! , da • ' )md pl~l\ae be 80 good 08 to rt'member Lhis ; the dlstr:ct where j ud". Ii"ed; 'pnd III lhllt '11Ird11l0US villai n! 'Dare Ihe liun I\t Ihe 00511'1 GnrJ~n Fair will dl) Lhia country. The wholt' i" drlvell by two low p~ared aKala la IIr. Oooper.., .. ,.tllna wltll , ";'===~::::~?f=r~=::;=:;:;==::-= J do nol care to repeat it 0goln.' • tlfne hnd met hill> 08 st'ldom os ahe could, "mlaaily to adJrn6R Die tllu. 111 01,. own and wt' .do PIll co",lider thllt pcfrectio'l:prelisuro ongillos, IlDt)h or 250 bora\! pow- ,the lomo cODlllland. lU proend with the " 'Do yOIl 80y thnt YPII 1I01'er entertained hDvlng IIllYuys felt a kind of rtllJul sion II)· huu4c1 Leave my preel'l1ICe, ~I r, nnd nev- IA me re trl~6- say holf 11 cent nt the ,out- I'r. ' _ well • •It .CIllpe nightly uatll ,ba work Q pro~c.I ideo of Iho. prefercnce I h~ye 01- I wurds him-the nllluril l rC8ult \I II n vi-Iue I er d3re inlr \lde "POll it IIguill!" sioe - wilt derr uy Ihe cost of IIlellchiug The deeign I. 10 produce 16,000 ~lIrds heaun ,he,htrll KIM. WD)" manifested fur you l ' l id brollgllLin cOlltuet II'lih vice. lie, how- l ' I GO I,, 't \Il1ttl l b~ve II darect ollswer; .ond ~orlenlllg thai lihre ~o Il~ ' to fil It uf' of d~lialne" per dflyfur 5,00,0.000 yard! p~r " l\~r. digging ti)\tty ,h . . ratlterl<.wltll'That dep~nds 011 whot a proper ideo Ol'e" hud IlIken greut PllillS to Illace him- alld' II Ii I tnlle it ilo\\'lI. th at I muy /lut fur· I nllrably (ur pftpet-moklnr, Thc!'~ nrc rut }'~nr. 'rhe prOdlACliull'of c08sImeres will eut etJ'eet, It IIIlln yen w\>ultl 1.01 nndlo'D. prOJler .' , Isell In her wuy; uIld, of course, \Vus trPllt· \ ;CI II ' • 10prrOXhnllliOI1S, yet We feel cOlltidpllt thul, 1,0 Illnited Ly Ille quonljl)' of ,\oolJel't {rom puscd away, whlln Ille DIll} 10 the drl'alQ 'Yul\ ,ree~ IIJt rnli cule me; r have en· letl kindly tlnd courlcously; Ihid W3S ull. YI'L I "ru~c it, then; IVr'te It ill letl ~ of fit'c on lila ~xtl'1\8Ivu Bcule IlIld WIth Ihl! It.,.t tllc del nilles, \'ut will profluply rench 4,000 come bn~It, ' with att'roer Inj'uacliool to dure~ 'l. ulto eJU)u~. alreutly nt )'our !1Uods; he lII ode 1\ declurullUlI of 10ve-lVtl& gellt- Up lJII your I.. Oft; lI11d let It bu rn tliere 10r. 1 1I1 "~hil1ery, nllx Iin,t ",Ii led to the IIInnufoc- yords Iler w~l'k. Th e olill will alll\ultily cO;'linlle the well. TheJOtJrth dillier Wa, 1>'01\ 'tne' MIAlill V,SITOII lO LINE!! TOlNCOGNITA. 1111 d, ,I 1'"1 preyar IC.tlu~ unly lellds IOn . moro Iy refuscd; nlld tben fullol\ed ",hut the enr, Oil IllidyinR, 111 impetl.huulll \'eCOfll or lure uf IlIlJle r Inn)' bQ Ilrodllccd lor .Iess thnu con~IIIlIO '("5 7 ,00 0 Ib S 0f WUII. 300 ,00 Ib s. en;l'ftged. Ho cUlIlInenced work on, th~ fuJ1y Into the, belief uC your h ~urtl(,Bsne~s rruder lilllls ubuve. \vi lh lile lust word, vour III rIlIllY. 'l'uner Ihl1l1 111llt y dl'~ti. Ihl' celils r~r pou nd, "'hi h i. certuinly of collun, nlld WIll cl~ploy 000 t'\Und~,-. 13th of S"ptetHber, 18'1, alld on Ihe ~61b Written aner relldl"c tho "nelponle" coqltl.ter,.' he I(' ft tho ludY'd pre~encp, determilled lu I ny \\ hh dUl h lid )'Ull, I ,(ould 1. 0..11 Ilt the ' Ie ~. thull 1111 illicrior ortfclc or clet'll llllitl' Tile e.tlmated mnrk e\ value of the nnnusl tllr('o daj'9 , oftl'rlV~rd s, thb w ~ tor c.m. lo uJe .. leu." , 'Ir'l NDial In my prC8a ll~.I.', use he· bear nu rel.ly IIl1d hOI,lnll hili lhrellL$ wuuld IftHke by tilolV lllcht's or pntlllre ,he mOoLI rugd CUll ue hl/ug ht :rur Will nbl our product id ono In i lIiulI uf uuiI"r.,-!f. 1'. gURhing forth in ~ coplollll lI,tream. 1'hut No .eln~h yellrnl~;;r a dou\hlu.. IHI-m '- com nJ( tn il ilve Ihe offeut deslr('U, th ut of frighl IIl1lg 0:t0l/IZII"T turLur~. Forsnk" n · ,u for ! gre!\t p>pvr m Ikurb luolt IIlto thiS mute~! E~miTl~ l'o~t, Ihe ",on wna b~&'Un and continued th~ul:b '1'0 Iiv~ whon olhors 8n-1i forgolten I 'Vpry flo, (Id~ed, a~il~ trampl ing Iln her into pn "cceplullce ul IIi6 oif')' , h such II TRillO us yuu! nut J fo rge t my· !-Nt'll> York Tr ibllltt. •• a deJith of one humlred and' ono' feel, of No Villi: ,lClilro 10 y!ear &he wrelllia of l" .7';: 'the o1Tl\ctlon~ lind Lh:ht hlg Llle hope. of II ' will be percelveJ at a gi/II II'e, Iliut Ihe cpi- lelr. Gu! G,,! nnd if ulJ:t ht of uV11 be' l • •• Darllum Gild h h 'lrqu~ In the _Fire.: which ,evellly 'live wel e s.ohd rock. IImlh .vcr .Hm~~ II,y sPlrll" pu(II)'. fellow being, to CXp l'c t w"rdd of hurlled the ls ba"e alltl cow!/ltlly \VCrI) de$~rv~d. ; IlIi& Ih e gu ud hy yllllr hall.!. , th ~ urso uf F,R S V &RNISJI.-A N,-~' 11l1l811!lOIl.A c?rrespil~dont of. the Ncw-I ork ':ox· J 11 the last Jrenm whi ch led to the lie:. 'rho wu ~l dd coil! olo~kcrlo~ no )lower· COlli .muolhness! You shuuld IIIIV!! lIeen lIIore An III ~ ight hOb up-c n glvr ll illlU hid clnlrac- the i"l1oU~ Ul b~ upun yo u. 1(uu huve Illy : Tlae J'brilf corre~polltl~nL uf the St. Loui N p,es., Il'IV1'8 lite ~~" uwll1g S}!IOP ~I~ of tl~e 'lllielt:un of -thll ",uter, lIlr. C. II1W tho dii~ claim, d d m I h I bl d thulI~htlul at on enrlier doy.' ter, uno I". vii,.... It to further <Ilvelul'lIIcllt ' 1I114IVCr G,,'" IRepuulican enys: ! lunPloymollt of [, P. Dllrnum: ger h employ ed, nnrl drea mt 11130 that tb. I . dO l 'Pl c B"I!~ your 10 .11 ship I never Jo Ihi11"3 , All .ImJ1o~LDllt d-15~ovprl' , ()VNI ,.uetter t Ilnll lo'in~ , he qw n~ Jrutii.tun u au rL of Moor· Thy IrllOan dOp II eelona ere 0 n N ' hollor Ihoul:bts II y woman'.. bun huve 'w ill Itea~ no naore 01 your 1/l9! nlln O ~ Wl' U I'unce, we proceed Wll h our 6tO' . ' \Vnt~r 1V 0~ got, alld tit t thi~ man II It II . .' .. ·1 P hl'I" P~ famons t')(l1n . l1" I II('T, .IS tl \ U , IHh l' ulace ' nen r Btltl"eporr C., 0 nd I' crI s ur~ce f I~ d I ... 11Irn '0 I • 'II 3'OU hDlenpyLlIIgt tons, ... ny,spI'IICI ry. h l'~'oIy,I"" , l g0l' r ()~e ll l l l{ ;') utlltlw lh ll l'e lOr. "" , rose 10 tle ultered tluworl:' Wllh UvlllG wreftlh-a brlghler, purcl Il~mo it out like II mUll; if flOt )Il'U are lit lib, r y ! lie WIIS fUl l h ful 10 1119 orp(lintlllcnl- n few tl, ill"8 Iu ~ny, Yuu h OI'o ~~ n th~ ' fire varnish, rl'rontlv \'r Uj)lll olft hy n I haps DS proLt)' pl uce ~ r rctr euL (or !uste UII~ hovt' g t \YOler, blit i~ etwllcth mightily, .~ Burns Oil Ihll all.. r whoro 1101' hopes IVU fi,ul- • tl> retir(> rrom my ~rescnclI Ad Ulltly 11 6 CU ll' : \I Itell \\' Ils l1.e ill' vil (>,'er kll ()W IJ to \' 0 ullt· tl/oI!'Y" 0;, mUl h ), 'I be With 5 u in It; I SpllIlillrd, DUll Jn90 de Guctlellu , It wn~ Illellullcl) ns yau could IIIClltlOII. It ~u.t thnt YOll cun &fever ' use -it' The 'iQma A moou II"~ 10 IIUl pur~ III JIC)U{l '" ~'vuil l it I. p"iflrul tu be dril'e ll l\)sullh "xtrCJlle~; erll I ~e-ulltl on 11\13 UI'pullltl'll CVCII I11;:, but (or ovcry jvy , iii be a lh un, "nd pllllg!l. ' firsL tried at l\JutllzaH in Ih t! pres. , nbv ut $160 ,000, Bnd Mr- n . - reslJ(>s 1V 0rd~ werll actuully repeated lay ~hl.' 1II1D Is lhlll" . 'I hLIlorol rAllh IIUUVO II. G I'OtuB but )'uu h .\'e 0111 .. "uur8t1lf to blllllle ' I cnlh'.! til her lutll r'~ huusE' She did nvt 1'1 I 1.1 II " , '1 0llr I f CII ~U uf the "ilVOrn r olld CI I\, 01l1110Ii lil'8, t th ere UIIOIll'thcr,\v \Ih hi~ I1I1erCtltlll;:fUllll ly, when, Mtcr dlIPlYoill" the IAilt l11ne, succou Wllh fbd cS.!!I IU'lro blll:hl ufe o'Lr Ihe J J , I • Ie Cll i' u I~ S WI II( \( r ren" 11 IpS, I " . rI N Y I bid I .. " , would gladly IIvold ull tbut I~ u"l'leaB' FCO hilli . lIo ciolled agaill; ~h e wnw!lUt ut I \v lll/lIJ, I"'I'S, It,t It cume inlo yn r h llll ,I~ , l n nd lmcceededl o th e udlll ir n\i oh M l" 'I'ry, gumg OWII LO cw. ur t, y ral rQa IIlIIO ut<.lnd!'11 the labur. atrcoma , L II I ' .' b J . ' I I It I " I ' t ' I t 1\1 II II Illorklil'" oud r\l IU~I\ lng before .lurk III TJ .. d d (OUD d \0 o. eMil Dnd Sorrow ~a1111l11l on II,), bork . ont. '10"'''. " ' eterullneu to Bec ~r, on bilL on Ill! Wh y I" ylJ ur hps I will ,"Ih It 10 )111 y. , ItB ~ III UD Il!! 11 tiN 11 " r1 . " • ; IC IVllter WIIS Hweallgate lin J\ II Ihal can "h.er 118 0 11 Lito" billows dnrl. 'I d"ubt not you ",ould ~l ull y e.-cu pe Ihe wlI tthlll'g 1111' oppnrtlllllly. wh('n the pOreftlA picco". R l";'l'mbllr ! YOil, ~hn Ii " ovo r bc FI\ I! doudl f.. lI m " h UU~(1d cO Vl'rcil With tur , I filII I LUll he ~u nn ot l:el'p le~s th nn twenly- he 01 eutim uble medicinlll propertle.... u 'fl lOll IUJ I·'.,\1' l UUII( " I vUlee. u"/ con- '! "'~ ro Itu m hlltlll', IIll 810ie III unnnnuul/ lled, Illlit!'d tll Frallk \Y ehh)lI , but lill i,I 1,Ito ' 1111 J I UI' pt:lhlll , , wcre e r~n'l nt. , 'lor tb e cure u f d'lurrIlalB, uyapepijlll, . drop.,. n I·'vl\ ~- 'III .th"l '" I. wurd. tt ffl l cl1un 0 f I'Idteni 1I(t to tie. ~. 'd !J ll lln opq II , five" per60na III ill S cul r lt,l"lllc J I!. 1II0tl.I~, \lIula UII II I. P~OIl"II', uorlh- - I SClenct', when It F~e .. k. of the wrl'rk 01 Ulln lin 11I 1~'rVICW wari unavu'duu l e, though ' thll~ fur lu,'ur Vil li or ~t. lluIJ VOu '1Irry UII- .'l'lllre . 'I'\\'o of I hl'~ 1,,"I>t'S were rl'- I Secondly. I ( ~ O"'h~ the ' Am ~r\ CO~ Jllu · gfllvl'I,' iliubetes, geW'flll ll obillty , Ikc_ ~_ All Wile ehllu!t!lcek-lhe JO) S 01 Humu ftJII III i'pP,:' ),0 11 htl e 'lIIoc!e. 116" you ~Il t lIecn Iho b by lI '1ul .l IIlatJly hnvo ficuII Cd Ibe I othrr )'011 1\'1:'1 h,:,' e II I' Pfue;, 1I,r- AV E!ill!'.1t llUI'l'tl'iI 1\ IIh Ihe V"t"nl~ h nlld LIII! OII.N LWO SOli III , in ~' our c 1ty, ntld altColluslu II~ trclII~t1- 11"'( WIthin thlt lu,t three yell" not i... ~oveu . I" yuu Iong I unr lell . nll t tllIU dl,&agrceable lI[terna!lvc. iluu. bllsllles~ through tho• '""tru l'lIculuhly I"'''''jO . . . ,;~ 0 ,. . 1 eo expliCit ut 1111 rur Ii" l' r u:,)-)l)~ \ViII be nl'llr. R" I1,f'llll..er' sholl!'{ prullin.! \Yew ""t. 'fl LC I,lllor wcr d ~ Ct I11 ~utl Iii , . ' 0 IIRve uoen spen' ( by Yli/tUt. w hIJ ) 'T"' Ir~e for IhllJ 1 priz~ Illy Iriol\'I~lllp m ro . ugu luftl nIt' to lenvll ) ' Ul.IY fln'dull ce, 'OtJuo.1 ('vell lnl1 , 1111." Juliu l' W8a bi~ ~ul- chlld r ne ver gl uddl'n y,)u r h "It y a mOl h. L ndhe~ "Imo.t us s01In a thry IV ro riel 011 ci ~[I', (rl~CCII II'Oud, hili n U\',O allli )1opulllr hoye iought it ' There ~u f,~ ~o doubt llillt thla .Irana_ Thalll,' Ih~ Puul'S n.mq,.... lhe I'rIOlQr'. art wo\ahIIlOLILOW be h~rt', to "uHu]1 Ullpalat. utalioll, IIl1d lhe first il\tlmati~1I shll lilld of er, theu willi smite you tl,rou g i h m _ I fire, "'''uruo.~ Ihe fu rlll('r, l u f lute of Ihe 11.Ir t us 1~lor', t IIl ull lIg-er. \11 the mu au111, hll haH il l\llIO, II ' I' I f oble trulhs. ' Theil J uu could me!:! llae With 1111< rrl'.~nce. 'J'ho wordlS &tnrtled heri l And ut la I III Ihe fulhlOt'S of ' nil' you I II lid turpellilnu, remlillOrd IIPrl elly UIl IIl- J uh ollt sUVI'1I1y IIor40ns more Cll\p loyud.. lIarrutlve haa Ihc authurity 01' lUr, bOI>~t Or ncnuly d 8110 1- or 0 or 110 fU 41 .e BI Oi'll I ' ' . , . I I .' fI'1 ' r" ll! lI e "WIIS ll ll rnul1I'~ Truvehn... . F . · ~, . , . '~ l e .llIr~d lIelD. " CIC 0 61011(', «Ild w~lcome me NIL I ¥I'purellt 8h~ Ilnew th e vOice. and fl'url'd the ru n,,: will be III lilY pOll er 'I'h ell II • reRr JurOll to,the Olld ot Ih e t<1al,wll1~ I tlstl'u tl 'U I , ' I 'I J ' , • .. hlm." IC. or tho reSL lYe IUY uOlhmllOf' ~"1-. _III ...,01 11111: r . I ., I . ' ' I TI I I IIIl'lIulfcfl r cumllfldlll " ul,w ords of olle I I I ' f " I ' , ' It 11111111.' IJ"y to J our hlluso. AlliS! Lh~l l.rl1~"!u ,II but "l'mmOllllllng up her re.oluhon, ehe my reVI'II" Drill !ceilupoll It. 1'l om lills 1,)Ura, IC tll ll WIIS t Ie 1110s1 severe us ~ ' , " ' I ll' II tleae t Ii)'a q "PIf!I\l1l mOhl," ..ltl,tl(HI' Y( I is lhe wllrlt! nOl all unJU11I 11111 Fumu such hoiluw u/lI'lce. -lllIn 1 ,bt1lievtd ! dcmllltded: I l%i vo Il,ysl'lf up to ~ engellcc, Rt.'mom- Ilhe /i1'O hOIIfi"~ "'''re' chiSI.' tug/H her, 111111 uil l hUlldn'd uml .rllr lY I:'UII nnd IlOr Cr .. i~ h.. rdly ,dl.ert'i!l to dUllut lInytl~ini" Mr. _hn \\111& them siuet're!' ' '}'o whnl COII! e 8m ( in~('btcd for this brr!' nr O,em \VOrll 01111 re in IIII' hi hit', IIlIt Il.e , en~ tlar re ~ 1\l p5 tl! C~l ulI .ulld ~urn eo 10 tht' Co\:per'. " "rueter, ttl~, il wulih tUIl, on. InllllOrlQI <:1",,1"11, I'Ull lor ay o . hnll _hill" 'f IIl'hove, ir I can cornpr~IIl'f1d your ulllllllely 111111 ullilloked fur In\rll.i on!' ' V ElI(IT. ... NCt 18 ., JlE, I WILL nt Y . snilh ; 0 10 111(''' did nut brenk (orth ~t' ,,11 (rum tile \ Indl,"1l O ct'nllLIi UULU IIl \\ ,!J '''''IIl I ~lIe ~an hardly 'l"elliou itll II"otl f.lth , in \he " Ill '~~::W IUlIlI, around lito 'l ljUUK" ~ 8uL· m~bnihg; ),UII would 8111 tllil,t I hlive trclll'Huve you lor"ollcn Illy nppuintment 8U Ihe Lord' WUB ol!'tlic reilly 8h" Il\qdt! , dum I vhrnl~hcd hlJu~es ; besides tf"., III the was hi&! Ull hrr ~()IIII'I\. rh o 1Il'>1I1 rql \ll~t muner. If th. IfUlry were Intended Dllre· Of IhoSD IUOI~IOp' I"!"'s the . horc,_ of Tim " ed )'ou lCO III"U; and I must c:unfcF~, from RIIOUII! V~rlly yoor memory nceds promp- IlIrlleJ OW,,} an d I ' fl him. \\ Jletl she nlid"L u' the' collflllgrlltiun, llVo gullo lls of , th o h\lg elllpllu lIl", & ", Ih,nlco lnpose tlllll I)' III II puff I' would be '1e,r), clev~r,bl.\t, U Ulmol~d now' 'VIIC~ over , E;mrlh·. ",,101 presellt IlItliClltl,!ns th re i, fOlll1dl1l1on . for li ll~. SO'} 011 II"lught to pr~vpnt my ~ee- liluked uguin he ",us g'lI1€!'. ~On\O. s ir II","" l' t' nre 'I'll" II,r\)\1 II UPQII J '~~no!;erl t' ; {,cd t~I ~, th ~t~ .'~,.o,1l he" ,,'uy I ~ II, It acquIre. another I tior~ ut iWJJ0rt. , 10JII\" hal roli llo the dserllun. ) aever mistreat lilly une Ing YOII. 1'" ",I'bl ulllIleky counsel 0111 1 " . F. Ihe varnl¥hel! hOU8[18, {I nil Ihcy \I ero trOlfiO- t WILh u I'u r~o uf ~I mllur cuno.,l,es. anile -/lfobilc 'l1triUd anll 'l'riburt!. IIUE Tbe nue "I )luau, 8ll1l Genlu. Ihall ber em· illtNlt:on~1I1; olld the 'w(>lcome roll ijlle~k II tleblor fur suoh 'kJ,zd lte"tnlelll1' (JO!tTI ll ~EXT \V .t~. tl la loiy ebvelollt'tl In OUlllC'e; 1!1I~ when Lho'l Fourth ly. Hllllllij lIle ll~te!llcn Ch,ldrell ••• , plre huld , of, Ie the welconls III Illy rlt'lIu8 re~ h'e 'Tu' llle coulI~cl uf your own bod hllart. litillirl wns oxHnu ted, 11.o 11'1111 IIprenn'" nnd' o dramaLic clllllP.'\ny at ::JI. J ,In'lPS' 'l'!,p. • IbURCh". n 51allller, C~"Lll'r. ~.---. when k,"~rIDg me ~Ith II ~all; liut, suve Bilt U8 ,h18 viSIt. t8 of \,our own ~l'~killg, p~~[cclly int/tet ~8 b I.,r. D~: G IIl'~t'd II18 olrl', ~ondl'n-~ budy vt not leB~ thnn filly A worthy cOllplo 'dOl( n eul,' wbo Nor. 41h. 1851. VOU f lJl'II, nuue 01 UIPIlI haVe IIV(lr accused alld Oil my p~rt unwidllt'd for, pleaae be 10 gl't /tut n pnlOot for thl R I\lo llderru I ,.o r ' j P Br~llll'" nolV , olll!Ulplove.l by 111m. 1I0t J,ye tUKNher lake a PJ11f or Ilirtle ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;"'~~~\~~~==~ me of being \\,o kind; to you alollo am ,I ' brief wilh YUllr miaoiulI, whotever it moy nh.h, 1\ ),Ie), he 6Q>'il lwlll1i~clll1le Q~ e\1~nll " Finhly., Ito ~JII. tllC'Chlficso 101l1l1y '"ld duve!, t.iU lug .I,d oohlng, rt'jlJiClln the l In,jelftc!d for a knowl dill! Ibe Ilict Ihn! , be; fur 1 \vuuhl be al~ne.' IlS it jR \0 Illoble, an d' ho' cnn put It within \I , lr ntten<\un , now at thtl ",Iburt Stull" IISme l ,ut Ullclt' Jim alld hUl)t Sull,., ' po ... e.~ that IUpCrloLivlI'dellrce uf gu,ld'J hn\'o colleil, m• .Inm, to kno,," " , ': the reuch of IlI''''Y \Jody. LlllldllP. einployillf/ !"n PCrs\)II~ lIIure. ,.\Vhatevpr moy b.. Ih~ ~\IUR , It I. neM. ) I wvuld thlillk you, Ilr, !I • thought )Iou huvl' tluly COllsidl'red tbo propO!Ttion Ihem seelllS I \ol ~"nll r,~ony I prll.:lICIl- The HOllie le~\.(>r IIlgo cunlalns Ihe foliQw, ' Thl! hUlldrcd~ 01 Pt' rtllll$, b eN~t!, tu I hOIll cettnill ,that Uncle Jlrn lik ,bl. ucculoola II 11I1'~erVed the ct,mpllmtut.' I IlIId ' ~Ie hOll br "r milking you when I ~tlt Ille i" '"Ilh 'ill unJl!rt~klnu· We }IU VIl ucun lllg \'j(l1i'l~ uf a~'othcr illV Ahlioll: • Ilie directly nnd i ~ldir:ec Iv .gi~e8 emploYI ~"1 Ill.~'" amllho cCC8~IUII pr~l~n'. IWllf "~r1 _ 'l~uuuJt"! I have alr~..dy said too much l ;re III~I, IIlld Ihe conclusioa to wbh'b YIIU ass ured thot tho ~IIIII~ twv iell,l}':~len whu 1 In tltid nge or wOlld erH we ~hould be In the \\111)' 01' wrltltlg, prlll,l ln!:. bill p,ostlD' teo, IlPd he ~0lDellme8 Irehl ralher ela~e4 lo 'lIle '-.-.110 blH proved ~O unfi t.ling. Y.,u b ..",(' "rrived.' 1 1l~'1 .Ullgr,,~u arlll cOlllmr ll~ 'id Ius enL~r- fprcnared for I)vcrJ thl ~t:. l'uL r eRlly \I h 'II al! !Jill dl~trlbut",g, p~ l tltlllg, &c.,' du nuL in hi~ illeu, and.lt,l ~o Ihllt AUllt Suily will IJfe, inll! klroW' II 1I':~"t 'J~ lil<'f~ 'WO:Wl til' -'1 "I, "..1 l1a' e )lullr t;< 1'.\o(11".!1~' ~~e ex Jrl' d to..!l~n1~ _ ~Ilil-., "'$ "r u.~' !i:r'lp" ~" t exti.. liall,lllncl~do 10 the ellumerotlun .• ' ' • u, .. that JlIon unruly member, heM"I\Jrlle. it bal IO¥~, it. RIlly hill" . (hlv~ 19ved nnd "' ith grent propriety might h",. lOved nl'lIt enillleer6 ulld ~upl tuhst~ . ,r Cull- III t!lll gn8~ bulotlel'll,ill PariS, Illd to "lotht SI~I ItI)', He II null' ( 1t1\lg i!P .• ~ lin· S.ltIy i. "nllf.fllr:tllSl~of II go~~lp, .lId ill YIJII all ,,'omao i. seldom 10 ed; tMI love, your.elt thl! p.. :II-if it be uny-.!ot h~ar~ IVletlull ~(Ih~ fPII.hbl ll,IY l)f edtobl,lIhllll1 . a.) Ihe dly 1(. ila rt'l'101Edt COTn!'I' by rneans of IJIcnsc P~lIoram~ 01 'Tho Wl)rld,~ FUJ( huv- on~ of her ~ullrah. ab~ diYIII~d 10m. "'.llfTU FOil !tHE IIlAll1 ¥JitTOIl, 1 tOrn to 1JIIII'rnt'B9. DeWire' of Ill} ina II repPDIt'd. Dut ~i you bave .ougnt 8111gle hOIl ul C'JIII'?',"I\I(:ut ,Oil I'etw,·t!u thlit , rin IIrliliciai 8un, which shull DidO' give ing lent n corps or celebrilt~d ~'rll~18 to Lon- fhillia not r~!Iel)Ultg much Clretlit liDO • 1110 • Y XU AUTM;"R lI,f ... .!n..CBI: it "'~ox l!'fa ," h~tt'l It will be bitter &8 tllO love i" /I,i. illtl'FI il'w wilt. n.. guOd inteqt, let me cliunvy Ind AIII~fI"U, lat ., lo ~s aUI!1 tJI~Il, wllrmth, we hl/o,e, it eeetn~ 10 mil,1l fight tlon rlir the (1 ur fl,090 sketclllng IL on 111l! Unij 1m" good Mme-. ' Uncle ,v.m....b atrollJr! Once more l w\>uld 18k ),ou tf> tcll )'ou thnt the more I lIee of yuur dis. wu~ puitl lor ma~lIIg ,,~t ll,~16 III III 01 Ie 110 open ollr eye, n littl .. wide aL lou5\.- ~r~l, II~ well 0& u lillrrory g!'llt\emqn t~ pre- t;1ltlnr ICllrd .orne pr tbe reportl, .' "conditlor well on the subjeel, ere you 601lll pO~iliutl the lesli I finJ to ~dmiro.' e~~cn~lve porlioll 'of the ~rt!llt , ~Yesl.C rn I 'Fh~ prupusiliun ' hu rrnlly~ be~n m~do to Jlnre ill ~"I' Crygtul P I/ I.uce iI~elr, 0 lel1!ure IVII. fe!urnlnll r,olll the club, at t~.Yf.rn. Till THREAT. me frum your prl'SI'IICe • deloillto b~lnl! V I' I f< I r R. llwuy, It W1III ,>rvp".cd III IllIS Ill staltCe the g Vl'rnnllmt by a I(clI.lqrnlln frOIll jln it s Olifl OU$ and prtJllllllulIl fou iureF. r ite (11 was blliure th lfllew Iiqllor law went Inl. 'Anll il Ulid your fiMI onlwer!' ' 'ery comp ImentQty, can ell. er· t I uve unly " "' 1II~ 1 " ,\ ite covl'rcd \\'I lh ' , . t i l l II I b 1'1' tl r r ')" ' with but olle fell p"rpQ)" in Illy bosOll1, to IiUpd there id sOllie othe~ reuon why fOIl u, , . ' "" t)'OI)~, by the nOllle tif )Jur~III, p,cn(iltlin 01 nrtl •• , IRVt' C 1I ~ onng ' I II1"n y ~ , 0 b pl!lrlllton, nn~ "'a. 4!nrllg('~ liIe"lt. '. ~DlI l!lve ),ou no othqr.' kllep 1I 1~ 'ltDm "~~ulltin,,. .f would glaJly louk ulIl"nvorlluly UPOII my ~uitr a pr~.oc_ , l!utt~ p~~chll. '''''~ .ur l~ ~hULII' C I~~t yeur urtiliery. lie i~ now in Puri~ , ~llnoing lit. five months on Ihe ,~urk, and Do ft.'1Y i1ny. Calling hll ",Ifl', he ~~ed her ill nO'~'!tJ. 'Then a \1 YOllr furlller ~illdDe~I~I.1 beell ri... ke ),011 "-"I'Y; if thi~ privil~~e I~ dODl cuputl \)11 of Ihe henrt, lOr ~'xalllple! P er- to pru~I) ' lho prllcilcullliny 01 . 1111' Il il tcndence IIpon Ule mlllistera of Iht' ilHetr. llI ' y Ilrububly lind It u.horell b!'fore ,tho tones why .he h~d ~lrcularell linch .torf.,. . ' , ',. han't bun I,UllIg no sto~iu about you. bU,t ~b., f .... tty lotol 01 • ~oq et~~ ell me. I \bilJ ma l' yo" mi~iWle. Remcll\' bh,,"\;o. hud Ihere beell IIU Iml)h perloll, a~: electriC cu~r~1I1 ~CtU.8 I hl~ cll~,n~ 1 tr~lII ' or'. Ull~ ,lanl gentlomDn ~ftB ItpJlurolltly 5uol. ubhc . Sirl " b " ' d' '"'ill )'ou 00' Ite hlipl')" ,. I Engl uud tlJ l'rollce~tu wlll\\h Ii IHlB pru· n Ilre-d 01 newellv t'lltlOIlI ur C\'l' ry deSllvenO,ly. He Id Ihe Genom I r.hnllgtr nl' how.' 'I 'I tl II b a k. pr tn)' \lior 8 , n " II CC{tuill '1I1ce young man' uy tIl! nome , ,. f ' , ' ., • , • •...)' ~ 118~ma lit a I e minYMm r ' Ag.ill I plue ),our destillY in the bulllll' "f FrulI~ Wcl.!Il". ou wuul,l DoL !JIIV() po~cd to ,uM 1\11 oddlllUntLl ,pt'Ole tton 0 scrptioll, thai It Is Ilr'uf,ubly ho will 01." reo nud tlrttv~ ,working 0 are~tor (or Ptllhp a _' !~ldn'r YOII tell JOII Cro~'1 wlf. th.t. , of rllvor )OU hNV~ shuwn me lone h.d ~~I ce. ' tl, ',1 k well ere you dpc I'de H~ppibl I I Y, f otler' hOIll(1ell pht-tllI' be III II hBVIIIg b~en fi BS· ruSt' JUr MlTlln lid he "08 ilu'1 olllnn y nih Pntmlt .Fare Allr"hllulor e,InIPlln,. for the came home drunk lilt I',ld... ni"h! jll. I ' I ' D·d . . been.u III' to IIC Vlr,II IlS 0 I ~ .I I . I ' d . , ' . , . I " ..' Illy ru "J.n ¥ ! Y III n e ver II-'inl: ' . ne6l:' ulI ' t'rYi, ' lheilf. Ilre tbe IIlternllli\e~! \h' , Bee" th~ ll,'lI-lI1lo blooJ J ant cor- . ed t!arollg' a C l.l'lnlCul dO ullvn 10 rllll r Iprs. ln this ca~e yuu mny have this lIIosl U IIi ted Stntcs, und IS drlvl\lg Wllh ht~ ;uc· tlUnbltrJ over 'lae bGui.~,.: trIID, 'II rea whea Ihowermg your 1""le.. ~plfll I"IVC alr~ad, tuld ),ou I could not give' '. y , \V .II ti' F k iol It lilrletltrlict.blu III ~uIIIV Utter. t:iIIuh a lano ,orIginal Ihvt'1I110n trlt:d ' lir. t III th~ Uuited lJ~t"metl energy, that wunderrul and mo. l hi" bod !' I d" I' I P roeL III m)' ~Ur1nl .l'd . ~" lid ~Qn It Wild s"hl "I' !JUllU perclilb tiud prepured SI lOS "8~ ful inventiun to II light of po,Pularity 'Well II 'did it wu tn..' repli~ b that )OU llIllht bo crusblng tho I ell tlf a .. a h . 1. if )'011 Illy Iun ; Ullu IIUW I JaL aee 1II0r ., vcr" filiI' lell uw , u penm cu, porLlOlllcsd /. I ' ,,:. I a. . , '" t • ... ,'ote ean. d I I t I elh ete I find it rut , J r ' hemp, wU\lltl, ultlloug I UII Y Il""U~ tlree , ••• , Irlrly ullexumJllod. dllme d.precBtillgly. ' 'PI be 1' 1110 iliOn! ".-licit· I do C('P Y " 0 )'UI r uru r, 1 1 1ldl~ICJuul,lVho de chlllicca 0 ever p08. c~a," I ' d' ,." r ~ , ellle I I r' Id rk er ","h I ball t'xucell!d YUII kllow I fl' Id' \ I I1 l1l1rt" rs u 1111 IIIC 'II, IUIIJCler~ "" u ncur'FHE ATL,uTlO MrLr.. -'rhe productioll Fligh~h ly. 110 i8, IInJ h~B been ,or four 'Now bid lady,' aaid Uocl111im 'f ",a.. 1 ~ u " _. r· , III" enuug ,0 l Us \\Iur 8 gUOfJlI 0 com· I d bl I I ' I ' ' I . ' () • 1101 ~ompre b ell d Y. u. Ilr tbat I never gllve v~u OilY COU~O 10 .. Ii ' I I If ' b ' I 'tl y .. u e tit! strellgt 101 t J" cx~pmel\lu , or muu Rellno de Inillo. i8 now Olle of thl' vellr~ PreAltlent ,of thl! Fulrfield county, you 10 un.lerMtand that I won't hive 1 011 'Doubllel8 you would willingly ' entle" • ",.,II\'il Ie /lr 1'11161 • 18 U 0'1. cquu WI I r I ·t/ II I t E l ,I d d 'r . I I"'· d h' ' . • Ihink of llIe ill lilly uthl'r h,ht thuu us u 11 rus e~1.l; of ' 0 )11 u' vi_it tu the 1110 al 01\ n Ie \leell } II U" 1111 Iln0dt prulililbio larlln.;he8 "f lII ~ nu t"cture ,;.mn., hgrlcu tllrn ..,OUlo ty, all g~~e lin- 1r01llg rlmnd, talklllg about me: so you ma1 10 unplflleaal a subJect, but )'IIU ahou!d , I I' I ' t' I th c nIT ry ) y P P I ) If th Fral,lIle. III U 8Lrolll[ ~ell allJ ruWl.u" lide. l llur~ue<.l in tlli. cuuII~ry . N t only hllve ...elf, Iwo huntlred dulhra III p,ornlllma · ut ~uslllO IIr1 n ' l oack ·;r U'n' doa't , _ _ t, be bOi r. etl< )'"Uf uomUli IUDtI u o+0 . U muou Yel It would Sfelll, e 168 11,0. TI " . J . . , . - ~ .... rcmern bIt tJlit a II men are nu iI tl,... h d f f, d liot ulld ' . , 10 Ilr ... pu~ llull wu~, hrdt tu ,:)[ltIU It to tho Aanc ri~lIn printerd nolY Ihe pulm for the pluwll1g matcll of tho preat Fair. ot ' won't llV'O with YOIl anolher clu.' Ad .... '" U I I vi'rt. oallri lire W t lout _. II UW u lJUI~ " I, Lin" Dnd uccomph~het.l Julll Jliunruo pr - I I d I j ' I ' I f per" "'It I.r III p ea~ure 0 1 ' ; " I . ' L.... d dly' }' " It' all - l ,,"uce \U I Il' "olllllveilt cu .st, t Ie 1'~ol' lell ~e of dl'.ign ond t'll\'(lU,i,," but the Brldg(lport. Tho 'uld 16dy' wu clelrlTln (orit rtbtr. to trille Wllh t lere'ore .......e _n cOICor fers . "ch Oil tille, und ~ uch PI'(1PpectM, to ' . I I, I " P r ' r IIlUI womon, wI10 CIIOOlH'a 'I I II t f t k' de '11"15" ,. ,I n~ Mrc~L pUIllL ,)f I,. Allie, tun contl'lcllL Americoll (allrie Id evcrywhuro flr('[ erred Lo Nlnthly. ne Is Pre,ldent of the e- wile DO retreat· .h. must"Jo or die.' •. "' I i I' , 8 III 1111 urge your an pi I~ . wc" lth bOllur and 1I,»llullllun, Will every I I l b " I ,.. I ' ' I 1helf pureill 'an tI ut'8t a.. , c 1U1l8. . , . ' 1111 IV I~r(ll lill 0 U ru ' Ky COUdt o.. ~rd the foreigll ut the "ume prille. Th e CI)II' quulin6ck Dink at Bridge'port, and 1I0W Su lIext mQrnl~tancd un hor 'r""" Il ,thlj r. linloteli'itlble II alualng'Yuu 11'111 dtl well \.0 ~e~r them III IIdllrl, luxury lit (lOIllIlUl.lld.' d 'ptl," lhut .. CUI'I'!! ilH II II!I )" fto;1\ III chor'" 6Ulnptlon of do I.ines in t1li~ cuunlry i. rl'gula,ly nltend~ ite primary meetings - fIInd of retructi<lD, • '1 ho(!e )our hOllllly i. at In~t endell ,thullce t" lh" lIe~rl!ht puint on tile ;Yl'urly IncrctI5inlr,lIlId Heverul n e\Yd oill. A s 111.linown thaI tie do~igll s In throw all Enlering the B'lt hou.a wlte,. ab, ha4 IHsnl'lll itBetr.! , for II~..)' are IfUP, ItUtl ns I/Iat 110 II1l1n ul . 'Pluinly, th~". ,.ou b",e liven Ole r~aB' I prn,e'ple lilld btu.ery woulJ.. MtL,e mpt l;J_ Yuu ure v Iry lIIatcriully .mi~LDken ill estl. A.III~ri()o ll .:u •• t, IUI1~IJer,. ull) u'~dt'r ~IOOO huve recclllly beell'crected, to. adll to IIII' hi. !'xperience ,nIl ellorgy into tho mlln- tolu the IItor),.she thus opened Ihe .ubJf'~t: 0,\ tll expect,s dltf't'r"nt oUlw~r r,um the f~lghten I ludy allulll~t fi l'r ~ lit, IIIlu In I ulu uug Ihe cu'",JurOllVe weallh of tl,le IwO mlle$. ChOOSing Ille 1II011l hil uf dummer, ' ft upl'ly.. 'file MuncheBler C.. ,pioueer>! III "gomcllt r,f lhl~ in ~ tl tullun, It alreadv cn· 'Jim uys if I dOll' t Lake b.~1t them ItoDue jUltanJilluoced.' rllI!on1 on such ~lIl1m. prtteuC&'Il, .111111~el l ,erl" "1 l>er.ult.; nl,d to 5Ct you rtl("l, I allli uu ~Xll\'rlellc .. d All/eric." ""d Ellili~h ' tll hl wurk hllve ' buil~ Il' new mlllLO rUII JOy~ a confiden ce und popuillrity in ndvoncB r-i",,) told aboll' him ~he oUie. rial, h. 'Sir" , knowilllf al Ihe IIlme lillie they ",'('re ~f It !"ill ~uy lor yuur gntlliculIUII. thllt F (uuk cuptOl1i ut.i!'ustuUlcd 10 Ih.: tru ck, _uuh u UpVII fille~ gou~l; the Humilton C", hov,' lhllL 8peuk~ volumes, won:.t live ' wilh mo I\> day 'longer and 1111 'Yollr conduct hat becn ~llcb.8 t', Vive . pil'te \0 ith lhe /.ilu bt' .. ~t Ibat Il live t ICII. Wl!ld"o I~ lur the ri chsr 01 tb .. two.' lillI', it \Yo.. IIvorred, 1II '1I"l ~" tb very lIim. 1r .. bUIII Ihelr mill, wh iCh Wil d lunl yenr de. 'fellih Iy . He i. lin Odd F l!lIow -0 SOD .pO'1' I mun' bill 1M lMI«tJ ,;1IlA , . , .mple ... uranfl' Ih~L m~ .II!t ....R favur~- .h~lre\ Your U,reutR are ul the 8'10"" 'UulV II Lhal! J bll\'e boc!) at much pie InllChIU\'ry, be p",d ~.ut IIi:: ' anti day 'Iru)~t1 by lire ' th .. O.klund Cel' lit llur. o( T emp erance-It member uf the T ern· UIOrci '-'€4~e Ball. ' bl)' recl'ived Ind enllrl'ly accepllible.' , JCII.racter, Illd ol,lly Sl'rve to show Jill' ,,"IUd tl) /lod "ilL t.he true d'~le or hie uf \Ii lh per(eC L>lalety, ul Ih~ ordt,'liry ~po~d relvlll l!,lIr(l ju;t.colltpletilll: Il u:w ",ill, pernncn Tu'lIlple of HOllor--1 Rl!chabltu, ._ ~Iuckl:e!. of lhu ht:'Brt ,rrufll ,\llIch ~hey r"i ~8, lind kllOlv,llI1lt tq be wltllout proper- 01 the ~telltller,' The vu t illjp(j~tUjlce , 01 whuse lCuud~ will be printed by Mr. Dun. onJ II pnpulur 'femperence Lec~urer-lla. Mo.n Ih.~lIu. Oil to.a 18~'D.-A. 'Your .~it ror what, air I' 'Yuu ,.re dpterwlD,l!d nOlto,comprehl'nd II..,Ul'. ty ul lillY , kllid . . .uch on oLj\' ct 18 not P' IJ~ welih~J uguill st 1I~11; Illtd the AtlHnllc ut, Prllviden ce ~lollou.ly Illelltive Lo ,,11 du!ies appertain· ('Illltern pllper ItotCi t.b:lt in rhe IIICllon of UII. J(1I~t'l be ,"vre ,,,~prilll:! My ~lIit '1 . 'iIl D~t 11.1 ou~hL In repl~ to your "I'hore la ~.:h a t.I."U~ u, II1Jdm rll:beB, II lIuUI 01 £100,000, \\ 1111'11., w\' ar~ /lijburtld h!l~ jU6t been fill i..l)eJ t,ndor the dire. tion uf il.g to all th~.c positions. , ~nli r~lbnd 1\ hich commence.tbia1 mil .. fnr lour bond, jf y~u " 'In cunl~1 me tu cla.rgc.; 1 Yo'ollitl 81111 ,Iadly hll\,11 )'uu an,l Frbnk'.. u of UII" kllld. " wuuld lIlur\l Ihnll accumpli.1t it, If Il slOgl\' Gen • .cltRS. T. J amel , Ihewell knowlt AM"... , tlRt of Brooklyn, there I. Il "'Iioa fort, repeat thlt, ,,,hiell mUlt surely be ullpleud' tlllnk ... <1 ape"k utl,en ISI.' ; r h"IIP )"'u ,y,,', ludd,," dU /lel'p, tile wor.d ""ll DO· wfre oilly were 1'lIIllluycd. 'I'hl! ~UCCP8~' IIrilcturer, nulY U. S, S.. uulur lrum R. 1.1A Supornnlural Well. mrlC:I longl unll from .is to eight rutlfaWid. ant to u" both.' , mlly ulld Will. y.IU hll,e hU'Ird Ihtl cho!clI v~r 6ce tholll,' rul cumpletioll of olle 11110" I\'uu ld of courde \ land. II; drawing or the 1011 IIullwd mill One of the mo~t rcmal~loble .rrati..,. ill widl!, in which Ihere I. IJl'ithl!r ~uroIa 'Uq,lI tlti. ni;I", ..ir, [ nl',er knbw ),011 , Ilti~e \,uu; I Wlld, to tkI notlllng ."a.tlly, 'Hi. friel/tie know or tbair ulitellce, Ite ' peedi y lu\lowl'd ~y thut o{ od,cra. I \\'a3 u hiblted III th e r,'cellt F ~ir .. I t!l li t Wl' hnve nt'n in lb. poper" of Iltl' lIur ~c"oul, OllhoQ(!b t .... I. conltiiralllt · had In, audJ doilftl ill wit~~ a. Lho olte nUf I,IY!! you lUj Ilterofurt', I wlil glY" Itutwllhdtallding.' T hi. once IICtUlllpl '81wtl, aile t'ltten~l(ln ul enllo G arden and In cOIllJllillnC'l with tlu: reilltea tu the modo In which r,CJoppr·. Hprinklillg IIf hlhabib.te _t~ . .~ rou 'bne ~vuw..a. H muM I huw ttaat I' YUII time to r('fiect. Weigh Ihe PI¥ll~r •Ah, I undl'rdtunJ youl SOllie and len- thc Ii lit' (larvae tit", Anlcrlcun cUlluneut lu IrequodL of l<1~e ul our readers, \\e I'llye Wt"Il-.u 1I0l1le",hut ranauu~ \Y"'erlnr place 1tbe country . 00. "tNkI ..~ you Int~ndea lIle auth .. n hontlr!' wl'lI; none 01 my wurdil IIrt' Idlt,. I luve t~ltIclltul .lUIl', 011 ~liicb it Iii Ibe easiht lhl! Pacifi\! wuuld folluw ~e[\u lllly, und we •ulatuined a full dl?crrpli"n or hIt size and in Mlssi .. Ipi-was discuvered. A p~nt. l mor"1 anJ l.duc:all(,..al.t*"-kNillf.4i11lr • • ·0.... 1 Dot RI.lllfe.t~ U')' prer~renco l "ou I UII luve no oth"~; IlIllIe you thllll\' IIIIAl!lIwble"to stllrve tu dClltb or lie- .hould hnve the u~ toundctl fll~t ol a cIJm,uu. 1cnPtlcity. The mllin bulllling ill 300 fcut phlet detHihna til" f~c~ oC the cllIe !'~ glon would ebtilD llilllUe.. tincit (Of' you aliG,e _\I ollaen lillie IIld ugullI)' OIU8t bo, or Itld uthelllO happme".. Nay , ()Ollfe a bl!ggar!' nlt:lIliun from Ihe shored or Ihe l>'lll llio, lunr 'by 70 ~ ide, in ,the cil!lIr, Ind three bf'l'n "ubll~brd, lhe (;hti8\illn churclttl, uuI • ·It ),"IJ !tate I kne" it 1101; at IUlt I I wlliuot lane y"ur dlJcidiulI to night; I ' Neilh!'r uf wllich, .... iIl Fronkdu! c.ro.SlIIg America Gnd thu Atl. lltle, ulld .,orie. Ioigh, On each .'nd itl Il tower JOO From thllw, lelrn Ihot Ihe proprlelor ia l whu~e til'nnoknt <! DterpriN pta eauld onl)' 9""" at ,our Intontiona-fur l wuuld huve YOIl t1lluk coolly: you oru t"o 'I Ild"k it i8 c):trt'mely prolllible he will touching our , hurl' S in all in~taut UJ lime. recI to heillhl, olle of which collwiuij Lhll or 11\'81, tile ..... il"'Mton Cooper-~ I.choule are ..blbllotfrl'dj but . . fa "~dDe"rellp,eNOdlhllm_.'t,d tlii!!, dO l mul'l1 el[\lite~ IIOW to do BU. I IbY my nol. Hldfule is liowpolldingilllhe8culea •• _ _ _ ! Chilllney andtlla otberthe eatrle~ atllir. preo~het of _ _ '" In the l\t,,~hodi ~t tillle"ledtuthltiklhdCjbjeclloll~IrIl"'. ' d""..-.A _..I _ L. _ ... . , • t t l , IIot conll er 6 - ,rou,,,,'to II.... III, fna. beut a"d lfI'cullh III yuur roc t , IlJ8 ullce, uf dl! dtin)" al,d YO"' Milt. MOllroe, lire to rnper from t ' lllX lfI'uy, \\!aah ruoml . & C. Frum one en,1 u( rllUr<h. Ittilit i1' 1881, IIlr. II\U phllllltbr~ el'~ 11ICI,.I!t" ~lII.~ duct upon: there i', too .1Ic1. . . .aftlt_ 1Ind Ih(1 IlI.at time. B"warl', us YO,II \'61 decide II, n " , hilll: 110 deepl)' 1 I A !trent port uf th\! printinK paper llspd th~ lIl.i n bulldinlt, projolltinlf lownd tlte Cooper purcbued the trtlct of land in l Ienee In 1ta. ratio ,I ~~. . . . . .~Itlie.. In hllllow, (a.luon.ble aUent ona flr '<lur IUlure Wl'lllrr, bew"re huw sh:;ht } UII {Ui.iflwrpret ~y word.. I ' du not ill IJ,I. cuuntry ill OlQde Irum IUrl'I,1I rUj!~- rear, I. II Wlllif ur Ihe nln hpilfht, 140 (eet which tile well .w •• dileo\' red. H e built ' 11t',III, any Iidy to trult to thl'm, • But IUPI'OIe Illy oner ~ $>" e week fr.lm Lh,1I limo I 1111'''11 thul ILia III your puwel' to decide hi. the ll~ iun. uf cuh lvuI ..d Enruptl hovillg by 60 fee l, whi ch I. approprauted lu wtlul hlm."lr. bouae' .lId Wl'ut to wor " to "h. ' til' m:'::'~==I~~=:~==I=-~ ,ou hall .\lcb prertm!~Iee •• tMit 01 wb.lch ahan upect yuur Dnlll 11115\\1or. Till then fute as yuu uppcur to Wl811 It I htl dc.tin)' I\lore or the raw q111t\'rtal thnn i6 lIe cq~d sorting a nd IvA hillll' tl\ld Ibe manUrOCIUru luin w.ter for ita u.t'. He commen ted I . 11,.00. ~~...~~"I!!tf,.,. lOU .peak, how IIotoI U.I' elFelll me, IIIlllnlC .dil'u,' tlhll y~lIrd nrc tllIl! dny decided. If)' wurd for ~hc \'e'1 lilllit~d amullnt oj' paVor ~1(ic1a of. ranGY oaulOll'reJ, Ihe Ifttt~r bUllinefi dillii'ol .• well. At the depth ul' Lhirl11the Da&i... I W.I In tottl tprance CIt the flltt IIht 1 Til,. con\'e,.a,iQn wos carried on by i¥ g,ven: It lin lIever b:en bro!,en, Now tile\( d.... ptJl. p~rfl\ltI th eOl ttl el'Jo),.-, being proll able In tl~l. c:un ri eotlon, a. the feet a hard rock ........huck. when the la- III/kine ' ''~I''''''''1I!1!II Ibil ""lilli" . two 01 th" itla!vldua1. \vlao lip Ie lit FrllPk \Veldl'u YOIl caOJlot, thellO r,,!IlI 0 teo come 10 111. f~.:ji bted with ' de 18Jllt ooly COMum~ Climbed wool, and , hor Will ab.Ddonfd, and 0 cnJ'deluu. de- ,era 'You ar~ determined to (orce me t~ rll- Jh!! .lIect!~llIi page•• A.. will ,be ,ather· nul murr)' : Urnt u leltl~d. It you wlU !lIth, III(ectlo~ .nd ~i.ellJ~. · ltl!peakdly will nut wurk up ll'II ",..tl!. A dy'....ou.e Itern 6ubl!Uoted tOr (I. Mr. Cooper, Qnerl p"II.~ror&hJ')l1~~ \ I... pert.IClularw.....h,ch ClO but be plllOtul ed from the luregoing, the pntlemln wu r-uU8 nL to be mille-I do not uk it now; hlla.n ext~ndtVedllllncl bc'tl~ IfcourliN With i alev attached tu tbi. wing. 011 the Jll'o~ldln/: ~bl~ I<>r bt. 'amlly, procef'ded to In 'lte eatNUIe t~. 118ft..!!" mtnd. Wh)' deeiroulor m.kln, ttie Iftd, hid wi re.- Imt.t .011,1.' hti.ure d,y, when ,.o~ ,1'1l.11 tb •• ~11 p". , or ,uther pu ttleDC8, derived ; olher "nil of the mllin building. tht'l'e i. II Vick . h\lrf• • herO he Mil ,,~afl:1l of a wlilloU penial In lhl. c:ourll8~' Th.t the r('.l\d!!r 111"1 unllf'r .... nd tIle m"f- haye! ortulll'n thi. fuuli~h IIllacll'llent, ~Otl tbrou,h a .paper \niU from tllt'le i~fl!C\llou. , wing. 60 leet by ao feet, and two Itoriea tb roh. One evelll"i he h.d a drUID.(Once ror aU,lr 'o~ have a.., rlul'lle to ita or th~ cue. ""t wm ...d a few wurd. 01 .hallil/iye Iftlr'led to ItI\'e DI!', which 11m rag.. Our plpt'r Ie inltrlor to tbe En,- bigh, whi"b Ie n.ed lor ,icJ.iftg tb. wOl11 The IIlIure of II. mlJl, with a I.millar rlCt', IDUe or .n1 ca_ ;'r COIDpl.l"t 10 urge, I."Xpll.. llilln. aure yuu call dp-I "y, oDI1 coaaent to nib be~ua. ' it••"lIlk i~ m~inl1 CO~to1l iMItate cardin,. Tile oUler -...I\tlinp aro commllllded hhn to rl'tlUOle the dinln, to wb.ob I ml,. be a rlrtl, I with 10 knllw Julill Mdnrlle-' rllli Dime. not gi,en, fur blI lIIint', cht,lOlini ),ollr U""o I~rne, ~d whlle..tliat of the EUilJsII i. lilla~n. • _\ .-.n cWBco,80 fHt !Pet, two "orii" his well, ud .. ld hi" that it wla kaow II; et pre...., IIiDOW nol ~b.t ''!II rtllOlil rlllll1l1 pef':elv~-Iul the onl, Fr.nk . han be< leCt \0 pUI'IJIe hu couree ,A IitLle tDlerprl.. luve.tl... P/ll~' W111... buemeDt.la .hid! are .110 a ... porl~nt. The ..Dill ~n,. calDl lie driwlq a'" ~ -t.ughter or patenU in wediulIl eil'CUtl,- through Iile unlli~turbed. Rrjl!ct myllG'er, lIIl,hte~.:t. fOr1 h'~PJ @tp. . here, In chineabop aIId IrVOlD for p.ckin, bale. w,lllIn ~ r~w .tlbll'q~aL IlI&:b ..... M ~ .... 'Yw b.ft . . .IYetlIDI.' Itanees. She b.d been "'.,. Ind aenr-di4 e"I.pirita tto,r tile I",. of tblluhhtuteur aahat rlll'CUltqDr"pU i!IC'. _ .,.."., ....e IIuuAIe uf tll~ e~ the IAJu,ncINo...... tb.. IU..... week,.. 1..."", ,~. . . . . . . peni.lerl. aDd f !J,tr "1 ao4 ~1.1ie-&h. fruntler 01 'firtu., •• 1 willftlUow Weldon; be.11 tbabul. (or ,.,.r. F .... . , '" I"Ownl __ beipl, I . . feetlt)'l011181; a hI.ek- IItllr . .k Cur Gte .....tb •• ., lb._oJ , ........... '011 Ieiatttc ... .,... ; till dI~rt.D eolUDIH or 1'76'7_a. DUt _po m.: .114 throIliIlI hi. wall I Pl"ltrbl, at 1I0 por too Iba ullrua.!d ' MItp. ... a '1'111 'oIIlIr_ 1 whieb do___ ....... tit "line . , ............. .,..,......• hi"" pH...... Bftlltltblln pehOft, ,... X.. , . 0IIi , . .k. • ontall!. 01 ,..... Jield Il . . . . . . ...,.. wl* ...w~' 'Y__ • • ,....... a. . . . . 10 • •104 .......'" 1t 1. .. lft'. .., oC Unl .. . . . • . . . of _ .... "I~, "'" iIfl ~_
110",". '"
I '
'I I
,01R!HIA1t . 8.1' ale.!.
,A Tale ct' I'r4)Dtier
we'l' ,[
t .....
a. '....
111 •• maa.118 ~ lb. Vltl,or. _
t"o alit tllllra IINIa tria, ·pap.r bra'" au•• otb... fllnom. ••,. pa... wf.&h, ~lJcIh Hra. C,
Tn D.cembet.,.,s'raber
"ptn fD
""'" 0""
or Petenou'l I. on . dooket . ,_ ~I" or th.~hl!lpeit •• nrl ~lk".viile, of tho mult hlterelling mog_zine •• publi,hrd 'for tbe Willi in (be country..... 1.~publil"ed in p'biINClelphll!. by CIlDflea Peterso!1,lnd i, e-!llied by Mr.. ~l1ler· • '... ''·r'.. Ann Stephens. , .1' , he ~ , Ihree terma. per, y.e ar are •. "I ..~ , cl)p'i¢a .~ • •eight · ca piea ,SJO. Gnd BllIlettn' coPie.s .20, , . tiooal
)(> Burr,·UI!.taDt IdltreU or, ,he
1Ifc..... enta""I~ In lb" contelf,
and reo eetfed 10m. rpr.tb' har.h r.apa Cro,m Mr. tb.t >Ii- Amerl"'IIO n·ve permi.. IOlI' rllr. the , Ftlrmo".or. 14" epuhllcQn. - AI to thl.. Hi'll, Burr Itnt a liull' poetic gem ' to .tht\.-&"epll . n.ert,.~n. .. T~'~ , revolull\lnory, .' . . •,or I ' oVl'~ I IIc~ .. II hcan ,hlo I,name. of fQurae, elilll.ed tbe Denth ~te~,ed "1111'18\ 'lIlie anI! tile . order was ab e tiulllmer.' ,.trman .lI ll d<at bait OaptainPhelpa comJ,lHiba tbnl
~~ rld
lIoo.~"'. I
. ~. th~ae clia,rlr 'painst orlll'o a tofa y u~., ~olln,,-J.· an " " 0 Ilia desire to IIvold blood· u ,.. r ....ert1. i, attributed , tbe i" uW Ind nve' PJt.\tJU~-A COT- L~d ,,~ .. vp ' r·ct o.f. '1'1. !lb' hovill" y~t conqn_orcd tbe
O.u. . 't Flitl oa TO
it . t '" thel' I.. ' "Ih b I' th Fe'pon ell at.. &III ra. n . e, nw.r • cilY'• . " teril put of till' Coaotrv •. i'nforml UI
1.fl'l~i C~p!tl.1 ,':J~
d f tho ear
I, '
" . ,
II _.
'~y , a>~lOcia~,io"nl
~o:tt7~~ l~a:)~I;e h:~~Ut~n~o :r:~~; captivity. \V.bleh hlld 'onl:! 'bren repe.ted .in t'ept.fu,r 'woolen de6crjptioj)~ . • the ~ellil\l nnd hoIY ' n:muaphere 01 htll,le, Buililipil mll\!rlJII Ilume, whero : IlhnrOlI wero' ellltillced n mand. ruid. by I';e ~Illf~ri!lgl! andpriva.,. ~~h,e 'market wa~, but poorll' ' lupplit04 .
' "I'Y-ACE." " - ,- , " J,&lfllT 111 er.e tl,e "cncemokorw for ...• NI III,t. InllR IC h iii ·bDen. ut severa . I , SWCdlaJl be clllI~d thn" dlif(lrcn ' of GOOj ' Ii ,I I' I t' tl 'f I of ' mon, f> J1u~t. ,~R Ig I mg ;. Ie CI I~on '. ' 6th uni! Rlh . II ' • "L. " • 'rl' .. dltr...em ports I I. coun.ry. W"" ESTEEMED FRIEl"> J, 'V. tl til LE'r :-1 e WAS IIrougJit to U IIi, . . . ' I . ", .' _ find many things In the COIUIOIIS of the In llile IIrsl place. by P, T. Bur l V' ' tor whlelt bring my mind illtO" 1I '" and! urter mllkin" a SIIUIT Iiltle I~I. . . ', d I nUID. ",sq.. 0 .. a)' deep study 1111 . rol ec(orlul1e for him. she . the partner.. , · IIlId IIIteresll'll' . ship Ind .tarll'd on her 'own huuk.· lIun. . th..J. . b' I f " haa , b,e e:n, ' utremely . iucceasful. and Edit~rfal In thy ' paper or th~e speok. 3181,,111 a re.: r0 fur ahe In widcll of lilY
_ _ _ _ •• "
copy of ellher Grabmm II or "arllun', b1agk niDee. or. Godey" LadY 'e D •d . 00.fi one .yur. . thrte dollllftl lin twenty. ve centa " " r1vnn OIlsh. IDvarlably in lI F.c, ' " ., " , ,
d ood I Id nl ., If .. bI were iJllQI A lurge amount or hO.m.e"., ., • .0. r, free am , Inlo ltor.e; to 10 over or l" et," Ihrkel nd h~r,p',ne.~. wlll,le e~d~'rr:g t'le ,
crtl%en~ whicb that lit I Ie en 0 y . fea~in" '~ng eorn~,~tlyde",iel. n'nd, expre~ . .o:::r~u~scriplio aior I"al th.ID on~ year PriDe" of Ahef" Amell~ !I'~ere ~e",1' \~ the hi",be.a£ ie~PIle.t {o,r thi~~o,iI~trt and Will be al tb. rllte of tllaa OJ;ll~S a ,alned b1 ctul~lIug w~th, w oml'~'.~o i14 oitizen., The RioCDrllvoj Ipronouncod . 'Ve wil I .ur" ;. . "h ' /1n d 'nne lIIucb 'lIII'tetla wbat 111'" w.e view I·' -Knlok-. II ........ a th'· e V'lSI't~or o
-th. .. "I , bl' rea. CarsvtljilHa de'lroying de,.. aDd It proved to b. aD II ' d injurhig: American Jnltll1 tettel'll UVe Fllirman uftlcer vflry
,or,'J.VIIESVILLE., TI 10 I~e
tiu,;'8 endured in the"lnod '" 'of' ItroJigOl'll, 'the '5tury or tho limultnncoLis rl'elin • ir . d I I .f I D Wlllflil muve t Ie 'I'od~ 0 ~ 18 vast army , . beIi'01.11 nil! I IIe sea. of G roe k 8. II n nllalll ' " ' .. h I' ' '- d whos.. woters ' luveu til ; 'p ••nrOUn ' 01 I ' i I '" h ".. I d lICit II UD.CJ" W Vie murmur' lIIan, c wilh Ibeir mothC/II lullab • a 'l d ,whose .• wove. sympftlhetlcally recelve~ Ih" toars ' .oue wlvea i . uf 801l1. n d 'mo th el'll. I• known to rellde or IIlatol1. I rn tI Ie ro 1" ~ ~n d IIII t.I1I""" . , tJie
hard and WOOlllll' wlirel. ,
' ,
NRw. YuJlX, Nov. '0: '. • By"en ardYIII (rom J ec'nel. • we. haye d'i ln to the,271'" ult" The En, ....ftlr .rli~thl hQd " rBlJrctd 10. 158\111) thu DnminicI" 'dobt' Gq.1 ), :\ Will .till tifln Ii) hll purp,o le uf copturina th\! EGltl'rn or Domin,lcun pert 01 Ihe I.. , land,(or-u. clllIedollt, S()()O mellaiJacl, thathad p.urpose. r TJje rorco, VIOl 10 , rllnde&l'oIJ'; lit Purt du Prin\lo. '
Pio.Mexlcq. . '10. , CORRESPONDENTS. W the larp'pralrle io thaI 'v Iulty,.• hal ,been Oil Are fop ·om. day. post. willi ,,- ,oulb 1'he Nl'W 6rleon.a.pllper.' of tbe,3d eon· written communllllltions -on illterrsl If ... .. . • "fild blowiog ail r the a laiD the. fonl/wlng"" intelli:enco from tbo iubjech. 11\ a hearty I'{elcome ill llr- am6uIII uf.proprrty, caqal tirlg 01 \Jay city of Mel(lcu: \ ,' columns . Nuthln" per.onal will be .- rai\~ 4w:. Antong " , f.-, ' Mr x,icaD l'a~ers have "ews as"latll, led, We • ' . eorl\; Ihe', helviell IU The inUB~ ~nDw t'le.re~1 names• ~f a.II ler:!!.., the • uf Curti.. Bl'akemllD. 15Ui •. ftolD··Yllc;.tori. Thore, writer" or no aueUlion 1 wil! be pll:!d to cO,lItinue ad, 'l1!le 'cllilon. (or illto Ihe of ",ut. PlnilUaanj ·Noy. 1'71 ' p , 3r, B , .• abd )lelillr.,' P. Dondermili. A. hod a mllilary revolt pt tbeir pro()uellon, • . AUlettorl on bUdlDe.s of Waynes\'IIII' lire aft'urdell an opVOrlUI\I .' .. I ' I . gl I I " dl."ulsed It II, diat, If wwerad frulh Ih'lle \vho Rh'8r.elevl'n' feet. lind f_lIlng .Iuwl,. .B,ut'l and Alfred- Keown are menllonr . d. Tbe 'revolt had •been ~l1l'pre.se d . l ,.alit · mu!t " ·d " ' ' Ie.' el'. 1.'111.. wilh " . · IUI"I b ]lUIit'pa,1 ty to 'ee a min,illturl' o( ,t he 'NlgIIlIogll. b ' ,a nt' lviews d ' Iwe lie to IbearQOl 'peuce all, been ollr . frienda " we J'oy In '\the 'bolie~ , ' , hilt Weoth('r cool and pleannt. ' d I I ti ro el( Iell cl eII Ill"'11• •oldlers• Ibot. " • , ;-We havo , commence d• 'III ,take. from the OrtgillCl . , I ; or .ID til hAr wur II 5. men fling II' Iy . C& r, ".' thllY like till. are tllrnlO17 "'Ith kindly rflIt ildlreport!' tdat tie hCOGJflTA I lI' I UY be pormilled to express . . . h .... I . An unupualnum.lier '01 Coa' len I I ar· 1"0 ary 'county cau.in" J , i. P • th· Plul IX la . ' b h ' bl' , f 'S J 81 Ii t I' 'n Ro m"" • . . membranlles. to ,t ose un}'8 W len wc weT\!! ' ) d I "If 1 II () ....011 .. m" " .. " t a t?C' ope. , -. IIIIS num er.t e pu Icatlon 0 your tray oe aler 11,5 a ))8 u an opill,loll at thill pulnt I tihoUld lOY Ulllt I Ii tJ ' f II " ;', f 'i' . for polnl" below UY. "it lreot there. I n to ien,iJ a Nuncio. Clr leaote. to Mex· w6uld be plealed to ·receive II ill lhe ,Acl;ldemy. Jenny Iikerieas. no ' truth llJore" p'luilllv " I'w t . h.loml 0 t 'to, J(tY8 O.I 10dm I to· any • It ,ll 'e.tirridted Ihot fully ,3000 f th ' deelniction I 't " the r rmer.ln llia't -e ..'loll T' h' " tIl·' ··rrollled ,, • . ri Ii . II ', I of ot11er , .. Commun nor WII t 16 pllS 19110 rd e an u· " 11 1.. ' o II Ifa ami y. 'a " ~ .. I. announcemen al ~ r f~\V. 'lIIore I}C. tha ·.~me 80rt • .Ioon, lo"et Ar WII qUI e II !;IUm ler • tbl\.n lhijt one which sllows it to be our '," d I ' . k bitt metl hovo went \I' I 1 tllem, '!Will be compelled ' to commeifce feedi jrc of ' the Mon!tor .: and , " 1I1ERII', llIGftTII':-We 'prtltg picluru;' and he 18 prl!parell to teke du .... 10 peoceubly' willi 11\1 .I • s C U8, e er. r. 0 The atoamor Stlte fe{t yelt,r, I . It t0 le.CI r ' t • tbe clille the" lIuLhcIlt10n . , 0(h' ' Ie, (rom on' I'III III a manner th 0 t ,:unnot t"1 U8 , II o\'ol'-gOO ' • stock 'nll\\'.IIJt ,evl!rY vest'I".. of , aome paeaage s \0 t IS nLIC iii do '1both. honur and luve this dedire of the rlly' our , .lee .iange. 'I' Inu 'I \ I ' .ort uae,u ' 1noIt dfty wll pea.enger. a d a rull , , 'Wlr d d Tl t at of P' r I' t 'd II ' t tli t " " II . . In time. IInu lapp I ess II e efllllY. . . . I ' · e.troye. . Ie .,erpe r ur uf lUI. t CIl 11., 0 min l lac a the fact lhllt the !t\'.le used III the · compo· p'e.... Give him II Cll • • humlln heart Blld'ye\ quesliun the ptoprlo J' k II II '''' ... ", t r I.' I loud. The Slote eav,e. thl. dw..,"11 b e'fe-IYP··ni.bad I' f dIscover h ' t" e 18' ~ -toll'c' "'uncl'o, , . , ,_ .•' . bl·. ' ' ... , '. , ." .' . III 8 US W 11 Ie .. nocenc" tI ou ar y " d h P ' •. I . WI e.a ." • t e npOg n . altioll It Is ,not ,.Ul pu , I " , . ety of an!} onei (and ilion erlpeolal mllnht'r. ellre a'rid ahcfl. IU8t're 'O-n tlie choin which . t e, IIll!uuriP to-nIOh'Dw . . ed.-Allon • .' , Ohill 10 18116-1I7. tho,t he. We like tile' 6ontlmenta.lnd .a n , LE"'. to E. either 'on Edilor or 'l Ilinilter) ab.tuinl d • I' < Ii I ' ' holl r Iinnpier " h . ". Wll IU due I)onora by the gdverDm,llnt article. written I liule diO'erently on the intend' giving I couree 01 le880ns in Pen· r tl . d' c IAs'lon (II o';c'liiri.,' nup.sliO us to , a II: Icr., e" I' . LoUlfVILLE. Nov. 17, Jer.er~J ', ' .' b b" 'h ' • ' We h live exam· ' ronl Ie 1$ I , ~A . . ., ' lire• I F ' b ., '.1 d 1 ., 'j New I . N Ited the ' republlc .nd y the inha Itllllts" avo &lime subject would tihd I pillce In ollr mobshlp III this pl,lce, , I ' I t r tl e '8uke of peace ' CII Yin air Bnr_ Wla trtOu to. (or Th,e bCt onlln fllg tbe Palace all place of 'per ' ," , illed 110111 0 of I.'is apl'cimena. and have no t;' e Ne v . khlnDppinll. al,d we. r-held '0 bin In lb. c t denee. and beinl: ' alwllys ' attended b y ! ' ••• . . Ollitation in prunuunclng' hilo an I!dept In It t ,e e ' rolll Wihg\ tlialillloHY 0186.000 to lin.wer charge of relo"" In • ,large t h enA \.I1.ture, ·AU e ' \ goud or· booot eRulli in nllll'bor to that or We put.lbh in number. a hill art. We werl' shoiv,n sunio. apl'c, Jwe ,It I I tills uhll' p ortbnd ' 8ub ect. " in dtirUIIII ' , wlla ' co.nmltteil tQ 'ItOC)d 10 whigt ana 10 emocra"'l e · . • . ' . ~ , . h . 'r , . ' " b I ~., e8U8 ' Irld upon , , Ji • . ' , I ' . ' ul wbicil , lembl 28 w,hi lid demOcrat.. The the pre.lltdenl,'nc.twJtI~I~.!,i1lngthIP. 1,,1l mO~1 from . Il,ur worthy (rleod IInen~ ,of ~Yril,llI:r !' liS . orlller P '1'hink not tl,oi I 11111 coine to send PCBtlC . . ' Jal. • . " will 7 pr,!'lcloUI 80011 followed rrom. the palron, V.llmtine Nichols:m, 'Vith I every . case • .there on eorth; IllIn come nut to lI011d )',opo,cd ph'blon oC O,egou. . Xhc Kentlir.ky Lo,I.lllturs balloted to nUL A ' , angd 13 delilocruta. ' I 0 th • · preeellce Qf lhc lS'uncio. ' aentimentl contained therein. we believe III the IIpeeim I:"'r I a·m "ome to set A movemeut hili Iotely b,e en • on foot fur Un,lted Whlgl .- ,• ..-.. . 0 Ii! n I ((IVt!lI tlIner b ut a' 8Wu r'lI . . ~v ¥ '. • I Blltea G .. " Ibut Ito 1 . b I' d ~O Th cle~gy.'\Vhlch. prc\'lou8Iy.had atten· we fully accord We are not onoofth05e la~i_)essona 01 Mr. awn. ' to lose t :' 8 ' ~t h'llI '-.ther ond by the ·. ellll're In Oregon 'ferrttory whloh cholctl waemale. eorge nouer. on. • bly there will e 18 Vi IIi' an .... ' ,, ' ,h ' .,. . I b 1\ t Ii ft v:a"ence gUIn u. ' J C . d A' D'd H M h II .' '1" f "I Itriclly to ItI plllltonol dutle . .. \VII uut who for Ibe uke o( 'peoce' will 8ubmit to prevIous y, ,. e . "pe t Ii e mp'y It" "ClIll6\ Iler mol her III)" the hu (or ItS o~ject Ihe orgllnllo:tltlon of II lep' . rotten ell, . 110011 ~n , ar_. cra~L It"• Ing tlIe I"awr a mSJoN. 0 .. . "'" • I ,I I" ' " I I L TI roo .It mug I e, D.. I "I " G ' ' I WI . CI W 0 B I D . • - ' , G,Jo/ ' Interferlog 11 p hllce, c t le,r l/ljustice, rn our artil:lc In ,whl,cil we lorm " , wrge c lIaf .. ere. . Ie . ur n.law aguinst hor mOlher.in-hhv 8role 'l'en,lturJal . uVIlf,lImeut for tlot , ' ' 1Igt, lin .. . UlJ fir. e..,ocrall r,-' . t cuurae. miXEd 't hemselvea up Inlsuch a.man'tbe idtaa Itlfe(red to,in' our o( lellund on next , II II be tl' ey r his tion wl,leh Jici to the nor\1i u, Ihe wet. Ihe clndlrlatee ,votf:d for. • joillt ballot. " , l , " 7' I k f /I A ,I II Jllons, lOCS 6 a I u. , , . Bbockill, Murd!;.. ner with the Stllte alfolr., lh~t eve'tt,llng communlootiun we did not intcnd to con da)' eveulng lit 0 c uc ,a I e , Clll'emy. 10 lIe' old He tl at iovelh 'fill her or bill rive.r. It is to be called 'the CoJum ~ N l Hi.. Mary F. Dartel. a yoon, lady or .wu eoon 'in\'olvild in. appareJltly, Jnext~i~ vey the mellnin~ thot we . wbilld not where 011. who desire to improve them· e t Ie t,'111 m ~I. no' \"ortIIY uf TerrI1or);.and tbroUJ:ht ' its vasl' extent is ' N&'" OaL, E 111'1 toY;r I~. • ' . 'Bartel. Jr" 0/ cable " , . Iar, WI'11 ,Ii UII It , r mcr I Itaketh v." lIul.hia " cr . . . nd fol. \~ell ad'pled, to ftgrlclilture. commerce, an d . ' We Ilove t Ie 'hi CDphtil 0 M,u 01 JQIln c;onfu.fon, Thc elections bocame IDto cODtr'o,eu"• or the di8ru181on of eelve, ilr thoId parIum And 'he tbat "dOles , . fro", I I • • nd ollly dal1ghter o It\ d'oJ! bt, t 0 tl lei. .• In , Ie rest to alten~ . of mil.' mUlllllacturlllli, , . Tb e t0tal a b .~nc ' e 0 ~ mu- ICO' toMtlteL"III Inil"I .rul)l w dIIth WII EutDutln Rou([e, La .• wei hruta 'I mur· tumultuoua. In d 't b e bl' Ilope open, 00; erenl aubj~ctl,'merely , becnu,e our . ' ! 10IVeth nQt ,ntr me iii 'nllt wOrLhy' II 1\1 earn • en pro· \VIIII ' clei.d on the 'I701 ult. Her bolly. horribl, part in II;eln. whilo thfl Nun'cio er live in h;mdny' willi nil our fel. , . " , ; ••• , ' , Mllrk well 'thllt Js nlcipl1lluw and civil omcer&1 tbe great dis. .r,. tl; e '1\'lth leveraller,e gaMliea In the ct'eded 10 .. to tllke aidel openly ill lo\\. meD ' We do not VOlleve that dil". I ..yil\ assl'lOblo ot WIS.It. nut clear lhllt we are bound. to Imitate or tanoe from tll" of the, present Gov- alit 10 th Ie m t fl TP.' . , of Inti!rllDI "' Ghlhan ,' ... •feelinge should arlao, from the ,lis· I I( lIu\V ledus hIlwever. greAt t1je • • 0( I ' I\,OU u Dot SIllJ'er e CO:nPI"t liack pDr\ of her head a~d fr.e, waa found quelltlolle po II cy.- gFeeable ngtoo' Oily. on n~l\ 1Mun daY one week '~ erllnle.. t. an d IIie lao led' al Iituntion 11\8 , b WI b II' ~e tod In acre&k • .,. ntlrOlI1art.nrJ womili. be· Tbi"Ylttlll..vat ao (ar 'that at (lUDiOIl of lubjl!cts or intereat, but it i8 we are not milLIken. \Ve 8UppOSO be a or lIi8ciple of Chr'-t. of .the terrltcry therefrom. olld many hllunll'hPec: cnmplnr to e lin; 1I,"c 10 " iW ' 1 N unclo . rom o(ten tbe ca~e. wben .one " per6 11 n In Clrgu- lh II pr»ceed"Inp of. Ihe cominl IiCs.ion ' .UIe prorrl!! ' I'1 I t \at '0 I e cOnip.ny ild we're Inegolt"lIIg 100. 1 to G. F. '8penc~, ... bo-were arres· tlle ,vvernmenl expe II ed tie , ' 01 0 couree alway. "unpopulor In • country other reOSODII.llre uraed as I ce IVII 0 ted bave .Ince confe..ea 'the the country. lfew.. ment, ballpenlto 'iohe' a the be we Will 'eo· where .11; and iniquJiy "'iI reputable. and t'IO orgllQisation of. W lunrt CillO, OD r,t II er crillle. , • tel,. and It h,e gonerally takes suell 10 be in dellvo, kee,p oUr lolerably well are prar,llaed III by the Gq\lernmeaL promll,t\on Of thl,s Th; whole Melflcan cotint" ".,. in 'a Il ., ' • UDder lurvelllance by \he lutlior!liflll, and e4 n,,,'.lInd.blvea w.y to hi, 'anarv poated. , prle.... lind 'rulera' of the land, ' Nolv oC til/enty·live dele· rdl ... .... j' .d ' .. " t' ' ... , J'" • to be. It peace wilh all dieD we pte. a..Convention l 'Ill, Le IY,' I county. 0 pot Cllliale _e 1"Oh• Oilee »e,adlRea' , ' eent• to Vara Cruz. an~ ..,. com· WeIIwi.1 not ..crltice our " \. , ' . - - • .• • . em bl-~ "" a t e aro ."1" h ..GuC Ifwn In "1"'~Iun, L_ i ,I' IC' T h 8t.a" IN Ii Re blicaa Yrlday a,,· . ' . Th .. • . • """-"'I. '.- t . (I) . • 9 h f" d II ' t e Ii e.oaeth 'n" mllle"I'" e .... oOllor. fur Ihe IDterl'lt of any- per,oll; Ir v-# ...ole In"".u l7f.g young men baTe' no IiceQ.e to vary rrom Christ. on tile II I 0 ouruat. II,P • a er f III h i " dl r.u.eI r e" u pu pelled tl) lelYe M('xICIO. , teleanph WII reo ier Callin, attention to Ibe.o factp. call. called UpOIl til Lake I deeidell .lAnd blld be Icoreful. wbu mlk'e It thllir like lile to aj:compliih that peatfl 'Wbllt- in, the mllUer. unallimOUllf " dupted tile u W : t e , 1/ celved In city on we dlY. to to be'oq the alert. Tile ror or Clgainlt IIny PQltiwlar bu,III'. 10 Ito Ibo,/\ slre.eta, yellin,. :e wuuld tlilil should do followl'ljt fl',olulwD: , ,.,' t' " .1 111 , P III 0 " na,urrec:CI iln ' ' e ." " takll . d,oga,. dl1tur \),. " fIb ' I t d were to t 10 0 Yura the .. eut tIII \ F I' ta H.nry Warren " the eJ· h"l .1",1)' It loggerh elld • wlll poaltlou wblch anil h :r Iing1 1lke, 10 dp• yo even an tl/ the\l1.' WIaClt 'ThDt a comn.lttl'tl 0 t 1'ftC! e oppo II e d p 'bl ., . ood Gcle.ut Mllter Oell· . Ihe· prielthOod, lind. C ',clencfI UII to bali,,,. tu eM making rew or ....,ellmenl will tile a.1MI,e 'the or, pre- aa Well:.,: new/! frl)ln nr.eo. to ,the 61h. " 'apPOI"ted ••• I.Q make I lililo pohtlcaJ capl. ille II,bt,.of «J04. hier'",", .pd epa " • " • .llDCe mand' lt nur hloda.ln CIIIe we .hould !I\,et parI! a on thauubJect tl) when .. rumor ,l;Uailed that Ca"'Jal hod "liD promote4 tollle Poet of Iflt A tal. . to tbe CODeequeocee. W. nevet be ' " blRenlD, at mil' upon by a brother 1000 who wu Congre.. "and that the ..11m" be I d J:. I rittt t e tI th'. UIII'Poel lllalter Genent, appuint. On UOn'dlll. 'Srpttmber 29. Mr. will 80 long I I We lware of the (act ny other dlagralceflll UJIDp, and 1111 lrum cruel op"'re8l!on Ind 10 llie, Delegate in Conarp,,, JrQm OrelfOl.1 I'll" °b .,. dlmoTrllhl. aOJi ' rt. 1' Ia ..~ L'_ dlrect)1 iJl cbar- of tile , I " I ' " , . I .. ' h th · •• ' h f t , r ' T . I h" t I . . II I u. Inu~ ,_ e r!I 0 ment l! ..... """! , .the EngU,h Mlnl.ter olterv On' particle, cil 1 . .1,(.epCe c.o put IV " " ey "''Ilk t e, ' " ... fllr a bread.: or .,II cup lol cold WI' nl lilt 0 lIa In u- ev&:r netll. , . or the Iball whh 'the Ht)ticllft Pre'14enf, Iq dem.nd mIlO 10 In office ,of an1 kiod.lf W. If tl,.e prac,lIcei .Ijuiled to ar,e ter! J uli In all serloUllae.l. I. it no(' .. ence to procure OI'ganlaa(lon uf a • _ _ __ look for 'It? ,lm,portaDl n a "11.r,ctory Lord ...fori·it penon will molate the law,' .peedlll di'5collth}l18ll!' ,,:e are mucb. dllt; to atrive 'to ,be ,It peace With Irllte 1;errltqrial ' N&w OBLIlJ.IIS •.Nol'. 18, ch.nl" In \111. C1epartment ,o f tlie bul,illelll I.at npt. qll ell!'eeQleot. knowing),. Nil one Iball evel' lzed 10 that lbe dellnqoenta will be tbe bumble and poor of the earth. 18 W Pl't'flOUe 10 the "aIIIOIi of tbe fonv ..ntJon Tile Iteamehip 1'1 DIIY , from Dr...... under Ilil. III' . Mezic9 and Enrlnnd. ·The. good rca Bon to cbqrge 118 ba,oded oW,e r to t40 bandl 01 ' tbe law; , 'with the rioh lind the grean All commUte dlat,lcl;llnd .tountie, h3v, adVice" conli;llI.tberep.lrtor red ,.,,\lIlClD. We bope hevrill,lve bl. 0tn: pe to Ml'JlI,co, the On tbe lide of Trutb. IlJtItlce,. theYlIl'lllriJolD7' i will, the fleelllg ... with the,' , mg b en the ,of 'Cllr,.jal', We aieee or pyloua Irreaula!ltle o,f IJlldlclll1 In la\(or · w, are, thore we ex· ' ,1' , _ ' In, morter,' . Theile' Clre !jue.tions the Columbl,Ilra.vt)f.wlla TJae' rllhure i. to WlDt .,,the CIDCIIlI.l,tI alld or ere4itor., qr of her be' long u ' we are c4J1ablt! In U!e, ,a nd I think .ttenliuol and if ' 10 (heir co'unuee•. wllh w,ell preacr;l1X;d · milillr, 'C'PDCil, arid declelon. Oa•• , porLl . .. ," dolqg ' Inytblnlf to Id.,.nce the X : nla :rurnpliko Will we should become excited, con"entlQn lito meet at OlylllTh"rt w... gene",1 ItalOpMC!e arJVInir -' " ' . " \ . • ., • • 'morality. We ao not coodemn dilcu.aloll. to ,'{oCld the Trelsurer. atl\,ertlaement, In eve!) be ."i1ty of quarrelling. I think pia sOluetime alb ,ut tb~ {IIlddle o.~ nut m"fori e.;wbIClh .'11 lDacle .~Ilft atll. UOll•. eanll lade" with A hooller.t the world I (aIr. 10 boaatlng provided that it II In ,. proper tbl. DU'!lber. .'ter all. the ralilt would be more wilh thJ!re to (ur?, 1 CODlentlon. , e reporl.lIJ.Cll 1.llrr reinforcementral 01 "YI boi' 'l'flYed yesICIAI, from Hetamor•• the mod.1 "y·. on. elhaU or our mlnnl!r; and wbelltvcf;' Uie is ' , , 'tJIOP with' the questionl thllmaelvee. to aaklDg a41111dslon i ntl) trOOpl ne;r, ",blcb. b.Owem IDdl.n.. 1'l1ere "fer. between Jour mounta1111 , l.?W corn dJ'Qrd!!d Jo enter 1'nth we 1oITlillIlARY.1'fot1(),Il8. I lbin,k I ca,n r 'will ,not ,qulll-rrel lin. Union aeon\! of the thereof: prov,l. , lMt laltlt. . l while ar.e filled lIn)' Important IIlbject. 10 that it will ,roo g,lIy IIny perSon, upon these or. Iny dold nol lbllt tllne touldli poalll &,80SI, ",hert five 1 unated,blld. Ind d on . ,.:60. We helrd or Y,e lter- 'Ihe brim with julep I Iberry cub lIult In " ool1 to III partlel, we are .ia for It, salbjects of human Intere.t rand wei- g Il Territorial mallY (UltolV81'I I'1'J.,ined ,,1m. nrylll' (rom on. five hundred ,head . . hl!ari and hand. 10', It dileuuion or con. r$\eived.. 'fhil II 'the losl number farr; and I am . a rdeud t., Igitllilon,--' lflklligmm. . ' The·B.io Brltvo Wit Capt . . HoW' TO ·Koltw ,,. FooL,-'A rooTi' '4IIya trovel'llY. of mlnner. and caodor the, vulume, Wilh the I love a bold and (earlesa nnwiplptr-Ihc Vonlilin not "lrlt yo mlllhL hIVe Furd III I nil will immediltel, re. at ,':'6. Tbe demand the flupl\l" Ind c:;on.equ,nce • the Arab' proverb. 'ml, be kpown by au: of lpelkfnjf. lire 've". enential We {ur uary numbier.:cummencel v.. lume needssuch, Tlris plOdding. thoaght- but what II now to be done: , Carvaj.l. and 'contluua the war. The , Ind UpWlrd leU ency In the mer ot..III. IIPller IMech ate above ,anytlling'. tbat , ' tbls' elcellen r mlg.llne. From leaa Ii Ie, of ease. 'and dull m,on tony neep.1I ' . ' . Ire,grotlly • • . Oa. Nl1I1mIber 18. .profit.c'h.nge' without inutlye. inquiry tho 'order or clall 0( , sUng·alar". twad.dle, " (or we learn Ihllt to be broken lip. Ind up by bold Tlte Falcun IIi led for N ... \,.qrJr »ithout object;putllnK trult iii • IVnngar. etll',' which ill tlud.by too mon) perealll, 01 rea,im" WIll ~ ~tarl~ doubled. foarle.. lneo, Editors uccupy Y~ry Qell'l foote WI. ImoDI tbe puaea. A PATREa BaoT liT •• and O'lt knowlnK, biil frienda from hi, foe,.' It' we aee a person Inlenllonoll, eoovel- The lI.t corr~~~rntl I~.ure. a ,"puo.lllle poeitlonl in !oclety, herausl'. occurl't!aCfl took pllce III WID' . , In, lI 'wrong oplnlun. or tryin, to produce cbolce ,ariety' df !Jie be.t lif . wbere 'much' opportunity to do goud I, TWO 'VEERS UTER FR 1M C.l]?,Iclre.ter. Viri!lIil.on the In.t. It IP' Ko.very Ind folly blVP uhl'u lbe a' wrong on the mlnaa of eom· orlglnll Dovel written b, P. Ri'1 much wUIo d\lllhtles8 be .' ., , . peall~t Hr. I~pb P:. Hem.~er'went to tiymptoms. \" mUllity ...\'l~ will tell him of it. bedu.e we wlIf bel conimel nc~ ID thl1 ~anu.ary thrDke.t thuu. (ripndHenley:, or ARRIVAl:. OF 'l'UE DANIEL WEBthe house ofM,. N,thao Hulllken, "I' fllel It our duty I1lu. tu do; apa If he .hould ber• • 'l'be eOllbe,lillbmeatll, fllr die , > Ind felarle" lIand taken \)y MARRIED, un the of Oct. whom he bid - pre'loul quarrel, leI Ingryat UI, ror dciin;"wb." w. feel ,to · wiU far e'llcoed belut, and , rich· Chamn.oll'I'M H.eraJd or Freedom!'. Is ". NEW Yoar. No,. 19. I dd "ulllJreo met blm wIth a oa e , ''gun. be right. ~ell and good... But I{·tbat anI precttedlQ, ~uln W e ,are eoa. ~ in tblt right' Doe. the world tieed aDY TI~e 1I1eamer D InI~1 W e,ba'ter"rom ' . • by 'lhe Itev. J, Brad.baw. tlr: .II'I\G qoanel WII renew.ed, and In • la doin, wrong unlntl'nLiODally. he bled UI fum\lli o"e -:npy of thll H4oA· aucb 'papere II be propolfla de NICI'lgul. arrived It thll pol't tlil. even .1'11.. Mt ry F., l'roud. t'UR Till MWII VIIITOIL. IDUl '"" irritated at a, blnt, wbicb m'1 lrIJIS ani of the HIJ.M! VIIlTall, .t lbfl ....ould It b. riih!' in '. 10 qui. Ing. do tee from San ,FroneilCo to tbe 16th of R..ollilo!pb II I' lIullik,tn "u IbroWD lO tbe Wblle io till •. pOOUon h9 called, to THE FAREWELL. , be ,iven io a friendly mIDDe,. wili 01, .8,20. C!llh yield htl flock in ebargt. to the de. ult. Bhe bringa ' 100 ,plltlenger.. and . On the 16th IDd., "y I. . Co u.. 11.el of1'7 ye.rwolaKC. to fire , tllro around ahd you In an Ibu· In Id, e. ' :rbflterme fur the wolvts, (or, Ihe .ake of 'peace. '117,000 In du.ton rrelgHt.and lice .ef the Mr. Richlld Smith. of Iter. The boy did tiut miued. alld the "1' 1'O'!-lIo B:.Ca/l1'. Ii, " malmer : but t,1 the contrary. In'mild. I(e ,ta. I Jear r6r I lingle. COP}. t6. lur tban ri.k tile hearing qflbe unpleaa- In the hond or pa •• illiled Bprlng 10 S.rah Jane Mon • ble . . . . . eliteFecl hhllfather'l8lde.eaualaa .• 0";:' an;Un '1Inc:rlLi will he ••rlve to &\Vucopltt. 810, 'for 'live copies. ror howling BOd enp'ry ",Mch rrom SKn Juan on the 9th inat. with Ihe roe. of Wayneavllle. OhIQ. b E Farew.n, motli" dry Iboae • . copy" to t b& per· they might lend ' 1 Oh Nov. 16th. 1861, by t • de.th III I few ourw.- n9' Aud ebeek tbe , rialna allh;teara ltaatilte Me view!•• nd ·If he rail. to' do teD caplee. anti, In C'xtra forlb upon tbe air" if reo rre"h t In panugera br01l1 h l do wll ... ...
~el!tember b;e~
\~IU~)lO do.ub~,
~Qll n~t' cnteril1
tu~nA I\lmO~1 rn~arlobl
'lH~grDI'IJ ~... ~, IIted~ ~, w, e~e.1Irea'i.e
uactlY" ~lt.,..
dl.~.wh "re~in,
~alle. I~
':Zt ~ull<4!
IIlvl~g l1~r ftrl~l.b' blQe~adfd.
I8ver~1 .~Iea
~III' areate~ Ib~~1
~III'~ ,
' ~rd
wlt1 ,~omrnenee
, ~hb cow~
.....nc ... n iD JOld. 601 In .nver. iod &SO in ........ ' etal.: i ..' .n 1066. Most of tile coiM .,. DOt oYer BOO ,eara old have beeD
~ NAn BQ(ix.;.-Tbe book"lierw .DY
that fGltU• •fboob ••lIbill th. lut low J!!I'It eeob other nplflltl that . . MIl worb u" dluce 01
18_ ...
. . . , . , . pet'DIIIIIIt repotatloD th.n
'I'bI .... MoIII.fthll .....0 UI ........1y ..... ..we bl th. pod are like preuy
-..-or"'.-t. "..,
..... ..... ".Ia ...............·eBCIUIh "'"willi.... •. a •. ,..,.. a
liltadleu~ ,
~Ind IIIl'~r
~p 'I~~CIM
.............. ., . . . .IM; ., . II 1M .... ., • pofIIet.
1_.'-.,... ...... die....... .a ...... I. .... ........ ... _ _ loa willa
dIo ..........-
. . . _. . . . . a>. . . . .
~f ~i.
p~per "y_. ~I.tid
9ICIIarf l a . . . . . ...... _ '" tile... fINd ..............-
" lltteen~h
~OO.OOO eng~rl. ~lle
1"""-' well.,..
MIlI!z~ne ' ~O. an~
_M.e~I, ~f )IUII~II!. ~
~. jDvart.~ly
' ~een
~ pro,
-==~:=;;~=;;;;;;=;;;;==F=' ia THE PUZZI.ER.
peat crowdto rll1
, 'rtt"~ w.O:Pr!Qe
dIYI~e4.lQtot~e~vl) !JoulI~DrltS a~aln
ext~n nr
ap!UI~ted, tCl~r,to~ nu~th
thld be will not tben relort to,lly InliDua· 1100 ,!!odlDg tbe club. .;. h.1 been ' tbe .eourle or IIOme. we , . "- -. " lk . • f I)ot 'belond tbe, 1' IllIv.obeerved. SUl'A11I'-a fur December hal Fanwell "OW I t1!ee, ' ••• , cOlne to '" Ind. Thl. n.onber. In out 'BUn th)memory I .hall clteriali; batlTVTs--RuDIIIG Roo. far .exceeda .ony uC ite .prede. Whlte'er my (mure lot ml) be. mu.1'. &.c •...IDlfo It> be wi"e.' ceaso"'. Thl!' cunteots of . the Dece",ber My Ion lor thee c.o IItver I. I motto. worthy to be adopted by e'f.trl number. wero ptl'pllred by Ihe MUI editor. wko ia cap"ble or Mll. Juu Farewell eiater. genlle. kiod and true. W uling hi. T who II al80 b one (J rallonll mlriner. illllom baa the proprietunl. . he next . num er. my beart i. firmly twined; de.cribed to be mor. preclou. thall uarf) wlU cOlllllle!lce a new volume uf thli If thluhal,l be my , ed or Gold. How to obtalp willdom Ibould truly po,ullf IleriiilliclIl; and tbe fact tbat A love more purJ wu De er ditiD • be a eubject agitated e,lIry' pel'llOn.- olle of tile pnlprietol'll. I. 1110 the editor. , Fartwell,br••••Dd Doble brother. We are welllltil6ed that who. . la an thllt- the coming Ever .rlithlul true, an, IlIIbltlon at.lI. to,ltore hll D)lnd WIth volume _Ill be lOfer lor to IInDe of ItI fure· Ile've thet to traat .lIotber, .. knowledge, will rtlt contented whell there- runners, ,nd tbll Sartaill" )Iolgalloe will To thee a loog. a kiod adieu. art opporluni\ica placed before him of in· atlll .Iand I. tb. frollt rann o( Literot1Sre cree.lOg hI. meDtll atore. aDd Art. Tlio term. are per Farewelllo III. we now QlUlt plrt; There'.re ruao)' way. in which pereoni for Iln.1I copie,j ~. two eopie.; ThoautrelmlDg telra but fllndl tell may improve tlieir miada to a ....t de· fl •• copi.. ·.O "'n ooplel. a:ld one The feella., of m, aeliing bearl; even If tbel lIep,l,cd by tbelr the geltet or the club. We Nill' . To III a Ion,. I.it flre-NeU. buaiDeu dail, attendance .t educa. ill M.d. 1I,'n one eoPI qr Ibl. Way"enill•• No,. 16th. 1861, Uooilinatilution.. . \Ve koo. or DO MalUlni aad Ibe HI.llli V'wltor for ooe bowever. which can be made 10 • u In _I.tloo hulol for ItII.bJect of durtreDtiubjecta or latereal, OOlln'a LAMII' IIooa (or Dtretnber DIGMA. baYla, tM. IUltjecta .iuoldatH '" leo, u _1.11b 1& 'l'bll, i. the lut or ~ tlella.... ~: Lel this ...,. "...at "I~e, eo. . .ueotl, the lie caW tile '.ecbqJca' auaber -III C. . . .llce I . . . YOIlIIDe Oft . . . otber _table ..... ... tkla periodical. Gedey baa ror r .....,..... 01 , ... 1eUIn. - lot- die fI'Oper .......t10111 lie . . . . hlalDOllO ,'and be Ii", up to .,. .... II tile ..... ", a ...... .'MI ...... Ibr die 1herIof. bIt"._ >llrtlthrub,... rarel, . to • &.1.', II • aI4*~1 W.COIIW.,....,., 1ftIIf. . IlebuMI bluumeroauoaptllton.
COI .. AT 'tJIE l\IJlft.-Tbe ,I,ar:'ft\ent. In tl!e Philidelphia U. S, .MInt ror tbe exhibItion of coina. oro&.nd nation· alIDeaala. 1116 feet wid. by 6. feet loog, tlO" . .bout 66q ' ... ilie SIOO in .IIiYer.llIGO' iD , . .,.clmena ill WUon. topper. ,II 8,950.num· .......... Labr.... leot Gret!k&C. .odIn Roman
~IY' St~te prr.plfll,O~', Slll~",! ,~pat COlJgr~s, ~IIII ~t
~l'l'ltory, r~!jure& U~ t!Ontlrm~tl\ln. tI~e lep~ ~;.:. 'o._'~,.... Gov~rnment" ,~' . , ~ o~ ~tin~ wlli~
Prt'~ident Ih~ 90nvoollon.~ .ul!.~le me~nrlll rO"'~rdlltl
~o w~tI
.;:u~e, (.~~IICAn rJG~lab
ilori~1 M te;~~C
~ ~.~e
crll~l ,ol'
F~r ~e
~ ;u~hor. f~r.
, te~ ~ g.~~, n~t ~.,
BnCl. . .
thl\~ et~ I~r 11~,rr.lIel
~nd illd'l~ed
l:lInd~cted opp~rtllnhy
Perb~pI we'll iD~et In alter yelrs;
cal"" 'l'0III
~Ie '
Inlr~ ' cU;i~en~. ~'lI4Ird ,.~ ~ ~ ~u ~~. ~d t~il ,
i~lI~ ~xpre';iuli.
u~lIy iluere~III,II.I~d
Rep~bll~ ar,~ comp~d ~r t\V~,blrd. ~ri\h Vllbe~ ~I~t I~d
~eh! ~tl
b~d ~n e~ ~plwet1O ~alme thaH~at 't~1I dlplem.~lc
of~',G.neral Gov~rnJII8at attel)~lon~the m.I~I. ~etwe~D' Eu~_Cm. -'l~ree boa~
allg~od Mexl~an.
1!I'~Dd AI.i.i.ead~!>'t G~e,nl TF~YIOrl T~la
I. ra~v n~
c~rrled ~ plaeedon'bo.a~daveH~topped l\cllp~lcO, ~her? ne~t ~io".·
~ I~
:up~ ~: eVI~' ~f " :C~\~
~onll ~ote
~n ,
\~Cld ~
impro,emeD~ ~Illte
g.~nce. t' lt~n n~fiat
nouncn;\~al' th~t
W,BI~E, -l\lr.
' malli~vt.
~e8pelltfu\ly d~.
~ ~85
p'r~.en .tO~ ~
emohcr~t maJo,fIl~.l~ ~; ~; e~at l'i!e8ill~n. ~. ao ~~ri\SlatU:: .taDd~enote.,
a~lIerrenn · Lin'a'~,
silted' and driven 8WlY. V,AhENTINE NICHOLSQN. _ -Sillet! writing' the 'a boyo.l have sl'en th1 In ccmmelldoliuo of the Her.Id of Freedom.
• ••• For Iho I\Ulmi Vie liar.
Y LEAVES ...,,0. ,.V PORT. FOLIO. ,
fu~lowa in~trucllve
conlldlng, , . UI life. ,. lund of (eel. Ing lead. ua"to expert from thUlle around UI .. depr. It leut. of .ympatlly in though". wi.h"l. feeling., and The Datur.HeelinjJ 0( the 'Iuman ia.a (or aympathy! an of findl", tt, ID .11 With wbom lt come. In contllct. TIIi. feellrla leiria UI to Ipeak lad write that wblc:b loterelta UI. The thollfh.. which d"eJl withi. our beute .re freel, Utlmld. 'lId .e .pe..... I. friend to lrieDd. Tbere are 10_ (horda. wblch. to melodJ lad aD echo ia e"., boo
tioo~ yearnil~ ~ltpectat.?O
Oae or tHae.I. . . . .DtJoDfII dull
l,uIIaoDll-tuUhar . . .llltlJlI . . . . - . . ...........
....... ..... ......11 . . .tn. ...
P~oee. ·V~i1er. M18~
de~ce ~~d
~hlltieth, WI,n"vllle~_
. I. D, . Day. Hr. Natb." W. to Hln W. Sbilin.
p •• IIri............. II lOW.
~; ~
'1'IIe I ........ 0DMInl. . . . ~
~""''''''''''='''II'' .... ........ .. ...
' SPECI4L NOTICeK, ~Dr. B. D. Howe'l Bh.kl!l' s.raapl' advprtlaed In .potber . CClhunn, II \filII .La goOd Flmily Medicine. It purl...... blood aud prennw. &I w.11 u 'cu-'t Ie highIY'polle. ,orlll Oiocioll.li"Dd lither. callet! the poCirmao'l !riead. 8M ': . , G::rDa. r..A the dletlDl'lilbecl IlICIlvldual... IIA Chla ,al_"" re_, .J!4l reo'I to tk. ClOII6Seaoe of &be publie, Ire U_II. W", L. IftI'IlI'7 of War, Hon. W•• WoodbrIIIp. 8o,," Jlo,II .... BOD, W •• A. J'lekber. 0' the Btl&e oJ KlchilUa l.ucIN. D. aad .... Chlrl., Reftrbl.,. U;. II. ArHOD. 8. t. ClodanaUI J. H. lltlc&, If. y.; BOD. lulaI,ocll•• r COllaectlcot, . . . .~culer to ulI,ulre for Dr. ~,I_;' C... ~ .... talle 80 other.
