quite sure, sir.' In Cincinnntl and is worth upward!! or Ollt InfOrllllllg tho JlubLililter, Illid thn IJDlJor IS hel" I brond ''''h "f I' nm W I 'll· twellty thou~and • dollQrs:- (E xchnnge, eent to Iho forUler 1I1lCCUOII • Ihoy orc Itolll re· , • crolls throat mto their aides by the on ell cll ncre 0' f "I. 4 bu 8 . . of cor:!!. .. ... en 0 III elln SlIy, II t Ila~l IIponeillla -wbo, I am clear to lillY. is ll'0methnclI <;net. and balTow. and roll it in, Thla Will ill-lam ~1, Po-o.pkin •• and this if! my hllle. ' 1\ 'rho'COurts Ilaya t!CCld,lld dint rofu"lIlg 10 more of a brute than th08e that have, the be ready to cut In Auk!lst, IlJld en.ble you that Will-ill-lam H. Popkloa-Popklns'll Gold Rnd Goel. IlIk~ aIJeW81'nper or Jl,criotllClll from Ihe olllc,)' misfortune to be under him. Cattle feel to> feed YPlif working beasts, milch CI),':8. head hns swelled moat pro~lgoulllf GoOil There is somethillg forcible ill tbe allec- or remov,u~ ODd leovlng-it lIucol,M fclr,i~ IJd. kin'dne8s and are sensible of gentle trell~- and other stock, until froat comes; it win night, you-yo-you-young mnn,-lMo'ntlily dote oC a ,t1IBtmguillhed preacher. who. not lIlll fOCie cVIIJoncq of IIU\(N rl~lfO\" ~M U II, ment, u quick ae Ilumnna, Animals know ena~le you tl? house them Ilt night. nnd Cosmopolate. , bemg ab)e to mllke any impres8ion on n. NEW SBOEMAlONG SHOP, a kind malter quick eno\lgh' , tlle well tl'eat- addlmmen~e)y to your mallure pile. ,:B rond n. 'w, LJ\'1'OHAM, lvould h ~ I • ' mlln'lI understnniling, wrote the word God ed cow or youn~ leirer wUI rub het face east ,corn to be th,us, fed, sould be cl!t Gradu8tc~ .Justace. on a piece of paller. "Do you Bee ,tllatl" to UI{I>'.ll~ Iho cillZUlia lit Wny against tbe I1Or86 lay bis beqd over s\lfficlcntly long to Wilt In the sun befor~ It We do not ' know, c~tlc~ly, where the said he to the inllividunl,"Ves." He "Rand V1I)11'111)' tllnt Ittl hns oponlhl 0 shOl' your>lh~u der It i. eo In eome fomilies ill given to tbe horse aud other et.o(lk, As following specimen of 4grlldunted justice' then covered the word with a piece of gold. . for dIe PtUrJl~ge ~'lllrr)'lI\g jll ll\IC u!'UVtI the thildren lI~e .lund. well bebaved; or lov· ful. mnn is goo~ to hi~ beut, w~ sholl comes from, but, wherever It belongs, It "Do you se!! it NOW 1 " The effect wns ~~rT'::~:~13~c~e :;~)I"o~!stt~l,j~~tl;tI~dtl'~trc'llta ing to thoir guardll1n~while others, when 1,/1 the hope, tbnt hIS advic~, 111 thIS' deserves to be renlembcrell, ,8S • /lne mod- stllrl\Jng The 01111\ saw Ilt once whnt hud few lloorll obov., Iho Beller tIOU$8 where be wlll . wrll tlot only be, received m n gen- el ror ,"ugiatrote8. On 11 warm lIummer:s shut his eyes to alllhtlt wos true nntI ~ellu- be hIlPP>' 10 WUlt upon IhOSf! ~vho IlI11Y ",vor Uiey lee the parent lift n.it hand .to scratch hie ear dod~ three qr (our at Il tiOie exeplTlt, but lend to frUitful results, day, three mell were brought before Il fUlr. tleul in the world, lind most IVortliy of Ins de- bini wl\h n enll tlllli 110 Jlnllers 1II1II8C U lrolll the , ' 'b b b S' dDt h 1\.' t d f d k ti long xpon cnce he hll,t1 ill'llio blllHn aij 111111 IHe ' , p~ctlllgc~ ow ur!l ,ox on t , c-car,', ome . MUch COW8. rbul'l U c. dglstra e, Ilocuse ~ rUI! - vo Oil, nrl"llnlnlJO he htll! hatl of beuolllill,!: lie IIllinleti men can eo me wlthm ~ sqUlrreJlI Jump of . ' . enne"s. HIS honor. hllVlIlg premli:led w,th with Ihe 1lI000t IIpprovcd lint! lusluolluh1o modo their own onilJlals, ,Kind U'eotment renl\bke ita point of duty cnjoined lIpon henrtl swig of cool pooch, began with the Genero8itl" ofgotlJng \II) l_udios lIod UCII,lolll 11 '$ \\ ollr,lhol d~rll U,om 1I18Y to m~no.ge or to trellt in Jlhke by the cloiJps ,of bumanity alli/,pf first, ' Thrre i:l n gre(li distinction to be mnde 110 CAlltlOt fl\lI \0 pIQlIS!' tl,\!~moll~ fh~lhhou s . •~aee of eickness or accident; wbim by pad to hnve those generous cre.turelJ Justice, 'You t[lsCQI! pe y6u gtlilty or Ii etweon generosity of monller , RnU genor- 'l'ho I)\lIJI~c Dlny reH~ MfI\lrod, 11.lnt 1111 ~"?rI\ usuo.ge ther Ilr& relide~ed IlS ,vild 1lB aeet (e(l and kindly t.reate~; Bee tha~ their pe y~u not gll!lty': .. 08ity of henrt, A good IlIOII, with tbe no- i:r~~~S t~l~d '~~lrt~q~:I~~~i~'1 d?:llfI~I~():h(lnl;;3~1 Imd u crOSI! and fl "ng~ lIS catil mounts," lind pll8turc~ nrc of ~ chorticu;r to. 011P~lsoner GUIIIY· blest sentiments Illld feolings, i8 'ljomctimes proml!lne~s mIt! t1l3lml h, lio Will ai,,>nya them to contribute to your drury III n S, 'Vilt you ~et drunk onj' di~gui8ed \)y II. ccr~ttin colduess ondrormali- lunnd utIli P()l<t Tend)! to nllol1ll 10 \110 (mU" Good ~aa.. m{,o~lIre , of liberality. Speaking of PIlSP. 'BJuC~BlI'ap,' ty of milliner; w hUe n Jibertine, w:hQse hi~ Qslomcra. Olll! I ~~p{)c lhlily ~(jhell u IIhur[l, turea by the wny, makes UII ·II, little inquis. J, 'Vat! you get drunk on notin' but lire is spent in the gr.tificlltiQn 01 eelf,lm- Ilhllr6 or' l~o p~llJll IJ lltrol"ngl)! HIS stol;k COnLord Bacon regarded eu~cell8rul .. OI"ll>n_.1itive, ~ave you onel If not, do make lip bl~ok6trllp, y~\I :w,illulll you! 'Den dis pc poses on tbe multitude, l.Iy the br:lvery nnd O:~~~~o~{~~:~u(~~tur!'~~~II!.fea~[h:~~II\VI~~l: ing u the last louch of olvilization-'when you~ ml.lld thnt you ore that much defiCl- !Julie el'erlalltlllgil. , frRllknes8 pf hiS air for Il mos,t , ieJlerous- will blnaadG UI' with FOW Otl or (I~gg~d., D.Uons tow to civility and etegnhc)" 011'11 el)t 111 the opplilltlce of your farm, and thllt The second (Iulprl~ being questioned ID henrted fellow, .Wo.yn08vlile Fllll, H\ l Br.t1 • ' :htf MEDICAl. ])EPAlt'I'1IEN' I', e fiml to b~ild ~tately "I oonedrthOfl to gllwen rou ore cnlled upon by a IIense of aelf· the like manl1i\r. liS to guilt and IDnocencc, I b I) t 'I'lto [{ ~lIttlr ('il llrHG or L ulllrr'~ Llll Ihiii. TII~II. nel)" - lit we sUg Irl)' iffer from himi mterest and public IIlliril to set the l!'lori- hkewjsfjacknowll'dged that he WIlS guil- ---WlIGE FAR.)ff'NG -tl L :Ell"worth u~~:d'~I~ll:l:yl,l i~';~ tlltu \\'liI. 111111 1111'0 "'I Iho )'il'll! of .Novt)lIIltt'r. roO<.l road", i~ strikes us, arQ about the ul- QUS examplo to "our Il e 'ghb f I '" .... f F ' ,. ~ v -' 111101 ~\II\III'" IIl1lil th!) Inll! lit l",'btlllln! 'j'Jto 'lhriatum. Nearness to·m.rket......to S(lY no. J I ors,o laving a .~' ' • , , 0 , 1I)'etle, lndillnll, wnducts the bll.inelj8 IlIhf,vr till p I,'T- Al,llIlOlIlIul1l.lJ p~rlltl~ l\~ Will he (II 'llijo III ~ thing u( nearncsl!I to meeting-is worth a pastUle for your 1I.to~k, J, Now tell me, y!>u vile drunkep r IIlBcDI, of Farm '#' nil depiiledly princely lnllnner. l~nll,1 lit e ~.,IU"I IrOllli\' 19 recolve ~tllli4'1l1" Ly thll FIfM~()I' 0 'I~' great deol to a farmer. Tl'n mile8, ' Drltled Tumin,. hat you get drunk on11 Ile hnd Illst ),onr, II thoUlllllld aore8 of corn, ~"~\'h~ro tbor. ' '1"10 i\I ,11,,01 l)~pnr\lI\ lit "III 1.!6 1I1110r (feep mull! in fiVe !Iours with halt a No one can have IlD illea ~f t.Ile IncrclIs, p, 'Sling, ' ' > which he htU been feeding t6 t\\'~Jvo llUn. \\~~rllc; ~~ I~Q tlH 'u11011 <II th, ~1l(1WlIIg ' ... • , " 16 I ' :lI J. 'Vat! yOIl get drunk on sling, you tired holl'", 111\illlill;,tr~III. 1' -, \1 re>[cH!!OI'. , qUl~ 11 u erent L ling .rom ~OI1 milell crop oy dril\ulg, until lie lias seeD with l" killd ~ dQJl\1 on t ho ZI" r-:q~.H!~ '11 ~I·NI)'. I wI /I~or of Allllt 9in y. , o "les8 wagabond!J'o~1 \Villain sod you, twO,1I0UI'I, over a fine smooth load, with own eVeR, Thi,s I law w-a well d e m - ' d ' . L. !:i NI!:\V 10 , ~1. D . I'rof!;l'sur Itt t'S ltrg!'ry ....11 i h Wh CJ . , 1'" en ,IVO my dnrn selltence, Ilt you be )lnraoll in e pSllllllly. 0 11 I. Ilulco • .M 1>.. I'r '~R 'or 01 'l'h ory Dlld ... we I L at ill the reuon tht (ar· onlltrated .UpOIl the (arm of ),r. ~rown, a filted twenty shillingll." _ ' recently.ske _ ) " r(l "gt'~ 01 q!! , I'r" tiCt'of :\!t,.li eill mer. give 10 litUe attentioA to \he Improve. rell workmg f.rmer. ,hear ~Jlmlngton 1'1Ie third ,1J\d llls~ prisCJner was now of eqrthly pleQsur el' hu \ , s II , Ih~t em" I \V 11 'X Itt, f<tW~H,L, 1\1, I). rwfl'~~Qrp(l'hl~' ment of theIr roade! The IIlme deep mud- M!"'y bunchell of Illt to elgh~ grew .80 brought forward; Q/IIUike the othel'll, pI end· nee a dozen,' said Il c~:~ I"l'~~ I:'~lll~~ , /'~ttf.l r~ 11I"li IIl<il:l,.l'tI\Uol l'~p' , i'lJllr rHIl)gy fllld i:oolo)I:IY holo I. p10wed Into by o,ne I,undred dJft'er- thick tbatl1.he centre onlls ,,'ere lined qUite cd ilt,-, grocer, who WOll8ol1'lewhatetnr. or. 11t~" wilh " voll ,ul l~ct'~1~1';~ ~I ~ ' J illq: i'l l, U. l'rQII'~~"~ fit ;\\111"11 .. , ~It.'tll '., c nt}p.ama for mon,ths together. ,when II few l.Ipon lhe top of others, the top root only r'Vat you get tIl'unk 001' tIed from snooze by the nuestion. cu~IOIII OI <i IQr II",ir ",II rllll II , ,,'fur J 'i\llll'l~~WiIHI~" )~~{ ~{~~U:lt J~~I~Pr,udplIll~, I I OIUS or pavel oU,ld moke it fine, Or reaching tbe ground,-(Btr, }', 'Puncb.' ... n<l hOJlDS ,IItl,ll' Will ~II }{ do~~r '1111111 1 " CI;CIIII I; J fill" t'h,,~i.i"c ' , Holll!SU/ 01 the aarne st ep hIll IS ueended and , J 'Ah 1 Y d' I'., 11' 1 fi 'Well, I'lt tuke the ,0\,' rejoined" "pecuntlll ullll len 101.1 HlOT I tJlt, 1 A WJ I oJ')'N i\1 J I'" ,) ~ '''1.1 ded fift h i l I ' 1>J C • ,ou IpP 110 rOINe yo, nes ntor, who woa anything but wide, nWllke II \ R \' /' I' n:'l( . , "" II , . " u, I'H~nr,,\ ,., " .unCl Clen y w ve IUndred. times a vel'r A ;,,£W LOVEI FOR 'IRK 80VTR,- you just n<,ltlling at all, vor I ~td Itrunk wbel) he mncle,Ule offer. ItU Il 1 -~, ~ ,' I ' .' n".1 J I<l'll""" ot W(" "~'lll\jll CIt1ldr~lI. each, b, a hundred.4itTe~nt (armer~J wblClh The Tllllldlas8~e Sentinehpeab f)fll Cllih • Irl 'J I " -, III , ('li1liqllc I,CI't~rc • a new road,lusaing too.nd the hill wo.,1tl liail oIover, .ent to qQvornot ),lro\Vnj from on pun~ mme own.~ ,.ometlm~, . . A. 1], M'ER~Il~, I ~~III.'C:\~;- ~ HPI!, , ~i ~, HlI I,: ~ 1 ' 1.'be ULyn~ Bay Stnte" aayl! thllt 1l LGY c.:1Anp.F.N'I'~Jt ..~ nil ar,/)l'; n.- 1'111\1111 · ).lr Wf!t' . I,~t ~~ It I"B' '",1\ '~ W' I ( I~b wholly avol. ~armel'l seell) be waiting the patent office, which w¥c relcII81y'so'V n io(plaJlk-ro$da to grow-~d , a frl1md tbree years _ 'who knows Homethmg. is willing to wo.l'k V ".I l!lr pllBI fn\ot~, \\'0" Ii I Ink. , 1111<' I"l'~ltn' l ' IIl r ' " I I ' .. l"'IOIIllC I'mClII~ JrIl' 0 but wqio'lu continued even 'UJg'fs~d tile pla~ of to "'ro. ftourJetilng nn p~lItic ev.er IIi ace, It bearll 'Mo'l' ......PY. 8il'.' w.ntB to loar~ a trade, and is no~ older Ilt IJoforltllljg III ", fll lllllH, lIll,llh Q1~l lllhc In b'\.'Il \lr· '1'1,. t ~ -I" IlUr·l;. ed to 10", ·r , I III tI d ::11" , fi"'~~ th ~ Ik t tift nl, lIJ~lh\> :Hi ll t; ·, m~~ olJ Lit llll ~H\I 'l\ lltuu rJ)'1h, ~ IJIJP or n ·1I 1l:0Ilrllo 01 Celurl.' , •• lOUIe 0 ule 18 tlie a ps e- ue ower~ 1I!l gr!'ws 18 inchea 'Ohl,e-ye-yes: eh 1 ,,,,,,,n Iln 1,ll08'l .0 J! 0 y-'-cnn get Icring nlllllHUlo1l Ig, 1 \'\"\),II U1'\ iIIr nlli! \ \(.' 1'" \ 1 ',up " _ rich bed of mud which (',on our hIgh. We hope o\lr frlendl In til at section nyl' omploynlfllllt end rell. otlable compcJl!ln~ioli I ly ~ ,II ..l l il !l ! h ,,, 1"III Iy \ 11 1',\' ' ll \,~ 111L \ r,1 r,1 11\ , "btl,,!, I r"II'~~t1r " fl'!t!)r, ~ ~\I till 111'.111 nf-r'. toWDl and vlU.,., We think, will watch ita character nd bereafler give 'More cOp'),~Jllr.f Ilt that office," ' I l~ h llo. 11111 11" \\111 ,10 11111 10(" '\lI fO.l Iltll! b"lur· ,. )"!I\\J\I,...trnl ur'" ", C, $ 10 l'r",llIn· that even tbe' Ja"orloue Indulltry of UII u full account ita menl4l inJl a41l1l\ed''l'b, devl) pau du!' lifui t~iHl1r in Ar 'hl\ ·r! li t I~ Ir-c '. ITI),/: 1111~1 j 4, 'I"' It , ;J(\. ' ~ient Peruvlane would lie 'Orcrerl ne8. to the lOuth . 'RGw ilia"" 11'0 ""qu Wllntb' cit" Iu bhJ \'I 01 "IJUi!l rl HJlll« ,l \1 II II , "'11« runu.' r "llOruonil'iIl "111 j11Ol'11I • T WMit ocdrdi to P tt ODd ' " 'Fourlll i~t.., sl'r." " ",,,II IJII!;~ " 1,,.<) Il.al i ll ,Ir ~ till tr I!.t w~ (11,1 I prll,l) Itl tI. ' lit'''", u..,l ~I 01, rt'JIJCO, r 4 O. moro _ T C CL ' ~ \ "1' 1111' trul\13 ' ~ .'1' \"111 IIr - I"II';! hI Iln "I'Y "11l1.lu,, () '\III UII t h an a Uiouaand miles In lengtl,l were made 0 u.S'l'H.I! "",lUI BCJt:S 01' OX&!I 'leiJetnlah) bring out the .... chinc-nx. "'~ Uul bu B IT).II til tlto 1J"t,"! , of ~up lI.r-ltonel, connected.by bituQlln- A neighbor of~tne hIe. ail' ofworkll!l cbangu acarce-no mqrde.... theft~, or 1"'1115\ 01' I'" l,,· , It , ', 1)""" oflho l~,,~uhr. Oue cemerit, the rlJml\lns of whioh still e~. oxen whOle Jlecll. became ery- aore. He Jle(\uctlona.--.that righ~ old bOy' aee If the r \I'fud ow ' ~ WI'~I J~N'J' . ~t. " , . covel'll tllat part of t~e yolte l'esUog ~PQ" screw fl adjl,ll!t~d, the .~ral\k ~ r~tepod, IIl1d III '" order, a>rul" I'H'lr 01 'fhlJVr)' MILl "'-=,=::==~,_--;;--~. wl~h IIhee~ leQd, They got wel~al· &1\e guilge!)na 'willi grcllsed,' ) I<.: P r" " In'lmedilltly, thougJi con~l.ant" kept •All "gM, sIr" , "Ih rp ~.'~or ahvork, Je(jPPole JCaclIi~lng goOd 'We11,commence.' I see, saId n youngl\ldy,tlilltsome....hook~lldu!lto\' of heat, dre oft' tho i~tlamma. "rhe nIght WIUI dQlk nd fearful ,' sellers adve~tise blanK dcolarati n~ for allIe, or 1\".ter, afterwardS killed. Wbere iton, and til". en, bled the IOree to heal, . 'fom cale went mewlIlg by, I wiah I could get ol1e. 'Vhy, Isked tlle they. auack l.rae treell, of the '1Ipp-l0 or ..I ! Tlleir dillCol'd 'tiUed III)' oar lull mother., Because Mr. JJ-.;.. is too modest cherry, or -pe vhit'l, thmr are more dlfti. Ba" '1'or /Sheep. 01 mO'!r,tuul melo,oll!, t 18k t L' d h ~rom experlm~ntl it III found that sheep HOBlvut~1SintkliJ"II"'kwe gale (Jul, " 0 me 0 marr! JOlm; an per aps if 1 culL tD ml:., A writei"of the H ortIcul. turlet _tat.edhat he hill e/fecmall)' driven wbJch nre fed w,.tb a?oqt one-tel\th o~ All Tbere'~ mi8'~ f;~~~lde/lpalf, f:~!~ ~~I::,~ld~~,;.eU~u:~~ion with the qllest them t\oogllu. treel, where they oun~ of eal~ dally, wllllnc}'9118e 10 \velght Anll lice 'ldilue' thoro In ~t Dl1mbere, by I~tterlng o~~:~d~ .~ecp thllt nre not thus reg.., ·Ho~d. u~' Je~Ar\ah, Wat's enlire,ly, too "We must be ulla~imous," obse~ved utiea antOng thl'm, WIth IV ca\--elOrlC& • • ter ~e '~ie a ~lItUe; Hancdok on the occasion of signing the tr6wol or a ahlngle p.ddle. tbere, 1hatwJlhne~er, All ready.' Decloratioll ~f Illdependence.' there must th8I"9'fDd under &he treeR or lIl\J:ubs P~arll' }he boa oQ frODI Ihe .IlQrc, be no pulling hvo'w l'vs ' tIley h • ' , UD ~WI, 10 WIIlIU .rc blowmg fre t b,IlEJl:IVed I'rlmkhn, J" , ave •III~IT.ad~" Itb IIIe PlOW or fillQ1id)', now, we bend the 041; ... e8'"0 we must 1111 hnng 1at.! $n th. r~ ,WIll e~po.e mall, of, tile W b o , e B a t . A l l d p.ull OUl for 111&\ lei, j ' seplLrotely." , 18m to the I1'OSt and a\1',~hne they are ! The l!.un l' nding 10 tile opt ~?-...--:----"':~tb~ ),"a state! and they will he destroyed, A 'mUd pnltem.n •• native of the liltle • A~ br~bt .. w0rt\an'lI eye. If.you wish to win a high .atrung WOmIl1l. The fire itepoalteCi fro.n lwo to four b!'tl,ltam State of R~hode leland. wu on a 'I he ~alt mOOlllooli. abo"e Il\e' Ileel. lee,ct her wllh tOmlnce, ~lte more my'. in('.hetI in the ~I)nd, andthelnlflct puses vUllt'Jome,tlme ago, a\ Provi~en~, where CBt:;:' ~~o;~D~bk~,:"lho 'f>j't I ~ ~rlou, lOU ~an make yourself, the mJfe th~ three tint atap 0 1 itl existence below meeting wllh some kindred SPlrita In a ho- tile lulllimel 'T a a ali~tlg I}' eap rom dearly .-be wID esteem you. Try it on the 8Qfflct'l. _, tel of}ha~ place, he "realized" a drunk; , urn ,a • e s ower· com- lOme high.i.lutl,,- gil, " A writer in the AlbIn Tins mild gentlema~ WII middle aged, ~nce, . ....J~ that &bey muat be either Y and a bwyer; ' his o~~Po,Pklnl. ~e- Tw..eJ!:!~~iI"~~,:~lc:~y duknt!811 lmil her -GET M...JlJI.IED-o'oH,ome is the honest
Bumorou" a..,Arles
__....:;,_..;. :. _.
IOmewbat methodlca}, Jla wen lUI mIld, And DotJllng rDmained bUl gulamllll to light up temple of God, on earth, andd I!MI~a~l",~~i~~~~fi~Lij~iijnFiiili.~Ti;;:;,~iI~;Sitt;.~~~;;tr.~~ry~~wq~~~~~L,~-II~;:..! I'~-'-;::--:;:-:;c-Tt:--1~~r.~~~rv~~~~f!~~~~~~ the IIpplit)atlons wro~ hia addreu lipon a piece of. paper tbll ere world, holiest SacrlUllent. Get n and secured it within his hat, whi~h beini The heaven. lJownod, Her IWIR,lin~r orba, when you do marry, let your mRr.vin .. c_ned upo,n to coveu rathsr exten~lve hu· W:ere !l1~~~r:r!~\"!~~rd.:td:~d,Dndelrin' big In such. mawler tbllt you pralr.. , was,unusually)arge, .tUlll iii black eioull need a divorce.-Anon. tht:, party of. Idn~red spirits, into wb0ge Pale Luna. too, tJl~ed not her Leama IIpbn the society PopklD. fell, was about to brea" W mo"~,_ groll"", , ~EV. LEV} ~JlEKELL,,9f P~tereol), N. J., up'-it Will bigh Lime-eome 'Waa" or hl~bd It\bZlridty wdere &tllnllllll round likll new. wu ordained a lJaptiBt ~il8ionary to "right mem" ' 1. ' "1 of A death-like IS a II11IIn~ e troops,e'er preyulled o'er levee! "all'li' • I lilt, JIits Jell te" r mov eel th'II piece .... omla, on S up db y evelllng paper from the hilt to which of right i~ beJ~no and IItreet, .. 'uC\!tinatton 1s ~lIIcramfl,.to'CitY., longed, ~nd wbkb Will the smllllest to be Anu tlte wholo elaTIJll1 elly from 1he VIU\! Poefound-It was about I.rge enough to cover 11" Bremen, and lrom Ihe bnnk ciaI' oul hllpation of Com, Stocktoo:-A cor· a pimple, :!ullh~~~Tu~:'be:~d ~~~rink 110 rell~ndent of the Tribune,Hya that Com. .~pkills ~aa very drunlt.~~iDg. t)'1I1l W<W\rnlllR'. ~~ moil6re Stockton hu J:esigned bIB com misml!d~ na u.u!-1, ana II- quiet na ,a lamb, I!eemed for tYL,the world~Il~' p j[ it W8B opklos, "real,zIDg" the fact that he wu wrapped tip fu her wimling .lioel! 'Put up the con(oWided thill&" . It. u full · 1\8 be could weU be ond! "knew ,- , ' l been.; .. ~et .bo~t illlp9ctln; 'the 'nferior ~orJ' J'jgh,t. 1 don'~ <beJieve the ~j.Qn D~a. A.nt_ll1 1.011111 .e Burl c1. qf the h~ (or lile ~wn, which he identifi. rlgbt to-ntr!d: loo~ to the Almaflac and lIl'el N othing ~I be more liltb,y IUld di~t- ed by the ~drellJ w~thin, The "wlJ''' ID- -;-[ &. LoU., lUwille. • iog than- the common practice of It.a.nUy ~lIed th~ rest of thjl cbapeaux. lead carcues olaniJnala to fester and aW!lIted the rea,ult, for Popkins was A. Gooa storr· The public character of 11 mon is I-he db now vainly endellvor' g to b b h We h.ve selt.lom been more lIIIIIused tin8el worn at court; Hil!l private cbaracter aroUD am-yards, along tbe publio high- h d t . . lD. COIX t e a t e than we were on Thursday, by • ItolfV<...'f'e. il the llC"ice of gold kept ftt lu's hankor'., waI' and in the field. llioeklng the Be "tll'en Into covermr hia held, He I ted b f "J -AIfOIf, ..!"., :d the with )lojlOnoul, efIJ:::: U b; the e ' I . ~~U:;1e!l!i:;~f!°!ej::bt of all, doWD frOID Ule.a lo!,g timeTlbeen \llIde~ arr~t f~r II hlgb The allotted daY8 aDd ni¥htll of Illlman o o( hie ffn~.f, ~~e f.encee and fniit \ • and tlll'owi upon it to a rl eGOl'lle of examination crime. Ie CfIlse, lmger:IJlg 1I~e, like a current down the slIles of a mounon roofll Ofbui'hlr.:gs I h DI and aeeing the Ilbel within it he .ltd t~ from lterm to t~rm, wis fillBlly "S~IPed t.a.1II , pa. away not to return. that uch Id b AddE' ave no ou t biUlself, ' at a ate lIe1810o, by an order from tho - -,, ------,-,. the m wou , ded lQ the helllth "It I. m ',Iat." court to enter a nolle prosequi. dlfficer 'ather lIathow baa administe.red the :;~ :rt:~arat:i:~:o:::::, '!-B~ ,A~cl~e forthwith again aet apout pres- lIdu.e;h~ ia a rewd fellow. ,.1\1 the ple;ge In New OrlelUls to tJllrteen tbou.. en depth beneatb the aureace of the IfOl1ad IImg It mw hi' .erv/ce -but or couree with gob lt~oul ~e bettor not tAl) ~11 an persona. • preYe!lt the ellluvla from escaplrig', oel ,lIucceaa, orhlm e"'~:"1 wu dilcbarJrCd, bu~ g4et rid T '- - - d - - - ' btlUliodnately covered and\he1urraee:.J,e kl Y ·l·y·young m~n-w-w-wilJ you be 110 trua~d k;"""hi.Y·H The b~~IR~ ~Inirften. ,le vapor of iecontent il alay. mOSL .trewQ wi&.b pluter ot pari. theo--81 na a....... to rea_Tead thie addreaa." K bot ouae w .. .,.pe':r:;: cto- '41 cer dull'fOUl wheD it ia confined:.....[ A.o._ erated t... decOm"".r . ! .. P Ponkflll w.. ilfted 'th do 1)1; • b enyon, w U once took the t:.J ' tis , W3 ,.....tioD w,ll become thia U WI U e elg tat 8parka CllDelnto court dreaed off' . n Julol1l1 there ill more love of aD k:~I'tud db~~ieh manlJrillir 1br ~ir-wlth pI W'l fino IlUil of c10tha and looked y_ ~~e: thaD oC anyone ellie, aD1 au... 0 CI'OJM. _" PJJlery apec:lia II H '3' enure. I • like. ,...tlelDan K Ulmal iUbatanee &om. hor:.e down to R' J~O)'kiaa, attorney at law, .Jolly. the ana ud en,on bUn by They who '!Veep over errore were not nt,-when there 1, Da& lute ~ v e, • • "Y 't b ' d farmed {or crimea . to do thIe, bat liula ·Thank you, .it, Jt-it-It is myliat.' b k:: ~" e trle yet, 10 we willi go _ _",,-_._ _ _ _ _ GIll lie ~ i!l Popkins toot the hat, aDd being DOW ~ J ~ A.t the 'gate wbich ' . • 11 CII' die alncl. 1IUi& covinced that I~ ie hia and 'DObody do ~ini th mini Bpa.rkll aid. 4,; IVbat love fOOIl out. . IUlPICIODII (Mio CIIlIitItItor elae'l~ he doeanot attempt tD pull it 0Jl bie !1 wll! do with me!' -________ • head. but pow It. on with coDadeDC8 and 1 ,T' ..td K.. "they wlU live you ten Mock DOC the .tranger peat fl' th . . . .1aken frOID. WDID drJ di- ~CJ!!.tI~' t.b e lid.,. that it _UI,' .. in ~t ie what I ,-, ' .. lied • Who he mv 00. ,,--' or ou _ ' - ............. IDOR II - .." - - UIto tI proper p1aee of III 'Can B~- It -.0 . . . _ . ~ 'l'hIa wlU ~ :: he wUl. it dOD' tllDlhJe. OIl the 1II,tdrecI .... ' Triaie lIe ..qnl ballat that often pre_ tile cI I~"---' oar, d' ' v JIYe •• • cbiaace ftat our capeisUlf far 01 ---caD .,... wai..... Ie OR die point of iel:1 It an .... • found to oUier insectl ' It i. not expected we shall go int~ our ~ to c911~t theae animalil" but lIurely It ill' worth the tro\lble, to c~)lecf, them in the garden, on the peach, the,eherand the ,"ape, The lJest inltnunent Htruction "1'18 an old warming.pan; fill lia1f fun of live coall, and with a wing I n lour ~ana> brulbor jar them into lour pan: <thIs ahould be done in.dle cool of the morn. ing.) In thi. WlY with patience and per. eeyer~ce, 10U "Iill at leu, very. much l1uce·the number; {or every female you you decreue Ule ~uture number thirty fold.
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oor)i;1 !' at longth. brok~ rrom his l po.rrQC~jO~B' · He did. not 1!1te tu liave ~ni- I very, fli)nilior wltll bfs, woill~; w' IlA~!Jr':t'ly , . j I 1:"s with a heavy Ifjgh, . " III":nn ('Qlnmon ,vlth the, wre~cb\ls \~ho ul)dQ",~qnct' ur meaning. ' Tn .he \,,4 1l.u;. '....",=:===t==r==;;===:;:;==.=:5:=."t7.:==.:~ I , I, I " • "nsked'J "hoa nn _ IlJdgeil,ir thaJittl~ ' c llrts behln.1 "St, Mat- dotelil of P.aibting, ' Jj~ lltate., vCrY ,truly. '" be Mi . i V18i ~ ~, thnt bosom. will be WOI bl! Gown bke At~d \\ h~ t ot /l('r1 I Y I tin'" Ghurcl]t ond 8t(,lle out ora Sundays to thbt the art declined nfter tho Clll~ll!l1 v ' " aOl lOr. ,. ' ,...L.., i , minc , by tHe and lor the to, her!"" " " dine 'wl\11 thei,'boD1-seller. '. lie the , m nt of oivjl wim;, He prOCI.'f) jj t." Ill. BV WASIUlOTOft ,R~ IKG, ,, world Ie Wllllt,' 11111.1 lie wIth nn ImpatIent B~Cl'C}tj of aut.hors. !-Io t;pol~ WIth lordly q\li a '\\Ihy this Ulippened, The . " 11.,1'):1' .. , . ,' , . .' At iength he) came to me 0.10 . dny.,7,.n<) ,qnCe 'Ii leI· 1 \9 this I r.oT.i tql!lp,t Qf.the most nmoll/r l'tion. wc- should hnve thoultht. \\Could I 'VO ' , ', 'UNit, . ' Tho tho deep, are not BO pl'oci us ) ted I 's ' I j 't btion' In D' of 'pultry to be caged ill' n - ttwrti. He tri d 'to. find out flO me., way 0' ; Ileofl Mally. found.. The lohroj' 11 Ft ' .. ',', ' - -, d t. , ' 4s aro ll!Q concealod coinforl!! 'of a mDn ro n i l , W 10 e. ~I u ,' , I.J b br 't to'l a lm&st in writinrr boolt~, al/ ~l. JourUliih's f:i~4c:r'sold lrtlluificent lind j1.\.dlcio\l1l p.~t:\'OI1 tl, : thn At IIrl! ~Ilwn, All1101U.'be.~; In we~tl d Locked up in ~ \vbrnail,d love. I scenl tqa , the uAepe,st d()sPIlI~; . When I ~eard hll1\ "1 e coltnrre-., to. "e 0 rIg h ' 0 ~ l d I b' do~Ii, ~vi to.O\lt deregating frOID h1l1 clmrllc- ; fll)p. ar~s cver h~d in Englund-rut Il 'h 1111_ !I'hllll in ber pte!\d dinu y ~IIlfING ame. , cdr , , ; through ; J inqqlreu,' "Docs yonr \"ife kt'lo~v •t It~ n\!lI1ial,~~oncllrns 0 er WTe c 10 la, 1- ter of G('1/.tilhom."ie, " ," , doubte.JlY Wns ChurI9ll-th'e "lNlIb h' • ,tt' And now tho "Ruler 01 ·PPllars, Of ,,'hen I /lOmo Iiut noni' the nIl this!" At questio\l, he ' brlllee into tUtiOI11'" , " , Hls judgment or literature ,or (lon ampo- of tl,e '\ho distre ked: II I ' <> , Vhlll ft·deliqiouB breath tn.rringe 9011(\& forth- , un ogony 0 f ' lenre, ' t'RQr G Dd's slllte!" "U"11 Rhe I rep)nod I nt cilonge I"' , '('111' - e, peci' Ily" ' nito{!,ether,. maIlY of ·the. plIrbnpli :W the' 8 WeI, in IAl\ltlt1'yy'li l• .. ' ~ \Jell i J V1ty oll';;'e ' 101' 1 't ll,.epine;ll ;I\lio' , ·Il ('en uolhin'lI' butt bv"IhiOl ' nrilltor,¥il'tical' pllrty-till''> e d, r..,'1..,.e ) ~pa',nlt 1 Ih"up"" ~ vlplet'o ~ . kth . ~ ill' J "if yoll uave ' ' ' 'l\ CO", : ·.-h ...... r. h uUl'terily'of . the victoJiou!i . -IiU Eal'th '/oviyllII. h!lPP)! "lallatiQn! , I. I bllve Q!t9 D hll~ OCCIlSlon t~ '."~\r e ment.IOIl il to my ,wife; It ill l the u.opght . of aw to.l\S Bod ' ~Dod hUlnor, Indeed sli~ 0 W~lter!!ure y was eVGr e lM , ) t . .,,,n !~'~0 , .-~..'~t~ ncoa, ~~~ c~nceJve, ,u y acr~ullt ~or TIao~ Irt not lI~e till' nymph 01 morn, n~t yet fortitude Wf\~1 W~ICq womlln SUS~UIQB the her Ihnt 01 ' ost :!rives 'me i.o n.o~l1~il"," 11le~ 8 \11 ~ott"'r spirit>! th~n 1 I,ava eVl!r fal,r: amI uusul'd c:ltlelsllI. H~ almost ,pl- u tho, Jlhel~omonoll" But thIS lIohJ~~on \ , 1" J,~" blorning in hilT rIll r CbUIIllS: 80 mil4 ' e I I 'n'" l'evt'r~es of fortune" , JIl • , . , I ' nIb h 11 ' 1 ve lIarltl,bly ;jpe~lls WIth CUn emlll of those not udrl ' enough to shtisfy ' Valpol : , 1,1 W"e they, Iboy QcarCO ,;,woKe tho sluOlb'ring moat ov ~V 10 m1 6, do\ ' 0 t1;o .. Ail J w':IY 11 1'~!" sa id 1, II sh~ must kn w k ilwn ner; s la:,l eo to ~e 0. 0 , books wltioh ve ., univeron11y allowed to bo discovers ollother cluse for the donTi n!) I w~lcI' . -. Tho~e' uiaust~1'1I whIch bren~. " " it ROlllier or 1 ter, 'you cannot leeal' it IOlig ' t~nl\erIl1)8 '\ ' ~lId j:omfor t. ': '" the b~8t ,thnt ul'p'enrell ill hi~ tim~; un.~\on n (!tn arl, tho - wnnt ' of moduls, 'N' I hin Aadd ~ fil!'Y,orll shook not Ihe dQ'\V-d~op6 ' spir't of I/. map . lInd prostr~te hIm ' I.n till' frO ID her, and the Intemgende m:IY, Ilreak ' !'.hJi,'pkdble girl!" 0]( '\ai,I'nl)d I, tlYul1 thlJ C?,tlte~ han../l, I!e til' air (jf\\'rl~ers 'of runk worth ITtll\l~ing, it Bce, ~; \Vaslef~ . p(, i t: 1olD8 ,From it::.r !W ,lIul in vel VOl folda qUit, \:II coil 101't\l n.ll .t he en()rgl.a,of UpOII her in a mora m nner thl1n V\J r plfp.:lor my, you never olld 111 hl!>n 111.hev w('re cnt1 lfd to Ihe h,e \ A,S ,Anll,wOol.ombratl:, tho sparkling g'ltnsllhoDO the Hoftel' Bex, ,and give RIICh intrepIdIty if' impnrlcu bv VQu~e lf, lor tbe nc ~nts · ' f were 90 rlcl ; yClu ,l.u' \'cr knew he bound. ~lImo J).rec~ ¢n,u 1(,.1 LQ),a WI': \~1~\'I\, w~u14 theflguro of'an A:ralro.pll~t, As ,~ 1. pUrl -" , on" Dnd fllev'ltiol1 to their ohnractt'~ ,lh\lt l , r. I. i! ' 10 1.4 • 'tltli - 1/ Itl 1; e' U\'o. (/ xcellell e you HOl!sesacll hil"oheclI 1I0weu tp 410IU 1,1 d !lrnwrng- itllnism IllId" pl!~ Ollt t1~o. ~m !lnll '\ It!Jl' tl'd But 1110 11 'doat come in might. rel'Lsllell8 might , . ', ", bl' it'. 1 N thinl,' tllO~(- wO' ,••~OV~i of . ~'~I! r I;!;J " n • , t;' , room, I Ii thos!? I('tt. flI, lor CX1)I!lpl , I 0 the t~er.s; . u:/' II the CIvil , 'Y ara had L: .. t~,.d And dTi VII.' bnck: with Que full glDnce 9f ~bin\l ' times it... ppproacltes I;u 1111 ~ !> ~ Besales, you ar dQpr. IVllIg youn!l~1t or, the 10 \:hijl IW(lllItlll, ; 811yS lhu t he would ruther Iillve wrlttQl1 tb~ l Qut ~he expT~8"lon of ch"rnci~~ l p;II- lull l o 'l'lxt,·up r. of ~.hll!1owy vale ufirigllt I c;an be Inore, touching t1~on to behold u SOlt comfort.s nfJlcr A)' lnputhy; nnd ' not mcm,ly, , "Qh my. friend, if thIS \Vere , the f\~~t 'lh ost ubsur\1 "Iles ill l.eo '~hnll 1'I\pm90/1'<1 j from tl)e humal! lip, lind ~ro{vi UIi ) ' 1ll,.iIY Within Iheir hi, .ing place of dim.lil 'sllnqqs! t~nclor 'fenlllie. who Il,\U, beon 1111 1~I'UJ(~~Sj;, th llt, b\lt 111- 0 endlln\~~ring the only 1l\J11 \1 meeting <l,t the cottage \yere o\'~r r thi n.I', I , , " IlNOn!! ,' :,TlleHp~riodicnl Jiaper ~~lJf:d lof tho me~ ,\vhom II I.Hlyke pain,tod, I: d Tho while, mi.ly Ypruy nllhy Ullroilig IQo~ 11.11 ~l'pendeOCle. tlnll ~llva , to cvery trtVl td : thnt c:r.n keep them ' togetllor-:tn unrost!r- we I;Q,dd tJ"~ 1I be cQlIlfvrtullle, )Jut tIllS '.ll'te ~orltl".on the oth !1r hlln ,IVa )Jy our Inot ~eel1 ' I,lvtn~ 1/1 the tllne 9(the :9;lhm n i B~lca allon in circling wTonlh9 ou wrllllll:a roughness while treltdillg the l)rospCrou~ U · .' f I I ' I ~ 1l1'n<Y "hC! fit t dRy of r 01 ('xp ri I ell sl: e I\n first Wfl r ., 'VI!O, lhellt~ w ra the fir t t'" ulth \Vltll IUClls l1ttle \V'orao t~r v .11'. above, ' " I .. . . I~r, Buddenl " ri in in tnl'l) til l ve . (1~mtnun.~v 'o" ~ IOUII'1t IInl n. J 0 ' . .. , ' d ' lJ' _ II 1111 Wril!lrsot1~ilgliln~ilt lhey ear 1763~ Wul- ali if lnuny ,ola~ho ,bollu ties alterwa~J, p./r1'0 decoralo you nzure ~l iea with oof~ pallS ot 1 q, Y. fJ g r S)IO will SQ~n llllraelv ~Ilnt i! m()th~lJ: i~ I b.'en l"l, '~dl1 crod lrIto Ii .'~ IIlg ~ 0 S'Ipoll' LHlS told u~ In tl nOlO. Our renden! ' traVl'd by Lely wore Iltlt ill thei~ prim:.: be. ,Trnnap ,ruOl do WIlY c1 ... ud"- ll:u tlrlll/dry lorro t~ be d,IO !!olllr~r~er :'.lnd slIllpor,le:.) ' ureyillg' ~c 'relIY' ''yun your mlhd; II nu true IlC'l.'1I mplQy t\ all "\IV 111 Ilrrang.~g It wJll 'pri,l~l1hly gucst) thut Hume , Fil'l~illlT, 1 foro t1ltllte t rti~i{l11; ci if tho co tillll" ur 91 hOllY ~, there pl'lcca Ily God"s ?~'n linger, JI~r hUl;I)1lq~ 1l1l.dCi' m'~ior~unc! nnu lI,luulng. , love \yill not br()0Il , re~er8~: It fel')' ul.der- ' !Tij$er~bjj? E\qiJtJ>;~enta- 1,1 ..,hos 101' t, ~ e Sll1 0,lIuttl Rll'hurdsop , Juhn;l!Jli I).rl,llirtC)Il J I t ,atures or Cromwell una M.ilt'on "~ er, In1 '1'1'/ D~a-uu I)' Ih~ ofQI· b~' h<lllfh, lJiQ ~ hrorrc " w,llh untlilrluk'lllg firDlll~I$I1" the ~lttElr£rll.t , v:rluecl :llld O\ltraged, wh n "I' II thO ' Jr- ' fir.3t time iocile d ntounJ her tlll Ilomo clestt- I 0111n8, A l(tlll~ld(', G],H~~, · Dye)', ,YO~)~g, lu ctuC~qu. .thnl1 those orthll ruond''',,:eJ ~d o'er hi~ 1901·~tool CUbl n ril°IlUl churnl bin t8 of I.Illverljity, f ruw;: 01' th~3e it IOV~3 aro con~ctllod from tute of ~vory tbiog , ('onvani")I!,, uud m$y W?l ~Oll, iHll$ll!,I or &omL'.~r 1110.(' dibbIO-, pecrll. QS lIke coch~ o.th~r ~ eggll to,' . :'. Of richcill pllrity! ' A8 thl'! vjnc which Iln~ long twined ill; ; j • J U· It") \I . '1 I brooding gUllihed rrif;! II, we", 011 tit hat, Not ooe ul , Wl1() 1001l ot\trro n UUllnlddl~ ~I tl\e pO"'\\' 1 ' " ' 0, 'roval KinK!" • I 'I . I h on lirtell '!\v ~· It. " . . n IV 0 !Ill II g OWl! 'SPIrt ell~, 1I(I)I'n,. Qur ' fir t writel·s. it !!t!CO.ll , 'we or leu 1101': III the" Mernolrli,' ilf:rain , , ,,!_, Dille mvrlalcyc, 'Guht> lil h), IlIWII Jug ·tI~c1 :~ul\aIrO II ~out th, Oil ." " 11111 'Ill • r .'01l! Inl, my fril: nd, tD. think wll/it, {I IOV?f. a lOBfllE'ct, (nl.ure [I'Overly.': ., . IJ,,,td 'ho~terfi>ld , Lord nll~lr, · ~r., ''Iff, pole I,I llel'fll nt tlie PriOl!O o~Wn:lpf, I'. ' . ';1'>1 iOUd a l Iholl ill Ihy b ,i ii ill tlJ~t;'n: l It... SUIl· lillie', WIll. \\ II~n I he .~Iurdy pi Jll bill\\' I am tl~ I:i.ve t' , hOI !\ ura pr sneots . f lterc wnill 11 dllgrco of pr babllli)' In WII1Whll dl ,i r burle/l WIllll1lllS, ¥r I \¥,artl Qeol'g8 the Third 'orllr(>~(lllling' 11 . ' 1-. j j' Is-.rive,11 br the ,thll"darh,ol~, cllllg .roullu, ~. t 7 1;OIV {lin I to t:'lke het very soul t,Q the this )lirt,llre that I Guuld pot.tllinilay."so ~IY? St)~m' '~~l>,n .Mr, 'umbli4rre. il1r, ("Iilv~n-\ lection or,uQok~ to' ~ne ot'the Amtlric.llli \!nl ' . Tl"~ 01111 lUI, t;ull:~ll 11l.'hullD,. Tol!lI up.\Vrlrd 111 It/i 81~U ~ C~III\ bln)!l1IU iii 1.,9 C~llrbOI I. With ltl! c:nros8mg,(~,n~rrlS, !lllll. ~,1rl~ UI' l.t~ earth,' by tclling hor. thut Ilor ijo)J1 i/$ a bell- wnJlted Oil iI~ ~i1(mt:I', " , tty. or the~e o,·'t~ g n,:lelj) II, Wllit~, I\cgl'>; c1urt~lg the ;:;cvcn Yl'~t\l War , ,' rull!lI l.llJJ!IIIh II, '''111:'' . bOllglls; so )t HI beuutllully' she i8 \0 orcrro 1111 the deliea- ! I. felt l.ol.lli 's J,and tramblc on my' orm. ho.\d \VIHit,:.o WUII th o II, ):8, t)l1tt, uf.boolt6, RIlYItl I!-(,! . Hu/lVOtl8! hn;lh . mov~\j hi ' Ij~"lIl tllY CO)lIi.lg ~d by Pr~)vjdence ',that "'omall who Ii; tho g, ' p l' 11 II I " f . t' H tl U fj .11 J to hOD n 9 ~ cJ t'Mt Inl'l\lt nC(lQ!))pllsh Illul\ -h!ljltef , 1 WI! tlmo. 110'. 11 ollght to hllV.e sent urmli lUlU ~Iilu ,I. • beanuH ,. " '. ' ~' t d 'e d',. f C1CR, 0,1 I ~.~ t t Co Pc.~~.uro,e () flO ,I e y- I 0 stel,'pe (rW r ,r' 1 r OJ I • Cove/l try \V(1~, or h nob'io f' 01\11' ·J.:'~e oth- tipn; III! if 0. 'I'ar otlgllt to qu~ eli, ~ll ~ urly . Thy warnt ' CBre8K - III. ' 11\, IIUf(:fl Teo fSlrO~Il:- ~erc ~e~en our \lfl~ nil ornnrn ,Il~ m~~ n to 1I~l'ln~ W IIh 'me II1tO mdlgence (Illtl qb. ly., }JIB stElP mu~~ 110 Il(I!~~ Ol~ the gravel or tiVQ 1\0 I'm(]og hem ~vo pOl1f(\~e It" ! und nl!. edu\l ti n, or n~ if I~ ,or 11 I Ir'. i' Drl1l8 up tho ' ,lejlrH OfU,lhht ' or tll~e, 1)\l·dliUlco, hIli hopplcr h ,8, IIhou.ld We hl6 stn,r !,nd Bourity! . T tell hor tJlIlt I 'h,uYe drpgged willie, A, lWlgl:t ahdbollijtltullace glance , elltt ill tl, HQu.-o of CommOJIlI, tlu'eo selltll J ill!$9 i}! the.P~1 co lof W I Jf1>I to $ I,d:, 1.'10 'fhy foudor kl8!\ rUmOVIJ8 IhQIt: II,Ollt n 'fotld ~oluce When PlolLlon wltli ",~rfu,en qa!amlty her down 1'1'01/'1 I the aph'e,re in · which ' aloe out julio window oud va,nished-Ii light in the P OUIIGil, !l ~arl)llo~c.y', 0 blue ! Cl)lolI ies wflb military t\torel!'UU~ of 11 " )~" 11 ' Ul'slId 1i\~hoI'9, lo' Uoat nwhltl\ Along ' willuing,ltor~elrin!,o _Jhe rug"'~d recesse mi rht c9ntinuotl ' to move in oQnstJl,nt I fOqt3tq'l l\Ta~ h~:lr~-nnd Mu~y ciBOle lI'ip' riband, II filii ribond, no ut a Itun,dr thou· poc;Jcet, We have }lel'h~r)8 t1w.oh ~o..r 11./1/ 'I'M .. of , of hiB lltlturt' tom/orly his droop' 1,J.r] 1111t.neil I the light (1reverv ('yo-thl) ad. :pinlY r;rth tel mClot 1,IS, Wil8 in tl pretlllda. a pngl:ls,t!\ t, i)f1 these paS9l\gOli ,hut \ve tbllVQ til .;/0 hll- , l (I,IHWWY C oudll, l!tull ,dJOj.1lrt fill Ilteud und ·.lliuding up his bl'l)l(lln !leurt, ' {mi-;:'at!oIJ ol\'vl!r" hetlil l ho\, 'caD' 1'1 of wllite, 'n Jew wild fl owers wtJpngdfllof:'fllllltt?' y 0 WlllIll)ul ', \ ' ":' :_ , nOllS " I "' . I I ('t rticnd who · ,. ' . " ' ,. ' . len.... lllul'\(Jge oven ty. UII ~ lu It II, nc ..,' Everybody who rclKl~ 1 S \\'Ot. " , ., ,11 , ~II Iho p~rch, ~ ~ilIl tl,lr~t~, crouted ground, WUII oncl,l ,colIgl'alt!. D\"., n I' , ,puvort.y! , Shll hus beou the Ido)I1II ,80C!~ly, were tWI.tetll~.1 her fine, hq,lq II. fresll blo~m ure I'orgott.en, ~oll.1h ' J II): liS ill rctn,eUl- j llttcll tlon will 'ind that t1II'Y llW ~1J1'\7hlt " [lali Ulr.tli rllJOlcclh iii d')L Irui!till 8tren~.lh! thnd Bro~,nd h,'II,1 .n ~loolmpg ra~ly. ~ntt Oh ,.·t will hre8~ I,er heurt-It . WIU llr,o!\lt , wns 011 her "ch!?e)q her w~oJ'l cO.LlnteulI/lce bere& chiefly- by 1011118011'6 rllV!io\v, ol the loo~ and, rooll"h ' obacrvatiollR lik.: th >1,/' LovlltlllilllUIY nl.l!IY tbuch 8(1t111(l'8tllt 1~1:l! ~o'getber III th~,fltrollgEl~t u~e~llol:; " ' her heart.'! · I ' bCllflleu w~l1r 'emiles-I never ha~ aoen hel' 1h.oli"h ]ijli~IIY on the Otigill or'Evjl. Lor.d ' we 11 a\"" .citeu, OhBEli'V8l:onll whi(\ nl' p: ,t ~~, glol'loud "IJl~II"I\ ofthO gr:lnt I "'i , ,, I clln \vish y u no h pplef.lot, l'1!~c( he ' T flOW 1M griDfwllS eloq\l~'nt, nnd I tet' lQOk AO bea'ltifu!. ' . V11~ tL'ri}eld Mun~1I ml1ch 10wp.\, til rhe csu- \ pq sin. cbnvll1'1l a,tion or iI~ I,' 11 '" y IIW t , L . . lila ()U\II:O 01 Ollllh fe, 'j whh l'ntl1us\a!;m, "than tIl have 0 \yile nnd J'lltve its fl llw ' for. Bqrr(lw,I'Qlieves Itself by "My (lonr George" crit'd she "I am 110 ,olltlon ot Y, tllnn he would Itavo lIlJt willclt me JD bo "1 AIIII bn&iM catl!or JIg w9r ,tilnc mo 10 18 Jf " . tl ne " . ' " , • " Il\lIlO if hili I\?oUel'd 'bu hover beeu 1'ubll It- e utel)' written Ilud rqpollitedIY"CQrrl):;r oj or III III ... u aliadowc"i.lonh i ~IIV :unk~~, chiJdrell, you nr~ p~o~l'crou\l1 ,1l'Y r ~"rds. ' Wlr~n ~i8 ~nro~ism hud 6.li blidt;d, ghd you'b~, y e ~?m~i .1 have be,ell wat(!itin\: 'cd_ Tho I mpoolls dor Sir 'ell rles WH- .... " ' JVt1P4ula J)fi~ J'I~;': 1\tiUI!; Ilnd Rul'lr of tho vil~1 UIlIYCU I to share your pr 9l!perlty , Ir oL!lerwl"r, they and ho hlldrelQPscd , Into a moorly srience, I t o,~1i watahmg 19ry01,l and,;runllmg tbe Jnno, liUf1Ul tire !lOW rcod 0111y lIy 'the tnriOlll/; and ' Y--.-
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nlr~,~vortJ) ~:~~!lilt:'c1he
CI\u~ctll u~et)p~Olt'lIOIlB
Bro til cdmfort you," , ' An4 1~'lee,d. [, ~Q\'~ re~umlld 'the subjcl" Qnd, gently, ur~ed I~im 1 hnyo B~t out 11 . ttl~le Ulld.tlr a , beDutiful 'thougll nflt without occullional fialllh~/j or'wft COD~!l6t ;';r~ \~"olI(\1i' a lIlurrtelt m~n ,fuJl:n~' ~t() to breok hill ' 8ituation to bis wire. He I'(ree behind the cottagr ; ~IlU r bave been hnve allv,ys eOlOed to us, \VO I1IU8t ~wn, R.psQl~e to fo~m your life upo~ "..:Jne r misfortuno; is moro npt to retrre\'l' hI SItu- sllook hi hond mournfully: but' positively, Fiolnl!' of 010 moat delicious very. poor· ' tIlin prlrlclttlio't\,' alld . I'(J you I' . . (\lioil ill llie world ' tll,tln l!ll1g1!l 'ono" plIrtly ' . • ' !lut It!le.you to it-rroll'l ' /;er1'; stl'l\\I'LC'rri II, 'or 1 know VOIl .itO so fontlof 'rLWall)911i) \II1U t lett 'ell'S by fixed rllleil, • . l: . :pr ., " . ' ''-I he ' is more' slimuillt.cd to e:<er,tion fl iii IlccesslU'Y thtlt she know til \hem, \Iud W0 hnvb. such' .excellellt I.'rcilm, fMun dwnll. to he ' nnu be- oruer '" ,tuat yo,u ~ny 1w k h >n ' ..... 1.\, d \,. ,'11 ~n d tI\V~c. t II er~, . 11it.1)6 I( ~itl\c '"" ~O\lt Lh T10t~ 'r~ ','t8 Wli.ull' , ~oro ,IIQ ),"0 no. uy ..ler I.lCQlu1.)Q • .or For Ihl) ;\tia:l\i Vi~ltot, lly tl Il',nece 'r"A I I"" >'nf the hell...' tes8 , til e t e.B""pe "" f!'por \11\ e-..: ':Y, t un« 11> flO sll It IlIlmJn>r.tartu.ho.r61h~~ " "II .(,,,. • AN OJ)l~, I lovEtd ,bC1.inga "'po ,tlt>pend , on I hll~ ,for 9,U~- L(i t)O alierat"'n ef · y ur tllfe roetllllC'l . ' plillia~ !lb I, VLJttlVIl h,(l1' 1)tJI\ wlfhlll 11115, du:l~ to 1)~ drsaer~10d iii the ' roll CR. ~ltf'rn- I QUII'i illii u.nd IU'l)1l.l'e whilt Iy lha JI ~p_ [FOR frHE FOUll'n'1 E Jut';,l . \ [3ill~l1oe-but chiefly hCf;uuse Ius p lrl ts Yooin~ch\Wgljyourlifyleot'livjn",-llaY"~ nnd I oklug ,tlp in hIt! fllce, t'OI weabAll I'~'l df nHH{rlll', Whif~ tn ,ilIU.l;tluilh,,,,nL· cr ourde,IUld ~ em ~,nne plti'n r, r ,)'illlr ,uf ' ~ , . ara sootbe~ und re1i9 ved by durneS1ic l'1I- Ob8~rvi'n I\, ""~ to cr hIli c.ri\IIl~en nte, lI~'''i> h Q'p pr!" '. \ , , ~rona~lmen "l r.c 8t~~r'ng WIth Il,hll:lIO~: 1m ~ive", ,rFl\e W~,,~ pf tlu~h 0~111>;~ l'~f,. II\, TUr: DAlID or 111[, VALl', deutm PT~ upq hi" "ol.f-.r eIlJIC~t kept a1ive "1 I't lef th~t affllc(y'o\!: ' I nm Bure you Poor slie Willi vcr~otno, Ho cll~ght I~IC, deltgh 17£llghwh p(lll~) , nnd ~rlg 8h RIll" tiO!t 'ml\llIfest III thO l'unHu to!, U', 'I _ -!.,• 'r • 11 ' I I II b~ d '9 ' durk- 101 " ,'. , . ' d 1080phy, ho W1\15 Ilt\ldy'ng il.1! In \!Iltly tlre tu.I"'''' ,They IIfl' goverlll.d hy the llTl:pd.10 nun 10 the dllY Inulg .ve Li\.Ilr\y bir:h" Ily ,; '1 . Iil~; t ~~ t ~Oll~ I II "a roa, 1 't" Itava never pl:r.c,etl .your 'bap~l~e!\9 on ollt- , her tv hill ,lXl8o/1l; h"(oJd~d}U1r II,J'ms ~roun go sip of the oJd court of ~ral1~, .,The of Iher mQl1i~nt. ,Tecklellll 0 the CUll equl.'lln-; 'l'i ' tbe tl~wlll ilg 01 IMm 10 lh~ cru~IItJ" O~t~ lIess IU1~ "~lmlll~tl;)1', l:f',~ tJ1.0.re Iii a III 1 w'lIFd Hbqw-yu\l yet . b,RVe. ll'!oncls, wl\rmJ hcri ~I!l IU81lccI bet ,Olfti1ll and aglll.n,: b"" til!li!io1l8 1I0d 1l&i,nC/I:tJ ()f Vcr3nillc IInd,Mnr- ell,--fl'ltoy .. have fi,\'~d',no Itelllly Olt I,:¥II_-of eartf!, ,." . .1 IWOdd orJove lit II . jllO, 0. , WhlCh hf .liI Ii' .. , wbo Wi)! >flot .lhll)k the '\;OJ'ilO (II ' not spelllt, bllt the toara ,gushod Into II l, a hUl'Jdred yoni'll buv(l 1\0 ccrtain r illsipilla of uetinn. Anti IltU' t!n~t ;H fr In r~r.lo~lr. '1lnf,! tOl!I' II 1\1' monurch, Wlrere(ls; n ' /illlgie i;!l1n , II yon, or Olng 0811 ap en I '1 0 lJf i '1111 lli oy, II; 'iJ)i~. ho hUll o'ftCn ,/Lssure:! me tbot I ~IQ, occUpIed 111m ,11I1i"'te~r lTI~ro th l!!", II in g IlJ,fl9 /I~ r~dolll,l .~ovJd be IJ fll!TI$IlIl: if In411r Imn'm rlllt lit) 'm" h! 111;11 bO:l1ll1I1g, to mil 10 \Vubte' nnd s&lf.negiect· to :':!Ilcy , Iy it Ilaes-not "equ (re Il I'alnce to be UlO 'wor/:l hit.d sin ~c ~oni) pr;osperouL'!)y g roat ~lOru.l l'~V01Ul,II)11 Wh!Cl\l , \\ nil ~1'JlI(: they W tit Ulll(Orrnly 1'Ijlht, Jtl r Jn t:> AnI! hllit whit deli.. ht tho exit olniglt', " , d lJ d' d' tI h) ~ur, " ,. II t I) ' d I',·, j '~ de d been pl!:lce \0· 1118 BIght, He took u prodigiOUS yuur l'ur Juin~ lhll -right I nth, Ii n..u~~ When ,,11m ill hi'! Uli ...hl awu!te,~ fTfln~ Ill" IIIIllRelf Itm~ly nn n qn o1\e, an I~ ~fi"ro.1' WI'!J !'Iiary-. , w t I I· l: IIn ,1I I a I~ III e , , 11 interest iu l'v,ery nohlll . hUfllcr, \VhOSll vol. k\IOW whtlt it IB tlnd tn ucquirc tl '., lu1<.,.w,' ' . .. th "~rcnming; 1h~nrt to rttll to rLlih, Hke Rome descrtQ.. .' ,.j C()u:;!,be happy ,wi*- hor,~' crlet! 110 I hapPyolie; j~f't ll CV(\r h.o~ he , ~pe~le1'lced Ullle ,or wig, nnd hl[illit, Il)JI~~h of rlbllntr I lea g ,,, u mUBtdlvcst youTlloh- I! 0 'lIl.•u~htOh Ion; m:ty the. C}'OS o('cnr '!! s!n'Il"llug stln man sit.'ln" fot' wnnt of nn ill obl,ta nt, l ' • co·nvul iv~ly,' ii;'1} bov~I!-f. could It ~clWll II mo~ent Qi tn~re flflJ.lIlSlto fellt:lltX' . !u\d figure~.llt ~)~e ~rc IItng or II th til '1(,. leal! giilr\ill~IlS; ym) t'lIU'1t Inll til ~ lur r ... tura ' ! ',' 'rhesl' ouscrvutions c<J1i 0 ndnd II nule , 'I i IltQ OV\,rty ~tI tbo dust,....-J cOlild . 109 \.II' I~(lUIIi the four~e!llllh, /l nd Qf ovory lIectidll, It Will 'n t uh\ j,:yR tip to 1t\!')I,l lh To tI,!! watch-TIro orfree,\om in OltrlltlllllUr tllftl d "8t'O $lorlr of which I Wit ollce a wit. WIJt 1, )CIr,d I Gfld r'j e I: ""jed he Ilur!!lIl,rvgign:te I~Orllun of qu hrY,lVho bnd (l.!r· ,rt:c()p:i'm n~ati9'l. 0" t\lPtle \Vb.:l lIlly la, b. ', om, I J' C'QII 0 u £'89 I r. ''I' .. II ' , " ned 'I,,,r lrl\ltI ,f II~ver9" buelnvlIl'd ilne\: fur,. IJb t f' h I I r ... , am , . , \ . n ,$8, My illLimllte frit·nd. , Lc,slic hoa illg int9' n transport of '«ri f llmf ten."olr· ," , ..... llru frof/\ K}nfi to 'nd from,f'l :; /:Qu; or t l!1 i IJri IJ~I tho rQld~or ollr country's f\:Ig Ooat on lite1IlIarripd 'lI II Dutiful uitd nOC(llllp\ishedyotJng lIe s . I '&:u ctCl' 0" UOfR b \Vall/olo. P Irllli-ellt 10 ' ("III'" during lile 'wnt'~ or the I g~v you, or, .md,tJ}' IpPI~ : \ I' t}~ ' ' tllnditi s _ aU ( 1 tL· 1Jy; errorjll'ordisl;ipn prqrl1 iop IC(,1,Of, Ottt!lJlr>le "r~UIl, j'j)1 r lI.il'I)r 11... , . breeze, . • l' dh I glrl. wI! b lid be!!n up In the m,!lst '1~ 'mUBt, cOl)tes@ nptwitlts (CONOL\lDllD,) , ' • Jo'I'QJI1k:,"',.. \yere tl 0 Jleu pl· of" w110m v":,.,(\ lind yolley!!, on t 10 \'11 ( oa\'· 0' Sbe hOII. ilill true, nQ hnd !!uld, I felt soniG little Bolle'lOdo ror' t\ilQut ill the' lI;t:h IiCMe of , lie lr lho ,Qt' til ke p t.bOhl, t l ll ,' wltl( m I)c An\lGlho an.1 stars, in pell::o lind ip fortune, bllt 'lbpt of my friellu Wntl reslllt , Who con . cnlc\l1!ue qn the worn, (q t o r ll1 ,"1)\I!nb r 'of f, ,11 ' rtl", l!'l!n WDr, , . ?nd Ite ~elig~,!ed i'n ~e a'nticipnt.ioh .of IJI· IudI:' or one whose 1)(0 hnclllo n n r und or, ~al1lltl' h.lmgi.:la~lluJTIe I~.(ot;.!ler ~~n:~~ h~~otZlv~:1 p\~'iJ~~~ t::;@:r:ll~eF;~;ch ~:~:~~\~t1~c~:C~~~re~le~;' .\~r..~ :i~ $troam tn Ihe'lr p:do nn,l v dulging her 'm 'every elegnnt a"tl pl"'OSI\T(,B, ,H er !,lily sl'irH might Itt to 'flbc': :l ttve!- wrilerl! of his own tilftJ/ . At Il(Osqt'tiou ill 1110" whut cour.o ill 19\11 Anll G~t1ll~~tly wavO(l10~ tbe trtliltJlIll '. I 101 "fiP Id" administering tu tilOlle dellc;ate ijastOIt nnd the durl"down~tard ppth of low human ity, Al'oPn c.tno~Qklt)~' :8 kinrr:- on 4 t\ fo~lillh :~w~ only one of' wh m h~ Bpea kB With en~hl\si· lin'; tll'1,lt v'u~ should PUI'II\l~ E:I; 1lIi-r,IC Who ell\~ t\J the grave 011 III untt 0 e 'h d J' d f' "t"hory • . ....1 .. "I .. ~ 'A I ' f"L I /0' I ... . '" , ., ' • . [~o~y; i fa~.cICII t Q.~ epren II, t~:l ,0 '~I ,~ 6uddt'nlv pu{tl!l'U ... ut beroIe ~er. a ,d Illlgh 11I)ll !I'l,..irll; 'po' .or r~lJel8 ,UR l'~~:.Id; tll\.d u~.' \', .~n( 01l"1l 0 t ... ou.elhlHeu, " '" 'y, Ur o~'n t'~~$011 In~"pen ,elft "nllimp .lrMl~ lhe emQl.e ftUll ,the ululldcr, th ... dcot)1t ~\jlJut her I!QX, ) "He: life. sl1ld hs, :ih 11 'cling to tllfl 611L1ny~ regiolJ!! m whloh they J1crha'l wlil ,le kIngs 'v.~re not ',11 d, ~'i'!!r, ~~~ltlt~ t/i??"e ., W(l~\~1 I~: C-re~~ll~i~ l,n: 1.IlIIY, /Jlld glv~ nqt~ou1'8etJ up, ,to lie ,~vlto i'~~~ Ly m~.re c~prlCO .n4 iJal)lon., or 1.)1 81Ir,p~ nnd grollll, . he,ll rniry tul~.'· ," hlld hitherto re\'l'lled, Besides ru in in and whOu ret eltl won,' not ill Ii mg, JI~ tl~ut liIIJ. \1 . ~ ntiol\ fU4;Louvot Wbile fCllrlcl Iy contencUng for freed m nnd The very diffor.cnce ·1Il t11clr Jillllracters ftl8hi01lubl\lliie is uCCOllIl'lllIied by I\U lIIul,Y, ully, balJevcxt t.I~At h~ h e Id tJt(~ dl,lcltlnea y~lalnl>:'jlt~ QI~ .r'b~or ;.1111,1;,' Il/lltit 'I, o~ullon of o\liers~ f d' d ' } •i b' rOll-lie . ' ., .. ' I • \\'hl hlle. Iltofe,; ct!, TOgfl tltI farther thill ' ull UII au .. tI~ · "[1 II, ill " _ I ...... ' ,,', pru 1\ IS com Ilia . I ,gaUl ng 1l10rlificntlOntl, y) whIch. 111 110 ot I· the loltcl1J trow hl'forf' liS, ho iA pel'petulllly ' Iy con$tiWWd who '\In Tra!l, 'Vh~n tit lIunHgllt of penco 11i nes I1broaa o'or \... nl! of '1 rOln1lntlc /lnd 8o~ol\thot of a serl- Ilr .ranks. is u. hurthen. III el"ott,.!, could bOllYti ng to 4lis friend Etl.llh 0 ( , bi~'IlVerliioll ill pedoTitic .jouruul OJ th blockades hilll-j.t;Jl;ft.h O vllJag.e of'l\"aN'ing~un1 ; Jiln ,!lInd. od,r "ltor~, , , 00& !lllst-Bhe wus 011 hffl und ~)n~ne~8, 110t m ~ leslie j'n t.oe morn:ng, wl th",ut to roy~Lt~_nlld \0 :r yill pfrsoJ\", "He clllls I)y, th Dol(o or A, IO~ 111,e he<r-:.rt o~Lhe,~ ~- sitaut;e. alrQut rline milell fromJJrf to l.' O)'l the :And ollr hltls no more e~llo, tho connon ~ drend I hllYO often nO~lccu the mule roplure WIth 8Qme trepidotion. He bad maa~ the UIS- the crIme o ( DIlU1ic)1 'thut leust llu(\ of mUf- qlll!le .ue B. uou the ' COI~I1.e88~ di!..." 1 ~1,8 rood to Wel/Pr, ll'Yotlng ,,;.oman rt lI'n .I,Ann rllar, , : ' d which he \\,01l1't! guzo IIpon her compnny, clo8uD() d rtl , thll murder ol'n king,' ,FI~, ,hung up trosh W 1111101 ~tol"l. III 1111\[l1:1ge ~ljih(;l~ Croll1cr, thq dllllirhter of Il I11U8~il" 'niPRon, '.Rut lla" of P(l1lCe borno Oll[. ofwhiql, Iter sprightly \,ower's'mivla her th o ' "t\n'; hOlv l1id she bO(lf 1" / III his'villa n fa '-si mile onl: d enUy tar l,he 'j) 11 nQW Ii !l in 11 complete stat*' of ctlt!llel1RY, br'toze, , Ill, , ' 11 • Ii ' ' ,1 j I' I ' . r ' d I · b of Chn'rlell, with the in cripLion 0 J'ltiCl)JJr Ht! WI!l1t \I, to II It ness II re - lD which extrnordinary conll!"Will' Iho bU81l:uir!IlII,"'~ hflilPY 1'!\out hi (Id· dehght; lint \ ,w: III l ,0 mlI'B, 0 DP!' IIUS , " \l..; k~ nn nngQI: ) , Boerne rat Icr to ~ . Oltirrla. ' Y t the mbB~ I!uporficia I ltnow I.. 01), lind Liotard , ll!e_fir!lt p~inlcr' pf !Rinla- lil'll) 8hl)llid sho sUrvive lil)' neft,N v !l1b~r. And Ihe tlch ol·boy's g1ad cheer-, tlnsillg f~:~ ho~ c~o wOuld '8tLlJ t~lrn <to hlln., ns th('rn !l relief 1.0 ~Ier ~ind> ro~ IIbo ~hr~w her ormll l edg 01' hi toTI)' miglat hlAve taught t.ifl~ tl!at wres theu li,vi~~':\~nH 'e.'n1t,loye? to ptcilQrllQ l sh \\!i11 have been for fto ' lb~1I tltll)1 \3 01\ the C'D 10 I olono ,slic !lIIught ravor and IIroulld ny neck ul:\ll , alll,od If tllnl Wns. 1\lI l lhc Restor !.i,pn" tho I rJ11i tile, j.wllddlt!F, The ,cnra, tho whQle .. ' , .<\:I 10h hil III oo:ll d'l' If con WhllD 101lldng upon Qrm. flor that hnd latl'ly modo me unhappy. But qJ' tll!) t\VCII(; .:eIght y/'uts which 101 owtjd ntlflprcr o( th" 'P"a Qnd of tho P 'rl",lt sl'e hUll not Pllr l1 O""I"V F{ 11(1 take Jill WilY thmugh ,I d P \II n '" r form contTMled lin'ely with his n"nly ner- I'popr gitl" utldotl ho, "ilhe · rea1i2 th<! . It on ertl ofTe !I 0" tl,i >1'A1 $, lind li tlle ra J'1 ctt tho 'rod, find the vital principle bnl! only b en IqnJy t worp. , , 1 I' ,I, " t Ch ITt r' +. ' . the 1ft n who were tllfll ' II toll 11<1 01 , 'h' db ' tl 0 meehllnir.nllldmin And his hellrt hohl/) communo whh ' lile 80ng· sun. The land C')1U, .Ilg Hlr ' yll I \V l1(~ til' chun"" IIhe mllsetibdergo, . She hili! no BCD ehr d Il' . U I I ' . .., "Jo" J'j t"'lye lie kept cltr"rully out SllS,;I~i YAI I ' I ' d d ,,,' 'Itt ('hm ', ' I I'k d I' t" I I II ~;r h i, , .. b ' .:. b '1 bus e ~ I )6 P n n, lin Imen"y contlou J' len,,11 I.ern, ". of ntllu9. th,l,lUg I 10 \tce "" II m ,6 . II birJaand nlllo\lCrll, 1(> oU C, u,P to I.'tn I! ,c e( ,() 1'8 :' n,' J "lea ul pll\'~r,t~· ~ ul',n ... Ie 8 kaot, ~ 11l' , ncr or tl: IrJvullty (if hi!ll pursnfts; IIn:J ' of th~ir \VoY •. He vl,ell to kec!J o.tlter PPl'l: skeleton. hllr cOlln~CJlabce benf,ll n ~crji ( . On d.ll bre 110 when the prllu.i ahoul of fTec.rnnn 8, fiullh IIf trlu~~h'lnt prldL' and (11.lerl hlllg only, rl.'ud 01 I~ IR . r??~ty ~ 'l' ht'r. !l!~ ~I.h- thi ('\)r: cioUltlIC" prorluco,d Qf ~\! lIIo~t di- j flJe Irom pitying th em IlOY IIttClltlbll, ~e I;id l'xprt'lfSioll, Her retlpJtation ill p"r: p. tendet:U~ss, nil 11 It(' drfntlld on I,,~ I,'v(} lyj] ed to I IV". Sho (",,18 UII yet 1]0 p i .•nllVllj V rlint"... \.I{' his I 0 thull ' anll 1LQ"l'ctntl\Jns, I could Ilot Ueny lholI Voltlllre,uU(1 hIl88o.m~ in ' .han .,rbe, .', I k .}t'ohs~eau oppor tl'l!lo , herhlUldl'lWarrn, and,.lie j ',d ';'""nll of Ii lerty rlhg throng:, th.' IIkl _" burden for itR veT~ hcr lc 8no.. . Nr"er IIi. he ~ulf.\r;i no loss of accu tomed 'OI)l( n;- Hi~ hu 'I i(lIene);s, hi!! in ~lift'l'I'enc~ to ml. t- wo~e clll~8r me~; .mt jo too (J?riS'Alen;: dlc }ion of existent.consc OQII'I~R, m .v~ Il t!t~ echocil Ehllll wake ill the forcaLII, lind II couple ant rorwllrd on tho II "YCfY p.lI'~ 01 ehces nC'r olllganlli('s, When we romo ttl)':,! wl.~ h thl: wurld g~I1~'~{6'lly {egfrd~ h~' tUlll~Yh of ~p~ccult~ g flr~~\cmp'i 0l,l0 o<;c(lsiqn, ",hen oskeddif. 8ureri ng I~m atld III 10k , , 'CIllly nnllwe)) suited mllrringc. with a fairer ) prtl cticlIlIy to eXlwricllM lIB l!Ordid 08n's, itnporJ. "~llh i • ~!l1 Bilhllil liJr trl el\" , 1:~t[noUt t ) C hl ~I'~ lie pll we~iJ orth~ pain, t~ queez6 {h~ ...bIln oC hcr . r"oJt,I~. Tlll' repOeo n! lhe IIk"·l\nln..\llll! mountains, t f I_ h '{'Gt'ons- Ii: t OIg" Iy IIVI It e nante 0 p il O\lOp y, W 011 e 11 C C ua u . "lilted III Mrs for wilt- purpose, u ~ ''.!lIt J A ill the _11Id ch~r 'hilt ~llIl1lr6 Ihe nir., prollpec 0 ~UC~c.8S, Its flnltJ'Y, w.llItS It Iletty um l 1 I . HII SImko ul' Jlimdelr IUJ /L man wl~o,e bqllCl- eompilred soelllll ~u lpltely. r~ ,Ife lhe '~other a~el'!l. ,vas J'IIllin y ,j'lI_ " compl,Dlned tllut ho • III M-!ly Ihew 1!9 pp 'll with tL wns Ihe 1t1l8(tlrtunr. of ,e1'lend, h'lW- tllcn ,0,\111 he til.!' Iria,l.·, . ,nimily WIlS 111'001 w aQlbitlolI ' t D'Aleorbert. fre.qu n 1 '. wh su er" c. • , , (I lin a\n ever. to lrL1ve emburked IllS property III "But," snid I, ',now .that you bQv~ g(~L ~ r~\ who ha~~ le~rne~ lo rot(! po II r, wellllh, ll!cd 01 It tiVillg wrIt e,n Wa1E:0le s ~UI _ Jnt!: fro~ eram'P~.tte IiAIU i)\l~n I)e rd to or our bli '8. that wbcn Olle . uPQn age rolls lurge specula lon~ i un:! h hud not beou ov l' thE> !lC1verest'ta k- th04 of brcaklllg It 31111 lame, tlt tJlelr true v(llue.I'I/ld whom tho agn.lr;r Rous!ICuu, . I h P?, SO); 1\1 111 malte 811ght moans, " d married mnnv m nIh ••wheo by 11 8ucces- ' to lr r-tJ\e suoner VOIl let tht' wi)rld ' ioto onllict of pnr'tie8 , th fl. ri,,6 o.nd fal,l of Iltl:\,t.eso pule; "dlll~ Ilo~ody !~Jl~Qltrlbu.t~ Ii 'Ie lIell.m: AboUUi~1l \~Jt9 after the cnmmcnce. ' Our '\1n mllY ltoeloudl\(~ ilhlryubnght as to· ~y. sinn or diRlUlters, it wn8 IIwopt from llim ,Itbl'! I\C'c(ol the bt'tler, The di:lclo ur mllY In 11. the ebb I and ~oWs, 01 publtdc ,0pli\I~U. bert 8 'wQ~ki to me. e WDr!lI tt n ment of_her tr~hce. tlhe WIIS 8!li7.elt ~'!tJI Ihe . h and he found )~lmBelfre.iluced, . . , d .ton,lLnd moved nly to 11 snldo 01 .mmgle 10 c\l~(\/'di'n k 'tlW Ivhlqb occasion. A'ren~ d.!lLolty The b(lOn.tJsat"uf iope (.Illers P'lreIlMe,1 Wit alm~stl~ pen- be ' morU;fyinJ,!. but it III. a ~IDIlIC ?,lserY',lIil, disdllin, h WillS owing t CQUlP;;lI\the 'pe, j ger, I, is jmp09s! bll1t to ~eny, her DouriAhn'ient. 1'h" lin forblood, \ " ur:,y, Fur n tIme \r\. kept IllB 81t08tloll to fOHn ... ver, wher(,l1~ y u ot b(rT\v I e. 51t1J r; It <;ulinr clev' i(Jn or hi, .c:baracter, tb , he Walpolu';j WOI'.ks huve reo.l mpl'lt., , g i. 11$ o~ag'Q.l1nil A••boulder t .hould" In l'le stern I!lnrlllh~)' hlmllf'f. nn;! w('nt Ilbou~wltb a nltJrgfird in lllltirJlplitinu every !Jour of the day, cared about ,a l~Ut , lind ,pi liter 'pinnllcle I of a very: 1"1\10. thOi!.Kh not o( 1\ vory "umber 0 mfd. "CiOt!. II wal ;r F eu\l Hall countenancc. fllld a brokt'n heart, Hie life ft i3 not pOVt'ny 8IJ much 0/1 tiro lIIure thlln albol?t the l\iil!dlti OJ( ejection, S [r JO}ih IlB Rey nllldll( 1.0 ally . hold. out DO WDI a protrnated agony, .'Id ;whnt rendcred th'llt hare seB a rUlllerl D'lOn; the IItrn:rgle and nbollt 1I llJllnltltlJrc OfRGramD'l?ilt, tbut tholJlI'cTr- ndollUtdtRwoluld t ultilnltueoovery. • , • ~l 1I 't f ' II thulllI.uuu th~1 AmcriCl'lh e\lOIDtl,Vn, &".t\ compare ,uu e 0 Ill) 11110. I _ • That btl", ra,th POWIII' in that trying bOllr it more. inaupportll'! tI WU l~ neCC6S1 y 0 betlvecn n proud mnn lin fin empty purse and Murray jj~il'bt tillk thelllRel¥ee hOlU\i& be' \l'lother ltl1phaH belote there W88IUlOlhtil t tI 11 d Wile. tIvtl dolicla , dlcl lower lro\lnd a keeping up II. smile in of ,hiB - the keeping up 11 hollow ilbow thnt mu-l ubollt trift s. Bac question ofgovcrnlne;lt er OIlllede, we tbtit wo expect Th1j D1!n can' rh,"t.: 1iotl Iyoang nation. wire' for he could not brmg hlm.~11 to 0' er- 'I&oon ClOme to nn end, l1a\'e you the cour· Ilnd \\far were: too lo,ti~nltiCtlnt ,to detain a to .ee rreah Hume.8 and rre~h Burkee, be- wllru rId' t 'r lfJtbway robbe~ ~n a A::'::UI1l·.a.ee wboa._clread ,,'heim her with tbe news, Sheaaw. how- I ago tu appear poor aJld h:ave you dillllnncd whkh W·.. occupied ' in cording the · rore we again. (alljn ith tQIltJle,uliaf()'oblIt or ita glnlprb,mld. Quldl...' at •.... 1htWi ohbe th~nderer'. bird," ever, with tlte quick t'ye~ or afi'ectioll t!lnt] ~lVorty of Its sharpe t .ting." 8cundal or CI~~-~mlI tJ~(' whlKpe1'8 of bll1li~oh ~~ n~r~! .•n ~r~~IC;:I~ ~~: their lltlt bit or hoecake &rm I '~:-vln. all wn not right \Vi~h him. Sho marked On thi~ point I f!lund Leslia perfectly the bllck-stll .,. un Vi Ie 1,'1111 oven oara- to '" c , 0 rl lngs't . negro, Tob tho ~ureb of cou.\erl~:' "" .... Whe, lip after ace Tame'. car wheel. fa ••e hi. altered .and , Itifted lilhs, apd wall preparN' He had no lallle prlde n ,im.elf, ble or eu. ! h, negativeS. nlee, licit b!,t,ter ..b ' 'fEJrI' I D" , v ." • • WAil an He ' ad nol &:,;1I"=.tIVO , lInaltn.t~Qn: , , , H e ter· .....'Wn tile ,_ Ie W _eft'O a Q.1n','y .or If1 ill , - - ..tad ill '&me Inno not to be deceIved hy h"III ~ICkl Y en d V4J11'd and 811 to hili WIle, !lho wu Inxloua If! con- onyQne of bit innumerablo whiml dH'k r ILQllor 1tin I tad ~r !llrI' II'" . .,.;:rrtAo;:n aUelnpt at ebeerfulne.". She luked form to their .ltered. fortunet. extrewe iliali_ to be. a ma.n Ofl WIiS not a Jreat There olotlut.l'aIl t41 .. & . " . ........ crow. h... ill duat moat· her tprigbtly}lOWMS and tcnde1' blandi.h- , Ho wal now plPIr to the cottage, "'here letten!. Not Jht he w.~ indi~nt to lit- Iteartcl& any, riter, bOle w° 'f ' ap • tr ....... ' menta to wIll hlm'back tCT happinl'l!.~but bis wife bod been.n tlaysuJ!Crintendingit* ~mt'. If ~,.Iy a~ :rnul~ud:I=~bl:':~:"'-:':~:!C:nof·': now d with Me only drove the arro" deeper into bit arrtlngemtn'- . , reeJlDp bacl beOQfllt tmu whICh Nor wu It Ollly ' ~I an ....1. 'rile ... be ... caGle to I n.r••tTOI'I11 intetelted In till: pnllT"" or tbl. ;.,.... SlIt be MIl . . bie ~ 'Her "la'" wro&e tl ~ ,.....;~............ 'Iory. the1DONtort'lirh. . . .1it th....tthal be famllyato'1Inc1lt . . . be .....Iag J heIt& ht,~_~ ...,._ .. tn, rme dIIir ........... A little afrerect to aC~lIIpllIY'''J... wlehalto
~":;' I~
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ob~QrlloJ:l that
()~rO~mnncos, ~i~ .~dSOE II~: /eo~.,
tc(O~~~:I~ l:i!lI~Q~ en~bOl~e~u~~v b ":o~~I~'d .
~he ian~
' Chf'll'ce 'Selections
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~mullelitJ \1'tcn~;):irtl, n:t~\,rnlJy de~ire tIle rul.l.ttrltllfl~ old leJjlln{'~'by
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** '
I'4JLEft.u. pleasiag than to eee a necland JOvemp.d 'I pl~ all will indllce • dlt,oerrul ohedlonce on the Tu&irlllg-6boutaucb& ngt, great care i. neoeuVI p.reDta~ F.Jrmn,esa and and goodDl!8I, cClhtroJ. anet Un.:"UI,~r, punip}lInent,and' Ulercy .hoqla hllnd. Nothing can be 'Wort"
leDOw 01'" of you were carel"-." 141leuW'W8I'ere Dot!" J .b "You new go out IIny whllre Wit out l0o:'ID10r,dNtroyhlg,ometliing," 'WI,y moLber you. know. beller thaD pitt that! WbeD have noat anytJling!" JUl· "Wbln! Why ev ry t.ilne you'~e b(,en , . "Name the time. Iln ~' I,at was loet,' . 'Item "nidll't )Iou leavo your parl1801 at Vii?'"
The grellt. tbe )Iormonll. b
iD 1848 hlVlnor but.
what la ,
, It._ urn In , 8a111' left-all it. 'Imber worka hllV'in,been con- , It expectell ~Utll ttiol wiJJ be mild sume<t by tbe ftameS-W!l9 dfl.t:royed liy within D. montll: ,all 800n, ibdoed al lh:' a'nlrrictnaond1e2~ult. ' !nat;b1ut' Cfln be prepared lor the plirpost Arter the Mormonll bod beon dri\!en from Tbo expltl'lment ~viU be tried u~der tfre~: " NIlIIVf)O, in Ma[IlI~. 18,49,11 Oommunity c'nll· of tho proprl~tor8 ana ot,b er gellllemen. illg tho~&clves ' tho icarillll! bOllg,fit this nil!.! colllision ~~ Uic~ will fie , jmj)6I1slbl~: temple '~Itb n view fo rc~t It fo~ j!cl~ools, E~('ry means \\ 11I,be tl1l~cn to 11l.ur~ 1& fair ita 'sllIl!ymg and mec~n.gs bulls, for II le!~c- tllll1, IIll thQ pa t\ea belPi: n~ 4elilrO!IS qC , ', ,_ r " . onpable of,' contull1lU~ o'bollt" one thoa' I S" C!)IIB!I~ :M~"Pomo or his frlend, tun be mfi~xl1.o1o rU,le, wbere powca:.. tiJjJDlD- . "Bllt ,~9t It ag"lIlP', ~ " , persons, &0. Tile Secfelary or 'tJIEl Tile conditionl ~re that.Mr. rllin,e sbali not (OJ ,~e ' ''Didn t you foolle YPUT glovcs at D-l ity,.in Ii letter. to tile St. LOllj ~ bring 11 milchillO or his conll~ucll()n t.i)"~, lleClillsd It Is POIII!Casect, pie o~jO()t I1nd alone good of ~h~hlld. oJld-· arHl- nnll~" , Rcpub\liCII Jl, ~tlltes tllllt manY PIer.llruti(lI)8 "Yi) ..k ntld produce Ilt a llominol expcnlc . Hence, to puniih 11 cltilil in a fit f ' ·' That'lI llll. , And I'll never ,hoar the \ Wel'C nlreo'dy modo, A ,vns18h d \V8S rIlis..' 8Uy fivo conl. per tIiollsonU cullie fuetrgu: t commit murder ogainlt IV t'Qt.ure Ini t of it!'" " ' ed near tho 1'cmllie to sl~~ltc,r the ?~r.pop~ no,,!gli to I,igl~t the A&tll~ H \>Il~e fOl'siuuc. ' , nn~ yet it woull1 Beom that II ajority ,1'Vell you'll know when , you get ono. ter!}; tho masons \~'ere loymg In tbe IIltor\tlr,j c~Ss~vt! nigbt8. Der~'ro bo com";len,Ct'8, , ill f:' ~ I h ' t' I , 'di' the basclI ortho pll\urs, whert 111 0 Illirrlctlll o I Ilonle~ who are 'to buy oul tho putent right pnrentl! octua y ,~e r,a,1n r;m' • )\11 II~~; tllcr ,~ew, dte,s, or \"1hen Y0't. go rl n g b"rst suddenly 'olltho ,hill ,'pr~ullvod, ,\vhere are to d PO$it 0110 hUIl'l:) rerl , Iht)Ueoud ~bl. , howe\'cr !J1~c I ~ce de • Ulltil t ,l I tn. .," ligh~ingf!, ,thunder, . winll, ~Iuil, ul\U ruiu, ~lIrli wi~h sorne p~r8011 00geptulli0 to the pos Ions ~ra so ~kclted It gIve. ~eln plon:!!- '''1 rockon I ' ll gowhe~ I ple~!,e,'· ,sce!TIed p'nit~d, 10 o~(lull,the bll{ttJll1~, 'r~~e I pl'oprietor-JQI~n C, P~dr.ick, fJ~q" fJr' JlOft. . Thenolh~f Illdepellltent. , ure-II ltllld of'u,lPatural ~tu~~ JII lIlIure'How shocking 8\lch n 8cem1! Yet thiSIs I8torm hUrst forth so qUi ckly, u~d wltb such tOil, ,~vho h118. IIl(le~ Mr. p;afoe In earrylo~ WfJ bav~ r('ceived two or three num to puoi&h. Whdt \a th~elulV JUilt dr wo from Iife1 , "Tbe mother WOlIl\l1roa8: violen~e, that the masonSj Q,'crtakep una' on Ins expcl'll1Ietitil (01' p,oat two )'0Ilr8_ 01" neat little weekly, bearing tHe Ilbove what Iqigbt be t'Xpected, The ehild a~le ond her unjust' 101110rka tlnconded j "ureS III ~hc ,Tomple. hall nQl thn~ enough , to. be pnld over ~ Mr. p , ,118 Boon ., the , I " - I on, ' . d to fleo before tho northern \Y1\1l.·~lxty feet tt\lol ll! deeltmHI' successful. 1'111. is b, ntl!!. It i8 prin t~ III Shelllyvlllc, Inll, by 111 ~ JlI~rn q n\ t lll.t It 18 not ra!Nn tho daughter, \'bo IIt,tirst, was 10 11 goo high bent down over their Iioodi'!, ihreu leu. 1woy, of bOllu,," or gulltrantcc, in cue 'there .,MITOlllt V 4 ui: Shame· iTlg crush thl3m lind bury til PI JIll, Rush' !shoulcl b~ a fllilure to pay over to him the Ich 18 sought after ~r the p. 'en.t, bu\ bum or, olld couset\ her to retort. We wleh its talellwd nnd ' energetic edi· Ii desire/or r~ltge.or 1M 1DOrkl1tfl1 'ful conduct 011 the pnrt of bodl! But the iug out Of the ruins ,ill tho mi1l8t of ,1& cloud BlIIn of olle million ; whiell ill 10 r~tler thQJe tor tbundarit .ucce8ll. Keep n. Mitche1, l.v."v. V,,'N' tvil rJUil'IJ, and, in tead of' improv. dllugbter ,vos not jll' tile leost to, b)llmo; for ol~ duot, ~\l,rnp"od }1P in l~gbtlJing~. thlll1l1er l pllrties pllrt pr~Rrietors ~r !he illvon Lion. Il~y u have 'coqlmenced. ,and we co',ertltl,lln mounl~~'nelrn~ps'l the ijllllctiOIl it gr\>wJ! h ,lU'd, 'cl1l· tllc' mother di\! not confine hOl'self to olth- and (.I fU~19uB b)ost of w,lDd, ( ex\H:'c,~lng ey· The vnl~0 ot the potent fqr tbe Umted the illtelliaellt citlzons of "Old 8u flici;)n fiullen uufee)jllil' It 'ls ,impossible er truth 01'ren601) : ~ry mOl'llQllt (0 heRr tho, wo ,wal s {1lve "'~y !StIllElIJ (I ho oily of)~ o~cost!)r ,xeepl!d, ' I'll" t l" t,,' 1 ~ I' .' UPOIl them} they succeeded III goulIIg out, 18 resorved fo!, 1\lr8".1' uI0 9,> III fixed at lon "'ill sUII\!lill ' , . Yj)u,' ~uc II Il C I u 0 on ~r. "In l!rop~~~e ~ ngs Patriel, lJ'eUl'f 0)1 Slllvaq', 'astonished to ~eo thollo ",aUIt slllndii1g, Ilhu millions 'Of' 1I01l1lrs, Dnd U Joint sloek COOl. Tbe Cholera. of rc.,pec~ and vcnc~n!h.lll forla, ~ . cnt, It 'We copy tho roll 'ol~i nlr lotter from' The trill'h~im'(>,d nt the dung r frohl which ,tli«'y ! pari)' is to bo fQl'{ne,d to .,"IUJ"gc it. ' In hie It .Worda U8 plue, h pleAsuro to be mny y.lel4 II mecbarllont opedlonc e , or doi'' d " b n 'cJ, 11< hail , just emerged, ' 1COIl\rnny llr~ PedrICk 18 to hold from one 'Profelisor lVeb t~r. ~ed by f()ur-in~pired while 1n tile pres. Frlt ll. f~ wall written , y ""atn' en· The 8\1mt' 1.Il\lst 'l.Ilflt ,overthrew ~ho , wall Ihln to ollo.hulf the IItock;' 011 the rel1\ain. bled to ~tlIte , thal tpc romol'l! of tbe prevaTho Su[>rem~ Judicial ,Court rerU8ed to ~ ncd oftl).e par nt-,,:llCII\ it]oo)<8 updn liS T!J, the ' ccle,~ttlled > orator and stoleaman. of the T ell1l'le, ll)1d gel~sill\y dislor.ated Ami illlI purl whi c h he 8el1s the milli\ln ,hahded lenee orthe Cholera in the city, to II grellt gr~lthe pe~IL161l of Plofessor Webster crUl'l tyrnilt- but no sooller is it ..way lind Wllij recently dl8c.overed umong aome inclined the otber hyo, 'took up n)ld cl1rrle~1 OVOI' iUJlnetlllltely bn the SIJC(l(:11!1! 1)f tho ex. ex'tent, are falae, Very )ittle _cholera pre· (or I!: writ ,of error" and, the csse r~~oi.1U1 nnll out orsil,.ht tJHW restraint ia thrown old papers. •Wo b~Jievo it wn. fir~t p1lb· !OIP ~he roof M tb,a old school, when tho wuJls perlmel'lt ill 10 bo cohsidc.red nn ilJstlllmllot vall. at thia time ill Cinointljlti., \lnd we 118 t:.erore. There IS 'llttlo proballlhty of ft. I I " " .id II I kl I Pi t Ji~hed in Tbe . }t'rielld, COllsidenng the falhng on the floor belleoth, ,"roke uown and the bnlou l)e is to be ml\de lip by ~nlc • . learn 1Iy our lu~est dates, that all the towns tlie pm.one r csclI)ling the execution ' qr the 0 ~ on It IS WI n~ r~~ld en. ~rc:; S sol.\rce nnd the period at which it \Vue wrlt" 1the beums aud tMelltell ed jnjllry\ to ~ix l or 1ights, Thu:,,: tb~ portl~8 bllying III lin the Oh'o riv"r wb'oh at tlli .. d"t1l lost t Often wonder thnt their c t ren are.!10 ot· "II L ' , . f IIcnrl3:n wornel\,wllO wcM, werlWI/:;, bplow , wi\l receive nj> dlv~d!lnds untlr 1\11', Pt>.dricJt ' "1 I " " ,' I " lien ence. , tor-are not kind"loving and svmpathetioi ten, II \VI 0 II1teres tl;~g to many 0 10111' 'I'Jle creek, on ilIa bl\nk of whi .. h Lim 1$11,,11 hu~e. bee n rullo pnill, Such hi the nr. were IIu1IerAng so sC\'8!;ely from dlo • ••• • ~ at the p 'e t t e l ~ r , ,'( Jfilstorlcol tuoJde,u tJ but the reaso 'iH beMuse they tJ(emseLves, ' '! rlls I! , UIl • wos l·h()uf!e or the 'pm Ol~\nity iJl situated. rUhg mcnt agreell upon- between Mr, }led. ravages of thill dise'alle, are still cleol' of tt, so, becl\u~e t ey have never instil. ~f'Patr;ck Htnt'v, Jr, atldusstcl 10 WIUI dO qui'ckly tn(ll~rorm('d il1t~ Oil ill~pe~j1' l I'lOl( /flld t1~e~e genllclllcn. If tJlO trial orbava very few cuses, , , . l'h~ fol~Qlvlng , Jl)en~ing' h~8tori,cnl ' h '(ender lOind de tbe Iniant unit , RoOOl'tPlet'ls(lnts. , ol,l~ tOl'rellt, t1 lut \,lIe hQu se '*l! l)111~0!!~ l,n· lu~fe should llrov\) slIcc,essful, It will no .~~!.-...:..!.~,.:.J.....:..,. , U\ll)t 18 li'n lll to have bJo dehvero~1 by the , , lDto t .e , , ,: , r \ ~ HAI,(jvl':R.· Ji\l!' 18(11':,1773, I!tantD;Jlcol1s ly filled with weterl 1111.1 IWeen doubt be cnrriqd, into fl' et; if !lot"tho ',~Jn accordunce W~Ul our ~romlse ltc:v. J hn !furah. il,l ' un ndcJrc II , berore 11, clultl proper S(? lltlllle~lts, or If< they nove De"" Sir:...... 1 t~ke Ibi9, <!:Ql"orllll.\llY to DC- lcari't\ll womon, the)1 wnshlng t.hel' , were-j N ew :y orlt s pooulai ors wi 11 loso !lothlng, millie IlIIt week, we publIsh the prot,rrom· temJ1erance sooiltty, It is vory , npproDri. done so by precept. their e~lUJlp]e hassbume· kllo>wledgo tho i:eqeipt orA, Uellezc~,!8 book ~ompellcd to g'Q through tlie \V iuduws. iii ulld tho illvon~ioll viii be he nru or no mCTU me lot tlle Fourth of July. , ato at thill time: ' ~ fully c.oulltcroctad ull tholr tellcblngs....1l1a· ~gul.l1st tho Sin Ie Trade. , ], thank you (or \lr(1er to itv~ th (lmselv ~s" , nt preSI'nt? We devoutly hope for 0 Sue. The order or exercisea..are 8& follows: , A b~Il\ltiful story Hns been toM of II lit. king thc,m teuq!leril of one thing', on~ uoers I~. IS ~Iot a ~IUJtN\llrprlslng, that ~~ITI~' , It 1.Ie lT!g ovident thut lilt;; wul1,s ~f lhe (!S hil, though we shoJI uQt bo very keen.' TJlo proce.sion' will be furmed at the M, tic boy who wns placed at tile duor elf tbe of ~nolher, th6 very woret kind of I1ntngo· UODlt>:J \\ hoso eiller exc{!lle~ce COnS!f;t~ 111 I r omple would 80011 fa II, l.)le ol~rnlllllty reo ly d isapJ1oill~ed by \\ fllilufO. E. Cl\urcb, undei''>Itla., lIupervision ·of !f, '1Iall in Philad~lphin, to give notice to tho oillm to lIet before them, aa it Jellds into:the U' Ingt~e }l,~mfion ~~Ill'y, In ~llerllgrmg lIolv~~ to pull thcm down, whIch ,vn:5 a,Co Uy' 0 corl'c!ipon~f l1~ or tlte Tribl1Ue, it , U b 1 fi I • 'II ' d old bellmilll in the steeple when the De' f I ' I t ' d lw I d" ~I\ II prQVlDg I S IIcr ee IIlUS, S IOU I ~n· cordlbgly done, 'I'll y hove conciud('c1 to ul)}lers lhllt I'rortl.890r H enry olle or thu sace, :;am, a " rom,! lenco It ,WI procce c:laratloll of Independence "lIolUd hove been lJe,lI~ tInt t lq..pRren 18 " flU an '!!pO- courngo ~ Jlrllcti~e ~o loltt!ly re pUgilllllt to build a J~r~e lind 1l'jllgniiicCJlt edifice, ~o 1110 t IIclenUfic men in the eoul;try,'sllY8 Mr. ,tq tbe Cold, Sprin" . • lIlgndd, Tb'c old mlln long wllitetI at bi c~zttl:all , , t h e tirst ImprCIlSIOIJs o~ ~Igltl ond, ,vrolJg, toke Ihe ~ Iltce of lhe Temple. whloh \\'111 Painp' dl cov ry i ,nOlhifl/,r, fOT it Is in 0 1" P~1er})y Thoil: ColJelt,~ " Oll'lplalli. post Illlyinl; "they ,w ill never d() it)" when There ie a law ,or no 1\ll;e jnvolvc~ here ,V.llllt ,a dds ~o dIe wO,w ler.'S\ thot. Uu~ u,bom· be ono of the wonders of the W ~st. pm hion to one gOll rul Iii\\', tlt~l Ole forcu Sitl,ing by the Choir. hD ho~~(l ii ' .bout- be w. He goze \\'ilion all purcntl!'would (!o welJtoever Illuble pr"ehce }laali,eOI~',ll)trod\lced III mus~ ' , ' , exQrte,llJy thebQdl(ls lIcpura~ed cOllld lUll ~D outilln by ThOll. Cutletl, Jr, ou the R8-vement o'n d t stooq the Iitllo iJl mind, and (llJrilfully ' l'tllil1 i it i~ ehligiJtllllc \l nges, Tlmol\ tlt.llt ~ecll1 to , , ' . Ch~V(\l~tioll., 'I ' Ije greuter thul1 ~hnt tb sepllru~e lIloOl,..... ~in In . ' ' boy ,1ullPhlg hi<4 hands nn" slloutlngl/r;ng, Luhl EXOITES t.tJ(Jl, To Illustrate: ' IIllve pr~ton8'lqn9 to ~OIl8~ of 11Igh 1m prove- . Th~ dl c\lf!i!l?H 01 the publiC ~ebt gu S, I Ollsitl r~l,)o or tl 0 ai;lentllic urlhlm cnl dt. Re ~. r f t1 D I l' f J Ilenen- ring!" ~rllSping tlU) irQn :I.ortglle of tho meet II frielld aud smile' tbellmif€l ibn 0111' In?nl/! lu tIle orls, I!cl~naes 1\ d re fine.d pwr- I tl~n wo,s c?lltJnued YC!,;lerduy r, 1\1. ulIll J;',or~ II. ill JIil'Crl, til 'li\ch thu 'J'ribuno , I In~ 0 1e eo aro. Ion 0 II" belJ~ J.>aok\\!;lIrds oud foqvurds he purletl , • ", I ohty, have ~rougbt mto g~n~r~1 u~e, v.ll d p Ili' a, '!l. llll recess, ~vllh 1I~"(J,~f.l tltt:reQn, J8ny.~ : clence. bv ~mcr ~a.l1er ~lIq, lin bUlldrtld, timos l roclaiming "liberty to face '1ll~~,?tJy coll~, up Qne on hIS. We gunrded bv mnn~ Illw8,n specIes of vIOlence ! W c 111'~ !lotry to SIIY,Ir., hut It S ~rn\l '0 ~IS 'l'bo l\'h(lle or p ofe SOl' I~enry'~ rCB eon. After whleb an opprQprlate Song. , the IBnd and to the ~Jlhabitorits thereof."- meet hlJ1l JO tears ~r sorl'olal.',lInd eympn thy nd tyrnnny, W~lcll bur more rude oud bDl" Itbllt l\\llte ,~o m\lch ,tllllC hll,s been 1'$ pent III in,. i.. obvi~lted IIy ~lIc' .OiI~(!l'ti/ln thllt .i nr, II, To conclude with .. TemperaJice Addrelll 1'bat Bound crowsed the Atlantic, pierced mm~i!ltely fills 1118 eyes With tear/!, "W bo~ous, but 1lI?~e hQpest ono~ to" detested, ~he dJlH\US\lIOll ,O[ I t~lS' qu«'stlon, ~Ilme tol· 1doo not sGparo I.e the gm~"llil, buL rrodu~et by Hiram Tbom~, ,and a' Temperl1nce the dungeons; of Europe. the worksho)l/l IIJlprooGh him in allger, and", idl .1I~gcr he III It not IIm':lzl{I!:\'; ,I:h nt IIt!l tllil e wben th~ crub)y shl\rp l>nrrlng took pl ace ) e '~el',dnr th I}l co~teJlJT,oru.I1Oou ITy ~~OIl1 ,t\Vo t'purn te JIy ml1 l1Un r 1.y tbe Choit. • Englond J the va"solt!cld,. of France, 'fllut receives uei and so oro~l the ment'oJ operu· o~ hurnao.'t, Ilr? "definti\l nnd under b('tw;een Mr, ~lanber~y ~lId l\lr, Stil:\ 1" !:\Odlll,; 01 willer. cOJ)\'ellllrg olle.or tho ,\ Sui bl , c , d rst nil sound spoke to the slave, \)Jd him look ~8. . ' , WIll) proc'~lon, 10 a to~ntty above a) l Judge Pet-er tIltchCOI' k and othl'r" rlJ al lJodi ~s elltir Iy iuto uyge ll lind tho other , • til e prepll1fttloDII at-o, W~, un e n froOl hill toil, and know himself a 1111'11. ~..... ' .. " • others, fOfld of·}lbilrly. thot III sunh 1111 nge ~we lire sorry ' to sec, ., " • ' i I to hydwaon /rll&, (lccordillg DB tho pl)~i, t..mg m • .-o for th~occomln~ah?n of tholo rell, alld tho Toice oC 'thnt little bOYI linAJIiI)f tltl" p'rmclple to pllJ'ent .cm c.\bl,ld; and snch a toontry" 'ive fill~ wel~ Jlr?fel!s~ ~evemJ ge~tlt,!mclI, hll\'!\ ~!1 9k~')1 011 the live or ~hQ, l~gllliy~ p~lo of hill t)Jc ctl'ic~1 , .1I'ho Epay OS90mbiu lit thllt time. • Ing himeeU OJ! (iptoo, aD.d slJQnling Uri tho former ~pPfonch" the laHer III a. klhd hUMane, mild" m~t'k) , I!UbJe~t, \1'111 u~ofl:j,JIlf 'MI', \1t\1.!~' I!I "od ]1 , ol:hlllo IIj 1I1b(',rtf'q ulto clLber, 'rllll~ , hilS C9me to us, lind let UI ring\ the -and kindn8Ssl6 excited in ~he mind " a prllllil~le to's\n\(e out thot por. ot 'the ntn 'il).dm~rJt, n 111'0111 tile WU ('I' Yll'Jlling o,'ygetl, 'no hydro. • l!'iI.flDft OolCl ]tfluea- ' doom. ,l\nd proclq!m lib(ll't)' to our 'lind of tlt or lr"reproO( I. 'ven ;1t reels l Ja IIlCO!lIlIS- that tho I\moU1'l~ of tht) s inkIng /pn,tl ,I'tl''uu g n is rl'Qducccl, ll'Thl vi c,' r 0.. It Will perb~s be recolleoted by .lhe tho world We ~bollt to every philln~ t (I 1'0 th '" f, ond to Iiber- be 8100,OOO.lC1fllo\4t the ,r,OI,)p\lllnd II'lt rc'st' l MI', Paine cl;)itnll to gt:IlQrlltC 16olriCl ly. ,"~~r that in a leHor writt~!) 10 tbe "Vii· thrQpist, ~vory ora!or, lind eve~y tather. V- tbolkeeft~s l'ejrtef an, rr~W" ll)l" e 0 ~ , n~ bone~t maJl. ~ejecl8 It i o~~d !Supportod his, iNI'!!;'n ~11 obie or!I ' ~ll' I Mt by 0 gulv lli9 baltery, but by 1Call ot' tor" a fa: Wf)\l~1I ago we promised to givt' ery mOtllCr, ring lind we wHi 80und It eve~ If correctaon f, neec.; 'Y, th ..,l "pec\1l~tt(fn i-~OW few IIi pJactlce, from Blole ~Jlced~, H,c wus de!nrou!J o ~ hn\'lIlg ord illury, lfIa ~pl ts, (Sxc<'pt lhnt illlO ~he her • aketcb ~ot the Brown count.y "Gq}d Djg-; till'Oljgh t.he world, we will be frer! I~~ pre.erved f'ro~ _!lgoE'1 Ilt eoT' tlOl,l,1I motwes! The world In g~lI- ! the debt pal~1 (itt, . olld IIU doubt fur mony l lioe~ ho hU3 jntfllllucell ,u sllbbt(lnce n(wor ,.:., ...... 1.& ...:. A...A. LW.,o.re to villit that ' • .... • , ' . re.}IeIltant. Bttt, on Wo other rol hllll ~etn~d perille n ~~Io~e 0,1' lUi !'ye~rs C 1I1'tg ht de ITC to po)' ~s mn'l.'tl l \. bo('~~e cmJllqyc~ C, r thllt pllrpo ' ~V 115l co..... 'Ve IU(luedectln wellin ......1............ Th1l1tlarketll. ~,~ . the pa~nt coll'le It." tM chilli .In a ,9~\)t~b' ' f e .w II ~8C~ e 0 3 011 n mlrre td 1 t I'~l U~O~lnt tTCrportc\ . 'L ~ lIe till" l!tIbstanco III ,I 110- 6 cfl't,und th~ only • .~ .. a ~--" Tbe Telegrllph Will out ot order ye~eronillcold and beat it; ot even but . ad- JUs. r1 ute 0 Vlr\uOU!l "rn)se ~!JJ' your prac- wante IfOI1W u ~~rl'lIon e t to tiC gill 11- \~ IIlch be' uocs lIut now cOmmlln iOlltc III the elfplaant." and on our re~ would have d ' ],, ' :. ' . trce or n tr.4iJl pf vlr.tuel/. omong which your Iture. He \\'tlJI~etl, 'whi.lo w \Vore paying the (lu1Jlie, ' fulfilled our promise. bUL tbe follo'\vjng let- oy, an'J In ,.consequence \V~ cou~t,I not get a~bu"~ •.allcl, Immeuudely Itco~cb- 'di'llgreem~nt to,/llnvery wJl1 be J1l'iu(\ipnlly the-dobt, that our fUlles shoulll.di nill uh, IV! • cer ltoDl tho ~n or Dr »r9w~ '" JI. .r~y our,ull,laJ ro~prt..Qf tl\e ClnclnQati MlU'iet. the 8IlDle aplrl~ .n,a becomell eXCited ronke(\, I cp:nnot but wish well to n peo' they \\iOU\J, if 11 is OIOClld'\'C1It ))reYtlil ' !,I, ' . N ",.~ 'Wlllut"\ II ''1 1• , • aprellM!l our own vi~wlI of tho matter, ~O I . Tli ' ...'a , and an~. Gila 'tho coriectioll. wbl :lever it ple whq~o ~y8tem imitates tJle hilmp le o( 'l'li\lre id 1I0me lorce iu .lhe:, ~t'ull\rk. lhll~ 'l'hc,.'rnrkCi" ,Vut r WIHl01~ illltjmo~t o. tJs Ii d Ii : ), ,, ' '("'. n lilt uJifdoy;a gr~at nUITl""r e ' aue, no .ood 1)u\ 1lorD) lllrm o.n· .llim ~h6Be lifo wllg:lf~eet, :Anll, bt'lieve tltere may. !lllll rro~Dbly will 11o 8eo~l.)nl1 ;fOI11i1uT u'! a ny- hou 'lIhvld ,'orll. Tt ide •. at we , avo cano!u ~ lo iflve It:!n h~u our citizen • . villit.cd $pringfte14 ror tilt tbat 'Illwoy. Renlembe~ this pa- lIIe, t: !llinll honor tbo Q.ullkerll for,their no, ' ~vhen it will be difficult tol'Olse the IIf1lQu ;ll tll\t'cl to be yt't morc ~o, If \\~~r !lot very of l»)Je from our.elr. ,. It publisHeil m (lOIIe wltqe8ling tho cercmoni.. olalla I b 'Cl . ' 'h I ble etJ~rt to n\>o1i~h-.t!Ja\'ery. It. jR ,.f!.quuJly of monel'~nccC9:mry for prin(',ipal ilJ,ld iht r· milch .mi!:lud<el1. .Jolln Purker, 1\ brolhvf the a Ille ll\lmlJel' r tbe:-Crl\\Vforilli~iII8 ~e- laylnl of the corner tltono for n ,"MallOnie ranta ,1I11~ ~et • II I, d mgl °d 10'(10 w~ a co1culale~ to 'proDlote ' Dlorlll IIlld I,olititnl cst, Imd lllllt thcr~ ' should ue a di crction , uf ' tllllsc \\'h~ w~t~ tIle put tltec~ 'VIew. ~e editor of that p~por. BGYS thllt and Odd Fellows' Hall'/" in thlt ' lace ptol'er 'PJrlt~ 10 kin hess lin qv~" nn you goad. , , left Wi bh the L egislaturo ,Ill slich cu~e,8, 11' "et'rcQ ~?Il rEl-'\ttiljn wn,Qel, , hM ~(It' )"l'DrS Dr;.Brown il one Gf the be.t geolog1su elearn that uite' a Inr 0 conoou!e of ~'11l reap a rich barv~lSt I\.e your ,.,~wal'd, . Wuuld nny 0110 b~liov(\ that I Inri mOil- we 'liro hot pcrmitted ~o bo ll'tupOrllnly rfl' (\cvuled lml \\'hol~ ntLt:'l1h~n ,to ,UI1 Improve. and ohemi.u in that S~te and his conclu. I q t" We were led to m.ke thel!~ romarks ter of shives, of my own purchase! J I1I1l leaped froll! ttle ptl¥ltlcnt or \JUt IlIterest, by ment on ,thot wbecl. '.rJIlS lmpJ'ov~ment 18 . n d b t" ' tI ~ . peop 0 we~e pr:psen , £tom havillg r-ecently witnellsed-Ils on drQ~\'n alon,g by ~he generlll il}convp,nienao \Dxation, tho rdeuBo from the llrincipal, of ill/ch n ~t llre , tb,lt, !I thc p~i9Clpl~s Il~ 110 I In 0 lI~a lOlf~ may le!e ore III ,II BalD-Lllfhtalnrl many former ocos810nll-tlte very injudr- ~f 11\'ln3' Without them. J \\:111 not, I can· thinK, would hardly onlount to enough to bOo wel.lllpp}lcd, us ,we ~hJJl k they nrtl, It 11'111 pat measure II ra ~ upon. D J I I f III • u I d c!t of a ' ent l'ttl b notjustlfy " it. Ho,~ever C"ulpable my con- worth qunrreling nbout, 111 view of this cmtlrely eclipslllloy th Ing ever berorQ con· To Tail E»:elltIlCY, Jos6ph~, WTf9ht, 001)0 uting tlO rerreBbing rain! w li() I ~ n CIO II co I. U " par. I, ,e oy, dllot, IfwIHso far pay my devoir til virtue remarkl we think thnt the luwest sum for A cei yed or pl'n~licuny 'wrongltt out. We .' . 'rtlDr of IntllM!4. tlils place lasl Thu1'ldQY eveoll1~, tho 'wiJdl Will out ,with h!8 flltl1er, W all ,~ 0 como as to own the excellc!"ce o,nd rectitu.de of sinking fund, Is best. lhuIUllt'OtlU~\llJly nro ... i• nrc 1l0~ Ilunlwrized to go lnto ~e\.liI1$. CVfn 8m-Permit mo 10 co!"Jnunicatc til. you l and lightrfillt paid II!' a ·ftying' Vi8it. per teleIi~d Just #I,na.hed hanling ,a gllto, • All hel' 1)f('c~Pt6, ~nd \0 l~ment my w~nt ~f ding ' tor I tho (.onLingo~cy, null I1lso gil'ing trwe Ilod tho prn~t' oo ! ~uo~ lud,?,O rcq\li ie, t\h/Jrough Yt°u.ttIJrlhe litu,bILllu' ~lotQn~...,!~get.~'ntdl'l(jn •• gra"" wlt~ntering our ~8anc:t\lm' Imd .tood and qonverao4. Ie httle feUow- c~nror,mll~ to them, the assurunco mut tho debt Will ultlnlately 'Hut we' o.ro. r rll'll~tcd tQ sh,"'j thot th o phil, I ret\uli 0 ,a ~ cen x~ rc ... w,O ~,.oll. I' ~ , ~ . "..1 C ' I b>"I' .. ' '11 'como w 1!~n n~ 'op· b '" '"I' ~ d b ' 1. . I r \ II ' • I I ( ~Id ~ion." ,1 ' ', exploding w lth a report very Il oarly like ourto.alty excl~" no "ollut t'.l ~O~ 110,Y q u ..e~ e ~ time WI e plUu: , '.I 111; IUD inDy 0 '1IlI!r~!l5et ,. t 'br 'l ollor :Yt~ t j(' IlW l~prQtem(!:tlt t lot ~ ~f' Tb. extenl..e( cou!ltry h~ which gold h.. been l~at, oC a henHy loade~ l'ifie, anI\, burning fleW ~ate would (lpe~ate--; vung 'tIle gate portU!l1 tv w,I~1 be"ofJ't'rc.tI t<,> abolish thl~ I~- prosP?rJt.y WI,ll wawtn\ it., . pliO/I, 1 ho wtlte r If! therefore mllde ,topu,tl aclIlIUY, dilCOV8rod m loUlena is abuut36 mlle& 41' • I h ' th th ou \1 tha and tro 11 in, 'i1~1 . , )' hi " mc.ptaI)IcHlvl.l,. , Every tiling we clln lio 111 ',rhlrl 11I0TllIllg. the eomnllft~c on filll\llCO os well (\lI PUIJ1~ and tho )I()W r gained IS JC?!Ii, wllh an Ilverap width or aboul to miles, O,? one 0 ' e wll'ea It pa18 r g , all 6CJ "'t~gl ,very , ~ Ig t 1. to Impr.ove it, ~rit hoppell,s In our ilBy; il and tax8tiun mnde their report, If \V~ 1111_ equal to tho ulJnQsllhel'ic pret's\lre. J1y tl16 :bn~~J ~~1I11l~ ~tre'ntlll, lormlq,.' lilt! wmdow lash. We bad removed bl!t" few bl'O\igbt it agaInst the f~tner, ye1150 as not not,lot us transmit to' our decClldflnl.ti, to- derstand it rightly, it provili,ell for Inxing Jl6 'ulhtr comblnat.on oC thello Jljoinclple~, coc:~, ere ~w bel~ WO~ed.I)f1BP:'~~a r8~ feet from tl\o tel('grllpb machl~e.' wl1ere \Ve to burt-h1m ,in the- le...~. .Qut be turned gother with'OlIr IIlaves, 1\ pity for their untiling, all- A"fl'ds of proper!)', C'XCCjlt whicl} ~r,e obyious III themtlelves,)' ohllPur, fAi:a in .. lIorlfi: ....elllerty dirll~on, 8 few had bee ' engagt\~ t moment before In fOUltd 111111 In the ero_est mlnner Imllginn- happy lot, and an II.bhorronce for I:Jlovll!y, grave yards, antI school h01.\8P9, alld church- k('r can do lUI mllcl~ork willi his llCW JIOla~t'- I\rfe8.ll)~ ~nbutllry U! I,!dlBPthCrlllfl k cl)nneotina it from the wire., when tht oe- ble med out: If we canpot reduce, this wished-for relor· ed up to bl'l1lk value, TI1i~, os 11 generl\l wheellf, u"lng onJy--te-u1nchclI ot Wilt r u Ira ..wwy I' atlenUon, ContiPUlng e lnt , po • " , ' to P':1 C"• ICCl " I t t th h • .,." l t D Ut'Iii •It propose d " ) b I 1 d ' I' h I I illlbe lame direclion to B'umet'. Cre,k, on Ille currence \Ook plato • . Several persona "Let that gate alone'" ma t 1,011, e t ~9, ren , 0 un up' prop9 sl .l()JI) III rIg ~ • ,0 111,1 OI,Y. C 6? CDn o"wlt 1 uny o,t or W lee, welt,idll of While River; in "'orgltll county, were in -the room Ilt tbe thne-alt more ' The cl)ild did 110 for Il momcl)t and the PY VictIms ~ Itb ~omtYi It, 18 the ,Ilolrl,b est ael· compel the POOl' tOldOltHO pey- taxes 011 h~r ,,:uh thirty Inches, of wnter, Ho, ball o~a. £Old bu ~n \Vuhed 6n eevreal Pof the emal " 1'; ' " " n vance we -ollu mullo townl'dB ~ustlce. I sffilw bed, her iDlves, und forkll, jlJlu h\)r .honnlly tulkc" Wit/! us Qil lilJs ' subject, teared then· burt. f, ' , reeumed 11I8l1~lhg procees ",ith ,t , lake reo is a debt we owe to the putity ~f our, reli- dinner pot1 Shall the L eglslaturu have no duriIlg four or fivoyelU's, whilr. ho ball lice II brBochea of thillrtTe~ pearlY'lo ltil BOurce. ,\flf·lidIOOd of ~he. JCOU ~ ill br!o'lr.~\, '''!di~~!bMlbPll .ult; and agam Wile oi'derM to ,to show thot iB nt vlI.riance with tho diBoretion. to make Il~emptioll for Q1'Y pe~fecting Ids'flx\)crimelltOi \:Ve IIrC flure'''' •hI • an eep ra;' n~ prOlll)n~nlJ' In ilL.... u Pea~bel. 'IJ . . ' 1.. ' I r li,U. 'Ienl .u~race, rJ.'lio 8umrmle Of, th8 I'l\ifil Th .. cron Of pe,,~he •• it i& ex,necred, will . '..equat g~te. aIOIlEl, I tel) Ylni!" aW t"l1~ W8~ronta I! ove~ • . , ' , fh)i1g1 lf6w, IIJ th11l7-0, 8, ,Jour."Iatj<JwUJ I1ro 1I0t ml8tl\ke~1 0$ til ~hto oorrOG\/I{l~8 0 - IOJdoQ} I>I~ 100 feel abOve Ihe Level of tjle r" l' r It :waa IIJloken in a !lull ]ouder key and Herc IS on lustance that 1I11"nt mcetmqs 20, hIs, P11i1080phy. I( hi" proctic.," OPl?licptioll atr.. mai though , ln I!o,!,e instancoa they (Prill be I'bundant tbi' 8ea8911; lbe IIClW. from more I\ntrly tonu than herore T'lle re!iult (tho scotrofrever(ond docl,Qra) bllve dont! uf It III correct., 08 all who bave cxnmine~. bold alia lofty riilgell, nlling to ' II!, e\eva~o.n 01 olll'~rtl ortbe country «lOnrum thie fll.cti ' to, " ' that which learned and eluboralp preachCO~VENTtOI(-SJ~KHIO: FOND, _ Yestor. pronounce itto lie, i~ wi\{ be admitted to bt tt:~t~~;r~l~:ru:O =:;cd?::th'~~llt!:v; lind i, ilS expected that'all other fruil will ~Illl:~ lIllDlth e, a mo~~nhryfth°be:I~~ce fol- ing could DOt efJ'ect, so much pleferlbl~{Rro day P • .111. the Committee OdOr1t'd tho one of the jmprllvcme.nts of ule age,-nol to..., of 8u,ar tree, PC;plat, pelt, a_h, &c, On yiold mpcb better than Ullul\l, I OW , Y e J:~sump Ion 0 .' e oy II '!'ort, the genuine d!ctat'es. of coDscience, and a amendment proposM by Ivdge ,R. Jli~oh. ol'lcepting the electric t legraph; Mr, Par. ~e rldpl, however, where \lIt! otloln t!lel~ W~o aeomed to care bl;lt little for _the ,[a. steuil~ nttentlOn to ~t8 feelings, above t"'e cock, decluritlg tliot in addition to tho in- ker will SOOIi obtoin letters I1(ltrent; ofter ftlJbnttehatli"j)"tlto t.hetlJut ,black juck O:::r\Ve le~n from Wallhingtoll thllttho tJler's angry prohibition. ~on tho &rllllt teochmgll of Ulose mtln wlw pretond to toreet on the public dtlbt, there IIhould be whirh tile public will recfliv t!more defin ite ~ :u:trtQf~ ~o/:~rWe; gt!1L;gC:::I~c:; nomilllilion of WillillDl HaJ.teil) Esq" as 'Came ill contact W!th the parent Ilgllin, and hove found 0, better gill de. I CJt~orl you nppropriated thi ear $I~O,OOO to poy \I;e information' of this impornnt invention . . -Jricuhure bc.-1na i~ uneven ellnlce 8lld Qot!h0 Uuik'cf Stlltu Attorney for the DI.trict orouud, 110 fairly yelled: to petstlvc!,o In 80 worlhY,1I resolution, princlpa!, Illld t 0.110 BUrll ber !l(\(lr, with poverty oHbelC)!!. ' ;'T ' ' II" d r I t \h ') < I'll Some of your people dUlagrec, or af lellllt the compound interellt tllcreun, till the A V"ofll. Co,,'T.vance. tse Geolbl(lcoUy.' tltl' rl'gion. ill ~lIderlaycd by II ~ew Jl( 1, baa been <;onllrmed. ' • you ou t "e at '~te 11 one, nre, lukewlll'm it), the abolition of s lavery . debt IIhall be p'id. 'l'his will unlJoubtedly '.rhe D~trj>!t Tribune gives lI;ilc8oriptioD ~~VJ 6"bill~!\lum oJ .~gIllac)lolt" I18bt·.51OrC, , ..... knock YOll.do'V n ! . !lany treatlhe ' relSOlution of you,. m~eting be the clnUlie in tbe con8tilytlon' Two of 11 mllchille uWliuted by Mr. Brooke, Suo ~e:~~r .~:'':'r:r!I~Wn~t~e~~iy 1~1: ~~gfh~r~! O:7I'eter Davidson. 0,": ,or,'th~ officers !(Ii,e chUcl ~~lI ..arla~ted an~1 wlllked with r\tlicul~:,DiI~ among Lholle \vllo throw othel: s,e ctiona ,vere pus8ed. UPOII t.be ,perintendont of the ~ichibrdn C~ntrol Ruil· efKi".Vili', .il/liB form. tl)!' bed of ~e 1I11eOmll! lltabbed by Wal~(\l', in C!nClnnatt a ahort Cor the tIme; bill ks, ti~a" Utr:ee cOnJ~mpton!' a.re clcrgym~", wh,Oee aur· !taction djrecting the FUlld Commi@si\ln~rs roud, recentl)' ~due~ ~o uu, totncmencc or f~tlf .n~lng to !he htllffht 01 ~ or 50 f1&1 limo since med from the eftect.i " of ille minute" U13. al it again! Now hnd trloJ ellt guard aralPst both ridlcu 'e tlnd con· to olicertllin and certify to tbe Auditor thO. tlla,depot. T e Trlbunn, I:III~B tbe co~tr~ ~II~~~ Ihl::~~~et:'e 11l~~O:~~d~\~\~vl: w~und, on Tuesday. Walker baa be(mre- little li~Y been properly inltructed berore, lemtt is a certain oct of the ~lIilembly. 'omount ne!leliS ry to Tolse tbis 811m ill ad. v8n,~ reset blOi oEfeo~;mb)\ ,"."n uprbgh: _I depoeite, or bdlfl)'It, cl'ndlli!ling ~~llliliciou, .~~d. BTr"wd-~B time on Jhe charge o[ mur· and ~o father bl1d snid in a kind and i en- m:ny~~~~~:~:~~o :~b;:~L~,~1 ::r~~~lIs:! ditl o !1 to Litke i~mo °df b~~ State tfrhomt tbe ~~:I~::t :b~v~~b~ ft~:r'~r tb':.~~;:~ Ill1to~, w~r''Worn pe J 1lII, lin ",or, III IIlrong y In' d ' tl . . , • pu bJIC \Vor s, '. 11 e aK> arose a oc_. b b ..... the d' b I with I~n" , 'fhe grnvt!lI_, from 1b:Jriml. er, ' 0 manner: vi ow of:wh ich give!' a glo,o my perspective llu~ied the ' forenoon. Mr. Arch bold at. onu t e otlOUt lame ll1tallee e ow Va fotmll.\OOf\ excepL occo~9na! ~ 8 of " "My Ion do not disturb that plte;" to fl!ture times, . tacked tbe 8Cc\ion with !til his usual zeal the ground floor. From what would bo =~~):~~~~U:-~J:~J~~~'Y~~r~,cn'hf! Q::TMoJor GalDe8. 4)r Kelltl\cky, he would h."nve desisted immediately, and E:occnse this 8crawl. and beJieve me with eloquenee,n.nd energy, This is pcculiarly callcl1 the ~evolvi1!g floor or, hetI (wero it l 4i!u"lum ilt the aoutee of 611 tte gllid found m 1Itnrteil {or the Territo'?' of ~~ion, last we would have fonned a more elevilted e.teem, your humble scrvl'nt, M, tllunder. He hU8, for some time, been trea.di~g mll)~-nroJec~ four pnlra of arm. ~t reai~ lod it ia p~.ly mi.xed }ln~£or",ly fall, to assume the dUtlC8 of appoint.. opinion or both. We deem COltlDlent un. ' P ..l!l',Juo. HENJty, J R, watching and denounoing the "Money CIJUI·,laslllnt om ei.nch-ot~er, or about ,ten ~nlh" nt. 1!llmenlMl , a~lle, D/ld It Ii only ment aa Governor ' or thnt Territo.." h.. · . ' King" and ho mBde BOlne of his moet vig- feet apart. The oarrel'll1 rolled agOJDSl where the WllIh from the 1I111s fllvors ,110 decent 'J • neceaaaPre"'d t T l I b " f tI b" I 1.11)'11 r" volvl'ug bed ru\ 0. ~ , f DB oflt.rnto the !IItrearna that.waabing for 1(0"1 11M 1000\two ofbis dnQghtere on his journey. 'J' • , " ~ DI on ,ay or l~. oen InVl.e J oroue IIttllcks upon tbo report, We' t h i n k " , a 9 a :palf'! 0 orl be folLowed With auy. probllble p'r""~J of eu~. · :Another Instance., A y~unll Jnd>: bad Governpr Dr.gge to VI81t MaSllllehtlleUs be 18 wrong nnd that there , i8 not the ,dan- ~omc up from be~eat~ tlJe tIoort the barrel «ee. I_picked u.p. te~ armul;Geta hed fpetl· ' ~Tbe ~ew nadonal pro.slavery ~rgiln bee~ at a pliny or to take a ,llde, lind on re- during the preaent aummer, The Preai- ger he .imagines in leaving the Fund Com. 11 take~ and carr e~ Into the lItOry: above, men. ollhe ~ldlletlTlna quartz on 8a1t CICek is out, Elwood Fillhor. and 1>e Leon turnmg home, {he mol.hor law a !Imn)) rent dent cxpre"(l8 hi h t b' hIe t d lnissioncr" to fi.t the nmount It will be J;l~- ~mmedll1tely it arr~ve. at the top of tho bed ."d on BnO-Slbi,om; li\it they IIlG .. cry rBra, ' h d . ' ope 0 e a 0 080 1 D I fi IlJi momentum camos on an 'ncllned plane, and IlP. wberelOund ill strafe. . 'l'I.,e quar~ lIeb., South Carolina are the editol'll. both , In er ren, , .hould Congreaa adjourn in Icalon to ,per • ces!'ary to evy, ut we Ulve uo m?r and it roV8 away \0 ~& ajd~ or tho roolll, ble. 4talle ~ Ib,,~, J. :~~rb a :,.f~~: ocrlte. Jt is devoted to the interest of tho ."Wby Ellen, how did , you llear your mit it, ' comments. Able 'pdecilcs were made 10 'l'hul it W110ad. Jtaelt•• n.d lJeeQe onl oDe golrlYJe ,fllllnd South. and Se,uthem lbstitu&ionl. dreu eo'" IIhe in Ii. low tone. p8fl10Jl to feed it beJ.,w. It i., It ill lDlall pardellll ot ahnOllt every eonC$vable "1\ w •• done aCCJdentally." Near abc hundred lIouls uve boen hor_ Hawk?';a &c I do ted to it MIIIISI'I Ave the labor of five men. It bill been ehlpll, ~aJl'1 however,},'L~luming tbe, ~po:7'~Braddock'8 Fleld ... ·\twelve "C,~, you lIhonld AY." ' ried Into eternity by ' explolion of ryA' 'bb Id I R' •• ~._ ppo , opel'lltcd for Il few ad.utea 10 . . to hoill .1 ~ee'Clf_!!l, lcaleB. - ~~ parr,cla. fj P"ub 1 ~ I " - . t 'th' , rc 0 , anney, """,. .~ r .b d b---'I A'or iImidlla,w did POl e&ceed. 1l161111D 01 • grain rom h urg •• or sa e. " 0 It \\I . .'tlt, mother; for in 'lltling out • ellmera 10 III country 'IDce January, Tbe amendment requiriJlg tbis board, afe fa .... p ono t ou.an .......... per I",," of _ _ ,~,~bile m811J' of theIR ",era too 11m aU 'd b __ • or th~ bug", it cau;ht on IOUlething; but 1860. ter finding ho~ 1J1uCh It would be neW881l1'J It, IlOlnJllOdly j mat. three reYOlUtloD" .. be .,181018 to the naked eJe, To ~ the -{)::7Jt i. AI that t e ... 1 crop 't b ded b • \0 rai8e to report to tbe Legielature WI. mlllute, cartylng foar barre" at p.aeh ~O' ~~ crolVet .t:r:!I~~~: "Tmj('a Island. this yeu, III likely to bo 1 ~ e men 10 al to c of I18rvlCC Among the new featurea at the Burnett lOlt. It WIS then 1nO'Ved \0 .trike o'ut all lution,or'fIO IMIrrea.per hour, ' It ill o~r~ irnCQllIIIlue4 uJUil, no· lUI' one, Sho lIalt raked ill mOltly large ye.. . , . • HOUle. Cincinnati, jJl a Bulletin Do mI, the latter part of tbe ee,ltion preBCribjui at~ ~ the ..me onpe that i. lmcd 101 ~ riIneiM bat • bU.. " black '-114, 1Il1X~ grained aDd clear. SeVeral proprietol'i Yell, great ArVIC()Jl1ri1l do for! You 11 which the gue.'" are kept constantly p~t. the doUee of Lba Audit.or, wbich motion hOl8tJnl the ...aln. ~~~'W-_~b~~"~~ bUe pod ~f!ete if the weather abould n6v:er wear i.t . qaiD. and yoll bow 1011 ed u .. t lie ~~~. apd before aoy thIng \VU 1Up" - ..... - -..• ..•.. It.... III ~ uaalptJl8libn - coatUaue dry -- win not! Yolrwouldil"l be eauj1 t WI It ~ed In Ita {'lace, the committee SOle, and The "80 at IIOD,lnd.,liaft eat. If· ""dlla-td8l8Wilhibm,ruebl... ~ , OD,notyOU!"' o:7Advlcee by the] 1 arrival fiom ibeCoDVCntlOIl took a roccn·-JOUr1IlJlofUaW.Jaraecifcllla&iqlibrarywith~ ~:=:.:! r=~rnpli'::" U:7The Nia.. (1lic:h.)llepubliCU\ Ie.,.. "Yea J would BtId .. od '11 tee if EDllaDd ute that Jli. Pot1er dMt II. ~ ia . . elf .... l i p of t ~ ~ of that. tbe coJorec1 maD to . . . . ".. . .~ I don't. . . . 1Ghf. but t& be well-known luthoreea of the..:w.h O:7Tbe HOD Ro1tert W tIae ad of &at&t (~ .~.. J* ...~ a~:t:! ed all .... .,....,. tbe coJonII p9pU1.. helped. 1Ir. BDd of· Chi.,.. _maDT o&Iaer ........om.aod .... beoo .,poill~ UDbi' ..................~_~_-" t'
, i
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-a" ...
.wee... ~ I~D of c.. -.r, b. W t.IIe To ltbthnleClf.........
ftwed to 1*1 Jbr it." ,
it cJoad. &be ... ill Dr tor. iD the place fA apo,lozy ill .........."-!burth rot . . . . . I . . . . deI• • •
Th bel'lt CUTQ for hard tIllJ e~ IS to cit a~ th e doctor \lY bQlllg tcmpotl\te, the lul\ ytH by kecplOg (nJ t of debt, t lte demllgoguo by \ uLI ng ror houcllt meu, and povc~tv by be 109 lJIdUSII IOU
. . ;. . - - - -- -
All <l~9-tllw doos the eholtll.tlw tlWfcct Lho tllph l\\ al\ dUIV t1 asked o,n exqulBl te of II celeb ru to~ pliyslclI-n III New Orlcnlls 4 No,' I e phe~ the 1\1 t> Ibut It'" death on d- d fQol8 nnd ~01l It ~d better leave tho CI t ) lin medlutoly' 'Ihc leno",. s loped Where, Cl } ou £j uri a\l If.l.nor~ nl peo rle, reply lipan 1\ bull ew pnjlCrs nrc tIlken MOll anO children ItTO \\ ell Infor med oJlty II Ii 11 well s upplted W Ith newspapors
NI."\\ Yllnlt JllnCl 2 1 L~T!Jf"T!;QX C~PFOn~r7>- th rl vll t 01111 res
I~ Iy-1
ll'rDncl~ co -
rllm r.doli" Ilrt'
Lbsa t{IW (lOO - 1 hq 8 1 \UII Uepl SIO idllrd, nrnv tllt,1 hllMl lm!lortont iut Ilio()lle
It Ihe.
She errl~ lId 0111 10 tlngrl'1 III 8 Now Y rk he- brill ~ bne hllatir J p thou8mlll dol ars 01 gotd dUS l III Iho b pu.pngera A dcstrnctivc fire hnel tukl'l l1 pln,ul nl Rn n
A WCllver, nt ~rm G hc stcr, JIll" Just completed a Olllchme by which pautnloooli ond evcn contos enn be mil de Without the usc of the Mellie
LOSB 500 000 1 he In tim er Lh mutl arfl~eu II! "Pnnlllnll frolll tlll I rOllci co bo IlrouJhl do" 11 134 PUSSCll
on 1ho ;Wlh
TU E VALUE OF r IME -ThO\lgh o\lny 'lody ItllOW5 tha~ nn hout Ie alx ty tnmute , 8te~mCl· Graffith BlIfllf,!a . every day mUJwns . when pod,lUtry shnll vet few seem to I,now 8LXLy of thosA lmel Buffalo, luu(I 17 -The fine steamer cease to perplex an I confuse II nd the ob portlohs of tltUO mDl.,", nn bour Griffilh$ while 60 her woy up the lak e toOK Joct of nil stlldy ahaU bo to discover the fire about I) o'clock tillS morning, \-.bpn truth, It will be pln1ll wha.tllre the n tural There nie} Ilow 10 tlle jnil of Enms JII abOut 20 lmlea' below Clovell1u{! , ond WIlS casJes of mon The mummeries offashlOll Irelll l!d 618 pmo oe r~, thr e tUDel! th e b~ed '" the \\Il\Or'8 edge The mltte the crI terion orexte~nllls, the ~clltl o"~ dts numbcr for whIch It WIIS bUIlt The gloat WJao Iwam a.bo~e from tbe Qutnmg boot tmotlon8 ot wcnlth nnd fal'luly WIll cense majOrity o( the unhappy prisoners arc Cor ..elp. haa reachea Clovela.nd, and reports and mCII "tll be rcgurdeu by the true slatid t r.hurged wuh stenhng ).Ul'DlPS, pOtutocs, allll th.t only: Onrly five of those on board were ntd of moraht~ and practlCilI utlltty 0 her nrucl~s of food uved and thel., hnd to swtm n8hore, there -------belDg no othRf ve8llelli near to rODder ll18lltWbiteO eld Rml 'b tl Scoffer. AS ECVOTE ..... An an cdote Will once 111 ance C~jlt Roberts bill WIfe lind ch Id When the celebrated Wili tefteid was ad awhile serve for amu ament, or 0. mnxlm i' I 'drassrng aD Immenlle crowd With hi accut> for collfirmatlon but a uook of onceilotel:! h ~ among t e ost ~ tomed ferv')r aod eloquenoe, under the shade II I tJ l oti It II "reported that 1h re were two or or a vener"'-Ie troe 'n tIle me"dows at"'d or 8. ~Qn etcron y \\ It I lem In l IS m U I, tJi h dred b d .. U , .. Jlo 18 lrke au apothecary sliop, and smells more passengers 0'11 oar. tn~urgh 11 poor crentur.e thmkmg to lurn of sickuesl thlln bea lth, of death than reo un r ..f :wbom ~ere elI.l1 grants on their woy to 111 rnt~ rIdicule bad p~rchetl hlmRldf I.m Me Auecdole5. mllleUnS, " it, re pnTV'Q, tbe WNt Ir thiS Jail correet cstimlUe, one o(tho ove"hB~gmg bouahs right over sbuuld lIa slIldom and sparingly u cd Good the number of the 1000t mlly probnbly 8X- tlte prel'Alher's heud, Bnd WIJI monkey-l~ko sense IS al\vays U8 aocc ptl.lble 1\ It 111 ox eee(l tW9liQnitred dextenty. ollmlCkwg 1119 gcstu:ulatlon , en- celleut, o,nt! 16 sterling currency, ahv8.J II Thelcenee on the \lummg \"ireek nre de dcavorc(\ to rotse \I. laugb amollg tile Blldl- Bought and appreclBted ....bed .. hav1.., been ngomzln, III tbA ex- enoe Guidell by the lookl of 80me of Ius It II 11.~lIlble Btl yet to heBrera, Whitefield Ctlugbt Igllmpso OrhHll~ FUIBDcinl O n iUly. ca~ or~ dllBster, or to 11\"8 fur but Without scemlDg to have noLlcet! Jal nl~ 'Sir,' . l1ld \I. v~y 1)lttmato ecr dUlT} t () a 1 tla1JV culara It II the greate8t he contlDued btl! dlacoUl'lB. W,th the.alull very ncb ban ker, who was hilI pnt.r n, b ~ned 00 lAke Erie of" practised orll.\Or, ho feserv~ ~he 111(11 ' holY hall conlcude till'! 1 tter to J\lr DI or\h& Ene. lOme years ago dent flll' tho prop l' tlmo and pIa 11 0 X -" :11lP.~ nv~ lhclr.:J Cfodit by be.. t. t"lll ~ w6B exp8llalin cY at the moment.. pow, 'Say I have the honor of 8alu~lJIg 111m 1 .,;.1;-: O,. .,'f,-:"~Il:=Ju-:Q~e::-:-,22=flIl-=:-::-::--=-:-:-:--:-:::--:-:::=7"7"'" ea 0 e Ona.1_" of GrUlUt. er and sovcrelgnty or Divine gt'ace With 'V ry good' 2":" 0 We coUect 01. follOWIng ltema from \he ",thermlt force and earne8tnen ho told of 'Dy ihe by. hBl! ho sottl d h is .ecount I' ~ 8aDdDIkJ Mirror of tho 20th lllBt the unlucky obJect-iIlt had otten obosen, and 'YeI8Jr,oud" Itbout ;Jnnklllg th" IC/)8t _ _-:-!,.,.--_,.....,-:-:-:-:_-::-==.,..,..-,-,--_ _ AMIUDllth.. laved Gennall oluW. the 1IDIooked lor U'lu~bl It hid achieved obJectton' IOIae of the empte,--()nly lie I'oIe to \he chmu orhl. In plring '(ndeed' then soy tbat T bave tbe bonor old Hla clOth.were a when 10 the full 8weep ofhl~ ufbcrng yourvory bUllible lerAnt ' out iafbrualllt aoppoea eloqnence, he mcldenly paused, amI turrung 'I bad nearlf fOl'gotl~ to tell you that . r-'~- Iillll up on ~me fIOa&.- rouail.!HI Ilowly to the wretch he II very IDltlOUil \0 lee you, nlllbV e to • CatbI" mother.1IIvtber, .bow him, ID a.toue of deep and 1D00t advUitapou. lpee , by which lOme a;:=~:~~ or P1 perhe IIl&.f yet De the thoul&Dck -:-' be pmcc1 wt\hout the W • or hence he ~ pee' .liarheal rlU ~.g~t!~~~~\!-~~ WiDI ~ou cIoa't tay 10' Bay I hue \he hon-
CUra and 8300.000
at..:'Id" h...
w.. .
~5111!5~:~~=~ the i t:lG~=a==·
oC being. 1Il1 .ae.r etr
lIar_, lIftil .ar IIl1lUy
lI\Om the JPo.mh
Rl'port 1"0 or A,ncul ture or toe State of"rOhIo,
. . tab tbe {OlloWlDg extracta In rcla{lolI to the IIJ..f!cultura' prodllcta ot
prOduced In DUI'
eounty, land that aboUl ]'00 al1I export a. The a~orr value or 110rlOil ot threo old III. I1\>OUt j60. • IG lmp~-Thrl!ahlng mllctllnc" llllVC 1I('1'n In liSt' wllny ~ eilTS, lind n c\' klmls with ~ep~t8t7Jlllnd fanl attncflcd bn\ 1' r,:(cnlly been Jnll'olluccd Illid Clppr\lvad Rollers arc comtng llnO morc ~eral 11$11 A (elY' flrC t'xpcl'lmen~m~ \, I~h "heu~ drllls
Warren '-\Velt ern St.r DOUlityp' -helll I, rlncIp~ I CroPI,- CCo' m J " , oata.)I<)ta~•• clover seed. S.Whe at -Tbe usual ovnrlge , pl'l~"~lIlr~~ nf ",beat per a!!{8 ln thIS COUllt) twelve to fil't"en bu bel J Tho mt,st proved varh~tJe8 are, lUodlterfunNlDj den ItraW or KentuckY roqk, blue I;tem. aDd ~.ehlfF benrded. of these. th'l Mech· UmDe ln II the heaVlesl, oftcn ,~elglllll ;{ fro.. Ijxty.t\\ 0 to IlXty·fol,lr pounda per buahel bUt It I. conlldered inferior to the ocla.r BOllr, on ncco\lnt o( the dark col· or or Ita IfIPk or bran. I'relooverv ',l'hl. varlef, n.leQ rlpl'ns clltJier than either of tbe o\hefa, the golden atraw Th O) F ,U b \ rutd lhe Ji>0~k. \ D8 noxt illthert o the )Jcdllerrnntll111 The N Yorl( Sun rcwllrks -'.I1h:lt the nClped inJury from wlnler killing as yOU", m UD who leavel the 111r,Dl field lI)r well, if not botter' tlla,n any olirer l\lpdthe Il1I".r t:hnnl'll dealt or the Il1wyer'8 or docbaa been leA Injured by tho fly, and hOB lot's oill!)e, tblnkln g to dlgmJ)' or ennuble never been IItfected by nl8l untl] th6 presn ls toll . 1r.!I)(eil n sn,:! milltu.ke H e POSS(!$J ent e&IUn Tho crop 18 m08L hablo to ~y that tite ~. from mdependeflcc Into VdS InJlI"Y from rust The pllllt soason 0 II , a sal Hae He barte ~ u nlltural for lUI orllll· rletto. suft't1red from this ClIU!e, Dlld tho CJnl profession. lind he lIIust bo the sluvt! whole eroe of tho county IS nOl over 01th e cUlmce of CllSlOnl QI7.! np a t hp the ch lwe uaulII 1\verage y,,~ltl The most etfocCli n e ul trade ~IIh e r to support him ell or tl\le manllor of proventlllg ruU IS to 80W 0 nuety Wot rlpeDII elUly. Early MwlngJ decp covermg, and n rtdge 01' l'neVen or rough aurface' IS consIdered Ule bo.t guard" against WIOLer-kllhl1 Our flrmers used lurmerly to be "-!'IIIII"" inlle), had aU thclr whoot In b1 the tenth 01 Ortobe r ~OW, Illony IIOW In ;l\ugusl , bd nearly .JI lire done beiore the \\\ entJeth,of Septemtier The Meililerrllnean hOVlng suffered but bule clae put acuon from rusl, and haVIng notV(itheu.ndlnr the general huM-e 01 all the other varletlol Irom th~ couse, yield. ed lbove the- u8ual Ilvcr ogll uf tb W. becobl~ II groat (avorite ODe half of all the 'wlleatl own lutUblD i ••r till. kind I hovo Ivoted it th. put three~ yeat8, nnu It hilS nevor '1'I"lded file )(,B. than twenty bushels per Icre, nor we1llbed leu tllon Ilxty pounds per bUsbe1. The rye cOmplexlon of Ill! k"...). Ind the weakne81 of Ita 8Irn\~. Gre reol o~ecUonl t,o till' variety, byt botll lUll be Plrdy obvlRted by cutting o. eoon !ro tMPtesldent Qll£l ]UC17wen pi t'~ Dilto p 'he grain li out of tbe milky stago. ~l:lJe lJO(I.' 'it oj AUI "*11'Urc 3. Com.- The usual lI\erage YIl'ld per 'l'lte uncJerlllgned,l t (lnd S.e1'll aC)f8 III for\1~"e buah,eJII- The crop, thi. tury ut the Warren 'rosldeq County AgTlcul tural , ••r. bal been generally. estImated from l:lolllety,re'port. be to te~ bu.hel. below the average, )mt 'X'baL saId lIoclety wae orguDlzcd on S ilt110 far .agathe red la.. exceedod tho c);pec- ur40y, DecelJll Jbr ht r8~9, tJtlon of the firmer•• nd will opprollcll lion Illcorporilttng uJl tho wlLh a (101l6lIL\jfule$ u~lvplXld by ftI'J' Dearly to an avelage Ylold bolln!; '·X 01 llle llll\OIl o. UllU~Our fannen gener.f ly plant what they l/ or Dullnc t Soclet,lcorllUDllo " AboUL iOYCntv.call \he"la rp ,ollow, " Inll "large white," .Ilve dollura havo bcell lIpriid IDtO tbe uu.ucJa ~. havina DO other geneally received ot our '.1'rilollurcr, by 411 1l1u.ny dlnC~llllt lu,.II· ".iliatin ctl,e namN ror \he.altlereQL \ nnetlee VIPUIIJII, to COOlllttutCl th~ms~ lve:! me1l1 Th.... II blore yellow corn raUled :than quite us much more d Jlltdgcd, uud we white, A, a wholl'. the ye\1ow com ri- leal BIIIlIt~lno 01 the gonllrul Fo.upcnltlon pe... ~lIer. Illd II more sound Ind mote of{bo OllrlilullUM8l11 01 our copnty. welpty . Tile white will Yield morc to '.l' ho ro centno~1I bl our orgnul;':I1Uun ron1M acre. >Dd Ie ,referre d by our !lou!\(' dtlca It lJupYIIII\lIl~ jul' wif.. for mell. I luppoae tbat the eggrc· tll~ IItlllOQll!ut fL'qUtrl,lti byus tu prepu~e tbu ,}Iuur Jourtb rule au. amoUAtwown an the Munty il ubo1Jt lor tile gUldllnce ul I:I.lCI~ll"}!I In prcllurll111 1,~,oOO buahel8. and It" valne 852'7,500 their reports til ",,~ ~,u.le .Huu{d • •• Oatl\.- Tbe 1IIualaver-ngp. ,u1'ld oblJut 'l'be l"r\!8ldent ol9ur Sullltlly llllt bOlll" t ....D.'.five bUibelM A lIule IOIlI the past IIble to aLlclf11 yuur 1I1111uI.\l 11l/')l!l~ng, QUI year. Altrregate or tho counly i8 probo.. ~uulelY bail IllljlUIUl. Cd lIiI our li tHe £: lO blj S6,ooob uahela. tlll'reW, JllhD 1\. JJuddtl, .I!.i~q • JI'ur thO 6. ll,t! and }Jllrley -'\I:ery little rye 01 clolilterll~oll U11(1 U.ll\ s ulPillllD . U); ~Ill Dot 10 mu~b as tu tile WillIts, prospellUi, I1nu condl~IOD ot per acre about !!il!:"U!e,n tJle e~lI;ul.tUhU \Utero bi lhrougb _ ub • arrleV; .I!!!d~fr~w~~~rr:fIJ~~}J~~tllJl ,It .nd uu:aill!h hiUllV~ J!(II uut UIO 1 :Vllll iTMI1Sper a~.v, i;hle 0 r "I'IIIU~rl!port. leA. VllIIl price lD the nOlUclt ) }j;~l'A (;I\Ji.1 'tNTER ,P,u'f. about lazt1 Cf'n" per bUlb. The W H, UULi. tll'J'. Ukrala ry tIOW~ il ,.e,rl), InereulAg'. W.M J!j ULA I:l~. 'L~ UoI.1urtl • 0 ..... aDd Hay -The IJI'IIIIOII motlt J. EGDt: lt J', ) epproved for ml"adow.. ate tlmQlby, ana U J'K~S 1\ui:lA, , mlx'ur~ or timothy Illld a mlll\l,lre 01 tim· 0i'.10. Kl!:t:!.L1NG. i NU1IQ:) trs • ethY.IM a mixture of tlmoth t and a mIxDR S'J.'UU',L', I 'ure uf timothy aDd c1over -I e former for ED. NOBLE , J bofll8l l-the lattet for cattle and eheep, __'.:..-_ _ _...,----,.--: Por putaJe . a mt.wre of timothy eaa-IlllJ Clo\'cr Hoy. eloYer II Ulually lown; bnt ber~'8 graBS arid ~bmt grl•• are b~lnDtngto be ue~d 11 mOISt Ileairll" le al)d DI1'l'luw&Jat.1I u.uall)' worth four to alx dol- Clover mnlle. prOVIded it be cut In lIeason I.,.. nilllel d. one anll one~1I1f toqs per nr'm"r\v cllred: As a genGTII.I rule, It ~. 'l. Root Cto~ -Rotuo t's USUo,lly 11el d from eliht)' to o'lle hundred bu~MII JK'f .ere. JI".han nock. hove genenlU, bee-n preferred. t,ut rot badly, and 1 tlllnk ~rl' Dot 10 IfOoCl {or \h. t.ble os formerly I haYtI trTedeu ttlng off dle tOpl Ind a,'phca.· tioD It .. a reml'dy for~ rot, Without Inl apparellt effeet. ElUly planting II pre-
or ..
8, Fruit -T,he fruit of our county III "",uJ' toOCl: but our farml'rs exerclSc lon little ~ and Judgmeut in leleC!t'ing such tC'OiQIlIJmltJ!a'le klode .. ~ realfy good, end ndaJ)l4ld to ~~ our lO'l.ncI climate. el;l the whole there "Not Slow, , ... I ~uallmprovement, , Tho ClJamuoN rAI~ ] J r: bllno td ls Iho rol 8. SeedI. -Ha.e no data (rom lo wing uneedato 01' 11 J\!.!IIow911ar In Ih\l&e pnrl!! _.L "'curate atalement. " hI) w~lld a have lIeut.cn Sam ByUt! Inll Ollt,' _ e aa1 a.. 11011 G,von lum 'SIlt lo r n Q~llrt ' aeed ii, to.. a email e~tent In orhc1e of C1· A Ir,cn(! of <lura W39 I mg U9. "T1 01 1011{l b ln OO, port; TImoth y I. I\ot proouced beyond tbe four o'cloc~ in the afternoo of au ~cqllnlntnnce In l:iouII lh Unroll" ' . \I h \v as n, ol)ar~1l bUIlt fellow strong \lB \lOMe demand. Very lIttle flax grown. noled iOT 619 In ndmlltu l)r. 110 roln\ed of hUll w-cather c1 ur mg the dl\Y bn.B been clear of bll strength , which Wll the exception '0. ,»111'1 Produc t-.Ther e IS a gt'o\,m g and wurm, J have the lullowlIlg IIllucdo te turnNl C4re. of bls good lIaturl!, was ull be hud to b~ the~1l111 a&IeJltloO to the ~uetlon of mtlk Ind.buh fullyouer With a ork .waths sonl" one to tho IInl, "Do }Oil rcmom and II) tl118 POSItion proud Qf If he hilt! a fatllll~' (more par. llyr ~~~ \; I:~~dl'M!::i~~J$lI. mHll) years agol' V~I,.'_" !'''''''U ter for • clnciDnatl market. 'Vorl lf~Uc thl'Y aru \lllowed to rt!mn\p ltll four O'clock tlculnrly 0 rn~hng), tI10" on oOI<;r III 1118 eboeea made. No melnl oC alcertal nlng the next day. 1 then comn~er WElI\ ," r U\fl\\rk 'd tho Olhor, "I h\l~ e hem-(J ice cocklDg cllt:lloguo, 1\ WUS 1118 sovereig n the amount or butter II}Buufactureed - the 8watbe --pltclll ng the It \\ Oit a\lll c.lf/ccptlo ll- lh lll tlto e lnrs dlC,l not balf mll()o grl18~ ror ony one not possess cd 01 phy I The Dltive eoWI geoerally preferred for lD flukes liS much lUI po..ssble, OJld mnKln~ llclulllly filII , Itrengtb , R .Ii. • .1_ , of C9Ufi0 mel 110 'DlIlIl ),011 bllhOVC,)ll'" r Cllllull ,I MOllldlnx '. - _ky. M il k my cocks compllet but small- soy Ilbou ,aVal' 11 d d J \Yuh l( ko61>1 11Ig look I ICy hi III Illy )' 11 ' n.q 11 \l jJ cyes, \\ en smu. 1111 e Icato l.ri • U. Sheep I,TIcl Wool- The booles of Cljlhty, pounds , U8 gqluo ~Igga 'I, VI) -l!(ll Ql IU of ' on Y' (, l huy t.) the cock\ 81\110 Ilppeuced ~ Aluiltol ' MOW that theN! 'Ire 28,034 'l'hey \Ire then uncurel Illltv ll)\l clllldr II pl ayed \vi' • I 0 IIIUC!l. ihot .1 Ie ncatly raked 06 U,e " flClltUno GY-ellllll r tl f'ter' WlljlOl'. tIle ClOnVOl'i\O- hl!y ' YC \lfllte nll lh bIll}' I nlll ahe-r In the county these "'QuId Ylcld Ilt: terlng"" cleaned 'Up, Oli' I> li P. iUll n 81:.0 d nil k1nd dl 1eUt 3i' ~nda of wool per h~ruJ, (wnsIt- to remlun unopened and cocks permLtted ttOn turn d on fenlll of 8l¢n~~h, 'Fom llrio"e w t~b{nr 1\1~(11 l~f 0 lRllltiU g and wllo11y undlltu1 '\). "'--heL a j!huirs out at arms lellgth, bont ~ eel on the abeep'. bllCk,) worth twent~ .five ed, till dry. Getting Jeloll! of 11 womlln I slIre i Pllt \a li::'!~~~\CP~I~l U:', t nil' lUlls OIL: UII pokcr8 over IllS took '~Ith nPllorent tdeVll In h r hMd, II ho Wl t.'nt ~h ll Te hel Ol'o I ho ~a eellta per pound. Totftl value 828~m~,Should the weathe prove fuvorable. the easc, one oner lhearm, t II lteu I e ~\ 11I lWe n 0</0 lonlly 1)11 otb ~r, Bueh hou.vy wh i:l- We IIl!ver /lIlW 0 WtlO , I!hll1'gCO WIth J)ec:reu e II) t 'Oyeare 2127 bead. ~e~no8 mnklD~ will proceedr rapidly. domg l hund nlll llJ;;\1 nn\1 ull lIIgt1S 01 ull In t" (l key tQbltlelS IlS few 9rdrnary mm) could hft, wrong. \\ Ithout her bemg; gllllt.y 01 It' ll' Ie:!! 1 k lml , vi ueh ~~Clu~W\$ ~terred-c:oolraered hardier than Suony day. from the lime the 9ras~ ISond \ I I tllllI Oil M ill 111\11 call I cocked, the glorIed hlmeell b~llll Illlutuer a8mpeon unlll Ihnn 0. woek If you lour that thmg" ure h~ll r Il~~ .eeP"!- t1t!ece helvler . Quahty Improving_ hqy WIll be fit to mow 1Ullc~.: ~1~Cc ~~'i l~n a~:~ J:~:,I;e:I;' 1~1\!11 Tbls IOsures the lie ronched " pitch ol genume ~'lteltoment gOlllg DGt811eRnactJ.e. on Ill, ~bE' beet method yuu con !hlr- I wholOl\} I .,\or hun wllh 0 c111 entIre prelerv ah.ln tile tupe lind rohllge, fl u le nt! rll\ ,13 "Why, Torn," op ~rveil R--- -, "11 suo III to ~t up a counter 18 'ark ..-4),11 7 hDg1l were relum~d COnfl'flS a beautiful of -Irrltl\\ IOn, IIl1d IhuflKB hI llo 5 t JIlI llrd lOt Ih. 1r enllolla:g green e!Ilur 10 t1,e hay, great fo.lDO I~ not ohvaya mdlcatl ve of great make her Jenlo'lls 01 yuu As for ltJoW'"1l lite l'IlSI,tilRlld foe CUlIiOD Wll 1eart eatllnatlng lhele to and prev~nlil the stalks Iiop III ~ \\ III from &8surnlllg strength , nellher doef> a dllght /Jnc mdlcnte your brlllllll uu'. WItH 11 bcllo~n, or hllnglng n~ ~h er-- } en, lIod a d lilA~uc clOllI r . . . . . 1.0 pounds when ,Iaugbtered, ami that dry, hurd, bgnollu (\tEyl~;~ s cnarnoter wlllch tlJe reverse , I am very Bmull ~Id very I'len- yourach to be worth st eents per potInd, Ule wllole th yare eure WIth a trummel, don't think 01 It Wllyncsv,l1 , Allnl G l8too 1: to pOlIBells when mllde by ex der, ),el I "Ill bet you -supper alod champlI IV-11m wouW'Wligh 10042,0 80 pounde, and the posur t-ollho taun Clover l_ made IUthlli gnefor tbe pnrty, Ihat I can Cl\rry you MRS total ..11J8 ia t256,83l1. Our flrmers gon· PARTJlIG TOJl'S LA;rES T-Hear lng lffj'~B~AN'Dt1\\OI1:8HO~. 18 Jlever mvuldy, and evon should the frum thu PovlUlOn to the ~prljlg and bac~ that II young mlln hod set up tor btmsel freed late, and I have put the average weathe r pAve untavor Vltc1J' tho 't~!"i}um~1L r~~~e~litlll~i able, or even wet WIthout putbn~ you down ,....... too low. We think our etock as afterco ekmg, the compnc poor lellow, SOld 8hc~ has be no frIend t!rat WlynviUe am.. vIClnlly tdest of the cockl! "Corry mel" WIll set 01' plitt of tile time; and aho Sigh. Btock for tbbn'IHlyC8.. to cIIII a!l,t f'.Iamina hi pII-. tf DOt better than, tJ)atoi an} oth· wJJl prevent thelf becommg 8llturatt a. b... Qn hand :k!olof 'd, and "Ye& ca.rry you'" • ~ .. State. We bave (or more a fcIY hourillunntng WIll render ed to be young Dltlltn .'icDcb and AmerIca!! lClal~~.mem r, 3 them tiL tQ "Nonee nsc, my weIght win erush you" thaD thirt)' ye.re bad whit 1.- now call1!d mow J hive knowjl hllY doo"',:l!oyt tne &J or Hou\I(\, itree" coest'll In tina .. Well ll1ell ~ "Old Warren county .t.oek,U wlilrb tit mlnner to remain m) 100.\ ollt, wdl you It IS more dlffieuft to cQncoel the aens. out a week OJ: ten daya, bet the suppor'tll'll'lI ~.~ar~;:~~~~~~~~~~~ ;' tlons we have, tbnn to feign those we bave 1Hera11,. tIIoucbt to be a ml1ture of the Ind lull .lei lin IU Its orl"m81 gt'eennest uSuppE'r' l~(I, filly lIupper.! why you not. Clli.. _ IlaUia breeds, and an th" have Ind rrogrande perfectl \ y uDlmplllred. lIttle oherub, Weigh nearly Ut!ret' handred CI'OIIH tile BerlWure, lrilh Grazierj DOd Making bay In thll ma.nner Let a woman be decked With IU tlie em. , Ie I prac.. poundla, do you dare to think tliit JlotJ eon bellishmenta of C ..... COIUlty (penn.) WhIte. art and nature -yet l( tice not 1e~ mueh In rD~or WIth American carty me from tlllll PnnUlO Jl to .:be Springe boldnc. s be fl'ld lD ber race. It blots 14. ..,.-Ho meanio rueerti linirlg \!ae ranners , tn En.land 'we , SGotlDO ci. lod other and bIlClk.\v lthoutjU UllIg me do"n'l" IMII ~ . . . . . . . tht. head Some Earope lo ClMtfttril"a, the aU the Ii:oes of Iter hew\)'. _ __ "p_co ck..,. . "That 18 what olfe.r to do, but you are ...... ...... ...nd aIao th• .oclt!\J ha.e tem of dunn'" h.. now ne'UIYl luperseded to use no Iinralr mOlloe to preve~ no draa. Some men have '"-- _ I _ I 1 ~.IYQry IftK . lu ve mind. For a' 1"1. . _...,eD -l""'!'11 I a ...... evOS)' other, not ::.-~ IDllUlnoe. ~ C"How who bad .. ID Ule management nQtiulIlI lll.e to do 0 your Iega or 1I11tbing 0r to .... .ort. .,. '1Mb_.... W i ~. of cl0Y8r, bot all001)' 7ei11A!rdilf rnnrlling, ran, • door 11611 In Arcla other gr...... e.eo the "ur eourao not" treat, I . . . . . aw-. Ind wh n Ch' C l ICII'\'IDt "'tr ...... . heR ...ben olltilw bay. or u a dry reed "I 1m to cIITJ Y01l to &be IP.rl midi her .,. B P!C'IlTlDC1 ,.~~." .... tplte .. ..., lor dotDeRIc .toO. I. ukod ber '"benj .., udIIa. . pl the cue of clover, b.ck ~1J1 ... ithout pG&tfog 10U ibat DeW bonnet IIhe "ore., lie fa. , . , ou. wbich ....11... . thick ud raak; CD tiiI7 \be &be DeL to _ II.. wife 011$ JIIIt like u... 1I~. .=:.cn;~~ '-III . rork.wi it the pl.- or &be "That.. k Ie. Diee ;"" Uaet nile, which GOt D.u the ""~,""...... por. Ired ..,._ capital I t I
A FIDiily. 'Newspaper,
, ,. '0
1B1 I. W. ·ELLIOTT. ., "
i !i! Ii
i ~Q".
j . LY
\ .OL.
I.~··NO, ·tt"
not go, I IQve thee, , "Fdlbm angel/It Il,te 'niul'IIierod to 'h orse If. Thct,Beneilt of Machincr y (or aU HiU-doo' uperlltitioll. " ' ":":'==.=====:o::::=:f! ' ===~ . ,ill r~turll." " . '. 1I1uIle 11.11" '" . n tl _I . 8. ' Tho Ribdoa slicred, l)ol.lkll deelor~! t1il1t: . . • . ' '. . ' • U ",ver, ~ erie WO'.~ were Fifty years ngu wagel! were no better. iii I . J .U } I I W ri tten tor Ih~l\lIoml Vi itQr. ' . "Tllo" clln~t not hnve it, my lovo hi an- rmgln.!: In hot o.fe. !'nct l,ol!S,. 1 hu ll nt. t\).e nrfls .1.I t Joy IIfUI. tit tie 81g It" I e 1I00~(h jor IIC toue 1 of I ~e I otller's.'! · ' . • I I' 1 tlng 9 , taUc'! Ilway, aJ ' sill} l!o\y,ever Uein,. • ·NO. 2: , "'. , , . co,mlorts. lUI( \nX I,TIC$ o r Ife, flir more oua..:....tltt1t tI,1fnking of the aarilloil" when , " ,IYell. thou wouldst Time ile(} o. I I. bu( R aduii never !!p()ke ' o( Ii 'ult to obtni~,. A'rticl~s 't:!e'~ded bv Ilt ~iSt.!lIlC(I, is. sufficij\nt- to remo ye ' he I, ;;.. BY ! RIll> I' EMOIIl,D. " wit a sIleer.. . ', , t he bri~b\ ~1ici14 i ll a brlghter,world; Ilnd ut po~r, JnIUl , cos~":!J\' _thos",. d.Q.),ll of COpl tnirlt of , llin~1J ut 'the IilltliiJ.lg In ttlO GilD'> "Lea-~, c .... ve,. th~~r ti~le to. fiall " ' . '\, . . ~~ ..~ .. '0 ' tb" 10.·S" A, , 0, "nowest t1!ou. df him1~'.· last ·Adlk cDIlliretl,; " :.' . ' . " ' . ' ~tyo freed~~n f~pm', n~QChlll,el'Y ' frolll . gI.lon ,OIlI IHls' lI.lo sNg ip ;,t ,,~ '\*i. c~'f RO • Ua ~ 1 "' ~ ' nrel. 1 ' . , _,: ~'H : ·.. TX~ ' ., • • to t.hreo tllnc!! .W)lI1t they. 'dq, ~uw , Jlut.! cnn co ' ve r 'r: ' tfl ip\8gtnll~ b k , ~d 8owen, to wilber. ..at 10 nonh ,Vinllll The world' WIlS not yet old in YC(lrs, bUt' pr!dr.. .' . f~ hy / denJ~ Ib.~u!l hllAt .tho.~ not' ttlk~ll~et! BIOr&; ; un'd you. wi lI .timl ,t hat.the gr eat- It i/l.' ~f\ld.; n~~l~" ~ 'vli~ ~r~~8 ol~,sGil~gri Auci ,::'a!'let-b\1t al~ , i ' • wicJtednes8 8~d 'immorallw nd gt'Ow.u ' "Ah' I ~now hIm well! He ' is c~lIed n~to that hellut!ful lI"nd glOriOUS placooe €1st 'red\lct\ona ' nll! in those n.rticlel!· to tI1ougt't- h~ may bo' oight ll\lnd~ed Im~eB dil- . ,bellutlf,ul, ~alented, but w,hat IS. all ,IllS ,-.:hicb' thou ~roke wh~n,my 1ic Qrt WIlS WOII, whicb IT\ll,chinery h l,lli uee,i mo!!t l\C~e8~- tll11t I~om ,lhe river anlle tlfne, ia dellverecl 'rbou hutalllell801l" for,UHllnwn, 0 Dea.ili! " 'sp~e dy maturity, onll tlloir blighting [~M.. lb,d :;!!. enee Iilie pestilent coj"uptivn, had vxtelld- glQry ~ mIRe"! As a candle 18 to l.he Bon by the!)." " ,r . , full' app.l led'. 'I:h?r\l ' ill 1.10 'I!rti clo. of J\lXI,ITY frolll 'l\ll 8in, Il,ud is entitled (0 heo.ven. At oraU the' grief that .!lltdel cd ,lIS wide 8& the .extent (If mnn and wlier- -y(lll brilli ant sun, BO ie, heCto mc ~ S eo " Thy heart, 8 ay thy hnnd and thy prille!" ot: com,~oTt to Which machlllery. lin,S been thl! hou'r, of d~nlh, if. n pers'oo think 'on ..ht " .bosom , .' "btl'. u ..... R' d' e"\." t U t ' lk ,n • ex~erl8lvely snu · 8Ucces... lully lIf1phed,, .G ~n rlO'Il he WI'II obtnl'n a pia' ce I'n the h;"av· en' none II"Ill. with Ilelvlur-wel ~ au the 'of the t"'!0!1 U• II. .alpt gI 'IInmer .Q./' myseIf'. l V , I ' h tl I'l ' . " L.hl ..lh .Iv..., .. a h' 'Q b6JI, . w ..be ever ho was 'ound \' D [ 0 U , '\JvW I' I Clln t I IOU . 11 so. W~II C Ie p oor ni an cannot now get more of Slvn 1f a person o.ccordinn' to th(1 ~ ~ar -r,w , ,, 0 • y'oung Earth. ' '. ,··\n. ...'" t... ....d lost o· r 'I ts de". Sa.ylor'which: he sl~ed forth a peculiur .. 0• not te 1-t• .Ie ru~ I ~" (or, 8 uu ,l ~ '.., 1 b tlllln 'I'\ 0 cou Id b eli' t • ,l_ : - 8 of •the ShnMer ' It 1;1, I~ to 'f U or ore sU,Cu re~ullI.lIon liO gOlDg t').. formlty in 'the eyes: or \he kind 01 h~ly, brilliant, IIlllr obscured ruui':lJ11IlS or; Lhc brigh~ Ro.dus!" . .:~p~1icati Qn of .mac)lillery: .' S~lt is .n~w bathe in the ,~o.ngll; 'anu die' on tbe' .ro~d', dulged In.vice, nnel tho llllC~. 'w'lilc~i pllrtly surprised and 'pa:r~ly 'Aye £lllS! . No. I C~\lnot to.ke thee to je~s ~hnn ~ Ile tlllrd, ,Irotl I~ss_ tbnll oue I,\llf, IIhnll'obtcl1n the 'snnie benefit; ns though·~ Eden, lind ' tho, 'weel' dJuzled' the drilJyi,D'g ~(Ja . .. Sbe knew llot tll,n t' per,~'cot- vlnl)e; ,for ,n othing,[!lIse (jr 8hJttlllgS iul~ culico0s .Il~dd.oth .gencrtllZlle.bad o~tunlly, ba.t1Ied., Tllere'aro tllore tl!..i l' , 'dla'e ",ere (orj"..atteD; 01" whut to m~j{e of.such ~ bein,g. WIlS' be u true oun ever el11,el' tbereip' lilid tholi w~lt, 1i om one' hDlf to 0110 10~lrth: ~In~, lIetl - 110n8 five hundr.e~' tllol,lsal'ld' hQly place II be " (" . tlil~. 8S a , tirellm , hnlf forD1el\ or ~eing, Of cele.stlll.l mold! He eouM huru)y At.loni!'" ' . . :lel! 't~hOC81, lltlt8, C\'Oty tqmg m Sllllllll! lIto- Tjnging to, the Ga'\ga-the ~erson \vllo loolt. ~ bit tl h A h moil' por,loIlS., . '. . '. . • at Ganga, '01 bllthes i.n· tl\ia 'river,w.m obtain • • liould fade .iwny, ted. . .' . .' e.~ng () ear I. . , , . '. " . .' , " For~, y ellr8 'ago allch n.rtlclce of use 0\' IlII the. fruit whic\t"llrieell from V\'IIillng a,ll of ,be Ipl\1b. · rI'rutb no lonIJe!' reIgned amou~ ~Ie S01l8 Th?u qrt IIBto~IBhed. fllir Ada,' h~ : re\V:~I1, os l~U .canst. IIOt ir0 to U~e glo.r!- ornnm~mt U8 10~~d were · ~carc~ly:' k,lown, ese threo million!! iiye hu~dr~ l'hOUBl\ud deepest 'grief, aud. daugh~rs of Adam, bU.t nil ' wero eumed Ilt lo ~t, seqlllg her Jook of bc~vll(\er QUS lIuld. lImv con~entcrlto r 0 11l1l1ll With llnd, copld be ~~ r4il~ ....by ..tho ri ch o~lY'7 holy 'places. , By. bll,thing.in G,aarga. .. ,cIO'Yelv',col\a away., coivers (JD~ <i of another; yet tbe pll'IIEIloDfJ ment and wo-nder, "imd well thou thee I,ll this.'" .. . Fnrmer~' \~b.gons .w re . .cllle Ry sleda, their ~\, )th , prayer , a Wl,8 n wBr re"-~ Thua did ."e the fdend belov'od, we~e permitted to -In etrenglh' .tint\) their But if thill IIm1\ll and dim sbadow of lLdll's ,rlldillnt vi8ion~ 811 vunii:lhed Ilway hOllS~8 t nblllB, ~holr cbal~lUtoola. and boneh- move. Ilt once the lIina or thQu,nt¥l. of Departed memory cll\irm from'nto , "'.., If h I l' 'h i ' h .l. J I eB, bureaus pill drove \11 the wall,or births " . ' Tbl. of my thl!ll&hta, ' f power wa~ con,tr!>lltng an~ ~9CQme (be pro- my .. e . caUB,oR i 6oe , ,s uc, I f~e lOgS, w ot n a moment: ' Soon B e l lfnrne W IV htr' hung Ileros8, tlll,~ their windo\vs ofton ,,\n .. "'0 th.... b~h .... . phllitltr {orCA wh;cl1llote~ upon mln.d ,ani! would be thy allWmlhmellt, were 1 to pour lovo wn8 eXl(ludcd from th e land of beauty, old she.et or bllluk eL< Nuile lind ...lil88 'lost 0 e f th" ~ f '. , . \I .. .. .. ~t nuwe,rt D 1" ,' ,' , ti h d I II h' b ' , . ll ~ ,' ~ ... }" J '. " Il' II 0 e "1-.,,8 0 .neaven .. 'W.re ~winl'nl fresh y round (lor Imowy brow, heart8 C!f the .illhabitnflt!l or the el1rlh:' ,ort .l1roun t 17e n i t ,0 Tight gJorr whlcl1 . . l ie: tru ~'J ,v a~ ~W lilt bud png' be II I~o n y in thlJ80 (lU111 nud ~~bOf co~mauded F' llIvel: at 0l\~ ti ~1I on a journey. lI'0t A"d 'b!ooming ,rolllth) wlth 1)Y8OII}' blendod A,nd Il molllJ thtse LovE/held' prominence; IS mll\e~ A~,.thou 1~0~ld8t bti bltndod ~y rlnglll~ I ~ ~Ier ea~1I )~ke t~~~ knell of hope llul~. , . ' , ' , ,. ' . f t v 'i,niProve>his. tittle by m~diu~lo~i' , dnt. r ' , . not that pure and holy fqcting ,wliich hl.r~- the flOod pC~"dlol1ce, ; !ln~ I cou14 110 more aud ,\he souud of.'P1ophocy: Smce M(loh lOery h,llS ,b~en ~ppl ! od ,min~ grew mtel)f , till Ill, )e~gth OfrOIlG and Iny fall', upop hor clieiik cognIzed in th~ Courts of H\J~ven' n8' lo~e 8.dmir~ tllY improv ing beunty !" \, '''lIe is oh Zlen ~'ngc'(!" ' . b~l~er ronds, turJl~ik~B. rl\llto~d, nl '<If ',8ueh Tuvlshibg tllatCS Qf hOll.vOhI1 t Wa. mantlinil....wboQ tbe mellellger · Willi eent b t tbat lnfiuitel,' lo\ver degree wbich ca.~ "'1'110;) IIrt "II strlln~e being, 'I/Ild I ,vlll ' ' It is even SO"'I~'aB Iter inner thoughts W b Ill) I ar! n. IIp)ecI~ of, In] l}olllbnP.:Y, .' nve , RI\d 8uc,h ful~\ ~e8urnnce' of hi s ' i~t~r~.t , ~o bear bar ",,> the aile\ll land'.' wbere lounds ,u , ; . ' ".'" . It ' • '. i1 h' . . .' cpn con.. lrQcteu pte,lIm IU8 ell.u modQ crein 'j tlta 1\0 utterly 10llt the ' eIght of Ofllarthly lIute.; anel Borrow~ wall, no more . olllY 'be c~l1ed .... grosa o.n~; ~elfi8h, and sen- 1I~~r. fr~m ~hee. 1 '" nnd she C?lI d do . lIo,t lUg to . remedy her to i>ro~e l the ~out IIIlU, toe g reat ,ship, and rid se~8e of'tliis wot:ld and alJ of itil conAro heoni and ~a"ccfully the weaty resi. 8Ual pllil@lon,ruling tbe 'mJnd b~ a fiery.lmWhy WIlt thou lellve me. Stay to fnte ! A liubble, 0. gltttedng tlUsel bod led ·to give pawer to tile mill, to the Jenny IInu cerns 80 thlll he ltne w not where he Will. pulse which leeks in p\1YBlcnl grn\ifiClltion !lIo.ke l1)e,hapP her. alvny. itnil uo~v tI],1 wns IQst. H~~' lord. the 100m. ~rodll\llion .in many articlClf At .le~Bt, perceiving hlms~lI' .fdillt tbrobgll _ 'the .~on. to a!l~o.r before Ibe lhrone grl'tlaJ~ly, h. .... . '"ril swlfl obeYlld" ita plellllUr!l ,and only reward. , AlliS! what " One,so bright 119 iliou cltumest to be, bec31f1e ,unkind) all(b~ben she ,lI\l1d 80, hll,8 beeu rpore thun trebl~~, .and eve,ry 1\ great 10811 of blood from hiS iloae, be aAnd wInged It. "nlyetle flight" 10 realms un· a .aod appreciation of one of the should bebllpI'Y withoutthe nid ,ofmor.ta1s." ra plied: ' . tl~ll1g the luborer.n cds 118_S ~1l)Jen , "~Iule ligbled from hia hOTlle l and sct . down, lit . , known , , " , " , . , IUB IV nge;s ho.\·(1 r81sed or remllllled slnt.on - 8 ' vh I • I ed d ~ eIIh d &\.. ,. • . aod most exquiSite CllcUltiell of thO "Alas, I am not bappy Without thee, my "au tilen to Adoml ll and uoserted ber.· 'i'l I cl h' h b 'r I d prlUg, ~ ere Ie ,~\"~ l an . reJr e .J~lmMy.terioul, lieyond tho gates of Death. • I' d . 'I ." ary. Ie c ot' \\f IC t e ,armer III not Bille, earnestly dcsnmg' .l( It 'W1l1'9 the On all Droun!! ine ball 'boeolaid ' Ilqua .. (, /I()~ ,8 a oration, SIlW WI~ lov Itn~e8, It Alu5, her eyes were op~ned. \Qo lute! an1l. tou~d I~Ot ~ftbrd" now UdUTh t~le m~JI, of God ; tti~t he might 'there leave thlJ The bll~Y lJand ot ever.xanJng ·Change.. ' YOI, men nnd women too, cluimod to Co.pt,.vated me,llnd I ,left: hly Ilou/le orglory She IVaI! de(lpi v~ d II,l1d undone ! . . tel Qf.lIl S meola. ' , . , " ." . world. , His IIpiTI~' reviving, he finisbed SlnOolllui, lbe loved ~n(l]o$t ..~enl do'Vn "co be love ellc)l-.other. ' H, 'Y- 81 ever leeking to to WID thy !oye, o.·nd l>~ with the~: . S weet Re"d~r is :th'e re::-.n~t a mOf'al ,t p . tills.. T~ere, h~~ bc~n loss Imp~ovemen.ts lJl his jouruQY in: tho I!ii.Dljl daHglilful f.o,me / A clwilll~r wllil lbe de.d. H rrht AUlumn p~~ will Iter .altentioD, lind ,he Wlla I/.sslduou8 Ada ,be liut mine lind thou ,sllalt Bhllre my skekh1 ',," n~lcul~ura~ n )l1 l!ment8 ,hllr III m/l~IIl, n ety Ho ~o.B8eiT that ni¥ ht. ~yltl1Ol1t nny 8Iee\1! . led .', . : . ' in her eflhr~ to onsnaro ·him. Cupid wnll gl~ry.f Tholl. 6~alt gb ,forth witb me,"to n r ' , f~r, mlln~.~uc urlng p'llrp, e!!, but , ~~l_ Ja t~e tlle joy tho' I.oi'd 8~i1l. ov~rf1o~ving' him,' AWlly: &gain ilie wail ofwmtry ",Inda b 11 hi I ' brigbter plnce and in e~le8ti'.ll bowers we t' '''' age .of .mprovelllellt. at lJ.1 o.C unery , e 10 that he seemcil all JDhabit811~ of 01 Wa. heard, o. tuo.rflllLy thuy IWtlpt IlCrOll1 ut young In yearl, ut a I I~cu~tles "IJ b bl t tl t thO d u appli ed. to hUllblludJ'Y also, pread and 'o ther world. After thbJ a hCll,'enly 8eren'~ Th. ob~l_ b'lll.: and then the gentle Spring were vili~rouR. active Ilnu !I\!,ong, an~ there WI e ell nr a . ove 8 la ' IS u. an . . ' , meD~ bo, as ~Clll) as wothlng" an~ it the ty n\ld .Weet. pence lo~g cODtlnu~d with Came With a step ae ligbt, and full of WII.8 11 fresbneu aDd novelty lib,out his pro· World cnn yl.~ld! ~an ,Ad\lnlOlfer Was Jt Provldenc~l oiSlllbuti.ol;llB ntlt n~ equal n~ Jt m,ght be) him, ao4 for many yoars he called that day A, brllih\.wlni~' fabled falrY'lIl),ejl'l,llnd nun• . oee.dlnga wbich were txceediugly fll8cino.hop.ee and pro~pectjsl Can any who . T~ke, fo~ ex~nlple a ro~ng CuI, bre~ del- let UB rCJolce, !.hnt If the J!lch man MA .Ione ?£ tl, e ~oys of heaven I:' IIbd pr~fQ!8Her airy robe 0 er Natllrt! Il(rooplng form; ting aud entertlllnlng. It W811 net strange, lite of i:hIS world only! Nay, thou know- IClltely III to,wn, "hut up In 1\ nursery ln ber more, SO-UI60 the poor IDl)n "(lUch inor~. , lIit th!:\t he utlt\ersrood more or the Me 0 .£ PutatIll, aOlld the ~Icn," mU8ic b~"lhed tI t ' d l' t t t oh' the ~ at tbey clI.ntlotl ' Then be thou mine!" chtl~hood-11'1'i l\. boor-ding houso through her . The cot tage 'htls no\-t J>y , \he old of mn- heavon by it, tlian by 1111 t he di8couTI!O~ 'ho' Oler Autum'l flldiQl glade!!, and tho sound ' la h' un qrblls cons nn ~a Illg, BO Nay ' nay I' am Adonl'I" she Baid but youth, never aocustomed to either ~ir,Or ex- ()hil1ery here, whitt grent kill~ bas lIOt ill had heurd Qf the boob he ever relld. h , 'OfwillU'y wind'. low mOIlA, and Spring'. light cs 8 ollld ecome'adepl$ I~ matterl ~f : e . ; . ' ' . " , eroiilc, ~wo . thing~ tbu t the Iuw 'o~ God Afrj e1\, nnd whot . the . kin~8 of, EDg)1I1;l11 ' . . etep -,' . " h~rt, pr at lellllt, in matters ' 0 deceptive etlh, llnge~ell neat tbe te~pter ned, flll~terw mnk:lB o!!sent jl1l to he~lth. She IDllrrles~ hnd not before1bEj intrOductIon ofmllclllne," )t.e $ditl'~ llnd Renectlon~ .. love-fe gnlng. .~ . _. . .ar. · , ":. i '. het strength i.e not adequate to the de mands ry. The gre!l~ Alfred alit' Ul1 0n lhe three Tho r;nind of ·tbe man of extenllJve rc .. ) C.m8, mournfully, the thollgbt Ihat ' arlit .' " Olp!. : ' , A~I\ blld tea~ed tl;e 're!!'t of her' sex, the . '.fAdoni'al , And wjlt thou relip~ulllh all I\p~1l it. .l['a~ ~eputy (udcSowllY, Sh~ I~~' leg~ ,too), 'while' mallY, un E",gli8b or jng without refl ction, relembltlR" lilt , And now \bQ8Uf1lt\l r sky IS b rHII1I8 IlllO, . a~t (If love;wok)ng; but ei~ber ' fur , policy tbe ,lpleDdor I . eet b.elore thee tOI' g\ltahea ' thr~l)~gh ~er hord, ?1lice ot giving Ari'lfme!l~ tenunt nbw rechncij on u' giltfed army of. b~rbllihllls • . Toe matori1l'11 to' Arid cleor, *!JO\>e Ul~, plePllDlU scon,t;9'of O~ t tll j . . ' 1 .I" 1 . ' d' I ' t Wilt thou be triumphed over by lllrlh to «l1lla~lI~ sudldl nlt nnd wa tchlJl'" ~fll. U trle poor of Englund, Ilni.! Arhar- form 0. cOlllmundiul{ power are pOllle_d, by 84 80ft and eure, that lhere. m e lhlflklrj might or SInCOrlty, S Ie I'ISO nlme al connee n : 'il b ' '\1 t ' em. lind di.es 'e o.rly. IWhQt a sttllng~ IC~ Il~e not so \Veil oft' 118 ther shbt'lhl be, 'hoth but llre iriet'licteJ,t for' thQ want of or; be! , • .•. ,• with tbe, false IUUI of herll.ex~ and ,rertment : ,mll,l. en, .w ? Wi no, re- , tb~t ~ ~oyler should b?, take 1, m (lchi!lery 'I,s not ntfl\uit ~. It IS l1I11cblne!y der: The Il\lmbcl'll of the one, o:nd tbe ac'lho home-ofan13ela-lIlld, upon Ih Iinght herllel(. 10 lavor of honesty II) mlltler$ su.'cb 1D0.ltnltie~nce1 , ~hlD~ wel~ _wl~n~ III t h e 9 t life, 'from ber ctuldren !l that ho.s Boved them frot,n much great mls. Ui'sit iolls of the other, instead of f\lrlhet~ , Fre,1I lif, are Iloallng merry toneS 811 !I'er . Bueh mOIll~nto·u8 iPlPQrtnbve. , Thill dQellt. All ~tiat I ~, and Illl.my ~Io- W aa it No. PrQvlclC)1CO hll:d, o~ , lInd tJ:te r~r()rlJls w1i1ch ~hey neod nrO frequllntly retard t~~ir O[lerotitms~ aniJ . . Were wont 10 gladdell II Ib, lIuil f Ouna. thll~ clnlmor, whethor 'sincere Of not becanle ry,l now lay at thy file, lt mny be thme.; hud dlreo 8COre ~nd tim; II eblefty goverlllDental an4 lIocinl. er IlT" l1ui.ler tile exmtrol of their nQ1I\,C?,lIJe . . • . ., very popular amon a the hetter' CUIIB of but IrUlOU reject it oDce, thou does it forey- tetlu to 'rear he.r . Ilhlldrell, 1I1.1d 80th attempt to ~arry their , With power to bid mlUl I restltlll8 heart reJOice, ' """ L I Wilt th ii t 'tl" <lee tier children, but sbe did not t.he di ploy" rllthef Ll}en tJi~ cUs " ~ol jllil~, willi SUlUmur'll~oDgofjo~i8 hlunt mcn,~ud80011llmo"g tf\e, adlf\·lrhlg, thr~lllg, er; 0 a~cep I - , ' " obey wliicb 'life (\epeodli, aud , . · ~£ thek forceil r~ 11 are tbl'!I 0!Uf;, . .In ~IUIIVIt barmon,.. plalntivo nOlI! . there ~aa Olle w;ho seemed to havo , found ~~t_me ho.v~ tune to thlnk, to deCIde. it. , ' It h.ll~ be.e n truly sul4, tb~t a !'eal lloet li . . b .t b t _ When, 'mid &he-tnallllttnJm~ Oftlto r .., fuTO( lea lurt~hL 1)a~" 0.' WU ' 'doD ' 'Nowl now, 18 YO\lr ti~e •. . De od'in the 1p14i1l of ltu 1I0t far tu e~ek fo~ 0. eU~Ject. 'l'be ele0. "'UC ~ III 0 e~::!1 ':IJ~" , t ,\Ie ber fiwl~. ,, the tlliente~. He ~ad long beeu enVied. by , I and distil'li'\llalulJ ~eDt.I of bla ar1 ,lIro '1" bllU, and &t'OUllq gli! to IItte'll " ~ SCen" of Joy and , I'M . ' h 'I ' 11\ 'f ith bill ~tb8iolla,. · 1f. hlm,on' every 1111lld. For 1rim. 11le idelll ~1tJ~iP;'-:-~~~~~~ ft.v~ pft.... ~Iore l\le. Bright lhe 11100n ,t Ie eS1I Il 0 , pOI rtlodn °b. 1ounbg men" w ;. for I love thee for jar :,.tq ,or 'W:bllt ,Q ~d III, not relDo~ from. UIC IUltU'.u on"... ." b , Ihoue ' .' W 10m 1Ie a8S0C ate - ut ,w cn we spellK . ' 'd h ' I I natriki m'l\~ has b'E) b bU'("\JllilOI"1\ ~04 '-'I-~"ill Jt:--'Nay, tlu, III r,~=~~:~!~~~~!i;'I", Within the rlttin hali,' whore LOve Hop~ of you"p~ • let not be, 'Un~ehlto()d that. ; lIye, nove tbee , nil t ee on y, in the of lUbe olght,!?o f oet procIB~I.r b:Ocnuse b~"ealr, "dlee41] n , it · ~lIit Wore t,!inil'C rosy wreaths rouild ,YQUlhlul we inell.n .~l.Ich 01 are callQd f,uUrli mOil in thou ~e mlne1" . . P1l8Bi,lg hill dllYs, and tile coUrtsl t~ere. WHerever \l1ero IS 110 6~' above 1\ Qmi~~t() i~ browsr . , dalr; no, ,they wer" olie htmItel' VAnity '!VIII .exclted; sh~ ~ellred some of eating IU:lUl'ioue diRoers, a"d drinking h!m, and.o. world IIro~nd ,him, tbe poet Is In I\r~le I lind wiel", wellpo ' I' 1ft t~ And m.nly hearts have 'fnlnl~led., I t the form years and littlt\.atl'iplillgll or nineof her Bex mIght at. Illst trlUmpb over vanoljs witl!eJl. He every day violated ti)e ~IS ~16C':~ fOr there II .hIe exilt~lll~e,l ~Ith conqu~' ita roe hi' Cloti'q'IXJlli It.IIlf to OfLbe pale "King of I.e~ror." ghdod. uy, ' --. . . . ber 'if abe let the opporlunity pails' Olis laws on wbiich Ilealth depond:s, Did Pro v- I 8 ID III e lln~UII~fJ, yet ema , acquIred l_ b" II d d ' And ..w him enter man)" a bappy hQmb teen and twenty were consJ(!ered, esteem. Id i d bl ' d 1\ ' t ' I itlel1ce out ili,ll). off! Tile evil never e ds JDell~-its ever-tb,wartod, ever- ello,ved commfln "y elng CORlI,. au ,e , "0 ebro~d, with Grillr. ,dlU'k pall, the IItric]( n ,II, held 0 be and werebahiQ! . , , e~1 WllJ un n ura ~, an a er a Ime" 10 here.. The disoo.ll~s of tbe 'futher nril .onen. el\~ell.vors-it~ {ears Ilnd bop 8 thllt ,!nnd~r T ' . {d :' onu ". , " Well, AdQni Will! handsoRlo and talen~- rep e '. lr"bsmitted' , alid 8 feeble 1II0thel' rlU'cl t!l~ough.. eto.rmtY-llnd all the rl'tYlitery of DE 0 American Who, in hJ, ahudy preeanoo, Quail d with feu: ell, and the fe,ir a.nel admired "dfl ' at last "I w~ll be: thtne, bright· onej but not leaves l>ehh;d her vigorous cbijdrf)n. y bTightf\e~B Ilnd .o~ gloo!!l th t l~ was ~ver !lIIVIl~e ,Y,ork, m~t . F(!I' many; 1oOIl1t! ha e go~e to r/!8t, eince her', cboose him as the ob'ect 01 her, el cial (a~ ,I ' , ' , It hn, tiM n clistomnry' in Kolbe ol"our I:i. maile of 111 any .age,. ~r 1,1 ~I\y cl,UII ,SUlCO \yl!lt .1I spmE!. b~ WetiliornewlU'd oolled, But sconel, o( j\l)' IJ.Ild . . :1. d' d u~" 1 pe day mlllt: ' our destinies be UI ited. for yeulng Io,dle "w-olk in thi~ ~hoes; mill). begall to hX e • ,Ill t!1 ere ,not the fifth qu ~, blo ~eA1Utt to ~ . B~ie( " vor un rOgllf. ~aoy cnv ous eye. 81lW q . li. I h ' ll b d i t. 11 . k' , .. ' d ' • I\ct Of a tt agolly In evory tleo.tl\·1)cd though vllit liat . e , . ' Of "'1m ' ~ ~... , I h ~ ed '.himgh 'and roany env' 'IOU'I Ilearta orne ~Vltfl me, and t.. II. e 0\18 W tn~Jl, tE 8~<!C 111gB, ID -;01 -WIDJer, ' A it were .tho meUIlest peasunt ' n-~ '~ 10" of could . ,'Cb& 2tlnl1e. • e, or e...,..1111 c lange, IIv~ nbt ennc .. , . , td I " r blQonnnll' young gIrl thU & ilie"ed .><1 .. ) u • . iii. ' . '~'he coldly IIp'ilJln', melllonea.eriho! mOrn wished for III to betide bim ill the future. PU e ay. , . IlllWB pay. the pen de&th1 And ~re woo!l1gs and we~dIDfI8 ,ob- h ' I~ dllp a1 IDg altY' II ' circt.Mtion ~Id, fever l1n~ Bole.t e , that there can be cOD!edy 110 longer1 il . Id to propose a "'bat dOled her elllS fore.ver. Nat ro'. "loom lJut he wu UIlCOllBCioUl'of the good a~d . "Not until ~ Bce Adom." r}'blt l8O~allll' woll did honnoDiao L ' h" .iJ:3ee Adorn! What go t.o my enemy,.! dP !d " I ' Or tsman Bulldehly grown \\'110, that )'pugh- queiliou 0 man con~e~ted. With I18cldenocl lJIirltai--One of tholle who II00d e~n i:ho",gntB ar.d Will elof UlOBe aronnd hlm of ... nothera thou ahllt ' not lee until "eoll. a. sa 'fOVI e~ce I exe alln- ter muet no mora snake lils sides, but be He then thlt cltcutiiclled. Baeid. her. illlhat hout, with anxious car. ' him, nnd gave hlmselr up to love the beaut I" ,',' od her W~ It Prov~deJlce, or her chllMed oC hill fllrce1 MII,"s nature i. lUI it The Indf~n re]Ued f.ther 'fo milliliter 10 OYllry Wish oxprl!l8ed, tlful and flllcinaling Ada. Hia heart wos .. ~ aT ~,!e. . .• . . It ' n Will, and ever will lie. ,nut tJle poet mUlt Abrahllm; ancl uke.d , he pIRIeAllbli lier, U iuahl liie"' wallid. '. Ai, elto !!aid bers; and IIbe lOOD knew it, aud ~lth:IqIlDY ,," mua • '" I '. goea :1~1 r a e~ have an eye to " relld , t~o·se· tbi,ol{'" and a !nan' wbo w~a ~e fi~at ~ker. 0, i~d c To them. ill an"wer, wai, ",he wllbed to soe devlce8- kept him in terrible..-rto him terriTll811 flO f~N;ver. • ' 11 slightly re .."f mar_ heurt tb un'del'!ltllnd tbem, o~ they r,ome Ild'Yqlthvllry up~ertaln, ill"tha~ peoplo ,di!erHer ailter Mary." E8~thly wan I. were o'er; bl I~ , . ' "Why be 10 cruel'1" . . ' . l!0 \",ro ! pe~ hJm lind 'pnss from 'hlm in vatn. Jf be )Ias e I~ o.ir ae.n~me,nts exceeulDl!1· ·... he A tllller" love .Ione, IoWaI IItron~ in daRth." 0 ~UIIpOn c: But lit l.,.t ehe r,el~ea ~o "T s it crulll to "ve thee, my only love, an~ j~le wealllell ~I! lUclem/mt, ~ut pot a gift ofvilJi~n il)to h~lI;1l1~ HIe which rndilln .p'ercellll~1 the -~fltlem.n uo ~ to 80011 ennhe1 thouilill Deallils ,angel 'w.1I8 so Im po~hUQltleli Gnd c~nBCnte~ to be hll. Crom rllllln~ into the hnnds of my rival, a~d wI 0':~!~ we!r ~::k.:d afl.n: ::~~,for DO. otJler enD dc!cl]lher, then .Ie 1& no ~et, wive tbe ,uo/ltlon'lt~ut blllt fhj·tIt'J'8t Ill. , near, I , ' ,. 1 , " sa. 11 I a c .oe , "lIIg a,nd 'Delphi i!,seli canuut mllke liiln one, to e,cp,reBI la,~urp, ae, IInU 010 bim h ow 0 inwllrdly l'eJoi.ce.d anel exulted b . The mand to rordl as Be ' L Th yO\Ulg II d hO\1r w~en hlil~ol Wlli won. Hlld emg perauadeu to leave.. me aud make 'me 4rMB'! ~~lla III co~equ~n\..ly lJelzeil wlth 'IIU ' " ~be firlt Q.~aker;for lie would n '. e, n I ' . unhappy' No It ; iR '80\ cruet". . Inflammlltlon of the lunr, and the grllve ' .' .~ - , I • not pUll hilt to Haman; . , a . ....Ir known ",!lat .wnR. in the fllture" oth~r "I '\I ~ · th th _ receives heir be (ate lier· brl4111 days are over. The. Lollfe... ' -:~ drin,! Ah! bo;w IUllcI·did her ,ay' ap~ dttrerent lho\lghti would'bave arillon in "Tw~ ~ I ee to ~o~row, 'What a PJ'ovidonce!' exclaim. the world. 'fhe Milwaukie WiIC.ms,'" aays;-"Jle i, . n... 8 " ,. ' "4'lIIpanlOnl thin"k, tII.1 abe, wbo lately elpoo his mind. . , 0 ay ~ J 'Cllt oft' iiI. 't he midat. of, happiness and the mOtlt independent man bl the world. . , ........, ' corv· . ~ I' . them • .,,~tb • ~t hi,bbelllln~\ ,fuJI Ada ~811 ' vt'Oudj Ihe knew that Adoni "To-morrowl" . hQpe!' Allllil! dldllbe DoL- cut thread ofber Hie dre811 iii tlie 'Illollt ,and' still the lout ' A Fren~h paper al'tea that a abort une , Of 11"''' warlllllympallUlI, and Hcallh.. deep h a :... · f" I th .. "Tbill hourl" lief! Jlerselfl , WI care He it! careful to ap)18ar car~leS8 SInce, aD IDbabl~nt of St. Oln8r, Wlahod .Iow · wu , e ......t 0 ,.v Ie~ n e eatlmatlqn •M " , & • I I' I d A . • i'. • to deBtI'o, a 6(1ir whil,h WU I'lti1ltt too Her 10DI cheeb fluahi -tb 'ae I~ • Aer$' and .he 'wae vaIn of her cqnquellt: ' ay, Da~! q ;glr I~ ,t 18 country, expose . W o~ lItereotype IDvarlllb,y faney-llolh f!ll1110n. old took it to rlv~r tied a aLOde to {til I 'Ib ' ' 11& on" . g Mu 'h ' . . ' ''Then adlou!" , cltangeflll clllnlte, pta a new \lonnet.in- Hie hat he weal"lj .t an angle of fotly.five 'k ' b ' H! 'Ill " mt . ilk , .1 ing w' . . ' 0 dill abe exult In lIecret oyer lIle "c"A d ill 0 .. Id 1tt ltea4 lI'etting a flannel gtlrmeD~, A degree.; one leiorble twenty-Cour Inch bot- nec. wit, ~ IItrf~g, lrew Ith ,a ~ .. 'fIae ftnal panp "'.lIcb rend thll mortal frame! compli.hment of thll, the one first and ' ;( n ~ , y u not) I~ . ' 1 '. theunlatil1n'~ Is the qooBequenoe. Should tom'~ant. stuck. in the top o( hi. boot, and ed -aWav ,ll!'medlat;ely: ~e e •• golDg' !lilt. ,,~ 111111 told mc, 1 could '~lIree ' object or her lif.,; yehM knew Gl~eb~:~' up to my rIVal. Yea II ~ou the girl .jt, down t'r!inquil1y w th tbe idea tJre thu~b of ~ill le~ band illserted ilt Llui ~~:!'d~e~::ie~,i1d ~at!-:ae : : !~~~rni~~t That ,be ."., tleid; for bUI a few bright what ,wa' in the ruiure-knew not w S I. , ." thb Providence hae lent the rheuma1l.m IlI:D\:hole of hie veet. He emo.k.e.-:,.,.and "1d ' th' .• '~ 8b ·· h h it duo. IHad pueed, uOQ J ~ad._n herwhb.they~un. own'delltiny' bu ilhe di4 k ',' \bat "Butt will be tbinUo-tn9~w'" , u~on llet,o,r sll,ould 'sha c!'argc i;t to her w~at i, more, slnokellin tJieatreet..-~.umn1t ~~ de ~ epo t Ir: 'l ~ In ~Ith , ADd IIp\Gfhevt., 'Wltbiu the bou-' where thOM : now ,"Not it tl\ou art not rillnl# to-day t" vonity, nnd avoid tb~ folly m nlturel • \be perf"me of hi. oak leaf. cipr In the b 01, Ii:e ~ .,6 . n a .Itea met, ..Ju) came With 10wl, haarl., the ~al more ff'lgned tJlan tru~ ~ove for Adonl' "0 me l what ahall I aoP" ', Look, ~I young friends. at the man 'of f~ce of every laay he meeUr-lnd swear...,:.. t e hand 6(c lef;t.~ hll m~~th, t a~,",~a "Ki~ . " , m her beart, &II~ that ambition and decHe cur::.round her another IneeD 0/ his dileft8es thllt are lllcurred by lnternperuce With l1\Q" of honon."l8- and awful, that t~e stoHe Ii~ II,llpped, ~d lYe~A ~l~ , OfKiap to wonbip." . lion had led bel' to vie1dhlm the prom. of D laUded b '''hUle.. There lee d in in drinkIng, or ' in study Which to Dame be,ul\lawful to cse!k' Wbea the t.ide ollrlef. ner hand. Bllt a new era w .. approach- eo . r.. me or In bltB{D-'il a1l0 belnl{ cauaed 0/- that be'1I1am Ihe firatmln ou~o( bll b-o-o-ta hi d ma 'rea I!O much 10 on rea Til" &rat suabed rorib in bhter tean, wu calm, iD2 for ber and the w Id a potent charm In the e80rt he mlde. Slle ten by negtee\ of ezeroiae "c:leaDlineia pllre he wiIJ, wh~so'll • wurd about it. ~' liD. ,. t eli Yhar If. ~ - . ~t ."hb .~ 'piriL .. ~ roo. AI ~he lat mualrigorln' the Rhlldow of a yield" to the .trength · of ~e m"iic, ~n4 air; by incli.cree~ drCIt!~g, tight la~i~, .. with Iil!l1lelfand the world, R.O l:e~~::' ~h~a.::~\n~t!! tee ~_Iaicl die 00 d, ,till IbnD of my young ime 1 b thiDltiD f th rell into hi. arDUl~ He wat victor. . etc,; and alf II quIetly i-;oputed to P,roYl- al! 'he bu the. wherewlthlli. In ' money or of the CaitlHulliervaDt. ~r v, o.er I 0 e appro Here reac1er i•• 101ution of tIle 'my.lery denee! II there not Impiety I i I:"ell a8 11- frJl~ndtJj for a dflDk;butthe.e «one, he leanl ' ...,:r:.-:.:.'_ _~_ ......04. · WMn 1 behe1~ bar lonly &08. u mild, ID, hour when her deaires Ihould be . ted.th. thl aioplar "'eing ' who norance in ~il' Were the "hyllioal law II ~Iemnly apinet'a.poRtand IIdly 11mII': • lit i tb. P ;,. • 'ADd -k. u tr .he oaln,1l)' lIept-u. WaY.- compl\lhed, and the aclbe of .her OOOIl8C: WI I , oblerved from generation to FnerJ I have 110 home 00 earth, de rd B °R~ n DJ ~ e .pe tfu; ~ ruabed o·~ my lOW, .nd &om my erll reached by \Inion , with Adonl tllere ,"OD the fair, bat'vain Ada fro~ tru~1 duty would be an end to the fright..' . Nor nowhere elsQ, I 'IIP98O, mde 0 , ~:,: ~Ho~i.tOOf" IlI~:eell ~ fi Rolled, unrepreeriecl, ~ bUodinl, 8000 of tean. IUddeD1• apP.... befl h ( ':"'] ~ her lover. It i. foud ba Oenella Vl-!l. tbat cut life .lioltl and or tM 'Mis fortune foiJowlrarter 010, Id' "h J ' t II ' th" k ~ . ber faalUra had ~t~ bertheek glorlo': l.i"A.,r • belrt~ :~ I nll~ar 1 "The ~OD' .O' GOd ' I&~ tJ.1e daupterl of tillt mllad,e~ that tnalte lifo a tor. A. rouJldabout '1 goee! h~ade(l or h. !:rt~!~ wbon,'wo:~~: .~L~ :-lIdaot, ao a"'1f~y had T, rant leal· lik .." d t ' 0 WU , I men that they were faui and the took them ment or a l.rlil. [t II . thORe' wIlD bett un.r ' lI po1e that whon I d1~ , lind l' tbo knowledge 'that he .. lteld, up I ..,. - w!Yea of aU which the)' chOle.;" . . _ _ I Mid . . • a m ~. own e dentand the phYllicaJiaYltem, thlt this WOIlFI'QOl Ba,an l 'ltbe dflv'n. lit even fifty co(1la, of a n~sp'-Per' there . to .,..."..., on laad mo~rned a\oocl od rued upoll the dO 10111 ' derful madline, the tiOdy. tbil'lOQC1ly ternAnd made to 10'f aj)out ie however no one but I rUiln .klnned tIIDe:- ... Mart Wet _ _ who." btauulull" ud Umirintly, and theA .....lIIed: •••• '. per,' woulcl."dullly deca1~ anti'meo ",ollld 9utaide the Willie ofHeayen, f~1 wbo ;ould u the h~ ~to a . .~ta'lUul. lIO~"" &hilt . "Ila.t lovely ,nd beautllUl of ~1Jl1" "ADd thou, ""OW hat fcnaJcen me, Ada, die a. if .J.. p.-Mil. &t!gwt"~ . With none to let me ilLpap~ beca.rwe it did not Pr.hime .10 .nih ':..11 ...... me. dIoII WN. IImpl. She wu both tattered and ll&imed by ronakeA yOW' Adoni, uulleft him in belp• ... . ' No rrl~ndly hand to Fret nl~ hie notions, or bed_it .uaek..Ual......W-, to ItIart 'Wkb deej)er Ida _ t . th .. ala wretched.... !" No "oleo to obeer me up. WhateTer foible I!UI ..ate lam DOt CUi • ...:.: ' po... thaD ~ ==1=10 ..... e ....'u.. tlrat a"atatioD oflhe lover, • Gte.at , like cometll, are eecel'ltrlc Nota dam'd IOUI to tied mo. ty of th18 miileftbJit roolerJ:" Wh&aIa fall la .... \If IIic. froID... llJaa U'OM DO -..... -r-I!II .. _I.. Ad b h In thelt &Del are formed to do extell• ••• • -' " or~';"'_ ..: ldiYbM. e bllercepledher tlc"''''IIId: - . - ' " , .. wee er alve 8lOdea unintelligible to 01..W .....' ........." ~. . . . . . .~ ... W. . .. ...-,a... "W., wooW tM , daI Beace, Uk41 thOle erratlo orb. TIle papen of Pittdq are Let a ItroJqr- ...u .... of y. - - . .. aabUIDelJ ......" . , . . A • . , fftMD ODe ' Who 8dDreI I l . JIaeir be mt. at .ollie lea:g"UH\foD feel jn beiPfbe • .... ........... oar hda.. ..., 8ley .... 18aIt aot-,. .., and mlapnaent- men wear col "pta. aDd .b.oI6'QoC,. ca.i rc El ..... .. .-. .... tor all WI.; .. J,eotur••• 10 to 1Ieacc:o" -."hte ao-. MIlia 01 . . . . tWI... iii,.iltat.....,... ·-~·..... •.• ~~
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i'lt. St, the J15th. turne! to the ,E, ill.. th.t IlIyaa that &om almOit e\'ery !Section of tb. ahe haa ibe aud . mieaed whb 'a few remvlr. from the writ r, .~bjQct rtflll the SGl/tIIIPkih lltpub:- with • It I. v~ry wbe t gr~ing dislric!:L em the MllIAOUti 1t.o do aD; llild it ill ''"'''nn'l on the Dt 01 tho ptomabili- th~t b,'("r!! lbe ulcbra- I that ~ur rp/ld el1l mlly lee how the I proper anjd U Ji t lhllt alil/uill d~ II\) fot " ,I Jl1' It I . I v'· I·, v . , It S , II b tho tt 1noth j ng n til 11 uro j , Illore ctrtalJl th . . UPoPei' ,..1" IU~ 1~ J~I IInu IDOl... ••.,;" Vd. Uftll l par~Dt tu lnt~rpoS8 authority or 11 ; I tion, on thu fourth or lIlly, 186 1. mlln)' \\1111 'Pte. 0. "uP .. Ollt 1 tn ~ out IS rna. .e)'. LhbL }IO and ~I_ clJenta WQulJ 1.00 llluglJed . C)ar Twmll. . ' tile mO.Bt f1attcrlllg IIc~oun t. ~I~tlvo tu the] and we can no\ .~Ilrl i~ '10 vur con· ' h<l\'e guue from I hj~ w:orld to lI\tend .to tU\? e oBe~ rau conlllH~Ms: ,. vut :of court, If tuey went thl!;o with a~te_ ;;o~ ~~VI8fTQDIll" m,be fUfnl!>lted ~.lill~. present pro.ipl<~t fo~ I) boqptJfut bareeat. d(jmn tho. daughter if he lelLy.1! great ootlC('tntl of the next. '~SIMl'l.~ CALc;Ul.,ATIOII'. _. - -Ttle Gorn- ltnOJltll !,lOll I1r~um6nt III ho lIoa bruU(fht _ .....1'11 10K ~~. Doll ar DJlu Fuly Cents 11 .Pllld \V h h d ·J · ' • her father(il. . ...... C ·t· J'TIm...... ' P" j' I . "l 8 "t C p' .,..hJun ~z lUon,m frOm W lillle Qf "ilb8(1lliilli:. e ave ~nr rom nll.a~y eV1l1'f P0rlIOU home. for .unu bur 'ip1\Y It is j ll sL 1,0 FClna'rJ<j tMt aurioiphe whole promille of .,1.. ?~~11 .~o 0 .(l .. n . r..... or t"t>nl'!, 0 e en .. e~- ",.. ,tI~ .G" , 1M T~o Doll.r. w.!llll,o chll[Q.ad ifpllfllllll,l lle r;lf fndiano /fwd tbe nrcrp3 lI.re re~'8c nled provl~l'. For su oh cloremeniM Me of the oceo ion - tile voun '" I1S well 8S tll posde~ t~ n~mi~ -f:JJjIl I!IOrlll Ul''J,OIJe.fill~ ~LOtO, fcJt~. ...' . ~ , ....1- fora lonser pen d;· !$m"'lo c:ppica thrco. II ' b Ll l' ,1uI'1 l b ' f . • I . • • co' ' ull. lour ~Late:l rolt! t Ie e~ltu terntoI'Y'~ ,' ' ee~lI. . • . .. , liS, t'lIIg .e c . , o~ ~ nU~l er 0 1 eu~ a. otle to blame. . .' . . ,por~ UIlVllllcel! in y~al!S, cOllducted them· · \" hi~h ' will be sl~ve , SLllt!);!. Is it fur thol 'P'lbU' . ~c~n('1 " . , . , _ <'. ~ofore .. The 8bowe1'3 unmedla.te,ly ~j'?co. ..But the parent often ,JulltifiC!1 hill COUdljct 3c lvc wi'U.a IIUllh decency und rr,Ollriot,yas Nort!1 or tIle South to complllin 01 tlliit ur- The ~cn.l3r.~ hoa\th or CincllU'lati i8 u _ NOTICE. . ,.'. . mg hll~ cst has done wonderll lor all kind!> .on ~Ie plell thllt greater eXII-eriend, on bIll cannot fun to oonrcr groat crec.lit or... tho cit· rang('.mel'lt~ " '''0 got four States-they g~oll us It lit II tho mouth , <If JUM, $ener. ~.Il.,.e been freque.lIly ~ked. br au! sub· ,o f .gramj IIDd p~se1lt. appearances.soem to pa'1'l, enables him to deoide mOl'I.H~~tionslly ;zens or Waynesvillo,onu' it! vlein tty. .get 0110. , . . ' .~ _ y, uml ~ar better th,al.I' It .hlls be\!n ' iu ecrlw., '"tlhln tho last fe" "'oe~e, III what Jnc.hcate j'good !.lmos .. for formers in every for his dau<Thter thl111 she blu) (or he..eel( From Iieginnin ... to end fl'ol'Jd ord~r r()g' • The cornprolllls91Iifu rtlior proRo"o~ ~0 1 m\Il.I~ scaso.Il~. I. The 'Y rtter h~ had OpPIJ~_ IIme~"''' I .h C' h bl · ' " r section f tli U . N 1 t I II'li B 1"hilI. qowever • i>i. n mlstoke IIn4.cou 'so be' ulorlty and kindoc. .. , suppress the shive Lrll Ie bv rll~\lcurtlt o, In tuullIell 01 o~serVlLtlon tlJrou~h 11'1'.. me nl'lt would Ii II mon , .lI 0 ~ o. pu ~Ienl lon 0 ew W lea II J ...... n' .' t rei tl' r b1I t yeor8,IIJI d soell no d I"erence '~" .. oy cJte· Vurroll expIre mtianallllg' ut the co t I0 I e knlon. bl I' . ' . J , s'cl!aTlIoterized . . our 4t,ll tie Iablc 0 0 \l1ll b''':u Jr. lI og q In t e bealth ..me dlUe their dealro io. ~uy Iheir 8ttb~crip. un Y fI.-remar D.. y prom SII\g. . dll!"on.,trllted \\'~ thi nk. ~ ;~. jlut .the cllse 0" J tlly .c elubnt'?ti." . little COl\s.e~luCl1CO to 1I~, oncl. whi~ll ; h l1~ of. th e I??pulution from these 'Ye~rli, whi.oh tiona before thnt dr)\(>,' 1"OT inlotmllli9n, w . N' I" III un t ' '. in it!ls~ongest hgllt It w.II,1 al.li,Q~ thus : the We h~d no vulgnr •.. coarse, . tn~an, ~rgr!l- beeu dune by 1I /!!11:Jy, .Ir ~ot ,.illl) . o~ ~he ha\~e b un called Vl'ry, healthy. The dis. wi!l,e.. ~e thnt on tlls il7tb of Ihis ItIOt)th. (July) On ~b~ lS~·~~~t.oJori N hi c~~DDE~ .retit: PUT('lJt aut! hi8 E~pvrj, n~r '<1J'l th~ ,one ding: bn.~'II.illg nijd bnh ling, rilld other 1Ic,ls So.u~lieFn l5.lute,9 \\' ILh'il~: t?Glr tw n ~Imlts~ I?ases which ,oc,eur h~ ~lio prl\C~i oe of pllYllic. Sh- V\tilto'r wUl hare ~ en Il\lbJi,ehlld j,Uflt i~ rod frol'll ~I.;e\bm e oC P et .M t . ' '. thO '~it!e; ",nil 0'\ the olh(lrl tho Ptug~te;' 'ond ofrudl:mesiJ' ijOcommon 011 si lllils:~ oocD'6ions rLpU to pr~v~de , t~o~E! fl a"tu all~ fO~lhe ro- rllllli', nro geileraJly t.l}ose 0/ :the bowel •. 11ri'~D&b8; ~lld Rd'd: tb,!<llnc~pcctntiOllorIl 1Ilrl:jI ' . .C 0 ..as Qr .111 ' )/1 ~nfurc " : a'nd 'uli nutIJre' is ' strl)! e~t of in ns~ (III '9 Ilnd 100 ' revulcnt in some cllnt ur~ 0 ugl l~\'e s ves,'O ot 1 0 COOI- .S~ th~y &1'0 UIW llYS Ilt' tnia aelhlOll, 'Fot' lIumber of our 'Pau'on, puyio';' us tho npl0ilut plnce and WIlS succeeded by S, ~I. GOOD2, . ., ' . I ll' · .)It , . P S. ' .p , penonw:m of their ow ner.. H~ro w flllik:o llll:i, th~re Ilrc sufIleell t reaSI1IIS ob\'lous to' of tII"r "ublt~riptlon! lit or "beforo that umo who is weI,! kn'o\vn ,to tile. citizens o'f tbis GlIlhl~~S, the .:rlrcn.,rh o( the argument IS· plnce nt the prL'::I.e nt UntO , ?ut the ~eporL. 0,11 h\l!igliHicurit c.onc.c<lilil) lI , alld 'r e<l~ive ill evcry intelligent mu.n : \Ve ! nre In · tll~: ' . • i hi"e mall~ p~om\aell ~hlt:,~' we m:s1: and county'; T~e ·fact that J\lr , Huddan hos !II d?~b~::ly IVl,h the daughter. .E~peri. mC~lt of almost l\~ I.. w.us ~onllu;tent w~th the rcturu th e G'~l~rli.l)Ly 0(' the' Gove ~ntnent for Lnlitufle 'of g9° j .nb ut t,,'e ' SIl~8 lao. WIU ful~l. INa in tho pow~r. of' our !Hoodll had charge oftheoffice for UUlldst SI!t'f7!1tten el!Ce, It 11\ Ctue,should ha,'e ,. p(l,,~edul mHu· bellM thut Go~ IS ~he giver of b l ~8i1In.g~- the lupprCiilllon of e r:~pc~ .ond,),!tin. pplng, ther mal parllp ed With ,~ nly~no, Conilt4ntl. JlOW to do UI a i1:CJt fuvor"":'wifl you do itl..... d · ' ... Uhe " . r ' I eI\"~' /lut it ie. not ~lways a -safe C'ri~rion political and temporal nll well ns (lplrl tu· Ity which our poollle 'lll tbo border :Slalel! 1I0ple nuu P oklR . 1'111:1 hili! a(JwllYs beell' L~ • ~ • ren 'h" ers 1(i"'i' I 'Ii I unnec . . .• . ,' 'r. c.8r. los8 hundreds of slavos I' t' an d t1C I ba bl tl of T neTeareverylew pursonswhoareun abl \l ut ',rear".t! hEEJlry l ' lor ,, - \1sto. lind~!hence Dlay sometitnes lead . astrIlY. oJanrletemal. '" I1nl)~a IIy. ' D 0091't deerne d 0 WllrlnOlmlle, ,thl* nie ~o r"l.o ille ;101811 Bum of 81,50-by ellY W.I 1\\ .. l al,tl u neas e, ~lls dlElcb&tg- E I "l'b ( I iI t II July 5th I ~O O bel~omll us to .denounce tillS pllrt of the . tlln peop le should correllpond to it. Tho doing eoth~y will reliovo us 'fram c,:on6 iderBb~e ed Itias:dutie~. Afterh~'1i ng served ·tpeOlso ' :< l\llIp ell : e maJl, o . r eA ur~ . e 5 UiS " . . '. compromi~e1. '.' . el~.l/'/!.me lu:a.ts of thc p~y Ilhquld b ~ . avoided. embarraUDlen,!' The 'peper ia '!OIV permo· Ions Ih tillS capa,cilv, hie fden'ds ftlgret .I~nt the WDY. to ~nJoy I!f~ f~ to live as he • . For :tIll) L\llOnll VISI tor. IIAlld lastly, In regard to thl' 5t,Jbject of ~(l1'l!l ,rl8£ng : 5houl~. be I practjcetl"'J.u'II'" lives; the vO,tury of la81110n tells us thal cn· lheanulI!j" " el~very-I.he compromise condemns the cold bath ahoulil ,b e t~lcell ill' the _frJ\litl&.' neAtlyeatabliehed. bu t If liny of OUT e"bscri· thl1t he should now tleo to or to ' Fe 1 doubt .lta continul'nce, uMi! the 'en!1 of lhe Mr Goode in e t ;. . ~ P tI d / :~ ( jo)'nl e~t is In the tine dr.ess-the ball·room DOII'~ dmite ol our cllption g(lntlo reuder j Wilmqt Provis'oj ond propoacB t.o givl! tM' In c1iet, rOll at beef shduld y.olumb; tbe payment. of, tl: portion (If tire '$ub· hi • ffi ' " ' n _e~Jngh' ul'°-ll I~ U Ie . q -at the opprft etc, t ho epict1r~ tell UII thnt we ure not going to set os u!> no int erpreter rllorilll go\'ernmentEl to Utnh'untl Now Mex· red to nil)' Iiulf rl po \lel!E·' talt>leil. tcliption. mOlley ~'Ili rc\o!l.!e then!' . f~om: ntl' S 0 C~I gives notice ~ a~ be WIll " enf9rce tIlere ill notliiog equal to godd"enting· lind oCHllight vi~i6 11!j .. noryet ~s u spec:llator in ieo without ~ny restdctioll 'ad tl.l sIn very . bread .. frel) h ,blltLer, , obllgatlona tb pay the e:octrll pei Canl, \\'11 ioh till; J~w III regurd'to the ~nymellt or lIews- so t~ oh the eoc! ~f tbe ohapter. . Dut l'r~th 'tln dr~a s." \"0 ' blll'O ' Ilicked lin our 'J.'\li!~ jil w.~jllt Ihe /;l Qu:b h(lS Ilocn. figh,ti!1g collao; &c., nre otberwls~ l\1l!l be 8xncled. lI3·4w 'paper postage quar.terly t~ adllarlce. Mr., , . .. .. ' Y IT! • • I "1 " for ever sInce the antl.-&Illvery ortiiou llce of them .. • I '. ; : . • Hadden IHis, i'Nha ps, bee)) over-lndulg nt te!ls U8 I.hu~ hl1ppmeaa 18 founu alono 1~1 ~ell fora few lI~.ID Ulell t07larn·tc, Jllstll vcry 1787; lind ~ ow ,thnt" .w<' hnve oHbred to us lher thun To Corre! Jl'0nden4. .. . tl ;lJ . • I. ' h 'I b ~. Virtue Iln4 III Love. Now lV,hose eXJlen· little. . tho'vory tllllnr for which.we hnvo bcen con- do\· ised tlo~hillg , · ,. We ba.,e ,he unfelgn~c1 ' l>lenaurd 1.0 41)- blJlt Il!lJln re.8]~ectA'·~ut. l~tO ono 115 alit d y !tt ence shaJl we lukel T~e porl'pta BUY A gentleman or'Cin cinnati, while en ter- te),dfng, shull we 'yt'j eot it 1 Do Iva . cill im . n ul' on the Stlore be vnri. " ~ l 0 no wea Ith , the wor Idl'm gs lIuy P' Ieasort', ' fl ' , . hts BIl11p . Iy t IItt.' we mny S(1UW tl~ . ' tl on 0 f npo tb oJ' b eautl.u nounte' 1he recep I'II , 'h_c I.t1 I grc.. mOllY . persons I a~ I' t!Jiaillg lI,meet!' ill tho l·e.Llm oj drel1ms a Icm '0\\ '"In nUlll erQll~ \V, ta:,te A d tll. pay .IOU eet; truth 8ays V'Irtuc, tb0 dnuabter on d shorl t.lme . sm . ce 5~W a llllty ucqualD~anco . "h'III Ollr grail V1. P oem, by 6Ul gl' .. e corteflPon delit, Hi88 Umow t at 10 :l\V requIres . . 1lem . w en tb ey ' ure WI~ lin d as t 0 rrUI't II . IIrO', C II. of"Ple4lla!l~ HIl1a,'~ which will a.p- Ie Jld&tlIge ' .n ,~ews~apel'd Qn~ all kinds of N'lItu~e soy 'Love. W e IIny let, the (laught. 6f,ollr6-a.rC8id~nt 01' 11 sistor ~itY ~ whom ':8u011, iij the Cpmmittee'8 Compr~m i!;c, vnrio~8 xiriqs may . . pear week .ner next ' . ., I'leriodicahs, for el1cl! qunttl)r 'ID ' advance; e obe ' the God',' ivell Ji olin of hl'r helll't ' " ' . ' ~trlpped of !Ill ex'tfl1.neoulil mntter. Shall Ilrc npe, a11il ~l~eee. thO' II ' i, · , · " . . , bu aueh il' the faet. . The In.w also author· r . y : g ~, g '. he hlld lIever mel, but knew of reputation \V~ receive jt;, p r rd~ct j l ! Tuut ,i6 ' ~lJe gr nt ellO. Judging ~J the eyp, we thInk Annette tlf!J lYJ:e jiu ~alD Il;eglec,tell iZ(!lI..othe Post 'MAstor to clnrge tlVOcenis 00 ~nd I~ bel~g trn~ tp ~cr nat~r.eiGn~ l.l~rough o,!ly. A few L1uya. Qft~word, I)~ing in lh«: qucsti~n: Does it con tam II1Ql'~ of good, f thnt n 1t. mor,e. ~bo,ll 11 (C/urth IJDrt of what IM,' . 11 Jetters tb~tfrare, ill the office u't tUe ent! It, t.o her ~odJ sho WIll, be trl1o, to, h11t~eV' to ci~ wher.o she n6i'dod, h~ al}~v Ihe,la.dy. or mo!·e.of',tl\'IH ~t ti.ho\1f~:be.romen'lber~u cOlnes to Innr~et ourrJI~ to ~.e eaten, f6 r , Woe are sony to dltlappolil't "A Subtlcrl' ~ r h ' 'd (! t' crI: . her 'own IJItereats, ~vllJrlne I!lld 'hpp~llo!js. and without nny ~ttendunt CitCIIDlstllnco to t hat It'le a cOJl\prot'QH~e.-11I1 umtngement1exllmPJIl, pot more.than {1 tenth PlI,1l ofl·thu · 'ber.'~ but for ~ur own lafety we must·do it. 0 ~ .CJlI~t?r lin .are a ~ 'm The' AJI-\yi~e dO~8 'not; ,cudow hit> c;'ea.tur~s point hl1r O\.lt unto hifu rE!~ogn )zc:d ' her in~ \\'hicl1 \'o<luircs nll, pllrtie~,' tarH, Ihe ~outh Stru\v berries, ~his yenr, 9u~ht to lll~vtl be on ·\Ve Clnnot in&ert matriage noUcell with0l.!t e ,wlsb ~r. G~.od!3 ,.9ucceslI. In ~18 ~I • wltb c~Jtnio, powers ~ntl instinctli lor ~19th. sta'{tlll n~ the vcr er;~n ho had distinctl 'lind ~~e p~ople 01. G eo r~ln, all' ~ve~ l us ~ne eaton.. 'I.'hllO. Just look. 'nt ,tho lOu~c4m'.i~ JluD\VloJ the 1lalIlIlDle CtI 0 per ' f: cui ~ u!1i1crtolung. . 11lp,. All His works arc tlolle ih "~, hsdom' !I. h· .1 Y P " .. Y Nprtb n~d Ihe .pIlOP 10 01 l\orus~lIchust'ttB, to ontl !I' cell. CIt! rall~! The . human stpDJllcfi• 0 I "~n rom ., . " ' . . . , seen 10 . 1:1 urellm! ludeed tillch hod b~el\ moko COOgl'llSIOns. ,"Ve bellevc thllt IVC I m(lst be 0 mQs~ . oston i ~billll' o~gaD to Jioo whom ther .re lSent.· e ore anxious to Q:7We were unoblll to p~obure I1IlY in· ond ~1~IlCe all the faoultlos ..beP I\,Wf~~. upon the J'orce of the im pression, tho.t dil'flctly of- I1re rigl\t , '1'b~ North beliove lltut they "'lint if dvea! Ju'ilt loo~ ut the e'norm .u. ~. .~ ~otlaell of .lIl~e ~liTiagell. tbat ta~e tllre. ting Con'gressioolll or Conventio~!ll mlln~lDd IYc\e cO,n fered fo~ som;. end Ulten- terihe orMm n,o t61c1 II fdend . be )V[LII arc. rigLt. .And thbugh ,\ve fe I thut our quonU~iea ~J' adll ltrat~~ brll'nd1, and..wl~c , place ID thl. And 'adJoltl,nJ ~I.\~tlell, bUL nows ror Ihis \veok's Vi I!itor. . . . ' ?Ild: ~. t rol1olV~ tb.ut, all Ii disrollltl~n tl> love cert,ain ho would know ,lhe l~dy if ho met c\al!nS, are JU. ti. yet, Il.iI thO. Nol'th dooa not. tlt'ank Ih' ~h l!/ Cloml~luOlty! . ~lufl', ~hllt hns, ~t do .0 unlell! some Tellpooalble nllme " , IS found·to CItU,t III every hU~lan ' ~l'eaSl, it he,. Nqw ;the (IUestion 'is; ciw such IL fuct felll with us, 19 It lIOt I\sl'!ng t?O O1ur;1I ~t b~t'II , ~o l.np06ea oj 0. por~~on or Alcolol, .~mpl~jet tMm, lbat we m3Y bo cef~aln COD{es~ lo~:,of Well toJ'. " is proper ondright ~nd , lawful tlnd (or. the b ' I'd d " I " 'd I humnJ) nature, ~o o.y nQ~hllllr of It,$ preJudl. "l~!." ~ Wlt~ a UOl\on' tlrvgil, 16 drllllk all oyer. ma'there III no luxvDi1l!l. " t\ leJegr/lpbje dUiputch from ,n oaton, goo'~ of mao and ' \voml'll 'thllt they' should e rega e III1I!P,Y as 11. COInPI ence, W lell ces, to require them to Ylold every lhtng to ,CIIlClllnntr, UB Bram\y I pllljllillg tbrB by, · . .. ' ( . dllted June 29.th·, ellys-"Jt ill .StAted· on lov ' , nll t~yo, oo~ntenllll~~ or.. ollythillJ: el~~ Ilro 'our de mands ! South Cnrollnll 'Would' nn· loo!, whllt Il P'lll S of fom ent.l!<tioll i. pour• I A: . (!nd~!llty. ·.' ~bl", best lIut~o ~i\YI . lhat Professor' Web- ' lJ~llltill \'e ~vo Id ' J' d' r t1i d h- 6~n!ltlv nl~k~~ 'Ih/!! curious ~11t1r nll~wer s!\ or .No.:......the \'ery '.rc~ 011' ,v,hy \~: ,woulU f l \ lI1tl) the ~t\)hl/lcht , Her:~ IS u mnll c!1t~bi...lII W1Ll~TO" hili ph~ced In our office aster hos wri'ttOn a' letter to tho GoYel'nor tJ t " l' ..) ~ ~~:/...~ ~~uJd'I" :LUg" .th~ (IU ~tlutl. os t~ey .. ch,oosq. . 1 Ou~ OWII ~l!J, Evel'y pOl1qr 1/1 that ~ttll, tlilltl w," In~ Illqr-l ~ 'pIe, I'll !): O~~:'QI .BQur chClnbs · w, f1 •.: I.'Etl_ l ' k' d ' I .j . " '. i ' j r r - ? e op~, ~l' Il o~, ill " 8 ~e t e .IreomillfY powers having' never .wrou".ht \)(WO I~cn or ha,I\ rtl ,from-w·tU, . ,Qf/.e. ~ on- nnd· r8\V JOU/ih.. . '.1. here IS' nnother, \!'kj'~lg cl&I'IOI-.J' rom ..,0 r wra log om. t l! and Coune,lI, confes8mg th/l~ ,be k lied pr. · der.mer ,rClSort. lfPa is not wIlling ~o slU\C- " . .. 1 I ' I " . OUiS Il:r:ceptio:o ~ho Charleslon CouJ'ier- 11 pll'tt> filii ot JTP~el1 I;u~ranta stewedJ t two beallt/f,'} "'nd per(o"t Dahlia, ~'rmed P 'k b t· t ' t ~d :' ' , IUIY. '.stranp'e·'freu ' . I,t I10~ Iuompromill() "~ • \U I ~ " ." .. v ' :J ar mao, I I) ..'10 11 ,was 06 II mu, ur, .tton your chole!.', YOUDI1 lady ,jQSt .•.ell bim .. '~S.. we mve .\. scorce y nn t! ~ \lo uncllil , ".~ " huy• II ls1 ~t ' y' c cone lI(1o, loy rep!,otillg; thut we oht OIl one Item! 'Ve do l1~t recofieet ~f h~V'" snd pruiirig lhlll bis centcl1co m~y be COIn- VOllllre ~i liteen euts old, ~ tlltl;~eD(:J to Opl/~.I bl: ~rur wny 01' th e lither. ' . .' upon ' the p?\ln ~l of llcl§lI.' Bu.t it i9 n mut!' lIOl u~vllrc Jf lilly extraord.inur~r siuknedll In In, befure n'J~ced anythlllg ~f tI,e luod. murelf. Thc lett~r though }Olln' it is stntea . h~ve y ,..g... y .. W ' th1l1 k '• I • But us not the e.r e alone, ·..lInt 18 IOvolV'" ter of gratl/tcntlon tl lo L thC'y ~Jil be nbJ~ lo l l hc clly ; n1thougl~ some calles ' 0(. Chol'e{1l • U~ h ' 0' '" 0_ o .... n way. e n.' !fie w d' ' ·d·'"ucres, or wIlat"ver .. 'proUU ·' C.n\.. no ~mprclI"l ' .olI ISOIV I101'(J, . ' V' ·no- I10,V"'" ,OrC\.11rc.• d A:lIorrutl.~ , .. eave jUllt b(1el1 pr8llent- tloes not give the detail or the fntal trnns. JI i b , : ' le ' -d d e III SllCII dreanlY com~1 . ·l ed by Xr,' H. W. Prilltz with an '!If! willi" actioll', It. will robabl eom~ b W c~ n l e llI.n,ster, or t your mten e ,. 0 they m3Y, boo A c frespondunt qf ours ri!o tite Wlt~ prtde tllll~ the IltrOl.lg tit Ilptlablt';!t . Tb~ Ilospltnlllcport fo~ e paat ~",ofl;l.t iIIIl '9!1! This III the greatest . curiosity of h C '1 P!l' cd Y up e .ote &0, Ind b'ive tbe ceremony .",formed a~ 1118 conUy dreaUlcd not only of t.ho prociso 10- De o~rlL~lo \IR.I,er III Georgia, Ihl! Allgtllil.ll (Ill t.hrs pupc~) ,shuwll 19 ()cdlhs, wlllch 1iJ th ' 'tll II ' ( ..j, , t c ounci next UCS /Jy. . (your) bouse; he would surfll1 ,ratller ·do. cql!t 6ccu iQd 'b ench but ~r tho ver 0on8tlt~taolloh8t, tlu.l,\lgh .Qr~l,)se.d to·I1Gl,le. O.b0l!L QIIO thl ~d mor . Lhtln ilie n.verage." .....o~. e Ima ellg, Will) "I" The Ch ' . thlstHall havoyou go Dway el.ewher~lo y .r , Y . " . Y partso\tho o.l>l,llIrlJIll1· , IS :,ucllllelitoro- t 1.h oxoells worl! Cbolere, cal?c.t,one,or (o~Jld Inllde the large one wIlen brpken ' . . o.er~ t" U d. ll tfh 'ould h' hmglloge In wInch we Bfterw!lrils a~mlllll1' celve it.as a wholo. ~hors will (",Il!)1V the t.wo oJ' whoiol\ Were brou~ht trom IItnam. opeli (or jJle~) and 11110 the .he)) oftllo Jar~e I' Thtl[0llolVlDg,11I th~ .latest ~nd 0 lie· ra(JI~8~t ~':d ~ n I)tI~d~ at~ ~ .pe ~::d v:? 'fUlred IL reproof (or deHY9 ul'ney ouching an lelld ot t He Con ~itutionQJil!t. Du~ two bUilt" Ilntl LlIq QlhcJ;d , we believo \\(c'r u taken . one, caD bonen IfC .OIll' Qffice. . leve e :~()I!~ .rel,ill;\)" Cholera n_",tI we, , • ' it I ~o er " , . n . 1 '" ~ \llll\lla~c'l'e ill utter. , ,". ' plI~er{J i ~ ' Lh,ill . St~tEl' 'thl.ls Jllr huvlY taleell ' all; in onl.',.9t ~\\Ili Q~:y.I1 . .. '. ., .. ' -"7--'-:::":"'""-:: , :"-'~-:- . ~ ll Yllrecelyed Crom Cillcl~tl .,. ,tt S ffOl1l" ont.~, J werll IJl '1QIS~ .It~o~tlon, L I . D\lt tbe 1\1'0st r~rnurkuble iI13~Dn OO ·ortllill. :round!) ugnlh~t it-the t \YO thut we SIIIl:! . rile. fllterll\eD~ . lpolli .~11O' Ho pltal , for . Ohlo StR~ Pair. . t'he Olncinnati Dtdpatth of the 4~h I hilt. WDUra ~~ -.tep §vor tl! . ~m& ~! lid Brad gen· ~eeinill ~ cl itvoy:opt Qrl'Dmill illot' ever posed \yollid do Bo-tlle M~col1 'l'c~cS'l'n]1h I ll)(1 Bllmo we k Inst Junc, w~ro 5 J, ilnd thu · ~e hlYerecelved a..pamphl!!i .conllLining lt 18 lomewha,tBtrqga ' thnt the pape,. of eroua frhlJtd l• 01- oelgh~J·•.Ipd f,nve the came !ur k~owledQ.e, jll a. c!~ Ilin et,tee, p.u.~ the ,AUaist.!I, [tepl(\Jlie. . .. . iu~el'n\e-n~:iI' iu the city, Oll ~he 27111 or Jil l>' ~ hit of the premium!, l'egull1tionll, &tc. of U,)O city do not :givo more dednite re orta cel'f'mont p~rormed, .., up'iaih~d la6 ear in -a Oincit nali crlod·. . Il1dce~ corgl.1I ll1,ay Ut; sot , ~Q\VlI Q.9 11: l tiO! '. .. , . the rim ADuIlal Falll ofthe Ohlo Stl\te "r th bl' h '1 bit · , b Pd "Bu.\ I arn not Gi~b~"n ,ana whE~t'willl p y. " p , ~, <?olnpI'OIlU"~ Stille. l'h ut 1$ our Judgruept; In \lew o.~ tlllll cOlltl·llllt. \va /aWO.fr.OSQll ' . . L " " l" pu Ie ee t t nowlng u . 'ey 0, Ii 1" . til edt i . . clll and repubhshep In the eost, uf t.ho l(llld wben . ,he poople B1Id th~ prcs~ shull to be prQ(oUfld!y ~'TeDteri.lIJ fUI' t/it;; Plt.lilf\Ufa 11 · ,ovd..of Agrl(',ulture, to bo nelt! lit Cm- the'great oxcltem~nbt~roughout tho COUD. 0. "lt~ !lome etre" " fll r one~ 0: ~y drellmingof m~ic, whjch thol1P'li pe1fectly lIave tim 10 be heard, it will be II'Jlifl1 ed) of il ealth wl)ich It plense~ G d w grunt , , ,OI.IIJlltl, on th~ ~ 1q., 12th, tlUd ,tath. dllYi Qf try in I'egatd to it. Theso vlKue and tin. denl',. WIlI\ by all matlJllI ntll 1'1 ' 11/8 PIgh- ~trange'. Willi remembered, ni.t1" uttcrwutds :rhe are llic ~ of thu n!fitnlia3l~ \\,itlt \yhillh I lltill (lommunity ,-( ein. Atlas. Friday J""~~ ~p_beI' nett. Great preparatIOns are lIliisfactory Iccount.e but tend to I"create tIIen, for bet\Veen ue, we .ro lole nnly of Marcl and know,,! Tb'c- Ilreunlertl ill lhill tJlI~ country 18 coO\'ulsed , ' :I lory qClrlro t01 ~8 ' · tleiDg lI1~e ror the llVent, o.ntl tho ('~eutlve the fears of lllu . ·poople at ' D ·diltanr.e\ tho op~iq" that1o.~...ha~e ,,0 bu'tn~I~' t~ get ~in"ultlr cuse \Veri' two ~o'una ladic.,,· of Bbeelhur~,ll~n'{ QUldlll'.°lnc}°tlr~11 I'lltlt Qred ·t·' Q?dlbt1o nOll' t . I.:J;t· r I' t n "'h committee ate roakioD' IlrroDflmente o\'e'1 Oan" Otl d belt Ii I d MIU t TIi manl.." with or WIUlQut Pa'. ~nelmt \lotil <> • '. I II ~ " . h I Q; el)u tMY 'W 10 • lose'. l CJ n air c S I . ( 11 1!' (l e . ~()R .. e ~ • Q ,!I 0 et: r en ar., ',.1. . d PI"'';'" I ' , very .8t111elilor mu,lca en owments, \V 0 respoDl>ib ility who prolong thl) e.xc i~ ITI nt ' pri nk 0 ot11meal In Il plnte, covllfln · wa1 w4l't~y of *,Ie o!lc8&lo~. · Arra ge., Dlipaltla ...ys,' r~ Ire e,~.teen, an - II J':~... Gt: y, rlg~~ arei residents of the vicil'li ty o( WIl11i~8' !l!ldlh~art tho busilllolli'l of :logislnlion ....... l lhe enlirQ. lSurfll,!:!I, alltl QYt:t dInt 5I'rinl:!& !Muta have been mllde, wo lellra fron, \lie Altho!1gh t~ ...eplclemfc dClea not p,rev,.U .In i(llyhlIPl~ wlalle- you ·a r. 1~~~1,1 ~. It ville They 'mos t p ~iv~l atii'rm . o,t they Thu~ ..fo.r oogreas hb dQno .enrc.~ ly '11Ily- 1R\n¥dc,?fl ~ultiluJ~.f!\Vt Oi'> .nuoj o.t au e~ NJ!hlet berore Ut, w{th tJie'Mlld River to I?tiy considerable, Olttent. Ilnd II aOtblaa III !lub nee for .Y,:01l , If' ~ lflln your baa ,1I)\,or l\eord~ the- airslr tl'leIr drellllla~ thing, b.u t,~to inorllll'o tho ~pprl!lic.n$iQ 1 ol'lel OlllJ'ol), 111~ ,Ill u~~ ~u,t 1~ij'11 Iy. 'l'l~i'\l ad LUti Erle....lndJ.i.tJ.bl~" • x... llasp~D]ent 'lIS repteaented ·b.Y~~ ae~JIlto Ute I IJClU-m one u{ whioh wils' IL ,~llole tune IL d w~s $i! prop!" f\>r the sl1rety of the Union. In. ,(1 ~e(l shllll I,v ·vet'selll or soucers ()on lal!l ' ela IDa - Columbll' &all Ro&~ ,COItlp~lea, rumor. v~~ .~J!nt ~ .lItcm~1jJoamijJnt \lr~ ll1.lsa.t I 9 I; for . ,. ave \0 rigla t '. ., ' Q ~eod" it wore better lhllt it' hull: hot l1)ct n.t. Illg tho \V~ulr .ne~I' by. In ~ few un}'" thr tnulllpOrt:,/n!!!! oj ch4rge, al. animals 'lind IItckDifii a~roud In .ib., town. Several of (0 0 II1(:b I·thing. We fear I19m.s of tile lelll'ned jusVrqm ~h~ dream. IIntl IlCtet\\'~rdiil all. 80' f~st nS ll ny g.oud i :lau~ I\llcol1ip.II~III~d rn~chcs \\'111 dI8~pp(ldr. TIII~ bo.l beeu.ttl':' &I'd Wd-I ....ed ~ th hi'" • d the hllncW I~ the Dillpatch otlce are ~llled dear ,tHUe on" ",ill ppUt« wee bIt \II fu ll:oved to be 11 very ~'o~uinr Tel1\,peronc~ i1 corcerlleu. ShUll the publi ci busi,nQRS !;d and found. ~lTt;'elulI l . o .., - or e ez ~ ~on, Il~_ oue oft' by thll ! lc1coeaof th~m..lve,$ or friend." • ' . ' . • ' .. " •~ air. N o\\' every mU~lcl,\n knows It to be be further 9U pendell for pl1~J10ge8 of ogitn. ~. bllfthe!llUll Omt wUl be, c~ w pcr- We rept to learn too th~t two of o~r QUI' 9P1010tis, Inl~ we can t belp. it, . we utterly impos8ible that. any ' two 'tuhes tfc?b'! Shoji w.o.~never hnvu penco! We . A Sl~ .. ht Dh ~e, IOU IttJulli. the show, w ~'7 take evenln, neighbol'll are e~n8ned IIlnell', m1UJ c18' whst we thlri~ OJ' ,IY nothing. ' lIhould llal'peTl rto ~e the' eaole e.\'en thou"h tru8t th,e people wil! !!pna l, out !l 90 raNdl . ~ Fort L l1rMlI~ Jett~l' Slvlllg an account . .ta la the extra tnIM, Article. "81Ip- tor ,'. we before Itaye IIOld, newspaper fJlen Do not c'-OOII~ a pel'lUn or bad hllbl~, how- J ' . l ' ." " ll1embcra of O'Ollgr s~ to their duty" 01 the gran t cmlgrlltl u nOw t!\ycel'!nl!' .~Uor the allow will be trllbSJ'brted Oq the blye enough of hUll'!an IJh.~ wi~out , the eve" nODe of you, ~r yqu wtll .pent It .. IlIJg e atraID. . . . ' . ,.. •••• .' _. . O\'er thc .PI~illfl to CnTifornill. 6ny .. : -"Tho eli' f of tJut,State rre rtoll . . paina and penaltj!!11 of .Ickne.,s. ~' wbetbeT"Pa i. willing or nO~I ' lJ~ t of thi; TheBe f!Jcts to . U8, I~expll c~ble , ,.,~c set Si r ,J oJto .fi1 rulIliIl n RC]lorted Snfc', tndl ous b~gln tq t~lI, ilL 0'!ligt~titlg to til" &a . e «I ~ . I . . I . 'i ~ t ti . . . down (It! of some Importlnce, froo\ LhI8c(lnThO' D at:eIIPQ,tJ (Englu n\J) 1114spehdent .li!n:.;t, as I.ll l;'y 41) not beltc"G Ih nt many , The plaCe of QIrlbI\loaa II Oll)bQ ~I,te. of Cl:7:Wb~re ~n wo get a" ~.~ul thllt .n a u ure n~~ er· ' 6iderlltib~,~lhe' minll like the .plih lcnf Ys. publishes the fu lluwing extr(1ct 'I'rolb'-a let. morc whi.tl!fl pan b~· left .in th,at portiQil at' . : C..p W"Ua~1 aboO~ " ",:o ~~ allalf WOD' upllet1. )Ve ,,,,ouJ~ give 10m\!t1iing .' .. " ~'or thh ulII!ll ,illilpr" · 1em;enn never be 'Uio~oughl)' u,nder.atolld, ter·.:recwyod ~y !01r. G0<I'gll 'l'uc1iQr ,or lho coull try!' . • 'leefiom\h,C60u.,oftllecltl.lnt.buvll. lokl1owl .. . . , ._ .. ~~e~t, ct.fQlf.t~.'n:,e. lIV.ule , . IIparl. rt.o.monillveait~gntiollo~, .n otnnlvit.... Pem.brok13 ,""t: Dllvan.port, ~tltc~l.lh~!!' ~ ) 'd " • .1. U. I C at Th . 'II.fe. E At til':loCk I i , . . ~ ,. J{ Feb 8 ~ 1 I p oomo 11 0 lall efincu polioy to "consillt ·Ie.y or HiD creelr_Olhu' ..,1Ub aD . . " . ! ~. • DIrOJl.we v~ 0 (' ., on ortlillalY~ bllt n.ltso ItIS 'extrllort!ln'ury condi.' .I o.ng" ..' L • rom JlS 80n, ~\' 10 JS m!1~' ill lJerl'illg God ill such. Il man .e r "s Ilol t~ . -nUare-'ncipall'C(I't'er8!l,.lth.norThundilY the '!fourtb.." u..~UclftbeM. . . . , . 4< \or8~8818fQtl'~onboardht'rMrJfu"tY'8 sTlIl) ru d" II . ,.. ~ ...... r·~ . . " G "'..qJ'8b. .~liraluiDt!. tlolla, .'., '" '" HlIlIlang ' " OuCJ1 ;;:)utOI1. . abucl ,Qf 1.Jr" ,pplea treea, which win " IJI.! . r-Wil, ~ truly enterprilliJlgpub- E. Ohurch r8Jtg for tbe ......blin,'· of tile . , ' .. IW " , ' . 1 . . ,~ , ~=====;==~=::::=~::;:=~ Coni_ ....rus aWe. 'Fif\eea 1U8I wOI !laher ofuGrabam'. !lapzine'" hu llgaln teA~b~n a~iI achlJlm, o~ the ..Sab~llth . IAn ItleJD ~~:af.:;,::kt:fh;ci of New an, A~e~f:a~J~~tor::e~~e ;he ~~r~~~~~~$ ji~ IJ' . • b be ...~.bJ • blcJ1 lioardr fence, and laid \IS uai!eubligatlon., tile p....enta. 8Gtlool~ at ~~ynemlle. Purtftint to al" York~ ll18t \~eek, Lo llDtuvel thOl:ystery of J~bn !raohlin o,nd hie pl1rty ut the Sunilthe aec-UJ fist~., p.n., .tabI8,l,"4c. tlCln of aDotber laree menutmt engraViill tllngall1enta tlielllll~e; '· ab(jut ono hundret! tho knockinga Dec;lnrotionll huving peen wlch 1811.\il~S' T~;lY aoluteJ t1111t pl UM inkOtt niU x P U i Q wlllB-DPmrlcled for the .cioomliu~dation of l141nc!hell wide'by 18 illcheallong.;),"rhie plc'~ 'Dd . ae'8Dty.~ve childrop, u¥ei th~ eb~ge very ireely m~de tllllt Mrs. Fish lind llcr medinlely Oil anchoril1g, uner (In absl:el1ce 11 no T a~ ~m~D • jl. ' ,-1-' ' . • d tb U d . , I! k. th . . . . ' "', " .1 '1',' L df five y~nl's d LIt ODono IIlIno 2D ..... ; .&ock. . Tbtoe larr. call"". \e~t~ wlU be .~re, 1111 e o~~ ~o ce a .,ew . WI'8 0 el~ rellpectlve t~.chel? ."d otl~e IWho IIlste~ w~re arrul~t Impostors" an'l.Ha~ it h- . ' . 'fhry . ' bad d'· Illcovcre e An /iddrcSij ~~ ' th o Quee n ex "r()slIill 111·erecttd on the'gtf) at, nine" feet w ide by: ,atnce "'Ill hQ. gtv~n as " preUllum to cl~1 klndJy ..,ll1tf1i1, ml uhed )n'.• o''Cilrglnlzed .they \Voulil submIt, to (t fait unmlMtlo" ~~r,t Jjw est t pjl!l!~ge~. bnl~at p.r0t.l~lIloly the~ jit foction wilh Ellgl~/l4 lI.'1 d."a rle$~q to ~d ud .twenty r•• IQIl~' one of 'lIu"seribe~ to the · H.gaiiue commencing pro_ilion, t~, ~old Spring, . /about ~ t~ey ~oUdld oe pr~ve'\lIloJdtlhey; , ~6cIlPtYle{l ,the th::hll~~:g;ofb~nn~~fy 11:~~~lyl(~n~s par~~lo", ()on~inua He llrese'nl rel~ti ons, WWI ullppted . .1.. H ,. I 1 ~L' th J i b th I t it' Ii ' , ' b 'I.e ',. I " gage, an ,ap\ln1u~r. o( 0 fl8 anu gent el1)en, . r ., , . , .., h , Ly 1\ vote of 41 t 0 J1 . '.. wbieb w1U be devot¥ t.o..,e or\,eIl turl W""' e u y num el'. ele p c urea are merom to"' D on t e liallon J:(~ad, n ~ strun' ers, to . tbemj waited upon them' lit ",.aptain ofthl) ,wblller. in formed \IS 'lint Sir . • . . . c!eputment, one t.o ManQf'~u"", and t"e aloD~ worth the aublcriptioll"p.lce, whi~b grove belongmlr to lQel J1;,~ ;.p~e !lite theIr ~OO~II. , The-;a'entlentfm were 'so'on Jobn . Frollkl\u dispatceed bill Orilt.liouteu~ho ~G~1l ,ah!p sUllan~ bClween .L1Ve.r• uc ok for 'Ule use of the apeakere, and the i8 Tliree DoUan, ply.ble In"edvance. Wila ,eligible .Inel dell.btful; the treed af- requesterl to retire, when the ladies. fouY1n ont over tbe I8tht1mu8, to Buil imllled!;I;tely ~~~ri~lk ond8g6~~k st: ~. ~ofk p~,rort traaaaction of the bueineu of. the board. • .... , , " , 'rqJd~d • pil!4iSant lib., ,,"l' iJpr,ing of number, were')ell alOne with the " Kn!,ck· (or Ep/ilnnd with ilia Intelligence. wero 120 p{kaengen.~~I~~a~d c6~·.()f ~~ro Suitable bUUdlD,.winbe provlded!n wDI~ ,' 008.1]101 . " pure And cpld wGter liberally" .'up~lied the ers." All hour anerwll~dlt. the genllemen . 0 " i BU • ~ were drowlle~. It is rumot~d 'th'lt rO~~l:t: ,r.r~~ can be obtained lIurlnathe ex· ELOPEJIEJ'~S.-lt baa become quite com- demandll of aH 'present, not onl1 1l8 '8 rem- we!e r~CIlhlled, bt°tahe,ar thrEl rlElJ>C?lrt of thbe1.exl ve sols orc Ip.st amol),· lb.e jmmcns'e fickle .. r.. s ~SHI~:'r~N , j~~E ;tl~~50 ' ......., ~ d' • ur .... :..J:. :::~.. 011 th dl ~ I to"! II' .I r th I \.. , <" ammerll t e BU S nee 0 W IIC I, as pu 161' , , I • 0' ice now ftulltin" In ;t/ 'tV 1 - I t' ...",&19.. __ _ .un> ay; .J ' _n~y., ~p- l1l ' .. 8Ie 11)'11 ,?r l oung peop e Il In e,,1 ~or e r tllll'at, but\lt~ a lUXUlj1for their cd ill the 'fribune, is, thnt lho three sjs:tera The News from SIl~ltn , J:'e:, ~y Wl1Y of t ·1 .., .. . 10. e~l.Crn a I~ 11th, ",IU}le'devoted to the~lilp· fqve oontrary ,to onlel'll, 'and then "run pillate, . The eon!P'ei~tIOJ!. bavilBg taken bad been sufficiently div(1sted of their elo. TexalJJ tllnt cot Monroe, MIlitary Gov- 1I ~sb WI~IC~1 oxceed anytllln g 01 tlte kind ' _II~ of aWck, .Dd otlWt Sftic ell of lb.' , ;IJ &WI1'~ to hAve th~ koot tlett wben e PIlII;IIl tl.ejr IIU.~, tb'e c,feIllPD;~ of ~e' oc~~i.rf thiDIf to mllke it., perfectly 'npP\4Tent thl1t ~rnor ot ,New Nexico, hus yielded. to" the ~:rs.lI,ve ~~n met with fur ~ number of J db1tlollaDil eUlnhlatlOD bt tre .,,~u.. HI obJeot tcn w1Jon· .J Now It h ..· alwa,l commtnee4 witli alnrin,; and wu 'fbllowed .nothlllg.. WaS concealed about tbeir p~'ons ponu~ar ~Rll1nd". 110 d to ISlIue a An ('migrant vcssel the Orlort fi , ~,t OD'THurWa, aD4 Prid., die' ..p,peared-to UI • Usel., and verT (oolf.h bi DraYOr. Tho Declarl~on or (n"'plm- bY'whicl~ they coul4.p~uce theJc~obki!lgsj ~a "St °tr ~O unvt!tun~?n e t'blfll\oS to. l?r~a ~olldonde'rny to Queb'c was cru~beA~:: •• 'all II! • i~ hi ' I .... Ii-' ~ 1I:t • _ _,I •• • Ill. • Uint wIllIe the were IU' that condition tbe" a R Otlll 1 ,Ion ""a.a !len ref'9~i..· d '· " d d d l l'~ . • eahlltltioD ,W be o))ell to the pubUC.- IIijJ to. ~ to ~ ..u e. \',me 8~lIt ~e"ce WllI'o"d -ti1 &\Immer ...1,.. l~q ; , k ki h d' d' lIl t " t f her~ WIth. vorioQII f_IiD~ Some bl'lieV9 pl~cee, aD one nun re all ,wepty ~w. _.............. 'U be .. ':'.,-_.1 I .... . -.. ~ II , , ' 1.0: t ·.I·"blt. t Th · III ' ,t.. - "it,,: oJ oJ I 1l9C 'rig" wele ear Ul h~eren par II 0 , , , -Y ' .on bOl1rd peri.hed 8abseqU!lntl,,' hAboo' QVUI.1 _ _ .1'1 ~y- on .p 1..... 110 II ':..,1 rli4l~ o .... .0 ~ . I,U ence we . u~ll"" ·Il. ~n.,ve Y the room. Thefr (eet orad ankles were it to be a ,v"INe 1I0foun d ru~or I?,th~. 'v r . :'" J ... . Ipll 1'rWa1 aRarhQoII. b.J Hon. TJIOJIAS Coa· a .on or'daughter, who It i .. he. o,r she ,mllllt to·lln oration by. 1'&01. Co I~t, ,JW)r., itt portioularly eKmine.d I1d Wnl()hetf\vhile dec.lnre1t '[1I just what' nligbt huve beel,) ' w~th see~ ~nte7lhgl d whh .~e" tt?fet~br ~. • 'I'M .,.port. of lbe Judgel wi~ be lo~e and mllrr1· . TJ!le.ltlll prjvil- ·w,hich were'aho1rD tlIejlfl\ at ';;lIe poli~y tho knocklnr ' ,\rer" .bellrd th'?utr:h Mrs. ~eaeo.l'lab!'y e~cted. from the wholQ cour8e p~per!~~~ ~~:d ~'i~h ():~~.nf\ldetjlit ~ ""'~tef1.fter the eldrea. Qd the edge> Jee tnd duly.toad"llMIlUldlnI1.r1let a pynued by thOle whose n'I1I(,1 ar"immor.' --stllte that once Bhe dul not hear. or~~entll for ~(' ~lIt lIij Dlond~~' b(Jth. h~te similor cota8trophies ,pmDtuma will be oD Satcnilf' at ~e Child; but should ibe objeot 0(. their ' solid- tallIed for 8ecuring lbe iDd~~DlIerlce or' the them when the .feat of tb'ree Indres rested aDI!, Itl:~ t~"!r r .~ ar. koo\'( oIke 10_ or &be ' Board, .t the BurJt:o~ tude kid, iDo~p.ble 'of faocywg for,, ' life Americlft toloD!e.; and the:pr~prlety (If :~t ~P~d :::e. ~fct l~1) of t~o othl.'r lad Wll8hln~on pa;!~s b~'Vel bken°':y ~ot~c: Fulllug of :~':.'eRoelr.. ' '.. " . ' " Ic4~~anio~, tbe o~e. or onea . t~ey II1lgb,t c~~UvaUng hit.:l\igcJlce andlllo~li, lY in the n~:rat~ the:;aelv~5~. Jo:a:~~~ ;Il~::~i~o !>! it"n.oJ' baa the D~I\Jgot,e, ~Ir. Sm.ilh, a~y ' At 20 In Lftlltell ilast·~ t;.~~j/~~ :~ · HOUle; Lee I.,.n in the StAte be preaent prore:r, jt 111 '"". theu prer.ol1ltl~e to 8111 r~'~n~ rneratl~n, for tbo p,l)1l~eJ" ~ruI ro- uud~nyerat ntb'o rou¢, .o~h, but uothing ,lntelligence lnduGIIl~ him to beh eve It. no.Jn, T~b18 nock at 'Nia . :hIls (ell wi~ h. 'ltoclr. The aft'alr .wm without "'fou mIDt/'''~ ~ Ute &uy coercave meu- bglou.a PfO!lperl~y . 1lD~ per~ne~IG1 of ~ur SUSPICIOUII w~s fOUlld" ' . . :\ltu!e .k188e~ t~ro~g here telegraph with I!' tremelldoul! r.rwa.,. ~C WIS heard · cIodt be • ern' one. indevery ·,liIltnr. ure. w~lLte el', IlJI; .. ~e parent.cannot ",eat llDd..rroW~ nlUion. • . So ~hegt'ol' qUllIlion, ~ aN tluI SpITd ew .0TJ prel1ll, from, tIe Ne\v Ot-. for ml\ea Ill'ound.. A cCarrl-.re ~ .brper.. · will .nlUl........wl.. be" mu~.b benefttted. thiok, leel, love, eDdure, tflju; tor the child, A p08ll;l of considerable 1!,qth.kO!l .liber- lmocki1t !P prod~1 rem IlltJs .thlUla,~~~er~. d:~; Ptiratl'llil.o 1I~~~":lIee~~8r nON~I·egaallboonurtllo ~nfS ~ed&1) pUlling o~r I~ at~ dDte and , ~--. . ~ • • __ J , t f ty b lad 'I CI' ' . ... -I. It j I more puu.hnl than el er WfI' prlcc . . 'I .....P'A. ~ , ... ·.1:)11 on jUllt '111)a 4\ list otth~ prelDha~ &cu may D,leeD at It 11 evident thlt the¥' c:a JICII 8eIl~ or , y. .y n nc!~natl, . aDIi ~Drthy. fer of putty the ejtp~osion ofaaltpetre ,,1_lng .ty Img himself th~ Texan Commillsioner} ' Wll: carried 'O:WO tIU8 oSIce. .them, and eqaalJr u evident \hIt they' Jte '"rp~ng exceUeJUlY,. or b.I~11 written oC 8nnk~l, or the 11~J1atiotl ofBUJ Patt,er. hu r(it~rea frum SQolll Fa and returneu to slated thal tho bu~de and l'!ofOcl:, laS" ia lllO v ~ T" C lelNetl ougM 1101, the companion wllo l.. to . ,blre in letit1.ra o( gold, WIlS "terw~ read, and eon. Nothing but the pld and oelabntted Ttlll .., ~n~ble to accompliah the !liJrpOIl6I1 were \Wle.. ·th.&rook at ~e t(-fIIe . e • f ' be the toil, the .priviltlonll, the ill., end the ·well reid tot>. by SlImuet SOoU; • inquiry as to who it wu that to,ok &,he'life 0 ~III ~lBlIl~ . . , A"'" . . .~ ee ftha 10 .L ,were iweetl of lire. Plelaure il doubly enhanc- In the &baeDce 6i • pll. . . . . ~ie4 of Cock Rubin. e411&11 the myltcry reetilll ' fr1iI~~d~rDl' mo that 010 t'aJIort. reNEW You ....b.. lit ..... - ......ttbeCOUDUyon e4w I..... •• . UIIOU tbl. queatioD C81VeI Wi ~enoo at the W~tt8 MoUll) 'rhe Pac·Sn arr! 'ed h ~ ... ~1Ile ..iertion tIIat DO ODe ~ ed.hy ~io, enjoyed WI~ th~e we J~ve; to give atemperuce ad...... ,.r. BILl],. fi , ' . '" . ' and i.Bnot. unexpected lher 4 , beina in CI)R~ A,. M, con! leHn ~ her ere.~ D D8 0'01 • ... oil. wida ' tel' latiafDcUon and pliD ino,bbtd of h&J(I~ IIUDg b~ ku~d: wu .C8~I«:ct upon, IDd made aD. I . . ~An eJIOrIDOUIIllDlpo( gold '.8 men- (armlty Wlth orden, ~re to ["\lell to Col. Ilnd I8ven~n ron melnen day. 10 \be pvt.iea, taD ~e held by tile neu.llld IJaIptithy. Hence ~e Impor· and JudiCIOUS reDitirkw on the aad WI8- ~Iolled by the. N,ew OrJeanll Plclyune Monroe, aa the «U~dd moyem~ll~ of ,be The r.n or. pol'tiolt of Tab~ Rock I. Babbatb 8cboo1e o{&JUa ,lace E,,"'" one tuce 01 IIlliwal love between lh080 who II9D1 of e tevolutloD&rJ ~ the brought toOh~ha~ cltYCal°~r. the 8thI' on. the p:'dL~.~ ~ fully ~d_.1l.\'ti~~larly .d· gaufinned. About (orty~, at \be .f'OC~ • -., enter the lDbftateltate. .. Uberty.rid IaappiDe18 they (or dUI .tearner 10, ,rora hornll. t wellh• ~ Ofl • ...., . ". . . .ttI ,at Wubmgt~ri for hoce WI1• . .... . . . . . ....... b..,. Tbe .... . .. ' b. ' lifty pounds. h.lll composed IIIOIt11 of,..re the IMt ~.... If lbe lntelUlNPce A r A • Ch Ie ......... " '" .,."... Cotun. b. .]Jut the pare~.. are often or &he 0plulon lNat repu he_ 801d; IIppareutllt, hiving; while In' llCJ1lid 110'. ~ • it Cl&DDOt but Mveaa im r- DOIto~=~ IIlatic b .. oc~rect It ...... I ~" Ita po; or e~ ~ the oS»io101l doea Dot lpe~ ".u at 8ariaI lb• . ,tate, NJt arftoUj eome quarts rocb. It tIOlt t..ue~ 11pOIl. _ilia. orthe::at There.J;.. to . . ao.uM, tJ.al PIbt ~wr," .. .. hOllelIJ- ... .,.,.tDeH ppropt'~ f t I fOWl/till.' • Mar....tiRR~ qllbtioa. now IIoI'QrII CCJ1lIr88I1. III tbe We. . . . .r.oot. to...u elttaa 1nai _:_...~. . . ............. ".., "eakJail~r ..... ~ _1rPI,r.bT oar,.. IUIder feet below the IUrf,:" of the earth. ~'lmeaD time it la aU,flctory to how that of it, relatiTo t.o Slae m~ ot ... ~ ..... ' - ' - - . , .-ode aotioD'" . . ~ 0I1ir. Canua. 010,11'. offttred,for It ou the lpo\ whera It the State of !'eall I. oot.o far above the IDa,.' !"~"Ir apoa daft "lew•...., . . . . . . ' 1M o1Iee WI. foulld, but It 11 I'Up,POHed to_be wortJa I CObStitutlo~ altd 14wI of the UDlnn a. -he 'JIbe AID...... .....ppI, lad ~pl!~II '-' " ' - _ ' " ......_ ,,.., 16,000, alt.bollah the aotlllll wallie callDOt ~ to lIIlppoee. If her IDIIenble tnllll- fHa-te Uedl:,~~w::..~~c-' ~ and ... t U:~ ~:nGIll haiIe, to .. to .. lea of111'. H. B. W'i~ .. die . . cab to _
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expNNed \be opmlon, \hal were liriUJltr<)d~d by the 7U,..",,., aocl f to.,lIIblLt improve- ~.~ ituatiCln urIlD~l)t~ntic8wluneohan- an.erwlUd adopted by tho Cork (c:auh)-on- I
or hUDUUl fe be bu Inttoclue- iC!ll!ru81ue8S i80nq thf.' most fuvorablc for i~8. ed: and 1 woulil bring uefpN bid notice making il1ful)octunl pr gtell; lind ifbe had the CoJlowlng eighteen uhanlleB, wlllcQ have h s life ~ 11...· over again he 1!Ihould prefer OLD M.uD1J AIID WIOO\\'S.-\Vo aOJl't taken plaoe In Engl!lud ,iuco I began to Lo begin aa an npprentice. The lllbor of bluile. au old IDaid lor endQGVorlh" to breath. tho breuth uf life-a p~rio~ I)lIl0unt- the doy l;ecuTeiI IwahLI 11U~ givea II keeil ! l,lelll her. &&ore, ,but we CGnJ1o.t flee why a ' , J1;,Ure'DIIIUI jng now to neJU'Jy •• evenlV yeD{d. ~1l.8 1 relish Jor st,ody in tlte hour:! of relaXntion: wid'o~ alillutd lell 8to~ielJ u60ut hel'S. ' was unkDC)Wni ~ 1 gropecM!!y war a-bou tho-l 'rh~' OIlI\S of tlte np,\ltI,mtlce for aOllui inlr , Itreets of LOlldo'1, III all bu.t the utter dark- Iillbl\Jl orrelltllll~ !,IM\u til te ror study are A COBBL~n'6 StG~.-Th Te IB n r.QIIl.ller lIeSI ot a tWIIlIUing 01\ lamp. under tho alrc\l~Y rellpelllllble. D,1ll1aTe conil~lIntly d.n~ in LolltJofJ. over wll ~e door ia tho. lollow. [ <:!'9~~,~1~~~I.~~'!{(rj~ protectIOn of wutchmen. nnd., exposed to [creuSing. ' Applicntlon br spnro minutes tng notlcei ' 1,1 every IIpemc>s of losult. 1 hav~ been nine (lr ' !.tic grent socrets ot Ilucces& in the 100)'- '~SJle\VS mOlle. (lnd men,d ~ here." , ~~~~8'J!J.~~,_}:: hour" in 81,liJing from Duver to CuhUIi, be- ollfnd lutnlloclual enf.erprieea tit pursuit fore tbe illv~lItiou of etftum. Jt \ook me 10f IVhluh is itl NerogllUve of mUll." • • ~ lIine Jlourd. to go from "'ruuntorl to DatJl> Mr- Ihutitt very properly, 0ppolle the and now I cun gll in .I.x hOllrll [roni, Tau \1' UdOpLiou in the ':duntry 0(' ttl\! opillion ton to London. In gOinG' (rom fuunlo\1 to 1",!t,ch o9slgntl to mecliur.ica on inle"lor de· Dath, t 8t1trered1il1tweilTnO,OOO allli 12 ,000 grao of uPtltec1utlO.\l. ' It Will be adhllltlild lever-o CP"t\1lfionll. before IItolie-breu1clllg tho.t 011 the score of UljOruir1668 tho e who Mecham Willi born, I pfi,id £15 i,la stngl e. qit-~c llcc the mcchl1l1i/! arts uro 1l\ITIIU"sed year tor rep~ir8 of l'urrillge-lipriogllJ 0f1th~ I by n'O p\>rtlou ot society. and there CUn bl> pa.vtllnen~ of London i antl now I ,glll!e, 110 good rtlllSon wh)' Itoowled e and intelwithout noille or fractule, on wooden pave- laet ill u lI'1echU1liC ~hu'u IJ 1I0t bo entitled ments. I can wnlk, by ~he us istonce of I lO 0 [fluch cUllsiderlltioo us in 11 profesllion. the Police. fro~ one end qf Lon~on to the ,11 Tllan -~echurllcal pursuiLIl .ill the gel)other, withOut molestlltioh; or, jf tlredJ got ornl Interfere 111 some degree ,vith the sort into' a eheup and nptive qull, ill \cnd of of BQClal Inte-coufse ' wJI)C)l nc ompllnleS tbole ootinges 011 wheels. wluan- the huck- weulfh, unJ onilequently may unfi~ th(O~o ~1.~,ohe8 we~e uti' the boginnlllg 01 my who Ioll IV lhelll for Crtvololls indulltoll, Ute. I had no utilbrella. · 'rhey werll littlo Iwqw ll to' \Vnnl IS clllled he (Ilshionllble Ule~, Bnd \lery deur. There lVere 110 \Vuter-, \ orld; but It must bo, bome In milld that -----~ proof hilts. nnd my hat !loa ottch lleoll 're- lteso frivolities ure e ntire)y unesBOlttial to By 'l'l1Rgral'li, fol' {he MillfJU VisUor. duced. by fIlins, to iLs primitive pulp. I U10 mlliopg 01 n great people, und nt best CiD.ellluah Produce IIla1,kel. ill 1 I - I' I 1' "' fRIDAY E\'R,~I 0, JU"L' 1>. U\SO COil1\I not k ~p mv 8 UO .() ol H'S III t 1l31~ I nothing hut tht1 smull chnrg e w 11",1 pusses FLOv n Arm (l-ltAfl!!-'1 he ,\11k I lor Flour ruproper ,p lace, lor brlloe .. w!:re ulIl,nown.- curl'cut In sOCiety. If wo look ()flck to the mlllll$ t)x~d ln .. ly dull ruip llt~ Qilly ~to WO{,1, liud the thete \Vlll! no colchicum. hlatory of our 01Y1I und other countl'ies, we Ihy \l no~o wll1l 100 bbl~ Elxtrtt fin slore III tlVO If Lwas biliou~~ thete WIlS no cuJomel.- shull lind Ihut, In num erOUB instances, thl! loIS III $~,75 Guod 8hl llP~11g may b(l qUO! d nt H I wall attocll-ed by u"\,le, thera W'<I\f! n9. founderij Qr fumill os clnimill<Y prc, emioenc(1 nbt 4,2;> orummy d~'ticrf)llldll , 1Jp lhlllg , 1i"1 tII~ CO f1'ee-h(lllBeS, havo l> Ilon p'ru LIC.n • I , llCC"I 11IIl1QS, ' grnlll IOl's-D)'lIincs!I is oxcelllhng Y dull & qu -III .In \!. TIl" 10 e were W 1lOse In l'1I\lNI lnatead o£ elegaht olhb~ .. Gtlmc 'ould IIPC worth uud iu~eIJI~oQ ce hnve conferred 'UjWO have only oC(,D. ~itJtjul e mnll81~ IV rept 'l'he i,;~~;;~'i~;'i'n' be bo~ht. Quarrels ubout UI\cofnl1)uled reSI' tlc tubi\lty ilIl w oir ofl'dprlllg Whllli. POB- only sll) heutl,i of. III mllg wns 260 1)00 yollo,,, tithes were endl«:'88. I Tbe OOrT\1l'tillll (jf ~I bly . wQuld' l1o.yCl' hllve beol} acquired WQshe4 hOnls at M(;. ~ rurliameul. bOfore rer~I'nl, .i{lfIlOlOIll<.-,. ,liru\lgh ~h0iT OW!I intltruruelltality_ ThiS ATTAC~ NOTICE. fllere ,,·lIte 110 banks ·,to reccIYc the 811V- notion of gruduatlllg tl Illan by hili pursuit. Illy 11l9tonc: ...,1111 ultnchtll8nl "B8 lItis d lngl 01 the poor. Tbe puorlliwlI were Jnlliond of tus intlilJiect oud enterprise, ill ISS UC:U by ~ J,1'jormell, n Jus rie9 of g!~uaU'y supping the vitals of the-country. ubsurd, and thQs " who wO\lld do so, do great pellC() 01 Wayne to\\nslllp.. Warren cou,"ly, Wlla~ever misrieal eqffore" I had no nost IIlJp ticc to others \L" W Ii M to themsolves. agnln'll tlJo P~()po~ty nnu HeelS of Junlas Lm(j· t • 1• . 'I'. .., . le ~ .~t. II nOll rllllldtmt of sHld counly . • to wtllsk (lump IItJlts, lor nSlOgle P;ltny, .... ,'Sa m ,G(J;~IIz, Daled tillS I!&lh UIlV 01 Juno, A D 1850 to tbe remotest corners vr tho ClUplro..," 2.~-aw· · CARTER "KERSEY. And yet, i'Q spite of all theae prlvoltlolls, I IMltorint CertificRte·· FEM.A:LE SCHOOL. lived".on ~t1letly. !lnd am now uahamvd tbat If Bl.\bcnbors to JourDnls, like church Si\Rl\H'1' AY],(\R propose~ ollt!nlnll' Il F _ I'uolo &hoolm Wn YllulIvtllo, COFnl'r of 4th I was nQ~ moro dil!conlolltl'd, /I'nd utterly Ipcmben, "in iltoPIlJ11g thlli,r pnp¢r," Were lurprlsed thnt alllhelle chnnges Ilnd loven- re1luiri!d tp pl'odllce all CldltofJlll certificate nnlll}oTlh Sis .. \iop, did not oCCur two c(\"t\lri~s ego_ "r b'e/ore they could ~ulJ8"crille fo~ nnotbcr, 'W111 c(Hnnt~I,lF~ ~uly l~lh _ rortrot to add Ihn.t all the bl\sk l of etlltte- then would be ~QllIe cllrlousdevclopements 'felms of r,-,tlpu COl' Tllr1~c 1U<!ntJi. : .. .... ., ~ I'" Tot!, ,, t r ~ • A n Or! hogrnph)-, nending, P elJllf)lnDllhll' copelies, In ~-'lIc111uggoge \~n.a then cnrrl- --liS lor eInmp ",'- r,· e ...er If V lI. • y, GeogrnJ,lhy lind Amh'lIOlI/! - _... _ • , ~06 ed hild no apmills, your cl\llhes WCIO rub- stopped hill pnper , becDu~e the e itor relu. Efl{,-tlSb (}rltn\rpaT, Hii\tary,Na,lurnl1>hl. ' bed to piecell, und thnt, eVlln III tho Uc.'illt sed to 11110\" hill1 six cQlumns (\Ii' II .person- I~aovhy Ilnd B'Hon), - ~ - - - - •• - ,$3,00 I5Ocioty oJlc-tlllrtl of tho ll'o ll~l et:h«!u lit I('Uilt al vmdlcatioll j which concerned no))ady I'hlln nnd OrntlloorHul Ne!!dlo: Work - • $'1.00 ., k ! > •• Sri,OO ",ero a11 \\Toys (lTun. ' - lIut himself. We certify thllt C, D. refu- Eml,m,htory, Dfllwlng ~nd P./unling~ < , I! lithe pllpt:! ue\'u\liOo "tllD editor did not _ D, WA,L1'1!lRB, will Qgtlln bt • . publish' \ho U"ltu qry nOlice ot q relative r i i III WaynOllv,l~e )I lew Q(!~s) t,roh' b II ,,14S 1I0t "ont 'I - .. I' 1 I \Inrild 10 perf; rill nil Ollctfl'i.:ms bo· W e 1III.HI IrQquent1y Ii II Ii dII d, •·• ON L 13 OIlU- '~I~I!l to 11m, utll w lie I Ie Illll~l~g I ,\~ profM i n Q9 h'l b,,:; IlOW l1'errolltlful urlJ of e 1l)f(~t1 impl essiolls frolll wood ough lo hllvo detctltt'd 111 Borne 01 blS ex- handy el\lIIhhubcd blm t:1 ill \he I wn blocka, us well I,lS to overy shade ,of ittl ' (·!tungo. papers. ' We certifY. that E. 1'. J:!pr ..1gboro' nrt!, !,\roynesx .a~ \ ill wl \1t plb~ progrell8 in this counlty -- ur attention wjililu to tr;lnsfer his patro)lagE.' to n,nOUI- urO"I"UWUll ~,l'lla w\Jrk 10 g l\'\J 8(l1l ftCLloJl..hI" b¥1I ~ur~ prati~l url~ dirllctcd to It) er pllper. beoulisc haying tukeu this pllp8r A~: poraon/! mshing IllS serl' loll (11111 bo IICeOIOho\\ovor, W'flllili u few dol' ,liy some CX~III- ail' "cat.! wllilout }1a"lIlg n cent, l!1!I teJt Ill- modnleu bV calling SOUll nt Ihe Bllllor House , , r , ~ . 1;1\ r vi 11 III lhQlr t Id nc . ~·l£ .,iie ~vecHnenll willch W~ !IIlVO e)mmll,H' at , ultt:d by I~avmg hiS bill ""t\t to 11I,1ll by LIS~ OF LET1',EIlS Deve~ 11.'C'" • a»LI1blishUle(.lt. AthonmUfll Qf rc.mlnd?r: ~e certify that G . H. Remrttnlog Illihe lost Qml;o Ill. WOYQeavillll, BIIlI,ding'~. Slxl!r ."~rct,lt. Allhv\lgh t.J11 ,art- Ul _:j~ O\\'p 0pIUiOn 19 a poot, of tho fitst July I, law . aud, ,Ii 1:0' coiled for III ulre III iii ,llIlCIC!lt Ollgl 11, It hps nel'er !Jeen per- I wuleq put lhe,editor Ill'lfort\lnntery dlaer- ~lIonlhs; wlll ba II Il to ilio Gell~rlll PO~1 OIll~Cl lectod until wlthl1l 11 rew years JIIk n ~ I:' jng frpJU him iQ opmon i9 rerrnnlcd _by lUI d ·nd LOll fS. • tar, of LQlldt,m, succQoded ' by. thiS prbucss 111m n8 wholly ll{lqtlulifietJ'for his Of!icc. We Henry Buum(lll B. ,A. Joy .. il! prOduciinglncubrly InU t~l;\t un arltll;t oan Il cerLIi'y., that ," J. hua BtoJ'lped hi!! raper I!1l1opp,:jr~k~uclthQn!lU !! ~~~ilrK:vf Jonos give Wll \ L) f.ll S ,. ni rq$1I iI. were bC!cll.u$a tho editor 'had the temellty to Brown EliZllbodl JCfllllor Jruly bUPlli IInll lYlUny of hla ~pccllne ha Jlres~ on npillion on u ccrtion Il'llltter with. WIlliam J) L OB have fQlllld th~ir W 'ly r eaclltly to tllit! olll hnVlIlg proviously u;5cl!rtuine~ the IIpinMlctagl Mpr} ill country. Every oneol tasla ml,l~t nckno\\'- WIt of thia l)Urblllulur subsonbpr. &c. G - C MMrrl8 leilge tnem. to"~ perre~~ gelltB. nIIIIlY Ofl ' I Ado;.~\Ie~::a \hIlSO 8pp.olm~n8 wore protlLleetl by jrolll ',1 RlIlloo ,tIoor to ,JvQ' uI,' my ]taper." aaepb lVlccld ' nino to thirteen SGj)1lTlllc pl'lIl ing~ .. 'l'lley ' A WOOllin III Main treet r,ecently. re· TIiQl. O'Connor ~11'e 'il~wevllr If nolto!) beuu Iru~ too eXpel - u~·w d' her 8Uli$CTlptiOll to 11 Portland .,,1M.. lcob Peartd.n aivo fUf- boul( (1mb lIIshmclll, bOtllg u!!ces- ~el, ,\fit\! llJ(1 I E!lpark that ' she wb InBn· Eeq, ~~~J::lo~Gl _OT)'lY so'~ .ing,ly o.t 111 i 4 llr~ He ly t-o pO,WI' t dp wJtho t it." There is Abrtlha'ln R.usa,,! lira speclmcn6 ailll V tof nell 0, Ly aIr. ' ;;: cit Mill Qm-l>reb~ndud in this del: Ilw'tion. lCli&ubclh SI. JOlUl Devereux, Of0 tl"\dy: be.lutilul; IllIU)U gl llg 1~ ople, oven tho$G wlw OFe ill elrnl~MeMd • Sa.va~o,~: '''f---+->e\Il~lfte.iloj);lfet from h~uillto til to ill .JlI6Igl~1I'lg fur I Qircu,l/Ij! IIC S-CQIl ditSpOll50 'lvlln .nany PI~nISI~Ptitn8 lsEli~:~~~~~lr:~~~~r~~~~~ o~~er bra!l~b(lli of ur~1 h~ Will Oil bl'i, g : t~in.l.\$ r.lllwr Ihq,n with 8, newspuper, HolY Lurr ons l'amthy 'I~lwtn ~rr~t1 p, tIns be"~tln\~ ono ol Chrolno.Xylo:traphy J nlll 11 has Cl'C" tho poorest slIvo!.lLJy ntten- Dn.rlu» Howe 'l'tlylor BJWlltIL to as high u stoto of per eCliuh b01'~ 1.l11 It t til'e ly pel' \.Iillg I1Qme 0110 of tile public MI,S! !dnr~ret H,\I)SI'Y D.OIi1lon W"enl. has a~t.llinccl ill Etll,l,l1IlI. l1'llr mO:"olZlIles Jourr'~d wbic/l bua be-en hia daily ur Iveek- Iiudwlll G, l-Iulltoll "oplhnh IW.ht it is uneq'ullled, n: thou~nnc! of f.lIpres- 1 Jy. visit'~J\l! J!,. h~\u_Id be fI ad- ~~~J;!~~:\~ lJIghwny2 g~lIt~'J~.'tt;r:lley CIlU be [lrOilucctl witb'ou any InJlII')' I mrtted Jl1ct, tllat It 'IS ono of the WlD J011118 . . 23-9-r . M. GQODE. l' JI. to ~11J~ea! unJ ~t fl price that c()m~. ,llllllill : n tone ofll",e lwmries ofllfe. ~very journallhoU' bUilt 01 c~po/ltlu. Ph~7rJ, l p'lu,II'cr. j lllLIII tho collntry. ~Y ll?lCing IllS memory n W.l. Y~-£8\TILt.E SA-LOOMS. I 1l10m(,llt uld eU~lly 1l1UlJtrute tbe truth of underSigned havln« pllJcbneed 1111" re· , , A lU_o~cllt[~ age. nlOVefl 10 Ihe re'\\' or lIulldl"S!1I fumJerly 1Lh p itio)l- UIlt! 1ndee~ tbere are ~cry To rune 1t)1lI1r1C8 of.h~ .h,oud lo,¥' ucg,rell"folv Itl nn}' cOlllmuniLy whose exp,erlell e known 1>8 "C~l\lImIlD'8 Row," would 11l81lectwho ,have t~ "dress olh Jill mo SD4'8S to I g- I as not ennblo th In ' to be~r t8$\imony full), nfurm 1119 lhondB througb thiS m~~.'t~n. lolilltiVO bodlCS. \ve Clu\llm~l\d tho fo'11o\ ulg to 1t A ne~\"A:J8per i8 n "'1110 r weo.lth to Iha\. ho hill! spnred no paUl norbt"xlleos8 111 "II. E D P' ".-.. r I I'Ltl '1 j' _. L u, ibe wbore htl 0\loe l~ receive ~l. . '. jLl ne, ..... <.IJ } 0 t 10 I C! 01.1 0 md!lon~, \vhp If they Mver sal'" olle have pn\fOnogo 10 bber\lJly boo IYV. e tmhlls~r, MtI .. It III adllr,e~sed to the '1IWi,011 to H:ILy that they were po~ indeed_ • Cit!, OUIlCI~. I\nd ,us II moJol lor Ulr.eene1l9 -Lowell JoumaZ. Il1Id brevltr, lIud Yllli btl tll'r tl) b~ ~oad: , "In c\>mpllullc8 With a request nlade l~ me ),y you ~t your IUlt eve1lilJg) \ltot 1 M!tOllld ttrceat -you for your oOIlSitlerlltioll JUly ie.'$ nf inunir.lpnl niTuirs, [ beg leav,e re,pl?ctfl:I1Y.-~rolttKhnt thMllnh -of the corp0l'atlon 110 t1efiufld by I1rOpet .oOl,llldil; thp. properly wasseil and tAxed ten Clenlll on !he hUII,lrot! doUlll'lli tho streets. lanes , "nd alii'll' in tliedenllely pop\,1lated portloliS or t~. ,:llty pavl!Q and kept ~Il ordt!!r. 'Vbat all IrreBpoullible ~d, ;\iJorderly perlons he prohibited fr,gm appearing ut late hours ill \1)0 oity. To tux leotllrell lind e~blbi(otll ",bQie obJe t is not tbo IIdvnucempJlt .~co or l11orall" , talC dor nod tl'll-piq alley., and Goe .11 ~el1l0u pl.lnr of kItes, eork·Agh~ing horse raelll~, firIng or fN.IltI or any e:tplo"ive .qornpoaltltiona, lUI well /111 the burning ,pf ahl' combustible mnteriall that ~jght ~DdalJlet ~ither boi Idings or fencDe, IUld to problbn tlJe run"i~ It Inrge of· all domestic animal•._ "I -
i I
Elihu Burrlt&.