~ .• u••
o:7'IH 811ftft1ae...1,-
A,,~qf ...._
I~ ",-Ifll I,*!
• ................. 11
... ' "
San :Juan del Bllg by thea"lmen North Amerlel. ; • Tbl' lteamer,Central Ame.rlea .e'llperien. eed mIlCh tJoubleln ,etliag o,..r the ahonl, lit the mouth of the Nicaragul rlYer. but ,"d pilled up the rrver wilhnutdiftlcohy. The from f tb mining ( Intelligence I fi t h c.lirorqill I r th ilo . e mOl' aat I IC "ry C arao welth.,r bad betn unUlulIl)y f,vor.ble: and the ,Ield of pld from the vllrioua mlOlng dlltrlcta woate.dlly ,on tI.e •.• ' , Bi'oce the dfabaudrn, of tire ,Vigilance CI)DlmLtlte. Bin FnanclllCo bid .!KIcome erowJeli wilb nhmeroUi band. uf deaperale characten, Ind lume o( plpera etrungly urglo, tbe Committee to organlle agaih. The project of Itelm communication tWHD BltD Franclaco IlJId tbe Bandw Jal.nrla wu Iilrel,-1OO11 to lato liun. , The Jllrror wu bUrDeG .t Seenmento OD the Octol'ber; CapL CI ...t Iud ODem lb. fi",,,,an .... horned. and a pallell", by the ..... 01 D. Brown ... buraed to ........ Tbe atealll« Col_ltla ~te4 ., rrallCMeo 011 tile • .0. Oatober.J'om 04"
InlMDtll 1111&.
1( ..............I.....UIPi
. ......."
IS b
"I I 1
:\Y)ptREN . COU~T.Y; ',OIlIO~1 FR,rDAY, 'NOVEMBEIt is, 1851;' " ' ...to
iRS f(lrm to her
~~~=~~r;i::;=;=~==,=~=:a: ~lllt~d tho sl'Y in U!o: ,vl nes. , 'Well,; ,1 t~r, kl88 \IPo.~ 'tbe
",\Then.lho relatloi\ was, ,onded; shol tl\vak- • It WIIS IllolIght ,!Je~t t~ k'OflP lh<l reco\:ery od to scour.th,o country in every' Ilirectilin, ; Ph,elo.nom~,.' Fall/C., ," ened to ,her O\vn sitUnlion"dnd ,excillitrled, of \VelUDn still,- for he Uid rocover-th'ni nod eilhor kill Dr drive him" ,orr. It' wnl The Mobile Tribune'tella' thefollowiDg , m'ls~ po with !hem! : Lucky chance!' IIn~ in gront !lllrncst.n~8a: ; " j the ' greater' exerllons mlgh i"b~ ' mndc 'to done; e~oy thicket, rtlvinc IIlla , hi~ing_ploce story , ' he depllllod: " " , 'And he, mllTT)' fb dian 'girl! ' Never, But hold oftbo c~l milll\l. Hence (or II tiln!!, within miles ~'ns Cltam'illed, Dut no '.Ev~ry body know. ,01U' fayorite Ide " , .1J ~VIIS ,Iho ~nly pote of invUalioll ,to 110 ob, hnsle, pfolher.HIIl9te:'; ~e Iinl' gOlle te rel'o'tts' lind publisbed' nccounts of his lum was (ound. Ii~ . " 'as 'ulroady ef!' 8teomer, '{he Oregon, and ber commlnder , given, IIlId \VIIS,worded 80 liS to IIdmil of ask tho I:re.at Chief fo r I dnughtc r, and were 'uIHlOrr04ltetl, ]Jut when i WII8 prel- Il/lOlher point . ' No sten'm eqneerD Ilod 11.1 Ippunonantfe various iJiterpretlltion8~ Little ,lIce df suel\ mlly o,utaln his' CUll!Cnt, Il.uick l (Iuiek! or Iy g~l)ernlJy nnd cortainly ucertn,incd that Cohsi'llntly Bookjng" 1;&o(te~ ol/leined ore more popular with the troveling public. prc:CIl'lllllJn htive becn LQk~n, , it may 100 I!\tc I~ SII\'cyour sister!' , lhe vllloin' hrid fl ed;'nnd l'IIost likely' fc.und QPPOilull i tie~ of takiog lifo; bUt 'as ' ofteD Ona Illteocea.ion, a reverend ,eDtiell'1l0 ''J.'JIC LOth proximo!' snld' 11 voice, Julia CllJ\PTER UI. Away wenl tho young bief tll seek his shelter nnlo,ng th e Indiil\I~, tho mDtter WIIS ns hc nimlid h i~ 'gun lor Ihis purpose, thllt from Polana Itepped to tbe office to pay /IiI! , '''oli 'tu.e lIllAMI ,VlSl1;oll. ~prong to ,bor ,feot M,d looked uround.1'1'11 RENBGADE , fMbe, nnd pre,'cnt tho Ii' \Ch, and tho girl set righlj nnd the communily set rejolcinR sllme, OmlllO\l8, crr\~11 o( a r,illc, and tha' pus,age, but Abo, hSYing roverence for the OU, WIIO WOtJ t.D 'itnEAD TilE l'he slightos~' p~SB i~I~ ' "Qi6~ III the windo w '1'110 news' of lite dnmnlrlg crimo 1 of Ju- rcpellteiJ to, hersolf: tltthe l,npilY into lligenC;1l Ihnt p'r~f1k, \Vould snme doao whIstling of a bullet were doth, told ,bini that men 'of ' his profeuion \VEAR\:" P A'rn! '['oDr whil' girl ! Mo) tile Great Spirit SOOIl be u~ le to bo' OJllong th m Ilgnln . h~n~d, 'fhQi become sci cer,tain" that tbe nlwlIYllll1d afreo ,~ogoon the Oregon ,altrnelcd h~ Iltl~ntlon. ~hc ,parted the dns Oullum sllreod with Inconceivnble rll• In tho course' o[ time, a liUlo daughler viii 'in bogl,ln to tremble lor his 0\\'0 silfoly. Ol,cOurae thia n1l\rk ofcourte,sy was taken vines oad 1~~I',ed In overy dlrC\ltl~n; bUI no piuiL}' (r,om 'set\lolllent to settlement, lind give th eo rovenge.' 11'1 JUl<lU •. o~o \voe ,vlwlilo, nlld ,nil, wns still nB the , soon rell6bed lh e provincial papers, wi ero ' The writer i~ Q\vnre in warr D¥ the cnrilo to bless the Weldo.l\!. 'J t promised A drell~ OJ tho Ullililon loq took, poasoslon lisil high compliment"ond the genllaman 010, WbO,WllUid Irent,llhe woary palh nl~h\ wntchcs. " : it was (lllulisLed wilh thc cllp tion, in large events in ,.tIlis hns net to bo 'II sweet UlsposllioneJ,' bcnutlfullittlo of hia mind, ,And every~thno ho , wns in tho beet'po~eible humor Witll hIm· oi, buay firl) Olluin, , 1 cort4lnly hqar,l It. WlJnt cnn It mcnn1 IIp~tQ,I8, '1I1OS'r INHUMAN 1I>\U RDEltl! lowed III,u~n l1 cusloms, 111110cenl, nnd became the iJol of. its pllrllllts tQ shoot, he fCllred the buUet of the self, tllll boat and officer., and all tbo Pili:: Whu .. '~r 'Iho scorching "''' I ~ , of yoara, Who Bl'ok~, it,! . Ah it \V ElS Illat mischiev- utvl' ARALJ..ELED 'DEI'RA VITY! II' ,. reneo,n ,lUIll.lho c{j~e wla!) doatod upon it wilh al,1 Itfa6ler'd love enemy \vould Jliorco hill , own ,hend, ' IIe songers. With 0,11 lis sl,oro, of wlp)crl ng fcnta, lIuS S~suI! 11111£110, I'll wllrrllnl; sho is 81- 'rhon followed Il descriptio n, of th e deetl Court.hip among 11 mother's londe r regar~. A ~\'ell. knew, he mu~t have been In the powor of Presently n fell'ow p~eeenger ba'ring Anti bln~letlllt\j)el, IlJIJ scoldlnll lOatl, ' Wuuld loilll.llnh'I!/I·"uill ,tho dark t~cpi tudc of whi oh, WOB e:iposcd .,. QI)'~r fr~rn. 8.uit9 sl'ring of happin~ss WtlB' tho bright, Iilll~ thiij UnijeCfI mlin ,or spirit and I~e missed, hia purse, Il gr~a~JuJO and , ClY WIliI ways, full of !'CJ' pr~ril\s ,' , .'or Ihnilo lIrlof j 11,)'8 which iillernne Andeo to ~ uao,n 8 room she ,wllnt. , SlI· in it~ t ~U(;) colors, 011.1 dllolared to be fdT olVlhzed eorumullItlOI!. child in III)r oheerful hotile. why lila liCe waa IIpaiod. 'l'hB lOore he roieed. , Every dime he pOSsoge'l l_ome '1'ho darklo'm.o cloudij of caro b (woen. 8.UO wua IIlIleepj. ~ut a "~i8chievou". smilo more dobasing than Ihe worst nets lof Ihe it wus , on union oC III Juans nlluUl knew of all thia) Dnd thought, tho greaitcr become his fear, until e300 or S400-~08 gone, nnd where wu lingered,?" her hps o.ud fllce, oUlI Wllh the sovilgea, which wus snying 'II,IUr.h in thosenshlng lhe hnlld of hOIl CO, ,his' pleasuro ot the prepos!!l, or ,t11e n 8up,erSIIUous, nwe ,tQok : po¥vsioD of ,his tbe 'thlef! Tho 're\'erol!d genU~man, iQ 'l'lIe Hark~t dny 01 winl'ry (;10011\" 'Float ",'rllps ~ h o uhccrl .3 cn tlh exclarun,ttoD, doys; 'IIntl the urlielo closed Wit h Ihe olfor da ughter, Collum 0111 Chlor. He rosoll/cd to BtOlll, ~he SWOCI mind. , " ', midst of O,e excit&ment, remllrked thnt Of aumh lilC,bltLII WIlDIB bro ken 'llfoam~, 'AI~ 8hn~!' . 1Iln"{lo rewllrll for the opp rl!hensioll of tlte use tocl, eVen thollgh wore 1I ,~re ltloll from her hOOle; and nt 'Oh~ Ho ot last re solved, for the.' prfl~ent, to he \VQS 0. thor~ugh physiogQomiltaDd freo &me brijJhl, I~u \ nI Om~/IlUr~ Uc>oma, J lj\lO; rellced to,.I~~, own room nlld, Cljucb, criminol. ~triclly ll!l!lercd lO, ~~tulI(l .iJ f ~troke g'd,in tw~ enlls, tho \V'ished, ~or 81\ow- Ob~lltI.on, Ihe tiret PllTt 6f I!ia l undorto~llg, quently, 10' tl'lIveling cr,owtls, poitited out AIIIl ~o nmlll tEo t I'~ri~h drll!l,"~ 6olistied who \\'U~ till! , ev?~ d ro JlPer.' IIlId ut Of 'course,the IQlld of ciyilizalio n W IIS mnking tlie 'uslIol of lIis Bird, linG revenge, Frnnk W eliloll, too nnd perform thll the 11lS1. So ho Hct ,lIiy theclIlprit on silllilllr oceli810na. 110 would or llt~, IIIU",lu Is ure bl'lh , " r~ti'. with ~egard 10 the !OlCel , V11111 seeu- 110 longer' /I plnce of refuge 'foJ' lbo mur. wishes, ~Ie sOIl~h \ lh ~ 1'1(l8' to ,be a. victim, alld his scolp should lie \Viis 10 wor! ,to piall oU ~Bome motliod \~llere~ do.lt IIgllln. ..,' D~~lliing 11 0 11', ' Iii cheurfuf Il,nl, fit>:. Liel'cr, und Imowing llii he flo,d ,to 11'!3 I I.. make k~lowl1 hlB ~eluroi ollo'of Jho twolve whick wero to o~tlli~ for !Jy to got 'p,osscssion of Ida " ':oldon. , Ana, tllkillg lhe round, 0,1,,tho bOllt Ilod' BUI 10 IJIl quon~c!too In llOtr~W'9 "'ght. •, .. , .. ,. • . . , diuIIs, 111111 Joined' one of thair 'etrolllrcSL Secklngror un oppqrt\l him tho chief'-nill's dalightl!r. In' Il few ' 'CONTl'NUED II Exr WEEK , scllnnil)g every fnce Jle met, lie reported to \\'ho Ib'.1 ii_til ~Iood l.ie~lllo ilia IOIUb, The ~ w ~cs r8 \':cre II, cmblod. J~lto lrillesj t UI!' becoming 0' fugilive, u v:gu. met t:1C 01.1 ohitlhvhell u /Ie was 8kul klnr: in tbo \'iciulty oUbt' lbe compnoy that he hod fi-xell upen w. )."d Ilonr.II\IO J O\(QWlellun$l , WDlI urrllye ~ III II 611lJple t1r(ltl~ , wU\le" uonU 0114 'traitor _ fining oppclh(liolls for propm,te II mannar a",he 6elilem ~lIt . thief ond 'no mistll~e. ,Wherol whcito1~ 01 fU/llblin\: blbUe . \ '0 tho Ur t'. ' 1 wi til 'nO " ()tll~llIelJ\lI" S~\'O h r9 alit! ,hllre· II eh os ' c the hand of his ch ild , " And where- Wll8 Owc~o, tho Yillln/r ohlc and tbo whole' q'u'ickly "{ollowed tbo Re~, ()I .t)Ula lo\'('(f torm: wli"l ilul~d fill rtst lIutivc /lower, arranged In rllultJ~_~5 ta~le. Now Ihot " e 'elt him.clf sn'o "rom 111~ ! LolIglmife'-this wPs I the brolher of Silow-Rird, who loved his ' PJlyalognom(st< There bo 1St ,pointing to Uced~ nolllfu'n Mlorn'l, Ill1d r. It how hi t " law, " Ilia b'n~ heart " I , prompt." I 11 'VI Iy wn9 I10 not on " t IHi , Yankeo ForctllOllllht; pCIlUII....1TOIUIlI &~ d l ~op profound, Sl~e was lJeauli fulJ tl'rr benuli f~i' in ,h er clutches of t.h'e t~ CIII,lum ~ in Vic,,, ,, 8 ster a,o'we !' ," 'f ' , f' C . a etout, Bctrl,, l.corpulent, eun" bnrDt mllD, ,Nqr C\lu'lid .. mill hi!) 'DrrD\V~ doru, !Jmlnl rob6. H,uPPY trion, lis nd 6nllllng ell II' j. corr'llll ml l'u' to .nnj. ou. "omo plan he oarrle, d ,Vllb,llIm. a.very bioded llllll- truck pI tho villnin1 ' Why 'lIol hunt hiin, A~ nCquo,lDdtancolo our~ \Vas lip ID. on over. sil fcot high 'dressed in oomforuable I 1 I' .. , naclicut olle Dy ost wlDtor to "IBi't n , ., , " IJIO'~ sec;u:. mOre j !Jnllg Ibn ilefQre. thavSnaw- a~ lie wo C UB prey, until hId sister "'li S Sll- " h' fI ' ' ,( Th 'I costume witb a beavy gold guar.t flces greeted hor at eVory lurn ; and uII wh erchy,ho might work ' fu rlh'c t ' mischief ~Ing·kmfe"""" LOlI gltlllfe " ae. elned joyou,s; y~tll 6hntl", \V \\'oul,1 ocon., to th o ob1cct 'of' his' re ve ntl'e, the 'innocent llIrd'-the Englisll of the, lirl'ij name-'lo' ved fro,m hi~ olutc!lcs' " ~. hy, snvage. liS he tl W 0 W~B n mll~u actutrllr, I. ~l e ,I/:j .1 cbMn IIround his Jleok,lI~d 4uietly 'pu1linr Or will! hllh ko~n AITn:IIQa'l " 'rt.1lI c ~ Julltl'Jltonroo ' tofor his vindilltivo se lin hia \I(igwam; lin d coo:C 1 hi a veUSDn.- \Veil, dId bCl Ip 0t13 sacrl II ce 0 Ie dISII I?C tI Ieb m'lDUluctlirer 8 Wil or-w leEl A To 'Ioiiu lIS ,I ndet 11t)ld" \ 610no I) Y reat ( on t II!! utOW 0r th 0 und lovely 8cru kI d b11\1 th e 8mokeo a 6 no' 'rrobuco,' Into t hi": 11 ~n .. Nor ftirt'Wlltlll '1!1\(rd, of bri,ny tOIlrJ bride,' uispite , II,e oec8~illll uml the, provo , IlIlture 1\'o.S ~n\'I ~fin" n'l tl'l not','ln", S?' Idll .. Long,Jcn l,fe ia btovo -.Le , lI;g nifo , i8 v.ory p,.ole rOllO , ,to rea,cue his' ,belol'e.d 6now Uird1 ro on ~ lilt IInernoon, un or . C• ~ fOlltllStlo wrelltbsllbDve his hend-evident. J n ecolel ~ljOlJ , lJeu~w Iho bier , o .u " u" , . greo~ aouDluluhon of loe, and 'ho- wns In 1 i 'i " -'. .i ',,1 I d h ' aillot gOQd rreling or tho cumpo.ny. D., 0 liS th~rc WRS Ie,n 0110 nnn '" more 10 inflIct, cllnnln g. but Snow.DI,rd ,Ill. 1I, ~eQ t:OllleC'B ~Irllll.go , events. of.ten llRppen, n. nd bl " h h .1 h d1 , y, n n rum nlltlDg mDuu. ' R ou e olit or t:QYO Ihp('s pU4lIod awny holY dear, II. I I b I J I II ' .' ~ d ht d h Id I til I d ttl t Ct great troll e, lor a au lie nrc 0 ong to ~ II ' d 'M ,I " ' I th III til ' , YDU 0 " ', I), lor row Will c om t; 011 lI~ , So to work he ,vont.' Hildii"t object was nug or, an s 01,1 Ive III B 0 ge 'WD StJU S a t us June uro 0 Ime, find Ils\~itllble stiok, nnd he know 1I0l\vhoro Of th°weO' , ~~eSor Bllr, nnt, h 0 CGtlPWD , HoI'{ li!lltC'Il5nnJ.how cold, • If..", void ()f ,In II nil joy lh" .pan J lIay .ppoinlo~ for tbe conUlltn~utiol\ 01 I' to inl:raliate hl1nself; l~t() the fllvol' of some mig~ty brrwe,' , , . ',t ~b60rbed il~ II project of b ill own. Al,!,: to find lInctber. Ifho ' could fiud ono it ,0 0 ~ogo~. 00 a or, ~ 0 gen emllJl , 01 tiro that'. D1ca5ul~ OUI IU mnu, bt'r laO t "~rdorlt .hepoal, It wo~ Q dread of t'fiue. Af'tor n pro Lntion of tJHl most'fuilh. 'Longknt~e' r eplied Collul[ll ~ 'WIU ~e thllt If BDOW.nl~t1. ,;Fronk, nllll'ldn ehQuld meet wMld bo reen ' nnd u~fil for uso. Very . IDli purso,lIpro~dhis ~l!lbrellaon the , , . , , IIg -eVI.11 11Ime 1alld l aJ{~,ill, the words rul dcvutcdness, he WIIS tllken into ' conn· brave. Let , tho rrclI~ Chlef ,late deSIgned (or tbem! ' , olrl In Jo 'in~rni n ' whilo \ tho 'cllI had ull.,~r ~eck' ~nd ,down ~lIod thelon moJlo Ob, ~ot for .11 'Ih'o lIC<'illlll joy. • of Ute mahunllnt Oallum hud forc('d them·i ~ell"~ U ld " avor N"t ' "ct t'sJied' I e say Whll'~ deed 'Will WID , 111 0 In/lid will follow tile forlunes of tho ba8e , 'I I d d I" f fa I I ey lit JI18 feet. DuUb!, equODbnlty of' the Which mhllllo wiffl lift! 8 ear., ' u ~~ I I' • "y Btl I ,I , · .. "j' ' . "Ofee Y owne tIe mQuu setmer all' I B ". ' "t, " ~. solvet upon ,het momory, .l!ut Ill, often dId mpst become groaL; ' must Flee Illil nmllo Snow·Blrd, nnll LOlIgkm fa ' vII do It.' , who at tllls moment ' hllll placed ~, " h' ill b t abo Id Rev, PhY810gnomiat could ,DO~ be restok:Od. I'll tread , ,..1111110 Ib rn .. illad, ' IIb~ tr:y t.o banish the feara they J\lvD)tened, nmon); l11O'chief'll 'o;rdgroat {vurIlors. T'o ,., <L6ngklllfo is Il brtlvc. ~ln'olv.B ird sh ull In 0. posillon to Clommllnd 0\11 ill' f!J~8t wero 11\ tom "to 8CO w!-, ,!I He vowed bo \voul~ nover again 1ITlng btl 1'tI iJ«i ~:... lt. the \I'carr IOld : Of e.rcli whlc1~ canker ~nd cOflodu DQt,lIowBvcr, with com plate success, , It a""ol lpl'ISh till';': he nroposcd' I'n his 0 v'" in his wlg\\'um when ho brings tw elve interest. llifo, de~lb an~ wrctched- a onro. , 1 Ii' 'd tI ' ";11 favorite Bcienco to a teDt In a" promlstlloua 'dl ~ I , ." '" \ \" I ' 'rdl d . J , ~ I • II I h th ti l; I f I' . A armerWlO ve twoor Iree ' Mll es d il h " k , ... " 'rh~ )IOIIJ' 1 wilb ~~u)dl"ll l~~i wall III VII I/} to rea~on lI\Vn y JUC h' 1 e ~p,- 1lli\I!I'to marry the s)ster ef Ii young 'ohief, 6C1l1 lpS nt. u ~ g. , tJ, nn n va 0·1::1:0 I ~ e ucss WIg ~p~n', B hell! o. n8 nct8: olf. wlls'IIlredd looki'l on. A: the ' man. orQW ,~n 9~ e, DOW we ,cap' BUI I I t!m itlil ( i NulO . f)' ~Iuep ' ~reholl ~lona; for Wey ever; reltirlled With the dnu hter ot lh'c liolld oC tho'trlbo. To glrl~ t? live In grellt C,!Jlor's lotlgo when he . Yon~er I S 1\ man Ilt work In hl8 field; 'f' I 'k>'d .1 f Il"U 11\ his Clilnsf; _ Alllfehqpo \O'f wurao o'cr Fu turo'~ d~ep , IUcreus~d forqQ. 'Sho know 'thllt, every '. h g t' h' 'Ii I I ,',' t hl)')s old." " ' " IS mowlng ,grnes, and every stioke of, u actw;ct 00 p~D U Y !, Q . I '. tTUIU cr COll1!CII wns 18 rs OUj"C; ' , ' : ' phe ' " , HOlVo)'a\)url:,~llll" I ~i. I tlll'1~ lrul ~I!~n tlon! WIth oelerll!" 0 l~d ~o some e:<tont , 110 succeeded II' dill,ng, by I '\~hatBIlYs I~O great 'Cbi f, "my faLller,' scytlle takes him , lI('arer, Ilnll ~ear~r to a " n 'nd br ' ~ hnt nlr.' ala tllu fcir~er. e:;=;;~;;;~;;;~~~;;;;:~;;:-~~ tbot ~ono but the InVited were apprISed 4?f rrluldn' y her Iitll ' presonts 01: sJoh liriilllll~ enq\llr.~~ tho eo~ Oll~ br6tJi~r, wllo lit tile ~~do oj the ~eJtl,' lInd In ' ,y " eO b\ ,' ~lIid tb: mllllu(octurer. tile ti me. How, thou. coulJ her OIJllmy ,,!l 1: I," I I lot '"1)\ b th~ tu upon them lit thot mome'nl, <Doos l , Ic,k e' lays tho cneDlY With rofnted " e ,v ry 11'1' ~' , k " ' all \\derc\ '10 1 & e" v UII - Ifive tho SnQw-plril ~ . ' " nell'!' Ollme Clln't ld ueIn ' If€: nie .t 'rosl 'y SOlOn to tile \1)~II).fllol\" fMdy' forllla me~& blood. v,ery , menl!' \hat aUc ' " on.ti' you . •'~~~~~~~~!~~~~~= , k.JlOIV whaL WII'. trnnsplflngl And wosio , tbreot., at wor.t, bUl ~he' 8~dJen er- rc rCoHd r ,(II \Jo~ , r"o:o.-o' d" b;' ds "11 , I ' .rrhe terms 9f..1110' codtrlld w~ro th.IfmlUl.:;, Judal Callulll mutterod to blm'1 th N.fur:no~'i\ b ' ' ,. ' , d t Briloln, relaw. the follo",lnr r~lIIlnllo , .f ·ta ·d r. 11 ' h ' lI' \Vas p u 0 "r va I <;> ., " nu d " d I'h . 1ft i\ lU hllfli I ' t ' , 0, 8D\ t 0 mnn'l ."e~'lIror" Qll won , , (orvesccnco 0 ,1m te, ~ .ee pgR, t e 'i l .. • IllreHn iY l YII. " The uloLlj!r ,hud plense(] e, liD , ~ t 1\ ,fl~ri_ 00 l'. , g. 0 c.t ee ; ' I It Is 1., nt "nil \~hel'e to 01 ~01ll' !lr h1i c\{ u ,n?mtl n eVnl,l.!):lccnt. lie tHe I 'r II 1Id"iil~ L wI'll' her b~QJ'I. ,' !!!).owlc\l' ' (·n. ii~ " 1. the old, , JTllilto i <J ,(){ I tt J !" fl~ J,,,,: '" .. ' " , , It pUllillfr",o,veuf limol ,,' , Y ,' .' ' , lntlntorecallhlspromlBe wb nonCOmlldl'1 ' Antlot ,t'ie' somo ,moment ,on hiS aye , r ~I ' 1 Such iveTI) her le/le.:lions· rind 'Olere At tl!ls crJs,ilJ 9 ~nfl't\J r8, n descolI! on tho But tlle young Chief bnd his ORn pillns along tho bnrrel of hili rilio, tbe beIng " Well, eald &bo fll . mer, guCIS elln - f~om se til 001(111 tg wn 8 deter nu.l " I pllCCI di!ltllnl. Just Ilt l}lllt tell , "ou wbern can ge,t one• ' wu but oge tll \flg 0 prj!veot' them nel' upon. ' C11-1. spadinlly , rorm e~. " bu~ , t\VeD.ty ~ , T Ivou J," , , tem;illoling most , f~\'orlilJly. ', Frank Ula& IUln ~vas, of ~ou~se; ~r5.t IU'cl,lgage ill it.The terina ~f tile bld 'Chiief, nt 101l'lIlf ill inBllnt,; lho 8borp crllck of a rifie rang out 'You. C~~;' "lIld : ,the , millluliulturer; waIn,. roa TrtW,UII " ..n-oa, ,/iii Clbiqlt. Had , he bean preBent} ' III! ,Il Willi mode; fotle,d...n 1t object; b~t on~ Jfllrt wero ef n mitur'o woll'ple08illg to Cnl- cleQr:~nd s1!rjlllioDl a neighboriog t1ijck,f)t, < ' IS, I~,. , r ' ,thou btl' • • I" , '. , Tea' . UTa,?a 0' .....s$lCl\1l 4'T \vYo" ,1113, " \yo ulll bIIvo boon .briubt. I~ was now 'but prls~ne, \yns ,t~en, lIs.o~ngm~n \\ho , 111m, who hn~ no\f been"a membor of ',tlJe the bullet whistled 80 close ,to tbo , W~J1, s~dd hhe ~or~~ 'I I , lIt. m' 00U81,~tlld-QCBl. ve.aels/ 'whereupoD car, lhat.be Bprang to hiafcct llke sil l! t woul . rank, I c'l IS r'~' 0 de 811YS tJlo. new'papllr,lIccount, 'the HeuBe an hour UlIlil tlte. tim" 80t apnrt {or ,tho IlIIown J\ldns/ null r ecognized ,h\(D, though (fibe 'fol' lome fivo or Il[ Yanis. 1'h,e eeromDpy to take, plllte, Ilnd ' aB yet' thero 1,Ie !liltl50lf WQS unkl,1o~va t~ t4e relleg~de, cause ,of this plell~ure will be m~d~ knowit a Jrigbtened deer, lind In"60 dOiog,disc.hllrg- time or other, nndl ~lld II tree ,l~ ~Y woo ,IJI bufst' lnto..ll fit of IGughtor.'-I& wollld be 'lconillUED rJtbN LAST WEEf. , r,Ylla 110 ilr,J4egroQPI.' W~at co,u~d delain 6~YI~I~ to,\ho fo(!tth,lIt he \~ 1\8 p~~Y lln~"i~ in tho' suoccedh~It.P(M of 'O'!! narra~lve,.... his own piece i9~o tM nir, 'I He t\voliitl tbtlt I ~hoyght ~vould'p\DKe a ~~; t~I~:1l know how" many. or those " ~ biU\I , \Va5 he ilI1 , If 1iO.,sut,ely ho \volllil l IllS pnde tho arroganl ~IIIV~ .ne~~~ ~I .. n For Ihe prc,scnt;we,wlll,lcuv o the rengnde now lJe nt the morcy of Ilis coneelilcd ene. .and I cut It down .and snll e t o , are DOW Iivwg. The ClU.PTElt U. lend ~ mCElienl:lll' with tho informlltien ,~ cd 10 l~ohcc tha fo \,:ly !n s\:4llen: ' . and the 'Young Clilef, and " Ie them work my, or tbo man ' wi~b lhe ecytl\Qo who hnd lind It bllll been sCDlonlDg~Dre thnoka yenr empiroor Napploon hu ~blel! ' :rna CAr48TB0m,s' , ",b~t coultl (letQin him,! ,After Dl!lli- ,I t \V a~ not 10n.1r 'ulilil Ibe pfl~\lncr diS- out their owh Bcheme.. jli~ ,gun 'ncar. by :' ond ', so with 'dc,epornte ~o ,when.,1 h~~ra ypur ~halt wu b~o ,en, . , Dod the d~splaed DlUiPJl or:.lz ve.. ~tllli, \Vetd,on WIlS the betrothed of ,II ~lIe allowllnceB, for'llkely ncciilonls covored UIl) ilcslgns of tbe tnutor, upon ,. , ____ baste ho brbke through lbe woeds over Jogs thougb!l.d come o~e.r and let you kno\1., 11118 ~ow withlD her'grasp the emp~ Jlllai lIJo~rOe; Jhu. fit( Judll8 Callum was pr<:!boble doloYB, ahe could ~ot,bilt fllel tho .elllee's dllugbter, olld ,he ~csDlvcd, • CIJAlrrJm/,IV. bruall and buS,he~ 'nor 8toppoil until ho ' ~yo~ r JUlll tho. m~n;1 \V8nt~d to _,ee, the _,ell8 ~d: tho clOmlnlOD of ClIo tlvUieOfNctl, 11ICo~n~~. Th, re,ndQr, dgubt., thllt,it WOB time ho ,hlld nrrived. ' p03slble~ to !h",art them, To tlll, ond he} , • /' I Tm",inTED illVl!:lIGII : WIS atlellSt a mile'from the spot A loud eald tho manufac,~er, if only It WII& lIgbt worlcll' ' I..., cue. bu\ lit,tJe Qbout 10ll'g 011 logics, Aa tile bour d~cw noor hsr feora inureo- 801lgbt, tq WIO the con~lloncB of the youug F r t f 'e 1 r ' tJ d t I Itl 'haw' bllWi' followed liim lIS themalle~ep_onough.HowmuchdoyoLluk.fO/: tho , .,. , 'DelIO wlllIll\Y, In a worll. the beltotb· sod ulltil ber mind IVIlS fiiled wiUi Il'mn. chief, the girl's bruthor, He waS success- '11 DC a onf!:1 Imj , ~ ~II cbo~1 nua °d 110 '_ ped from ·bis 'Concealme'nt ODd walkin.. elick, if,it will suit 0101' " , 'BAT, Uncle Bon, wblt IOrt 0' anlD\aIa ~ lh f h th Pc k ' , \ 1.0 orm 0 lor ove. In l1,r IIrms, an ay " ' " 'Ob l' 'r'U 't e or I IIho'd " rlill WItS ~ Ut"lIppr,eheIl8ione. ; Shu ·'cOJlld no longer fill • . , , ,I,,' ,; il;hupon hiinM* unfolt,'lbclulr11\vildll be. ovcrinle tho fieill. s40okhaods ' witb lbe ' Pl,.UfO WI IIW J, : tlutm ,oto pllubil that lire all dvtJ ",er wo~ 1. 0 eac 0 , eri Dot w~olthy I~ d'\lllarl Iud eenJ__llo . w~s con~eal I~er ' unc8silloes; nor , could her T.hb young Ghiof possessed a good heart, stowod endClmndnts. At len~tb ' ebe WIlS one whose lifo 110 hlld saved. 'Why Harvy not.' cut It down; an~ nboUL, ~o prleo, , a most bl!U1lild a little reddlahl' ' -lis 1 livo!' exdojm~ 'Ihl) mnn ot 1 guess Y~\l4nd I 0110 ,agte~. lta,ll nleo J'Obath.uJ lI)l,calledogl plaD~ in he~t" lind mind-but by honeet in~ustry fricnda by, ,IlIlY 8ugge~lion!, or ca\!~O of notlVi,lhstullding 'he WClS a save,ge, lind he gentl» disengogod from ,lIer alld pe'~Y?~~C8, 'i~I"l\lroad! on Ole ro~~ roason 4i~pol lIot fOQrt, t~ Y~t \'I'hy ,~ hoUld · ten~Il~ly loved his .lIi8t\!r.~ The ' blnbrll~e, and tbe' llIeedi~g bodf wn8 ' soylhe, 'We 011 thougbt-you wflre delld , you U see. If yo.u"VO II. ~d to e~mo °lrlll·' , t , to .~~ell Il, ~Dd. the ~e_1') UlI)e of Oal ' bo II10rl1lcdJ Sue kuew not, !love th nt lJold him of the lIeslgns of the white man, veyed to ,lte destinlltiDn. AI'!8! 110W as bad, a prisoner'!, ', over.. Well, I .wa~, I ,houldWte to 1um I Interview with, Julio; 1111 glvel1 !n ~? waB not,thore, , nnt! Iiko\vi~e iufa,rmed him or , the t,rue farent from thtl fo~d ~ntidpotioas oDter- -So 1 Itllve Iieen:-Il prillOner, I mOtlrl, ,It wu 8Om~ tillle before tho (IIJ'mor ~ee ?lI.e oO'om hr*1rod" ~ see ~h.t .~ ,preccedlll~ CJjapt~r,,1ie ,wu , ~o!1templlltIIlJr '. Tim,,: dlllllY" Qie ,.lJ!ght for none,' the ch,~rnoter of the ~oneg~~o, a~d' ~f .tho' tained 'by tho )over. thnt p:lornlbgt not dand,- but,I' nm oli' pllrol I1t l'r~ellnt.' wo~ld aet a ,prlco, but at Jaet he gUessod o'crIUcr. we~etl\bJea,.IUD,.I.'~:- - - - -~e p(o,q etv oC Illklng hI!!' COIl6Q~t to Il bo~r had CDme, WIl4. plIlJ8Qd, but. no Wei. cnlne which hlld dnven hl?1'from clvUlzed wlls' the D~itleg(oom In 140 b itlllLchllmLer 'Pilrol! tbe duce yoti llrel A now (onluro t~ll_ ODO hUilclrod dollar. would be ab\lut , • ' ••• ! , ' , ' apeedy unIon. , ' , , . uon elm~. In n~ agoDl ,of eU811ense. Booiety, 'He hlld a kn~wledgo of the I~. welterill/l in his own blood! And there tbo in red-skiJl warfnro.' ," , .', - , rl~b,t, " . ' ' , 'Tbo.8plrlt~fthe age,la beginnlllgto lit ~he tblO~ or <!,\Il;1,~' ,volghed},oa:nly drelld oqd,mQntlil torture-JQr.! a dOllbt ef dlnn tongue; \lnd :wos enubled to de. tina IlriJ'c. h~r \vhHe robe'Btojned w!tb the crim. I teU you" I:IlIm. Higgens, ~he' rcdJ 11 como over IIJId seo It lifter ,breakfast, ,I II Indl,nll, nnd,warkl Ollt of OM of on tbe , 'plnts of. JuliO. She. fo~rell for hor lover's fllith nevor for ,a f UlDDleDt, bad witbollt the aid of lin Interprotor, making Bon drops, \vbl~b tricklod' rrom blli \>iercod skins III YOIl call ihem, QJ'O not bad lIIen, by ~ul'l~he. ~Iln,\fllcturor. He cI1d 10, nod tbo b'hoy. 10. the (ollowing style: We~on. 0, 1Il,0u.ld Ihe dnk "11I1I,1n ~ro~8 place in bor mindrJ.ulill 8~t lit the wlo- i~ II confidontinl mnUer entirely_ He reo brenst. ~ ' u, 0 long way." ' " . 1~ld IllS VISitor IInerwllrds, thllt uDder tbe ' Th~ ~ooalBr bo~810 fas~ de grqw. bill patb, \~llat, !'ugbt li~, hOJ ,do. } IOw d~w gazil1J: ill tlt~ dire~lion Frall,k w~nld ~uesLcd t)IO l'oung. chicf to oet ' upon . A, 8Qrge3D ,viii! ca'IlQd; ~or , lliou~h no ''Well I'll be 8\VOrn if tho man JIM'nt clrCUm&toneee, tllO stick . wlla worth 'll\1.t,8IGltoa no", are all to'alo\\"# eoul,d aho.pul 111m OR ,Ills gllllrd. AfLcr approooh, wboll sudqonly t cro CD.DlO n mformotlo~ 811 he liked, bU('!n nd CIIlIIe ptoma or onimllUon \verb tliscellrncd, i,t lo~t hie aonsca! TurDed advocatl' for the dolllll1l to him• . Me nDt au~b peo- The team. are good. , l!la .hlDe IDte much dellberntlo~, ahe cOlloluClcd to write. ,mlill boy walkillS' .rapidly in tho direction mako known \~lte had told b,m o~ tbOIe Io'nB doelned IIdvisnbloto' ~,lIve 'Ule \"ound who ",oulll ,not.elop n plo Ilble to ,f,llke tllJ'Cl.of tbemaelve.l .....E:c. , !!wa,! ' 118 tbo wicked ' Callum ' w,!uld ' then :xQ,minlJd, thut 1I~·\io9si1iIi't.Y of n,listako QS hod thoy tbe chance. to IIpilllbo lut drop Pllper. ' But they~.much,too ilow (or \lie ~ ,She did '''OJ but 8cQr~ol, hlld the letlor 'of tJle, I,oyao. lustantlr. 'CqDnllcting his ~ttn ~llIrlilched, ereber Jo\"er,to .hor1jtrcnt coming with lbe IIb~oneo, of JVeldoll, ahC' It Itis vengellnce ', upon 'him, the pri5- to the 'lIfe or, deatli' of lbe, ' ouHded mllll of white· blood tIlllt flows, your own moth. .,.. BO'&'D C4n1. , J~1' modo his 'Ijlpearnoce. Ho h\lcd II~ tl rau down lind met hIm lit the door. Tho 'cllief prDmlsed entlrQ 8001'00)", 'nil ht oocur. T he wouna wt1II thoroughly , " Gj;:OGn.U'~n'.-'~ow mllJl1 pOtu TheD get qut of thew., with JOur lIaJ1. distAnce. O"bow IIl!r he~rt bOI~nded WI 1\ boy 01' 'tho neighborhood, ond he the;young mOlf Into favor, niod to 'iri· r!ed'lInd pronounce4.'soircro, but N'ot.o fai t, I!'y gootl friend! 1 th.iD~ I Ihorel' , lIko,a tagel delight when aho SlI\V lIi~n! ~uon 1111 W hllllded her 0 lottor. , She liaetily ' tore it dlloe him to' joiJ:l his tribe; but foiling , in ~~ not mortnl. The 'bnll hacfatuck a put- know' moro of tho ' Indioll. character than :Throq.· , • ' ' They're only lit (or tho c!arkerlla'" open, ao\.h clld: ' tbls, propJlsod,that he ~bould ' IIOOn be fe. ton which lurned,it oui of its co'Ul'IlO lind you do. I soppo$O you think it ali Indinn N lUll,! thom. B ';, p ' 1 d b ' ., •• told, all her feara and nupgh,lngl. ,,,, k "he' best I 'WilY to , 'T11e ' lOtb proximo! " , cup ." ,. bi d ' n' Ih ' d • ' missca" tho' boart c~t w\" < ' 'l'he b' Nortb Polej .. eII' • 811 Id, F rllD, , ' ,Tho u ' TO- turno to .. IS ' cn s. lind lioll it was that,jU8t made the IIttempt OD yeUr lifo1" b un k tbe d d OUtll h00,'Pan It. , A WAGGISI% lIJ1proal Ice' eDa do,y, I ner dI Dtbwart tile "iIIaihous dO/iI4Pt" 01 llie rU'CilI, kOD it reached your lips! ~eldDn'l " The oJliof sillisficd h1 ni~elr that ,; , 'Corlnluly ItWtui.' polo \: Ie er; c ewn t 0 cr8 DI- n~rl doliberatoly etoppejl up to hili m~ter, , will be to 80t an OIIl'ly doy fer our unJop. may b lotmd iu tho woode , '\\'ordS'Of tllD wl;ite mlln \\i cre true, 80 fur It would be impossible 'to expreu the , " No, you IIrl) mi8tokcD. I~ 1'1418 10 .Jndl- m~~~. h N \VII b I II I ' al nnd I\8kcd ~Im wblltbovaluoc\,hlll Hl'Vicn , . 1& ,,'08,tO a&k tbls lfllvllr t e'!>ftle. Have I mile4 out on the r6a:d ,to ' P--';'in tho as tho dosln ns of the renegade upoli hIs feelln~s ef Julio on bOllriJl~, thill announee. on thllt<8ovelL yuu;'it WIIS a whito mlln":"it i IgEt . ~~tl ' I (l " Ie pl\ nCtp lit per dliY. 'Wh;, tbo!!t IIX cenll,' laid Jour consent, my lovd' . . ,,' . _. IWIld Glen Ravine.' He Din y08 well be 6i tor wor: ' cencerned.' Presently ' 11\ nt: Her W fts wild 08 hod been her \Villi Jwdal Callum, who .ollght to kill you!' aellT~ ' uro~ R ' mllster. Theil plIWDg hili hlDd lQ hili t~~ wUl be readily uppoaed, tblltono eltl,i- buriad. ,' JUDAS CALt.llAl.' ~ne 'Of Ills ihterVie~ls witb lIat, tbo young grief; and when Wel~oll ,showed Hnd II thunderbolt ebook the earth at bis ' 10 Bd;'\ o::;·'ch ~, prln I III 'Iita ilrawlDlout '«Im~ cappara. he :e;iQ: ~~~ ~\la, would not "Wall it a fict\on of' 'tlU! e~ i1 .JUd 8, to IOdinn 80ugbt'-J,er prC'scric.e-Ollllum's In- returnfng conacio~!sness;" :'vhl®' dia foeL, Riggin. could ,bardly have-been mQre e~,! tb ned. ~t t:~ 0p ecat~I'm.OD alit.. tlmo was ~~c ebdll't~ eo~b a propiis~l. Tbe frighten herl Tliis wna tbe first sugllca· te~icws " 'cro alw!ty. obtllillbd \~lIen 110 bo- during Ille drening' 'o f lile ~youl)d, aho e~llcd thon ,ho WII8 at tills announcemont. cn~Thel elncap:. oar {Uhio:' . ' ~hoy lien; but a sccond glllnco at the • noto, II e\'o ' d no ' one to, ' VI,; " .. 0bSC~ i'....g,· tIiil. t he could • Icarc~ , .t1.1y• z,:ofram ' I r611~!cl asp ' Iag 111m . J;'''' C -" I' boexelaU me. d in fixed iuI- ,; 'Good. WIl., kind.• 01 Ish x ,ane) were to bo mllde hll tn' Ilx weok, . 'lUAU, ....1Im bome l' m k ,,' " ppy. Frink tnJturau,d tile lact Ulut · it wa's ' tllo yery might win tI,O ,heart 01 the unBu6~ccting to ber },OSODl, Nottlin:r, bUlfthe fell-ror encomDloll" . ' , ~uiearu YOUDi 'll'D apPJOUh JUDo. e., 11• • rra~!e!~Jlta. bll 'cnt io Fronk, to wllrn hlln of maldeu e~e othora eoqld intllrferll-!niJd ns· dan~ering biB life' by th,o oxcitemont pre- " Yel , ,Jt II none otber tban he. GoteD 'C d A h .,__ • hood tho leu llbe.... tbe, &11ow E.\1 ..,.,"0 'L~ ",IDr '" I to .... Done with II 1 " \~ " 'I , ,' .' .. ' , ' , 1hI..l1 ' cJ h 0 'ts IIl'I8 ..... nlCY. , " ";' , til bunlo .. .'!Jllt Tb ' dd' ' enemy! Tho few line,.' IlbOve, wero KCIl: ,: . . .. vonled ber froln tpue malllfeatprg her tran. In~llblblota ,or a I' IICO on l e coun· " . ' On 'eDlolm, the world,' a daDd7 euhmUa' to bo " 11&:'~aIr: ' d ei;~ 1I1!ta ten on 'tho back' 01' ir: How chuld 'Whj' dqa. the da\lgh~r 'of tbe grea t port of jby. I ~.. • , alTOll,lld to bo Oll their pardi lor that . .... .' to abp08l .. m~cb abook1nl u le_ &10• a p~ \ th (j ~D,. thi. tiJ t from the' pcrion oC Ghlef tGiIl wlih ~ wh,iLullaD alol)e~ ' That very nIght, Wllldotl rlllied'io ~a to evil.man i. prowliDg about 1.0 do UiO'lD,mia- 'lUy ~...lI\aa ~lUOGf fltho: to wb81i aolq out it. Q,aeet that \blre ~on: ~b el av.rto tab p7 e to onl Tb~ renrful 1Mh broke upOni 'See) lirothef, Ito glvp.',me, thes'!; ~ellutiofblyin,; the cc~.D!c,ziy of ' cblef. ' LcUhom be,on the watcli, ADd Cully dlluib~nr, '~~tend ~l~llt 'douthaball be : : ; ahollId lIe'such a dOle COIlAtClUOD . . . . . PI'I:' 0 ;", I : ' . • ac • ., ~ind .itb oVerwhelmlbk,force.Slle 8tog- ful t~iiJga::' lhO~lQ~ hc~ iri.n~ell: ' performed'! ', 'l1lie wila doni! at tbe euneat prepllred overy mOllleQt; :or the.ODOiny la riN, but I -lIiOL lilteD OD : YO: the ,arid .irau,wauou• f • U had - 1-'4 d-- 1, , wavered. mooient: prened eno 'Hog,vo my·lister thc,c7' <l1l8IreoCtli.brido.w~0\V1IIbedtohavethe benton cloingevll. HeteplaYlDg for Il tbrow youneC~~~Y UP, 'd v " ••••• •" • '~-.... ".oD Ie pen, b • r;-. ' ....:. ' H d'd f ' "f I' '' 11 t ·'::'''0 and II reaolve4 tb will Go bo111 of loIJe prolont lIy. &ou I I IDg written a DOte, ind retired froni and her £elJiple. aDd the o....,~ upo,o ' , e I ' " "I rig. It 0 11 '" Ie t~ ~It UPOIIi tpo grcl ' 8 .... " • mu n mllllof80oor and IllOtUro ap. Poor RaDiI'" bltwi..elfmlt • 1III&tt. 1\)0111, ",hell a clark form fliterM t1io 1\'i he: helrt, and grolned J~ te~le.. '''V,hy ,d~s he mllke lh4el'r.speDts1" It '!U Ilh, Impressl ~ aCCDle, the 801e~ , a1a~m" ',' It that~ chllJ'1II11hl with wildom aDCl rake aul! nih alck IDto hill 'w 1Ir. dow "bleb ' n It beln a , l\Iy Godl IUpport Il101 wu ber The mallleD ,WQI ab....beCl_t afier of we4!ock pe~lormea IDnder IIIch I~. AD4 you1 . I . .' 00!l d I th th with ~raoaal ' It- IOIIJ weeb la de malltJi ot "'...... all , wu ope j I g frenzinuclamatlOD, . l!auM replied: ' clrcum&tllna SI ' 'lam on ml perotl m,. wonH, lIVen .11 .v cotWa or an thlPk ' r flIie dim r. ...... c1Id :~~,; IUd taldtlS up the CSljlitate Thea IUlIIIIloDiD, !ill he: ellllllD'. whla 'Tbe whito mOD loves Ip,ditla airl.' 'l'1tuS "'.. the ~eBi",j ot t.bo .~/)nlter rewra10 CIIpdvl,y, &a41 .111 do it, leU my aCh?D8. hilt ~u!'::nd ol fJI\~t,a • ~ taO~:t. ~.., • vehellle"ce abe cried, 'Hat be told thee 101' , thwarted. fre ttiDaght W. vlctiln dead; . 1 am well. ua that tbey ~ lpo n~lt:cnt.lIloture d. ' .......... 'Tb. pmence ,or' JIls. ~ lIurpby, III hortel Qulll\ I ~lilckl fbI" 'H. h~" from hIm lbe latt.clf em w~ich be rrrote prebend DM'Vi1 will befall ....· " ~~~:~~ ::~~~ blo~~:~llc!:II~~~~ : ~ U~\le~ .Il tnpoclCul1, I9tlelted at the hOIll8 GC her sake I :Ione without ddlayt' 'And does the pat eWe!'. the fe w word_ to' lu1tll~ Dot doulltin Thus die Il18O 1JV&8II. ' ter . ' ~.JDA her • ""!'!~'..-i..' _ __._arll: father, oD ,the 10th' proxlllJO, by The frleDu thoagll\ her bat )OV8 tlu".hite ~1' hit, work,W1II daDe thOrou~~1J ~ b. ~D..lrpMIlar 8tnDgt1' MIdIllJ $Co ~e :~'::'tw:uOI .WII'tllI~-_ "'~ • •i. . .,.... UU4 I[ollaor.' reading tho foarful wanla-of tlto Doto, <,W"" ~d _118 ot!.he la brave.' ~~ ltI....... hi _teDed to lID • . " . 1 --. ' ~=~~ 'Hoi hoi III111~t . ., ' IlaftlilDtit: m"~ explllbed; ana \Ii a few 'lDOIIIe1IlII, 'Heia . ,~I ~eJiicleaiD ~c.,ooda ud eateelDidhlllllllf a . . . lOot. Bo ...... or Hmy III • Tbo ' IIUII' wu beuerp&. ::-to·~":-JII!IIOI Iertd dIe-4atk It r Ucled dCllra was gnuted, UId Ihe ".. On oal Jala Iiroth...~ud lIJeuu Dot ana ,Utl_",t IOCIIIbmleflt..... ~'.... H."... I ... 'O~ '11," IJIJI"'l&tI'. .~• ...., - - ..............1a1a way to,ttlll "YlIIWIn B.mJIe,'1InI heml', ., ... ~ ..... 1Iefcn ...... ." .. 11811 . . . a 'A .wel\diag! bY"iny
so~I!' menlony'~j~~;
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lips and ~hcekB' Ilud brow! A honrt 'lIdo,"lllnt would:,hljve melted ut lh~ sigbt ! ,Worso Ih5n a deoIPOU must lIe b.c",v ho', \~,Ollid ,deliberately C8use a pure and iri/loellnt heart, to wrbnlr witl! such bHter ngQny! '
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foulld fllDiO WU of aalll', imllltuil.wl, ov" tbe . eet a ker ,o f gun ,uw4L·r. ~e IlkUtor, h1tll8ber. an4 I'Iopd.tor. c:~ IInd'ille lie, cODralnln. t.h, -wcler . ry . . m.Jr.e.m. ... rWAYNESVI.LtE. I I 1M) t•• en lire, aQI! "'~'" bUIRIII, r.p. IUll,-me keg cunaiderllbfy eharr~d. Un. . .. \V ARR&N COUNTY, OHIO, . d II '" b " ,up d thcae circum~lancel1 ~ L d \'b , \ , " 10 our reader. ,n Ibe SllIIe "mlnner. Ind .1( eeYe~11 commlrilon.: '11; I ~,I. re1Ilren millt ,Ink , tn, &lid'01 ~ on a ... t I ... I h " ·ei~.. ·1 the 'keg of pow' derr' ~. el_~' etr~let' , ~IUl)A l:, l'fOV~lIrDBn 18.'18a.. to·)!1 locorrectly. i'l will be eyidebt Stitee Zall Velo .£6J.000; Gtee~ carlty. The otiject ur~oar ,1.lt 19 I II~· "~L u .......... b~·at ..I/taO. I!IXlir IOUI I'll ",re 0 IIUIR_r eea eOfu8 N _" u ,,,,.rr o:<.It In 9 . ' . I ~ HI Idl Y ....... .w.... _ "0"0 caitlll alld h\lf C!I, Every' little suea I iti street. 1I1II1 'gol w.tet .nd put .the 5re ' \ Ol/R TE.flltJ~: . '. ,,!,e ,liIlIt 1Ji. Jive .tl~em to our re~el'l, Turkey 9,000; Denm"rlir. Rlahaull, dollll'l t e '/VoDlaD ro~ er I. oucatlll, ,"benc~ .th!/ p~.peCIi of the "orld.t IC:IIo ~(,twd I~idl hO\le~: barne. and fieldll_';r oin- l I,i dllalldll liftdly In U;e o~aTbe MtAJlJ VIsITC?a will he '. furnllh~ I,. • . II mal' tie .~ •.t It .ome ,"- 9,000., Auelrlr ,26.000.\ Frabce·'30,.400; .~e,l\~ved herll .!e.~rd., . . 'Sire I~ IIPpI· t reprp •• DII..callloroll ullder til" ~ ,tn, i na ~hl!ll1' NI tho·ln.r:;"r sl.l:elllns Ihe d!ell. LiIl'1· ThJa IIi let on the pm o( Mr. lingle yevl,. ~ub.qlb.er. ro~ 0"£ DOL- 1:~Ji~b~e~t. (~el p~lcea illJJ'ere~t; Sp.~n 8.o~; Delglum . '7,2QO; POl'Iugal, 6, ~~1I1~ ha~~ut d ~~I~ty ~,e.,. ',~( jge. wltb btl.utl{ul female 61f"fec, of tbe Indl~ o.r.. " lug ore 111 clu~lere, arrvllnd" forI. with Laundor' l 'uflrhapa \li~ ' only thin, lb.t ""11 4111>.WEIITY'PIYE 'PZlITslf,i1aid'iQld; t II I I e eue, I a .noth'!1 IIIIlutIO~ , O~O. B!lrel!"la 3.000; ,Plp.~ ,Stllt~'J.~O .c q r.an . '1 It rown comp ec.tiol), a .retlture. P9IDtllI( wlt~ a dlwininr'~'Pt, ~lIw:alld !:ri t lIIills, tile 'difi~rent Oll'·cilan. !COUld hove .avec!' Ihe Iivei of'hill fnmily. nnce, Ou DOLI.U AIID J'ii TY' CEIITII. tbe m,..te~. :H.il uur III.~ntion; '0. fll' II T.ua clln, 1.100; Tunl, 1.8qO; SWllz.rl . H .~~ Ib's'7'~~~ b I a mllll!'( luril~rou. q".fts, wbfeh il Ik:: it: , "c~;led 'I{)l>~t1)' ill • new settlement who were IIleppi'1g ill an other PUt of lhe pllid ,,:it1lill ,iJl montha. Two DOLLAlIS we klre • e, toI re!9 t . e ala.e of th~ 2,800; Bwetlen" ~nd NorwlI) 1,700; Rusala I' I (I: en ~.' h . (e· a I out Iblre.~ ful!y"dlspOied 10 &IIto ,foptl llie iupJlort " , f , b 'Id' ' .t the fOnd (the ' ' Inllr etl correct y. all d If we do not It wid 8 '000 ) IIg I er prec'llI elgh t h al not Mn the' tie Th I t L0 Ibrlllill!!, 1'II1~ ge~, with their plllcci lor wur- lome 01, IIIg.115 wellu the bl!ildiug ltaelr (,' " ye"r. , '. be beclluse' w. ae'in t t • ,', ' M 'R:ildl '11 k (; to &8cftrtl1lne~) ",Itb tho held flee and b 811\1 " . e '0 up uou......uI1 or· Ihe ~hi/l at)d sell 1l 1·lhl u ~e8 , . and all itBcontentos.· . ' OO-Subacriptiona (pr lell than one year . correc re UtilI, . r, I , II WI ue " on~re8s re:n u, (a' II ,. o· H' , I ' IlobY the 1m lin, exprel.iol!' 01 her r••• '11 . - -him for the eJlpen.u i.ncurred by q .u.r wn womlln. er Ower m i d th I b fh b · .....• . W e hove AII [hll .\I'ill~r comi ng rrOlll llle mOUIl' heard much 'ond leen mucb or WI be at tbe rate of l'BRlli C£ NT8 anumf ' .s~ - - ••• <>, T ' 111/ . I Ire h t ~ . tl' ~n .eJ c nell 0 er c~p, rnceleta and ; \111.. , ill' \Ilodo! l'l ~e '1r' fur ',rriglltlll'g their d~ring a~ve'lIture~ olld dee!dl of vlIlvr; but ber.' . • '1'1 t"OWED, IT ~.ID.- 1~"" bU~' ., ~orn. blm, !lnd of ('oUJe t~e.re will be .no. he. la' Hr ' I <lr ,.an klPIP,aren Y .rmlotl · of 'Dative , ,old. are lumcle~l I ' , • . , , . h . .I b rd ' , Ing aa. we welrtl Ju.t. ,..'" 1l.lurpr"ed,' tion In doing 10 }\Ir PelibOdy ~ wi I( .1.0 or .eee are remar nb e Imllll' ... \ th b' flo he~d ~ ",hidl ~ilhQ.\lllh, ~\ll rellentl)' :madl'. WI! ~ve nel~ ler deell. ea '. o~ read ,\!f ,o::rW~ will rurni.~ tbe Vi8itpr Gnd (,~e when 'Wlt 8a~ uh~ PUIUI'III1 cQvered wllh ~o dllubt. 'be ' rom'U , re. Bi~ the full I' .lhree toe," tire iI'tber (onr, She' a ell , , e en' Ullosm 0 t 1080 lI'no, pro ml e lin 1\II·th (\r lflllis grt:llt vields of bny tiling ",llIch looka mor~ IIklt reql, trur copy of. ellber Grahum·. or tiartain'. Mag. "Th I db "" P P Y P " ' t" A • h . tlltouah Iverlce b~ through ,dventuro\Ji . . . , ', ' h' I 'd ' . . ' '\\& .now ~ ,erE! In een a . lew lIuempta advanced by. 111m. ell Ire arll)8, . n ' 1II0 or two of "\ I III 11 groll\ !I~III n lgetl\l.ilclL most 01 th~ 11l1l!ftlve· ~~.oIMIIl, t Ian o~, ~llIa dllr~ug fe.t .of,our azlnea, 'l'r Godey" LadY"I!Book. o~e year. at the .nme Ilrinlf; ' within a .liort time The total number orvl.tta to Ihe ' exhlbl: w •• Lo be ' ,II",b. I, leen .t tbe 'left .plr Ii. ~8Vpha D .~.rc. of . '~e .leIlJPtla, mOllls UI Jhl6 regIon Ilbve bl'e n lDade IA8t fellow·tolVutiman .-Zqne\lJillt Courier. fllr three dolla,. .a nd twe,nty·five oIlnce; but Ihil put · till 'cllm.x en' r "on 11.' been D,nOI 8~6 b II 't hl '" at the rl';ht tbere la.b t' I I Inela. ut ere, inueed •. we may Ily, Iii . " . 'J ' ' bl' d ' 0.. w .., u , u n . aro rn' .. ou III n- II hotit'ld thlt glitters' lb t fI '(,.Prl~";' th~ l',xp~~len~e, 1I1 th.e lise ot lVole.r Mi~e,ola. CIllS 1.lnVlWl J' 10. ~onc~. Itlt'l..t a tbought 110. wb~n endellvortng cluded all'the lep.rate admilliona of per. of ·an ' .rm. Tbe elUremlly Is round luded'hopes of tbe Id~e;:;: : ' 00 ~ ~~~• .or ~rr gl\t~;I~' lI~e ,ot, opply 109 it t~ crc>ps, Gov. Rameey felurnt'd tl) Sr. Pu~18 bh 7'0 COJ,lRE8POiVDENTS' ' I'~ hunt ou~ of It tbe few·etick. of )Voolj! we aonl who have Rune In repeatedly. ' Prob. amooth. llrid near th~. upper /Ii de .o(. tbe d'itfullnell 01 riclroes8, .:e ~~:~I ~ Ie '~. III co~st~uctl". g diU hes IIlld dyke8. \V8S but the 27111 u1l • Mter on alulenco.orten weeks . " . .- ~e"l bllve left. If it heps 0.0 Ir .thlll maDner. Ilbly on the aYerage lIearly each individual Jlmb .Is I .m.1I eJlcreaence of fleeh. white b a b . ' )'plfied vflr~ hrnlted! III frltl, .11 \V08 but ~. ~er~ ex· In the wqdernCfls.upoiJ Government bu~i- written communleation~. on lu~er~.tllig anti ou~ .l1b.eriben.do not bring ua ' the be reckon~d ae having .ttended tw eolored. looking ~ike lhe end u( "finger, Un~I\Ofl~ho'~lli ~Inch the endl.nUb: I)erllli n~ wllh 'he (l\rnoersj bul 'rn ilpl18 o( .' h 1\ I ' . ' . 8u.bjectl. will fi~iI a .hearty welc.ome ,in our woOd thllt .we h.vo been i upectlni. we fn that cOIle Ill, nuntber of indh'idulIllI Ind ' .bo t til , . f 1ft b II ' I D I Orllil 10 • • I n I,er boela. III 11(1 . 11 Ihii(, 'Ih Y hov~ raiscd liS good OrOll! I i tnlelea~ :11 t e . nddlllns. I ?I Ithe J~durney of columns. Nuthini peraonal will be f ' u e BIZ!, 0 . are u et. Th ti right halld Dnd which In tbe lirat hUrIl O, , ' ., "overnor. an pllr y It 8 sal ' ted We 1k tli ' I w~1I baYe to turn out: 15 a 'geJliru.· Ind .iq. have lleen it mUlt be estimlled 01 Ibou't 3•• ppelln 10 serve the wom';~ In lieu of a cidmiratiufI·. I. not "1.·lb·le 10 'be .ze of . L I\ '~ unll wllh el.cwhero. .Vlleal . OBI8/ ' G ' . b '. ., mUI now, e rea IIBmell of t I Ii b bl I Ii W I · '• gq we . . , . ame In a undance WR8 found on the '1 ,., • . " " ,en a p. B~ to ilia ~ com Uill e m.teria 001,000 o~ 4,000,000, ~t BppeGra lhllt the '~ger. e laW lor hold a .cigarilo duzl~d 8pectator. " 11 wra en, or no altentloll W~II be plld of mOlD. .Do"ou ~.lJe7 grelltelt nllmber 01 perllons in the build. t and slIIoke; Bnd bv Itil .Id .nd tho' ' " . b .rl(,I' , hllve J'll'ldcJ a\)ulluantly of the till' ' t b h i d £'>:it ,;r\dn.. . lI' ollons nnd all tho vincs .re rOlkll e:. 01 go Ilg dnll romlllll" Ulflllo, the!.r productions, .AUlettera on bUdineH8 J J • • l' ~~""--"--,,~ e ue.r <pc.ele u'cks lind bral t w • , - - , ••, 1 , jalg ' Il "n.·" one time wle on. the 7til her to~ •• in the UIO of, which ahe Id, very To PIlOU'D TO III: CII.&lrllEaarAIVII.-Tbe i,, 'pcrfeClil)lI olld y'~gdublo8 tluurish like- k· '11' I ',1' h' I ' " I I" lere Qluat, ~.l' p08t.pal~ . ' i. J , I' . ' . ; . I el In muc grea IIr, quant t 86 tlon 'R ' w·, " ~Tbroug~1 mero, forgetrulneil. riolh- of Ocoober, whp.1I .92,000 were dCJItf'rou~. thread. fine needle, muke vllri. renaoll why five tbounnd Ameri,cun lli,11 : I: ;, 11~l' <:11111(1\" 'lilt! ~DlI olting tropllllli eould be lIlIed. Buffalo lVIII , morle plenty y .~. IJ.LA''''Sd CotIT'~~kln. inc more or Ie.". Mr. n8alec:ted. in lut I. The receipl. on th~t day were oua kind. ,of litilche~,' Ude .cisaor... open ure dtarvlng 10 lfarrel-8 itl Now Yurk. i. I,r . II cll\lll ~ . . " on lhe retllro tbltn in gillng out. " Tllou- oura wla rer.elve • " ,.. nk YOII for your w~k'l ViIIltor; to 'remind olur...reader. that .11 10 lingle sbillings. the admieelona t~e pAper 01 I c;g4rrilo, Pllt tbe tobacco on thu. Rtoted by UII, editor of tire E.tpr~lII: . t;!!loll~dll1£'1r eX~llrllnellts IVllh tl.le ~alle• .i ands lined. the prairiei " durlnl( lI~veral favor, . ~e hllvt' none or the b.\!k ~um .. Thursda, of Ihis week. wns the dl;: let being J08,9161 The lar,eattil'~' ~billillir tile 1100r, pick It up Ilid r.pl.ce il. fold trie 'WolDat.'. pride. fal.. p~id~. even eape. VIJlO. oll~e, I('moll, p1ne?lrple:, tell .al1~ ~f. day.,. trne\. From .Ixty to I bUlldred b~rs. whl~h.!ou re~uealed. The EllIgmo by the CJovernor's prOcllimatlo(l,1I day wallhe 24th of ~IuY. whell .£0,078 paper,. bend Lbe ,eilda. tie the cigarrito clally 111 our citlt!8,' ol\ep doolAs IVllIaJea to {oe,:&'o., sur.c'et~"; of wh,ch th rQ 18 but ht- ivero' kiJIed by trie parI>;, and .I1Y nU-mber Will appear In dlle lI~e. , • day of..... bkegivior". w~re taken; end tbe I.rie~t hlllf crown dl,. rOllnd With .throad, &e. She leWI all her OCIcup~tiilns ultel'ly unsultllble' to Illl'ir lill .t1I1\Ib,~' ~~I 'Y.11'111 II ubl~ to B~Pllly thell< could hage bel'n IlIken. ·· Hugh Tyler•.Eeq. M. D...-Ha.ve r~ceIYt,d. !btl~ teply. . '.' , , •• \ \ .' WII ,allho ,\I08lng on S,alurday. wben' the clot~lel, Ind very nflatly too. ~iJ beal,!li. b~ca~ae they Ire too proud 10' wOlk ra lmll), 1~1~.~",n l1g populet on I\'lIh all Ihe killed I large fat cow witb hi.. pocket pis- rl,ht Ihu. far. ~ID conll)quence of. the dny"dvertl .. recelpta were £4.846, ThE' alliililll! day8, these operu\lons are IIlowly gon. lhrOUllh io 1I1tuatrons tbal ' ve hOlllht, and lhal urr" a.rlrlt's ~o(\ 010 t ~f UIS luxllrie8 other tal" ' ' '." , ed for the T'~lIlurer of the Cincinna~ and tberelore. di,tlnced all othe ill point or wilh, ubiblting much patience on laer would )J1t.grp... ~le but for Iheir (Ilee pride. llOlllltrlP.8 c'~JI~y. '~V:hl~1\ the ," III!ey ~elo\V '-, Lt, Dond. who from his clol" obftervo- " ~Xl'LAIU1iOjlY ,t~D ~enl. Tur~~lb Compllnr. to ,he hert, be. .nd furnish, d a fine ; illuallation part, lind Cln8i~erable in~el\igence, la .he II h. 1I'l',1I IanowlI., I'or\ eJlIIDlp'le, thut Ihere Ilr~u\.l(! tr0I'!1I1I1 fr.ult~, the Leoch .Iond or tion 01 moteorologlcal8ulljllctB. hae eorned re"d~R will re(!(J~lec",. tbe IIli,Th., 'irving dIY. , we lp?tli t,bat ~~ of Ihe adhntlge. o( brlngh" tbl"g~ with- hal nefer ' been : tnuglll an,.thlng. She ~ ,you!1g girls In ,ble city ' worltillg I,u", uld ~h· re of the. IRke .t the altitude of t'le title of clerk of the weather informs week berore.lut. I~e maile lome de(~rred be PllYlJlent of dlvld.ends 00 in Ibe mllliia of the m•••ol. apeoks Spanlah duenely. appl't.rllto be tilll- twelve til elgbteen hours every day at Ibcit S(oc~, uDllllle'zt Monday. Decemb~~ l)!l, . ." oroul\ and retitlng. b"t !lOIiablA ~nd spright. n~cdl~l, lD m'.er!!'le g.rrelt and cella,.; IhreQ hU/ld~ciJ f('j·t ~bovc till: plaill, bring.~ us Ihat the 'first fro! t wlticb' nipped ve tII- wi':" ,.fgord to tho Ir~~gularjty , of our RN river bec gJ . pera ,e~thlg to certalD officell. which l8~1. , . -. A ' WHITE WON .... lbLQ8llD FlIoar Su· Iy. ' She' i/l und(lr the care of two l Sllan- Ind then' bllrl!ly eenling II \Yretolred Hvell. fotth dllh o productlofl~ 01 Lbo lemper~lo lion ,in the vaUey ~1)1~e ,jl.nd ~l ill higher lip, lhr. cedar, pill~. lhe2I1tb·ofSeptAlDlber. Fourd~y,p~;~I):: mllrk. wer)' dr~wn f~rth bl .''1peured ••y• ',. :" ," vEnY.-ThQ 'Circu~tCo"rt of kocklngham iarel., who ,~Qve brollglit her over ~Itll the !rotAl. wlien \~e tilY' ill full or h.lld.om~ JIl.OIp r uno el'ergreens of n n~rtheru he dglltbered floWnr. frcah and blo . ~ lop' by 80me of our ~ubscnllera at Jho.e RAtLlloAD ,1LI\Tl'IIIG:-Tbat porlion Counly. VII.' la8t wllek,lIl\er a trial thot inleniTuii-o "ixhl biting ber hele anti In tho manalonl In which chambermaidl IreWln. climp Ouurl"h". H ard·wood ~\owe~er, I, in the garden- ~t Pllmbinl, On T::~;:' pointa that thAY did oot alIDIIY' get thtir tbe •.cln~lnllatl, ~illllln'ton.' and ·ZlInel. excited muell interest, de~i~ed that Amllnd~ 111'~rlor,':N. 0. P:coyune.. .. i~, or nurle•• llou •• se: 1lI.tre~I~', II' I,. 'l . Yf pelll. In ordfr to remedy the m.tter. we vllle "RAIlroad. IYIIIII between ll'lncuter )Ine, whO had bee~ held II a slave eYer, ' diu' mllida whue in Mueh .'mployiuenl~ oreo. fl peeil'" . ol maple bemg the only week abo~t olle 11.1 l d d nu!.ivp.j hilt chtlsnllt would lh~ive here, IIl1d a.uk' Rllnld. t'b'e n fll m I ell, well Q fir~t took. Ille precllutIon ' to , ob~ervo tbat and MurroW. bI•• been, let to'Mr. De Graff', tiince hllr blrtb, 1I0me twentv •• ix "ell'll ."0 FaUITI OF IIIDtVIDOAL EnuPalu·- thev would' not be o,er ""rled I • .: • , ,. ' ... y . encoun tere d a BilOW I II d " , ' . " '0.. " . "., ". Rd " J ' " . IN Ylelol ~ goodtiml.ter a~d [l't\lt ally ~r ¥IUIII. ' : . ' , 'Ie paper. were ma e CO.rTec~!I; ,~lId Iillv- w~o i~ cener.lly known •• th. ' I\all Road WIII .I while womall, .hhuugh her origin " e,l Jng ra~l~d In Penn, y,lnoll.wa. where 11101 \vould hElve gOod bed •• Il\lOd the 810p~~ Of the Apenlnet. • All 0 t · k' h II J' illg s.tlsfled o.urscl£ 01} tbl. pOlnl. we ' .KlDg. It II 'bound to go' nOIY, Buccen wall dlltinctly lraeed to a negre!s, wbo wria "ullt Wilhout recelvln, .IIY aid (rom go,· lire• • nd K00d Ilr tu flnalbe- ewer:ylb' 'rhe /!t1slur~ge. on, the plaine, a8 well ~ , r th . I~ PII; Y IIpeo 1111/: ~ g les~ IlIr~. ed that in ,future. we 'would hear no more to' it, l'n eYory J'eapecL " a alave The Regilter I.ye· •Ai;;.nda" ernment•• nd 'Iulely with VOluotD"" ·.ub· In aborl tu inake the;' comfort.ble ; : n 011 11l(l~ bec'~h Ilind and 8i~e·h11111r Id luxuri. ·0 d er thcoub ry ' ~"belr VI IC I ley 'PtIlSh!l i o( It, But iucb wu not ihe elle. tbere • '.:. Ippe.rance, the color on;er ~kin her hair acrlpt!oli. of It. Ilot;.klll.. ldera: We 'Iearh pridO~f' AlJierican born nI,l. In UI;clll;1 an a e O' pI... 0 entert, nmon t oy ( . h \ . . ' ...... B (, . . " " . • <. ' d ' , a' , '. ellt, e(llIa Icd for lateiling qllalitiel only by . d ' h h" f th 1 waa 1II0re 0 It t liD oefore. One 8I1b~cri. V-.I . 1 re,erence to our Idve,lrh8ing cOl- her eye.,Il"r 'DOle. hfr IVhol~ phyaical fJI· ,rom II cerre.poll ellt of the PhillldeJphl1l Ilmosl Ilt""ether elIcliidell them rruru IIIGIt 1' . ' .. I I TeCOlve at t 0 abuB 0 e peop 0 on b t B lIb k" d hi " d '11 b h ' Ii • _. h ' . .. ' nl b f C 1 I 111-;0 a I orr~, .,D,V nil t Ie .dl'ontagl1 b' "'t'Ii ' 01 (h I" TI " 1\ er I . e roq, nlme put on "III , our rea era W) 0 eerve t It Q. terlor. would brove her to e W~Dt Ihe u:uger, t at It no w transporll weekly employmentl lind Ihl'1 are ,"een over I ... Sloell 0 t e .. Iue, Ie altent on of II I ' tho •. .. W S h ( . , 1" , ' ~, . ' , • . , , over tllIl coulitry of the verdure extendm& tb Rud • B " ,. I ". 8t n 0 prlllllllg offiee, uyJng tha~ h., • IUert WII te I\'B removed hiS Bad~le Jury have m.de·her a white womlln. . from 40 til 60,900 tOil. of edal to Ne\\' the lrlBh enlllVallll. , W. laJr;1l ,' ..... tile lOll d .y ••ctor. · anu . Il crll. all Id ' h ' ' . H 'h " . ' " ' y k r I ' .... . e I tO LLIe top. or mo~c of the PlOl,lnlnllla, th l I' B Ik' k I . wou r~t or come to thl. place for bll p.. arne8B ,a op...o,vn to the bUilding teetlmony proving ber 10 be of. Jiegro ot. temp oy., In 011, about fifteen rlm'ell Inti gteeDell c:kllt.illl,pcrs (rtll 1 nt he wa.)' .of mi'netall. thev.• re \\'811 proellPeoPde 0 e Ir 11'~dlll~ emoDt::,re gen· Deu, thlln il10,b1lVe 10 mueh trouble ib gel- formerly OCIcuI,ied bi' Kin,~. Groce"" ' I ' wei. of the' .tron ..... t .n!1 liulldred peraon•• It .olerie. aod w.IYell from tho !IOiI ' or £rltl, . 'bi) ilJiI"n" ''''.t . , . era 1 ao warm l Y • '" eu tv' ~he ror , j ' " " • 'f .-.. , • T' ~ "" ,ided, A geographlc,1 fU"ey h.. broujrhl . _" ed " • lbem. nelrer bome. 'Ve had no desire to few dool'l norlh of the . W.ynelYille So· kind. lind yet the IIppearlllce of tIle relpectluly 01 .bout ,60,000 I montI" or know lit the. .atare" , wlterme)QP' frulII J , I i II " b mer .ccounta are co .... rm t~at tbey are I ' t'" I' f I I I I f'Or ' , . • ...."0000· ' . , . , , , to ] Ig It lin n.ex IlIj8111 /e lied of Itone·conl. f I Ii rd did '" ' nJ~!1! .. e 'I!o In", a 1111 one, by ollr reo IlOna, on lie welt 11 !Ie il 4I&aln I((eet. leemed to contradict It· 1111. Amllnda 9 '.. per ~nDum, It conlumel ollOte. pumpkin. a.ld go dow n into IlUI ~iecllt.. . .1, U I " • !'VglI , b·...a 1 yan n 'u.:rlcloa people ' IU b'~ectl .~DUt, we wlsbed to , held "III. ')Ilve luccf'lllvely, by rIa. . I In YO I ue 0' f ' 20,000 a montll. or lbout while /liVing • tI I~ 8peC!lDe~ .t .... If ",tate· 10UBe eqUilin, 1th , ' aur- mill' k~q'on , t h 18 •• 10. • had beeo the." hIlJlIIjI.. me, wn-et ID' , 'j I ' " · roun IN ' :J a e COIl!.ortll of h(e tbat can I I ' ' IIJ-O 111 d I U' d " " , ." Oil L ) ' , ~, .j • .. ' • .J.' Ie\'iCUlo·coali IroD orll, With a vein of b i Cd b ' ueer~ Q w lere tlie rault I y, From. , u-J n nex~ 011 Ily \Ie Dlte Sta ;MIchael Kiser. (whOlle'~prro sllVe ¥v. 0 a wee". eGIII.ng In aJl.(IlOhi UIllP· IIIBCil IIlem " the' trwae ilf fllll/klllg, _imp!, letler fl'O~ Mr. Dlugherty. POIt MUldr at Congr... ~i11 co)lllnence ItI /lenioo, Tbe motlJer, Will proved to be:) T. lioll nl meterill, IIIlafle. .nd wagea.)'1Il bfaaule our :Americ.A born etrls, IraillftJ ia . ~i1ver running tllro,ugb it, whiela latter e attll D tn t at remote region. lI!on'~ Would P'II)', for :~YQrkll1gi ,iolu in,lnlal! 'Pereoll~1 Appe.r'e~Cle of Kos, otb. . Spring Vlllt'y. 'I\'e learn th.t our PI,Per!l prob~ bllily I.' thot lhe prqc:eedin,. wjJI be ~... " •• held In bondage.t tbe InnuII' outlay ,of 1840.0'00. III l'x~l!dlld .11 tile c~ linp'rl art a would ~orn to be quunthieli•• nct platiDI, • ve,ry rare aad VII· A late letter from Mirsellleaa de!lcribea Gte rec:eiwed' reguJarlt/ It tbat omee, tolerably ·lntereoatlng. and II far I~ I. poaal. tfme of·the 'rillf. oy Mr. fl. E. HeDeber- on It. own ground. Some of \.be item~ 01 aelll...a 1\ 'Mern,1t'ln a kit~beD. 0 : ulble mellll, .re found;. II lid ,tlllcell ol 'cop' the pef80nl\l .ppellrt'lnce of the Hunpri.n 1II0re tban that, tbey ue .rl,en out to lbe ~I~, thC¥8 wlio ,lake tbe 'Yil~"" .wi1J.-h,lIVe ger. She h.. derrlded heraelf in h~r aero ill DI.IIO[aclure are part,ieularlt Interelt.lng .iWe eallnol, ~\e ,will ,nol,' Iny Ibe" lire pe( lind zInc have been ~iI~oyered. . Their chief. III f~UO'\YII~ . ' >' ,.. .ubl1Cl'lbell there. StIli ~e", .ra a ,firat-lite chllnce of 1n'l"'lnr 1'«11 t II 'itl\~e, ,Il\.d b .. '~ecoine th~ motber of> ,two an~ Itrl~lDg., . Thu. It mllnurlclure. thirlY In. bonae \\' .. re we n i,', el.1 at tbe .. IDe ' mlDerll1 springe lire famoll!> lillie &II the, 'He i. about Ove feet ten Incbea, a mld- who Illy the,. caDnot witbeut difficult)' iel done ~ tllIll "'~y. .' . luoklng little iIIegitlm.te children; per. wheell I dlly, to perpetullte It. macblnetle. table With mulllr IlhJ,. i.ti-tl... if Ih~~ have lieen t I. dl they pro~e~ ell\C'ielou~ In dle' s!"d m.n, fort)-elg~t ""~ of Ihefr p.~er. at. all;, We IUPP,,", ,haL at ' -(-~-.. .. .' . wblte. who ~er~ dlJldlpd In he~ Ind ~arl .nd r'.qulr" ~nnu""y (roln .even w'olild be In, cQlIllort t9 e.i\bl.'r PlY'ly i. eome !llllil' J of lung atand!ng. .nd , their The moat prominent realm" of ,bill head Bltllbrooll. the' .papell...... alllO' ecelved. O;7Hoo. ~ p. ,V'mpliell, "11'111 lIccept tbe c~.,.rae !)f the :trial. A mp~e 10 eIght hundred tun~ ~r now ralle (or (e· eating hllld WKf'ther, 'II'ber. e..eh • lela, In.ly.la 8hoWI tbem ('qual ~ the beat and are G 10Dg belrd, 11",llIIr to that of a Ca. and tbe lI~b.crlbere ubtalo them 1I'hea tbey our ~.nkl. for • b~d vo!lbOe ~r tIle myaterloUi clle we' blYe nenr Illard hied only. Jt con.ume. dilly 4l50.cord. of ,tl.on exivled; Ind wht're, iI rell good. jW~. moat retorted 10 of lh. o,ld country. .. puoblol Ind. prominent forehead • . HI8 apply for thom • .We hope th~t" ln fut~ ,,_.'o~l G\obe, ' . AppeDdlll, for the and ,it ezcl.t~~ (rom Ita e~mm"DCel'nebt to wood. alld evaporltei Ih the lime ,plce o( nientruled, 'lbf glrt oug!" to ~el!line eat. TI.e QluntTY only neel' • .thorougn In- h.lr la cut b.1r aho~t ••ad be weil'l a bllek- no '!lore C9mplainlng wtll be ",let. lut ~~ Cll~Conlf~ ,. III cl~. tit. moat' in ten.. Intere.t• . Ez- time hilif • mllhon ,11I01IS o( Wllter.- InK: Ita tlble wi\b ,be m~,"et· .iJd}ll i"IIN~. vesUe.Utln and hand.· enongh to' ilefelop Hungnll" h.t, iHloraed with ollrich f..th~ on thl. lubject. \Ve deem It both ,hne been tlkela, to tho deoislon Yet, with all the ex:pelllea oj the ro.d. the Ii th., ci"lre.d It. In cUI1 .~qut.nce of Ibu i~ re80~'Cel1, Ind lhe popullltion '. ,UI be in· !~ C.the 11m_ color. Qill Of«lin~ry C;OI~_ .nd rl,M. ~to !.IJ'~ a ~Incere IIpoloq to . '", elaee, b, lhe coullael for llle .teren- employment uf.o m .~y hln41. tbe mutu.1 oiobar~aletlt alld realrllinti Ihrnt dependilnt 6f IlIppllea from other quarte ... , · tU1II1l I~ ,ener.lI, a blllck Iroek cOltfcitt ln, ,I'Olt Mlltell at ~prlf1' V.lley ..if relpectfu1l7, informed tha . we , ".nt pibn. daDII.' . of (uel. rep .. r., &'0., tIle $,,*t' would 'be upon tbe parti . II rOl1nd.tlhould tbey IUlluel'd III geUill1r tbeiJ' rrond the •• me fllshion ~s that of ~ CanadllD brook, II tbe groumh (or c(Jff'~/lirrl el pretty bld~, It thl. time. You cert~ln" ' . trliliportalion (allll yet'lhort or '62 Now, hili If of Jrelftlld and' DO smull pllr. Iy~~ ~f ,irrigation (co"du\!ti~g tbe l\iver Calbolic p!lea~itliout. coller. Sucb' la t1,e~. in ~me r,npecli. bill Iy do nol Willi UI to , worll lor pO~lJlII~, • SIIIGtlt.:'a ClaeVMaUllcE.-A reJillbl,. per wn,luch il the enormo.,,' qUBntlt, 01 tion of Germony, hne been ,broug~ow J-<lrdan 1), can,,1 to the city. II: illiltallce of the exaet portrait of the politlclIo.for.wbom We WIU ' llIlve to do our dUll keep. l?u~lf••1,,11. gl,e you the ~.it!r In Irllnd detilled Tece.ntl, 00 l~e ~dl or.of the COil bro.!'gh~ down 'eyery'ye!!r (IIr cun'\lII1/1' here-,dl the w.y ~ver lbe Allolll.i~-b1 21i mlles ·.long Ibe (oot of the mouni.ln8,) lbe United Sutel .blve tlken 80 mucb them In everT "Ipeet, alld bope th.~ all ,the barplnt lPlY up then. . Mempbll E~qulrer the Iu\}owln, IInrul.r tloo. Indeell. i,he Beldin, railroad '\ra".. ,"obey earned jn lbeae'employm'e Q~, which . at:! imnlense .cope,of land wilt ~e br'!uhet tr~~bl~tbe 'bosom {rlend' ofMauinlllnd IInlmOl~ty. m.y be removed, which " may .---~n~ lotererstrbg occutre~ce; .... port. more tona of merc~lndl... ana reo :American womn,ln' the !litle., .eurl', un~er lhe \nBueoce of Irr1lt'tlon, besl~ II ,Kedrue Rollin.' ,.' ," have bllen railed up .plllat UI. by oar rea ' . , L T,E;II.OY l'fOTlCE8. . (:lInce, the ~mml1aeemellt of the ter.lJ:l celvII more per mile. ,th.n au,. rallroad 'lJi m,deb to S'7,'1 no,,", t~"t In thl'd e vOII,t wlter power formacblpe~y. whith will , - • ' . . mark. iiue,ard. to t~iI lubjeet. .. ,T . of tl~e Circuit Oourtror our odunty, It be. the ,world, and l'Jlceed. In ~liilf..pect, both ,mplujmlnt.; th.re II. In UI'l CIt. Iflve lIupport .OOell1ploy",enf to lhe old 10- , Co.tlltlo. eflMl'fewYork .D~alu., we slid Will not JKI!'~1y G Amefll?l!D Whli Re.lew for No- came nec:ea.lry for: }\Ierrl~~tihe~. b~tber Ihe Grell4 Western Ind ~he LondoD and !H •.II. tbere hll been fer yeau, the crenl. n.quarterly report ohlie I1t.~e of tbe a lrteZe.' b\lt ' limply tblt, the vember, 1861, ~I o~ our ~Ible. Th.. jour- or the Jel,l.llemll~ ~me tlme. lllnce 'nur- BirmillQ'h.m railro.d_. il. -England. '. ~~t d,aith ,ol and;..tbe &Teitel' d IIlaod fOl, ' bal; abll 'I ' \veU.I ,to tbe new Icee"lo!1 of ".000 or 4,600 111.111. o( the p~len\ year's .O.n ....of New York u~ ~ the S8tb of s.&p. Dligh, be brou,ht il)to a clelr light. ml~ be re,~rded .. tIre ~lllon~1 or· dared In our count" 00 ..ttend II. prpeecu· Tile .hippilill of eoal from feioaleJ fined fur .ucb emplo,ment.i, .\~ e",,!gration, &welling the , populai lop bf 'the tembet hu bee II published. It e~bracee are fully .'ti.6ed"lbat thiriae'~ .notqulte gla fo~ Ibe Whig PI~y, A. III "on of Pet:er8un. tbe perplllr",t or of the depot, il"ld til exceed the -:hole tonnege Amerie.n girl" onr.& ell.abllalw. III I , V.lley.lncluslve of the,aett'lementor UtfllJ the1'et~rn~' ol 226 b~nkit nDd one. bran~hl u b.d II . they 'hlve ~eell repreael\ted .to Ita prJlD·rt o~Ject it, to brln, honlble e~lm.e. , It ~ h.ppen~~ tha.t .~ll of the port of }\few York.-JouMlal houle. C1'P IllIIollt 6J1 'JI~r own Willet, if :z..~e. Balld Pltnh. Rear .nd Webster Rlv- II,Dd p,...nta the follo~lng reaulll , be, and w~lI be • little more w,ful 'ln fa- and place be~or. 111 f ..den, tb~ priD,clplea rode tll.e horae thlthll brother "II rlilmlr COrll_Ct. , will. b1. ul efalne.., only lII~ke ".r.e:f ere. ·t o belwe~n.6.0oo and '7..000, 'l:'0I.1 Resource. '16".027,6.~9 ture. wbeD we 'l1eor ;IIOY complaioln, on of ~. part,. at. lar,e. ~be ,hteralY de- OD the dft!of iris ,murder by Pe~ef!!On.c, I"di_penlible to hilt enlployel'l. Ne\'fr. 'T he plan cOneluct.d upon b, the !••aer. · Do. L1.bilitl~a. 184,922,70~ thil aubject. . , ""." parl~ent oC ih ~ ,paper. a,,:"lln, Hnllmonl He ,!al III th~ coIIIPlnY .91 10flle. Irl.nd.. '. H".lIT CUT puaed Ibroup theleu. ,bere .nI~ DO 'doubt. In this tilf' will evenlually secur".lIece•• to the enter. The, dllll!rerieo arliN rr~m the D.egiect -----,_ _ _ , the politlc:al. . Tbe h.t of co,ntrlbu- and tra~elled ~~e same rOld:. Tbe,horae I. on the 16~ Inlt. on h .. wly to Within,. 'thouaand AmerlClin ,i,11 with ~lrce. prJac. If energetically 'Incl p~rleyer;ngly ••ver.1 oftbe ll.nlla to prove thell"bal,nce ' O;:rFrleDd RaIIkr~' o(, lbe W ~Iern ~"" I emb~~.~lIn.nl men UlllnL Elch a yery. filM' Ir.!fltec! bal. docl,e In temper. ton, 'l1he Eagle of. thlt. cily 111':-' .elloulh 00 .eat ~~d to Ind ",i\b puraued. Alter bringing 'a s milch IlInd 'u sheets: an.1I beeallllG t~e ~gure. to IIIPpty porillm anilw of th. ,lW,lIIl Vililor. are num~r II "rD.lI1ented ~ilh aq engraved Ind With an IntelllgeDt eye, ' Wltea they '~e goo 00 tbe lC(lne ofbl. laboll ' t;lnly a gloopar, w.llltr, p~L beTUN-wCD!, po..lble onder culUYltlon. by .n extensive defective return. are t.ken rrom former rea lide up .... in, .By the _y while portrll,t 01 lOIRe dlaUII,ulAhe'il ~eI'llOD. , lbe acene of ~he murdl'r.dle Under a ~enee of dUl" bil ~ealtb Ic.rceI, '"1 w.p ~DId tempt iolo .and jndiclollllll cODdullted ay.tem of i~!i'II- turns. The bllnklnlfcapltal ~I~ been In, i. yet Ire~ .In the' miD_ of 'Our Tbe te~ are ~. per y~ar ID Idvance, maDaf.. tOd oVldent Ilpl of ~)Irm 'liil 1~1I.t and. bl. Pfr&On.1 Inelin.tiuoa a ~mfortable h~ua,e ~fore a Willi ftllld tien. to bave one yellr·, dupply of provlBion8 c.releed ~ince June ,2.107,g80, t,h e relde,., we will juat remind t1lem that· the lI~d lOy wllhl~, to lubacnlle will p\eaae arid reltle8Boe.l. Ob..",n, theslogo.. r averse to a lonrer contl.nuabce In the pub- taliJe, RupplJing all: their ,.hoir in &Iore, they in.lelld· to Ht up ind tlon h~ Incre. . . . .67,888; a~d llJe IE"'porivm' i.,nily nlmed; fur jt II a di(- addreal D W, Holl,,120 Na..lU etteet. G9!lduct or.the .ho~ lIerr.lwelltber dOlter· aervio.!: H. t61nkl hie etrengtb howforbida-but I. nt.t lhe ,:~",;;;-......."';~"'I'fInilii their machines (urn.ce. &i.e. for lind dl8COUDla 85,184,2J6. 1bo lieult ,..atter ID thOle d.ya to gel hold o( I New Yor" City. mined to I'v. blm, lb. ~eln. ani! w.tcb hi. 1.lmprovinll'. but he i.. ~i11 .ulJ'eriDI( Imelting'ore castinnr~i18I1ndfinf.i. ·lng'en- of coIn bu beeD lteadyaince p.perthath........... llt '. "~rlil" of read " - .-. mo"e~enta, . Ailhe.pp~.~hltd nl:'r th, .diltrelaing .ough whlc" '"'II.n 'lft".~l •• _ . . . ' . vI! I" th d . . •. ~ . ' 'I .. ... •• W •< f th de" I .~ .. h' b d ' D .~ 'Th,t'l right • _ld I to DlV friend SiUl'" gil'les lor tI:anufacturing purpose. IS well a.t..... mce JUIle e ecreoe I. ,J.968. matter u il CODtaiD' Very like I.. ...OUII.., ILLU'e HOb "OUAIIAL FOil .pot 0 e mllr .r. ,,', • Ifa..... II . . nored him mOl'l!than a'vear' wltliOUl InLe,. . ' ' ~ r. , ' ' 138 . ' ,I J1!6:f -The 1811'1 f thli I bl H aud lAiil and .ppeared to be witch fu II , ' kioa. t'le btlker. a. lbe Ilokl,.looklol widR• •for railwlys) to pUL themaelve. in coo· • 10llle of .t he.. daYI, before the world w i l l ' e. o . V. UI e lime . , , .• , mllalon. Poulbly, I cbance In .cene mlY 1H W til· t f I ,. b neclion with the neighboring country J( The [ollowjDg BaDke have' aiplfieiltheir C9me ~ a~ end, we will atep over to yoor paper wm collll,aence Oil 'be 6r8l of f""luenlly utle,ad th,at Inort 10 peculiar to haYl lOme bene6clll elf~j)t. but be tI I • ow 0 Irry a 1ft. WilD out.o 1111 hOP' IIOUthoNI railway to top the P.cUlc .t lome int.e~tioo to ~lthdraw lheir circ,,"lion plnce broth.r Reeder .nd'''; a cup or tJ,o -ry, 1162, Tbi. piper contaloe .pirited h~1 "luIo apprehenllve 01 din· It ml" Heo"' CI., now ' a: eyerl 1~ I a .• &oar of ,,",Id whll:.h /.le .d .. b antil'. B " W ad hi n,ton of tbat • 1.--J ' •.,.ne . ty 0I the DIl.WI 0r, II .meI t t h e man to ,. ..cri6c~ " every other . " , •• ·th.L·. right • tllm,kill. • I 1111 r • The 00bl • anfml I 6 nl,. prac icable point ie, a favorite pilin witb w Ia d up;-_ere In.. DeYmge " IoU' meolloned, lor we w"k"I con.ideralloo 'hot colJ'e.l.' ·_ . d,.,., .carcel, a tlilnl. occur. \Ii~t "bat :J:ou ground and trailllCl th~ coune whicb the tbe'IIlctalel of dut, Ind patriotism,' . ~r. bel piAl tM ·~ ~Iruro. lor . lh!lm, A rOIl~ to Oregon ia .poken uri ehunty; Hercb.nta· Blink. Ont.rlo coUnty; · .Ii , Will learn IOm'lIt~in, of It ID tb. HOCIIe ,1104, of billormer muter bid bleD COD' ' . lilt! I IIlrd ,h.. t ot It !IUlce, Harry and' the railrotld from tbe he~d o( nnlga-. Northern B~nk 'of New ,Y ork; O.wego tion 011 the 1\I1.lIOuri 00 S lit Lake Valley County Bank; Mcintyre B.nk; Com mer- . 0111 M08E OR.t.llcal'-80meUme nex( Journ,l. ) t II In In"ratlng,heet In 'Y' . b1 hi. murderer... .He.5nllly relchetl D.atlt of Jlldp C'~De. . tll~d .nd ber oWlllie~I\I.l'llIed ber .• much trmveled Ie any cia! Bank of Lockporl; Adame' Blnlel week we will malee our I"Pport to the pro- ery ,..pect, Ind ,ao ne will terret hayiD, the.spot, amelt the ,~und and pawed lad DeatJl bill .tricken dowo JUclIB Crane. ; HI'" ellolllb, .Ir•. enouch. alld J . will Bome dill' be of (lor mailllborougbfarea lire at preleot, plaJD Bllnki Amerl~n Bank; Cortl.nd of' Sirtaill'a aDd Oraha.'n', lIIlCa • 8nlMcrlbtct.for [IL Tb~ terml are Ill; lor IDoned. He then took. cirele in the of Da,iclD,.one of. th~ uld8llt,IIIOIt reapee. 1m ,lad. 10 help her. thoo,h ~.bt.~, glye . . ' COUllty Sin Ie ; and Knickerbocker Blllk. line•• nd Gode,'. La~~II' Book. whetIter aln,le cop18,~, t6, (Of tbrae coplll; 011. woodl at I ,~oderll(ll~ot. rftlurned to the ted aD~ b~lofed. IDd hl,hly I'J\ed lIIeD h~r ~~. Ccoat .\lell. 0IIIy 0 "';iIf'~ ~r. A~o'''tir C~rdil!aJ 10 America. . ' . . , , . orDotthelubacriberaaeot b, DB for tb. l copytbreeyearato_ Addre8B Morri. plaetwherf:the bOdy Wlltfou~d~lad rea t~eMlaD!I 'FlOlley, HI.I_ls.acvere.r~ Ho~woneIl4l~ahecome1 Arcubi,bop flullbs.uf New York,writea ' My .peeted b~re~. IIIld a vener.ble present year. cootlnu. or Dot on Willi., edlOOre. their omce 1.107. Fulwn pealed the •• 00e Cleremony. T~i. he did .bell.on to bia frienda and _oclltea. IDd 'Onl, tbre. timet!. week., .1 told l1~r 10 the eonespondent of tbo Newark Adver. prelle"er of the RUlIoplan race.-'Blene.d •• ~ .L.. Tb ' .treel Ne" Y.ork. ..veral t1meeln luCce8Bion: And "hen will be deplored b, ,II cl...,. pl commu. com. ortener If Iblllf'tode,d 10. buill....' t iI ~ d .• l I . .e _rme o~ .• DOw",r ,ear. ,-wa, to , " I ft1 ....... far her and ~ , • d d ~ • ti.er from RolDe. on tJl~ 2'7tb of October. am ey • .pec ot"n. or "y al"l gUln conliDue, will be to let DB h~v. . :-relDed 'up It w.. ~tth rrealore!uctaoC8 th.t Dit,. Jud,e Orane W'I I native of New . qavn 'a,re I to wellr tl~e learlot cap after' all. The t~ ~e dlaappointed" DI. am It telIt dat, II lI u b. lAd you will, have 'De 01 either 01 To N09UIJIU number or tire lbiiToa he wu (or~ed to lelYe tbe place. 1, tbia Jernl, but ca~e earl, to 0\110, .... d bl. Ut~le. one, wbllb w\lallh, ~II by "WIDi ' Lne lbote worke. In:) aJ8q onll of tIte hal *11 ~lved. O~e mora numher InlUnct. re!llOn•. or whit II I" We blVe cour" here hll bOlloRd ber .nd been bon. And ,haYe y;-u .01 mCln! .ucb cuatoJllll!n impo!tant fecl WII made knowo. II f .m ,etlfie~ by th~ ·1pe.rleMe. of,your _ well ....iIred. to the 'cQngregation' on Frl- you IUIIID' mggfl'l; ) dilln t 'l1pect much 11111 Villtor IDeured to J~" for 0118 iear.- wlll co.m~lete th. p~ltnt .olume, which tIte faets fro~ I ",1i.~le Ind well IDformed orecl ,by her. He WII ao ,.,1,. ' old. T~e ": SImpk1a.l • • , ~ul, twO' OT three. I\~. da,.. tbe 10tb Inet, 110 that the elfect of hiB ~.Iary. ror c~rlng your blac~ I0Il11, and I YOII mUit Ict promptl, 1n thl. DiIIller.- I. the illlr4. ~l. HI,ulDe lill pinN IO\I~. We Ihou'" Iilee 00 blYe a pbilo- Journ'l l thUi announce. th,e .d.,a\h of JIkIg. > vl,it to the . Holy Ice h.. been under·uti· IIlII,t dI8Dppoanted .-But de Bible dOllt mtn· We -ould I'lke to tl II f.L for IlIelr • pld repOtlt/oD. and we bl" IIOpblcal .olutlon oC thil rem.rkabl. e,eDt Crane: . Onl, two or 1I1ree, wh, It ml\lt be . . , d eaI d I " c o n nue a CI Wle preadoull . tI . ' , ." It.... fI l' mated, Tbe 'ppointDleDt I...HI til hIYe lion e .,y e\ er. oW,n to • m"ta~e eot 1i.1I .Dd IJ.o malle 11..,. addition to no t but bat ... t groWl older, ita rep, ' . It I. witb deep ,~w lbat Wit lIonounCl qu. tAl a .x ur"n YOUf pro I. been mad" wIth what ~Fee of truth I do the trana~aabu~erl' I I pcae, u de "b.lte each o( them, . Thi.l. a avod otnsr In CiVr UtltloD williaueue In a tenfold propor. fb..... NAl'OLeo•.-A)etter from H.ytl, thll delth of tbl. v.nl'~ble m.n. He opl" 0 no, not 10 t\I~cb a, 10n IUP!"*';lltoDot leao", wltllout th. ap'problltion, I.f not folke ..y. e.timltion. A IplmdU IIIOnlbly .1(. . . .lne ~on. , . of Au",lt th~ 4tb, written b1 In olllcer of red I' leyeD o'clOClIa, 011 Weddeedl, It amounts to.z, • trj!.1 In lbe f.ee or the I1Zprel. prot"t 01 .11 the - .nd I IJOOIl "..,kl1 Newlpaper, for onl Th. H.lto!r ball been, from 11-8 com- the Lrench~ w.r alllmer ·KUID. .tlle. Ing. Tberl ii, III the deceue of I 1 cuuld not but .Dlile • Irlend r:epett· Y RomaD Cltholic lJi.hopa In the Ualce4 three ilollI" Ind tweDly.i,e Denll. 8tud mencement,. great fIYorite with u•• aDd uble m'Jesll_ J"~lun.I. , wbo Imitatee 1II1~, Giuch to lament. PrOmloent 'mon, ed tIt..e worela; but aner 11ef'l bllD I f~V 8tltee, N" o~e. and contrary to th~ opan': , our "",n iDter"t••nd tlke up with th~ In 0,", oplDion" lt ,far eaceed., In . poln~ N.polelD .In e,,~ thlD,.1I llloat ~D&lOUI ~_ mOlt rapected (or talen.ll. iate,ritr ~bla.fn, bow .IICIiJOOd be Itt ~01n, wil\ 1011 ot Chief Juatice T.Dey. HowIYerthe BInG.A. cbance. , ~II worth, IWoiher juveDIl. publication•• to be crowned ~Ith ali the cl!rllmonl~ 01 lad IndepeDdallC8 or actloa. the death tr(JI.' He ,.,,11ea th~ or lout fact ml, be. the Itll.ellleDt ~ carreDt here. _ •••• _ ' The Pl'Olpectu. (or 1861, holds out I rich the Roman Cltholl. Church. Be f8C1!ntly J.Orlat' will calll8 I deep ~ Ibid f.m\ll\ee "\til .......... t tram d., 11Id il ,.,oerall, ,..lIIYed. Cltjlollc Am...... JY CUIt.CE. So.I' Of T ••raa..urc:a Rvou:-The P'OIRmm8. We hope tbllc our Joung Hilt III amb...ador to Rome to of thl eorrow lu the bea"s of miDI th~t to da,l lad lIIodita &lie eetual GIll (or I lea wUl protiabl, feel.li,hted by thll com_ Granel Di,I.lon or the State or OHIo. frlena. wllllUbacribe llberaU, for it. The bllbop, if 1\ were Oil', on. ~ ,.n-, to our State, who uew bla- ,irtl.lft and .pa allow" .... w _1/ . - I. doll.,. pllmen,to the Ploteaun( North. But ~ J am eompuaed of thirteen letterl. wblch bC!ld III _100 In Ciacinnlti. • term. Ire ,I. per ,eu iD ",.n~; 16. for ~nx him la emperor b, th. pee preciated bill bJch character. Ind ce.... abe ..MIt Itt br l1li -'bIt the Archblabop,may """ convinced 1Iy 1,6,'r n; It, 110" a oown In Ihort lllllt lllIce, hu I.ued a report , alx copl,,; ,JO, for thirteen eopl", ,16, 01 G the hal, ace. The Pope. w~o Ja tbl. 18j:.we orthe Stlte, JIldpCr.o. _."IIII...n o~ A .Iape. . to I .11 au Hall .... a.d hll adyleera, Ihat the apa Yorla; , ' the COiIclilioo of the Order thnllllboul tbla for t.col'oOnfl cople.; t20. 10r tweaty. I., dJ.plellld It tbe ;aftU., mlnner 10 wu , lDeralll aad IDti.atel, knowa. wbo II.. "...,10 ftl ~fIIII drill" ••act wL~ pOiatIua' Ja 0• • • d18 ordaiDed meaD. 'o f nil, 8. a, 9, Ie a Illll. in Nortb Amer. State, allO eiplaillln, the priaciple. of el,bt -eopllll '40. for .lat, copl.., Ad- whlah J'aualtD dtellRei hlml8lf at lbe be.d wu 'One of the PlOD"" III lte wlthll tq be cl.otll... f. nothla" but .. ~t • promlaed 'good time ICI; , the lasUtutioD abowlng the good tItat II draa 8t.ft), &. IIcCIUa. No. 11 Pt'u of the Hlytiell ehllrOb. baa IIltII refilled. aDd bel.",., ....poalll»l. .... IOIIMtblq Io. OU' OG tile ..,.. oIata,. ooetbII: wbeD '"' Ie 10 write the 'Hletory "3. 13. 3. 4,1, 9, frt Ii, 'I. iI tlIe' . . . . hal dODe ~b III idoe.ce. a~ the I~et. P/aUecIIlpbll, Pa. But the elilperw don DOt dllpeJr, ~nd he tint oacee. J. wlllWYrr pciel~ ADd W. 'DOW DOt bow .lIIl1Cb DeclIM'" Pa\l or Protet~ntllm. . for &lie Coture: We 1'/11 pub1ieb baa I,..t tbe ••onroaa ..... of .£10.000 bll coa,.. wu QM 01 ncd&Dlle w. are doh" .beo we ,In Ia ... U'aI'" 8\atea.. 1M D,r...1I"rray If,1. I, II • pit tD Eta- the "port aeat 1!Mk, lor tile beDelt of ill ..,IDII tlaroae,. or. toapocl_o_bjec_t_._ _ _ __ 1eak.1II 1ai.lurM-«nIIIer to bill reeour- ropel . • tIaOIe onrar r....". wllo lilly f.., .. eroaee, Uk., He II. built .JliII....-, .,,,_ ....... .... PIU .... 1.-. u "'~'I'be CII ill tie GNU C.... or TIr. WelrI... Pal .... thro.. rooe with -pCuoae tIeeora&1ooe. riJ1en IIeW Ie . . . . . . . . . ." a Gentu ...... Peter DarIat••, MI"
\I' •
. .