'I'M Lt4rned BlacJ.smitA-HiI 1"".tm41 jlp~.- He II tall, inclined to gauht.1Iesa, ratber dlU'k, his bead oDcUeaturea lap .and : fJeXiIHe; bia articUlallon, New BIlJla.ndlah. dietln'lt; biB to,ne, ,!me woulrl,caU .n...o..t aod plea!ling, not .barp;quick or Iledge-hammer like. He b.. out feW' ftourisbea of oratory, at nil enluta, either in voico or manner; i8 direc\ and \lA&IIl_lnlr' He does not thrust himtelf "Ween the rubjoet ~'ld bia audiencn, but elancla helUnd the one that it '''Iy be Vlt'Wed by the other. • Rbi r&Dey and dlctioll Ire luxunantv.,. Hie thourJlt. aJld. Je his modes treating topi_ .\like oa.. u ~ar--«ui !JfIJtIIria. You CIUl camp8l'e ~~ to 110 o.,e. One prejudiced in IDa ravar woulil ...Ilfh blm In prole ~e place IIl1ton boW. In poetry. Not that be .. P':tHllllh'.I}' lra rank. .. MllU'1l WU, ~ that tal. ~ or tbotflb\ laid ......... ill Joftr. rillia iDcl ia IOlIIe .........-liIri 1 Yet a profcMlnd.... of ....... -Loet .~Ight Dot be • ........ ........ of ," ~
-..... 1..lth.
...... b
up to .. _ _
aU.1ae Ia. FN'
~:wwB b "')'tnt 7, le~~' 1
Tbe St; Louill Republ1ean of &be 6th an aCcount of a maohine lnr.nted -!.ac':'O::;_::"O'ftI.:J~I~-";""'-----::~~'='" and p~tented by a Mr. E. H. Merryman, BOO'I'IlAl'f D II ofSpru!gf,leld,IJI., by wbicll combined witb ud ohbe bel\ a chennllill proceM, he I. enaliled to take aldie .flortat ~e ~oBt ltr~cld buner." ud eonver~ it mlo 1ta ~rfg)Da1 (reabft". The. nt.chlDe In \'~ lunple, and il admirably cal ~~~Aifi;j~~CiiijCCi~~~~ia ted to expresa from the butter all thft Bod IRave it pUle 1L0d ID the lINt ~ribJ,.' condition for ealtlng and preaerviDl, e<iltor of the RepubUcaa. ..,. he ... il) the wont concflivable rancid ltatel paned thropgh the machin!!, .bJch C!WI1t out frelb, and u completely di,.lId of .U .....del tate- or slIlell, u \lao daJ it ~. . The mac1Uoe . . . . . . ypor_itt.r "wlbl &he dOlirecl colorf 01' iabinK 1& \0 aoy alent• -:..-----.. a .a.plq IlaDt; ... .............boner; 611l ••• terrible lashe
~IJM · ~~~"arld••j4i1.'.'::;~
'turcvcr iii not tho .slid or n'. Jirt>. Tile Caplanl· , . f A CO:CC,RUl TIOK or ELDEJl ....The 'lJempC.tmer'. evollhurs should be devoted to Thert) '11 It !ltory t01<l D. stead (I•. J.) Jllquir~r "ubU.II~1 It lilt of Feraquaru "t: 13 lirle8-11l1lt in8"r1ion • - • 50 Ibe Obio C~hivl11Ur !neotal acquiliiltiollllnd rational enjoyment. which WI' thblk to gow _to H "tlla membor8 of the colllreglll.ion or Rev. oat b lI\ldiUonol insortlon 2~ ..........CIIJ, .i,.,I'II~uj).s aiitt' Dum. To. sup ~d1,wnble Into bed is aJlo.l!"sliulh. had 'beeolllll pop'-!Iur 011 the river 0 ~ ' Z. GraenO, in u{folk county, WIlD are OnC' _quilfe. three mon!b.•• - • . •• :J I/O , .ill Dlonth" . . . , . . !) 1I0 ~ '.!~' " 'ion,lIlul highlY iDjuriolhl to beo.lLlJ. Butl c.:oltIIDPlI\lel', und Wllli llbo'ut t.o \.II;'e ,'barge j over eventy ycuro old. It inclmlcif tbe YEAIU"Y ADY r~!lTL'1~G .• llr. BATsH.tJ,:-)Ylll our filnner., ~vel' \ l~t furmer have ..bOut him the cholce8tl o~ a nc,w boat, ol!e ~f the Jlnndliollicst thal nanlell of Ove perllon over 80, pntl .f»1'ty. Onl' B(Jullr,., 131111 'P.', • - • •• •••• • '1 00 _eorIHnt lo:ab(lndun the P,l'llln 8~per.ti~ons wo~ of Iii , ol~n ~11~i~hu:y avocation!: I~L.l h/ld.~vcr b,~en b\l~!~ III tha W,eat, I) t~e .fiVe over' 70 yourlt of ag~. ' Two "'ll\l'l' ,l!6ILII"s, •• - • •. . JO 00 . 'Of &h.ancleutI'J. .~nd .began to ~ulk r llOu- l~~e- form thll lIul~Ject of IItu~)' Itlld cO't- fcI'omng pr'~ce ~lfll:t lb o:lIlofmng be W,IIS , °i ~ " , .~ . 'rhr "~\larell . :~!I Jlitp... • • • . • I';! 00 all¥ on the 8~lbJ~ct{)1 ~t\a moon, algus &'1). \'ersutio/l' ut lelllit two eV-!lnilt"'. IIfn wecl~, ,1en~ the port, he \1'(l 1! wduced ~y the o\~ n- I ' A,mWlomoDt.{: r llae Yquaj;. f'ou~ ~lIullreft. f1 \il,(.. - • • • • •• 1:J 00 .A writer over tbo,. sianature of Puul ill 0,. -whUe thl! lJCw~pn/)e~, the no~vjlat Bnci old . t er. ,to 'VUIIl Jill; hOIlS<', where there WUI! to . 111 .P1l,o t· pult~. ,. Eight ti'IIHH~"', IOlIJ 11CII . ' . • •• . ' 25 M late ~\1ml;hj~ ot' tho) t!ultivl;lturJ ~\Y()s, J ns he. /Ildt t/)lulll~ 1l11r.h lovlng ,tileir ollotteil $en. b!1 n plli'ly of Judies, ~OIllO OfWUolll ,'Yore tu • A Id~t.en houhl nlwnyli Le kt'pt whoro b" Anl1vut\~ll1g Imulll nl ' (for OftiCC8 \>1 ev ~ I"v l.! oorjptj"n ) It' I!u uhnrgcd at ,\lI O! mil! 01 l ,c?neeive., B?Rle, ~w~8\i11l3 lllct,!! ill - reJn~ f ,1I,lId., '1\~9 er tbrof\ dollars COilti'ilJu1ecl be hili.llR8lSeng~r3 to N~w prle·uns.: ·~"he ~here ~r.e chi.I'ilr!Jn; \\11~Cll .tb~y .tl~C ,~.r d fOr ouch IItu\lei lhe IIDJll o to b plild iu ucJ'villlrll \Ion to ,~~c tH, ~rodueM, ~JlO! 1.!. tn.l(l6, bf e Jeh fl);mpy i~\' lleighborhood Or schqol C ophun fllit a hLlh) ql\ee~ ~bO,l~Hr(II,nlf ' he- pulling l!S ~~J l, they' OBI} pU,t !t In their fnth- in ,.11 co C8. " ', ' • ~nd buehe4 by slight WOllllde ~lhcl d Oil ' ili~trjt,t;;NOlild go a g~euf woy in;tlle Jlur- \l'!l'" more .ut home on t!IQ hur.TI(~ane. .uocll, er's lJoo t~" , A liox of eO,lor~.I8 ' nlso II. l!ourl'e Auv ~rlis l il(jlllll not lnnr,kcd on·thE! copy for II o specifir.d IIUlil" r OfiIlJQJltLl U8 . ,viii be (loutinu' ,.-, them in ·!be ~ontJl of Augus~ :wh n the, cl.-(\:le eft" tuni:lnrd books Ilt ~mQtlerll pr.ices. or ~tl~ .lI cllI-l : htll! of hIll boot, thnn In Lhe oeg roat, UIIl\III~m<l.nt, uO'~rdlOg them on - ' , , ,,l1oon ia full nnd in tlto Ign 01 the ~!3l1rt, '1'!H!SO m:e b~t' !li~tlJ whi~11 enell , reader ,dq~\n)Jg.ro?m among 1111.\.1.e5. He sllmr'j\~n- l vorl~lI! l~ uf dU\lbl~g theIr 'f~eos .. ond ul Il~ e3 1l\llll ordereu Oll ~ ,]'11' p~ivtI ~gc8 o.r yen.ly I1dvlJrt!8 r8 only , (Leo.) o\\' If Pl\ul hn4 been ueqlt,(llll~ed Will 11.0:lIfy al! 1118 Ju()gemenlI!111l1l8ugg~l' l , e4 lip' couro~l', went, ho~\e er, ontl 'VUII 11l- peurlng 11\ iUumlllllt~d pmnrores. lt ' ,S extend IQ ihol~ own II\lUlec,lil1.to busmes,,·, .' , , \lith t.he lawli ' ",hie)l gdV~rll tt. ~ ~OtlOl'i 1 plelld only for the esecut;81 thing.. hornl.!! tro,llIeeu ~o, the e~lllpllny. well to -let them knolV whe re We alld It:rpe~ro.tice of tbe~ly bod III , c u !lilt, RJldJtIl~f instruqtion 'alSO,. 'Ca'p tam D.' 8Jud ~ne of tho Ifldy IIlS8 n- IIII~ pickle!! are !tept, 15.0 w~en g. nftcr The 'Law or N llwl\P'aper~. Wllul not 11Q\,0 t\)ld tillS \\,11tI1j~ory~r?r.lt '-[1TAhlll!iy.. ' ger!!1 'yo~1 m\l~t be 0 bo.pl'Y mon:. ~ ; be the thejlulI, they moy get bit cnpsiclim. 1, Subticribcrp, who do n I g iv~ I!XI'J1El1~ ,."\>. :m.¥;i~~~;;'~!~~~;;f..':-\:~~=~I'''h iii iDlpo~~ilJle, (vr tIle moon to be full ami 1\1 " 111 II !Iter of ~ nch u beoutlful bOlll. • On,wet dnys lhey sbquld 'be nllowed to put 'XICU to thd Il n~ ru ry" .\.rt) coruihlorod wl ~lli llg lhl;.lr 8ub~C:J I Jltlb n &. ' , ' d ie sIgn of th~ h~tltt, at the. same till!-e in I, '~hQ is I)" bOQ'utiful ~Ol\t, ~o~llin-se~s in pells ill tile piano, Ilnd t~ump the' keys with continuo 2. Jf Hllb otlber~ orc;let ,)11) di~col1timrnl,qq Qf August fOl tlus renson: 'rhe ~~I1l'1I pl!lCO _! ' ~he w~ter JI~O Il duck. " Itheir druu).stioks.. 'l'rail\ them to Jlullgen- Ihoir,pllpuf'" Iha publishor mny cO lltin ~!c 10 , 'nil , in ,he h.eo\'cu:; jn thlLt I)IODt11 IS , ill L eo, ,. Be WII8 ' in town ' OS long IlS the ~onv~r- tl~men'8 whil!lterlJ I4ld wipe tbeir hands Oll theltl llu til all ntl' IIrBg,CS or puid. " "I~ ~II a muttur 01" courlle the 1I100n t'n~s ~ "SllOlV 1'_our TleJ.ob,.'1·· .. A, RRUrolld, slltj~n·, w!l~ · ubou~ stt'llmboot~. ", ludiC's dre ses. 3, '!f \lh9Criborij'nogJeet or r j'u~e IOloke ,h~ir PUl'ors from thO oRites :(0 which' Ih~y IIro 8Crtt. be ,n conjunctiQn, -or at-.lhe change, ,while SlLeteb. ' Coptliiu D.' Blliq onother Indy, &. blue, - - - - - - - - - '- . Ihev lU'e helu' r pousllrl o lilt Ihey hnyc yuuleJ 'of booU ' ud ahoe_, CODIIaUIIfr ill , she' 'i8 I'll sing dU'ilugb thnt ' sign, oud 't~c '" --; . . s(oc~ing ?~ the J.,y,li.a LungJ.lish#ible 'wh"t "Strike while ,thll, iron · is hot," ill now lit lr billll, IIlltl QTdureu ~hQi r (luPQl'i1is con\.inll·, PII,I't, of nlfm's line bpolll_and aho_j ",Mien'. full, roW! take pluceln , or n~nt the o'pposl~e BY S~:~,:URE. :' . do r,0u th-lOk of. the u!ll1Iol'tlll ,Sho\cslpeUl'e l' ,donominnted, "1mJ1g,thy mu sculal'p~wers to ed, , !JoOI • • nlld gaiLors; •.II11pet~, 'colorco and Iddl sigp, ' AqUOIillS-:o.us ' UkC .r,!.oon , cllnno~ be . ' .' , ~ . 'r~ll1k, IIllldam! ~!II!1k! I tlunk ehe b~rns ue,lIr wh en 'the m 'tufli~ comblnotlon bllS [f's\lbscribcl't!,remove to olher Pclncils witb· llntoht IcuUler nod clOt\l galler_; kid" Uetl 0.011 y full except whon iI, 0PPP;lItlon 1.0 tho siun. , 11 ~.JlI the {all O~~ between A1 bnt'1 o'ld to much WOOlt, (Iraws to much wllter, nlld assumod a fiery und volcl1l1ic Ilppenr{lDCe-" , Infoql\i.ng lho J1\lbli~ho)', nlld tlio pu\ior ill bUijldnsj ultildr\ln's 8hoOJl of 0.11 dl/8cHpll,on_md lhe forlller ibreclioQ, tlluy Ilro Ii d, reo colors, . " 'lll1e zoditlc. jt will b.e, undQr6to~d :' J8 an pU D (I, t l~ can ~ctor8 ~re l1requent y curriell too little freight.' . . ' ., ' , ' . . ' O. ': A II of Ihl! Ilbove ¥I'iJI bo 80Id lUI'cbe~ We never hcru:d whethrr t.he Captain A lallel' has becn rec&lved Ir~t1! Oregon imaginBry ' ~elt' or girdle in· tbe henvE!J18,' ~hnnged dil.nng 0 IlIOgie trip, nud os cllcb COllrt8 hove decided ·thul rofu ill ~ bo pnrchll/letl' nt nnv olbllr , clI~abfi.~nill'lll ' embr~!.!;ing the or»lt o( ,the sun's ,apparent new.oqe t.okcs chorge he IInno~nce8 hlm- sLnid nny lonrror or not •. ' . slntlng that tu'rc docs I'\o~ eXIst' l!l~re a , II 11(IW BI.oper or periodical !'rom ,dlo emell. coillltry. Cull al1\1 clUlullne for ~0ulH1... ' " annual revolution, alld 'is div1d{'d ,Into HI .\lalr 111.001(0) by tbe ' exoJlltnatlon~' Show ' co " , ~ single g~v e~ nm e nt officer, 111 nny Civil ofrOIll~ying and l(loVll'\g it uncn llqil fur, iSJlri· lore 'pUrChl\8jng ,elsowhoro, ' , equal parts eolled 8irrn8 of 80 ilet,l'\'eC8 yt.l/r tickets , . ' F' dF i ' Ii .e-un hllve refused to serve. They 11I1l f.I C1Co,'ld nco of l!i'I'Cl'l'! 'lOlIAL' I/R,\ 0, Main ~t. orku door soutn or }·I,oh1.' ItId op4,'lIcll:.,; ~ , ", , 0 " . , O,~nnigllttriprecently,ntel!ty()hlY~naet~., an eSt gi~e us, 0 T~?S~n, l~w sulo.rle~ ond high posite Allen k Jilvan!!' stOtil. • Ap.ril p, 1800. The mooll, iu her revolution round the kee. ,~:as 9n~ o~ the po.ssl'nllers, ,uJld haVing , . . pNcea o,f l"·lIIg. The Oreg?n ,peop~a N EI W GOO D S II ~/lrth ond' these Sigilli or cOllswlllltiollll.-' exhibited lu!! t1ckl)~ t? tbe,first oo~duct!>r, ' FJ.LEllrln: F'Ls .-kYunkee lills,. invent. Icuv,e dl~lr ,~~lImtry for the go14p!l~g,l\1g8 \0 ALLEN' & EVANS buve Iha pleasurQ No',101 it must be evident to everj' persollJ on he c~relhlJy plnccd. It III 0. well-worn pllc.lt- 'cd a now kin~ 01 "Ieve.latter inle," ulld Cahforn,l~ I,n the llry, s~llson. Th'lI mlly iptgrrning thu puLlic Ih~ th ~y uro now t I, k b tt d t I tI b t k .I lh I I coiving pir~cily (rDIU ' tho Eoat. 0 lurge reflection, thll't the moon, paa~ !11f ber,veen ,~ .",00 .' U o.nc I u~ n 10, reos p(J~, - [Whi ch lie ba~ boen , selling ns 11 !lurll anfe. retl~ er prices ere so lIg I. • . \Y,ol! -sc{qcICtl lock 01' i;lUplo ,llJId , FOllCY us'lWd thelle "urion! coil tl! tlot~oJ\s ,caMot, ,ct of hi!! ()~C1t, : ~ull,:d hiS Jlltt J,lghtly ?n IllS guard tlgninst (III actiou:! for breache$ o f . . L. ' " "b ' Goods \Klught c,'q)r.c~ijly lor II"B' mnrku~, . hav'~,~ mllue)ll'& UPOl} ci ~ller nulmlll or hClld, Bnil foh.\lJ1g Ius onl1S reslgne~,htmsolf murriugo promia inasmuch 11.8 it lades cnCub,u \\,11 dlsco.vered fJy ~olun)bl\s 111 t 0 wilL solt! UHAI' ns nl C olJ.EAl'£sT, , . , \'e~etablc, that ill ' a~tributed to it. , ' , to }bC cure qf l\ror~heus .. H!II n0911~ orga'n tirety froltl lhe p; pllr in two , 'm ontlll" I'rl1 m 'ye nr 1492. tnkllll po~~es810n lof by the '['ile-y hl\Yu: illllogqijiccnt Slock of D1 l1,pk r nllu : Bllt PIIII-l and mllny olhers IIlay tell you,' hUI: s~llI'cOI~ procloll:ned hlln III dr~nm~lu~d, I datll~ \Vus recently' wus most" n\vfully done ' SI!:tnlnrds In 1,511, ana thllY · 800n exter,j Flmoy' EngliJ i ' Jo'rcll1~b (twiLl et!) iuill BolWllni "we have seen it trleil; cut your briar!!' ,before onot 01 conductor CUnle nlong, With" brown, by tt brother Qown.enl!tef , ",.ho p\lr. \"IlIDlllOd th e nl!ld. a,ld pe~ceu~le l\o,tiVC: to, C\B\I~~l; IIncJ )/ur\Vy F'r nell Dodskin nllll .En&anel ~"ler8 arid de~de,~ your trees when the ,~:Sho\'", y,oifr ticke~!' , . ' choacd 0. hun'dred boxc" of the ar.tifl)le, gil,'- the Df!\0.!ll\t 01,. t\v.e llulldred tho~8un . - IIs 11 ·us.h" res. Blol!k !::lui in, }\lursuilll'1I Bntl "siln Ill , in . tile lIeiatt In August, nn~l you , ~he 0111), an,ke ,nwQke. With 0. 8nort, IlI,ld ing him therefor, bls nt u'ote,llt ninety duys. 1The IHoll,s art! rUlh · 1~1 mines" Dud Ir somo, V. 9llll ge. CrUvlLtll, ~ ' c" willeoon pe conylcted-you will soon see huvmg be~n rnn~e ~onsclouB o~wbut " IO'S At the expiration of' thilt time,'the inlt in. ?f.the Tlvers ther~ ."1 !folt! dUf:lt· c It \vIlS nml WI.hi) , LiI) ., Drill@ , Sllllllncr how ce~t.ain it ,will btl.to k11l them." . wantoo, ,he excIQlme~,-' ventor call~d (or II ment but unfold- llIyuded by .tho ~rl vsh III 176~, A,IIt! HavilIlnd $l i" l\lur PU l\t·~tulls ill g tlf.l~1l1, , V-.,doubtedl,. t11i& is · aD ex~lIen,t time 'J. 't ~cf0ll you d\lh~~:\~al1t to be ~eeill' ,it l iOg the serip fOlll1~ !Othing bllt n ' piel'e of no tull (lIl, bIll gIVen "I" to .spat~ III 1'76:3. . ·' l'ljJ\nJllu. ~carl,. Slr~w Dlld Palm· fur IUW work. b~ would "be Just 118 gooll 0.11 th", ~101e. dew yQI', , >. blonlt panerl '['lie note hllll ~ writ/ell 'in D 1 J hI' . f[lIrthvllre, if the .~ wero ilJ. the feei till UI tbe' be~t ~' OIlCC wnl do rue, sit," lIoid· tb.e couduc- ' 1ti~ OtC'~ l~J, ; , ' ", , ';Ph~ rUIJ1-h.ottl~,. BUYS. \lug UR erro I IS ~u. " iria It that eeuon of till' year ~vhen tlle tor. , • .'; \ " ".', SlItllll'S or\\.Clble , -In wlllch. lle melts down " Beeond run of sap is iii the ful1 flow tlt\'-t " " W ~ll, yolt 1l1lVe : ~eel'l. it that' offin;' r~~ 'htE fn(SIl~[AN' CAT ..:.-i\: short time un the fino !Jold Of mBn's 11o.tu r.e. , ~~fr~~~iI\l1a $l~les" ,'run 1.00, l\'hicb fonull the priuoipttl . \I~rt of plJe~ t~le old,gent,.•"I1~ you COli pll.l!lI o.n!' ago nn Iri~jlm~n u~l'lj:od nt ~be cbnrch, . eo Ie 'l!IlV 'one t . he ibb~t IOUlllllJlk , ,Dud Fonny Ch"',,,Mprlll the growth of tlle tree fer. th 'tenson; :th~ 'Iile co~~uotor ,rlltlsted "pon 'Iooklllg lit Wl1rd~II'S o~oe of ~lonchel!lel' for relief, ( ]v(ore Jl t P I ~.: tJ' ct~JI~ d'8~Vlllle ed ,\1111 p)ll.lli. Mohuir" ilret run. of sap belP" princ(oRlly eXb\1I18l- it) ond tile disturblid ~a88en~er unb~ttonecl ond upon BOlT'e douht ns to whether he \VIIS rOIIT! WU~I ~ f °tlU'l' V ",I S U . " , ~ bl d O"ll~O\1 UI ths !lIIIUll "...., .. ··~,--" ". rn J. • t d I I n. t" k " h 11m cbrrllcMoil~ 1011 Irom any l ncul'il. e e' . eel In formmlt, Cohage, &c .,Y·CllttllJg ~l 1111 can, . \ln8 l'l!.PPO, _ ~ Ie 0 poc..e -"Oil I ~ p~op~r, aubjec;tl,/r parue 101 cM1I'ity, en· 't f lure ,,.. "" "-:'-,', - U;~~~;1~.'~I,~:i'!1~~~:.,8"~~~~~~I~r.&j~~~~.:~~.; !liifi,1e/UlOIi the porea are left open to, tile bonded oat the tiCKet, and t~e conductot fbrcad, his sUit " vlth mllon elU'l]Iestnes8. VI y 0 n~ " :" 11 ...: ':'.L1..:..~,::::.~~~~~~~ , ~~,::::"":,::;::,::::"::- __,,,,, ~1'1,' botwe~ther. 'rUe lie cornblped cO~lsee passed by.. ., . , , , ' HOeh,your hOllor," .sl\lt! he, ,~~~~r , I'd ~e At V'{o!>lfboro~gll,· not lo~g Since, 0 tanw~U ~todu~ 1}11 tliOf!e wonderful eObcts "Them fellera air mlly around of gettln' 'be storved long , /lIIICS but for ' Illy' coU' lIQf hnvlDg OCOOlilon to t:"1 plur' ~ tlill vat (lIlt without paying auy utteMioJ:\' to t~e sign. ll~li8ele.d/' sftid' he; as, ~)ncin~ hi~ tic~e~ in. ~IBlit. for \' hnt!" nsj(ed hi~, nltoniHIlod ,.infilU~n yenrs ago this spriiJ.g,. tho bot. Nel\ller my educlll\on DOf , bnblta ql,lQli- lUll ve"t pocket, be agam ,t/.>slgned 'bu{lsolt terrogntor. ' ' ''Ny cat!" rejoined e .flBhwille)! Will. II ut aton~. Illgot' feot fY' me f:o.r wt'itlng: ror the' llreae., nOT do I tQ ~)lIep., , , mon. "Your cnL! ho\v 801" 'Sure, your JC;llInil embedd!!d "nder It a toa~1 0 desire that thia article sholl !)PPOBt' l'~ the, The conductor, thin~iDg ,he hod mle,~d, hono~, I !!old her cleven ,tiJ1l0B r.r n 8ix, nller thll~' 0. tOllketUe .. O.n. b~11) tlre.d lellve It, ugt {ebould be ~ucb pleos- lIome oft,be pBllIenger", come bBck. agilin pence a time 'and $lIe. Wltll alwoYIJ ut IlOme tlll~ anIl1l~1 'ope.nl(d Ius e~es , ell ,to lee the- 8Ubject taken up by presently', and ~'ked to ilee tlje ,ti,cke\s, , belore 1 got thcrfl myee)f. It sDill, or sel\.I)~ , to ~ay. 'mornin,' .....n .... · " muter hanu, lItld foUiel of. tbeJle ancient " ,\fIliAl! agujnl" exclaimed the old mon, • mlll1.':,-lMcredzlh B"itlge GaZlltl8. J , , bAa~e~ ~~*>n8 rolly e)tp,ollod, r ' '!\V(\}!. ( SWO(\, you, Ql'e '\q,e moat pesk\d 1'10'1' FA,R ·FJl()l\I THE M'(1U~'-jr\. 4i8np. it m.:r be a,ill' that tbed .nperetitiou~ bother I ever. seed. Jost toko II. g()od IQok poilJtcd office'l!eekl'r lIud hill son \lIere pns' aoUOM dq 110 barm, but t C1Qlltend dlllt 'n now ond ~e'V dQne." :' , fiillg 1\y tlle Custofl\ Hou~(1 in "e I:Jf. our .eI'1'Jar;e portion ot'· the miseries 'of the , rJ:!Ja conuuc~or po.ssed on agoin', nnd the la"tgo citiee. Tho fat.her', · fll81iJ\~ were .human ran1U.1' ,re, 1idiibuted ;t0 B~WlJ'IIt!- o)d mO.n ~tuck ~Ia ticket in hiB hnt blllld~ somew)Jot eoured.o.go!lIfj~ the oftielo.ls 'witll' , ~ , " " \lon and ill¥e bC?tionp on rollli1ol1 or ph~- and tillS ti'1'e fa!rly goNa ~leep. The mO" hi, wllile hia 801\ wus'ull \vOl/der ulo'd omnze- ' Why .IS O,\\'Ol1.ll1.n In love lIIfe Q mlln of , l~pl~y. Ind 'Q 'a,n:bl1~ forrqels JDllC'li un'· floll 01 the cars In a short tlml' 1()(I8enoo bls ment at whllt he BIl"" before him .. ' . qroroulld kuowled;:e. WleoeiJlary !fOU~lb and care 11I1gll~ 'bo 0.- hat, o~,d it «1I.0~, blcli ,n, 81eepJm \ Di i~ • ~"Fllt\aer." que~jed y'ol,lilg hope\,ul, "what ,BOCIlI,I e she , understands, thc "\lrts, a.nd vqiW bI 'I ta.tio~al ~onl1HQn!leo8Q view of .thej:aTS perceIVIng, be PI Qlted up tbe COD- III tbatgrcat beiJJgW'8 sec before \lS, is it \l 'slgh'encc8. , ' chew pO,P,u!ar errol'». Vo.u will Aud ~t ductor'slo.M?' Bnd 8pp,roa\lhe~ tllI~oJd ~iJ~. jaill'" ' . ' ' .. . , ~! oue half of our tltrming. CQID1fI uui 'Y ~b~utc~11n hilS ea~:Sho.1D WUT llcl.el'! '11 ":\Vhy yea-:- that.ij!!- if'. 0 80~·t of a j ii, Somo peop I) .'!IIlY thnt n RI81:1 ,I~ I,ke a ru, ~kJn" more or leu oJ) tile mopnJ si;",. Pntie~lce rno~cy' 'Il?d the old h11\p" ef _lt~1I 11 pl4ce whe~e they pITt rogue !!lor, be~\Itle It p~seth -frqll! mouth to luck and Unluoky· d~~1 &e., In pllt.ntillg. here,AiJ\t: o.ne ot them tl~et (Etllers; , and . ' moutll. .' , . I!nming"and (ltber ~1D'ng !)~~.tlOJl8. , ~ben. be ,PI Ued ,9ttt b' pooket-book ~d ' F""afQL POIl8{II,l'T'I~Y,.-Batll1 ng Milt. , ' , ' You wW oCCllliullall" .a~ -{toting ~ohed t, pu( ~t baoK, then felt in tllll chine Pro(ltieto'r! 'Did you ~1 " tblJt 'ere It wus flll"d that ~he , ne\y g~ld dollar '~'.....rly th~n i..'tO dO"tili by lome y~ l)OCket, bu, hI nino .Iyou'v~ ,ot it,·f ~'nt.'t8~pence aro e he wt'll iUlO \ht ma- would go iIoIma wl~h tho pubUe. Latellt DutCb oraclee of &be.1i p" feltilll herthat srud bei "I gin I~ t.ewyo .l boW, ~ r,:\line1' f~ Balhqlor /lIVen tho 1I0 .to '. lite hQJ1u wo~ned bot chUa r~ the wren, tUHeeollectild atic.killl I~ in hi~, Jiat band, . Mshtto.pt Boy, {a, DoV'f~e.) fNo alf,-D~ ~lionJ B~ a yourtg lady 111 that.city ~--~ - .,aM'Irit ilio'u1d uroWe it woUldii' . ~Ow~otnIopeeda ~hJ()r~a.~"" \hougl,t lUI the coy-os pn,Yed , when thE'Y 81CaUQloeU one Qrtll~m. ' J1IOOrf w~l.x tIIiJIg a111t."lir~. pieee. Tb~ bat, amId tlte &bulDi df f.he cOJ)1eti «Jut.' " ' ' , A 'f.~ .!nte ouo'..qf my nfig~l»or. ~~.se:llgere· ftet had been ktcllec11 ol)gun- , "r()prletor: 'Poy wb~ t oy comlls G~A1'lllC:""-Lol' .Byrola it! tlllrJ I!d n }l.ar~t 160ut fil\y (1'8ollled 'appl, tree8 and et 'levei'ial difterymt 'eata. AfteT u baay' Whya'pOiln t.b6t jlel'lt ~eu out '()f liis ty ,~J~ whlc~IJhe ~!ne.~, rol\k~d: flaJi'ted lheua 011& vory nell.L1x· the nel(~ IIlllll'oh of "ohle mtnu~ be tbO\1~t lie Jler- lind ~ ,And' ar w 8 lilm, elf, I milt I e mQ' , pllr.le~ 0 Ie III, It ~aa) .-.V bis C 'e witeono or .\,. ~n'ow- eeived Jt beneath II. rat 011\ IadJ'8. aeat. 'In tie for mlslxpenee. Ain't YOIII r • talhk y " t~~ arltl~n!beJntQtth,lve, I N"Dltill!l!~' '~ . . ~c1ltl 'tb ~ ~. •...ftft···~ for 1\ be .""kehtr of,ouraelf.'! (; t en unlDtef)'gJ e, en to I1l atU .. ore - ·"7.Wh~ido1Puwant1"lIhe·tlDqulredenap[ : ! 1 thel! il!ortieulotll,-, a,nd ~h9n aa evellltbe' 'moet umlable'old lady u81tal do· ...llen' ilwakened out of' a lou~d plo.co ,of rellort fol' Dublin. duerlillt.B ill GOlied H 1., ' A -t r I I • ' the" Fifteen Aore~." An IIttof,ney of that ON~TY ""UI\l1'J.l},~.ED.R? q JlII~ ~ I ol\ly 1'C~chin' for my hat, D\orm," city, in pellning a o.f1o.11enge, ~o,ugllt most officers In a counLry vrl,luge ~rtl~d to Sne· "it's S9t undilr your .~at. ' likely he WIl8 dl'\lwing a leQse, 8,nd 'n~ited ulor, 0 celcb~Qted organ bill er, to exqm. tell you '~int," sliid she. ' "Tb~t'8 a hill II1ltYlifli8t to meet 'hi~ at thO' plaee ine tbeir .orgnn, ond make improvements in !> I .~ '"Gentlemen," sai~ ·tbe bonj!lt. Swls!! ' III forme, daye It.Core .'bome. i to be comin' feelih', round 0. bouy cal ed i'l\een .Acres, lJe JMloine more or "yqur organ be 'wort nm hundred pound 1-1i"m", nl\'''t:R wa ~cted,lo'\he supprel8ion witli, ' wbp.n' thel'~e ....leep. 1'1, tel{ ~e lui! just now. Veil I !!pend you ~on ·huurj3d 11, laboill: 1 baN known l1u to be sown wl,en agent; &ee iU don l d f ~ ll' h b b fi Ii .8fOUJld w.. nearly eovemd with snow, • ''\Vl~y ,~d graclouB'1 mann," .8aid ~e, ' 'liqok her~t Pete,' I!I1;d a kriowing dar- poun 8, upon tj S 10. t en e wort , (ty'l ntfier &han ~ bavlnll (t IQwn , on that you aught sleep an llge 10 the aame bUlld- k~*,;tOyJl,1Jtoe~t~4 'd ar on de fllilr!Llltd'. ~ , • ART.-A genuine work of nrt" bother lucJ£tr." 0J0d Frida. The 1'-ult WI. \n' :wl,th Qlej lIudI'd never dream 01 techln' ~, wood or morUle be toe matt'ria/, mus' nevW-.ed"· dr " J"t1i ..,., "d ! " . ." 'Kase fr de elrs aee dat moulf ob y,ours ~ i..uwr~~_}ed hiW Ie motta'r. an no "You miahtn't t dream of doi~p 8.0," Ia.id dey tbink it tI!Jl de ~epd' ond fUll ritll in." er 'lay, either dlreotly, whllt It would- be at, ... " '" ......... , e; III b but "1Q11,J it ot opel'. aim?I'y 118 this ob8erprO 1860. ' she,~'butyou ain't" bit too 110 'to.' e '. ; ---, va~ion ill, lind flowing ns It,doe8 froll) , , , -.I' bound-eomin' waki.n' people up fn ' the ' NEw S~I8110E.-The sCience of imbuin vert noturl,l of the beautiiu1, 11I-[IIS'llllll'l1l8IU-"1 ,mjddle althe night 'wheY! they're' ,nil alQne, thE! .minds of the .rIIlIDJr generation ' e~ from the tl'\le"the greotest hove To Dri..e Awa,. (ttier.e wete, fifty in the I'.af,) talk'iD' obouta eleDlents of a.ristocI'KY, Is termed siDnell ogain8t it imme'nse)y. ' ITIJ,iI ·may be' dQJlCil by lttumlllJ their bat-why, dOI.I·t you gilt YO\lr bat l • if it's V. S. Journal, the 'SCiDC8 of " , a~i:the followini nlanau, which Uiere and go away, 1J~t J tell you It alnt~ cultljre., or ~ me~ho,d of'retJalng'o !.b we.9l aWlY ,1lI tb!lt th,y wlll now, and that'll eneurb, r thinlt for pumpldll8. . , reoponllble ' pel'lon-always dJaturliin' ' • '. wbUe \ho .tate o~ amell relltainll: pCIOIl1I ot co.mmon tar, half an of tiUlI'Way-wbY 'don't you tDke it, .Acountl'Y.riIan to~k hl8 aeat at a. tearlt.fIb••nll u muCh oil of " .' table 0Pl>06lte a gen'tll'man who \\'1\8 i , ferm..h b,aadCul ofc:9mmon All: comlQlUld , the di.trellsed old gon.. Ing in ., bottle o! wine. ~S~:PP98i aU \oPtJa." , Ipreljl tlie u~~J' the .II"at Ittb~' dark wine to 'be eommou" 1!rope~~y, oUr URlloptl. . . . ~,.r. _Iar. a pi~ in whiCh be fancied wu hu. bat, istlcated Trlend he1r:u him, to it with ""1,beJlolel for them to walk on; lady'" ,.Dlall pet dog. whi~ he other gentlemll)'» 118111; • ' , , Boolts.-The quesllyn I,' oft", .... folIO the holee .and fill th(!ln 01 b,. the Deck, I18Iaed hIm in " Tliat's ~~I " exclaimed tbe owner of "What becomes of all the bqoks , JIIlie. Or anotbel' wa, II: to turn ftngera~ with Ii WlI-Uo.1I ~ht the wineJ ind~antJ1' ' sued Cr9m tbe pre.II1" W. n~ect only "'fuU,)ffiu~Jaalr,ffoJn. "OtD-Qlol CUIIII t!iec9D....u.echhIDII" ex'Yee'replied'tllootber '{I,bouId thint{ in repl., that tbe baker lIenda hO!D!! ~ .ld'\be ·rat holM wldr' claimed he, "why, it'. a lIyinf varmfDtl" thete ~a8 ice in ill' ! . brend wrnpped in a "page '_ of bloJos1; DeNa' appear ~ Ipln. ' "NOtIJ." .ai4 the old lady. (. mkon Dutcber, olir meat in meb!-pbysica. anil ' ~idi!. ..tided that It ain't the kind 01 bit ' Ep~..., . rectioner, our childrell'a candy h~ & ch~pter L' ' Iookh~;'ror, i.~dyou .e1lle 'fTwo- jolly topua"all{D,lllld Hugb,: of CIOnchololY. Strange thlt'!lutf\Ol'II have Tlaere ~ th.,.. JtI C~ti~ wbo beUeve ~e anll.~rcih for lOW:- olli b't.·~ , By tippling 100t.tbelr breath, , tho patienee to write wllot. the people have fwm.U J.. ~ COUD c;ojlrel., de~old ofmA jolt or ttie car. benl' nearly threw him ADd b.,vlng,drank to oU (hey k~ew, ' ptltlen~ to reaef.,~· ~nsttlll'e. &e1'~ee, ~clIUliCe~b1e of \be mOlt im- lntone~lap, on which she rye a" aligbt .At 1118t,tIleydrank to n 'u th.'" _. '. !1-t,f pro1i&bIa ltarieB. W. have evell bevel \ICle.m.a.bcl called for protection. • .J ' . . !'My dear," soid an GQAT J1XC1'l'I1IIJJ1ft'. jInaChen who im.,hled. that It"Wu "Pe[bapa tbia " 'your hat, air," alid the The mortal reiI\aine of Eiz. Preaident to her husband,."am I not your only treu- DEARDORFF & TUCKER Havo Jllfl eetIITJ to m~ 1.0 p..-eh a wag who ",at ~r'IIOnating' the coJ)ductor, Polk were, 011 the ittl1 \llt., I'Ilmoved from tlJ'o"~ ' ••" reeeived at their elore, in we new bUll ing to a ClOUDtry conperation) Tlitt i.-an er- at the ...me tillle nanlllril him his chapeau. tempora'i reeling pl.eo In the cerna- '''Oh veil,'" waB' the e901 reilly. "and ofJ:ohp E. ])ey, oil Mulberry etteCll, Lebnnon, a "'7:""'~:';-wroc)L:iiiiiiiOiiii'"7-~"-' .1'01'. FmMn -react, think" and uudel'lltand with the t'Icket 8areja die bat-band, With try .t Nuhvllle,' with appl'Opri.~ an,1 \Vuuld wil!inJly I.y i~ up in heaven,'. few door. "e,t of \,he "ato~ GroOolry' 1l1~ rno«, UE P!~~~;a'~~ m~ 1.11811111.01 clt1 ~ple ,ware an exclamation of pleuure"be .elled it., imp~..;ve eerem'oniea of publfio What an 'UJBinuating' wrete 8lllenaivlI UiOrtment ofbcatJewelry 'ever offer· alIo ~ dr.crimlnlte bel'A'ee~ a "Here, take the con881'Ded ticket, will and respect, and deposifed iq ;;: ~ ~ep~~. ot: Lebanon or vicin~ty; oonaia· -r pocIf . . . .OD. Farmel'll h",,8' youl" h~ exc-laimed, bandi.g it out promil- vault preplred for them, in Ime It is rumored that an I'dltor In the Gold clnd silver Icvcf8, dOlachqd and Le'pino .,..., opeo .....1_- ~ common .een 841 cuoUlly; but even: body refUse4, < lawn, iD front of tit, faq.Uy r8lidence in purohased a race horae at An watcbes, ILIIIJOIIII.l, .... ,bl ihe ."D1III, w en othen ve 11m ilK "Won't nobocly have iU" he enquired. that eit.,. of two thouannd dollarsJ for the purpose Eilv,llteYr .vo.oorillnty '1 ofocltllockd8; II e waT their tillle til cIi.ipadoD 'l!d in tav- "I 'Vow tew graclOlll,l wOA't carry it anothtClh' -b' b lbe TIU ~ ;g an 8 vet penCl a, ..... the fctrJller remalne In. h~ qUiet ab~e er mintt!" A81r~.bman with hi. famt& t.Dding at caa v~~ "~~y~=:. l:de!d~ 11· s e~~~':'\ O~r-:'!~li~t:::'~~I~ (:~~finq.j::'~ I'MIIIIIc I*. boob and \hiillunt' upon 1m- "8Aoto yout t~ktU/l' exclaimed the COD- Philadelpbla wu ...letet;l 0'11 abore!lf' elrY an(fFo.ncy: Stero, pCII'IUC .abject.. OouDtr;y ~ple poaaeu ductor, entering. to which he Idded, "We who ePoke to Pltrick i1ll lrieh. Tlie ,R;\'lIl1OL~" Wrr......OilC:., aRer' the eel· 'All ~jVblch ,tb.ey ~ffer at .rai~ pm., A irur-Lllo 1DU)' . . . .tqet over the retl~elltl. of tbe are at Auburn, gentlemen:" tlkiDg tbe blaCK feUo\1 {or eb,.,ted J olm R.aD~olph, of ROIUlloke, bad tho Ll(hee. Ue1DYllWto call ,." ......,~ ~ ~tJae th. pure klr, 4riuk the "Here, like h," .aid the old Yankee In own C9Wltrymen, uked ow been a,pea~. in Co~greu. MYeral memo Wei atUlnd'pcreonaily to tl'pai:rina Clocklt • water, bear the Uvel)' w&rbl· hip state of ucitement. "I'd je" bad beell iD A~erica '.About four ben rOM IQ lIucC8lliton and ftttac:ked him. WeLChe., Aecol'deonlland.1.",elry and wartan, . iDt of ... ,aitd Ire conllaDtly .ur- be locked up in yout dot-rotted wu the replYL • His reply W&l . . wItt, .. it wu it. DEAROOR.FF &: TU(i'K~R, ~~ ~ -::;:rtJleDbJl, lOul beret than travel by.team In theM The chOp-CIIUl hi hOllll said- he to the s,e.ker, "I am in Lebanon, 1800. t&f -r-.... DI. . A DIan'• .wnaJIJlhowin' hll wife aae! exclaimed. "Bill of old Lelr-gUPEB Y.IIYIIOK" G1J1Ir POWDER ...... tePa,..,.. DiJaf a,lp CraM clOp. or wliar. aD aU ftrecl thia Country, and almoat 'The Ilttle clcip ant III. TEAl. J-.c r_b'"11:i~k~~ ~~nd "I'Ie6 farmer'. life it ahwmecl ~ eight WWI8, Cl'OeI olel wimiDl" " 'tray, BlaDcbJ and Sweetheart, ~b. . . . . . It-.......... of III!"" . AI be )eaptllll'rom the c:ar. JU. ,"",Ib _ "I am in favor of Jo See-they blrk at lIIe.' It Sip Clftho GoldClll Ball .. I ........ ... GL09Do-Black, blue, drl'!.r.areeo , wbile ... to - to. r oar f . . . . &armeDtal' .aAOIlaed after him • "8bow loar a poIIUIIIU eaWl.illt, OOOll O....CtOUl!-K.._ ..,. t!»e earth _ ClGP. ealond. pu. W ulo. ., of asuI reItet mon, tbeJ &i~ IieUta aacl bull \brOuab the enwel. up lit it • haae ant~ It 1tU M80d, bones, oeIleDI IUJ)', aDd pact eiW~ .jut reoeWed ., ...... act 1et . " I roar ~ • &he ~~ OQ "Well. if JCM1're in Iaair _ homa t!:eUta.- ant i'. _.... ALLE..~ &. EV ANa. _ ..._ ,.'" ............ but. .. ~~r••Ie.... -.,..,."tIak.no ~... .. --.... tilnoflhlUvll1eaBtl1 eml . .kla _lIofill, be III \lie .......... ,... Nttel' ...., or IalIw hm.....-uHI &bat ai_is, 1Ml... W8J'D le. April. Tim ' . . . ua poor morlail, are botlloe, ita aA PllX:ES iO NET alB1lON~Ulllll .I~~~~~~~~~"'~_"" ill ...... IQ the wtDd, aDd ......... fa VUGldtad . ALLJI!M''A ~. - II 1M o.IIII"'11"~lL
I tI,e
I " ' .,Humorous. Stories"
I.''' .
,: !!i.:J1!. wm
, J
i 'RI'atctbr 1I.o.e~rL- "
,Til, contral' o,f .the Irn~ ~DI:I mal'l'{ed Itllt.e III thu. b£,lutifullY d,.crtbed by (lp. Ta'ylor;<~Sll!g'e Ute iii. like. b 'a the
hellllt of aD appl,r lie ~,..e)1t In IW~ but llvoll Illqpe, and i. contJruichndJcJtea In .lnguleri,lY' But m,rrlage,lIkube u.ttCnlr bee, builde a bouli. and g8the~ . '.eetne,u from every lIower" aad It'ndl out' colq'dea anc!.Jma the world, anll obey. lin". IDa their order,' and qerclles. Dlany bil p'f!lDiotee . the 'Intereet 9(' mlnkln4. and i. lb~ lltate of t~inge tq \thloh God.bath d~ .lIned tb prel!ent_ _coDdltlbD tor tbe,warla. '" • ______
~\ ~ ~~ r ~ ,
t'm wo • ..,. o( ch:i8 raall... Ufe,
, J'm weary of i~.
HO~oft m, lonely ap1rit eMh" Tp &h.~ 10 ~ laomo 0 j·poill:.,
l\1~lh.~. m.thiok.. IMa thee Jlo,WI' ~dllhy eye of ~Ile ..
lI,hl, '.
iii modilalioll deep
A.\~1h 10
my light.
8 o'uloe~,
, Till' fi're ' is still r~l.\'iJ,lg. All the Tille- " lilies Lo New ~ork aro burned llown.
, :'''\
W Almlloro., JI1l" It.
Rev. Hr. BII~le... chepJip
"1e!.:,:~~::~1Itc;,~C),W'~lf~!lqatBi <delivered e' 'mcm 8Oiem1t allihp·: ~, U."lnl'ODirlalt8 ,rll)'or in , 'ile H01IIf, .... 11..10£ gro'~""hlliah wU, I;fp
~ . . . . .. . .
e i
W b o
~e larr Car Man'l~wry. bel()DII[•.~~m~~~~~~ to' Meara. Keok,&. Davenport, abc.vel..... rrwii..;; ,, __W"'•• I'o __ WU deftr4JYed OD SeYeral ..ew ct.,. were n. tl~.lIa1,e ~thC!f with .u the tool, ~ll _1~~.IN1"E!:-"
Dol •• Gooct. Hft I, indeed the wlll(lit 'ri'd the bappltllt
man. who. by CODatant IIttentiol\ ,ofthou.g~t. il!liCovere the Ij!reatest' ppportuille. 01 doi~1r good; aJld wltb ardent anil animated reeoiuiloJ]1 breaki' through every oppo.~. tion that hp mlly Improve thOle upportuni. tiet·-f ~ridge~ ...:...--.......~-
Spple apray from
Tbe alivAlltftJ., or 10•• ~l8ir. ", "No ont' would lake you for what yqu . SOJile
meal (rom the COl'n of. root,
A ap~ig from ,the root o£ all evil. are," laid au (lId f~llIonecl I!tltleman, A featlier ' plucked (refm the wings' of daI or bvo elf'. to t dllndy w~ bad more T.lme. t, < • The cork from 'the lvlat ofWl'llth. A plllBllge ffom the book of ev.,nte. Some bri~tle. from. pig of lead. A tooth nom the mouth ot Wisdom.
eaul!:h~ bug~gy
A glance from 8 look of hprto..: Some inaecia in' a{he tombride. A. pieCe of marble f!Qm' of 801'~ "NiI.bful!d
ro~tne bllir tro~ the ,tail of in~t.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1II,}~blr!,
'They, uow~ ver, continu ed their remarkSj 0,011 at ,1eugUI, liotlcinll Maylll.llLllBBi\ence"one of them I1p ronched, ~ilJ , ~l\ppiri'g Jl ilil o,!],,tlle shoulder', lIai~' • 'WeIJ, Mliyl~'nd hete lou sit d :,lIilent '~s 11 mouse. \Vhot ilo YOI\ think of the motter-the tid van tog s · !lnLl dilltulvanlnge:1! ' • ' ,e /3 b 00 ld 1ik e to , h avo your. opirnon l 'Whol'woulil'.yoll 11,0 if you wero not; mllrri~ cd1' ", Mayhm u's 8woe,heort wife was sitting' a little distance fl'olll 11iln when 'ihis qUl:'stion \v ns propt)\b dlci. tshe h'qd been highIi dellghte d thot her denr huabond hod ab! stained 'from the ,reokles8 ·flow of word$ whicll had be~U\ pl1s8ing -but now, se\iillg tbnt he wns dllcctly 0ppcllled to,.hor hellrl 1~~l'ed, .'"nd sne riv9~ted h,!!r eye~ IIPOII 1Pl11 With Ilun~led ,clllotions of hOlle nnd fe,ar, I~ was not, at thnt momen t a diffiqult mntter to read her ~ourltenallccw' It 8celljed t~ 1lS~--' And, am l ~ ~ compl'o mi.eJ by. filII bUilband as my friends hnve by theirs!' """'hilt should I do l' slowly re.p,eotccl tbe lov\'t Jl\I.sband; and ,t hen turn to the 'glllnce of' hill 'wi'fe, be , \VOllld g<! immlfdintiHy In ,o f - -, (repeutl ng her mllitlen hame,)' offer he~ !IIY. IIp.art: ond , hand, ~e I blebsed b.y . reo celVlng hers Ih return, and get' 17Ia,r ua as.
ill u neighbo ring ' ~o\yn ..1'b~ ';tUBa of eated at the furthe8~ end, we.sllw n wo- " J c)urnber~d<in froin the "end, yui( m~l\ w,npp d ,in n ltirge bh1Ck shawl, Ilnd f ulII.I took up .. my 'l wllilJ:e tl1'e lJlaet blllck hood. 1\'4\>1 drawn nearly Qvet hIlr I amJ"il cros.ted 'eoc,poititio ..-....,... :h oll,er.; making JIi\'se\f fa.ce. RlIdden rY slie tore it bl1~k,nlld HlArt: fast th!'r9tO witlr ()Jle . '1'0 kc~p one ftllured tlamp" ' . . Qf -' rhteullh Iif~ unchill'u, umllov'd , ' , illg up, 1I1ug!I~J RIIII shri ked ~vith , 11. ~vild of. broke!1 rOI,e which U!~nu'fneroUir ends ' . :.: h I ~ Ilbounded',' ~rd for ; 111M -'ro ' OVIl ill wlnt'ty uge 'tlte 811111 11 . ~o ' more; WW,lp·lnt~nll ,. earl, or~'1lTD ' u near thl, , vOlor. She A!fU'8iin'yuul-lt WlU! 'a mantllC ,- n~llr an hour .,ot"diamClI and a/niost IiTolCun we l~\" cl '. 1'1 • 1IOHOlUl SIOUlNG; , . . . ,. • le ' JIg t ofrenso ll wl\,B goue. alld the heart d wlheed rulof 'how " • ", • , {tile \\lO V~wt08ll Ife b~d ne wish-IaT,e 'but te eee THAT n~N~ -' . ~Iort.llr' 0 cleiin, but .i: in: tlark.pn n.ol IQnd.nelii l~ung o~er her , b~in 1' hi~ is lov&-fuithfllilovo, ' , , ed me ,to and I'~o or ho\v theY - oace more, IIometim QiJ 01 IlflOtrng my , ," d ' I eggs with a kmle, . or Such as 8Alut. mil:l,It fo I vb ,vr. By he~ tilde SQt a.man whollo arm enctr\ll- bl1rst over and Hllllost 'lItif\ed mill' I was' .," a IIpoon, ( ha\le II. whip ,made of piecos of· ~d her slilll waist, while For ha w.. Ylng. If we we're constan tly to bel\r ill mind liil ever and anen he sQmewh~l roused by n (e'fllIng " of Wnrrht]l, ~vire bcnt'in an oblong shape like a tnssoU b'rel1tbeq Bomo kind ,. 'I ", d l o u r pOBso.ge ' th'rough life, that 'tis 'l.,ifJes word He torilod, wi\h bounding etel', III) lappy , makal tha 8111'(1 of buman ILl tied wit4a 'bit of fwine to ~ laillk~~v 800thed·;her pnr(\xysln: inlo !lor e.llr wli.lcll and lookiu{;' .,nbroa~ su\\l . thilt" tIle. cloUds things,' t~ow lIIue\! Th~ voace.:~hich, hnd broken, and ~ UII:WIi8, ~hiningllrighl haudle, ond . beart, \0 roam I, f.a n bea~ tho,. wlilte r(!.f SIX :d ' I the hU,lcyon dayll of YO\1th, wrough t , ly on tile B'll!.; lllot ' .' . ofttle misery into w'1ich 111811Y ~f .)19 JlOW 'rhe 'wllltl W08 'l\lso abated, to II ~Itlln~ng (oam in twu mllllltes , ns spell or love Upl>lI her hel1rt, o :or~,~:...:~, :!:'.,~:: ~!:~~~~~'I~;: ~c,:~~:~i heedlesllly plunge, m'ght be entirely .nvoiph~d not ,even and tho,\vave\l not combi Ig so vio\"ntl y, • '~ r. ,...... . 11 ns you will in )lalf an ho'u ~ with ed. UnhaPl,i1y there nrc: but f~\~ III t1!1) ,t pis darli . hOllr ' lost its' ,power, and be ,~iiil more .!It e11se'. Then r hl!ardtJ)llt}f;lr; knife. Any \:,ody Cl1n mnke nn egg, whip would. gaze 1ntQ lae~ , !1ollow, ••,. !,: ':ib;:! :tonl) ' ~i~ll was. given in married lit ate who; in thOI~, Qrb~ with flO rllj\e souni1- the sound of tbe Bell atonerenuDlscer.cel!, AI .,.. tho t ~n Wjli,lLle Il a~i~k or find a Iliece Qf , (lI~ch .tendern ess !I1,at \1'6 a!mo.s t wel't , t!> '."hich nu are enabled to look bl1ck nponP! e unb.r bkel1 one hos list,el\e~ to Boye he who wlro,~lfth(~y cUno.t aJli:mJ J;q buy Qne, Ion vail), For he ,w u dyingl find lUll look re\vll~ded · onli by tile cold, bas SW\1m fnT (rom chain ofblis! 110 beautifully deplctecl til the any vessel, or \vhQ, )i1te mention the e , thiuga ns liample,! of . " . " .( ' linea ab!>vo qpoted: and .t~e, o~lly ,l'e~~ol\ un ~on \lttiqu9 stllre of ·the IUllnillC, As my8ell~ uos Clullg to .a dfiYi,\g ~a~, O~' O \~' II time savip , nut it' you wil 1I0t.' e A!ld II that b.lo1y w'lid caine to him, gently t.h at 'fifo tI1In illialll\~\~lmltlli 'oq thelll, W~ thougll t wbat 1\ lesson tbe . boach yo Ilelu" tl,ie 1\0\ ol~,n"r surf, ~ I}ere ' thaI, 1.lghlna. " ~Jfllnl1eil, I wi" 1'you n. little story." " ' ' " , realized , hi (next ,to tll~ . iu this wqrld, 'SOlRe who ha.."tl ' re- wove!! burat lIpbll' rock " or bd; on ship. "OJThlld8d! not I. It'S'l:l10 slliiest \hing lIlI relt that 1(01) Life'l visions wQ\lhI be o'er; 1lP-1I1! of our raco) tbe ~vontnatfural perver.lI,elIee,.' endea :or4!g I,) !jav!)r ~h holy bo.rd you heor the '~ashlll g 01' tile bUlowa Jle ~oeJed ~OJ the gloti04s 8~e"e around him tion to the thou~ llI\d ht.le 0 proper alten\11 the wo:rld ~o ~etoffended, particul arly Ill. ?f Ipa trlmon~, lJ~~usc tbe gHt ia 011 ' c~lInter and Pl'~\"; l a~lI) obwo , 0pc.l,wen~e.iI. aud , 'thl;m· ILU.~ , Iy'l , . .. \h08e \V-It~I 'WIsh to do 118 good. ', '1'he doc~ worn frum the l1IJl1lt1l1 ' ., unpleas ant pa8sage~, co~fe8se of , If they the 81gb or the wtnd um) the gronllln g of , bft~n h~8 to adminis ter ~nplea8ufl~ ,could hove 80,011 ~hilS Jnall He he~rl"ot, \lIen, the hea"ing' oC1Olln 11 C,Oft!"- therf!8e1ves, ,in willch, 11\ clly trl11wglll the .oggregnt~ , to the lirqberil ' nrt'd 1II1\8ts: But'to] 1 '/lr the sell , leI. zoar, to e'ftect ~ cU,r e," ' . \ ~ ' \Rake up in nUlUbe!" what tbey \~ tLnl . \11 , . wreck .Qf nUlaia hopes }lUd , joys, alone. vou must be nh~ne lIpon the se'a~ f ~ll " Illleu, . Ellen, ' For be WIIS dyillg! J ",os Ollt tl1king teo fervelltly to her wb01l1 1)6 IIIlU \V welgpt .' ,' ., will tell you of the noise;' It.js ns of j1 gr!lnt wjth , 0 ,n~ig) lbor 1l1st week, and we w\lnt in, , . , vanda of ' lua not, howevo :, our IIIt~.ntton,. even and beauty. \v l/lm the bloo~~f mllltitu4ious hiss, ,ri.9ing, ulli.,,~ aUr .bout Whal thOll, to jllm, were Gangc8 to tb~ milk 1'001'0 and cheese room to Bee w,e re we equl1l W the taB~, tq d,lgross.lIIto a' srxm as poss,ilAe!' , 01111er chcelc" nnd t~e Jire 01 In , -the buzz qf the termqntinl! and ye~tY' ".. the chcel!l~; nnulia wc Cfl'lne goldt , . .. di88~rtation .upon tile varl0~lJ ills wh! ph nfThis "nexi> ~cted reply, so delibera\oly pedra.few 'minute s to chl.\t bock we stop- III hel" eyo, whell she indeed J110S~ ne~dll,ll waveK . . There nre 11" dUIlP', Ii6,1JI)W rutnb-' Or m\lli~.echoed. frem the h~ap orF.m~ !1 wlUI t1jc~ IlUmnnity, in t.he ki,tcben , him, it would have been a !llld but terrible lings; on ·the . probu.ble causes ulid firmly elCp~esBe~, hlld tbe eff~~t to exoept for thn\ hissillg, soet~l'n, - tie lotlg.ed to oce T~I& IlY.1l1I Ihal gleD e. , pr,o- the Illdy told one 0,( tbe girls, ;.Jlhe might le~soll tl) theQl . willeb produoe th~mj ~u~ merely t~ Ilrostl.n t ,dqcellt l;tont 6110nce. .TIi re ~e 8om~ we kno\v s?und , the grou\. billows rise · nnd \lillY. ,' The. sutlrlcol .. por- Dlilk!! /lome flonnel ()u~es or griddle cakes. who 8Qoff jn' ,;LOvE U!tTOLDj ' 1 to e of ,the readcr with 0. bri.ef iketch, wlupb. wl!1 tion lit tl\o , constan cy , of 1Il1.\1l, and sllencc; olld you look o'V~r a tum1>lhr of tbe young gentlem en \lI\derstoo\;l us SOllie culllhem . for teo, g, \\}/lSte .AJlIl hellr ~II ~Ollll: that ~rcathed., n 11 She started .perltDps serye, In; BO.me, respect , to III~- und appreciated its fine mock the idelL of hie lovin" but here wns bluc or green lorce; They \V~re on th~ bound to, her duty. Firat aheTlln , l!)vol, hal name, . , trate, all well thE! e,ase Willi \\[hfcb , the ~eedll suddenlY nbllshed . . ~It instanc e of uS qeell ilevotion O!l ev~r cd, '11110 v ri Elgu~eawater, ian laoed,.. nnd dusUc , 0, ' . ' Fer he '~1111 dYing. ofllnhap liiriess mll-Y be \l1I.cuutlously: IItrown their O\1'n Conduct tool,t wall a contra8 t With dO"' 11 the cello.r and brough t lip the tiutter- wl1r1ned II bumail lieurt. We parted, frQm alld streaks , amI w~th n tl\ou~alld '~ri'p~IJ" 'velDs of, whllo' ,glnn'Clrig IItriklng not to havo lIliJ~ 'jar, hoilling almoat a pail full; then 8 ' I Id' e tho ioved enes ·nevarlJloru- - in ilie beart8 oqhose them, with iL deep re,gr~t that IIcb love wna forth, \vhle,I. embroid love U8, o~ , alao ita own 'weight. The young wife ,who was er, 88 it were'wiLh Illile 1-11 lI~e:;:~en :cl\crished 'Hope~ for ve~ fled; w. hat may be ('.on.id~~l\dwho run buck tor ' th~ eggs, lIotjetl a ,b.alf 80 Tore·r City1tem, ' ;, dnrk' mn l!~e9 of heaving and faU;"1r ., • nd lQOa ' Q~ (ar-olfln dia's frClgr~nt Bhoto, ien~ ,stote ofth~t ~rlght th~· infllrl~ or I ncip- tho ~ubject of it~ WtlS ' 80 d!,eply a~cted'Bulorl1t u!i, IIcllt, t ered II IIpooufu l , 0~1 . ~XIs~nce, \~nnl\ed so filled with ~utitnde thnt !lhe hII'd !:reen ocenl1,-! llucllaflcer, flQor, wind. ~ou cf chant It rcqullJ\11 0~C)i' ,hla ,~ed. ~y th"t,cli8c~ed O ~~e' wbloh con nlone qllfll, sparftd t ho ' in~lctlon of a poll) she 80 fer- ond tied lInd another on the tnble, rolled It _. \ Li~" gqlden ·dleam. , ..nd fleoling vnnlllCB , ,Ify us , ' " -: i~, lip; next turned Mr buttor~'i ~k . \ . , ' • ~ vently d eprecll\tod-thn~ IIhe sprung ~rom out and spattere d a ~ o'.,i.. · · new d,relW , _all abou,tthe '1 0 lo~e III Wll1t rlQ~iic. lhe some , ,her ~eat (Lnt! fel( upon necK" und With a. waist, spilished it', over' the talile on wore .' Th~ wanderor WJIII dead! divers "A~8 fi~lI~ you tIl, "'8.. byt;!d,;' oun married tear of1oY' glisteni ng illhid , her eye, 81lid, in n things, Baid ',h shaw!' picked up the Bl1lei:~ , I . WILLO l\UN.E , e811VII tWOS gIve '/1 lain subdued t9ne; ' BtUR from the floor ami cleaned her l'~\S":lT HllJLS, June 13Ih, ·18~. · 'IQdy..r..o~e 0 a Dl~lDe~O~1:I ~~ c ;:e~' b~~hda - 'My .beloved hU8bon.l, that answer , " , ,.. taln.c~--onl' r'c . T(\~~he 4lrs t n,iniversaly' conso\l~nce With ,,,II!\t to me you haveill in oud caught 11 pll1to and ral~ to ev- room c,umie book "v!tl. 'Q henlli J "or tho MI~\lIi Vivilor. \Vrlllcn W~I\ I en'y.lso ,. th'e' ";"'Ilter" pil~t or ar been. 'Would that I were more wor-thy flour, t~rcw it in the _ nO . UGH'ra , d (l I('r hyoung pon and rlen., ·A._ ... - nilll . ~ . , .' ' f t d 'h .. '" d bt' k i , d . ttl e "YIII ( b ock dr' th t'I 't w s nIl , sli~lmel rlrE!1J 'altar al 0 ~our mos eyol .. aue I~',l' Su:aI!l;~"bytho.fu1IowinlJblltlUI.Hulline8which \\ om II nee~ R Ilhl" ' . nn "Qr t,ln t I II , If ' d fe 'More werthy, dear Wife )'ou cannqt and all lumpB. , appeared' ill a laIC rlUDlW, P/lho. VlsIlI'r. The(o ~as not , Dbout thf.som e tlDl{\, w t le~, PM wend b~,' he rop-Iied. "my You nre to me a jewel or enough, .and: away 'she ran ':ngain , and • v ~ , pre~ellt _0 en,liven ~ofcea.~0~all:6 ~e ineHtil)1~~le wonh, " Deprivjld oCsou, l~(o brought a little more; ' tbere . was still not " Su&'81 thou no\ Ihrolljth ,Uti' dllrKI\O!s .thnt on- l\ladam~ ~ntla~ d. , h s~:~s) pwseJit ed a \vollld be to me, ~u~one unrelieved' ~la~k" enough, ": IIhroud$ til... , a~ld the, , j Uf>ney; had t? be " 1I1\IM.o ,t 1e 08 a,n , 0 d . ad for He th('n impressed Ilpon lior forelleod an mode, ill it all WU9tJlird. A lIl'lIm of HOllO'1i b!"l;h'tl\t~r"Oln g to cltl)cr m, o~t (\lfl~ltoUltUdl~n, d~ahe~, and she ItI~recl an i~~~e~ ~t ,vhich impassi oned klslI, alld 1Ieoted her gently be- awny until ber face glowed like a pcecmy; Jluars! Ihou not a VOICU.. t 11,1 C t}C: lr tonller ro r or ea? , '" II b side him. tltt-c. " at ollce «he t1iOllg~lt of her eg~s, and Jlftfltlok moro 0 the tOmll.utl t fon dnel~ w I c Frollt the O!lIt1!O"'N .o'o1l1("rl" I ' . ' , "') h 't'" . , tl1 ;ounrlr anti ' honeru\ ' 10 er, j Bu\'1.he dC~nq ,dul , . ' ' h, ad c arac w~e8l' ):: ' ftl. obller~Qbie ~i1 the 'I volce8 0(, t,hose who not en~ here. ~ 10 broke tJle~ mi.P the !,u,tter.. 13 Ie ~o.~·· ·td'l'I\1oJ~tc~1 a few m~nuteJi l\efur~ gotten tho 8ah, and ran now fOf tile i f r oot 1 tti:lRk !lie (orthOiio ..... orrll' ai-rowe r 10 tiD." tI ~y .111 , la, ~B\lCI " . en less \\'tlr~ lou4ellt jn vuin prattle, were • l;h\lcr' " time to tl14~ ,01'1111rpom, , Now her bUlter ' : 8~llId rClal.I ~IO/l, 01 n "1~~led h~~ or;v within hushed an .Ilen-ce -and tba~ silence woe too til ck, oDd cOllse9uently th" sUJeraA lOllciYI"e inliing" !lfli '1lo,n a }'e,a~~ lltan :;~~d no ~portunlty to be broken' by some spiri~ th~t sug- tUIl pal,or I au to u~Jergo allother .operati un., , . h I'll 'b' Ilk a U1lIGlITt ll 0\ ){ t le/nll.. ly~~, lOY neg ~ d' ~ f J tMlt a cllfterent aml more agreeab le paB~:!: ~~~utl. Finally nn:er much Iltbor ond toll. ",nd an 1 0011 deparl. . to .adtn! I,,1I1er to the JOY t;l1l cpm~~:tr e~ ~ ianio thlln tbot in whicltt hey hpd Just been t'Xpenditllre <!f milch time a~d \'Illate pi' . , . . their frlencll whoth tl~ey hqd I{d i Ildulglng, bur.. which No mol'tl·I' 1'11',.111101'-'118,11. llllgrllli wilsry" IUDIPY blr.l\.er w ... real,!y for Itbout' them, .aD~ pos8C4IIIIDith~ m.~lIt ag IIi ~o8ed, tQ ronew. . AtnoM now, .eemed ~i8- mQterrnl; tfii,8 ~ri"ill, a mom d , , r\LO"",On l.tf~'!1 II .wClter&: -nev!lr :nut bere wa' '1\ now tro~ble; ~o ftte ". able ~Il~ wlnllln' g manner s, I~ ~ us rllr:l ter of the hUII~ajJ~ w.ho had so audde $.!I.1l "'Y ~I ~nl ~lil1n......rihli 1110 d,fKQCll\P thllt tlllit r olf~rfil ~ plea,,~ right hair nn hour before WaH we~e l\~~UCQ . 18l clt""lJied .... otdel-, ,o f \hi..., w~lc" 'drt'lIty, ' . ' , ~iiId'e whiek haclJ Joen eet tu 1.0+ ' \i. . \ . . . . ~ • •• vi.ewed with much satisfac tion, l'IlAT 'VOlli E IIh.l1chcer 0)(1 (Vl'r, tile beginln g, b\i~ned rough' ' ,~It" "ht I llelDga.t~ .e)lt~r~alfl, It II CallY ! likswille the 10 Itisl, anil the room, full of the Ull, '-? , 1I11aglne th~I't ~181~ra at Bucll ulli,n .... n ~ml to 'hll ' lIfe1hillkA B gloriOUS lIlorn i. brciiliing 0'1;1' inoi limes wb uld ,th.llt and Odor 61 burnt ,",\UI~ be ~nder very liLLie restrain t,' ~ion fllaVfully ~k~d directin g nt~l:ntion t9 VllOn the ~ky . l l I r . fast to the froh- two ~es- U'<"I> , ,'D . In ~"'t1ing Uae. pl~IlIiUrOil of tho houri ~nt It i,. th 1) · I .~~fI\f'lIUmrpf!rilll: I~~ul!ti t1,~ \c1~utl~ be· rDstruin ~ io .Il~ beCorjl the tic.l~ie could Cl1llOS: al ull know, la 0:1 C~l1;l,y.'::' not a.shtmllltt--t<r~'Ort ing tho dIIb-c~ths were iii a AI A .10': , iD' IIfH,lillO'" bright "tn,t ." gr~at bOT \9 ('nJuV~lmt, ' · .d d horo'belaTe 'ItII the company1· '. Hila thll voung l.wy had' expendrhe .converllltlr)nl .,"..~re :ir l'.l:'l1~ ,a~ . '1'he complln y J he returile d with an)iir-of eel 8Il Y'Clt Ittbil col.."es." Ih ':rorlt1. 0. f(lLUnd mD, Ilctual lubor.1 would 1!lIve prefor a time. w.ere: PlU'lltCIP d"te. · I~ !Y ' ,a • wbieb he cO\lftJ!nol well repre.Fi. 'will ptlrea the whole meal, 8e~ . L \ '11, Glowin g With w~rnlt I an nUlmotiQU, '" l or• tr:timph " ~, MP,t1i may tho tll.ble Dud l'" '(1r; , ' , . . . ' , pleal!o ~,(cule liS: \\1e• d'1\1 1'h comme . '8r the,lItorn\y lIk,ioa Ihul nQw'8l1 rround 0. number ot 10piCS nce nll/ " i •.. ,. . . bad helm e~h\lu~,~~~ , our tckll!l~r cQurt.lhi,e until not' belt ,gIVO forth after "(jh.delLll' th.t wnl me; anybody migl!1; s",ee~ flowera of .fn"o~io eve~ prol!1i t~em.;. q( :fi~ r~llI° Y n; , :Beneat h ' . ·1 and h;i /lot yet enact!. "We trust d. klJ A d~"cIOOftLmll' gllther; W'that ,. liroulh~ upon th ~,\PI8. 1;11 l~lI~:~: O~~ }naY' cl»)'Itinue l\)rougli,'the whole courso ' l1'Ianllll ipicture! But h W ' would you amillng8~iell of hope they will bloom I . , { el" . ". • . ,epertM, WII~ ' pe~uhar!v nllP op ~ ' vii0r., and stieer klndl.)' infiuebc e tour nn tura llh,t'll ~Dd that 'fI'e mny 'pond . CboolI Iac a n.,"ba ... . . 1'h~ ~rW'.. ~bl "lillou\ d Ia:iv,e tllken my pan nnd ,s poon, aroulJ(l. O! tllep, tlieir II ~flr til~C .tllI "> , , 01 tbe OCC8810 lHr but. unfortu nll'j l our 'holl'a t, thanks for .pring, glori. L!>~e IS 10 ?,eoes8~y art mgre!l\e llt In'mat. moon in Heaven!" . put my ..IE!r.,tU! inlq the ~IIII, gone ,down ous aprin~, that acta on , ~. tr~lel!ll ~•• un~avflfll'lf '.!'"~,I, ' ,' \VaSA f!'ero~ .tU;:,tll~ a turtl tile o? r Tilill '.VOl enoulill. nature .lId on Ifl..n, flmODlal ..ff!'".,. th~t w~ S"IJ' OQn1!~~, of TlI..e acene was in- the ' cellar, (lipped the " b~tt~rm ' ~~ wIthout , [tv gloeJA ..,'tl.!' dllji doe UghL Ihat AAIIII,\~, \\ ,th r~8ul& ~f \~hICh , If lIelt'';locbecked, wonld lJ _ I d' ed ohnnged . • ,'the 6ft'e'n chce", tho one and glidden I the other, ,no l&ate wll1,ch II blesaed lJg gentlem en 8pntteg ng'~t into my pan .with a Ct,lp which evell · p.,foet !a,Y, •. ' as it can m,ke the 'MIl forget tbe cold than a mtlt~lage from ~y,with Jliill.illiehuUJ l~kely .In :lOle to ,ceilw l~tO ~II ~D.~o~lq\le~o: 'b!leamll fully convinced ofdithE! ot~.e~ , mot!ve. -:(' pern ,FrOrtl ~&wn..,...4 tb<3JI.lI!t. I. keop in ttl!! jnr:for ~hot purpoSe; tl~en broke chilling :wlnw! wbi~ . \lIe 1'\'11, . ,~ . " teh(len~f of their e6nd~ct-fTllnkly the eggaln: tolhe milk clirerully\ gone from lately so il can make hUH , ,rpigned ulltll "The ve~atlou. life. ·afllle, (rOm a COb~~~-' S \ilt "",vel), t.~UIi~1: wil1l1b 1000, W\ll\t'er btl- "T, \)ia'1lntimh!Yllllt<l~':~tl tho 'otlier forB!lt the pf two peophf of ql1lc,lt'r u\e ~nit reu~e~fin~~:~~;; :'lfnClw1ellge(1 t\leir ~r"- ijJologi2:ed tl.tk m~-' _ , . th.,,e into th~ ment'ro 0n:' and .if~,od ,t~fI dark,~I?tidli orgrier which larmony w IC' mil e . th~ ir wifes-k isaed them all around, maj:'hav e enco{ll! 'aklmtme nt, r f~t r~rt~'O'I~~ll alrt ne1'er-.' ~ proper qunn~y or ~qur tn and ItllTt;d t a few mom,llnta. prevloU/l, ,WIIa , tbo heart, and ~wer In tlie hour of ,no~n to , tP e r.'~tli: soon tetiled in perfect good humor, all carefuUy. tbue beatmg ' r ~n s. In W'1 e " , la Suife arid Core .mAT fulb~ 11»1111 1I0mo o( tbe tbe ew. while 1 lookto a joyfu~ futl,lre, to a happy ea.re 11 taien to aVOId ~what ~hey}ht, pie h\IJ3~nde, tlealled with leSIOn ~hey atirred th~ /lour;. dropped. in ~ I)ttle 1~1t and I!prih \Ilde"\8 , . . !' , , g.-Cd y lkm. . . ' tearned ,al'jd WIlli 9f eviJa>- poVQtty !,anil ID1ur!. to~,!~ , . the means OIl.!... -.li!revet'. • ' ., f0!he kitche?,all In fi,ve.. 'rIllnutel (0. 'M. . , _h. ' '~ I ":vel , ' savinQ"~bem frotjl ~lt~" e,~ er1 eVI~' btl.ltl", . , , ~I"" pI' haVlnr' ofto.tlll ngout of p,lnce, ex- , P"'AII~n Hni.!!, Sunil ~l/Jt, 1m:. • . _ fPemal e Patriot ism. . '1 ICUh~!I:::t h,e \U " cohatJ:1Unt before company conten.~ aleniati on ~11r llliellu nd t~ele I !!bould iiii've The Q.uI!eil of Gam6re , after havir8' deA: happieJl oompan y 1~"'t flUl\ili~rhy "'.~~ ~OUth , " at ~tb~r time. ~ So Y,0u 'see Ph lve tfIc!'.. five fortree*ea, apinlt the r~e, abe wh"n ' tlley ~gnin ant ;wl\hln obaerva Oft, e,~ ulaembl ed, '/i~~' ~:~ _~'1a1!~n=ordon ',n ' Jour off,()Uf Journey" W tM-cell ar, to ber Iaat Itrongh old, ,on , "'h~ met logethe~! And tbi, assuran ce, ?~erl ... ~!II't ~ '},eh'~,Vlori' ~. r"-~ · . to " fetch, and fWD' j ~ , bdaokt and four Nerb'udda, and hsd · scarcely left tbe bark, "'orller y:qu ~.v. &ome very roputal) e all Ule oral thet need 'De aJJn~, ~ey riiVII8 the eac~bofne,r • meal to'1li.courtl~ eloquen tly 1Jp- rei\de.r is room I snoul dbne ,.' m ,vh th ' Un .. butl\)ft~ I,.. bpPJ /(o~e.o. to thatdepat1menl , on the Ifrirhi ft4ild • • for varioua achieve h I I con,.uo .; m company} • ey are .. roY' • 'd .. en e asaa ~ t'I arri~ed in' - tan~ (a.tory' wnen only togeth~ r in. a hell'.' w o:e:tO~I~: te~:'ot~ b.llt theY'tee 1II1Ic;nt1\r, lS'ytllf.\I .I~~ alrna,?'~- megllt, ~h,e di'hea~bed d~fende", 0 ( ' Wh1eli, the-y, Il"ilht enter, if 1111:!I, "Tlie'h appy lIlarilago ia !,..tien '\Wd~ ;" " . From thc! Ohio t·ma\ed.lft a "nouce tu CQf""pOndrftlll., CuhiYllt ot. .my 'dress, saved the .. ' , ,. numr: ' ~d :::: ~~b~-:e~u~~ I • )~"I'.,;.roni!!' Es:ped eace, CJ.r, t)le art meet, &£ ~olunta.rl~y mske c~~~ fire and a 1rO<liI Ilalf liour r a dOflll .~. af die ....eal. Q~ 0 o . '8 ., 11 re e t .( tray t,' ont!. each oilier, WltliOU,t prIncipally repna~f~t · " , . '. Livia, E~,. t" A.1I I. I~III", l"~llfftre, af thtl ,'), C e)~~, and .hlld It "better ' nl~H of ,( too .a·d anotber , "1 wou~d e~p ii·enll:a t:ea:"'\e~ cRbnDtry or neglectl'l{.U~e ci,rc'wnatllft~s of f~\ItO\\~', ." ~ , v,'hleh tht' 6n .~E.\T "'~. of ~~set"Il' DY tAe old *o~id... 8up ..... , in t e ~argaln And tbi_ ;a ~ nd feWt 'It " r til ' upD.n ita curiO\l~ties . or beauty. " Th,eJ8 may lti~lOVe, Iii' ~itt " BY . FJU,ltO! ! p, ~:~Gf;. ,. ~",edmC!ll he advanta ,eo\lIlr treal_, tit YOIlI' , QD{half-bour. ' .ve'!! b~ o~e- ba.nd iii geltfng uti ere I became ~ eettled ~. beJ'! :,):' a:d w:ld have cO~lId'PIll reid alld dijeBt"~ A!fI'O~ --of sicknellli or ~eraity, . ~n tptl ~~e~ , I " tobt tIi woe"" -\h t I ht ' j t ' ., . ' "I Un't. see fOT my" life, how you h a true 'DOtlon or thl, IOr1 r 1f&UfOb ~ J{~ .JMrft. or wtIWa.' at-.ell' will rc!,"~ Btlpper, ~ ~. n g ,onger 0 i yoftl' • ~., ,0.t.1\\ r:oerclo n, for t e ao vour eally,M humor ",. of JODeI," liviD laid rr'fnat, ~he .1lt fanilli btlC' ,0".1- 1• ... ....we1IliJ'~.t of 1. N, C. ~p~ p t!:an it. would bav~ ~ake~ me waited , ber replY , I D' ihF lIa}£ below~ o'f your to .he'r imatl~i 1'\.0th1'1" i:)D1 1 nearest and lIou • /ffld rh't It a OM. , , . . ' • therefor e lent a measage of ~nt, Iud de; "your femily ill la~~r than OUllI, loe b.. no m~re: tb-Idb With" tb'e a&te" "But I., me! here II bl\,by fut mandila two boun for uflmol8 llted pMp1lra - \b PP J ... h t do ,wi\h Iclc1. hl.ve ~eBllliel p!iDo 1)tilt\e. fuu OT 8011t~ the ~eu, a~e ,,!!I~el\e~, an~ my h ' tiem, that llie mIght appelf in appropr iate ~nw·~:~b.e~!!.an ~ wweaU frommo r'ningtl ll we:lO:;e bewoun dup,lur ltJl,t\m e to w ey .ha~ P.' ~ clI~~"' , .aid a t~~, eH I aU"UI\" 1 1 to ur bOtra&wotk altire ' ' and ollr work 'ia u h .. ---- . A '" curet' )t:, tb,i* fl't 'or ~JtperieDc~ doea YOIl t1I~ C~..:emoniall, on. lcal.ot ~eyon h 'ld","or 'ldm'Jr.' blob wrm:di 1.eN' :.;.r::, ':d(\oC t.. ""e.re mU1ll will tell, th:'::'t ,dil'all her°iif, g':rt-t t : :::cl the ' . thaUheroe ja , McCQlltaenille; J.8., 1850, , fl, e d :~i!:/ ba ald' nono vorce of ' great,le cret about iti al1 ,r tel~ ," eft"'~~clen ~ tot, lD,k~ trth tne ",ban w.. 1Iummon IO~' and Ole YVI1J to do tbi:-u fa _hilr~ I don'. seeln (0 w,or.k very' ~rd. ' bn ow redace'] hRIC?bed I~ththe marriag e ~et 'along self ,very Whlc1l lb. vatuea moat' ro 11,. OQ f)a ,as you \ b > t~ei~ wives ccmteDtecllJJ't l hOt':"I n 10 m 1 e qUOaD. lie Sllla)m4Wl~11°thwall ~hatteellli to. falf'to my M." • t " ,Woi! a.'I.' Il~. '\ ' ak &. b hi - . dJre 'b b', ' til tMmlJJ ~.ns:c::h ',ecmdit1tn. w~~ at Otei .nd,fou nd that fam~ had II :ter inlta!' :: J:r."bis \lftk~ ~~~, . Y;W eU.1\"0 al\ kllow too, thot you do more Ho)\' 8tmUgO .I~ eeem: 10 hear . a harsh 4!'ue .if1allCle p, ~ , . hQ to ber cb~mI, . He ~.. ~ 'personal ctiiarm, onlr., The ide~ of reading lind writing t~an &rIt or tbo rest or word, (all f1 bm a w9man J.ra jate.. ~IlQQl[ hlch WI and .. ",It the ,i6k mute. and .end. time f( 8tem rebuke lllilUe II mouth. ~o bear 'Ired to be seated, ~nd JD conTeI'l~tion, marrylD r' a mu you may lole, itl ali pm~ frOm liJ1;8 which dletr ww~. ~ o{ raptu!4' on bi, Ilde, h~ were. u eol"'IV f ' moa. .... thinr BUiND da Dever iinjIrove: If,etu that ia rodd, ~b \here h,ve .Iw.-,s- been ~ught, to thank w~ tlie uf.e!5 wblle lie gued on th~ tl'om rtaing. , or eve... . have lao eJIIctlOD Cor yollr pillow" eomJMad mutl~ whence fell tbo~ "eatll or life, the Q,u_n. Bitt ."reee.ntJy ,lUI b-:auty' ••, tla~ .... lOme thinr too • lecret, J kno~ there ,D. an you cOUft~anee . ' nUflBrll"blea Ii'" lov~ ' SiD~ our. earl feit;...;be com.plalned of h_t. Ion on your weddin g Dif ~, ..,~~Mver-.,'11 \Je a = .. will tell 'you aU t every. gri"f 1'111 IOrgQtte'J water were bIooa'hl but ".:..'" hiUl ;eHlJll ltW: _lat die ue nqtt ..ace o~ th.lm1~ ear, :ell me:: e but vou JllUlt Ant Jlromi.e to try a 6ejng to IllriJb~ ~e dark hodn from dloIe ..e Oftw of~Il'iJ thl. add~, nlm, - "Knaw, ][lilli, IOIP 11. J, • r ...;.. ..... bab'- "'urchu 8 evert dlinr.tI:~t ill 'cal to to l:OIlIlor t h_ Will. It wu iIriIIa& hI' eortow. , aDd linPI' your fiatt hour'l. Ind eome' make OW DIy weddtn leoret " 0 practi , U88 .-.. r.-, '1 I' b'an III' aJBic&iolf. JIII1AJId oj W ......... our death Ib.n" iii ocher terIII r .... 'tom tJa Ii oCi 10_ ourself and \each P.YeIrT b6dr tOJedle r. ellt'.' adveDt1~OUI I. -1IO_f ,' Jl8IU' I '. e PI f . ., rrrO ' ta'ch Ell ' ' Alld alUloet t,nd wllbed ,plainer IIbe . be lilt' whom Dur OWll IU ..... ~ m mil r- veetsme n.. - I acWet .you take fot h:ia ~. ~ like ~ 0 aM ~ n~ 801Ia) ~recti on will Bllt IIOOner El1~n arme tune, ~'e ba.ve alwa,. fucl~ that wOlJ}an ydB be( Jeft at t&e ...... of \ltell' yoan, ~ ll9 ~ ea,.u..~ ltifta,01 'fortulle .' tban he whom lOU WH was lmprea- wu our stair. "'!c1lap port, aDd lliat ~et, ~lInd ~ rea.lerl.. tIl_ Inc.~ ~!"n , , W~u. all ,..ere waa ?or the .. Ire of hil farttme, III .ltain to "Ou1d WIDt a WII' not 10 e"I'" cwerpowered b1 (l'Jef- It,nJeJl by au- cI~uon, .be tWif pmieli *ion I. ',praDC penoaaJ perrect ioD,"-( Werkig flMIIeIw. h~ ' In TIlt, i. tor Ilbe! JDoet ~ true, 'Til WI)- the battlelD enta Into .,.... the floocl beDeath• mi.·' bancl that 1OOtIIee·.... lIarDln , pillow ...... act . • I A aiDecI• amiqll& ttMl...w ea via• of th. dyl-.,; 'til tNIIlU" Iurm &b&& ·1Mw~.... .... Joo-A iriabma a weDt • en went to & yaician rar ~ . ~ ....... alMlaeo l ....".. .., blinIi COllI- ..... llaaled In, 'Jfadalll.' tIIe"'doetor St-.a eo .. -taere wuat .Dd...p onrto) Iarp the -_-·-rollo_6ft _ . a .a... • ..L if-.ad 't1.WO lDu'. "olee 1Wi!Ie or I _ ..... I, in . . au JaIl' ..,..e a one. ebcrn ....... .. 11M !bat ,,', For IIle Miall!l Visitor. • .' HE ·,VXI!I.DYtl'fG . , Far fro.\. hiM bomf'; utnnge rpI\e WII lying;' t opic .breezes flnni!d,'upon a fto~~ry ~hu, r.o ( B ', j
l<I pend u
'r _\
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::~~. ,~;e,
It ~~~1: l~e
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~~ ~o:t. ~h~e:~~~~:~~u::..~J' j:~1c)bW
. IIIsceUaneoUl Selecti ons. 7
pilDk ... ~;;:t.n~:: !!'~bu:U tb~
know ~i1dboOd;" ivhen
i\ Cor Jfi:rn~ere:~:em~~ o~~\':!r~ f::~:J::r;,~;~;:d~~e !!n:r:~:ndo:; '1' .Lf_
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We wllJ -""'1 muah obliged to any of Unte'lock or aborlginel, In tbe . """atlon or the health. They our ft'iellll. who will talre the ~ouble - to re. gl\udy habilimettlll savage and wl.e had 1.\vI regulating entertalnmentl. portJo us, for rl:bjllolkn, ril'l il (I! of oil el~n\'~y conversing in tllt-ir Yer- j one cllU8&'o( which, direet.ed that none but tel'. Bolli of CDlna1'ft~ deatlls, marrjagef. Dcdilenb, thc erectiou no.culllr. wlticla tlDundp-d tb my like ' di.hJU'd winet alioulcfbe·drlnk at banquete. ,!rclay e~p~ In the . form'IIi,f l,. pi.: 01 R ~' .. uf 1ll1~llur.:.ht."a, 1I111t, ll.,idgel, lind PllUliC ltJ,lC 'I i ill crash oLtnmahllw)t8. . It hili ,0fWn The Areopllgrtes w~e.also requlNtd to tikfl CI~~ on theI ~~eoalOtior AI Ilti''inl~1 ~ • .,.~-. . , • J' . OJ" bl' , e d ,I I . . . a _ ..Ion 0 \<I.e na o~ 'fhe MlA'iIl VI~lrol\ ",m lll) ti1mi.1it'd ., ?' eln· ~u~1 1.~JrII ~f lJVCrr c~cr'ftlon. pll IC ,dl e.t. bcen o"'erv~ t1l1lt th IIIJlIrUltges ~ \I ~ 10r' cOtrmzo.tiee~f ail drunkards. ,. " .,..' parth:ulara pfwtlieh' wilL be r folli'ld ~nd~\' J\& }·tllrl)' .U llscr\l;I~r. for O!"R DOLJ.~l\ A~ '~F' /Ogfi', IUlport1nt puullc Improyl'!me.n - I n aotera of natloll~ are mut\laIIDdexE'. to) oneAgrilluLture the necell"~l'Y. ilupPQ1t oj a tlu, regulllr telK!ajlhlc head . It will be ~;~IC :rr:~t~£~~tll;;JI~:~J ~fwo ll'~~:liZ.·~~~n'~: (tJ,~t e.ver.v. 'thing crilcul~ted tQ IlmllSC, ;11, a··lother. ~hllli a tnt~h whlch .clrery. ~iie 60urj~hitlg .llta~, was inv~8tcid witb, a ~eli. 8o~n tb~~. Mr. FillmorE',: ,in .pur8uancc r.0I1lelrrillir . IDI'll' (), i t' Pll-Y 11101\ l be \IolllYI.'d fur a. hmger pu, I,t ruct Or'il ·I!JlY ·Wa,y· \0 Iptel'elt l UI, reader by: a.ll~Jle attentiOn to the 8ubj~1l , conltot "gious cbitl'llotel' .by tlu! AiJ)~niIlIlS; whose • provl,uon of the constlt,uttO'n "IIIIU~'''''''~ c'~nllU"",;;,, !.1II ,J'lt1~. COP)' wil' he furnished N[lO> MOl\"I'us '(t>r Our: ohjoat ill to gi\,1l Jl ln~ge omoqnt f1.tu:h. filii to Yrrify. And It i. 8trictly pl!i1lu;oph. worshil' of ita ,deitie~ w.,rJ con8tant /Inti ~ th~deced·"sepof ~~nertalfT'l·aYUlor"tWdasS·1·lhtll>: , • i . \ . . k f loCal . d tl ' 't Id . I ·L •' f h •t f '. s.\ T . . , h ' , ,; ..... . maugrale lUI re81Den 0 • 18 nl e I es ONE D OJ,.L\n,A!n) 1 ",~: ... yt .6.N1).\ UAI.r OElds. \':OC' o. ~C~!li nn . lelle I !l1Tl' wo~ lila. .. ~guago IS .. paFt,o t e ' ~,II u~e , I? . ~mRO ng. be fe~t,.~all/1 onor 01 ",e~e., ~d toolllhe mual Olltb. ','~ fu:rnccouDt of ·.Ooo eqp}' ~II'. 00 lurnhliulli. Su; ~P~TII3 (or thcr~fore, b~.. preferred from the CO\lilll('~ man, and, 118 that no.turo Ir. 80 Wljll \i~ tbe . 1,1 her doub.e capacity of Introducer of th'O thele. il) terestiog proceedin .... w.1lI be foulld . f I. ' l'~ . I) ' S of, I £lIn'flVE o"',.,.s. '. • , d II t; h d ' b' h . . . I.. • • de ' h J I . ( J' , . ' Ii II , tt~Gtlon 0 1J0uer.COUJlse ,,0... Imparl a mUlde OneCloP1 Will be furnished 1'lmEE M ONliliS on no IP or 00 S l.,!l W Ie 'our paper ?I r• ;111ft W,h lClllt mlllu ell. ,' ompllre t e . til ~ cUltivation 0 gtaln'lIn~ : a8 . the first w 0 i,n an othe~ c\>lumn. , 0:\ . an~ ·ageneto.l poter.n nl super ntondenl!e, ' (or '!HlRTY·SEVB.'i AND 'A JiAI;F O~lfl'S 1 Ii' ~ ". .. cuilitci. . /, .\ i;m ·Ianguage with the (talilln people. Y(lU taught mankind the u..e of Ilncl)8, \Villi cel· Ail w.i11 bl! ,obeerved, we bave r~cel\'cd I . lluppose ',it that nQ cutreve... happened , ~ .' . "' . . . ' b ' , .. hI M-.J· '. " . !, ' . • . . I ' •.: co ' necrll'llIg tbe dissolution " , . • logll\ nUllib~ra wllllO lurrll ~ u" ,or ·. unh. Cl.'-ii'/.'li ellch. . ., -.~crcelve tn It, t .,e 80,t 'f ue uult(~rrllnClln cbrllted willi pecuhar splendor, . for • Worm lIeVe~o., re~~rloO . , ~ . . ' , in ~he very-best day of the Ronllln repub. ·· ~lIblser1l>tto!,~ .f(!r any porlod l~iO .thon on,e ,'Cbo~erll .1n:'ClnciulIRti. , b4itido \vlliciHhey Jlive, ~he perfccil;r rllviflh· or three dll~1I it~ .\thens II:nd ~\Ollt' of Uu! ?f qen. T.¥ l~r 15 ..LII~1I1~t, and tlFI~ Ql'gan· Ii~, when ~nl ninll fo~~'d. himself .cJo\hed )'~,~, ~lUIt be pOld, 1II IIdvlIMO. . " ,The fulloWlIlg' .8tatement wl\Llbow ~he ing sky \\lbich arclles above·them. tl~cir mu. Gradan ,cilio3 . [II Spartn::!tbe education Iznlloo . af . a P?w..".n e b>: 1fr. t1~mo.e, ·~r.th. tlte .Iugqllt, outltoptYdn tflll Slnte Ifn. . t1~(circuI~~to~c·~ · m~re .r: .Rel.li~g 011, ~ullpi. .• " . ,. cholera and ' othor· ~ic tb~ir poillting, anC! tllcir IIculptulr :' The th0 ,c;hitdren \~bi'~Ii . Was 'p :"nclpally direct: 1.'IICy •d..,fsargrleo' In .a n p:!tl~U .~rst 118 10 . ,-OT1(:E. · .. ,~ . ' d ' · tl) e~' ted hi . 1 .. ., • .' . , . • " • , ~ , . , perstmQ 0 . 11C ne,w II. tn~ ". I! WO CIQII or personol aP.l~JIC!itIOn all tlUllplc~on of dh . We,have ·been fiequ~llly IijIketl,' bY 'our 8U~.' \ ISc!1l8~1l urlJ\~ ~ we ,all repor , , lungl!lIgl! of Itn,)Y 18 !~ kecplng. r . to RCQure them ho.nl~h ami rOb!llltn~I~ . them IIs .they wer~ received by us. ~ . pursuing any crooKed pllLl; in oliticS 'l!.:rilj"r~, whhi(l ·the \I\S\, II)\~ weeks. Ilt whnt Board of Hooli:h; . ,mentality of the 'Jleop'le-~ho m~n beo.u~i. frnm~, "nud their ,,,ecessllry concomitant dispolled t.o JlI~ce 891Dc \'ell~naq.,on the afl Rusplcion ·.of ·!taYlng , b en lI~ttlnteJ dille the first .Slx 111011lh8' of, the ,pub\.icatioli . ~holero.. Gther discllJIcs.. Ju) i!l. ' tile wurl4,Look at lhe mipd of tempornnce, Wil'. mo.de ar:t ' affair of the te)e~raphlc dl~patch of thlsk,nd. that 8i'nili\cr , yiew's nud PI~l'pose!t ,tbJin' ill the Ib,,, VI SITOll wo.uld cJlpir", ' Intimating IIt ' the 24 ZS France, and· then ex milia he.r Lcmguaga. stnte, with the rogulationll of which,. no received 10.8t D1~ht, .from a ,WE-II: I . cllee of the \\,ort\ly \ Dod elnln ot, ann dis. , . 17 33 · ",roultl you t')[poot to -lea't, .n I'· lIrllnan · .. . . " . 80urce ' . and • t"IIIgUI~ .. I )' .1 "00" nlul'I " 'IIO a " .1 e 11 KaSne tlmo their ,de iro to pay Iheir &lubscrip' • ex~ fnll5c tendernelll of parents \VIIS allowed to . . )Wblch · tn(.)rmll C" bi U8 '1tllllt 1 b In. lei, anu" .,. . • ""''' a I WO ' , be'" 1 . F" I ' I' "6 An , , · , hI " I . , , probablhtv tIe new a not WI II com· JIOW deplore ' ,He h"s lert io tho people or 11\ orma I~n, w" , ,.. .... qUillltc mouthing t 0 ph e~lI.tlc po Y9ylla. interfere,' In 1111 the Grecian·atateil, the pOllett 118 folloWII'" .. ; I • . . t ' . 1~ ·y' ··1 tl 'IM 'I I;' b 1 \)rt loua ,ure .,\ I qt tA tM . will etate \hnt t!ll Ihe 27lh of Ihis month [July) . 3£1 30 II fiG t· I ' tl tl . I • db' · f l ' ' . w · '· 1161 coun ry u "gar.. 11 J 10: . al 8 t 'lui Vi~ltor will lIu\'o l.>een' l'ubliHhcd just .,.Ix 29,.5 , I es .. tIe er\JIlln ong~e. ~)e 0 lcr ~out 1 .~Y?I·e tTll.I.ne ' y ~xerClle~o etrcngt I Secreto.ry or Stlle-HolI : D ~DlOI. ? br t',em. o. bright exa~ple; \vhich a~dre..eldt. I"olllbl!; ·nnd odd •.lllllt III eJtIJ cltlLion oh lurg~ ho.lld, you~ \Voul~ lie .8ur~wu.tI to ~ellr .00D un' and IIglhty, to mIlDly vigor, apl! endurance 1I1er,.of Mass. ,. . . , self with Mculini" force to thr young and rio nuri\her of ollr'po rllllS paying us tho umo\1111 CJ::rJ.. M', E ., Ft. AnciC1lt. Thonk Y-OU" coptl! .Dotch lloor ratthng ,~If , tlte voluble of all 'the fliti~lell and.' p~ril8 of \var, It I?o .Treo.sury-Hon~. Gl(o•. E,VO~II' o~ ~ing ganer!ltlon; .fop· it telJ~ thl'\11 that there 9f d,<!1r subs·crlJ.ltion8 \II or ,bCforo 'lhul IhllfJ, We \'tI1Il r" end r!lciptoco.~e the fa vur phros.flil. .of /n kz.lI¥ue Ft'II1IqJl~: · 'Put wall tbo.8 tho.t the1\'ame YObth,who bo.d ox' MODJDt!· I . -H M ' r nO. , II · f It! a ,path to tho IligheBt,degre,e.orrenown_ "," 111p'0 llHltlo pT6111l!I~H whjc~1 ,wti )IVST nlic\ J . .; the dlgmfled fluaYlty 'of tbe peopUu of ro~ erciacd their hodie8' ot w.restling running 0 . , ntenor on . . U ' ,ar , 0 , st.rlllght,oIlWUI'i1 s.tcody. Wllhout AlhllugIf filiI. : .I t i~ ill lhe ]lower or· OUF fr\hpd8 eoon. . . . ' . mlll~lIo olrl Spain brslde tllbit Jorty,lolla- or throwin~ thQ quoit~ could·o.cquicc imm~ D~~... ore!NQvy ·· Hon . Butler ' King. or~~e~iRtion. . . ( I " t·"· I. 8t. Il,a . now 10 do'lls II ~,r oat fllv ~-w~l\ you do it!.... 'Varne Di~idoll7lj. of T. No. ~D, '. " rou8 ~ngue, and fl\Qrlt the anlliogy IIctweQn dio.taly afterwards 8cop'e 'rind vOFiety ' of Georgia ' T. '('fI:J..r·, SQcr~)to.!IY' m~ lrl~ln~1 "tt~l ou ta :"li ~re aro "ory lew PCT~III1S , whO. OTO 'U;noble III 111 .. )' I • W d II . '.: , , . .' . ' .. • ,,~r. D il'Yn" 'os 'Ie RI e, ' If" evon n' IbiB tjnfe 1.0 u · e Ihll Buloll eUlIl of SI,50-by. eets rpgu ar Yever)' ,c IIIlS oy eVE'n- thC~I. '. rhere IS not n. more ' OIlH,llpotl.'nl th~ughf iu Iilit~ni~g to ' tI,eir teo.cherl of :Do W o.'r-:-n~il. Wille P. l'tI.:lI\~Ulll, tlie r:nilitA.ty coreer 01' Genero.l Tuylor. 11;8 doing aoihoy w 1 rniieve U8 from cOII ~idcr:lbl e mg, lit the Telnpc\anee H~l~, On, l\loh~ ~t. people In the .world tho.n t¥. ngll),So:l(on, philosophy ant,! euuos. , . of ~~r~h Clirollllll, serVICC through his life wao 1I108l1y on Ilie ·t:mull\TilssIn UIlt. Tho p " l"~r Is. IIOW )!crmn. The W. P. rep,o~~ tJlI! DJ\T,ISIOI~ 10 bo ~ n a lind, than their" not . II. 11I0!~ omlli Hco/tJllmd long"vity are moral liria be. ~'olltma8te .. Gonerlll- --:- - - . " frontirr, and 0lwo.Y9 a .hord aervicc- often Ilently e!lllilJnthcd; 'bu t if OilY of OUT ~ulJ~c'ri· prOllpcro'ls ~on.d'tlon . ,',' ' , llInguoge. {bclic\'c this poop I" i8 n('volent aim8, lloth beCllu;e thdS call' be (ul. Attorlloy General-Ch0.8.I. Moreb~ad, 01 , in combQt with the ttlbeJi of llldia'18 all !Jets illlt)lJ; il.8. oolllinuuue~ , \iolil lit!) clHlaf ~ho .' Jlellith of lVnynenille. to monopolize the w'bolccartb with f\8 cbor· Iy pursued ~n Iy by' mo~nl alld beneY'Ulenl wKeent)\11IICvkeYn"" I'dea o·u''-elf \"Iletllc'r Oily' of l nloln g t11C fr.Qll Uer ~or Imony ~lk0\;'filbhdJ of \: fum e, Ihs paymen t of II portion of-Illo sub' u, I I .. . . d 'La I .' .. cI 1.1 I. l' . y 'D • Y. " I mi e8. 1t llltS b eell j\lSI y remur ed y OM ~ril)!i(\n money wHl rclell!>e 1111m~ if m bll .... ~ are 1I0rry ,to eorn t lot 0. .. Ilnpre~610n nctt'r ~n 'I. speec I: . ' . ' O1CO,D~, " n.nr. eClluse t ley ,p ace It m?ril th~ gentl~men nhm.d in thl~ connect, Oil of the mOllt eloqueill mcn whose ,'olce \V1lIt· oblig~ lion,. lA) pny th t) clIitrll pcr cenl, which prev~l!s Ilt 0 dis.tllncc ; thot the Cho,lern, b,Us After thiS IQng: , dlw~ssll'n, Ict U8 l.eturn completely III . the power of'tnen :\~ho f!lIJoy w,ln eertol\loly he selected b, M~. · FIII- '1 over hCllrd in' thrse houf/cs, thot it. i8 not i;' , Ih . Nyl~n \ ill be u..t!lClt!t1. ~guin vi.ilited us, ,llflO thttt thi~ ndgl)~or~ood to tI.le ~yo.ndotlll, a jlrnup of whom ",e:left them ~u o.nrry ollt tho· prActico.,l lee,?ns (of more 118 hiM con~tit\ltionlll advlltel'll; \>ut Wll J'lIdi~n .WII!,,! ~hut. hero.cs o.rc celobrnted, but li::r ,ihl!:el~h"r/! lit n· dial'lInco ' I, i mit by 18 Ilt p,r0llent very unhcahby. TillS IS. a 'tlllkUlg In KllnslI" . . Tbere, Btonds .. ma14len moraltty lind ~enevolerl'ce, fpr ttle .;re.a tea.t do BII)';' mOI~ emphatlcll!!V tha~ froD) lu,:,~nlt thllt ,lt IS ~110re . that they. ar~ f~rmod.l'h·e mni1\ at ·our Ii k. ,A. rcc i('~ wHl· .h1! ~!lIH lJy , Olistllko. There hna lIoL hellh one C\1Be of "qul'w o( qllilC.' '. pr~poI!t11l8I1ing appellra goud of the gtoatest m~rribcr" ~uring;\ the them, a Cab~ne~, IIIqUill III. po}n,t o,f aijllrly, hard IICrvtce,. the 8tti~1I dlsclpltne, devot.l ng TtJlurn moil'. ZJ·,h,,· ' I " '. . d I; " h" h \ h d· III ·k "k h . . . . ' " ;no ' - . . , ..•. , '., talent·and'· patrtot sm. to any t lat eV'e r CX- upon IIlllhoso ..... ho ·hove a grElnt c .. te t f " . longcst ~Ime : · rubhc ao(l . pri.vat~ jndus- Illteil sinee tbe formntion of the gOVCrl\. d n .I 'on. ; ' . • II 0 , Qho ern III the .nel~hb,o~bC?Q . t 118 Sllntme~, S e I ~US ('o~ er ' . e& n oc ~I . a.t .. ' - - ',--. lnnt we IltO ow. nrc .or, and the general brond brtm, trllllmed wllh pal'ty-colored t~yj eqtJ31 ilOd. bepolic~nt Io.ws by which ment couP be lIelecte'd ' fro,,'ler· ttO, .tole,lI 't !'I.l.tt"qn "'I~h Hrllguld~r RaDr:e of tbe Tbermq1)leter , . ' , dl . 1.1 I' 1" . b ( . ( III h .., d' b . . .. ' . . ," , .' ·1 ' . troo!!! i II n con el I W I I s(l.valti.la, '\9 'IItu l ' , , '. he,al~1t ,II/ llll.goo • If not . elter, t Illn It .Ull\\. p. um41l1, a r~ ." ~ mqn! 0 • ufl, ~o ea~. eve~y oltlzen .. Is p~tecte~l · lD th~ ~ .enJo)', . ~ e oClI~not holp 'Iv,n~. vt'nt, on t 119 .00- ihe hnuit~ of IItlvng9 life , and 80.vago' wor, . 1~j() 7 A. l\f. l;l M.· " P. t.Ur 18 o~ tillS seu8(lh o( the. Jeat., hfully emb~oldeTed mQCCo~l.n8, l,luch fit her ment ,of tltt: product of bll leg!hmate III' C~llon, to the feo~\D~ whIch lire 8trluglt~g in order to . fore"e(' I\nd , overcome. their ~" ritlllr. July' 12. 1ft 90 , 75 " I",J<.p.J - I 1 '11 !j . {; u d . fcet !ilee· UIA SKin. Rhe cbapgea not her bor, are amoilg the primory' condltions (or lor utt:erenee Within our ibosom. W,llIle Btratngemt41 011 ~hcse (hillr tond to' mllke :~:~d~;~' ~:: ;;:~: ~~ v..J. iI nD?' le~ r(J IImu WI eon a posLur , ' but, ' ber thunder.cloud of Ilnir procuring tb~8e bo~nll. ., we lament, ns m~ch, 81,.an~ ono does the h'!l'dy niilltnry charn~te;'·. ' . L 6:' \'cry intercBung lctter from COATES 1(1'" SlrClInnn" . . down bElr . nec k , all d Iler. 'JU5\ 10 ,at ~ ns men ma ke t Ilemle1vel decease hOliest, and . For n vo~y , e!t(lrt.. time sir, J ho.d . ·a eon Mondll)" do. 15, 7" 6G ~ ; . . ' . d dof theG J.lgli·mlnded, 'r I tl Tutlsdll)" do. IGI 75 t;!I ~9 IIEY.. Renil It. ' We bOlle ollrrcllderll will 'Id "fi d i (, ~ ' . 10 epen ent . ~n. ay or, Ie I!cl'nelil riexi(ln wJt the ExecutillP Government of n Wcdnovd.y. do 17 Il'G 9t 77 bear from him uften, tbro\lgh tho colutnllS \~I. eye: ~e I 01.1 \'o.cll~~Yi Ble I&~~S n, ge~t' °b ) dl,e.xponrents, °lf th~ epter"~ld' apd wltich 'oeculTed..ind'fra8lhlng\t~~I,.yesterday, this cC/untry, lind ai llut time very n(!riloll~, ' 1 Q l~n~fll W IIC I are ~,~lDg . mmutn. e a)~.o ,an A l~\vlle r~vl, enc~ '1'/t11T!1I\1I)', tll/·,. lS, ' 70 ;. 73 71 oftllo .l'(n·w. t)lng on .le. , O).lr. hca~ wIth . e\Jg It. ' ''y. llle WO, 1Ieo em\)arrRlising ci~c.um8tllncrll t'xillted ~e• " . \' ......... ,.', . ) rour.d I!or. SI~o remeQl~~~1I Ihler Ig'rl~ood; Ult 80 IlI,r wl~1 they be, ,.Iur;eessful in their .chief 0 oel'l (If.~e ;:t~~:lfn!::':~di~v:;;, Itween thl) United ~~Rt,ei , ~1I,I1 the Jlilli~f!"~ Q:Tt'!"Daeripti()nll ifec~,ved Cor the Visitor ' . G"'RblU1l,~S M.gazl~e\ eTe '1c.t t,b e wllItu ,man 'l"_ w ..,ll1 ueurfICu cl1 afl:er Iiealth arid . I,o n: life. 1'11080 .. lOon ! eu • I . 't"- . on th" 11Qrders, , qn~ Will' WD8 aClllollr rat ·' A, all '; ~u" onv I~n". ' h of tl",n1:b~ nU\Db.er .for <\~guBl ,of tbl.". ell!gllnt tl. l e dark '· 'fore8t , on4 she Ai:hll w bea.r th' e nre of two cluses, the one 'coneernill; . .the ~~'.~tl\f\.lRII ~pec nclq !ring b~tlVopn .tho tj',titcid StlltC,1I UI\I the lit any ti m ~ U II I ~. .. , •• , ..,-,I d ' . ' .. . .."." ~elD" Imme.... a"" y ~d, accor· FJar'd ' t 'lJ ' II (III e' , 1 Ar We prAter Monthly ~erloUIClIl haabeen recelved,o.n i ilhrlekll of the steom'plpeB,erho thl"ough the the uperatio'ls ofthe qxtern~ln.genta. in the t t'" ha"'Ar by tho ·V)ce u rCA ,I ~ .rl II IUI( very . \V r mum ~cr Iior a w oek , m on tl I, 0. r ye . ... . , ." I' i ' I b I ' '. 'I ,I" h TI-" ; I I' . . o·our grea c ''''', . + ,.' thllt tliose who took CQunsdl together on t8d . II~!'8ror .~ea an~ca 'ilh~ehc~tlonb" ta J"UI~U8 arclent , 01U0. . IIO:n ,~ I~t IIlr and on the. earL~, 'Oil tho hum~n ~~.me; Ident. wb~ in.IJUrIlOII)Oe. of the. provi:lin~s til thnt ocr~sion ofticiolly, ana woo w~re desiho\vever; .ub6cr~bere 'commoncing either at Lhe Ilrst of tho v~lume or: Q~ lhebegiuning lip ell Il ~~grAVmlJ~,amo,ngw . 1.C la ~ eeu: (~ncled . ehc ,\!aB pondcrlllg, ,but , I mtght the other the .worktnlllJ ofthemlDd an th~ the ·constltutIQIl, Itepl lILllt once by: fT.ner •. rou~ o( plncing (the miltt.anl <;onllhnnd ill ' or tllo last-half of it. See lerma, &0., ai tlrul fo.sllton. plale~. and the IlIgh htcrary ho.ve betfn mil\tD.kell; perchanr.e she, WGII dl!'plaY 'ofitli propensifies and lenti,menta. i~d univereal conaent,lInd .• ~co'(hng t..o the I,Il\fclIt homld, Co.Ole to i.ha conolmrioll ' th Io.d f c I churaeter Or.I~ rea4IDi matter, beer, murk· maturing eome pl~n of pto~u~jn, il auk .ot Between Ytelle low8, ther~ il a never ceD.l: !lnd ,fill. t~lo vacancy dh,c\1 Provl· tho.t . 1hl'l~ W~3 JIO mRII. i.1I the 8~ryi cl' mll~o ·e I .0 0 u~n. , .. cd ev,i~ence8 of 1111 enerretiG lind "ble edi. bilkey. Ther't- III a prodlglol\l a'm ouiltuf in .. connection and harmony'. Nu D)lIn wbo 10 bits ~t1'1::' create d~hullb \~~ 1fully l)nitlllg tit!' ql!f.IJlllC;l of 1t'llhttlly abd. - - -.,......---tor. intoxication in thl' notiou: . p • pe;)y direots fOT bis he'"lth · tlle . 80UtlfU fjllrbQl.nn1r e liltur e . Ity \lUcI greut per.!OanLpruticnce t)jlln ZIl,'h· A Few 1V'orCJ. to Oar R",,~cribert. I , . ' .,' h ' ",_. 1. I ' . . ' . . • • 0111' ,gl i01111 a rl~ 0 .gover;nment, IIry T llY)\lr; he \~'QS, of couri!(>, ap~ UarvC!lltln" i. nearly c;omoleted (or' this am now slopping"' . tone Wuv \I" II( It· t1.011 of the air by whIch he la the mor~ illa l~lteil~ pr~ve~ 1I~ ' VIII·. .• ted 1 tl ., ( II "" " 'f , . " I td(\'tl tb t·peby' · . th .. ",1 flh rtI' . I b d ddt d pom 0 leOvmrnln . . I!e~on, a~d tho rqr.merl 11I1ve n"w th.e grate· '1;'ho ,uly term of tlfe Court of Common .y connec 0., '1 . ,1 . •~ rt . ~n?rea.~r8 ~ ~Utrlllve P~vr~~ta 0 e· ea I . . ,,!o.rt I, e en a,ngerC! or, eJiI roy." .,. Unfortunutely h!1I carer· ot the !teo.ll (I f I,n ~h:,!,h he I~vel," cnn t~eretn ~9. a vIcious J!~ fnn~,c~~rr( of o.JlY~~1~dl,(Hen~ e~ . f~rbld. thi~' Q\>vcrnment was·sbllr~. For m)l! pnrt I ful aattafactiori or. ,' 1I:nowJ.Qg tbqt tliel" I.!'bor, Pie s· eOmmen~a i.tl 'B08l1ion 0\1 'l!uesd,y, ~t.y, o.nd wht;) dw~ll~ ~n hllll ~ot, he~n ill \'lin . .' The DlIrtbhol flela- morlling la.t, and ha.v la, A Jlllle bUllllle8 18 a Inan df ft~l! mind a,c t; 110. man. who c~mfOr!lll !to· the' lelsons- 0 N. ,'Hel,aliJ,.Ju:g Hit. , ( ~" in ail thnU hll"ve 81"011 of 1.11 m.. J hllVO found d tb . b untifUUy Iier dr-bew ad a 're- tt;! ttanl ct Oil t!tllt all It the Gounty ileat tor. There aro rna 'f pure . morahty and religIon, can " ~ , much ~o rCl\p~Gt, nnll IInthl "!l" 1,1 ()ondl!lnn. ~.Ilrd ': : h~n~sl Industrv B~~ toli. They we wcnt down.. We found that at Leba~ but the mllS8 nre tond or fire· with' IOUII~ p.rincipl~jJ ~f hygienje,.o wo . A tfjelesrtlPbiC dillpatrJl received Iltst eve· T•hde'lctrcG\m181 I1r~~s ~U;IC~'lw,h~c,h (~ CII1'1\1I\llc , , , ..,. I ' '1' . 1 I ' " w ter They 11 ad a drunken revel rl~t n',gllt b t d· 't tl a t b fi' th nrnll rom a CQITCspondejJt or.~e' Tribune t e ,10 O\'~rJl\Ucn" lor .Ie lew 1••.0" l~ I~ are now ~1I, lVO hope ~Il\l bellevo, Iq a nlln, as nt every p .a ce wo lave .~.le 'I VJiIl~' a ,: ' ., . . ' . , ' u a ml .l ~ ID lapl ~n .•e at W'uhlngton, informllll~ ~Iat it i.8 there \Viis at 'the Itoa~.or it, 1!lh'e bcc.ii .ueh 11,1 ' grateful'and happy mood-;JI';P1 In 'lae eo.h H. very IItU~ bUllne .. ' wla being done. and,:, er: whooplog rounG as lll-t~.,ae I "II ~orDI code, who volunt4~lly Injurel hI. o~ n It'! erally.rulDored lIlat Pr~8tdent FIUmore Jlerh~ps 1I0t to 1:1\'0 to lIlJrI n ,very (I,lvur!illlc ' lemplatioa, of well IUled . ~nerle", and Felll.'er pertlona were in .ttendllnce al ~l\l't awa~e, hn,lklbg .night J!ideotlllf . l3:ome Iiealth or .that orhll nell1tbQrs. WIll for~ .. Cabinet compos,ed tb'O~lghout c.e~to'nlr' nO.t ~ 10111l' opro,rluni~v of de.vcl- . grateful to the giver of al JIi!:Ml' for a than we ~I\ ctod. and tht hlrv"t leeton m~nl ougb.tto b~ adoplE'd tQ p "ent the ·~ollntrle. one. healthy Ind woU govc1rnmen tn (tlvor of the CompromlMe bIll nC!lw OPIng. hIll J)rIIJclrles lint! bl~ Rollr-y 011,11 to ' I ' f hi I B II b . I I a. d wbltetl from .lIe 1111 thl'nl Il~ , t aJl.til have 1:a1WIIP or fUlers become 111,0 \lall Senato. Dltulel Webllter· ,or 1)6," them out, bll~ I ~~lll've It. I~ left t IiiuI dl IIP!bIlO~ on 0 II mete ea. ' e ev, elllg ~nt I'e y o,er, tl~e 8torer. an , 1 '. III _..\I;~ 81 j ' . 'N eel ' , Ilatll5o.cbttteUI Is no.med a, Secretary of on the min/Is ot' hill country n litrong i",~ fil, R~eIJ ~o he the Olllt, "" , d., rn tbls a "'li/rk'hepa did DOt · preaent • very Ittllulll The .everclI~ pe I b". 1 - ' ''"I' D .c!-8~ ,ery revene, e Harch af\er ~ State; and Willillm ,C. Dawson of Oeorgia prcs. ion-Rr.i>t , of his o.b ulula 110111'811. nnd rr.oper an~ favol1alHe . li.m e w t~rUlt our· app(!~rOD~e af buiineu and activity. ' .Of on, mon t~~'t. \buB take \ld~an~~jfthe pe~- , pn)Of of thul 'qIl Secreta.rt of ~VOl. , We give ~bo rumor. jnt('g~rtx of chnrqctcr; next, of hi" 11\1111,,1' ac1r 10ur Dotjce ~. ' lolicl~ yo~r co- wb.t Iittl~ tr,de tb,e", wae JOlngon. how- ~ertod•• ppetlt~ ~f Ignorep"!,,to . ~ut ~~!'~! 'ea~~. of IUnp11 for wh.at It may ~ worth. '. .. ' pr,ctlenl gotHl Hcn5~ i . al1't )~ll!t Iy, til" . o.peratlOD I" a iblltier W.lJ\ch.. if rightly tnan· e,er,oul' friend f . M, P.r.~B ~~ppared 'to iii ttiet.. puree' b~ feetiii1lltDlhi:l~nanlty. ' lnll~ and . ' ~~noth r di.patch la1'. tHill, the eJlhre rn~lilne81' Rn,1 fTel\llJlllc~II,< of 111$ Ic",por tIl, , d "11 . f.. fi I II II Ib to u h v~ Ii v~,.., lar""e Ihare· and Metlerl. DUR. ,Yours ve tru1y, . . .lId fruita net hr,r'te tlIndered theIr re~lgnl\tiol\' Oil \\ nTtl rill of ll18 ~vuntr} lIl~n. _11~ '\'fl re.u t ~o~~ c Il 1. 0 o~. 'J 6 . " C ATES lO~INH:+'" ' Qllthe ff'ques\'0f'3Ir,. Flllmo~e they · But 'll) ill Ron .' He 1~ oure 1'10 m9fe. and WI. We serer.W 'fie ~~~ oj 0Ie~. DellFt k TVQKJ;Jt:.on '~ulbc,ny. .~tt4lel, wer~ . w'iIl .renlllin in office until the alose ot \hil ~)[cerl: ill the rl)~c(1 of hit! l'xnrnlllc. ir, J if lite l'iritor. Wi! bave put,enjo,v;\1g a very &pod rUJl of GUStOlll, pniaenl lOiIIibn of Congresif.Tbjsid ~notb. heard wiLh Infinite d liJ!ht the at' llim(·nl,,· have a" ~llent aaor\ment of Dno . . er !'ImoI'. . . ' .,. , .'. ~~pOSj§ .d hy my..horll)r~.6I(1 frillJ~d Ir.lm· Loll • • liahed this paper (or & period !.f about · litt elook•• W.tchM, &0. NeolghborM•. E"l'l'OJl:-Perm.l~ an hQ~blo " . ~-A third dispatch thllt the ~Ilb'nct have IIi.ano, (Mr. ' DOI,\ttIA,) '\'ho htl J\l"t rell e.1 , . moodia,ad haye durin, tbllt~time ItIceeedrd' in getting it.out .regu.arl1.' eveory week, DERRY wal, as UlUal, alliictuOUlly ' en~aged VIdual : tllrougb the medhub oryolJr columna DIy ~ 11.l'Overned by a few Ul80leht Turkllb anll lIlat it 111 c~n1idont. lutl 8eot wl~en he earnestly prll)lIld I~t
..r·,, '
and at the ..me ~Ime, lJ1uaged to pay ex,~ .....Dd have a very li~lIe over- TIl"
at ~f' desk, I~ tbe perf~'ma~l19 o~~.hi.'l~' to I~bmh A fo,v ~~8ectiOD. forllll~ ••~ort'.id. ~Idlere. .' RlTIZ . o~t;~~r ~:: ~I~~r::a~.;~ tiel. Hay the Jueu" , ~f the Stu D~Verj er~t.•on or, candid pubUcs. ~ ~ (TO JIB cOlftaivED.) of G~t 88 8D~retary uf .e caocoollpue to ~o,..nd thl. we will dimmed, and may U. editor be ien~r. · The pre"rvatlon of btl heal' ',. and , t!J~ - '.. r' : F~;' tb~l\liami' Vi8tlOr. ·o( W, :C. ,'flll tbe r.oDtinue tl) do, antil wt!'can , do' better. ou,l, ~ewirded fOl' hieunceallpr labo... In Il\tainment fot himle'lfof lonpyt'ty, are obJ lJr. EDltOa:-BeJiev!!lg ido .b~· . duty I la. .Attomey Genllr. Bllt.• o have, do ~e8iro to do mtidertJlely "tbe e.aU8e.': 1 '. " . . • lecta o{ desl,.e to eV~,rf .,,; ,nb jnawlr In O\ye to 8Qcie~y to inrorm you of Iny ~atill ~'Ikect .~f fhll,l'ecre • , w~lI, "lien we Olin do beUer. Tbla hI BueIDm il .erery where ~t pre~ent. 'Vllat count Y hia,l~llnll1. be,. eJllt" no\' hy eye~t wb!ch mlgb~ come under. my ·own ob. • .anll ?eo, ' !~anll-:~
We believe tbere' l' not &.m~n , thefllCO'OftJltglobew~oh.. not . .,mllarde, sire, and whl? woulll Jlot better hUi tem~l' Ip;ri tua,l , it he was certain could .. it,'.nd ,lIIpecially if bo cp\Ild do ' , witH 110& it ellertlbn. , ' . \beeltteulioD and in~," '---I : I' ·f·a. V b · bbe· . b . t ,lfU_,)ftIOQ I.t (j we III ,1JR, ot • .' .£ 18"" It wUJ bellallc our p.trona and ourere '1.'9If: W-o bAYe Umited' ~~anl, \na compellod til operate on .lImftecl ell~h~ ., pro~rtiQJI U our liit el:lb,lc;rlbel'llil iD. cteued ' 18 ·our means in·crelled And , conie. " . ,., . ~uentI1. allo our raeilltl" for making a ,~ ana• aceeptab ' 1e ". . . ' . !'Iewlpap~. Tlltl be· tng"the ~, th\'D, how. many of our flub~cribor' .JII eJidt.VOf to ~roc:uro UI two or throe blor, , 1$11(1 doing, ' . favor WIU be coDflmMion both partIe. whielilball be,
lOOn Ii(t o,e~, I!xp8ct 11. gradual
arbltrar,y ienure ho holdl' Jii-.-!Ife. 'ervnlion, I ,."it ~ow~ to conform to ihat bOwevllr. and tben we ~ay ~he'y. are the wilh of ' tho mOlter and the b~ ,eedndUlg oUi~n account of.•, revivillin trade. .Iave;.. ~e illiterate IIDd the 'lelarDed; ' . tho ~traDr a vent~';lIIcll too~tpl.ee In . the ~imld Hindoo and the .a"liltel Ara~; or tb:t :~e;'; ':,.'::;ed ":;:O~~d hi:P:~r: CorrelpoDdoDce or ahe Vlslt;o'. ,: tb~ nati,&.or N!tw ZeaJapd; not le.. the wero !litting OD lb. pOrtico"11l frollt~ their W1:AlQ)Oft CI2'1', JU!fB se, 1860. lohabltaDta 1iJ(> New 'England. ;From UtI? houa!', .all . at onee ~ tvilor:' . .. Clpe Ho.,.. ~ ~oYA~embl.;. rro~ Irvouw,reeveroutoftbeState.ampng a.-H G I d"-' ' ..... . .~ r ' ,• • ' t.~ om to- reen an , .... t. ·. lallil ou a Crl!»e of atrange Indla,n l,.you can .pprpe.i· th~ \i~aiUng ef",lment, · . . ' ate my lone.p~el,l!lftl IUld, pardOn ..my i~· ' ~D" Indilppnaable ~.n~i~i~n : 10r the f<?fmlll obtl'U8lon On ·,out: ' ~cq!lal ..tance.' r:eatel Ii ,d 10n"IL enjoymeDt' ~t .t he sen, ,Y uu ,ltI)~~: not me,' lIor I I you? .bur~ i~ .In lei and pr~penaiticI, (or wld4Sat range ~"w~,ell r~m the fi~ palaa ~er.ade of"da 11 vOU deDOllte·a- ,"me and exercl.e or ·tbe lnt31ieet; .tr.!1 tng' oir, and the gentl min took a leet anll ' .. ' f r '. I • . , : red < lie 11 i ii ·....I It In the post·amce,J.n ea:!lhallp (or tntl pa· dOD or· tbfl tentlmeoll, "'ttilther be' ep~lad b to I- ~h~me~: a ref .~""'1 . . 'n Ii db · . ee IptA.... aJ.-t. tbe no. I .. H altb '. '. I WOu e y;elhor ~ e CI",zenl 0 utll P lee "r, y~. WI. ~ er~ , r l""·I . " " " . 10!'1 or '.Dollle. " e. J In.n capecli be on th';lr ard l . . lila ·(e'~ he mf hl first, ",blcb I lIhnt , WII~ rend., us pretty .degree b .. been a.~' .ubJ~ct fM C<!I? t!JDpla80lDe In.lUI'1~vhilcunder 1be Inft~eQcl 01 , : Aftel' ~~, if th'6 develltpmelltJI lioh a d io~tructt()D~ 111 tho PI~ll~p'ber those fita or Ipumi. be uti.rae rY. 'IUld we mutUallx o~abl, 'aJld Le,iliitor. Their '-advice 'Dd,e~ieta',. AltrJUpAB $,r.oeUJI. to each other we wlll,ocCilal "aUylndulge ,Oil t.he mel~1 of pr.eeeiYlJlf it; ' have;ere " > .' .' .' , ' ,,, ., ' h " I ,. d ' " , .' Prof'. We~.'er" .. met tiy ua tn com~pondang outlllya in'en- in • •1 te"'-~ote a PUl p,eop e ~n , quently been enforcect u. part or.religiou. ".T " ~;" k .~ l> d C 'III · · ·L . .i thin ' '. i1 ' ' -. , . •. 'tt i" n e re.urn 0 ~~"'D 1:.utAn rew • ~rt la,I'.ri,ajJ' tne qu.ntlty.. a"" ImprovJnl{ WI! "" .. " ., uJy; and a~al time. ~lv"\D l,e~en ~ T \ '\i w t "'116 S· . €o 1\1flllt! ~f tb , ~adini.. No'ID, v "'~ -,i~! 'o r ftJur.' :"I " P~ afts' • tr~v.lof ita e~..mp.ta1Iornaa." . li~al'Jce11 e ~tp ON' r a • ~ n •.. • neca .• ' ' Ql,lice Ul80 mucl1 .. ~o ~ioJially sJiow two' weelill, lfie, ..te,.tl'l~ar lJ~~oin.. law~ on bll I~bject. WJth ~he IDU~' Ohl~.,'ftt~, • -~ in re.doD I. the 'a ;numbor 9rllle YUIl'toa ,to eome , ot broupr ~ lip to 'anl.e, Mi..oup •. , ~II and minote hr,teQie eaa~lD.lI:ta ot tbe case or.Pror8ll0r ~eb.ter. reCeived U n.ighbore who are ' not I bICII~bera: i•• &abl villlllle .or (eur yeap'."" CQ~talll' pat Jflwl~ lawgiver.., ror the .1'1l1danee of wer: making up t~e form, for thll w~~~. b b t k' d r Ie' f a populo.lio or abou&ei,bt h\lnd"d. t.b - - I ofl I • re pe!1I1... (amil, .BYltwe.lear~ ~attbe. councilmcet'PIb , ~m W A . In a p~ IS, . I): ~t . . e ..-p I m8 ,,, !l , r .....) oq Mondll Ilut wheD the flnll deci.. 'opIDion; requelt them, il JOU !lee", it,wOl'- It II litllated on the nlht bank oftbe HI •• iar. Prompted welDay euppoe_, in pMt· by . . Y I: · '11 b d rd to liS seotencewl e JIla e' 01. . f \. 'be ~ j If th . i ""'1 ..... I d nd · ' t ',1 ~y 0 auPJH)rt, to SUDlorl 10~ t; t!'f lIour, D'U-en ml H a"",,1'1 n epo enee, lbe eJl:0.1Dpie or Hoe~, and. aBO 11'1 con~I\I' Ion In re"'a • . . ~rUR, ~k of thcm ~e~rre.~~~, ~drr tb~ that citr .., ,famed t~roo~out tJle Union, eratio... ""!wing out of the nat,.tlNl,~( the ' , PrelliAea' of "e .leD.te_ O~ ADt JOOd oneS,l.nillst on tben lU\lecri. &I the- career of Cahfoml~ gold·boundl. climllte in wbicb be Jived; :Ulbq[Ded incor. Hon. Wm A King or Alabama (dem) a~· oJi~, :rnlk ~,t~em 0. Kanlu, tqo, ill '&conllderab.le IItartinl"Point porated with the mingled re,eri[ee, e\lllcI, h ... beeD ele~ted' Pmident 'J1I'O or' the ooWideatly but .arneatly; Ind~o cho.ncea oftbe.cllf;8.van• •~ &h~ llldul,a,.d, In. an~ blasphemlea whichcompoM lilil Koran U, S, Senate. . ., ! . ~ one',f Oll will eucceed. . . deed! Itl growth "eelr!~ • Jdnd'~C eruption dicto.lIc .rulea and obaerv,ncn ,.gimon, . .. ., . , W! h.ave 10 conte~pla~ion ,~me . ocClslonod by the- feyerot Jold.. ttia, are to thI. daf implicitly o/JCy~d by . O;:7We .would c~lI the a&tention ~r thole m,terle.lImproveruenllIn .our paper, The ' Ilghtl . aboUt the ~ landlDg.t at tbe "i. ~aloul. (o))owe"" In sueJa • climate, Interested 1ft the cauae .of ethlcatlon in tbi. we' aball ~ out ir.1IIJ1cientaupport lil Be- Ume of our arrival, t!' me were • .medler or .. the.t. of'ArUla anel adjpilliM- ,countrle., to the ii"Uce to the tupayen, CaJred fa Nader the matter crrtain jn our the rar~t novelty. Here. were foW' oU,e can-we-doubt the .Isdom part of touching the matter of Ute I'.archaae of tbe mind, that it ".alt be.,,'ely carried through; Mexican tradera,'Joading their wlJOnl 1M cod. or bealtb. whlcb JWobibitod 'the Academy for diltrielachool pu.rPo.... for we ~ not w«nt ' to Nlrogroie - our ~ the Pllin" to Sanla Fe, ani eating or animttJ flah, 'and the chinking I. .. Col ~ , . de.iro" ia to~. .nd odWl1lC~lIg &he perverted C'lliHan of lI.e~~ "ine. He qaade .trlct InJunctlot~' to prae· ;:ar::~ w:a..ou=-. pa~pph ~~t.l.l we .~n . a l~dar4 of eswlenee, . )Je~ioana. T,he, "eYe' a&aJwart, ny- tlee repeafecl abluUons daill,and ' uture ,.. out the .iqutv fact tflat _ aa111 ~e pubhcation of au .. paper, ....claed 1.1, age.loOlclOg rancberoa. aw~rthy ancll'iuallcl warda were prom!aed to him. wiaci ere~ • our PreafileiY hili . I,ft the Chair but few or none! Although.e mar oot -all except the boas••ho "al aUD_me Joualain by the or otIH.llWi.. e.. clad. tf!elr OD N· ,.". toreteb the jlOsl of our alllb'tion,yet youn,maJI, 'lrith &eomplezioa lillt... ~e. CJmIIl \be alilUI fi)f the tr.ftU. ~n the ferenc. to .UtlieIrtIC ~~we lad data 1A"e_ireltnontjtbQ~. We cai",1aicb l ".n&tr"Dd~Ult...\k. 'l'hefe,watI-cleaertll'l.lakeblldalnt with Pl~,,"'et. ::·ii~~~::e:rP=:b.T:6eIr 1*i"lDfI '-, cIoin, iii a poiat ca" be &;reat eorpal.' taeJlftlt with • ~t o( And c.n We pl.", la uq ..bllDtapg . . OD rothiDa ~ .. foUotn. ' - reacW tar ia=allvance or any that ....r PoWqa bet had• .,.., ...... the CODUtllt with thla ftCOllUlludl,tioa, the Wubiqtft Nt1re4la . ....... ~ . . ., low.. No OIIe IG at.I..,.ieIa &be ...... - - - ill prMUoe 10 ia allllWt' aU cbr .,.ltle ~f her.m..tenpllet~"H""""''''', Ilndt.oI' •• by 88 uml.
~arve8Ii~g '. ealon wi1~
eom_ 1'."-
ane........re detel'lnl0e4co do
• kiDd III ' ..., ........, u- at.laiclt the a'j.s . . ~_; ." 10 tIoin, &hIted wWte .... ..I.I"'~ 0 .... po_...... alaobuI1c ... 0'1 .,. ........... • ~ ... place .. the IIJ..... or a bat imperIiIcaJJ al~ ." die , Greek.... . .. .IIlJI~RlII~;I_ I~*"": I pri
~1;:l~~e~~~~~Y:~~ hp~:~.e~':~I:~~~n!l~~;~;:
QrlmhJu1JoJlS, ftnd U) JrCfJtore fotlO\l,..1,ip and r good feeling illn ~I!r tile Y ritlu~ seellonsJl[
ttu; :Union"
.' ,
'.'," .
.' }lr. e~c~etlil'Y! gtooJ n~il! our 1!'8:1 Iollay. \f tht'flo rnCllJtimall)a an~ IIl~prcll\Jlble bit' -
G::;fIlAd"'~ist~1i'~hi ~hrd~!~~l :fnZ/l~h;n 1!e';~:fJr,t~,~$! ~~~~i::r.
Inftuenee of Mr. Gh.y, all oJ' been putchnlled at higlr a pri~el lind if which may be true e1IOratrh,. bUt ilal yet rar hll e"irit, from tlte rpgjllli8 to which he nlll\ &om pOiitlw-el, I~.-N. Y. ,7'~, Illh. a8ct:n~ed, tihc;lUlg 'C~ thclie ~(,I!ul\l! fowIJl.ll: .Crom '"~ une;tpectoll nnd ulltlntcrly end-If h?t1O lI ld I!e~ ~hQt . ho ba~ eJltwln~ a 110)· .. . , . ' r'M III!-!r~1 o,roun ~ ma~~yrj8 cJ'uwn"ulII OClC"IO~tae dehveryot wPllldloYf,.ltmg:ly~ !HoPlly.mI.!laotby 'elllo~,ea upon the iIluatri", my; de\ltll. I havo ~Qne mor~ (or tI\at OlllliTY HOUle. of COhJtren. , wblch. .I loyell ntfll smed tiran I did or pronlJ1inced in' tbe S~nat~, cou1d 11~\ ~y .1J th~ d yotio~ " ,nd ,all the .a(· that of Mr • .wRBlTEB. · It . 111 fort II thot .( c . 1I11nD.lce- \n h""b8h. rdnrlog eJoqllept, IlI)p~"ive. , It iI, t.le ,llor\ Aplin QfIJl1. e,!rlbly eXh!lenct';" rt . . re!'!ct..... CO" 'A .t )Jr. Sec reln'1 greattJa. thilll C1l,1a ml,ty If, ' R _1 _r. gucre ..ry, ~ a we !DO"", bIi . I)ot ftI 10/10 W thout lOpe. ' Pit mUI of, Ota fellow<-eit- We have Bet-A one eminl'nt mnn and nnoth. .I • L hI b at·a. cI ·l · I ' . , ... . Ilene en)l)1 ·~mar... e ' e Ul ltD ,lapp - er t1mlno.D~ mon, ~nd 11~ Inllt . II man. In • neill .thro~r!t0llt- the .~b()l" cou~t!1' It hall m~lt emInent ,sto.t.lon, Ja11 aW,q from. tile , . DI~I~~ ProVidence t~. • lIlttlte.two mld.t oC WI. Btlt l ~ubt not tbere I. a or (Jongret*. and el\peol.l1y thJa. Power CI~Vo u. ~~ert;~lImi over UI tbo.t ~. wllh repeated oceuiona fu moW'll- ternal core tbat hlllmar~edour prollrelll for Inlt arid lilmentation. Si\uo the commence- 10 .many y,.re. I have confidence.atill that ment' of tbe ~Iori' we have (01)Qwe.& tw" the plo.·ce 0" t'lu e " " r·" d· III be .unplied· . , "" l.n"pI! UJ ' " ' or.,urowll membere w tbelr ·Ia" bome, thattheki~ll \i(>neficent favorwf Almigh . ty IlJ!d are- pOw called,,~ iu' coujQ~tion ,&00 \lim bp ~JtIl..u., ~ 'Wb't we ehaU WI~ tbe ,ot,het ~raD;cb 01 tile ' I.e'-Iattare, b'~ hOrne Idem,: and borne' IIPW~ aT'd up. and l~ rulll~mpath1 wltb thlt ~ to". or l\7aril, on Ule wrngs 01 hi. '.8uatlllDltI".~~.Idliotlon whIch- lira lfUre i. (elt lIlfJl\lpout den~. May Goa rr,an' . that ,In ~he t,m. thecountty,t.o talce part lnth..... tand thatl.beforeull~III."IKI'beY1UltJ~g due eolemnl&lea of the funeral 01 the later to UI wllfl men ' " ~....,., ftll" our coun· P,Hiden\ofthe (tnlted State. lellon ' ae he ,,'hOM-- fUner.1 obi-,lea we T ..,.ly, lir" tIlIU It aald 'io the. c:ommunica, , ..ow pro~ to c:aJetw.te.; . -,., '. tlon ",od to Utr, thlt A "grt!IIt min h .. rail· ,; .. " . . en amonr UI.·~ .Th" late 'PreaJdeJlt:QC the )I,. Smith o~w~nen '7'nted ~he fni. N Sta~B, original~ lO~dit'rI by P: thlon ~~nt. ll~ti ot er ,el:~.iid:= S:ilit.,;uWc:e:i.:d~ at : : : aOprov~o: be lll!lGl'tediD tb; ~AIp". tte clDle 01 the Iate."ar'wIW J&~lco, be- .tltution (to be ..u~ailtted to a '7Ot~ .r the COD!e 80 'mucb r"'te.t to ~ peo~or~ peo~leJ pWth)bltin,.the p...,ur OJ I.". mllt.ci SIAi• • lnd bad inaplnid wtab. w~bl ,thtrrl('llt to sell 'ntoxl~"nlt euch • ~, of a:-P.nl ... ~IlClej lliatl }Ie .gran~ to anyone or .ae ~o th~t, 'Mlthout••01lcu.uOD or there III In &Dy lIIanner lepllsecJ. . •
.Ith~reul:\::t ~=:=f
,.o,1e .."
2''left trora~t: ... eI . . . . ...-!o'" '1 on the .. ~I, aDCl ~
e:r" W.J!n
IDe lUf)jeeL
It. .., 'The preeident preaenled the fWdoD of Iet. . . . .fft apeD la4111 Joim A. Con.... and)6 other . . . . . or cal'fl' .atborl"liD.::::r ~ COUDty elf Prallin, 1JIIb<
hi.... OQ" __ .. u.r jed,;. '. :. ..... r';' =:.:. ..,.,'to,' " 8oit-ll~'" lalUlllardeDt,,"::~Q or,.. ~....
W. CIaIUIM ~'!i-:r.o-;
~~ defree b)' tH dIe ..~=were... die n~t
.,.,..., .......
..... 1& "~Il br, - - ~ BOIIIe ..... ia ....
:J,:~:.u:.~ of It will
lit ....
A ......
Ran raMI rn
~__~".Jj~ "~""""~.'11~"'''!.
\JoD, '#'1'1 ...
Arl'l.a. or tIae
Tb. AtllJld~ will eOlltellt
run with j the lato Prelid8n~ C)C)cU)llud a the. Alia. whlcb Jellvo- G)r ~OIton un the ~h. rCIOlItnll. / 13,h In t. , The Fortllgn )(j.piatel'll aU 'tbe Brlt;.b Mtnhltry have been 'Ilstllin- full Oe;nm C08tumer cd by tbe Oornmoill in the Groek 1l0~lr by The In"criptlon on tile coffin plate ill as 0. mlljorl ty of 46. I ' l'qllows •
~~!,(Pll-TI.1l increa"o of. th~ ulory d Loulal ~lIpoleo~llae ;rec 'wfd the sanctton of the. frenel' AII81,'mlily • .lGSp 66 ""EARS. SI1.A~!f -It ill !ItI.ld tijat Genernl 'Navllrcz The coffin III /I mOllt mqgQlfie~t piece hl\8 had a warrh dUJCUIISIOU Wltn tbtl MIn- of workmulIsh\p It IS oQver.ed with blllck liter rrom tho United State!, III which 110 velve~, the e~geB being Q[ allve~ tasle\!; • pxpredlod astoDl8hment and r~gret or he , looped ~th gold rruiged tiuttone. ' SpanIsh (!toverll\1'lent tha~ tllo Goverllthellt 'l'hli' ~QUlIlOn&lIae of the deeeasiltl 'vo~ of the United Statel! had not pravented, \ llnuhllngell, tbolJlrh much emnCloted • the expctlltlon of Lopez · from belPS' pro· I Mrll Tuylor would Ilot conlcnt 19 pnred, but ~ bad allowed It to depart With I btllmlOtr the IIp'dy. f
ilioO~Od ~~II~U~. And '~ffi
T~~bmn re8~d~ a~~furm m ilie =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~,
nlso re~orted that the $poDl~h Mlllister ('ast room cnvelt)lled in blnck crape IlIltl nddreaaed a warm rOlllollBtance tu All flooll /IS nil hpd u/iscpabled the Il.I'V Wllsllingto,l. embudYlng the Vllhv8 of hili S. Pay ric D. D ~ of tho PrQ(e~tIlnt Epis. Govcrnmo\1t, and hlil note IB not written In colllli ~ "or h performed the solemn blJrJul It very alJllc/lble Bpm~ , IsorvJ(!1' of bl ~ ~huccl~ dOTIng wlllch mOllY (I(DI •• ~fbrongh tho klpd::os8 of Copt. 011 oye \\US mOlst,arul mnny unable to COil. Lnog, from the 8Jllol'.... lI, we have trol th eir feqllllgtl, sobbed aloud • gnplllc de"potcholl from JlomJon to Satur· 'l'he R e Vl~ rcn cd gentlemnu t1elavared lID day mornillg. anna" clllg the arnvul of the 1a10'1\1 lit dlscourso, the fnmlly Qf the de. q, erlenu IUllll with J)omllltY dntes or the I conseel hellier wlthm heBrlllg 01 It: 26th of MIlY At Dllllare. upwards of one I 'l'he coffin WIlS then remove,1 from the thoUlland peT 0118 lost tJlflll' Ilvl's by the I While HQlHfe ulld pluced UpOII the Cunel'ul expl0810n of a lJIagozme bont londed wilh ellr, near wli lch stood the favorite war.horse 20PO bnrrels of ,gunpowder. A" hQle fleet 'of the departed clllc;'ftilln. "Old While} .. of t1l1ny, b... ot~ were destroyed, b081doQ (lo· t ~elllg npll'llllted to follow the cor to il:e Ing .mn\en~ damage to the to\\ I) noar to pluce 01 Illtorment. which t/le:exll)Q8'OIl tot,tk place. l IThe lunerul cllr WIIS u plum hcarse IInder GnltlllAlCy.-Whe Parllunient ofErrurt I n raised e UI1OJlV, bea utifully torm:nntt>d "'llIlI'Ieet In 'A UI,"\IAt. 'I'be Idea of the We J\ll1erl~l\ 1I Eogle beintt ,reprcsented I~ third German tim()n hatl been forlOullv,l IJl the cen~le, It WIIS drawn by eight wlute IIvowad and l)rOposed to be earned /lItO Cf- hOrSI'I:I, wIth Illude houslIIg. feut by the Guvernmel,t of Hanover rt 1 Thjl pr9ceSSIon moved at 2 o'clock, .P. 18 the plan 01 the North German l:1 lI; on to M J millulo gun" uelng lired be formed of Hnnover aud Oldenburgh, t The poll bCClrQrB were Mallsrs COM nnd the three cities and ~hose I!mal!cr States Cilly, Bertin, Denton, W chater, Ilnd jour~ that Qre nnturnl1y allied to ,Hanover. toml 6thcrs The prulcl,ple of tite alliance 1$ thot of The trooJls were 1,1",clor tl.e cQm~nalld free lrade. The movement or ~he South Gp naml Scott III lilillmnt \In Gerrnnn mnnulueturerll JII rilvor 01 llltrh with lllulHed drllins and '." ''''''''' I On J u~$d\lY July 161h by tho Rev .. t 1. p .. I • IItlltler. !\In ~\L\'A.N g~ (;l.Ill.N£Lt of Wnrrcil Jl~ptectlye dll le8, IIY the fI!6 SUin 1\11111:1I('r. Ill g , presented un Impol!illg u nce uu . Ohio. 10 MilS HANNAII i)WA1N. ul of Cmnmerce, haB lnilOC!l!d hnnover ~t) an· 1 The plcoCaslon wall onc nJld Il half Ju .lndIOIla.. nounce ilistinGtly the plan 01 Illc THIrd 111 length. .. J her .. ~ n "lass. beyond all Ihul (h9 Illln~Lr 1 L"ague ' Flowers werQ strewed niong P.B~~ylvOJllu hUi luld. 1tr Harlenrly, Cmel nflll;ster of P,rel!RO Avelluc 101' Bl'vera.1 hundred ynrds lendlll Whon \\\0 lhlll nro hnked In olle hCDvenlt Cnstle, hus lleen found guilty of embez- t froln the l'resllJ.ent'a mtlnSIOIi The prJ: Willa 1::Qr~ never Ilbnnglllg !lnd brow .nover #ing the publlc funtl>!, -Auothl'r IlCCoUllt l oes lun hlill ueen ,."tlmntcd tit 16000, (he coltl. • flOYS he h88 been c:bllvlctatl 01 forgery - IIllhtory lit 900, besides III" compllDles 0 J IOV!! on uno' ull 11\>1, nnd love 011 1111 lhey 'l'h~lc htlll bllen II, change 1\1 the AU 9t llllll Artillery Thele wllre nmetoeu banda 0 0 I ,he 1 d h d f.UI,lOrs Ilave mU KIC compr IS Ing Bllme h un drt' d 0 r IfIstrn- ne ,our 0 n pn a Ion HO ~~cre 19 \\ ort reprl'8en t l,l t 1011 11 t D er IIII on Whulo ";;tV ul hellrdesa nnd \lunClerJlII; bl! B nri~ell of new dlsJlutes between Pru'I!l IU meutll, ,\ lilch as th~ y Illlaled forth thel And oil! I(thllf£! bo un Elya1 ulll e/ll Illlnh, • and Austria solcnln sounds nloflg the Avenue, clothed it IS lbl - ll 18 tlu , I, 'fhQ cholera hns re'np'PtIn ro,1 at DerJlh n8 It \vns in mourn ing, an(l den $ely crow- =~~~T~~~~~~~~~~~~= AUStqllA ,t1CD HVNCOAM.-Jt ~i! £!~Jl6Ct. lied .had un !l't!ct that beggers deacrlpl10D od tlillt tho mmporor Will be CI'b\\ nnel In . On I\r~l\ ing ill Iront of \lie uurylng Jllly \"'lIl"n 1l i. !laid a ~oncrolllmllellty w,1I grollnd Ihe mlhtnrJ escort were furmo(1 III 1)e gIven to 011 Stnte prlB'O nllr';i or p\>lrhcrtl two lineR. the lir~t tj)ijSlsting' or the detll-chIfflj nderY. On tlte IImllofl!Y 01 th l' PCri~h j menl appolllted to fire the lost volley, facZeltllo\1'" It IS IItlltrd thllt 1111 f 110 om, erl! t mg the cementer)" Ilnd thirty pllces from \\ hb. be (are the rovolu\ 'OII h d ~ultl!!d the It The second cOllslsted ,of tbe remalllIInperlul II rVlcc anll c.nhllled untler .lhc I der Ill' the InfnntTY 111 the (;&co~t, tlllTl)' bllnner 01 ltll ngl1ry. alld \\ ho WCr' 111'1 01' pnccs 111 lhe reor Tile bnUCIY of A wllnlll COl\tlt)190ed for tjO Ilullli!, nrc to lie took (I J)ObltlOll on the tl8IDg 'Set I,lt hllcrlv forth \ 1t1·; Ilnd the lull 1'"1 0t: 0n~ hUflllrt;d ~ cos 111 tIll! ~CUI doh 01 Be\'erul hIlS tl.h',I'ady UI'OIi ahtloun q' j ll11C ~ , - .\ ~lj 1 TIll>' lJuryll1t.r grlluntl wns oceupled at nn VI '111111 1l&'~eii o~ (htl t9th slute. lh 1\ cnrl)' hOllr by thbllslln,ls Qr ' poople Itnxioull Prusslu hl\l' teru~qd to recoglllze the F rank. til s cure pJ Ij,C08 for obt11l1lIOg ,ood Vlc\Hl I\lnl C""~I'CU 6lI th~ pI nnry nsg\~llIb l)~ ot f 01 the clostng obseqUIes. \1Ie Uerll1l1n C ntedcrntlolJ conslderllJ/!, It '.Vhe budy WI\R ree Ived by the
"Imply 81! n rcvolutlOllRlY DJeCllllg or tho j ~he hUl'YlIIg glound whun tlte 'EI)j8'(:onu'j
I service wn; rClld nlld nnoUler aRlllta wail ludl'lI the Ilb ve Ilr~tl The botly \\ lUI then placed In the. ~'"101l1~eemNlt with the romllrlc So' "Thl/Ij I rer('tYlgg vRult oni! the t'.fowd dlsporsed, !ins PIUH"I:!. ~f Illtutecl u~r clf frum Gor. f II lid tlllI!! c10 cilihe {UJlC!'1ll l'n~lInt whl~h mllilY It WIlS {tll 11)08\ ImnreIlSI\'e charneter n:I S I" ..YO T flttEY -L ttef'l fflO'" 'J1hc mourn lui tODO of dlc mIlSH', sol. nol/!rnde IllO'e that n l'e oluti n D~t\ IIIRt t amn tread of UIO I!ol~j ry, the tho Tl1tk8, hnd hrokclI Q\lt III nal7. ~fIlHl - t; blll\s I1ml the. QO(l,ntng' of mllluto guns 'rJllt thtc dl tricf .. 'V Ithm Gil' 1l0Y I 10:11, !'cllllll1le wL~11 AOl1'\)W: "'id ever. oliiF1'l~e. qrc ~Mted to bB III open JR. {I)r~ ijetlt lIeellw,l II) renl,z£, the toct n lIurrC(ltmT. 'Phe 1""llrWllt'" .... Irrtl rna ·lllng ,ql\) A'olld IIltlll hll,d (ullen-th~t ,. ~Q,ldi"r. II. U!'!'I i~lilt I). fort of 8~lgrdllt), \\ lll~h ~011 ' Pntrlot I\, ~d on IlonoRt /lIan ha<l dpl'l!l'tlld tnllled hilt n ~moll garrison, but an 101Ihensl1 from Olnong U forever qUUJltily of the mvnlllUlI~ of \\ /rr, bt l T"yloT 1\111 not acc(\muo.ny tho pro. Another etatement.11! that tho fo'l'~ III ql. ce~ ion t-She Will to'morrow vilJlt the tomb reqdy In tholr hahdll Tile IJtn.,,;\nn army In ~mpo y \\ Ith the fnmlly or the i1eceal' I~ bplllj! wel\,tly allgm nu~dJ but for ",II It ed jlurp0ll6 hll6r ot boen ItntClI. v IJy reqllP8t or the fnmlly proycl'll 11'ALY-Thc po Itlon of Romc il! mo~t JlClrluntl('11 III the r 001 \\ Itll the ramoin. IIn'lltl8focLpry. A eomfulKSIOiJ of O'lrdl • I the Int . ProsjJent, \vhC'1l none but ncar reGerlllull Stut 'fhe Vlpnnu Journal
""; hal been nllJllO to diacliss t~e nJtIlLr~ qf Intlv(l11 Wflr pres"Cllt. , the cOlllltry', and we nre ttlltJ ~htlt tho pulice , Gel1~rl\l Soott went IlItterlY,over ittlP re. havo bectj plaoed mlrler AlIstrmn lIuthorlty. maill" (If IllS dc»srloil c6mpnmol\ 11 arms, NAPLES -A frightful ft()(li~lent hud oc- on ol11ivtnj!' III the Ollst room. ' c\lrred on the 18th ot June A. port of the SI~nor Fognllm, on Jtahlln artlsf. )'ca' Grel'lllgles, an Immense ec1,fico ul!ed lIB 0 leTtl"y took n sl\etch of the head and foco 'bon-allk-room for troope, gllv :way lind fell I of G\lnernl 'rnytor ! before he ~all pl!lud down involvlnzr BOme four 01' five hundred In hi8 coffin. No cost Was taken. t~e fampet80ns tn the -nlln!. 11y bf,!inllllnwllJlng thot the skm slioulil be El'frLAIf"D.-A man n.ml'd Plota, rorme~- dll!fi~red. t Iyorthe ~ Dr~on., IDn~e" ~rutlll attaok AltJjollgh \ cot\llderably emaOlated, tbe 11 II Q.ue.en V,ct(lrla ,~illa a cane as "'0 fllce of the deceosed prellented much of the wa,<;on\in~ out orcllmbri~gc 1I0use in c:om- I appenronce it worn 'While !lying pliny with Prince Albert. Forfu(lat~¥ no . , hlirtn WII done fnrtber than /!emoliKhlllg I I.n~c fc om..nrcxl(:o..···1)rfll!ldful Rnl agcI the queen'l bonnet. Bhe Blleeared lit tJle _ / oC (be Chlllera.' I~tl.n OpetA the limo 8ven ih ll DJld \\ nil n L1fIMOI\E. iTuly 17. tnOft cordll\lIy and cnthulllollt1cl!l1y gr<:eted. New Orlenne Pllpt'1'8 reoelved by !he The mt!crc~nt wal arrealed He appenr- mOllll, hllve dates ftom the eitv or MexiCO . ed Mile . !O the 26t!\ of Inne. ~he cltolern W-B1l P.uus--The conspiracy dJscovered Ilt In~ ~o -Il frlghtf"l extent tferel 200 a Or.m in Alrle~. i" lIald to hllve had an dYll\2'. J)Ufln, die month the~ Jiall been extea.lve ramificatIon ID France. Grea~ 8,000 ~6e8. and J ,700 denthll. At ZlIllateCIl8 the cholera was equally bera or persona belongmg to lecret eo,metl" and provinces bave been arreeted. unLl, the d taB nvcrllglDg eighty per day. ~~~!:=:~!=~~~~5~~~=~~ 0" oCCCnillt of the prevlIl~nce or tht; cholera, Ule Mexl~n Coogre". were una!)le to Disp~tches. obtain a;quom",. , fit e Ti)c J'.oJle·ff Teturn celebrated ill Fa.~ral of tlie Lato Prceldent. IItv Ie In,. tha dty 01 Me'ttct;l I i ~ WASRIIIG'2:0lf, July 13. P. !\I. The ap}lroBching PrClld,nlial election ill Thllcily thlB morning Rnd through the excftlllg'11lucb Inten)et. Q,.e paper men""ay. exhibited tokans In e,-ery 41rection ofl tlons tile name of Sant Anna &1 a candJd-atraordlliary 110Iemnl~y. ThA No~ional ate who la intelligible, not bejng a reSI"
colon were dlep\ayed"pt haJf mosf. and drOoped an .able. The President II HOllIe, "the IICveral Departmcnta and other publiC bulldlnaa were clotlJed fp mourning. Tn Pe,s....-I•• IllA- AveDue, IIn4 ICveral other atreeta, the .ame aad tlnalp W.. displayed The ....... (rom Baltimore Ind the venous .teamboats an(l other pubhc con,"anct>a
'We", ero"ded with. pIllIIICDger:e, and from people came An With lolem,\ltl depleted In thMr oounteD.ncu. to pay ~h' I_.t trUtii. peel to their late '" lel ~. • J'be troo~ were ~ It 11 o'clock 1- ~"""Ja moat -poeln•• _ucl.~ the ..... - . 10 emn appe...... c..
.very dt~oa
or ...
ltepl'elftltatlV81 m~t their reapectJve ell......, an. &hit UIUIl excercJW, h.Yi~ pa& on the b e . 'Of IDOUI1IIDI', wilfadrew to tbe P,.i. delt" 1IuIton. f'roIa wlleace a. Cfyll.... lU~c p~fon wal to !Don. . . . . . . of' tile Executa"• •anelon... at. o'clock •• for tbe.ldnaiaion
'Tb! Bedlton and
dent. WASUDOTOIIJ luly 17th. The NationallnLeJiiencer of' tllle JIll lillY', "lnl'onilation bas beeD reeeived Cuba, which promised a moat b immediate terminatJoQ of a:ll betw~1 the RUth orWea of tlJat TI',mIM,.,"d alld our Governmeut growiDg out Lopu upl'dltion,l' Nothmg 18 dellnitel, Itn9Wn about fllo Clbmet exeept that all tHe .Pf"eDt bers will .go out. The Cit, .. (all or .trangeN. RII dOing their bHt to t.befr rlvor-
11tH iuto ol1iee.
The choncee for the JlIIABge o( tile Com-
r.rotniae bill with lome ImeDd,meata are IDplUviag. • IIr. Cl.y haa ~i," Da~ Jetter. from ~th Carolina i ... plort... him to ..,..the nniaD. TIle "v. Dr. Gurley. Chapllin or Ie..... hi veii .ick, aDd &bera deal of - ' " _ in the city. TllIl (of.. hit .....tI of' tie w....... h..,bable ot Cmi_ _
'I •
' h . ; ••• . •
attt~ntjc'n of
worli- r Cap&ain
===~~ Co~:==" tI~ in ~IP mlkerw, eoope.... run IInl.t:. .ow. Itock maker.. etc •• t~ I mo.t vlluable mao
c:eo\ly moat I
thllj law wlaleh regard. trG·Dielll: · ~onlaQ"JIIII COl'll with W • .owed chine now'exllibitinr at tho American. rn. ~ II', cyclon": or ~e.Ung m~_hj~l)f lml~U.l:tly after the plow, the Illst 'Work. litutlon, No. 351 n~d,,:ay. \Vood an a 1!111l1f Ilung certalD t'", 'Oed I chancl' while the d.ry IItitt&, without ~0ll!tentng, 1\~.mlnr, or1 0f the cYl'lonll refrrteti WU I'retIh and IO(IBI).' ~ IIny p,roee81l by wlllch It III aoft.Hne~ e.n be IIP"0eJl , at le!"t, from A...._h .... took. well •• too<l a h,nril fnll droutll, alld bent Into o,!mOllt "nl ,lha e •. The fiber. o/I AII&n, &nd III e/J"e!!ttt came mpre vigoroue this year thau thct ~be timber 18 irl1mate r ~I,_and m y Jj~ from , ta~ce of '.QOO lulle,. , , IOWO on '~1I11 graill the sprm~ 'revlou~. lny part bf the tr.ce. _ ~f!f~"Y ,'.:bceh. now IIhlp SUll(I",c Wl\S !lOtltn··w£ltIt. Tile suille VG..\"joll!l, inchllli! ~OlllP' c/I1.\", CIII, (rom Ihree or lIever.\ ple~eBI can be , ~~n ,b. tbe 8~?rm , Captain Ha.n'd:lev ,.nd ITln'~I, with a ri~ 'e BO IlOOr ~hntjt wou Id made of one or two as fanCY-SUIt..! s~0llg6r Ul bIll 10:' lill. rurle~ top·jUIJ~!I ror'C.'11I11 t1cllrcely produce: 11 nu~bin of corn to t!lc bill . and far more durable than by the old malh· l Bnd rounded tho. IIlup ~o, wIth iIlerv h~ad . Wtl IO\\-ed the ridge, because i \\"u, casicr od. lJorrel h?Opa aan be turne<! ~If reudy ~IO eastward, nil l han) ev~ry reason to ,~o. to .ow than to akipit, thUlking it. 6cl\r~ely 1for u P, benltlfuLl! ,rtlunded, makmg a )~~ !Ieve J am "on the Ifdge 01 a hultTlcane. pMaible tlUlt clpvcr could IlI'o on It. but we r 1I11~bor qtllt ~lIffiClen\ i~ place of the ug• rile 8 ~Ort~1 PIUI.~do"lVar~ tq the . are ha"'lpily dIIOr.llOJ.nted 'to @oea tolernble !,Iy, J!l. propor~lonod qucntl!y no~ ne oeanry, and thue. hy lllyu.'g to lind 81eermk to the growtJ; of dove"; 01\ It nt present, to ~lve streug'th t~ the c:~ ik. Gun.stoc.k<l 1ea~t~Y!lrd" Cctptclll Hllnd,lc~, no doubt sav· . ' oj'he Low of New~pope ..s. \ 'r1V0 oUler experiment can;te undpr ,o\lr ohair st~ffll or any other woQC1 r~quir1Dg e4~hl!l ~lll a~!1 3.00 coohes 00 bocrd. , ~. SIlJj~c(ib rll, who 'do I) l glv !!~tr Rr. ~ ~(l. '~b~orvlltl(lui oue in this and Hie othi!r in unv partl uhlr shope. enn b~ bont 'in the trIumph 8C1elltlfic ub6ervII tI?ll' eOllllot t1C~ to Ihe ~Olltr~y, O.!a cOlllfidered Wi ,.Ia~ llg AItltI I~OIl SAJ.m:-iJ}'he allbscr\ben "'ill , , ~utler County. . rlJuchine,-.Et . " ., toe wl\:l.ely known, ,. COlllj)lUO tll ~ir 8ubacrlpJfqne, " 8\l1l ot prh'~ 1Il ' 1I'D1e II "farm ctmtatllin,~..., hundred lind ~il(1y nurel, Ibno 11J',Il ·ollou~ fib,. 2. ,If subecriborll \lrttor tllo discOlllll\URIl 0 , Onlt.llowed nnor tho plmv tho SOth Pli~ -"ip. fo~ p~~ " I PoetrV 'Qf Afrionil J~R,,;rt:I~CI!, Dcres c1/; nrod lIrld undor f 1Ict!, lind hIe blliinee' lheir pnpllr$, the publisher m By' eominUQ tu . and fil.'10d1 except Il striP noxt ,tllo \\00 S, The Sl1s~c..\': (Eng.) Expre~s, IIIlYS, " At Among the Mongwees, .thunder is culled lIenvily tllllborcd ~\'id~ "popJar, ,BUlat"' Wa/nu~ lilolllllllhl .nil oncnroges nre pOlll , as lt he 3. IT Hutisaribcrs noglocl or r<\rU~1l to toke (hOlr Hi ckory, lIeJI, &0. , tbllT&, iB II lIenr foiling' proteatedrtbY\b 8lllo,~e: t our farlD we hcve been' in the h~bit uf ern. i r' ~he ilkYil'd /:tun:" the morlling, "tile day'll Death. . ",he:7 rCnll1 of IVlltQr T\lUlllng thro\1gb lho 1,llIce, cllt' How solomn lind humble are tho recIiQ!;! papers frPIli tho ofl1 rc8 10 wbl ch tbey nre Bllilil ~l T oilo or a.olwe, °t ,er t e eu tr1voAor, °tn ploy ing pllrsnips for. this purpose for 150me l chlld:" .nnlt one who hll! \ieaomu intoxlca· • vory 1101 I IIlIe aLt~r part 0 ugus .: b .. with'out U8, "",hen we contemplnte the brev· they nrc h Id rCll!pol1silJld till Ihey ' havo Hc tll ctJ IlIIpro'emonlB lire II doubl!l,hcwllCl 10& Houl£ d ~ 'I ry d rit! . '. time. U pOll rererence to Ollr books we ) t e d, '18 1101'i1 t 0 bI> '''ftk ... , en cap .. ~'e y rum. UlnQllsrnith hal" nlld f:!tnble~ Illwo II Boarin Ihlllr bille, and ord~ red their pUI>ur disCOIlIlIlU' In al e e ra Y; . .find thllt on the 11th qf October, l847 wo IThe Zulu!! call the twilight "the eye.lash. ity 01 hUlOan liCe! Who con hear the toll· ed, Urol~nrd ofGrnfted IIJ)d opturlll fruih . Ihe f.n~ • to Thlll'~ we menbon o.~ II caution to othon put tlfI two shouts of eleven \V'e eks old,' clld l e8 of the ~\1n:" nnd thev Bay ot' a mun who ing of yon bell breathing itS soft mournful 4 If sub8cril,tor2 r e tnO\'O 10 otll"~ plnces .\y1th· 16 lIitunlou Oil (he .J\[ueklllllllck River, JacklOJlI JndiOilahDlld ubODe ~hll1l;let! from llae ;;w \~n s.eofison. d b ' d Ii I (cd them on skim milk nnd parsll1ps for hn!! de frauded ~hem, II he Ito ellten 1I1e cudence IIpon the silent lIir, witliout remem· Ollt infQpning tho pub\lsher, and III J,u}>or is Oounry 10 lhe! form er tlirCClioll, til y uro lold Te· OUllly 80nl. 'I' 9 I\bo,'o proport)' )e fOl' ..... 0, . .e arc I!, orme y an expc rJcnc~ Il~· three month!!, when they \yere killed, up'," " boring ,hilt ho must ono day die, and be tioul o,xcllllllj!o for hlO ~l'Oporly. } 01' ru~"'t'1' Jllr. ~poIl Mi bl e . '.mer In Indllnft" tila.t Janely he so~~ed 111 weighing 281 and 238 pound s., 'Ilhey wer I The l\lis onnry All voc1lte lelia, of ann. g\llhered to the drtlory empire of the grave! ~•. The Courts hovo cl 'cllh'd thnt rofusillg to IICIlJUrB, applr 10 \hc 'ubscribors at thir Bliltery corn a1mollt ent,rnly, ana tllou.gl),t. It m~oh II r ' d fi " n h do.; l livc of W estern l\Jrko. l\'1\o villited A mor. ami 1IIUt the samo dirgelike sound , may leko n n c \v ~ pRpor 1)( pc.nodlcnl (Will ilia olliec, in ,\-YaYllosville. " J: ,& S, eOIJLll'r.$. "referable to the old wlIy ofJiowlIlgutspnng IV a,lepe, rIO 10 es, nil t .. e meat . .~ v Allio ·10 OqTQH oillllf/npro'Ved 1,ll,Ild slluated I" renJoving lind ICllvlng It uncall ed Jilr, iH pri· ". He" e~ t \' d'nt e1 of ~""ellent I1ljvor. '.rhe 'IUlllltity'o( pllrs· r Ida t\OI'nC yoars ng9, nnd W lell asked whlll brenk tho slillncss of the silent nir, when Of llopholollloW County hidll\lIa. · . ~In 'th(l pI •..P~ chTs 0 1$0 v Immbc It t ) y ~ nip~ oonsumed by ~lhe m "'liS nino. busl,els h c\I"oulil ciill Icc, which he lIntl )lever he hns ';shut1\t'd 00' this mortlll coil 1"' 'Vito 1111\ fllcle uYlllcll Ce o( IN1 EN·rIONAf. .'\tAun I-If " " . J. &. S,O!;)J, l.l[NB. I "aer 0" In III e,or y C?Tn, 0. ~" , Ie each, ' see,o b'e ror, Illiid;"Hhn bc water fa st bears with ,dow and Ineasnrcd lrcairthe , DOO'l' ~t~ IdOl} 8T0lt);';; , ,tutor .TuMor fjl'll.tol"JuIY"lllen It 'WIll i , .:. I _ osloepl" llndwililcrldln,i!inlltaill'olldenr remains of some ' fellow ' mortal to "tho M 131. 0 ' r08Rl'Cltfully onnounCClI tC7 gilt the h~r1!'e$t raIns. !loon sprout, an.11 . Sometbing "'Venti, J(Il\)win~. '''hen neICed what QUIne lie wojlhl give to bouse cppointed for nil living.' . without re· :1 Ihu public ,thlll no keeps conllimtly on ,. .end forth lt~ \qp root, ~lId ge~ a}lold sumci' , It .is a fuet perha(ls DOt,gclIlerally ~no\\"n tho vehide rCJlli eiJ, ort!'T some' thou~ht, ml'mbering thllt for him likewise 'Ithe :1 bOllel 1\ gqod Illlll(lr'mollt 01' ..1_ cnlly d~c:p t~ enuble It \0 bld: ctefianc to I tl) former6,' that Ihero are two pnrt.. III lhe " llim bc ono thllnd!:r mill." , of bOQt.'1 and ,hoes, COlU!1stillg h. m'ourncra 8holl go IIlJOUt tho streets!" . In~ ordInary drouth; \,:hereas,",fl!o.lVcd ~o.te, I potato, whil!h if separlltcll and plnntcd nt I . .:. . , , IIQrt. of ilion's 'Jin llOolil nnt! eh06'" women', Thero is 110 mortnl eye 60 keen-Ilighted bOOl8 ftll el gnller/J; "lppor., colored Jlnd kid" I.S '".the above rnsell, It scaroesprmgl! .tntll the !I'lme lime., one will plod\l<; e po~to l's l thnt il mlly penetrnte the ob,,(\ure vista or pnlent len ther, lint! cloUt iloilOi'll. kid, lietllnd ~Ire till the droulh comus and pnrches It to . fit for tile tablo eigl t or ten daYli 8001l~r the fll(ure 8ud tell tho bour when the fitful buek1l1s: chil"'rom'8~hoo~ of all dlljlorjpllons 'nd ~eath. ' ' . ...; lh hlln the ot.her. The IImun eml of tlae pq. - - \ shcll be over. . 'ulore. , ' ~be Jldvnntage ar thiS prActi ce WIll bo tl1tO, which is gerier1llly full of eyqs, ill t h a t , Doiled ITnlibllt. .. ' :All of tho abovo'will Ile sold R8 che~p U CIlf\ We know ,wlleu tho different BenjlOnS he purclUl90d /It lilly olhQt eslablishment In tlte ~erlved by ~rn farmcTrl-gro.ss growl1rs pnrt whIch produclls tile en~Jiost, thp mid. 1 he lll'e Rnys-One of the sons of \.Joos shnJl roll rouna-.when , apring, summer, CO Ull try. Onll aM pxnlnJne lOr your'elvUII bedon't need it. l r dIe or hu~y of tho 'Po~at(je pi otlncf)!.IlI\ o Illte county, N· H., is now 011 0 visit to BoslolI, nutumn, and winter shall villit the ~urth Jortl purcllllsillg el~Qwhefo, , It dQublcs the ch.mot's of getting a field nlld utWtly:tl \tllrge ones inspeuthig I~ varioull wonders. On .Sut· bu~ who' shall tell us when to 100" for I'V" ~U'\I";" 1\10111 81.,01111 doo~ .8i)u~h df .tbrrid' all~ op' of,clover in c~y given year, " ~_uwny, ho ilin II utonl' of the hotel ,in lIun· Ilentul posito All elf.& F.vund' IItqru. . It olfel-sll profitabl lind pro ti oa blo mQdo Poultry. . '(lYI'r 8tree~, und whilo rl,'tllliug over the bill April 6, l a~O: ' , 10-tf 'Of keeping 11. cqm flcld. 'l1ot ~\1lted to th Voe dz' th~m gencrqusly-givu yotlr h9-n8 of Jure, hiil eye lit ou " Roil l'tI Halibut. " Pro~ilotioU!ll Slluth. ' prbd\lr.tion of small grain, in II state of (er. , fresh m at or Hellh chopt iilll', tWice It week ' lJIl ocl whllH biled I f·1l·I· hoJ....whut is The enlirl! I!Ulmtity of Pork or !til kil)dl! 'Hity. Z, 1with ~hoir other foocl , provide them WIth thatl" a8lce~ ho vf hi:!, IIcxllll.ljghbor. nt the inspecti on warehouses ill Ne\v O~· l{amfUon Co. 0 ., 'June 16,18110, , 18Qnd atlll IUIhes to dust tn, nn,l Qld broken " Boiled Halibul, lIlr," , l~allS on the 1st July inst., W1lS 29,350 brIll; , D tt ' plal!tering or lime, to piok, cnd you will ep· SOOIl the waitl'r o.opronched, (md IIsked n decrell~e of 3,492 ' brl8, from 1st June. , ~'hi8 is an arLiclel1ofe(r~Qlel!tic footl more oOlJr"ga thnir loyin g . th e gentleman (rom oos what he would The en'tirequa~tity 'o" Deef of all kinds, oj whiph ;8 cO.llsUlned in the Uni.lod S\JItes ! _ ' . . be <holped to. '." WIIS 3.& tree, 2,'184 lJfls, and 430 half brlsj , tbln in a.ll)" other country .o.1I tbe I:'lobo. Hum'o~ous ·:.Hyae~e."You !lilt rUlY h!lhbut. II decrcol\O of k88 pllcknges. , ,. '1'he stock of Pork at tho,s:lme time lcst Good ,8wect butter, IlOW d0 IIClol1St Tt very . , 1 "W 11 I . I 'll k" .1 (I I'k I d' ;'°l\en ban .... ' . oJ 't' f . 0, glloSR tn u one, anu t I 0 ~ar Wt\8 40,941 Iirls, illC U IIlg v ,.,.w! II, amol,Ig rnml:.,.. le8 ,1Il OUr OJ 10K, Drin~out. YOIlt' Pound C"k • it:, J'U have" (e\" Inore • P , 'lh~t they ""Ill, purclall80, .go.oll, 81veel butt r 1I.1\1"ng t e eomrany ,ot" a grOll- five {)UI. 1 ~ "~_ " " ' 0 _' _ ~~_ " . , j eS8, 4,939 M Q Ilnd 6,172 rime. th d hid ... . I ~, ~ 1 ~. ~.' ~., • Tho I!tQck o( Beer at tbo sllme time b~ e !to~~~l an w Ie I In, '~I a~ 0[, t~I'o' l' lcr ball given at ~ew 'Orloan , hlst Bprl~g, l . PIII!lf)nger-"Yhot is the rcalion yqu gv compri,; rd 2,45~ brli,. illciudinl!' ] ;114 Mees eVClr,$\!t)D eootnos "I\lat~d, in ~a~l~ •. ' 'l,I1~ J8 ow,n4' ill bollor Qr lIorulYpub~lc event, wa~ a green S!O\V o\'er tho plunk rOIl~, dnv,o r!' 462 Prtmo.-[Cm: Ga:~llC. all klnd~ to tho manller In \\'hJch It I~ I,cpt .DEtar It is 'un, rrom the counlrv, who had nevee before Drivllr-'The hor~ei! . wOIIJ.ln't go rMter I l~q~~~~~~~~.I!~~lli' (ludg'II' pprcbaaed. ,Mu~h. but~~r ' 1$ SJl~lllld fro,ln sllon<1luyt/ling 'of th" kind upon 150 grand u If I were to wh ip lhom all tho time.' I " . r( o.lid cI)ftlOhl0 .~. lll1lng BAit eontll.!nlllg h?10 o,lld' othet. lIub· 801110, nnd wal! totally ut II 1088 to under. ' PClLIscnger-I"Vhy so P , f Tho Petersburg , I ntelligellcer sny8 tbut '\len~--l~B t cureh,Uy anl\ t.jlorou~hly. rl, an ... IIPl1l1rRlUB tUfIIl, held ou IItancea ",hlcll h~ten . lts decompoflltion . atllilll the ridi~ulou8, nl1W rlll1qlc~ dal~cl'!! Drlver-' They know ' lhe pl'llllk rood i9 he thormometer!n that city on Tuesday, ~____ I \>_n_Il_ ~'........., t:,_ !!I-If ,~alt ~n cully be purified by' ponrl.ng nron whicb prevailed. P1lyinlJ un enormous only six miles long, ana llafy IQQrtt to ,pin tt at 12 o'qlock, 8tOO(l at ,96 ".egreeB. The it _. little ,!Irm water, lind allOWing it to price for" tiekot, and hllVlDll been (MUng 1Olel a~ long a., the ca~ ! When ylm lIec tile mercury r080 to 98 deg~ees ' lII Norfolk on GlUlA'l' lDtC~Nll': draIn: it dlilolvea and takes out the lim 110me tinfe ill 8!lticipo.tion <>f\hel!uppeJ', hil; horrid roa,1 we lome to · afterlVlIf~s, vou'll • and ct. t~o Gosport Navy Yl,lrtl :EA;)lJ)lJl'F:jo' & 'l'( IC,KRR Unvo jult ( II .jy d (I t Ihejr lort' III Ihe lItl \y bulUling "nd other elrtraneo\lslIubltlnces, tI.nclleuvel whole though"" were ' directed to the en- BUY; they're ril"Ol. ,Vhy, eir., J( con' ~urn all the lIame dov ~t mdlelltod 97. The No.... MJ ohll K D"YI on1\1ulllerry ~lrCrl, t ... b(lIlOIl, n' the ..It D.,arly pur,. The quunt/ty usunl· Joy.,)nc.l1t in thaI; line in atore for him. He t\Jom roulIIl; IIn11 keep thom dri~ing up lind ~olk pape~ !lay t1l8t thore hOB b~('n no rnm low Iloois ,\,,~, t' of Ih ",""lr "0 I!" ~hp n\UHt Ji .dd~ to butter I~ one 0\1 rice to l!1C POl:!lIp. Alro I lip 8ntl down the silibon with llis down th~ plank rocd fill, lite lDee.\t, and the In .thu~ re~lon for three weeks, and .~very" 1\1 ,ora L DIllPAR " . oxhmajvll 1\11.ortI1l0111 of ub\1\ JClwtJlry nur j)lIiJr. :Ar'er ~uttilr, bcco,e ranchl, It onn be hana!! tl)nl!it i Ito bill PlUltaJOO"t 'pookots; \vould IIevor feei'tire<:\; it would Imlike the~ thmg III htter~JI>, parc~edup. ~be ol~torna th mlI~\Ir 'JOU{~O 01 L cIJ:~~~11;id In Ii - d to !ho ()itilll"IS of Iw.bll,UOII or vicinity; con. i,- , • • . r~~ ifnI . mil 6 !,r'y IIwe~r bY:lI v~ry IIcco~tlng every \valter ,ho eMollntcred reoilio good .." A fact, sir, I ,'lIBiI~il'e you. becomiug 4;y, a?d \nconvcDlencc IS lutc 'will COllllllonl)Q un LIm Firlll 01' lh ol l"~r, ling, !" I" UI pf :Gold .ma Bill'ur Ie,' re, dotnched nnd LCII~lIe ~lIn., e pr~e,Jj. T f\IS II!, to "'1194 It well with-,..' ,. , r" i' ~ i ug to b~, ~~peflenced for want ~r And CUII~IIIII !1 undl tho laBt 'O f Fcbru y. 'l'lt whlr.ho"; ' t In cold \~lItar. olton changed, ond after '.noy, to~k here: is suppor most rondyY' , 'My deoeasoct.uncle wall the mqst P91i!O AM tollllCR I P purlrllb nt \,,11 · b~ opened un(l E.v u~~ vnrlely of cl cki!'l ' preulng out tho wllter, lalt a,lIeW, hnd Ild~ At IA!t supper wn8 IInnnunc~d, {jnd in ael1tiemnn in tho world He WI18 m bl.l"d}~1tl~llr cl\elltl~~ !<tludvllnfS b}! thtj 1<!I'd I,,'( ()~dlo. it v r J!ll OiIll~i gqld ",Ill it V('f P nailll; _Ji.tle s~ar'' lIay hull u.n onnce to lho ' I f b d b' DICK AND DEll er. a ulcn Ill!umn'Il~ WI II 00 Ul l Cl J;'l,Irae \ fll~ lt&l$j ~I)cctll ' h", tlHUI t all "",I " . f!Jsbed our hero an It van~ 0 every 0 y, a ,voYlIge on the DlllJu e; ond tbe boat • lha direclion (,If the fo.')lowhl/f d Il,YOlI. nnn vary Rnlclc ulllflllly (Qulld 111 a Jc;." " pOOh. hi. will be rOllnd to .render It 'lind Boating himself nbo~t the cllnter o£ and al[the passengerll went tl) the bottom. "Dick,'" inquired tho maid. • Frefe . 01' • olrv 01111 FRiley ~ lorb, • In.uch more palatable, ~Ithough It,ma, not jhe tablf', began to btlckon every Wllite~ 'My uncle was jll.st a' tho poillt of drown. boen after tbat so.lratusl" Z. Fr c~nl): M. !'r(il~\or <?f I,nOlom), II 01 whir-II thc:y ,oif!.'r lit foir prleell All eJltl~11 reltore the delll:ale ~avor r.ccuJiaf whoao e he cou1d . -catch, but not one, iog. He got his held IIbove wator(or once, "No, I hrtint.:" . ~JS HNuJ~W ~UN ~'M. ,~.(, !::t~e~ll~ ~l ~U{{cr.f nudi Oll, lCClQ lly IhcIiallle.l,llru I :v 11,,\1 10 ~I _n4 to new anll Iwllet butter, wInch once 10llt, mueh to \lis indignation, Ilpproached him too~ otrbi~ h4l,. ,and Irq/d, 'Ladles abd gonuIryou do~'t go quiclt.11n pracu~e~h\~Jle~lI~.o r iol J l\eC)l'y lind eo~ QU~go~, . \Va "III 31tcnd \)o rlll;mu1l1' II) ropalrihg- l(h kAt GIln never be re~tored. Butter sho~1d ~l'I until /liter ,*elallie. hnd bllen s !Ited tlemtlD . • I hive the ~onor to be 1O\Ir moet tre8l!.'· ' . W. BYlto ppw IllLL, M. T.) , {'roro I16t ofl'Ia)"$.bo,.t i!, a cool • .lIry, dllY plllce.-Sc/eJ/ti/io and ~rved, wI en ~e wns ·asked whet-her humble-ser\"\mt!' Ina down be ~'ent.-' "Wel\, tell mlstt'f!IIS as B(lOn as.you pl~alle. . 1010gy.'P~\hol ogy, i\ito!,ralllljy ,lIlI<1 GUlllo.y \Vn lchCII , J\~I!orcl~ onli RUe! Jcwolry....nntl wllrrlln, . lJh:ARDO nFl~ &. '1U 'K1:lH . .. ~ . he would take lomo bam. 1 don't know 81111y Ratll!!, IIljd \\"o,,'t go 1.y)", 'Nt. .l) • 'prorQ~~or ot \\1 lllur ill i\udlo,,- ii , Lebanon,lllM. 4tf u I . ... 'U ' h 11" ~ r 11e k 0 ...·ell b' h I' .i,l;iuraJloUllcB !lm1 Meihe"l J un s"rudunco , Electricity In the Mill. "no1fl!" excllllme" he, WI 1 mas pro. T ere is BUel, Il~ ep0r'lIloUI mou:nt 0 "a ~--yo\l n W.. ~ Ol,g men· 1. IlHI/l'G:i.N SI\:NUElRS ]V1,,D l'R.r1' Hur 01 Wo hive .omewbere lepn 1I0me r~rull.rl(8 found Il8tol1isnme{ll i "do you '!!POIlO, 8irrllh, L~gi~lative 8rupidi~ at 'he p~~t time, gcged to Deb!" • '" Ghqmhmy Bntll'b,l.\p~)lIoy . ' P;~'oCE;~, G~OClllUll8l . '~.Nl!:18J.Y & DlIOTJlEll , relative \0 the lllft\lenCO of ani/roadl upon I can e~t live ~oU1Ll"l1 wortb of hqmt. BI't'1ig thaf i~ i8 :-011111 rofrc8biDg to ml'.,! \vith, Del!t1'1lol1 e Eire. J . .A, W~U.N, l\1., lJ.,l'l ... le~ Qr or ol,tw tri~ , Wholtlso l 0\111 It Inll r\lCllrll, '0, QI~ l\('ir ttW ".lIther. wtiich we tbought Ilt I1ret a Us ~om6 of,yot4r pounil cake and lie,. li!.o!" ~p~ein'll!n .of ~ g~d. legidlati,ve wit. a~ the The ropewolk' n"d bl\gging mftnufactorY ; and Dl5°~li~ll~;~ J.I:~t~I~~~hil~r 11. ~ l or 'coll<1 .41lrll!:I, /)11,)'1011, Ohl~ vet)' novol alIair, but whieh on dORer ex· 0 o.WlniJ',- wag.1D one 0 ou:r ;'Out .orn of Mr. S. C .. Salisbllry, WIIS dOBtroyed tn l\1l!DICJI./I~.... FRot,' f/,.~, blUL'l!}, ' jus I fl1C I veil and IanTo for Holo I'rin!!l Ilio OotTu . ••un"tlo" .ppeara more rntiou',\. \ Ther.l'· Leg,el.8~uye~, percel".I"" n mllsq1~lto alight ti Sr." b . M r h 4 SonCU:I!\:-l'RO!<'. R, .'. E W'l' N. ' lie) :or o. ~lIgll~; gumenl a. that elecitrlcity hll8 muo\L to do 011 Ii lIelgbbor'd bana, Immediai:elv arose, t8 a\ t 1 • OUI~, on t e {lIg 0 t e e. Z FREEl\{ fi N, "1. .[)." IIntollll nl Dcmt)I/~lrn. bI (1 J\1,\lIII ~~~" with the weather. Tha~ continuous lin". IInil addressing ' tho eha". requeate\1 ,hat inet. Tbe 108s alnounu. to 823,000, oftor. " . /J, lh of iron ....1'a-lton bain.,. /I. good condllct~r that mUllquito hllve leave to whlldrllw his whioh thore;.Wll8 iD.IUTanCe to amount ob Tho Ii es tllr a (ull course of 1~l!lure~ nmounl 3..! OS CltuSI Mil, ouilc\1II1.!l\l,), PIIH'" -.a d ~ bill. .10,000 in the Kl'Iox, Co)umbuB and Flab 81(15, , . " _ ' . ti5 bo:<ei! - lind S '1'lJhlltCQ ,-would .......uee,an maintain an equilib. ating Dook .companies, .MT. B. was lhy Profcssor 11 lICht, ~l!i. j Infm:'lllItor'~ :l4 box '8 1\1. It. [('II 111:1 rium of the electric tluid. There may be Mr . .Willis ' IIpeaka o( a bjandsom6 I(lr\ principlil. )08Ilr. Among lhe ~ticleB deDemons trator 8 Jo' ~, $10, G(;u.lun. ll~l l10 Oi n I) l 1!.onp .ome plallOtlOph, in tbialdell, for we believe whom hA met In an Qmlll·b". l'n 1N"w vo.k altoyed wns .a28 bal~ of hackleu hemp. ,10 ' 11 en ndl ll~ • , U I " .. " I there bas 110t been 10 many thunder .torlnll aoo R /lilts mnl' Pllp~r u there w,re previbue to the intrOductlQn 118 one 'the dimplea at th~cornt!~" of wAole !,.. Id lid ' ill h :; OlIroon, . J!'. lnthg 01 Raill'OJClrt, . \ virgl" mettle IIJ1d the vetlsel, that month "!(ere 80 deep, and ao t.urhed. in like 0 e or y. a \' e I)g :r !j CCU)ktl maddor Tiaou nj)t. ' familiar witb faotoriel! and como frO/h tllero aTe u "fllll of wealtb as t"o tnvo1t4:!d commns, that hor lipl Ilookod lik", ed tnat: she waa , or? on, t e 5 do Oi or 2.4 bolt ChI) :oletc Jnlchine I!tOptl ~oy nat be to v.hat old Vallilln pllennl!,. The 11011 from which II quo~n.tJon,' We sbtiuld' l11ce 1;0 make 'an hUll Ind wl10 "I\S . , 20 doz. III111'd. 131..:\ Cqrll~ aD ~ltat ~Iet;triclry is genorated collect. tbe Atnerlcan, deprive thtl.loldeo harvelt, extract! from '1Iem, a~,. tbe DOII~n Poat. flrJlt ~~A;:i~~oUgbt you w~1e born all ',' · ):· I ·U/"\M _ 40 .. \Vooel lIuckillll J:; lIcrcos '!.hc() eel b1 tile frlc&lon 9f the machinery. With \VJlII !!ceded by Mexico. j '. A 1I0ro-foot pedestrinn, traveljng i Ire. 'People m~ght well jll~g.e ,BO, {esponded 1'25 krgll h nhergor's Noil8 ' a ~dfn,;w, the ftuid clln ~e obt1lined-by "There is apervoraity qr routeS lIl' tue lind,. met a man and askin .... bim, rather the matton, from the ch91e'e I mllde Or ' 8 T.g thtlr ~ hh 'Yh\l«! Fttlh, luck rul, C;I,C1I'~'" holllrn, it Dear lily or the I~rge belts-in T'eaj' .Tory. You can go round by 7l!rror. Ii h b d aod n v8tlelY III nrne' ~ which will be I'C)ld IIi , 'Ie.. thin one minute. lIufHcient to ..ivc the tkl Fewgo. or take the short cut l1y Panor... gnlftty. why the milell were }IO pl~ey uti an . w CI,,'II. pri~, coli e~t1 IIC!CI for rou~IYeI!.• I .. long! when the HibPmiall replied: - -..:;...,,..,...---, 11M Dllyl 0, OhiO, June, '00. :11..61110 • tron~ min a aevero s loek, 01 coura:e mil. . "You -'lier bonour. tlie rooItds are not Q::THere iOll have itE•. \\1 , 1". ,KINe, Esq. the wh.,le bullil' '"" nll becomes' surobar.... d·, .. Pllnofllma ' MV deAr 1U'1'''~ I c"n -a,'t no 10nllor ' ..,. . is t1)e n'amei of ~he Jatmull in good.--~ eon iliun, 110. we give 'Ver:1 good ....~.. J,II - , . . . . • , 'I'll Fncllhiofl, fori.lltcU OlurU abilil.i,eH~mort\t paOSPEC'l'U8 OFTH£ 8uUTIU'.aN' couequentJY the ftuld mUlt , pervade the wblqh lIeparatel tbe Pf'iliD (\ ftom lbe SIlC· mellllure, ' To reruse me a sin; , wor~h and protCs~ionltl l\~l1ircJnellll!f wllt com J~.RE8S.-An Oa.lOCiA 'on 01" l ist,olbrve .- - .... p 8ri ~ on• .of tbe operatlvos. Really, tbis oitio Ocelln.• and was formerly eall~ ilie Every Way my love IVPws strongerj " PIU'C fGVj)~ably )\'IUI the 11'10 t dil!h n~il\hed jii momberil 01 oligr08l!, !:,e"a(or~ nnd Lpftllllp· our coulluy. Tho medical faol111Y Cjll1llljll1lCB la!i:vclI"hn\'o COII.IlIIt,yIEld \1!~ lIl\(lorftlll"od I COAla,~t ~!I\PII invested with conllderable Islmll' ot VarjaD. ' r A mini C"~L.-They.llavo 1l'way in the Mercy, ~h.t,a 8\11te I'm in! on ol\omaly: III thj~ or nlly olhl\r 001l1Ilr)"- 811 or "IIttee 10 fIIupertllltlnq \II,! "al~\IIMln~"nt ul " iriterWt, and jt i. a queati~n of lliip<)rt.ant'.e "\there 1'1 al1101 a. route called the p1bih interior1M Ohio, or cal\ing the me,. folks to , 1 -.... ' '----f:--:-..,...r,--il,el.n nrc able lC~ Lurel1l UI\<I 1)10 best at I~cl~ t 8 Southern Ptbea '" W/lKhlugl rib (llty, 10 b!I du·' wbether 'hia eloctfieity, ill, or:la not condu. route, 'Ybuili'ia dift\cult ~o find. and ia ,only dinner, in the ab.en~ 01' a hom for lhllt 'You hnll better ask for manners til 'J !ipso who \VIII conlomtllntQ011" Gft0grnllhjcni YOIOO to Ihl,J ~xllOl1itiQri and dcJill)c:O \If J:3O\ltbtm civeto bNllh. It i8 well ](liOWD that this travelled by m01.eymahl Il Ci. wHo go In CIlr. pOrpOile. They' !u8pend II piec~1 of .trong money,' .JIIi& a fi!1ely i\resBed gentlem'ln position' und Ihe ell! fit of (llIr popu('\I\(m CIIII RJghtli nJlr,1 inlllilllllons- Ihe- diMfttmlnalioh of &pnt, In lOme of ita, rorms.-·we lIuppo.e lIVllna, like wlld beut.8" ' 8kirn.milk Cheeae {rom In upper window. a beggaf: boy whO AlIII,ed (or IIlms. have fICi~ lIoubl 011 fo Ibe elillibilllY 01 our 611\111 corrNl1 illfoml1uln~ A~ to NophclJI l'olil')" ~nd ef~clty. ~agnetiim, IPivani8m &e , . whIch .\akes poB1leeeion of all itllc , Itmo.. " I asked for that I , thought you hud the tion fllr anenlerpnze ollhe kllid. A5 to health, the Ooor"o of pollucnl AllalT!! ~'l!lrft!b' \\'IlliollseWlolI1I ol' llle year, WII deny Ihal out reference 10 tho old 1'lU"ty IiIlOIl ofWblg Imf 'Whicb Irc ellentiaUy the IIIIlne, and govern· • Fta4'., CavltleL , phero to wlndwanl; Ind thus when dinner molt of.' was the boy'a reply." including A)'fY ,0001IEIl cl~ 11,'8 MOllll. Domucm Anange.mente liro now In pfoQ..... edb,. \he aame gellerollawlI-'is being used, A elitist wrltee the following atory to d'" h k b _ _--""S!_.~-'---:-A common er[QI' exists III tho nlinda ~r nWII)' Itromplly lo C1I6urO thei8,uc of ~uch prQ"'" un. a..o:cloobUen 'I beneficial, for many of,.tbe the Lowell Courlor;-A fellow c.\&~e' to me 'II rea y .or t e wor mon, r ey J~08e it. A min W~8 recently hallged in Il nelgh- 8tlldenL~ relnrivo To Ihe plnce or Il illdyjlig nl~dl' iJcr tho litlc.of . \h~nd natural .bod", that ft",h 18 belr the ot~ler doy, wanting to have !IOmc ea· Louis Napoleon findll it ilnJPGlllible ' te borial State lind he confe8lled upon the cine; IhOllS who inland prpCliCJOIf nmong he di. JJ:r&E 8OU'l'lDUUf p~ .. to"· viliell In hill ~eell:L filled u I exaJl'lined live under '600,000 per onnOlll1, lYe re- ~Iowa that hil first commf}ncement in aURSI'S of tho \Yesl RJ\d &lIlh shoultl cOlla/nly for 1110 ,.ond\l~t of which, eult.ble JoAlal':" hive eduellJ(l ,holllsoh'C8 at a !!cllool Wh\lM: Fue"hy been engngt'<1, who will 11180 reb'live l!te .Id of One wo~!d at ftr.~ suppose, that Inlll· hia teeth carefully.' ~nd tol blm that I dId member the timo, whet! fle had hotbing but crh~e and villainy was that of atopping "C(j11liinl d \\-1tll til disell!WI a number.of ommont and able CUD,ltiblltClfl, m~cb .. the ~ilIa contain v."t ..JDIUI"~S of not seo. any cavIties; but I',muBt nC,llaa }£am, and Ipt on better tllen, tblan be d~ea newspaper without paying for It, ' nr~Jlr(lcllCll.II¥ 'fhnt-Ib" publio mny be '''Iieli d the p ' '!'bere will bo, boUt Cl TR"WUILY Ind .: . iron and aleet which attract electrlcitr- look aralD, fo! he Wu IiOntldent ~t there . WEli""\" iMllUo-;::- ihe hl1lClr 10 co1)tJlin .1\~lant1al. ellner of thl!! 8chool. "" Ii t 01 il our dutY Jte1 would be peculiarly in danger of beinr were several. J)ut I Iro.!p told h,un that Q:7We otlce ltn!!w I boy who said he t1mllhe ,1'[I\MIC~8 alld .F'1I0UItV forms 'uNIT Iy 1110 .aDle mOlter lUI lhe former, and intend. iltruQk. But, when It II ~collljctpd that I ,could finll none, all.- be went away. , A. haa Iiked'''• .fOOd rain:f day. too ralny. 'to go to ,Ion, which Illlgu'ra well for its futuril Ilueceu, cll to rea!lb' lhOllo pointa,.(lf thc COWIII')' wliilllC!! diey art \lllhly Cl....'pi hytbelr own bpeta. week or two .fter I met wit,h bim IDd .., It e'hcool, ,rill juat ~bout 'flhI1. ellough to go a Bnp tbnttllllpccuhDf 11\1 rnnl org'lnizatiqn which mlil ("ouluo! aro Iimitcil, conneeta dIem, carfuot be InlOnu ted,. A DAILY Inul :Wlll be ~a\l~ )Ioreafter, .mmJd \Iou, -aoa thUI are rende. . .ed positive j)oCI.. ked him Ibout thOle te6tb. fiehin6t II E. W. M. ICING, l'r Ilt, 9f the CUl In.thute. be deomed II11fj911blo or n_81181')' by the iet. of COUI'lO the reverwe is true-they Ire ··Oh." said he, l· w hllt,...ttI8.name o~e'r . •- -....;;;.'-~~-:--'---:Mcmphil!, Tenn., MIlrch, \ 50, 9-tt press an'd poopio of tbe Southern 8tlltC8, perfectly tafe in the 8eve\'e6t thunder tem- here filled them f~r me-he found four ) Podic.-"The-Jllllt IIna is broken," a the ~ _ _ ....O.I.. The /lsper' will not be EXCl,UISYIIoY ldiUc.l ~',I;',I;, -but wilJ c\nbroee on Ita broad. alae Ge". "..L 1t.-IDUIt be obvi4lU11 that it ia UDnee. hole_pretty large onel, too. I knew they .A Mathematician beiDg ..ked by a wag, Dutce emigrant aaid when he cut u(l his hi_-.:~1Itiii' .. ;;;;. BUJLD,ER.Thenk. OTiI ~ewlI ofl.bll d.y, Do"".t1c and Fen.WII • ....1'1 to place liciatrung roda upon lheae were tbere." "If a pig weighs two hundred pounda, how lalt Bologna lI&ulage; ' woulrl lake thl~ malho. by moil and TelegrRph; Comftlettilll lpel ~. bulld'....-. We do not recollect oC hellring "Ah/' Slid I, "I looked ve\'Y ~refnll1 much "m I large hog wel~ .. " ",plied ,: '. friendll, nnd tho public in genu· iicultural inleligenQII, Llte~Crlllcllnlli, Orll' .or rndll'g or any dRmage ever beinr done BIlII did not Beo lillY." . "Jump lbto the lleale Ilnd r will tell Y0rI About 8,000,000 perllons In England on lho business ofcllrJll!D' ioal EAIIYII\ Lrtarlllf ",d. !}1ilOClIaneollll .... to. factory wilen in opentlon, by light- "Well," laid he. "be dldn"t find 'em 'ina!. ediately." Walea cannot read or write. Thi8 is near· IIU'II")III[, in IIhort, a/ t.bOee i ..mll of senenl in ....." ... eJlleeUlU ~te ol\vhich OOl1l!titule8 &/at iJltnai • Itt'M'd drilled a .pellf" . \ . Iy half t.he population. d UlIg llid -Vl1hlllble New'pajlef. , Grelt Ff.-'" 1te idee presenta it.elf whether this lub. AD exch.lnr, tells oC an eCl(:"nUJc cua' . will fie tlkfln 10 gi"e full IUld ~ ~ .. tie " ' l may not,be. the cause of that ra"The other eve~Dr." "Jal coDtemporn. tomer, w.ho. dlnlllg at .. firwt·ral;e hotel"orThe total nllmber of lettera debvered in ohhe PrOceedlogK anll Debltee la 1Jo(h H_ _ ""ukable vivaci~~ ,,'hloh il 10 ~harltte"'" ry" a well.kl)own noveliat-a man or great d!red 'a k...ot~~ole fri~' and a 'balf dozen Englllnp the lut y~u! "'~ upw~,dl o(Co.~reell~ II wall 18 the Icrion of dae leal ~"ftbe factory girls. Even.t the 01..-8 cool1)elll and coutap, WAS mel by a .tout plfIIleet an the abell. ' . teree hundred IDa tlilr\'v-lIcven nlllllonll. Leltil11,WrOll on the Southern qa..Uon. A IimiJecl number only of 4clnd"",,,,,, Of laIaor they be IeOR tripping II10ng fellow, who pulled ol,lt I polnard' Ind de.. " ' , , "-.. ' • win be 'reeeitecl- Iho malD object IMIlnc. ett fiat· A.womln oft"erlDr to IIgn I , deed. the Nlturea belutie~. do not usue With with &bat Hme ellstic step,-"their dark manded hie pUl'Ie. 'Capital I' the elherexmelt a IIlfl8 .mount of reading malter, . ,ey_ ,..,." bk" 8WJlight pm,," and their claimed. 'I wu pt.lbout (o ...oe the Judge ulred hfl ~b~ther her boabaad" leaves n01'whher "'Ith her Rowen. The paper WIll be prillllld on I ~ . . . 1. count.eDalteee radllDt with bila,ity and demand Qn you; but com" u {, Gnd ( ",lled her to algu. He colnP!llI".1 DO. sile to ibOee of the o~ Wulria.... ~ beaQty__~ l\'NHOl~l ¥tttenger". have r.Ue,n in''Wi\h one of oureelvH. I'll nor twenty Ilk, hIm.' The fdnowing 'fi.epnt extract' accounts the malerial. will be proeured ~1.1" tbe pltrpollC!. give you. abare of II prime job I hive ID F , f O r an myaterioua backings: It ill ~nfident1y h~ tIlat evllry tme Iii_ a~ ... LAlNral Fee41aI'.. hand. Come aloDg.' Deceived by thll lIDe I, 11k~ • ahlved pig WIth 1I1"!1ued to abo $oUlh 111m lid in ProeariD, nlaMrt.... A. Todd,zOf 8m1tJ1fteJa, R. I., Itlte8 'n con6den~ the real fOIue joined the cobn. tliI, aDd it ia oDly when It bu alipped and forward tbe nunea. wilh abe NQOD~ \be lIt.- B. ,..,_. that he had Ave cow. terfeit, and the)' ,tole .Iong together till throutrb the hande of thol\lInda, ~aL lome lIcribed, to &OGle Soll&hma R..,......cad.,. at , . . ... on a p'eee ofhDd. but not feollug titer were met by a patiol Into wh~ handa fellow by mere chance holde on \0 ,to , WuhllUrtoh forlh'ldda. ' NotJrln, ia troubleaome that we do wi!· fiOlltnll1llters Itt' lutboriRd by la~ 10 remit eat..... 'IlIith. the .....OUllt of feed therilb- the JOOd-nltwM fiiend UDkjndlv 1""_1 ' . ....... lae eold olle .t the e.d of 'the ye.r, h' I te II W"en Haddb'lI wife k1c~ him 'out 11Ibecriptlona ~ or~ II ,..eqgently fQwI~ that the f01l1 yield. I' ueoc a , ~. 111a .e: '~bere, lio..., "OQ'd bftter .. DIG.-A., For Tn.iv_ILlr: 4 = 1M 8IIIaicIa of _ • ~ _t proftt than \ho fivi hid A. .rlaten A.. .I~ not do that apiD! If you do, III ,$oill caute ADIWer to Baipa of _-week-1CE. ColJll'lll. aDd .~ ..... ..... 'CoMW\.. ~••J m~: al,., b.., Out. of wood-ud clotbl. ta coal. .! .... 1 the . . . ., the prJoe wm bi. pit .... •. . . 11 ........... Wmt morePl'OlbJa" Dry~ due for-hat. in.,....... G E ... .,. -.e prinei~le dine lDi.... t '-- C.. , fi Uul _ .., 1....1___ OOD ytDEJlCE.-"Jlat tilat roulII man. DI Ie .-whe COIDp_ _BauRalal .. Y!f'I fOllftd of ~l ....JIbtcI ~ • (....,..... Ind no '!lie 1. !fotee\o ~.nnJoar"";'.JIIUa: lao told f'~ ~. • 'Wtltt1I~t~ tIM doe. I ..bt eo~'t 11ft OD alPI81IJIel" .... t IIad it Ilia _ U~ PI!leES 80 tIiM.) .......-.. of aaot.lter. ~ J WoaW '-1Jt• r -- p-' Oriftll .,
r'acts and Fancles. ,
-I' .
We ...........ftuIa wtdatlte
_ta ...... ftc1aeao-. ,
'''Where ....: folb beHete 10 ........ But were they -111. .
,Ori#ua,l,' P.0 8t"".' '..
=====;::;~;::;:======":;::;:~=====::::;:>' 3 ... .
, ,
... -
I,d .....l
, C""WliEL • . ,. . .Wben, .or•. di"\lu,iI la Ui the lalUl; . "p,rhap. .enl by ., niishty himd, ,
lmil ,l w'ilI utut m~ \vrath But they cl'ied,ollt~ ture,IlII'll ahi'lperialiwitha i,'Cur8ethc 'old 'mlln! , . ' I smctlon'; forI will .end .. ftood But others eaid: . ind .11 ftl!eb Jhall r ran b.e'rore it. 'and, "N'av let him live to lee' the Ilhailimow, that ,t am LOrd "Se'ho- h!sllro'phecYt then . to be our and 't hat 'beside, me there is no other ltor,k." ' ' •
':'v":...~:.':.':; :\~~~::'. "",
II.., i!>1., Y' """"", ,"" ".,n'
1£ IeYer raaell in the bli»d, ) ,' ,And alftlOllt bolt_ the vital flood. ' .-or iIIi. ~er~'~ \totblnii d6ei 10 yo'ell, .At a ~ doH lit Cal9Dt,t. ' " ' t( oQW atlll~ ~, ,..,.,. "he ,hIlP. ., " ) l. k.,,,, you dOle epa1\Qed to "
:G J. :nIge!' ' c?n«nued
~ow.be-prepafflit ,Andwl~lle
M'~ ' ~'"
't • a .. •
Fe"the Milllni Visitor. •TIIE 811M. ' N~~~~~~ 6freadl tor,lfill bu~rul.rIYIl " · . And ~l tile .ki'lIdre~ of Ihe skies '~.d forda, th~re Jlr~7r Bnd' ~rlli&c. .Tho ilslo.lon diG 11 ph.llo '~op · dollllyew I alq~~ , AII~ thor~.I1~lte look~' UJI ti\lt-jel!\, lw glorl." truo '
, J
~M when I musdllid 'lllI flli'bwcll, . Pretlot me die I nnlUr,1 dell~h~~~I he~p me ofl'with ~alotr:~1.
prec.~ti·on h~w
'. ilHlbi1l 8bould be ~o'. wlillt'will ,bec0-:ne "Btlt 1IuPP<?lIe ' that ~he fIlin d~ come, of 1Ii1} .\las, WO, alilll\ mdeed, perlllh 101$- w,hat thell will we do1" " erably," for' we have been very ,wicked,'l . ' "pu ~he bellt that 'He can 01 'course tilt (n ihia mood. bet' ,IQ¥er round herJ nnd It ia ,ovM." " ' slftillg the IOriq~s and perplexed 81a~e IIf ")lut it i~ to drown u81111." "e~ ,,,,ental C.Jllital.ion!l) accodtoo her. !.litiS: ' "FurJge!Dol'I'l be aCUed :before . "Wh.at aile thee, :iny fair Zillll~ w.,bat ar(\ burt." . , troubl81 ~hy apiriWJ .",' ,"0 Eiim I Wish you would go. I '.feel ~. " 'r,lIi+ ,t)&.i~~ln8', of ~]e ~'orde of the aged tjlough it would be aa NOllh lay.. Com~J , .. , . ' do, Clome I:' " • "A~, t-'ou.,dost not lot hi4 iale discoqrse ',: P~Dce frjghtened girl! Ask , \De, no trolibl~ thee!'" " lIl~re!" , " , , "~n!ieed.it h~1J maau me aeriolls. Wlt,q t ,.",And;you \viUnot gol"' , If hll predlotl()!l8 come to pasa~" "I will not. Go if·you will. but rememf~~r not: HOB he not 011 hi. life , ber Indoing 10 we part ' forover. If . you furetebng evlla to come; andlUlIIe they! Np 10\-0. the 91d ~Iln beUer Wan E .l,im, or. fellr b>: our eve we, clln declare . tber hllyEl not; hi. ,w,prd,i more dum o~f leRaratioll and Do we noll~e e~'\!h ,ollie;~ and are '~/I ' wl~, 19", m\clBt I?" and' I will not ha'ppy1" bid YOll W\j'cb doat thou c,boolel',1 "Yea; but how long w}1l our happine,iI ' ''Tbou knowut that i love thee abuv. 1118W" , tOin". aud wllr doar. th~11 tIiu. nddrea "Lust w,lile wc lrye and love'" lI!eli~ " . c , '~Ah me, '),.ut,' III" ', not tI~is dtl,litructlol1 "Beclluse or ~11 imporiunity.". ' I " ov.ertoke ull" ,Jtat at · thi. crilil, ~I' voice or Noa,h , " Nbnllen8e! broke apin upo th~)r au.: .". "
li~ ~;';~:h(:i!n~~~::
'J"hUfll aulhih' lUore'lIlllli/l\o 'l'hulph,o aIoril5uuiln WD litO
t~ h.Ynl~~sqP.l!qn-:-a
' ~a~i\J was:in?~
Alia her atrenitll faiUni. 11M clung ..t,!.· moment bo rel.aineJ ' He.de. his hold on t1\C ark, then it anJ
!b~' ~i,fied and,rrlghteri~ "H,,, "m, w.....' 'be ,ri'" i.-' 'IOn. :~ ,:' w,n.. I....' , Iol~.." Ib, pre,' of lIutborlty and eolenlnity, which gllve ~Im " iWh . 'f I I ' ,audience, ' ' , at ,I ~olJlPe the,e tot' , ' . ~nd" hat'lf t40u dO.lt not! . .
JjJaa.,t..I"Q~ TliaOClw;~,
c~ie:;'both III~iel in a b~~b . . ,
,.~, _~~e~vre_E_, ,!:.,a~y ro~ . .!!1~&!
4!re the duy o( vengeance you!" . rOut. tbey h!H!ded not tht'l warning, and as I k a' ih ,. " f G d ' uB~a moe e. ,e mo/) f? O. r : ."Yet aeven days.md God 'will "peD the . Thn~ the old man lon,' bill! preaelie; but w mdowA o( heaven a!l~ pour out floodli t haa ever proved hllldalae. and time water upon'you and all men ,hall, die who tiloP,. J9 't,illtoH, will do it ... .. , repent not ere then. No,,, ill your IflSl oft"bo" cuted by ilalom.1. blm ark,. thAyer of pardon. Who wiIlnceept of merey your d,i80allG. laughetl blm tollcorn. Bllt GUd' was with and be aov' cd I. " Wllo ' will ftee' r:ro-' .....IlIot..: .. J~ihU"'nn flue. hi •• 'f/IItI tile _ _...., .' ' m t d 't I . TIilltoae MIl, .... ru.~, IIOUllei't,nd w e l l , ' 0 .. elltructlon. ' paulle to,.~e Ilere ..,'"red '."':\: , J..- talu!. dOle ot iiia10111el. '. ," , . auy. ' _ ,.. I Ja.iI.bend 1.,.. ' . ". ZILLA. . , "0 let 'us go!" said ZilIlI to , Elim. "Iet '1)IiIlill' ho 'If." Dllt there \V,lIft oue. oll whose mind tlL(' U8 go with him! It i., but seven daYI and one wct!lld do wei. . preacher'. worilB mad'e an Zil- we but 'be Bafe In takin,.the T.tii II &olltde Celomel. the bellutifl!.I. . She waa still yOUQg in and then 8hould be tell U5 trul.,· mucb' Jrwlfe i. a1ck~nd ~re d11tte..ed; tl dh d t r i b d ' d th I The doc or coni.. ~ dv Mf.re.\, y~~II, nn, , a 'JlO , ~n , Ir?, y a a~ , onl' e ~hQ.uld galnl" '. SaY' he, "ur Wifo wlll'n{)ldo well ways of virtue. " Long tllne ah" ,Pondered "Fie, Zillal what a , b. 'aby thou' art! ,Vitliolll a dOlO ~(calomll. ' 0)) t~e fearfl,ll ~ord~, "Tpe end ,pf 1111 i\esh Thlnkelt thou" 1V0uid be 10 silly aa to . lhoDw or ~ullllerl do'Complainf il orne be~ 'e e fo tI . th " fill d k " .' Til,. l!ootOl'.'come. to AU,' 0 Ibelr ""in. c , , Ot m, r" . ear 18. C ana e to be ' laughed at by the ,. vlQleu ce through (hsm: and behold, I. world just becnuBo a crazy ' man -ts' it in,T o1rllR;bope..lomlikolllbm Wull- - ' ' lid ' 'h' ·',1 h b"G ," " 1>Deal. Ol,I~.doH orello",e!. J 'WJ . eltroy t em ·Wlyl t 0 "eart, . (m. to ,lns bead. t"-at ther!!l. golngto bea rairi1 Now J PSqll rellJ"D my:brolltb, vl-13, 14. whe , No, not I!" .
'W6a\..~ld ~~~" lrrbillll\.tl'!Ii'~
d·.J-t l ' I I .... cUlm'\.lereapol1sibillt)"it Tnko It!'
',For trl(illg to draw t1ieo away from Ule • "T'I af"a lije,II ' . 1".' ~ , , •
eter~inll\ion to elv"
tl:~, ~~sult ~he~ "cle~liac o~ervationll Oil 1'.
go annuun of.
,""p,i., ~~, h, """. .,.~. ~ ,i., ~.l: "~h~:11):.'·'~~=·:":~~ ,:;
In til., no mure. -, and the BceDO WlI9 at au elld. healtb and a auddit-ll alteralion ill hie-lI,lat ProcrlU,itm. wal./ier ,dol11n; 4;"b!:luf hilS. " him to cl)Ple- (o.wud II tlu~re not a moral to tblll \licturel \\'lth lua varlo~8 dlcbv,eriea.. i!pb(dit1Jl point <Thou 'ib~lt go.with me. 'or ( .. ill I!tII1 " . on wbich he tqllehed, wu 't~powero~ ap· with theEI.' ' ', " the inteJIIlity, 01 ,light . I . of " BL'goneVt1ll1lri!" tbe quantity eh,itted a I_til. " Tbepilliou muat 'go too. Comedel U8 Tlae Bible. for 1 love ttiee.' The Bible, supposiug It to be other Ihllll . At tbe llime ' ailting. M, OOllle lliowed UQ'haud me, monster!. ' Your Ia'aml . is' ItI pr,e, ten!J1I tu,be. preBenls wilh in ,' theme,!ulB wbich the body might • I b..e renderedbycatllble of ,rell'bll'lIg t··..: mos· . ~a u~ar p. lenom('nOJi ill the space ," • .• i\.I\)~ ~'ith bluod!' Intense heAt,. twas wond, arfY} t~ '""nl OClOUPI('S throughoUt the cOlititluoll.V It --""" _ .... 'C l .c,om!!. we are lovers. YOIl ml".t of li.terjl~ure ,,' walll 'bis hands in melted lead ••d ee&o bo-come!' ,We aee lik'e It, and it die. Itt red Jle.at. Iia .tatell tWl. a ,.... 'lw,iIl notf' l'orv,lex the inlidef to 'acc\iuul. fo 't urable il p&foduced by tlAe 1H0iten 1 iyou lleed 1(1••",aeity 41ediHn to I ' little proyided the blln,.d pniviou.a!r wub'Die then as thou deservest moreldeeply inta its podible cause than 1le oJ I a • prepel,.ti., ,of ' ' • ia Uautllly Inclined to d It h b ' I I' Ie III w~ "lIcoverer... ' 'A,nd bo fe!1 to,the. cround, aa IIho drew a to a' ' 0. ,. ~a. not e~~ commUtlication wal a\ijO relld liP'*' the dagger Cr,om hia aide, whicb bad pJerced hi. of "the luhaoitantJl of ParuIlllgUll, beart. ' aecureiv' h the h ' . . , JI ~ Il wbo eat earth. Augllste St 81lailo~ de,," ' . " , ' , I' I , ea" 0 RT.\lat r.com- criSes the stllte 'b ....1t b b' d' , , Surely tho eo.rth !pas lfilled >vitb vio- lDunltlc_varYlng bY: (".onceive.I'ble' divenii. · rOUa· 1 t Iii . "pr&Yllence.' ' , , ty 01 ItlniU .. rllce mannera ty taste. , ,It p,raduc. ' . ' "Ided'!' ' " ,llIgobstructionllin·loe. dl-Atllle Clr ...._ There .....er.e oth('r crimes ~rpetraled itl anu,. n e '. ,greeln/l In nothmg bu Q'VIHI: yet so rJ ted-- ' ~ f", ..... , . , erlltlpn tor Itself. It adapu ,it.,elf with fu.evo are IMlme 0 tle t negruea, to
b~d ill,duce~
J\~thin '
~t O,i'o~
~nt~r ~
~ ee.~'-? ~the~11ll
0.::.. :~:n~fp~e~~Jt~I=~O: ~bli JO g~.
. hUlDa~
o~, .ho~tellll 1~11l ar~~r
be ,laughl~d at'!
~y, love: ho)v feel!' 'To,telU y.ou the b'llth. Elill!, lfee1.very It m.yyet be al Noah .aid; ~I the day for tbe (ul1lIlme~t'0( 'hi, ~o~~ . . ( IIbould (eel ' quite. ~ euy If I were hi U_e uk w~th him biB family.' « deel¥e .YOU"" dete~lpe4 &0 be Ill· ibdlllli!reillce Iy .. 1"'"":'" • . SUa~ at thtl moment a b,ilht flash ilIu': minltd tM nl,ht, " ~ , 'What ill than ' cried" Zilla, ~ but Ii ..,rlulrta their fIlet}" and IOQli:cd ".l'Iiurid ill ·" .... •· __ ·· ::
m'omen~!, Wh~ I would'reilly lallgh , '~o oue.r,pfdl my w6rdll. non reiAnl ~.,m. , !1' ~ . , Y9u..fo~ VOIJlI e~nycrt to lbe old ~y tlte worda oUbe Lo.u,' ',T hen lil\Jolr hia '1 k,\o'l'Jlot.' reptled Etim,at\er a pnUllo nUa\l, "-'~+-4 lICiJ t. b,.v,~1 ' . . I ' bis e¥cited feU. 'beclme YOll' .py pain Come. i'Heor 'tlIoll-Gl>d. &ad ,e ellsl , tloon . . . .r mare to ,he cpjoy m~n~ .of love " F~r",~ tll!l. thii p80pl" a,nd ther heed \he h"'.~·. ti'l~ fOQl h thoughts. ~pd seek now J"Yis 111 lafe thelr ~alO with Thee, to wotk arcla. caple a lo!" boarM d~~to'i~' drJllk' ne,v draughtll' fl'o!l1 plea!l~re'l. &tup'. '· ov'rtl.lr9\V' Tby' hum~le_ l~rvant ,'e." Do "",n4 bOIj mi frOID the r. 9ft' ~Iatl'o~ for a
1I'rIl." ft_"
And if t1ae.,altm f nation! e.G VUu Jbo IIgbt of worl~1I ' ~ad loak ~""ng C~Dlio .. In "Of), pllQOjt hearlea
Fearing lhe ridicule of othe.,.."he 1000j~r in their *-atn' T~en to: the peo- ,rk,ethe bell ed to bil request and ' Wlla soob pl8': '. , ,It giddy tlu'ollg' in .eo.rcl.of the ,pliantoDl-. 'Adieu" ya ' lost onl~~~i!'I-...JL.ktlr.:a;;LP,~;!~~~~~~~~~~fM~I~j;;~~~~~ -=-= . .' FLu.uas, whi h, ,aU'IIQJlllht ~ner with, eag-. r;rJUl£!" .. The lun 'n"all iU' lflalfl' ,,,,,""G'''' bllt none found in ~he wHd career And he lurned awoyand departed. III blIlut,e ". onfold : ., nd mOil ill 011 tlgell lil.ld ~orriJptlon. Dut' Zillaol'iell re0.. Blim, do let UB follo~ himl' pleaded "I('"""U"I(. ~ Utett lovu u~ qurrcd to Illo prediction bi thougbt; 8Jld the lis, . ' , ,' , Ule eartIJ" bad. betln before 'water' \11\1181 e~iWmenhl had 'but " little plell8ure ',.'09 If thou wilt! 'lIhou .lcno\Yelt' . ed by !po '\lmillt, that weDl up' o".r rt · ' \\' hile Ille ,l!.llnl ,in mUll for her. . ' conditions,' " Tb.t 61'St flub of wratbful fire from Conlrolo Lbo BII,I I of Daye . "Why art thou Hi) th9Iig~trul!" ~nqul,re,d ' ' 'Be- die cuneoquimces With thee I 1£ ~torni clol~d ohenge8nce! · 0, whata. W II Ibo,tld djllClilrp. UUf du Iy ber loyer. . ~ death cyme., '~member · to reproach thy- a~~rDllhotll, i~ apread amoni the ch'Udren In 6ITorips up' our "",(se • . " ' D. P.L. , lIelffor the cnlainity'" H'l)w man1'm!:,~eroull dagpnjt Ir"to regard it 'b ut ' . , "Becun)ae, Elim, I feel rather sad'" "Dwelling , on ' the \lId crazy-brains' Noab, entered ark, and God ,clQ3oo reatodt How mlnJ pauied In ther ' plot. re,·orenco. aa <far' too t:ae a worda 1l8t'1II! Woll.1 declare: I would nev. itS' . by ita gltrel lime. . " ,, ! '. ., I grat;Jfl .t he , lj er haYe tbought it. o,r yuu! ., t reckon you And that first booming .t hunderawellinc up III hll.llit 1Un(,8I, . few before !JIll and wfe:rltill atDDl!ltaU! ~Vrhten lOt tho !\I1\&nu Vi.ll.,r', ,'. wlllle..ve,~e and join 111m .n ext!" " XUE tULf L4ilEICT. frOID the land of -diiltonce, 'w hat a tff!mblinl :e-~' Sit Witlwr. 8cptt allted ,I t, Look. tl\e rclult. BO, 3. II YOIl ' bow better tl;an i1~lj Elim. Six ~aya ' ,alied away and t"e it cxClitcid aDlong the -i1ty _ Bill ; 'he 'n eu~,r~atbwreh ata bto ~~mb' Mr'1aLoc11khearutcin- aIUl,,, I'(! ,~ICU1'ed, ' ". d b ~Id ' . II' Tb ...... h ' 61 i • """':·th d .."" a OOa , e WOII kel < . an l&temalllmi1i'erv BY "UJj~.ot.rI.D. I and. r. "~ h. alf a. min to 0 IIngry at you wo~ w~pt on ID reve 101' " ~ al ... \>&~ .avenl wer!! ' ung \VI ark, you "let" nid Sir: Walter; ," there I... b~t "" , • -:..". OJ " for ijle 101I1II..ntlon." , ' , night came add found t1!epl 'marrymg and !'Ih1eb liVery moment the tlu- ooe;>' and to ret.d a chapter , "luil .J1JDGElliENT. ;'.well let us be bo che"lrtu ..nd giving in mlJ'l'l..ge.' Elhn Zilla wete ry forkec'" electricoJty leaped ia , of the goaJMll or John., W.hen will. OWl Cor " 'u s I'U.lOllt,,; , I will 'Mlll no more,". " . loon. to be dow were ,wlne..ea b(j,btne.." and peal bl tQ, 'ybom flU t!'e reallDa Incre...1nr tk -'Co, llan,.-=,. rdlGthe ,,:;tb Rtill.tliere wu lin Impreellob fixed ID oC,-the union of othe':l. and p,lIrt9ok of tbe en"Irt,llIl5ry relit the air and', of arQ u £_ml\1., u to hl!D, hke hive appolntea a autHClent aam1)e:r 0( I(). ".ictecllUlllofme\l" , H8uw their, illmi"d of the that there might general meriimqnt. earill. '· f.. t tive !!IPDtl, 'who '.......tJotleci fl COlyeU· . N h ' D .: gi , t'. d th t • ht 0 EI' ... ' D . - an a oe a Wit II IltOry dilltllnce. in' the IItreeta Of:..tOI . d tbe "thoupt. and' be '.trulhln . oah'lIpro ecy. ". aUf)r , eswere IItDlg ,4' " '.Ihl. " Ind elime ·. -foreigua. tJlOIIe ' , ' . ........n . . . .Uo•• of their llet:rtI ,to lin. and ' , See ,from a fllaat. ,tlloae young (D'i:n '0 ·ZII ..,!' , 61' the' bible 'flom thljle 'tWt C!O.ti.. and 1& bim \Jia, , TJJE LAST \\thIU.G. , . " go forth. Dark "on 'We , of the aneestry Can be ' Ie ..... ....,mao. n . But th,¥o \va one The ark. \Val completed, and all thmgtt "heir 'knit,brows. and anger Oaalllnl' from , 'Tbe ari! the us seek It." we. b.r 8tretch of Im'JrlnaUon, or night, (eve,t' Sunday not eXGePtiO,5 lveli wla8 ... ..cCNrupted. Noab the prep&l1d (or thfl adYent the terrible ca- the,ir eyea. 'l'beYlDeet I.-the, deep shaae let ua OJ to" it! quick, Elim; or we W ot a D.e w in Satiafactory reference be II au ._Dd "ent Lfltiophe '!Ii'" impendingo';er a of II chi"!p oftreell and eoli(rqnt witb eaeb lOlltt· ' .' > . '-' . , : I, the H..,ltil8, tanh clalll 'cHeacl& ••d wana'the peOple . But before blcldibg a fin II ' . ' ,And away they to tlJe distant plain l4viao. . '. y . the.Jal1,lhe Dnakf:rd n Uti or Ed•• ud tie ,bllM! rot adiW Ut Iii. brethren of the flHh. Noah, ,'Why doet thou tampo. With .m)' Hedethel uk With p ait' toil oj. dwe.er • .....,. W't to. preaentild bim.lf,qun in tbe1r preaellcc Elkorah! Th.ou art a villain! I tell reached it, the, bepll to I1 i a 0 Ie r81 0 top &Ilt • . . abldlD, ~""'118 iD the and warud ,t!lem', Some afJd: , .tlloe ao «I thy race!' . " i~ tDmnte, lIJi,d tb~ earth to reel , .... "W,31l ' old man, jlli youi' floatinlt house ( 'And hell thee art a roo\! When , " wllat Important. pel'lOpap • pby'li~ ;.alatl", I. ~ done!"andothera: " an~l,owJ ha\'et talQperedwl~ &!If lle~e- ·Alu.itilCloled,w,~ : aretoolalD!'erli!4 . Cln.i.II!'anycommul1lt1'\ ~1I0 ' mach .......f .ta. But tf?e1 heead bim.Dot. .. grey-beard, gIve ui ' zu••, fell (alJillnl ,n' the arlU o( E.llm. a and when' the h. 18 the loye ad of . . . . . . aMk'Drt tCOt& ani) Je-er., aael. · 'Thou without But the/'all!n, nin IOOD relieved her, alld JJu '4?1f)1ri!d away, It leavell one to upon OJHlI n «W: ' . .. ... hent. tliat sbow.er coming1 Itlyntlng me with thill inIUlt.' · ' EUm'aai4: . . .. e ,that be beell. a foO . I. ba. , ak,Ued hJa Pf 9 ! "" • 'W ' "" d th . mllll:e hlmlelt'. fool III the eyea ot othel;8 tbe nature of ,tI\,e 'arlotll, .. .,.." to our pi ulltel.l&e i. a ther 1I0WI'" cll,1 bave not done nr II.; any In, ~Lct UllCa:1l u~ Noah. peradvonture he too. .who tbinkaw!!11 of an ill-natured which the n~QI~.mlly, ia BUb. . . . ..,ler!". . "You'd p. us a libelter under toh~raa}'et.butlWI~I'dOionow becauae OpeDUDtqua." ', ' churUabm_Q,wboh.19be . j~~t,~ CAb ' .cf,ompli.h .muel( sood r . . . ...., nay.led un iD erillie. forpt hoaM, wheD it comes, won't you!" thou ..yelt eo.' , But 'drowned in tbe tll- the m_ jrlWded,. d CluU.OUIwayl Who &lid b1. _dlllt1 and ............ ... poWerl ,pre.at,. Tbeae and manl .Imllar tauntl f9ra .ael"\Jor.ol __ the use!>f IIi:l' . ..... martalel Know tlley not that God i. Cuta& hlOl, bU; tie heeded them not, apleell! Beltor beware 'ing to the ark .. UuaJDaa.' In 'were, near. tient.-He nurIlIDA'. bl'JDlr' to lireand a ..dtub 1Ik . ,hi. , • _II ' ' IIIBeware' I b' a fool'. .... • ~ . , they . beat . , cooId'-'' they pre- IY ~a ~ lLate of 'Dlr~d as ifhim theY ol~b'ack 'oW-.tife jQat. Aiaal t)et caat of Gi!!I, ... 'lhouCht ,lOrrow~...a abua rejJliec1: a <tt e\ Ylel,l: . . . pared ~ Dlee& their comma fate. n~in, ..ext door to a horpe"I, neat ' or a banda; be 'boutel, roqhiareuen, if ~~• "Youb... tbe God or beaven onrqeil .1 teUthee lflhoulO MUCb a. wh\lper a Howb.,wlodi,beatlfllltorme,and .earth- nbi\i . ~imd. A.,d I I to ' p~..mty' in er, IN!Me.. alOundjudpaen\ uut.,fIIbal. a..jOader ,tM ear,Yefl "nldaer li4 his 1101)8 yOur criaMI I&&\'e reaohed in Hedetha'a , elr. aye, ir tho~, bllt quak dil'le' their, work of doth perform- busfneN, one .Wnl rio better, for get- aOeM mind, or he may ,coli)mlU atarerror. tn . . . 1a11.-tratefDa! kPI ,to tlae andca1ledfor but, ber, I will '1'iII ,,,,. ed. SeasroUed and lo.ed .. if ,iu,onT; angry. Wo., if perplex- ODe ,whlctl pluhrm e wbo!. &';"i.,.18. \ . . the ......hl ..., \Me ratal behalr aDd Ald. ror it!· • an4lhe OCAIraD ,awo._ and luhed hll rocky lod pa . ,W llI) IIOrroW', aad cuver . .u.-e• ..Mr........ &tae .pirit ofW. f'eUow . .0 ... _ will repeaL' Bu' 'Wnt thoU! Then take ttiat!' and be lhor., wbjlat fierce driY.n tempest. lined 0 paaaiOn,mak~ e winds move J'ropltlOut ... _, . h' lL_ .l d I tI ' !;: . the oulld more droductive, t~ .muMbI ' Ham. ebollld alway.. be . .OIl iii water " 00iJ. ,\Dd tel doom ill ...~. Oft t haM Wad ~ hIm.ncb II .Dan , • DI~" a up the m'I"'LT wav. ~d .bore the~ 01' OIl fatorablo' WJn. j)ad temper d~w pnlYioue to boilio,. to draw 011' a ~ or ~............~ IOUk wicb' . .,. JOIl ud poIll&iid out tbe paUt or llWe ~ecl(or .~~' In,. tlte ~we ~. . ., to jOiD,lbe 6ood11 w~cb CUltomet'l, pa" note., aDd. !!Iue Credlton th.e nit, ind to qlitke them tendei. -""" ..".. .... .... -.th. . . .-ce uad beaftll,but haft .....np( ~...... any•• deep Into feU &olD ht~yeD to'.I. the ....qtechuth. ~ Datured1 If meD, anrmala, or "'..... WIU (lOften mor, ~..lJy jf ~ ~~ ....... ......... _ ... 1110& econaecl my wora. and cler.We4 at1 colllee1, the heanof the lut lpeaker, who Auk to The rocs.. baUt mouatain. II.... .... I,.. malter cau... trouble, will ..... waaer. .tlt a D . itot ""-• .AIt,..,. R....... _..-o(too un ........... ror ., Jhe.eaathw'thahea'1JrOQ' At tIaat mo- ..,..ed,andlDp'pW ..,er .....llo.,iDtM ::-1aeI P mau..! It aD aM • . , ".. blood. And DOW for &be _, liae. J han . .DtI two the 1CIIIl4b Dire, ....... wIIlrIwhIIII o'er _ . : ; tone 'f'IIC \0 of JOW f1uaer'DODe o! .hOm 1M daria. . . . .111 . . . fearfGl .... ia ttll ..... 1IDtIoIa lwept. tIatD. to the weJf¥e H. ro. Mora· ...ut., ark .......... aiM Me III __ niaecl tbe ~, ~ dilputa. ........ 10 ....... ~8ir CICJIII'CNt "hII rule WIele do IOID8 pod but more hart. lod and, bUd sboaI4 be ..... cIefJiaI Hial do pere. all. whem be . . . MtIoIW. 'ftII...... ....1 0 ~ a IIutW tiJM W . . . . . .100 mak.. ibNe claya,. fk~ ....... wreda ia klQIlled to . . . . . . . . recn& ..... die eIai. B..... It "" ... hliW,! . . ......., I.e .... , ..... will . . . upoD 1aa&: crt woe Stlll oIbitIi. tID ............u. aDd ya........ the nipt air, • ... the ZiUa. 1-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . riauIt ..
'Bible· Sketches.
Cre~tO, ~I"
p~lted. ~d
..... or'~11t~8""" baN'" ,.iIl_
w~lcb .,.tll~.world.
• ,t
know~st wel.l~ vlll~It1,
yea~ce: '~pIl!e
..... .....,qG
:O~ ~r ~tr,
~,dnmken, man;" ~ ~
~ing I~ cr
....... 1ro
ftI""·" ....
.....r ...........Ia...... w..,... ..... .... ..,.......
r~e t'::- it~::!~~r 9£
r.maI.. .,.bed.up~"i or
ofSir.Wal~er ~cOtt1
ouv~n I~k.t ~lo04
IhO.:lig~wlI~' o~~k' ~ia ~
°rl:~~;~\ ~ob.:r..elilll~t ~i~...;bY ~a/l .
JJrldewel1~.LuaatJc ~.,kiDIa, GiIllowl~ ~e
~d~. a~d.J:h ~ead'~T .. ~ eDU~
till~J~eu,j. alon~ ~ptralr!8"
~ de~1 ~ltll~~
lomo~mes partn~r'in IGv~ance.ln
ae~" atla~ut
~ ~ ~emen~,,-!- "'1~'ot""',JGU""=:;=reA~' -:3a. ~ k. ~ =~ of~ietJ.
=:.Db:=!a. .... ---...._.......... ...... - U~r:.: ,' - ..ij~'~==~ el
to.*l =~;
b~.ine~, ~'i1; C
~.Y; t~e am:~ea~!-edd veliaUted°n~., °brlgah~atlo!l' connect~it
theircal~weftl " Thouwilt1now~re' orJllyvengeallc:e!' multof~c,walrlD"elemenb.qdlOoling- ~~e~,b;m
arll!'- :~~1' ~ ~
repo~d. ~a
tuat t~
i~:VjD meir~t ~vl!i:h f':~l:'
81'1111~lt!' .~rk,let
~ninlf 'sh~ow"
~ or~ir"'.~d,wv_..
tl~i crim~B"~ terrot~ltrlcken
..., i
(\ .
bl ill
&\1 IN
Two) IIIlalar~~, '"'u ..._.
Tbrw IIoIUlar~lII. -)o"ol1r fql,l_. Eight !KIua. .,
Ce'lfli" 1840. 'S,liS
~ Alinouncillil . ~~~~~::i:~j ory, doacrtp1lcm) ~" for RiRCh nllln.e. ~ ... Ull''',,_''n i,uid in IIdYI\II~
'. , 16,721
- J6 ,S82 . ,' 23,IO~
a I eatlll'"
' . ' ,13,719 • ' • 13,28:1
ciJ until,ord\lretl out. ' '• The prh'Ucgflll' O~YOllril. adVef~ef8 only to Caten~ ~ their o,'\'n Immediate 'bueines8'
,1'7,62& , 80,J45 , 1~,015'
8.271, 19,688
3),938 ..
H!,IlS" 29,1-41
--:-483,771 '. 839,25-1,
Adyerti~om\lnts, iJol.m.rk!!d; on th~ ilOp¥: fllf I epcei,tied uumbfr ~f ill'erliol,s • will be coulin,,·
''J'h'o ,J.I'W
, 1, SI!blcribol'!l. who ' d~ 1101 give 1lXl'~EIlS NO. "" '1 , TIQE ,~ tho O~lRhIllY. ~r~ cou' l!lered wi~bing to wC!uhl oblain \ Illimerous ee",tifiI;IIJ,ea c9nl.\nu,olhu~r '~ubscnpIIQIl8, ' . 'oppro'val 01 our plan:. but d 01 11 2. 1f s ubscribers order the eliecontinurmco from ,ProfeSior Iiaft, rrillciJlUl of fiJ 'a go 118 posterity will never obiiviate. thch pa.I'~~' tho publisher 1I1llY conlinue 10 phln. High ,.ohool. 1\8 ' ~ulliclont:' il ha_, acOor lit,Ue' bllDd 'of heroes anvv,e At Ihem 11,,,11\1111 DfrlllU'!Ig08 o.(o' p,II1(1. . ' be Oil OCO(l!llollul cal trabutor IQ 11# Jll1~C8 i w OOJlIO the lIOUea· } , . ,', b 'h . " r ~, Itll,\lbscrlllOr!l negltlct or re.fllBC\toIIl1\8IMir " ,,' . -, - , . : , ."relz .n.~ Henty. p:owllll'. itl ' Qt).D\lB WI~ the 0 I~ ~. rane; , ~n (lIIIe hind papers IrOll1 lhe officcla \(1 Whicb, Ihoy are 80111 "ll,IIIVO nlll oxnmII'),Ot\., Pllrli,culorl !ho plnn DlUi PrPllrletOJ:8; , A~" ~U(" and tbe bagglUlet : 1O ~b~ other'. Their Ihor arc hl)\11 responsible till I.hoy· hnve ~oltloa of Iho 'Men lor ,a MIIg8ilno lor ~\)u~h .'lIboul 00111\ !Donlllnen' 19 die. I'netey rTAternlll overtoors was met by a ~,ba:rge of Ibolr,billB, Bnd ordcred tbeir popot discOllltllU. to b" pllb1\8h~ by.MoBsra. Stllvoly ~ ~,cCIIIlII, 'one mourned, by mllily IrJ~n~. Jt ' " , but feel grent conlidellce, from thD known I.IbUf;I. tho orlgln.llitie oflfomsH"a'DO"iJ.li aelcr ofille E.lilor, t.he ,Hev. H. HD~lhrg! We,Il, ~lAOA.~lN!. .. ' Ihlll tho !V{I!aazino will con\lIin" Ilolbillg objecl· '2: f~8 ,11'),(lti~ have WOD'ror Il'~ ei~l II' dr. ' iQnnllle in nny Toepoct,and ilIllt it wjll~ be UlOtlO cllilil on trllly 8u'i't!riainlr. , wi&!" ttle ' 11)011-. Interesling nnd in~tructi"c. Jr;o: S. HART. "f Ihe \In)o,. i8 ClJU~ldef\la. , Tbo CI~\lliltioil ii,
con81I\ntlr.lncrell8tnlrwilh' fllltlllrloa' ~pIdHy ' :., It iijfirmly e'.Il1bli~, h~ in the ~t1q,tJ"'of Anyone olitillnlng five sl!liacrlborll. and I~o Peo~lo, lilld, 'Ill "l.IIY r'111 ',tha! It 'lYiIl ll,e , log UI n .~ 11"10 by mll-il at our cxpense. nnd JI bfe of con~tantly lII,c fOUl 9B itplrh retCh·1I UU) lIixtl:a GOPY gl'II1111 for on~ yoar. ,·lgor. ' " " • . , ,' ..... ~ , . " :". The reUgiou8\)iterllry and politic.' ~Newepllpe"'lllvii\" tho ~ Qbovo OttO "pr, tlvO thrQ.lIg~ou~ Uio , W,:,IJIO' aro deciclll(l .~ ,''''Il ineertions, o,la 8IIn~il1g 0 coP,y of lhei r pRpor cnlh,uil1UIIC iT\,th tt' prllillfl of tbi~ JlClrlOdiolll.rjlarkod, wiUh~YO Iho IIlagn,II}!! , forw!lruud ,t" W.. hav\! ~OOI1l for pply tw.o D~,lrllc\S. ' . ,Mm for 0110 yor,~ whllout 011 o~~hllngo. alld Frl'lIllho N. 1 ribune~- It lll"~ l\r9~'ZlJe tlul thallk. oj tlae Fobli6hora. , [mllY 1,0 '~p, 0f1 he!lrtl~y. 1,9 ue ~~d gen!tou8 IIQntimll!!l,. )IrQ., , -" . , groBS1Ve)n 1\8 , ~P,artllllld mllrUOli,yo,hUtI mil;
, PhUlldtil hio. April:;ro, 1850." ' ; ,
bi¥ge.t 011 !e,m but
.Da rnap
~ A ~' BIlA
50Vll,LI .Jl • Icr. It showII ,,:1\ ,1111 woll 118 W!adolD. IUld PIlla Cdptai'1& ]J(arrgQU', or J. Eenm· lIB well as pdI\.Clll!O." . ' ' ~ '. mOns Coop'. Bell. .• , "We .cpn eafely oomlll!ll)~ lhie MagllZlne to ' )!; PE'rltELj ult '£UV;Jil ON 'TilE ollr readors, nil Oil!! of "~jlllt' ,:xcellence.' al w6l1 H OGtolAN.-B apt A.n1ltI~M. r,snB~, A cor.(. Il~ ¢hO~'ji!lC8l!. jt.~ In.(ruef,ve lUI w~1l Y ' ll. , " 1" T'i .. JS r:JInl1u'v\, :1..;:.'1'hl818 bO\lt'llld ,II'Gclhe. 'If!hgtlltl/Ung 1\11 , well ,all entertaining.. E\ ..." T " 'I~'· ~ ,~ lind ~f 81'ch 0 'ooarncter ~ 10, be) wel~ Worm GllilltltelllCil'~ we~r: " L·C' .. 'O;-·· "'1' 0 he beM l:lU oolo~t111 eve. wnu0!l flllldillg by .onsiblol~IlIJIII "(-iN Y E, 1 fMlldlOUII. , body, We adYltlo every blldy to got I s ' ,• " . ' nC!). ~ 1111 ork 011· reael il. Hear wbal' tho English l'IIP!)r. IIOY ~ In dIll it. ' , ~ "'rhe 'bes" D:luticill I\ovel ",hi&h bas tlpJlfJllr\ld .bIJDdlanU~eJillllony fo~ 11. long 111118' , Il Ollnllol fail til relilllld \" rc~el~r o.t tho belll lllilik O~ Cilpt., Mar,y&l\.' ,Bruunnlu. '-,.." ,\ "This .tpry POill_"" OD ",,,rIlPupn which'is all eniToa'!illg. 'Adnliral ~"iahor 11M proved, by Ihis' tale, llilll lie ctln \.uJ his pUll ",ilh 110 , 00)1lemplibleekilL "-Ditp,Clteh. ( . •, ' ''We'oilliciJ'lltO a bT} I,liIUlLCllreeT, r,?r Ihe 'lIl1lhorofule'iPtilrul.' "-N. IInelM. Guzelle; ·'Th. 'pelfel' , d~rv IlIi~h , i:QnlluQndullon IIh a, aenuine ollt!;n iule: . t,lll ItJlPoi.i~11$ 10 lOiil. Iliko the coiilmollding kllowjl!el{!O 1>1' (he I a¢\I,\ anilpf e"llfY thing 11I1\t, IIWJ(jrlu\n~ to" whit:h , Ihe Iluthpr 1/Dli!le'8~~. '} 110 ehlc! seeno 11111 ill _hi~.bottrd aliI! 'lIi~lg!\ld ~Ie adventurus ' p~Tl18 oe· ,
Equaz tQ
,f'r~m New York.
,i. Itt Qu"r.o Dtin' ....,...~,ift~ of '
~=-I~I~ ~
q ,tJae d-.t 1 ~.u hltiJlaate the whore nl~l]1be, 01 \taII wUk a. .if1 Wlao la ..d. I bellitiJul parrol, {Cl07; or wblcb the", wu is&ued ~o the oit.. Ihfee h ....re04 'Dnl.Dt!I'ly'.1wbl• • ,..,.•• IIIIrlae.r haa brought Jiorn Slave St"," &Jl; to thlt Free Stai.c.8$8 . ~t Sou" A1fteriA'., l pre eDt to lite sweet.'oreign 96: District or CollUbbJI 1 ....11.r.,. , heart. Tb11 hapPfll1ed (oDlbero,e lI1y Im'lll ,It ap~arji \ll~O', tbit aU the Co .... ~ . bill . ill JriuU. IDd Poll (or anaDl18U1 ball bllott I\IIW to tho ShIve StatelJ .,"UIIUIlJtlq. g lIrL e fl'lDko~ ·prl 'Lf'!.W1f,in to 1a milch ~rlaea ~pd J!t!tte4 ~ f~v~rlte. in the than two-third. ~ 1I~,£~t!~~~~,;F!~~ll, . ~:. ~ • ~,. VI e-' boutehula. 'He was a captive, to be JlUle, 6tlttll alone; Ind Crom the " Adarll ' Rluna~ k';own a on prhitel'll ~\lt aJlowecf lit timel to be, ou~ide hie c~~e A~ arguell. ~h~t . Illv'ery' ~eiS\ro):s ~itbftw\ntl' DII the InveDto ~f .the ~," (J~ par Ie •. _an,d, al W.Y8" obile~lng good. veull\'e gen."(~ of.lIl.e .pe,ople, &c. I1Inn_'"1mO:[[l di!'d .uddeely l*tul~ t ~t TMlIlelle. hi (lIlB II'", gratl~de for ~udi m~uJpnce8. ~1Ve.n or Inl~{mc\l 18 UJltlOU"'" jl'r'Q,t!llcuv9 Phil d l J I ' b~ , . ~,. • they, were, repeated as 'orten' a8 I1Ip~eareit ' 10",. ' .: ,r f ,,' . ,I e p" II, I~ t , :lear. . 'COD'ls,tent wi~h ~a!e. ~u!ltody; .' ,Tho, fe,1V i. Now: Englander8'" ate Il nll'en,amcnl =""",.': 'Gen. Santa ·.\:1\D8, ia U,tQI ill Carthage~ w.ords of Gael\l~ which he' I!!,~" plcked ~p m 1~'D"facturlllg peoplA, ha. Re b.. ,become a eo~ of blnk~r, \pd, hll ~o~og~. 1p tlle north ",ere ~Udt .Uftt~~ent tural. Tbe Y onke~!" ul1.'h·oull!h ~d him ' the. money-~onower.. In , on hl~ .ar~lvlIl; tQ be~peuk ,the 'good Will 0(. arc i'IO\ed ror. their contr ftocb~ N(Ume know I .".hat bie' plana arei t~o fllnu,I)" and r~c.oDlmend tlilllllelf to their Q lIvJng "by th~ir,wit8." h~;';"~.vfiJ~t;;t:t-;:.':'!\.r,~~~~~~~n~~~·=~,,:,;!: I' he'l v - r.rve4 . ,hOlpltuh\Yj but hie vbcobyla!')'· WII8 800n ~pread reputa\IOI\'l , for o.r • .~·I , • , '" IllPr~a~ed,")Je be~a,!ie a grea mi,mi\!-he ped~lin~! le~'!~!,;btli 'l!jnfJ'I~~ The smal,l POl[ h~1 ,got among the' !:Ii9~~ cQ~J 'yrutntr ~he ,~IQ8., Qf ev~~y .Jome~~ic- sing ~her&iiy, \0'1 urn°Dn~oncst Jndlln., and in order to stop it they have a~nmil . - t .le • VOIC08 qf the servants: and they are,equa.lly ntlWriOu8 for soeki"'l/! bqrn~ to death .. nu~ber , wb~ had taken hehcoubl~ ll\ugh, whlR.tle and scold ·I.ik¢ any Ollt aU manner of itlvc.lltionii for·"saving . the ·dlseale. ' .' I " .ot ar Ipe~ oround hllll. He \vos, In sbort :bClr,'I' . 'l'h('Y'makc yat.,d:c;>tton oM woolen 1 . '.. a ma~Qh . for Celly's renowredlarrot" for c~Oth j calleo, boo~ "ail~ 8~oe pegs" umoW.Il','1 }d. stated that some twe,,'ty deaths of alUlougb he co\lld, not, 01' \\7oul flOt, Sing, PII1S, com lis, 0100118. busswood hllOlS, 'choler!l -have occurred 'tecentI'y. hl Evan- :'God lIave .tl!o Killll'l,j ~e ,vas D. proficient en nutmegs, &l'., Ilud and oU by 1l1nchine,,'in'll. ' 111 ';Charlle 18 my Darhug," and 'othet Ill ... rYIj 'nnd thore . l8 ' Oll incoeslmt 11I'Iihconcell,, , ~ cobltc Itini, with which he nevor foiled ' to "' tl'1lted mental effort to tnake now' modifien• 1ft\! emigto\i I"into W:1~col1lln ilpat- regale ~be company when . properly illU:O- ,.ti,oIlS' combip.lltioD1! In their "IQiihi~ej.y- ' ~~~~~~~~~~w;:t;.;;:;-:.ff¥.;;-at,at '\he 1!~lIelit( t1IJ1~ th*jl eve'r knqwn be- ducedi . '''"':" lin.d. oJl improyoiuoDts" Dew cOIllVination,., fore. Tlte Milwaukie Dally AdveniBllr P~(I \\'as Ihd.eed a rjlmBTIr\llHCl &P op lmen &c .• may be plltented" IIY' ~M evory .boat from t~~ upVer .l.akea of hiS' trl~e; and the daily wonder of ·thu . Dill. im,proveme'!t8 'in agri.culture. in now Clomee1d fll11 Iud tliat the.:tal.l road car.. ar- whple ~1!1.Khborh90d. , . m~nure., 111 stoelt. 10 crops,·whlch ~l~o lhe I1rt)lJerIW ~ lll\)""!K:Il!JI~iCd rive ~Iterlllly loaded ~Qwn with' e~tirant" " Yearatlew, b¥:. .nd, altbo~gh kin~ Iredk die higbel$t ~ciontific knoweiodgc,' nrc iiI/iIi SlT.ciJ'., aud. trlveUe~ !t 1a-.aid that. the travel is ment ·~1Id qUIte recol\Cl)ed 1111n to Ius cagel paleD~ble . , " I.' ~'Q ul\1 do \~,Illl ~ DOW' dOllblq .",!lIlt it wal$ at thi. time laat it · coulihlot wurd 08' -the U8\laL pffeGls <Qf ,W e agreo .. with tho.' "Southenl<;Pr $,1' rn' ~~ \ WIlt 119'.1 j>~h year. ' " '' old 0llll. partlcularly 11 clim(lle where tlte therefore that to toile Ole Putent office 1I1aod~;d CQnl, on ~ e . . , " ,' 8~n r~~el~ 1l0netrait>(Cwlthin lhe bars ' of ti,~ lic,8 (16 the ,criier,iOIl 9 f the ill~entive tilF ,.1 U ~1-tt ! ~1I.~1J~~n ,:~O~'N A. mvjN. " 'The venerable Dr. ViLlentine Mo t l,as 1111 prISOn. , W-..en I iirll t lIaw himl his ellt of thl! two .lsections or tho country., lB re.'tc!'ocl' Jtl\\ po.ltlC?1l 81 ,one 'of tile profea~ ~1!1II0ry ~at1y faile~ ~irrp Wllil~.~~l!brigh~ no moro reasOllable thon to .lnke the 'WO~~ .ora )Il"th'e ~ow ¥ork Meillcal Collelle. gte~D pluijlag~ \Vila fa!'t · v,ergmg III~O I\i KII- IIhnpl 01 tho c'olJn~y ·8S evi(feDce of Its m, ver·grey. Ue)lod but little left of tl!o.t dustry" witllblif'gihrig out to its fa~\ns ond , Mr. CLAY was fou~ ,hOura iri cI~liv'errl1g tri,umpllant anllc"Je which used to provoke plltlltlltione. "'~' • hi. recent ijleeeh In the Senate-he is sev- such loughtl!rnmong tlto yonkers; ~nn«l day r " •• , ' ' enty-thre6 years qld; ,"ntJ It ~s Slid.. it was a~ter ~ny h,~ would l.t ,1/JU.te jllld moyin", on "What bl!lIiness does, your husband f61· the ' mo.t vigotJus, eltne~t" c:omprelienaiye hiS perch, 8eldo~ a~8Werlng the nuuiorous low1"asked YCflt'orday of 0 remale" a person and e10quentllpeech ever dolivered ill )iiI! questions thot were .put to him . r,e8p~cting who \VOs engoged .in no.ting tJie occ*J1tltjOll We•. ' '" , \ 0 . the cause of "his n1o!li.'dY: 'i Had any ell ild of Of out oi llzpns. , . . the fllmily ·been ilick, It could JJaruly noye /lvy-hy . 81~. '.' " 91,e l'ep1ie<l, "be follows . Sen~'o\" · P,uacE hu decUno,d taking a been·" tfellled .willi greater u:ndernesl1',han 'd rinking rum." ·· . Cablnel appoiDtmeDt, and bill lubr.tiluto Poll. 1 ' ' 'I The Canvasser nt·once entered opPl>site had n!)t bben'il.eltlctcd by the ':Prcsllfeht ot '" At lallt,. ono fino morning, J,ust 1II the hflJ DI'II\O, l<geJltlemap." , , the laf/t datnl!. " vel'D111 o~iuinox had ,blown' a few shillS ihto . " •• ~ • hllrb'or; a . strut/ger w~!t Imno Ilced., nnd . Temper~Dce 'lticetIQt:'. " immedilUy recognized by the moster of Tbcro ,will·bl/ 1\ ppbllo 'l'(\mp~rtlnco Lsclure illd eb\t!q Ol"''n.onl.' the' hou8!t o.s, a ~pon' jSomethillg-o. !i'pimish , tlcli"lcret1 nt,tho M, E, Cb~uh in '\:Vnyne$vi\le, mel'Jlhllnt, whOle klndheBri to' 0 yO\III~, me",- by kI'RA){ Tuol!lLUl, on 'I:hursdny evening.· the ber of tbe fomily hnd ofteh b~n mention- Bth I08t, • '......~'"i..-,. Cd' In !iiI. I('tters from Mexico. ' Onli or hi II ~=~=~=~~~~~~=;:;::= . !f Sebatol'll of. tb~VestetJl 'Statea, i\ own vesse.18~ a brig, ill whjch ho h'ad lIutde. r:I -::--:'=~~,..".,=-,.-::::-:-:-==~.,......-:--..,.ill reporjed j !rave' beld a MucUI! In1ecin'ven- the voyage, wOI .·th:en in the tillY, driven in ~4 , tirn, wltll the fri~ntl8 of the, C!>!JlPJ'O)niIlC, by 8trOBl! of weather, for ;M:uU was no mnr- 'M=';';:A==lm = ... ··D~=O==h;;:: ' ~l':;;=::;=:;;·'~=~ ano.it. wlla, agre,~ to refer 't1,le quell~~og of ~etfu~ ~ea'1tilJl\ goods. " But t~~~ Wq:s ",ot ' " rh08~cob()JI~ M~, ~~M ,- " ~~-" -' tbo boundllry or T{,X8f1 to 'Oommll'Blo ora tny bllliqltlS/I. hQwouta 1Il0~t h1cely pny a WGTII, In' MISS C~N'~U1" v, SAUr' \If for IIctllettleh.l, 11 . tbis be trU(', It . is reo Villit, to G(~noqlt, wbli'~e, in , the present t~wn hlp. 1 • • iardoa ali seeut.ing t'1le p08l1aJe of 1& ,e m- day at loash Sp~nish curgoes are rife en' My girlish uJlya hllvo post, prob~l. BtU. , '," 6 gb.' , : . , And. I am jlOW It wifo' ; ''---,..,- . . No ioont'ir ~lId ,their. visittlr ·exchnnge~ HTnJ~ti~u~~ag~~~~;~1 oflifu, .' Il i I",id lIliit t~lI:f,e i.~ It IU~l.e _por.tillll or "alu~Uon8 ' " lh t.he muter qf . the bou!l~ , ' . '. ' " ' the 1J'1I~ at N'iu~aru Falls III It condltio!\ aud hil (nmiJr. tban the parrot Illlllfht bit! ' ,Old cOmpn.lt1onsl dOllot Y.C!l dt8p~lr, · I . dl te t la t I'f W III S001I I 0II ow tl Ie e3''"'• 1111d ' up to t bf:} cage,' h 0 a ,dressYoul{bndal dllY lli cooling too' W IIIC I to cn. golllg \Vn.kC/ ,eODS ~f~lolh wah upon ilie fni~ . CXI\?1 p1u IT lj ble Ruck. " ed ,t~e agt'i d bir~ ip famllillr f!panlsb. The , .' Tlle:r;al(ora :Of heafJ to WOI).'·' . .rd. , , .. ~Jfeot . vue ,elertric. the poor, blind cllpti~,e . " lIon J~si'!.l1 Q,1,IIp'CY. Jr·,11~11 . seemed ,b,s -Ir stUldehly' ·"wakened to a new ed tc:' dd!ver tb,e ~ul()gy. on Pre8ldent ~.ny- I1xillten'ce; lie fluttered bls wings in ec~tacy' lur t l\1 DOlton~ Blid hud "er-ellted the . Invl- oPlllle4 hill ~Vel fixed then dim Illd ait·ht- "...".w ' tI , .~ .. . . A ' . ''('on; , , I I ' I" " , J ' ~I ... "" .. 1/,II(e '0 1I),,,.eu to annOunoo BEL, ' -.,-...,..,_ _.....-~...;'~ .; ' . , cas a8 ,t , ey \Ver~j I~tonl 1. on.t\le 8lraD~er; 'I'00)/,\8,.u a'oanalallLO for lhe o/llco o( Sherif!;
, Cond~Ih."l;'~/l1 -' " ' " 8 thot , '~bC) de~tll not ~bAnOIlaMw_ redofhIm lII ,th,e' Ipcecn-;. ~iiiii~~~~~~~~~;;~;'~~~ii~~~~~~~!~~~ .~ Tile , 8!lX Dctenl w111ch lie IB/'D,e bad 'ever henrd of\Varten~mll ~W ~ :' . !~~~~~:~1~~~JW~~~~~ , ilue,- ~y S".ln to ' 1~9~ pq9.pj., of.. Ellglllnd for twenty nOTS. lit. jvy w•• elteesslve ~t! hi ·~C?~\b 14-!!1::''!:~~r~'~;:!'''v~'~.'.'' 't~oeed' ~eventeei1' "lI'lIlon8 of dohal'i , --,b llt' lt \Vunery i,' lol't, foil (n~ th" JJlids~ of ta- ' I' '''~ ' '!..e . a r ' 111 1. " ' . I" "d ' P "' , d ... 0 warren ",o)Jnty. , • . n '" \Iff IIc~oams on alltlCl, pOQr l' oil droppe ' \11' , I. I ' l.ilDU~A'l'lO.,-lio~. Hornce,~M~nn, ~·rt).i d.. ud'frolll Ills p' crch:-.sAa~".;'.1tftJ.n. , ~f'e 1\1'8 aUI.yOt z~d tr an!Jounce ' ~~~:i~/,'~Jiii~ii~ial:i;a;~~;-::~~~~~,1 dont 01 the Illte N.tlonll~Educatlonlil eon- T , • ri' ,. ,B.A.u.'Ev, 111111 cand1dal6 r~r. the office of ~ ~Liw.Ei~jlli~Jii~~~Ji~i.I;liju vellliop, h/lllilublished !In. invitotion to the , . ~ $y",p!,~hl'. .' <!( '1Y'u..rre'n' ~lIill}'" . '" r. 'f,iellcW uf tduC)Otlon tlirougbout the 'ooOn- ' A mDther wilo was. In .the, bu.blt uk- -o::r-.Wo are Qu~drizocl 'til announco. ~.' t.ry to meet In ConvllntiQII III the Ci\yof i'!t her children, nefoJ1l . ·mey retired at ' KEll~, liS 11 cllndidate lor the office qf SherUI' RI\iladtllphill, on the- ·nh ~ondl\Y hi August' nlg11t, .what· lhey h d' HOile' durl~1l tl e', J.ov WilM'ell 'Oou~ly, .• ubjo "- lo-tlle-decidoD Qf .UiE.+tI[c-JSPll,liC1i1n:tm1lV"t,refer;lID1m"l1li'~rood ~ert.-;-M'\l"UI'eIi IIjlould bp tok<ln '0 hll,e 't~ ma~e othf!rI !u:zPP}/ fOl!nd a , young lIVID- Whig COllutt convllnlioll. , ... ', f'verY cp~nty al'l~ district.reprosented tn th~ g~hter.'~!lont.", ~ rI~, olde.r ,,?ue llP9k\l rnpU- Aln. Enwon;':"Pleavo announce tbe' lI;ull e 0
C~~ventllo~ ,. . .;. , ~1~~ly :1~~~e~l:n~II~~~~tl~~~e~.n!e~~~~u::;,:!Sct~~;:T!. tbe·e~:i.~~l\t~ r~(id~llr!~b~ 5p}jlniG:H;t-jrS;~;A"n6~~~"Of1iUilir ' D/STKEUlKG C.ASU~~TU:IJ,-Wcek be- wOllfd they should do'onto YO\l,' Still thosA joet to the d oiijion of a convellllon ' ","it oblig for~ , t..t ~ UJ:. gno~ "r Ql~a.w·a COil lily,. litUo~l'Igl\t ,fl1~es ' were ~owea down in 8i- Jllly '16. 1850. \ :M.~4. '{O'fBa.
ClInadl"wu killod on bORrd a /ltel\tnbon t leifcc. . .' I):)-Wil are 8uthorlzed to annou nce :tSI\AtL in \he Bide u ~anal. m.. wire, IIE~aring'O, The ?uesf,~I'!' wo.a repeated. : C J ' ~an r~e- WOqD1t!l1"J' till ~ cai1~idatiJ (or' the bffice of SHtlt" the aJlprollllb , ~r l;he ' eor.Jl~e, ' weht. Ollt to ', member notlnnlf troud aU .tlill day, doar itfcifWo[~on' c()unIY, ' " '.' meet ' ~t~ ,tah1n, Jlerhyoun~"lt cJllld IVDilh ~et hm()ther'bonly ~nehot' hm'd a~loodL-~t1oIl0b~1 dWQlr ilia, ~DI'J:oJl:-Please" ann.ourioo L&, '1', .B<Is.JJ.nd le"v n'lY IIIX ot erit · .. lome. urlng appv. ccaUaG 8 e a game Ie ca 0 , '. I d'da Ii h ffi .U' '•• Aller';ab.enCe "Ie house took fire and they the~8 . and I .mil~ 'o n ber.! and nil' to '"di~l JI8.III1~ftcal '. I thle ~~, I, ~o ~f \(J eOllnly.· . u. , ~ , k' h ' S h ' ,.I I ad TI" 0 • \1\1 ~ ...c.o e ulc'l\1I0n 0 a COQvcntlon ' ,,.er,' : al.' burll.od W ~latJ~ \ Thhlll!l Oaf n ~1l1~1- '\Irj .cr, 0tl'~~' a~l... WIlS go. hI! III ,and obllgo ' , " i\hNY VOTJl1tS.' ' ly 01 tulld pera DR; t 10 i)lot cr an an 111- n toOT ~o ler. , . W 1" • f u~ only: nlmaj.... . 'The omer Olle spoko atiH more · tim1d- ~ !l are 11111 ,.0r.l~ ,to annoUAI1" Iho, nnme Il , "_ , ' .: 11 " JOSErR G, , ~EST. of~ree~o co~n.ty, n~ n con11. It j, ~eported tbat Governqr Briggs wil\ . ' A little girl wlto flll~ by, me. on th'e bench ~"ll~e to- rerrClle~ l thlh ~~stdr.t 1~1 the SI!,lfl oint. t'!e mon .. EdWlrd EVt'rett co the at Icbool, !lad 10~ a baby bro,t her, ',I IU" ~er\l\te. ,~ulo$ct to the de,etelon, of 0 convo lIloll .pttoo in t.he ,United fih.tea ~enll~ made that '\rhUe lbe study,,1 h~r' lelllon; ~I!e hid ~1a. EWTOn, ~_~lelllo . aOllounde NacaP:L.Uthe reb1!O'atioll- or Mr. We~.te~.. ber race.i~ her book, and cried. 1 reltlor,>" Sm:nWOOD liS a , candldote' lor commlt8 I~i1or , " .\ , e ~ • and laid my fuce on \lIe .niDe book, and :Worren Ooun'ty. nnd o~llge MA ~Y VOTER3. ~/.z-,;T. Wave~ Hotef, at Mobile, '-erled with heJ. 'rhen abo· looked up and OO;-We ere ~~:~~O!~~~~r;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ ~IS dil'tto.yed if Bru 06 f'otUrdly J lllt.- WIUI comfortdeJ QDd .put !lrml round EVANS a8 'a candidll.te to r,llp!~I~nl t.o8B . . . .~.eoo-: fDlurt,p ~"18.000. \ my neck. ,'But I do not know why ahe said iii the State senate, subject to tho decision 01 " ,. . ' .' _ - : " thlt I Jlad done her rood.' whig conventibn. LiuL 8UR.:-In &he €~mon , Pleas at The other knew how to ~rize the firlt ~~=~~=!!:~~~~~~~=~ N~w Ycllrirl'on PnilliY j ~ 1t1el fue wII. tl' blolJ80mln~ o~ .ymllathy:. Slie l!8 i lt <Come 1teD"p; .O"rg~ 'Wllt:elV". Smell G. Ben. tci 'my . rml, ' belovJld on~.1 , t rejoice ====::o=~=========:;:::=;=::::;:::==;:= mett,--:Of ~ .erd4J lOr a~ ~i~ i~ , the ,wIth tholle w~o rejolcevand to weep· with . " 'a,nenill(\ p ..oduce M"..ket. I:lerlld fit the i6\1a July tpltlDt Dam,' thO!!e who wetep, ia to 'obey our bl"aaed ' CORlltcnD Evan WD:IC fOll ruE VIsi,TOIl. . .. ~Jal~ at.l0,OOO,. ' , '. R~deem\~r.' " ", : ' . I Wheat~ . IIP'bu, ' . '. , GO '. -,y, _ ' .. ' Oorn. en'clled, " . ' ',. • 40 • ••• • ,." Oalll ~~ 0.1 &Ii. ' Ot4enG~a4a~to., ':. ~A Chioelle .rorkCb°!1 Aml!hrlcal,... ~, )~lIt Floij~~ld wheul. Vbbl. '. 4,50 1 1~AlnDaciOB fl •• been receivea 0 .UIO J!ubll-.~e~ by .. D....ve. , mele, 0 WI , Ule .. now wheal, ' c1ea~ll, oa the JOth iaat, ip.&x!tb. Carohnl, lollow/ng' .lanpage concernl!)1 W IlIhmg- JJu.l1flr '" 1b oeUa!D8I ~ell ' Esq., I altlve ~f 'BOI~n, ton:-Ae ~o . W~BJungtoD <be "was tn un- fg'd"~¥ 1b QII\..r. ~I a ~turya reeido!;lt q SOutb C',ommun ,..... H.'CODqUO~ more. repldly p!:oiooat'liP' bu, ' . . .card\r.~••1• •~~hfin graduate ·than ShUll. and LWlng. ID~, in ,courage, he POULTRY, i of H~"" CoU.,. baYiar leI\.. \yal ~l!rAOr t,o T~o~ an4• .Lew (\D~~ of ~.hio~cn~, "" ~oz;. . - - - - • • ~ 1,~ h' ,t.".. ' ilia ... "'.. D~ The diu '~I I1'nown'tn Chme", -illato!,),.) Selamg J ur~IOll. IV. - , . • . - • ) 6,00 u"":.o("d'Yi.'I. ilamllel Pa)llOft, the two-C'ls:e IWOn) of&h~cublt.s long,~e R::~·' ;.~ ~ ~~ : ~;~ " to' IIr_ .....', r til ' I . -,... ~li ' NUltry ten thou.and ,Ie, '(le II -. , ~ . .0 bafL" IJ. ~"" . - ,"rr f) . • c " QpeD.... · \IIiJ c.. H b Ii'.---" _ Cincinnati Pro4u ce MAllie'. 178J. ' > ,l one third of. lliUe.). e t en re """". to re ' _ r~ t a tl Ie; 01' tq IdCO~ o!,':. for , h~ p~. . Jul)' 27, 1.8:'10. Pljae, die ' pa mo .bad hi. rreferriDI to eat.bbih. &04 e ,. ctlve F!-\lul\ Al'fll G~'I)'ore wae liD! little disarm bra!!:., It worce.ter )lIn, - . few PlitrioLi!m to 1I~ cutn- p091110~ to Oll'ra&e mulr.ted lo.day Oll~l't to , ',,,.. ..' h 1 th b [ h I" . lit Id- IlUpply Immeililltfl wante, .nd do.leti 110m!!, ill~,a,. IIDOO, 'by catclilnr it uto tue , '!II ee e, W CI e ea'l...Il· d' ready mo'deralely IlIppUecI. tho trlll)8SCUOl\8 of I carr1aje. Il\to iYbieh. ho wu It8JIp ilJl' gmel'Dme~t; he £1X'tel'i. vl~- 1 \i'~.re confined (0 ..00. bIl18.~100 bbl•. of !,jew • • i . , ' eilitomi and .volded war, and mau.:' ""om !'1lIlalllt S4:95, and 300 do Id from .toro 'the y'...l-la&uQI of Tuu II 10 meet eO\.mtr,y a,,"rior to IU other Dlltloill. I ;t f "Ii. The DOW c4?min, iii i! of a ... C~ BUpo· . ........ .I_,, _ . I L> • "j ,,_ ,.. "-" :)Ie recelpl. of which IIrO'lnCnllISOil the IJtIi. or A~ tc;t _ ....e "ay. Iou BeGJI .... portrait. D .' eountenunc:e Twr qu~ ~ ' . ,,'II ~rJ'(l!pondingly gi\ling WilY• ...... to ...rorce the'clauM of: th. atateto pat' meatal power. Abl who .ncl ~t1cm. , ,. 24 hl'WlI, 4a8bbll. Etporls the TerritoJ'J'o,1be V!lI614' Sta~. a~~ \lt hOt. cal, him ap uncommon mao:J, ' n t~~~o iLIJI~ . NothUi, t.-.napifed i. ~ -'t. I forGe . I. now o~,.nJalng . , 10 '"-.dpltaCe apo.. "'e, U 1000" the :rObaCcl) ........ wtIaorltJ' It t.- atlO Ina It II DOW ~ to a certaialtj that the a _ _ lt.t ... la tllle"llWt com- ~wJP.I-eroP of-tobacco ID tWl P.Ut oftbe ..nand " \be 1bY)aJ~ .... He hUhad 00UJl~ mUle be a !lel"f short oaf. With.ome'il:lperleaoe fa warr~ ta a week or two 'Pillt we bl~ co~lYm'aed ,, ' • WI llUllera frolll dill'ereDt parte 'Of Willi.". Cr.JT~7cIeqou_ cciuitl"f.1IId aU IPef t\&.t there wa .. ,,~ tb .tliDea.. of )Jr. JU&.u.i .., JiIW. more than hill ihell8tlal qaaaof ... B~ 01 m, made. Tbe 10"1 eoatinued wet. weadl~ die "1uM, iD reply..... ., Ie . , .."111,, tbe leu6ity or pllnts, the ~,.~~ ~~=::~~I.'" ,*-1.., I -Of t1ai cut-worm. IDd the '!Oceat PaI~",JIO~~No&bil.. • ~ Corol~, .... , ha.e all coa1ribu~ to make thi. I GIl" ~ .... u .....b.......11. for wblcco.-F
The Marliets.
: ;',':
.a...., .. ,
santa n W
ero.. .
;:';;:.i;e;;; .. ....
I ·Ii
'i ~ e
. .
Grtb(,hoppers"J ' We nre, ROTry ~o lenm l 8Qyl"thq Creve~ land Hetuld. thnt thll ,GfjlllshQPperil \lre do. irig )lluch injury in BrcchsJUlc; RQYlIlto~. I'ongllillo 'o.ud other 0/ thQ J;.o.lte country' tho .gow,ing orops. 'l,'he i)Elatroyora hQv~ Ilm l , ul'''''Ure~ : iJ;l iou\lrneraMe 'J(18~IIIQd spare !lg gre~ ~n tllei'!' ~odi16, Frol1\ ll~ecJts &0: ~ we lenql ,t~at QUI' fiel~ Me en.- ,
stripped, grllll$,be1Us enteD to barren JlI:SS, Rnd in lume eOBel' the comls iaJulYd' by tl\eir J'll,vogelf. App\e ol'o1\l1rll, lire It tnc~e(Hjy tlif>In, Rfld the J,eves eo da.Qured th,llt nothing appeal's but the liPl~1I and fI·u! tJ 1n Borne cue.,...rruit ill, nOlepRl'etl.
~ , 0
C~ttondee1ined ~eDrly
la' ,but I:IO~nB '~Clr-
Cu1l1l11 quote the ,YQte pravioulIl currenf., Corn ma.rket animated. Flour' ndvenced 6d 11I1~ GOf.D Ie 6d to 3~. Wheat Yn~ccQ 2Cl: " 'l'h~ N,jngarll 8l'tived lit ivcrpool ori SiltllTiln111t midn~ght, • The Pncific: W.IlII advertised to' "ail' on Wedhddny nt.2 o'clock. ~ T ~.grLogiliO" IJ~~·er1iDlQnt ha.ving erueed to IcC('ife to the demaJid of tbe.A,morielln Mini.teT.. he h•• d~mlln~ed his' PIl' S' ports nnd a~v,eri.ile(Uu. household ' fur '_ lUre for IIIle ' • D1 . The .,merlcau Squadron is still in b ~ange", " " e )lr. Cl" intend d to lanve Lisbon on tbe 19l'b. " 'fhe newe or' the d~8th 0; ~re8ldent Tnylorproduced great sensDtion in En,land. Tohe IOlldlng joumo.l" deVQte much
. I . ' trouh.!cs or the hUle g,rl, :ane! u\te,ed de J~ke8 n~out the ~o~elinell8 o"~M U8 . dl l1111ayoo to th'!ui\ Vl~W, • '1111111
, 3:
• • 8tyle, ~I~ all tbangs around ~tm mQne~ can ~urcbllee. cnmo along} but no lJjoiif Dotlce ot the little denr than ~e would.of a d$g. He .o~u.llr h.lqol~ hot teet <ID b~ IIwept IJOmpotlaly past. " A m!ln" WI~ a benrt, but' With D? ,re- re.!!lecl84 Bource. but hili own arduous Rnd uneeDslDg labour, I?uaed t~af wny, an? the ~cene arre.tlld ble .t.te~llon, and excited bls benev01e.lu sympnthJe.. He gen~lr r~bukf'd the theIr mlribfulneu He .I!DI~ttd the u,nfortunlte n ••_.""" 11' portion
,ll'1!gUL WIIS thy..ellnS~(:I;ely IIn.ro, ' ,No 4(1rl(cn~cl rDyt~r. LeMly 1:loudod.
But qmuk qs lhough! tho~ flllw c,\vay , 111 IIllt!1Y 8illl~B8 TnIUI1-Jl llCisltr.Olld&l .
NotwttlJ.tudiD, crooklJlp of , tain .peculator. Dod othera, to proV' uhort A NUT P.llIon!' ..... • aeJa ,..... I crop we are ItJlIlI!Y to bow that the crop. 'cucI' it re rl ~d from DUIILl".,,," ,,,, - A 1JrIt8r o~ the ,1I1'mert. Booth.ly Vlllt. oC ~ID generad)' tbrolugbo~t ol.r peru of '1rom ~ :n 1,;i1l111lpt:1l ,tor, ""'lOme IeD.lble lblDp t\l the far. (b$ counl~ \Vero nov~r more bellUt1l\rI,- called JJel1n11lrnden .• ...... of MalDo, which will apply ; wi,t"' rN.a gl'eat~r ble"Wgs cllbn bed ~'Johwedtu p'r fusaf of teoJ\y Linden b ~ ~ S '( Ion II natluu than II" ,. un an, !lnea o :f , - TI ' h equal lorce,to t e "rmer' (J uuro\~u til. e. 11 fi I if I~" ¢Ilr(h. It ill tfle p~/lyer iif .....ne . I"~trn, reclllllo -"He .. ',' ~' !v~r;~Jre: ~f the Jloil, Iln4 lltimulat.el tlu; l degr~ded It, by t,he: lltrochloliio,n. Why do '0, mllny ~(' ~ur f.~~er. oom- .lur4y farmilr to fu~cr impfoveinelltB,clD~ I liea8ta ~n ~e .tage. , '" ' ,plaiD dilt ~ey tida faraung.poot, u.l'p.-otlt. eXl'eri~leot.. Clreuui&llInc~B beyond the 1.0n Lind, when Drnrtl! 'UD Will .: able bUiliDea.! Deca... tbC:y try to eu.tlvate co,ntrol of ,we Ilk man prrx!uw" our Busten And bootles8 Wit tl)e ,wlfd' beast ,lltoW, ' tbl) mucb I.l')d. I'uminJ wtle.n , rigJ,ul Iloce, ,but it Can nC'~ bl,> denleel ttiot lIumP,;D 'I'M Les.ee counted' ror ~ ftow ' m'DqM illl,l profitable busines8,Ile a,per ingeriui i 1I~~ist' ; Jllllure very niuclJ;, Ducl . Of rhIno ta tho trea.. ry. ,.IOn.,.C&O pUNue;' but. w6i.1e out'cbll~1 1IIIII,ill suil ·which i~ eterlle aJ1J ~urrcn! ~/!lIn be _ ,' . ~ '. , \0 bico~.tantl~ !\dllllrfr-llcre fO lIero o~ our mllao to) PfOllilC8 the finest . gnUII. The 'Qut J~n?y J;imd, \(ho!'e w.nkencd Sight alr.ady uncultlva~d Belds) we ~hal1 find 'Qdv\luc(' of .if\te\li~ellce IImong the IIgri. Saw Dr~rv I~ IUt propel' hl;Cht, - .:&be ~~~18 poor t>nougb. : '..' CUl.to~BJ' comlJlUnily ' m,ust advance tht' in. RefQlled, rOf, an!, su,?, per Qll{h,t , '. ,; , A. you pillS thro~rh many oC 0111' New lere~t of llle COUIl~ ut large.-N. A. ,Fq.r. , •. To, 8~ng at hll rnen~~m" I,. ' ' 1. ', Subai::rJbol'8, Enrlanil coyntiet oborrve bow lIomll'J, of ' fflIIr. " " . .. ' ; '. TICI> tho tarmer" c..on~\lot tll~i!" affairs" ,/T~~y " I' , ' ." '0 YI8!,O ,,18!'/ CfI~4 bn 1.l'liJh!n~n 10 t1)e , The Beantiful '~bC8t Crop". , ~treet ,it re~ ~oy~ «I,n~~" rlllglo~ bell ~ 2, ' Ioem to t!li~k their farms o,1'e '1Ilrd(y Jaq~e enoUgh to t/ll'n upon, unlesil they cqntulII Our cxcl1l1nges cornea lOUdwlth glorioulJ Lost betwni1e tWI1Vtl 0 clock undo McKlu· from )00 10.'000 Dcrea, and ~hj!L they Jl'lUol. aclcounta of th" 'crop in Ohio. Our whent lIey'a ~t()'re on. market ~treel, II larue .. brass Iy hlive eClllU,ere~ ' around ~t vuriou8 place!!, crop i ~ e~celJ(lllt, bJtb ill quantity and kay, ',I'll nut ,lie Ili'ter tellill' ye'li \\'h3t It p'aportl .0 tbey ,lI.ctually 10le u.mucl~ timo i~ going rquDlity. Frubobly there WII8 never eo abo was, but. it WIlS the koy to ~he ,Dl;I1Ik.' , they '"'.6 from lot to lot a. wouhl be reqlwed to ulldunt II orop roilled III {hll, the first wllrat 'W' I h d Ii l' " ~\lllr btlls, anu , S Wte In ,l. t h' ' 10 notI D ' ('e mg. ' '".cep' te 0 acrn un der good 'cultrvation . Ule U' ilion. It 'II! n/)w a II harvclI· " b08 I "d bcomo \ overt ~.,..4 It aubscribors rvinnv., "to olhor plnco5 wilh· , Howflver, let till \vatcb lliem for a few ed and securedl ·. Tile proeP!lct ill tbDt ,a . 1m 8111)1 ur t? ' ,lOse ex,pre~8" y 1,Ie poe , out'infurming tho putih her. nnd thl! ~ IJl!~ i~ m0llcth .. and ..ee holY things go 00. rair, thought not' n lligh price will obtninef l lO th~ followlh,g ~o~h~t.c JlDee 1 '. , ' . lout t~ Ihe tanner ilirecuollI, tlloy IIrc JC" rllRbRlllt to !nuke 1\10 honr~ bel,ll. nqd (6 In ,be aprinlr'thl'y plow, up 80 much Illlld for it ontl tbe SUrplUl which Will thUll , be G, I wouldll t,llve .oreyerr 1 wowdll t I 8/10n Iblo. " . ~y'o wilh ttlnrs. -Allns. ' tJja~ tbeY, ca~not P!t!p'liro it for 'planting till , ourl ~V!ll gh'e nn !mpe,t.~s to oil kiods uf Ieould; • , " . " , e~ ~'~:~/!0l'u::er h~:o'~~~ltl~~1 t&~~nr~~~'Jlfic~~ vc)luml~~:~t:dfi~lI~IiI~!(~~o\;;~ ~I~l~ ~~~lh:'lfi~l~ itla." nelghbi:\ra are ~eor)y r,cuIJy tu com· businesli tTlIlt' hove IUllgtJl6hed, through the I, f ~ut I 'rdC~!l t "fret Q.~out It, for I cOllldn t ~ rCflloyl'ng nnu IOllvl~g it uncnlled for, is prl· 6S1 ",~ile'p:'I'''r. Prill"' ~;:' CIlIlt.. a copy or Ii rnellc;e boeing. " ' " ruilure of this crop ~he paat lIell~oo .. ,?UI' ,0 ',wPu" 11111 li\clo ov ldo\ICC of I~~RAIID. copies f!lr ill l. ,.. .. 1/ ' ,"',' ,Tbey han manure enougb fQr but little of loss hut yeAr was -drol:lllbly full ten mIllion .. ", mh ' L _ SB ' O~ ... _ .... tI::lt:l'O'P ~IlWB 'Rg0111 8! ' Bookeelle~8' lind olhor8,0wlll \heir land: and th~refore their IlrOpl lire of bushels Ilod (be p~iee or lhia IInloun n'YPOCRONDnrA1USM,- '.Lll' °l.mosl~ UAnap' N:"'j,Y1I' W LA~l ,. 'titl"'.. \.I' ilirbo i be lIu/II/Hall IItllO vilry li,lwqst rnlOls by N 11 d It · ' .1 :I , ,' I-. ·' 1 .' 'py of nil mell Is he who e levell •. . v .1: " WO.I g oove " .r-' f., " P . .PETl!:ll:sQ . Ima ,a,l. 11 C. ' ' . de ...lI~tcu .rom tile ur .. nary !Dcome •.was 60. I to 101.ll~1I! Ihe cllUlllUl 01 Wllyncsvlllo No, 98 ,Cho8JJU t:)t:, f lulndelphill, ' Tbelrfencea are Clot preparr,d fnBclll!Q.1I apd 1I1,l081bly and I$everely (('It, more espeCIally '. , . . ., :1 ~l1d VICInity thaL 1)0 J IP.& 0l>tll\utl !l 8holl Etlitor&1)1 o ew~pollOPI copyillg tbo IlbOV II 0110 ,eonaequently their fiell\~ , are covered with ill the gr'li n. growing ports of the Slate.- Sometlmealhere ur~ hVLDg bell)g~ JIl nil· to! lIle rpOllo bl arrYlllg 111" the ~~~ve or lOorll iimos, ' shull' have Ihrei! cOjli cll of thu ftoclt. and berds of fheir neighbors. '.ChOColate JlJIJrnal, ' ture lUI bea"Uful us in ' romun ee. Reality busiJl ll88 1U1lUt> 10rDlorly 1 OCCIUI' ~ by ~um ', work .icul tIIem'by uiDiI. F - 27 " h' , '" fi Id 1 tl d >;1. " ' , ' , • -' ' d b I lIel JmIO$ ucc. S)UU 0 1\l(un streot 0 __......i_ _ _ _ _-.,.._ _ _ _ _,..--'---:-"edie Or t elr mow\Jl.. e II are COle ' .urpllll,ea ImagllllltiQn, on Wl' .ee. r('ul ,I · f w tloor~ Hou u whqre he will ' "jib bl.cktie"7. bushe8 lind briars, neavf'1Vheat.. , , inq. Iirigliu:niog, and movillg berore our 6u happy 'to who IlIny fn.yor Thelforchard.. !ire , neilectf!d until they We nre Informed .by Mr. Wxn. nurnel ~ l ev:eBI /lighls d\ll1rer to our ,11I1urt" hun 0 hinl "'ltbn from me ~~pIetely buii~'With de~d w~od ami of o.ur town, that ftom 0110 fiold or «,light c\ter 110110111 III the Il1nd qf tlIQe.p;-Anoll, , &04 the .Il~c~~rl, and robbe,4 of tbelr foh~ge i>y n~l'~J, ~n Ole ,fl1rm .~f. At~. ~o~Qrt. BlIfll,e tl ' ~-r.-~...... ' " ~~~~~ catterplUara. • ' I '.,. , , 01 ",ollilui'J LOl\'lleh i.., ill tills COlinty, there , H(' wbo the .,word of heaven "'QuId benr tlilll Now la lny ~e ot a 1<1'" to dli~\'er wby were 900 d zen of wbeat cut this , y~ar.- siLoJld be 11$ holy n6, t c,'ere. , , : ennnot ' IUC!\ faTUling ill unpr06tu.blel Not il)' the ThE) ~ heot i. of' tile bel~ quallr,y. and the ', .. - ' ,, • ,', publiQ 'l~Mt.. • " .. , . . , , bln'ct'tolerubly lorge'; and It ill ' thought lhe , SllliF ..RADJUCK. ~Tho suc,uclla :of in~i. \rulltcd \.0 hid An~ ypt this i. precisely , t\le l> waY .tn y1!'l ld will reach ·tiny busllel8 to the acre. vldqulll-III life', Ie greatly , owing to their \ proYl'I1• nhd C\.udi!!';;~\~b~ ' which mllny farma are conducted. But Who'l.n beat thot! Lf't U8 hear ftom lhe early leu1'ni l1g to tlepclld upon their own III perbapa ~o~ ml1y IDqu.ire "ow \ 1ie ei/II Illay' mOJl ,Ihllt cun.-FayeU Fr~. rOllq~ree8. Money: ur by lhe 'CXl'ectution be remedle~l J WIll Lell yOIl'1l0. s,,11 ' ,. r. of it by inherilun ()e, h,ns. ruined 1II0re lIIen your land, If you cu,nool • .,lllt..... LI).lId III. ' I, • than ever tbe Wllut 01 dlel. TeaCl y,oung mOtlt ..id ,ive it away, till you l1a\'o remen tp rely upon their own eft'orta to be Cincin:IJnII duced your farm to .uch a lize"tliat you c,:an -,- - ' frugul and lildustrluus, ond you havo Itlrnieli· cultivate it properly. Plow qP no ;more A Hooric [ ,in )J'!$l(ui. . cd t.hem with Il,produotive cD'pltlll wbicli no r-7-:-::Q:mi.i~luffi~~iii~r;-::;land th ..n ydu "ave 11,Iffic,ent manurc for, ' ,Til.., Editor of the Ci,lIeilll1llti Enquirer mllen can over wrest Irom thcrn, " ana can P,repa"! lo~ planti", ~""on.- ~ritillg 1,01Jl ~ Irom Q06to~, }oll!l tho follow- . - • _,..-...,..;_......,........,._ ~palr Jour rQnc,:etI)n aea80!1, to pratc9t IIIg~~\~ry~ , '" , ' '. , Mr.!!, Parth,gtl'n your ftelilll ,and l'utUreI. #.emove ali ~m- , Wh terl'l f!:Jlll!! "cel rn thi cit)llll!l fbough , .Mount VCIltlviui. iI"~ tree. and bUlhes from your. ft"lde. III ptrllit ' \V~lilltcdllt, (91' 'their f1~raohul r,Sdr89pl1riitll, to- cure. ':$et out I~UD' fnlil tree.., .nd Ite~p them hberty Is 110 Ile~lt()d . ,in 't b.llt , frec~O Ill of ~c. 'l'be old l 'l.dy lllink~ i~ h\lll been: , Vlllntrllntr ' (ree trom 'Dleott and u.ele.. rubln.h~ and tlon I.. gone. Tholla IIdU'cted to 8lf1oJpng so long, nothibg eL!e would stul' ),ou will find 'tblt farmln,l ill Clr from being e.pecially. foel tllllCI! th e. dCllire to promell· st-omecll. ' , "_ d all uQPrQ!table business. ade the IItro,l'lll, cigllr in m.outh', ,from tht' , , " bare flll1t Jhat lhtt"8ncmiell 'of thf) Irug....nt "Dod, give an~ nn opinlop. or,: "What I From &be ~lfc:i~Q Fannor. weed hllve forbid ita uso in thl! streets of Idqd 0" lin opinion; lIonny-Wl 0Bi.fon!ll Fedak WOrk. .holl. ,~ Bo.tC?n. I heard ,an CJI ellellt 'auecdote of lilt a .. opinion!" "No, dud, ~ive IQEI a ~Dny Jrla. tasu-Dear Sir: A• •I ~ave had the &dv~nturell of a Iiv,I' Huosi r in thi8 -It'. a ,seat.I·~Drnl!'~ offer III 'fn ir prico~ , All -1(OCId deal of "'p'rlonCf In f~e(hng worll dty, which iIIUII(rlltes the municipal, regula. ' . , < ' f lind !l~pccllli Rr luvlred Ii> cnllllud ~ I" .ummer, while at farm.work, flueh tiona of this mulJlmy, , dllJ8e~t .jn (J it)' be\. Our youtllrU'1 wll!be. ore Iplna of tell nur 11°008. • . . I ' •• ~blol etC'.j aod hllve trIed .everal ler than a !look Alter a " dinllor at amolie: which rille ranidly at firsti remuln We WIll Rttend peraonn!'>, 10 r II Rlrlil g C ..... ,I • .l t , .L b t d ' • ••.. ~ , . '. .. " . '. Wiltches AccordaonsIDndJeJ.'elry.nll.lwllrrnh _l(l'rdoon .. ':Iu to JQe ea an 2'_Ollt ec., his botlll, be IgOILed a cigar. and Btllrted ,wlrlle If! the air Without. IUICCIl(}tllg, on I ." Dt;ARJ..)())IUF ,'Iv TOUJ(J!;R, ' I.' ~ , '\hon \Ire ilj88ip(1ted:'~" " .1~· O: ' dt{ l ·lUl .,« 11'.! ' o,*omlcal r,oOde.; I 1m .~~ll1iea tll11t -Que lor a~.t/loll, bUihel ~r corn i. almo fwqr'th twp or' ol\~ , , .Aller II few ,ateps .a policoinan tapped1 " , 'J fhl~tipiJll'lili:l~ for hol'ile feed-corn' wel,hlo/t lJ61bIJ, and him on' tho shoulder aDd I"formcd t,I~ ·that If a person complai1l8 want' or PJta '39.. j Jtnd also, tbat I ~an raille aoJ the prnDlty was tw~ dollar.. fllr lbo oft'ence you ~lIy be lure be w\llitea"delll or it '001. man, ~Ulbel8 of corn rhlm .a,:, acre, as of of .moking: He promptly pulled l.ut • Illbly. ' .' oata. and tb" eorli doea not lOJurl' the Iftnd tlV~ dollar bUlIUIU..recelved t:llree jn etJlluge. . ~.~'---''''--":"",",~ much u oatIl; 'tlaerelore I/ifft the'cul· Proceeding ~n Iii_ wal\J, ill a ' few mipuw, f'len II~' alwllyl' mU~llrillg ot tne bard· c:::;t..o~~r;:Il:~iter"; llvation of the ru~ner a decide prefer'eJ1ce. I he ,.ext met a bllrgar girl wh\l uk't!d fur ship of 11nll wc.rld, yet how thel · dread to C8tenllelltlll,r anti • , The next I., which la.tho .mOlt lomelJllni to ent. ' '.Reeol1ec inJ ~bllt he leave It. I , , usliins' -children's , wboJeeome lor the hore'.'. ,nd on wbl~l\ had the remOiDiJ bf II hunlCof /lIDger.breqd' , ., \ colo~, .ill be perform the' n.0iI~ ,wor~' All w,'U tho ;'p!icilliar diel' of a908ierlan~. 10 hil A C~l1ro H~T.--80llle ~~ RIll h... All thllt eorn, afte, it ia r1pe, an4 WIth , ~eket"he IIY,j"rouaiy lI~r~d It to the~leh' .ent Cui. W~lIii~e" .of ,be 'PI)~~lphla ~~r:~:~:~:!~~~ I,lo~:~!~~:~~ ....:;...--:.~_--'"=--,-,....,~=.;:.=!", tli. win~r. ill ~ Gild ~fcQlIt. Again he ",411 topped On the ahdu), SU." li.'. lf o( a 5cl~or., wj~ ".lOiiN:qY!IlIJ~ to '*'t+...:...,.rt-'i-..,.....~-+rA:-=:'1J1()¥_~"'ne bl,lt sqme wo,ulil '~1 tlta l • d~r by th~ p~llc rna)), ""Id. told it wDe '~l ~ ~41Qu ' all em~le~ 01 ~ilJgl~: 1!I"IIeI,l., it Is too litlillit'ilir lu .ummer. To guar~ ~lIhhlt thl! Il1w,I of lJofItorl to giYe) aWlll 1;Ie.... t,;ulullet.yot,l tla 4.I), w lj ~h ~'n.t.th.t dlftlculW, I hllV& 'been In the qftill, 'lis it all belonged to U o"('ity, IUI~ reo 'better half."-Albawy ' )(."ic1r. ," ' .blt of wring pund r,orn ~md,wheatb.an, qUli'ltl'd two .dollare for hi. grovo oft'ence. :rr , wltb CQt .ua~, or 'cu~ ha1' which, by tlie ' Th~ Ulree dollar bill w~ dR~n ou~ and Jf.:lIetterJlicJl. tbo veternn 4U1~I.n Il~. 1.,. I. an ~.cellent method 1 have &110 when the pollceJDali tendered one in\,hlln. ~Utl~tl WillS ot the lut ~ccounta 'I r.18, ~ked .oy com In ",atar ftlr abuut 1~ h~urel ge it "a. r,efuaed by the' lfooaler witb tho p.a~achlnll a c":.~ b'a:.~.:. t1eI1lIICl'G~' and then ,fed it with bay, and w..tb gooa CQQI remark. "No, keep It. I,Iaall UIG?II to H!, Ie anx OWl at' e .o-&"uPCall OV/ilr'1l- ~~:~~,~.~~~~1~~~:: 1Ucc:eaa; buL tho ""ttl', ultlea. e"anl'ed vilIi"le in II /elf) mi'llvh, " m.erUII .hlin return to ,Ole atate t,b '1. were .nell, wIn "become lOur, o.nd tben the hQr.ea . two yeare age, ' " imJlIJ'O'ellliltil8 , rer~ ~ eat It, t br tile 1..., t :0 r The MaJolf. • ,' , . . . fOIl aI'J -corn ,in tbe (or ,. dent W'e wC're inucb ,amilleiJ ' the othflr day pj)~er8 ~ttltue ,of Coll~oul1 kind,) 8IId '."41" elle~ feed ot ~rn !llve ' l1 'with tbe' M'jor" litO!,), orh~jrat.a~yenture the .111", Elizabeth; recuDtly, "wrll !.c.IIW·,offl tiulJdll'-()/ green qor""J.alk., w1ii~ I lOW .In jewelry. In due time ' .be Xl1jl)r gut I.NOW York,. ,. J!roitd cUt, near my hm', for tlie PU'~;' married, as ~Il vounglolb ..,e bound to au; M~ ' P rtl gt.~n wallt& to lln,;-' if ;~Cil;;;oilicl~r ~~~:i~~~r~:~~:iill~!! ana 1 mlWt .,e~nClwlQYe Ip)' te~mll anil, In th\, cnUl'Cle of tl.l1!e, he found him" . . ~i S'I ·1 M' I b " I U lte Dey...r COlt Ie"", I'Ior worked be\ter ... nd 'k~t 1(1\1" In N. Orlean. w"li ,au extra huudred la~ lilt. II J .ttf1' ,, 'li'~,IC e fD tban , tbfr b,n upnJf doll .... in lil.,pocl!et. ,. " ; J~ epa , aA, e ,..()mrnoo 0 IC e. , , ' and p n eotnatal~lI. The. I D~teJ'mined . to 'do ~hlnp up ball.d~m~ty . The tredonill Etpre.1I SOY8: !fl.. S. Wi,. eo'tq-ata~ appears..to be what III tI,~ way' or preeenting bl. wire ,!Itl,t IOU. (If lbla oftilleJ one day ll.t week, let to mIX 'WIth the dlT corn to eornt' bandllOrne,pl'elenla, 'h. maroo\'d Into ~,1IouicM of Jon I'imer " Inake It dll"t well. Corn ltalks may be a jewelfY'lore, ~l'Ir.J to apend thirty -colu our' r .ll.IIln 1:..':.." "';"'• •P~H."~~I'. ,!"It twlc~, lI' the)' aTe not cut bel~W' 01\ forty dollarll fol' uncler tlJe de'u. We ~nk thl. ~::r'hanl to'bealt, nn Inr: • ~Iou tha~ a ~m BO cnorn:.0u , w~uld b!JY W.;aut,ho'llc8 u.. to say he wi)l' 'give any _ _ ~JO !1cttlie firi~ U!R0r. ." ';?,' l'oura. &c., , , , ' Y. ~. ev~rythlng .nll tno.r~ ,too. The .t~~tlve mon wllo ,viII beat It another triaJ. .. . ~hool,. ft, Apr~1 13, 1860. ' cJerlt wll1~d ~n 11111 .uDl'!!on., ~nd pallde~ , ' ,[ " , ' \,' " ,r 1 i .' . out a lot QI article~, tfi~ pq~efl 01 which va· 11'1 St. Lo)lis on the 3~ iJltilnt,l,the wife EeonolDf I. . . . .lp' .Wlleat. I'jell (rom ol1e d Ulif l4, filly • h i ' 'd' ... A ...tl1e cou." .... im~ve. Wi1b 'he InttOTh" . i .... of a~ec un 0, rell IIIg on _or,,,n street 'f. bo"~ -I..I h. _ . e ",aJl)r l'X9 DI nlnl e .s ••ol1meut l4'veobir1h tI, a .till.bUrn male IM.llt bR.· , dUCUoD'1I[" r...V nea,mqUI", ""'k ' , • 1,1 I uk"'"'" I .maw. . tie na-• with . it critkal , ' . eye ' f"lt nf .,.. " 1111 Cort~.. doJlat. i O"'\WU ..,..18T:'L ... nC t h eadIon h'I.n ..... rewo uuon' 1IIe. p ace ,In I , a. Ito' with a gralld,loquenl ~rl and ordert'd some. ' • , '. . " t ;;:- {~loW~d .O!' ,.,w~eat; f Ini~II~1 of thlna ellpensiye. fancvigg tbat it 'Would TUE HU,LTIJ OF '1'IIE CITIJlS......Jn N. Y. " OW, ~t (I ,0 Pf8C~ ~ ~oug d II, reocb all )lrllb II 'thfe4.> cent... " \ , lut week ~he deaths mum~ 467. of tw,ce or \Brice. re.ln¥e~t, II,for ~be gras.. an ~ moro~oo The cIeri p'laced upon. ala .. ease two which SQ,'were cbilcfreu under .;Jive 'years ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f9n1t'll-ane 9PJI9Iiun ('.oVEred ~o~a, Which upon be~ of a~_ , in Philatlel,ihia the deaths' were ~J n:w ~~taljlln~ plo~b Dig open04, prelented a ".riety .of neck Ie· S~8, of whivh 148 were cIJildren ullder the ODC8' I. p, an ......r-w01 II', per. eel arid Bnl!'JI rlnp. leome alff'. In Dllltimore 184, of w6~c1, 88 =J:n~~':fn;~t':7,:':~::f The ~~jW tJ:.mlnlcl tbe a Iil'er~ t&ildren. ', IlflloatoJl68; 84101' .wJlicb _I _ ",J.. . . 11110 ' orb -..I " I ...." crlt.lcal' mauner, ,,14 Ali tha~ he wel" cbifdren. ' '4 _'lIN u.J 0 w.: e ~ o.oee IJ~ would take tho IBfJl'Ht box, and deml,ded ' • .. ' ' , ' ~l • t.- mclemaJPI t~"1.~aJI'ordfD! the j!ijce wbile pumn,. out billl wall~l. ~ BCllm 'of bloC';k lead' hu _bee~1 di~over. ~ :. 'tC~1JIO!.~. ~or • 'I,oujin. "You un h.ve," .. tel die c;-Ierk, witb 801· cd near St. Julina New', BrunIJW~c". 'l.o-i ~ • 10 ~- ..... , an op _Uti It)', or e!Dnltt,. -tthat tiOJt for ted U.oUADd doJ. • •• ", , y'cnr,,,,tJom the au~bOD't~lIt water {o o~ 'th.ere~ lara. II . , ' For th~ l\ti • 'I Vultor. by .000i.., the llilbUllJ of the pu~d to Ioternally the Major (,It utoni.bed. out· A.lI 11l8TORICAL l:l'fl&~ -:==~iP.~~ji~ff.~~1~ bi'ftJr or beaYe. , OD land comparatlvel, lid_Ie Will u tool aria a cucumber-the .,,-- " .,' i lJ I :. f'ref from .ttJbl- •• .1 etoOH, sa all old , . , A nAO, .am.... n () co I me, J ' , c:Jeated IUd ahoUid'i: l' coD.,der &hI •• pri ad &:one, over hi. pIle Ind hi. q . Wboeo conqu8I1S aprelil O'lir not)' CUm,. ~ __ I~"'...1 I ." . 1: 1~ I pectationl Jllat nine tboueand nine hondred The firll 01 th'l deeP9llc race --- 00 u.e 0 II P an.- a d t . II d II ' AQOtbftr lIlpronJDfl'h 11ll~t \lOulderlJtionl a tbe n ""en:Ji ·.,ve ., lira. •. Who paau and mllrcy d_ d~lTllee. d ' c:e ~ bed tbe I bor '1n With a BAllO rauID lbat lIunk deep IOt.o A city fUled (or enterpri~o, 1fOO~ on:.r o:!,m ilsb!ll! I B tlie heart 01 the ~lerk, 110 ..ld:, Bllt \loon}" by .Ron"" no more to ri!~ a~ c:u~tlv.to; C)C!.io~::r'fi "II &ha' &he Ill~' ptlced jewelry you \Vhe.re tllins or an empire !land. . ~. '11 be ft' ''; I ri . have lD your ~1\ , qo .. " rlll~ \he world at ber cumma~ld • .,.., 1J1 , eome De., pu. ve .' The Wh ere pIillMop1\1 Jirt t rlll"""-..... ' __ d ,L . b d 110 W 0 the time of ileedi.,. ....Ivea the W clerk .. ' ItI "it wu jlllt tht'n." an , d ill tread ~ for tJae ~ .. ell" dfawled lbe ,.,.jor, "'lYing j\il WberQ 1'1ramill. Uld ruin. atllllcL \he tti tiny doubt lbe IU band ,~mewbat, in &be .tyle , of Juliu: A .trellD, wbaee intinaa..ionl i'ite. l-u f1ri0lJ. r tble cde I td'aa- let him~ry Ce..r: thl. dOh t co.t enoa,(h to .ult me, And \hOI the place of flllO au'ppliea. --:--'-;;;--;;;-:;-;;;=~~~--;:--;-, .__ ~I 0 m 0 .. -, and wltb a Iwipg of grandeur. he left the ~rt dUee hundred GrecianlUlocl.. Me. .t.o~. , Aocl.lrIIwed tbe around with Perl.... de.a • B~ That nipt, the clerk re~ec1 to hi' Wbere Spar .... teet the bailie l_~ JIr. P. D. the followlDI C'U'e (or empl.o,er. that. ODe of the nc:JIeat men in Wu buill tllo bridlO by Xl'I'&ea' ~ dte kiIlDf1 WCII'IIl, wbleb be anllodJen hIVe d.e world wu ID toWD, .and be wondered Whe:e G.. 1condu· mio.. lUlfold, _ lor aenra1 , ..... wida e.tbe '''OCell. how be left! 'I1he dllmoad brilbr. the )'oUow ""I t i. t.o ib8 .aJmaI ._11Ited I 0.. of , Wbere ~u. '.WI lIIacted I.. eepperu il.ilj. 'or. Of elpt I mike Some~ ~* polltDea. I. like Iln And each hid of the laml., • ....." & -!Or. vi . . . two quart.l of eona Il1011, air eolhlon. ..a7 be allthlDI i~ It, Thll a/iPs. &om ...a-1lGme ....-,[111, aM "!ala ........... ~uolve the above 'kt h . . . ~jol.. .r0D4ertull.,r, Wbo.. blItof1 by HCIID8r MUJC.! .......'J of coppIIU lD a *<Up of _ a r m ! ' " WhaN _mlDC bUlowa d.. b . . . ~jIra,., &tIr. 1M .ta '.....hoIe t.oaed*; tileD 'P...,.............. berqn • eguTt lor O'er roaIr.. t-earh-whb ...a,. -'" it 10 tile Mr· It ~ UppeD' bonci ..... ~. An. bmD.I p~ DOt Metropolil ortlae ....... worldM • wHI DOt Mt it .. 1Nt; ....... pllty, &lie ..... bim bj . . . . . an al " . . . . . naIIIhrled. .."' ................. a.t. _OIIli1_ a .., ..... - - . . . . -., the "....... Apoatl...' ..."'. . . the BriDC 'nad ........ tha ..... die wi .......... g Ii,.." ...... 'ftI 10..., two .... 01 1M - - '11DOt.; r. an of ~ daIeriW, tba iaI..... ~w~I.II]I~to 'PaIdt.- '!.IP I .... ~
_·.·h. . .
. .,._
I. r 1h
' o[
collection in
'tb ...:
:r, .L_..t::,.
C:r wied.'
.1[....;T..."0" ,. 1fI,.
_=_ •......--. · !'hJIrlm~~
¥!W." dIat.... I
BY ,TlIOK 11 lIl/ClLL-iNAlr 'lU.'ED.
'Fali dweller by th;dua\}' w~---
~ Brilht lI~nt wi~ .. ~ ilbr1ne. , be ifibu ~ '01" a Gart to-iS.,
Weat7 an~ worn ill thine.
The earlietlt blOiloml of ibe ,e~. die 'fiol."
,'J'h•• weet·Drier _
~he pioua b"ad ofSpd. hu here
-..:=Upo'n tQ
aI~ __"
. An'" licit .1One to ,..ee '"
Tb. bom., ot"th, pilgrim'. kneeBut oft tlilliwoete.t biro .ofHeCl-"III~ Q,lld.. and Quail 'to .~~ .
ao, n
' H'ilns .d~y from Iilalieechenoell ' , i Thl her~h ectlllrnsl I"all to drink, , !l.4. 11_' _ltti ch~lltkto tileir be~ '1 Kfclll\8 .1QDt thy brillk. '
hen ....w......,~ blo.:kil hi, whee.., 'Po !~"tIIe oool.ad pneroul boon,
Her.1i01b ' . lUI"" barnd fielu The ~re I'IIIt at Doop. •
. '.
»ear mQUY".htiD'~tho\l bl_ed IlInt-'!Ana.a, tb1 .~11 ,,~tomaie,
,.·WorD iIul .r.ln't, -
, Wlao, on.diJ, heart . . ...~
• raomeDt'. peaoe.
, ~
1. ' ~
.. or ..., 'naena....el.er. '7 A. M. W • or. M. 'A 81 'n 11
Com, 8.1."
•. I
.. .
Flour-old WhUl, ¥ bUl. .. new ""lIeat, 1I11tter Y fb .' ~,l'dql.
LlU"d, 100811,
at ~ola~ neow ¥ bU.. • , I'OULTRY. Chi~en',
"cl-..• •. •. •.•. .
old 'l'urlLi_ Y" Ouek.,
' 1,00
• •
• •
6.00 ];20
' Il will IN;U at p.ivate aalel my l'eIiiIence .ieelll8 near die jo' rimulil' ~Ieetioi 80_, tn W.yooiIVUlfl, a. a y ry low price-paJ' TJlu.au E'vuIl'lCJ, Au• . I~ 18!!O ....... w flUr. The liollee it in ,00II repair, two FJ;(l'I1a &. UUIX-1'hu detDimd lOt Ftvllt to· .10.1l1li blgh, ]6 by 28, Y. im lour room_, II. kitCh·
~~!!~t;~~~~~~~~~~~~Qn;,~e~~~~~ ~
~.~y;_~~!!~!:~~.=::'"ii~It==::==:-Be~~~~1I :=:=:;=~;;;===Fn:=;:=
eula relatN . ('believe aU tbe ...... ia the Ler.ncl. '~:l~t::~~~.!::: our re"el'l or T.lQlwl aftd the Coran. th.a' tb a unlYer- ~ ....,.,.." --.,... ~,...,....'"--::.:-:: II III .. ~olltin' 'toia, we to give ... frAmel. without a ' mlad. Gud ..ever '~~~~~~i:~~~1 ~ buveat: It .n iD.enlon.-Lqf. . wrought mirac;les to Cloll,,;nee Atheist. Pe~'1ulr. Ther;t caD hardl1 be a ' from '~~~Ing of gu~.. lay- the cause' ordJllary works- .re IUfficfent to One "".,."" " ~ th., the Whe.t crop of Siuee 'I wlll. ,l~e~ou,a littl~ he}1l in ~~yi~ee tHelli: ...It Ii true' tli'at a li~tle ·~t )'e!U' will be-the ~ever they .dYllIlp.pe.... ' . ", .. ' plll\oIIophy: 1nollneth men'. nliJl~!I to Atbe. Within the. plat 1.00 we haYa received, are .till Great BrIt· fA , oei'~ln mbltlout, youth froID ilm; t.u,tllepth in phUoaophX brlagcih tbem ,"~~!lHrom all the S~\ea of thill Bee. Ag. . ' . ClOu~tl1: 1ured 1llmllelf ~II ~ clerk 'to one \l11I,k to ,religIon; for *hiJa tbe mind of man tloD of tbe Unton. ~d .whlle, none of " , Fait Dtlylpir• .' the , large Ghlnl\ ,' rel,all eatatllhth~lle~tl In 100~e£~ up'on lI"cond Qau~ .cattered,d t of leBl .thall til IverllP yield Horaell are ot\ener rum8.d by (.~t lowej'part C Droa'll11' and t~ .duly may, 1I0ll!etlm~. {elt on them, and' go , no 10000lJty. many '1Il1: thll oroI' I.n In .ny ,othar' 'flay. Farm horael nto t Itb ":Iy.te es o[ \ ,abcrock:~ further 1)llt wb!!n it be~oldeth the oh.;i .. diatrlCitl will tie of' '£ull aV~l'age aot u!ed t,o trot. .muotl, I(ld never t etng;,I5~nt round t e cI the~ , C)onre~~l.ate and linked. together, · no l few ..•'eak of co,D~filer~t;to . ra.t.) vill. wear thr~e 'o r ro~~ times' as to g'9'ry: ,. mUtt: p,eedll lIy tQ"Ploui4e.n~e aQd ·Deity." , . wlieteln Will be (arneald n1",cll mor,. IllS horae. that are uefld for (lilt I~II or a , ." I " .: " t on,the copffQr I tbe usu.l average. ,t)nd I.bot only 18 ,the ii no ullClOlnmon thina to find' firm h~1ses W~I ' T~~ TalismAn ; 0[' (:lha' lemagne. . ' "(ill 'be cqn~hlu, ' ~ a larp..oneLlt.l. alllo. very goOd one. active and ( od at twenty.Cour e "r hJ'lta to hlill " LoUlII N apoJeon, Prellldellt of France, " " 'rbe fP:&U;a ,I,,1potea oruolverllally: t Y . , Q age. effeot, ·until onn hoi in hie pos~Blion .olle of the most i ) 'oarl!i' a~ver~lo.r8 only to P~lIIJ1P ~lJd heavy. \11~' ~l1e. or tW? dure 1I~~rrvin~ J:~e~ha:!~e~~~r~~ en- w~. ,!cnt , It with his ' ealrt terelltrn~ rt'Jjh~ of former ~!lYII• • It ',i ~, own l~~tO buemeel' . ties, a lIme "lit h~e lieen spoken of One of the"evile. or rast driJiD .ill the With y clpnll to ,the rUpp~Jr part t ,or . cllarm,·, wh!cb.'~v:a:1I c0.nsta~tly " Tl'le. L~~" of 'Now~pa,,~rs~ . I, .pp.red late auel wall con~ed to the exoeB~ve 'pera iratio!' excIted ~nd t.Il tn~ city, and dId 'not: return ttlll nea~ly ClfIlrlemngne,an4 \Vbicll o/~~ound 1. Su!JsGribo",~' who .do nut. rive EXJ'!l1ll!~ . straw, a"d n01ybere, have we .een ,ny want of attenti~n arterWII d ' 'c Id . e nlgbt\ and then only ~Ith the shafts of the from the neck of the ' Emperor TICJ:: .to Ih~ c~nlrlll'Y, .IU'~ ~oO$IJcred .wlswng to IiIllnt/on made of licit wheat. . . d if' d ~ . , f'i 11 r B 0 a are hand cllrt. 'Up,on betng aaked ' what was the sepulchre in' 1166 conllnue t11cl,SUJ!sCr1£lIons. . 'th . 6 ' fi fi 'll . fi ; a crop all hse Deen,' reaped thi,B a. the matter, fie eni4 thllt 119 he It to by the C;lergy . 2, 1£ '10. ,ea,t , $e .PElople of. the Western State.8 f8st driving a borae' .hpuld tie Yt . U t lip lIroaaway, 6nme cursedfellol'{ undertook of A,x,11 Ohll.peUe the on his dqath pl\.8s ed to nre ~aiil!l ·, Foe "110. , "Gi sdlislioh, t 2Q• • , '. '. -,.,. ought with one ac~ord to lift thel, vol. to Hit"lImba should be 8tbb ~ a end ~ hall~ out Ii dry hi<le, which frigbterip.d tbe prescnt' N Ililole.on. The talisman il ()rrerU~e to'loke their ' 'I'~oae d~ir~;-'g (urlhe,rtInforl'natlon will pie... ees ,in', · tbanltf~lneB8 to tbe ~eather ia 'cold a blank ' u he 'Idan . 111m, and 'be' run; .th~ people oil tried 10 fine gold, of round' form, ' set with gems, papera ~hjch dieyare aen t,lIddress thOldelters (St°s paid)lllto'1oa )Jeat!.1.IId wiU ,not.only thct( table,S put' oq before tQe Bt. ld etop.bilP' only him mure, al!d in the centre are two tough Bllpphires, t'iils abqndane;e.ail~ theu:,~Od,e8 . ' When a :ahortatop ia made 'ona ~:u:e : 8,lld fil1ally.u:~ ' attempting to turn a corner I p.ortion of the Hoiy Cr~8s! 'beslett's oth.er ell. . . ' ' p p. ,nu , , ·,. R. $, NEWto~., JJIIOD oCthe'FClculfY the Severities qf heat n.nd eold, but they to give the horae breath ito bla k J . h ld he ran .agalnst a lamp·post and smalhed rellQB brought {rom Palestine. 'Fhe bls, 4. I1auhscribera remove to otllerp1tlcea wl\h. ; LAWDEPARTME~T. .' ~ . i cOu I the contents to nto{ns, lenving 'oDli t111~ tory of this precious relic ia, that it was 'o ~l lnforrning ~o publ!sher, 'and tbe papor i8 RON. E, 'Vi, wJli!le ahle tO ,prosecute., 'yith energy the be tbrown over rum He wan~' theS M. KING.Profeeaor', ofTheoTyllbd many;, a.chemea ot , i1npr.9 vement they , hav~ . I 't' I h' • , "' reBl shafl.s hllhging to ' him, ~ith Which he rlln presented to Ch'llrlemngne ' by Haroull al sent t~)o!he fOf!Dllf, i11rection, they lire brlhl re· · Practice orT.\lw. : ., jjo~v underway, with!,ut 'Incurrini "embar. a rT'b'le~Ola ~u· ~ ...;"" nc~' .... . t . · -60 far ipto (he country berore he .I·ecovered Rascbid, in the ,y ear .797, witli several ro. IIp~ns1l~li!e·Co ' .~. } d 'el'ed th o . ' l'. i ' , Hon. V.,D' iai l!ARRY\ E/lq:, Pr!>feli.~r of Com· raSsing oblill'11tio"s ' 2Jld to ft ffd bts ~.. III 011 uluere e In fro hi f ' bt d Ii ~ 't ' d)' f k' d d a1 " Ii ' "'. 0 ur.. ' lavo em , a. te,ue ng tQ ,;, metc Junepruacncc, . ' , . , . II!' ~ r ,yay 0 e reg\ird' to a fao It r drl'" . '1.. peop A t m s ng " ,a"l weI so muc 10 19ue, les 0 m re v uo; t e latter are shown lake a newspaper or periodical from ' tb'o olliee TJ;illll_S!!O per 80sa\on. All communlca· . the paafye~f\ which but f~J\ aueh • bou~ti- Cleal 'o( 'ull em ~ 0 ,'. y!ng. to d·~ea thst it had .taken him all day to ·get bome. jll Aix 10. Ghl\pell~ to the !I.r esont dlly: Iiut, or rom!>ving and leavlDg It, uncalled for,;s (lei: tiolle po,r(iLining to lrue depllrtmeni ~u,t be ad· ful harv".t 'm ~ht , pave ,glvan them grea_ 8' ~Ie e~ll '1 necl;!SB aryr b}l!de . The youlh was promotm! the talisman'was buried with Charlematrne maJaclo.cvldonco of INTBlft,JONAL DAvtl. dre&sed 'to . . "eft II In"' "'__ . ,,;,Ove! ... In.. "'0 • ..., we. 0 ne liaul t 0 a lUI n. • IIII db oen ·w orn ttll ' his d,eatn,in "" R' , ' ' . . KlNG ......... "'-~ U .... , .4n : b amp,ere d th ell' ,nen., ... LIt ve';. Zrl..""".~_ '_,e,' . ' , l 8bY w h om It ' GRo~~a. ' 'Faculties. foiilltelltJotu .E , W . .~.alliL\liee Ii.... .. •. i. LIoU. au"' u"e'- , the" ho-o .v to gv .,..... ' to' W d' .....~-- fte"'~-Sl ,..~...~ , Tho •.moral, o~ea1'8. · t . . ,. th'e loute qn "sing ground 'arill"to ialte . e dD't believe the follOWing nneoooLe 14. . . . ,. , KNEI8LY & BROTHER wurth Illd p~raonal .~~liiremente; :will com, , T4rougJi n,a.rly III of. tlie.~. atate~j rail. , h th " ad'U b ' d' haa been printed, aud it is too good to be ' WMlc8alo a'fJd R8tt~1 Orooerl, 1'{0. Old MIU' pare favorably 'With' tJie IIloet diatiniui,bod in way and,pl ~n1c foad entertj,ril8~ haye been cotlle w!Ue .!' rp , a . JOllt. F,<!edom of MiDlJ. . ~Ol or Se~nd slreet. !'oytoll, OIlio our country. Tho modical taCIlHy ' eon.tilu!el proj~teJ and comri14lneed wlll01l OliO now river wlll let.0111 hor~,e walk·,a aIle dO," . h t fI'b " tr 11 tI I CAli 'that mllfd free which Is not Imprl•• Have Just re~lved ,ano bove lor aale on anomoll in this.or anyolher,oollIitl}:-a11 01 be'iprd8e.C !ltea wiq" Otl)er ent,er"adPvha'lIH"':'buot .thhe . e firOB.t intu ' o ne ,0 itself a jec,t-whic.h reeog. (fee ' . l ·aro ",bo,wlli II Ie of ll 1 b l ~ t hi h P. .. ,~ [jl cs II h b'''' f '" 0'" COn~!nflla.Ihe ~,our geographical r z~a WI a 110 e 8e on.oo, w 0 ...an ~ th' t i l d -on communion Bunday anti at the Invito DlZ 11'1 a uman e I\gs Io"e, lmage 0 ~J bls'N 0 ~oln8se8 . , an·1 the extent of Qur p"pula,l0'l' , can P OUD lion' uBllally given 'uil in"regular-srandin'g ~ Goll in9 6ymp~thi~e with "u.!ferlni' wherev. , 92" . S.·H: 'l'eceive 'a good atart. ,Debt. incurred in me~ ~m t a or;;, e~e dOl ' dq;bt 1I~.~6 the Qlij/ibillii df ollr eitu&. ~e purohue' of the prOductions. and lOa' _ oU,~u~ . t. e &c., he, being BOrhe\vhnt verdant in 'milt. er thoy .are BeAn, which conqu~ra.Jlriae and ~. ghost an enterpr~z.eo the, kind. AI 19 lIellltb .. o D5nd c;r.daue Sup. a8s·o. Tolit! ; ullcture!l of othet Sta~ea, lind other counI , . '~Pdl\~ ters of tHi. kind, thdught he would stay tOe Bloth, a.nd offera I~elf u:r a ' Willing "lcUm 2,~, boxxees8 'M snR 8R 1.'o.bllcco all seasone of the yoAl'{ we, depy !hit .. ~... If d I I e. . to the a"se 'Of k' " aleme .b • an'11 " tft AccordUlgly he remained in tlhl obscure , c.., ·man m . .. . ' " 93f do ' 'l~"Cin lti~' !lOI,IP ' tri es can be p..llI. 0 In our peop.e geQer. 11 ~ellert. In th" pOIlBe8llon or pleatY, which ~):al:' t a ·trot agllm \1 e prin· pew, and waited to see ' how ·the , watMs I oall tnat mind (ree which is 'not pas. 40 do Cllnlilc8 tJley can ~it under tlleir\owl\ ftae and fig I H cell overo?me. , . would move. Boon a venerable man eiv~ly framed by outW,ard ·cir.oumstancea, 900 Ream'll W fllp Paper tree and enjoyJ ' The terrible peitllence t o~..o~e~ we see dr.l~el'l Sl,loklDg lI ace proacbed hi 5 Ceroon.S. F. ~ndlgo d' . m d II ' ;1h b ~ whloh is lIot the . creature of accidental witb whicli an ail-wi .. Providence pemiit= wJl of a Atat1. On ll trot and cup, f impulse, bellde events to ItS' oW , t~ to b huti ad I t ' 'c.rrl~ goes e ar de8 t. A mo· . 6~ \\ lmproveme t, til u " 'n: ' d " ......uhs dl e c 'Ii BIb dteuonb' tl'11 tille!~ m'ontum ahould ,. be acquired whero the latter, and some or the former, and·t e good ~ . i n J t"Obl p."!, .anl I whal rh ~ baoxes P~doc°BclndtoC ;. ,. ...... IrO'>:" home t at I not een v ~lt- wheelS the elliest .nd'tIlia IIbould not man pllBsed along. Going t;.llck to tbe .ro~ an mmu n e, prlDclp e w c ..., :r'...a ; oruo ,. , , tlerc:~~e~uck.o\ll ed Ind idDicted, hardly a beart, whicll_was be 100t ,~t1101,1t'need.--:1tIau. ,PlO Amaia. d",k, and,a reque8~ wll,s imll,le,,if any had del1berateI1 ,e8~0U8ed~ .' 110t heavy wlth.a IIQrro'Y If"'ater '~In it .' '. ug be~n omlhed in the distrIbution, they-would Tile Kill '. ad" " ;.r - ; 12~ kegs Shoenber8~'a Nalls could bear, 18 tb,lly~ar, VISiting o. lightly. name .it. What \VU tHe dellcon'e Ist'lnish- ' A k' Ilk' Joe.ut \0 'he S"'~I!l-B9:r. TlIgcther with white Fish Mackerel Choose as Ir ,oiiir to reml~a all, in the m,idlit of ~tories. ·. ment to see the occupant of me ~itrllngei It"~h wa I;jg one 'dlPornmg, '!let nnu, II variety ,of iclee ~hiob will be nold ni plenty." epl o,ment, of the angul.h Of . rlae up and with a pllouliu beck 8 e sta .e. oorl an aa,ked. 'lIm, sce (or yoursolves. \hat blu~J: time. . : ,r , , , ' V~rJ .pormn' Le'to~ From.ra. Pjlrmotion him:thllt way. ObeYing b~r"q~a\ do,yoh' d01 ~hat' ~o ,tlhey '50. . . ~1-6mo Let U8, then, "rejoice a~d be ezofledlng ;,t, . tlpgtoll. . ' . Ii walked townrd th; l~eckoner; pay yo~· " e p I~ t e •• ~...le," rep, i~d g)ild," for we bIVeCf.U8e, hutiet UII al~, forjt' ~ W~ltlo~ a(ore, but' w,a.. tuk ,Ilk,. and at his ,sh' adi~ g hill 1I10tt1.l.. wita hIs the lad i but I'i~~ve notluag ,~'I.lep'~ VJotl,l' . i':.m,.,~ rI)in up nur beanav.n,thanugiyi nil tllr die Wltl. the ,die-a·rear anc! dlBin- h'and aa leaned hllU 0 "lit th ., } , a~s and olothe.. , Be content, . reJlhed the and pralae." ~~'e ~iyer ct[ all this g~~.lT tereetia complaint. j ' . ' • he lI~id a BubdueQ tJ:)DO~cr I 0 e 1118 e, king, 'I hav~ n9 !'!lore." that tlie rioheat " .,' \ , ' . " I'd bflan out '\yalkln With the Mr. ·" H. e ou an ClIGU?'" ', .. ,,,' ~08sella beyona Cood,rnlme.lIt, and habitaDdA "olles oa Ftait Tree.. . !3tlggllll,Obllll'Yla the lltara In , ,' . The Vho~ror_ ke fi ' 1' ,J totte e d tlO,!, they have but the kecpmg, or the diRThe perrucioul ccm.equence of ~lIo\vmr meat" and the ftagrant-orcter or the 8 c ~ UDO lonary .r P081llg, not ilie P1'8ll01lt enjoyment ' of. A · lndt tries to1'81P aln eDCUID"~r.ed with dead lucken, Bweet S,rlnge., Pcolly '" witliou~anllwer,lng, ~nd the .tranger plo,lgh·boy, who think,1I !lnd feela oorrect,Gooldll; WIth. ttie "blne), cop- ' '~.:::' ~e~e:lot' u~t~~e}~- Iy hall enough to make him contented: , branche.,I. 0lUi~ re,,,der :herfdlty Ippa. rent, by the tmdden ' decay cif ~~" wbi~h . of th~ moon, kep u, up ' too ' late, 0 e, on e~ am en ,- .' :/.n er. · if.a king have ~a . dilconten~d he oth~i" ,~Ibtt eve!1ladlc~tlon .of frultne~ka da, ( went. out in the bot l un'. . . , Od the. WRflP Weather,. Will find aome plea fOI',I)ldulHlDg .ruin,... and health. , Tbat,. , deca,ed limD rue. w,tbout my p.ra.~ ..te, and llite ter liJaid John, (to J alOenefert:ing,) . .' !'Pray, tell ua, wWit ,Urr.illg1" \.~ , - T~t! 01!,u"'TJ',aII.e~ , . abatracla mo~ frgm th. , v· I~1 vl~r of a ~rduled InroW,l~tlon In my bralle, ~Inl tree, th.a. h.lthJ member J .~nt rer Docter Bquill.; .nil he Hel my Q,uoth Jame~, (in sweat llP. to l1i;1 k!Jee8,) . The trsMc In tJlJ,1I demo!"I,lzllig. drug ID thi ..me lise, ~u fl'J'9uent,ly.been aeaerted, call,awal Was iii ab6ml .. ah~" bact II Every thiilg,'~ll/le breeUi" , ~hlna haB greatly ID~I~d, ~o~~lt~B*and. ~d the 81I'II~~of ~lttlnlJ each to relD~ln ,0 he Ilill mit camomll~ till It , .,....N. O. .'8u.lkiin. Ing th\J~ffort or the nahv.e . autli,orltlea to 1" ot\ea ~hlb'tft hy &decay ~r. p~ orthellalvati~n,tboQ. Brln,.dellth's . & ... 6IJ1jftcl contil'Ud. ". , ~ppre~ It• . The .P'?S.e8l10n of th! Jal~nd . JrUak-eltelidlng nQt uiirrequen~ly th4! Qrav,e-'lImb!>1g'a Cqmp.nf'a Obi th9f.a'. aot in the wide )Vorld a pIe....· ~r H.o~ Kong,h~~ ~lvel1 the. EngllBh pew al\d wound up with .U.lrlllln mIX. ure 10 IIweetj , .. " .' ~nd IDc~eaa~d f.olhdell~ ~lid , t~o . qu~ntitl , the point Of'.l.uDctlon 10 the roote. 'Cilia'. all ,,~d llEQb. as .oon· all tllra .odgitr water, until h, ,p eraouucad AI to' lit ne~ the ,wiiJdow,' and \Iilt up your of the dnlg ahlpJled to t:hma'}n8t: yel1J< \Vns ~:~~::~~~'.If_mll' bUlfil)oSII . ed, IU.cfi,~ult1, will be prevenJed, m.e eJt"eryellcent . (Q,lIe rr.,.-eonvaIOllcent1leet ; , " . . 6Q,OO.O che;"ta. According to the .moat re~~;~I~~~~~:'~ op~rtU. nit.} iB'o~aed.to nature (o~ "~ . I' exe~ F}d.l,'and \hi. III Ply !HIOplAXy fer Dot writ~ Pull aw.ay "t the "C,uba," whose flavor cent IDtelhgel\ce I.t will ·reaon 60,000 th,is cih or liet' .renovl\I,DI power. lli healing In ·alote. ' , ( . . .\ ' " " .• lIuitl, " '.I , Aa ~P_ opium from British the wouutl. . ' . . \ '. . abo. DlyU'm In .lliell a fidget .• bout COh: gue a tho world 'twixt ~ , toes . . .k ~p'd (lOn81!.111eci in I. in, '~ . . It II cerialD that ,,0 'nllt tree can be die Union will "' ~ , _ . your boolll. '" ' ,~ ':~ BverBlrlnlr elloh about ~,.-,::.,.--_,_ c6naldefeaaa,lft a vigoroul. heal~)lell1ilr thllt-Absolom man, 'Benton, bent ' -YaM4I' e.timat~s n(f[cate tbe . . co~ditiQn' while U.e top ,Ia e\lcunaberea hi. weigh. whi.ch lIr. lb•• of '. ' , "I\'lth totten or decayed branCh", for whitI, on't o two hundred and Met may "be f.h, de~ or exhaUltlonproOld Bullion. caulle he'a one• . ducecl upon tile ~Deral foullwill of .vit.ality ;by :the abaorpU"on C?f III1P which they ocea" or Cubeba, .bilnia; ant' aiDa, both by relSOD a~d a1,1,\olD'•.t~at ill) Pme, aa-eared/ the atrip• •n4 .tara-our ,be.\th, tie,- C8!l remaiD the fOUDtai" of dla- I~!et tlag-:-iB in a cal.mua condlih\ln. ellle wlth~ut becofulng Itself diseUad.I am~\r II1n~p,owder In every blow aad rnanller. He 'orawled ~hft PUtt'lfyIDI,lelt ~ ~ unlella , ,bra~, .acr we IIhall have aisorderly fler. got one . , . frorn,thehamanbOdy. foduce8.in geaatl!!,beatin ~rum. and tnimfeta ' ab'OtJt ove~ . the (el)efl :~ He landed IIi th~ · Ollly d.Iaaaae but eertabl death. Tbeae Jhe .ll.'8e~ agin. ' . ' ~unty, and eight constilbles and a bed· cord 01,1"1 ,limbe ";,,.te, the .~p' apd ~nleBl I dOll'tlike 'fitjn, a~ ilew.w~ioud are iD pu~auit of.him. . • oa'feFuUr remoffd lDiIIt latvlt.~11 prOilUM ClOtariaa Paraona tha~ weare COllaoU, tJie wont "treeta. ' : I , ' tI •• "Orbicular cOnrt!ulone; m a, , Th~ editor of &he ~~ee Fal'mer,ln ibollt ~Molle. ' .ooa.rin r.,rty' ,ear' an' artiole npon tbl. '.ubject, pubUlhed ~me wildern!!ll" but I ' ill)n't 'believe it'. cordln " '. ' to cbrl,ltiaDlDity, to have , 8l... "l"ce, ..,.~ . "bilt year "eo (oond that one or O)1r ap" Whl8key'd P,anden and their IQud HIlZ~ lJle tteH-,Il·tI'ne ~ek;Do-fUl1ber 8I'a(t; ow- zUa'~iampalgD ,tlp,,·'a'n.! duwn ·th. country, Inl( W ibjuri" lU.tained by tbe 'bark of the .nd. cuttlb matl,ca. ' , . ~,li\d plftiallY perithed, and . . KoMI clldQ't do 00 ' fittiD ater 1I11..pnlel8 , We.tern ~raton bave .aid .. 'n-eat many bi.itebea. were wbolly dead. . fit the ti..,n 10 tbe wildeme..,Ter t h e . ... I~--"':~~-""~--1!iI:th,t we had" formerly lOlt Me. made II ,lie on Pharo and 8wept Imart thLn~~ b~\ ~t .WI8 a hom"'8ick Irish. An old motJter who hall brOq1j~ I the ·lIme .cause, and' bellev[ng tb.t olean. ; '" ~h~ s~.Id, Sir, I wa~ bor~l at.a very large fllmily or child en .Ith em'ml!1llt br.nob" ope~t8d pernlcioUlI,on ,1'8Btiggin!1 Ie" Clay ,and We~ter i. per~od of life, and If.evel' '1 live till 'cess, wa~' asked ' by a V ODe ~niD.r vitality, of the tree, we had thelli pUlel'l of Llbbe~, but ." Ilw~. of my death. and the. fAr~ ~nly would recommend in cas "~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~I~~~~i;~~~~~ tJ~.• ~iiji thoroUr!l.ly cut out, wl~ all auc~ otheri . ·t he p1llen bf' Liblj~rtr wa' I!tqifed ' whether J Will or r:t'-~1 aowl who were ' too anxi.ou :• Cethers of tbe JE,le ,or Freedom. ahall .8ee, awate lrelrmd be r~1 it. leaVed. reply wae-"l think• •y dell I .manlr8B~ea .Ignl of~~y,. ThIS "u' done In the 'pring, anel ~e remalnlng branobea aerif to. !Jubebl to pUt;· Amerdry.. , . ' .' ". wholesome' neglect. .. . .. leland pnsDer.. Them N . pI G . Ii . ' ' ,. lOon . ~c:amfl vlgorOul!,and gave !II! abbl?-. ~ant ~pply ~( ~ne fruit. phi• .Ipnng the n~ of , . . had heltlet Woman's; ZVEIl ~ y!~~~l~::e';~:~~t o~~~i; An ext~aorilinll'1' . auraj,cal tree .a}llfeaTl ~en, ,.,,~, wIll . continue .to Uland aloae. .', ". d.eb.t 1111 eternity.: TwoyelU'l ago. aeman' was l~tely ,p. ~form"d. ~hfCb W:a • ftourl~t m08tproblbl,~ " . " ~w.ntto' cumdown and see. Mr. Grlz. carriedia ,bUudle foran editor clown E II removal 0 ·the patf~ 1D~ ""IJ!tIlIlit,1 , 'rho8e who bave apple tit other trUlt lIe a pair of RoChester kaocke~, .a ·IOQJl to Boaton free of coat. The 'COnse a ~or'd. ~he p !luIOJnl'YeU. , treel; on which & part of the braoche. ex· u I'm eftlcl~IIU1 etferbi!leent: 'rhey il'tl b It.. b i d' ' hi que~c . • hiWt ty.mJltoml of ~Y ...~eJi \)M;ugb lione Pi.hna; and he. .1(01' a Fish, beau ' , ·lat e '!1"" • eel! en I~g Dl two Shlll· . On the 4th· termll':..~~I~~:~~~~e;:~;;~~~'ll;:;~~~~e; of them .re &4)tUally dead~ would doweUto old Ihe ~x, fQ~ ch!UDperon. ihga a 'Yee~' 8vor IInee, ,. I p twontr. membera 8ta.,A look to thh.,. at odce. ' B. Youn J S,j,LLI; A. P~TI\(GSome men bave very inquisitive minda, I!-ta'wlll ex~ire. twe~ J)~o- modi;i;;riw #.~;;~~;;~ ro~. . ' for ia8tance, a fellow who hi.~ nothing crate and eight -:~jt!=~I~'~ a . A. TOllc. to Phdadelphlll, an'" rane liellin4rch . A .. B Oar UDcle ~ofI~ • jD tile Itabl~ ,lome. elltO IIt'"t, wlaenJhe I58rYll.llt Canadlari 0. .--. - - - -.'
go .
,F~r .ucl~
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'~or~e begin:~ 0'1
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tJl~~ t1~~~ ili~~o'ifI~Lle~ t\:(lIl~t8tl~:&i~t!~~~j/l' W!ier pfoQSO~~ait., l?n
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le~lurer8 ~d
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,IlJ dtit'l·-
h~e~ree athPJie~'Jlcbi
n H~i':'~k ~ ::'~e~~u~ ;'C~.o{ii,e
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'I'Qalh·. II~"lIlll'
recimt~~~-=~~··:r;~~";~",~~~~~I11~-~-~~~~='ttt~ ~~~~~~=~M~=~)i~~~
hUllb.llidrytim'" or 'atretcblnl the truth' a htd.,... Rid rraade..her appearance, akedbonnet her'where 'ot Lal[e ...v . w_n.. .1. •• · _, ....1. . . . .I~iqua eon of propenllity from' whieb the lie, mia~e~ ,ot, that new abe level feel' five Ilrea1H,\D:len: eIiIlDl,oy'14 . . re.t or~. r'lQlly are Iingularl,. Cree. We . ,!ore,~. he wllbed to buy hi. ''lijtife one just . lltiI..-l!ell, ill the OQe he.rd biDJ · tell Baoob I r.evere , tale ' one l~"e it. . I The young ·men'8 debating elnutila WIll called ,from to be dl.1 lut week, which we b.v~ ,ro~oluded , ' . , Troy, are now 'chawlng' on the fnllln,.,lnool Dictau;f, " : . .' . ' .riv~ to the world: "Wbeq I lived in .The Ollye 'Braach, tell~ I atclry a ~ar-. question: 'ot wh.~t kind timber .j,IlI·.lIIre Aln,onir the Romau 1be 0% '"' th~ ~,a~" (~Iia he,) I belped to bred: up a cutic old f~Uo,,:,. who, beln, u'ierl oae d~y North Pole composed" ~~~:th-;;~~i.~"; "lIlcl".E 'lieast of burden' and ~ere ate Dew place of grouDd: 'we. iOt. the woOd by I1 lraon A., 'If.he bad ~ny 'tl'eaeuretJ laid . _...:...:...- ;. ......-----' ou IP&IIf dlrectioal for breedi~" 1forkiDg,"'d III tbe wlDter, and early iD the Ipr1U, in wltb a dloleful }ook, What are r wrltine .,.ch a hlr band =t:::~~~~~~~~~~L~~..:::::. feedln,'or this 'D~al, \0 be (oun!! ia the ClOlI1meDced ploll«blDl on'l. It WSl; . thley "'lIt be Cor, 'Pan ' Why, you lee ,nndmother" .()I'la of Pliny. Cato, and otb..,...-BeM con8lU'lled rocky diet had to fCt forty • .nr.bere-r. " got DODe laid dare, aDd I'm writin, a.lowl letter to her. ~ere .Iso held. in , higb ,estilqation amon, yoke or ·oxen to aid r.ith up t'Mme, l8y lIart!lln. the Ronal, aDd clIl'fttioD' tor their aWl. I a wee~; I ' . . P1UIO'EU AHOy,I-AlI eJ~cied thethe Del~~ te frolll ent ma, be .fouad aJDOD" die wrlten I e'aa • moet kiU'd A. ESQ. I. H4UfE.-No per_on I. here· eo tIliS, eounty for cal 8t:a COJ\8titllUODa.I. f • W J hid' to receive & l'''Uce of the Peaccfco ' DYeDI on are practi prmllll1!, or at leul • e lDenUonecl. me, vow. bl' WI' 0 D, • .m- eaIl claim connection willi the crUL A F nest, . \V-e c:aanot le&1'D c1efinitelyofdie imple••nd·the plOugh' bit a that ' meu1u'ed Ul JlaiDale. tha~ does DO',~ MontlOn; D Mapile. and J P. Ch.p~aai P~menll meula or huabaDdry Uaecl by the aomaaa. Dlne lee\ and a hard qti lftcatlona.--'~ Eaq! It un ~ ..plat apprantJc.hIJII and follow· the 1irIt day 1W11 bat it ta oerteln the)- uaedplowa o[aome iort, IIOIlIlcl white oak. it, .of a man'. name i. to mean lOme. ed' the~~\nlllll for mant 1 , 8nc\ Ex.G~~- 10' two both"tth aaouId boardl aacl oolteN." and I wugolng .&ai~t thnia2h more &blla the qllirk in,a pli" taU. . ~~enl. j~~ ~~ ~~: la: ~J:~~~' Wlthoilt them. PUny apeaks o[ a Nftplag when I ~.ppeni!ll to tliiDk it .TJIlt map Th Ch 1 t U 'I ........ 11 d Dad, aoon after It ..tabliebed, and WhUlI it machiae prQJMIlled by an ox. Grain pther,.,atD.1IO I threw n:L.~t o~ and e, era, a ~ on;"_,,, .0;; •• , 'JJ oonaacted '" his fathet, under lb. finn ...... oat"With the IaU 01' troddeD with bad no IOOner cloD, thie, it aDllppeil :~.!A.F' \1&., 11 Ul4 to ·be commlt~ ~ker a:. Well_. 8u~'lo \bB ciraA.-In· ~:5~ii;~~~;~~~~b caw.. Grua was cat theu .. It 11 at pre.. together, takbl, a enaart hold of m, paota. "I. rav...,.., aDd the people &J'I dianapolie /Iitd.) LocomotiYe. . 1leDt. .IoOnl- Of Coune I . .t titbt, bat I held 8fiDaIA wery dln:ction.-JohDJODea,Eaq., ,J On . . ....un ~tbe he ..rlcalture ODtptJse~ huMlleli toDcI tboach ~ eclitorofthe ,6tJUuo;f~• .tUnlon- ..urs.-- TO ~llh. Oil' LAST .ue4 u..fa1e aU ~;'.nci cfuriDI ute teamaterI cll" .n they ~ that team toWn. ~ ODe of the el",\ v ..... at tbat · lIIiDUltral!Ol:• .... ~ or \IarIIui8IIl. which .lahlJ CIIDD coUIcla't tear m, pu~ up to Tuescl'Ilaic; , , ' lI,v th<l!,ip
tf':e~t=l ::-~'th.
~..:~:~ ~li. ~ '1~~:0Il~'';~i1i!~~~~~~~~!l~;;=--~~~)
=::~ IUIk lob .... . , . , ID&Il a clia- ~ l.a~'aaothIwltrO... puU~,aacl ! 1iOcIaIdi., to ... aIDOaIlL the old . .p . . . outibOat 1M ...~
It ............. 1D.I'!)OtI. too, let
;~i~iii~5;JGL _I .....'" r. ..... ..._,'l'Iw._-"-m" ::,:.;,:.'t=~1 ~~
wana .., otIIer '~k~' _ wife .... .... o1oda
in 1I1'Cflltll' uncl~, M~. Geor~e
opu- zlIle, ,tho tIiousnlHls, \~' ho ,POIlIt- looked witll contempt on of 'n nrivlttc , In , lIylvun.lll, o.n,er "hom he hail ~cell IlIlmedj d nonthly, hastened wilh tlleir tho ,vonoroble un on \1\0 IIml IOlU 0 I and. ~\ Ith tlus g Iltlem~\I, nl1d In the COlln- to encourngo tilo cntQrprilljorr WIlli \ or)' ''Il 10, ~ ,u\t<., " the luw s of,"his I1rt of hOPllY VIl!UOIO .-' I~ry h~ remmned ulltll he was nineteen; 'rhe benefi t thus dOllo to popufar lI1u 1\ h"b~e, 110m! I ~lhl, I 'l'~rk .IS a<n9b1culI\t\. HIs tl1lents Ilud, ' l1 ,v~r:y una ,, ~Id Po poole helltl rhe time,. how ovAr, \~o S n~t lost. On the 9nllliot be, calculuted. Dut it WUd nlttrt l n"~' liI 1,w9ulJ li ve. . 1l1l,IIJI' qlllsltlOna \\torc e such, thnt. nt a very day , th e WI drJ'{11I1; 'IIb.~, o nc~ "reILUlcd jur Iheu 10 hoov- ' ~OIl.truTY, It wus to thiS pertod of his life he Ithat it: will IOllg. perhaps, before any lI~ntot 111 00., M lar u I 11~ the r\ 01' oge, he wn o:ll'va,tod ~o the uonc1l. In a' 81'dg , Irom ]low!'r' 1111 .lIldehtt:d for t.hat ro bust constitution mun will huve ~t In his powor to do again olvihzilllUII "tI.Rnl t,!u, 1115 of!.lir IUlci j wos/ probabl', all oflicl3 fQr li fe, lind to foot. JoMm mO<ltJf" ~·hlla<l'~.tlhO~16(h.lI! Ihtll m't to Ihoo-o Ihousund wlllcl~ cnllbl ut.! him to ell~ure the severe l os i-lluch. : tOI.~i~~~ 1 ti::~li~I;Y~UiC\,[~I1~ \~:I~~ '~~~\~:lnl :o\lic ott\lll~ed with honors and l'\l10111Ol ell ~tl. , .covered, I\~~ you Cl,luttl 6,e .11flJ.· , l oppl!cll\IOIi to which he at.!dre6~eu hb\liSelf.! Tile demllnd or o ,large business, oUlf the bOliCh, nCCI~ltll\\\niod .II" n 'Pllrty o~ the 1II\llv,'s, ?ffil'ia led as, Judge ~or ,'OUI tecn years; tr.lg b\l~, their ~ebrQ~vs; ; unCI. wef&' bUi v . Ill: thee 'I ItI~ nil lilY futuro t l>ur\Jlg thelle four yeur~ lie omitted no op- , watchfulness nllcessnry ' to keep lhe lead tq IcX.lt lifter 1111: wreclc bilL 1l0thUlir could bl) \ III the course or this. tllllO, so 'mllUY , \\'h~ te ulliJ gitStlillfg wtth fr~t" , 1\.~ 'Iell~~ j If Ihi~\hl)u ·enll'lIt. " forgclllng," Ihou IIIdecu pOrlUI1I~Y to IIIlJlI'OVe III",. 1lI111d, He reod left 1\Ir. Graham but little tllne for Ill('rn~ I cen tV~ ~ho ~{l(l~tl \lull I "<:lul~~ on a/lOre, n ll i. cotles were brought b ~fo rc h im Jur, u~- th ey SO}V 11 POOL' mlln, ." ho \tod sunk dO .... I1~ altalt b~ lor"ol! : _ cverYlhlllg th lit cOllie Ul IllS woy. Dut . compus llion. He huu, however, Incl easad 1 il~~ 1~~t~I~~ ~~:fy ~~gl:d~II~I~~f1nll~u~b~d~l:lg~ Ijulltcat)On, ~v ho5e oltly C,IIISC and orlgtll hcnumbQU 01111 frozc n. III "thc • IIIIOW. "Wo' .. ' h " ~ booklJ, lurlUlll1lely, wero ~lIot so abundant 1118 ()WI~ reputotiop as u writer of occasIOn- 1 hill hOIt)o. 6uI tcnrs IIfQ of. no avail, 80 11Were 50 plalIHy , rqrerli ble to early neglect must slOp lind he lp 111m, sDIIl. one. of ~hj: FO~~i:~~~ ,~r.1(l lho forest "1rI1s forget Iheir Ilhen as now, so that what tJ.e reo~ he di- iol nrtil:les contri\)u wd to !tis n~ws a er' nnd IflI\UO up l)ly mind IQlIeor il, llud 10 nCCJpt ' ,Ihe in the C1llprl.t'B ducollOn, toot the noble I travelers. ,:IStoP .otld help 111.10," replied "Forgllt thoe! "~Hid Iho eOIl forgol to S\' - 1\ "c. gellted, aud thu:; ucqulred habits 01 corrcct moguzille, but principlIlI to thePlatteri o!for ~t Ihu cllte! nnd becMlo III Siln, 1 accor- heart of th~ JuJge coul.\ no ' Iongc~ bear to I tl~c other; you wlJI ;tever thInk of atop-, tllIlllIL !ho lIIO(JJI' • thought. so rure among the hastv 8tudents fThoroughly read I'U nOII·ll~.broke Add'I' OII dhlllgl,Y" °t Ill ltty1rclllr'lld \.I) tUIl IV~lIngo, III&rmed , prollounte seUllmce or l'onUcmllullOn UpOll , pmg 011 sucb 0 doy os this! We '\fe hn'lI I·q II ' I i :I • k I " of .. , ~, t oe Ite t Inl "ou lICccp t u s ol1.r a ll UII- I I ' DI u-' Iw .. , TIlt)' u,~urll orgol to urln llC 0\'0'8 1 tl Ie d uy. Durlc (), Ilud otitl'rIi of the cluiilic IIcholllr4 of llIelhulely lUlr.,!!uOll(l 'me lO Ihe FAil! om'!, Her t Ie pTl sOnel:iii fi0' h?, I00 ke d upou tlleJl~ a"AI froz.0 n ~urso I\leR, d 0 t.! ongItt I . 0 b 0 t d ur '1'1 rttr~~":f cJ~."" II WI d, I d" d ' In 1882, l\t:r. Graham returned t9 the the lal1/?uoge , his sty Ie wns distinguished Mille Ig NUlnrn (M,ny .) • hOls of 0 Ilitht cop- 1I1en, who, oh~19Sl: w,thout 0 purud,o.x , might I JOUI ney II, end as sOOl1 o,s pOl;~tbl~. ~~t I 1~:~oUntt!lI~ \1,11\':1 ft~d btu~~r UII, 1111 I\S ICIly, ont! commenced to leurn the trade of by u fillltih, yet on idiomatic force such 118 her color, IOllrluon YO~l s 011, :; fllo.l ~ lUohoa ~e cnllet.! !(ulll1css rt!tmJerS j \Vhlle ~lOld- rcnnnol lellvc ttll" iI!an to pen sh,' r~JIlI ~ ed: .Forad elleh old fllmihllr /n en ench Iv',!! rOlllctn. a cublUet-lIIoker, But he -hod IIlreo~y re- is rarely fouilt.! IIlhong the cllreless writerll l UJJ/lkelll311 rand Antl.loot, IJlllck hOlT And tlYOS' l lllg till' office of Judge, be was nppollltet.! \ the more humane trllveller; "I must go , to Dorod .\1119" ' !",olv,ed tha~ be would yet' be a Illwyer, liS ) QI the do /I.' 1 ' sound tl i k • 'tl onl vu n./ill'cry, nfl~'cll/lntltO, Her drOila con- scl\ool-jnspector. The ,paromount impor- hill relief;" , and }~c 8jOppe~ his !lledge.Wltel~ III~u IhJIII1~ nro f~ y!)~ by Ihoc, Iltell thou hIS h~tbet hod intended; Dni\ occordi lll?Iy, tt f~rvitl ~~8gin~t~~~; posaes~i~g II k~'e~ 1~~~or !~!l~e: 1'1~~c:~~\XSII1!~~~~~ ta!,ce of, tho lutier om~.~ . ~rt;!~v upOII. hill "~o~e,~, sllla h~, "co!D e heiR me \-?( ~O\lM 1\1011 be lurgo to effect this object, he now lIt.!dressetllilm- sense of the riolculous' und hav III' a r.cul l "11eI n curhl ll ty wr \lgh~ hl'c!! h DIII.hC~8. .'ho \lund 118 he exccuted Ill S '(Jutlt's, untIl at hIm. N Ilt I, reptt~d the blh er, I hn\'!) Keep II Ih'on " 1 ill t1u- mllidoll IO IlCO Sli ll cu lm self with that :\llltiriug energy whit.th has comlllond over the resdurcca of Ion gguagge he l wn~ by 00 III G:' liS' UlIsldu' ".nd ~1Ol)C [00 moduSI j IU!lt he ctltlle to the full conceRtlOn of th e too much reg.ort!. for ~y O(VJI lif~ to expose 'nA In lie Ir"~ J ' ~ver ciauruct()rtzed hiUl. Ii III first obiect I ) -., ltu,SnL 01\ my 11Ilee lind 1,lijoltld file, Illltl.'\'h ~I graltd and "acred truth-how ml~ch more rny sell to tln8 Iro.ez lJlg l1hitosJlhere ~lore , lI 'o! Y v I ' t1 \' " • J n wuve wrote to tIe pOlllt, III n racy, ner- I Rsk 'd hor d " he \\ ouhl marry me aho sOld \'1\8 •• b' tl'" I '11 . I I fllltGod forlli~ II/y 1111\(1 ome htlllt.t~ hould grow was to IS... ljl 1Il0 IllS IIlI.nd. to Itrlprove his vous -atylo, IlIln!rhll u eloquence nllli s'ltirc \\'ilituUI ~II() R11g1tlO1l1 htl8i1J1IIOI1 DlIll OXI,rs seJ IlltrlllstCully 1,IOllorah !~ Is t ~ vocatIon or 11111 I" nef essnry • • . WI Sit le~e, ~Otll I tl.~ glad lor mel. . , tastell.o ulld to enlllrge Ill S stores 01 ,know 1- by turns and lI e\'e~ os huakne ed writers "wi~h Ihlll tim CUIOIHOIIY ~hould Ir¥O 1'1uI!q Oil lho toneher, w) snVlls from crlln e an~ from I keep mvsc r DS wo.r,m' 1\8 I ,can, till you ~'CI :::!::~ t~I~~~~~orl It! 81 11 ollWon, oil bid nol e~g? Eor this purpol'e he begull a course 90 oCte~ 'tlo, drown in'" the ideo \~th "eXCef:ls Iliu lulluwlttg , 'undul' !\Id'lrt g 1!}!lt.n 1l11~FtOnllry wrong, than tho mugfSlrute wl\o \vuits till CI.I~le, bllc~.'~ ' , , . _" " uld e Ih,erQ d~ 1 lilt :,~. ltUl I u~racd W, titt'y lire committed,. und lh~ n nveJlgos them. Hut bl~ it mtiso I'n humblo fUltJl. nod unCOIIl- 01 Ilter~ry ~tut.!y, n~ltI! f?r threc years. pros- of words." HIS choice of terms wos singu~o l!~yUlg. ~e r.esoluteJy kept Ius Bo~t, plulllinl'luve; \ _' ?culcd I.t \~Ith ulltl!"Jllllshcd nrt!or, exhibit- larlv felicitous. J;f t:l \\ rote tlte lUll \1:1 e liS '~1~!:' ~~~h~C:r\IIUr lIIe \\ 1 I II teS, 1111 rol,l olf He lI~lmcdlDtely reslgncd bll/ office 01 Ju~ge, ~vhllc 11111 .CO~lp~lon hastened_to tlie rebef If Ihll8 prllil,crvutl (or pUllen! ycnrs\ nl !OSI oVOII. lIlg, durl.nl; tite.entlre period, a l)ersllvcr1lllce the "translators 01 tlte UliJle wrote git, ~vith \ '~'11Io ' f~'"(II\\l ng do}"l vlkited lhe,cnvilil l and \Vuh I~ Ilfe-telluro;ulId It II sulury, tr,ol'ellclt of tI,e pe~l slllng .mon, ~~hom they h~d, III) • lint not; , . under dlfticultlel! whIch entlt ell him to n alar e mixturc of Saxon delJvations €!i ptlrcl.os'cd the weddu lp" uros8es for Itty 'lndy Ilnd to SWltzerlund, where he plo ce d blloBelr provldenulIlIy ihscovcreal The urdlna1Y f"rgot 1II0t.!ItI~II-b,lI~ nu'cr b~ltcyo thnl thou high p!lIce limon!> lIell-tnught men HIS with gl 't I ." l' . ,y Itlxselr~ togclIllut wllhl "tlmo prescll~ lor lite ullcler the carc of P estalozzi; nnd after meuus ' ror rils or,ln~ eonoioUllJlO,s1 and accall~t orgol , trude reqUlrin I~is nttcnUon for ten or h lUft y. , n 1111 cc Iver'loS IAn sor~o~Dlf' tn!.", !llId u1l1::lunuuJ l \VU tWDlIl were muc!o ooe avulllllg Ilip.1 elf for three ! eors of 1I,u ill- tlv lty \Vere \ried with complete success •.,ll • " -' ' t 1 h .) I d e ",n~ t'ipeclU y power u . series ,0 f1 osh," ~ . ,I I b .< I D ttb k' ill t d.t V l' . DE KlND • . " we ve OU(~ QI Y" 16 hS; but a short ill- e~itQrial"urticl(!9 couttij,llled to the new's - " On 1~Il!!DY. {n1 Iter.ill.law, nl my re.. struotlOll1! 9r.,.ltltce ~ rate toa.. ltlr. Ie-re- ~ 0 III }elll' ~ ra e er was st),~ tDDe kiM to thy lalhor- Ior wllon thou wlUIl terval to spare for recreubon and sleep, but paper under his il\nnagem~nl olld slill're- quc~t, suI dcvornl llIen nl work 01 ~ctlint: Ollt turned t(l tllke chorge of on orphl1u osylUlb. teut uPtlnl o\l1/oa the ilfo pf: ~ (ellow creaYO,IIIIi, ' huving rt:'ll91vcd to devotc six hOlJre out of mcmbered nrc insta nces of tI:e former' hili ctJCUlIlIUI logs 10 "uilU lily huu80, 111111 IIIlho Since that time, he Ila devotcd llill whole lure thet ne 'llad orgolleu h!B OW1I up .s- • WIlt.> liloc ~o fondly 081101 the twenty-lour to literary pursuits Jill ri- I tIt J ' C!I . I courSo uf lOll days 11 vel y ~u l.> tOIlUnl dwollll'g, life to the enro 0 r the 'negle Uld olld de8H- ur~, I\nd whnt was the consequenc('1 Why Ito caught Iho liM I!~eollll! thlll tell frolll IllY gidly adhered to ltis plUlI, gailling 11t~ time crttht'rs1tq e, Jeremy.", dlortl a~et('xomp CdS 40 fco!rfrolll,;l;j ,Ieep, 1\11\1 2ili" Il;gh~ W dR c,?mlll.e. tute. He lives ilt nSjJ)lain ojld inexpenllive ~he very ~fJbrt Whicll .16' made to :"'aim the tongllo, I ~" I.' . ' 0 t e utter. n u.wor , as 11 , erel!~ on ICU . 1119 / Ilwonly hml Ilg UI Ilco kllld ,1n 1 It... d I stronger warmed himself' IIn,1 thlls be blld! ~otljoinCd !trIM' innoconl clcc. W len necc""8Dr~. u~ rullD£r Ilero~c dllwn. even cloqucllt writer, Mr. Grohom holds,'1l the ",1htgu, 1111 tho 'olh rll bclllg buill of reeds ~ IIty e all UUI we ,-0 , lurlllerlljln ,lIIec lau · . 'd I.' 'I • nc: Wind (<Llh)! IlIlhtJl'.....[ur lIu\\' ~c is olu At the ng(Yol twcnty-t.wo he millIe tbe high rank :i\a 11 critic bis Judgement is nnt! mUd. '1'lto chlof is v ry mll,oh plofutlld Ic~,lInd ue\lotcsills IIIcome to the ,vcl(ore n.t\\O-roJ rew~rd. ne had a s\\oet eonHIN Jocks illtorminglut.\; " lib groy , " acquaintouce of (\ son of the lutll Judpe ull"o . b ' t wilh ir, o,!"II hOilo fh lll Within a venr th~ \\'hol~ of the neeuy. 1 \vnll lold by hia peraonnl CIOlIsn088 of ~ulIIg ,a ben~yolent act, shd'he 1m 1\l<)llItl!JlH!,Iro Io.,.. blo, ouee luutl ()~s nud bol,l. Armilirung of Phillldelphin lind by hFrn I YSlr~el'~~s, (/ JII,lS r 1 d LI vlliogo IVIII "e of ~oll h O\l8 ' , I hnvll ollored tn fri ellt.!tI L11at he not only d~pti\led himself IILao louo~ lum acJf glowmg froQ\ heft~ to Thy I\uJuit ui (1\l.."tiillg awny. waS iutrod~ce~ to the Jud ,r~ 1 t 'n 4 ' . r. ra III~ pll ClAse Ie lurn ll!l~ IUlJt IIlld IIh .utlU'r IHols, nll~ Ilh illk th(l of 'the' luxuries &f life but su bmitte!1 to foot, b), rendon of lhe exertions: he IwL , ~ • " .. , W \0 u 01100 Nor~b AlIlerl(lan, 11 dUlly lle\vsll3per ,01 nlllive ~!lIlJ ulld Ihonltlo\YI!S beller hOIlSils, ' . ' d 1. . , m Ie .A d ho 't 1'1~ 's co ), n klt,t1 (u tl~y' llto lher":'::for lo! n her brow ' IIrr~.nged to receIve Jllm us il 8tut.!~lIt. }'or stlluding lU~d influcnoo \n l'hilnd.e lphia. f; " I' ti'Cl I eOll l4nlcd with Illy ~llunliolt, ' 1)10ny prlvntlon~, tn or er to \lpptoprl~te hIli • O( :, h~l W WIIS I . W 'I \1 mt;:u,,,; MI1Y tmcc:/t dlliurTo\v ll\Iaeon, the three yC!nrs, dlll'mg willch he studied He hud no sooner embarked in Olis ncw ollll t ltinK dllil 111111 11 J~ 0 IHlt;ulillr IIlIP!ly 101, [If, IImoU income.to others wholn he cOIIBlilereU !Otl '"I .10 Ddt be~l~ so milch a(,oldof ~os~ Oil! wull I11DYIII 11t9U COllllott' (ltl!! clll.'fl sh h.or law, he contiuued IlIiJoriDg 'nt tlle bench } I lb' d f. f h' lor 80, lilII~ n Klrugll.1o ,villi tbe world- "poor ns more llcedy' und. thlll hhnYife nnd fllmily lllg IImsol£. ne woe' almost r.eady to • lM.w~ d . . , cnterpl'hlll t 11111 It "ex lite prools 0 IS a rnlh-su'kingtYI'o tor 1\ Jjl'ing 10 be cnM ;,. 11 'd I f II I d 1 . ' freeze nol.withstllntl ·Jlg 11 ~ ~jforts be b \\~ 'fOr Iovilla and lu nd Jllle hilS \i«cn. evotmg th~eo~ly ntorulllg' houre Oll~ tho cllcrgy lind tact: ont.!,' III 0. very short "")1111.', 81!.horc wilh n nockul full oj roeks U;'illlg friend- c$1T\41a Y lin . c I~ or 1.\ s lUre s~o I I'rl VII- Il 'k' k I I , n illllend,er 'loy ,mother-for ,1,(!u.e l,u "ill ,'rnr; cve\l lll~ to Coke oml llincks ton(;'. 111' the the abIlity wiUl wlltch the journal wU.cOn- )y So\VA~ES; In t1~910veIY Chpl"IO. ttqns wnh hIm fQr the snme ,oblect. c~~: IIlj Ing .eep Wllrm. . • ..' ~* 11IlI~ ftlI (Jud t:IVOtQ hllr brenl", rguJatlons of llle PellllllylvUlI1 cOllrt , the dueted mllde It n nome ilirolwhoul the entire 1 0111 Blllln !!"IId sWhlg. ~n(1 If my secolI,1 whnt eK~e/lt would , our ,O\~I\. commUrfltr. d' Ie esiIQil (e~lYeu from tin ilUle mCIW\1.n RCQ;n UJ of ktll~nc,,,. lhc~ cllQCr It t 10llc lust year 01 0. studen{'!! eoqrse has to be UniOn Iu 1847 h,,'!!tllJ fJ"rthel"' extcnded girli lUfl!8 011" I!) L.':l a y, 1111 sholl bo 1Je . c~lell Bympotlllse ,with, or appreciate tbe oct, If cut Is ve~y obvlou~t We IIrc uU trlvelw-~v, ;' apent in the oftl ce of some 1!roetICh\~nhor- I ... 0 I ·J. u 11 '" .. " • tl fIll! H,C1l ry Clllr, Dr t hu Wtly, [ ilohlk of !IiHl\ttn:: one of t~e hiIYlu:r courtS; should resign an ers t,o II dlst~nt COUl)try. At every IUlll E'en 1U"lh" ,Inrk \'cftley of ~("' t" d 1i I h d r <II It .. ~ c ~ al'l .. l"';jllI ~1I on 0 1, III:lWSpO- tlto 1J10JctClof Ilul nnllo;l oliQn of hie HhWl\o10 at fh .. d f lit' to 1)(' 'n II 0 qf 9UI' journ('y we.di)d p tller tr.4veler whol 0 ce () onor !ln 0 pro ']t¥ co. ~ e I 'le "'d ul' ~ I I dl aId N G d} I. I Do kind W Ihy jfrQthtJ'~llIlt 1I\llI rI will Illllo n y j on tiS, Ie was enu Ic to e ect \>y per by purclll,tsing in cQ mectloll with his mnJosty's t1llllllnlo\\8 to- tl'8 Unit.ud IStlllell'" ristIIglltfouro'clockinthemornlurr,lilbor_ )ort\lers the UUiled Stutes GII~etle !lnd t ' ' iniltructorolclJiI dren ~-H• • arm's ""tlucc- ' ~ 0 rei y ' . a,1. 0 las~rous;1t • dearlhl If t/te.18I1\Ue 011(1)' bO witltdMlwn; ing ulitillliue then "illiting the oruce olid I , 1'<1' l' It 'U tl N th A ' · S(l1ti~\lC!! of '\Yancn COUllt)!. tio7la{ Tour. ' them oruund Ql<\r. pllth In grellt n~lm\)ers: 'J'ho ilowllfll of IlJulllig will Indo III I.h " "Irtl" oll,.cu returnill'a to the bench in the ~ven- ncon~oh I III II\dg WI tl !e :. or I merfil~o, 'Ve IIl e indehtcd to Mr. f:lkit'mer r"r th e ' and aa fllr JlS \he eye Cl.n reach, we see -' I 'f) ." . l' , u~ e 10 1I0\~ CI ~tll!le~, o.t ellst or a follQwing illtercl!ling tobl(l:--.W~tern Star. ~CqUI8itlo~l of )(llo~I"4ge. , eheir dense IlUa-gl9QUlY rall~a. Now iJlere If tbo ,du~ of (I11i..'tl\tilAI 1/<l8")I)e. 1 Do kind to thy IIrujhu{ - w!tcrU\'l!r YOII nro ilg. ~e wrlter,ot t liS happened tu be 0. willie L1le IiIUmllllt 01 his fllCCe@.81-: 8• all\(" ' "It I ~ surely a. ' blessed tltmg to see 'a( r.e r f oih tI t f 'fhe lovo 01 thy Ijrolhor ahllll ho IItu~ent under .the same prec~pt()r ut' this i/lg ~eeu induced ' to. ilngllge in cer~in . t~t 1\IIlnt of ho It m or of lIore 8 \ <;ntllo, y'oung penon, with the wori4 a.t Iwr fee~: a ~'~thw~yslob m,~ 10 , leaf 0 ec a 0 > Ao d I I. (; pCl10d .nd 'HItes o( Io.cts tu wluCh ho was k ' I' I A.I • • I Sheen, Mules, BugI'd PIQlU!uro Ctlrn"~C6, t ' ".1 -'t t '" , symJla Y /Inc ruluer V ""Kar", , e can' .t~n ornau\ent I'ur(lr an fl C Icr ~Y IIr d •• , ". st?C SPPCll nllons. Ie e~Her"" 111\0 t lern ' Vlltt!ite!!, J' lrtllOIJ, all [ite tllnoun~ of Mer' co. aUllng IImlusJ I 8 cou IImlll~UIlIf .4tll101l- go lurward Willi ~bo 8\erl\ purpose or III ' 'l'luIII (HIurl~ Iwuf tho dlll,tll oj Uu: ~CD. all;1 ""rtn~ eY~-\Vltlles8. . . t WIth 1111 the o.rdor oC illS c\jtlroctcr, lan!l oitlllll~' ~toQk. ntld lol1GY8 aild C{cdiUl, rc· pbffe the p'u~e enomel of ~lmPhcl tY- """" J se'/idh oud unlovin~ tlJ)irit aayinll'oL in replv De lIind In JI)' 61.iot"+DOl IIInllY 1111))' IIIIUW Ie lIatU.ul ent. of the mmll, 11\ n1, "ell though for 4 ti fne successful, evcntually ltIrne\1 for I!LWIlOn by Ihe ~cverol Toy.'n 1111) Jeuq" ' 'to !)\Illry ap ...cal w111\clt la ~ddreslled to our d l ' . I I buhlllce~ lIi1ture9~ triumphs hl the ena over im'IJalte" his fortune tQ' 6UC~ a.· degree that A C~6 '" fur Wnrr\lll OOll,ut.r Ollio, for. lite "Some PO\,iO)IS object, nlld' perhaps with L llO (! eli" ,jD It t i Ctr Ii '1,J~":.e:rJ,l~;,III:~r:c:~,~uil~ &~1:~11I81xJIow the plllll!l of purllll(s and the exigencies of Jle was forced to part temporarily willi the y~!lrQ 1 ~41, 11348,1 !l nitd 18001 n fo\lO\\l8' too 'much rellsbn thtlt tlJe II !Iuillition of c r de dl~ji t!'~P r , . Ii .pea , I. e , 'I'm, lIurfaoU t\tnt '11.Tklc~ u~,va. circumstancell lllike!. Unde{ the inlluence Mngnzill e anrl North AmericlIl1. The mis- - - - 1 k powlellg.e llell fr~q\leDOy 0.11 Injurious tel~- iJ'l~t~~:r~~hca.rt:d :Lr:':eU:r c,~n::~~;e: ~\ :l'~Y k~~.iJ IIh\,lI hnng 10, ibeu Ulan)' wcol of 0 cummend:ble p,tl~e.' ~~~. Grohnql. 'ha~ fO~L~le haPl1 enetl in Jul¥~ 1848,_ '" mlll~ , . " _l~~"\ ,~tti.::. ' :\lulus. ~b~. dellcy upo~ ~lte mlnda of young ) ,erSQlIS, mall veril~l; I tnuilt hllBt~ 'lIis \ eli:t.., nil olcnlnlJl Ihy]liltlt\\'\\y tl' uro\\'II1 ~ ~,~.1Juidi :li~ o~ .' _ ca Fpr 11:\1' , " S, ~ 1 ' 1)3 \ ~~ a~ who, h!\IlIUlln~ themllclvell r.tOeU2lea O~ Iil,- I :A1 4the flJJe wbic4 adopt for our gui<l A4t'Nt.o,1 .44Ut wOa\,tI thoo ft glirl.Bnd III f1ow()rs lullt:a.to ru fillu8 futher IJ wiah,4nd b~come Ilown; Jortuno mig ht ilepl\rt, bu failed to Ji'or 18411 tl4~1 12 14(1 4 ilS'63!i I er tUre; ij~cllme j"Oaleil wltb voni ly I1nd I1n~o ill such cQse(f wlJJ dctei1'l)lne the 'lUCS~oro prceiv,u Iltan W0l11tll ur r nO\\ n. 4 me~ber C?f tho bur; bl;lt IIOW, he dlsco'v- overcomr. bim. He cOlltiuued to edit his For 1850 8:383 j I:!IM 16 2a:!lGl l rCllder thll$8oh'cs rldlculou8 lIuli di8ru8~- f lion whe tlier we ~ tb be hopp' or unha,,: I •• , - -----crt'~ tI,l ot 1118 ~a8te8 .Ied bnn to\\lll,rd a lt~e~n- }Iognzillc, even after pnrtlng \I jtb the pro- - --11m. ,\llll. un~ , jng. '}'his may som!lluMI bl! tHe ollse,l Th~ man \ 'ho lives onl ,for hI1ll6l'lf . FLow,a $.ANJ) Tn~ STAR- ry hIt'. , He 3ccordlllgly ~eglln to cOlltrlb- nriotor'Bhip of it uiltil March, 1860, when i:fl,)gs. Cllr'!! . PJllno" \¥ttlchs thou"" 'iL ia 1I0t llllhitelv' 144t porsollS who ~COY'IIIOt Ii 8 ny.~ G d d ~lI ~ '1 ' ...,r 'n·r. I.e' r "e t th PI ·I-·I I I ' • \ • • d II F ' : ) ! " . ~, " I I ,.. 0 oes.l o. 'fml~e, up. u 11 serlell 0 p3p ril 0 e II ,we. P~lIll C1rcum ~tllnces \U\'tng mduce t e retue- ot 1st I \ '1O,~2~ 1,U!.!! 111 \ J, J!I~ are vahl of their IIItelleetual ,\ttIlJnttlt'I\t., on blrlt; aud IlOtlt'lcionce will Irive him no or SlImllel D lloUm·soll. be sllcecede4 In For 1848 ,jU,!l1 J ,~,~ 1'7 ~ , I l: would have been valli of sOllleUling le8s euco BuLhii_wll.o Ii l8 hf If' .b'II' pres8. which. I1t once . otlr.nc~d SlY Mlle. SAl\oUl T, DOL ~. hy ,the vigQr oltbei~ thought, not les~. than t'e~aining bls interest lU his fuvorite peri- ~~~ i~~k b:g~ ~ ;~~ honorable, had tl.lelr u.oderstant.lings been ~e8ire' to do i ood , -n'::..g:uii IJlbS:eo~s la Frou\ i\y homo onl\l~h,lo n g 1Il1c) nower, the , fn:sllll~'B!I ~f t~lelr style. He lle.11!19ted. odJ~oli and frpm thqt period hll~ ndt.letl U~e /' )\ Cl~ I'S on~y\\ suffered to t'e!JI.o.,1U ullllli~t'[)\led; let .titom blosslng t:o otliara, bl! ODellS " perp~tuIiJ' 'l'hul IIloQmlld bl 1\ lonely grove" however,l.1I 1111 IlItentlob o~ E'nt~rlJ\" tho duties or llublllilJer to those 0 Itor. 1hlll . glock.' Credlls, on11- pursue tI~~ lr studi s lurther uud '.arth- fountain of JOY ill hie f,lwn bpsolU,-l)'!Y-'I'll" 81arhf;ht callie 01 !jIll t\Yllr~ht hour. ~Ilr, IU1'I, 111 1839, WIIS adlllitted (0 pruc- restoration to hlB old pOllitio 18 tho.rcsult E"lr 1ij<17 1 .0) 9 t8111 ,844 er, IInd .they wIll ,fini! ~he fielda of 8~lence tJll"ing: And wlu911Orod p lulo of Iu, e, . ltce_ _ ( . of indptnitable en(lf(cy, which ho possessos For J I I 7,.tl<l 95,~.2 110 cont,inullJIy e~te~l~tng, au~ ill so ml1l)~ IrJ li bl ' I ' 11 d mm His inclination (or lit~rat'ure illUl;ellStng in a degree that is 115 10re 08 it ill pruille- F'or 1 ~9 IG7,8li8 !)<I.flat; 937,819 ptecu~sor8, who hove lelt their punyaclliev. 8hllulur Trap. (J1o~ ~'ur~l ~g~~ Irl~~~ls~br~: on co I • InRteud of tJintinilhin:r, he t~8 l\'e.lllo uban- worthy. . .. With men of. \lis stamp nOlbing Fo,t' 1850 , 169,401 f,4,:l!l' 971,BH ements fur behind~ thnt tbey IOlIst di8eov~r Thoy boye a 8iJl~lllr contrivllnce, lor AIIII Kl'VO perlilOl b!rol11 i~ iUlII09t fold, dun L1le nctive pDT8uil.ll o.f h'i ptofCssion I1nd is in,po99ibl(). I. Pop"lotlOn of Pltt,;burr. far arelltct reOlJon ~o be , ustolliilhed tina catchillg \voh'cs in Norway. ' It cOll8istt! 11 Duvor t!x lI!tcd lore, emburk ill4voc~tion\l !I10~e suitable w his A", a mon, be iuspires general otrtlcti~n. The Gazette I."okos on e~fimate .of tlte abo&~Od ot tlJeir own comjturativc'litt'lelleij8 of 0 circle 01 about six ot · eight feet III . tllstel!. Al;.cordlllgly , In tbe same y, ear. be Tile wormtll ofll·lll lleu.... nlid tllefrunkness probabl.e populntlon uf the cIty Ilnt.!ltI! (!D- and Ignornn.ce, titn,n to ·tlu.t.ter. themselves dillmoter, )n which stakes llre .drivtn 10 Alid tit blof!~~h' ~ lepL Ihrough I.ltu 8unituer t. \., , F<, . I night, • • .,ecnme edItor of tl10 S Bturdor J;.rvenlll/t of his mnnllere mllke for hi~ fricnds \vlier, vlrous_ rt ca ICll IIltes Ii"e persou~ to ·ope .L U}ey are WISt). '11 Ie acqJ.l18 IlIon 0 f very, cI08e ~o eoc II ollOr that a • wolf caD not Inlh" Hlml\! of the n' "r.! roy, Pos~, 0: well known weekly jourllnl, lit th\1t ever 110 gees. GC1l8JO\l8 to a rau'lt forget- tnxllb.1.e" such being the Ilveruge , ~hus ror~ Importal\t brunches rC'}llires no abilities creep througll, and whiCh are enou~)j to And Ih 1II0rl\ nrosa WIllI lUI guri~ h ligltt, time publidhed by SlImuel C. Atkin.un. lut of inlurit>~ coheiliating in hi; deport-' certaill{'d by tbose taking tho censlIliI,.,.a il,bpve the commQn level; diligent opplica- pre\'tlllt fiis leuping o\'er them. hI tbe Alld tI\' BOn OliO slille o,i'ny. 1u the lallowing yellr he becnlne Joln\ pro- ment he ill ~~e w' pe oHloe populur with mukes the loliowillg re ult. . tf/Jn nnd IiItendy perseverance often eftect midst 01 this clrclo II single .toke is driven prietor D well II~ et.!itor. He continuet.!, in the 'allY p'llc{;.l;ovllCl by ilie rew_ HIS falllts Pittsburgh proller, h JlIore thon \I,e dazzling . but irregulor to which a lam" or IIi,young kid i. bqund. Thlltt IIlQlz phyr wooed II~ be '~I\Udcrl.'d b)' " WIIOTIt tho uftlltle Aowr t grow, , ~ onnection With his partners, to pll~ lisll where he hIlS them are tbose 0111 1I0ul~ All ghE'IlY ~pel',.;, ~lahtB of geni~B, The infrelllle~ pufilllit. :\roull4 this c\r,?lll' Il second is rorlll~ of, nut llhe IiftVU 110 It ud to lu ~ "llllI/tive elgfl; this journo.l for several years, but fiDlillv, ncturq Hi» scnse ~f honor is keen He jJirllinp:hoto, - oCKnowledgo woula ulltural y. diminI sh t.lte wbieh the 8~kes ' are 118 dllflC 118 the 'inGer Hcr b 1m 10 \II! !"VI) WI1!I Irue. 111 1846, ported With his entire inlerest 111 ,cQuId do 110 man \\' rong intentionally. In I South '·ittshur.gh, force~! ~he temptl1tion; by hecollling le& fl1 one, ~fld nt a dlStl1Jl C ot "rea~r Ulan will ~, till his o.ctions e\'/m to the most trll'inl thel IA/wer St. ClaIr, rare \ lt Will ~petlr more lIoeelisury ond not permIt a wolf to pass 1,l0llvellienUy, but· \ It. ~~\~) 't~:!~lll~:Wv~::: i;l\~~:~:i~ IQver'l! II rt , It is OB 'a mog~ino edito~ nll~ publi sher, eMrgy of lIis ' qn~ ' the l kind~c$s I - - , SQ imposing. Tt w,ill he worll 118 an e8110 u-1 not t(J allow of bi ll turning roUl~. In tbe ~ :':ho fol<1.cd !ll'r....v (liJU III her thrilling hcArt however, thut l\t:r. Graham h88 made bun- of his Itl'lIrt' are - - - 1,376 tilll article of drcss-.-of. whicb propriety ~uter circle n dOor i(l formed, whiob open :the atotlr'ghi Clltlle ag.un. ~elf cspeciully fnmou8. III 1839. "a 1 , , 1.180 docs not allow the oe4l'lect-rl1lber thnn as tnword..-ahil restB " irDill'~ tllc, lnwalllH:''Jl'~'-'-""",""':''7 ti!lIe he became editor of tho Post, he pur- Ad eot e of P '-lcr A" 2,lJ5 !au Ornnment to glitter arid to dozzle."...:..M, I but moves easily on ~ti1 hingea, alld Castel18 1. V " aUhorokel' r... .-,..9mRn~e. ' "y. ' 'D~ogra ' chased u1. Air. Atk'lII~qJl the CUSII'Ct, a ' ... By IheIU steunlor tlte edllor of the. - - - I ..."00 1.s:.,.0IX,S B logrnp It seif (111 '8II1U tt'mg. .D~ Wi ,I monthly moguzine , or respectublll, abihty Tredlon (N. l. ) SI~l(; Cltll!cfttt, has roo ivcd n --(lllrJO~8 CoJocfd ~ce Ttlroug~,. this door the wolves enter; , and CIrculation. This ~eriodicul he co~- let! r duted nt lionotulu, . Snlllhllcb ll!lolI~s". 8'7,600 There is now tcsidi a~ lia· Ie and Il somctlmes In snoll 0 number ~s to flll GEORGE R. GBAIJAM, 'EdUq.r of tinued to publtsb, under Its old ndme, \lIltll JOI\. lil IB!iO'dfrolll on "ltJ. frlO{;d and fllllowlllrlllrhc remumder of tlte oounty, 64,970 native of !.he }lloce a.:!'n nam~d Joseph the enclosure.>. The first woIl now Po,ccs • GrahaDl'~I"'iIlO. December, 1810, When he ~ollgbt the .llst ~frll~' :':lOilc~:~~~8thl::'~e ~~r:~1 ~lU~nlrloUI. Hurtill, a jnurncym~n carp~ntet, who was the CIrcle ill order w discover Sump. 0R!!nD'Y CllAliLES J 1'£TEBSQN of the Gentlemen's , I\lagullle, a.nd untted hIS loller lor Iho amu elltent ot our ,Cl\.lor8.Tou", • ]42,1)70 married tbe same ~ay aa her llalellty Q,tleen lng tllf.ough wluch he oolt get th& ll\Ulb; __' • tllO two moothltes Oil Grllbom!s M3g"zine '1'h wTllor lell 'New toi'~ In 1S:J6. ns Il (ull 'tlds is an increllso of sOllie 60,000 ~n Viclorfn. Hill wj~e wus delivered a whell he COlllell to ~lie door which ill in hi' n..' dl I illluinil L1le first nutnher in jAnuary. 1841. pl'WDIO In Col. 10' 1 '0111100 e. rcgt!,lt'll,l. Afler ten years lOr the wbole country. It WIll daughter the d.y af'ter the Pr ces8 R'oyal wajtlle pushee It WlUl his. muule, It CJOIfla i W Ittlt a man, 1eIt a ,rlen ess orp lIn Tb ' __.. f l ' . tlto wllra werc over, Ie r.em(tlncd Gallfom ln, no doubt be e I tI c ItI; lifO tinal i ' " al) fasteus he pOBllea b Ii t" lJoylwod, overcomes every obst.ele ot fore IIUeC",.. 0 t us ncw enterprille wp wh{'re he woe employed by Gen, VullllJO 08 II lie n w le~l . 1e l' ~u . ~ WIlB born; of a 80n tlleQay lifter thePrince of ' , YI a~ geea ,,0 ~ne, and rilf!8 to' wealth and station, \Vo unprecedellted. ~avmg spllred tlo expl'n~ CAn~'fJ;n at 1he lime tbo gold minea 'Yore d18- Iy seUI('~, I.b ot. tlie lIlcreose of , the C)ty W$les ,voe (jorn; and liS ller Mnje8ly wos roqlld .for... Ule second tl91e. w)~bou~ ~elnjt jUlLtly coocludc tbnt he il Jionesled of no to procure able writers und elegant ~tnbell- c:ovor~l. He of courec toolt hill clloJu:e8 at ~nd e!'vlrona WIll be dUelist one hUti,dred per I!ub!!equently. delivered of a prince ur p,rln- nble either to enter \be mner clrcl~, or to c01llmoo abUitiee But when tbo eame in- ishmcnts, tbe rOBult was that he produccd rill dl£lllllff' bUI 80l1D nban~oned tlto \.Iu8100ll8. cbJt. In ten years-or, ill otber words, our ces8 !lis wire ala pre.ented him WIth a retreat rr~m the oulae. At leilctlt he perd'"lcIual by unforseo~ events ro- II periouical or uuexonlplea merit o.nd Yho~lftrl lcord fTljO:, 10 tho ri~- population bas doubled since the CenllUli or cluld of th~ samo lex as the ror oJ infllnt ceives !.hat be 'fs a pr(ioller, ndnfe hldeou. t~in. sti'n the col,t)dencc or bill (ell ow ~en ty; and, ot oucc, tllou8ands were adt!ed to u:3;h~l\ Ir~e£~~~lhut~~~;Jlu:~ '~~l~O~ lltll~ l8~0: 1'hi8 is II proe:reri~.Y ~II nstonlshing and tile dav orter eo.eh WIIS born, lI11d s~ bowling announcell'to tJloile who bav-e C~II Bud «pan tlon ueht fale' a leo:oliit time: his lis~, A new .pir~t ws~ illfuaoo IOto, tc) 8900 ohonlloned 111l\! sp culnnoll. 1£0 con DB. It IS grlll!rying, au 8ufth~!ent we shou!i1 Ibo baa co;lti'llued to do up w TuesdlY, tbe sttu~ted!.he lr..-p. that !IO il take~. wbo illb aud J.um~ hI.q 1000l jJOIitl00, we do not m8 gazlIlell. Before tllIlI perIod, the month- dud Ii his odvOIiI\lrcs for lit presenl by bdng thlltk tt~ IIl1tlllf the mostnnxlous 'or a rllJlld lid ult., wheo ahe was delivered of a .on; m~dla(ely ~J'le and dl8p~tcb 111m, It J" l -r all h' t---" lies had been Blled with se\'.ooll-hand Eng- wrt,>cked one day on Honolulu, and D1 arrYlUg gTuwLlI. L1Jua makin... seven children and 8'-' e ual. Bal~ tll"t l1118 80rt of trap . . .liD used fot ex• . , . e 1 we e 1m an ex .......IOary l' I ' . d'''' tl 't . . 1 Iho dtulllbter 01 Ule e1uel 01 tho vlllllge on t1ltt , ql) foxel and even oecuion\llly (or mice !I , .wrll!!',-<lr III luerell y WrI ten or~glna folloWllIg undoy DUllel hUll spl!a~ lor lilinBeaatiful Thouc:ht. number of ~n. lind da~gbterl al- Iter MIl' • man. Yet luch, ~nl_ the partiallf, .•\ . A 1llihUlI1 officer being ot .ea in & dread- J~.ty haa prm~ell and prtncel~s,. Mrl Har. Lae~ of T,!rll.llla Uo.pllaUt",. frlendtbip ch!cei"cI UII, is George ~, Gra- tiJetI; while their ~try, exC('pt what. WI8 ae!!: ba.m. takenli'om well known aulborll, was such fho pnper "all ~Io" poy In !-h08(l HUltS, rulltorm hI. lady who WIUI ~tting in tll!! rl8 only 1I110wmg hl'r royal ml.tress W t:&ke Wherever I" expected mOil attention I ne' ~her of Mr. Grlh.m wal a~Dtlc- .. ".both gods:nd medn ,obd~~r... The iliuI- ~50~d"~~1 ~!Jli:r~r:'~ic~~1 ~Ul~l~ o~!':~I~~ cabin ne~1" him, and filled with alano (or tbe lead of her by one dar· • 'met wilb tile least; .ud wherever. ~k ·' " In tratlon. ' d dtd " .ell-lUI 19 . Icd I '~1II eOIllO tIll I 1I11"e ~ tyo f tb e vesseI ' 80 lIurpr~l sed The man • who once becomC8 ' . .1. '---"1 IIOIJN.a.t11.fi ,._.. ' man 0( e duee t Ion an d"10rt une, retien. Tb f1were h ~"w an b lD luerell\. d bTl f A I'III IC, I 10Yi (lV r, an \ ,~a8 a Journaliat l h ad 1.uven .. ,e 0b~ect 0 f un...... Pbiladelphl., where be w•• known, iDoUl G be neeB! ea,u t,. , an la Idl Yt. b0 thl.ugs, but Illnllo lip all olhers.. at his composure and leverity. that ahe mllat alnwl t bid farewell to mental rellor Ilnd kindne&l on bank. of the Thame.~ he lhirtllC.... ago, .. an enterprilipg ebip- TIl am 8 _agume at once .p lice I e- "Un Iho 9th ofO~lOber IDtl~1 to colllpllny " lib out,' ")Iv llear Ire 'you not IIl'rald.tal I if I (1 Iftl h "d i \VII pretty lIW'e ~ot to mllke tile leaet re. b A" ' ~I b fore all otbel'll In the popular favor 1lnd seven ot.lwrs 1 left Son Flltn I co ell a VI Il H .• 'bl 1 . . h meD ~otsure. , Ie u It .. ulo:S E l' I b b k t tb • PI., mere allt. • one perl"" e WII a .I.......l. i . ' Ia hut eel • I ' b l lhOI Deo\llifl~1 lelande ' IlIlcndjng afterwards to ow l EI It poeSI e you Me 80 c. m In IIUC lrutbfuUy hi' attention mUBt be ever turn to an oJ IIIwaD on t e an .0 e pertD« or ~e late Robert Fleming, thl'n """'''''':i..~ r~d . en ~ ~ tatc ~ e sail 10 Cluno moko oiu ""y ovenand to I(UI- a Iltor0l1" He arolle from biS citalf luhed awalie to 'what 18 plllIUig 10 tbil world o.nd Bo.phonw. I \lou.forewaroed by old ':111- • c.~inl on ap active trade between .~m_ t. .eel. It ~Ilt nu W maID. wbere liulve an uuclc. and 1b~ to Eng· w the dccIr, Ind aupportUlg -hiwllelf by a hi. whole mind must be C1evoted tr) tb~ jn. lillh'l'esi.!leut.a that tbil would be We cde\ • , whore J could tnko P\Ul II N8 /Or oome.- pillar Glf 0. bed plllc:e, he drow hil sword •• _ t . t del i!' and 10 I certain}.. founel It, wjthout oM ex. Claule!llo o.nd Ireland. BubeeqqentJy he uun, and mluntaina to thlll day, tho suprem'--'~ :. I ' h' ac" 11I01l8lh al nooll ,,;hen wo'Werel 'oteafUcll d . , I ' tJ b (h' " I ~n exanuno Ion. 1111 IIClUI IIIOQ .I ', ~ .1 . ' .11 ' e,,_ _ , ar,e llDto COJDmerce on 18 own .1-' , , 1110 bnrhor of &l1olulu h , canle down 1.0 an pomtllli t LO Ie realt 0 II WhO 16 cord oT c:un,:ent I.'vents "0 II ception. J( !.heee.l\lru ..... naea raptllif .coouat, but cliautroua times approacibing, Tbe euCCMS of Hr. ~rlh8m's MagazlIIe a gnle We 8toOO oa:.. aWl enw:eded JIl exclaimed, "Are you not afra.ldl" She io - for literary lall""" on l '~ uldrt,S H in the world, thev did not like 19" teU)~!ir,_ he ........ 1ft til" gen~ral roln, and ultimate- wu lIuch, that, by January, 18411, i& Inll out rnegilJu. "UtjuM tIA we ~ore err- stantly replied, "No, certainly not." 0 ,I. .,r d 11 a 0ta1 el'J.. e • ,~ of ~"it.fcmnel\ humble ltationl; aoil it . (\gubi~ ly. DOt i1fJity fortune, but hill life lunk attained a circulation of more tbln llie tooueh 011be harbur, it ame 01,\ to .nid the officer. "Beco;u'!c," to Ipen OD III their killmet had IIqt ticen favorable, thaT: ' p,Ddu tla.laI~ Helen. t\Vo children, t!i()u'lJId. )Jean-time 1IO cxpen.e WI. "ler1 bard fWIIl Ilbo)norddl;,wl!tI~ ~ In the lady ""know th". ~~le !Word i • . amYHISCIl urae,reae'tf'C ets JidtPU t IC._ .~- did lIot Uk. to exhibit tbe:!'r resent bU"~; hom die t th b' ( 1_--' to inere..e ita elr'ee1lenee bolb litnl DU\e8 we welc 'tlfl IUl .1lI!t on t;noro. the lh d f - ' ,~. db I rle.. e bU QO mOb b• 0' evo e .., U Tb 1..-' with • , e IU !feet 0 nur IllCo'.-. • ,' I ru.. IJCd to my c1)cst for my dilOl!II, 8l1d bIld III I lID _fI. 0 :&y husbllnd. an e ov•• exbauation of anyone theme. What be la OD.. o;ae WUU t.rea me r'olr ..... bora.va tile 18~ of JamIU')'.. erary and plcto~al, Mr. Satt~ln, the Gt - barely tm)o 10 IIOOUre tlJeID IIVben the bull pan: lDe~, weU to hur\ me." ··The ..," uJd baa to de.1 willa must be taken u at a mo- moat poht eoeu and laYe lIIe IIIOI~ nf the t813. The e ...." _th oFtbe lather mat.e- e~ted e~~er, W.II ko~t buell)' ~mploy- 'lCl. koolcd ov~, !llldJilled. 1 lI«~ed ~ "par, he "reilllcmber, I know in whom 1 have tie&' II be . ed and dia- iotol'Dlat/ou t w.aa~ were ....b I. had u1 nan, aftltded the intecelts or tbe IOD, ed dl (umllllilllg meao'IOta for It; &tid .ndclunalOJlandlh~Dt:II'T, "&rim death lievC'd .nd he hold.1the · ~I.nda/1I bls me~dD9Iee ~ . ·Ddi. neverseepbe~,CO" _ i .....t ...Q JIr. Grahalll " .. ~ (or the bu, ........ of. !.he. engravin~ .then e'lCeCQted by ~~~. . a&icaa./ ~. yl I~:t:- fiaU. ~nd the waten in the hono... of hi. I~ oe:~~~i: lbe :ental ~~ceslity letten, am! ~o whom 1 In~ If ,.11 laW . . . . . ""' lirect.I to . . . ~nd; tlaiat artiat, and bY' Smilie, Ra~dOD and IUJ by '.he :;" .. buda.'1 U 'odell. paui n.. hour as atl Eoghab traveler. Bill ~ flit_lee .......11aaf~ "~""'Dts W eYea .....er.. have certaio'y never ..ace beeD earth whet'1l'l • II'" --' of hoIphili\Y beJoad cup beeD .... (or WID Ia tile . . or die BOIl. a~l_ed_ The molt emine,,' ia tbe loan ·it. The DlytDa ate... coming iOtI:) the ci". Dr. Watta~ " of coftee with the. pipee. ........ to lie ut. 0...-.' I"""""'; Itat tItJe ...._ 0. 8ta.. WtTe, at the Rille WU ul. about three milt'll out, Tu.... 90 endaell " ....... di~t.e For hie ter!l nnlmcnrn to ~,n. two ... or die -,.rent frwIa .d aM ~ liar Its ~ At lirat, these wrieoUl clay ftdiIJI. bJ tJae .trim tryin aYGid etic worb, tUt bill filme I. al~t 81 or lIIrCJ.-7VbJ-iIt' .....,. ,lie , . . . . , . . . wJIo .... tIN were .........1GaI that aoy American la io ~ a po. ", newl, lINkeD atone'c:h had apread aa Ute Cladataia -reutoa. When a ....... IIGra .".rentl, to a J1le of CD.... . . . . aI'brcI t.bem .dequate ,.... or~1 ~ pIaCeII _pon tho middle 01 tile cbilcI be ccndtt 1CUal1 IIftT aMiIl apeak. . lea . . . . . . . .r-t 1Iat ... ~ which lid eIIIl traei. . . . tw..el" hasWe ~- Ina rbYllle-lae po....." a p t ••taral ~......... ...,. , . . . . . . fa's n,. ONhua'. ........... the -If ~ fur II. lie. wu oftea . " . . ..... '" ..... reeei . . . . . &lie . . dal'eateDN CCII'NCt . . of u eltIert, .....
==;'~F;E(mdiij=~~~Bf====-, lout IO!lI1er of l\'Jontgplllcry,
1"::11 u:1 r
I' ' \
,'" '
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~ l"eachca as llJI A.a;t.iolc 01" Diet. Rejl~ the artlclo in another co~umu h~ncl-
, '1'ho ]"81,.
The first Annu\\l Fair of tho WI1.l'J:OIl e.6 "ahove, from the peD of Dr. Fowler, County Ag l'loultornl SOCI\~t~ wUl bo held .of Nrw,:yodt.
at Lebanon on WeduelldllY nntl
When this oompressio n i pl'odl,lccfl,.\;l lungs <,-(moot E'xpnnd to rccClvc til • snry Illlllntity of Illr. of COl,lriiQ the OI~lou ·~ eliit clUlhot r oceive the suppl1 of oxygenj then l'aPiuor, Ileuilitl'. Ilnemia, ,pnlpitatlon. I!lImptlon m its various form , disrep. I Ilsillmn. premature old. ag~, Ilud death \he enTcer.
~peakini et Peaches reminds us ohome the 4~h Bnd 61h dbYS of S eptember. nex\. twc ODell pl'ellenl.cd last week b)~ 1\105&8 )tBi.i..-, wbieh filled epctly our' idCQ (nnll Vi trict-Se,hool. .. CWf 1D000th td9) ofgood PElaobee. Moses is Jesse Butti!rwortb requestll liS , to~II~ , ~o very forton .... IIi havin~ Il~ar.ge orchnrd 9f the eilizens of: Wa?nesv!lle thQt It wm Pt1f ~elleioul fl'l1it. commonce school ng&lu next Monday , '* .....
()::7Tbe Demoerllt8, in Iowa have elect·
CellOS (tems.
PopulatJon of e)uliieothe.
l7~ 100
1,226 618
or Wilmington'.
PopuJat.i.QD 01 GttoraretoW,ll, ~ PopWaUo" of. W'YlletlwU~. Popil~lioD of
Popu"tIOll,.pl ' Toleda, • PepUf,ftl$nl of enla,
Con~e,antJ 11
Ity in the St:lte Legislnture.
, Grape Po t Office. A new' Po.t 01llee bas been cstabli.1fed
"PopaWloD 'or Springfield, 5.017 ------lL:DI~~. of Oreeoville, 1.013 P'opoladoa or Indianapolil, Ia. 8.0S4 ~
cd blltlrmembers o(
T_e Turltort of
"Ju t my opinion; in fad il • bare." .'80 I th' k II
The bm w~ich bal panfil! th. Senate provid\Jli Ii territOrial ~YIIr1IlDe~ ror Utah, In '. hea -'he boll~aart of ~ u ' roJ. Ah,.I'II. Pm.,1 State or C.li- \'lUte or tiIMf 1heterJtory ot tit. dmmit A
11 I
( II
.In n
. ...
... , , Peac1le. as OIl Anl~la 0" Diot. .Rend ilia article in &n\>ther column 11 end,ed u ~o) from the ptlD ot r Dr. Fowler,
.speaking of Peochea reminda Ull of some Iin~ ODC' preaen,tcd 1u't week by M OSES Dlatriot.8cbool. ,KBlon ",,,iell filled exactly, our' id,aa (una Jesllb Buttfrwortb tequesta U8 ~o lay ~ IDCIloIUl too) or good Peacpes. Moscs Ule citizens of Waynesville tlaat httwery ,forblDale iJl having .Iarg l orc;hJll'd cOlJlmcnce 8cl1001 ngain next MondllY. , 'del!cIOUl fruit. "
When tltis compression is puoducc.l, the lung c!ln not t'XPflDd to recei'V~ th JloceS-
~o'Dcmoertlt., in (owahn,e elect.
buth members of Congren.~i1 ity in the Snfe Legisloture,
" cnlape Otoy" Post omee. I A new POit Office baa been eatabliah'ed . -n
, ","I
! '
e for Lire'lll,.raneo. ' • Not lonr ,illce a gentleman. after nilvoeatJ'.!I the .p~prll!ty oC' obtaining LiCe In· 'QI'I"~., wa. replied to. tbat Ii substitute tould'"be fumlshed of su~rior merit. Tbe, reply &0 the anioUll1D~Uiry fell: a lubstitQJe ..... "Let a Pl'rloft "lant tOil aetC. of a~-
pIe tr,eee,·'
Ncn.r lei UI5 "lew oath Ihlea'of tbe Clue8-
Hint to Ko" "wive". ,:\'VlIon Y,pu Wpsh 'plii~t, \Io'n'~ IOUp ol,d ,,'a.l'!I1' wuter,; for tlral w,llI th., ,paint' as ,vell,as UII~ dirt . •Use cold " . ter and liard IQII,(I. " Curpots' moy be cleaned by pounth them well olit of the s bup. Tlte slid. be. '!Ol'Y slrong and~, cold. < This ill done culting.'i1ow~ the .har\lsoo.p Ilnd , dl8801\'I1)g it in warm wuter. 'rhe lIuds should leel slipper] ~tNeen tho' fingers. ,' Bed,ateada 'should receive a eompletc 8crutibl,ng with lOll)) nnd water; nft sltdilld not be put up u6til per fectly dry. Tbo and holell ""ou\11 then . be anointed Clprroiive sublimate disaolved in aleo'· 8ulphul' mixed wltb cafnphlro or \I 01 d&lorlill) of lhne.--EJ:. ,...:..:..'--:::,-~~-;..-----,
',ion. and'aee which of the two would :like_ 1 If mOe, '&0 benotlt ClQmmunltyt Tlie Qne l'imtllCAL D.EPAR'l'i\IENT. ~iI\(\lIdi1 payinl a Cler~Jn ~tlid to obtain 'rho ruular..c:ourso' dt' ~rl'8 In thi ~ rUBU' jDiUrauJlfl fOl' alarge IImount to be tute ~'i1'coinlrlol\C:C on the Fin' of Novenlliclr, by bi, family' after dea~b. Jn nUl;\. conlqlue IInlii the Ills t of Jo'llbrunty, 'l'.hll ~ iit no prOdUcing or ela,lli" g property I AnatomiCQl J)epllrtlll~ltt will bo oPl/nt:!l o.n'd relldy 10 rccclvs . Iudenll' by tho FII'$I of ~'o· it tnetely paqea 'from one 1.9 ' IInuthel', hi OOr. 'l'he r-to\lic:a1 [)epnrtnlCmt ",Ill be under die other C~, a mIn plantll ten ocrea nHA"I" llie 'direction of lhe fullowiuli and p~uce~ by bili 0 vn .' ProfelllOfI. . tion' a nlbable mco~'" to many to b~ informed tbot It fre8h meet ' Z. Frremnn,M. D., Pro~ ~oro( Annlojny. W. may bot ,be .hIe t.o meke a , pe~ rec'- be rolled up III Indian , corn meal .R .. S N EW'1'O~, M. D' I Prof~~oT 'of t;lurgcr:y H J: Hulc:I\, 1\t. D., Prolassor of Theory and !J correet estlmatA!,but we will keep it l.,W. keep frellh ~our or ~ve . dllya. Procllic:c of Melili!ille. . &p~in, the lind to be worth 120 IIhojlld be lalll down In pieces M.D, aRe a~d the 'treea 126 mete tho three pounds, and eiich coveretl ",oaiil tiii I~. I ' " , }vilh~th~ meal. . ' , ears" the hnproI e I j" 'n" i it .... :";J tl ' tJ i ' t " or, ce. · 14011 W~ , more, lun,pay ,I~ n,er~8. Flie'! are 11. great trouble to hor~ l'a at this for \lao owe aDd labOrrequired by the treel. He~u. They \vl U eat Ule skin oft' the ,1'Otl tbe Illit ava ,eua if tbey Ir., ~el1 side pf their ears. 11011 tlien ree4 IIpon the Im-U I ~ive , :"Q·ifCl~' w.,: a ,*!~P~ 11.ell1 fte~h, produeinJ a grealdelll oC ;tam aod un- legacy I gave hIm becllU8e l -know - oeD per e _ ,;UI y, ~n o. oWI~fi e08iness. ThiS evil may be prevented, ~y beltow i~ on the poor." . , \0 tile aete (warne pla"t ItO) thl8 Wl TU~\iil1' upon the jlJside of,their ears 'a lit- May I gIve live shillings; intended him out hne-thll clQtb~ h,o. we SUPPOIC.' ~" iliuiUog tin fitva ~do.r to tie grea~, oil which &boula be r{'l'ent~d morl', but wboever bas sllen his' hi story of Lo"E ' AIID DESP'"w.-Tlie .,.~mg a bve~ men, al eave occaaionalll'. ' tbe parliament thinks fivo' IIhillin8l! t o o ' ....... Inta blllllnce of ~1l0. , ' much." IItm-Clt give,lllfjut, Gen. Crdm- who WRS crosBed in ' Io"e Iliit W$~~!):!W.h': . }!Qr the succeedlnl ~D years ,~,OO ReJ' _ ,' To CAtct. Crow'!. \vel1 one word of , mine, bOCltUIIe hitherto it. were not for 1t9ttirig wet 110 tr~ woulet 00 " very, low computl~l.on. UIUII 'l;l1ke ~om. shelled corn apd' run B he llever kept his own'" ltern-"'l give imaelf!-lIe will' probabJy gi'lD, t!le sum ?C ' _ ..000 to W~IC 1 ad4 hBir, tbrougl~ the, ~Bin with a up' the Ghost:" , ' ' ~y ahobtillg himselr in a 'UV'''''~-cl 1660, ~h~ ~~t galn"for the ft~ ~n feol'fl, tie a knot 111 the ,bair close to the , ' ,' glaslI: ;;tl;:i;~:tJ.~,~;~i !'JI4 we lalYe _,6110. to 'eay notlniul.ot the B()\V them in Clorn.flE/ldll" lind the CGoi. " Y>, JDICrel& tl,plt .palaht ,1ulve _b'eep, . realized. ; p:i ck up this graft! 'with tb., hllir In A love~8miUen proressor d n one o( OUT A WITTY dPOl',"-'-" So >you' WOllld not ~ thenceforward, 11,000 a ~ )'ear mig!lt It will tickle tbem ODd they will k1Jl coUpgeaJ at\e~ convehd"g a w\t.i1e ' with his take me to be eighteen I" aaia Ii younalady be expected. if w e tOe some orchllJds \0 selvell a scratching. ' duleinea on the interestillg topic of &natr!. to her plIJ'tner, wbilO d,ancing tbb polka. New York u utandard, which have yield. " mony. r.onctuded at lut with a declaration. a few eveni~ ' IkG. "What would you eel" trom rOUJ' to lix hundred dollars per US, and,pul the empbatic queatloD oftalke me for,lbeal"-tlFor bene'r or worse" t.cre.; or even in Milne, where .,er t200 'win you have me1" , replil!~ he. . ,,' to the Icre. We blve proof that bur'est!. '. ') am 801'11 t.6 disapP(lint )'Ou,' , replied - , ----....-----~: mate i. but 60 ~r 'cent.. below wbat h.. All :,-rtfnl Tri~k. the lady, 'and bope ' my, fefu.a! will not A pntlema!! w~ waked ~e other alletd~n reaJlzEoa. • , The Londo~ swell mo\» are known tCl rive- you' pain. But I muat an8W~!' no.' and told that 1111 Mfe \V88 dead. l:Je turn. ~~~:[i(;~:~~;~~~~~;~~:lJ If tLoee fayor~bl. t9 liro' ill8uran('e can lie to aU kind,. of trick., but wo rather Wen ' well tbat will do madam ' IBid rOllnd. drew Ule coverlet close" pulled in '6ri tlte table,., let 'It l. be done. Here thBt U\e 1UUpW g, wllieh is told by her p"il~~phiClflovei' and ~now we down hil nirbt car, and muttered, III he DIlr'O.fiIYOrllli\v iDdustrj ~Dd econom" is In increalie Gl9 be, ,. the IIat docfte out: chimge t4s l'U0·ed.' • went tp sleep . agai I): • Ah, , bow . grieved I ~pertJ~ lDeUtad of a ,..8" ClbUp 'o rhanU having ~b. appellJlIDco ilf • coun; shall be I~ the momio,. ' . aDI; ,lewin,,t.\ie plelMnt Oecupation with Dnd laden ,whh a bunile of haYI All, Editor'. Re'qtt. tht . .oun.... lI,come, a few will witbold maDap.'one day lut week to rau through At. a ' fate feilUval, • ))retty lit~ le niiss An Irisb r.ndemen bavingpurcl181ed an • terdJct 'ayor of nba\ltote, insteld a pall. of 81ua, .aluect at £30, wbich waited upon tbe editor to a pie pla~e. of all· alarmoeloek-, an accquaintance asked him of die Llfe IlYUl'aiace.-Mai.te Farmer. ~omed the e&tabli.hment of a large mer- tigne manuCacture, in the cen~ «ilf which wbat be intended to do with It. •G~' ...id I jnc:!udlilll cer, iD 'Edgeware "Road, London. The he spied the following C911ple~ , he, 'it', the moat CoDVeDteut ~ing in Ut, J-Ilea. . .aoa. , shopkeeper qulckly aeiaed upon. the rellow, 'One aweet '~I.. world, 'for I've nothinl to do but to pull About. tbla timal••, reer the ean. "PO n who proteateC1 he had no money, Ind .,Ieao. ' la the price of tbis! , the strin, ud wake myself.' ~'U'~JlD''' the several IilanM in the rlvars or £ ..t ed tbe wei"", or bis load for III: excuae. Tbl, excited his lIaturally runOI'Ou,,- dis. TeDlleeaee Will discovered to be pfOllucin, Two ~Dtlemen lookinr on. t~lified position, and 18 11000 all oportunity ~,Itrr""', ' dlaUIfl.,iD8 Which ,ery much'rHemble rye tJacir bavlDIL watchM tlte eel he mot' oDed tbe young lady to : Some say lh'at .arl''1 bre~t is IIteel~ •• to able aod ehape. !.t'I!IUIi in beada and just before remarked and pointin, ",iUt his knife to the The Iyin, rII?Js, bue 10,..,fteD " , aDd WI. covered 'with chair like ..uaat cuelHlneaa would lead (0 some 'Young ladY, yuur pily is ready whe That bOtl(lIlll now ~1'8 ce_ to feel, wheat. The ~Ion WI8 then consid· and lb., ~tecr tbot , the 'l:ioodY.' present your bill.'" , And wby' bec:auae &hey're '!l,de of CC)tte". et;d ,.~ubb1e".nd ,0 unlua} ~et ,Dot be leareh~: Tbt. w.. ~ptly lone, ud ' , . . . &lit t6we.l iDhabiwn' bad ever teeD &he ~uc~n or a.£60 note wa, the re.khlpp in the J:.ucllla," '~ ' Tbe 'corner ItOne of Gra~e church =~~f.~~~~ aD1 thiog of the kind. The coDjtcuree reo .uJt. Vainly did the countryman ,.I~ to the Clerk olr a ,hlp- wa. laid in Baltimore. ~u11 i9th, end the . . . . tile DIe of the appearance te11'II ift hll ~etI. procllim &he note to be vJ1u~bJIt maUer depoefted within it \08 ItotJdI _ _U..,... were ~ Dumerou- bls 'muter'., the proeeeft oC hla joumq eaid t1Je clelk, pen in hand, len a lew niglltlllrtc·. _ , ~ (ucllO&De ot them tkilled In to m.,ket. The mere:« paid himIeIr the "Wba\ is your name1 eu;pOMi thlt the ~e £80, b, Ii,j.., the rellow.£IO lD Buk "rt I.h Ha... VlnlllmanandenlauDlnln. eays abou! the prettiest thl~ - boWaic . . . - . . . . iDoc:uIated WIth £a,laad JiGta. al14 retainln. ~ eymencJeymiteheittlnsehuleldmitdnchu 0- benold .su Iccomplished _OlneD, after t1at rOlbld aboot lda. TIle wipi neriderolDp!" aaJ,dlluU:b" pvely hili upset ud brolen bet I.mp, ptiJeriD, ue toll! &bat the _ea~e be woulcl ,0 and ,.l the poIlcemaD out hia oW quicl, aad ,taking afresh une. up the ....peow aDd -Ipilll up the 011. ~ IleariIl,JD be . . . •. ."6e ....• ....... ~ "Hea1'8lll!" aaW·tM .... ....... ~.I... iiI iII~11 flUUtitles the .... pain. • uiillet\ the~; aucI the two IIDOW whal It i. ID BacUshr' ..... tt 1roUI DOt '-diIlcult to &iemeD bJaaill, . . tMIr COD· "Y••• IU doeI. It ill Yon S ....idU'''· . . . u tblttJ ~]I8I'.re. . . .111...............an OD the Ibrt. . .
nun?, ' tez, I
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_.0., •
tile wWi JIto,.,a•• trlck.
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. .tUff .• OUJJ1~"'I~ ~'.r _
,., . ' »ir 'tll~, Jill", a:iLll'(JnSll~\,o::S. L,..ii, ...