In, eal" •
u.., ..
or •
l_.__ ..._
"Int, ••• a, .... toIIr.....
1, ..... &,. •• .,.............. .,.u.
... r "M!PlIJII ........,.,.. ..... .,DowN",,, -.toU_... • woI_ et"'NpIIN lie &.IIIrordat
I'l. . . .,...
Jall................ ............
k, ...1."
• .. __ w.... .... .........., ..... a . . "'1hriaruMI We wilt ...... Ie ... ......... ....... ....... .......... .... .......
Wb••t t
Com,., " ••rl.,. 'fI II
Q.ta. ~doz. , bu. • Flour, bbl, do ~c",~.
Bqrse &.In u.eCattle Medicine. No .... "" ,...;.,
J UST R.ECEIVt;D AND OI'Ii~NIN().AT 1~·GC/11 edp Store (on I\lalll SlruoI. wmil .. lil,o, 0 lieD Dall.). 111'1141 Ind beauulul.tock
M "llel~o
Butter.' ..
Erp. ~ dOl. uri! LJoee. 'ill 11>.
Fall and Winter Goodsj
Th. Rov. JJllOn Lee. with a rompally, In· cludlng'ilie membe,. of tbe Methodllt Mil' lion, .at out ror Orer n from Independe~ci\ Mo t oa the 86th IIr April. qt that ,ear.
AJllrJl' Eat' Clmbrldaf'. Ma... ha'fe rlyen Iild",ln Taylor tJ66 dam.gea Di.hlat
e r.llrold comp.ny, for brIOa' ,jeoted from tllo Wobura branllh tr.in on tile 6th of July 1860, 1>ecauae. not h.,ing purllhaaed • tick
Flax Beed
et It the depot. be' refUltl\4o pay "lhe dlf· fereaCB c.tabh.hed bl tbe I.WI or the
'n~t. ~t'nh t " I.tHUUIIl"" , lblld • fflCk, tountJet(\l e~ ilt:r4Iclll"ti" t1r(:''''"",', M n ll~ "nll nbrIC lllawml'ft TJ.., (lJJJ lliftrfll JJutLllu ""U( r(VI){)V~ all IJll1f1IJuu,ntlun and ib vt!r flur,ry; Ih~ \JhltJ,I l I()I')IU II fhe II kl ll, e.ltn,,-te tI)e w"ler
UlII II1rCIU!1h~ U
Eg,,', i! doz, Flour,Olllo branda. 'f Wheat, Corn. In eor and bulk, OlliS.
NEW Yoa!;. Nov. 2o-P. M. A bout 3 o,clock thl •• f'ternoon. JUdt be. lore the pUpil1 or the \v nd School No 26. 011 Green" hlch Avellue neer Sixlh Avenue were lbout breaklDi up .chool, tbe prlnCI' pal ur tb~ deplr~ment In the tI"rd Itory the buildma. 1 Mill Harrlaon. ee!Zed "Ith II .udden IIlneA. or a pllralyuc n.,ure. 'rhe IIngular expreillun wh ch her coun·
Borle), I Rye, W hltll bellDl. Clover·6el'd.
TimothY'leed, Dlleon, shoulder., ,
n., Dried PfltJ'chell, l! bu,. • do .lllee.;!l
Dried Applew,
Colfee, good RIO. )Ioll8e8a. N. 0 11> g.!. do .ugllr houve, 11' Rlcl'. 1R II" Sillier, Fentller•• 'p. Ib, ~lIll, , bu"
rAised. whon the cltllrJ,ren ruelted rpr Iii. atlllr"I,. Ind completely blockecj it up. The billuatrade aave way .nd Icor..1 of the children Wtre precipitated to the ground • c\letlllCie of lbout thirty feel, Tbe 11'81
58@fific. 31r.. 2l.lc.
'1 he ItC'acly and co/lilnued Incrense of our bUfI/lealI. 10 Ihe heot uVIlI. nco of 8111181l01l011 10 Our aUBlollIers. and we !ruuly Ihnnk \1" III IlIr Ih~1r ~ft _ III\Yur•• nlld hOI'" lor a ""nunllaneu 01 .amc Wo ooloell Ih.. I'alfunnKool .. Ll whu "Uf OIl EAl' uoons AtL~ ' "" EVANS I;'llIn <II Ihe. Gulden Dull. \VaYlle,nUn. Del
70c. :lOc .2.00
Siel. 6
7 c 81,1i0. 8 1,60. 6i<'N
9{c. 37.:
,II' , "SC. 4:ic, 1l!C. 36c. 25c.
,..,Auble OHf'(". &;t) i I JIrHtpMf lJ
F'ur.lIl ~
PItOol'r PBOOt'11 pnOOVlIl 1'1' CU RElS LI KE l\i GtC' A VoIce E,I-
Abo, J lyn COfl'lJll.inb Jau die. He&rtburu, Co. l'vene... Felntn", DilOrden flit the Skiu L}.ert lUI. Skin La .. or Ap ... UII I .... Ivltl!. Nor •••• HOld lch., Olddl,,". rllplllijoa "r tb. 1I .. n, SIQklnM la~ ~"lIn or Wol,l1l .tllo. I'''''''"c~ all ..'h .. . " e•••• C'lllu., d .,., an lml1u,.. .~t. of lh. blood llYU .Ie . .. hleh tend I. debilltalo II.d .....kel! Ibo 0Yllo ...
DB. GUYSO...... '!1 IMPROVED EXTItACT ot" YELLOW DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA', " UP 11t~ InrKest ~hal! Dottld IIDd 15 aakllowleclgod 10 bo Ih~ REST 1S4R. O".rJ"\.u.o'".,~ ft" I. certified by Ihll \VOYDtRWL CunlO! It hl~ \,CrlorUied. Iho orlgln"t ~u •• U. .IUll
ui I"e proprietor
n.mOlubpr. th
i. Iho only 'I'HUE
n.ntl, c.urad.
.~d ~rllt • PUJPBLET, C.. "lalnl~, tbe Corlllo.I •• of n.... rltthl. Cu...... n~ Ih. "1Gb .. I••lOtloo In .. bleb Ihl. ~Iodlolnl I, b.IJ b~ I~' millie r .... b. h.a pr lb. '" ,.".. r....
FItOli EU-
' .OPE.
'11 .... tllTTEllS .... 0. . . 11 morbid ... retlon •• porify lb. bloocl II ••• _1 lIoa. and .1,0' I. Iho d1leatl\'e urg,n, fortJfy the .,1I1em .piLlit ell rutllJa dl •• uo, con ~. tlken "lib !.(,jlr, it limo doblll 1"1"01 to II .. mo.t doll 10U"1( lb. !lOII.ll-b.l.. Cite .tolfttt.h Ind remark.lIl, fur tLI(r thMrinr. in ,lrurDtinK Itrenltboblnl'l .nd .... tunatt". J'lrurerLia. .'tId an Inulll"'11e Iud IU,.. TIDled, lor
IIALI'" x.,
Nov. !l4. Tho e,elmer A~la, wrth tbr ee dayalater Inwlhpm:e (rom E (.tr po .rrl~ed at tl,ia port thi. morDin, with IIUe. tb ' the llilll.
tile Ireot,
n...orlrllcn tt
s- Prlot 60 CtDII per ~I lIott1e ,
.," .1.1 ...
Tile I',up.' or Ku.¥utb throullh Eo!:· lopol wu atteDdt d Wllb iocreued enthu.·
A. Wlloo.,'.
Wltlle~ ..
Gauvna••• Milwaukee CIl•• Wil .. Oct.
--nth, 18~
Mr. SlGaD-Delr .Ir: Recenll, m1 II~. nn 1"'1, w,'th I Ior tIi lIn Ittac, bed
"(hleb r.ut .ad otbetwlae IO)u'red them _ riI/WlI,,1IO mucli 110 Ihl'l r."neldereci my "" t~1f\ ruined (IX' bWlWea. Fol'tUalllel,. a .~_~ frleDlt reeommen...... tbe UI8 of ),our oint· • m.nt. I ".atM MII".u~" lad purchu·
It lOon removed the IlItI.ml. lion. lad ia I (ew dl,' lb. "ouade heeled, ..... t b 8t "-rI • .> I the"- r T -"- •• ~. eDe ......... rom ~ 0,
ed .: boz,
),oor Ointment. on Ill, ho...... Illduced me
LEBANON, OHIO. F. pA.RSnALL now recal.lna • vcr, larlO and wellIIeelectt,id aluck uf • Fall And Wiater GOOI.w, rrom Phllallelphia and New Yurko to whlc" he would Invite Ibe attendOD 01 all who Wlnl chenl' goodl, he ,",In, ' w'11 •• .r,aoo lh~1 ..... elln .ell ~h')o1 che.per iIllu I,",y b"ve o,er be· tore """n oftllnod III lhl. markel. t.ldnl 1I)'lc. and qualily Into oonalderatlo)n 1lia .Iock b... linen eelocwd wilh CillO .. hblp Ibe 1.1l three week•• nd will curn,par'e Willi any .tock in IIIlrkei Gall and Me tb\l ne"" at Olie~p Caall 13lore, fir.ulore-aorlh of th~ Leba· nun 1I0U!": W lo', l'AR~HALL wbinon. sepl, l!lth, I~SI.
to I~ullnt 10U witll the ract. ~U,'inr Il. I baye on b.nd 111",11 101 of 8 by 10, publlclt, would benMlt,ou lind Ibe public. 10 b~ n. 10 by H. and 10 by l!ilklth of ve· fte "-tr. II ..., r, luPenur bualhy (ur. laic .t Ieee dUUl ",uII 4' ar~' 'U , J ...urt. _ coslof maklnl llt<!Ul. A CUII"alll e1.pply_ aI· GEORGE COMS·rOCK. ....~, 00 hand. W, f'. rAlUJIJALL. f.iillaeon.Oblo
I'rench. Euat",h• •n~
4T TilE SlGl'f 01-' 1flLA~U
'IrD mlEW
,. C'" .iRE DAILY fiE • H~ HARRIS.... w ~ J haye u8ed your n C1wn c;aae of t1oep· _nul dmIClt Irom Ibe ClllC8 ul ilelltoid Jlronohlllt,' nDd 1m •• n.Sed from Ua NEW 1'0ltK AND PJULADEf.PJlIA, cho'II1cal coniUtUUOn, lhat It II an .lImlrabl8 tbelr ....r' m:len.l"" a,.d ....&lIllful Ilock of colII{lOund fur lite reller of IlIrytIIlal and bron· FALL AND WINTER GOODS. cI .. a dUucultlea. It m1 op;t~lon" to I.a IUp<!' TESTIMONIAL • wWch. Ibey are bappy 10 Ur, Ihey can rior ch.araclor '!an be 01 ao)' ",,"'100. you Ire II ~T\lo rullowlnllla o~e amana I~II 1I"'U~ teaullloDlala of the 8"0"1 value of lb"III"'~lcl.nol- 1 '0 their old In 11\11 a.'" Iho trlulinll COIIII-,!'.UIII· liberty '0 UIII! II U yo .. tillnk projl8r II. 60urco lti luch III wOI at leaH CO Lillo lh .. nlCli.liclUo to a fair enal and IhoiO WIIO may Iy &~noraJty, __ ~groady rt!l.lucell prl.,... , t;DW"'U) H11'C1{(;OCK. L. [j D lndut!lld \0 Its uao will no' be dio.pjlOmted In 1111 IIlTecta. .loCk hu \MIll .~ltcWd ~llb • nice dlACl'llUml' From Iho wldeIY"h.abrated t:r.'rom ti. £. CUf, J:Aq. Counlellur It I.",. II. tl.e .genll "ICmclnnatl PROf'£IIIK)R 8JLLIIJIAl'f, III. D.! CIJlCI ~.iT I. OClu\ler 11th, It-tfi lion •• 10 Ine la."'. alit ,,"ull 01 Iht! 1181gh. MElInl SAno"o June lUll Willi Ittacked willi .I.DIIIIOlt ,fthetlnll Iud 11n borhood\ and wUb In unyleldln/( -dcl~rI)'Jlna· L. L, D., PrOfe.lIOr of (lae_latry, MiadUll to 1,le""" eralocr. 6e., l' ale eollqft, Me.ber rite porI's y"m. relurned dully. 'and WOrtl Vti. y o. of tlae •• It. HI.t • •~I. "_II. IIDd nluch unl'Dlred b)' a pr~vlOu8 Dlliek 01 Diitoul Fever.In tIM .nlcle of le.eD""" S~le"M.r AmerWilhoul rehel. a frlundl ... "born 1 bad oo1l6d"IIOO t iea .ad 'Eurnpe. 1 procured & boute lind 1(l1l0wedl,b8!!"'OOlllpI,nYUl8 J .. 1 deem Ihe t.:ll".RV 1"Ec:a~R.u•• n .dllllr., but ouu ,.arosY.IU altelr takll1llile they /latter lhenll,ely ... Ih",r .Iook II Incomp •• blo oompoahilin IWlIl lOrna of Ibe betil amelee whhou~ UOIOa: 1111)' oll.er medicine I dispen~ r.l>ly tine. c 011118111'1 in pari of .lIrcat ~arlt')' In tbe JUntcrio MedlcQ, and I yer, elfeclI"e penon....nlhlfly aOllcwd and with llUIlO 01 re,"edy for tbe ci ... of diM. lea It II ,"Ien,ted been Ibllklllil fill .Ighl ",antics. ft\lll wa~ reheved to IWO day. by Iho u•• BLACK AND FANCY SILKS; 10 eure." New JUven Ct • Noy lat •• 1&19 n::~l~~~;~ I clIIllld..,. It my dUly a. II I, lily plc""ur8 to recolufDend It, hQvlllJ: 1110 mOllI ell' II1AJOR PA'I'l1SON.l'roudonlof Ihe8.C. I i I SeI)IOIO. 1I.,ee lie "" ulOId 11111 CIIURV 1'£1:1'0' n 18l1lnOI vo power. Youra truly, IIAL " 'lib wondorful'II_, to cure all lnl1a. JOHN D. PARK, CINCINNATI, O. nlallon of Ihe LUIlI.
Dress Goods
S. D, Howe'. Shak4!1' Saf.ap" Gtrmla Mcrfnoee. C.&hntrru . pl' n lind rill., ""ertllied in Inoth lumn i. trul, ,Ia'a all wool lle Laloea. 6,'d and chlnlleable I .......t p .. ~ •, v-. Lal_. Alpace..... LUlu.a "r all eol",••rrd Cb.o".le~a ' ....... .mll, lIleclicine. It putlliel the qu.lhlea. Gbllrbame, Prfnt. ele.. ele • In lreal FIGll'D SlLK..POPLl1IiS. blood Ind pr8'l'eln., .. well .. cpr_It I. . .del, JOlt recolved .nd I"qr ..to cheit. French. £Dllhlb. Scotch. and DoOleitlo Gin,· h.I .... and a very' IUle .IOCIt 01 clerk, fanoy hlah1Y'poken or III Claclnnatl. Ind lalher. !.eMnoo. Sq.1 ltth, ~IF. PARS AIJL and tW., ..1,loa .. f ~lIed tbe poor miD'. friend. Bee IdyerCALlCOEt3! tleemeal.
J e.n •• I-Ianoel. 01 all eulor. and plllln a ud pl.,J LioleYI bid'" Alu.IID. IorD ... a, Iolct.d .,1<1 culo"" ClinioD t·tooll!!I" 6\C. ~tt,
o::TDa. OtGoon'. III11A CJlOLAGOGl1K,_ Amonr the di.tl~lahed loldl.jcha.1t who
1n a ....on!. Cl\lcry thlnllln Ibtl JJry GootJ. line ,bai II new aod deolrelile. 10 whlell Ia lidded a yer, "'n1 a~ 411 • 1110 ... anD ~ • .., ootaprllinc ..U&be monadmired .tyl~. 01 Ihe former. aad .,real ••101, ul the I.ller. AIao. ""uulul .....nmenl 01 Oil Cloth, Silk .Pl..b~nd Cluth Cape,lIIIdj)Uk' U.ta •• na • fiwb IIIp'pI, or Holilnptlead'lJlilk BoatDltl. Bnld and Suaw lkwnoota, elc., etc. Aleo I larle alOCk or \,lueruware.Ulrd",a..e oDd 1II ..11ona .....,raUt. 10.11 whleb wereepect. full, la he tIia It"DIlGO or 1boM -Ito ab ptlrcb_ L'UEAI' G<MJ08! !rIP of &be 8M .1ap, 8 E. Coraer or Mlln aad JIIorlla IS... Wa,_rn.. 0 \ Oct. I. '!lI,
....- ............
b..o lWed thl. vll_ble remeclj .nd reoommwnclecl it to \be confidence or the pallo lie. are Han, Wm. L.IIareJ. aewetlry or
War; Hoa, Wm. Woodbridae. Hoa.
Wllkll\l. Incl HOD. W •• A. Fletcher. 01 the S'IW 01 Jllthlpn; LtICIOI Ab~t M. D. IncI 1ft, CII.rte. &e!ple,. U. tI. AI'IDJI Bon. S, C.".OIJlClanltlj J, H. ...tb. . . . Eeq •• Utlca.li. Y.; Hon. Jobo A. Bock••lI, o( ConDlCticut. Be pal'\lo-
Illar lOinqulre fer Dr. o.,.l'lWU CAlI. . , . . . , . . . . . . . 110 .......
lilt....... ... .
M ...... ., ...................
_III ....
0 ...
or tile ant pla,lleI".. Aa
.aIDe. 5 ..00,1\10 •• "l'rll26, llJ.19 Dr J C A,er, Loweli.-Deu If lam now coou.n~ly Iflllll YOllr CJuUIlY l'EcTouL III my I' ~eucO ••od p L-c11lr It 10 any' olber modIclne lor pulmonarf, coOlplllntl Frum nbs..,.· nllon 0) ulan, 8Cvere cuet .. J .In CODYIIICleCl II Will cure ClOulitio, oold•• am,d dlac.... 01 lb. Luna". Ihlll have/,u \0 de6.nr.e all ollMlr rem· 0011" J IIlYlflDb Y recommf!lld I" UfO In ea "'- of ""nluDll'lI"lI. aud oonaidor II mueh tbe bHt rtlllledv kllow" 'or Iha~ III..... Itee~ctrutl'y' 10ul'lI. 1 I) CUtlHilIAN. M. 0 PREPA..RED ~ND SOLD BY ;rA.ll.E8 Co AI JUt, PracUca1 Cile.atllt, Lowell,
QUART B01Tt};!,
Tit ON K:S will bu kel" on hQlld Wbo .s un ar (rom .. rJt,.rblJ J,ntJ unnatural CloncllUoD _ rolr eolo AIllI now I CUnlC 10 wIll fiud Iht. MctUoine nf Ibo 1110 t uPporlnn! pnrt of l ubJlICl, 111)1 lerl"s. \\ Illch wi INESTIMABLE. VALUE. be 48 luw IliI Ihey III XE~" or any (liiour In •• , c .... or Ut. N..:nAI- IDEnlLITV, 1101. Motif luwn 11, Ihe cOlllllry (;llIne und «luml no \\ ork, "hethor yuu "I.h 10 l,urch~8e ur n.. I. for 1 Ical clu. AcrS LIKt A CnARM ! ..tbh.d 11001 our wllrk Will I! I'~ak lur I(Bell ~BOV.'&.D. G W SATIAJIIWAIIE. Waynenille. 0 April 161. 1851 10-3111. Hut. tettCtd ttl eft1cere1, ...d tbc!u •• ltlh more are now um1n trntment Ind no\ one lJOJltar1 elf I.nnre h•• ) ot bUD ",,,,,..ted Yuhj m" ... uld 110 BUed wlib eerliBclt.. of LlaM. ~llo 11.". been l"HInUI
,r4e, IUAIlY ofwholfl (annot recuver.
Df( B. D n i5 wl~ s SHAKER SARSAP\RrLLA
\lle Icrellm. of U1utJ,rra was hearJ ren.llng, So ror II. wo hlYe lieen ablll III &i!cerlalu. IQrt),' eillbt wore killed. wblie there Ire IV ma,,), mure Injured in Ia ~ater or Ie.. de·
C'fc,tlO¥o. III.
CAI>\VALI AOER ," (H)()O!:: Wli yn e.. III., ANl)l!:lHil lN ~ OI.fo'NNY le'/nn un. H,II01·II.IN::; Murrow. R\' llI'll &. W \L rll N 1'9":: Vuil,). 1' 01. 1 1' 1' ' &' FINLb Y. X"run
uut! by J'bysldD.DI of HI,h 8Iolldla"
which 'then rlll,ow~d ~u81e. deMcrlptiot~. l'arllnl.I!III children .t once .... \lm bled lind I . lIitity .«er body w"- lulren Ulit
fir "Jt "H~
(lr.",1 D 'JI'H .0 I,olio S/
c."" ir the dlc.rll'c",<f or
1'01 nul"'r lI~ rd~ul .. ""~" ",.IIIIIUI.or
011. 'YESI LOOK BEft~. 'rHt:; llIbacnocr. through Ih,. Ine· dlUm reJ!lpccllllliy mforma tho puli • IIC al largo Ihat he h•• open!ld , S.ODLE nnd UU.NE,.,M.nulnclllry III II""pl.be. on Malll neGt. fu"r doors aLo •• tho :Wn~n( . VIII. S.. I"lln~. wllors he Int n,ls keep· Inll on 1081111 " good n..O"III OIII ul Suildl!!.., IJr1ulc8. alld Jlnrue •• 01 evc,)' descnI'Il(,n. ant,! VAIITICIJLAR .rr~N;tloN ,,,II 1m given 10 rigging OUI filur allli ilx hM"e lonlll8 Work 110 .. (10 IU IIrtl6r. 0 1 Ihu b " 81 rlllltNIIII . . . nd on ohon nOlloo I hnyu curoo tho ser~lc" QI i\lr John n,mlen. who" ill QVar800 ohll .\lend tn Iho IIlnllulnClUre of ail nmoles. nnd enKur •• Ihe f~cl thl" nil unlcles 801.1 hy 1110 Will be 01 Ihe IICIII ql1ullly unilmunuiliclulutl III Ihu ~URt
or,,1,114' lltO'VeiJ Ii
Thc.o h :llM-, n U "' Cler .,,).. fr: , lind cWcaf. cetMIIIJ urI,} rol1U\\ M
\tntl or. lliu IpOIfy l
Long Shnwl., DODnet». Hlbbon • • G lu, "'" Ho. . ,ory elC, ale A lorgo sIIIck 01 OUDI. Loalh MolClceo SllOo •• ail of which will be at ouch low prcCU8. a. 10 nlnk .. iL nil ob fur all who wllh to purchase guod •• 10 cali litHJ Bee H uru \\ ore, Q.uetJn~wQre, tiruCCrLClf.
b,ll5. 81,00
'f. bu •
Flax· ~erd,
tenlnee ·...umed produced ~e ,rea test .larm amonr' tho chlldrell. lhe maJority or whom were rlrl •• from ,Ill to el"ht yurl of In lIIe mld~t of Ibe Clllliulion. the
I 0@15r. 14e bbl, 3.00@S,1O
lO\ try
bOvC1t::i"" r Itll ,I ) (1,)' I II (oUnw fllJ! df"Cnt!'Ct1 Yuulld( r , OI.tt!111 1" r , iii It! ","lIul, 1..0. of Apprlhf, Intvnrd uu ln . , ' IJlkJw \\ uu r h."llnu,l.lto" or I'IC E)'~t ~Q"UIAU. rrulll hlml r~ rc;UQ I nlMU Rhcumn.UII/fI ~C:OInmon'y r lll l\ lIlitHYc::olllvtntnf.' \\ hk II rUUVClf .., rlul ll.O}onny vnl'te IIhlQ IYir~ hI t1llllltr y h 1fI t'l to Il ~(., I\lui er::rtnln ~~~~rl:~lfh ' alhi ~Ohtlt, "h\q l1 g.,ncrnw MJ lIIony
e lC • ule.
Jt' ll\ erv
--rAt ( Jlf, tm~,.t It", ,,,InIy ' 111'* r~~III1" ~ 1I C)lf\tr IJtnlt,~n\. (ll,d I 11,11" "111 rQrU'fI cur~ pr .~CJI " \\'Otlfldltl Hun. of ia I "-Ill 14', !o(li r~,ilUl l'ru r"w, ( tne ~ ftd U ,.. , R-ln,t.Qne, \VIII.I , 1111". I'Ql' ~vd, CAllou., ,.. r~lYln.~ s \'eel~y'. f lilula,81t
POtltoet. 'ill bu. 1J6c. !elecled In the CUI, Wllh great care. beugh~ ftl Apple., " bu green 8100 drled.815o. rOduced'jlrlcu. alld Will be Buld "~'TO~I"IINOL\ CIIEn Cb,cken •• 111 dUI. 1,600. Feather" l!l Ib, Ilie:. RID Ooffee. l!l Ib, 19c New.Qrleans Sugar, il lb. 8t@llc. Maple, < do 9c. New Orleane Molllles. , gal ~Oc. we say our stuuk of Suger· House MolaeseR, l!l gul. 60('. DRESS GOODS ~hple Mulol88l, 'f gel. 40c . II unu.unlly largo co)1.IQtlng 01 rni". De Pepper, It lb. 19c. I.Mlles. Alpqcca8. LU8Ire·Velula8. Natiollal 1,laldll. Silk and COIIOII. 1,;'lk and War8lt'd , Aliapice.1I lb. 19c. l'laen Figurall anrl l:ry~I.I·rnlnce )'0\.11118. WI"te·fi~h. ~ bbl, 88.50 , plalll alld ""uroJ C •• hlller"". 'j hlhel Coli ••• While.fiBh'i hlr·bbl. 86:90 Challlclo)on hI/urad 1'Yrrlnlllle., l:illk •• f;UIIIl8. Lake Bait, bbl, IJ .26 etc.a hlle 101 ul 'I III bet Wool , DI.II Day S,ate
t The .elticlIllent or O~fI!n by Immip. , ,Ion lerOIl the Cont!n.at.- berln In 1834.
A~eO!l.~I¥Ii(-<l tIl~(ft'4j{nl
.,..".,., aM"" 'T'd l'\Vtu,.c) (ltde, _
Yll rttot y RI I' iilfn ltl) or iI'~~ . or \,.., hn l)to utfl""Of .. ", "41'" .. .nIl. IU ,J/'(f'/1 , Oill/"'''''-ClJul J'wMr ,
Corner of FOW'Ul and WalIlut 8tl'8.tI, ONLY AGENT FOR WlS'rAR'S BALSAM OF WILD ellEMY. Da. GunO'JT·. 1.....OVlD Ex:rucr or YELLOW J)qcll A!<D S....,.,. .u.u. anti
FabDCI'I, p!e~i'lIclCl
aD If .A\ 11 'll' I
I. Wal'_eayUle, OlLlo•
&Id In W.,Detvllle b, tC.dwallader ID Lebaaon by ADdeno. laol ",lenny, by H E. Drake.ID CloOlnaali by t' . Jr • and ",. Drulld.1I Ji:••ry ..h,,",
JUVF. proc;ured !he room oyer D,.. Stocl· IMaIO dard &. naber'a office. Ibe EI.I Side SL. ror • permanllnt VallllrY, to be com· U I
of my 0\1.1 work •• (mOl d, Lllndsca .... }'alnllnp,) , d olber plclUrea Iba, nlay be offered for .... purpoae, all ~raolJll are invitoolo
36 3m
call. lam a1ao prepared \0 make l'ortralta in Cnyen1ln • atylo wurlUlled 10 ,ho IS :llf.c·
Iter ..."
year••s""nen~ 1n UUa branch
of Art. lleel coillident of . u _ in tIeIrl)' n· ery cue Local "Ie... punted 10 ore t 1a any p.rr of IIIe S18I~. 36-3tn G. M. L. BUIlN81D~
. . ==
-DECEMBER ;5; J8,51.
Once ente~'e~. 'le tentl), lifted t~e e, might \1:ILncu the • cene.· which to the trlg~er o( his gull, Millor fired, lind An ea., mode Of (nisilll Mooe,. • a W on Colluw lhe slce'pl:r'ii ,et~lf~ 10 wake. true 10 hi_ oi~f" lI~ruck ttll' barrel of CIII· Tbo ,following occurred. few 116Y_ .IlIc. Ida fro~ h.t>r.beil.and noiselessly os II :' Ill ' fr9m the house. . Poor.' Idn ( She ; daughter of .the. firat" clilt\f. he.ahull ~e elt" (ulnr~e . · , . ':1" Illm'a rilio, t1\rowln~ ' it far out of 'mnlll! of Gu .·to T/le Fouudatloo. in, Philo~elphin, and ,Ivill eh~w a ~eunnlni was Iii .the, hunds ', of her di rest enemy,. titled' to'H'r' provided.!n one tramp upon 'the Contrary to his i!ltllnpoll ; QullulO 'Weldoll', perSQlI, IIlausing lIiI freight of I Nould h~ve, the rea~er8 ~tudy tho hellrt efl'ort to fmpo'sll a I'!Cond tifne qD tbe ' pa.. doom~~ ~~ hinl' to hopel e~8 ~npll~ily J Yet ~ wor,p!llh, alone 8n~ unalde'!, I.e .IJol\ t~li", not Ilwnko until .Cter day ,\jghNII ~h!l mClrn. lend to spend iLself in opellllir. · . oud lridellvof to ilnplunt right motive8~to tor of one ~C I the ' Ghurcihea ~ 'Iff tha' , ahe 8lel't as cI.!\I1IYOlid sweetly 8S Ihough : tw(>lve ecalps from tho ollemy, and· .s.leol inll'; The first ~hlng he did Wilt lo Iuok for Ne"er \~os ~an mor~ thoroughly beaten co lO the very ro~t. an~ estllbliab Bound· city. ,A IUanger entered tho paltor', kind ongel mig'h t be l!lni1i~g UpOIl 11011 bring with, him, a child, to becomo a his prisoner. She waR 'gope,! H e sprang thiln Cnllu'm, The .fell' oC hi B invisllble prineiple~. ' study, but was not recognized. when a dl.her, with Heuven'M C!llllmi~81un ' tu guard ' d~ughter to the greut chief. 'fhii; ie 10 ' his fbctln a moment. oud 88 ho did so foe"come upon him wi~h ten.rold force, and Outward goodness Is II mCfe 8hell, , It i8 logue ensued. ' '.,her from harm. Ha,plcs8 innocont! that noble brllveR may be the sons of the his head struck agojnEt ble, (:UII - wllh a with II howl of 'rage fen'r lind ' disappoint· but the ahaqow of 118h~dl'. There mU8t be Stranger-'You 8eem not ~o know m•• f ,nl Till> 1I11~.MI VISI'l'Oa 'r/.le vipoin reached Ih~ foreat witll0Ut mighty cl&ief. Long· Kl)i(e i8 1l0t noblc- force thaI mode it lingle. He Iqukl'd IIr· ment, be broke frolll 1018 sheltor; IIl1d rlln something whl, in, or it hus no Bubslstnnce. eir," i "COO~ DYE.'~ . Past~r-' No sir, I hllve no recolJecllo~ intcrruplio,!, . and by morning wos mUIIY he is /I cowa!.! : he ~hnll not hllve Snow· ound him, nud eo w' tho knife lind . temma· wi th all his might bllCk tbe way he haJ 8IJch g~od"c&s WIll ooly Collow reJijtion, lIliles from the settlement, pus)ling ,aheall mrd to keep hiil ~igwnm. nur be more pow. ~alVk. !ll1d then knew thll,t Selme enl.'my cnme; und, lhiij time, he nl.'ver slept until li~e olle (If-Jolon Dunyan's characters, while DC yo.u , I t II . L/JU194 QIII,TWOOD, j hnd been llicre. Hi, nge was unbound· he \VIlS In the Indian village, where he' re. it wears . its 8il~cr 6l1ppere. Such good. S~rnng~r-'Do. you not rem,emb?r of with ~II ~pI.'C~ fur the Iudiull cuuntry, de· erful than Oweno.' termined to put tho ,possibility of bellJg 'Let him dio firet.' ed, Ho ranted, he swore. h, roved, he In led the mOMt wondruu.lnles of 8d"ell. nC8S fnils in the huur of temptotlon. It holplb~ a po~~ 8I1110r to get. to ~:8 fn_adl. "nUl glyo In me w\oon 10yod ones pan, 'Detler!' cursed. he fOllmed. He rout"O ludicrous II ture. ' remindil one of tile oricntnl lule Lord B~. 8ome~lx or etgllt months Blllce. 'overtakep by tllO pursuit, whie.h 1Y0uid (ui. Tho t:lJllllo ",orll gooti 'I)y-o:" , 101Y 011 the ular'\D created by the llbduclion, 'Ah! OWCIIO i8 wise; but whllt will be figure, thnt Oweno coqld scorely conlain Ido wQs'restored to her Cather, by IHe. cQn Ie II. of where 1I cot as changed to a Pnstor-'} recollect of giving a smlll . Th o word fo",,,,01l Itur~t fcom lily ijPlI, so good'llJIlhe dealh of Long.Kllife i ' hirnselr, sohooled at he WOll 'to conlrul generous Oweno, nnd he and 1\lIIlor can. ludy aDd she lJehnved ,very lady.lIke till, sum io delny lhe trtlv\lling expenees of a out of tho quclItiun; IIn'd he did so. Checked Ity Iho ri~11l1l' 611:h; , : It would bankf\lpt any languog~, to lind ·Owl.'no ill winc; he keeps his own coun· h!d te olinglt. So .angry was lh~ enlrup' o.Il1Clcd IliJn. ~8Cely back to his home, Iud mouse rlln through the rOQm when she person,llbout.the time lOU slleok or, but r Illy hen rl wnR Ihon l<lo 'lull ror wnrdl , And I !laid 1I0t lUBKO·rOI)I), : word. adequato to portray tloo, horror and sol.' ~etl mnn, Ihot ~e tlllkcd to, bll1180tr os thero ",ilnessed the i1~18peakabll! joy- or sprang down upon hor hond8 o~U chllSed IL lhad quite forgotten your fu'ce. sir,' Fur 11)0 11l1 ~red o'er In O'lr r.rling hour, anguish of tht! Weldoh8 wilen thc), Coulld 'And"!le ,will not let Snow-Bird live with though he hlld an a\tel,ltlve 1I\1~)Iloee. the Wife llnd mOlher, us sho clasped hue. So l~ilJ children: if Iheir goodlles~ is ,only Slranger-'WeJl. I nm ~hl\t persQn, Dnd #f'h(l ","cnry do}' .. o{ )lulu, .. ' lh"i r child WII,8 mi8sil"'. nnd lhllllwiul ait· the polc·Cnce1' 'Fuiled at every step"' he b1111 d In d ell I ' ld Ilt 'unell 'III Iler arms. ' nn outward thin"' ... when temptatioo comes 1 ' have notr forgolten. your , .. ,,' . , tuk d I ktnuness. h -,lind' 118 I 01, cll~lIl1e .'.llI! urrow. percbau(4 Df don til, uotlon in whicll abc WIl S plnced. wllie:h I\ie will not. Oweno hDS spuken it.' 'fly henvens I win have revenge If ell the ' " . , they will down and foJlulV Give tllem en 0 my grulltu e. ave mOue you a );:ro wo 8hDul~ mcoIGg:lin. ' Wile revealed by the ubduclor hilO81:If, .who 'SIIOW·nlra nsks, 110 more.' .I devils io--' onpole mc! 0 iII but knew Th~y ~hen returneu, to. the Yilinge of the ri ltht motives ' and sound p~illClplc9 aud prelty miniaturo Yl:8sol, and left it In tit. . " ' , grent Olllef. ,111111 had their own IIn1USC Dlco l . . ' • r kl CI t t t , (, And I hqDrd ihee ellCak fa t,;",..ll , lite yell, could not be content with tho net alone, This COII\'crsutiDn took place imrnediutc· who hos done dds I'd 1:0 to the world 8 " . they will be firm In after liftl tbt: waves carco " r , - - , Ica nut Ii, ree IV Illr. Thnl voioo o'nll now II n,igll\ but, 'iri ~ddition"mu8i.let it be known who Iy nfter Oweno · len . the presenco of ,I,is end . but I would .:have his hearl8 blood! hstentng to , tho wonderful rclallous uC oC IImictlun mllY' howl around them and it is in , II bolt, murked to the '.R ev. O. . . , ' Longknlfe. " '.. B' . . b )Iy II art k~.p. Wll i8VOrl~g all Iho willlo, did it. , In the child'lI room Willi fO 'I"d a tllt\l ~r, hnving learned the tenns 'on' which No 8.col p8,no prisoner! -WhatshaU I BBy . ' . ' they will Btand serllno nmid tho tempost. - - , you olin ~et It at allY tJ~e .y "Guod ~Y(), I",]uve.! l:o ~!1 ~)' e. " 'lila eister \VIIS to IIccQme .the wire of tbe to.Lhe r,hi~f 011 !Oy retUrn! I'll not return 1IIany of lhe Indiana were disp()IIcd tQ " ... • ' p)'e~enLing my name. wbicb is W - - scrap QC pap!lr 'oll \yhillh wns wrillen: Farewoll·. ·ho",' dirll~ ItK:o' Willi tho lono, ., ' .' renegade, .' , to bo o tho Iliughlr) .... stock,', oJ the're.d.devJls, b,e liavll that tbe eVIl s.pi~lt-tho In~ia08' BAVARIA-II .WoillAlI.-Th o \Yoille'! of 8--:' , .. . . , 'I, JUDAS CAL1.VM, "Ilhve token youi' " . d I h b f hi h P l I h bl d t \, liD,," .nliglll), in 1I ~ power; child. ' You moy seek it. but 'you \vill n'e. ' Owcno,lcft Snow-Bird.,anel sOullbt'/ur ';,6t rt C~r8e Iheir tawny , bidesl •. No 1'1\ evi -.olYll8 at ,t !l . ,ottem 0 s ' mis ops; Bavaria are celebrated for their i'llifuillO : 080r- om muc 0 Ige ~o you-. JI rl~ l ullon my Ifullrl 88;(0118 , ,. , llie prlsoller. 'l'u him hc unfoliled his have some tokeu oC Hucce88 'e ie IlIOt fOllt but, Oweno took PIIIDS to lellhe truth be klndnes. and goodncij8 of hoart ' h young 18 not often those we help"kerp u. ill lueh Thu rrol! upon .ho 60,,' .. r. vcr find It. Ere you knuw of Its 108s, .l ' k ' I ' ' ., d ' th " k' rl b ' will lIo miles Qlla jIIi:es on It~ way 10 the plllns, They were to follow Cullum whqr. in lhe' _ , wIgwam of lhe oloHleatilen oC II. 'now~ n II prlvoleway, an soon , eBtory opera,sillcer of Mtini~h, whu trnveled .wilh III ~em(\m ronce. , 0 , oft Ilhillk of our IllI rllnll now; Chlof Yes 1'lIll1ave' oM IIculp Illemat if gotaflollt Ihat tlieLouglmife WISIIO better me III1Vill" worll himself out by' ' cxces~ of' Blranger~'I pever torget thoae who ~o . . ' . , eyer he wen't, aud In every e080 ' \\' ),1111 nOllo ~ul li,y God I~ nleh. d (ndioo'. Inn , . 'hero It dcslllled to become . ., . . ,. • I .. I d " ' " . , ' fi 1 IVI'11 now bid y0II ~arelVe11 , · _ '1 ' the eU<leBlB 01 1118 etrorts. Oweno did not I bave to \valk through fire ond brim~tone tl.OIl a squaw tu get tllg Itentl at 1101 ling • J'oklnrr lind Illuihte~ durin .. tho dllY be- me a avor. I-I"o&r theo sillb rol. rewell , fliowell. first, toe daughler lind the Wife. of IIU wlsh . to be recogDlzcd . ' , , I t W08 In . valli . IIe tr ICd I0 reglllll . I118 ' come..sleepy , 'oeeu. , r '" k ,In t , Wlllio I falter OUI "loud l» ' ~," . . lien . by the renegade, and , to obt In III Frunk Weldon' I Your doom ill the evenin ... llnd not Sir,. I a m I bau t 8.t'ar.'I ng .or I,ew Yor, Indlon, chter. " By Its/llpllire J . socurto tile hence, took tIle Ilri ~oDer irito eonfi.J~m:e. '" se ~ d 1 'l'lt ia time It -shal l lie no hul in -the IlstimatlQn 'oC hie tribe.- pvin .. · a corner 01 lhe Cl~~ch 'found his wiU hallt! to walk all MJ, _!l; Jor "ant o( • Gnll ~ bye- )'e. hI ~h.t iiI tie. word haud of the .' , I Ol!. H e peMiste I d'lD ,J' d I . • .. ' d II 1.0' plly my Iiure. b0ini ou t 0 f IiU9.d8.• . great clll.cf'a. o1l1y . dlluqh . .er.- ~bQt if llny , dl sco~ery should be mode it l . k' k ' 1 'for iloes CIIIJUDl " no ' ll~ ee oratIon. coucorn· Iteud rathor iucunv.onient A Bllvllrion la. 0 or '!'hero .c~m8 a Ulogib 11"'11, O. sweel doubly sweet the rcvellge of . '. \\ or ,mlll' I. , . ' I I h' . , ''1'1 . t ' b t l I I th ' t the ' ." ,AVENGER!' would be, lC him,lInd tho o~oncy o~ Owo· work! . _ . ing the e~ :1 spirit's Interferonco II' \ I 18 dy who.aLJlcxt to ltim. ,protes~,inll thllt .s,be Ie pas or WIB a .ou Ie p D~ e,lI ~~.!'. Which wbiBpt'r. yOY ah.DlI '.meet allllln, 1'hie I, 110 1•• 1 larilwell\ , , . , ', . . , no relllOID .s- ,secret~ 1'llis ex,plulD~ theAlid thua he raged • . H,ad Oweno"un. plll~8, unttl O,ven<l. \~b? thought he hnd reo could never ~Ie\lp ill a to\iIlIl,8urrendered gar to onolb~r, dQnallol). wlten the~ thougb' Aud 'lba word. I pOl)dor o'~r aarain O. th~ ngon.)' tblot .wrung tlleae 1I~I~ted my~\ery ,of the-unknolVll, whose cO~llDued derstO!ld '.till, 1.1 0 '."euld,' dOl~bt.ellll" h.ve m"l~ed lon~ e~o.ug!1 IDI?cojt. Conc,lulled be~ plo.ce t~ lIim. and in II. felY minutes hi~ , occ~rrell.' thllt h!,,h~ ~etter wait 'fill, .lQIiO''',lliku fl:P!r, ' [eil much inclined tOllhoot tbe,vUlnin dowu to tll~O up, IfODloally ! 1118 de,CIl,nse W,lIen head was .re.cuillbetit on her ~boul.Jcr. 'h ia to seo tl~e . ~lDlllture ,ves8el;. SubsQ.par,enli! h!.~t8!.\ W.~h all h\1lhl \h~ 1I?lgh. preecpce so IIUlfmcd I.he guilty ·CoHlim. Th~ Il'lle eh.1I c<)mu wh~n )'011 ~h.1I uiect, bore '(o'er~ c~lIed tOgethllr •.l\lId ere th~ BUll But why dlil tho, cOllfederat~s permit for soule ot I,id clI>prcss\OIl,'; .b'tt,he could C~lIum IlIld 'boeq relut!na , hIS ·adventor·' IIrm arround her w1l18t. ond ho I!ept pro. quently, Inquiry WIIS mado lit Che.~nul No .!)(iro·lo u ( ,ood bye. bad morp ,tli.n loncely n~ell, purdult ?I. the ca)1tl,lre of the c\lIld! , It ,11'.11 be . re- only Bee tile aots an~ no~ he'u tile word•• elto a,large Clompa~y, ~,:"elhniliong on ~e foundly. When the coocb stopped to street whlll'~ for t~e ..ves~l. ~ut no, bUd7 And on in tho alleoeo of the nighl ~r tbe tiller aud to .r~v,er..tl~1l I~dt 'i1~II,d memb~rcl) UIII.,t .fnr a lon~ ti~e. IhlS w~a not being able to eompoillld their import •. ' pllr! en'll~d by lbll 1n\'lalble de~mollo w!llch chll.nge hntles I walked wltb my ntu'sical know anythlOg ab~ut It or, tbe a.•ranller. Thv &entl~ preul'pco \Hllllla .' wa. ,1\t.telDpted. .Wlth UIII' ellrl~~ ~111l' the one only o.~JeQt had In VlelV b7 cal- ] At lallt. aftt>r,h.vine flxhaullltd loilVocab. he .embelh.~ed ,,:I.th IIIl1ny addItions. s~ch friend t6 View the ruills of a Iit,le , Got~.ic ... Liko a . I~ in ~eavaa, 11111 thou In nelf, gence thc IIl1rdy ploneeril urged 11u'lr way I\lm. To Buccel!'d 111 it, he IlIUst be qUIet 'nlor)' of oalhe and curses, .rld coll~ down lIS lI'0ttlhg . a,g\lmpse of tho evil bemg chu~ch' in .,tbe moollllGht; und on oakin" . , . A Fu. DaRt. 1" Ih!!t ",Ioriou. talld 01' Meams;" thru~ghthe ,:"idernessi ~ut ulIsb!e to .'tell ,~o~ a timc. , To. besoCe he re~ire~ Into tI e nil Lbe Jnllle4ictionl he. cotl id lJjiuk.of. tipd through the smpke. which he , declared II 1m Jf -be """s acquolntt;d willi lite Itujy on , Thero was ollce a steamboat COmill, up lli8tCll then 10, lI,y ••d forowell,· Alld falter out reply; definllely ,wlucb ~.y the Jlurp ue!1 had tall· wlldern e!l.~-re.ttrcd so ra.r tbat IllS, watCh: on pretty nearly every b~dy ' bot hllll'ell; cmme from hia m~uth\ .~d ·\Vus tlllcker .a~d ~nole ~noulde~ be b~d 'slept so lYolI, ~c re •. the Mil.illllippi one d.rk night, Ind .th. D. we , baUllIept air. in my love, en, Lbe hope o( Ilil cap.lure was rcluctlln~. ,efs 108t ~Iltht SIght' of hun. Willie they the tide of hi. wtath began ~o ~bb•• t leu~ blacker lhau that from 8 gun-wo aay III plied: U hllVe .never soo,n hor beforu, .. but CIIptain. Iccordlng to ',Ime Itonoled Ulall'. ,Thl. i~ ,DO 111," "good bye." Iy abll\Jllolle~; aDd ~no by, aile the pnrli~~ )VQre.. s ~eki.~g , h,m, huving to, de . 80 .witll in words, .nd lor a moment he'lellee:led, as the mld~t.ol tbi, mirac,ul~u8 tale, .Ow.onow~ do t~\ sa tbi'nga Cor ,one Dn.othor in .. ,B a. waa ,ployingllard, In UIOIQclai hllll. l1he MI, Cams:ell. Od. rlltr.c~d lhe,Ir at~pl, Ipd, by, npon of tti~ great caudol/., le~t , 1tt shOuld ,dlscover 'il to d(:clcie what to do/ 'Ttl"n' aeidn, bl. . .Id: 'Yes. noble bravCl, Loo.g~IIICo be- VlIrjll'.-'l'r~ltr iF! Bawria. -... 'lepped ID: ,'".,. " following d~y •. ~1l h,. ·~','t~lled. :1 'rh(>n ,th'er'eby UpRe lting ' tho l1ic~st 'C?aturo ritle, kJllie on~' liltllhel. he' ~t~ed .~lfllt,: ' ~Ieiii ",ondera-gr~al w.()niJllre. Longk~lI~ , '. ' ' • ~ . ~ .' . . . 'Cap\tlln. o~t o(wood-~ot e{tou~h ~ef' , , dl!'lpalr ., o~k u lLA abude., ln the. t~elr luetll\ll, be._8U()Ce~de~ In tillS p,a.,l heodlon, rate for 'tlle', aettleJJ'le~unln. . " ve~ ~rove; ~ut when tbo ovll.aptrl\ ,. I.. ' A. Fuuer~1 Sl1r ll\on,. , toi,n·o~e}lie , w.ter hot I!nough ,to~b.f~l .. hellr~ 'he .p,ren~8. .. ' hla purpooe. ,. Owenu walteiJ no .l ongelr; btlt . hili mouth lind Bbo~ at him. he h frieM of our:- fro~ the,S? uth (whOle 'Q.h,,, tho bell' replied tbe ' captl\.inB~t E';'I?k \V el4011 W~I nCtt.?~e to sink ~ N,ut,6ndir" tho obi,cct 01 their search, fllr tIi,~ Bame pain,: tllklng • ! brougb tllo WOOd4, lIud ran Wi'tb .I be •(!lvaMi ~wo r~8periful1y , 801i~it,'? -, a Ugbt 'aDd 'Ieare lome' up alollg' th. under ml_fort~nel and after a tIme III~ ral. Owono ,came tQ the CpDc\UlioD. (bot tlitry r .lUte .0 III no't to be seeD, delermiaccl to apel!d_of the Ir.i,hteD~d doer. Lonllknlfe Iho o~er day a' funeral ~ermo!l Ihore:' " . ' . m"8~ h,ave frightened ~im back; undo ac· stnk~ i~ abead oC the ten~ir,ule .,.Il, paz· III v,err ,cunning, H'e cfl'pl in~ pill ,w!tite . ,be ~rd I~, N,Ot~1 Clrol!nll nO,t I~n, .illce, The mate wentoutand 'lie ~pllla .~n' lied from the .tupor of t~e fir.tib • • " " " . - ' ; ' \U .... "".n1 I)O\ll hIm fu On.tbl • .",j1 . JIO!itLoO;"tltct He conllnlled, to lieu brother',11 bOUB. olld atole hi. cltlld Irum Its tbllllet even our a.lIgcljlte OWt a·Wluklo, with lhe PJfte. 'T .. a few momenlllbo D ,ot-.rnftn~. wllcreby llll~. CIIII" ()wellu.1:V1"Jr u,1IIJd'a. H the IJ 1{~a il c:.r~ It' far 111 the wllder.IUI~. ,-~~... J lber ' returned. '" ~A!qov\lred •.~ Aa I~C onl), lheth~ ot~e~ lJept award aboul till • fe~ltllg I!IIr;.tAiu ho OlUllt' II ,evul l 'p lrit 10Il9.we, . hIm , . Wlnle a,cI"',w .. I!alle~ upo.lo ,'prb~h: lhe . 'FQu!id II boat. sir.' . til, prove of IDY lYall. WlIS for IlImae\f tu When ludaa C.lluul , ba~ ule other be retlted fu .ib. he alll",· I, CllIIIe UDoa blm. buni UP' hlni- .1 O{ a Itarel ' Cll8o ,'oamed aUIf, WblcjJ, ho ' I no th t b'l ' - .I ' . iii r h h (d ., . II"hie , . . , . ~, • ,-" '. I . , Tb 0 Clip t IIIn e,. e. e. ID. .ent a'r ru .1171101 op' ·'W_CIIl! ",. WVOJ(llIIIi," 1.0 .o.,~D qUBlt 0 .,or. 0. reso ve . he -rellOlved. ,W keep ~'" trav~ I/li , /ll,ht. . ' ... . ft~ o",r llis' lieail, et~ck , blii klt,lro inlo th.e , did In' the ,{oJlllwlng uniquo I~ 0: , ". out~ ' , ~ .... '" 0 ' of ' [JI.I: ," ETC. ~ ~TC. , to~" 10.. Wilen hia detennlaatJon ,WII ,nu ~.y un~,1 he re.eh~ the ~JI\.~e ," Cnllum kept oa lit a brelk:-m,ck pit lor groun~ by hlleldtl.•, an~ ijls tomllhawk ~1 ~II " )(1' beloved bretbren nhd Iislers of our 'J-Iow.do-lJa1.r your -",Oodl', illi!"~ __ ' I "Ide bowll: to ~ullo, the ,~\l~ ,of great chief. But 0, n the ~co,itd 0 .hort (i!D e : but tbe llio~jJht -tlaal 10Dlo ~ead. lD t()k~n that bll, lIf~ WOI a~ hl~1D or· dear,~e"arted brother. C~~hfi. peopl' .t the J.~ . . • CO~~l.t1~ !.oil ·LA'~ · 1VUJt III' ~e~ IlrecloUild. Hnt ~ tJlfIlI o!. .J~v~~~. !.n~~ he ,wlS co~pel. pureuron migllt be ~n pi. ~hwar& iI ell· ~ut WIl8 go~erou9ly .pared •. Then t.· ted 80mebglly to tome If.' ! ' . , >. , ' estjoy Ihrougll her .I~o~~t. But tho . ' sollJe .hour. re,t. He msde· tered bie crazy .beail,and rOli~ ,CIU·, away 'hec~lId he,re~urne.dto aee "bat un 'lIim, aod ,nlako . murh....id the Ciplli~" t -~we, • . ~IJArrEIl y_ 01. short· ~u~hOD. , Th~ peril sm~11 fire, '~repeJred a meal fr9m such tiousnes8. ;Afterwards lie ~ at I would d~ when· he . ,woko ~ltll!)·he w~., III! wouldp'. a·cho080 'flit. , to a cord or twu. and fool: tfmlIer• . ,"" OAPTDIlE. .' cl.elr bUlb.lld would be plac~ m~ ~be fellr tcrt.1 AS hI. pouc:4 contalnl!'d, IlId , mote leilurel), iate arill wltlili . ol.t - u n l l l mornlni:, Thl)u bl! 'pr~."b ~I. fUllera).', N;o ,brett"en, It~ . A cOuple of cord• .Wert.' tuen la, ' tbe AI the eaptUT~ DC liJa' Weldon w.. the ~f 10001lig botb, senl t~c ~welhlljf tId", that parta"ing 01 it Dnd inducing Ida to do the cum_paction. Tbe futhe!: he ced ,~p .ad bumped hi' head igaln8t hi- w.lltell t9 be held up .a 1 .l hlnjp' '.Ught to Walrft1lme41 in llie IIOctal hall aDd rn..~r•• trotte of tltll flterprieE>, ' C.lhim for. moment b~ rOlle' wl~b .hope, ~.ck, ~p. lame, he ~cured, h.ls litlfe ,prisoner by . he advaDced the 00918r be ~ , uotll gull; then he cu, aUlllanner ot c'pel'l,ilruck wamyou fiom the error 01 y~ur W.I i)'. He Ih~ bOlll.went on. • finally. n tbought of telra.ciUC ,. tbe lIir IV!lb III. filts, and the ground will! kept borllOl, .,nd rllll'd em. he ~ept . A. balC hour elap,ed. wlsea ,b. Ollt. "llld'tcHrved It Ule lilt. '1'0 . ij;y "'.. 011 . ~"e, beart $Itb • we.ght of ~Inklng ing ,Iler with (hODal , 1.0 hI mile If, .~d 'IClio~. he n:ti~ 111'11 the OOCIII, and for wrefNl!edJie.. ; and she was con~trall1C1d tQ down to sleep. , ~I\ a few mlnutea bl' Cound, .way Into bis di,tempered· ham. hie ,feet • . Then he. rushed olfto berneoll' ena .• nd be fou~d e~ be "ept a,womo", ~ nd ' In Ip,Peared. , ' three weekll ,hd nothiDg: At the end OPPOIlO tbe pla~ ho had adopted. sell were locked In Ph!COUlld' llumlier. But hia impllclble h'r arl Jilin , ra- ed, HII llI.et. hi, enemy~ lloillted h. riflo there eita bil wl~,!w • .Wbo can pr~ve .Ur'Out o(wood. ~ir.· . 'th.t Ume be apiD drew nekt.o t,b.t 100111. 'Q. no~ Y.~u mUI.t nOl leave me.! ' Ihe ex· Tohe day If,:r their eeparalion. Henry venge. an~ tbe burning di"l,e, to Obtain at him, .boilt olf til the busb~' far from (Tb~ wid01'Y ,at direll~~ in frou~ of Lbe 'Bell.• nd lieh~-!(1. de.l~ . Ity. where the objj)c~ of bi,1 yellgeanee re- " IPt'd pu.l~n.~ly.. " MiJjcr, Owe no II cunleder~te. learn~~ th,at th~ . .w.II\1wed ,up '.\1 ' o'hc~ eonll"tlo,oa. hi, mark, an¢ (h~n r~ ~~01 Wltll al.1 tbe ,pulp~t. au~' here ,ave lin . affirm,~tlt'e D04.) , TlieOfdera were obcye~ •• ifel the m.t, aided. for Frink, WeldQII .ner hil' marThen Ida 18 lost 1.0 us. be ~ephed • . ' Cullum had bken Id. prlebner. It ~u 0 wiilt I ,tblng bate i,l to' I corrupi.luael reHe coul~. ·.nd never rested till he Our ,4i!I' dopllttecl bft!t~er~.d ma'lY Innopnced I yud. Tb. CIPrrace: rel~o\'ed to' ,~o .ettiemell\ wlll,l te bill 'Bette r t~lllt. I shouid lose Iler .t h.n. to 1!~le81 Cor . him 'to remain lon'gl'~ in the y~n~fufh~man burt! · . reaqhed tbe ·vl llaie. · Since tbc~ 'he hili nil\s(' b~thre'n., . .',T~e: firet ,,,,unln . ' out: , ' :,' . . ' .' • . • v.clnlty of .• eltle~ent •.11Id 10 ,he ra- .Towllrdl tbulose ofth,e .IieCO dlt. or never been t1'OtIbled , ~y tb~ de~lI. ./ ~beJ1 !Ie brob J!" le~, but heetlll the)rlce ofjo~ wooel1" : father-ln.law eI.. ell. ,Here JI~' 111 In wait ~~e JOu ~Lb· , for da,.,,,,jili no proep.ect. ot ~Uecell'. He B~t [ may return 'Y ltb her, tlunk so,l ~c~ to lo.~e It. Hla tire~ th~gb~,.wl' abont midw.y of the .f'ler.r~Jt. II C.lIum Thl••peech~tJle' subillace of wbleb an the .orror of bl~ w"y~. Tbe se~nd 'Two 'I nd ~ bait.'· , ' ~ , .t once . . . the difficulty of .ccolllpliahlOl: tl~t. . . -' .- , _ to 'JOIO ,tho .pureult; but ~ell1' It w .. eon·. rcached I amalleleuUon. ~eBJ*ll1 man only 'Un' be lI iv,n In " . . . , When b.. 8011 PETE hllng ' . • 'Too blgb.,but wUrtak. u,upleofcoro . lillobject. 'J:he Weldoll 1 house WI. _ J 'Im dlltracted between doubt •. hope. Clllcwd,m l~ ~Iaty •• plnt ~o be auceesa· io frunt. coming direlltl,.to,._)alm He III tho 'aborieiaal di.lect. in l ID,J.a llj .• od the lut.• n~ gre~elt ~i1l we can-dobet~r" . II' an ell'posed }»Osition, .... it would' be .n and dellp,ir., Whallhall I d,,! Can- no ful, he determined 1.0 take b .. 'oWIi chllle~. wu Itimtelr undiacvyered. It hul ~ho Inimitable hUDlOr. bad ill dCtlired all WI • . wben be dIed hl~lC. < The . A. before•• couple or:eord. wert ta~'D uceedilla l, hiiariloul undertakinl{to rellch one elle be IDd~ced to go in quest of Idu 1 Thia he luceeeded. a.fttlr I long elrort. work 01 II. m~meJll for bi to b.ck The warrlora ,hQute.d. ,~d dllnced In their preacber 'lIllrge~ on the~e to.pica uotlll he, and not tW,ellty minute. eJapaft. beCor. Bul II no other a!tern.tive . ' 10 iI~t!ad for , yuu to leoyo me. That .nd tben With .all, tJI8 ~e bimlll!lt" l1li 't.ebind .nd from ~hl\ dey made tbe had IIInk. R;n~ ,110 low Wat bli hearen bemate again appeared-. . t-- -.I------r' determln8cl to reconnoiter the . pre mi· w)oked ~1I11um, our . 10rAe buehel. From thl' .,~t" h• .,coo butt of Ulelr jedicule. ,n 10 d,o ubt " . -:-c--;-;-lee. ' ' 'I' eoemy ?,Ighl retur~ in y~ur; ab.eneej ob,if of overllkiJlg the fugitive Wal very weak. command the entire 'paee ., aettina lIim uP. 'gain, In~~ a. ~ual. • ' Riag the • A« dl 1 it one dark Digil\' whel!' oli; the Idn Qf lee,lDe hIm t. inluPPClr,taOweuo kept on bI. way lar t~o .. daye, 1 e ·.a perfectly .ecUJ'~jrll)lltl"~~lion tJ'l But his eye, w~re op9ned; he Imew ing b!~ ~fely Iii ~1U~.... e .bOlOm• . T,bla 'Belter takl mOre thll d1Ilt •. th h or ,ng y.o read 'th , oleJ'· ' '" . bilt could'see no lignl:of, . foot •• tep indio th;:'1 e ron 1'b~"Jri~Dlooa~e llOoaeu t1iat Oweno WI' eitbe.r hl~aelr Ibe hl~den ma. the ohjec\ of the secoDd part of tbe 'Show, Iiabt.. ' e L:.. e'lve~~ were ~~~~,p I g "'I t ' l with . 'Oo1m'your fp\ r. on this 10lt point. o.lin, tbe' returll of the t'edegaJe. H;e tl R t ~I c;, e;uree ' were" 141.1:!.nabl~ ' <> enemy he hod dr~ad6d, \oew wbo wa ',••erm~n; wllicli ltarted 'oft' lhuI: . ;jlt'. dolle;~if.' , • un 'H ..... r,utdo,Ul 'Y cra",c ""th • ' tl An wi1ne~.e 'ki~ci f;'i~nd_ to watch oyer you; , J'ust ,fiolshed hlaa,upper; .ail thi~kina Ithl '11" ,6e 'end"'I'h ..r-II,ht I- T'flroulh' hta A& any rate be" wlii·. lIe belif.'v~d, ~t the 'My bretbren, lherq'lI be' "'e.~ mer acle• ' " • lOG" 'Inee 0 ' . ' o:quae. II I~ ' . '. _ " , " .' . a rt 0 ~g ,_ . ,I. . d ,. to '. .. , In I ce~' mlaute, ".GOd yllel wil acaill, t led " 'I e b Id 61d ' .nd at night ,Oil ~.n cloae nnd b,lf tbe hid ,one IIOlDe other -y, WII ' Il 1 I e...... ulll ~~'be ailvan bottom of the alflllr;.n be b,e lon hlte in lIeaven. Aud the tiret meracle WIll be. rung' " a,na the .tel.mer~w'DUil, •.: U ect "d ·I.".:~~re l ·deP.c I " II ' h~ b' hOllal! tiO thet »0 Intruder CID ~nter, I .bou& makin.. pre-ratiooe for the night., ~I y I9U w lhe.o. rlu-==A_'.1 .1 1:!-nk bim wi,h a bltte;netlll equ.1 to lhe c~paci~ many you expected to. find th~re you ~ .n WQ lOme .~ opemen.. W IC , , . d ' • ,,. ' om, perlOn. I """v,,11 , ~1·· d h H det ' d ' . d 'How 'do 10U 110,1 yO\IJ wood • . Ii' ...... hi l' to It .. ' Iladly ·.endl ,ubeulule coul aile Hehadjol,:extinguiehed hlllll~. U1ld HI '-gl~.t-~I "J;."hl.i"the biebl e"rt. e wu erml!)e 1.0 wont_there. T~epeopleth.tgoroun 'T, o ,l adlb.I'.· ... mIl t .... m Ie 118 IU,c ce... w ' h' ld " be ~ . d -be' ,. e en. ' IeJ~v - .... 'r." ', .....I , . ,. . .' nol Ian until'be rr.elfed allcbt in mo. be had; but VI ere wou one oun (.uti~n be always tuok.t.oprennt IDa ti fl,j u n III r"1' II. .,reYehp, all re"n.~.. , long facet. ~aJriD laD, pray·'" woq t 'Two l!lell halr b~, d-tdl' cril:d tb. CI,. 1.0 n that cottld go thtougb prlv tloDa an~ h.rd. lurprillecl-lDd wcui .bout to ial IIlmtell go. ') po 'I ' ...e...... to . Tile Ala II bil expenlie beclme be therej and 'the aecond naer.Clle wlU be, , , t! oa. ~I It p - .rom oao room 1,.• . cit ! N' '. IINI . ~.telu pa.. OD ..... IJK1l " . til d 't' it to 61 ' d tJi I ' • • otber, ~ Wlpdow properJyaltuated revealed .hlp~ lIko • parent ID au ~ cue ,0, down~ wblln he flnci~ ho 81W a 'A.a lD in bi, ,lance of • ld uUl ~a. IDd he, great b1 rll for hie pride or hll comfort, . IllfJ~ny you 00 expee , n . ere: " Well, Ciplelll,' IUlWered the woodJnan, 'teeth: , . ,and be rellO\ved to le.ve the trlb~b~ now I~ perb.~ brother IU. ••• you 1110. there. will-put it to you this tiDHut two .ad to him lhe importaat fact, " h"' 11ft!. Wei. no; If ou~ Id.I.1 ever reltorea \0 OIA'.UQII, tbe cI~. LooklD, more .ttent"e!,. muttered betweel' hla,JTkj ,j t d ' I ' ~' I l ' lIle Id. , il mUll b9, dO,ne b)' • parent. Money beceme COIIvlneed th.t' be w.. nol mle'8 ti-...t ••••• -....., .lDIal w.at1 belonged .t.o tht ,W1.uclot~nd JOin ,h. and the I..~and, rreatoltmerlcle will be. . ' nu--'er cia-thi. m.kes tbe thW tJAIfI10D' b h • I tb b . 1 H t y u"' I,," &.... , • ' .d I I' 'TII . ,t '... , . , . • d an helQ I .111 w,a8 Ilpumg ler I now ye.rt Qld. to bod. I _ • not ~I~' J.I l er, ov~•.~~r .roug ~kell. Wd~fltlln enemy h' e mltu' l1s~ old dnll him~lr mliet. \11 -,a. hlV!!' Call~b'''.1 ~rbe, dl.tlnJlld 111~ed ror Ipw yaur .. '*c' t seA!" • ~!:'a~~ ' ao have w~ed, wltb urtOonlpl.· '· lf. . Now waa tho 'tlole to get Illformllion of lDye. , U8 ~erae.oreqce. ' . tle~taiu ~ .n I t wu, move 10l1le 0 He elllmlo~ hla'rlfll! " ... . tIilt.n " 'I cunll1ng and ••rat'gem~ ~ • 10 f~r co~· w~r..'e ex~,era"oa •. ~ ,,:"e .' Theoal'bln' had lIothlaR m~ .. UJ: . I ' 't had It wu IInall, 'rran",d th.t the h~ qlllckly ~ pOlslblo. " " . lit' tbe retted It on I I eelfnll'lImb Irdiee-fit cump.nlon. ror .uch .. be, thl.. lUI I literal trl..cnpt. -[Klllck- but took the wood and - t"llul-"'- oat .f th • I I NplDg errangemen a; ' .or I b d ' d t 'I' ~ Id fell.Jw hi. iotend W · h \II II t ' ' the be reg. 0 " . . boeker " .- - ~~ retdy oecut)'ed t~ blm; \llIl Ule ~t empt to 1\1 t an I ~r uu. nd :th Ulua 'Dd . It e: ,tea ~IY ~a.;. I ~'D r: \I that ,hl ••illl mi&ht be the r. elellberate nut bo~ore elelertlnl .hl! would lene I e~ . • tll.t ,tlft' eurrent, wblch thi bilet·, un. o"tala . . . . . loD of Idl lmuat be m.de la ~ p ao ~f ,o~rlllonib a : : ~d he ltole p lO~ '~b" fir!,~: t c~e uhl .nd lure; (or be .tet.rm Uuaeto be bloody token oC recpembrance. Oweno, V.I•• or ••~~t'~~ Libra" .ble to,tem. T" 'B • ., 110 '101· 0 'be tilth&. atole cauthiualy up to the' 'olon~i ":,enn., .m :.ce· 1 ), d ' ' : ab· beh I: : " II eertain o[ bll fic~lm. , the.hope of &he tribe, 'sbould feel hla ven· The .pl reply; Qf. dl'Iinllllebed ",obolal emIlIY·ll0.,' that the eaptaia jalJillelf \lied 1 lurpritef,aa ~bol wb ea cleb e ' , e vh~r~ 0 'Veldon W.\dOa. uae f II&UBe I . 1.0 I ben.~.ct- ~f tile Juetitu,lnft o( team- 1.0 1ia'Y ne mUd·h." lJeeo. lnt.uded lor • ",I/ldow .nd looked 10. To bit Infinite ,wt , I oy ...r mN " . n 'S I peraoD or W OUI. e hI ene l D st!arc . - , . " , .' ,.,.... h 8h 11 tbe ... i1I1CIa'1he lutlcat on, the wbok, I.Ierul orjler CIlAPTER fl. But. atu waa hil IIIrpriee whea bit boo ere th,life ",I the Il!;riIl o~ th1 lIBYOo . 8ecYetlJ he mlde prep.ratlonl (or iDa whbc1fblch hllwu ~~_an 4!ant. • .... t '! :~ hOUie WIIJtelCated 1.0 flew, tbe duorl OWElfO. held~e r.ir 1i(t1e prl80ner. He at onell ted lol'l' to. Id.1 \lie f!'ln. ~b. clepartu~. W)ieD aU ... ,Ill reldlnft. be lDc~.,r lh.UbrafJ wu thi ~ ;:-'~" OIIee~~ trip ' : : . n~o~en. I ~ ..w : : pla'*lb lo.bt>d. 'Snow.Birdl' comprehended the wholc ttate of atralr', apprehelliloni of out' one clark rilgbt 'and .,..thUy dlicualloa. deIep.. pupetl1l1 et:::· C;;:::"h~ h a a wd.a Wd Into ,"'th Ind . . .U.f.ction be ('.ould hlrdl~ conbin meot ot mlkln, hll WI1' .Io.nat. nol181_ly entered , brluet. . . - .our.. •. 'My brotherl' Ihe be The ' cltl I I ' •w eateil' more boob,' • IC W'II IV ld Q If01JJ that o . reo.. bJ' partition the _ r whiab 'Too l.t.I' IIUJ!d bI. ml.JJd. u h~ thOll,blof the IW'6wf'no', wlll'Vam . Y\MJII, e Iy len. j T ' " '1ala e ~ ~ bad I 'la II dooo I' kenlne of the 'LOo,kalf,;' for already 1Ie Welden leep OD hI, bed ef .kiDi. The long 'aT. A., LTIlMOIfUL EnaloJIIIIJIUY:o to e::; the :~dci. ~e..,., 01F ont»! 'M, uter ilgivell to the Long.Knlfe.' hid molTed' wbatto Illd I~J thy kalfe of the,ren~ w.. drawn Irom ill ·)fore 11001111' 'you tlke th"W~1DIII to)H110Gr, .e" llee iD cbild in ble /ir • momeut the maiden WII mute Del He aaw the _I COOlJN .bel .at-.." .Dd I' be ."..th ••Dd lined .bert'e tbe bre••' of tbe ch.nt. . : . wlli,· wei ~ IUllaOla 'laailetnte· \0 . : h~ ' btai,*, all \be kIlCMrled,. theD' Ih.ah cam. UPOIl hor dteek thOatral\gmeall for the aight. the cave Al.. lnoguV!llua tbee . of Ile~pln, warrior.' TheD he matured to •Wb ,. hl!ftJCItlre." throallb all- th.t .r.IOUpIeWIao ..... a' .... clul~d, ..::. 10 rettmlecl to hll old blUDt uad ~ MIlP lJabt in her e,e, aud Ibe ,.kea to preYeD\ the IlClpe of the child thy cIa~sor An There die himself: you IItc.dy potIIIN1' , (ore biOI• . dI "'jae t.oocIa. ..14: whlc" throql\ hid beeD kept livaa c:t)'iJl,1 I. op the aharp crack 'Neyer ,halllbe duet, deril tIl""rt my ·Ob.DO; I DeYer ..peel to real them 'WeU.l4lo1re,' wu Uaere,l" aD ~ I : :be tilt to the .inclo. 'S.aw:BlnI.m die. Sbe will not 10 and ",Ith more nqutllte dell,ht beard tlte lbe . of the grey lleilPI murel So' 10u copper coloteil 11.1.' • peeD DD. ~ lIZ muau ••IlNdiIa .. ' D I..... It b-.I ..to the Lo..-JCaIt.', 1""-.' ' .seep Iirea,h1ar of the exh'Ult~ mID. old foreet. and poor la-VJJIlIaT! dog! .ou would m~lt:e .rue the l.....hla' ~Wh1. thea. doJou wlnt morel'. Dopa \1aiDIt Oaat I'" ..... • Id" roo.. _', _au. - _D ..... ""1 _~-.a th .... I A .onl • " 1 ,Ir did 10Uffer re-d JOur dictionL.._ L_'-' . . . . • ~ by .. MA7 • .uer o. tbe 1DaIde. Jh thi' . . . tpOken tlJe lOlled I bile. When II a ~.... • " p . ltoek ot the tribe! WeU"OG ...Ied your , r , b;' . - u to IV w ... _ . 'Nledl' be ....... belweea hi' aad ~yln,. .uapoD hl_, be crept apt took hll ItID. Oweno W p1aoed la ....aoeof dooua by It. Go. DOW. 10 the d8Yl1! 1 I,! thro~ . DOt.' "kl Ihia cal Jl'OIa ... ~ Irt1ie. if teeth. .... ., _ ..... 1 11 hi" btr7e l-\' 'Tell the If'IIIl chief ••, Saow-Binl th,.,., oaHU prialq-eap'.ertaallDow. CIUum. OD tbl .hGu& IMIOD .111 ,et JNIIMII 10UT' proud alater. too! Certal T died " wUII'holl8cripbloullJ..ma ... . . . . H• .".. ............" ' "Ida tbe .... iatholed.,.......hoa'nOlltiae.I.lmb9ra he 11ft Harry ...mluecl qo~l ..,.lDdmDcbJ07be.lthlao!' 'WeU•• UbrUJlIm~ y o~~. ~ ..."btr, ~ _ .... , . . ....,..1 ..... Ita. . . . . . . . . . . alIoDt 1.0 .... IIer liCe. Onao tree; lieu.. took .1~aU\JDI"""'alfe, dIf aontI1 ~tID- At that . . . .al be fell I .loW IUd , • I' • • tile _ ............ . . . , .......; l10Wiaa ... ' .11 Iiell'" drote 1\ lal.O the 1fCIIdIClIII" tbe .11 I . . . OD the poaacL T /fO COGJIIrJ IttorDIJI onrcqok • .............. _ ,... .,..,'.IIIL...,.... cloaellJtM lIft .... I.. .....,. ..... .,.. .idI .........'bep&ap ... rea ~o. .la..a.. _&hIDW.'; ~............ Nt... W ................... k • atack &he ...,., WI ...... 1IIt1D. ~ ~. ...,dallII1IeI ~ " ......... " . . ..... _teat tIpGt• ..., JIWIr_ loW ... aU. IM ........ - . ...... , . , 1M .................. lat· ~ ...... 1 ...,.. ....... oIIjIc& fte ....
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I)f IIh~ tJlrlllltlD daillf.e"·....tlhil flltddlOu. anctillal utility. We ~. kold no prillciplil .1»0 aaered
The CllmlDltlA'e on lhutllW Dr~. Or"er, til "ieh wa. roff r ...d the annual reporl of (110 W' 1'. and G . S. 14,I:ave.t~ rcclfl' JI \Vhlle .our oIDlnlttae InO, t CQrdlnlly ;c. • ~ Ipl/nd lu.alllhe .i)lm~tlllg 1l1ll1 ellCQuraglllg 'I~IV (lr\' ol,\rll In those f!!lporta. of the
plft t(l be wj"I~~d ag-!nat 11Il' l,owed er)enllea 01 lempllrllll ce I" lilly field whICh, by tholrwHl. the conflIct 'hIlS Iranaterrcd. \1' er l,l ll con t;plroll'j orgll (lit' the aubveriilln · Il( th Chrl tliin 11 h d h .I' 01, 011 \\ ere t 0 cnll iua:~! fol'r phullt d ' 10 Jlror,~ut.e lUn.t obje ct, rehg lon cJ Iii tb t d t \~ II no ,e 00 sacre or 00 ~~re 1& prl:I ' cIJll1! to lie IIIvoked b~ lIrder lo Insure (h~lr ~C hnpe thi S scruplcllu,' de hc acy IS not mamfestcd for the purpo,c of COli' cenling ao.me othor mullVO whIch rU :18 n
s pirit af aUttlng 0I8y
btl revived «gAln ihl, community, ond "brll~ l!tly h'~11f tIIol Ih e !lily 18 nQI lor dl.·
, ghln, IIketcil('ll/r o rllJlll,lheir gre•• and petlell! c:ondl~IIII1 ..( (h~ prmelpal ~ that Inh~11I1 die .,loLe. ~ ..e Iluthof Somll~1 ilfllu~er, 'ro 1!l1l relll\Ury 01 F118 1~r)' III ulall added H r lury ... l tho n llllli Sta"~8, Willcil I. edllcd \ly J ohll 111n. 'tIll' whole ""<lrk (urma twO lur~o. WI UIIW@, . Qoulld ,10 .phmdld ,~ylt:. uma'1 " b mf.'nled Witt l!eautlful engra\lIlt>8, p rlrpy· IlIg thlngll CharUIltIl: "ilIC 01 tllll d,ITer""t 11111"blt"hte .. r tl'o w"rld \Ve 'find • " Y work to bu VCr iI'terf~;illg ID el'cry s pect. Price ~
lOOpoo, OD1,1 paft ered bf10a -.-.a:;..--~t--+t--
b II b Th., cortl'o I' 1Q.8 1,lmt the o.t WI e rill.' I' e. No ({\Ie" wele lolIt. ..lUIIK(;TUlI, Dec. ~. N "" N .ftg EI' •4 1,!1Ii' , S FlIf.I.TE -'rhe , SIlIIDte' Dle at n~Q to'd Olov .... G ' ~ ourltu· HY. to run· dbY· "'IB COllI ICled,of murderlllg Ius II Ill' l'tlr, H~ lItl\J' app~ored and look h"l1\!~ lIre'~lIt illite vf !Jur alTall'll, yellt IS IIII,t to L III' be con~"led That Oll~ order hea ~rrh'ed lit a c(l PY for R ycar. S 1.50. if paid III ad\'l\ncc; ~'Ve 1V0uld reapoctrully invi te tbe 1'0121111 . 1.1110111(,1 oprz wae D 0 COli· • A mos ago \VJlS Ihell received frum Il,e Its orpJllh.t 0111 and crl,,_ Wbhlh r.equire j IIll 11.8 e ne If , ('o()l82.00. If pa lll ""lhlll the YOllr. , O:::rNo attention of our McrCI"l uIR. Bud ,II otht'r~ Iloled of the IIII!rtl llr 0 1 1\1r. FU:ltllr. II p<ll- \lOllllO. Inn, \lndng 7 " ( I " al'[1(lil1tlll~lIt of n 6;11'1/11 ,tee to' wal1 9Q f.'IIII aott .pClt, In ",d~r to IIQc\lri I rtdUCllolI. (rollitIJl.'IO ules, nifty be expect- who IUO m'lcrcs lcd. to tl:e advertl . 'menl.S lell offiCl!r Tht'f were 6ellUlneed to bl' l're~ldellt tu al'prl~e hun r the fact. ~afll'~ ,e8ull, ' • -!;JJ or 1I11'88f1. nuller & Tnll IIVGIlIA G EM ~IID lI{t !lIClAl' -Th;b IIUII.!' 011 thl:' 2311 of l,extJ II 11,0 ry. !Ir Bright moved thmt tho HonGI/! .p . • " 0 111, more IItuliatic:. we con IlrrivQr' at 8uch Imminent hazard of pollution. C()llllESl'UNDEi\''l'S.-\Vcll Paper Dealers, No. 27, Pearl .treel. CIII' III the tltie of 0 Hlry ihtere.ullg monthly N£(v Y"RIt. Dca. J. ' t or " de ISIU" l' lI II10 reo. I("fl' ·' We hold It to be unlyorthy a S on 01 T em· Froll! their clrcullir, of lJUbhcatlon, of willch "0 hll,Vo re.ee IVI!(I n '"lie .tn"m-Illp· Pru rnot'lel'8. from SOIl POllltll Blmilor COlllmlltee. wlllcb lI'al ad. lin Ii11 1110 • ComDlUIlICl\,tlons. 011 Ipterl'slJlIg cinnotl. Ohio. 1 g ~. ., I J dopled, lIud Me8. rl. Urlllht alld MIII~, Nancy of our orde', In re gard 10 Ihe grellt pellance to voto for condldutes pledged tu 8 . \\ III lind n hearly \\ elcomo in our ",hidl they t cnt Il R Ii copy, II'C leurn th ~t lew numbers. I l IS cdllod by I'ro(I'~.or JUDn. V,I\ HaYDlln, nrrived o.~ tit" port this were UflPuin\c~ . Lhe exrressed will or Ihe peo· tllis Puper Wnre hollse WDB estubhsbed IliA . D . FlIhllorc ~nd 1I1r I-Ioword Durholll. . d wo~k fa, whlc\ l,itrWbl orlIClDal1y dc"gnc. • h I b f columna Nutlllllg persollulwllI be adnlltmorning. 011 motion of Mr. Atc1le~on. It .,.;: .. reo h (III.' olld overthrllw t 0 .Il ors 0 monv 1841, ond ihcy are tho oldeal. , ... gul"r It 18 well IIII(:d \\'lIh orlg'IOUI aud se leclt'll . I. " F rom tho 1.,ls lKnltillallce 01 t e \1I1t r('qul~ • L ! I I I ., I tell. '"VI) lIIus t know the rc ul namell of n.1I ::;he bring8 510 IlftSsengurs 8120.000 so ll'ed, tlj',t II~II Sellate proceeilell tlla II ' t f d I t f el U8 1111 tuto lIe act V Iy Ilnu en~ I II h ' d t &:enc rul PU(ler dealers in Ihe city; lInicl 8 . AmonII' Iho ong'hol IIrllclcll," e III .. " Id on frcl"II!. "nd " ' 00 _ 000 In lilA " . e iI lII ...e p ymcn 0 lU~S, our IS 0 con· tl d h III writers. or IIV uUll lllon WI e pD.1 a "u ,," "", . ~ e lection of a Choplllin tOlOorro\V II I . . of our Q vorSUrlCS, Dn we 8 a lOve like many olbors. they moy hova storIe d no t,ee ~omo , cry be uulilul po ~ try. l\rlltc n trlb\lll\l~ mcmbers t\lny prescntllo alurml!roductlons. Alliellcrs on bU~lIIe&8 hUllds of pa s8ell\te rs. u'clo ck : ' r Ing dimlnullon; the nUIOIJer ur our d lv, ~. nrr~ scu~.h elln~ lld8le8 pr esented for our suI· mu stU(' POSI'Pllltl. on cumparollvelr 0 smull sCllle, yet 1I0W, \ly I\IIs8 lII. Luulall Cilltwood. II'h081.' Jlume Dy her we huvuHuvono i1utea to tbe 26th . Mr. F ... ote go\e notice of 1118 I/lIfllll OIl ion, mny not be ,,,aleriolly reduced, and vi SliP C . t Y I t II we mny ~elle\c one hn:f or the 18 ulready 10Ullhnr wllh o\lr reuder8. We ull In order ilIa! the V!ews of tilt' clllldidutea ' . ' AItI·IIf. IlIellllln 1;- our e· th~y ore doing 11 truly large and extellslVO arc very Illuch plcas ed \\ IIh thtl 'Bt lll' alld lIIr. Tllrasll Ar. \v'IIO lind been 8~nlonced to Illtroduce a JOlllt r~8ulutlon ('XPCb8I1lg " n 'Ie t ollr cau:lO · nn d u" Ior be .lIr rom • ' ler IVU duly recell'cd You bav~ our Bill. <~ , tho sympulhy 01 C I ' grf ~ s lor tl.e l'X lltd I II d nJ 1I 0 1l 'rIllS mny \)e gcnrrolly knvwlI. nnd that th ere UUSlnedS. They huve reCIlI1t1y, III order 10 hope thut IIC 1\'111 ilc IOI'or ~ d With liB reglen t. IY. 011 pros perous C u I maY be combinution \lnd concorJ ~ n th e cf. cere ",unk» lor tbe u<lve,rtl8cments sent 118. supply their illcreDsed demarrd. elliarged ulnr VI. ltS. Tho prtce IS twcllly-five CCIIIM to tho Muro (or clght yellrs. was expeellllg I,..h 1'IItduts-::;ndth 0'111 ICII, Ml·ogll~r. u ijocllitlQn, ulilike aome olhers . reqlllres ( f h ( d ( b whIch you \\ III pe rcci¥o. ore In thld num10 Uc rcl~ u8t) d very 600n Hi s brother hod IIl1d Ih ~ lr COmp"nlOIl9. orts 0 t e nen I 0 IcmperDllce. 0 I'll • . the ir \Vat"bollse. and by rendlllg tholr .d- pa Id III "dvonce . Addres. HUll ani DUI\· benn rol eR8 nd. I or IlJ menlbE;rs Bumcllll1g trlore Ih 011 pc· ber. WIll wme u leltcr to you JIJ n dlly , , '1'111l S"n ute thclI pro cc('ded to boilot (\\lnI 4 ry contrjulIllOII: it muk lls a r uislprlnl. the rec~gnlted o~gnn ur oU,1' order , vcrti8ern e nls, ollr rellders ~III OGCert1l1l1 fur huni. l\Jt lIealthy.Ohlu. Thrl Prumethus reports thnt thc aulhorlrur. SpCllllI1 CUllinUltee 011 tile Ji'loridll CO'II. • b nnd our clluse. 18 all IIJdlsp... nSllule cuxll- vr 1\\ u. thcmselves. thB l1 they &ore prepnred 10 g'YIl Li ON oC GroylolVn clnlllled 81:!0 rrom he r ' ~.I .011 their Ijllltt, Lh e lr tal nt~ nnd t Cl r I'lory. /'i II. n., Cincinnati -'~e atlures,eil los te d SUllatorship. lind lIIes.n. nghb • ample 8uI18r.OI ;on . 10 011 \\ ho mllY wI ~ h 'fil L LADIES' \YR EAT'I for Decemher, or. lOr pOfl charged, whiCh the Capl nin refu· mtlu6nce,lothe upporto f th.tmorulwar· Y b .~ 'II • uleltettoyousome moulh \lr 1110 lince, Il e lflcn, D~Vld nlld Plurc e were l'l'cled. ~ ' d d our committee 8U mIl u,c ,0 OlVlllg nnythlng III their hne or buelllcss. naml.'lIts our rabl o' 'Wo ul",.)'8 nleet t1", sed to pny, alld got 1IlUll'rway, wh im the !lifO in willcl, 011 hrlsten om IS e ngage 1 .' rcquc ' tlll'" an 'm,"edl~Le on,w e r, but hlive The l'rUld ullt's M"8s llge wus rcc~l v ed • , rOBO Illlon! : .. - -- - 'Wre nlh' 'Villi 0 he arly welcom e. Drill ~ h Uri.: of' Wur .E~~pre.s firl'd twu It ' ij to lhe 6ubordlnulo dlYlftli>n1l we R TI I f l ' I he nrd 1I0tillng frum you. aRAIID MV61CAL E ~TI!RTA IN~IENT'- 0 II IIll:\· u·c louk. P. 1\J olld olter bit ing rend, Int t .le cour8 ~ 0 egis u, ' . , • must louk to) fin\! t!\,We u<lC o f hcnltll or . E5 0t\EO. Shot6 over till' atrllmer, und thrl'utt'ned to on III II Ii 011 '1 f Mr. PINce. 100.000 lV~te or. 11\ f d If bsnrve their hon WIth rC81,ect to Spirituous Liquors pur. \Vednesdu e~elli/lg of Ill' xI w'e ck, Do· firh bOlllb· ~h c ll s intll he r unlc Bs she Imllle. B11111' ome 0 ocoyl wo 0 ,. b S H. PARVI" 16 our authom;ed oll~lIt Il cred La be primed. well ~all" well fjllft d on '110 eVeJIIII!! of Illten·>' sued y the Stole 01 Illume Is worthy orall ~cmlier r l0Ih.1851. Will bl) at the Ihalely Ilnchored. which shc tlid. lind pilld ,, ~ ~. ~ .. ill CIOch,nall. for !c\JcllIllg utlveftlsclllents. N C H 11 I ., AIr Foote than lI\ trod\l~d ilis Te~olullun. ' linc e, ft brolh ~ r1y fOX Itc mellt In the elea. prblde, alld ~hatlho order will continue , its subscriptlOuil. &c. cw ollcert o. on t ,e eust Slue 'rwo ,,' Em,s (,,\'rut I'ROM C,UI. tll o u ~ lIlund unde r prules t. Tho Drlllsh 8tU' "ppOIntlng II JOint COlllllllttee of bOlh till". U commendGblo am0111 0n' IO be found el;1'orts. untll1l 8Dllitary cor~o? be , dr~wlI --.--_ .~. , AinlnalrC'et,1O till8 placp, OIlU or tho very FOUNl ,\. t~ " It was his InICntlon to . protect tho au· lIo\lde , to make amwllelllents r~r the reo I ' f!J I r It' e l i roulld Ihls Slale Dgllill ~t their \mportouon, best Concerts thaI ever our CltlZl!n~ have tllllrllirs Ilf Gruytuwn. wo~t 'Y t Q I~nort 0 ond tho Boil ot 01110 sllllil hllve imblbt'd ~Dy referenco to our terms 'of Bllb- bl.'en permitted to auond . It 18 gultOIl up ARRIVAl. OF THE e ll EROln:E ceptlon and ento:rllllnmcllt vf Luule Kos. eilt n every queMllun nvo1VIIg Ie last drop or alcoholic Buid Intehded for 1\ ecrlptlon uur reDderll will notloe that we by onr (ellow CltIZl'Il.1I1r. 101111 Colhns , sr. NEW YURK, Nuv. 29 ,., 'QIIIIIGTON. D .. c I suth. wh, ch wall loid over. 110 n.180 114\C 'of the oriler, and II lincere de\otion to the e made thl'm It Ii\tle ,hIgher t!.un tlwy The sloomer Chcrukce nrrlved 10·d1lY al ,•• ~ , Ilotl ce. thul loll ,,"ould. l umufrUlY'. "fTor u re •• I. d t I) uraw j II Ie beverago that burde lls 1t8 s urlaco. 611d . It! hBYe been. W \l" will. J,extwco k• g Ive our alld will bEl condllcted by,I Mr. l G.b\V. P e' nr- 1111"D Ilort 'I.r',JIII r· I /lor "D. Slln,. bril'" 1110\ nt C Q U ~o . we mny ue encournge \ . II'6 .. .. il aLt..• 'TI,e IJo\l· :a . o o( R e llrnAentullVea , ~ 1lI0tt chllering inferences. • noxious rxhaltltlons shQ,'! hllre pUBod r eOSollij III full for tln~ chanhe. Until thell. son. of Duyton. Uhlo. W 10 IVI I 0 aos,Sl· from SUIL Fruncl.co to Ih8 1st III SI, SI .9S! 12 .,·clock 10 duy. 1\ h~n th ero \\ er e PH'SCnt Uiullull dCI llIjlllg the /IICft8UFC8 u( ndJuj(. I awn" ti ed by IllS com pOlly .:If Vuqull til nlld Ill. me nt ur tho IU8L CUllgrcsMJ a dellnhe Bel. H, on the other hanU; there b~ 0. .,. • • , rC 8~ easy • .,_ 000 IU gold un Ir('lI%ht, 8313,000 In tbe 218 1I1cmuers . \l e mPllt of lile qUC§ti(l1l8 gruwing OUI of "'d 0' l t t ell 't d 10 .RE601.VED. Thot forma of petItions III Engslrumelltl\l , Pluyel'lJ. The urrullgemcnl a hUII0 8 of PUSBCfI!!et .. , or whom she brings ~lr. JOII08. 01 Tt'lln. nOllllnuted.Mr DQ yd, a tt ~ .. ane, nil n erel CI e. I' l ' I d G ermen ) , d d I I lor the cOllfllrl 01 the DudlOIlCC, we thl! ~y s tolll or domes tic 8111\'~ry. ",hell lh~ " 'a"'! r tl It felcc I~ I all a tlpte . It anguoge " 00 01 Kv. u~ II 1:(J lllpron)i.o cundlllolC (or ' d I Id d d t d... I I • Id lI ~ ve 1l" llly - . ' f ' WII II!aome es:cl ..... lUl!n n III rl!tu a ' a ,I man.;'"woman an _0 Ii be_ . rafled .11I COli· IJre "I • ,e comp e 1'. ~I E.. e A dIfli ell IIy Ila d occllreu.• b0 I we,,11 l. II10 S i U8 811 e II \\ ~ u Id 8up'p "vr I III m. BOllat e udJulltllpd. t I On II, '\h '" cI181T' ~ l'" '" \I'm I e~ ILy filled ,n" . IIOUk or, 11m Illlll I; -'I'hlt Hotjs e me.tllt J 1 o'elock " t I I dh t I nr formJty to t e ubovo reso ull01l and put In rQueoil to , u(lP oase, ~l1ut the lltrrtullIDlelll c"nln' ll ulld the orc\" of the shIp ChllllllllIYe "lr . ul1lpbell. " I Ohio. nomllllltcll 1Ur. t rIv wrcrc sel c~re ~8S y 1111 as I y p., - . • • II ~ l i t "" I ' .... " " d I • II t . II III Ih . I clrcUlntlon thl'()ugh c.,ery Oily. villoge IIl1d IVI ~Ive ~tllI ij aCl 0," n cI'qry rC's pell. IOU II Frulu'IQCO nnd SOIllO of Ihe Cah ::;tcvell~.o( Pl'nnsylvnnill,aslI g"o<1 Wing. whe n II lIebBl e s prung up 00 a rc eolution ,o,lne • t were we 0 lOves g e e e - hllmle't of the Siole. 4 We. hll,e no duubt bUL Ilt\lt ~here will I , r. a , • emenla oC our declY. alld prepare, If po~,. ., 'd I rom ln p"pers uhni'go Ih e (l/lpltllll Wllh cru· upoh \I !ll ch /I ~plnllllcd de-bote en Mlci.\, In- to furnI sh tlte rnembl'rII with n c w~p"llcr~ . .,..... RESOUFIl, 1 "at It Is tllo dUly of e\'cry be a good,mft,ny u:ten thhl cUl~eert, W I e ll' 1t p eor thut IIlne I)f tho crew 0 l'nl' llIg Ih e "lIulldne. s o f Whip'S bud ,Delll- in which the 8ubJcct or cAlruvuglllu:e Ilnd HI bl e. II reiIne dy:~ Itb er tlJO eItCI,t:u,en. . . ore III arr Ara to U8 ond Ir th ey WIlt JII~~ :. U pd . .. ()c olltlmy. Wl)8 argufl~ pm and coil I\t ,rut ~ J· .I . I b c " lob. every frlena ur temperance lind of I ~ '.7. ·Wp '" (I' the v"~.el. "ere by Borne lIIenll8 thrown orrats. 011 th e compruml t e que~lIu/l IIIIH " \1ulOe,,, i1I' It ,ull g 'fne eyonu UI, y' _'I \. I ' dd lake ~ Ie lrollvu' to s mlO our O'uCC \lr ~. lenglh. It \VO l! fillully agreed that each · d I " t it t d It . cquntr, w lutever 01 Ie- vlewa a clln I ate • frUllI tile nnzzen lo!, sail y"rdll1tu Iho '1'be Houso th ol1 proct'Cil ed to ballot for TI 11\ t t I118 or er. lIS u e 8S WIIB 10 • I ..& dl f II r; I membor ~ ollowed tll irty dolla1's " Qrth u( ~ t ' adl d I th I tl hI I may onLetluln to ktvesugato ~IB po~hion III I~ VII Y I q,IQrt slllllce rOln III ,oncer , cl fi r I lJ II 0 't!ll I I It Sllellke r, nftse-m e atero eraoce C8W Cl . HIPs. ay oVllr their dues they WIll on va 0 II I r lin • WIIOJ IS ' I , . b'~ t h d ffi ' t I\h btl referellel' to thl8 reat 'Iucutloll and vote II . , n t P bl • I I I ch~ fI'cd, \Yu8,dune by the ogeu cy 01 ~ho SmUT E.- Tho 8 0nMe lYa s opene d ntl:!- lIelV~ pupcrsdur l llgthe sea Ib n. A~Juurlled. , J1 ~ IClr 0 / 1 C. a no s "' 'J II\' rs- " d' I 'nt'rll ~ "- 'U (, Igt 1U, II OIore tlllll 11/16 .. , • '1 • I I occor 11111 y r~~-"J 'I ahoul~. In lUI fundamentll prlhlilp cs. R-" v ' TI ; h I h ' I C llp~1I111. 0 C 00 k , by prny or b y II I0 R Il V M r. Du tio r bin redld'al ~rrora, i. no matler of . ... 01. BD. lilt lIS a e pnne t roug I woy. ',I,'he Illl'uir hlld <;lIuFed grenl exuitclOl'lI t " A II lit" ~ u nllturs Ivero p re~ ... nt <'lIcepl The beneftcli11eature had a dl,l8'troua in. wbl els to pfllmote COIllt.mllllon of ,oIT"rt by ' ," ' I ut 131111 l~fHn ul ~to blld thu pe ople w ere l\(e8dr~, Dradliury. HOllter, DudGe r. Btul k· ftutl nce • TI;e order, with respect to the ~onveylnll' In(llrm~tlun or Imporl,lInco B. B. ILw'lI CUNO~l\l' U .... LL:-This c - lllioul to IYll oII \lte CuptOl1l olld Illute. who UII . MOII';u",. BUllll r, Rhett. J ell; Duvls, A SRd !llOfY ('/lont roqm, ere(llcej !iy o\lr, ellterprls lng hlld to cUllcenl th eI1l6eh'es, ' hI order Soule. DUWller, Dell. Jull!). . ' or T elll!. 'I'h c Olnc\llll~ti Nllnpurl) i1 rel.t~1 tll& lul)lectll on wlJleb Ita inllueneo WII' oxer- IDtetest. p prf!~8Iie cmplQyed 00 an orgAn of tl I e or dcr um " i ill,0 cnuse, lin d til 0 t II be 'alluw oit;:':ell. Mr D ':f n." a~ •• 18 nOjV reud~, "vo id IhoJ" ry ... f ti,e 1110 b. ~ ~ • .. ~ ' .< I " II< • , 0 uUIl" I DII I d " cbAs tuln H "'I"tl)ll te",waa onraeu tn conUJlUI experlmen,. . dl> I J'b I for use. Our-town 18 now 6upplieil \\ \til ~ u u a .. re 1111 . " u , y. lo llowlng The Imoke and. d,rt Ihat oblcurea Il plint. su~t~,"e y ~~a~V~T ofd~lIergy', ,I erul ~onlethina . which It hilS long aloud III 'fJle ~et>ullie frOl1l tl~e' mining 1I"lricts and Ru k '.'\11 IIlCld ~Jlt whi 11 eront de uelMrabht inc la nO celtain evIdeooo thol It Ie ffom BI~ II ro;y en , t Ie or er can con"mnn I tlnued 1\111 t fUI'll rab ly. nel Y dl scov erle4 The credentl ols o( nelV X" II AmClll u" ~lIrred I' '''IY "VCI'111~:: "Ince All '''11 ''- itt'' ' ~ noed of, VI'" , 11 'Ruil"ble roum fur ectut~s, "'f .,' ·Id \y nrO, "1/1"1" cl)n · l"IILly "'ud, -'I·' Of , . ~, " y 0 D • 'd n ICII i • relp,."ct~.u IIy & \J'UIII UU. • .. tl hi n I II re-nllted &IIe h. all d 0 f a molter' . . .... k I ." e c· v .. v ~ U.. U weru n,~ on \\' n- tnrll R ? w .. 'YVUI"" o( r-. r- - ' all d LIs lit an I0 dIVI . JOUN 13., WHITF.WELL, e xIIIl1lL\on ;c. TIIe (I uI I 18 .In tie . " 0Indy ' , vII,.._ wor.lhle., 8, a drunkard. 1I00urdi no FELIX "IAR ' SII. I" H • ~ idl Id the yl"ld Irym evary 6eetlOnWaa stoudly Ull 'rj,e Cllrll\1uahl oC tho Guvenor 01 Flur· bpec:lMble ehnrnctcr /llId "o UM tipn •• Il~ II ond 8tory of ,.r. !lY' uUI IIg. weol S II • 01 th e cl'lotion olStl'phe n R. Mull~ry, ., lUA'l'Tlllt\S EDWARDS Main l(feel. !\Vilh lbe outs;~p entrllllCIl • pbs elllllJlIt mOle IIlan lUI ordinary shllrlllif IIQuraoco or ble JQtegnly Wh~jl.obe·,In mlln,/ !natancea ll\!r fXperlme~~ \Yal ' Colllmll~.(). 8t the IIO~/I end of thtl bUild·og. W S e natOr from the ,41h r lo ~t lIlun h, penonal bp" \I1y. eDIIlt~d tJle I\ore (\f ,MrI. luccellllul. After I grow\1l UlJprec ....eDlly .. as pre"elltod by JUr. W,,\lYle r; hn Di dO Dur n to Belal! l" I!olr of shoe.. Dutillg rnpld. there '(olJowed Il roaelion. a renl tedt A l'lclurc. II copy 01 tlie JIJ\.!rnal uf the Leg- h~r _I"~ In tbe stliN. b g.1I eXhlil it 01 IQCCe~s 01' of 1.lIu,,,. The ..... ercenary. ':fhC Alltl a.mlng Society of IS~\lture , vf FlOrldu, \\ all a l-ecu~d o( ct'r' ByuljIlomli of i08 Ijty. ~llu~t8hll beCime bne boen gBllitlflnr B'atiltie. of tile 1 In pru ccpdh,IC 8 • wlllllh Willi conSidered by 110 ifanl' 'Il. und .1011'111. that 1t wu fuund .vllen ollr f oda were exha.u.ted-the qul.1 IVe, when their curiosity Wal fttbllb, air 4"III&IlI. a~ JIII\l'J;linll the ~lty n . D. L. ~ ul .. e ~ IIbll i8 vr ~" ... 1.... . "~ •• Iry 10 r . ,....Au h.... ~_ _ ."....,. -t.Jievoluble. wlien tb. chl,m of lI\1felty aad looking plelur they ,"ake of It~ ~, uf Mr. &hl)ory . 8,olh the papen! 1111 e1l'oTl8 to '60U,rIO h r o11d etnul(' eo WII Jolt, alld the irreaolullh On the Puti~i~LlIndlng, betIYerll havlllg 'been reut\, " !IC Ct.Dlr ~~;d.U wall ~ iJJuch dlllUib81100, thut I ;,rge cruwd WI8 by 1Ii1l'Oll\-. (0\1 Iway and forgot Ibe road and W .. lnut' 811ett. tile? are 114 '<.c questl(jn lur tlie 8 'lillte to d¢clde whother attracted tv lhe .pot. ' II becume cvld~lIt '(tour hall.. , hou.el.1I0 I':~r~ r.ooma. an~ 8 apurtmellb< our Pllhon. may ~Olltlii\le as there I~cre ,ellm~lellt ' evidence vi Ihe gen that hrr mu\ d was cOlllptel(l\y u\-ertbr\l"'n. It OIly be thllt excitem.o I wanUnjt lilr bogntclfe nlld keno. On From street, they hllve been, 80 tbllt we "ever !Day be Groat d l~eronae 01 opinion provai till,"un II electIon. , IIII!! 0 phvs lclan wllt. l\enl lor, wbo With to drlw the regular attendance of ... .!Bt 01 Deer Oreek. are 8~ colFee houses torced to violate our \Vorll, in thit respect ...... umong the member •• lind ijlter a ~e Ion Mr . .B.lghL Inoved the reCerence of tho l Oine llti i~t~l\ce; 'I uccce,ded Ill . C:O,;dUClIDIl At the !lulAet the zaol of and IIII 'a~o lor cord pllly1n«. On tbe Ham- - -. , threll doye.ln whiClh they l,u8e~ ,eve~u popl'rS to .. select· ~DlI1l1l1tt~e. upun wh ich her hOlne. She cont inued IIp.r IrIlTIl ell tbe In1tj,"ion (If members auppJit:a Iiton roud, rronl ' M~in IItree tQ Mohawk re.olUllon s by emlill m,lj rltie".1 hey adjour- 1\ dilbllte ~lIsul'd. 10 wlllch . 1\~eH~rl. Clay t urcs and Incuhere.nt ruvlllllll Iiollg tlte of ni1er"tj an intereHt wlh.&lh II.. lindge are '7~ cIJIT&e houdel,411 cnrd"9001j'18. ned. Olle 01 ~he rrsolOtiona deslgnllted ond Foote touk "pnrt. tlr. Bflgbt lillall) Slreet, exo ltln~ msny a lle.rtJeos [(lInllk tran.ltory. It ia well knUWD that a par· and 14 (Dr other gumes. 0 Firth that the hne of the. <liyi .. i!)n "hollld co 1Il- wlthdrcIV" hIS mOUlin, 811d Mr. alullbry oU· !"om the pB~8era by. Qnd mUll)" Dlligh rrqlll U- ular feature w,. obnoxious to the preJu- lire '18 eotl'lle house •• 20 cBrd room.. meMe lit a·polnt npt (u,rlher norllt than the mIlled 10 IllS lIeot. TI e I,apcrs wore s ub· tbe sV"'l'dlllet l cHUI or .lllJllly of our bret.hren, and I1t\l- liard SIJluon8, .nd 81rooml for rondo, north·westflrn line 01' Sbntll Clliro COUUIY aequclllLy referred to B ClO;JlIllIlIeej to be Tile cous e of thi. cllamity II well In&: but a zeal for Ibe cause of iemReranco telle, &0. Ull Slltlh streel ar4' 63 Dlld' not rtlrlhe r ~Q\lth thlln the northern 8elecled ~ulllorrow. . ' kllown to Illr aC'lUullltDncCB H"r .t~r'y i, induced them to a..ume thc ~bligalion. 211 card room', and sill roo0l8 bouodury 01 Muotl'rey. Uousl:l.-Upwnrds of twenty cllrl.lldutes ... nl! 01 \I, tho BUild, Ind oall be biitfiy told, tbe order. Ail SQoo 81 their groat olher game. Roce Itrl1l!t bar rj I coffee The markelll were dull. ulVing to very fur spelllier wcro voted Iur. , ~I!e loilttl U'a' duerufl.. IOlIlier afl'eccould be ~ prol'Ml@ elsewbere. ht>U801 Dnd 6 cnrd rooms. Vllle,69 colJ't'e fill weather, alld I~e rect'lpts. · Mr. D?yd received 118 out of 2111 votl'S 110111 wore centero(h,1I a young maD, . w~o hllluenl'.\! w.. lrllDwferred lind thoir IDterest llUU8ed abd 20 'bard rooms. Walnut 3~ Tht!re WOII nq s peculatlv&- demand fur cllet, olld NilS doclared elected, and eon- Imtely leR this city to reside hI St. Lou. in tbe order deelilled. It hll. been monl- coltee II'o\lse8. Bnd 19 flIud room8. ony thillg. ond bUSiness was being dobe III to the cll.ur. whon be ma~e II ahurl Slhlllt' but pl/wl/rrul grlOC b~d wrunr ner testet that.\hrough the emma of our order er" !tow, 31 coffoe house8 and ' 19 urd !lllIull profils. dpeech. heart, urilll tbo 8IId momellt alloye ruenl\(ln. and kmdred allOciations, thl! whole roomB; alld Court. ao coll'!.e hOlleH. and The lI'\arkot \VIIS over· stocked wills IIg. 'l'be U1 t'mbers \\ t'r~ t\';orn In~ \\' hen tIll! ed wbell the IVotldrou, machmery 01 tbe munity baM been ron&ed. A dcc\.'ve mo- 14 cud roolne. Oli pleasant. Popl",r. rlcultUrli1 employmclIl.S. House proueded 10 \)lIlIot lor Clerk. ' rutnd suddenly beglo to Jlr. the iron ellterJorlt, of 81100 In this I:!llIte, bn8 ~eclarlid loy. Everclt. Richmond, alld Lllurelatree18 BoulS IIn<l ijhQc$ were obundant. 1. W . FUrliflY re~elved 129. and all tIle Ing her 8uul. and the dohulle 611follll of the the will of tlte people. J( tbe current 01 110 public regort for gllmbling have been Flour was firm and r8~ler buoyant. others 19, upun IVlllCh he Wlla declared (10- brllin went dancillg to a .tr.npi unllE'ft.iu • re.wrm bu swept by \Ill, alld tile Inter~'l 01 founi!. Illthe eity. eQtlre, there are 4~ tcn OlothmC' Will In better demand' butlhc Iv cleoted. I1Ibsio. the CIlUlie ore to be man,"ed elje~b"l'('- p'lll alleva and 10 pleasllre ... r'dt'n8, .where ~tOQk wos betvy. • Tho lullowiclg is ti,e vote for s peaker: D , , , ,,S Th' • • "I'" •LIke S\\ ect belli jn If our mission is' auonlplisbed and t~e the tra ffic hi liquor nnd gaming 0(_" k\Ods IKGIIIG.ere II no exerCIse c.pa~ " Tho mqrket wes Qyer&tocklld witb .l\iclI8rs . Andrews . J. Ap.pletull. A . he,Av· _~_ _ _-=====~_-II~ greatrHult is to be con.,ltned to is ellrried on. ,"Ve are assured that Ihe of producing .uuh delightlul fecllnp 01 fe... crill, Babcock, Dnilty. 01 Gu.; DllclJ k. ELuqUEIIOE.-·Out, tl81 •• id before, we tiona Ind legielot!)rel•• urely ,uch all Col'tgoillll'figures are reli,blo, hovln, been the !lUul ... tbator singhlg. We are I"mo· LUDlbor woe Mtcady at mocltrnte pri. Brugg. 8urcklnrldge, Duel, Duij bl·Y. Camp- hu~e proved 10 you wlll:'re the tOWIl line II. be ll. 111, C"rter, Caskey. CI"llcll\ycll. "• cs. geot I · 'Is.allu .' peot 0 I a I1iDlra, b rough t a b ou t byour ow n obtain cd bya compctent young mall. tm- umes a8toDl8'hed, at tbe 1I1t1o ~ emellt 0 the Jury.lbere 'Jt eO'orla, "resolltl no oecllloD fot regret.- pluyed for the clpeeral pUTpose.- CIIl. given at pre,ent, U\ thla place, tu the dust. c1ellll. WOII wor,h 8171;1 Clllrk. Cle\·elund. Cobb. Ourlis. Daniel there It will remllin lareverl and .11 lIlo But the ~u.,.tlon i. forC(!d upon UI whetber 1iII, . tlntinu of thlst h~ppy a~L. Good 8lnger~ ounce. DUVII. la.; Duwsun. Deun. Domlllick. Ill ... Ingenuity 0/ my learned brot"o~ can .,.vcr our order Ihan be permitted tod,'e or lethare alwaya an hOllot to a comlOullIly.Mo. neyraD olred from S to 4 -::.~ cent '<u;1 Hey, DUly.Dullle~y,EaBtm8n, Edmulldso", e /I'lice ,II-call neVer Wilt h".. out, \nO, .... ,en' ~ , argy, for a oegatlve and objectlell exiat.A Pipacher WII' holdiug forlh Ilnd had Some yeur or two '!lice, tbere ~unl~ scarceolllh. Edgertull. FIcklin. Fllcl1. Florence, Fleo- tlemun! he ruuy pllUlt one loot 011 ihe out. ence,la SI Impossible !lilt 1.1 undesirable; continued to work upon thl! feollngs of ·his pllce be found thNughc;'ut the wbllie S oom jl"s. wages wrrl! low e r. luun. l-"Ioyd, Fuller, of ~fllinc. Galllblc. mUdt verge of the oulerlOllOIt rUlI 01 Ibe Exchllll"e celli. ""~ G~ylurd. Gllrmun. Greeno. Grew, Hull. 0 f"t,le planet .,lIlurn, '" or 'h aU we rOllillV up the teDdency which audllc'S". 'v au tbat the e!rlW on the ground counlr.Y.lVhere so Much dttentlon Willi given • on Nell' York 2 :10 ~ '111 and the ot~\lr on A reo the cause h.. taken, lind giv" to vllr order ohlte niter WII8 comp'l~tely euvfOre~ to sinjing, as in .h18 Uiwn. At th~t tlUie' H um, Ji'~llJlllon. Humm.ond, llarri801 Telln. IU8U~, the Plo~lde. by tbe Inut, lind ,inl Di\W life by luppl,iDg it vlIlb moltl!r of in· with prostrlte meurllerl PercelVlIIg there there \\1. a prelly weJ I orgunl%cd ChOir. Dusiness 'ot Sncrllme nto was good. lind HarriS, Ala.; Ht'n<lnaks, Hnrt. HeIlD. tbem till they Ire dry but he cannol wub tereel, and eXI!rtinir lla 106uence in lhe on- was many others pre8ent rudy to CllIIt cuml'oaed ul ('Xcellenl aillJ(erb, wbv were requuta U8 to III form Wlllter clothing hod odvullr~ ~l)' cent. Hibbert. HOlhbay Huu~tin8, Howe. or N. out that tow~ line" • 1,/ it can b..A mad ... efficlent1 themi!cl~e8 dOIVD wbu relrained from eo d.,. gOllllrolly prompt In , Ibelr attf>ndance at rea_ri,' .. ~ t lie hal ,fixed upon W edneto- " Liquors at SUII Frall clsc}, WNO lower. Y.; Illgersoli. Ivt£. Jockaon. J e n"in~ 1 ' . ~ It IS well known that our adversllries, III' Ing Bolely throup'h the lack 0/ atraw to he churah aud oilier rllu~., Wf're their aervi· d r d I the msrkflt b!'in .. overelucked. Joh1l80n,01 Ohiu. Juhn.on of Ark.; JOllea. .. ~-tE R·. \ C""'RY l'ECTo ..... L.-We call . " ( oy 0 t eek, la biB Isat .y rur I Ie luming tbat the languaie o~ the upon, he cried out ~n the mldat of 1s11 ex- cell, y the wlY or J!lDglng. wero necessu01 N. Y.; J01l88, of Teiln " Junel, 01 P. It. .' ..., presenl, r t.~lIlg Dagllerrevtype like. attentilon to the odllertl~ementol lIIll ,,,I· menluy article of the New hortatloll-'St"wl strawt We want more ry, fQr the pllrp ...8e ot cnrryiog uuteume I B1' LoUl8 Nov 29 Pre$ton. KlIlg. KIOIZ, Letcher, Lockhbrl, , I nes.e8. n ~lla place. Those \v1~blllg to ~ ... c now In ... ur p~per•• nd .t Ibl. HDllon o( Ohio II ambiguoU8, are In.klDg provlslo 8Iraw here. Brother Brown. 10- the Lord's good de llilt n •.1I1li! UB a general tlung. Ihey Account~ rrom JoJepondl!lIce confirm rc- Mucc. 1Ilarsbcll, of Cutlfornluj MIISun. secure pi~~... Ilre ,dvised not 10 delBY .,., the yeu when culdl cou,b. are 10 prev.· , "for a cOlUltruction favurable tll lhelr _own IIIIke. run up to your telll .... t more atraw! were pretty luccel8flll. The congtegllI .... I' g porta which hnd bean receIved here staling McOorkle, !lhDvnnld. !lcLnn4), IIlcl\lulhn. I L'_ a, to onll 1 WII .,. ItlV~, cannot be head"d lebl, the Illlurnlotion it colllldna wlI nlll JIll ...Iew•• ' They ha.ve appealed to the ballot· souls 10dt for the wllnt orslraw!' tlon~ lind BB8emblsges,' were bettenhan be. ... . thut 265 mule .. belon"lng to the Guvurn- MeN III .... Mcudo. Mllh8UII. M.ullury, Afor'sun. ot thl8 lit 1i",1 1111, a~ lel1at. h e . . unwelcome. 'rhe emlnen nnlllel. boal pledp. have b~l'n uacted from the furl! and 8eemed ~o be done, thruugh ment hGd been lost 011 their woy to tbe Alurr"y. N.bon. ",t1'.Pllrker. Peal!leo.A". • WI I th 1 I . l' ' l' d h b ." une'. pi~lo louk 'Juot as nn.tural .. to recommend-It, arll cvncluslve prwf e&Ildida~", and have been riven by some ' 10 I at ove, gn! exc alme t e inatrl1menhlht,. But throug \\Ome unJor- liIe.' Stutp, s ixty mIles \VeM~ from COIIIICII Gruve pen. "h elps. Pulk. Powell. Prlc~. R_n· value. In add/u!)n lu lhele we hlll who were once promlDeJlt members cof our witt, Lord Norbury in I'.ompon, with . hia circumatlnce.. wlslch had bellor n. • wh .. re thl!lr prbgreaa had been Impe ded by toul. RlchardsvD. Riddle, Robbins. Ruble, b f reel I fI n1' • Our IDorelln"wne brethreo. wIth friend, Counaellor Grant. bave beelj lvuided. tbe chuir was entirely ~lle' __•• very aevere wOAther.wi:h .. Ieflt And rllin. a RvblllIUIl, Rua •• 'RUB ell. S"v"Qe. :Seuey, een no pt"... a 0 eut'rl Irom Dli • M' :01 d b II-J& ~ accident thllt W/l hne ., N , ,> S ... Sk I dtnlngl8bed ludlvlduals .. bumblp IUIle,. oifser fri.ode of the cauae, ba'{8 'III , ... rephe tbe amlter. broken up. We hive alw8,1 nOll~ed. 'heatd tel or, (or lOme abort time, took Kelltllc IOn had been fr ozen to dellth. ","ymore,. J:.j ~ynl"re, t ; e tUD • 'G. l aI8,· rellerated, the facetlou~ wherever we ,bave been, Ihlt ,vben aDY I . thl t • d ' Th II S F I S t S th S ::Ita I I Te their indeptf.'i1I1t1 •w,..11 1... "..ue, and we lI'e JIIuuh mlet'lken •if II . . pace 10 • ow. 8 ,ew aya ago. e mal 8 rom anta 0 was hourly ex- IUllr. 011 • now. II on. 0 unCil- OrB tl' who I ackllowlt'dge bl dl ro th e" 10 o( IIDlle overthrow ~ .uftlcient to dllhe.r- 'I. culd oflen be In\OlIi.:ateel could J cburClh wa. neted ror good BlJlglOg. It w•• A rtal ., . , b 'fr. pectcd at rli\cpcllrleIlC p.. , 8~e; SIllltull, 01 Ky.; :Strlltun. S\\'lIlur, III vu ua e me CIO~ r ".reeov leD them. Tbeil' polltion I. eIther to be luch I gl ..s to my lipd' lit the salOe lime welJ atlonded; 1I0 dltl'llr- I' ~ 1~"::Zli'hl "r~. ~ ;;;;;.~ Stuart, SoutheriBJld. 1'huDlp.un, 01 their bealth from pllnlul and dlngt" , ~I The i ltabl ence whether the aln"in" wu dOD'e by a 118 eft u , 0 B I .a, . Th V bl W I W R i t III at once life aDd pia_II reeoplzecl or repadll""" De, e -KolButh 1. InameJl" d to b b . D • \V~ are hIPP'. to ltate that no !tves were Pmr..... nELPUl..l.••Nov. ~9. uralun, enela e. II cox, lid. Ick. k -'I 1 • I to coune of ennle h .. brotlrbt '" ta &bi- re- fD lO abo(W16.000.yoU~' Am:;i:a::"w~~~: ~Ir, or b, the congregatioll_ We olt,oD lb, ~.ppy occasion. The Cbfl8tiana tre~on trllll, io the cue Wilhams, 118 yets for Boyd. to ta e,aD,;! I certllln y very power,u .... ,ult. Are theea rrfeDdllnd brethrali 1Jow In a monlh. ' ue alway. In flYor, In churchel, oC cono( Hanna, w.y, N08 re .... med to.dIlY. Kline Tbe vote (or the other candidatoe atood CUfe. T~I/IIIe'4ie~ with eoulbl'l:" to look ~ thia "rdn for sympatby Iud IU'" gregatioaalaingrng. If it can be badi but "'"'-.~ ILl ' - d J F h h O M I I) .a follows: Stepbenl 16, Stlnl ~1 Cban••• thm., ronchlt I, oaI'Hnl'1IIf &If r if the u>ho~ con re atlon CGlI ' not or wiU Y--I.... D_ In r~me ave remo- I e flputy ara la • WI.I crollllXMOlined. y, any of tbe ..rim "don...r tb. luIIP port, 'or eit4ftrhere' The COVt:1lO puraued h' id 'I h Ii I I' h Ted their _ e r y E.tabhshment. to Job bIll 00 IIllportao pomt. ehclle.1 m,ole than dler 10, 8ftlly 8, .nd otheralClluerlng. . Id II tb tb pectotal b,'alD' aberaaries h .. brough' 'bit c : l i . i . . ~ot Jo~n '~I t i l e III I u t~"rc se, t. :: Ro&:eN' btaiWMr, on MIUl .troll t, JD tbJ. wblt ha.. been Ilrelll\,y made public, Ser- A rMOlullon was Idopted to i%rm the w~ ~I~: ta try e srryth e.;rrCOIIYeDdoaally ac:kn_ledgecl, u the orI:V~ y. ~ Ie m~~nl a ~e~ ar y orpnlz piau. olber WhDIIIII8I " 'ere examined and SeDIle of the eleclllon of lIr. Boyd. 11M ~ WI ave 00 cs~.. to ,ret e tier bll hea, II the Itllldilfd.baarer or tbe c olr. 10 t ",,010 0 e conp,auoo, , ••• to the C.eta alread, pllbU_bed 10 • cummlttee Ippointed \0 walt on Ibe Pre.. menl.-.B.xdGftge ..,-. canM,lt IIIUII& be 10 tbe.&II of the art.y W wuh to .ior, ac.t io vpllOn with ~BJ ~C8 (0 our Tf.'lsgr.p The ldetl£. , O;:TWJ STAR'S BALSAM WUJ) ..o ."L_ va b--".bould L_ rea--_.. eire /ull, .wue that there N .,,1. OU".-.. f_ ........&-..·U TI ~ or .. u_w..... ........ uv • .--._. • di • . il a "I perce1,e th .t • Ie ruI es Ind ord ere 0 (,L .... Ial t HCHERRY 101,.118 new.1p to .itaI -"1IIre4 to NIIpreJu --' WH· The Tn e traul . 0 ( can, from . '-- ...... --' red . ' , .- hie I"\rt,' ,....nleetjon •.i tce, C4 exilUnl . b 10 Iu the mlDdt of 1r"1!I' b"I fOUta. olIVer were a dopte d ,uotl I ot berw_ tioD,lIId NUe".. the B78lIIID b.y 0,--. lit Itt iua QUe iiilI'HIee ebe C8DM1 of ·1"1 nl 01'1; U& r °holr wa - , _ deot'. AIIDnal tfHlap WII Itol In to bath lilt nenlna, weN tb~"n oft' the Mr. tlloubreDer "II elected &r1B"U- the pot" of lbe atln, uti procaoUDi \lit _ ..... ,- lbI mercID'" dioteUon oC It I M, 1 J • • 1.1 wbl' reD"a- the t II a WFO!I, ltaW 0 to.... 0 the H .........._ On ~ A M Mav ft.. __ IF .. •-- -, .. , . , ' "",. rr Ibip of QueI, b min l.:deti 0UItI OD a - , 0000. aha ~HlIP, lIeer Cn,e l"tIon, bl wblch • &remln It- I'I1II, r. ....new .,...,....~l'Ieper, 88CNtl01l ar laUOOUlIlll'.. ." ..,101" lots • ~~~ ~~!::..WID°:;'M,.nVdOw a l1li11 "ce luperlar to tbe brute crealln.. '--_ r. L ea, II ler II bid dID. to eumille II,,, I.d &be eJIfIoeer badl, rnUlled. .ntl Hr. lobD.D Poet-Muter, all wboID eadnrJlc, ........ IDCl apeota'Ul by opd' go wuuu 6,1,', I, I. a pronoull. - .... eature 0 ... e tol8l'lbl, !lal III fNI& were nollll..... " tIMI Demoarella1t8uCl!8t ,.., ......... all.,illl \rrhadoD. -..J ~ ... ~ or pII'tJ • t, lo,il,''')., IproDOUDo . . . ,.. beli... thltjUfi. III\Ic:hpMI will .haa It fa place fD lad were.lIeIIcMtl.,.ruoltlllloD. fftderiB& .... ...,....., _ _ ...., IIIal Stare • 11,11,1"1',11. ",IS, ••~I'._''' •• IIt\lte fl'oaI"1 • doeel ID - , - - , Sa 1Iotlce
\~Ium, ~Il Iho JlI~ce, where ~l lIglIlg
onl)' church in thi s 'OfiIlS a pi"t of U,C wor. hlp. W'll'1 oy al,fllin be perml~led to 1i1S' OlJR 'LEruf . , . " , . ~ en 10 aa go/Jd ,,\r'llng lUI wail ~orlllerly ,(Jle 1I11,l11l ~I~ITO R Will lie ! UrIllahetl hcard there. r • 10 sub,critter. a~ thc fllllowing rates' One _ '_ __ __ __
°,1\; n;
c . 1
V* .;
.:-'T" .