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<if 1.bo · rnoUlIlnijll".lhe 'strongest, lb' -Ilf)~t-
, DllI/lt '~
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,1 ". # " "
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t;oulIJi'Jg /It PVjl ill tlto pinl)8 of ft~!lelilar- I Broo~~ of Ille IIql!cil! thq' l'ufj)S t~ :IJlu ~ wc ~ t. < Warblin" a16ne Oil ,il](, ihqOrlQlIIls,:", }fUlell, UII ben -frOlh the filJlu$ of thr fl'eedont. , Vial" rouQ,d ' lby 1,01' OIl\', IUlc.l Blea Jo'ur II')' , 'brow. , ' Unrs> rriliIl8;O(.l\1Clf,:OO, I!Ilil perfumes orF;dol/l, , ~ti}1" ,nl3t '~ly, '!llrH ayeb 8!¥nos: ue thou. Coyna Cram tho 1Jrpko ,wbc!ro' ~I() \~ i1tl ., bird ill " ~ihgill!l, . ' 'j, : ' , " Cou\,C Irolll .Ule fl,tish bljnk thnt ~luddel1ih lhc boo . , .. , , " " , Com\J !'roui tho ~IU}, wboro ·Iho. blue· boll j , lip illgill~. 'I • , • ' , "liidlioll from ~l tbe vUI\bcl\11l n nil 'thcoi ' R!ilo-i,\, 1,Ily lit , qglh Ii'om:lbo ,vul\l, of ' l~y s~um ' ,bers' " .' . Wtlkch! my 8pirit bOB. p~ncd lur &h o'l()ng,-
bu \
OIl.i9r Ih
111~J,ha~ IV
Ill! II) lh)' hW:O.b(!rii!,'
. , Oft {or Ill" wlltl"elis thut lorCQlb :1u Jhy ~b!lg! ' WoI1:01110; ~wCDt p\ol mlltc' IIml frlertd of I~y I
• •
chihlht10d! /'.,,::, ' J.I 'I'hou OTt th 1I11me (hnt lloted il1l1l)1 OUlh,Oliltiru ~~\~rc folsc WI t1,o!Jo' 'Ienvd jn IJlll willl· '
TjlllU ~Oll r"'<ni ne thy' trc 11 411)8 ,and ~ruth; 'I'hou ~tlll l'Ojqicjo/lI, 1l1,(Il IO'Ir,- iOllrillng '1'h(O',I«t. 't)IO lo)\~ torn. \yll'ilTe It. ,dbW) 11on, ~10<l gl lun; , ',' , ' 1'hol,h wll ·thQ~ \Y.il! br901ls 'tlre IJirlJidly,fonili. ~ iiag', '. . . 11, 1" 1. I - DiUllihs1'lllQ ,llllrlly.fTQlp ·tliti V(JXIlil )llountlLih hs\r
run ~
. J3prd Qf ulI"bct ll when *lI hU1'[llng i8 lou,i ~ ;. DHI 1110 il6r ilii/lk with 'ilul tyrulll or ~IIlY ; 'foucla Il,ltl 10 siri yo with ,.allO WO~$ 1 tl.11~ lho proudlllll, ., , FtlIlTI~s~. n 8 'QUYlI,
thou , willi steep Cl\r\lnl'jj dnti<
TuooliJI\,! 10 ri ,
PUll), \18 1I1(,)U
witlto lofly ,dOYotiqo,,' ' rove I tl)p ~lpijRI,m'flllg aod.
tl\1) chord!! willi Q '!IUc;,.'f(/. I:illilliI>nJ. '
... , ' LINES.
, ~llJlJillg~of'j'n1Lh, , nJ.)lo~ ~lnJl1ioil, lmel uo~\ ,
D1I Qllon.GE in:rllli,NTIIlE,
~ttnS~I'I' s-:.veol oni,l,~uiy 'lI,tu'alt '
Is illlng~ 1n lhe slllc\Jlng 8tr,eOJlI" All nllluru\8 <loop dnd eot'lian , hu~h ,
Is lik.e tho Itilenae of n i11 am; ' Allli oBcla \!Cl\lfhs bro ckli!tllike a dovo O'lIr lioollo 10 IPllliic tljliril8 f!lellJ''\i" the hquroH;:l',e,
~woet l\IBry.
:, And. wor" lIlelJl-U' thou Wore l!/lre, Tho myrlaillJo"\'';ira orevory hue AN' ink~illlQ II,glr eVllninll'to,wt" . ' ElICh ",lIh 1I11111jel'drop ~t"de~ . .' 89fr,lolll~ 011 !La 81!l~PLilg Uro.st, ' .. The bIrd, wllhlo'yfln 1I11ellq,'l'cfvQ ' " ), Arc drea~\lng that tho 'Prllig is nc~SWf,1 tllry,!'till '&110 hOlIf 0 Illvo,' -' A,JI-ll ~Ilre b,lliat ..\£ ~011 Wll)'o here, 01' yon wtlh., ~Io\ld ili~ nigill"wind turl, 1111 10110 lIul! dowy wJlIg to !lIeop'. AJlIl !he 1I.'OlO! Btare tOill, lJul like pcarla ·l·II.r~l\ah tho ,elGar. d~OI)i
WI\V •
of h \) ..'\I'.'I\ '. »Iuu . -
, The. p~l o nlists flv.-l "roLlnd. abovo", l.illo tplrIlIJ- of " holior lI?ht!r~ I S\",e~ Mat)', ' Ii, th6 bQ~r oflo c.' . AalU ""t!1'" blQS~ ir mOil \,\'efe bero. prlJe. I1l)W "
nile 10, m~inl~!" mOllt fr'endlY'r~"" ' fQroign poW!),.. · . :A QlOl)g. till,! 'mo!,t' imporr.IIl\t' billa in(ro:. cluocd"!;,y the ~lnlllt~r8 whIch fllll!icJ. Iro the' J ewisb ,Em\lllciRI.11ion hill. the ~8vIDg'lt ' Dunk liill, th9 Lord Li ~l.)te'nnncy of! Irehud' abolition .bill, ond the M,llI'rillg~ ~i11, : At th ll cOl1cel't glvell nt' Li , tlrpool' on Friday , hy ,Jcnl)y' Lirid, tbo' l~ou8e w_a cr~\Vded ulld tick ~ t8 80111 ot high premiums. $)lIi ill s.::!d to be ,more. be,Duti rui urid acoompi;C1,ed than liver. , 'rhe Atlalj·,ic being :too m~cl,I ' f,o,,,ded tG DccOIl1~bdu.'teIre~ '.J!ltil'e imite,i;n nortil>J'!' (I'r . them nre to tol(e passaio !n the 4 medca, . ArcountQ from 'the 'Provln,::oll tlf France repre"ent; the weather 1l114x,:"et!.illcl.v w t rule\. uufllVoral)'1e 101" lsarvoat(fig in conse. quence of which ll~l!r bilU QdvlI!lce~ ~ ~ Gd per 8a(',le, . ' , p cumnrk Bod 'Duohl~$ .
One nCAoun.t, from head quoTtere rcpre~'
0 slight ' engag~ment to IID~eh, ukoll, p~floe;on t1l'e ~tli ~ T:!t0 .n~tack Q~ tl!e phrt of \he 'Dul U8 was ")naOlpltllllt on account' the. ex'ploBian' 'of.') ho Laurllt\jry Artll• • " l e~y. of-',(l~~. WiIlisI;m hy..:.whic4,t'l~r,e was ' $rent 1088 of life ana ·.property, . .. ~~"l\t¥. 0110 perljonll \\' er~ killed by ·tho e>\ploBion
Dnd SIS,were wounded.-aoOlo
lIlNew 'Yorl. Ni York AIIQ . !oI6. nter, be li'!o'ur in r-
lUTe c
·;I'Or. 1ho l\fillrni
. 'rUE DYING noy. j ':'-' , ~
[,lIV..! Tl lIrr..
D ~- tum tariodl W.nJa ' A Ill' OF e ..... ~ Arri "I of e Steam p MI ••lIe. t ebe ~ 'IOWllihfpe or the county JIle,t I. Car· 'rrat. D.£CLlif E .llt COTTOIt ,Ale)) WBU'f . ~. . Y., a .eeoun ' of By "Tm tn~o\\·~ ." . ' OD Sa~1Iut. The rain _ ~ra* i. I,ven on the flntP'J; 8 of , Niw YOIIC,'Bllpt let. to-d y's p.per. !fi1OU ~m'lIt nol WJ'1l) I In n dllDUn~ bright. ... • down \0 torrell" DfUly all d..y, UIQ '1'1 I' .flU tie arrl,ed '0 ' tbe It II truly II bioodl alfillr: " vaO'& Y. aPT _ "eM, , ..., ...~ Conven tion 14fjourned without makiDg . , b Ie telllnll! p II", Jf britt In US Tn SUICID&~\villiam A: C Iidwell 111111 Of ,Ioriov.- till~, to "mrlhIllr lM e)£', . I t' " .0 meet at 'Colle- HI.U aUer)' ~t. 10 u clock hI. ., tlaeg()lt~bra. 00. T beeD. pel'loua l acqu.in tance ur the wri· But III tbet dark gT('t;O, nD 10Da) .. Dlld thy IJearly whll(l' pBedBIJengera, a "'dong w om Will . e'ffJO ~I".I VllI11la ,,·m . ' be i'nl.W to lin· nom ' " , ' ian ted h It . I :)JondlY ''Del . ter, fol' .ome ul~D.1e&1'11· 'P;::·, [IIP lite yearly .uborcribcJllIOr 01<110 1)oLL~a AltO fir·· t e c y,.on . t euny :Li ln , 011 y . .8, . . . . , It . an alteeuce of mue month. lit Auburn I __ T V ~ it' 1I.... 1II'ltbio ill Monltl" (nil II Iii • . A Itol!llr "hll'j1l dotll lit)' v lU ll. tlo;l~C ). learn (rom tile Ga.~elle; tuat ~ . T. . " . . a tbree hO youlI"b ruiae all IUJHllrc rgo; tin \Vlth 11 tronWIiI. ldlo' r I \rc~~iyt'd dw .. k('u' . Ihlle or.u~lKIri"I~18; and '~\\\'u 1)"I.1.. ~1\j\ ",jlllt~ .:Qishey wu' cllOllc", ", imanimo ru, V IlRt'OOL, \lsiy" 1.1 AliI" their . oil ~.-H &ullI(l,I Iho COilSlllimtl~,fti(l!f'\tlq~'t. mercll1ulI mRll to . G~ina. &c. He l o;hllll!oo 1I11\\)'lIu ml jle '''''b~''''llor 0 hllllleJ' I~C' I caudida ,i,I i /'1.0 i 1' 0 1 te il ror 8 ' 01 fed Iq COn~e81 ! 'V S Jf lAnKET ,-:-'l'jro Bulcs on Sat· ~'~l u' I.I'II .r~~riq1 Y9!1lerd Y: New Y-otir from \hat' trulle in _ 11,1)') . Ilr II.. " U III WI ri.xl !t . , '" . ., lind TU6aduy IIml?llll~cd ~Q 1,'8 ul Ilb'I' 1,1 ~t ~ ~~I~nq .y, (lDIl «Iliy will be' furni,dl\'" N,.... t: Mo); II, fII r { 1I0lnihated:\' for. . tlJlI '. . l1~rl:011 I e , State .J3enlll . I. I li 1. I I \ ~rll 1Ift'1I
. .....
-t .
I 'Ve
. "r . At ' litlvr tlle 0', It "'11M II. I on 1Ie II. . U!I& LLA . ' '!''I\,.,.L'''I '' . \I ,\ IIAI.I>. 'I.N'rl!. ~ ;& 8 ~~ I~ .,ng tlill "'Twill be kC11t f.,r . 11\0 h\ll1ll 11Ini Il" \'e it" '\1t j Iliff 'Oil" neDllet ! ~ . 011. , !u e! I t, b t "riccs t . , . I r, UJ'lll\rci)l.oll, Ir{l"' f3cl.CSlIII.ornlllt~ , c"lneoeopJ 1II'ill I... furnl hl'lt :-ill!';\1 N·rll. Co'r ~ Z'!lin, 1 11,in-i prcvloulli) be WlIs l ' 1I'"'ke .. !'' ' o ; ,111\' ~ " , ." ~, • . ' II< nn,ml1tl oll n ~ Ie mllr tC i:la:\' II-r.V'1'I\· £ -:r.,,:.;:r.. ~ , ,' , ~ ,• l :t Ii ' P"lnl II. to UI1\jllli't' In. O't!1~tnl\III' In I gee .lr'CIl'\~.Q .. , ' " . "itlson, ",Y John Schiff, ",~re lIoJUinllteil . : teo·. ' to UI~ III ~\I 0 ,~~. . Jh'~I:?n~ . llllll~ · llt".lll l ll~ Il: VIOl! IVJI 0 )0 \~'1I8 . 'cr/! ~"y ' ""I'~ ~\·.II b(1 (urlllsh",1 I .<ltI }; i\\ ,~ 'II for the' ~~d O llll~ ,,;fl~ H"Y "' not the, I'II'"I' .'Ilte1"'. "'re lUoineo 'Ullllhtlll< State ' Uegia)a . '\lre. 0 _ rml ,_' _ For , \ " • ',: ot II~~ ofJU!C l"r·r.IIl T\,. I \' . AN!>'. IIIIM 1I1llS1 , to . . 1}9 I. i,.r. such 1\(0 r ·opelling /1IIi]I"Y lhr: , . eath \1 I.th I I!IlWJ:.IR1. , . , . " G . , NY' -Lllto . till~le nu.mbc~ \ ,.ill' t.l\ /i\rlli .." II' r. r ·.,lIRa!> 1 ' llarlc$ ·Smith. For' ' I \(,Clovrit ~ fl'olll 81\1\Ill ' - ""nu m t hi I aprt·w "n!1 O~jlf .0\ II btnll. ".fl~r. iJ\ ~j 111or. Where '111'118 tOll- . dill " Ii . 'I t ( ' . ' i' 'o.Jl',411 COllll!liaslollerl I' R '\ S' • . I to .. l'LIM'a each. o\a~ch .. r i I \\llliclt \ hlld ~ II "Ii III \I I . mill". ~ 'Je . ,! , I Blatk ~ fll , i • wi~ rl'pres9 nl'n Q.Omplete. C(!lIS\lllOIl 0 l~ .· 1 II1l1dt,b.. lin 1l\000 d by lormor II d1I\lnJ6truloTK, ,' \ fuport i:;)-HulM!onllliull ,tOr nllY I' 11\11\ I :11> lhnll on ,.. , ' 7 '. of ' thelt e1esire. j 01 (III SII Il I I\~ unv.o ~C , III1YII!)!,;<! 101(1(' II/lid Iho, t1lluu"!'ent v.:ere vQl. , lilities Ilctwllcn . both 8fm!(;!S , ~\It the Igell - 1 ,' "\i n" II ~-thnl lid ' ' ". '1 ' eI 1<ln{, III Uf ' bv jla!u III nih'~II'~" tl' il "'!I~ \1 ~I~rly ~!IPQ8SI\lI Q ,I9r . ta ( T IIOrc'Mq Ir('no"I Q u~ JO)' 1II.',he ~wvel rel1cr;ItO't -, erul il)lpre " , , rh~ cU ~ld!e1llt~s, preVI,()\.\8 t "l,IC e et.l\~II' 1 sioll WUd thnU1J e tllh~ejl~ would , g~n I'''"lVn -10 Ulld<tI'lJIRlld tl ulllli to 1I0, ?n .~ ler Pjr ~ • ! '. h! _."y,. 11 1111. l.ANJU'A II ('. :1101'1: it lII~y ~~C! not · lie of . lUI'" Ilurntiol \'.Qull\ • were require tlto give a p'edg~ that tbe}': 1 l~ 'l'he cholera IlIld r lid i t ill I d il l. ;rt.", 1110". ~ Ihat It"l/lOy th~ Indy now . no mo~e, )~~RPle Auo ~I, 1 fiO, f·...... Uy. U!Cl:rrillg to Ultl head of the col· be )ltl"I.d , ' , , I ." I .1 ' ,~ I . ..~ ) kl olt) r I rhvng(,8 si llce ' JUli e 1II"llhol l" nJlC.r Cpll ~I~Urll!ll ~. With a gentlem lltl li~' tht: name .' I '. 0 ' wou d abide 'by an" ' 8upport ..t 1C, lI~m rlin· " ln be 1' 11tl'01lOd un· . "l ell rna ng a . alld her fri ends iillportllned . her to ' ar u , tlm.11 It WIll be .1I~ell tnllt we lIave ,ij~cur(!.4 . tiona of ,the' GonYe)l > . ' j ill T 11~~,I" y W(oI) \(. » ~4_~~ ~ '. · " tiol,1. uu'd SOO persolls Il/lIj· theil. .. . ~ Pl '1 .' 1I1 , 0 JU t. Vi ,itOlI 11rc.acllled .. ,".'inoril)' rqpnr!.. ~ , I" tb Sen'ice l, or Mr, 1. W. , ROtl~~T8. 09 1 . ., ~ (.~ell" 1Veel!' " WO!I.. . JJI'lf.cnM.-'rhe flOO~8 hJ\d dono gren t v Qllos" "ll" Ihr n tllkEln llll \ ' . J, , IICtept Ille IrDOfllh e p)81l t:~' IIl~ITJIUgd "':ssiatall\ Edi\o~ rrll'jllo~ 1.9 pO~II'Qlle, ,TIle ,Uuen, llera so.ys Ihn~ at hntl11?tI U• . dnPltlfl'c to' tile low Ion 'l\lr RUBERTS is well . , War,-eD (lounl) ' ......1'· IC.· \8 for ~O 'miles be- f 1111114yd IIIt1 in th I}~g\ltive: )'11118 I. "Dl'~ • " to whloh, II" cn~t I I> le !e uc aPt : 'dl$' e red a pnrogrlLpl,1 gl'll)g· " , I " l~" 0 the rllund, or ~hc \ '\~ve(II';' Petlie and 'Mener A ' . 1 1 "p ' her ~onsent l\t)~ t ley wt>re nierrle , nn d , ~nowil to moat of uur tellderi!~ and \VC . Fi~ldB ' wctl' jl ltlorni ng hour 'PH \1. '~ few duys !tin :o s't lltilig tho~ a . . The \Vorren 0\lnty _ ~ICU ~urn Ulr had one ,' chil~ whIch dll/,J enrJy d in Mn.}: ' Qilil . pnl~er8 " deel~ it ~nllece811P1')' l~ soy IInylhiug in j hn8 been postponl\d. 'h wJIl, nolV :~ . ' ' C' iii' III 'hbd 8e~ "IP' ill coml'lle.t elr flootled IIn4 croB,!! i\eljt~ol' . e '. b<; heJel just previous 'to Caldwe ll's returlil. ' / " . )'V ASIfIN CTO l'! , Sept ...; COI~~108,~ ~liii: d~I~~ ~~ ~ISO ems' Which , A l('tter. i!tQte~ .thnt relation 'to' hill ~uIIHliCl\~iotl81 &c.,....- the 'on Thllrdtlay IInil Fri~IlY, the lffJttl w,flJ genel·· tho 2G~l'BmH.17tb , ~rNA'l'F. l-Mte r · iollle aebllt~ , lind ~1I1l' ln . . G alillvell hlld sailed "cfle'lIrly roiJltd tbe ~:!s t1 l1iMed 8~ '.1. ' ~erv ve~ ftaUerin g reception his freql.lont com~ It!nytl of S eptemb erinst. We di not ~xttoordi':IlI'Y per- ,III,. n.ncH hllt ·De.lgllltn n~u.Jt be R buyer ~~ '\ 'l'fl'ectuu1 uur, 'lenrn 'V.drid. and liS; he neared hi~ nllti\!~ sbQre~J formnllce '\ ;. mpt to , po~tpone, ~~e, 0d~ntl. compQs ltor in the :1Icrrald ' lor;lgn .col'n ~:a" year: I " f' tl p ," dE> t " lIIellts 01, mun~tion.< have ,pot \Vitll, ir~~ both rena. : thl~ until '!\Or lrust .week'~. pap~t 'l'~a ltO!le ( ~~: ~~~~/~ the . ~om~ILtee wc:~ ~ opte /llntl ~:i~~:~ ~~~f:~I.t t~'~~es~~JI~~ lofficc~Mr; Hepry , Kt-~ling, hos. done a ~ ot tl~~t~~;;; h~~lt~~~ era .~nol, ~~hange., in~uc~s the .bol.i~f tllllt· l 'O prclIsj ~ltho'igh It c:il~IICd l~lI1c)T: I'n~~.· ,~vos, ~~r. th~t~lll e e~ up.OI), by ~ed ~Of 0 ' "in dUf:\ ~ .hi~ 'Lutrisa to~~ill ~ week ~ '~~r~ iI~I~fo.~ JtiI~ ~itori.ll.~nnot (uil to give Ilntlre III1t- l dIe officer/! of the Fal!, 118 \ve ul)derstllud, 9n~llI~ on 8oturda.~ af~~lloi~~ '! lioll ge.lcrally, nn~ gavc nm~ng the. legitl· by 8teurner~ fl:umI~:ovid~~f~r s: ,~~oklv mail' l he8~t. butghe New Orlonns; returte d~nly fr~t'n tlieto ·ftn~ tbe ab. I I~stj ':,llIl)h ~ClI18Ider:bly hS;~~v~8;I;i~lt goel! mlslf! nnel i1emocrut,i~ \vus isractlo n : , " . ' ." . " ne~r lhe first of t~1t ·\)cek . . ~ ' qllite "snt,sfn cto. J llIol\l h of the :MissisSIIlPi ,to Vern , jectd~orel to \tIm thop lire, th~ 'iCe'of f1!1· I ~~~~d~~fP:I~ o~hi~I~C<i~ ~hl' 'compos Crllzlnn d~ The atilt.llui.e ncceult y of thc editor being line ro~'y, ,Aouil! Nepole.on announ ced ~i B .~f· t 'J'ornpico, " otller. Tho iron entcre~ hill 10 1; he·wop · ' tl'l t I I.' Y I'' 'ard Willi lokeil ( ~ r, unJe!IJetl ond,orr I lot Tit", ely. Ilh:ntol ,u . ....cul. ', termina t ) ion to remnlll .nt '~IO heod , I~ pub" r r 'dl ti' ea~ I ' b t la anS ueen a.. nlr abse~t. great poft iOIl of die .t .me for · ~umber th~e ~f. bo I!ngro.s sed, when tho Senate od· : ~ l' illian' 8\lould \le I!I 1118 ft!vor ,vltbllut r ·Ilcretlto thiS iJi~r~atil~g 'alltl t::fl.e.;:'°nu~:,~~ hl~l. °:kd d ". ~~ ~;" fld~t'~ illg'1i work ~l\rin~ ,the wct"k .J..... , tfle "exL tWo lilO)Ith.,. rcuder8 U $lIltOll,oe Dellt publica tion Jau me, l ~tillJ'letl, r~i:ril to Ihe obstClcle a plncOcl .i ll' his wily 'Jo:I~I~c ~E.-Tho 'l't' xr.s Dt,l,n nd\rr JJiI~ ~, ns reached U8, W.e are shuk~.it off In the mellnti e, 'Ie , found I mtl~lu!j In tb~ ma"age ment of dill pAper IIQce,Nury gllld' ld 1I0e \torks of ,tllill d (\S;oHo ~9' ]'n'25() ems by· tllI(fru\TIers of tho C<l118U~lltlO". . 'kind U liplyiJill l th'u( IIhe III~tI dell rcd to se'e hi'lll: she. tho tokCIi up t1 ud the 'Spol(kc r . dhuII'.Int:ed thnt on ;y, ,ug. 'SlO . . 60'0 II " .' ,.' .L1~hi Llter~~ 'rhe wellthe.r in E Iglunel S!l~ JrelClf-d W08 the lu c8tioll WO,/I 011 ' ., and prollper ing; ~e fact in~ic~te . Il ~le81- 1 \~iCe~ of '1IIlo~lel', "re~liiellt referrin g d ie ' bi)! to ?i1 un j.nter.~iew· l l ·w:JII:{dUY: ;("21 t ' 1'7;800' ';,' 't ~oOd, lIud hu~ye~t j ll'O.Ol!se 1~:~iS~:~~~I~~r' th~ , There i' .o vUlllety. of Ohllll!II QC of ;,II~ " Nh~le on' thc Itote: 0' eXi.lltillg ' lhy .(0 'to ',n literary 'to lite . . Th: )lcntQr is ' rahc:re ' ::. '; ; ": on the ot what IIIt-8 d, what III no' ,I ofln;Uo n liorti'. of "', The. sait! ll,u,t to commit tlla b·Hr. . . that hlld ol1ly fbelill profitab le to reael. There Ot~ lIomo" very , 1(, Hlletln~<,Wela " 2 1 12' 000" At Ll ytl rpoo1/fo od llo,u r'was 18 11II\18im Ii lIost. ~n~ Ie ~llIore stron~ly; . if possible 1 firm er would be, , thon ' beforc; to Sutu y, ho, pl!iloaopl!ic. ,efte~tjonll 116w ancl"thclI 01113- well qua~lfled to fill till) p08t ; < , _'_~ , lmt rc,1 \vb~at , yo from 10 to ~tl pl"r I:ltlRh· suid hill QhjNlt ~\'08 1I~ Qccu[l)e~i thev Il!et aB they, should, llot .b~\'e e1onet~ 1l1l8S n billtbo t woul~l! , natini from the laeaela of a rew wrlt.ers of and we "live DO. dOllbt Totlt\, • ,. '. . • . 100 950 eilH.~' el 100~·or. 118 . well ,89 .com,Plon brunlls but~!, \11111 .'presen t ,1a~ lover8. Cal~well;8 ~elt\lr reiljlon at lh'st Titus beuting , this OlDoill bll Ol'C ~tllb\C, ,to nil, I)no ,Ie tho\Jltb~ in iLo, . tbEl day t.oUel'inlJ tlli Inatter; . lint tbe, greo.t ,monthlY ,0~le of the nR~i . b'oy 10,- J AllIepc ?n /lour, \YI~IOh ~VOB 6d lower·" , 'orl'. pre8}1~t b~1!\ ' !Iaga~me~ for I dId not""llow, 111m to ~hlllk,o~ tb,e: future 1111 200 tur}ll) t hl.ld "19st Klc.ength III bot\1t bOd of wnat i...,tI "nd w iuen ' i. not ·die yOIlLh in the land. M.ay grellt in one "-IlIy'li IC88 ',vorkin g 'titne, . Stoel,s, ~\'crE!- UIlC,l hllJl .. ed. eUC(\CS8 lit. she thou~ht, pr e1ohblle8 bl'lIl1ch c~. .' , I It would " , hn"e ' Durjng ".y • this r r"bt d .period Mr Koeling distdbu t. '110 tUe I,lend }Iilliliudable effOI'\8. '.rll!l Mentor' is t pU8~ed by', J,atcr, IIccollnt~ ,(ro", Jinmbll rg ste tbut ' 'MI", C..I1111e, 01 Oluo, and left mC)ve~' to Iuy the ,b Ill ollly o :pflng 0 en fa CDC re~sl)Q , dl'llp~ir r,ste.nee l ill 'ed his 01\'11 Ctt8C" Rod ~otrec led .his ownj O n~mb~~ of r. \. ' p diu' b S pe~s~~l}t I' & t thelr bOllrtsi but they .10vetlJ olld madly; . rooT He lnrr:ollC( 8 \\' ho ~i en IIp ..0 '1 the tUblo', nnd after cOllll'll" rlllill' deb~!O' ~ dicta~1\ or BOUlld pllilGlIOllhy. Many \\;1'1.- , pub J"hed~ t hilll .!, PIli, Y k ench morn. OU' I\Il~pIClOn of, finng 011 l~e ' Ilnr~ loye l ' o",d the former aSBo()iation8 01 YQuth pame P ~ '7 '(11o':k orlCl left'(1offwor ~ troopil tIle bill finully come bnfor6 ~Ie HOIl!lO und ten tllke up ~I pen. and .dri\·~ "way lit (ilJ .Me alia, ot q~ Dollir nt' lI,\lOllt ' p , 1\1 hll\J ,boen relS~ort"d to Hbertf· a yell1'. \ I' '" be Vill e ', Willi tnken 1011 lUr. ClingluIDlI,,_ up be10re them Illore freshly 'at tHe 'thaugM ~~~(;ntin 0 ahout !l~t;our IIrJlt au.d rane fuJireacling. III lhough they s oo~h ,III (o m~"l;' rTA1N,' - 'fbe l)op~ ~Ij in ~ sat! pe~p!ex. , Io,mel).dinel\t , I ' - " ,: to Mr. nl,lyd's relloluti l)n, ,lrO. ,or a fhi'al.cp,oolntjon. She. d:d 1I0~ wlsh to -On the ~ti.Stt!8Y "(~lIl\lr ~ou'if .wet'p it.from tbe loee C)f \lIe porth, duy) i,e d.i~ IJ()t \vpr~ ity ,in con~l'q\Jellce 01 ~~IS lelullol ~o PffiX l rollillg to Qrglllliz , 'fhe Mall ~01i er • ' li\'e' wjthout ~li.PI, lind cI • 11 ~ rd m wIth 'rlle ·Clevelol1d Plal,uUqier. or \Ile 24tl'" not; and that It woo hertqlel him. 11.1t; ,could over eight hoUrI!. 'rhe IIverllge time ufll his .llllme to the de"th W~~ralltd otl t\1~ mur- dpr the nllmfl of e, BQutller,1 CalirvrlliCl~ III · Culoro.tlo,·b) a line 0T; 36 e1et.. rmlnll.ttop to IV il'ki ~D ~IPec:J. Yd r;;:: ?e\v,p~b~ t ) , . ult., co tliinsth e par~ic\.iJ"~ relutlvll did nol t!xceed tt"n hours cllch dQV e1ere~l!, wllo hn~'e been condem ned tu ; de· 'Ie~. , to the rernlll" ' 111181 aUag , ell ~tton •.' en 8gom I lot laid, arre t. '11eI Ualpc Qf Oen. O.~lJin. the wifeWiUt' him" not\Vith8tl!ndinl~ Ilhe W~R 't~(e (!i~cinllllti boy mllt:lt try IIgafn. • : :1 c? pilttiNi. ,. ot anotber . qaldwe ll "Ira8 ~o pas· rher~ W08 \1110 rtl CO,llfu \pl in thl1 Ilr~. throw themllel\'011 loto the popul.r current , f < , ,oJ. • " J No .e~c, f, c utlo!" h ~ . vel t~ken · P~1I0.1' u!IJI~r I\eedlngs w/lloh (ull()~'tlt,.l Mil the Hou~e t '0 TeWard 0 '1000 aionate Ind mh to l'e&\8t that, "tilt wns Ulil flo&ti~~uu.wltll. the Lide, cry outror I 011, U%', W nlomoll~ ) and tlie E.'Iecmtion of I thll (olgn' PIUIh08 ole ~rres . •. [X, IIwmg to 1118 \IIVIDCI~ reruseel to ' . I' ~allred' oyet,lh~t theY! lIh~l~ m~ll\ ~glli". the bill to a third fClldhlfl', lIOPle..... n'miel l-aye lIIl ml\st. be 1fJM:!I, or hila upen oft'et1!d. , " fot •. Web ter. ··' , Ii\e r(,!u \ltrlnc~ to s ign death \\'orr~nt 8 ..~ by' yeue 80Qrdllr . H~ parted \v\th her to Yl81t IJl8 friends In .: . c it 18 atale a~d ~ru'ead!blc. De\1\'een tbl18tl I ' Severa llafg8'' packog J IIl1yS'1 ~6. '., , BOSTOJ.( , Allg. SO. P . M . tHe WIshes mlilcrell llts sept to the gllilled es . p( !"oilll,f ~a"e The j{Otl8e thell oiljOllr,n ed. ' all, anil on ,board ilie evel!alng .boat oJ After hie ftll~jJy leI, the cell of Prof. I fof, the rest of their livc~, k ' I I i'n nd hold )le4!n nbetrllcted frotn. the FBlls wltlllD- a Wbfteh ror Albllny . ·N\.ITE.- Th,Q ub "'e Ccmgrt.·sflh,nn) pro. , lite bo~t , ~,aa under ~1Ib'eQl"·lwe ta ~ ~ JKi~ t ~ , a eQster ~RSl nigh t, nn4, ~ . he ·conltde ntl.r ~nient IUId jll~gc~ arc {lo~ ~ut . tli,e gove~n. few monilia put, ' and J)el"' Post MUlte WIIYJ and while.,fler Jllrhned to glv~ 'c~<!ingR nro 0 continu ation tlr. thnt whil1l. he WIIS waclkaug t:lie , deck, alled~d, I.n pe~(e,ct unCQllICIOosoe tlia eaeb dan wrll" III ID error, 1:\8 a Ilosllel l and GQ.erp ment Con8ta ble u of his / way.. ' . ,-,~ , .Mc 10,hi8 utter aitoniai llnont, sbe apdftare d be· coming fatCjJle I . w publisllC vestl'r dny mornil)1{ I~d wlll c'll 'little aUentlo n tq the pr:lmary clemen t. of 1Cinslory, hav~ licu wall Bear~hed and pluced ,1\\ ~ttlta Lise 'cholem wus !Iec)illing, bllt \y(I' did IIl)t '~d\lccpe~ at work to ferret out fore hinl. The tllouglit lit onc~~ pierqed III geltlng ovt'r ut tho ~in a new ce I. in ord(\r to prevent any al~ hnd broken Ollt lit dio liu.... u miqd will clearly determi ne. the ogot'. AI.:xahd riu. " , . l pl'op~ r til\le. him, tbat sho. h'nd Ineleed abllli hned u\l.r Itemph t lulci~e. . , o\nd ~ we would ~mark tbat the pot j Hintop hilI! bee,n . In the hlltut of trnvel. hOlne, and rellOlved j regnl'dJesl 0 I'lbe " " \" ue· 1 ' Dr: ;Polman left him ot 9 o'duk lll!!t . . . Se t ~ orror ortboae who hive -~erany t.keni t ring to lull from the ltagOll, LA.T~ R FR01\f EURO pro(esl ip, ~~. mendoull ,coOllsequen~li. to 8hl\r:e hl8 (ute I night PE. . T ASIII".OTIH{, (l:: • und from that' time untrJ-tw l'lvo lJe Nri'lynl of the StenhlllhslP .-. , ,. Wlly ll to be on ' buainc8s (or ,t he ' cbmpllDv, and her ,vor 11Ibeh~lu. I. ' , S'E ~At£'k-:- ' h~ POHj :~ffico 11\1!~~OPtl\~lI~" ds .hortly corrobo rated what wall ' ell'l!'llged In devotio nal conv~ri!/atitJl1 upon tbOlDllt'lvOII ':D dilseuillt th,." lnter~aupg l ond cbAlequ ently a privlllg ed chnract er had Pllsaed like ligbt\!n ing througl~ Ius liou1. llA':uF.Ax, t'pt. 4,1 ,,0. vi I Wil,li tu ell up , lin e .nllel ,"U'!l ~ II with Ui~~atchera; at twelve he fell 11110.0 que&tlon la. ignoro.nce .ot me~tal SCle~Cj!, 1among .the ~all bags' The J.(ibemi il 'arrived to.'~IIY. b!,jngillg "relutlon ,to the Bremcn He WaS II~"pec~ecI They immedi atery proceeded to hiil atatc. lIud Hjl"rd IlIIe \If and _petle l.1 ohl\ervatlon of the Clonlltltu" (lome tIme Imce, as Ihort doZe; but did not Ileep hellvil~, awak. Iuter lJews Irom Europe, levefa! robber. el \oak room,. • nd there tha~ re4Qlvt'cl io the face S hll.vl1l~ lI~aled Oil Ptt;lIm hl.p" \v~1I rlll"~C~, I : ' . ._ or tion, II ture, demand l and e olverneptI! or f I'J~ce w,leD he wall kllo~vn to be a~road. all the te.rlbl6 drcu'DulUlDces Ill' hd theh!, ellln~ illJle8, ,and convers ing; 110 8110ke ( the ~4th uf Aug,\ llnd , b"ough t 'LlVpr(lIlQt fhe. bill to ('1l~lIbhJs IJ l' mu.1 (lOnml~n\(',1l of ~ ..impentllng fate \'lith Cortitlld ~ anll papers ,of tI!tlJ illlto, tho Hact tbaae bee'; well Ituelied l With an eYe on hlo" the w\Jn! L,oudon o . thl; :l5rd, .liel\~CeD I New,.p rhl)l!I 111111 !l'nln:plco pasa. to never part ag~im They did not part; rl'llgna tlon, IInel ,by, d th I edI d te d . ' I ~ed I ~d along ' the Uile.,f and 'decorWall' seems quite grntified thllt Ilnd l'driS. oC Ihe 12th. package . s hut arrived " at ste~incrt!!, \V·1I8 t!O Pall~c;t.I, , A Ibony lind took aa lodging e r De s ... t the eime of hie deatl, hotJ beell . ke pt from an,. U I:ocies .. . ! . ' wltl1lJloll ey marked , }fore put Jnto tile mlil 'the DeJavan House. The .8te~mer whloh 8U 11t.l!1 frOID New , q he report of the tlllmllttec II" I, i ' He lArt ti'er there., Oi. flmily. At t1le Vlll'iOll8 nl?i8e~ at Lbe lbent,1NU1d be len dl911110n and div.enlt y 011 purJKll!e to be I~olen II tin I ¥ark on Lhe 16th Il,\\d not nrrtv~ll ut Ljvdr·: Affuirs in out. ' WhenI1YeT. and 1Jl ade his cohtem Plated vi81t f~!I?r ot pRying tlle heruke~ 1n7 " White. il'wnin g of ,doy bl! seoDlbd to 11(.1 lI<llIIe. \ POOI 'whell of ,pmlon 0" ~he matter under coptemp ill. it was kn wn tbat tile the t1 ilicl'niu I!IIBed Genern l WII ubout hall, and returne d in about WI) ~Iay,." ahe 1 I\lon!> cllrtqll\ l.null ~Y~., \~U then tllkCil ..tlp i what agitate~; bui soon retdverecl' hill·com . dbD. __ ,ibl.. i. I\n age prollTe n-o f to. travel, ho was sure fo . tie ~ecoln~allied in t~e emc, e the ~nllin~ Of. thO AtI\lllti ,. Cut· nllli ~clllcuHec III. meantim e, recelyin g ~er mellis in pOlll,lre· By- advice, he' br akfil/lled ' . , ste.~ and IWbhll n,; and 10 the Y01mJ ty· WIt}1 o.ne?r these. J1\1ck~ , ii,l tl'llo tOil ~I,~~ aavllnc~ ttJ. " After her~ i1ep\l rt\lro .'" the mail. her .room, s"cordi ng to his .ugg~II'lion in' ~... milk .A:Jter I!I)~~Q (urth r~IU!llfCs~, of II? ~I!nor. , I. hu'ttied alo", lliroogb elemen tary If Jt passed 011 to Ita de.tll!a1~lon an~ bteQdj nil illvit~ the olJiccrs to 1\ ll.plrttM reacllun look nnmolo pi lAce, s,tthe drr to avpid observa tion. He ,~loe al\fI,\Por~ oll,~~' the"Sr,! at,e Ddi9U,nI\!~1 ond pllrtake with him. b; h f e.lb tI ' , on lip tll!oup. cd ,' it.a wrappeJII WOI ebah~ 1U\tl ", ~ lIelllg' from 10,000 t 12,000 bu)e"j II~ thd ~nt In took rooma with her at the Aroer 'ean .110· l!OOSE .- [~IC 11).0.[.lltIIlng f1ou,.... \\ tr,CI 0 • , raae ea 0 He CD OUt on , thea made ' prepara d' another directio n. tion. fql" oileen". advanc( 'd noticetl. ',rile t01a1 8t\11IlI f\1r the /;,uPI'lo,l ~Vl\" the Jel\.ulllg" <lr , ' tel wbere be wrote the Jubli~ Ie.tter to ~ae higher, LIIlI~, 0 k, olc., etc., In ' m At lilt tlifl batt took. • The report IAll.cle . sdfJ'ule1 wllh' ftrlDnesl he J , " l weck were 3'1,000< bnh!I!,oOf which Bl'ecUlll- )'ll!ltt'rdl,y, fro ", lhe IIe/(\ct t.he ottl leJl.,w th; editor olthe Wbitell all, papef; be ' reCbrnml ttco apl' le~e were a))oll~ 800''per8~n8 aelrnhtrd .to", took 28.000 a few ,ears, ~ eMIt aRne Icho!41', It ufter amellln l1'f)pnd I1t lhe the fol.lowir labOlt awhile lg qu.otn. sw.l· pOi!" moined at the Americ an a few . ~ya, bot into trle jail Yll~. anti tecl t~ illvl'8ti!rftt~ thf')u!'l{~cjJvf CQrUlIn may be all A .•• with a jIJrll'On of Wid,." ,. 10 cd It 0.111.1 W.I c.uabt. the houlle ~QlllJ and tiona: Fair Upl,n.mlll\lt.\ ~IQbllll\.8~. J!.e Will .rrellt· ' OIJ.l~m8-"e,opclIl;ld oni! Pllut ,1l}' <Mr. EWing', n windowB ill \ edm~' Gill 1. were erowdet i; , The politic" , 1lf'o,yS jrulII Frun ce look de"ID\Q"\li~klybeacl,\Vhich eel, ond Ja'l{8 C)'~ntTtll!l of thl) marked .lhOug! ltJt "'41 too pubJle-&-.,~ w'lple Sll<;rc jTy ~f th~ In,enor : Tile r~ ga~lodlliDglatl. p,rlvate hous8 ~n Illy .mong whom ,ycre ,maI)Y head I...... a air of t.boulde l'l"whlt b ilboul· mohey con\4l11ed In lo~le!l. ' ~I~e Hfll?nll~ . .~ The P.rolildent h!1d been ~IFnea ~rt~uncludN~\\ $heee pIllC~S found a\/'llf;\t, WDf'1'tt be remame d about one weck; 'lth th~ IOJ\OWlI1g rCtlolu-: d ' lIel Itreeta lLeA1.,.thpJoll \VClre alil(rero ~ bOd " 'Il kened by clo.e his poraon· He was exomln ed lind bound then \oe'k the but .{Jut 01 II bnl\-roQJlJ u~ lJr1sc<,!IIl;' uud thc I tlon . ealtem cal'!" ahd wellt to 1I0~ densely . A.t nille o'clock' the"'~ed, r en , . If '. d ' blst Te .. room hnd to bll .:.Ios,el,i ~t;,, ~ 10 r p.lIlt of th I, ·Resolve/I, '. uver under a ten thouaan d CloUlI,.. bond.- WiUhll)letowp "nd ~hllt WII,S Bur'lIriseal a~d pur·, lig;ousc ereUion ies w~re "Olllmenc d by Dr. the p.,uy mp.lIt by Ei~c~e-o appll~tiOl;l • ~nftuement III bll atlll?!· \1f~ spplied to eeveral citi~lliI , ;for b,il bnrmH.\ t. ' . but IUed by eo. \ lory Ewing 01 ,a~S82:bO to me ~ne; 1.8 he remarke d in t.l'roy~ Plltman , cODsistin of ll ' fervellt prap~J' (Idnlln.. " ~ • ph8rea; Ittat I)e matter, be bu all tDIII!4IU'" WIthout ett~t. ~be, to . .rhe).de ' ~oJu¥ilIe i~ s~'ill 't6 be trntors. of \Jo,!\Cll .Bni'~6h.' \I S II!e u)d Jill liawne~ to.re· that he bnd Whipped tl'(o oonlltobl,~a" nd escpm~n 'I "tid Dnat be ~ifl9i people. expect, ttlt'ol" :A.'might~ Gl..d on ~I'half of him so /lO(Jn to glllllfng. t;'riDce autl celve him. but the G~ner~ Idll't lIke tbe cllped, tbep.rti J,l1 popl,lll\r)lY i IIlld the IIlln04nco. 1Cor ,,(I.~1I1 'SOf\'lee:! l1f 8111d }lurrQJI culara of whie!! '~i11 150\111 Clie. , t11l~lJg" it wlU Dut do ~ elI.appoil1t them. 80 the \ county apcom.modatlonl . " , IIUe ftq ltllt he wonltl Ii'illl cnlldidute at the l the RII\tolutiqnory l. H0 bad , beon appellt. He e8caped in a ope h01'80 curri· ''Vllr, WII'; ill "iolu\I()1I Ibnes wos thc omc~r '.whq altentlel" tho} electIon in ] ~52 cro"te~ " sickly .at_nt." UJl:t wal. 4l<it\ler sel~.t.I ., \l1I; d to ,8toopp,l llg qllite a AllIlBU tiM , .ot lMv. ..... ", .. at tlie ~es~ hotela , an~ age, an4 aJilved 'llt the St. OMrlle~ Hot,el, ., , I • • r, 10 ProCe)llIOr through oUt tlte protr~cte\hcclJ ~ : d be~ ell a "JledJ(ar of. DUll" I,Uvcfllg on ffie , beat tre;r .ffureled ' F .rhm )J(lilltE'lu w,e lenrn thu tl,~ Bol li' . ftc o,IYQil T!I.nt ~hc (j~~llfli . ,Tire Tueada y !", abouL 'follr O'Glock. nnd lleo: I I well 4iI Leighto n, 'we,\) pro eu P. an or J tb" Vjlrm • '. '.1 compdn:r, althoug h Ie eet, W14 preclse. y tb They weremOlDin ri ' tolll rirluy hnd dislodged the Dalllsb 'ullt~ CHIlO ~UI'Y dlll'JI1£t the \\ re.olved to die-wit JJl hIs own kink lind aUentiv.e to him ar ot t),e ReVI) \1a "maD, of reea" CIT, perch~nee' a mlliJ iller : hla t~~!B. They were p.!lSf u~ );rapp, alld 'the whol!! Imny .Ielt 'lion , nre n()t entitlcd thievell ~d fodders billld he opened the 'portall Of eternity . to . COlllll)utntfoll roy, pryr. Webste r slDted in cOtlrl\e 'of his Rcndbu r'" 11\14 allvulJCc in tbe directio h u f of ,the peo1j' but·1( nolie or tIlclle. then a j OJl too *lIatll " ~ale ,upect"~le,.- They bllth pussed to that Qun ....y. from . cooversation Rct$otvcd, Thl't tho . p'lyn)en(.· '0/' (lo.r.,"drlyer~n.be quill." Aril! woe to tho ~d- t He preff'rred the )Veu~~!lbeHOUle, '~ith < tile officers 1118t _ night the Dnnj~h I!~l(!tlon, : . , : an II!,- ~hence notrave lleJ: return~. 'Q1e P'-IleB pouuil Interost l lq he COBe ·of OOlOmodbre " itor who ha. tlrst to raadili e ~_u8ceQde.n. portu l1jng the PC)ft he hos ~ g;f,l~t deail and horr()1Ic at the ·" GERM A.NY .• -Affui rs .p~.;ri wng !Je~~~. , or·roma'n(\e can lcarcely \p.~uce I~ pl)J'aIlel thnt oro m orc ' 6m· Durron , wils 1110dc in;Yiolntioll of low. t tal e8\iaIODI or bom~ic ftfght8'w hic-. tliauglit of tieing hong ~ t a former 'r.eriotl, plicaleJl, 'ilnd heavy (uihlrca ran teel .t9. take lip quarten there 'for tIle DIg .. ..; ~r a de\lcriptioo ore,eilorte.c1. RCII91vcd, 'Chnt (raught with SUC~I atartlin g but'tho t be now wat; Indiffer ent t L. " ueb ...... j ' • He " l~EtAND.-The crvpe ore vel'Y' ablln·. Ill!ld to 'or()ron thO' SUJT\ of.--~llqJJUII, .nd remain in compon >;, with hi. keePtra , 1lnd IlW:;:! c~rCum8tancclIl & R.i~g8~ ussigne e8 of os repr~er~ I'ed in om a said be r" P.. bad no Jea~. ., and wa'l!' perfectl y pre ~ dont, ou& there is ycrY"l1tUe pot\lto tM. • 0 Ill'ivileC . ' the truths of i:'!~ cllIe. · W. 1\1; ' Gwinne, \\'O S JII~tly d~lo ' to UIO " Bijt.tbe.t must ~rI":.. Yo., mml; lor It ThUl, IIIed'. guelt. I ,~ared to meet hili' fate~ aucl hli npl)earu nce well Jirh&ell. bl!'PtiJ'ully ·(ur· '1 L t , 'rhe Calholi c GI~l'gy of 'rellma hove hi('~UBIJ\':..Indilllls. · ~ ---. ,~ , , ' • ~, during 'the hiirllt confirmed hill' a~lIternpnt. comlilOntcd holdmg synod, i~ ~; , 8i)1iIe. poor fellow of dIe nhlbed .room 'at the W ~delJ. do which ht \he ~ The vote rerusing' to 'ord~r Iho '1;e~1l11 we iind ReDl.,~."11I Oi:~url!lh:'" , tripochJUl"JOOtl8 (eather " muat be bored! t1!i~ ~nt4!el Yi1l~in ' His heol~h and hil Ipirit8' remlll'nc d good first time since the at }II o:clock 'I.BI~ n~g~l, refor· r oll.tion. botllldo The,E. ry bill to II thirt! r\!a~ln"" WUIt recon. vanavtlle lournsl or Ii., l'~~ nt dIM 'lIld. he appeare ntl)' had 1I0t . And ab >" wha\ a III10b if the ~ailo- ,I hIS lund ~d ob~gin~ h,ts~ hiit Rellh P}':NM ARK MiD T~E DUCH IES. 8it\~rcil. Govern ment \\ 1..'18':": "ays: ,"Leat' MondllY a strange r Inade ap~ . . ' 0 f ~urill; his c~n~'lemont· • ,lJUenee of Ute Righty youth il crltlciee d, or Ike.eplpg v!glll 0 er film., The 11I8t acequnt:8 <i'roln ,tho seat or \Vnr ure 1,'he v~t6; :eJoc '!Ig ~"• Dut where 18 ~e plicatio n to our ci~ grave e1igger ·for em. .lloyd'"" anlJ'lId. The tJiceL,::! '.. of ,the . gullowB was com. dn\ed t~e 201\1. Letter.. 'til JtNd!IC\lon laid 1I,JIder the tAblet It·I• • tll!s m.orrlln gl Ah, r~o~ ltllJlilburg off meot j l!rllv,e1'!lll n rcrrlto\'UI.l G ovorumQnt a~ ~here .now 18 p~oyment'. H l'was at once Bet to work; .melJced about · , ' ci.II '~J~~!~. "nd cOJnp.t~ted, lJ~· the~.to t~nlt a I!kmnts h. t06~ III~iie ' d ' b D tIll II royal.guel~, Geo. v. !lmlO,?"' U' . I f'lt r'lew ·Me~lco. fWO' l'?C .."slderpil. . .Im~I"l. to mliko tI ~ I ' h . 10 woul ~ fore 8 o'clotk . J Upon .ttli! requl ~lt!on of o~ Mon~!lY' .~be 10tl) e yrou It 8.1!.rtllU'l the Genera lm Iggmg 'a j;, .. ve, witch e comp etad, b,e-; til 1I0," dem battalio n I 'l'hp J:IlletltlCl (efurn~g on ~~r. 8l'1yd'''' think. aood tho,g~t Of lpeak a good \Vo~d h SI '01 El I ~'lrce 125 buvhlg ......he' wee' IIh.' hou.r'1I 01 njgbt,'~ Itll' pOMIPn on the outpost of the alllendmcmt Ileenes vt IIldellerl fore evening . He wos paid olle \ildllar for. m:n C::nai8ti~rlof babie con. 'of __ !In editor or ldl paper. ~ t Ute I commit ted I. "breaoh i~ent.l! ~ h~ 11 .. ltd Holetei n, ilrlIlY, and >odvuncinll' nortbwa , of genero.u I con It· hi" iob. nnd went to !)ed. · During: tire aUGrd fusion lbllo:ved;'nmid ~t' wlilch Ihe knork. conJl ' table! \Ve~e de~~~~l'io;vu ~ g\;;'r~ : of.~ ~aillst' tbe Dinsib outp(lstl ·next mlil bdrigi an unjKIirl let{er, wJ~lch, 1dencf"~~ 'ae be had C?l\en done. belore • . He lI~eein, nig'llt he die~.!lOa in the mornin f, wl!ich were ipg of tho, Speu.)",)!,l" )IOIJ!IIII:~ \Vallllut (f't!bg whom 26 were 1I~8Uone.d withil; the Yllrd, wilen o~ i, found to contain Ihol!e mll. j toOl( Ius Gllan! whlll' ~'Dlr'I~t?l! di81o~ged.lfrom their position, 1y h~ard. oft' thl1l~, ' g\lard, anll WOI liuried ip the '8amo graye wh:lch but .' • • I . ' ' ' •. . a "1 l The ' Scaffoltl Wnsllitifated /1\ tile (',entre vamOle d through the door which Wq8 left hCIOQI an4, reveng eM wom: ·, Frtislrlc .. iStndt IS !lull held by the ,Dlnes. . FlIIl1.lly l\fr" ~uon'lbs . '" IllS . . own ' \lad k r he Jill . ') yor(~, h obtoinl' d lllo JJQOr, few houra before I lInd .. lit " ' hllntls ,, dug! ' 0 ,1 ~ ajar, quickly ' W08 more I!xPQBed to nnd offier"d nIl U· Ille)}(\lllftnt to ·.... r ... ..It~ the ay \lpOll tern, w· ,p-:OP .Y • .AnR , ,' " , I . ' t" ~ locking them tu~lnt 'I r tl'1111 vjew frout .. jn uere wu the outsitle tllan at other , nluce '1 a ptct.le and . ' .uo~u", e were Ulla bl'~ , , e -v ealn u8 nalIle • JlIoro of tbb ;F.ajitE\rp Ft'c!lhe t. ' ,_ amendm ent. 0 • ..t , II • ) . " \v~l~h otren~ dlrn~ty 80 dcJI~hts . P " • ~ LJ • Po ' Tbe HIgh Shealft' lind 8i~ Deputie s were /:lent "4 to I.'m· l,a~Cll a ,[umpus fonowe d ~ made night hid- unfO\':lu,fIate 'It ' , ...n~\'1 ,Rj man, or any lla. or hll',hil!~ry, present at the e~ec\ltion us well '" ..... " .,[", Toombt i' omenllm cllt pro id\i11i tbnt pIon .1I~ 111en to lbmk ove~ With a grin of e0!l~' S'alJlpl ng, UB the \,,'it. . Thp' Scll uylkill Connl is a'1 ~otllr v bl1l00ln g. Ind klcklnk 8ave tile lIad part here feoorded. ' Ho ,hed ~'':'flCJ( no cilizillI .of the Unitcd .Stutes Iball be I18I.1~faclion, and In 11\01lns(lol1 or tbe l!e.d~ ~an3t thed t!oot. brough t up Ir J26, who were illVifed In cons,efJ\lelJe~ of th~ fret;)lrt, and d &lIe sleer~ ' omong us a total etrange r." J rio buai· deprivei\ of hi\! : life,.' Ubert)' or p,ro/Iflrty." ' whleb ..y. "I !fill'" "t'll ImOlO 1aotD If! lreal o. the Thcae were request ed by nesB w.J1 be done on 'It bCtoN tire olose dell from plt to o,!,e, lin In of ex copt by juajtml'n1..of Irll! peera and the 1M 'tUWllNr ,iftl!:i" or; "Take thaI for Y!>ur 1dlllhulIl. A, loch lI ·gh08ts ' or<le~, anti w~re roru~"d into a the s(>n80n. 8J'~ IIIld to ,,:uar. • . T1ae ~e81erll . POU.ta rlll : laws oC the ,and aud Ule cOlietitutioD of · ora oW blocA1Iead'" tWo a~d two to . visit tbe cell of ' It 'Yill rel\uiro two , ~\'ccks to repnir the tho Ullit~tl Wilot II. t lat m.'terl ul ali . outalde r. Comcs to U8 tnll woek In a new forln lind. StoteR aud 8U«»1 $tlltet\ thereof prisone r' 7,911W ~ceTt i til the halllell ding to which Was Rendin g Ral,lroatl: - ' I.j (w't r~wrltl'''' ::g~1I ~~ e1oor!'; re.pon~:!ct~he inragpJ !' '1111 ~ay 1I0t tie locally inopplic llble·· anol dres". ond new I.UI!pices, with. itc:orpl!·edl. b'\It stillnes s and lolemn itv prevII,ijed. J "If ~ , '- " lb' ~ O. I. tl li tomed to I d c>r.;.. I,~;~ ...I-:Ou:cat&e~ -cit:y1:r Bu~ 'J1hirt.y houlleB 'It 'FolDanll were ea~~fld the commo n low, 118 it existed lorial" which Inlurea i~ a v..lulble' publica · 'jD ,1J~e"B,jt. 11 or:m.... y uca on,un. cc 8 . witneM88 then returlllcd ta the uff. o,nd abo~t bal1 tile bou oon. , I . '. . t' . It i. devoted to die «:1I ~ Pl.ort C In- .h CUloniea or Americ a until Julv' 4; 1'7'16. . thin\; or 'COntjnlaou,ly, ,,:,bo never tile Ge.,!eral, tii.d.I.;.tlken ~ ~ ~ttwen ty tlittlilte aberore ten 0'. {,bn t F were Iwen uwey· ' of Ifty b,lm • IvelL 1\11): . ' were allllll be the N:olu!l velllwo f saidTen th f " t' 10 clock, the Higb Sheriff, with ' hie deputie a s'u()~8ed to lie talre ti •• lID (lblervfl' elttte 1 th.t Turn) and eell' I'i n.e loat. ~ Tlie frclIhet WRS' the on lhe 8ubject of Arrican Slavery , 'itory e WIer gofnet":°W~~=1 \ h: ::~~ \11 n~rd e :rr~ ~I .allY 1'::.iCU untiLlIl.· I~ contluc ted'p,of euor Webste r to the ileaC: rreateli t thllt ever put forth opium l or Jhe rlrhteou lnelll of l ~:"~.~: tl::"r!: occllrre~. :~lf ht 'A t all tered by tho proper lIuthori tlc.. Ie ~ or er,. u 0 a . ID geD ' . thilS Ind 'the: proprie ty or ,1,1.t, whi; con.· he wu nowher e to fold, whim the . lalt ilutiell ' 0£ the , Sheriff ' A.lIllrc ll" ill Mlnei be fo~4, aDd DO tra~ IS furnllhe d ~to mod l\l~~rlberl at one Dol· After one of , the In~Bt boiitcrll\lll .IInll wore perfo~ed, snd the. Profe >'or ~Ied demn and pr.ise,l .ua a Del defamu, extol oC hiB whcrea bouta The Empire City hal arrived, bringin g noil!} dRYII o~ the se88ibll, bu been discove red. !ar a year. and qURht. to be ~el1 !\Uppotted firmly, peDlten tty, tll~ House adopt· anil decry aU thinll th~t emlDat e (rom the a~d WIthout hardly 'U date from San Fra'nci, oo to tllfl Jilt o( cd It ia IUPpoaed. howeve r. the Genera l haa Dy the tempe':l'Ttce commu ~r. U"y~ II nlllmendllJont to the ,Tens nity. . strugglo . . . . rOlli, aa \bcir feeble intell~el' mey chanee quit .taginJ and lOne Aug., lind '766,OOO·of gold ill freight and B unelnry DI!I. to lte.mbo atinr, or , . Fro;';'- iie~lco. Pto I ...... "hlth' Range of tbe .T"erlDoln~t~ r. 'd ' fi t ~rba- .. awl.boa ting. The Lake il hsrd 00 ,000, in the hands.o f J86 paSIJenl;f'ra, 1. e ..' 1t. er or• #von." ... ur u a cm e hi . 1'hc 'lu.es~lon tllC!U reeurr1l1~ on order. , r~ J , . "50 • • • ~ .Bv· a ' ) y . ana the land of ~1 , he'Just letter 12 firom ~ex' l co Tho date"a .... IBth mme8 are in a state of tranSition IIlg ·the \)1U, nil Dmrnde~, tq <> # 7 A. IU' ~P Imp~lo~ may blu tbe!1l' But of tbell8 flhe Genera l II po doubt al\er that ~ond. I f:rom b-.l O"e' ~ a tJurd reading , )f' . 'i1 . , • . IlQ to worse. Mutru . in \tie N. Y. ·Tribun e. we lelrn tbat Illes were III arms, Irrea,ox ci' te' ml'll t preval'1e d• . the Fridny, and ,their eman~tloDl. we .havo I.i~ ellCKlgb,' Ihe Poet IIlnga' about;, All&;. 30, ' 68 16 irritated beyonel endnran ce, lind , tbere il a The cholen Speake r aDnounced in a louel toll,., ' hu at It!ngt.b cHaappe~ from the ~h~day, do. • ndlO d.i_II.- Jaem. . univers al scntime nt of 'ultred agllillBt for. that ~hc bill was rejecte • . ,.' 'Rule, 8r:itann la, Milq-e88 of the lell8l' city,.ft er about onelnan d-yeal 99, nay • dred day'" dUration . ;:n::; , pl. I, 49 (j!) We IDte~ to I&Y IlOmethini about Tl e.ignerl. A t the 'l\f')rmon Gulch resolu. 107; ():THla ;ro. 'hu becQ ,ie.captu ted. We bavina lwept off about· , .. , 16.000 or 18J900 Tueadoy, wltat MOtrW be recardr, d .. ~roper ~:: ~ 62 7:l . 74 ~IQnB t,,{ere, paase;"to dhrlVt) ali ~exiCllnl on~~~~id~t:rtbO: U;:~~I leatn from the Cincinn .ti paJi!" 'hat Col, U" IDhabltu~. The ptee ' of th'e' public Wedh6trday, do. 4, ~~t!!!.~.H: 'read; but s ~r article 181C!ngt.lty, we Ihall Lath.m i agent Cor 54 14 16 ~m Ie !,DI~CII. tbe Obio S&ap Compa . burying grounds . tile Tribune ley ave received nn· th~r wbeJI the a ... ..,. h.ve 1'hur~ay, do. 3, 00 72 7~ tlee ~ l~t Jif\een d8ys or tlte)' will be ~:d: IllY the , IlUbject bJ until uext week, when ny, in that city. received nhounc emeat a dispatch W.from been dOlled: oDe bf tl.e we• horthea ten iba~ been .... to ~#. - ... few., plai" cornmon sense C 1 b A .... t d I' I •. __ 1.1 l'xJli!ee cili~e~!c:i ' Sto~kton recently held t unOUnC . _.1 0 UID UI. W-" Iiaee. are seen .. , ,""ONday 1U. ' .'" IQ, reopene ca 108 """II a, new , ..... 01.00111 'womm' In ~jt .. ~; rlahll.· "'11 n they S t good hlUlband lI a meetinl thm .. rot die oOaialclera~n or our re~era. the ~ or Gen, s Iltey are II anti de ' Gr.ce Baak r .t ,the Owen HOUle, ahll in vlEl" . Hinton , It Well.. JamiUe s.re retur.,ln g from theill UtlDporcry . .If right enoulb. U · .. .. - . . . . of th.e· aJ~tb!ng ltate "r a1Iiin in tbe San bu.rg, Ohio. 00 the mom Ill, tlle 3d inst. abaenc . BA.LTJ e' .nd .o~ Sept. ,3, 'lio the Itreeta Iud publli fleas. o ...... _ e. . c " Joquln . • District , coneep ueat upon the t'e• - . '..... J.-.I Colder, C'ShleT 0( lbe Havre de Once The Septem ber :JlUlilbe r or tbl' Map. heer ~Jenny Lind w.s glvin, concer~ to cent cruel ~ the Whle Inform " or DOGIi 1ft IJ·...... morder . perpetr atedb), banda qf Dank" bu been collllllit - ...... n to UIIIIme • 1'ri0l:'e c tad to jltU. The • crowde &ine il d hOueea oar gble. W. eiD not but at .Liverpo ol. aod wu to Ilawle . robbers bo lD!'est tile route to the Prelicle ot a.nd tiD: ~ witl tab ~ I U. .• ful a.peet. all the ....,Iu d Dirac. . . • ...1 for New Yort ii, the A tTlntio, on tbe I m i nOl or tb.t "ai0D. ..., ..... it' \fJ oanncl ers, al one : . adopted e W"':n ami cu.tiJ:~::; mealur e. to are ulJ4er arrea~. Tba . . . . . of tile ..... .ro••nt ...... fJI C..... .. 81.t. o( thd_ .... ....,.., wor\8 ever pubUiJa. aoad tIoe r Whl_ ~re ti'I.!,quilllT and to ltring the pllt)' i~ il ~id. are not worth .... aclla. I .1. AD _pert diver who bu eamlae ,l til. 1tt tile ed. 'l'Itt preaeD' 11. . ."'" i. a pCICl oee. Plrtl" to Ju.tiee. l1a 0 .. ca tea l1 ....ese ltatue u • Jlabiht ih aeeed DlJIet1 ....... ... ....... ..... work Of &he kind .boae I'teatio n to the .dtcrt i~ O~ Dew tuver the ~~cIi COUJIUeeIa, bJ Yirtae or the ............., at. j~ . that It ia iDjDretl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111'" iOtel'f tL- tbelr pan, tI~Di III another eolliian . W.~. 'equital eDt to . . . ba aad ....,. • ~ 8crpt. poru r the wInr I'll .en .. wlU hIVe a lb. i eleotioD, ....llla_ _ ~ ••It i8 the ..... aoocI "tlIrn out" at the dl~ ". ~ AI. Ora. V.l~ ...... .. ."..,. ~':"'W"" coueq. .ee 0 • I ''1e17 ,1eMb t• not .... _ . . . . . . . - , . We anticipa te • penoa o.n board . rea iIi...IIO. Nevada ciO' .. ..... am... . ...... .. to • Nftne ~ The MIl" are "'" rlela, Jit~w it II . . . aacI uclUa r u... it up. TIle" ."... &aN oW ......~ DoIItIr per... o::rWe ... by uur . . . . . . . . tMt .." . . ........ .... die .arble. A• P." ~~""JIr ueMl dnlr '• ...·_ ...1 lt ..... .. W.. ,.... <
" !
I '
" :.r
re~lIy vaJ~abl~ ~.\Jrk:
~Ilor, ~e~
~~t!l::i~~~~' b,I.!l,,~~el;~~:~~:"fb~~~~! TI~uradny, 1'~88Cd bou~ld tdgetlf~ r Fn~"ra;,
~~~~g ::
n~~ljl~~~~~h~·~~~e:et ~v~~i:!
itJl ~rejeetio,.a;
~~~ ~~I!~;e tn'lt~.Ulb!Jllt
" . ,• •
:d'' ' d
eve'n: .
31. . ;; -:
........ ... .
,_ _ I
,P. .
F'AltM AT P1JDM C SAr.I.!:, IUDODS the 'Nery Beat 01 ita Bize. I J:. f., bu ullUred III !".lllll! Bl\lo, on 'he
prQnll~il8. the 121b tin)' ul the )Olh, t1tpn.h [ ctobef{ 1850, betll' It Iho Ilr 12 M. U1td '\ r ~. , tho fKrlll kno w'l 118 hours thu" lrlll,l la. hI- '\ sHuated nboul I\yo nfllos 'ull,ll\\ nrd\)' \If Wn yncscVll lp. In .Vhn.11 con nty, nn,l ::;llll~ o( 'Ohlu, iUClIlnn ll (Iud Xolul about 1I0VO)II)'Ihreu ncrlllf on which '''' Ii bnck d wolilng lIpueo, fUUll" btl.n, lind "Iber out.-\)91 Idillll" a goqd orchar,\at It ,uri IY. of gTlth e,,! tTU\! t.lJuUt DC BQld IrJlelof land I~ hIlJl"l!'y ~llllbered, "nil 11111 olher h"lf umlor C\dnVlltiull }o'or l UI IOcAlwn.
uoa ot tho Wayncavllle Acu.laTfiE IUumlna oft 9n tho 141h 01 Bnd early cundlc f,Il\r. ~OIl\4'8
~;:: :==~~~=~======== -
=; ~\fllll\
w ~'O n.RI
TtaJ 1:\ ))11 \
> !W' bu ~h 'ilc(l,
1\ Ill,
t"~()duC)c lUurke t.
" b K fOil 'rUE \ 1s.a.-rOn. • ,
\I~~~, =If ~bl Ilurtcr 'II" Ib
E:n:-,1Il" .lull
I.nr\(, "-,,18l', lP' 1r, j'OlllloC~, nt< w 'II"
IlIck!'n«, ¥ ,IIIZ Turklj.!.\!, ,.." .,." ks, ll' It • • ' H' 0, 'ti!' ••
e nturd\ly
!ambor tho o lthlIJillo/l at h ght. on tho evening ,of the jlln\) dllY, J P I,'J INJJ5 of lumbu8 WIll ~ddrllli8 \110 nuiben~ afillr the exhibitio n. N DOAN Wnync8vill9 S~flt. '7lh, l~OO ill!. ~IlVEY8DURG ACAU EMY. ' THE Wm fer i:)t."l!!lIun or 111111111111001 "'Ill eJ)m .L, n)ollC:Q 011 tho J6th tillY of September Dr F A W,thatll eoQ Will Illcturo befur the cl" ~. OU PhY61ology nud MuO lnl PlnlQ Olihy Leclores 011 Vnr10\18 801e/lIII1'1, lIubJec\.8 wlllilleo be <Iehvcrod by tho PrmcIllnl 32-3w JOHN WU.. UAMS . BBLS Knnnw":::lt\ll ' 90 • I.n.ite " , JI}!lt f~C!t·lv~d.\ lind for 8 1110 lly HADDEN &. McOLELLAJ'jD.
• • -
~~~ ;1"'4
• Sept 6, 1800
('ird~1U'li ~rod ..co Murke t.
ren CoUllly, Ohw. ~-u
.., I. 'Nt Tit E ullder&lgned have lhi dny ent ered IDIO }J.c.rm Alw GnAu.- The "lur illnrlu:t Ot>llh _~ I ..L' nMs ~ ~. ih .. 'hie anll linn.,1 ROJ»:RT8 qliie InoNling ,,~UI 0. hMvy (echng-. onti ::\,101) _uual ___ Ull~-,:v:i~ ~ sCcUred \bo etand (ormer'wero ell cI<'\l 10 _omopx iCnt III t3 1!> the par ~1Ul\Y>lu "" t-!" _ " " lIeu"r" C)l whic/l \\'0 did not lenTn n~d ~ alld OCCUPIed by 1. &.;:, 6od.iNs , they nop;, ,,~ too brl~ nl:l1iO On ChllligtJ !a"o~Ilblc .dv\ceII 1I00t stnet atteulio n to llu1llntllle' 10 Iroan N4!W OrlrllJl.1 wero mnde pu\)l,c, ond toe rltClvod a hberal lihare b f patron1Il0rket I'I,WwGu ePlly 1101,100 ~tieng(lt. but we J W ROBER!fS. ,ltd nut ""'.fof any alOl! III tho afiernQOn. 1'he ' , T. K. BREWS TER. n,,;(llrJlIS during d~ lut 2-1 houTII co mpniMt J649 WllynOllvlle, &pt. ~. 1850 ~l-If hrls '146 01 wlitch was hy whltowlltcr oanal - MACK EREL Ii Ie b I~ Grllill \\ heard "r no Illllee-W heal II 70~ ROBE'i.jl's .,/BR:EW8TER . ~ 4~no, Oall!3Oc ReOt'lvl'Al durioi 24 lhu llr t,m lIlI Wheat, ~ncl 3,239 do Gurn. A.l'fCY " TOILE T ARTI( lJ.ES for. Pl\O~ IiIJ0l'l ..... 1 he mllrltllt ,.ellUliu8 very <LUlU!, I lIle by 3'J RO,BERTS 8!tOS1' ER lind we nto \\ Ithout !DIe 'I'eete l8 1'.01110 an'!1m y fop LQrj.\ (or mallofac turlllj!t EDICI l'fES for eale by WIII@n - The llIt1rk.e~ Willi 1m yllll! to·dllY :'.2 ;ROBER TB &; BRU TER '''tl(L PflC/)I'I IIdvnnero SlItC:1 of 1!\7 bhls In loIS fm n. m er o.r!t3 ud ! nnd'S do lin CJl IIPI ut23c lOAn- 'l Ito marKet conltlllle I1ml III futl ~QL!JII. ,,"h a flit Jobblntr oo,.n_ l1oll)& BalM .f 10l1l1MLl falf at 6"~ CUD, 1) do goOd do lit. 7c .do. Ilud C\O ao do ... , 6" Co C;61't'1!E'-'1 he markflt conimul le It ndy wllh :n g,," rllde de:m.bCl &0111 the collntry A •
~;Ila otGO"'r Rio."tll t c. ..lfi.KE& 81WAI IA, all8<)l'ted ..u
_"d rtll' I!I~ by_ HA:DDE
114Sduet to •
N &. McVLEIA..AND OOXESOIo' JEO:Sf:Y BLUE AXE8 ...~ fti ..roet.!.I\OC!d and lOr nl!ll, HADDElI! &
TNBB ftBIP COPAR undl\rs ll{lloo hl\vo In the lUll III r~lup,
NoTIC E - 'fhe
Ihl ~ dny formed 1\ colII(lfCllllh lo 1lll8 111 B11. under &, Enll!l. an.1 haVing secured
tho finn 01 Mill'll tho illlhlllnd of 11nanqll &. wrIght, hope by etrlcI
" A\ I )
I (l
" 1\\ M
P :'\
nrJOIIhng w"ftb rout fnC)nd! hny irt'91M1'YIlIIII .. broll~ /l~ ~ell producvd by. ,"relJo(Inderlt 01 the KlllekllT w\lllltQ weill: tUlt ... lIInrk ofrC>l(W'cl to de-
railled the C!on.titu~onaJ
Slate GOV8TI1~
Califor~ia to preplace, IUMlmanner of'boldin, the elecli lUI . . NqQirftI by tlte 'CODstitution, at t t 11110 tla. Repreeentalin8 were eJected. . . . .
An amendment W Mr. Oldl' '8IIIendmert& wos adopted, IlJlProprio&:ing t/SO,OOO for . new Boob 'or tile 130 new Dlembe~. Mr. Olda~ amcmdl)lent w.. thel'l,~oplOO~ with a further am(1ndmoot thllt Babbitt aDa o ~milh, Inte claimanta for !!eat. in the o
Houl e Ir0D) N'ew lIe_ico and Utah, be . â&#x20AC;¢ 1-
GraJaaa,. . . . . . . . . Wee receiwed the OatD"I!I'I~IIIUI.bGr
of thI. elepJn JfapDne.
Sept. 12. Pro!;idCllt laid the ~enllte ' I}. mCOlQti l1\ of the or' New Mt'xico, n6king lu~r ad1l1i,;~ . liS v tllc U ~io.il. . Stilte ' . Mr. S \vlIl'd moveil its reference to , over. , commitll'C 011 'l'errit6tlcs.' . OIl ,mQtion ofMr, Clay,;the §jcllllte t(l(llt Mr. l\1nsQo ..floved to Illy Oil .the , , \lp the b'illio IIboih;h'flhwery 111 the Dls- LUllt-y ens 19, MiJls \9, ' 'trillt of Columbin, nnd Mr. SowIIT(Hl fft.>rt'4 · Mr: ,Dicldn!lon m()vcd to refer be ~Jlid on nn t.\m~mdn1ent to t1\e bill, providing' that 'tho tabl . t , arried-ye'ull 2~. noys Iv. '. tllo S ecretory of \.he .II~teri ~r ,s hull , oudi~. The!li 11 to Slip press the shlve ) tnlde ' il\ and pay to 1I11 persons holding sll)ves for the D istrlc~ of Colaml/ill, wlls 'takon lip. f the !lame Ilt the time th \il net ~peB in 0 ee- . Mr. C1IIY OPIIJ?IIJud to Sun\ltors to aUolV '. fect, and that e20Q,OOO ·tle hereby' appru- tho vote to he t!tken withou\ further aebl\te . • priutod for \I~u~ \1llrpos'e.- .. Thg fUnds to' Th<t que tipn on )f.r'. • 6wnrt! 'I$' u1hend' umc out of Ili\y biclJ1(1Y ' ill tho Trellsury ment Wu~ then tu~en : arid it \vaa rej actElcJ ubt otberwi $~ uPRroj\riatc~ , •. , ' J..yeos 5~' nlly 4Jj . ' , , Seo. !Jnd 'provjdes for nn olectloll in- the • ''l' he bill wus then rl'.Jl0rt~ll to tile 'Se~lIli trict to 'Decerlain if the bill , ie approved ute. ',' ~ by tho peopl ! ~ll 8hO\~1~ a ' lI'Iujority deMr. Clay expr~setl th~. hope tlHl t r.ide ugqinl!t the bill it Illuill ~~ void. t nmenclment'ol 'tlllh :ommiLtcll woulU bo 'J'I~e nrnAI'~Ir'ent gave rille . t,p a delJllte; jected, ~n~ that the bil ~ w~HIJ d lie 'P elldlllg which tho Senllte ndjo)ll'ned. On m otH,1ll of Mr, D' CklnSO)1 til • l'I Qu E....:.:An err-oj ,iw th!! vo~e l'ln the te lDporarjJ~'r, Ipi)I' Ull the tab (Llllld the !fpeeJ'IIl ruHeltl:l'e bill WUIl ohq uncut!, und supply the deficiency of poy u)ld an tho bIll wus' ileclur.ed,patls d fnstead of \'e- of memlJors wu , t,(lIIOll up, allli • Jedtnll as _toled yesterday. • o.me llt!ment~ reporl~ by the finllllce (l0 1n'fbu'blU ~ carry uut tbo provi ions P~ I ilt~e wcm ngreo4 tA. . " , the MexicIIII lr lily \vOB referred to Ii COII)Mr . Denton moved th\lt the mlJengo o[ n,tilt'oe oT tM Whole o~ the Slille qf \~!! j f;Jenl\tQrs ~Dl.L. R~I)reseIttlltives from C 111i~, . UJliu)1 . • ,<' 1fornia, and D elegn.tes from OrO"011, 1!h llll , The hl~icill1 comm(ttel' WIlS. ~ischnrgcd I be comput()(J by the,:nllare8~ usuuTly truvl'll· (roln the furtber con Ideratiun 01 tbe con ~. ed toute with lhe U. S. duc~ of Judge l~wjll! or Pi~sbllrgh. Tbe' urneJithllollt \VIIS dgr~c~ to nll~ tire 'lhe rep,o rt or the Ewing iJlves~i/'pltion bill W,DS reJ1orted, nu~ " tbe nmon~ml'lllt:! ' of" t,tl!IJ.(lr~ r'. l',((,~u'~[J(" , c:~J e 1I:11ui~tce \YIlt! tllell token up. ond wltbollt tbe iulIe)ldl ents ware COllcurrIIC11(l . u(\~ing upon it the House paJSS~,t1 10 bUlli11r. Donglllss rno~cd ,811 omt<iidment 01nCl.!'1 uf the tll~lo and sev!:'fut bIlls reud. luWill" lhe ClllIfQrl\lfI Iill!r)8t()rll 8rll ,RcpMr. Ilwil\ll urged tho.t ~he , ill gr~nling .. tbe per <\ien, from the 'date ,lund '/'or the cOll)1tructiOlI .ofthe grou.t (:oncommuoicution uf the constitution 0 trlll1J.llil~oll~ /lo put upO{l i.ts pos$l1ge." OplifQ[ni\J, to, tho ; Presl dcnt~ \~111 'h W(lS VlfIlUn muvfld that l,t llc referred to IIg.reeU .to, . tho COllllt'littc 0 01\ pullliC- IIl~d8. , I 'the bill ~\f0!l t\ICIJ ordered to uQ IlrrgrQssA dl'DIlte Ulen took {llnco ~ Il tho. eil, all~ it \VtlS arterwllrds 'pa set!. grontil\g u (loquttO,1 of luwd to Seltaw .otlJollfnell. . ln~ I9r sUlldry. pl!rl)OS~S, lind it \VRJ;l finally l:lu~s£. -~Pb, lnotJl ing pour w~s owtr e ler.rcd t~ t~o CPlIlll'llttee on publIC l~ndil . piell dillcu!lsing the repurt of t11e ~ ElViJ1'g 'Mr· Otlll, from lilo !jeleo comm ltC\! i llY tlglllill~ com",it revo~t. ;.:;"':~:;:-;;;;;;"'=;r;;~~;-;~~~-:-;:i::;:Z~""; It retor\lro ' aJlp'ofnt~\T, lU~ae a I'Il1'O(t uOIlnL- . Tl1~ bill to extend the port or -New Ormouslv signed, suying there i 8 no P!ool' of 1 (I ns wl\!l'tilke"tf up and jlliBsed., • 'tile clulrge ~gl&il\n'Josh,ua R. GIddIngs of The S ennte fqgilive slilve ill, was tl1'l<en Il Istracting certuill pupers trom ~be files of fond. ' t}la r6st l)fI\t;t.'. . ' 'l1IlC)\npso'n ~ of Pa." tHought. ilie 'bill The comml~tee \'·I1S',di.-scl!t1l'ged.. : WQS confortnob)~ to tM ,constitution \vhlCh r. noyd r0ge, t~ 11 !,oestrllnof pr,.v.'I ~~o . \VU8 blQding 0 l! oil to delivcjr ~IP fughiv.qs ~~o R.opr'Ql!Cntllt,vofl from C ~IrfQrnlll. from lubor. ' ',' Wright and Gllhl'rt, werl' ill IIUlindlUlce - After consi\ler"ble d !l.J~ I;e- thl! bill wns ',Qnd \ ished to be Blv-orn (n. , to' ll tl)inl rellding . Illid ~nerwf\rdl! Mr. Venahle rlli~ed the quelilion oa . pOSSE'd ""YP.lls f'7IH nlLy 1011. ft now nwnits 1111q isht of those gent\croefl to tdke theIr the Pr~l!idcntiuJ siguo\urJ) to becomo,o Illw. =~:"c-.: sootl. The mnin o,hjection wlI ' tllllt t]IO After dlspt)9ing of oth el" Ser~~tl! ,bjlJs of rio special •cn'po~tal\ OO I the Hou 0 afljou 11, C9118tilu~ion of We United 1hl1l t~l. e lihlo lI,d plnce of ed. ' . ' .. hall fie prescribed by ,-'--'-'-'---:--_-:--' .' lilo /iil-nle. &ic. and ·1t \V8S ,orgl1ed 'lhe.admission 'of the gentlcOIcn election -took plae'e before the fUnallm!~,lnl\! law \Vall Ildoptetl, and berore, ~he i1eclcd members of thl' LegiillJ\ture. , " concluded by .moving tta~, th~ CfC'dontirdll be rcforred to tlie cbf11millM 011 elections. , ' ~r~ Robinson lI'1oved to aDl~n~ by su~ '@tI:tmittlftho't the- Repr4l8eJ1ta~ive, be' aumittec\.oncl lI\\'orn in. " ' Mr. Tombl/ lIustlljned ~r. Venuble. ' )Vithout. taking acLlolI on ~i{hcJ; ' p10tion or amendment, the Houae ndJoumcd. W,\SJUNGT ON,
t:i~j~iJ:i~~~~~ii~ii~iJJ.~~~~;r:~i~ UII.I::I'1[lr.
W ASKlftOTOlf, S ept. 11. ' intr'uduCled a .bill to xtend th~ SIl\y8 an~ Judicil;ll'Y, IJ8JO'1ll or the United StllteB over ' Catirornih. and to .Teunr 1.t," copc~rts. , PIilAG H BAl KETl:> for ~ lll e. l:)y _ ' appoint a Surveyor of" ~ulJlic Lands In ' NEW' YORK, Sept, 7th. IW iI .t/', ll. J:lJ~MMEt.T... Tbe first Jenny Lind Concert Ticket ~ ·In. Daily Gnmtte, ,copy until forbid apd Callroroill and preaervc peoce with Indian chargo to IIJiIl offi~l ' . ' . tribe(J therein. , ,'.. was kno ~~eJ dOWIl to Mr. Genni. the hatOn motio" of Mr. Davit, or MIBS. , the ter, at ,~~O. amid tremendoull cheer a .TllFlmtT ~lttJMAN, bill nine'ndatory of tlle'1lct of ad uf Marcb, excitement. They run Irom 810 to 816 ' CLQ K AND WATell MAIfBR , Wavnc ville, W'arrtn OOIJ1lIy, Ohio. 1845, allowing a drawl>ack on mer.-~~~::=!!=·=~=;~~~==~==. .=~= Sept, G, 11160. 32-l( , .cbandile exported in the OrlJlI'lIlllU through Chihuahua'flnd ~. BOXES WINDOW C~.u by 10 ' Britieb .Provin~. adjoining, \Val lith up ======r±=:===:::::::;p=====-10 by f~, 10 lJy 11. nnd 10 ~y 1,5, j v.st rt! - I,;:;~~W;-;i'r~-;;;;*~rn.:;-;n;,;:W-;n.;r; = coivcd nnd for /lnl C! bY" AN ,and p...e~. , A. . HADOEN &; lWcCLE~L O. Tbe b1ll to abolish tile .lave trDde',ip Dis"-ict or Columbia was then taken up. A"NCY 6; TOILE" ;AJt'l'ICLE8 rOr 8010 by 3t RoaERTst~ UR.E~ r ER. Mr. SeW8rd .expre8!18d bimseli in ravol" (If the original bill a!I reported by Mr. Clay EDIClNES for I lllo by from tlio cOmmittee of 13, and it wu only :i2 .R BERTS &. BREWSTER. when,jt appeared. impossible to pass it in ita original form, U.llt he offered bia amend· mellt. He undel1ltood now that it wall 'probable the \.rill coul~ be stripped of the ~~~~~,~'.n:',.~t~~~V~r;.~l~:~I~~1 amentill)el\,ta already mad~ and pUlled .. first introduced. .Deairin,g to vote tor that meUllr", .ud in it might PIlSS, he would wilb the Senate withi:lraw ht. the prescnt. Wanaell"m" Proc1aee'.ar~et. OORlUlC'l'lm F. VERi W , E(!l\ 'l"UlI \"1 IWIt. 'Mr. of tbe bill V bu. EO and ' made to Wbel\\" ,,~2 it. lbat Con- Corn. shelled, . ..., oyef Ilavery in 0.11" Flout, b 1. . 4.og 111mb time held Balter V lb r.lQ In Ilafyland It ~tI ,1\11' doz. ''''''' Lard, 100M, ¥' JlJ 7 of iO#falth toPot.\oetI Dew Y bu,. . 6~'" ~ PO LTRY. DOW WU ill relation to the Chic:k.ellll. '" tl I •• Ilave trade, TurlLioe, .,.. •• • • if the mOUUN ebou1d be DUcks. .... - - - - .... • . - - , ' • I f.iye place to 118ft'1 Ja the Ge.e, DI.atrlilll. uatil " . time .hich aeemed to SElCATE.- Fremont
The Markets.
hi. raptctIJ .tt:.oacIaIDI1Vben .laYeIJ III .h.,. wotW f OuL A. to the power
01 aboMi.. dUatnde he challeDp! lea .,,_.... - ~::l;'~~:.:::,~=~~;b~~~ fA
I '''? ~IS,t thou not
Goocl A.1vic~ to D~sp ...ir~ . At Il'TeC nl rriu~8 ,nacting of the New YorK. SundClY "NIlY .1 c~n not. .\Vith aubtjl\y thy FrOIll 'F~\\lor~' PhT.~;I()I~gicnI31l~rM), ', N(!w , ~~f.kl .Hornce GrceleY'~~ill: I ~~. TlIlles r~ln~rJ<s:- , '. . 1>\', ... J\1.iQln i Vi ~ ltor I btother Cllme, and' ht.th taken awov ' thy Capltol'I"llIllllhmellt, "I recommend 110 strikell-no ' hasty lit"Never despnir", flays tbe IlJillion;at-e, ' ~ J);\Y IN A.UGUST. 't'. hl e ~8!ng." . " . r ll\tll I~umh rot' l)le..\!:xcl r.[ ~I\g-l teml1ts t coercive 1I1clIsures. I wpl!ld sug- \)lIttonit)g IllS cOllt poeket~ , and aildreasilur 'l'II" n;orn:wl\ llrightly ~t)liuuflll , Thl!,oirbn ~ 'nil , \LlJl)'.\\'rillol~ rey":)w oj. u ~cr· _II' • ,committee of the coo1est hendll II sliivering mendlcflnt "Never deBh.il' ~ J),roullu my fbrllllOJlu'br o1hlllg (rll.!ih .. nil cool, "Is he ,not rljth\ly nnl),led SaQob! for. the Del/II\ of Exet!lr, nUllol1 "'1 he SIU)' ")"'l;"' ~ . . . . , . '. , ~ A 8 \1 81) IiglllJ1a8~ to Illy s l' i ti~ urollght , • ;' , _~ " ~ hath Buppllmt.ed me these two times: " ~II HU/lIl)1I ·!..11 , 'Dod the DOQI'n of aft;lI:lnjflbe Jou~JIeynlel I to confer With em- j .ays the pl'os peruus banker throug I , h18 ~thcrinll\n(I' p\lrql-j,lilI8 like IhU~" vl)lch 11~1" ' '1'1IE !'I,TOf]1ilN BI.E!'I .ING. took aWIIY my I'irth-ri!!ht., and, bellold, 11" .. The J)utlll'a luX\ i. Ihal bft-repb!"l- ~loyeJ' IIl1d\Dgree U\lOIl a ~cole of prlc~sj i buttery .chet;l{s, l? t!~~ , ,UiJI"d l blUlkrupt I d IcJ d I \I .., I "Whu$o .11Nld Ih 1I)lIn:~ blood, hy c(lIlsiil r . 1l1J thib~ nntl for.m tIle eCllle 1~lth , nu:'n\ll1l11t. "Never ,. lIeapl\lr,h 80),11 , the Tho soul,' vh II, , ·d by [o'nucy 's hRnll, wo rov.o J • sane Ip grown o. ,nn liS eyes were I h,lltb token owuy Illy \)lellsing. " And he uI.O cl lIlI shed." '1 ho roV ICW r n strict rbfYerd to justi\'f;)' Ihake it fair nn,l nOllrishin tr mfln to hia mudl Icss forWonte AmiU tho Iro~rn ll~ hwar~ ot' r i'u'1i4lisc, Orl!;l1l11l ",r\l'lIIro 110 t nd~, ,lto eq' unl and then retlolve til{l.t it 8h,Il1"\)e Jl\lId. lIr.ighbor.o 'It Is It Irolden bnttle cry in the dim so that he could no~ lIee. lIe .knew that 'w~s deel>ly moved and ' t I 'tte I > Fnrniliur sonn!1s we lovoJ ill 8urnl1l 0 r tillle . , II . bl /{ ld ' , \ v e p )1 r y. • b 1 1r b I 'I ' 118 sn unary ~ or ' "UUllt thou not reson 'ed a blessiog' for i [ >ltl)' lb c~c nro nllt tit words ofUol1 . It I hope no suike \Viii be neOflS5l1ry, fof! e- slruj:g e with ire; ut ~v \I e a.l appreci''Verbin tho Illl\tlnct) I.' IIrd; and Joyolis 8ons~', I)on hi if ...,,1·IIY6rll• iU\ge 11\ ' : ~ ~III 8 11 11 II I!:O rur 1l~lIyl\lnn 1.9 heve thllt n. (nlr senle nwy btl ciude ' which ate It very fe\v adopt it, - "I will not dewould be over, ul1cl thnt hill body w? uld loy 111e 1" ho ol;Q\1iroll. I:'rolO hOl' liY chc,rIlIlOrll, 'wl'r\' cchoQ'tJ l(Jud I . . • g)mon, lIII11 n 11t;lIn bu two-thil'ds ot the employers will IIgree .to ~p{tir." IS 0. declal'lItion ellsier lllllde \bo.n Alld C\u(lr, Ihrollgh .. (I Iho clllrk gr~1I ,woorls witll his fathers' III its mother enrth' but , , I have mlldo !JIm thy lord, (lJId all III Lllt 'lis ne.t tho hr~t d I h i ' ,I II b bl .fled Drlgh I ljulllia ere 110 left the ennh he dcsire(! to, bless hill brothers hnve 1 'g iven to I i Ii ' I rI , $I"~Y LJ~ 1\ 6" PUY-UII t lOOt or tlllu W' . tb,eu eo Jgj yerl . . ' . Or'p;ohl nnd t1~r(lIQ oloutl i llillitllh~ OIlSl! Id E I bid I 1'8 ' I m or BerVOn , wdlll 1.10 11r~1 lll$ ~ t'd to pllV it. , "Ve remelllbe~ ono tn'ltnnce of tW() uno I:l~ ~ son, - ~1I~, t 10 e ovc, ,on w 10m l,~ i lind wit]1 corn lind wilie hllyo ~ I ~u!jtllil{~ d tOt lilY 'Jrt' UIlI'p Yes, IvorklngmeJi, combillQ IIl\d, consult fortubdtNj kie\.tln~ cnrQ'nnd tle'flpontWnQY t6 A1I!1 l'!vftly trl'II\l.Jleij Oil iI,o f6r ~t tO~s, ;. h~nrl8 IIIf(Yotl~n's were: plnceil; 1I0t thllt I~e him, and now whllt sll .. U [ do unto -th Q TII)lli)l; "\ buU!oo\' r , 'us ml\ch ris you pleuse.:... he mMe tht"ir progenitor tile evi~ one lIud doihg 10 '1'he' grnOt1~y wnY unbovo Ihe w st rn hlll ~ , 1110 (1,1 \\') 11 \10 ~1r(Jd"' - lIl1cl l~dJlot love IllS other BOil, Jucob, the twm t 1'" ~ " 1 sud enniestly the better, for ill wllh succe'ss. l',' A lillt} Q(rioh'Yclil,\It)d 1l1\\~~ r li g:h~, , . . ( , b my sun . • ho\v r PW\' () tlli 4, 1 r~, l" r 'rho hc'\'t,lU Qf !1iij gioriulis ~oll,hig-lh o ll. brother, for he dlil 80 With tendernessj U "Hllilt thou but ohe IJleR!lilltr lilY: fl1the~1 jiubrclw, 10 tho I'tungllH; YQIIr strength, . But be Two dCtlltyed .young men of spirit; who Di !!O]vill~ nil 11110 01'1 9 11i7.7.ll'ng lllnzo . Esou \Vus tho peculiar love of hi~ fatber':\" ' Bles' . n1'h evon m'" aLso 0 I'n f tl .:, ~')io '"01l~ .."llOrs coolest. not the llOt- hDd beel! chused inw " lI!!Uop lJy w~nt, ull did I.' d'd \ ~ '" 1-' t' y . a lor, tIlet ~ I 'rvuld • j fur passioll is tbe\vay (rom the l)lissls$lppl·to tl \) Hudson', Of IJr~ghtne ~I rose t!w ~l1n In "c!IJtuUb5s t'hnj· regllr Si Ie c~ 1I" .nn SUI: . and he w pt sOl'e. : , llI'O ~n ~ ~{ltl seldOm (Ilil~ to river tinlveil in N'ew Yorl' ODe rajn f!junCB!Y:" · .. 141 am old m~ son, nd l{\Iow not the ' • "Dehold, 't!;y dwe\ling shull be thQ fut' ~jfch · tilld leuve !duy l,llon,iJlg, ill t Dbcem4er:....JJ.'hey wore 'J'1r 10l'''00 UpOIl the sprolllllrlg orchnr\l'1re 5, '1'1Inl, by IhQ 1II0rn1I\!r re.~Jlh'yrll· gJntly $\VU}'Ca, when I mn; dll~ i take, therofol'll; thy CJI \:: '1,w§ll,J>! ~he ' ~ar\h t lln~ of the dow of luafer with ' your emplOyerB 1 then landillg from a uoaL lIt wl~ich-{ber n fur n'I , full of gold n trllll ur t:~ , ' 8tolld_ er oud bOI\ ) 1I0,d go IIn~ proqure mo velll veil (roln .above. Dy the 1l1vQrd 8ho\~ thou re poc~tu\1y IU1W b;el' th.elll I\~ luul boe~ working their paJuoge, and they Liku glittoring Jcwola (lllivored in IU8 light. and makt) me 1\ Bnv'Qury meat., aut',h 1l8, Ilvo, ond ' sholt serve thy brolhur; und like to treated, were you in t\leir ~nt clo\vn upon tbe end- of the wharf. l"lill.c;1t llcW ,liW rojuicinp; Nnturo ~oclll ed Ilbve, thot r m,"Y e~, ti"thllt my soulll\ny !lhuU cOlne to' pua~ when thou ohalt hAI'e . : Regard UiCI~ ItS '11 ~ of ,l ike .' "'Voll, what 81~all 'wo do tor ~ ,Iodging,n bl tl I f 1~ ".. " with yotll'tlelvet, and not ,U8 the cnl')uired olle 01 them.. ess )e6 )c ore Ie. . dominion, thou shult brook his yol~!l from gt}gues wPtlldJ!ave ,you tegl1rd them , jlDolI'll<now--do yuuJ" , Q!I incllfllule demon!!, utterlY' Irestitute of "No, lets' tuke a wJilk." Eilou ussell~pd, au!1 repulred to the hunt- off thy llE-ck " hVn1l1llity-und stone-deaf to the diQtates of "SbabbY' and «Iiny tlley strol\ed "'along iug I:rou,lld!l to do tI~o bidding of hi:! fD-lh- 1 From thn~ hour. hntrev· for I)is 'broth r , , . . . took possession of lhe heart ,of ]-18I1U. , He Demoud nothing or . tllelTl but I.Irolldwn;y, until 'th<!y reached II m~all )opk~l SCi I,u)lpeneil , Lhu~ ReLcku.h 'YUH Py, and I retired r;om the prt'senco.()f, ~ie fa~her: ill fail' and right; for if the move- iog drillkinll IIh'oll-Here they' entered, im· • •.. , m llt il' prngl'~a~ 'prq\·e 's,u{'cPHsful. bib their l~!lt sixpence inJ >eer, ~~I~ comheurd the . words of I~onc. to. Esnu; uut us mu'lere,.1 t n 1,1' niseI I'·. h b ' ;' • , l4 Y latiorors IVllIlloon · become (,tn- 110 ed rendltl)~ the Il a pers. . II e 10vOtl Juc9. moro .pec'!'Inr>,y thllJI her ' "The 'Jays of mourning for my fnlher plolers tl{elnt>clyel', nnd I~ltly thell 1 IIrn . "011 j, exc.lnimed Olle, tis his qye glarlced ",'llIlt IS"Uicn.llt by rE!tt'ibutive ' justice, ' ;Be.- over/ {ho 'nilvcl'(isemelltB, "$26 are offered lioll,lIfle Ileterffillled thut he should at, htllld' then Will I £llay my brotller Ja_, Uove Ihem nqt who tell you thnt labo\' IInll fur the beet New 'Y~r'8 o.dd[esll for the receivo tbe uloslliiig de igl!ed fQr the oUler. cob.", " Sh,e hustened ~o conslllt. 111m: These word were hl?ard \)y '1l survanl, copitnl are ntltllrlll ('nemiesi for th y \Vere <larrier'DC thiS pDper~oll , competitors are IJacQb 'to he IIIUtl l JlJ fden-Ill untl he ll)ers .1'; 1'0 ~8nd 111 Ull·ir e!f!'s;ons bv to-mOJTOW. 10 t , Urpy tlI)eloved , tl LOU .... "I .. J 1 1 I /' .'wllQ hastened and t~ld Rouektlh. •Sh",.. cnllus 1111111 (lncl wUe', nnd the lin { ngo " Veil," \lnid ~he other. I I.Ut ,1'1 0 u I I e~ :Jucob, and 8uid: where ,it exillta ie uut 'the 'worfi 01' (In ' "I'll try (or tbe (Irize;". m~[riell .a d'L J" or till " IIBtJh~\i1, Esall comfortelb enemy t9 both. Without mutuul kindness. "You1" I I " , UUClrCUI11CI~e lull!. '. posin~ to :kill thee. V conce!!sioll alld , for\)CllrJlnce~ , the~e cun ')~ ".Ev~n I. Lp.ndllJrd cnn 'You lelld me a no, m~ther, too well " Iii tho filet : Alia J'acob wus nlal'lfied. The hour of no such thillg' (IS bUPIIIICIIS ' nnl~ llro!\perity felv I1hellts of paller, pen and ink!" t; to my min'd. But ,,~'hy ~6!lt r tributio,. seemed to be coming, \Ina his ih eHUeJ' cuse: ~ 'l'be articles 'were furnished, and, th, . r I b ' tUJ " . " " I!criviner worked in 8iJe'1Ce (our IOijl hOW'll, , inC .0 f tl III pall) U IlU Jel!. .' ~lI~lty soul recoiled frqm it. HQ 'could nQ ' , '"De troy it. 1101 ," , • at the end of whieh Ile shquted..,. ~~Beonuse r ,Wllil. to 'fI\'Qfit theel thereby, lange meet hiJi \!rother, l\lld look him,in the ' Some yenTB 6g0 'jays tho Re . 'William «Jt',8 done,'; , ' • Thy (tilller l.'oth 8eH~ ES!1U t~_ the \vood ,to face. for he Jell that he ll~d deeply wrongJIIY, J lInd in my garden a tree thnt never "Rend, it, Ba{d hill coml'llnlon. vel1J$on to Ihake hllll II anvoury ail him . . B bektduloutihued: hore, ()Il~ tlny I WIIS going iJown , with 'the matter wII8 read and a Jl.:roved ' , It lr . erc I \0 dl el!, ' , son' aria" the axe ill my I'"nd toJen it; rn{ wire '" d m I )10 mav bl eli'S \11m m~ot, ,iot "Obey my voice n1y ' . met WIlli CUrllC to itie 0 ce. e COu ,0 N \ 0 ' E I Ii f' d I' • J me ill the pathway ?u4 1!leudcd 101' It, /lUY- \vllikeil tne ' streets aU tbat night, an a to Luban, my: brd~ller. to rom;- and illg-:-\Vhy, tile Sprlllg la 110\': very lIl'nrj great portion of ipe ned' aoy, ulllil th~ , ow, my ~ n, liS. snu , ll1S ~r e~te . 119 r~ht to thIS IilO~SiJlg olld hll~sl,l tlllI~ blrt~~. with him until 'thy l>rother llllgoer be "luy nnd soa ~Yh th r. there 'Y11l lIot .be _1\ tlq1e ol Lhe decillion IIffecting the RwDrd o( right to ,hee, lMu IIhouldB,t r celve It. p lI~d away tint! be fOI'gut 'bi ut>y ,lind c~~ng~i nnd,,1£ not, you ,cnll aUIlt. WIth It \lie prize. " , tbal wblcl} ~ltuu hnst done ' to him' 'Iholl ~cor~\ngly.. : rh~ , neBcly man ,entered the Bonctum of 'l.Vhut thillkest th!,u n I'Dut ho\v cnll l i v e m1 (II,(II/)r.l' tllou maycst return ill snfely.'; , I ~~ I hllve never repented lollowlI'Ig her the grent committee, ,Clnd en~erge,d Into tbe "Thv futh~r is 11 " . adVIce ; J Yielded' to It now; ana wlll!t WUS streels' posesilor ' oL e26, Twenty werQ "nut. he Cun feel "Bul whut \vllllJ1y. fnther .BOY II. I ICtlve the cUllllequclI~e1 1n n few weeks the tree saveiJ, Illld five were dovoted to the pnyt' m.y. hhma, Olldlellve 111m whim billS \lbqut \Villi cuvQred ~vlth , bIOIl8Q!~IS"an~ III o . few mont of ~ w~ek'8 elj' eomm6n ~ar'd; the d 'oh b' k li . e WI.' ~ I() " nt to (lIth '" wel:ika I!'ore It. was b3ndlllg 'y l~h, frult.-;- tialahce wUBlnVesled)n;u ve~y ~"'Ulble bUili. H ,I;lIr dl!l:o,'er HI \~ill recollcilo' h)m to thy dellar\'ll'e." hl , snld ~ Ihls,ahoul t~IlQh mG, I, WIll ne8s-on 11 slender ,eculc,' It ia nowleveu • ~nrl no m)'l "ThOll \villl g1ndl y ' go." I<. '" lenrn u leB!loh t~om hence liCIt ~o cut dQwlI yeor!l silloe tHe everi~~ we have narrated f)l1d kill thee tela soon; ,thl\t IS l Il0 t 10 coDtllder ;per. ons occurr~d ana '\toW the. firm il u well liS thy Rcbtlllali sought 1Sdo.c" allll inco!"'iglille .br abandoQed too " OOn',' !I~ aa ~lIown n'8-'Can b~, He did thus: Y\J~ give up 1I0pe~ tlhtl"the uite of meollS Will ,N, dl!BI)nirlhg mOll is unlit,for socl!k1 i~~ "I o~ weary of lilY lIfe becallse of the lI rM.I'er for ..~hel11. ) t~roourjlil witll the wot Jd. He cann t overdaughters of Heth" jf Jllcob take a wife of , nwukl~::~1 LUK.E Xlt!. (j-7-Th.II ' ~Illd ho uuto the thro\y d~moultie" ,n'Qt cpmti\lt dal!Ker8 Beth, Buell 'liS thOIlE> of t\.lis 10lltl WJlIlt good ~.. dl'oslior of IllS \'lll~yortl. ~ehold, ~)\eBll tfrree uwhich rctTellf'wb$o boldlyv"ttJhlemy.rl ~dtr,~imr:-""'-""':;""""-;:-,,--,,:--, yt;or~ I ~ome eekillg' IrUIt.- OIi till/! Sg tr;ee, frotit"d." , . Dnd ~nd 119ne; cu.t It down, wfly oncu,In~erWhen the roverae engender8 despair, allil cove I IlCO '" hnlld. so tHnt his Bh~~1 ~y liIe ' do me1 metter L hll~ !lot Ii..... fnlher should be. deceived b p)learnt\~s, ed., I W tho. gr ou l\d1 . And 1,10. nrll'lw rtltS' nn~ begeta tbe gnllw'ngs of .. despondenc~t I 't tb I E ' 1>1 I ' " I 'W hat wou ds~ thou, then, my beloved, ?1l!0 1111n. ~et!t alone th.. ~ yellr !lls o, thC vie~ill\ is fit for crjmlnal ~epre4atl91)8 on ~ Ie levllI~ I iau, etls 11 tn. " , "I,wO\lld send JacOb to mi' brothpr, ILlt boor ~rult, well; nnd II nbt, then or ~ulcide. Every ono'il motto ahould be Llke ,a gUIlty culprIti' tho yu\mg l' SOli J . I til Ii tl 'r.' t'. I d f . shal\. c,u t It dow!', . ' -'Ir con8ti h ,tioual peculiarities \"ill ' percIllercd , the presenclil of his fother, , Hia 10 mfj,gllt ,ere \I a I~J e, In t'e on., 0 .,'"' 'f "[ our II tler,e ., ' ~ • '" I ' mit "Nuverd~pair" ' hoqrt b911t quick, be felt himsel[ lb be on a ".nh ' ·1 ' ... d I . •. ,1 ~The followil1g beou~uIll extract is the " .' , . i I I d' d .d bJ·1 18 guo j at It ue uono. close or one of the Illat I.!peeches ma~o bfi' " " ..... " £ Y coqllse orlU1 "A errant un .earo all trem el.lC C 11 Y b ,I , cot S n I fL' . WI 'J J " lest be should be discovered ~re the bless- a mb~'''oco., JI d d . j;), • • 'rrnt s , 0 UIIjII.\II\1. · II 0 1\ , About Rattlesnakes. • l ~I ' . JIleo nterel, aliI Ie I'lrDeee e : ?\hers for~ot"Il't' notiC!lll t[IO dny WaR drllW- I 7;ha fol\owlqg rich a~ec;dote W:P 1 rd-t In~M\I'nsrl'trlOI f.lo,~llIlce Ii');" ,I t '11 fi ·'" IIThou shalt not talte a wjfe of Ihe II ~ to a t 0ge, !IO turned ~nil looked. to- few days "meo, apd 08 it hns neyer berore y.n er, ' Ie , a ",rl:.,. ou WI ,liS l \ " J . < .l C . ' .p wlluaa the settmg .slln, onu apoBtr.oplllzed bc!I',n 'lieen in print,! we - think it welf wor. h Id ' Ad ' tluugJlteta of IIndn. Anse, go to er. r d' I I ' I' t .. 1' "[ • vOIce aB e coo ccrnmun. d I l' d' • k Its u IIlg g ory; t lon,ln lUI IJIQSt ouw/lllg t'IY' tbat' bonor: '" anil.lnallller, concludlld os fol10 \V";7' ~ certain neigllborhood, not many ~i]e. IIHere alii: J. who Ilrt-tbou my ,son!" re- on-ara~, to, t 11 unc e tl~ an there ,ta. e nd mAYI b~els8lOgllbe upohn thee · 1I11odded the p~l'ent.! tAheo a \vlf~G;°od II J!eg~ler. ' . :' . herice, )Vll8 famoull, 10r being tile Ilbiging "I 'E tI I fi t b ' j 1 h .d :n d IDIIY' nllg ItY. >eSB ' t ee an ll Frlelld~lJ1ltat gloriOuS orb rellllnds me place of a Inmily Wh9~\l deeds aDd mlldenc;cor~~rr ::~ilo~Yl)U;:s~ ~~~: Ilr.is:~~ p~:; prb~j1er lind mut\i~ly thee, until ~h~u ,bethat thq day 19 IIp~nr, I\JltUhnt I ,i?O mu~t mel,\1I0I.II had rendered them tho terrot and . ." •. h come, a great people. ,j c1o~e. ' Ere we 'p,!rt leI! rne hope tbat It IlVersioq or 011 around.' :t'laey were every thec , Sit ahnld Cllt ~; my 'VeDlsOn, t ut thy ., 'Wit}1 tlTi bleslling,'Jacob d!1pnrteil, stenl!liar. be our go~d fortune ~o t't;\11 our ,cl\lY~ tbitllf expressed by the telm'haro c8lle8;" ......I1-'-SO\l l fJ)ny eBB me. . ' I' b i d . 11 III th!3 SI1I~e. IIple\1! or, lind thut "'!len . tile Doth111g IIhorter. Thil hopeful family conI/ low i8 it lhat thou jlUtlt (ouud it Sb Ing awny (rom . \18 rot ler, on fe?rtng a evemng Of I\(e comes, we may sin" to cst eiated of th'e old' man, and'·two chlpa from son1 d \ ' the "'kay IJ~Bt tb08.la\vcnger'ltOf e~1 Bho~ld ith the .c!oudl t~lIt close ill,OIl our1depart- tbo same block,' Tom, and Dill, ~be..youngquiokly, LO/)f: In Illy 01011101')' wllllllIg r, .. 1.B"eDu~e the Lo~d tby God ' brought it overto e 11m. lOW gul ma~e one a . gold-tipped ~Itl:,lhe glorlOURelfulgence e6t. Thtlpruy,arB of the DioUII had- ~flell , '\11t h pi o!!nlll thbllghlll, Ihl)L ch:lIugMul AnSII l ,.. '\ . '. • _, coward! What nn aV,ject'lI'lavo'he beconle!, 01' 1l well'sp e 1lt life. ~ bee,n oife"eil for their J'elJr.mqtldp 011 weU ~nr.-, . , . nlo. ( ' " t1 II t I '1 ~'" I who has crime and ,IID aCl,1sing conscience ' ' 118 Uie curses o( the wicked for lhelr'deatrQllEnc:t clm,II"Q bro'l~lIL Ij) lilY IihCltl 1101.11 " Comu Ilea~, nr3J lee, 10 mil. ."e d t \lOllS. NO TilE RU.III1: )(1 XI oj: A, >lUI 0'" - The lollQw, t' bUt all 'In val' 11 10 happened I the .. OJ I ' /:I I t1 ' b tor 1118 m88tor- an avengeI'. Qr form r moy no d hIlt ollcctlc:.le 61 Robere Murris , wo find in on Ion, . n .uo~v I , thee, my son, wb tIer lOll e my son Dut Eso,u was not meditatin'" a. pursuit. 11\1t1 at 8U ' 11 Imees. n6 lip r. ,.., . . Providence of G6d, all the selJuel Ihow., J)('lighl[ul milli9lro'~ \1 of tlU~. fjJllrIl Esoo, or not." Nih f ' b "I bringing bi~ prodllcc I;lu~h wns n ,)I()u)lg 1\)0", be had t.hllt Bill wall l>itten by & rattlesllake, and ,V bose In/lvUllco .•8we t, iuyo~tll'g with ,'llC) 1/ Ah, ow thl) "uil ty heart ~ellt, as it drew . o. on~t lei~ 6C ~mde reveo"led Wtlil °tf°.mk - Wi0 ko 'l1/d!I?~ '2')lnt 10 dino in 1l011lJ)llI1Y, Willi Rolwrt supposiug bi8.1atter' eud near , and impr88ll~ ~Itirlll " I • ' . {' ". • i IIIg up III liS nil II , e wou no t s I 0 wil.l the "t \1\Onl1l pop auh:brnt d !o~ Ule pnrl ho ed with a Be8ne of }IiI sinful and il:iiqui1OU8 or 1\11 oWI11:iCDII'~, all 'Wo sce 01101 hrQr. nenr., le~t the crnme It was Jlcr~etrnt I)g his brotl'er,now' lor his time had not comej June" our IDwn' mll (COli. 10dl)kl ill Ihhtl rlevIQlut~o.~; It.o hOJlpel/n. condition, -ent ib hot h88te for Deacon 'Boil] Iiould be uiolcovcred! He. drew near, lS!lao '. . 2000 80ulll. PellD8f lvomu t lot l II compony, lilt Will ..)" BunlC tllnll or '1 r lnlh \I<) wur III mlllth. l-,ili):~ lurl! rc!\li ty 8. • '. but be would mnke hlB parents-hIS 17IotMr hove \lOrpributodlllrg r to our 1\Ir. Mort ie. who <In biB opp!!nrUuce o.pulogizoo kinB, a pious bli,t witbol rather Buperatitiou. ,'CtjJlI liku II P~Onm>;lIt drCfllp. (e!t 111111, nnd ~lIld. in pnrticular leel in themselves for the evil porllon UUUI nDY othor lwo for detaining In m, by eB)'lilg tlltll !til hud b U1! 1I old man, to try the efficacy of pray.,.. ill bi. l'l,cBsQni lillis, Augu t 261h. laW. C, J\I "The ' voice is J Ilcoh's voice, but d J. ' , t\f B aarlto nuruoor from :New cngn;tcd in rescling l.I ~brmon of 1\ ~orgyJll tlll be"'alf. TheDeaeon ·was 'of that .chool of L one urn f U' Ea 1 Ulldl Stir who hu,£ijlll\l gone lo ElIQ1IIPd to fJ:Cclvo Qr!1orll" I \ hand'S IIro the )~D-nd9 of ESllu." j v'J, d f II I b h 0 Il't ."tern ant t) los 'Well .Mr. Morri(l,"~8id the Doctor -!tQW did religielli9la w~o beheved in the potency or e 8enret 0"" SQC n 08!! . . ' . " I ed," llC mlJ~e j "0 D t lings II 0 ales reMn a\rvniI. 1 · .1 Ii hI I ~ t I ~I'"" ,I t Th " ~ ~ ",. And blessillg hun be enqUired agalll: tl I'I '~ f I I 1 \ t f t Dny~ npo~t contain eight or Illn • you IaKa tho sennoo' J hllVfl henl'u ·jt II g YOlt· tie 8 I Itea agency n pr"",uClujl ~Iegrea :rhe secret of, sU~Q8s-Wbllt il!l , it1 It 'Art tlIOU"'iy very 80n E~.IU!" II.', C II uren 0 81maR \Vors. ~an no churcbes. , ,111 0 t of.wholll 111I;"C tollud: 'Why, Doctor.' !I"id h ll, 'I did n(il like !l8t C ects, pod of courae WII' a firm bellev· hea iIi tlie puriloi~ of intelligence, t e m p e r - I .,. . , ,1 Ii il HnlooUi 1111(11)t {or. . III , thOII now case 0 r ra ttle:..... '"r8 t fI k e b er so em. "cc t uaII 08 bY marrymg on e n c,,~ .... I .: 80 ftl lelr own, ."u ,.) tlI MIII 0.11 l '. II's\'100 dlh 0 and '.II Q tnle,' f Mr, er In_, cony.. un~. Jtlld frllgalit" 1 II the fort~eB" am." , , . . of hiB daughterll' ahd J will do it. Ye8, ( j s alllllldllntly 811pplilid b~ld e mOll m:~r d~ )~~r. tfl")l'~1 ~:~~ir:r r:pI~ i.~~: ~ion. Kneeling'by the, bed,ide of the ~n. wltlllh dilule the Illlsjudging be a oil IllS lips ngp. h"ving lit lellSl six ,Prlv,tt" U 'III'cr j " , th!lt '' In'' (It 11rt.1II hin" whi ch tlrives a IIllln ltent £1II4n, he ""ured forth the follOWIng ~ d' .'fl.Ju/l ' with Il falsehood . . 'lao 'Te- IVI'11 WOUD d Iler I'leal' t Iior tl'.UB tIOnap i' rUlg lwllleh arc 101l1:'h\ by Illdies. " ," I'Y )Y:'1I:"d t IIllY WI'11 be 10\l.n ,Ill celved UUl b!esBmg, 11.8 he gave IllS parellt againllt ml', and depriving . me of my Just th 're arB 1II01 e Md f male hI euch in~ one co;mer 01 .h18 pew, llIUlltltlko8 Him prayer of 'a grateful heart: "Oh Loret, we out o( a h~ drllll CU!;"', to have \11" meat to eat. • h SI h 11 f, t'th t I t t b of the UIrL/,l (!tstri't.e of lhe town. Llllnk the devIL ~8 aftor hUll,' thank thee lor rattlellnake.. We lb.Dk ee mtl\lt"re,d. ...f~JnI. calm, potient, a"n~ , 1 "Come neur a. nd kiss m~, my SOl',." eO,i8. trr·ltl.ftetd· W.lthl~ltllan. 'I .w1'U mOo'n ,~ml'" ml)Oy r;Ogllt"s ' The ~ GetUIlK Illsured. tbee",eBpeoialJy that a rattlesnake. h~ bit-, to /.w II,,!" ,,,... an 1!ndprance lUlu, tnt I I 1i tl h II tl tla 1i th t ed '" • , The "roy Poel rclalo8 . "good ono" or Jnooh ten DlLL_ • Send, 0 Lord alllO. a.1111 rattle... ind, lind nn object and hope before it. So, t '~ ler e '80; ell. er co: mu il or be revenged ror their infringements." The fllllliilYI-whot 0 Darker tit Quaker, ..ho ht.'lIrinJt of ltle 106~ 01' Bnake to blt.e TOM, thntlie trlay ltkewlae be , too. wi~ BUCCl'BB, jn.. wha~ever man ae'eks 'ee t Ie sm~1l of my 60n 111 aB t ~ sme <> how many etils flow from one lin! COIIStitlltiOIl organized ' by pne of hie ve881l18 • which he hnd omilte<a to J!et brought to a .erise of hi. s1D8. ADd 0 to u.ocotnpJlab .. A clown ma~ stumDle up11 field whIch' UIO Lord haUl blels" o f hearts and interesu. timell the 1Ueured' wrole to .n hrok r- wilh whOln ho ~lId LOrd we OOsetlch thee, .end the blUNt CII tl epl~JI.(M discovery, in art or science, ; therefore God ~ive thee of the del\' of See t~l' effeot of a moth"~ ~ o~(lmpl~. She !amily circle is .110 IDcred, that. the entrance ep?~e:rO¥-,~!~d~'Juct as f..\lowe: , , rattlesnake \he whole wlfld to bite lbe but a lixel! genetallaw 'prow idea' that bigh and the littn8es of ' the e"tth, lind consplre8 ii'gaiD8t OD~ ~hll to- advance nn· of a kind friend Reems like Intrusion. ,.It 1( thlle h8l!t not nllC<! lip tho I,IOIIOY whIch I 'old man,' for we are lure notl\~ but rattlchievfll1en~ shaR .a:equire prolound and r corn lind wine: let people serve olhe:'j aotl now that Injured one rlee. up to i8 a liltlEI booven below. Wbose silent In- !'>\lepok 01' SIIIUl'tl0r.' thee nee!lllo\, U 1 have U!:snaket will do thll (,/llUy good. Amen" cedlieless la,b, 'or Th,e priCfl of IUCceBl, lin 0 nations ., . . . fl' t . 'n return' . tl " m '"e. home 80 &we".. t , "? lIacred henrd froUl the vetlJJ8 .. ,. lind bolY down \0 thee: be III IC pam I uene ,,·, a.. Tho broker, In tact ',fad nOl filled up Ihe 110114 ' •••• jllol~ted CB,l1!8 t i8 the devotion of one's life. I d U b I "'I th t.I r' lie went, a8 be bad tletermmed and took pluee.l The mother. Hel' peculiar cy but prll8ulllllIg {rum the tenor of Jllcob's Hold Diar . ~o.181&.tool, wllo trusts \II any dream ' for or over I, ret Il'en, on.,. at. y mo Ie II MabalDtll for a wlfe; and Rebekah infonn- IS in hell' own hou.hold; all! is q, make n~io thM Ihe VelS I] wea ~nJi BUU t~tlll'ted by Sandera, of the Ev.... ville (Ind.) Jour(lQSIe8Slpn qr adYBllccment, Il n le l!".l\e- ronbow down to thee: curaed be ~\'erv one d J • bome happyj 10 drow arou~d It IUCla .ttrae- whnt aeomcd II gfX!d chaMe to ~ulch _hIS por- nal, hold. ff'rth '0 the followin ....... t. in !lecta Wlt,h i !.be prudel\'t exercise of that cureeth ,hee, a Itl ble.led be he thnt e 8aa~. Lion ... , that no allurements from without owe... "(lIboUl rtlk hn 61led It up forlhwhh " ~J'" own en~r'ft apd J·udament . • ~'he "1 tl I H G ,," 19 M na "Again hali ESl\u tdken a: \vlfc of the will be l>rererrE'd to thefr own sanctuary ~nd cnt I 10 Jneolt with the 138UrIlllCO 'thaI .peakio&, of the recent ':001 weather: ' fl' \: !' k b u esse I t lee. E'n, XJ!:,II ........ 1" . ' It hnd 1 n mllde nlrenily tor 'him on, Clluf\ley Th' h i l l IP~,~ ilk 8 D1OUOWln roc Bcomes II S I hnd uaac concluded this divine land. The 100~her II to 1OCUl'e tbe con6dence 011 Mood"" Ihe lil'llt lhiulJ ~a~ met hi. ~l!a o~ .. e DIll' ta an ear y ruO~mD@are ~ow brook. a t.or,reot!,. wide 10 litlg .river, and 1\ e~1'ce y _ b . j'Wbo~ datlgbter hath he etlp6u.ed!" evOl')' child, aDd make it feel thae Ihe III the opomn, bi newepllP.CI1 WIIS \Ii" 11\811 of J6OGb's delightfully cool. The atmOlpbt!te aet!Ql8 (I~rt .o( Ute ~aUlPIDleea oeeao, simply by, bleBfllDg. aDd loco retved fro~ hls p~eeCIA daughter of 'ehmael...· best frienil. If the mother re.lizee her du- vea I, ,,:~Ich ho hIM! wickedly Insured on Sat- CQOI8I! the mountaIn air, wbile a de!iciou llUshmg .teadi~ ~(1 brl~,J1 fOl'ward. when Eallu come IU from h .. hUlltmg, . h r k' d I.e: b' ty .. nd strive. to do it tbe child Will .oon lurtlftY· I h /I II,,!) ho dillconred Ito.:.n~lIlJJ coolueu banp .rouod all tbln,., II' df. ilh hia meat prepared, and u l d : ' :'~b8IS,.t en,~ ,~ur 1 n ' . t IIll fe~1 that there are \Dutuol obliption.. ~tb=.~.f Jae b'8 nOI~'h()b4d ," rom ligbt(aJ contrast with tJa,.oppre.ill. . hailt "Let m father anlt", and ~at olbil .on I enJoy her to peaOf'. • "Plous mothera have done more to of the Jut &wn IIIOntllt~ W ..... DOWell . ~ b bleBl me " "Yel let hlln; for he Intended to wound p1e heaVE'1I tban any other eJPII bf persona lIfew: York Peaell Trade. teriJII on th. JDCItt pl....nt. ..... fill vemwon, at t ou may _ . (or blessing JaCob. U next the preachen of the Gospel." WlIen The Joo"'" ofComDlereo ..,.I!'-too 'rbura- yell', The frMt wlU ego. touob cMlIINft "'IIIOIII.E!I~'" "Who art tllou1" enqUIred lbe fatber. u, 'A d ' b l ' __ .I mOl.hera are DO mo- then will their da,.. lut olne alesmbo.,,, "rived In New YorK I.vea and the air wb.Ia tMir . . ... fj .... b E " " t W.8 WfOog.... ece1VO me, e o~; .v, with (u!llllflla. ot P$eh. from arloW! P!i¥ I' d th anyl, j'\here 'I no proor o( ~vll "11m thy .on, tbe ...... orn, .au. but Jt ill peiohlPa, of God, ud illO Enu ch1kJreu riM up aad "1. in the language of New Jme,-, beaid,ea,eo!1li!Y I•. One fraI (arw,.a. e 1'eC81ft thnulu. cbar~,.vet\ba' abe ml,bt And lslIac trembled violently n be reII' IC b tetei b1I t Cowper-boat broll.hl ill 10,C)(jO ballkelll-tM whole DutD· to dll8t. Th. mild, IORe_ 01 romat75 u .iWe ~Uye to' rill. ~r . plied: wI pl'Olper e n relen - )(f bo i~ no\, thlt 1 deduce 1nJ bl{lb ~ b~~':t ~= Aotllmn, will Ilh ~ ~ IUD" ..... dN "'" lid ~ . . Slao aebowW,.. her 8nc1aM'l. ~¥8n 1li!A' "Whol whete ill he t1l,t- hath taken 9811-:. ment, . " From 10lQl enahron'd, and rulers of the earrh; A. ~, and ~ • ~, wall - * Iq. 8~" be' ath ~D. lhechbeb~eathu.q~'t~ted Wltb iiOD lind 1IroutM it me and ) hive eaten ... . , h~ e.rc:bew It. IDd be blened. But Weller fllr my proud pretenlia. rue':' The deck. ohm,,;e of &Iii! Boet of, boa18 beilll ~f:I::! .ni~'" t h" ' , to lIe mu etter an _ w~ to1d '11 fi ...~ , _-" b bl _ , I "'AIIttD." Thcl!Oni of pateDla JIIIM.t! iolD &beilIU.... plied Up'lO tM beiKbtor 10 feee. 1 he wbIU'VeI , iDttln\ recognluon or. be ore UJUII camear,URI ue e...... '''~L-J'' . aud .clj~t .tree.. were r~ble fruml.be "AraIl &J. ...... fIf Iterner it~ ubi ~ it. IDe him! Ye.. ,ad he "Ube~"" ---"'" er 0f ~.. ...agog... e~w.l.~aad hl.'bw~~ ......a1 Thall. her .. "'--I .'h The _ ROPe and' _&.lOll \bat Dl., l W " , I .:~!!3~ 10... U1 When Ena ~ thia . . enecl WIt • Bulk b Nell eom. . . . . to Londoner. ..... prteel rtllPd .... IQ ber a.cu- 10IMl bilter waIl.04 Ida tean,'" The ......l a babe.
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i. bot cerUia Vllt, wbat." 1800. 1_ do; be has been 10 see Gen. Col her. -U .......U.. dlf.G .-W., notiC(! 0 IUlIg lIeed" I A ,WORDt:O 81llULB j lk4r N4tr tUIIl. 8i1ter:III troatJlll him ,.politely aud gllve , WAlllnXGTO", $ePL J3::-: tinriir'Ov.'I1UlRt In:tlilufoli#9 of the conp- y(l~~" d~.r lculle~,~,we did Dot YDU ~bt tills ,tfiat ( have.at iveJ In . ',I I111m, " Ii~tle tillcC)urllgementl I~o o.ffilud hilD SSI'rA'I'C.-Soon ,,~ef tria ra.dlng-Qf thu 0.: ' at tho iJ. 'hutch elll la t 8ub_ ,"oLd m\\ulsl thoua b It ''lp~ld ~ so .wrote to '1'.1\1, Walel frOm Vulparolilo ..nu ·a situation. Inspector of 81l1p~In~. la!lIry J~'urnlll, ~he IcUQn or the HOllie \11 rela . ...."'UR.;;-V ~ 1 1.30 • We IlIlVe never beeQ cilblo to see ~III1Y to do SO.IJ(tcllu8e we know have ! gave h\!n ,t he pllr~cularll)r ou~ \'oyoge UII'! (09r .lalla: II per day 1111;,1 foulltl. ~r 1J0srdpcJ. ~l~~r !of::'ere~~~~lkl o(~o:;t\I~tN:eol'l' nnd fIj ~ ~" , • intQ' tile propdo1Y ,or bav!l g the. Illdtell to ' such on ayenlan. aye" 8'lch, a ,bll~t to.t,lrat place, ,and tilRe ill p.reQlous here. ! he tllll not yet Uecilled wlui·ther be wili stop clrllfucter of the decboseiJ I:h~ Se:a~n the · .; . 0118 TER~S. ' ',.' , tl ntor 'lir huo, dObr /lna t~e gfntleme~ ot tQ ~Ilt eJlithet~ Nud no,~. se-oj n~ wo I ,~~,jj ".y JI'lt ,littlo"mo"re thllb' toll 'Q\I thll.t'I1l~~~ 01' go , on to· tbe m,ines with ,m,:,Ule'l ~d t1~e ",lIual resolulions o'f ¢ondolenc:~J I J hu ~lIAlI'bVl~I~R.~lIb be t~1I1bcd, tQ~ tlll1ll~her whell the ' very orrangetl\ellt ~or , have Lie en 90 cOll8ldllrute qf your reelmgll, our gl1l1llJlt Iblp",IU18 brav~d ,the perils or will know 'p. lIIe mOl:l.l fng , udJournell. ' ', ~: l~i::litp~A Wi~ibrol;~i\ltr~ ~IIC! houd; bor~ E!v,iilelllie p ri'f}Q 'j((ciG UlIl~ onll so anxious, to ,bliP .tho t111111gr:eenbIEf tbe ~Oco~n. lI,!d ' after ' " .Iong a;ld tc~ious It·docs n:tit do, to bo idle.'!lere long; "rOlln HOUSE.-Alr'. Stc-vc~s. o~ PII :. ~lInounc. IIh~ of,~~lbSCJ'lbll1j[~Laml'¥wp' L,LARS' II it Willi intended thnt tho de~~s 811041d oc- f part of tire lIIatter in the dur/<,.. Wi:), a~, k)(our, v.llY0g'o' ot, one Jlunilrell un'd sixty·ei,.I)t g to' eight dullllr~ 0' doy for dig.gin Oo ilt ':t1l0 , ed lho dcntll or ,Dorfor ~es, of that State chnrg\lu If!lllymcliluo deh\ycil for II lOllger , ', 'l ' I d"" i 1 I 1 . ,. I ., . .". '" ,0\" " , <;> " It "e l'll " llo ~ h ' I' • ri9lt. ' . '" " ," cupy hotll s1tfu~. Wily 'our good otti: ens 1Ica.n 11.1 .. t~e llt O!I., t ras n wnyr; ,e a,lI l ':"htYs, moo~ed \18 sl1fe In t~l!l hur,~oul" 0/ Sill! ~ 11 11l hore! .but l , pr,ll rer t1lgglllg for gold: ! 1 ~ e 1IJ,~ In" . r 1.1 I" IIS0" ,W 0 ex" ~ed at · Ol,lu CON' \yAH ~~ fUClllllb etl Nt. II 'l\~1 l\.[1l~ lor have set long e mlut d thl} ill£Onvcnience of muttef of surptlse to, llil. lV)!y Yl)u;, were so Frnl) ci!:,\,o . Yell, tbllll'kl lu~uvl!n. l alII OJlell I tnrl <!tl 10 "sce, the elephllnt/' 111111 I intond l' !II R f ilS 1.1. ,li t! ut NOIw dYor~, dn t~e ~Olh , q.~ bVLj:.A.Io "'ll ~J\~ I:j."a:.INj)).JlA l.pCF.lln. " "' . Ii ' fl . t k t1 ~ url..t alld every boUy l . I I'" .1' 1 I' ' 'no '. . 1 I' ', ... , \ . , IIIst, h P IIS til d !l. lal'! somo euloglul1l on llii oopy will Uti l'urll i .lJ~ Six '.t os :nlH tho nOw , pu st order oqhll\g , IS n matter 0 , 1l~XIOUS ,0 eep. Ie ,.' , .,' 1001"0 ,' \IIOn ."my" ~n~t ler-e~v I, nn lOpe , 10' ell 1111; os 'Yo t , InVO' Oil' tiCOII. 119 the docrusoll. Srly ing, i~~ cOllclusioll " I " Cn:NT~',I'J\'R cn:."rS, , : '. 'JJ1 ' \Vondor tv U~'i 'Qlld ll()w tire "lo. ltIt!} 1/lt'7&c.ould·1~I a from ' RnQwlIIg bow mUIIY fUI"me~s hud that I. uppre,, ;nte tho mapy fllv uns ,llId IlJes -' tuiI~ .r thou hl I tiUW that ut €l op o' Ho~n. Ithe LrlessilllFS o f the· unfor~unote ' o:r ' tI f ' I ,.\UIIlI!)lr ,~~' il.1 1!~":lIrnl!fiA.hl'e~~r.~smu; • OW~I: ' s(o'nel iL 10 rUII rl WIl Y 'o~Clllnd o'Cit of Uoorij I ndcJeil Ill!,om to you~ /)Iu !ling cheelc::!., 'tV ~i llgs received frol;'1 Iln llll·\vis ll Pruvidence, t ~. Jt is now 'I'uestiuy morning. und ·u more s in cor ,.rayOel's of th9 pure, olld 'frrllte}uO, . r'11111n-t,vf.lI"n.,.. ,\ . ~ ,~. , .. " h ' , ' I' , \ _" 'c . " I ' , I .', '. , 1 I I . .. 1/ , ", . 151'II'g1 I1ldll Uers: ",ill 1>0 1'\lrni H d .,lor !, nt;Jl Mel oil, u bout to,Jilld Ihe 7aqil'! they wij;Jreil COl1llol"lor t h~ !rfe 0 .. 1111 pc'r,cI!IV e aJ~y gO~t '\Ve' ~~ere in ,V«J lpnraj!l1! five tJUyll, ivhi ch 1\ovely 'morning ,I never saw. Tho IJIlY is ['/IeU~11l on~, ~urlli<; 1 11 sofe rill! pqrt to,' 1I bet- " , I;j' ,n ()1I ~h . ' I' ' '/1 ,' '\ l ' 0 to' esool·t ill ·) lIdeed ".tiUl'I)rlsing l' lUercy! tin t! to ho atlnlllcd bY: $lIcir 0 ,COllr~O .I3r pro- ti llle 1 s pent v ry 1'1lltlllnn tly, Illtleed. I culm 0111.1 SITllloth o nli U -rnlnol' lilHlllJ o ut- te r ~\'orl<1.III Il, hhll boen a huppy exit r~otu • ~ ulJ~riIHIII Q\'IIIW \'llf1" ()~~ ' ,II 1I0 J < , , ., y : , '." ,I A 'I I 't' r. r.l " rr ' . , " , ,I' f l ' " , ' 'Ihl s " , \ )'ttu r , I\lO Il I 1)u j"I,ill ir~ ud,nl.'1 c. ' ," I whot ,11 'Lime on o,rolllX eveulIlg! \Va 0.011- 1ce, urt::,. " III I WII' I 151 s.~ o~ I, I. , .. cunnoL l'I.1y IIlU It III ' ~yor 01 ,l hO 11)011, \) I "!,o~p/l!;ro cool DI\t! /)\'rICHug j un n.(ltlll'O ~i ' St eV b . '" .1" '" l'·" l ' . " ,,7' , )1 grt, tirl i,le ' tl! " !py, gllllUIIIS orlll their ' (."r ', oue YeDr. udelil freshn ess to the ,O-0'1111IeXlolI VJllpn~ui~o, tlley nre 0 Inzy, luulIgi ng, hnil'y !leCnl~ to ' smlle. but this 1l101t.~y c ro\vd 01' pr 'Q~:II" T 't .. ~,ldlS' "1\1't}b()~I . ;e/;l°f uti onHII 'ex,~ , • . i ' l '" ' .1 I . ;. t ' tl '" ~ ~ ' )d rhn " I 1 I .' ", ' • • C.,~I g IJC eep seDSI I I,y 0 tIe OUBe 1 , Ellrl,. I1abitij. , ., do clnns 011 ' tl,uVln(r' m'l,t,ters .BO nlll ch more 011" \V~,?,\Iu Y orflce . 0 ' ''' ,: ,orlll, ,;- 1 " , . SQt of ~ e! ngs , th~u g ~ ~ t 16. w ~m on scom to l lllllnn~1 \Je lDg!! murs t~o lJeq,uty OJ 'nlltme 011 the' unnOUllCCI)lent of £lIe melonchol Thore i~ no truth mor~ certuinl): Ottt'st. / cOllvcnio.n tly orrn,ngeil. ,~~ ,thi,nk • . too' Iture". lind ~lUtioll, .wllI II pt , two y~~rs otl\l l lte 11 (liftbreht rooe , 01 peoillc. Thev orO, wilh ll~eil' h,~gl1lJ.rp counteQllll co.s, . , ' event. olld tllnt the ' mell1~erB will' weI eel, thhn ' tll~t' the hob It; formod in youth ; thllt tllmilics will Ifil),d the improved ' order I nl~rt;l ; ond If t\\'o Increusel\ th~tie Ch!lrm:l , klnd IIl1d, gelltle. thougl l of ru tbt'r dllrll\~r I sturt for ~I;e d~gi ngs ut -1, O'C10(lk, 'nl'll1 crape.. on tho ' left li rn\ ', thirty. "dny~, 'whid~ , occompany "the indivillulll Iii rough life" It n~ tiling:; very IlIvch to tlleir con,'enlcnce'j '~III not three do so. too~ ,Certainly _ And I hue than our Ai)'lorlcl,n ,girls, yet tl~erc ill l OB the h'lbr ,of brcakfust has now arriv ell , were IItloj)(ed ; ond uS. . n . furtller m~rk ,or is, t~len. 'a polllt qf .the utmost iu~ portulloe I II~d. comror~ F ,'r~lerlr if ll:~ bllby too.k n wom~n ' keeps 011 IInpr~I" "~. 011 11 geuer~' l ~ome~.ing' so ve ry pl~osimt 110'(1 n~oolllJl!l , ~~OJl' I fully oxpected to gilt 11 letter from I'es~ect, the Ho~se ~dlOllrJled. to the risillO' gellerution that they should be , notion 10 cry· wl!lle In VII S pos~e8Slon, rule, ID beauty ond accolIII,llsbmenls Unlll 1111 th ei r munllel'S j their sort, )OL:g<!l tl eyes. homo but thero ,W08 1I0ne \vhich \\'015 0 ' 'rV ' 8 ' t 16 '6 'cnre(ul hl)~ ' thejr til\lO iB employed . If the moth or , IIlUst rUIl across the e lltire ,' she nrrives (It the lurning.poi~t Iyh ero the 10011 a1:ldve II!!, IQ tl.£-il' sweet and 'musicoI 1grent'dienppoin'tmont 1 w~lltyCJu to write S , ' TIASIt,~N::rt,)~' JIP: ~ 0 , 1 II I t d " I I II C' fio vt'r bt'''ins to withcr a 'little But ' I ' E~Al·E.- 1e JOIII ' reso ut,on .or tile idhinr..lIs /)e cherished IIO'W in their y,0ut Ifu 1tJ1I~e to g e ~ Il "qUIet It, ,01' s~ pll 10 to t Ol~ ' c> - . . I VOICM, .hllt , Yl)u in~olullturily full in lovo O~ s oon' lIs you ge t this: Liireot it to ,S dn I pulJli clltion of tlu~ BtOtUtO!! nt ialrge WII8 dUY's wbe4' mil I\Irer, years come ,Oil It I~i l! ," 110 thllt ulsD,gr'e,eable " PQr~ ~f th,o pro ~e5s· t J:qu~whY. YOll have not reoche~ t!~la,'pllillt with thE'JJ\. fn one , ~r my rambles I fe ll F.rallcisoo nnd 1 cori ha ve it forwllrde,d on I porto~ from th e J uuiciul'.y Co~mittee ,40 found -exC(I·euiugl,y 'hnr d. i( 1I0t) mpos i' I Oll'y \t1rI!l~ of It! ~hy It ~'Ias enollgh tO I ~et . . O. !,O , we :voul!lll~t .bClgl!~ .LO "'ith 1111 oltl, 10d1 on~ her dUtighter lid /rom thero whe n I ~uow , wllere" t stop. pnased... , " ' " ' ,!tir; DII;klOson fro'lI~ U.''l Fi~(I~ce ,COli!, "ble. ~? break through the web, o~ illuulellCEl I ~\lter the llberLyirovl~g , b~o.hel~r~ ~roln ll~o j suplt 0 ~hU1g. nlb:lt.~ \\',e m~ght nc~tJC~-jllst a PlllJlic ganlel'l, \1114 \~ith Illy SPU'I;litlh ,tlic. l Di,c k got, n ,lettor f!'om Goor.lt,0' 1\ememabtJ ' becom~ industriOus. Th~ chain!' 'r shlltldes of.!D0tnmony, or' ElVell a thought ) perceptibly nohce. tho ,101lst fo'(hng of tionarY . J \VIIS 'ellQ,bleil to tallt n littlo to be)' me " t(l oil en(juirirlg Jf/onds ond if, r IIlltteo ~ep?r:~Q~, ~Ibe ~Ivll , olld f D.II·lo~otlc , forrrel! by Idlenoss lire ,millis) • 811d powel'~ I of sucb 1\. thing! Cl,l~ch thim getting '11I 1bloom omi u tou ell or "tIVO of Tirile's 'fillger I hem. ' 1'lroV tnld me the 1I11111l'S of have nnv frj~nds in Ohio t eU tI:em never uupPdrtolPr .~~,llon • s \\1' ltltllvarlou8.llllnenadment .. , ., I ' I ' \ VUI t .t! ' 1 L ' 1' . "N d ' . J. . ' n Ie ul WIlS m ~( e 10 IIpeclO • or er for · ful. pl! ~enacio\U> nnd' !ll0ilt gnlUngly se· t 611~ I Q soap, " ¥ III~. str) e al .t:IO way eavlng ~n I.mpress. 1 o. I~O. ~v? , 0{1 ~' sny ent 1l0Iyer~. und the S il lwretu ,part icularly, . ':Olno to Culiforuw. tit gh 1 hu,yo tho 'Vedllo.stluy next, " ' vl're: No s;'ry ituc.!e, ,is morc ,servile Ih~!I ; nCr?BS tI~e hOllso wi 10 Ij!quolling baby in I Y~'" .,nre' gettln~ old ont! wrlll.klea ; aUlI we s eomed t.) be q~iite 0 lover of, flo~ver!! . nnd'i t time to rej!ret IItarling. ' Mr, Fromollt ~lItr,olluced a bill fol' the tbol' Jl~id ~y (,I~e la~y 1):1011 t~ IJ1S had /Il1blt. I theIr arms! Nc~! Ah. la~ies,ill'l·t ~It t\~11l p~t the !ell.ow out of ollr .sane UIIl I IVlili very. nlte ntive ill p~inting lhem ~ut to Give I1)Y , lovo to nU. " ' ; actLl.omen~ ql prlvnt o luutl IlIlmll i:n Coli. ~hil!l is BO, ul~lve~slllly kn~wn and .rlppre- b1e:l8!~g ,to bnv~ Buch appalh~g Impedl- who dares to lnsllllltlle BUch n .~IIi1a: , to U:3. Ole" but IIIsteucJ 0(, 19o1llllg nt the flolVcrs I , re muin your n/leoliollllte br other, rorRl~ . ,' . . But, roolly, wllot 1111 unwe Icom~ dealer I was gazing into'ler dllrk spnrklinl:\" ey es rr. l'tlLLIS. 1\fr: PrL\~t roported n blli , to prevent the , eiated by most personl.jll a.~iqry poiJlt Inonls tnkt>n out of the ,,,oy cit rour anx{)( VICW thnt thero III'e 'Coml~r8tiv~ly' (OW I idUS '~ ishes! We lIIe gloti for you.." 'Ilu,kes tIlls old T ime is. ~bine how he wiUlcuv" or the nre or 'tltl'lm wos mOl'c thon' 1111 old • , ellT\lC lllIl:' '°111ISltlV('B from ,thelr m~slterls, • ' ! • i ,-. <• • ,~ k' I I I 'I b I ' A . D. 10 b I 0 l'fNltlrVe pouce > IV It I I Ie In .. purchts Wbo do nQ.t early insW into ,lM thut so great A deter.m q,nt' t.o , nUltrlmolly, I ~ n I~a\' to' tel . t ~nt Ie ,ns e.en a °ng· buchelur t\lat h ~ beol1 rour months Ilt ~e o . iun tribes'in IIIi"ornill;' ~vns po lied. Iilh~~5 iheir ofJ'spril)g .the neces i~y' ~f; r el1]oved. }\loy you nil It'nyo !l beau-;-WE! Well,. why IS It th~t you ~vlll ;Ilot any YOIl cOlllll stlln~; ~~t elloul;\h of ,this, , On wetl'rh~ bi!' to SUPll,.e~s. tho slllvd' trndo in diligen6e 0111\ ' il\dutltry:; nnll th0.r~ nre Illso r.nle~I~. n ~ellu eaeh-;;:-oll., thiS or , t~·mo~row or~ twentj ~ve ~vhl'l~ you k,,0\v y'~ u ~ro n~ scll1Y I~ .()rlling. (he 24,th of,Aprll, t~le snit· tho: p'~ lrI Gti .~ f, Colll"l1bln \fOS .rood ,tbe' t~ird eOPlrnrotive.lr fe\~ children )I~nt do not QVCIlIl,! ln Ilnd. m'l~ liS mnhy 01 Ilo~d rbeoux t'\I~ty! ! Ah. you Will be ,c~lIe.d _~:n «1.1 ors Ily ~uch hord wo~k . rriIseli the ."neb or. tl,n('" ,olld th o q~e l1t1on · recu~~} ')g' on Its /In. heed to n grl!lIler or le8s extent· the,bft re- /f IlS have !feen deterred by the _ev, 1 bolore mOld. !I , ArId wllot If you nre! WJll that wlti ch WIIS no s moll j()b, liB the ponderou$ til pU~!jugo M~. BOlltOIl ,/)nefiy addresspll . tbis ' part \ , ' d .rop1 r, ' .eB, rnak 1 ' 11 Ie ' instrument wnlilotb , • shmy , lheAlt Senute. peated advice or pllrentl! In or. montloue Ilroce!! d'IIIg 10 ,ext rem1tl e)' ou lilly 0 Id cr., or 'VIIII de.nYIi°!J to leave 1118 bcd, ' "I ' " bl ,I 'b t l /j'n " But CliO ,\>e so say or'mmttJ.l cmpl oyot nt1 pop the qUfts tiol1 withol1~ dclllY, IIn d-oI fact make you u:ny youn~ed b~s lt!ee, i At nOO1\ we were olear or 'the hu1'llour of p~rently turned tba. heQ~\I of t~e' ',~holo pntjsed:.~~~~1t9':fl\nn~~ ~9~ e~ t Ie I Willi , A1as! 110; f{ow few or the rising 'generq- :_cpurse wo will huye 80Dle 'of tfro coke wllen ·you are an ,old maid, why not "own. ~p to V nlportl i~h, ulld p~ lhe BOn we.nt dowlI he vl~lagc.\ .The tolJowIpg from \lIe T~~tbline. 'l'he Bounty 11.1 . Dill Willi then tu~c tio" ~re as studious nlJ '. lhey ought to b~! /be l.'oti?O of the ml,rriuge comes alon'~ for UI~ c~rl1V' . O, ' wo. forgot! ~nr~?II \lta. this gOv(' U8 .tlas~ glilllp~e ~f lho_snowy Anilcll, ,~~Jll pUl't~lIl1y show ,~he' the up. . '< ' , ' I ' II IHpv.: vast a Jl1l1jority of tbe ,yuuth of. .our pubhcnu ()~ ! aile, Jusl thiS pne tlm(', ond \ye will h ~ wrY whose lorly peoks sporklC'd ' like" di stllnt cltel!leut: j A ' p~ndm ~ om~ndll~en~. !"lIkrng provlsi,on , . ' own beloved luud aro growing up \vilh , . ' , cureful'to oft'e nd no Plore, I>y uai[lg thut stnrs. • lhen sighed u lllst 'ddieu to V'illllnNot\\' P?Ufing rnin IIlIi,s.fnctlon lor Vlf&:'tnlO R~volunonnry ' . ' . 'J·It.e Exbibition Itt tbe Aell~am)~. II ' h' l B ' t! 't ' . , 01 peollie nty ,Lnnt! Wurrants \vos reJectt'tl mi8eroJjJymeugQ~ ttuinme.\ltsl/lleurmllg! 'l'h" ~.YJli'·it·lo" n by, the pU' p' I'ls at' tlto I?US!!I, lllet, utJUs~ QIl , BIIYY,?Il11re raiso Dnd her !:!low eye~ Senoro~,s with l ' P S ." ,. " :. I ' d , r. . I' .. ;:''' u '. e • ' t ~ t f ' , , t lelr way ot 01\ OulO I/lOVeu I !lUlen IIwnt E.xte"I1· ' Look \Irolind at the , yout~I , O ,~,very Rllrt 0 Wllyncsl'i1le Acol\emy, "on lust ' Sllt,u~dIlY se ~, n.e~n wlt'n yOIl 0;0. ", 'W, !\y- I~~ QF ,vbom, nre' 088ociil~~d re/lectiorl~".tb~t' HhllJI I'to atte\14 tho uuctio\1 for ht; ncftt of lhe Dilf!o the Nllvohlhl ,be co?,!tr!, " S e 'Yh~tl vns t nUn'I~ et8 " lI~e cvelling wus well' otten~ell, ' the reorll thlrty.;, It lot)ks .so had" nnti ~~ III .I~ hule IWI\y8' rllc~lr to WIUI vleaBute . A t .llrl e~r. oO)lcert of Jen~ly ~iI)4. ' . '. OQ~P~ wh'o ~erv?\f Oll "hi: coost ~t I~ever to be fQu,nd With' !l, ,book , !I~ Irund, was ero\Vd~d,,'l~ld n: ll1rge itumbe~. , ulll\ble' storYI, )(OU ~now" o,n"~ besl e:3.' '.t gl\~es ~M Iy lu:ur'l 8ol1gr\t my uell, aud ,t1jo.ro' 10 cnlm The chll~ge pf .on e J s!llIh "1I~1~~g tho S llITllllplo \vur. untl HI How feW ever ' relld o ,'histo",. or ,keep liP , younger MIl!Sps 11 theme ~r gO~lflp I'n,(I IlIgh and "tmtle slecp-<Nttture'" sweet restorer' tun, ce 10 th,a Gorden, 0 ml 0 Gulf durtl!lf tho MOXltlll.lI1WU~. Agreed •J' to tind 'plllCl'S itls,ide, were ilsBemb'e~ IIroulld • • • , It I' (I d flO 2 ' WitJl 'tbe , current new~ of ,t ho present tile doqrs nnU whi tlows. We were 'detuin- Bou~dll1g exoulmq'tioIlB, It is, bad pl>liIlY-' I dreamed ' or my h9me ~n the banki 'of exp Itlne , pr.o ueo~ 86me clir . IlUi· to.,~0~8 , I unys , 1. . ' ' 1 ed tronspirln'" events of tbe doy, Whv Is ' .,. deCidedly bod poli.:y, 'Oesar's Creek ond Ulough thollsulllIs ' or .I hm tq the .r"rn, wlilc , cumo dQwn If! , to~· ' 1')10 S~llIIt~ t hOIl "t1Jol!(11 • • 1 ' '=' • : ' tl' eel ulltil .. late hou~; but by great exertidhs .• . re nts suffiCient to lIamp everybody'" ardor 1 ousE.-Mr. Dalley re~orted tlie 'Arn" tIns . • ~hf I~ tb~ mlnd dealt ~I I as ~lId c01)sidernblt! p(Jr~ever.n/lce we w~re Icog~es ~om ItI yet J sce , to bo thete, III the . hour or co,nmollclng tho perform. AI,pr4priuLion bill, and moved t)l~t tho. t~ough ,t' wn,s I."fenor to the .bod~· . : Wily enllbled, to get II tol.orable ,fair vie\y of the revelll~g I" the clilm ~otrea. thot~\Vecl~ oncos, no dOLJ~t dete~roli u IlIIm~e .wlru A,rIllY und .Nuvy an~ !Kf.1xicun Jndc~Qity l'b~u\U aU ,t he tIme . employed be given to performlln'CQ"of ci~e of tile pieoe~ " 'I1he vo\e of my beloved 0h19. Th& ne.xt would otherwlile ,' h t\ve ent()re(\ IOtu tiro, Dllltl , bo llIutle the spe lui order for !!J·lnor. the tccqmulatio~ of t1lat which feeds and PrieBtess;" 'this was aver re;, ~lId _ , " mordillg ~! Il\\!oke, we were (ur ' sl)irit of th e lIr.ene with ardor, fOI\', onu,doi1y thcronft~r VJ~ti1 disposed of. clothe- the body alone, whilll the immortal 1 t t' . d Yh P b ~ a cou.rse , Only thlllk If, VOII npon UI brood b1l1e PaciJl" ""ceal' At l(!tlst 9;000 pors(ll1s, llOw evcf, \Vore Mr, I·tullllnd~r a I!usprnslon of the rllle~ 'I, ••, 11 eres Illg plec(I on we t 0110' t V'e~ • ' v ~. !£ lilli I I I b· 1 'r n ' ' d (I 1Ji1l I 'b" , I part iii Jen to starVe for want of' nourj~h· d' \)1 , ~ ,I - , 0 , . ' into- sooiet, at jift~n, on~ live ~o wont liP' 00' dl:ok ' and 8~W.llJtC~ tbe I I present, n.g t Ie W 10 e OUY 0 the .".or. ",It{U uc.€: u pro \I I,WIg: t .. e COlllOtUl\l• J , • • 1.: .I cre Itn y performe.,. Of the o\her pot- 'nd' t t '.1 '1'1 ' ' " 1,~ r lon, deh. and leovll1g a g90tIJy 1Jl1llubor to, lIce"- tlOI\. of ,Ihtrrest on Ihe 'Vlrglnill claims. I?f no" objec~ ml;lt. mf .~ye's ' slIve.the lQ,~g. py tire balcony. '. , .: 'Tho yenJl llnd JlilYs <Ill the motidll to"en • . , , ~ent, or.• _,v,o rse, to gt'ow J u~ 1,~ ,l v, ~ e ~,u tions Qf the 'exercisesAve are unable per• .o no 'i,e mo~~~e~. 111\I;l\Oralrty! .. It haa ahvay:M ,beel). ',a tllo~ter sonolly to s pelll" Tht'y wore rcpresenttld ,teen yeara ,of life I1l S('lClety" Ihlg Wnvcs. ' W~,ei5on sttl\ck the trado_ , The ,allctioheAr. • L,ecdil, "' \l"p~ Ireti the .bill wore ord~tea... " "" of wOlld~r WIth us. alld the more we tlllnk ~o' 1llIlly ~hose \ ho 't e9se ' tl'th ' " II beaux bnd bel,es ",ould say, . and went on in an ulldcviat'lng punctuull~ ,1lt , t110 iirrl~ uppoillled. IJllt Iris . Dllily movn lto l"y·' lhe" bill 011 the : or tho Bubiect, the more we Comnare the I' II II , -. I' t' WI ~ d l'';' em'd~t bel - veMJ old, for as lOll'" ago all I lona weet ' by. ~' nott!i.weilt vhh glorio'nll audie' co wer e compelli'd to wnit (n a stalt\ whi h '\'113 r('leeted and ,the bill \Vus .'~ • I' ng I g 1 Y lI1\ores ing an 0 I"e cte I a e I> " ' " , ,, ' • I d " I.. ~ d" reladve 'Val~e 0(' the bOtly ,and mind a,lId Ii or I' 'd ' ,} , T'L· sbe WII!! out II 0 Indy!" SOch ' remarks seas, skies. and' weather. l'ile til\h 'day O[ UneOll! for tho ar,rlVIlI of, tho or( ere IaJo "~ ~nlO~os8e • . th· . ~. til ' to l eeoc Illr, a I Sabo 01'6. ~dS We) would be. at! th'n b t u.I't ble d . Thello how.tlvct Mr_ ~oWllJle ,t01l1 thQ Coml'llIttee 011 l e ,e nJoyment ea~", g'v'etl e more we lire would h'ave supposed from th'e tenacity y . I g u. P I a ,I lin so we posBed nea~ a gr~IIP ,or Ielun~9. St. bDV tho pri'l)ter'iI'" tIld Prilllincr, rOlll1rt~d!l nrernoriol fr9m Wm. -ll8tonl~la~d, The 0?1y. way we can a.cco~~t 'wiJ.1l' Which ~h08e vho, lVe~e 'Btl ICrt\ln~t,e DB ~f!ep oul of SOCIety u~tJly<?b are gr!~}VD- AmlJrOrie aud Felax: l\lo~(J\lY Ute ~\It1I' not alllL tTIO , bid~ }f,' B~lri a ~ldng to be 1't'lellse.d frolll his f~r exlltlng views, IUeall and prQ(jtlce~, 18 to have a favurlllJle position 'lIt the windoWI till you are 0; WODlOp. • orossed tile Equator lo!Jongitude J 180 weel. ~ing t tbplII. Ii. contl'Dol. " , . by Il,1ppo~i~g, tl\nt few have' ever eni!'yed belcl to their plaee8. Mr. WAN has been But you lIunk you WI~ Ilot ,b" I w~or- th~ ' ~enther p~easll~t, tlie the~ mometer gooil deoll'/f uece~snrily ~t'rhe (;oJ'lllllilte_o re~ol)1n,le'ttd<'t1 tJl~ tJOlW Q the exquisite pleAsure 01' blgh inteIJectun1 • (1 " T ' I d" lunaCe aa t~ ~iil8 all ~ha{IP~ ~f I~ewug Btnnding about 80°, ,.l"our dnys Ilflr.r we illndllllt 'COllselluc.nco of t the pruyer cl ', the petitl " ner. lind ' , vel\Y lIucceB8 U 08 a ellc ler, an IS very . d W 11 ' I " . b "" , '" til's dela ' 1\ r<'soll1tioq (0 give"tb a prinlillg to' ,euIlure. and, thor~rQtj! cannot opjlrecla\e I~ I·.q ' mamc . e i pt'r IUpS 'y'()11 ma.t nCI~ _ ut erdSlled the I1ne ' we etturk a Qqrth-~an' " 'I I .the amount lind kind '0.£ pure, 'delight i~ VOllu omon,g ~IS ,PDj'l fl. , ' you ~g{llt ,wa t to' ~et mort led so YO\ln~; it wind wbich made quito ."I\ chontro ill tIIo .:~Ir. ·feed, ~OhW d 'o~~ ,\nlclI &'Selttull, ,At 1I0uble 'tho , '" t\ ' \ Id b . r 1,1 r::o , '''' 0)1\1.10 on ou" an .. (IOU. ' • ' brings. ~Ol' for this are all to , blame. ' ~We t/llnk tile' genernll\~a ll,h (, our wou every 00 IS all nw se ,,() uO 89 we other, From . 0" north ~I.p t~ 38° tHe ~llItions qf t),e dny. '. " trlle I Illlor)ul QII~ rel!~l\ltion8 were reo ' Tbe w'n~ of the bod, ate often 80 press- to tJI is improving," -Thera I;; yerJ !itUe if YOll' could; \l1ll1 th~ oldp.r·_yp~ al'e when mercury Btood n\,or ' near 65°. and onCQ i ~ All the. tickets spit!, must bo' colled for (c rrucl to a lol(l&t ClOtlfmfttbc 'on,:pr!n~ing: . .. ing J 1ba( n,o, ,time ie lett to devote to the lIickuess in our Illidst ot the Ipre cot writ. l(ou n'Il1.~e,your tnereelllto Il)clcty-the ~ore \VB8 belol\1 60"; when we ,wer\! directly un· before tj o'c~ook on, Mondll,y; .&11 w!llch l~r!. Stl'VC,Il~ uh~cr tho rul~B gave notjt'e mind; or, at 1C::lIst j~ is ~o tholight, though Ing. in faet. 1l1mo!3,l Mne at all. We I\re y~u Will be ,reaper.ted hy ' th!,! 'bettuJI IIDd cl.!!tlhe sun, we were 13hiveriniug with (,lUI' IIr~ not Q,p.plle~ for a tile. ~1IT\6 sJlec!fiet! 0 ' 1119 :llten~lon to IIltr~du ce 41 l)i\1 to IIlter , we are jnclined to believe there 'can be glnd of ' this. We bllye lind our Bharo of more sel'silllQ ,,1085 of , men. Get 011. \Ve, hlld strong winds ,Wl.! be dlt;po,s~~ of to the hr~ t J1er~?n. ~p. t1,le rev e.nuo lulY:! so lui to f;ncourllgo. Am~. , ,' , " d t.b . rId d { . . , pIYIll"'" , . rlclIlI Illbor. " found tlm~.ror mental, oulture ,by alm9Bt if 810Im~I58 ' uring e , pnst two yeafs-:-.n~ oecomp, t~ Ie ~e uoa e wlll,ell blew us up to longitude 187°. Illtl" 'rile. choice of lic kcUl ~"atl !lOW. wi . NotillC WllS gi\.en bill:; to iaboli~b sl•• , ~qt q\,\ite every 0lte. But' we are \~nnd~r- ~v~~ p~ace. h.o~v~~l!.r beo~lhy. mu~t hQve become IIllelllgel~t; lind yoq need ~ot f?af tilde 84°; we thc~ tacke~ liblp . ~lId 8~.oC)d prlvileg~ lIf purtfbnlling 1 to JO , vcry in tIt.lIll! to repe,1 ~o much or Iho Ing. Wh~t we Intended to SIlY 18. ~llIs: 118 trmo bf. vI8.tntI0I1-and ,~ve :thlllk lVe tbe re~ult. Dut 11 .you ltit your m~nd run eost by 'J1or!~, IVb,ch brougbt us to the very Ilege 1~lgher thlln 1.0. W'!1f given. ow eBta~hBlu."g 0 Temtgrlal Govc!ruiJI.~II~ T~I\ lie -youth ho relld the "'YUtlor" sholl probnbly b!lve " rel!p.lte for 60~e oh foollshne88,.an~ tnatllod of books ) n ' spbt Iwe Wished. and lost ' evening about cOlllmen.ced the eXCl IJlg strugglo for . til,!) II NOly .. , McX,ICI) olJd Utul! nl recognlzcll sun down we hove illluU' view o~ the ,en. first cl'Olce. . " ' IIlV el'>: )Jl Sillt! T,,~rltory j an~ ItO ' repenl ' lhoQl ~e warn in; and save themaelves yoort!. " Siok,n ess will! injure Itbe ,gtlowth hands, l!lIve 'boy8 lh your ' thoug'fW ' l.om forming thelfe ' baa bllbit. of menIal !\nd bUllineslI of ri town. 'but we have rell- but little hope uf YOl1r ever befog lrl\t\oe of thel 'bay of San ;Frnllei8co. but .' Tbe.tirli~ ~Id wos' ,90• • Fronl ~hi" atnrt· ,nnd 01111111 the F.ugltlv~ ,stuve hili r!)COIILly rIdlene~s. ' O\lr young 'fr ends wiLL . find , as' , 80n' to Ilope It. \\~,111 ' . ., , , ' tb , ' ' . f ," e . . 109-pOInt the calill grew I\>uder Q~d ' ''It1or9 plllltled. . ' , n, ver b~cpmo lin III(1U- co~e e, co~nfIiDlon 0 n~y d~e, or t.o p r .... tluHvmd blew hellvy all~ the s.M \vas very eilergt?(ic: f'T\venty-6ve'-'Thirt I-'Thlr. 'l'he H:olI~e thflrt adjou~ned . ;yeare inoreue, tbat ' we tell t.h em tfuly bus 011 o,ur ~,ourishing place," form l/1e :dutae,~ of nfte~ lire ~v'th ellen tol·' rough. ,;vie stood out oguIn and waited fo~ ty-live·-'Forly·...:.,' S,xty·-·eeve~y.five.-2 ,) ' _ I : , when we ,eay tbey will regret ,wltll tbe ' F 'or th'e StRte ~ er~b1e suc~e88 .. Ir~ ' o'le word, ' Abclve morning, when we came in ,,,ith n. be.auti. 'Eighty,' <'.Give me theJUOO,' oriell Mr. ' ~~s"t"Giol' . S!lP~, 18: fill breeze:-'-we d.roppeu anc:ltor about 10 ~eedtl,) ;'~lI1etY'-:-'On? Hundro~,' (AllcSt::N'lT~.-lll~, (;liue.a~kf1d lellve to I I. 4,eepellt biUernel1! the hOUFS now permitted, A ,lot of ('attle and ' Sheep arrived' at thIngs. don t be 111 a hurry: to run t6 waate. ' There are always lome C • I t S t rd d' t- d' 6'. -I! o'clock tllls 'morlllng and strange to SIlV t,?nef.'f- ( vc got 'ti)- One ttundred uJld troll~ce bill bill to prohlb,~ 8Jlly ery ' io tire • J', ' •\ ,0rwlII on .IIB a u nyr IS I~e, ,or ex I . , . . • -' • ., FIve., (~n very low price! Mr Leeil8 " - Terrrtories. . ' , In ' eve~ community who>will ,Ii~come rn- bltion n't the 8tnte Fair. Th.ey w!ll r e . . . we went III With tile sillp Chell.hl're that 'One Hu )d ' d d T • 'T' ti . ~ Mr loy honed I·eave .. Id ot be ' • ~..Id 'h ' 8 II ' you gorng t.o be nlllTle11 or not'" k ff C H 1 I . I I ro. an en,,wenty. ve' ' II ~ WuU n teoII I~nt, DO .... , I W nl ma! oppole. , ue main there. we uDders,tnn~. until a few days , II • • ' • l' we apo e 0 Ilpe I)l"n.~' lell tie 11'11\( "Thirty'-~Fort~'-·Oile HUlltlre~ and Fif. granted. PellcE! now .prevailed ,throughout Why. I hOIl~, 10. If I live .Iong enougll. blew hn~t\ enough to blow ,0 fellows teetli tY'-'O~e Hundred and S~venty-tlve'- our borders. He hoped thot all agitatioll Will rll4? to emrnence and be looked up to previoul to the Fo,ir. We bcard .ome one ' "W'!Il. but ,ain't you going off. "oon clown his throat.'" There Is a perfect forest "rwo,Hunllrlld' (Loud (lheei'a .)'-Two Hun. wos nt all end, I1l1d 'no attempt to renew it , all "brigbt pa~ icular ,lItars" when their say they were from New Yor!t. whether' Y9uthfu\ associates _~r~ gr~veli~g ip ~e tl;i~ i~ true or otherw,i8e we knolv not; y~~ Iinow what. I mea".'" , of IIhippiul{ 'l? beKA.~ To giv!! yo~ a'll idea "~~d ond 'l'Vienty-6ve. ~'~2:l(t here there \Voult! be ' perm,itte.d. . ' ,ff , millta and ' (or or ' Ignorance, wopdermg tllejr 'appearllnce indiclltes tll"t ~ire are How con] tr.1l whl1t. you mean of tho , number, I'-will just soy. there walS \\,nll {It lust a stop. nnd ~urlou~ glllll"cs were ,Mr, Coss c~>II,1eld('il In all ¥r. Clay bud bow 1My, tlieir and' playmates; from a dirilt!lnoe. y bY,:v bnt . " ftfteeh ' arrived yesle!4aYI an,d I can' t' tell w.hom' ~ey nE-ver thou,g h 10 .very .smart., , " " . ~eU, (lI/1ay l~pI:.~n tlien, . How soon ~act!y lI~e nU.l1lber 'to~duy, bu~ , there was .So the honor of the first purchnl\e ' nlr. Cbase withllrew hi' bill. ' , SIX come III With us tlus OIlJrlllllg and, they fOlrly \Yon by M:r. ~lIin the 1V1111 .known Mr. Hn~lih rose to nlake Ii !liotion to ' hIVe rileD 10 bl,h. ,One word ' WIll Olt- J ~ead the Co,hforbl~ letter III ~llIs arc you to be mnrrted. plain aU.,...:indtUtry: Yeti; th~y were in~ lV~k's Pl\~er. 1t is w~ll \~ritten 111111 high:;When I get reudy! I suppose:" " 1II1ye lieen coming' in nil day, BIlV twenty- hat~er 01. ~o. ,?ltJ Brolld'way. · , TJte ~om- ao ill~o ExoC',utivQ session. ~ut yieldlid' to dUltrloU8, perseverlgg. They conquered !y "Ilcresting.. . And you are gettlllg reody now, um't five, to.dIlY. lind they all ,havo more or I~SIl petltioll {or thIS cllllBe WIS very 1I1liritell, Mr. ~ rou. ,who nllked tlJl\t the Senllte tllke you1" . , , ' , o~d there w(ire Inany candidates ' fur UI.O up hll bill to J1r~ve~t the enticel!'ellt 01 circlilDatanees'. overcom., difficulties. rOBe 'lIboV8 . ~RPoilltmeDt, and re80lved thot Orlr'na. Items. "About as much aa you. 1 luess.' Tbe cily o( Sail Frallcisco is a hard honor. Th~ allnounce,~ent .o~ the SUCCl'SS slr;WOtl from the DI8t~IC~ of ColumbiA. - . ... d - d . fl1 . "Ye d d II I I'd l ' k ' - , of Mr. 6enlll WIIS recelled with 11 trcmel'lAfter some r~mnrk8 ' from Messl'll, Olov everytlilng sb~ul . ytel . to theIr. e orta. R '1' ' II, an a goo ea _more. ~ e to 100lcIIIg place. It IS Ittterolly crammed' doua out.burst of applause. I Bud CIlSS, Mr. Ohll80 8j)oke in 0 po*ition a b 'J'bey had a tcill-and WIll 18 'ommpotent. kiss :8~~~~:ilie °s::t. , eau ~ttCIl'\Pt to know what yo~ nre gomg to d~ WJth 80 of people and tho.y are all in .a 'perCoct The bidding ~hen proce~~ed, The sec- to tJl~ ~Iotion tt,>' tllke up the bill. ~nd IIJlIil 'YOU!!&, readt:.rs, tbo~ ar~ two. Jlathll ~e. . man~ d~~B8es If y~u are IIOt gomg to be ~ust.le; even !Iu~ hOlliles see~ to be mov- onll ~hoice of sents br?ught .21S; Ule thi(d that If It WIIS 'take:m , liP.' he. w'ould renew fore you, ol,le or whlcl!. ~ou ,tn.u~£ . choose., MEAlI.-.Jewing down to four cents on Il mllrrled. • ~ mg. tile dust ,ls about IIDcle deep. and the .~6. At th~ latter pTle~, the bolt over tl~e hlll ,atte",pt-~o tAke uJ! hie bIll. ., aye one of wbich you are ChOOBIDIf. The half-dime's worth of gOodB ~, "Wear them, of course. Wbult else wind blows it in clouds through the streets stllge were dlsp08ed of I5lngly to thO' New The q\lestlon waa.Jlut,-and therrtotion to , '11 '-d d' I . h the " shonJd 'I do with them.'" .. . York Hotel. The Irving ' Hourie was.'die up Pratt's bill waa car.J'ietl. r o~ewll ea , )'.oU'l~ IStoCt,o~,t eo .r . ---:- ' ' , ... ' . Th~b.ay, o~$llnJl:'rllnc!acoISOneol the purehuseroI a' Jar e numbell of "' lIeot~ at Mr. Jlllle moved to refer the bill to 'the wall bu1'Y you In. lanoranC!'. Which Will SnABP.-~ Jew~trnder. A yankee pedI koo\V you Are going to be mn,rned, mOBt beautlrul sheets oJ \Vate~ I prices or ing fror: 88 to 816 ~ : Committee on the Diatrict of Columbi.' lar, A pic/.'le before brt4liftUI. , on~ VOU IDOY .1111 w,~11 own ~p a~ (moo." evor II~ the shope i~ very irreg\llllr•...J W m . .Jad' &; Soo, MUllic D,e ule~s. we~:!1~~ W!t~ ·1~Blruetions ~o report AbIn for tbe ab: y'!u follow' wblch ~re you,follow~ng'! 'OU empLoy your leillure hours tn readmg. P , "S -.- ; . . It Il 110 ~I!e, 11 ~ou know It alrelldy;,. I Kl'e leveral Islonds in it. and 'it ill IJO purchasers to a large amOullt. olltlon bf sin very III the DiBtrict of Col",m- .. or in lK)lDe vain amusement whiob givEls l1y Jim, where dlcl YO.\1 get ,hope you WIll tell me the dlly long ti'nough bound by high aDd rugged hilll that bave Severnl single chairs nenr the stage were' a, ~ , belore·lhmd to let mo have timo to gt1t no traooe of 'hu!rian ' beings UPOQ \hem; Bohl ot88,50 olloh. . The motio!, 11'011 10llt-yeas 9. nSY8 91. , bllt ~ momentary. flvanelcellt qtiBfection. that w~tc I" ~NQ1Ie Q your btuinu.!' ud then iB for"otten or remembered with ready, lilly at lont tll'O months in advance- tb .~ b 1 • b 'th b Tile ~rst row of eha)ra were 'thon sold, Mr, BllldwlI1 offered an ame'ldQlent to . " • • lL Rlo.K.-To see a amiden belle drawing do." , ~y seem "': e a mos. ru:ren. WI ore the AAtor HOUBe took twenty (or '140' Jr~ repeal the .Mllrylond IlIws estabJishing sla.· 1'8ruorse and ~ain' Are you pemllttin~ we on a basbCul lover. and the~~ ro htUe grove of redwood, wflose ving House twenty-tour for 819,. ' very in the DlstricL weeil. ud brIm t~ B'ow ~p in your 1I\1nds! _D~.uG.-"Very lOrry, indeed, DJY,dear deep peen contrasts beautifully with " The next 8eats offered were in the front Mr. Hamil.n, mov~ thnt tho ~enate go or are you culUvaung the 60werll Let a R.... oy.-A curtain Jeeture--A 101'ere' sir. but am in great need just now, daD.you the white IllUld on whieh they grow; ro\v or the' gullery; they rangod from $9,60 into Exocutlve 8e'Slon. He bO~ tHe ' tbe Bcene irr imposing indeed. to $6 each. . .' Prell.lde t would mIt be d~lven to ' 1be ne- , word of persuuion from Ull determine your quarrel-A-o:.....vif!egar. barrel ,nearly emp- let me have a little!" eourse. You will be either 18 we wil<l, 'y. ' "Howl ' WhaU" , ,, I hove not been around mucb yet nnd The fro?t !lench kents below, in tIle roft!' c,e.slty Of cnUing ah extra 8evlllon! , Miled tl Id th ta t fi 11 1 h ' or the chlnra. weI''' then 1101.1 brillgil\I1"81 t lon carried-teas 9:&, al.ly 19. So the b -t nery we y e • or al e II e u y cu· AT ' lad I "Our account, you kn6w-puo1 80me ave heard but little news. Wages are '6,20 and tIS each TI' til>' Senate went iuto Executive lleaslon I tinted "arden Choose Ule latter and the IIltisINa.- 0 lee a 1 pou~ W len Bhe . , ~ , h' h Ii d II I . Ie aecon ell ' " , ..' • _ h b k' d th -til fI1 d· time-IDIU\ have a httle moneyl ,WiU it very Ig • rom one to two, 0 U'II per lour, row brought about tbe same prieQII HOUSB.-Mr. Hardll colled u~ blii 0'10SWef't incense u( ftol\yel'll will ever furmB~ u I e~~ at eo. en IIIg gent be convimlent1 Would'nt ask but am in boarding Irom 'three to five dollars per day. , When we ~ame awny the 8~col\d row tion foi' th& adminion of Mr. Babbitt; delInd ~about you their ri~h ~ance. ~ay~avefl1 e e( tor opportuDlty of repeat- a.,teat straiL" , We ' have stopped lor a day or tlVO in a. the gall~ry was Just finished-rllnrring from egate from Utali, .. I prJvllellted 4J1\~n. mil' eo eDce !) f'O;--yesr--ah -weU-hav' t t 't ftqating tsvern rigged out 'or au' old sbip. ,7.1S0 to 86. ., ~r. A.shman rallied a point of 0rdeJ: i. "I . . . . . . . .telaaa." c' ' n go I W l> d 11 d to Its bemg a priviliidged que.tlon. · We have recelY8d the IBCOnd Dumber or VrLLAuoof'-'ro He a fellow eac.()rling Ju.t n~w. all In a day or~two-yo,u 1Ih~1I a pay t ree 0 ars a ay. ' 8tabbed. .' The Ohair overuled the point of order. a .new paper pabllalaed "t Indianapolis. a !ady wi~ a .Ix nch\lr in hi. moutb. and ba:.e IL" . There WI8 a gre.at fire. occurred. bere lut, 'I'he Springfield Republic or September and Mr. A.h!"an appealH. lad beariug the aboYo rue It il ecliced the Imoke fumlal from tb.. orifice between But I am In grellt need of a little now, w~ek. Losl eltlllllited at 110,000, I 7th 80ys:-A frlCus occurred .. we 'uDderAner conlldet'lible debate..AshmaD witblIn..ed b E W H 'E d J Jais IIplI like a cloud fr..m I ernut-IDOl. and mu.t have jt." think I shaU ltart up to the dlpinga to- atand,lut night in the W:BtBl'n part d.rew hili appeal, and I moved'lthat u,., 11\0' ~ 1 '1 • • : tus an , , , . "We.ll, JO to the ch-llnd get iL'" morrow. There it a steamer leavea evBl'y tbe city when a rna ... a carpenter by t d tion to admit Bebbltt be laId Oil ..... uille• •_· ..-t -,:. til trtl popPdbled~~..!~tUll COIlI'a:.AT l't,--"I dlcm'laayl ..w Ai", "I am here••ir, aw,lting ,our pleutite dlY for 8aera~nto ~ty; pl85llge 120. br tho n:m.e of Dony' wal.tabbed r:;. A~PledH' th " _ _' ....... -; ... Ie ee ODS aD I ........ fill nee do it· but I ..w • coat, d hat a d . " h" ' , TheY lay u . ht t th &II r h ' rile ouse el\ went hlt.o VUIIIIIIlttee tact .... &bUtt,. The "Statem.... b l U ' a n , all pta. an Wle cal • " P o~e Dig a e \;DOU 0 t ~ eta) placel by another Darned Stewart, and look up the Kdican , .......'lJ bUl. fair &0 IIeooae a popular "Democralic tal·JOI\II ~t the IpOt where the anI~ . " Ah. you Itave ~ to a pool' de 11 thil 8a~~ento nver on. account or rool- DOLI il coaaideteci beyond the bope or ~ AftBl' BODIe deb8te the commltteer ra.e dtl. raau"IIJ...,.,.,." ,!,,~aI.ol_':.ad Pille dog if .. ..., time. Here It il &hourb." qwtoa, they ,are 10 tbl.Ck'1bey-1larkea the cov8I1. We ve not &be pll1icalars jUBl tbe bill wu p...... ,.,. lS9i nlye 18, Ia M . .' . , . atma.pbere 10 that they cannot Me to ranI at &be IdOmeDt of pin to rea Adjoamed., CJ::rJI.etMJ the advertisement of lIIeM11. I raDey I ahlll hive a fioe aleep that ai,bt ' p • • ery VovnnvL.-JfHow oJcl"1OU IIiII H' )lleciaer '" BoorOa. It will coat me 160 to pi frollt bere to t~ - a.... Tbe Fna ~Ilen of Ohio . . . . . . ... daM or bOati It I . ., ..... ...... . , . . J .._ ..taDci J'IcNr It •• A rHolutinn h.. p.... bulb Housea .... Bdw... Sadtb .. their ........ ...
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Th1I e~4i
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"1elIbat ..... at flO
Oll ·the
80th of' tbll
~. .~~~~~~
G.......,~.~;q[t~iiii;iji~.....,.. .a
by Jllnny
vlll~lIl1e~, \\ 11I ~h OIay
~ 'J'llU NJ{.S, ~ ~ run e.)', tl1"\ lllllLutiolJ h'lrJ I athel1 Irllllr.M, . Il ll<l l e .lm ~ , VIII1 H~s nnu Onrp I· nck ~ \ mndll 10 ')riler, h I II F.tlH lU liT I ,
tlK :
I Olll11Qlh qu
) !! CIVil l~lI~i1l
AccluI OC I'B
J U\ITJI IIl '""'
~l En~loocr .. nd l\1"ch(nl~r8 &'!!1810nt. Black· Ie , GIRsgo\\ ) .1 Puhbcnllon llldus triello (AnllcngnUll Amo,
1"011 SI\LE CllE,\'p. ' l n',w two hor ~ " ' 01:on\ :lIld ' n new' BlIgg~ , by . ,J H & ' , ]J &. CO June 'I, 18!JO • l!J-4w
v u (s
r, Jnuutlson's l\Icuhnllu:. 'Of FlulIl".
t> 'f rclllise qn Mocha'llllS (POisson) 1 AlI"emelno Bllllzeil'ung mit Abblldllnglln r I' or&ter, W Ion ) Orgnn fur 1110 FurUlcbriit des Eisonbnhnwo 8<1nS In tccltmsc!'er BOl!lohung. (Von l"u.!hberlJ, ) W \ldogg. Wle~blltlen , )
OO-Thc rollowing namet.! pe rsons hnve been e lected for the en8uill:l yeor of the Grand Lodge of the U. S, of the l. O. O. [0'.: Williom W. :J\l oore, 01 Ihe Dis lrl ct of C o]ulllblO, GrllllLl Sire; - - Pnge, o f WiscO lh in , D epoty Grant.! Sile, J D RIdgley, Groud o rr 'spondlllg Secr~tary; A
W' u.rner, Grand 'frens ul cr.
~ Arl~ IndlUlLrid,.
l'q h~
(l.. oI\l10n )
9 ShUWlD '~ LogR~lthm8 .
)0 nyl' lI c'~ Logorlthms. V 'l'l~ll Mechlllllcal anti l\1Rthom nl;lcal
of Clliver Bl'me Ilhlll~n'8 Jou'rnal. 13 ' A1I1J0lllUine ' l\ta8cblnfld .P \Jiuls8e, LeIJlZlg.) Co~t"n Manufaoture Orent Amarioa conttl8tcd, 16 n O)lltfl1!l1 1'&'J.;urnjllg nnd Mcc1l1l1llcal l\1an' , lpuJnt(o n./ . 16 '1'ho StclIlll Engine. (J, Jloume.) 17 Eise nbahn·Zelluug (Stuttgart ) 18 'l'l'edgold on the Steam· Ellltllle, 19 Pika 's Mo.llicmotioo\ lind ('p~cnl 12
Miscellaneous. 11-.:r
..From T!l~ll~.
ro!?,"Wo nro n~,I~~o~li d to IlnIlUllCO.J
I'R ~E~I.)ING OF TH E LEOt. l..1\ T URE , ''' I'',Kt~ Il~
II Clllll ul"ULO 10
Nt\\' \.)nulA.""s, ·opt. ) I l l ig elccliou to l\to 7th 1Il9L., hn\ b been tao ' =======~~::;:=~=~=~~
(ynIVCl!IIIIllliI\l'S «'Ive\! , ( ','hll l\ajlUra IlOn4ll n Ihe ptO ecdlllg or, tho (.. tlglllinturo. A bIll hM beltll onijr(\5lI~Y, L"th HOU8CS fIll orgnnizlllll' ~h(l now countr. CIt -=::::::::::;::====::::;::===",:t;;::;~~~=:===== b'h\l' II 1"0, \ITov\dlng for lovXhllt (mil cotl~cl1ng ti l) ec l~1 lIh't ~!\ ; author!zOlI ' tho G ovrolll}'nnl to Cl)l urpo~ f"~ tho 8upply o( trnn spo{QlIon, do· IlIIe trCl&!IIm\ n'\lthQr.lms the RPllbll1lmcnt 01 lI ,uI~ hul nntl U0I'U\lOS' ,uth powor to nprost lor IlIlprttllnl In:!I, &1:\ 1 I A len or Croll! AU5 1in sa 9 Ihn Inl! p0 8fl~,1 hoth H()U ~C6 \\ Ilh n P-IoLi80 1\1111 Iho troOI)9 tihll1l1.llnreh onll! CUf1gf\l8S 1I1<,&J' tlrco' s I)) I. A. bill pused tho HDuso requirtD(r tho Oov" crnur Iu Bubnllt nny pl'0II08IIIOII OL Oongross to li ureb[J ~olh terri lOt~ 0 the !>oopllJ A bill hns beon IIItruduecii prop ing til llell Ih o. nou h· " c~l temlor)" fi x ln~ iho. lIorll\l!Irn • '. _ , hnnlldorr Colf Tt>x&~ I'roll1 the Inte~8 o.llon of tho Geese 2.40 t()O.t.h d\'grc(l ()rlutitll ~e w){h the 391h dFllr (130 ' ...............~.-:'Y',...~"'" ' IIl1l1utos lIit] tilde, runnlllg IU m:;~lthun 103 " fi ill c.iulI1'iti 'Produce l'lQl'k~t. thllnCtl to 30, thence pnrollVl to tho RIO Gr!:ndo, _ S pt. 19. J ~50 . t'iilll11fIt1lStmrl! nll pr~"io lle cloims,lUld rccClvlllg Ft.q It ""ll Oll"lIr":""The recvlpts of ,Flour t 'Il 1I1111n"n allllor&ill fivo 11e.r c~n t; s tock , ru' LQ.duy were xceci:lill!ll~' hdh'!, alid eulcs woro (lc(1r.:Hlulc in fOUrL\l<m y e nr~ • eilnsI)(jucnl1y limited ('he mnrket wu very " second r050l\lll011 wa IIItr(>t\uce.d rcqulrlQg firm Bntl $9 60 wa!! oITuc d for n ehdlce hr;!l/Ili the GO \ orntll ent ~tl delfland of tho gcnuul Go", 1lind refu L.I· :I &5, hO\VUvllr. nllly lie considered "rnrn ent tho rClIIovlll 01 all lmh.ms lK'yolld lhe th ruhng pru,(!.- l lho lllllYSIll c8 Illmnlor",ere IImIl8.p.1 'J'exoa:' • 40 and 300 brl ~I 3.55 fll (JrOlh r there III 1'10 The IMt m Cllnj; hold Ilt Snn "'"tOIIlO I1nssctl cll rmge ReCelven rltmlllliha LlI.q~!!<l ho\!rtr, 174 rrsolullUllS 1\1 delt;lO d tho Ulllon nnd Conelllu, br19 ;-Ylour, !!OOO uu lleI 9 Corn olld 6a1 do nOll wHh blood nnd the trelleury. < Wheat , N p.w OIl LUIIIS, cpt 12th PROVI lo:;u- -Tho OUI)' 010 hCllrd of to-d llY , A I ~&tor fr'lm AUSlln dnted tho Bd, anys tho ~vn9 400 pee p!nlll liunlN II! ,7c lao e. • ~ ug i7, 1850 , I'"lIr bill did not pon tho &1I6to .1 Wrll8H\'-'1 tI dcm(lllli wns good 10.11ny "nil \DnyWh TrnnScril)t Jllcaee copy olle monUI Wn" ncsville, Aptll, 'fh nO'VB 011he Jl.&S8lllte ofPon~cc'8 "men,,· ptlll ~ furth er "dvnnecd, snl05 0[250 brl III JOt8 (lI)U /»rwllrd blll to Uils ollico) , -,-~t,<=::.o:.:.'=~:":::=::-=":":::::':::==-~;-'-'7"rd bill s topped all 1urther proceedIng., ox\.'« pt fro lit flvo r nt _!!U c. GRAIN W" NTED, , • Ihe roferrlng of tho 00 l1gl'088 propo itlpn to the 8\J\i.ln- Thcrllls lin Incfl'O cd domond III tho A.NoT,I:J~n CAJ.~ AND TIUt LAST! BOSf{E LS of Oraln Wantod !,oople . lIIarkot nnd rrlce!! cOllh rtllO firm Ilnd UJicbang< ALL persons " bo ,,,TO indebted to the undor. , for wWeb tho'hlgh 08t pried will It SCOIllS Iho W ll8tQrn inhnb~tnut8 of T litIS etl .-Srtlcs 0 6 bbd8 fair lit 6,",c: 16 do good do 8.igi1~ IIro rcq~09~ed 10 calf aeule Irn- be p,Dld, delivored lit the 'l'olegrllJlh Mill., foropposed Bulhng the 'J'errftory, nod UI(lt tho ollcf'clo at ()J((cj)7cj nnd 20 do tlllT 01 6~' met;ii:lIoly. He 1& nllw bll~.R~~il~:.! :I~erl)' mith &; Evon' • EllStQrn p oplo wero IInuIlIl.1I~\l8 ly ill, fqvor of CoF1iE~-1'ho ttlnrkel Ls IiUO) ant Imd prices In \ Vo.y nosviUe\ on!! It ,:iiiEjl:ef~;!o, 01 ~G · U' O. JUNQHMAN & CO. II " ~flil lend IIpwnrd. (llea or 00 and 161 bogs detllrable thnt n IIJl8 Uc:lv Rnll IICCO(lt8 tho flflrvioos of silt c;om- fair Riu oL 120, aoll 114 do primo do to amYe, 80"n U rOS8lblc: R,']'lli'ICIAL FLOWERIS. Bonnet Cnpe, 11\loj08 of Rangera, When Ih ~ l.egislolllre ngrells al ~2J' c We 1111ve bcen (lI'I'orOO WltlL nUvlcCle COSIS I\U be added dk Ruechc ,\llIel whho and colored DIu10 Tllis IrO lll'S to op~raw ngninBt tho 111.111 0 118 frofu New ; Ionn under dnlo of Y08le rdoy, linn. lit ALLEN & EVANS Dooklnll Shipe. 'fho l,ngh .ldtllf was e.'(vectod \0 ndjo1.\111 on whIch ~uole oIT~o ot 12c ill llllll market, )vlth 'VoyncsYllle, pI.. 6J~ of the Gold n Boll. Block .nd Pump Make,., • ""', b ' __ -"-_ _ +---'C. _ _ ~ _ _ --,_ _ _ "YeynOlfv1lle, Avril, 1,,00. demp Dre"'1. t IIe 5 II IIlock 0 lO,uvv lIg11 >:> D.,,'Q and Rope Makeno. L1:.&u-A ellle 01 500 pigs ot 4U c. OUIS l' ,T R. lAS£".l'Ob'TEll .JEFl'lJltY 'l'RtJlIAN Manufacturers of Linen alld ColtOn FabriCII. Dn., on Rnllroad!', ' .' )3OTTER--A .IBI or 16 keWi fnJT aL 9r" nnu 10 C, FO TER &. BROTH R, CLOCK AND WAT("lH MAKER Manufaclure" qf Spinninll Machian~ HoYing 0,10 of I\)O ~ro"t chn\\backu t com(OrL \II do at !»'c. The dontlln(1 lor g.lod nntl fresh is Col"fIC" &w:nU, 4fUl SmilJ& Slne/" ill"v C ·.!ok ' .Machin_ Card Brenan ail flnuberi, v rtlllrllru:1t,.. lhng, IS III dUlt Uarown up bjl ,the nclive " OJNCl~"NA 7'/, Wa vnu e, ..... arren ounly, U w. DraWIJI, hamee; Willows, aDd Pickers, etc. wb f ls. It Is ~old thot R Mr. Bromlcy,orNo\\' SoUA Asu- A solq <If 10 tops nI 3 ~e. 1\11 ANUFAC'rURERS of every .ijeecri!>uoll Sept.. G, IIB~ SZ-If oonnocteid with Cotton, Flu, and Wool MaIIn\ ." hu lnvflDted .. r mooy for th18, which i8 'J'OI1A CCO':'" nlas <11 ' 100 bQltell VIl.' 5'~ nt 2Oe' J-T.I. of Pnnllng PCCIISIIlI, They wlll Illso keo"p BO~E8 WINlJOW GLA$8, 8 by 10 chlnery. . r"pI'CSflntoo to lulVe met the ep'provwl of in tel· 32 do do Ibs. at 270; olld 15 do 5'8. at 2'lC. The n consLDnllu[lply of Printers' anei Book BluJiill bl( 1_, lOlly 14, end JO Ily 15,JUlIt re. Calenderer., Bleachers, 1Ibe! Calico Printsl'll . . llgollt rBJlrond gentlcnlon It Ie to CItOIl~Q the d mnnd COJlUnt,l08 gpo<! and DlD'rket very firm nt erll' Mn,terl.l., 8uch as Type, 'hMOS, C , n.nd I.or nle by Cloth Folden. and Meuurel, and PerllODII In, whoclec 80 0 to preVC11~ tbo (lust froro rising nl (ull mtcil Bte.ll& Rule, &c. 27·Y· HADDEN & )fQCLELLAND. tetelted in Sewing MlcbinOl1' lllO s1t11!8 lind tben by India nlhher R):trono nnd Cablo Manufacturers . . I.ringtlloil.oep' it rrllm n IIIi\' betw n the.c~!, FAJlIt[ AT PUBLIC SALE. . FANC Y & TOILET A.RTICLElf for Tool Makor.. TIJeH conlriYODCCII lh~; btl eo IIrrnnglld 0 $ not One amollLthe Very Beet its Siae. t!l\l e by !n R08ElR,~& BREWSTER to I1 ncunlher thtl wile Is' wlulo Ihe I\prOll$ 1 L Ii bel oITered at publlo on the PDICII-"-!. (or I\ato ~ Rprend bel.oon ' the cor. \lftYO ~nolh~T\ u@ef"ul prem lsoe. tbe 12th dllY of ~ .... .,... It I'Qrpo!Ie 'at too, pn!yent people from fnl tt1g on HArfS AND CLOTHING. [Olltoborl j8~, between the hours ~ ROBERTS BREWSTE the truk, 111by -.aT_miehl\) lhey .hould ~lll! -ar TllE undcrellJ!led have on band a baD~l- .. 'P M •• the farm known AI FlAM1Llr GllOCERUlII rrIWll lotUI and } Q)jDIUS. loll 08" Iha apron. If MI"1 81'oml~ liM Bucceed· 80me lot of 019 1hll , ell ~imerl", I:\nl1n8, Sltu.ted .. bout two maillS 1>nwK tica' tor t<ale cheap at tho Wayuee· "~:r. ~=~ cd In temOYI\;gthU greatincoD",nle(lc!il of nil· &c-.llul~blc lor,ftlll .nd wiDlor" which we W&yneavil e, 111 Wanon county, vOle bllkory 32 ., road lTllve/,tor, he cJe'I'8nree thl!' thanks or ,he 1110 llInlimg up lR durllble and lubiollilbio Ohio binding on \he C;:ineiDDau travoling-pullllc, uw..11 .... aricb pecunlia'r, re- atyle, and offer on. the . mOllt re•• ~lIGbld"O teTIn.,. Turn'plk • .ROad, col\i~ about . AllvenlJPICKLE., BERBI1tG& w3rd.- lIA.lLk9A1 J Q\l IUUJ.. ()Uraock h8,lll>oen ludiclo\l~I'y raid m.1UI enab ea throo :lcres on which 19 • br~ dwelhn« honae, A n.:w Banel. PlckledHomnp ' I ! , UI to furnillh CIlJ!tomora With clolhing chell per fram e bam; mil ower 9Ill.buildiD/p; • good OT' \ton haod ant!. for aale ver}r__low II, l~ibbo':!.W,=: Dum n; JOlllf eoxLY.- Joho Conlly, an 11m. than everl Wo be. Il nlllnber of workOlIlD chn.rd oJ. "arielJ: of ~al18ll fnllt, AbOut hall ALLEN If. EVAN luent Mitliter of the tIoclety 01 Friel,,1., died emplOyed, "'lll~ O\Ilblea U8 10 fum!, It any ar' or said trac\ or \.sod ill heml,7 limbered, the l Slpofth. Gulden- Uall. near Pblltule1phll on tbe 1m IlJlIian&, iD the 77tb lIde lit our tint! 00 81iorl nOllce, Qllhcr rrom our Olber: balf under .,utUvaUoD. For Ie.. locauon, ~O PE~CH BA8"- for AI , by_ ,~ (If bit '1& 'Coml"a ~"'lIook· and ftWI\. e\etb or that of IlV to"*", IlDd aw; quality 01 eoil, oIliln""• •Ii illlpro•• • ~ I . _I D eMELL 'C<tmlr OrllDDlar," han, II't tbOJlSIl"~1 n~ 10 connection willa ow 'f.al,lor Shop nnd ¢olh· men", but iii'" fllnD8 jlt Warnn !lOunly ~~IL6 C6P,E'u:r~OI'bid a"ad Ii""n., mad, hb name l~lIIi1iat .. l\Outlebold j~ llOr., "'. tMr'l '011 the flATtI" butmeell. m~ de irable. Ia oSi ' :!~~$~':r.~:: Wardi. w... ~. 110'" J..llet linil'becl a laJIPI lilt of the Te11h~e thlrd,OI1 111. lintt day of the c=b:.:arae::;.~IOc::th,;~~::-:1lIt=)==~~=~=.=-:-ta .~ 1171. of Otter. Dcav"', .M..akra~ Silk 3d monlli [Maiehlle5l- the renlaillder 1U e!lll!ll BOXES OF IER.sBY BLUE AXES T_ eta . . __ pu!ln/LOftt" die fndi.,.., and WoolBATS. mac1e of du IicII m,lI.erial ~d proportlGu at OM .;;.1 two ,tllln &om Utat f'CIllIlV~ and for .... by (lOU. &nil .......wl_1laH Road .. fir aA Lack by poi! work_ A DlUllber or Fnen\is' bala I1me. with illlafClltt the del8rred ~)'IIllIJI1a to be HADDEN ... KaOLBLLAND C~k, ,,4i .. or o..r ~nty mil . 'J'tMIy coCIIIaD,ly ~bud. .anoaa dcelro\la of "ur- eecum by mor'" OD tho prell"_, Ind 'he QI~."" \01'11. Into Pma"d1et01l OctO- dI~ ~ elot!IIlI, ~ ftII1\IlI&ed 10 C1IlI firttt by pel'lOlle' Or other A ..... IlIIt, NId uUDine our.. c\oalo or aU iacmmbtan_ wiU be mHo aJlOft T I.. l!IIInIIeD.ule. ba." ptar_ .,.,emu.i. 11 .. DOOROM. the lira, pafDlt!IIL D VII) DA
10 000
Advertisements." \
,uI, '"
Dili .,
w.1".~YIH ,
r. pi
OfftllUp i, 1810, tJIIP
.. J6, . .. 1'7, 1\ J... .. 18,
I ' "U It. I, \. u IIobool Iioue 'I'U.
.. Wuhinrtoil
.~ .
Tbere lIiIYe beell'....-ed ~ baUcUq« ,..
lnFtU\dha ,..~, DWa. No.1, 6114 ell. GII,IOG ..
.i.... u
In Unlo 2, .0 .. .. •• AI80,: ~ 8cbcioI Tu:. ID W~. ~Il TO"'DlIiip;-orf~ __ 011 U. Cion. " ~ t'aa. Corporatiqa JAbaooQ. 10 cia aiM tal. .. ..
Franldlll Elprl ' ADd, notl.. i. the uuaJ j!1_ of In the TOtmalllr.;
,100 .....
GIl'" 10..... ...1" ... •
~o ~=i f _ , rnakua.
10 ..
.w .. at
• 011
011 .,...,. ___ TOWII8b1p of U.... CIII _ , .
, \
~The rnllroOll fr~m SIIIlI),vv,1I1l to Rueh vll1e (Inll) I oonwleted nna. CIIrt, are now ruumng dally from RushvliIe to MadIson 'PI'lY 1\1.'rll Zahriska why d!lYou whlll your cluldrcn 80 oftent '1.11' Mr Worthy I do it lor tbelr enl~htenment\ 1:never 'l"bIOlPed onehof Ihem In my life thlLt dido t IIckno";:lloojIt! i lit It made him emarl
be' for tllo l ..st.
'THOUGUTS 'O~:HEAV' ~' . ,~. r," 1 - 1'.'j No 8ickri'c~s thorQ,
'No wBllrr.
wti sli,,~, oj"thC)
· Nil fQurul Itltriuklll
fh\nl'O a,yoy, 1M midlllgHt ,rur- : .
No 'd rnd-0l'OllnUIIO('8 brlght DO(i fer Vid lny! . ' .' N'~ hiddo'n g~ier. .... " , ' No wild and ehQerl cB~ vis ion of d espolr! No "ain llotilioa fur Ii 8wifl roliof- • ' No \ouriul C)'~I!I , no br'okli n he.a[t~ MO Ih!lrc .. ,
Coro hoo' 11 o horn"(l , 'Villll" Ilae rOfllm of I:OIl.e' Lo~ prnyer nnll a-Qng; l IB billow8 bronk nwny ond lI~Q1 l l n Ibam : Fur IYt)m tho 'I\ll\l,lsions bf tho (Opi~it throng'! , \\'
'['hO .Moroa 'I"j)lnck Is, tlo" or apron,! pth",u r'L cc\os liul ekic!l! , Jt~' \\'r\illng~ bl lllld rip~ wi ~h th~\ Y,IJ}CO (If ,l.lpr1ng, A8 !OtTftl tOo-wnder H\l. ~uret fuoos' and dUlS! • r
r\igh~ 11I8,1.\~1I, ,
' \, ' lie ohlllin~ dowe upon the 181\ilor frllme; No moon t il no 4110l Ihl}rc!, Tllo' Halat ' yllillh fills
'J'tra.&-Iatld of glory I fr lU' I QI 'l:Ihltcr CDlflU! , '" ' No pl)rtcd fr1euM ' . 'or mouil'\ful recollection8 'hove IQ wCQp!No bed ot dooth nllllringAovo Rttenda' '1'0 ,~olcb t.bo cOllli"g 01 n pulsololl8 sloop\
\Vel.! will fill yo~ o,ul .n flit)' dollars, 0 $ j ail to thIs." . " :rhe Iligs (If ' Jocob~ ,wore ' to~ 'mucli ogltrlted f6r Mm"to trust I'Hrneeif With orul t.I1links, us hill roceiveu, wllich tl10 e'mplpye~ irTllooijilitoly filled IIp ; ~. llut. )1111 COtll1tenllnce 'fully ' expresae!l' his grateful emotjoo"' . . I : ,'. • • A little a fil'rwDl'd/ the 'y~ung ' ml\~ untered tho store of Euwarus, who met "Jiim wiLh D ~Illiliug ruCf.1. i I've colne to sctlle your llill," Bait! cous . ' '. . ,'I Yon necll'ot · ,have lroublEiJ yourself about ,thut,j, re plied the B to~elcee per; th.~ougb,
will-:-yelf, be
fon'd '
J?ort. · 'lL,Wlll:I n nne, rull~ bodied wine. aDd luy weU on Hie stomaClt, J1'ot"1ike that pois-
. ' : ' No b~1l8~ no~or ~ ' . , WI\h~red blld cclos!inlltor(,!CIl8 know! No soorehlng blnst cu ftorctl Ue8Ctllldih~ showor, Scut.tllrll del\ruclidn Ii~o' n r\ltl~\e8S f~o. · .' Q(
~ he
. Th.e ",DVOS lim I, on Ihe !lpllrk.fing · 'fl,tlir fOluning (lrl'S\ 'I1Rbt'RV, Lightly rccedil'lg from we loud, ~m
'rh-o..lo billow." i.1I HDU' ,,"oro
remainder was lost in some~hing ~lve sJtirts must have dO,n e Slocuhl forgot .to 8W~llr wh~n 11IIked
II. kiss :
, to teui! 11le bab,.
thei~ ee"8elil$l.l plav,
tbtl' lIOlid, rCMike u,\\'ny,
, 1'1\11 .ummer winds, which wnndcri"g ~i; h Arnid the foro.t bowor, SO..:.gon '1)\ 011 Ibey muttl) Ox}!r. .
I!clmie IJ(ql1e drnoping nower,' Y tlicDr they., in aUllllill\n,l g lo 'U,
8prln,ll's wit\ · r '.d bco'utiee
the LOOl &.
'(/;U8 worltly CIlI'C\B. though ljgh~ly Itorno;
. Their \1111'1068 \ !)ve jbddll,f, . And lipid"" which Ilulir bonds wO\l)l1 ellMtn, -
, _ 'rllt< bllshling tr,ces find_;
· 'fill a\ ~e~'d U1oughl'.nd h'l1'l'lI! gro'J!J1 cold 'fhe ohllng of I)~@."in" ye)lt8 unf\lld . • s.....
rUter' t\,"t'
.Ie the gi,.U, kIT!)"' : ._ Pllrer lbOil S IIOW i s shoJler /t1!arl Is light" ,, A ,Id he~ C!J~') I\ it!' ~ri~ h I..., I . , ':AI,I w~o d\l.·Y.9u :Ihulk s he ca.,'\., II , JIm.,:!\' vl1rY'w pll . " ,'"
But I Dev r eiliall I II, "11wo\lld Ilppil ot! .ho lian, }Jer eye ip' bh,lp,. ..
-And hQr Up Jill" dllW1 And red 11;.8 \110 !"u\ber~)
po. matter, I know I provoked ~wn up~l'lL. '.
mit II uar,e to I IlDve.
800. .
>iI ', _ '" f' ." <1\ ... . : ... two' tt'lilll~f. domel!ti~ ~?mpl~inta, the one . 'rhot's , all Iloarl1, ifepf reider, fof thllt 6 f' Il husbalid, the other thl\t of II wife W1'~W~I?C\1.'q opened .. the holl door, CharTIII~Y or,O vJ ry t'ru~hrlll to nature' 1\, ,lite, wife, and all w'en f o~i to . meet ' • /lim, and get !10m it of th08~ som,e ora~ge8. ' tholl. most ,mru:ried .people will admi 1\1rs , Slo.cum iIId get sU(lper., nnd Slo<\um plocet! hi . jux tRp.osi L~on. , ..lire l"dicrolls lflllffil1B: ' , ., . enough provoke the mirth or the two , .' che~rY Brondy. po,rtiejl in tho'dumestic stute or ,V:hich \ l,ey IT HuMOR US EFFECT!:: . . nrc the tyjlC nnd the sampler: Tho. Lord of Bonniemoon Willi gae 'nUl MARRIED MAN. o( his bottl e. .On one occasion he 'Va8~ a8_ I{nllg the warnell! 'they . are olways lt8l1 to dine witli I"ortl R - -; n',nefghwro frel~inll aoout I!oll)cllli.ng or oth er! Yes- of his; nnd hi.. Lbrd ship. being we\l 'sc. terrlay . the . COIl]" \ wouldn't 'burn and th e fjuQ lllted with the Laird 's-,ili81ike .. t" ,lImll~L /.,>1'ote mUBt' be seti and the'''i'u(noce must drin~~, ordered a b pUle 'of cherry 'br,andy: b!;l rOP!llred; 'allt.l /meJ'~y 'kIlO'YS1 wh'lIt 1111 j ~o be. f'~et b~fC!re ~Im after dinner. inBteo~ -', [ln4 .to.allY it'll Ir8 .hot 11/1 - fire. , Save ,us If (lort, wh)ch !Ie 1I1waya :~rllnk ,in 'Pre.te~ a nce to C.lurat, \\I1Ie" ',nr)~lllng elter wos , t().'Pe got. \ Tne L~iird though tl>is finIS honrt.somo' alufJ'I IIIIU ot). he w,ent" filli!lg 4!8 glass like ~ho rest, (llltl tel1l11g hie 'j oke!!. ' nnd ~ver tho more be prailled his Lordehip!8 '
- .
" _ \~ ..
'. 'if·
com~. ·
"Mr EDdoat-Will you ill~\I1g~ me' ror , til!'e,in' the pr'ni80wortt'l ll11elllf!l to
Un.." ....Q.
felldlml1 ,. NoCtI~ 'tT hopll to , 1 In , I t IIe 011'OJ: tl' r I 'n uceesafu I b'Mt .ce ' _ , . . ~, . , iIIill.!!IIlCil'$ .to l~y : It is 11 ilift~.cultt matter ,!,)u, ~IOW old ·illl\ullt J;luchel!" " Why c.lo y~u us-Jt tha~, \n'l -chll~1 ~" to keep ' up Il column oJ '. spirited jtOt08ip weekly<' ln a puper; lor· it ~ust 1!0Dsist oJ' " :CauB I heul'tlller say 8h~ wns 'twollt)'variety, riohness 'und spice. . • ono. n~d she Itas grey haft s-it lu~ks so . Failures nTe made more frequently in fUIlII}!" , ,this than in any other department of ' u "'fou shoulun't meudle witl.! your qUill'S po,per; aoLl there nre but few wrr~~lI CUpll' ng(! .... bl e M 8U9Iuillillg, th~lD lle lveB f<>r onny IOllg11 of lime 'in ' cOmpositipn. of this ~iDd, .n ~.t " I'm too poor to tul(o a pnp cr,~" I J will nOot \\.eury you wJt b II lo.n~, prosy "Do you smoke~" . prqlogue, und shull pass' to ' 'o ther t"p'i c~ "CertClinly:" such tiS !Il the . mOn\on~ C!f \V.r jt/Jlg, Pl ay "How . muqh c.loes i~ copt YOII a yenr to suggest tht'mselves, " . buy piffurs1 '" ',. ","V'RITING roa TJle' PREss.-VO you (et> "I l\on'l knowj llot' lUuch thollgh:" the iUlportance qf 'theeo
~1"""':n~~irnir;;;f,:~ihlTi'~ll1llllaD1\ \V
Illy, Alilor ~~t'e rdoy .mofning, d.l~ COIllCuth!lrille l<'orrel!t,. his WI blliliin the sum of' 810\ 000 tho peace 80 fill'. liB Mrs. 'F.. 'is "n1ri".'r l'l,~rL 81le beihg fearful of Illl IllJsoult frolii him . An injluieti on /Jus ul 0 ' been granteLl td reta iO'Mr. · Forrest !rOIl\ . tlon\tayiJlg'nwtly his Ilroperty to t~le il~jury of the 'right w. b~ch Mrs. F. hus theret'il, ·· lIra. Forrest hos also, withlll n fow dl1vs, commenced a !luit ill the Courts of tbi a stute for t1ivorr;e againlJt lllr, Forre t, on the oharge of odultry COllimitted with !Several jJersons . ." " , W e clip the IIbo~e from '0110:0(- ,our ex~ cha.nges. 'It, hds evel' 1>een bur opinion t!"tut FUn-cst hns octed til part' of la viHllfn. l\lIllice,' we' ~Clubt !lot \VU S o.t . tbe bottom
in' thp lirsl i:lslunco,
nulS lJf
Ihe ommco of larceny, he will.aflor
tho oxphnliun of I(\n moul ils in .1'1ison ,'lIn COin"
(lolhlll IU IlIOUlll IlIUCJ IIWJ~O SOr'lDUIi uccu811lioll - Ihut of JUurtlor.;-.AtiIlMfY ATL.\S.
~H perRte .tttempt to' t:1k~ I.ire,
C h 'lrl os Wl lhotl, who on Sillllrdny In I 01'" hi~ wHo widt • Illalo l, (lUI*) ~led 10 i;u k o" hi~ OWll liliJ hf 01' J\ ~I~g lh u .vd.lls hi b\lIli ILi nrltle witl, 11119C\te l ~JJ1IIl, wlno le \11 '! ,c'lll III tho Oily Pri~. ,
01, SUl)cl n), cvol1lng: ! hll bluoil tJo,,,ucl COilfrom tho Helf lnfh clod woulItis lint! no' hl,l waultl
dOll,h in
and thirty for lour g()ocl
h CI ~
~ i
Iy I.. _1;111 D~IlCI1'(lt" pCllchl\ll.
pOllr " 1I! ~JlOli U~ 1I111,e raM ~r7~.OOO 'bukeQ. iJa.y.. J bef· are ev~ whel'll lit .mitt eoraer8ol on Qclawalks, 'cin '!glft, .Iloj)ll and m.nufl\Clo-, it tie.. , on tJla ..bl etl of Fif,b·a,,~u. pill.cue and In the equalld ce!1~. ot the Ff,ej.l'olnta. En-
W ,bHr.aTO., S~P..t-.lL. ONE WEEK LAT, a FROM EUaQ~E. SEIU.. ...-M". Dlc~jJlson ovea"to Itrike Arrly.d "t" the Clld"" " ~ut "1hQt ttie mUQllge C4Dgre 8lmen Ba7Qa u .obb4i 4 in . LoDc1oD. shall be comput ed by t118 mail routel," and Taa , Ba&40a . BE't~U1 I Pav'lI~ 41'1) ~"that nO' mem~r Bl\8t of the Rocky . d A»I1B~._.. MO\lllt" inl.llbal l ",cteve more than 8fOOO. J1au Oq Wedn'M ayll ~ Bq"""er, or a~e8t mo than 12000,' which CIlived indicati on of tbe afk,pted , apd after adoplin g ,nu.ml!ro~1 other :hlob amendmen~tI, th~ Sellate adJourl e~. " ' 1m. " > •• HouBJ!-.~An emen'dl niml abolhih ing fio/!,D.n,d on Wt>(h~e~:ali!r'; I'ln{C ~nd 'I'~uor rations in .the !tf~vy wns cell/ed 1l,le.t~~ O( '.' llItr'O,DlJ(lti.lOU ~~o"te~ ,W, u~n tlle' oo~mi~~ee rose, 1\J\4 ,tbe Rolh~clllid I.n; wh,cli~ tlie' Baron ;/ily Rouall IImiWit confulJlon IIdjourned. " nau .hl11 purtlcul ar friend. ,he ,;"ept '~erkii'1~ 1 ~!n.8!8n , , " . .' I tile brewery 01 IJclaps. Burclny , .' . FrQJIl \V~lIlai..,.,on. . • &. Co. Haynou . WDS ~ccompanied . WASIJ1N~'I'ONI 'ept. 2:;. '.' d 'd ' v•.'l'O"'Il9 says m his pruclrim'nltoll "co.lling Diue-camp an t." . . ....",nuru-·' :~ a OwtvoOlionl1l !.i~{gi&-";rho il1lllituUuna Of0 ing to the regulur11.18 ID~~rpr~~er. lJ, practice at V:15ILJ;lf ~in llil,n.ije.fi X.()ui f~elinll~ O\llr~gell; your Bocilll w'tlre 1'eques~ed to s ign their . lQ U --~==:::r.=~~~:,.:.:.-....!-,-': .0riitllllzalulIl dortdod; ~UU~ ilo!1or,d.Y,eply WOUII' bouk III . tbe OffiCII, "::-after which tll,£IY oroBsed det!, a,lI] the ,fetiar,ol OO0811tUll01I vIOlat.e~ by 0 the yorll 'with one df the olerks. On . 'in~ Sllrllla uf aggrosslvO m~n8ures, all , tend,"~ .to . ., 1\ ' •• 'b k' th the-'(lonBummolion of OIlC olljc\':'.'r ho abolition specun I k d· l g t £I Vlsttora ' 00, 0 '0 er ISuf,Slavery,.. .. ' covered thllt one of the ' visil'ors 'waEl IIU,j 'nn"n•• n Tb.B. Sentlte ycislcrlluy co,Uinl1od n .nuDloor III other than l\1nr~hill H uynau, the illte cqlllsPIIOJhtmel\t8. \ mo.nder of the Au~trilll1 forces during the ~~mur\d ,Burke, .formerly ~di!or \,f , the IIttllck upon 1l1El ~nforlunute Ilungor ilills. UIIIOI" IIflg IJurchnecd Ihat c8IUbllshillentID c:on· k 11 tl D junction ,vith 'Mr, Evert on 01103 01 lho presun t It becllme nOWI\ '1I over Ie rawery lldilo,a . . Mr. Rilchie relire~ . · in lesB thnn two miuutes , ahd before ,the '(II thc' nll'tUJ' 8LC1tc1er · Col. FrOllllllH 'S Lill, GCllertll and his oompnn ions bnd ' croBsed tea\1'lcting' tllC~ working of Ihl) (,:i!'ld !\tinilY to the Ylird nearly 1111 the llloorel'll nnd" drayAlllerlcnl) cl \!ZI1ll8, W 88 iID mOllified .a9 to em' . d .1' I " lIrace Europeau8 . who mny IIllve dcclnrild their men rlln alit With iUtention to heJumo citizons. All other for· ant down witb tbebr~oms ~n v.lrt II louting Austria n Butcher . and uiglle~1I ore leli Oul. ' other epithets 01' lin alarmin g nuture Ie the '" The House WOllt into Commi ttee of the , !lal'llhn ll. , The Ahrsha lllilldin g bow mILtWhole; olld resume d tht>, conside rati9n of I,tere Ijtood and likely get IL wliril~ recep· tile Nuvy Approp rilltion bi:!. · , tion from the, sturdy brf!wers, thought pr4~ . An nml.'lIdmellt to abolisll flogging in dence t~e better port o,t. valor and began the Navy, except. iJi cas£'s where COllrt to be'nt 11 relre'o t, but tllis Wall not 80 easf:. l l\:1llrtiuls ar~ held, and the sentenc e not >Iy done. The IlttUQX Wat comrnen()ed by QlI'rrlea Into' effect ullli'I ' 24 hours after droppin g ~ tht~~ of judglll~rl't, lind abolish ing , spirit rutions, ' after wbich gruin ',straw upon his head, and mitlsile!l of- eVt'rv ~n4 c;iving a rem",neTUtion, .o( 6c., \Vli!c!I ' kind were treElly, bestowe d upon'!li m. The was lurt]le<f ameqde d by a'd dlllg that wane men next Illruck. his hat over hl~ eyes tlnd olld nrd£'l1t splritB shaH nOL be used by of- \ hIl8tl\111 ~Im fro III ulI directio ns; hill clothes ficel'll \yl~i1a 011 shiJl~boQrtl ill ~clulil ser~ ('were torn off his , bnck. The Marllha l!'s vi~ IiXcep\ Uti Il)edioinr., to 'be edminlY ter. 1~ollrpl1niulI!l were, trlll1ted with cqunl VIO ed under the directio n of the ship surgeon . lence. ", ' , Mr. ~bolllP8on of MiRs :, ollhcd a ,8ub. l The party finally 811(1Ceeded in reachin g ,tilute for till' ome,ndm ent, which wua tho entrane t' gale, bulllo SOOller lia~ th'l'~ c.ri inul co~t by ' adupted.,...80 to 3 I, thnt fll')gging shall milde their exlt~ than It cruwil or caul beny24 . .' " Sign 'of the Goldon B~ll I• . be hereufte r obolishe d ill the N.II\'Y. . 1e.r:f, who wulted upon " •-, 'the' eh't ire IUnl'lldm ent wa~ tben reiect- UI!' on him lIe wus hi" 'Hi!!ll\le8~, s).ezed -- !,:... . . • pelted struck , ",itll evLOT o~ B,<\C0N SlDElS Juet reo'cl. nnd " 1 . • '. . ' I' ~t1. d ·,for'solo .' Ly A LLFlN &, EV ANS, ery uvuliubl~ missile, IU, 'r~. of 1110 Golden Ball. ·,M,r. A~bman ' olfered nn aml'n!ll llent along b>' lIis m~sllle ' nn,~ even , 'ra~ge be ~ wlilCh nffotded '8 which WIi S "lfreed tQ, liire6tjn g tile Sccre· · pl'e' fi\cllitic's , fr.mn ' ita ,exccsM ve , 1"',II!It~III.' j tJ\~y Qf th" ~lIvy in ull r'~lIrc cOlitraot\l , still Lyhl,i ng \vit,h ..hill UBllilanta. " }Je in' seryices \ to give. p~eferel\ce, all things in .8 frantic m8l\nC~ alonl!'th ", Dunk sitle 11l~ beinll' equnl, to urticicli of the grow~Ii ': ti, he clime to tho NA George Pulilic .Houile, product iol,i Qud mRnllfll Oture of. the United I' \}'here h'e ra~ ,u p ,.Dy slairs lu)d ~onccllied hlm,' S~D.~e8'. ' purposes, received at ." , • ~elf in Ilsmall cl08 Ihe fu~io~ mob, rush. , ' 'ALLEN &. EVANS . An-lHllcntltIWnt W'I1S mude nppro'p rinting ed ill art r hil!I, ,mrellte llillg to dq. for, the . Silro o( Ute ,Gold~n Dall. , , $100,00 0 for ae.cLidnlll or Otflllilw dry docks, Austria n Butche WYlle~v ill e ,April, JlirIQ, . r; but fortul 'utely for ,llhu, , " ill .Co.Hforllil,l. ' 'I " , they ~id not 8ucc~ed in dil:lcover,i ng hill r o,L()VE8.-BlDCk : blue~ . drnb, green, whicAl Tho: Co)nmi ttee' rOS8 Qnd the bill wall trer.t: • " , and corn colored, Villi! kid~ 01 YlIll, of e.Jl. reported tIl the 1<I\lUiie. ." UJtimnt ely the police came to tJlO ~es· celloUt IIlity, and loo!! Bizl)e..\,Just ~e~i veil III III th~ cluu,;1i uppropr llltiog"for the 'N ew ,on6, and ' he WUI removed in 0. Police borge A,LLt,;N &~VANS. Y'b~,k. and Chll~re8 Iin~, 118 elrlgiou lly re- til ~he other end ~. Sign of the Goldon Bail., 9f the citY. ,> Thill O~~II'UJt , Woynes ported, tho Sellrrta ry (.if the N uvy WUII re- I b~ bee~ the subje, vill,e, Ap~il. 1!l30. ct, of calume nt 10 ullthe qu~!\tel1 to ~t~cinl\, such con traels a8 til" LOndon lind pr\lv(nc lal· pllperB, aUd PiECES BONNE r, RlBBON Sjll8t re:· p,ot lIl\vl' Ileell /'ully perrorm ed. , CIlivcd at ' , while the mujorilY IIgnle ill c.ondl'rn ning 'A:Ll..:ElN·& EVANS ; The HOUIIC, hv yeas 14li, nllyll47 , struck tile act, still they (Ii tho Geldell liall. (rankly ' IIdmlt, that< (he Qut' lhit' teqllir~n\eDt, and inaertcd \' pr£'seno o ao disreput ulJlf a chaloc~er in r pllYll\ellt shnll mnde etcept' .in propur· E"gilll)il"wUII II ' provo r:t1tion; .greal enough tio,l) to, maillll'r vire.8 her~il'ter perI9r1l1ed . '.' to excuse even a greater uutrll&!e. 1 Ilr, MQrshull'lI IImel~dll1f\lIt tliat , nOLhing herNI1 colltllin ed dhull bo conlltru pd t,u co~ • firm or ' rlltity IInv cl e pl1rtui't~ Irpm the ~uri~. inul Ilontruc t' iQ( ',buil~jng the, ~eillle l1\, . ~r;trl~ portillg th~ muilll, witJ,,,u~ tl,le sunetioll' of .\ho ' Secrl1.lllrV of. ,th", Nt1\'y- not conllnrr ed il • ye08 46; n01s J30. , '. The QII~e\J~r~ent .. b91iIib~ng "f1(,llrlt in g in ' , ROLL 'Upr 'ROT L UPU the. Navy \yos c:uno).lr"ed In 138, ' , " I ¥ , naYi! 29. l'ho negQtJve v6t1>11 -yellll were: D,r; Scnooo,lI Of-' liar~eY4bu~g, will , 1e~tl1r~ at 1 , AlstOn\ ~ndre"", Ba1 1 , -Brown , Breck, the hlJljl(lr~n,:,? Hall ; Qn 1'I!uradIlY e"uJlin~, R~. t/~,e1t. or ~brr.fii. C'eblo ":ot Olilo, Oq~ ~6. ·A: Ire n","", att01ldaiice. I~~t! ~tild . . Henry, I;follidlly, 'Housto n, Hubbar d, Jock- ,~~===~~~~!!! !!!~ ~~=~~~ lon, of Georgia /Jeil'lg. (It N. J •• John ~. K L()g, M KI/ltlocif, ' LnzeUe . . !1c.Q,ueen, ~09rehellt\"Nel80n, Orr ,and ~tIJ'ker. All ~he uthl'r nmendm elllii Were conC[IfFed'till, and thl1 bill p~Sied-y 118 111, nays 48. , Aftt:r .ome noisy proceed ingll on.a reso. , JU*lP "0 pay 1!mploy er. in ~e HOu8e>e xlro compe aarion. du! HOUle adjuurn'e d with· out dl ~posi~g at the aubjee~. ',
No I
Sept., 26th . . " Tho 'Hollae tlllln took 'up the hill W 1\ elld tke lIel 'provid i ng for lIle' ~otor lity of-Jlallsengflfll 011 ve!ltlI'." ~l'9peIlM ' ins who'hHit:.: I,1 Pll!:t by' 8t~aiJO. ' It requires , nmong cQther thlngsf ~ife BOllts Gild ' a . lire prellOl'Ver, for eoeb pa8l1e\'l(tf1r to in re!1dinallt1. No O()mbustib)e. UU1"t:' •• Ul 'be carried Ita freight, hQiI£'r. bl' cd every lIix months . ,"III. the rlllm!>cr ~~pnger8 , pre.cr'be~ IIClcordiug l:O the dimenliQn~ of tile v,~.el,. , TliQ.. ~ct j, to loke l cf \be first of April 'l.l'xt. . ' , " . 1\lr. McLonn , 'wh.) irtt~nced th'" bill sui,1 'it wot' formed aller ' coldultl ltion with etc," III bo~ t oWllp.l'8. " , rhe 1'111 pasdcd. The House theu wllnt into Commi ttee eJn Lhe bill making , Bpp', oprillliJ ill for the Army , •
Snles uf 44 brla. I'n rO\6 from ' river at WlIgO\18 I1t22" I). The nnd v6, linc\Q~lIond lIo~e 1 "lOOn lit 230. • , r.nOCEII~Tho dOlnnnd cohllnllllll 'Very firm Dt filII ratlll. C4JffllCl \. helli qr' ~'SIaI 13~c.: ~~ Fjo.p T.exa8. " gor 6lt~7c. ; end I\tblUSllcrl '34H'/li35.; with D 2O,"P. \rlldll demand . Llttc T !1.lu Nnw dDles ORLEANS . hrln.; ·thl!, Sept. '1llLCIllig eneo 1\1. lhal g~AI-";-A. 'f tn e ~l laluro .ndiourned on , the 6tll inetllnt:, Then) IS ."Ie of l20btl •. New York at 11:M. u (qlf, delUuud for KDDtlwba at thu 'r~. 10 're " seOlbl~ on t11e thlnl Ml)ntisy in gulur raI08._ .~ " . ' " ". ' ber. The Governor of ')' )188 11M votoed'Novl1l11lllt:'\HII ~UE.l'.sE-l:!CUeI of 100 boae. 11161:. "m'he de. rcqullln g him to c"n 1111 extr, 8C 810}1 of the mllucl ilIlIu\ ,very ·IIlOlll\l'tItfl. , .L ~ilialu~t'l-/l1t!(I Pill' pr/)PQ~iliol ~o ij~Q~h to ==~=~7i!~'~~ =~~===~ tho p~ple the Ijuea\iou .sell 1M!'crritory ~o riA 8 ' '• • tll O Ullltild Slalflll. ," ," , , , V GJIW " 1 G II. LcipdJI arlJv6tl tlt:-MobJle \0 ,day. ' • 1 " are authoriH d. to To A. . AlfalP •• Ptw..'allfb.. SrouS'j AI a candidate ~r Sheriff, at the c:«lMU. ~puao. Thul'8l,lIlY, Sept, 19. ng "I o<!t'ion. t , The nlan thai wu ltIurdered dnrtng the riot • , " on Monday lUI, on tbe tienu" RailroaiJ, 'died ' llr. Eonva:-p;lea~ publfah t~e name J. W. ye.terdDy,lrom the injuri,ee he rilOOi.,ect : , '1' Co en AI an i\ldepenilent Candida te for _}ler• .nlll,lder' i" AI YOl'unbe Dld &om. J, ill"a' lb' En.utn, Eloelion : ' . Mackey, who mu'rde.rea Ihe broth" r Beltmoo · , . "e ... ill prillon, ha, a d,ranareti mind. Tbe lieavy "lin" llllt u1ihl lind to·dey 0tI~_ tile river 10. ral.e rapidly. "
_-.,, ----- -- 1"
Tel.,...., . Feat Ill. llie , Pmaw ae Wednesday Sept. 18.
TO All'l'1l IT& . '
keeplDl cog. landy, On b!U!d (.and wllJ The Eor~ ..... by Ibe lalt ~tClarn'er Lthe . Intend prepare order) AniaC'i ' canv_~ OfL~I ' Canada) WM lI'an8llli tt8l ffolll Pitllburgfl by til, ~lIef, go pertocent-WI ' O',Rlil1l' IIl1e, ~ l1ii Mltlltli. ,pl Y~liey to In ~rc1Dl1ad-lJr.ej lP.". tbr..o they 'CU ~ aad lVlid aD tbe Mill!' JIlanner. ' New Oil..."., in thi.tiIIr t 1)lI0II of.,,, hqurl,,. /... H. HAMM fjLL. Tlil. i. ODe of the 'I!Ilclt_ t uanlllliltaion8 Waynel vuJ. Sept. 118, 1§O. I15kfw , elealller " MWa that h.. let tabn lace be~_ !hi Narda .... New.O tl.... . II'
:1" G~~~~S~~i;~i~~~ii~;;
.. I~, ... 17, 5 U .. 14, 10 ~ ~. h .~~ 18f 10 H " ' 0 1, ..6 ..
.. ,Vuhing lOn ~~
10 5
U '
~ u •
8, 100 ..
"'• •
• •• .
. , Bohool Ho~ ' 'rhare hllve bO<ln' 8ll8e~ 8Cd lor building or reo pair,i tl, ~cbool hC)u SIlI: . ' , In Franklin '1" 1I8'P, Disl. JIIq. 1. G1>o 'CIII.lllI \
in Union ' " u .. 2; 40 .. .. .. AI80, ,,"owDs hip School Tal, in , Wa!ihinJ[tlln Townsb ip, 0(3'"' cenl8 on !he .too volull'
UOIl ,
COrPOration Taz.
. i,I "T.,.tR
CorpurDtlori' l.:.. bllnon, · ' IU OUi Oil the SIOO val. ,\ Frt.lnkliu, SO'~.." "" '" . Springb oro' 20 u ,~" 1 L " And, nOlico is liereby ,Iv(ln, tha.l. will bo Dt tho usual .lllaccB of holdlllil ell;!cLioll8 . Tn the Township" of Cli1arercok. on Friday, 20th ofScptemoor. the or Franklin , on Saturday , I
46 .~"".""uu ~ero.
46 Treolise
47 Selting out Ounel OD ~ailwa,.e., London.) ' '.' . ', ' , ~8 lIodie 0\1 tho Slcam·E ngmo. ,
~9 Schllltl"c Auu,ri\IIU1. 40 RDilroad Journllr. ' (Now ~ork.l !) 1 AlUerielln Arlilltltl. ' P Qi' Union"o n Moilllo y, th." Moch,il ic's ~8gullle. . • ' , onlll (,Peter, .) Dletlonary of Archl~1~~I~~~'i;I:D or lIaDlih"n, Oil TuesdDY, &S Nichoill \heture. , . •' , ' M Dictionn ry de Marine aVo lell C!t a ' '(~Fur, , ~ (Do BOimbfl.lu)I · Q"rllI.) . "- . Cilllwry and Mellnl 'f,il.billar Bridgo•. (Fair' .
~ Brces' RnHway practice .. ' :'7 B~r\o'W'1I MQll\oln~{ioll\ Dictionary. ~8 Bo\vdlton'e Nullafi on.
&9 GrogotY'e 'M.them 'liea for Prilcticsl Men. GO EnglOcera) ""d ~ltil;halliCll' ,~cyc1o~i,.,,·-
(Lu\(o Horbert )
\;1 PetelwJo1,l[flal, f.ondo~. ', I , 62 IJre(l~ ' GIOIIIIDry of EngtnClCjnng. , 611 ' ElncydopaKIit. of'Civil Ehgllleerfnl'-.(Cr •.8f ,) tit Crl\ddoe k'. Leclut~8 on tho St.eam:~nglne .. II:; ,biltan l IEltghue r'. Rail WI,. GUide.. <""II- , "
i!;o)l. )
: Thp T~n ~c lltl e ll.ll'll ':'\POIO r~ • UIII)l'uiti nie n Ulr- [ never ~w'o r ' •
E\crnnl' lov(l to t h '(', ' I" r-tllo~1 art only tHe fe thigh,.
r f
, J\ IllIlIlI)\ or \\'nlchQII (l,L illiclJ1igllt, • H~ r ' 1I1fi fltf lIlot" e~'s'l bell i •
Ani:l I' :HII alx li~!J t Lim) : " ,lid I'll' fle ut, ho,,; you BUp pnscu 'fI)lnl ~' COl1\U look so low; 'J,'
fIJr Jh,o Willi I,iglu~ . It hull no/: lOill,
A yi. IOII
T /I \:TO many: onG CUll tl0 .rolluQt, , ., Wh'() <,un not n. b eu ll ~ ~
AJI'~ jllllly l llllr~ \y\\r(1 <)l Ieu. Ii ~GlILn nog. l ,CQlitl', • \Vlti ·Ii nUlla Iml' lIJ,lr migh t ~oc; ' ' ''S l op, bcuu loUU8 cltllit,' ~ lit {Il1lIel euill, .. ,\:IIU ~ lviii, wu,ch lllee!" .
J ,
UCSiUl'. you 1\1\1 t e0l1f(,95; lilY lcn"r, 'l'lie ~il'rgnin's hll(dly fuir ; ,
'Tis ueuu l rpl' n wile:to b~l, 11 ( It,u.iJulHl uy Lhe
l\rI,)1 •
Hill Ilrny c. cusa, 010 ~ ho\l)\J 1 l,ill t ' A Ort or,r 'I\t\ \\\Il'1'1l1 , '1'h llt "' he;1' r o/:lercil tOll my Dnn ,
'1'hal II npp'JrI Sli to !J eg' \' ' Ilr h j~l ~ "t ' eO..,rt dOl\l'i.\\'ollltlli~ '1'0. tll il 0 Ul e
~h e
I g.
. ' ,
AttClldill" A nctions . Th~ re is
TIlII oguin !f~ by ot~cn~· than mos t poople ore awnre
~ootl ,
i' It, ~ 'JlIi \1 n lr'OIlbl d li ~l e . <It r~c with (W'n' eurge. widl oV'ry I)" it fe ll ; It llauer w nl urClillf lownru tho 0001)11 whl(',
A',:)in lloollell
a. a. ~.
A ministel' in the Hi,blaDds of StoU.ncI found olle or bis pariabionera in~icaJed. e caUed to 'reprove him (0( it.
pt dl'UDk,lI ui4 &.be
YCJ. J"c:an oo.r to live onlovcil,
If U'OIi h t none to.givCi C,m wnlk 11(0'8 1:lIIndy ,lath III II!!, if l alii Iloom'd 10 Ii vo. }'uJII4\S hll"e be",1 ('n. d eaon plai!'u,. \Vb.," po IJI'C!I!n tlC!6 W QeRtCOllrltgQ alone ill RUflngth und Ao dOIll4 i.s ohcp lo;.r.
lir. ,
l'U bran' the world (ir thy 11111,10 h rl .'tonouncc tl!e doom ) nlono; Without 11 kirutre:l lI.t to belli, . In answer~t111111fl 0 nl _ . Without a aeMle bUIll to IIOOlh, 'rl:i.s fore~ad In. ill Plin,
I'll ,*ule tml can.- Ime>. AmI will 1111 peace ",iD!
II (.
(I 1
,v ,V
I}\ Y
not th elnLCSIIlQI1 .. lut',
S~\ II tUIIlOrlllg ((IV Ius ClU BS
Nur he \hJlt figh~ f6r ~Iur} " rJl!'blli, A somo r doubted 1) 0 &5
Furlu511 l'lun of; Curjni; Fo..llndc
llor ea. The late t ummodore FOILer \\ hOIl En ,of ot the U Stotell, at COIlStiUltllloplQ hull Q horse cured 01 fouuder by Ii Turlllsb
- ,-
·By'·DCRN.mn n..lRTON,
~ur~~ tho lov't\ honr~h briglltc.s t Chuorlllg tho aoeinl br\ln.&ll WIWrl\ b",uls' IIao 'iJ und honrl lightest, '11" hlil(lbl e !lopus possessed I Whnrc
WJlUro i ~ tlto ~llIiI () C!I Bnli(lOss. .Of Uleck. ~ )'ud I'nUllllca ~r, rnl . Worth lIloro Ihuu 'lhose 01 gludnes9, . 'Which mi~.dl·" bright cliuuk' lIdcirn; ' PleMu'r c i IIIl\rl~ctlliy 1I0UlhcSB . T o thos'o ,wh9 blit;ldly'rouJIJ, ~., Whilo ilrionlHdf has awo !\lQSB , Ai HOllie, denr Home. ' ,
'fhero bl end Iho O ur hol11'19 in
l.i l!8 (hn4 s trenglhen h ~ urli flf lLIiio':, '
1 ' ho HilvYf Iiuks II.Ollllng1!fQn J oy's vi3il~ wh ·n mulll Illi~f, 1' he re eye.J iu,.11 Iheir epitslldor • ~ro vocal to' thl\ hea rt, ~Jl voicIJB
Ill'y.nli ullldm' '
, "Fftsll' (.!.c:lqucnce in'ilurl, • ~ TII'I..dell~ tll.1I f!lt!!h .•or pi usuror , RbI du npl.f)l.illliTy rQ('III; • But 1I00.l!.' Ihlll h&tltluu Irela 'uro '," • A\~UII'O, denr Jlome.
Doe~ pur~ rvlinioll ehnrru th~~ ,
l?hr"mllr 'tlilin Du gbt bulOW/ ie " 8110 elluu l.\ Dr~ thep , Attn/nst thll hout of ~ol . 'I'hhlk '1I0t'slio'c},i-\'ollcth Duly.·. . 111 tulniliell nllldt! f<lr IlrnYIlB, For h<lIho its(\lf wcr" 10.,1 Iy . :Wilh'ou t lUll' pr~8e"<ltI Ihorc, Thp d4YOtljc muYo IlIIl9r, 'I'b()' big tblin,lly ron Ill, . If, worshl.~ lc .8 hi nltnrt .1\ (; Home, donr f.lOII'lO. '.
WOOllU r1tlll) U lhnt
Love ovor it Ilfl!siLlolh, , , , ' \Vilh nl u II ·nnil Wlllchfill awe, ,11& h(lly. ~ O fvi CG g\lit\t;lIJI, . ,• .,A)~II ~h\lw~ itll pp .fllQl I ~~v , . , ' If Lhcl.te lit v lilitfn.:lmll fnn'lhOcIf t!lI·r I ~li "ne be lilUllil- 1, \)'III,'I I)IlI) th). I)··.. yllr~ nv_ail IIlce \V, th. kuCI·IiOg c rO'wd ll ,!lTOllnt/l Go: I"uve lhy t:: " iN lIn!'f\' rud, - . ,," . ~ o(oro r!lli~iuil 's dplII , .1 , I A,n(l be 'leI jjrn i'ruilfl • roO"r ·,1 .' " • .' , At JJ omc, ticllr 110n1c,
Fronl 11'll Cblnrultillll '~l1i~"7..n~\ for Jll1y, TlLE WIIjID ' , UE' :tJ:J~ ,\\1 EARl." , WOMAN.
-,- "
.,. 'form tbor wns, " 11Il8p ~rcd by tillie, . ·'rill LIl ,/illlw ellnllJry lill l'\! lid I1dlll ~ ~ SltUljlh'ed on JI§ JIlltl, \v1'th hnlf' \lIQ cc.\ eye h llltlJ'ked illloer lalU' Ml11111 8 / it'lly; . Anll ~CllrC() I~e vu i 11 '\\'1'/, 1.1 of 80unli 1'0 .1/10 !,lull ullr 3\1111 i lti' liCo . f\. \tI\d'l , \V III IIl br.>lv tilta llollrl. Illltbrp\vtllJd IIpel dl,lrlt, " ,)Sealned like the Ii IllId ouk's roughenClu burk , "
" •
Oh! q'er rlid youlh or b~ O\IIY , d ~e~ DI \\11)'. 1 11i I/tl ' 1\ YOI1 ·liyhlg- wr e J1Il , bln ~ h o,~ ""or t Illt I fllhcrn dhllt' T ilo w"f.nlll,ot' ("lick" ,hol iol) sptJ&lJ.'l . DI\I roa nrv hOllhh 'lh tlL iii' IJCdllw I : Ark} k.le,' UIl.ill,t,v~, fo, [nVllr 8uuI r A,11l1l! ./ \ 1M! 'Qr 'lilennvhQ 11"111' I' ,A, lolilldr~" Y0!lr'II, (jUrlf '8 foud ."f ellre! , . { ,t. . , \. ,'IF,,, ro vo n 10 n~ 1t lDl,l!lgCll1d old; . 'r 1111 I I; ni ll d 1111 in ill! ohurlJb~f8 fl'olcl,; • ~VJIIIl 1l1clur"~ iii i ~ (;IlllluJ'y I :uJ"
By .illl X ~ Iullc h ed vr ilOilO pbtlrllYQ(I, 1"or III \1I'0rv I l)cl~s 11.0 ql" i.' tcrM dQor ; AgllilJ1!t 1110 lontl ill~ lIi r(l r a lur~, . An 1111111 1 lilt w ~ary \Y,.l1l1 l1n's 6YO ' D Olh g.\zo,nnd fi~ on vli,collcy,
Yot 'lhe worn lunlP, llpi)nlonqooa 'Jllayltd,·· .' "._ Tile friiPd beart I,uI6111j ./II m ft~tl , • '. :. And h ~Tp l &l8~ to tllo g01'L1en bomo, 'Or I/lYlXl. j)Ori de 'UI\l llhll!30JOlXlllwn, . Wluit ' ilU\ ~ I'h u. vern'r(1 I,bon tidll I\o\l( . Gllve q\llck ~ "in g life to ilhwll i,M f1bworMlltl\UllgIll 1:.",lt bAI,IIY brenlh r Ilu,\,o u 11'1111 ~.tugu (jn t Udti9 of clirdlinl.lLJlood.
... ,
, A kll 1l ~ lfllrM (" r.th! ,JII WI,!tUl\1ll10r'fI pri.le -lf~ IIw urnful e~I~l c.II~: flqy l(!d " ,iLia, £ t n t'I'tjr 1111\1 IIgld enr it $Ie!o. . i;\ ncl Wf1l!l g II f or·droll fr~ 1Il thQ IIOU\. 'rhen.-l !, II hb llrstl, 80plll"hr,J.\ lon"e, A. wh ' n lIuIl\'tt'(ln od WI.fota m ilRII, Move.1 tho I'n r~ItJ " li l)s to uliornl1cQ free, .' IUlI! . wlwlI Willl~l(lt.lidllllP Iill'
t'lfllth Ill/'nth fllrgottenr ·Child and bride, An,) bnbo, ho' gll lnufll th , to hi. &itlel
flo tilltl~ ihem w'horo.<oo 'u , t lt ~)· rove, . In hnll .. of plido, or bo wo II 'If lovo" '
T lIllY Into would htjlp, wjll' to hie sig/tJ
1 hl." I" II, OIliI hi3
invit" • .
~JowJ. Ilatt.e~ ~p n tll,8 Jlrow ~r EVIl, .. -be ..t mneinaronthe IiOr. lifter the de-
l tw TI tU
se pI
8 ij
1'0 fu
1« fil
U 'p,
waa inmaintaiftcd
Wrllthl, 1 H.
entry. Johu A, Brown diplomn IUld
8EOOND - DISPATCH." J,JWU&D&LI'B\A, Oct 9, 8 P. M. ~~:~eJl;;:~f~",:.. t~~ .. 0 n IU. Co~greameD elected-PiRh DiatriClt.. 1l1l8l1C lo~~~~~~~~::~~~~;~~E;~ Janie Ilea, N. )feNalr, Democrtl-a Whig lOBI. 6th, f I!. ~ • l10M ~Iected Eighth, Tbaaeul 8~~~~~~~;3~r~ )t. (). err.,.. WIll,. nouppoaitioe-NMttb. Glan." etpl DeaD. TeDth.Dilllick, Dem.no OppotltlOD. _1'I'hnll,.hl
h Coil'
Oct. 9th. let diatlrict I
Afi'ectionilt,y your Son,
ALBERT ,G. ROnn. O::rF~l';\L'-'7The M~. Rod~rs WI.IO WIIS
having been sqverely Injured rl,lIlrol1(1 at
I!Ilntll on the 10 ; " •
1100 v.I. ..,' ....
Ii • '/ 6' " " •• ' &. • AlI'rl, in o.ddi~ion. there hav-8 heen lU!1JI!!8Ild for Tc)\vn,hlp purpo/.l(lJf; in Cisarcrerj( to",n.hip, 3~ on the 1100; 'in Franklin, ] ,
cen ..; In
n'"rfi('Ii:1, NOHEl in Union, 6~;
Ile:cr ell, l~.~ Wl\yJla,6"; Salem. 1~; HaDId~ od X((vloo to Youn~ Wome". Ihon, 3J4; , wn~hll)g ,{)", .cents. . lb . Bc'Jaool Dlatriot. ~s. Trullt nllt uncertain ric leot, u~ prepnr,e Also,' " !!"oclnl Oj8trict Scl!001 '("u vi~1 ~o\!rIre1Ve8 ror every emergen"y of Iile.7" In Deodiuld 'l"ns'p. Diet. ~O. 9, 10 C18. 00 ,lot> It;.lmlne1 LelU'n to WOI k.; and 'be not del'edilant, on .. Wnyno .. .. , ,,016. 10 .. .. .. I~ lIeI'Y8DtlI to make yout lll'ead. 8weep your" .. r .. .. \7. 5 ..
and darn
Oct. ht, 1860.
Above all, " S.lcm .... .. .. It,10 .. •• .. - I, 18 10 .. CAD\1VAL t;A DE:R &. GOODE, do not eiteem too lightly 08e honorable .. WlU!liinglO/l .~ ., 5 W.t.V!fbVII.l.& Omo. young men who lualllin themselves Ro.d " " ' '" u u 10. 5 .. .. .. DI1 A LJ1ita m DRUGS, ItIBDICI!IIJ8t i K dleir aged porents by the work of t~elr , 8ohqol BOOM Tax. p~ 0IL8. Turkey. ~ own haod, wbiJe you carOM ond receIVe There hRV becm ~ (or buUdinior reo - c::BIDIlC.u.a. VAltNlSH~, ' I'URPEN rINE" A F£~f-AT.1! EnCUT10JJ&Jl. • into your ~mpany those lazy. idle pl'~in. r:iring Ichool t,JO!1 N 1 67~ Ie 100 l>YE t:l1'UFFS. LASS, ' A letter fro~ Conll~nt;noplt' statell thot jays, who never lit\-a finger to held tbeio- Fr.~.khll T·n.~:p, I,~t. l 'O. 8;)00 0,,' ~!l'u UFFS. TOBACCO, AND C [(h\' RS, groat IM'D'ation had been caused .by 8elvell a. long .. th~ keep ~, am- {n Union . . . . .. 2, ~ .. \. .. .FA~CY ARtltbe . wife· of ' Mehe,Ptet .eba havlOg sodl to,ethl!r. and ~t fundI! ~ live 'n rund AIIIO, • TownetUp School Talt. III Wubl~. OL~1. PER· atramtled ODe 0(1Ier enuQb•• Ulljlted b~ a ion. 1r 1 0U ,re wMle.y~u ,vllliook at thb- IOn TOWlllIIlP, O{3X ,08DIa qJl th6 ,100 nlua. .1·UMllRY. IfOOI'D and .orne (Ither lMl"!Dte. She a. subject iD &he"ibt that we do. a!,d when dOll. ~tlOD Tax. S!:'ICES. &c. &0" beft'I .~. She pretended thlt by you ore oIl enough to become WIVes. you . 10 e1I on the ,100 ,,&1 ."icle of SoiritMll '.II.U,... _ 14w .11 bad I ript to kin him if shl" pleU! will prerer.an honeat farmer Of' the me- CofJJOJ'!tlOD 30" • .. .. .. . ed. She .. u rorm"l,. the wife of an E~· chaDlC, with not a cent to camm.ence lire al" .1 .. lilb phyliclu. but . . . dITqrce1l from blm. with to the f~lIbionll.ble loafer, With. cap- ADd. ' thai I will be •• ft W&I be1leved thlt in Ipita or her high ital ~f ten thoulland ,dollare. WheaO\'er the rail. Ibe woald b~ etinc\emned: .• . we bear J:emarked. 'IIUM a young llAlr ba. ~nlJOlb of!~=~i • •lbh PapenBsel.te-a frota Rome. mlrried a fortune: we tremble r~ ber ru- In the 1 Tbe Boman!'oat OIDoe hu TeCOlDmaa. ture I1 fOJlpelity. Rlchell1elt to ehddreu.bJ the !~~~:: aM i~ "ito~ ~clu.loil of .oeb Corelgn wealthy 1'Il'!'nte tum oot to be a cune inr new,plP.8rs u UJlreM oplnloJill unl'avora- lite8&! or. b1eaaiD3' Younll wQd~n,:- In°the Baliltllll• • Tanda,.. "Ii to \Iff Pa~iII Cobrt+,* to oy or II.tlmib- lIIember 1hi., ana uwtead of 8OU~ .'Illf th: . . ~th of~=~~ "Jlltration. the De.m~tlc prest ol ~ of JC*Ir luers and e,,:l!',n: bite In the 1 W.,.. OD W~,.. Enal"od. Fnllee. and TUlcany . . beft cat or tWr,llO&te, look Into elr a thL~:! ~ .ace prohibited' but ihoaIh the and \heIr hevta. de ad d Iy .he 01111.....01 aDa Joumal ''i!8 DeillbeJ baft end., Ind can pe a1.; liM .... free eatraftct". not • Uinll t.Il rei I'IU nil. tlut the, blV tal nba S7lh of die otber I. enl..... whle" wtll .... . . . . " buuetllv es- Itl the "'001'1
... telWeal iiiii~;G;miade~l~Il~ ~~.~acl~1
~dI of:=:=
.Talk . ap'....id r_beautlr.l .... 81M:!: qf the bite .....A;::iiJ.......iifihtljii *lie ,...,
. . .."...
FluIOlj\i.~onllt \ful nn'lI o\e.r·tonod, havo been Il}ado In Now ,York, pf Indl .. rubber" 'Vha! noxll .,'
ma!lo'_ ' 'Well, my dear,' exclaimed ~"" Jen~l!, They havo Ilnovo1 wny in the Ililarior of Pon'what did they: do to you-wpat hilt like- nsylvqnill of calling Ihe)lloh fol\(e to d1nn \:r ln n 11 b' t ' t ' Ihe absence of Ii born tor Il)ut llUT~C). T lley COPle, ':i. me a '!.,ou I • Ii d 8uepondn8lrOngpiecoot 8kll'fl milK eIre_from 'Dun" allk me, 2'flI vp ly rep e our nil upP.8r window which takes possesslon))t nil friend, 'I beg you won't lI!k m£>.' ' tho aiinosphero \0 wlnuwnrd, and tll\l~ , when ' ., • , 'Wtll nl'~1 I'm Y~\lr wife, YOII know, duiner id rendy for tho workmen tbo)" fiOSE IT! O , ur plln of moklOg Cotilup IS to have wlfe'ond husband a!'e'pne. Wby ~ot1' < the To~atcl1!l ripe lind .fresh of}' lho, rinea, 8tli~ J en~l~ "did you hear allY~ P[esldont Bonopart wont 1Il Il'\0!.lrnin~" f\lr :Willi tliem ,;:le8D in cold W1!tllf. !lnd put / • !1!lrtrc cl~YJ, I)n IcnfDlhg .the detltb OJ PrCl/Illdont •tb,m immediately into the k!!ttle,'cru,ahing ,nothlrg.' I II)' or. ,.Qoh one IJl'~he hand all i~ il dropped 1m my dear. Remember ·what. ,bang them over l\:)O fire .and \ir th,em «[a. allys about sermona In .tdll~8, caaioDall, UlJtIJ the1!)«))1 obout flv Iml,," running brookS. If I should diIU~.; then Itraln. firet throug\l a G11lender vulg.- lie nl1ght hElftf it.' ~C1 thea through ~ selve. Let the li9 uid '"Who, my dellr1" • O'NI' th~ ~re again u ~oon aa poII~ible, 'The patriarch of tbe lPllt tribe •. boil, IlChD allia. 8~lr. wlll~e lour plltttlnce now he may be at~our window! ' , ,..111 Jut, or: unt,., I~ III reduced It lelllllono- 'Mercy on UB,' ejllfu\lIl e4 Mrll_ 1e1lJc8; .!1t!f-'f two-thlrda all tbo better. When ,'htlw YUIl ~errlrv a. b,bdy, I-l-I-I-ahiv. _1MJ11ecl 'Aougb, add to ,e.ery gallon 01 thlll shiver .11 over,' _ condenWd I!ctuor lWIl tea·lpQOnlull or sah, 'If ypu.~oo'f want ~o be killed outright, .n OP,QCI of oayel\ue l!ep'pe~, tlte ~~me of a811 no more quelal\Onl'l.' . Iblack ,~pper and Cloyea. a plntof tp'~ar, " aurely, you can tellme .omelhi 1w(ili anl.othtr apit'" ~fle talte mol' dicta~. It-an hw'a or two-tlult won't be We mce It btitlt w!th .0 oU!1ce of mace .nd in,' YOII know,' • .' , four. or ffionamob to th~ gallon. OliteUp " 'Wliot If YOI\ 8bould. In ail ui\gullrdoo · preRlIJ8cLin til" WII,. tlill e8 or the tomato. moment let the secrel outl' and Will ItNP an, purnber 01 )lean. We 'Oh trllllt me it will be ..fe In my-Iiesp. l,. . .kIotri telle the trouble £>hn to bottle our iug'" , 1 eataup, butjp.L put it fn a llll'gt! alone jug, 'You wlll never tetW · _Yeral gabool tOlecther, and wben we 'Never.' want a bottle JWI\ ~bllke It . ~p- and pOllr IV t even t,I) 'Jour mother' You know ODlout.... d lUI m.ttfr,Jlow UI woa fixed, .,,11 d I dl ' W' D,..,r q,oatd &emnt ao, o( it &0 I""'" bow goeefppy 80me 01 .a eJ ire. r I, 1""1 "'U never upeb Ply JIP' to .her 00 I .......---....;"'"-..:..::-:,.. aubJeot,' ~. Ioup 'Jr=~~~ Panu moet ! 'Hark I' e~cta;91!4 Jenkir.wlth ,a U.~trlI writer ~bo avow. himself to be • 'i al '~r , 'b~..r YOI1 nolhj,,#1' . !~~~~~~~~:"~~~~, "an.aU fl",er," argue~ lbil question in th~ 'No,laln,,' repeated hi. wlfe, .Wlt~ ,anllal • Farmer, to the follOWing effect: feigned alarm. . Doubtle.. 'Jbe Inqlliry mlly be. answered ''Til only tbe wind,! mulled onr rrleodr I), m.onr.,both pro aud con: 1(i11 an ioves. -·r tho'r, i~ might b t~e para~ch or hll 'tIptlon of the aubjec& ,lJ)0Y lel\d to- bene, ffond bllsliaw, lirmed. WIth 1i!1 c\rcumven· kia} lftulp. J.&. i.I nM'my del/igll ut least tor, covered with CllnOUIi d~'lcel (If the-orat ~prl'Aeut time, to entfr Intd;: mill\!I" Idel', NI)\V lilten, If you love m&-for the ., . IilaaUon of the I~bje()t, allildugb r I 8lIcrUIce I 11m about to make \11 areaL-and WoQid aillil, 8ee it done by 11108(\ IpQre YOII mUlil leal your 1~p8 rtlrever po thla \lUbo CIOlIlpetenl U\lU~ J1))'~lf. It 18 true tha~ a lect.' , , . " 1uD ~ may be made proportlqnlbl1 'Well, mT deftr." ..1 UJe lady wi\b. "mve ,rpciOC&w4I with the 8inoller onet bllt. to lon" draWn" gh'l" • ' e6ct it, requll'tllf. larger (,Iutlay. aDei hi 'Ypti havp often beard or tbe cat bel~g all ~ Jliu..... wt of tfll .Iarge f.r~ are ,run lilt out of the ba,~· r _ ean '1mIJ' withQut 1'I8C81¥i1lJf tlie -thorough cQI. , 'Yea." , t~ ~t"1QII11er On" 'Well, t IIlW tbllt cat t.O-Dlght;' ~ au, faime'" 18eJn to be ignorant 'A reol live cam ' • of -"'hAl thelt ~U Ja capable of yle~ing~ 'Y"ea. lUI Immenoe Cit at tbat-a mo,l1,meter "o~ cnltufe-.never having ItroIIS cat. Bllt 1'011 Iball hear. You - tried the u~ment-belng content to Iball know all. Let'Dle belln .~ the begin! toUow ID l11. old ~aten traek of ~Ir fa. DIng! " ~ .nd pndfathera-poMeNi l1g, aa ''J'ha\'1 rlgbt,~ excla'm~ t1toy.BP.bheqd; ~DoWeledge enough to till breathlesa wit!) Interest. , lbe IOtl/",Jthdut • IWdl tel llce,tWn Ita ' " O~ my 1I"lvalot the Ha I,IT " .. .. •l8II"~11 ... or . ~Mrjence qf olhe.... dlatel,. "\zed by; Ibout (C)ur dozen amart h w6Wd hard "COD.,ince \ ~. ih t fello'Y8, lind taken upon tne roo~ of tbe :1eIdI wliiol1 dt.e, have cultivated Sfteen qr "ullcijnl' Here r wu tilngue-tfed and &wenty yell,., lOIcl ...blch "'M:,ielded thlr. ~mP:ell~ to .an....er~boll~ a hundred que.. IJ or dlirty.sve bU4bela 0' com, ~a or. t!0P" aU bavlh, a ih~ct ~lI'ln', 00 the twel ... 01 wh..t.,· thirty or fOl1Y of oata ~Ience of altronOmY· aD f~m (Ine ~ two toOl elr e ba, '10 th~ '~ll~l a -queer p~oeeedlog,' e~clalmed Nopol!'0ll luld , 'I win nothing but .ue, ma)' be made to proditce from eighty lIi'I. Jenkl, but Joeilphli1e, by her-goodne.., Win. all w lt• • ne hlnfdred'bulbela of corn lifteen to 'Kow I auawe~ the qu"tionl, mUlt I • ~tr« or ... b~t• "yen'" or el~i. f til e~r remain I auppose. II IJlYltery to my- . The ABe ot Improvement. Th., fohl>w~ng ,;. !:.! - :r "J .., 0 OR "f _ ..... J I I h .. dU !l Ilgn n~ Jplt hoen put up In tront of a 'new Ln'" _ lI:Om th~ to (our. tona 0 - ha,. Ye~" r~e ...... n L t a" owev~r,. . N anlW~r ery §ta~le on Locolt street:" ...,teI' iiiaprovementa th"n thHe 1,11 tbe every on&-althuugh I did not IInow it tilt 'H9R8~ ~IID~\.QoQS5, by T. P: "WarroD e.' \·PUIIIOI:Il.·IO amount o( crops.. haye t.een eft'~cted by wlli(ht; there'l lI 'great dil?pe~, and a four -ST. toulS Il'IT&L. 1 liJlI:owirllr ~~ogb c~lfjv.Jlon. " :;. horae t~am. and 1 dOD .t !tnow ~~a~ el~e i~ "mrnliA~"()N, Whl'D we tlike into. account the .dlft'er. tb" fkY. II it not. pity that th:. beautl,elite or. c;o,t ~e~wet'~ a la!!D of twp hun. fuJ ac:ience II 10 ladlr oegtectedl • dred ~~efJ .nd one or ~Ilt-the ba'lInce 'W , wb,at U,e/11 • 'ot . fDtereat, ~"I, fenoing, labor, Itc., 'Why, th~ Dext queltion il too ~blurd to "blcli might be applied to1he ,cultUre and be ""peated_ im,,","IMnt of tbe Imaller one, 1 think 'W:hat. s-Itl· . jIDOIt wID be Nu1,. to conclude that a fal'" 'Ther wan~ to know wbother I t"Qk a I ~i,dtlntlq fll)y acree tl\orOU2tlly newaplper. and W ao,·how milch J 'Owed _'+_ _ _- ' - _ .QUId Gbhlf)Jtmore net Income thlrflro"; th~ printer. FortUnately, I had jOlt then JAna, whllt are. the oll&clory orrnlt" a.ketI h .tthe 0'" of ~o hundred acrea _ides en- ,a1d my lubscrlp.tlori, otherwlll8 J . must a loneher. 01 erl! r "1.W1 the I d -' d ' been e'ectea 'as no mon can be"ome "The)!" Ihe Ulachinery iD factorif'1I where IltlrVlU1( rHD& P. ellure el"l'lI. '1r()mlibe~1 ro- aye , ~. or -,. oil IS made," "III the prompt repl~. ' Th~l ",al- ForruJlIg ! lto / .,.. to, ~lJ..4ireoled MWr, au Odd Fello,,", .who ow•• ' II ceot to the tar tihed hl5 eowlrlde;bul !he ne.l instant "ont TEltlWS 01' THE Wou--'l'he Arneric~n edition' ,~_....--_.:. I _-'i-_printer.' . .' • spasm,. Ihe-first nlulloor of which is already 1"9Uoo' IWell,l.n ..verl'. e~clalmed MI'II. l~nks, will ~ pubhehed In I tlhll-UlU9 lhl;r numhtn 01 or· ~ .... M, en mftuence tbOIl6 newapope"l do A pliiloeoplier lIepped, on tio..rd .. (en, bollt 64 pugel with Iili Engl/eb awel ulIgrnVII'g in - . Ie ~~ftt. ~ til the ~'n- ,~...rt to be lure. ~ ,~ , to er0ll8 "lItream. Vn tho plI.. age, he IIlclulrOd eoch n\lmber, of whlcn 1I10rtl Wjl! be \l,bu\Jt 2~ e.1 ~1 qn;ad com. aDd lO ,:OloCit every CUUD- '.octly. Bu~ tlcareP})' bad I a"l"ered :j!b~h:'n=!7:k~~i8b~~ralooif ar1&hmlluc.- in alii l'rice:Q CLm Pfir nUUlbtir, or til III "1uc di8 coDiJn~.D" f\ 1. cultivated to • ..,iaractorily wlien an imibenae flllme ahot 'Arithme tic' fill fl ir.' 'dcl~~IN~ ~2'1~:y:e::~I'" Will lie eent to . ....~r «'atenc. than wheat. I~ la up and we .; qulcJrly Iho\ down.' • ~1 am lOrry, lor ODe quarter of your life Ie one 1I1ldr~' tor 812; four copIes for tLII, fiyu .t ~""t c:o....idered .. not onl)'. much more 'What-Ihroat~ !he roof!' '. gon ." CClPlet1 for '16.Cail~ III nrt Sll~ ,eIlSClI 10 b8 wl\:!~ ~:n the laUei', bit baa de.. ' '06. no, I "Upp11e we took tbe .tarre' ~:;;um~:d:::t!~d~h:U:~~j;, ~~I~~ DII!IIl'1' to ru h ahere, anil nol thr~ugb ~. If .,eII 'moo!" of a Ilr ~u but I wall 10 18Curel1. ~d and tOIln-ti8d: Tlla boaunu emUed ..d repUed"'i"he work
It-' . -, a.'_Dd
'h h
tlh'iMl,IIl .... I..'"
£u Gre.~Jlrlthlln and Walel wbe rye !:''!!~~~f:= ~t~cl~i ~~ ~~::':ed ~~: :W-~;l then;' llaid Ihe philoiloPbor, ieal ~11"2~eTIoa11 IPOW,. 1o large q~Dtltil", pitch dor1c, atld a atroug odor of brhnatuDe quarter of ,,,,,r UN II gone.' e>-i:"..;j;;;;- W~\N;l'En.:.":I~~~;t~II·II;~~~lllllialIW _lUftt lIu ~mOa' whOlly ceued. pervaW the ~ ' Juel theo &be Nilt ran on a Inq, and was hi Irel~d (Od itb enlfOla~ -BrlmltonI sinkirm wheJI the fel'!1rgan JumDBCl uPI pulled •an4___ 1 8coUII"nd .l l. ..-, - .. ,. off hi. coat, ~ed the pbjlOlOpller WilD greal r· .........' . . ~'J' ntiun1 an for",er'Y. It ma.t aye been b,ftDatone for ollmeetnel' of erl -.,,0,4 ,..an acJrelr- be ~,.ume ted .. monr Doth,. . e... · could h.ye p~duced 8u~h a 'Sir' ~ ,ou ammt' &be b,.,.. .,.J... of .11th., conntrv. A tift· Ail' 'N",;" , , Pubhl! hers, Meed.IIo bal traveled eztenllvel'" tbere. a ~gU"C:; I 'Well dieD,' ••id the fer..,man, ',oar whol8 " 79 Fulwn S!.f Nt'w Yprk.
at ..L.....
Ittbl .,
he fAreJJ ...,; it~ and e .. ~ ~ nga. . . daJOD It I, bpt ..ldOID culd....... u an 'Then lbe l'OIII'or artillery, WIth ~. f food. . - r " "' on aceaalon.1 VOl., 0' Imall armll. In .. :.~ __ ~ . • the midst or tM 'tumult, J heard a low, ~I~ to "OIIHI ••thorl"". "1e i. I LO._ • I r • "&1" or Crew; ,et . . b.~ nlllelflllt cla- ~.eet vo C4!, Cn.... IJnr· ~ylDn 0 pea~. ta ·0 •• mul UtI! u~lie( that, like ' heat, 1I&u .hllllovI lila fellow, ..nlJ tbeulol. It. ~ • lac:tllioua .,.1.. QOlelJt 'Crael war Iball be wt,pd DO more-peace ~, . .", JI~. h"d • tJUition wlrida 'uaianed 1b.1l1el,...-.layery Ihall JM!ri.~duatr1 ... lDtrodactlon UIOIlIf ttaem. to the lIeJIift. ....11 meet it. rewani-Chari'1 III the e ,,,. ut OM of ttiei~"chiel' del\te.. "-11...- heuta or meo.' W"~n thia h.PPl lioC'lr ... ....., be... bo\h ani.fJe W81'P I bad eeuecI, a loud. CI'f ror cheap poatap. ........ ita Dutritive Nnttbe al1'.' IlWUllablv _ _ .,..... 'How "'7 odd_' at' bv!eJ, 'r..; bai fUll like tboee 0tM ... New tIIt!' .......1 ref'orlllera.' re,Ued our.....
"1_" ~=~:!!:;~~~2;1.~IISWent•••_ _.... 114 pro ..... ad I
life II 10It, for the boat" golD, 10 \1M! "'ll!om.' , , . jlfEW.1IOOT Al'ID IIHOE 8HOP. AJilw -'uu.-We ha.. ,eo.etYed lIle fint ~ k W LA1'CHAM reeptiel{ully m1 ~wnber of • neat httle pa~ jo.t .tllfted ill 9UeB the Gendeaneh anil Ladlea ~ ndol'lOD lII.dboD couoty, Ind., by NleaaJ:l. 'V.1D9i11e ana viciitilt, 10 ~I a",1 ullnlinu hie
.1OCk Tor then_Ins.' 0_1* on Illind .Iotot
Veunn-uu Un.-At I tem~(. eel- Frell(:li arul ' Anmlea.a I . R~dlDber, " 'ebratioa ill T",neaeee .• lIttle t~ .ppellred ill abo,e the Beyer IIio Icreel. the ~OD beilrina • 8-. on wbidl •• ru In'M.,. t • 8eH.. : , Sou ' • J.OOI( ~ ALL I alftrWIIU DlDDY'I Il!,' IllDd.o(t'~'" w.ntlld, forwbteb lb 1I].I!IIP.11~I\I~ • the,. .... abe 1eI,.,.p'h ~ Dlullet ~ will 1M p'YeD It the w.,_"uteSal\JOD lip ...., a:: a HAY! BUSBEL8 OF t'L sta:D 'fIIlteel at ella T~ m•. • G, HlIfCRlfAN .. CO_ .l
podolllcnll! nrc contom ad' luo VIOWS' lIlorlerlllt\IJI, though cloutly Dnd hrlllly xp,ro9So~~ .o1/lIlo Ihroo ~n ul pur tlOIl 11\ £nglill\tl- l'ory, ,'V It lit u\ld llulhcul- t'BlllckWCI()d" onrl II,!/ "L'QlIlll1 l1 Ql1nrtcrl)" ureTory; tho "Jl!uJ,lburjlh Re vl e~\'" WllIg, find tho' WeslIl1iu lor ReVlb\v, !JIb rnl '1'ho" Nonh , Bnu8/1 Ittlview') OW<iB II!; 0!lI l1bh 8 hm ~ nt to lho II1SI grout cccle8~o811~1 Ulo\'cmom 111 cOllllntl, nml lij 1I0t tJltrn In iIB V16\\ S UII on)' ono 01 the grnntl IlcjlOrlitJeolB 01 knowlLodge; II WfllI QtJglIJully edllCt,\ by 'Qr. Ch(lhllcr"" umlnow, since hiS dClllh, 19 OOlllluOIIltl hy his 8QIl-III·luw, Dr. 1111110, u S8 ulliut~ d wllh IT Dnvld U~eW8 te r. lI S Ihof/lfY Chnr6(lor IS ul the v~ry IlIghc!! l OrdClr. 'J'ho" \V<lat· mirl8tor," lho":rh \1 ~ l'mN1fIIO unller lha! titlfl. only, I ~)I1bh8hll III Englond under /lhe IJlle 01 tho hl' oreign Quqrll,lrly \lilt! We~ tu,IIl~ ltJr " lit b UlIIg II) An~ n ul,lon 01 Ih p lWo l{'>\,IOWIf fQr- ( marly Jlulllulhcd IInil rel'Tlnted untler lIoporuto uti t)!I It hns, there(ore, th'" ndvnn tnge by this COIIIl)II1RlIolf, 1)( ullUlllg III on6 worli. the bb~t tOlltures of boUI 08 hOr"lofQre I 8Uilt!. Tilo IIbp"o l'crtodioohf uro rc'prlllted in New ' Yurl(, illlJlIClhuloly on Lhulr on'lvul by thb Brit· I8h ,It '1IIIIarll, in' 11 betUilltul cl4,ur typo; on tine nnd nro louht.11 9011l'i" 01 tilt) oral:· whllo wood's l\togOZllltl !)CUIg on 8xuut thll.E(hnliurgh edlllun, TElrM ' , ony one of tho four Rt!IIO\\'8, do. ,
Swoet Kate wns hcnrd one dny 1081gb, "WJlh beouly 10 t I'd wi II to dIO," , "Oh, no," said Tom' 1\(llh 11111l10T quamt, be in· "Not wish to D\"I; : but "IOrely rAINT."
Tax th" bnche1u rs, on ll oud nil, Be Ih Ir Income IlrOIH or amlll\; T fl X Ihllir rl1ll,ood Blocks lind. ronl8, "'tlllhoir truant SI~(l5 ~hoIl8tray ; Calmly m tbo mamed way. '
Iho~ o
.,._u...'" ..... l!IlCl.i18110nCl
r.--:==--==--;-, " 3-
~ .. , .-(
~loD'lnl , yntlJe.aulirul to
view, '
.~;Monlh .of, mY' liellrU thou 'C!a,,'neal t'tere,'
.adtlUld 1aded leaVlilJ,tOati.w '1'ho SUITllller" mel.llchOlr bior, '
lY IIh
, The ruoal!!Dg 91 \ll1y wind&, .hear, All the red ,unlet d~ee afar, • And bote o{ purple. clo~ appe.Dr, I Ollli:urfilj eVe'rrWeslcrn 'lIlr. '.
_II TIIIIII 80\'111011 ,moJlll,1 I nelll' thy vdice; 1\ tcllu lilY lIoul of olhor dl\)'lI, ' W,hfl!1 Qllflli 10 livp ,w ' to f/!)oiC\', ~ " WlH!rrildrlh was 10 11 to IllUie! ·'Ob. visions br1llht,.-ob, \J1l!8sed bpurl!, , . l;Vbt>r,e aTe !heir,Hving'flll?lur811 now? I uk "lY spillt'. weariliil ROwerl- ' I ask i!'Y );i,I~ and. le!r~d 'br,~"rl
. ' llbOlt 10 'N't~re, faiu1'bellpld • ,. M, Ijfo'4'dlm enll!)ema M,t1iog round,
10 ,hueIPof·erimtlon
~ml 0
'l'~c 'yellr" dllDd;J1onora oq the ground:, Andt llighiog ,w ith the 'wlotie, 1 teel, • Yt\hl:" ihell lo~' pin,llnB murmur by •. Ho'll: much \hoir.sweepin, tOIl",ro"al ,
Of we aiId'~ Mthir. : ' ..
lY,hol1 ap'rhlll'~ drligll~omli Dlomentl shone, r/, rho)' C{lIllO 111: r.Vj)llyr8 from tho West, , I ~y' pql'g< fl¥! w~.lark'e, rlJ"hlnll toail,' . " ·i'lle1 ,.il~rM tile l)~lie ~ake'~ 1I\08S) brollst; ' . I.T hro Ifh ,Sl\hhner, feinting, ,h i the heal, . 'l'liijj ,llilgered,ill the Tfureet,aliado; ' 1 Dut; . olulnl{ed and etrcngdlenodl. now, they .
boo t
A I-
In 8torm, \cYer mou t~n, gle~ Dnd glodo. t' no",. lik~ thoeo ttftn8~ortl, of the brenll!'
t ..~'J.,
Whuu lifl, 18 freel. lind jor is 'tipw, Sunil" th.\' balcyon" do.wny nlll!t, ' Am}lr lIIs1lJllI ol! DII tbey ~ uue!
8 i Iho I lIVI!8 in ,m ilt b,illhl wrontb, Whlu!\·Hqpe about hilr lorehen:d twlll08 l1'm.vdllf'. hit /ligh. around it brlfll1iJo, 'I'hlt)! l'I"l18uro'. lip iUl amile rotil,ns. '
- 'l'hcy
', AI.,., lor Ti~~1 'amI, Doath; lind. Caro, , I \vb"t Aloom fl~l o1)r WjlX tliCly mug!
'LiRe dtJullll III
bllfiul.JllIgeant of the t:!prillg,". ' 'rhe \. rllJlIl18 lhul each 8UCCes.JVO yunr ~\'1nt·tlllatb~11 in bUQ$,01 ht!tbler prido, .• At Inst Iike.\lIith r!ld . Icavc~ tI[JIJllnr1 • ' Ami tbllll in durk"We by alGlil .
will".., ,
~'1<lse. by Iler ~."o; 't il 1011& bF..,lihN
, I)oothul,ly wan; " T ,wiIlG' a II,WojCt' TIlilB tree _ '; Over the' tGtn~:
Sprinkle If(lSh blld.s thtlre- ,
- . JJe"ulY melll.oolD.
Lettlie bright Jouri'llIill, 'I.impill and ~1"llr"
Mbl'ltlllr jt mu,le,
tlmha through' \I IOsrdlllmc>btls
SCAl. .' itll
. Whoro the lovell lies, Brillinnt nnll' slury,
' ,t.lku Dllge1:1( oyli•• "
Tbon allllU tho bright birds I 00 golaen wing,
Lilllll'jial eYCI'
. '~lirlll~ring ,inltl :. The.I' ahan ,he 8O1l llrefr.o 'I
V'o)lsivoly. &rgh;
De:lr~llg I'lelt frllg'tance .(\Jl~ melody by.
. ~t,
,. i
,i\ ft, \I
' II
ri , ~
er 'eu
(~ till
bi ~
to ria
· to
til ,.,,
1• "
Total .. CUapWl'a .~, '11. ..... y.~r ......r. The roUowior lithe tote ..... ia .......ct lUI' ....t.ar.
a.IIf t lMtItJfa ~ ~ •. w..... •••• ." cu.
0nIM · •
..... .. ", .
1_ TIl
",nl" " ,Oft" .. , at '. : ." '" ' Fa," &om -CIDC\IInati to Wa)'IIJl1YllIe ,!iO , ,. .. ' Xellia ' , . · . 1 90. .. .. ',' SprirfllfietJ 2 !'.II ., I, .8i1lldueky ill:y G !l(H ... . ,I . ' D·ufl'illo . 10 (1) .. .. I _ Collllllbue 3 b()
,lUbject- of Irllh Collegea. tin"'to.et'. ,~ to In.'1 r~liniP ..' Tbi CltbUJle .,llhup' ere iog atr.an"·I:, e(l!,trta 'co eiJ\abU.h a 'U'Rh".... llv elr','orCler. 'wlth f.Un ho~ of flu,rce~ il , P.inrul Ita,e' bieo'h'celvCd , Ing to dIe 'II' Fraoklin ex'lJeditiuo. De...
" ,,~~I1e1 ~.,e b~elnecelved (~om Bir tgho
Bu",. ItatlnJ tha~ 00 the ,J 3th 01 . Eilquim\lbx were found in the ice off . Vork~· . lOci 00 ~tieinlr 9ue)ltioneci. , , tbat a 18M.).\Vq .iaipW were b\'Okt'rt in ~he Ice ,In ~~,d(,rectlori of Capt; ' J)~!lleigh aod .p"hflroa li~ro.~bf ~ fierce .trlbe of the '\bat , tM Ibtp. i . ';'~A not whAlerl, Iliad tbat worn ,' bI JC)me 'uf \\l~ .jvblte . ,th" , crew were drOwned, wer~ for 'aome time ,il) apaft frOID tile native.. . .
. .For infolinii' tion~Cf1, "lid ' Tllrough 'l'icll:... ell, al!.ply !l[ the lick~1 on Bruadway, l<'runl .Ireet, ..,'"C1"n.ll., " . , W. B. CLEMENT, Sup't. 'l'ho' . GO\ berreepobeible fur b'. B· , dolhlra in ""Iue, unles. lfle . Ihe Conductor or A.llent, and
liad ru~.. bUt~o b.II~. aad.
ltI A, M.
of I IhDI p!",aeJlg~r;tur eruoull~I."' ~YClry .' _ '. : . ;xI'lf
, .
eabaUiteli. w~ '1~_ueriUy ~iII~ I ' tbe nati,el 'W ith dan. df ~w"~ TIle pa·
per ~rom~"'lc~ tile a~vt' W~. ~ie4, 11)'8
the whole 110b' il a 'll'OIiI nlllCoDlleplion. • ' " ' I'he Ali:ael!ican 114ip. ~dV~Dce and. W.fDell1'm~ PrcM\uce ltI_r~eto " , ,ue \I,d. plIoetrltell!!1 fer .. Iny ..uadroa OOIlIll:\.':1'ED ,"vllln WUII: ~'QIL Tau; VI81TOa. · at the depirtu're of the Jut qViCM. ,I Wbeat\ . 'If" bU: ' .' 'fb, A.ance bad " ~t IltroUnd but hO 10,orn, ~lleUed. , ' , l~ioU' InJiU'f w.~.p~rfh"oi1,8d: ',. . ' ~~':~, ¥ bbl .. , ', ' '. rU~clt.-Tlie Co~(t • New.pllpe.r~ ! •• Bulter'lf" Ib , '. .aeI~ III P.til' ~ ~atu~11Jor l!ubllllhl,.!gEgg•• ~doz. . . '. •• article rellectlor .e,erely on' tbe Pre•• , Lard, 1008e. ¥ lb , . , · 'de"t " ., , 'POtIlIOllB, now ¥ .!'J!; ' , .' , ,,' " , 1>"" .-uULTltY 1'/lrrl individuals atcUHd or belon,g ing, Cbiek~n8" V ·doz, . . ' ~ ', '. .' , tQ I IOcle', &'v.lng for i .. object ...,e relto- 'rurkiel, lV'" ••• • • ratJon' or. the 110111" of, Buu,lIonl. have Ducke" .., .. been ' 'lel1teneed _ix" aaoqthl Imprison- GecIICi Y_'..;;,·____.....,.~-:': "'lI)eot. ' A abip' bUjlder 10 H~vre bill ,con- , traC:ffd tu.' bIlUd· . .te~ F1'i,,_ , (or tbe p ". , ;. ' . .
°h'~ (Joyer~...nt
' al"eD i . . . .'~011
10 cts. on ,100
' t1
pairing ~chool hou8ea: 10 Franklin 1"01'11, ,Die\' No.
. i. 67 ~ .CIS; Qn 8, 100 ,U •• In Union . .. .'~ ',' 2" .40 It .. .. A1lIO, a Irowlllhljt School ')'az, 10 Waaltill,a~,~ ~J,1o,w08hip, cePI! on Ihe~ ,1QO ,sUia" "
U o-
10 CIS on the ,100 \'It. Ftankllll, · . ao .. . I .. .. I'
' . the 2111 I)LSeptember, ' ,. , In' tlle 1'oWRIIllip or U"ioa. on Moada1! tilo ' _.....;........,~_........:...._.....;_-'"_ _...:,.,__ 2i1d 01' t!4l~tell1tHir. . I . ' 0. 'I'"LJlEaT• ~ln tbe l'ow~hjp , ~ H~II'~t\>n; oq . UlIl 24th .0£ September. , . In abe 'l'ownl!rup or Wa),ne,oo Wcidnelday, tbe ~th oll:lepll\llIoor. . '
In Ihe ~own.hlp ot WI8~ton, on l',tiurs· . day" t be 26IK '01' ISIlpteruber. In Ibo "'uwnehijl ot ~em, (1) Frid.,•. lhe
srp~lJlbcr. or
In oj' Ibe 1'0WPliwp or,Deerfirld.oa 2jlb " , SalllfdlY, , thfo lftIlb Sepwnber
~'l' « .OeliSber ,tUl \beAnel, plU~ 01 I~QIliVII"
IIciin dllClO,erH. . ~ . Tvacn. ':'::"Tbe ~!}npri8!, reeei,ed Pf1nD ..Ion to qUit
, terrllori". 'hfin the term or i8 O'er. " K~uth~ it II Ijli~J bID ' " I dDillllh,lO.~ '" , ,or reln~ In In' 0, ,un.CI
',. .. Sprlt 'lIooro,~. ...I.. •• h And, notice if li~b,lliven.' lblt 1 ,.,.Ul.be the uallal plaCOil or fiolillng eleelioril . ' In tIie Townsblp o£ 'Cf':IIC{tIolt, 011 r ;tlIllay.,, the 2Qdl ofSepcember. . , ' )n lha 'fo'l\"lIIIhip of Franklin, on Bftuf!iIlY,
eolnpaal!ld b1 'blvOdlihed., " A cun.piracy' at. ~ i. Mjd. ,II)
. ' ,.
OorPor.tion ) .tlbrwoa,
, . . . I, 6 u 10, 6 . ... u ~~ ." , , 80ll00l Roue 'l'U. . There have ¥II.a8e~ for bUiI.ding' or reo .,
· lr.A:.Y '.:.-.The 'ambtJi.hop. of ·ba. bee" treated 'II'" bia. tlOlle.~e rin, Ind both b,v, bi!eo ,.bip~) tr 'e Vleehlll, .• Tb'i . •... ., lin , ' _ •.8 . ra of th, e ' Po..... r>:,..1ee..1" will not .bl8ld , the~ obouxionl Jlq'lOnl, ' .t he preCille . natu,", 01 . those crim. . .re Dot·ltated. but all partiel COII-. . tl. d ' h lVe" reo d ereu" 'CUI' in "a'lnlr" ' ".t .wey . tbemHI," e..ceedlnily Qbnoxluul". : ' G..iU.... ,--1\ngry no~el colltinue to be "ChlnJCd. betwtlt:lI P(tWllill. Au.trill and r! b ",armun,J:. I,n ~ppe.1'tI to'. ).eu muc c.JmplicatH •• af ally'pre'fioull time. PruMla
,. 18.
. . to tlae pro~k.D I lU&tary, to raiN (uo'" to sea . out · 6UO dl.trel..~iI' l to Callr"rnla'. . ' ' , kit .aid or t4e candidate. IO'ODlllOIlltion to Lou' N.poleoft .... t the nest .Pre.ildell.tial electiOQ that ~o Prlpee d~ ..,OIDV, '''''.1 hal rallen Into In.ianiftcanee. 'mete Pari. and throughout tb~ count., contin. ~c~ \"~i'J brl,,~. '" . " i , \ _All.TalA ,up Au.o.A~y.-There i. .r.uraor /rom 'Vien'o a th.l LDnl Pahnel'llton h~. caUecJ up0'l tile Kinf. I!rulli~ ~o ill· !,iet upoa tbe HQhlelnl Ilrlnl: dow,. t"~lr , .rm........d tJfat 'hI! .... oft'erect an Engli ..h Beet fOr the blockllde. Tllre., battaliuol ot Hijn~i.na in the , IIrmv ,in ,£olDb~1 , bIYD r~ulled. and " r4.'8ult w.'~ only ,ppp,re.ae~. ~1' fuc,:.
5 t.
for I.O_.'' ' ''PW :;iri!iillia~lu-..p"lIPtIo1r~
[m .... ~'.·!~a:I«.:'.'!...II.I!!I'~.
in the (I.08t uIlce at WafDetandbeifHat flat ClIJ~ for in tblft' will .0 the 'Geill!ral Post
, ~vorv Ihillglt ' 8''tI1I1 '''', b Ihe 1.11' IIllllt' of ytlillf'r l...:tha , dYur, WIl .re. taNK'd WILIl b,:u(.' "IIPJII.lg II I:J U"01t:6810 l~k ~. allY ",a.eal,.1 ill bu in_.-'l'J1ll ~c' 11'1" Y! liN-
Id'Qowf'.ed~ the ,dietat "ral,lE-
10tti U baying .\Ithurity to interrere . with tile elt't.'lural. and mure ~,aD thill. Oo1ron ' Jtlldo.-'ita hu ,~o .p.,uloted·' ,njnlller uf 'Furail" AAir.. and the P ·r uuilh troo., -== ' lr• ti n«" .""'" .r~ee'l ,liPidl.l".u~n , tl'Ie Cl,0 nlilfes uf CUtlII. Xattera in e~hljn~1'1 in" BcbweriDI- 188!DII' to c\f.! prolperlnf:,lo tJae I.me tii"aentiun betw~n the Duke hi~ ' pie .. eaael. ' • '. e ~o".titutIon aworu..
nU" 01\. Y"IJ: 1111111,,\1 ,cIII'I, ,bu, ::;
Qllice 1'-'d.- IA....r1. " ...lId ...t.d"'ilru Hualoorr, ' M..". T~I~r ' l'i)oJual m "bo]" """all Ulru,.on , JU"e8 ~.ulilr , 2 Hen., B.ht~i11!1tU1I hoetllOlJmc"" ~ncb'" lilldlllfjll ·loa.'bunlt,rt ' Win. W. LaawlHHl Jameti Mrtll8ford ' , , A, Herr ' t;lIeD La"ko 2 I ewleo Hurit .. Lull,s'r Liurnett LlIyinill tiutlowa, .\1_"1' Alldef8(lft J~B1j,a 1;l~~7 , Julin ~. ~rchor'" li"~. (0'. to.,lloII. • Cp AI'llIu, .\1. tJiuwn Jam!:. JDnDI ... J..... n W, Lhrlt .Alln" J.lllli~"., l '.mew ulillan , ~"brl\iIllCl b;. !iord II,U,. W VI&IIIO 'Wru, ,.".. ""I,lAla A. vroper '1::!....I'heilll. ~nDJ Ju ... Oullin,.,r John Kleibllr K. W. J:&yU ' , . Will. Monow
tij:r"ll in the ~'IIIIIJ ate t;, Ii. 10 .h6rt L'r,le'" "'., '7 JaUla:jJ
.Unr Incn.
walebel; . ., ,"" , '"' 'Every "arlet, of olQcb; , . " I:!ilver apoena, ..old .iHhil"er "poi"; PUnee "~kCl';' SpeClac1ea 'lbluh \ill qel! oel eyee, IQd oyer, arUole U,IlIUy tbund in iJlw. elrlalld Fan~ Store. , ' .... , "II or=~hl 'hlllf>: ..~fler.t iraitl.!,Jica._'I~Ut anu .. 'II peel 'I, B~ ....•e•• 'are nv ..... ,)0 0... lIDO IItItye ~fllat~ndpe~nali)" ~ rel'airlniClock. , Walebd, AllOonIWn. .aU~weli'.a..aqd,,~'
I " JOtlah' .or,&in ' P.lllc". ·....on" 1.'01. UCQDoOi l:~~~~I~ 'Opd,ke Lewia .cEllwell . R. C:8. Reed , co""'-"-Ih , ~ 1. .Iloberte 'l:
of October. 184'. by !~IRRo=r ,'" been viOl!Ited by tber:l~ RolierttOn who aboliehed ft Elia"Mllb 'S t. '.John to the'
Johu Sinclair
ilIe~" act aa4
tOIn r to meet · to wltleb the IfIHt
NJ;". ~o• .:, beL 17
1'01. Wiliaml '~OI.•• Rla LW:.~,. E·. III III. &II ' . HlIIlehOQ W......
1'ho!re ia • modente 'dellll!rici ilr Flour, ~d pricetJ.\'or· b!1,el'll~ Saloa 01 8,000 brllo ~~"oo ·r qlOII and .milibt",~~Ie. t4~ , ·I....!!'"'ea-o I" iWo. ....._L_I. bf ....L.oo.I\'., one ..... ., ' _ _ 1111 ~Dbi:':'.ld ' prilnl:". The III• • • ~'Corn be placell upo. the route-lOOn .. detached 11 _",. M_ Pork OOIIliauel' to ._II.t 'll~fl'O'm tbe ""'_• ...m~. .ad priia. ., t8,37 Kc. Lard 11 \lnebanc' . ,.... 811111. ialha._nooban,.aelll~' .
··:-S:L'I'UIOU. Oct,
":62,, .
" " WI,neev.'UeIOct.
L H. .. J, H ~ CO, SI',n of lliu·Ked fl.,.
. leW.
. D--- GOODe.
0" ,<!Yen-1':rr.,u, deilcrljllioP, "I.~ lind C~n~~a_ S!I~~i .
~J_ WiUlOD .'~ . Ja.e.,ta.Wea1beriu., s. W.-uon ' ,.
P. N,
ALLw.o~ Kln~. oJ' ,Gr~JI. ~1M1 Illmer'. produee In ,!Jlch~ for CaUl' aw.. by
a.ry Shian
. ar%eted _lid seat to ~rllOD. , ~ , D_ ..... L"u ta' e-ped,'l,'oa I. to """.ul,-:& lie ...... .. AiI.OII l~ 18th. v. ' ,. .~, The Valedon .... ib. Hibem.... former. I, ortbe Cuard Un.tare 'aq , '.telJ plaeed UPOIl we 'Oute: · C bri aJ dil aD!l H .,,~a. Tbe am. ..,
' PJlO1>'Uc:a W.A1ft'I).
J_b Se~ Robett B. $blnn
right.. .
dotac~ and Woe \
- " '( ' UOl1l!18tin, 0 ,fllU!l
Pbas.~DlcINN.A;TJ ( "
parpoeee. jd,n receinat.t
, • • A r B1:IIAIr. . . , CLOCK ....D WA...,• • • • _~~. _
W.......,,'. W...... ~. ~
8epc. .. I..
01 die aow- 8ell.
:;'.11, co.
.. '
TO BLA-CD.ITD" ' conaecijoQ 'fJcJa ruT 8Dliddnl ~_ . '. : . , ', a ... 1 w1ll "OCI" OD /J'1II1d a emitJl u. . ' '. ¥'," aortmt'1II of the beet !luality 61' 8h~'. . , . ber~' lianet' reM'. y,on. whlch J Will , ,, :,:., I~ , eel I lower for ouh diu it l!U. be b9ulltt ill f l ' \ ' -, ' , I : ' ,r aD'I count, lOW" in lbe Stetel 1'enoaa-.lIb-· . '_ i, " 1"'1' 10 Durc~e'" will do' well to c.t~ 1Il41e.!ti :.~ - - " :, ' " il'!, prieN before pur~ ..ln, ell1t1~.' .Ant' ... , deacnpdDn' of Uoai deeirecl wbleb 'I I , oa baUd will be Riocuml 011 ehOrlIlOij08. ~ , . .; .. .. ' It C. DIi'i'~COTT.>I ' ..
lie........ . ' ": ', .'
ElOQl" eelil .t Ho~ WOO}" r.i- reel Wllea' 'Ii white tlo, L .... L.UI~ 'loll ,_ BIDES Jut rae'd. ..,tt t;n':l~:ik~~~':'SUk ~I~J~, eele b,:u ROlJ~ltT~*,HJl~~~£B.,. 'n1ere la a &ooCl lnqlllry ell IljL~t mil'" pdee lorWM .... 1111 C (-.t' O<-'··'e ' P .......... b, J. H . ,J. Ii 8DIC--£..... . ~~ . of ProYUlo-•• quote j,r M... J!!..O!: Il-Ya. _ . . . b, ,' n.. LLEN 6:. EV , ~N8, , ... --......• VI_~ ~_ NT ' uram ,J7I25;PriiDeclo, 18:87". COftiee ~ 'l1I'lf1b) 14 BLEC~6.BOOROII. A.... U,'~, _· ~,o"be~4eas.u. ~IlO.' dIe_· ~..... . 32 , ROBER ,,1) • ,..~.ER. with ,lalM of Rio It It''~. ' MARiR.'S SPtxlJPIC CORN 'SAINt: • 18!1O. tI60tt F.ulILY ~BOC£RJBIl PIo.laIou aacI " WYNJ(B, ~1Jf_ • a.. . , ceriaiC" Ialil ud e51cuael cure for DOme.dee' lOr a.a. ~ ., ih!I way..... FOREIGN 31nf01~A" ~ooDe: 1. b, i '6 4' , 1: H. BARN~RT.. inro ,ville Bakeq~ " ~ 'so. .
100 .,,-lIp
SIN 16
.: .'::
. , ~l.?,E~DQR.FFI~ "l'UCKEIl. . · ') t.ebenoD.18w. ,i .(\1:
....,,, .ad , 'd t Ulftk lind "ency LllIl'lI: CUlune....i . Imll.~i .Hllnpt~an F.nel"" lki.lUenteena; Jenny :JJUI4 aOllail'!; M"ol·de Llln.; EacU.b, Frc.ncb1.Sco~"4 American .....'n--111. D:'pt, "1,1850. • . 316-11 -'. . 0iPabllDl\ l'th~t. ire.. &0., AtL CuuP, W~. "'" • ", 111 I. H • J. K • CO" . BOXEll WIIfOOW (;~.~ b;i 10 . .• . , ~:ot'.:.be Red F'I.. . '10 by 12, ~o b, 14, end 111111 15, JIlI"a.. Wa~YlIle,Oet.5,I. 36,.tJ ceivod.ndfora.h.bl.... _\:.:"1' _, ~ , . HA®~ &. M'tC~LANJ)• . . PLA.(,-~ . .. '"" ~ - ,"' '' ' AbelUUIuI .1OCk 0 r;1I~ end AmerieaD FAWCY • TOiLET ' AoIIftCI.D '"
OcL!let. 1850,
! ' (E
A LOTOP'HOLLINSHEADShAf«.B2~ ...........
NET$ j - , . ..... by ~'JV of dIB GQlden Ball. .u.LDI " ~_ . Bept.' *7. 1850. ~ ,
. 1- '
, I,
1• 1
Why 11 0M
i , Oil ~)i n'tr
) " OIldl~ ,10 lito rough 8"JllcG~ Ircu1 . l;fus· ihon'·o. illCNlcc ~lIgl),l Ilko chnrm' fd~ 1' 100.
I '-
'l'huu'lk,Itill""t lhi,l"1 • ).
,,' ,
O f
-.1 ~
,.\. ho 'olco ol. Sl'ring, " W!liclhyn lw ~ I} c.~ jnlO lIU~ll(t 1111' r ngnin W,ll l{r<lQl thol\, l1l)r 1111 l; 1I\) ~ S lInlllltJr (uill • '7'. INti IV ~<!~Ihlrc. \iring.
'rho Z!\/llt yr ' ~ brcnlh No more 'will woko for Ihob II ~ 1))oIQ<1 " 13\1t 1111 10n (' ~lg l\iAA of 11u). 1l111 t huH ~o '. ,rl'lfy hymn or IIbnl h. .
SonDet oa 'hI' MOMuilo. The liula mo~ul ~o, ~e ~o<.Jd IIlu?kin. ,lcnntPI ~ow, deml mlY Iio I." till you lilow out ~bO / 1. • lamp; hi. dI Tnen he ItrelChe. ~r wiop an ",Ilia on your DMe.
AlIlI douell he can lodietorb YO\]J: ~Mll And if he ~'l blEed y~ ..,~ girlllJl~t or
'\lYNNE, HAINES' &. C • WITOr.uAJ.I! O£Alcns
III /I. l\1
EPHYR WOIISTED.-A gOM 11889rt Iu~l or WOl'lltOOju"l te·'.l nnd for 8.!!!e by
Faro from Oinonnllli to WaynoevUle $1 W • ~enia J 90 .. " Sr.rlnglleltl 2 foO h
8iamluakyCuvG 50
.. .JJuft'lIlo 1 0 00 SIan o(Uie (jolden nail .. .. C<»lumbllli:) ~ HAWLS_'a,. A.ortment of Shawl from For fu.rlheT mlormanon and Through 11ck ono nou.lqt... ALLKN .. );VANS ele .!,,Ply atl}lo Tlcke,t OffiCII, on Droldway. near ¥ronl l\.troet Cancinoau _ 1. 0cIL 19 ...&<\ SIp of .... Goldm Ball
.- .
W H CLEl\I.M"'~ Sup'l
fn!la1u p/lld at tha rille of a p 000 dollar. in nluc 11110.0 c1ll1t amount ... III
:se .r
Cl[- cit] uf ~ ch'ld, nnd ,his lu;art qnlck; if1/l\lenooe of a still stronger was graco itself. balr" W,ith lill tbe chnrll<:teridtic WRS rich brl)\\1n; had ),eeo c\.l~ :00', ,temperml'ut DC uught t<}, w , now·clu:.tereit in short, glOM curl$ all 11'1~ ,lI.ttelllPt \vas not n vain 0 oVfr he~ hell4 and around her fucl', giviDg m~ny montlls hlld Jlllf!.~ed, i~ .,',,,'.'-'- . it n chj1d,llkc expres8ion"thlit conlrqsted knowll thrO\l~I\out tl\o . vlllllge stran g ely WiUI tbe deathly pallor of hQr .Hownrd WilS tho Uffi ~ llccd bride ch ~e leJ and the deE'p, burning' lustre of, Ilet Stflnley. " ._ large teltUee8 eyes. Slla Jlad ' thrown IlerIt wus onp. 'p'f til lie vcry',rare 'mlllc~I"..": , s011' on the gras8, aod was .lnging un air wilh wh:cll even ,the villoge now ,soil and, plaintive, 0011 so ,refllete' ~it" Bllt! nQ r~ult. ~Qlh wcrl" 'J'"' _""" rl;1ournfl1ltcndernes8;<that you migllt IlIi~'a tE.'lIigl'l,t, the frieud s ' 0 deemed it the last sad _wail 01 a \lrealting pleased; Stanley I~US ill ' hen rt; nil!! IInOn, wltl a 8fllrllin~ lrllllsltioll ilidepelldclI! ly, rich, it would grow Joyou8 ' 1Ui a \vild-bird'!! note, other dearly. • Wb , opll' ~m/; ~8Itinr' tro~' Iter lipll 011 if.l'ue Yet,thcrp were a F l-:jCCE pbIlTS.:.....A practlCIIl former inwere tI,q very personiftc"Uon clf mirth ana ~he surfuce 1 yf the editor or ( tho H!lrtford 'l'i'l(le., gladne/lll. ,Perceivirrg that she WIlS observ- there was in tho in t\lking up ~ fence thal hlld ",et 'foured she spran~ suddenly to her (eet, and was wnut<lf thut firmness , t~OIl yeufe'; he lloliclltl that iqme of the out,of' sight III ali'instant. . flXl'd udhl'rcnce to ' tho posta l'emoineil' nearly '9unll. wblle olllllrB "Oh mnmn, and Sister Lizzie, and you 1 "lllVuve~illg flJ jllity t110t alone w~re rotted otT at the bottom. Oil look· .. ~"ao . .. ",o~, ... 8ee whnt 11 queer uoakE',t 'hil'll /I fl,t cumpanion lor so g9ntlc and In';' for thll cause, l\1,I foUqd that iliOM postA , wh,e n [ o.lfered , the cJIIJldi ng ' a~ ollr ~1I~n'. • Hi:t were 'sct 11mb paft down or .iDvertetf Cllj~rrle8," Iice,.trlpliing i,ntQ the par- I " Oh! .1\li~. Elliot,' Ilil \~ith all cpon Ict~ beamiDg with happiJ,eas ,' teJ in her hanil she entered my 10011) one it hersell'." ,bright , mo,ning, (you " 'ete. a llobe , , · j't1u~t ill one ,Llzzie): l'buvasq~'h Itbod nolVs! lou n very (lllIld. Her of her You call find' heard of my Cousin Ve~nuh wllo IIi\ Oij, w~s f')r Stonley;her nc~t-forlior, them just commelllled-half.finished j an~ ~e'orgiur1 ' I hove ju s~ received a l"tter avoided 0. direct. reply, tcillng comple~ed in 'all her' baunts, ond scattereil fTomJ)er, in which she ' spe~ks of hl'r inshc WIlS too,i1J to talk, throug!\ the lorest wberever shc'\ hall wun~ tentjon,to sfleml the summer Sunnydale" depended on her kcep.lllg rely dered. It is skIlfully woven too," she odJ- it Ullcle Howard clln Ii'ld a ~pare corner }' Dut mllll:>, times the lIext tiny, ond the E'd, UB she too.k' the curiously wrought fnb- in the parsonage 'felt his f;triinger niece. I she repealed the q'uelllioli, uml it W08 eviric in her hnnd, "und , slie bell! drspluyeU a um so, glntishe is coming: I know we dcn t tllut tbe ttuth could be conceliled but deltlof ingenuity in its eul)~tructioft. ,shlllll,)ve clIch-ottu;or.," ,,' 1111llo lOJ1lgef. · Sho Rcunned ellch ll1ce Wl UI ou perceive it i. 10rlllP.t\ or the 1I1ender ' 3'he 'spure corner' IVlli fm.\ntJ, '(uIII in a 1"" eugoir, unxioUs eye, Qhd ',oJ) the f¢tlf\b Dcbe. of Ute willow nif of, Ilurk intl'i- very ijhurl ti/ne th 3 PXpl'cteq gUl'st orriy d. f dllY- tlai()' to me, a.. 1 stoud hy her ulldsidc. woven together." DroPf1flg I I,nvc ,n}tlny times, ' I'!Y 'chi/dren', seen SOllll,thillg hUll b\\llilened 8ine~ / J ' Ahe ga1.ed long liB If 101lt. ' in thought tholle w]I Qln 1 rcgar4cd a~ benutirul; but r lleoll SIck, .1\[rs. Eljlol-iloU!cthing upon tile baske~, thel\ ,with 11 ~eell and long ,I,ave ncver qlct any on~ who could'cohlpllre J r,l'lUl\ut bUll-happened.! N I1Y, do nut drown lIigh, sbe murmnred, hnlf unconscli- favornhly with , trl~1101 Vcrl1on. ' 'I cl\flhot yiJur luce' Ilwtiy DOl' "/'eqr to \ell me:. the oU8Iy.'lpoorEliell! I Poor, fluor Ellen!" , de;scriue hor . ~ I\}ig It borrow' tho lungu!lge l truth. 'fa EUgur d .-ad! 1 have beelJ verY ,"She is a resident or yoUr villAge thell," ~ t the u(/velist, and tell >\.IU she WQrl tllll ' Ile(lrden\th I~Yllelf"""l ~a\(e stood upon l\1C [ remarkedi "do you know anything of her and su~pa ssi'lgly ' gra4'\:lfu)-thnt he.r eyes j vcry verlte oj' the /durK valley, anll it did' nol "IJI,ltUJrV Lizzie! ,I -cannot ~elp ' fancying werQ Jurge, durk, ond eloquent-ubw set'm- IUllie Clark 0 .. dreary. 1 na\?d to,tliink It IS tt' thread of rom nee runnitlg ing·lr. ful.! Of 't!toul!ht, find prayerl lil,ld would be a terrible thing ~{l dio; but ' my through her web or destmv." , , ' flushillg Willi a Ill'illi:.tncy Ulut \ us ulml)st reelings hu'velllt rctisillCtl t huve lalll bere • Dr GEORGtl ' D pn~ .' ciWhere.wiU ,you fiud one h",mnn beiqg. too dUF li/lg-thq.l her brtl,~v was white nn~ Now tell me-ill ElIgllr dea~~ We' siJall '''-''m whQse hllitory lher~ Is no Borlle tole 01 pure us marble, nnd the wealtll , of 11m \lot be Ileparutl'd \QlIg," , ," I , . , .- , .. ..., , ' Tho 6 \111 0\'8 sweot 0 nil M1, HI .. h rornllnce,l nut there is a J\lug story conu~ov e it blltck lind glossy M tile ruven';3 I 1'e ol ~ were blinding . me, Jollg ere /the j'pa1ll1In&..con U,·t·~l" IIl_ " Is hllngo (in, the sfe4\I,ing 8\rO(IIII, with poor Ellen, all WJ) nlwayll' cull willg. J m':;ht tcll;J.ou 11'11 tltiOl, but [ CUll hnt! done spo;rking, and whispering thut ahe i!1\<b lliJW: .' l All n""lre'a ileol' un,l aul"llIl\ hus h J.;t liko ~Q ~ il U llcoQ f !l elr ~lI,!I' her. [rernembering bearing something or give YOll uut a faint Ii/e,n of the 'hurm, the 8holll~ l!oon klld~V nU, ! stepped into the A d eUQI, 8(WII,S iJroQt)illJ; lilte ,love it wherl I villl1 a HUle,. girl. Mother., you ~1I1ilcJwr.Y, ~1I0 rusr-Illoiing pr.wcr bnt ,dwell j pOJlor wher.a her grnndt'other ,w as sitlill~, O'rr ~OUII<i's to 1l\l\~1 ng'!lpitllll rl nrpromiajld me 11 long tillie ago th"t you ill each word, look n'nd geRlurc. gllehwad' tom hill~ \"hllt' hnt.! occUJ'ed, allll that ,tb(} SWOl\t Mnry, 'd8 ' 11t\1 I, /,ur ot lov;). . would tell me oil the pot-licularll. WiJ) YOIl perlo(\tly ('nruptured \\'it11 lIer ,:'veet 'cou jn j trulh C Il(ld lie concealed 'no longer. \Ve Anti I w~ re blos~ If thou lVilru hurl.', do 010 uOIY:l Il,"o~ ie.sie would lIke tu Del. I • iTe1l1r'ned tp her bedside. , '. I , .'rho mpi'nd flowcrfI of ovety I)uo Com~, let ma draw this ' Wulk!l" riul's, parties fOllowed eDch uth~he 1100kt!'d up III our faces wi~1111 sw(!e tiear the story. Aru sillkin~ to their 'vcllln!: test, hirgfl choir pu'\ into the porch, and . little or ill quicksIJcceg~ iol), Dnd EtiguT Stonier smile, (lOd b!)r gro.lldrather b~lltover I·.",. · ,,,··~ Eoob with Il l,o\!t1\lrop 1)1 ~o,.v , lIy wiJl bring the (oat-.tool. WiI1 ,):ou was tho cuns!ant lilt IIdunl' of tho two fuir ki8dlilf' her plIlo brow, clleek,ond lips, Sol\ Mtlod 0111t8 Q11Ill [lillg bt ·os\. I' Ull' the' tale 1I0W, mother Ilcart'" girls. F or It while Ellen 'II whole attention Dll\rm~rillg worus of fond'endearment.' Th.. birdl! wlIllill YOII eU",,1 Wpve , Are drllftlllll1(J ,1/1 1I! (ho aprmg is noarElliot usente~, ,1I,1,d we were 800n ;liqle \VIIS devoted, to her guelll; but lilt 'Tell me 0 II n()w,' sIll whispered, alld l,e SWOOl ~hry, IIi, lhe hQl~[ of lo~e , fotl~bllvlln'ohged"Mrl :El\iot in the the wcel[iI Sl)ild IIwoy; ~nd Isllilel eCll/ll~s took her hand in h·is, alld tolO tile tulo IIlt;1lV:Alul\l w..'" ble,t if thou \\'6fil heto, ie and I with oU\' work, domesticnled ill the llUuse uf 11el' un' le, she lY gent Iy, teuuerly, even QII ~ molher ~ou > • Alice seated at Lqr lJIother'. feet, with ed oguin in 1I0me, degree tq l..:or won- .llu'va l1d1dreds~i1 the youDg ben)i II fo~e lrim. 01l'9011 :white ofoull tim IIff,lht Ivh,d f~\ Is ha ~dJ10 !lllti Uj/WY will " 0 Iilo"I', ' pl,lfsuiLS, Olla to 't hosl.' h ou~eholU dutibs Elle I'd fl;lee WUII / turned 11001 UII Before curly p"te restit\g on ber !tneo. A~ I.I ~Im II'Wdl ~lqr8 look out Iiko ~c!lrls "J do not profess to be much of a story~ lind \)N!\~ inliirrupt~d !Iv her cousin'ti he concluded' but she loy quiet, and r '1'llru\I:;1I lb,o clcf\lr wavoi olhuBllon'a teller, my children," Mru Elliot commenc- arrival. and ,!be ae!;ol\lpoJlying (c8tivities. thanked God in !.¥If. 11I~urt that till! tBt'lk WUI bluD ,1':oIJ, "', ed. But-.:...·· ' . I Then it w08 that Stuhley ul course out over. 'We hod remained lIileut lome millThe jlale millIS lIoftt nrou'ld lIOOVo, "Why" mumn," . interruple.l Ally, ". tlte mere8tcil'itl~y 10 the friond , of hi utes when "f'r grondrllther rOlo to I.iko "lliril8 'If ~ hull €!r 1I1111l'~e Swuet Mary. IIi. the It(,ur of love, you tell·tho prettiest storle8 ony- beiTotheu4ftell nccump..-."iedlhe beautiful the :.oom; but hi8 glanc!) fell 00 ' Ami I wero IItell i( thou WOle nore. " Jlidllillg her 'be quiet,. and smiling sQutberuer t1PQll her rlHnbles (or beyond the face nlld 0. low cry 01 .gony llurat ~ t childish compliment, her mother pTOIIJ pr!1s\!lIce or 01 hers, and '"rumur him; 1 $prang forw.nrdr-Ju!r e1.e8 1'!to 11010, ·(ull moon, il) ~1 lit priilll, ceeded-to \\Ihis1£!: Ihut 80me~lmes In tho ophnl but fixl'jI and ruylcsB;-:;':her cheek O't!r Y"JI cJllrk woud ill ri.ing IlUW, Ali lov ly nil wllell by Ihy Hid .... "Uut.f. you wiah to heal' (loor Ellen'. m9.o l~\ight evenings their wollts were. liI[e thllt of ~he .lend, ond 110 llre'oth came Rliley, who i. now ill Ital) , 1 sow II 8hining lin thy bwlV: - , h1etory/ ~ will enooavour' 0 ro-call J he proJol'e'ed ~O an UII~C080(J" lbly Io:te !lour. frOlt1 lbte while ,JjplI. <,' _" , snys Wilt recently wlien he wal In Veufee, Il lij;hls the d~ w·(1rop uf the grovQ as they occurred, and reJate them to Atrllirs weJ1 t "n tlll1S for Ilome tllne nod We thought that tho 1)\lrO spirit hull deall 'American captai~ and an. tnglllhman A. hQIlO'8 brlgllt IJlllile Ugh'" lIoQuly'S Y?U 01 sYlitematically as ponlble.. r hove ev~ry Qne save 'Ellen .was cQnl'inced .thut parteu, but alle~ some hours ollr elrort.. to met a\4inner. , '/, fllnt'. known Ellen Hb~ard from , her ).. fancy. Ml~S Vernoll WIlI\ stcahng and that wllful- revive Iher were luccedUuC 'ond the ashen 'YQ~lIrill\n AmcrlclU1, sirl' said the Eng. SWlloll\lory, 'Ib III hOllr of Lovo, , 'AcIlCl I \Yure hluSl it Ihuu wore ,hero, Death hlld OrU1O entered the parsonage, the heart she well knew \Va8 pleilg(!d to hue fit'd f~om her chllek. Dut tbe light gIi4b Ulnn. , )1 { and of al\ thqle whoae rootstepa were W,,!)t lly, eVery bo d save tllc last line lit r\luon never rcturnl'd to thosc beautiful ,,_ 'I reckon 1 am,' returned thel(lllptajn. :Ah! as 1 mu~e, '0 Illrftngo ~\jld thril to ecbp throu;,:b tbe halla, nolle reina/ned She, poor gIrl, thought In he'r ('\-cs. ,,' .. 9110 fountain is tberc,," ,SI1,YII Mi8s Bro/Vou have th~ name of belDi' great,war. ', Stoal3 o'tlr Ihe IiLres of lily frulUu80ve one old minister anil his maiden SIScent COllfiul'lI,c e tbot it "'/ls but anorh· lleal'lh returned to ber, and IIhe n me~I"lvllull\l deep Iyill!::. V~1I1 hall only juilt rlorl" • A gOlllle /Irosenco' 10 (iU j\1r hoar! with lovo alid lifo nnilllon,ol ler. When the ne~vl Clime :tlil!t WiIlinPl pr"of of the love hor EJpur bore herr gencrailly, seems to bo hnppy-bu~, 01\1' begun to 1hrow up Its silvery lirop, Dillon" : Ve8,' laid the YaDkoe, (we lllioot pretty 1 tee Ihy !,pint round me' mllve. the elde8t son-who \yn8 a sUllor, the pdt1e thatfor her sal:c he should give 80 m,:,ch 01 h!lllrl8 ar~ shddcned when we re-clill 'he munklnd-.n iountllin ~Yhjcli "will alloy.tlae \Vclf.'· , " ',' ~ . ,) know thy Suu' i~ huvering nenr-' of hi8 f!lthor's. heart, had been sbip~reck- hi., tlqle tv u l,cIJmparlltive I!tr ongcr-lIn!l ' 8ud story or Ellen Howard." , lhlrist or mlllion~J Clud will give -'iu ,holo 'Dut bow ii it you were 10 omduue to • WUIlI M'lfr, 'til! thr hour olluvt!, ed In the Mediterranean, an" thllf hIS wld80 mony cllllel\Vure to Inll\~" the 8um- I' "\Vtlflt becanle QfSfanJcy' an~ hill trcaQh- Who drihk (roln it peaae' and joy; It j~ pOllj)e with Me~lcd1--'4fji. c!oes not And 1aUI blll8l, tJlf IhOI\ I1rt here. ow Ilnd child were in New York, &lr. How- mel. plh18 plcl1slIntly to CQusin Dell ro>us bl')de ?tlrll. Elliot!" kllowlooge: the rountain or intellectllul culmuch )Ike spUnk.' . ' , , irl 811ite or hIs y~ars arid. iufirmities, Tg &I&> Mill~ Vernon jU8tic\l,. I "db ~ot "'hll.~ I:ever returned t ~unnydll e. VlitlOfl, which '~ivel llcnlth to ninllkincl You nrll III! EnrlleJnnan1' interroptell imnledlately D PUilaUlt of thiuR Lhat ut tirst.'8he cltlu4 ~1I;hed or 111- St~ntey bOB had his rowal.'d. 'H18 wife de- mokell clear his VlllivlI, llrillgBJ'oy to his I Yankee} "' . , ' , . 1· .. ,.nv",P& and blessings folluwed him tendeil>t~ W)lI Stunley'" nffection.!I. But I Herted hi,n a few years afler their mO.rTlIlI!'IH a'lil 1)108.thes over hill Boul's elIthly,a deep IYe'I' replica tIle Engtjlhma~. wllen, iher a few weeks: he 8hl,l wua 0 CQcl"ellc at heart, Ild lrom her in hisloncly ' llome be bitterly rues J'QP080. Go IInd ' drlnk there from, thou 'Well,' 'lIitl the Yankee, '1 dOIl't know ~rinlttng with him a lovely little girl a very childhood hud lloen tho reCipient or wholl it'll~tullted lly bpI' beauty, bo led Whom fortune has ,not favored, ond thou Ollr folks offered' to do with Mexico; two yelr8 I)\d. ~the yo ng IIlothe~. had Jojn- yprlvalled homllgE' and OIlmirationl She to the' altar." ' wilL soon leel thyself. rich! !fhou may .t but, Itrlll1lret, I'll Jelt tell you nne thlD~ eiJ her hUilb'llnd In the spirit laud) there waa SDW that ..~, len wu,s almo'at idblfzed by her ~ , go forth illto tbo world and lip-d thyself ~ve. V'll be d--d:if wo ever' olrered to ~ake no a single he~rt in the wbollfp1lTiwh,that (rjendsj (bDt witll th'c m she WIIS {he one rywhere at ho ; tl'(Jl! canat cultivul9 thy P.t'IICti' "j.Jb youl' .. , did nut rejoice tfiat the old mlln lIad o.goin bright, peculiar st1-\r excelling 0\1 others. self ill tlliite ow.- littlecllalnber; thy frienda T Ie home tbrultot the EnglifChman let I hila received ~ cordiul invita'tlon (rom found 'Aoml'thir'ig to 10ve-,lIumetbing ,to She could 1I0t brook 8uch a rlvnl. "nd rl.'are ev~r orC!und theo '11I1d ' enrry ' 011 "wile thewbo:e,ta~e Jr. an uproat uf JaughtC'r. ' , the p,Ilrentltot Lillzie Elliot, to 81?eqd Ii few cling oo;......omllthing to cla"p affeotion'" solveu to triumph by lell~ing her cousin'lI converaa(iolls with thee, natur~, antiquity week .. 'willI ,Ief h\ her plc~liIIllr home. J lentlrils found," t lovqr cnp~ive, und shllwing t\le \V,o nderlrlg heaven, are Ilcce8sible to theel TJle illd"1I1]')10 London' PUII~b te11s tbe follow.jllg , llad not .een her 'since tbe doy alter exam i"A BweNer r.hild than Ellon flow villagers thai their pllrllMon'd simple grnees trio1Js kingdom of tile ont, the worbof ",an, way to "play AU Fourf.''' ' . ' riation, w~en we parted six month never glBlldent'd IIny heortbstone, ant! t must Vie\,1 to Iter .mp(lrior churm: Bllt a8 the r.ill-bow end r'JII8.ic-recordl olrer to thy "Drink IIOpte bottled 8~4t, two bottles and wus by DO mAtln~ IJnwi\lil\g orpbun girl ~'as soon the pet and plaything ill oll~n \he cU!$e, she wn'l1 entangled in the 80ul equol 'bQs(litallty/ ' of ~rt, 1I..g181s of )[araehlno, a jorum of\ with thuir request. On.. deY!1 or the wliole vi \lap. Her grnndfllther IInure her owu IlIlIIds wete weovil)gj and whlaky punch, and a tu",ble!: of Britillh me to the quiet villRqe where leented to grow young again, I\OW that the leu riled \0 love St~nlcy with os pD~8iont1w They jthen separated for tho liMy Jove," Bard II la(ly to Iter IU,IsbQnil, brandy; and you will find t before you get and when the /punting lteeds II Bound I1f merry voices snd rlbglng lauab- ant.! devoted a lo've lUI her cold, vlliu hoart to moot IIgllin next . mor.ning: !llld 1:1 With her mouth screwed up os rr she hail It me~ how v~ eU)'; it 18 tel ,plIlY uIl1t1Ur" a lim III white Ilottage, With a ~r wu e~rd Ill! yore in his dwelli Will! oapablc_or cbetishing. accoun\, or their proc;edlnglt been ~ating ~rl'en perBlmmons a full month, • •• • , exteuding tlie whple' I~nitth of the build- and.1 h~ joined.i.o the Uttleone's One BUltry morning abont tho mi or home BO flu II' related to tho po},mcnt I'My lovc, c\vtll you coodeeoeqd to hond l1Ie T'l! LADY DOCTO!S,-Tt 11I, lto,ed thllt ing, alld enclosed on either end. witb a. to.sing ber high in the air \Jntilshe August, lile ne\ya aprp.iJd like tlte blh, , ' those IlxJ\'mgqnl, thst I may eradicate t(lr than (~rty I.diea have ~anlted in their , tieu work, over which a , running re'" and cd aloud, ha,lf il\ delight and hnlf in tbroul;b the "i Ilage tbot Ellpn \Vns (lange.... T~le' I)llJI:t morning Wllkt'f ond Drown ~lI:traJ1eou.1 /llatter from th~ luminsry, that to tiecome members of the. cl ... In oney.uckle had beer trained, bolh 0 or !lstened to ber artIe". pratllng, he oU81y til. Tile IIttDck wOII.udden an~ vlo- were illrfy at their P08tll, llut It wal it mily ahed (orth Its rays l1Iore eftulgeotly Phi1ad~lpllia Ool1eg.'-. These doctre~ w~lcb were In full hlOC-1l1I "",hile the tblc.k, (or,ot dlat one ~1 one, he had laid all his Jent, e~ nightfull she 'Was dtllel'tou8, amI time befOre Wataon ,made hi. IIppearallcb. and resplendently'" 'wHl have the mile 'put of humiDIty abl'\lbbel'1 ip tlav Yllrd. lind tho,tnll trees own children to ..Ieep by their mother'S he~ \iptl wt're parched.and burning with (0Wtilker begon f\rst:\'My Clea r, ydur condescenaion Ie super- sick all the ,hne, tlJ.at t!Jey ma, have a whose tinLDchee fiUll, drouplRgl, over it side...,.1I1I ~a've one, oDel hc--'he lay where vel'edtijirst. Fo, many c\uyllwe hUllt oround r .. sell. wholl I entered my hou50 t'be !TOU!!," dr}1ly replied the hUlbllnd. . cliance w vjllit tht\m- How wi\) tile lair guVr the IiUle tJ\v·e.Hing t~e apl1earollc'e penrlslie deep.' , the c(lucb of the g~lltle su1T~n:r, ~ath DS out, and tbe fire ,nve but '!We1l1hen.lilal\, you wlfttch, aome and I,,'POII. r"pond \0 an inyocatlon to "Sjw a blrd'..-neat bal/-Judden by tile green '0\1. ThC'yeahJ rolled on apace, and when her hot, oehlng brow, and 8trlVlIIg III light. I cnme l)eBr wnlking Bnut'f t.he caDdIe. • DIy Ie, om" •" " age, I tbought I had ne,'eneell a lovlier .ilowerJI of seventeen 8U1Dmel'll bod, to allo"iJlt~ ber npgulsh, and our uf baner, that the panCl1kes were spor, Sure eno\lgh it waa a "lJi~'.ne.t." up in her. pathwny, Ellen ,Hownrd "liS ~y grew (eint within U& a. we looked in to he mode or thi. morning. 111 wife ~ A4\'n'nce PannnDt. • SnUCT.-Tbe followln.r adveniHm.ent and th~re was the \ "bird" Ihat dwelL fat tbe Jovlie8t. girl. in the whole pari h. others facell .and . ~nw that they were lit up was 6(1 dreodfully out a~ &eltinJr tip so long, A subscriber to 1\ N~", York pap4lr maies reeentl.reppeared in the Saunders' New. tn "tlli! IIf,~lt8('ln~ nel t ," in the Iba~e ia DOW only tho wreek of what &110 Ly DO ray of hoplI. , · I, "h(\ ~aid to lOe 8l1reatlticclUy: . ' tho fU,llowing ICDsible remarJca in regllr'~ LeUen, pubJilhe4 ~D DpbliJ1, Jrelpd: t LiDle. IIlanding in the porch, of mt ,,:,a& but even yot there orp tracealell At IIIII~ the feyer loft her, but !lhe \Villi "D~, put yOllr "oot in tht! bnttcr!" , to advllnce poy lentl; "Wuted-i.Jqu~ w\lm,u to Ilct IS bousegrace alld beau" sO lavishly bestow- feeble and- l1elplcs8 , u a newly born "JUls t 88 yoo 8ay, MalnP"" , said •• anti ,It is 10 much better to Ply' ! (or it' in m"d iD Il Imall ramify: aT,o, a milcb r.ow on.d clapP1ng h.er Ilttle hpnds a .. Ihe longlooll~-rur vehicle drew up at the dour. · upon ber. Gnd utterly unconscIous or alight thnt wae withoutthe leni t hesitation 1 lIet my fo9t d I t r , III b t II' -lIlUlt beer the ,.talJli.W cAun:1a! , The eveninG: pllued rapidly aWIIY, and at Every oody Jo;ved her-she wos so ,I"d. POillinll Ground her. It lIeemed that her in tho pot ot battAlr) and then went' to ~ funcle \IOlt Jit~, ~ er~ ~nwi 109 aD early hODr J retired latigued with the hearted and aJl'eetionate-so pure mlDded t!l'hnuste4 nlltllre could never reg"I" III b04." Th neg c 'b ~e c o~~ 0 Ie A'IIlh:aT.-The musket that kicked the da," juurney. The Jlext morning [ .rol8 and collfidlng, and 10 fl01 and «prightly wonted. ellergy-and 08 we bE'nt over !\er NeJlt 'Joe Drown told hi ••tory' I e;e ~r~ anum e:o0 cons I ,:,a~ioll. boy over, haa bHn alT8t~ alld made to u : ~~flur. m: ~ay for I" ,r -adVllDce. gi'" baH. The plea tbat It wal "cocked" reJreshed,and ttu1te ready to rail in with withal that no OIlO could help Jovin, her; we held our very breath, tremilling lett "M)~ wire had already relil't'd 'to Telt in -IIn1 01' all of Lizzie'l pJanl or e.muaement. not e en ,old DaPl~ l!eewe11, wllo had won even that should ~e sufficieDt to .nap &be our slE-eplnc room, which adjolnl tbe kitcb- JI';slhe ~di:r.1nthin':b!it:r~~ln:oet,j the time w •• ruiN out or court: We retunuld about JlunseUtom a long rum- for hel'felr,.n unenViable notoriety by brittle throod of lIfe. ' en, end i./le door of whIch wu .jar. It iDva. Ii t i a'd flu t I .... ble; and IOmewhat tired. I tbre\l mYflelfllp- fault-finding p,.,penllitiea. and who hlld nevBut where do you 18k, Will Edg.ar Stan- being Ible to nar'pte perfectly well. y(lu tridea aa yc:.r ~i~t ~~~ub~t:;. ':m:uann~ A Y&I.kee and a SOutherner .....,1.,101 on atheor•• and cannneneed ca~iellll, touch- er t.e{ore kOOIYD to lpeak a good wurd le1 durio, these darJe bo1IfI J Be CIllled ~to know, J mado II dieallfo( clanerin, among Lo. will mUe a verr respectable aum to de- poker on e .teambOat. Inr e .trinp of L.ai~"lUilar; but BOOb any ODOr tho bouse each day and Dever (II Iled tu III the he qaebold furniture, aDd ill DO very f~ly the expenl8 of edltiug .Dd '41.havn't fI'H an ace fOuome litne"'reatarted to Iny feet ...1-. . . the toneS of I Aod if every body loved ber, tbore "'.. eonceming the .ufF...... D1Ict to .I!t Ir plelllant tone, abe b.w\~ ()Ot: tlle a r' anct'thin I can be done tu bet- mllrbel the Soathemer. • voice .'.lvJ, wUd Je& clear an' .weel. one wbo ~med to worabip her. Edgllr ooaJd rend« lillY ...Iata.co; but the "Do, bre.k the ~rrldppot, Ioe!" tt!r e wrth ~tilh In hand ' I$eaidel "W.II r~~hat I.tfIe Yan'roIe II ppareaUt flUID the ,"rubbery • StaDler Wle the 'OD~ IIOP of hill mother . . . . fell coldly from hi. II... Ind the eli;, NOt' aooner .. lei J!.an dooe ~ I Belled .. 1 had clrperienc. lu ap~C1 f<lr Ih~ ...... bll~ r GII8 wit , .. where tbIJ .... abort ct It:aDce from the wlndo~. and she WI. 0 widow, -1t.J rHidrd In ... 1*",., or the Joy" wu aU wan tin,. hold 0' the.,.11 01 the pot,aM ;t paper: t.IIere Ire IIOIIM I know who are Dot OM or them . . . . ,..", ala ~tMre, "olaf it ia JIC*. C.....,- ~lIen.'· ..id liuJ., lhat elegant ........... the ri"er, YUIt eYen before lb. queatioa -Ia Dn.wered '1ItlliJlll!t the chimney Jllm, ImJb it into a vel)' ;..ompt ill payin; How brethrea u4ab. til,... are J....... .,..., Alioe,ranDinc t" Ih".-or. "there .... lit. cen ... it if JOI..~........ J(,lIie. There hie eye would . WIDder rouH la leardl hundnfd ARer abr. ellploi& I rella \he ,.per with I~ eneJleaei., b(IoJi." I ader tht bl, trw 10 tbe coner. XI, I look ........ that white ....bUllh ~ tbe the ne,,:, WhOM bepUlJI, be~m eel \I) IDd Jtlt I cu~ln te~ture for wbell It la Dot ~id (or, ID. jt. I - -...... • 1tICI~ "" 110III4I of tb.IJ dterrira. U..... trw .D4 you can ... the chlmoe,. ••• lurlDl hlll'l O1lward. not collceivI f lhould th ..~ .a. .'" A reeeI'IDI .... a'MII per-I "'~ It.e baikllDr-the' mt fa Md"All for Ali.. Vemoo bmttl(, alo kept DOW' Tim Wallo.. ,. turD to Jive '''MIld lie whiipered la 'T1aI1 ..iteio.. die little eprite . dane.) ••., on'H lilt ..... efttirel, aloof rrOIn Ute cba~ber wbnJ; lief or hl~lr. hich he did • pod ,.,.. b" II ............ " .,. of With . , cuno.l· p~",. brother'a part in all oouala •• nmor CII!UId IDClaa a .Ick race. u foIlowa: -="'i;h';k;i;;-~ '1 .lI"ppfd ..~ Into th. ' her lIimeutu... lie leil th.. , roora-IItir . "ealtb clelicace .. ~ be,r 'Pv, _ the _~ aaI~ 10 a bntM' ,leW or; '~r:.::l~r.:::: ~I • Ind when he ntnet M) . . .1& ...., the hlo ....eriDl tile trorW. &Jr, ... , ~ bluli' ~,~......... 11 ho'lbncl Un" r.i.,. from ...bom alw'lY. Wt'ftla1H her!' up a&aIra JG ... UrIc•
e., th.".....
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"'I'. Corres pondeo... ,r "Mi.~le. ip"'_ to<J late lor. 1Ilis
,,'oyne solla Prodnc F Mnrket. WUte i!bn Till: VI 1 to. " IV" bu Whe4~, oon fll:.."tIiD IlVIiIl
We williP"'I..l\er arlicJ~;n our DI~xtJ\um· I 'D~Dmlpt ber,
C;/'>tn, allelltd, Ullrl y V uu. lIulf • '
l'lou~. ~ lIb!. IMtAl' =II' fb I!!gga. It", dqz, '
Lbr.l, loo$e, '\11 Ib r
I'otn\o~ ,
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. , . nil\\' V. 1J11.~.. ~l'0\JLTlty ,
-;-n'~N:~lJ1l'r. SU,KS' ANI) nmON S.
IIl I4l, Gruen, allli Pmk W"tllred Bonl')ct W . Sillia, nnd Il\rg" , slook of I. II' & J. H & CU. Just rC':oi\,cu by RlClI ' Rl1IDONS
Sign of tlio Ued Fin/; • <; 3y.tJ ' WII)' IICIVllle, Oct. b, 1854>.
f PnOD UCIl W Aitt-n. A LL, Klnd,1I 01 Grnin, Blld Inrmer 's lIroducc ~wonleil III lI~chuflU tl lor CJII',u' GoODS by I. 11 & J. H & 00. , IS.ign of Ib" Red Flog. . 36,11 W.ynesvi\l o. Oo\. t ufllO.
.• DR1J88 OOODS .
'l'ho f~c!\ for n full courso of lectllres IImOUl)t to ,105. I\htlltul tltor's .eG, Delll9118lralor'lI ; lo'oe, ilO. Grnduo..lion. ~20. 'l'h080 dosiring futther infoPl)n uan will plCMC Clddrc98 their lon era (!lOst ~'Rld) 10 the Delln; lind 'Iudents arriving 111 Illel cll~' Will pleaso cnll llitii n I tbo (]Ollllll. rmhl Hotel. • R.:::!. NEWTO N .. D'tllll of the Foculty. llA W DEPAU TMEN'I ', , , 011 th~ "c.~ of HON. E. W. M. IC1NG. Profoli8o rof1'heo ryanc• ina a thorou&p "~I~'X~iilf:! ellcounlered l'rncliec of J.nw bandry, . On illo I: tho In IOllm!ng Prbc\ical Huabiln dr, Mounl or "vercolUlng Ihem, 011 ..he dift'ereat lei r~lireG kinde allarmin g. On the PerilOns Condutl ond Execute the labor of tho Ynrm. On the branch(!~ or 8clenee mOlt appllllQlile to A gricu\tu rc. On the ill8\itutLoria of Ecluc,t1on best 8\1 lod to Agricult ural ScilOQCe. On the Evilll ouendln g.the nel;h'!ct of Lllnd ownor. alld olhcn 10 learn IlrllcllCljI Agtleult ure. 011 ob. lIerving 1110 dctlllls lind ieeor1linl the rlett o. F(lfminll by Ille A~ri cultural StutJehl. TE1t:llS 0' Tnl: WOllE- ·The Americ a. edlrlojal U\o./ir.t number of which i. altoady I..,ued' Will IJe pu\lh.h~ in t1e1l11.nlOn'II.1f' num ...." ,il( 04 lInge. Wilh lid EI1I1UIIJ ,Ioel e!lpa~lrnI lit cllcn numbor" of wlltCh Iherll wl1\ be a\lout lH !'l,lI. Price:?!> CENTS per numlHlr, ,or ts iu ~~'r Iho 2'l numlicr•. '!olliell ~ci~liIiBiNG·
of r-loirr cfOMOlipthlll. 0 . Ilud<Iohtlveryt'lj(r'tl, Jl,Q k lI"d Charn elon Silk. · F}llr'(j Ulock 01111 F,npcy C,)JI .I~llIlg
•• I'
u' 'u
l.u6trc8~ ~Iulll lfunllltrl l\1l FlIllcle~; C.~hmQrlll!; I'II~ ~~,Hlllrnogn !.. lfUII\Y (. lid. lUohairs, l'l'mn.do ... I/1IlS; ,Engl,,,'" J'r Quh\" cotch (luti AmtirlCR\1 Ar..L CUllA], Giligha' ;;~1 !'fllll/l &0, Gtc.,
IJrT.H &J H&Co '. t h~ ~!::I Flug, Sigl\ ;!!i'\IWnyne~vllic. Ocl. b, 185(1, '
'1'1Ie York i.n'lnNIi ..t,oIh, rrl 'l~~)iLut1fliIL iah while inal., Inc·IIIlIil...
EIlMS . . , , or !lnr ono ofthb fallr R"vi~"" •• tl.OO por .n.
1IDlI Ill1ildul Sup. lliB'd. T('QI :-;5, boxe. brDnd 8 T"UDOeo: ~ bUXtl1l1\1 . n. UUiSlIlH tin'li . oap S"I do Cnndloe 4~' do 3tKl Uooml WrDI' l)opor, '
5.00 " clo. or lIily two, •• 7,00 ' 'L do. 'or 1Iny Ihree! 8.00 For .11 four' 01 the .tovlCWI, 3,00 For Blnckwood'lI Magozlne, .'or Black woOd DDd tJjrce Ru"le,," , 9,00 II 10,Qj.I , R4\viowe For BlackwoOOtlnd (be 4 'Vs):mellta- to tHJ m"{II, in ~11 ClllOi an advance.
f"" Co . . or b cit ' vaI IImei 0 we D nBleun, ke . valuable..w..f1 .. "IZ:
--,-t.~_--.:_ _ _-.,,.-_ _ _ _- - '
'1'91:) Ulldors't ncd hav~1 hand a hondo e-lRiera. lilalin,_ IORIO 101 of t;//iOlhs. &.e. lIuilnblo lor ilIl an wluu,:r i wh1cIJ we nre lIlaking tip in durable and Inwona ble on,l oflcr Gn tbo most r uonlbl • .."..,..' ndenati ~lOCk hubeen judicluuftlv lhiilin.o clotlriD,cheapcr u.tolill'~i,1I ClltlOlIler. lhnn e!ler! W hho. nnmber of workm n emllloyed, which enabletl u. to fumJtlh any Iif· tido in our linu on rtbort nOli08, eilber uom our own cloth Gr tblt Gf cu'I!!D '" dOlh· In I)OIUleQti OIi wilb OUT T.plor Shop ina .... re. wo carryon thC HATTING bullille.... \Ve hIVe now jult liMbed a I~ae lot lallMlt atYlert of Otlet, 1Sea...... Miaalull,1. material ~Tr'alU:k' C~~ ~ and Woul HA'l'S, m"de \he best by "cod _nome n. A nllmber of Frlelids' a~ Columb u. .. .. of fIlIr· dlllltrou. PenoDa OQDlltantly on band. For furtber inlormation and 1'htoug lll'la. 1i~1I or. elothlllJ are 1'Cq1leatecl 10 ClII olrMlnr ." BiOad", 0.\1"< Offioc, Ticket ell, ap~l)' at tbo .nd ~IUlm1De 0IIf 'l.OC!k. ne" frunUtr eer. Cincinn all. BLmH ER tk BOOROM. 3C W. n. CLEMENT, SIIp·t. Way~enillo, Sep.. 2~, If/:IO. The company will oot be rnl'Ollli&\e for bal' &lIP e~-Ulli firty dOli ..,. 111 . .luOj ulIl_ trIO ...... is MtlIrnCd to'lboGoflduC<UJI'otApnt and fl't'illltt paid a' the nUl DC a p....nIW frn e,erJ • 500 dollU1l in valuo D1IoTv IM'lIIIIqllnt.
The CUI ,I tt.,.
Railroad lene 3prin2li.:ld lor BalIIIlII,lIk), ., 40 A. M,. and~ P. ~r. t1a"el'llg8ra ror SandUlk ,. C1JlvoJ"IJtJ, U\lffi!1jJ NIDg.r•• Albany, ornlOfl;II pnn.J{I'. Boston and lIfewYo rk, takll1g Lhl!' !) ~, A. M. 1'rntn will .leeJ~ In Sanduek r City. Thollo tailing the 2 ( 0 tbrollgh. 1'. M. 'rraln ~ priMXed dlrectl, On Sund.,. bilt one trllin will lie TUu,., le.Ying -.-"O'.-., :-~ .•,", .. ,-. Cincinn ati u2 to 1;'. Mil rIIld Springnehl a,4 " 10 A. M. II 00 Faro Ii'om CiDej.nnGri to Watnen ille 190 . ~ema ' .. .. 2 !\O Spril186e1d :: ..
, ..
:'~i:::'~: 1 lRiiTIIMii"_.UlC:'i:S
I ~ nyncs"illo, De\. !Jth 18!'.o.'
th~~llPorlunlty tolnfOrm Ibe~llaen.
~r WaynO l,me and the commun ity i' ow ng gVnetlllly, that lieh.. ""um~ Ihes.dd le ,/ga. iing' bll.ineu , one door .outli of M_ 8iAeO'. .hop. in Wayn08ville. where he iDtenda ahoe ny, lJfUcelkz ~iJey" IlIIRltan dyoahln d, and will mue to keepll1l ne, MtJgtUi litJn rp~ lItCr~i kiad_ orndd~, ~ barn- wllfe.ill order, .t . "'~ Bftuoli,IIIOOiJ,. 1If· ~ (Je~oon8S. !i'. liJdlgo "at all Uinll8 to lIlako prop" am I RetrIN, Jy Quarler LtnuIrm ttiapatcij, and ' hic 5 01llka mlldder telegrap with for called t.1clo ' -'Jl.e17{tvl g" Ed~u" l (;joger 5 do will piedI'! m)'1I01f to 11" •• ti8faetion ill all n...... Fortim f24 boxe~ Cl\ocohl\e of lilY aitlct. or: tJIade. The utmoel paiftl 07 ~ "" • , 2<J d z. \l81·d. Oed Oordtt will be laken to make my work \10 P to in· Wtllmi lllkr ReIlIelO. \VoJ){l D&lc".t6 ' It) " Ipiro tho confi4ence Imd en.uretb o plltron. . 01 to B/ock",OQd, or III lng 'lIbec:rlb Anyone ' 1 1~ tioreca 'hco tile publleb ymoden a"- eh~ u well .. Ifeet> 01 Ihe Review•• at ta a ye.r, f'r to any two A IlbeNl I~ IU'IiB ·h~lI~'gtl!·. Nail. ' itaU't .me nee. _ad durabUhy O'"orIUD.".bip. n:ceIVo. will at.'~' •• al Periodic the 1 ~nCe.l,e.· I; ~hq~er poer. FiBh. .... whl TIti~el~ r wilh ppltolll!&W ioom All frflin~ and the Pliblic the premlul n. ab9'e nallled. of olan, volume All 00 ,,;11 edpd, wInch Hknowr Uy ftrticlu 01 &bankf~ Vllriety ·1It a wlll lind all, llI. foriodlC Ule of thIN an~ to er .ubttctlb A M. Cin'U. Iuieefli call 1IIld Me fur younolv lIOulitlT prod_ tallen Ia .pproy~ of klnd, will t Reviow. finlr tijc to or' year. a 17 21-6I1 1G.t .o1lyIOII, OldOl June, '''9. ftJohllllO lor work, at lIIe hiliheil. muke l YOrun'l". U .bO... ~XM WINDO W GLAM ,8 bY.)O rcul"o two prebliuD D. R. 'EBRIGHT. price. , " Re. ,three and lod Dlackw< to er A lubacnb . Prudea l Worf'nllUI. 10 b U, 10 b'( 14. ao,l 10 by U •.IUllt and floyJinf. foul the to or ),ear, ~ ~ l-U' I' "_, b i d t1 Wayoen UI., Jan,., 1850.. ,aIIJO. wUl receive woe I " . ~ 110 a" or 8W~ ~__ ' HAJ)VJ:;N &. I\IcCLEI.JLAND. ! LOOK JiPlB Zi'iRY BODY II wUl be fum ~QMIWI~Y.fteJl1lum yolarnert THE lIllbac:riber ~l. the auenliOll or· prlcucllble, but tq prnent dt..jt. lc in ..nml1.to h18 _tablilb lhlrpnbi order to d reqllftte are efl' lubtetlb nt, poinlme meat op~te die . .1Ier Houe III •• mlln, different worb for premium . III tbq W.~iIl .. w..-re he Uepe. coaalallt1y OIl may ~ulre yolume.. it .. Iwicl .. lood · CLt'BBlNG. o( av,w altor the above workl "",to ..!=11 III ~"IoC\"~ ~ 011 pal",an ' of"" .r!DI. ..........'l d_.i.eI;ot , 1M fOu. ,.\- _ IlIb,Cripti(m kit ~ ... - n ., (iIjI
I unneee$11I1')' 10 enumerllte ,cr. Suffice II to Oil)' Ihell IIllIIbrlJncJ» th e ,,'itilling 10 purelUl10 nn..'1 by 1l.1linflllllhe .iiln of \he GuldWl
1'0 .Olll'O POLYI
Tilo under .i~cc1. aYlIll. bimaeJ( of
BY )USS lE~iIJt.
" Hp'w ,varied ,are . ~hc "h~noml!na of , mind! Il{l~ how \V0lld rflliliomc Qf the ere·
~t!.QJl" of ' ~ ney" \ 9ur dlly-:t\reallill allJ 0tur
o,CtQO, I.OrieO~8"lin 11 eir
.~~. ' .u
~ilhl)ofjinJr home; "we can DO Jouter k.., ~._
ovcarrl...,; we .(Set In" thla I... __ . , The
eblWren can ao toNW' • eo .. , ....I" " , ]JecIl8mleia·r",hooll, Y~.,I"'. rtelll ...~o .w,~r~1 . , . there .. aodlln, I ..... o..n." .tDeu II_bud." tie ',, .''', co," IN etlll ~cb III _c:b other ud fa ow eJail.
n., "'.'>
of Foret,D News. , 01 all ,the Pari!! 8hed uilder the
ThEOra baa be,e.n a great lire....t In the centra. parf or N Vert Wblch dOlie gooCJ deal of drtm i toAd ,I,:brJdgel, ,
~ .:eP.O~ thot a ~eD!1 rroil~bal m~. tetlally injur~,the ~roPI ,.t ~ e Sbotb . â&#x20AC;¢
= ==
lIJ!} IIUdc)fBlgned olfers 10r' IIoio oll"rllnsunll' T IIle n ItlL oflond in 01 OilY' to'n, Ohio, lyit,S on tllc ' 'veil! Rido 01 JQfl'crtlpn tC~\U8,
IIIB Cit)'
tUr~ctlY 'oPtlOSIlC tho :':ntho}ic CC\lIOtry. contolning sixi 1m !lcres: . ~r hn impro" t'(tCULS cen~~"'t III 1\ Iious ,a [:OOlt orchard, bnd ' o!hor COil veu 1I11lC1 Q', A 1!pl ~ soqn 10 _ . , D r . H S!\I[ZIi!R. • Allg. 17, 1 !'l0. 2'J·tf Waynes\'IUc, O. \ l)byton 'l'rail!crilll pl nSB copy one monl ollli lorwotd b,1l to / l ~o/tiCo')
UU ' Ji\!:L of 'f-Iljil Wanted 10, 000 fur wJiltb tile hijrhOllt Ilrico will
1merly 10 \lIlHl, ilQhvor"t1 nt UIO . CorSlIllth &. Evans'. ' Mill., \ \l(j.!( " , .. G"fflNClHMAN & 00.
l'o~ten .
D. foS'l'.tn.
C....·OSTER & uno'rUlm, ' • Oorner &VenJh and Smil~ '&rttis, . .
\ .
Jm'lERY TRU'MAIf, CI.O(l)! AND lVA!l'C,H !IAKER WUV7&eSVille, Warrq& Oounty. Ohi~. ~p~. (j~ J850. :lZ·y·
t. Ii. &.~. HARR1'.3. &. CO:
, ::!Idll< vi the' Real Fin::.
us'r R CEIVED aJld for &1110 JliRStc, 'rIJlIlllY,'" ()oltlbrlltea 11 .:tIrtalll cum lor dull RQZOr8.
])('01[81 BOOKsn L(;)'l' Of S'rANDARD WORK
A ilg, 24.
\ 0C'l'on 0,
A on hand orjginlll
D!II] 8f111inlt nt ono fourtl\ of tho
ALLF.N .' EVANS. Sign of tho GolUmrBlill (
LOT OJ!" B,ACON • IDES jUtl rec'd • . ond
for /Jalo lIy G:PO'm'S- ofl'urs his ser· A Au/! )~•• ~.
ALLEN &, JjJV ANS. cllIn of t!lll a ,orden Ball.
j$rliclroo 91 Moolcin and S urgo, rY lhe'ciLi~t)II" of Wby'1I08vlUo ullci Vicilllty, I\(ARlt'S SPEC1PllO CO[~N SAJ,.VE a Wil\t un uxpeflonell 01 IIcwornl YOllro 1111([ hy u cerlnUl. sale nual offeotual cum lIn corns, 8curplllou8 devolion to businCi6. hc confialClnUy for &ate by 6,-Lf ~ : lit l:IARNHARl' boPti"lo <lontmnmJ}I share of t1atFonngc. ',. fl:7"i>articulllr .twnlioll }lnid w clu'Olllc ducnN A NO. r.AR'J·ICLEOFPALD'BRAN\'iCCS11111Ie
r S!).4 11-
. L \. DY AND 'POR'I' WJNE for medicilJIII ptJfJ,00I0•• jll'~ leceiveal at •. "V'
"" s
ALLE "" ... ~.,
I ~~~~~~!~.b'JtU~
~~:::~~:ti; I
V.....TE SAL£:" Sign oftbo C:oltllln Ball. Ht: lub:icriber, being .bolll to remQVO uJ ,'.-:W :..!...y::.ne::8:.:v.::il::le:..l.,:.::A!:.pr:.:i:.! t>~I~fa:-:M____=--·-:·":::""""""""", , nnQlb ~r part of tbe COlllltry. off.ra fol- '"
T l\)wing deeenbed valuable prot'(lrty lOr reaelluable lern\ll, w·wit:
CARRTAGE FOa8ALE- .J A forNEW.1IIl luhionllllle CDrritq(c aolo, .nd f9r ~hich,l wiU t.~c~
Fjrtlt, His Tavern, in the town of Waynesville, Warron !lOllnty, Ohlo-eonsjelwg, of 0 ill part pDyrnelll1l ioo'd H-oteo. wce story brick house. a two alory frllnlu BA?,{IJEL OOLLIN!!!. houso. II one 8tof¥ &ame bar-toom. shOds. ioo- \VaynesviJa., Ohio, Sept. 14.
hoUle, snloke"boaae, wood.- bOU8Il ~'Ion .lubllDg lor for\'}' hor_. (oar wo Is \utlJ
~ljedt, pleDty
WYN~ 'UAINES " <'0. '
cr, to 1 'Il'HOL&5.\J.E IlEA"LSns IJl • " • of excellent woler in , !hem-thnle of whicb FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GO D<:::, l,ipo. "ood P\lm~s-and1 a t beaul,lful yud ~d N nn P S ] fb Stout h"4 transferroo hia intcr"t III ilie • -h ed ' .L fr' d " ._-, . o. "''' EAJlL TBCE!\. ,arden WI!U alOc Wlu, OIL In or.,D.mo/!.... ~-tf' </J!'IClNN AT] rlgh' 0 1),111 mathlne to B. O. Lippincott. Tha 011- bu.IUJ»;,~~U1 lnEII, All of said improvcmelltl are ~Il fir~~ _ ulu. lvo ~In\"leito or milking. vending, &.c. , lh!!841 rcpoll'. ,),ho Jot OIl/'whle!) Illoy stand III Ji i LOO' OF BOLLINSli&ADS 'LAIN B Ne8 in Ihe United 1:itftlC8\ now belona' i~:~~rir~~ feet frPDt OD moio a_ and 2(M feet qoep, 1l. NETa ju.! rl!c~ved by 8Ip~61l11. at tbo ~ (mnchin wltb tll'3 cxception'of territory alrelMl, old] to IIr~=I=~ 10 a 20 loot aJlov. . tho Golden Brill. ~LLEN &. mv~S_ the undl!l1l~ildi to whom !Ill apphcal1o.Df! for ~ Stc.Jnd. A -F~JtnoWau !ho sep~ '1:7, 18:'10. territory and a I oompllntcation ooncemol Fllrm," conlllining ninoty·four Ilcrl!!l _..1.-'--...:..:_____-:-.......__-:-_:-:::-.- Slid ~loeblne~J. .hould lie IIdd~L blN-P-O!'Co!::.2!ld. IlI~a8aJuly,-.llu.ted, on Ihc we ~ Bide SPanrG U .....T8.-A new ,uwl, of fa.h- ~. 1'. S'l'A'N'I'ON &.- B. C. lPc 'J"J'. W.ynenille,Obio, Sept. 1, 185(). 32-tf Coluulllus nnd UOlihon road. Ih~ and 0 101111111. It HJlI'II."jOllr-iyed hom thoCrlY DlJI6B IOU!h1 eel J&OIO Wihuingtbll. 0 11\)1011 I)' [oy 4, 14] tU.lECflE~ &. UQOR9 . Ohio .. About siJ:ty.livc allles are clearaO(\ lI\o bulance ill ~ tiJil~ l'he tm- FANCY 6i TOILET ARTlCr;E8 for prOl'ellll.CI) IS arc 0 two .tol:)' fraolo , ohonee, ond eale by Jl ROlJE,RTSiit BREWSTER. both nearly new_ weU wilh I " oxcelleD' warer by ,he houae, a ~IC~kAfTS BREWSTER A- aprina branch- that R1pplle1l " ..
:: :!..
~~~ the -yet>r-·an 'l G~:: ;f~: 111:t.aa='~?'!~ young treea of the Deat nrioly t .lity, aDd ,oOci ..... Jut J't\le~'Yed al AIM pear, pe.aeh!lld I!lum lfte8. 'ALL£N '" EVAN A Pelle" ofDinoJmudred BUm IIfthe Golden I, tbo beat inoeua.ted fruit, 81lUldiNl on \V.,nelviJIe, April. 185:0. lor lela Jeut. \be '"" wtll have .....~?:::.=:::.:;:..::~;;;...;.;..:,..:..-~---run &oril: 1Il.rdi nest, wbeu &bo .":0. T.u.a:aT. T. II. WILLI...,. Do. III. L be ai1 yca,nt old. ' It i ••ltuled _ W.YDOll'fiI~e,on the LitLie Mi- . TALBER T" WJLLABJ),
• 1) • • '1' .. 8"1' •• 0501 and R......... I'Int .treat. BovtIa tlitW,
betw... J.-noa ... St. Clair....
D£ Y'PON, 0 ..
~~i,ri;lt;;,F, :tb(;:;iah 'jl:~'~;&;;;;~~~der II
Not a cloud il In the heaven. And the wind is hushed to rest, The. robin lIill~ biil v~per song :Above bls d.owny Dilltl. , ,
Far.off, in the'low mb.nbce, /' Al110ng tbe I'UIIbes taU. , TI)O jf(j~, wl~ I~"elr b04rlle 'l01cCe. On "One anotbe~< call. '
1 l"va tile .umm~r evebi~g, $o ,p_ear.Ilfu\ aqd eeren e ;
t love t", watch the shadqwI creep Along the deepening gr~en;
1 , J love the 1>61my fl'eehnesB"
The morning's d.wlling li/lbt, The bretthlen hu.h or noonday, The mY'~rr 9r Dig~t~ .'
'an 'N"tu~'~ volue. Wlileli in Iweet union Klelld,
I love
New Grnl.e. On~ of the editors of this paper 'arie.\: eeveral years' ex,perleo(% w{th 11\0ro ' t~lan
, 'Vlth \helll In 1l0t.e. pi' /llodne/lor, . My , thallks to Hea\'en..I I~D&f. -
tb,rty Yllrieties of foro/lin IIlId indigenol,ls grapes, became strongly iQlprefsea with tbe importance of Inultiplying varieties, to dillcoyer those that-should ripen in this climate in all eellHOUS, with other valullble p'roperttoll, hilS br,ought up to ' the peri~d of ,beu~ing, nearly two Jllin~red see~llDglI,
My dl,s are dayll or labor~'
.But hOM.t tojlls bleat; And. witb a quiet conscienre, I can rue ~OWD to rest;
~"rv" ',
FJ'III1IIeDU or Tboellat.
O••• 1IL'1EE.
C"n we wonder tbat men 10 often ' acl aa trai\ors .t o their. teUowl, wben we that every day they work trelaon tbemllelvell by' the folly and evil in own heartal , ~e~ lee FOlt , proj~c~ carried out, impedimeDts removed. great .vepta W P8IJ. and they- IU'8 .truck with Did they but reQ,eet, how be that K/miuI, energy, Nell rurected, can mOlt fotm:idllble allvclI5ariel of true great. aesa, . Fmww.. 'Jr lire be a baUle, how mad muat he be who r.na to ann hlmaelf for the conteet. p From the Gnnile Farmer, If liCe be • ltorrn, b.ow infatuated ia 'he IIr. Bdi ..,. £SperiIlDCe. 1 wbo Ileepl wbile hia butt II driven alnid ~ IOrt_ wenty yHrt experieocfl water.. If liCe be a pilgrimage Drr,:,farmbu~(me that vne acre bowunwite • 'fle who atl'G1" (rom th~ ~a! ~e~:..~ aDil tll~'fJ.will pro- ri,M road, not eeeka to return until the ' tile ..... amoull& wd receIves twilight Iballow. ~er round hil path. Ttiat "hafed ~U :aanure. way. . ~t 00 ih~' aame o~:;re Virtue .h•. the armor him wbo would 'I'bJ8 will alto to all other ltack. er! deltroy blS mOlt ~\I'e\e".te Coee. Let him . 'l'bahadoa or bar t be the the~ ~at aeltber be~etnor breutto ~ D IPUIch plate QUAID" elae lb. eD.my ...111 U .two \OM 'ca. _ ea U(8th.~~u. p~rt18 with ~anee a cleath~jng dart. • .. _ _ JII IIfIW ollen we err I" oar conceptlo..
m..c. cant .•
,r .
or n::: tt::::o.,pI,t: wmAC'''
!; 1iut ""1-~ '* PII....... _~.....
ad doftr .,111 ttheet.~a1 ..!,~thll~~~:..'t~i 11 .... ..... -~ ---1 ... - .... _ ew 1e&r1, if cut 11, UpoD our owa judglDBnu. ,
. . . . petie
WJIIe maa 11 ever enning. tbe fool JGUmeDtI- ".,.. thfDbfle baa ... rued eDOUIb; 110 the good ... ~ mao witb. ever to be better. wbile tItI. "':~~, ••-'.a...... boW.... cIrI ~. liulc.fiJ141 bimaeU u worthy or ye_ But ....., otben, M OOIItr1Dl to be Ub tbtlll. I.~ee to Could we all reaol.. to do .. much good . . . . Ie . 'M.t cIri lr ... Ie ill oar ~.CU. upoD the .n!II01u~ ............... • • lID- lion, wh.& laeaJaulab~.;.a~B.!...DeII mipt
• ..u ..,0' ItH ApJaaJlIlral ..,
.. ....
('New Yerk.) ' 52 i\'lllj;halllo'~ 'Mugo~in Q. ..,." , ,~~ N ichlJl~Oll'li <Pctfr. ) DictionaTY of Archih.ci\lro, , ' !\~ D1cliorhlrJ'dc MllJino '" VOiles ct a Vllpt'ur, (De Bunllctullx, I..lans ) , ~5 C.!nwry IInu Menui 'l'ubull\l' Brillgua. (Fair-
Ai!l1ClrICIIIl ~rtI3Iln.
IhulI.) . i " . !i6 Drut:S' ltnil \va y rraCIieu.
57 lllul/lw'lI i\'l1l!IU).lIIatICIII l>lotioliafY. ' ~ l3owLiiton'8 NU"lglI(ion
~y Urogory'll l\1o.themuIiCII fOr'PrJlOllcal M </II. liO i!:nglllucrs' onLl1\LcchauicB' }:;nIlYClopOldia .•(Lu~~J1cr[,e F~,j Pl\tljlll _ Juurn~t.
tb D 'I d b' bl I t'" "" e ~I sprea a UI \a e COli "I'_n moun~m you may loolt for a IItrong,lIoutb. 'rED uIS or TlTt 'Vc)mr-·'!' hll '",lIl!1fi "'I ctlil iOn' east wmd. II.l tbe whole lI~aLem 01 mete- til!! farst 'nu~lber ';ll' whi~h' ill ill r~II'1ly iti"ul,lI'. oroll)gy ilJere1ls not a lJIore IDfalliuble ~ro~ Will bO pubhyh dill 1lfl1l1l· !11 nlhl)' 1I1I1I\lIorR .01 NI" il lllue.lIl1crl! a l Un,ut th.IIS um! "'nlAII Arm., nostic. The {'evil'l table cloth il a thin Il4l,lnges wltb on E;nllhsh 8t" b~ "'IIItTII" in ~ ~ l~l/\ 1\J. Mllkcr~. . aheet of whlte vapor: which is lIeen teach. e!,c\! IIUlnb.QT, of wh.ch .her" wdl htl Ill>Out . 2 bltct\1t 1l1,1ll:l ll l.ll u ;r " lekerll, " • • • 1111111. Pnco 2.) f.,'!'f I,er 1111 III wr, or Sf> III I,me Mal' "rll '. lne ov~~ the e~ge ,of tbe precipice, while adYIlUco for .hl.! 2:! 1I'\,,,lwr~, Ki ,LOll W «nvIl1~. ' .. aky ~I~ arou~d II clellr and uncloudel l CLUBDfNG-Thteo ~OIJit'lj \\ III 1M) lien t . fo ~{duu G'!tl"i1Illpu MorMo. Mn60ne. The. rap l1ht1,~r ItlJ de8(\ent, reeelnbllla that ono,mltt.rcss lor' s-t'2; I~\,r calles IN pl~; 1)\'" i I? y\'r~ . Cluth \,\ nber. , \lila !Scullrcrs. or' waterpoutl1lgoverthef~ ot a -rock. cO(l16i1lo' $ ltl, Uo. h III oil W illi I)nllCllO \!e J ~ulI r~, , , , , ai.-.Ilt l1.e BOme time begina to be ag~ rcmlttod DIIII;I';T to 1:'ubliyhfolfe. oml lIot Illrouah t ,ltlur 141'~ qlep8 l'JIII1U racl\:\re., ~. . th II d' I ' tl t .~ntll, , , (;1111' II t .t:r)'blil. 1l1I.1 1'tDIO tilnsK ,,1.kotll, an eVil ey. a~ In. eell IB!l lIal The work bo Bell) ill nUUll~l1r ii ot .pori.OII • tiu 'U~ Jjol\vrs III/a /{dili(!r8, \\il~' 1-rQI,riulOra. bour. tbe wbole townltl IDVO jved In dUft ie,l 1,081I1g,;, n/ltl "'/lII 1:E rall\lura~CllI "' ulI"r i-'ll\nt ~lIbn8, and duknllllB. .Instantly the alreets!U'e de· uL Lik !1. ~ of Ih y.i"lI~hers.. .ml,l~clUrtlr~ ofRuUwny, Ori,,' Round, Riboon, aerted, every wlDdow and door: is sbut up W J\N I bD--Llbl'rnl cornll~ I' uIIIIIl,.,t11ruII. , olld Cape 'lfown ill a. Itill all i it ' 10 gOilll, OUlIyl\llIlIlg Wheel, Allie, III'~ ~ I'lillg l\tak drl. , . -ted b 'I era IIml l1cllo,hcal Denl",. EII;!lllu buvtlra, BIILI i'erlilma culIlI~tcd wnh lhe V,IIL Y P aguCl. 0(( liberal. !,· r!"Il. ' l:uoolilOII\' 'gl;n~rQlly. , Itead o( CC'lUlllUilWDhon* ahoulu ~ ed~ (.;01)1!l1IIS 01 $ll.'am· Vlolslille. cloud envelopes. tbe ~Ol,l ~nd /,pnaty EI1,,111..,8 , ?llt 0'1 011 SIde!! hke a tn~§:U\tic!!lnt Cl.\n· u'lu Qwu,," 01 f~w 1\11,11 •• ' ehlJdel the town ~nd ,~dJBce~t country =UE!i~~~~~t~¢it~iIi~Q.ijil. . the su.n. The' InferIor boun~lIry of J.1 thll cloud 18 regula~d, probabll' by varlous circ,utnlllance~. among otb~ ... , by the atrvngtb O~ .file wmd, and the ~etn~tllt~re A of tb~ 'air In the Table Vlllley. l'he 10· ~~~~~:"J~~l,,~~l"'UlJL".t:.;·IYV iluellce o( tbe J~tter. Is to be ,Drened (rom tbe ract. that though, the clo~d never de"ceDd, ~ore t~un bal( woy IDto tbe h~t parcbed ampblt}leatre of· ~ape ' To~o. It may be obllerveil OD the .lIlde or ClIlDp'S BaYI ro~lin, down in an IInmenkl volume ten*ear. old, a brjght l~kingl.d-to tile very aea, ov r wbicb it 1I0metlmll8 ~1, sn~ 8eldktie,~.WIr.Hr,!~~ur nlllnor' , atretchf'JI farther ilian the ' eye caD follow P~0~PI~088~IICOC, Ir. rep ~~,' the boy wl~ Noq,inl call be .'more singular ~IIW 'Whatr' elllll ihellJlollker 'Y01l1 did no\ aign t~e ap~arallce o( tbll cloud. l~ Is con· 'be Dec!oration of ,1ndppenden~ did you" tlDually roslling dbwD to a certaio POlOt b' 'No au replied to!> lid atrotching himee1f to on the vi tie of the mouDtain Dod tllere vant!,,~:1~':!'. pro~ruoll'. 'but I would if 1 had ilbiDi' Fleece, are Beea from t1me to 'You CII~ be ono tho mO:llleD eni' ellit! time. ~rn fIom ita akirts by the IItrength ':~!=~~~:~:: Sprilll , the Sp"aker, . I tbe wind. 40ati nl and wbirliag. aa it III ~heel )'riahll,.G19c:1t .lIke.- and Horoh,,· ' wllr. iD a voitex. over the town./auU then 1811. &t:. , ' <) • • '·Thol ... bird I ever fired el," Byron. gradually idBlolviriK away. Eut tbe main "' I~.~IIUI 'llhe p.blillhera have expended a larp 111m of waao~e.,JeoDre·horeofthe'lUlfLePAnt'!i body ; remaioa. a.1t were Dalle~ to the to I'll o... ~l dnwUlp 01 maebinery in OI::::-~t~th::'e ~!! .:°ti~::::', mountQio, and bid. dillaDce' to . the utmOit amon~r ·W'lllClII,'lIllay. ..P.,"",·... UI6 JII &he eoun\ll ••nd hntt·proc:urtd eVer;!! work on tho iI1Ibjec,,"wbe~lIOr puband died in .. lew daye, and I haTe dorla or the ,ale. There i. 'a CODatant III i!:allllU'\!l, FI1I"ce or Gerld.o)', tho never .lnee -Illd never "ill, allleDJpt ~e life verdure maintain~ on .thil.mountaia rrom DlOl\,~llal parll of whicbll bdnj( oow,prirrcd the m~iature ch\~it;ed from the atmoain Ib .. DioIlOlIIIl}'. MJder it petl8ct anclooanj)rebeuiTe' .. ~ibI .. plibliBhen alTO enr a ICOlimenl III bellutiCUl 88 jU'l pbere. -Familg filiior'. del"orell 10 ulle pelt -..oIIIJ \nl)'pe, au thaI 111 Ihe foUowine 11Il1~ : ! ' (Arm~nPI4il AiD... e~ ~ or the work coolai.. .. " -leila' lOlllho fountain rna which ho Joaepb Bell In old revolullonary IOldieT . lame' 11....1IIber pf wonJa foalld ia orilioart ~ee ehldes he at FttanklOft K,., a few dOJe_mes, io I_niae\)"paaeI of tho .ame "_. Thili ... aleo aeeuftd ""nleeon" Mt'Chnruca of FltJide. aweelOlt day. nla ltIU of hi; age. n ~~;i~~~ (Poiaaen.) 10 iaoh pille worlU"-J-dr...... 'eM _pie Nat AUg.'DlCtIlO,e I!. mit Abbi1dulIjlmI.- aod ciOVIMIII, 10 Jhatc. -cheal, .., eonath Ib ' . D=rA ••IIII.8-oC-th-l-rt-Y-au-D,II-w-"-6iedatNIIh .~e' acclJra~lf u, ~acIaiJII daNribeIL om~ al e~.Y.~ mu.~ be .ule 0il. Tu~y eYeIU~ ltI booor 01.., ...... 11 f ~r_o WOIl d ma5e a JUl' Of.the peace meuureII tliiQugh Congreea .!u~tJof~hert are, .............. f re0 , .... TU'We (lr litlidtf; fur > ' I COI~ Ie make .L... _ L I• • eml)roiciery aro alll~ oeeUiolUIl -Min4 your own blUl....;:in buon... lUI R'J8I.ibl~ aiMl if .. ~~.. :{roUl It often drMted, Air .bow iii iowa, call ou buain'''lJlea only on buein_ 10 "blalo die work wW PfOC!Uoe h .. · . .eII il or, aad fic:titiowt iN!i\oYOlflllCll!. '"1J,acl your ~11'lneu, and tbeIi 10 about JOI\; ~!!be"" lad .................. rile wurk trill be _ _ la lIu,i'lIUlIIthl1. It i nJd til be own blls\_. I.D order 10 siTe lbetn timo 10 n,!mben, c!Omml'nciltl aD~. ~. pO leaf :efore o:k 0 tllo finl_b &IIeir blUlillCtl, w~l~ progreu with ~I ~llri.,.•. " '_ foUo_; ud whell the a - - -........_ llie wholll wuri "m t. PD~ in 40 the ..... a dry IQDlIIItlAllMtal~y Ib"~ft;.:..:.:==+..~~~I~I..!ellllU! ~In~i a, ~ _ .. per n.AItier,"" oolllpleIUId ~....!..IJUD .... earnal 1M. A liberal TJae baa ...--Dl wid he .we. !
~o ' n'Dilro aLi
P ,U\lS, Oct. 18.":"'TI)~ Rarl.' pope... COf!· firm the Itllement 01 '-he III eUng of ~ba . comlJlitte~, lind aay ttle Pleeting Dnd unimI!0rtant. ~ The LegitJournols, ' howeye~, persist jn tlieir opposition.to the Prolungation of '~be Preaident'l power_ • ~ , . DeDlllark anct: the DIl(:lIles. Accoun.. from. Hamburg t:Q the 15tb i'ollt, lltate that Fredrickstllt -iis a heap o! nlins Ind deserted Q,. III the inhabitants. . ' (' ~ olltrla. . VlBlOi;A. Oct.-Prince Scli{Yorz-enbern continues to, carryon bil warlike demoiui. trationll.-AII the lIubalternB Ind Boldtera of the lIohemi .. n arm, that were on fur' roy 1 .. . II d oUh , have been aUllden y ,ec:o. e. ' I The AustriAn Ambassador lit Constanti. ~op'l~ h88 renewed bia repreiM~nt'tion , rea. , }K!ctmg the Hungarian refugeEis, andinaiats Iy.\beclae. A temporary IIhelter that Austriabu.,a right to dlemand their then bemade over the cone so as to being delivered up ~ It fl II 'II th t th t th I Ii b" tr t p' U I' III a e yen e, ra na rom was !og ~ lie e.,th. orte ,V llb~ ter tbem no 10llger. ~ut wlU This may be dODe bV aett ng w thl! groua!l, It!vethl!m tbelr pallllports. near thQ bal~ of the pile, four forked ltakea,oOn which railll or Imall pole. NEW tbat ourCe be placed. ·to support a covering of 10 lie b d til teb P til oar I . o! a • 0, toel! In thl. manner uotll Ju~e, . aa tre~b "- wben Dew.-Amhncan A9-
cum , I.lIndon.)
.Ii SOllln$ put CUI'VOS ouf nailwllY', J..OLlt.!\lII.) -• ," :.8 lIotigl\ 011 tho Steam·EIIgille. 49 s<:i ulI!hlc I).lllericl\l\. ." ,
, .
~~-II-II""I":-rrC~-"::' ",--.. , e . . o~. S,e II no ('.onl fa the ear, have all that you ~II ,laelletI a h ...d "helling machine "ill IJIIwer I( your crop ia a arnall' one-it Ja~r 1"\ ODe tD be w ked b h wer~ ithe III cO t o~ t I~·ed e r~ • a grea ea on wp ue very eerlalD tbat the cOOl, If ---,_ ""':;'_",-.eu, .teamed, aha fed t() ,our uttle. WClrth more to you' in a lingle winter> than the pri~~ ftC a com-.lfeUOI', wbether ou get • imaJl 0 "llrge on~. We, YbeU,., dlere I. I)D~-thlfd u muctt ,'in a bubel of cuba u tfie.-e 11 In a the pill. 1UI!l "e do knOw that c:pwa ON)xeD red UPOII tbree pecka of. tlie erulli. ~ or .teamed b" 'addition to th~ir uaual 'lu..ntlty ot bar tolll or f04der WILT. x££J'r"T. , Thea why hau110ur cob. 10 _rkat \0 be " ..a a'... y1 It colta you all! to busbel of cobll to market u it cion . ' bulbe) or ecrD. SW 'your aorn. _ •• ,oar cobe It home. to aOorithl:Our celtle, flbd tbrOUgft .them roar"n .!'ICi where 011 D nd 0 e b~J1 or' com yop ~ ati'!. : tunD, ' pqrt &w ,fOrthe .. Die .m,ne! . ~k subject falrl, in the race-e~n~ul' econom~MIIlt the .conifort eahl~ colll,.ll &be want. of ~~t faU to \aleo our
~ CLOvPI·.-When we Iqe clouds -resolve Into rain, nnd )lour out quanti\lell of" watel', we are I~UC~ W thll IIpparent difficulty or; lIu.talnlDi lueb .weight iii the atmolpllere. "MaIlV hypoth.• ... r,'p,.,.P o ellis htlve been sugge.~ to expluil' this all topension. Sowebay BUPPoled tbut the 11111 are o( water are Ii led \ Itb gaB' light...."...... wbile ~tliers hue thollgbt the the air by combination fori" theae.nre sliowb to be incorrect. ai[ of " clouds . Gnd fogs, when subjected to, 1111 annlyail\, \'gives 110 indicutJon or, any '!l1f lig~lte~, thGn air; no! the coll8tituentll of the IIlr the ~lementti ol' , Wllter. I' exyge~ and are the conilli tuent glls8~B 0 f whi\lh, if made to cOllullino, or otherwiil ~ ,) torm consists' of OJCy'gell uni) vescicles ,of fogs nre heavier the atmosphere. 'rh089 of clopda nre sustuin,ed, IIDd 9VeD borne .upwards by . U e force of ,ascendinJr currentll of air. The mode in which they rill9. ~lUII been before detuiled' ill our account <>f the CUJIIU1U8 cloudlil. Horizontnl ourrent" also. retnrd the falling of ~b'e C ouds. We oft!)n see ' the down vI thistle. feuthers, dUst, &c" borne uv· warda b" tl~ile invisible' currents'. I;Ihivs, at m~ny leagues distllDce from the cooSt of Arnell, b~ve bRd tliei~ decks strewed witll Ule aands.-of Saliafa '1'he oshes n; •.,'t,.,H by volouuol)lI, have been hundreds of milea, flouting in the atmosphere; in vne instance, being. carrir.d - 800 mihlll elllltwBrd, and at the IIlune time, 1500 miles westward in our eilts, pursuing opposito directions. These bodics IIro mucll dellBer thun veBcicles of c101ld8. '1'l1e Oumuld-strall'" is 11 cloud of the CumulUS ana Stratus, (belore. de· Ilcr.ibed.) , It f 1:\ large; lofty, .tellse cloud, its bUlle consilltillg 01 a JlOr.rizontol etrutul;l1 'vapor from wblch 16rge rounded cumuli rise, solllotilllCfl 6ggreg~lil'lg in 0 gt:oups o~ immense .ize. 'It js aeen ill per.fectiou on tbt' approach' of ' a- thunder-storm, wbon cuml,lli. driven together in black musSUII811Me the peculiar forms. known . UIIthe name 'of th1l.iI.dei'-~I. When in ('.ertJiln positions. w~Lh Terelence to Ihe BUU'S ra~s, tbey present II reddillh lImjl bue. 'I he cumUIO-lItflltuB sQmetimel! ariil~1I from the cir(o-strlltuB plercih~ tlie cumulus, ~~l
ror:.a!:~=of..~' we .... -1I4aaJe
tab.... ", a.r
It ...........
tOlUl~ °J.:t~r'1 aDd"=u.\:r~"
........... and Meabaaiealllq·
,"S:~ei~=~ihe""5·~ii~n :~ JICII: ...
lAM •
liow, too;l remember the fores in tIll! : instead vf the denr one 1 missed, I shriek- ! th!!ir brell.S~, theidingtjr3 resting on their I brought ~radulllly to the' light al ' they "To the Hbly LlUld! room. My uncle WIlS lhero,olld h/9 wlh:, 0 uudIl\huuhl41rll us tllIIul;h Ihey hud b I!II dellf to could beur It. Lord:" " -================~ lind I thOllght ( 'I~ d discovereb why l wus 'T" ke me to my mama!' J c;ried pallsion- ' ll11the nlll"e II tho uttock God delence, ' Whe n we hlld explored these celli , nnd Thousands illld ten. of,tilOU8Indii c.ugh~ From the ::;oul11orn I' lL.... dretleed up, for ~R they lived SIlUle miles off ntelv. I Wllllt Illy mumo. Go awuy, aUlI' und but just lellrnl't.! whut WIlS 'going 011; opened the prlsun ~tlora of thosl' who yilt thellpirlt of wild enthu8ia~m; and ' of the WO."~f1Ij KIGIl'I'8. Dnd rurely vlllltod ,II", they were cOllilltlpred S Irall-l\I •ilia ! 1111,1 111 I!' I tlluy IUJl.lr etlsed thl'IllS0lvos ill the lflll'muire slu'vlved, we proccel:!de,1 to eXI)lore dnother burnlng'cloqueJice of the Hermit, • \Yritir 1ft r.Qrnpuny whellevcr they du) cvme. AlII rnu"t Iluvo uttt'red tin s ilJ\'ocation pite· '01 , rCbuke to their own !loldierzl, 6t:"yiug; room un th e lelt. Hl)re we fuund the in- lIays: IY MItS. ft. r. I;4I1ELL& other gelltlernun \\'1iS there., wholll I hud a ou.ly , lor I .. uw tellrs in Illy uUII1's <'yel, "'Vhy do you tight our (rlllllda, the strumentB 01 eVf~ry kind which ingenuity "Nutlons rose nt his word, and Il1'llped (IIrnt relllt>mbr.tIlCI,> of huving seen bOlore tls A unly lim I h III "~I,>n them IIIPre. 'P>OQr F rencll!" Itbo 01 men or devllt! cOllld inYent. At the the !tpour." I I i. ner right 10 w. tch ooeltle 'the whole were stllnding Ublillt at the foot chill!' tlh e ~u\(L The n IdJre~SIIJ" nil,> her The Intention, t1\lP~rently, W1l9 to make Bl"ht of them the lury 01 ulIr 'it,llliera ref\l~cd Euro pe wus in II flame of escitement. Tht! IiW ut' elc~II~_ lind of p"in, of tbe bell, the curtlllllli 01 which were uRuully hurp vuice 80ltonldg, ihe q collllnu- us tlllllk Ill~llt ihia <l~lence wile whblly un_ l any longer to be rlllitrulIleJ.-Tlley ded,rr- One It'di,I!:, one. wi~h,(lne oLject took' pOI· And when the he8rt almosl despairS, 'fa wlll'per 11"1_ 01 hL.. hh -aIUlI. drllwn up,..'a ntl they were looking nt sOllle- ed. uutho rizptl by the m, Iwpllla il the y could ed thnl every lnqlll ilur, munk nllJ lIullirer lie.dlUII v i th tl milld" of nil frum th(l prince thing in it, J looked 1.00, lind snw my M ilty, Illy deur, your mother is deud!' 11roduee In uur "llnds a bOIle.[ thut they 01' the estublldhlll ,lt de~l!ryed h. be put tu tu the 1'!lIlRant. A f.ollllcil Was held com1 Her naht, to meke lbo hj!"8rlb.lto~e gilld, mother. , I tlltllI Ot knuw whllt those wurd" mr.ullt, wcre !rl!Jndly, tll('y ~ho nkl h lIVC u bett~r the torlure, "Ve lIid 1I0t uttompt ullY lull- !'uactl 0 dl!putieB rrolll ull porta of the' con\V1l1t .,,11118 word. Ind cheerhllllllllu\ She wI&-lying partially propped up with but th ey silenced me at ullt:e. There WUII uppurtun ity III the conlU:llOn and plullde r gor to rostrilln them. 'fbe}l cOllllllont:ud I tin c nt 11IIt;! U COIlCllrso of people, knighta And ",bun man 1. With care eVPuMI»ld, pillows, but so pule and emociuted that lit 80nrelhlllg nwful ill Ihem. lIr porhup8 it wus UI th e I"qUI ~ ltioll IU e~cape. Their urti- lit on.:e tho work uf tortllre with the holy 1I11l1 prillcl!:! ~ul'h us bud 1I0t been !--nuwn. Hi. wurit!d 8\ltrLl 10 bugul\". first 1 8cllrl'I'ly di~tinll'uilJhed her Ir(lm the th e c hulI){e in my , lIunt'!I mOn1lt'r, which ficc lVaM Itou IIhullow, a"d did not succeed. luthers. I remuinoll till 1 IInw fOllr dit11!r- P op ... Ul bun udtlreslled the great 118sembly II il her nlbt Ie \1'10 ber lone ~"ow-w.hito IlIIen . .Her ey(>, how vcr, were mude my littll' heurt stup in itll hClltin/! lor I C'IU ·('tI lhol'I tu 11(' pillced ullde r g Ulir dUlld enl kinds o r tOrLllr!) UPlllre4, I\n~ th E'1l r El- t with .. II the eluquencl' he cuuld c')mllumd, ::;u Illey lUll,. Benl,e cl,lmbtjre I .. llce the llalne that so often lovked with 10yI' 111'- ,1111 III:!tllllt. T (!nzctl wilh '\IV IlIrgt' brig ht "II 01 thE! IIoldie r:! 01 thl,) InqUISition to be tired froll' the uwlul scelle, wlJiuh termillu- he ll cplcted ill the highest coloi'll the for'rbu", Id .. he wuh lII .. r~ liollor eruwll'd, on me. IlIhullld huve recugnizt>d them if eye~ in wUlldt'r on thl.! tlpeukt'r, tht! tearil ~ecured as prl"flnl'r~. \'" c' thon oro cl:.' 'd d ted nut willie one IIldividunl remained uf Iner glury and rlchnesll of the countr,. or , 1'hal\ II l.e,....tf h.J tiJl'1i thll p1aw. all ellie hlld been ohunged, thoutrh they ",pre tltol'pell midwuy 0 11 Illy cla,,!.!/.. She IUlll(l~ ,1 to (,"lImlll\) lue prl~ (fu -hu",1I' 1>1 lie II. We tir e fUrlller gUilty illIDutes of t/ml oUle- ,' Pale"tin o, spoke of it lIS tho lund of the nuw luminoulIl)' bright nutllurge I real h- ul IIlIl lor IL murnonl, Ullt! thl'lI uy III1UdtlUII pU~"l'd thruugh rOOl n IIItN room, luund ul. cillllllbor u[ hell, 011 whom they culll wrl'uk I Lonl, ?'ltJ concluded hia infl'Imlitury harao11 h liet rilht to be admir'd eod (urth .my halld., alld hlllt' sprunlr frulll IIn!,ultle, c1Mpt>t! IIIIl to he r UUri\Hll . 1 1IIr~ Ollt.! erllcilh:es and WIlX cunilles ' In revenge. A. WOII us th e poor suftcrerlS ~ue With the wbrds of the Redeemer: Oy ",' r, J(enerou», lIlenly hellrt, When, with \rue tlillnlty .ud Irllce, myaunt8arm8. 'Puur, pt'lIl1illlSlS url'llIlfI,' 5he soulled, 'I obuo.IIlIlt'e, hlll l)llld III (lover 110 u\' lde nCfl Irllm the cells of llll' inqlll~iliun could with "He who. do08 not IlIke up his ern.iI und Sba ICl.III well a WUII1Ui pUt. ')('unn, de~r mnrrrD ;' I cried. \, rli be u lIIoth er tu Y'1I1:' l o r IIl1quily h t'i ll~ 11I'II':tlcl' d there, II ()tlllng 01 s.n lety ~e brl,lll /,ht uut u r their pri son to tho folluw me, 101 not worthy 01 me." 'Hullh!' lIald my uunt, drawlhg me back; I Hulferct! her to do wllh me the rest of \ th o,; peuul l r It'llt url'd wid 'h we eXllectcd light 01 dIll' , (news been 8pr~od far und At th eHe concluding word! Ihe vnst ,conSbe hlltb a dellrer rijJM Ibl" thil; T 'you IIIU8t not wenry your nlt/ther.' I that d ~y all 8h ~ p' e,t"J'l. 1 hl1lihv(l th url' i3 to filld in 1111 ( 1HIIII:lltIUII. Here Wit,; beRIIn eur that IIUIIIU erti had bee resclled from course to·,k lip tbe words of Peter lnd peaTo tie in Doe tJ'IlU, heart enllhnnedII~oked lit my nunt, nnd Ihen turned alllngn~tl ~ m II1ll1ndll~"R, lit lea~t lur cI\I~- ty und "},llondur, und the II11Jdt II ~'r lect or- lh.u IlIqlllSltlOlI) ,,1I who h"d been tlopri~rd letl them forlh 111 inlghly oreents:. Who,. \holllb the world ma" all lornlf.., Wul ehni8b ItllI, lind lull be lund. plellfhnly ttl mv purent. She glunced be- drell; Ulld I IV liS tor II tlllle,lIlmo~t UC! uu e"l- d er \\ hieh Illy ey s ('vcr r('stl'd. The ur ch. ul II Ie 1111" by the holy office, COIO t) to 111"Deulh to the S tlraconll' Qehverance Hechiugly ttl my aunt, who looked ul Ihe enl to Illy IIIlII", IIi! I hud bl'cn 10 Illy Ifw!h- i~ ctur --illS prtlp urtion~ \Vere perlco~, quirq it tlll' lI>1 \v "~1' umung Ihe ",lInlJer. t u J erusDlem! ' God will! It! God ~111. And Ihera III yet a hi,her rllbt, strange gentlf!mun-he was ihe doctur. cr. But J WILR Hlldly puzzll'd ut Homo I'rhe Cl lllrl)llllntl fl ,I<,lr:! of wood werh scout0, whut u.'" ee~mg wus ,ther!.'1 ubout n IU" Willel" 1118u, is '" WOIUIIIL ,iven: 1'he lutter nodded. At this Illy UUllt IItuO!!' thing!'; ut lhe Jur\If'lIrd ruolll', th e Iioislosf:t I cd unci Ill"''' Iy I'o lillhed. 'Phe marble floors ) 1I1I1Illred ",jlo IlIId ul!",n bllriuJ ulive for 'fhe lJiIl wus c.st. A VUllt host,' campoli, '1'11 hers, 10 loJlcll l lMllllta"l tll1nd '1'11'- lru llur divin", willetl clme from ed dowlI and ht'ld lIIe clu8.e to my molher; tltt'Pd, lind lit I,>very bhdy pl okill/:!' lIle up und w ert! urra~lgtltl WILh 1\ strict regn rd to or, I~I Illy YUUNI, wure IIU\\l redtoretl:u the tlll- cd of nil HorLi and contlitl""'1 of Il!en and 110 tlllst I could put my httle halld8 0'1 Iler kl:!Slllg lIle, und culllhg me oqlhull. Ider. There WIIS everythillg to "I 'u,lIe the tlVtl wurld IIIId IIluny ul !,hum !Ulllld h re wOlnen I/.nd chIldren waa lIoon on ItI war )Jnven. focel which I did, 8troking it 'undly 118 I IIIIIW my mother unce mure, at leost eye nlld grutily n cultl\' aif.'d tnsle' ~ut . 1\ lion ulld there II dU\lglttl'r, here 11 S191 er- to light lor the Holy Lund. The fililt diYlWhat would ,lie nlorr, Ihnn to perfurm, ulled to wilen ""e W~!I lullillg me to I!I~ep . Ihl'y told me II IVlld h er. She luy III the whero ti lO,Hl h Orrid illstrull1 nt~ 01 lo;tuere lind t111:lre u IJrotlwr, IIlIti SUllie, uills! COII"' , 6ioll of thiS urmy W8~ led by peter himaelf Up earl", hl@.'. ho!le.I, ~w6elelll"JL.' But liS ahe thu~ YIelded, myaullt 8uld- cvmn on th.o bed 11 wlllte CUI' pllilted uf which we ,had bor n tt)td, {lnd where r UUl{I\I;t U nu 't iellull . Th e !loen W1.l~ liuch und 1111 munn ll r of dlaoraer per~lI.ded .the , \\~~hu~b:' ~~ec;:~~utJ:~~~~~ uk. 'You Are o,erta"~1D1l yOllr~~lf sister..- aruund her luce, her hund,. PllLlted ,III'(}LIlIlI l lho~e dlll,gen nil ill whi<:h hltlll!1I1 " Ill tri thut I\U tUllg lle I}l'll de'lcribe. \Vhen tlolt! mOtley tallki!. Urrhcllrd of wlokedne.. . W... llhlltotl, Oct. ;,olb, 1ti5U The .child will tellse yuu.' '. ~ wllh cUlllbrip, the drea>! plllt~t1 to her " '13 1. \\ 1'0 IItll\110 ho buri -tt .d iv I-'Ve st'lrrch- work 01 l'UrOl,tllltl ulI wus over, to c(lmplelft WII8 perpe trated by bill follo\verl until be ~ •• Ne~"r IIhilll I I.,rj(et my oIother'81001l: it I cuuld IIIlt cumprt!llellliit. The fu ce wus 1 rd III vu ill. 'l'hulr o il' juther uSllurcll Ulf thu l,u ~I I1 ('~~ 111 whillh I hud eogllgell, 1 be'cIIme illCk nt heort at tbu debaucberiel of OU c IIOME8TEAO. W88 pltrtlytlllO uf lIurprilie-plarlly onfl tlf thllt 01 my 11 rCIII, 01111.1 yet there \\'lI s,wme- lll1ll th e-y hlld hE'e ll b;licd, Tlwt we hUll \Vont to IllHlIrit,l IIIHI obtuined n hlrge qu~tI- Ih081' Whom he led and retired indeapairto ..:.-... melllnchol~ r"proof, Ill! IIlae ... ioJ, faantly, tlllllg I\b\JuI It ~trall!l'e.-th e eWD!! II lillie I II('qll ull. IIlld r IV,I ~ fi r pllrod to I!lve up lhe til)' of gIl IlP,)\vucr which I plutied unMr- Conlituntlllople, where he remained until .y .1~ rlltllPIi VUlT. MII"8kiJlA'1II IIhort liE"ntencel!, I1l1d with diffi of \hut ohl, "weet 611111e , bll\ the lou k ol . IlI'Mllh t; IJ llvill 'etl lh ut thi~ JnqU115IL l o ll nl'alh the cilili.'e, Ulltllll it Yliul La, nn~ Olt he henrd of the dl!ltrell~ of thOle be had , __ cully. 101'0 WUlIlVlllltill g, I gllzetl 011 It III \'I onder, Witt! ell!rllrt'1I 1 1'1om utla'r:l 01 wh ich 1 had we 111 "lied bhe slow mil leh , there Willi a left,-or the few Uilit stili existed; by rar ' Ou~ old nrown h~m~.!'telld ~1J."~d III ",.11.; ,It III [or the last tjml', &l1d T think 1 !llIlIg IQd \\'lIh t~m\r. 'l'II('Y tuhlliotHe-k",; IIrd. " J"y ln\ Blg hllu Lh\iu~ (1nd9 v r admiring eyetl. thlf j(rcIlL':;1 rQr~ion hllvrn~ died or beoD • mill 1~1f' "ay ~ill41 illI'! ahould been h t b'! r it I hlluselJi I her f>~llt dow lI 1111' I,UtllCd Uy, \llld t,JlI cltl'd I n t " 01 D c L'I~ t 1 011 I It woultl h avo d une YUllr "curt good slllin-he belou..:ht the Gred: Emperor to WhMe d,.,'." lie b 1)II11~ !lvul,1 111111"'" cut , .1 ,I M I' h I _ In I I '1'1 hI I" I' I u ",. I", \VU" no 80 rpO( y. n 'J.. • " ~ h h he dl'd from Oh'~"tat • 'l'h .If !TlII": "0:1 It~ root. " ol"''',,,r-:-uea!, "e.ar Iry. I e COlli 10\11), , l1y II,I! ,u I<. rl:!. , 10 u , flY. eo IIg i lll\l ijell tu gh I' "11 the ~e" rch, !I ud said tu to See It; th e \~ Il ll ll 11 1111 1I1 1.1"'~lve turrets 01 rescue t em, wlllc !rld Ih.. et... rl ' trlIOO _Q o"lIr il,rew, as Wllh nllilhte dIfficulty IIhe put one thill, IIhllll Itt:H r lur~et. I :lllIrtecJ b ,e], yet T did .'t:u l\l ncl yuu ure COmlll l\ntle r t -da thut proud l'tllh c , w eTt' Tlilsetl towurdil the where they were besieged, Thu. peraldled 1'ttllt ",b"n ""'Ilk!: l',e 1.ln, . trahllpnrellt firm aroulld .me, .. nd drlLwing n,H cry IIllt. rh ' y eumt.'d IIlC Irolll the ulld II VI)II l!II:' so rt IlIU. t b ,bu t ,f y~1 8 '{; ' Iaenve fl s , unt.! lhl:' Inqu isitiUIl or Mudrid WUI! the IIrlit ~t>df of Crusaderl, and their,bodiee t me genlly tnw.rd .. her, kldlied met o,er untl ~IJUI\l,IAIHII rQCtlullll (:t dtc (lIlng, that night, so it Ill' t b '''ut if lIu w il~ 1,0 dVIt' d IJ morc. , many ot them were left unburried, ~uch In Ibe lun"~lIl!1e ni8h.~ 1"11 hlltd lhe bUlhl, A. thll, erl1akf!(I"III"~ Ih.. p.IIC· ' OVf'r IIg81ll , lilt!) Illy IlIuth(! r'lI nrdlllury " Ioellill" upll rt- ' tUI~' fl, ~I'I Y b ~ dey " ' i. lalllltiQil:!ml , "nel 'hUM" utchnti "~-ft. v, th .."" (m.:hlW'd Ie .11' M h b b' " I > 0 ' I'" /,lIe, h,' l llli IIJ1lr" e a Ullr Q CXIUIIIIl more. ' k ~ , 'hllve "'~II m,. Utt!tt>br.,th"r' . rncku~ y 11101 .. r Inust lin cell v ry t'Ulltl- me llt, Iv HIl ' II I ~ wa. lerEl, lor 1I1/1lI1l- . Lest SlIlIIe wul e r br Imltl"hl '" luid II' urud Jeru>llllam wal at length ta en 1Jutnot hi Ihclr lrup. b, the 'IImllwt IIm.e. ful. I ha~e .I\tm heurd 1I1tI?1! Ih:it ,~ho Wllrl !tU\\' r c .. uld nut tllII~l; It w,,~ my III til r, \lIIUII \I lind wt' will wllt~h IIl1d seo if lht' lo ICa until ooul~r helld. were ellgaged in the , but I lelt It Oil UUlt occa~fjn, duld all f IYillJ,t ao culd tUld rig 11,1111 ulullo ItI thti t .' 'ti lt ~ 1 '(tl . tllml't, Atter the fir.t opening Peter fill0 The IIweel bll8r UI1~ rho wind ..", tliII, \"'1. lI,.r I'VI1I1, iu.lt,..d hor 'Nhole! 'flte!!, gr Ill.! vIii h IIlbJr , 1\1y ,fLlllt 10ul\(\ lire 1111 \ 1>1 lilly 1 II>r l~hcO l'~'lug I ,~v 1\ ,I It I)'~~ e" l rln'l';n. 'r ~ t.; HIo;IUII'r. urell bu~ little. As a man we Snd but ht0 W I\lch til" \larh' bu<'~ lI,etl.. , Ilid, bellml!d UII II ..; with \Ioh div'we Ilffa.·tiufI, Ihe bed, rrylllM IIltl'Hoiil y, !llld !'Ill/lOg '1I1 U- 111 lo~e'l drec y :til 1 I\lr"C' " 1 I ~:.p led tv tlo to suy againat laim, lie bad ene-.. I II'" II"11" ~~ ..L m!lt;l 11.1 In' t;· IJ~ r,1.,~n I,I!111111\ 0 liS YI1 U "C ~KC OJ olla . ,In, \Jr••,,~ -II( ~, I,UO:h Nn tlutoiIu II IIg 01 ~h ~\Itlre, Illm III 1I1u." II IU11 1<,: ... t'ltl IWiUllI!' I . . , ' lind pE"r~everance ~to •• IlmUllt unllmtlisa t.v\:i':'::~~ t~~I~~~ \V~~II'ioce/\hen: luvf'!. dlllt' lor yertrls ~1\6r\V.,rd" her,tl~UIlI t;' III r,lIlf'luLcr ton, tit' 1I111"nti; the crilli'd ~~:.;e~It;'b:~~; 1:I~rl~I' \h~~~~~~ '~~~~dtll~~:~~ ! Oomlliletl fo r III ~ho'm V, . llor. debrrli~ ; lind hillrre il an elt.e,!,plitlclt\oD of .,,: .. Ull~ tl CU ~'O\I~!lre, l all~f', luI tht,,, l et! rI , WII:i tlw typ.1 ut lit! !lll- 0/ dtru\I.Il'UI·,, ; Illy mlll~ ,Io e~ b l 111 \JIll II t \} ully p" J ~IW'a 'tv)I'll th~ water h Ull " BY Tlr~ £ntTun, (billie truitll !lI!xeod, wUh " religloul euthuli'1 lIal l.. ,,\i,~r .. ,," w re 'o"lI~r, .,.1. It u~tld 10 hl1ullt nlv "rell lnil. 1 01 !1'" !llld led Intu \1 (1l1 ro cit IIl1h~r; til l' llurrylll:! L • I ) 'I 11 I' t II t.l -ail l!!. AVQldlng bll errora, we ma~ all u I ~ ~ " I tli ~ . . . ut.:t"' U t p,,» rt!l l v ~r '" I ' H9 r Inn o . 0 I I I I. .. ' nil tv 11\1' \ I , Ir; , j > I w IlIla4\d, wh 'II "wnke , Ullltl WIOl! ' II p,lIl1 te r I Ie ('Ii II Ir III LIi", rtluh, ; lite rHI \II th e d ' f I' I tI [ '. I' I 'rowal'd the Illtler el\lI uC the enlh cen- ltlllrn II lelilion from hie hillor)" wh t " r \lll' tho rO"~"j \Jl l !,[hl, PtJ\' 11) 1\ ,.1,11" • the t I IlIhcht .. m\) .Iy 0 11 C'UIV USI'I t hai I,'uk . dlurch-Y IJ rd, It li d 111\' ""lI l1d~ 01 ~!It)J !I, fu. il l! ~ "1> 11 , I' lUll U led nq?I>;Il' lri!, II cllrc uj tury , CIIle lit t h ll most 1111\.fuurdlllury OUI- to never dqs pnir in a good work-he arou' '''' '''I ~II\'' \ \l lIn '''I , ffI ~ ,, <; , J I •. I ~ . I I ' LX ,'")"'" lUll wa .. 1110 u UI "v~ ry SI'UIII II 01 . d ' ::.. .... " ,~, "e Hid III II", ,lli-l lrOItl .Igllt! I , lII l' 1 Io' Vf tW ~ 1 umw ,It" IIno \\ lI,h tilt' IlI tU t IV ·ravu. I \\,111'1 , .. trllll!!I' tu III', ti ll' f\ 'vr 11I1H?e it th l' \Vltter IlII9S!!.lthrvn .11. Illl rtlt~ 1,r0JlglouJI llnulliltlU nl. zeul UII IIU- lied oatlUnl5, W~ may awake~ i"""oea. an , lllt!h,'l'1 tl x pr"l1 1011 ofl hl' till. tu lilive I,ro · '''ltlllllll\IIIJlr~'h '11"1111 11 . f l ,r \\' 1;:1 ult r- I' ( Itl'') C I ' 0 L I .< I' ;1 I toI "'1l1'~1I1 J Ul! duvotlun tuuk pluce thut helll our -wn1md the hellrtr; of otherl, AI '" .I II1I1.' I'd ~uf,h. lUI 11111 re"./jlOIl . on II gld I I I II I r '11 ' I 'r U. " I t: "x.: lIlIn \J II I I~ ,,~ , . ..,. " , hI !JIll wur., WII\l \ I1t tlllll,'t!, WI>' ~ ~IJ, ~I'e I)l~ 1a... 1 luu,{d It.-By thc tilde 01 UIIIl of those I!vtlr.QI ~'lh ll'u\'lhud. the h)at tory 01 Inlln . ,By elllltnl'lq of "fh.t O.lC mlln olln aocompheb. f' ,', f yt'"r!' .. Id. . ' 'lIoll\\' I, 'ulld, :.;o.(\'l' r the, I\t)u~c e rylllt: III IlIlIr\)18 'iSlub~ tll(~ "'~ter 11U l''''e I tlrro\lgh f',M! I II nU /H llt rp!~UltI\)II 0\ 1\ p'lIsllIge in the It't U~ rcmem er tbe doio" u( PITI.1:0 W'ul"n III ... (l vOlI')Il llled at nt.t IHl Ying ~e r h " I ller; bnl ::r<JII IlII\lv thlli WIII'~ oft',. tll I \ . ul! tl ' It Vt>l"CW II \/1 St. 1~t.n, It wall he g norul ]fslt.fT. . 11.... 11 1111 h~fvrt', and dri'w uH~ tllU 10 h.'r, J lIud III 1.( t J rl'(·,' urr!'tl t,; th'" Il ~('elle8 , Allsil I uU"d' I t lor ' '"'t I~ Ii? 0 plll,HlIg 'l"etL I belrel liJllt Clnill\ wall to opnQur. on enrth ..... 4 . • , I :v It! ·d f 111\1 !j IV 'rt: 11 worR. 1Qr uri lH~ r C I"COV-, .1 ' I .•0; P felt hl1 littl .. huart 1;11 h ~ver \V It" i1n.. ,,110 11 'It ,to J u.;t n' lIlt! lUI I II ~I en) ~ " "orne s\lr- cry. TIU? Ilffi,\ r~ With thei r 8wunls, And IIgmh ot ~Ile emu 01 ~ t I~uillinu r~~ril. UI• Tile Dinl.plate of Eter.. ",_ f\lr h"r. hltll'(!,1 I 11"II I'V" I hud IIIWIl)'d ro\\ lulllrl'lI1l. . \ th.; ~uldlNIi with U,llir buyun ettl \Ie king to se~~QlI WItt.. tlu" tidlot t"()UdlU1d~ mllde pd1'ho di~l-plute of time m'1altlt'Cl off' the be-t'n a v~7 Iltre~tl()Ju.ta child. . , - - - - - ,-- ~ -- - C cur IIUt tllt\ seullt lint! l'ry the 'tlfl1la. g:rlnllllleli to J er udu lem 10 ttrt:lr dOVO- 1Ilig t 01 muu'l dlY.. , month8, an4 'Oh! ~elr maIO",' I !lltld l l'hd'avhrlnl.! to • O ti!t'r!l IV 1111 th<l llurl~ 01 th~ir mutll(ctll tlOltfl lit tho sepulcher of tie Lv rtJ , . ",lllch lV,th cea.eles8_d.illiJ[ence, "tIll .11 are 6ed," PUlm Y lrtlltl ntmaroundhcr"'la,e YtlU80 ~- ~taik~lI17the ~ l l b wltll 111\ th ~ ir m ight t (l W,l tllStI,I dtolJe Lherepre~erYed, In t"ckO l--~ nuttberer.nodlill:l'lat.. ofEterolty.muoh. My pretly m luna, I do loye YOII,' D i..S'f.K t.: I" O~ O'J" ... u~ 1~'llJ1~l. brcbk it wh Ile Ih p'Ti":!ltI !l'm Il t!Lrll tcd u~cur:;lulls thay were I)ut always trelltetLl\{o\V lfoll!"1n Bnd rearful the thougbt that \ . B1g tellt, bp.~"n to gather Ih ber f!c'Je~. o~~, hOlnuslQad bll" 1n.lJlIple lu:anh, '1 JON IN Al)lI~V. , I u ' al ildt 'Olll tlcsocrnta ll' tll.l r \i.)ly dlld W!tl1 luutlnl'lIl1 hy tbe 'flJrkll, WIll h I~ do- I when the wheel. of time hllvO'rolIlld each w It", It 1111(111 'l'e loved lO In!lO'i I ~ recc;ollect litem, lor, ~hE"Y flowed up"n Illy I . I h~ulltl ful {loll'W, \Vlt il\) IhuO! ~ II" 'ed II ' III IIt Ion III tUII I.anll 0\ PalCdllnO, OI~C" In"n ~o the end of hi. journe in tbll world, Th.,rtl my ,"nll,,:r 'e .'lieu :l!'ftlI fllwllY, klntl, cheek, and 1111111.' ro~ In 14ympatlly, tll l'ugh I GI)I. L l' rnllllouak I, lormerly un offi er 1111- ' Hp lJlcr 011ru r.k 11 ~prlll~ aull thl. rnu;bJ~ ~hlll , thuy \Vero uut 01 mull Y Ul!d wl!lll ~e~gll\g I hill ulIUleuaured durotion beE nil. III refer. AfllI hur .'lli II W,. . ~1"·."5 ~w.'el knew n~ rea!lon Ihen ';Vhy tlteY·lllltJuhl. ~t'r ~upu "1111, DOW Il Lutherau IlllllldtUl' II 'W II)!. '1'lI ell dill Itlcct! ul the luqlli~i- j thal~ wily tt> rhe ~atjjhlll 1IIC10IlVeOle~lI:e or ellce to tile flight of lime, Dr. Spring"'once Aud Ih ~t" 1"A ijel.-un Ill)' rll!hfJ " knee, Anti w..,lab hi~ Ih'lUghltul bmw, ~t tht8 I~Y a~nt would ~u\'e ilrllwn , me 10 t1~I~ coulltry; und a m.lln at rem l1rka ultl tlJr:! gre\,v ,.Ille. lind U8 Beldhllllziu when tho IIIhabltlllltll of th~ country, uutll 1I.le cll,lllod a di8course io the rollow ng gJ:ljl1ie , With IUY cllIl"i-" haud lR hi. ~"eD hlira':"IY, ulterm(l: In a reprovm(t way the ",.ord qllulttletl, re,c'-Inly gllve III 14 JeCture. the the hand a I!I:red wrltrnlr u Oil th~ witll (l urki$ begll11 to look lI~tln them nruch Ill. Itlhguage . ' , ' - 'rbu hlllr II nu",! '1I11i,erl' but nry mothor elung to me faUlt- , lujluWI,lg VIVid IIkotch 01 a seene 01 whIch : su dId thCzl~~ne" lleliui ~b~ke und quuk~ I the 1!\I~le light III! they did upon a IIwurm. 01 .,. ehall neYG*, addreu t1i1. ludleii'ce 8111 ,bll brold h~arlh'. lI,bt, 0, that brCJlld ly. . ... lie Will! un eye WI\llt' 8: . I in eve bune. Olin und di u!'w. We look- devuurlllg 10cll9t" , ,.rld to Ihake more 'tr.lIl- again. 18hall n~ver IIpin meet them, but "aartlt'~ 'lcltl! 'Let t-er alIlY.' IIatd the phys,clon ID a . III ~hc ~el1r HIO!J, blll ll:;!' then at !~a~~IJ, ed bel:!uth th.eJlllfHble-t!lab now Ilrtly u , gUilt rule" und , r t>gu Illtll./hij cOII!-ll'rltl!11f ! at .he blLr of God. That inlerview leeme .'\nd Illy 11I,lIer'sl,.,,!l and my molher'l .mile, Th ..,. IIr!! III lOY lutllrt 1O·IlI~hl. hU!lky vo'ce. 'Tt c~n'l hl1"1 Mr".' ), l !lly uttenholl WU~ dlrt: c lvtl tu the Inqul81t1on Bn~ we SIIW n sUllrc:lse, I'ste :11 tu ll;e them, UOlOn!:, WIIICC, ':".UII th~ I'llyrnllflt ot 'I. inde d fur dilltullt, But it will be .. eoqn My muth,!r g llve ~ glunce of t hunkful- III tire I1clglab~rhuvd. of tJUlt c'tY'-~UPO- l table alld to ok fl'ou{ the cl\ndlJ~ck one of e~I'\!llll 8um lor utimlttlllloe lUlo tho cIty ul ftII tllllo. witla, hj~ eogJ~ winge, Il)a)) bJye nellll to the 1.llt 'llleakt!", and !hell hugg!!d leon hud 'preYJUu~ly lil~ue~ " .decree lor the the candlod ,four feet III leng th which WIIS Zion. fill i~hcd the l ilile r.emnant of biB short car. me cl090r I nd . CI<)8~1'," murlLleflDlfword" o~ .~ppr~s,"u.n of thlll IU t,ltUllOtl, wherev~r hurnrng, th~t I ' might eXJlror~ what WII8 Mattera w ere ill thlll Mlltlllion, when he eer, "Alter doalb the judgmenL" We endelrme.nt IIl1ngled With olbers of a dlft'- 1118 VIClorlVU5 .tr.ool''' 8huuld extend thear i blll'orol us i - GS I WUII doing thid, 1 wus wh o h118 been IItV leJ P ETEII, THE II ~llMrT, die; but intervening ngllll Plla. rapld;y over .... ~ IJI' UI(' 1ft 'l'ff"H ; erent character, no doubt wurd, of pruyer. arms. I rmnllldt'll M~rdbul Sou It, IIII' n re tetl by one 01 til(' IIl'luii!ltorOl 'Wllo 1\l.ld made hia tint 'pilg r iinage tti J erllijill -Ill thu ... e who 1I1!!t'p Ir, tl,,o duet, There II no " Id·h , and T, "wed nnd Rll!lted lllike lee ling thllt g~vernllr 01 M.ldrid, o! Ihioi dl'c~ea, who hId hAnd "(>nll" on my urm Il~d with a Jie wn. born ut AmlOUB III Frllll l:c un el lr; (HIlI-plllte there on -whiQh- tQ count Ule I W.I a bQut c:,OU(' .yewn 0 . W en an Ihere w ... .... IIIp.th·lng tert'lble in all " : i8 yet dlr('ctcd IIII! tu I)ruoeed to IIt·.. tr\JY It JIll .. .. J • , I r' N i l it ....Id b eve ntuocurrtld wlilch IIIftuenced 01 whole ':- au . .n , . h' . ,. - v('ry demure uud 1161y It)()k, lIuid, ".My flOIl, eluly life Ivlloweil tbe mllrtlLry I'rol' " iUIl; , l'IlIrl:' 0 tUIlCl, 0 Qn~r. I'"' Y (uture lire y uncOnl1C~OllS IIbove ~:I'('ry tiling eille of t~le lorllled 1m lIull Illy ~el{llIIent" Lite. 9th ,)t yllil In'U~t ilot luke thut With your pru- I but urterwUrda becaille 8 priellt nntl dev'>tee doyll, ur month", or yea ... ; for the planela th ' Ii I / rond t1t'lal{ht of leetllg Illy Inother agllln, tho Pull sh. Ja il tJr~, w ",~e IIIsufficlent for /UIIO IIn(1 blolldy hond' It ill holy "-"Willi 101 the ROlllIsh Chureb ' For 0 Icn"'t" uf which mark tlll/se pr>riod~ are 'hdden ftom • 1 b a d "ot "eD levera ~ .I 1 , . that , • I . I 1g Ii t, Jtil I'll It 18 "0 lunger DOlE' t d d I II t my u trno i er 'ed or f quen t1 k'!d.e~fln ... on dl e dIe I r, n ow p-u Khit Ig IIC r lut!h Il service " !Jut thnt II he lVi,uld Ii',iyo ..... ell "I lIttid- "I WHllt something ill i time he livod in 0'> c\Jl'lty in II but or cav.e tlolr f...,.,~~,.. ~ ei la cft.. y hlir bllck ullder her cap, IIOW strakill!: her me t \vo uBdi u uullul reglu,clIl8, L\\'ould un- huly' to ~I'O ii' It WIll not sh~d light UII 11l- II cOlllpltlte hermit-hence his nllme-IICllrce- l by eV~lJt8 perl.1elved by the eelllJ~lIj fat the Of ler. an I .. , ~~" put ~ 'lin ~~ es· face' and occasionally hooking Iroutld 011 ut'ttu1kc tho \\ urk,-:-He uccorlllllgly gl\ve IqUlll" I "wrll beu r the r~lip0lltlillJl ly ,t J ly Icnuwn to the world or hili friend. H er", I eilr 11I'lleai lind the eyo 18 oloeed.-ThJJ cUlle cOI"bIOOQ 011 BUc . o~c~hlonll'lun tone thp. .. pectutore to .ee whrit it 1111 nll'nllt. lIIe til' rf'qulreJ regllllent", olle 01 wl,lcla. t lluk tile CUlldll' l.rlcl the 8tulrCQlltI £' now !ill suhtulo hl! fa"VC hilnrielf UI' to'rtlyery bUlly wurld I)f life, whlch · wake8 at e'lcb d UIY, on tllnr l,alO t'nleu er, wen 10- t 'N w' itller' Mid my DlIIII at IIll1t 'It the 111th Willi lIruJur the CUlllIIlUlld of G, II . . ' I 'd ' tit to a 1'1I11t!lunol ahrlekillDd te.,.. The re0 ,8, , I ' Du Llle ~vho ill nCl .v Uk ,I . ,.: dII!Co\'en'd Why th~ wuter reveuled to us ; .. nd dcellmlllg a l\Cif'S untIl thA thol.\ghttl of mornlllg an ceo lies e!ery nlg ',!108a on ult wa Ibat I 8U bbl!d m Belt 101l'eep mUllt coole 10 nil end. God wil pruvlde 1 H e ",yt!c I, B II11nl8 thitl pU6~lIgj). UIl c!t:r1luor wa u tight cell- going to till' HUly S OllUlcher t\lok pos8el- ! above them, ~ut to them all ill .. lent and a 'Vb II, I k Y S ' , ' . fur the poor thin!!, lind we will do Our bClOt ler 01 till gu .. pe . e 15 plI~tor of une ot IIIII ",,,cept at tho tr~ p door wh ich cuuld tlion of hi.1 mind, H e hlld heurd ,the I unseen. The greetlnp of joy and Ula en wo e, my lIunt ural WUI for her And ~he drew me IlWlty , the e"utI~elrcI11 churcheB III l\1url!t! IJie8 ' , b ' . f . f thlilt' n r "'\ Itand,"" u""r me, .It wae<oot tung befure I ... I 1 '. 'I' I WIth tllc.1i tro"lllI I IIr CCecI.tll 'I '~I I' IIut be r0l1don'cI 1 cltlsl' ; he~c(' t(10 IlU(lCedli hQrdllhlps thllt mlltl\ A undergune-of the , vOice 0 grle, e revo \I I~ 8 0 , edmr.retI I be ed th I d D~t my mot ler CODVU, RI~,ely Il us~el me, I 0 .... or, lwl I 0 01 C uI. 1)", Lilt: cI t':xplmllj('fll.-Atl wo ctueltyof the Turks, tlnd the many 'llfJ'er. nnd the lllp!lo or agel/llend no loun Wlth~ rema~ r ~ caule a my .0rrI)W, an and m bruken language, m,n~led With 8ubi'! tit Ie IlIqllllllhulI, ,wlllch Willi' IILlIII'ed abuut rcuchc.1 LIr foul 01 the ."tuar/f we clltercd In .... 01 the piO US wbu trllve"setl Ihe coun l in thllt l1arrow cell. Generation.fter began"" cry a,am, ve IOllell frool , . \VIAS ' cllllt'd the ~I'y.,-of tne 1< t· .. . .Droug bt Ia Id y b e th Ir "'ld. 'I want to He m mama' all d t ellril, praye d'. d iJ th b .. ,.. c ,ty , 1'htl Inquisition , 11 lurgl'\' IIq uuro ru uUI whlcb '(nti,dl'llllJ qntl he -r,,_ulved tt) know" ' genllrll ton tiro • e, 'De Itill cbild' fried mY.uot Ihakiog ·Almighty God! she 8ai~, 'Sav!otlr or the we~ d~,rro~nd eb y ~ WUI} 01 grjllt tr l!II g th. Hall 01 J ud~1I1C Ill.' In the cenlro ot It th u Clltt.(J11t 01 tht>';" grtevances by IlerlfuulLl ' the Intlcription ' upon tb~lr monumen....' her lin er ' " me' 'be l\ilJ ...y' apd you world, prolect lind blea. my child-my fa-~!1 e~r Y II uut duur lUll red 1101- \\,U911 IlIri!(tl blvck. lind a ellllin lalltclleu to obserVlltlon. Al one lind 011 foot lie nrade morble tE"lllJ the oenturiel thalliawe ~ 9, h II /I I • th ,. terlees-motherleal babe!' Then !!he kislen we I1Tr1V~ .41 the walll! I It. 0" thi:! thl-, hud bl' 'U II 'cullto;nod to the t ry iIII! and perilous a\lvellture arrived !twlty: but 10 the 8Ieepln1f< dead tbe long I ~ h I r {our mb d er, t r h '-ld' h t' lied me, sobbed alolld, and luddenly letling II urellseu Ulle 01 the <lenuueltl, uud sum· placu the occUlIlJd bdilled tu 'hitl sellt Oil ! ~ulely nt th(\ gutes 6f J~rul!u lem 'paid the interval i8 unobllOryed. 'Lille 1 ~.," of aYI I at' a lor hO c ' k~· Wll:o~· go her hold, burrlt intu a tvrrent 01 lellr!!, 11110lled tille holy fUIJr"rll to liurrl:'lIdtlr tu Ihe lie slIlll 1)1 thl1 rU~1Il wns 'un olllvutcd 800t price of IJdlllitlllnce entered thr~ugh and the niltht, witb the qulcknell or tboathl. th at 1 pi f O i l re a IVe-W )', U , while my lunt hurried me flom-the room. I1lpt:!TI1i Ilrmy, and opt;n the gatel of tht> collt!ti th t~ Throlle a( Jud'ment. l'hl8 th: bowed at the tomb' which W81111id til be 'It' mInd roo{Cf!a time and ,p.ce altneet udl~ ll: ~a~ th~t her h~rd thature_edpre::- I ' I can remember 'slretchlng out my little InQulllllolh j1'he ~t'llunel who Wit.. stond- luqU \8It')I GC' nerllll'ticcUPI:d "lid on eIther that ill which elms: WUI laid . Jwithout IUnit, there' il bllt. • moment be. e ltae In ler ace eVt!n en; ap 110 • hands toward her, and cryillg al if mv IlIg 011 tile WII I uppellred to l'n~er illlU COli· "fUll were HllUts less e le va ted lor the h oI .. . ' I lwoon the Mur when tltl' e,e il cloHd fa inar wo.uld bave Ipdu~ mt" \0 obey her i heart w.ould break, wbile my eyell remain. verllllt!on Jr)f u II!W lIIumt'IIW With 80nip. ant' luthers" 'hen e n u'ted JI\ the'solemn bUill ' . Wilde m th~ ellYt h e hml even' opportu· the lt1'~vo. alld wben It wuea to &be Ju4po DOW but that Ibe promlBed I Ibould lOe nly ed filed on my motile ras long ~ 1 could wlthiD, at the close ul Ivhlcb he presenled I t "'. F hi D1tyof IVltnllllSBing the approblumB that ment U plrent. I hU8hed my crie ...t ooce, lee her Her eyee tJlrough illl their tears Illd ulusket and IIl1ut Ol)e 01 my ml!n. ThIN ne8~ 0 the I~'Y nlqIl18I Llf" ' r:J1lt t !OV~ w(, re he:JpAd upon Ilia brelnren"and hid soul • d btom She hutil), d~ed me in my best wbi~ followed mine untii the IIpectatore hqrrying Willi a I!lgllal lor attack, und I ordered my w~, pruccl~ e l ~e rig It'/ll - ~ecame illdignltnt and hiB zeal a b\lodredHow to be 1II18etable. frock, [thuuPt It 8trange, lor I knew It to loathe her. 'Buppole, ahut her out (rom troopfl tu fire upon thotW who appeared 011 III cle.... tv, Im~" ~x,telld l'hg 0 eh"tlfe lo!d more nrdent. He-could Icorcel, can· Bit It the window aud look o'ver the~., wu not SundlY. but I auppoeed perhap. m .i ht M aUllt beld me ti ht (or I til" Willi, ~n~th ul t e e !le, uo ere, W at a I tQm himself, but hutl'ned baCK to eee If at your neighbor'l e.OlIn.Dt lDaallqD. the..e WI. 1.0 be compan,.. IIJu gled the ~arder when the ~o~r W&l ' It wns tl()on obvioull that It Willi Iln un". BI~llt mct our er. e ! How hllB the benevo- nothing could be done to redeE'm tho land wllich he ha, recendy buUt aDd paid (or, 1 'Now you mUll be lull, laid my aunt, .8 clo.!! and almOit ran with ml' ailing the qUiAt warlure, Tho wall" 01 the JUq1ll81. Ji"t drehf~" 01 JCSU!! ~~e!, ~ul!ed ond , frum under the Iway of the cruel .nd and 8i"h out, "Ob, tJiat J wu e rich maal" abe Imootbed do:,,-o my_ frock, 'a~d n<lt 1corrhl~r and.down the BwjrClltlt', until we tlUU \H!re covered w,th Ihe sohlier. or the 8 Ull ('rl1 y Itli prUleil8e rlen : ' Icornlne 1'urkB. • Get angry with your nei.itibor, and thlak 1II,,1Ie the leu1 DOIIO. Your mama II very rea cbed the klt('hen wbere 1 remelnber hUly uflico; there wu all:l<> a brellilwork These c elill were place.. of Bohtary con- , He halltened to the pope t'O obtain p'er- you haye not 10\. frl..d aa the workLill.' . Ihe carried me to a' window overlllOkin~ upon the wull, bellrnd wh Ich the)' kept 6nem~nt, where th" wrale~ed objeeta Qf mislion \0 pre.ch a Cro8ade lI.glimll the In· Sbed. tev or two, take a walk fa, .... I did Dot eotirely uoderatand ber, but I j the brook. and tIpping the ,lIne trll'd tu U :lUally, only II t4ey parllally expolled Inquhlltorl,,1 hlltet were ('onlined ,yelll' after , fidel I, and aided by .. leIter wJlIch hebr(,lugbt burJalpuDd. continuall, ..,illl to ,..... felt. that It w •• aumetbiul terribleo, and my direct mv a\tentif,n towar .o';'e nllttle thewtWlvea Ittl \hey dillcha·,,~d their P\UIf- : y ear, till deuth re1eatrod tbem of their IUf· l lrom Simeon the Palriarrh of Jeroealem aelf, "when ebln I be Ii~rled b...l" lit"'e heart wu m,l"ed, I wiped the l... t stlnding in die water. It wal ODe 01 the ketAl. OUI uoui'" were III the o)hln plaID ferinW', all1~ tlleir bodies w~.re lIuft'E'red to he r~adny rec.elved the dell red oo-operatio~ SigD a nole (or yOGI friencl ancI JI!"If t.ev lrum Illy eye with my haod. . firat rell.1Iy k-ind acta I had kno\\;n ber to do and expoa~ Iu a d8lltrucuve fire. We had remlllD untIl they were entirely dec:.yed, , yf the pontlJf, l!rblln II, ~ho W~I. tileD, OD, fOflP' 10U~ Idndneu, IIIIcI e~el'J .... fir . , auut fiRed me ill ber arml lod carra· at I",ut ODe of the few lb8t bad the effect DO cnUDon, lIor could we ICIole the w.Ua, and the room8 bud become fit fur otherl to .ccount of a dlfJieulty With Philip firat or the whl..,., to younelr. I wODier if eel me alor, lb. corridor, 1 uper.t:ed her of klndn.,.. 00 me· for I hne no doubt 8he apd tblt gattl. IIUC:ClNlltully rai.ted a\l at- occupy. -To prevent tbia practice beiojr Frauce, wbom hi81lrededeellOr and him.eJ( be wiJ pay the DOte'" TIl... " "-NdJ to turn :into my 1D0th... ..... Ileeping WOI f ueotl t i~ bllrdellt to bfl /rind in tempta nt lor~III' them. I ea", that it Wal olrenlive to thoee who OCCUPIed the I O~UJ. hid exco,nmUl\ieated on aceo~nt of hI. UD.. lDeana to cheat you. CIoaeJ.J Ill...... w....r1.!DeDt, but ebe went OD \0 the end ot ber o=: '111/ ;te! I thougbt her O:\JfIt DeC8tWllry; l.ll c1allllge- the mode 1)1 d' 'k, flidon.,there ~ere 6uel or tubea exenalDIr bol), tntercourle with Bertba, I woman who erJ bill you tab••DeI .....,. . lIle pa~, alld nolHl...ll opellln,l door cruel ' ailli dirt!clAKl lomll treft to be foUl d09n to the OpeD air, aufficiflnuy elPllcioulI tu I bad cap. ivated 1111 (Inny. ruidlDi w:th ~ nine, till you bate,pallbe OWHI' to.~ entered a lpaoloua .c:hamber, wllieh WII '. alld trI~IQed Ind brouah on the ground to elrry oft' the o..dur thuae decaying bodiea. , ert GUI8eard of Oolabrll. deal or IJ'OIIbl., BeI1eYe ~.,.dJM'" whllt tbey Called, in tbal part o( the e.l1III~hll~bood 100~ forge ... 10rr(;w~' I ~r btl u.c9 u baucrmi ralll., Twu 01 tbese Tn thl'1I8 e,,118 we found the remaiol of Rube)ot fumilhttd meane and men; Ind to you II bat a lizpeace criIwIed, .if . . try. the .pare rooM, rat er .'1 ntlrllo:l til lIe~ 1 ~lOr' n " ~ - w rl! t ken lip lIy uuulChmlllllAl of .lIeli as II ' me wbo had p id the debt of lIalur8; hi. 100, Boemond, Prill~ of Tarentum, preaa your doubt. about ..ttl. ritI 0111 II 1Iy liltle IOIISeI had boon fully .,oulled till while I wnll engro~~ y It l~tCellc ~- IIUlJlcruUd 1111 coul.! wurk to :ldVllllt.'1g.. ~'lIl l!Ulne t"tllII Iaad hccn de .. d IIprqrentiy Ibanduning other projeCia, ~zptelllled 1iia you .houJd tab it' by a IClW thldg in 1Il1 lunll mllPller wbieh ~r~ m • "lid. my IIO of gr dlu~ y ~ellll 'i;,rou~lIl 10 hellr UI'"'' lIIe w lie Wilt! Ilillhe bllt a abvrt tiDlt", \\ Iallc uJ' ullll'r" nullaillil willingnetl8 to tuke up arml .",tlinl' Ihe Ne.ver accummoda18lr fOG" ...... l now tb.t • think tt, m1l8' hne ~n lou gh • o~a lUll .II~ ~o;jul d r bl~I~~nt:rt::~ II''' I:r \Vlllell 1I1t'y cuuh1 .. xvr't, rejfaroJ ltl6ri rt'D1llill' d \.,UI tlteir bOllt'",.ll I cI'lillf'd to t;illraccllfi. ThUd t'lIcuuraged, P~te, w('nl help It. ' . t. _.-.----...1 . 1(,lIlnl\ and nolllirt. e.t"ped mJ.-ofJlI('rvu. Mv I~I"• • D' f'r'l t.. r nil' t . ul ~lie Ii wllit:h W'1i pOOte4 UI'IJUUwm Ie I vur UII their clllllgeon.-r .. olh_ WtI Irolll !I,wn W town, Ind lrom nutlun to D.· I Neyer '''It the ale. aacl _ _ \ion. ~'t h' ...tnorum lll')' h"w Ch Id r.. n will , AtJ 1ml tlll1 UIIIII ~. uld re; -: Ih~r ~xerll,m IrVlII iliJ, 1·(CrH-Ul.ty Lilt! Wllhl btlgan fuund III .!lving Mufti'l'\'r uf (!Yl'ty Ilge .lId tion preaalint to the Pf'C'ple thut the L t)rd'. neG~~" a (.rthl... to the "':-... retDl'1I1bc.t thlnJP whIch IUlDtl pill nt'nt tv b~"er w~ ~!CII IVI. tI I, lUI' 'ljt\V~e~, tu Irl'Utll.e... mlLJllot r tilt: 1IV!!lhllrc tl.'4 .. nd 01' bllth .E'x.lJt, frolll the you"ll D,.n and w.,r':nll 1 be dOIl~: and whl'n; In,·, Ib.t d riD the race. ..... Ia.ute ..... prcl "pun thC:lr Dlemu!')' I C:'I; I I III~ n IIlnU'<e . ;;:"e U.1 Y II\!r~tlV~flllli Uf'l,hc .. uun \Jj tilt! rlllll, " mltiden l., 1hlliOf' uf UIn.oelKure alld 'en he/lad dl'pi~ted \11 tltt' 1II(lSr Iflowlng end , .0B~~!,"uDatel. d "'&he viII ,.roiture In 'h \ rou"; U • cear. 1f'f III),"" 1 tll"."~ II .... vOlI 11I111':m III LJIt:""U \\ ... 1I1"1W,1I11111I1e hlll)t!rulI t l'wf1!J yeur., .. II nl IIl1k.... a. "lien they wpre dl mil ",rmll tbe IIIlfferlptn enllurttd and the muu ewer 1OUI' .. if It .·u beklte me 1I0W Tbl' hlt(fl I MI ow .lkE" until tie rulluwlQ*, murulII,l. na-h&!U IlUu the lliqui Ilkon. H~hI "t' we' bun. into ",..rid, Ollr IlUhlt.,.. hnme- c~ulLlel iaOiCled u,.,n the ellrl lIan Pit- •or tal at,.ad beJiet'e .alaat ."...; 11M> eec:n,\Oir that bad bl't!~ 1 rhu~i;:l{ :rj' :'I"al'!'I"· .:. nMha '" ,L11 ell 111':111, IU willth llUtW ... bUI JetoUl- diatel,. 'hrlllllt'lft'I &0 re/eulnl I"lmlf, be ou~ .wlth aU tJlI' l'bema.t:e III ~ to
I -
' I
lograph. L
Historlcal Sketches.
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J'ol"tlver go by tire n me Humbug! 1I11n. c:blJtma. nil if I could now Ilredl or animal mired dun'lI and died In arouDd m~. my ISIS I Ii ved, hut 1ell i18 slouJl'lI and mnoy m6h (oulld watery Har eYliburg, I would even quit hauling ."'IIU~•• 'I'''' lgro.tell In ils llwil't current, The Illr aU ' cord \\'ood III t",e]ve dollar!! pllr cord! I /la w lhe- "elcpllant." tU8b Ilpi! tait. alona it for Ulree hundred miles WII/J rentiered poi ouous; lind lh water UpOIl au~l- ,On ce or Iw iell I rode ' n IIi ' tUllkB; all Yllis would hllve be. 1\ found to con\nan I wh en the bOyti came liP witla me.. I w~/J h npurl hment as you h,nve 'hololu ou 'n o hi~ t!lB' with l'n~he~ 11 weak Ii jJI wc:ak 90I1P.For hVCI!ly grip-hnying'IuIlI'nQthlng thut wu ~ Ht to here "'~ ~ separated Crom Illr IlhQut lour Clays. ProviJliollli couid ng tll ~S ti~~ wus d~i! I~tll be bought lor lovellor I ~on ey ' 1 aten tliclUs:nllll$ pf )1ttle .vnlUlluljl8 which pl1!L1ed ,lO wnmllll for u IouI' of broud temR"U.'cU'''''',kept ~ Ur\l were throw II I lin" ilol' Wltla gold nud 'th~ n ultem)!ted liS URe , for till,! p/)or 'trre~ I1l1 lLIJnls ! rno~e het throutTh sy ulpathy ' nlll.l it is wall. Iny (ID,IVti: ill". their I H~rAeS!l ol1d die, l ~r t 'Iillle I hllve ov.c~ !leell n W!).rt1l1n so [lor. pullin" n wugun With 11 slO ull tlUp ply of the I 'ctly cold and J ll dlf1 ~ re nl, ever Hi n\:e tlwu nccelldUl'ius 0 1 lifo. r don't ~hin l< so Ili1ICII of tile 11m ones. pluco of reSjdel1ce, nnd ,exIle, he will give rIRE.-The Rnilroad shons at Oneida Mo t Of th e wu go ns wele left. They bllt the boys cnm e "I' and f< und 010 \\'ilb n him a deed or one hundred ncret! of bl.'uuli. depoL N, Y, were cOll8umd ~y firQ on the were cOIII\ll.On arti 'Ies fur fuel, I JI UVC hnlf pinl of 'chop pei:l curu m01l1 for feed lllg ful Inud III th e \!Icimty of' Ihll t city. It ill nigl:t pf ~he fir tl~st. Considerable domeen fl talldltlg flom fifty to one hundrcd 1 0 )(0 11 . So ended the "0."< press pack trq)" probullle ( d."ys ., t1,e writer) thut the IJrllv o of th o bOst of lI'ug'nns ut ono g\UflCO of I a SOCJllfnonto, of which '1'0111 hUll no doubt -AfllgYllr Will ~C()opt, Ilnd herore IOllg bo' Dge wus slIstained bv the loo\l(>rs. the,eye, buill( Dlld forlh II10ng the I~OO~ . lold YOIi. 0, woll remembcred uro ;;0111 0 umong us, ' \ ~ OTlICE. And l presume I would speaR wllhltl of the good dinn el'll'Vo huvc eutclI, ubollt " VAR INHA\·TI.-]t is slIid thnt !Jostili· bounds ll) suy tho numller of dead Ollirnnl31thllt Liln e' bUt I suu " to lhe sum' of "No THE S()Ul'I/ER~ TnADE.-T he vnluo of 1'ho fqCl'iJ!Js a(wr thill dille of 1. W. R DlinTS tics have commcnced \;lell\'cen the HflytillnB lit the SlJIk IIltd ~tI the D esert, woul,1 Ibr lll Surrende:." My ~l1ulcs lind liorseg 1\11 shC!ell aniluully sent South (rom Ncw Yod or J. lV. lIil'ir.l', due, 111 0 OIlO Subs~1 iililon, Job ond DO)miniciulIs, An nrmy of the rormer o~~e contlnllo utlli ne (rom ' Vuynollvi lle to brolw dow n whitlh wn.,s th e call so of my HI estlmuted ut $~ ,OOO IUOO .-noston lin d ",.rlt, or AdycnJ;ii,p~ will bo ('on sl (l!lr~d vII1W III defiling through a nurro,,,, pass wos at · CII1Clllnnt/. ,. ' . faili ng III my 11I15Sioll, '. . r,llIilldelplllll send, porhups) a8 r!,n ~'y nlore. W, ELl-lOTT W e drOl'e the De~ort (12 rtl1lcs) In two I could SCUTtlcly give yo u on idea of lhe I ho trude wo~ never more fl oun slllng lhtln tllcked by Q body of the latter and driven "Vayno.ville. I 'OY. !l 1&;0. 41-3w dnys untl.11I"htl!. W e. lool' nil ou r Illoclc ,rlliCadl.JlVs IlD d the ai ll)( of HlIlIlllolt," Af- du ring t he present .sellson, th OUg~1 so ulh erbo(,k with IUB8und terrible' 8 1 ~ughte r, 1 ••• c. IIlrough III sufety, .wll1le mauy at th s lcrtru~ 'Jllllg three hUl1lll'ed miles-forced lIord nre cOlllmenclng to mu nulueture for ~We slInd ~iJi8 fluu~llcr, of lhe "Visiwho ru&hed !ort thei rs doa~ upon the sund . dri~' cs UIl (1 [loor C eu, lI ourly very ol1e wos thense lves. tor' to ijeveral of our friends l hopi ng they The Hun gorian elfiles bove founded 0 001- itl r. lnss. It i nl~o ullpleuBunt to Iho It W~9 mornmg on the tlurd day', the /lUll cOl11 pilllt'd to stop lit the Greut Illcudows .- - - - , - - -~'the populnr volo in TeKaR all the will like it well enough to become subscri. any in Decatur County, IowlI, whero lIurll- t~ o cJl eri for it gives him much tro,lb lo, and WOII jUlit PdoepllJg' to,bove sOl1lfie .10 IfV Il llnlJs-I un,1 recr~lit their stolwlc berore bl'eukilJg ill ell- Iupoll the Des ert of 72 mil es whi ch Illy be. qllCatlon of nc cepting the propositlol1 or Lera hove settled dOlVn and ore build illg in reuders the progress of t he l ellrnm'/ slow wns Se[l~~ upon my ever U l t~1 u bers, ' ' o del i ghtful s!tulI~i ol1 all Croo~ed }"ork R,~. ulld dd'J1eult, An il11pravement In th i par- wrll p[let.\ 111 u ~TCllt blunket (Il~ It WilS chll- lore lltom, Cous!:'quentlv yo~ coula see co ugro~s for th e settlement of the bOllndu, ')'i ..)e l'rolono;eit. sr. Their lender Gov, ' Ujbl\zy 11ns recci- ticulur i~ doslroble. Agnltl Bam of lhe PlI- J Iy) when r he,lrd u !o~g yell 'rom some ot frolll~three hundred to olle thouBund persons ry «lue"UOI'l, hilS rel'uilod jfl fnvor of tho Our 'readers ore aware thut ollr terms ed on IIdJrees from KOSSUTIl to Lhe Am eri- pils nre (req uently \\'i tla~,IlJt I:luiluul e 1J0olt,gj 0 111' c? lhpaIlY,uncl rUI8mg from my reverl O, nil lh~ timo I!lI campeel. 'rile pour , \ Irecl pl'oposj tio~l by 1111 overlVhelaniug majority.'" nro one dQllllr nnd IirlY cents il pnid wlthlll call neople which will Bhortly ~e publish- or the nocessary pll'IIphnrnnlill 61' pe!lmnn- t the I!M of, . ottoulVuod tr.e~ . tho~ marked borsC'ti luy down lind dill; lhosc thllt could IIJli p. No mAli CIIII perform Inbor wlthout l th e Cu rson rlVCI' \~o re plolU 111 view. 0, werl! IlInlci urr gouel usc of tilll e up9 11 tli e A new plnnot wua cliscovored in EIlJl'land six mo.Pths, .or two dollllrij if pnyment ill de- cd, implements, aclll])ted to his Irn4l' ; no . lady It wus a glOri OUS SIght. My mule champ· gras$, thllt \~II:J mowed lind carried through all tho 13th ult., in Ihe constelJution Pogloyed pver tllot time. All who ore still int _ '_ COil serve up 11 good m ul, or perform lhe ed tho lilt-wIth the nerve of II ru('er, he tho water so mo hul f mile. 'ro g ive YOll Iln US lI S, JUr Hinel, the discove rer, cull" it "Vicdebtl!d to us can Sal'e t'le ndditionol balf· COL"SAMUEL YOUNG wlls founel in the dulles of a house·wlfe in ~el1 eru l, Without ' pltlllted hll' foct In the SU~llJ. We were iden of the destruction ot prop rly here toriu.', He SOyR ~t fo rms the twelllh of the , ~ollur ~y mo'''ng pnyll\eet on or before tha arms of death on Sunl1ny morning, 11IlV!ng the 'needful int'ormntio!1 to ucoom[lli~h fs?on upon It'! hnnk , alltl It \Vag n lovely olld upou lhe D esert thut followed would gro.llp of ultrnzod lcal pliUlCls, nud the llllrd wluch be husd, scQvcred. tirst of December, • lretired ill his U~ llill hetl ltb the nl~bt be- it, h?w('ve r akillful lilte I!lny bQ.50 no cb~l lI ; bl "'ht, W e hud seen np trees for ~enr 450 be{{glir my pon, Imllrove llllldl by gazIng on vnc4n cy" orl m!lcs, lind here th ey spr,end theIr grant Scurcely all orticle YOll could IfletlLlon . . ca n We make lhis nnnOUllecment to remind (oro.-N. Y. 'l'ribllllt!, when tire()·jrRzin ,cnn /juck his fingers go Wldtl tllp s over a lilrtl'om 01 the purest un that: l could 1I0t Bud here: the finest of Th? DUlly Ne)vs IInys .. th~ 8ubmoriue our potrons o( tha fu et that printers ClIJI not " __ to . slecl1, nnd when Ilwululncel be dny trIO l sweetest wuler I . ever dr~nk. . . weuring n)l[lntQI n little soiled lly dust \Vus ~\' Ires IOto una torosecute tho edItor for suygeL along wl,hout n dime , now and th~n ():::7;Tha !lJllve hunters K lli"ht! and Wi sor, I :hold tlllllk If Ullclo Sum, br 0110 A g reat lIIuny left their \~ngo~!I In Sight rumpl ed' under foot li S tru ck Dna tri/llkets. lJI{," they were deranged!" ~ t~ expe~d,in ~eeilful8 nnd inci1entnls, A Hughes lelt the city yest:rduy n~ two 0 1 of ilis '. lIulilllt, rnll, puy Ihe tuitioll fee, tl.lbt of waler an~ hurried on theIr atock , Some l,nl enVI ng Iny oCcl\pu,t lon do no~ I as\( grow " ---. At Vlennn n poli ~ i cn l bllolt )s limldng 0 IlInt to tb~ WIse, etc" ' cloc" P. 111. flllly persuuded, nfter II wcek's paren ts mIg ht 8,tlrely ' ftlrni~h b091,5 &tt, J we.met com lllg buek 10 brmg 00 sorne,ln- euviou bctllluSO of my promotlQn!! 1 pre. And ognin Somo cllll!lren nro "cpt o.t , v.c)~I(e tl nlnlul th at Illld follen thrQ.ugh fn- fer lid 'lJusiness hero, because I CUll h ~v\} grent sen8tltlon, called 'conressions of a tr inl tbot III111ttempls to IIrrest Mllry ontl Tile Western Star, hOllie' or else pillY truant III ~ h e ~lreet8 till IIg'lle.. W:e ".t first :guve our I\fl1lnals 11 l!all cQmpqny of' Ex. meU)berB of Stllte soldier'" . nO) t"(Clng t1Ie Ellen Crafts inI tho cily. of B08~on II late hour ill the nrorlling, IIlId thcreby Joo· smu ll [lortI O~ lII or~us lll~ the quantity eve· Legisillturell lIuil Houorublee or ull kinds Tb eel d'tor 0 f tl'liS pafor ID I Y LI ,vera I o~ ~ot n ow , IUS sill" n lesson; IIBweB IIIl mu!,~ noise end ry hour, \1111.1 tiJcl r ~1:lr~t wn~ quenche.d: lor brother chip8" I enjvy mysl.'lf well, The N npo 1001: Almona~ for 186 1 stntes thn,t rel)J;emllnt of M,n'. ELLIO.TT from il~e edilo. worlle t Ip.n uee etls. con rusion, \\'iJ 111111 ."ould be qUiet, . . I ~e,.i: ~lf1g them lilly wlal tlh ,wns kept. hel'e tor whcn notl)iok, though for two duys pnst it there iJl in tllePreaident's houschb1d,!elav,en . I can tr91 0 I tl Ie V liHTOR has Id ,l'" struck, or lin Dct of Viol nee dpllC.TID ulS 1nn. been ,., ~ c"r Y 'fl , ". . There Is howevQr, 0 Ie:;pclfl\lllie mnjonty, .. u ctt! per bUIIQle-the, sIze Vou bllld onls. has bean ruiul n" alld pur brush hO\l80 is 'Pl'inces .nnu seventeen princesses , I , ... orNfR' J J . . L1 tuUlle , gunga: . • ,.,.,.. " , --X.' to which these complain.s do not apply. IH ont Ive foullt! tile tl~s t trudi ng posts, nnd "inolilled" lo le~k . Dllt we reuson on lhe "Mr, Elliott iS4 good priDter, I spright- j ""'-rt' 'd tl10 rreRlu n .~ oh t ·0r tie J U. A~ Lo gOt eruUlellt, the teuchar's will [Is nl\. hundred were WIthout bread uncl hod prin llipnle of the'Ar1(unsus' tllBn now 'when The Police ill PtLri~ have been ordered to •• , IJ-J., IS ani 111· til luw: unll it' the pupils Rub lliit their \Vii!" l lJe 'n fo r \Veelcs, It wa~ a grant re liof. , I It ti Oes /I Ot rain I~ tlocJs lib ChllilllJl~, nnd nuend in perBon or by proxy, th o t ltoAtr.Cf!, Iy and senSible wnter, on IImlUb1e young t d St t ' 11 h tl . 'I . 'd . os WI "or y Is~1I0 proc 1\ IDa· to his , JJlfotJl;rh [lersulltion, e lltrellty or,] h,uve oftell seen where the tlosh bnd ' lJI'eh whell it does it is too wat to «10 it," A ond note the dromotic )lllges wh)ch vloluto Inion, and tf,~lIle rvles bett~r cdn?ourWngem'::lt tiun enford ng lhe rigid exec~;tion of, thA lcwllrd i it is lllUch proreted: Q\Jt II th ey- Cllt from th e bOlloi! at coll ie that hnd ' fill· mUll with Cllpitol cun multe II forlun e herp. plIblic mornlf! Ian we .ID (, Ie roce)v\! III ayn"s· F . . SJ L n I ' ugllive ovo nw, ... erhu[ls 110 hut! as tum Il deuf enr to thc. 0 ap ponls, ~ulimlssion !e n III the wo\>11 lind un~~le ' to go fur.tlu~r. In ,/I short< ti nl. ~B 11 genel'ul tiling , tlie ~-~---' '11 "\; th' IH I J I> " \' b l ' , well not givo himselftho trou1)le,06 the Luw must be enforced, in n 1I10re·. ~1 oltrllry nnd rhe hums lVOU Id po stripped of tho skill 11I001'erll ure not the l1'I eli who Ilre grow ing O:7'Coulllerfelt hulf-doll!\rlf lIu\:e mnde CS8 ,a ti~ rIlOlol·.Y plan ner. h may not be nnd the rOli lltl tall II, In mnny i,natnflce ricli. mltn occasio llaly. str,i kes 11 " dell t.heir oppearance i,~' s6 Q pluccs, ; K~ep n . e In r edn tJEH10' 18 s Ig t Y ml~: .cems to lJe ' (nat ellOugh e;reQuti:lIg iU(17j'! tok en IU Tegar to IJ! "encour~~ement • , Il llI proper t r j) murlt. th ut . I have never I 'y are t~10 horns of mulos nn4 hors,e used lOiJd" ill the minea, ~ nd very", often Inl>orl\ brig!. t look uut, , conliidcred it IIIV duty, to IIlstli l into llio lor:J hl( ~ purpuje. 1\1I1I1Y lI.ved lor duys for 1)lOntlls Wltlll;l\It !lily nlllre thlw poying Mr. ElliuLt receivod wblle here, We cun as. "" -;l:, sure hi~ Mr.- E, much regreted that circum J~mes Goll(l~her III to, be bung nt l::!t, minds of the ) outh p1ui'I)11 undor my carl, upon tilt! ft gs they cUIIght ID the ponds lli s Loa rd. I \vork d ill th e l!'lincH olle week Docs not the echo in tho sal shell tell of I ~tIInce8 of a priv~te nature c~mpe1le" him LoUIS Oil the, 13th Ilrox lln~, for the IIIUr- tho creeds or profes Ions on ony one 'llect; aloll/{ the Humbug. \Ve Wero not only but found the 111 IlQ I' hurticr th ol l .J could but r\lthcr to teuch them thot .all Il)nnMnl( I!Il'l hero by peculators, who solU, O~ur .lIt stand, I wns Inllde quit~ ,;ick 11 ' d qu~t the Lbe Worln whioh once inhllbitecl it! "And to .'transfer hil interest In the estllblish- der of lIra, Miry Crollbey III Olut c ity. ore ),JrethrOIJ, eflildrel),.of olle common fa- Irom $ t,5O to $2,00 p ~r 11" but a relief !Jusiness. The common \ ngos for hnnds shall not man'li ...ood d e~d$ live I\lIor him ment" to U8i. and , t1ll1t lie WQll influenced thorj IInil that thllt gro!\t, \ llther is the au· trllin," sent by the citizcns of !9u~rameuto in tl,a lJ1i nes ill trOID 5 to 7 dolluTS (I er duy ulld sing hie prn i' e1 . Alexllllder Mc Carthy. convicted of the thor or \111 Otlr bll'sfiugs, (lnll worthy to Ito \"':I th ten tb?u~lIrad dolll\r'ij worfh o( pro· lind bOlll'ded. by no Iuch motive 88 lack 'of patronage, In tho city mallv nre workinl$' (Clr 7iJ The Lulty In lrelllnd protes t againsl the As our brotber of the quil seemll to think murder of Adolphus Vanderburg,lI.t 6rllen loved reverenced qlld pbey'cd ' and th ll,t VISIons, whi ch Was dellit out to those who th ~y 'f$hould d~ml]h n themsel;e towllr~1 wur.e on ' foot li nd en tirely de~ ti~llte. It dollllrd r ll'lduUI-lLnd bO/lrd, At suel. de'lisioll of tho Paplll Convention' ~rohJ b' i Dti y. : W IIl .• WIlS sentenced to be huog on er 80 poorly at 'ollr paper a.p,d its lupporter/J, ench o~her ; wi~h kincllle;;s lind g Iltldlles~l ; to?k but n fow dllys to exhou t . tbe~c .6)1p. priccs L co o Ill flke tI grMt deul mure g()ld iting them from sr,mul ug th alt chiJllreQ to 1\0, will of cO~l'IIe, out of good 'ill ' to tIle III\eh tilly os the governor may.appoint, IIllil ·it I thltt, ,rhe oivJlity that comport~ Iill es r 0 ~her8 w~re ij~rat fro!? oth!'r Cl(lClS, 1/1 tb,e ,SWIet!, ']'1l1<itlg ilt to conslderution gov~rnllleut dll gee, , Ftatertllty of the Preel!, ,he glad when) ve with cliristiunity IIml good bl eedirg, PIl" nod to\~I1S 011 ttll::! benev?1 nt nll;;610n.- th e Il1uny Ijrtv u ~i 'lIl~ It iii bl,lt 11 pooi' reuu· Fl'Uu() contI/hiS seven lIunllted nnd villil Lebllnon Ill')d obtain "lltmeVed, or two, 'rhe Fugitive l.alV do es not nppenr to (11- ren ts! Mbt\J r$! let me adtlrciss mysolf i lene gelltle mun IItu rted wI,h one JHII,dred nerutiorl for' la bor h fe, W, Dillon is eirrbty ci ti es lind f"l'ly-o nc·thoul;lond towns or three subBeribers by way'o( '.'hetter en· Illy the excitement on ~he 8ubject of Slay' you. Tho gont to be rench cti, is virtue, in· head or (Ill cattle on tile olel'LlIlISOII ~oute,' do~ng well lit hi~ trlllis. nbQut Q mil Ii dl!l- lind vi ling '8 . Puris hli one sly at culled La \ Will ,dll Jl ud IIPO~ the g.ener?m y of tant lIud Frl1rtk De nver, is in tbe 'ity lUId li'nyetto, Olle- WushiogtM nnd oll e 'FrtuikClour.gement." ,. ery at the SQuth in the 1MBt, They talk tellige llce, rrspcctuuili ly und u~cruln c!\s foil' S UI'tO I'uy 111m ot Iua Ic.sure,- is maki ng the ililJles, .lin.' ' "This we hope to do; not out of 0pp0l$ltion or milking I Itlw ill Virginin thut ~~ wil l your oD"'llring ill this lile, 1\J1d a croW n imwli I,e prur;eedIHl!' spefl:ks w ell of ' ~h e ]1r. John D oun . all(1 I. _S, Niswl1ncler, .Tn. the montt. of AI1!!t1 t new:Jy hnlf 11 to you, friend D:, by any means, bUlsim- emancipating 810ve8 shaU be 'valid; 1l!H1 U morLnl in th\Jfwhi~h is to come. 'r~ en do' we not need 'YOUI' c« ·opernt[(~n I? th sellklllg, Si lver, are(t~l (n~ .com~~"I1l\Y f!topped all /lrsoll river nud made 3 or 0 rt}allJull. of, pus~ urr('r/l t.ruvelled Ofl tho llo~' ply {or our own good, W~ think we ought' meeting in Georgio, .Reliolvod thl,lt if Oon- ~rellt work, You CIIIl do mu ch In tbls , \lompo 0 the body p0111lc 01 the Eure- bundnld. dQll ufs lrodin !,p til y no\v buve .,iu!1 tn,lrou<l , and the IIItcrC(Jur8& between to hnve at. le~t om hundred subscribers al gr:elll should repeal the lnw, or Q.bu1ish lila. rlous ' enlcrpri~ej alli1 WTl.'nth Cor ka sta le. , . • gOll e to the Southern U1l)fes near Stockton, dlfHIJ'ent part!! of, Europe doublol!! ever~ tbe county seat, We most beartily reeip- very in tpe Di. ~rict of Oolumbia, or 'inter· natneS the bright col'onnl of (ume, 'ro d eBorlb ~ tho wald be(lutl 'ond grall- 'rom 811d 1 arc lo"'et\Je,: we hllve ll'lllde no veur. It is staid til re lire 11S,000 'Eng. ~eur of the S I()ra Nev!ld,,: would be,a plco lj. v'#ry heavy ,10Uens YIl\j uud it will be Ii 1,,8\111'.011 now lit jh~ PUlis Hotel.s." rocate ~e maDy1dod wi"bes or the atar:- dicnhe e1ave trade betw~en tho "'~'~Ulerll jrive us your QllprQvillgllmil\!s i.1 the : lind your, encOuragement urouud t11el 1I/r t~!l k wcre I abla lor I~,. NCllhl1lg hul ~ rew ' wocks IIPC"OpS Iielbra we .0Ren our It IS ;:!tuted ~pon suod aUW(l~I,ty, thnt hI ttnders\l\ndlng. doubtle8l, thot they ote!,]I, St?tes, , Then thaI Georgia with un Iy headll, T)lellj and I]ot, ~ill th en" Q \~lld nhd altog ther glOriOUS evol' fill ed nunk: We Wunt to f\io~ Il nti~cly ~ I\re thllt th o, nrti~les of ~i ce .aM tCIiROfO n.I~1I9,ll . thoqgh by on oversigbt in the prin~r G') VOIce, \YI)J declare (\>r RevoluJw!& ond lndetbo wOTk progress. :S, 'r, p, n.} Im u~malJon. Whon \V,e cU,me clolle to we will not be 'S~ pem\ peQie p\'yme nf." merclttltlle firm "1I Liver-pool ~v.11l tillS yeu~ they eecapl','f ~elng tzpreutd, . ' pmaenC8/ All "bunkum" doubtle8B, .... " ., , till! l')ClI,ost rAngo tIle wholo facte of' the ~'Vh en ontl thing gro\ II lJ\ollQtonO!!. w e rQtl I,ze £300,000, IIp[lO ·d to b ll 1b ~ lllrg at \ Culll'umia V .. rr~spondel1ce. ' cOlll,tr,y begon to change, 'Ve cqme to tly anoth or, I hu«lo whOM,VO r ulln m!lke ,~tnl ver In de by any mercantile h au a lit ----.... the first Curson of the rlve,':thc middle of nlly tlung certain, Ilnel Tom poculateil III ElIrOI)e, in one YOllr, ACOrD&IITI- A eon of Mr. John StibbB, ~The Cincinnati Wel'kly D~8Plltch SACRA MElfTO CITY', 19th , 1850. t h.e afternoon and nat. knowmg. the nnture horl\les I' uller tJie lelt." We IJollgla t a 10lld ~~~-========~==!~= near: FortAncient. WM severely injured by Ind .t:J nion has departed tbil! life ill a flZ· PROF, N. DOAJ(:-) ~ WUS 1\ pl easure my 01. tha , .fOnd. started ,n <lhe allstance thro or flour yesterday aJld) lo bos gone ' to the zle, tbo fall of a sawi l!>g, He WIlS atllnding ullllr fe llow,a fter 80 long 11.1\ absence, til ~ Cl ng SIX mll.es.) Well Just such a , road mines to 110y, The profit for loud is genback,of the log as it W1Isbeing drawn. on to henr of yOUT h tlltb Bnd hop'pi II.IlSS, IS no~ fOUlld III nil th~ world even SIYltzer. orally fro m 60 to 80 ' dollnrs in fOIll 'duys the wagon, reatly to block Itj ' as lhe 101 ' O::rL,and emigrants, tg Onll,rornia ure lind with (lllll er upon .my,1,noel amid t.he lund ID cluded. ~rip, 1 dont cnre much about tl}i& ~0 Id: .1t reached the ,,.ihael, the chllin broke; h" ran Buffering drendfully on the Plai nil, burry Ilud ~IIBtle Qf tins neut yo .rltngo' city Iq mnny 1)lnccs you hovo to go nht'tld never bought 1,llppitless yot though It lIuds ?f the PUCI/lC, I pep yo~ 0 few .Itoes, hop. 101.11, for the rond among' the. roeks. - I;omething. Whell tbe "Willdowlt,<!f Heaven back •.butihpeedily l~acbed " aJl~ 'ran over . ' -, ' the axle has to bo pried 11P to \lre opened a.nd the {ountai ns of tne great &0 OEl\XS /l1l.lt,: Of 'l'1lll 1\ DA~~.. ' Go~ernor Forti has set npart TJIUr8t1oy, IJlg thC;y muy not be eJI ~lre ly ullllJlel'e~ting. . him, At our last ad\'icea he wus not eJ(.You will !IOVO rend le\tors before t111!1 ur·. It •. w n the grent "oulders lhat Io.y cleep ore broken up llnd il comme!lccs th~t ' JlUHUl VISllor Rcpol'lcr. • perlted to recover, , Nov.mber 28, 1\8 a day d( ThanksgiVing. telbng you. mOllY 01' tlie ev nts o( dUck nround, The. \Iocses clll.mb~r and four month~ of 'ncessllnt r\lin hero yO\l ~vIJl (}::7We havssi~ce learned thattheypung WeoIiope if will be properly observed, route, I will merll\y sketch ~p a littlf'; ' (III!. A l~orBe b 1~l\glllg to on~ of our tmv- no doubt here of l1Ie some ~i8tuuce all', O . , ' mll~ "bal ~ed, of tho pust and pUIi'ling evaut!!, To me eUtng frI end fell, IDto a clees>, dItch. lind wa~ P. Mitchellls now with us in cllmp, nnd '~---.::--...:-.......-:"' Elee_loli News• thi8 has been a most profttuble ond plenijO killed by one of t~le men, ns there was no irt /looil sllirits we 011 propose going to the trip, p.spociulJy dUfillg th~ firs t pl).rt of' chalice t~ get . hun out, ThQ beautiful "Buckeye Ho~so" of S nCTlUll eJlto to.d\loy " 'B)'uesv ille Produce M'llfket. ~New Jersy iR Democratic. ~ f call the attention of the read~rs route-ufter lenving \VCl>tOIl.. I hadl Carson Tlver ronred ~ou>ng the ~ock9 and aud hold a kind of select coDvivium over WI~~IIE,l1rllll~~::~Y \~ FOR'lIllE VlliiTOR. 62 of our pllper who are Intereated in-Califorescaped .Lhe (\on[inement, nnd wilhout III echoedtJClmong that rlused m \ II d .... , h the ,. IlDes Ii h itheIr baited shud Rnd oystor soup, GOod 1J0a.r' d· ",orn, She , . .,... ~Mlchagon i8 Free-Soil·Whig. nta alf.ira, to the letter froID that ooun.try bllrthert of t1lou a ht, II e constant attendant «:o'les Iree l.\Dure eot to cntc a g enm in" oon be had for from 16 to 25 dollars U\lrl \!y 'lI'bu. ' . w found in our ~lqmnl.tbll week, . of all }'OU "pedagogues; I could rOllm free of sunli~ht, Deantiful little caturacls poc;. week prices heing much lower ~hnn OllUl, . 35 • ~Wjllc(JJ1sin. The lc,£\sllture is Dem- -with ontelopes and woll'es u~~ buffl1loes from BP~lIIgs ond mettln-g snow l;a p~d t6cy were, ' I have not slept in a housf' Plour, Y bbl. 3.l7!) 'I1he Mentor. ' oel,atic-the Congressmen, ' Indep'end~lIt Well n l.Iufflllo hunt, on I SPlrJtlld hor.se, madly (tom c,l ~f\ to clel.t, To pause nlDld ,since tile sixth of Mny Illld bave 10 fa Ion ~~~:,r:}~Ji. .. ~if, Thill exoellent Maguine 1'or 1.outb f~r 'WOj Dem, one. fun taller thau a c~rn lilalk-not except" ~uch n scene. nn.n to thlflk, to sleep lullEld i n love ~vith Il"Rover's~ ' life that it will Lard, 10080, Y Ib . , ', 1 62~ ng even those of whIch you used. to spea~, 1Iy such musIc IS enough to poy for !iCing be hard to return and becolllo u:>o to the P tatoos, noW Y llu.,. November, is on ,Qur table jllle~ U I.\sual where the ~COOIlB' got fllloh 'fulls," Th~1 bored for a 101l/l month by that threo inch aristocratic wlly~ of men ' who slElep on ' ' . l'OUL'l'B.Y. witb naerul and instructive matter, We ():t,rNew rork is Wbig, by 2000 mnjori- varied lind beuutiful 80enery o( hill an ~1 augur, the Humbolt, fllther;, eat but of pi lites and drink coB'ee !l!1Ie~()n9, ; ~O:l•• are lIot acquianted with 8PY work better iy for Governor, 2 lDajority jn the State flower and rivulet ;md riv er-tile' constallt • 6,00 Don't you ,tiaiuk ~t woulll be n gloriou!> ,"It of ~ollcers. Fingel'll were made 1;Iel'ora D~clc~C:s, t~" • • . ' .. • 1,20 adop~ to the roung, MIlY it meet with SlInote, 32 io the House and 18 out of B~ plen/luro with our IriorioU9 little bOIl.d olf place for , flutter' ~l'lIl1s! ' 'rhe thought ~l· forlts; and tin cups wasbed 9J1C~ a. week Geese: ' Y" • _ • _ . ! . • 2,40 tbe 8uccesa it deserves, Icoep " middlin "Iel\ll," SQma of the emi. Oongressmen, So latest re ports affirm, 'Heroes,' mude the first pClrt of ollr Jour,· most mnkes mlllllllg,. ney, fly pust like a loved vision, None olf "I would I wertl a ~oy agam, with lIeart 80 grauts used plates on tho route for arravylight nnd free," ond so did We liS long Mil we kept our dQg! -o:::rOur leader for tbia week!B crowded Ma88ftchuletts) n'o choice by the pe6ple us were much I! ick until. chilled hy tbe 00 th.o Rockv Mounhu os . The but Fn~ll not nnd hehca must be II little If YOll will take thesa hinta lind ru~ them '.1.'. out by the California, letter And a pr.els for governor. Legislature, scatter,ing, here IS not ~o fine os.1 e~pected-nolb grlivtlr 11\ my temnrkll, , up R, little-and very li ~tle. they will be. of newl otre.~ to "trike the DlIncl III the way I Bu~ I nellher .Jove forced. gravity n?r come benutiful truths in reference ~o the D0N'1' lea.ncbody that tho Telegr"Jlh OOiCG O;7Read th~ " Dying Mother·· and the DelawRre elects a DemocrntiG governor alltlclpated-you 8cnrcely knolV wben you ,s?ur crout, 1 thmk I would lIre to agalll imi gration /Icross the Plains , The emi. '11) the Olty of Wayn vUle ~8 flxtlQ up 1Il tilt! 6ummit, 60 ".,.adllal is the.. ascent'. BIt III a good qnnlcer meetlllg, ond perhaps "rat'lon tl"at I'S no'" comln ' "., I'n confirm the ngnin is in I'l1l8'r lU'1'S urdc:r for dOing bUlli· Historical Sketch on the first page; tbey 36 majority, D em, 0 ongresBman 200 lI1a.0: I hi 1. 1 lid I d ... :> " nellS upand willa dispalah. ' , . .l " t "C 23 ' th I . I ills, volleys, deep ruv,ines, an~ rivers fo ' t .nl' ~rn not)oo W or ulr as.} el t.o ftr;ln rumOT8 we had heard of the frIends Mos"n"ea -.eDt tb tnoatparUl of Unitod SllItCII g wiJI well p"" a perusal, Jot\ty, nUll 11 mRJora y v In e egl$ 8- 1 'r d cJ H H c H" tl • " ow olle aner aDolhc~, Inuking the trIp 0 .lIle 10, v,e, lOll,!!'Il I am ati II c lolero, Men DlId women who nrrivod aod <;:on~dll. . .. T.e Irratle. tute, Ilny\hing but monotonous, from the Soulb addIcted to willstlmg occasionally. eal'ly and bad among the back emigration Othce III tho B,onn VISitor Office. Pass, for mony hundred miles, DOll Dut I must not w~ndl.'r IImid thede little look ill vain fat fomiliQr faces . J. , EVANS. paclt(!fS are making preparatioDs1'or Ill'· other tllln.... t.h tllt brlllg mony thoughts link· Tiley sleep hy thousands UpOD t III banks TO THE cfTI'7w;tNS OF -.. __ ~"'_ • oOur IDOla goos D emocra t'IC, .. - necessary lor your comrorlt d b btl '1'1 "., n ... & ... _ th coml'o" trade, whl' ch bl'ds r.al' r to be ".. Ii Ire wanting, whioh mnkes it II po,1t of thll e ~ ~sl!oola lon , u In8t~n all, Ie of the Plate! And' now )s npprollcbing VILLE AND VICINITY good. ' From aU thlt we can learn there .. trip YOll little care, Tbere is little or no mornang before we arrived at Fish Moun. rapidly this land which has been entirely Dr. H. 'MiZER returns his tba.nks for lhe wlU be u many bop In the market ~It 18 saId that th~ small·pox is pre- wood for fue l, (buffillo chips Ilnd WIld Buge tllin we t1'TOW IIWIlY OUl' lost wogon lind nee froin that dr~ad malody, Several calUberal porIOn of thire patronAgo nnd now .. ulual, Our merchants . generally do a vlll~1II1 to some extent in Mt. Vernon we generlllly usecl, and found them n gooll all started "pol·king". It wal! perhaps t-'!n seQ llD.ve 9ccured on thiB lIide the "Great in r. Id~' ~o enrrr tly P lil~ oJ ~~tl~' tb!l~ m>nd bWlinees in thialine; ant! we are of ObIO. substitute.) PCCJpla hllve not got to bEl w~en wo come 10 the foot of the moun- D~~ert" ill Carilon valley, The young bm~~e~~e/lnt~hi~ ~n~luad~1fe lOIh 01 Docena. .-ver»: nice or pllrticulnr that come tu Cllli- tam where II Inrge number \\'~re waitmg mlln wilo stnrted witb U8 (and wns wound. ber, &II tho lII\1uro of the caso 18, 1 muM have the opinion tba~ WaynelVille i8 al convenlform . Salaratus ponds Dill! grass impreg. upon the tcoms lhnt formed a lane of two ed by a nl'dtol ':vlll'\e copping I't and return. Ihe money to defray my CXnen JleIl, and meet ' , • b Ii d 1i fi O:7Gr.eat numberB ,of 'Fugitive slave . TV F ent a jIOJDdlS ~ . e ann or our armera nated with the poison made it a hllrd ploce) 1101lr,s ......- Ive up tI Ie mountalll, • 0 t hauk· cd untilt" he recovered) was a Cew days thos w h0 h ave doman b8 ognlnst 1U(\. 4~d toCllilpo18 of tl\eirpork, We are Dot'pre- are pouring into Canada. for 8tock_ We were arlad when \ve uriv- ed our 6\nrs we Iwlno wogan) and tnking since laying in ~he ]ost 8tages of the cbol- ~N:.:o..;.v:...,,;, :H):.:ti::.,'.::,1:-,:8 DO:. :,. :. _.:-_ _...:..._.-:._ __ p~ to set down an1 fi'.'I'U" the opened at thal most ]o~ely plnce r have seell ~y.patbs .0 SOOIl were slow ly c1umberi~g era, ot tIl e last mentioned place, He was MORIUS & WlLUS,S. ,Dg I Tb k twill b ed ~Late advlees inrorm U8 that greot· upon the route, Wild animals, and BaOrC(~ Ita rocky sl\le, A~ noon we enCtimped 111 kindly beillg wuited on by Copt J, W, HOME J'Ol1Kl'(A.L, Ib ce, CI ~ maJr e e govern distress e9 1'8ts at 'he m'I nel I'n Coll'(iornin loss wild men roam IIpon the mountain8 on Red Lake VaJlt'y at the foot of the main Denver formerly of WllIimingwn It WIlS h PabUllhed Eyer,. Saturday, at No 10! '1 ...., a~ nOlDnat , ... a h'd d r d I . I mountnill of ..... t "oost to ultoa Opposite Duieb-Stret!t N-1leae Sl e, tin ee upon tie grom nn( U'llS grtlll... rInge, y e reported hero that he \vas dead; .But tbe TERMS:~ p A YEAR fN ADVANCE III grallses upon tbe boltom, took a hearty uinn~r and stllrled bllt the friends of the Capt_ will be ghld to learn n~ not paid ill aduncit. 'l'br!le copiea ant ~Jl1te Catharine Beechi!r aDd Yale O:7There are in ,the , Ullited I3la~el. AlmOBt every kind of grass that growlI sun WD.8 nenrly down before we rrnched he was in good hoalth 11 lew days sinco lor ...rdecl for tin yellr to one adc1rilae for ~ In COIJete ... atlomrerfJeact.. The ditBculV ellr~ty-one women acun" aa Post.mM,lel'll. in the States, grows here WIld, Many of the. summit: It WOII I glurio,us 8ight. wild It WIIS fatlll t IClll n amgodvour Walbiog: Ildnrlco. No 8ubec~:r.tion di.conuoued until IWIU to be tlaat a'ItudeDt of the CoU- Thirty one of thel8 are In PenaylvaDla, the,lndJans 'OwJl lar~ berds or hones.- BIt rea bon hnd beeD plaYing freaks Dnd tou fri eods in tbe adjoing--Couoty. Capt, ~I ~~~~gctI are JPIlI 'iUl1lo.. a~tbeb~ti:l Of -eBut this valley i. lOon destined to be thEI miDgI~ every s pecies of scanery in one R obison ioformed me jt took every - - lh: princlp~ n~' :.~ ~fYer:: 1hro~gOO:t l~O acc:u.ee . ,0UD g lad)' nol beiDg virWhome of tho Anglo Suon, grllnd view. \Ve passed over snow beds man in the traiD, UnllllCi l:!talO;! and the Prol'inOOl. The oaa, uclJIiM B. acea.e. him of bein, a o:7'Every " ,here we hear of coqnterCeit The river xvns iuto tho Great Balt LIke! 20 ahd lOO feet dt?ep, and heard the water 0, W, NlXOll, paper is lell'by careful earriea in the Cilllltl lie who faiIecl to make the lady what one1. A png oCvillaiDs e~aged in the and 110 many inducements ore held out J far beneath, :-umbling IImongthe rock".Now· York, nrook~o, WillJ&IM~ anliJ::n hereporta h.- to be. aDd &atH thl. riliain- manwaoture and circulation of spufioUI thl~k iD 0 fe\v yeaN the m?rmons wJII fetldl Ob, it would cia vou School T ellchlll'll to"!e The Clltholic Annual Register 1'or this C!!~~ 07t~~ 1{J~:'oo0~~~:".:rt.!' ~l:J.b GIiIlMtW to be rnencM for 'her virtuOUl bills hae heeD broken up, cODsistiDg of ~helr flookl htlndteds oC mIles up , good to take II few snortl! nt the pure air year gjv-ca a lis t ofsevenly clergymen wbo ~roviocee, dODe up io IlroNr 'IVI'IPPln. whh the l'fPct1ona of hi' proft'in. Fro II th t Helll'J TbomJ*»n James Bites Mary M, lUI source, away YJI})OOO feet. Dut the poor, we~kl.y. hive left the ETiah Clneh Ind joined the blmnaL pliootUally and .ateL- ny Poet-'-_ . m a _, a Y • A J The ate people of rreat beU- PIIU. half ted let h d bettQl...mntmue Roman Catholic religion, m..~er, or olher p8rt1011, who will ~d us ,10 we CUI - ....e U'8 lIu:lIaedto the ..de of unmn. DHI B ", wlll not let It place au hlIndy to .. long *a thdY can get 'certificates' for fif. Out of about MO crimlDll1a executed at for I.U new SIl\*riber8• • ball rt!CelYe II . . Reecher; ~ abe ia in the amount of co~terf'eit n9tea.u fouod Capitol remain unoccupied Ind ty. unts, And don't get asked mlny que.· york withIn the last ce ntury, lweDt ,elght ~'i:U;;S:'=J:1:ti'o:.~be~ipoa, rIpt. . ,bout them. ted, Tbe Humbolt and its valley I ex 110a.. , . a88t!rted tbeir innocence to the lateat mo- oaid to MOiRiS 6to low to MM, ebould I live to 6e an But I am ID Sacramento. In the lind or ment of their existence NolS!;,Fullon- cr.t., e.-.York. "~l""'l_ wee1ut Carwla 0:70... of dae priMIen who broke Jail 1110.... NIt wet: 1I~ ~~~.!fiigh~ honor ~ :,d:U~ikek!:g ~1d,let waJhen I Tb large baldlnl ~iled the Botel de a.~ 118.1850. 41 :1~=~:'= at!:atoll ntakeo aDd • reat .tar o. ~I c lera;" 1 no...... a.. moat b.. beeD to· the ~ • III back:" ., _ U LI_ ..a • IIIIIl8 here.,..,. If";le ecIIool bar IDJ fen ~~ to before I tlalnk_ aU tIw. the ~Lllltaare be • • _.....