::=: •l';;:~=. .
-J!.' fi'
1m'J'000Mou1ttlban, MInr
N .. iI.'lIulu....
fl'Olll,........,. tIifI...,. br - . oar htller •• ......
ft...... ....
A ..r ................ of
'J eatlmony from (,lIlnnll GAL EIIA Apnl I IB-lB F~lIow CIUten, -I hn\ I} uBed 810nll'8 Olnlment and found It to be ti,e bedt nrtl do Ihnt [1111\ 0 <,vcr u se d lor InjUries In horse lIud r( r 8 Fnmll} Oontrncnt , GEORGE R[ S EDORPH krSeo Advertlsell ont
o::Tl;>.r 8 1) H 11\ e ij Shuk ... r S mopa rilln nd\ ertiBe.1 III nnoll)(:r column 18 trul} "good Fanllly M'lhdne Tt pu ,iles Ihe Ilood nnd pre v (! l1 t~ I ~ well 11$ CurOH- l t Id I IJhly spoKen or III t;1ll 111111111 I'lld Ib tI el e ~ i\;::,~~~~:~J':::~~\~I\'{p.~1 called the poor nlnn"" frlo ud IJ \\ ho s Irer
a m rl lJ .nJ "n' ral co n IlIlou will Ona I I. Modloln. or
INESTIMABLE In . c .... ~ r Gr.:'f~ RAI Of OILIT I .11. MMI eill. AO'fII LI KI A • 1\ \n ~r
-c - 0
'7c ~1,l)O
il,GO 6~(1
1IIoIB&SCS N 0 '.til gal do J Illgnr bollsc 1\1 gal ,
34" 43 0
SUlr'I r , F Clllh rA,
1il th,
8nl., 'f bu.
..~c 36c 1I60
t Oil
Clncinno.l1 Hmr6ll',", ILU
1I1"y 1 48 Ivu.chadCd ,
0&0 C pnty
NI!'I'-U &r
01 urt Itmo ago a bnula of )'vur VeJldw Uock and 81.U1/8rillo lor fUY " 1ItJ., which aile h... UI~ Cur b r colliplaini Ery IpII la lind W lk nu~ I'aJllnll of iho \V'"wb "Ie. lind It haa .1 ready bull""l htlr very much . 1 U.O I::ryelpu
I.. 11 b.. ell clOO noarl, 1 CIl~ 1 hue Jil t ,urchMe<l I &ecIIud blluJe a.ru! Juulibjj lbe elicelol the lornler, Jeel COl lildU I 11111 II
III qUill ~
DO"UC •• 'I. .
.nlllllla.,.. .. abundant
PIli of h.lII\)r \III .. milch lr mor~. than tbote UIO, are wnled upon
.ppe.... to be IIlltllltl.. call" to doubt thllt It aatually felJu ref mora .t'urt Ind lu· II WI. Jllit Introduced. qr at.1I ClveDla III more pain. to lIVe them up. Ullin VAlue pointed Ollt. 111.1 he plllnt dllllemina be reqm.ite to m~lrely ..old them ted by- I e I.~ W bam Dumb.r. Dr the Forut. lUll falh~r orthe late Dr -'" mo~t eltc~i1chl. useful. pubUQ II,Ia fer , e Ing mOil It atJ'urdll puture Ihruullh 1houg~ tho beat Iner. wJ en uth er gt'lissel i1ry up Growl., aye levell end Ihe cmlmrkementl of rll. I MOIIellh)lef ofTI~ertoll. Rhode Iyhero forJned even of allilo.t Jrew wlnur rye lut ) ear at Ihe rate Illnd It check. lind gradually !iliA . " bllllitel. to tbe .crc. after ~orn upon thOae !lnor noul ,"mel Which Ire 80 rea, 11 ,round 10 poor when he tqol! It In I.nd, Iy formed In our hilly country and If 1I~'e hi. aeighbol'lllOlcl him he could not get the lull end aub 8011 It clln be mado to tOY ned ""tk 'PIli "h~ crop tllll yur II er land$loo much worm fUr prolltuble cui It III better. lind he thlllks equal to 40 bUlh t Vlltlon bringing them \/I a year or '" u till to thl' aCN In me.~urillg, th'! lI~tO 11 cond Itt n by willch they WIll yield I bUlhel vo~11e.atled consldcrubly Ilrcatcr nl It relurn In fille woul from the The le\lret uf gro vln.: 'Il"h • crup "OUOI plont It protects our roada from ",here It hlld boon conslJered uleh. fur watlllng and In by WI}I c:omparlltlvelYI beforo to make the allAmpl II very Irovelled It tender. farther workllljf 01 Impomnt Ind now mado publ c by .aIr them nlmoe. unlleeeeS1lry if properly ~ork n '.. perm I.. on Till. I. it ..,.Ihe 1011 Ie a ed befl ro. tI\O gras. II set It lorms med pnlb!. d.r~ colorod IOllm pallod upon a 0". unequalled In yIeld and \POlue by Iny upon a hanl pon of compactly cemented others of whlllh we baveelther seen reod I'DVi.'1 He commenced upon four and 3 or beard a ftnglfj cuI Yloldlng five t:lna 01 bllf Icrel In the .prwg of IU9 and by dry hay, preceeded and foJiuwed by all ~I hard IcraplD, got three or rOllr loads cnte eaoh of fully holf that qllonl ty al d Intnuro to thlt .cte) to winch he oJded 60 that too un ler but tnallfferellt management 4 JI ' Ibeer Iit1I'1' remnve to olher placee whh ~Irrel. of lbh aud 36 bueho). of eltcll hme It II our only Dvalbble but most oxce lIent OUI II for 0 Oil II e I bll.1 cr nod II 0 phper ,. ie nl 10 Ihe fur lor d rocuan Ihey Aro Iluid ro Ind Iheo pUI the plow up to I be bearn. an d menns 01 coverllll; nn open Il1wn or WIt h a _pan 011 Ie hlrruwed .nal plowed lira nand plonted pretty green 8ward forme a plco~ont walk 5 110 Courls I nvo d Oiled that rerull1Ig t tlll(o II newolIAI"" 0, pcnotll!llli flam Ibo otllce., llelrn The yield 1'18 46 to 60 b ui he I8 to If bpI clolfly mOlYn 8t ppo.tl terraeee orro 110' I g and lenvlng It U ICAlled ror 18 pI the lere A. loon BI ripe enough to cut up however ateep If not actually n Q raclc ondcnte of INTO-rIOIUL ) uno he reblo,,,d Ihe corD Ind mQDured wllh 18 snd give. a fre.b pleollllll and mral 'ppe" ox cart load~ to thl! acre. (lilY olle Inal a Incc to our vllla~e8 wilich we rllrely aee IIalftoollO the load) of compo»t, made of In the Sout" IVhere thll gt'1I1I dOl'I not eJ( tea ,nuclc ro.d wlah lIods. weeds. lea.yl" IPt -ThOl Affleck. Eeq of)IIUi5llIPPI Ind IVery ~ubltanee Ihllt WIll decaf. even ~=-=-=~~!!!!!!~:!!!!!!~~~~=~~~ buih~'.lDd of eoun.... I)) the butcher. offll H[~CIit!ti&. W!lOU~ bonea_..and Itulrrrom Ule kitcHen &c HeI ;:;:::========;::~=~=====;;:= plowCHI .ad hllrrowed IIeavlly Dnd IIOweu HOReb.ok Rldl"" fll ~optember. one .nd " II.lf bUshel' of h a riding drea. an I spit/ted ryo to the Icre. and hltroweil 10 .moolh horse WOmo.D aUracta attention exert~ an Upon hairAn IIcre ,.hlch every lIody IDI~ Inl1uence and IIppeara JI~e a gnddoll8 silO WIlla poor It would aot.prout rye. he put then In elrect fI.ea above here"l~ wear. 100 p\'luuda of ftl:ano, Ind tblS mlde I big an nlr Ind ezh,iJltI " Ityle t'lat commllndl ler ,rowlb Ihan tbe rem-lOder Arter the obae ...ation und HCUr"l IIdmlration No lP\lund (!'\)Ie ~ he cuuld cart oVl'r II. 110 whoro doea • lilli, thorough elJluppcd. pyt upon each aere, .Ix loada 01 eompoll. nl Ihow ao adVintageou,ly u on horae And ~top.Jre"lDl. to prevont winter kllhilg nowhere doe. aho tlltcrt alDore wbulesome At htrvali l. Ihe atraw w •• generally Bev,n Inlluence 1'lJlIl, lebllllo eque81r1ans to a 'eet IlIg~. Ind IIOld .ner threshed. for .even nelgllborhooil O[ II plea.ure parI" Ilre I ton •• brlnl'"' '42 belildea wbot 110 used I ad I • Ie t t th t f II cler f~om the four ana. h.IC IIcre. The grill n m"ra go ;. ~qu.. ~. 0 t : °t b 01 ""llIhed 661 pouudlto the even gymtln. ~ nlhlll.n a Judyan (I°l'ltryeoc I do Ladle. Work r d par eur. ,or e YIr t ue.1I ga I Books Tilt! atubble WI. turned In wltb len lOG is eo Ie Ichool. fOf he practice of (~m.le. of msaure to tHe IIcre alld lOwed with a p p d .. h 1 d h k' f d . d 1\ III hOftOmanllllp Ihould be IDlltltute uUI I! • ... ~ ret' ped C 1* ~ aee' dO II or Womlln', aphere or Gcl Ion at prosent la ,!"ltdl n ... re~.e W tn IIX l0 . . I b f onfilled wltfiln doora yet ber lealtll, eau Ifowth. fa.t .prlllg was 10 ranle It \VII nedI i ' " t "'. I d I t ty an U liP ne require a gre, • ne y ceNary to feed It olf. ID t Ie proBen acenery. an lutlfe Me. many ~lDuaemepta I. the wOllder lind .dmlr,~lun qr that d larl the pure country air -To b!:" inaction lamellE''' 110 emlOen~ly °lf th~ Ct~i :emon.trDt~ ~' It ~. conOnement t I.tt"o I~ .. nQt ruhll h d or u e - tt 1/1lUrlouI, .nd thl', "III 100D lob h 'II" onl, tue owner. '" 0 I run 011 t 0 common ICnlC lad u ....cted crop. without eGch !lh.~m and life moat DlljlrUyod i elylu \\ hlelt for IIccurMy 91 • r~ ADd we 1011 add. the .,relflit pave.!)' uelln a\lon I1nu bvnuly of tono ond 01 iii 151 upeD~IJlg mone, or I!lbl)r to rertih~e or Uti b 1h a I cannot be IUrJlne.cd PICIUIC8 lalie" In .11 PI t lIDon, -Amer cln wOOlen III klJld. oC wClalhcr In. few .et:on~. befnre pllatmg tbe letd In, proof oflbl' truth! The gQyern '" Satlslactlon wllrranted In .11 cnlel In4 much of the labor of bome falla ODe Ina. wbo hid been a (armer 80 ,ea,. came 10 I., to leO wblt I.e btr. rl,btl, enough too. aDd will so bid ae.,.r leen b,fore •• ern" of rye th.t Jlut wblle sbe mUlt thul con Yielded SO bUlbet. to llle atlr. How mlny movlna .plnt of domeatlc Rhode blaud fs~ml!ts ':Will be Iildu~d by mual 1If' 'urnl,hed by which. I" this auollDt to pllt In • crop 'n tile Hme lime IDd In a pleilini lJIanner elie WI)' thllllealOa~~":hapti. ~OlNoDe Uk can obtlln all theme.nl e'len~lrlllo hellhh cep' h It•• I . .e Irlller, n ew or .nd haoplnlll In rldln~ horaebqek. wo DR DORTON S cit, hk, Mr C. who ,,"II laughed It lor mIn ClD lind In tbea" plrtlcullrs much euppoaiar be could etow rye and corn u; that ,be require-. Sbe ClIO InllaD'Uy pili' A .. ~otAblll pr~'p~rauon eUllerlor 10 any olher ClQ ..bl' poor ~ld worn-out Iltln -N hI horae from her lwelve feet kltclJen or oC lll. kit d belulo lie public 11 if eJ[CCU~DI 'Ag .,arlo , froM ber carel. labor .nd confine for OeUglt oulds tlftl I In IIIP bro~e' WhllOlltlig eough ci oile &c 11 bno In 1\ nOllher 0PIUll meatto the eountry.lr and Icel\er1. to tho or any 011 or 8 bSlance Ihlt will ~1)1I.IlPGI6 Ihe contemplation of th. ,."pd (lbJec:tI of ntl TIIo Ilee, of ....... bow~a bUI DC" gondy 01 Ibo liver lowcls akin and khlt eyo prom In!,; tl e 8I!I;,ullons yen Tbe wlr In wblcb Ileep I••bowa In to lIl.nYlmuaem en ta. and to I 11014 of cnlly rhe poovu III CUiCIOO 18 welt knOW11 III 98ptabl. klDgdom. I. InfiniteJ.1 more boehl, exerclllO which baa no el')lIal (or It. lhl. COlOn Inul1 thereforo wt\>decJII fanl ur d ba r.npllbn u me."" •• ry Ible tban .Dlonl anlm ..". Min ~neral effece upon tt!e trunk. nec:k and rIllS nediclno ia a au,e c~re lor tbe Cr9up blmlOl( proetrate • .lOme klad. of head. tbe lelta of Jlfe. lind tbose part a for tSolQ at !he WnY.JOIIvllic Dfllg Store by CAOWALLADf:;R ok GOODE 110 on th-elreldel. the camel placet Ita tbe orallnlz.tlolt whloh are the mOlt neg D~c 4 It 50 4;> If between Itllorel,p, .nd blrdl roo.ta lected Ind wickedly mutilated by foohlh ba tiel'" beae.th Oto wIng, Be,ond theae blta and Inalltlon are few remarkablo difference. But In 11bll curci.. II Ineltlml~le to ber. It -:.;.:::~::.;.:;.:.:..:.~~.;.;.;...:..:...:..:.._ _--:"_:.... planta tbeM II ao end to the c.moUl and meeta 80 lnaDt wanta at the elme lJoluUful dlverllt1 wblch """ardl the and 10 blppllr comblDN ,mUll'ment er In /Iatdre', m,.terles 130me 1II1II1.ntl.1 sood It arouaea tho bod,ly droop tllelr leavel at nlgbt. the part 'plrl&.. &!YellOOpe and .ctIYlt)' to tbe mind lIeeomlnl eacld Ind penduluul Otbera Ind aerenlt1 to the feehnl'. .nel .",... iti1vr."~'~~'~: or thfl lund called -eompound,' u clover ill.pe'. tbe ,100m of the d,lpeptic pllnts lad 981cbea, c:loae their leiliell togetber In the cheel of tbe eonlUmptIYe, Iweelenl pain. and oeolllouIUy tbe whole lelr dropa the brellb of the CachlCtlo. rounda the fig at tho lIale time The three lealleta 01 of the emllclated, lind perpelu.tel the "CALI FOftlUA" cion" bring their leen to the outalde. and natural Itt",CUOD' oftbe body.nd cbarac. AIR TIGHT COOKING 10 Iorm I little t,llIngular pyramid. ter -Gelllul of Libert)' SIOVE lpo II tho poln~ or union between the ELLY tit ORISPEN have Oil hand Ind are eonalDo t y n Dn ICoClUring 01 tI. lealleta Ilad their It.lI.. Lup1nel, wblcb A GUTLEII ..UI -Sbow me a man who Waynell"lIIe Foundry... ,ho oboy.. nalned !fEW ll and I 'tIltly .~proved \.iOOklng BlOye patonted ...e lelyea rnembllng a leYent, lIal red ean quit the brilliant IIO(;let, of th. by !mallit tit Gleaton DecerubOr 1850 1II\!1 SIOY8 iliad without. pllm. folded tog.ther hke to Ulten to tbe kindl, yolce of ago \I CCllltrUCled witlt • Ied,'a b.lr cloaed parasol Cblc:kwead c.n bold eheerlul c:oDYerlltion wltb one DOUBLE FURNACE IlIleana 10 II to embrace tbe .tem. wbon. )'eara bave depm:ed 01 all ,"ollruIG.1 For Sum~or Ind WIll tor uoe either or bolh 01 and lOme lpeclea of lotus. b.. ldea min, 01 .bow me \tie min wblt ia wlllln~ to hel :!!c~lnn:r.! ::.,u:nu~~u'.;~~r~~~~ v.e~\e~:d ltaoJea.nt f11ll1l1' the ~iDOICIl. bring the deformed. who .tandllD need of and.o arrangOld as to tneure lIIe greatell REGUIlA1UTY IN BAKING them toplhl!f In IUch awo, I I to protect u If tho bluab of Helen mlntled on hI. Tbc.o adwanlafleS whh olh..,. tho, t¥. JOlIn, flower 1I1111a .nd ' ..lIIlture _d cheek; Ibow DIe tb!l min wbo would no lhemlcln. the purchuer In ",.1 eight ya.el. Crom the chill)' .Ir of nlgbt The.e more look rudely at the poor ,Irl In Ibe IilU 10 renderto 'hll 810"11 one of Ibe ver, uti oDly • fewOIItofthe many cu,twblcb at the olaliDt Ind well drea LATEST AND BEST could.,. Inwacedof chanle or pOlllioD aecI In tbe llloon, abow me the mao lhath .. eYer beon Inlroduced In Ihe W.t lellY.,. wbillt la tlowera there lOeml to who ireata DDpro~C:b!d mlldenbood I. he MAY 28 1&1 IS-II DO limit ro nriallon The greater would the belreM. surrounded by thl pow. .tIot the petall at aljht, tho ltalk. decli. erruJ prob!ctlon of rank. nebe ••• nd fllmlly, one aide. but there are IORle wblcb .bow me the man who abhon the libertiroll tb,lr petals bau, and curl them De'. Ilbe. who ahunl u a blaaphemer Ira like mlnature yoluteL The Ileep o( lucb ducor oC bllmoth.'1 .:It--wbo lcorDl II Lebanon Oet 111 IM\V F I'ARSH.\LL. b b"" complnled b'1 all, ex- h Id d th Id le r Ulothlng which he wlll",Ullllhelowt!lt prlcn p1allll. pro I .~ onlc e wou a cowar. e r ICU r o . LARGE ASSORTMENT of UPPER a hberal dlacount on cun IALBI tenall chance The aame mil be AId of man', rolblea. or tbe ezpoaer of 'I'omen I, LEA'1 HEllS on hand and lor lale «Jlmpu..lu••nd other bell Iblpedllowen reputation. ahow me tbo man wbo Dewer byWater St • Wayn08vllle 0 M A~~hE~1 .r Crucll'ence. 1\ Ibould hawe obur. forlCla for la inltlllt the delicacy and re ... are remarkalilo careleaa of repou ...ect-that II due to a womln III a womln. HIDES W.-.NTED for wblch the .;_~ -r Walleat price to cub wiU be-,,~Id Tllel' IIIIP neY., .PpoUlIO...... or nen ID aby eoadltion or c:1 .....nd 1°U ahow M HENLEY COIIItlat. for IIJIII)' IIlCCOllIYC nl,hla. ther me .,entJemln, D11, belter. you ahow me Wlter Street, W.ynnwllill 0 Alii! l~ 1&1 ..... r.tIeM. .... Ua the mornlnr alwl,1 • truo Cbrbiiau. '~-".L-. --.1 fort bl Wb II ROTICB TO EVERY BODYm - - - - I ..... QD~m I e ea ow. .ubecrlbcr would reepectlull, Innounee . . uti OftrblowD, or tile plant Jr lID IIIOUWe ",ere told the 'ollowlng to Ibe claRn. or Ibll plaee and IU OlIIera eJ II lie. Itl the phenomea. dl" 1..;. ODe of th8 _ .. I. . who _'.MilHt.... Ilote_1ed I!Iat hj. arr&IIJeblenlalbr lhe carr, WI r- 1nl 01\ of h.. buli_ . . , "ueIf co........." dlmlDialaed In I" fie., tb., 1ft DIIIJ .... ID perfectloawbeD -ratber. that maa ",Ith \be 111'""".,".1 ........ po. . . of tile pllllt IN 10 I . ",oa't b. e_ _ •• Iacl
ror 'II~ I~IVII III. PermIIlDICI" .(11 NERVOUS DISEASI!l8, A..d ot tb_ CompW .....Jar." ... 0 ....1HI " ' " ' ' pMlred • •" ....rt or u tIotllthy •• ndlll~1\ ot 0.• .. ICRVO" . . . . . . . . . 11bl. beaul 1111 aDd eAnnllj""I .. 01 ~. my.,.rto ........ n or OA/:V AN18'J 0!Id MA,QN',
18\1 h •• ben P"' DuneH b, .1t1l1>1'l"".4 JIII,oI.Ja" b 'II in F-um"" aid Ibo \lall •• "'~I", '1'''' III.....1 .al ,,~l' .«J(,'.al ",.~~"'W *'I lA, _,,
1\14<0 N ETJC Fl. UJD, .. I •• ~ w " tb. no.' perliol &Del o.rt~a ,ucc.. 10 .11 ..... 01 OICIIICRAL D • • • L ...... Siron, h. In, lb. w •• k.nt<! bod, ,1,lng toD. Co~, •• :Iou. rl~!I' and 10' ,onU ,'h••DU,. ".Wa. Aloo ID tIn vltAMP PARA . . . . .Dd PALl' D' 8Pt ralA Dr JNQJ()t1lTIO RII[UI\tATIf.ll
At UTE .. d CHRON'C. OOUT r.PlL~PlW LII.. IAfiO D~ArN.:sa NI1RYOUI TIlt:MOIl8 'At. ..TAT ION Qr TfJt: HV-AIlT: APOru:XW N~U 1t4LlilA PAl Nil In th. 8ID~ .n4 ()"~ LIVIlll Ce)1 PI AINT SrlNAL COMPLAINT aad CIIIIY" TUlti: or ,b •• PINE. HIP COMrLAll'IT Dlll:A,q II. KIOil!H-S tlU:ltJlINCY Of' NF-RVOU, In I PIIYSI CAL ~ NItROY,.oo .11 NEIIVOUI D/I: t:A'~;S wi ie" u .. plllillto .ri.. (,om OIl. '''''pl......
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Pro (Jbrlstie's Galvaoic: tlurallYet, 1 1114 Cure _,drurrl ... .....r"Ind",1phllt>llln, ••,r.... IIIIb"rJac,, ..... 01 lb. u,ltlll ..... II Ibo pol till Nal"re
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8014 lor ROBERT~" BRoTlfJJ..1 Al:Ithtirlud AfIIius for Wlyne..JlI.
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l FaDUly Newspap~rJ ,r, Devoted ~o Agricu1t~re,J Mech~nic An~J .tit~r.at~re. Scienoe,' Morality, 'Foreig'n' and D.omestic ~ew~J. buse~entt :&~ t
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1!j 185~
, rlting,down "by the bride 'on the purt of be buppy in my \~ig\\7nm, , L.ong.Kllt fu ~G od I\II.nish him DS !If;' deserves !' cjuc. pocket a piece of Boilc..d po per, and omeut, Ow.e nu atoo.d In tho .t OIl ;, antI ere ,'Well, whot did YCiU tlo bridegrob m, Is tho 'cert'mon, of: mar· I. lI oos not desi re to bo rlJd~. 'Viii sho lel ulot ed th~ wife. reud: . ' " (he de8pl8ubl~ wr-eloh could prepllro 'for 'Guz~lc angrily. riul,!es omo~1.! ~Imy of th e lriue~-l1nd ShO', him be galltlo 01111 killd!' It ,HO hnp~l!lIeJ; thu~ t!1O Wcldena,. wero 'Sooner ~hnn link my d~8ti ny witn such cl!lfenB~ or flight he wD81UId low by' 0 blow \ 'Wh)';' rep,l ied tho lo~i'cr, 'I IBid you would be hid. w,' ru. . . 'Snow·D irtl 1& not IItroll g'; he must do as muking p'epu{l1tioIlS h i -1"'~l1ove troUl the , I1S Y(ju, r wollid burn tit the stuke by slow frum tho tomohllwk 01 the. W)lCnd?ttld ronk O/r.Oi:liSit.' '.' Ju st Ilt tl :18 IIII~re&lIng penod, slle felt he will, Slle CUllllot till hOPI>y III h.! s wig - IrolJtie rs to on estllte beqUi1o thcC! to Fronk ; Ind,e., or, illdure the most agonizing tor· a~e(. " '. . 1I1r. G\lule frowned IIpon tbe lauablol I,erse lr un~lrclcd III so me OliOS nrm s, her wnmi hnr h e.>llft i~ with llcr people. "V iII by lin uncle of hi d. 'l'hret' weeks Inter ' ture,' Nenrly everyone of the rene~qde'a band I crowd, and went home to biB ciderlll re.'These' 'he continued, 'aro the t('rmA of wns kil1c~, He, him6clr W08 only 6tunned. flectioni, , lover 's of cour. c; nlod llllJugh it ,wHY r nlh· ~ 1I0t lhe' LOlIg·j{lIi1 (l le t hor gu to h er , nlld thry were in their IIB\\" home, (Ilr froln cr "." extruor,hllcry d~"lolI~trutl."n lor ~n ,hol~e !.' , ' . I lh~ h nu~ts of ,the encn,y, olld, th ey bup'cd your nllsw~r, nnd (!l illie few words sca l 'Vh on hel1woke ; lro found bimself bOI,nd, ..... Judilln ~o mllke IIf IllS love, yel 8ho did 'fills 16 the homl! of Snow·Dlrd now.- secure.> Irom hid eiforts to hnl'm. \your duom th is day. I \Vos fllolish enough nnd hi s ellemles uround him. ',fho 'Vel. An Old Jnke but B Good One. 81'1' DOWN, S,\.D SOlJJ.. not rC~ l st : lIul f wllkh' g, huH . • Io"pi It, Sluy wit II L" lIg . Ku li'o Lilt tw elvp. mOOIlS, Wh en Cullum recq,ver~il ' from h is .IIJ wi ~h lo provent your ma rrrsge i but the .10118 s toud there too, now at hberty. A lJueer specimen of a down.euter fro~ she fe lt ~t'r.elf borllfl uwuy, und \\'vlldcruti und tI, on vlplt tilY peuple.' wound uy the hUlld of 8f\Il I\'·tJ ir<l, I,ilt jirit Den lll on of " pngenco prE'sidcd over our 'Longkn i!\) i~ very brave!' 8ald Oweno the Green lliountain 8tllte,1alely opened I 1l\' TEtfXfSO:ol. 1!IU~ her .Io\·cr ~IHlUlll so 60u n lind 80 \)11- ' II i~ 100 long.' ' gr(,'I1~ utldcrtu king wns IlI' w<! rlt sotire mlij. ) ru les und prevented the lIoco mllli shl{lellt 01 nddressillg hiH pri ij oncr. ,'Uo flght!! mono drinking vnloQ" in DUBton, which aoon be. Sit down. Blld 0 0111. Dnd counl rerl'mollllJusty beu r h r t~ iris l e nt. Hul 'Six moond, Ihen.' thief to th e \Vc luolls; I,..ti!e-couid tiud no ! tillS ol'ject; nnrl nuw I . rejuice lhoL ull fully nguinst squn\Y1I I1ut ho i& II gt'put I cnme frequented by II party of the " boy,' 'I''' ~ IIIOOl Onl&fl yi llg; _he Ilwdll 110 e fl'ilrl lu r~~I ~t; 1\ wus n pi cu. 'Too 101lg!' trll ces 01' th em fur n Ion" lime, ulld "hen he ' thin"~ nrol 'ne th~y nre' my revengo will be COWII;~ ""hell tan '!leets with warriors, - os 0 quiel ond gentee,) pluce ofteaort. Thll COIllO lell Ihe s w qC~ umollnt I~ore to rcst iii hii nrlll,~ ulld. to ~epuKo 011 'Th ree moono ,' did gel 011 the riltht, tl';y >!CcOle d t ~ bl! be· Iso m~uch the mure Illrip'le. ' L onll'knilo I.. 0 dog, and ho shllll dio like n Ynllilee wna nlwn)'s on the look uut for cu. 1'1:.1'8 1081 loy sillhlllS! ~"ri. bo~oUl. She I ~ IL hcr~cl f :bPI~IIy m,o ". 'It is 'I lOll:: tillle.' _ YUlid h lij rCllvh , You would enduro tho most agonizing dog!' riosities wilh w,hich to decornte II is rodm•• How IIIUll y . lIIltellt- . S CO$o! 'l'hdn IUlIl:h nlld coullI lio moro; off. und the nl/lI,L Ulr wlrh ltd cllIlIy Ono ,lIoun , thut Ie short.' But chu llgcs c.)me , Wt!hlcln'ri hou se a nd I torture; lVtlll, th is will be t Ie firgL 01 1'hell turning to Mil men 110 ordered Olle dny a joker walked In ond Ipoke thUI I,'or lIuy,is dying! breuth 8uun l1fousld IlI!r to cOlllplolC Wilke· 'N uw ,lc L 1111) gu nllw !' burn were uoth hnrn cd Iv th e groull d in yuur cvild , tho uuril lng lit tho slu ke I will the m to tnkjJ lhe 'cownrdly tllier 'Dnd tie to nn ncqunlntlmr.e: fulll"88. , · '~ u.you ute Ilnrruwll ub la. ron 1I0t one night, Str'lII~e! lIuL nil wos cx' (,mil lltprel!c nt. Li t nl IIl1d he ar lhouis. him totllil atClke thut ) 10 hud prepnred for' '\Vell,I' never did tee ,uch a Lin down, 80o! 801l t. Allfl 61 ~ r p, '\Vhe!!! am I !'she wond erillgly enquirru. , let yuu gO. Corne, YOIl lire try iflg Uly p~. pi: illl'" uy srl' ing, p,' R\cd on tltu gllto in "criptiull ur tlill b ll'lIq utlt I hove prhpored \'V elde n. Tho melln .ap irited craven beg, looking niggor D. the,Y'vfI . gut ill A utl 110 IIloru meu uru The Il lghlol 111110. n<tr woep 'Am" n!: rriend.!' WUd tho r~I I,ly in the Ll oncr.'. "j Irollt 01 the JlVellinlj' ll .cu.',I,·untui uillg tho ' ror your I'SPd to (c ust upon! gel! r<r his lire. ' field,' . Tho luss of lel"ure; Wyundott diuleci. . ' ,A lid he luid ,hcr r el~ l1tle6s ly down, lind , lWo ,\' u"k J unAs CA.I." N. FrUIl! thi ~ fll~ce you will be conducted to 'Dog of II thien' 8~id Ol\'ello. 'Bll!Ie,'\vh~t'~ lh~t >,eou I~y, f~le~dl' lala tht Bu',llIlro,oy 1111. tOllO QlrI)O Ill. 'Why du frielltls corry me off III the , Len t uver to kl~. her III)~' I:>h c 1I11I1'cd tu ' MUIIY reV(lr~~s fv lluwc.d. Callie wprc when' ollr CUllth'es nre exccutcd. 'rhere cc wurdly "qu'n1\' 8telller! Do you thlnk i hostt 'what klOd ofomgger,1 Lio down willo U8, ' o ll d d <OD III durk I' olle side, olld ut th o SUllie lIlom e nt tho! vii· It ii I~u " nd hor 'Od stul!! n. D1111 u Iwuys II)' I you will fin ,l my rival, the hutfl d Frnllk Owe no wI/uld l et Ihe' s.nooliing coward 11'0, \ 'WI!y 0 wo~derful s pecimen of tbo Afrl. 01 Blerry lrUU~ UI U! ,: D ~C?"SI' th"y love, the~, nnd the gro'at Iuill wllh u cJt:ep gron u It'll heuvlly uy her r tI, e eh llle pcr.u II: It . wr. 1Iul ll i/,nt (, VE'ry f \V IIJ'III' ti llll to u t!luk~ with the faggnts i thllt calM tt. his r8the~'11 wigwom and car· I enn raco,I Will IpcDklni of,: 'Iuld ' the jo. 'Vc df~lIl1l: do lhou lloe a.mo; 01",' 1 lu\'cy th III n,!t. side . Iefllort pllt rO rl h tu ukl: Ihe I) eprcdutor pilell lip oruunil hilll . I-I e is to be burned. ' rit-d olf thl! Snulv:Blrt\1 No, Look hore ker. ' \v luvo- I"r \'()r; '11 i8 th "uice "I' L (Jng Klli /e! ' Dur ing the Ills t conv l'rs nlilln, s he hllil UII<I lu t cndi. ry . H " W '1\9 ncvor to b~ AIo, 1 .ee 'your cheek blnnchcs! nut IlI ls l lit your 'p~1f8ce 6i~tt!r8. Did , the ' Long. ·~p.ow, due te1l!' 'Va tOllgh; YOI relv wo'sAlome. 'Y~d LOlIg.J{,~li re· lu~e. t5l1ow·Blrd! c(lut,iuu. ly dr~\\lIliis I-\r~ut k"i 'c IrU l1I its' fOUlld-:-w05 never SCI!! • .0/ . l id'U smull p ur t o[ tho torture to be inllictJ llll ife ehow them locroy1 No. Burn tbe . 'Fact,.lr. Ono' side or bls face-ezactl, 'rhe gtjuH v, Devor; 'I I he lovc~ SuowlHrd, let he r re turn til bhl· uth, II Uri ut t"~· UUSt' uUCII'llt hl 6I1Ul"h T u In uny nlld oft reI' "leu JUBses threw ed: coward!' one half, inrnil you-wal 111 black al the SU)' \II. .. liII .I) r r~ w dins: he r futh,'r'd wigwulII.' u Id .~, pllllll:e~ it imu h lK IciL ~iue. lIe th e u!Tu lrd of \\ elden i,;\O .""IlI\I~ioll, Olld " Your daugh ter. Ere the (othe r dl('~ he Coward i~ the most Inaultin(l' epithet an hinltcs of.. -; il liQuId dro.~ a IIno ,eamct. TIII.N-h.lpO Bnd· h.WY dklos 'No. Lon/l·KlliIOl o\'cs ll er tuo Wl'II.·- n ow IlIy" bl,'~dll)g ulld li l l(>~s ul Iwr I('('t, DIIII he WD8 fureed to ~oll III~ , pr,orerty,- lIlu.t witne". tho ruin of his only chil,]! Indian cnn lise, hence its r opctilion. , Iy down fro,m between hiS eye. to the Aro tiline ,llI tlV"rt She OIusl live ill hi. \\ i(;wllm.' (or. she Iwd a riuw. ::llltliltoug ht him dem]; : n o ol id Sll, lind wilh the !lrol't~~ds rt'~olvoll must beholU her a blighl~C: thing, having The . fuggots w!'re fire'd, The wrotcj l mlddlo of the chin, you GOllldll't hovo divi· I'A'rllJ:.'TIC. ' L ulI!!, Ku ile hUll t wo lUlIlI uC3 • lJe doe" Dlld olld, U dCUl h wus meel ~ ulf l,;llIlIcnt Iilr tv rc'mOVll ~o I{~lIt uuky i,l/e tll ~U Eld fudu millis tered to tire grulificut lon uf hi" ello. writhed, gronned lind cursed liS the Hnmes' ded bia face ~ore equnlly.' 1I0t l(l ve Shu, -Ill rd.' hid crimes. IOf th c W est. . my ,' , ' • l scor(;~ed his body. It wns horribre to be- 'GoedDee. gracloUs !'-how yeou talk!' I kn 11 bcsiolc Iocr. &nd. 1 told '\\' Ioy, th!:lI , hus lie put lois lifo ill d un. She rC 8ol\'ed to no ak~ on c lllort to es. It wn Wilh mn nv 1lI1sgivings thnt 1.111111 ' '0 Goil!; eril'd Iho motller In toOBS of hold hili ' ,ufilltin! . A guilty conlcience 'Now, I didn't see but one ilde at lIrlt. liar, W/>f.'I,illg: o'or on d o· r~. . 1 I' , ~, How I h ~i,l l o¥ o!l her II)JlII , us lIone (l1'1' to glllli ler. c~pe, nnd \Vh"n ull ue~ulIIe '1U~el ill thu , gllve h er cun.allt tv go';",!!> Ih e wilde rnfti8 pie r,;i ng nn guis h that would huve moved added its sting to h!, tortures, nnd he cried iIllr, but the otber--ob, 1I.[0leal wnsD't Ita. Umd CVllr lov,.,l oef.,r : 'Lullg·Knl re Il us D bud he art. 110 doed ~llIlIg.. , a he s tull! trom It.d prccrnots , Icuv- t hurne or. 011 l'~ ~osed fr(jll,lI~r !, ror shedreu~- nny ,(hinl: sbort .o f a demoh . 'Spnre my oUl like one nlreii dy doomed. Wblle ~ ken IIbockJ' • mallY th Ilgs 'for re vellg c.' Inc the' hlhub ltllntli nalel'lI olld mude tloe ed III Pctlllg "gull) her bl~t erest. loc.. Dllt II I ch ild! Du with m!! a8 you willi but (lh voice, os pf the lAngei of (loath 8ee~eJ to 'GrClolous, ~oodluj ••a-d~u t~llI. • I told h. r Ihol my overy Ihouuht •R l'l'PIIgel 'VIII!t .,i'"Ug? 01 vCllgeauce ileaL of I,cr wily tu wurdd It~r 0\\'11 coun~ry . Iwus rd~ull'uiJ to k ~cf1 ~ll elr doe9t1 11111 ion n ~e· Mpure, puro my child!' Bound III his ef\r; 'VIlIilClUIICR Is a11I1E, I 'N}lVOr, more 6Urprl80d III my life, atrl , ' Was all, aye, ull hor \Vn; OUII he have u::uill~L $nu,,·Dird!' ' Ellrly in Ihe lIIorn lug ~he fell ill "itl. cre t, nlld gtve vut ,tl lu l ,t!l ey "',ore goiliit 'Hu! ha! hn !' waslhe d~motli llc response. WILt. J.lEPAr HAITITTIiE Lon D.' , 'Wily !-wb'at cojorwl8 the other .I~e" 'I'hDt I woul,llllyli hur. wurllhip her. For. ,'cr: CIIlI nllme. 'N yuc, il m~y tie; Bllt ],'Il luy cd, 0 wlrite pnrry 01 h~r trib~; Icd by OWl'nu, who hud elso\vherc U8 u blind , "The pluu purtly 'I thought you "would biro pleo dt'rl So, He died III lost, b~rnt t9 0 ci~der. , The 'Why that' ~me bl~llk too-a good dent ll,leoded, lill s he Ic~med 10 fuel OI ui de n •• nll tri~d to urll llk he r heurt,- bee,n ut greliL 'Puills to liud whither .. he 8l1c cccdou . L;ulhllll wus 'P1!t 011 the wrollg you would COli sent to be como my wife, to Weldims wero c,o nducted home by t1ieir ,blncker' thllh n thuhder cloud-black II Tho Lnlrulllg word; 1 ~nid; Snow. Bird wDnl~ 110 s uch love.' hall Ltlen tu.kell, uu<lliud redolvod to reticuo \, ~rl1ck , ulld fcr u Ivl'lg till ~ ~' bolB edj h nd , ~lIve yuur <luu::hf~fl W e ll, lhnl Id 60llle r08cuer~,lInd nfler\Vardelived hnppily'; but y~ur h~t!' ',fhl! down eaBter wu,odd,,,I, Wilh [lIurlllurillg' &Illl' ,lloi_toned eye" • 'V btl t" ld lh(le tI,i.)' I,e r at all n$ks. , ' , III the meun tl~e the t y.' Iv~ y ears were poy fur mv rejection. bUL your cOllselll tbey lIever forgot 'Till: AVEIIO~RI Dooill.' clilled mto the ~Qek room, .nd co.uld Inako "'he bent hor tlliry'~pad, . '. 'W hilt ill th-~t to th ee l Grell L Spirit G I . . t . 0 . cd ' . , y ou' refused my proyer ko 110 (u II er inquirlel Till I" lIiy own h ~r chock "' • • prca.ad. r ~D t wus .t IClr JOY a meEting., W!'·Iexpl~. , " comes too lule. TJlII EIID 1110 r I • 1101' 'M HUnn)' willil sow":. tulks to J."diol) girl in dreu ms .' M ' heu rd IllS sMur'd stolY, lind n. the I Tnp W eld"ns we r,e s~ ugly ~Iousod and now il is my time, . and I refuso yourll., •• , _ Alld •• 11, d III U II l.li(i lI \1 t wanl 'The Grelll Spjtit !lover wid th'eo th is.' Lung·Knife lind me,l I,is . duuru, c~ nc.lutJ(>d f ootllforlubly 01 .tl8~0 1;0 ta r us l' l'ou niary COIll~, tbe prerllrll~illll8 D,re COillplclIled "If:l~~'lm\& ~ !T . . It\) mitt 1t\""',~17~'.' A hungry patlebt( Mr, D., at Weuel. A N~ Of. < .r 0\1)1 T,b UII,,\~! 'Long-Klli fe Iiuys whl1t 110 docs hot to re tllrn hough '~~ tho ll r~t hI) waB re~ol.v· l mD ttllrd \~cro e'JU ~crl' d, . In. theIr new ond we will g\l lllld view them,' , , ~~il'llW~JCl,lIa ~ia(JCl,IWLl.I1'1l\l;ll hco(t 's Watnr <lure Estalishment at Bra\tll. kn ow ,' , .ed. oll fe nge. lhcy reach ed borne "! uLode. 'l rlle lhpy w(lre III nil oxpoRcd SlIyingwhich"he led hor f.lrth, and bll-, I. ., bont,'sotdown ~O' brOlllifll8t' one mornjne .. 'Well. and If the true 1 , bO unlr>' alm.oll t wl,th the IIf hold all WII8 a8: he hod 'rllcre A 'WESTERN STOlu"'7'Some one w'rltrng 'lind helpAd Illmself to n geh ero'us JUllk of -=". ~ . "-.!.-~ ~- ' Tllc ~yit ,t\(u.nito urtcl~ te lls fal~c th illl:li 'Cullum \VII S nut'.r killed, IhlJllgb deepe. t111i' pi olll'l'r5ett l'e rs bu~ru8~'ed Ily tbe lird f, wus her 1111 8UU IlLI bounU to tho flltRi ~tnko, from the Arkn'nslI8 Hot 8pri'IO" reln.le8' browll br~lId. ~ young Miss who 1St III!xt ~. ' In,d;e~rns::, .. . rale]y wO~lId d" He loy rur u 'lo·ng .. t imc un~. Bu,~ they hud' seen ,""J, h~ufa lIothiu;: the'dry fOll'gots piled h igl~ abo~t him, I'nd tho follo.~ving omusing illci."ellt: , to 'hfm III~dver'tently took uptbelllldj\lnk, l" I !.\I It wus not. th~ EVIl SJlll ll tol~ thy BtO' in 11 prrwriou~ state, ~nd hhd omplo timo of th er enelny , Cu,lIunI, whom they fellred his flnvogo. fOilS exulting In allticipnliou of 'My fn e ntl bas Ilcrn ~ta~lng ~ev6t~1 dnys :nd cut 118' 0 I,lnllll tbill .Ileo for h~,..ejf. ry to Snuw·Blrd. , fur rI~ noctlon , ¥ olIlury hod." w tllings of '.lIore tb.ll 01\ tlr tri iJ 's, b COO li dC he hn~ th o tor tures tlley wero about to Inflict.-;- nt the Springs, C{J~lfilled Lo lI~rro\v qllarters rhogenLlcmon looket! at hernnd Imlled• 'No, It was $'lIIe evil tongu~; 80d wb"l u pleosant uoture for )lis m illd to dwell lI P' l sworli to do \hem e\'iI, !!r llll~!JY . And thore, too. wa~ tho d.l~ghter, lhe beou. by the illce88~nt nlllS: It fIIuy bo nqturalty wholl Ihe, dilco~eriDIL her ~ll,t.ke, ucla!. · cnrrs; ho lov('~ the pnl e.r~ ce girl n ~ more , 011. Dllrk lurd ~ r illlillul hud be 'n,hid Ii fu • .H e Ono ,day t\\e Il lliltl .rd i(.I ~ rlblhing of ,i~111 Id a, beld by tw~ of qle .wa~thy dORs s uppo~ed th~t htf.glodly tuok odvanlnge oC med, 'I beg pardon, Mr. lJrow~" but 1 real. he loves only SIIOI\··Dlld, 'VIII tile had s!lught for ve ngeallce, bllt \IP~ never the 'W'ehloml; Illt WIIJI III ,8bout tllelr o r tbo scum or tueCllt8wbaB, reody' aUbo thtl "fhrat Intermillsion of the .elcmen·a\ !y tho~ah It w'" the wh~le lOaf tJ.t lay SIlI\w,Dlrd live in 'Ji~ wigwum l' outuined it; nq,d 1I0,(t'll, a8 he lily near llll. ! Ur(iUII Ct!, 1'lIid ,~U~"' U' lf II ' ! 0 Ihi ng~f wnrd to be hllnd~d ovtlr to their mor'" lhllll 8trlfl!" lO w alk O\lt and ~ee.80ml'lliinlt of ,t he tl~ere.' Mr ', n. W~I 'mumi but lhe campa. WIIITT GW rOR 1'11 £ .n.ulr Y~SITOJt, IS now·Dird will ~o to her lother. l:ihe to deftth, tho (ull forc~ of ,thl1 lu I 'words of,t th ey bel ug pruverblo iNlfdulitry. '" S~I'IO InruIOtlus ,1eIlMr. ~ , " , COUl'\try. ,l'l Ill(ing walke about II mile f! Onl py bll~ a he"r~y laugh ,at hi. eJipense. ay TUC vTHoa~ .. UII.u:tA.ORB: .IT · Wl"ON1:-iG. H ' Julia Monroe wh e,n he ' p~rtod frp m her ! , of their rri<;ndd went , 10 & e il ri ny thing , 'See!~ ' Buld the liendi~h b~ute. 'tho prep. the tav ern ,vllere Iro ludltod, he "lilY II "nnll , ,. , \ ,.' . • ' . : pities tho P90r whito muideon.' , I\TI1 ~ LI LY 01' 1M T Il<E, I' £'tC ••: ETC, 'Cur"e lhe ~' hite wCil ch! , J tll ll thee I , Vengea-1tcc is mine, Twill t'tp3.!/, sailh IIlJ! t 'VlIS the mutter. 'rhey, round Il 1>lacord Ol~ orations m~ de" for oOr enlertr1i.,nlent.- h 9118~ , so thickly 8urro,unded Ly trees as Italy I~~s Free 1lann 000 'e ....~ . . . du not "lVe he r; un(hh 'l never Illved 1110.- LOI'd.' , , . tho doo~ to ti,is \lm~ct, .w,idc IIBY "',r ll- Look- a!'theln ,Yell. Th ore Ie thll tent de: not to ' bo dis tinctly . ollticrvnble from .'1he .: A very 8In~u'~r ~eQtures III }Iie politic. OullTlKtJtD f ROIl I LAST \V"1C,' I love uJl.li~ . tlre b ~iluti(ul Snow·Dird . . Y e t, for nil tbi ~, I,ls hCl\rt "':,oa. ,nol lorl· tell und pio ced t,he rt the rltght' prey, .•, dcvoted 0 thl) godde8s of lovo. J have rondo Advancing Irnm the op~681te dlrcc· nn'd ~ocia~HtlllO of 1toly;0 the lime ofDlln'J[ Luiljr; Kulie spenk tru ly, then let e ned .-Hc I'cco,'e rc.i. , OU6; ' h lld il e rected on purpose ror this day's tiou, hp, peroei\'e,d-n-roug h "look"l , &Jr. S>lml'~~t~d04 to botlce. ~t CIlAI'1't:Il. him muke Snow·Bird hnppv; thut id who.t 'NOTHlE TO oun ·'Fntt.Nnil.-~e pol ~n. w o{ k. Thither I must soon conduct -your er' clad i~ a buc ltskin II~ntill.1f 8hi~t, with .o menn that unbounded ,freedom ,o! theufbt .. 1i0W' ·· !lIBD. :,1\'e wOIII,1 do.' CJI,\.I'TElt "JU. oa@y ot pur ,ubsc llce; W ~I , hnve onr 1111· dnul!'hler, She is 0 charlllingr,reatllru! IInli 'Iorgo 110ls d'aro 8tlele In 11I~ hand. EVI. lInu speeeh whff " mus~ !Iave eXisted w~en I rn lllrdintely ~fter hill IIUempt on the 'Su he win. She s)11111 be happy in hi d W(CXEQIiE!S tI. TilE .ASCENDA NT. placllLle enemy, who L~3 ' for Ylldrij been J o;ticlpnle milch plea5ure in her (l0 III I' 11- ' ()ently I,ot knowing his proximily t~ 0 such a pO!lm nl .tho 'Divine Co~ecf.r, aplire lIr OlVcno, c,.llum 'weilltu th e CUtDW· wjo.Wnm." T WclVIl vellrs Ilav o, pnssou.1 ~ \V ~ y B l natriviu" h ou~e, or hnmun boillg, tbi8 ,indlvidual.8ud. 'peare,0' d; . Could a, aec,<?n. d, D~te " c e . . . to do us nli lse i!, r. W. e. ,leorned IIY '. ' , I write a .ec~ liaR, nmollg wholll he round cunllenlill 6/lir. ' 'She cnn never be hoppy ill the wigwom the eVlllltd uf the lullt ohnptor. 'l'welve la~t nig ht Ih ut ho \Vn~ III tEle vIc inity; alld '1tlny tile G od of heave n reward you DC. den ty' d rew hir~slltr up to IllS fuJI bOlght. "ud. IVI~e CCl?,ody ,In Jta y Ilowi ODI1 'Ite: n, e n li~e IIhll~tll. , . By hi8 cunning, of Lung.Kn ife, She would go buc~ tu yea r.! Whnt ohftll go ! whDt rc,'ol,utinns we too well kllow hi, u jec~ . \Ve aro~ reo cordhlg to your decd~!' The IIlOt,he r could lind wiLh tho f~" furce of hili lll"gs, pro· fun.c! on 1~~orHou" outl~or In Nap]e., nar· . ' hleh Will trevt'ryl times used to Iho lIu t lie r " It her-. , jn thGt brje f period! Twc lve y ears, with I so [\'cd to .eijcllpo ,bls m.adi tutcd vengencc , 'So y no morO, . A r~intllel!s sei~ed upon her duced n sound whi()l~ I~y :ricnd deulatoa to ratlll~ a VISion, I,n wlll~b ~e :t~~d th~l .mull a,hllu~ago of tho tribe , 110' 60un be. 'Lun"-Knj fe cannot l et her go.' th~ir never censrng tide 01 enlllts ! Hu\V l und nre JU ft o n lhe PVlOt . of sta rling for frnm e . onU 1Ibo could ecarculy 8upport ber h ~ye boe ll .the ben,t Inutllll \>11 of tile, ~.rny. ve~y 1I0t p'~ce~ werelrepore~ ,or Kille cQIDe quite ,. lion omollg thm-wIIs es· . 'The~ ho docs fl al lo~e her.' ' . llI ony hove li ved ~lld died w lth ll; tl~clr cir. 1purts. u'"~llmed; ond. we ,gnve ~bls ,nuti ce. own weight. ". ing :of n ,Jack thoL ho ever heard. Appo. BOO'l!1a nnd hla f~lenil8 .. 8~d ,{liot lhei~ ,arrl. te, ~Ied a 'mighty' brave, lind IIdvllllced to ·~now·Bird opeaks without kllowll)llge. cl~1 Whot COllllllotioll ~mQng the llut\OIllI! ',thinking I t due .Ollr Iricildri, thuL they o\uy 'Ah, I hove my reve ngel' S~id tho rcqll>: plenRed "Villi his performallce, ho vul be!o\V WIUl e8g~rIY ,~xpec~~d by _certl~a ' the pOlt of "cltie f: No ' edollcr did he ' Why does he t t:Dll1t tho J..ollg·Krlile?' Amcritll hnd 10llghl,.tho hnrd bllttlcs of not be 'uneuey 0 11 our . ,cOUI\t, , bel's t eX Ulting. ' ThE' urrow ha s hit Ihe wus in the Dcl o~ drowing himself, up for IIc'lullmtl\llaes, not Iloiid to be bro?lllit In fi nd him sel f at the bend of. a bond uf BOV.,' 'She dill'S uot"wiah tu go wilh She (ret\dVIIl nn" ,vas viclur. 'l'h o pti de of F;JlANK & JUI.IA \VEL DOI'I.' mark, the bturt i8 smitten nnd liS pride 0lloth4lr effort, w,hell II stout fellow rushed too contact \\:Ilh: ,or a , drllaIgel rudy to do his bidihug, Illanl ho doeos. lIut Ipvo him.' . ' Englund hHd upo n humbl ed. "he .Eag le The lI eighbur~ wert' 1lI1,IeIII surl'ri8'-"; Lut humbled. Hlld you the c hoice now, YOllr oul ofthn house wilh a rille in hia hnnd Dod [mer III till> StUt~8 or the Church \\Iert to 'again relurn~d to bia cver · h~d·ill-view 'She lovt'.d hi,m OIlCt', why h88 Iler heart of lhe vvullg glG llt ul tho N e\y, 'Vllrltl had f U8 th ey 1'0,1 often ' heard .the 'V otdon8 would tloUbt\(,S8 prefcr J udos Callum tv in no very ll1eos~red or pulished tenn , obju· II~OW tbnl, In hili vllloil~ oCthe infornal reo 'projcocts of revenge. . bcclIiDe hil rd!, , plumed I'I~ wings. und rose ill tdlllllph al/Iluk of th ei r pCrdCCU!O lhey' Were sutis· Bueh u fate!' . gated him for milking ~uch II horrible 1I0ise, glons, ~Ie had Otcerlutned car~rnal. \0 'I'he object of hill first \1I0.ughts WIlS 'Sho ne1(llr loved him well.' Ilb"ve her Lou~te d Liun. 'J'JI B ~rcj1t /illd. . 'Never!' Excla imed, the mother indi". which ho said bud almoAt frightene<l hi. iii· abound In the \Itmo~t pl~nty, IUI~ thlt her now Blluw·Bird. He \"R reaolvt'd to vb· 'Sire IIIUlt Jearn 10, then.' \\ .A!lHI IIGTON hud won a pnifle und fOln e, J On the lIilrh t in q ,IPs Uon, th ~ ~umily nlllllly . 'Suoh n fate would be evt>.n worde ll.oduughler into filS. Tho other oppolo- hall held converslltl.ollWlth certlllo P~p~" hin pOSlleuiotl of IlI'r pe rsull ut any COdt. And u be lIuid this, h.vi'lg reo chc<l a thut ellli(ldl'd 011 f"rmer gr~a lll(8., e nrolling ' had rPlored II I ut:ul\l. ~1}()lI t mlonl~ l! t 11 thull th is !' glzo" on th ~ ground thllt ho .vllll.not uware whom ho found burled 'lead dowowardl, ID -=- H e had IJ~rtil'ultlr' luve or hute fur . the ; sale di. tullce t ,lie 1I.'ld purty !ftArled al n l,is"'lI~tlle lir~t ptt..e-of the bouk-<lHurth' l b.. nil o r Illdi bll s mud thl!'ir woy to ,th" 'H o! lio ! not humbled ve t! "Veil, ir uf hia beillll..l!.9 near a hoose. 'll Inukes rock, with n flamo of1l1m~on~ lIre p'aYlne mbidplI to prumpt 'him tlluSi llut bltu' r rupld puco lur the ir own ('uun!ry, Iy inllnortolity. nl;d ~Il st 11 hlliu of undy. house liltl on by €Ulllllll. '1'l:e villuin WUR mulling your daug hter mine is lIut equol to no d Ifference ,' "nid the owner of tbe .oil, ,upon t,he bMe IIOIe5 of tbl'lr protrudil!i r~et ; mlllice burned 'll\ bitt heurt tUWMUd h l' r ' Snow· Bird relt ;h~l Ih e ro W08 nu hope jug IIrilliuncy ,lIUOUt hi d d~E't/8, Ihtlt cn~t ull ! cur" fully let d"wn thu ellilllnC)" lind ollce '! beillg mille yourselr, wltal sny you to uutll 'you .hu'ut m~ke such a nll18e ben', aD~ if qqt either. o( '.bese h~pothethlca! cuel, ~nd brotllil r, arid he re~ulvl'd tu strike OWl'n l>. of hl'r ~ci'lg relurll ed tu Ile r hume, und ollillf hcn)cd tur, ill th,1 "hllde. in the d\Vellin g soon !>I'r )lled ,a dour: a,nd huv inll thut rle stiny!' , y uu do it I1gl1 ill I'll brenk cl'erl bone III fow ?~\,plo will beeltD,t t,. aa /.0 predle~1II1 thrvu/:b hi~ ' liluter, dr"p"i1 her 0(' "irtu." 111011 0 prcdc.!lt~~ or CdC ping. S a aile hud 'l'we lv<l ye.>ur. ! lind the rll vng"s of tim e , "dmitt ('o hi. folluwers. 'l:lo e HI cpi llg In· 1 '1'hl' IIIO~he r \Vu~ silelli. Sho resolved to your uody.' 'Look here sLrllnger,' was. the tho I?,inedillte lot onhe over.ingenlou. ,a~d Bnd lOend her bllck to her fnendd willi thtl bitt.. r thllu~l.18 ror her cO lupun lu lls. S ad hllve INt 011 IIur chllracters up II Ill!! slU go 1 mutes were luke,'1 ~y suqlrl ~.e •. gnggcd ulld , 811y no nollre to the mIlD~ t e r. . reply, 'if you come to. talk of wbipJllng, cun,dld, reveilitor, It Is ~~iI to 811 ~ ~~t It II blighL ul MhalllP UpVII h(:r, thul ber detest· werc her r,'llc t ivns 08 s he co,lII\lmpluwd or IIClio ll , Wll cre ure Ibl')'! 'Whll t h ."0 ~ ~peeuily led ull IlIt,! .. ~" plll'1Ly.-CulluUI ' :Silerl\! W E' ll. yuu huve tOBmed up thut.. tho game two cIln play at. I reck un trUf, that thero wa~ Infinlt .'y morlt.llberl, ed bruther llIiA:ht t-ee l tile puin uf tbe dee p. tbe wretched cluUIlI IIl'lorc her. A IlIsI the lIIu tu tiund o( old fB lh c,r T ime dOllo for placed tile notic e 1111 th e uu~r .tu prel' lit wruth ugainst th e dlly or wrlllh, an" now you 111I'n t got ..much the advantage o( me for tongue Ind pen.1Jl It'!IY.lJllhotlurteeoth edt iltill~ he (ould ;nlllct; hJr he kilPw lhu~ puo r girl! dark iu th e fste "rPllun'd fo r liJt'c! tl. I !' bei ng pursued. A declle r 8c heme cou ld nLidt, tllO ·c"lIa~qu e n oe8. Y ou '~hnlJ ft haro there. I 'vo been wILntill1l' to bray oli doy than there I~ now III the DlDet!leDth coutu. , lUll , ., '1' , , ,,,. ali rome' .... ,' IU~JI ren'nge would uc lar [norr;- oo m~lele No denlllun is more rt! l,mlle sII th oll Ihy Ull· Aboul two yeors Drter '11t~ OIIpt ure "nd h!Ordly bu cO llceivt'd, It ~ho\Yeu Ir is till I I· th e futu Of yuur duughterl lor I will hum. nlld como clellT out ht re where I lbought 1 ry ,- ••,OrTllng Itld uOIple Ibull (0 tllkl' the life of hid CII. , feelillg fuptur, 111111 li e hu~ dUlI1lllLblu ends rc!tu rllt ion 01 'Idu, aild, consequently, ' ty n ~ a pllllter in a holil light. He ' W'lS ble you.' ' 8huuld ' nt interfore wilh nobody. A pretty ... elllY lit uoco. 1'hr \VyanJ I>t6 IIl\d C,'tUW· lO f1 ccu IllJlli~h by thy ruin! ullullt ifill lime thflt Cu llum mnde hi ft ui. fu r mom cllnllillg th au b rllvI~ . T hink in g he hod sufficiently tortnrcd /t-ee coumry, (0 lie lure, that" miD can't 'GOT .AllY CIUIIGx1'-On Friday moro. beill" 1.le fo ulld lIU d iffi culty -By hurd truve llinl;l .1Iigllt ont! trmpt 011 IIvw.B lrd, thfl \V .. ldons recuiv. The fill beil.a h ad the th o moth er by words, inhuman broy where be ple18us.' . In&:, 0 child aocldentally tell (rom tho .tearn. in H1duc ln.IC hi' WUrrlorli tu go 011 O~I expe. , rellegudo Will not Wllhllg 10 \rU~l hllll~e l f cd U lette r contailling tir e 10llow i lJ~; mOdt dll llg~ nce , Illd ne~ (Ir pouded IIntil place,1 her in the coro o( tlVO of hi s clun, •• or Hold of Erin, lying at tile wliarf in diliun .'Ulil~t the lormer. t o dl ep this timo-Ih" bll1l1l of Cutuwbus l b" . • Ibey I,ud crof ied the OhIO rlver nnd wore and wftlkl'd up to ldn who paloilld trcmb. ' • EUlport, Maine, Ind would ' hne beeD . , I 'b " . , • Pence. ror two yt'urd 108 M I' u Itt qUlIl t ) d . • , ... 4 ' • Snow-Bird \\ II lhe fiull'o r of .ll er trl e. wltil tI,cl r cul'lIVIl reoch ell theur "WII VII· .1 " I d out of dUliger . hou d puroW,lt be attcm ptc • 1111" stood betwoen her lTuords ' wonderiua A .' oal Sian er. drownl!d, bad Dot a gentleman I18l1dln" b, . . 'b I ' , . d uver your uom estlc leR rth,oll you mny h d II d b d f co ' .., Old G I f H btl e urc She Wal tbe f.1T1!61. the elll !ig , lIe ' 181:1.' unmolested • . Snow.Blrd was pl uc' ' II d Cullum 0 co ~ote a . ,n ,0 the worst whot would be her fate. ou e, 0 orn y. wu a fI'l'811 .c . J'umped overboard Ind laved i~ IGot Iii, . . " 'd ' .. . think lhnL e VI 108 cl'uee to purs ue YUU. : d d . rd b' bl Ii Id b'lId.uml!flt IIIUldun ul her nutlun, UII liS ill L 'lIIg·KUl te'li wl&:wnm, titrlc tly guorded, 'V . . Th ' k 1' • I Ind lulI ~, tu bo found, Ilbnu\ hlm-hn bUill 'Come my prctLY caplive let UI lldjourn er-lln exten81VO c er I lor.' I! \vou chauge,got aD'" challge1' cl'ied' the (alher , ., UID I'XpcCLUtlon! III YU'I t lilt IIII CY· , . ' I I I d' ' . u . I; r tl t ff tI t I luch, WUal Ule prido of her IIllllullj ror 80 as to prevent the p088ibllr~y of lIer cs· II I b i N Tb • vl lhge of III W;j)r . )V l.erc 10 WOe or Into this tent ' rln' moro 0 Ie I u Ion any wo men of t!le child, after all 'was ufe, bustling \b"Ullb lnd iRIIB IUlve lillie respect for cooing, I llig IIA T £ '\1' 1 I UI~ rr' d ~' de sun luperior; aou thftl ler he hU6te ued with • d ~ d I ]' hId h in town, and yC't wu desiroul , of being among tho bYltanden, with grelt· anxiety 1 d r IIIjUIW. ill K9i1erlll. BU rar &8 uutwurd ' " H ero she 'IVai anilE' mercy of her ene. moy, (orget I ~ appolllle t'&llIIy 1111 ccns: l hil pri onerll. When ufely arrived and 0 th~;11I mo~e ~ .t 10.n a I~e: k e fi (' t: thought te~perale. H o ~vQuld denounce depieted on hia COUnleMnCe, ud I Ibre. g feltation. Ure (\un~erued,yet ror the duugh. Illy wbu howover, fur a tim e , tre Ited her tt'r.'se ; theI' ¥torsd~DnYbcon~1 um6B DW"IY h"l1 little reeted , Ire conrrullted ,J lIlill and luir! : Itblcrwor. pltll' rlclll 8 ITle dro~:lIe~ the rum·drrnltera III round , term., I.od dollar bl/l In his hand; IGot In" chln-J 1 b i . . ' • their pnle IlIht~ 111; ut lie ros 0 ote ' mo c r, nllnounce le r aguny. Dn c II h b t h r. II d cit d ( I .~ ters 0 I E' r hQche~. ur prin CI pII t hlell" wilh much klDdne u. 'B u.t fin.ding, in the in 0 8uul that hal bee n barte re r! for reo 'Fnte for a lung limo hili been arrayed Ih" hrart of the frailll'irl fnr slie felt a pre~c a, o)~ t e o y I1n WI c oees 0 I waut to give this man a doJlar(or hi..av. they elllorl~ III sellt,ments .ur profllund .r"' , Cilursc of a dfty or two, thnt k IIIdnesa was ve nae w 'lll never bo exting"islted, . All u(!'lIindt lIIe Qnd you hove ellCJIped my PIl \V. dawnillg of the fllto in storc for herae lf.- toddy.drlnkmg by Ihl! bObr, but would the \jle o(my child. Got anT chlDlle" " .. re t], lil 1- erj bUI now yourd.ti l v i 16.xtld,your doum O,lhc II,,"u i5h, the dread ful tliought awa. knock a miD down wllo dared to insinuale 8 ard, ' e npec Ially W Ilell. I.. k0 S nuw· D Ird ' I thr .. wn nwnY,l.lpoli her, ond Ih ot no snc· lllil"'8 e lse are pOll8l1ibl" befo • ••• they are I .vuree of d S I 8 b rJ I b hid t .. .. thot he WOl ea inte mperlte III any in tbe t • P • prl e. UCt I WII I celIS WOl!" tUIII.e llerc :v, ~ reDo ve , 0 l:5lcep Oil, thrn, In sccurity; but reilleilibor is aelllpd. kllll cd in her heort! SO,on hor s hrieks . . A 618hy young mIn wen r.1~. oee, 1 oCiholllu., the renowlled dauuhter of coefce lhe unWilli ng nllll dclIlnto acquIt's. the avena"r will be upan yuu in lUI b<>ur You culled 010 II cDlMrdt 1111\ a viUajn, told that she IUS Itruilling with lier destiny e xcel8 lve. ul e of hi' r,h~vorlte bloverago'-Id country clothrnJr .lote tb. other alY, 104O lie d lIy It came to 18 ear t IUt on 0 Kin, Puwhattun . hi ' . I . " , k db' f I f \I 0 l.~ 'd I '1' ht b d S Bi d cence Wit 118 W I~ le8. , . whell you thillk not! 1 aln not olleep, and uC8lgnated my COIIUUct 08 bcue Dlld tn· and tho villain. . ' IS r. t e pnee 0 I pa r pan. n .,.,.. L tu Ie d I lIe Iii • carte 1I0W' r A ccordin l,ly after hlwm g tri ed perI noI d Boaker lQ town had olrculated the .tory. Id th k '. h I I _-' , ... , neither am I Jead, tllal you IIhllUld cetl8e flLmotUj uud "'he u I fl"cretd you my 1011 hoi ' k 109 to e ..flce 0 e;r;c a m _ dlfE'llDbUf tlhe f~.te PI repadrln g lo(r blor• . Lil- aion to nu I'urpu~c" be oli. 'lt i8l!e d. hia at· lodrtlld my wrlth. OtilOt IIlioll" are now Jand laid Iny forllIne at yuur ·fellt. you s purn. CDAFI'ER IX. t1,l lt e ~n.urtle a borrel of cld~r a wee', 'Why no, you dOD·t lay; I could
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DOOM A Tale of Frontier Life,
~u ptors
u~· l
(e t ou, It ti~e Il'r ~Y' lapplllell5 were so IIOOn to be elided. Yet Jud... Callum had dorreE'd it, ond \VIS 1I0W on hi, way to execute hiri dedi re, Snuw-Bird ""~pt; tile beauly, the belle 01 tb., Wyandotte . Iumbered in her (Itb· er'a wip.m, all uncuulcloUI of danger,A plealllnt dreenl eeui eil D .weel e,\prel. .ion to dwell on her features. She luve.l; IUd in ~P' dream Lbe bridll hour hod "omll. Sh. WII arr.,ed (or the oc:cuIuo In die mo.t Ipproved 1t)lle of Indln tatl" and " " "'lIIelltllril" lapfc\lne tb, uri:"1 or th. noble founi chief. ber datlnN IIIII-
tendallt. one evening. ond then 8nld : j Doc~ Snow·Dird know. Bhe 1M in tbo powc r of tile Lona:.B'oife1' 'She know. It.' 'Du....he know be can compel her to do as he will!' 'Ho may.' 'And would Ihe not rather be hi. will· ingly, lovingly, IbID b, rorce" 'She hall no choij:e,' 'Then b, be.veo be mlae II 1 will!' And hi aei;r;ecl her around the ",.ilt, and bore her to Jli. beel of 11dUI. Sbe ttrq· ,led to ,ellree rrom tmhrlU; but hie H. _ . A. hl8 <tIlrkenwere lock8d about ber like a "ice; .. .... ea_ace of .......... - _11181 felt abe' WII In b. powe~, aDd ....... 1M ........ nil her ..... lau.red ...........iar. Huelazecl bia huY I
.nII. .DtI_
orocu viti' m lime' bill .OOD ver eooo ed! aye, dtl ridc!land jelted lit DIy feeli ng..' P' . g Y " '. y, , , . y,0u Will feel ~he te~lble ~~gbt o~ my "TI S (.180 81~1 J nev,Elr Ittompted 10 vcnrellnce. emem tor,lU ewart'" wound your (echn~, J only ~po.e~ y~ur JUD48 CALLUK, . fll16ehood, Ind dended your wllllllperlDg. 'WiokedoeA eloquent!' . amd Fronk 'Go on; your words but .,dd to your pun. Weldon, I. be filli.bed n!adln, the doe u· ni.bment. Thlt lovo 1 once offered you me nt. 'W.blt a pity Ihml Oullum .buuld ./IuluDf .inee turne~ to !.b'lt "mere t hate, have. become detlJlited and currupt. He J warned you to beware; tlI~l 'OU turlled I mlgl'tL 110," been In orninlent to acciety.' de.t ear to my"vlee. W'j lliog to,do.1I 'But it Ippnfa 10 me,' Te.?lied the ·.'/i fe , thaI could ~, done, I &pIn pl.('od my (~r. 'that thia ia a piece of plUllOUI Cl1Illty- tune Ind baUd.t ,..,., diapoAI, IDd told you Lbll IBnlf'ntlou. of a abeer. ~Dton, cold thlt your c1toice h.,oaf' c1nLia,. You caleulalia, tletiN to inlict ~a. Fe,rlnc.,.10 "rllllCl 1M••'I, ,,~ cont~p' and • _ipt t.101 • 8bort "JlltII from rear. 1COI'a. calli-If .... 1i.~1 bl! huJlOUlbt toclri.. ,...r~ our IIoaae i"'"rJ ........ w~ thalllu. Mia . , ..........., ..ie ......' kiadJia, . . . . . . . . aJift .......
Bat, ••,••
....................~ ...... UdIe......... uieII .............,. ....,.., He ......10 1.lIated .... f t. . . , • . , . . . . . . . . -..... ......, W_ . . . ta ...., .11 ............ .,......., 10
nod 'strolghtway hla angenvDB klhdle~. CO NCI-PUOK. It Wll8 I vile slandor, Iild II ho finllbed .."t the time ill whiCh tht eVllllta detailed 0 quurt of the hardl's!. cl~cr, he ,owed by if! tho lu t chapter occurrell, peaee prevail· the emplY. mug to mnke tbo slanderer reo ed be tween tho whites Ind Indilllll, 0 lract hi. lIIperaion. Goulo 80ught tbe treaty hoviog beep mode tho .ame yellr traducer. and (ound him ,ll/llt where he (1786) OOll8OqueDtly "tlere WI. 1\0 fear tJ,oul:llt ho .hould, in the VIllage bar-room, or. interruption entert.llled Iu',he renr~e surrounded by a dozen of h is confed~rat~•. in cllrr,ln, out hia fie~ dlMlilo,. ·U.Uo!' orled Guzzle, al ,be saw bll 911· Idl . tmgrled \\lith t~e dea perltion of lilier, 'What" thil .tory you've been telld ll pal r ~o escape hiJ toil. ; ,buL I h? Will too 101 Ibo~I me, YOIl tipplin, ~pbO~I' reeblt. Her Il!'eDlth wa. rut rllUnl> Ind Tbe Ifillow look" 1'OUII<lIJPOD bill .... the dellllOll felL hie trlUlllpb nelr. c!1aea, .nd thea uUd what he ... accq. "t;' '1lD to rtIII8tl' II. . .id. 'there c:an eel or. , , 0 aood fftUlt &am it. Be COla18at to IWII.1, repllecl Gual.. JOG Uft beta IUbmit to .wlota caaaot.,oW.' UIII told ...., I IIarrtI of aidIr • AIMt 1_ _' - _ . . . beJ'CllllllIri'laJ IDu- w ..Ir.· •
.... - .. ·11-
....,,.at ..... ...... or..
.taUt,.... ...
'em cheaper tbln tblt.' 'No doubt' re Ired the merc:hot. '1"t Iht three p:lr I~ce your'llfrinJ. 'Ab' deecI Y h IoIt chI ' In I ou a" lOme III ~~:~r~;e!~~,IODle would .,1.IlI0I'0 tl>u 'fa It poalblel' Pfllwhat .1.. h... J I I' , or:'~ b I " II) tI•• olIIour fa nt, 000 er: I IIDe. thlt,' rttaJlatllll . . . . . . Ob c:h ~I ld IHI& ~ ...alOr'::;:" ••
JCIII" ... 1tO_ .....,
A "_.''',,~~. .,. . . . . ".ei_.~
''Ti8 ............ TIppie. " . . . . . . . . .... ....,·...I,JIIII........HIf"!ll .~. . . . .~.~
w. OIDnOC Mr. u cheap u we haYr, Ibl. war., calf baYe It and tbe Miami la, public laoda 10 Ohio, be tUeJI up ud anlrn our h.t trebll!d, but we Itor one 1"" for td.6o, OIIb III .dUllee. to be pranted. d to t ~IIW You De .. . . . .11111.....' ........... EllrOp.,. do not expect thill. rr ,he n'umber 0' Qur No\v Id your time fllr Illterature, Art. Qlld a 1I1r Foote aald he w.'dllpo~d re urI' The .tao.mer Empire Clty "ith dO . W.ltarn ~~_ lb.. ~ewd York hExJi~" Mould not m,terlially decleue, Ilupply-of New.! for eVil, alld '1\Ildt~he wou a'::!~ 30th, from ""'Vlnu, h~. ',rrlved 1l0!,~ boIcr a _ _ _ lIlIlIe ,~p DI ~ual I ng up UIQ b ul,\v I v WU ... ... • &' ~' .... _II are prompt rn ply IIg up, we ;0 I. ted 01110 arrived "II the 29th at CIa.,re.. • bHo ....a ~~. 1tA4JZlnl and hi. anoela,", toleribl ell U 011' ijollar "lid a h. the bill WOI bnlercII to uO pfll\ tlle RIII!1ull'l hill on tho 30th aQ~ aakDO'ltltdiod headl!: of \bll .0 cmlled y b lmef cOn\Or6~1I0rl betlYeon lilt P , ,.,pu~UCiln {arty of t"Iy, In I"Ming I I ror each , ub.cnber, per year- ut IIlId Air. Chuf', the Iltller Waived hll Mr '1'llrll1lhor 811,1c1t1 for Spll{n 011 lila ""-'.f ·, than tillS. , I 24th ult~ from BuvuOl' ; lll , .,......,III{lon wllich gt,j\' open ,wartn, Eltt'raortllnluf' '1' lIousonll' lIpon t1.ou81\nd8 of doU nrs ond Mr t t'opte Clolnpfllnl "0 res" : anolb~r gelleral rOvolul\on In.Europe, 'Ah' Mr 0---. Wh~n cUd you retut.n P ARYl ~ I~ our authOrized agent wnBted an nWilly III the pur \1lt o( dungs, wa luken lip opd ma~e the ~pf cil\1 [ NEWYoaK. Dee II. ' Th,. proclJlmatlon, "",lIch iB Blgned by fr.om Rocka"'lyl' .. :- III CII1(l1'lnah, ~r acl1cltlllB advertl&clDenlJ!, \Ill1ch ar~ never of prOlll t\l nny 9n e.' for ne:ct 1\[olldll) lit I o:do~k TIID cIty hili been the sceno uf lutcnla Bublcflpll uns, &c spendlllg It, Gild how COrlOUIi It 18. ,~ben ' 1\Ir/ Fucito s lul Od thut hla reo,on for e:\:cII~ me Jlt ~Ilfce the duwn urduy, In con. GlllaepptI, Mo.zzlm, Bnffi,llnd'Uolllou;h, 18 'll1~t arrived sIr.' lilted .t Lundon, Sep~mbcT 30, alld waB 'A:ny nC\\'Il!' ••• • Bce 8uch p~opl e-who "III often s pend wII.hdr:\ wlug IllS Kussuth resol utl un WUB, sequfl llce pf the prepurativnl olnklhl/ to publlahed 10 a Journal at Genoa, Octobe~ 'None of Importllnce-clughl a TO OUR PATItOJli8. I1I.r 0 slIm oC Illoney III a shu rt tllne. Cor \ 'W A IIl NGTO N, D ill! S IIIUI he hud found UPP08111UII to It from un the reception of Ko ~ulh He 1~l!dud or t 14 , 8~rtIma belog tho only plRce, tber lo.day' -meregllotllll)g-ooll1pl6lnJnll' thut Ihey nr~ Huuse -Aller Ihe u~\1ul Pll1llllllll ur y bu- cXl'ecled quurtord. Olltl l!lld ho dill nbt ClistleG!l.r,lell ot obout I ~ellluk. When b eay,ln winch the prmtlng preas Is frre 'Ab ' how long was IU' In nil probublhty, the grenler number ~f not able ~o glVl1lhrft or fo ur cenl.li Il wee k, SIIICBs,l\lr HUrrls , of renll. IIItruJiuccd Q wl~1I to occupy tllllC III dl.CUS5111g It willi was rccilivod by hlu}or J{llIgII]Qj\l).and IYU ~ h call_ upon the Itahal)s to bo prepared for 'Twenty-fiv6 feet, alf ' Qur patronl notlc~d, lhat IR laal week II• rlor a goo d lIew!pnper. II hleb , if proper ly nt resolUlion eXlllonntory 01 the iii IUIlld lout 0 pros l'e~t oC success come tI tu thll Ilome 0 f (ree dUIII ,.uy c\10 roI V laltor. we mllde 1111 alterati on In the terma a SImultaneous Insl\rrectlOn, an d prescrl bOB 'How much did It weigh)' , 1d II e f Imnlcnse O.IVUlltUII'1I buullly ocL \II Sept 185 0, to lhe e eel t lut l Th n electIon of Chuplu ln for the Semite d I I f I I ' f d" f rel1U, wou pr V 0 y ~ I ..... rOlterate uco II u_u ugQ /n. rom, Ie lourll " I I I I an .. ru C80 procee 109 In the prncpe. '~.. Ioven tons 8nduhlllr' 0 subscrlp lOn, by milking tho pTlce \0 ( I I B l I the 5tllt" 01 tlllll"8 110111111'" III It81,ull bo tiO cl,lnslrueu as to ' llelllg ncxt III ortler Mr Dlldgl' r sUl.!gt:'.~ed l II I d d I dk d d ,be ftl1lt 8t4ges ur the movement lind By thl~ tllnethahsteners crowded or- udvunce,olledullurolldo hulf,ll1~teud 01 011 em :h :Ut~I;S aro nothing ut : 1I pr~ven~ thctiu loandtrnn~ft!·o ftllly ccr- Itil ul It reqUlredu ;Ol llt rOtiulutlon. whlth offu YOlla ~~:I rt"l t~ouS~" I~ ~cl splr. ~tatet thet • socIety clllletJ Ihe Friends of found c---, but not I smile WIl8 to be ne dol hlr Olld 6 quurler, we nlso pronl1s- Wblbt I mon) : lIl!l tl ee l " III u'ef ul lllicntc or 1/llnt! wu rrllllt6, prior to the loeu l oe lll", conceded Mr lIulo offered one lor Iits 1Iluyur IIg~ I\ n we comQ I I nl by 'd E I .1 8 ut storing, lelr ",lIuS \1 I r. I J '" 3 . hort apC!ech 01 the most sou atltrm Llbely bae bcen foun d\! IU ngllnu, 10 secn upon Ills COlllltlllonce, or IlU't1l1l1g thotln tl1l8wcek'spupcrwewouldglVe k i d d f I d ' ~ c nd y lirnu .tlollof Lh c5nme tioc r lcctllmoC t\\" Chuplul/I ,onc fureucl, I g collect eOlltnbullons tilld promot~ a tn else to denote thnt he \\ as tel1 ll1"l\u ht but re680118 Cur the allorlltlun , lind lYe Will now de ge, nn I I leiy d OlI d an I I il1r Weddle propo<cd nn nmendmem so IUouse \I Illch lies uver wJl cn un mot 1011 Ie oqllcllce cI , 'b th bl ... C I I nt rea IIIg, Il IS mOS \ Y 0 \ ate to nove " d ' ' Thl: prOc(,sslon ~ommenec moving Ol~ \lIIIP" Y e press. pu IC meetltlgs. lonr- Ibe tru th. nO\I. IlS brlelly as posslb e,exp aln our 11\0· Io'clock uud up to Ollr tlOIO (.If 1\ r ltll'" tho A IIt lOug Ilour remar k s oreiQ d reo y sO l\le : Cllr 03 to muko ull the Ion wurronts d II~.1 Ihe Sellute adjourned ulltd lIlulld uy a..mentary I ctlon an d 01 I ot Iler consclen· 'By the woy ' ~InJor', contlllueil 0---. lives t t Icilve tl1e dl" II Uhlc. wh ich III r lI nr n. ncce ptc • Ollu I '1'1'0 1I 0 u50 \\ ,IS 1I0L III seS:HO Il tu day I\\ I100 I city 18 III u slo le 0f excitement 0 \\ bat IengtI 'y~ \\ 0 cunno ) 0 'oUi PleaD.. I hllve not rllrgot to tell you how \va found I \Ye have found out for our own salls· b I f, I eus I und before tho finul uetlon WBS tn k ell IIPO" I I I I b b tl the New York Brnss Bond You recollect fnctlon. by our own el(perlence III tI161118t- mamh, u ~co t. VIZ • lOur reosolls,. aIr "ecrsup' I II, lhe Huuse . pursuunt 01 un ord er adopted "', ;\SIII NCTON. Dec G 11\ I(IC Ilcllnuot 13 pr"~scn P Ie " 0 tIe pnper, uU w '1 )11 11~ \VU} up IrOIll Qtl O rOIl~llIe 01' I:cav11Jolt _CHUELTI" a r ASrEp MOTIIEI\- wben I come up I08t week• I to)ld you they tor, thnt It Is a thllll{ IIlmolt next to "npo,. , lng t Jc pnce I I I nr 'u Iyestl'rcl"y, p roceed~d 10 ar loet SpolS, wh ich II OUSE -The House 0 ' U III mot to dllY' j I I d ,.. I ' d I ' I !tully. Olmstead haa been fo)ond gulI'y of \ 1.1 f , I I I lJose lIlt t lere 18 no onc auc I on u C d b II I " sui I \\ US 811 ule uy tIe n)rt Oil t 10 ~ lip Itook Ihelf lIIetrURlenls with them and Slu e, or any count~y paper 0 co tIe rig II ollable perl OIl on our lis Is ,,110 \\ ould de- I wn s dona by rnw 109 II OIS nccordlll" to ~dJ uu rnl\le lll rio I II llle murder, by slow crualuell, of her own wllnt out In a 6011 bo~t. kllId of a bU~JIIelli-u llUl7Ig buslnes8. we t ~ ~r L tl ~ e f 0 IOS8 SEN' fE -Mr. ::l1O~loll appeared ond \\,OS II 1I1r Il~"'''s guve 1I011"e of his JIItonlioll plllg 0 every c C1S~, y t III 11m ory un atep child in 1I1i1\01~ b siro us 0 puo ISn 10 p P r. or "0 f ~ h (l r ulIll ~vell frolll th u IlIlls on co h 81dll, • The boat WD8 seen to capSIze, meon-Ie tho terms of ,~U SCrlptlUII Ilre ! I Id bl t d I sworn III Ito Illtroduco u bill Cor the cijlubllshl1lcllt u I It ~ppeorl that Olmstelld married agllin. lind they were Buppo.cd to be 10st. loss thofl 81,60. The C:lrj:ula'hlll of D O~O~I~ t ;~n YiOU hellnn"et~:totIU8s~~Vltlhle J\Ir Archeroll IIItrllullcod n bIll gronll .. !: 0 III10t 11\ Now York the Shoutl1 OC I:IO IrrOIl1:" hurl ell thu IIIu3 d PI tn about threo week~ ol\er the tlOlltla uf bllt when we opened tbe shark \\0 cllught ' country poper. 15 prlllcipally confi,led to the IOU I cUr YI' ,on bOI 0 ti" lilt Ilnnd to M18~01lrr to UIII her III cOIIstnlclIlIg I Tho l:l (ldu llIlr !cIlU bcf'lre tlo u 11\1\I3e nrc trr olld 11111 11 II R Ie pus~( ., I l hi fi I ~ t hi I tl tl I Id W R COIl', we Ice .0 ero y eusy on 118 po A ~ Ihe proceS61U1I \lI OVO" 0 eng nrond B rs WI e-n w c I me Ie c II a to dRy wo found them all olive IIncl hearty, coonty In willch It If publlsbed, nltllough a F 7 'Ie t t oC unUlr~ 1\ rlllhvlI} 11\ thut Stille Mr Morton III jlurt 01 Ihe upcrll1tcnd~lIt oC tl,o cob. t 6 Id • about live yeor~ 0101. This wosobout elgh. I the.r I:quor bottle empt) nnd Peter~on, the fell COplCS mny find their WilY Into lIel g ro: ~ c o~:;n s 1011 our d "truuuccd 11 blli grolltJOg 1111\11 to th e F lurl Slin ey 1\\ 'y ~\ory lII a\l ~IOU wu I r; \Vlth lutlle~, I teen months ago Soon after the mllrrlage I bu~ler sltUn" IICar tl;o gIlls playing, boring coulllle~, Gnd occaslonolly mto oth- we n tIll lour IS rCl\ molOt s 08 ~gool Ud du ond Gulf R Ul lwllY 1I1r Under\\ tlod A mot lun to prillt 10,000 ~ :\:Irll COPlnas IVIIVllIg With til e I hUlldl((lro Ilofg II IVolllomQ tbe new WIfe confined the little gIrl ID ' " d ,. Id I III Id now \\ e cnn mun ge a GO n ollg I k to I hu lI ero el ery hOll se WII8 dccllrlll1 d er Slutes All utiS es. It I•• rare t "lIg, h I I II fl:i \I t C 0 1 t Iguve nouce oC II JOlllt rcsu lilian lUll JIIg of It WIIS d ~bulctl ut !lOlTle length, III d ' come rest 1\1 thll bosom!' _ ~_~_____ IC ever, therr c ircuilltion I'xceed~ one 1\V~t ou I ~uc ~ I: ~u ~ If~ur o~: ~c~ ' 11l1ld wllrronl.li US81grIDhie lIIr Fuo te'~ re6 · WOd filially referrod to the COlllllul\ ee 011 \\ 1110 IIll " s, m ultoC~ und e mblem s bltldlll,r tha kllcheD. and kelJther most of the lime I lied and wlthoul fire. In tl1l8 .ltuaUon sbe l, How KossutH IIIAST£RED THB E lIG LI!lU thou~Dnd or Ilt the hIghest COlcllllutlO1I Ira es. 0 one 0 ar UII u III 111 11 'I I I fo tl e tllJpolfltmellt of n OOlllllllt. 1 t 1 hun 1\ eicolllc, ulld e~c ry VOICV wu ml.ed " or 'lwo dollur3 \\ Itlllll Ihe yellr' Should 0 u Ion r I prill IUIt 1 d h II I wa. for ced to remuln up to t he t iR1~ 0C b er ! 4~OUAO E -It 15 sULted that,in 1837, wlien two thollsn nd ClOPICS Iorany clo I\I,lt go u ~ f b b I t tell to make nrrungemenlll for the receptlo)n I \V hell on motIon th e housc adjourn,'d Irom Oil nil ) QUllg C OO rlng I In wedeathj haVing no rood allowed hor except condemned to tbree vellrslmprilonmenL bv I.lnh 0 8 flue hU1ldred' Now when we tokc IUIlY 0 our su Bon cr. eavc Ud Oil OCCOIIII d Clllertllillmant of ICosslIth 1\ as tllell I ' CO III C ' h If t f ro Ilk d I f! • .. ' IOflhlSChange \VtJ slltiuldfee ltrllly sorrl', UII ~ A I t V II b,ll a d II a a pm 0 co ee or m In a p cce 0 tho Austrian Governml'nt. Kos.tllh. at th e IOta cOllalderll!lon. lhe great e ~ pellso. thut f' d' I I f tukpn up nnd deboted ut lell!;th '\ RR I VAl O F THB IIU MDOLDT s tIe & onmor III tar C pn s e lip la l coM corn bread overy !loy end of the fifst year, was otTered the chOI ce hos to be undergonc III tho publl calloll of but t ~y ~,w~ co~not Ie P II, ~r ~c The> JUlnt rllsOIIl~I\)11 ho\ illg brell rend,! " J{OSS~ III 'N A~II' I buy KOBSllth ll~pres~C'tI hi s tlehght ut CI· No bed.coverlng Will allowed her in any of one book for hi. IImllsement prov ided II weekly nl'wspoper of n respectuble sIze WI/ l not 0 a 00811g USIIHlSS, III or er ° l llfr F ole moved thut the , ulllt comllllt N y'll{ J): [) 1ery thlli/! he all\\ BI,ror Ih $t('u mer IlIn· I ' "UIII,one" ru.l.rolluge, thI S IS the 'long !llld I tee of <IorrUII"Omenl! . W 01 cc Il1OtI 8I10 1''I ••elI up tIe I N ur t i I R lil t' r "II".1 tllllt I .nd a proportionate omount of roadill " , ;.....-~ consist uf three Son TI t, pr H b Eldt fro I SOlltiJUIIlP' waa th er ' ,Urtler t IIan a slOgIe 8CUllty IJU lit 1thAt..lt was not politlC:al He replied Thl, lIendi.11 ~ oman ofte n 11m used h\lrsell \ illOslend 01 one. they gQI'e him three, they ",ntter when wo add up Iho monv I l ltl~ lahort of I~ , atord nnd fiv~ RCI'res~ lItlltl ve 10 5 ~~m I tl urn Ut o't :1 ~' Ioci thl ~ [tlC\1 n Ihl' Bn~t IlIYl'r. 0011 buck lo Ship h .... h 111 I t I " 1'11080 of our pubscnb('rs \\ ho pUld 11\ c;, l' I I d i d ,. I bY .,.eatlnjt ",e c I ItI t Ie mOl 011 r8gcou8 .hould not be poliLical. he selecled tho Items of cost IIIIICh If toke ll Singly lip. ' 1 1I1r Clemen ~ cnlled for Ihe rl'UU IIII: of ton, nrn,• 0 a II )ler plllg I>rt 10Ig ltd on \VIIS II ut" uy 110 ' I "·d. • , . ' ndvDllce for th ei r " npcrs Will. of courde, reo lIIurnllll. I I II f d I r I I thu resol ution nuthorlzlng the se llulII ~ of n I She bru",s Kossuth IInJ SUIIC ,038t! ~ un, 8 1 pc 0 \Var Urlllg t IQ pllll' mannor, an d on one occas on compe e an En,h8h Grammer, Walker's Prollounclng peor 10 be but small but Ibe BUill to\all ll B tll t\be wu • celve It uIIIII Lllelr tlllle e:oqmos, ,or W IIC I " . . I II I tl I I ' ul. her h ke Id tb h t o er e I 0,C 0 Dlcttonary. and f:hokespere HavlOg Ob' ! large omount. we WIll findlD ~he courso 01 • Ullited Stutes \ essel tor l{ossuth, willch 1'he Mt~tlmer Puclhc urrlved Cli L n'crpoo l sugg-\\ I 0 lIe IIlr rung 1\ I I S lOll ~ lrom black, \Q the face. She con'l.nually forced taincd thesl'I books, he commenced ~he study a year' Dnd when we aecerliln lhe /OS6 It 18 pOld, at the redllced advRn ce rnrea, v s rOlltl ! \" d I f tire .hores The slup of wnr Norrh Cllru • • (' I1I.'Sl uy I hnn IiIre il IIl1nllunoI au I1III' OS t h0 VIlIluor· I h er to eat rOllen Iiru It an cI le,etloblee of oC the language. beggmmng WIth tbe thllt " ' Yl!llrly sustained by coulltry pub. Lut ofler that they WIll come und er th e I' Ul\1r Dowson thon spoke strongly Q<YOlllst Oil 'fl" K ' III C 8 clend I kind. tell er with Wllh other ' I Iprescnt prices Another thing \0 tillS .. I III., u ~ 1101 r I I IJ I tl I I I tl tl F' I var ou, • og I , translatron 01 tbe IIrst ticc;no of tbe'Tem· hllhora, thronglt non pAvrn'" subSCribers, I II • lIlr Foot~'s rl1sululIlIlI, he SUIU thot we I It WIIS rr. portcl\ Ihllt tlt o F r ' nuh 1I11111H r pnase ,w II C I "Ill r ~ I'J' e to ull , flltli wblct. It w.ould !lot be 80emly 10 de" peat.' which oceupled hlln about II Cortnlght &0, we WIll bnd lho~ til; fI~t' ale,ln re"1connectloll ~o "d lo re~e~:e ~ eli puper lIod ulreDtly dune ehollgh tu show our -Y "I try wuuld he removed Cur IIICOIllPC ICII_ 1200,OQO pordons \\ ere pB~e \llllled 011 th0 tribe Sometlmea ahe would fBlten the This Was In 183'7, IItId holY well ho now ahly but ftll:J1l even If theIr hl~ 8hoUId io t the terms 0 eire 10 c o o _0 or i puthy for Kossuth I D'llICI) 'l'he procc8dlull moved Cor thrre the lIttle creature under tbe Itltclllm 600r understands the Ilinguoge IS shown by bit \lumber &e~erlil' bundred moro, WIll recelvc It nt the slime prrce, un. ! 1I1r Hole pruposul 1111 o:nentlmcnt, ex CY'l'I I I tl ' Islhmus or Sucz l ll(lllrs. nnd nbout 6 o'oroc\( 'lulOt btld been .nd le,Y8 ber there for bOllrl, Other de- spoeches Sometimes we are \lsked .1 we w"1 not til the Lime for th~ Clluu~ expires, lind Ihen lerulln" the ~tltlonul symputhy 10 (he VIC· I lue. rill ~O~I n C~~~9 ~: II.lely " retllurell to 1\ j!rl!ltt exlont II b' I l I ckl g Cor ' they wll) p'cnsD recollect to notlfv Ud 01 0 1' 9 Ie. l co \I , (, li ce! 11111 t I 'fl' I diG tI K ta I were gIVl'H 'fi 1C 1 are 00810 n' ,, publiHh the 'Vldl tor' onother yeor. for one lolIlS 01 ol'presftto ll every" hrrc A fenrful eurtll' uo ko h,ld tuken plmae, Iree \1111 re, errunl\~ 8crellU e O~publication The poor bttle lutTerer often HAYIUU III HUIIOAllY -1 he Illte~t news doll ar a subSCriber To 1111 sucb enqulr. thelf delillro to dlti,~onllnue t~kl!lg tbe PII- I l'II }O' t L lu~d I\lr. lIule for hIS foc I D I I I I Alb t I gUlh to night j h "b Ifd cI 0 h f tl' II' I ned In per or we shull lIe nd on the puper ond ' r 00 e rc u on L Ie. II Olllut U Bllt Hlliun eou. _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ V{ 8 e eree ea. none OCCallon Mea Ie woman IV I pper, 18 con UI d era. we Will frankly atate thllt such n tiling I' I I II b ~' tionollllovement, nlld declared 111 8 lIulog l1ll - ( Th e depnrlur QI Ku suth frofl\ Ell I,rlu IIrl I' S.L J) 6 I I h d beell " r 'lUI, r. elClped lrom tbe kltcben lind wos seell the following extract from the ~orrespon • Id be 01 dour 0 er at Ihe resent tim" C large t .0 10 DS -III/.( e su ecrl urs . or we ul ln g to climb II pole whIch Itood ID the ence of tho London NelVs, dllted Vlt'nllo, d Y III : ~I e ~b \Y' do not Intend t ..lung less tlolln aile dollnr tlon Dt tire Ds~er~llOlIi,\ IV JI~\ u I equult:t1, til unLilUsluslII, 1118 recepllulI' l The ' nlP, L,kc 111111 r u hed Inll.lpon. yard Upon being BIked where ahe \.08 Nov 9 all III 8 I pro II IIIYI e\ r WI Of I II ere and n half from ally ono, hcrcuClor, Irolll cust on I{u sut I, Ie ell oglze IIIn os t 10l ncurly the e nllr~ POJlUllltioll of Ullthollll' I ~e n c() \)11 the 4th Illi l h \\'U~ milch IIppe. " \\B wort 1 some RI IOn or two II .0 Or.!, I r h ,Ir; d mo~tlhu 8trll\l$ \II un of .lhe presenlgenNu- ton \Urn I'd Ollt 10 bid 111m nUI Pu r k golnlr,lh.e replied illlllaho WIIS going \lp FIeld Marahell Haynou hos round It 1m Id bl I I • b t l the 61fll p C Ilict t lit 1\0 CUll/iot 0.u 0r l l C I .t II ' der! lIy SIIOW ~ome PRdS~ II !;t I'll \Y~ ro til en we wou pu I~ I I Ie pllper lor 0 nu CO! , L d d I I I I lion he 6UII.l th ,t 'vngrC!~s IUu IIIVILe t 11111 The ·'ve rltl llll,hul l fr m EU8 tllldiu IIrll'"' to the other world to eee her mother The pOll/llile '0 kel'p the property puruhaAed b Ii I t t t b et It be un erdtoo I lOll, t lilt t lore are ' r I ,. v u ,,,0 "I' a~o nlllc6 \\ ,'<It vf IndolllC' lIdo nec I I.b ' t 11"" V I hert! bllli ~h oultl nul nolV ro use 11m n uO- dotes fr 111 OOIl/Uny 10 the l al i) Octobor ut 08 we are so uti or !l7la e os no 0 e heartlull ,lep.mother ordered Iler down 10 lIungary WltIi the lum of money preI I II b no 'c Uu IIIg term ll lur t IIi 110ml Id t, I '1" , F o)ur 1II\lltl ~ bt:J IOIIglII g tv UIIO of thcm IJlId wort I qUIIII t lat amount, we \VI e com C\O IlIlJllf rec('I'tlllll H ()lI' Kon.. to ~h e 15t1l of Sepll'lnbllr ond II wllb cureet, Dnd the Irembh'lg little cr('l1· lented ~o him by the Emperor HI, de· II d k ~ r r ~ or. J\I qJI I I d t.I .1 11 I I I UI ~ .. ' I IJ~e ll frOzell to ,Ico th II fe w oya bUlur' Ihe e Now Crlends it lem~,"8 Wllh you to dor. II ~ rep Ie ,UII ~nl~ .lIb\) \~ ~ullloll to thl! 7th of OclvblH. II tu ge cSlIle olon" Th o Illdlftll' , III lito ture rell iDber welknell, ber heaclalrlklng lire to )lart with It jl Bald to arma from Pbo c to III Al ob 0\ P3p~r't a ew t Ctn\8 'io1eoU; a,iunal the Will of the honae. the absenco of labor and the dlfficully of "bl tiel coal, I oul!" °turl 18 18 U 0 ertO- lelde, whet\ler ur 1101, yllll huve a good 1'0- hoped thu l nl;ltuLloll \\'Ils ellu(.' • utIF liO ~e Th e G\lvrrl\or General oC 11I~ l a purpo. : II Ighb(lrhoOl' 01 Purl ,Kellru ey }\Iere wry y arge ono, t 18 no orge enOlug1I, 0 I • I •. "rettell ut the pro.poel III re l\l()VIII t uy ~s to ara t Ih" P r 11 IJ S<;IJ de alld Ih ' \ The JUry founil tlae WOfllll1l "'Ilty 01 procurlllg .t from olher parlJ! of tile counr I bl I t ., II per rom U9, ,or t Ie uetter ,ye oro ti uppur· " I 0" I 1 , 8 , I " "Ij 11 " Ir()lIhles(lmll, IIl1d I ud b41e n robbin" SUII e JUUI y U8 II pll 18 ling It, a one ..o ur d I ,. '.1 cl d lIlr Fuot '0 Clli pruollse reso uti II, \I lie I I nccs \\ est of III> All hllbed IIlto II .. aaaa.I'uebLl!r IIld .he Will seDteDced to l1y. It may be true tbat the laborers h"ve d " d II te ,t Ie uctter are we Qnou e to 0 our I d I pro I 'u" »f the" III to l\ott,l~ri troup~ Ilud becn sellt • on twelltY-lIye cents a year, all we WI b If f I \1 as cerufied Y e~~~ r Ily I' to Il II d Lnl•or""" tl I~ rnmuln t,.,o yem' lervlce In the St.ate PrllIon refuaed to work [or tbolr new nelgbbor duty your patrons you pny us a Ult I'rc~ 1l ( IIUY, e CII. ~ " - to Ih~ lr 1I ~",s l"nc C) .. , , not moke an ImmenbO fortune In one YCllr ...J r The delio ~ e wus cOllunll,ctl by J1essr I (I A I P t be ee l ' • th .... have liuwever claDe more. , Haynou price. \\0 WIll e.,..euvor to gIve you 0 ulr J c ~ r Q lIe gu rOlllluCI! 0 lInn ~ t I 'l'h e hI'H'llnOS and P O\llIeea were al on- ~. C C -~, " at one dollar Ind a half" \Vben wo rodoc· I I Follte HHle OnsJs und othara uutd the cil· t n I I .......... aBLI OLU .... o. 11m OItORE8- bill tailed to "~L Ilslngle crop of Dny kmd d ( b ) t paper "l'bu 18 .1 wo hllve td any on t Ie • • , 0 I ng I \\ IIr "\lth eM:11 other ± T" e the terms II ollt oqe yellr ago, I "011 J \Irnlnl'n' " rl I h I b t S G " atoI.AI, HALL OE RnaElEIITATIVI8.- he 'yerylhlng h •• peen destroyed by tht peas. • • ~"bjeot 'Ju,~ \lQw .' <I... I Ie len (u ty 0' nceR e 'orn Ir , . ==::::;::======~=~=== N.w yotk Commercial Adyertlser pub. anlry, tb~ cropt ahove Ind in \be ground fOT experiment. From Ihlml" \lIrcumstDn· ~_ " _ _ HllV5E~On tile mOLlon of l'iJ r R ich· n ~ nhD Ullmd lhe VIl:f1r~y Id stilI unset ~SULTORY lil"'ll *,,~Itlon thll, under no clrcum- hllVlI becn Willed by fire, or other meanl, cell we wete leel to beheve If \\e reduced To Con"llJ)¥lITlI -The proceed- oril. on, the speo ker \\Tn tluthorlzed to op li ed ,s;., ataDCOt Ihould tb. beant' flil columnl OJ tbe bulfdrngs burnt down and every meth~ tbe price of our paper,lIo 01 It come br- lOge of 111\ .A:ntl.Slllvery Meeti ng , held rtl- pOI/It the 8111nd\llg cumlllitleqs 01 the Hou~o A largo omount of buslllrS9 lInd lIeen ==-Po£om c or Dreecla Marble be removed 0 0 ~rlman outrage adopted 11\ ardor to low, Ct;lUnllng postoge Ilnd all, Ihe coat 01 contly In HtirveY~burg, \VIII be rubli~hed ' A resolution to furnl~h euch member \Y1I1l ( done o~ Conloll untl Shllllghaia I 1'0 Nswsr Al'rI'R P ODLlsflIln uF Tllfi Uu from tbe prelent Repr:-Ientatlv a Hall .. make the place tllO bot to bold blm The) lome of thoao 'trtU1!y dally reprints.' com- next week forly.tnght dbllora' \Vurl', 01 nows pnp'prs I 'fil e n olglulf\ t.('glsluture presenled nn I ~ED ').'ATEd.-1'lle celebrl1l1,lII ul th,) blrlh 'TbtltHl col~n." add. the Waahlriilon bave succeeded monly callari 'Dollar Weelihes.' &e, we J C S -Th GIrt:ulur wlil nl'penr In t tor Ihe ",,!Dso n, '~1I 8 rt'jetted 'fhl' W)use ad,lrt'a~ lo th o Kin!! on tile 13lh 1cluy of U Il~J FMNKLIN WIll be celebr~ted Republic 'Ire twenty-four In number, ta. ,' might, ~rh(Jp$, Induce some of the 'deBr our next. then refused to gQ IIlIO acommltlee of the It wn s r~"c;orlC~ thut Dr Nr.w.mlln hilt! ' by tho )' illl'l:"E IIS of lhe North-weat ~u lien (rorn'the bin'" of the Potemac, about PunPOsB or GOVl:RIIMBII'r.-In truth Cul- people' to sopporl theIr hum .. puperll Dut __ whole on l\Ir. llurrl d' bounly IlInd resulu· b~e\l npPulntod Pre.;!Ident of the lJutholic I trult II hu~ ueAII ijllggQ~tllll thUI n COI'Y fLirt, mjl~ &qm Waahlngto.l, which were neas the purpole of govornment hilS beel! to our extreme satlsrACtlOn of the experl< A Flllr Ofr.. " "e think. tllln, wh~1\ Ul. 1IJ01l0n. the lIuu~o aUJuufned 1I111118tfy In I rc-llIIltl [of e\ ery Iln p~ r now pulJh~h cd III lhe UnitcJ brou"'ht down tbt rlv!!r on flit boats. before decla'red to be 'Ihe protecllon of hIe, lib· menl, Wfl have Cound out that It \~ liS Aithollllh we lIr.e justly enlltled to two l unlll SUlurday. to ullo\V tll6 Spellker tlllle I The Londo)n lI10rlllllg Post st\~ thaI Sir J Btlltns bll obtulued rur Ihe occulliull 'J'hellb • our tI :> II ors " year from our su bacr> bera, \V l t iIe t;U OlIUl Itecs • .. I d to em bIlr k frum otlch sluw to be bonlld 1/1 u vululno the exiatenee lif tb. Cbelapeko and 01110 erty, aDd property' These three obJeo~ hnp6', and nothing elae. Although I I o to appolllt ull \Vcr WIlS soo n expeclc • frst did Increosc to a cnn81c1erab tI extent, I d I b I Y Caoll. It I. IOmetimea c.lled 'calico' or lbua announced, eland accotdlng to their ,. l lnve not 8 S yet pili up tlerr 8U 8cr ptlOn. .- _ - -I fllr New ork, to resume Ill S f un clIoll s lit liy lhernse1\ ('8 und placcd UpOIl II luullt , yet It was not .ulliclent to mbe up the d i J I I \ wl ... re th o 8upper Will bo "IVOII, nnd Ilficr did r I yet ID or or to 1\1 uce 11em to p..y op. WC \Y As IIIIIGTOlf D"c" 'Vtl~ llIlIgtOI1 'puddln", .tone.' Shel}I, aravel, 6111t, relauve Importance-LIFE,lcbtrtY. llnd pro• loss lDeurre In tie re uotlon 0 tlO terms. d h • , " , _ .I Will fur one dollar on n olf gIve are· S Q Ie e of pxeeutl\ e I The Ruthach ,hl lire ~n;d to hnvo received the cel~bratlul) to be 1\uIl~cu ovcr 10 SOlDe qUlrtz. IIDd varlou. olber paulel4!B are dlR- pen!j tbo most Important, first, the least aud bealtle8 thl8 wa \\ero fruy astcmisllw r b I ( ' EIIATf UI U lIumll r f R ' llnctl, marked In the con,lumeratlon. Important. Il8t an d lowest in the scule. In 'I iii cClpt !Or one, eOW '1! 5U Ber ptlon, pr rom I 8 "ore rn e vea nnu hl1d be I n cumlllls810n rom U8 >111 to tl e~O:ltlutc II bubl\C~ hllrllr~ .. to seo the Almost Buper Iumnn e orts made h I rid I I COIIIIIIUIIICO lun \'. ~c I -I E I d f I I \ , t ose W 10 (lIVe ,Clr ast yetlr 011 t lis 0 so" IS ' lonnlll ng all 0 2 1,000,000 t 10 er~ Our bre~htl'n orlhe Pr-es~ will confer, Thesel',QlulI/nlve no doubt the handllom· this relatIon to each other, the\' 6 t lind III • by lIomo tndlvlduBls. agotnst t lelr home .ore t Ie c no,e , eat In tba world,and ~,e tbe admiration of tho eetlmotion of all 011l8ses and commu· n ers ond 11\ b boll oC dliltant ubllcn- lYe Will receive tlilree dollllrs, OB pnymel't Jl[r Fuole wlthtlrow hi' ({ossuth lornt \ 'Ihe Governmellt 01 AU. trlll has bocn \\Ill 'nvllr b) \\Juillng a Clopy of lhtlr Dlllly ohd a\l beholclers The caplt.atl are white Ital- Dltle. where right Ideas predommo.te P. p • T \l d I Pb 11\ full, for both yeors. If thl8 III done be- Re lUI n ftnd ""r s~ V ru "Uve nolu e Ilung II lurge reduction 10 Ill! mlhtJlry foree ' Weekly, dlrecl\ld to tlle p~ lrulL TrlbuhC, tlons 0 our n11 n • t IAre WIIS \It one j I r 5 0 I ~o 10. ~ 1.... ~\ II.. I j Ian marble, alter the Corrlnlbilll order or later du)'e, a dISpOSItIon la mllDirestf I I orc t.ID fir.t of • IInuory, 18 1I 0 llot f 11 < IIlIenllon to Introduce nriolher [he demund for COltell nt Llverpoo Wll8 DClrolt 1I1ich/ and ID return Will rl'COlve I \ way 0 accounung or SUll I movements. d ' I . tT d I 0 I did 'd .tlll rernalnlng amol)lZ the rums of Athen~ ed to re.werve the relation which hutllamt)' and thllt was, tbllt ',elf 1tl/~rut' In the ny we lave notol.o pny 0 • on un c811 1 A lurg€' lIumber of billa \1 ere olterwClrd~ goo, prices hill 0 vOllced 2 full lIccount oC IhD I'roceedlllgs of tho day, From thete Ipnnll the dome, wbich III rs and propcrty hold townrdll esch otberj to f I I It I l o u r pI trans step up at once, and OSSlst us . \ d ced The soles of the three Iiuys provlous to ! and II CIIPY or the oddrel8 0 11 tbe OCCII81On, " aimllar to the P h d person8, was fa II 0 Brior we WI II r10rlr d ' we d0 no. t \ III Senntors ro 11 rich IIld p.od, and aDt e rank property first .nd milD, as lut an hearts ad sue Ir Id ~l t olir wor · , IIl1u D<luglo.s antI Dotl..er appear. the 19th were 11) 000 b1l108. 0CwhIt:II s pec lly tha Hon J ohn S Ingersoll whu hu tholl II eSlre ,or tie goo a t Ie commu· b .... I d 'I PI r " k d 0 0 op of Rome. lellst.-InIJUU!falor. 0 hi II Y any meonB ..... 8 re to 0 IllS el\8o cd to dny nnd took theIr lelllJ! ulutor8 too 8,000. qn expurter.. 3, 0 , balm se lected as lhu orulur' lIueb ear. wu n.ce..arlly re.ulred ID mtv· ne t ng we Wd II venturi e to sad)" conSider on tillS bU!.Jcct Mr" Clements IIItroduceiJ three RaIl road 1'rl,uo In Mllllchestl'r wos unchou J:Cd All poper. lire requesled'to copy thIS no· a Iinee 10 tble connection, an t lut 1ft t U8, wo 0 • , ., At C,am de n" TenD a .hor\ tlm v .hapini the Dobl. colum., oWing to the , b1 I dl I.' I __ b lis or winch he hoil pre~ 10u~ly gIVen no. The commerclul IId\lces from IndiO onu tlce W·..8 bitten not a leve t lot twenty In v .. Ull S were ~O ur reoucrlI .• I. brlltlenen of thll materllll. WhIle one In 0 Id a nd 10Ve t erate d -,un k--·' wru \J".J \" II bco r In mill d t Ililt I . Chll1U " erecon8ld ered rn\orl1ule ------'- ':-:-:-O'':;--:-:--::;....,.;,:=7.:'.!''', "I~ted the ' chi.a) wblch he heP by II by a raulesnllke, the drunkllrd wne Ilotm' IIIduced to lubscrlbe jor our poper, on IIC' Ion to.I"orrow (SlIturday,) u!.out olle o'clollk tlce The demoud for Flour wus good,lInd pn· A.rrha' of Loin lUnnte , u •• ~ .... ,~ d t f tl e Muctlon In the terms He aldo glile notice of IllS Intention to -bllbe, !lDother 'l"~" lbe bl"w with a Jured in the least, but ,he snake COile It· coun 0 I r . F III, I\S we have been i f,)rm€'d, will he ces hail advllncetl 9t1 Iler brl J,n\ld.fc~~" " ...... v W Id I I so a co rno~ WII of introduce a JOint resohlllOn 10 gl\ e l\tuJ TI .. b· d bla Iled- hlmmer The compartltlVoly feN sel£ upand tiled from the etTects or tbe 11e \You no, 0 \I m y offered lor anle a very mco Itttle hou89 and Gell 'Vlllfieid Scolt tho ronk of Lieuten. 'rh~ ,..Ivnnce lust nohced on Corn hntl 118 \IOman nUS U tlllOe lin UlIcnvll . . U bib d expre8slon "lye 'three drawa' for the "roI d " r I I I notorlely tllrou I ut tl e .\ orld on 4"'ount fl.ws-whlch coqld Dot be avoltled-were q or 1m •. •" .. Ot,81tUDtc on " y er strooL III I II~ pace. tG I been 10i t and the market c1os~d ql\lct g 10 I ..... 6111 of II country paper. If you throw out an cneru of her romantic dispOSItion ond singular filled with colored C\!i1ing wax. The pol· IJd N ffi f llr G\Vynn Introduced bIlla to provldo l Wheot wus III GOl)d deml\lIt1. nnd hlld QdI.hlni was executed with IIInd and emery AnderBon county, Ky., ba. votet! agltlnst tbe tIe1'lm"kl1IlI. ot olle 0 ce out 0 o::rAII lettel'll and commutllncotlonli ~ } • II f C Iii vnncctl 18 'ill quorter conduct, arrived this mornlllg upon tho and pulty rubbed on WIth wooleD clothes: subSCribing 850.000 to the Harrodsburg IL hundred, could sUltarn Ilpelf, were 11 not , sent to us. mUlt iIe poat pliid. oud IIccom- ror t leOco elctl:: 0 rteSvcllucF ln a orn~u' l 'fho demand for Sugar wos modl'ralA.' Bumbult, ncuompolled by her ngent, !Ir II d Th b Common- lor that one source of ,. nro6t • And there I ponled by tIIe reft 1 namee 0 f writers, 01 h• ,or I D>llIt Q an rOnCl"Cu. 'Ed 1\ or d W III )8, hrut Iler ot N P Willi. , ' The 'column. 10 seven or eight pie an d F rlln k lort ra rOI . I a rnDO d f h ,or ond prices \\ ere In fllvor of \)uyers y Of b I U The demand for RIce wus active but al)d e"vl'11I1 Barvonts. She le ft PorJ~ 10 eea buttheJolntl are 10 well fitted I I to con. wealth IllY' thot the cluzenll or that coun' l ore many who ref~ to toke theIr home "erwIse no attention WIll be given to lbem t.e 6urv e b Pd" tclce nil 8. an or t eCcre-I. b h pape... becl\use there II a consldertlblo d atlon 0 r U oar 0 ommll~lo nerB on 0 l, t I 't b I cI I II b ' of .,ey the Impre88lt>o lbat tbey werll taken ty WI II , h Dvever, t ...e private au scrlp .. oll8 , ~Deor thl8 III min .~ r CI prices \Vcro t.llchl\ngetl. mee t 10 r 01\1 0 t, an trave e y wny f840000 1)0000 Thol amount of the paper taken up wltb Gdverl IllIrl\ll\ 1111118 C I d D L d I 8ho fullleni\h from the qUllrryl' to t he IImounto • or • ' - . - - -lIlr Ge er Introduced n bill to aOt the Pro\ Idl0l19 were III rOlr dl'mond olld the n IUS on O\l'r to on on, \V lero paper regard I tbe constructioo oCthe road Usemeutll, but 110 far as we have had on ~We have a commuOloollon (rom the y gr d I I ICc did b d Iremurncd tllO days to toke I" Ave of her A B now as D fixed fact opportunity In examlDlng the mlUer. tho.o t pen oC Mr • .L A. Hrne (!f ('lnclllnClti right of WRY, nnd 0 portion of the pubhc eCTII"edllst nodt r CIOro eell recov~~~ She stu ted In cOllver..,I" n \\llh All oeieo' e y o l v e r . . I I I h ! . , luncl. ' for a RUllwllY froRl St LuUIS to Ihe d 10. t'1\\On lor r 0 ~(Yf bwus m""crutc, !frlc",IM DayardTaylor ha. lingered In Europo, W 10 Bre eo extreme y partlclI ar on t III whIch we will lay beCore our ro Iders lI<xt us. Ihut mUIlY thll\<Yg t.au been 1I!lld or ber kit h th' 001 1 Wester .. hmll& 01 1I(,!sDuti lin Ilr"'08 were III ,uvor (l lIyers . .. I 1JI0~t I ley pnt7f7W ~D pomt, oro tiC a live C til week We hlld Intcnded to hllve Insetted ,. I I d d 9S"@9!l I>y Ille Alllcrrcon press yet' IIhe is Dol tho 00 bla Will 10N~novlh, aDd hal wrItten to _ U~~ .J IL ' t"l I I k I I\lr Murton IIltruduced II bIll l:'ronlln" vOIlSU 5 III Impro\? ut 1 • . ' ( lbe New York TnbuDe the followlDg aeurawn ol)tr ,,,,,r eyu In rn .. ng. n 00 - It ID tllll number but clrcumabncea not ., wnmun allo hU8 been reprelclltecllo b(' • _ ===========-==-I ith tl e wh" the right of \vuY.llnd a purlloll of the public ewt of • revolvl~ musket, more tban two 109 over II paper, w 10d 0 now under our control, prevented us from 50 " r. ~ ho \~erc , her admlrers,she be IICVOI, \VuuId bllodrecl yeare old, yO blcb is preaerYed in ENIGMA, tbe benefit thereof, lin eXllmiDatlon oC the Idom g , loncls Cor the construotlon ot 0 R Ullwllylll H b d NEw \!OKIi. D~C ~ Ibe sllll more numerous, She hilI bctr &he armory 01 Warwulk Cl5tle. .dv\!r~lsements i. generally the fil1lt t1l11l1r __............ FlorIda As tha um 01 t cume up to t te 'Iy , ~or1 IIvel) durn[lIg the "h ole pus~~ue, .nJ 'We alon RW the .rmo.... wbl"1I II UlU. .1' n I w . Another thin" were not the work of G \U th I\lr. Foote mtrodueetl a JO int resoluti on Kossuth WIl!! 1.luted by twcnly.on\l gUliS, I r ~blo ~ 'J ~ .' 1 OI}!G TO UrAV! tiS -- .. e nOllc\l al S i d" h 0 \ she cI olla 1I0t app~lIr t0 b0 ~cry .!lvor ally closed to vllilore. It II rich In aD' cnuntry Dllices, VflnclpaUy done by ap· MIBS Jenny Llllld hn fixed upon a tIme C\lr of symplltby for mllh O.Brte n and hili os- which os returnc uy t e stnnmer II to KU ~8utll, whom Bhe tlllnb IS an 'URtere clllnt lJ'IIIor, IIld rare IIld cutloua ob'ectl. J am composed of thIrteen lelters prentices the subscrlpllon lISts of many her laet Concert 10 AmerlclI The Con SOClJltee reuC{lllng Stilton [dllllld he Wll~ welcomed rI d t t n d ' f d 111 U d rwoot! ,"Iroduced a resolution by on \lmne ncl! as.omblft 'e . Ho \va. ad- nn 18 on rna • b amooi ,.,bUlh I may mention the crystal My I,ll, 13.8,11,18 t e lIame 01 a II' would not even pay tbe expenle 0 hall s. cert WIll be gwen at Tripier H.lI, New r n e g Lo),. I" lI11t a mG8C'uhne \Vomln. buI maklll" dressed bv Dr OUUII, the heolrh (,fficer at rl\ther glom In hor struclure Bhe hu Il (oee biJc.d dafger of Queen Ehllbeth. her t IDgollb ed T em Per.n ce Or 8 torj •I one ',rom ~ny tb log eIse. A nd th II 18 York, on Ihe !lIth or Janllary nut it .. IUlld wllrrllnld u~I"'nllblo .' .ll1rt of ChaiR mall, her Hddle lind the ..~, 11, 10, I, II 'he loventor of a Pllt· the case wlili ua. Were we to e.ploy -,.,,- , ., , ' Fish gave notIce or 1116 IIItentlon to quaroutllle, to ",llI ch he briefly rephcd f t bId ' I block Span· d IIItrodtlee a bill to estllbhsh a UlIIled Lolli Montl'8ld a pllssenger III the HUIII' 0 grcn en.. y, an a pAir a t atcd Ie Inej tnpplnp of ber bor.e· but I wu mOlt eo.... regulmr Journeyman printers 10 a our ~KOI!IUlh h.. arrlve~, IS our readers ish eye. \vllch 6~~h' fire wholl slto IA~ pca .tuckwltb two tIIlop; a rnolt)lng mlUAtI ., 1,4,6,6,6.7, .. a Hllltorlinj work, we could not pretend to make ex- will observe fOlr thell\selveB. by reference 8tlltes1ttmtin Now Y<lrk boldt I krng, and m~ke her, With the ~pftrkllllg~lt more ~an two bundred yell" old,. malk, .. 4,3, 12, II foulld 10 great quaDtltles penaea, and tlte only way thot we do cleal to the Tnlographle News In tillS nomber 1tlr Gwynlle gove notice of IllS anten· • of her converllntloll, I great rllvorlte III roll' taken trom the fllce or Oliver Cromwell in ClIlilomia. oureelr,la by wOIklOg Rlgh' anti d~y It HI. pubhc recl'pllon .t New York. WI' II tion to IntroducIJ aJolRt redollitlUn lor elll· NEW YURK Dec I) pBny She Ioas bladi hslr,w"Iqh curl_II aftercle.th. The r~"olve" (oCtbe aouqul.. 6. II, 10, II all arllclo exlenllyely the Cl\8e aDd Pren. We .re our own ed. grand alTalf. Wfl notice thalthe cItizens ploying arId eqlupplng NutlOlllll ve ssels tu 'fhere WdS a grund Ko~snth ~eetlllg at r lllgietl by the Rldu of her face, Dnd ~rr of wblch tbere cannot be the Illgbte.t O8edln a Prrutrni Office. Itor, foreman, prellmln, lind lob prlnler, 01 Cmctlln"i'des."" coast or Chma SII\I~n hlnnd ot noon to-day. The ottell- I no ell 0f pllre G reclln ca t, \\ Ille ~tr . .rnvllrn", . . hLm to pur- explore d Jtbe iNorth b Pacl6e I r J cIoubt) M allllo.' prec..elyliimilar to Coil's, .. 6. 'I, 1,2, IItbe litle of lID .nClent and" Ilh the aSlIst.nce of but Ibree yQung , .. ke oC the bOllpitlhtlu of t~.t cIty an IIplln, WIt I t e v ew 0 opelJlIIg comI h kb h h d M<IOrl.h blfln" a 1I0.le barrol, to whlcb II att.ched Pe.l'IIvllo Krng Jads. we lAue the piper, and do tile work marclul IDtercour~e Wllh tbeile countries dance \\ras Immense, embroclllg IIrarly the C ee Oiled are I', IU gIve. I • • I d d entire GermllD populallun 01 tbe city IIppearance to hcr lar.e a revolnoi cylinder. cODialDloi 11. chlrn u 7,6,6, IS, .. I celebrated Onental of thll office \Ve do the mo~t of our LITERARY XOTICE8. !lr J all !Dtru uce II regohltlOIl reSI I 1r I ~ I t11l1~e L-__ M .1 I " d • • • , tiD"" aDd 'selectlO,' "bIle the maJorlquesting the aecrelary of lhe Novy to 1\1_ A Kosooth Fe.lival \\88 helcl aUhe l\Iu Ie exprelce. lerse Pllr u I 'Or a u Dt oc:. III pin to TIn!', WrI • ' on H II I. t I ht d I Will not be pruperaly conaldered I~ I,ell eaela cbamber and Atinc of oae dllCbarge .. 8, t,13, 6, I. 'he htle of an En,hlh ty or our re.dare .re -""rapped In the arm. Ar.WAVS Jomu.t>'-It III I rare thing for lorm Ihe S enate If thC'te bave been .ny s IC a s n g , 1\1 I vllnce. IV lere Yi k b I h d I tlng pubL_I th _: __ ...:.. b be lb b 'Noble of AIorpheUA' and are enJoYing 'tbe Iweeta UI to recel'I'e IU- of our MngulDe eJlcilan. vlolauon of tbe law I,uin.t 60g,"'1\1 11\ spe<!chee "ere made, and loaal s drank; ur lit 10pel t Ilt a I.erlm .. , b .... oga .111.......... 015 C 11m r to eat· • , ~ ... I .. I I Iic Wilt Judg!e of hl'r aeter "avillJr leen er -I I h d L_ f th .. 9 n '1 • I'" ,- an sltlt. In ,En ..- r ref-hlDl .Ieep·' .nd tbroughout the -a prior to Godey" lAdl e.' Dook TI18 the navy IIml,lng t I atler \va~ une camp ImentllrY ,,., • --- Iwan 0 e eXII\eaee of ,.. .!O. .,.. 0 ,~o, ..tIS I I h cd b th and noL b"Core N Y 'l'rib. . U.1e CUrioI&l wei,., bllt wu Dot. preplted land; d.y, we are ('ompelled to hancll. the com· , number for J.,mary, 18b:l, IS on our tablll, Mr. Foote IDtroduced a relolutlun dB' 0 I 1(' U \JIll. \\ tiC was lecelV '! e .- •• • to fiD4 tile kin of. "Yolnr 10 perlectl, It 10.9,,3, I. a Turkl.h 01llc:er poelnK atlck and work at the Preas. Th.t (nut In our uDlctum,.' at hulll.) Tbll clanni the cum prom lIe blllft of tile III t Wildest euthu!lo8m Loff Etlrl., .......to •• t-::---- - - -ItiIP..IIiiI~ .. II, 11,9, M - . b lI'11etl v...ult; la the wa)' hJ ... bich we ..m.~nd number 'ar elleeeda an)' 'IDe widell.- w on ell IInal , as retpeat. the lubJeul A lefloull accideot- occ:o~red occurred The Qllt'lln of Enlland _101 ao well " 111,11.11 allquan t)'pe; obt punctually. evlfJ' _k, lb. -MiGlfli hlye u yet rel:el,". Tbe ,,"uty of the they relate tOj and he ..ketl the u,,"nl- lut n ght, on the UudlOn Rlyer Rallruad, pleased that her GOYeroo, Geller.1 ofela' TIll BrrKC1' or Allftamtao-PIQVft.. II, tI,S, 9, I. a eertain. 'iUIIlUt)' or VUiIor.' We al a I"lMI'IIl thlJlf' u t'qgrarinp, .nd \ha n ...J1enee of the m.. moua coneenl oC the Senate to lII.ke It the near V~rblank'. point, three tralna came .da, Lord ElglD, wu t"eted. 100001IId, a~ m GOLD of 0tlT P'pel'j much ""dinK rnattn, urn ••), paper. do chanlcal aec:ulIon en 1IGII "aurpa.ed.- order of the day for af'1\ Mond.,. he in colli.lon, bJ wl1lch flf'lHn pareon. w.re ktndly tntltM ia the dt, of ~D dllfllll . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~tI of JIr. lIy whole ill the .... or ....... r.. ror whleb. lupr!'rice il paid; .... 111ft The readl"lllitter, on. hundret pI_ elpee&a too vacate bill M.' on lb. 110 10. t. HrlOWllJ InJured,lIld four killed. th:recen' "i!road Celeltmioa there. &hal .....r.ctantI ill &ilia al&Ie coatrt-' to \be KIuII Viator. worked bard ancl w\ll toallDtMI to u 10111 III. f'l'01D the of the ..... wrltel'l In Mr. Cb... objHtM. .be .... dlnctecl LonI P.I.....OO to . .• , We , . . . . . 01 tile u ~ean, .. onIer to ••• oar peper te- fAtIIP.I'ica, III the price lor lb. wllole \ IIr. Foo&e..w that he N_ You. Dec. 6. malea", to tile PNeWnt ... eqeaiII ., .,.... .. AIIMtIelit _I ,..,: .... , . 110• ., OlIO tw.I'...., wild "I&Ift\I ...., .... ~IdDII _ _ ffOla 'De ...._ AUlIlb6 .IW for Li..... th............ ,..a................ II to pollilth the
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pulae are ,of'teu,d. and lbe IDIleOUt memb.,.oce I. rellevlld of 1t8 enJorpment with nplUI11 Illd ease All by Ih. Ute or t1ll1 dellllht fill n·medy oo-Aee ad"ertlaeml)nt
New V.ol'k Ol1l1,tllli Clol!ed. TI 0 \V1l~thor ho~ Il~BIl very c\l1U and lhe GDllollIl\l/lgat I>n I~ closed for tbe SCIlIOII by Ice stoPllIIg 00 1I p r lVoy mlUlY b\l~t8 wIth 11TI1110 I~e amoulII~ of I roduco 11,0 ",nter 10 the river at Alb til) Id low and fuJI 0 IC( rhere are II large /lumber of v~8.ela th ~ re and 011 tllo bar~ bell IV the C'l} olrer
very hIllh I rlCC$ 10 be towed beybod \herellch Onlle ICO -0", Ga
FAMILY MEDICINE The 11 I I I101, I'e " U e lll.JOII.
Th e N ew Yurl. Stule D gucmul A II'o clallo ll rocently I PI 0 I tcd U COlli I lI etl 10 I I<sll~ute the ullq;ed hacolcry onlr L L H,II wllh rf.'~peCl t hi. ult Ily II luk no do;:ucrrcotYIICS i I culurs utili II ey report lit llluluIJI} ha s !lr filII Ileluded II\UI J
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1'r russur. IIll l" DdgUf.'rrn
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-A n Dg~ruyulh i: Ie lure Ilhe 10.llll I ultuck o I tltf' EI olt. h truupii ut tl e C; pe of Guud Hurl" by D. iii Icd 1l0l\CJlluls Uilli KuftH. II U9 Ihe eml,loy lIellt Ity II e ror lI e r ul tI e tro n~e nnd rf.' d rcd Ih ~ 1I 01\ en~} IIr y to II e clulls III tl c rtll II C8 ''0 EIIGLISu)IElf \\ ITII D OOR
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Mr NiltftUII L IIIlldon ngc~ ubo\l )cor, II ft killed Ol Milum F~lIs VI, 011 1I1ondliy of II ~t wer k by U \\lood IrUIIl b4ck 1111: 011 hID ~~-
~ 1\ Ollie II
or 01 u of
the rrovi Icell of AlI~lr II through \\ Ilch Uuyurd TIIY lor PUti tiod leur sklrlS \1 h I h JUdt reoch to lhe kl Ql' h lid Ulf'.l' 0 11 or go llUre lrggou or \\ eur hl tiur uoois Tho Il nt<rrfit 011 from ClII purts of Grenl .Brltlllll UU;IIII: tbe tI ree nlO It I 8 1'1 dlill SCI,tcn Itpr aOlh reoched 85 (jDa or CIt the rato of9t!O por dny rha Cu 111'11011 Cllullcll and III zens or Ncw H U:vc n It 860 d \\111 send Oil a delo g~lion Will. nn utllress to \\ oleomc KOSSUlh on hla urnvoll\l New York fn Wnterbury Vt II e births during tho I'okt } oor huvo bccn 1I rce lImell lhe t 11108 til e n 100b!'r of dcolhe
~IA UJn~'I"S
8 @ ISn 16e Flu~ r 01 io urallds V bbl 3 OO ~9 10 Wheu t u8@66, urn D cur und bulk, 91" O,'~ 20@22e nurlc~ 6" aSc Rye 4i@4!)c W I II ", lens "ill btl , 611 Oil I VR c~ 6LO FI x ~ecd $100
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lIrir I Pr.ollh08 1j! bu , Dr\ ~d
( IU M!' C9fh!' \:oo~ Rio
1Ilolu88e8 N 0 i1 gnt do ~ ugur hOIl~e il glll , Rlc~ til Ib, IIgl\r F e th ert! i? lb Salt Ii! btl ,
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Tllo 8~ylllg thlll Ibere IS moro plensure In :;lvlDg thah r~QO villI[ s allPP .ed 100.1' rly cilleay~to med elne, kl ks Gild od~ co
of Sin
Sluun'ti Oilltment 18 rut ~ 'per or tu Ill) olh cr tllmed ell now used III my up II oil. every Fomlly shol Id con .Ionll), hep on hand III s vIllunbla 01111 1II0ilt MlCKA!!L'DIVERRY CI, AgO :Sa IUllry "" 1841J o:::rSee AdvcrulJemenl
PItOPR I B 1 tJ It oj Un TilEI "'IOrI'<I II U
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n ,,1\ . 1<
JliE.A TLY AND PROMPTLY. o:::rDr S D Hl)w~. Slulknr Sarsapu All k 01 J II I rat III J: 011 ~~ go I :: r • r,lIo I dverllBed III another culumn id truly 08 Iho,o ur ~ I)' uti ur 011 w 11 II t.I co ntry• guod FI DI Iy Ml'tllclne It pUt die. the lil YII 8" CI\I blood lind preven~f I~ well aa cure~-.t •• hlJrhly spoken Qr to UIIICI\1I1IlIl nnd " thero CIllled the poor maD a 'rlend See adver ll\l'menl
():7WISTAR S BALSAIIJ OF WILD CHERRY Imp.ltB n..w v gor to v t.1 ftC
I ne Dr WUI.r I a.lum w be !)ne oj til' .,0111 v.. lualtl~
111&' uie
nea dlteovNll'1 k"o.o<ln. . . 1 do the abovo .ure II U tiiQc~.u lolul, by i ..
I am.lltndeman very
re4!~o'fu II),
Your mOIl, ou(,.II""1 arnnt April 9 1t!«6 J&LI SAlLEY
JOHN D PARK, CfNCINNATI 0 Cor.er ..r r.liftb •• ,1 " . . . . t Sb.
ThOle wbo ,.,_ ,be B,"m 1\1 ,..11mIIIfCII.te 1'1'11111 1l'0III lbe dl.u..Iac 1,,1ta-
J~ Ib.IrQogbly r fill e I and ~"bolh8b cd h13 ~.lallh .IIII""l nller \It.. 81"0 ulill
'!'b• .,alon lonr eVfnlDIP bo.a come -\he ,ealon Ihml Is almost a eontlnll"l holullY ror tho farmer inti hili ftone A I
ment 'or \ Iller ('VI) 114 ter for ndl. IdllBls for ram I cs, ror societ y nntl for II e I onor of ngr oulture i. 81 eh II use of.1 • large on OUI t of val ble I I e .hon to waat It 1\ sl JlbfulneS9 or I rr vu 'J here
I!IJ Iisn 8uper"UUons. There nte lume superstitious ob.ervnn tWice a week with II much promptitude cee whIch are 8trauLly adhered to by the al )'ou wc;lllld pQrform any duty about your peasnnts employed II rearIng tbe SIlkworm farm. 1 bore III no ueuse for Ill'glecl lng 1hU8, when tho eggd lire first halched the tbis-It eln be done a. 'lieU 88 nol lind poawaut II wife rl~e8 very ellrly III .IIe morn when the people lufticlenlly appreolole the 109 Ind creeping ptenhbly to the mUller .. d gn t)' of 8 cultlvnted mlllll they will at I U\lde 61111 8 8 P eeo of wet clay 1I1lUIIlst tend to It COllcernlOg \he nclvanugel an~ tbe dou~ H the clnv adheres II 18 I S gn manartmellt of loch societies I mny,,-write there IVIII ue 11 good muUi(jU n or silk h Ir III the next communIcatIon Ult, II It do not III ck Ihen the CJnlrnry But we han no book8, eoya 101'110 ono mo~ be o:o&peclod During the whole I l\O I'blll. ",r...q. Then ,tit them-you are able, overy ooe the woroJl$ ure i.elOg renrod, no one bnt of you Yuu need not ndlv dunlly get n the pessllnle th ..msolves are permllted to a IlIfp hbr.ry but you or the nelghbur- enter the knook or but Blld when II 0 hood Ihould Jom III elllabi ilil ug 8 g01l1 II wc.rm~ II ve HUI co thlll they ure obout to bral'} I am not pereunnlly acqulli nted n oUIlL and rUrin \I ear tocobns thel tbe with man)' Igrlcljlturlll townalllpd I I tl e door 18 locket! 'llId 1111 key hnn~ed tu the State butthole I do knolv are nbundantly propr etor uf tho plantallun A iler" 8uI Ible 1.(1 found 8 publ c hbrury of ten thou 60lcllt lime IliA elup9cll Ilnd the cocoons ..nd volumea 10 ten y"ar. Th Ilk of thnt are supposeo tu be \\ ell ond 6lrongly for - horary IImong the rnrmers of 10000 med de propIIE'\ur follwetl lIy .he pCB "olumul Tbelr BourcH of IIlformalion 'Bntl murcl <8 U Q kiilo of procceeioll up hne thul far bet'n (0116 Icd hi profoos\ooBI .0 Ihe but- and first dlspe l~ ng n few men Dnd merohlnta 10 our large oltle. abd l(lol~ among them and h lP I; for guud tu t ll'IVn. Let the rarmer. lee to it thaI to wllich lhf'Y "II reply Il1shulia l 11l8 h~1 knowledge II no JoolI:er monopohzed lind I.I-plen.e God! plellso Gw Ihe key I" the i!'ealnt:es It cOl1fers cooRned lu lhe rew t Irn~d tbe door. thruwn \\ de open lind wbo lpeculate out of tbell Inbor And yet we cocooos nro detllched from the bnllourll .fry few or our larj1e town. bll~ e publ c or ~anQ JO:lta IIlId preporetl rur rClluhn: I Ie Jlbrarre. next day All that Ie requIred 18 the co opcmtlon of -'--------the people (or til • purpoae The I'xpenle LoVELY -An IIltcrruglitory of B Iver being der .t'd by leeeasmenta for I .enea of Iweetnesl 8UO en anlwer ur dlUmond benu ,eare would not t-e felt by anyone 1t I. Iy are contlllnl'd u the Iullowang II1l'lltud true tblt too (ew appreciate the mlilter IU or lett! ,to go h"nie with ber aieieotJ, to t.. ke bold uf il but let thOle The mooll IlIllnes br ght who do know aurilethin" alt~nd to tl • Can J go home wl\h) ou to mght' Dlltter, do wbat Ihey ean, and bOllome An8w('r Dlore Intelh,ent They Will Icuhe eO'\!ct The Ilurs do too, of the good Ned tbey BOW 111 the vIrtue Dnd 1 don I care If you do bowled,. wbleb tbelr wlldren WIII en JOT .There Ire certain booh wh eh evelJ' (am
JI, .hoel4l-f_",,-!J!6eI_"""l.-!l~"""faI'~IAIUIII-ILDIL~ t A. aood En.1t h Diottonary, 3 A Lelr4!oa la tleh of the LJlIlI, GrNk alld "reK" 4 A aopd Ctu lca l plellou~1 II A pili Eae),elopN'l, OOt ., u....,DQI oI8cleau, one of A(M . . or Arb aM .Khln":_. I) A I 'J. A... 1M .. • 01 H Idt;
'"" _ "',..,Jau
greOltf 140 feet w14t' "lib .. rehet or 3:14 ref'! Ipln Itld I~O reet lbu,e the Ingbl'llt pr nit lldea,ao that the larpt 'hl1" Will btl able to MIl aneler 0. eBCh 01 tlte brldp WIll beaboJ-, the rentoh,hlch ,.,. a aood part 01 the laterftt OD the eaet. ~ win be _ rolf • ...... nilrolcl
".iI _. . ,_..:,._~,._
Colbel \Vslnul
nod Cnno
Cll'Vl NA il 1
, I(Or n \\ Ire, nu 10llger dlliJrclI,
Rroccrd \\ hl're I ilo,,1 thut hc ll day ~crmCill ~, hilt tiOrllilJII ~n "grent uceu-' \ III TIIn Y OF ~i.l:"trbl. ;-fl\cultol 'Wl\a; 111' \ A A Lon'lI l)nliA M.!..A, nnl1lic~i r;{OI\tI 'U~"o \\~ oyer m~JJ~' c:alllnuod I ur IIlIyl""g I " ~ ngll, b) 1110 sp n ,,{ a IIlrlliigo ol.. ,oll ' , . Illo folio II I\ III "renm' '• , , , _ '" .-'. Inu, e ' 'i tiIUII~ i II l1d \Ill ~" o~e we C()11\(jllfN, wo do not ,,('nled \760 cm rs . rl'llItod ~b"lgQmel'Y. \ :a; \)n C8 wilit Iho Illuder!,',;1 yCtlrl11111S~ Plol 1 Nhe Illdu' Illuk~'d Iruu ll lull, alld 1,11011'0' 6ee 1110) II p I !'lIch"ris til< 11(1 ,lrcuJIlijcr1lled 10 wu"l~n, U~:rnr, ill Art\\)I ,l I,~cJles liS rllt ! Jldving' to\lched ot St. Holl'lln, to f~yood 'I," III not S\VOa1'1l0 tlj¥t,~ 81lldlho ~lrnn. u r's CJ( utlr I,'II r1 y dllYs "f wl'dJl'.! lu,'e lire mUll illI.:cr~d,J 'SL lit tllI~ I" "" II I tlill,,!!hol" I n 1'1]101 11 l\\ CIlIY 1Il11ll11l'S, nnda gr ucl' rlll hOI\'; ! with IHm dur to jJu, nlln Il1sd , e ,'thl\llh ry nnu '\ollter,' uS thlly BUY on Wry weste rn ger, '\)ut,> if Ir Q hove-olld J ~m '"1mo~t ~ eVl?r IIngrnng In mv mIlIR"IIIlIOIl 1.lrelllll , ~Iul, cr'~ I){JY (,ll lur!'eI \ 1l'11I1,' Iii or utor 18 ~IV " hi ' h IIr ulld Q lIl\\rht pppctl r lnQ~Q b ~Ollll flll, n\1cl thiYi,al" rivcrs~ he we nloll .h"re ono 1I(lenIOOl), ntll1 1sure wo IlR~o-you l~ayo n eabto c)lt Ildeep ' lof Ihe S\V~ I fired.de rm:lp: I fC IY el'cr hC- 1 'Uurl' Ilrll Ihe Ihrco dull ~ r" i\'1r GrunL 101111 Ilr t"{) 1'0m., ond no~ II dog' wng~ h l~' t1 ~ WIIS c,,;l r d ulC<llio\ Dunng' Ihe ' rclJ;n I pDrlook lit Ih'c IlIlu~c or n hos [lIlob le frlenu one, 011 YQur rlghl wnat.' I (uro Die Ihe (lllIc,t! lue of Iny A IIcc, 11 8 h 'r burruw ecJ "f } uu II". nWrlllIlg,'s old llio! I"d lOIl !!lIr 'I'hlltll 8!!rllll)' ' oil vlduc cOllal ~ts of WlI li Rln 01111 MM)" 111\ oct piu5et! on- I nf tli 111 0 11), good thi llgil afforllcel lho IObllll· 'I hoyo,' cri~d l\l olltgom~rYJ lurning bnc;k rypw look ,I 1I\t0 my ~I' n w,ll. IlIle' llg!! lIt 'H Po en)'" he I. ft urry III h,,,III'L Ibl! l "UIl ~y III 1\>1 ur~ 1 It) , lI ut 111 liS 80n 0, I. n modern ' c:'lJrn ltfoIT thl' mOllulil turo of ijl'lri~ - t Itanla o( Ihut '«om or tho, sCD'-nM Ihe h IS sleeve, and ~i p10Ylrlg II v~ry bronu and r. I confid E- nce: th o music: of hrr vO ice i ~ CIl r wl ,r ll YliU "eilL ",r IlI1 while ugo.' tlt. r lll cry: 11 11,1 Ih It th l! ~ BCo II" iull or c I'llry I soo II ,lllor, Inlcmpornnce Oil" ptoll,gll 'I leoSl 91 whl~h was some U adcriu, whI ch ugly scor "'liE BJl\lon'1'I\L}U~P, /J uW lh~ 11I~(>B 01 Ihe I,j llor UII" IIls.. ne~- suhJec t , or wlolJlei ~ r m~ glliHI(]C , 011 SIIIl' \ (lr I'Dlred 10 ~urh 1111 extollt thllt, rellulere wI;lUld hove mo~e oven the rnmolls'dC/uth :.t dldll't get th18 fJ r noth,"" fo~ tl,1i 60lllllHng In lI,y curA,' Here th o F(leulwr's emOllon ol'e rc~me II,elY lila " lorlglllcntd IlIsIlIully, liS Ir a I II"J. 1111151 bl" conlprc ~ '/~l\' llhill'l1ilrly 1111n- III inlUxicn\in(; drinks put up s ill'"8 in the ! 8t~e ' tllrll p:tlo bt it ow n IIIrerlofity. H av. bro,'o Ie,llulY who modo 0 present Q.f it i nv LII nn n\ no~ hfln: hId 1I1lt'rOll ee lJ ocll llle II hul,e"! IIl1d g leum 01 sUlIsllinu had penclrulll~ the IItfid ur lesli, IQ UIJ CQmphp, c:'nt to eltber tile! I'ulobe stre ~l~ il\ lormilll: th o T,eoplll tllU~ ' Illg. fro ln hi (reque"l (10tlltI01l8, gUl ' Qo m- t.epn It! with 0 Il,&!t ~Cre88 the 8cI11j , l "llliC'rSltllllllllg ('I r 11I,lIrt i) 1\ cong regBlt\)'l Ilwv m(I!II't' I;ei drlluk f9r n' pellllY, und h uve hlr,"uly drunk, aIOU\1 thOugh, lie procoq, 'rho \ FJ'encb!\lon ~1'/1t dOWll IllS bend. h lI\ullU ~l l e nt , WII h liowl!d l!l'ud 1111" tn·m· roUIll. 'Vhr.n (:111,111088 wrnJl~ llil ~ HllfTUrlll1l cl oy Ah, \yhlf,(,ur M.rU)l8 tI. ft 11111110, 1.1 IIlIIlJI '1'h o J"ueu nll'~8 or pl'oplc 'Hcre I Jllst Ihe mUIlf;'y r o\\ e J OIl,' Bulu 1' ll ul lh t' r~ I ~ 'I IJllllloie glli to ~OrlnU 1l8 H~m o trll\\ tr>' lleI 6olJ~ r 011 Ided tl) mturlt to .Lho qun y to IllS \)out,' ported hid hnlr WIth' l'ls "hund, nnd said. 11 IOllll OI <1lr , Ii O I""I\) l ~ I I\)'" I\' 'ro Ilushcil Into ,UI "I'pr' Ivo ~lil l n c s 1110 r"' "II' r III " I hel' rrul VVlce, ulld ho h",,- I I'; 11 6 true U~ lh ut II!pro I", sutlu\)l~ Jqngth I In the l Gl h oelltllry di 5111l~\1 ~ ll lrit1l \\ Illch he Ilccompllsh il UrlM slI lIllrl' feuIS , 'YOII m~X look nt Ihe recciJ1t' ,' • Bill l'lnvI " IIIIrkoll tI dust 1,ulo'lld lhut WIIS IIrul<en hcre ullII Ihere hy hllil ded Iocr Ihe three doilllrs 10(' hod jnst . c- . Iur olhe r o,ldre~ ses HIlt thl' prevu 1\!~lt B prcn~ 0, ar ti,e cO>nlilil'J1I .of t;:urQ P~ - ofg-rQllud Illld 10(IY tUllllilll1g III u short 'the lV1xt momE'lit they Wero III ench 'f1'~I" \l1I .i"Ij~.Ii(..." d,jlll 11 lrn"o' MIII1~d "ob • CO IVI'U, A lllu,"unL oftpr IIlf,l ho w~s 111m" , O~lIl1l1l1 thnt 11 11 s ubJOtl o" -_ I~t ho Il 'SCUt~ Ahollt Ihl6 tlllle It WII~ 1lI1rodllccd In the ' ! llaCC.Or.IUnC, After sofely r(!,Hllllng lhl! Jother's arms. Thoy becnme bosoD} friend. Il y ~ "' '' . unol, ,.11I1I~ l' . h'I'I\f)llI)' "ftj't Al llII ri mnmcnt Lhr re wlls 0 Illo\'cmf,' nt loul tho g lud r'IC!! of lhe poor II ornu". , III lloe "" ",e llIllltd, Id II-., o~Lh\ only ot nil I CI!lu l'II!S U8 tl.e UIIII~eI Slllre. we rll \ VesSCI, he 'Iurll q" In,' nntl ~00 1l full o ~lecp fo r lifo. ' Or 1111 AI "" l\l) d,eI rCUllJIA"I . ,. .~o , 1 " III the cruwd A lI'ngll! f.'m'lle fl gllr o, Ill!' I II l!IIse lIeed he Ilud bOo ll ulJl c to tiUllply, 1.11. ' Igllor .11111 or n fUI muli, If '1011 \\'i~ h thpil cnllcd Ulld li D\\' for lhe drclim •• A Ih hll: or y o~ , lil ut u,ILtuf\oy r fore whu,".. ~vcry ona DI'Pl' lIr{'d Instll1cll\ e· , llll ct beru rc hllll !yur:ll;llil stcrt EloolI hi 1l1/ cngth, (lild do Tho firSl notire we hUle or 118 IISI! !Il I li e WIlS-,'1O IllS mlll~'s eye, iIorllt lo,' I Cnn_l.'J.lJLGeo.c.hthem..1!,tIr.1IUeu Ewrual, ""II IIIIl" H , ntl lI9cPl ·.I, Iy 10 give WilY, \VIIS sc" n p"MSlIIg lip lhe Ol lhc Ih , ce dollars recelv()d by the nee· , ) ou lilly ~,)oJ, glvQ 111m ~eofl of timo us public IIle. \Vns Dlilong Lhe luloorcrb III the dend and III the t1e ulIIllOns 01 1118 !:lula nlc lIhny of pur rt'Ollor bnvQ I\t) dou ~ t rlind A tll/1Ug!1I nnRCI"' , bUl ~po tu!i nil, rusle. ']' 111 6 WUS nut olJ~orvotl ijy Ihe 31'en t1111ll UIlIlIl1, tw\> "Clll 1o Ihe f,lr\,lccr , un uc- I~ ell liS of ;;J I IlJ(l~ls, nud ~o luI ~J1l'er 01 ''v- llullgUrlllll l\J Illes In th e Ivlh CClllllrl' III Ill ~J(,Sly. find IIppliod \0 th at gentlem~ n the followillg ri ch OtlCcdole. It lti ulll, but All , nil tIl Mroh , or sk ,,;!! .11' 1"11)"11 ker ulllII allo hud COliiO IlCbrly In rronl ur uounLo( her d -Ill to (.1111, hair n II ~lIar wus cry bllrmo n' lut ' 'xcoeM life tlll!llLy !DlII- 1651, It was lIsed lIy lhe BnSh It oJJll'rlt ns fur IlCCOIll1l1 0~1I11 0tl~. Arnvil1" lit tllo por. like good winl', it will bear mp\!titl on. 101111 ,I 8 ur~. Y Ah. il It rcc" II , the IlllI trorln 011 III"ch he sloud. 'l'hl! II ' poilito 11 11 ulll nel'lly r()lorcd WPll111 1i who · me.,-Oltril~ /(11I (N~ Y. ) I nqll lr(r. u (wrJlul, 'l'h~ alcohul In EurOl'e "'6B J IOI~ 01 th e ITIPIlsloJllllfllla III lIj:sty he round IThose Ivho }lOvo,ne\E?f hod Q'rcad or II,' r:. 'h 11I1I, 1('f lrlle" llonl IlI t).III()fI' h"IU., "dpl~ll ql dqlllri 'u Hill S Iho mov m On! cnu'lTht hi!! (,ur, 1111,1 Ills e) e~ huu CIlrll cd .1 Ily so.rulllllll'" IIlId \\ ho W U8 • • ;-mude 01 gl'(In~$ and Rol,11I1 h ,IIy .,111 S,'311l him olHIllIqulrud \,'III'~ WIIS to he Ids (Ilte VIII th~llk ~J8 ror reviving It frQIl'I tlto obh· o • 0 ) \ !. I I' I " I ,,III OIl,d,ml,,1j!1,'II<!o L1,0 1;0111 b, hnl,I~, Ihllt Ilislunt fell on Ali c(I, 11'110, lJy tl, e waili ng fUI J)[rs E lUlll 'd relllrn Irom the " 'e kll cw b e "'«?lIld Co"!.o, ,,1:1., U lIl edl cine. Tho Oelloese nrlerwnrd~ t "llCr' u ,long hrc8pent III 1,,01 service, The von 'oto IV Ileh It woe rlldf fallioz:-Se,e. And al l, 1\I~l 1\R8, "' OIlCP nrr(•• •• 1(I"dll e~K ur Ih 60 n~"r hu, "'"6 cOllllu nlN1 IUl ior'ij IU gel her dl\~, an d llius bo uille t.) Til lII un ,,100 re fugc~ lu HIke Ihe popers mnde IL CII) m "rlllll ond Fold It os n medl- I"iIiIC mUI! In ulll()k,' turneli to IllS ledlrc'f . rul 'gentl el'l,eri or lhe 1I1o~80cllU50~ts Legis" ~ l C III bDltll's," iftlclcr Ihe Ililme or tht! " 11'0- , ond p~cpcd ,over lilH apllclnclo8"IJlqulrcel '" ' I otu," e, at fI B o$lon hotel, . 1 • D r.~ro ~r utilln t1t11III~'d CJltlh, to j'l ~ Idu. The whole UI!JI('lI cl'. lilrillell [lrOl'iiI" 0 11 r\/'I!IIlg-'1I meul lur hers It nllJ II'"S ot t Iie \aSI IrCUS. ' H e I)IQug IIt I1I>1 !OII' one o ~ lhem aeked In 1()h . 111'11 foli Ihro\l~ h chn <)~ " .. k, ptury It hnd I lhe nnme of Ih o OPllliollllt; \,Uf hero IIllsw. :Mr. 1\1, II ~enlll'mUll who Slit opposlte,\tth the scene, we re "I)UII Ihclr feel ullll elllldr(111 -The olll ~ r 111111 '1"l l ur\\'u~ pO ld to WilD"! fallloiy In a two \1M e 1I'1I1;0n. }Ie ler or life. Unlll the 10 th "'n~ wit ro liou 1'111101.1"1 r,~ nYI'1I h~ il .hlrlh, Lrnu,ug rorwnrd, wh n tho r~lIl;cr' aXlell ' Ihe iJul,er \\ hell he culled l owurd~ cl'l!llIng ' .lill believes tlout Gel~. Tuylur 1$ Pre i' t OIlIY IH'e n kep t loy npothecan S ns !. rncill; t ered hIm ulld sUlll' 'Cnn YQU rellah th e m per\Jlterll, 61f" Ttl "rlrllll'll' 119 rHlng lrnf!k lied III~ Drill, IIml A IIllo llir w h rilell up· lu I'al C Ihe uecu. t med loaf. dCllt, ond wn nll'd to kllOIY If the ' Xum. Gille. During t1JP. reiltn or Henry YJI, '1\ly. nome Is Dol,) !rown.' Mr. M . (>.'ttiln(Jed bis ftrt" towards the Allll ",h, r~ Ihr.IOIrlII OI m.r Ilr ",akos, 011 Ill. bQlSOm. TlllI ~, lhe poor nc:,(ldleIVOmnli lind be(>11 ehlltklDI'S' hnd , tukon euho, nnd If 81) brnntly wall uuknolVil.1I 'lrclt.~d , nlld SOOIl 'Obcupatlon!' lUsh, ohil snllsllod hllJlsel( Ihnt he could l!. ghll~ ulln'll 11 ~' r .1110 bl" rench the 'perll\lef.s,' and onsworedAn aged mlultitcr 1101'0 onm!) f(1l'wRrd I ahl(' to dls~hll q;;e f"ur dobt' , aud at Ihe I wl,ere Ihey hotl to.ken it. He hotl sold 1118 its nlar.lIlllg olledls ",dncat! lliO govorn- ' ·SoI10t.' \\ bile ~U II I ~ 'Jlle ll ~"or ~) ~I"''' bro~lt., 1"1 'II ill 115 Oll'n Otorll ity oud gC llt~~ sepnratcd them. 'No, no,' 6nl~ some lime re·e tlllollf h her credit WIt h the corn lor t\\(mty·fh'r cent -lire pn 0 be· melll to pllSS Q law [lroh\bIIlU IT Its monu. t ." I I j • r Iho ref()rll1cd C:01II:rrc5~IIIUIl/ 'yuu \ ~aoll"t grocer 01111 buker, Irom whom ca me lhQ I ~ r. ; Ing Ihl rly-unO-liut on glllwg 10 cll'POSIl t 10 ruCll1re ,1,'n~&ton , 1IIussocliu6c\ss, Uuitoil A Ixi,,~ or Ill \ • Iwpo, h ~IC, or Ip. ... take h r .way frl/In ilia' 'H 'Jn l'en forhicl ~ ni'st purllon of food cOllsull1 e~ III III~r hule ' '"'III!'Y, they lold I\lm I WI18 n,o Uy' COUll' ' AbQn l 1'20 yf;'nr~ ag II wns t\$cd ns n Alllc,p cn.' • I ' II l ive nil I'''''IOIllc@8 ~lId l'UfCl thKl (IIIIOllld,' repli~d tb e Illj1l15Lc r; 'Iml fUIIIII). ' !turrcII , The only l,lBrd IOQOCY he hod wn\i bevetn\te Ilsp6clIIlly alliong the 8uialcrs in Af~ur theso que~uons were rtlJlhetl to by An "11;0.1,.1111 1l1k ~.r\" 'Y lenr" JIl') .r::, lUI ,n\lIlIl.II. ~ llbll <lijlU{C, Ily ~ollr own cOllftlor!1t1ll sill) Is not your ,Alltl now let us rollow IIIrs Lee. Qh t some II"eo cent PICCl' ,and th \!se Bomo Ithe En«llbli C()lollio8 III North Americu, Bull, II~ be thought in II very H ,di8r~l\loty .... ~oy ; .woy, ,\11100111 WII'g. wIfe' 'No, she "~' "01: returned the s peo- l lier ll(rlVtd nt hOIl1I', emplY hlluded, from , ~hRrper hnd 'rUII o,! 1111\' fur hll ll dlml'sl- under th e Ilfepoiilcrous I1OLiolllhn~ it. pre· Irlnbner r th \! tl6vI l turnlld oyer IllS re cQril o crKIl , 11'IIIIg l1 .11 , 118 IIIOU hCI;l .u.n II)" ker mournlully. 'But IS reutly, to wkt) lier her VIllI' to the shoemuker's, who ow('d her H,s old luJy smoked II ' cob pipe,' ond vented 6lckTle$S nnd mRUC IMII IenrJc~s III ~(lO~ nnlll IllS l1ye \'0 lod 011 th e pallO dlwoA nnlllcl'.(l .",1 I 111.1110 nl:: vows agl1l11:' mude Ily flU Id AIoc~, In 0 low ' tlYO dollurs lor wor k, sho founu n yuung ! wuuld not uelifJvo fll~t l\.liYlhlllg else COl1lt1 \ lhe !l elt! of battle. It \\ us loulteil IIl10n OS Ltcll} Q the lu,I, I('$$ BrOil II, ond ca t up np.l!'.lrtellill~ "hoi it " .. 10 dIe, 10nl1, 1IlI1i1ilig tllroll"h her l el\r~ , in whoso palo fac>! IV,'r" lIl'lrka of suf- bo -used . One of hIe boys w(lnt to n II soyor(' ign sjlucilic, ~uch is It bper l pnrrnlly n balot\cu-oud on 1I'0red, to IllS ~ZX:::l:'"'""''''''''''''~ ..-- -.,... - - Belort\ tll¥lljlrgll III I!lIIbly, ilil standing, Ilertng lind care, (l1I'~I\ln:;: h!!r relurn bl~oksll1lth's ~hop 10 lib Jll n ~(ld fur II IskelciJ of lhe introduction ur nicol.ol IIlto IrelLerlltl''' quel't1o n of'whilt 11m r ell!ltll'd Ind wllh few dry eyee, the lIIarrl uge ccre· l 'I'h girl's COlin I nnnce bnghte nl'd ns , pOlr of shuefi, nlld IInC\~her ml etollk the soole\.y oS h 6everu~c Tho hl8lury of II tl!!' bawloil out to IllS llltoll~nnte in mOllY "i ell IIglun perlorm cll, thhl Jln~e tho 'l sll " carn III, ~ut, lhere \\IGS no ftll8werln~ mttrllct houao lor II cburch. Alter hung- j ~ writt~1l in Ihe \vrotclooduCBd, Lim thurs, blltik Ilruund' !ltr~lck him,lIlId, rlsrng to IiIs roet hl' Cll· pl'lIkcr and Ahce to Ii.h olhe r. As Ihe 61111e In Iho COlll\le\l~ur,e or Mrs. L ee, who 109 his lint on a meu~ ho ol<, !Ill plollslY tlIO , gru4ns, till) po\'crly nnd mll,rder 01 '1\Iake n h-I Ofll fire in No 16 loti n ob ()1~lIned,lI'lth lin nl~ OfconeloUlI trlUmph~ 1)II III~ter, lin Ig d mno With' tlun ' 11'1111° 1 61\111' , 110U \( 0 HCl1t in a blltche r'~ 8tnll , nlld Iibten' thousonds. It lias mGt hcd llmltlglJ tho l Bro,v"n,Jloste-l1-rlo hhh Jlrown!'-l'anl,r;e 'Nlhv , ~lt, M,. I WII! lroltl!le you for the lock~', cumpillted tho m.rrlage ~Ito, 110 Itlld t 'I am I'~ry sllrr,y,l{llrriot, bill Mr, Grll\1t Icd to I\n auctionecr wbolill he took to bo 0 I 11(1 \,, 1110 the Irellt! of n .:;Ianl, le allllg ~h~ ~ 1l1I!Jr/l. fork.' , ' IU8 hnlld~ \l oun ll,e hcods or tile two Jle nllt 111 1) If utlill to-\J1orrow. l-~o s~ul he l preuchcr. Se lert b ro I~ ' lIIellll ' Wr.& o ut,' imflr('~s of, bls (OO(SII;J1sln \he ~OIlC$ ond " l\lr. M. fol! ~o hi. feet, Dnd witb IJle , " I I' d I \, ' f 'I i ' ' t i t ' ••• :\J ~ ~ . It b '·1' hlld ' Jullled hQly bundK null hlllD" lin lilt! hadn't U " ollnr HI the I, OU80 .' O. Uulll goou opll1lon I~ ,Ie ' surnl ll. ,lind hfe'iI· bl(\Q~ qr I a Ileop lc' ' Td d" ' I i' mo ,, ' ""per ur nu e grhity,. pulled the ..~. ' . 1 1 t:l'C)U "uce oft I" Press, " rlij v .In' ''"lin' ",/e8, Mllid iQ Il , solemn VUlr(\, Th.. glrl'lS ul3Dorollltrhonl w«s ver J' ""'\"('al ono 01 thi3 Il. ~ook a I '~or soet! '(1111 0n& '" S()O n I\n'e II tIUu.. os.u ' , hI'IB1Cu I .• ollt\ of the ( patillo,; lind r!!tu~ned It. \ - - - - - - - -.. r F run,," 'Whu qod hal JUllled lobret her, let net ' (or th 9 Illlllle sl,o 11111\ rorced 1111(l Iofo 11'1 · In the po t office to irnul~ QU'Hn for n Illfter D ' d I ~ .. b I I! nnl 0 I unconquerabl<:thonder-of IBllgh. , , I ' . l' 1.1 rOll y. II .. Illiper, n por8ull roug It J m D tI { 'II i &13 11 pul asullder.' •Alllenl! \V,,~ ('Ned by 6to ntly faded, Gild wns sllcceeded I.oy n look ~he hnd II bn,ll.y, w~i I . he curr.!! .. 1lI I) It is truly nSIQniMhl n:;- to b~hol d how ",hilltl he. roqllestcd hlll}' \o pllbU~iJ ter to Ie II ter Isc omfiture 01 (110 811n118: slI t: lIr trollgh. SloPPlll¥ ht tt~lea lO ro oh 1cUllIplete ll' the. hllblt Ilf ullneCCSftlry drulk. l'enn.ylvo~1l1i Gazelle. Frllllkhn i10aireU mlln from B---<:f. tllo whble iI ¥ell'lbly, as ~It.h n bllllliu vOice. of deO,p ,di~trc 8. , , 'Do yo u ~."IIIIL tl Ie monfty ver" badly1' It 0 11 the Bl"e wll!i!- \\Illen It , crleu ' 8hol .llg p03 lvnil~8 tllp. varluWl ' clu~ os ' OJ., 8101 mn- I thllt th\l plcce OIt{!hl · be left for h,'1 eon~ld"'--:-"' .......t-:..........v , • IiiU\LI DE·...",. .. - 1Il11 ' IUIY , IIU I( C1lO k ~,,\ .1 '0' d. ' c '~L'" as keu.f.. IUrs ....,11 Ice, HultgdllS mO'ltli ",nh ." Qhl atp\:ltlllg ' n n lly COlllmullltles. In ono )Vtly or onotht'r. 1oru\lon unlll the lI C tilay Wholl he wouhl Or, \\ .111 nwe Dltllll'. rai.. for th e ~u~d\!l1 ehQlIg in Iile girl's min· slI nll ' llt1rliory AI~ Ii,' ~rhe old t b y hod t iL I 11.l:lr !IIornln • nn,l cvc"llI~ !IcvotlQn,1Il'IV an o,lI!1wer. The p~rlOl1 ret urned I ' -:--I ffi I e lie f h (\ ,,\fe.,lod h(l~ " ' ' snlrl fwn ' CVO Il "kll'~' nil ,,(fS Of! Il b\lst - thplr nCJoll tluy aud Illluhrg"t sQorifl ~.-' thll thOle uppol". ~ " 6Ii ll' 1'~ dvt' Ir~ 11 r, IJ ... rtlot wos 81\11113' III liS °u d~' 0 I -0, yes IIII1'UIII, vorl' blldly. r lert lIfllT} WIl en I!lS! He e ll he h"u ,co~ll1d (or n glues From Ihe Ilglw~t grude to' ~!le 101111' I '<bill tFr~n khn thl .. oomm \IIIC"IIOII'-J I1n;o per• ':'he~1 : I~df~~I~r~i'~I~I~OI;n~\: doll~:~rsfl l WnllPf d ItP i n 11\) tlII Ct( SIIlIWI, 111111 u blall' o~ '~udy o~d ~1It ~~', Dlld ~t~O(\ SOllkt:ltlll' the druwlhg.room to Ihe Itllchl'll, fro;n tho 18llcil 'YOllr' plec~ ttllll' Ii lid it ;0' lie scumIp 0 J1 P t. I I ' ? kilt I OUII J uroulllI hOI (eet. lu keep lh em g,nger-Lre!! (\n /lIB "n~r ~~ry , ~ces . • le ITcrotll111lUII t u tIle I. borer dc~co .l~s ' Ihu lous nnu defollulu\'Y' ~o dQtermiilo whetllcr nile III IllS .hqCllIuk r, n pllor moo W IU vrlll, lJ hI d IIe lij cO\Jg IIltl ' I Iled) ft Cr, nl "" ~t k I)IT '1~8 ml!nn ng I ., 1" , ' ~ , '" , ' IJrOQu" ~I u11 y 'I rulll Slujl I" • I , lUv IUllivcr$1 11 ell~lolII -from those IV:h\) ~ iL lOll'" J should publish It r 1I0f I wellt hnmo ih hl\!d 111 lito n!'xI @qllllre. , turo nf 611/ (OLio und wnler, " " .. , o(siw I1Ul he'd lit Ihe will e thul h~s It ell 1'4 ked npllll th ll the eVI' UIIlIl" IlnrChnlled a two pAnor If/Cl4,~l1t~--tD'rrT+,,;n..m;tr,ot,-.-;""":J;...~' Tell ~Jr Gflilit Ihat I Will scI " t t o e Il1n t to dny , I J P d OCell1l und flp~oed bellent~ 11I1 InJlu ll sky, uL Ihe t. .. I-ur'!!, ond Wllh \yl1wr frym the '!Iurl Ile ...l by go-sh, abe 10veJl, it lib' doe.' I;oon. rll.n JU- c Il\ II • henrd te I of Uill WilIer an wus 1 d 'rl lJ J ., ~OWII 10 tllO ,) 11')10 ~ o l u co thCl\lde ves Wllh pump mil c my ~ lIpp e r; I then rnpped ll)Y' cos Sh6 k~pt Ictting l"ID, and' didn'~ any 1\1 nl' r('lIFi',' '\Ve h,lve 110 coal, It \\OS 10 buy co,d bound lu glVI' ll U fUIf trul I. Some 'IU\ln ti ll' fir ery hqllor th nt IIOS rurspd no oliu)T Belr ullln' my " reat ('o~t Dn~ ItliU ~OWI1 on Now I\1r, Ifl'Trto~ hnd a fivs d611nr LIII , "\ thOl I 1"lnlad tlo e 111011<:1" f"II.l\v ' como III nOli callod fOI IOIlI /mnde 1&IIOrC8 thnll 611r 0\\ n-tlo\\II, t 1I I t ronchoa Ithd fl oor Dlld : Iept ttll 'DIOrnllltr, when of llotlllnY bOLJust s Dlooked her lip. 88 though hl8 p.,rkrl; bllt, he ,telt ns II he QIIIIl,"t l ~Jr •• Lee s\r'ull k Ill'r handd 10actllf;r , ond With n 'III' III it,' whereuf10n our '.011 pc.!' Iho nliserulJ10 au do, where the lath~r Dlld IIIlother lo!lf nml IOU of WilIer modo III twas good abe t!leI. t seed it Ill, through menl, much • !frilled , ",t)., Ibell al/O d III II pllrt ,'" Ill~ II -11 .. did lit hkc 10 bo IIl trely , 1111 c:-.prCSl!IOIi or I,ain IV 11 OU.lut pOSSI(ljf frt"lld lurllcd IllS bnell nnd q11letl,y II II,ed [millhCr will ltavo rlllU, though th o chliUICIi brenkf.\SI. Fwdln;r cnn JIVe III t111~ mUI;- tho k ()y." ~ le. I'll fire tlltera II.t hIm, by ' Ih o door OPClIl!tl, unt! th~ sev e rul illio III .!rlnlt. Vie Dpprouehcd r f r " o" u "" Ivn to 'I 0 "Oll 0 Ill or I Illve r C" d I • t t0 goshl firmer voice, IS OOl ' ",ling nl\lyt lIo llD,t! 0 1' wt 01 I,"/,Iiley. I So I octlng ' \ (rolU, thl~ ' 1110' ' 11 1\ hN lip-, wlion . , , c your • -Uu \ I " 0111, H'll I .orm u a (j CfllllllU IlOll no Iny o~ n jl'lfe, uf., 1 ~ha~ r.Ii I 11"*6 [ he (lnl~l' , II: fen~ I Ie lpy '1\\". ~r) 8 I shoelll 'lkor'~ uoy clime ill (he 01" ~(, IIII ' mnll lid tr led to get 10 to tllo (1ri 011.llOu8e lh o forlorn inmale of prostilule my press to the ur oSeS of oorIlllpf't\'~I,/1f on yottr llllDd4 thuL I \VIall tu 801 !\~r. Ih rr,.)l r~r ~i1e fI\'Xt live 1Il1l1lHl'8, ~ " Jl Il'e Ille Iwo dolhlrl! lI[r. Gruut ~(lnt ', ul!sllrllll!,' b~~ 1,0 I,:()ultl r.ot listen tu It ,vlneb j1u IIs hun IISlhlt! bes~ frlf'ndwho ,s l rufltJoo Ilnd ulJll ae 01 th~s &lIlJ, (or tho Tn!! no~ SJJELL ' Lllu:.-Somebod1. , nroduce. ' yo, IllS thollght~ II er() b" } . HOIYII~ not ftllllin ' rill WIIS l'pposeil to I1lLernal Impruve~ epClIli!ing of the Jlurr.rlJ,g propenliUeil or ,. I I • 1.0 II I I' />It '1'1 1 • Cl'rllilllg uougll }u cUUl'ey to hIm ulldls- s ke of ~\lUllng Il mQre tomforlable 8ub· Y I • , Y"ur spc~kcr oncc slood 1l1'l101l1: th l) II togel ,er SQLISnC Will IIm8. Ie 'Got! t.11J~s lUr Grentl' Tho eXtll4mll' IM lltS ' onu thought Ittrnlll' \Yos n wicko" ,1 II 1 • ' lin ,~e. atly8~ • I k d' d d \ ' COl'ereu, the II 'con , o 111", Lhe ulI·corrodlllg 81stonoe ' ''"f L 'ff t Id b d lIleenllOO, II lid cuill'r" ~I II 11" noth in' IJllt " ~ II. IIIb mor co.u 9 constructc • reslICctcd member/! or tho bor, N ~J, mo.e lUemu er WU8 "poor 1111111, un lice \l t,OIl frorn 1\frs 1.ce WIIS u'lvollln tary. than' l!ilit, IIC oroullie~ n 5e~t In CUllgre 8 III mOM)' Ild 8®1l 08 eorn~d~l\e >I' ua Jlll t 011 the purl orlrarnl'I, to I\I\UO I qne dol · II IIHilY n/111 I~ (,xl\don. None of his fdml· po~:on, n II ' I ' l b d IV!liclt would thruw an Immenso lIoID·sholl. Illr \VoS duo, u l!1I~h of ti ll nt leu rs markeJ tv e\ er ICll rn ot! 10 rtlQlI bllt olle buy, ond t ~ IV clmtO Y 111~tlre Ilrc l" 1O,.seelm 0 e e JI! nrrlod ])\Jc. ronllu illng filt~en pnesllnjprs, from /:it, far t ...,o tlOIl£I"ClI~I(lnlll penod8, Aud more unKdl' l cd_01 tillS Illct k tllaolh.I' he QOllljllued 1118 vuiel> -sin~lIIg -, ,,1010 t Wish I hdd 8enl him tho fivo the e f1 ~c t th is 1111101) 6UPP'Y o( Illolle~ 'lcnd"ld skoal UI\IIIIc:" and thell \\Clltto CtmlllC 0 I , lom$(' VI'S "y 1,0 mOllst"r The followlllg bcnutl ful onel lruo 80n,LI' Louia to Boston ill flvOlllinu\es With ao ! ,. ' I II ' dUll ttl 'I I I', ' " . ' VICC, ulleml, eralico. A look Ol tho grM 1', menta "re fro III Iho pft I u( tIl t ' I r I I. Itt' h ~ f I IIlt(l a tone expre slve of: dOll p elll \;011 I u ar~, 681 r. ctrlQ, II eng, I , III prll~lI~ed ho received her porl illn nud lu dy vlrginlty ,_ W ei/ern Pnprr . I ~ d n (lIn n 1 Ou80 U 0 cer olDty t at ,ourteen O\!t 0 t 19_ ft .. , ' ,"'·1 'K0 won t 't 10 which l.elr laBt potntlOll$ • Illtruduced ,vrltpr Uremrr , lvllOSO o '" C·,.>rvll_ ,l fill Id be kill e d b lOBIon. 'hI). OIlCP. lo8,1 II t() nderly l(lI'ed wife allel t\\ ... au".,,)' I',rors"J. IIlUll 111' \,I. Wlt!rout lru tin" her vOice witb wor"~ ' hur _._ __ - , Frftdcrlka ~ 1 ~ .. n wou y lietcx~ ~ II e musel " I t"II' " ,, ' Ihelli, hll8 but" ton.purnry ellecL. They tiilns OII"'ht well be () II I oj I ~ ~ Is b y tIe I''''' n b IWllet clnldren. QUI nil dlll~e hooQrs, /til 8 I urI ler. neu UII ay to ul'p ly lho Ilr~S d l llg want III "'o~t m ll'"I"'Jue. • • , ~ c mo , Ie ru oe l e e r eea &!oxpreBI om· ' h .I ~ ~ I • '1'h 6 fll llt 1~,' he at I('nglh cxclBlInell\ - C DIY "0011 COlllmP.11Ce Ilrlllklllg AgnlD 011 hllr~ nil lao apl'rbprllltB ore ihey twu mony of its sbl'JI .. wour~ at OOCI) be at II prillpium; t Iie e bl 1:8 lOgSJ AVO I'llpl1rlc~ ,rom 11111 , "hlline. Tho 11Icngo I' cm eta I' eur' t Ie nn· ever, RUt! lilelr b"'lItc~ formll toller oloJ\g hMes' 1:<=-.- -HiIO ... DR unwurthy Its rctli in Ihelll: his co n· Sl.llrtlllg u , It. GrRnl ~ money, 1I00310r, hAS ' r , '" I ., OIlIle and wllat. III lIIoro ho sllllil hove II' the slreels , ulJjects o( plly q ll~ shRlnt'. Deceive not ono anolhor ill sQln\l tJun ..s elltu('nttl t IIre\\' I11m 1)11 becBuso he IRu • I \ve~ A IUIlII wh u,80ll1e felY mOllth6 a~lli li wntten 10 hi Rl lll h cr, \t'lllUg her hi K Tlo qlJ('StlOll 1M (re ~ III I ked nn I ' .. Su 611)':ng, llcfflot tuok up 11l~ bllt bnd ue forc hlld Ii clime In trouble \\fIUI 1111 0 II. .xperlOl1ce "" follu\\'5 _ I 'I e Y o~ ,c nor , II great. Ono SIngle he hilS Leforo .. dobasod lum!! If ant! tlI 6IPrll(.('d them., ' " '" I It I iii , 110111111" bo done lQ save lhose \ liD hUVll no now tll. ll!rboid II wholo marr oJ J·te A "110 dldll't titeR" to be meRn.'" A'ld mOre th"n "ll, lie who hnd love,1 him e Il~ u ce, dl"pused pcrdon, had he 11 lorced 10 tlerenu We~t" rI' pcoplB llrol dt'lI1h 1)11 otllquotte. I i ~ k' I I. , I!\!votedly, tile mill her of hi t ",o bllbe , 'Did YOII get the money, Oha~jcsl' snld IlIlIIdOI( by menns of Ihe I~\\. lIe hod Ybu fun't 1('11 II Dlun h~rl~ Ih ut \i'e: IJ' 5 Wllh- con,lro overl tie r QPpCtlte6, rem 0 drun - s mllll caueo h08, ofIon groot cOll8rquenceR A writer iii the Durlington Berltln ela8Y' Grunt 01 htl boy entered ti,e shop. 'l'here Ii d nrd 8 grnva SOllle suy , shut. llil 11,0 lnv· Fuld 1101 your nrlllS t\l (,eth~r nnd Sit Idlo. t1lnt III 0110 or tJle bnck towns of a neigh. , ' " Wft8 forced to ob&ndoh 11 Ill, I\1\d eek on ' employed j)1r. Hemol 10 do II hilt wus reo oul I~hllllg A rc,v ill'S n~n , n ,"ull was } I I Jli dr • was a gCJoJ t1l'ul uf CQrue8Ules III Ule I ) I ,. ) I crns. Dllt lint \\ i I not e oct tho deSire l'La.zIllt'ss IS tho devU's eusbioll' Do not bOnllg Stoto, whero it II tho COllOm lor ftKylllm III her f.ther'~ hall e. And why? qUl dl te III Ihll cusr, for \Vhidl .~rVIOQ8 the Ie illig two 01 118 lie guors II my loorlllg I 'rh e 00 Iy nnswer Ilot I can b0 glv- run mo ch trom your hume. Onll's OWll Ille dl·• lrl·cl SClloollOO'oller to 'boord ro"nd.' , s h U N n u k e r ' . 'oneil, I d rosu I. " Cu"ld r lIecoml'tlo chon"'ciJ \II II few ~ horl ' churge wn~ ilve dlllhus. The bill IU n "relty Ilirge stury. I I ., r I II ". 'No ~Ir ' rel) hcJ th e lad. I S I' I ' I ell to tIe IIIqury 18 em IrBCeu III 0 ,ew henlth, or more werlh thun "old. MallY a lu bWlng Inoident ocoulred, and I. YOOfS I 'Vhat i'low"r \\ ns t1l1're 6U to d e - ' lJeeli rendered U rew duys before and L le 'trullger, I lilt 8 n II ' lOpI per, dlil'S • E I' t o ' .. ~' . ' 'Dul'nl <IN lhe lIIoney l ' L I\ ord s: ~ tllb IRI un A51' ).l,m FOR nUNS;:- m2rr1ogp, my rrl ond, be"lIIs \illO a tosy vOUllhed lor by the I\ighc s t,. outbori ~y. A bI!e nle that rby feJ!uw.belo"'s ~IIUrJlcd," Dlun. who wus poor, (cit vcty nnxlus to poy 'ny lhere, strunger, i"Y8 If! ,..T I • k d b J , " ••1 'Nu Blr.' "'1' fIr ., .IInDS. ,. e lo ve 1ll ~Iltutlon8 or thl8 m morn in!:, ont! then ful)s UIVIIY Illte a ~DOW yenr or two ogo, on Illlotmfnt b.Clllg mDill! an" even the wire of 1I~y' ' bo.om Ulrnl..... it Ho hn~ th e monev nil nlnd!! up \\Iulin Aud In tho tWill .. Ing (1 no eye ,0Lillu for tho lllsnllC, th" deof a'nd dumb, tho wrellth And \Vh 1 B II d In tho \1!.uDI mllnner for the benefit of ,the '\Vosll'l Mr. Hernutinl' , u dollllr. 'flout dollur tlfrs. Loeowed h ltll mysetr III till' ditch, a pedoct quodrlipc~, d 'til I I tI II 'l Y II Cell! C!. lhe mnrtlc .IUY, hO,ftrl.@lrlckcl' from me l AI"!!, my 'Yes, ! Ir,' uut be sUld il \Vnsn'l ., (lllor, un I IC, '" Iy III) Icve lern ,or lIeg C!ct to bo nfl lYe ploaset! ",Ith eac\) school.mistress, It huppllnlld tlat the pro. frl nds, II \VIIS a mnd llldul:,r 'nee III i"toxundeho hnel promi.ed lu give It 10 him uur' Upon IInother oeoslon" snys 1 to n man 1 Ih o miserable IRellfllllll It III Q motter, e I I ,,_" E d portion of ono mOil WIIS J'u-t t"~'o doy. and • • d1 k B r I' I ent to.dIlY.' ' / .1 F I 01 I I d . db' d " Ollf'r 0 tur murnogo 08 "V,oro. n eovtlr ., ICltll1ll' r rI 8. ut .or t II~ , were on t 118 uO)'. ur lour'1/l'le III WOlle, ex· BO W o,ore. ns a womlln pueBe t\ It til ofsotious conal t! li i\': 0 ~a(r. Tho teocher- 8111 down to diol1er 'Oh dellr! J'm sorry!' como from prcLillg hor to eOllic m, but now hnd llell rly 'ThulISll') 0 6lJi!clnlclll 01 )our \Veate rn J"I~l \Vor y erll on.-~l • nlwllyll my c1"Iurllll, to pleosoone Another; Iionerilble an~ uAeflll ropr!lselltolivo 'Ill the b t tu t me.lt G d • (Ill the tlllrd dllY, Dnd IVIIS bp.gilllllOg to eat " Itror ker, 1I1 a dl'preasod wlce. I bl\lI, of Iegil!lldtl 011 , and lile ~ed with II SlOCml1 glYl'n up, 'I'here wos ftnother little bill af \VOIllOIl, IS IU' • U II 108111nO, • oop 0 ID your when the mlln of the houao a~dre88ed her' 10011. 0 IIt.d WIth II \\110 IInll clllld;cn. A woman WIlB sluh,,, III Grant's sbop dollorslI'llich hail boen ~ellt in LO 'You ore nfra.id of (eVI'r IInu ague, strllll' ,.. • Ihoug~tll Lov .. h nol all your IOW8 011 tod b h 08 {01l()w8: But I have riot toM YOII nil. Arter my when tho boy come III, ahe hud llllIY tllleJ\ him, nuu he hl1d j\l1lt cOllclud@d '0 1:0 lind ger, uln't YOll?: !nys be, A Gooll ODC. ~YJ for, fcm am or t. nt mnrr.ago haa liS 'lJQdllm,1 euppoee your' lloardlllQ' time I, wife &c!paraled frOIl1 me I snnk r~pl dly. A and II'QS lennl njf on the couuler, a look J1~y thnt, whcll Mr~. Lee c"IIcd wlIh tile 'V r} much,' SDY S to 'Vo learn Ihl on the day of vollllg for 'til·morrow, ulIlI Its Gay after to-morrow, "at" ~r IIObriuy broo"l:t too mnnv terFI uTI! ulsoppoitltmllnt w•• In her rlioe, bnlnnclI "f the money, OIlP. dullur willch '\Vell,' replied he, 'tliot luuy ie my wire, 'Li~Qnse" at Clnclllnoll, on old toper went 100. 'S,poro,' 08 we mlly SRY, fu ol for ule out when you hnve elltell half • dinner; " G I II I k I (; ~ .• I h b but as I don't wlnt to be mean .bout it. 'It CUIa', be helped, Mre Lee,' saId rant. sho re ec l\ed from the shoetllilker. l\lr. and if you dont eppololtlze In two mlhutf1S fttogglmng lJ(1 tu t 10 po S, Wltl 0 tic ot lD 1'v nlor, 011 'uer, my .. aug Iter, w at I 0 t"eUlllns: t drallk mort! deepl lind Wid rarely, If ever, free from the ~~Ivllderinll' 'I Willi IlIto ofgetung th e muney fro1l1 hIm. Grollt. by tbe honor of 0 ge~llIt'mQn, Ih0l50 tw~ Ill S Il nod 011 which was prlllted, III bOld l word \Viro ('xpreIR08. Tllo ,mottled wo° ,ou may cot, if vou Choo80, about alllllucla H Ilif lUI hour Illter, and the (locket book plelols,' wilicl. be held cocked in 1118 hnnds, chnrncters, 'No IIcen.e.', ~ liquor, dt'llier mllll IS lhe busuo ntl'lI domestIc fllitb. In as usual.' elfcctd uf partin I intoxlclltion. At Ins t, J He I1Ol'crdlsa.ppulllted me bt'rore. Gall In \leMmo PO abandnned tl10t m" ~'iro, urg d to·morrOW, and I . \\ III try und have It for of lIIr. Hemot \\1118 no 10llgor cmpty.- ~"a" cure you of Ihttl tliso rd er entiroly.- on nol lclDg tho olu mall 8 lickel, Illflulrtd: I her IlIllIUS be mu.t be able to cOllfitle hO.le - - - -....~.-.......- J .. I dr b bl A 8eJ("Dc~tro,er. by her frll'nde no dOubt, filed an DI'picoIIOll you.' HIS client hpd called and pnlll JIlS \)111 ..... So don't feBr 8trllnger!' " Do you know W lut !ort of lIcket YOU 11l1l omlly- ell e to enlrU.t ber with A preacher in O,hio lately GODlDludic•• for" divorco, nnd 0.8 couse !lOuht I.oe rendiThe \\'OIIUIO looked IrOlli.ol~d 08 "',ell as 'I'he live. dollon lind conle bock 10 hllll. So ( knelt down, and polllely apporoaiz- are gOIl:g to vote1' j , tl~e ke~ or hi' heart, ~s well Dl the , key ted the followin,Blalement to tile OMi,. Iy 8~lown wilY It should be granted, a .ep. dl~o ppoJllteel. Slowly ~he. turned. a\Vny -From. AI l"ur-. llorll~ Ga.cUe. cd. I acllllire Ibl 8 WeHLern C<luntry lIjuch; 'Ycs, ~eplled thll lopor, r goes ror No Ilia elllmg r?om. Hli ho~or anu IlIs.home tlOll "flN'~r: arlltlon 'lVU Icglllly declared: alld to oom- lind lelt tho ' &hop. A rC'w nlinUIl'Q ofter ••• but darn me If 1 can etond au much etl- Lice nse, - I wllnt 10 jzet the d- stuff out are UDIl~r IU8 keflpll,'l-bli well·bellYl' Ie 'About tlurty milel (rom my reaiden..... ph'te. my dlsgrl/ce. lit Illo cOllgl'O'.\Ohlll her dllpnrlllrO , Horriot collie Ill, IIOd IIftell now to JIRke liormonl COlltemphble. queUe; II alwnys wkes tne ullllwllrce. of my \\8y? In hor banel.. Tilink of this! And yo a yool/I man o( intemperate h,MII b.d eleetlnn I wu leI'\, off the ticket, a8 unllt lome 'lVorda 01 .pology I pRitt Iho bill. Wo hllve beon IIIterellted in DOtlClIIg the Not 110 bnd. 'Vo knCJ\Y of scores who sons, be falhen of ramllice. Act 10 lhal kept hi. pal'COLa io con.tln fear rer Ie... to reprelent the dillrillt. 'Run III)U get tbis bill chnngct!lIlto sil. etylein ~hlcb d,lferent wrllers descrIbe the .,. want to get rId of tho evil, but wbo bnve your w vel sbo1\ elteemand love you. ral weeka, by bll threlltenin M2011l11ellt. Wben I beard of th •• now ll'Iovement • of the commencements of our Phtlip neDe~)" PrllCUce: • nol tfro nerve tu wlIhallnd the temptatlon8 ••• ~ , ver for me,' lIald the shum~ker 10 IllS ~, In the bre of Plllhp Henery, It 18 8(11.1. cunillln'Iy IllrOIYO in their pal,'ls.-"t...~. At leortb, about 811 weelta einee. .be the grelt tempel'llnce CIIU!!!, at fitet sneer- t~le bloment tbe cUltomer httd deported. collegee, ",bl~b are now 60 I1nlveraally 111I ed I ' un" FrleDd~blp. •• day ruBbed at hie rather with • •ton. I. ed, then wondered, !i.lened at la~t, nnd 6'N • d h b I kiD' Illece, Say. une wrtlor, '1l1e oralor IIl1d his wire conner.1t y pray togel,. uw Organ. ' LIeut. Montgomery had .oen muetr mlh· bll hane! exclaimiD'" _It tit' I ..." tlie' , O\\', 84J e, I I lOOn .. I e II vcr wu I d' d r I he h i t er, morn ina and ",cnlll':.' He m.de eon· • I '.' r • nilly threw mYJlelf upo" the great ",ave I d ' L' J d k d IJ to io e sp eo. per.ormance, t I"t as Ie· .. • ••• tnry servIce. Howover, t 10 'lVara ...ere Belllr Intoxicated be fell forwerd o~ the 'b II' d I I f b I ' lice 1Il II t.n I, 'til e ,two 0 a,. ened. to witb \mlla....!n ... ttention lor lip' 'ClenelS of c10eet wor811lp and abounded. nard of BeUe r.. d I h d • g It 10 do but louo, at WI' ro lUg Oll,,"r , n lOpe 0 elllg Xu. Fee, and three to IIr. 'V.,v.r DctlJl ti'" .. it. It wI'tbe ceutiull aud advice ~'hl(lh I . over, Ilob .e ad llnou Ib 1\' , half .A Suk, wblcb b. cmil'd In bi. tarried by It far out or the reich of dan· ,h.oo T 11 it W J wards of lin hour Illd • hiM, diet.Ulsed the , I h' eli'ld d Joo - - - , II' \018 an loc~dulous doll', III beat 0 coul IroUg ,9 on pI,. p.ntllooOI poelet brok.· • "I/Iee of tho aer. r dId ot bop" With a valD ... ~ street•• " t. ea"er lb-t Qm bt'81 mode 01 promotiu&, our 1lltl!lectualld- he frel\lIent,. pve 10 II I rell In wallietenina to IIlVonderful l tory told bY j He waa one'd'1 taklog bll eale ot hla tay. bro1ren II.. en'~H hi' boIl.r ....... It did for me all an4 blore tIJlll I could ob.\lged to , 111m for h.villlioaned it t~ we nncement, and rnl.ing tho ".ndard fri!)II~, 'De lllre TOU 100Ik to your Meret one n ; io whiob hll dnugbter Ma. ern, wLen be ObN"ed • Itrlneer evidently an arte~ iA "" lAd alllift';' ... . . bave iIe.lred, It Nt 10.' ooce more upon thlll ~rnlRg, and IoOrry tbat J h.~ t •• ml!lItal cOhtvatlOIl,' It will be seeo tbl duty. keep UI.t up ~h'le,ver you itol the ry bQ~e a conaplcllou. 1"'rt. Joe looked a (oreigDcr piing inlllDtl,. .t him, The m, rNt, once more millie I 11110 of me,- !lI1Ich 1ft lb. bO\118 ... bfD be MDl (Of 11 IP intelleelilal cuhnre could be dlacoued an lOul cannot pl'Olper In .lICJIec~ of 11.- wile IltId doublrul, 'If )'ou dou't Lieutenant .ppeareclnot to notJee.tha.. io. A yev Itr lObri"lJ. ell'll"' _"\100 to my bour 110.' bour and a balf, or up .... rde. :'fo doubt it Apottae, aneraU, bel'IDG at \be dotet lit you rna, pin tbe LOUM and uk Ihlelen. Illd abll\ecl blll posltJOD; bat the prof...ioa, and lil"ent prayer to mOl ., I bad It, lira. Elder. Bat I a,· could be 00 ncb an oecalon. but wflat door.' 'IOd talt. it from ber awn II.... .tranger ,bif\ecl ble poafUoo too. and etlll aloae "-ItNa,th I. rrefJ pd.. rNII. . . . . . 7" that I baft DOl, . .1&I Mr. W,a"er, dote the 'GtIllo ..,. 01' the ...... "-fore •• Joe took hi. up at hi' word, lbe old with uQblaDClbed . . . ttand. TIala ... tlOD, h....... to . . mub daat J Iibe tallar,·1 fa" aat lIIe leal dollar 'neo1op:a1 ~(7' '11 H.,pI_ I. nol to b fGUIle! 10 the . . man fon_.. oa to _ the retalt, too much lor IIoatplller1wh«J ruM .... be; aI., DOt _ rIctIaiIt . . . . ..,.. . JOII GUW bl.-Bill Nil \ooIaOrIOW ,cnllll" OtIulrtae,_"" pGIIIbIJ tile I DOl 10 til. bah; DOr iD IGaad Joe ~...., _ted" prouhetl ICMIDW... lo...., @C&