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Il E IClt! oIlers for 8010 on T I It terllls n lot oi' Innd ln tho Gil,. lUll Ohio I) "'t: on Ihe 01 und ~r sig
:SIre I lltru,,~ly HI'O Ill! Iho v nthohc (''''''''AIr" , I <:011 101111111; bl.:l.,c I ucrtl!! I he 1I1lprOYCUlOlllll ClhlSIS t 0 1 u h u a ~ IL good orcharu, und olhur :11 COllVCIIIClIC1CS I'I pply soon lu
AUI; 17 1 00 29 If Wll,ynC8vlllc,O lO U) lOll J flllI scr lf" r leMe wpy ono month lind lon, ort! \)111 to Ihla 0010 ) CDses lD
$2 ro 500 1000 1500 WOO
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1 OS'IlJR & DROTllI!lU,
Corner $tJventh and S,m'U, Strr~s, CINCI.NNA'1'l
of evory dCBcnpllolJ
QJ Prinllng I'rosses J ho>, ,\Iii ul ~o 1 OJ P II consllitlt Mup-ply of Prlnlers Ull 1 nook BtU,{ ers MntElrtul 9uch us Typo, Chuscs Cnscs Brl\~8 Rule &c 27 y.
Wholeaale and Relail GrQCIe~, No Old 111... ke~ or Seeond I"eot, Payton, Obio Ju~t received and bava fo",l1. I • bag. pnfl\e Rio Coif. blld, N.O Sugar. btaN 0 ¥ol ..... S~ .. 8 H do 68 cheat and Clddul Sup a.·d Tau 55 bollea !I Ind 8 'robaoeo, lU bQlIos M R Ralaina 33 do Cln'lI 10lP ~o do Candlel
1' 1850, CD ter In to coportnersillp III 1I1 ~
u IIdllrBII{nuu did, on ule 20th of AUgu8t, Ihe Brow Ing bU911l0BS Arrangemoltts for maoulnCLIlnng 8IJ ptlnllr Hoor nilu AI .. lito now COllllllltod Dod Ihl'~ resJlectlu.!ly soUCIt a shlilo of public gilt rOlluge I or m~ liberal JOHN A IRVIN SKM'L COLLINS W..ynesvlJle 01110, Nov 2 4()...lt FEW DOZEN ndys' WOOL HA rs .. on hliltdand for $alo by A alway BLEOHER &. BOORQl\J
DDL$ PR.ME N. Y. 8A,[;T 40 recclvtld Bnd for 80le by S 1 H &. 1 JiARRI &. CO
SOO Roame Wrap Paper Ii Coroonl B F Indi,o Ii Cuk. madder Ii do Ginger
24 bollelt
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Sign of the R'!d FIlII
Oct 30
JPaste, 'I Celeb{ated ROzor e certam cure for du \I RnzOrB
arucle of Splfiloua L1CJuorl for 1 1..80 a ,goodRye, purP98CI only, uoh 118 frencb l\lodlclllnl Srolldy, (.m
for salo a lot of
01 BltrojJll nnd AmuflIlIl (here will VA.J.UABLE PROPER'r¥ AT PRI-
he anllll r1IlIllllg ae lea 01 e\lI,J CUI IJlIl nnllllg lhe Lifo 01 .11 null of Ihe Yonr, coml,lOed III 1l1li $."'DlO PJolurua. 11lao 1tl1l/f1J:L\1I0 Witl ulso be IInchoo li~' It iiumb r (if 1rt1l1ltlllt\( cJ l'nnt8, Pro luced by llw llo,u,tlfu l Art or OltroOlo Prllll log vlllch Will .. dol grcntly' 10 lho Iplon~Qr of lI,e \\ ork In tllle \ltl, lIeuJoT IJr"'lle/,J. " e h:lvO 'lI1l1t\a Ofrttngoruonts \Vllh tho bouao 01 D D"tll,Iorr. of ~ tllnk fort, ()llr~"IIY "bo lue jlrlll,lDr Utg tor Ol1t Jlllluary numb r LIlo most bnllJanl cmb Ihlll1tllelll In colore tb.l hns evor grllcud 0 Mogazlno olther III this co unlr)l Or Europe It J8 cnllLlcd I'ho i:le1lS01l1l 1 nud \\111 of lts If de wllrul ns a Holiday GIft the prlcl! 01 a volume
In LlllO lind ulll,lo engravlng dio lugltcBt tnl· hns beon sccureu I'Oll88ure the patrons of tho MIlBIJ~lUO 01 lite II rlectlon th.. \ muy be ex pocted III lilts depnrlrnGnt, wo ~~ on~ stale Ilu.t the Celebratud EJ1~'ver( In ~b' 8~ :cnIB lJugeJ to etecule n Dum I 0 orku~n'& at ~e of till 8too1':fL Iy for .J~:": 10 ~Iher wlJllllh ~~»~~r;:nJ Rtt~~f both hemFsph rei whOSti labore wUl 06ntwue to tld,)rn th .. wO~~8:~~~~::O .hallOO 1111 valuo, must alford lIu/hclIlR d i ,ul tho oxemon. of lhe propnc~r8 10 ft n r l deservlOll 01 tho> atill inorC!ied ..vor 0 an IIjI pruCl,IIUna pUllha. PonrllJla .. nd eketche~ of (Ii lmj(ulslllid audlvlduala and vie"8 of ~IIlCH nndorcd remarkable aJla interesting by liltlJr OB8OOlauon wau;. gomus IlI1d wortfi. will a8 hcrelofore form all inslrUuUve ft.'alllre 1 - _L COil.. in tbe L if~ Ind T""""inp of the So. vlor, cIes1lP.!OO aad encored under !he'lIponn tendence of C~rlel H.-Ill, of London, u Arus,- Rev John Todll, D j), of Pill8fiel~, 111... Author of '1'ho Doclor'. Thud PitieDt, ele,'" ] It Edilor 'I be En"",VlD" are accom Phi::>' WIth Ipprocpnale espllnatiolll Iud C!Ommem. by Dr Todd, .n~ Oiilifn.lf~'lffis::t tlyO Poeml liy Clerrmen an 0 n 0 e P.OO; two oop tin oopt 110 000; len OOlllel, lUI "'~r:r:r to aDy or r-Phdadelpbia 1bree Dill
VATE SALE. TUJi; sub (mbor belllg nb Itt 10 remove to
another par! 01 tho IlOUlitry offers tho fol lowltlg i1oscnbe(l voluuble property for auJ ... on re060noblo t6rlh~ to WlI FUBt l'hll 'I averD, In Ihe town of Woynes Ville, "Vurren county Olllo--<:ollsl8t(ng 01 II three 8tor) bnck house a twO Blory trnmc bouae a OIlC atory franle bllr Toom sheds Ice house, sll10ke houso\ wood house \\ ttg n s heds IItobltng lOr (orly horse four we lIs wJtl! plenty of ell:cellctlt wutor III ll,clIt- lhr<l/) 01 will ch have good pump: -and a benuliJul yard nnd gort.lcn W llillocked wllh Irull o.rtd ornomOnLnI trees All o~hlluJl lmprovsr ohl\arc ~ ~r:; rolc reprur e I on W He I 0>': S ~ 14() teet Il'Qn~ mOlD SUCCI and ~ 1eet cop to Il :n'r~ ~~rm known 118 the' Tit Farm 'eontnilllng 'nin Ly fuur ncre8 JlleQlf~lllly Situated, on d,o WIl8 1 Side of Columbus ond oshoo rotul three ontl n h.1 ImlOll 80uthwest trom \ lirl11llglon ClllltOIt
rovOJllcnla arc a two story framo ohouse Dnn forg frllmo barn bodl nOllrly nBW-O WpU\Hlh 11 b h h Ith ~Ienty of exct! ent w.. ler y t e ~8e, wpli a good pump UI 11 A @I'rlllgbran cb at 8Up C8 1110 farm Wltlt BlOCK waLer all tho year-,m allple oTchord of 100 IllrZB trees and anoth~r of 12Q young treee of LIle beal ",ncty of ¥TaCleil frUlt AIBo poar poacb and I!lum r~ I bird A Peach Orehal'll, ofmnohundred U'OO8 01 the IJeeI JIloculatOO frult, ItllDding on I d I lied for l~n yeara the loue will have Ian ea to tun from )t~eh next when tho 0\11' !!!..arB U be 'fftarll old It 1& "lulted or'eb..... Wl a .. tl 1\1 one mile rom WayneaYllie tho Lit 0 J Tb:-::I\!C:~1 the aboYe propeny indlspula ble PrIl* low. aDd term-dlly-or \liII be TO T~ LA.D[D. property IQ have I fresh lIuP811 of Toilel articlca W :ill Dc E the YfIt'I betll::llI ny U fOil wah to looli IDeert beanuNI gmt us a c I wt'ek" and aend bUt 10 this ofti08
~~Ion ~~~~~Ieue
k'18 Sboenber~t'. Nail. wllb whil;e Flah, Mackerel\ Ch.... vanely of arllcls whieb will be.old It prlOOll, call IUId _ (0.; yourlllh'•• Oluo, June, '50 ' S/I-6ai.
respeotfully announCCtl to
tlte lIubltc thaI ho keeps constantly on
lllond n goou Meorlm nl of all kiDdli of boo'" Rod alaoea, conlllsung lD
pari, of mlln 8 fino bOOla ond ahoel wOlnen a boow nnd goltors, Blippers, colored and kid, pnl lit IGOlhcr and clolh grutfre kid, tiOI ana bllekm!J clulJren II shoel of a I deacnpuolI8 and colors All wlll be lold as cbllap al can other olllablilbmeJJ t in the onnl1ne for YOUl'llohel be ,pl"nR;;n" elsowhere III ono dOl)t Bouth of lIuJ'Ia' and op. pooltO Allen &. Evans' Itortl Aprtl 6 1850 10-U'
~u~:{d' t1~~obal~~~1 ~JC;r.,~v~i-::;r: ai~I:'O;:,~
&..chan~ f,:,
Ii) tierCIII RIce
Irln\e DOCTOR G. POTTS offers 1118 Ber IJllruc ulllrB tliesu glllon V1 C68 tit tIle p(tlellco 0/ J\1ctlicllleand Surge /Iunl um" to Ullle rv 10 lbe cltlzellS uf WnvnesvlLio nnd Vlclnfly 1 ho 1'Ictonnl Embel\ lllhmclllB now prepnung Wllh lUI expeuenco of sovernl y6lU8 anil by a for I;irlrl311l 8 j'j~ngtlZ1lJ e atu of It Chllrtlcl r tit ~curpulo1l8 r,loyouon Lo bU61lleSB he cOltbdollLly once stu) 1IlJ!ly bunuhful Mill rlOHl1 10 ndlll hopell 10 comllland II share 01 r;tronoge hOIl 10 Ilill flch Ilnd cnrcfu).ly cngTlwed l\Ioup OJ)'"1'lIrti6ular ottentjOu pOI to chr~n~f d~8'e ll tllliO sle I plotCIJ ef Mr Johu Hurtthn, mnlly or C8 3~,""ril wll,lch "111 be frOID 0t1gln~1 J,'411l11ngs by ql '/irs(lrusIS
1I. .·d
HaVel Jus t r cCilved anu \\111 constantly ~oop on hAm! Ii wall Ruler-If d lII!!!OrlmOIll 01 such ar tlalo8 8~ ore enumeraled abovcllUlu a1lolherl u8\ll.llly kept in thug I:ltorc' wl1leb thuy will TO DJ.A.CKIKJTO& l pnCOll soli nt Iho JO\H8t OUTront Catll cohnecllon with my Imllhint bUll. nen I Will keep on !iand a Imilll ,. We halo 11190 110U Inwnd to keep t:Onetanlly on hanu a good ~tlpply of 1l1wtllry. Rueh lIOrtmt'nl of till! boat qualny of ShoeDBrco.t ll1ns Ear onu tillgcr nng. Gold and berger' I and Penn'. lion, wliich I will Silver I)Onoo18 ~llelllnc1C8 &c seU"lower for cash than it ean be boaa~t iQ Every nrtic/e 8uhl by US, III warranttd to be any· counly IOwn In U10 Stata Pel1lOJlll ,.,"h. Ilurf.' frCJIh and gonullto In& 10 ,Purcb!l!'e WIll do well '0 call aoclltam 1' &mculuT DtlCTIIIOIl wlll be p8111 to lilling my I pUCCI bOrore pllrcha.lpK ol.,.,bere. Any Phys lclonlJ orderQ, ooq I'uttlllg ul' prcecri Pltoll8 dOllcnpllon of lion desired wlilcli 1 baye Dot lomtl)' COIll/IOUUIlS, lind prclllllllti llna of III1 on band will be proeurecl on abort nollce kinde B 0 Lu>r~O()'ll'r. Wa IIIVIIO IhoBU w18klng IIrticlesln ollr Uknes, Waynenllle &pL 11l,185q. ""If call n8 wc t cl aS811rOOlhot wo COli ma 8 It ~llUtr In Wro I 10 purcliaJIQ oC U8
Whisky, Pori Wille &0
Bed. Cord. • \yood Buckets
20 doa
GRBA'1' 1JX0l'1'I1IIIIlft'
EA.llDOBFF .. TUCKER D recClved their llore, in the oUolm E De" on Mulberry .tnIIt, LaDallOJl It
fow doors wlllliof the "Star 6rOC017' the moel exlen.lve Illl80rtmClnt oflJeelJewelr)' enr oft8r cd to the citizeDI of Lebanon or "Ionit" colIIII ung. In part of Oold IIDd allver loY. ., dataeheii aAd Leplna walel,., EYH), urilll)' of oIocQ
IIv t e{!OOl;l8, ~Id and .Uver IIODei .. ; Purees PoCketl, S~taclOll toeil1t all I~ and e)'t'., InJ eyely artfolelllually found in a Jaw
0117 .nd Fanoy Store AU of "bid! tile, olIier at fall pn_
AU, 81\d .,.pec.tall, Ihe~ ar. iD~ited to call~
II1II our aoodIi
;fatchee. A
0.1.,"1011'_, re~nol~.J
. .tnr \1 Ulllt.me bad been lh clllU'J1I1.,1 W Ohl'lQ DT WHd.1A. H... IIIElII LY'fTtB. np.IJ'l,lVlna' whose , run . h~ fiA .\!' onllllCIIC!llri cr,,11 J ed Of tba' s"e ~hoc 'lIln l'lI lg IJII~ I IIIl·lI lib .\lalll "trllet, one ~ Klb'l .. Uf I'Jndlhluie dOlll\la-,iune 'TlPa\ilc. pNl In a vast ('aJdroa dl~'''CllJU~ 1l Holilll'" & .,1\..{.:1 Ilnll~''' li h)'t .. ,'Q Ihlt (. h ehlil AlellU, f ar"') • '(()~ j!olde n mo~n 10 de\\'y eve. whfcli had cllll1" to ller. and 111III\Vn Wllyll. ~vIH, Uu I\UJI\lre m ~ dl VeJul ill M il Jll,IiI 'jt J,abldll. When ~he j kj glollnU Qriaht and red , o " n hllVll1g Ilh Ir "" ,l k cI(' nt' JlL ti ll' b lJ I ~ ~ ~u lo U <l1 ' lh ,chaJllc'e I' l!el DI\!llollar,. W lth many a Btrong Dnd turdy stroke, 88 she Was withdrawn. It wus l'I\I~1 1I1llili0ll uhl sLyl. "lid on 111 U1 l!~1 rCa"II,I' ~'1 ;J nl\J~..!uu 'tI Uilhv.Jljlht·1 anit t.:1111111..... I labor for my br~ ad. to I'lt In one of the qlld)te,...hpal!;, ed 10 .e shot nnd hili death wur~unt \\ lill "hi li lerl. II' Work 1101111 om (helihl)ne't p()"~llJle " k Elt 00lll\.i1l11l00 N"o !! Ie-kly flt 8 Of J llll J Sft'lId, 1,~ell ('l\tetl to the Q,ufill n fof, her IHl{l'lIltllre m'ltcc. (;All a' Ihll 8 I'Icl1 til No l~ e n " ""l 2 1"1\) AUt! & 1JI11l'lnl'n'l JJlar, our veBBel, gli4p ~hro\lgh the dpep' My cheBt is clel'p IIn~ bruad, oc~an llke" balk of c!}'lItal aailing .rl,lll" Sho redd"'l t, pal1l1ed,loo~e4 up at tile vm. I). A 'JU 1IJ1. "tlJucl\t nl' I,ndl" anl\ f,U· ~tI Mtmllt' ~1 .. IoI\l J:;JlglII~ (Urown) tb ak ""'1~. oif II ¥01lC'....... "' ICC), "iJi,,, iliid It lIe rura. lind lI uid tl rc n '~ -w o!ltl lllllll\ gO(Jo.IlIi\~ortnj ,1101 hlldlll!!. :J\) W ~lObud" d J\lc"la.uIUli Engll.l'tlna:z An<l thoqglt I work thedl ve loDg dllY) e y ..-&'"""1 , " <1 - ' " 'H uv you lIolhlllg to BUY an bebllLr of ouh und nnulor sall1 clWllp; AnUAI NUAI~' I. ':$ 1 'Jllo 1\llilh. III.lId tlll (Luuli()11 1 J ru;e olld thank Illy uil. I \ . t'llNl ~o 12-t f lillrlow un I'jlf ug lla of ~lll\ln.l. b~tr~olloll of tbe 'I:elle ope. ~hl il IlIlUl t ' , HUIIII 'S M ~chanat.\t. No Jilly 1we IB' on my IlrQw, ' It hl\8 lOll/{ been kn own, both 'mill c~ IN UllugL hc hn!! dCBerted three times,' • A. E. MIIRRrl"l', :J4 i'IltOfl.llh,,,1 l'ul fl!iv1es of E;lIgll~enna .14 No "1I1gs uR my nord hu.nd, 01'Y and prnctlce, Ihnt Ihe Irn)le rr~ct tnlllS' SIII,I the offi cer CARPEN'r1:}U &, " IH 1l J)I; U.- ·1 iannk· Alchm Illra \ \I\18t!ly ) • "'b"-II a Imal l gt een "rasshopper lhnt I wleld the axe I drive the p' low, narency 01 th e corth'cJ utlllOl'I'],I!Tl' lind the I 'Thlllk II!JIIIII my lord' W0 8 the replv tul Ivr p l1~ ll ll \ r • WOll ld Ift ko thl rn.,lho· :J!J J auna"I ...1 tho; rnula.UII IIl~'"ule ,. ...... • .. d I· I hi' I I' t! ' I ' • ., ul in funll lllg 1 1l ~ IrlllnllH, nll J Ihe pu lJllu III g , n ~r :It) 'I hI) "J rallYlIlllIOnll of Ih~ lallilute of 01,1\ liv4!!' on Peach.tree8, anCi ellte lima II roond Or \0; hen lIloC'k wor shrouds the Ian , unl refrqc tl un " li e lIrl ~I'" rOIll ( I pr'A III , )1111 I II! ,veterun. liB he rt) hl lcu 0 1 IhR ~ he &1111 Cfl rrt. 'l!' 0(1 Iht 11 11 IIIl HS 01cnrll~n. I~rillancvrli (Llllldon) • hblea In the ' IBAve8, bqt III neSl very vora- I BClza my lothc r111 well·tped brand, e n ~N' 01 ICtliperllturf' . CUITlIolne to Fol a the c r UlIlstUIII:es to III fr1entlil j ( lor It lilti ng: I,n,l llI ul\hng, III Wuyn "H\ III, nhlIIlClII ' :17 'l'hu AI U$l1n I clous; it IS about three·fourlhs of Uti IOcb Alld th ul for FroetloUl'tI sod Illult to till'!. 1I~t' of lugh rn.I /.!:III IVIl1j! lIn\\!· ,\ a 1I11 1/ther th,lIl t he Duke or W e lhng. 1I)'1"1I<1 Ih nl he. !~ lr~ AI' ly III ~I" \ ul "llIl lo~tI "lrH 111 3d t,tuIIl.tlr I'. pe{s on Engineerlna (Pub. hllen"'t.h, baa fo~r aUle w ings , a'nil two It 18 my g lorlolls rig ht to IIl eeile rl$ \II our te ll e~cl)p \ s Hi therto. ho\\ (' \' r, 1011 ) ',,( (' III " h r IUUJl'llty ~o ell rll t'st IIh" u I,, ~ lII e. lIl1 ll~ng W lI C ' III IIV II """If' "" "' 'Ill, 1. It 4 by \, o)lIle. Lumlon , tJHID k rny G od. h I f I I -I I UII j ,)"'1I! I~ oor t (0111) I U very b IIIJ NOI~I Mr. !J11i1 II a 1If! III ,\rellll, CIIH I lu r·~ ~ Ill' III II! a'l Illl p~ tI.r VlclIPllllry (ti la~co~ , ) • loog anteoDIII. e8e Illsects mak e t h etr Ira d se uU t e Ilpp I IItu10 V Rue I IIg I po \ ( r tl \, II ~ I t . d"'1 elill to .,,101 tll'1K'lIIl 111....1. vi Ch" IrIl CUI I!! 4\J Nu ulll v UllI .. lu Iho Lotlllillohv .. Ehilne a.,peilr8llCC in the montb at August, and ohecked by the ' rnpcrteetlon uf the In:llru· but therl' II II:! lIulllehody \I ho ><pIJke us to 1II0di rllllw I)lI lgH Iltll h U1\11 tHlI~c, III ~u II.IlI 41 h . llwuy J::1I1l" W I&h,I C.rrll. wb<lcb W.r . contmue until there becomes a Bevere Cruf>t AmI w.hen my dally tusk 18 o'er. me nt~ the m UIVl'b , IIml Il I!! onlv III e- Ih c Jilt; good churuC'I er, 01111 II III/J} be tI go ud \I !!,lul llll orn mu IIIltl 'WI'II(ltlgll LII lilt! " "1118 1u ~. wlluon ) \Vhether tlte .lime lI'lsecls conllllue lilive :Alld rbo sun Ie illllklO A' low, conHtrllCllIJII of Lo),1! (Jllssa's t ell'DI'o pe man lor ou ght J know to Ih e cun trury 01ou r d"' clllll ~S . lhl I'('ril<o 13ttr l l~, (Jilt bUll ~2 Hueuilil d"" \Iadnnllll III ~trUlllen. 81 Ap~ ~ Ion"', or Wllell)er tbere .8 n successIOn AI! f'lInt Will. WOI k und hunest toll. that "" tr >I1omer:! huve (QUlld that In dump 'U lllllilk you Il tholl5rond times ' l'xclulm' lia ng!!. &c I ti ll ul wind. wdlbo nUlllly . or 1" 8t~ · jlIollllld 0 ,11 b ll'nc, Pan,,) .... JlI .. ' I r ' lull y tllll~ h d An "SHOrtlll onl 01 wlIl.low 8Mh 43 UUCI'.IIOIi on 1\1l1l· Wurk 9f th~m I cannot I18Y. They mllke n D018e T o my hl101\1le roof r go , aod \ 1I r1l1lJlc Oliin Ites, Il III only e1 \lrIn g a ecllh£> yuulhlul Q.uel'n , ulld hlls tlly \'<' rilin g gummlly ke pt on !oarul, or III II<le lo ordc r He "" 1" . CIJClOl bum"le" ot lollerri Tool. '011 lIke a Cr oke\, nn~ lII\lst p~ opl!!, I, presume I see the perrulII l.J cily beuu lew tlilylt 01 the yl' ur that tell oecopcS or pard01led 1\1 IlIrge It-tte r- un the I~tol po ge, hQI" a by clU~iI S\lpllCnnUlJ lo buklu 8S . at/ Illo Milchlll" (ti Ihmll1ll ) ithlnk their o\lile 18 made lIy Crickets With h I ebony wu Ik mg rorl , SUI h IIII1"n II uue clln lise lIuec eS~l r\lllv I he s he se nl It UCfl'S8 t he to ble WI til n hUlld 1I. ~ n t 11 shuro (III ' ,l !,ulJhc IJll\rlllln!;" -45 Repoflolru dll I'lndllBlJ'lo l' r'noal!le el Etr.n. 'ther commence clllrplIIg loon a fter Bun· Anll t1i ut r am not 11 tlllllg lak e 111 m, hll'h 1III1 orll lly"'g PO\\ ers wlll eh th ey urA tre mllhng WI1 h eogf.' rnesil all~ e illotlon ' ~ l\t lluh Il CU, N W Cllfllcr of I hl n.! anol Norlh ~IJJjJ (L Mlllluli/!. l'an~ ) l ·'1 n r 1-' f Ili structlOn , goodll es8 IN tihvl' il Nonh l all~., 0 11 Lhl! ,~ll1nul(lcturQ Q' G.. (A ,. aet. r'and keep up tbe sume monotollouS I rloe nnd th ll ll k my G ud cU.,Jlub Ie ,.0 I b eO.flllg E Vil li In c Ullu e'l H ,lat a \Vor u 0 n 1' OlunH 01 tlllli lilnl: ~, l'orticovs & c 111m. ~ ~ 'I rtCU III, LonJon ) crick, oriCK, witll little lllLermlslllon thruugh skv, \\ h l:' l1 the s tllrs lire silarkllllg III the , IIntl true 1)11I1080phy Iii contll1(1 ed In th ese IShl d 111 ",v,l rnt£' j.ln Q~ ~ A E: J\I -'7 &tllII~ OUI <.;urvee on R.uwI,.. (La. the night, till nearsuDrlsc; Ilndilomo tlmes , 'I'hp wlllow':I prayer's upon Illy cor filOiIlOl III , Ihl' ustro noilicr Is lluml'd by In· two "orel,; t/l mk aga m Could we udont Way noHvl lio :'Il l1~ch I 50 7 II LouJonJ lhou,6 .eldom, they Inny be heard on u Un heeded II c\er loll, flu(lne('~ whic h urc IIIV hll lll , lWtI \\ 11110 ~ the ir S)ll rlt Uti th o rul e 01 ollr lives, HIIO S,\IlUL.,UY, TH U NK~, &c. ~8 Hodgu 0 11 Ill. ISle-in Enll'101 dark cloudy d~v. I ne'cr behe ld the Orphun's IMr ne w pl unets und lIell "',lltclhl ee Ilre bellllr und nil \I hut n 1IIII' py chlln .. e \\ ould CUllle • 'I h MII\.~""hcr . thluo"" 019 "'CI IlI lhe Au.n le.n a( lallr, ." JourutLI. (New Vsrll ) Thtt fsmale l18' armed w~\b AIling like a But II'Y own hearl't! luutl\ woo1d ijwe1I. di scovered hy IlIdtrulll elltB (10lllporOtlVI'Iy "v er so It'ly III nil our bU:llrlCBtI cUllcorn s. Ihl 11I~.hll lll , wl~h •• ..W ~ 4U 5 1 I\IolO1rlolll1 AruBlu. 10IlU.t, \lltb which she perforatel the bark, I never heaven lor gold would I!~ II, s mll il. the gJgulIlI c Pnly phemul,l lit'S 1/ 111111' III ollr ><oclulnnd mllrlll regul 'ltlolli~, our pu. rUIUI n 1..>1 ~lII C' r.. Lh~IIk,· ~~lac~ .)~ I~c" alllc'd l"i-.:azille on trees. or 11mb•• 01 one, two, or three Nnr for weal th would stoop to Iraud, berlllg 10 111d cUVP, hlinde~ by thermol cur· Iitl al anJ rt' li glous dUII CS, \\ hilt IInporl ulll III III ... Irl(ludll tllul Ih~ ~lIIh l lC "JIl.r· ~ ~:l IchololOlI'lo U ult!r ) Dlclioll.r1 of Arelll. l d oIl. i"r aim YIlI)' Ia boi rllll) l\trOn' ~ j lJu. IU" t!1I ul' wClUre yelJ'l growth. and depOSits II IImllll, 101lg, A f oor-but yet an hOIl ('st man, rente, lOorf' I rrell1l>tubl ~ th ou th e lire Iran r~I!I,lt!l ml /,!hllotiuw, Ir, on IDlIllY, \ ory rna· un hllll . 1II I1I I!X I' rn~"11I' thu "" .... th.1 l'l~ y \\1\1 Ukll uUIUY UU l\(arlno. YOll. . . I V &raDlp,ren\ egg. between the uark lind rlec aU.d t11ank my G od, of UIYdses A d the a ~tro nom er, how('ver, lIy ocelllllOni!, we would thlllk IIllllnl IJe/ ure <11111",," 0 10 !nvur hlill wllh their " ,,118 whOIl (Uc UVUII,,'oUli .....1.) 'P"lr, , WOcld. (lr rllt/ler III tlie JH!'\ ly larmed wout! can not command n tempotlt to clE'lIr IllS nt· J UCltlIIIg IIpOIl DCtIlIg II '"I ling ""Y 11111" .111 hl:< IlI1e 01 bll~llIlllI~ tie 55" C It\\ ry uud 1~lm~1 1 ubti'lu 1ft dpa t Slae then C/U'Cd Ihe pun ture \\lth 1\ Andlw!aon tile ~ood eun Roods With light mosph ere, nor a thuf)der atorm to purtlv It, ~' IlJlH ')II IllIud Ildt!I ,,~. li r\1II" .. , IJnrn~~ 8. lJllrn ) I l •• d I fIll th t. t th e 11'111 11 I3mI 0 f II_r 1_ _ I IliS Oil IY Ulterllatlve I- to relnove the Icles A nell jJII1l r IS 1I0Wprill tel' In China. ('alley r runkd, Call !lrl)lIl ll~gs ,Ilsunlhy Whips ""pL 01 .11IIIkin.I~. 01. :16 Brells t 1~1l1_, P,.Cllce ~ 11 0 gum r(lm let m<> u 1,80 y, bl 1111S. and nruclCll cs tllbllSh ' 7 ""rlow'. jU IlI '.IlJn.lle.1 0' lc"o nell I d"........ u . . "'a, .'Inll .. n-I' ..... h ern c I1m ate, ,." 1lere n 0 Ihul " l'e II lUollilur " itC IS ... the IIca CIIIIUut be eU811y d Iscovere d ell:ct'pl And spl c nds IlrUlind Il'I y h npp.v BigIIt. cope to some I. sOut 01II 11118 I f fi Inngungo 1 DnJ IS the firsl hmUllo (Jllper 0 ' 0 IIIcIlL. I I lund I Anylhang I nOI " all~ IIlIl I "., uvW.Illon'. .. .., Aa ,. by Ii IImall ' pec. rIlther dl1tker thull the A B In prnyef I bend Ihe knee, clouds dl sturu 110 serenity 0 t p rma- I'U bll~h,,(I111 IheC,,11l811nl ElIllllro , \\ Icn oa 111 tor '" be 111111 0 u"OIl!ulalc ~. S9 UreiorY'.l\I.lh"lIIa~llII ·for I')II!II 1M ilurr-uun1hnt IJllrk. She then crllwlll IlluIIg 'rh ,lt I 11m strong, ontl bold, ond fr jle, moment, 111111 110 ch llnges or temperature N ODUlI!8~, ~I.bllny. IIlId PIIUll.lUlillty olwllylr I) • 60 ~n"lIIller8' and .~~CballiCl' i!la i sbort dlltllnee Ind depollitll IInother e,"'. In lhc IlI nd my fdlher'" trod, dl~trl\rt the enwlIlll! ulI8 of tl,(' 8 trlrl~, A 'Vhy 19 Iho hub 0111 cart wheel hke a hnnt!. servcU 111 the lII~nulllclllro 01 arucles lor hla CUll· (Lukll Hlllbton.) 0 ,.eo Wi th qU lv'rmg lips and outstretch'tI arms, fllct hU8 betlll rl'cellily OI llIlllOne d, IV b ICb 9 01110 yOunj: 1nuyl .1 1:1 cenuse Ill6 II1WlIl o Hur· lomor8 lInce~ II> 8UII IIIIII ullIe 61 PaLeli1 ' -'lIdon lecuflllg the punoture III the slime maUller, 'M A.s S l\IITH ll ' Journal " W" and eo contmurng,l know not how loog I lise and thunk my God entities us to Ulltl C lpUI ~ greut ret'u ltB Irom roul\d ~ \~nh Icll ows. Ign of the Uoltl,"\ ::\a<10.118 62 rWIl Ulollillry ~ ~eerllll If not dllturbed. In the followang Alml s1,I,ch a mt'a~urf'. Th e M ,rf] l1ls or.orm unde Th lJ~st IJou rd 111 Iho \l orld Ii" tly speplic Wlly-n,l lmll \), Aug 2-1. I '10 :10 II ~ e~:JJ~~~~!~I:'" '~!':::'i~r::) (ro~ each of these eggs 18 jlroiluced':u F eoClllig S wan e. IB eOld to huve tieen Irom Mount glnu With } \l ung l ud";I~ I ~ Hlml lu btl n .I<&h.bullni nREAT A(aUCUI,'I' VIlAT. "OIlK'!}" AIl>I19lanl t;1I"llIOer·. Uailw.), Uuw., lU,., .mall wbite worm, rellembhni the (louch 1"ony (urllle ra who raIse . pork lor theIr hu; nuked eye, Ihe SII Ul'I lilCS 01 Jupiter. 1 " 11 J!; "'Iunler'" t;mde to l!Iel~ lIt"le IIl1tl " ... 11 ) _ I"melical Al.(flCuhure,--Uy I h:1f II \ 66 M charllcal PrinCllI'la (Leqlllrd) gru b i~ mllll\lture, leav/nll a smull hole own tall Ies, or for m or~ e t, Tond('r the bU Rt· , If II1IS bc 1fil e, whnt dl ~oove fl e8 may we r 0 t\ thun It need to be E I I I lll' II I!N~ , t I( S 1;, A'llilllr ut tllll " Uol/k ul '1 ho i fOlal objt!t:l UI ,hie )/ubhllJlllon lI, .. whllre the worm h liB !"scuped, Bnd III some n eS8 .i1r !" re expt),!l Ive , not ('xrect. l've ll 10 IIrope romt a Hrg lJ iho l'nrlll " i!:lhlOr 01 lhu " l.!llorterly JUlullnl Illa"<I lJ,jI(,lr e "rllullcal hlt:n ...a "11Ich,;I".ueh.1I of tbole places the peach gum eXUd118. give ol1ly the best ghll11 8 or \l\.'getll· reflector work II!'" IIhove ~ho gro~~ler strota 01 Agnc\l 1lI.re," ~C , .H~I Illd by J OHS J' NOR' Unl()unl 01 IhtlorlllillalIlld ilch,ntUle'llIow4lIdjJe, By cuttllli off thO' bark It Will be found bles, /Iud fecd them raw wlthbut nny pre~· of ollr UtlllO 1)I::'re 'J'hls IlQ bli~ eltp" rl TUN, A 1\1. I'rul 811Ur III I:)c\ ullhc ' \lI rlcul· lll)li ~ulIIltlll~.,tll<lrl1l .....ball ellable UIt!D1 10 tbllt tlle IOn r bMk 8,nd wood uround ellcb urotlon ellher by st e3lmng, bOl ltng or g rand- mel1t 0 1" (:ull dlOg II Iurge rl'flector to a III! III Y III ·ill1l'j,(O. N Hn, n, Autllor uj '\j( "' " rK IU l\a" bttll !Odvanlllj(tI,.1I<\ 10 "oid u.o.. l' aa I i h~lllh:lleciallil turned y ellow Jor a mg III t/1I8 way n milch Ilirger nmollnt southern chlllll lO Ii u bllell hUl once Illude Ilqll lllr 1'1110 L·6I1Y ,&'c IIIIe,lnk ..iJ whwi Ill." ••il,l •• od..,.wI... eutllnln. 1 •• I d i · d I il Id b tl S 1 hlN hi ..llly VIlh,,)"I.. work '" til tlo '"I'f1~1l 1 11.. III11UIIII I 01 UIIIIUI .....,..'u.llub IItIl4l bfolllh, .puce Wllllrge 1\11 a hell cllllie or dIlIlC.- 0 fQO 8 .,.emoll (t on WOli e r (1\118- ' 111 Iho 11I" ~Ol y 01 ~CJe'1 ce Ir J ohn ' Her· IWu IlIrg.. roy"1 IJIlIItVO volumll~, c.Ultnlillllg I06;Ulht l. Ii' a Illotol btl70nd {lle""""nl I.... dl Whether Ulne lp~ecte mfest otherJ rUlt. or sitl'l \\ cre the oTtloles cooked or grollnd - Bc hel IriUl!lporte d IllS te lt'seope ulIIl hllllum· A n.. ~ro l\ "~ brollg ht \II' b\\fure tho mnyo r (0" r H Ut! j.llI g,,~, "Hit 1 or _'II 1., I"niluj " 1~ ..1 ", orl!.. lila"",",. \I",r.... " ..illy .n, .ulljl'CI lorI/lit treelll knuw IIQt, but p e6UlIIe they Indllin corn , f, d wh01 e to a ny nnllnul. 18 i1y to tbe tH.lut b of AlrlC", and durin g a of l'hilnt!uljJll1B 8 "lluU iI lJlll ~lIl c~ lur .Healllll.( tl lll;rn\l n&~ , 11II111II(lr Ihnn IlW cllll rll\\lIj( <ill "lIlulllt .. I""!Iv wl1lch lol l)'" &rUled "'till .uch ·1 .. not know tlillt tlll ~ IU the HO I' nn e~pens lve feed, olld the furmer \vlao volllll tn ry cX llo 01 fOllr ye~ rri' dlllllll on he ola.'" II ," 0(1\1. II) 111 I '!lhoSI ~~yl (\ ~I Ihll art. lihHHI,a cltJ n rUI!~~ 111 11 jJI UIl18101•• IU.1 ",,~ ... "laG Of &be do. 1 Uv ~ ng a urullt lJIukc .. his pork cxc luslve 'I " 'Vd l, ',I oily " SlIld ln ~ Ilonor." wblil Il llr) IOlv I" m"'Il oll ,.".I ,.," I ry II"W IfIIJ~ l V hl u 1&11'1 \:11 I'" Cl t ..I1 at u.....,r· ~." "A of t/le dl"Oa"e. bot by ha'~ tI IIpeqle8 n ~ t:rono I1lY With m"uv splendid • hllV ~ II) III)!!11HeII I IIIO " 1 "lInllO ~ u_ .... D " ., ., ~ ." I y on III I nt ellrl clle"U u" .. you ~Ol 1(1 ~ Q Y Illr yoU r ~u I I( • hy Mt Ih V b OW IIAtI" t: r~, III ~ lJ.:ili Ul fl!h Oll~ 01 HUIl,JIIl" 11, "nu Ibu. "arl.ln. fluli. 11 JlUlch Dumber of thelle egr depOSIted, ollc.l Lhe 01 leed, muet eXI,oct t lilt kit W ,c08t Hb di scoveries -SlT D . B 'l!lIu;ter. ". uflill blll .h ~. bu:;s l WII8 crn1Y nil n lJod hug pluwaug, Ilhltlllllg, ""f lng. halYUdlillg. ,""-t:. Wlllu h H I~ 'rupllflam lor 111111 10 know. new woOd and bark kIlled a roud cllch egg. more per pound than por p"rc luse d y , " tu II 18\010 dnt .ar IJU llt l, C\JZ 1 nllght I . 1, ~Io \ 11rl\lll~ JI>IlI",~ul! 11 11111111111 III III Ir tllllh"~l .. wu. th aI!U,,&lllllj~1 uf \1.., ~Tlne&)lalaBlho.. would I)e liltely to pre ent the free clrcu· bArre l III the morke, . • It 18 f,fPq l,lent. 'fH,£ \V"'VE$ OF TIrE ATLANTIC -At tbe I!lqle d IJlg ~O(l~blr , IInll nct,;,r J OII" h l,iu( I" dlell un, lt1 1!h"fl 11\11 fl crurlnl fllllt .. r!! of Ihe nlll1 ti UIJ<lC1iI ;:vna"n ....odan Ibl. work. it .. IIdt. , I t t IIe corn CUIlItUn!· I>l.e ' meetlllg Ur tl Ie B rl tl""II A l;Shl ' ll. 1.\ ~ 1I. u 1,,"orlllg /oo k I!l unI'I"I', an d \\ II rt nc IIIr 1\ Q I Inca IlIUIft· ., v IlIclI, · / I II'" I .. ~Il .:. '''11aep••",.".... _I 1• ._>.- pteCU' l.tloD of the sap, and produce lile usually tho on se, iIl dee d,\)a 10, an ,.· h.. \·',r .e/(J~ lv r ly III n. y 1111111111",11 I " oW'kerl W"uld ed by on IlniUlul, WIll purch.ose more pork, Important puper \\IU B Tellel by E~ev Dr UIIJ'I litl (lollil ulII Ir\ 1I11ludUH .. hi" vIIIos 10 Ih., ~IUt!''''t I.\t lIj!rlclillura 1)111 uud IIGo(ularllI • .,\0: I u.., .arran .,.•••111.1 .ympto"m..,•• of tl.. "" dIsease, g"." V b tI d , 'hhl' Jtl'dal wurk II \h jlJlIIl IJlllductl(ln 01 U\hllllllIjfoV. !rVIU IIle .,......,..Il\l Uwl 'IWU, uf .boot O'lt belqw, agd the fruit ripen prllma. H sold, than IS obtalD~d rrom the. hog'll Soreaby, (In t he 8U ~ect 01 Ie mugilitu e I~ O 01 UI6 1l1.)8 t Inl IIlfd ",alcultural .ch"tau" 1111 "uI.l111:1I11011 J be M10wina 0.1, be ... ll t)lnlly, tile leavel turn yellow. and tbe tree carcaslI when ~he process of fllttenrng 1I IIr the A.tlunt)o WIL\'eS, theIr veloe )' und "I Ilitl dAY Ihe ,,,,,, Iliineni ~ .n .ull,.r Ind " tlelally dp<~nawd dIes: and if there IIhuuld, ID 'QddnioQ, he complet~. d. By grlndlllg tbe groin mto phenomena , t..I\lur 1n U Ulal HrttllolU, alld th .. olhel' •• a rro Ithllwr~lI .. bid otl1toe3 cllr I I tI P por Dr S orcljby who 18 0 vetIII YII I~ (;oll i llil lldlh art! !!nlnlln"n,l, M\lold. lI"d Boiler 111.11.,,", I mIx In~ It WI 'I aruba Itt lbe root 01 :!the n ee bClIlg attock· mea, , I 01 I) P ,n liS aa ' " 111. tr"nrv C Du rah\e, " crr"nd"oll (If mm fesllor I'UICIICltj.~ "' fl ll II~ I II nlllle ,n.n, anol .11 Ih , Arllhcl!r~ 111 iI...... tA."'i>tl" ... tI 'f-in ed root aDd br ucll , It would be lufficlent pumpkins/ oil 01 wlilch are I)rlln sailor. S wcll III! a dlvlll a, £!'lIve a VIV- rt CI t d ] '" I r I w ily n.ll t.'III,.I U II the re~ult oi "ruk/llnd \.:u 'lvr-. olken 01 " '_1111_.1, t1 f ddt r stor r II wllch he ho.tI onr) " ~' . lin rt ", eu 11\ ,I~ .RII1I y. "'"" ' U~ . ,." , q allli '\,.,..... ~. - .. . d I t to acwunt loc Itii deatb. ~\()l1A on 8R u ary In I",r (' - J escrlp Ion 0 II i d ow,,,,,l by fill hllg Ir'lIIl n 8hl>lIll'r noar Sacra . re-olln • 11 ,,1 tl nlld "U~I"i l1' II Ity l,r.ell~.1 ... . t;aq-vll wrll EIIUlDlOlo~lsta can proba~l1. tell tbe tbe ~t'nerl\ 1 health. Il very con· wltnesged on the Atllln llc; aUlI 8t ted I.hu~ lJ.ul1lo C IIY, In SoI,lclll h'lr IM\ P.lmllll ni I' he C IllrlbUllllll8 01 1 rul ..or t lc i(: J. Il' lkw,.: Dalllle, CIUB'/ellue, IIDd lranamllClition and Importont /laving ITJny be the r,'sult of 111 8 obsl'rvauun" otl tbltt (lCNorloi'! IIro rhl \II) dtl~ i"I't tl 10 AII(I"t Ih~ IJfH· \\ .,dl.,r~ 11'1 IYory , Collll. ,"d Hllrll. a'" not skl' I"1I lin such und the pork, in.Rleod of being II cllsioQ \\ as, ~hut he had dldcovered ~he I"" jlurri'/I\ IIf 1 11 ~ b ,}I\ 10 Ihl8 CO"!HI, "nel ]\.'h II ~.II"i"~e r~ , H lla",.~ eua.lt a.: Ibrs. .Itd tbe loae "~ t. ... , ~c II b d.l I h t tl t I t6 th IIJ \I tu 1I \ lIk II All \11 ,II" " "'"rI<:II" "ur" "h OIll'l."I.. r~ lor L.tin. \\ ork, IIId M_" ters bu,~ will rl"k a Clpnjeoture tbat tbese OO/itly arti cle of {ood, WI e ren oreu nn helg It 01 t 0 waves rum 18, roug I e 1111,: I II" r I'dl I ti ll If,,, ,, 'tl ) U. tul ~"rlc~ • III ~ VtlJ d,,~rIVIUIII Imall worm. become the pellcb grub and economlcpl one. In conn('ot on WIth eve· cre.. t WIlS 43 feet, and t~\lt the ir IIverllge 1111,,1 kil l>" l.lIll!" ,j ( prl ", III 81\,," 111.\11, III "lth~r , Icllillm•• • het b i".~ "UII'~"I'I' the I'ub lraduce. the aucceedl H~ g~ailS' ry plgger}' Ihere should be a et\!uming ap· velOCity w~ S3 0110 Il fracllOn rol1es pOI ..It II tr) I h~ Wlllk. I ~ ,h\, IJ",1 UIIC) t'" .. iHU ...It., .~\ IW " "~,\., a",. ~kkl.,..... hop-r doubt whet~l'r lhelr attu ck on pnrl\tUs where the different klO~1I of food Il\Iur. This, It \H18 I!ta~ed. IJQnfh med the Illka like" wmnnn of t:ood lie n!! JJnrIl 11l'nt~ , dl ~IiIlJo!\ lb ll ...1 .y thr I I'~] . " ~ " •• :--I ,~I IU""I ~, I .,,~(~.) \ ••""Ia. " htVl,;lfll4!lI' ,..;aCT;; ;...._ I" known L many, II" tbey do can be pr('n.ored and tAmnercd With 'fl,lc lh. ' obserVn110nil made dn tl.IS velocltY ,of wnvr.s oi rl lII ylll\r , CO ItI HI" lUg " 1~1l '" Inl" r ••,. " . "lId ,,'Ilt r~ e l/lln"L:lt:d Wllh liUllUlult jJJ)4 ,;-- 'U .... • W f ' ' ' r _, b U I'rul l IIrl l n'. I,,,n;n 1ft III Itt 1'\11.11.11" . "" "., ' 00 ... , ' .. ,10'11" tbeir millc/liel Ita tbe ntgbt. Ii~ caulidusly, ty Boll ell8e- Tbey not only Bove mucb To>ported to Ihe u;rsoclatloJ\ In 18:'·J' v ... r. 1 I\r-rr. J~ II l\flv rluwn ra 1 whll lS . ~CII 10m~,'1 f\ 11011;\ ' 0 ~~ h I' M! ' I It" h lllll d"' I""r ff~_'~ 11 " U" " UIII ~ \Jak rA r 10 UuI."e seldom seen or ,heard III tbe dJly fooil, but much time III the preparat)On of Brott RIl,..se1 , wh., set down ilie., ve OClty 1 go (lU' nn ft r Ill rull,l Ir ~ "k .allli ~ , "11" II . hll 1ll11lu fulloW III!! ·llh l"" l ~ II lId, r tht II.." ....t 11. 1"" I ... __ no ,,"i h"I''' ;.tall&r • It at frOID 30 to 31 Intles per lour > .t!lam wll1 110;, Ill! ,,~r fi, tty tI8 10 /I , r" ~v Ihe lN1TIA'l"IO!l. "''''''II!!! ,"H,,. •• '...,. 11 .11.1 wltull r .b, u , uma.. ol1'ioor ut rho p.1"llim ITt. 11\81 " 111' 111\11 p,uv~.1 Ilul b"!1 01 Ihc ~ll~r lltl& ,~1. UI. ~I~ lilr ~""JIllT .... II"utIOCIII.vr ttl :,oIlJftW, ,'ft1lC1.ill... , hu,,"1 Jf! aQY ~de double this , tlltement, or hall Pre"~rvlI,joll of I'pItVI. . I,j; 11 Ihule1ug" k... , '11 I. (\"" 01 l'I.(luCIOI lIu~. 1IICI,IU... ,.,d ,Ui",-k. t. 1M" ~ltl"""". 1 FACTS lit DarF.F.-OU\ or e~ery thOUB- tI\lII)' !lIly ~ucce•• flll, .h .. dU111I1 m.llc!. calli" bllm the cutiOllily to kuo" more ab~ut tbeBC 10A corrlJiJ ~ondent ghes t~e following oc· aud young lIIell , tw ellty 01 tbolll the ollnu- out IIl1il Ilwlluhpd 111m off' lr r \I II fh Ditl. uhlt)~ t" Iff' ~ ,rllll "l .. rf'd lJJ ll" I"" tralll", \,.U o", . , ..Id. iclle\ ••• Ie Hcta,be call, during lile tWIUgbt, or by count of the m ost extr(\ortlmnry presl'rvo- , ully. Tlle lIumber 01 the luhubwunt8 <II R en 1.. " tI\ul~ PI.,lw,,1 1111"'1.,.... " , .nd ,m Ih" C(J IIU' C~'U "1111 &';,,"ull, tlat., anl1 "001 ~I.· oaadle J .bt \be eveDIng, ca t 0 b Bevera I lion of IIpp!eBl we ever rac 11ect t0 llave ~qity or cnUlllf 1\1 It" 1 ,,' IIvtJrciHuln" ~h. III Un Ita I!ltf~r .. a cillnoar. ncwed~ l' V ur kllul.. 01 fnrllilug On clIO:! " r~"ii ~ r~I~lIlr ...t to C..I"udcrurll. J!leaohUll, .n!! C.llco 1'1111 "' I In of them )Wder a large turriblpr or c)the~ BeOIl. H'e 6ays:I yt'lIrll :.rhe hUlilber oC nlil hl~'ll \\hu dll~ Clllld\,lCllllld &0.)11 11111 II", tntl r ul 11ft ~ '"' _ Clu,l, t oHl"r~, IIJlti MU rur .... llld HlI"'". la cranapa~nt ve.ael, aod stlpply them With "I send YOII an apph~ whicb t bouJtht in In cold weather , i B 10 tile lIumber 01 tholle 1111 Ihc IJrnllcb..... 01 ~c" Iwe ",,,_t ""1,11,,-"111..... I\lr ... ltltl hI ::'" WlI', ;''',,/tiller, I"een pellch J~ves, and ,bIte of peacll lImbs, 1848, of. nl1ll!hbor. A'JlOng' othl!riI. It woe wh ll die in wllrm w t:~lthtlr, Ilh lIeven to four. swollo w t\1Ir1uulture Un th' 1II~!I1UII'IhM 1'1 1-.dIuCRllllf1 Anohor .nd ChoUn O.ble M. no ••e'",.... aDd &he, may be aeen.IR the evenlllg, liy p·ut 10 my relhir, in oppn cReks , nnd about The mllll ublt:: to hOHr IIrl1l ~ lorlll a I" urlh b.iSl l ,,"vd lu gr. "lllIt.. 1 'VI lOCI!: t ) 1\ l"~ " In ti!! a", I urulfli TOul Mall"rt. DeU" u.""'._ ' aep tI tbe. 88 be ,T 8At) J I I II lo:vlls nllo IH\I "I: th.. n,.gt, \ "t 1.1\1111 ,. .,".'r~ " "tl 1111 1"" ~ _I1\1 \t"!;:t\rs .~:., ( 081 ng II' (lgtl - the first of Jun\jor;y. 1 .,., (lver IOU e of lhe IIIhlllll\ 1I0111 01 a Clllllliry The proe), huro 1t, IM ' '/} I'll\l"lh ,Il \l{ n C)u(tllt' ... ' I 'n "b· "' lu1 "lid j{ 1V~1 )\"I( .. r~ . oa fore deeerilied. I'here is lome dtffioulty them and ut three barrels awsy, p"ckpd portion be twtll'lI ' I hl1 uell~h8 ul 1\ nlllell hud A vear of plen!lure pa"'elf like a ftontmg' t\ In!! lltf! <I. !till.. ~"il" ' ....I' n ll n:.: tI ,1' tarl- 01 U,,1l .nd :xww-Jiuh )ialt"r. io ~djng them ...~d althougb they mllke in P1IIstpr of Porte-first a layer ot .pIn B- that 01 me n, Iii ]00 tu loa O tle hair 0 I bre,'zl'-but II Illument armis ortlllle BCelt)s Dlnllil': t. 'he Krlcilltun t ". Il,li.:nl !'In (julie" Doise e,Jliuab, it IS dlmcult to IISCE'rtOln ter, tben a layer of apples, nnd so nIter· lhose WltlJ ure or!), d.e belort.' I h,~y ullr.lfI 1on 1,Ige of pam, J' ER !«S O~ n il W UIlf;- · Ilh ,\tllt'n ~II ' olm cm ' W ItH!fl where tJiey ,,;re tbell! nOise. thBY bemg nlltely tIll the hnrrels were fil1e~. 1'hey t,le Iu'e 01 SOVCII Am ong 3,1~5 wh ) dl(', th. br91 rllI IIlh.,r t Which I " ~ ..<l)' Ill" Ird' 1. .. ,,111., IJr8P~rM lind Cutrl..... literally vent.rlloqui, ts, .tha DOlse proceed- wI'ro th~n headed up and 8toOtl t1l1 rhe ear· It n' : "arB by llie re l~li!l ('rd thul there If! onWIlDt la llie 11111"erlle bUI a blallIr Run n wlli be publl"I"'cI ... w. fil l "'''llIh \y 1111,"1. r. M " IHI I ~c:\"rtl~ "1 191t:1I Ounll un. Slnall:ArIM I: th bod! I. b k I t h · I I I d I r " . , ' . , . M 1'~Ir' H Wil la ~1I1 t lllgh"h . to:f l ~"i! rfHl1Il1 \ /1 . lItll. Vi ni" ,ro i nJ .rom elr e. Ju.t ne 0 elr 'I. paTt of tln~ 51.1mm er,.wben over lau e I)' otle persun 01 100} r. Irs ul 1\ 11& More I h d d tittell lllllllh. r, III 'fI'1'11311 Ih('r Will IJi., 4 h" u\ ,/':. 11." 1111 IInu IAllCker ~l.ker. WllJltlj or, b, ez,amiDirlir the trees in and assolted tlu"DI,. and put them In a box old m ~ tr arc loull d III ~ IQv lltet tllluutlllns IOta splice, pOIII! III*, II woy,s Wit exteJl e I) "II. J'ratu ~~ C ~ rs I" t . ullmite-r. IIr i~ " ' ' loll.. ~ . ,,'3 ' April, the place of the erg may be more in layer8 01 ~ry oak eaw·dullt. The box thllll lit \Illley" lind I'lull's. I fillgerS un tu God odV"lIce lor Ih :U n U"lh~r. 1" "Iou,j "' .... vO/r_ easily eIIacovered, the Inner bark being had a -lock and k~y, Ilnd haB been kl'pt 0L 1H.lINU- I'hr"lI " 0 111\ e ".11 be 111111 l(l t:iluu ~ t; U!lf\l"1l allli Mar1t11l ,"&IIOns_ killedJ- t,he oU\8ldu turns darker colbreiJ. locked up, only wben we got 1I)l)lles out to , A f.O lng\lluJ" dl ~covo ry hal! bee .. (uotl., III PrIde IS the dalllly occupation pr our onu ado!I .. ~lI lor i 12. '"ur rol,I~ .. tt'''' .1~1 II .. 1I}' U , 'loth \\ . "lltJn, .n<i :t!wWII", If thiS Ibould prove to be the cause of "Ise. We C()ntlnue(l u8inu out or th i) bOlt, 1ttllda"ut'cur. F OIIII " erms (,I un i!l IlOrm01l8 Kltld . COVI~1i lor 18 C ... h III all . V N CI'~' to llti Uuul'UrM _L dl , " . . . . . ... rOUliltcd DIl\ ECT 141 l'ubhslltlfl, and not Ihrouib L.ld"r and Ghlli!IIe Manll lacturee, we lease future dlscoverlel mlly lugge&t lillsome tlmp after early II.pplc8 'vere n pe IIl ze hllve be(>11 loUl1d in ,he lIe.,J 01 a tora"t.rlta (;ruwn <.:rJ,,~I , .nJ l·l.t. vi ... M.k.... • remedy.-Plllmilg ViriIoI'. W, Ilnd I auppolSed th'i)y wt're "llll~ed out, bllt re!lt, 'fhe shells lire an olghth of OQ lOch Belluty eventually deserltl Its pOBsellllor, '1'1Ie work can be sen!.," numll41" lit perIod. Sugnr \10110"' Buet Itetin~rs, ",ilh YrilpraelOrs. on lown-meeting dav , t1\p 11 th of Murch, lluck, and tht' clrCiulOfere nce of the eggs but vlrtoe and tolent8 B oompany him eJen Ic"1 ralue 01 pO'llage. anrl mIll r.. rUlI1I\11C(!fI b08"r t'lanllLlona 1850, lt beIng BtorM~ I told my mRn to ns- lteelt III ~ feet 8 illch ell lengtlm iKe aud t lG Ibo "rove. lII,y be mnd!l lit Ihu fl"k ul Ih 111l1>1 IJ!hf!rl' ")1anulllclurers 01 Rail",a,., Bar. 'Round, lhbkn, , Ao&ama PlowillC, • Tb f th t ". .,. AG l::N'l S WAN'llo:l>-l.l bt rill Cf>nllllll!' a'id lI,od hon IS II one 0 e most Import.an opere lIort my apples and l)1lhat box ogoln w.th leel S mcllet! round tlte m,dd)!'! . "10118 Will lie nl1lJwed to good el""Q.~ lng Wh 1, s\ll~e, Slid prang l\takara. aUoBl on tbe farm, at th,. scuon o.f the l'o.",.dl1lt and opplt'll. Upon unlocking tho H e wbo hatel hit! lIeighbor la mi~era. IIgtlnll! \lo pk8QlIlIrll II nil I'"rco(hcal 0 ..1"•• 1!:lIgirttl JJ,.""rs, a..<'\ t'er...n.llWIlleIIMcl "nlt'~ year, and upon slrong clay lOlls It be- bo~ ODd t okmll tlle Bnw-duBt Ollt, to our III '1\'111 be ,uPtJII~d Oil libcrl\l, lerm. ).;OClltnOIl'1I Ir!'nurlllly. cames an almolt lndieppnaabJe tea\ure ID IsurPflBe there were three tlpplell I n the e, All ordara "nJ I;ollllllulllealh,m•• boultl b...1· EII&1n t:r IInJ l,;llptaUIII ol .5tnm-V....I•• -...t and Jlrofitable husbandry If the d 11 r h 'tl d Tile H . drees"!l, po91'PllHI, to Ma!lng<{" ofSt.uon"r)' )!;nmn81 II...... • d bolt lin n o t em perlec y 80un , We find the lollowlng poem til an ex. O\V 18 \t p08~ lble to I'xpect thot manI. seO'!',), & CO . Pu"hll "~r., LtUllbtJr DllaloJn and OWIJilt'. 0' Saw Mills. 11011 be foul, wltb couch and otber WII Rppie I st!nd you barlDg beell ker t in a Bum killd Will tuke adVice, \Vhl'D they .... 111 not 27 12w 7!1 l" uhon t.. N'I" York \' IItnlr CUlwre &Talaes • probllbly tbe bcst cour8e to pursuo. \V{lrm room hn8 commenced to rot. The change, ~ nd we" III venture a tillnall h k MECIIAN1CAJ. AUTS & ~mn;E8, (/ wncrs 01 . '1.10101 M.chIl'1ert. 1 to thoruughly cieDO jt al'\d -:!,'lIke It fit te r I\buvl'} II! F:lbmltted reepectfully, (or the tbat some Jilted old bochelor wrote 1\. 110 mllc U8 til e warDing. D At>t'Ll!l'lU.N &. ~u ~ J:l W ~/(;)J(K (;()rn ,\\1 lOr.. , .nd i'erllUlll connected",ltl boll. erC)p the followma lummer, 18 to plow • •t bl'lIPfit of nl1lovers of good IIpp! es, -- ' , ' ma and ~rarH:!ellarluq ,'Iachi,..,,,,, ' Fc .... ale He.olution, Spenk with ca!mnees and dellberallon, DAVE INOOU IUIE OF PUOLIOATIOII, 11'1 UIITS, fllIO&: Farnillr. ~d l'efllon" UIIII, Grsin.l:!lieUiII." ... lightly a. pofll! lble-lIay II f"Qur by IIl1le ... I T\Vlll'l'l' Y"I"V E IlJ'XTII ~t."tl 'J' brtll~1D1I' MIIChine"' ..incb furrow, aa Buoll III convenient, harrow 011 01 occaBlonll, e8pecially ClrcumstaDc- A" D!CTlON ARY OF MACUlNES l\!E. BuM Worllolr. , Cln~:e, and Ornamea' Ma it with ligiJt. harro~s. and by the eatly p"rt N o ' wlllul'ver Boe 111m more, ell which tend to irrtate. Gr;:J~NG~GlNE.WOllK\ AN b £N. kera inJtentiral of November the ~II and weede Will be Sance thull he hkcB to roam, 1Juj_..J "or P acllc.z D1orA:i n - _ P () fII()1IJI Employed in the M.nufaetllnl of 0 • • cona/deratily decompoaed lind Dellr y feady ' Hnow til tlte A rtJe R"1f1on~. And whcn lilt! cub Btope at tbe door, Refined tute often makell UII appellr IDyr..-.I' r • If" , --, Makera ot COpper and Lead 'l'lIbiJlc for exposure to th~ sun and Irolltll by II Tn Intltude sevt'nty.pijtht dpgreea and John, lolly-I'm !lot ut home. senRlble, and wllnt of refined tOSle often ,ntentk4 for 1M EJlgJMllrlrl9 ProJUftIIII. Lanen .nd 8tr.w P.~ .Mlken, " h, 08\ system 0 r croslI· t.hirty mlnutP8, my utten I'Ion WOB 8 tt rOil t ed Iie BI1II It! d III t night when Juli la Bmil'd, mukeB U8 enthUSiastiC. UW/lera, "arbor Mpailln, aDd Otben 1ft•• orosa rurrow. T lie Edited by OLIVER DVM E. formorlr l'rolllllRllr at 1::11111' etltM In Dredainallllldtine"., plo.in, ullaer sucH cirCU(nBtances, III to towarell 0. Bhower of frozon partil'lell (They mUlit hlJve met before ~ M Il~ lelllalles ! Coll "l1~ 0/ Uivi t.:uganCltlrl!. W Il l'Iiukefll. give the land a IItrong an~ deep rafter fur- winch fell down hke !!now.durang thll! seaIf tIm .. by her he 18 bflgUlld, A Ne w Mo"uanent. London, Aut ,or IIntf.lnvllnlor 01 ....I·Ii" CIII· Af " onOlUilrtI. Philoeophera. and othen vain • .(Owing} whIch simply coJllisti In plowlPg son of \l)clemency. but ~hlClb wos not the I ' ll naver IItle 111m more! Many of the traded are fnklllg I tepa of culus 01 Form," "1'ho N" w ..nd llllPrDYIl" l' h.1011oplue.1 Apparalul and InllfllDlllnt. >leep c"'o. ~urrow 'In t...... Marne man- !snow 1 h~d been ulled to see IIts general I I j ull rewards to eyslolll 01 Colors,'! i,.ol:"rltlllllt.I," • • }:;ngineomt, a ve~ "I " .' m" ~ I lecure t 0 t hemllt've. tIe buch,' by iltc I etc"11111 J!.1"IIUlI1" 'II Dlu.cr }'UJnI'lIIi E.lllinee .nd o&h.en In1llr.. Dar at turnip drills are formed. If the l appeftranee wall 11 fall ' of Ica eH, or . I 1111 I'll !lmg no more the lIongB bo loved, their own labor. Amoug the reBt. the w\lr k 18 of 11lrge 8vo IZI!, cOn11l1Dl1J1r POlrllous IIlwruted an C.nw and Aquaduefll .wible lind be plowed, plow early, the circular pellicle') of ice. but. upon mmute Nor piny the waltzes o'er, Journeyman prmter. have established a 'l'wo 'l' RlJps;.ND I'AGU, upwurd 01 1< Inu.r; W.rehousemen•• nd olhe... UIII1l Hpdrsuho earlier the be«er. The orinclpal excel- IIlve.tlg&tion, they Wl're found to be cry.· Nor Wl'ur th e colons Ire approved, "Vlllon," ond lIItend to publieh f;uch wurk, 1 I lflllL£OPI..cl'EII, aud IX I aroUUNDWooD·cun U) IIllnoruelflc Crlllu, Jack. Seiew., Comlllon 1 eonslBtl $an t h·1. I'll ne~cr pIeOlje b 1m morel ing·Jrawlogil nnd dc.lcn,,· ant! Itlues j n .L ...e pL~ e ...oroug h ta II iDe Iieat b!lrll, 0 f aymm otr ICal beauly , 8 11 ere a dapted to pu b ~ic taste lind walli s , 1L 1l0Will Ll8 01l,rlJl!Gl\L Iho lUllwork I lIuJlOrtlln~ nlllcLlnes ID Iho V t'~:d \;lllPtlll , aDd ,complete ....poIIUre that roo~we"da and connpcted to~ether by their basell, ~hQShto I'll cllnquer ilOlln lovc's foolub name, BeIng their own employers, the enlll'l' pto- United Sialoa. InlllllJ€tll\l lilly 01 Ule rC/luite uf ' II~ ~r:;:8~:::r'::'lIl11d Alloy•• noxIous ",alael, get to Ule winler frolte, form 11 common centre from whlc t e At! thousonds Irn vtl lIefo~e, j ducl of their lobor Will go to their OWII All! n C.1) Illg'!IIUlly, it WIll co nllLlil cllUlvluw and the luperlIJr tiltb in which the SOIl II II vanell or sbafts prOjected hke rays, or. lo Look strange wkene'e r I bcar nil support. a.ld of courle tend, aa It should, prnuuClar tr"uU 8 un l.:cll"OI~. j'1nchlll~ry, Prlnl Mllbulscturer•• b I ' Ib Th fi "-nglllc· work, and li:ngtnlllJrllIg. wllh 011 IlulI W11!tll"t!,1"~cr'ibll, Clock .ue,. and Korol.· hrou ..ht bv the act'on of the froatll and air. u· e a plulIler Simile, like the apokes of a b 1 TI nllme to etter pay t lelr a or. e I'iIt puhll' h i U cllli In lIIore 1111111 lIoe liaau""nd 1I0!lnrs' Tbe procea i. not aD experisil[e one; and wheellrom the box of t e ax e·tree, 18 And ne't'r pronounce it murel cation wlncb they Issue is the Stll'1 of ", orlt. of lu llo VOI U llW~, OI ngmZlnfl • 'IlllJ otl\llr '.! hu v.bh8hurtl h8ve ell:peaded a lar~ 111m 01 -It iI one Ula' approriCbel ae nearfy to the extreme chaatnels of combination in Robill8oD Crusue. whIch Will neVl'r 10lle I>ollklt. 1I1110ng which IIIny lie lIlIllItlonllll lho lui. 1II n , 10 gill orlrlnal dra1Vlllp of m.Chinery 111 IDOIllmp~~ I)'ltem of garden culture which thelle JIltle automaton dlamoDd. bad The plait of bOIr I must realgn. III IDteret!t as lon, as there III YOlllhfnl IIJWH.p;: pr.eutlIIl U lle In the country. and ban procUred . . may be. wJtbout much ,",dillonal ex- dI8 0j;ed them8elvea Is beyond description, That nut my hewt I wore ; readers to ~ursue tills adOllrable Ito~ _ J BTlJlaotllcquo <lee Arll IndUltnel. (Muon, allJl()IIl Ilve~ work on lite IUb;tIlCL, wbether pub _... f f bolh f th H fJl-rt. ) Il>!hud in Engl.lId, Fraape or Ger",I." .... ~ or trouble to tit e orumaIY aYltem 0 arge ~uantltlea 0 snow, 0 e e , too, must Yi eld that treellof mane The "ork II elegantly prmted on the e,,1 2 CIVIl i::nlPnoor and Archltecl'S Journal - 0108& _ nual parta of which bein, COUlpriled plowiDf lana in autumn. Wbere land J. common 8aky and cryetallll1e kmd. felt duHe Ilole, when truth he lI\11ore1 paper, and It II really a htl'ra" trellt to (Loudon ) an thill Dlcuonary. ronder it perr..culld comp". 1. , ~ean ltate of c:u111vaUoD, the plan of ring the lIJ,hL Not only' wa. the .bip's The mlnilture l used to tace. Ir.t eo (lood a stO" In I!O haDd.ome A f..b. 3 EnilDooTand l\laohinlllL·. AlIIillJUlL Bl.ck. hen Ive lUI po.ible. The publilbtt", h... ear ,lowlnl- wlUla rafter furrow, with a pre. cleck. and all upon It, wblte with a fteecy And feel romantic o'er Ign. Tbe work oullb\ to commlnd a large IC, Olasg()w ) d 8voreci 10 WICI lrea& economf in 'YIIe, eo JIll' Yi~ plowmg may be prletiaed with great eoverina, but tbe muta, tOPI"ard., .hrouds I'll \ear 'trona ils morncco cale, Hle_ It will be pubhshed hi IIX Dumbers, 4, Pubbc.uon llIduAu&elie. (Annenpud Aine, e.ch JIIIIe of tbci worlt contallll at 1...t fila· eacce-, but ft .b",lId be done late iQ the sta,e, and «'fery rope and portion of the Anel-never kl88 It more! at ~5 cents esch. Every family .hould 6 Iam:~~'a MecbanlClll oi Fluids :; :L:.0'¥~:! .to~.:3 Ma.,.,lnd witlf, ~ Iood deal of carc and rlggini on wbicb a partcle of Inow could purchaBe a copy. PareDta could not put a 6 T readse on MochafJ&C8 (1'olliion ) &0 ~ pl.1e world.~.drawinp ~ ample .111 Bot.. the ~Ian. lIulnll'steci have lodge was veiled In a featbt!rd tunic. But Thl. ring--hll gill-l mUlt return. better book In the handa of cbildrell.- 7 AU,ememll n.lLUllunllOil Abbildunpll - and e1e_ , 10 &hi, I Dlechulio DtlJ .... been tested by the .vnter on lind In varl· the fore part of the vl'lMll presented a (It mak.,. my fiDger.lIOre;) ,PtdJ, Ltgtr. (Fon lor W h,' II) ItnlCC IeCUrale1, an, maehiraa deIatbad: ,. atatell 01 eultlYl\iQn~ .Ion§:ide or l bellU Ifill aJld encl."ntln'Plighl; the wave., Then there'll hill jettL>~tboae I'll 8 Organ fur die l"orUlcJmtt dee EIHllbahnwe '1 he pUbillho... are,ID'bon, dNlIDined, n1.1 h b d h 10 teehlllolChet Bel lehuna (Von ganil 01 cbt!t, Ie mUll the wqrk u qoaallJe." tnvruuKbIJ c ean plowing; 110d In t e .prinr ' "llIch dn"hpd allllin.t t e IIW., sn t ~ burn Opill1onll may be (lonllidcred II tbe IhakWa ld~ll'g. \VI bIlden) lUI IKllII:lbl", and 11 III IJopod evllr,. one deefrou WbeD iIw barrow were employed. preVIOUI IIflray, which ftpw over the f"rec"stle even And trumple on the floor! ows of know lpdge; be accul'1lte and (jU ~ 9 Sb \\ 111 !I LOgamhm M to ... bl8in tI.e work will procuee at u lMaaed .. CO lb••priDIr p~wing, thlt wbicb Will raft' t<o the roretup, wheD ahe dipped het head HllI lIOnnet, that my allium g raced. • II" I 10 M)'JII '" I .Og&lit l,U1. , flUI I100rtl, I\lJd Ibuil ttncourlllrll \he eaterprpe ...farrowed or rIbbed, \Va t in a better con- jI bfoneath the lIurp, bet'8mp f'n('ruatl'd on Ply \earl thllJ! \1lul It o'~r,) opinions WI e Just . t II very Impoltant 11 'I ho MechllDlc. 1 .ob Mathem.ucal worb Th., work will boo • IIlL;a an aenu.moall,Jr ditioa, and produced "'ucb better orops e,e- sr.' Il tlluched. The whole (mntof TI I tl.1 1'1 that \\e do 1I0 t adopt OPIn"»1I1 too hu tdy. of hve.r 8 vrne. nUIII""IOI, u nlullCiog In JantLI".. 1850, pel .L_ ,N ,• lied I U~ enea toge leI u l UW I pute, 12...<;ilUtoau'. J l)1irlial. wil l j.lto&r \\ lUl l' .~ K'" ,lllIlJ ..... wbete the land II plowed in an extra· the hu' Ind upper works Wll8 enc. na And ne'er bebold it OIorel 1'1 ~ -<til r I 13 A I.. nwUlCl MlL!!Cllinoo Encvc\on.,JI- _ II. wb 'II' rll will be pUbbd led In 40 ordlaary lDanaer. & .. ..,18 E'xperlment ot-lIj!1 end.d ibPet of Ir.f'; -While rrow the Ie rilln.... p 0 IIOlile p..nolll .s ike ( ll ule..e. 1.4 Iflll4;.) I ,. " nUIll~, aL~ III.. po I DUruliP. , and COIIIpI~; dU. kiDd will _ tIIl'y die awn I lteptlea1 01 bowsprit ana IIpritlla UYIlN, bur Iltala,,\!I'll walta Illd Birt with Enlilm G - Our I hsdow, kH'pini ilioN to Ull whIle We 14 Con,," l\tanul"CluI... of tir al briri llD and Itld Will. In ~ CWranl 18:10 A h lMr.. It. aliU., aDd . . . . NpeC'JaUJ bile i' Is tiea and ID• .., pendlntl hnn. d ' wn, like CThoutrlr vull't! nl\ a oor ... I) wll ik In the l unehltlP, Dot deaeitiag the moA IOf'!.lcllI l'(lntra.~led. di~u)n~~I !:b~ll~'~~ p·~b~'r!tara "'0 in ad. 011'" 8OIl1t thaL are deDOtainated the tUl k. of elephanta- Minor ieicl", and In wlron J'lI sbnw my he.rt i ~ rret', mf' nt we ellter th.. abi de. ~ Ho!~~~ro~~ 'fur,,' ng . nd Mttehanical ~lan· , , _. aI..n reo" the wora ~ . . pol' ..... clap. I.polkea of Iyory whiten""" WPl'e ra nJrt'CI OD APd . i6(h rur bun no morel Ii T he tot ani ~Ine. (J. 1Ioaf1M.) oIicIa of~. ev!ryllne aDd pole) ';vlnlf lbent the I,. If we "hOllIt! meet, hla aha\) Experi. DUo I. a torch nptecll. the ub- 17 t.itIeobahn-u l&unu. ( u".arL) N tJIitJI loP . . . .. tf N~ " : ........ God , __i . aMoatS p"arance of Ion« II -bonH anaed ilil 8brink, Iea o r our iII ione. hs 'r~d 0 11 ~ "ieam-En.Joe. .. • I1ItiItIi .ru... . . E' .k .~..... . the ..... QDnUlll...... tHtII: . .. . .reely .u the "laMe [ tI ' L 19 PilL '.. lalhaaatieal IIId Opdetll 1aIu1a. If .. i - . . .. ...... 1'111t111II!!• • •IIii-.ia1l ,I.... -'_LIp ...~ltle at . .. lin., - -DOl II. ~ ~ lda b uckl WtIeJ - - .,ran au ~=~~,,..
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1I0me I ed! 0, lnother,i1euth iii nat II~eadrlll (19m' 1c"l'l"er~e ef;~t-!.i r~tE!.'a, r.tlher t., ai~~ .\'119 expr~38ed all the deaths of her IIfNC' j0tn()6rtt--. and soldiers, were eoon 'llemed ~m. . uflre il Wi tit I Ilie! ' 11011" I IIt! I ndee~.11 d(j not J IU dQIi .1. '. , j '1'1' ", ' J( 1\1 • ' tlu n. 'ofI the undI 'bear J..men or to the heuvenly gorner, B 1e ,vat! on a mls, ~ Oll uwn mlnu ~. IClie 8"u . • I nurest r.. w d VlrglnJl1h r ' . ... '. . ~ d h II' b"· k i d I fOli\) ' "Q IIn l'i.. lin" lid tu ui!jeuver tluit each A Ro\tlier now sct Il !cUII'll horn Inllthern t IU,'" unu Ofy 08 IIl1gtun, ,Iln mot et 0 :rho following ',h,nc& frplII tb~ Uomll Juurnal RI un of chnrlly III cl1rly IIpr~ng, ond l!aro\lgh . e~~ elll a~ ,n , lit thul mu C8 mo Ill· (I\'CII~l'~ to dlnd in; lbe ()thl'f un IlCCII~I'r, j iu the C fllt\ra 01' "h13 cell~ , 'l1ltid WIIS , the IItnlelimen-th'at h~me ol'nobl,e, o'nd gener Will lintl lin e,oh~ Ihe hearL of e\'~ry read':f nn,acoldent ~U8 exposed to the tlllmp eorth , de. 1,lau, I! f¢llr.ed such u fute, mo tl~~I'. ! In ' the Custle or Dublin tile spirit of KlglI for tWI) arllled 1l1ell to ,enter, who~e 10us, nml bmv!!' men, Imd of Ilccompllshed whn can IIPpr~i!lt~.lho, beauHlul :l)d pure. • Iand nir f\lr morf' than on honr, ~nd during I feared thlJt the P~lrIty T fp.I~.by tbe n~ercllul evil hud b~l)lI.!!ht tUjfether U lIly!"ud ut' 11111 Imsi llesil It .~VI!S to wlltch tho pri~oller nnll bea~llI~l women. Pen~ylvan!a, wb,*! Th~ I~dy 18 ~)In.r ~lIil sUgg.st8 I~e sov· the time took a 8(1Vere cold WlllCh' at thaI , ~rnce of Gad, nllght be ~tClme~ ~y Slq, aud l[ull,)\\·crl!. , ~ito!~ce word.. lIu!1 I· n ty IIII'd. thrtl~gh tl\o 1II:(lIt: ~Clt a word wus IIIler· b,roud ~mlclple~, aner tlae lou~df'r of tha. eral lmlges , tl) the, lover, 8UpposIIlg he particular p~riod provcd fntal. \'IIOIV lam goin(f where there is 110 ain, no slikes went trJ alld Iw. Everv race wore" churgcd upon their entrllnce. lIoble lute, \v~~e Idve to God, and beDevowould dtlllitht til think of and perlll)nlfy la(lr 1 When all WM dona tllat kind attention evil, no temptlltion! Joyful thou"ht I t> Iuuk of dl~colltentl a~' though th~ thought8 ! At ten u'hillcl, that night the blows Qf lence tu miln, ~r~ WI:QSC .\Lichmen} ~o~h.' thus-aner dQllt hi and he re.ponds. all in lI~d mediclil skill could acc m \' h ) Willi mother dp IIQt luuk at the colt! "volcelea; of the J.~"rtd were becominJt paa~ euclur· the b~ildct'd dl\!d a\y.ay, I\lId . Emmet knl/IV c311~e.,urieoUI)( r curn I1gll1nt~ pure ~ ,lUti. It I' e. ' ' , . 0 p la ,s Ie " I . , . . ' , '" u ce. . ' thllt IllS 811llff~hICIIg, '1',\1)1\ I wa~. ~hllt he 118 enuur IIg ~S lor ever U8 Il1g m~\ln lllns, .. c~~~ogu II ' I" r- Informed or the r'lot thl1t her \re('overy wus grave, fix yuur e, e beyond It, I1WIlY wlJere Dey,)ud tliC' IliIls nnd awny to t 10 ex. resolved ill h'i! maud a strtlill" IWldelice of eurly cume 111 considerable numberil, and u~von 118 a o wor .. ( I b '1' II I l ' r I Til . "" 0 I d I ' t . t "No, 1:\lro I- be not to me ..J tI fillwor: def'plli ~ed 01 by her phyB,ieion, ulldthot in tie cauLI u Ig It S 1 ~ lI eil Irom tIe Jlrone treule verg uf the "Slter-ed 1"llIud," 11 rear,. ; tho puwerl eSllnIlfili of death to InDke 1& par·, veate w IP~cver Illte ~es or Olreurn~ anct'l . ~ecm!,d to direct. ('I- 1urge, II~Jmb.er tletlled 'rhe unc,ertnin IIUII ollll~ .Iorth illl udt!ro~~ br,clllh. all probabil!ty ehe wuuld pnss from time jn : of the LIIllIb or God: I shull Lc theNl. 1fIt! ", foreb"cljng dl8\r lis!'d lneu'" !louIs. l.,1iut't; ~pirit ~l'\(lil ; T~e AWcll:lt.cslllorfu,.no gl ()!! th~ SPO()dI09~ death f l ' b t' t . d r tt e' It 11'11' "mother tllt:re. lJot' ill the Ilump ellrth-O AllQlher ni ght Wij !! druwlll" Oil thl1t liuch Plicillg II Illiullre board upun hll~ knt-es In t1UIj ~OUllty, and 10 one of t!le C~I~elle fhs Rpm on<1 VI<~lt lll 01" AUlllllilr hour n ow luurs, U Ins oa 0 I II e I"enco , , . ' .' . II ' to H d .' I t f townslllJls. Very suon mlloy 01 the BUltel'll Fcrirosl, bu nol a flower'" , nlarming her, it l1\voke reelillgn or J')Y uml muther, woul,l you call. mo buck hool .lliut us ':;v) olpn 1;{1I~('rli y brl!IW::I· t I .1 1\' I ':I~ie'l ul~olle °d\~r .~t 81 ~~e~v ~1/p~~~rg' l und JnIJl1htertl Clnd nieceB ()( ,hese Jerll'Y' .1 I ' I' I I' I b'ri Hiunt nlur.e II ' ,t.;. II? vc.ry ,'''I t-tOIHlll 0 +,Clilne .o.~ tt I' W HC I ICl i:!CCllre III I Ii P U , p .. .' I V" . . ,. "Evon ns ~ 8 1~rr " ' ," rtll,ture, unu 8 10 t'~c Ulm!!! exCI tmg y: ", ' . , 'etto IlrOVe lltll\1 till) uttor (,Nlin"ui hnl nt or 1\ fork. '('b Oil h~ t,)Uk np hi S pencil-a men,. clIlSylv811111.IIS, 1111, Irgllllnns, OW!). "No, brlghl),~ l -bQ 11 0 1 to 1110 .. ~ Il. ~ tnrl " T/le.n r shllll soon be with futl,er in the 1 :N u, tlu\l~htcr, ll~,i TWill os O\lr F J~ller hop ill h ' heurl " 01 tilo:;,) "Wlt., \\,),,11 d Pl111 Cil whi 'h h d " Nlived JUllny weury Jedt ~vllh no Sibille relilctunct'. " ho ,COD. 'Ti OI~e 01 lII(lII')h~, lind Ihe hlrrr)'ilig cloud Beltllr Lolllel!" . I \\'lls; let HIIII wurk HI:! OWII goot.! pl,c(ls- wililiur tbeit countrY, BllyOlHI hit! g rllve hvurd- linel wi lh the Utlnbdt compullure lie· IItra~nlJ1g pOwer 01 Druther JU\lIll1lhlln lid· efl wrnps Ihb gllltOling l'lllnlHlor III It ~hroud, Not IlU the In"tl'ler. "[<ory 'vu!lller onl' ure,' " , " : utltllillll' could theMe I,ercai \'l! but .elon fd IIC1tI ,rUII to bIWlch. ' 1" • IcetlllCl~, "tid tho~ II ' ruce WI18 formed, upoa Murn (Uti l'li Its IUJltro, ~nlJ It shioQiI .. fttr. v JJ u , J I to to b tt tI I I tI e I rr never sh c DriJlltotl l, cia no~ U Slar!" rllilt.l. the idul uf her love, and tl.'e though t I 'I'hl" nJoth(l~ hDd ' c~ugbt the< Rpirit of l)IC ~lOt> ln-tho loe anor~ !Iolughty-tbc lOunu. ! ~Imnl't fl .-st. drew th~ priljo~ tOWC';B a (;' e~ Inl~" IIIl \ I U , .ou • '( I th!lt /lhe WIIS to ue tllk(,11 IIWlC ulmo~~ I I ' ' ,Iaught er, bud wus watching wi ~h illtense elliS luorco ~(!curcly rl~lted. , willch "!umed III ,upon, l\t~ dungeon, lh cn ~ ,,.... ," ', Evon"~ ClIl,'lVel" , y . P J : illterest the triUl1l1hul;t ('xit 01' hl' r chilli I When 1I11~ lustre ul lilat "ky. blld ', fa~cod, th\! <lcunu~d whlcn the,.e supporled, then , '1'h Two Brothel'!!, .' .INu, pu resl - Im II llO 1II0 M "" OV~: nl~ed htl/l. II~ the deepest I I1I1I!UI611 she I . , Emmet rl'turnl'd to IIi" cOllch ulld lilld dUWlI lon iti< pl!ltfortn the IIh d(f, cxecuthmcr, und The followin.' bCllutiful .'\r,\b,an legend Tho ~i' lIur uf~ broll\' . itl li lfta I ~ij rtll'l, sait!: , froan the lihoro::t of 1'lIlIC, s,,~ kn ew Irom ' to II Illliet ~'nlClb(1r. On ' nw;cltin~ he roun~ ~I)th \lr ofliejulil uccOrdin .. tu thp, order of we copv Irolll 't.i. q "V;oict) o(J ~tJb." " Roll!>lng tlo.. tlo ..\ny ~"ys 01 il.s" flllOot; '0, my child! are ynu Ih n, 80 nnxiouB to tlltl IIt~t remark, that the sonl 01 ]J Ir,y was by. hii:! tll·t!e tlO III" Tcl'rC'slllnelit. "tlieir fllilk j 11'111, hl'stly, tto sllcrifi~e in itlt 'I'he sltt! occupiHl by' tho t"nlrlle ttl 8111e. A 1111 plunging sllonc(l. ,brou!:" i1~ lIallve lanvll yuur mother 11lIlIIa ill tI,o \\'url H' , 011 thr ~uTtll'rd 11(' tho ilJvi~iblr, Ullt! that the Y I " grove. l'!I(~ cllJd: ill the 'tower tll\e~ sis. Em· , sevohil st ngcs, (rum tlt o time whell de Iv· mOil \\'~s fU~ lIlcrly tl ell Iti vuted 1fold. pUlldll.: Purei t, he not a clovlll" 'ril\! bitt er IUlUilntl\tJt,lU flr 't,hill CJlquin', 'Lighl' WUlI een with mentul eyes, ' , met COUlltl'It th e IItroke und IIgulli thuugilt , crcd up to dOllth to when blood strcnm, el .. !!ed ill common by tl\lO br<)~hAril. 9ne 01 , Dwukelled 'u lilt ~ril!tI l)f fl'(llio'" In U;e 'J.t lIraws IIc,Jlrcr !llld llC'orer! 0 how nUlhbl),. "Id th erp nm Hqo watch whell r, from t!I Q prOolLl'ntc cO'l':le. , A ' l r Cllhl1ly tlHI,n Will< mu~ied IlCld I~Cld 8eY.i!tl\I-p~lIdren j "Even'~ RrocI I'" "W)'! , b .l ' It' I r f II of I y , It come " it ' um ,h;tlll! !~I loll Iho hour ' wh(, 11 Iroltin(\'11 surVl'ylll/I wh,a~ he 11m,! IIUIIO. ~mCllet t1relv the oth\lr WU8 unmarried, ;Thoy, laved to· "No, illY 11ll) t Iidthfnl-lwn61 as n rock: heart 01 the duught r, lind the firsl trdrS f r !: I " 1 ,IV, I " g ur " ~. 6UIIl; mlly ~ecuf >Iy rist); for until thut hUllr )1 Iti ll I' re.lleil lIt?ur ', to Ilot ·1t tho cr.owd- "other, huw~ver, ill the'greuteat hClrmun'l It mock tho ocullTlwiul: w.. vo: or s\al\Jd nl l)II('l, I I J I I I ,I I .. Cor 10:\ Tts ulmust hCfe 0 clln thll;! be d I ., In I.lnoli u t gl!lIlCII , ill ~\'~ .. ry wa ~to unknown: a Ie 1111 lilt'(, no\\' ~l,t,j lOu Itoln Illr ~yt'S Ul! I I _. ' . , . ' . muny ure tIl e he Irl~ which must c)Hlure u tho l!'JlCving, loilll~\ly crow • thll', I,ll t 10 1P ~s iblC', (,\Iltivutll~lr the property they hud " 'It >l~n~el "~8 ,,11k 'IU fUr1U110'Hsroilu O~ shock, she beheld tho \Ulcolltrlll\llJlo ernultulls of' d"llth! J I !1II, Uti sweet 10 dle!-;lhrk! ' 1'lurwrdom. " 1mnrnlll" wuuld lhrong ur.lund. 'I. Ills wns r IlIh roited Irom their futher, ' t Chollguloaa, bo 1101 a, rook!" the deor purent who land becn to hC'~ uch n III u'.Il\!r. ~hllt Ii! Inu!\ie! Would il \\'olllt! ~ "{."h [11I lIot till>. but live!" c,1nlillued Ecnrnot'f" I. ar,k'"t ,tOl;k. lie cOllll1 ulItl lll ' l The hl1nr est IIcaRon hl\d Qrrivpd, The ,, blesdill~, Tiel' mother tlrrelY , herse.lf ' upon cllmc l1enrcr!-l'tI(,l1hl'r where ure yO~11- Elllllle't Id u low but Ilra~ vllll:o. "'J'IIY ClIP' I pilte hid OWII , o ~sution:l, nnd'.Ilieture tl.'e twd brothers b(Jun~ up tlierr tlhellvell;,mudo "Evan ll!l m~self!'\ h Illtl t k I · ' 1. II dtl ' There iii 0 oloud over my ey('s, 1 eRII not tIV IV lly, ' fny ' coumry, I.. I~ot rnll~ulll":~6, l guzc , or mel I UI ~ured 10. Ir~e. pl',' nd~nl two oqllul stuckI! or them, and ltin t.h~JD Ol:t but "My 8Oul1a 0 \ i~\I.t. b I ~~ Ih)'801f, er 0 I , 01/ ler III IC''. arm, 811 ley . L' lJ' f' will "OU dpor mOlher1 Dlcs II'ID. Ah I theh dhulJ be hCllrd, 'DillS sceneS-lIlltn who reckolk'd IIIdll' ullHll hfo thol ield. Dltmacr the night, ~be unmlttrl Ii ~~ifJ;t~~~'~It~n ;~~r~II~li~~I~;n~;li:i~~su~)~wor wept on ftuch-uth~r'lI bO!l(jtil~wept L~~d II;Qo. uy y m, ,) ' , ' - hm'-lhen Illy del('nce, if 'tIelollne be ntled· IIIIt by its C[)lIIpnrleoll, wilh tll lIullIbf'l' of brother wusslruck wfth UII excellent th9!lgh ~I Jlllior 'lhllll thl' rork! th:lt deep, long tried nfi'eclltln'" ·\teyerlllg j I lI.m, 80 coltl!- rl.ll're. tlll'Y. cUllle .-~Hey cd. shall n<), be bruken into Irugl/;lolltll!. , slirvillil!!I' live!!; yct It IVllti beyon~ 'I!i:l po~v· • My bl''1tllr, ,Buld he to I,im'i! l~, hUll u ,wile Ye8, bu thy~a lf, thyaelf only IhysoW" chordll, broulI'ht up from out the 'depthll fllII!le!-l\ley wJUriller!-n O you h!ltlr" 1 The'Jln"I', thillkiug I,e dtd Ii kindlles9, er tu PQr.trllY the lo<)k of tho~e who Quuld and cl1lldn'n " to lIuJlPort;lt'hliiol jUllt thl1t • \~'ll!Cin ~he s~irJt'li enrlhly home. Who lIIother! 'l'hcy tell ene tujuinlh eIR lind g~ h?ro ICII}iucled l~tlttnl!! of lire rne~ting with iruvalllJillli to gnze 01: tllt' pil.etl!ls 8Iio~tn. m~ p'urtillUuf, tbe'.lIiarvcstilhotllll be' uslurge LET lIS DE F'JUENDS. c~n cOllletnl.lute lIuch a Ililectucle evoll in Wilh Ihem! I go, delll' mother! 'I go! I go! hiS luved one. rhe Ruddell alluJ lull Bum· cle, nBy ~o find clltcrtullImcllt III ItII strlige., UIS his. O'llon Iltlil he uro~e. olld look ' from . -. '. i r ' d t ~ It/ .. ' t ' 1 CUllle 800111 Adieut' muucel bOlol'O Emmet Iho~i;> idudtrous cir· uo ~ . So ill '1ltlOe of'syml'llthi!!Brll Emmel: his t(lck IIcverl\lshe\llves, whle), he udded Ah! turn not Ihus, aD coli, IlWOY, III1CC" nu lOll, ~II o~ ee ~ flt!flllg !'or. '" ' .. CUIRstullcrll willch hud severed the Int.e OI '\ eltlbOdiell 'l:nemiP$, nlld n~ hi~ penoil fl l!ow, tCl.lh';st) hill brOUlllri "I'd lhii! lie did with, . W,lh ft'lger on 'hy \.trow, ~t .wus sever~ll IIIlnutes,ere Iho spel,l of .'n II 1lI01llel~t the happy II P:rtt vns 011 h~Urltl 1Ic:lllcnrly illtl!r\V~ve~':\Expr'l!!~lllu:!, their cuuntenunces ,. Iollt tlll.IIIII1I1I"1 sem- u much ~ecre~l I1S ,though ~I!. had been. Dill. llV n B lliou onoo di lei SUllie, grief releul!ed Ita h',)ld, l'tfCl~y first rf'eover· IV Ilig for et~rlllly. Tho u~o~h ,,~ ro~c u,n.d too fuB 01 )I"li)1 to·tiear: It··,.tfebrd. e G.....!l..d. , lunce ,lind uttuilled, n eletnC!l1 IlIC 6orcelleBli. I;ollllni ufn!!' 'III eVil uctioll: ill,or'(iel' thltt the .1 I H I Ii ' .. , 'C I'~~ h ,J j I - " ,,' • Oh SIIIII\! UI")11' 1I10 IWI,,; For hiltu. thoughtd 11.111 ~1If;lry wonls ed from her . l sell8e of woe, uud with ono luukeJ I!lug !II1IL eu.~neust Yut t e ,p Ilel lhe martyr' I I1p"::~.I~' pla~o of' rgltt., eroillg . ~!~n\et puullr,l anu Istellcu. . ol'lc ring might not bo rt'jecled. On the In gnul Clncl I'OH(IW' CJIIII,cnlmer thought the I ide uf feola,ng ch~nge,l tucIl, beuuti lul in deuth, nlld light wjLh the thtvlI .\I~.;ur~!I.ol~f nrerl~ 'for th9 1I000r,c t .' ,1" dtp ·liiiilll.iglit 'wiod IIOW howllhg obo~t eRme lIigl!t ' tl!~ other brel,h.r awoke aDd TIIIJIl luke tho hIl11.! ,1 olli·r thoe, ol,d she sUld; , light ul'j ,)y thllt;,iIIulhineli iL us the gaul de. eur ,~t tho .E' lerll~I-~et 1I3 w/ltch , fur Ile1'. llaa~ dhltl\l~ ' prlll~n he. seemed to cRtch thl) to hi" Wile••" My brother Iinl .liolle AncllcllIll IlIIU btl frl eqdll, '0 I I U's i. ~ on". Where ie ' ar tl'd ! ~rlcl t1lell I t n _ b tile ,bedside, whchil' nftout.'ulI , rdl l\:ed, ,th~ dat~ne 8 01 m\,U'llI\1~ oj l~(\', llIornln:r crowd. . . ~ COI\l~OhlOtI; lIe hIli l1\ln~ to uai~t ' P" , . , tl lOu,t lc.r .• II , ¥f.. "Y ~.... d . I thu~e /itllrtny '%,uters III \yhlcb Il'ter ,..ll.IlIg J\gUIII JIIS . C()1~ntenonco .resumed lIs him III IllS lubor, Pllr to reward lUlU f,pr 1118 l e ou H\VI:~I~uh~~.!tl~I~:t~Y?J"U II:n\~II~ OU~, no,v ?ur fillth. . Ilnvf' furgot~en tile \~ ~llt und pruyed. 111 ' , )ltaY.'~ Sq!1 . strugg llllg £:!Jllnet WIIS dest.ined ' to pepti\l. cal I"' • lIu hud, t~IIIIt1I'he~. over. tvils, while God, hll8 bell~o\yed o.n me" " 'Bufnr~ cultl nngor'lI' chilling d we le"eonlJ of tfnst I!, Jlru\',dence, you 110 ear· tiling seelllolll!, 1111 ,.'J trolCliled allfr· .Jur sell~ill~I~. her iptelligent:e; ' hor love, tell\ pl,ut11\n. : h)) Wlis fillJd~ed. ite and (lhilC,!rClIC; if id riot rigUt th"tU we J)us~roy&d its tIlnciorl\l!l fillw ,,)'!!. Iy tuur/flt yonr 'clailcl! Nil; r knolV you' it: ' . ,' : flIrt? r~il r to bU' hlol col\llur~r.. ,she hlld lIot lur h,im 10 jil<elch It coffin Ilud tuke Irllm \ ur (lOmlnO" lield", rnaIl.:tip ·,\.vitl! h}· II,. frum childhoollr 111.1,<1 ~offiu. only ho.ltlin~\yhnt hi." a.Piri~'1f since wo hu ulrt'.,dy, ')' I,Jllk III Iho Il hllurl', nllll"8 lhy heart h~ve I~01. 'I'll'lnK ~ oll\ent olld ynu 'will j. .'Be glad alld rcioia'for, dll' D~uGu~&R. nIl) tb",~ melllory llOlldh; . " O J, ,J..a . ,\:. ,~ ' I I ~ I ' .1 ' ''1''1 I (IJolilo IR\te Ih8 hllndl.,fiel' lhco, be cOllvlllceJ tha~ Guddul'illIll thlngll\ve\l. tN ' !i&A V'E If.' .,' • " '~" ( / \"~~/'~I..V' ,ul ' ''''~,t ~ge \", Ien thepu ~tr0l IIQ er ,ow!It,'", Ii grul!: ~v~ .. \v lIul tl .And 1(11118 81iH bo friends. • 'I I . I i19u~f'iIbl1'· llIghtellt, ullel whell the lon· limes rnUI) 1\l1\~ ftJr~lddeu ' to .wr/f!; an I Dllt 11 tew lIlome~ttj nao ,w~ I~PPY III tie ' . , , l d(il;;b1:,lfr~. IIr~d Chi P ~VCII uuto pAill VIC "r.i,t~)I~, S Emmet tbrew 8""'UY hi'I,en· Oh! why ~houltl lh 80 \Vllo~o ImartlJ ~rc prO ' poct of, meellllg de .. r father III the C)\h· H1S~Or.cal henrt'll if~~rFt's. ' She hilt! o~1,y 0110 trllit el', lillitlle~vit,l' hi ... \lr-ul~illg on tho. toltgh .... ,i " I'~ world; and then came tllel'hilling llro,ugl' wltich hl i ghlliuv~ b II tflQught \111gb. tie, ~Qvemon' thtJte llelllilr lho~e ar.m~d~ UIC harv lit .: ~,,,:,,,,,,, lin.k rl In u1·ellrllllhlp'l!\ ~oldl n chllt{1, "r 18 uf 1t!l1viu" you. 0, ror a moment it nl. '!'h.1!: t:\' 1:l Ul" b:JUI .'l"t; U1:lA' l''u, tlli~ wus tlJ rAAtiulIli1 illtldFrrellco to'illtl bpin. tQ ~~ OCl,'lut I;\own to 4 quiet .Iee ill I\rojoct W~d ' lipproved Oh.'W I}' A lOUt. In y 01 nngr)' W l " " • f l ' 1" A . t~' _ ' . l II, '- ' . . i ~ ,' r " . 1U}1I\111108' !;tIl ,li t li nks l~! \,,,,ill : rrto~t ov rwhel",cd me! But It ilJ P!1st. -" tOll ? tie 'w~r ", " , IOIlI'\i'J:'1 'p,t''''l .,'IT'd 11 \ v fU. ' '" put , uto ~"eculIO I • . tho ng, O!allb of the biothe ... ,'fllpn Ilho~(> 111"1 gnllll'ri.n'g trqwlI n)Yay, pn ,t ifYClII willn'ot weep 80, my i:Ie1lt moth. .The ~yCJ'lI!~g 8l\hbo~ms hAd cllte~rd the., of truth u~U Ju~ttce IHwqll, her 1cI\-~ • .1'9 g'locl it .. !t'er f c,rl ollllM, II • d . _, ' IVlIIduw~ of Emmet'" ,cell, ulid yhll~ . h!!I. , WCU)UIC8:i ,I1\ld Irilln TlelO. \Ier fo~m ~ a. ~ " we.ntto tilt and WII, much .trr'prll4l,I ' An:~li I ~hll h~W\ ~1!i r it! , er. D 11111 . I) 1I0~, ,t,. lowih.' 1111 IIcillill.:l'! li"lolprt!d"d hlln Wllh Q lit h\llJitllUl'll ~or such 11 spirit; its thur(lugh Sen cobna .,t Ohio. ut see/1I1l the iltack~ 8tl11 equll. • J.)ur:ln/l A,~~ILZ e:11'1", fl . (8.ay ' 110 llIore,~ \IlterjJosf'~ ~he muther. tlCII:!C."'tJt hid ~)"'\~ , dellllr~l!re. Itl.li,dir1k !If'' l lIr\o,,jem.uti~ 1111 beurillg' WI1t1 uiiled by u ' II Y BEV. DR. M'J,jEA1I.' levernl lIuCCell~l\!e njghtl, tile lime cootri. 'I ","I not for.ret mYl!I! I( og,Cln; pl1rdon me erollciulad' body .II'O the 'uu$!I, ?1I \~ h\ob countenunc~t. Oh, how sorrowfully dill she " - ,- , VIIJlee WUd repeutcd on etluh Bi4a; for Il' 0 for my wcnk~es8 this 01101'.' a~t.1 with : un Iit ,had r~elinodt'~tln t til Ild towurtl the P~lt Oil ber Ulrht tuboe that eveping to lIIeot Nor is i,l among the looat of her advan. ellcla kep~ odd! ng tu !Iill brolhe~'i!, IItQre, tbe --I effort delllllJldlllg all her strength ot 'wlll, ~ntld rulrCi;~,'i1g I~,t,." " ,, . II eyut! d~Il!'k hun Wll,Olll fhcl,UBlllld~ 'curtled-whunl Ihou· t~l;c" that Ohio l,oaseaBos such u JlUp~l fl- stullk~ alwlly,M lomarncd the IIlIII.l~j JJ~t 1'UE DYING OA lJ'{HI'(1EIl, lihc ru~ced buck the current of tellfS lind II} tho rllcllUn~(>, ..lI.liLJ:AIlUll1llolY 1:1 • " IIdti lovell-hut- collles8ed it Tlot! tioll ns sh ~ IlUIV emliraceil. '1"10 origlllll 0 mgllt' uutl Icavlllg 8tOOltSQllttrl 0 I· '" I t' ' 11' I'" ' II . I l·U " 'l llnd CUTcwum lentures told 01 11 1~1Il!1II1: CoucmcndJIIg herself to (lou, slip lort her !!luok WIIS Ihe SlIl!llst alld tl.e b ell ~ blou(,/ ' Ci ville illto th~ , C\lUde uf thi8 rni'rllcll', tlml I ' . lIu , t IIe l'Ibtlrt)Ql.l [ IIt'uvell. H'Jt! t UII hi eIII" )lome nlll I IIfU L . • • I' I I i ' I i11110vell I BY TilE [Dlt!)B. ' ' Iler emo' IOn8 1\1 WI lin I"r d we I -nag I " ro>' lor tell~u tal s 10 CUDIt: tl,) l e thi' 1Ii).t10n, 1111 eVil/I I mt hut! been Ii\et ench other bour Ing til' mu.1l1I •' ' __ tlng laoTt. • ary pr~cee el; • judgi,'li lu,u ~j!lfled hIS do~'l'!' ,\:et , murb, ; bl'UIV o ~ thc ,Jlill by \vhich she \\,811 to dc- ,irnpruvca bV mi:.;illg an~ Iy destined for tlll~ pi/ler. ItW:lII thutl e\u. ,In' the\'onous ," [ltug-es 0 f our I'It~ rDry ca- , . 'You n\8V be 'lU~pflsetl to hellr me I!peok ' thcy . I'sutli:!l~ctIOIl. she could see the prison benn vlli ll t tntGutl ~iI'led thr olduwll und th~~ ru hed it1to eac'lI ot.he ... . dl!Jlicd . n plellury ' I " COli' '1 IIc!:'nd. Thonce , ~ , ' II d' . 111 6uch glud terms Ilt the I'ro s )lf'ct of meet· ~CIUU<l 0/ the purIty u l!Use [Uutl~e8, III of her lover·-tlhe illIW "IUd -slood still gllz- thld al'cd t'l plunt tho Unitell Bt4tell. I1r1l18, euch~ Dtcl lto..hoJlvcn Ipll hllvllii 10 reer~ we hl\l~ writtetl p .. ~ n~rnerou~ lin t· tug Illy ruther, foruut of fear of 0pPJiillqo !whi ch hIli 0\\'11. IIctlollll hud urlgullitetl 1illll, 01l it imli! 118 by !lome ' fl,t 'or c~e"tl\o 11111'1 !fuy Ho ' sillod tla~ whole of 'tho good, a lirotbcr,' ", _.J vertllfiellslII,J ec1»i ilo,mfltllllcl have AI"nder· ieevore wound in your heurt 1 huve seldum . kllOWlllg Ulut JUtltlCtl butl,n~t b.oen eullt;~lt' l WIll sh~ nJolJv,ored to muko It ,Cltllk to I\h rteell to find II' ~d tu plultt Olaiu-'lIpoc, Nuw, SI1)'8 tI e legentl' the place where aD cd into the regionll of funey, to g'lIth(lr the I t' .1 I . b t t'I' k ttl t r ecl ill hli! dUfllIl, ulld II Il LlClflutwg the lur· lIuthingnc8,h 011 cOll tl nulIIg her stOp" she inlly dl'll Ho sift New En..lun~, Nllw Yurk, guod UII idea ud lIimu1tuneuullly ,ooeurr~d . ' there '\Jy,ttio IIl1ogl' . . l men runcu 11& ,lIlll1e' 1111 . bIe ' 111 . tI nt!OI'o ' w IIIIlI . 'I rl:!~~ - , ",rul .." ey ery ~,I co\,l Id 'Ivt rol'rlLIII Ir.olh ' Iov k'~ug 0llcO Uglllll, . 1'~lI dy V;IIII.I . Clllcl Virgilliu. .. ' ,', ~ d . I r, h' .' "u I no h I~ nllclu A~otJt \hu to the 'wo. llr~th(·r", liD Wltla 80 mUCH nero ,bright flllwpril pIctured IIl1tiOh ~r to wilne~8 scetlell of chstre"", lIIIV{' urgot en lin, nu, 110; t 10l,lg very Ulurly~'iI guve whose nUI/le.'s Cllrc.l~,led \ 1I,I Ill Ifhe ~!1\ , ur. Ihullght she SOl\', 11:lrlly Nt'w ElIgh lltler thero il;J certllinly 801110· tillacilv,lOlIi!t h.llvu betlllal1cwptuble t~ Gud. , ntl Sl1dllCBI' and to ley mpathiRe with young, r rcrnemuC'r well how he liKed to ululd~t thll tiecurt-cl pllgC11 ul IIldtory, EIU' , bet wee II uut!! partly above twu towers, Itorne, thihg prculiar unll rema~~lIble. .1rj the 111111 bl(>iiled IL' olld fS'''ET oholle Jt Lh\lre ~r~~t :e.. of the' dil'lrellsed; allain we) t.:1~e fl\O (lTi his knee,llOw I \,V0uld loy ~y lIIet .h"'" clulIJly lIid the l'I1 ~lh, Il~ieu. Isea(fo!diug ("rl!cl ~. Tha ~lIQr Jri'rl rlill fvr· quaint lallllu\lg" u, €lIr1ylo, tlli;ly lI~e ",ho to erecL tbe bO~lIo ~t· die Lard, , Ie t(~ • • ' .. , • :,(.111 ,' k by his, and full to, alef'p; l'estillg on fllIIllIe" tlill l')rl!ru~l,n~r; o!. hlJerty, cry· wurd In Ilj.!'tllll)'. Her cry ple~~~ the homes ruck muelu men." 'rho' New £lIglundct • __ - . . have del1,ll.wlth f~CIII aud wll'lded the" CliP !aiil bosom. O. I rememb r it all 8 dis. ing III ~h.e IV~ldertre811 01 hulltlll~ \YUill ,uu~ of mell. ~ or heut! became gIddy,. nnd the \\\US nut unly; tlae pionaer in the first se~Ue. . L,la~. ons of logiC, cl1lhng on relillon alone for \ r.t1 A d th ' I . ~l'PcreIlllIO\l, It \V1l~ 1I0W tor hllll to cun· ~ crowd gllthllred round knew thut 11 breath· lOenl or tbe COUlltry bllt with .two or !llrue ,,' , .. nid; at other time8 we ,t.l1ve reveled 'in po· I~nc y. / no~, m,°b cr, aID .golll~ to llelllpUue thut t,o )whil:h w}lh pruylird IIl1d , hili pllllg hlld villilell ~be hoort. WHen shc l e&cepti()n~ 11Iu.1l~~11 UII! pion~er in eve. Nover tellll, ,~hole lie or a haH lie' or a etic drell1il8 8nd Iluemp'ted to ren 'a IBy in· ay my heu 11~11 ll8t tl~1D IIgill'n. e."1 ' .. u~t!rin,,'lI ill' hud clllled' hi" peopl!! und to 1 ~l'cuv~red 'he wllis IOYlllg beneath a IIltljtllive, fV flO\~ leulemCiit I.llroughou~ tbe country quarwr or II I;e, ()r utly part. of !1lie' M,IP1 I 'red b the lieavl'111 MUlle; but never wne 1 klf(JW T shall, lind he Will fold n~e , to Ilia wilich he 800n with bluod wuu~d ,IiUIDIUUll Iru\~ulIIg of(lh. lIilll~e. Go wher~ you will, ul\d you find who know ,,,ell C1lCl\ll.tll whut a Sfll'a]('~I f de Yt leelingil aWl1kf'JI~d he!lrt a8 he u~ed to do olld call me hIS dear them. What wonder th,ul Lhe ,b eart 110 long rlacy llll,re bTllught you h(lre too early," reprtlsonl/ltlvea alld dcsceod"n~1 01 tho pil. meall ,thillg it it to li~"yet witi twillt lere a c Uilil 0 f'pe "t' I hun child. 0 ill it not a joyful ~huught! I alltl earnestly ellgllged III lIo.lvlng ~Ie prob. groWled the' tllrnkl'Y· "Rille up, my lady, grim (utller!!, who' Ij'r~ always IImoll" tho trutll; ,or tlt'ciova a little bil. , Thill Iii ~ll .our butlo~ by nny or a ° t le!le, t I loog to gu 'and sec "im-I ahail be hill nn- I\!m oj bU~IU!1 il~lil!UIll~nlUhlY U.8 ,It ~tl1utes I~d go ~nto tJle guard rool,I.". , 1110 t rcligiu~8, cJ;lliglttened and lIucceslful abollt 11'& ' blld OIl' II 'plu1np ' hll~ehOOcl. 11 a r ~~erleneQd, 1111 we \.liKe our Jlen to , ct dau hter' . ttl the deolgns ot I ~r.!VI,~ence, nnd .~ver ~c. , 1'11I! linl len hellrted gl~1 obeyed-llo of the \\lh9 10 populutk'll. T~e filthqr i8 boy docs eOIlll'thihg wtong, either Ih~"ugh attempt the . porlrllying of a acene fropl g g . ' eustollled to recoglllze a reat.or~tlv(! prill' longer 'felltihg lile voice or look u( mll,l. awu~ 9n hill little farm I11110ng lilY bill... of ignorlloce, llorole88l1eu or uccitlo.lIl; 1I11d life upon which we hnve often tlwel t with '~nd Will you rorget yoor poor, lonely dple' uillidllt t be puius ullll .. nal1rJlI~il 01 }w. ! A'd t!he e,ltl'rUd 'tho oourse Jestd ceuctcd, W orce~ter, willie hill 81111 is II lIurveyor or" tlloll tells ()n~ hull' tru~b alltl une hulJ /UICle. min led scn811tioll!.l ofjOyllntl lIndn!'8il. muth(?r!' "'~lClity, Iih~II.ld, \\1~t!1I ullu,ut to , he ,~o:vn. OUt/lot \"e~e hu~h~d .. hearts weJo 1II0Ved. judge ill N ~brd scl\ or M i~ellotu, or a reprl)' II CHI ubul;lt!t, 1,1; lI,Ii"h.t ail well ~uve told 'f.~ . I l!hild. 1111 the d y9 ° f l '0 110, no, no!' IIhe !ll1itl with n new ijurst wllb tltl! IJlllhlllld ~I t~jc? deud, \~ rup Il~elt O.tell 8h~ bl~80ugfat thnt I!,UJl')e ono of I,hern l ticututiVtl in CongrCl!8 Irom Iowa. 'l'h" ~he whulu ,untruth . .~OIV sey how die IIplr. ary W(lll nn on y . , \ , .., . " lit thp gliri1lllllls,ul u Joylul hupe. ,,"uuhl UrHlg herto Emlllet't! ceUI,untll UI raithful and trurliel4tlrd "ir'l~ wllo hGS lelt lied, mUllly, true hel1'rted "rlear-tIlf)~lIl'dboy , 'v'c Will waLCh ~Iver. you, I \~ III l!JlIllllet WUII t!till gll~Ing ." jllllllll)' on t.h<l lust they ceal4ed to on~wer icCI'. ' Whnt h r IIltlUnlaln hl.mtl ID tlle Grdnite Stllte, will do alwr 1111 err, r. He, reMolutely de. her o,lIrly Jouth the Ilither slae loved WUlI 1of ~rlef. tuken 1.0 Q be~le~ wurld, 41111 t\be Willi 111ft 118 , c?".'e mYIlp.lr, I~ HOllvell ~\,llllllt, olld ~el'Jl dopalt'u!:: light, WOUII iI Praellt e~lt~rcll. \Vllh ' preeiuuII lIIell\~lnli thell Wl're wllllling. 'fo,j to rr<)vi,le lor herllelt, Imd e~rJ~ lIO\ncthing terminel to Ilckuuwled:e itj withllnt liuing the earlhly aola ~e Ilf her .n'Iotlwr, Frulll , Vigald hy yo.u~ pl!luw, by night, and willel'.?f , th~ lIae.red eleuttWf. . Enlmet hUlled Ihll\ 01'>, a;i!arll th e~e Willi her. I~~er she would have fur the ..ged lIud dellendf'nt , p~rentll, . un~er nlruld 01 Ilra)'b~dy ,II r~ger,_tell it jUlit al tt tha'first budding of her mind there wlla ~o your IIPlrlt III drellmil. Aud , he wtll purtullity vi renc;wUlg tltl' covenant tlf gl\,('U UWIlY y('url! ut hlc. the cCl.\6t'hllilillil;,lpl' Ihe }Jt'rrlnlac 8pllldle8, WUII. 1 "I1ve~ II) lIJY life klt~\V OilY one 10 rromli!e of u sweet .ftower, 1101' wile tJle cume,1 kQ,ow he will, I 11m '~lIre he doel! gr!lce Illl~ ex .'re.611~cl u wj,.h thut t~!t! IU ~ed l A \'uleo cll.lled her. - l:Ihe roco ~nd ' (01· drcuml sweetly, ()D her loil·blest l"iIl0W,.,1 be illjufed by Idlillg tll"lrl,ltj\ in thill 'uy, ~\lt ". III' The mother pruyed dllily come now uhd w~ will b~ nOllr YOII aoel UIIP ul !JIll lleurL 1I\1{!lct ('~mmulC() ~\ [th j 11111. luwed. Do,I!lr alter door was opened and him wbolor her 811ke, ill lelling the trelld I \iuve seeu llIuny a boy, and tnull 100'\\'110 prOlll1 c 1~IiIVC.. , , : • "'I'ilill IlIUY lIot be," dUlL! tht' Prlt/~t ge\l~' luo kctla~llill, \11ltil, upprei:!~ed Ily Ihi8 bur. III Wi~rt)thljo, or 111t'~I'lg tire golden sundll were looked l/pclr with contelllpt, lind tllIl~ hcr cl!lld I.'I'lght ue gUQ~J lhat lhcJ~ope gunrd lO\l, and w~on th~ hour of y~nr r~ Iy; "udmiHllnce hiltS IIp.f'n . :elu~f'd her uu1I1 buric "ure, "he murmured Illintly-"Good ofLho Yl\baor Sucrumellto. Jndecd.fu tho ~ poorl.>' of, bocrlleo' they wouJd.tell , God; giv!! him 'flay t'reeIlU)l'l." . Emmet II1f1gouge 01 1& llldy, slIghtly llitercd: nil Jies, or b:ilf liel, or qUllrter IIt'II . she hud cheri~hed colCcer Illig tacr ,mlllht le,1I8(.' IrulII mO,rtoltty UfrlYf'II, wo Will hUI~ tHo' firilllf of th e evening gllll." . !jot be dlill1Jlpbioted ullli blig-h led: nor dId you first U8 you enter the hf'uvellly "'urldl EUlIlI(,1 oid not Ull~Wl!r, 11I.lt IllS look reo helnd lind role to lIIeot her. HIS clanin. : 'fhe WOtllt of unlhruths. I......e- whlcb '6re til ~ !!ruy alone' when she entored her olos. 1 'If I was but RSllured of ~n thill, it would Cllllfld to the mind of the Prlf'~t tl!e l,ruYfir 1V0uid lIot permit him to udvl1nce. Bhe' You scarce clln go \bro tho ,vorld below, delibera",l1. made up! slur'ieClubuut reo_lIe, ~n 11 at Iiltl~ toom aet apllft (or her dc. Indeed. cheer my sad IIpirit ue it p88sed I ul the dyllig tlhrlst-·· F.lIller, tnrg:~c them; I wlla III hil arros. Neither coulcl spell.lI. But ~tlu'll finil NelV England merl: , or little .ttlr CIt mugnifiC!d, into biM, hlJeCi et e .) if tI . I I' If" l lor they knu\V not what ther do, Dulll 'ro~PL/II"" 1.l)iL'y "Itt d"wn,I'nd till tho glTI And If yol,l rUUI'l the worl!1ubovt't lr.JVrthotell roribclIi tubelllllo8twor:h ,oss rll VOliu~_8be too,l( Mllry ' w tll ber, all, I~OUp' t itS e 0 tfo . G d d II \ ' shell telar" UII \.he. ""o;rtll1 '.''''' proceed~d, l luld her hell e! on Emmet'li bre~ilt I~e wrap. ; Yuu'll .nlld them t~cIO Dgoio;" IQI[lure and Olean ' perilon. 'frie lill;",!! til' deed dl'lI ICllble both to G.xI and good~" . kncellllg bofor~ G9d, teaclung her to d J , Duubt ~ot c ear mot ler. , 0 ~ ~o buth roliO from their knees .0 Ihe OUIll'IC· ped his urm~1 urOlllld her drooplog (rom IIlId I the IIIlme \You,d p1l1co her hOI,ds up-on her leuve UB on!' hour to ourdelvee; Ho III With \ioll of those I!uperior joys which the world l luuked lutu her tadilig eyes. I ~nd wher.~ver they ~o, lhey carry Ne~ On th! oUler hllud nothing I. morp beall. heud ple~d 80 enrnestlr wi"h Hellven for UII, where hEi i8 ie heaven, and whero heav. , c;un nf'ither givo oor take away, The .. Du not fc>f"et me " whlepered Emmet £, nglQnd .~vlth. the 0 ....... l·l\kc.v lite ali tlrilHve lit lIful than a elrict',' Iruth.ttllliug petll ' n' l ... Utl Ingum, or ock , . lb' hId h I'k I t ' P ' t . It trngerb' A"lIinwulheard .. . • 'Huokirllr tie IIIUU,,1 . froID ~hll. trut II, W'.10' blt'!~lingil to rt!i!t upon the cluld of ler 0- , en 18, Are t 6 enge IIi nil w 0 eo ley 0 \ nell mig I no I ~ ,. el i "R~lOern~er me by , the dnys of Ollr . IDluncv ,lat01theLIe 100\ 01 the rlpide or 00 (llIe ' who nev:et vurlel Inui's'lovt ' thnt Mary o~n wept not kilO\\,- linger Dur U8, ae those who loved ue 01' that \yord-:-farrwoll, ecomlo.. mora 110 when \\'e '\loodered together,over tho green ' Iho Rio Grande .. their lalhl!rtl ~.(.'re un I. open. candId •• ~d IIboye deceit, 10 be, b ' 'Out lhese hourtl of religious ex· earth! ' " oII~re depuICI~rad' . d 'd h lIleUdOW8 lind drank ot the lIome irI~lInt.alD ! the fleiahLS or Lexington or Jlullker Hill coale II~, II h"1 ahoultl strive Ill/rd, ~hould mg w y. . I . , . , rhe \w<) wllr ens ItaLlOn~ oullll e t e , 8tremle,s. .R.tlmember me by my Iale Illd ' d II d liii d. r "etermane tu beCflme 110, and he \\'d beerci8ei!l Ivere blest to,her good;,t Ie unpres' l .() thtSlil coneoling my clllld! Dut you cell heard the pri.oner'tI ClriliOd clhlk, 0110 ~y my dceth-Illife In which self and been I all ~f'y .are Ullllr e~l ell 0 . cOlne 10 De_idea it ill ' ~ell ellll' 11"'.0)' . lIiOIll! there mude fixed trlelD~elve8 ill ber talk 80 much abuve your yenrl!; it 8eem!! or the wurdf'u. turued to 'the eye let which rorgotton but lor thee deoth in WhlCh l lIud IrellglOD ~le. rlel, I!ottom ,of Olil~, to IIJlCllk ;he tluth" and SOj vt'ry bRnl til .r. heurt and moulded It 10 ' virtu; and pielY· IItTduge to hear but 0. child conver"e thus.' admitted a vi<;w of ~he interiur. f, Welt but lor lhpc, coIl8Iderh:;\11 it will IlCCOI11. :betNeYriliere Fu/(~II::~;II~,'f: N~O:£' I~ ranlle a vf'ry pluusible untruth, wbich Tltere too speoled to ' be awakelled s len. ] 'J have thought murh on lueh anbjec18, nlight theao grun lellt~re:d IItartl.e 111ey plillh, Ilud lellt no regret. Heed not evil l lllnde~ io ~ulck .~coeuion Wf1T'e J~1~~n even then l will ill sU likelihoOd be lount! dor ";IDP~thY within ber young bOlom, motber, alld now J seem to see th ·ogs 110 knew not the man!lal n, Idt ICfv.~~t Idll en~II,rel tuOgtJPII; Itill luv.• ole: m o"e be.r~ let Pen..,IYllulao. and . VI~1Ji'D" nclnlO1l (Jut, pluo nmel out or ttlu • • .# .1 . th I " 00 tile dungt'on Wll to 0 ",e I'Bplllrlllg DIy me nory contlUue pure" . • " I. ' . :, .;.1______ ~-_wbieb .. ,he K'ew older, exp IDdt\! Into e , much clellrer; ob, t CIlD t. tell you, 1\ I • • effi rtll of criminuls to find edcoJ'8 in tllo . . .' wllleh.re .ynonymvu. w th .~el')' C••rft, broadet fteld~ oflove. benovolence .nd chur- new vi&lion.' ~i~U preceding execution. Her itru'~I~g VOIce ~:. a~\J~ to ,!nj. great lIod Doble. New JerN1, the Ie anI miD (alltn ioto di"l"'cel :dlaritl ity,. might be expected .be CAme to lie The mother lInaerstOt,lCi that it was the EmlOet hl1d a~vanced towllrdlf t!lt! ::er. :.~~ onuh·:e~u:~r: \~a1l8. dotb hold, c1qwn ill ,heiid, ill ~blibed .~d l ~.~~~e.:~i~~f ~v ad()p~on. the q ""~arded bl tbe sutrt!rlne and atUiete.d I'Ipirillifting illelft,!'bove lobe tlay, and Ihe Willd~\V, ~nd leanrn~ h!8 arm. on Il. ~y~had Cllll/ili bt them. go The t.errilled girl Ith~ ot on "St.: f:'t~::- ~':~Dr.: out of coantenaocc, .panlk.m, or till , whom Pro'iden~ \brew io ber WIJ .1 a li.tent'll \0 hear the word. of wisdom from sbelvlll{( .111, \yas looking Illto the luftll!l1ed in"untiy rOle bul. on Iv \0 throw Ileret>lf b 111 b ' _1.1" ..,., bee .h.me." tnl man dlllppolattld or ~i. . ' ' ' . sky which Mhoue beyood two or the pneon . f bi and bW h fI i 0" '! 018 .0 seM .... D .proo endeatorl ihaHtr ctJeda oat, Ir l mialaterlhg uae of compa.,.ioa leat b1 her chllil. loweN. Pre.ently he siibed and In a few ~In \I arms II ~r ace ~ r611l1 for their latelJlteDOII aed ptefy; It..,. ..... ' .r.elld. ... all1" • • •tHim WboN f11e \- ORr aU HII wor!'. Jo do 'Wben , am gone J know you wiII ml.. momenta more bowed hi, h".d. h... tw.om. wbOlO IOfl;ofteDt'r than lb., of &111 Ilater eel with .,.ID or .Ickoetll' cbarll1 lcIeIa..h .£UncI land .bow n18rGy. lIan, WMe th. me y?ry much, we h:lY' ~n tort.her IIIJ 1mmeclilltely the ".mmer ot thlt iron. Emlliet had lurmlaed rlabtl,. Hil Klfo , Rtatr,D~,"'et with the 01 the IIdly, it lla'heth, It falDI.th .lIId I• • ,-~ "God bl.- YOOI!" .be nocelVed lrom ..... ' many ye.... and never .part mure than • cluck 8truck iive. The BOUnd of deparl iDg foldailn g ~'I"I jJ8~~'beloreCIIed. °b1uUoda ., wiIo~~ot' '1"'Iered or .. with him. Ie.", IHII pi~lted wilb.Allrd ' . ". \;e ' t 1 udl .L o".v uW_ 'If t e r _r Iei' coun," tl cb 't ..··t t ' ill lul bearta; put ber b"bteat p Iellure WH. In fe" dl,s at a time: nn" you hIVe uet'n tll!'e ne~er lore s~o • 10 0 y. on 'I'.e "Tb!. III terriblel" ezc1aimed Em.....', "IUd.. ...... ,b. diin, w~n.n ,," I canDO ~CDI'~ n 11('.... thOle made b,ppl8~ whollube mla' MJOJt a pod aliiJ f.lthful mother. I owe ::'~~irbe: ruleDlfla:'" I~!: !~h who felt Uta' each blctw. '!ent to the beart I ID", ., tlle~.,.... i~:::' :~I::I".!,. aDd • 'atered to bJ I)'mpathJ' Inaae., ..el re- roo evel')' thin. under God; and oh: 1 10YI i. t~ btl ck.Dl" bow little'l .t:lDplw.bedl" of lbia beluYed. Tbe Jllior obae"eci hll; (orta or OW 1I.1red IIICII&IrYia' ........ ....... .w..... Del p. . co.. lier. you far more tban I can expre ..; It polnl This mlnu'ie·w.. a memol')' in the beartl ~Ing look, bul IPU ...trd ~ &he "'1,on tIM Selp of 1'rerltOD,.fIeri . . . . . . it. GI ~...,.. _tiDed to PI- a••, .. me to ,"YO 1OU' bat d.ia ... 0& .u the reo or tllf'UAncJe...-tbllu".cIa wbu lookln( up work IuId 10 lJI tJa.t a_a.. ~ I' PrIaoe1011 ........... at • the lower .ldth ubalN till ... lowe arell r.l. 1 baw tao,it will DO' De 10Dg to th tower-oiock ... bow &im..... e.t· : : or ... IDY~!"'~ ~ =-:-":~b:=::::: r:1.~.,. ooaatrr II, tIrea ..... from 011' Ylew allclloW. until e ahall .... 1!plD. J .hall eacape lag out lbe ~~ ~ ... ... die . . . \lIe bCIIODt of ... taotber 10 III.D, ",Ja bJ pi.. aaw. TIle world .. bUe 110& al '1M Ire
, , '- - .
r , h
'" Sk t h. Orlglnal e
I ..
I'", ..
a. .m,
£...... NII._
t6J1uwlll.l:Jel.t.r'1UIII "'~~r.!Hilby 1 1ln:1~~t~i... wlthllL\t t\P1llnl. up. •• or \Va,"belllCVCltlel1t aban II 10 ~ ealen .up by I. T. C.lDW.lLB.I1Ea-or~thill ita treolUres, liut I grieve 'rhiJ u11oWiug bt lID ,blt~ct Tbls I. allaDlerul, wben he Illada Sn FaAlfCBoo Aug of the ltiitd bill b••• dilcove1'.860. In the fout' followillJ aoble dilnnailiUD or a large part 0(1 Daaa Uj{ LB'-B r;it .I wbM lIe~r ~he IUrface; and it IItand. Warren COI/Ilty. I -~'·"'-·" - ~, " (1: e Ie me r~a. ror It II not to be p!"Humed, that l , . . It. . Tb~ men or let of men who would 1plealllre In 1'1\1101' dUWD tu rulfil tlle ' prom- til noble m<:1II1 tbat is j;p~oad over our I " -,)'nc TJJw/l~bll'- I), \If III.Ia.aLllilntll. v.lz: take dIIIt: int"pded< to benefit that daatre.. IS4,\ I maile to write )'9 u a letter With IIOme broBad nlh!yoJ woul•• 80 rill' .orget ',ta dIH"i- \ White Male-, 1001. ' Black 1\1111: 11 G3. 1'. ' Idelcriptio" f Can . tl h I /. ... It ,,. I' •• P"lnlllllll lll7~ .. F~flI"ll!8 60 aed, ClIPf of huQiaulty-nel'pleu OJ]! ani, I '. U I urDlO, ,1loug ' . :eD f ty III- to a,$Ochlte wltb tI,e ballc~ st\lO' hat Mllll-lt '(t.~1.tl' ., : l\1ullltllM!Il"unal'lll 66: mUIr be oext door to 0 thief 'ond ·Vlllein. I Will J'urnlab you bu~ Illt,le 1~lr~rmatlq.n D~d l~e\tnlllvllnia buiwlJl of. 'Tile naturlll COrll- I W, ~55.;.,.43. lJ3. M. lQ!I. '} TOle;l , _ ' '. l lCII plelilure al tlJ~ .8UuJect /..1 b~n ",(,t.. mercial ndvnntllgea of C~lIrn~nlll, ore gr~at f .1 !'G,H OII ,~I,lended f.i«:lt!ij>l, 61 uwrhed, ...,.. " . . t'ln over ao ofieh", befoi'e, b~ mo~~ ~omp~- ita broail baYR, 'lInd rille river. nnd H \V I! ev- ul ~lfJi, ond ,~., "ubllul,. wltillll _,d!o . y\!ur, 2 ForLY-five hundred' Ih~res IIIIV8 be~1 Ilvv('rnmentl of \he U. SllItes tellt .peua thlln IWIne.j uut sull it Iii hIlPP1- r bue Ii Rail-Rood IIctoss Ule mountoins j alld du! rlI~, - Ll,inil, " ~n:ll"ucl ij I\hvue. Illreudy token ' ill die Tebalinte"eo B Ii .. I' tlt "" ~ d" I (leSll fur me to·withdrllw my tltoU~htli from e , <. , 0\',11' ~ 10 A" <II 1..'O: :y or ~"o ClInnOI d I' . . r UM • H OWIlll Illve a Ulf succe_e lIl .ma" tl ...• ~ f i" • tl t l 1 ih~y will be v.\tlt: lIut cummerce ,CillI Ohr l\',itu,:'l g~' who!n nru nruol, Md Ml h1tu~S II t Ie cry la, stilI they come, ' ., . Ie IIII...,t 0 m series 111 enve ope , olle t • h . I . -I ' , I . I ' ' . . ' . . It a rell Y' - ' " lh JI ' .1 .. k' ' , nOurt" Wit l. ng-IIleu bJre, or mallu Qalure ; (.1 ur,urC!C1( '1'O WIIH hll~ No, lublhultil ' .' "_ . , .cre, anc at the.m \~all ~er ... ac~ t!> my un- ! both, ft 1I00Y poatlCYi?08 , neit(1t~' 0\ fbese, l \ hllb~1nlt'o. lila;. .' ,ur :i6'1 ,.' A ~p'e'ciol session orJ udse Lvnch' II.Gour' .. ' JlUN", '(Wlti,., is elected Ternor Of} ~IVQ;.•lld lind "kllldr~, I But y~u , c:,u.nhotJ. nor" ill rt~ while 'n~ining GOlltjnoe8 t-(l" be: " , F<)ldnl If r!·l!) . . · , wal. l~tely he ld ,Ilf C\in,t.j)n ,l J!I': ' The 11<-•• . • , o( . , r;o , tUll~blnl! hnw ~uc:h Diy btlsruct1'on, ,wo!f\ct l )ro(1tnble. But these will immediutelv .M,1I1~1l?cl ,'111I p~ II', MIll~ltoo count stut!!S flint Ii young IOfll\ Utili ulted " . ew lork by !l47, mIlJ0rlty., Cloe!!!, IIhnv- 1be lD~relle7d, c~uhJ I· lIope thot , anything , ~pring into eti l?tcnce t1pon tile failure . of \\6i(j'h~v~ jf:it.! I~~tl ~~6Iitl . w a Ijt:lo :girf in the Woqrlll The glrl'8, j.athc'r lAir thill, " j ('onl~aJIIlld II~ ~h:h I~ctler~ '~,o~l~ ntb!e c y:.u I.lhe prl!cioull met~l. Every· min.e r thllt bir\hs ••mll 7'0 dunllis will,in tho, ) our, anti about fotty. Iri"'nds caught the fellow -rca IZ8 oW to I ~ Y stke 0, ~ ~ . , 10 'cuuld rlli~e funU" o)10ugh to cllrr,)' ,him , lind tlullIlI, J blmtl, J dr af. \l I I1~ nIl O, !.l hung him by tile hands to the liiub, or • , -o::T'fh8 81,lOW of lust wl'ek .eelll8 to have '"\l11ey IS fo the fll fom~d C'cIltfol',nllll, how back td old Virginiu',' wbuhl imJTIerlilltE'lr, utll.1 tlj~ O\·tlr tllll ago of :"1() wht) olllino treu, und gnve bim 0Ile1hnndretlI1l81loi'WI I lIeoil B enornhllin", We lieat'Qf it (rom moc~ 1110re p~r.fer!lble lor II ,haepy ,lIon e "vumose" und they \vould follow· lOeverul l lVrl l~, ~~ ' Wl~OIII. ur,?'lJlucl~tI ~lId ~ hiFkoJ'Y withes, beeide~ glyllig him a 8f I . g. . .. l are l8 wood·crolvJ)ctl hills Iln1t ver(i1l1lt ~ r drc ' dt' I'hurd tlnlc!1 1;;0 tri 1I1)ell /t I Fr0':lkllh [,)wn L\lllp -~O; gl .lllhol>1l ~!118 . vh,: lIf1icllnt hint lu make hinl8CJi . t' ) g, all dlrectlonlt. dolell, td the barren mOllntuiils tind arid ycar~ 0 II U , " • I W)UlQ l IlIes. 121,2, ' Dillek .Mfli 8 21. ' , '1 th I ex remeI, NOTICE. . . ' __ ' . laii s f "Ei ter d 1 ro" b I ' '11 1Property (renl eSllIle) .thnt is noW held tit ,. " . Ftllll (Jl es 12:;:l. . t Pl'mule8 '1:1. scul'ee II at SCOl, O'I/. ' , 1 0 .ra e l l , . ut. WI ridielilou.ly high rates, would (nil t()uirnustMlllnlloo ''Mlllos 2. 1I1 1111\1lO F o.a!~8 3. . . . '. _' 't~ recefpu.fler tbi; dl'c of J. W. 11 <10 11111;. nothing; but .from the ' cunfusion woul~ \Y.. 2 5(;, III 3·) . ill, 5. 'l'lrtul . 2M,1. Prjc ~3 .. t la ll :l'~hnml '1'\IO 'lIr"l 'UIU 'UJIIIO'>' O;:TTlte ~outhren c~tton mills, It 18 BIlld, ask ~!IY poor brllln to m.l~o It ev ,iJen l., w J. \\1'. ' Ha 1.1:, due me one ~ub~(\ri.ll1il1n, Jqb are suspeudtng <opera IOn8. 'Ve dou't won- I know ! og Lhllt you. nre ,O~I) the .allxlous !aprinG' Pbeon'x like t he Ic~itllllute prollpl.'ct . a.1I hnvQ nt f~n;l cll. Rcllqol. ·12 ",nm, d, 11 .a(o. drcSil alrelu ''', uu",,/j ~;S.p\l .,lI. ".rk. or 'Ad'ertial,in;. YoW he C)onsiilut~d "lit! der at it. It will require wliite uIen. lind Itl1enrtlil 1'0, W . wlltchrlJ:ltg Wltbh WI erol ~ ""tere~t, ity 01 the c~untry, ,:hich would slowly,bu I~llrlrtl~lb:l' r~l~u:I~I~;lf!~tlrc!U~ltlcltlellY90el\nrl'ln(j(II\lr~~!'" :II\I~ , U L . . ' Ie ruvo II t lon8 'O lie w ce lortune III I' b' I t .., v ' .~ ~- . , . u Within tho IlIlIt 18. months. IIli p~liciJDIIlIi • ',I, W· ELI.IOTT. not SIU\'08 [0 cOllduct fmch operatlous. tl'R tI I e l f \lot fi I d ' l Bure y m!lfC I on to 6U Stl1lltlu grell ness wrile, of wholll 15 UI Onitlclui nn·1M411l1110S. hav o lJ uclI IUllrd,'rod III JYloYill!II)11dilll( ~Ilml' II! Ie c loscn r a, !n 0 I Ii 0 , ~I y. TheRe IIre' my humble cUILvilllions 0£lly,1I1Id \\~n~ hin /ot"n irOWll sl lip~Nb : Jllh:cl,ilnnls. · Clnd YIJI !I011l sillgl u oUiondor illlll cUdlbJy I':;; W'ynenllle, ~\lY. 2. ,~850. 4\-3w . ,,' . . . You Il\~S~ not occuso Inc o~ corel~'!\ine&s I give them 10 you for whut they are worth. Whito ~"nl fl!:I ' &)0..1 • . l~laclt 1\11\1 08. 4. Ihc~o b~oo\lr uutitls. . , . ();7?tIurllle Insurance Compnllles, \vlll l l~ pot wr!(mg lIooner, fo~ III!I It ~va8 my de- But a few short yellrs will (Ietermiue the ;' F,!n"II~ It" 708. .• F ~t~J CH 2. '~'Ve BOlld thia Ilumber or tbe "Vi"i- hereufter take into account the competen- 18lre to wnte you ut IUB~ ,lImong. the m~nv truth or fnllolly' of them. The rpllill busi- " .. I!\GO, . . JI. Ii. 101ll1 .156G \:,e{m9 ntA8Y urn r~rtlw.Jnsanelr~cei ..ed Sb tl I Id to whom I made proml~e8 on mtera till", ' f . I ,I 'I,~l) )lnvCl IIltcllcll~ Seh'Iol,1 2~ mnm 'd. 51 tlurlllg the year tu ' tho let of August last · d '1 t lo," to ~everbl "f of oor frieilds, hopi IIg they cy 0 f elll:llleerl liD pi 04. ley BIOU . I'f ' not an en t ortplIllllg ' ,. Ie tt~r r"vel'nn - '"to ness here OB ,COllrlltl t II 110 trllue , 1,lrlhs 28 d",tll,HI wilhin 1110 )'1'''1' 4"8 ,I1I1II ' ont:l, 0'. wllon', 7"" wftre ' .. ' . uIII , maUN ' dnlld '.'" . lind , .,.~ w<leuf . U r -1 k b f, • i I • 1" I' I .III )Irovl. ~ .lons, wI'HC II tl In I orges t por'1011 J II, 11\ ,1 lulO lle, lIl1 e zuo C;lInn~ t r~ lld r ll t:. i ' tI II 't I I • d Cllre,,'" 3~8 ~ill liko it wel~enough to IlIec~~e eubscri"The 'CQn8tituti07." il the title or 11 new 00, a out ~r lome ,Btall~t $:8 II I IV II~ 1 of tbe '11\)lltl1l is illves ted; uqcl tJ)is magni Ii- -1 of wHom' ur" nJat'kli. · . ,rerna II III Ie O"PI a I\t t lut . ate. 1jera. , I • , ,to IIIterlaL!o It, Ulnt It ml,IIht rl/OSSO liS thl" cellt Bily is literully co\'ered with ves~dls ' ' . . - - - - . -....--~ ~~i.y ~bo~t to be IItar~ed Ilt Wll8t.nngtuII ope ,red~eming . quolity ..lIt I 'a"t, lJut o~er em loved jll the transportation of I!Up 'lies UIl5SC CaslI,,). . ' , rhe 'Q~mpn~~, forty in ' number, for lb." !l'o Corre.poudentll. (, Ity. It Iii for the Umon. pln~derln~, nround a good deal"J 1'!lvo gl~- for ~he miners. 1'u oscl'ud (,nc of Lhe high Tho Gc.>rmall papers receIved on W:ed- "urve~ 01 tJle l'ehll~Dtepec rout ball ,been uF, G,"-Tbe IIrtlcle wu millillid, friend . -. ?n It. lip .os 1111 ,unrortullilte. untiertIlJdn~! It hill!! in the rear of.the Oity, is to obtain 0 needny, co,nfirm tho accounts,. rl;lpre8enlll~g or.gulllzed undor ~aJor J, C. Blllllard. a/ld .E. JI, M., but turned up'again last evening. (J::rA disgraceful disturbance bordering IS Il\pS~ I mpos81ble to ?btalll accurllte l!t- view of ol)e or the .m08t impOSIng scenes the movQmente of the AU.8trllln troops. In \ I~III cOllcontrute ut Ne~\I Orlelln •. De.e l.t, :It il rather too lengthy Cor our, pur~ose, on riut took ploce recently In Presbyteri- formatlOlI 011 ~ny subject, the Jlllp1lrl! he, imuginabloj the fine she~t or water spread tho Rupport M' the Bllvarlnn force which t trom wh~nce they , wI)1 proc~ed . wlthou' ' 'mllv 10 r"'a' dl'ly be ml·.unde'.... tood and . eh I Ph'l d I I' A po'rt'lo' n Ithe ,mercllantll \vont tel! the trutb lI11d th,o ut before ynu extending (ar to the 1I0rth were about to enter. the electornle of~ Hcs- l dulay , ' . aJd n f" Iln urc I near I ~ e p lIa. I trudellmen lind prufesslol,ol men prcvllnd ' J I" d" II 'd b 't se. . - . • • _.1 b ' ~ b I d ' I ' d I ffi I ' , I . . , h 011 sout I, lemme 101 on 81 OS Y I 81 . TI PI 'I d ' ml....on.tru...,1 t a,t w~ pr~cer not tq pu - of t Ie au .Ience IIsse tIe. o. c aung c er- c~te, IUlu.wlng tho ~lfficIIIl,ell, \ ere fore, blrak, but imposing hlghlands! tlnd covered I 1\ tQI.agraphlc despnt~h un<ler $late, of . I~ II.U elpblll Alml House contain.
:::!:~~~;~~;;s~;:: Jaw~utt..
.' , . . e
li.h it. We percel~e there iJ a nice "n- gymoll because of lome dIslike. Shamo- I und,er wlltch I labor; y'!u . must loo,k With with its thollsund S1l1/8, from one of the Ilhl.' 28th 1I1~" stat08 tlll}.t· ID the course Of', now 1,770 InRlotel!. nn. Ifld~lgent eve Oil the Imperfect lOllS, of moat pi ctllre~ql/e l.'lIbleu\lx, the eye would the $ulIdoy night prQ.\'IQU$, I~I~ the l~OOp9 . 4Im:llrnnhJhh,-Qugh. the "vi,n" of which is tul! null.nt, the drtll Jiable to criti cism from thl8 e.plstle. wish to gllze upop at C08$el. were to I 'avo dlat ctty, Qud thoy No,,' O~leana papers 01 tbe 81at uh, the ab.ove n'amed considerations. Write O::rThe follolVing is an exirllct rrom " 11 .~ the, gover~lment o.f th? .1l1I1ile~ St~tes, The dry goods busi(less hRS been "almost ~re 1l1orchjl~g to .~tl~;e.1'i!ln, in or~91' be, stille tllilt Dcurlv. al~ the. stl,)ck , 'lur ·lhe conhavmg the welrore of Ita.Cltlzens I~I VIew, ood for nothIng IIi every emigrant broll"ht \II n PC) Itlbl' to )OID the Bilvarions ' nnd templuted line 91 ,slenmer between thllt clly ' UI IIpln Eaq. M.; we IIhaUbe most IIIIPPY- Callifornia correspondent or the .!<l. y, w.ould .l:Iuppr!l~s one of the numewu,~ .sine- ~ith 'him auffilli~tlt clotbll1g to , s~tllty ids Ii uSlrio.ns 1111 BOO~ ns .the! enter the electo- lind N e,w York, hUll beenllubscribed fot. to plllce yourtJ,·me onlthe lillt ot our reglt TB1BUNE. It spea!tl lainly: cl)res I~ Lt.. Ellst, and ~e.nd the holder out \Va'n ts lor a yeur; Ilt leost the market hna rate, olld Q lelegrnpb c dlSp'lllCh of t,lle laSth lar contributors. " .' . ' . here With a l!reSs, provldlllg ~e h\lll Rume b"en \vithout purchasersj l)ut 'clotbing . is ult.,' f~ollJ CUBSIII, statas thut on ",rmy of '. EnIJ1a!'d. ' . ''VI~oc:''-Tho article on "~ecrct Soc iMallY beltQv~ thllt there ore deod QO/mllls ~ ~u~ell,t, but more bOJIC8}y-wllh orders to /lOW coming into demlllld, Ilhd I presume nnVOrllllJ troops we!'e hourlY' exper.t~d to London ~apcrll 01 Sa~urdoy, the 2d have ' . , b~en re.celved. Th~y ~re Ulostly filled . (ltiea" caunot be ~~mhted to our: "'...UIII . . . . !lnou~h 011 the Desert (45 ml!~I!) beL'Yee~ l)r~llt lhe trutll , th~ wltole ~r\lth, nl~ld ,no- Mulers will rellp, a rich h.~rvellt the cO,!!i!1g enter the elecrorute. . "if (or no otber reuon, bftcauae we have no Rumbolt Lake and Carson Rlve~, to pove I.th~~g but the tr\.llll, Jj~ he~\l hnn God. ab~ut v(~ar. Dealers in Drugs ' and M.elliclI~f?s, The Ool,lgne Goz.ette, of tht': 28th Il)st., WIth nl'tlQI~8 refJectl/Jg' on the p.relellt . , ' road tbe whole dilltanc('. We will make I' ~IIIII. awrully ~llIe reglo~, .~ \yo,uld b~ con- nre f1ourisI'g, but tbe up COlI/l\ry towns are !latcs that ~he H eiI,sllln trOOp8 III lIaynau, ChurQh ,e%citeillent, which ' ia e.vidently un relponlible Da.me • We do :not wish d te " t d th '. delld remng blet!8\lIgli upon tho\lslInda III the better markets .or these comoditics . than Ille 'environs of ~rankrort. hllve been the lllcrllll~e. Tbe feeling of optoaitlo'n . f th t' . mo erll e.8 1mB'fie, an .• oy ereI I'.. D a I10 COl/ te mplAte coml'llg ' d'IS b.lin d-" .1' . I . ' to .b ave a di Icu.liIlon 0 e quea Ion IlIrrl-, I I""'t " a t ea,"W .. , Iinre " , SlIn Francisco which With t{ie exceJ.litolls uu, all d were compc II Cu to gl\,e lip to t Ile _eiltablllllQUmt oC Q Romon Ilt Ilolie ,cS on through the •Vi.tilor'. We IIdmit an.maUo everr. ve feet eft on t Ie eacrt Ithut would much mo~e than ,compen~~te of the unwtioi~solne "effects arising froUl their nrms and accoutr.ementt!; alld tl~e \ Ilierarchy in Enjllilud iii irowini strong. that tbe Cbur('h .'bould Ilrovido Cor her ~eollon, wh!ch would m~e about 45, ! her r~r all the peeuUlary .loQB she. mlg.ht high \vjnds ond heavy fogll, gellerating' no- .80.m~ po per RtlltCfI that .the cle?tur on!\ 'UII und meeting8 , we~e' being held ill alllloll~ , head. ThIS number, a\ the low aver- 8'IIIlam from tho nOllpe~plemg:?.f C~ilfol'mu, thing however but bad coMs,ls very' hoalthy- ml1ll!ller~ . afte~ nrotl!stlllg tlg.n tnst lhe Dp- Qvery port of the Kingdolll, clllling UpOIl ~t:~eb:f' f~:::g~n~:tt;:~f::,p~:eg;::~ ,d~:; of $50 for h~rae., mules , and tllot tI~ose Ilt hO~1e Will Dot ~el,eve ~he O,wing til the very liniited nUrilber ' en- varinn 'i nvlUilot;l of .tlle. eledornte,.hllve 8\111- the ~ro\"n to i~ltcrf~re,tJ) prevent Buch cc'· ' wonlU 'produce over 82,000,000' .. count- IIlutl)men~ of prl.vllte I?Ucr writers, ~Yhen goged jl,l it gardniil/:t is extremely pro- denly changed thel~ ~~ewR, enjl glvon thllie' cleslastlcal !JlmrpatlOn ortbe people. dUly in Ihl, re'pecl, we con lIee no harm in . 'h' d \ b H 'I the ptess III tcalUlng With golden stotles of Iitnblp.llnd if I undorstood the bosiness I consent to the elltry IlltO HeBlle of t~e lin'\ ---,.--,,- - ' - - aDT otbe~ otganlls~lol/ ."umlng tbe right ed 163 w,gona WIt In ono alT n II ml,es, conR\antly developing wealth of this would· to.ke up the sHovel aDd the .lioe" varian army, whiCh WRS ~pecteu on tile Q::TA g ll\ hJmon W/IO tmvurslld tho OV' t!III\!l ana practlcin, It. If there are any cvU. Not half those If(ft.were to be leen,~bel!lg "Ophir Eclipsor," the vost flood of r:l(lh eIt Thert> are one or two dailies ill ,30th ult. . . r,ll q r./IT, Mi~~ouri te) Olllif<!rnil\; '~ltlring thu • t. ch S ' to make 1iah~ in tl18 ninbt, &C, Be.migrontll llOuring. over tbe plailna tbis "hit,'" • : I f ' I ' 't tl' t . . . " G"RIIIAltY .-Authentic ill~ rm Hi> pnoll 8UJllI1l~r, .tat~" tlll\!, 110 8u/forlnl:801 tlcll connect ed Wlt14 IIU oclotles# we ar. not D D . i ' ' bl ' I h dl t e VIOIP ~y 0 lie 01 Y \I 1U'e COllllll b \ ) . . 1 .1 r t\ I . ftc ' r l,ig~l\lIt!j ' \11 crlldAlcl3 Iho qroal bu .iu 1111 t gf .cquainted with tliem, and loolllr.ignorllnce . 0.11 il .over, th~re will be 1lQ' many ~I yeul' proved . I n'l,uofltlpl'\a y. . a.r Y money, but-w ithout.tiiltcring iJLt.o portic- ' cen ft) e veu 0 , Ie rellll ,t 0 t Ie J OllIer- Ihe grol\~ Snit Lak , \Voro bn{·rillio. ,lie lil\)'~: let them ..lonej alid we tbil/It no ono will 100 wagonl to the mile, whleh '100 kno~v ~hat\.to I/Ioy ob?ut the p~CIIU.larltle8 ulors I will lIay tb'l!re · are ullu'l~rou\l ave- cnce ,at: ,Warllclw, b~t~y~er~ lhe Em,preors 'l'hbl!und \Vat! knell deep, t1Ul lIun broilillgl.o ~ would moke 8450000. Then tbe DeBert OallforDla, t1~en brmg as ~any c\lfferent Dues to wealth dill. U,noccupled, 'thilt perde- of R~Bsla lind Au~trla Dnd tho klll!{. 01 not 1I tr!'''' ~""8, t~ )lu' 800n; th fro "'al ' ,n9 IWCllur be.injurN by (ollowlng thi. cou..... Where , ' . . IIght8 and shadell Lo tllO picture, to 8ay ('r once and sbrllwdllell8 cab turn t9 gOOlI Pruallla, but the OOlogne Gazett't, )!l9ntnlDli ftnd their l'rqyl~lOns wlIrd 1111 gQno.-l'or\ulI~I". ,b WI' . . ~yjl; we are clown unnn it,' but~, strewn with all other klndl of property that itDo~"se. IIdvnntagea fqr no cla81! of vd I )1'.1 r th d disPlltches from Berlin under date ()f the Iy, ~rlN .JlUilllg over a!xl\'t ono hundred III11 e8 r'! t I ) th Ii 1 r el Rnd. there v 1.1 f b d d a vont/lget III t \e Ilnutuate ,Qr e go I' ! " . 1 ' .1 or (h1 3 h,u au~ lIu~ rl, I h Y orlmo ft(!rO~H II 1111\11 ~iqfa ia tbe bane 1)1 pe.ce and rood locie- 00 s, c q el, c~o~ cry, 10 n 11., WOU '4 0 caurae e a ,sur • lID to delIS smile moat bMisb from his mind I.lV~ 30th.u t., .wlilch st.ale t111~l IIlrOrmJl~lOn Illu who lind gone fOrl), milos (urlhjlr, fUl\IIt11 g(JOtl ty aod • . oa,nnot bo Jell on the ,l)ellert tilla sea80':1 our pOPt'" here tlo, thllt . • IIY and er thou bl of either " physical or vme~ial bc:oen recc~ved 'Iiom Wursl~\Y, IItatmg ~j>ring. aml ,ruln.mud \I·.h~ two barrull.\ of WBler. a\ r~rmelJter of millchiefl leu tban 83,OQO,000 of proJlerty. No erti.~ , one wllh perseverance can . ,~ ... cumll: inroymer~t, Social pltsoliureB mUllt be clnt!sed t!le' Prulfsl/m ptop08als.bod boen prom rhls w!lt~r hlJ hQll ~I)"\I tor $) por ~1I01l, IhclI igrapt on redectIon will dispute tfll. a Cottune, would be equo,Uy ablurd. among the things that were The Jigilt of declined. on~ tbot Denmllrk wae not, :. J p [(jllflrl, lilr n @~u I,e~ J)I1;tJk" ll as l the 01wbo, should come to Callforni!~ r Well woman~s emile will nev~r .gllldtlen his to accede to the p~opoBall! of II DII)lillh d'f:{"'~OII~'~~\~1 ~Iyg cJI~a~~I~dl, hi.1~~i~~"::it'll~ , HO.Aca MiNI( i. elected \.Q • Congre~a. ,fDr 118 J may be a\l()we.d to Judge, 1 weary heor.t when hi's ,"daily inail is. Bt an ' a~d, G*:rmRn comllliilSl~uer to .lIettle the nnel no &tllit hu c~uld n.nnle wilhjl\ tho polVc'r • ~b .. " U I Such liD ibdividuo.liun,honor to thlOk it \>ut ,~dopted to Ihe two ' extremes end' His a8sociations lilUst be ,among difficultIes of the Da(llsh 91~(llitlon, The (Ih lImlgranls .wus rohl800 to llo pllid. whet! .VoJ &. ere '! a arreat .. QP fl!eet at an 1e illative bod ' and. to t.he nlltion of &ociety-the-ollpltalisl aod -tilE) Ilaborhig he ~ulrrllr and unfeund ' nnd ol1t1\ose gen- Berlin ReJorm ~ dcniO$ that ' Prui\sinn oln- Ih!l Wftt 1 \V.IC~. nurirly nil gnl1 D. n ''J"1I (·111" .... Cincin ..aU on the Htb ,1oet, .t wlticb the . J l: . . y, " , mon.' Rogues ond rum sellerl IIPwever,:ttl ~ ' l!' ~ h t'· I li"' t If cera in full unIform nre ullowed to Ji'oin the ~ltJ~g w1111 '"r Ihru~ whyle I.'uys alll\ n, ~hb )!nc\ I I' . th dft' bl 'I b ri : . e nle lOgs tnnt () lUDC Ir se II! In ercQur C I . t I "" I I I drankJ;I1It hall n PlIlt oT J1I11U. )Ju ""1I~ elanl'! _ 10U0,,10, reso U\10nl amollg 0 era. were ,... C . f AI b 11 lima y; , l !l! ng qlell receive wiUl til\! good and tho vir UO\lIl at home Scll eSIVI: ..Il) stemersl dpacl ami bl'lU(~'<l ,. r 81)IIlq wat or Th!' allllW"r , paNed: . ' , uOY. OloLJD 0 . I limo 1188U!Dea " to 6 dollars pcr dllY oro'SO 1lo 1100 must be dlladened or swalJowod lip i.n tb~ The n rlin correspondellt of the Lon- wes3'1 haY nnl CMl1gh I I.~i ,t,YH 11' lllfm:KII' • RUOL~D'-That by union our Indepen. . the. rlgbt or !e~c"lIiul! i~ a clollr per n1Qntb but the wng'" are gradu\llly fal- IIpirit uf Dvorice To thuse who ore Cond don Times. write!! thhl hotltinu had occurr- itnils lJC\C!lt II) Ih,! 5prill/l." '~lI,e.l()UI ,~.c(), .\1I1~ ' ..1_ :\ ' ... 1·1l. rti" I1t d belollging to any, eo.c:b o.nd all the ling and probobly lIefore lhe lear closei, or of omusement ;ho only re801'\ ~8 the cafe cd during the proceedillgs of the Con&rr~s8 ;(701) W118 offilc rQ( lllIl llIIICC~'181 n,~'r 01;1':1 IIIIcl ,~t·C~,1I _nce"Wu Ou .Ine -our lue .. ac eve , h t t' Ii tl t, th ' "1' b ~ W I I h I' ." \Valor, ani l H pun or r~ 'I ~t;u ~ . w w-r< ~~l , '-t.ha " tI ' I ' r Statea. t e ~ex one a. u~ }es, ey \V U . e alii gBnnjnl: bouse, ~il~-J.he claS8 that n~ ' OI'llUW to, allen t Ie ope t ,a,: Itt! IY- 'd' 611!i" rlllu thrllw down S700, III hu hll~ \ ,1 lila . " _t ollr gov~rneot Wal l't resu t o , _ ,. low In propOfUon to })(lU8eS 118 Ill, t~1e I would partlelllarl~ adYlse to stay, nwoy 8U,8 wou)d lie f!lvo~alll~ W, tbc c')ntm.ullllce w rid , and hY ' lI1lin lorce !;ra.'Il~i.l thQ, oup 311J UQIOD and comproml8e-that our power a. Th' Ir d fI d Swtes. O",pellters, Maaons, Plasterer" from bere are they ,Vll0 may be engllged _ of pellce. , ~IIClll¢h d bis thir t, a nation depends u~n unloq-that our . .e:;r er~ III cOQtemp ate a C~I~ ~~;:h and \lli bu}lders, gl;lt from 8 to ~12 p~'t ~oy, In n comforttlble busme II whetller limited ~usTR~~.-The, ctr~esl1(lUdlmt' of the -....,..~~--::-"'---:-growth and pro,perlty are tbe oil'aprirlp of tlon u! the Cllna~~1 and other ~Jrit ~ut tllere e'!ltloymcn~ ?nly Iur limIted or not in th.el mids' oC good society in ' o"o!>n~oll 'lilacs, um er a.lte. of 27~h, from hn~c:~~~d'j~~ hJ?:~c~ 1~'~~:~\b~;~I~\:;~II~,:!k~ ~~h; union-that the peace and 'burmony of the AmflrlClln ,P0uesllions. If suc~ II. meu".Te numb.er: Sn'lIt s of all kllllls, r~qt3lve IVa- rich , happy country, whero !11l Ihllt is re - , Venice, statell t~ot punhc fcciln:: willi opur!clion ol l'hinglil1~ \\ JII\ Huil1l-\.Ul1, 11': ' ,llt! til )' · ....eel b I th t will aive etren ..tb to the prlnclpll!a of L,b- gea I!lmllar to the abQve, an4 pautters also, nu1site to S\lcceSa is persevero.nce and '11 oroused, laud th~t 80l1/.e of the m08t IIpathet- II I unte,j I" Ihl) roof tu oV\l rlc Clk QI.ur1\lIl1l, "lilt S tateallre prese,.• y unop- l o uerty r ·rna., it meet . .\\':1,11 . 1.. " 11 Th am" moderale ~ . . 'IC g().~o ',ar r I Idl ., • auundant Buocea., arlt d' o.lng we. , e~!, c?, mp's" rl ", 'fl I sbllro of ' business, ,qUII)lficllllons as t o-6l1y ,tl}n t 'tl.ney 11101,1 , love ' <ron JI ... uo.v orr d IV Ililt hQ vorr" 8.11' I¥ COlllil:' I n~ lI clYllllberty..,...our moral culture, Qllr Intel- . ' , mistaken, the" ent"'~ list of lifJ;\des for in b. lond when religion virtue Ilnd mornl- nb obJl'ctlon to \lhoulder mu kota 11$0111. . " fl rj)~t llillCGul J)ltl f6\' "~C nee! i:l tho "''' ~ltnll'n ' ()::7There bill been 11 great rile ~r 'I be which there ikl any de~lonll, All articles Ity ftorlehj ahd who \\'iI'l 611y the glorious . Tile' London 'M.~rnill~ Ohroni~l~ f is jn~ j~~~h~~ltn~~W~ih'i~I~I\1~W~;~ 1~'~~~i~;;:'~' 1 ~:~~ ~~I~ leetual advaacement, oh~ oo~merclal tp'owth--our internal en~rl'lel and Improve· Mohawk rh'er,Ju New York. COnll/den- 0.1 ~an~rQeiure thut WI 1 boar ~rOlDlportn .. state 01 uhio htls not thesa blossings and rMllled that f\Utl~rtO' Will ne\'er Yield 011 in the wj,lu OM " I\[ynlw r Illli Iloll"n!!', I. ICI meat-oout bappin818 u a people-our ex- ble daoll'RO done ' . " ~lon being brpt here by the ~hlp.lo~d, but odvantn, ges. In reading what 1 huvc ;writ the rC~llr~1 qUI!~lIOIl, ThE' G~rmDIIl>~'Pers whllQ t"b. hu~H Ilnd ha.nll~ w rt;1 in Ilt dlnnl'r.118 aloryof our ' . It )Vo~ld 8t!em thlltll coull try In winch tllO ten, do Dot think !Jcc,Quse I . Ilave draw- are occul'le~ wltll the movements 01 tbe W<lI\ lout to lh" b"rIl, hilt 'IIO)t in I,," \. and llJ'h~ ampttlor lel '-anv.rDment-the I· ..,II . . are 'all '1hillgl l!~. -\'.n\t rtl UI~d". . of . the. future o:TSee. the cllrds of Dt Smizer \lJI mere b an t on d {)1" 1~b orer ~re 110. well com: the picture rather dark, that , I hnve been t roops t 0 CaIi lin 1• F ' ?II till wid~ _ __ ,..... , ~ n e-the ho IIJ1 . pe ~ H dd ' .. M Ueland penllated, mll!!t ~e ~n n ftuur)s!n g condl- Influenced , by feelings 01 dispoiJ(lenc,Y.prn FJl4JIoF.:-The new 8teamer, I rl\tlklln, ~ Iftlie eJ,ring [lilts fonh po hl "~/Im~, in bou.nd up in :Uilioa-th~~ t~e Geopp~cal a en c. • ", ti~n Rnli prOlni8i~g to the .'1Rli~tlnt ~ll1t a home sickness'; nor think tlllll like ipe let- br!n(ls ni!W8 olle doy Inter ~htln the Oaln- Sllll\nler tll 1'6 ~iI1 oo.no b .lIly nnl uLKlcll/nm pOllltion of the State_that our, political ' r 'M1 D 11' Dq & city liS lurge oa two .c~I~n~e8 , With a. teis of rna"y ,of my fellow odVeentur'ers, briO, but nl> new event 01 Inlport~ncc III~d \l Jrui\.-lIo. if youth bO,ninolt II\\'IIV wh hfllit conditi!'n-the baDowed blood 01' patriots Rober, 0 C onoal F~da c, . much bUllineBs ",nd actlVlly aB N?-w York merely'l. preparlltorr token of my relurn tran"pireod, .. The quarrel at. :Pari II ,about Imsrovinli ripor yCIUII will be cuntclII llliblr, -tbo·voice.or tbe mighty deu.;...the ' voice NEW OllLEA"~~ b millf~n. mu~t hnve 8Om~ solid founduhon upon home. Nol I bave a slrOnlt cOllvictioll tbe ..ew mlhto~ tlrders continue to all old ·ct! 1I_lj_ ~e_r_n1>....:J.?'-,L.. _ _ _
° °
Rewa Items.
o~~the itrunliDIt UfiQJ-the v?iee oC God
ll:e ai't~.he hObe,:,t:a~~~y ::0 ·or~il alave- B~ri~:ao:r;~~trl:: f::!r:r:I~:~: I~~g;~o:: ~j~ Ure 10!c:fi~':~::[OIt~~~ ~~t~~~~~~l~~ r.~et:!,r::t~I\II{~~r~~~~?~~~~~~!~l;~ de- T~I ~1~ill~'1Ii\f~t~~I~\ "a ~~~~I~~~I\I:II\:~'~~;
~lmHlf In the Improvo'd r,onditioD or b)" five ~hlte; mIl'"~ - e "egroe perity tlow8, a8/ou know 1111 tlle precllrious 'cnlifotlil/ail tlte tim~ . but'in this regiun ' Pllye Geg. ClulOgJlrl'\.ier of his commis!jjl)n. lh<1uund. BUl Iw\\JiI) toLII 1/10 ~I my goutl under free :}n.titutlon., ClO~man.d tbe . too'k three pllckets of gam a~d depolits of KO) in the SIICfllni/!ilto nnd somewllere- that time'must develop. 'J.1b QjUIIICIIIl he' implicitly obeYR hil[her ordl'rs In 1111010. IlIkQl!th\ll ~hich tiot e/lrlchol him. but aenation or the Uoi!)n, and ill onr bellrts There waa a. PIIG:ap of notea !!Jan JQ/lqulne Valley. Thi~ p'ro8p,erity \.yei5ter'lI · co~8t of An\ericll iii yet in lts In- the' execution of bill miliury duties, It.ili llIakes mit, poor IIIdced, ~etllare "PM U"i07l ,"till fI1Id IA4U lJt am~untlng toll00,pOO to ~ e "~b r i m , will cuntinue JUBt Ill! long ss Ihe yield of· f:1ncy with unbounded reaource8 tllot must Baid the Prestdent's mCllllage 18 fo he deliv~ , . APi R eM • ,It WblOb it !'Ileml Will not .ta, en: ~ e def1 ~Id ill080fficient ~o repay ,the Jabor ' of f)in- B eedit be brought into lIutice ~s tho rev- ered at the opl'nillJf of the :Assembly. He h a .ter'lI q"r, , If" • . of brellkmg ~c Donougb. WIll II now fI- gil, individunls bUl will thlll continue It A I Y k 1 S' " will makE; no ailullion to tilli prolongation . A Frene .ctor accustomec1 to ' pofrurm g Raor.no:-That the U"lon 1110uld be diculed by t be New-Orleanl papera. ilt the opinion ~i those who are e'lCpe;ienca °t u~lOnbI81~g d n 0-h oe-. l1X~n ~sc. f his officjul tenp . • the put of Achilles willhed let bave hi. parstroDpr.lo loveltban p'o~.er. that our Upi . . " ed that it wift ~old out not mu~h longer ave 0 to:me a Iifoot °ill~ r.~n:;~r8k . , . . trait tal(en;: alld d~lired tbat it might be in . on la a uQton or Ule ;~ple a uniod' 1_' , . '" Ihan a year lit rlC'tllest. You must not Ioro.young ~111n re.e. rom tt:8 lin That Daring H~I!Wft~ ~lobb8r". ' t)lat cbl\racler, I~ipul~ting 10 give t!le paint,. -' For tte MIami '11~ltoJ'; t" tb Ct' t k b m 1'n tli tie plos)lectl8 proml8lDg. u e I~ve me, A'IDJl.EW UNOIf III Ute name of the er fQrty croWn. for hi. work, ThIS Ion 0.. . ' b.arw, a union of love .. well U oC Statel, Tile .Ien1li. . . . . .le lI~e 0 qu~n lIel! ablen ,\ be my dearfrieud, it is with mallY a " pang-, young miln Who wo~ ,forcibly tuken into Melpomene 1111d been a journhrian ~rpen& UDII.• or feeling, a unity oC states baaed "Ua , EplToa' I notieed a commullillltion' in Bteamel'8 wart are 80. . .o:zonbe fth?Ult t1 tllut remembering lJIuny hnp\>y daya in liy Aslicr~rt!. saw mill a few' evenln ... tliJicc ter 8~ld the Sllinter who wa. infQrmed thllt ... " .. t hp papers lor a Criterion y 'V IC 1 0 ( ' l th f t 'Lh .1 , . b~ ! ' . GIl. P"Fle, oae origiDI one ~Dlon, anel Jail week"1 "Stllr" over tbe caption at the f old, for 1l1though eacb month golle.years, peer ID 0 t e u ure. WI ~)~ IIDd io~bed oJ unl! . hundred ond filleen dol- he' wlI. a bll I'lIy.ml8te\" thotlght proper LO ~~ man dare to put asuoder that whl~b head oC,tblnrth:le, ill wbich the writer a8- may .ho.! a aiight increllse you may 10Qn convlchon l'!at he~lcefor h, o~ ~ IllIl~YI n ars in" money. Mr. >S •. re8idefl jn , Polk- devise IlJlode or being revenll~d .hQul~ A~ ~afh joined lOietherl 'LeI tU be aerta that Ule letal belrs of th~ 'Eltate 0' certain ho dece tive sucll ' re .orta lire ' l~ng)'~ar, must e sepaTa e ?m 11 ~o- town,' about Jtwebty.one mile~ from ,the Ilhillell play. ~im ~lny trick. J:I~ therelore I:e city. on the railrond. He i, a morch"n~ in painted tbe figure iu oil, the Ih'leld eltce~t_~, . William Jennitlp dec'd; late of Grolvel!C?r (; you will c:naide! tlillt these .J11;~n • . ar~ Clll~ !DJ'dymed\ic:r'd'? ~hebllo~elllng • _ . ' Square, London, .nd Acton Hall, Englana ter bein divided amon ' lwent thou81lnd or rlen 8 an n re ; ' u~ mU.lt w Iltt ~ 'hat villllge and highly ell teemed by .11 ed, wllich WII! in dletemper. " ,. have been decievrd and tbat they arethe 'I b I ' g , y ~ tI ojJ' such thoughlll for by thiS sacrifice alone who know biln He that be hll8 reThe Jikenel!8 wall ackl10wled ... to be c y ...a-a C F d b b ......... ted 'n ' . • . men wit e · IUt a poor rl.lcompense lor Ie , b It' d 'fh' tId" . , !" ,.. . v-.I . "'" • o~ u eem a.:.... I decendantl of 10hn Addll who died in Phll, . h y havo to ultlder in can SUCCO~8 e a alOe , .e IS cus . Ie pl'atedly 'heard and rea abo~lt th" numer- ct'llentj butthe actor' that he mlllht pay III New York f.,r p. .lng CCKID&erfelt DtOlley delpbia ie November 1810. The writer woerullluf!en,~I~ le. lId ' Ib d go't hove ~anQe1d over 11 good mllny long m!les oos Ilnd d~ring robberlea ni~htly' com~it- little .. pquible; p~tended to flnd many ~en thou..n~ bill. on th. State Bank on tbat Jobn Addill wu married Iht. de B IOU e tbepOIII 8 for 11 httlemoney nnd J can't back out With- ted in thi8'citYI but wa.· not aware of the 'a lilt 1'1 In the picture, and atter con# Sb ~!,IU~_ . . ,;.. O f tb e "~ ea aUlte next yelr, or e year out it . tAs burns says' ' ' .b Ianke" ,aaturate d ~It. . h water, " iiI dera bl e d II b i d ' I d h e wou Id Qnly ,or JliUourle-to HeMrs Bu'1GlJ .... ~o. ,n ellwhich,Wer.I... 8try,gg probabili" ' , I' fact thnt at~ Ie ec are or San Fnnciac:o California. BeTtlnt"n ta~, beoce denyel the c 11- ty city and ali tbe otbel'll wOlda Fetru] I~gathel' g~ar by .8\ery WI~~ , were u8ec1 by. hrghwaymefl, to ttdle the pay h~lfof the IUID IIgreed uplln. , n k f< d clulion that lixtb oCthl.lmmenle E.. 'd eclil 'a the ' hive advanced 1I0t1l JUI,~.6o~ ~)" bonga;', cthfs 'ol a vtctlm. Mr. B. r.... J... ·W.. II ,' 1'''pli.d the · r:iulerl'f mUllt be 160 Doteloa the ..me ~an w ..re o~ on tat. will r.n totbe heirs oUohn Addil, and gr" e u Bpe ~.y 8 y. b I Nut for to I/lde.lt !II a hedl[e, ,now and perreully secure while by o",n content; however J wil Kive you .. receipt bil penon. . that"on. or the.. heirs relidea in Union in wtealtb th~t Jili,p~~:rd:~I;°be ~e~u;:ra_ B Not for B tral!,-atteo~d.'rt frjends, and without blemish upon his permilking the coiors more brilliint. Talre Villa,. 10 thi. CO,.Dty". Now u I. have mUforaifam collvincl!d thllt the ultimate ut for t.be g OrlOl18 l'r'VI ege son: T~~ ney~r. wo.·s .pe/petrstea a ~ore 'ponge,..dip it I ia vin.pr, ' and pOI it . (f:rA better reeliDr .eem. to eX1st to- made .oIDe conlidenble eJf'o~ toobt.run uf f tl', city is the (ommcarcild au I Of :clDg.fnde~ndin~. , dUlllg oct /D Clpclnnau, and that 100, m a over the picture seT.nl timee,· warda Americana ' at Havanaa. ' Spo.in il tenliT'e and reliable ,lnfortnltioD on thil 88 my 0 of ilie Pa~lfic, but IItUl the imme: . ba~e hh~ exci lent le·h~ b IBlDC8dmlY part of the city whore (.JOt pllHellgers '~an -The, actor thaD ked bj~ Cor his ~drice, liP, aub' t aad m re.uJt. dIfFer veryllaturally . t.h' arrival 111 t IS ~ountry, ror \V IC am ~ y he seen at alDlost all houra. The partlcu' the sponge, wallbmi awaT the Ihleld u1 :!?veclat by the "Stat" correawldu~d be i e ~In uf ::~:lIndsJ thankrul. But w conclude my long epult- IlIrs were publitlhed in our paper of S.tur- of AchllIel ana inateaa of that bero beheld coatit:l q to 84lad trooJIII there to be in readineu lhoulcl there be an, ou\breake poDdent_ J.deem it pro""r to ltate the fi~eent re Y, G 'hi~n lei for 1. am .doubtrul !f you ,will ev~r get day morning,[-Cin, Com. a carpente: holdinr &;law. • d tratio... lDade _~ d' th . t th be con nee entire 'I anm at· till' lar Intu It f remain your Alfecllonutc . or .IDOU • cue u J uuueraUn It; a lW , ma, unfortunate y, the coon tty haa nc- Ne hew ' R H F.ABQIlAll. -;-COJITEKl"TlJILE.-To aN a mall or womto faU bllck upon, no agriculture, no p . . , (}::71'm: .M.A1f n. THE Moo•. -~ eu.... an medlin, in domeetie dilBcultiee, or urg, e&ctecl a mutu.) interchange ,,( .ellllment '(f:rA c:oaaterr.t.... aamedlo~nlOn. who a~ar tho. who teel themeelvea .I~ter... there il not one acre in ten "r~e SI"ver. Carter. Llppencott, DllguerreotfPI.tl of Inll' a guarrel betweeD man and wife Is the bu beell w,tcfteci ...d bllDtfid for ted. aDd ali poeal~le informatioD eUOl~. _ under cultivation; eveol'/ pound o( H.u.TUlOBB Thuraday, Not. 1,&. thil city, have, a!\A:r nume!ou. trlall, IUC- mOlt contemptible act we can.1m-.l,~e. Ja .ti to (ew d.,a 810 arrated near Humphry J~D1np. 01 B~~~n:!im heini t:rot from foreign countrlel The brig Chatsworth, prize. ceeded in .0bto.lDllIg a hkeness 'of the our opinion, lbe person would be m.... en· DIfI pu w .. a ' laad, w.. m."led in 1&'7,..... &w~ ve Sandwlob Illn. 01' Oregon- to the U. S. Ii ig I'erry, taken on Moon.-[ Cm. Go,. to roI. a ben'l nBlt of ita lut eu, or .teal Mec:haalaburJ· Apparatua or dl6nut children. aeven IOIW' and fiTe daUJh\tn, Dor wi ever be a lireat ' agrlcuJtural (;oat of Africa, cbargei1 witll being e/lgtil;. \he peDnie. out or utreet-belllr'a blli kiUil for carryl.., on tbe ..farlotJI bull- Tbe II\b eon w .. na~ed ~bert, and be c:oun~ bec:au.e nery foot oC' the eol1 will ed in the Ilav" traCIe, Irrived here tllIlI The 8urvivlng" icers and memberl banpi would lie too Il'OOd for IUch a (el. . . WeN fouad 01l bla ~._. Lac. ONE child. ,1&: Wtl1iam,.:- In- ""I Uire Irri.J1!lion. ' Thla can be done, un- m.o roing in charge of Lieut. Sbeppord the Palmett R~giment, r!!ljlling In Charltla- 10w4e OlJ2llt to be Iea'bed by the bee.. to tOe OD ICy uti 6... _ bIUu. are • •po- ~a.., Jf tbt. be 1I'Ue. the~.. fiCO: flUNtioa.bly, and iliUM Talley•• by IUcb a ~d the prize crew. It il ~oupt some of tun, h.1Ie reeolved to erect ,_ IIIOIIUlIlenl to a cart, .nd iJnged through the ....... QDtil beea c\rCUla'" uti cW. . of,our Cnion 911.". .n IIDr proceu, r,an be rendered extreme'ly fertile; the ownera relide bere. the memory of their lateeommaDder, acareelyable to breath•• aad ...... branded ~ . ell: ... dial thili. die~"h. alate 0 i but it wiU b. very expenllYe, audit il well No Mail .outb or Savannah to-J'IlghL II, Butler. . on 'tila fbrehud ~th the word "Mgr.•• ," cqe I ha" from mea 0 .. .enm D • that 't he lrat ..ttl.. i:a a new A coach COlltaiDiDI a yOWlg maD loci and tutued looee for the clop to 1wk at. tM'doeamell~ the Cl~ ofu.\ioa Iblell, are aelclom wealthy enOUjI(h to .nFan of. Bridie. "om,n with a trunk on bebind the coach Cily 1...... . o::rPork _13,'71 per bon'" I•. In uIcl venculf,.nd ac:umu ue ler very expenal •• opel'lltbnl (or no.p, Thurud.y, Nov. 1.&, il pleuingll aunestive or matrjmonJ' --~.- - - C._ID.atl, wi.... .,....... tnaeDq. 1:e~~:~W~Ul:oar~ Ualo. VlJap the die of lbelr laa~; ' their ,portion or the brldp aerats the Con· balf a dosen youn, onel and Beven nile aClt or be~ace, or ac:t real me ~the Il9JU!ty nectic:ut river It thl. place fell thl. aODn. baDdboxea I. much more IUgeatiTe-there 1IIefu1...... Ie worth all tbe abauact MIldprovlclnee. the c:ouatry !line oth- TW'.a~OQr laeael 0( - cattl...... leh were la hO ~. that .'iO. "lit ift tile wodtL ~~~::=~~£r.::;'C:::rl far if er..,..... of ..ealth, theN Ie aUfIlcl.Dt .... 10 0 &be ridee at die tillle. weat dowD willa Dlviae ..,.. . 1. performed ml)fJliar ...tI , --"'--,,-'__L-.-L..-,ida h ., .L_ nle J.... 10 .pport ... witbou' t. • I --- h ...1 r .L._II_ ~ ... MIla - . . oa W doUt. Hi .... it th.e .,. rna. . b ~ ....nc PI 0 - .... •• _yWrlt. ; ...... " : - : : : ,C W Ita IaeaN Lon ~. ...-P. . . . . .....,.. The ,,~( a.I.)8"" pttOID. . . . 011 1Gb . . __ tnt-. Ia be .... aale • ~eaJtIl C..lcr..nl. " ....o~, !loy. 11. llaat oar Gcmnuaeat 8bDaW • lEI_
f . r,
ti:i D
... to.,.
A l!.....
.. II. .-at....
c. ............
.1eIaI ......
011 ogol! D !'.ul IiuBlbn ' nell),1II0; 1ED)Il' Wa):'
the IBth, ,1118t., about Six(y three years, On tho Ifllh, John Failis.of Hnrvoyabure, ageOn--Mre. Davia ncar \VlIllyncavll1o,
Supl. 13', 1850 •
.The Markets. ~I
"0 KEGS NAILS, " sBorted Sizes, j
~ caived snd lor 8Bla by . 1IIi1.y2fi. HADBEN & l\1cCLELLAND
' ,Vaynesi llle Produce Marko,t .
MEOI AL D.t:PARTME 'T, Tho rog ulnr course 01 l, ~e turc8 in Illis Ins li· LIllOwill commonce on the Firs t of ISovlll)lbor, nud cuhtlllu o nnlll tho ~o9t of l,'ubrllnry. :J,'hf,
COIU~B<;'J'''D E!V&RY W£EIC fOil
WhCalllW.v _.~ bu. ·
TU& v,lsiTOlt. , _ C;~ • • • !'iO . .I . 50
lII'I"IIOQ~ ,. ' . Bllrle)' ,¥ ' b u . , Oa~. • Flour. Y'bb!. JJultqr ¥' 111 Egg., . , doz. Lard, 100ee, 1If 111 Potatoe8. new V b u . . .
'turkiea. 111""
Anl1lomii:!l\ Del;nrUIlent . will be opener! Illid roully to reCeL\'O ~ tu:lI\1nt8 I>y Iho l"irsl of 0I:to· h r. 'J'IlO Medic!!1 Depurtmont Will bit ulldur th o d ireeiio/\ of the following , •
3 7~
tli'a 1'0
' I'ho8uliecnbor;' lhrough Illlij m edium, wbhofl \0
I . ,
1;(lll11llU O 10 fllV01 him .
Tho 10
with their Ollila
Iy \ nnd pU)'\otunlity nlwfI)'s ob·
colOff' I' , AI of 1110 abo,e wU~ be lIold •• btellp .,. e.n bl! 'pUrCbDBOt\ at IIny other eetabli.hment lit >tlIo counlrr, ClIlI and ellllmlno ' for' J'ourNlfei be' fore IlIuehlllling ellOwhere. , MalIJ.JBt. ono door 10Uth of Hal'l'iI' and 1fP-
.... ~.~.,~,l'ro f~sHor ul Thcory qne: l'rIlCUCQ.OI
N •4 Ihlll 1\11
on,l Hunk DClIOtlnt 1111" wi \ bo
, EST A.'fl!:. ' . N pur UR(lCO ot nn odor of lhe cnllt~ of CO/IIJUon l'loB8 WIthin f\ml COr GreanaCoun· (Y. Ohlll" ."l1ldu at· th.e Juno t rlll 'J hcroof IB50 ,hu IItuler,t-,;neil adltllllt t· luorll IIf th' osta te of l-!)\lIllincIIJIlWC! d,'p'd will Hell nt (lublic eniD 'vI! th. I)romi-\op. 1):1 the TW IiNTV "lrT~L9'!Y 01 O J«;R ImR next bn,w£'qn lho )'!>l\rs "f 1\) (,): C). A. ;\1', nml ',1~. M. tho flllltl\\' lng ~~I Ets· 'Ull. 8 ItUI\.(U ,In ,W"rhm C .umYI (,).IIIJ. '0 wit; • certnm tract 01 Illno.l. bOln(C pnrt of frllc, lIoll. IlI ~cct\Qn' N. 2l, .. ntl boundtlll 08 follo~\'!,. U OltlllRJIIg III Ih(l 'coilnly rOI!li]1 cor.llcr ttl Plllhp ll:v,e[har~'<1 ,101. tha(lCIJ WIth I 10 .line of RIIII· 110lld lorly tl\Ct to a Sl.1t ; lhence al Tight nnglos Oll~ hunllTl/d lout to 0 ~\lIku(thonc al rig ht 1111' Illes torly fuo; t \0 a slakol moneo 10' the begin· lIl"g. ' , S,lullot is unincumbered. "nd i~ npprlli~Bd III
pOlite Allen &. Evalll' ltorll, April 6, .1850,
llilid or ~alil nClon y ' Iclod hy th IIrijt day 01 LARGE 8UA WLfSo ' J I\lI~ ftrY 1 ~1 Wt,l ItT... much 111 nced of money d' 'lassonm llnt 0 PI • lun. and omhrol' alld mu,1l 1111010 l~ • ~rnd \' Liba t Shllwls Wllh, Silk nnd wC)ot HADDEN & ?ltLoCL-ElLLAND. rtnl%ll. HMvy CIOlh Sha"l'le. pinul orl,d elllbr~ld· 43 EJ/oa';, Ill\)' IItatll sh!lwls , Ltllll{ nnd f::iqullra, JUSt _---...I--~-~..."...-:-~---.......,- . ,recclvod and f(lr Bule by I , H & J, R & CO. _.A1HIl-NISTJt"'TOlt~'" IlA[.JCOfl REA.L
nr,lUfllllll CllIIY. IIUlIIIUlRl\lU
5,Unoo AND nOSHJ!lLS OF CORN WH '1 : OATS ~Dl\tCl,\ i Ih ~:A-I • graph Mill/!. 26 G, HINOHMAN:' ccr e.
'BoonSl SOOK8U - ,\, Sl\(ALL LIJ'I- UF STANDARD WORK' A on hand and 801l1llg at ono fourth of Il original COSI. by ALI.Io~N & loJV A S. Ie Aug. 24. Si .... ol'the Golden Ball p"
.4. , LOT OF BACON SIDES jnu roe'd. and A for 8010 by , ALLEN & EV~NS. • Aug. III 'flO,
iln Of tIt~ Golden )3all.
MKUR'S SPECJEIC CORN I?A1.VE II ..,1e lind efi'ectulII curo for «;omB, ~tf ' 1, H. BAItNKAR'l'.
NAN . -1. AR'I'ICLEOF2ALEBJiAN· DY AND rOR'l' WiNE for m edlcinol !hll f 6lllduo, Ul ~~'O eq ual ~nnuld pllynll;1II 18 10 pur pOI 8, JUSI reCOl ved Bt ALLEN &. EVANS. blllr""'C\rosl, and 10 be 8'c cured liy morll..al!O on
tl&OiiOO' , ' '1' e 'f~rm9 of nlo /trc OlIO Ihird in hllwl, and
I .
Slgn of the Golden Bait. WynellViIle ,Aprtl. l SliO. •
(Itu prulI"rW Bold.
rC?:~l~A~V ~M·ES.. I-A d~'re. CARRIAGE' POR SALE. =0]:..... . ~G• .,.G.... ~qT AllY, NEW ana faahionRble CDrrt\lgQ ~ plOY. :lJn I~. ~3-I!I rdr salo. Dnd for which 1 Will t8ke~' part poymont a good Horse. The LRW of , !lh"v~p.perl!. ' Now in ert,,: 1M Grtot Notional Work. " SAl\fUEV COLI.rnS. ~.( VISING IN ~HE LAST "'~R. 1. Subscriber!!. WlIO Uo nol give F_'Q'IlEIIUIO. Waynesville, Ohio. ~pt. 14. 33·\f DX CliAllLES 1. l'~'I'B1tSON, TI0!; til tho contr"f,y. IIr8 ~n8ldurGd wl el ullj[ 10 continue tb(,ir 8ub~cril)tions, r 1 AUl'lJOR OF "TilE ItilEVEll , OF \71\" m'o.~ETC,. WYNNJ}, HA~NE8 • CO. ~ N.\VAUS'l·ORY Olo"l'HE WAR 0" 1812. !!. lfsubsc:rlbers order Ihe disconununnce «>1
.ONNo.Iho liret 111lX1. T. B. 58 dhlltln'l! Phllt,d J\lIIO
t'BTERSO~ 1[11110. WIll
wttOL2SALii OIl.lIJ>Il!! IN
pUllors. Ihe 11Ubllalior lIIay continuo 10 8bud until nllllTIcnrngGll oro l'oid. If s uhscri bers nllg{oCt or rofue to tn ko thear pallOrs from Ihe o(ficcs to whleb IhllY are 6enl, they n~o h&ld resp nsible ti.ll1bey iJ""e BOllled Ihelr blllll. and ordored ~b()Jf pal"or t1isconlhlu, cd. , 4. II ubec riborli l'oInOVD to othQr plnces with· out In(prming thu llubli8hcr,' nnd tho poper is SSDI to Ille lormer lhroction. tb y IIrG held rc · Iponslblo, ' . ~ . Tile CourLa have d eided tbnt tc(uBiltg tu take n neWBptlpCr or . IIedodiclil from 1ho offiuu. EPHYR lVOR8TED.-A good 118aorl· or r<:Jll?vIIlS oud )cllvlng it uncolllld for, is prl· mcn~ of Wonted juet rec'd. and for lIale by 0I1l laelll eVIdence <If IJ'fl'IDITlON AL l'RA \1t)• AT.LEN &. "EVANS. Sian of the Golden Bill!. 1>IEOES CARPETING'" ari oly of desi. roble Ind handaome pOtterns. RAWLS a Targe AellOrtment ofSbawle, from ~If IlADDEN &. !"cCLELLAND. one Dollar up, I' ALLEN & EV It, , COP.ARTN.t:WJWP NOTI4;;E. Sign 01 UI~ Golden Ball. HE undereigned dld. on tile 20th of AuguSI. Oct. 19, 18!iO. J800, enter· inlO copllrlncnbip In lho DrewOUSLEN- DE-LINF.8.l\fohlir and Cham· Ing busmell. ArranlrCmonts lor manufaculnll4l rlceo Lustre8. p!ain Ind future.! Cuh· luperior Beer fllld 'Alu 1Ire now completed "nil merea, Lldjee Clolh .erloOO8, Thlbot Cloths. they rtllPllcttully lohclt a sbate of Ilubll~pat· rODiage. 1'etnll1iboraJ. JOHN A.lItVIN. and a g:rel~ variety 01 other Dreee Gooda, at
FORE1GN AND D ME ~rlC DRY COODS, No. 29 N1lL STREET .,ubli~h Ihe abovil Grcn,t 'NRhonal Work in a ' . cil'lCINN ~TJ volume of Uel page;,. OClnw.l, vr~oo 2~ ce~It8'·""'1 I-If 'l'ho narrlllive is tounded on !hll crnize of a ANCY ' eft TOILET ARTICLES for "Dte Inncd brig, tho J .. url1al of winch Willi preBalu b1 al! R08ERT~eft ~REWS1'ER. !lOOted \u Ih aUlhor. "CruiMing in Iho Lut :S~reet,
Wllr" o9glnally lJ[lpollrollltl II rahllltl'8 Mllg~Iil\o," in 1640. wluJIl it aUalO'Id ftll ' tl. nl,lrece. _Jenled populanl)' all over the Ul1hM Stalel, "nil RIlI,JerOUs "vplicnlions have sinco been tnade to Ihe author to iKllu ~ II iu a v()lumo; but .latherla unluccC8l,fully. Uo hll~ nnw, how6 er. -c:arofulIY r~ it"and altowoo it ~ be put to • tJ reI,.
1)0'.Jft4OO on facl, &nrl full of thrilling indo ~e.la. DOW picturi~ the lltorlll. 'lQW the Daltlll.
it will prove tho mOBt intel'CjlI· inl boOk ot i&l kind eyer a.uedt- -YlD wrJ.L :sow BY TAOCSAN118 AI«" TBOuit.l(DII. Every American, who i8 proud 01 tho 1riumpbs of the lIlar. .nCl eirlppce will require & copy of Iltia boOk for himlNllf Ind cl.i1dren. Orderl aro reo quired to be lent in It onee, al finl come. firet 1ICl"~ Single COI)i9!l 23 cents, or COIUOIJ will be lent tCJ anyone In IIny plaoo in tlti. country for One dullar, eLeToo copief wiU be A(.l,EN &. EVANS. oLWL. OOLLl"N8. I!Clnt for two doll.n. or thirty copie. will be Waynesville, 011l0. Nov, 2. 40-tf Sign of the Goldeo Dali. IMmt for live dolla,.. , Oct. 19, IB50. Book_U.n, Nowl Agenla, Pedl&l'I. and all FEW DOZEN BUYS' WOOL JlATS others will be .upplltld ", Ihe dozen. hundred IGHLY USEFUL AND ABSORBING· II WII18 on hind Dnd for sal,c !JJr _ or 'Ihoullnd, at tlMi lowoat ralAll. Price thuteeo LY IN'l'ERESTING BOOKS, jUllt reo BLECHER &. BOOROM. doll .... per hllDdral. ~vcd from Ne", York~nd for ..Ic by ROBERTS &. BREWSTER. An), ~Din Ihla _ t r y ean remit · BSIA PRIJlE lIf. Y. SALT J\Ult amount of III.,.,.,. be plea- for .n,. recrl"ad Ind fur •• ht by 1.B. & J. HARRIS &. 00. the abcrt. N.tioaal Work h. may want, BUsHELS OF FLAX SEED want· will be I8IIt at oaOl 10 bim~ bl 8IlJ eel .t th. TeltWfapla Mille. Oct. 90. SJin of the Rad flUK, ~.u::-k ..0 be reM 10 aend 10 ~ ~ G. BlNClBMAN &. CO. t7.,. . " CBlVBD aad fi,r ••Ie a lot ID dle II)' dae =01 Mal, ,"u Will DO' OROEI A fiTlItrate auJdrens. Tja•.certain .,,. cur.•• . . . . r 8&10. be ~Ished III an,. or dill lup at... UDtU the .:) JIJeeee 80,1, Youthe, anclladiM Sboea, .t ....1e, "" dull Ruor.. flOW
'nt or J.... TIM. wbolevr the above will
larp oct.,.o 'nIl.._
w.,. 1,000
be publiahed bt and
new~IfP.:,.::. ..... IDr
!r.. •
.r ODe '.tIdIed
:'r:.':' ~':\1. -.a.~ 1& or 41011... , ........
T, B. nrrBRSON.
a..nn aaws. PIdWIII ....... ..... __ ...r.-.a .
' A L L E N &. EVAN 38 . Sign of the Gulden OIU.
~I ~
!'tf. S[600 t'C8pectfull), announce. to the public that he keepa conttantl,. on ,hoDel a Rood lIllaorllllenl of all klnda of boo-.. ' and -laoe'!" conlilulII in part. of , men'I' fino bOQla and IhqOl; wome..•• LOd~ aM golteril; slIppen. colorea and kid' Illtlmllelllh r, ind cloth lahen. kid. tiea ana bu ~ ldn.; chUurilWe Ihoel of aU dcilicripuo,,- IIId
Fllu, $10. (;rn~uulipn, $L'O. , ~l'hQ~ dOl!lru1f,( nllll\Qr inlbrmnlil)n will plcllso / (pUct j)ftul ) to the ponni lind fhu city will pl uoHo coil \)n ~.?_I!~I,~~~y:~!!1J Iiuwl. ' , D o.n of lho F3GUlty.
, N«)'.'ld~;. ' OTICE i heruby giv n 10 1111 r ereons tn· Ilcbwcl 10 tho ulI~for"lgl1l\ lhl\l II is IlX\loot•
will be paid to mIinl puttinlfup'prftc:riptionih aud p~cl'.r~tioJUI df all . . 1 illvlto IltOM willktngnttie)etlill Our lInt~. to call, 118 wo feel aS8ured that we 0111 'mako it to their interest to purchll80 of UII. •
fqr n Iu 11 C9ur.sc of l\.IclurcA
' P!ll;~~,~[:::i~,r~~(~~~~,d;I~,e~
nllU1Ula()tllfo of orliclc for hiS eus . .
l'riccs to shit th o HIIWS , 1'UOMhlS sronTu Sign 01' Iho Goldell Snddle . WnYIlC8v\1I ~1 AIlg. 24.18[,0, SO-tf. ' ,
Anlll()llIlc ~1 OCUIOt1 !1UIIIOr-Z ,
wnnllng DlIYlhing III1u8 line ufh\1sinC8s. He Oil hUli~ Sllddl s, l1ridloij. Ilnrnc8s, , Corpol DoglI, Whips of all Itind.s, Cui· IlIfa , olld nil nrticicli usunll)' kept 111 establish· m onts of tbis kind. Anytlting IlOt on hnnd ,Qolled Will lie , modo l\lImediuloly.
brill l'hssiulo);)' , Mo<iicol Geology end \' 1\fIllIJrnlogy , R .. S Nl!;W'l'U ' . M, D .• Professo r of urgeri" J. HULC,E, M. lL l'rofes90t of '1'lilJOry anll \!ro cucoyfMcdi inC. , J . A . WlL 'ON, M. D.• Profo880r of Ob~ t.lIrics onll Hill lUI 9 of. Womon ond Ch ildren. J. K} lG~ M. D.• l'rolc_sor of MII{urtn Med l' , Cil 'l'llOr nl'oqlic5 mId l\il,ldicill Jurispru· donee. Z.l;'I!:BMAN. rol. D Prclflll!Borof AnalomYI Mil/I'D 1 f;AN DElt '1 A. M., 1\1. D . , l'1l.' les8ur Ch lIIislry lIilt Pharlllucy. Cljll iqac Lectlll (IS. 'MEDlctNE- PROF. H.J. fJ L 'E. U14GF. tr\ - l'ROF. n. S. ~ 'EW'l'ON,
,CinCinnati Market...
rClurn Jli9 ~iil C!ero tb.nk, to his Cri 'lids untl thcl!Ublic g1l11l1f' oily for tllo very IIberul Jlotrona!{3 bOSlowed UP. "on Illm. and. ' Xllr' S09 tllO hQPo thot tltpy ",III
W. BYIlDl'O\V'E['L, 1\1. D., Prof, s90rofCofe-
SADUJ.EllY, 'f,RVNKS, &c.
, J.~rorc8sorll. J. CONQU ES'r (jUOi:! '; M, D., Prorc~sor or the Ins lllUlca uf l\lcdJ(:iml. ana Medi~al Juri IIru
POULTRY. Cbic\(ene, .. doz. · • • •
lJAT8 .NND CLOTHING. . TUE under ignOO hne 01'1 hand.
Borne lot .,f C IOlhs. CU88imcrs, S ilt &'1I,luitablo for (ull and winterjwhich we IIro llt~kinR up III durllble and foehlonable 8lyle. llIu.J o/for on tbo JIlot! r asonablo term.' Ouratoc~ hlle been Jutl,icjou~lv laii] in. aDd onebtes.U!llo./itlnjBh IIUBtOmera wIlli clo\hlngo\1eIlIXlI litaD 1)V!!r! ,W f, 'It.vo a nUVlbor of workrrl'on CtnIlI(IYcd. whiuh enahlc8 \II tq, furnis h In)' ar· tid e iln onr lInt! on .lturt nOlice, either (rol\l our own (: Iolh or Ihol at' customers, . In 'lOl!pection wilh our Tftilor Shop and cloth. Ing 8ltOre, we carry on the nATTn,a bueineae. W 0 hnvo nowju8t finished 11 1o.rgo lot of the 10leat RI)'les of Olter. Beaver. Muskra(, ilk nnel \'1'001 HATS, made of the best materilliand by good wurkmen. A lIumberof Friends' hall eonllilloll,. on bind. ferlOn. doairoul of pur· cbwnl' Illtll or clothinl are rcquHtcd 10 CAli and e,I!ftDlino Ouf .tock,
BLECHER &. DOOROM. WaJ!DeBvi/ie. ~t., ~l. 1850. 3( L41)T8 FOB...,I.E IN
THie 'undllral~ 0ft"erI
bIIllUlrtII•• lot.Hand in
IOn. Oblo, l,in, CIA dill fjJlee~. djr4!cii11 opPOlite
containine Matsen acrllll. COnshit 0/ a bouee, a sood ClfCbUd. o;)IlftuJendel.,' ApplY1OOll1A . Dr, H. BMIZER.
Aq. 17.18:10.
and'~~.l~llt t "'.. ~- .. ",II to able
W.,.....w.. o. ) *'P, '
O¥ IIIOIltls U~~~:f~
,. lo:.U'
U&IIlIfiid ., ,ea1'; and a .. lbJl nle we doubt 10 peat an III'Do1lnt of Dhtmal nClurlebmen' pam. more call be ablJlined '~om tlu, "Ul~ extent of and bence it lh.t land 1n propurtion to the expenle, by .ny dower I. wltot d~temlines the othc~ crull. We /illliUld no~ hetlltnte. ' but. h ",,,"irell, and tIl amount
Jubn; "'oultl bt' wo.rth a)lout twenty Cl'ntll to pie}s 1'I'N, ~ ~I .. (Prlllt! "<'r III j bone.ond J think tonj her~' the mon- Jrt'::!ro :.~c:~~ ,N LIAV 11\ thCltefore. to recommend tho cultivatlnn or tUI? 8upplfee. Ipple. .. food (or .~c:k.-Alb,a!', tJu.U-'Vtl4 DI'II\bap III, nec""pry in dry ey," and he ge~erouI'y prellfllltn~ the trev- 'rllla 1Ji1J~11 val~{i,ie ';.ork will cllmprillc (or. I Andy ••1 in wet IOlle. j'Jf IIQIl II ellef with ILplstareen. ' two 1D1'/(1 lO,al 00111'1'0 \'0111,1110(1, col~a -1I11111 , , bUTDt up by drought, .n ~ you auppOit Over 14Wl'DjlOl. ",Hh 18 or 2U '\11011(1111 IIlCtll A STRO!lG n.ASTE POft P.ll'£1l.-l'.., two roott 10 deacend ooly to tbedepUI of I~OUt Cordinal Wiieeman ia the youngellt IJIIgroflll/! • and mor" Iban roo engravings lar~e I1pOonl.ull or fin lluur, put 08 "!,u:b thrte IDche"I~ III obvlou, U'9~ .he ht-al. of amonglt \~e cllrd~nald .. Hii ePllnenC!e wu I ':'~~~I!~O~~ O~~~~OI~;I~~~~~! ~llr.u:~n~:ulI~~~ pq!lnd~d rosin al Will lie Ol~ a filII II mgi ~lIe ,ummer dries up the lal\d to Ilt Scly,IJle. ",here 1118 loUler and myther dll \leo Ily Iho lIllYt iormera. tho best 'I/urh~~ 01 milMvlth a8 much 'l~ong beer a8 wlil make BUI If by dramage y.ou open the veil of· W IIterford)re"dcd for' mony plo""ngl ,,"mllng. haying. hllrves llng. &.c! Hil faUled Willi a ",ne morcliunt th" VIWltlue 11"'"lll'lIU) IIIIilllll18 ill IUcir IIIKI\I)ti) It of a due con816t~ntf' ond bOll hOlf an feot deap" lo that the rllm, mstelld f>f dowLet it btl cold b~fore It Iii uded. iog off the •. urfuce delillond. thro tlte !lui I repute III ,tho cnplul of Anllll- 1,,,rrtehulJI III illJon lh plcwt\nl fOnlL\re 01 lhe , • to 1t • the rOPlf \'11 11 I \look 1:; Ull ltlU"', alld \vll l- \llld r It III InulilcuJn· , I; , :... t h us ma de preVlouiS blo vallie 10 the t!ludiJnI9f '(I~nCllllure. To IbMcm: W AJlTS.-Walh thorn witn +Trow deeper. and while the upper lurlar.e c,' 1'1118 '~r'<flli worl' Ibo Joh) t PfoductlDn oIJ:~::~~::J;~""f I .trODjl lIolution l f pearlaah. and lilt It IS dry; th" drought <loei nut re oil tile rootll Mell8urel are in progrPlI1I to ert!'et a IWU ot llie 1I10Yt lolCltlltl(l ngr\cllllUml dohol 't" ....... Boat..., dry 011 the wart.. If Ulle III done two or wlilch ute thus enabled Lo bYe longer Ulun mllgn(ficent ml)Oument, lit Mlldritl, to Cllris- of Ihu d"y" lha OIlQ 1I111lUIIl II" UII lIulhor put III no .I.,l',ar'~m :"{". If., "Itla tile' Jark. In the mo,nhtg bri!l'~t. three times, ilie wllrts will d aappl'lr. Illley otJl~rw 1S(l wou l d . " . tlJph-:,r " Columbu8. The preliminnry or- f~:!~~:~ ~~~~Id~l~i,~n. 'jJ~~I~h:r~ti thor!' bo IlIllb lIIarke~ A'IIay to our lUke with bOlOllt~ light; 1'1. Tobaccq 1/:1 II crop w:luch, (lontllhll rangement hillt at a coJulilfnl stutue, of JlrllCtiCnhll1l welills BClimuitu 1111>11 ._ Td .wee,p the Jiouse. Ikl ml1ke the ;br,e.II. To prevent the creakID&: or a door" l'\Ib much mlDeral mlltter. Suppose on acre to I twenty:feet lugh. und nf llgrowpe lIurrou.!fing 8 11)' IIIUY be rllhcd on ow Ihe l' till' FOR 1851. Or \h. cbeerrul morninr 'a ~le .eprelld. I bit o( IOIlP on the blDle.. fYleld 800 1bs•• these 800 1b1l. WIll conta.,1 1it. f9nning a blule of 40 reet in circlImft'rence reseurch. Itt81c<1 nnd 6U81UIIII,,1 by II. peculiar UIlO Ln· about 100 !Ls. of \Junerol ml1tter. which Is lThe Itatue to be lhe fine8t FlorelHine pi rilllCnt. The con lflllutiUll8 ~ CROJl.t: •• ' th'II/ way I bronze,l'In d Id ' reu·'d I~ II graDlte. . '' Ish Norlon nre chOlIl)' dU81J.:uod 10 I\dop~ siyes t,l,e , • e.arrlc d 0 a: ,by tI Ie crup, 1I11~,I 11\ tIe pe eita I01, ponlon 01 lho /,look hI 111l~ clluDlry, . . wn ~~ urf nlon~ (0 Ib.. IIlftjf plly. l[nJ-ling gaily lIillg- ' ,Arts. and SCl8nC8P, fho Itllld will Boon be exhaurltetl. III fnur Tho lowest estllllllte of the Columbul Ihull to JIlllko II nn Allglo. ;\menclIli work. S,V8uppOrinte'numg and dircet... ~ 81DIlan~",.at. work of ,pIIlY. _ yeono, GOO iii 8 of mmeral mlltter \vould be Ulonument is .£~O,OOO. rlug IV \1 8 I o!lors ull ~ho rlluly usellli Ilgtll\UIcmbll,ilhemelltll. '1'0 carr, lnw Por oor ...~ I pure u the mormng. corned oft Irom 1111 "cre 01 tobacno Ilmd. IlIrnl kllowlocl!l;o nll,rOijunt nJln'"llbl ll ll ~ ollbor lIIore tully then YIOWS on thlll POIIII, the Heilflo! the world ma) how Pruf. J\CIl~~IJ: Dud hi' Dbt;'oVCf'irl1!1'h It III the tluty 01 Ihe Carmar to 8un"ly the ~Girl8 never run awoy Crom yonr pO. clllllqry The work IS dIn Cll Illto four ~I o· I'roprultor6 hav6 t1.urtng Ihull$1 8oason Hon' ~r. , The ' frt li...t girle are In Oli:o. 'Ve learn that at the IIlt'etlllg 0 te l I 11 Fir' V,.J.' , pn rlln illS, dl ~llng llls hed by lho lour aeaa 118 ~'\MU£[. ARUIII. lIoll or-tho formor. an"iLhllll_ CambrIdge SCientific A ssociutlon laRt m: n rnl IIlUtt r, t IU!! especlB V eX~laI18ted, rents till vou ,,:e qui~ t!le young gentle- 191 tho Y'lIr, COIIl",HIlIlCill:': Wilh \V:lnwr. 0114 ~" Il rilij lllltrillsiaeliu an ~lIit 'On II 81)(1<:1.1 nilSC)ur hand. !it. Dear ..1 white II .now, cek Pror Agl11181Z announced ill another II Ite wl 8 he~ to SIl~tl1l11 the 8011. man you elope WIth clUII t IOt/pld to run n- \ PIO' Nllrtou's 1I0tuS WIll lie publis h d n1l 81'- aWII ~o t;urdpu, 10 secure Iur thlt;\ta~u:.r.lnll.olllo W. keep off thu tan by knolldlOgdough: t vonto tOj)IC of' the Unltv 6. 1'hero I1rt' certilin parts of eVI>ry por· way from YOII ,ThiS ..<lvire ip worth a penll;lI.lo euch parI 'Phe linil Ilhlll)lt'r 1I0lttii of thu chUlc~tllru~ucol ialUI)1 tIl LlJudon and Of rouge or of .tarcb we don't approve, efctu, re,oll I u tl t i t " tiltn 01 every I1l1lmol removed eve~y tlllY I veur'~ subscrlptionl but we give It graus. 01 Ihe tollo\\ Ihf£ 811ltlll I" IIlltl~ r Ihe h"nu 0 1 on Ilie , C4I\III1Wll J)~lrIng the year 11 S!\) , litr B k 0 t 10 lumlln ,a Ie WBS prollecu - I d l ty (new ater I I ' It J INITIATION J ollll S url.HI ),1lIlijtl r propUSDS I" ~19 '1 Europo ut Wfl paipt 0\1r cbeeh o'er a coo 109 1\18 resparches, whl oh 1111' II qUHl.I1l I ,0 I III I I,a P,du ,111 8/ GEftilfA~S J!f CIIICI .... ATr.-A. lUI ftVI_ 1'1 thl! h 'ilt oflho xL II lit; Mutl; tl for nC1)1I11- tll carry Ihw (111) p ltll\~ Illruully projoctotl. lind 0 .tove. . " OI~Ur.• VI~rv UpOl1 the question - pace. euac tIC 1I1II1Il~ S lQU IIIve It ~ IIIUUJllg ' I I\JlU\\ I • gu 0 I ,u-rncll on 1 1J.'u !!I· 1 Jllllile "til l 11101h" 0 6nulldud engllglll~l 1'110 , ~, i G ermllll ,,,.POPII I ntlon> 0 f C· .J h r n I n \)"Illvell 11111: aal Iy,.mg. tbey IIrl'. or to what OOnChlli lOnS CUIISll1nt I'Upp Iy, III order tl~lIt IhJ " dal Iy cl ence 0 f '10 , 1\1- !lundry 0 ,\ 1110' /))lhouII108 lu be llllllvUlI1 roll IJ"~IJC I I nr~ O',~ cijU arrallgonlollu I I they mllY lead, wo do nut know-Ilor III\\'e wllste mlly btl mllde lip. An nnll1\f11 rl1- clnnllll.lt II! sttlted thut rorty thllu80 Utld let- lit iellrlllllg l'rn cl lUll I HlI sl,untlry ulIII (lll thol' r ,':' 'II~"' lU I n~. \ W. ean ply lbe Dftdle, or turn a W lee, wo the leost sollcllude Jespcctill" tha mat- qUires, to 8W.tlllri Its bo~y .in good ('oudl- ters nre rl,'celved !I 11r1nu lly lit the Pust Or- t i\l 111111 al \lvoruollling 1huIII 0 11 tho olllllr 'lIl 1 1 hu IICl~ rII~t 1!:!"~eIl15hn~enI8 no~r, prephtlllg qe' u" a dlnnf'r or donce a reelI .. d I' \Inn or to supply what I~ culled llito snt! 1i • I I h J I I , k lni\~ ol lorllliug UII tho Pe rf:l'~lIij nmulr()d lu Dr ts llllalll 6 IIg ,ZIIl O ure 01 n o;uarl1CICf ,tit \Vorlifea IIJ tbe moming.ludie. ot night. ter. Prof. A, hilS a "g It to utan liS Y ' nd b ~. I ~ f - Ice ID llilt c'lty. rom uermllny, unt lie GonlhlClllud I!:K\>IlUIC lila I.. bor of Ihll 1!'lIrtll tonec su i mgly liuuulllul a'ltl 110..'01 111 add I¥el alw.,. cbeerful IDd polite. etudlCIl 118 for olld I1S correctly \ 118 ho Will, tnlOlIlg o~ 'da lout o;e- IX\lct II paf t 0 Its I a'monnt of posta:e colleuted 011 them III 0 11 th brunch '8 of 8CIUII\lO IUO~1 (Il'lIhcublo ~ lIul\ III lhu rich nnll carDllll ly ollgrtl~'ud Mezzo'1 I and no friend 01 Revelution undar Ullnl'C- own welg It III y. f you WI8 1 to IIIcreas!! SU 003 p..gtlcullur On lh In stiLulIOIIS 01 a::Uucullvn 111111) ~ I u~l plU IU8 01 ;\Ir Jql)ll i:lllrlQIIl, DlIII)' of BiDl1ll' y •• n~. • u I1pprehonslUns that those rcsult!! clln it:! IIlze. or enl1ble It t<l work, YOll must belli SIll Iud II' Al:rtcul\lJrl,1 :;iClUIICC UII the which will bel Ii .om OIl~1II1\1 Po\tlllngll by Ill .. eil~ ry , i I I ' I 'kl v gIve mClre. If you feed for Imlllh, tWice -E"II~ III\OUUlJlg lho 1I(,lti I; t of ~IIlId owners 1111 11 hrlll ar" ~ts ul j~u rOI)O nnd i\U\ ~ncu , Ih ~ro Will WhClae',r w. meet the Ihfrl!lrlng puor mlhtllte lIJ:a IIl1t t Ie lrut I \\ e 11 reat y 10, the uanLity OO-Llulie lO let no rum 8ccnte 1 brea'h /lI h"r~ 10 Illnrll I' fJlO llcul Agucnh,\rg n ob- bu uV I/, Lc~I.!~ II\lg . ~oBicll of sulJjeclS illullt~1I111: W. can f(eel, ,ive-"e con work ought to rUlae a note of remonstrance or q. , . I , ~Clnll'~ Ihl) de lllll s Ihld rccurulII g Ihe lacts 0' tho LIII, 01 It"11 Oil' 01 thu'illo r, cUIIll,t11l1ll\ til morei cellsure. woo you. If your benu Iii Illro'ldy weddcd I , ,,, /1 IIIg I,y Lho A~llcllhurnl SlullclIl I the ~alli d 1)IClUrU~ , hll ltJII~ "Z"'U "til,"Iso be For wen WA kilO"·. the generou. part On tho contrl1rv the wnrmest pncourll{!eto the wIne cup or tbe beer !illrrel he cnn.! 'L'~R"S <;IP HIE \VnRK-. 'I'hu !\mcllcnn ed1llon' nticllt."l lJy 1\ 11l'/II~lIr of I 1\J11lI." UlUd Prnll8, .. ••I I I~ ... • , / 11 I ' I 01 I '" I I ~ I II' ruullctld by Ihe U'11II1ul Art 0 1 1-illolllO 1"11111lIakn tbe freea Itep! and tblj IIgI,t"I' heart. mentd ID 1110'1 cxp utl1llQII8 S wU cu ...o -no\ be true 1111 a hUl!hulI~ or Il safe Ollt'. le{ II,~. t Ilt~,"\ I,crd w lill. , IS "I ,f Ot y lil~ II U Ill" \\ tile WI!) a,ld "r'lIlly lIJ llJe ~ 1)l cllllllt 01 b b , T I h I 1 tl d b \VI u O p".,. I ~ , In 1<011 II' III 0111 1 Y IIUIII rij 0f I PIH\1C1i to , pU"linlt. Irom t lose \\ 0 ove tu I, Oil 0 UlYe 1 he Dead AU" c. T ..ll hlln he con't come ill; or. II~ tho boy iii (l1I"C \\lIb nb E ' IJ~ h 811,0 1 un'ruvln 111 1 th u \\ O,k . 111 Illd Ilr Plallch w,c huve , Gud til be Ihe lIuthor of al It. \VharRobert Shean. 01 Bulier countv, 0, Id to the mol S~(,9 <) t I I Cllch ~lI~nltor "I whi~& IllIlrll "III hI: IILUI?t "~ llolloe u ~r~lIg"lII JH'I " lul thu hOIl 001 Ii DumOur he~ a", gentle. true. Ind kind. ('ver truth leads, It Is the dllty 01 the bchol- \Vall 011 board of the Alllhony 'V uy 110 BO , J e II n rUII . III all. l'rtC6!!" <.i1!~"r3 pcr number, Or $EI ll~ d ~', 01 111l1lkrort, t> 'lIillIOY, wl ,e) uru ptfpnrThou,b DOt for tbl' olt1 waJ' refinedIIr, nit w,,\1 011 of the CltrlstlUu. to It lIuw, when "ho blew up 011 L'lke .ErJe,lust April udv,uII~ Iur ~III) ~~ n'"l/bers I f ~I:I~b~~I~;:~II~:~~I:~r~O ,'~~"I~':1 Ih:lI ~~~!l .~:~~!~n~ W. kDOW a'PonkClr, 100, rruqI a man. nlld wo ITJUY be cettlnn that IIny dlscrflp.m- All!!r the CXpIU;;IOII, a bo,ly \VUII fU~ntllln- 1 A s the hc!\t pnrt or beauty 18 that which CLonBlNQ-llmJo !:0I'IP8 \\111 he ~Ollt 10 ltl~llazlll\! "'Ihcr III tta "OUllt~~ Of .EIaIOI\c. It And catcb us. loatu. If rOil CCIft. olell "hich roilY 'uppear to lise lIel\\ cen 8werlllff IIIIl description. lIud burie'd UII hi:! nll ph: lire onn eXpreljB 110 the be!'t part of j (I ll IId,lreliB ISor ~!2'1 Ii,lur ~,oJ lms Ibr $1!1, flv\! , Ii uli ll ,1Jll • I It S'c It:lOlJij , IIl1d "'III 01 i1aelr do -ilr, lilll!' S " d • CIII" O& lor 6; 1 v l\lol l III n 51 (' II en "Itl ho wUrlh us \1 Ii u Iia SiDr .'!. w hot III d',8covereu.1 un d \\ IIU t III III reulI Y lit UII u~kv IIlIi Irlellucl erecte II mOIl- the poet III thllt wbillh nd wordol hllv" ftllll\le,llllRLfl'I' to l'ubll lihcr •• ulIlI lIuNhr \I.b . )' UIIt II hI IIr I",' "" o.f a VuIullI e. -.___..........~_.:-_ n. are only In .ppe.urnnce, oud IIrc unl,lIlt to hlol mpmor.y. Judge of tllIlIr lIur- told nil IllS I:l 111 LillO IIml Slljll't ~ e!I~lavlllg IhQ bighelllllllApple. ·.. FoM df.tilleil to VUUII:lIl bafore the light of 0 I'rlse when ubuut two weekil sllllee. the . 'l'llc work enli bo e nlin IIUlIllI,)r8 lit ponod~r ~e~uri'd. ~ () n!l8 ur~ Ib" palr:t18 of .R:a I : .... P ." or H' ll 11' learer inve8tlglltiOIl. It \VI\I be tlma tu actual Robert I:iIlCllll made IllS aPPE!8r11Uce, 1 lunl rnws 01 1I0$1 0g(l, lind 1111111 r mitlollccs IIgU~1I1O .~' 1 10 par CCllultt"IJllay (lX' ,a I&l" a.. .Jnli ,..... npte.o 0 owe. I• h C s.· I • d J Indulging in dangl'roull DlellSurel! III like IIIl1y be IIIl1du Ilt tho J , ~I( 011ho I"JlJlash rs. III ~Itl~ ulllmr\rllenl, w o It~u ullI)' .\alo lie.• miute .,me ~ltJl'!rlmeD" In (eeding exc a.. m ngolDst ternan 0 IIcnce \\ ICII , n 11\ mg. movlIIg Uelng. but uvere with • , '. 1 AU /llN'l'::l W AN TED--l-lI ' rlil COlllmis. C~I "\lr.tl)d t;nor,aYur, HlldlJlJ, flu en. ,.., with applet!. compared with pot:atoe.. hll dlsco.verles oro (oulllI to be trreconctlu- l ours. • ~ IIckmg hont'y rrolll u kltlfo ollli ('uttlulllhe mUrls WIll be IIl/owoll to good cnnvns illg ~nllc.t to u (fout!!11 ntllliter ot aupmb e\lbJccl1i Bot!! \he apple. and ~tlltQflIl were boiled, ~Io with Rcvela~ion. It appears thut when the AnthollY tongue \\ Ilh Ihe edge. "~!lJlts BQo~I!tJ) Jur IInu Punvdicai J)vuiore u~e8~~I.l~::J'b~:I~fylor 'l'j!8.;~~~~I':e~ ':,~f.IO I~~ or ncber .tew~ lepar.~oly and about Dur Prof. Agl1S81Z ought to' rememher , WilY nl.' blew up, he IVns lIeverely 8caldt!d. 1 \I ~,~ 81111I'h~l~ °P l~~ortili,l()rnI8. er 6111ftlIJlt IlI'li.f8 df bOlh hemIifpherQ8 'fi l?fJti8 four ~.uarte of oat all pea me~1 mixed wllb thut bc 18 m\)t'o ellteemed IIi! a nUllIrul!st but cllngmg to u piece 01 the \V eck, he dn' 9~rt ~:I~I)I(II:t'II'~ 11!111l~IIllln88.hould be ad- I.. buro ",ill oolluuiie to ndorn l'llt work '"IId 011 •..dl ,bUlb.1 .t the tilne the c:ookmg Will than us a Biblical scholar. 'Ve nre very , floated ullon thl! L llke IIlIt11 he WillS tukCll No donQmmatlon of mon~y @maller Ihlln ," L ISCU l"L' !l. CO P 1h~1 en I,.hcu' lta vIIIlie, mllst allhrd III/lfilllullt a8Kurllhco ""leheC!· melll6elnll ultImately IOcor- Willing to SIt III hili feet when he r('vel1l~ UJl by a ve~sellilld cn;rletl to DetrUlt. HI' onedullar i8 usecl ill Ol1lirornil1. 2712w 19 f'~holl ~I .. N\;iW IYO;k. ~I Ih IIUtCrl.loln,t! ollltlh~ ,¥!l'P'.! llor~ ..tb IrllllUl1r It -I• " .~ 0 or nature and opens tho re tills J ' t t ull~llrv IJ , 0 11\ III 11I':'!lSlJu r.nd avo 8kuIChllil 0 nil, ap. porateu i • tbe potl\oca and "pplel while .. ,e \lrel\lI " alU un der me dICII 1 trentll,ent I1t D ~ tr Ill, ( l, rUCIUlinlr / Jlupll\1 .i'otlrlll'" of Iblr were bot. and 'he mllll lell to (er- of billlel1rlllng and dlscovel1 In the field , fur, a 10llg wlllh~. but bnvlIIg ot len!{,th re- I 'Be-ware,' as thl" pottcr said to tbe lump BLAOKWOOD'S MAGAZINE alril1,,~ul~hM l!ldlvlJulIlR, till/l-vi\!W8 01 plnc. lDot aUlbUl before it WDI fed to the !,iars where ho Iii at home. BUL the IIltempt tu ('lo vor.ed he repaired to SandUSKY '-'lIy f I ,UD'I'II& rallll",ruu rllnlllrkllhlo allll illlorUllung lIy tit Ir Two D _ the alUlle litter ~ I Ilea; nJlnale frolll the Bible un nrgument tu In ·exllI~lmnCl' the gruve y"rt\8, With II view 10 (1 I1Y· BRl'rl~n QU'.-\u·I· ... llLy RRVIF.'Y!!I. ,IlIS\lCl UII\ln \\hh ~Illllll~ lind worlh. Villi u. tl • a.n a hypOlht'1I11t uf nnturl1l hlslory III • '" I " ,I I }, I Premiums to New Subacl'1,l>ersl hllrt:lolllralllrlll III IlIt lrUIlUVU l' aIUrl/• .. .,r~tiCIIllle. of Ie "I me WClght, were H • of us('(>rtulIlIlIg W 10011 Uoar4 tie .qt lOlly "T' Ii I ' Ie' I 'iI h h O'<Yi~li \0 11'1' IAI\\ r"v"l\llt,)tJ~ 11110 WUlller- I:lc~I4i~ II) tlttl aud d Sa taliell· one ....... leCI lor a week 0.11 a glVe~ ulI ,cholarly und dangerous. I~ exc- I Wuvne !llld pcrltlhed, he relld the inscl'ipIii Ii ~e. 08 t I glT IIRI . W 81} er ' reYlllu lllllhllllllOllg 'the nallOtlft bI h'uNJIe • • .,..atit)' of Ihe cooked potatoea per doy, . WI I com~land no rCllpect wb~te\ler. tlOIl 011 tbll monument, wlucll hl8 fnend~ '.JSI1U told ller .. he hnd beautiful red hair. wl""h haY" tullow..d ,;lIcb oilIer III lIuoh qUJC~ ":rA~: ...d tbe othe" on tbe nm& quantit, of Iii 1I00~ ot 1118 con?arn wbether h!" dl - had erected to bIll memory. Hlil IsuT(lrldo lIUCOOilSIOlI, and ol'whu;h "lh6ll1l11 ." nlll yel.' · MlIss Ie.. AI the end of eUc~ week the cover.le8 III lIuturul hliltory; IIccord \\ Itll the ~J1011 reudln~ It, 'V1i8 nd grellt ad thl'lN WIll 'Well it's no U8e tplkmg.' ae &lIe boy ~~o~~:'~~:'~o~:l~~w~~ d~g~~':: i~~~I::~~ :11~h~ rll.· ulc • .111 were wel"hed and ilie load wa. Dible or nol;b thnt q 1j1U!lIlJOl) lOrn. He IIlIlIIcdlutelyf re- sal'd t0 I'1111 dOil r..l"Udd y. ortu UllkllOWII ",.'h~ t'O"UrJY a 111111'lU1'1".,. •"r"lln are, linal!coOl ~ .., tt 18ble to de ' de\\IllIC1, N mY••- l..to ser. him 'rO ' ~ ~ uj lal 1111dU.e pig lA,I,wllli)h pol\ltoe. hail 1lJ ,men lire C er. II CI ",rn to hi,; frlen!llll fur Ihe purpose 0 asb '\Weell tbo ha~ty, lllJI)lJItI.;(J, IIOa. 1I0l)Ud.arll, I lJlu~tra"a. feel on applell. lIlId,tbe one bild E1;ang. • III1r1ng \h~ m thut he \'Y0" Ilill aDlC)ng the ._ lm\lorlecl rcconJ" 01 Ihe ""w.:"I'lIplll>l, alld the 0' dltlurullt nceind Ipplell. Will 'ed for the nt'xt week llvinlT. Ordf!re \Voro proljlptly dlll'llatched 'Halloa Jim. wllllt time i", itl' elllb1)rBI6 alld vonll rull ~ IrealJilOlI to' be lurni~h• \' ft I lfVElI T 10If -"A cnrl'e Jlon - to S" " 1(Y. CIIV, tu I111\0 tlIe mUIIQment ,'lien mml · .. lho ''''llu,,1ior~,lh 1l nl rtllor a futllre ti~,,. ~ prOl't1 Th" oa JKltatoes. 'fh is !loUl'lIe Will COl)tlllueU I.\iEIIIAJ\KAllLE '!' Qllutl .. ut ell IIII If p~s t :10 d on tJ Ie run. oJ Ambyncnll.PlIbll~h ,tlcolIIll tIlro ",eral weeki. &be food or eDch PIg dent 01 tJII,~ N. Y. 'l'tihuno, wrltln~ (rum removcd Irom lu s suJlPoRed grllvl'. -10 cnll reoewj d utllJltllUIl 10 Ihu~e I'oraudlc.i., ltein, changed eve.., week. The relult \Yu~"ester. Aln8s .• BUY" thllt tbcr~ It! a U1U, Physicl!ln'lI foulta ore covered wltb earlh alld lhe vHry ow prJ ~ .I willch lht y ar Ir~rwu thtl' the apple. "roved "tu (0 Ch)llist..1II UJIIt pilice who hIlS IUv8.uteJ a A (.,eek Bu-blUld. d' cd tu.8ub&cnbcrs Tit" lul\owJIIIt '" llllllr lu~. iWl h~!: I h machluB whereby be C\lll throw III any r I called yel1t~rdny 011 (I (,treek llldy, ana }on rlcb men II With money. VI~ • ~ ..J.~::::' a:i1s:~rpl!!ot;e moetl qUl1btltyof plnd, j~ mu~, 111\ heudCt I1nd on her JUlnentlllg that she fHrd ,lot hoen' out • - ,:~;n~ ~mwru~t~~1l~~~J{V: REVIEW. of ·tl.flull\· ltfnf.tutno Iweet. and they. III wer. u the potu.tue~ JkJlntll. alld lill,e them Clime out not. only ~ of her hOltlll! fur B \~eek, beCltU8Q ,!her husDenlh and the 8un have thld ill oommon "Il l!! Olt'l'U BJ .ll'l.:)flllliVlE W , M.g:~:~I~l~~~II~!~~'~"I~~;i WeN Dearl, In a ripe atate. peffectly .t~lIigh\.l'lIed. but Itctunlly -pupt.'{- I bUI)d llud bcen tou !illlch engllged to wlllk - lew con g~ze at diem steadily. l'ln: \va.:;\S:l·" ltJ. ::>'l'l!:'1 RBVJl::W,' anti (111 1:<8 01 r en, llo~ 1I11l11er and .100 .' On anotftClr oeculon IIr 'V experi- ad. three \Yldlhll of pdper Ilt ttie tl~ne With J with her, Ileggt'd Iier til occom)lDI1.y Ole In Bf,ACKWOOJJ'::; EUlNUUIWH ..\fAll ~, \ til Lu ~ 1111 r live OollnrM F-,c--'--....:.".- - --""' meu"d 'Wltb .w~et, co~par;ro '~ith IIpthing remlling to be :dol\a ('Ul fuld>o)l th"}' accountry rumlne. \ ..... , Water ,is the Ilqtlor \Vlnc lOur Heavenly ~~lN B, A.I I JU}ltJ t:)Allltl'I'IA,lNI I&' ,po. ','M,Y hUilbllllcl Will 1I0t lulow mla to do II t lese potl""ltln Il Me COlllllllted the "lOWS ' Fh Ilt It P I ta...:t ,Dp"I, iJi ..aln·o"· -aYI. HA~ liopud tllat puper!! of PUltl, jill! rea.llly fUT sale! He hUB a1': '. .. b S cyl Ilell. 10, 8 ' f' ather brcwlI for 1IIIIIId clllidren. rtlodcro llll y. II lllgruoq'arlll' ug10 elonrl y nnd l UUlly oJl I'rotl¥ • "'£ "" , wben \bey were.... f~ row to... .wine the a I110 lIIventeIi 11 mool lineI \Y lere y Ie I rep Iei:l • \Ill, of lito Ihrou ~II £ngll\l.ld-'- l'ory AB'I'IlUlt'ij 1.0... vA Z til'......... aweet applel were pre(enble" the, ani~lIls halJ.lmered out witll trIp , i'No." Jnt~rruptcd the aO\loblc. man, "I Wlit,:t IIIId RtUlli!IlI-" M1nckw\JUtlll ulld tll '[Itll: IIU\)~CrJ~'l hllVIl comlll(mciJiI lhe ¥Ilbh. better 1...:: the .01,1- npplell ,a "rent 1I01l1l.r or Illbor- Il811.l'f re.rmlt her to ~\lJuy ony 1~lensd ure "Youn'" man.w\1l Y9u he gooll enou ..h '(.'Londl.ln ~\lnr lC~ly " IIr.. fl1ry; Ihc·'Edlllllllrl(" Illl!tOU III II ow Wil }tty 1I 0 1111f or ' an II ate t "1~e'" ... • IIIJ ,. .. J nln bu~le a ItoI .. ,>e VI UW 1\ WI ug. nlll,I Ih I I~V ~" e ·hRI·r >nl.'h lOre ..... ' bcn out, of.. lbe bur IIlId perJect1y wlllc.h CUIIJl.Ut allure tell" Mr Junea tll .. t a gentlelnnn Wlllilea • tl~I(JlIIJ• fef. "''''''0,," <10: , wltli 1 f the '1' uhovuAhd ~ . t b under ' I IIhu IlIIIJrIl to m... '''' ""... ulh ~ d ~ I I Lc I .. Ltberal Thu "NOfUJ 8r1 llsh Ke'V I'lw " O~ • " nU t> o . 111'11 n, w 10 w I COJlllllnt wer. cooked ...d m;~ed with meal in operutlon. Ilxcept turninll the j dllY 10 proVJ lUg ur ler corn ort. t 101' to aee him." lUI e8I1lb li~ hm~nIlO lhldUll~ ~mal coolesin8l1ce! raW \tpoll II nil, ur n ~arl)' oll, (II lUll ... lbuY. dncribedr there wa. no olle; t1,e bJudo of Ihe 8tlly ot hUllle. Why IIhoulill!ha ellJuy the "Yea lilr." movelllcut \0 ~ lltJl,d, anu I nOI 1I11r~ 111 It). iterrJrY lu\)ors. TlLu d llt!l~11 uf thiS I"'~r \:j eD:' in the 'Jrato produced lin in ul1 eJlle be coanp!f.',ely rel1dy fresh ~Jr, while am shut lip ..Ill 11 lllulo lOW 11 'h d • I 1 What VIuW8 on (IDy ollo 01 Iho grllnd tl.e"arttll~nl:f 01 ,:l:~lr ,:~~r'~~~~i.!'~~I111~ 1~111~V:~t'~~u ,~: It~:~~ ~otDtllJ b[ ••ch. It IIhoulJ be grlDl.hn". "Tho In~ellt- c9ullllng-house1 , t: iY o~ Jt yo~,~o t len tb~h"~~~~~ftnd n-::' a~~~'I::~:.r" II~:~~dco~~Lu,~~ «1Ic1u. a I.olI/wliold o\olo'ilall 0 11 11 pl llMilnl hrvJjow".r. that alf ,be apple. used were veltri in brlllglOg 1t to MlrubJl.ll ar~ you ur ng 11 IIUY ! ed DY hili .ol~.an.lllw, J.)r 111)1)0, IIII~I/CI I~I~I' 1(10 IrJ~ml, WIUI0j:l to Jl!I \l tl li 0 cheerll,ll clllln-Iatable kiDds; nearl. ripe·. lind tbat un. JI will eaSily be Ilnnetinedl then .hot ·YlIU til1ld a gentleman wunted to lIe~ with bar ~aYld Dr Wtttlll' II!!. Itt<lrary elum,(' Illilleo. l,lIl1 sc ktllg. \\ hll !LlllIl'.... ," III~rnlC)· r~ .. I' h I \P' lih h I I '1'1' W 1(111 , II.) 1<1I \('rtl,iu "\III IIltt r!;1f1 aU cllleA~~ of "pe, anti iU..ftnored applel are known t9 8 _ t ' TI D I F , 'Mltabeou 1\ h" wu!! gilte~ \Vltll brllllunt 11m, were III Ie. ler 1811 • VI'ry II:' 8t on ur. ..'Il·t\ 081 ~lI d.orll Icll\\l\11;I JCIIII/urn 01 IU'! 'Hum.. be leu• relisbedI~ b. llock a. well 118 les8 TI.AJI AltO !lE~- Ie elro t ", ree t 1 • I ties culuvuted al\d IJoilll!hed by "Here you boob,,· baint yer got no n,"flster.- Il>Utl h tI " III"11I1Il.l) und!!r lilt II COl' IIIZUIII, Will IJol 0 "ulllJ~ 01 Orlll\lll.1 NlIveJlllllc, " PteM JJ(),iws· Iteam enCl'IIIC the IlIven~ ra ura lJua I .. " y, ill PU1;>l18hoo III £II{& 11IIu undi'r the ulle 0 cu , \VI II 1 " I 'f'" W " ld f tI" t ' t th edncution-o mall, mureover. who had I!een hies!" the "jlbn:l¥1I QuartllrJy I\lId Wo.;I1I11118I1lr," 'Y 11.o "",lIor 10 WI urlll. I IIf'nlll lour or Dutriuve. It" probable. illp.o, then when t' I te Ii ;' ·d Ion 0 4...r. 1 er . o III CI y. In 0 I· I h Id Ii I d b d ~.. I' I I> rive 0' Ihuse plcture~ of dOlllt:;luc lJle. wrlnCII eour app •• are ea n raw,.n ,n CODSI - ... • f "'h l . h f _ II\IUC I 01 t e wor i nn III een .engage EXIt whIte Jllcktlt in great aurprile. • ~lIIg \II InQt" union 0 t 10 twO • YleW" lUII I ,~ I I Iii 'J" '8 erable '1uantlUel, the ammal may tak. i,.~ "onatruC,lon 0 .. IC I, muc savmg 0 ':11t n seversl strAnge alld p'IlrIlt;)UIl 6clventurel , Incrl), l1ubiallhod nnu rOl'rlllled under lteplll'lIlI III I II u~8t 'It)' u, or eVllry YO 1110. Ie ollie • d'i In"st co~plcuuas poll' 10 tllIl Cornll mDY be rt1moll~d by slmp'y wl1lk- mloa J t has. dloruforc. Iho adYOf\llVe by 1I1l! }UZlltlU"\ wl~,I, bOh Iho .org8n 01100 Ilor.y °he' IICCI • to tile .wmach too I.r.... An amount oC pense lI!)d an t'inullunl degree of IIlIlIpllcltl d .,- -' , ..re It haa no conntlblloll Tod. -occuple , Ill . " h h ' ' cOlllllulalioll, 01 uoillng III one wor" ~Il bo.sl W i t " " I \;i I\JlIHlllunttl0 any III t 8111' .~'" ~bl..,.. may Ttehll. to • de!allge thlea dbI· ., or elCcentric rod lind th~ Iuclety. many 01 tho cOlJlbPonelnt mO,ludbe", 109 \lwilY wldt ~ em. 'lb o ,~Jlllke t~~ cure IQBIUre8 of bu~.1 &.& horu[oforu iSl!ued. dilY. B~t II WIll fli! IluU" actvooalO Iho .~ ..._.e orpll8. Ii q b~eclioD wou e f. t ty e'.... whl'reuf soemed' to huve are y relic Ie t be perWllncDt. UD t come aCa> )'oursel.. 'I'he nboyo .-otlolhcal, aro roprintOd an Ne. 81)d IIOOk. by t!vcry IIIU811". \0 widen tbe Chie8J obyillted tiy cooking. and tbe .ac0 ~ com a lV 1 greu"", pow- first degrees ID tho lJeale of clVll\zlItion. York. 100medltllo'yq;m then arnvaU by fhe Ibtl. of hunlan bap&U1~.. HClhOltly "III the .ariae fermentailo\l by Which the pulp when octmg upob the ordinary ,'IIHIS vigorotia rrume' hill ellorinOus head ContentmeDt brin,. a lIulaee to aU who Ish il\Calllerll.1II11 bOlmutul c1bar,tYI"', Oil t1o .. r.~!l!rr::~!!..t.b~r'tl~o ';Dkel~efib::c.~~II:i',,~~o~~ I_L _ b f 1 'd' d b j aUle. rr~C. Prea8 suys: , " I I' I d if • white I'II(1Or. aud drs I~thtlll coplell at tbe oU,,· ..., , I muo 0 tlacl an Boomell neart The IItelim islet illto a small c tiDder auanlt'nted In bulk by 0 o.y Irlt.E e COl - aDJoy I,. mall/ lJlockwoOll'1I MlIgllzano boln, an ex Ullin. iJol.1II IIolOK Ih.. , he ",III avuid unn\?· . ~t. It doea Dot appear rrum any ana which t'nclo ..ell ohu (,lid of the "haf. pas- Jurr,; hIlt huge race. indented WIth ,~curol uud '''n osplran> ror a country oID b rI 8- hlc·stmlle of the Edlll\)ur&:h cqjuon. clI1HIary bl\rlllmCIIB and caulkl_ (ttlUIICC. oud , .... &b., the amount or actual nourishI 1 h I r d 'I I / Iurrowetl WIth seumll, truro tho efiecls of ~ I • I' Ice, 1'111. 0 TEn~ls. eop 1118 JOUrllo.l frlle (rolll 81all\ 01 woul1dlJl~ men, iii muc6 are_tef in Iweet tban in 8" tIro t 10. alt to. tIe cy 11\ ~r w II C I smol/-I"IIX h'Judldlously treated 11\ 1118 clul- keu W lilt bll puhtlcul prlUel~lell were 141,- For IIny 011(1 of lite rour nC~ICW', 59,00 per "n "crsollllluy. HII Will o\JPO$ll Whar IlI 'olBO lin, ap'p1es. 'Bee tb; ~omparlllOai of tlte forms the IIrm the cylinder t!!volv,ng, With dren lu8 lere lll r eyeiJ. the rt f,ection 01 the llUUllced hili platlorm HlUoi'1 urn. 81r III lllr ony IWO, do I 5.UO ,I VII, ILl', olle 01 IllS \lUClal dIme.. : but while duo tl. of:u.~ &ox\)ury Ru.eett and rlllmiln the !lhl1ft. Here we hl1ve the NI!ole of Iho , tumJltuo~ii U,,;IIIU8 ' lit WUT \vlt Uun him' luVUJ' 01 the Dllxt "ur-oppolleil to tha, l:or 01,1 lhreo l (10 7,00 :~fu'irJ :::!il c::,dr~~~ii>~\:'~f:~e~(:w:.ag~'l~:ijor::: SwHt'n ) .team engine, We hllve fleen It muklllg h' I IP ' dl ' utt'd t • cbolerajlll luvllr uf hIgh 1I11111fles-oppudcd Fl.lr "II 'our ollhe RO'YI"W8, B,IIO IIZt:tlC' ~'11 be,elqgbn,ly "Ii ol\ld, Oil HUll while Mr I~. • d Ii . -, Its revolutill/lll 80 ropidly thnt notlllllg III muut I W lU~e e~pTl'SIlIOn 11\ CI • b'n urn tu Ullcureut luude IlIlUI'UU~ bru'lldy. For Biackwood'il Mnllll~lIIe. 3,00 ,'upllr, wllh Il\rge oleo.r.lacCd !y~e, tlUIt IlIl1y be • angslA practllt' attenlllg IWID.e oOllld br. seen of the nillton roo nnd wulllil Iruny, dl8~lIll1 r lIIu'glJl.ltlon. 0111 enevotill Black wOOd l\IId If,ree It \,16WII, 9,00 " ..... d by yuung lind old, wIthout II!JUry 10 tile ror Rverl'!l yearl. OD food cQmposed prlncl- I eben t perfe I', los8 to hnve told ence; IllS drelKl, IIlwuyll cllfofully attended ot 11 1'1-/ lI't 'd' 00 m I !:or B1l1ck wood !llld Ihu 41l n 6WlI, '0,00 ,\ ' 'Y"!. ~ I or applel. The allimals ottalned laveD II C tu but III un c!I.!Ijterlltl!d style givmg 111m v lID III ~vasliial p r unl I 1'1I)'IUtllllS IQ IK J(>",lc II, nil CltslI",lul1flnnc8. Ter .... of ttie PRl1er. In all C~e8 in wel'""'ta .nd tbe r.:rk was olid alld where tile propelhng ppwer W4t. I II' jl' n t II 11', I I t tolled Ilight aud duV uutl De Willi limy to g~t El.lElU I UAIS Advance, 50' I' I ~ " SOlnclV 1U 101lir r ve 1113' C lur 11 un 11,11 WlIulth. uu" hu hilt! been WlltlJhlllll It ConsllIllIIg of ~noli vvlUllltti oj Ule 101l0wIDI!' 0 II U .2 00 o f exee 11ent qua Ity. n ot ler IOstance8, W 4T~JL'1'1lOO! CLO'I!I1.-Tbe best wo- derkell out With embrOidery, lurgo rrtll, nnd ever 81l1CU 'ur 1118 VlctUIlIt. uod eluthed. vuJllllbltl wOlk-. ~17. 'l'~~IJ~o~J\)~:! a !l 01" 500 we have kPlllJpapple" fed raw to, ler-proot cloth mode. II! thut of Iud'u Rub- , rufTIes; In I!llurt' 111Ii1 extrllordlllary-looklOg ' ~lky'.lfluaJlan!l. "1:t 1, .. 10 00 .cow., .ad other Ituck thro the WII)te~, ber; uo OIlier cloth call equal ill 011 cloth IlndlvllIual a8wDlshcd the (,()untry-folkll eSum wlllll1.. kcd wbat hc thought of the T/~ 1it!lropoiitian AI(J!lcuin•• 1'. n " Hi 00 'whit much advantage. For UIID&, In tllIl cpmes nt-xt 1Il order. Woolen lind cottoll l veIl belore ho op t'lled hId mouth. But elllocl!! 01 hot lInkd 011 lhe " litem I Bhu;/,IIIOqd'. MaiaRtn~ Fourjcen" 20 00 way BWeQt apple, would proba~ly be bc~t. c1u\h Ulay bl! renderQII nellrly water-prQof , l\vhan his sonorUn!! voice WI18 he~rdlllnd tlld 'U-t urlnk,., tilr,' "lull he, ~artl blld,...-decikJJtJon QU4rkr1!l ~. 18 ~~~~,r:~ ~~~~O o:OI~:lC.;,.fft"bu°r':~:I~~!'1 :I':~: and tbev IIhuuld lie '1lcb al Will keep till by IhPPIllt,:' th~m ID a /Iolutlon ul ilium und ImnglMtil'lI, hented by, 80llle mterp.tlllg dedly bal!. 'l'lll1 utld tluflce, 81r, uru burtltll. Edlnburglt, l&vlt;W. i"'6UII1I8wr, or otin,r P.Ilrl!OlI. who mokCII Up lho aprin,. Tbey may ~e lt4re4 an a eel tho lIulphllte of copper--blue vitnol - l lIubJec~ 01 conve r'lIllioll, Imparted (I blgh de- AmI e\'en hot phllch-I\ he n very bot~I Ji'ortlgn Qtwrt8fly lbvit;W. ~lllb. Olle CUllY ot "lifillf GUdcy'Y Loti)'·. Hook. \inder tbe bam,~, 10 tile bottom of the T,hose two lublltances shuuld be usad In greo 01 energy til hIS ellll)lll!nct-, 80me 01 I!UppUSIl 10 l'II'Jurl"uw " JVulmill'~ 111:lJl8w. t;rnhoJII'" MlIg~lIll1tl. or ::<attuin's In8'81I11", h .J IDOW-'& P",per PIaco bavlng ' " e.tn Ie ft lhlUUt I. ,. . TI II) c I.,oth shOll IIt t I,e wort IIy rusllc . IleUrCrlt, fli " v ~. ~11fpltlllllBliJ btl titlnllllrMont'T l' ullr DQlIllrtt. '1\1l18 flIU31 equftI quuntnip.II. "I IIIlI tIlougI11 ' Anyone ltb!!cIlblllg to Block\\oocl or IQ on I,ll IIIIU is currAll III al the 1,IIl.!O for that p~ when the ba1 ·!~' put in. be dried ,n n warm room olterwurd... (f they were. 1R th.e l'reMenl:l' 01 '0 01'1', ~)\beril A prel1cher once took fill 11111 text these "I Ihe n VI \10 8 . Ilt ~ Uyear, ('r 10 D~Y lWC> 01 whore I III llulnicritJIJ 0 I nlnll. "1.1 ~ \lIken Thev will be 1II0re Itkely to be Injured 1Iy cotton clO1h ill dipped illto vt\ry wouk lIolu- In thllt 0 fa deVil; nud occllnJlIIg to Iltelr 8ev- word\! : "the wurld, the 11<'11", 8\ld lhe dl'vll:' Lho l' cri<lU1 ulH, o.t ~, \\111 flCl'IVU, IIra,18. ol lie I" ,'")!II'!.lIt for Ibu palll'r Addr "II j'. l:! AUb ••tIDIl than {~iD'. They Will .. ldom of 'glul', and l\'f'l~r\Vnrdll mlO 11 Itot nnd era lIUprel!lIillOntl, they were telppu"!1 clt~cr \lnd Illter ~lIlDe Ilittodilclor obdervutl II. he I vlll\llllll 01 allY 01' the pr'!:'U JlJIUW ubuvf lJu/iJ ~U. Ii U\i &, Co. 11" !J Alhoman 8uildlOj(iI ••·fluk· freeze ID lucb a .Ituadon U la IItrong BOlutlon or alum lind then dried ot to rull down at JIlt4 feet ur to eZOl'lC180 hlfo ·tl., I II I ftY b i b I ! A ~ ullt!cIlII~r, w DIlY 1111 Ii of tho i ellOlhouls. i'l t \," "" I'hllailelp'''". .. II they hould be t hed II • ~., b k' 1 1 'I d IIUI. 8 III UPOII tie (·f. PI\j>S Ig t y 01 87 0 yen, or (0,/10 10llr It view.. III ,wIll " ...., ....SVILI W> -~K STORE ID~ • a GUC a Igh temperature,lIvetygouu woter-proof YOlo IIlg tie 8 gil ot lie cr0il6.lIn ultor- over the worltl Ilhd I1l1s1en 'A8t us 1 Clli! m::l.'ive two preDIIUDI VOhUII08 n& ubo\o ' A .... ., .... uvv • ,belr nutrill..e properties will not be cloth i. the reluh. Ilye.lnd onc that i8 a prayer.-ClUJmber'. iOlJrnaI. to the deVil ' A ffu\)&crlbcr to IJluck\\ood lind lhreo n _ ltl!:k'j S • URl!:WbTBR Ion a cholco leeaened. if \hey rematn in • dark 'Place nearl. incombustible. • vi Wll. Il~ '!la yur. or to the fOllr RUVIC"''' Dlld .01 of nook!. whICh '''''f ale" mn~ alolld l.ill tb- •1OW Ir· ~ 0 rIb .J d I I:lI k oOd 10 II ,I below Cllldnn.lI I'nOOll, colllLJOtM:d ill pan 01 w bere t ~I W ne 0 t 10 ellt anu BOun eet IWYt'1'8 The accommudation for wedding partied IIC W • al 8 ,WI rccClVO .,If e prenuulli Eleganl Qlbl.,. and Gift IIook 01 "l1IloUI A peck or a"l.. a flay, led to I cow. TIl.el' Wort.. Be..etDberwlj. thateversat on the bench ofMu88chulICuli. in California aro good, the stellmbOlll.l! V0ll:,I~:!:UIIYB Prellljum volumN Will be fum kIDde lind Ilflcl! hll beeD fou"d to ac14 more thDn • qUirt Profl"enor johnlton, in the COUl·we or Jee- waa Judlle P. .He was always dl8tlllfUls- 1bllve Inldal-rooms. the llotelll lire reatly lor Ishtltl t,\ hOIl IlracllCllblc. btl' \U 1'(1l\' III dllSp- Encylopedla of n llltgou. aDd General,Koowl· to tile dall, q.u"f.J ot milk, belidell al- tl.\re delivered by him before the New York ed for the urbanity oC hiS manne!",," anil the bl idol pftrl1ell and clergyman are alwoYllu. 1pulh~U/\lnl. 8ub~cralte'" art! requcilled 10 ordur ~~br.ry of.Natural Hletof, co~p!ete ~"I .....&IJ IDCNUiac ita ricbu..... Btat. ARTi ull I SO I t t ted 1I "I 8loryl hllv~ now to rel.a~.llJlI8tratbtl, qUite reneh ther4) , Ie notillng lllckmg Hut tilt- I II" III"IJY dlfl('rt'nt )'Iorke lor premiuma u they Shllkettpear C!Omll'ete . 1reU u 'im~1 .... cOatiltion of c ura c e y. I a Ie 0 - forCibly. thl8 CharactAlflsllC. Kirl8,~ nlay r"ttuare VOll1111118 Mllcaulay'. 1I11llO!'Y of England. ~. Ttie deCt 1I1?!1.,. equaUr-(J,- oW:lOg (bl" ,!orth rememberlnr'Judge P' was rli,eeI In Bllrnlltable, and at _ _ CLlIHBlNG • ~tJllln'l Anei""t Hi'tofr_ ~IIJO Olbei 'IUlCL.: . :Jlonh fatten on 1. I~ thil climate the temperaturo rises the time we ~fer to. alli.ted hili 1l1Oth~r.1 &lnebod,.,.,.8 "The dUVII never ItoubJl)II a "'WJ~o::! :,~~~~ ~~~nld:i~I:~ ~ a':~~ :i0~~: Du:k'l w~klcomp.tllte. theDa. ~ tb. brillian160 Fabrenhelt five feet below the much IalI JIOSIIlble. in keepinl" coUntry IOn, buey 111110 'TI,,~ we kllow to b<J 'aille. Show regular 8uoocrlpUon for lhrotl-~': fOl/rLlt copy Boo.. of '·OIY'Bl'fOlllPltU4, q ..... ~ fecid .~ five nrfact-. aiad to 140 degree!! balf an inch a m()ile ofaubiiltance to which .be WIlaI dm·. UB ~lh'::be:.~;.a()tt Ihan ~ edtlO~.,~t n~:I bcln~ grlllls ~~f$.°phyl~fllo~:C~:~~j=n~7' tIeIi. : JPGII'O.. !bet .,..".r a .Iml- below It-ract., which he .aY8, he learned eD by \btl death 01 her bUllband. 6llpec..aly \IOh ~?om otiC ~ 0 troup e ~.·.t~o prt!nllumJl \\111 be gi\'.en ~here Combe.. CoaaUluUtlII of III III , .. U ~ii~. in hlan.elf wi\h lurprlle. He UIlt!1 th(!m to One evenin:lta wily wor" travefller armau copy a. ,ort a ye alJowanCll II made 10 clu)ll,\ norYl1J pnt- Fowler on Hereditauy Deleelll, or. Malrimony. . - .ilda . ••n I,• to IllUllftte' ... . pro- eel' h b u~ IUlipen ded Irom ~ • eD- .... ""\ 14Cly whu W&8 lorty ,CWII old al Ihe !lubacriptioo nuullla 10 an, cueIebe furol.l*I, ..DDI_ the 8elf-Cu1tare. Memory and In._11 • I Jm· ~.~ ",e ~nomr ,of nature ID Wit. a~ca.ne, ,. bIf monl!)' pl1ld In fllll 10 lia Pllb.... IM!'~O!"'I_ . , . . . . .• ..,01 II" road, motiqg.ee.etat~iJ. ter..tcI the inn Ind alked fur IOm8llhing to takill,olceoaUilu lS.O,repo~",,"n.lfal UJllty~ 11 ber., ""hout recOurlll1O ",,-1JL prll.,elllellt; Panel allO worklol &be ~ 1m... '" ~ Dutrimn' !her J. The IUII-beam 1a comP.OBed or &bl'l'e t-al. ' HII drea wu not calculltCld to io. MVWl tW'a DtrRemiwanCl!l and eonnnUlU!IIIPOIJI ,houl, It'n.....:~hilt1if.n. 10 the:dj ",til_ ... to tb. .dilltmct aad aepara\8 ray., o.ne or. bl'lat••pir~ &b" beholder wilh any "!lilt ideal An ochlar recelyed a 181a.t in wfllch woathrr addreMl!cl. \lOllI-paid ur &auhel, PU~i~~=',! • ooe or light, an,!! one called the cJ1erruc:al wealth,.but rather 01 ODe who lived by tray- wull_pel ell'" welhllr., He '/lid It the Warll pu ~EoNA:RD SCOTT &. CO ."plline 7'~Ul-j",,"_1ID \hat ~plN 'hI· These three -.enelee exalt In dl8er- 1elha, 00 foot, aDd beIlJll"lr a nlllirt'.loda- lpe ot wl:totber he hall ever ~ i9 Fulton 1». New York TW. proponi!)n. 1D the .uD-beam in the ; in, of beneyolept inn:&eepera. lfr.. P. 1T-l2w EIllnllCl54 Gord'••. ..".ng. aummery.ad-ilHltlHDn. ~ue c..b a-pnce a. tbe trnel'er, .nd lIIHinl hi. t7The enllre cIflp~ot Tu.. ia nHil'iall'. Q.UlIllIiI- I oc chemical ftJ 1a .....ter hI 'PdDI; l ababb, coat farmeel a pretty aocUj,.to .aU••ed It 17,000.000. tn II NpIlR 10 • 8, 1'ALJIUT. 1'. S. WILLUU, II. II. .. ad tile Jt.rb~ • ~ Ja the IUdnDer. Tbr mate ot hi. abllit, w pa. fur lallifl'. rbll. it b preeDIDIId.lt aot chemroal.,.,....... In IlUtUmD a"d then .. Ipt be lllrnl bed bim. J :rUII~'·~':' ~..:Lp,a.l .peae . TA1.B&R.T." WILL4BJ). -:=-~.I " lleatf ............ The Sbe 1e1\ the room to examine the D .~ ... ~ •• portio... nJi YUJ 10 dUlllN..e ud iD 11 Iboai tllne returaed.-"
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,.. .... tlaat tbeJOW- WON hlna • wet .licked boat
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t 'W~' ~OBEiT~ EPITOR '
WAYNES'vILL~ ·: W1:RJlEtf CO~.NTY: ·oHio,·SA.TJJRDAY,: NovIDffiER 30. ',1860,
. "
.eye that had,' sucb a look of calm and eweet , the world to pureue my and, then lbey could repu8e~ ,!O , iodic.tive, ~oo, of ge"tleoewl, Tbe ,*ore·1 became iblllm~. the ,clqler outside the · wall. . wilhout tho lell,' anow ' qf do-- It,·lea-·man. Ind woman's Itrc?ng and 'fervent love, u .to wO\lld Ihe'clasp' !De .w ith her IitUe wbile wu . 1101,l18. ill wbich wali ' ' _ Fo; Ihe-;Mia!ni Visitor, mak.e me turn on tbe mumentapd a8k ,tbe arms. She' liniled ~t-m~; . when mv very Cnl: ZlIne, a' brother o£ Silos, I~~ona doy ~r thl) ·.~Ige bad .well J)",.XG ~ORD8 OP 'l'HB NAJlELE88 kee~r . lf ho w.u ·lure th.t this woman ook, haggllrd .and frlptFul u it waa,lbould alld t!.to lIeoior officer, with a few men, nigh worn awoy-it \Vo's ill tile mid41'e ot BAltD. w.all 1080ne. bave. m~de ber Icream with. t~rro~. 'Her Thero were lIeveraJ wornen ill the Fort, the tirt('rnooll. "he' last IIhot bad b~en fir. was dl!.lirolJR He did not It onca comprehen'd my que.· p~etty little finger played with my lip.~ lind Ilmong' tbem at the' time. \VII Elizo.beth ed-the IO.ilt grain .o f powder wa, exbnult· wbich 81' ·/USICA. tion, while I was in tbe act of r"peatiog: it pokt'd at my eyes, ' a, ,if .he would Zanl~, a lIiater ur tI'IO Colonel. (Sho was Il ed. : No,W, whllt WOI ,to be done1 Muke lerved , to him, ~,he little 'girl whom ( held by tbe the~ wbeu I ·. hut th~m cloie (o~ youfllg wO~iln of . "xtraordlnary bOlluty, terms at Clipitlliotion, or delpai:-ing, .ub· e~pecetd now: to!"9" equali,. 'Yell, for lb. I There lite 'proUd,name.· ln tong; ho",! shRped from mp, and 'approached lookl,ng at her. She played with havi~ng a \all and finel y -. formed figure, with mi.t to fate1 '. They in tho blocl,.hou8o 8till purpose of the EnICH.b kinp' Ina ~t \he~ bYI cauiht from Heaven bavs pealed from within tbe full 'View of the womao. ' I aud tbrew 'her soft 'arm. ' about' ' head like lunoj ' a black , eye. mild ond held out .bravely, ,and '. little lon~,r . coo· rnlolswfI. " . , . earthly lyrel ~ allould h.vo knawn or thought notnin, of She toon ~earned' to pronounce ' In ita expression; a voice 80ft and mu· cert of 'action might live them~ for the ' llia temper- and hI. Ullaerlltlndlng ' .emt. . , It" h b i d 'b I jt, bad not' my eaN been pier~ed jUlt .t that and seemed to be 81 much II a lute' .und with an expression ' eOlY alreody began ·~o '"bow symll.toma nently' fited bim,to act u mediator~ Salotly Ic1 b.rdl ne'taul t t e wor t 'elr i _O- moment, with a mbat unearthtv Cry-II me u with her own mother: II'.Y lIuce 'u blalldlll Italian skle~, . wavering. At this 'c:risii Colollel Zane coL. io hu. prOreniOD •• uU8crupuiouI io hll delC. nOIll'Br.. . . not.llf 'V0~s ana articulate'· eound., but . w: ou1d cry Cor. me, w~en Cor bel'mather beneath It might slumb\!r pll!lsio.n. !ed bls men uround, him.. an~ after. deacrib- Ings, :tealuus for ~otlPi' ~oldln .pe~l.tlOIl, . To ~I,her 8/tbere. belont; , . I!hrleks, and bi~8e... an·d Qellowlngll,all cum· leemed to ~ar., ootb,ng.. . u ' the firea of ,Ve~uvius • . It mny 109 to thom the IIltuat\oll ID whloh thtlY a cow ..rd al!d 0. tune-se"er in .o~c!D, a pll. , • Hen own 't heir power'when time h •• tried blned. My hair Itood on end. · The nOli,. . Her: m~)(her lert her wIth me on.· !luna· be many·a 10ldie~'iJ e~e fol. were placed, he desired to know if tbere cable enemy aod.o lukew.rm frlend,he wu .t helr .train'., : ' . wo· fearfuHo Ii.ten to. It made my '(ery mer'. after'loon. Ob, olin r ever ~ DiS hI dllYs of qUiet she WIIS anyone llmong them des porte eqollgh In every way qualifted to arrange the tvaa. Yet ~m the Name)"•• Ii~rd to woe .nd blood .curdle In ita . veins. My lle,l b I'ew ' that The Iun..vll ju.t tbe Port or atrolled for 11 to Ilttemptpd a pllssago tllrough the enemy orcOahtion between rhe rellgioue aIId th8 paiD I . very hot; and theo Icy cold chills rcan te~f'o . decline I the IK!ft winds, with' ~pe or ber browera. to the ,block:'huule. ,lJe added UIIll i~ Wllil worldly enemiee of Popery. . ,. 1. B. T.rLD ' fully over me. . . . ' • w:oiC8.1l~ my elr., ~irdll ·had ~~ IiIlldo :i;' tllin. IlId~ed a f(/rl~fn h~p"" but lit . the wor~t 4t1l).~Hil pll~ion (0-; ~ere~ohiet, hll . . ~ . ~ turned tollee wbat. It ~e.nt; .nd 'VIllI III. ~e cool toulHl of tbe rank ,hoc{ sued for ,her. could 1I0t. be mora dlualrouiI than,to remsm for hohdl,s, Vlglla. and ,.Iered . ., .urprised beyond all . dl'lI'criptioo to look at I the all' wu II bllUld and aI ench.bt. enterprise Will uuderla in their present condition. . No on8wer fol· placel, jill.conpealecl, di.like to di~ ID~~ Drl,ht Will the moming. tha woma.n, who, but. momeot before waa . thl'Y. llY it I. in Parallilei tbe fra· 1I1~ to no efFect, 80 fur as 10IVed the appeul. '~ The men gazed at their rloge of eo elliaBt!al, the ardent and not al· T~e momlng' or me, " jill calmn~ and" ge.n~leDe8B . and love: or • 1I1~usllod dowers.• wept in one , bellffeoUonll', went.-~.he wil, c' mi~lln!ler i(jnd into tbo eyfia of ea~h ..Otll- t,gether dll8intere8ted zeal wath w~icl"hl That dawned on my spirit. . H ..reyel gl~wed lth hVlIlg eo~liI. Ev&ry, dlream Into my n~8tfllil. , ,I fouod no~ on~ or thoeelight.witted wome,n, 'to lio er. WIth tfle m,o"t , ce.mpleto desplur" and ~8l1erted the. cl"t",. 01 . the clellY lo thl) ,W)tb lIap,Rlnel, rir~:, ' feuture of lI!,r. before hand.ome face Wall without ~nowblg It., .Imo.t carry· CIIU':~t by 'fine .bl;iw Ilnd. fine profe8sions. wltb fuce. bl",n" without nny ray of hope. rever.n~e of the laity. wouU! hl.e made', 'Iwtully dilltortf!d. Her lips were drawn tbe child ()utw~th, me Into the garden, AI f!lr u tbe' heort went, 'she plnceu no izollcth stood br. tho tllde 'or her .brotherj him an obJect ofavenion to the puritan.; , Butrl~",y pluuda illtht'tred 'Round the heuenl fulllOOn'/ ?ut in ~erce IinAs, through w~licb.be ,efirilt. whe? I l}.Iougl,at of my .I~te,r'. bap~ dlffere. nce ' betw~m high.oootOng plumes. ailent, ~ut. .thot SIlence w8ll.!nore eloquent eve~, ifhe :had , u~ oll.lv leglll, anel paQe I Jected. In her momentary maDia, the nOI/l' and then ,of m'f ·own'· lIll""" :. alld t,he lut man- in the ranklf-tbe ,Iollt thull the word. of. th~ colonel, PerhllPs, DieMS for tbe attamment of .hll·i!ndii. , '~n dar~neB& W81 Ibrouded e. th"t had s9 ,alarmed me. Her unhappy. I trtell t.() tbink it all ~an, nOl ,the least. She WIlS above \lUlt tbough, a silent pallg might have 'ftuttered , nut hia underatondioi wa. n.J'tO'V,J .~d The .unllgbt of hOonl countena~oe was Iiv!d and frilthtful., for tho ! ttl~d ,to Bee.• pfovidenoe lie wli'en 'young WOlDen are m08t apt to be her Illllae t~ hear .no oue bpeak! ,Was hi. co,nuner~p ,With tho , world h~d heeD.. " " ' the long tocka' ol hlllr atrellmlD~ down over UI my own mortif11ng, dllappolntmon\. caught bl fine 'oomplimenta, or duehing ap· there n qt une blllve enough to peril Ilfe for He wal .by nllturet rallh. Irritable. , " Bright were the 'vllionl her nl'ck and shoulder•• the lurid gl~re of ~\lt cunl~ lee O,othllll, I could ..... ' naIll- ,.,annces· but, plain and direct irl her the salvotion of the whole! Amplulltion Wild qUick to feel for Ilia own.,dlgllltY, to OF beiuty t11.~ 1I. ~ole '. . her eyes, th't't .wful dll~(lrtion q.fher (e.tures 1Ul' but mlllCry. AliA miserv flIt g ... " . in- Il\iuimir, it WlUl ber study to give 00 en· II thut was wonted. One, keg 'o f .powder, .• ympa.thlle ~ith · ilie sWferlng of .oth81'!l. and the Illhy palenesa o~ her countenance. tu mO,d~eli'; ye., fearful madneu! The CoungemenL to · the ottendona of Iler nu. und they were Irllel At that ,uom~nt a .a.ld p~one tQ errqr, coll)mon In. anperatiUolII Ar,OQnd me, ilIuDliog " . ,.he formed a llpect.cltt 01 human , misery, eld,.pmt come over IIlO agllin: I felt ·t hat niorolllIJ .ultor., · " , " yo\~nlr ollin .1l~ePJlild modeslly. fonvord Olen, of miBt.kinghiao~n, p~,I~h'and ~~Th<' deptb. u("my .oul; .u~h 1111 my ey,l!il, fur many a year to wme I wall oQt m~self. ( ,know 1 w., not my· Yet, from tbill description, the, reader BOI1l: . ' . " , Jignnnt ' I';!oode fonlle 'IImolJonl ofpioulleal, Sw~~ the mll8ic . ' WIlt summoll before '!'e. " drellded to Look at the beau~lful must not hlfer tha~. she Wa4 not suscept{. "Colonel, I win o.ttempt the 'P!lllange. PAsoAt.'~Jile InteU~~t~1 pq,wers wate . Wl~oaeIJl!lph,oniea rung . Sl)e WII confined m • cagll-Iake room, I coul!,! not turu my eye. , .way bte te, lhe soller JMU,ion of love. ,Flit from If I fall, 're,~ember me; If IlucceCd--tI .ucli al hlve '"arely been lieetowed upon .nl :rrom"the Iaaa:p ~hat Hupe'l Bnrra partitioned off' from tll"~lt 'of; the ,lIpart· . ~I IIh.~ (lin abo~t me in the. CU- h, for her trotb was 'at tlll't tiaue plighted; , His eye CI1Ug~lt t!1I~ , eX'pre.s8ion ofElizl· of tho ohlldren or meD( .nd. th~ yeh~ m\lnt bt a row of p4lrpendlcular Iron bafl, or dIm, pr."hpg lind laughang ' io her llJn~· Dar 'could .the mor.t ambllious thougbt in l)eth'lI featut'sj ns they glQwed upon him mence ot ,(be /Eell whicla al.lmllted hl!1l Will In gladnel. ~od IItrllng . roda. Tben ~e ke~t constandy 1I.i~ing c~,ce ,. ., ' '.. . ' . 'Y orld havll 'tempted her to aw~rve . from .',Vitti unutterable 1011~ne~~and prid~, lind but tc?o well prQved ,by t~e ' cruel plnlo_ . "" . hold of Illl~ 6)taklng watb all the .addltlonal . lllen the ~Iuod e.mo creoplDg..-creep" · sanctity of vow. mode tu ~ho lover of lell tQ tho ground. Colollel Zane steppad and VIgils under WblCb hll IlIserjiJed frame TbeJ"(~o.ked 00 me coldfy ' ". lItrengtb her frenzy ~e~t , h~r•.exc~pt wilen, in, ,rp!ll.my ,be..rt to. myheod. ¥y \rein. "or clliuice-maile.lllaIIJQvera.oa~h.are.fotwnrd •. ontltllkingtheyounglloldler.s.unk.lnloaneorIYlr.ve• • H.lr •• pirit ~u The prou~ and high born, reloxIng her rllht \1alli! (rom I.ta ~old, ~he felt lull,to bu.ra~lDg. )ly blood w.al it; 'hI:! ·quiet e\iening hour, and wltnel.s ed bll~d. BIII\I...... . . . ' ',' of ..m~(1 Bernard; but. til., denca~)' o.rlli. 'l'~ey knew ~o\ thQy withered c~':',\4tblld. tha:ougb the bara .t. the httle &:Irl, t fe.lt IIlIf I,t would lIeorch me, byth(! tnoon,that' l~verll' plooet. and "011 "You:are ~he mll,n 1 expected would ·wit, the purity, tbtl eDel'lJl, t~~ .Impllcltyot )l, heart w1th therr llcorn: ' 88 ~f abe would tear ber· to pl"~. · pacga Ibotov~r my frame ,th.t I the starl')! hoata of tieavon." . ' unteer (or this BerVIC8 . GOj and 'God his rhetoric, hal neve.. been 4IClutled ..~ < Theu koo" not;' Iweet mother. ., 1 ran to lieze my preciOUS' little charge, fell b~~ore ,all' my lite. " TileD the 'Arrir;lng the IIOldiers in the Fort, Ilt , tbis t9ct,loul if lhoy lee you 'from lhe bloek.~ cep'~ by " \he I"!at mute,. of AWe .to. I ' and collvey it out of b.r~'1 way, abe f<1l. aelltbl'lll blood mouUt.ed ,tb my brain. .I.t time~' \vaa .o. ' fu.vorate with house, trier: will trf to ~Qver you witb their quonce. : , ' The lorrow and care. 10wil1llier all tile time With her ,lazed .nd aeeme~ to ,usb Qod run over at Jlke. bOIl· HaVl.!!r. fire.-S JI-."OIselllll'ln la your ollly hope. • •• , . . Adversity'. children glllTing eyell,loolrl0i like a fiereo lioneu inl. w"e~t iUiJ~ let ' lOUM frod..n. cavern.. 011DOlt to a ow ~way, white the erlemy are partially H. ' Pro In .ilence muat bear. e~er .or lier pret.. , Eve~y thlU, r Ile8med to go e~pedition WIUI projec!ed withdrlwn'. ". , ' 011,1 £lDVCA'I'IO',• ..The k~eper IIin\ed that we better II}d rou04 III , .t~ .there In the garden he wal not a\w.JII· r~ady tQ volu~. nut ~ere EhzobOlh step,ped. fqrw.rd. !lnd e.•rheat It:.ieC1' Ini}e~te My Ipirit" deep ye.m , lop withdraw from Jll!~ eight, which W.I ,expe- ~Iilk •• ll~ked 10 lbe· blue eY'" of the .od !pIny II d""perale advllntul'e,'llIld addre.~lng her brother, lUI 11, Iltlcaut o . , ..PClI .!L~ rorevp!' .re hnlil~; ditiou.ly done. Wonderil}lr wh.t callie htUe I¥l. :ruey,were anapplol Ina ' ~uh. II forlurn lORe bnd aeen taoe . "SI~as, let me uo~ert,-ke till' ..-:"~ . )'d;aT ! . It C()uld have inflame(! tho woman til madneu, ~nd /Oe8lJ1ed to.I?Ok d.~.nl)8~ In my fOil with odds , agalnlt pr!~e!" ' ". '" ' , t you .me....Xlc~ 1 y hupee nigh and' lul1, ' u BOOnal we were io .nother room, heD~.tbougbt la~r Jlttle lip ~urb~d i~lf ftael\eil a~d bayonets , You! l'ephed her brother. ViewIng 1.le V.U ,a),. h ,' Us. '1 Forever ~re crusbed. lureiJ to uk the keeper, fo gratify my In. ac;o~o. ,.. nd clud me for r.elang •• I .W1! to· be found in the Ith 1l8tonilllimen,t. "fmponlblel Do ever \ em ~1 , ~:.'" Life ',·vi.ioni liave vlini.be4, quiaitiveneu. 'He compUeiI as rullow8: J ~d ~t!Jen taUol4d' me betl\lie'lhe WII Cray. Oq . tWo know the dillger of the atteinpU" , .~re ,yo" oa~ Ii,e 1I~ til t I t. I. mUilc II gOne:" "Thllt woman. aIr. t\Joullh Ihe DOW rave. mlne '4n~ I bad DOne or Illy OWn. . life fiia ... .. Perfec~Iy.,\' .he onswec:ed. Ii Y(lU ha~e ' d ~ ', thl .it BUt II fairer and I olier' 110 fiercely III.t time. II. 'pntte anel.1 Ifwenl rllellDg.:.-reellng round witb tbe fearful ex, no men to Bllaro. flver)' une la needed In tell a ~Il. tob 0" 'i~ n,. 0" l(1)rll~ will d.~n. rectlon.te'lII the you have hold or 'I 'fA'" I ciltern not 'I ,blood. . hild t!le defence of the Fort; ,~nd' ihid i. the It IlII ·~'ua· ~: w~lf"l . g , YOllr l..lOd. It WII 10 Doe 01 her pntleat wHu:b they ,~e~ .•cc~.tomed yeur "rev.IOU" as. ollly lIervlce l CGn rllnder, .', '~tJ rOVZ i~ , .nd pl.~d moo'lI~ .,.,ben br ~nt of . ~ CarUa III WD" prolDOLioli to) the IJ B~t a /Dlln would be more Reeti Jllhzayo~, ut oe~.~ P , ~ ~III Death b.~ Qp terrora, .' w".. .nd I ....'tat.oriN .......wo , was flIT ~....,k ..QtIeer had more eertlln of 'tlC~'" , .:...... No darltneeit, Jhe tomb, olit in locl:1 :onverse be ~nd wbat ( h "'!'lncl. Go-d! ..,hat dId beeD on . 9f hi. ro OU brolher. " ...y to petuleDee - . . . . , . ~ lIalo ,uofndiD'r , ' e..ver done berore, th.t ah; gaYe in. ·· .Q~e- wbat dId [do! In a twinkling, Dl1 qUIl1it!~e. u a .oldl~r . intelligence '·.Still y~u have ~o ,m .n to IIpa~; lind ' " per. tber .re calm.'.nd ~!'- ..... Gilds brightly its' glodm. thlllg like' 'UII~ followin, aeeount of. tbe . ..med to luperhllmlu: ' 1 III a AIIO, he bl\d Nfllsell It~ ~cceptAnce. womao woulll riIlt run tlle lamo d~nger In t~ reMOIi wit\,l tbelA oq ~ iIIl~pr*l of ..... I ' t" . aU/luge In•• nity whose victim I.· deled.11 moolund. declal'iQI. thal/IB bil Qnly 'deaare' Will to plllllllIg throl,lgh the enemy. BesldOd,lf ( tIIelr condbuC;L , .. , , J II _ _ I I" -YiP I' ~eJolces, . . '• my, ariu,.allli dlllhed-ber IelVe 'bla country he was willing 'w ae'rVe fill .' 1 IllIllI nut b 10 I!)uch , mil"Bed, nor aemem er' '.~at • It e ~~... p~Jl .'c~~ .....The angela areClO~e, 'I wu !lot al~.a~1 ,.u~h a ~orun Ilr, ai into tbe dark, waUlr ,Ailed' tcavem. ' tb91!IJh tbe w.r ~A . ' privllte leaving ~Il your Ccucel' wellkened.'· . ' mei\t when \he oeca.Jon .rI.... I~ lIIuch Dear mother,.lweet.,olcea ~o" n~~ ~ m:\h ··1 w.. once her ~tr\l,gle-olliy ,a AlOID8Dt; her, tQng DU- cundlUun above 1hat to ~oldle;. ~1)t.e COlD' ' .The cOllmel WDII .elJ'ected to tellr •• and, more e.tull tb~ th~t=tellln-t:f ., . 'Ate camhli me home. " ~ f'~ II ,:n I ~p'pyb, burD bair tlo.ted,out upon ,:the W1l&er • JUte pe,eo~ or mor'l ambitions. , embrncing biB .,.ter"ea:ol.lmed- ; greawr , plUllahmen' .Iho . ' November iOtb 1850. ! ' i h aje:- en tim ofrgold; .nd with bediUle dimpled Ho ",,..tho -an of a respectable (Irmcr, "Then ~I God'l wlU b. doael .nd ne",ttd. ; . .. ' ' bl II 0 , : •••' ." . ~ ~t y th l . hand8 atretcblng out for .aulat.nee,lbe wbOlf .n~u.try, b.il enabled hjni to rai" lte pro~r.tyouIJt .' . N~ ,l it ilv~ l..~r chU..t81l .• n)'t nt .. , ' , fda t le_e~ . e.t 0 e, ~~. t I went dow·o. down: till .be reacb~ thll bot- up' .pd re.pettatlly eduoate • large Iln.lly dozen men noW' .prang ca~ tlfey Cly (or it. .~ , : Tb~ rollowing IIr, the beoutlful wo • came Into our qUIet lItt e vllage, tom. I could. ~ look at neropall4 Caca u ~ Il,Iin ot levere di..e'i line. who8e . by ' the devotiqn of' .t11la· • 00 no' a~bt .Ilow tbem ' to do.t OD" Q(, • ~ew ~ng by ~!,dge Meek, of ~la ca~e bl.. Words oeed not. attempt to de- It Jay turned up to the. IIky. 1 ( . to the watchrbt'e e d tected outJ~fule fault,ll in and ~ihley Harper. 'more wh.t ),ou have follbld~tlD: under \he b~~a, whlcb we commend to the ,~tteotl~n Icrl~ the deptb :or the ItreDgth of the. af~ hoUae. . , Ijolter ~.,. just comllll iD. '.' I time to r!~e~tetheir ~turin to. ctjml'.II. tbll11 ~81t I io~i.led t1a1l~ it w:a circumat.npe".t another . ,• . ot lOr(le ot, our W41Btern .composerll. rectlon I t.orb blm. \Ve loved I behe,e ~et her intbe hall, .mhheaaked He had ~\Jeen intimate with Je fa1DiI~ of ~e w.ua the fir.t to pr0pcHMt. '. Teach tbelJ\ tlt'it tbe onl, aurt ~url ,_ , The golde{l bowll.~ b~k~~, I . . )lum,an .tielnp hid never loved before w•• N.nnie. 1 .lhrieked out \I,e Zlanee, and, wben A8~t ex reiIiIed .Uelll would bear PO obj!!lltionl, ~ y to ap~~gOOd,II-to' be go,od r I• Im.. nly (~h and IDd r.n back inM the ~n. . I£l)lIt beld luv!"s rosl WIDO; Every time I looked to enlillt 'tbe old mon ~Uy Ppr~vRi once bogutl to. mllke preoorntionl.' Acc,.tom tliem to make their litU.1Wct~ Ttle lut fond ,wonlll\re ,pu~e.n fort',t, m{ Oielllf!'ewhw ,. id08tJ W t my, terror. and ~CII ..e in a .(liOloDel to enrol him amonl 'hil eriterpri",. PartIally dlvostinlJ 'h~ With, pertect ·1ruth. Th.t hliled ~hee onee u mIne: tunt, , oug t ~ er;:k co; D~ver , lieraelr.' Sbe follu"ed me II iiliep" • elolhlOk, in order til at bar speed -Neller .Uow'tal. ~j'ailn,; ' W~'re rllt~ n~w tu lever, been created an,! er I elm. ind looked in. r could l1ol , her; , Now we will not pretend to '''y , Jea.lmpeded, she' Wall let out • . , •••• ' Ye ~D tbe land or ,ea, We were married. Ve.rpt pul8d oJ!. had the Itrength oCa gll.~ ..~ ~p8d my tbere' h.d been Ind particular UlIdeNtand.. of th~ Fort, followed by. the . 1 , By ,s.y qr night, forever but no "lTlIprlpJr ,bleued our union. lIy • (Dra muinent; alae " .. III the ".rll tJeh\'eeo 1\[i8s Elllllbeth .pd 't he YOllhg blel8lnp of all wltllll!;- wbll., , .tAck ~ Illy' heart 'V1lI knet'l to, thee! heart 'began,to,.ank,.Iknew I needed belp . She ,lunpd ill bHdJong. I aw .~ove epoken or"previuus to bill 01 ihe embraaure•• the .olti,,~ eY,08 of No maJ~, wh.t ypur blJlln~ ' __11,.\ Thougb t"e ~lde~ bowl be broken, (rom Ino~~r IIOUrC8 to bo)~ me ul!:', ~ "'~ the deacf.orm of. ber ohild, .... a .loldier. t.hough sue,b • thing Harper rollowed lier. Il8 ahe fted be bonorable-ellck to I, .nel J~ wl,U , lIy fiell.t will ~eel tothee. . lorely, blftt:rl~ di.appo(lnted. " l'hl. ~ad Ihe lay down c.lmly by her .ide. la eouibl~ bave been in a ' mutt! a young ,roe thruIIgb the lioel ,of the ltIake. lIvlnli. If oot become riaIa. , ~ .. .. , b~n ·tbe hl~. ho~ 0 m~ ,.e~ ~ ,moment'tlle) togethe,...,...mother and . ~er"ll declarationl cert;ahily hod . N6w ehe fallls! TweDty mu~kotll 'Ani Pw.qlJ well follo",ed for .. dole " e. . The ellver ~oru I. 'IIent, .huld my own Imase lta,:,,~ on Ino fr. child Oh God! kne\v not wb.t ( had oot b~en made for an owl told. bow, one by thl! .avage. to ltop her pro- wl~1 make a 'mao fnde ~deJlt--pwld4ll 1'fii(tbrmea bE.p,eau. thy~and; . I. e.o\lld.lo.ve ,piY own WIHium to dooel . , hlnda loOked bloody.! I crie~ moon II ht evpnln , While be Wl8 Bitting in gree.; but a cry of "Stluaw! squaw," ~ ./ p .. oJ. b ' All In ~me de~ett l~land •., < tl~". but I,t wa•.n.o;~ 'j'hb the ~e ~~ ~ out for. more childNo-h1ore cbildren! I the .h'~y .branch:. of I chesnut, that 8tood her.-She r~ac'ICfI the block-boUtte in a!waY'.lna~~~. 18 prude!l'bJiir~rI A~iQ Iny h~peB I atandt felt ~e~n.lUg ~Ithl me tow~. • r.ved,aod tore m1.bairf I:...w..:...~ • .b~;. few, Yllrdl (rom the Fort. ty, ....nd ia admittedl ' . ~ Ire wlIo" ..eaeare ,of \Y ' .' .. ~ ' to ;BuU~t. wbere,fr I w,&04e • wlabed to c~ll mine. I tholllfbt of ~Pt "He~," ..d tJl"'lee"r~ "ll11!u obh~ _ ,CooaWorln ,aa well he mi bt, . A period of a\Vf~18ullp,en,e lI~aitod them the hou.e. . 1liy: bea~ty ,I hoU d~e. . ,~g 1C)1~·1 p~~a,~~e't dNtltte IOlb:: to Clb~ck the w~n .~o ",,"I~h ~or IIaw vi.ya nd meaDI ful' a .upper'thllt~lght. in U)9 fort. I The men were nnxloU8 fOf r~. How maoy eDp~e In bIlaiDete ......... I , A'1I d.•• tbe p~~t poD e r , . e~ . e tt ,a~ a wou on yah that ,the' old l!xOltem~lit wu com In, ovn )I", looked .bout .~Ith a loleDln Icowfj and I'e(. the O9lonel W~I regretting that h~ per· for. Jeau... two ID~ ilaeD _ _ e )( hBat7 11 kn~l:, :{ lI'a~!rtlng ml pi~"d Ill)' .lIt:t·t JJQt ber br.in ega"'. alld;l ,thoul\lt It beat (or her beheld ' comir16t f(olD the sbldow ur 'the mltted bia IIlster to '10 , ond 4ahe)y Harp~r other IMIIII' t" I.e dri,~ ~tJ.o,gb . ~ e 111 ver COl., ~, ree I~g my ul'!' og o,(e. eel Dot 'to brood OY..... thi. melancholy Fort, . , Ioyer DDd hie ml.trel_he knew it WII b~eathing proyeri for ht'r aafet,. GIbe t.. . ',... . -Ii Xtbeart~Utkoee~to~h~. , oJfev.ryex~let· · I prafcte e.ven • heryrnucbdoubt , whether abe eYer w .... IOYeta"dhl.mi.tre •• they lJ)C?ke to In~be'bloclt-hou.o.tbe ea:oltelDentwA ' ~'~~-;S ~A . tumed RlY m,o OD e,!"".1 q me. , J ~inll her ..... ~wera .nd mental bl tb te d 1 " II ' t d to I, e t WU 10 ...-PtI ~~ " -Ob! ea.cb ~mpe,fect to~en ' U'iea'lO bewme e:oQten~, but I 'onl, pw Qee; or'it abe dOcit, l1llll ~rau,Nd th.Ut one .nlt) er ~ aery. eq,ua y .. grea ,an aa n 111m n e~ mIll mUit alIck:to.t (or 1'''''. bet__ ~e ). v.in mv lOV8 to tell: more reelleu, more uneaay.-I had ~'mt 'will be to make the remainder of ber day. The:, came out [rom the Fort p~CB.e~:y eve3-o~e ~ theh IntrePidltyd oJ "III bella wN&Jta, .. A ~Ic,
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, !
F nd memory w.1I1 'cherish ' " °The dre.mllQ-dear to mt',' , 'An4 litt p,l.llee .Iiall periah,
teII~Clt! e
'T•h~ .r _i b~~~' ~~::. ~:. .!'i,~ken, i!::.~~~fl'v:~-::r\h~Uo:: object ~yi:!::*!i:: ~~I~\hG.!d~~i.. Itl II ' • I to \hee ' d rpoae . ' ad
.nvJ'~ile th~ ( auft'ered••nd m1 he.rt wu ,"-I1U1:.1 daU corrodin with . ,..Iel, mYlooopr ~~~g. I .i.,J'r manjtd.' 1n due eoUrae 0 time,. _===::==::i;d.===:::::;:=.~~~.~~ "bUd ~•• 119m unto ·her. Ob God. bow TIiB ~. 1lJlL\C, OR THE MAl). bitter we",,1D Mllap thetol ,. lhoqbl ..- ' HOUSE INMATE. i theIlJ~uiot,c..,",,"poaaIble(or.b• • _ . J relt. l ..~ .,I1eIrt-I cur.t .,. • :~ . 'God-I felt lD,aelf .D -G8teut. I' tarN n'..GBOan RlfiI,. notwhatbeeailMlot, .... ' l'1'OIIIdall, aad , n I ,i -. . weeklJ "'In,.; .-eI'e UUd 1 W•• ~ittnrl.Jfew 'dtumll. 110, the be... (1Ieca .....ore Ud ...... LUn.tlo it ·In H - , dfti~ of ~e oIlt. ....dIa. ,.... .... '~cllqally flCCIu.lnUIlI m1,lelf WIth ,tile burein, blood to .., ch~ ..... ~ aleip1"" u.re en'oreeII. I. w,el~ feariId what llllipt ....... IIctufl1 .. of piSyl . . to Ita full th~ ,.~ite o~ led .t o.y own \hOuaIlt,a. W.... .. mY".!Dp.§bI". that cftfte roOcIlbiDetl~ _ion. thlt eOleniCl .YIDIDi came fr.oaa ~ III ' ...... C!UtI. ~_ to i~De 1 ClW IIOt &ry wruualalDO .llDlDedi.ta geOd: ' r; .... -. •... ~ ..u DOt .. thn 0IIMf t\e~~, - - tfitee or foir1~"'" ohl;'whli ~ ... &belr __ . , WI6iolll' U.'1wy tbe taaDll1to. . ..... to aw_lIIJ!8' .Dit ~, I'OOID. , ~ pati4111C ., pltfot r w._t. 10 ~Hr 10 .., ..... iiMi ~""~t b•• 1 JU' . , face
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wben h, qqm!DOD~ ~I~. .,"'hlld~'" la debt ror$b~ toola M wor.'" .bJl. w, the 'ear~, part of Jalalif. -.& ......t ~ . be wu ~ "lilt "':': cam. aD4 _)dm. NotCYll,o(..... .rId"'~-w""",.,,:! ...-
.,.tI....._,........ , ~
ted lD~... wAlIa retutnwitb_preeloUlburdeD,utbOOiliIJb1~~.""~t""', tb.-
hl'r ~, "e!" wiDpi. while the ~Dem1..'~ lenl'h lluaPlctoa. of )ler erraac5, were ~ ' io, tihowera of lead after her. Yet GOward ho came u ed b .omeD, "hQ. .• moU-••eM .lyea, aen~ alarm ~~ .1... ed-. fortb.with .....rbeana aDd ebeerlac W'OI'IIa. It w.. UOnOaaeed, on the second dly of prete'" , ., In their- lUte 4Dd " ......, to the bltlllt &el. . . .~ t!blt their JIOWder .... .hort. In~ at length reached of e&rlw.JII' U sit.....kIed to cWdIe" _I dea1penta ....l~ b.d been whlcb Wal tbrown open . e,aip ~ )I,ot.berJ 'fteir aob", ......... die eD8IlI\, to 1nak Into tb. ron, ~Ill actmU ber. All It oIGaed .1tIi· __ die.. a...ai8C ..... wera ...... liel ZltIe &lid hi. IDen ' repaleecl ud dro,e the little ban" withlD, Ie .. • ••y _ 'w it" ~ u.e. 1Miak.. TipUuall u tltq witH & bundred ba!leta, w I'L . . . .t aDd ialab .... of trlllU"id TIle 1~l!aDII 00 '''0 or three occallon••t. ID~ the.1f peal wt... .. Wilt. like "e . . . . . 01 ~ .... &bea temp.... &i.. cIet&raodOD tile Cart lac 1.... o~~~.rI=eDt:c' tap. IIot beck U~D ~ ~ bIoCJl,.bj,.. br IN; but In ncb brother !oaad her te-
~~ a~~ ::=:f:~~~ ~::,w_~ ~~ ~,
. ~ , TboaP we iii.,. 1iJI'.oI.... te»..... th.Iaanf' .... "'bbroqpt lO ....welr.-4 lIIfre~ 10 .....tl, kI ..tabliala &be ,rjDOl. ,~ ,tOIl ol &ba\ Fw:ernlllftll\ uQiler wbl. we .... not whal DO" exill\,._ ...~ .,.. JDrget tho. "Irolo .t prC84lJlt they had •
t- ...
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;:'tll!;I~r' ~nd.iftln,e.
who,i.,now woi1ii at' lealt thlrt1' kand uf hll own men to the Fort WIt!) t.!le powd. dolJare.Jual r,,".r~H ~~I ""t! ,~ er. But .he overruled hll _rru lllenta with olnhlilpoc more than~ ,_.. and""""" lheaamea~?f~ ;::t!~h ~e~!t.b~ k~~':: ODd nin>er had ....dealre to c:baDp
all _ the tabthlll wblle 'when ~Ill nl uPO-' I~ the.tare \0 aglln .. lie o£w ~ ruD" e ,",er.~Mhu wl~t ~hel; 0I11ii! ••nd .ealili,- their YOWl ,auntleL • .' ~ WltIi . '~I,lbe, retired. 1ft the Fun, eYe,! }ieart WI_ bea~tnl It but u~pi'\ tlmnrt.r thl.. with, tho-u~mOlt .nxlet,; .nil.u-the duell, tbal- tbe Wheeling wu foe wu , I~n · gatherllll around, .ctrc~ • aDd lodiana: of hope WII l~f\ for: the ea(~~ '"lth cmaideD; 8hllw.'chedh~ frolll the .emhruure, and "tip p~iid ~ brother Ilrently. Forw'Vd".pea On her
.net Ja " " ofte~ eDllbload..."T~ I ' I
do~n te~ ;~8t:;'Wlth eh~,~O;~I~;~O :~:'o:e
t n ~Ine or the harled Inp' uUffed ..creel VOWII, t:PUif:': one ~t Olhr· th
r" ktftd hearted .titd. ry 0 " em bearl to :OJ.( c!~:::~elp'beiOI m~t
.trenSth of my hopes. MRrtat (laonot 'conceive iii, mi.~,-it. ita bltteme••, I~ !lri01J
ID the 10ft
:!.air e·
oa. dWIi .., ..,... ....... ill IIOC088Io We . . . . . .lIa.... ". . _I• • ., prolllWDD beo-Bt14 to ~ 'II III *'-' ~.. _ . qr... •• .1_ ' , I ............. tI••1 .... · IIIICIP Ie _ .... fa 11 .., • ., .... .... wilt I PI • .t ItiIJ , .
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.~~;;::~tlaa 8O,.tbsD womall wiD UI'J. N~1i4irD
min who can Dot protluoetntJmoDlela ' IDYOlWil f JM; . JIlOtl"i and nduCtrlal ---~---cuneneer beial a pfo-alav8I'Jite:1' Con~ of the , StllM wCiuJc{1ull. The Boston postea,. 1& li,hteaed 11k. A us Die.. 1181 whit women they hIVe dawn _ ~ die .P4'?ple jp't'1' .que~tlo.. thunder and thuodered like lightniD, th.r. Ii ~hoar lr reTnt~1 IIJIHde bia ..... io the "Palmetto" Stllte-~· We woD'der if ~Jlato rF1lOte Is pmlnll tbe to-da)', It i., thllt dio ume hili 00 Friday nIght. ::jvig:~U8~V:D~t.o:~ hi! ::; ~ they do JQVo their; IIIlV~ 10 much more than It!!t. orMiBIj'.. lp~ Itumplnw in favor , cw'mf( wboll ·man (eel bil dependence ' ~ ' ~untryc lllld eacaped pu"",ltl He IrtlwlUte pOIlemenl It ill decidedly our lm- Union. ,one leJ}sWle act, nt ' • upon lli. fellow·mlln 101' aid jn 'a A .porling gent.lernlo p.AlliIlg by bOUI., . the nextmorDialr before a cotta..e III , ~ IbId ' CIIUlJO, arid (nat tlle fratemit, 'Of the ob'llerved,ou' • door the sep.CtB.te no. el o( th te t dl• t re••. · .our ~ J' I • br~A8i1)n • .that If 'a "sp'1lce young mnn" 'Il.VI! 0 er. :;' . " a prer~quiatw ·'tu . the h1gbeat gOlXt , ogreu~' Itt. cbi~ren ' ..!;!'Ilo....' u ,,,,,,,,,ul<u.lfromtfrp Northern ndiggilll" sbould· steal . '., " ~ . , munkind. Weare, dopendimt. upon . ID~ IUrleon. ,faceti~~f :'~tl~e:r:':~~::pin;~n: t'e:~r:;\ei h:~ 1'0- .away· heart or o~e of theM ladiee. ahe . ()::7':A m~.t IIll~me ful ,Dna trl:'~lc~l m~rder otl,i!!r. for good or for ~vil> ando:are respon81. bltbe,:~lrclued"'lapce.put llilrm 110 'and thEl father wlilking the. ~oor in agont ri<Jd. • ' . • 1'lenYe all not ell:cepfiqg Her "puree commlttec. 1D N ~w \)fk . ~ ~ ,r .day. bl~, h, ·8 grellt ext~nt 'for .t~" :u;e, Bnd m!.~ e-1III1T8 • ilJn. for 9ne The giaUy ,luvetJllked. whaiWluft.matIer ~~~c:x!. ~~~~~b~';;"::=~ for f~th'ef, ~nd 1111·hi. slotd) lind fQUJw avBlain I who took the Ji~ a llfieS. of, ell.eIl. , " SO,,!Jer,\.nln Ill! one ea/l In· . Uisect. the otllell WIW aur€! to kill. _ .' '. the (alher repUed thillhe'l We"ilJo~' OM cqp,' Will be 1ut-niehed SIX' nrOI'l'l'IIW (y.r . ' kind hOlt -nil ' ~ttempted the lwe.' ,,,t' twb f1 uen ee I'Il:hothe.r-s~. cert~in o~ tl~e 'cllofac,. . G:.n·Iter. are "X' : olle' nt'~or I' umm ' er uee. . morniJlg to be, turnecr' out o,.f ~dcio,l'il, be". ' t 8&bnt';rt.n obn-s. . " '''.' , .' '.,.. " '. '.' . ., ' , . . ... te~ ot" he ,PtcsonUs a bh,ld oj Ule PII\lt. ~ ... . . , ' h Id" tb • :. .'. ' ,. . " of hlB ~onl. wbo may ~,ot rtlcover frlm I f ()er~~i~ . al ' the, -haPRiness , of. tlht · future one kind llli'd belte, be avoided at afhimel ' cau.e t de~ cou no~ pay ,." ~"renl' II \10\1> (Jjle COPI will biJi/1'!Iis1!iKl 'F~ M9l'1TnS , }.t1I'aujn.n:vi)r AI'" A tW.r' CE:'TS. , ~:~bere . wos an arr~8t ~f eatUe th~lv~s woundll ' lnfllcted. ' win ~epend. ,( 0 a greot extent, upon the viz. alliillitorl . . ", ' m . e· rlven '~o ~e.pa.lr," lIald .the _flther,'p ... course of, die present; so certain is i~, thllt ' " . my wlfe and little· cl)lldren without rood ,!!logl.numbcl1I will be. furni-hed for 'Fniln IIl. Xenll,\ recently. ltJB l!ald th.t WJtlUtl _~eaue~rl':'io~~ for Itn; ""field Ic~. fJl1Iil g~O the -past yen; probably more thlln a,huudred R'e··,y. Tho'~' . H' S tookton I.I '~ I..... tllcre is I mighty. sOllialr08pon)libillty gro~v. , 'John, ""hutd!, geogrll.phyl' Geogtaphy Is 1I,!,dIIh\!.lter. /lnd " w it~0!1t meant to pro-..... , .. .,. y' " .a J rI J ' I . , L: d . d ., .... "u , l f 1I . bl d h r t " f II I:he hitltory' of everylhlng on arth except dIe Vide anyror them. Tile couvlc~ 'Ii.tened m"'~ ~ Ptlid.li:~D::~I\~' .' .," " ca.t' ~ e. ~1;~~.~I:;.~~e~c~:n~a::·eii;:!~~~r:~ . llllitmor:~~ become-pllstlir QI' a ",church ~fl~~ e~~h ~:~~i~lln~:~ . eE~:~ ~bo~!ti 010011. lind sture nnd the ~team. b~lg!q: , thi:o~d~e with te:~, or .. II~mp~{hl' and <, .. ' tho subJect. 'Ve hope tbut the o.Il'enders feel thn.t he 11. as one of tho body .pultt./c ; . ' . "I wiU' th I h b Ju ' ' . ·VutilllritY· - " ' . _ I ' .;; ' . __ and' SOClal,. aCllountnble for Lho legltlmote , - Youllg IIIdl08 shpuld Rvol.d tbe U8,e of give you e me.o~. Ive ' ut It ' 'T)lere Il,nc( liabifa Y'?P~1l ma~ clInjorm WIll lie br~ugh\ t;9 -Justll:e 10\' Buch despu1a. fruits of falsehood ,in I~w. politica, 80cial r.e- ,bywords II.~Rtl tillles,. they nr~ not only e,caped from the galle", whoever secure. \' more aeducliY,e lAoD. that ' ,?f uling vulgar ble meanness. . ~Fredrlco Bremer is ill Cincinmati~ Illtions .o r religi qn j yea, more-elloh shonl .extremly ine legont in themselves' but tend lind takes back aD oleape prisoller iii. enti~ -Or.l.,!" F""m' the, firat' incinien. stlge ".' ' ••• • .i fQel thll~ he is '••u'i1ty as one of the lI.'gO're. grcuUy to ,n cour e hobi't of expressioJl, tied to 11 rewurd' o(fifty (robcs--Wow niuGb " ' I f\t,it·" .of\en' but II ~.i r ~ ~ . Procecdill;; cofR'P,,~UckDt.eeUD!rheld ,." . to l ' I ' f " dl d ' '11 1 doesyourrentllmounttol'" · ~e'. hl~ ~1\ a week 0 :rTho Pope has sent rorth a·new ·arti· gote :bumallity; of It~e Ifro88oes8, we lie in w 110 ,' I JQ U go It ' WI · ~re ong become .. Forty· Croncs .... IUlsw"'red the rolthl!~, ~.1 d 'c : A d cle III lin , oriuiment for ·:t/ie Archbi"bopa 'to in Jlarvcyllburg,'Va~ruIJ COUnty Ohio. ilie hUDlllu..constltutio". o( the ' viciousness secQlldnuture W I .1 ' " lIoUl l, comes· a .. conftnne VI e." n NovJrnber 16th, I j~110. we obs"rve in the human cllarncter. 118 \\1011 II el ,"siliu tbe other. "put a cord around " b d' . > .' t ' Ii 'weor on certain ·occosions. It is col/cd ~ mv bod J "'11 ~ 'II W hu,~ can e more' l.gUSllng 0 1\ r~ neu .. The meeting was organized' by op,polnt. 88 of ' l1le puverty Dud ' woe ' thlll curse the The mnn wbo bit olfunother mOil', nose , .1. ~~ I ,0 ow you t 0 tb e CI'ty, ..u,e, , taste thim to hoar ,ob8~eA!' wordl falling P .J:.LlliuM. aDd i. :worn -upon their shoul- lng J. W. Scroggs to the obDir and Val. existence of the l,DosB ...:!..Dut we must come in New Orleulia, hus been ~oUJld over to wII.1r.ecoJ:!lls9. mt:,: ond ~ou will pt-lfitg frpm .tlW IipB 'or' a llelJ~\\' being, who .claiJIII der8~ with a label hang,ing do\vn UPOII the enlire Nicholsoll ·Secretnry. ' , 0 the r!uestiQlI before us keep the piece. fr~'N! r~~v::;~g~~~I~~e~et:: ' I.tont.b~ to beQue 01 tbe BlI.me great brotherhowlof ho.a rt. It is mode of wJii~e lomb'd wool, A. Drooke, Wm. Mocy, ' G. ,F . llirdseH, . J.-LAND REFORM. ' . l.·.stollep . . . nlY ' ., chl'ldren ', "bould . "ar " v·e· a '• .J '\vlt . h purp Ie or.bl ack crosses. we toe· J: ' G " Sl ovenson. R . D . Ed..~~r(J s ' 1~~l r ' The first subjecbye W)!I.1d bring b"forA b An in this StllteiI thrent~ns to dozen timeB ' " I , wbioll he i8 himllelf-a. mO/llb~r1 " epo t't~~ I ~, 1. Ilk editol I. ~efore I would do 80 b"se' a "'ut' tl"ls 'IS not -II,lt not only sbockli the liove t9 imitate the Good S\lepl)erd. Would tll~e N Icholson ~lId pho,rl~s Vv nrd w~,~e ~p- you istbe justice of the Lllnd Laws of th, ~ re up ~q!Jlle.kep ping nn' go to bOllrding thillg'" . i D. .. po lilted II, committee to droft resolufloers for w,itb hlB 'de.lilll)ue nt 8ubscrlboT8,havin a ·1I~E!r. ·fee1l0 .... tlltt virtuOus i!,nd p.ure, but ~ll ,who ~a put it on were wortby of the tro consideration 01 Ue eet" .' I . country. No one' !e permitted to hove Il dpspaired of getting.bis .dues in II.ny oth:" The generODI$ young mau Inllillted. "aDd . '"T Id i I . . . ' .1 m UJit, home ~nloss he CAnl buy: it. anI! each i8 por'f declared 'lt last thllt he would IW'i '00 '"',... it lay. Ole fO,un4ltioo ~or irum!!ra Ity an IDslgn o. T~e commlttoo rE1hred to. ol)ol)ter mitled '10 mOllopolize.u1l the .}lI.nd Which hi~ wav. , hi If 'f U f h Id ... II' v COrfU. pted prIDcipJ~I. , 6bs'i~. ne ~vord8 are , - --;, ' . , consulted t,o~eth.er ami unnn!mou'!ly or.bis l' ngenul'ty will enable Ill'm to' [t is a,.B.t,!ril \i~li~g.,that people wjl) under:' rnse~ UI?,I Ie at er wau Jiot coDHnt ~Th li :EJ 1. 1 Ii lIe I ' d to' kIltIme h w.h~n tIIe . ~ Id. fellow to 'tll"e him. . After Iloog utruggle Ute' I.t.. " ....ocillted· with vll(gar thoughtrond '~Ul. .' v-4 , e n~WB' rQm· .ur~pe· recetved: t or· lIPon tIe . 0 oWing reeo lit onll all We Bubmit yo)lJile )lI.ked jus. . . tI ter .yielded.and tsking hill preee~ver the ~ thougllu" leld. to vulgllr IIctll,llnd' all rmgseveral weeks post mdlcate that thl!ro 1.010 to tho 8.0me" II.rld the~ were tice of tlii' system', to say nothing or 'the' I.~ \U.I ~ . y , I hpg t elll . arm.l!!d him . tOlbe city, and'to he Dil,Or'a _ ·.e iJthe most will be.a squally. time anlongtb(, poten. tllt,eB Iy presc.ntud to the meell demands of benevolt'nce. 'Who firet hnd .; , , . .. ffi E b d . I d h C mbln' e·~. /IIp'eed'lly , ~emorollz . 118 "resistance · to tyrante ther' hl t 8 11 tl '1 r. h' h tl . DRESS .- Externul gentlhty, frequently 0 ceo vc:ry ~ y ,wu 8u r pr 88 , Iho lrt. rdined. and v.lrtuoul.dispolttionB. . \. 'and , cro~v~ed lieod • • of thll.t . Contlllent. God'.' nnd liS the fact tI,lBt the tyraiJlljf,--pro- meal~; of 101'~eeure dleerl' vlle~dl " JrG9~d nWe\.leCr' d~edl~ used to disguile internal vulgurlty. tie oXman hl(e tbe·falller bid been able toa ."e sllnll 1I0t be surprised to heat ere long ?ee dan~ from 1111 e I('cll~~ govcr~ment'on1 " , capture ..... . II. ~~. all:· wuen " ooce .... ",iB h ab'It b. e· ... l'Y. , . ' y ed!i foot, to a ain"le : humanv beillg. ~ He D id " , f snoh b ra 8tron h - ·y UUn\ti'ellO Ii' ,', bot th'".. 1I0r cODle~' conftrmed"it diladens' \Icute percep. of out "reoks, wara, blo,udahed and dethFol",~' lIlCreQBC's.the-duty or rell~8tnnee 10 R~I" hOle fushioned the earth'"and, made it fruitful_ e a WllyB more rell. y to forgive than to pr 90 WI\I e,ote t emi t e Y' franu were · ti~~I, a~d ~n,.lles ·Bbame fro~ ,the mi~d; ruen~s: ~t may. ~,Cl long nntH such everitll who hn.ve I'!lo,de themselves reappnmlj:l e for he also created man Ind bdD~ted him to I'eturn on ~njUi'v. ' .pn~t and ~tl~e ' fl'i'h0n,er ' Ie:t !»ath~ ~o thh~ . who permitl 11'IDlse If to trllnSpltC," nn d It moy· be vcry .au dd'e 11 ltbe c.lIon . government-olld ,~s,the cul';vut.l·on of ,th'e frul'tB' that I)' ~ow Ut o'n t' lle " ..."t JR eys. .. . u . ~ er e wu g net ...... er ' 'ana··l. e iodividual ln.. ,of.such... , " soys lhoonly reaso n ho don" IBkedll.~rlvltelllterviewof the.J. ' t ._ , E FU~ltlve .-:>Io\e nlu race.nUy on~,cted.t)y lho bosom. II.S weU as to subs.ist ,uJlon , t e p'r oI ' II t .. . .ouayor, .,.. t d I3t t d t Ui it 118 ouae ill no lurge ?nougb co wholfl Ie tuld tho whole- .tory. IJe 1'&1 10 iodut,e. thus, is on..tbe highw~y ,to la,\\, ,lind urope is .much Iik~ ~ m8[!nzill~ rea,dy to • ~f u - ' explode.' 01I.d II I tllat IS noeded Ie Ii es req. ers . lIIopero Ive of tbe soil. He 0180 provid.ed- for the cOIUiOqUOIlCetl. , m"ctl a"'ect, depraYeG ·black.guilN1ism, '.' • , " 18 .'~or some 01. halleu8 corpus an t' me of pellee e \vr duc'a ru u' e d., thlt he not onl,' Idd';;.J.fiA., .... .. I • 1< 0 t· I tl t I ' .. b'" . ' ~ro, pligntioltol .the racet and,eataablisl,e9 the . 'Tho persons who Ii' ave ch~oll '011-'- oUlftr out ~,anC8 more to the rather .. pu..... but~-.A We would. Wlrn the yqulUl, against t III nil 0 (IPP Y Ie rna .G I. , ~~ler~ IhtllOr ~~'orl~n o.r .,rn~D 810n1I111&1upd pater~al a1fectioDB which would of Blllihe spc.ci\l8', ~'ilh Ille !I;sii,\ \I~~~ub ;lhora. .Immedia~el, to tb, mlnl~te~ ~f~u8tie';be~ ,!:'emiaioul practice, an.d we wou.ld cborge ,I 10 rig . 0 I . . Y .JUI')" 0 j' enabloaU to liv~ in ,hnrroony, el)j~ying rn".iun corMorqllld OI;1lerII'III111e,",-' 1)IIve m 1)lal g in'g tlie young prisoner I Nle.... The a"n~ ~)7 all tbe..!ov, e they .bear.to their ()';7'At the requeli't of some of our under Its provlt'I?"B-'-'offQrs tl!e br~e of (lqulllly_ ~be bounties of a common ~Fdther lIelll'lI WUlId tbslIIBelvs W be Uoll'l humored, are '. I l ; eel' to h' iafl\1 ' d fi d P flililu, diaorlllll. torgi\>ing. !'nUent and joylul mIn II .er !za~1II In t ~ , ,I, I~ '1we ' commence in dur present ' number ·the doub,le .fee ,lorJ1nd.~g for th~ plalllJifr '~heri wilhbuf llartlalit,. Dqt mo'n offa~ln~, to 'o o V~il!Ult' jh their c~re over bl' . f ' . L man B,IDohennlllo,rJght tohberty .. s at ISSU" these noly tiel' and written ~h.h AI/8)1tlct lQ "lIcb ol!lor'.· frallliQs ..nd Ing thut It, was , complrativel, " 'lDan o(~ tbeir cb idren in il 'f8lpect. Keep them pu I,cotlon 0 aome VIews on ~he. an~ Ro· between tbe partIed, OJld mok~fNt ~ ~o.l tillt,Y' anta~olllSm ana .monopoly , upon the IDll\ut cCl1onl, to ~hll end of Iheir lives." , fence which ' had condemneil the 10unj( · of . " e "Natlo'IIJ, ul,On th~ l .l.. · man to the galley •• and thl~ he had.lr:.ady frorn IUch ISIOC~tesla you Jmow to be the lerm. dle.first!lart ofwhicb .moy be.> rcaa in offence to feed .tho bllngry •. clotbe. tbe -no. statute.,boo of thi. vice, a. 'Iou 'NouldJrom dead,- another column. There is much ill the or succor tl e 0 es ed Th Alb .. UI If; TElliS. Ills .eDid 100 000 operatives aerved out hllfhia .tima. he 'ordered hi,·re. I la-,. d I. " pp~ ~ "7" e'~. r 8chool.book~ (o~r oliildren, and ' upoU.thc Yince, tb\l revolution of Fub· . '; h ,not the whole ' lncident beaut!. I, P911OD. 'Fix In their youl'lg mindll ~n \?cument that will pny perulol, whatever th , demand tile uume~r~te creedll of tbe .cllurch. God ' 110 crated Ih..p two·(/,i~~8 ",ere nIlUY, 01 •'. ,. , Q~D~ of aU Qti', ceni,ty, a loathing of ~"W8 w~, may eo~edain to the mel;lsules od. . r~pe81 .or the Fu~ratl"e that be cabhot P98s ibly exist wftho\lt 10 -Mllori. BU~ othera to vlIU.lo[. the 10.. Ind vulgar, u ,you prl10e their "fu- vocated. '. '!-.IlW necc88~ry ti.!, tbe pOlce and ttllln~u. PQrlion of the earth to' tU/tivute» aod con· . ofllie IioJgjlll~s di~ oniihe 11111' A'ITOIUlui.o Fau" or N ."'u..... -W. ture "eUare ~d happin'e8s, . " 1lilof the eOlllltry. ' e~ch and ev.ery one bas ao abBo. W08 tliQ douahlor o'f,Louia I'lliUip , .. ~A ....1...- no" -ourlelv- thllt wl'b, the ob. o:7We wereg"lll.d to eee . / ~sdolhvedlj ~hll.t~ the ~ell.n and bo ~ indefel!si~le r}ght to a home upon' the , . dlearDI rrom wFe dPitteburgh ,Jou~1 0(1I9n- . t 6:" . Or" • ~, "'... ~ , " . up 10. t e ow a.orelllllu tbrollgh , 80il t\)lI.t ill euentiai without 0l. lot on ,i lI.y 1!I&tr all old I.dy. aged iectioollJle wo~a utte~d. III ev, I erods. for' Day so. generally respected by o.ur cItizens. relish (ur performing the dee de i~ · xac~ 'l et' hindere~ce ~ 1eighty ODA yeare, died, at Lawrence,llle,of Y~ far frolD .iLI ~ac:b' word Ijlave. itl. ill) TjI18. l'eg"r~ ,and lIuB)!enaion or busineBs on, of (h~m-~he (\raVen II~~ cow'rdly' D l I I ' I ' ~ 'diao!llot ul the 11oW8111 •.. ,A few: dlll~ ,prlor .p rtiU 01) the mind,-II a libe wrltten on that day~ 8peoki well for our plll.ce. submit to It-t~rol!g1,l ubJ e~t !'e,ar, bub ' for to her deatl!, It w.~ disc!lvereclthat .. tu... or 111 tabl t f e 0'" ,wblch will remain UB we writ~ relllslil' e~oh In 1{ 18 .oW. way existell in her abdomen.lI.nd pn beinll ..klld ..e e 0 m m '~' . . ,. ' W d and accordmg to tbe .(hotll.t"'of Individuul wheather ~he WBS wiJIlo.t'to 'hlTe ber bOdy. u a pJllgue-lpot on the ~lIlte ,robe of ~ e u~der8tand ~he Young Men bll conoience regardless of CO!l8~que lCes to ouropened II./ler death. for the purpoae or,.aeer-'· pur.It1. that will Deter be, entlrel, ~ffoced; a excel!e~t time at tbelr Lycoum on TU ..I. Belvel, so long<.. it continl.\j!B in !lxi_tllnee, lllininil the nuture of that tumor, .he "IOn aDd t)lli1aWt will tlin~ the. morll motu. day Ivening; Retool.ved. trIDt '. os ;pr~o~dell~s ibla teil. .' . " .• ' . WIIe*:ltbel~Ou,bl$ beco~e Impure, " -,: ~ohur~e:"\ve ba!e, thle eXl~bl)lpltis 01' . ~cco"dlnBly ; imm?dl~tol1,..ru;rh'beldr·dellth, · bu\ • ~Iio t.1l1_ eet.liecome so likewise. OtrThere Willi destructive fire in chi,,- \V 0 nllve. IItrlvAn o~ 1 erty n POllt mortllln exawmatiQn W,I e • and a " ... th.1. t b .\ - ·. \,-'·e I t I 19 I . t .n · 6 " 0 tyranny BIDC8 the wOl'ld begart; of tbose bony lIubstance of ' an oval ahupe WI. r8~ H~.1mJlOrll"t, ~n, Wla , t e t 0"9. .. u . e. o~ on till 'I 111&. uan,anges 9 ... , whose meinoriell me~ delight to.honor; 'and . .Upon saWing thropgh thil' it WII k.,~ ppre,! IBIlUlul can Dever be \v~lle . eJJpocillLly"~hll[ of .(lur rElvoluliit'nRry 'ire!!' thlt' the oiBifie4 coverbl,. WI. , . . . ar.t o. . .e; (or , worda' a~~. ~Q' t. " wbOllep",vocatiQn to the lIuug~lc in VlrMcll and tbat ~i~~in' It ", ... coula.ined espreuloD of the ilJtero!ll work'D'1P of SL,l VB·OATCRllfq In Pen8)11voDlll ill be- they en,~d were ~~plea~'ur~b' y '01 (han loped (eglnl,e c/tild I ~Ii perfectly 141M.' I. ," , " ' cOIllIa';g th(l ordel' t6e day. A wrjtor ~ to that " ,Inch C11!mol!ds,4lllr actIOn. ~ wall tbe child.in ..Uitll .PII~,uf tltafn(J ' w~. W~IlIl" ...l!..J without dl~imula. tha!rXIBun "'Yfl: ' ' Resolved. tlt.t In o~ tJle whate\'et, wu roUnd in eelding or UI~ ""'"'" 'C .J... . In 18ijO uJ'holdl the upon ibl'ilex at Qlic~, iand from o.c~ after. ' l.~ ·,~ wllld'owa &iItoullb whlcfl we loo~ ,. on.tab)e. o( I~(e "0,... Jilt eels. to do OPPO'O t'le wllrd.learped j the 'WOOlln !)lUlt ..... e.r , Into' e..m1nd. It th •• bldow be. .tailJel1 but cwt ae siave-clllchers to vir oua puties IIbo\'e re~lutlons ,lltVe rled thllt iuront for ·fQrty year•.1 ' , \. at ~torecl,eo 1I'U,"'''''· object .at· whlcb of the Ohi~lri9 8ou~ern "w o .hue vIa. t~!l natutal govern ' woult'Th.e cirC'um8tanc('a,wjlich lIu8.t 4in th ~ pd".~)t ~h it. Who, then, i.I~ , ted us rcfl 'o f tbe'i r prbpet't}." fC?,ulld .by. tbo il.lle :or .the !.I'oriei !lition ore t1U~~9: Her nieee, wltll \\tbo", ebe , td ..Jf........... - ~ the good opinion' of olb. , . . __ ' ;. i' . ' llved..1D thelf d~t, and mer:'~ up ,to the tinu) of.ber death, dll~lnctly ,...... tItle he theo "'ould mos" c"",··niy t ecollectll thot at one ,time .l let8unt luppOllld ef!" u to "Jah bit Iali "a looked upon by ~be . o:7It ill Boid thlllt 'Jibndbilla are pnt into uived- 1 ' " , • ,- . hetself to be ~nci.nt and \Yeilt ~ f.r .. to dar~ ~&ed,dla~i"l window orahlme- the officers' haods,in -PeDIl" headed ,Roaol'ed, th"t ma~e all the lPreli/ilillary preperatlo". · ror ' 1Jbe~ty and thll expected little .'l!tranger; pu,· to \h,e r..I ......' Aoel whIt p&!8~tt ..are there reward Jor th~ dell~ery , or any who UD wieb IDdt 'a fllte f«;lf the, SlaveJn aDY ja Ilero.. ~the )ine I" If huml\n tonjllnment,of all, the' in.(anl wlllIDever bOrn; usd gulleleu cb, lId ~bey IIlve "Dulled on 004 defead tbe. ,II,es,' who' .spir" lebnnd About thi. ~ime ber, huSband die"" and from lbelr boaom (D the' day. ' br ill ul~l1iea for liberty 1 upobn '" • that period until lier · dea her g~ncnl · .t • ;, ' F th • ' 1 pu Uc .. meetings, healtli W.all goC)d. aii~ ' i'b~ elI,~enCed no i Dfa119' . ~ .r . ' : . .. ... ro?, e BDm~.l8llrce . e earn papers 8uoh aB "Doldly advo inconvenience rrom tl\e pre.eoce or ·the Nqr Jet II til!" illJl thl! chllet gro,v~ ~p here 11 an "undergJ:OMnd railroad" for. allmllnkind and other ~h'riilar' Jluppolled tumor. · " . UDiJ~r !hll b.aelu! lnJuencel CI,ily"beeomeli turning Ji'ugitiYea ,wblot- 'doe. more tban a fl'he p.renmbie and rC801titions The ,aboyc· "~llte~~ni8 orie ohimpJe ,Ilcj.-' ... f\...dllul.ed to word., .t he ~&rdng (Yhor.. .,.le buslneu.exceeCllbg thl' of any ed ubove were each"' .Bppel'o~~I~ The niOIlt' &lt9nilhi'ilg 'pal1 ot \lie whole which i. ~ ~"nmilltdab), immoral ! unholy line forTUnninl off' tbe alaTel. aod, dlacueae,d with much DDI,!,atlo~, Ill~~ iltOfl i8j"tIJat'1i highly re,!pectable pbyaiclln ~"IOD' I,e aWlkened anci m..de .tionR', . w~l'e ,dop\ed bld, the. meetllDg-, A ·~flelw bid the unpity.ing 'surgell beat thpirreqillell). BOt1xri-.Every· body !rUO",B tbAt the alSUrel' ua ~ot the 'child bore .liDI or, at r-. , VOIC1el wete h ear .....alnlt t 101 preli'm n.. 'I'h' tl d' '. I II b Secreta.TV or the ' nterl' or hu dec'lded t~ Dt lel18.'. a probably recently livin.1 exiltertce! ."d the ~-outh il ,...... ......u·oo '''e, PnAd lme. ~The reBpec'ftble cltizenl of Boaton 'fio r. a 11 th III1', Ie, CIIll. o. "aecortlDg IIW, u\ no loldler • cah receive ! r - than one land .. W e I h,a II n9 t comment on t h 18 matter- I' .. WI._ ... ~ v-oI.,. e II bove"'tireso1u t'100'8 til It to' to":'·.. 8 hi II mor., · a dearadad libertine:~ho. ~i.n .di~~o~ vir- bllvle hlld abrow at FIDuell Hlill. 00 the.'OC- were unanimous. ! • . .' ~tn~ \:h~~ :f~~:~:we~ we are Ilthounh he lDay have ..endered we unders~and. a full' atat.me?~ of' the eift~, !'eYe) In liD; and ~n hlB 'career of cOl! on 0 r t e reoept~o1l. or Br. THompsonJ ~1I~gtlEdwardoJ ~ft'9re~ the follow!nir preovercome. Lillt8n WIHbp. if 1.,rt0rmed·"by a.eyeral eutn~t1lncel WIll .0011 be pubh~_ . c!1me b~ifht h0J1:88 of mlny 1! toung memhu,or tbe Btitlllli .Parliament, and de: amble ~nd retlolullonl: . ~ \. ,., . of the people of thie e!1tl(le~,e,8ch, to such compe". aiId ~n, beart, aod cOollgn bia vic- voted to tbecluse or AntH~I..very. ' W~erell. in tile opini~n or thiS .mee~lJ?g pa'llper.,·ilnd . :tbe whole ml18l &tiDa tGcmiael'f. and>.woe! ' the reoapturmg of. o~ .lidiJig?f ~~slating;!n. are buUittle, better thp , plupen. Xhials ~ u ' , '. . > I. J -h T " k' ill Ii b' d b b recap,t ure of, fugitive slalve. eIther .with alit'-e -ult of ''-at J·... "e ..ual iIUl A ' • • y.II·em ,... ola III no eZ8gt'r&tlon. ~ httle obaerva· ~,e , ur II m DIU or aB e tin wlth'out th,b Bllnct~on of law ate clrime8 ct ' "h b...·a ......... -~tb ...' p'~ . f b'~ • d 11\Il'exi,eol" 'hlll 'b tho t e l b B tte' U • , . ' ' , . ., \V IlC .I;a.. e ,peo ,.e.o omee.n • ., III , '\. th' b t ~n w conYuac:e ~ , o I~~~ ~~re III 0 , 0 um\l~. . e r live UII I co",. wn~oQt ~ paralleUor,e~ormlty In the, of education. aDd; ,Ullder "A.i co".hu. "Whnt yo~' bave~ •~ career of '1If'amY. took, Ita ~I,e. Pltent. .' ,-"- , .o~ mJamy--'rhilrefore, it1 ,baa boen' CfIl.hlJd ,t.O delilli ae the gi"Well, I'll take a Jittl! of all you've got." Ipl!'yoU!b be w.medl ·-: Sliun j,t~e' de~~ly vi• 8taUsticl .of ~m~. . ~11I ' Io.on war e~gtge or '. .. . the wOlm ilt hie feet. Crou 'rns,tlifll'C?,Bl,. . !. per! "'1011 would ft!:e deitructiOIi! Under thla held the N •.~~ T.lB,ulIE pUb. eJth~r .dl~~tly, or .... ndirectlr in Bncutang and we fiollourselvea in .FrlJlu, 'The wolter dlrew a gllnee an(Ie nUJow'• IIs11ea the operations of the Pollee o~ glvmg .for ce a~d . e~~~v~ l~r I"tohla(w , revolution 011 1793 forcibl'l divi· stomach and thouabt of tIj~ tlxteDt of ~hi. • •.~. • ~We'pub1ilh: hj; reqne.t the prpoeed- of t.ltllt city for the three monthB undin a ,0 't~ongreBdcouncl :alnl tli Ise IIh' ~uc,. U· d~d- "rn~ng 'tbe PllDllitt" the .bilof the .1te. 'Wallet 88 he w~ going throuib ~e bill of , ' . .' • ' u . ' .' '.' ' • gl Ives, all 8,IIReCIII y , 088 W 0 aro or publicl.nd France it. :heaveD of hapPlllellB fare. It wu III Berved on ~I~u~ IDP of • ~~~IU~ ?,f. the c:itlltenl of &.,Ir- Sept. 30, 18~0, . ~rom the- two. h.erarter be wjtbin the lim.ila of' thlr with the kiQgdoll~ .o(. Gr.eat Britmeats~:y'e~etllble. an'~ pastt)'. Tijen ceme '.", uman.d.~e.fend t~em'Belv.~ ' llt h~1 ; WJfo. auli!redduriugthe lIte wille.s and the WIIiter brOugllton a littie " ',:eP.bUl'/l l~d ..vlclnILr' ~bia 'reek, ,' We we" leal1 ,lbe.fol1owmg; ~ o~ \0- the .Fuilit! e Sine ~w, bu~ "pi ·felo iel . .JIIiildemeanors anel other and ,to. any extJ;tmlty agalllllt thmi' of at.naliol1!1 It WI8 DOt France of "tbe heDYY" whslJ ~e cUltom~ j~qUlred t~n,lnOllle ' eJtp{eII!Ilonl CoutailRld in tlie ofte~..athere lV~re arrelted in IU. 10,010 mRsters. ~helr ,ageota or ofliCIl~ most all the peQple hall 'their the price, nnd was lniwe.ed. . Loa, Su.tamed Ind Recovered: shIll a.u empt. to recllpture them for the and their own graneries fUlJ f,r a "Two doUaJ'l 'aIr." . ~ reIolutiolll had .. well'been omitted, we not . ollreelt. rove' of warb1ce demons- By. Burglary 1918 • I S,104 '73 purpo88,l.of CllrrylDl} t.bem, ioto Sla,vel"f~ want.-W..s need not .leU you that in ('WAqI!-tew u-ha4!-weU. what In time , '. r ' ~ p~ " . II leC<lvered 668 10 R . B. ~dw&ldB, , I . sequence of LllI1l1 If.oopo1y thlI Irilh died t the .,city . d'ye a8k for w~at. )',e elt now~" ..,,~ tbe · tratlon_r bQ~ belteye ,I? .. fi~ and, calm Larceny lOll. " 14.71lil 36 ~~ tlil' re!lOlul\on,some opp~itlo\1 \boUAIl., land tiMJ D,r e peri.bing Jot two ~mpllnlel green customer. , .• mllDllUlanc~ or .oUr I'lgbtl. both Of con· " , Recovered " • • 9.01'4 02 maolf~s~d by those who -were , ' I aimple lIustenance.w,hleb their adU the Duquelne 'Greya .nil Sootl . ~'I'U bri'n~'10ur bill; 'Iir: in • DIOGlent," ~!'~. I~ pol1u~ ' , .' .. Petit .t 10118 2.686 28 encouragIng IIIld .tlte . , ',, " rur of' war. If " Hid t~ walter. '. AI, Recovered ~ ''' , , 1,68761 blood, VfI.ry when an Hoillau,litl'riili .. Th. ,~JlLw." ~~ted- ....,sr.w ' . O!'rWe u.e tId to aee ; the improve To~l Lou ' . • • •r ' , . 9.848 (is •. o r the d 'l'eloOe I ., "1N ilOllGr• • •i.niI-Ino ceIIt», for a dln.- • _iohur~."IJ, ' aH, O'ie, ~1I8J aud Properly loll, in other pi.... Ion ~R It D:';'-ton". uer! Tlili i.albti.' HoteJ,'Ie'Dt IU" ___ , '~ • of ~e Statnnd recoyered , lU,609 00 A~hltlon ~ ' . . No:It '11 Parke,,... _ .• 'f" '~I~~• . W. bC?J* ,tliat the ArrelLa mad. for Burgllry ' , • 60 requesting t. , Boa10.,'NOy.t6.PIH. Yew dOD'tJ:I&), lO""",,wb,. • keenl D"~ .1U}l~~.te the h01lH III 1t " Attempt.ci .. • , 80 (o~l1rd thea The Call ror a UilionHeeti\l, for to-morriUroa,t, .yln'lUt Jew cu'. &Ita · ~-be:;.:·6_'OtIler arraapmeot Ibould Attempted to ateal ... .mL"yls1,tor, Oh~o dinDer ~t ~ib'1 for I.i".~ce;, ~ ~,~tP., ~.., th, Crao~ Larceny ~66 pyrltl\DJ, CJjr~o . ,be mouey r~ irq\; 10 10u'U h~Y."" tali• ...... ~, . ' wellth'er CpD~tnaotive II ,'I Tribune, Natlo~al , th.t for my dInner." . .' --r:. '.. b-to..... . · 111 . , Petit, II _ . ,680 GUI'tte requeltui, tll r ~'Oh-thlt'. rnore tblb "e uk .... MId ~41!'. .. .~."'e"'{.y. ~ , Robbe.,. lit deD'l.' ,6 tlJem. ' . '.', .,' -PlrkH, .. ·.b. 1'pP"'*'keti liS. cbAomer. . ~t.die~. . .~ F~rll'l'Y ' . ~ . J. W. SC.OCG".,~~esi4e,n\. only cberge a rourp;eace ror • dinQel'~ "'-'.tUail..........t.A Fraud 6 V.u.UTIn: NICHOL,Orr., ~til"', 'Dnd .~lherth. . .IoIe your pp ...... btii..... eJa0fai4 lie G.~blin, 9 Will tbe Editora o( tbe·.New .l~rk Trill.A.. ~~ifll rl'Olll Sierra Lean tak. a, botde of wiDe fqr ~ ~ fGur r ~ FaJile preteDI~ a6 une 11M Notional Era pleue 'cop,: In Upper Oanada Bruill~ .11m' wu captll~ed Ii Dri- lpenae!' ' . , _ . , ' .)' ." Plckpocull ' 18 . '.. <K ~6,ooo or U.e,people have an .blbcru~1 off' the coat of Lopes, Iud ".'.. lift! ,wArn iltJlll feR ..... ,.(..." P....1JJIl r.ouDterCeit mOlley ~ o:TWhat I tas~ ~e D~vjJ hll got. u.njt 'tWe W the lOiI, IN!i'n, more tHo ODe . i~lo ~erra u-on, ~be bad OIl board ..id JODatb~, 19 he1 .Wb~)8ver.• ~w ·1 Wicked woman that or the populatlon-wblle iD LoYA!f "pwanlaoflwobllndred ,81avetl, . •' 'mone," IIlld Puker. FeloDJ ' . ' Embealem8nt . 10 ....0 t goOd l~klUg1 • .t he 1011 i. rDODOpoliseil by ' a .man - '. . Out came the Dlnep"ce Ill" P~. pYt! R8Cl4liviD/l StOieD Goode • An lri.h Judir. _ld when Idreitia~ • ~. Tbe re8Ult II that the '. , .••• R.II;,)~ Aecl.~'" . . blck tb. thre&'ceDta. Total 1048 oiler con,ictecf 01 murdor-"Yoll are 10 ,lie CaIi.da cauaUWte 1 to The ,can 00 the Butro'rd and I(ew HIl"Now ,ou'cl ortIr throw ill. oIpr• . Loal chOdrea rettorecI 11104 "~ ·and I hope it wiU be • w~ ~ the people. wbit_JuM.er Clnldll~ Die yeti Railroad. 00 tile 16th Intt., caai8 In I've bou,ht • 4inur IncJ. boUle 0' . . . Rncued from cIrowolag - 86 fO U ." 1 to 161, ~ , • • wjtll a {)uR1ln hleti wu • 'pn- of JIf,,~, ..id th....... bona. ,I.i,1IOI' Slao,. ..~ Tho droll editor or the Yank.. B1~. t!l~ • .A pou\1d.~iDl wu then worth m~re 'Jeman aDd lady, near He,:, ~.ftain. ~otb "OJa.1~' take ,.... nQ1y Jc.I ~ """ ~I preMnt8 • Urk picture. . tran.aendr.nu, .lIves hie reascnul'fOf not· Ioinl thao Ave doD"".9f our' alonej_ ' ~ . w~ i .....tantl, :ki1W-tbe, lady.,.. tbrowD ,In lbe ~... ~ lIo.al Ie Califemia-linoU,.. WI doD't 1fIJlt to PI' ''O.. To .. conntc ... a , eou.~icllNble ciIafu~tb. ·potJ.man l1DoJrin, In the halt. ' . .. "'~~~~~~I~~y.;0II;.dl1' .e can't ,0; ihirdl1.' if ws : ~*'... ~ a!otIIr • m\kt and Illele bern .. QlaI-earU.l-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -iPeatk.rc;.t 'JOUIOD ' . trlln'eaala ' QlIto9ped~ TheJr Ibu ......... wlUle die MOPle. - • .. • . Lo~, Roy. 19: eoaW oot be ueertaJoet1 &om aDytbiui on . .lJa,"-.id _ r..}ow. - lie
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' ll'a,aeiville Produce Market. COUiCTED ltv.a, WQiIt rOa 'rIlE vlliTOa.
, Whoat\ .¥ b u . . COm, a.ee\led, . ~ .' Bar1l!f ...... bu'. . •. Oal8. ' ,Flour, ,,·bbJ.. •I . Blitl8r" lb
1t1 ~a!I,,"d~. 10 Lard, loo.e, .. Ib ' . .. ,7 POla\~, ~ew .. ~tii"i'Jiy. ' . '62U Cblcbna, .. dbz.. • • • • .. • "Turiliee, flIP - - . • .' • • lYucke, ,s.,,, . . .' . ,Gec8el'"....-:~ - - •.
Wi-h .be: one of .the
be8t'iu t\:ie r-"u.·t\I·O
'Only as'" .,(h1lll1illalion, 10 on· 'L_ " "':',~-Jt~~t~~~t~n deem ·iI un~.8ary to e.n~eratc II~' :o~s e"v'cl'nr!·"iW·~1o , p"ve a prices, SUlliC!~lllO aa)' their nesorulIenl eIllP\o:y,od. whiCh Cl\r.blcs Greene ' genorul, Md thoSe wi\lhing to purohalc nla)' lide' lri,our lino pn ahotl lit tho J un ' toT:01 tbnroof 1850 ' nve O1O)IOY by cOUing,ll'llbo l!i~ of lho ,Goldon own cloll, or thnt of CUi!lOiilc.I·II. . ndmiDls tt atore of-tho cstlltc of 1:IulI. . " ' In connecliou witb Shop and c!o\h. 0NT tell nobody lbnt th, e 'Ielelfrr.ph OAicc dec'd will soli Ul public sale . Wnyne6Vilh),Ocl. :Sth 1850, ing "t(;tro, . w o ~rry 1I.\. T TINO·.b. U 8il'llB~, . In 'lho City of W&)'nesviUe IS' ',fixed 011 the. 1'WElITV FlfTn ' ,Vo h.'\Ie now J\lat a. largo ~ot of ~htl ' •• a. . , lignin &n!i,ill.ln, l'InST MT!!: ordor.for.dol1li( of DEcll)lucn next bcl\\;o<l11 the hours C'1f 10 C, VALUJlBI.E P1JO.PJ::RTY AT PHI- Intcet 'lyles of Ottor. B~llvcr, 1\1\lskra!i Sllk . . ChlCIIlD8t~ Mofk~t&. ' . nil 8 up witll dI8P&toh. . C. ' A, ~L nnd 'I I', M: lhe fOl!o\virlg Rqal Es , , ". T~ SAl,o£ • . " . tlnd \V001 H.A Tf$, rundo of the best mlltotJIII ~Il d' 'rho liuBineaa or, the plust week hns not ltlc88ag~sent. to mostp&rla of Unlled StaUlIJ tlllo. situnHI 'in Warrull ' COUllt)' , .Oliio. to subscnber, b8mg abollt 10 r JIIov(I to by goOd ",'orkmen,' A lIumlle,r .o f Iftlendll' b~IS been 'active, Th~ job~illg lrnde wns how. nn~R.~'~~he Miami Viaitor Office. . ' wh; II oorlnin 'tracl or lonu. b eing 1)l1rt fT~c· nnolher ~urt of the coun~ry. om ra tho fol· constllllily .on houd. Pereona ~e8lrou8 u( pUr' ever moderately good In the Grocery mar· ,'" J ' ,.W . HENT 'EY. tion pi scclioll N. 21, and bounded 'n8 lowi ng" cnbed va1uu~le proj>e rty r\)~ lillie on chasing hll18 or clo!l.inll are roquettteU to cull 1 h " '. . 'of B ginning in the couuty T,)nd, CDTner 10 rellsonnblc terms, to-WIt. , , anU ,Clxnmillo our Slo.ck. . .. ' , keto ,'fhe P ark 'bul;lineM. w lic haa how . F.:vorhnwlI lot thonco with !lIe line of First. Mia 'l'averD, in the to.wn of Woynes. . " BLECHER &. BOO Oln. aboul fairly opened; prodnces increase ,a c· SA'LE OF A FARM. ' Uilnd fDrl), feet 'to n s luk c; thence ulrlghl tuigl 4 8 ville, WlIIrcu , county, Ohio-eohsi.liog .o.r II "v.II),nellville. Sept. 21, 18:10. . ' M tlvity in our Quslnesll. thoroughfllres, and UNDER nn order 01' the COUlnlon flellS o.ne hundred fcct LD Il s take; thenct! IIll'iglii un- lilrcq 81 Iry brick , houtio" a ' h\'o story Ir~rhtl . . ' • .gl,Ye&,·,t.o au.r : qUy generally. quite an an. imaCourl of W.nrron Co., OhiO, to mo ducct gles t(my fllo t to n slIll{c; tllI.lIICO to. tho begin- hous(', U onv SIO .y fr\UIlD bnr·roollll sheds: ICOGttAIN W & NT~D. ' .: th b e d , 1 will'. offer lit Jlublic 881e. . lIipg. hotl~ ,8'iI,ok~·I~()UIlC, \\:oo~.housol w'!j!,0n sheds, Do Fl tdd I!ppear~nce • . , our 'III . ra ~r etter · On Monday, Dec. 23, 1850. . . Suid 101 is ullincumbered, Ilnd is oJlPflliaed nt bl~\bllllg iut lor I)' hor~i!i!, lour we Is \\IUh, plollty BUSflELS of Grain ·Wanted, .ID~ our Il!lIl. and may be quoted about 6 Dn the premisos, Ihe interest 01 my .w ards , Jehu 81:;1),00. of UCUliulll Willer III them-Ih~~e of which ". , fD~ whietnho1iigheat ~,rlce will cents higher: Che~e is leu active, but hold· 1):- MiddletOn, JDannll Midd\ Ion. W1J1. ~. 1I The 'ferms of snle are Dna third in hnn.), have .good ,pulllps- and & beouulul Yllnt olld be' pOld, dolivered III the Tolearapb '?lIlla, for. er., ..,-_ firm at 61@6ic. Coffee is quiet. at Middleton tlod 'A ngoline ·Muld.lelon, 11)100r8, the reSidue in twO. equul nnnual pnyrncnts 10 glirden Wdl 51,oC ked With fruii ond ornamenlal rilerl~ Smilh &. Evtlnll'. ll~r.lll!ic for prijnftn'lo.!!'J1ew'.Sugar quantie •. bring the I.\ndiYide~ 0)1~ fifth Jl?-JI of lhe loll\)w: bellrtlnterUI, nnd,IO be secured by mor~age 011 trees. All 0l',soid in1p.oven!t\nul nrc if) lir~i • G·tf G, HINC AN & .00, 'i'! .....,. .i ng .proporty to·wH: Situale In Warren . C!OUII th o properly' Mid. raW repflh, I be Jot on willch the), sland III liD' l'rIoljlf.ea are,~omillg up in moderate ty. Ohio and·· l)cln·g made llnll plllOnted In the ROBERT EVANS. ' . Ad ' 140 fael front (l1I 'lIIuin &trcotr.n,d 2O"felll ' decp, MEDICINES for Bille by • and althQUgh \be demand is ·about equallo nome of Nathalllo[ Pondlelon~ of New York JONA'l'IfAN JAMES. III rs. to a ~ f()o~ &llev. ' . , . :t'l ROBhlRTS' &. BREWSTER. the' rec~lpt of bQth prices have given way. f'Or 1000 aeros, on the wutors 01 ' Coosor'8 ' Croek : ~ J. G. GES'r Atty. . Sucon#l. A ~~rmt k,nown 118 the uThD~hcr~ . ~ aDd both my< be quoted heavy at 32e tor beginning 8t lho Sonth wordly cornor 01 JDhn Nov 21 51. 18:;0. 43-l9 FllfIlI." c:ollto\lun~ 1I1\10Il"four UC~S 01 IDnd · blue, drob. , grcen,~ white Lukin's mill tract in lho line of Z. M. John· . plellSunLl shuniod. on tl\~ .\Ves t lade of· the corn rolored, pnri kill Gloves; of ex. I~tter .nd 6 @6c for the former. -Iii Se"ds son; thenco with said line S. '2 deg. ' W. 26~ PHILA:DELPIUA ' GOODS. '. ColuDl U1l11boll roud, th,. eo lind ft' half alit)" alld good,8bo~jue\ rOClliv.ed III we notice an active' demnnd , for Clovllr'at ,to a Rta~o 'hy ,a hickory treo cornorlto N. H & J. H~RRlli ' & CO. Are d lI1ileM "from WillilinlllOn. Clinton . AI.tI!ON & ,t::VA,NS. adf!lQce.d r",te!' • .and 84:36 is nQW freely N. 'W. COf1)or; thonoo with Pick's Iino Il~ dircctJrolll t'hi1~el11hill Il sl~.jive ocrea lire cl~t":" Sign of'the Goldell Bnll. paid fqr lots of Ilood t' n arrival; Flax ' Is 7!H~ deg, W. 24'" pDle8 to a elllke, n ~cech' I.\lI~OrlU1e·1l1 Df " gooa', lrtllbo 'J'ho' im. \VaynesvUl., April. 18:10. .. , alia !Jetter, and we notice Il "sale of Ilio 12 in, dlalll. j)er.rs S. 32 deg. W. )0 bnks, FALL wiiiTiiRGOODS &re a two Blury frllu,e DhOUI:I«I, nnJ ' IbollOO wllh Diok's lino S. 2 dog. W. 136 poltmrrh bO~1 nVllrl)' nOW-II well Wilh GREA"r IlXCI1'BMln'fT. . busbeltJ at 81 ;76. There __ ave ·been ~n· O~ to II ' a BUIIIIl beech 49 de!!. F , 7'" link~j Consi91i1lg in pori of QlDthll, GII!!~illlorc8'..: n~· , excellent 'l' ater 'by lhe hou80. with & RDOUF,}' & TlTCKER Have ' .iderable rectlps of prime LlJmoer, wliich diam. bllllrs If 2:'> dog. E.4 '1'\\'eOO8. J OIIl1 B, l,.ill>l(>Ys, FlUllllols, rrirlLs good flt!llllJ ill it. A sprifllt brnnch'lhMSu)lv.li s til !llcir s tOt'l, ill tho II W 11I11111111l! hu milt with ~'J!ery limited ,demand at "Wilh Samuel Rich'8 IIno Ginf' hDlllb; Hoots. lind HIID B; DOli 11 otwl Iho furlll wilh Block Wiler nU tho yc&r-nn Der, on .Mulberry .troot. LobonDn; a d '18 ~ .In ~ d I . 99'" pDlos to U IIlake In James IIII~ OUJlfl; togelher Willi Ii well 8 l eOl04 Dpple orohn rd or 100 lnrge trees, and nnod"ir wast of the " Slat"Grocoty" tha mosl an . '" or ' common lin c ellr. BlIgor treo 12' incbes bOllrs N~ 01 queun8\Vura, I-Iardwnro, al!d the llsual of J~O voung lteOJ:l orlllo ilesl vo.iely of urnftcd tm enl.ofbeB t;fewuLry or?! oAilrHoldera are generAlly putting tbeir. stock II links; t11cnce with B&id lille · N, ,!I ot,lulr g~od8 adnpted to lll!s rIlnrkot. f.1l11.• ' Also [!ORrn>ellch and !!Iunqrc,'~' lIIU':-!l1lIllU'"1 of J,.eOllilon or vicillity; eOJl~ia10 lllJ'd, to w:aJ~ II be~ter mar~et; • Tanner's H2~ to his cnrne., Il lliake b)l n,\ oj whIch will be SQIU .LtlW lor cnsh. o!l. Third. I Pencb Orch .. rd, ofnillu hundred f JJark has further decliiJe~, an~ notice S9 dcg. W. ~ links,-a emllll "cech of. Gountry l~r~duce, o. ·IlRprDvcd credo It of · best inDCullll(ld fruit, iltGllding 0.11 sflvo~ lovers. d~!~ched and. Lep,ine aal. of prJoie at '7;87 11 cord. 39 deg. Iinke; -thene's N. 5 deg; W. 90" .. t; ,el~n ~f, UIO' ~ad FI~g. . 'or len yenrs, the ) OIISO will IIl1v , In' Provl~loD8 we.. nQtice .sRles .of ~een POIOS. IO a" Blako in Jbhn J,uklns' lin~ 011 .tbe Wuyn/lsvllla, aot:'l, 18~O, . -ilG-tf ' 10llr ' , 'r un !fORI l\fo.eb ncxt, wh,tln U.O variety of clockll; , " ' . bonk 01 II ~un. thellce .u(I Ihe run wltli Lllk1!l8.' , . vrchnri.l. Will be SIX 'yoare old. II b 81\U~I~d '1\[100119; gold anti sliver Pllneils; I J meat, at 3', "I; 6 @6t!;forSholldenl. mCllndering about 12:> . poles to the begt,,· L 'A'DO' SB A d h ' 0110 lIulu rOlll '\-V,a)'llcsvllIe.on the LilLIe 1\11' l'u{set! l)ucke18,SpeClaCltlB all ngu and Sid~s. and !lamll, f~q~ bock. New Melli lng, cDntail,ing one bundred lin~ two IIcro~ more. / U\o ,E '!8/!lIrtlpent 0 ~ n~n.nn .am rOi' allli LtnfI R~uJ. '. . ' " cy ps, alld every ilrHclo 'U8ually. found in a Jow Pork III be.l d a~'J 1. " . o,r leI I wilh tbo uccpUDn of elghl acres out 0.1 dered Vlubqt howls wllh. Jlk IIpd w,oul Tha' uthno nil tho nbovo propClrty i'lIdJ8pUln- olry and Fancy Store •. y Cooperage' ia excoodinf,IY dull •• Ild ' pork II , 0~lhea8tedl c;Qrner of tbe aliove dC8c,I>Cd rio go; H.eav nr!,d embr<!ld. bl e, PrJClJiI low, lid lerm e08 -o . r will bo AU of whicb tho)' olt'or. at (\lir pi'ic:c." . Cloth SI\nwla. ·plnlll . Y ~ract, deeded «,( ,Levi Lukins nnd othors. trus- ~ed:. doy Slat~ shnwls., LQII' af\d qu~~c,Just cbangll'i for p'Qperty in Clncinnnti. . nnd espoei6l\y lboLodlos,aro invited til crul bl I brIll and lard kegs .re' a malt \.Inllll ea EI, tC!!B for Meeting purp0808.lenvlng a babno., .of Irecelved ono jor 8ultlily ~.ll & J. Ii & CO. ' 4u-9w. E. HAMMELL. ace our goodll. ,
. ."
OR, ·HELl,O!!! ' ' ,'
dilr. --'---
'R... .
10 '0 00
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.nd w'e thero(o'f e omit quotatfon.. ·Ilino.t),·fuur Berell, ill oro or less. . Cran\leriell are hi active .roqueat at 88 ~ Snii} r~.1 vr9,pcrty hos 6eo1l npJ)r.lsed lit l~! hrl, witb but few' in market • . Pototoea M.e 8um of twenty.~ce aoUr.rs ~~ .cre, and WI .
heavy . . Onion. -re ill dumell.d 'at '16e.. .. , J;Jllrley is active1t'64c.. 00t'8 .are IirJD at 8So,' Corn Is !lteod, t sac, nye ill worth . '6d .Dd··W4c"t" 'lOCo ",'
not be lold tor' lose tblln 'Iwo·thlTdII of tho ape proislld vllluo IlIoreO(. . ". TERMS OF SALE.-One 11111£ the pur· chJllltl nioullY' to be poid !n,hJlnd on Ihe doy ~I
th~reaIw • wl,th In, ter~8t: alld \0 be ~cclITed by mpr~allo on tbe promisell. JOSEPH' T MLDl>LETON_ 44-1II , Guardian ,Df said minora_
811,10,' )'n4.tbe other /lalf III ono yo.&r
, : . , !c SI!;~ of tllo ·Rcd ~Iog, W'lIynenillo. Oct, 30, ]850. (. ,.,. , .WnynoBvllle, Ocl . .5, 1800. Sli·lf ~Clilltort Uo.l?ublicD~ )1le,Rso iilaert elghl BUSHELS or. ,conN WHEAT ,,"!lillie onc,lscnd bill to tillS albce. . A "'D OA'I'S··· l "J 't il '11: 1' " , .~" WOlI eu 1\ 10 0 o· g rollh·1\1JIIR. 2G O. ~CHMAN ~OO. , . BOOKS* fJOOKSrr ' at No 107 . A. S~fAJ L 10'1' bF tiT AND~RD ·N -\,.. 11.: I 11'd ! (} ' II' ., ANCEl 13 0.11 '\1 on S I arc COSl, by in
Dppointed alld ellla~ 01 rllul 'Co"-JlIY give '1l1l1::~~1: Co said tate 10 PI and· to thOle w to them
OU~ 'clalms to the
for" n,at beraId inoOlltlnuat!orq)r lorge capitals support. ~he ,BUTwe 1'J.l'1Ul11t THE -WORLD, and then Innoufice the .uTUU!lJ>a .IIp W,OllI)ER ~ thnt slanll am~pe.r in our ·col·
umno, lUI- i II be manner of tlome; but in. teud to UBOR.u JUIU> "}II) • .uTIIFU1o... •...l.... 1 U . -the cunductor. cK nDY otber jUl1l'll.al.ln thp lllnd ·.tol1~elllmt ll '.gooQ paper to o'u r ie!1den l'V£ItY WUK, We Infend to .; . ENUARGE:.TH£ v ,JSITOR "J',
.D~)Uble,Medlu,u size Ilt the ~egfDning of tbe aecond volume.' anll. if pOlllllble ma~
BETTE& , I~ EVERY Rf;8PEC1;'. Tile ' 7'ALE~ we sball p\1bll.h ." ..U be of ih" VU1I1U;t' OL. . . aJld BIG~l' 'WollTll. " . ' CJur HI87.'ORICAL DEPA 'a.r . 1UI we,can i'nalCe,it, be UKJUVA,,", IIhall,
~{)l11~GRipH~c!)A'L 8KE,'fOHE8
~~~~~~'W:;A~~:~~~:~~ SORE. • Life of Blonnerblaeeu, Livel Df )f.• chson lind M\lJlfoo. . ..'rllo GrDat Hsunonin by A_ f~,PIl:V18i We Clairvllyant-a woP1/. thaI his crea"i'A a ~U8 sea· Lifll Mam~.,-; " lion. of JOM QIIIn~ I \ , Livc8 qi lIarl' ajad Mar\ha WllSblngton, Tho YDung ~11Ji'. Book.-. work tbat ' ,.. young mlln sh!)uld liavel Women of t'ho Blple l:Iy P, v , Hollley, an e&·,. cellent book, .. _ Scott's and 'BYrD',"Poemll, Poeme of Otl8ien tn '\Iarin". ~lylee oCbfnding Poemll .by Alice and Pliobtl Carey, .'
.l"oemsliy Amillia.
.1000 RBWAllDIII
' ~'8t" ,ordAr IUId ..lee ......st Irltefeat, bean offered by.the I!roprletorl'for an arOf the , I~"" "r" \len! that is o,!oal to, PnAJ,OII,.:H.uJl 111.ball be a proJllintln t reaulure. ' VIGCllATO&: ItPRI:V£NTII, lind hllll hIIcn known , HUMODO r18 ARTICLES nIoLDNIIS; all DIoNDauu IJ rtllllo\'ed by "'.. . ,.... , it beau lilies the hair and keep, it lively, Uarml"..., i~ J(~nd and 'Bilk~lI ; tne harahell kinde may l:W Rlnde will alao contflb\Jte to lind glolay bv ita eonllt.ant tlppJlcntian. paper ' prtlfprvea ttio hair from tllrnjng lP:ay- hall III) • '&b h &nimal grease In il8 oompotlillon, LADI'U "1'111 AOm(l ortlie Dew tea\ures WI. e ' e t e 60d it an in •.a!,uablc addlli'lR 10 Ihe loile~. EDUCATIONAL. PARENTA, .nd • ROBERTe &; BREWSl1ER~ tm o. II ~ hi b ' . j YOrlTH'B d . u e~ l\O .... a 0 " c, "" _ERN ,FUN. , . 1I~'rD to fill With the C!l0lOEST' OJ' IIAT' T' HE CIONESE Po~ for beautifying lhe TO, . I . akin ' onll ronding the c .P~IPH .CI~R In the' ioN!) DELICue. LA,DIES wbo havo used at wlll . hay\! 119 other Iiind, AG~ICUl.~IML, COLUMNS . ROBERTS' &, BREWSTER. The Farmer shall have Il J1(lIUI OF WEALTH worth more than ten tir~ea thl! cost, of lhe sOAP• p*per for a year. , . celeorJitelHor illl many e&oo\lent qualiti ell ' .or ~d ' iI18 ...... .. ,- ~'an Ii d trHJ:I AaTS A,uD .., SCIENCE" ~ ren erlng .moo th c, reo .::.L ..L i . tnovlna pimpl.,. and blemill'hllll, ch-'JM!, . I I 1 Bha I f~rll • I • luba ."ir.t1~ ,a.;,.. HUll. ' jrlf. "';teIl16 and me- lor oIeanlling We .re determined th.t our re. . . . aMao,.,. pl'O,Yoniloa ~nd curing OUlaneC/I; .hall be po.ted up WBULT OD.n tbe..-& eruption fur billachlng, remonna ifCur. patin
pI~~~{,~~~~~,~t;~~:~' ~ .
' 'VaYllcpvilc, Sept. 'tI, . ~,
1800; t
SUGAR liOUSrn MOLASSES just roeeivca ~ ond lor 881" by ' , . _ CADW «\LLkbER & GOODE, \
b I A S,
M' '
_WUFAOTURERS of eyery det!criptiDII . ofPrinlinl: Pr~8l1C8. The)' wi'll al90 koop Il conSlant supply ofPrin\Cls' aml Book RindfS' Malerials, .sllch IlS Type, OhIlBCS, On es J3rosliltulo, &.c. !n,y. PRODUCII W.ARm • . .' A~"" Kif,ds of Grllill, oud turmer 's produCe wanted in exCIIIlDg!! for CIU:AI' GOOIIS by · '. I. lI: & J. H ~ CO. ' Siltn of tbu Red Fl0,lf, WDync9vill a" Oot. • lUIlO. . . M·d .
De....a GOODS
,,~ L,', 0". anll. v~r.rl'Ig~'tl, de crlptl\lll. vu~"Hung 0. ~Ialn .Hlack ond Chal~leton Silk,,; --
flnm au,U .1'lgr'd IUaclt nnd 'fllncy LUltres:
c..~hlnercl!; 'l'art4tinall' l-"u"A'lIr!lIn - Fnneios; BrilIiMtecn~' Senny Lind Mob.urll· M" J1 !l.do
Tho f,-'es' for II full COUf8e ~f lootmo!! nmount to' flO!>. IU anicuialor'I~. Oemo1l811ato.r 'a
Lain a; 1!lngii~b, FI'CltlOb,;ScQlCh anil Amqnc4n Fee tiD, • G~.dulllion,~.
(fbOee d(tairing further illfc>rmatlon wlll plcl'8o addreea theit'lottcrs (pD8t paid) to th'e Delln; arid smilents arrivin~. ill the city will vlcue call ·on hjm lit tho 'Oomlllorcl al Hulet. . • It. S. N.J:;W'fON" Delln of"'e Fnculty. ~ PLAm GOODS. LA W DEPAR'rMEN ~l'. _ beinut)lu) ' BtOck of Ellglish and AmcrlcM aON. E. W. M . KINO, ~roftl.ll.o( of'l'heory Inc . ....nllat prin" Olnghamlj. Silk SllIl\v1e; PrllCllCOtlf' Lnw . ' Grn "Lielll.'; Silk.lind GIlOW-, Silk DloniJe, &0.. V. D' BARltY; Eeq', rrof~~r of Com. ..S-wI b H M. J H M_ CO I. . . . . . . . . . For a 0 y , mercial Jurillprudence. . Sign of Iho Red FI.,_ TIlIM5-i~ per 1I11B8ion. All. communiell· Wa,nellV}lIIl;S, 1850. 36,11. tioDa pertei&\in, to thle department mu., be ad. dr.,..Odto ' ter, C!tc.ichu~Oi&.ihS& BREWSTER: FALL A.rfD WINTER GOOD8~ .,. . " . are jllat receiving our uRual '8UPpJy YELLOW, PI III,n , WJ;.I and Winter G'OO<I$ cona, ung ,,.te, &If. , -"Img 1111d Cluthl~ Fnll CuslmerJI, &auineta, Jeanl. Fall fltncy envelloJ!!ls on _, b ed and for IIn!9..b.l' WI.lltlr drcM li--~of VOri.DUII Kirub, Ui. n"' • ROBERTS &; DREW". ER , UUUOI .. hUlIlllJ Ca)lClO. Jk,oti! aild I:!llOCa.llnd a lartd.num: BA~UEL' '" Sa-OTHERS ~r OlllrliclcB .w'-ble to&. theMcOLE{.LAND, wlln" oftlie.oem 11& U. cIII muui ty. HADDEN ~.&JO) BAIR DBB.ssp.; W"ynee\.iIIe, Sepi. 13, I~, 33'11'
Gi1IshalI\ll.; t'rUlb 410, &c,' . Au. CUIl":-", by; I. H df J. If, &- CO. -, Sian 01 tho Red Ft~g. Wayqn~v iIIe, OCL 5, 18ull': ' , 3&.d'
g , u
IMPORTANTNEWS ' . and GE"'··"; Bnd to aid uo in "-'- .rrangemeota to till. work... we are m.king L ",,. of ""'r ID DUm --"- ndent h• v;e Il cO"'_110 , • .... laT""" eitietl, who will immediatelY iDfOrM .I '/ .. pli u. of aD1 n&ere.t 118. . . . Da r a,r eyan t. We .h.1I .IIo,.y,,1I QQfteI,. of ,he TBLEGllAPit I{Uhi. departm~nt. In .. word we' iht4!1I4lo makethe , • •
Both LOC 'L
, -AID !!!! • ......_...__ .. VISITOR ,
. ILult 8,. WATn,n1:L•• Ollio.
MOUSL..E!N.DE-LIN~, Mohair and Cham· eleeo LUllretI, plain and furured Cuh-
A ...M..' ~t ,.ha11 k~. It.\lf' a ~~. . and DltIree, lAd!ee Cloth .erlnoe., Trubet Clothe. i"-
40 KEGS JrAl~ 0-.0rt84 .I_~ j,tlat roccivcd and for ..Ie b, lnay2:J.
4'030BBLS.Lake K~nawa Salt: " j~lIt
and" peat ....del} ot other Dre84i Goodadat rooelysd and . ALLEN &. EV Al"48. for sale by HADDEN . . .cCLELLAND. mgn of the Golden BiIll. . Oct. 19, J850. the time to ...,t, apel from IIOW 011. It eaoh HIGHLY USEFUL AND ABSORBING. ,ubllCri&er ",1II..,t aDother in .ddltlon 10 L Y 1N1'ERE81'ING BOO , KB, jutt reo fllmtelf. wa wlU m.ke \bfS V1SlTOR. • ceind from New Yark,lIDCI Cor MJeJ.,Y BPLENPID PAPER! . ROBERTS &. BREWSTER. nor.;' _".
' .. ",
r~ a ..... &0 ' .. aIIft P...,on_~ T..... , . Ptf8bd•• let ae b... yOllr aid, NOW i.
AJIh'*lh .e expect to iaptoYe the p. per 10 mater/ail I,. ,.,.....n coadnue . .,erT low
or FLAXMilla. SEED ]. , 000 _BtJ8HELS .. the a;
eon r(W
a , . . -."
If ,).. ... <..'d .. "ree edt months "
".... . CWBB " .GO. c.-.. to.....,
At tile ... Oflhe 1 -
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D,v<,u~ .u,~a _w,., _:'.~_.r, _
eeive<i'olld lOt 8nleliy I" ' '. ' HADDEN:& I\fcCLlilLLAND, ' FAMILY. GROCEaIES Provj.io~. aild J)o"I"lIlic8~ lor .00a cheap 'llt lb. \Voyne.ville IJb:"C'":' , .I !IV n 'O OT AND SHOE nOaH. 1\•• SISCO reepectfuU, lhi pub!;o dillt be keeps ~~:~;~'r; hnud a good. UlOrtnllrn 1.~bl! ~~i~:I'~~~', ~ii of bootll' and ahoe., . III inoll '8 IiIle bOota and aho!18: women'. anel "~itol'tll IIl1pP'nr, Colored Ind' k,ldj palont 101lIh'l.r, and clodl ,OiteR; kid. tiee iaIIU buekills; cblldrul 'uhOfl!' oj;al1 daacrip!ionl ~d colora. ' , '. . . A II or th, abQv will be IOld til C)bllJlP u can bo 'l)urc1lasod nt at;l.V other eSlllbl1ehmerlt In' the c;,OUlltTy, . Call Ind en!"in. for YOlUlIOlvol ba· (oro, pyroha,!llng eJI6wh.rll. 'Mnll1 81. olle dOl)r louth 0 Harris' atill Ope 1'0, it Allen & l!!vanJ' atelll, April 6. 18:10. , "
c~~~JZ~~ Sm~~!!!~'
Inlorm81ioD forthe Peoplil. Bible Bj~)1hietll Univen,alilld, I:\wan" 'frelld.e, ~ '. ROBERTS &; B'REWSTER.
VilAS. FOS'l'£ t
~hD:~emperance Offolrin.,
16 nOXES '\vl,NiJOW GLASS,S brIO by :12.)0.liy 14, .llIid 10 ilY 15, JUI' reo
We wllInltond porsonally lo repnirii\g OlockWalches, AcconIllIlna nnd Jowel)'y, nnd warlln, it, " DEARDORFF &; TQ0KE'l-. , Lebllnon.1S&O. 4d'
•• __ ...... ...
1 (
tl 11
t' ,
III t1l
VQ.L.. l. ·:
," . ' '...~ ,
-f"' • ir
A: FamUy New$;Mperl , 'Devoted to , Agr.ic~tureJ MeclianIc 'Aris, , Literature" > ~oialJ .c·eJ ·Mprality,,' 'Foreign, jild Domestic News, AJn~ementJ' etc., , '., ' . . ,'. . !~,""'!:"',-:-~' ". ' :. . . " -:-? _.2-_ .., :i:' ~ :'" '. , . ' .. ' WAYNESVI1.LE; WARnEN:, COUi TY, . o.HIO, .SA'fUR1>'~Y,t '~ECEltB'ER .. ' 'J. :W"UENEEY,:J>.JJiLISHfR. .. . >PoetrY. ". , I Annlo,!la I a'cl(!al" 'r~iellil ~vhnse. nnme ' l ' 'Historical Sketches. l eto~ flueslii DB, wb,id\' kern \vilh!)8s ( •
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I shIll! \1111 Clarll Vor;, ~lId OIun would es, ~I\. ~ hrinl! IiI' ~oir vc,dh:t (unite' plllin.~ilr. . n l '-tT((&M~aj L5.0'f' '.. .', :rnB. B~.A~A~T2'.f'~LY ' Iy I!l:rvc to ~~;c t .lIIisu.kt'tI, UUII lac m:lde to offer VIOlence 1'1\ .1 " , U ,I,i " i.it.fl,- ,. eoll:!e 9ve.~ to th liltle c~UIl~e 'lll\d it with to the IJi' (l'n'dllnt; 1I0'Vl!v~r -N .. pUI.,1O \lut a~uy, J081lphine . " " for lltate \ , '110 llote~, .whithJ ·III . 1lI1ghlV IlIe.DlVr~u@; ' ul- ridlly he might d '~ t~.. UNKN O \V:'i I ' ~ tllll oldllidy I wltlle J\llll tO would w,tlk ol'or , rUE VOLU~ It, in .othf'r WllfIill. l'\!~UI' .i J'Q 'lriied ~gli;n, and \Va!! tho fllther TEfl COU~SEr.;. W l)y" ll\'Ild \u ' Q IIII:Hlrn . ' ~~. 'l'h • . .,Xllllll1li 1 UO; lIQt to hlloh the , to. thl'. vi\~.I~e .. t m t" pr"clIro "IIICdi ci\IO for ' In, H~pkIR 8 , WI 1 ~ve 01 IUegltl"1l\te cll tlilfen. A TH']': lly' JUll. TAYLOll. ' ' " · I ~tllllli filled, al! r.Ulllltit'L iot the plaiuttlt· h,' , hi pllni:lIl\l1 lit tuVIIIGod.''' - - ' . ' . 1he~. (ur dltt' woJllltI nJt l~uv~ her-nlm e; lind [\V~ tllE"!ill)o win<Y fro III the New .'h , d Ill'igltt to the opening - Ilcecb;' ail wl'1I 1II03t nr Ll'ult:ri k of ullllnu Thid \'flUi the ; ~eroUle )lu~ IIw!l.y,J hi, · AmertClln \I,'ifl'to , BY 1,1>$1I1ca. . · " h d' it n t bOt'1l "or CI,i r. I\nll i9 ,.'OltOIl . Yurk 8unduy 'l'illlt:.J. 'r~e tiubject, J1I1Jl) ': \ Ih 'c hlse, but t" the 1It1~Olli.hlll ' lit 01 hl~ .d II> inauro vengennce, the bCilt ,cttlc!!. plcllieNtlJ!l,Ileon. Jer0llJ.jB da~~htel,' Ptin· . _ . _. . , , . ~ ro,uh.l have grentl.r . ~\''''Dried by wntch· . TII.Y \ur• .' ~tld.' li';lon';"d. whcu ' n' yooth (,,e,,,, DemiJo lf. left, hc(. bUIr.t\q~ wi1.lnll lix o( tv~ y. ~n ' Ite d.'cline d \bp . tUrII,?r, ~lId ul- ( 'fhe jllry rll,ufoC Dol ~he.llrl~am' of tlll~ b!lTd 110 tonger inspire ' mg, Thl!9 IIp.en IhciI" deur It 1~I.dli .wl."uld . 0.lUlr- t\\,t:nty ,.tlnc, 10 'I'ruct' ce ut the ' bur of (\I! lI (>rdi<l~ ror fifty thou .. y~lIfa nfh' r. morriojre. ", . :' ' ,hill t1,o\1l,l;d . , . Or.Jt1iauer..d the c\tlirdll of 'hll silverJyre! . IIOttl.l r relieve el\ ; h 'olher I it IUllderll !g to I ci y. H "",'1111 puor "Ul Will eductite::"', 1\lIJ , Sil:.11 tllP.. derellce to leud. 00. ' '10 \'11 Il. lI~nd doll tlrf'. olld I he nft;1t Ilfl~rlVllrd, Hop. . JOIII;ph IIv1'1I. apart from, bill Wit, an4 baa JI II tl H tit . w might d Mn.e I huvo boe. 1 ! Iicei1' Ie '1 d tl\G !lIck :lno1' ult1\:ted oM ~'ldy; nlll! Ihen 1 1'u'!I';~:ls't'tl o.xtr;!ord tq fli\ lIcru. klpli wa .~1i!W" out 01 lul\ bod by lyncher!!, 11I'tj{It\l~u~te intl ry geniud. The grltc 'lI t1 nuo r~'U\lIJ'IlS of J11ke. and Iv durkl'1I clllidren. . , ., Ie g .. wlnge " ( ron~ I ~ \lve the~tI wh~~ EJwllrtl, top, . . a 11 II.lII till II t, lII~rry I V)' Ilitl pt:rb.JU\ ,:ullibilll:d wilh lfle nl'llo",~ t() dUllth. ' . ,{Juuhne bllho,,"~ .0 badly that har Me· liul'llrioc. !e 'I! tine bpght eyes of IjlclI.li ~ . 'I'll YI.lIlIdAsbCllton . haunts .ft"wn 11/11: anu EI-I. ,1trrt\ .WUS Clura Vcre'd bruth- Ity o( his i ll~tlllt:Ul olJabJtld Iha' eo\~rt OdjouTll lltI. ule ~trl\nrer b.llntl, th~ Pdll ~" · D~rg!) •. · walled ' liP wa hitri to' Will ·the i Sil . Iltl t th\!y hud c Tbll\ ~O Ileu.r ~o more 11Iy \harp', .weet !lr. : '\ . ' !.hollld 01 3 t'~~~odllble belluly: . Tlvefvu j \vllo l~ wos. or hflW itllllghl a ,rlutllti b~lt mnde kn owl1 Ins nallle nnd CD lI1l d till! ale doora of Inll hOUdC IIgalnst bel",lIl}d aepl!rllted. tuael , happer,lQ d, \\,UtI ilU- \ tontion ?t the ~eoplo ~lth ,t he I\nnoullc~· Eva"" plpftSllllt murn~,~g, ~dll'l\rd would , IIHJnlhs a I~ rw llr:dtl .the 1lIi~bllll Pi~rre D'onap,~e 'cllara-flil ,die prc,,,nt d Will! 'em- , pll~~lb"e Ib gueijll. . , " . , ment-:-· Jolin '1uylor Will. prellch ~ere tllul PreSident, th~ lIuppose ~ see\" With II h I~ket o'lrUit alld fl~\Ve,. un 1plu,Yeli by 0 ,wuultliy "rill d 1i01l ?fo Luul!, BOD· of \he ciLy tu ..... . " 't f\ go I, 0o!. ~~llIey I "poke ~rlit. t tile Ho bO,"Qr ~oall ~Iw hi. eV~",lIng IIt,euly ollndJe.ltll'ht. IIrlO, for -\nnle lind her "r8I1dmolher, yll it mil!siull IlS lund.ugellt ...•Ylpln ., .. pa~t,~n4 ao~tense B'eal.\~~M\!' the d~\lih0 .. to ga lhe \VOlit ' . Jllry Il tl\ .. 11 I '0" w!lnlursD~lIy ot . IhaL ~Io to e, dry ' Ii" Ivglc, whIch Ii "d .wendlll~ h.Jl way up t~, thu C\lltug~ g.~'e; I All II heuvy slllary, r\l,tl Ilrowtl, 0(· Cl1IlfS(' Il;Il turned oll;t. cnd 1ter 1)1 J~ephlDe. with being • " W til t I" 11& WUiI ul1arfld, Tuy lor" bode Y811r8, nlLerlVtI lU~itbnllte . tw R\l rlit t g?m:i au IIlId' the pleH8111lt !'mlle of UIO ~II d, ren d.ere dl11111 lamou .. . ' T u, \or. ,88o:lrlll\Jn equa11-.1 ' d'd L u,eIII~' I"?n . ddlugIItt'lr malTl bOUlIU . , an E!Jjt. ""'.' U (lIl u: ft I, no~ lIur· Jarewel l tu hid wilo nnd infuut dllli. He l tlle Slllllltc 01 the Uillon . S I~e~; . , PlltlS, thll IIplendor of ]1\11 forelllllc eifvrt. 'lishman . . , Ann.ie, ~lIIply rop~id'hiJ11 (or hi/l truuble . . wrote !lack cvel'y w. . wlaOIlJ ~hedell ned"llnd blaa tam· eek, but recoived not I,l ' . The I'oet, ~'lbtHll'iko , follow('d, with 11 !lel!~'nk~ \() th~e. t ~ <,y wOllld,. g~~dll bru/g . TI.m~ rqll ..rl on~v(lrd! flrHI ' rl'hi~ is lIO tl.·tlg~crathm. 1 hUVQ iii, t4ll nf•d . tty of IIi.egjt.i~ute children Ii~w ill Pari~• .' tho bl!nuty of line ill u,!tilVt'r, Six UloilUl15 ulUJldlld, "'!Ien ! r~ch r!,i!" 'I'helr f.ureat !llld 1.I(I&htOO\l ollcrlllg. 01 WII, ~nd. ~ 1ti1~1 torrcnt 0(, cnull· ~o ~I,n!, W 1'1l8l(}J". nnd ~b)houn-to . 1I1e , m"'lIlt' ~ aevl1 loncd II"'elt III the "beouIY tho husbulld rect'ivel, ,Dcw. .J erOmc,ll !I~e~t son no~v IIi,es 10 ~afl', ! 11 Ie tIer 'rulll hi>! · . em. tic Tldu'ule, '!I ,,'Ilich ) (Ill IIIlIy ,b~ suro : ey, I) nil,. 1\t~' 1 ~u",c . . ' of thtl w0l'!l"n.'· . Sne WII9 still knowli Uti ploycfd . th"t· cxpluined III,. but hnv.e n~ver With till IlIhun tully, . w,,~~ol;1t mllrrl., nil. Shortly ufter ~ n~ilher e. .• 'II" '1 F ', IIIC. pJalDtli f)WI tbe Phu.lllllf II' k ~. t\ e"e IjWeet Annie G·r"y. ·Shl!. Willi tJll~ lIome hia ·dI.'llurlUrtl Iif A nu WI mg v, anc/, me III) d .0, Iur tllo Wedl ti,e WI e nnd gled 1l1tornC1 WUIJ eIther. r"rllvlLell or ug- hourd \inyUllng 11l tl\o form o~ aubhm'e Ol1ly three ~r th~ whole tribe now appcar .. ' tI ..\!clngto ' , '1l4'J' urlllllhn . 'I • .. '1 . '1 h ., I I • k'11\ d IIcurlo t>pur wor~s ev~u' remotel , . y " ullpruxh 11'!-tlng the 81. lit the Prellde llt B I~vee. nt lI;lr, who her Illlher removed ~o ·l\(ii;slIsllipjJi. 'There .~ • WhO\1I uloft II 10 IIUI ra, ~~ I It plllllln r~e, ~n8 yt't !lving. IhOlll!II v(Ory infirtir n~ 1'1Ie P rcsluel1 ..• . • oqll~1I 'e 'p r j uIIII . T • i•' \lnmarf1. 1 .b I . fill" IIhll iUllucdiutllly obtuintld u divorue I.y un lIyi<?t~Rf<!< 'VI) 1 . Tile ~o. lle ~r:Y!ltal fount III the holle?f hght, Clnrll 111.,,1' ,JilJwnrll cU, III s not l;rre~t PrenlillB ' concluded fo! lhe d • r II !II~)\1nttlln. olul .wlld, rilBIII,n~ /1ft n eata III t wHhout a ComnLe eomplInioQ of 1P'811~ Vetc were Ihe Itnm~ act or lho L~gi';llIlufll lIIurrlellllguhi forth. be.u reu~nnt. wllh a g~ow · ot · gorgeous words 01 fil·c. A nil ~h' ll It'ght plu,wl! her willg, IQr a b01uer flight. IChul friends to ht''' 08 ever; 'un~ whell Ihey with, ~nd tu cOIIIP 'lete 'the ll! thc oplRwn 01 ull who ty. . . ct'i lllUX oJ' cruel- !grilllnnt: nil IIlwwel'B .of rullul!,~ Ilt"r" . • ·, . ., •. !Iud I!vcr heurd the mtlrv\,lol\oI mlln. wer~tl\getlu~r· tht'y fOFllle.d 0 huppy I.l cup: ty UII~ WIO~g, bad , . the lllLlIIB of 'rllylur's ; \v!th a £11101 burllt '.ol orutory, .that ~rought ' ; Let thy delltlnv slill unkl10wn temtli/I, ._ ____ _ ~ 1 nn~ EiI.w•.rtI, With who,!! AllOio was ~.Iwtty lion cllunged to l\hrlos -thbt 01 her Ifcnv a Forlun o \vas M"dc., . '1tlcond I the . llVu~e t' r I B ~ o! et II II iiat'to t Ii.y)I fir P'04 Iweet .train' · ~ fl\v(jrlte,-thoug!l~ tlillre \VII!, 110 one 89 mutrimolliul pllrtllert Irhi~ perfidy lIt1urly I lIwllrl~ )U'ydowli IU c:hellr~, . III which .lhe I!odd, lhe,. ('~Ichrated Ho~(~r or €lncm, tb(!i1 8ulv",!! JOI!!ed, lIotlYtlll• .....;... ' . ' gUQd olld beuutlh,11 U8 Aunie- anll thl're drove . l'" lbr intillne, . " I nall, haa w\l~lIn ·tho Lli8t cightoen YfO." Hill our"'t:r, ,frum ~ 8tQDI\/n.lf. tlac lj\.('rll "order! " 01 , tbe bunch. ~~ke .ounds that c~\IIe ~o ~hu lIoul m dre(1rnll 'ffld lIot-lIo ! not evell i,1 tbe . whole vil- thut pcrio~, boclHn" eccolltrie in lile h el ' 'I'huB WUllde • not only u on unparalleled popularSlItt 1 e,nOll.lllllll;"ttI mil oily deem~. "ulty 8l1sgept ible , IIro '. ~ho ' A"ECD(lT~ ~l' RE~. JO\1" FtncHE B .- Ity bS:l al:Qlll1V . 11I ge. ' . detrroo sOllltllime he 'pluud al 11.0 \Jur' un- 1 t;UUl~WI' e~n people Halt~r nit tl~jl c~~try. but ' . ., to LUU chllnll:llJl , . ' A, ~;'1Jnll ml(ll 8t6r 01 the w~teynn church Ima',l'I J II lortul\e or over Edwurd le rt the pll!llllllllt compll.ny of hi. til "'Ilt I~st, a fev r curried ~eventy thouJl!lIld' dol· hiill 011"ilL u ~om. P BlilvlI~!U·ctoqUl'IICI:\. )lap ever: ' OVI'S myster y-noug ht will movo. dellr anutl, r und . . ill ~n!!l~nd " r~c,\iYll\.;t lila ~l'IIt nppointme/lt I.ra. The lecr t or hIs lIuec('SI is .tlii~ lillter, und Annie. too. and {llrativtlly eurly uae,]";EtLV. DuUdin. HiUlou l with Inter Ilt like tbut wbl~h tl;o ~erlt LO'.rcsid~ wirP. a rich ' H ~~'bll Wen Ihe strnJIg~r'B turn. H hud to the clrcu!t lOoludlll)f lh,e l-OWIi unclll uJ' hill. \~ho ~.Il.de. bo II!I. II fRllI'l'ER ~Y tra~e,~!,d. in 18S61e .At all early ho~r .lhe 9th 0(' April, 1.840 '. reltiIlUle~' ~prflrell1ly lIllJjI~d. . ' . e, l\tl'c\· "I;1rlUg', 1111 1!y, ot tlml t~"'1' rnVllrtlll With th~ of. l,ved. ml\ny miles jl.iltttnt, wbosel lt .Ior bltn! tilB court.huulIc in CltlJ~k&v: ml'llste r- ,Ne,~ Yurk IIl!ttle,d I.' Q,~cu!n.ti. Not' l\lo. '!·e."us, II'I\~ l~ve . , tho l~rlmu1l3 IIIIUeG!lo.t, Sull, nnd .1tI0\IUII- I I~ Inli'Or of Rev .. Johll ,Flolcher. . " e , waa finding t1!e cllld' weill, li\'r lie, Will poor, "nd he clowdod to 9verliowilll!," Snvo . prospect very 111l\~erIDJr ~r lue· ill lile war- ' 11.!1f1l 1)1 I~\s !lent, Illes · pul~ !SlUooth II/r~hlla or the ~Y:lld. snd mutvellou~, gl~el!l to ~Im. dEd~lird d cI,~cctf)l! Q1,Igllt titi" 1111'000 oppurtunity fo[ l1il\) to tit,ll's' pallt, t111!rC hud nt!ver llCell \I,.'itnesllcd shuotin~ f1P high !ike Il. tnl)untn u·C')h~ Of j1\1r. F.8011 T~uclllllg l\ladel~... to inquire (O~ cell ot '118 "adt', ~e lIecurect. the "trvu;e . qr 'Vh"n bill WI~ion, would pierce. the veiled wurk IIl1d lilY up OIorJllIti ": ld~nCIl. O~ ndl(lg lip to t~1I •• prnctl!3al haUpr, and. eom~eJlccd liug lor his deu!' slIch a glll~lCring In '!Led ~i\'l!r cuuuty; 18UOW tbn~ ~II. .ljd diul. ~ UlI\ lor Lhul ~tl.!~IIUI.lwiloh thut cuna.: hou~~, h~ ,,~lIoU . " lrnullier IIU~ "i~ttJrlt, So he c"'"l1ell~eal t<>IfOj while tlJll 8tl'O'II~ rC'cJillg, Or kll(J(.k ~,w~ell ' ,,~ 01- .ute... He , t!len did ~, evt!ry. prlOt.,. upp(srllll 011 every 1'11\1(\ wellt ~er\1otu ,~ ul.y 111. 111". __ . lIuilbW, check~/ 1 df1rl~, ser,/I,lt ~9 iJe 1$ p~1J8ed" III ordUlnry WOl,lld , d\I-lId~ert~1'ed Irbt'rll.lly ,1O and did 1:01 the deor llIulherunJlliiltcr weep Uu "hed ' /aco'tlmlbghout thl! uil~emllty, bll. y~u ~uulll lillY I wken 1~1U1 Ivr D fIIC~tl ~ltlU ' CI~t1"I\/ mlUll ' 116 they li~LeneJ to tbe pllrtillg wdrd ""oud tuktlne,1 ;{. ',Iot the !I~lm~()nd.. It rna tt erano t we h IIvelllll glIll nVlltu, l' plllco, and !n mQn~. way.. Tuo public. ee sUlne "rent occnsio n A cCJllci.u " 01 l 1\1111'110 " or u hU1JIIIII 10(\1\ . I . car,'clJ III 0 Ice. , h thlll Mr. .. Flctchcr . uY" '/ Iv' Ihuy could IIot \;Il,..r to havo 111m nlU'tiitive of ,nets will Il1Ilficieo d,l'Odldcnce. ' tbe}'eluLC. . ,I' . ' ' ' ' A knqw edge 01 thee .nd Ihy lIome to glllll,. lour-II . ibl ,It I"• • air' lly expluin ' E VI'II UI, I ~ 'lID), , urllu",y eyl'1I 'W~I'C 1II'\ I~ them lur h~ hud bef!ll lucb a ' kind tI I ., ' .. Il • ' • '. . • • Ibenelll ll \hoHe Oblc"ri~1·. yeH a,chllrm hutb lhrowll \ grey •• hulC"Y ey ... bruw/l. • My unmo 18---.., the Junior prea.cber for " , ,Uud bruth~r •• uol1 ttn atr~otiollate 1011,-' IA~~~~e:he CIQBO .of Tit" Ibulaft ~other . ,183!). Geo~ e Hop. nll~ Ar!>und tbe lob, 01 .he giftud "unknown;~ 4tnui tl . too, miued hili IlO .' compony very much ki!lll 'one of the wellh1,i eIJt plllllf~rlJ "lid !'aillog, Wot1l1 l lin r(lJl1ot'-ucluro Lhe bllr. th~" Irc~lt:· . ,How 1,el~le.. tha Indian \ Ia.rant••hOm nol behilid ir.-aud so rll!ilr the ' November i2nd. 181)0, I.Ud the £oor, old "'\lndlllothe~ wuuld oft.t!~ ¥ e~ 81f" the lamll" ha!o ~e~n ,elpeetl rig }~lthoU~1 ~he l~r. h~ld'~~r:' .uld~, ~ IllOst illfllll>ll~llll men';f Norllleni TIlXUSj wouder;UijC jury It.,lit he IjlliAllit _ _ __ ~ _ ' .lIk for Eclward, llnU bless him for his kind. o1ft!rl:!u rru~" iti, bllvtl tou~b- yl)l~ ~liamnuntna.II~'''lln~k I~t . '. i iii. bi~ :o~~~fia~rangi,l' tlutt can't~:Dlp" ~~ ujt \.0 1\llry ElIi81011 the eJ tbe IUJ~ell!.u Wltl,. !If!! illig IIl1d DIRGE OF THE BEAUT If,UIi. bouy lin· , ", rn) Inn, mo e I. .n In~A~. . b e ' I tUIli1 10 her lind poor child, UB ahe collet! young 1~la htlllu.li ul wi ,. , . b II el f u of hitt c.bie. ~yer- j; ..,. WlLh ey~ij 1It11l lul l ilUUl•• ud IlLltlld- ,I."\!:U ~ee !rYb~ori\~ litlena", . h~r Anuie. . ,. IIller whl'reupull H'UI\kilUl IVlldl:d h II ~.tJn mgr•. d to !;~\; t:~d ~1:t~~~ L;I~;' hll .hi~~~'a rigid . l,:Dnl D•• 1.1.Ill! -1& plllllr e o~ IfulI, III;; Ulrn tip!! I 11111 Every Jfiw weeks a letter would he ~ "CI;~ to El r~II'1I huu!re. ~ Ie I. e Il . yOlll' cU", UI h' b I h I IJn,d I!bo~ hilll r; T· .v .."aTfll I .. JtorrOBD. curi 1&8 if ill mellour~lcll8 ~C01·n. ~\f~ht f l.l~rr\" 11110 dowlI .: cejved IrulII }~dwurd •.n'ld Iho,re would al. h i~ oW n .1<. ·r. "lit' 1IIu~d¢ri • . ". In t t'r .rell.t lee a j" \VII~ Ilrre6l~t!.i 'part i.no ~be,llvic(o C"IUI!II tl8 e. "uaw furth. A.L lir/1 •• It l1,M old lO~tI, III compbaftce .ltll hiil dl· I~V~tI her c1nld .wltb. nBtinatlve he ""aYd be ill it 1l 'loetlBlIge for. A;mne .lld lIer uI\1I l,tl10ft. an~ Ihp chQ~ge. ' Thl .. oc- hi lo~ liDd,'l\\j ll.~[, iUliiuullllUg it!ll!'!t. luruUllh re~I.I.1n" ir.W1mu~ll(~r~E"wllrd ,dld not IUr~thl'm: c'lrrllnc ~ , rl'rlO~l1l ed.t~lf! d"~ ur Ii ~I'i~t:'!. ~.•h)l;C~~d!r::~~IIr.~ !!~: ::k~u~az~ I.'Acil\'m ~n i und. . thl! IIralu. all 1111 arU!CI$ ,L\a~,e, w lil4 OJ{ IlIllI when 1& let~~r wuij rlloelv~a, elill'll H II :~t ~lve}H:p lult pry aMIc, a1:,I ~ a v Cll.lnltsn~. No '~vage muUier e,er tnlIled .' lial! vI PI',,!!· . w-Iy ll;ttP.l l ll. Pl!llpolil ,lit \txt! tI.l! ellJd) 10. Ie IOU""l t ' wvu1cl rnll "w<'r to tbe lillie cOUo"e atld the l"r , her b1l!)e to hlreolln ' nu't'Jje 11.0 A'II ..lOth. nllLi~ulO the gel,- •o. a UIUJ,;"C 1II~.I)UlllO\l: \\·hllll. two ",uuld relu) it ovcr lilld ' over· Igalll ItO ern lIlt' JlU"~~( W \Ilk III. Ilr. IIkeda 1;; .. V .... t \Vus viulet ~ . prOllCfull, whltout: a 11.·lIeure or the 11...1 LoJljkl l~1l' y Tt~'n I 'Id ' ~ kit plenlled wero tb"y to .heat IrOJD their .leur I'tluhd In ..,.."Ing ~o 0 at It. ~ eJ: to I : IUllllllill lllly aign 01' e. l ciltlir,~ ut. tu. I.e .. r III ,Plt'OOIl Ill" th~ .lld Irleull. , hli8tl.u, h" n'llll~_. ." , . t,," Uic;.. lifO llr'r 11 e, dn~" III of tile.. \\"IUl<.\U, · Ilr!:uu\tt ll~ 1.11 , 1\1 ~ w..lill Ii 1111d '" lIy.1 h Whl'l,r:c '" P " ..J..1tCI!~1 0 'h fl,ru [ 'Yrt,!;1 ' ~(t". :~f1!' IrOOlL l..Je'lhI,lI!Ullb:.s, . ~ vllP H ·,t l! I .fll!!!~ I ~ur -u_" ~-••--~!l!!.9!I; 1!.J -~'«fIUro.t~. .. '-•. r " lOt'll'\' jlif ·t~"'" . . ,.-;:--'\ ' . "-:--u ' 1 ___ 1 ','" .. • .... t " .. 'b ':ie"; i~-:lI'"g/ld tlian dell. oi ' the I III "v rlbed. bu\ th'" ea.- attachlld. t\lld eurelu;!, wr'f' ",Ii in (un,: " 0 ' Ii Oil.. Cl>\tage" the .. II dll 11111 IOllih)' C t'ur, ' I ury t\tj! r\ldl'tl ., CU...,Ud, 011" . II U ~ d'flU lit , p lItlJlIY III t 'th h d", col1l1 n", I",toher t the /lllll' ~ntl hN Ii t" '1. '" L ' .tolel him not \Q ,iI. t eu. nd t I10 In Iun. rimiulII, and the ~!vi(, alld buth aut I .II ~! I~. Il, P~lIlt .U IIIJ10r Ihe Iihll~le I" "Ia.... cvu etlUlprtl , 011 I hillllllM bllt let 1\ be II lee~1l fur UID \u\oro, t\i" mother '. back.UI .wa ~ CIt r4 It lerter ;It 'Rill Meuleil Wilh blul'k u' the 631m' trllgdy, WNO h. 'borne .•• the topJ\:lOl pel\ding Of thl! lIuli willu\\I t ;0 , the • wlAquu II or • ., t I' , A prl' I C' ' t -, t 1'0 18"0 It (lI'.t to 'In It'r ' rhllt bOr.llU.e Il mlln weot. bl,ll'tlt'll. ItI eye 1I1Il1 'writtin. in Ith unkuown IWlld' a ill-itlt ' IIUII. I ,u c~me 0 t Ii'0 dlIu\lQ/l IreUI now cheerrn O\IT Wllt'rt' bllC' I'HI h pllly'd; w lly r 0 ftll.bin ', . "' r , " I l' k '1'1 t· mil4.t iv in p 1I(111ed !aer U8 wilh II lr~mllii tt e tl f Illlldty doth at horne he ptu8tbiluhoioltlor. 111 I1t • now ..,·th t e." t"e 'I'hl:: inl,,:t'e t Il titlli'l1ll ), fil t by the 001l!; ' ~ !(J.'r"IlL wy~r, I .cc)oflIr.SIlY IIIg.,1 L t a t\\ cet Illlwllrll~ ' u ~~~ I~ ~ hund h brok e flO sell I ' 11 luw' linf!iI nll.lllity us t(J Ih e i\j~u\!iI' bVll ume Illr d~t'per Ihl I~ g~E~WI wllililll: S whler. t 1(1 plai)ltlY 8 melodies of ' ., ~ ,vilit.:'Jy. t.lvvlll ~ Idrl'l!r~ ." .. ~ td ~ ' \ ~ .1.' "I ull E,lw"'rd A. fltory haJ:ll l'Or d U",II. very whim t Willi kno ;v1I tIll \ A"h ~y und Pik\~ , ," up: uJlo j II., tly~ l'lrl.lI ( " or the ' cllrrier !ltlnnot hllil). Or. while th. O~er lhe tumb. ... .. Wrul etl " :,1 A iiltltl hoy wn~ obderved bv a <ionfltnbl~· ••q~w lolli! in the fielu. ill II fi t .P"UI' Clur ." I" • ell I' ureiHllU IIL\ ougC\".. ,UL VI ,,LO, U}l"lll~ inc()n8Ullble II 01'. A rk I n!l lll>,' un d tlIC Ct'j Il I/ falt:u IIbe hangs 11$1' us I llllll\~, I ' I~S d.v . • I I, • . ill \'E'ol Allllie ",I'pl ClH ~irh. loer dl,lor' fril'llll rol' I" " . d It II I rlllg I!rll " on t he UQ~toll (;'lInllllin, \)l' ,J h Nc,w Orlean~, pal'll \\1 III '11011111.11"8 fee>!, ra U"l i uty,.,g Q"':I~ IUI'I LI. .~,I ' 111 d, n. "I'rlllg nell il 8 "1 u oaeolnl Oil \ 8 W l'OII ro~ Ib b nnt.lrlll, • !IW I( ... I~~ .. t\ III u;ld WIIS • I ~old fit by \he c ' oftiui:r l( b thllt 11 110 Ilk ' mU8tllo ' j;ht> horu chI' tid 1Il/{1I to the I tit!!r of Clllra. ; 1111 b\1I t \Joughll de meteord of a , t re~, . ..lit;) Ihot W It 10 may e IOQu be l'OCked WUIII,, ' b,. ..I" "y.; y u IllS or I , H ,IIJ ,i,' 'with tkJTi' - (-I.ltu lul~ .elli·ttllrell.lIIl.J uut em L1.a ~ .14'llr ('d ell,1 ", .\ ~ glmc-a l1I<'1 l11 r I\'U~ !lD- I,cllce.cell r ~ullle I II J'Nm tI I d (if" I '-IiCe. hke th.e grll8d. · , otheil u lIl'l . I . I tl1 e I, ' b "e " ,~ tlle n rl'e~~. T 1 ICrll,,~w I I ii ' , II"~" ' ~lIt' t l' tl k' bUi dillOn ... n )e" lh~ ~l .,. '1'1'le.rI I,olllle n I' ri v~'d ()ra ll lJ bl ~ll ' urri.'IIIUld 'aiIt:C~iull "QI btit J IIIU l huve It for my ra 'ults, I' t ~lor rnllrII l!r' II vel' WIIIU ell I Il Ii Y, I. ~"'dl llte 0 t:I leep u'l t 18 , II . lluY ~I llld'Irml1ut o tbe I(I~' OJ)II ••n,lellfll ., l I'll III' lil ' " ." til ' I u 'iii.. lutll '.1 ' 1 m , son' Hlld 11>11" did th(\ hne widow nnd the jend 'd ou ;lthe I J"If!,t he ' 1'1 "rtJCl I'lllte r I. I • 08. hDutyoU Uluil~lIl1tll1 eli, IlIlutle \! S lie It or mOI.er AprIl. \~jtlHh~' IIcqlli lj!-lIUCnl,. I n· 1 ~I Iv.y. 'rrlltlt t" her IlIit\l\v 1\ It-lit d 1I It~ ~or~1 \ o. t~~~ cor. .\\'e~t ,>irltl ' ~m,lIIrl\ oVvr ~he lo~ ' Qr' Lhe dellr al 01 Ullpkin ~. Bdch Il r.. ·u ' dilill ciJanpatl$lon-lhuio heqrra ve.-Bll nt roigh\ well , UIIII'L),. \\' ~:.Il,,<:~lItr!lSC~. IV il~ I : T he laea ci Hili dellu! llll/tl 1I0Ii!..t~1l I:tltic(iunlilo brotl\l!r -the once I have het;111 /or8e('n, ... , mlldt hllve it," the b(lY replied. cfo!,. CUlll . Bt';l1g of glQr)' .. W ul I," slIid tile oQicer. "if you must hlApPY cOlllp"uioll of tltair youlil- but 1I0W' e.,ts of lite cou1I8d llu~:M plirillg till! 1611110 WII lUi .. e .. ",rrnlllj ifill Uc;a.rc til I~ 0:1 ~e , --,---.:. ::...-., -........- . on either Bid . , ' jl~UP"r , '!fi~r:ip~r"t: I WI II jt'.tI, un UUtl' h,lve it,YIlU mUdt go anll u'llk the Mayor." ~~=~.==w ~a~t:=~\~I~o~v,::!:r=h~.r~b!-!~(==I.==::=!7 he WUIi 'deull UI.d g:Olle ulld lh ey, must bllw LORD Bya!>, '. COaFUIJOIf.-J'rndI8pI1. l'ltl/ 'j'cXillt luwyer!) WI/ro uttercly v". r.~ I 0 ~I il , t! '= -Itl ur.UlU WIL I , I'O.lftl CJ : ill l:'ub m'~~ioll to Him' "W'llIll'o i8 the MJyor!" uked Ih~ liule tabl~' ,'" liay. Lard Dyron ... \lliJile doth ' ';11 whchnud by tbllllrguDl ellls lind ~IClquenoo u~~I'~r the firm l!4!ii~. ~ . In.., t I' h t fl' I lellvw. I It fi lit· f1 l'.Jtm, til1ll g.. .I!< Eel'lnclia .rlght III '~-{'d 8Igllt . . '.I • er~' 11I tltt! GOa!IK'I hu,e . " .MUU ao mue I oa .. ell:OW 1I,lIn rest .d'~I11"" . ' ~ t· ;ell' ':fr~1I0J1\.d; . d ' · cl i C't H \Villi =;,..:*====;:!;:;=::::::!:::::==='F:'~=== II ~ d II; 0' Ii ¥.,liullion t. ,-~. O~I 1)rulltI8t1, he .lurn~ .bortui llhe I ,fdl ? was !rec,~ • I ' Shortly " ft,'r Ih". nillictlo'~' tho tI u ' t:.o tt I )1rt~,11 '. I"a ?y~r u ~~ eMl'Ur htil~: ~\:rr vr.~r ~ II.... Il~ lP~tI 8. . er:eu,d n'l ~ , \ itllt!""ell uf l-ltlpki.lo1 lOre lheir ,y lOt 0 l mql;l,ry.~? 'V1' re moved nlVOy IrOlR thl' vr/lag'" toWIl;'0W tllke I 1 he "h~lIdet .sUit W08 Bet (or th!) 9th, nnd p"rju,~ ,OUII, If) JO~. an. Ir rue. I!~ w . a ' I t o wa J I i~d ' tl I WIUI introt.luced to hili.. rho Muyur IIIIIUI- .rtor~ un her "t.0I1t' \Vith Il reht.lvc vf h;rs who the lhrong of' 6pecla~d IIml lr there be no he\'Galter. tt.~, rll ~rcw in nUUllle~lI l tl,c"umou'h ' 0. .0 " e rcd to h~r u comhlrt UII. /ur ~ In'l 1Il~. red: . llble ' v[J' ' . Il!nt,. awn II II', ml'Y lleelll hoUlc' nnd An- \ all we. II all elllllltulf ' 1biu!:IJ. clan b", but with the inMel In hi. ('ternal /lUe It.' .... I_ myecu, ,,., tl\)1' I••UQ m' trelll· W d 'b h lon II II lIie wal' in II ma8l1er lloft olo\le 'wiCh her ' strauge , the ... ( ,. ell, my lon, ,W Ilt 0 you wllnt u I8~r, havmll ' b" h i t Bnce ' r currt"lIt ot' pllblic I<entinrcnt I' II n·tlwdlt.I·an •• ude. an t,'w" lIu t (I .~IJ' 0 an ~ ...'el nc- me!" pUQr old grlU'~lIIolher. whoae t!trell"th \Vue floW, l'IIn deOI'de. II y I'or H k.. .-.. OlVcIl· tUIl y e I. emuy.. JroUl' 18 COU.L. altull hOPI tblou!th lile, wilhout lOuse. op 8l1blequ \nil" en& Dill A FRAG )lE NT• , 'I" f h daily ehhing IlIlIt Annie lIlilllleti" Cll\rll I ey had procured POihwd d b fIr wnnt lome Willi r:,or my fa b"'t . " .or r ul I , ' Ir. /I d laAppo III nlt'rtt.t ,"nce, wilDe_ 8, who a.t. th e WOrl~ !IC lcIt6m~mell.t Tht Ie cr~~...t .~81 t'ii -' I'Ho\V IRllny rabbits havQ you1 11 . dlill <lnd tho old 'I~Jy would apeuk O'r he; I\crvot.l mOaL tlffillicntly' them, "dlit of ndthillg. f!othjng can ari.e' hiif powerfu l advo. oonl't:lg . ra f~u0U8' llY "U..uutY F.lLCOIU:.... 1 e r u~tt: bile . "'rwo, .• ir." u.lr~htl w~re hllr O\\'n ohlld for ClIlrn too IlIIteR. IlIdpcd, dO triumplll"lt c\'en fIOrroW." hud been'l :U IIPI~e:h . __ lUI Un. Ii! . ~TI~ IIIr h'l~ b en a mi;,istering unll~' to hor i:1 th~ 1 tile UCCI!S~ or the previolll "Gi,t bow do you expeot to get grail of ----~--~ l dny, tlaat whoi' ~ A';,e'U rev-ak intl henrt. h~lIr:i of pulil un;llIuffi'rilig ~1f.U~ UI . e. 'tnlg,cr. \ij e 1~~~lrlio It'sif mel" , .' \ till' siullder c¥ e W~II tr.lled, Mary Elliston P,RtnTE IN Cl!LLAll!J,"- A . eot deal !'~ · Ad "r'a"I'I're oIl a"null'IIle all h"ppln"~I1':"" r tl8poll lOn . ~ ~BtWn ~~I Il: !lUll ec, . (·Why. '" • " . alliJ • the If. \Joy, ; "I wu III getLing , . '" v un win&erWilt! le ft \"'Ii:h~t nn auorae y-they had all IIIP'I 'ddl! I.Po,em t ' I' J"V~ I"" frui. ~ .., ~ '1 , " Evt'rv !Ind" lovl!il en IIHII uru - ""WUI UII the oommon\ tUtd thf!~ toliJ me J' qll ilco ,ol' . lufto(l1 ell'ly dec;oy iD ~ hllr; . Itlld .w~t>t Anllle , .• " .,. A'n interval of sevon yeura Intervened. , wllhur« d IIg·1I Cu .... (lrt! a dt'ficil'nr., of ventila.tion ••~ attrucliOu. wn. e G . was· . he .. ,p~y-pe · .~1 Ik . II I e ' Ib Irh 00 ' o~/Ze!.. I" l nre i the d >lUI to k I II ~ft143 I (uillho I II ught Iln~ 'eOlOo Iliollt,noi. lYe , IlOlellll . wuu UI eUVQ 1'(' II .1 I' . . h ' not brllve Arloll tbe sharp "'Ilol Pike DUd n:y WU~ til<' til \ll II l.1' d IIQII; I I 01' Tllu" d lu~y 111111 long y.uur "g,·...ltum a!ltI'~" ' Jiru 1& I I , I a 0 . . been . b ll~1II1 to ' tlr tI e' l'clILhinll thunder of Pl'E'nti8R, yo .1 1r'" .' 18 depo"lled. Anothe r cuuse 01 t,!o . lion; ~vh"l h rot!e und t:mollllll, ","ieb ,roeo ol "G'" Oli ",-ell as lhe cI; unlry rll~lIl. kuor ' daQ1. I. I :', grllv(O. Annie, ~bc ' ~~v\let Allme Grey' of I&id the Moyor 1'lInd tell the om- the "Ilprop! Huwe yvu no .;ounieH'" iJlqul1'f'4i Judge nnu lell In~ boilod in billvw~, tl,e merry ~r.('ul\I"'·i an ~hlll II. . ~8oe ler 61d. wcnt 10 r~ Ide .,."I,h a.. !Ii.. ch!Jlle. (ler t:~ICt yoll bavo WI ~uch gio••• s you ' lJlhM. wblch' !r loe.don of the abelye. or aile or the ne'ghM 11& lookin . klndl ot ,jle laintUr. are placed .lfIlilUlt or .",uaid 1But ~Iill ",reGlteliL triun.pia 110w~her brtghl RIXrn .hUlr ~o wille. . wan." " I~t; 1~I~he bMiJ. The vl.l l·vl,ul;e wlla del!Crled-1he " t N'u .. ir' ~Iey . thll wattl. Jl tlli. illcunvllui.,nt .mn~ hlt~e det!efted PIe; and T " ' Hlil. ye bieinn Lo K'1~re· W~d broU%··- ht'r. . rUlhlr . chl.'t!ks UII"P Jllrtlvely aL the !lIg ..tOpll Wl'r~ brill! n-:-Ihe gute .wung only I 11 't~ D~r to employ We. predict thl)t little fellow, ir lui 1i\'ell, m nl. the' I\I,Jrtin g of (Jeo 1:0,1 ap,eclm .ny more." l'epl1ed • •11 III !ii,l'pkIOIl, Oil hili h!lIrll, Inl,er fiulCcr will eyos.. Melhlll kl h~lIr ~h't . tl~u('rlul ~o,le~, un Ulle IlIlIgl!-w~edd eM muke • U~lC. hn." olll'rwu",,, Ihe ~I e bellllti(ul ~orx burilting I..... t!ors 1 1II1\~'t lie done .. II Iroan ona lIide. and lb. ·1 1I1i,lwly II....UI t'd tlie ..me directlllll. lie th,1t rin., g ~lIrlit p~ IItl rtl l- ilL .... nbhj I.~r ... liltl,' gHrdt'n ~"ut, lIud allllCcm ' ed dOllerlou ahelvel muttt henQe bo very n'tlrruw ' Or ' I I" I II Kueh u OUIIt' 'Will not lIOOie ehi ... llirous lhemn••d tbe wretch around l I'U:' ooly "III' 'Ufft luJ l4\rdlll, 0 r 1111 g wltb II circum· ~auk the rllc III 6CLii'n uf \J V . I . 1 "'·t:O"e r .111 ' ddV" .round it" 1 d r ' I I • k vlil lion or IIlron lP I.'vidcllce u,"J ,jmpCl'Ifr llll· . MoaliL COURAGE 'H ,ve lh" cour~"e to Ctll(> operu'o r nlU~t iltretnh him el': In II ~OIt N . mt'lIIbl.'f u, lie prvlC811 011 vu untee,r . ' !' .a '1'1 . ·1 ' bl dll II a,e goue, ' .. .. , h W<l1I a coil I ~cnry • tf ..'. ' h -., I (' Lcllurll" a dct..~ while you h ,VI.' th/.' m~nc'y In .,. ed Ihl' jmigf', gb~ illg-liround the bat. ,l 'rh'JIII bllrlzoll wh~n .An.nll~ Willi, tlll poIIltlUI - TI.Ie , CI "r~:u I.arg, Ie"',, '~ UIJIIJ' 0 evert 01;0.0 111 yoor "lJdc~t. I~~etl e tWa! .t . reeol veo btlr, lind Iho WID.! WOII terno.on l!lglllng ·' m urn· , 'J1h~ thirlY luwverll ) t iu I were 01 tlte lIilcnt uir i. a 1It the .nfllil time greatlr .. da.th. ftCllpt, ~tt~lm'J,I~~lo lhtl~, Ill''' I H~I piled up huge \Jti~tlilhll uf, 111. 1:I",ve tho oourAge to e · Iflllly ~mh~lt the tr~e8.. M\'Vin~ "Iowly l Jddgt' rC~llted the queStion. coni I . nnle rey. f ' I,u,rn ...un~blll fllcttl. !Ie d,.. beneo~h lhe 1;which YOIl do nol need.d() wl~hout thnt Impeded 'by lite want of ap.ce 'nellt ",. e alllllg the ,Vll1ulle atree a lunera proc(',;· . "1 witi,Millll bowevt'r. mucH Wall". To Itvoid theole nVII_, tho Ibel'", yuur 1100"r," voice frpIII murder IIbd .llInder e, I IIlCL Iclll'l! of ~iI- yuu,r ('y~'. mny ."nnie Will by, all. ~Id not th llio~ wendlRj! itll w,ay to th~ ch'lrr.h yard, cvvet i~, ! .hould be iii t'l~ oent"'. with II psuaae the thic.kl.~t port dr thecl'uwJ1 ,itu.ted b", Ig {emmaj l, IiIu!=h ~ no IIUIII!I~try c'lIlld oY"rleup j. Have the. couruge to .penk thOlr tol ter.nf ",tel'lI..tlJ • •.rrellteJ my ottfn!lIIn. ·T he b~lI \\,118 to I· , your mInd around. Thhl alluws cireulntioll .. talr. and Ioilld tile the blinds III ,~~e:,~~:< hn~ IIlowll.R .. '" nlllllrllfully: ,emlRdin~, one t mllny,s bu • . At the lonetl .of that voice- a~d n', etr.eLI'!t of, i~go'lu.ty ~vlltle,llnd hlv· whun it i8 neccij,oIury you 611cilll1l ~u. JII), , tbe .helves mil)' b,e twice tbl;' width. with lllrtoll hlill-way frolll tlle!t 1le4t.., nnd . i~g .'hbS. ~11 ~lIe D~I,h' lIay IIl1p(,un d~ar )t Will Y.I ,t , d~d !be !lpve the cO\lrnlle to apuuk to Ii uli-nil the ."UlO cunvoni thtlt "1111 Ullnge were I!US8tn:t rtway:. r \ erhupil there WUII Jlot a heatl ~allf 10 a8lOrti~,. 01' in the ~Ick itll~: Y";tlln .. Raid lilTt hiol .bo~t like II. II or~lun ina" Hctllly" COllt, wa. e,!«:r ,re~dy to 4I ltt('red the IJfllve , .. rd.Ju~t lOa th~ mlnll!.t er ~lell~A evell thuugh y u nre picking. If iIIu"paDded froUl th" JUIlII thrung which did nut .beat, IIOme. , 11\ Q clfcle ,!f firt', jle lI~rlpped . WaQtlr~VI~' them comm&>ncelil tbe be"u~llul .nd 'mpreilSIVI1 1IIII1liell \() in conrpult y with .a ' rich one, and richly abllve 011 .t If b thing quicke~it was so unearthl1 I",eet. Ihe work, '" mn'l~ere. rau I)8l1not reich .tbem, the tllee-t ~rol~ her O~D hao~~ IIf'"ice 01 th~ Church .of ~n"IR.nd, a~d \ CIt'1f . "tired. ' , We have ringing neyer .ucceed and mournfu ed .0 well ~y an, l. . but Annie O! t~en, 1111lt It ~III a vI.lon IiDlh glor.i. DI\lId,lot~~e hl~~r cll~ though I had I.. tened to It mlllly limes, It H.IVo tbe couragl! to own you .re po()rj other than thll arrnngement. Drllt i8neatioll, however. w •• chang. OUIl ond dreadful t~,Ii8!JlI d che,lIrllw Jt II 1.14 lIB t~., a~lIt1 er. Q :t.t. nev.., befcore produced Buell lin elfect upon ed The r. HI. wit tllu8 diilllrm povllrty ot' i .. ehurpo .l th-t thet ~man8 .re vnry illto I\'nerli,ll&ughltlr, when JUan, galllllt• •Ctloll, \iefor~ i'ft~'ful lUI "uo~fu l III 01 " ..weet Annie I" ~~etl .~\Ie c ~ck: ,me,." at thle lIme. All the lhe way. of • sting. . . body w.. com- 8pectru! fipre that nobody remt'lnb " Uled t~ e.~ (rOIU It~r ba"...,. "'II lOut ellr. milled 10 Ih~ .lireeae. 'grew imJl('W· 1 Hllve the cournge to malco Il wiU and a I lhe ventilution of their Cl911"N' by .a - ,. jCraY,e, "c"nh Ur t;llrth, dUOlt to ba\'e ever s~1'I bef.:lrp • eJbvwed hi.ertd to guldei. willlJ\I in milalcation witb t}le principal chimn. ,. the' and old Ttr. ~e eott.ge ~ atch d~.turly dUIIl-," r notlccd IImong fill 1)4k 111 the hurri- JUI' 0110. the Villager• .wt.o (th'lIugh the oro,,'d, and pI ced btmllelt can('. t.he JDOtll II I belliea ..ir III wbicb, !ll'C8NlI 'i1y ~iDtaiN I. he WIUI .1 o.t. every Itt. vl\)l~ becam e. lrumpe wOl:d' t' II led lI'!t IillrrOuntle\i it, une . whu appear.i1 to ~ the t withill the bllr. Hive the cOI1ra,e to. tell a min wby a curre It, wbioll swee~ f Qut nolC~ .Del 'veD growl. t herI'. tbe,uar h • a hl:J . chle' .muurner. n wu ~ lad" a,,~ at abe I problem tu ~ulc Hi" appesre nee WB • wllb wild w\llrlwind., ~ear... iUIf \lie -:" ,ou will n4)f lend hilll yuur monoy, t .t.agulUlt "'... frum the ~p"bl.~ o~ . tbe IIpblbJl tierwlr. Hla twith Cluh. "'" J'Ol"!!".aDd ,et fD"',PlIItrepro,e . lind tal' .. in Ji'~t'J o~ .e e • hlrn~ to t~kf' a"look ! Have tile coot. .\ ~be colli.n ,qr the ' bi -h \11110 brow, .nd Imall, olltyllGllly. tied "cut" tilt moat ' .r cuntenu.-Al1l1119 CIIt.IIIIIor. Nol not 110 kind .nd "e~ .1' t~ blle'wlt ~ aweel u.dtor1IuIIsr ag,elbl e .cqllllln&ancetu you , ·wu _he that I lIi.t tin\t', lI!r veil bloWlnlt ooe .ide by thfl ! tw~ehin ba,e, whe. g I.ee teemed aliye witb tbe ,obit· /if tbe IOIlHI ~Pnat.h 8J,. ~I. aU loYed An~e GreY. fJw.... rtll you are cunyi.u:ed that he lackat principle. A G IJ) Boo ., : I'wlnll. dlsdlJtlt'ti t~ me tho (elltu'" 0.1 Ola", crntr.te d eIIenC8 Tbf ~.... aDlhrt'lllD 01 Jf!IIIwJ but ' ... dra!lbrtl"_~I. I'orvbeail.lowed ADDie llftd wlata her FandDloUter. IIV~ Vere·.n d thi . . . Ule 1,,11' "A triecl ..iwukl.,bear with • frLeDel·. i~.et or ~.nd~ then hUi inlllft\ioe billf' eJ8, h.ftI/.y 'a tbII ..... Its. • w•• old .ad ~1.Jltfi tit., "w.l~ ill • P8IIt lit· . 10 be PJt!l\f'nt.t . tb~ h _ . rnrDl t$i. ~nln C8 IocIkei ftnnfli.. but pot with hi. ,lc.. II I IIqry ~ .... tie ~~!Wn4 .wholf RD"P.Ia 1b• •0000 ' de"r Iripnd- Ihe IrlftMfUneral of ,her UDftl beneath their 10,,_1\'8 .rcb"" luolietl III... banan) llke , 01 • -"'er . .-lie • • Iid Hive the eotIJ'II8 01 to ~er .bo. cob/Wb ,..~t oud.- cIrei",y .lmOltLuncnnciuu8' and hirl elotJI· for treM..b eJa . . . . be~'" to (,I........ . blne .nil ~"t bcnIeyallokl. . .tw,...... 'he &.Wet', ""nip Gr.y. lur It~. nvM' otb· ial ••~ 80 u:aeed i"ll, . . ., tIItt 'hti • ...-..- Iw'~ h" IoD" boll, • PM on bone., . iD wb~~er ' pille Il .Pl'eU 8'. F , . . - -pat u~ .... A 1\l1I~ per u Vp Iu, .o.rlh upon ••rth ,It ~ ..,Ith .r ih." AnnIe \'1'hu u .... a.oltll He una yuur . . . .lIIpt the~i;;,' INat . m~ ... AUDie .t. .np] to pard It; .ud her. iD ...,.1 J luid aUt'Ddt.'C\. died. ,acl wbuite~· court h..h.t~ tc» hit \P 08. . prucee4 un. dmr. piC'lUN' or Wur8r iD IUCh .PJIIIl1Ipr· ,licit,. bl wbvlQll lOr 4l4lh1MllladJ .iItI d~ Uftft ubiW. ... der hill m.....p..,ent. ' :::. .~ck by ........ , Nellll... C'OIon, lhe little frqqt rDDIII 4Id ..... .1& day ~ iD ~~ hell lltot'lI ntlljlIIt '!'he al'Qael i. lOOn told. Arter the dA.II I .. Hu "lOr name Bn e"teNd ..,. til. ou;u"*P ~ weer ,.., .old fd It • • "up . . . . .... . . _ " ~, OD the ... ecnM~ lIeeutliW, H. pain," .... eIorJatoe IID& t ,.ru day.re adl.,'.l aer oW W4l1d ....ftd_t-,. , orAnD~ .... " 3 "" .IUI' oew OD,.. ul..er, • ..,....r ea" ' l'OILto rtbe State!" ....... .. j .t aeopad crab ....... ..t ... tile jodpt .I......r.b~ck QUt or .~.BIIt'" ... W"'D dleUW ..., IIf'. to die y\ll... ..... we . . . . . a .... lite .,..,... to ....., ;.1IIl b, maP1 lit.... ac.. Of '.\IIplciouttlf. 00It life t.etII ...... b~ _ : . "hea poke \aftbtb ~.!:.~ .. .1.. . . . . . . ., . Au kitlCh le..p_ fatat CUDIlI&eI", .... ..... ..... ., InMee tll...... .. . , . ~ It Lt I .. Qlateri .htioat . , . . . . '. :!-IIfoohl 9ft e . I cunN lifO be ..... '" ell del WIJll .......... . ljv..t with ..... lMatUllt' on 1rwi 101 ..... : Iaome• ....,.. . IIOlhI ...• ........ .. i portrai~ a ........ ~ tile .... AIIde ' and ......, IIIlIb..... 'ntl. ... \bla. blond - ..,. . .,..,....., -~-.. I Jd...... '" .L~"l' ~.Lt .beI slae c111'1l 0' ...... . bear&. a.b ..-er. I ..,,,, • ... - . - D _ ... . . . . Auie O,.,. . . . tiIe or U. ~ the ooUl'IiI'.f or Ott . . . ~ ....... .'
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Wha\ II 'BurGjIe aUhla A pla08 or olgh,' aad d~lme..l tlmo. Hunaery .. lylJlg Jmder tbe bloody" lof'd.llpoltllllll, iaa~8~ by ~On the !3,ud", lnlt. a D;stlllE rj and wellering in hellgureJ Italy tiu ~.en burned down in N. J. J.o. t60, . :" ' i.rce4:to the heart b those whom *he : . " "
P " ' . , , , • trustll~ Ill' r~lendl! Geril!any II a malll.
'... " ! ~A delltructlve fire ,o,eeurred at T.l!rre
.",ltm,.." rUlnl:
b • • ' . • l~ay e ae Oohold tllfn~e fru of land nal,l o"" 1I11er&st. If wo advlUlee on' to thOo Welt. we being 110 lJiiati~ California, I am at Lord Selkirk'.Slettll!ment on that ale Jaborel'll I~ tile min" are river a po UlbU n of ,6,OOD comp.t'I~ed lo_dilP018 of tllelr gold dUlt!lt a u. to Pbe almost large dllcounL. Thl., appellr~ to. me to ,be civilized pe,ople. or ,this popua ,helV)' alld u'Y~t t&lt upon t~e hlbo~ a,ODO own 8cRaruta farms and the tetlro.e ~mployeu In e~tracti!,g ~hls pr~Cldu5 ore women and children , NOlI metal" unli I ~~U.1J1 not yOIl w.l1l r be d1 6 p08. pliO per Qr poor man 18 fountJall1 'ngat Ulem. ed; at Lhe eorlie,t purlod pos ib'I~, to r9li l.'YI! Eq~n1ilY' f'rllvall ij, bec!lu.~ t/to Jllf\~ hall llael~ bam it by tlie, establishment of ,0. been mOllopolilled ond 011 '}lnve ' b en mint,. In ~e flI eatl tIme; 08 an /llIl!oy~t II equulJy , odiniLt~d to the b'ount ieB of Jla~ure. III estubllshed th~re, ,I .~o~ld respect· [u this scttlement' we find 1)111.11 ill n more fully l1u~mrt (9r., !~Ur cOl)slil~rntl,(JI1 the P!o· lll-ilUitiv'e IItnW whe~u uVllrice and olilbitlon pr'lely 01 authoriZIng guld bullion, wll/eh Itlve 'not mnde him their prey, ~\Vbnt 0 bu~ b£e~ ~~!I!iy.eli', and stumped, to btl "T8- contrlls't 'does tliis settlen ent prCAent 't o the (ll'lved m p8.y!~~nt of Gov~rnment du~s. ci,ty of, Liv'tlrppol, \vhere, 40,000 to'.l\lght ! (',annat ~onc~1\ e ~hl\t tllo U~8,~ury wo~ld \Vil,l lodge i,n ~l1rf1p oud /iHl.y ce,Unrs, eulfer ,1I11~ ~?8e, by lju~l\ ~ .provlsIQn. " ' ' they bOClJme, in process of lillie, c~abu 28~: jbe nmete~~I!~,e~~on b,~f the act of to<[~lJliol\lte' brutory! Aud yet, Liv,etpool is IInu8ry, , , e II e8 II city of refIn ement whero 1111 thlllgs , 8ro lundd, wero p.l~dged, fOr the and , "Rccordlllg to low II and every olle Is princ~p'\l of ' the public' debt' ' 1,' h e great ' • 't f th h 'd s 'I ) ' p ' t- dllowc4 tI,e glorious fre('40ln of, k~oring all amoun ~ ose ( n ~; u 8e,que ,It gra!1 lie has a cI gettillg all he cun, nnd wherl' , . by , G~ngrcsil fo: f91\lta y bountIes, WIll, one.half· the peop,\e nre ruiD~d "according I~ Id Ijelleved, ,very pearly tllpply the pub- to ll1\~" II I~I Liverpool tbe 'e8u1ts of La"d lac d~mond ~or Bev~Tal yoars to come, nud 1\1ouo' 01 hnve been wrou<Tht out, while on but IIJtlo ~eharieeJ c,an, Iher~fore, be phlC~d I Red liv~t lha curso hilS not.:..v;ct 'seized ~p. onplhnt ~lItheGrto (f.lllitfulbsource ot dreve~lUol' "II the peop'le 'Vo were ubout to 8a~ thllt erUVllln , , ed , I /tUIIUO loa ' , ecome ,80 .ealrub e , the poor. 01' Liverpool werfl as Mqrn the poor or'any othor 'lIu,tion, or which. m&ot to emJlf6Y . ii {htl monns propt'rly in read, But let U8 IlRl!>n to the Instrnctlon~ its power ior the" purpoqe of cnUlli",' th~ of ~i6\ory-J.4~~ bi fora ~lJme fe~llun lder tb~
MElI KIJ,r.K~ .~D
S.. v
Blai",vllle(Pa.) Aplllul'hinn ~I)n. ~a account ora lIeriM of riob whicli ' re$.ently taken place among the I._ on the rullroad neur ~hat place. '.Viae comDierrcecl.by an atlt'mpt l'n th~ part ortl le, F~r IDoW ns (north or Ir~l.ad mcn) to drive tlleLein8ter nlell from the r~lld, Tbe , follcl\\' Ing are 10iDe of the partlcu", lurll:,~ ', , ' • \ , ' On ;Fl'lllay ~.,ornJnll upwords C!f (I JlUndroq of the : ' Far, DolV"s.." fr m Iloofo, ~ei\,rJy ull o~ed.~vltl~ gl1n~.. , clime tllollg the Ja,~e,gatllt:'rln~uptll?s~ ,oftho lIamlt falltio!} from t he ecetlon lownrds Gr.l!enpurgh mo.> ved iorword TO join them. They unlteil 01 ' ll~ (~l\,\Iiglln,II,) noar Craig,lI Mlt'l abo~t thre~ milell from town, whele the op~ posmg,.fuct/on olso gnlhered 'in great ,numhera. , We hny~ l\enr~ ~he"who\ umbel Oil. bl,lth sldt's vlIl'luusly estlmat,d ot from. 6001 to 1,000. Tbl! Leinster men conshlerobl.,. b ' J , out num ored their ,opponents. Ap c""~ie~ wOfipon8 of 80me krml-llome h!lvmg'pi,ckhandlu~, lind others pjec~, of iron, hilyonet.. aUached to , polr.6~ '&c,; but the majority Wf're armed wjth guntl and pistoll. , A fight 1001 ' place in which two or'tl\e ~.' Far DOIV.ua,"lIumed CaJlahlll' lind Smitll, were k'JI" L'de we ,Ileat 0 f b nl I t'u : 0 n 't h e ot h er III
Poland (or 10 theee .JIIany Ihd. on the llnd, inlt. Ele1'~n b~l. bal been blecdipg It every, pore.- Jil)' consumed ' ' ,mllJlef mODlrohies al'8'lllI 'over , , , f:ll ., " ,,.", tbeir powerM 'n eighbors. :'France I" on , : ' ," d • ( . :HII1I1"IDor'Clelr8~)f t~arcby.. ?r , eltpotl~m rom l ,wlllc,n<III'.e, m~!/. e.c.p~. E.ngJand !I In the cou:~epf~rogre~a~la~d ,h ", ",, enough at home. R-PIII,a " ,}D t)te, . OtrThe lengthy ,extracts from the Pre8iThe intel~lwence ' ra. 1.1!'lCeIIlU'LU~. lIer pt:Qud Autocrat Is , now qent'",~lessoge anll ' IIf forei~n neWB crowd &, " . .. Europe ' Bud hi. word ill about .. good ' , ,, " ,,' . r da~k fo tJle caule of Llber~r' For ' , th ' ; h ( 't' b " t' t out much Interellting matter., . • ~ , ' .1. " , I. h b' over ree ,ourt s (\ e' cop lllen • " • ltover~1 y. ara "'~ natl9nt t!,e~ ~ ~!~ e~n ' d P t ..b al are next'~o Don~nt tlell; ~h Preaidol1t'.MesloCte i. qujte "" Itellving mte tlle' region" 'near l. v(licaMe an. or .u , . ' ' ,v-f ":. , e, , " durin 'an .· ear'u.ICNa~ • "ahd Iiaa ther been II ratber Jl ll)provl\lg~ GTI~ece ui man~hke dO~U~Ollt" b~t, IS t!lo lenillay ~ 1 "I d I ' ~' h 0 r ' 'witose bu~ little to, in, terell the world. for publicUlio~ in our ~olumili. '. Below ~Ine ~ ea~! . n e~c .c uqt y. ~' I ••• • bowever will~be found 8ome,extra,ctli from It P!lO~~:,were pDlltm~ ,til' be , ~r~ell (rom ~he \ POlll: TUDE.-PrlC1ell rUIl ,t., bigh which may intercst our 'readers. yoke -oJ"bond.lge, lilie KOSSUTH ofHunga· 'trade to b~ excol1!ivelv bri8~. Buyen , • , or , W,.....'"WKGTOif .•~ f . Am e.loa, ~' tl.I',e " ira little fearful J, ,'1. \ill k a8 of tne result' . ' , ' and unrnvor!lble ,yeatlier pated. Bu~there was aI8tr~ctI01\ II} coun· .. of the week' clused a d~. any hoslile militory 'expeditions to 'b'e' fitted f '\1 d I I b' .. (e.; 1t'1, timidIty In action,~r"dulit.Y i/1 the word Tue8day we noticed . ..lel · u out in tho United 'Stllte~ to invndetl!le :rcr.. ilif:t ;~~~' ~v:r:r:tl~d' bu~ Ith8ef:e~ r~~o~er" of perfijJo.ua deI!P,oU. ana the.· rellult il~ all lo\\' 81 'S 70 per hund.:ed lbi. Whether ' or province's of .~ friendly Datto r. artlole to be imported jntolbc cbulltry, at a ,~olgh,t of ~()no~i- y on t ~~ e ~i.e:lI:e h~~e tuinty fn T('!Yurt! to m~re thall the t~o I en: might beell aaticipated, a' dow~fal1 advance tomocb over ' fou~ dol Nlllions, like.lpdiviaual.ill u8tatebf !ltn. rell"onllbJe price. ' , lj'? nll81lln t"b'1 S-n~o~dil a8 q~oted bv til:)ned, b , , U~ ror the pre'ent Ru~~i~ Is now'at IPflc!~I 'd b f~ , ture,'ure ellulI.lnnd inilependent, pOslijl,.ing , Th~ total receipts into the Treasury, for B'lls 'rccou; . Y 18 0 , ' , Since the riot on FridQy, th~' alUro'l1lt the b~"'-o{ elfel.i. The Q1dQf ,n.a. 'Au. '~.~ I o~ t ." cer~.ail1 tights, ~n,d' owing c:ertD;ln dutle. l~ tho year end,l ng'30lh JUil8 Illst, w9roJ~.i'7,. ~'bw~o, 1I I ' wl,ich foliow(ld h~ beon 8u~pended, ; , , , , ,. 1 " "~ ....y. ,. """r.'" , el1ch other, ansllIg from theIr l)eC8ll'ary 421,748 90 ceuts. ' , ,lI r ng Ie, ong, peoce c s Aurell. .. _ _ , ~ toc~~t I. law ,'.ftusll'la ~n(fP 5"., 1=e ' Oaon -Tbe O(ltD crop we learn from and'unavoido.ble relations' wlilch rilhU and The totdl .E"penditure5 during the sam .. the VIctories ot TrUJan ul)d l'tJllr u I .. lJERL1" lfov:6 18110" ,,tet t~ Ih~dow 1>C Iii. nten~itd lIourcel wfll not in many flectioll. 'dutres' there ill no commp~ hum ..n authori· period, ,vere 843,200,168,90. ' , liS, ~ho!'l.e coilossul ,fUI"tUne81',~ere u~cU~trl:: o.ur Berlin C\lrre8pollde~ce of the 6~ aU'Europe ~mble. iit\li\II ,lt~lI)der.: ~Jtceed tW01hird; or ~ average yi6ld......, , to prote'tt ~nd e!'forcq., Still, tbj31 lire The , pu~lic debt, ha'1 b;een ret!uced, since ~ed, ':iJI\jb, E(lur~lUg P ~ie ru~~eprietor ', c~J\1ain8 the co~flrlriullonofthe inTormatiollI tt ' eD' e In tlie ho, anti dUlles, bllldJng III morals, III cop· the last annual report from the 'Preusury Y lin b" tIde mplro;, II ,go'le pP ovln 'E8 01 the {,deuHI , ot Qou»t Brunclenbur/!',lInd un , But ~}je Anirlt of· f1'P8Qoni ,i8 only IItiffed Th'- l.:.' h 1 'T, • . ' ' ' 1.11 IUDy ave lome n u c , d ' I \" 1'1 ougl"" tll"re I' D eplll'l men,,'II' • Cil495 n"'6 "9' , came WI c , 1I0unce6 ,tl ' t ' t'~lac t lh 11t a t a C'ounci. • .• 19t.thepreleat Itla,Bubje .. tea.'1 bulnotcon' fi " 11Il In 101 ...1',11,1 'D ' , 8no ,,,,, ," h ' y ej:!rees f toh'uuy I up I d ' " r erdil"s lelmllorun , " " ,"" ' , , Wbeit 110 , Ill' as we. cau to, whi,cll an.\njure,1 purty c4n ap ' Vltizen8 ,o f lhe Uniled States hllve lln~ ~ 0 ~o : quest 0 W, IC \ , \a 11\ orm I , held III noon ; oMhe 8urne duv,the Cabinet. qtsered, )j~Jcl dowu ,by IIl,1perJor (orce but !lot ly look. well and.prolDlelDg· peal ' the disinterested j'ldgwlIllt of ddrtaken thu tunnectioll of the two oC8uIla lurOlshet! the or.cnslon of many triumph!! to dt'clcled on i8:!ui 11g: tho ord~r it Jieglltiqed .1A.nibila~; no, and ner~r be! r~.e ' mankind, Ilnd ultimdtc1y 't!10 'ur,b itfllment ) by meon@ of,. a roilrilllil ucro 9 the ltililmu6' ~hQ G~n~rnl~ I;!f the tepubli~. " ':" hUe tl:t!l~ j whell propolled by Me Von Raduwitz, ,fo; !pH'lt may be-lIhllc~~ell, bllt It 18 .til~· 11 81" «if tIll) Sword. , ?l" Tt:hunntepee/ under ~;~,ilt!l pf 'the,MElx , lur~~·aur\tuh~ts wero nmn881.ng r',cho8 m~n pll,lcing on n wor rootlD!,! tho wlrole of tb~ 1t. . t " Among tJle Qckno~Jollged rlgbts of 'na- Ico.n Governmell r"to Qcitizen of lhat H~ Iy c11"prol)Orlione~ to " the, ClJ~U~~r 0 be' ' Pru8! ion, (lrmy! and cnlllnl( o~t the L"nd. Aa we rema~ J/llIt week. tlurop~ is ~hllt which' ench pO~8eri~C8, of /lS- publiJ:, ' It is understoot! that 1,1 thorllo'h the Q~/Jl;l n.u'1TlertlU$ q1~':~la~,r. I n~w fl.'!!- l wehr. (l'he CLUI~e of, this orclcr; is stuCed to , • , ~ , tl.lb\ishing thll,t ' (orm of' G~ve~nme!lt which 8urvey of tile cQurt!e bl" the coit\'mllnicllti~o O,4I'eiJ. m'lal1/~,cll1$s, ,t ~4ppear JrC>nl 6 DCS he th~ fo?t ~hllt Pru3sia h~B been ' cafled,on IIJ\lQhUke ~ P)egncme, wfriG~ ileedl!l bot the torch .PJW1.d to aend the pre8ent shells 'o f NIr>D~D J4DLY .-A p,.,ernont " alon~ It mit)' deem most cO,\Iductwe tQ \~e) Ioppi. is in prepnrafiOI}, npd there is ev~ry renson of tI~ ~a,.t'\VI R till; b th~ l~y AlI~trJ{1, III lh~ nl11110 01 the tonr.odt')rntloll . iOel d ' .' I b 't ~O..tll JSfre~t by the' Drug Btore,. 10 "Itt nc~s Ilud ptos"'Z~~~i of its ,(l\VD citizena thnt if will be proRGcuted w.itli Ag'lll)\. " "~ 0':1l c wus, e~'t ~ b , to withdraw h'e~ tru(l 6 from HtJlise. The g0gemmen~ In exp • e Jl'IIgment,a a ou perllon. CIIn wiiik aller hig~t without en. chllngl!lg tl{\ll (vrlll, iiI! circumstancell cnmergy, ellp~eioll>, when ,(hut' Goths "lIdor AluflCk, It ~a~ In!m.; ~, Y FlltidM 00 the BI rl in ..Dour!!o rell 011 th~ 1111tli.e '¥~a,of, tb'.t,o~·aed lpolODlatel. nut lilUlfite 'n" their Jimbs or the p~rily of their requIre' lInll of m~naging internal uffall''' Governinflnt shul1 hllv~ conllentud to 8uch 1,200,090 80ul , who werel~~lntllUlef C I.'t Y IHIUJl(lOOlent at lho death .,f Ihe P rellilltlllt there i. no Ohe to cip~11 ll~o ,ml'.tCjb\, :' HI h '1 ill needed very much. ",Vho.e accotdl~g to its own wifl: I "', 8ti~ulllliona wilh the Govorn(nent of ~~1'0 hy UI~ ~xp~\ldllT~e~ 0~1I1?00 gO~u~I~I~~~rl~ ~ o! the )lil~l~tr~, 'rh decision .of the ,COUll. , other WArcla, there il DO one -who has tll~ g, r~ep I' 't t t eli m~i.feral ;1t The' people 'Qf the United States 'clal Unltild States, \18 lD Ybe Mcellsnry to) 1m- ~lI01'Y 0 ~~l'~a,mk ~'ll e ~etltrucLiv" effect fj Oil all ,to ohofnled , emons ~lJ.tlfl''lJ~U~ tit. oonfiden~ or GIl the .. .t"ple to lIueh a de- pro, noe I , I 0 llee 0, IU • this tight /01' ttJemselves, ond ,they par't Il feefing security to tl)Olle who 1.n~Qme. 1111 0 II liIi d' mI. ' kOIl ,(I"ory-body by surprillo, l' lit' IfllBte~a , - . .. ,. t""! ~ '. have tieen fixed befl?re the approlch· concel:ie it to others. Honce it Il1Il embllrk their p'ropfirly 'in the ente'r. of Lilnjl Monopoly t lUll exemp e. I .. \ Vuil Lalll'lIbllr" u1111 VI)U del' HI'yll~ "tlll gr~e UI to &:1 ,e f.orc. to .lilly mo,~O,meDt th", ill, mectiqgJat th~)I. E. CUurllb. imperative dutl not to int~rrere pri!e. N(Jgot'lI~io"8 1are pentling for tho d~r tIle E,r"I~t'rj):' Augustus, ~'~~S~P~vhi'~:' , rL'lniIlOd office. l'tl. ~II,nleufel had re,cl!iv~ tl ,lPlrtt t ~ · maae. ~he~o are I.(>oflUJny overninent or: lute,rnaL 'poliey of other accomplishment of that object nnd a hopa '01 lhe' r nr·rllli city "'IJ~ 2,3 , , I I 0$~UrtlnCe8 lhllt Ihe. 011 11 tlry pr4,lpdrat,ionllll) en. Itence_ the iNviilionl'thlll ~8t r;:rT)tero to tho exp rotracted ' meltln.: nfltiollllj alld although we may sympathiz~ ill cionfitlelltly onterlnint>d lh~t wh~n ~he d\V~ndl!ld uWII n liltle Uyer,~I~~O 'I~?;?i~~e~; Snxohy would not bl! cont~llucd the liberal mlJ1ded III p,llr~; for be It bOrne "om,meacing to.day 'Suturday) at tbe JIl' with tI!e unfortunate,or tb.o oppros eaJ. \lve- O')Verntnflnt g( Mexico -sho \I becolIIll dilly bRe()cllI'llenel'eW:II~:~~~': :1~,11::01l1&i 'hI! tbut thull ; t~nt ItnIlQuncl'd. • ,. \' sentlible of tbe n~vantage~ whIch Ihat ,. G ' rea I, l'tJllrril'd, in Fowler, Trumbu I .. ounty Cburch. : ' !lountry CII1 ,ot filil 10 driVe tTom the wofk, pro,vide ~beir own self des~ncl,ion, aud le"rn thu ~ tile Government of the Uul' Dritllll ill on tJt~ eve of dClltl'Uclion fr~m t he Qhio, Mr,DI\";U& Drily to AI,ISIi Almillrll ' tRllt~8 dti,jiro(l that thE' ri'ght of Maxfco IIImo 4l ause, and the "rent prolJlem lor her BAClOlf ' ' . the f Isthmull IIbllll r('muin llliimpaired, IItatesmen Y? 8~lv.e nO~d" is, . how ~tteltl ~~: Th'e;e'lIlI Da.\y loud, or DACOI' gOlle 8ure'll "he etiplJ'ationlt rererred to will be agreed they m,~d"y ' tile Iun systom, all l!~voJorv yo~r born. . • .'. lIutlon. When Rume W8S JII her g ',,' , ,h to with alacrity. f 'M "t I~ th!! lund was clivjdlld into IHnnll portions A DrFFICULTY SULVED.-A mr,rclltlnt' (lXBy the 108l .exlco,; w~: nmong the oith:ons. ",God .forbid," I~,d Ilminlug u hOgdhl'lId 01 hArdwllrp, QQ COll1llll!"s".ta'On,lllo,lJjlf~~II~nsJo overnm e: h "~, {- Curiutl tQ hie IIQld'ers" ,·thM II (ljtizen' ring it with the jllvoJce, fc,.und, all ,right ex" , e ,R 'i~; sllOl.\li(look \ltI()n that 18'1l ' !J1II U, pi' ec~ 01 C' pt one hammer. ~·O~, dont be trou4Jc:d, nel~e" ..lnl~ hInd wt\iuh iiS lIuffi~i(lIlt to sllflPor~ 1\ .mJln.'," my hon,,),?' Rllid Ille Jri,sh llotll'lf; "sme tho Further 'The greut MOlltlil'que undoriltood the eur~e no!!nr louk it ' out to open tho hogllho~d • or s.ilU.e or LIt ilil Moilopoly wh . /1 he said or .(\them!: I with.'" , , ' ''1'hnt,tha ltl\V \\',hicl~prohjbitrd PCOJl){' from ' .' , . • J,a'........ n t.pllvn,l~ilo huvlng two inheriu\lIce/t extteUlol~ we,ll The p}e!)llur ,801 dlsslptl.\ <)n ar~ hke\ftQII- , ld . u,d ~ . . .Q.IU''''I';I ~l~ ......."·"""': ;-.". ....1 .. "r- " - ...... "lIl \) it
d' ,
tioM,w~Ui(aU6i8Ii~ul',.~~~e ~~en, ~m~nci. laVe
adh~ SW:f~lI~r;::et~~' ~~~i~~~~~.1I ~~~I/~n:; ~1,:/{rS~ :4a~ ~t i~rr.~Cd!!~;a~f ~~~e::~!~~~~
?~l~h~e!~!e wOT~~e~ ~~~ DeJ!~:?, t::r:I~~1
11 in
~1~1f. ~GSS~~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J~~~~!~~~~~~~:~-~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~;~~~~:~~~~~t~!::~~~~ ~fexlco, 8ubJjl~t ,
por.tions de_eql(,111 lo el\lih dtlJ.enl 0 The luw, i8 Oldy to ' "enlle.,. . frMIIn'thll dilltribulloll tho As the IlWNlt08t rOJ!~' growe . lIpon ~m al\ over IP, \vh,>,," d n.. the mlilrlHhan' l\ 8i ogle purtion. ' ' sbl\rpe~t prlck,le, so the hardest I bora brIng the IJ}llzecl and ~. ray~ ItIt promlltitu~e an ha , h "_ •..1j ' d .......u fO we,firllhbe Iuw OOft.1ing intti cfl.'ect (orHt-theBl'lcetest protits. ha peaetra~ -we, \h. del1K'tillmii of the ~m W.ynolTllIe throulrh !Springboro' to Tlu! UIICl}rl;alnty-'~ Ie , elU5W n regar h' Ii '.\ I r' ti they nrise ' ' Id Al h...··.. b " I'd til... , kli ' W' I' I P t t tl e volillit". or lund titlell 111 C:'uliforn· t e lfst prlllc p. ell 0 JUllee alii , . l. ' d I I' , old wo~. t ~..... t e meg e "ran n . e slDcere'l dUpO \ Ie 011 ,0 . I " b'ee't wliich domuods' yb\lr early i" the tlllperverted 11ourt,'befure av.url(~e nnd . Scionc. is n l!eVl!re mistTells.no t ley W 10 9f ~~~, to be, cru,~ed MastElI' General will be induced to taka the III IS ,0. IIU. ~ L b~' . f I lid '. Ilmbhion huve lIeoreil lh!;\ soul. 'd evote theln8elvos tp her f!er.Yice,mu~ th'tow , l'n tb- .-e-, with no eye 'to o~nly, DleuBu'. "... liol' carryl'ng thMugh this cOI)~1I1e rlitlOn. , . urge 0 les , 0 11 "d 10, ' ' T UOD behind thom every other pasllioll . .. .. ., .11 11... ,thut Stat~ , ore c1t1~med under grnnts 'sRI to , ~o ,BE '?~K III ~, • , , 'J ' and no Jrlliid to um"loliter lbe ritea ,!)f We ougb't to' have a comf!l~nic.. have been m,ade by aut,h orlty of ,he Spun." A mnu in connecticut, is too prouil to ' orable ' burial: tb9ulfh, plenty tha' would lfun 'between thelle points without 'delay. ish nnd Mexlcun Governm~nt6. MUIlY ,or ,],ynoh ' speak to any b'oc.\y on the groulld that his ., haVo no doub~ b.,.t thE! line WQuld pay M !Stllte!!, OJI the fi,rBt day or JuJ.y 'aet" WI1S thel!8 'IOVO not been perfected, ~tber8 ha.ve Tbe &cr~mmlo 7;ta".~~pt bnB ~be '(01· "'fe wrhes poel.ry. ', ' . thrQl\ th., to W~lI,I. abhored iato aocllOreverout ofalptj better ,than Dlany others. Sptingbolo' II eighteen tbou811ml fou~ h.UDare~ nnd .Elve ,ev.okelf, and 1\01g e o~ bj)heyed to be 10\Villg~ An 1118tonce of thll~ summary mod,, ! ' " ' III d d 1)1eedl bOd' an intefll'lrent pillctf .ancl witb proper ftWili. te~n:""'bcing all" iIICrel'l~Q; of 'IAteen Bu.t until they shal1 ~uve ~en of dispensillg I'\~tice took plu('e on 1(on- 1 The( '·Kent~C'ky Ye,omnn lhmb t~~t win at WOUII e , 01 1 rIle " . , ' dred IlIld ,eve,,!y \lUrlllg the iQvelltig'ated, they ~vlll contlDbe day last at Geor. getown. I wh'ile the election. I!-hC, lise or, a Ill~ fiddlo III tbe church serVlllO neWDe" At Ufo ,aad Inc;reaae of tiea wo,uld receive an~ send ,lettel'll, IIII'Woli Jear. ' ' ' .-'. rell1rd\he, settlement and Improvempnt. W8S going on. , It eeems that a mon by III a b"u.v,a-atlon 01 the lIanctuary. , " lad race Ita euendetl with more wnible ef~ ,be prelll.liberally. ~t Frank. , 'rhe ",OR8, revenuell ' oC the of the country. I, th!!""rore, respectf"lly the name o f Dev ine had token to gnmbla g, A h e ' l f r or tll~9 writell t9"&he feet thlD utbuD,cIOd aad paralyzed tbe eon· lin we are not aQ 'well acq'U8lntc$li b"t they for the 1i1lC1i1 ye nr ol,l ding J reccommend tbl'.t pJOvillionl be .m~ile by <A'nd IIs 'ho' wos in' ~he habit oC Jouaiug hie ' .n O~?'; ~I h 8 tic ltural80ciet : aclelUM! atriclceD MacbetJ),ae hil be,ted im- alfead; havo Ii ,d~i1y llI~il ttlt'lre • . 1'ho tU~D. lImountin~ to five mil~ion~ five l~'w, for the appomtmeut of commlllSloners money,his wire hid 0.1 thllt camll into her c~alfi8n of 8 n.. \ ge ~bwn on yo~r JDD.riDatloP·conJ\lrecl ~p. tbe jalap of hill pike under eontract and in proceB8 of mak· tlny.two thousand ulna hUlldted 8ey· examine all Bueb. clairns wid\ II. ,vi~w ' to polltellion. , On Sunday. ait III! iladgot·· '. ent eme pr,f)l1se m~d ricUm. Tlaereil ' I .. eDe..... iJ~ inlr between the points'will add ,,\1 uecelllllry enty.one dollar. altd forty-eight centS, in· tbeir finol adj,'stqaent. ' , • brokt'," he deml!nded 'lhe monoy which IIhe hilt of caU ~ or a \I: " ...... , , cludin, the en\lhl appropriation of two " , hall hid. She refused to , deliver it if he If anyone speakl, evil of you. "et., your tie 1_lban omoipotent ia \hat DOW facilitiel in tbe way of tral'lp'o rtatio", hundred thoDllJlld ' dollurs for the fra,nked Oliio Legbilltdre •• D"th 'KOUIflI Orrau.' iO.tel,ldeU to use ttln ga!l1Dlin~; wliereupo~ life be ao virtuou. tbat no one \vB: bolieve rentt"lubdued .plrit. the ,uviDe r,YB ' , ' :All lhat i8 wanting Is action QrI the .part matter of t/te della!lment.s. and , excludIng ped. ' • DevIDe threatened 1.0 kdl ber. ,AI be del- kim. ' " , . wbich han 10 ebeertaUJ llIumiaatecJ'ouJ1 of the P; M.,G. ~~al1 -.y.e not have \II. the toreiJ[1I p~,tagell coll~cted fot IlIld lIDY,· SEUTE-There were fourballotlngs tbis' aed h!~ gu~ IIbe !>Iewout tile cOllale. and " otrll .beloved. latid 4Dd .tJODe .bo\Jt " Tigbt lpeedilyl Friend. of t.be · line, go to ble' to the Bmieh G9'/ernDlent., lfI\>rning for Speaker, witlw\1t. IUCCN,. Gn ftect mto allother roQm, ; he bowey!!r ,dlll't s, hearts uulakJDI,tb, ,ath.a7 off.he noltl. work, Ind the thIng illliccompli8hed. ' The expenditurel for the same the lallt bllllot Vina.l, whig, received 17, charged it at ber. Tlie , conten~ ,paslled c:b1laJ.,..u oIlile old wor)d.·' ~"4 that ellerlive "!i1l1ona two "~~dred , Democrat, )'7, blllnlC I. " , through tbe door an~ killed her. t'Drage .L ...... m :t J1aDlberla .. re-e To, (louelpo.deal8o thoulland mne hundred and Ill\(>rnoon on theaecond ballot, C. S; crow4,:8~~cral , liu!ldreU 8tro~g" b,8semb,led Waynesville Prodnc.o Mnr~ct. ill , BY w aw..e u.. I a , ~ rA,. B. Thankl (jlr "True 1;Ie.. ty. If whig Willi elected Spe$er Vinal forthWIth set Devane on a horse. and rode ,OORIUW'l'BD EVERY W.tlt:K FOIt THE VI!I't;QR, amid th, rulnl of the dowD trodden altars We Ihall be plealed to bear I~ you again, b;en withdrawn. The vote : stOOd,. him of to a tree. ,'Here tbey q10de bim WlulBt; ~ ~ bu, " 62 freedeal. , ". . . ' Kee' 'UI posted np on all iotere.ting local hundred and. forty t~ou.and nnd t!1"b\ceIlC~Jnv~ra 19, Myerll 16. ' . , kg eel 'UP~II the horae's bac~, put the rope COT' flhe.lled, . , 501il~ Th. JODi cher.bed .ho~.of Gef.ll\an P .. " dollarll and nvc cents, ," " Hent.y: A. Swift, F(ee, eoil, waa elected lrO\lnd III~ neck, and drove the horlle oft'" ~~~~y VblJ, 3:; .0ftciD liid" ' " It ~ new.. " , • • I lim happy ter find thllt the fiscal Clerk on the fint ballot--8wift 19, Tug- JellYing , hIm ~,Anging tro~ . the hrllnch Flour"V h h l . , .' 9','7$ Uall1 10 1"'0I,D , 11&·ao" ta en m "¥09Dg Sam." Y!tura \8 uadeJ1co...lde· tion or tbt' De~artl1)ent ~18uch Jam. A. ' Scranta", Whig, Wall Cl,ftlle~Tee. , . " .J)ulter ~ Ib i~' the ibbabltante oftbat I~. 'lb••UD of . It ill not DOW to us. but the d~f ry tho POltml\st l' General in on' the fl ...t be Hot, . The PIlIce" 'rime\! givel th!, follo\villjt :;Eg!ld' dl/"&'\tl" lb '7 • of. iad'peockiDce II.. eet far the ', ~ JOu have given it may ,N conllidered orlg· ing the reduction of our 1 ' was elected iU!J8t"-'tiun of tbis co~c; " , • .' : "" P~[at'~~~~w, 'V bl! •. , . 6!ZJt: , ' lIt OD thefamereDowllecl plalaaofo-G",. inal. We will iafona ou hereafter whllt aglfto titl'el.' ceats-the ' single .tbis morl1ihg ...... I\.ot )ong 8ince, M! emigrant arrived over .. . POUl_TRY. la ! diapOllition''We Dllke 0 it. maD Fatherlaod. But it will riee prepaid. ~nd five cebtBwhen Democrat, hllVif!V, heen wit the plaiila i" II iibkitnno . Uc"tltute cO!fdi. Chir.k(\ns, 11'" ~,<n, • • •• 1,all ~'''L~~llld\lre ' apd alow to I.ct tblt much L. R. Thp fil'llt )l<M!ti')' yoli lent U8, laOI He olav reccommeDdl tbat the . tion, which excite~ Ihe commiset;lltll)ll ' of ' ri!:~~~I, : .. ' • _ ~~ ' l\l• .-::pe<'PfG win eye"~IU;: ariBe ia their beealmiBlaid, we may 'find it apin, 'ond .ball be reduced ,to two ",tood ~or.e 911. Durnet, WhUJ;, 34; his friends in the ~pper part ~ft~11i touh"y .. Q ello," "" ," - " • 1I,.ao JDI;1it, anil roya4y will be g .. ';m, t!aeD determine on ,i ts ~e[l.'UI.; "Yet rethdeu~flt!lo,eon.ullell'a10,' etxb:eed Vi· BIIII~, Dt'mocl\at, ,.as ,elected ~ho to place tlie m..11 lu n \l~itlbn 'tp Ini\~e \ ' ' ' ' .-~.1 • d d l l ' on the firet boilot. ' .' a living,eleated bim JUltiee -onhe Peace tl..!ir pat,h, u '"' frlrHe ~I'1I10!,e Thee' . is aooepto ~n ~I apl"!u m6te tbllll 'five -per cen~. for D.emocrllt, \Vlltlelect.ed Sergeant. 'In the eirly,plirt of this nlllntl~. a ,ltr!111~er, ~ l"uw , their Once ar~, they UJ ._k ortwo. ,We will wnte to, you t1'8 yearll; that the postage on the '4th bollol. , lhillkinar tha.t the prlco of beel wo~lJjUltlt enthual~e, and IliltitD.J w:SJl ' ~ ....... W lIia and other Jettei'll lIenl by o~ au Botll House8 are qo\V organise.!, and tbe fy t.ho act,'tuok it in10 his jlelld tb dtive a'n ', SCrENTIG EXHmI !I , wlnb IttDd -Wpe.~ .....~ .". Of New Butlingto~. 'Y ours wal lleame", Ihlll1 be milch n!du~ed: an~ tb;lit Governo~'s mes8age will bo aent,in to-mor- ,ox from .ifl'~he Runeh of one of the 'lIid , MllasRs A, C. PURAIII . & W. . H'.... ftdioUi mOIlarc1ia, WilD bave 10 _ta"ana,. teeelved. , We ",gret the unpardonable IlIld the ratell o~ P?ltnge on nowspol!ota IPlUTI.: roW. " , J ustice'll rriends townrll., $,acroment.o: 1e \ W ilIliive nn :EXRIBJ.~r(l~~ ~t Ih. ",,,,~ , onIIa nd rti • II leet alon the nlle' phlotll, rerIOdlC8:llI, aDd otber prante In,at, '. .' w 4s purliued, overtlken Dud brougllf belore VlLtJo: ACADF.IIY un tl11;< rFawAv] evcmDlJ, .a ; ~ ,mi . nef I If ld btal~ ter IIbal be moclified, alid lo/me reduction LA TEST FI10M ~ROPE. tile I ustice, when the, cnse ,Wll' h"'II;t:l. a!,c1 of some of tl;e W c\WDE.I or BorucB,lII'r/1on, ed exciteu,aen~ :wIth ilA9.Qda w pro~laee, a.ora te ba~ ' ~~~ , .~~tl~, 1Yiili can Qot ~elp. t. . 1 we cou 0 , lherc;on ma"e. LIyiB1'OOL. Saturday, Nov. 9-11-20 A. 1\1. the mitim1lS made out, the Judge aJJ~::.rlicd wbi~h Play be mentioned. Ihe b'fE.al ' :,", ~fll;.fIlblcrIJ.!erllIJ\ your part o( the )lore than three.fourth of ollr pop.ullti(ln Vn:IIIU, ~ov, 4,-A telf.graphic d,l- th,: CIlI8-. for one bour, and took tbe priftoner DJU.\.IIIOllD LlqrtT! OX.,.lIYDaool!\,· Mrp trJutyl And Pranee-wbat' li abe:dolh,' . we hire .~me C?ne ' t~ carry are englged il! thl'! cultivation o( the lIo~L which arr~vl'd ye.terdny; in.toJml!! UI int.o hil faithful ,care . and keeping: Arter , CllOIICIlPit, whir.h now maglli8 ,,1lI0rf' thlln she b .. but the Duae,q.f:.be(nifree. '. Bo~ on the day or publIcation. The commercIal, manufacturing, And nllVI· at H. Rodowl!Z ball tendered hIli resign. the crowd hed dll'per8t'd. the h~l1t'dt Juclge TWE1rTY JltutoKS of TIMES! lind, "how. . rte tlIe iedit c" Ji1s Uluatrloo. piper wiU:be aent as dIrected. Thanu. latinll interests are all to a great extent. Jltion, ",ut thia' neitber did nor will produce hlquired of bilt priilOnllr how much he wou Id !'JIJLl.tOI", of ARllllALCtTt.AE In ~ ainlfle Da! apl , 01) c: , 0 . ;~ "',,' dependant oa the agricultural, It ill t~e~ a"y IIlte!ation in the plona of Au~ti'la, a~ I)VII him it-he would reJel;hlehltu. A 1,1 Ihe "of W'A TEIl! Til' (I~' e !> f ll fly will I:)e mll!!:n,I' nameaake.bu 'ob~aed ~treralpower. The N 1'~ TJUBUKB T. oae or the beat fore the mOllt important \nteretlt of' the comrnuQlc8ted ,.ellteday. , muncy J !H,ve, wu, Ihe reply. The BIIID fied "be: feel ill dlllmeter! and olher Ihinge Fran~ ia DO 10Dpr a :~..tlo. ,.&hit. a.a be ., ( not speak o( jts politicI) n.ti~n and hu a ju,tclairf to the rOlllerl1;lJ 'fhe headquarlfol'l of. t.he SoUtbern verlll- Tt'.i\ched el70,whitb the Judge to ole, Dlid e!1ually wonderrul, ~c~~1 the proce~a or lOoked to u • pbee of~ru'p' for the iloVio aew~ pa~ ~e 0 , N 'paper that care a~d protedioll of the Governmeilt,.a berg of the Auitrai'D IIrmy will tHay be told oxonian to "'vnm98 the rltnch,"· wbic.h Chry8tl.lla:lti(1O. Hal'i-8I.Orm, etc. After troddea or other Janda:, Poor Italyle.aed pubillhed n t e cooall)'. 0 I fir u tbe, can be exte/1ded lorftecufin~ a district in tbe lip,"" D~~. he ~I.ldily tll". , The judge then ~elltroJed Iwhich will be .hown th~' malloiftcl'nl !~d v~ her'.. upon a friend anJl '•• pierced comes to our office bal 10 moch general with the provillo"a of tl"e ()onltilut.lulIl: ubillll cirelli. The .nilltar)' frontier r.g'· ' the paperain .the caee, Ind ,.wated the I wOnderrul !"erradint K.ALEIDE8COJII:. heu:l .... her bldd • d I With' (orDlation g It. Aaide (ro.. polltl~ e Util cannot be done by the ordtnary motSe menta have 8upplied, tho place of th. lie ezpirll,tioll of the hour ,of adjl1urnlOt'nt, ()i\ AIM .. IIplt'ndld I"t of OfOJl.A.lfAS! Ift)to - I . . eD at... ' ... (Greely) i •• tun or ..ned inform. bl lcialatlon, I rea pectfully r~comlfllend whicb hal''' quitte4.Kunpry. the ealile-inbling 01 the other partieR the Ill- ' Jowed,by I Beautifal .evolving eH ll()" the name o( repabl&c, abe • JiU1e lter '100 and 1"'Oround \I'-t.. ~ a 1I"le the eatablieblDl'n\ all Agricultural Burto a tel.pophical.patcb, of cap of the prilOn WIlA nnhou'nced bY,lhe Court I XO'fROPE. Star of tlw aio OrWe-thu..telpou-. True, aI k t a w m . . . . . .1aiCb .... to be charpd .ith tbe duly of ,iYiDI ull. from Turm. tbe Commnne It.. with dt'ep re~t puraul , wae maCJe It oncc. CblnePe Pire Worb, Jlepreaeota,",111 of 1IrOUM . . . . . . . . . . tIIeir . )aDd q c totl eupo 'l'rl..... win,.. tothilleadiogbrancbof Amerlc"" 1I\d\laoIIwteilthattHePjJpe buncommu- audthothi8r ,r.C'ed to tbeAruert(,II,P'or~ FI()w~ril,etc. ' : ot • .;..z.. _ ..a; MlDbllaee of rerorm_! die......w. i r, ' try ~e encoorair"ment which it eo .I~ the Xing of Sardinia; hie mlnl.tert'" into which he bBd p1unrd, holdi. on to ~"' open at 8 P. II. &hlbldcllt to ~p ........11'-1"-1 .a,. tie found to ".onfaIa n onu- cleaenea. In yiewof the iauneDle the members 01 Pullameat who Yoted a stipe .ine to I:ceep hll held alN"~ wa~r commence at. '7. AdmJtta1lCe . ,-dent"· Ioal tnuaaph caD \Ie a~Ited, aU , on such IlUb~ - a .-I_Ie feature- al I'8IOUI'CeI of oar In ra,. or the 8iccardi Iii". The Turin la th\1I IIhualion be w .. dillCO,ered and men i6 cen.. : Geatlemea ... I...ry '. - - be .... WIIl (rota d.. P...; . . . ill a ae....perdalM .........'IL abOuld.t1O be JDDd. for ,.,.... are .ilenton. the IDI&tUlr. brought back to tbe lnatlee', "Ilee. where ' cente. Cbildrea halr."i.. .. it Ie C~\ mlnenlogi8t and ' . I the aboY. Caell ••re diYu1pd, JI'OVing tharl ' •
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,..il bauJ . of 190 and 200 btl. ~T\V . 1;:8 {or cllli lllg ~~uSD • at8S.60 -uil clo ot IS OJ H "d l ~feaL lul ul (fotUleti r ulr~d in "!JulleY'II MlIrk,,1 ~~:;::-;;-;:-'7:-=--::---:--?'-----": " h " ""---':""::=V" ' - l llOI1 c.· .., 'riIOM T be ollIlDI8. D· I l\l~-cOI\lA '. ' t e wUllther cllu,ed \VlIyncF IUvo.Duu, . 7, 1\150 4:> -lw. , firmnell s-on thepllrt of boldel"1!l, and 84 "'lUI ' agllin uked, but heard -of DO .alel. LlIte .1000 Jl!JWA nDlU yeBte{uay, 187 IgJd lit 8S17(), aV91"1!1ge ove! HA~ i>l\l'n o!fured \)y the pr pl'i tof'or an a~' J.OO!bB, ', ucle tl'111 I. equol' 10 rIlALOiI '~:UAm l!l' ~:;; ~=~= ===~ ~':!7 =====~ TIOORA'rO It , rll'n1!\"~tl~, nml hllRbe n knoWll .::
DR. ~ORrrON'a
Ii) (;Il II G 1f\J,D".\ihBl ull IM Npll1.,fF IS NIlIOV d by its u ~e\ 11 b\lDuli6es tlJo han ,lInd kcoIJutl iv('J.y, son nna silken, lhe hnrsll i t kl\tds moy hr tl1 nde 80100 lflll nnd gl o~ y by lUi conSIPnl aPI/Hallu un : It pttlt'e rVClS lO hlllr 11-"0111 turnint; grav- h!ls no anitlllllllrllll 0. in lIS tol11pOSIIIQn. JJAUll!S WII! find it nn Invaluobl e ad~ilj9n 10 the toilet. ROHER'!' &, BlU:W ' TeR. Mf:£N FUN. il £ CmNtsl> POWDl;l\ for bSOUllfYlIlg the skin 011'1 f()!1deT1\1g th/) CO MP/-J=C'l')(1 OLt: ~ ll A~ D DEI.IOAT !> . T. AO IJ;$ who havo u ell It will hllvo no other kill11 _ , lUlllER TS & BIlE·WSTER.