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..etcolnl n, !tu.",th he a.keillbal It IIIlaht b.....4 •••cond tIme DOW for thl purpoll8 or ~ct. h. I Ch-\r atcid~d that It ~qulred tL Ullanl",OIlI (1Ollaont "f. Jlle 8 ';lIlItl to do 10' Mil...... ~~ rrell and Clemen.. Wflr. in (.: vor of lettini It ity over. ' , Mr· 8111e1ds Intr""u~d"8 retlolul\on which he Intll)ded a8 liD Imlln mellL to ~ ro.o1u\101. 01 Seward, pro~ldlllr th~t a com 0e. nllt~eQ of ~hree Senator.. be .pPllioled b tlle Chair, 10 Inlroouce Loti l. KOleUlh ~ Ihe Senate of Jito ¥ nitea SIGlel, fIO" ~'ld Lhe 8.mO\ COur~e WIlS UUI'I!I"cd III Oie Q~.e of Lnyfoyoue, each I.>ronch of 09 0 ll'resl roo county. Cleved hiM eopua\olf, and hd propused V;\LENfINE NJCHOLSON, Sec'y. ., Ihol8 610ulor course bll now obs~ rved for , TilE DO,LLAJI l\IAG&ZI\f1! for No\' ~ mber for the IIlt"UIl \l1 ~ltur Ihe,receplloQ of KOSSUlh, \\ ho wos Llk u lis predecessors. , now tho COI'V OF "ClJlCVJ,i\R. guesl of Lhe notion, lIlId fhould be reeelvcd It lij a v~ ry lutereStlng number. und Irnled as 8uch; lie ."d bo WAS sorry . Dult Sill -The olluse or 'femperllllCC ule re80luuon or Mr Foote hud bee II Will;. FLC)\VEIR B AIiKE1, or YOllth8' 111 01110 has reached 811 Important crl»18 druwn. ailll wos surpri~ed Ulnt tb SenntOI i\Ionlhly 1I10n)IOr, IS the tltlo. of a v pry IIIThe people, by dlroct voto upun lhe Single frolfl, KenluQky, ~r. Underwood. bad ob. eeung pubilcm llon (,Ir tho ynung rolkd. propoSlllOll, h~v'l u bolldhed the r.lcellse lu Ihut reso lulloll ror he lult SUre 18 edited and pubhK hcd 10 PilI~b urgh, Sy stem, Qlli! nUlhurtzed Ihe L 'gilioturo JO III 110 place oil tl1l8 onrth II oold Lu ~l. Pu., by the R ov J J Buchanon Term ~ , IOdepclluilnt ulld th eir fomd,e& cUlllfurtu. provide by low oglllJlst e l lis re~oI Ll nl: from meet WIth a wormer or lU oro ~ n. one copy Ohe ye ar, '16 Cents ble No IUlillurd 8\v Uy lllg a des put's rod tho Iralltlc In JIIt(lxlcntlllg liquorR. TIllS thu glU~ lIc receptlol), lhull III 'Old KOI\ uve r the fl ee ol\rrh uf God, would hllve tho IlCIJOIl IIldlllll.led deullleu progre..s in pubhc tucky , ==-= power 10 turn 0 roo1lly out, at hl8 pi Oil S· 6l'ntlllloht In the fight direction, which Mr. Underwood dl8cllll#leu having any -;::==~===~_=-=u~ lICe. ijhollhl IIldplre tlle frwnd s 01 the nuae \~ Itb porRollnl OhJOII\loli to gl ~lIl1: KQ~~uth Ill. e~r. FOr'lI,u ,.. MlnllH VI ~ ltor The \ holo of our western eoun\ry 18 rres II zell I, Oltu,. Sllm\l Iute to renewl'u" exer· ty \\ a!cl/nle. Whllt he obJoctf II towos lJi& TUE QUESTION OF TilE AGE. ' kept bllck wnnl uy L1l1 B monopoly. Oh iO UOItS .or t IIe spec IIy COll8UIlIII II on 0f tI1011 Governmont d uillg unylhllllC umIClul)y In hot\ but two nllilion s of pe6 ple, willie she hopes Tho I'X p(,flence of lhe Pllst de· the mlltter, olld therefore he objected to to huhl our fellow mOil m bonijllge, (orcl· 1I1n EDITOR --lIQny poople hD\e Ihelr I I d I' fir II IlIUIIslrutC8 conclusively Ihat tlle E'viis ul Ihe resol utlull belD" laken In\o consldera_ .. . hobules, lind nlnny hobbles aro sl'verely IDS on enong I .or I leen 011 lOllS bly or otherwise, III a Sill nglllllst God driven. Thero are mony questions of reo Thore mil t\'o some hnllt IL~ed to the me- IIlt omperUlioe cannOI bo t'Jl~ (),ullll y (lrrl'st· LiCon ul Ihls tillie, I1l1d it WIIS accurdl,l/llr rt is 1I0t ncceeRn~y for 119 to ellter IIIto n b I hi tl ll d r hopoly Qf tho eUII, nnd (or tillS purpose ed , wlll l~ the trull1"L III IlIliI~h:nli llg hn 11I1t.! O\l'r dlscussIQn of all lho qu('stlons connected form efore I Ie wor nn ~e n V~Cl1te50 Ihe Legislature sht'uld be petltlolled. Let uor8, qe 11 bevl'"lIgll IS 1 01~rBt d lUI' Foute's reeolutlon, d!l(l18f1n~ tllO \ Ith this lrupo rtunt subject for there Ilre ally particular nlensuro CUI.81 or It t Ie nuts· I LI e lk ' I fL .' L Thr clumlillt Ouu nty 'l\' lOpor ~n c Soc,· comprolllido mellsure uf lu t BeM luli u del. , I t of tl e o"e. Tltere IS ,ubJect which t Ie Ie p 01' e 11 5 ,or a illY 0 unu un· but IN In tIllS commumty, that huvo IIO~ 10 I I.. .... ,~ " ItilMn. pru\ Idlng thnt no aile sholl be per e ly,lIl1prC$ eu With tho not " Ri~y of~ lr6nger mite seLLlument Of tbe IIlu~e[y qurstluD, In lomo meosure b~en convinced of tho With me, 18 Iho qllcstlOl1 hVlle Nineteonth I I (l I ,. I k W~II t Ion tu en up. . ' Century, wllh uno exccpti~lI. First of 011 milled 10 Il~qulre more thllll three hundr\,d CIl'IH Imo enuctlll III IIIve 1)1 ·IIUft' .. fucl tltut \lhe IIIsllll1tlon of Sll1very IS wropg, • d ncros ufter Ihe 4th of July 1S52 .LeI form ofu IUI\. Illltl tled A ll d l to IllI pprcss -----'--:-"-nn , t I I In saeklilg thl! \elovallon of society Ed Qqd thnt It should bc obohs hed n ut llC Cungrcss be potlliol,cd to freo lhe Pubhe lntelllpernnc,!, the pro ll ~l o n s 0 '\lIlli, 1t W.UlUlfG'l'OIf, Dec !l nlere bc"~f that IL Ie wrong, 18 not o( much I~IC mehorallon of huma'l misery 18 u- D ltd I Is lJelelveil lire ll~cquute 10 Lilt! uccoIl111h. h. HO uoE -The Houso met at II o'clo k 1'S\40mlllllt 11 draught of a bill to empower cuhon 'rhlllllllderlies 1111 buman prorr/cls OlUallllU 11111 C I]lIhlltlllel to Mtlln scI· ~ , . nvu ll Action 18 necwsSI1ry, ever v moulI· • .. 'tl I Yo' " I I mont of the (!Jil l BO II ..""I ' lmllliJll lUle,l1/gor. I tl "ilk r Int odnccd lilO stnnd e~ ecutlve to opefl ~ego\l~tlon~ wl lh Ille ' d ,I .• " r' t~1 b iI Ilnd I hQve no 1,01111 10 Illy' measure 01 tn. e lS on y. urs 'u. IIImalll y, W 1(:/\ 10 8,.e e r.. • Ing , \lr.e propose an" apDroveu u ,.or Ie I I · L A 1-IINE 011$ /lurt, shollld be. ul u,le thrQlIgh ont tile cQmlOllte 5 The followlIIg gentlemen Drlb!!h Goverllmen~ (or openmg ~ho hlh· failing of Ihl~ dire ~VlI, must be corned creu8IDg hUl'Pllle8s that 18 not pluced upun l' S fn ~ollcIU'ilo n, Mr' E~ltor, I p~r. Slote to .ccnro Ihe p.8~Oge of lhld bill , or uro lho Chulrn.iIIl or the CllmUH\tocs. mu, of TehuQllt ~ co. 'tho bas08 or the ' IJ 1I1lu.• \V I10 1\ ill IICCOU" II 8 II tl li S, execp the supertor Inltollectuul aud morl\1 devel pose to IIddress ... tlie people ., 01 'Vnyn el!vl 01 ulle sllilI lor in Its pr6\\I~lon8/ UI \110. ~I)m· On F~relgn.AfTlllrd-~t!'. Dally or Vir nrrongemenl& nro to 110. tha~ Grea~ BritaIn It bo thoB~ \Vho nre oi'po$ed to tho en. opment of the peoplo UII lI!ondoy evclllng, Detomber llll, III Illg e('s~lolI of Ih e LI'gldltltllre. If Ibe ; Oil ,"Vuya "nd lIIllun_ BUltUlI, of 81.a1l conett uct a cunoi \1 Itilln a given pe· I ya ent or hum"n hft ngat AllllltAre s Next to tIllS, und scnrcely IIlrorlor llUt III I f I pr~sellt \vi nlcr I' nut IIIlprovI!d no he.mn l b O" S I a .~m ~ d , ~ ffi ~ htJlmu n oud 19 the uat appru. hll f 0 t lid grcBt I1lld redecmlng mep8l1ru ' y A a 11m3, 011 ummorce- 0YI1loro of ur led III t his subJcctshould \IllI te, and work e cocy t ", J All the peol'le bave to do Is to ubluin CliO b(' had (or two venrs DUring Lh'd New York, 011 TOfritortC8-Rl ch~nJst)u; to the III\erOsl or the u"dcr prlllt\o n or 011., C' Il1lnl~-D" D• •, tuklD" " in unl· '1'1 I thoI 8011 among r thu 111 people -b hnll bpII give 1I01ice. I Will bo on hall lilli e BIllthoU81l1id VIctims In Ohio will filld UII EloClluns-DI"l)uv, ., ~ n. We hope to see Ihe dav when 011 IQ earl I In lie ~ourcc 0 a IUlllon eu • 110 accIdent prevelltlillt. drunkards' grqve /lild the aflO~ 01 leis , on Publ c IOlldd~Hull; on Post IIl1lce mcn sholl b~ rcrrurded 8S Ir~e ' lind el]ual 5181en~, and os hose who eorltrol nil lhtl ,Irunknrds \\ III u~ relllfurccd uy6tX IhUn~lllitl -()Id~, on P I"tflCt "I Oo lnmblll-FlckllD', . , I .. t t' , fQod or mo.nkllld, III ell'ect, hold the pooplll -t00,60 .ur as S oon"l:! cn for tho l\tl~nll VI. ltor recrtJlt8, 'Ve IlIlond to aaii meetings, ou JudiCllury~lIJ"Lurnlihun. 'on nevolu. , •• , subject 10 thellr Will, 80 Ith0801\1' h~ holld the 0 tl' r N I 90 L Wllhllut deloy,lII every Tow.nslup nud VII LIQourv C;luhnll-l\I~Donuldl 1111 In,hlill IfdespuLlc domilllon of tie eo , til t Ie ex· n 10 ollernUOIl 0 ,,\'em ler tM, n IIgo In Ollr CUUnL~, dlticun ' tho morlts 01 rllu B-J u hl1 ~ OIl, ul A Il1bllln ,· Oil MIlitary aluslon 01 olher~, possess~Ian almost obso· )l1oellng convE: ned III rhe AlIl1d(,IIIY II. Hur· 8U Id b III I.y t IIe 11\,,8 " t II""1e F p~ U kor. II t 0 ur uiruin-llurt. 011..... "'il ltllI-,. ,.., eOd ~ ICI' , Oil •• 1 . • lute po,ver ov~r tltem. S lokespenre tru· viiYdlJllrg, In. Ilccordoncn .vItll II prll~luus '"tl II un. ta be lh or· uul u/lqtrll-" ~ It " cQmmunII ,on",I couso pu tullto n 0 r '1'\l Ullt asec' on SQltI Ihnt 'ho tukes my life \\ ho tilltes otlv('rllslll1lon~ .. '110 obJeot or Ihe mc e tlll~ , , I b I 1 ' d • d A SI S ' f III)j!hly Clrculbled flrovllll1 ita I1l1n c tml,llll Roads IIml "nul~-Ru""hIOIl, uf 1I1,ItDU. tbo mean_ \V ~\'lr!l y Ive; on lile c· to Or~lIRlZO on uti· R\ery OC!ely. ur Into 11 Inw. 1'!a1l1 th ere IO~' be II general tl n . ~_ utlor. ' resslun and shrVBtluo of Iho eople of thl} cotlntie~ of Chntoll nntl \Varrpn J G, 011 011 ,.-tatOIl", Irelnlld all t ile lor 0 0 muUtt) eli In JCVOll6UII was Cft e I Ie r, nil bid , d I I ~, I I I ' TI II Itn Il"ptoe of tho III,IQ ~ ea 1IIf,r tamller· Chnlllu)118 "f bolh HulltW~, WIIS Ih un lo· l uur 0\\'11 c;ountfY, ore ue to tie munopo y J'jIC 10 son c Ig~on os secretory. , I' lUte!! ilion III tl 10 sevorllI counlll,'s 0 f',II' un and ar~r 80 'llle "llpu ....,LI11 11 wu of Ihe 5011 by a 11m, to Iho oxclusiou U Ohllirmlln stilled tho object 01 the lIIeodng <! IC I f .1 'tt ... I" I H ' ,; 11 • b I f d" I k pl/lt" \ III rtCllu.O" Ie clI-u ~ e II) yuur.• 10, wh tlll tie Ul15e pfu cecucu tu ' 1\ a r \) 0 ureSd, 80 1110 ot IIlrS spo e In olhe rs. f tl ~ nl i f 0 ol'\iJ)ty ore 110 1 nlre~d) vlgoloue\y enjf!1geu e l ~ctloll of n chdpl.lIl1, Ilnd o n~ r fuur An a~le writor on puliliual Ellonomy IIivur o /lIe )!r kilt on 0 a 6 OIO,:: liS pru- In lJIB \\ork, plel1~e nonrer WillI those lIIU. lor tell clllltllllllles, Iho R~v L 'F .... ruu e prcaentr d (I I·realll\) IIl ~ I . hilS Ilnigned till despotlonl end nll ~tocru cy }lose d• "t I h' d I IICtlve, IInil, i,' our plull Qf upsrutlo ll ~ nut Ml!tlHldl lfJPldCOl'lI1Church W lie we re rcu "ceep· ,. , 10 Land !\(Qllopol\l. He says that wbu n un dI cons\i.•tu d1011, I I I I d d 'I opprOVl'd. adopt 8i1ch mouo or net Ion as WR~ wloen on mQtlon tho Ho~ae 6 II: II y,).IOIi II apta as , 0 b d db" d d t II II' ndjourncd one m.n 0\\ n8 alt tho SOil of ~a S.ote thei r leu, uJl)OlluU , , Il eernll eH. n IIpt"" 0 dCllure ' melll III a despotJ. m, where II lew II\WFS. I II h t' requi~lte lcgl! luuon , IInll rree tbe Swte S6I1AT".-~lr. HuustQn Ill'nnarcd to.dl), f or t Ie Tel18011 Itlt I 0 eXls (' nce f In.' • to • .. rolVn the sl/iI, It l~ 1111 00810erooy, ani! , S rNn lie ....rde o. n mp e r.. IICl • o:ad touk 11111 &eul whero aU t~e pl'lOple own Ihe Illnd. It 18 n chatel sluvery •III lhe A mos S cwor, d P _..... " .. IIlly I('r,").. )_t l3 ' Unlllld tlllCS , A p~lIliun WIUI pteeontcd from Ollizep' demoOFftcy Til .., t a Just statement of Arne-rica, IS preJudlllll11 to lhe cnude o( free· SllolmBlI, N. 1). B~ono. Elte utlve commit Newnrk. N. 1 ,o , lc;ing 'he Go~prnm~nt lbe caao. for tl,I6tie wh .. own tha land nec. dom throughllut tho wor"', nlld by Its Mil· toc of Illle SUUlml t Oounly 'fulnperom:e to JDlerlere In .h~ caire of Mr. !I'hr3slieQ, Iy coni 101 all JlIeana whereby .hA tlnu ed l111crotlchrnents, endangers the 11 S I. ' I d f b II II tI o('le y IlItl' ly 'Cllt to Sp ~IJlJ nnder 8clltence tlr live, o"d "re. rhefo(ore, t'le mustors erti es 0( I 6 ,011 I not n 0 6!.e AI.ron,'Sumtilil Cuunty, Dec. ht 18GI. ove-Illua lIy ovelthrow th~m; lind belllluse • _ \lIght years ImprlSollmelil. the lalldles'l If. tben, th l)re' is «ny unJu. t mononoly tho duty or dU1II1: unto othera o~ \Ve woul~ ..-,-- \ Mr Sto ,tt) !) ~ubn\llted n rOIl)I\lt'on. cIII "'" 01 the lund of this euun~r.y, wo heyo.. SQ Wi sh 10 be dOlie unto, Inehldes the necoa· " upon ti,e 'l're$ldelit for IliformuLlon ."..- 011 rur 1\8 thnt JIIonqpoly extellda, a practical Blty 0: dOllig ~ n \\ IIlun our po:.ver ror the the aul/Jllct. ,J aristocrDcy , ThQt there 19 such monopoly lllierlll.ioo uf the vlClllllS tu lI1Js mueacrt. Mr, O .~s 8ubllllued • reS(l lutlOn, CIIlhnll here," eVldenL fro m lhe (!lct that 80 much boblc 8Y~te ll1 of lnlqul~l' , lind 11 lil'Vlllg S .. r<ATE -The Senate mot, pursuant to rllr inr<lrmlltlon 1:1)'\ Q~J1lng the ilrl ng 111\0 land 1& held lIIJu.rger trucis,nnillurge Innd· thot by f,o.operll!iol'l III Os8QClllted adjournment. lit nooll t .dny, when lfr tl)" SLenOlef Prl),,!etbeu~, by. Prtllsh nl' " ed e&tntes or,a conllnually 80ught for pur· \Ve can occoprphsl\ fC\r more lhQ!} Iof DI/reland BUller Rhett Bell and Do\\ n~ 8el or ~ r, ut Graylown. poses of epecutaliofl' Why does one IItea IIIdlVldllolllchon, for the pllrpose nI'P\lo red' and took their ~tlali! !Ir Btl/oto n'. resolution \Vila , •• ();7"On Monday CVCDlIlg, DeceMb mall wont m'DfO land th8n he needs (018eckmg the Immedlute nnd uncondlllo!l0l 1I1r. Und rwood presell\ed II ~elollol1 nod Mr. C48&' hlY!' oler • _ :.!:3nd, 1851, at tho 'Cuncert H'IIU' In reSidence Dr tho employment of hiS own emnnClpntlon C?I the f;!lqve, ,ve wbose cllizens of PCIIQBylvaniu, 'II1IS80U'rI, A bill WIIS preeentqd for 1116 l.olIstJuQIIUD place, a Lcc\ure ,VIII be given 01' tho lubor l It IS because RO mllny of hili lei· names, are, bereunt~ 8I1bICqbl'd, do Indiana, Vermonl, Alabonla, Deln lire I1nd of • slllp canal IIroulld the Fallil of ~ollil Tho tobil IImount of ~li1 depOliited of 'Lnnd Reform &I.e ,'by Mr L low8 are III wout, nnd tho great.. r Ilrelr ourselves IIlto, II Sooley.. alld agreo to bll New J6rSe}, sottinl{ forth lha~ lh~ memor· £It 1'.l1ry. WilliS, In s~eaklllg o~ Ibe f1l81110n& }n tbe U. B. ~flOt III Pll1ludelphla durlOg the lOe.>f CJIIClDnflt\. Wecontldo!n(ly wonts, the i\lghor IS the value lit willch ho by tire 101l0wIIIg Conslltlltlon lalisls are IIggneyed by Ihe elecllQn A bill wall llI'rod\lCcd lur t)lo reller or N~" York! ..,.:-JDentl, by tbe way, Ie 111e month of Novembp.r \VIIS ',400,000 that t'le Hall Will bll well filll'd on holds IlIslallid. The more 8ulferIDg tltere rhe>nbove prCAmble w" Blgned chaplulns for COllgresa and fur tllo ID widow o( Cen'J Worlh and J"ltn !Ie btllDaexperJmc'l.ted on "y mlln of all cll18- The amount reQeived at tho New Orlel1ns evening, hy p,araolls who uro desirous IS in ony collntry, n8 a general rule-pro- follOWing naml'u persona: A and nl1Y1laervlce, ond therefore pr~l NOli; uillo ono lor the Improvem~nt o( tha III a~d aiet in New,., York, at pres('Ilit. alld MlDt rauy be scated at $1.600,OOO-mlllllllg promoting the CUUHe of 'Unlver.slIl Human· \ vllled that 8ulfl'flng Is not carriod to 8ucb Harvey, V. N IImolson, F G thest! ofticers be tljepen8ed wltb. '1 N vlgnllun of the upper ldllllll~ljl pl. winch there eeem. no dbllnlto faah~on eltt.;cpt a total of,6 ,000.000 for Ihe mOllth 'l'he Ity' The lecturo will be free, Ilnd wo nn extollt a~1 to rul~e the peqple sell, Abflllll Allen, Wm. F. Hilles, J. G. petitions were IlIld 011 the table ullul co on motion of &lr DOdge, wa. mndo Ihe amongtheclYmen. who unlve "oily 'yeur shipments to Europe for the \DO nth have have no hesitancy III uylng thnt 10 far as loborers-Ihe gr('Kter lire th e specullltions Stev('nson, Aaa Pratt, 0 D 'Vall, Will miltee! were appoiDt d, ' IIpeclII order (or \Vedlle8d~1 week It projecting O'om the cllln.. h~e tbe cow· boen '.630,000, lenvlOg an excen of reo 'ore tlcquolllted with th~ subject alld the furtunes of the few . If no ono 1I1cCune, J . W. 8cr08118, Bllrah Allen, Mr. Bight ..id thnt time would be IBV. Tile SenDte thcn took up lllll ilCo~ulh ht ca!,Chere on aJ~omotl ve. TI1I8 cullS not celpts of $.,960,000, to bo added 10 the ttie \1100 cannot be spent ID a better' wanted land III OUr coul1lry, thero wou J F. Crew, Lydia W Vnndeburg. Olin· ed If the Sonl te would Rusp"nd tho 96th resqlutlun,l ",liloh gavo rls8 til II leng 1 ~nbecomlng snrl tile carmen, bl'lIIg the handlome ('XC8&& that wns III tlte country nero tban by oUundmg of the appomted h~ no lalue to the surplus quantity wlllch "nh BIrdsell, Jane F NlcholsOIl, Dcbtlfuh rul~, wlllch roqulres Ihe cOnlll)l\tells to hI! dl8cus810n between , )les8" • .Fuote, .It~ m05tllthlellc lIot of men, cuuy Iii well. on the lst of November I h fi d we mny hue Lafettra E f Varner I\lory B. Birdsell, chosen by ballot, and moved Ihat It be SUIS. Dnlf otbera, pending which Tb I b I k' I b P ace lit t e epeel clime. . , • , B d d •• All depres$loq of labor beglUs With the Cnrnllne Wall. Martha M. Dakm, EItJoh pended, Wiliell wu agreed 10. Ho thell enlte a ~ourne e ell D, to e eure, 00 s C IDrgmj; .y. oDet,' but witli the pro.s of velucle8 Paul Trtc.on, on extensive hilt dealer lit ~We publtsh notices of Deaths and mono\loly of Innd. It drives a purtlon Howo, \V H. Dlrdsell, A_ Wtnalu\\, Suo sent up 10 lho c:hqlr a hs t of .lIlhe com· - - --..:....-- - ttiroug h winch lIle wearer ItIl;8 to drave, It NplV Orleans, hilS plead !lUllty to four in- l\lorrt/lgcs, free of charge; ail th.t 18 nee. mankmd from their natural rah 'Vall, Jona A Bollord, '.r.D. mlttees, lind moved thllt tbllY be elected, WA' JIINGTOlf, Doc. JO. I. not Inlpt to tile profellion ' dlctment8 (or pll1810g false IDVOlcel through essnry is, that Ihey be handed to us III Ilnd reduce~1 tlie';n tu the colldltlon of do. N. DOIlD, Je480 A. Ballard. willch w'ulIgreed to. SEI'I,A."::E.-lIlr Millon fI\lvo notice o~ • Conrtln". the custom hOll8e. Btl wos finod $1.000. lime by 80me respondlblo persIIII. pendent IR borers, but 01 whose tOil The above named p~rSODH nfier slgm Mr Gwynn presented eoverol JOint filS· billaOl('!fdlngthe law for the p.ymPnt ofrn· Here 18 I .peclmeD of Ihe old fashioned lind Imprasoncil one woek III ellch case. •• Inndl ord and 'be CIIPltoJ ~s t cnn the prRllmble, procemlrd to the oluLions of the Cuillorllla leglglalu~e, lid pen.IQnera. mod~ of courting. as It WBI dellle In Con. The New York Commercilli s oys thnl OO""On .o-morrow (Snturda,) at I I A 1\1 Land lIton~,poly II, consequently. th~ ar~lcla by Drucie. of Ihe follOWing referol1ce to vnrtous Impro~ementlin Mr Hale g~"e notice of a bill to JO' nec:ticut. Dellcoo Marvin, a Inrge lUII~- tbe Rov. Dr. McClintock declines the 8C. \VIII commence tho first quarterly of ull olher monopolies, anI! tIto TOrrOl(. Stole creo!o the ealary of the DhltfJct Judge of -.10m' I of UDlOII CIfCUlt (or tne pr sent source of allllie aoverty, severe tall, and ARTIULI) J. This Society sholl be Ir John Dllv .. pre.ollt~d II petilion New ~[Rmp8hlre. h oId e r au d e"", p.ary mao, accamp ceplilnee or the PreSidency of Ihe Woale· ~ ~ ... at tho lIlethodlst Chur~11 In to II gr~llt 4'lftent, the Ignoranne, vice. and ed the Cllllton and WnfreD A\lh·Slnvcry (rorll Judge Crnnrh of Ihe Sunreme Cuur., Hr Walk'er nave pot\c8.n r a bin pn· h III I 0 th.. b UII ne88 IIke way, IiaVlng 0118 yon UDiversl'y. In consequellco of lbe Itllte ence"Voor, I • ~ r .. \ day moullted blshorae, With a' sheep.skln of his hcoltb. place. Cllml' of Olilr 101ld Soclely. ask lnjf,lIn oc.:ouotof hi" alte and Informl ung lllnd for the Improvement ofttie FtJ.I for ~ aaddle, he rode IQ front or the hOllse • • •• Whut 18 the JU8t relation or mankind to ART 2. lIS Qlllcers sholl consist of tll'lI. tu be relieved from the dllty 01 lervlng ond \VllicolIBm f\Vl'r •. whereBeUyLee Ilvod, and, without dis. 'rbe managers of tho NolV Yurk Colom. ();7"D. B. Hoy's advertisement of the lhe sOIJ1 The earth Will mad!! ror man Prl!sident, St'crrll1ry, and '('reaa"urer on appeals r'om Ihe dllcl6tunl of the Com· 1I1r Dodge gllv'" nOllce"f a bIn ",anmountiog, requested Betly to tome to him zallo!! Sociely IInuounce Wi th deep regret, Hall and ,"VlLyn esvllIe Saloon s,' aud man (or the ea~ h-tlter.e IS l'othmg TheBe ufficers 11111 be elected annually on miSSIOner of patenl~. hng land ror. R llIlruad In w,s~on.ln, {Will On coming, be told her tbllt the Lord hlid Ibe Budden death uf Rev. Dr. Moore 01 dOdcrves the attelltlOn uf the publlc. A mure certQill than this-and all admll It. the II~t Sunday ID August, (or at such l\tr DOWII R pre8ented n petilion from ~Jihv"u~le to tho MI ..I,"lppi mer. IIDt him to marry bv. Betty replied, Grand BaSlo. He WIS one of the Com. better rOOnl (or gathellngs, can .cnrcely WbOllS the Dext truth1 Why, th~t 1111 olher lime In August 08 tho annulll !\Ir, Dhrant. lho Diatflct Atturney of Np.w ~Ir. Guyer IJI~e .nll~lr.e qra .bill 'Tbe Lord'. will be done.' mlRlltlnera who explored and purchllBPd be found throughout the whole country; men havo the 88m. mtereat III al1d fight Ing mllY be adjourned to meet) The duo Orleanll, asking for certalo exira tlluwan- lunt! fur ainular purpOfie in MII'lourl . the earth, oUr common mother. , If 001, ties or the olllce ... 8hn1l be l uch os Me. Underwood ..!fered a re,olul/IJI, the new Territory for New Jeflley Cui/Jill nnd we candidly believe thllt 'Bid' can tot Aa EItempore O ... Ior. zellon Socu!ly, and \Vft!I on bill way tu thu be headed, 80 far as Ilia' 8aloolls,' arp con. what ~ivell ODe a IIrea40r fl\lht thall' anoth. upon suct. officers ill 1IIIIIIor ASII.0clatlone. Miller presented a potation rrom whi~h wu agreed to, dlrect\lIg ad enquIry At the time ",hen SIr. Rlcho.rll Steele F. B. B, on official bueinees Dr. Muore cerned er' I" nClt the Creator Ule common pll· AnT 3 The regular meollllgs 6ball ciuzeus or New Jerley, aakln" for en by the OOlllm'tlel! \In Road ..."d Oanall, .... preparing hll grealroom In York BOil. was origillolly 0. 81DV~ 10 the U S. •• • rent of UII all, ODd 18 children, have we be held on the 18st Sundny or e.nch month Ilmendment of 1111\ patent laws, 00 U to 11110 the .. xpedleocy of employing en/l,GttIl dlnp for l'ublic orllbons. he happened to bo ();7"CoJd weather bOI been pOYlOg U8 0 not 1111 an equal fight 10 the prOVI"IOnS He tlonng Ibe yeo.r, 011.1 at ~uch plocel mlly protect Amerie~1I lOvell tors trom Ibe IIIVI· to 1l1ake explurallon•• nd lurvey. ror tb8 prett, mueb bellindhalld 10 bls payment to ICI! id to be relliled 111 Siln Francl.cCI at very decent VI~II, 1D 11118 purt 01 'the sub. has mado for our lupport and well.livmg} be derided upon III lhe vote 10 adJuurn 81Un "' Ihelr rlghll by Ca",dIAnl. con~empltue" COfl 8tru ction 01 aD arllklai th. workmen; and coming ODe dny amonlt fivo centa per pound. A r.ompftny II tn lunary 6phcre' W 0 were mformed by a Is not thel earth !loe of these prOVisional When no plnce 18 aperlolly dcalgll.led bv Mr Rhelt "ove nOllce of. bill to lndom· re.erVOlr, 'or tbe purpUllll of malun, Pt them tu aee what proiTetll the, made, he be (ormed there for the pur pOle o(brmging gentlemon \~ho observed Lhe m~tter pretty Whut Ihelll Wl.y. that every man has Ihe moetlOg III ill1 ~Ole to adjourn, Ihe 1I11i)' BUilth Carolina for mone} , expended, navigallull of lhe 01110 nver per'" ordered the carpenter to get Into the ros. It from the North " closely, lhnl on Tue. dey morning. a 1I1J1urlll r'ghl to 10 much IIf Lhe bOUlIllI!ll n.eetlng. Will then conveno III Harvey •• alld E'Xpen8t>s incurre·1 b~ her ID the War Inellt. f trum aDd mike I lpeech, tbQt be might seven o'cluck, tbo Mercury 111 bi~ Ther· of PrOVidence as ho needl fur lll~ woll·lh· burg Specill moetml~ may be appolIIl· wuh the SCDlllJole Indlllni lIir C1omenllDtroduced. bill for I ~ obeent how It could be bt'ard. The rei. mOlDeter, stood steadily at l.dell'rel'l' below Ing. How much of tbe earlh does eleb cd It any tIme or place wblch the meeting On motion uf Mr G"Yhll, the bill ca- road In AI.bama. low mounted, aod, IIcratelllng his pull. told Zero. Deedl So much as he wllnt. for IllS m.y name 10 118 nUR\llel of IIdJuurnrnent. tabhilhlnga Branch 1I11ntln Calt rorma, wu Mr. Vnderwoud froUl the Gommlttef ' bIIbllaholO, lind for ihe employment of 1118 or by a CIlll of the Presl4"nt alld tiecrell· relrorrod to the Commlllee on FlDance Publtc Lands, reportad b.ck I JOlnl mtJti' Blr. Richard till' he kDew not what to 1101 he w.. no orator. ENIGMA. LITEJlA.BY l'fOTICES. own labor. Tbl, II the ealent of h .. nat· ry. Mr. Hsle gave nQtlee or a rellolution" tlon makllIallDiI w.rraDII 488 I,n a bJa. '0,' cries the knillblo'DO matter lor that, ural or 1D0rai fight to the soll-aod he AliT. ". The Secretary .h_1I rna• ., a the Pre'ld~nt of the United On mutlon,lIr_ Seward', Joint""" .peak IDy thlna tbat come.uppermOlt.' IY c ••, KUllI<rr G • .lu.... •• )J.AC.&ZIIII (or IanulfY, would 81111 fot no more~ were Dot so many report to eatb annual moetlng, of tile pro- Staletl, to oplln a r.urre&pondence wllh lbe tlon e-xteodlnll' welcom. w Kouull1." 'Wh" theD, Bar RII:banl,' ..ye Ille (el. hi. bllen recl:lved. We are or the 0PIU- of hie f1llluWI homelell!, IIlndle8ll,Ind reo coedinp of tho &ele~1, Ind Ihe general Pte.ldent of Ihe Frencb republic, lhe iub- takeD _up, when )If. Sumner took the 8aat lotr. 'hfre b ..e .1 beeD workiog for Jour I am compoaed of (our lettert. Ion, Ullt It I. well wOlth be:ng sougbt af· duced to llenuude ror food alld curreDt or allti SIa; ery eveDI. dUrlDII' the Ject or whIch ahlll be Abelf!1 Kader. aDd made lipechin favut o( It. ~ Iaoaor \bea ILt ml\ntb., and callDOt ){, _, S, ie • coOJunctlve adverb; ter by aU Ioven of LIterature. Tbere ere so many who are compelled to prec,edlll, year. • The resolution of Mr. Gwrnn, Gallina HuulIl.-Tbe Jaurnll bivin, heea ' OM pean, olIDODeJ.-Prar, air, when do It 1,:1,4, i•• pronouli. apeDI for thle lIalum. I. not sell their bonea eolt mu. cJee flit' Au. 6. Tho accomplishmellt of our for the eorrel pt.ndence (rom IIr. HUH, tbe Bpelur Innuun* \be CumJIIIUat 01 '.""'111 to l ~ away, by IDy _III,. WI wlJl tbat a plulit ceD be mede out of tJlomj object ,h.1I be sought io (ne mOlt perfect late Cblr~ d'A1rllr. to Sudlnla, on tbe Jtrinttua, .blch cODlista MtaII'SO--'VftJ ••U."" .eU.' ..Id Blf Rlchlrd It 3, lI, ,. an Interjec1lon; lIa,.lloI aad the IIlaml Vllitor. "Ided land lad capital enough caD be 01 dllC\IIIIIlOn on III .ubJt!Clta bear· nbjectol •• hlp OInal, to uoh. the Allin· H.relD, and &iDtOD, uf XIDt1IOlIy • ~ I ha.. beard qllitl .. 1,1, C.1a aD illlplemell\oI haabaad- ,ev, for ,8.60, cuh io"vllbl, to emplu:, them. JluL were alnot rot thll Inr- .pon bUDlID Slaver!, either far; or tic aIld the P.dfic caul. . . . "'eo lIketl Mto HaD intMuc..h blU, ,flDtiII ...... J ca-.o& "'towa 1cas,...Y.,., ry; nn~. mODopollr. aU could lIa.. ~r 0II'II hOllIeS flgflirut it continu.nce; b, Ibe d_miDa· up,lnd ,ru, .01111 IIt&ie dlac..wn .... State oIlIll8OIIri 1M rIIbt of • ., • . ....,..... J UD'I ..ucla ldaalre .... I, II la eaclamaUOII; Ind .IUtlrmen their own farm.. Bot DOW &ton of kao ..Ied;&IDd til 10 IIOlIUIIuolt" _,t811. a portiuD ofth. flUbI/o tor tile ~ ~ .. 1, ...... 11·0 call .loacI, &.TAUt', LOdUlZ.-Tbe number for it tall.. .!bout one tlaIrd 01 .U the IDec-hIlD- bJ' lukin, the el.nUoD nr lbe colored TIle joiAt rwoIUlIo.,. IIIIIIdaI I...... ar- Itruetion or. . .11• ., r... HaaD~ .. II It " , .. II to call atllnltIoII tol Jaolllf1. 1161. II.. tIlIcIe Ire t~ OlD to pl1 &he ,UIl lad P"PfIIItloll UIIODI ",Iad "1 aWOl ... I .... .............. . . . , . ...... prvper . . J~.Wah ... referrd .. . , whole .. u article .......11IIf; aDd II Ie ItII III, • "'1 w.IGftIH lot. be OOIIW •• woaId han..creel .......... to" CM-IUM ~ JUitor •. t.,oIm ~I•• _ . . ItDOtrc.rLa~ .. Alii.... & ..11,. . . . . . 'fte IIl!ttoJlI~II ..
.... .sow..
til. .
lIr. Wal.b f"'H'nl" • lIIemorlal rrom the D.lhlllore Natlunal 00nv.6110n Journeyml" Pilote"" ~In'l the flreCIUllun
of Government Pnptinr by contract whicK wU rereueI1 !.o Ifie Commltlee on I'IIOIln __ IIr Bmltli of Alabliml, 'lv1lS excu~ [rilm .."lng ';n Commluee 011 Oll\lm., he dlllD gIVe nO~lce, tllat be .bould Ilk leave to 1"lrodllce I Joint oleaoillboll requlrlOe l~O Secretnry or ISlate to {ufllii h Loui. K08.uth, WILb cOpIes III IIiWI defining Irellon ~ 'fhe Speaker !IRked I( ~here WIlS anf ob Ject\(i.ll w/len nrles of object IBlued (rum all
puts oftlnrHoude M~ Stallloll, of Ken tllck) know whether the object of tho gentlemun woe to rOIl.cuhe ahen Illld ~ed 'lOll JalYs ,Mr Sm.th replllld,lIfat ho hod II}! auc!. PITTSlIilRli1I DOl object, bu t that he dId rIot want ony more 'Pumperu' expedlt,uns 'fho river .s ruling rOllldly with II re~t Crl(l8 of oroer, ur.der 1\ aler In Iha chnnnol Thn Speaker 80111 the 1;E!'Iltlemnn could Tho weulhor 18 Inte nse ly cold Tho glvo nOllce of tho_ resolutlC/n under tho IT'I",rmnmeter 810ud ilL s.x degree- beluw
I'JUCl:l oORnEqml EV[ R)
murn lng
}'fIr RobInson nsked leuve 10 Introjluec :::====:;::;;;=:========~
unne quullied "lIh its .nores ont! II ngers He tI ,Ilks ollIS whut il 8H IT ti lU be tlo Ii, dd
on every Sldo 1118 IIS80Clllt", prufess ng to bo ~evo le~ to lIS good '/1 d itA bellevcs thpy nre VI"~ll e\lcl prof~h~ lon they Db tllih Iln Illfluence ewer hII'll whl h he b 8
110et ID apenklDg of the IUld her cheek \lp~ n 11 on " }'oung mun II bo
CC®NIDtslm'Jll mr'&'11Il1 AND -
NEW Yoa., bee 16 The Pre.. Blnquet IIVIlJl to K08IUth took place at the Aatur House lblleuplDg W C Bryanl pl'Blldea The whule a/_ fair I, ao( up 111 a mUll brIllIant mlnner Fhe 0,111, crowded At II a clock KuaIUlb CUIDIOeDC@ aellverlng In Iddreu Tbe eDlhullu!D manlletted,lf poIIlble, ex
ceeds pr.,IQUa ckuDonltntlopI
DR. aUYS01'T'8 IMPROVED EX TRACT OF YUoLOW 1>00& UD lJAUAo .ARI.U put up In the II.,.. alaed OOIIW" mure 01 the pore Huttdurn perilla thlG cMer ,.nlIOD ntlDt, ."Ieia Ie eheaIlClIIJ ocelli'" with ,lie uecleC Y.llow Doell the BaWl"t
pad ....
Willi CI!en7. ....
.. III
o. J Iblt M.UI~ ln. or
INESTIMABl.E VALUE. In 01.• .,..... .,! m ~~n ... L Dr.BILITY tit. MidI ."'. A,I.'TI LillI: A c rt:4I1M
_1'6 ....
lie.. Itat.... Ito .fllcHf "nil tllou, •• d. now und.r.rwlmlnl a.nd Jot Q,tohtartc ••• o(1'lI1 re baa r.t ...." .. Vol mM e<)uld be 1111.... wltb c.rtUlOII.. or 11>_ ,,1>0 bu. I.. n 1"'""1 1l) l ly~.' C.""' 8,
...rill, ...... tal •• tlMl Arellt. a.1CI eel a PUlJ'IILE'f,
Coalalnln, the ,rUlel'" of R.m..Uble t u",", .q~ ,,,, bl,l> ..U"'~D JD os. IhI. ~1.dlcl.1 I. beld lb. Pollio r _ o . to bId ~r Ibe A. at .. f ...
tlO"Ktllat accompony 11m ctlons -of the res plratory orlCltn. The pure~ hu\e been clOled, Lhe Bal~im open~ thorn 1 he Lunr lutrer from .rrltahun LtIO milatlull II lIOOtbed tbe paille I. ~iol.. nt lind re\erudllhey Ire ..,ftened, and lbe mUl".oua II relieved or ill ongorreme.nt w,tb t1 Illd ease .All ~y the \lIB of mil ful rt'medy ~See ,dverd"mcnt
Lou lJIYILLIl, Dec 16 The weather IIIDten..iy cold NllVIP UoD Ie o1oled both aboTe .ad below tbe fal" TIle BeUe Xef, which .. " t ..1e part for New Or..... , ....., ...........1 ~... to pIVC8IIII. De .,.,• .,. ............. for
Who. lI"or fre m , m r11ld .Dd unnalUral tnndl\loD
"A ~~1!lSVn Il!l S,\t,OONS
meot Ancr IOIJlO further debllle, Ihe r080lullon OO-WISTAR S BALSAlIl OF WILD wu .dopted CHERRY [mpolls IIt'W vigor to ~llal DC tlon lilld rehI!H!' tl,e ~yulllo by opt'n ng -BAltTllfOaS Dec 16 III' pure. of the al-IO alld promollnll Tb~ Governor and roelUbers of tho Leg Iccretlon of mUCOUd malter 118 ocllCm "I .. latufe, of Gtorgla lIff1ved.t S.van ... t. 011 sudor'fic, Bed'lIvo and l'xpecturant by up~n Fridn, aDd were rooelved with grelt pomp d L and dllpl.y IIlg the pore!" • lilly II I IrrlU\t on 110 V 1.••• n.ll'rina thl! expUlsion bt mUIIOUS The exten.in COL on of Ilr Crooks,on French l\reCt, III thIS City, wa. dOlll'uyt!d eBillOIO who ta\;o tho B Ilum Will 'e~l b1 1ire to dly It wll\..noccUpled oIerlllllo rdief frl,)m lh i! dMreQs,"~ Irflla
... PNi 60 Celltll per tarp BoUle.
...'*'....' O.e~ Ift.UL10N 1ItJ' Sold by
Y uv. 01"
ltOBEllTa &. DROTf{ER..
Alllilor.ud Allor m lor Wayn ullin
u ... 11l1D J(lntlemeD ..-ery r jlC)c.lCull,
'\: uur OIot t OlHl<llOOl ~f~anl Aprlt 11,1&16 ELI 6A1LE!Y
l,OHN D PARK. CINCINNATI, 0 Cow•• r uf Founla ••d 1
AI ... I. . ..I
tJ 01
No J£IClIue. A tew year•• In~e there Willi 11 Prqres lor at 0. ne1llbborIPg Oullege, with \\ hOIn punctuality 10fl\led a part of hie roHglol,I Among othor til lip ho W4~ particular th .,el')' D:1emlior of h.. cill••• hould be pre~ ent at thc-recl~alion of every terln, Dnd In)' IVore absent, he culled upon lUI matea to.tnte IC lh.y could, tJl&cause of It pnco liQPponed thot OM or Iua 11118 h.d led durlnlf the vacation of Wltl\ Ii the old lDan \\ a. nolawore, Ilnol lIolJllIng "'It bit .rat Will vacant when the cllsa b.d IlIIMlrnbled, he inqolted arter hi." bore- I 'H';Jdl~I'IIJ, aboute Delng a little ~co~ bo D1I6under atood tho penon wllo answereiJ, 'He Is dead,lIr,' lind proceeded 1I1tll hlB customo '1 remllrk Not II lIuO\c1eqt C!Jrcuse, 81r, 111101 laloDlshed that any stud<!nt .hould l)lcb a ono 1n my fecitullon room
nE PROPRISTO/l of.1 • c .... bl s l In . .... II 1 r lor..! I
xeo 0
\I Ihllda III I ol> lint Lllll 0 \ .- 1;"".1 l arllll. nil II o f 11 y 011 cr 011 ~" 1U Ille country-
llv U ~ n cUI
"Eli' I,LJ;
or 10
'!'be au .....-u. 1_.., w-u
wbo 4 bad IS lief hear \buDder
LiIlll'allQ(ln,,' ,. u Iitel, _n OIl 'rWd b~lIDStoQ. aDd
"-'E ,
• I
A , F~'j ~e:w:spaper,Devoted toA~ncultureJ Mech~nfc Arts, Literature, I
~IJ e. hockl~d+II:ittl.e IInd,:-rentored; to Dut Il'~ ,ll. ,ke " , ,1. -r .
~jn m~ house •..• lon~ II.~
a~e ~:>WII.·
• f'
1Ir\j?:'nt'1I~led. ,\:ltli
'f~r liitt!llectu~l liliprhyement;
A.~t''''kIDIr ~brC?1 ,!,,-~~,~=:;
you in in Rom. ; it iB Ihe'y who "hild I1r OIi( !?lIrpinlon, \lut Ih,e tllalo by tbls 'r-.e I' exchumed lhe ~Dg~lItrale, ahllklllg 111m by tho pol.ic~ of their pDri~Il~I, and Ihey' oml1, '.8 heil~·you I1t laat; .~ nd IJlie Sanipson ' neglect they , 101~' the .incerett , pleasure, ,"(~"b~II'lCl;8;!JIOClI~'_ , 'What IIqllllrl relurned the gent lemlln, the 1011011 t1l1lu8 tibullider aeht'd. . wh'cn th ey pleaiie, ~r<ler pen.6ns 10 be~, that!, je5l th" wily stio IS 1~6in, it II tho which would remllin wh~ n olmoat every A ,!,cetHig p'f t.lllill"".. ly le. pectable a •• " aa if he Willi os~ulIl~hc~; 'There i. nOlle 'Muko,o man' think be is somebody. if ken 10 prisoll by eern'binle~; R llcliel \vl'nt •. hGr oO' hcr'J encrublu belld.~ '. .' lo~.kee the,m. of·\whicb ' ne.llher for. loc\lI,tion ~1lII held,at 'lJ;ielr room~. M~, 'o~ .obout my premises.'. ' .' . you hllve to· lock him up to dl) it; thmt·,, 1thererore; It) Ih~'Prcebytor.l'; a~corilpllined , ' Tile old Varginiun look. d "lIro,nd tbo {line nor age'cdn, 6eprive t1lem, on'd whloh (Smith, a wl.!rtby and athletic! ~al: clot Will 'nu~ you told me 1,( I went \\'.1111 you I the way to reform him. soy I.' cried TOlD , ! by l .orcm:o;' It appcaria tEl ilt' tho pries t "tl)r~ rather bot hered 'wilh tHe liberty thi K would lie .a comfort and 'tel rce In"lIlmolt cal\~d ~o the chi lr, and tho ~u.l quantit, ~bollid hne 011 I could drlllk.· l''l'he "Illlne~'. aOllfit,'encu in my lIimple I wnnled Rochel to como alolle and in his' T e'DliCl&8ca n was .tu.king with biB motber dcry pOllBible .!tultlun of liIe. of ~icel . lUId S"crelariel aPtiolnle,~ at. 'So you rba.lI-the spring npyer getll dry word. 'hill.' no budy would trusl, mw!" a l ll\.hllmor. ho OjlOstropl;izc{ ' Lur:nzo ' in . SlotC Bnd filljl!ly r~marked : " • • •• '. prevIous meotlng, reported the (oIJo". "'IIAT III A YEAR' ulI.d .th~ dui.ry Is lu,r~~.' I\I~~ of mo.' . . 1 8~ch viole llt te~n",. that my br~ther colli:d ·I .c~me here to t~l~ ,lIb ollt hat., .tr~nier Puca 0' Mllll),--- I kllow of 'but'. one ,illg II th~ ~rinciple8 ~{ lhe .• o~/ety : '. -"'_' _ 1In nut udcd 16 I!. rom lold hlB atory to 011 hill old ' chum., ' hlll1 l1 ·tyrant . 1/1) reply to which the prie ~t Dnd not hllr.' . wll orfonlf}'i.n~ my ' o)ui-agaln8t tile' gloo. . ~ .., lye , con'l~~r the prllctlce or t.kll!l Whet I, 1\ yurf '1'ig bUI & won ., knolY Ihnt well •• returned lho former, got a humbor of them to fullow hi' eltuOl- nn. wered Ihllt my cou81n [ntis ' tilth'er t urn 'Well . well. uncle, don' t gii w ratll., ~ow my prel.ge. and,tor-tora of mind; .nd thllt Inlll"~ I?to pubh.~ IIIembhes, c,?ncert,a, &c., On IIfol'S dork rolling stream.' '~Ul I moall !OU sllll1~b~; t:~lIIe, wo'lInot P'l'j wcllt ba~k '~ome willi t~le farlll!: r, In , Chrl @~ /un or le nve ,t he neighborhoud;- I w~~ only ve !\tu~ing ' a polltic~1 opInIon i8, by-.ec:urlnr to myself tbe friend. hlp and GIl an ov11 tl111t Cf'1U aliiud for temed,. Whluh l~ aD qul.ok')' lIono Ihul WI , dl~PUIIl nllw. ~UI'per ~.d reudy : due course 01 . time bl.'cume III~ SI)II-Ill" law , Nuithrr of Ihuse condilions cuuld be com- Ilullul I'oplliol iOIl In gillerul• .' and on tbnt pr()'ee~'on bf lh.t ,Being \:"ho di~pOaf>'" of . ~~ While we ";ould not brea:bo ~be ,~.. ~t , · A ~r.ounl it but II ,1I·ClOII' .. ' l'ulII wus. not UIIWlllilljf t.u ,ell\ a good I lIn~ ~ied. Icovillg ,a nomuer of children. plied' wilh, Rucht i I,ud no'llo me bui our., bend, w~ 'won't qlllit rel ; LUI bi,rOf e we 16o~ oveot~ Dnd goverQ.· futurity. ,He ,l lIeel .t reproQc)i towar~. the 1~lgbJY reapec,tabl . .. "n-" bU,t a,aln,I;II' " .0f· th e_ commlln,It.ll .. Iale, aa , ~1 ~';rnOlli thrub eurl,er. an d Uti IIIg II I was ,?Onlilig ' 011,. 8U d , "" ho, t houg Ilot IlOY III •lor IItd lhe unpronl i8- una she Wl18 mu ch attnched to'her reli gion; I, at th e hKt8,-nll Ihey Ire intilll'ltely counee'- ope. yiew , the whole threat! uf my eXI8lence c: Jn.a z . ~ I10 OUli, w~:~~·:~::;:.: ~~:~~~~~:o"g ~. wh~n ho \\ IIl1tlld II plueu t,1 lay 11I~ llUud, he dldll"l , lng IIl1me ul 'l'opedy, hllve ever betl lllll)Uer- ahe declored 'ol m~ch til the priest. ,Dut l'led with, hclld •• s'pose we toke 1\ mite 0 nl)~only tha( part of it Which I hl1'" a1- nurseD, vye alroygl, protJlllt aJ(al.!llt Ihelr ilUl'II1 witb 'lII" oid s tart. dure 10 Ilcold a.buut the trick lllut htl been. Iy : . . for freln attcnding to her reloon. trllllces, I buld.fuce. . , '. Ihroogh, bllt thllt wldeh ruri. ~lIking ' tbelr liabiea' into pllblie mectin,.. • ", ,I' "inyr.11 !1POll blln. . .. our pr08ecuter OIJly beeJITne the moro In- I 'J'he propOsilloJ1 wa~ ngree': to-tho 11. , in totbe deptha or eternil),. When' knQwinl!" DlI we do, ~bat it un olily be .roa. What I, ,a )'ollr1 .·Ti. but • rum 'yh~n he ... 0 8 rcody to go to bell, the A. TltAGIC STOItY velerote,' nnd he 'threatei,ed m\' cOllsin quor wOI .hnblbcd, I1nd nut follow ed the [I., me down to .'eep, I recomen'd myeelf by Cl re.orJ to ill'J1II. UI '1'11110', IIld IlrnQn ,,'hecl, ., " • Or liuto p.1l0 upO n Iho liuok " 6!t.'lIlleUIIIU cUlldu~te. him tu. nellt ruum, Wilh slillUiw' hcr up in SI , l\1h:llaet's. III h U\J;, The mercllllint t\l88cd duwn four or t? hil core; when I aWllke, I gife my.elf 3 • •While we acknowledge Ihllt ala'a. Whiuh doeul In UU1 8hortly l e.1. ~lId lIiddill!: hi~ 1X0od nll;ht, lould'd the F~om II work .recemly .iaau(ld by the tilia pre. ;;j,lg :dllllger lliy brottle r hIl9t1' ned ' five \'(ooillotl of ynriOU8 BIICS. and illYiled up to hia direction. In '.11 the evill' lb.t !lJujorlt, 01 our fellow .c reaturel Ire, Of ''I'll bill ... SIOl' ul'on Ihe ru~ll tluor. In tho \lIurnillg .Tum fuuud himself Eng"sh .pruile. 1!II1Ilied 'RulIIlollloi throngh tu ~Ife Govt'rnp r of ROll!O. an.a. pll!uded !lls l til;;' uld gentlc II)Rn to. 8el.e ct on.~ whioll tlltealen m.e I will look up iO,hlm for help, hllv·. b~eu ~n~e 'blblee; \yo- coneWer It ~~ b. Which· Wtl ll1u.t' lrllv~).o'ur; 11 "rid,mer: ... R"IIII!,' we e.a;lraet 'he lolluwillg 81\<1, I.. le, cQusln's Cllllse witH ro tnlfch' tla.rncdlries8. 1woul~ Ilt him, H~ looked, Dt tllom, exlm . nnd 'l.ue~tion . nllt bill that he will arert a lact thallt Is Avcr)" email mlnor1t, wbe A lew ,norf) 8l~p • • no 1\''; al,nll ",a'" I '·,'hi .. t. a mall Irill'. lure,'. he erie~ furi- , th,e dt:l!lle or whit:I •. id 'Iaid ill Iho. Eternal t1.llIt he oLtuhi cd a ~, nfl'g -"ullrd.~lor her . . We I,e,.d II. Ie biz.ed,. t1llid they wobld do" I1I1.d" reo, , to. m.Y IIdnnlnne. Th, o. J know 'neith- lu~,port ~ho.e er,lng ,e ~II~, . ' ! ' " .LiI"·. wcary IU.i! Ii" mOTu. • I I d e ty wi e tl U f I h... T , " T W ' ' .' t " " .1 ollsly, Ind klcliln~ 'lt~ 1I.~ "tl~ ~or.. I '. , I. 18 ~e lIijP!f11 ~"~ I) l'~ Ire"",811 now th/jught ouraeivilii se.cur~ ; we hlul yet , qUe8te~ the , .toro.keep~do, hud hilll down a enh~ tlmu or , t~" anll?ne~ of 'tbe death . 4• . i.' ,e' Fall~lll .hul ~r ~Ira to, Jhe D~ Wllilt i. Il )·onrl . 'Th bUI n brllUlh 'Whut 1M 1111 tin .. nOlso1 ailid a Vulce on . llre chee~ed by , F rellull rep.ubhcIllllny.o- 10 hiurl! w,th wllll ' illvctel~are 'obl lillaey ! /ew m,!re. ; . ' . tbllt 1 J ,m to dl!), I am . not ' Dt ~Ll ln~rol!l " ~~Idcnc~ • . o,.f tbls evil; Indeed •• t 1-' roUl ,,1:1111\1'5 qld U9~U·l l. b,o~n; th~ oUI .. rde. , , . ' .. n~I8, al/d I,he d~~lre 10 wllr~llIp ,~od: accllr- IIlL" servont o,f O'od p~fdlled Ill_ Pond; , .nd: '., '1'I,ar's all, t1\~ ,8Iz~., I've gOl,' 'bllt berea _.ollcitioui, Ibout ie be\lau~o I IIIIl ~uro .that have ll.now,¥ !ri~tlln~,el ol ,l .te, when w~ _~ 5 Iu.)IInJi onwal,d o'cr tho eS/'111, 1 Wallt to ~ome out. c~led :rom. dll1g to 1110 dl~ta~il uf Co)QdllIOIll,e, are iud~e.d. Ink ing allvnllln~e of ollr securit),. a few mote af you th!D,k YOII'd l!kll'Q!lJloet- ~Ie ltnC/,we thenl both, lind, that he wiIJ ,not r~und ,mpolllblp., ~~th tlie: lugOlt ehu~ . 'T~~~I~~~~l ~~~~r;~'~::~;~ve '~ou a~. !!1! pri801!er, ~u!d the ~"rr~er, er~_I,etl. \ly ec/.o 8IUSII~ lyru."lly ~lId misrule. ,tllo priest mmnlB vtmid Ii de-v~rly, o'"d 6c- l~ter" .;~nd 80 8~y ing he ' tOll8od. dawn t!lree filII, {II C:!lmfartaod IlIPport me under t!telD: . or,ln !o.'lrbw,n (not the,~b114 Im..l.'> b., • or dew upon tho lawn. for It was he. III'ho hn,d .. weret! T~IJl " .um- I Ol!e lIIumlui. tlllnklhg lu lureslul Fe~. Il'd hil pDrt ~o' pluu~oblo 'willt the Or.and ' '''!!'e' :. .: , ' , [AddllOn. the 'Ii~,n or~pla no ,of that chUa.... Io.'traillicnllllihe mi~l of !Dorn mons. "CI1Il ket'r .you here as '\tug . iI I naud.o, I cuUed lit all early ,hollr . ut 1\18 Vj c~r, makllla!h\m believC' that my brolher! "flte:n 111111 right,'lIlt1lht old VireloillU. • ••• " We p,rotest 'IlnaHhe.e nolea. , J!t'uoalh a ~uJllnler'il l\lll. . plens!'. blll .ir yu.u, w" II ,prolUiBu nul tu ,!O ,.Iodtc~II~, whtlll to .mY.,Sr\lpride, hid ' dUll~h. U.. ed ' with Illy collio h, · all u, .1iO w('re ,hili turlling them aroun.!; an~. the lLout old ' I'D ."THER C4RII1' IT TOU TU~T IrOTU- . 6. ~e piedae ou,..elve. ,to U'• . Out at- • "I off of the hirtll ,lor lhree Rlolllb~ you ~hllll l ter Inlu,rulI:d lI)e he .•llud UOl yet coml\ nI l wife Ihot ono, dlv jnet as L>rell1:o' lelt UB ilwrekeeper blowiog \Vitb exerlion d,,- u 1B0vLD.-GoiolE f~om nlnrket th. other mOlt eltr&IOD. '0 carl)' outl1l. abo,. prta. What i. a yeilr 'TIAhut • type ' 'I d j '. d' I I ' I h " . . ' I' d" d ' • ••, ' .. " t, ' . ' I Ie ' . . , _ Of l1Ie" ott,c/lahl/ing: .c~nol be WI! I fe , an, ~re .or. Oil Y, \\iallt , 5 ow•.' 80nle oa,Unlllllnent. all Illqul.r~ Iho house waR l urroullcled;: alld Rachol \I- Icenued from hi s perch. where he WI.. .w,e ob.e",~d a verI .mDIl b0J:, who &: p •• . I ' Q Youlh'. I"J)I!Y1II0 fllj/lIe. a.lI" on yl)u,r wl/rll lor 6e~,urity.' . ! IC he ~lept I ut~! . the /Iou8e. 1'f.1 f1 , BOme-, ,kI!ll ",woy by • troop or Iioidiere, ... lit struddling from ellelt to counter. As !!Oon . no .peeial Indication, by drell or- ,After rea~IDg the prll!c!p,J" or th. . . . , .•Wlt~ hV/~. un tJ Y,aJlu),s IIr~u'i; '. '1:.11 tlo it,~,t~\t:d To~, OOl:crly", urlruinlli, t~ , wl~!.'t lIgllated, loo~ed , ro~"d ..like a PlJr~O Il .Lorento lullered obat'lt 'In tht' "IGlnt)' o( a. he r:euchrd the Rllor, the old Virginian , of other ~lIn ilTdll\lIry ee'n aatiopi or :Ciety,Mr, nunn Brown. rOI.lfr~1II~I. lay.,. ~Cllt ~U"",',.r. plilloO lut~~d~ Ibe ,S\"/nll; hiIiIBel (, ~h.t Ir ollly hl~ "'ord ':"U8 lukell Ihe 1who woslearrul of ue,!I'Jr0yer h~ard! lind uf.' (JlIlt udioll8,hdlol l' in tile ho,np or' 'a t leut relllllrked thai he hlld not IMt ollou"l( In-life ' c:ar rvin .. II buket'that ..... ted .cl'lldl1!. , on whlClh h. W,H , .ItUa" ab' . -'\'1'1,~... AutU",1I . , W.~.'"hI ' , i' ' ,culchln" a/lllm""e, ' of '''''''r rR~C!llel. He yer. l 'to, be' . a'" blm clow'n , -lie" -" .i. """ :'... -"",whIch ( . , < " .. ~ .t ar, boud. Ihllt held him ,",'uu1d nut b'l yery Ieer ell~ !I I.)' • I!llll!l" t h ~ "ut>9r., all d, CQII " !. io heavr ~DB ncaFly. moy"" ",eir ._~DUOn. mollon Thdll C<)ll C. oUi WlIIler d alb and all · . ' , I . ' I I d I, ' k I ..,... ... ~, , ' ~ .. I'" ' I L "" .-' it ' Mu.rr/ld. thlir·1l\V~' 1, \ powerful. ",I~h':l1gh qt I!") ~ amo time he 't \t ( ,U~fl:lg ~~e lu tie eli 8~ d\1 e .pu e, 01- ~nitetJ .11 ' long tlmo ill vail" but at hlst he '.OIl,.Y0u ·w,snt '!m-for yo~r ~iglle,..! ..y. nuth'!t. we, obl~rvo~"&Jy boy"IOU have unan IDOII~ 1 ,0a"l"".JjU .IJh~ Ihou~ tlrth• . ' 'f, , • \ , r ' " ~ d~grec 'Ill !,fI~e 10. Ihlll~ .tbe f!,rrne r \Dln-, ,I~~ d ,_ ;, . ,,' tecogDlzed her through til woodell grating the .tore~e~per; ~well. wby 11Idn't you Illy Ilea~· lol~" " '1I:ea,' eaad be, ·',bllt · l id aaiemllied bachlllOfl: A c0lI!lIIl.t t" ' . " ' . afcbt ~ o much cOllfi~ell(!e In III~ ImegrllY, YI)U mllst ~no\f, Ilr, lth." my .l othe! placed over each windo,,",";"llt wal ,a t one of .0 wben I· wal up;"and liealEBln proceeded rllther carry it than t!lllt mother ' ahbuld.' fourteen w~ 'theD a'ppOfn~ed, .. "hoee dut, I lIo, nnlu'~ lIl1y" 11I'o ught the ' whul.c IItr~lr a liaB luanetillle • . "erlll1roll~ r\,~,on. ,ror be- tlie uppt!r .tories;; ,l ivorj 0l ed ' a, ' lICeing to ,percb himsel hip like I merea~tile colo.reinark 'w.., one of • n'lIlure we lo.~e it II to cory DOt 1M il#ljtcla or ~ 8OCIet,.,- • = queer ulle. , ' ing .bdent dUf\.ng Ihe ult!hl-I ~nal tqll hel', Anll cer&,in of bll yiujf 'atllaeted het tiUl. When he half blo)Ved blmself Into bu~ we do Dot ·kno.,., Wat ' we It I~ to be hoped th.t Dot. m.,le ..,. ,,1/1, , If! II day. or two" T um ~QW ihat the far: you wbllt' lbe1 are" a. lUU are r~rejgllP.r" notice. < , ' hiS furmer' pOlh!on. t/le old man 'luietl, reo ha,e chronicled it, had we nat leen ~ fOllnd ,ln tbe clt, .who will not jolb. ". i mc~'~ ~nly obje~~ WBe ~!I d~I I~I!l ~ g~"d d~r- and m)"(lIlhe~ lookl, U~"II.Y-OU UI a. (r\epd _' Lorenzo 111'11' about to !S1Ii"" b)' eign. mllrked: , . , , ' .croaa tlie atr~et •• 'hlg hl)' lC~ompll.bed'- In~etlnr U'~OD.-:-I" ..v~ OR", Ti.~ J ...·U.~SONi;D. Yi ce. by, takill/t from ~~lIn hid luvo . fur gin, -were IOU a &UWIIII,lt wIIllIJ be different. the wief he Iuffe.rt'd for hef im~rie\)nmell\; 'Why ! _"an~er.I·'·wa'n't talking . • ~y. young lady playing the pIQn,!~, wbile her -.101UM1. , . - '- .... , ',' The '~1l0~ 114tur~ , to "~iol! \lppelll, blld for·-·· . .. when two cltllbinlers leize.~ bill' rooghly thing aboot ni~ge.r", , The fact III Ihe ' old her] moth"" wu w"lIiql 't h. whldQwL-:" IT :WII, C,UGG~,u.AL~, bp,cll ,mllde bJ!he. j~rmer · wuuld , nut . al/o~ , 'Agn,'11 !8be luoked 011. ~rollnd, ~nd 110- liy ' tbe arm, lind ordert'd Mm to follo,w m~q, 'w aul1th\lr enjolinK' Ihe eatra lrouble W. Ja,we DO re~lon for' (orellll\lnl , tb• " ,, .' " . him t'l be ,!nl!~l1tel~l. ofld' (ul 8ia , liiolll ~'8 gll~ IV weep. 1'~uc~ed , Ii)' ~h~ .~I,lte III . them, ' 0'111, 8udd"",, Roelle,l l!linkiogt!le)! Jtll had pllt ~he TeDl~~~an I~, r.ea~tlo~',aDa compar_Dl '~~ our reader. .' ( .To~ Tope, ly ",I'Mthl! ver.l,~N tiot I,? ~ I.l , To,l,l, \v.!-'rke,~ .. ~ tbe~ fOrl1l .Il, ~?b~r m~(l '-:- II"I~Jl\h 1. &,IIW ll~r, I ~~II(Ur~d 10' oppro,lIc~I', were !Joll1e to tnk him Iikewl.e t'il prlaon~ •Well. what do. yoll ':vall~ with OD Ut, IlIc~.- W.4etl~"g 'Q~I",. , th~ to,\', n. Jl ~.. IIDd' bee!, ', a ,(relit' '~I~lly, t TI,Icn lhe ~urm~r l ~u8t~ d ,hi,nl '10 go ' ~o· tbe' aud '1IIkl ~ g h~I hand III II IfI~ lIdlr ', (Ullnller. screamed -a ,oud j and bur.ting tiirl,ugb t~e ~"Ia!'; HI,quiretl the latter. ', ' II l1n lf' b:-l, \JtIJA t\tp~r, u~ ~e .bad UI)\'lIy'l neure!t town, He c~nl" cli,ack at Iho, np· I r l\treotell, her ,10 ~ell mO:llt~ .CUUIIe of hf r wOollen latt iCe or herw,inao'l\~,~ beraelf 'l"\Vllnt 'cui for my .I)nl,· ..Id the lI~e~. a. IIIII(>r-lh.t. IB, III lunll lUi . he had poilllt'~ lim~,. lober. ftc hQd lc~rJled .wurk teard : She ~c~llalDed ,,,lent ,a rew: mOi ~nlotheatrpe~ below I Ah.lllr, wOllld tb~t mn, ' , ' " 1\I~III~. ,hen Wlplllg be eye~. dllld:. J could 'forgel 19 horrible all. event! Ollr The iltorekeep.er helln \0 count ' thOle mucb .. iieilllhen~ IIId qU,lct1!nl tli" tleen 01 ull, at I"..t $~Ilce h.e wa. ten yeD~~ alld wo IIseru'. , of .gf'~ II'h!cb ~crlOtl, lit' tbe duw of our b!Aq he entl of r"«;\Y8 monlh, from tile ','Y.""l will tell tO~ ,~ll! ~"r livo )'f'~~. poor'. Ruchel',. 'booy . WU ' ODe mlllllaced 0llt11e '~ul\ter-'~il{ht,' 1.ld be. 'a Jlr.tt)' ment II tbe .ttldr or .ltUral ' phlilOlllOplhr' og~.pIIY. wa" ~I SI~II~ ,Dbuut fll\('en 011 ~he niJ:ht or hi. iml.'l'lilllnlllent, Ilhe f.rRl.r.~Di~ havo Ilu~p ' ~t~l. lleCrel 11.'1 hCDrl7'~~t I~ ~eap, her blood bUdprinkledl. my \ir iher, bl, I pread or bo,,.·already, I'il .welf, ,but T~I .. pral .. boa 'betp beeto,red on IBllth,JIo""---'':'" , ur,lh'~ r,;,'olutloll' nroun~ lUll orbit. tu hi"I, o~p,re.~..,. we 1Il',ond endur IIC(" I\lI,d ,you and 'even,tlle car.blnlefl' .~ m to, here I:oel ,' Iinil ,\Ie Idd~d pne' 'Illld, Ibeo' mat!u; ,et a kDOwleg. olabatrillt .Ith.. ,allablllha4 Ia tit. lib.... 01 til. · ·}'om·had der~'c.d ~ bill rotrua\ylliic . from 'I am goi~, to ,tllke II ride ~o-d,a!,. TI,olJl; ,",ha'J ~e,~ it~ '~II~.li''!.''. Y$-rl Ilkel~.. tny ! IItruW II/ml6lr Ilk'e;' • ii1a'_IIR, the a-pJi be"antfyeu .our111, alld plclJed orth. . eall'" "'i~ .U tbe abauiclltlre of • owercome bl.deUClt"OI'll~J"1II41JM. .II I If1CI'5 try whlell, pru~nbly, at 1lO1II~ all', . , . You,wlli go wtlh me." " larbl'r U!q cume, III. ' ',' I,;robnd bo.ide,, "" cr. , .. kla he Will ~UI •• nd 'finall,; 8feillg thlt I". old Ihe d,r/J aplj ' but.. with. natu! .~ecl, t,o UJ. followJo, dielope. . . cieJl\ era;,It, d WOII th .. ,.iglliij~ll,!~t apr ell.AI, the .tUW/I -It re the former met ,Tom. ":u~ l'~rce!'Q ~.t forfs hOIl, e only jllst in time ~ b.e' htlr IlIlIt elata. .'004 imOloveable, "ulIll~rIJ coulUiujr the riil pIiIlOlOp"1.,IIIIIJch Ite no ,III ".~, 1OU~ too 10 uaa,' IiI/II rur cxplQitl ill tbo liuo tlilil blld Dlud~ he 'conducled 'hl!1I 10 Il Ihop lind 116'11 hi-m du, 'lI }ber~ bCl)'uII~. tbe Ti~l'r.,. 1:1~at ,I" A',wolnlln ~Yho "ad . fNlllarU'{blit 1.0, /iatl. he tOiled ~own':tbrlle· more Inti ~DlI m.ilea, aad I ,i'l'e. one of th. ·e40Ieec~D!-1 'I ~in" , ,Ilhn fllll1e~s. ,'. , ' . ~ 'rillliell ollL' i.lI ·a hnn~ilome suit of . c~Ji.heil~ tit ~ Mil)hlllll'oI · ttO~Plt.. I(, ~, f(1KhJ{ol pl~ee• .teIlIO '·· WUI Qrre~ltd.~, .1\111 jlolme t~ $\Y~ m~, IIbuUI to · dtlIC~II~. \limaelr" ,!hen. tbo ' l,llu~"tlp'ni l or'lhe alMtrllct ·truth., :He,lII~ , lforerou,. .. ~rn.4,1.~ . T ( m h~d ue.ell lelli~ntl~ 'pused t~lf~ugh a~~, i hon pI!&! hil.n ' in addi~iun fuir .~lIgI1S ~~er." I~e d~Jlrl'y.ed .01 . botlr8eJ[e~, are put /I0.Iice ofit,lIgd , I~rt ,lh!l h~wlle a.termiw. nlun told. him tij,labld o~ al)d tb~.l" dowli·. laciinp'tlbl. wIth .n1" roll 'ab.urnltl • . A 1.~neCllD. te do i~!, m08t .. _a .. ~IHhe Temper.n~e Or~e~~ untl SuclI!'i~d for III the wor k he, hutl,perr~rllle~ • . 10m's !Dtu c~I'finenlellt, ljil. ~I !he ~ubJe~t I . ed 10, o~om"lIl1)' biOI ·to prlliOq .bljlul~ tleY, few JIlore. , " " ". lIIan who.. m1!~~11 '~cult'OI h... b~n baad/lffcJi'fI, To-I I -'lela', Ihat had .pr~"r up in hi. nellll)burlluoo, amnt\lnle~t ,t . tl!iil ~roceedl~g. we ,wu,uld ' IIbout ~o llp~Dk uf•• My father ,. Ill:~tt~oli", be takiDg l~i!D .there. Jud ..... of4ll, '11J~ul.h, . 'Oh.1:ome, unclt'" "..ld be. 'you u~ bJ, lcqullatlDcl With ~be """"~,I< " . - ..... ahd bl! hu,1 WDle out !Ii mueb of a 101 1M lIul altempt to !le8l:rlbp, but II did dut obule but nl, mlllher Willi, Jeweas; tlle !r !Dar- when, on reacbl;., a~. )licha!>,i'. , 1 recog~ in~;' but to plelll. him ' he Ulr'~ I" the:lr colDl1lontlon, .nd who co~bed III It, -That'e .• " .l )' IIIWl . h~ weDt in-lIlld WI> 0 ·~o. ir ullow~noll in '(he 'Ielit whe~· the f'rwer said':'" rluge luok pillca uutle~ , the. rule pr t!te '"ized Ruchel In tlie lifeleaill.'.· mutilated twenIY., _' \ been ingacod\ therefo',.. ip the ' . n1!.... Jbmml would-JUde me If • • ute wa" 1I0t madu for lap Re of time. . , 'Now you wm gu with IDe to lho to'll'.n t·~,uCh. lor before tlie~r, tilUe U,eae aur~lIol corpse Ihllt. 1~1 '01\. \!UI gr,ound. (.all m1. 'TI,at" je.~ On,e.,t9 0 manr" i .ald tbe old pl.t1nl~real relatloa ... 1a .more likely 10 ill•• ~ ... ~ band at ft. H~tIk.tcbm; bab' I Tum, had IIlwoYI bten • b.~(-h~lor, p~r- where yuu IIlIow.n a~ ~ .lIOt. I Ib.U umon. we,r~ ,~ut. pernIlUed, and huye ~mce brolhor, pule and Ilillft;ured, Iddre.. l~ III., IDln with much.~rlvity. " • coyer Wth I~· .other I/u... lo\ll•• nd ,caa ~e. I ~okecl. whow ~ll 01 e&llce beo.vee, ht hall , never ..~('.n ao~er c.l: ' _UU Brown.' , _ , bee!, pruillbllt'~, . aly moU'l'r had 11 -1Il~ler. I.'eople aro,und him wllh Irl\lIticr~ae-·Ye.,' ' Whnt!-)'ou iI,!n't mel" ~ .., 1 0U fend hlmlll( .",Inat IIOp bla h7 'of efery"~ ••tabUaI!m .Dl.'n ~kel .t:Jeet, 1... , \ilDg enuugh to .eek out • .-I le. and per,'" by •• lr1.' fellturt!C\ .,.OM, hi' tfe. full \Vho looU .Iept WIlli lue uh'll 01. h.e r ffltll. cried lie (I- I\,'eor I wiU' puFilue wIth 6re bll~' nilleteen Ion'" ' kind. " We cannot bu. elearer IyidtDce Wedneicl.l lr· That. plDIt (t 6i~; , " 'I ' " " , " ..... 1 " R" • , " . . . ' '. ' . eh TomlD1" " I (har ce IJIICD.lIee he was a~,. Inu,e I or. o~o- of tlure. • . -. erj;'. and lel~< _clle, 811 orphan" l1~hel alld .\VO~ the . tyrant.r ~I~o h''I'e ifriv; 'Yea I do InellD' ~ ~a11O: "" tl,. old thla. thea 10 t~ liIatoll' o~ &!al .eiea~, .fto . . .: " m~live,; d~mi!t.!~III~ th~t 110 , ;~Dlan. cou~d -,You will ~~ ~b~n we 1iet Ib,ero,_~.at .1II11~ 'x~t:Uent creoture, .nd my pprenlA ell to .' dl,s pair; 1 , .",tlar . ~~ rl!vel!~e man' .. D~swcr. : ~' . lit- ~,' 1 . ' th , nlc::oul.D ...Ua~ ' rel_lo, rr..t hoolltd , ha,ve tie.~" fooh all:enough to ll/lk ber ,fUll', y0I1I"U8~ L. • "ttanller ; ~",e~rybod1" re- rouk , her 111,; llIy.,f.. thllr aQd ~ ~er.e- V9~y 'tile Builtle.1 vira!,~ W~QDI ",!U'y h.~e .. reat. , 'And wlulr In the name of \fle Bt'~~ ~k ti" pla~ orihel'lliQnao ::::'~. • 10 hi~," ,_ _. ~~rnedthe 'ahner. . III.ud uf ber., She knew, t!l~ hl.lO~l' .o~ ~hu ed' like " repro,bu'e" courwZtlu;. th0\ll!' I Tennessee .re!heyli , ' ~ 0' pr~iI, " J~ I " T~IO .had 'amve"d lit .n .er~ rn hi. 'rvent· 'An,tt.ing 1,011 .ay, alr,~ rep hed· JJI~le by I\ellrt, Ilid ,wl,en ":0 ueed to ~1l ,OI_' H~ouhl peri~h pn Ibe ,seellol!d for il,'1 wj ll ' 'We~I, they lire III ron'lt!lllee,: ,.aid th.. ""het-.k,,pe 'Cui h.re· ",hen he WI. ~oo alllnle,.~ ~o work lnOr.e deeplr I~/lne~ thlln he had yet bl!t!lI. tht! le~race~ .t.e would divert UI .bI. Iler n."t,ilavo ~\~Orll ill v!!.ipll J~lIt the JI!!Ople man, 'rlgbl yeer, In. tbia clt,-~p, at\h.• ho. ..... lIarra\lUUI, 1 waB 1I0t twelve yeura, u! agl! I1nd tile Boidiera IIpplauded. his relolution. fel.' . . ,,. " .. , etea (ur , 8in, hi' favor!le beverage~ .nd, Ar! IYl:d aube .villlge, JI~. Rruwn '~ere b'l'gnn torbe t'ulk tblll the, poor.buuee in(roauced 10 ifIe . p.rillL:lp", c,lli&e'I~' The" lieu I Jilili. •thtl. millurlullil to' lUll e lilY, The fright ful ,illht t1i,t Will Iylog bclilre 'Strange'r,' lila ' lbe titorek'eeper, hi. A nulbber,of lildl. . .t 't~ ere '.ould I,ue to I~~eh~r him. wht>a one :~ig!'t I'.~!-~r was Generally known ftlldmocl! re:, u'~lher; lh .. _ad ev~.nt t'lldell~ed .aoche! th~m "'" iudelld cBlcullJ leillo rouae thei.r Incredulity making lilm ap\ltter a d .tulter · dete~lnecl to ha.. their ~1"'lI. be 1n1·.cuh.l~.ly dll~pjl'ellred' i ,HI! was IU dpecled: Mr. Qro:-,"n ·Will well dreuellllllu Mlllllllure tu our 11I1I1I1y. FruID tlu.t 1110- ibdiguotioD! Alul lbcir illllil:nlll iun could a. he .aid it. 'ify'lu ken ahow melline,_een .ceordinr tO'thelr IdeH, Deed, to ~e ,r11'~ ";.ell know~ about tdw, n, tblll eyeryb(.ld! made 11 fill~. appctiranc:e' ,":e wa. ~. lnvj~ed litem 8hil10U"; upo~. htlr , all tho cute~ ,of Dol rive me back a.cbel, IllIIti by. avenillir bUYI. of rour m,:kl\. .thar·, the h~lI , ' , . ' .end Ihe fOIID , pulled down 'livid u~ then,' 80id' tlle,old mlln, and 011' . lifted QJLa./e,,, !llm. a'ld ,bere W3~ a ~neral '~I\u ~- wllh the lurlOe,r to dille With ,the 1Il"l:P'- our uouaehold, ~,Ii 'l!'dt;IlYOCed to, ~lIeVlllb! my brother'. arre.t for .. Ilit/ tnellt, II on'l rl' al tl) hll my:.terioh; fllt9, b~(n~ 'tidinr Ira Ie, a milo belore whom he biad 0111111 been 8 i1 li,ucil .D• . ""bible, .II'y ("tller·"rief.li.. contrIbuted t:.;' d~prive me ~Ir ' bim fur enr he .t,;" llId. ~ In about \en mlnllte8, dci'i rn .quallt,. W'otciiell,erl • came.. ' . ~rraill'lIed ~I\' a druIYken vbgrDlll. " Hlid lie tbtl l\ltW 01 .~i¥ pUrlll!.'r. We. cOII'(iIlUO~ to ill tbe end." , • , atreetli~ Ca'me, he~ilib~ aJin~ ni~euieD, ' . . . h", ~bl Iiouot .~ . . _ _ ,_. . bli:l' ~!lr\lhii" li~a.;I~ file, each ' beaH~r', • ~l1'.Whe~ thele'l*dle. h~.11I . \ . 11 W~II oh , tllo firth ~n)' an.r I)i. tlope-. Il~fn lIudd~ nly irllnllpurttld tu th~ ~pon, ur 'iv~ IlIlppily lugl'lhcr, wile!) l?uo. tlay ~y. 1~lmt, wh,l' n Tom 'turned up' oh"tbo Itepa, Vellu~~ or ~o .M~ "', I"! h2d not bee~ ~ore IDlher alinouuc~d thUL he ",oil,uln~to .•~t , " TAlttJ!lIt' ,RA~T_" . g~ I:II,n. and MI,?wed by tb,lr "aerable and laIue ~elr: e~~cl8. ~)jel hllYe a tlV P'\o about ten mil .. a fro,!, Ihe town decldl'dly ,I~tonl.hed. He kl1tw ne~rly off for Pled!lJonl.oll,llccouut of an Illhefll~ fl:, mather_ The, I en'lered tbe mer- koldl~la Convontlon , "ithi~ • few dlY elf bit nlltivitY. Jte p.rlllyle8~ alld ewery b~dy-wi.y did nobOdy know hlln!..! ance. which it WUI Iloce. sary lor our h,ler-. " Some bate luppoted Ihat~~e m, hilt,' cbijnll Btorll and ra~ged along tfle COUDtet anel we;aDd,whil th8J pro~ lbualutom"'.! · th~ ~Modl,ord had turned'hlm oul .0 1' dUI/fi. 8I'CUU88 Mr. Brolwn Will no m<lr~ liJ/~ , , ... t. ~.t lie IlIo.u!d itake puua'llion of iu i8 a lIy.ing wloich ~ri!p ~ Dted!D thl. willi: -ihe Itorekeeper " ru~n ~;i. "ye aloo, the up. . '. c III! wal Bober a. eyel , he / had bee.1I in Top;rl" Olen a · well drtl~led, Ie p~reo.I" He ~lJIlorlCed U8 lendl!ri:,. recoI,,- A hlndllOme youni lady put upon b,er head 1I0a with IIBtDqilhment. , . I .. To detitra, the glalla, _Ial .yln...... , ~lIli(tl. A' m~n ia· a. ru~lIh ' farmer'a COlr. Dlall i. en~where Hke a ' r4g~, bl~ated mendini Rucbe.1 and ' Dly.elf . t~ 1','1111 • g .. hQ~ for ·,hlab be' .lIri.lr~ &he pen; , ;And )'ou ';,,' he 'e nqu1red" '~bat th_ and · branch~lvfl. political UICl ~!I. , .." him; apd, tappill, biOi on the Ibuulder, ~ttel'l-t!rtinkoni. " upon 'LorenI0-8uch Will lliy brother'·" ahy of a k,.I, and .nother .lwalD, elger, b\lj" are .111our.,' . .' . , ' .aiJ:. , At dillnpr, 100ki,l I, at the m.glatm•• nam_al a .I'coud f.llte~,and to def'ti{ to tuln8iGtthe •• me puniahm, nt, diD tbe '~I1c th ,!il"lIIother,' eald the 01. IDla·. • ,To orJUl~ • .,.tem. apoll Ii , '~.t'W~~lalDn.~O'DaeDeroua,'l'OIIIta'; en I., ~ aa, !DrIllue fuacl;t I rift ''What are )'ou olng bere, In manl' Illid tbe r.rrril!i-. hiw Judgmelll ill nery thing ~,, ~bouI4 , bid fair UIIO '~~e m} hat;' ' \I/ h4l'lte lib.' dl~ 'abl' a~'1" tllel are .; ' . perfect llben, .ail 1Cl",1I" to people W"th ~ f .". . . ,. .,. \ ' . ,....l. >' 11 I d bo.'l. I' 'em to e ... 0 ...1 R e.o~m AlIOClatfolr ...' 'W.ltln' r.... AUlDe ·I.1 O»"' ..l uk me 10 ') beliet:e It II about a year !linee II poor ua d~. LoITIIIO. illlieed, Illough ' on'y not ill noll no" "',e, quei t\oll', but lhl. dIU 'j}O y<iu ")'.. 110, ' m,adllm!· h. inq!il •• . co ofl.n .,.~" " . tIi OdIUtl ' b ' 'd tJielwtl. IlriDIc. , • .,be 1C1u're the chap,' ", ... 1'um'~ dnmk"n wretell,' "ell- nllmed TOI.n twenty, Wei quite cupabli.· of .l'l)plucjl,g my 'not orig lni,lf/ .llie ".vina; .nol' ,tli~r it! a. red. ' . The detal" of ·tbi.,ete...1'f! to embrlce I~ ' ~ :";-:::• . ' ~ r. ao.wer. . \ ._ , .' : .~." . • Iy dj•• 'ppe~r"d r~~ the ,1U~ge. 1 .,etherl h!!, knew 8ev~ral lan~'~i. flnll he eo~e ,uPP\l~• .,rigln.t.e (fOlai t&e , tact ~at' : Ye~~, I do,' ~I! therepl)" ·.nd ,t ODpt amorigo~e~ woman'~ rl&btl. the (Olluwln.: n , ~~ ';Jl~~ dia~~!:'t ~er~ 'PIle rollll'b"lookllli !/Ian .lIlIlfcI .. aDd ' N· hl'r betn lin; Ildln.. or IIl1n" woul,d, DO .d oubt. have relih&e~ , all oUf a froli cillD, bl~ w110 had 100 mlny brielt. to kno~,~ . .,.1 T~e right to 1t'c¥ thll 'br , .ob~ . qe . h d t.b ChriaU All ' . plitllI,. 'Not 'l \tord,' HId lhe magMratt. ,'J hoptl but lor tile dreadful Inislorlune I.h,a\ ill hi. beaftr.lne;,1&ed meel e.araeatl1 thaI 'Well,'Jou 00..111, 'I'll l'IIear,' aalA t e ;The ,rlI"t to ,qte It aU"I'~ODI, .; ell.Oll11.~~' • '. Ul ~Jt" . . " , ' . , .. ~ . I Til Iftb to nd Ifill p... vDJae Dew .. nteratun ~YoII' loo~ lit l( .}'OU had talen drink .Irllr.gt': Tom wu a goot.l fellow but befell u.. rou ,mlllt Irnnw that ever)' the town pump Ibould 'llilte 'Ill.· lia','- Itorelteeper. 'Old friend,l be .dded. 'Iai,"t • e t ruD a .• tump t 9 t . • I' k DI T ct ' " d 0 mUII&h in your lifet.' . \\-(fuld dlr nlolhlng but drlnlt gin'; when 'he SundlY .04 holid!1 we W""L ~o · m.... Iout'l Aeu .. we can a_rtaln, and it il a got II word to IIB1. jee,'tllk, my ba~.' olll~... r~ ~ ~ 1Il.."r to ~e Pree1. ~~T" :"oD' ~pt.\e~. ,.:.~.,..,. '1'111 Drla~ dry. H avn'l had a drop to- could, he berged· lt, lind be wOllld ne,er RaChel. wbu,a,,,..),, ,, w,aited for u. ·at till' matter 01 h,M1OI1. the ' .a,lng- Ie ... 101< ... , _ deD!)Y_ ·'· ',. ' ' '''l1a7.:-;', ~~~ ~ .,0 .111,' , da)" poQ 0011",,' re.-umN Toni wllh a wo- worll only to Jet moner 10 buy' iL' cliurcb door, the,. luuk AlolUO" IIrm, and 10WI: ' . ,', DIDts (or Yoalllr La.le.. . 4. The rr,b~ to 10 coDrtl!!, UPOD their 'Y I tall . J III der'th,..., lui, rice, i. he .m.tkf'd .hia IIpa .arid ~~w During thl. Ip"ech Mr. Brown'. ' faee we uaed 10' take I walk on tile. COriO or · ~bOot nlnete.n Y8lfl·agu •• fiD.l,ookln, Ir any )'oqng '_omaD wute.in trlvlaJl own 1I00k._ to look '.nee &be Roo -;. III au ~o;:, • old ..... biil oi"y eoat.cufl' acl'Ollll bla muuth. pllll'rd Ibruugh a multitude of IlnllUlar eJ[. behind lbo Culllf"ulO, in the pretty PUb'IiC' old gent1elmln,lrom W "tl!r~ Vir,lal!,.nJ amui'eme.,t.I t~e prime .eaaon for improYe! Ih' 'oung mea. "".., ney ,. J1'OCI!rJ:' tot .::~ ',..., 'II I wll1l1nc!,~ ",a IllUcb II ,GU ran prcl lionJl'. 'Tbe IlIrme r, ""atchln, him. g,atdeD. · Tbe l'.rl~b prielt, bowc:ver. , teNd. ,111M la ·NuI).,.ijlle. X~. ment., whic"'!, b~ WHD I"a of ,Ix· ~ .l rialli to tam oYer lb. !111M ~~' door uob, . "~ : ' .riaiJa. will you i U, .Ilb ']M" 'I .quired tbe plied 10 t1i(>~ m.gl~tr" tC-:dOl;', kllow wh11 took it Intu hla head , to Said at6ri! w.. o"Md'IIf ·. 1111111", boDtIlt old 1e,n".nd tw,ent, ; UiOl hrrelfte'r telret bit· kitchen ilDd ,chlldren.to J4r, .C~lIIIle. In, .'em I e~opa'~ 06 pilll,m.D. , '" ~ . ' He .... at .ny hOIlM litter h. len: hera di~.pprove 01' bchel~. ulOC;iuti1lli' with I tr.der. wha knew • pat deal more about le ril the lou" 'IIben t~el :coQ!iJ to feel 9.. ·.The rl,b, ,to, ~m",aad In : the IU~...." } ,, "' . . . • 'Ye~, alld ~lIy witli YOl~~~r~ T_, II fllud of drink H " 'er.' " . One d.~y ~e clime Ind u"ed ml bro~her !III- tbe qllal'~""('be lJquor au"" ,lit" . . .~.ck them.e/ve~ inft!Hot In .kn~leclge ,\o a~~·,~••~, ~\r. ~ ltD"" ~te .lDc~~tnl At '~ ' 'iIae .:;;....,,"'... " IriIII tlll ,lie .tock i. 6u1.lt-eprln&Ln, with 'I'U WlrrAllt It] "lIlr_II tbe magl.ttaW .....iI' .who Rbe WtW. a.Jld " 'hy ab.,wlla ~ever enti>of tt. suDtIF than hit I~ ahWr 111ft one thel conum wlib; Ind ' < COD_mtO __~ to t .,... :._::~.". .. .~~~ • .' I.. ' • .' , ., r be ,tlii .ltiiIawllt. baa 00....... _ III~ abow of .gllhl to rul fHI: " 'I'.. ao doubt be tiled like a beut Iii ~n IItcllllr.c b, ~ Lo~IiIO"l;J}8w"r,lb9u,b • of e f.~rj_."h" , ~.,~If the:y . Ibould e.~e~ ~me ~ OtbefB, 'f. Tb• . ri,ht to w.at meD.o( "lIlIllIIi ' ' I.~ the" IIio '0.. llito 1111 W~I). tbeabl'd Ute P,O- lOme ditch.' .,rietl}, true, ·did Jlot "att.f}, the ''bil(.Oled Ib.. lt.., betwND the lWO ellllemilid or that tbey tHI their iaablJltl to iIlrect mUiS'Cltio. of til. B .... ~ fDCIUI\' : ~ !lelDan. .r.1IrawD could end"re il n$ pridl; he tnll,!lIlnPd tb,llt a,J m",lIuaot{lYed f01albt 1Ioth-dita .,..,. and utlu tbe purlu!tl· 01 therr chiI4.,n . e. The rl I Ye . plea": I=- r ti~ to I'a die .. ~'Wllb pl~uure. air,' .. ld, To", aa be Jumplllg up. IDd to the ecniliernatioJ: fllbl to ~iye aD" wbere b~~ la the Ghetto. eomlo~ fa , '. . .I~' the they find janor.nre a aev• ..,. ~mortiliCitlon . !J'beir mono le-'Tbere'•• pod &lme e .~ daD\btred ,lnw fume.:' ",a,oD.btf,,'" Ihe ma"ltrate, .e.rl, throWIDI lbe tlble (an.uuwboleaome quarter of 1t01lH! lIIII,n· , 'I'iM Old Varliollda cut. bia ..eI. real e,i1. l.et thla IInillllte rl rl.,' __•_ _~__......;;_ ... 'ITem. . • loy!!r, he crlecl- ' cd to the "'aelil4'•• in wbich tbe., a,..pent the abel,". IUd GuaU, lndnltl)'.lUId let lICIt • mod,a\ 0plnlOD • Tom ... ~;I~~n I\.e 'mllea, into ~be . 'No hedldn'lI Here· he til I'la up like~abl/C'p io a rold; tbe beln• •t .., . . t!Je~r , alpachlea be a ~illCOO1'egelDent to A cuonltqr· ..wyer. mee,h" ~Ith • tIOunUJ. Ind ..al eel au.n ID. fum ,ard T ..perl~1 Do~'~ Mr. B;own me ,Inymore. cl.,. at 8 o'clocll .t lI!ibt.) ·WIII. Deia1aIlor, JOI!, I .... die. thp~ I.. tllIl,r endftYOr'l .!\fIr kDOWIedp. Ibrewd 014 frlead 0111 .lalte Ii~. tIet.e,. do tIIeI... owtroa,..'..... • ~un"i. wltla fo.vlhhd caLt~. . Yon kicked and cuffetl'lI!e abouttbla IUWD . Moreover, be ~on.lderecl . it blah. , bll.' '. .~ A tDOdera~ unde!ltaDtlla,. wltb dUII....t mined I~ llail hIm. eloD.1 Julo'" ..... ~, . . .,. ITbllletlODrb~.·.afdh~Jle. frillad. ,ndwul',lnato Rad me I~ the 11 iDdecqroul. lID P~1t1 ., Ihe . 'A.llahtapr~·." &h.....er••nd ~ell~'recteclappUcal!on,~iII . p 'G~ lDornl':'l ..... _ . . . . 110,,- ....... 'J'~ tbuUpt 1& . . .. a lIuter ~ai:e fur IIuUlle, Ind eall84 me aotllin, ~l abe abou14 Ii,e under the tuUowecl tb1i. 'Wbar ~ ,au fan,bef, ~' more Unl, ,.ulua. If It- ,our ~ loOk 10 pale !' ,,-.., p .... mach u-Jae ouuld drink, but 1'olD.'lIul tbia fUIM' lliade 1M U J.oreuo. ,0lIl ••"" tlaat be fro ...• . t.e.odId W\lIa ~l IIDIllIie... aDel In.'..... ·Ab. rA1 clear frlt~ N,JieI1 . '. oW -:::=-='!It-;~~:;~~. did 1\0t yeAlQte ....matk. ,TIlt aeatle.au . . . aomethina 01 a 1l1li DOW I pat .110, _ .euc:b lCaIIIIa. doinp. • 'Old ~lrrfDl.r "!U ~... tlciD ..bicll too oRo ,olot ...... 'If t.b..... looIItd ~ ~ A _ _ _ _ wIlD iatllM"" to. Iaaatllom. a&oa. booR. ncl dir\7. allll bJoate4, but ... tIW.-liItld, ~ "t"'UI.IIla14~. repHHdIe Jt.~r.. ~",.tMewouWJoo."",~..,.......... J.. aII..~"'''''' ..nT.......U . ....,pon:b••• onIenId ptlOllllhloth.. to" • ., .... ......., ID _ .......... 10, •• _ ...... •. . . I'UIIIIII _oW~ ...... . - , to~. ,.U.r J& ."{ pock~u4bow bDw eua .... lII.......... ~ .... ,l1li lOll be,. 1M 1cIr. to.... teft" r -MI" lIay;
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, " , ' ~T.AlJi'IOTi.... '0. ., SE"~TE.-.Mr. Seward pro'luted II PI! : ~ .. ., .' tion rrum the indullr!al OOQgrl''', In , New York, prClyin~ that the · Guverllmel)l to .8 "opt ,such II polli:y"l~ ita ,inte,rcQu , r.fe .:w,ith •
rore Ign Mlionl 8S will al'llure 10 'he pl'ople
Wllller loai\1 tl;nl ~tiil~' ~l~nppr'l n. ,I I I! u'1:110 n ~.nd l1li to ·'be , pu ~ . I, ~ or'hls" ; elqlut/uns on the (oreign f il 11 It d t ' lew luld . 0 ,I,D n e ,,~ eaj ,I l therefore, move tbey be orUlted. which VI" , '~ agreed to. ' co. nc"rn,ln" Ibe Tile firet , ".IOIUlioo. • v •
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,,:" ,NEw4VI/lIX.})ec', g~. p, M. " , The a,e.nler Barite; 'o f 'lie Collfna LiM. I wilh C1lles frorri LI~erpuollo t~,e' Olh illn, ' It Ihill port' lit 4 o·clock. P. II,:" af!I',ooon. The C•• bric Icbed LI. ' \-crpool, on Mond"1. (he ,8th hI 8 1,' . The proUre•• Qf I'venl. in FfllICP con. . tlnue to ' abaorb, publlclttenlion Ihroucl.llut }' . , Eurort'. ' . , Lhuia ' ~apoleon h'l b~n' COmllle.tel, auceeftarul !II h.. ullder,aklnr· . "he pmr. 'Itt I "'h tlK • ,ClPple , 4\t reB M}:'nc~. ",}.IC ' )V,,'e made. III all en" l \iy Ihe. ultra RupII\JIi,:\,,,,, , IlIlve been IUPPnl...... and' e"lItifelv p' ~ d ' ",Of" , ~. uwn. , " I' III the dlITerent df'p.rl~eDtI of ra\l~' ' lhlJl.t'd lu 'e&. . W,," lmlnedlatel!