MEStRS. BORDE~ &.\ GLO~R, h~vufg purchllScd tile hl\jg ht ctill~ C8' • ~ Ulbliall mol\t &.J" of hl, JlnJly. ).'::JCJ. nro I~W pr,~pn~ I lO J'lIrnish good S eof Vanl lind ~1UIlc)II , at fa i.· pr.ic S; IIn<\.rtl8p clfully ask tl)e pntronog e tirtJ.l p\Jbhc. Th lug1168t <;1' h ptl ~ 11(L.td for a mid n of Clllllo, ~ 1I1vc ~ , nlld Sh II. .~I ~1fch. ~3 1 :'10. , B-II
vcgolnljl o Ill'ellll,rofioh !lUll rior to any olher of thi' 1.IQd \) loro Iho pubUc. ,It l l! e xcd J ~ nl for ClIugh. colds, jJllIl1 ' in lIle breas1, WhoDllin g , ~h. oiH)li cl &'0. It has In }I rJ oiiller Opllllll Of Il'a' th er IHI~B I(\!1 ~e thut ~ III con8upnlO Ihe bowe 8 iltIiiilB ( SlIlIy ' on UIO Iiyer. bo \vo l ~ Waync& ~ III(\, Oh io, Stolll. 14 . 33· ekm. and' kldnoys plOllloli'ng th o secretiou gon: MElMF HIB INB'l':t TUTEl, ' crlLlly . 'I'lie abovll madicm tl is well known In WYNN E , DAJNI~ S & CO. . ~.. . " this ~ QmlUUJulY, ther foro we t1~nrlhe r def . nOWA.nD's CII,EM ICALC lIL'Olt IDE W IIO I.£ ll$ DIlA l.KI1 S I~ ~lE li)JCAt DE['AR·r.M ENT I O~IP,tl 0!l '!nncccgllJlJ¥.. SOA.P. F OR EIGN A 1) D01' 1£, "l'IC DRY G OOD , 1'he r,aguJAr CO U1'll of L cluros in ~h13 lnS \I for Bole (It th~ Y\l l l'11(lsvill c Drng Rlf\l0 by No. 2 9 l'u nt. S'l.·I!t:E1" ] S col lll>rnled for ita mUJIY oxcollon t qUnlilics; ' tU !C W IU CO lllln lI Cil on the }o'1r Lof . 0 CADWA bL.A OBit & GOOD!!:. , I-tf for rOlldllrlng the s kitl soft and smeolhl' . reo DDLS PRIlUE N. Y. SALT juet U1NCIN N AT! olltl OUIl ~ I1\\!e UII\1llho losl of F bruolYv llmhor Dee., 4th ·r,o. 'J'bl) 45-tf flIOV!1l1( pimpluH and blollllshel\ , ch~s . [lr08"rv o rcc~lv ud nnd fur 81110 by ,An"t\111\lCIl\ Do,'or\mcllll will be opened ond lng ihe le"lh and g UDIS. fur c1 "t.nslIJg wounds, l. H &. J HARRIS &. CO. r eutly I rtlllel VC I!tlltlOI1U1 by the FlTst ! elo· Jl1FFl lRy TRUM AN, I ' o::l" MEDIC ,(\L N01'[C E . ..t;;::() nnti (lB. preventi ng und clITlng CUIUllIlOR Oot.. 30. ber. ThQ l ofh clll Delllll'tlJlOnt WII! bo undl.r CLOCK ANI) \vA'I'c n MAKE R, Si~n 01 the Red Flag. Tho undllraig004 hll\'illlld llS dny entetud in. crupIMr Ions : fur ulcllchin ll . r~ mO\'lng graose , pawt U 1U duo ' Ilo n of the loll llwing Wavnewille, Warren County., Ohio. to ~lIttnerlllilll 11\ the .J:'rMu r;«I of Medicin e Inr, ole. It has no equal. '1'0 TUE LADIE S. ... . JhQre lIor~. S pt ti , ltlf>O. 41nt! II!! c"lut~r.1 brallcho8, rC8 PIlJlltully Icndor 32.y. 'l'lT E hn\'o II frc II su'pl' l~ of Toilel al ROBER TS &. BREW TER; J. CO r tJU . T eR , M. D., Prpfesso r of the Vf the v~ry UI",r"l!C)rv!I:08 to l/te llillZCll8 ot " 'nynesv ille beal quahly. 11 YOIl wish 10 lnaliluto6 of I\ledicln c, hnd l'I[cdu' ul Jurl~pru bouutlful give Clnd viclllity. They cnn un ooll~ ultod ut tho 0 f :YELL OW,. 1'1010, EPIlY R WORS 'I'EO.- A good Basor\· us II cull . White. Self-sculln g nnd dell ce. lice form erly OCCUPied by Doctor fi ailcr \\'11011 mellt 0 1 \Vordtcd Just r ROBEI{ 6~ 'rI nnd TS for .... Sl\ BREWSTER. tUllcy lo by ollvel ' 1 .Jl 8 on hond nndJor s nle Ily W . ~Y RDPO\\ ELI.,M . D., ProfcesorofCcrc· no~ rrolesBlonnlly absonl ' ALT,\~N & E\' AN It<}BE:RTS &- IJReW: :i'!'IW 33·lf hrol l'hY~l /)lol: y. l\1ediQIlI Geology lind . SIJ:lI oflho Golden Dnll. J O. STODD ARD. IHlII crulo..IW.. " . , NftW .BOOT & SHOE STORE . SAMU EL G. SMOT HERS B . FI Helt. R.. S N1~ W'~~ ' t. D., PrOrl'S80 r' of Surgory. N. n, All ~hoge hovlng unsolll d nccoullts e liAS. FOS·JF R. 'J 110 untl.ur~ lj;n ~ d begaleu ve Ul inforlU IllIJ U LC " TF.R & BARB BRO'rJ '" ER AND HAIR DRESS ER, AS:J'n n I' rosr~n .. I' C • FO 0 1 Oll Illy books .ore r(jqll cl!.t ~i1 10 soLtlc Ihe sanle D. Pfllfc8so th e ruli~C1l 8 o l'Wnync 8ville ant! v!crmly r 01 'l'hear)' • ,o!. , and Proct ca ol MoJicln . by cu~h 01 Ollll,lrWISC Wllhuut furth or dolny. thot he hoacollllllorlced tho Doot /lni! Comet Seventh and Smith St"eets, MAIN ST. W A YICESV1LLE, 01110, J, A. WH. N, 1. D., Prolessor of OustlllrICS hoc m 1 ul\lng hll810CSft 011 Main 1!:. Fl 'HE . ooe CINOI NNAT I. ' n~l \l \)ieelLl;Us of WOlllen Decemb er 2. '50 orl~r Il·ovc JlII(lllcll'~ l\loClello nd 'I,to) ' -U i'. ·LI I J ~:->. lohul r nnti C II3I1l' 4:'- 1f Nl 1FACT UIU;RS 01 every UOllCr'lJlI QI; J KI (;, M. D, Prolesso und Ohlldren r of "'11 W oyn cs ville. l'ttnt rill Medi· 1]8\omer .11 el e ~t' ll LU8 Irc~ . 01 pi I'mllll'" ll in olld Pre os . rl'h y "J il liiso kell p ligurctl (lllsh· , Real Estate at PubliC Sale, ell T horopou tlcs ' olld l\1udlelll Jurisl'ru • II ~lU vJng ~hoir worlt dOlle I1I crCl~ . LUUI(;,9 tho lolh lU ~ rlll ()oS, '1' Ihcl (:1 0" '~ , n cun Inot s lIl,illy ull' lInlOr8' unll ilook £lI1d. Cno hUlla rtui nC!r"s ul w ood 11I,ld, 1t1l1\t£,c! 011 ond a gruul v ntClllly d ncll. . nabIB s ~y l tl ,""d 01 <llh"l rtl' MII Ure I ~riot.I d Uo,)(I., , 6uch Itt us '1'YI)O , lJllllSCS " VII Z. l'EII: IAN. .l\l. D' l, Prorcsso r of Anlllonl)'. ..~fiOItl,\rnRlilo tho rQudlondll1g 11'0111 WtlR1lUgtun II) FrC"l1or t erme. , ork dOlle,oll Br ns. l uJe, &'Il. AI IL1!:N • C:VANt:l. · 7.y': J . IJL:,l'O SAN DEn '\ A. M., !\t, D., l'no- nOlie. Coli nt Ihe s iC'fllof Iho 110W occulll lJd by Mr. Unm pboll. aud bulnllgill o ' "'ign ot lite G o I J~ n Bill I I ~ aLl f ChNllis lry nlHll' hurmacy . 10 tho oSliLle of Hochel Hnll\, 9. tl econ ctl \ P. 8. A good 1~ !JMln 'l IltoC OCI. 19, 1850. ond (:Ii \l iqllc ,Lectur es. bo sold wahl)ul f('3 Ol\: (,! 011 o lllllrdn), tho 1' 1th of - - - - PRODO CB WANT dr n's IV Ilr, lIod 0 gOOiI ussortnw nt of li\1dl!le'l D. ---i\hIlIOl:> lI:PHl)F lL • .I . ILU" ' E. JIIl)ltOry,1 8t l. '1i;K IS'-Uno hlllt' Il l' "ill hnnd LL ]{lll d ~ 01 t.,im\u. 11 111.1 !nrt nor's prqduco 011 hllnd nnd tor Bule chOllp . .fl. BARNH AR'i', SU R(lI!R\,-l ' llUjo' . R. S 1!1WT N. allll tho bllltUllCb ill Itb ~ 11\1 pnXlnolll s eccured hy W3111dU 11I XCitalltr~ lor IlIA I Uud s by April 20. • 12-tf A no j3~"lco.I Del1'1on ItlllOr- :l FREEM A r,M. /Uorlgngo on Iho l,rl! lIllSf,ij 1. 1/ & J , 11 \ () . I' ho Irnol i~ lanlly volllu~lu prol)uTlY :Jn l! douull e s on excellel1t • Ign uf IlIu, ted f'IHg . NO MO OPOLY I • burglllll Wilt 110 Illude by IIJ pUlcl1n al!r. \Va} II v~ ,· il l p. , (leI. It uu The untlur "Ignod. \lVru18 hims'\lf of :J6 ·~ 1 , J • A; · l'. ,\1 .IUY Ihill opporlumly 10 ",forl1l the ciuZCI\. J C )Ill'" McK Y. • ( \II r~ . DlUlSS GOODS , 01 Wllyn lliinUD ILllll tho COtJ,Iu\U llIty ,}l' , v 'r)' 1I';"'Cll , i ltl l\, Con"l.ul lg uf Iniu .' W8 y nQ~ vIll ll. [lco.• G, 'flO. g!' 11 rflll", th lll he hll~ rllfl ulI)od tll ~ S lIcldle 1lL1l' 45-ts '- All h otr\l. Im l(lIl nll d UhDilltiloll ,' llkH , nlllh'caR'1 kln tJ builJ n ~~, 0110 door south of (oecl! S I9CQ'S -4--~"' -- -' -_ """'. . fu m IlIUI i:,:t'll Llneit Il ud l~llncy TJII8tm ' ()::T FOR t:;A:Ll'/ . .t:;JJ hoo IlhOI!' in WI.)' lIes.vil\ • whero ho lilt nils S H O ES A firs\ fate A 89QT\m r ll t III Chlldron s J!~IrE (t'OII I\ TII,H/{ U\,lill '.111. 11 k C (l i n~ cons lllnliy olllmnd. n Id will /lIlIilo til U!i i 1 Ul d li llU"; HIIIl"U llllil )~lIn(!it: : ws fnr ~o l al ~ ltIis!oflS, Il") d. Y outhll, nn ti lu I c ~::.hleL, .,, Us, one 0 .whl ch l$ n IV ltj1slt· 11110.1 (1i<'h \ (If lilrJ l 13111hqn\~,' n ," JCll n y L I'I.I lU~l lIIi rs' jI1"IJD'II~ c)~d llr, nil k i llll~ of ~oll dl c rv Ilnd IlIun oliB \VIl];e.·ALl .!!:. &. 1!:V 1:-:. ' nih r~ wall OU ,,,,,1" '1,, 1O·'mb . [\ i\1I Reli 011 1 IJUII1 r.I . l;I'!l l~ ll . j,nmuh, ,: Clltc u IIJ'Aill l IlC,11I I 0\0 prepllrcd \It lill liniel! Ie) tnllko ' any Ol' liB 'lglI ot tI ,0,,] (\(,11 1111 . f, hg!JlUl.li , j'I1' l l.:t & c, &01, t ~lI o lh (jr l'r 8c[>uru[oly., \0 I it p 'ln'hll~urs. J\1 ~ o lI cla clllI 11 ~ r wilh tCll o~rnphlo UISI'lltcli, and ,A r.r. . '"lOCAl', o 1U : J,,~d du d ,olu IJ\1 11 t wo ) "li t" li d. Will ' ()I \ltlgo 1ll)!t!f)l r to 'IVO soUllfl1ctjon in all Ly I. a & J. 11 & UO. FA U)lI E !t S, L OOI( I n~:UI1. ..>00 , 'I , '51,1. of Illy O.l Holu8 of l.rndll. Tho UlIllOilt 1)81118 0 'I( ' • .MI'r fI. 'Igll 01 tlto HCII F illg. I. iu,j ll l)t (, " Iuy wurl11,t1. Ivr wille" WIC .' Wa\f'r 8 101l .,n , hel.!)\\" ' urwlII'. ci. ' !i. I b!l(J . w,lI be lak en to WllitO ' f1lY. work 110 .. 10 If\.- slcl!p. in i:j1l1~IIUSKY 6 ' 11 I il,(ilv~ l tll~rk "t jI' l\'! Wl il L ll'ivt'lI nl 1110 8pITe tho ClOllj i~e nc8 Imd M8\trelho patrOn.lle qf ('. M , ·r.r.ftln NOTJ OI;i. \ lIyn 's ' II ': ,lI lJO\l iJy · t il. ll. H \ :PLAIN GOODS . th public hy mod ~ rntc Oilltrg e8 IIR )Villi fIfI ne~t. On SundlY T ICE: i~ 1M II}' g iv IJ II 10 1111 )10ls0n o In·' h()i!lIn~u l mOc!\ 01 Eilglo .. h und All'Ionr.n n nc~s nl\ti rlim lbllily 0lworklil8nllhlp: A 11ber'lll C1JlolliuaU ac , c!·.hlO,1 II) (h,) 1I11,lur. ; '"0U th.. l J \ is .~ I)~ CA nUlIt 1)l lItlS \llld Gmgham s; ::iJlk Shn wls p'I Il'Ono!l.e from my fri ~ nds lind t,ho tJllbhc&6ner" 10 A. M. c' t, ~ thnl .1l1.olo'1'i!H buo k-a ccil un 1~t!u~ ~"' , n 10. 0 1art Li' so. :::;Il!t (;luu;",; l:li1k .l:ilo lld r , &0 , ' Fare from Cincinnl lti to Wa,nen i1lt tl 50 oily will be th"nkru\ly I\ckl1QW edgod E , , yo1\1:. JON • .lil$q. All 1, oJ l l:iul o I>y pil l He b UlI!llill '(od t v 81\1. d hy Iht' lir.lJ ILY 011 1. Ii. & J. Ii ' CO, , 'I kinris of 1.\JlProv~d CI;l\Ullrr. \lroduce taken ' in 'I'ho FII(·nlLies. for w UJ llectlml nbliouCII. .. Xe/ll" _ • I !Ill 1lI 0r~j JOIlIiOIY l b!il, \Y 1I u\ e much In Ila ~t! 0 IIlon l'Y , Sign 01 the Red Fl ~g. .. worth DIlII peTRp nul IJcq\ti ~ClllIlIl L$, 1\\' iI\ C{,lll1 ' e.xchong e for work, ot t 10 hjghe.~ marko . " Spnnpe ld II 110 'Vn~nOlS Vl \l o.:), 18,,0 and IIIlist hllY~ 1I.. 36.tI " , pllre fnvo ro bly wlt4 tho II1l)sl dlHlll1£t\llShod m PrlCO, .. • BendUl D. R. EBRJOH1', ltrCh,.6 110 HADDEN & McOLE l.LAN D. Our eoulllry. Th l\lodical fo ollity CdlllitiLutbS , ' It Buifalo Prnctico.l \Vork-mlUl. II) 00 F' AI.L AND WINTE R G0pOS . Wnync9vill o, JUII. !Kl, 18:10. ' on 11l1ol11aly: in this or lilly' ti ther COJlUt1y- al\ oj Colvmb\ ll 3W I-tf t~v 1;; urn j u u l rl,lCuiVl l1 g our 118 11111 supply of lhmn nro Ilble Ie I.Ilf Infnnn"t lnn Inll TlifO!ll~ ra (lni! Tick. tb\l PQ8t of tllC\oher/l , I"l,11 IIl1d \tV 11 II l!r G(l de consisu, 'g of DOO)OIl DC)()X Sn 'J'hb&e \ 'ho will contCfIlplllWOllr !;IlOgrol>hiclIl ("JLA W LS " !tltgo A s~orllll l'l' t of hllwls,lr om V 00 ~iO&dw'J, UIOl h8, (;nds llll crs\ i:lnllinut ., J " nna. OB~TS l~nll and poeiuon lind tho extent 01 our )lOllullltiOIl, Con &. BllEWS T.£1t Dfejllill 01111 ,l)ollllr up, at ALLE &. l:,VANl:l. WIII\~\r Mesa t,;00<l~ of VllrH)\lS Kinds. Gillg,. hove no , d,)upt ' OF VOLUM'B tI OF .ioG 1\ s upply of neW Hedke ot vartiOI... 1 ~t,~(~~:'Cl!i~M~, Sign at Ibe Golden !Jan, ue 10 tbe eligibili ty 01 our 8itll\l' /t1111J ~\ nlic(l. RO OI!i IlI)d ·hoes. klndaJ."c nnd hllraclOr Illnrg\l ~umnnd e~yle, 10 luil Iho 1"llea 0 nO!1 (or lin cnlorl>r.lZCl of the kJ\ld. As ttl henlth, TUll , b~ r 01 nTl;d ~B 8U11111.tlo 10 \ho WIlIlIB of tfl e COlli lnilludill g IIllsellSo 3!l·d' ne of tho yeor, we deny .thnl 1111. ,-,ul/ on~ !lee." mlllli l)', flAI)j)l !lN. McOLHLLAltID. A~V IYl'IU, R !wry BAS \V 1I~"tll~ vllle, ' ,I\t. Ill, 1850 • S.tl . A COl\\1I1uIl orror SA. ..,&J'''''I!o R in I.be . FOR r!IlnUvo
d .
In prescn tf nL! Qur ellt' ms
Ihe l)ublic
r D conttllu utl nor Iluppprt , \\'0 110 nol bE'\'nld in Illrge tupllnl ~ th t' DEST l'Al'tll IIC THE
WORt.D ,
lind lhe..
(lIIIHlllfl CC ~h
Nov 2(;. lB50. , J aT lmom VED, umnll, nK ill I hClllU 11n-e r, I)f $01Jl 1 ~ltt 111- 1 '. t end t~ LAncon AI! 1I~ n ANO FAJTllt' Lr.Y liS A'I' '1'BE 'll/:AVN I!:SVIL LE , STltE. Ihe conduCl ors 01 n oIlie r jOlll'lllll III the Llfl! of Ul<liitferh tssott, ~ lund 10 preBeJ\~ n Lto!>11 PQPc r to uur ' reuOIlI8 l . l v~Jl 01 , iudll<on nud MOllroo. W\·I::RV '!'Ell &: . \V intelld tu ' 'l'h Urca t Jlnrrllboin by A. J . Dn"i • tlte FlNLA RGE THE VI S I'l'OR C:nlrvoy oni-o. worl. thaI Ilw Cl UI(d U groul To D()uhle l\'lediulII III;tC til Ihe lJetrinni hg L'I~I~I"J \ hn Qumcy Ad"llIs , ' . 01 ttlt! Bilcpnd volume ; UlIII, j[ I)O~SllJle IIfG WOl< o nu
hull uppp ur in
muke , L IvUi! Of M~ry Btlll Ma[thll Wnflh\ng ,on, .....-=....,~ Tho YOl~ng'Mnn'8 Bool\- 1l work tllat(wor y '1l'TTE n IN EVT.1RY R"'SPE OT )'OIJIIg tonn s110uld hnv(1 , B'I>" '." , '':' tJ • Wp mell of tllIl Bible by P.:. (!cadley. on ex. 'ritA'" 'rA'EE S we hall nublis h 8hall cellellt \'A~k" , I'
be of tbe ve ry lIEl1~ CLASS UII~ WORl'lI, • ( ' IlT
.J.nll, tl8 Iur ue we CIlIl mllke it, be I1NRJvALED,
BIOGR A.1j'H ICAL SKETC H/iJS the first or(]er and t1eepPlit intc(est , ehall be a promi':lent fcnut ure: , n inlCLES
HUJ',rOROUS A r Hllrmle88 in kind and moral in charact er w ill olIO contrib ute to th" interes,t of our paper. • flome ' of the new features will be the EDUCATION~L, PAREN TAL, and YOUT H'S depllrlm ent8, all of which we .. boll aim to fill \vIUI the CIIOICE St OF InT-
COU's and Byroo's: Poema, l 'OllOS 01 P5tOn In ,,"rlolls slylcs ofbinilin g -Foeml! by AIiCll nlld PhCDbo Cllroy, }loom by Amelia, Qrdel1w uod Leoves. Sone ol T emperauce Oll'qr!ng.
'1'1 (;
In:~rmn~~~n for Ihe People.
.!jlb.lo 1JI Oll rtl llhl f 8, UntVllI's nH"d. SWIlri. '" 'l't~\lli R e, ROllER T
2 recei BOX !:)' F J EltSI~Y BLQE AXEl:) Just ved unel 1M snlo by , HA VDEN & MCCLELLA
COP AIt1'NE~smp NOTIC E. T11busill\lss B untlerslg ned h"'Io ~hi8 dllY II1to und"r the title oml firm
~"cilli " l>....... io'i•. S\;IIICltaclclll to Illi~ III ~ . . .
. 8';:010 ,.
W\llall)' folmcl-io I Se,,· ' SlOn, of tbe,. oll'or It ralr pri~. All es~all,. Iho ~adIl18, are iDYiciMhO-nil ;;,
VA $01 ·S3
II OdvltnCB, 'l'hrCQ copies oro OliOyonr t lfilrcss lor Sa ill 0 l!ub~oT\pt1on ' dI8ooIllIIlU d un III IIrrear!!gOs oro ~aftj. unl s ot tho option of udito rs . Ing le cupics may be obtoln04 01 tit!! prillciPQl1 new' f'"per ~enj.!l thrOUghouL tllll Ollll ell Stoto8 aud the SrHi!!h ProvillCeIJ. paper IS lel\ by ant tul cnrrill8 in tho Cincs NQw,'York . BrOOlliyn. WilljuOI s uurg alltl J crady City . The !;folllO Journr<l iSlICnt h" moil 10 011 I ' .1 J B ~nr '" 0 f t bU 0 {lIU)u la108. Oil d 10 J lIe r1tl~h rbvlnccll , dono tIl) 1U s trong w~p~r8 . with th e utlilns t IlUn l;\lIlIl1y IlIlti cA"'Ipalch ,-Any 1'0~1' mOSIer. or other ppr~on, wllll''Vlll somi liS ell> fur " Ix nll\V' subscrlber8, simI! roe IVO Il coPY. ~rl\n.,-Subscriplions. onJere. remir~oncel!, \loil nil otllcr coll1l/luuicltions dl! bn addressod, p08~ 0011110 1I10RIu;:! &. W)LL1S , No 107, Follon.S treet, Now -York Scptelllb el' 2I!. ]800, ' 41 A:BLE V
wIllalle nd perioD lilly to rep*'rb UrOI"1 AcCObrdeo,..and J.",.lr)'01..*ttl wanu.
EARPQ RFF '" ·!IUCKER. I..obinou, 1850, ' fit
Grea~ ;rmpro vemen t. In ".chin ea lor formin g Tubes of Bl!._et lIetal. ~'HE above cut Ii doalgned ,lO repreRer.t
IllIprov d Mllclune ,for lorming Tubes helil !\lolill pateutot! July 30, 1'&00.11)' Joaepll 01 ROllERTII StOIl~ ond iam4lll'I'. SlanlOn, Qf' \Vllyne»villfi, llR EW,,"I'E R. HaVill!; secured Iho ~tmld lormor· NDER 1111 oruer ot' the COmlllon Pleu &. Ohio. In 0 box otfrBDlo (Illcukud A) "lhere 8M Iy oCCI/pled J. &. 13. COLLIJJ$ : they hope by Court of Welrron Co .• Ohio, 10 Ille direct prompln ce by dire ~o" f ll ( ~arkud 1, ~ Ind 3,)wblch royolye uml s trict atlelllion to IilUJineS810 ed, 1 Will after lit public imlo, JournDI~ 8UI1POrtCd bl bilariol{8or ~eta dOllervo Dnu reclvcd Q hbernl shllre of Jlauon· . ' OnMQn day.Dec .23,IB5O . 81de 01 tho Ilox <A). No. 2ia IlIlmildil lte. o" e. J W.IWH ERT::!. on Ibo premlst!f, Ihe tntoreat 01' my word8~lehu .. therctlr ofNo. J.nut!ll llo,· ,hOwn In the 'II, K, BREWS TER. D. MI\ldltltOn; JOllDnll Middleto n, Wm , u. H cut. " Rollllr No. 1 ielhe front lower roller, to Waynes viJ e, Supt, 3. l aw 32-lf Mltltllet on Ilnil Angeline Middleton. lIIinors, which \lie crBnk h aUlIChed, ,\lid. ",orb In th • TEll. bring Iho undlvJ Ued onSI! fiflh portwof Ihe lb\1ow. 8Uft~dA R .ole b'yE ''!.()L!SSE:a.,~I1I!Lreoeiltcd.k~~:..J~;~~~~-! lIool<et8 of lhe upri8l/~ pUUl oflever (0) • • Holb ltl ~ R ..... n tlln lM3~~ lng property , W'W~: ~~:;~~rl~ or No.3 works over rolla~ No, 1, bearln, on l nualo I" nrren COUll' '" ~. lor 9C " I)'U~ALLADER &. GOODE. ,. " Iy. Ohio 8nl.\ being made oud patented In tho 0 journals ot cllchrond which revolve ~ the Hoc:k· " .. .t~ l\GR.IC ULTUR AL COLU! JNS nOlllo Nlllhllni ots at \he entl 0 JPd nll8 1.>. D. wblcH IIroflocc d Pendleton, or ' N~w York, ADMJH ISTRA TOR'H 8AI.EO F The Farmer shall have 11 arllm OF WBALTD fur ~OOO IlcrOH, on ol REAL ~ho wolcra 01 Croaar a Creek: III tbc lOp oj' lbe IhUUvor box (A) at , J J, It!!l1'A '1':E. " more "han ten timea''tb e cOijl of the brJgll1n,ang lit Ihe .. ~nlh w~rdl)' Rolle~ Nil, 2)8 placed back. 01 r'olle~ No. ]I aqd copier 01 t9hn wort I' . pur!;lInnco 01 nn ' ortlo r of Ihe courL of \ , Luklll 8 mll1l~act ".1 II\.o.h,!o Z. l\f. John; revplvea In foclceta made in . lho !lido rlll~, OnJ lll 0 lllJle 09 whhifl nnd for Greone Coun. paper for 11 year. SOli; Ih\ma" With !laI,1 I~ne . ,2 dc,. W:, 26" ~y COhiu t B B). which re 18 are blaile faet IIllId" 10 tho boa or THE' ART'" A1\l'D SCIEN CES polus 10 II 610k'C- by 11 hickory \r~o corner to N. tho UlldoJ Igt)t!tl Ol thc June lurln th ereof 161i0 ,tabla (A) witlt bolli or mus (E E), Ind is in I IlllulIlI . I" ~' Mors 01 Iho c lOt(J III J)lcl~'s N W com or; Ihence Willi I ;hck's IIrqjghd Iwo I!.:J ll10 !IIu~ld book H~\\'I1~ ofroll rNa. 2-tbo eidol'oel Shn.lI furDle" I lUCK COLUVW each ISBue. 7\H{ deg W . 2-1~ 1'01'11' 101\ Btllk l'l , Il I~cech 011 thll lorll rn isc6 I!"c'd will ~ II DI public snle (Ii III clln 00 /noved" bockwilrd or fOfWllrd, ~l IOn tbe 'l'WEl'iTY JoJITII dill' We ore doteru.incd that oui' readel"1!l 12' In dian I 'bears 8. 8uit 32 t1fg. Ihe thickn W. 10 81 of tile IDnterial 10 be worked. links, 01 J "C!" jO' R 'I', vl t\Yllftll the hours of 10 fI, W lSI I Iholl be pOi ted up WEEn! ' on 1111 the 11106'] 1b ijllea W"I th IJ I k '. IInc. ' ,2 d( ~ ~ ~ h" u. " . Y The ro1\ er" O ~.2 and 3) 1\1'0 worked by ,cog' :;;. I ':Fc' " 'po, C. A. M. nlll14 1-'. J\J Ibe wb elll. '1'1D \.Alp per, hoot lrOll, Qr olber ma· lul ,'l.IPOR TANT NEWS loWllIg R al Ea· 1)3 to t18Iako;. II ~ llIlIdl1l boccbh 49 ~ 1;. V'~ 1I1~.kl!. IU W. SllunlS t riuls suitablo ror lubing. l, placed 'In (rool-of ~op ..in WllrN " Ua Unl)! , Ohio. 10 ' ., n "" ~n r, IT..,\) 1:t III 1111, onL~H '" 2:> u e ; "j' 4 wil, n CtlMliln trnct and Both £Oe~L nnd GENEKA L; BIIII ,\U aId I t"l'~n r~l er.No ,I a"d3, IID~ is formed of !altU, b~ip'g jl4rt of fru c · 118 10 , p'ol~ ~~. hnl,~ . th~(',Il!d wilh <>ull1ue l GIC IS hn e- IltIn fi l 1 II a 'lI 11 . "21. a"oJ 1.1 IJCd~d nil fo llo ws. ' 1 hi I .L " ~, Ihi. work we ore lIlakin .. urrun .... mcnl8 tu ' . b9J rt .. ~ \V n~,~!_ 9~j' P,)ICd It> '! II uk o In lJUlles eL'j(I!l lIIlI " HI lh\! c."UlIlU Toad c rner lIfC)un'~ to or .' • 0.- ,'4> ~ c 1 wu cr4tlk ia at."" .,-, f Our"O I' hili ~ a All Ilr In l Z lICI'(l~ ,. 'I~1'1I N . , I C> I l' bin..,,, cq--etll,ondcnt 10 number!! 0 our j I' t. ,u',L1 \I ,1"1' lnc),ed. . by ~ . • I forwllrd ' 1 1 11 liIolion , ,, 1" of the cr.ok,.!. . "' . . I . I v ' , 'I,nn UolI"r No.1 ill kept to ita place b,. IIlDant I. I II IICu , ~ '" , II g . • • • I,m • t lcnc:e "II I . at". 1 l'IIl e> '"' " 1." I 10 1!1l 01 ,.,n " llrge cilie. ! who w111 .Imlnl'UI!. '(~ Iy ID Itoud feet 10 11 "Ialto WI rev r (GUn Ihe ao~k811 of till ne<! 11\ r l hh l Il ng!.·8 orm . 2 .1, g. 14:!~' :,,1 the upriahl parta s 'h i ? ~urnor, n Ollllt.' By n.n , ,1\jo h"Iurl) 'l~IO,1 0 leel h ' a b'IJkr' II ..moo IIf tight UII' I' I ' !Ill <If al)Y mter('~tl ng. trll1l8pl ring I've n1\!. t I~ h J.e.lull It .. ~!,l I g. ,~ ..II,II'~8, 11. _ m~1l h,:rch ! !lll" lorry f,tl , 10 II ulaku; llll:J) evolJ'!l ( ). on W 11<1 111 wor I, i n tlul P _ I We shftllllls(I nVIli) ourselvo/! 01 the TEL::- , . SIJ'!l ' 111:., ' to the b ~in. jorming n IUb. ,When tile t_be il formed, f) ' ." '! '. w, ,. K ttl".. , "GRA PH' .'.'" d~p rtrnent In a word flO I 1(, u "lllk~ -:III t.ll"IIC tront mls of levera [G) being d prClleed, d.· l .u!lIn "", IflO UII \l C In '" 18 , , 0 ~I'lCl ll l l l Un illOa!)lblll d and' upprni o<1 ol " bank I ;11 In, h ~ nt t>uM Ill' tltl' I IIIl "'I'h uJ III ~ ' 1" loell • rQJ~" r No.1 from the otbe r. 6y Ibrowln, \\' e IIItend to mllko lhe !I' 'n 'ltj 1'1tl'!i1l') I<lU1. Ii' t'"I~' I.. 11\(· hl~lIl ' n rurwnrcl. Tho luho around it 0(111 tlitm hi "r:u · i'.:fIn~ ur sal .. Ilr~ 0 110 l)urJ III hnnu , and • 'MW lng, ep!I ' ! r In .. on hllll'lrl!d li n IWO:I Tllrl m:lrc Ih" 1', ~J.fll'" t ll\lily s lillpod off nt the oppoeile cnd frollll\le l\'/u <! 11111 anniJ~1 )ln yanell cM&&AJ.U tor hll; ,\\ II 111\1 lilt ' ' 10,)11 I I~ht ncrC!J 'Jn~ d II A,tlll .~lt lItIn, Kr.d crsnk Bnd co(!.wlo I. '1'he le'len (G) Iho ~ulIl/tllll.Slol1y' c~rn ,.-r of tilt' lib \.•, lI, ~er ed Ihu "Ill I ' l)' s.lid tu bu Clcuted lly anofl~ go 011 th l'lr fule rUli1 bOllrill!: on the endS of I rodbll~' A Jl!p"or 1 hat he.It g1vo It:se If tI M<lIl& 1111 d trllct . lFl I ced"r! 1<) Levi LuI-o n nn\! wb h~r' l~h " atlS~ 1Ut'Ihrough Ihl! boll or ffame " H.u llER' T ' E:V N~ r.tllt£ hOllorable alike to il..i · l'1l0 1'JlI£TOa S j TN1S (.)r omljJl"ye a, " Ie il lig tlTl'0F ~ . len~illg II hDl.l; Ofl C. ClJ1d UlrouB h lllu iliVeTi' [GJ lit 11ittir.1 J u and 1• .l1&0.. . . . ( 'j'El A_ .d.)~BS. 1 Adnt'r$. • IIHl 'Il" " UT UC'l O • lillfftl ,r II S~ . (C]; Ihosu levcrs orc> ClOoDecle{l aero.. ~ froGc J • G EJ ' I' . tt)'. CI:::':~::~~-~:~~~ una 01 che boll or Ir\lme by moana of • fie oe 01 'F1·iend., let 1111 hl'lYe rOllr aid. is , 0 (IV 21 L. 43-11 1hl) llui to !I"t . 1\011 fracn nllw ti ll. I I t"uch "" h I • 1<1 t It . I\)'ctU tw . 1m J .:or lUll (1 [1 ' 'TttLA Dci;' U GOOD . 8111illc nber wi!1 ~et " other in addition to lJ 10 V ' I t !'!Ii portoo ~y a catcb Ill1 on tbo front ond of die II J . If _\ rn;,. "" ('4) . ..TiI I,:u ly rl>' MCllluraL, hilll~l'!lr, we will \lake lhp vlSr'rO R II ' ' I l:ilt loti F. ' j:E. - M h l~ \11<1> pmbox o. fram e . ' 'lio rol/unI [,I. !la.nd 3) m.,. ._ ..,,-.,,--... . ' ii, n' 11 ',\c ~PL"'AfnlD uAPE R' Ir, II I ~'hull . I,lhl Ii 1 r!:u Dud ,·!. ,I ·Iw n. y. I t'lj\' 1111 11 h Jl~ \ n th<ldn} 01 1,l;.ACIJI 1. • "r,II",!,~ol .. ~H," aM 01 an)' u .., :~=:1~~~~~~ ~ . " . 01 "'. I" ,J th. Ih~, in "ll ~ • ar UI >Jill tl r - --- IqrmiML Althuug h we ('''~l'I't to illlllr"ve UJe p 1\ ' it i ql"t~"1 011.1 I - ,II "~f:"nr' ! I.y mMt ' , "11 the' lCbedalo 1 FALl; A.J!f,1 ' ~ GOOD S", per 10 mllteriuilly we IIb,,1I contiuu e our Ih \l ro.ni""8. J t . I, -I. .T • 1 ! Dl? [,1. " ,,'') • <!loll . ' l'l!lll~ I iiJ ill doemecl ~ r~\ " I (; L .,II I : 0;"1: I J l! ~· 41... .,!lIl. Gu I ' " 1" ,1 11 II UIlO . ,elY Iow 1 ~lIIl ..... 1'Ilpt/l • W • e. n, III > lI,I _ _ to 111 bt· _. • lid G in~l l "a; 600110, a I ijhlY, w, lJonllor,~ TERM S: "CQP ART NER SHIP NOTIC E. 1111 an~ (;81'; t (lll' 'hilt with. a well s lcc~ One ror ~ a INr if p.ald In ad. TII e une I rllir>ned Illvo this day C/ltf'1'ed 51 :k 01 QUei:Il:!Wfl(e, I.------""!""---.;...-.;....;:.~ -1"I'd\\'oro10. 11)15 e OJ aJ;!ti1h UIIual I \,lI.f1otv of other g lllld 1odlll'tcd nlD(ko~. yan. Cl8 lei i th ,I,lI5. Into parlnl" fIIhi l' lilt the putpoee of conduG- . Al!' of whieh wOI be ~1lI LOW for cuh1 nil C, . 11 • ree month. I, ~O. " Ie MlAlil VJSIT OR I New~lIJM'r Kindt! of CollnU')' ~n>ducn~ .. II lut" or approved crlidfL, I 16. 10.' . ' . t! Ilgo ot tho I~ Flaa. At the I1I,d of there.r 1:00. publil,hed in the Town of Wornn vllLe, WDYD_ iIIe, Oct~, l~, . tIO·tf CLUBS Wlnen County, Ohio; and ,1110 to.1T)" ~ Five cop!ea (to ODe add....) 16, 00. • l qb Prlntiu ( Oft!ce in confteel ion wlUl onlored
u~~I~/~:~1 ~;~~I'I:r(Yt Id~lI.l' t;~('~ ~r~«, ',\!:i\ \1~
II Twent , TbirlJ
.. n .. ' 10,00. (andono to IPDt) 18,00. ...... 16,00.-
~~ . . . i ....abl, IlJ die ..... .((:.... Subnrib erB.
All sed [Pcla
'Iid pI"r.
W',DO IYilJe. O•• 'Noftm ber2, 1860.
&iJ DI LUm
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of ~he, W<:I lIl Illl(llirtu llt things that
. bould dilim till! .tt~hlIOp 01 cit£' I~rrller,. I. managemell' pf bl. 1I~1I11 0 9 1111<.1 Yllrd. Ind yet IIUIV much ~.., th t 8~ IIp.glebte4
!»Id I",lnl'r' but k.!IQW Ibel~ IDtcrelit. th~y would dev~te more tllne to tllllllll, '!1wu
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Tb.r8\II"''t~ree hundred volcllnnt'1 on our I
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" ,_, , ~,~~~~~~~~~~~li~~
~~~~~~~~~~~__ _, ~, ~amily" New,paper,. Dev'te~' to AgriQIDture, Mechanic Arts, ~iterat1ll'e ; Sc~ehce, I.pta lity, ' Foreign :and D~mestic . N.eW8j AmuSe~ent~ &e. · ===::;:::=:::::!=::!:"'~"=:;:::;:====::;:==::;:::::::,,=':.:::._:.:. ::::; ~ _ ..__ _ .,: :e::-~. ~ . --:1 ==___. . j :,~ \ ~ ~ ~-' ~
J: :w.' UtJijlTB, ' EDI~()~.
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WAYNE~VILL~, W:A;R'R~\'('OlJ~'T~,"' O~I(}, '!' ATUn&AY, DlicElIBER,' l~~ ' iS6,o. la"'_ ' '= 1
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1. · '~.llE~L.EY" PU.BLlSBilk ..
I .S¥"., , . ~ . t A~ _ , ( ~~.rJ , I ! ___ 5*";! Il ,wie noN (ourte.enth duy ~lIf~ju~ 't fO.rt.h a Jilll w?r~l ,gli ll'nll;r or lig!' !: wh i'h U~ mlHlh: n$ . I1Y~Oil': . tho 'f'n~.,. :niLhlii. "'!!'5;;;;:;;;;';iiii'<=:::;'==== ;±:== =::::!: : , la the Ilret K"~y.t~eofmu~nm doretl·~ n tho Illnrch in the Cllr),lsl d~PQtl.l., .~hip ~\lh' 1.'4".n1 ,.Lin,!. , T}.e '.'1II.t'me g:-th.Dt ttl~ IIlI~e ml~lgdt~d ~,UIUOIV.hllt t,ito ' Jf.'H\11U~JollI, "1"1 mil\IlIl) n;otl'. · , za::::;&:i'= \ . Yor 1n, Mi.!'ni V .hor. a~eed me ,!Iill tbe . • tartlm, It . .511110' hI. ru . t~~ ' tIll U .NJ)- bllt c9uptlu ~ tlllly ".uoh II.. Intelh&:,once r~heved .. tllhflg'\ It l:oq].I ' hul cut rel): dl~- gucra~. YTI\13 ribot nuil. ~n , n "heck rur ten ~ftIlilnllllU. TIle 1 3,. If r.al\' rUlr. '. , TO 'MY ,MOTH ER. ~Il b 'l~ illlill, ~tllb~eli bl'lul'O WltllC ell, Cubtpfl\ hlld etlllor 6U)'\I th lil id truo ~ ' tttlJ.t,;a.lUf,lcl~.i~· I~·~'eW~.jll'l::g~~VU d lle HI !;Z~~~It.~fI\\~.~ y"ug,.)Jo .~~.,. &ll it. partiOll· ." Ulld i\1 ' :1[ in\ln,ellt or ji~;tt~.!:it~LiO~I! ~)!) .Ilt~ kil,leld',p'reviov Il ·tu hi:fmuU ~"':"'" lray u &I, , Vlg ..,... p._r·" '" ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ llllrl'f'lS ~ ~l .. n~ lar'; . " __ . .I _ . ,'II .I 11 .. r «II\(.'"t t.>!) lIJ d ily. ,c<lmp'lcu . wi.'h, ,ll.UUI r ..'U "nd e1lihty-o >9i. _meet.·(orollll to ,,'bom th... . i dllllcneil he~ and.he wall .0 near.1 to be . he tl9 ieTs llild " lit , '1 Ill' rio: I a!11.l rllsliiooalafe thfY ItJ _~ H~storical '. • I!re~uI I}1 runcllie li, anu which,, , cordlllQ' tu l f!vnul~i r llntl ~('\'l"1 hllllJr~d ; J nam~ • ma~e oul wltll., gill.. .. f wae on ~ck in ~.. tlurty Bub- nQt jrl.lt a VI~1t from h .. y-ther.~iI ~ " P' . • . 111 cl?uv lCli</11 ~elr, . . 01 ' SI'n}lr Cubello, he \ 'ould 1"-qulllitly to qUit e.. ent, lndalltl . an II)ltIlDt., ·" up to tlie hi- provtl'b 'whillh ,reiillit,n iuI.--"T he t.lc8 lin" ,. .' K 't J't) i"Y-~ Ll!ihute to·tllY vlrtuel )I~re, : . lIim err lill\'~ re rn ~ Ihrhud he nllt bell",oli: I)r November .1 ~S. · H .'l'llc .ftr,.t gl'"'te a~ . tbe Itriln~oe ,.hip al. , is lIubalte rn .. hud fltr£l<pS to thcm--.the fQo& draw .Ulasu.' . !lOllt fr~'m ' 'l'olrtoRu lI' hen its Ilc·com·pl,it!h. I sluin. 1\04 ~oq'~ my mu.e al Cowper'tI, laut) thy ~aSL,f1l!lp~lIea llill lear the mote Ii: lilarm tbrcil hlJnllr~J IIntl. lievellly 1I10re . THE ' . CARLI . 8'l.' CIlIJ;;l" . . . "'" '11Il"nll ,_ Q' k \llr, " A 1ta re Ull ortu,t1llte t\ct. I.ITj\\killg ~ tOlnl. ul' lW'llv~ hU.I~dreJ hud ycolIslQJled. .. __ Il.lId, Uemem brl'uoe of Put _e'la . ! nlmc~ tu wh 11I8 '~'it'r I ~ In Iy chfcnJ be 1I\lj)\ll .' . ., ' II. 'Slw'Mho IIluyer COllttlin.' ' olghty. . , {once cl\lIed upon I nel/thb of.H1. rJua, . • . . ' , " "P.lly. prill •• woul~ .IiQ, ~ot 111 IU (lmpty ~II~., _ 'Why ..111 ,you.!ilillk, sv1' e~u iJ Il~~ have ,\) " ,'\1 .levisel\. It W,IS ut ,!. . . - phrC'y, w.ho Wa9 Wlll.rine .~ _old .tump or. A .• Sll ~Tt.:U Of . Til .', SI',\ NI!i1l ,\\ .tRS. ~n <:! t{'rlldill ~(ld spt lil..,ho•• a-:ta, ,.,.hlch ~ooll II'I.n mort hy the, S pnnisl! g/)y~m e ut, ' <J!c('uu. c th(>re'. l,I r~,gun~ on her deck illG;orn.nlum, ~' hich IOelDbd tl) wo to Ii•• '~ ' 0 1 J i 1 r St ' b 1 lie (:l)rt 'ri unci Ih e nati on. III ~h · 'yo. or} \~. ~ l;' • dmire, , Iltl/!' . 1\ 0 Or· 'InCI', ·1 3 "~ ,0 t 11... • ten ..., 0 r WIlT('r C~6,1l~' D,£tt 1~ory · . ~j. . ' lillie prlllllllle of green lear or flo.n, ll ' 1;' .. ( C , . lJ ' . • do' , I ~ .J i t' _\ ~uru"e, \I .l;..• • ~" . , . Tpl\n.prlpcely rift•• or ' *plendo r'. rich It· , q dill ~ot aay ahe had "Ng'",I b" '111' 01lr Ib . -, a Co.rLr?Or IS!tWCl I~~~I ~r Rul~r:l~~ d~ MU~~!. ~r<l li ~vll1l,~ lJ{:~ tlpl ~iI~!lS ,q l' ll tfnr LOeonv TL :uurcrn Irq.m Q 1~~ - . , == I.. lOT, ;1111 ,1 , tl....... • I Qr, w ill ... L_ . ~, l I l .hi' 11\,' ,i~b Irr[lllcd (UI illj'l\re vi etil... . J\ t ., . 'l'b~! • V II · .... I' 1"1'0"0'" '( ' \ D~~iI. • , ,t, t I lo~~' " . I ' ,~,. 1\ , tlitl . ~n ll ;[ I t ·,'tIl .J. . 'h Ihl' '. lhellt'r . , mnnv gl\n~ rtr UWU -\1 lll' Iru rn suu \\'c re U '''11 entj re y 1 ' or IVtlr the 1 he ~e('lI C '~' .. ~IIJ1wJ.I~\1 \l~ s ~~nr.w\1I1) of th , rreut<lit 1I1lere~t ~ ' llrhnp9 10, 11:1111 IIho, 'uut IUD hardl, U ' .' "d 1 ~ tl b . r I' " t ' 1 nllll;! ",ell r unfortll li (rs wh ll m , " - oj I' t l,... ' grulII I t \.!. II uun I at Ihe , . to lootho the I ho IlUcll113 . ' t \\"It II o~~'kt H' wi~hout ,. oorgo Iter , gllll! Y.8~rpr: ,;e,.uy. S- 111 O~lllce • a II t Ilat ..,1, ....fr - a lIUI- pur ~ ~dr my I) I"'u tree .or I'll ;r'l:m~I~ I" 11.1·IIUC -I"IIII '·cvl,1 lllilotl W('rc furgplll'n , <ir TJVft' thlD. • . I clIal· pO<;lr, umlcted _hould be below; Ir witb one, tliere IihOllld 't l~ll: l,~I!lli,u xtrllurdi rl~rYill .t~e .. t.)JHhjO 1l1 d-18tl;i IItrfut trl\.~th , I C\" elpcujl wtc I l~ ill;to. Il IUJ't. ,IUd Il' II V ~ind ·wbatit".. <beipl· . l ov . loul. '1\IU)t tl. l~ itr · fvr tho .' I1IO(1IoI '~ (IIU~ pr • 0 / (It~ wurgHl', ur blllllh ulf whore tho dead ~11t1 how Mtell I, ~I' . , be Inori!guol' on a.edr. II thllt .iut.I, i• ..~~r . t ... y In~'\l! .~ t made m1 wladow look' v.yorPU:-. ~ ()n ~ ~ ~.nll ~I\.I ' nr , Ulividn" (ot lth I'I'(\'ioll\l c'i-illll!' .0r $oul~ ~I~( opDl1ell, or .orrow, olel itroll: rule,' nCYllr beHt, e m~ '~ain ," l.bolli~aI lit' 1(Jllt l'riJ.V~· U,I.l~tI uro dl' ,'1 iteJ., ~1It'el· r\l1 wilh (ttl'has '.~·I'lt~ ~' . 'IIl.~ni· . Ilhl) . varl~&lts t~\ll ro ~u hCIl'nttltu 1111 •• SOli ' 1.' lliu\ utrc.cliilll nlHI rllgret, (r~)«.""".U. '1'0 dry the tellTI t1lllt dlnl I I ul~ UUI'C. the or'lhollll eyo workTheru they aru 1i1.1 I00 0' 1(11'1\\' 1111' 111'Ul\lho lilli! ~Ourlet Bowen ,' A. II to rut an (lOll>to. 0\lT In C\1 !it OriS In~ ' ~ t' , /,,~ . • , . Ulllt In (l'aWn ll pO " JC: Iin.' . ~ '." . . , ~ .. i1 IWIli tl.Jl IInpll~~ I lln II Il(llllr,' , wero IIrlr- iI 11l,;1r\lIh Dhper.~",oom tbat hllyer'dr. ,~ ' i I' . . '1'1' u. ~ r 0 i:iH.'g...II co r IWAn t r - (.01 r 1ItJ.Ut'.i. o'llr tileir, on d. CI(llir up. t II~... ·,.mVllwry _• .l eIlIS II r Ir()~t UIII 61loW i ~ , tlIe su~.plrl t 1 , llCu., Uus \18 r P'1'! comp1f)tll.1Y 8).,eD... I 1' 1 't,.;1 i ' '. 1" 5 ;: c.t .f. ' i' · : ' I tI U -to. '(Of I • e " 1 II d :11 of t ho · l·t! ill (' ~iC I\lHlti l) 11 of hI!> iI\l I'~l' ciqe~ .e;t\:t;SI r , ' 1 " 1' 1 crult t1 begun I" tl) spread,m 1 b( orecaIlV ~U ( ~1l1l) 1..1 \I".,·lInd U :lIe r' 'kY' t De lelll l l ,ur Ie '1 a .:.'~. lr "'tll, . , U , Ie ~~. !tn uor •. .Ioug ' li Il e) III ,Illy Iyurt t .t m.r a •• '~1I0~ " gatlloro d ~ H is ma~s:. \lr"s bccu m.e-hotocIl1l8t~, . I~ tlll!') k wlllt U'1I11t'lu.:! 81\U/lll .I I' w. ~ .ilYl' t 1111111 lit k'Il X!::l. lll.lfCl llft t )1I Iwa II 11lUI't ~, ';. d) d h lind LOlled, fight ulld (waaw rong. , It 1•• , .awlly ~vlIl ,.. : t.', Jrellholllllg IlIldlll " , d· .'d .d \h~ '....;;.;:;;.a " .1 "' 'ld.t4;, lit " . lere.waD oPI)re.~f' , to 811 t e poor IIhe ' IrulI. " · UtI" d illil . ,. '111d',:J I lIy II IIIl,)U$ elu.lll to th e mUIl!~s of II 11I11I. hulllun uUS lll~uJle IIt C':)j~rUR .. 'In breeze, they rUII up lb tbe forllmn_J Il Hug, 1\1 ~ " I;! COlli b.. · I .~, .......-: ~n .,. r~ 0111 "r p,l"t al VUU~I!1f!!1I I !I II J ~ I.. IIturd 'red parellt. tlty a.i",.l ' ' . 'whiell' w!tell It reu.ched Ille tfuG.k .. -tl11.houk , ho~e. t I, hC'!YI ~ct: ~rp dtIJ J.ar_'I'~J the wallK ure Ilt\ l\\jllI ul IiUO ... tQ' sI>~t til I !';lIl1ed 1\ a frlcnu ' l Ioom b ;h - ,lGuM le, wal ~~. ~I.: UI): t A I II Vlaldllrb ble~, on tltc:!!Oth of :Felln.• .,. llie "cry . ' ., ' D.llpe ·.1 tJleg 0 t at poverty h a.,.. ~ pU!li~,ioll ill whl 'h dilly WW'O fuulI'd mOllll·rlllu f, outs ill a lIei,.,.\10 mllUe , Itli fol .. ~ to lhe WIU". e y u l lll" Will t1 IlU cJ ti t;" U"ltlC:- ~' n the ,1:I!Jllt-' ~roul J lu Irtunu ' . . tu aa 0 'I • If ' " ~ ' . " j , ' tlt J d I " tl c .' Ga I' brMQ ·· T el;l·I'· ' t III~ ' IIlr. tI i ll~i)lI i g"(' tCl' of hIli mot\l. ~ \l1I TIl:ld 1111 ma,'b l', all .. III .' .. , Ii1. tlQ I gnZI\lg . W!; " ' I. .t1~p 'ter.rlble III"ig!lla U 'Lhu froe- 'I W 1110 I Ile,UIJ I Y ~omlml~'";'~l • C .; U 1' 1'11 .1 k • .. . ~. 1II II~ PUI1~o~ IJtl j. ll r'rj tit-11th. Its flrtlt rl'ii lh was 0, ((-rur.iou s·! )lfl:Sllrvilll! ' ':';', '; 1 bcWt.er,' eh:IlIl'li the dllltlt',,' l" 01' Ill~ eterll:.1 fru~t, 01iaI~.,·;hruse bUllell, ~:~ll·lE., t"'I·~~t'" " ~'lu 11 ~ :~, tUlu~~t 1!1~~tU TpqlJ , cl~. DOt eourl tho honor. 6f ~lli ' \' ou l'\1U\' r.or»'IYQu " ho~.· ,..Id I, ' ·.I .~Il e~, L ' { . d' I' "•. I' bllQd" ~ll i II. II" "im Jrtt clc of ",1\,'[\1, h • IIIQll lid, u71'cruu,uli Il~. Thore I bl k t ul1l'llu I... II"" lieS, ..,.. palnte U~ , (",OI... UIII .. U) lH"ocl!llll III IlouO,ICU. ac. is II Tnl)thcr · 1ll)1tChl.a~ j im ",'m, \lIlt jt Ie nu~ .t. Jt;lI~'llLl":l ' .r ' . J "I . ,. , ' I 1'",." r: ' ., I f U ir N U t · K"ea , . ('or I 'I II·' ' d I I .. I l tl ·ere(·u \lte ~nll . ' \ ' ' 1' I'" 1'0 " 'II e fOUl' women, OIlC ~ 1 all , lilT C I u, U· mUb ' ffi~ Cl Ing un, .r 80,' 'ilid Mr. 'L arkin, qUietly ut~g~~b IUI~'fd 'Jnn ( a I ,.,\.. t" J; ii-c5~ • ...., 1. ~ ,0 , 't,~ I. ,;, .ycr b~ au.,,: u tl C It~ J 1~1I ii?! " Ihem lh~ I (I~ pf. u 01. Np~ .eek IIppIIlU.~ in churcb, nor yet in 'Imd thought Q .... ~~'*" ap~" Uhri!ltillo col lilli, thclI ' Builllrlillf lImllo\'c . . The0 luce thl! .liip hae 110 gun~.' I)f tilt> a~ little b ~~tl!t 'l'i'I.i(' c ,'. < ': ' rCIlllcJ I~y ~.rll he', .f! r ,bllt III [}la,e Dg w.j"IJ,:~ cr:" ~ ';;- \ jll h'i " \II' I .tltO, Ht\J h~ i)lIut Ihe1l1 at 01lce unO relllu\us prQ8sed to its nh'lbt'r' , bos •• 'Whd arlll. huve you, Mr. Lllr}dll!' l e y LI Wj ~ijlcf"· r". ·, ~;r Ill, tbi\~ t Iho \IIork ho haa dUDe, tor· ~" t I\,Otl ~crc t~ .~ ill the lir, t llt'lit or UI1ITi'r und hll{lvinc!f1l 0:'· unly the BUt.ill r('cluBe 'ttlY ullelu~ lire Ivua apnnt, bnck pnrLO I' the sl;ull boldg" vh;l- Il W\lliry duy ho haR beea m" ... lIakt?~. ' . Ifl~~~t:o ,. 1 lid ~ Iry C\ l.o cbIa,an lon, ' r:~ " r'ef, tile 'lI r-t, 1I11w ' Yll~ b:ll"liaj'olll! Oll~ .e, I Ill", Ihe 1l0dy onloldud Improying till~nl' which thy God 1I~d..lonl,. ' j II phI hp.r.~~p~,t"l, ~wilh the lock..out of. IIfii.J ~1 ~II.~\II . ~~~~;\~;~~ 1I 11~' .l!!",~ (;j;l!o l; ·~i 'J:~~ ~er , ~"l,Illl~ !lave. bCl~n 11:llliateJ liy ci rrulu- l _(~ur rul ill \l1)in, to ill lt or. cluefuf lIrIlIlI curry iIl g mo 8uI' Iy oU hi. bllCk, or. drw.lla , A nd wb~1I thy gil\ the . Lurd reqllinld or ordl'r: ' . ahlel.tI her otI>.prillg ow ill lilY' gig. and whilo, Old Dla~r 11,.. ' .. II" r;JI;;'o hl' UOlt} ~ilt:~y-Jiv o n~II~lJIal (u,h:\!.~ ; , ~ lJt fur S Vl' lI d· y~ " . 'Anll r hnve onl(. an old (oIVII", piece the he t1rllgl.i~~ ~'r,I,'u..l .thu.,o!~me ~ltli l \\I rull~ of the telllpil t. hop,· 1I0ve~ tN"A I d" .,' ' 1. ' I tt ., to ,1frudlt~ 111m • .moulhful Qr 1 .• tholll! \1 111 \"Lunulc ' WUllIell will. hll1l UI) aU J (Itllll\'oW 11.'11 lu t und ~l., • I . ' I .e.r r. ' re II ow. b"uur Ollu a pair i'/l all .. SU" I"r,; 0 0 r pllu,. thlck ~ und the hur· ~ra$~ or COTn. , ,I ~ IIro.;~ lo11ll .. It I' t hedC . , II olll II it I t It I . . " t I,r ru ' t • 'F!lOU '"'' ;\,' blm. with all ,the u»ury. it lll m :ln' he~ , e\ll ' pl ; o ll ing thcm . to \vlt n,l 'r -rICall' wound thl!Jtl both UI) III olle whIte , ' 'will nm~e their (lwn tt!'rlllll ,wi~b U'I.' " C 1.11 • d" .- • ~1II: , ' R.'IgIIt .. t I\DuglIti,."an CUd ":~. ~ . ~l. ~~'.d b ' ~n. . ~. .11 III 'W .111 ... b :lrC~ulll ,JV I r Ihe .r~~ ~ IlIl)ufIlulliS ole A r- !'brl. 'Yell cut 001' tbruut., ' r"plll'il tile mate ~.ollI\'1 Ill, .~." I'." Q,~tI, ultll bn~1ed !llImll, 'l'!I.oI·~ iii ,,),;0 II creitabl e Olle, bu~ !t ll •.not .Iwi,., nor on .. u t ~~lI l ~ • I Y t I~ ur.\0~ rii"nn ' , . ~I,J ~ I dbul/t nQt.... thati;~ .... l'irit wulk mg f'lrlvard, " .... '.1' ,:.j . llillll lrO\1 ft Q\ ,II, IIttll\Jiil nluhe, tli IDee · ~t a PllOI brutt' faUe ' '. III tll~ ~,l '''''''1'1.'1'11 VI' tJl .?~I \~: lite ,~II. IV I} into web lalada. ,'. ~ :TrOtll ~\'{lrfl the sOtr~rillgb of thu~ pOOII ! llrit.!U· ulldD ll,ck, but 'the ~ whlto 'Clalml, \Ve mILle ull ~he nil we p'ls/llb1y could, ~?Cll";g P,~l H: JII;r ~ unl>roken .h~lIth~11( 'tlie bettee' 0(, ]JQI.J.I.fur. ,0111' bu';;r~ ~ ~"1 I~ ~s e ·l'l~t.;'re~ : Ilwt even Cuhrotll'd nlqddq'clirnp, I tl'(llh, Ii lilly itel 'uotl cl09 d, grilling bllt fi/loell 1l1inuto.<Ill1li.fi!!fll"If~. thllJ. ~ttcu~~ ill~, tT' '~f~' _. r It ~~ ,u r~"ll frum »llIlI ity.' 1" ' U'ut ~.) ('l:~ ~~( 11 .1 tiib~IL 1l\Jit \'\1ry ui'i'ltlcr-hcartcd, intJrc('( , ~*'t,{.ll~v~rtl, for all thy tuil~ IlIIel pa!lIl; . Wu s impotlllibte. 'fhe repurl 'uf u ~i;!lJ~V w·." !rl''''' J· ·j· I!IP. ti l! I\lcliri j'I\\'6-il iii II IJIUijt dwful ~(! In III1 .. that U I' I l',allell on a r('lIlti\" w/lo w. . .al~ oa 1 blclt ~ ~: I:' .' lund I , C ,' 1 \\'hl're " ' 1' I I " ;, ' ~il lur IIJ~ Jll wilh t hl!ir ~Jiuf. AL l.l~t. Ifurrow .1 unI ' .' • h , . ' I' 011 tr"(!Clllele" "J'lIo IUCl' S~Olll~ to luok lit you, by II vtlry olel eorvant, who ' , , ~c nrl~IJUCr b \ ' IJ ~~,c tH 1 P c~ n ~ 1 ~"" . .' th~ P}'11t!. ~Il" t" II o.t '" Ilat tn.1r /j~'" ..·.or us, I Teh made .... bl~. '~l'ul l \"l'r .Iht.' 'llrli':lt \~li lcNo~:; l\ll' 2-7 ~ h ~llclmlury; lI11vmg • kllown, ; ~'Pe(ldl)y brought u. ratum" d ' " al- , ruOl tha rllCCai.iOS.OI. ·tho 'IlOPU ICIJrll,' UII II. ..It I dore, . .. II d'I The plral~ came . I' I ' .,' 1 b I . III 0 11 ,Uj 0 Id mill " . . .l ;." 'I ' I' t f ho(,)blrll. 't Ire UI Lhu WUIIIIHI were 10, 'Y-}I\!r" m:n'.tT illlllln" ,l. stllltl .boful'f! H~ quietlv 111 '11", like a10. aaoet II 'I reilliell w()uid wll you thc , IOfY 01 a deMh 8LruI1, land vt'ry recble • . '014 P~.. ·~.t p.nther , ,wl\iclh i!Ure II} UtlJI I'Y un,u '1'1~\11 ry I ~ lI.·,'; lr ,l't' 1~111\ "I' 11'0 (rum . II ·o"er .. " . t\il'il' milicry thron to; '. I bu u vi .I '. ' lltdeulh ' 1 "¢.IJl . ' 1'1 ia ITle ill tho Illurm. 'I'1t/wo·ore other "roup'\'a .. aid Ii .eall bluflde n he m.kei vu,;strl!') v cvurv I.ur t Ul .1 U' co IUl ILd prey; WilY lUllO ",rellt lurry \u "IC~O II. . J, . 1 .: " . • II ]ar...~~· . -u " ., N • t d'.1 c:Xc 'utttlll W:111 'Iul u\\' ' t ' " Vi l I c')ulil Ilinust wi,"",h!T4g1 t,eoll"l r.iu 'I,"he lI\ulllCn~ IIe CUI,le h' ..... ., ,. l'd ... by J ' lIIany 111 1111: " allu k'~ uthoril, u:\u t· ' 1IIUrc cI ItIll 1I\tI~s. I II. hll· t, U bl) ~ IJ ulle t le80 two 1\1'(1 nCNcr 10 I ~"'I I.e w ma 0 lur pl. a,. la ~e ~ ~ 1,\_ "It III lIpeU!Illr' 1"- II • L ' 1'<1 r I~ II I I tl . l 'r . ' ; 'i}VIlII qUI)· tweloty IIl1l,t,lIlU 1 .,- d Ulllce, Ite it'liled, .[ k" I Jl'u r,'M, tu kill, Ue lvr:;Otl '..; II..' I. IIi a It! ~hll \~h III) 0 :. t IU) 8C drl. to illullch ~ :..;y IUtl1.~YI , I u 1(. " r!)'U).1 ItI-I 'u'5 . ~~ "lft.:: C'lor Ij'~y hOl1ny .1'llr;t i1lto bu/lu, a ... in. "nw "I1" , rep 1'-'" . Ii bont nnd'com RIIJ orderod lilt' l"l I..... my rel.U g l' ri~OIl r,t! u( I' Ulri~, ,..-" went v kellt "Ii~' ' " • 1 I'ur . twt!. 1 I.l " IIU" I I.'rIIIIl tllll.'~ frl).:e U.. n r.·IIIIlUll u ~ o 011 bl/urd. hJ;l &:()t tie! <' .. WI til 01' bumn\liL y tire Illerd.IY Is gOlle t by, mine j I. ,; not, 11 Ii " .ad f ;I." ., .rb,·le 'I I ' f "L l . li r Ihrl'>' Juy.;, unu • th II n'II~lIl1cr",d ut Chi· rifie ·~\.!\nI JniStrall\lh of t\te "fl'l! ful)\1111 of I' l' fi f/uurtl. r-~ l.AU~ 1." w,,~ Ilbo>ut tu jllnl,!) i.lJl~ ~ ~~r l~l:~,~~~" 'nu(1 t~~~4 Il'\llIll~~I lx-a eler - t, \u I have. bome uldar.tIIe roof l~~~~: 0 On ~1~1l V" '. llll 1.hil 17th 01 Apr il, tt,lI' l\lrrym ~llrut orullVi. t ,-:-yct ,holV c:ln,linfrllin, II r, ~1I Olli! nur. Illy r~~peClii tu th" villallls, L I . I;' '* 'L'I\. • I ','I I ~I:" '" "IV 1" 0 lll " ~ J I 0 11":1. wh jJ IiCU.. O a.~ IIPY ~u UulJrcrli, alld ~ tlJi~ mvll~,.~llin p(li!~, when tile l'Ielllelii.sj ,I ll ar. thp luaRundle baa r4l1~bfpq'Ie"~. ' H. . V WI" It Il\le h (e, .tl! Si! " tl ICi! \lIICU UjjJIII.t wllrll. , (II l' U I loutle, II\, Itirv, dllQuullter tho Illlhu\!py trav- h.". b 811 a ~ IK'rv~nt lUr.I' ,arkln u~k \lU Iellve to go. I u.;, .t ; f. .Uti' ' 'ur I'V ilC Ilt III 1 '" I-ye,! I your to ~ID.. to . , " 1t.'".. -:t Ii ..,..Ii' t.:~ulJrerll' l'~'r 'Ii" II, IImely 1)II~h I huve to 'I·c"d. \Vho WU~ ~hot II1lel' the' • ~ ~ J... L war, .\II lIe • ello'i'.A <dI ·tJlIIt:' ·lao"'. ' 11 r thcy. WUllt 1111: Clll'tuill, SlIiu ho, 'l\!t d\\ 'r" (" ,'Il;l 't~l l _~ ~ . d' ht l',.U ,.. 'A~ llt 1111 dll:l through ti,e I')1t Ilor b" e,ora me/an r . ;u \ 1~I rl, ' t ~ ('l!' I' tlu l ·' ullJ ....ptc~ ' I "I t 1 ·11, b~"I~:.lh ~ ill rurl1l:lli l t:ioil'CIHhou 1I1Iat .lcJl~ Wil.hill ' thy ' n~.rroly t I1I'In sell d'.ur I' ~l) , t o t. l h o ' i C!trJi~t . · 'I' ' 'I grull'd e .... mblU t\.lt'Jlur \\llIdo\\1 , there ~'" ,. hI' '" jUtlt .• u. 0 t'nough I\, U ligllL 1101. ~ frllm I . erc. I • . ,.'.. , ~" him I In the way \)~.~.r t .. il burl 11 Ihe lhlllh':l ; llut t ,he etlll (1'1 ~:l llqj ~ IIl\ Cl,WU ~ollll""11~" 0 r Cl I t" J-,au' IllU k ' bl'tlI " .1hi . . " • d' . J' tl " bl ... (!~t O!I~Wer ail \v~!l.. . lI(\y Ir ~ !lorv'd 1111.1 lIu me I d e It·' It " 1i9 .\. ~. r in Lhc :ear H:!-ll U 1UI) t'IO ull lt iv. 1!lllr~, qUllrt"q ~I~ til" Ii 1,11 II 1ft uf . :l\lout~lI, ).uud tu, f(~nllill Y an.. litlJlC y V)'I e, ' , c . ' D II m.w't1l1'li' .r , - ..,..' ., • ' .. ' I,ud ilCw;,\lI'~•. P"~ ~..J~t on 'Ule dl'~k 1,11~t.~ ~I' the to~~ ' Qt r I tI: ~11. Il u puworrul (>c6rll Qr 11'111\1- Peter. ,f1,OIII>P ~1l1 I. llllll j;k&'. th.lt:> be.lUt)' ILIII·' .of lIe teltl'lI i ll~ \ 'ere h.e pt UULI\ CU(~ I,~ . i \\'~1,,-h, ~Ild m!c: ht ell~i-, tal lind phytlicu ' . , the r.ir:ltt' wIlen IIr ugll II uPI,eur~d 11 ~/. illgoh)" : I) . ulld ., 01 I rnlternl \ ij ll d t I I 1I01:oreJ L" I Illy klu~.he,"" /y il'll IHll'prhl'l1. di.fllIIlY, _ fllUrl'TU IUltm:dl ll tuly IHlL ' Iuvu In dllutl!, . 'rla .. 1 Ittle ubi'll ~hJdil1g ill r. th(rai ,uud tlellcl)lid cL\ tu lllc \Ju;l.~, whi!,)lt ; "II. hlueme • 1 III l,l> r('u mbraDC , II' ml~\" .c II I' "ole,I?", , '1 Jl: out', lhe I " I'''~''l1l nclillJl lid gu/Jl', QIIU of "",10M•• rorlUl"..... , . ) t \~.-t nllllt!ht. ~~vJIlI'c1y .1II':, II lull It.. m,Hhcr,,'d ,b' '''lliO, IUlti tWLII (rusen to t'II~lon tu, an 8ohl .1JUC • r,CJI111, UI\\ r e I ' I UU:t J! ~.1 lOll I I. pil .... t \,~PIrI~U to pull. buck. Al IM"!i t , ut lle.b"! ll)'. .~ ~. ..,.,nt. Be da~" .' e 1 SIHl I were tbe Il~ ~i lu\l~ ul ~:Ji, ~I' 'fU, 'WIlY. uel; UI~ .'} . tlm ( l .f\c1tlOUI . l uer"~lIll r. I l l<;y l ~~ru IlI>ltlll,t. III"UIICh Will (hruwn uV!tr ~lIe . rllll. , ' I r '~I I k pt W .\r~rc ,denlh !~OIIO CUI never lqrj(e~ th~ group, 1![l~DI!"t)O ~ru I,, ~ &.....II ~.~ t il ~ll wI 0 1 ' -' 'un 01 ' 1110 l\\1l'r01l1 ".~;1I. 'J.'h~'Y. tl""ulliluti t~ltllll- qur tho 1II~lIlento morl, nor Ihe tnl' CII of b9r,lI1y int., .wlli "h twenty .ovII. ";lokillg rUliclIlH, . JjI~'J ~l·:1J 1.1 1, I ltl d' '}'llo . frlt-ud. a~1Df ' rel.li., . bU I:I' 'U\'I~ . d ~,,, ,' , I s .... lveOi I brl. vl'ly. ' Lut ., thd" II d ' t IItuRlUn ti'm ('.., III 1JllS wur . b iog t\l!uthll)~ :i lov~.-1) Ot)tor U I CheellOr', 'I! q"dl!J'- ~ ~A~' J d d I T";~ . ,."'0.1__ _, ~ 1 ' .' I I W t' ~ rl\\I,II11 l~.jJ\~rlh, 4r lit nur lmwlJl.i' ~':::id ~~,L 10 ~r:I~ \~iPJ~:~~ ~:~r~~;r~.. th~ e\,l .>_ ' .1' IJ ' , UIU.. .. O ...p ...tI~ll~ . ll:~ ( j0ti~o~V~~ t~II~(ufb ~:'~:;'Il ~~ ~ I\ I~ ~~::~~I~ lJdn~l~ I;l'~:~~: ov~r j , ~~~~r: t!" _ '. ()~~ . 0.1, !f " ,~~If": 1I'0rt! on of my ' v".scl, uUlI ;: I }O~'Wt~', ;f1~t;j :I~!a:;, t( d I: . ! ~~ 0 )I."I.J L .11'\' 133[; the lIumb} rllrn'lI ,chu,phu .n, 1, I'. e t'h)u!;ht r thee. W II I o,\ell 1'I1ellii eletlrill"JI"'IIoY tho IOlIil' hutch. A M ' ct of neat h hl ChUdb o 1f. \\1) tu. Lh.u \l1~1I1 h ' ·1' ~ /I . . ' I III ' ll . , l'~ ~he pi!rll()li whu IIrCI'lilc ... . I . O·:lGtl;/IoIIIIIIll ,JIOPIlI.IIIOA 1.7.CJOOj h;i ,<I ' "'Ii ' I u uu tl.11l1 ttl Dur·1 ' ..,.. "I"' h\~ VI(j\ I Ul.~ ,. tlill U \t-c t h' il LJ~, II, CU LI "'- I!II I!lyr.. 8fe ung II. au d'. moot! t. ~il ....11 I I 11, I ' . ~o~! Ilt!.~m; freo, ,black., 87,31(1ul• .,. IIIU~ ~lIe elldtlr, II e\\lur~ IY, 'e II ow, w I1080 ut , '' 1 ' I II ' ~ "Iuod, .'W 1 t lIuge oftclI I\p~cur ill detinlll' .0 very Q. uf leDllt cUllitllf; ,u a l lfi . ull t ~. )l.i -a:wr~..cr.~{" , .sil' ,Cmtl y u"~ urJllg 1.l elJI t I.lt lelr' \'!Ir '/lUll ()1I1~d ill it"j Hhrou;, .laVt li61'lo 1 ~.. I . ,I"t"ure compile!. bud~ IIIdicaWIl Itrellllth~ , sOlllctiltlOlf oll 'mere uli l,i ciol1 of H~crai.J 'rt'~IUl'r '.1'II/! li ' ~ le ~A7.'l.lO· :1'h" 'I/Ollhbl~"h. IIrel.. 1.lud·i I !. ~413 ~nOU(9 btl )!Jl:m·lI. fl,lell' lioul·tI.1uter, illll~ ~Ilt I~('e 1,)vkll l!o suhlimelv Aimplj;; ./.\,41d M(Jrp.l~ud wrap>! the worlJ in [le:.ee~lM ~m.\ ~hIQ~t :yei' ~lr~lk o~'fi I!:* I!' d\~" '''.111 itJI.!lreadlh·...rW\ia aud I~~Z)', tl.J l~r:1 i~\V IIII\Q\; , cd to ~ne I umJ r I~ nllV ('igh~y- LllI~ F r.r. e.' pI·I\!.~~. h(llll, l . 1 th~, ~Ull:U"II IU~ p ~,:,tl. ul cUllljJin g nmotlgl lt thll cold tl'rrOr8 01 l:1I.'hlll~ I~.. " . ~~dr::neniu :.\ l~ro"l[I~::lt~I~.c:~:'j1i ~~(CI~ ,OI~U. 'l:ClIs iloe~ no~ ill ChlJIl !nUIIUe~" CIlUl- 1!~ ~;~"II(.~ , ' '.fI;ItPIi /;OlIIee Ihe thuuGht, 1\ .. I I\IU~I1II:Jy where IllIU~d ' ~fufu:I~~:;r tl:: I! 't:O~I!·~I~I':.:~ -crlnll'ltidll, und ImlrleR. • thllt little m.,r!~!d udllrtilllcd me iii tull!(d- ql!l~o.'!.r.l 011 tllo hlglll\ 3yll Uljlll III thl: IIIJUIICn. 'PIG II .,._ • ' oi' reli"IIIIl . were L' .. I' I" rv ruilt'd. UII·.hrtvl'lI fh 'y ' tul ho~ pllu(lil ~ILlIlC un.d",~. the 8!1~,do,I~..II.jul. Frotlc)~ 'If"~' tUII\~, but tho c ullly ul W Ilcl~ tll e~e \\· e~l! . • ,., D , y, . ~ .. uto:" 'Ii, ~'.J~Y" _ bl .... .,.,..g I ' - I , I ' I' 'cxr. lured " rhe lIlyEt.:ry 1111Ulldl1ll1 "' llllosile~ , Oillt Ih .. t ure pr \·'t!d 01 tJlllllolll llon. Thoro . h ' 'l .hallllY d~lIr ":oth~r .ll'~ll~ IiCII~utb tho lly e~", IIhbt to u~t mUll: 0 ~ ~A.\'t! ~uu CDI~toID ,o ftbla ye.~eI1 ~ ii 'il~a(h : D illl liu~litn0 81 IIl1d purc,t i~"se ~I' cl)rr I~r PIJelll,' ''by L_ ' datel! :Illll do 'UJ111!1I1~ : A ll ollg~t the sl4ugll - • On (l.e l!lI l ~~fIII ~Qt()ber ,_8oc1 etle•• di ' , 183.8, the CI~I'I~. - 0 ) IlIttrell, .no l,ypocrll ..y, no aUKp;clop, 11 .~tI, ~ reph~d. 1" . r-Bl!lgl ' tPf ual.clt, tI, were cllildl"l!,n ontl 1.·10 men. '!" VQ LIllO. (,l'cllcrlll, 1 ur.hllllll"wllh BY!' • lIuttultl)II' IIQ clI~e lur till! mo~ .. u\\' 'cur Jurk_ l ductIO~ or ""I vo~ tiaemlf ll,u\o tbe....flO' .· • blit •• yollr clr,~. , la(l~ oJ bixtOCII yen-rli 1.11 ug(:, wero allut al I and. bird ID per.ectJoD. ~ . rt.'gilHelit -of Ilavnlry, ell COlin ted Cub7 elicd tllnt Ililt tblnk. tu 1.11 .... . fro ...... wlillm. • U bin. r• FWlou little fuce.; dCllth Itlll oro trlllll~ 10 II to tn••,.. the . ,",oullllcril IrI II\'esen ce of theIr I!lolher, roru lIt!ur lhe Lown 01 blueU.. A~ vt hele'ru ml' . II 'l'he rUflle. • !IlIA illll' Ill\' inITI.· upl/n it' thero I~ nOLI'. France. Irom one en~..~ iIae otbeif . ~ ./ ' '. ll., ,oIIUu I \VlllIll 'tl I.r " dlue, '" . Illiu.• a ttl .. ~ t 1' ""mll IUrl'iI l: u.llrerll'lI merl~Y ho wer"l\uu ID I.'''v , illt \·iCturv' ~Il~1P o" lblW' . bl , 011 III I , . I I ' ·hDnad. tb y·rtt~. 'Wt9~ ,a in'" la.r.; ~.' crn!!1 .a .. ' ...... . 'I'h e ycartunrra ~r l ' · ...., I' uu~ _t e tlllr' "plrt ',alto lIe e.r told her Lh"lt h~"IIUII~ t;hollid lied Dared i:~ hllr th ... Chrit:lti~\u,; hud rhc :lldvijUL , ." - - _.... ,. 'Ie." tu1'". . !' ugll. But I)lIr- ; lo~c ' inlil.'cd CUIIII"l bo elitled rur the"'prllt-. t~ , . ,, I f1 ,. . . . . • ,.. • t, ,_ d' •• IIt~VII1 ",I1 .•q'lIIpcltJ~. in Btia, ... "'Iet,~HtC , hUIII}Uutl \\'ul,ld I. \liI- I ft laO f I'e gl\"<t Itlnuwll •up'lIn~ .1 . " Dluet 19 " . tult,t' .I.n, ~ ~ • . r~lro\vI~ ' ~i e. , .ar ,r.wllr~1 \le, 1l1ll1 " ~ lIl1te!l, nOI, the , /ttlle ",~orl'f., ' l1I:turll by BI"btto Cllpe de V.crd~t."'" .. ___ , '. n.o .....r > lhllir pll)ce 011 Ile-oring this re pi\' wurlhy I~ "..US cut Itt Dud ,IIurruul on , ,. . ..~' . ...... 'l~ut ill tj~ rJill].e ,. W!lj~~ joy, tele.til l ( ~~Hf ldcd. \VltlltlUt llliolllthts thut \v('h~ \to delightf ul Gte gOl\e J~~~ , iIl" .t~lfIg .tl:~rc~l i l ~II) l1l~" ol" the a Clliijf;l\ I il(>OII a ral~w. or Il Nl'ru, . ~ the ealled .... uuliu'llpy wo- waiting (ur helpJcuUl 'iI"~ C\lutrc ~o~ ' right lorc:or. Awe, tOI)~ ~prlngll, . • ao.&d, UptmlUlt hi eyeil aud , l~kl~.. lu !I~ Il~tln I!WOUIJOillllYlI). l\nJ wHI oVllr~u.t tIll ill ila Vllllbl., 01' • ru~!'~~ let the iJlI\II.~ ut her wlnll". LI~e butl'.\!tonll fell Il'~ CUlI"u~lon Ilnd Jiresellc ·thM pie IT,'!! Iher\! roy mother thllt tby spirit .Inlfll· JIIe. B, 1M wo arc 10011101:- 011 (leatlll but I ~oon. lr.om l:10n. ~t 644i.;itY . I' r \)rc1I8t '~11 ••, p,~~, "celtl frullI her DrillS Illl if IItruck .urrtllidored tbetn ..clv~. prlllune ". thefl'br we tlu lIot ftlnr fur lbe 10llely l\ofld if ill 1II0tlllU'1I puyarll ..vail~ , 1 '~el, Ibyd tha, ~O(!hl~ ~Y' Tea:e I;~~~tl::; voynger -for ~11{"Ddto. I).v ligh lIi1i:!": ?-J.I~ l!ho~k tu the nl ot /lor grillv?y'il.y l;omprol of ~~_~ . .. '1; ". I I Y.g veu Ui8lJ1g the retnll.!"Je~1 UI I tlid child 111111 g()~l~, IIIIIIp1e 1I11d trusting. ill, guo rllllahl1 U had killejJ ll'~ t,h,ltI All th est) IItrl)Qitie _~~I .. ,~ q~i l! lhe dIVlj;lOn. AatoulIUoO Kl tIe . · ,hy IOIlt'I)j lion .hall y~t rl~e onL t Ie ,al\" l lit~y!nl' peop,le ,'. be l .7'lf '~~B·· ~ au .. lion 0811 ' to the prell(lIlCC or it. allwi,-, F... ther 8114 Jl ~1* WII. won d I"\, wel.t: Colri1nl itl~~ lYililJ.l t, Cuurorll'$ ri,u'I!lf:lr uf olle'third 'I. • I .... W _ . , . hi. force, ParLlilluli IIllilie Iof lIuch~ We know, iii til' ~inudo: '.'Ie rll~clIl cOlltlnue I.~.tlelt" er~tt' gozo '\1£ livcil IlIlIlHiI 'tileu n of JIIll:eo'k arrl~~ thirt,-o ", alb.., .. purl o~ , III 'furtusa . · 119t..=t1rou,~ IJOIIT-thol voicQ J COD.Q,Ot a.mo.ment, theo --tulued ~o".\'urd. ~. per.llc ~1;rurLllo , prO~Cjv" ordor; _but '1111 Hl!avcn " h,1.', ".Iell,>Y Menllwhile the C'hrisliuQ g II p-ra I, No. WllS ill \"!lin, and hi» horoi , c ,oc P ••• , ...e ..coRd ,rilew u WOD Itf.~ hellr, ' e ellbrts 1l~ld ex. 111Il101111 uro~gh,coln~lIundlllg,tullc, IIpyke alguf:lriu,l, bnl!icci, ill 111(' :. , ' 'Clg~n wblcli e.me .~, 'hitt y.lIr" e,)It.. purlluit 0 ~hu rebe ls, luuple serv d Lutl.u procure .ll~m lUI I~ntr' Th.t oft felt '!lCdr 'on my i ioltollin:: .ear. · lew word!! 1II'I1~palll.h . 'Wo n~:Ilu"e to ntlll. _ lore 3. Th. dl.toee f'r~ I wlk"~ I ~OU~~t~ ~~ ~ l'u~sod "Is . wh 10 ole tillle ill the mountn 1t ' r r. ulllo d?uth' jtberuby. t;}4.villg hlln t1re p~lIl ••of . In cThllokel Y~ I)C!\V w!I~k~ I b in , mB ke out. 0 Dlcn.,~_ e up 10 . ' I often not ellt... rill ty' U town rur a Inc. ntll ius, . th, l l . • , IJt~tory ~,~'i ~ ~:al: ~~ ~o'I'I ~no op ~reR.llor :Vl!~ lI~re I : ~ r~ 1'1iHhmoDt, Iln.~" r~JI(jrlm ·~I'" g tIe If ~~~ IIlullt .• unlortul 1 lute un .. ule- or ,1'cudeJ'a.!II/ tlmre lIS clIe r IInrl,. nmilo· \<Ii I C I wjUlU.teiY. , t~ t IR. IIlde 'I:ethor, ,CXll(' pL \U~~()t puy or s lio!!:!' Ibr .. lIi:l "e~"","l.. J • •~...~ Iy lOath,"!! , Iall .IU lie er ' i.' e t wh?re ther stow K~zlng .caulloul grtlcelu l uctluli oi' the wh~te Wllrr · ~l"re whicl~ eoin cideij ~o fllily Nsw with I!Y t~rwar .. \rotl p~ . Wkercvul' be our 01';"11011 half bour·· _ YO&l I'll '.0;.·-. . · ag!illi , " . llieircliptulll, ror~dcb .W~II I~, 1I\\l,lr ow.:' tl1 b Ihe ldrnt'r!ltltions ,\cIII, he was !lBllni!- tI!llrl Ihree ~ I ths of th,u, dlvi.dion wore .killeJ / UpOIl ~he ilubl.eet thnt we tuke the I I b e r l y , of bereu\'cd . wi\'\!.!1 or tuken prll!ull.er~ . . 1ho luto uf ~ho l.l IO'· j of .. l'~.y,.wp.r;~!:, :'J1.~ tlll?\IihtCul Illy dl?ar '011," tor. lIIukillU ittho l(')(t of II VCI'Y brief lIi1ttie ~Iruilt bl• . hand TJae,. roko ••eOnler . 'l'hl)ugh -nuw \lohvartl, .hallllll 'erlbeIC la L. ~~!l,Ll'.e~ q';'lckly to aDd 11'0 . belll.lld b!~ 11I1~ , &IIU ;llolhel14. Ii' hll p ~1'1l ut j..:ul aynd; CQu,Id n.ot lie (!u\l~tful,. for {.:abreru Willi {c'ourtlo. -!.' e IIlIy8.: "Thcr.e . mu.t be lIon\e n!v~~O~vUl:ller ia En,land 1UU!1~ In for five DI.I/1ute9. f they. him of the dealh or IIlne 1I11LiuIIIII weir cap~or, W III 1st .. till UII \ho dUlle. lield or ~orl of rleaijure, \\' hieh we lIIen d6n'~ UII~ I· ' id .. :pj th ~n lurlllDI t.o ~e, be .a·d Ibtlrpl~:-_wb Igl\llrdstold BLut III t:ul:\,ejQllcill u; atJu~Jl e, th~ b 1~t1U. IV nit ·.tho gl' O~ltil of tho w(luni.le ca. II .. ;a .'!Dllel ..... he ... . d , deratorl t , wbfoh ae ompanies Ihe pllin ,of Ir '0 I ':..eh=~·· ~ Of Yuu AruerlCllllil are all hert;'t~c. C' YI wcel'ill~ Ij nll otphtl lli! o · r l! I.JUi(Jr~ liY III!l oUlllllllg III hl8 eorll, he lIent all und PIt rot ....~ 1,1ei , ehould yuu lend flour to Ceed .turvllI , ,Dtll·' I CtiCnt dwilhdvwtI or· being .(\crilice d, alltl indeed (~elie\'e I'OUle 0.. 11Il2llvClI belore lt iJ1lllll1 cI dl:r, to '} jujul' l!:~pill()1ID to kill II uUllIbcr ~ e rd Jla:ltd~,.~.;a• E;lIrgwcl\l-'Y' mothtr, IlIIce til)' 'I'irit hal oltCII!' .. or wOhlen \yo~liJ rother a ·lU!!".)' ~ Huffer. Lhlln an 'fL{' WIl8 hor"ilkCj' b tile liarrUI i\:u vf \1 e fdrugooll:\ 01 tllo r gilllOlit del H"y, wl)0111 11\yl. . 'i'lley e. a OM, _fluwn, 'Becaus e they are n.ur. fe}l.9.\\;, ~I;J, an~ I mussl1o; e oj· tho n/J,c;w: lifO s.crifici till ihem.el v 8. in / of . t hem did· mo Ir'.' ,lau~.1ur 1""11 0' •• ~' hCJI hI; trll\,erllctl'r be hull"madEl pr)l'I)Uer8'" ~lIpi n."'1l11 <replic'1l, behnlr ot the ubjoct whiih T,o eeene~ where "dieu!', Ire I ~rief un· the!r Sllvio.~ ....:OlJr 8"'lor/ their iMtiet ble 10 .nlwer dleal, ••d ml.r..beller became I !IItIWer ,d. u"·,'l the plaills o~ oJ Jpy!!n'!e, :tilo Ga'r~n~clil 01 j lllli.t; ,the knuwlli Iluliun ?uc,e ove~, h~ hull lurg~t-,: tum.bed,.at. the wn~u5tof. tile !lI"n. tenchp! them to love, Do it ror ~ rockle81 .I:~ztw-:O~·d ::l~=! , [ ~t'8a; \I'''~f~ foilv rl! Ittlu'blll: u bOyo. t('n holY to u:le ,III,slonce: . O!,br~ru, huw ~Y' hU8bllnd ~~~g.=tILet tllOlle ofUII who remu\n. .J.elulV, . a dlclilipotl!d 80n, 'Q dullhg tlCApe,'Jf )'0" '!!.to me,. lie crred wl~8 IIt~th.~g ' 11 ,tl'd, W08 rointrllprittonc 0 e~ ' " ter OUUII ' . ,> hid notice; 0 . in tlJe ! bud lillie d~I1~lculty an lilldllllf u nlt.rJ gr~ce or n b.rotllcr • fierceDeiI8, II you Ite to ",e~ IIUI} u 1\ftle~tr"zlro lao foulld un iverllUi nauurlling rph~ Dt agent. . !IO~ reudy their hean. :':~a ~:!;., i~bJec ~baMttt'!t.lhe•. II~~~.e, nOli murmer at ..tile d~'wu to your uwa dt!ck! 'II t.hlll CIItgu .. ~u ~ J he ullhappy dfllg~,n .~ \Ver~ : lifO to po. !!r out tillm beHt treallure. ror the ~ltfl , for f!iX\y-~ne Ilatill ll nhv. ph ilCslr bUl '~~r d IltflJlPCtl ,II liked a!"d buyul)ptlld :.. . E~pln. y , .. , ~u . ~ i :.l,"' ',. bJow, U benefit or the rheriijhed peraoll i IIl1d what ""11!1~ de,~ ,~" , ,lit o~ yo.ur let " .~,.tIf nut taka fresh courag e-thy example 1e9, alill Il.rVlng !,;"..ntrymeD l~ the wretchet! 'Ilt wculI!lr 't hi ouch·l.ullI'l t whl!.re heI\ulh l ~ 'Ud d,wr~v.(' ul 01 hili c~m~ul)lI alld of lulure a deal of' th il ,1I~rt or el j 'Yfl ll'lIt Ilre we, on 011 y ur e~ml .In c'd' ror Ih llilThl Ihe l1uthurlli('s COlllp'llill. 0Jlportullltlell of .dllltIllCU ~ ' -" wOl'll And with triiAmed lamp.; IILill o.lwDrd (01- 1 'l'l~ pruvi!i.it t~l"I.\.b.,y UII. The IjJme ollr aiue reodv to give t.ho creature II IIt te f coul He tha. II my ,paper,. ' [a~7 ed to hilll oi U:e most bUTburoull i11-I;ea ,. u.t'tormJo wu D~ ,11,91 lD ll ~brl'ra lew thee_ .h. t tweutys even wuun- ,'I'how i :oorce ~ 0100 thot rlllldK thit! but tit. oltr~ba~..wert"rJt0 IIw;e~. . . mcu~ at the hnuds ur (~ .. brcru: . No~ u vjl. dciJ, ill hLlIIIIII.t.uI 'at )lullley,. weak. o~ .... ~j I~ J. T. 8. hDil adminiltered rleaeure 10 thlll fa~hion to ~vu. ~o : k:~ n~Pf.i I~ Id~a'~ Wlbbt totl lM!OIJ~ paper_,' he reo Itlge dill he rUS5 thruag'l , whuse ulc'udo llUd :'!!': j "~'1"' · "'·= A lI\IIng \V.,nn ville, 11th Me., lI3rd, 1850. lit1tJ Q,;IBone rli were ninely- Il'ill WUJIIHfI ililld, nlld Irt'liteli th':tffl ,to pie...; .welr 'I Ie :"avlor, W l10118. nome not bce ~ brutul.ly b.u~linl1 d~~be;:dr. ..... J.OI. ftI, ~ Ai·ttl.a ci;'.· . aoe.d. F~rom hill. .six scrgeul1t~l. '1'Iletse he cramm.cd iuto II ultury !::... yuu hllve .pronoanced. l of AI ~e apokfl, he c: ry.p,(illl0 t;'! IIlIS l:lijllurs. lIS gullIed, fU,rgivil lg him. T ley ....~Il t m "thi itlle b~ he dark Bud lIurwo\V dl nl eoll lind atl~r a jew how they ltv\! them8f) ~:. 't."&UI ",.. c:r,:,'~ hlU.Jae.1I devout ly.,. • lveei but \Vhe~ hcurll cOlltl:illOlly 01 y . u~ ~.(lI '~ crue Lies . lI"y., propU$('d to t~ICltI lu tll~e IiCrviee in p 'o!1ii;',,1 AKUIU IO f .wear COrnell It me !lwy mako rl'jol T • -------==::: :0== ==== ==== ==== IOlemllly. by the holy ~lIty, I ,relurni.' d rn the wltule diJJviclIIU\i1l1' g cr:;(' "us tlll~ the rebel urmy. 1 hey all rClullod, lind OPO .'nd ~ill tlto rllu('d eal' Iolr him "k ed ' I. rel!e::I·t~:~Z~aW J9~ . or. 'fl,e 1I" le Lhuugh to( the libe'rul p.lr- o f them illll)rudcl1Il.y addi.od, "Soolle r clio . Vl!ry '!i~gt hint thot 'l,UE 'I'lie plrate Uf\ed., hi. ca~. and bent . ty WIIS huw to put Il II~'rj"d tile sinner tl) t he.n, lind to tbon serve with .. rl)ll(,er~. ' . ·These:.. wcr,jla the kiud ...... ...1.1 ~.I!L ~'l ,\i bead devulltly ~h.\!A"I~e~tlullecJ. t~~ Trtn- be avl!ngeJ Upllll tllIllr Dllf:el . p~pllre their. . Howe, Ob.ple l. or CI'OID l'erjlctr utor. 'fhe ,~~t'; a were repurted tv CQ.brer3 _ , and 'he .ought tO I Mercy anti I<"-"rglvenesl go ·.mUm" . Ity_ H••~ i\l'il. "'t~. hHd bent over mOBt Itun~unc ulI.d pellc ofleb applied 10 tor ,..,tecdoI:ll.br _ea of I.JI~ lIIel~ ' uricl1 a di~cov~r lbe mun' willi had, ut.t,ered lbem', wel,om e him. I h~"e H ,bteeu ,ear. th b' I in while oae ml.~.t modtontfoly haYe cUllllt~ ,,>.'lIwm \If repri al", I1lI bUlh It mlly ~e fO all partiN ,ln.UK . ....tf'tII tI-. ....... It'"illml lto alld ! but ded ~.. _clDi o:rr~be :':y:! o:O~ Ith\lu~h lhe o\her I1Il1ety. !ive weil l fur,ue.U tilly. \f,b~. be raiied bimaelC u.p" it.aet'm. Jlkl!ly to lie cdicilclu lil. .r refUledh"¥I~~,~a=~ tiuch 11 ~Y.leul. kllew .... ho It \\'11, ~u menace . "uuld. iuduC8 Heaven If "'0 hllve only JUlIuc, to luok iloD mere' Laden b th n m • eel to m,e... t"{W.re IIcJp "I\it. .ClItI . feruc:lty In .. , Nogllera ~h.tev ~. yieldltlg ~ Ie f.jliIlO:e1Ba . . . II ~ f1.y to the public VOIce, Gild Ihem 10 betrll), theIr eumrude. Ally oQe cUbtrlbutioll:~r. New Enilan d ~ coua,ea .bce: · ijia.eye . rum we . H t.o ....... Joe wu bQun~ t.u thf (jil • 'ile Verdee .· with hall ciOled, bllt open .~de were no lon~ ellruged at the UlU.~ ~,r. u~ ' t,\\'o .1I:ad"II, · bllt Clbl1'ra would hllve been touched by. .JenD, h.~~ f~ ~ ,. ~ IIread for the' f.JI'ln. !tric:ken aDd d la • d,~'p~be. .1Iooke.t .teachly cle~r in tbelr whom C"I/rera hlld enu~lclIIIly "bot, u\ JaaL I. UGlI ~u~age aUlI colI.lan ey, b':lt hI;' u~l{ T~e lJ()fJ!e J".,.l 1lre~ a .t blm., .N , ' : , ' retlt.lvet! ,to odupt. He dum .. u~ed Ihe ex~- f"lln~ III It. prettU! JonI Brl,lllt.r .kiN Dever ,ladcJened the .. for mu~er. 'Die nl~1 beltvvo!e~~! bO. tile p.rt ur the. ·C.ptal ll,' ..Id be courteo 1_tv • 1 011 cu I"n 01 C' brerll't! .!'I mother; In the Vtllll e.tl....lxo lergelllltll w(Ore .hot· .t 1I0re.y ~. hun th.a thuae wblch beDt over .,,'1•• : "~11:" with two or threeu.I,. can 1 .-! u. "Ni,hll lllta!e," and which. ",,1m of wa- lltij,e ihll1 i\ \v~.I~ . • ~ti~e tl'rr~~, i'\to tHe BIt~il'lr. (llIor~llt ia .lld PM 1~)•.lway~ come .~. . . . , . . "!!.,er gale. De';." ft lkd ' the .iea bOW follow~ In rapid I1IIIld all her Ingeou itl 't g ~pIt aeotet0 &be ' WlJ l1 ia .e!,-., . rebel wief, lad cheek bi ex('e ~I. .MOIIl 1IUI!CCM _ _...._ _...._ _ --journ eyer, tbaD thu e wbld..~clto lbe ! I ~ 1M . . . . .d ulllllitbe exuper atlun In 8ua. thi.:. ~ water waa IJDhnppy Will the Iml'ul.e tu whleh 1,. 1p i andIOII;yalpM Ii mo 'fetDeial IIGW~ ~ iD "oea where we "oold be; "ud now may 10. . . . .lD1e t... .boat. I. e.I:~Il?~••nd Durin, ber finot 'lilt to New Yor~,. uaelionlelba.-...ulloli. word frum blm yieltlc.. d. Tbe act Itll8lr WII. c.ruol Ind dIe I~ . 'i;r:!~~ Gild bDve the IUip ill hili holy \leepm '," · leal 'I. caw........ 0ftI' A bltantl ~bled, 8wede III!nt uJl • aow. III hi. naUve .Ia· &he .Ide, but he Pro~ 1111 t, ; It. con.equ encd wc;r~rllblC!, But Idemaradan, the pr.y", ~ CUIICI~ die old E... . 1iDaWt'4.be1a1...... after. momen It wu au' requeating to... her. • Wlren lbe Ucll wa. tbe mte 01 (.lalll In Arra~n ".AI \0 ~. __ bill of ladl•• w" beG4 ..... p.tecI we l&ailoD. _ . . . be ..., repeale t'. a.ae~:l'1ICIea IIIID came AAe rec:ognlud d of at th.t time, ~t, uatiltltO H OMaIe'loeIJGIi : Vtp. ...... .... to ... _ ., Va1e~I" . ' wr .. ID WIlt, .,... flIt ..w~ _ we tf'ud .,. die cleek 1M .s.u-' lie . . . '!lIJa. ..... . . of lab.. b.t ..IIIOIt..... bil 'fiji ....... i~eral.pprove were c:."ta felt, man1 , d ala ))g" , ... ,...... deN. t :_ ..... I or rr~ .... • ..."r =IDJ tar bU- 1,,",GIleID I .'0.1 mild.... .., • ahe ..~. 1Ii.....flIiIII
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!:arif CUlllUIIUllicDltiOD from the C()ltTll'l'l: /aI. nnl't ••'.... t. cuuvt'yillg rel'orlll (If the 1I1.'eren quotl" Arl:lloltle lull..,wi : Il1I,j,,8~ti-ricl'l)f J't!lItiiOIlI,'1I111 G('lIl!r~l t much ellre It rLllIed away" ' - -- Balo. oftic . II!.oJO' ' I . ,,' n c iflOll ~ I1 re \Ve~ fLl I f1~r tl' Ie m~ I ,I'II~ Hlvll'Stt'r roU 11'0:11 I • , R ea1 .... .....• tatlt ~.t P,ublio . ~. tI lIIelisDjro rum III 11ltllltlllrf.d by l)o.~tS ..tull:i II lund... It ,-:4 h' . . . (·10 hUll jrt·t1l1Clc~ ul ","au I tll hi "Ihltll(lll On ~O"lIVI'y!nJ a .wle (rllm ,SlllIOr /lImo t illv~rialHl! I hut nut vllly u clu,,, uf 10 ~Iout b to the Leueh, ll,,'re Itl ht' til I the t'll' IU:' I 1..",ling trom WHltmlllt .. ,,' 1;1 t ' ru"VM I, ICln l\llOhll/1r! ol'klllg ('llngrl'~8 lo ,r ~I\t proprietor" "houlLi ride lip, !Jilt thnt ' PfUj 4: f 1.1.111 lleea 1l)1!11. A wnggtHh !J~u~ her . II ')IV 0 "'"I,)l! Ill'.M r, C I\IJ'I~IH.. II. allli " olt'"gi"li ~he J tth' Artlcl e or tile nt'llIy 01 fJ Iili~ illcqllll lity allouttl cOIIRtll.lltlv i'lCn:OH ' not h:mll;,r tho Cl'lIr Qr wl'f f,IIlO~ bc:furll 1I1i !~ th) 1'~I1!111l of Rue/,lIl ,II~ III('I', tI (fcen I'll. \\111 relaJ.i~'" to Ind un depr'dllfoll . t:i I ' f ' "" 011' " '11 loUl I ~C I""~ ulI l:lllnllt!IOY till' ) hit ul J .n _. '" I t' I " I ) IlIIJ IlImlt·(J (llIlnle COIIIO ·(jllo.lly itlto the ey?~, ut I) ellty 0 II \\.~ <.!n.!(.1 <lll),ellllo pCI'· Jlll1lll1ry,; :'>1. 'l'),"HS:-On hllil lit: II In b/l,,1 ' ~fl CIlII roll I\:r" IHluLli! of \.I few fumllll'~,. J II Oil a!!e wl l ro I per , II hi:! p'1;Ic!,t'I, dlty P~IPN:~ u' r tho ill. ' '11,1 \hl1 I)IIU:UW in iih(.'fltl PI' } I\! 'hl~ , our d lo~' 9uee .', " there wore' flll.\ cl& • \,. r mqchulli Cll1 pril'" t Id ·t I t I I' ' ; lIIor lg. 1 l' .11\ Ih\' i,l ·r\:b.,s. 'I ho IrGl'1 l~ runll~ Mr. CidUllIg!l 01> Iio ugll inil l thnt I'0rt:on IInJ wher th~lIl' rl'w ' rO carr: J 11,1 C,I IIU I)I O~ II 0 11 OO.~lt y. IIIY Qr IVUII , vn lu tih I' IH "ll~ rly IIntl ~ 1: I,tl ~. JII ~' ICt'tlh: ~~ vI the OIl;IlK!lUe whiell' rell'rre!,l to ttlC Do. 1 I ~I 'I 'rCtl 'V !1 \II!1~c ' lIlld Lhe 1I Idll1r 11 'tllll Illnerll (lII UnlY' Ot,gllin i,·illl.u Ul OU by l"tl l)lCI C"I1~.ct. . 11 I, 'y" uvos, tIle cunst'qu li! l)~ Ol:' 0 t l1I11 r ' I I I' . I ' I I Jt I ,\ :; 'I'. jllt;l(A Y . I' f I I .' I~ /Jllc po ICY 0 .tle ul l " ~rnIl1CIlt. ~ dc- i ll"(I1tuli~y wcrc llIullb mor ;Q llpr s ' i .{j RllIl .. J111~ ap I,Jl})ll-lIt , II-I-p Y I IV ,/11'11 \\' TM • JM.:n u L\. J\J,:I{ / y~ Ex(·clltllrif., III d thut t!lt! Gl' "er~ 1 G~ I cru(llr llt • it \\I11 ~ t)ter.c:ore ,011(, or tlie chief o\)J etl! of , (l1H1thl' 111 1:,11 Iy seu~~u t'll IIlQI e l ", 11 UPI)JI W n) Ill' \111 :' ptu . •.~. 150. • " r...I~ ulI)pel Ihlll pel)J1lc ,~,t th" frQt' ~lu t,I_ t; to ; L116 hlw."~"er8, .. \th ~ r,tlJ prcvellt this CliI"the /I or, wh ile th~ tO,lrs I'ldiud do wn th e "-'- F n SAL'" ~ \! l)lort'(? l,L' a.w they wt,r'1 opPQsed 1 'I h, I ' I " .1 ' , .• • I, I ~ f . ' '1' , , (" ' I 'I" '~F ~. I~ ,r,:" -"v-I./ • ' I to wh,l·h I 1'''' "1 Or\\I Ne lttl rtnly'C)\ l st~ "lorcn'll u~ l tjI1S lot:l utt'l rnll ~ I c \ ~ - UJflllI:Y /l .(11/1 . 11"1'" " "I !)" II1 11'~ " ' I('Ir I 0) 011 pt n 1[> C dUC I ,Ill til! .~, 111'11 I'C ,VO . j j' r I S ' , "'" ., 1 ._ .. , , ~,, ~ ~ n c¥ I L , II ' . " . o~ h crlVl so /I revo u I ~ n 0 t 16 LalO wo hi I Olle. .,1 ",hi.lh I n 'w fr sll' IInll t'iglll (JI iI U\\. . ~')(llIrr or lulrr huve ill\·;trinbIY 1\l Il CJI\'lC, 1 '1"h~ () m'l Utl!; im clIl'. ' . ill IT- w.1I II'J 1"11' III L'1npntl. I \\ ill "oil 'I'i ~Ir_ I\tl1 lemnnd ~alt! .. ~ u ul cl1lb~r (rom 111I ' L1 I1S Inu.nller II' mny ullll er tU IIt! II lIy 'u A 'OI'rolSpOnnl' lIl Cli 11& ('liu rlt~ lOIl Eve" r t ~;o hel 1'1' H(I!.'Jlrll l"I)" to su it p'I{~h ~9Crs. AII~cr a Ire' $tulO, Ito deh IIl1ced tI", 'ClltllllClIltl 1I0 W UIHI equal lIi vi ;ou of the hilld 01 ( I .. 11111" NIJlI':I ill 11Il 1lr-tldc relut v~!othu I el. '\ 0 I~ 1ir.IlJI dllthulll 1l11I1 Iwll )'t nr 11, , ... .. !l'n (:()r~Cllrondeili". wh ic h 'hlKl bel' lI 'cxpr sat'li GllltJlIljpl' II~ c:itlzCIIII was m'lIl- ·t Ivll., Ih e u"rll:l~~~ I " I'r";,1 1111,: S tlllib IIgllill~t lho North says l),uc ,I ; ,~o ,\,. ~'i : . °1 'IH. "MI:J'II. lie" eO'ls'ldete,! . 'It I'. Irllil-'u to . of lalld by gi lt or •porc . "u~e J ' .lilly . . · ,er II 11m ' III ow urI'" ''. , Ilrol ~ o t··u I II I! 'In• tulU ;LAtliil'I~I\' by ,D. ll, will appear 3~ WI' was f..11 bit'- t .,.. U" ',0 IUlI'O Llit one IIl prll word to , NOlh itlll' , Ilt ~lIoi ti ll c,nll tln l e till.' D R . BORTON S . " t(l,n t.he On S lltU\l O n,UII ~lllt . t" e ~'I!I~e tillllI dCII, antlOllly p('rmlttctii n th e wily of in: ' lI ow, oppo 0 th~ o~ ,rntl O Il ~ 01 u Iuw which 1I',1t! h(' ritullce lind ml1rr&u"t" why 1\ inti1- WIIS :;"11 t)l , \11(1 UIIII,III 11~ld th o COlIl.titlllion, , ba \ u Oll It I" • flon ' . Ihed t. the un,ount o{'l:nd \vhiclh n ain" le I '1'11l.t luti l/ II lJIust ' be un th e I\li>isUlld Ime. •! :.;r . , . No lurtllOr rl'lIIl1rk wer IIHIUI', there be· I i iZE:1l should pOilseas " ., i~ U1I i~we of liflJ emIt dCllth POI' otle IC \ A Yj;,:elalhl l prnllnrll ll n HIlIlqrivr 10 \l,n y otllnl' iug ,! II evid('11I d i~ illchn ti liuh to di~cUf.! B th o S' id Aristotlle Ih'e rtrCutil •. t lof tl e t!,B 'll1q)(lI edlo lill,rel! Ill' to tleg 30 . e l l~ I!I' Il li <! ~':lJro ..,hO puLlill. JI is ,'xcdlcllc " .. " t , • J ' , ,~'(Jc' l r • U" , f) , ~ , 1,1111 III tho iJrllll:H. wl'll)"I'I"!;_' subJel't A . I . tl·, I' Grell kll, whon conll1ltmt Ing all till' Spurt[lll wII" {Jil l' C'!UIIL e)'lt (JU /' {IIIG. . . IV hu goes wUh C)1l ~1~ Io, Id 'l) \i c, ,\: '. h hn ' i ll " n ~lIh 'r IJl,iulll , reso 1I~l on \\ us u optou, r~ etrlll:: tho insti tutiuns: Ill"?" . I<'r m il r ~ lIh~ IIIIIC'C 111111 WIll cOII F'i IAlu 'ho van us s uLJeets CO llt em l,llIt '~I III .~he PI'C:! · " The . uujllst distribu ion 1>( properly To \\ ltiel l the Ri c"mond RopuLlican bc.~~'\' R !Jill, I' IH g nlly !In tho JjYt!r •.'howcli', u!eflt 's Mesaugo to thc upproprluto COlli· forllIs nllQther Inuterllli defect in tI c ::lp' r. · thus re poulk ~1"i'I'."11 1).1'11<1,1111Ii hIVI' y ~ I'r'"rmll'.t1ng II! ~VOrOII ns Il Uh. IOllt.et!s I II \VI I • liD ). :I I Cil lO I 11','1111110\\ II 1/1 Ad " U t UIl (i overnUl III. l,y curgus )ITOhibitcd tho I I() J!oe~. • hOllldor coffills, F,'T· th!' CHnlllllnU IY, Illl'rr/"r e \\' 0 d~ulI; limhur de"• • Jour!lr . Q('quisitioll 0 : 1:\lId,. hy )111r\:hn ~o , hIlt st'l 110 wuru IIl11rr.h. But lur une, we ",{juld not go 0 1,/ I' I! IlIl tl lIClC" lOry, " 1\' hllUlllla to tlloir trb n~ lniijs ion nntl ucoullluloJ 11II."·w<1)' to Cu li :oruill to t.~ cufihll'i1. '1'1'0 l'.or th lu ,,~ ,iI \Y "r:",svtll~ Drug ~ lore hy S ~l \ A pNGTll N't1D l'c. 10, liull by gill" nnt.! tetilUUlentd. LlIl1lled III'QI). l lllIl1g clln lle &Julie here ill ~ue timo With- Dvc 4th ~:;J lJWA 1, \1J.Il!lt <\1. ("O()J)~... ' I_l'i,~r£ - : C.Sli f!!. 'U~'lO on D OWIIt uI'· erlv hus thar fore uoc-u engro:;s,'d by 'tho uut un)' luI/or or exp II 0 ." " .• 45-11 pooTed til their tleot~ , , few. n OO-l~1?ICAJ.. N01'I CE • .t;:IJ ': ~~ni" Po. In;!'.... l . . ~r. ~lVynno in~~oLlu~etlll r.e~olull on eu· \Ve hll\'c reft1Tred to Ihtlso nuthM8 III cr('. , nA~l~~IOR! Dec. '. I hu hllli r~ I~II '!.~ h IYllIg 1111 tillY un l.. ft!(lln· l\" a ;a.n-o .... 'orm necde·' .'111A p'eS"llt 07The late Dew" Irom Ellrnpe, thougl, qUlTIllrr IlItO. , e,."CJlCdIllIlCY uf 1'1,11:<111" the tlDl· jlV 10:; IIUW tl III t II I f.' , I trilles ' .d Gov, I''Ihomll'l htis Iboe n,., .It It! BUld, offiCI- nml 10 cOIlUl 111 IIlu' 1'rn li co af ~'" .a , d' U ¥, ' •. w , " • C . '" uc we uu"uncc II I ' . illl' m , I ellljl l 41 II . ' i\lcd'I~! ' II. ~ ilfl 'llnTI,'no'" .'1I~·n lb. rc.1u 'iGn ~f 1 (lO'cl-o ' Jlot of~, yery interesling llblure politically, ariel! 01 Juugcs III uliiolllla, whi u" \\,U>1 , ' I' I ' It f l It I U Y upp 101 to ,or tI' r"IIUI8t~IOn 011 the Gov· I ill' 1;.\ /1 (lr r~l~ c. IOS, f P'jt;l/lIlly , tcml,·( ....."''' ~ ~ ".' 105t ., 'Irrreedto, " In re tI.1I 0 11 tot Itl rJg I 0 ~UCI all IOmeUn ' ornor :l or NelV ' Y"rl, 111111 Ohi r. tI II r.B~rvl·I"'t~ ,lhl;! l'l !I7." " 01 \V"rllo" "illll t . "Itllver'ratc. \Yo '(leo Ly tho r p l't of' ll,o' indicn\.e$ neverthelesfI, tbat t;IO ufl'llirs 0,' " • .. ' . t Ih e "tlllllIl\'e bee ll entertullIC'd by t"o~real. 1 1;I d G q OJ I Ie IlIIll \'Ielill r.- J hey 1:1111 bl' cOllsuil"rl til l1le I)f Pust lUd~ter: oG~crol , th'a t'hlll hilS rc~o,u., .the lIatiolill urc not Ill:l permunently set~ HOUSE,-A IIl1lnber III bll,s \\'~r~ IIIIlrp· est 111CJ; of the pU'ld whoso lolty illlpuf~os l l3 . nvre l e b ruue -UoIII, e.mbozzlers, 11IId I i.ere fice lorrH'!r)' o'e,;uIJlt:d I,y DOClur FbhQr whun nalld":' tll .re'd'nctloll of ' IAll e no~'tuge to \led C0I11mi ?J1 •. 'fhe people are rcstlcsR, dluced-ol?ollg ~!lOIll, olte by lIalll B, of (t. hnve 1I0t yet lonnd ~heir wuy illto tha IJub t 1 no.~ uu t, bdut .tllf~Y will be llrought !le/ore IlJt rrufu~~1 lIully UbSUIII. • t:U .., I ,r " ~ _ lIIoia, to cNtnhh$h u ' commercial recipro· I 1 • t • Ie n"lollTtI(, term of tile Ho\Vnril Di:ltriet' , J. C. ST()1 D .\RD, I" tfir'te etnll Ir',p·re ..... nld .or tiv~ cents if not II lid tho rnlcu III at ea90, , cutlon 'thp, Ullited f;:ltlll~s I t tl Cuml, whi l)h COlllm()n ce~ in ,0: few week", N . J1 I \11"lu('se II ~ I' "lIl g Ull setl K Ifo'l, ·Hlil ll. /. 'I d betll'een d " 1>1' aod I lt';un· l ' >I Cnl1I('t~tr. 0 rp I1rn 0 momen to, Ie pr,,"'o n eLi ~ 'cuunls l .olle g~un."ng pu IC un. il m aspect of L lulflAlonopoly in Greut Bdtaitl pre.pa'd Tbll~ w,lJI do very wl'lL; Lut \ve ., 'i~l Uj J'lI" i~ shon nnd th 'Y IIlllllnll ll lie nlln nml 011 ':1)' 1)"",1 S oru r, 'qliO~I ~(1 l(l 81 tl!e thu s nttle t1dvOCQte.~ Ilpocent ~rOllulliti on. \Ve lie- ',' (rTJt is reportl'd thut tho LO~l el!lture of en~y. vallla, to 1110 111 lh~ cOII.strucli III 01 A few cxalllll)cs 01 tb o ox,tent 01 tl"lf 1110. I 'lIO jls Lee l "I,,) 1 1I~1I 1 ,~ ho uqpollIllur hO II, j. by c,I~I. r Ollie", I~I) \y!thllll i limh r rl IllY, li c':'e lhRt no rl'overnmrnt hu.) n rjgh~ to South Curolinll will ruccomnlf.illd 8 tho vhlo uud Pell ll!;y!vQ'h11l R ll. lh cud. 1I0puiv rn~y . be ill~truell\\e. 'I'he /OIl'Jw_ I"ICOSj 01, outW tl nl lhillltJ, Dnd Ill t Oll Ihto !lIOlUlll r De '(mlh~r <) "0 ' E, 1"I ' H ~H . , . " ... ,, ' .1"1 .t I ' d ' 01 ,,' . ", . 1-' " df I I' I' I ItIWIIlI, - ' , -, ' -' , <I .) If liLt the' mlellllFeUCl' or . tho 1'(,0- lmml'uill te y. , Ilt t }<'In r~c(:o lllmen ,III' J,..c 1~IRtUI·C. . IIl g 1I C,\i:I III r l)I1rtt:' rom tie 0 I!torul (I- ·It is 8 11111 thlt r oui~ Nllpol ~on P ') ' I , . \VI ' MONOn' n t l: !)rh In tl ~ S' IlIl e M •. f 13 I II t d U' .. I ' " r~s" a,II o . N{)TI C I~. ' nllu pIe. Jf there be' opo ihitig nbov!! 1111. 10 carl's! . II ' ,I '\' ' -- , I CI ~ r. I' I ~' OIl 0 0 m~l . ~n I ~rI\lInrr)Urrt~ loly' n, " ,. " .1I1 \lSlt cL(rlllk~' 1 dnrilll:l 1l,C! , IlrOtl \ ()Tl ' I': \ B hnrd,y glVlm to nll j.otsolle il1 ~ ,' . • ~ ' f " rO~l'wcl , Ilunl the OOlllllllttllO 011 FIUI\nc' l buth ,of the VllIon 01 llC! linn lind Lh ~ coun· I!.xlill,llltln. ., ("'hI ·,1 t Ihc l,"ITI.'r~i l(ll(l,1 11,&111 1>1 , xlJ"c'" otlh'r 1I at It i. the lIty o. 11 ~(,~crnm~nt I ' ., pr!1.e~led ll)JilI n~o. king Jlf'pr()Jlriu~ioll in ( Iy .of ' P ar e . ' : ,. 1'r~ ' I\I,oll l illll.oro will llrOjltll>ly b tlle, lit lod IlIlIt all IItllc!.li I!",I bUIll, ~ O:':U IIIII dntl \\ II! lIu to fOll\Clr ,~tc4: Ilj'l.d noqrlllb It I~ the m· , 6::r\V:e love an uo~Jle\lt HI ~torJea l pllrt luI' J85 J nnillt was r ud the first tl/no. A J 8" 3'7" I tlo ~" :II1, 11111 - , • , PlIl\l or M lI~hlCI 11[,' . ,'l,lu,1"" III" Ii'nl l aay " I" r' ' hI' r Sk"'t 1 t "11 '\ ren" A , \I oores. Til 110· Ul ary 01 r"h'l' i\ ,l anl ~ JII "'- I)ubli~!' n 1', J IIOtlntv I ~' I . I' t relao( E~CI.tion--t e promu glltlClll 0 ~ e h ' II''' l" 111i,~vec k''llllpeJj (111 II pep y '. III bill re . u~illg to Ihe or~ ,tiull ~r th~ Popdlltion in t S.H, 22775 III t~'hJ '''lil,;cj\l\y{_I'i7-!-'IO. " I" rlCJUY!'\~II-;;:J;V and IllIi 1 'lt;I\;Qi~~I'elllll / III n.ll ed. 01 'lIIei'li y" , knoIVIl1edge. ) tho If slime 511rt ror futuro lIunlb~r$, 'VI' VUlleiJ States C tl~tum Housc III Clnc\ III1UU Occllpi r~ of 111(\d~, 3m} !-l11l!(ln,: , IOlldn,.. All !,elll it! idlell B~ , or, . llADDB I k ~ ''',', ccnfplI'd h:1I po~t':ltrl' r~r.tpt -an Iftrc detflrJuiJlCd Lo' millie the VI S1TOJt 1M f'1\~ ",us'rolld u third Lim \) nlld pUlS ed. Areu cult ivQ\ II 2.77) willi b IS \\ o.!! .... g lll1l1l1l1l)g ,ho III "I"." v_,,, t ! I • '", , " h' ' fl ' , III t he [) ou~c 11 uill \y ' Ul illtroduccJ to 11 ' f i I b' I t r' tl t G t Wn 101 \'1: IrllJL \i,lS 1i1l"11 r~~1 1('1\ h)' Ih letten Lusiness, i" a tox ou Ule intelli- per oft III p~t 0 qe t'ou II try • I) n' d I t 1 ':11 'k I I ~.ro. I\? III U UIII IITtI proo . !~ ,rt'll Log:i"l '\ Jlrll, ; r,!r"tlLry ul'Stn 0 1' J; \/rlh ' Mlll t· tI 'I 'PI' l ' r ~ . ' ~I ~ II tIl} aot 0 regu lite I Q~ Ill\( IIl U lit- I Druolll 1&'1 not overpOpllllt il; for II 60,000 n llll-llOn ,\,1.. h 1,0 hu hQld Ulliut' rru'Jlcfc\ly I'll' ~eQce oommullIn Y', , liP ble, as or II) pt!riiUlI S , Jla<iscd JUllu~r,y 26, )'SQ7" pt'rsolls cunlive rrom 38,'722 n(lre~ , he wh ole t()r ,y' y ('nr , • I . ALnERT 8AIMti \Vlltl tlenlencod on the Oth l\1v l:ll\tlUJI guv s lIl,1l1cc ,111' the Introduc- ' tNritory 0 1' ~ o w ' C u~lI Ulli oll will feed I) IIU IJrj~ it\ll1 D!\olt\i!lIi(l1l or Indb,,,uul 11; ,18 ~rac'~4'alile,o\lght tc) ,bl.lrcmoved. 'Ve 'elieie-t1l1i it will hetto (he , ndvlln- lllttt to UG honged on the 26th duy or Janou- 11011 01 u Ilill lO ilicorporllLe tht: UlIlCilllluti l over 250 <lOO. l\f' IIlY olhOr aimilnr ~tllte- il~I'!I" I~ ~(\Il l to, II~ gr III1W!,rlcl'!l l' lIir. \0 Of 'age of t'he goitii'lIm~nt, a" pourel', ill the ry JI~~ t, (or thl! muruer of Nathlln Aldac, o tl.ntl Zutlcsvl~~e Itltilroud C~lIlpl. ny . . p nentJ; co uld Le mado. All Ir ludJ s tl,ntis 1'~lI~\~~ I~~~;'~I)~~~~~ln,Y 111. )(1 . 11 " slItJc.a,n~u, 0 elld of proal to rc:dllc~ the Jlllsta~Q lit! Germl ll pcdlar, some year 11,,0, at Au!:.mn nIr. Zll~n I\llr.odut;ed 0 LIIl to ulllend th t1 . tbll~. • . ' 1\11. ' OHIV N IlIi" 11' !olJlvi'tI th~trro ~WO ,IUCIII"Orl' h" , k~~ t t . il tao If we ' ,Ilay IN. Y. ac~ to pllllltlil Cr!I11Ca, pUll eU M,uroh 7, l l~36 • . A,rclI, ' , 20 08.2i.1 a~t!/$ :,[ n "Old y ~ 011 I)hl,I' l/Ii", III IIJ ... 'J.'r n~llty a ove rema!' 0 ~oc ~ ., Mr.lligclow Illlrutl\lcc(i U 11111 to r t' penl l r , ~ I " dQIIOrl1ll Il h l l l\ illtlllltlv l,1 \~. run inilevcslllllln,. "judge oreth" future QY the PlIst" IIj tillS /18 , the IICt tlxh ... the ,rlite of iuterelit pos"lo!d ' \& n. 1.'1 b)'lSri 7o~ umoll' usc 5 38 " 7'" 1\ 1I1' 11I,j,( (1ICrp.1 II br thur u . (llI rI'Of l • 1111.0. OF V LUME Jl .oF . .' tl leI CtI'"" WILL T. S. AltTllUJl lIentlu3 the Ilof1l~• ..,urcll "1 I 4,loll g 0 ' \ 'M II I , H rewetindl' III J ,I • ,2 th-ull ,";) ~ tl. "f't" !J;wllhc d itn~ IIIQ'll ,.lIt'II,I\\" Y10 "·II' .IV I\JjIl\r>rlllll~~ 1~It'veryo ..... , we certDillly .. IIlUIt a1• Iu.r. ,enuct 0 It!pre d t'O nlynllllie more hlllh~IIn l liwa :~'·'~III'~ y(.u TIIl~ • JIve atthla eoneluliolt. , Ga:ette /i" nil cXllhllngo! not we .hall nl,( rc~o,lulton,\Vlltch was agrced to; fo urth of tht' tl'rrltvry of Jrelunll ,~ull iYMt:d ~,I~! II!.I p~r l~ OI.'ltlhh.11 ~r tilt IIfI, I lolI' ~ ou/" 11111 In Eultt.lld thay u8ed to cliarge onor· ~en'c to pl.lpliilh tho Prospectus. R esolved, II'llt the Secr!ltpry 01 S'.uto 1\1 lor l\te I'u'pror t of 1111111, lilt! e'1I1 tllerrl,)r \" .,03 1111 UI ,JIIU1V 1.',H 1 . " , ' 1 D h " here ll\, lIuthorized to trllnsmit' th Y ' I l' . " . . ' "11,, Wf Cl8W l 1;811, u 113/ u)wuJ lloy "'"" 11111>,\ mOUlly Ibr tJtei cIlnla,BlI of oilers. ut t e " b . ..0 e ou.ng , 0\ Ihor betll' ,n n ~Pl' Ity 01 t;~u rvlI 'lo lt. III 111,'11., nhllln ,I 1'1111 ,II nir 'It II IJYIlO IIo; 1111\1 1,0 FOIl R~lormflre ra.l~d ~D ""j~t,oll or the IIU\). PETERlj(U.'S M.AGAZ~NE.-'Vhllt hl\8 61"11 s LI hrllry of CIII~ltlllllt" twenty,.fIVI.I I'rellllld, she hllll nbulIcl!lllL lal1d lor the ' up· IIrt'lIlllil nbo.. • 1\ 11&, III~a"d~ Iilllll!! ill ~ll II '1I r., !llId •h b I - f ' ,I I C?1!101t 01 t e gCIJl'rlll. and loeLlI lllwtl; 111so' Dort of lit h:us tthree lime her prescll t 'lluP' 1!I,tlt; II ~ , It JllfilI lll \ltlvo,.. I, disl'ut." Ito r(" p\l r J0ct, an~ 1~,1V~t roy( r~ uetllnce, comb 0 tlw' e:.:c! I flnt monthly. The Do- liltiereut volnme;:! of public docnments J·.our ~' I'l A b I' I I .• ' A IIU' I .I·t hlll'!!!Il \ n hvgah •• 1 0 Qlr In 1\It Jl Ir tour "teor .n4 "emblilll(,'! 'tb.,o,ernmtmt",'ete ~~mbcr n!Hnlier 111111 II ol Illodo ita appeor~ nu\" 01 'hll Gellerul AssembllO nn,l:! "'tute· I u Ilt lon'd ' • 0 IS IUD" II'I" llO y, nllu I halt ra, (JI pre' . en; il1 Z our ch.. ms to llie p\lbli~ , ' ~ J' " ... 0.;> CUll Ie one, ==~~=~~~='!:==~~=~~~~ fur D t'uutinlJlltiulI uf 'illppurt. \I'll li to nul hl'lcomprled ~o .~p the 1'0lmlar clamor by a a. ce on !'ur talile 18 ye.t. W:III the ienU,,·, par,era ns fn~ lid th~Y ' (l;m tie apart'd, 'W e huve Lhe fqllowinrr ract.... itl, rell,llion - , ' ~ olt! ill hlrllt' Cllpil\d Lhl' IlESl' ('Aft II IJ( '1'1IF.: red,-etioo. '1'11!! O~ 'o'lt'erllig of ratell 1I'II.!!l)! l)ublhlh~r" plcase 10rWlU'd il to I,)ur . The .bill to r epent .thc Homestc d E~e!np. to ElIglanLi ~ , a II ORt,n, \11111 dlt'h Ollnonll(,' lit o A l'OV/m\T1I'loll~" Ideli an Inc'rta"o of ro\'e: vllipe, " t~OIl ~I1,W W(l6 re/erreil to the JudlClllry Arou t 32 34'2,400 Itc~es INti wOllur.n· tlltll .. llflllullI)pC'lIr ill onr 1',1/nue, tba~ • f r&h'r aM IptiU klrLher reduc- . . . _ CQmOllllel'. In ~lIltivlllion. 25,aa2,OOO ' Ulnll . • 0 i ~ th e- 111ii. IlII C' r "' "0 1,1(': Illlli II I ' III· ,lion well f ,avi;.lIbll!, 1IR111l0W II ·Iot.. O::7'Ve plllllilih n; ill w(ll'k an in~ere5ting " COLlfN:iIUS: Dcc. !lIb. Arallie ""d Gnroen, IO,51i2.000 1t'1II1 tu l.,AIJI' R A H,;Ua .A~ : ) F.\ITIl'Fp.j. ~ II~ ll1l' ('unlll t~ 1 rl$ ur I1I1V tither jOIlTII III in til( ter i~ Iii ':ttl aa,.; par:lyf the country for arlicle on l1ledi941 Science from the \Vlller SEN.A~E' .-Thc rcsululiull fixing ~he tluy . Ml'udolv, IllitlIlu8tUJe~~ 15j397.4bO .l ' 't.ri.t. L • Ii t i . ' . M d r 1" b Here w!! see three-hlthH of the cxtent 1.I11(i !o pre~I'lI t u gt)C)j pup,'r lu llllr rCIIII\!1'1t q1I' ~,,. ,1"" '_,.,tem."I~tI a ,0 ~)Jlg Cure ~111.na1"'1l 185 , wllloll may bQ of udjournment oil the first"'~9n Ily 0 I' e r tulllvilled ure dorot9d to 111(( InnsurCil l\lId II,,;:XV' liCK We iut ·nll to . been .tten~ed witti. ~.per..t1' Illd lI~ded fouud for . Iale at tIle ,yaynt'avlHe DooK [\lory, ufter all J\()~rtll ~~~otc, WOli IUld on IIggrll,lIllizoRltlnb or the w,lull!:y .1('\\' , IVhil~ F.I'\LARG E '1'UI'l VJS £TOR. much \0 \be plClf&vre of i.boueanda 01 tile Stor~, IheAl,Rblt'l' , ' I . ,. S t r' .lJut twu·firthtl I're cultivllt(!l1 fil l" the Iltlppl}! • _ t': tbd~~ • . ' . ro~o olton, (eprlvmg e!l" ~I'B 0 \ I!u 'be milli cins.~ ~d()8 - 1111 tllis. 70001. eltzenl "'" ~~.-:-::-~ . If \I~ ell ,Ioore thuli n dllY wnhbul eXlcuee ' .' . '. J So it ~e1Jtli~ItStlltee. Otr.sl'nOlO~d - Foote und bownl hlld 11 r '.k . br ' bus! n 8S \VOl! dehut- OO? II~res ure not IIn~er (\ultlvoh~n. ~ • t.... :. . ] Ii It ' . 'N Y k 0 S ill nell~ o~ pu IC . ' 'YTlter Ifi Qlle of the London gUIITterltes E'Rtl· It" It ~\W flO . ...•• etter, t. e more tJ - Lrllhllnt r,ecCI!1I0n ~t qw, ~r ed, a~d. a motion wuli Illude to IIl1letul it by riull:es 't.hll United KingdClm 01 Great Brlt- 'Ill henA, 'Ill" dQl'. .• terl Will • e i a&lcl W ha'1n( -all prt:~ IIpeecbeslll fi.l~or of the UDIO~I. opplYII.!g the tl'n bourlule. . " uill und Ireland CUll sustain i'n high com- 'l'urldl'S. lit.. I' L")';::RV I;lES J'lF. T . he resolutIOn ond umendment "er(! Ill· rort rrolll 190 t J l30 1900,000 people!-And nllcl,~ , II? " poid the~w.m he ISO JOIIlt'l to lhe depart- \ .1 'f , •_ ' ., • 'l',' J.;E ' W(' 1;111111 puuli<!h ,,!Jail mentl TIro otntl pre~W in a~l C48tl..' ill O:rTJle Secretary of W:lt allks fOT ' on L1efinitely ~O.lPOlld. yet thoy ~evote heCII,WDlt"s of h~mlln belli gil Gelil.se. , ~ " , , 21~O ~\~O~~1~h"l vWy 11£ l' C,LMiS a,lu llIG'I II;S' . C 10 ' IIIl a tlacrlfice to mammon, willie the popuCincinnati Jtlnrl(~t!1 Doc.,. )111. J 4 rli lS7'ORl OA 1 DEPAfl"'rllE lf'''' revent tile QCcumulatioJl ,,1 ~1JIl ~"at appropr1ation uf 1056,718 ' Jollar. for his , .. d . . ' C\ • I 1 :1 OLUMnll!!, CC. . lotion ill not SO 000 OOO! Verily LlluLi Mo· HqGs.-Thl\ro ",os npaln n good d l[IlntJ~ U L' ." ~ P lalt luc1110 ~~¥t! 'o .gOfer ... D1pn~ aD depar1nlcllt to. be._ expel1ueod prme pa· Illlhe Hou~e nothing (\1' imper~unce \vus I " • lo.tltly,' nnd qll otutibn~ oi' Yl:sterday werl' .hall, a;, lur n8 weClln 1I1uKe It, be UrmIYALlhere will be ilt)o1Vorkdone:tor'nothiOg. Ip';n Improving Harhorat allli llivere' IUld ilone to-day. 11'hey Joave "hort Ressiona tlud lI~PlJ y su lIlIn~tl , The lHllc'I eomll~iile, -250,400 : ED. , . Ano&her tbin.:..aet~e rille lie vniform. erecling I.;'tgKt nOUge~, little 8peuKing. ' "fll Il mt;lD!;ler of such frightful meiu, 300,2· 0 nud 393 II ad Rt 84:bb~ 1040 'rio 'nl0GRAP.1l1 C!AL SEE TOI(ES" 'Ve do Ifo~ie,e l1\:. obilrgipg IIccoraih" , . , ...l-, 'rhe $~natl" uner a l~ng ~eb.:lte, passed I 1'hut to be hllted needs but to be seel' averllgillg 228 :.i 10 Ihs nt $4: 10:376 liver Of" ,he. first qtd~r lind de<,ppa;l int ...!st" dl I e' it i. not rigbt to t"..x M-rl CunBtit'ution~1 Convention is a reBolu~lon 10 lef \.hell' prllltlllg to ,the TO BJ; CONTINUED, (. uge 2231bs lit $4: 12~; 914 IIvertigillg.220 6halll\(! a ,,~mine .. t fe1tlllurl" , IO to lane, • '. , . i1 • '!'! & ~ , • • • 'I I lowcst bldder-a nortloh,ol the J)emocruts Ibs at $4;10,800 uo avernf.e 220 Ibs Ilt 4jHUJUbltDVS t AR1f'TGf,IrSI , friend, fot eoJpQl'DIC~tJ I ~1,.,1 8!.ell ot~ler IdO,ng but l ittle that. tS ge, t-at-\\) e,. t 18 ot.ln .. witl' ,lh'e Whio"'s ror the rt'so\ulinn , A rrivlIl oUbs (';O(....iR· · J2' 8 d 1I I • ' .... ..:; b t 1l fi ~I 11 t II ill e ~o cop III o u r " I LATER FROM I"'ALIFORNIA. iii . 00 0 (e \v(lrub e en dnys henc-'l' lIurrraloss in kind ulld motul in churnctC' becauet """ apl!". ':'!! II C,! n~I'. proecel ngillre O? 1 liS • All approllrilltion b,iI for the members or . N YE\" YORK' Dec. 7, o.ver,09,"g 220lba lie $4;10. 111~e mnr"et will nlso contril/uteto the interest nl Oll~ lIt'yond l!~tainJIDt, ~llen th""e will be cQh, mn~. There ,\eems to be a halrlfnermg the Legislature for lost ~enr, ond for p r i n t . ' cl ' ~ . paper, , ' " "~ _ , I . C 'Illie Georgit18rrl'ved Ilnre ' this mornirll1' 0pll"-'" fi rm. • . "lladdi'io.CI(CIJII~C.ugm""mtm fOl'the a.lom~tb)nc,nndwehopethe fE'Sut 109 the ' '',ro'lee.dillg'oJo.f -the OnVOI)ltillll, ~" 'LOUR L t i t 403 dlOOO :l " • b did d with two weeks luter advices /'rOlll CuHfor- \, , - n e 011 e.eOlng an Rome of Iho 'lew fQt~tnms will fie tt."" t.J'IIDlpurt,tlOD .of the 1ft . WI! !P8Y 01 tlleir long, lalY Illld tedlou8 1& on will pallSIl to ItII t lIr rea ,IP~. lIil\, bringing /:Ian Francisco dotel to the 1st: /Jrle sold at ,3:70.: t9~day 2S6, BIiO and EDUCATIONAL PARENTAL and lie brouaht forth ra Ion". Foreigll fOleftointl. 01 november_ 2~0 brls ~old. III $3:75; ~lIlket closed 6rm VOUTHll;l derar~l~ellt~,411 of whi~h we .Ildidonal edit :OT~iJ,'e.i P Q e~n' . .:.&1:....-'l·'bfr'cft.,lr
d "
rvIIAM] VISITOlt ] 51.
::~t:i1::; ::t::;.~;!!~;:r~!: om '-' ,,~.
1 ....... .... .
lS~4'w there h~veI been built in lat~~~:!~;~b~d~~~~!~;u'~%~t~~~~ ~ft~~~ Wi~lhe2~~ut;~~s:~;::lIa:~ri~~~:~o~0~nou~~ ~~~~~{~~~~:l)nSOaO~~S~tl0t2Idotoo H,,,m s. R~ froi · ~~~! a~'1J to fill WIth the OnOIOEST UF t Ii ddt oPth'" provlllAe- 1n tl'e II f Id' gold du"t. ,. D. "' . ou, ers a 3•..0,,, o 1 I t
lette-e. Nod.itallJ 1II~'tfOUb..,.\VOI'tIl nu· tie \11, g,llteli ~ en y: ve lun fO 'I eam· fhe ,;'oTkin~ amuses 'to' j~fn °in IIQ:C~I~e~ The :teamer Sil~amore bUTst her boil. bLrl,s Pork on private termsnnd 60 ~rls No ~ n tIe minll td ,t aile flny Or a hundred lettE'rII than 1t9a~l:wo thirds Of the ntlmber in the Oharist demoTllltration. . SF ' k' I' 11 I ffi Ql'd a,t 7e., IS per Cl'nt tnre. AG RI CULTURAL COLUMN s . rtf E t '1 b The t IDfth ne II ouslllld built last year er neul' an ranCISCO, . IllIIg II tIe 0 • Whisk,',-The mrirket h d . The ~ho.ll hllve B lIJl!!E 'OF WEAL'C'] n u n .Farmer it ,I to CD.~ If.u..~. DIp It,Y maltb 1I1l' . I wes . , COl A' Freneh rhYllicilin stntes the vapbr bnth cers alld ('I!!'I' olld u Ilirge Ilunlber of the sottl ed to.d y 'fh w] U8 I.'nvY Ild , .. ' • t t h'l di d I bcell i I tl e Wellt • 0 e sn wurth more lhll.lI chief troli ble I I. mllalog e ept. el. "evep ull re Inve I I . . -d is an efl'eotuu cure for hvdrothophln, passE'ngr were nQllcr lor u yeur, ten tiiMII lhe- Ctls t of tllE~ 1 c repor e ' " r Ill, )se·."ames I1111I no t. bee n as- 220 hrlB from .River at 24es the pl.ce of ID~ DI.anjl:the place, of re- Who will doubt the uItlt1)tlte greatne"!1 an The Pope hOIl olso be on urnt ill effigy cortollled. BUBlUes8 lit ::lan Fran~18co S · 'l'h k ' ..lI . r; r • . ceptlon, alld this -1. tbullffie whether the llllfOrtanc,e of this grel1t WEST! . ' at TewkSbury.. . lind lit olher towns, bml aUhe minee. con- fuir ~;:'d A 0 mn-r tot ~86te8dy ~ Ith n. THE ARTS AND SCIENCES letter ,lIel nve .mile. odive'tlil)utlanct. ' 'file nelV Barvn of the Exchequer, Mr. tinued prosperous. MOlley \\ons' bringillg I) '6c Th~n 1 ' k , eaJe ofI! I hhda d fllme at Simil rurnlsh • IIIOU COLliN" eDch isslle. On n".,..-aners He Tate .hould b~ hll8 ~ce j'1 is· S, Mortin: i! the first . Irishman who ever , to 7 per <'Cilia month, Flollr 818@20 per cei ts but ~:;V )'1 very \~lt an tie reWe Dre dcterrninqd· thnt our rl'Rder8 '" .,r f'\ l ' I"" . filled ' o 9lnulur posL an Englnlld. tIe is b~l . . Produce generally wus in good, di:l· C~ A mo,dor~tre~o b ' .t aho)l be pnsted up WUKJ.Y on DII the most half ~nt on aU f'~1'II; ..~nt)y.- pgbhBtierl, lued for the arrest of Genorll "CIllltman, 8on.in.IIlW to the Lord Chiel Baron. . mond-prices varying but little froOl pre. Th..OFttE~I'-d' ~nd ~ U "d . IIgs ot )] , 0. UfPORTA NT NEWS li.e:. IIIl4l ~ ~, . T' • c rtht; ~'tent of hil guilt wi\llJe adjudtt" nl"lOISt er~ .mten<,I IJ.Dme ' d~ulte "1 y aftor tIe 1vlons ' ,.. ra III emnu III mo • l" nr.diDarV ,.. ~~COUllt. . . MOLASSE9.-Therc is nerutp fair d~mand lind I Both LOC.AL ond GliNF.RAL; Rnll '0 Rid U8 In of ti ... v if nut lent.by publl.heft. , M by proper jodicial tribuntlla. ' rC.~88emhlmg of Porll~ent, to intrody~ 0 Political atrwB were qUiet. jllices Ilre steady. A 8ule .. f 65 brls N. o' IIhi8 worll,wG Ilre moking nrrungements to Thill Woald eave our '-people' 1J)11ch me ~ure fur t,he ~~. entloh of the el~torlul PlIllama aud Chagres were hMlthy . nt 30e. have Il corl'sl'ondellt in numbors of (lUI" and would h.ve t~naencr. tQ \lnetea1e A,T,J.AIIIAICA ~he Cholera is nging ot nn tJ.uuhficotion III cities. borollghs lind oounA vessel" hnd arriveu at Snn Froncillco COTTON.-A sole of '6" buies of mlddlin large citiclI; who will immediately inrorrn aggrt'illte or kpowled,e am ng tlie,people, alarming'/otc. It ilJ reported that nebrly ti cs. , . ' , . from Slierume.l1to, hovlng the cholera on nt ]3~c. < 'IB o~ o.ny interesting, t r l\lIl1pirlllg . eventR, an end above all toiie .c}ai~ed, hllo TtuJlar.ed die Jailv. , The deaths ore 80 The. Cholera IS ragl/lll at CephuloDlR. board •. ~1.leh ,COllf!ternutioD prcvnilcd ot CB£Estt,-Sl\les of 460 boxes W. ~. lit We 811nll ala? nvoil our~('Ivee of lhe TELftnl ' I'ng ft~I"l'l- ahould.be abolieh. nume,~ . ' t_\1, lit..ooffipil call not be furt.li~hed Out?1 u .tdlr~Util.lIlld coses, five hundred have ~on Frnncltn:~ III COll80l)uene- oCthe disellEe, G~c. Tile demand contiuues gool\. E<]RAPH in this deportment. 1n a" ord lermmat. latlll y. , h hUll not, nor never All WIIS <julet I1t Hllvanll. · 8UTTER.-A lillIe of I) brl! choice Ro11 ot we intend to ma~e th~ The (r eJ entirely. T!oo A~ rast'en~t~tt :td .~ply the ' dema~t1; PItS, in has,1>~tl etruted IlItO Greece ; but n Bovero 6 de'. A "at-d .IlD.....is...o _ C'8~ . ,."".,,~o, ,h. .od to.1>,o. lIu_ll, I.nt!) wllleh fevl'r is duing greot damllrre there, . Murder ill DelIO!!. 1 c.-The .demand (or. thi:l . ~crtrtlon IS &A1U uub.1 r • ''''' _' . . .. DETROIT, Dec, 9. good, but fUlr and com mOD quohtles ore dull. are appropr. . . privilege. What.n in'lmen~ "um to ~C!&a ,\fI1F~ h~r!~ly .fi?~, Without any • Enaland. . '" horriblo murder wos eomnlitted in thi, 1SEEDlI.-A lIale of '70 brls of 1"18ltlleed at A- paper I.bat ·@hall givo itself \I IUM!: and 01 tlle:Ui1,lal ceremOnle" o,~ but l4\l: , 'fhll "No POPQr cry continues Ullllb +. ,c't)( lust nigKt. A Frenchman, lIamed 81.76 ~ bushel. FAilE honorllbl0 I1l1ke to itl PRofRt.ETon. Iquandered o,n ,be mon we give eight CI 1 B I k -=:~~~~~~~~=~=~~==~ Ind P.A',l'RONS, . I 1118 per dayl an,d LU for whlltl Th. ego- - _. ed. The objoct o•.beon lIlore distlllctly . lor e8 on.f'?r, \V 10 ,opt ,0 toy. shop, WIl'" ,. ,,~ d Ii d A P murdered \\ hll 1 ep I h b Friendtl, let U8 have YOllr aid. NOW il rioUl privUo[ at10wiuCPlthem.to uw. UtI '--'-At th~"burnin'" of tlie 111"ane I1o:opi· I e Idne .Y k greatI nntl· 10llery Il)eetin!l -...v-.I" F ~ Willi hov , n I • tl e t s e Illgd II.n lUI k IISOp, I' by lhe time t(l aliI, and from nl)Wen, f e.oll mOlt unmercifully.v"r; "once in a ,while, tal at,Augo'ta :&10., the Inmates, exceptinsr Ie at or on t 10221 ult. itzwillium I G lit! IrOIl cut DD 1188 U s p tt y Illubscriber willjlet onother in addition to occnionlllly" or ortener with their 'mm tftotie ~lllt "'ere burned to dcalt),' wera. ,tur. made on address· nud moved ' II petition to i a dul[ Ilxe. f( is 8urposed he hod Itn to W ALii UP. TO 'I'll Ii: itA 'K AND himself, we will muke the VISITOR I , d the Queen, praying thnt she would main- i fHteen bund~ed dollurlt Dnd several gold SAVE; COSTU long, prOCly Ipe~chel, or e~ectioneertJlg 00- ed out, by the necc.,i(iea of tbe cue, oak· tllin invinlnte the only supreme authority.- wutches, wInch wero token. porllon kM" Ill!:: Ih llI~olvc" ind bled 10 SP LENDJD PAPERr \lmenta even mor' pros,. If that be In tile ed into olhe open air. The motion carried. . Ihc 1I0d r~iglled lito rcqutlt!lt11 to conle r. rAllIlough we expe<:t to Improve the pit range or pouiblily! Wby Dot . ei,e &hll .. _ , France. I:lccUoo In Doston wnrd.and poy UI' (,uloro the lira, dny of JnRlIf\· per' 80 mllterillilly, we I\hllU cuntiplIe onr 100,000 dollars to tJ'le,peDDlc1 Wh.t ri.ht ~b~to wal recently held It New ThQ firlst week of the sellin!! or the 'Leg BOSTON, Dec. 9. P. M. ry n xt or w will be IIndc!r the painful n e j- ,e,y low f ~ ielut re pll~'ed If'qul'ctl d th ' tl John P. Digelolv Willi to-doy re-elected ty fcalll!lgM.J. Horrnell Eeor., to lIl!IIu.t UI TERMS: Orlean., II - tar"~ and entilusl''<''I'A UO' I'OD ing reported II ere IS 1110 I- ,,:,u)'or by 2000 ItlltjoritV,over all 0ppolliUon. jin eoUeoun<T@I)m8ofilie"n,f" ha,e th eee more than olllere to the 'i'abk· I... It_ II ,~ to 0notice. y. un .. r. & i. C""Vl0DRUFF, 00. copy for a ,yell if p,litl In lid illK privneeel We pay them ao well .,,1' Keelin, and by.tlle ."immenee. !l8lOmbly" A lit:oady bU!lineu doing in tbe'monu (ac. 1h6 vote polled wos very heuvy. Ht'npock. 0 .• 'Dec., 14tlf. r8OO. -463 81, ~5. "ance louugini about and-kil\klna"up a row .nd. relolut!onl were pl8IJed expre".ive o( the turing districte. ' Joltn P. Wheeler, mercl.ant, was inWANTt'!D If paid in iliree montha ), ~O. 1,75. fight DOW .ad \lien, that th~ certainly "rdent, profound alld unalterable .(jnotion Itah~ly k!llcd to-day hy ftllling into the bold VE 1\ fil'!it rnle hOIIl4l.po·wer, 8ullllble fur "" liz .. At the end or ilie year 2,00. olllht to be .bl. to 'p ly tl!elr uWD poat· of the eitlzenl of N . Orleanl to the Amer. of bIll sillp :&1088('15 Wheeler. ' I wing wood, driving a 11th. &c' l wblcb 1 W.UIT 10 8~ ", pnce 128,00. Air perionl that OLU.\JS leaD U lIio n. De"truct l ve Fire lind Lo II of Life. know til mil IVIII telponaible for ~tII eilher tr a commu& la~iD' maD .t '15c.· or PBla..ADELPHU, Dec 4. a1 ploinlUror defendanl on Dly'dockct, 'I W"~T Five copies (to ope addre..} 80, 00. Ten" It .... 10,00 11,00 a da, can pay lorbl. letters .L and ():7'Tbe "f I01tnmer Hir.u GteliER Will, Ih~1Il 10 RIttle it up8hortly. till Ih.t peR lntlcbletl olherwle will bear inAnd mind, I •ns Twent,." (.nd ono 10 .pnt) 18,00. ,-ptn, .arel, th... r,ltuwI can, ror ....y tetsently·IClaf.a\ BJl8 . dli!iDIL a helVY Itorm New York Ind Chagrotll alwaYIJ rudy to " lIle and on proper oeeaeilllllO .. I I . . 16,00. ar. all ul. W.-401lan Cor c1t&n and alne penoDI wer, dru"Ded by the P.nam. ud lreion, lO givo ~cei"tII. 1 wlnt J.Q U10 kllQw ~al I Tbfrt)''' etc. A.".,....... ,...ertn, wreck. Contingoncletl' :~.Iigbt rUn and IWIOd all e mOJ~~~!;!. 1o ~e Cub-must In••riab!), .ccompa~ 0, the DUlIN .(Chlb Sabnriben. , ..... I. CI6le. 11K narr.a "'". . --:Dee. 12th, 1850. 46 if AlIletWB on basi.,.. .hoaW be . .,... IW'D at .... ......,. ():)-The Upaea "Of a.,....nt.tl.... llte.abo.l Espl loa. 1.8. TALUaT. sed [POft PAIDl to As ......... .Iie South C........ ~11tan1 hu CIWlLSll'O.,8. C., Dee.
u" ""'" ::._
" h
U. ft
Ad' vertlSements.
==:;============,.;.,=== ALL
wi,.. ......
. t .... to
!at, ....tIJ'I*' ad do1Jua ~
nat . . .iI8llallaa·.Iar , . . . ,
a:.ie,~~ t:.n~~i:.tem. Potlllii . .
.&11 ~Dlca&Ioa
F:or the Rcmovnl lind Permanent Core or Ill! NEltYOUS DISEASES,
TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND " I' tl" nave Leen tolJ "" ct: 1110 n....t cd llUIl .... U I. • uu" '1 h~ aull"r I •• Lel1n In lucll l 10 nilv~.c It I, ,he urge nt on I "'~ II "!! ,e'luo.t uf llonl" wlm hav e II' (>II I~ Jot.wt! to It. puLlacDI\nn fl ,.l1 thQY hoi I d~", Ih It all moy kuo III opportull 'y or \'I~h I, It) ., d "I u hava rMOored I,hn w,tlrll onlUII I. -or I" tl cr~ uf 'IllleQru ,ulII .ollie or .--hlcb Are nil' cited I I tI 0 ,U .. r \1.U lUcut
. --
" ~ (th o,. Con IIRl lls "bien ore eou .~d b) nt\ Ion 1'" .... I , ~ Ike, UIl (,r u, }Ieolthy coud,' On of tll~ NEnVOUS IIY8TEl!I •
VA'LL AND WINTER GooDS. J:; ftr~ JIIIII I'Ilcl)iytng our uRQal .uppl, ~C f,dl anti Wlnlor Good. conlll.tini Clotbe, CII.allne... alllUnete, Jeane. Fall ud \\ I ntor dr089 Good" of YllrioUII Kinde, Gilll' hnml, ClIl1co Boote Ilbd SboeJl, and al~nWll. olllrllcioll IIU11llbill 10 the wante of.tluI COlli /lIlInhy HADPEN & McCL~LLANP \V lIy OC6Ul10 l:!ept Ill, 18~ 39 It
8IU.WLS. LAnGE ll!'I80fUl11ll1t of P-l.in and embroi
d ~ rod I hlllitl Shull with Silk wool rinll ~ HOIlVY Clolh Shawl I, plain lind emb;old
orud l.Iuy Ilialo .hawlll, Long and ~U&nl-, JUIll (feC4)1v Ii and for ea1u by I H & J. 1{ oil CO SIgn 01 llle
\Yoyncaville, Oct ~,II:I!'lU
ReI\ 'Fl. lfIi If
nUSHl!ll,~ OF CORN, WHEAT, u,000 AND 0;\ rs wanted a' the 1'111,~
g rAph MUI,
NECKL~OE .. n,.d f.r.U complainll a6ectln,tbe Tbrootor !Je.d Inch AI Broneblti.. Inllamm.tion or Ihe Tbroat, 11(••
and 81010 H... daebe DluJD," of tl\e Had Nea In th •••ce Bunlnlr or RolLnec in the , ..... De.fh ..... whleb II «enenlly N.... o 10, and u..t dJt. ,"uIIII complaint, un.., '1'.0 Doloreu,. 90U.
L~ltu", .na d.ll) reclll~ Or 1111. ch.rac~er. Olllle In prelent
tl""e ) t liD llAtrl.- j I It conteDlpl.tin., 01., rloHe n, lll"""I. hel t.L n'{ •• 10 lloe 1"'<'1'1 I} (( I nurrlng 11.0 f'CIOl'I'Il . ,1 Rit,el Rill n 1.1Il nr~1U II, tl,e '10
'"'I"ort.nce of l!UIU~ po.tac••, I of dl(l Mvcl,II"D~ enn
to n.. I In tI~ p81t,.,'" ,"llm.h,lv In,.ntvlng Ihm. (ulnre ItnPllll1' cln not Ite .,,' re~ , .r .... It '" of c"ur~ 'mp"pcti<>.lol to co"." v I'IIOr'Il rully 110. vAr/OUI ."1~ lICtl t,,,alt..lljl; al tloey ftru of a na luro otrk Uy IlItClltrl~d lor the mamed or thoee con I IIlltttlnr; m\m.ge nc thor la II n :elll" alnt''' fIll ev"~ f ne. du.y b. bcromc ,_o".. ed of koowl e 1 0 wi er. by tho luffe""". In will. h a w.Ito,. 011)111
". Dr. II." r m R)' ........f~" (l1UI
I:Y' (.p't'. will .... ol\nl"Y It'"l!
noe. lor r .......
1 AUlUER'f, LOOK lIEIlE. Ll k illti>lni J'oulu..,. \\ 1)nl.1, IOrll hl clt
A higl,!! mark I \lrtcc WIll lIo illY JI at WU) ne&\l lIu !OtnlOQDs, by 24 11 D IrA Y t
DIt: Cfllll$7lE'8 ~£Y.tlfIC ARTICLlf and lhe, _a, ... *Or1l h)' lb. ID/!It f • •ibI6Ind ilellcal. wllh ptrfel;t .....lId la~t)' Ja ......, _ 11.1 ..a iatlolt allencUlI! th.lr al' II AI,,''I <101' TIl., _ III ..'" to aDJ ,.,. or u.. _ ... lq
Ie ... 'P.rdoa..er. til On lhe . er. 1\ I o( One Dnlla. I, TRII: II All RIF:1l \.\; O'lAN I PIlIVATIt MXDIOAL (JOII p ~ N I N II ."nt (,...,. I f""~) 10 .ny rart or lhe ntted State. Aliletl" .... unI I be pIlOt' pull lene", the... colli' mIDI( e ....mltlanll.. ) a"d I,ltl"--l In Dr_ ftll O.lft11lo Belt, Three Dolla,.. A !of MAURIOKA Hot 1st. New VOI'k CIt)o !'h. Ollualo Nectklaee. Two Dona,.. -leAL .ORIDE 1>.t.h.tllng Olllee No I'll L,,,..rtv IL Ncw V.....1L nil GIIl.aalo Braeelete. ODe Dollar Each BOW A.RD'S CUE.... .~ Oyer llc),OOO CellI.,. ,, __ .........r'" MAll. TIl. lIapeQo Plaid. One Dollar SOAP. ""h,ll thtee IIWlA&Iie w lUi 1"1"14I\l1 aalutT IIId c"", Illllebrllied for its man, a~llIn' qU.UUIII, 0i:1-: ft8 atIeIn . . _panlad b, rutl alld plaia d1rweUaae. ~ IiaU PUUCIlIan _ , be fur rendmnl the ,10m lOti and lmoothr. re mOYlnjt plmpl.. and htennllherl. ~eC"""""""'Aaa.L 1111 lite Iet:tJi and Cl!IIlIIl tOr d __111 WDU...... PAJlTIeULAR CAUTION. loree~ ~••lIln. lind ariDt ea'~ ......... ., ~.u.. .... """Woll ,""'. ana l'fupllotJtI I .. blt'IIehitl,... ftIIIo"", peut pelllt
. ....-.k.
I'rlc •• :
C111OR!IIDIA~o.. D ft ,,..... tar,
. . .1A1. AOII'''' VOIl 'Mf& ~
Ii..... 1r requ,red.
Noll'OOlb1. or 1De()lIv."'enc41 attend, th. _
NEW DOOT & SIlOESTOQ.E. PLAIlI GOOJXI. J l It 6111111 fSlgllelllJogs lullve to II1form !>eaulliul lIIroc:k of EII~iih and :American TEIR:MS OF ADVER'1'ISll'fG I1f TID] .J Ih c1U2clt& o f Woynclrvillo nn~ VJCII1I1Y oosl prinlll lIod GIOI m!l. Silk Shawl•• thll l Itu husco mmenood Ibe Boot aod MIAlIaII VISITOlt. ho IlInkll\g btl 1'JC: A on hili tilrcel, one IlIlIc 1.1 se, Sll~ GIlIIIIII Uk ulonde 6'c, Per uo.rc 01J:lllnc.. _hr~lln .. ~ 11011 $ '0 I H '" J 11 • 00 duOrlliJuvo Haddun & t cOlcllontl I 8torll1~o the 10 or S,le by ~ h n Idlu nol 11I3('rlioll 2~ Sagn of tho Red F1 .. Dna 8qunr~ Olr (IIOlllh" 900 UflOIVI1 Wayne ,tile eu tOlU ora Ulny depend WaynOllvllllI,5, 1850 36 IJ on hnvlIlg 110 i r \\ or" donI! In Ihe belt lind ~Q() BI ll. llIonlllli III OSt tll.lllaioollhlc8ty'lu,lInd on tho 1110111 reD lIOnYEARLY AJ)VEIl'1 ISI1W KEGS NAILl, ....rted '.~.jll.l reOne quon 13 lanCII S 1 00 nblo termA Work dolleon tho s horlc8 t pOleible ceneCI. .nd for l1li111 b},. Two ~q uor u 26 hoc!! )0 00 1I0UCC (,;1\ 11 nt Iho f!lgnof tho Qlden lJoot may26 HADDEN' & MCCLELLAND P gOOlI D1IOnrlhtCIIIOf La,ltOll' 1111(1 Chll. 'll'f (; liquor ,:l!l bn 12 00 dr n 8 W t' lIr Dnd n good nlsoruncnt 01 findlllp four IKj UOI ,62110 Jf> 00 l BBLS Kaml"l1 Salt. E ight "quo r s I(U hllel! 25 00 on Itnnll nou (nullio cilcnp A BARNHART 30 Lake .. recei.. ad Allril 20 l2-u 11:7Ann UII1ClI1g cnndlilnt 8 (for offietlll 01 r,y for ..I. by HADDEN. LELLAND ery d~rtpIIOn) 10 be wllrged 01 Iho rnte Of fl OR SA I.E.- One Cylmll.t Boiler 18N for p~"h 811m ", Ihe IDllle to be flAld 1III1dvnn("t' MARR'S SPECIFIC colUf SALVE & an 1111 callOt! fOO l I Dg and 3'.ltnchee in dlameler, in 'lim certaiD, .are Ilbd .ll!ctaal cure_~ ~ Adv rfjacmentll nOI marlle!! on ,~a OOVy (or. IIrc order Apply to G HIl\ICH~UN for ..Ie b, 6-tf J H. BAUIlA&T. -,.
AN foIlDd of nil lenlc.la c _ or CoD.lllalona 0' Fit. 8~modlc Com:rlalnll Ind trttnerBl N.r.oul A .... ctlcil1l or tho Hae and urptr ulremlUet. Abu In PaIIy IlId rlnl),I'" ami all di....ea b,. • d.lolene, or ""wer or Nenoaa tn••" lD til. II..... or' oth.r 0....,. or tb. ~ !JIll)' handred C.rt/lcalel rlOlII-» ~rtI or th~ eoa"try or lh. mOlt IIII .... relltl.? charaoter ..aD lie ~
cc~n n
ell..,.. vreMl!:.e
lIJ1ed lilld num ber ofin lIiunl , Will be conlIDli 61u nlllord 1'Cld out '1 ho pnvII,'gca uf ,oar], ad¥t'ruscr. only to ltlCnd 10 Wehr own JmnaediOl1l bUlIlhetif
Tile Law of Newltv-pen. I nhllCtible... wbo do nut IP" utllus lrO TIllE II) tho cojJntrarJ, are con.hlerod wl.hllljl to coounull the r n~hptlOll8. 2 IflubeeJlben ordtr ~ di,eontlnllance 01 III~r JIII.~ 1Jae pubhlhermaJ CORunue to .end th~ unUI all err8ilrip ara paid 3. If..liICI'hf !l8lleet or refue to &like their '1IJI8III 6aIn oIIi-. \0 which they are eenlJ
ibey ..:t.lleld ~
iii I I.., _VII MId. dlelrllDJa,ancI oidend their pe~dIeooIldllu eel
• &bet.,. .......
r llLt.ll ltAt u MlLLII.
()(It. 19th 1850
~ }II A NO I ARTICLEOFPALEBIlAl'· j.1. DY AND PORT wms ............. parpoNll, JIIII r_lyeei ~ EVANI. SIa of till Go1cIID JelL WrDenUle ,AprtI, tar.o
E W ¥ (dNG Esq TlJc Fa <;ullJe8 for illlAlleclmluluh,lcll mornl \\ onb lAnd I' orRullnl actjIUl'Clrn.qnl& will CO)II pllre ttl\ urllilly \" II II e IIlust Ill" 1II1:1!llshctJ In our cOllolry 1 he medlC)u\ rllculty c:il1l81lWtC8 011 nllolllu ty 111 1I JII or allY uti ct couolly-aU 01 II ~ 1I1 nrc ILul ItiCIUltlI81111<.1 L1lo LUHI of wael er!! 110bC who "III colllempinto our googrppluclIl 0@illUll 1\ Id tlte exteut 01 ,'ur lJOllUlouon CUll lave II dpubl us to Ihe ch"JlIIi1y ot our 8HUII 1100 fur DlI l'lllerpralW of the kind As'1O b(II" ..h J ,chuh Iii 311sell&onl of Ihe yenr. we deny UI81
ne \\ I 0 rr-lll rUIU BIn ,~(>lf III the use of lInngs AN\ OTUI:1t CIT\ ".1.1 NOltE A coml JO I error CUtlSI8 ID the II iocis of mallY lnwfu\ "til nOHr e ncroach \ (lon t1l1llgtl turbid 8tudelll8 nlUllve to Ihe pineo 01 Ilul\)lha medi dUll. t c. clD e Ih086 \\ Ito III Wild pracllclIIlI D ODg tb& dl lJo who IIvud to 110 purllo c I" os 10. 11. ulld SeaSIle of Ihe We", lIoil South I.\huuld certainly eduqtte III illS Ive. Dt a lIe1l001 '" hOle fACUlty purpoec IU' lp.rOClicolly IIClluOlllieU "Ilh huae "lSeM.... h"~lllc \1ubllq Il)Uj1Il."lIsliuti 01 the perma II lIey 01 lhhi ll cf"""l. wa tf)tll ~\.o\IT dut)' lo ..tllle LIM the I rII&leC!! Ilud f'acuHv fOl'm II U~1"'111 ae 11011 wlll ql uu~. ur8 well lor Ill! futur" .ucee~ 8 nnd lhll t die pccullM" anternal organillliion which cunncclll \r.~I1~\ cannot ba inierrulllod E W ) iUr;G Lreat 01 the Mem In8til:Ute MomllhlR ' c nn July 17, lSOO. 9-U
HI.lory eomplete Shaketlpc:ar eomllloUl ~lacal,lray'8 His lory of EOiTaod RolllII .II ARetent Hi lory Dick. works colliplele Hook tlf Mllrtyr.-Jo8~ phWl Ihs\ory 01 the ~ible-a valuable booll Colllbo. l'by.lpluj,?, Combe Oil In ~Y (;umbo a IIStilUlitlO of roan • OJalo JIIJltual IPRnIIIOe Coaapua,.. Fo" ler on Htlredllany JJeie..'II1 'on l\latrImo (lI, \.u .rllv5, OntQ The undcnnj,'TIot1, "'!enl oil lho abo.., ~mpan, SCU Culture MeDlC)ry and Inl Ilcetlonll1 conhn uca to IlII1Ure IIrolK'Ity IliIlJG8 ~ 19l1li ur iilUll proYvIIlOnl. ao!,!.-Iito \l;~lb Dj II#l hilrhlllli 1m '1'0 illIf un !\gO uy fire. euh r 011 tlhI mulual or Cllilb plan 811 pOrtallce to "&rem. and t;lnIdi.. n ill.. 1I.11l'liclIuI lUll), pr je' upon II.\j jtoud ",rnll U muled. tI. would .ay, reMi lOme work. lalelJ nny ollict tc 1,lOn&lul III unr 011 culllpallY ill tb" l,ulJJl' hed bel/lire 'liD la'lt. Ihe tUnal I I ' " Hold,," II . . .gumo elepolly bouDd. 1111114) tur ptU:lkUtur tn(Ofnl:Wiln c.u at a~ oIIice llltlelicJ",orks 01 Mlhon. &olt. Moore BIrm. WD)lll'llYltlo!ttl 0 ~ 11»0 11 D ~~ ~~ P(I ock leman. ele, ele • d,rJIl1 II J'1'tIjfl • '1 he G~ E: deiu.. !tNt, &: l)....UJ "!" ~~ ~JUjOll. WOirapb uf ~~q~1Ipa~t. Fru 111 I .....)lIue. Mauqea-Booue and uthen too pR.
!I._'. .
Amed... Praedc ~!~a;,,""ICaII' IfJdtu,ltduCl 01 .... 8tIob. CoIIbI, MeGa.... aed la,' Modit;tal
: on; a,nd 'a ' mlln riext t~ ' "me
-¥ienna. for Maria Ltl ' ide, dll.uglalor of the Elnpcrolr of :A\,i~trla. ,".' ',,' .. " ' , fOr't~e ~liami Vi&ilor. ~ lilt! for a rew. min~leB. \latit 'I , B!lW it' ",ua At hwt tl.le fal'lIl dtlY arrived, (or P /) 110: ,.S'OI.~1lU. D~ : ', tobf~~ockedQ~. " ' . -' ' lioIlJlrl!l1ilnnttIlJosopl"ine., It ,vRstlle J08l . ,tfa. •. r : ''l'wel\l~ dollu~tl!: 1,1111 ~, 'lind that'" U , " ; : ' " day of N On!.ltI~Or, ] , O()~ ~be Elnl)erO~ II ~n than we B~o\lld' a~fI~o3e Ib~ ~h~ etllill 11111,(6 ,!iml! .n, thillg but " gr~ wAt~r. or dilti. ,..:" , '; .:..,..-.. . mne,h asl \1 go (Or-It. , \ QIJII ElI\nr~ss dilley lit Fontlilribi u 1110111.' look II1ld lIober C1re$9 01 hili llortfllllil. ' l ted WUlCj If ",ur h01l81-" are qrder!.r.,cleaD, , .',' rI"bolo mi thy hall,,',' 0 Sol!t d~! • .'The ,other ,bidder \visl deceived by this • " " __ ' ' : " SM 8~(':ntl to hnve hltd a' prE'Il('lltil1lrnl thai ,"1.\Iy , "Iother had 'no ~~I!o·mplishment •• ~ry,lInd.well ventlll>hl;ft wtt hav,e bcw~tar _ . On' ttiy deep Iha,do~ let llIe mt~u~e; , a,8 ~o the ron I villuo or ,the l;Iofll., but , it did [Oo/ltrilnucd to, "II! Hom'! Jour1ldl /t'om a hle ~' -II"Olii \Vus' sealed, lOr llll thot ' day Bile but lhe ~IVO b~iit df all-Ii lo~~, lI~ture . I ld rrom om: 10utb,to "'doity,indultry, lid )ar frorq Ihe clty'~ crpwded stre~ts, too~ llrea~rlln y~ilfig,ure'l by lhe dUijt and Jm'llicomi.ng worJ. d!J llfro J, S, I c. Abbot/'J h?d ,been ill II r retired apnrtruenl weeping lind, of ,. boolts.-:-l?r. , Flraqklin olf"'rqd to , me~lOd. if o.~r ~uon ~n.c.\ vii1ue1la.,e· ~11 lIere let me taste' ,tilY' .acred ,weeta. con~eque!llly !.be Il,)ln w,os knOllked o)ff to ,t ' " , ,' _ . _ , b. tterlY" " A~ the drnner huur upflrcrnched, leuch l.('r lhe g~ntllq . but she wn,~ too bn81~~ fdrtilied, and Improved bl hl.tru~ttola Ind ,! "Nop min Ie witb the idllv Ih on , me. , ' , ' ' , " N.\poLEoft bad ; become vel'v Bt~on""l at. she ~.1llled ller ,,\\'ollen ,eye'/I, nnd trint! to fililo becom,e filS 1'~1"1. Sho re.grett~~ ~IJla tuomple;, .n~ .o~r p.... loil• • tau"~ ~y , H ' h g :Id I ' 1- d' ' ld g , 'That waS' admlrllbly doue, Indoed!' aald t(lcile.1.I lO hi .. ·little grnndchild tho :: of r.'gaUl c, umposure!~rhey nt ,d own at 'the nfter \'Drd-p'us~I&ly,. II ~oubt. ,(om hnvln\f '\ Whol~S9lJl~ ilU!Clp)lIle. ,rulJ to lrou'bi.e "our , ' , ~ar. t e w~ \ a~g I. 'U WI ~r 'Ullg, ~Irll; C.2~rthin<1, ~l~h~, bla,ld. smilo of B~\is. ~ Hortense, l1~d of ' his lmJtlu;; Loui~ the 'table i.~ liilcnce ,-Napol on did liot spoaK. IUi':sped 80 il1~lSltjuu8 '.11 ·!lIIIMer. , H~r firiJl' , pint; if, liditle, we bave' learned to l'lr 't 11,,:.1010 In tbe Wince, ht-tlle halll 01 glee, I.ctlon at havh)" o\'tllilled the t'logunt piece , r.{ ' ' f I' H 11 d TI b " " 1,1 lo!leplllJ1e could not trust her voice -to 'ut· Child, who dlt'd, WellS' named after IiIlD, [ j GOd: IlITO mallkfnd. anI! d~ Justice to' all·"'h . I . I " I' f~ . . t' " I" " A I " ! \ ,. 1111. ,0 o~ UO, Ie oy Wllil el'tI'ClIle ~, ,,\ " . k ... ' I 'I I d t' , . ' 1\'" ' ' • -. ft IIOCIIl. clr~ ~~ t,.o e~~e; . 0 .urDitwe a 80 c ~y,~P a Tute. ~ ~I til beuutiruL. and devel'oped u.1l thoso nolHIl tAr a W Ird.-N(,lther or them e~elj ff'lgntd 1I w ltv. W Ie. I~r tie aocc 0 e I~ uew. we llI!'y c,on ue.nblr elllp~t to'enJ"Y, corltmtiut I!J thIS wlla and bland retreu.t 10 neor a ru\l,~ch, too, for ,\lIe sofll In Clll.r l ilnu spirited lr.llt~ 'of 'cllaracter ' which de., !O cat.--,Course +,fler course WU8 ~rou~llt bllt I h!lve hell~d that. \vh!.'n Dr. ~. )lIvell~. ,ueil helllt!1,ari~ the hapla,e u whlcli ,.... 1111 , ,,' ~Vhere barlllon1 ,aDd 5tJ'''lldelrlr meet, fron,t ' ~lIrlor. " " . . . lighted tl;o Elnp ror, Napoleon fl'ad • ': 111.,1 nnd . removed untouch~d .. A mortAl ed. the, Horm?llIctl" he. concellied It frOID hId lhl\r~rro~-"wltb.wel1~tm?luJded bo~,I~e:Dy down for once' the bliey, ~J1[1n ; ,,' ''Ihllj SCl'~O oec~n;ed at the reslJc~ce, of I pllrently ' determined to II/uke 'tbill Yo:.rg paiellosil re\'eal~d the ,.ep,gulllh ·of ellch Wife lIll 'lhe IIJslr~l1Ien~ "'~8 JiIlo~,R.llly.a"d oVe"r 9f prolojJgmg ou~IIlf!~'.1 ulil rby~lc:, , " , .' . a merc~al~t. In tbi, CI.l y, who wal beglnnlhg ,Yrillce hi heIr. Thill ,w s 8u enerali 11l1.arl ; qpolllQll,jn .Ina cllIb \'rI\,IflJJncnt, then awo~e her wlt.h ~t nhe nl\tl\t. wl:eb III poweu to the IlIt.en :per[o\l or our ~I.t~n~ tlunk wben firlt 1I,ls lele,ne bl!gall, to count'lit. fiftX thGusnnds, Let: U8 look Ith 'd 1f d' t'"'''' ' tl J IIF g ' ,~.Y Itle(,llulllcallv, lind apparelltly lIllSlOIlACious. site took It· for th-e mUSH:· of th~ Ilnltels.' ,nco.:..-Dr, GrmnJl*. 'Of 'tri t r Ih 0 ' tl e fl d > h ' h . I r h . , . e UII 1)1'9 t Ull I I .... uO I 11 runce lin ... III I k . ~" . . , , , ' , " , " . I mu a lonl I C , IOU, on ,t e ot er 81 eo ,t e pIcture. ." Hullal d thal hlue wlla Ui'lll III ellS!! ' AY. cpt Itrlklllir the edlle.ol Ius glnss ""Ith • ' . '" , . " ,. , O~ aince Itleft the halla'~ God, • " On the dny previou6to the Bule,a willow 1111(1 5e: .~;u dll .. lin d~,\I\lI~d r u ' un be: his knift~, \vhile' lost in toought. A more . , ~ .. ult llo~plt\lI'tl" "' '.. " l{ece ...ty, of 'lfl";. ' .Tbis 'lIttle, Ruwinrr, 'rieblod .:trell"" , lady with one~ill,lUllbtcr.1i b~llutiIul npd In· In t \l y 0 )l melllllcJlolj: meul \Va~ 'probllbly 'nevljr wit· A wolll dKno\~nll Ar.nbl'ln !llordob"R.~1 u1lk r . No~l,ini ill ~O hllf~ful bQib tv thB, mind L ' t , the un.. nor r "this 'biltl n~8I1e. d "1 10 ~uen d""II t 8 al'()un " d t he tave "1 U'ICl! uWS ' ot 8eep, I ..,.... Ne'er (elt hia belllJl tcr..;,. 11 t'IJlg' _~'Ir I' IIbou levll~teen were seate d kllr. E ' I In the l'spring of.1807 h: , re Ilte I I uv '9. ' whut la rra nn ., nnd b 0 dy liS WUll &:!"P,IYed'' 0 f , . ' ' d' I '11' on 1\ lufa n a a' neatly furnished parlor in , ar y . , c . ' ~nu"lIt lho inloction, nnd .... "l'd in mOlion' 1m 11\ tIe ( es('rl. . ' " the nt'Cl)88DI')\ porlion; the rereao ....iIi W,lln. Yet murmurang to lurroun 109 II 8, (Iud Street 'rl tl ' I Id' I upon wh6m such deiltlules were depcndln;r, I ' '''1 . At I tIl b " - h e " "I once as l was IIstray III til (ll!~ert tnilloidted a"'d 11 til. nd .... .,. r II ' . d 'I I ' " fill .OU' ,, Ie '1'0 ler Ie an ler II ti I 'e was lie'zed ilt! I" ela 81 e'nct'. us . Ie cere",ony 0 Irm· " 1, D' ' , .. I 0:111,' ve. T, Il0011 III • TI Ie win Wit •. conte~p Ilion 8. 11111111 a smlll1 piec13 of pllpl'r, on Nltlc" her W e~ .. ve yeurs u" u.g , I , ,5U en ~ Iler was over, tl,e atlcndonlt; well di_mis. c?tne t? n l~lue uf etlo~III~. , They. reo IhtO bnd beel~";, the spirit flecOmfl elltl",. Thu.. rocka pTimevll1 eud subli\De~ .' eyes were intently flxedj but it conld be , and \ :r~n~l~rl\\ It~ c~oup, u.n~ lin, a lew ed, r ani~ Napoleon Bnu lo'aephine were elevo~ me II'IIb groat hOllpltonhty,aud killed Iy brQleen Ilnd the lire uf 'evoa Uil .,o'tlr.; Have stood the throel IIni.\sboi:1t" af titne, re~di lv perceived , thllt "he' SIlW not the h~ur:! Ie.' I.~ OIV ~e,1I upoS. t Ie heart 111l1le. Alloihl!r \tIomolit of most raiflful n calnelllyery duy 'on my acc6un~. r pro,y- dllnt. diapo~hion !."Cluenchtld,. Nor I' .r.hra "The hsnd thllt'mlld. til! m il divine." , ehllructera that were written upon it. ); J08epIIIOeh~\' ~~elf'~:th:fl'u I~fb rorld' lIilepee I~n~ued.' when, the Etnperor, Pille as e~ the~ ,not. to bPlItt thilhselvei to "tehsiii· low peeulia to·the llum, 1l ra~.for. j\ o~The ~~\e 'Wit tclles fo~ bit ,prev.j , } Wha,t is to be done, nlU'!',;&t length ~8k- 'III ~erv:: ~:!rwhel1~ncd \Yilb~~~olltr~I~;~I;' ilentll, Rnd t~emblillg In .every ncrV\', druse, °lonvell, en:;rs, ut ll? et me pard" U)I I r~~. with "imil,r P'?w" upon the.. ~oW'e. , ., . ... ' , • . I' •• ed the uUllihter, , ' I, I , ., .. l t' ., ', nnd 'Ilpprouchcd 1.0~\l.Illlln~. He took ,her t ley \\OU , not iU er me to g an eve!)' alll«lal" arid dep~lve. "la"m Jlr ' murb 01 ·,·h. ~IT.I' are carohng t ~elr luv. , 'Jillle"d,.IOyehild, I 'Qannot tell. The nllgUldh, ,10 .vlew 01 , ho~~ ~lIr.ul con~e· hand, aull;"plucinl1' it 1I Ion hiil lIo/\ft.8uid: lilly they kIlled " ,umel. their natural rerocity. An ilIu.ttatio'll ot No gllt'rln" plIgeaht bere ,,"'e lind" , bill is 6(ty dollSI'll, un4 11.11 be~n .due fur qoellct'~, which she I!huddttrt'~, to cOlltem· "JCI~ephine! lmy ,>'tVD Igoou Josephinp. you At length 0110 dny r got 1l!\ oJlr,ort\lui ty, thj, fact 08'ered, in taminr 01 wild e~ 'l'u Jyrn the judaetnenl or the mind; lIeverl\l duys,Yllu )cgolV • • ! ~aven't got live ~llI~e. s~e kl~t'\V; ttlat ~apulhll ~l~~d her know how lliilvtl loved you, It 18 to you drove o,ff 11 fip.et Cl~tnel"lno\lntlid lind ",'ont phantll. Theae/inilllalS,wheo Ilrat caullbt. Fre. frolll1l1l toil aild '8oroid CIITf, dolJnrs, and rour bill (or leuohing the Misa t~I1, I~" II ~~ a '~Usl~e:II~~ (II 111 n,I~. II10RO thnt (owe the (ew momenta of hup. lIwny ~vith" ft!1 8~e;1' .'rhe OIvnor ",h,o 118~ ,~e IJ.Udlou*" prev~nted "0", aleeplD, ; In . We 6ee thinrs clearly as they are.~ Leonard. (lU\lnot\ be l ple.ienled for two ,mon! nn , ~. I? \\ h' I. a ~ a~y'. r~crl' pineas! huve ICnowil ill thi. world.-Sose- me gOing 0 \V1t Iii! camel mountellllll consequence of , w.hlch, tlief' becotne. ,ill a ' 11 ', ' ' bl' Ii -h r wee-I\8, a,nd theu it will not IJmuunl to tl1is lice 01 hi. U 1!~t10Il,8, W leh, . ,n} bll. Vle-,W, phine.! my deatiilY is stronger thon my ,vilI. r~r8ued me: WJlon he hne! bro\lght !"e reW dny. , cempftrtively mild and harml"", I I IOIlIUS ,ever r~!p ' • ere . ' IUIP! " '~' . '" would, 11\~lIerre \he IUteresl<l ,!l II.. power 1\ly dqili:est 'ul1'tlc\!Qnll must ield to the in- buck, he pomt d to a811~lkelthal,wUIIIIlYlnt Re.tlellnelll, wh"ll loll i proir~elell, w ••' love i~ er whI8p?rQW~n the ellr 'Cah'l' we sell sometbin, more, mal' .ug. and IllS /:I~ry. For lhre~ ~Ily. she. ohut terest.,c,1' Frunce!", y c , in, ~he Ilind. :"Soost thou,',' IIlIld ,h~, ., ~he tennin"te I!l ileUrtqmj or eonaned rnllnitj. A Inalden ,lonely, beart to cheer! .gestod tbe Ililughier;. " ' , her"ell II~ 111 ber r~om, unll wu cOlltlll~lIl. Josc~hine'd brain reelcid"ber blood 'ceos. tall of tllll~ IInake, Ih~re1 ~ will lilt It wltlr .and.;9 many di..ale.,I~ 'I. dle \ mc*t ob'We I\uve iluill ~ll' oUf 'plate and j~wel~.,., 11 b~thed lII,tCl\rzj~ . I , ('d to ,cilfcdlutej' she (uillted,'Ulld lelllifeletl$ this d~row.'1 Ue .8h~t, and t ~e arr,ow'l .tinlltelyanJlt~n"w.. h.~e~oaInlR18lpilllt. ,Or el~quellce i~ council , glve~, ThDl told 011 eart ,w~. benrd in h~.vep! , and J'lJlsure J ~ull't k.IOW w,h at we can dll', N( h~ ~lId l;tel:lg~l\ce r \~ D,~ COnr e ) cd ~(J ur on ~'\I) ft<lo'r. , ' N,upoleoh, uhirmed, thr~w h~nd pierced t1~~,P01?t or the til II.. ,"~n\l UY 'tlt al0 e, all the eJtllLlD' ",b,cf ayllJPl,Oma neve, pagailll \Voreblpplld on the.e. hill,! ! po.e 01 ullle8111l be l!omellJll)g we lelllly th flO .~on, rn l~ wu~ or , r_om , IUIiIO.t open thi) dvor' uf the IInloon, and culloll for With tl~ldii arT!!J" 'lilarri he, all h~) drew forth are algravated; .,od, ae 10011 .. wellloClH4 'Or millio" Bri~ nailed thele rili.I ' WO~lt.' , . e m,1 ~t 0 t le r:UIlSlIlD \ campul~n, e hllip. Attendollts from the onte-rooUl im. u Ie eo I, . ," w ~It i~a hOAd,' lie IIhot In over coming' flVefYJhlnr ' tlillllll'"abt. , ,. P • ,. Wllut 110 YIlU sey to lIelling Ihe aofa, bud gQ,lI\ed IICC,elld\O~III. ut J,o.,,,r, .. lIucb 114 medi\1telly enter.-d ' Na oleon took, a "'til the 8I1!lk \"a hOlld 10 ,tWo, • I'Thou Beellt and dln~rou. f'reequtl:ll11 wlIlse"., ...~ Or haa thll ~~en. e'~r the ftood, , , ma'1' , ' , ", 'In '~hl1 \!ihlllst dreums ul 'youth he h~~ hnrd- pei frum the mOI;tl'l, tlill utterill "11:t ~ now," euid he, ,"that with this tblrd ~rrow, Ihe JM!r.en il re.tonel to hea)th.-PA,~A ' ~I,ld;urlIOW~, to WISI 'al~t1\ gop~, tWell, 1 dunlt know. Florence. ' It don't ,!~ \U[ugl\t ed • AI oppoBltTQII to bls sway word, but pJre lIud t'renibllhg, Illotfuned tOJ' I sho/lld not IIIljj~, thY; br~allt, ~lId &bou .d?lt pltl 0/ ~,. , A' berm It here III p",uce mlKbt dwell ecem r gilt to p"rt with it. nut perltupa' " .118 nlJ~v appllre~~ly cruJlh~d: , ~llpOleOIl tho Cuunt de Denumount to tuke the Em. II ,'!crv? It for rewordin~ ou~ ~OIpltallty ~ " Aud 'pen<\l!ill' dUY8 ,in this lone dell: • we oall du wil\loUllt.' , INd beco~e the CIl~ator ,01 ~',mg8, Dull t~le presli in hia nrmll', 'Slle was tltill ,uncon. ,1V!lll flight ,plld robl.y.lrl .... but "mce Ihou IIrt • ~lae "DiU.", ~1aa1t'. . A n4 tree rr~m Oto oppre~.or·. nod . 'It 'Will n:ull11y brln, finy dollllfl, 1 sup· pru~delldt U\dOliubr.chllb.od!I' Ellrv Pe were. eon: IIciou. 0 11' everythin)t, liu~ IJegull to murmur 0.\.lr guo.llt go hence ,10 G d'll n~lll6, anll ~ap~. IIGOOt k of the bllr~ PI.....1r"Coel'lga~, . • , . (. , llO,e' " . eLrllme to l hi I ulllg. 1t Will In lin ' t ' S' f ' I h "01 I " jdhoose twenty cllm ..I'llIore to ake with' le.o ow nllDorepattlcu ar ihO,mat on to ()ommu~e with hia UWD' loul and " C~rtal~ly it .ll of the test wood and !~oilnf eX~I~~ioll tllllt, ll\l\ mO~~IlI~1 tid· ~~r~~edl)oit.III~~: ':\lUldl'~3~kr;C~n:,~,oul.lt thee." " Capt.. GuulleLSlOilit,.r ~~rNIf Ualon. J utl. would spend a pcac:er~1 bour , w or k'DIlinilh .p" anil COlt olle bundr~d and IU~ reu~h\l,d jn~n: ~b ~at down m IlIlepce, >'l'il8 Bm ror led mewu thtuu rh II dark ' •• r~llIt\ve to the apt'l'qt wl,.Iewblcih attl~ed In til I. IUI~o IIhlldy, tt.lIllqull bo'Y er. I 1'i!11ty iloUnr.. Yuur,lat\ter boughtrit a ahort ~u~lCd 1111l tn~e III ,hili ll:tpd~. und.'lur II lung pOlI!la re to ~& private lItair~1l8e W~ich ~on-, I{eep Yo~ur J cnJpe~. .' 1111 vqsilol. It Will OD the lid oI'JIII,.ID Dot- t aln Ii 1I.e9 ttl". cO,ld world; lime belore be died, alld thllt i. lOllS than ~,lI1l0 Beolnrd lu,,~ III the lJlu~I pnmf\ll mil" aucte3 tp the ul'nrul)ent of the Empre"II, 41 oe,v er c~n keep •• ~ytblnlJ' . crlC1,~ Em. la\lt~de 3S.der. ~Qa,l,u~e.m.,. 6~. ~I "'nd' l ow my liallner i. unrorled; tw.o. yeura Pdt y,ou know.' , ', !lIg~. ' He WBII ,benrd 'm~ura,lut1y ¥.1~L1 anx· Tlut ngii'litioil ot Napoleo'll lIellrne,1 III1W to (UII, almost ItU",piJlg w'u, VeJlutlOu, SOI1lIY T~e wbale WUa ."ery lar,. on~, yietalDI 11) out oh life'. 'ie.nve;tulJu~ lell '1 tlhould think il would bring' nearly one IOUIiI,I¥ to ,:epe,ut lOI .'111(\IQ ~1!1'll', (~gU.II"!' !,n,1 , illllrel:lt'. HI) u~(Jred 1I0me tncoherellt eOn. bOd'llllwnx· ts~h'lD;ldY, thillg•• 'oYal and Iboo. ~netl:un~redd\'lnd, thbl'M, barrela o~~U, Wlb~Jld ' , lull od cI liars' lIuiu' F1IJr~ l\ce who IIt'lew IIgu n. ".L!I) wuo,m II III 1 eave u "Uli' t bout' I ' t k d 80 .. t lelll, Ie 10 mf~ i uld IQUIO of ..r pt. ance, Ie w a. lto\'e am. c. PI! u ' W.l."t~·t!r its ,.torQl8 or I ~ri!s be: ' / u~1 rll • ' u~, uu~ttdn lulcnfice.~'lIl1d tllll "l'IIC 8tr~ldtle ill Itis lIIiiltl ijutwellll hi. love .ellces b .., VIO en DC vooa a.UaC l an lewln~ Implements. " the boat witlrbll ~nd,.h4I &be ' liD' e'-ht And ~l1l1l\ot Icave'--mJ !INSCllt IIrh,e re, ~oulli1 g Ive ~Il eJlou,11 bOlides 11 in ' ,~! ioJr JUijCp,liJlO, .utid hi IllllbitiuuI deliry ttl ,fillll'"g the etr&I~~ tuo Ite~11 arid lIarr?IV, for ' '''rillire i~ ,one thlllg:" remltkl!$l matnms, the lea of tbl boat'lleem, John ' ..~ •• / 1'0 cOlllcmplllte ,or lLa,llr hellc. \ q\HII'LUr~d riltt lb' k':p'llli 'e(lmfoftntly ~ntll 'found U lOW dynasty, and to' trllnllQlit. hi» t~e t?Plll11 IcJ~ Dea.jmoll~ ..tu bc.>tlr ~I\" cdbCJ~Y "thlit I think you might keep,lr YOIl would lIelrly .everi~1I the foot, WblleJ"tb. ""_ !o'IJr .,ood ~r ill J'll wcnil my' ~'a\', ,"mil of l'by bills beN.I'fil' due '. " , fla me ~1lI1. f '; e tll 0.11 I'\lstel'ity., w,u ·Ceal· 0, Itehelel·I~llets·t>':' ~aepttlll~dlUllI!l8 ~' Ie tr~. " , ''\ " fer,Hoxle too" -ila klllr. from b~ . .,u"!'la~t ~!lilt!~ plATtillg dll)'\ " '" " '!'ha.t ol'tcn'\,oD the-eoru """ , I I ' It WUli IlIlU~ I ' °tl I' h ', 0:.' , ,lI1ve I": , • u .. 11 II 011 allJ. lIQu, ~uv· ". ut Ib l ~ llk "I .. .,.. And 0",' ·",Ua,.... el .... ' \lu'iI WII~ s'lln' t.)u~d ' UII U. e. 11 liSJ'1I I'·, II .. ,c t"e .. ~ III fI'ltti \ ~ Jh,,1ja ltl..... £ Wit H.elHNI-Llae , . I till 0 to keep enn ODe ~"l1r, ~ W' '''. ,,·ue .. ~ _II P, " I till \'T' -tie ""n 1I~llmooll oreuce went tu thu bi.n'utl..... ..y.1Il ""lUBI"f1lPl n do fib d N" I I In werl'lt F.mm.. ~ , up the crew. Pandlnathe whalewuv.., ", at 1111 , () , D,,? ,ell!. . " lillctiun til receiv.e the moue lor It ' ol'"lIlcep. " 114t'tjIC ..loru wl1~ or JJIJUBpll~te ( / ri"' , I! e, ·r""II'1,- 11[1,0 eon, 1 !eq, "'Vell thel" my de.nr.II rl'8uniea IlIGlnl'rlll, warl~e, ,Capt. , «ook prep~ , hia :110.6. '~b'l~C'~ ~II ~lId evIl thl'Ul,\i h , .alL time, •Huve- ou soJd thll sola ~et, i1iri. asked ~Illl ullr~le~ltil1~ ill it, purPOdOil. With 411 ' 'J~:= 1~·"tg Ins ' male IItlClltltlllU~ ~~lId IIIYU.'i "ki.l (!JI your temper; if ~ou will o,!,ly dl) Ulllt Iince ,nil lPn, aad In til" me.aih... the !tId se\,enteen
,,,,,,==::::.:==':~:;:=;:=====:;:;i:'i:=:,::;:;:===- lIullurs.· .I II!t tile aUG\ioneer cry the ' ust
DIV'.oltG.E '''"Q.F. :. JOSE.., I . ,PRINE '
• c.:uIIU!IItitm, ~Ilte:nelil IIIlI! ItrlCe" 1\re tmouIJ!lt t Ie It l. 01 1IUtnilil IIle:, J u~t mt'et 0 ... Idii with It.ad, hund, And we 1I,d!~llrnl till'! 'obrl(/xiurfllIIlU; 1I1m;kl/ them IIlcwcllng' in dil.liuifte, " . , k '" .... l'dan!,termg to IU~ e U'6 wl.e. , i l 'rlenal 'lJUY fU~lake \II.,' I'~d prllle · :Our humllle ellor u "n det!de. Alld ",ho elm III" lbut be ill uleet! , J J'lI11lllou. inDy nlJlu the truJlquil brclllit; J}:....e ntllict, OU'! f'ui.tJ;t 'iHI""t, 'I'lle weill are-oft by f~ oPllre1ieed, , '1'llilll:' are ~ot al",ny" what \lIey seem" • And thull I'll humbly ' ellli til! th~Jlltt. G 1\1 '. • 'DIC., ~II~, 1850. ' ,
lile tim\l"lrI, ill a low;he.iilatillg. voice. .nergy, wllic" the \\'vrll1 !IOI' lIever 1181.'11, in .!o~i':n~POi !Ih~ b!tI~vli~ti'O\~ "fr 1V~lt: r porb~p~ you \vu~lld lind It ea~~ to keep oth,; wllul ••t~cked the barllaaa .L'1Ick.__oa. 'WIIlIl 110 111 ml6s1' asked tbe cltlrk look. surpassed., be hUlt chOllel! 1'111 p rt. lL WUIIl '~lII!' ori '0 t1 ~ t r It ,I an ox , er lhlng.. I dlirOllIlY, now, II 10U It,ll em. the IItoln, ,'hjdl pe.~.tecl .be ...... ing st,. • lIily i~ her !:ne~ Witb Ii b~ld st~re. , tilo p,url'()~~ Ill' hill 1I0\l)-~he "lof\y l'Iurpuae ,~~"iJty" Ul\tft=I:~1J be ' :!I~l~oe ~(~~~,~~I\ ~~Il ployed ,our lime i~ .eorchjll~ Ihr, diU lni4lll~ While to tile dell'th IIf.t,", I~"', 1'. "rhe .BOli1 ~ent by Mra. - l I i r "_ b!il<ll'e \~lt.!~ ev~hlnlC h~d tl.l bend-to Ihe lIIoll).'nt eOh.;qiou:1I1l88 eeemQd return~ mg nrt" \l 1~9, ,yuu Illlgh!. havo (oulIllthenl be· \V •• .1'0 ,rtear1furt11 ViM_ Herr 0" 'Wlll~'1 Will it ,tu tu\'c beeu 1I011l!' Ilcq~I~~ the , iI,(lry Q , WUklllg !ruu~, ~h~ j ing he II rt the roorn.-Naouleon did not fore thu. l'JlnO; J)lIl 'OU hove.hot even .look- ,bourll ur,0n tbe,de'elt, . I.id ltatted tb. rat.. • Y"lItoriiav lIir.' "' , " I~Ollt Illu~trl uU8, puwetlu l nnll, hllPPY II~Uon , evell tilt""" h' ~e1( I" b ~ I I 'I t ed fur them. You ha\'o only gu~ 11110 Il IIlem. rhe wlille ~ft wellt ofr'a ut baIr '011 we h :'lel)'t 'ot the bill made ut earlh bad eV&lr lIeen. Fvr [hidi: he \\'118 ' I I Iii ' UpOrllll e 'Iat 11 g I ,' Pllllslo ....[1 bad woy o~ 'peRlling ~ilJle, and 1' 1'1118 .... ran \lpOa til. ,eNeI • tIHOnct \,'ou c'lln clIJF Ille II y, lIftbr. tu.m~r- rOlldy to lIacrilic o~mlQrt, ell80, IIDd hitllJenae 1D °rll~~O: t ~~tI t~e .tIlWC Of. th~ hUt\ accuP!ld, Ilomt<body, and ,ely un- tilDe. bqt "hll 1~.Horce. Capt. ,CoOk l'U~V und wo'll IMlttle it fUr yuu.' 01 fight, FIiJ,thUI he ~(1JI, rOlldy to IIUnder ] UI U 5JI Ii ~t ~~)lhe su:.r:li:i=' of urVld1lrt. JU8/1" lUll, of rakmg aWIly ,y our thingll and at&ackt: , the wb.le In pl. boat, wl~ hw 'Cunt vou seulo . i~ tu-duy -ir" I W ~ lb~ l!trungllllt tlJ's of alIr:ctl{lII., ' , pP >ijl , J~ , g I tl ' ~., Ib~ EnJI IUOlllllg them. Keep yonr tomper my d"I'; homo·IIIIlce aoclBred &hree tI.... w,tlun '" ' , ~ , ,. • , " L rCBS. Avery lOur \11 res ...ellli, yet unrc • I I ' I I 'd . J Ie Ii" th -h J I tii ',i; . '1 wnnt: the m9ney particuhuly.' JUlScplllJle klle\v N ~po eon, She" ow enting ERlperor c.alled (It her d Jor to In Wlen you I,Dve ,wi' UI any: Ilrllc OJ el'p Y ru'. e .. 'Le ~m Il,!. la, "CII .. ~ 'Without replying to 'Ile timi4 gi,l'lI roo ~lle powe~ of ,bilt ,a~bitioll. With I!lmo,s t qUire COlicerni'ug her. s;~ulI;lon. ' ~ yo~r te pc: r ~lId kenr h for It. You h.d with hill'"\outR .n. enu 1C~~wiJIa lI,b~ quesl. the clork cummenced the turnina of IJIS\lP~o~tul;le nn~Ultlh, she wept OVer tbo "On r~J(~.ovt!rill'" from nly "woon ' suys better Icllep your t~mper l,r you l,o se ~)I the IIIl the ru.~~.I""b,pente ......... ct;'1'Ii1.11Ih'lll Itl e ceol.lnt ho k d ,.. , death of thiil Oill.d, upon whuae ueatll\es J " '\ . "j " , iJ I e ' ' ! lIttle property': YOI1 po.scali geum, Inbl ~ lOCI CI_ lilt' to . .bto • III . . n I " f. :. ~~1~~:'8 ~IIJtU~el out th~ bi~ll ol!l: h: lIer O\\>n 8t-'emeu to be lIU feorlu\ly ~lended, 1 h~~it~1 :;~' , l'er~tve ~ ''Itd or-r~dllrtHv8~ pU8sion ,never brlni,tll anything \0 ,light ex. ~Ied IOOD .Itet: Whea U. w~ale. ... 011\ ~" ID 11I11i, lVill, II treJlllJliuir "eurl, sije aWlliied It , II Qnf~', nn ..my 11 ~\lr NIIU1P[er, i>r C!cpt II dldtorled fpce and by loa!ng , your In· O.pt. C. bore e,l h)' fot )P.,al_to Iud 1i0 a. I h b d' "J 't ' .... I'" I t!Jl8e WE'eVlng ov",r, me. ' oJ . Cllnnot, ' you be 'It r, '· I AIr Hoxie • Here ' it is-eighte~n' dollora ond ' si:xty ler u~ 1111 ,II r",turn. .. y8 (lrIOu~ llntlJ ~ "Oscribe ithe hbr'ror d lily situatioQ auring' 1.'111 per. , IIOrne ,-:.u l y 0 .~.() I nl,, . • cell~. Sc\' if :il'~ righl u.nd tltert IIlgp 'Ibili br~~~ ~v~~~!~~ntOJ:~n~:{ltat!l:e thllt llig!lt. E~~n \h.e illW~lIt he Ilfi'llcle.d t~d /:o~ Ibr:!I~,tl~~~::~. and ~litu~.e "IIOnie Lin For ~=~=:::~=====~~,-~=~ reCtllnt.' , , P , , ',. to ,tuke J I fil1I1ulfl' flngs,seeDied tome f\dd.l. ~ di I k ThoulaDd. of m~n b.....th. m .. '" 1 d~ehY, i lIow :ucb re~:~11 h\ld J ' • E<:n:~ ,~~~uedel~:;\till cl~eJ:~r 1!:~I~a liVll'-p,,, 011'0., ~&.qajOf1lf.,a~': ~ ,~;I'ty()U mistakon II."" ,It waaa beau· ~~~~~~I/tl~IO:;~~:, ~~'Xje~S:;oi:n ~~~~I~~ l , ...:......--, r llruj 8U:1l. olld COlt one b\Jrttired and foty ed from Vienns, ' He greeled' JOllcphine I> ea ec~::; ~~ftC~~r:'1 ' , for the a,tlcles she had IOllt, .nd fouod them of ao more. . h'l Tla8f , dv!lnrJi., . " with the greatest kintlnea". but Ihe' loUII ' ' ", ' ~ " ,In her workbag. ~ or/0oct tn thla worJ~ riafDo". . . . ' ~ " ' ,u, . ' Thllt'! all If brought jlIS, I &18UrO ,YOII. perceived that lIis'mind ,w •• ill at ease and -,"" , "Why, mumma; here tbeyare; l .... rlJht Ie b1 tllem; nolle ~Itl. !!Oint to. thtta I. ' • j I Furui~ure 8el. v~ry bad Y."llw., .• thllt he was pondering ,tno dreadful ues • , 'hllv~ 111111 ae~vi Jg !Ih,hilt Jlme, If J hlld, kept the In~ru!l1~nt o. their :Ddelllt1bo, a~ • -,---t.Whut hl\'~ on ,here, hUlba'l1d!' Ajd • FllJrence.rull~ up,lhe bl1l~ t~3t wcre ,IV tiun. lier .ppeuod. nd nil' embArllJJ!ed. ' , -I ,'!'1'temper. ' u . tlil)' lpoke could berealll", .ad 10. AI~O"ur,t1ell" t.; her Cllreful aDd thrU\1 J en bel',' and returned home.lVltb !' heliVY lie Jllld ,frequently pri ate interView.. Ith . Scott'. 8to~r, " , , ' , . '. .~ry perle~ tlu~fr I"ht ..eat val lir lie....• .p~e, aa ,,111 latter IJllli~ild iu (he opeD beart. ," • his ministers. ,. A generlll feeliu2 or reo , Sir W.tltt'r licott ullt'd ,to rel,lte 'Ule , loJ. " E"I compan,.. ~ . ne... and ~f1 w.reiJ)o',.rr~~ _ _ t,ldur&o give IIOme direct[ulI8 to a ' cuupJe of It only bro~ght el4thte('n d~lIar. alld 1,lx "troint pervuded tl!e 'Court. NApoleon lowing Bt'ory: " Th" (ollowing ti"autlrul allegory w,. t hl!l1 th~ , JDlej)ta!, yeeterd.y. Wiu '''' , porter_ wh" JuuJ jUllt aet "olll"l.biu, 011, the I ~y jlll.tl, ~D, ,.fIllle IIll1dd t~lro~~ng. :Ole. e<;lIrwly vt'ntured lu ....oQk upuo hi.. wife,nl l My cousin Waddy W~8 'i JIlid.hlrm'all ~rDnlll'lcd frolll the 6ermln1 ' ~~UI hve an\~1'" U~I ~ 1"~CU uTi )lav\Jllu~u\ beJute the hou.". , ler 100 lor ap all lh mg an \Sri' .if, upprchcll::liYo thll\ ,the ver"! II1gltt. of one !lome fort'y year. ago 'ir 'a ehip at Purtlt. Surlhronill~, a ' \Vi.e teacher, would not Ive tOT lomf '~tr. .vO ~~"It Y. , en 'Ju;t walt a )ntlltlellt ~"d l'ILt~ YO\l.,- I ' ll~eitvdn ~nrln~ws. 'd , Wljat ~e r~o., 'he hnd' iuved 80 Willi, might cnUlv him to I mouth. ;1..., Ind tWllother oomplloion.i huJ II",Uitr ev~n' hi. grown up lOpe D.nd dOllllh- lJehind ,0~~mOrlUiil~at or;:,.rtu. ~ir~ • Iere, Heury! John! brllig Illicre,' alld tbe Ida t . o'thsa a ~ ow, c all~ ng ler \vllYer' in llls firm purpode.-lo!ler. hlno WIIS I gone 'on Iho~e, aod hail over~t.dd 'tlieir tllrll ,to associate w th UlOse whose condllct .Iorry.. ot I., - ::.. ~'"1Qy ~. eN 0a two pur~~ "I\terod, wit.b 1& be.l\utilul ,olia, lID I oge er n 00 n~ upwar I. ' ill' state Of'1I105\ fever,ish 1l0licitude, ~lId 1h·ave t 'pelnt 111I ,\heir moner, DDiI run liP !Ul wua riot pure and uprigbt. ' J1'~' r'1 ' .. _.I e UI , lIelrly uew. • , -. ' •• ' yet WII' compel)ed to aPVear calm nnd' un- immense bill at • taVjll'tl on I"e 'Point. '''Dear futher," said ~he gentlo Elllniia t Ie lear 0 t I' , u.O!,,~_1 fOil ~ 1Ii 'Wny that III a beauty; /lu.bllnll. ill? b Tb~re. art alwarl tu 0 ~1I~~eslm cue oJ colllltnined. 4. ye~ IIhe hild only lome 1'J'he IIllip mode tile ajgnal (or nllini:i 'but ~o him one !Illy, ' wli~n 'he lorbade her. in contac: with year by ycar, aDd ~ I,wll klnc(y()u ar~!' ;' ~'flnh-t e. ~ ~!rl";d , . ~ 'hler;d an , forebod1l1gs or ber jmpending doom' She tbeir accommodating laDdl.dy Ilid: compllny'with her brotht'r, to ylalt the volll. dnove.r 18 forgotten. Nol your nlm ••,~r ii{f. Be,.ond h,ntl; yoo perceivei but i~'1 W I~ e t e one 11, e Ig It ~II t e ~ vlln· watchPd WI~h most , ex )ed IIpprehen.ion, "No, . gentlelDell, you IIhol1 1I0t e.,oll'P.~ tile LncilllJII! ",de., ,fa(ller,1IlJl ~Utt think ' eed., wl~11i1ll . Jqlbl.oa til. " ..... ~u • hardly .IlHed-n~ 'Oile wuuld k.now ~bCl dlf- ~!:nt!:~t;:. ~i.f~l~ ~ell!:I~~r~:~~nJot~~ e\'e'1 move,metat of . ~he ~mperor'8 eye e.v. until you have pllid yoor reckoning,", arid U. verl Chlfdlli~' If you imagl,ne that we JeGv~ beb'~;'::..j~ta"'lIon~ltJit .:~ f I.~ronte.' '. ' ' "'C h Ji h 111 D f ery Intonation 01 l,JI' VOice, every lIenli. ahe accomp.nied hor wU,rda by appro'prillte Ibould~e eXllO"ed t~, dB~"er ~y at. eVf'nlf1ft.. j • tV a no rg • ,ft'. Ju.t as goud a. new.,~\Vhtl~ cUll you to t e" ~ .e~ er, bqt t ~w mentlbellUcreil. Each day'some new aud tri- actions, a I'Id pll1ced them Gliller the under ' The futher took IIIJ,mee I dead coal t1yon ,lIrt 1 a• .tJa. 'la,..ol"lIftD • .:ive fur itl" , k~yer~~ .arglllr\' \1/1 b.or Cafe a ou A· villl.i~dication confirmed I:er fea,...lIer bUI- merclea olr a 'lIulfteientllumber 01 blliliiJlJ. from tile heanll, lin reol~ed.it to hi. daugh. ' D",I"e ilalale • ~ .' · '~IIt.'. the bell ·P;lrto(. it. ~t.i.. 'pliHI- IIIg I UI vle~, Ii t e II~ ~ect. .~llIld beClllDe more reaeorved: Ibaented hilD. 'rh~y relt 'that tbey were In a Icrape, o~d ~r; ',It will, not burn you, nay cbild,tlka J.' Eat'yuur "~a~ bot ,~otIl the owen, did b¥l.ID. It didn't , coat • cent Ie.. .elf (rom her loclety; the private access be- rp.tJtloa~d very hard to be releaaed. 'lIt.". , . . Neff'r let It be I da1 otel.. B(M11 or lhrin a huollred dollarl • Nuw whit 110 >,(lU Lo." llie Pint Dorll. twee their Brarlmelltll wu clol!ed; be nOlv 4'Now lIaid .MnJ, Q,uickley, lit mUlt b~ Eulalla,ilid IQ" and , behQltI, her' beautiful, Ihree ~'yl old 'II Il tortibJe Ipti"!%...pftc. lbi~~1 ~ye fUr :11' We have read 01 a young , mother' who, Reldom entere~ her room" ~D~ whenever he IIOti!ficd Ul lope Wil, or other; you ' mUlt I whito hand ~ae loil~. ,anu IIlack~hcJl, Uld, , ,. Take very IIfll, . elerolee. '8 'I doll..... h.d newly buriedJ)er firat ,born. Herpalltor did 10 he InvarIably knoelied. And yet no' , b~ . .ore tbllt you Will be t , tally ruined i'( II It chanceil, he .. white drel. IIIG. \lIIt " Jet ,htt · little be alw,)" ~ ·Gun. .,aill.' • w~nt to 'vieit ber~ and fin~ing her Iweel.ly one w,)rd had"pllued beiween blm IIId JoJO TOU dob't ;et Oft !JOlrd ill time.';' "'Ve cannot be too careful I",hand"n, berot'e t~I'a., , 'Imy,' . re.l,ned, he .,ked l1er'bow ehe bad '\.lain- sephina upon the re~rulll~bj.ct. Wjlene,.· The luilors made lung (acee, ami lrild it coaI8,'! IIlUl}:ulali.• , in \>exlliull. 3'. ' "it up IDte .r nirl\t. ancfbe .~· lt~ 'Gue.. al~D.' cd .~cll re.lgn.tion~ -f:3Jle ~rcplied, ". uled tr J08f',plllne helrd the louod of hi. ap- wu trnl'. . " 'Ye.s, truly," did the fa!ber, "lOU lee, in the D)O~l1tlllr. Barly bOil... ~,,~ ~1fC1" 'Furtl"'Av••' . ' , to lbl.J1~ or my .b01 contlnualJl-:~helher prollchlllg.rOOI't:eP", ,~18 f~r tblt be IVII "Well.'" laid 1!he, "1'~1 live you ODe my child, thl~ cool... even If tht!y dQ nut , belO", 111,.1. a"n~orie .• t q.,.p.ta. "No. TI'J ~pln. . • ,leeplIII or wakloli to .". be aeemed m~", eomlng. w~th the \errJble .nDouilcement cbarlcc, II am 10 circum.l.anced here tbat buro ~I~~ 110 wIt!) the CJIDp al1 1 O"!ifpollib~,;&ht.D \ " . t'llCJ 0 ~~. 'Bu\ ~ba~ did you 21t~ forl~, dear. beau~ful '!tao. other clu~':I'I1. • w~ dl.· IePllrlltlo~, itamedla~ely c.uted ncb v • cannot Cla~ o~ bltllnell al Il .intle Ifo- lho VICIOUS. , , .old ..,., 1, ' ' Wb1, only twent), d~lIara., appolDted .If vilitor. omitted to pralie hla lent p.Jpltatlon or tb" heart, tbat It man. and It mlllt certainl, contrive lI(\ane.' -. C. Do J;lot Jau.fa. Of tAlk JOUfb' aor .• "~~l1 !low, that JI ~ bargain.' e1 e11 ,. or b~1 curia, ur the ro~ 1 wr~ilbt "ith the utmolt dimculty thllt .be could how to have a hlt.band-or al aU eveotl,'J TIae ,CO~ T,tle. . 100". nor Iln(; OOt.alt moplnr &JIll iblD.~ •~1n't It,.thoulth! It lJa\ea me to getlbe for .blm "'Itll my needJ,. At firet I beUev~ 10Uer Cf'!)11 the Boor, even when aJppor t - muat he able to, produce I marrl.ge certift. On t!Ie ~rdaed Iid~ .. Nell on ')le .bou! 1..IU.r thlDld!. ' ' cbeap,' ~.'Inlled lhe prudeD' Jlr .d It Lbe nltural DUTreat ,!f a ...u~er'.loy •• lug henel~ byidanill• • pi.~t tia. wal cllte' anu, ' therefore, die only teno' 011 muunl.allli ul VelleluI,la grv"a • tree With 6. Smoke ur clie" roLIe6-tlofaallai (;ourtlaad. cb~ok.u~, with deliah\. Th~n J {eaM it Wf' ,ride, ~n" IOUIbuAI IIn~ catching It t1!6 artic'ea of, furaiture. ~hjrh you &b.llall tbr\le h~'e .Ie"ve to. eo • dry l,elltb(FI fol~ ..e! Ita ..rae w~ ~ a ,",at deil bedllli IffOU ~-,Ia, tINt .,at' •Wlif bow II.' lbe world dlcUt CO 06' 10 bwn .)''''( before Huu w~ No ' rhe monUI" or Octo'*r 50,ombe!' 00 board t.o-morrow I., th~t ODe uf you IICIrce y penetrltlll, IOto the gr6ifotd. ",or ileal will be almOlt IUftI t..o roJl9w. low1" thl prOod. One .~t In pa~ aW8, .. a~ wbile !mpernrlllilU mamr me. J dOll't c.re a .nap which ItlVf'ral. mOlltt.-ID!.he eat Ita J4!aYeI a" )'OIIID1I1 bl'tahttlt t .. elJc:aq -. m~ the&. It ain't • nry dre.~, 1 Ilwll8h aa UJleI ~ '-ide uiic:uI.iojf with hla ClbI., tho alllaace in. it is, but o~ne or ,ou )'1 118ve, OJ' elae you'll not nJOlI~Hd b1 a .~"er, Ita b.ranch.. boYel'Ula ID . a n , * lal .... U.., wade,..Dda bow to do &huae thi • .' me ana .ald: 'Wben I. "'e11'. bud UIOU to, wllicla he Ihould eDler, he bad Dot eurn- all three &1:0 uf to jail, and )'oor I'lip .haU Ioeled. ... If the, weN dea~ lad WIthered, holle drinW ..,Pi "r :=~., 'But bow dld)'ou maua.., it, dear! I nUl'Htb ID tbf I am lent to ,alej maned cour... to break the '"bject to Jo- witbotat_)'o~;" bu' ~h~iI the trunk t. bored. I blind lad hm'l YUl~fJ ~ • hcniW like to laDow" . It a.lY. Whe~ i. lbe little harp! GI". sepbioe•• The evidence II indubl&able lhat The Vfr1.~ WI. hot to be pa~Uied, and IIQ"rIlUIDI milk 80walrum it.-It I... t IUa- tiM! greate, tli. better-or "CUI .• • Wh, )'OU _~ there w.re a ~ ma., it to lIle! It Ii Itke tItoIe .wbleh iomnf the be uper:leaC*l Int.eQlHt 1"lUiaia In ,iew the poor y(lutll. Jeft to tht'lIIlelta 'I1'"d that tile 'eptrabll' fountain tliowa ID~ between t1I'O ....t.. ' .,d..ua,i~.. tbere, aud ••oa, tile prlae or God III HeaveD. [awoke io the 8eparl~OIl; bu\ tbje did not I t o Ira.. cpt, ~od 1& rell OR m,' COIlIiB. 1reely. At UIII ".elhe blaeb .nd paUv.. BUt ~• • •~~ -am. dl"Y ~;JM!bI. 'a1UWfW tile, I pal- &earlj 1Il1 bellutHul buy droope:d lib II ~ocJl bia iroa 'iUlO .werve from Ita No time Vj.. be J-. and otr the1 "eDl are .... o.uiac r... perl.l p",!hfed wltb ·:~~C=~~1Ii~~;': led tbeI8 cerpew ..... laid the. upon wbleb tb8 worn pierces; hil I. t .alllb: The pa.leur hi. alld wehureb.. Tlte bride on relul1li~. rue large bowll ,to ..eelve the IAdk. which II • thIi -II rod deal or dill' leU !rom tIlelil w~ 1111. the Ad mu,ie lrom Ihlltered harp- t ,ude uf bie power wsa now 1IIIdI thl'1Il a IlIbltantial dl~r, and. ly.,.IDotyellllW ad ,bleb.,. ,at Ita eurtice. ; bet~,. &be IOf.luok tit, ~ cent wor.. atu..,..: 1.11., wnrld eeemed COM, Itm 10 Wli not. roy.1 CaaalJ1-ln B.ope lin of wlat',Il1IIhea& theftI 08" hi a wber- &me emplf-thei, yeaaea. on the 'pot. otho .~irict!ffl".'11 .... . . . m181OD1 J , III~..ed, fj,r lhere w.. a voire j wOIIId DO\ Ita,e r.lt boaooNd , _ . , era e&rrJ &tie~ to ...... 0 .. fai. .HI..., .......... . . ~~I .e,MI:II' ........0.. 1M. bat "" In ~ lIOul, like tha voice of &he anpl who ' apuu him a bride, 1& .. 1M .... m fbi a 81e Ale... ,.'-' .. ~k W waraed me. . "11.~ 'GotI lcm!lb ,Ia.deal'" ab,Jold _Irl • :vo
Selected Tale.
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by W,!
we ItlU'D now JDOWltainl Ire rlire-
_,r,T" .-
IV "ilit bl ttayeller.. ~oepl"lollllthGle fool pathl V!'llIch li. &CJOIW MoiUItllinou. pUleli, lIoll! .erv"u t~e IborteaL IIne1lof-c.Qmmunl. , _~_ _..._ _~ . 08tiull between pllelll tt,uated ou ddreumt Cb...I,t ill SIl¥atlJlah hal dec/l'Ltiel at ahlnedl.~ance bela," t1~e~nolV erp~ 'hat ilcohoLof I I~perior' qualjl' IiQI" Such, perllonOl are }U'lty, 'pedeltllun9~ 1 be tlinilleCi (rolR lbe 80ur oran&,,,, , allli cOlllml)oly dtJ nOl p~y much attention to IItreuith it i. ('qUill \0 any olhll,. anti ros. the oporulioUlI of 'Nltture. But "e"ur I 0(1ae.~illl.18 itcloei, the 'lilvor oi:,the orllmg(l, \\,.,ttl~ ,persone, wltl) wilih to rnnke If js far lIuperior for chemil1al purpo.el (ur HIII"IJI~"IVC' \1cquai II led wlth'.U \.he purlHlU- 1,duc\) it 1'11111 be Oiled. " , _' __ • ••• • • ol'the works of lolutul'e, hllve l 110\ to a~celld1.he highetlt lummlt' I'WIIIJiil,,!ua \va ~ ~ouled Oqwhor 2Gth IG!l'l lal' II. p03.ibl~, to ~xpl(lrb thu~e rOl!lOns I ' I ' t} t_II-r.e"ntl~ cL 9ullllg.ro e " lpIjl l • ~ wlile I1 ~j,pear lO be l IIe all (I e ' 0 fll or~or!ln d dl l1ufFanm Plllcli. gUll skill; lind D(lIther (If ' LhtJIII deloluubll. They hue not been (hvllrte ll IUllrll their IUn~tor·. Irlld • from tbeir purpose, or terri6e~ at thectanger. ! . \ ' whieb lurronded ,thtlOi am~~g these' enol'.. i l l~ 1111 .e~:ltI8 : ~rl~IU~ b\~~r~etllllb~I~II~d moul! ml181e9 01 Bnow an~ Ice, 011 the cdlle I IO,'l PLnWn~'JP ~9, u • . I I.ul'llI k 111 , tI\ u~~,:. ul perpen tI ·teu IIIr pi (,Clp.ceS, an d on tie _ _ _ _ _ _. of r,Hv.lillrr chllllm8 mUIIY huntlred (cel in T.ho rlllurll u tlo {tolll Cllhrllrllllli R Lllial!:, ill dej)th; Ilo;'hllve . they hl1!\tlly • wi'thdrllwn 8~rongly . In tilo IIIPIlY C"80~, lite lIuvun II I (Irs thrmlle\vel rro.n those IIl1pleu!lImtson811tlonl who II it With illicit Jajgh IllJllCli ore ,:ol1l1ng bQ .~ to \\ tlioh t1H~ir bo~ie8 lVere 8ubJected by the I!u:k nn',lllQtlnil (l~ 8. , ... exceedingly rllrefied u}r which thf!y respirell • F,~gers VOI;t h~ . "Ill Iii yl" utle ll'll e at Iluch II. grtllll elevutlyn. ,oedy g nilla /,Olillhg ~n to n lamll POSI " yell 'J,'heao lIell81ltiona ore not 'experienced~in 'pedll\ll~ !lley y011l but l '>lc II t\g unl Il~ NIII . tbe vicinity of lhe snow lane, b~t only where stand 1! I1Y llOW cent iiy lIlea,liim; " and jl 1r:'acttoll oyor a lb. I.heelenlioll oCt he In untai'1 ill con~iJ~rnl'ly The Malr':':It:";OU':'t~t"-1I1'::j-Il:-',s-to-r's-{j:::-1:=:,:-'(lo-' w-:,(:7ork Brook br 10 per ce'l' In ~e'ght , . above it. The mosl r .. murkllbh.· III the fuel· 1)," nnd WI IIt~11I burte, 1r1l Iy 111«,1 Hnd vtt~scd Thill IhOIYI dltlCrence of 40 pDr cent. 109 of e.xhau8tll\iun. When Lieut. Wool' l n sorl~~ oj rC!.,oluI.oh~ s U'o'lgly cOlluull11l1l1g the ~tween lhl'! lOll b)' w,e'llht aud meuure j WUII on the roof 01 the Warld at Pumia, h~ i"ug l;JVI! !;;ltde Law, un~ IIr Al n:; ds; puut. I(ow iii Iii drft'ttrenc~ to lie .c."~'Jntod for. wi,hlil to D.act' rfairl tho depth of the lake A IM n ita, Wllhlll n bliort tim01 bCl,ll e t 1\ It il owilll LO the llUql1~t}. tllVtllOll of the Slfl-kol r Ilnd (llf th' t purp)lIe tried to lIlake I h"r IY' Ir(jlll ilia Inlo hi \Ill at Chltrl~!ltlll'l\ .. ater. ta the corn, tilllt Willie we fincJ a 101111 an oponing in the ice. H8 (oulld tJlut the NIII -alter IlTl lncnroura lion 01 fil\coli J enrj~, fur in we1iht ,t ba\ alioultl occupy II 8p~C': lei' 81t~llteat mUlJculil.r exertion WIlS attended' ur~O I ' In ilt vu:mh)' oj Lo,~ dl.'· Lbu' tf,r pinta, thet'll ill In aetual !"u of wit~ exhaUlltion. Ilalf !l dozen 8trok s ! f ' I ' , 1 ~isrht plOt. in bulk. 'l'hl cob .. of \~II! p:lr· ",fth 1111 .J:e brought the work'mt!11 to llie l;n;~I~~~g~~'I~i.:;r f~Ilh~m~etl ~~~~r{~I~~~=~l~~' al••re .ooI4eot8111:. deatr?y;t'dj 10 lhll~ I grol\4; and tbou:h a fow millutes' respite 1Int.II WIl~'1J III tltl. mom lln l glvlJ. hnlt Ih crlll"t' ~I pl 8VfQteo frU!D lI~rt'II1JI1' th" lo~. of sufficed to re/llOre the brellth, lilly thing t ai iOIl 1 hn'll! had Iho 1;<10 IlorlUliO t il IIINlure, tile /'IUD, ~ • like continued exertion wos iml)088Wle. b~ 8Q riolllg I.;co\lllJ r(!llF the rvmrhllll~ p~rl U~OIl Tue other hg"bf'll o~ eara was ~ept m a A -rulf of fiftV yard. at f\J1I8peetllllllde the n 8!Uiu IUIl t1 U(lrtOIl .01 ll.u 1l1!11l lIit~ CClilll'CO dl',T' • trl pllco anti Ibell"d .. f.wo d(l~' ago, runnef 11118'p for breath, loU/led. this oleer,; W ALTER ~~T"~r_.~--c:-""-~--: .li4,aveJI.I'~ h~lr .. bu_be! oCcora, W81l:bull ct.e produced !i pllin In tbe lung. lind a As tbcy who. lor ~ho fi~"t 81t~htlnfir,!11 ty tllk e jlil£ 30. polI\1d.. J general prl8trlllll)R of Itf~ngtlh whioh 1V81 phy lC lb rlJlllllr thetr~heailh, dO rll~ht;r ll\lI'Ulr}l ~balO .~ lhe raCltl. II illltiet~ (rom. n,t gol~i~ o~ (ql'many I,ours, The hUJnlln !!O 111 whu for vllry IIII\ U, lire ogor 10 VlIllh· UI''''''"'"''L~ ._11 ezpctlmilntl. :rno corn waa a,ime· vplee ':lJa .ensibly IIffecletl; cOllv~rllltiun, elile lieu CI~"l'llCler do ro dlor wenkoll It; , (1 or ~b• • ~ ~, b lw~en, the r ourd ~ted if in a lond tone. coul u not be S 11 \ m 18 II11J1orllllll no\ only lit Llle Q:mve .nd dUl~ la.d Yllflety llavlIII f~otn, ten thout exhaustllt!on , and tho pulse ele vated de Ilnfllnent 01 501~lIco, but l~ to twentv..lz 1'0,", The cora WII In gobd 8t a frighlfull rate. S uuute, e.aaonUIU11l tho UIONI llI)mlllOn concern mul coqdlp~n '" "I)"'~' .~.t~le litDI);WO fitllllh.. all Mount B1ano, experieucod tile op 10ilolUI IIf Agncultllflll HIe. , hu.luOI· Alb4ny Culll'HIlM'. effects, and boaitles, he and hie party ' , ' • team P'OW. complained of dininels ' and headllche' A wltohll8herhu abllnd,a forlullo81n lI~rl'l~ W~ t i tli r. 11 w , , d' er bel;\U180 she In II)" or lU llS /lUI, os IIh II pl/!, B! kl ............... papel'COp • na e 0 I) - they 10llt theIr apprtlte, but were tormt!nte !;JIlIQrul 10 III" Cirouml\lllllcea. hll , ~IIC ~'111 plow. widell bal bY!1 n ardent thirst, which could ouly 1>c al· · r 5 1~1, lIe~ 11\' Dt~ an4 UlOd In EnlJlalld; loyea inomo,-ttlrily by c~ld wrter, Ii com· Yoa'dlllP. r >l11~tO$ bounlY: ills ~hO nppr6pnt.\' .~tciQ.~" 1D11 t'PL be I,IQlntorelt!ll, to plete iuditTerence rOllpecting aU worldly pb. flU~lIn lur the ncnonrOt dIll limli r, IhlHl~bhllle, .... .oI£oUr ~.leulttll'.{ re.derll : Jecll pervaded their mind". When )furtl. ami the .:raml, Ilpun the melltlll vl~iu . T~ enJ!.1re tnant .,oroa tbo eentre of boldt .attelD~ to a"cend Chimbor.llz/), IlIId II i~'''l/rd to furro IIIrUII C!!tl1l111t1! ofllny mllm'lI the Jl III on I ' l", :Jrtllble III'IIWllY· 'rho hlld rly atl.ained its summit, bo dl,'"il!ted bnpl'illllollt; becRU86 baJl(lines8 tllIPI1!1t1s lUI 0 t plo1Jf.idi~_ .. iad reQfde 00 either lug thIS drops of ~Iood \$8ued frOID u,pO\l IIlolICI tlllng8 whlclt/tO most yut Qf IllIglll t'-r~ltrilbt.agle. to It. i. nail. and from Jaiileyelitill. . ' ~,';';':" ' _ _~_ _ _ "'1.,p1Ow. ••p1oted COOl"" or fOUr ordj· • It i8 Wll,lIt ofJucl,mon1no1to see dllnacr , but • nil Jqp *lIbautr. plo~lI. "fUzed J'~ I ' phtaDcell Acrose U,q Oceaa ltupiuuy, or r1U'hnC88, nOl to Mlr 11 , • Iflidi.-.t.ecI by • pe...on .taullluir T ,'I) naa~e.t ge m trlcal Ihatftoce boo . It i llollhe CJunolily of Ih\l nlon~ hut / tho - ...It ,l.'Form. tween LlrerplJOl anll l'iorth Ameticao ch\lClr lulue8Il ot tho iCuoe~ , wllich UlBkul lIle o pl~";Qn. ehhllt IIldfi tlie n.ile ~rtl i trtlccd to the ,reat curve whicb foan. • •, D"'-'~ ailunCMi ~Dd recede: aweepl by Clear 10 Ireland, and Ollpe ~ • Il I&~• • •k(o:, the olb"r bei ill New[ouudllad, 'GOd lhence "down Whon wo-despl\ir of the olt! DDd tb!'pI,lti\lale. tal' u tHt JeItIh'lt lu prup.r poahlon to various p,orta IlIhJded ttl. Tbe tbarf;llll'csl:ll'lin"a JO Ibe nuraory Y;bLo1\'Il~;Uur. ill" n~.~ ~ 'neat foqr fhrro~I. ' 0\1 to Ollpe RJee, willeb i. a common age hope. • -''loa. it &l1e (Olir furro.-. bottl one to "II the por I, 11UfI~lred cI...r.. uy on hi~ ,sqlr.r.-pect (or tbe .~.... IDIl.lide .!rllDlel ,dvance 1.,lo\)e, in l:ouDd' nuDlbe~, aalt , or 1,980 any thina, iallure to be the l\Mor jllr "'.\ he eo ~ \!llrlne lIIi1e3. From Cape Race to lhe &:111011. \ P ate aU\lIlA"8d to an enllteu diiferent porta-or more ItC\Ct\y, to the en· I It ril ' .. o_ti.....llucl flf\.Y1 atd• in le.r~~~, trance, on on the Bea COIBt, or the lIeveral fod:l~r~dfl ~;d\~~Il:::t~~\I:tIIl' :te v c . Tltll,.an Ita 'dltatt:laeclat .....re, or Ihll. bl~bor~the dl.tal\ce" ale a Collows" viz:' , 'I tea from oWe'Ildt IIIkblt"Cli,ln to ~he ot er. ~TI><HlIlJitU, 390; marine mile,: to &1. "I , ' ... :Jt1l~JI!t(I".1 ~.rdeot 8vtHldl~ In tJur. too, 840; lo t<I~w York, 9901 tQPbihldelp\li. DlekanIl 8t\ya, remoying 01.1 people 1111" rn· \.IIIoQ. .....~ ca••• bey IIttike IIgl\1ll,t fl.!060; to NlIrrolk, 1,l9O'. Hence the lotal 1ll0V111i uld UUi\$'j'lliey l\~orJI!1ChI !P 1Io11~ .f'lep8blalent. • dlRtanoOll from Liverpoolafe:-Ta Hallrax, tbo neW Bum • _I ;.~:~ii~~IiI~~~t1r to lacque JJIAl!i toorI~!l Ir't~t.:r 2,370; to ,PhUlaiJelpbla, 3.030; lo Norrol\r, ; [ 1 II 'Clluse their Maocl~ies D• • 3,lliO-Dostqn 1. 4 milel! farlher than Hal- ' OIIIAIW ~ny aro,iml n e .... U ~ .lh reo illUl; Ne\v l':ork 600 mila. farther; PhiL~- Ima I ______.....,..::.--:'=-~-. .... flIIator W. fft\o~n~iob, tbl' delphia; 660: NorfD!.780.-Buffalo Com· Tits mol'" polishollJOClllty III. tile 1. fo\ma-
or ••
. . t"'OUQ~11II "Q~.~ ua. Wi prtaAt,at':9f lblolP. 11 •• dlftl·
_... to . . ~0I!I1eC' ..timllte of tile v u~ ... ~Dtlcm ,. i 'CC)~me Clal1'olnt 1\- ~cbiDe or tile
\,m obt, .
~Jprlay;- ..,t ~lDent deacrlbeil, _ ..~ .... W'Oiitlllulll,11 d01l8 bf _~~!. bY, ~ m.ny Jt1en al;ld ~i1l_ht·~ til -t Q fuJrj... Requirigg M .".n IDOt eiilit meo , .Dd " ~ draw the "'ater tiirthe engtne, , woutdlliiD .." th~lbOr ofthirt1'!\wobora4' tabt IIJOb. f\,alllit this mUlt be-
_ . . ,••ptnCloNlva .. blllin,.
Plao phorel4cel1ce of' U~e Bell.
pbo .... borellcence oftbe WI, or. Ibat clllled by ~hermefl 1Jr'~!b wlten being .truck by art oar or the of a steamer, give. out lorge \gilt, hall been aurlbuted , to of.tpyriBtll ~r IIJfpute inaectl theJlowor of emttting IIgl,t when irritated. The nigbt·.bining nerejs Amlts a Itght or great brilllncy., as do lIeverllt kin'll. or mollullca. The nereide,att~oh them.elvcl to Ibe " c!!el of ~.he.... and thus
i:tlD JI.
:Allhe hUe C"lUlJluation lIr Theolain' lit And· I'...,'''~ rnll oyw:. the ql1~ l1!tn-'",~at r. nlluy&-I".II.raYlI~', tllooiy<td tfltl tuliowiPi ~rutlrka\)le '1Ii1~erl-lL COllellllll in e.i!lluubllhge ollho bDJllnce \I r dl., IItlU_ItIYlUIlIIl'
ifAn WtA.;...-We'once knew a ~ I,cw who fllncied lie Willi ajack-••. '1'ho beauty 01 11 Willi h , 'Nub" lilutl~ 1111 lak.,n' _-~-"'=:-'--':-:-_ ____;-:;: 'WOMEN AND I\lEN.-""A \V.mon who 10ytl lnYIlfl 'Oi' hie, unl~1!8 a well !o\ulJcd JjllIIOl\lIly coritpol8 hor 10 r 41 lDqljll" tIIeubJuctolhBlut-!ectdOD ~o .aYlllOlluibutly"A mau ""lIolove8 l"v"l ~,\, laiiO. IIl1101lll.lIu1ler111l8 nllniJ. i::iUuye 8ome· loci, ,J1M. , • A Scotc '-"'h-Il':"IQ&--Io...-m-l-th"'bu~ln!"'g:--"-Il<=ed:-7tlUl ' m6lln. In I UlCIDphYbfl:ll-, roplied lUI loilowl' hWbe\1 Iy who 1~~Lel)lIll1 11& ken what tJle Jl,srty wh9 ~1'01lk.8 i1ldnlL ken w hal he '!lelne ~U:ltIOll
're..~ueRtly ron er t em eJce IIIg y umlnOUI 'Som.e or: thft cru,tace. pOI8t\1 . \he .. me reDUlrkable propertYj twelve dift'ereDt epeei" of tbecallcer were t,keo up by t~e Daturalilt of the Z9ite io tho Gulf or Guin· he can~~ fuJ~, dil~"er~ by ~ir ea. nlln~, i. iln~bled to llhnrl\DaU, lts body t and ennll,.'vitl fla8hea or II g hl !fany of the me\lu•• "lao e,l[~iblt Rowerrui phoephorelcenco.-The noohlucoul crell- -\lilt III llletuphyslI:8.' tum, are, Dlany oC them. exceetlingly. ml-.-:.,---:!:-'-"..* "-'-';-,~ :, I IIUte lel!erallboullandl being foulld m ' a ' A.~ In hgollemBD ""YIIII[ PUIO IUed a:l alt]r 11 , r Th fl t tl e c'e~1t all eCQt\IIDLaDtll a k· d hnll what he hlf,cn. tetlcup 4!' lIea·water. • ey , 011 ~enr.1 ,luol te do WII)I lr. . tlh; " eDld h(', '''i~'8 thO-ir.?~1 Il\lrfa.c~ \II e::untlesl mjnods, and whon dtM- CODvenlent U,iJlgin tlt01world lur l ' vo out ling turbed, tbey Ilive out brUliant scintillation., to do b UI pult llle IUrlllg aud wuk.e .mr8tlIl." If\en lea.vln&, II. train of light bebind them. ___-.:...;...._..:...-,By mlpr08cope eXDmiliotioD, no other filet I):)"'A close.fil!lleil oJcl,Iil}low,1rllau~,a friond 10 hal been tllcitcd than that 1;h~lIe nllnlltc iil))ne 0l.1 IU1IIO~, !loured ou"a 9efy ~IIIU1t du~a Iity bAinlJl! contatn a nuld whioh, when sqneez- '~11 e a~t"'f IUkiul ~lJtt lilli/it anti huldln&: it.,oyer or laRd. ed out lea" I llne or 1:":'lt Up01l the !lur. lip 1I0tl r~llIllIkllli IOlher IIkepuoolJy:- Yt.Ju , ,~ 'ti' ell), tIus IS lony ),enra oldl- '~()lI,' rep.h~ to; CrOID Itlllllps atuDe., face of the water. The IIppomranco. of Itoei.-"fhen ' rtilihccl oor 1'fi!l!ld, 'I'll 1 ave to , area ground .~ould be, J conI. theie creatures ia,almost invariablv on the uy III its-very 811flll1 for 11.1 (180.' dlia. d~hllpfO........ t ou the old ~yeOr .omecbangeoi weathor,wbfllb would ' • • ..4 -'" -Id ..:. ....u • il I _ .i ' e that their luminous pbo - - A Modern phYliologllt notes the c,xlr· ~JI, qtl'...lIfpot1aD~ ",:",J1~ '''-I' erw UI "" SllppaB cl' '1 lIordi'oary ll1Cl, lhnt at tho dlllllor tmblb, 0'1' ry ' • oace ph~Uf~' the labor II In ~ Domenll be eonnect~ Wlth 0 eclricli ume a IIlnn cruuk II IU 9 elbo w ~)81110Ilt/l epUIiI. ........ lkOmpUabed. lb. se oJ 8c&enee. Olin nnyboi!y uplaiu Ibis l!~unotneho I tile now ad d.ml ..tdr ocCUl'6s:,t aU1. lM IJ'OUbct "IlUMifioely pUlverlaetl. ~ whOll 11005 ":'rl'alkll}" ot' hOIll. tlI"y IIro plI~l~rlUl t D.... ~fIY... til. ~ncl goOll I\llDJor. Uit 'om a1itok aud Ihc;)' tor~t •=-.'-:lI" ~"'-.I for lbe rec:eptioDiO( the - Uluoon 111/ Ihey Ilr8 olil ut retch. DOll '-nJ . ..--ft In, doubt.,rl helUJl8fIorthey roo rlet oga!" 118 tUlfllYy = 0 9 the UlII11U,'D' 1 ..... • "'PN they ar~ niouo.' iir 1bk mQde Or tillaie.' Jet btiD try a~d :...;._~_ __
I I'
liIf :. .
~.. prelllnt II emph!l~io'lt1
In age I aDd ht"' whet,bj!f tarJQer o ••• ho ~.,reO&ll to) .vall hliD\Mlf .the ....... to . . .rind rrom the ,.. c.- ......u-ol art,.ad tho ICIeDCN, ahould
h ••e ~bt.honar-or btl., ,lonl lia hI} ,!orr· I i."1'an.} ,
_... "0. Baut,-Gnocl .In!prlt
,._.fD4I.,.n.abl. articl; iluw(IJ 1~1Il. Ulaftl~~1 pardiaaait at . _• • USeratale .uw .,....1 wbil. tOlD. UH ~ .nIos.. aDII 0 . . . . ...nt little 1nIow1.... aod leD la-
- 1t1
ti.....ppliecl w,kh po4 too, .lillout
...a; ...
K.E I'Tlltl ' ALL IN lJLt::N ~& l;:VAN wouhl 81\y 10 tornlll'B IInl11110 J'lllbhc gOl)cnll)' nte now receiVing dUllct Jrurn lhe
FA',to AN!/ \Vlrlu./l STOCIl Of 1".L'101 AlID S1"L1'J>11:'1 ow,''''''',
'J'hey Ink" Ih/a oecl'l!8ion 10 relurn Iboir lhtlnktr lor laorolofiJItl rc!1l ived, 8011 taopo hy proper litIOO tlOnVOI'1l,. 10 bUlIllIlIsa, tu merit n contiuulnce Of Pllil • Thou Slook: will be one of the ~~tiu tli plilce. aJld they (jIll)' uk an talllllUllilIon 10 cn,
Ball. W.yn8llville, Oct. sth' IB!!o.
to nom.8. l\tl1ilical Boo",. B,.ch'l American Practlo fnmlly Phyeicln, Hyliropalhic Booka 01 ' ••
Buro 811CC4!II , • They doel1\ it un eiin\h to cnumera'lI IIr· tlclcser priOes, umoe il loeay their I\HI)rUlI nt is gcnoral, ond dlo~. ",iehillg to I11ltchQ8e Ill. Y eave lnonG)' bY'CIIlllng-'al tbillJIllIl of lit" Golileh
tioua kl ndl!.
School Books, Cotibil, M"eOufJ'oy'. and &neL 1 , a"nlance, oHhebet!t qualit,. • Phrenolug'illlli and Water-Outll Almanae for I~l. tb. lunda Ihat 'eye.., Ihould han, CIII Ind lee fur yot:.rICl ••.