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o:7M..y 1AmkI'~'th_'of ourpaltObl t :~~;;::===~:i~~!!!!l!!=' hIY. ,.ill ,
.,. , ••• B.,
I . . cqmJlC*d of .1emI Iflters. 111, 10.9.', ie • put "! the bod1;' .. .. I. 11. ~ ......tlr.hu~~
~UNlC&TlO•. .ouWl-----·-===--. ..
liberal., within the • few IlIOn lenl .. tile . . . . .,. ther ....W plaee , UI ~ obll..tio.... W. h... """ p.., ...11 er
'.OJ if
FlJr the ltaubi Vititor.
CUIU8JLl• •KEn:D •
DUClor /'"f h. GI leIla. About three SIDon -Df,'or SIr: ago J Web le"ert'l, IOJuretilll ode one my' lellS by the foil ing of n pIle or wII.od, t ~•...,.._ _....,..~ willcia occm.llln ell large run'lIng Ulcera ---'--,--::-~--~_ cure w trlell Galena IQ Nenrly every Ductor
WnYII Cillll", Ohiu wil lf0lllPI Bl1~IIt1Qn II) ~II enll. III 1u t! line ll eplIltln: of \V nteb4ltl unll Clocklr r1011~ till " ood lorrl' ~c .11.1 nl \\ ork "'Ir,."l~d J hove .ecured Iho ·crv icos or an dhclCIIL Journt) mOil 'n,\ It"' IIIU. on abled '91l'YOll ouJ .,.lsfuCIIUII E iii
• bUI they Irled III uln. ulltll, from aYInJlllihy and lmpropp l'r trenllnen l. my IJlhpr leg beca'"D 118 lJud na Ihe uno or,:lIn. DlIy
I dCRJI,mpd of
C\ lOr"C"'1I
well n/J8"', IiUI, In order thlll I m.ght nl'1r IIIl mennB \\ ithln m)' rea. h, I purchu». ell of you,r agellt III GulellD, some of Jour O,nlmen t. ana ynu CDn Jlldge of m) 8ur·
Dr. GuysoWs Improved EX· tract of Yellow,Dock&. Sar·
EZIL\ STRA no" ATcn &. CLOC K MAI~· ! 5t Elt, .a8t 01010 or M',n l &tve
Gre at Rem edy !
SLO AN' S (om &; Cattle lt1edi~ , ~ ,.. 6£_.01 0_ ODd a..IIflooo ~ Obl . . . . . l .. ow;".,., I. Iwltll, ,u~ln. " "1 0IIi0tGIIr. ..... . ~ Wnh,,,,.ia (or lhe ... ~ or Fitoh Woo. WIMo I~, ••• lltol I. "1".1 ,"1Ilrur., CTtIeked .. Pull £vI • C.llo,," III_m.. " _ . """"'" Ik'
of,f •
• 8«raJul •..alDene.... Sartd Cracke, Pouridlrla• .,.... •• chee or ""'4"", l!I""ICand " _ O'-npw Plitt"'" tY\IIIM1On all InhiUJ!OlioIt ••• '40 IIIe .... er. ~lIrlr, '~tiI QQd.l«lioen Ihe. .kla, ~I.. p( 100 bod I and -1"1'"4 ~ I ""nl.llen •••ty
.",IgII .... ~I~
Whellt. 1!1 bu Curn, V " D~rlry . ~ .. OhUl,,';p, doz Outs, 1i' 1m
",'je 22e bOe 200
}'luur, 1> bbi du ~ cwt
l D"'."'I"lf
IM.IoUnd . I.- of AJIIIeflte. " .. n. 1010," W • ..".lnnam _lloo onlle 2"", ~!"''" /lard .... ,••" .1.. R.... PI..ln~l whleh prove. 00 total IOmaD1 .aI... 1"'1·U"tom , """"" h. u.l. <4II n,,1' .. \JI.I......... .. _ f a :r.:~:"CoucI" .lId Cold.. wblt.h ......... II> ....., 1 - - remedle. - ... Itr.t-; ODd ....... Oori ' If tile . . • lion.... fbllo" .." lilt ruflhot IlOlIkulon and. _ _ of~.t ....ww. C..... "'" 1'-,4Itt. of . , . . .
'rUE r.nOPf.l l I Y I.
W. B.ILO D ar_ Dq/II. to Lu... ow..;.. ..
pn"]'El N'" FINLEY , Xenia
8lrUa'.. Iff Iho town ot Ut D ulld C U Jl 81 ~lt', hrs l
ohOI). "n~ a Hln cks""lh I ~hOI' Ilu. a !(lIodUrI k iJwIllhll1l Uoo"". eoalilO lot It h""Ust.! eUtI\tt llh.: nl hJI
1.11,," .... to occol')' 1",luw .... 1 ft c.. "n'I"~",Iu , Unll til 8Nlon"bt( \r) u_"" IIy .:>0111,,1 " ...." ...'. nllCU '1 h." l,rol'll"), will uu .. old '''llulher or
;p 111. Jt'u Coffee ;p 11>,
PROOF I PROOE rt PROOF U • 11' cunES LIKE MAGiC' , A Voice frona 'Ddlall,f t,_.i1/Io le J,jvJ" deDcelf CO/ll~nv. , JA , Juqe I1lh. 18M> It S TJ H o\\ r. & Co -Gerlts I ha ... Ix>cn Dm'~IOd with n cough for tbo l""t dlreoor tOllt yetlre, '1Meh cOIIl/h oa.\10 very lion 1.lOnl( 1110 III Ihe IIr.,o, d C8111U1 0(.11 Iho mOIUeGI aid from my ' nnllly JlhY81einll 1 horl uel!pllred or SU ever ogalll OOlUg rOllloroli 10 h.alth m ontbs allo InOuced Ibo ndverhsQ mentof Dr Howo'•• >lInkor Sar.opnn lla EJ<lrncl ~hlllll'" d101/lly.80nl and I.roeured one bottle. aud ~n. :1;l'lIon, Ihe result ot tnklllil two oottle. 01 Dr ""we. eOIllIJOunU EXUDet or Aarsapar\l1a bee eau~ me lo.ay to ,Oil, lind a"T. ",boill it mq rn. Ihat J aen enLirely "I eYed ;leol\~Q .d'III•• 1~8rillg ~ough'J I'lIln In Ihe breasl, &i.e.
III~ nthlll et.l l~ y-ntunhla .nil "L11 reRl ror n p:0od Inlerclll"ull lifo "'UII Y In"u~~ In thdr pur For Illrlh. r l'oY",0l1l8 )110010 eus chD." (nqlllrl.l ()1 tho 1111' crallillcd oron IUJl .... proml UtO 011 J W /toborll!. l V ~ t\1IU10Ll\1 PSI hav o ! Ollle fino lOD m_"e. n.,,1 • 'I'le ntll~ hugllY On hAnd .nd! tvr nt. al bar. 1101li t "t to exchollge fur 1l00l1 houe. .. I V 4(, II
(U®l~<DlEmf Im~lLl[,
'n)111 an
" A 1: N>EISV II,LE $A,LOON.,.
MRS. NATHAN OR.\v:I!ls, 10 yoa tl•• t n.y "'~... ~ Il 1 will JUI! hoo been laking Ihe Incd'Clne for .orne two wook. 'ur a bad ~tlUllb and ".In III 110. Lr ••• tl and Ihrougb Ale .ho .n, ti Ihat .he liever hall ~Red .ny medlcane that seemed 10 &1.1 ber to mo.tex,- l lUuch rilliol •• )'bur medicine ltespccI'u lly, r{ATHAN GRAVES.
II!c 13c
8!@1l0. Nt'w·Url euII8 Sugnr, 1P 'It., 8l@9c. db Afopl(', !fat !lOc New Orlenns 1I11llOSBe8, III. 6U< Sugu[ HC/I16e Mul.6I!e"j 40" Aluple )loJ1nijHe~, l' glI • 190 P ,: ppetj , It. , J ge A II~III ca, ;p I~ , WJtllc·fj " h.
;p bhl,
Well m.y II be caUea Ih,
iliaD" FrieD. and F_U, claaal 1'1' CURES LIKE MAGIC. AChUdS a...dl
onlyone, ol Ibouftlod tof .Imll.rch aratt"r; and eonulU~llIoly 1'10"" Ihat Dr Ho\\e'. Safillpa. rllla 18 011<1 01 tho ruo~ t efl'acllYe rOlllodlO8 e ••r ' dlscovored
II ~b DUc
SALINE, OCI H. ~8M I p r_u~-.DciIr djr 1 80nd yool illo lie lar 1110 J II>rneilr qUIIIJII~'t.Ilrlth h,. u.s~, II I. all trnll aqd ),ou bunotillo a jitJ II, UtiniO"" It IIUlllit be Ylill IIavu lbo JIm lI~gu 01 !til to 1J,U alllicwa • You", III" II Od you think bc~1 e.mll!nYed W A
forbjlolllil wwfiul1", and
H......1Ii C. "'.... 1l,IW c:e.plalal l I'olal_ O\IOrd'~I or 1110l1li1.. 1.1... an.! Hood •• 1., Lo.. or Appell ... 1,0..' 81'1ea ... (llddl_ raJpltallot. 0( 1M If..~ llo1lla• ..4 h l l _ or WII,lllo' II ....... ~11..... au otbI • ....._ 0I0M ., &D I.PQ~I .\aIO ..r 1M lrloocl. U...,
lie, whl....... 10 • ..,lIlialO! ......... .
FEM'A:I:E I ....._ .... .o..Ju. "M I." rlOM ..._ will
.ad lII"l~"IoI.ul
..... " . . . fII Ot:NdAL DEli"," , .. II SI..u .... M.T, 1.1", A vHA.,j ,
nHAlnrio UE j\IYBTEl lllF.8 01 lb. TGIlOrgdl • f.l1bfu) jIOtlrolt ot Cdurl hlc an tbe rtlJ:1I It .\ D J c,JDrL
. ,._ .".D OV •• ....-.. ......... iii"',
R... - . I " .... 1 _ .... loOt .... ooU\arr c_ 0( l&iIufI .~ , . . . . . ......"... .. /.Ilu_ ......11 to Ill.. ..... M •• lIeiooi ,......, "I" ......... . Of _
' ALBUM SI A',DUM SII ... a N ilXCl:lL LlNT a.lOrUllcnt r(CPlyed II1II_ ....... ., 11 ... D. anel t." ..Ie low by c I .IM ~'" llIIaI$ab le c:.... ... .... IIIP -..I11III fa w.JeII ..10 )lWlcIM .. ..... ~ KII(OW TflYSE LF. A ...... he h'ill.. " - - a l l ...... ., QWImR '8 PI\fenolllfQ.. lOr .a1 .. cheepRQBERT$ • BROTHf,;a. ...rr... ao ... ",~ ......
C11l1l0U! CAn -The !ollb"'lng oYldonee I,
\\~'"te'fl8h'l hlf.bbl. ' Lllk" Sult l • b~l. bh. Flax Scejl
ftn.\slre ell·, "II \Ihleh 11 a ~lO r~·ltoUIII. 1\\0 !:lh"I'. nnd G Ua err ill Ih" firs. aDd a l'nnulIlI Utllte ill Iha ,","<>1111 ..or,.. AII ' thti I)fOl'. rIY •
t1 lit abc 1)01lllOe8 , ~ bu A ,'pleti. 1? bu green 8100 t1f1~d 8111u l,liOc. CIIICkl'lI d, ;p dOE
'l'IDJ GJUU.' l' SPRJK G .&lID
III I,.rcol. h. 8UII "urchnpere
llia llia 9 @10c
Elrg', L '\fd wusP,
"'.tItm. (...-.,
r I 8".
For•• lo bz
1i It. til doz
.. ""I~,, ~___-:-:-::-:-::: -,."""" r... I\'0"
CADWALLA-DER.\r GOODE. WAynon ill., AN D~:IISON '" OJ .ENNY, LeIJ.non II. IIOI'KINS lIforrow UYRF.O ... WAI.TO N. Spnnlr Valley.
11 18 hy lar Ihe lor "011111 bu", lo""IIlY slock """ I Olulld Ulld III .1,0 ~=~~===~ 'I 1'". OIlU Iho · ~~~~~~~~~ 0 •• 1.1 110. ill ll1c ~, vi ony --- ::sa:::: - - . tboohup \\1110 '01118 ",II be 0111 1II1 AL~), • lot on IIoe • .,rnor ul ~1aln lind ~.
..... ' -PI...I,............ ..,-_...
c_ an4 rI••n .. u.......... .............. 1• ..., ril1y 'nd o"R ord.......... II,••
pnde nnd gl'lltllud e (be tier than I cola ('s·
prees ") tu Ii"d my.elf entirely well before I hRIl filii_hell the IPcond box Th!'de IbC'~ I mnke known Ihat others .mlcc ..d mny helenJe and 110t d~IOII lu URIl 81l'11 a vlllunbic Ollltmen t o~ }oura ha@ JlNlvl'tI to 00. ikapcclfully'YOllf grentllli frIend EVAN G~ll'na, III. Dec. lfil, 1848 DAVIS O::rSee Advl'rllscment.
.0 MedlelH ... _
r.-.n .
-.......a 0taN, I" nll.'ON IT. ,,~ ........ .. Sold b,
RODER'TS &. BROTHER. dle' ro"
W., .....
day. iD rslllld
o'e~ t(j ' nol bri
liar .I
'14nq '
(.,\If ...
' l~ ~bl(
or 118' hi; win hiU rle .re t!l'e
AI'c 1el e" 11I,,!!in in W
t'tI juwl
11I\llId hilve ~
, .hould
cou!!'I, 'I!,.clka
A 'revolution in France hu beeD" long c:onllidefccl' & cert,in coming '"v,nl. ~hich ,'r.: ...nollaloi
tIUdt' laCY both I
,He unstr olln~
~ut I
111~rf .OnIE
,II d
on: i
gem berr
IIbl, wh,il
\I ~,
.1y I Ill '
" ' (I
.lK ,I,e tur IJJI
Wi rur
J .!1
'(ctl o~ ~,
I~~ DI
' II,
, tr
hi P '11
,,1 ·cl
• •
•• -I
o::rMay tbIk. to tboee of our wllo b"e ,aid up _ ,UberallJ tb!l put wHk.r t.o; Ir a rew , ;woulll - - _... ue the . . . . .1,. the, WCMlItI plAce For '~Iie ....UIIi V'-hor. UlIIDIIer ·~..II.tlo~. w. bin ~ ea· cBlUlUUI IKr:rcn. ableil tq ,RlllliieI ~ a little
I ••• S.
aID c:oaa,.-d "r .\efea IftterL; Ii, 10.9,'•• e peru' die 1Iod~; I
~ e ....ll.....
. ' ·OOJDiI1JlUO,"TION. -===-_.....
-;=--,.".._. . .
_Il. '*
~ ..IIIftI' _IIIV," .I,b ....... . "loud,
dalhoclthu,orl4 In .aekcloth, eloeec1 ~I. 41f' ID idnell blnbbm tnt,.lmo t1 Iher.lI, ylloci from the world,11r "h.re h. could
TlrB Two GoYSlqn, 8101.& 11.-".
Duetori ll. in GI~IO"Il.
Sioall -Dt'a, Sif ' .\bout~ Ihree IIgo r wn leverel, anJllreillll olle one my lelrS by Iho fulhn~ of Il )llle of wOlld, wllle'l OCCllJjlunet! Inrge rU1I1I1I11I' Ulcers N curly every DuClo, ill Galena Irlecl W cure , them. but Ihey tried in nln, IIIlt, I, 'rollJ IYlOpulllY .nd Impropper trealmen t; my olb~r log bt'CIIInl! 118 11.11 D8 I ho 0110 orlj!lho Dlly wount!eil. J drMpalr..1I of clt'r lJe'lI~ well Hgaan; bUI, In ordl', Iliul I ml"hl ne". .. hoct IIIl menns Wllhlll m) reach, I ., your of 811mI.' ed of ,out U~Cllt III Gulello, Oanlment, Anll you cnn Jlld:;e of m> fur· PrldO IIlulgrat llude (bp.tler thon I ()lin l'1:-
A.udubo l' "' NI.II.~ F"III. :A lew, Oll'll.go there Irrrv~i1 at tbe botel e,.C\".[ neer NI,gl" Fulls, an olt!
\ UE UL£' ~ U$Q vi ~turuury, Iroll, (;lUlnlII C, $I.e , $I.e HE I'ROPM tl Y 18 .IIUGIOO on IT \\ J LL CURE. "'ITnO VT .'AIL, UlllO nea'I/I" Wal' of town Iho 8trOllt. III Tumo"01 a (;ord"llc-~hk~r'i Serofuln nr King.. Eh n. Cancers.: CIIrUIIIC IIlId cU""."', 'or81 ' !>rullllUIIO oj Ib.) Skill, ErY.II",lo ~hOI) .nd~ ~ IIlncks lllhh's 91,o~ ndJ"rilln g," alii. :>ure I::y.. IUlIgworm or ' I die". &alii llf). II gouu Ulr~k 1)\11)111"1( UU lloe , a"tI on 'i1U.l •• II III f'Dln. 81113 lIuod, Ilh.UIll~1I @l1I1l0 luI II hI/USC Wn\Clllt lll lor IWO .mnll IloilO. or JOIIIIl. old Slife. 1I11~ IRIIIII .." to Cle.II"y b.low .11,1 a WlllmoUll,IU_ lIle... , I)w~llIllIg 01 II,. elllllur I ul U"III" ~COII.t IIClry. Ud!d Ill' l:iOhl "'"ndlo, SYI,I<l1I8, \)Yl Dilell '1 11)8 pr"l'ony '" all lau 8Uh! ulgulher, or pOI,elll, Huh JU'OUIlI, IhD 11 18 lIy III I,.rocle. 10 !uil 1'lIIohd,ell D,_cue of 11ll! Ibr Incllilly 11681 .lOlId unu III Lho lief< Klln. y., I he Ilock I 1I ~II1 Cij& 0 1 .IIY In Il,ij 1,Iaco La•• 01 AI' peluol. '" III h.· ."hI "Ilh lho .hUIl" 01 cad" a"l W. II 1\fa and AL.::;U II lUI on 1110 eornor ...1 Wlaln IIIJt Irolll Ihe UIIl 01 M.r nml8ltte llil , I,In wh.ch 1& Ii Store U.OtUU, tWQ Ihe Hie mnd Sholll1ft f'oln cllry, • h"pl an,l 6 l!nl, ~ry III Ih~ firol. and a 1'111111\111 de r., (l enor.1 lIulllllty , J)rQpl!y, Luan. All Iha prop."Y llfhe. 1I1 Ih. i<lcvnd .tory b_gu, J6UIII"eo lint! (;o'l(vun ess ," lII enllollell l vnluillolu 811d \\111 req l for lIj!ooil The Be _ )'emale Medicin e Kao" a' Inlore810n Ihe Inon ey 10 .. e~UllL III llielr pur· For lunlo .. r l'UY.1I Ill. 111"110 ~n.sF chnHO 'III~ SlfAKE ll l'llt.:I'AI :Et;I .. y I. LLO\y "nrllanl. r8 . n"UI." 01 Iloeullif.rs l~II~i1 orin h18 DOt.;K·' MIlO l'lI!:: "lllil:J nONDIl1t:AS , .. ll "Ioyrem 00 lIobort8, W J 01 "bIt.nce liSAlt:;A PAtlfLLA ," M O lhe1nvtlll I.blo rollle i 'V \. AJltIlOV M dlml u/:' nl8 Irlllli "Iuoh "Or loUYMOII. JlIIl'r,,• and P S ' I 10 .. 0 !oone fin!, cerrat.gc. ycol l!:"lrll~t 01 y .. lIulv l)ock.IlU!l iSOT.llpll"II." bar at lito 'nd hnnd 81'1elllli 'l llll&:IlY on I. IOrtlu:d. ond Iho lubornrory ul Or uuy.oll hor eB &:"In., 1/( ~u eJ<cloulIgo lor" h.~ I(IW II U8 the- VlrtU1l1 01 LtICMO ruqlil an II'UIf I V 41i II I•• rltc,(ull III. I""parollon eU/llabls all Ibv
Or. J)qot.",L Mo
l? bu. Curn 1>. Barloy, 1R "
OilUl, ~ ~oz.
Outs'l'i! bu.
Fluur,1I bbl. do 1\1 ewl Butter. 1? It. Eggs,' doz Lurd Lo08P, ~
, CADWA LLADE R ... GOODF.. Wmynen lll. ' elJDnon ANDl>RSON &: ell ENNY,l. • H••HOPKlN S Morrow By RF.O &. WAI.:rO'N,'sPrlntr Valley,
alic 'f bu Appled. Wbu grel'n 8100 J"l'd 8160, I ,Me. CIIICkl'II~, 1P dUE
;r 11>,
I'A1'1'EN "" F.NLEY , Xem& DR, S D HOWE S
Balsam Of Wild Cherry, TilE BES l' ItE:\fF.DY EVER KNOWN 1'0 mnll for C(lugl,A, A,atll/Illl, Cold_, Croup, UWllel,," s . lnlluun&a, UI ~d'"lt, of Ihe Lung~, 1)1I1u,"liv 01 Drellllllll ll] t.lvo\r AR~ollon ., l'ulIl or \\ cokllCS8 01 Iho Breast ot Side, Firat 'Ia"e. ...
01 Cun.urup lIon, &0
Itl ,horl, Ihl _ na.t~DIn I. HC;1I1i1f1, dapled 10 every dlshs of llio.!.II", " and 1.lver. wblcl1: 11 loroduced In OU~ every·v.r y!na el"IIDLe ILl) CIIEIlR. ¥ HAs' L()lIIG BEEN
rnOOIU I t
IT CURES LIIfE ..tAG"C'. ~ f~" A Votce from •• dlabfti -More ' Evar r dellC!t Cor ~:IIPtls, JA • Juno lilh, IB~ R S J) .101( F. &. Co -.(;etfI8 r /t,VB IX>cn arnlclod wllh n cough lor the I lUI lIhrooOr fOllr) 6IUB, which cOlIgh '\0 ..... ,ary nelll' takln~ me W Ihe gro.~, d~~pllo of.1I Iho medical BId famIly phy.lcl8\l.1 L hnd lle.vahOO of frqm IUs lli:lng rel!lorild to heallh. !II0 lilillrced tI,O odvcnlAe anCnl of Dr Shalt.r Sarsaparilla Ex~tr.Clo-"-lmmD' and procured one boUI6fllntl ~nrelult 01 lakln\llWO bolUee 01 Dr EXUDel 01 Sarsapari lla hu .DY to you , OIld any whom II ml4' I .m entirely relloTCci tnlllI .11
Ull~lanl ru'l'lICIDIII K.NOW-N 10 prop6lua s 'rhlllloci le Ipmmar 10 4IvClry 111~' Iron In uur lanll, IIl1d l ,hY . lclont bft.m r>reecribo It In !lIUerelll lorm" (O~ a varlClY 01 campi alII II I'or, alllo~ baa ~n equllliy IOotoil t lor Ita vir namell nre .1108 \ .nll ,OUIC phYlIcllll.. , wilo"o fDl' taml Inr 10 Ihe wlooleceun}!y ... avor:onoso "a ~() iI!!Cla,o ; hal nen COl"j8U MrTION C9Uld r s,ornU YO J}rol.JttrtW$ oJ "~. !_~~,:"..~ ~i)~~JlIiI!oo. lie 011 rod b~ tbat alone In ol/Ior Ilands, DlPln I\lId 'OIlOOlllrOI,d In IhClt u;II wa. neatly vulul... 0\1 I''', no 1I01\bl lu ..meallY Ihelf Ignoral\c oln prel'Drln lllR3 admln"'" ,,,oll In Ihe bronsl, &0 Urb t:lIl1~rlmenl $ wero madc III tI)O mOlluflict it-n dilliculty no," enllrely obvloled by P" MRS. NA'rHA N OR.AV.ES II (IIDI lid fOil _ WUI II UIIIII . of 11,," medlcinu liOlllllXperimllnhnd long esrarl.nll e. N Il. 1 will JOIl'''1 10 you Ih.t my .;Ifa could n\ltUu lurtbt!r 1,lIprovtd. 'rhe eXIT_ordln.ry motfioln_llI!)wer. Qllbiltie Ihe Inedlclne for 10mQ IWD .hllOlll 10, toltlng Accorillll lllv, we hllu I~ rCll!)rtOoI .UbSIOlleC'" .r. 1I0"'.l lorlllo firat tlmo, COIII- hD. b.en aDd pain in the br8.~1 IIl1lvor• • II)1, III cn 101 Hepatlo, 8corbutlc . allil D,ulolalbodledln ull WISJ'AI l'SBAL· wcok~ lor a bad cC!u.:h me Ih." ._y.. Ihat IIho neYer hll ti,u ..nuOlld eO'"I"nIIl18, lor gOller.1 I'roo ... tloll \VLLIJ OHERR Y By a hi"" ehtllll' BIII\ througla Of ICHlmbd 10 "we hlr 'W Ihal naelli 01 all IIIt1 Vlluillowcrs, and~ "II Ih086 li,it cyerylhl ne delelMIOUI or ulO(lleu u.ed an~ modloine nl'!!l.lc!ne dl.e"~ild 01 lhtl .klll ' .,) "vulll 10 thu pa00 Ihat whal remRlo. Illh. moetolt- ",ucla ,eJl~f •• your lleaiH'clfully, NATHA N GftAVEB . and so l"jUIIOU. 10 huhh. ary and !tilly ultiellCloll8'remelly lat aU WeI) may It be called lhe ry .nd liver di.ulO O\,0f pulmoll. 01 • O:T crorllla, Syph~tl., 1\100eu.lal cOlllpIDhll!, kllown 10 nlan. To COllvia,co ..II unbellu~e" II Frlelii ••• r_lI, •• r.lCallcero, (;11111:" II~I l(h~ulllall~tII. olld u V.lil Ihnt our Iheory Is ~.Iy Iru C w'" rvfor 10 a iftw I' oor ••• • cla..1 ~ varl."l' 01 (jlhur t dllt o~r.".bIQ .nd dutll/oroua ea.e. 01 CUnNI perlor med L, llaila wonderful 1'1' PUREa LIKE MAOlf;. , 1I1"""VII Ir.. " ' lIlcth ly ulJd I,orlcclly curod by melilolnO Ihu U'u 01 IIus 1110010111 0 A Child Sa!eUi CA~R -The 10110'llln3 e"dctl~e II Ihou ..hd. of .lmtl.roo ar.tlerl alllt IIl1u Dr Howe'l Sarlapat LCQ'I.'£lljll:I.OIY eadell." remedies e..,
Potllloe .,
II CINw,ro. "
ForHe III. by
~ If dol . .
W. B.II.O U.
OltlGI~AI, ,nd Ollly ionuln pr.llpa '"h)1I tor tho IJOrrn311 ~ llt cure of Con 'Ul111'1oulI Dnil VI.cnses t)f Ihe LUlllfi .. h~n Ih 'y Dru a"Pllos.d 10 be airoci <j !iy lilo 100 Irll<!
'A LU'" ULa:: l'llOJ>l mTY A.T
.....,.. '" ~., '_II"'" or.,.."
IoJWf, ..~ ...... ;;";\;;h':;:;~':;"~~'__
Hill R, .. C .. fft!e. 1J> 110. Si@!lc. N,'w·Urlellllll Sugnr, 'f Ib, !!t®!lc. du , IIIaple, 60e. New Orlea",e Mulosac8, "I. 6\11' ~lIgllt HOlllle Hul ••• eM, ' 40c ~IHplc Jllvlnl!se~. 'f gal. 190. P"pper, ~ Ib, ISl' A IIMplre, 1P Ib, W""ll.li ·II, i1? IJbl, While-fiah, 1'0 1)\f-blJl. I.llk Salt, 'Ii' bbl, FI~lC Seed t l bu
f' -lI.-A-.-IK~ET8. c I!~~. NN-,-' T-"'-::-
flltere"' lnlT Ul'b~", Ilellc.
Dy the pllillonc sa of. Cui J.eo i COml{liSo ~lolI~r of Indinn Aff'u,,~, we ,,"vo bl1l.'n 1lI11,wg II curlo~hy of great rarity and Ihlel'ellt, lell fo, • r"", dlTH .t Iltp 8ure~u ' It
n.· ••
••• br\lIIght lrom the po\tlw.t amu. , prvalion , on tht' Kan~1IS rIver, by Dr• .Lywho hna bue" re.,lling Ihpre nearly y~... uf the tlllf'y he h8ft epl'nt 0)1 Ihe ftonllpr. It conBlijts uf lOllr s(111l11 '0.111, 0' Illrlr~ of ,I"ohme nt clo~ely packed in Ii lihle boX' lI,e alll~1I c"ropart IllPnt. locket of Ibout an IIICI) cublclll ~ontent_. On lhelle pm,chmpnt8 oro 1'0 f'Uen , In n Ilyle ce, Dnd Iur more .. Tile DArrl.l er .... Ihe 'VUlle' " ': of ullllllrplll4'd 1'1lCl'lil'n of tl,p 1'1'0puriiono' prinll' u\lhn beDulll , Tllt>re II" , poillt bl1),olltl Whlph . humin , and In· (Notlets 88 n wo be tu latf'U~h, en-u mORt' auilihe .... l ~rbe.rallce calluotl Iud memory the II) nta 81i1l1ure II tP~tI~ oT lempcn. Will becumc rum lid .t timell > fensI'. mornl YOHr PUt Anhe ••sull'1 hllill d~nllll tltf! Dr Lykln. obtained iI (roJll 'PQte~c, ~===,='='==<-ILIIIC~lrl,,~lIl&llInd, ~"tb Judgo .. nil cuun.el tnmh.>, w~o gol It fr(J~ hl& grond- (;ENEI U 1. StrrTLE l'If.NT \V ,UTED . PllttDwa WltUmld 11U,IIIl\lch Ir..ulJle to IlIloke tll.h d I \\1r~.u 10 I\pvo Rl(tJI,crol ... ItI ... lelll.nu It lina b.. PII Tllf! .I~ POI'UL.Ul Oll&e Ilpoll u trlullpl.'lIli .uffitl","lly Illull to ro(,thel, II Yl'ry nl.1 woman. I" III II Ibu n. w yenr With IIV\Y l>OlIks, I w.-h a Dbout fifty ) ellrs. .llllItl,ru8tl~1 .., .... 11 und ... IU .. d,~\r ftC\l',uulI! ILY MI!ID IOINB he heard by the lury; und Ii. II ' pO""lb In thl~ p),!lIcul l- (imllT FAM KEY::; 1. £ y lwo of Ihem, but on I y dae hi of I Jullu~ry ~8.~\y OF THIC .AOIU 1tlllll.lhe l(llllpelr 01 Ute cllun,.,,1 n"y ther.!- They had llriglnlll Ih POS8l'RSIOn lor Ifl\VII bl.'~n t~ra,l!d OHI~~ ftolll Ihe even one ucCIIllon, .. the pnrly (1II1II by rbplct _ If 113- Itladill. COJtN 011.. river III Ihe eoln4' III r.pld I crollwlir wl're aln 'Il'fntl~n tbi. teDur of Ita ••,. • Alter 110... JlTTl:IlI _ . . .11 -"IoJoI ';"ocreUoleoo. • r~mvod 'rHE U,NDEIl lUl\ I!;O haye JUel lulie counlry of thl! No"h':l 'he1 othl'r 1\Y18 I rtlolo • • hl 'I' ... ''l00>0i. .1 ...... t _ aM .11'1',10 v.. 011 ,.rlr,l Com 01 ./tId fllIIe tllrougli' the varlO\lllltlt~1 of otllde "1<1 ., b I·· - " ' h I rreCOVf!rn "I " 'I .....t. ". P ono (lst Wns 1'- onn,-I to oil.wer ~Vlry .purp06o fur ... hleli 41,..11 .. 0'..... foriif, Iii••, .... -","1 ~II'IoUI;' Ihreawll ed coaxed, hId .-.. lelldln'" I'" e' P \I~e" I-or I;nl8 loy .loaJ.. U" joe .....n .. IV. ••fe,t,. II ... 11_ d."nlIIl'ved by the Indlnn. to dntuin en he- ""''''8,rlll ,H II18 DIl. J tI Ib\llllod~llne ••e'j there w" c;.o.lI"d AIIIVAL LADI::I( &. GOODE ... Th talln, lb. Pru..t-be inl ,..... .'" .. II•• _ t 4.U. I th f I h I ., be COllnt 0 I "crP.! on 0 e 'War d. al ~ -r.-...-.....:; box ayoun; 0II11er. who IpPl'llrelllO eol. I t _••' , aM .... rtoalilO roo V..I. rhoeri"l .... FROM A~ pnopo.u., EXTRA CT OF A L~TTER .'cnnlll\Jl 01,.""",.010" u.I ........ broullht b, Dr. Lykmll hal etn , lirpt for MEltCHAN'j' IN Nt:~AU IVE EX'l'ENH Ih~{pli,cilY PPl'IIOlIIftt'd. lor , . ' ......... .I.." ...n4 .......... WISCQ.NSIN the meche-Ine bllg , 'Now, .Ir,' I.it! thl c:ounR\.i1l • tone 1\ vel'! hmg }K'riOC/ in Nn .... lI, W,O ,Oct 29lb, IBSI ..... J'O ' WGB8'1 1'l'8 IB alPSIA nl'ver ,tid DYBPB charm, • 18 uO@~ be, lrl OUt, the -Ill." bel.'n Sir ... De hne Mn Jon~ D I'AU, ,hal .. t .. n,. ulh .. r tllf\lI would bl Itron, Aloo. U ... c:.onplol"lJ, J.u''''ee; H..m."" Coo. your ' WllLar's Uallam 01 Wr,Jd Cllerry,I' ddlll>unct!J .. vulot1rly loutl, \l hupe we 10\Ted Is> .lIl1'er ""polure , unltl, FoInl-, D\oorol.n ..,. V..IIII., Li...., u4 'Or GUfIOU'1 ExtraCt 'II ~ello .. !>ock Ind ........ II and tbtl great IlIftul"Jlee hn had CONSUMPTION' CURED _,potll. I ..... pl~. N ... _ Hod ~:;r.~:~rlll..... 1'1- IOrwar~ • ,upply 1m· ,h.-II lin. no dlflleulty III DIUklll/: you ~nlr(,111 With TUf\lftepee, the prlnllipa l PoUllwota..,b .. Qlddl_.. Palpllalloe ..f " . Haut, • • ,•• Ph.l". &. Blakely. 81 Loul., M .. ... Ipeek up.' Meu to 1\ 'IIorlled -Oherry Wlld ' of ~ftll1lm Y()u~ oUoa. aD ..tI •• IJaen..,. Waf,hI .1 v.......e.. d 10 brln\t It on r.lIed 01 D/folding Gende",e n' It. d...lre 10 benefit 100 IIffltoted botde • nOl hero; charm •, hope 1I0t. air.' ~a, '1IIOUtl'd or- r.lll~r mle chief, he W.I petmltte , .... Ihroullho tltlhll laotl h•• Iione Indllcod oil 10 .iI••_u.... ~'.D ,,"pu .. oWO 01 ~ ~Iood.U pletlre to Immetilmlo rehol, alld til e~ery ia.lance bUI ,.Ulleme ftt 01 lacla re.peetbtllow~ oul, by Ihe wllnelS in ton". Ib~t to Wuhln, .on, but und .., a finn. lie .. "bl.1I toeollO .obW........ 'If"""' - .,."... Cln 0"1 j{~odemBO 01 71 yo.,. 01 ...... ) II make dIll followln i COUlI•• er reo It on hll rl'lurn. 11 it •• hltl\l'rto JJo~1( b.. dune oqulllJr. tni ono of tho mo.1 •• lOnlllbID ,elr.old ,ha Yollow the lind cured, i .lmOlt QOC)II tile bUlldin,. lad woulil UfFEMA :Jl..iE throe bolll.,. ruJeelr, I.. t 1.1 ,corded My 800. now luenleen look L w.1I Ihe of "1.lon '.c'ou~ rn Ihe fro"1 k~pl lifo willi a con~n whole nt'rvuu~ ~r timid lady italnl, WH .....r f _ ........101 ......... ... .....uu- ... d ilnjoyed perieci beailb !&III IlI'IRlClt. for Ille been amicllid durlne hll 11m hl~ pOllSr~h.d ! P'!tp/:wt troubled Ilanl COUllh. pai~u lhe.ld. BO~chetl. aecom· III mono beln" ..... M.dI.l_ ",hlte f /' V.1o .. air n e1.v~o IU .. 10 way, ..,r .. Ihal wl In linl .,peak you d.re Uuw " wlli nl,lit .W'III anel ' beCllc r.,.r, 'willa a oevere erupuon 01 II.. akin willeh 1.111 pDnled alb II m.ny ),el" l.efure hili curlu.lty I't'oduced !{feat amaclIllolI elld deblial" E. 'HllI the CMlllatl, VALU BLE TIMA iJo)noelue l\1e(\lcm c-a work 111I1I hie op Irom IwO w ~k. 10 four manu.. eVer, ",hleh 1:1 INES UN I.! l, during Ihe nlehl hll npoelo, allnlern Ihe enll of 81.00. .nd "prIRII ul1ll1 1~81 wlnler U Ihuulll be III neTY I.nllly'• I'rice 10 onduaer :Plea'r, lur, I Cln't .pfllk In, loudtr,' Prumllied hi", to rut tbe tJtIlchel ta ... "'.- III OI:'O:JlAL DElliirTl', tWoi" J~ whller R .. B brollier merohNn l .nd -a rallon would become 110 It'illit .. .. JOOt)ll, Uenrr.}J ' Ihll Bul I c:ClnteIJb the dl~c:IOR an4 Durin" thll tiin, covpr don ""'Tf LIIg A CHAIIlII' .. id tbe Iqtmll8hed wilnesl, DUrmp t1 rur Inend 01 billie, look lWO boul.. 01 hl~ lifo trom Ilt.ngul. .r po"'cu ~ of Ihe phJ'licl man), b, "'.. altendod d,,, of old Billy CuldtblIl'eJluw 1>oc1L lor _ .6trOlillou i!lrUI'"on, he • • OV8 & • • 8 ' .peak tll)\!der tlln~ before, ev.d"hll y Ih}lIk- comang III Ihe ktluWil;! pr• ..,tlpllo ... fa.,., bUI IlIjll1ell Tllpu ••• In ellllr\j curo worked "0* wll1ch branch Blult' Coullcil llae or lemporary reUef-ID raCl,1IO alatmln. ,,010 Ule H......... .. . - - , . ... - - - _ ... , n, the rlult to VO In his 'pc.klll , to IOltly w~lI, chief My Ilore II corner of WI_con. ln Annu.an d .ymptoll of I -_. --, l., .aiho iov""".1 a ~u hi ••11..- , Poole"we -" ~vll!ed .London, . ~1y of urt ... C pecllullr .treDuu\J ... Ihe Il 01 YOIIJ8. ,,,be,he ..... IaI thl! TEnlf'.8 lreel lilY .,..... morn.. r HE Walnuli {thr. ........ .. _ _ _to -- _ 'P~. h.vl.' you bef'D drlllkl0j 1\ r.lli,fur ~\r.1t or Cdun Iilo IR the N'llt" ''''" l:l. CA:;l:J,- tbat I ..... compelled to belloyo ,111m beyoDli S (;UAnLE 88y 1lio<ii Ind co.~ • c\O)Ie, • It 'yOla "'.. ,a .... ~ It '" B Ohio. t'is ~ , lite rj!i.ch 411 mOdlcal .Id r.ebllllOn. po.... Ooor" ... Ulin,I' ebout~ tile counlpl who bad tbor- to shut it up In·1 kf'f'r ,,1,111 -*c,too III v._ .or.... u.. , All of ollr rlflllhbol'll and friend. whe IIW Dr. L}kl" c.me Femalell o re... Ille rollowll le. ap: !, • w_rapid wbo ~Ihl, lUll the I.'\rpmlll~l 01 III. \1 mper nutllIO Il'bou,'" \JIg 11. one .. hll\1 ..... ~nled ...., him NtWAU , N J ,J.uuar , 261h. '" '.DUIII " A f.DUJl8 U • 10 I kr(owl~ f tht' eifcuml lince of Itt , lit early atad ~ll,IIre ,rlln A(\ _ rVea,lur ,' \U. the rrpl~. N Exu"EL t.ll'lT auorwlc nl f<;CI!'ived , . . _ 1M --....!.. IIh Dtl<E1T' -Wo tue pleuure in 81a1ln, proaabln t • • B. ler b., In. Ibul .illallile d 1M 111111 0' uur beat II ,he. dlll by Jow 8al'llapa 1110 BOd d. .. I Docll .nd ", .. hili-bree AT TIlB CIIE.U ' CAUl ~ a Y.II by your ·AIad..,..t ••e 1 uta be D 4 f lnklD,l' without oblalal.. . f.llaf, I w.. IIl, "b"/.lcII11 ''' C.''' -"''' C =fu..~III' , bKBANON. OHIO. ' 10 IIaU .....al .alilliCU on In ewer)' cue. to T.he wonder I., how tlllll IlnlNl., Irtlcle Me.uca.. lnelad, IIoIa I of .1110Il00 II Wlce ad _ tbe _ b, up'oa ... ell 11 . . "", UI 't'Utree. luf.' LF. ioformed KNOW !l'UY8E i"'Clabl. &/IoU.mao A '" dow WlldChe nT Of m .. 1Ial Wialar,. of A.-IIW ... UIoO ked .. IIl&ke Will N When dlfBcult " lib lon. 1. .. 1 ' .. poIH uollblud •• thtar " by into bllr choaJ!.. .... d came Ihillul OWLER 'S Yhr_14! I(\. lOr ~ale 'Aud what tlld 1011 hue 10 ),odr ' commeaCdd UI UN IlIOutlho :llldill' De...... HII ber .",1Mp 10 _ _ 10 pocIlliar III.a . d~ . • other ' BOd R llloo BKOTHE menalrUl TS. Ita . ROBER how lun, Ihe, UII tr.e.! bar.k 1844, the &rat bohle of _hleb ..... _oltrua l alH' houted the PllapenatC!lt't:OUnwl. au:: !>be bad nol bed ber telular relief••Dd 1 beeaa a.alA· In the FULTO:N fT. If Y. . . they repl, thfoy clllnoL-t ell tho lime when dllll:b.ree for a IUlIJr uml, bill Itt lbe 11M 01 O~lB'6 Comnlaullon of Man.lo~ ..I. ebe.p .,...... ~ ltl '~UDI'. lur.' InnoceD tI, ~o.Q\ed be reetored 10 be qbt tb.t I. ER s.n.perU BROTB. & and S !Joek ROBERT Y.llow b (;u1IOu'. Bold l)r A""."'_~..t.I TIle queltiun oetura I Alilo Combe l'tiy"i<)I\I I" Ioplh~r tl'llh' Ih~ Ii.d It' ncot • .... , ••heall, cured tibe uMli l'OWl\IJend'. lIIe .... 1W."/ for ,,,Itne•• , Iii hit bi,I,.., lte, •• mldu A-"nll · .1 . ~_-"C'·"C'C_' ed Alltlllria 1.1cal ~Ph",noll>J a_e .oil III. lcal or I'b,.ioIOC ... ClrC4.lm'tlnoe Ii,e lOm_ ~"rlel' .11Il Othun wilbout r_lvln• • • lIah...1 ben. R .11. work.. ,.,.,. Of lie .. holll't:C iUrt_lIc tptl., onl, hert, dot'. JI'>\ Ihl. .. w Ute .nd exten.lv el, "'njlOulilu.. He had 0110 lIau,hler 'l'ill!'1' I E.u.dletlOm b" now tborougtlly wild _noel. ..ho color 10 the 1a.1. 101l1t ca\ll8. IDL~ A aood auoruul) ul 01 1I1blea r~~i~~~~~.~~~:~f~~fr;~~~~D~~dl1l '''~'n. ell to 1IiIIad ..... our wnlinel lt R~ • "D's. a",11.eIR m,'nll al _liDu. to ea· GUlli dOWD.JiI. brtef, aDd . ruehed oU1 of l.ert.ille d,lhat Ille Indllnl ul .re lPtII'e or ..... Je.wl.h In lhear orll'nl CUUtI. ~C'I'IOl'l"'H":.""From .mall N.ticM l l"lIIlil1f1tC"'. J /:AIill,,,. up ~ 10 lb. 1..,tIIt . . . (;hlllur.u •• noll'iew Year'l'o ,'.lItlb" Wa)'nf" A•• IU1;~. Gu,uI.- H.rollO !l Wlnln. B nil. Book .Iore NOTlOE~ poor 110)'. '" ... 10e left U.ItI!Db re. OMD. Il1a\'O GIl bud .1~1ol • • it ... 10 br It. lind IIJ • .. LIJlfTON . 3 . FaA_£ , o 10 I)t Ill.IMiallty bUt with all IlIIpro_ InlDci, .cqlllrH 11 • .... ~ .. .. of lob MI. bou iIr the In ,00l1li 8IIltitor Ulken rt VIl'<iG p"!p!ra'I\I. s.,..pa t ,,1r poI.oIIUU t~ .. re'D~~a1b I !.M.n _ A doo" iltakiq tbem. R.n, on MaiD .Ireel, Ibroe I'OUD~ ilClaoul,.llh P,lut,ll IIblllon .nd -, W. F. PAR wQt. on bud. prOJl!lM '" eat· 'a I.. Ball, GU)IOU Golden . . lhe or and "lIth Ione, • •• tlun Eurllpc In 111'1, b.~ ork" •• terJId... H•• ... Or MlilIOen J. M.nlua fI\.-IIi"l ldlq•• ~.0aaJ0. S.ra\lfl rllll, ry on lhe bll.ta 111111IDd pl,ln Tliloria a •• Dd rapPCUa h, 80tel die ...... ...... .I._.nd e... 'n~rl klAd of Yellow Duell UHl :~ ~'=:': pl'ffftlIr licit. abare 01 publll! pall9ll" , I' filii btca..- • .leadln, _tnclo r on 11le which .. 't.onaaablf "., me. Qewber 11I1Ia, '~I.
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.A 'Family ~~wspaperJ Dev~ted, to AgricUlture," lJechaIlio Art.8, Litera~ure, Soience; Morality, ' Foreign a~d Domestio 'News. ,&m~ement; &0; ,:
r I,.
' 'F'alh'~r,t nld rol1ll.h Eddy, 'I . liklj.our j lhe party hthraveled un , wllh un·we.rled !' ,Imd.a me. without JlUmborj ' hi.' nIlV!!r· (IIi1· mou~iup to I~. , 'nd shine !Ier child· j' Moy;?r, tb~ygli, dbn', yo~l' .' , '. . dilligence., and now that '~lietem,rs of lbe ho I p,ok,o a loud .lIr• • h of .rml rOl\Oundel1 IlIg ealufllliull w. , ·: '. " ' dl:gree or III0ry ;. " . ',e " .' '. a . , reI). that hour had be!ln Ipel,t 10 prayer ',L Ike 1)Imt ,T hol mao WIll. have, no ' forcel , kllown os the bount of MArion aod lhruugh the yard. MlIJ"ion filted.iai ioq\Jlr· '9raDI, ..' the iI,¥trumenl under 9 0(\, 1 With what II l1lOrilabment ~nd ~~not•• • nd It"r~ ; prAyere of ,lblllk.~lvlng. Dnd lhQrnalil hil dying pillow; ,be-lieye tbat a 1 hi8 IIloni wer" paMed. tbo Captal!" reaolv- ing glpnce upon tier jover, wbll replied by hllv!! to thah k yo,u ror my re,co very from lion , may we look 'Inlo 'our own l'6ul. . . thous~nds IIp.ft•.at leCUlt, InvokiDi bleea. , cd 10 halt til procuro lome retreai,menll. li mpIY. l aying-:lhDt fever. . ,w here there Dre s\Jch hidde n I~rea of 'Vir! tenre uf JOY· Wltll D more cheerful hel,r, th.n Ibl'l ",d Ingl on him lo·olgbt.' . '" and from lhe a rdent glanCflII he' h ad 10 0(' "TI. ~brlon and hll Dlen I' , have received many token. of ldodned' lue lind krlowleda e. lucb InexbllUated , known 'or yean" Ihe I~urried .boul Iler .'G ud ble•• him,' l old llle.wlfe lind ,mot~I' 1 teo cast upon lI!!r. Morion 'WII led "to be· or th e hundred meo thl1t went forlh from his worlhy ramily of lOl" 1I0d d,yah· oC perfection, We know not yea ••========;:::~:::;:=i?'i=== work" It Wllil Impolilble ln mllke lh.e I er, lonly-:-alld,ol>! lhere W'!I auch JOY to lieve he meditated some act of ' violeoce with Ellerslie, nol oue e.c~ped. Ind lrom ters. And nothlllit In my past life, Ift'oflls Wltllt IVO s holl be. nor will it ever enter 10, " VI.IT'!IL ." .' ruom neater, (ur mo.tb battered furm· 'her I.e.rl,-Ollve Brllnch. , tow l rda her, Ind leerelly ;'Holved, if all lhe terrur wilh which thllir f" le inBpireel l.ucb pl~1I81 0" rene~llolIs 01 th!1 act of duo to Ihe he'lIrt of man to concelvo the ' ,"10"' t'OR T HII: llfo.",,, h tbe I l ' II • '1 lure sllooe ~It .~ eon Ine.' i ut Ihe wO.nt , •• , Il'portunlly prc.ented. to escape. ~ Ihe " lorioa, Ihe bailIe lir lho morning wdl ty Imd humnnl ty 10 a alranger, . 'Yb"n I~i. tbat will be olwaYI in reserve tur blm,LIlU:S' TQ J.&11IlA, out herllelf. Ilncl purchaat'd lome lillie lux'11he ,illrty hulled befure the gllie of iI cQllell by them 'Ml:DoJl.U,D'. Ri:'cu~.· aehlng h"ad '0), un my brust .... I held lh'e Tbe loul, cOll!ld,e red with ii. C're~lor, It Ilfiea, .uch' a. noot! but EI Kle hlld elljuyed lorge lory rltfm hOule. and (me of. 'tbe meu •• co~lIl1P: ~ rllught to hili p"rched Iips"I .lIttle JilLi on~ of thOle mathell1~tlcal lI!1el , that !IV ""IUO" . . .lfeu, I , for ma~y a da.Y.llnd dl8wing . the tllblo to ar dlalllounted-lhrew i~ open, ana ' ''Ie QIlV· ' RODERT 110£. thll't tbat in 1111. helld IIY tbo germ may ~raw l\OOrer:to anothcr for.U eternl- ' I I 't t 'lb B , 0., crurAl"K. d _ . , ' . I ml'ddl ft ' u f t",I,jc tl our. 110 \Vllen' mornlnl opee with fciry tie Ie I ou WI . , alca e enlered the el ..cloBUrt~ one aner ' ao· machine deatined to rfvohilion\le lhe world ty withoul a poaaiuill~l oC touQhill1; Iti and The 1I111et1 01 rOllV elay .. ' 1111 elhe wIre 'tb nt her clolet contained, EI· Th Id - dM I other; Ind theapace not ueiu!: wldo .enough IT UORIE TonD. of literature ond .bed light on ' lhe dark carl there,be a t1iou,lIt 10 tron.porllnli II I I k did dI ' I k e u man an IIr on were lonn .... " , . ' . Who" in lh. weAl ono /llomenllinl:ers ~" 00 e 'un, p ellle on lappy, on y aa • brought, forll" aud Hunter' WII_ Itra ed t:, admlillf .!Dore tlilln one gumi I? al a -' , placet 01, the ellrth; whose hlbltalloQI are to coiliider ours.o lvel in tbcae ' per,etua'.'h" lIilllll, Ihen mel .. ~way ; PP 111l8e, Their lonlt ride had 10 weaned Ihe Ing her mOlb@r If .he thought tblt her fa· ddl d hi d I d 10 September, 1805. Iha YflllolY (eYer full of horrol'1llnd crueltlea, the Wben birds .re 1IIIIlinil on nch '"'" " , "' upon IL n e, an ~ uug lter rtale up· . , Y k ' . approach.1 to HAn " t wllo ia not onl" I ther woula be at boOl!' tll8upper, I' b t l I d men, tbftl th~y hurried In au fUJ -n po.. i. preVllIled to IL fearful extellt in New ur, About.even year. a"o I atept rrom lhe alandard or porfectlon, but of bapp·loe.. ' _ Their mo,in a9','II", I' ll Ihl~k uf thoo , . ~I k 'I • Ii ' 011 ,PIl ,ry e ween wo atou trouper. on ' .A T I I ' 1 . .. ... -. now .he w~ I, Will tbe rm IInl'\fer. I d 'ft' f II II " r blti and by ehockillg the implltience of ber A. ~ never ert lown w 1110 \t Nad ragllljf, car_ in a coun>- lown Amon" them who Addiaon, . ' I \ Ie cuwar 1('1 u ut u ell op Into lhe ' , '" . ' . • " ' .. .. -"__~" Wben Ihe nlllhl.wind aof.. )' .IIIIt.ll", WIlen the IWO IIUle bOyl came .rom . ,,' I I I I d horae, uDlllolI bUl her guardl had paued WDI 81t\lng In my lent door \D the cool or wcrll lookin .. on Itood. man of ienlel'l •• , ' SW(<(!I Ec phyrn ..oal o'or h il I anol dell, ' wouu, en IIg I Ie remo n ar 10 rarry oul , . ' d ' ,. I td .. I cl "'III. low",rd, evellll,g, they crept aroun d 1 1 I . f I 'C ' A d I 01'.1 llI , One of O'ese ' advanced betore her. the oy, anll lining up my eyel I ue Ie a appearllnoe.' lOY' I: , Tho CUlDber , of Deat. . Ol\elrom~ l\lIIllCrd , ~,"e momenJ. dying, . , d kl I Ie oro crl 0 t lelr optum, nn IVe I I.. , I L " ,., I ' " I H " ' , b d" I tuu'·1o;peepl,' o g at tIIe pIe. tIe all a~ Il~ I b II I r I 'h' 'I bidding lbe other to remuin beh od her; but "tranie,. a rare al~ 1\ on ,ever t mel, e 'Sir I wi, b to ato- her.' ror' a Iveek· I .,'Iow aIonou. \I t e Ylnl c:blrnber ' ef !-A»g108 th,e 101t ~OUIl~ 01 v~l per bell; . • , . I I ' h ' t ley 0 ~y I m, ,ur 0 t It> cumpllli" gal e.r· . ' I . I r Cd ' ' I N ' ~ , tl "b' l ' I ' . II Wh. n moullh,ht sleepi on hili Ind. iea, ! 1\ lortlol '1ueaUooa. w u!I'l'r ,t a~ wU I d h J I I h b ' ,. • . ' II he le(t her lide. quick al tlOUgilt Ihe WII' 010' og rom e I1r .lreet I oPg a.· don't lib to put up at 'an holel" can you 10" r Itiliul t III the, very uOlon of , " d d e III t e IUII.e llut n G' t ut .ew eacapt'd I' I ' .; d IIf j . L ' .' 1 .1 ' , ' , 'J'bqn: Ob lhollt I'll Iblnk or t1il!u! ,. , rl'lIl1y t, e . that ltood on, the 0/ ltovo.!ln , II h . I d I .,., " 1 lurn~d the 'head of het .teed, alld.pplymg sau, IlIvln(T llii luce 10IVor u,,-tm ~ne. direct me wbore I m8yIJdlPe III' a privAtI t me on~ etllrnltYIIL meetll1g of ~e Duaete , .. I " " 1 ' b d I to te t e til ei .n ' t Ie re~utning g ow , , , , 'H ' I" ·"1 h " Iddl r b d . . , r h T ' , ' , . i • .' I H llry IJlll'hl bllve bUlter on, t I"IT rea; I ,' h d' d k her wl"p' IO the tloJlk. o( lhe splrlled Dme WII .. e .. 0 tern eo t e Itreet, an fomil)'" ' . . 0 eaven, he pI lice II holy; ' J or Jt Wben Iprillll' orr8y • .lho ea~ !, wloh puw. rl, , d ' I I I t lilt It up I e' lurroun mg ar neal and d' I ' b d I I I ' ' . .' fill d ' h h ' . .. ' n ' • .i ~ I ' I ' k ' d d II lIlal, he aprang rapidly off In the dlfecllon wal TeG 1111 tIe Ila ollr II 00 lie r I: It He eold bl! j:ould We enlered Iho' e . WII t eao minIstering .,lIrllll Wiltand wilen Ihoy, were ..sure llot . t.ey I I' Onumlll~r yi eld. ber . ,ore; , d ' I! IIll1l1er"" D.ar t Iroup' I. nou on e un· , ', d I ' H ' d' I ' ,.. I ' r II ' , • I When Au umn _Irlp. we vernul bowCI,I, ' OIllht, they 111!!ved roun the rpom on tIP II ' . B d b L b" h ' 01 tloo black ,orut, A deep curee broko an elt, , e plule 10 ront uf my ollen ne~t ' atreet ' he Itopped in front of are. og 10~ t 0 Boul departlllg from the pertlb. ,' . 'u' I ' k" ,I. I t Ita ny. were rc rde ' aCl< y ,t e " , d d " ' h 'I ' j ' i Id ~ , ' , " Or winlty IcmPes11 rOaf; , I"e lUI' (eAr of dl8lur 'nllllelr1llc ul'ti""or ' d I' f 'I S . Id I h 1from lho hpi of the remalmn&: guard.. our, ao mloe wea t Q on y etore open n .peelable tlVo.ltory brick tenement· 00 ng wor • ,or lhe everlaallag bab1latlOQlf Whtln wild wind. whistle far ftnd froe, tlilk in&rlo elch otlier Wilb Ihe delighled ba~ild'l~g wllterfl8 °d lied ~ aht~e'klill t lat t e h~ turned Iii. .teed lu follol~ ber Alld II lhe block. A. be Ihlpp.d io be laid: Ihe frolll Itood nt I conloly • k ~he redeell\ed, Dulillorioul lithia ia 1'boo, 011' Ilion, l'lllbin!. 'of Ihoe!, . " , u mgwu re ,all .lItlill nl: benpalh ~ , M Th' b • . ' 't hi k b' r h . I{lallcelof Iholr Intelhgellt facel, ' II 'ff f I" I I • d'rewthe IItlenllon 01 thOle ulilde, amooi ' r. urn urn, . She' mlubt" belvO lcen ' tweh I I r II I o,ore t e grealor ,lory of ,him . '.' , Ie e orll 0 -t III CC11lum nJ: e emelit 01 ' ~ W ' 1 d'd "I , "\' 1 eo· Mummerli orr her lip _ot a bllbe. Said my w h" d b HIS , \Vll ru friend. arGround Ihy palh"'IY l!lrOnl:' Tbe oldl!dtduul:bter, \Vllb I hoppy foco. d . '1 " whum wal Elleral/e, ' , lerl I you elln my ollmo 0 III ~relenl. an , I e o.y ,pir!t II Ill, . Ind wilb a beAutUullmile. n id," Muther. I ea\rucl on.. ~ . , 'Moullt mrn .lId lifter ht!rl II lhouaand qu.ired. Iriend to her ' ' tbere III Bnl.h tlui wQrk o( IPlvlIlloD. A~I , .. . 'The flilbf,,1 Inll tlie'lruf!, : IIIW rather iOt tloe c rroer of the Ilree" Ulld Th I d r h . h d"' dollau to the olle who lieCU~1 ber . alivel' II .QW · It over tbe door.' lIid be. '1 'Gude wlf~. thlill Mr, Tbornhurn how dift'erenl, could Willee the throng In . , ' I th'" ' .. ' , ' , ' .. ' ' . ' . e leavy Irea 0 °a urae ee oe oul ' Bhollllllhi hlurt .urn,·and fontIly loni1oll, I I '11 I.e ' d he Ihouled 10 frenzit'd 100'N or madne•• , bave Jl!lt come 00 .Ioro (rom e a.. lp New York; he wl.hea prlvllte bOllrd for a tne ohamber of Ih~ unlllved, lIepDrtln, whul do yuu llllnk! be bod IIlob&ler 111 hili n""l11\ ,,..'pon to vicw, , " .uponl,ear,aaa.o lary I1llraemao ro e l " 1 " 1 · D ' L " I I ' ' . ' , , I f .I ,", hlllld ·Ior MUII!!er, Aud ht, \yOI 01 IQbllr a. I I b k (h ' 01 ' \18 he lUI, y mounted hll' ,OWD Ileeil to rape~. from lVerpoc), .m. carpon· week' 0.0 accommodale him" IOU 1 ' . worul cllnpot elt,preaa. Dr I~. A(1I0nl: IhG llien". who tbor~ h\ay '''''' : .. !a ollg lie an lOt e rIVer Inl' look hll . <. J " b " d ' ' R b HI' ,·· , " I' " 1 ',' I could bll' He didn't nullc" me, ~ut llleard ' I I d' , r b pU'IUC. ·. " ter y tra e; my name II 0 eri clo; ·Ye... "Y' Ihe,'Cor. ,eDr, (or. lifetime •• lI lOal15n conceive, tie gory of ,he for~QII!_ ...r, Oli reUl,flllber Dl4ll •. i ,I , ' ' Iwa, II t Ie nectlon 0 t 0 rllrm houlte o( M" , • I' I' I 8ar " . , . '1 ' "h " '~ . b"n aay With a 1I1Ullh, thllt If he. couldo·t EI 'h H bo ' fi . ( 'Go It Brlon!-God bl~'I. you f'o~ • no- am, now n my elg lteenll 7 , If It II ' hi. wllh. on hal my fitMr 'told mer .,nel'le, cln the {lfror 01 tbe I.t"r I U unter. ' e wn a ut lWentt· ye ' , " " ', ' . R b ' I'd ' ~. Ii' ., d ' ~ • '.' \. Sbould .dve.... forluDe.rll nd Ibee lower, get liquor In Portllllld, he w.. lure i he ' ( 'd ' d ~d I I" ' ble "rll pllce the fornt tren of YOIl Say. I.' 0 erl. w •• your n enture me when he wu .Ick aod a Itranger, that O.uppole, wlioretho beu I~uunded u, ' , A"d ~flP Ihy oIoul in liouln" for il, and llle !ean,of a~, ~n I w.. redHI ;:.~,' I Ie on ,,' ~ood around you,'and i'u dlely, tI'e vlllalo~ fulfilled before you loft'Eoiland?' Ur' T took ~Im hi and mlnlltered to him fieod, eugorl!, wllitlng for their. prey. 'Bu' IboulJll't ,gO out of the Aud I II Ihy hope. ID 1I11ullol'II hour l S iIe ' 'I never ¥tIu boun. d I Iurne d want.,' " .' , • . I"'t .I not ' •lij tl II.' aolom~. ,ho~ only. Ib" min l,e \\'aIIllilking wilh, moll)ll r. to crown ,orm d bl0 k....lIrlon. ed dIl)en.' . e I........ tl " ~o find you aaalD. 011; on Il!r\. 'l,'hert! l iI aya ' Sink 10 Ihe darkto",e lonlb. p the ",hole w.. Mr, ~ Preaident ~r lidI: Ie;., Ite • and wd a:,colm etely ~rol~ hupe befure u~d wone 'than death bellinil,' my trade with my fntller; I can'tfirld wor... 'Whit W.I 10llr fILtber', nlllne1'1 en. lfiJie Unleen .pinl" ari bl!aide 01, Til.,. tThoUII~ I pr•., lIon:ven'luch \1I1Y nOI be:) • , f fot o..enl lve on e,enl ve operatlonl. ' d It I h " dt . , : 1 "" TI';"'u lUro. d~., Jirl, Iheln lum LO lIIo!. Ihe TelJlPe.rance Sur-Iety. Ohl" duell H h d Id I b bled d Ilnllleaf. of heartfelt joy I,oure over I e live no money; can !OU recomllo 0 a qUlreil: are con.lllot 1 ,preleot. for g~ or: evil. ill L ' h . , ' , , ea . (IV Iml I een e at • an wu h k H h '· • . , IL ~ II -, f·1.. It I f ... ' . I b tI r I. .1 ' 1 JlD",~ y . burli. Dec" I~J, ' , 1 I" k ' '. I ' c ee 8 IIf unt~r II e ,lIZa... upoo u,e nea t Iy part 0 ~ne C 1. w ero ....y 'Robert lI1le,' Ihe repled. I III us ,0 0 t"e wor Id or Ib e 101 ilu.... Ipem .. If we _"ou.ld I.e happy ollce nI.ore. , " . now", ll!1'g to mil e up .or UBt tIme. for . ' b rd 1111 . I t " .l. I 'II ' . I' I' I' 'lJ d db bl d . ' d . d exciting acene. •• 011 t . g«!1 em\! oymeD, w ..e.. WI 'Aod ia lbil, your chlldl" II~ on I, . I .v.n y nlaltt we " And huw nIce every tblDlI' IlXlki-oollllct'r 1"1
comp)~ltjly overr~wer~~ .
hou~ p&ll",~ before I he,
'. ....
., ,"
&r. wait.
ihall Ul ulIl,' Ihe lidded, quickly, 'but \ro l l~ I 'n~ e ete; I ,"'II' urge ~o!lY:r ,,!I ~ rar- . iTllke the IIld greyhead'ed ddt to the ply them hone8t1y1· ' , 'n I.,. " · · . .un-ounded ·, by this 'un.eop ho~~ If'" Ihr"ugb dilfereDt eye8, tl)·oight. I .uP- j " :~ lip, ,~" lIa I':~ I ~.n tn&~o~~: {lelrelt ond ' li aog' llilu on the Brit llenew Ih' heart ot a Itrtlncer myeotr. I held the blbo III myllnnl; It Imiled , ing., during ell i~ pllr~lm·.Iie. 0.11 Ule IlU!~,' " . aDd ~e"~ll °kro~lI , IljI; IU . eo y, a rlr I 'limbl' wrAthlully cried E:llel'llil a.' he and Ihere wail.o Inllch Jionc~t .impllclty 'my fa~. " , loul of loan. Go luw..tbe lIck cb.mbtlr_ re , TUe III' ther"w.~ Itill IlIe\lt, b~t bow hiab d hlllh't ur') e, u pun the I rore ,,·/ and fklr I.pu .....pd \11' ' 'orllO ' tbrooll1 , Ih.~ ' Dte. and in IiiI i peecb Ind ~eportment, my ,heatt ', 'N'liw "YI I, 'madam, tbll aay' my propb~ .11 the rouilile 'of thll .Ick.bed. tbe , " . ' llW n I e l ueam lIe I"W tie l ur.J. epu I .. ' , , ,~ . , d 'd hi '1 ' II' .1. 1 '< ' ' 'L" , "'"I ,ber JlO9r 41urt lie~tlDi w~ lh new and l d'" It " d b 'h' /d \' d" . ur,ed hlm' 'lorw,lrd ID qUIQ.: pur ,II nail I\IlIrme tow,~ r 1m.· 1I'0\'e I In. ""a r, eoy II fullillcd III your eyoa, !hllde JUlt ruf", , ..It 'of lbe pllyerclao. the pro- ., cen IDlute. alran p.e , tbo!euen. . ' d' b ", ! I d " .:, " " ' 1 "'; .. ' . , I ' , I ' ci ' th CII :t ,~ ." " ' ~, , , joyful hO~1 It leemed III If tb~t bellrt ~ I a " " I'> b' th • IIl1z~o Dlen IprllPIt , f~rw.r ~o Ii e1" In' un ran up 1~lUre, 8aJ~ :". .' ty ye .... aio •• t ILcrltlclIllDoment 0 your ,oun Iym!!a yo r ellu'. u18 praler "'I , ," t e~ g uW p\lln~f1 upon t .. e C DU" Y e ' . a ' I ' ' G d ' 1' . ' . J d'b t ' , ' h v, , I ' ' I':" d I d ' . Pl'ER. OM:- ' L FE OF A '\'.lIolil, ~ I tll\1e8, lelln rrom Ila encltllure; ' ' b I . , 1" , ' • tho old mlln wal releple (ro~ 101. 1011le; ' u 0 w ',e •• ' atrnnger .... 0 II, a ou~ f.th,r'. IIf... '" . . f Ie min I\er. too 011 eo , ~a re only·toclON It, CtJA F-R 1 HE . I . Mnd ~ben tb~ hu8bulIIl sod f.. lbet oeare" c611f1." ~lltlIlP eo'll • . Hu"ly 11I81 ~g In but 10 10lla hud lii.lilnb' been con'flned in door; ' boll we toke hlm'lol' . ," I. '. the 1..1 .C4Jne, . Alk lhen: ia there ot. to POR'l·LA.~D D~AlJl< DRiNKER, tbe 1I0~.e. liloe "1I~"jlllle .od tri?nibli"a up. lhe .tlr~up. he ~lZed lor ;)lIn Inllant upon lIoe poailion 11101 he 'W8I t nallle to .walk, ..If· tbee pleases;' .lle replied, ." ' TOE N,£,V8"A~ER. OQ. and all. ' (I\f.comlnl eterpity."11 me.. -:---- ' on IIdt. ", th~ IClme. o~d d~eo,e:elb med'7 . .' j bru~aJly oK'iling !llm 'by lhe g~y bllir. of 'If ho takel the foyor. will 'tball lielp • __ . from t~e LOrd. In tho ,houie/ .a)'ing, ,,, MRS, . ' A, nU,lIlaOK. ' Elddy Ind· 'Willy. the'oldrat 1I0~ •• ltood )ly '· God It II Ih 1I0ule of Hunter , hii held, drlgged ' hlm (orwilrd .tll I.n oak me 'to nune 'him!' • lo' no other may ~.O In much IQ~Drled olSbi IOlil .h,lI ~ , reqlilro,d 01 , ~" , , . aWlY' IWI1!" , " . , ,~, I r ill' I d '" .. . - . . , , d '-h ' - .III the duorwAYi tbear fUlher caught .ddy. . , ,' ". . tree winch grew In' lhe y"rl1.ml procl\nn~ \ ,w • lIe Ilnawere , 81. uaefullnformDlillQ ti,lmpllrted" aod un. an thU n .. t lli110Ul ehaU 188 a Ilt'~ Ollllllst tirq e,' laid little £ 10.11'. her rind IWl,IIur hiin up wl~h I hi' YlliI. iouny.' He .lrudl loll IP~'fI dllP,p Ilito the ,Ide or .\ a ro1>8 ,,~epllred 10 cuny i4 we CI!tii'" tl\e • 'T.IIIIO\ you ,ilear. ror tlllli <loJ 'c', .... m t.nee.'.o '(avol'1\\le for educ•• "oly' .nd jUlt QOcI. ,agcl bear the qlloatloD .~ bl d "' Ii II! C IIll.' k oppo~- I£e 'h' '!r, ' der ' 0f tie 'l . . N J ' COOIO • n d If.... a ,L " t h u . been · 10 '.'........ ••.> pre cl oill, ' ", vII t! "ye. on I I!""O ... tht!n brelkinlCuft' clt\w' lIf\or cla' w frlim ' the h, • horal' ' WIlO. liVID/{ • wild .nort . " sped Iht .IIa b0Ilea I or >:ou. ow.'' a~y•• tl CJ 'ld' I If ' I ' thoullli a j\ldi- iii he .. ,et Cb rll, , wind!)w Iii here Ihe IIt,'lIld thell .be, tu~nt'd ; It~".. 1~IJ~ler ho filled !lleir I\~od. He'!!n- hke a~ .~rl1w lrO,11 I 'JlOw~rfUI bow, tbrouir h Ellerllle. ' . on 1I1, 'hllneel Rng ridh face.' , " II II Id m 0 ':apaper ' t .. , and bl, redempllon been- lodeed Jh. chief te,1 1 1 0 . , ' Iler p ll Ie t\'lred 'he rllUIU CllIrele~.ly .ntl, I(lancjJltr Cit , thehi Wlldl thll 'fore.t, · .' . . ' boro 'Th' " wu ,avora • ble." (\JOUI. , tho . <lilly, hop' ,In d.athJ b 9r ,.It Irp bu • • Ickl)" III:ln~8 upon .of . In tile mnntlme the . "I~ed willcli e ImprelijlO'! . "C IIwe0 Incon ' uc ~' lIa"" 'Will once to be ~ IIIe, ', /ld rIld~ d lD,uller. I ~' " ·x " ,, ·he red jfluw ,uf the fire CBlt ao un· h B I :DI ' " 'dl S 8 i 'R bll l ·tI 'Ill bb ' ii d I • ,0 V . I I ..-. • • '. .' . " ." • tile-table. depo,Uf'd hi. bnrdon UpOIl 11\ '. h d'" t ft Y nit arion. Iwept rip, y, BY " 0 r I I . n g or ,00 I " c· ahut up'Dd 'contracted But now II man ,.~" ,0" ee i , r " 'Yea, Ell ie, but dOll't be ( II"rml'~ !f he w"k 011' hi~ l'0t a~d tu' ,he , a rat tillle iu ",rlblt' gllre upon I, e , (unoull ,lOg ?"Jectl. for tho forest.' Dod 1000 dl.4tllnced !III cOlln\p.d lhe mOlt I\ealtl.y in the city; you b I . It d ~t' a cOlmopollteA. ,lrlallmaD'1l L"Uer. \', ' h I b ' ., I' d I • I · ~. l Ind reve~lelI with ft'ar ul dlltmcneal the ' dE ' '11 II ' I 1('" k h ~ lIlay e ,a lerm . In .y . .. no~ e ~I~m~~". P ,e ,,~ I~, ~:;n j"live \)lontha, ~t I\uwn by the ~Indow ~e~'1 realures 'of a Ilrong 'mao who h.d emerg.' ~e o~~ ... p~n ,~hICh Will ~~unto . dhetl .e W~~ • o~~e It:r~:I ' you II e.' ~ ete;.:~ He 'mlly. live 'Iii Ihe loreela. wollt mile. tt) a P.UIIIII OJ' B .... r.LYw~,lCXlir. Feb. J'~ ~Jr ,~oma • WI I a I,e..,y "If ,' 1(> lide hi. aick .chlll\, H~r 1I1tl~. foilled h.n~1 ed r~m lbe deillilll or the wood Ind .toDd Iml e ,' ~11 • ~ .oon 80W t e apee II': W] e, an ,me WI ,onrle ~oll,.yo~ • la, poet olfce. hD"ini a ',mftil but.ooce a ~eek, DJlAlI 1 hevo'L ..~t ie ,a lelbfna hl YUll took Illtely, bUllljured y~lI mllre were ,'Dllaotly 'Ield r'lflb 10 be clupell 111 " " • ~ horae w• • • ucl. tblt ahe mUlt inevll!,bl) go to the sttallger II Ito.pllal" d I ho' II II be round .. familiar With eto .llIce (he lut time I wrotc to y •• 1._, h Ilh \ , , le.mn"uponh18rIO ...... In" at tile "Iow· b k h I' " h' I' d H' I . ' ' k .J< ' k I I liD ye. all ," . , .... ·h I d Id : o~ 1\ t louall~ CU ~-1I0 on~ I II ar"! hll l lnd," he took tltem. IL tear ' trembled" • ," ,. " . ' e overta en. ye,t, ~ e pIe.. t e W I!P. all II eyt.d ep" ,e w.n ... mo~ e oq~en llie 'livln world .. the buale.t actor In }1I we blln moved from ' our fermor I?g ~mbcr'. HI, lips qulVllred with em? JIhey flow like ."tnd towlrd. the iloomy tball wordl. As be hod 110 bUIID8IllIbro.d F r \I I eWlplper i.. a Ipy .. lu. hy whioh place of HviD' .n,d 1 didn't , know where yuu, de",: 1 WIll derend yon 10 illy lIellh • . 011 hil eyelide " ~:' II d . t1u 1(· 11111 " , , ' lIun. Ind,I tear lttarled unvoluntAry to b.. d I I d b f h B 01 ' d I ' t t l 0 J III o . , I ' Hllve wou no brighter hlfht thSII, that!' ., woo t l'lt uome up e orp. t em, ut a "Vise 11m 0 alay D lome. he brin- near the moat dI8110" thlu""-I a ,Iether would find :yo' but I nil" wid I h e ILdd ~,. w t I ",lerPllnl ~. . .. " I" If ' ~ eye-but b«1'hlng oalde till' eVIdence of I d d d i d ' Ii ' I Th 1 ' .. I ' J IIr In ·lel. a. ~ .' ,. • , kl , .pea "g lu .ene ' . Ioe 118"~ nniutinlJ to the dylpa I~me th.t " 1 lun re yar I nterve.lle , w el\, Will a e .ever .elle... 11m, 10W!'V • • 0 co .... Ii" wblch he lel,urelv exam. pleuuro take up lily pin 10 lofotm'''e of the " Id' r. ' I b't·b t ~ ..... - , • hllweflknel l,1I we.kllesllt mly be clIl· d 'II I I d I I ' b 'd I ' ,, " k I dJI ' I Inlcr. r- , I ~, " , :J 0111 clre ,or me, moller, 1\ I ; u ,. heel a feeb)o r.y uyer :be ·tiel .. table.. ,emomclI lIug I. 10 " Ie\ up · e.1 • , (11\11 D wee , procure I m lin e~lJ\en I , tI Ii mOlt minule-In oar trum"e~ de.lb or yer own Ilvin' unell!' Kilp.t.'lriclr . W h Oil I10 't r III iI"... A Itr Ik ,yu'u- II, h' 110'" 'l 'Send and'gllt lOme better, en Rlother,' J ' Ian.. '~y Whe ," aod I d II nCIwhich . I be co ,lecta . and brlngl "wlthlll orIll. " • , I; I ed, ' ho Itrolled to where tho furm .or ' ' . Ie· an d aelZIIIg h 0,Id 0 r h er br'Idl e TO In. by i p hY.lc nune 1m, .10 by wbo died ,err suddenly I.., Wilke aner' a• , IloIver, .n'd how I .I,ooat hale ,!tilll: ( o~,,~t r '1 hlve 'no money" Edward,: .ald his wife mille , I,y alrelel,ed upo", Ihe ea,rth._ lind i powerlul effort checked ' Ih!, gall ,of Ill'r seyeote,ell lu'mlJl!l~8"lbllt r hllve , "Ursed hellrlllg i ll. that I. Illd .lId done IU ovef IInp'r ln'"lh;knell of .G w~ke'; The poor help il 'mu~\,e,r"llldC!e~ I ~~"'t'• • he.qul<lkly tim idly. ' · , Mtouplllll' dllwn, he ecrutlnlze.t with one hor.e; ' ,and by the tI.~e Ih,ey reached the IImllnlllllO .ick •• do ~hiuk lhat I 'n~ver .. w tbe C1ortii...;.. museum full of curlollti.~ , 11'.. ' In, violent eonvublonl t~D whor. ('on,lr:u ed , .a hpr mother I.,..ked ).Ip re~"ruv' l oN0 mpnllY hey 1 Well 1 ~eckon 1 can deep, IUDg "tlanet. tho~e palld , f1dge of tbo blllck foreat bolh rl.d erl had II c1's,! 10 vllllent but It terinlnllled IQ dealh, a plclure' ~allerv full oC livln" time of ·bl. illne'l lyin" ' perfeclly, q I.ta ' k Ur III 'lit n ...·ect ' • , furward,. alld parteillhe her gory come ·,t 0 IL 1\ a II '.11d tlIrowllDg • 'I'"I I'e rt . arm h 'I. on,l td ', ., '. '. , I"i! ,y,,!' .JUl.'tl11" . putlelllli" " let you hive ."illle;· and belldlD: . . ' locka , 18lde . , from " y exeop e,, . (rom rell • drawo not OD \aut all the, whlle-epachle •• Intlrely-tllkio, tie Mutter, a cripplt • .,erhapI, for hfe ; how he threw' ne.rly two dOli.,. in cbIL'np up- bruw, ~hero Ihe lat.1 ml8s\le ~a~ ' forced areunll her ~o IIttt.'lnpled '110 tl,!:aw her t.o Ob lho fouflh day. genernllv the crills. with prlnter,, 'ink ou paper~ , incoblireDtly cryIng for 'wlther'- t bid no , , 'I I I I' tl .I r . . its 'elltrance and deJl rl~ed Iler of "Ife ' alld I' , ,. L ' , ." • tl I " ' . ' pa U, an d I10 p Ie ~e. le~e-Ul)' ell. Oll .her hi p. l'rle r cllnce which .I,e gave ' , " ", 11m. . Ille ..~r~lD' ,e.ve~ ~a. courll~i Irou,g I , i'.he; lJectllllibtra!i:J:ioll and ~ollr,lng opportuolty of Informia" ye C/f 4nth d.rhna bruther.' .. , ~ . him lhrl)led hll whule beillg, A muao lhen rIllll~g Illmll'~r to lhe ful !elt helgh,t . 'l;~e tzcltement of Ihe fJgbt,hld Ilrougl!l hi. velllS, .nd drlDkll\g up hi. EII~bh.b the m imi of the yount, or thl. w.e ldy IOODel'. except I wrote to ,you by the lut l'lIe mOlhe~ turJl~d ber hftDd Ilowly. un'· fru~ tbe little f.llow in ·tbe .c l'ldie.llarted , he ,rit8pe.t hi. rolle ' wllh a epllimoche lhe Wlrm blooc\ II) ber eileeli. but tbe In. biood, Hia 8~lu pUrlling, diy, .od yellow. commerce ; Ith the world, wilt be apparoot pOllt, whlcb...... ln~ two dayl befo~e Sladeath, til hertwo dim, blue ey~ relied I~II U(l!>n him, ne went Ind .tQ9d wlellily a,t clutch, and breathed forth 10 fervid tooel. lulq,.e offered .ent it ru8hlngbl~ 19ain, hearl'~i,ck. bomfl.iic,k••1I·boond lil:k: ' to an, on.. who will po'nder It, ' Once, a and ilien you'd hid tlie JIOIlI", 10 pal'... em'~lIed, cbild. , lllr pm, un~'811)' In a cbild'. ~ad. I"d goad down inlu tht wan eiltgle word'M ' \ld for a mllment .bo becil mB .. p.• le ail bi~ 1~lnl" lu~'k do~n to ,hi. "e,o ll. lilt IIberll.dllc.tlon could only be compleleel I'm at a grelt lOll to tell what hi. dll,1l 'VUOU.OE!· marb~e; theo 'reco~erln,i. hersel,r) lellt, olle by h\ll bed'.I~e . be fl.~ened b .. reltl ..1 by (o~ i,o tr.vel. The Ion. oulf of thl wu occuiooed by. but t fo.r Ir wu by bl. brokon cradle. , . r.ce thlt looked .1O .ufferinli and aha.tly. !,Mi1ther,' he excl.lmed, luruinl Ibr\lptA,nd turDing'Ground. \YI~ aboul lellVin~ ,..,lId; ", eart.rell~lng .hrle, k .tbruugh the aur- eyel on mt' welhh .. cOllldlndulge in.tllll coltly ,b~nli. Illtaicllnel.: He nenf w.. well tln,d'l' ,ur ralhf'r .w." Iooc! .nd k!lld once. , eVlln ,wI\1' I"; ,1 .row.n r ., Iore• I• II, n d .valll I~r ell IIII.YO"", _.1 Ol"~ u T.~ I • III 11 d',Ie. 1 I hI II 1i.1. But J ,,110 m\If\DUretl, gO!Iler· I" .w.IY~. anU. walkln" the ft~'Or 'burrlfldly, the I pol. I' ,tile Muulld uf I I\o...e·.• · "D allop rou!'u'"a • I, ".l~ , T ,.lI&r, now. tb, e. pOor man". aon can, lelr.n toietherd\l';0ll the. whole time of hla coq• ~ 1 ".ve . prayed once f! upOn hi. ear, ' muttered. ,: III II 'II e-;-.1 ,neVII! cln ~I. hd tI1I i '.• n d al much .t liol1le. ai, a hundred yearl a~o, fI nemenl; b',u t bay.,"b at ea i"'~ w III lu., 'on I.~.er ,brow ' a\ .t...~,e ,.,g l "t . d all n~w. , 'if ' to,d•• y, ., tb., tlii8 ltill >'Poor. MeDun~ld!' ho ' <be • h• IteoIf. hi • I10, " " . ' , . d'l.e I.. I,1 a , ~ U ,10011 ;Nhen he m~ko. ~\Ie of Jill! ,re~olvee. "" 'IICb new law' migbl infu "perlltiun. I Ilave ' But thllt. py. 01 de~p.lllr '~llIcli tII.g' ent he ~~ro~ Ill. br~,wney ~r,m. IICrlll, the , ,ed, a re~l1e!D.n , Could learrl by journeying .. be brathed ,hi. ,III" lbe doctliut ,P ' up II ..! are ~I but . hort JUl'1ltl!-,D.,bll 1I1~ nl' twe,\lty tin~e... Since yealerdllY n)orlllOg, come. , but to find .tlia IftlIIMec.\ brid~'. from I!!e IipIL, or Injured IJ\IIOCeOC~, wu sa 11 gOIng ~ iTllpp!e wllh deatb. . lhe world overl "For, wblle there are lome III hopei of hi. reco"rr. I needu't, tel~ . lure cum". out lilte lunl hille. Poo little ",hen uli!' Hart told me IIlIt he didn'L daro b.,tI~e m ruln. ,lIhd her in the hand. of bl. heud by earl Ibat Ihri,lIedI "Whit , p"np of '~ie ,' eaYII. 'Bllbert! tl> be .ure, we ILdvanto," In gulrigioto tbe world. It Ie Any thin, about hi.' age. for lOU well H~'!rr.lbat wal. Gruel bl':\\( a:iv,ell by a lell me ,,"Inale gl ..l, I bne ,been thlDk.. moet Implacuble file.' . morIa I agony, I~ j~ v!brl\te'i1 upon.' hi. el'n· mUl t all die; hUlyou are not IrOiDg 10 Ilie the poor ,nan', privilege to have the w~rld ko~w thlt IJ.I nat M.y he would b.ve bill The ros~ or the It~d wa~ "eud, the ael •• nd· lollrIJlg hll05elf "om Inl eucu· tll.11 week.' come 10 eee IIi"" Tbo ,nellt.pllper II ' . twenty·flveyeal1l ould.llckio· ·t1n month.; rltber'a hAnd; but who I. rel po,n.. blel 'eh" Ing what. curIO ..'ve beet! to )'0• • 11, even ellc;la\med. iuddell17 _tarling from her ie,t, t to that innocent babe;' hill voice ralteft\Cl: underwood WI8 p.ned 10 lWlln.lnd wltb tionera, ~unter e.lUlye,d to mount tbe',~11I In thid l.epoke'uoad,lleelly with my lip., grellt colled9 r , a great tr",,,Uer,. ifnt aod hla bo 1.l nd till that time he theD while her tfmple and chel'kl were crimaun- whtle hie olae.. d,ulhtet wiped awa) the ~ . bOll.hd a ~Ioraeblln boJted ,ln f~ot or. the .nd 8y to.lhe re.~ue of bl~ dll~r. But but I thougbt or Pope Piue .nd hi. DIlII, lecturer, It I. Jhe ' commoo people'. Eli. would· hive been ai x montbs de.d. H18 eelj 'ohllillilI lohe 'power • .not a rum ,hop 4'1,,'thlt were .trelmini onr her cheekl j burnlna mln.lon and ~llInred wl~h all 'un· h~ wea rudoly held back' bty ai ... uf iron to wh, th"t ,t.he end would IOnclifl Ihe cyclopedia-the lyceum, tbe co\1.~e!-Ret,t, property I. VI!}' oon.lderable; It dey6)YH .houl~ allrtcl Jo tMI city bYJliibtf.11.' b ' t aileot In the d.rk,,\. corner earlllly Itare lrouDd 111m, .,\.d bil plellding. fell .1 upou bearta meao.: Ho w•• under Ibe 1nftul!IIce 01 H. lV, BcccMr. '. ' uPOQ bll neat Illn. who ia do.d lOme tim. 'Mulher, don' t louie 10 Ingry.· .. id little ~~I:roo"I~. . It WI. lI' DoDlld! the I'bneed of M.· marbleo, ulltil thr,?willi bi\Ds,ell ",pon the powerful mej\icloe.t thia moment; J knew aince, so thlt I upect it wlU b. equalb' w.. . 1 H t t , h _.I I ••••• !lllio, wit!,. qulverlnc Up" 'And. mother,' Ite continued, 'I've mado r ~n , UII er eorlh, tbe old. m.n eroaocld In 11I,ullh and tblt lbero 'Vould be a lull,'1 t e '11ll orl divided bet~lne u_and ~,o my aeJi'r ' ,God 'or.l~e PIe,' rel!lIed tlie "",omln, .. lolemn vow 10 God; th.t 1 wciuld HII lOlly blow . 111'•• pallid I I .. hat It~.pt:d meledl~tion. ,UPO(I tlte dU\royer. aay. ~on; , .nd I ~ean~ to take .clvullie I • •onallt, of tile Boal, Larrr ye'l1 ret two-thirds or the "hoi•• ltuoplna loil kll.lnll the blut'lfh forehead of I I d ' .t now how much the dOld ft'male who ley beneath of 'ha)lplne'l 11Iclllllloce !!l~' • ' of thD . (llrcum'lilQce, to peraulde him . to THU. II . not, in my opinion, a more and you know be had a fine ..t.t•• which . Illur I rum "ill n; ILn J U . I " I ofl Ind hil cheek I I ,ale.. B "L_" de b ' ~ b J'h ani h ' F ~nq ....... .....". tmeI ,aney r. I a ' Ia ILDd UlumphlDt conlidol'1ltloll in her clllle'i 'bp\ wheD I Ibln~ of wh'~I' he It will .... l.t me, ,1 know th.i I cannot 1J0 IM.a·. 10 • . . , ut anolnet -~ I er at e e . t at Ii"e if pu"ibl~. p e III. . wu I~Nld to p.y hil , dellta. ~ the re11.1 beeo. wha"'e mlabt bne !;eton-' thll corner Ind Ihlt. to be tl'mpted wit" white 1'OIe of Shlro~. whll~ ~Yerr . hmb felrful .brl~k. U it wenl; ecbglel along , rea. I Icl\ hIm fot fifieell mln~te.. On rrlir ion tbln ibll ·or the perpetuII proar- mlinder he Inlt OD the hone rau. But It The dour W&l pU>ohed violently open~ .ad the ,i lot of the mlleflble poi 1\011. ' tbe ItrOllg m.n trembled Itlle .n upea the foreat. aocl O~! 011 1I\nll of borror thlt my return I (elt hll potu; ~hlcb \be loul mlk~ to warda the ~,Cec- WI. tho appiDioD of . all tbe l.die. praenl. I .\f! of lOme ' fifieen .ummen butat luio 'G!a be th.uked ...Id the illd wife. ~eaf, ~od bll bOlOm bened ~Imoat to burat- took pOllt,,:,lon of bl~ aoul, ~I be heard SaYI I, "Kubert. ,0U1l0 ftfl, per C4Jnt Uon ~{ Ita D.ture, WlthOU~ ever IrrivlUg at Ibat he would ba"e won the raco. ir tbe tloa rOGal. Her line rlice "'I' IIgbted up. b win ber held upon the mlntle to hide. lOr Wllh.tll. t~rce or hi. emo.t1oll. III be and recoanlzecl ilie vOIce uf lUI' lletrothed better lireld,. I hope ' to eee you walk a period In it. To look upon lha .oul III horae he bid run IlIalnlt hlll'lIt bHn too aDd h., e,ellhooe like two brillilnte, II ! lou l!a'ming eYOI' '(or there never 'I'll I lbouttd fO~lb the llODY ~f hll bO..r t 10 the 1.lt I!Crea~ of de.palr. Tbe fOPm (rlllD the bed aod lit by the wl.\ldow to· going on In I~Oith.; to coDaider ~at .he fut lOr blm-bad luck to tbe butef But tbe ' .,cl.I,," willa "eh.m.nce. HlDOth. 1beetrl' b L: ad th.·" you EdwILrd ~heJl , 'My Harlon! III'. MariIlO! b. I.w In drop. from Ibe bit. ,o r Selila. alld monow.' I. to lJun. roreyer. with new acceaa 00. poo', 10,,1 be Dever will lte or drlok \DON; , er uaua ,... , t th I' -I ' ' h II . I db' Men to ·.n etemllY' tbat er, mother.cwn ~ou Im"lo. " ' hit 'DeWI I ,ou.re Ylluiwtr AI rut dear lItUe Heory. I~ G ou ' k til or, f bd .. f COOICIOUI of th. OI~"IOP, I eW ( Sit by bll bed connnolog to chear lila r 1If'1. ~D ~ rl i dd' ,1 • 'rCde and DOW Larrr ye blv'nt a liviD' rolubuo hne for ,oul It ,. podj 10 Ilori..1II1 lite , I { It be will • t welliglill loon; do not • 0 eee ,e IDem, , our ~. , alb/lr tllan ~o tbroll,h ~ 1I'0IJ!Ia bill Irita. I contlnlled: , I Ibe w,i I. .tlll • In, rtuo to VI In the wide world. escept ID,,.e1I ud
I· ,. , ,'.,'
i <!:/
~:= ~~:b:~: ~:t'::::••~:. ~~e~lI:1. tbl~\ of Ihe , : . b~t reftlliva ,for
the Cu. '
1D:,~~:~71~ ~:~·~e~ ~~o'!~!: eeek.· ~~:O~:!' a~~d~at~:~m:I:' ::'~!:"'te ,'~Itb i. nilh ~~ bud .t all o~m:1 tt:~ ,.nd kooWle~n~:f:~t~~:a::I: ~~~~ tW;:tO~'I::a~I::~ ~~~D:; :-!r::i
' ieltin • ,hits can be had for 101'0 01 mOll- ture. ' ._ •. ' th~ huuter ItrOde to bll.lde. eartb. Fr.olm the toP. of thllt IlOIlO JlcDoII' ey. f~lt IOdell,bled ",helT I heard It,' will. ,10 help me God! uclilmed the 'Earll~, my frleod, how IODi eloce. ..Id ~~ dqwn the ;oad. llri~ beboWa Ila. lbe ooDtllIUed ••1 the t~.....tDllIed with bUlbll"~,ID deep. aelem~ tOIlN. hlpptaedl' rion IlnInlln, ID the uma, of EU_,U•• her .olln.'th.t Ilel\ OIIr Ibop OD tbe In- E,en £I"e " •• wbeel" lip to tllt.po 'Not ao boarllace.' 11',"0 h .. dl. .ounted .pd ia endu"oriJIa to etant'aocl humH home to t.ell YOUI no.... I per tlble. alld jOJ' belmed GO eYerr race.. 'Then b1 th. 101111 Clr III,. ber (rolD L~r ateed~ He r.iIe. 1IIt11\ lit back .,.In; 11 wonh a &II_DIl thllJ Itt topther. , ahe Ih.1I Jet be mloel' 'Dd turolq atlrrup-hl, brold cllymore ,liurl'1l cllJlial'1l too _ ab.L emilo OD ,our face;" 'Ia le~ th.n a month. \DOther,' Mid &Itt Ilted. be dathed rapldl,ll'OID the I!pot. io the nllllleuD~d hia JIjIwerful YOIce ancllll'" to repre. the qllic" .ubi &Ita, np8otantDiaD. 'J . _ID to pot 1 011 In a 10woII "'lbe linter. elfer tdiDr-'Ooe rin,. out lih • thunder pelLl upo. &be were .bnoe& chotklq ber, with the Itrlnse{ bel. . "". . ; 1M ,,100II ... ca\l.1·1I hollt look bPbind hi.. IDOrnlnr air... he 1Iiou1l1 aloud biI weU joy abe fell. thl. fe., tb., ber ' .11 thle old t~ oo\.duon. . . . .1 wilL . . . . . , known war UJ UPOIl the ~Ir_ lIipt ..Ipt be IDI. . . . .Ub. wucll abop . . . leI' furaluare u b".ID "<fbe Iin_ or the mornl., IUn .i:elM 'DIIfi1& 10 1M .Wl I ~J' lilt ..urr_ ..... the fOOI\Io our elreu_tuca. .1 ~laN 'tI. _tort 1M tree tope aad ,lewd rapldl,. fralD hrl1 TIle COUIlIN.Dce of Ellerali, TIle drunkard" WII. . .' ....... .,...1".. lhoa.h. hi ' " JOIl .11 ••tt. . 10 10 Jaill•• Ca,..lo B).lie 11l1li 1111 be ..ani ~.. terrlba. _ d . releMint ... I,. 8be COUW ...... 1Irlac ...... to u.looltlDalOhap"- BM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . f'roII theblaGk forM, ud .otered (OrDI"''''GIIl It. eprU. to .... _ _ ; ""II..... Indb rtl ............. Mud: an .. red u rt*L' . . . . tile _ . . CIOIIIIlrJ .... It- ba& .... he . . . . . "" Irdrrupe Ida PfteIIId, aM& ca, ••• II1II.. •• .chll.....~.. I.tlleontruf ....' . . . tW ....... cIara lethe,"
",IIod, ....
,u.. IDIfttIr... ........ aitIt...... Wi-. 'Ill' ... a.... ........ \her.. . .......... ...... ........ ................... III
.... _
~ ..
II" . ................. r.1M .,. ... die . . . .
'J1I ........ w.. aD. ...
.Dati.W.. oIaJmo..
ID all pllcea ~ut ,my , IlDpr...1 you .. 111 neL ~Ie ot tbluUlcll. I bope.:' lee you a ~f\'lnl mailer builder, lIIarrl, one or ttie bo~y Y~kee IUlles•• and 10 Jf>u~ grG1Id dUd"" lit"., 1II'rIlI. From tbl. hour the flYer left bllll.Shortly alter tlfe fCl"er diaappeuedlroq. the ell,. H. bec~ II muter builder. , UId died ID J843.,.,ed H. nllt Ill.. DIU lHIY.r die u 10111" I8t. or teN breathe· 'Hoe'e 'rlndD, 'rea' Ie prabclbl, the . . . . . . d~ hu
t,,.. ..
lite wrld
._tIIe tnt...."*
tnID ~"... ~1 ............. Mr .... far.
......., ........ Irr
...... k..,.. nru .._ _ '- ..... .....
.mbltioD which I' n.tural to the milld of "lib' t but wmll1e thii lether wit. IIIIck NaYI it IIIUlt be • ~roepe~ pleulD' wax, Ind put' 011 ler Wlcle'l God-Himlelf, to - H .. cre~tor lor eyer erma. So I ye nct to bra1l;..... belutifyl.., ill Hile,... Ind drawlll, wh.n ye OpeD the !ether, .to ..... er to Rim b, ' Ir~a'er depe. 01 reeeJii- odour dayl Ifter ye ftA,YI l~', tba, bl.nce,. . ' lime ye will -b4t bettor pdpar..s for thl ' JleUainka thIa ~t.i CODIlIderUloo, tnournM tI~lnp. tion the pfOltlll of e"ute aplrit to Tor oaId ..a&ehean. 1hrJ....... will be .uJieietlt to t'lrIillpiab a I eD., I? 10 fe ubekDoUt 10 me. nltum.l611 .11 eoat_pt hi n- bearer of thla urI.es ID UaailteA' aa "perlor. That cherub1_. which IIOW .ppe.... (or lhIa lether. aDd if lie doe'" bow ...... • God to a hUlll.D IOUl. kllon"ftfJ one It II. t.U hi_ Ita OM ~ dial tit. \'rill ecae alNIet, 10 10ar D." cftaUa ......... ~ "heD tbtll_ JVft .O'I~."' ~ III he -w.t1l1lOW Itl"',· ", I.tarty ~8."" .
w... ...
-tUaJl": ..
lo::lrll=tIta&::I" ........., ., ... - ........... ..- ..
.c: Ida... ......,~ . . . ~., .......,1.
.... ~I-I-.... IdI ......j _ _ ..... -
.. latraa ~
meedn,. (or the "ciNHlar ot Coan ..... Itlln",..t. th.lr IDBueDee to tl.lln the ca.. of lIunlnler. I,'U'U"'" ill 0,.lni ..11I1n lad preeer,e II. lit. Jallel utr..-.d • reaulu'ioD ClUltl, '1""t)'. Oiv. U. ),our IiI .od III"ue,lII:e, UpDn tha 'V.r D ... p.rtQlrJU rot h!furmltlbta tillie. a new 1'olllme (ildle., .Dd we n.ve no ee.,. ror.tllo rOtnlt. .rtd ... lImll ..1 collr.efllillil attlilal'J rued collllUenced, and "e .Remel1lber till ~efit m.ettlll{ 'ml ,II I"w., w"leh W"I .doptl'd. _ uf ullr p.per wit wuuhllHpet:lfully f l'lRlud our Irielill. tb.t there. . J. \v,. ROUER. Pliril\(, Wlnt.t relllltlllng In' I.tiul'· The l1uulo rellilh\"on, ~ire(III"ar an ill-'-'" -----.",...---- - -......- -.;:,:......;:..-'7':-'1 11111 pretlOnt III a IIIIJI\" when the, c.n be of \VI) ne.ville. Objo, Junulll'J IIIllln the prllull, 8h .. uld be .ppruprt~'ed '1 ul (V itltu tlu 0 IU1~ ul (II II Ill" IlrJ, WI. d". If ~ou dealre • "Iper lu be ~ 'l7 to Lht' euppurt .nd 8uaa'lon 01 IlIIch clnld tallen up !\.hll l'ero\"i:d to Ihe CumUlltlee .ul'thl, ('1,mlllunllr.;-lh'l CII, flllpudl'n1, and - ' ~==~~-""'"'I;;;="'F'~~="" IllIiblitiljed ID th1. plnce. you mUll give' it ~ For the l\1tnil)i Vl.oJ hor ,,' ()hlldrlln, In t'''very other ellie, ~Ioerll '011 public lIulldong' , •. , HIIr Ilr-' ihe proper clltclluuZelD~lIt,· In urder to At. :publiC mee~llIg uf the , citizt'u~ tbe "rllninall. hot the ".reut u~ one Df 'J'h" Inll 01 1111111, lIppropr u,tllolll to meet 'Dlln', Interrupt ml! I a'll cOD~lllue~ tlto ri,trllt kl'ld of bUIIII\! .. , Hllrv~yllburg. cl\lIeilldr th" Purllu»e 01 mure Ulinor clllldr~n, tho pruCl'edli of the j lhe expenoe. of Ihe Il1te are wall. llIkt!1I u~ tllat JUu .hmlld entertllll luch ' \'lew. \On )'~iterda)' (Thunday) we oue tbatil'm bring Ud ill a respeclabl" .up, gllDIZltI1l' a t.Ulpl'rallee "I!tunee, J. U. Iqbut should lit! curefullV ,alld .tu'1I0IhlClllly whell lir. CIII' ,"ave till QUlendlll.i1I ; . The\' 'fII~y plene tlie herd-bul the 1l1lel· "d,oll the .ulhur lly of ehrpnolOfl:e,., purl. WI! ~huuld hllve at the very III" eal CrelY Will clllled tu Ihe Uhtilr, Cllld N. (ltllBCn ed, lind npp,oprillted to the mllln· klllg nn "P)lrOl'rt&hlfll fur Y,e purcrlll5e ur II¥4!nt, Ihe - , aile lhousand eutht hundnld and 611J1sec. caltullltllIn. thr.ee hUllilred 'nelD ~ub.erl"er. D.,IIII .PI'Oillll!d Sllcretary. lOlllan w uf •• clt WldOWli uB hmve been deo. ] bnQkd, When It wlil'felolrted tu the F IOllltU' f;:.lR"Il~n'8 -'DDItE8S , 'My dear, delr Ilr. I('t-' Oll~ year of ~he ' world. Iln('.e tlte appe~r- Jf our pllru ..... ill bbl ule half thelt I11l1u. The lolluwlng Pre umble Iml pftve-d ul litelr hu~bulld. by IIlcohol, ulld Cummlttee. ' "'0 PI"~OI\~ of 'Do 'permIt. me 10 IIpeak, IllIte )OU Illce of who dealgneil by er.ce oil the-Ir frllllltla '\ 100 do Dot tllke our tiOIl were lhen presellteil, roud lind Ihul relldured ItltblD tu tillllcr. (Ir. 10 Ule Mr ...Alt:he.on mo,ed eM 1\...,.. ordered, (lredlt ro~good _en..,,6Ir-for hberlil ')P"ll' THE lU I A Al I V fS ITO R , I" h \ t~o! S~vl,or of mankill'!. We WIll p,apl the number de .. red can e:a~IIT be rtluu~ly adupted: mOllllDlnnlleO alld duc.iioll of I hi IIlten thai when Ihe &"uto .. iJJourn. It will ~& J.AIIVAIlY J, 1811:l. un. for der.ncy anyhow nut, &11'..,.-' 1\I~ve In t I'e rommgyellr, thOle whom Provo obtltlled. AnOlher year will lottie the PR EAMBLE. \\ ho muy hIve lieon rendured fIiIherles8 or 1111111 Frlthl>'. ' wi~b tu Interrupt. Mr S IIlIOk8IdeM!! will ~rm1t to livr, an Important matter 10 I eerullnly \Vherl''' Int"mp~TQnce . Id tho mos t lIIolhc rlol8M from causes llUlllected wuh • Tll6 ~ulnl relOllltioll, authorlzlng ' lilt. ~ you Iil ! but ar. 8ub~llriber for the-! Time" HermlJa, eVllr on the .... ing. field of labor w~erein to OCCIIPY Qur til. ~_ •• , bltllhllnll ~ylJ ~ilh whIch our olherwlilo J the II'I Uor trulfic ond UBC'. • cOlllrI!C~,W lit DQIlllld4UII Mild ~rlll~lrultg Tu fyery 0.10 lhe tld.n"" ' 'Nu-lIot- eXllctly-but 1 nUl ill the .. b,\nll, I enl. We do not DleQII tu ,e 'J IIt It I IIe Firo at \\'Jl8bi"gtua CIty. hapn) ISlale 1~ '(1ursea, and the 80le of III' _ ,ur prI ntlllg t IIe celllU' retlurno, ' c,anle op' 'J'Ioltt Ihe Old Yellr hlw race 10 .. run, cu L d IItbit pr reaulIIg It ' dutfe. of pOMt yettr. were nOlllnpurlDlIt. On Wedllcsday mornlll, or I,,~t week. IQXlontin, II'Iuons DB I lteYl'rngo 18 prU\luc, J , H Cruw, J, IPPIIICOtt. Ind T, D. III or ~r, 1, ' TII.n permit me to uy,l\lr. SIIOllk., the ,And Ihat anolher Yeor hal conle. far (rom It, but we wl dh 10 IlIlpreda UpOIl Deoembl'r 24110 U~:il. a fire bruke out III I I1Vj\ of lOore Pdupll flsm, misery, erlllle a 1111 RQYso, were a"polllteilll8 a 8}1I/ldUlIr com. ' IIlr. ~lJIillllppul!l'd ilr ohd alld it woulJ ilia .. whu bur row. o( , IllS neIghbor hid .'or good or III, for we,1 at wo, I) the mllld~ Df .11, tho nereeslly of attelld. Ihe l' ollgreu lUnltl LIbrary, In the C_upltul. deuth Ihun allY ollio,r CRUde, thu .. degtud : nuttee to proacrulc th(J~o whq ~1"llIle lite ' invulve tilf IIppruprlRliun li f sel'erlll 111111. wheel.b:lfrow allll find. fuult wllh 1t,8ho"5 In Time'" swirl altariot III mUll gll. IIIg rll every brunch of dUly In the proR. Tit" fire wu dl~covNed by the' W.lchtnull ' Ini lIeurCi upun Bcuree uf ' lhe IIIII.t Ilighly PXI.tlllg Illw in regard to the retl,,1 of IIr. J drt·d dullRrB, IIDd inuved lu P08tPUliC Il unInaratltllne to '11I1 nelgl\bl/r, 51ulldO!(8 the To gruct Illy ~utrOD.1 hllve COlUel Ient )'~ar. Tu be hoppy and tu e~IJuy Ibout hall·post flevell. III the LIbrary : flOyured 01 our I"nd, rClldt-rlng tlte 8trutlg- ' de llt IIPlri18, I III FttdllY. maker,of the barro"" exhlllll$ an ulter IgAnd let me WI.1t to everyone Id tlte j:re.~ deSire or 1111 pereelTl8; bUl hap. lloere \\ ere ,ume filly· five t"oudum) vul· es t IIItellpCliI lIublldle, cUII~II.:"I1.g ollnuulThe Alliance then ofl!"urned, tQ mcet Mr I Ur ighl rtlo c'd the neeelsily of linnora nce or defiance ' of Ihu la 0\8 of cum· t prllte. 1I"ld.1I hAPUY Nt'w Yrar, I f'1IIP811 bnd eUJuyment csn unly bo the purof wlliell abuut twenly thou.nnd I Iy mure thun u Ihuu811nd 01 Ibe lIublu ,"tl' l ot lha AClliI"my on 1101' 3d uf Jlllluury, 18. ' nlrlilute nutlun, alld IIlter _Ollie dl'bult', \I,a alou politt'net18 olld urdlAllry decellc) . Gild' W It!1 lOany Irt~nd., and gralt'lul cheer tiun IIf thUd... wltu live III the perforlllull' re BDved. zell ' VI Ilhlo IU drllnkurtl'd u, tllndy ' O!l, ol 2 u'"lock, P 1\1, rewhlllUII Wnl PUBtlll:lled UII II 1'ueri~.t del~rvea tu be turned out of re8pec.llblo 'V~'ve he"n blest wuh (lellce Ind health, ces of Ihose tltingM which lire liel out be· All the It.tURI)' and puillt ooll" were cOD. lgrove. pruduclng hotnl'led" alloJ hl!lple~s On 1li01loII Ihe Sl'cr('llIry \~IS dlrt'~I('d nl'xl. '~Iely. Good Ulornl~Snuoks. With com(orl,eaJl(!, alld s,oreou(weallh, fure IlteOl lIJ alligher power. Whot IU8 , lumed. Tlie Preilident and hid Cobilll't wlduw. ulld urphulI~, be5 Id,'~ the u.llvt'ra ul to publodh ll)A (lrncef'ding6 of tho llleetlll" nit. Shll:ld~. frum the CUIIIUli" e IpThe WJdow bUI been killdly f~d, I tho greut uLJt'ct of tlte croallon of Ihe w~rft present The Hull. uded b~ the ' degrJldll\lon mtu Willdl utl"re plung,'dthut III tllO lIemld 0 1 Freedollllllltl Ihe 1U1l1m~ POlutcd,lIItruduced K".!Ullt tu · tht· Sen. Death of brael Wo04 r ~ft". E~q . Tho orphon cluthed, th .. bhod IIIlln Jed. ' world Illid rnallkllld I As we view the aub' l lIouBCi ul ConUtl'ij8 wore ull llijureJ - ' relJlllllle urliclo. slIy lI'lthlnl: uf lhe ntlll· Vldltnr, N. DOAN, S~r.. oU', olid IIl1ldo a repurt rocurnh',I'ndlllg , Ihe We regret tu anllouce the de,lth uf thld The Pe81tll'rtcc, \'Ile rue uf 81811. ' ,erl, 'tho \\ orld WIiS e,ealed :or mun. IIlId 1'1'lte ortgln of Ih~ fire I. nut knuwn. the , ionll of d"lIurd lhu~ nre spell t III the prus. ' sume prl,cee dlllgllll8 \\ Me ult"erYelllll tho IIld ,nd rl'a"oeled cl~lz:cn, long Dod favore. 11 No longer d,,"ulatel tile lana. L I II diG "· , r ' _ .1 , • ' ~.- ~. " TI . vt I "'ge ler "ere cr~ lIl(' Iy UII, 'u . Iod~ "e~llIl,"U to 1I1ll0Ultt tu uver .WU Illcutooo uf Iltc critntllul ClloJe8 " ruwong out Cllile of L"yhl~ e "l'. Ie rrl,on IIU bly kIlOWIlIiK. resident ufWarren e"u:.ly. l.t1u'" I\IlIy Ills !thllhllllg hand be stayed. , I It J I I d til I dd I ' " .1 h S d .. , I1l11de. I, t len , 111011 was P !lCI: III 18 hundred thuu~ulI "I ar~. lof llua 8utolll~al bUilllC U , IIlId perhup~ IId"ptl'd. Auu t Il l'hnto b ~utirned unltl He died after a !trier 1I11I1!8i1-an all'Atlun F"revet' uhralltcd III~ fiery blude. I Id I . God I • II tl b. ' , wur uy ,l.ere wos &11 .po .er 0 - .~ ... 10JI tillles a~ 1II1I1l:! nlore mliitulld IIlve ~led I Frlliay of the hll llrl-at hid reauJellcll III C'irw"" In l No "lied Lord~ we Inmely owu, \ Jeet, Gnd thld u"~eet, we are tlllfJ:ht by llop o::rThe _!tAlntlun uf our relldera Qrc in tho tralle lhut ougllt utlll'rWI~O tu be u I'H ILADLrlllA, Drc. 27. the '6 6th )lear 0 f hi' ag.... 1\1 r. W O<.Idruffl Nllr 8cl'ptrcd lIJullarch 011 the throuej ! l!!crlPlures, to be the ",rep.rollun of mnn rei pectfully dlreetl'll tu lite IIdverlidemelit bles8lntl'tu tlto fond IIlId duughtors uf our A !ll'strnclotlve fire occurru\! here Ihl e I 1 BUTIMone, 29. was oll.t lve of New Jtrsey, end emlgrq. No &:I.~,ulorlftl . how lor the enJ(lymfllt III I bettl'r aLato uf rl(' of lIe8dr~. G, R alld J. \V. !Uareh,ufLeb. bl'luVl'd Stoto morn lllg In the properly, (lUfn~r of ,"'th I KU_Kutlo arrived her .. 011 $ulurdny l'vrn· ted the Miami V nJley ill the yeer 1800. 1 Tu bid Ihe crlmSQn eurr,~t flowj , i8lencl:. I'tbll hilS been enduwed with u OIlUI, III tillS county 1 Whorl/US moral luOlumco Dud 8u061On i bnd Chllstllul, known Q~ Hurt a lllt Idln~ II1g, Dntl \\'08 vl'ry Wllrmly recei v.,ed, IIp. lie was emJ1I.lyed lor sGvorll1yeer. ad 8 .. ur. 1 No h mpled God., nor Greciun gam. I frfe Will aud I~ nriVI\r"cd 10 tJllllk. uct. •••• -+~I b t ' b i t t •. ' S~vetul ·hv(>~ werll JuSl, \ ,III {n('rllen!!· 01. Ihp "CC' si .. n he de Ivere" 0 ."eprh, marII II t I ' .. .. Illve rell nc IVl' ,y nlUg I 0 uOllr upun " nyor of tile U. 8. IA·ld. In VDnIlU~ p',rts l 'J ' o tU your I, Uf r uus IIl1ml': Rnd du fur hlm6l'lf 118 he see8 pry pl'r ~'ho 'Purk traue haa been pretly fillr thlll mnml1luth eVil. wlthuul ,'II\.1ro ~UI)Cllzi8 . elltt' Hull, Op(lu~il\l n.lrrowl> f'ij(:nllell k ('d I,} IllS Muul el 'l"l nrr. tie It'al t. enr (I( ~tII!'Nort"we8\ Territory Bnd KelltuclI~' J ;(010 'yrallt. 1II11110ni ev .. r I,ree. God, OK llle Cre~tor of mllll, 1~18 't "Mitt lu thi~ @eIHon tll lhll! I1la<:e. ~l1verDlthuu.and Ihuugh 1I0t "Ilhout 118 I!'gltllllole tOilel, Il ' 01\ : n~ to Ihn severe colt,! Ihe \flremen \V"MI)i!lgtuli ill tllll, eli r ,,. train Io-u,,,rruy( IPd It lie all the e-arly 8un e)lnrd lulfered fu God alone w~ brnd the klloe. 1118 Bl'rvlce, ailli II hur servi ce IS fully rCII- of fiue hog. hove bee II pneked III 111111 VI· .. therefore III1IsI COl1tid~lItly boilev..", Irol,ll w('r(' 8cllrot'ly 1I111o \" w~Jrk thl'l~ 11l1!'II('d morn I..!:. ae"er~lr Irom he prlvatt"n~ of ·h ... WI!der. j .• - dereol, mlln h88 tl!e pruln/se of a great roo Cllllly. I ~ ,t rl'~ uIt8 "lid 11,0 tl'CI'lIt I'xl'll pl1l1ce "f, The firo broke out abo\lt I u cl"r k Ih:ij - - --"----,--- .- , • III!8I and tbe severity of the cllmale, On In the IU~pl"'OU. b'-i"!}~ yellr lVard and this rewbrd COuslSlS of etl'rnal _ ____ ----'-011 P f I S I I morlllllg III the ~ ecolld eHlry of lIorl " I' N1:,w V"R", De,. 30. olle oec",lun, at • pOlllt Lei vw Ihe faJia The World boa had ,,~olldr"ul F~lr; l'fe I~ Il W rHI I olldlllslJ fell"lly Surdy Lf ":";nAJtY NUTICI,...,. , 8Ullle 0 °lur $ :~or IUftels,l,mlll tlllltllPP~lIr new buildings . 611(1 tI... flumes ~jlrt'lld W:lh , Jl'hny l.flld, hllvillg ri'cei\l"oI in'olli\tlli Ce 0 o · Ihrough t 18 nh;ullllll 0 t 10 un et uX 0 • d d d J I I I I' I tlte OhiO, h" was for ltevtlrlll deys entirely I T o 'ur IIler t IIe VMt enterpr.e tllil re\lIl1rd I~ wurth slriVlllg lur by nil -.• II .... oul rupld"y, dt'8Iruy".g Ihe (,lllI ro !tull . uf lhll su dllll, eull 0 ler 1lI,,1 I~r, \1'1. · Icrd, IIlIul'r ('xlBttng (lfCUIII8!UnceB, Ill'" " , , E • d~"rlv~ uf fuod ~xcep.t rools and the buk ' BohulII II crylta I P 0 Iac\'! rt~, ' botb yOllng nnd old The Il'fll('e ul Gud I TUE .ulllfi,lR (ur DI'Cl!l1lber, hall been I bl t I fi I :cj I. I llig ot lll" cUfl, ~r of $rx rb lind UhUllllul prububly 1t'l\e fUr IIrupclII Ihe nrXl lolel m· o(t,ecs. Heobeyed Ihe ea)1 Dt 101. country ' Inventlonl, praduot. rid. and rare , ) Id rully explained' i~ the lIufy Dlhle wlolch "rl'eelved. FrulII II we 1C'lIrn lhnt lhe pub· mTust uvuru el 'IINspec III IIIIn dUI rte lJ - , e[8 III n lilch 'lhere were oS; llrul lJOok. IIml I'r. lilld III, tUlIsl'qUt'IIII), Itn~ 110 n,ufe In • u ~upprei!ll I liS ~lgUlIl 0 e\ 011( u pru- j III ~he w.r of 181l1111ld III.'rved ae • •volun· I 'Vete b rou" IIl I1\ compettt Iolltlere. 'If ploperly exuDllDrd WIll \lIuke tbe whulr liebers Me8.r~ S IDve ly &. 1\10(;01111, ul tl I I II " rnu.,c Ito,e8, 01111 n '1'8tlluml Ihl~ cllon1ry. \ f I te~r in the army und~r Goo. lta!rls.oll'.IIIII cllu~e y, twe lire nO' l '('ho fire cIIDlmllnir ~l ~ d to tIe I Sh 11" ' l. ', :: ~:::;====~-:-:~~~"':!!!=~~ 'jl f t " mule II ere I not ur~t to mon Ion mOller clear as the 'lloon.d .. y suu.· MllllY )1ll1ladelplllu. h lI~e trullsferrcd their III\er· I b 0.I IUlIll1nt I ' e ~Itl i _...... ~Ire Wll5 ror many yt!.rl Cuunty Burvl'yo'r The Ylln~ee GenillM at InyrnlJon!VleW8U re heltl III rPlCsnl to the subJecJ, en illl~e 8ub.cripllull list to ule t'roprle. lJ~ WI IIIIT ut I e~lru~s U rUtfrlllz I tl ' sJlPnr"on bulldlllg, un tlte oPllu"lle sidi" " o or ~arren .nd Dutlfr Coullti"•• pnd in 'fhe reputa"un wt'(1J mOlntulD111.1 .ome are Illdeed tlte ' very t'xlrclll c l.f)1 ~or of 'W,Jolwordl'a Youth'd Cub",el,' In u r:eapeClive 0 cdre~r Ilr pur Y'eso'l , I OdJ"llItr lhe (;heelnul Street TlleDtre,,, hl ll.h 1 ~ ' _ L U Id . I " ~ CODH , ltule UOU groll .. mpernoc /I a ~ , • , r-thlB capllcily, l'nuked Wllh unerring. uner· ' )[~, CtJn~lc. reap. Ie IU e~lg::!I1' tbu 1 1\1t"urdl~y~ It IS Ilul ' our obJect, ut the INew ~urk. W Il ore luth tu pnrl \\ Ith lhe 1Dnd Ihu8 belenablt~, tiy Ii united effurt, t\l waH alBo enti~ly Ile.",uyeil; A III~ Bro\y d , b. aU,"CI' 1I'",ur OIl ~I/'. , ing Iklll, tbe lined of bundred. 01 farme Our lalllogYachl, IlliI Sua I t& pre,!'nt tonle. to g. 11110 I discussion of }1l'ntur. bUI tru»t tJi'at til" clliloce may I 16' thl Buholl UII'" \\Iouse pe8tllerou~ HDtel udJolnlllg. , MU4ut "'I/lilua Oliver, tllu l'uatmo"l'r. JD 18411 he wIlsel e('led Sherl(fo( lhla roun· "dye rut tIle Drltillh 81!amOll thr .. ugh. j thele ~I"II'II; ~ut IIIIB much \~t' will ~oy, ' pruve II 8Ii~18iactury one. ::t!:'h I: \\.nlllg Itij III:IIII>IIS fruln lIme tO i' Th" w"lId o~ Purker'o ~ul\~llIlt rell lillO , Ollt! 01 "u~ 0111,,0\ lInd tnO~~ " '&I"tl(' lI'. etla. 'tyt,thQ duttel 01 which office h~ dldoharl(e,l ADd glvell Juhu Dull anolh.r nllllvn. \Ve are II firm believer ill Ihe Reltilion Ihllt -. .1 f t Id Al the 8treet. IJ\~tuotly kllhng two aolored Iuvoru!tly IllId ge\luruUy kllu\\ n II' I 0 etern.lv, IIl1u vvte rom eXI~ enee 0 cU' j , Z l l J I D) " ably' for tbo cllnatl\utlonal perrod of four Thot Brhtollla dUl'8 IIIIt ru Ie t Ie ce.1I 1>1 \lIu,ht by tb~ Dible Bntl we Ire nul ulle AIlTllua'" !ltlall; G.U;tTTE -\Ve hove I d' III ' I men, "lid IIlJurlllg ~eyerul firemen "I" 1'0' , ObI uud IIItlte whole north'lIIt'. I dtrd iii yea". ' , I H ' Ex It8 lilt 11 bll' balld j " . b I ho 811 U lid eote Iled. 1 I I I a I tl I 0 ' , Ullg.,.1l d I • I V ' . of thOde who fur ,the , o,ke of" f ew tloUar8 III.d lhe plea_ure uf on excltang!! Wll J II~ I Tu s eCllro morc I'E~ctulllly the obJeetJl I ItCf', unl, I >I't-I1fO , @cvera u I,cr>! I.V Ihld (,Ily ) Cijlj1rduy nlQrnillll' .hllt " . hurt 111'. \V uodruft'. though well gllallfietl to ,lIo.vor"und n refuge In our Ianil. WIll emotlll\'rt'beir vlewe 'VII IoeIteIIIland ' Vbluublept\p r.lrumllearly th!ltlllleof Its l ~ tI I bl d I b !teellktlllld.1l atlho tllIle lhe \\11118 ~ Ii !t t ti l re 111111;111' Jlu hUI lojt a \lld"w 41teborge l~e dullel 0' uny ?lfice 1n Ifle Tltelr hl)lIoroo and undYIIlg naml!. we know I.,. IHP ) I'IIJ' t'lIl! trult b 'Pl'lIIeijd 1clnUlleUCl'lIlent 'Y to have furmed u fl\. l ~el ur II JII t 118 Iream ;' 7.~ II ; e:~;u~v the ti(rOI'L \VOS em\\ dedi • 1I::d ~ilu~ ;,y III I'l~urn I htl IUd.. uf I killll 111\ of tbe COUllty, w.. nt'ver D. popul~r Enrulled upDlllbe arrulll or I.mf', 1401lly tu be fuu'1.i in ~he ~ervlee of GI)tI. Ivlfr... lJle uPllllOn of II, Bueh lltot \VII wlluld ogree Ila\ \,e Wl \lSI' au u I I ~ 'I'hu "lIllro block of bUildings, on Ihe I udb lid .. ;,d " nrelll uull itf 1IIt' Ir bt'rl'llw,. t bl 111111, almpl1 becauee he y,;al IOcllpable 01 Will lie a wutahword to Ihefre\!NIlW ~owe 'DIIJ ~hlllk ~\Juoge o( us fu, uf· 1llot un ."y aO(iOUnl, b" d.'prlyvd ul llli dor~, Iii 1•. 11 10llOf,U ~ W, oy, 111 ' O~I Y II a Pb" l Wf'dl~ld" ul SI.\\lh tl rcd, Irom ehe~tn"t IlJ I I~ ol lr ' "Itir" ':''''~I\lli"n • • ;IIJ ''le hly '" I L b rt i • r I 01' II t 10 lise 0 sl'lrl UUUS 1Iq\l"rd' ~. J ., d III II y "" , r fI~ltery; ~ ulull'fllised In the a-lvacacy 01 II b A MCOD •• ~t 0 l ey. pr_I" ... Ollr.elt ill thll mlnocr' lIul We weekly VIIIIIl. Tile Gllzoue 18 IIDt purtle· I It I •I . OorPI'lIter IIlreet&, ,VI~ ellurefy u~ ...t uye l\ f rl e Cin I~IU veroge, lit II ISO IU ('~e,"'lO tIe eXI_llIlg ., II B' ~yll 1'" liZ .,... Jirlnclplel, whetber IH'pulJlr qr unporular " -• ltelleve It our d,"11 to do 80 ond as 8110h we ' ullirly Intelld~t1 tlB U newtlpuper. but Id in. I I .• ,j h T &. T Juhn~ulI 8 ..,IOW oo k lurt' j , ' _ Ii pluil), frenk, open moutbed rldyuca!e of "" ,." . , . , II I ' .>. '" I· luw fOl't lui purpose, 01111 to 6u"t"m eu~ ". I ' ,. TIto< .-4Ir! ·uK' ..-4Ir. Are II 110 tD.... will do it It Jil tho dllty of every periUIi. lendl'd to .upply a good GUloullt oj vlllua· , I d 1 W f II I II H JJlaH~l6n(', ~IIII Gelz N DI rkeld Huok 'l'be Frelltlb :Jl.,y ..lull .". , the gre.t tOUlperlll1Ce CIUse Ind • i,"tter OUf' COUlllry'. \lrld .., ourcOJuntr,y'. oottll. 'tu du rl"h~ and fon-Ite Iilat \VIJlcb1d wrong, ' ble .nd interenlllg lilerary knowledge.- OIlier III 80 Uhlig. U ur Il'r P I!d go 8torllil, \ li lt J. W Morrld) Book Slort', II~ ' 'fhe IUlil oI~CUUllt by tho, Dliltl.." I"JIQ~\O l opP,ODenl of intempl'rhce Ind Itquor veu' th f kl d • t I .., 1 Ire \'Clltu nell t.>r Coullt.nante, ell uur III' ~ N " '.1 T hl'y •re w!>r yo ollr n al,en IUD, to lend hlel InOurllce ID Ihe pUltlllg UO\\ II The paper Is edm'Ci ~Olel!J by Mr. 'J'. S. AII \\.ell Uil 8rverulltll1~Ill,I~ I'rlvcitculllD" ulher f jlte .olllple .." trllll\'P II ul L UUI. up" I!U II , IU dIng; iI.ct>n~tant meUlber of the Ulilver_1I1t I At. homf'. IIbrolld or IU Conveollon; i of Sill Dud IlIlqu.ty of t'v('r'l dt'bcrlptlulI, 1thllt. II hu~e l'l'put.tillun lid II \Hller 1$ 'world ~tI~nc" 10, lIultrl v6tl'ffifllr \ 1I 11")' njlDU It'_kD cuU· Stores .t'1I S'Xlh "tteill. wert' COlllplctcly hid llito re olu \l yllur)' Il~OVt 11...111. ,\ II ifOcle-ty. and. firm belelvor III (he "uculnej A d 'III I hi ' , I ulu~IU lor pu IC 1/ IC(" '" IU S no 110", II J TI I' d n we uvco Ilrm nOlle I I' lIntl no olle Clan BCcuroi IU8tilll[ t!njuym~nl \ l'ldl',' Dnd \\IIU'~ prod\l~liuIl8 . Dre alwBV~ d tl t1 ' i dl' lrayod. 1\llth Ihclr cOlltOlltl, quiet al'lito IU~lllllCUlllJlt. "...,.1 " .. t DI unlve .... 1 .. Iutlon. He wa' one of} , • b "BI d " 11111 Q w.ell·trle or pie lie leU1peruDce "., I • F JIn fluWIII8 ro •e. /lr !lomer ren: I ..f the 80ul unlesR thlll iiI dune. Tltllro IIle recclv~.t by an IIl1elllJient poqple Will I! l'Turkmen are nilw eng/Iged rprno~ lilt "puke,llud tllo "welt ... ull.~llU"OIl "' ~, the mUlt flnq Dnd reliable Whigs we,ever ' 1f lyf.D"" jll ~liI I.otl mUlilie &eea, 1 111Gny way. \If which we CIII do a,ld lre~t 1If1~, " i\Ve h ve ne.ver III )'Ilt [ man. C )NSTITU~ION tho rubbish, UI\ It I reporll·d thllt twu '0 11 d"IIIUhl!/ttld, \lUl I~ \. ~ry lew WC,." IUllnlf . • 1 kn."•• &JIll fe,lnled tb. doctrllJe. and D.' Give UI a prl'lI)' Imlll ..g Q.u~n' li whehever 8ee Ihe ' upportuuily, then It Jl(!en one bne of exceptlunable reDdlOg III A ~I S I I Ii b k 1threo 'ulherA hllve liefn killed. to lielimd It. ~'he l·r ..... ld .. l1[ \lllllt;UIICt II ItCE'o~eacy or that P.rtllU hlghl, that' he ' lenny LI,Ild, the Sweedlilb IIIlIhtlnple, II uur dUly !o act on tlto IIld~ of Moralily. ' Ihe ' Hume GueUr,' and hope to be .1· •.,.T . I. b "Ts 00 ... Iy • IU a nowll 'rhe fire W08 1I0t ..ubducd Ullt II 9 u'dlitik. ' /lI!\ t'ulIl.lIluli uI I- ulllrtl, dlDllfI.'lIt Irvlll AII lI!I\'er eaUl,ld to ville. Jle w.. • prolllPt " "s I d1 I I • " , • U8 ~Drv"}d urI!' e mper."cl! lallel/, '. . d And E r III'. wan we II q ~ 181, " '" . - ••• ~ ~ • ' ways able ·tu any 00. I'oraunll wldhlug to A "TI II I' I I " Sev('l'al yllluRble bUlldlllj!e UII 11J~ Cdlll lhe 111(1 ('I\e-III d I~ Id 1IIIIII'Iy IIC'I' IIII . ' • d .~ 1 . l \".. llT.~. 16 0 lCerB 0 t. tS Dt,Q1Cly 10. p.,ing lullacrlber to lbe ~tDr f"r mor.b tlh~n ' They ve cheet'e u, WIt,. ellropturlllg ~Dy II commUlllcatlon In thld number 8ubecflbe lor thl! ' Pdper, WJII lind It their It II • ( Pdt d S t lIdo ot SlxOI ~lreet and 1111 lh"lIbrth BIUU ~ by tll~ !,('uple Itlr 11o~lr l-UH'rlllllollt, lie futty ye.rl, and on that lIcC'lunt dhrrveB tD IInJlii ' 1lr" m o ur 1{len~ 1I1r. l. \V. R :.berlB, ollr IlIIlere_t tu do 80 at on~. Th .. (rrm8 art" 8; Ctll~"st of< II :~" ;I~I ~II eCIIl! IIry, ul' CheS\nut Hlreet were ellhrl'ly des wlyell.J hlwe: or'!l r. tu 1II~lln'QII Ih .. nl'l'f.ueut•• O tie ~eltl ill ",atelu\ rem1lranee by the Prill' S ch §llirjt8 t';/ billh , sphere8 belonl(. renderlWIII {\lor" lbat on tQ'I' ,orrpw (Sal. 82,00 per yenr, for aillgle IUbdCl-lbers, Gnd w I~ " 'm per orlO Ie u el , CVlllnloQ tu .}lUllv bUlldhl ~ on bOlh ~1.l"iI bl SIxth , II~C~ ul the pelll"l', ~lJd ' I U 1111\, UI plIM tAlr4 1 Q bl d' (, f tl .., • .• I T sucn u ees. , f I ~' II . ur poet!, I l l " ,"UflW_ 0 Ie .,llIe, urday) eyenlng,. lfIeellllg WIll be helu III a reudunlb le reducllull tD ('Iubl. "01le A S EI ' ffi I II b IIfrt!ul w~rll mllch ;Jamngc,. 't lhe or"~r .,r IIlte,upt ~ tLl dl"l'nti ,11t:lu. .. 1 Hr. Woodrulf '\'81 .n I'~cell .. nt and H h d bl' I , I '. ' 1t1'. , echon. ,0' a lcera 8 II e . T Jive 8uol BCf'P IC In 8U tIIle. tilla plnc· at ltol' office of J C . Cui cit. ,or dl'81rlng II, eftn hllye the Home GnUtle. I Id I l'"ltcll UiH l l" Juhl.~un Id reported n urilt.r/4 lht, /In,l!! and ' Ilwll'tfljllt Iu ",crtl/ ly obJIj(rng nei"hbor; . ,.Ind Ilullban~ alld r.lh· W., hllve bfl8ht MiIl8t~l. I" lIll> We.t, the purpose of ortrallllmg a Vtorury A 6' l ind uldO c.rudlJY'jI !todlu' Bouk Itlr ''',00. II'" qua~t~r~,;rva t'OO/!. ti k.lled, bull \V . U.. I)" E.". la mid~ltig. and eltc1 11111' 1~1 .ldep~ lur ,ell YUII" \ IIl1d 1111 er; a •• n or atrict Interrlly, and dlf'd In • Whllm lIouv811 berllelf baw delilled to Bo.:llIllun. <ir Soc,!!ty. Ti,liS It< Dn "IIJeel, : AII eonomUlllcallUlI1 B,IO"ld b.. nddrel.p.d R1"'f In AP,elrlon DlbRY . l!colOe .1I II 101 I.ared he b.8 been killed! \, Iol.uul tu be dOlle mure quit tly \111111 lite r~lr: ettftttatioo of the trnlh or tbe faIth hr III· 'b'l I • h member u I 118 lallllC 1 1I1$l1I1II1l h 18 ,, ,, 0... lhe comlllen~elUenl III earneat of \\IIIC Ito T. S. Artbur &. Co ., .No. 107 Walnut , tIl' P bl d I .' ' II -The IU8. i. ettUmated III "GO,bOO ulur ehlc\lu" cou ld bu tlUUdOCII'd. 1 he wllf,e< .trenu'lully ) JUlvoeated.- Weltern ' . nllme 0 I,. relm e.n ",ouemu un, , 6l4f'~ ~ 16lh't~ 1. ' '., -\\0 huve a lon, tIme Inl(~~udly luoked for. f 8Jreet Philudelpitll, ('8. and remlln ft88ucll by II ~trlct compllllnce The heai/leat IUlIer I~ Dr. Scbellk, \\ hUile ~~'OJllltlu\l Id cu",plcl~the wt\rk pf \WlI . All hail! lbe progreal of tbe I,eIn Ilnl retpoci. we mean m rellard lv mell' j . _._.t il I d 1'1 I eatoblldhntent Wad enllrely tlealru)'I.'tI. o. tbree tl") II-W II h ~he luu "\11 lew ivui ! I d P WIt I lie pnuclp e8 lin ru ea • Jerf'U I .1 T he nove,I I u d ncoull anu·• ..ge. Uarwel, (ioodr, ~... tol improve-mrDt. our tllwn 18 !ur, be 1m 1'0 COCJ\U1,'UIIDEllTI -'The artmg,' __ . ~ ' A three dllYb wUlldt:r!, Alld '41 a 01" lui", ' J I ur ' I I d t j 10 unce the 'There ill. ductrtlle, (jJl~in~ .Dd new, mRnY' olher pluccs of lea8 i,upprlullcr, as ll1l8 arttclp i• •creptell Dnd "III IIppeellA C r I i ( W DU'fj\Lt'> , Dec. ~1 IlIi .. I. np,IUo('rlltic! We hve 111 1\.0 Dlltl ue t • 9 pam U II Y 0 , 81 U t A d I ' , I'd t ' I ' ' omnullPe 0 I Irt"e, con Blat nl,! 0 . Ab I I k i f P ' . A ' de.th uf Illouler of our old 'I,d reapeeta. \ n W letner ,a se, ,eigne II( rue, regards ltu~lnC'es .. troll'\!. Dut •• llO Ice 8hortlv. N kl J G S d N n. out o'c oc t II. 1II0rn'n~, one 0 wuudefluluvel\u, ltul,.-Cm "uz. • • It: ellOn, tl'Vellaon, In . uUlln. I d fi I b I I r b I T hu b!'t!n bruken.· we trust lhat I'Prra(tpr I It I" something ao CI,nUU!, thn~ we call' I . d ' I I r I Ie moal e~tructlve rea w I w till I wo ble CltIZ~ D'. Durw 'II GUllde, Edq., one u I' • la c IIruClorlsllc a t e ·Ilelo ral. le~ ' T wea'y I. pur, to ." b aff b . , , I rage; N ew II le,mel Are 8 II tl" the e.rlie.t aeUlen 10 Warren (Iounty, we s hDIl hive n,' cuu"" uf Il\mtmt: I n 88000 ' not Derounl for II. thal we are coillinuqlly 1waB lIuW anpullllt>1\ r , Ul Ull8 ,or h nve brl'11 VI~lted Ior ye.,. ,. ur" ke uut In Oh., New wondera.every day .rlle; clcty 01 tho dedellptlon referred 10, there Iree-AlIVIDg nrtu:lee winch are i"tended for tbe ~1I11 nee. ~ho Comlll\ltce rrported the bulhhnga UII !Ubin .trl·et. oppollille tha "' All IIrrunllenll.1!t hila bp'lll COI1lIII~,ed dlell .t hi. re8nltnce 10 WIIy"e Tuwn.hlp. on Saturday IU81 •• t Dn adv.oced 1ge. Nl'w mediums With the Ikie.! I, a vaat amount of renl "elleRt. tu lhuse l our pOller. and ~.o,"e oi them wuuld be Ilc' j lhe follu~ lilli, "1lIuh was rllid und adol't. lU"n~lon "O\l.e, Rno. n IIfJ Spauldillg'l be~weon t h" Clevl'hmd Dnlil'lttabufllb Ilid He w.. born in the IiII.te 01 Vlrgllllo. on The "SPIrit Knockillg" hll,e bl'IJun , wllo go IIItO it WIth the proper IIplrlt. find ' cepl\!d pruvldfd " ur CIl"dltluna \Ylth reo e~. , .' I Exchange. ' I 'he Pe'IlI.~IYUIII. l'lld OhiO R ldJluy Cl/UI~ tbe 10th da)' 01 Jlln~lfl' 1784; ellimlir•• ' To tell UI 'b()ut tlte wurld 10 cuone.- ~ bl'lIldea tltls, .here 18 I ~UIllI,lIlOcy of vlirlu· g.rd t~ n klluwledge of the \\rtter'. namc, ,' REI'OR'r OF COMIIJ'l'TEE. Tbe Erie lIall, BIIDk ot UlICA, Dnd ~o,· ,lInlcl, lo~ lloe c:unnecllull ul tIle trlllll~.-, ~ to the Bille of OhiO III Ihe year 1800. \Vhat next' Why blllid U. flYllig 1:11,., t1. in ~he eXllrCldel, 80 'I not tu ronJer l IVer comph~ with. We mW# ~"IJIII the 'f/le lamenl~bl(\ rant thulll (alge numoor e,.1 l!(lbCIIIUd IItorea, were ellrlrt'ly, wn· U,ldo: r tlli, .greflll"ot PUIII'III!er tro",' .nd leU led un 8 farm 1II'lIr \\>uYlle.vllle, Afld rnuke a vl~lt tu the Stur". " f tllem trk.oINe, but OD Ihe utlter hnlld. 10 oUlho'r'a re,' D.noe. or Ihero I., nu ule in , of per. vlIlI III ~ur S ?te lire r.OlltlUUlllly eurtled. The fire I'atendlld down COlli: flUW l,rove CIt'v~IHrld at .Igltt ID Ihl' furo. wb.re he continued tit re.ide uDlil the ,' JUBt qllit oUf,.phf're. our "Iflb Iy r.efj f ","ke them. Muuree of gr.,.t enluyment. W,.unlt to lid. II you \V1~h yl ur 110mI'll I engaged III dI e tnd lfcromlllule !IDle uf "~'r- nlerclul lind Llu) d Jltrrl't, bl\rned down in" l',ollnect '" hh lloe J" 'n".)' \\,.II}1 alld time of It,l l dellth. I Aud talk wilh Anll"!l. f.ce to fa"e.,V" hope to .f'e. goodly Dlllllber uf uur kept Ii('crot\ w~ will kl!f'f them Itt. fultblul. j "tUOUI 1,"luDrs fur the 80ke 01 g'on, belli, IIt!veral vlllu.ble bUlldlPlfd on each Itrl'~t Ol\.u IllIe.t Altian((', .nd IrrlVO It Plu.~ 11" Wil m.nled 11\ '1Il1uary, 180?, to ; The IDle Cllblln II,V.st,un. CIIIZ~IIiI, Gild oUlrrll hlleredted III lhe mat- IX. ' I pre.enled tu uur OIlIlC", Rnd bllvmg IZUIlI' The I'xltemll r",ld ."d ,he at.llr~lIy of bu~1o 8t hVl'lvll u·c,lOtlk.t lIill"I. T1lffl1 ".. A. E hlliu,,", 1.- I" I Wh,llurv,ve. I1111; I 1 The elfect (If Mpeculuuoo, ler, . nre,enl the . er"81117.all"". lind we do 1 HIed theII eVIdence8 dIIItl Ihe .... I .,wlll, .at. Itf t Cllr, 'I ~ weI , urer wltor rendered It 1mpllll8ibll' tu lubdu!' Ihe Is' lIuw a "D"P of till" the ll1i1t1. 118,ill,10 , 1I0t by Illy "'''81'11 dr~Ire tu have to rep'"rt rr IVrollg IV d In Ity 0 fearruf prnar cunUr>!t 1100 two lillea. The r.11 u,I,II.I. • atarrllie 1II11Un, quntlnued',or t IIe pe. ! We 1\11 wllh ,.ne accurd deplor... I IJelr JII.IIIl a..1 L d I y. I cullvmtt' h d d ,II. k If d ' e ...1 of lh" flume.. rloil of near f"rly,five yrlln. 'TWill be a warnmg, ev(,rtuorr, • (ailure,bnt tru.1 \\e OIly tnuke D gmd a UII un.l Ig t.1I e-xten e .. u~ e ge, Durlnp:tltf' tlml' th'~ lirt' w.. ra:tng, an. twel "e n,lIr l \\111 be dOIll)' qll ~e hI ul Fur lilly year. !te wall. re&tlliar and It:. Tile law Ie", dnring8plrit to curb. report or Ihe m.Uer, and ullo continll,t' tu e~ery pel'dOlI whu babitulllly IUrlllfhe. lhr 'l other allrm prUCI!Pded rrum Sevellth etreet I"nullry,' Wit I'D 't he care Will run from , article of ~Jlirir uvu. hquur ... • common , wlll"e I private d" ailing w.. d lijcovert d CI IWC I~ II d ~ JI III. II U'II h m lilt . IIt IJl!ur. · cep\ed tuembe~ "f the HllthodlMt EpllcI,pll f ""1 ., In WUU Id t b0 IrI'nera'I pe .." co d "' I ur b" d010 , rulP now. OD. WI la t 10 QB be en d unl' Ch~rcb; fllr IhullY yeare a JURtice uf tlte l t by ulle l·erllOlI or ""t 01 perllOue, can a. eD· - .~EA" TIIISII , drmk or b~yer~J(e. "ltould be cundellllled U8 . tff be on fire. Thl' firemen eou!d nut dl. Thl' time from III' . City to . 1:lenllnd I. Peace of Wayne 'ruwnahlp; lind (or senr. Thl,l SundlY School. llaughtero' h •• vell! etly bp. iccotnpU.bcd by Illuther perdlln IIf , - ,, belug both • rl,bber aud IllDunlerer. Al ld I \Ide Ihrlr r'lrr,e~. lind ,breo h,"\dllOme twelye ,IOUI'M-ju al\ t\\ellt)'.-C'!,- GId.· Tu you III Fdlth .lId Hope 18 (LIven I per.una ' We bave been cblJllected wltb At , meellnlf of Bomt! of the frlond. of .i It II cieurly 1II1llllletlt lhllt Itut Ilnly per· d II ed 'I I ' ...J_~_--,~_ ' I .1 )'('1,. one r t b e Cuulml8i1 oner. 0 1 · , II e IIIIl" were cun~um . I 8 Impu...,Th!' task to train currect rl'nne Mu.oh 11l~lituUDII~ . 08 that rAlerred to III eo'ucllliun tllental hnprovem.ut, heta II I\ODII property but ",Iso Ihe h'ppme" ul l hi t t 'ft tl I ' .. Tbe I'ire .laDlbU,,"'r. \V.rr'tJD Cuunty_ I ". . '1 ... • \. I e " ff Imlttollll:i Ie U8I. I t In Atlgull. 18JII.lmmedlalely arler Ule \ And dliJClphne the yuuthfulllliud ! o~her place., Imd we bllye nl'vcr regrtltted d,ew evdPlJln IIII~ce, It Wft. ~Liu~llllllmt)u8~ 1 I m• ny fDlulhe., and Ihe IiVfI or many PPo, Th.. "ffil e~ 0' IUO~t o( Ihe leDdillg ID\\O" rlutl", ,,11\a p~lelltee (ur the ~, re ann,' !'zPI!'f enl to IorIO. terary II- pie, are lIivunli 1, d" ..'ruYl'd 11\ r.on~ e· yen \\'ere In . Ih .. .",.1" L'_ Ilingo. .urrender uf DlltrOit, he WIS ulle of thu I 1 dUlik laee a banner W8Ve I tbe eap"u.u Ihcurred m 1be IClIIOt. When l'eOl'" I . hllllt"r. I. n"w III Nt·w \'urk, hUIIII" cuntO F.um the lIIuddenm •IP bowl 10 Aye, ne~I' II'll tl10 >;0_.. COIDP'IIIY uf vulwJleer. ralleol IU Ihls pillee, ,I the rwht .. klild 01 IlIdlvldu.. l~ take held of c tly, all.... ~c undef'lllgnrtL w •• Ippuhlletl qUl'nce of tht'K. plunderlnj! lI'urdl!ru. hnv. . ",,<!Ilan ' e, ten 0' twe) ve oVl'r to show Ihe Gutlt'Dlile. thlit III_ lOa' "'p'-III, ond Wltb Tl'ml'erance llpon It.lold. the.e wlIuer• • tbr)' are ~ure tu retlult fl' 1o live pUblio nutlce of ~he illct Ihroui h tn'l'r()(ured or bUilL Ihr ",de/vel denll 11\ 1 lh b d d d cblUe ""'JI,I do 1111 tl ... t h.d bee.n tlloll~ed and commanded by Jud•"e ......... ' th eeI"'1 · , 0 er 1110 IIIgt lVere ,·.truy.. , . II d h yorably; alld we kuow Ihere .re llI.ny 10 Idlu IUm. au 1ll_IIY lIelllhburhuod~ in uur 81ale, Irurn _ ____ ,,01' I'. A cull."e wee er'e[ed 'yvP " t e marcbt"d to P IqU., where • treaty wa~ I. Re(urmed lO.brilltrs au lhe rull.. the belnK h"loI With the N"rtbwPlterll III' 'n trluml'h m ~y that ballDer wavl! 111,,& Dluu.... whulf IIley nn vnly bt' brUlogltt A Hkeletbo "f Ihe mode o~ p,rocl'Odin&r w~"co III('y 'deol damollllun ruund the ' NEw YIII"e, Dec, 27, (aty-lillllt.,uit whicia lu II') Ihe ..~.ItI,"'D\ d,.ns He IUbacquently, du'IUZ lhe \\ ar I The mOlher'_ bl.t ... r tearl lo live; .. Ullll tI"lI ullderlalr,lIll1, Will (lruve an h"II' WI8 8ulimltwd, IDd tILe order III fxerclac. IUlid;' bud lIIosmuch til uur legldhillye A fire broke out till I IllonJlug al Ihe -Jlld):el! ...... re nrpu,nlt'd--the or 1812, pefiorme,l anDthpr .hurt tour 01 Dlfect the wloywlnI. erronl[ one. vr to the In.IJlU~IOII. lO dIP t"WII, .lId what detern,ltlrihlpon were al foll.w8; nWmbe,s all lil/ree 'tbat go\ernllll'IIIII ure ! IIfIrnt'r of Divlliun and Ch"lhllm' IIrl'el8 III'Ulbled- III lurge numbt',. atlbe pl.ce. II dut,. a~ II prlVAle In 1\ cumpany of milt",. 1 Give brIghter Ilk I". a bri::bter .un 18 bettllr sull, to lIttfn«luu, Huw 1I11l' I. A leetulre PII 101110 appropriate IUbo eat.bh.bl'd IIlIIlJlJgat men for tile pruteo. SI'l7er.1 huuarl .... ere dBllroyrd. !.o'M ,,01 culd. Ind tmp.tleol or de-I"v. til. uut' Tbou/th leod} to ~erve 1.. 1 coulltry "hell' I lOy mill"" a. 1'"telhl(l!lIt II 1111 III thu JPct. . lion o( Ihe rlllhid of tlte gave-riled,' '"Iil 860,000 I Mlllt'r. bl'elnlB clallloNu. alld Ihrtltlllll,. evcr c.lllld upun. peace .nd qUllll W8' hll We hIVe a Now Cnn.lltu"on. ' wurlo! ••re burl', \II 1\ pt'rieci alaU 01 IDDrtl' 2. An Luy, do. !.teeaOlle crlolltlal. should alwbY' be PUD' I At lengtb Ihe eb."hlg' were 6rPd.· ol.1l af. Ippoprrate element; he deh"hted not 111 \ Alld brnevolent IDltiLulionl, "ltv, unly Pllt III Ode to tlllllk 01 "h.t ..hall B. Readlpl! vi eommulllcQtiunl. Thi' "I!ted al tI,elr o .... n l'xpe ...e .lId never al P IIILADELJ'.AU, Dt-c I f mu.. t lllt"8nfly the mleillne w.~ dlu.h Irgt'll, t tbe ('uofu.1'd nOilO of war, nor III prmeD"' 1 RaIlroad., Telegraph. III (nn bll.tbe ealell, worn. 'Ir how to I"lIke I dollar 1..1 pllrr or !he ~xercu.e tu be conducted ) the eZpt'lIse of Ihe I"nottn' ahd IInull'end· Wurkmrll are . tllI pm ploYI'd In rrmllv- and tbe thmell were f'ltlillUoi.heil,' but the rul"''' In blood. : All" rl\lhl, whl'.t the Vuluu .h.1I I•• , . wllh the leeat truuble. TIn. ~hO\lld lIut be ID thlot m.nner: AI:' neral Dux In lie fur. , IOIj I .. d Weaullt' the deahllg In eplfltUltUI in!! th.,. rubbi.h at the IlCene of tlte 1.le Intoke bee.nle 110 thl k Ihal die upperalCd Mr. Goode w . . . man of unlrorm emi, The VISITOR, nn excellent ,h.",. the elle It II well elluu~h tv look .lIef 1118hed. intu which III cuml"UllJ~"IOIIll dE'- hquur~ has rubbed ao many Wlllllell uf ·ltelr II're. ' cuuld lIut be ....en. The crowd TIll lied I... nent pi.ty. HI. r~helon wa,. babltual,llul I cony around Wllh fiymg feet. • cumror~ ble mll.luler .. f IIYIlIg. but we BIped tv be "tid lIefure the <'Oclety, are tu hU8bllnd" .nd 80 ",.n~ clllidren of their 'Tbi• • nl'rnoon PlrtlOr Ihrt'e h..di .... blllke Wmd .. " II, &'c., and. fillht .1I.ued,lo Ipumotllc. Tboug" Dot III..,rllly "dUClted ,l, Of producl. Illd uf good~l tha pric.. .huuld nut de.ote ull uf our IJlIle tn tblB be tbrown. An E ,lhor II to be cfto.en.1 f.ther., and 110 mlny ramlllel of Ibetr ",.re tuken oul •• hucklPgly. burned Ilid willeh PbllliJU alld Mome o. bl.. nleD "elt be wu • atln of Ilro.oll' 10lellect, llId hid, And tbe New" I brtnll' In I trice. SUllie ~ loll , j ~rllblo p rt ,n I It wltoae duly It 8hlll be t,. ex Imlll' tltede n!eanll of • comfort.ble hU1l1f .ud of lur· Dluttllllled. ontl of wlnllh Will re('{.'lIized II~ kllucked du\\ II a. bumbu.""r.. Q.UI'" In C'f1nclu_iulI.I·1I .~k aomco cbeer ~h"u:oI be set anllrt. t"" 1101181111'" by colMtant readiDIt .nd IItu,ly. aceqllire" I .(ur. . of , papers. reed "Jch lid lire worthy , IDd reJPot Il nldhi ..g lin educIIl",n to Ihe children be- the lIody ul W. W. lIaly. E~ .. , Illd .I'u- ' Jl'1II It la.t retlI .. rrd, 1111d tilt! cruwd dl~nt'" .. ,,!IIl alllOunt ul ftibliCIII kuuwledg". thi. To m.ke • lair .tarl with .h. Y ftrrlchell UI.I cllnnut IIYlw.y, ricb 8111 1I1111111'J!ucb .1 • • , . not. A wid. 6el0 I. oJll!nfil I lunill\lI' 10 euclt famlhe., Therelure. th~r .a dl.l of poilce ufficer Dultrr. ed' Phitli,..dl'1Ulnda Illothl!f' lrlal. un ao]UloWIed(e be coold wleid willI grelt lorce 'Ti. convelllent in Huillday 11m.. led"~. 01 1111 thu kind .. ul w ... fth, lIve 10 thl" depotttlillE lit for IIJe exerCIi\t or t"l. &&OI~, ThDt we dt'maod .1 • fiICht ur Flvl' bodIes hue !Hoen talrm I)ut. and it tounl 01 the dlllUtobIlDt:e. Illd thl' cOAln,,!' III th. m.int&lIlaoce lOud IItIppurt of wb.I I, Tit mH1 UIII' frienda, and hu• • fN UI WIKOIU of Ihe fllfllt killd, .1Id with tb.t ,I "DI' A. nu . , riler il obll~ to gIve hll the Il'gldlllllve budy, wheu tbey DIetl It Id falared there .re 11111 Ulure beDelllh tbe lre pubh.... I cult .bwld.r report, ac,·H. be dfle.ed to b-. \ruth. He we. • COD' DIMI:SIJ we will be conUot. or ber,...1 n.Ale t-. the pubhc~ the lIJode.t CU\tllllbu., th.t they make immediate pro- rulnl. • "1# to tile req~t for loot Iter "'Ial. So als~ot advocate of tlte d<ICtrlllel .nd order !:!!!~~~~=~~~~==~=~ Ind ddlLJeat -c'ali .eaerel.. Ihelr ,Ina Wllh. / wlaluo (ur f'xtelldllJg 'the .lrODIJ' .rlll ul Ibe I the maller ft..lta .t prnellt -C,n, (hI. of bll o"n Cburcb, but rxtleedlngl, 'Ibenl ~B ~On nflU !IIuDd'J,lanu." 11th. 1861. out f e a r . . I.w.' Ind tbul remo,ln, 'he wbule h ... 1;de W Alm.oTO •• D~. 19. in bia lo"era. other denOlUllnltiund. UZZ" tbe 6,.t Lrgi.latllre uuder- the New CIID' .If 1ft" ,,,,,, .urel_.re pDe throop of thl. de.lh·peddhnr clique lrom III tllo S&uTIl..-A _18 wa. reeeiftll f"",m B.WOloUI F"I!J)v••-II~ryl.nd wa' 1111 "u emphltically • Chrill,/lII-1 .UlUlIOII of thll Blate• • ,ll eummeftC8 .t ""Ith th", .1100101 be lillie left. l'Ome q4H'l1. nrlgl.b"rhlMJda of our ott ... r .. lee h_ppy .Dd the Hllu" .naouoeln, the ,....... of. aeuled "1 • ronlpln1 ul Rnm'lI CI\blIJli'It cb.rit.b.... III'II8'O...Dt. SiG_&._ th. Cllpl .. 1 CI'y. Tile prOCftClI... Will , Iun will be dltlCulft'd uDul I pr'lper bOur : pfUIIJlfI'tlUl SlIle, wttlluut relUd lu the I bill. _kin,appmpri.1 iOD' to _ l the (Oll- ' un.wr Lurd B.h I...... ID 1631 .lId cJ.i. . ._ .A.!lLI!__ I. . trait- u hll cbaraetn, bat of cooeiokrab" lalHftt. lrom the flllt fOi IdJU'!rDmrnL Da ... by whlcb their .. In 01'1 be "".... h,eu ...... by the I... lro. Alto.. tltco Prionl '" RhUde I~"nd In ',b au""· ID ..,...1. bOlllaland eHrl . . . .intlln. IT • .,......-..;"..,.."mr- - -----j 0.-, .11 .... old .... "III ha" to ~ 09er- , We~. It _ .... portrI,ihe belle- ulll'd,.-b",her tINI Am. be GMleI'JI T.v. re.lIlutlott dlh!C!llul an enquiry IlItO hoft col .U .......ln.II"... of "'eaoe uI "hale"'r he belelnd beulld.lIO .. to McleI't8II1 wbleb .... ID COD' II. 01 .K b. Boer.I" •• ~D be Ift'D erD, &ntauranl, or S.loon. ,he UIIIIe or ..... Ira. I ......,''''DI. .. •• .elt"" b, WIItIII,.... .. __Ii,)'. polltlca aDd ....l1lioD.I •• CO.:'""'" of ,1t,..leltfta. fonaIlJ .Ith tile of oar _ " . I . , a - . W. 0111, hope tb.t tbe 'D-/ . . . . . TlJll-lhere aIaould be prwilioa JIr.IIIaieItIe..,......, lila CIa.I, I ......n. at.oat a llel,.cn.., an., ...." ...... ... Dt II I." 11.1161. . , 1.1.18 a. qeIe_do.. ...-iUltIOD. WI ...III do . r beet. ID Wpiee will "ida tI. bean, IUpport j ~ ID tJw PeDlteutl • .., or our8tat.. &he ......Dq .. &he :'fIIII.... I . . . . . . . .fIII .., ....,
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A NEW CO.ET_A Jetter (rom Berlan of the !18th ultimo etatee thlt Dr Rrowu jua. d lco,ered It tI e OblenllooS.rlln a new comet I. the ClODlteU'tlon Can .. Vmcllor1tU Tb\1 co Det \I lumilioul. bill! two tI I. AI It will foon be In c:onJuDc tiOD wllb lbe .un It mly be Hen 10 the e\'eD 0110 Ibll oorth Wftt and In lbe mur aloglo lbe norlheal' It • Iliitance orlrllm .f.O to eight degree. froID tb. lilt ItI t ..II 01 Ur.a )['jor
WALNUT STREET HOUSE Corner Walnut Ind Olno luoetl clNC1NNArJ J
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"na.'111 0111 ruur and .lx hoflO
.---'----~Ie.'I1!..... , . " " IlInI fa ••ter,eo that ........ It to Me aplD &be Deal-lib' •
.... ~ .. daa& ..,. .... lp JINPOf'i oa .......... 01 .......I0Il.....
tolm . ~ ork n16ila- lo urdu 01 lbe b... . l m"tniaJ <UN! Oil Iburt .nOIlce. I hate a«und !he ",",Ice 01
Mr John Borden "I'bo will 0. . . . . aJtd .~nd
to the lII.nufaewre of 'all
and In.uree
the fact tlaal aJl Inleta 1OI!l1o, _...tIl lie 01 !~I:-t IlIlllAlI, aaalllllklllrecJ III
IIDl'l'OR AlfD PltOPItDrfOlL
cnoeflaJ bow, prna ~em to bet biiAm and
011.0 OM
W IWDl"" Proprl.~or
COfrelpoDdent of • Wubinpli newlp, per.ID I late letter fer.mD, to the A~ ALL kind. of I quon (or ..Ie 1?1 the t1" 10 _IDOD at the thelter '1111''''01'041,11, 1 qua" ur gall n by J II BARNHART . 01 throwln, boquetl 011 the It.,.. "" 0.8 YESr LOOK HEllE. 'We unciel'lllalld Ue art or tbNwlDI 'l'nt: IU_flber tbroullh thi. me IIoaquetIt here tlolcwabl,. well I hlYe 'eo!O ~ dlum _peel/utt, Inlorm. the pub . . . . . lie at large Ihll he 11111 !>{N!Ded I III attkt take • whole buketrul. 1M dl.. SADO{.Il and ""uus MlUlull~IOrYln Ihll piece .,ibute tbe.. alnlllll' her- claqul,. to be 011 Naln 8tr""" Jour doOOI abovo lb~ W I,net .L-n •• b'" w.... IP~-" I nil. 8aloonl whoro b. intond. keep ..... . . . . . ..... ..... Ifli 011 hlbd I ,00II _tmelu uf !lDdill ... ..... the cI ..... throw thelD .n'B"" ...Ia. 1Brldlea and .Hllln_ or eve" deacnptlun __ " _L __...... __ L. thelD up. 1JId. wIth. and pUT1CU .... A'l"'fEIIITIOA will be ,lyon 10
.aDCI . . . _ _ a
IS rU81 SII ED ... WA VI'l EA\' I.LJE
CUQI1UI t.D Boql1lT1 -A Nt!w York
lb. ....,
be _tOIl ..... now"!_
One cop v, ono year pllid in edYDnce '1~ J pold wllhhl at e y~mr .~ "'"
t::rNo roduouon Irom th... l ut"I!I'I'pI.lon tden (or
II allY
.b"rler perlooi
,: ~; ,F~J Newspaper," D,evo~a '10 Agricultur&, ' MechaniQ Arts, Literailure; Science, ' Morality, FOrBfgn .and Domestio News, ~use~~t, &c; .
.1, ......
"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I:ry;,,~J~'P~ ,u~n~d~'III' I~h:~,t~tl~I!~r~e~w:a~I,~n:o~ta~'v,:e~rJ~':ln~th.~e~"'~ld~r~e5~~~~~:.y~,h~a~n~d~,:,u5m~'~m:y~,"~p~~~C~ke~t~.~a~n~d~w~'1~11~I~u.~jl~e~'8~"~'h~e~re~,7i~w~0~k~m~,v~\e~n~Y~ei~b;u~,,•~n,~~t~u~ntT"I~ll~h&~d~~·~A~Q:.~U~A~){~'~~~'i~l~~~U~~, , J~P!.jN,~(t~ ' ~A~n~,I:T~t~H:'~.-~'l!~w~a~t~~r~I':I~~e.,. #'a~l~n"~~;n~'I,e~,l~'~h~e~,e~l~u~rn~e~d~l1~o. ~~~e~',~~~h~ ' ~'~I~I~1~,~2~~_~'·'.";d;;~~;"~~~~~ II . ., on sue .,a pr DC p ei lJO l!'"n woul
.~=============r======>~' VI ago. ,
wqs provdkillg, but therq I quick movement knQcll~d' the piotlll fnm} , Ann Ie or my IQye lind r'~ct iyed In ' return " -, , " but chorge~ hie ei8t~r, by Ihe way, never the weods to grow in bl,' K~'4en rur .n, • l"O&,.,IIS MI1I\1I VISI'lOa , wos ,no rcrpedy, and t1ndi~1l' tha~ I cuuld I hil gro~p, alld . l~ten 'cl08ing it, ~ iila him I , the "bur~lIce tlllil iI!!r h~lIft WIS wholly 1It'2:ekiuh !tobdhrim WOI. 'f~t Q.unkcr ill I to mejltio~ bo\v I\e eam" by hi. catpetr~- leal~l::th of lime, .. .yi/l, "e c~.lIld etidreat. t,~ ~. ' LINES procure no convcYllnc,e ,' rosolved to pro- IhOIl!eJI,'Come on(-quic~ •.1 hllve h illl!' li mine. , ." tho Staiedt N('w J ersey" ,vho ' eold mdlne- 'phe, DorclIA promi.ed of cour~e, 01111 a8 'hem IIt , a"y, time. Look this mattet,' Oa tbfl Deatb D ,:Vdl Good .. Soh., ceeil, u~ fopt to Ihe r~81d('nco of m\' Irlentt, , V ie yO~lIg . m~n ,ruilhod forwurd, While Defore wo seperGtecl lltook from my \' 0. ficas, co~'fi3h, chi lin. earthen \\'~re, ' clothel ahe IVai 0. girl of tr'uth ~ud lIind feeli~gl. porenta!., See m,o re eipecllll,. thlt your .... 1(0 4epatted ID ll!.~8ee DecolI'ber ,Ihl, Shouldering my val,ae, I slarled on my tht' robber etru~gle,l'fic rc..,ly 10 reguin his liso thoi wh ole of my \vut ldly we~; th , CQn' a,!d ,!Il aortd of IIqu ll rd, , Ho , was somc- ' ehe w,'" 09 goud ril hor word; \' children are hot ~ut at , niglll , 101\,rlnR, .,. UIU. long walk, and found Ih ot' lifter quitting wenpOlli I, of COllrse, Itrove to Ilrevel)t I eiatillg of obout'sia liuttd red doJl ore ' fivc ,~hol. of lin 0"r~8fhe!or; and hod a 'aiBter ' , ~ . ound .. omo coffeebouse or tholire. ' !lijtbIhe VillHgO tlte I1'I)0d led through 0 Ihi ck him, and in Ihe etrlre. 1 ki clled Ibe pi~tol hUlldred of which 1 et/eloJ<ed III n l~lI;r nod home\. hot o( lin 0111 maid, ' But .he Wet To " Old 1\10148 I\lId Bocbel~"" er~, make y~ur children love honre, anlllll "Bl••,ed Iro the "e~tl who die In Iho' Lonl; \VQol1" ' ' • Ironl benentll our (eet, Ae I did 80, the lert It bntln l'1I Ihe luve. 'or my Annic's the best crellture a.lIvf ; e!rnight 01 II can. '~Ic, n 6110ul0l lIot m~rry,' it ia commonly oil moans encourago them to love Jou ,blt. yea •• mlth Iho Spuil, ror" ~uy r•• ' ;from ~ tholr ~~ ,1.0 moon .hone briahtly, I h~d 1)0 I weupon went oW, ond th o ill slnllt tllA dil. hible. 1 len then illt~ni:linj: ~oon 10 r(' ! u~np .dl e, bloominG' ' us Il TOS!', Ilnd Imilinll 01 Illitl, 'ulIle~ a th e~ cnn not 0~1~ m~ ... toln ,for ter 'Ihon all u\her ~uman belu,..Jalour. and lh~ir w'lrk8 "hieh do lallow Ib.m," difficulty in findln!l' my wuy, on" proccp.d- (chnrge met their I'or. , my volinnt friends but I hovo 10ul;U it 'lmpddiible'to do sOiel' l ehorlly, ti ()r ,nome wn~ poroa~, tI't'f 'd Ivea the ~oclul posillon to wh,eh C4urt/l Cflrqnicfj" "I.'jle IOod old man i. oI\U~d -lola dl'inll e.yci ed ubollt thrl!~ mile. wHhout mce ,in 11 t~l. II) rll oir " eo l~, lonvini :ne II10no! to Dut I rell~lve lette r' ' frum ~Hpm every lIeze ~illh lind Doreod wulked out orll l lh!!y hllve boen "ceustopled ~ but ext end Ihe Look, !lack or y c~n 1/I'.,lt IpcM"';hlu'/I i';Y. tingle bum~n 11,,111 , Wh\lll suddenly r 1<\11' , ' N tlh' lId witl\ th~ deter!Dined rullber: Dutil , month, nntl ° yllllr. afte: : Ihe ,t!'I'onta I hove Sunday IInl'~noon III tho bloomina month" bandit. o( tbat P0311io" .to their wiveJ li nd Melli alld IU ReTVard. lind pl.lhla , : ' Milrol}la ,~.rlldi" ( Lott, ollly.. brou,ht tie lonv~. Cliitbout a (.ar';"col lesli nl glonol riso aome d,idto n~c 1l~':II ~ ',lI 11 Ulllbcr or mon up· now dtr?ggled to get pollties8ion o( Iho pis- l nufrolcd, I rcc,e!ved Ii ~1I~b,e conlaining ! of J)luy: to. brentho th~ fr~.h 'air land v:ew children. ~ w~mlln wh,o marriel ia enti: l l,e) tlolcrled me ftl 11,0 , ~"I" Tho robb .. r WDS nlu cl, lurger nntl thot f!ilttul frohl the Illtll'er' D8 a meme nurlul the m~u,low. , The walk \YIlS e;n60th anti II~~ to be dlp.pt In the InlDO runk and com. him II (ow poulld., wbilo dwarl. lind fooll '~rollnd ";'\Illfor& h\lll ',pteatl tbo atlatifi" proneillng me. l plains1' SDme m,,'mcntllll~ nil huhI'd; I coul.! \lot s~r\lnll'er thllll J woe, bUI I knew' the strire l or tI,e ni .. ht we met Ill,(t lhe ri..", fro~ tl,e I delighlful, with nQ monll'e r 01 ob911'ucllonl' r r/lrt iii wh idl ah .. WII8 reared.' We entire- wllro fensted (Poal' and ftitimed b, Kin" to .. I , .. I \ , . , ' I II k ' ,. k I • ' J d '"11 W lot 10 ma e of.thid ingular mu\ c- WIlS fQr life, und desPJ!rlltlon oddl'd ~trell,.th , dou"'htl'r liS 0 t"ken o,r ber unclulIlgin'" except hl'1'fI bhd tJlC re II ditch fUll of wuter, Iy UidIlV,,\V these doclrinc., ,It aho. uld bt'l Gharl~8 DnJ his r\nurt. But 18 the world lie Iland. upon th e ohore-I.! u, all's wave. ' f " " " "1 . , ..,dhid" " , ment, ,but pr ll811 ntly th e party nglli u odyan- , to ?I Y t il:ew8, We were ' lit the ~put ' IIn~r.lidn, Shortly art~~ 1 left (hl'm. by I "ponned by le,w ,b",i~,e~ , Bn~ IO!) wide for t he ,? im of e\'cr>,' married couple to ~D~B ony better at the p~e8ent 9 ayJ WillI h .. 'I'hdr o"lIen d6ptllS-1I serDph ho.t awnh. ce.d , lind I. n~w could tif O tl ill mou~.be "n~s whe.. " the WljI'f'01l I.y, and long 8~d fierce- l eoma reVPTael in hid bllll ne8ti he hftd ngftin onY ' lnan of ordonolry JU'~'I"ng cnpB~hy to Ihe lr OW(I fortune. ~ 0, Bon_lind duught~r! O\lr boosteal civi1i2:otion done to ele".te !~o To lIuillo 101m I.fely thf()Ullh the gloomy lido- ghtteK 01) km ves onu olhllr ~rm8 ~" l~lelr Iy dl~ IVI' 8trug!rle,,~oqh '0 rco uh II. beon put in pOdsion of ",mparative "' eulth, pon ~t 1I."lngle bounl1. (lUI Hczekl8h vol: 1who becuml! mon, onc wi re. 'ue cnl1tlcil ~o I pllblic mintl, by Ihinking geu!'roull, 'f\~ .'J'rl\lInpeoJIIJ)' he passcs Ihe Elernd Gale., h,onds, 1 coulol not bUU)l)nsla/ r Ihl S n .1 ~ ' I bl~,d seemed bulllllg- .my . breDth ~"!"e ah" nuw lives III the ~lh a wealthy mer- u~d III?l,scl(, DB flit people c(lllllntlnly do,on j rrly 011 ,thoir p~lr "nony, but s hould wif!l ng, GIlt lng, jUBtly1 ' The mojority 01 ,~ankin4 Swrel flo",. tlio air 01 110 Yen- and firat ·, h. Ille de monstrnlloll, " '\ I,~u&~d, to de clJo I illlokly, IIntl ,l felt "'y &lrengl~1 (ost rUlia,ng l ChOnl, und !In honl'st, ~i.ld teepected IlIem- h .. Dg~ hty, 'IInd Instt'lld of wulklng .11.. few I I~ commence lire at 0 lu\ve~ step ,ill th~ Bo· ~re opp~~ently' !", dllep!! sleeped in 'barblrhow to aot, 1 l'llrrlutl 0 plswl III my vU'-l m~, Suddt'lIly Ihe robber Bel~e~ Dnd I ~ t- berol Bucil'ly, 'rO.molrrow I abalJllturt Bddltlonll: rod~ fur Ihe soke of, 1 bridge, elollo~d~r lhon tlt.t oelluplt!d I,y lhelr.pll' 10 apathy turelV,lIre tho true meril ,Do,,",., , Ilr~llt. 9 no who with him for Uhr .. ' had labored II IP, bul II \\WS unll,oded, oncl , or . copreo ad mo from ~y , feet to, dash me to th.e, f~r hia res idence, whorjl .J expect. loon to, m~lt n~"," lellp every ditch,hll eftm~ t~ , " te llt~; io that Ih('y I'\'0y hl1v~ , tho merlr and' th~y lV'e~c In t,he doya of- ~I~on., I~~. 1<1"&, " ' " . uaele ee. It wo. too lale t" fly ond J cou!~ eor th : D8 he dllll'l ,'llwio(·d botl, my Jegll 'puke Anlllil my" Lr1ilei, lIn,1 thiB, my Iriend., Thee 4bett!!r ho~ try ~hot, . He,e ~lub, hopplDe~, of rl.lo~. If pO.llble. to the t06· moy j ullge o( tho mllnner In . wbich \f1t1n nlll I.tel~ c211ed t~ ·troad 1110 Holy Oily ~ 1I0t hope to eucceJl"ru\ly rOdilt au mon,;. a oround ,.. i8 an~ bendlog hil' k"eI'8 wllh nil lalhe el.melu&ion (if Illy nllfrillive, i' eai,Hlill kiml ~n" ~on8iafcflllo ~ister. . Immaclnetho cOle or 1111 age4 coupl p, wh~' COptiVllto tho' mllititudll~ 'bot"1 high .ud.Jow, ith my strenglh, we fell 10 Ille ground tOll'A\h~ .. r.~t8-' t . I d ' r ' I t ' I ' th Dy til is time tile parly IIGlI 'come up ,W " , " I 'Never Ihlle milld Dure ..... • returned no. jp'etlt (I~raev'ercD"e liDve acquired po~ WII will form but a poor e.timlltc or I,ll. TI ley nice - W\l. oepel rnp \lTe g OW8 0 . • . • . ,. 1 ••• ' .. . T " "11{!tr Ihron", "\" ~ne. and hili ted alrolll ' at Ibe dlstanlle ol l llr, lIfy right Ita~d cO,me III con,loet with Tbe Mllorles of, ~ Jou'nall~t,' , > .elliah, '~hefe" ~o d llger, I'v.~ jumped ~e"lon of immenae wealth, lind ~r~ I !~ing mli~ judllmellt, lIod 'w ill conclude th,lt : , aboul tea paeu., they r,luIEfli lip logllhl'r, thl! Iy,eapon: I selzlld It, and ~prlnglng to We cuul~, wi _ h. :hoje:aeJllty whoso! crit- ~nny II \"ggc;r-illteh w)!!llil Wlllj lialf my In a .lyle or elle . ,nd Iplen,dor whloh 1.110 great 'minds are like tbe flllYplicaD pyra1'I).... dal1arlli~.! 0 , wl~t bol), JOY a'!tI AI if they were Ilfdid 1 would' demoliah the one kneo, I dealt Il he,wy blow with the Iciam is expreaaed ill ' th~ , ordor. 'Stop /111 proaBnt.lae.' . . ' more thall the rewllrd ,o/, their long life of mid., .urrouaded by the lind. o( the d.lLI~:olc; tbal sccno! into Thy .preeenea mllil whole, I ~a .. yery Rluch $u,rprised u t~h i8 Inassive bllrr~l, full Oil th e 1I0COYQrerl, h~.a,d po per!' no worse pun!.. hment _then a week 'All .t hat i~ v~ry likely. But recoil I,ndulltr y ., ~ill any b~dy lOy. thotlhe chil· ert. " of Kln g~!- ' . . ~'1nGeuvcfl~g, Gnd fiudl,,: UI Qt th<'y kept of the rO~ber. .unk b~ek Willi 0. 8pe llt Qnlhe wh llel Or.IIPwllpaper. They ~e~e~l~h,lhee 8 irown exc:e~dJJI,lr purlY c;ren or such old !olka allauld Itve IG ,\he, Fanny Ea.le~ i. rollo~Dd b, t4.~ nobill. n~.,idq 'he Stream w~lo.e founl IIi. n~nr cea 0 .Mllee 1 1~ld-, • gro,tlD, wlll,e I , ohno~l IInronlcloud,of wl~Ol would Moon lil.d Ihe illtur.tion '00 hot for "~ee (~e~ \VG~ ~ ;yuunt man, : , _. ...me Iran~eur IIlbtlr par-caltl Tbo ~el tyof Venic(', on. t.ho 9rlind 'Canll;~d Imi. J 0 ~ow:-hla aoulll bOTIIII on Lovo I olornl'l, ' Hullo; (rlend 8-wh ~t II the molter! ' 1 did, repQal~d the, ~Iow. , A.- I tlu lI,Cd my them. Thoy would " Il/Iuire .ome lIu\ion Punv, well! II I b,bve,lhat. no reaaon prepolterou•• , , Ihoover. of boquete, thf'y, .llOUl 110,,&1 ~ WIIIII', A. J .poke lhey hud~led mo~e cI08~ly , bnn. I/lorclng ahrlek bt~ke, on my ,e ur, uf 6ev~re i.I ruJ ill rY.t o(,> wl~il\h they are now 1 should not be ~I 18"le I" befor~ , J ,toll Tho.y bue ~o rt,M to Buch I~xury. the~ [" OU Ir \lYC ]i"lInll, tllo illvlne Irtl.a t.' (It 'rhe .. illt'" Mwcot relt! wh),'.hould we wi.h \0 J~gethe~; ot IlI, t one oL them as"e d: · entl a ' (emllle ru~Jli 8unk oycr Lbe bual~ u( it,l blisaful Igllurimee, ' )JuhilBrloul parti., th~c, Q"r~~, I can Jump .thot, ditch wnll: Do~"'ni to deeorve it, lind Ir W~I pmob t/l8 lame in 80me p~,t. o( Oil' Ifnllor herel '. ," . '~IIo are youl' Ihe robberf antl the blow, i/l.te&ll of,' ltrlk- cl~iI o{ Dllltter, each o r,' litem illiliglliilclIl)t out 10 m?ch 01 ,oucJlitfg. II 6ng~r.' are hoaett In ulvidlna thoir oWn' lplltl.) It iii nid that: 1I1r. Wil~eraplD ' Or '''rol\d :~ p"'~ t~o co~~ still ~bod •• of , 'f um a .trlln~e r, Gnd Din going 10 the l in g h i~ f,,11 011 lhe 'i:I,!S8y. ht'o~ ~r ~h.~ In. ill h.elr"YlltIRlp-OrIOn~ il~yl~ geMrol COlli: .',"y, bu't-thee'll louch tlIY: fee~ t~ , tbe Imona ,them, they crin ~ov~ n0 1the foun~cr o( infant .01\0611, '., Il)lI'erir" hOU B.O of Mr, - - , who 18 a friend uf tru~e{ , ~he fell .ellSelc,. liy hl8 SIde, ud bil1Ullon 10 be illlle!!lA!l~ anulyzell com- bQIlom. , , lupportlng It. rill m81'llage 8 for want, Gen. Tom Thum& il carre"ed , Denth! , 11 our. , tho_Homo wJlqre nc.'ur is known .. alah , , 1 ,feplleo' . '.' 1,rlillll~ " ' 81uwly . , , ' I ... • 10 my,fpot, pll8sejJ my hund prened ,10 "pleqse I diver.',ity of' tUlte' wiL~. ' 'rl II.'e I II "uUl-II \Vo.mln, D orclII,.n d ' th y on ., ..10 prI I!Clp,e ",a,' t Ite althe Court t of t!)e llrltlsh Queen, haa ' mme" • It :u~~lhe ltest lhlt,lIlc~DIS upon Iha e)'o of 'Did yo "?fet IIny line ai you clime o\'e r nty 1101 brow lind euJollvon:d W fllcol: out offell~i!,'g ~ny; repo ttla ~o be "trIpped fellf' mog~ifY thi$ nnrrow ~itCh eVlln ti! }' cp~plo ~hall be a.ble to keep up tho j male II (ortune anal ricl~1 in hi. elmial'" Foith. aloOIfl' \V IIS the'JlexL que. tlon, leet mysel f. of I"cl~ yerliiu ge Gnd 't'ranal otnted into II rlvtt. Now ,Iabd thl'e OIldo. thot . 1 may ronk o. wlllcb they htl~e been accUitomed while poor Hoyden, ·the ani.t, pu~ an earl , AI 800n o~ • codld recall II'V .eatte.rod Rre ..entuble sllupe; co~melltl'lIp;'b tupic., huvc'(ul1.we~Il·llcordlnil to my abilitiel.' under thll parental roof. It i.luch '10 hii life. No 'mo~ 10 ,whom he applied " • No-wilY dq y,au 116k!' Yu • .bI~I.. cd ero the d~1Ld WhIO, 1111 ~h& L,ord I 'jJecolt.o tl,ere ha,,' be('n lI 'rbbliet on tI~i8 thougbtl Iltooped to ascerlain the condi: Pllfiti cllt. lit!lrury, comDlci'ciul, e.oteric... 'NilY b,rolher Hezckiuh, I.heQ'd better ~lai~n,.nder'ld by reIlElf'lIui~ted !Jim, I!Ql- )toberl Peel. Ar. , Cel"i,ijt-lI\oy .ru,n 0 t IUlr weary P' d• . I ' I I lb' " " , . ml dl1CII, I• 'WI d II ." b tt 'I d' t ' II b I ' ... , IIor~ _fCS\-. ":. ; roa ~ur ~IlVefl Dlg'tlli Ie 101 el'O ' .lIerJ., tjull I~\ 'he poir ut my feet . , The ghustly w :~1 . ,e puPUIUl, to be obitlli,!ed , Of Jlrtpar- nOl, ,~' Ie e, on , we , 0 om op I~rlj a.n ,01 erl 'Y ~zy ' . Ilave boen ~Qill IIl~o the ~epe.l AmI un lO u~ .uch ~o,alh IS mlde of .waot u , !bUld ,n, hlllllte~pt' to !ttlt mOlte.v, ~,ut Jill. cOllntl'nance of' tho ",ubb,,, Ibpweil 'I Jc~p ·e"; p~r3gr8 plt. tt.. lie written on<evo;ry 1m. m~,ddy, ~ud thee III1~rely spOil t~ SundOlY IIr.e filHng (,lOr eountry \VII~ poo~ olal ~Ilid.. tu keep up I,,~vyer. Ind pobllcln •• (10",1. , II &? ,Ill yet, obUllqpd ftlly, lurUI' '11111, We \yuulld In Ihe /or()heud, rrOm which welled aginublo ubjt'cl, (froll' n 1ll0n81roul IfOIIR- clulhe.,lr no \vors". . wllh coqu,ettl&b yqung ladle., wdth ~ICI. tvllile Fatller Mathew bal lang\lldbed In 'V'~~h Pn!!,e!lQ~\s l'e:focl work, ",htl frui ts (, nre out to.~,~gbf ill h('p~B' of 'ellplurin(r !Iim, .t~~aRl~ of blo"d 'ilfcnchlng the snowy bl'rry to' the revolulio'lI 01 all emllirtl i eo~- . '~ rudll~ for, hy feo~~, gl~II-lhey 1~1l1l mo~iJl~', ~o"d.'or'nQthing YOlln, debt; c\'l)lrGc\ed tn perro~lI'Iiu.B-a millio,! of 1.hll II I bl~81, III1!1wlllm )!VII 6~al l Rnw IOU. we ,l IlI"'ght IOllks Ind ftowin"uv('f llle". ......, 'l'he It:- 'r'~llollaonce tu bo Ilc'l!d hllo .lillpfl-!or. not !Jt~y ·ole aJ~t , Nay do nOt B,rlllllh\Muil. benefulenl\e. Meq Wilbollt even • mod~ • • , I . perhnps J " ' I ' II In Irl' 60 Ive d ' t9 ~.':!/tIP \ t I' ' IllIue ,of ' talonla • I, .. Z7 I 18' 1 Ihot 10.11 \V IIS the pcre!)n.' , ' mBle 14, ShInned.. UYIr hi•, •,'"idft, anjl lIS thll "th" B.. ,II on4 the u....li-' Ii oitl'n reqlliN' .or u. \di tc ,t: r'eolizo fortuDe., D~C<)",,,,,r. I I. a . I \d I I ' I ' I . . ' I t ' . " I \ I t o . ce tl ee of nlY 0,,' 11 __ ' , ," ' cuu 'Il0~ Ie p laug illig ot I liB exp a. moou shone qn III.' r polo but 'fill"ly chl,~(',ei.l greut deal 1'1 corrcDli"o ~ 1.1t a worli, ull tbe "er.6 mBr".Y 0 0, IIV II 1 .,_ .. 1 . while mell or the first qualitilli. Rl\en .u(. ,"The lamqrlle.1 Elder C,uIlQ\t. who,e dca rh it ' noUoD, o~d th.e _~Ilflike . o~l·e~r~nce uf the Il,'lIhtres all~ j~t bhlllk hoir I IMught I h~d Itriki~J' ~ lIcj~'lnt. ~.r th.,. lour qUI,rter, ' o f ty .' " .• " , (er ror want, In ~I;eral ;l"err, a.nd re~.ard .,,11 rr~.h in '110 Io..r", "f Dlftnr I ' p.r~~ ~!I~ guve It, olld .on JOIning lhclII, neY'lr III: IIn a creuturo I" beuulHlal, L irt- ~Ie ,,1,,\Je, Ihllt ill, IU N E. W, IS" t') be Acc,ordlllgfy. H~ze~ I.11 w~ t back • (e~ aro 8trlln~llr. 16 e.ch otber. Clln lueh ~ which. wllh ROI,ne litlle re illctull co, the), I IR&r ~J:r, oorelully 'Irum th" dUlt, I Lore I~er ,,..o~ed upuJ)lho ~hlir"n o r mc",ory. All 'yord" tn yrder, lhn.! he . 'lnlgll,t bove Il , f?lr uf th loni oontinue i" thitlllre 01 permi, t!!d me '0 do, I (oulld II bU11d Q tl1 the roud.ide III"t utilld 1111 the, mCUll8 in III" lj too,,, l100d ,lille 01 '(It ovoldable run ~ olld,th,lll ,the tmllul e lmg!tt carry hllli We' will' not prodicLpe CreatQr I~D' Cerlaln' we <nre tbat until the mornl condi. you lit: men. we tl "rllletl, 1111(1 itl u high IIllltt! my power 'u r;&\ore her. , P luckin, hand.COI,'''d 1~,Bl!plu , Iiong, crumLling !I:O:C~' lhvi llg ~etreated fllr ' en9~gh-hc ~.'Qker ,of I~I. uwn mi ~4, 0 1' udteD\ell'. Sll~lt II thlllg PS high.w"! 'lui; r dillY)' 1'"!I4, I ~I.\tlll!d hOr pille tlllh del!V0l' ill .JIrr~ epw l , lind mak~ C\lIl1e f9 r W.'lfP wl~h 1I1l\0IJlel) ~\I1\1 proport- I.() eon'I[luted tlill ~umtan ml,,~lect,c tha~ .It 1101\ of tbe worlel is illoVlltllu) the lalDa , f'r"", Ih& ;AT 13l'alllllcd OUllnOf, till' Ilelrl' . 'et wll.h ~he f,er-begln. tun~d to, b.. w~ght IIqd, .... loetlY~ Gn~ -, ~~ 11 onlYl r &w by III o.... a &Chon. Gild by Ittite 'of Illinp will codUnbe. SOlDO IIlca' robbery wR8 'ullpurullel('d ill thu t q\l i,I.I~ ' 10' turd ~1I~bluudlt!.. IIpe - till Iilu, ~turninG' 0 I\U lity, li lld ,the, purt! lIe(oro JRt) I'Md cOllie gfow o( fi fe, \i~uwetl t hat I~o. wli .. ,rlll'i' III~. tlt\'rr,tndiaa \ull. T.lk of ,Ihe harll- foul!.d ~"m.l'lf, III t~" m)ddle ~f .110 dllch~ II. ,OIVII 0~ 11~ 11 it "; II c,' rtll !lly, lind nl!ceath'e k lll1rd tlarnill,. 00 arden I spfrit. - -" ' 'urth tlldl eV(,)lill: wlt\l utJt ,lItdllr, or lilly A,t 1~61 '~he ullclus\.d R. ra tr or til,: dart uf ',fix up(m f~lIi" ~il,bourd."ir: , Cer- Tbe \\~ter .plashed 011 , IIdttl', 81)d be- l~h,Jy i"~w. ~vor~ mon mUllt,tlll~rerore, 1I0t pay debte clintrllote4 , ror tila pred)hCer\ed pi .... .but "lily ft fUb'lle' deu of .bri~htl;~! ",p~ ' I had ('ver .e(.' n, Imd eet.>j ' ly"I't 'I dj"p'e:n~11l to'la~k beef when' sputtered 'lie Su ..duy '1 'otllea o~ edl!r;ate Imnl?' (. Ht8 , b~k8, and ,tollche~a they elil, d llle 1Il1141rllal. , ,ctl]1t1lrili~' the (y'rmidmblll rohbl!r ~ \\ 1,0 h~d IlIe' be'lIdi0!f uv~r hcr,she 'murmurl.'d.'~ptlrl!, y 1\1 a boulld III QPpotite, but It i~ ~othing ' whu cO\lI~ ~ot \vJ,th 011 her ~u~"er IIro btl~ he'",: tho, ,\yor,k ,J~ 1,~Ift. ", ~lIn I' o31l1th, whicb the' \v1l~r. Others Aptoll. ~ A &llllg ,,"rt}'-ju~I .'lt ilf u~-\\'or~ RH, ~tll~\llay'~d h1~1r IIlIbcltrd ur UUdtlCllY I~ 11111 I() Ipare bim-he is my rulllur!' She ",AI\ IIl'lIr,lO bllo.lallb" n8l""p pel ill-Dlmonth'. tv, olld kmil (e~la~lr bo!p bu r""'!'" ! "l1uollted UII\lI I.e hili tho , o~lllty ~o ddllllr' lIfter dolllll' on 'the~t ltiile•• l ernbled 1Ir.\lUIld, a bluai nlr 6r(' III II co Y lit· 1I0~lllrlllll dlllllOltil,lI. , do';n'c:,,",plc tt'ly reCUY~fed: ltnd t"~n klle~JlIndwritihgto \),e lI'ut '''rougb in I l'I\~~b: Thero \\aa H el~lliuh 8bow~n~ II eum~o!l' J u, ~II emerllercy, hll me~tal yet canJio~ contrIbute a liogle m(1l to lie room, bu', uur ;CUUIIICI ollell. \\'"re uut 011 illquir,. I [oulld th lll cycr~ Dlllht f"r IlIg by tire si~~ of the robber, alII':' in ile. week, anll whole vulumel of_matler tu agility, lind Iluulldorlll~ 111 l\te mnd hke: In, ~IJiO!O\1I oX!ltlll.e. tp ,WIlDt Ill! reteive diu ttel.; and more mone, reapeo\ liqhl<!d up with the minh thut lI~ullhy pr~- l " wee); PUI, ~ ome {',mu n h.d bell .. stup. ce llts or the wildest grief, ~iflcd him crammed loto • few .. leDdt'1c~lulDn&,-, w!lule. , "~I! waler 1/1 o~ !\Qt , ao de~p. 08 ,t prupOl ed ObJect, It II nol Iho \11 11 11 w~o ill .tlouding thuU'e. thaD 1'f00~ Tber. v .. il~ in such a ittltherillg; 0110 of ' lite ,ped Il nd robbed un t.he rOhd , IIe," ~ w.h ere wo nlmf, imploring bltn 10 open hi~ eYll3, Morlino. ,' • be tI ,\~,gerlJ06',a nd the I l1 ene, \VUI lool,r- ba,B teen molt,.or r~ld , m<l~t~ .who can du are ,,~n, tboueancla or hllral.workinr meD, ,e. , reli ~"bly c~mlc fur ev~n a .... 1U1 W a,b81~IU ~IIS: II/ch an. oue in danlrer 'If w~o clln apend t.n and twenly dolla... per n mbcr W ~iI abuut tQ )e.ve u", "D eL t.lle lIil u'ell werei but be yet, ,h"we,er, the r"b- IIiihled III. ghll.llly Ind dis'urtl'd f.r~. '1 II1O dpJlorture for tJle Bunny ~uu h, b~r hod nut succeeJpa ill obtainiug more 8iIllOllt ellvi'd tlle wrt:tch hi~ ct)lIditiOn I\' from , l:IIIIIg, tll.ough U~I tI,.e I.or4 iI tlO{, bur~l! dowu hlle II ~eut 01 burdea, b, year In atteu~lrl, the elrcUlud plaJ-bouM. hove .uch c~rclJ~e. beslow('d upon me: At • A~ len,ll'i, wh~tI her ri sibility woul~ , I I ' uverlul,ded mnl of. olher .lIIen" and let CIIanot PIIY \wo doUare • year (ur a RichArd ~-- ~'as II nul/Ie ;el.1 ow, ond Ulln a Ie .billing_ ot a 1Iant;. 'Ye,'!.11 fol~ Jli8 IUo<I! too ' kf~llly be.. ve!'}' '1 h.I!rdly tlll~ k you will '8u.:ee,td lo.njght,· lost' she tu'rtled to ni"e ai\d; enirellle4 me In low her tile power u~ speech, ~\lrcIl8 IlI,lId. 11 I~ lhq min who c!~D b~alt pori die!!l. W bile .ucb ill the ~ormirthful cn tlli~ ,IDllt even!1l1!' Ilf ,hi~ SlbY I ub8e~vcd; 'YIIU' huyo not iU~le to work in "s. i '~ III:r ill reviving her. I,arent., I wi Iy held ol~t, her !Ian~ 1Il\~ nld- C"~le III~~vll"r Dll,d cap!lcity. rhe llIte 01 1.\1. public mind, merie 9l1l.t 0(. ""'mIT us. As J e did Dot ~-xpecltu.returu the right wnv:' " .', ' I I I"" " .... Ii'~ ".i rf' I ' er, ~rvlher liezekllih, I II h~ IJl ,thee ~u~, or all the w~mora who ten ' .. . " .' , . J' ,, 1Ig Y co,np ICu, 011 .. ,1I,.or UlllllI,li Ur .hl IW I II" ... " I Il ., ' . ~i fbr Dlftlly y~ou t we 'nuturally felt ""rrow.' ,.r 'W~lI \Vlllit wou l. " yuu nil.i~e \III to ~Q1• ' I.em \ 1 "" '1 , hly 'h " k h ' I I 'l(Jun d tl'U I el ! we ., rc\ur"el" dt ,le I uun .. erer In a11 Iif{Ttoy hd,. not • - T , _ wit. , lUlU c~c 1" ·1 '1... . .-.( ' t/le w . " 1 III cl lui at Ill';, lIg tine uf. ,\III) tru.cst hellrtft 1!lld 'I, !lurdly ~"ow, but i~ .,rilt?1 mc IhHI lile WU K,not extillct. - Ere,lodgllc \VU tone or YPllutlbn-'thce ue .. \\'011, ~o'itan IIIl~re ,had ,ivlln '. .lrenith. , ! .. talll ftal1'ance 0 , ' . elln. r. IIIOII ,locill n.ture o~ our locit;ly: W.8tlt as lung 'is yuu . keep logetlll:r, lind pluke floieully recuverN 10 ,,,eull, Ilnd luppurl8d there lind louih , ~t ~~ ...'" tli,ough II ~cre cn.r., ~ed tbe.l,rge~t ~ow, .but ,,-,c~Ule ,d,lliclBut leL Ihe bone.t, IlIJble-lIIindod 1111. in IUgI!broll1 til lence (ur a (ew 1O,0ments, auch a divpluy of yuur armd, Ihe ,robber, if belween hi- dOIl"iltcr Dnd m'Yllelr, , m~re ~port IU.-lIck, III mud up to my ~cry phne, bad U'I,ht ~lIlD ~u", \0 bella 1\.-. wrap hi••0111 up I" the Iionou8 toOlitleraTbe 01\1. octosion on 'which Bockrord of nlld"lel' , " " DailieS W.cli*, \ioa, thllt th~re le On. ' whO _th nol &e which' \Vial I\t le~ith broken by olle of thc in tbe neiglib!?rhovd, would be IIpt to de. I'd to rellch I;ia -home, which W81 \ b . ' 'j I Ii d If I ' I t i . " 'N ~y lIez~klllh, thee hila . hown thl IIU,nI cr., J h,' ~ ' I\ I r e,llmp anI! ~avo; ~ rO~d ope~. b ;"''' I vililire thllt l ~nl appro,lIoll "g. ., " Ihill Abbey threw .open , hi. Iplended lity." ~lurvell(lIuly. thllt I cuuld .ot hel IIIln leeth. aDd who wit' Jet reward evtrJ Do~." ave Just t 10111: ,t 0 luglfC8t II pan, • IOU .ay Ie. ell wly Here I f'llui,d ,hat he hpd II "~r\T' ihter- mllnsioo to compsny ' wee when L ad, . • , man according to ble work.. Llr•• It b•• t. I r Id" t " to ' •• ',." " being pI03scd' for, Ihe hr.. or Dlei anti , 'II ' ' D' k t 1lat WI Be,rve to remlll 1(1, W len wou .. e Jor one 0 , your . IIUJnue~ ~,:!II - e8tiug ramily Ihree dU\llYhterll and • little Hdmilton .llIng with Lor ,Nelaon VI&iled " . II but a .pln; Ita r.warda ifClti Dmong Ihe ~hivlIJry of tile , S~ulh. of eo III hll arma and wlilk lorll'ard .lo\II~, ' 0 but ever~thi~" In the abcxle Bpoke 01 It. - AU t'hllt the weolth ' of ' thot ' prl~~ely. tulie s!uulle I? mYRIl for· buvlng OPI)08'~d:1 .'Ficlde u lb. wind•• 'Dd luera, <:- h ' f ,~- 1- ' I rt ' N 0 L" ' I d Ii ' Ii I I' if ,' s I II? , .', .. " . ' t\.l'e 10 8trellulillsly, or for bnllllt ~r e rtenUllh 10 c1~II,. e , I. D k~lIg III . - W :I~ ?g care"~'~~111' III t tl~OU8Utu~ d': ' the deepeat poverty. A. [lI'ne'! omet!ling owner could furlli~h, WillS prO\lld~i110 ,ive mOI'nt'nt doubled Ihy ~ pucilY (ur j "g, , uinlller" Iho~er.· nO O{le ere Ol!uta our .~ , " coufIIge, 1111" uanger. J..e ere. ec p .onl I ~f Ii pl1y81ciuJI I Im,nedi te ly \.a" the rob. ~plendor to die ice lie, Tl,e ....(julld. were 'j . - , n J J' I ' I ' d 4 , ~ .. " , ," • h t, 6 t ' , 6 r' I ' ' l I B b ' Ik ' let ' " " " , I;' , Dut I tb,e'd lullti e .. \h I Iy eXI' ull, all , :~, 11l'.0nlr, lIe• ..r~.ea . cr. w 1 e i~o . l. I({O- ~lInc~d n If'O-t1~~ ' ~ y '! ~ h'~i C ber pUt t<l·be9., Ind 'lIner oorefully' Ur~8~j l.g illumlDauid' by \a,mpl anll tc~dl eri, lind lbp [,' :e~dv 'to" conte (ortll, I'll 1~ 1It1 t~". • ~The meo wjlo .r. '~eally the naOll b "erdll t I,a l ' die ' ,1 ~.o INnlr~ '8O,!!et lIng II nc: ce18t1 ry D~I Ie rloou, cu~ce::'lr \l~fI8Phvefil!u th{e wO!lu~ in hiH bead, l.fou!\d t"uullh hllrt Int~rlnr 'If thp ,Dpartl!lel~ ls were II blue or hllllJ ,,~t." > ,. <, ' , " (ond 01 Ihe I,die., who cberl'h foHbem ~ , ow I vo~e 'hat we presc:at .~IC II \lflt I the II Inuow 01 t Ie tree8. ~ lelll t e r$t tI ere \vue n chllnce of h iil recove~" All jowelry Md .... Id Ind , !I've" Spic.. a ' winc ' " I ' I redpect, are .eldolll the 1II00t popullr " be~1 re\lQ Ive( III ' t ow ~ . I I WI'II be, 'II O('COlllC ' . d b Ii I I , .• ' • ..,. " Thus 80ylDjI', D UTClDl drcw neor 10 til .I very tIe Y I, .~ 10bb cr, I10 C'ln .." ,:"pp, th.st 0' III 1 .val hed b his lied8iJe, with Ilnd confectionery"in gu~dell baalieta, \Yere . " , " • •I ' .' , , ' among lhe iex. , Men o( p . t aaurailce, 'I Ome,bin" Iblt be ....iIl need, lind when he lind detui I him ulilil the r~1 como to "j II • ~ Y I A' h h d 01 ....... d I A pilge of th!, ' d,tel, ~ut Jie~klu I, hO\ lIIg draw. I". III Kht·eap over hi. ~ar., .nd hla whn- tonc" e. are hi"hl, hnn" wbo make • ,. • hll oVllly daujlht\lr, Ihe genl e nRle, w 0 .n C' roun tu t Ie IlUlllflnny, numor· I 1(' b ' 1' 'dcd er' h h 'II h h ' ,........, .I"'~ b., oCCII.iun to draw it forlh he ""itllilink hi8 0s. istallce' whut an, you to till.!' , , . I bl J d L d ' II )lut IImse III y 'UI own UJIUI PIIW, wi,e ml' ,.a, w I~ I • 'VI. e e.r. word. lup'ply the place of W"I, .re lbe , " , . ' , ' .. • 1l0vO!rtd Uke I IInls terlllg DnG~ o~~ulIIl p.rty Wt~ I l8ell) 1'1, 1\1 n y .m- declured he w/.uld lI" t hnnslM Ollt III the Dothln or It: ., of those !\Ibo would bock IIIJIllf tllcy were, My plln .t'emed to m'te~ ¥i Itb oppprob&, h' lid The neJtt day be \VIIi enau .. h tbe enf,'IIf them all. Attlrl'il ."" ' .' d ,g favoriw, A due rIJpect COl wOlDli:I, leadl ' .U ' h l' ," " It ' , , . d' I .. I~ co I, · ' · 0 8ame way. Dllt Ihe mud \VQ.I deep IInu" 'fbe wife then tllte• • cln~le ., ,uICre; " It ~y yo. ' ., .uut ,t f queetlon 1m!", !Ole y arose 08 belter to apellk, and in a few woril. told in arkh cOltllhltr,' rile eontereu with I aol., ' " • , ' to re~poctful II)"on.lllld tbill1'eat di~lUIce We .. rnteol tbi. propo.itiun with til who .llould proceea alone In thi, adven. ' hid I ' , tI I h- I d ,. . ',ed' , hO i lve, olld uS f•• lllil he gut 0111/ lOOt out, nnlt"lt tllto e,ery hole Ind corner I 11Ie II mlltakon bv \bem Cor De, ' lect oe wlAt,of • me \he COUilCB t lit e IItn to crime. ell urn net ' Imll ., nn .. reci some II t I - th In ' all~ 1'l lIa he con'inued hId b II bl • • pprobltion bllt S - - inte,rupted UI by ture :Frum Ihe reluolnllee mllntfelled by ' e Ir0 I 10 0 e r · I removel t e .ton I la c alr ••• n tl\ el, int~rea~ .lyltlK: ' ' " ,. I all t~ be foremost; l drew cOllclu8ionl not ,, '[ was~' .. jd he ~~rollght up iplhe lap ve~e8, \YhIC~ te.c:k:r.";:th: u ~:: t : to labo~ .a~, pl~lIlfe tifl J II WII fuHy uti,: and Jooka , caT ef\1fly beblnd them., Tbe . "" 'J tli~nk .ou rriends (or your .......1 r .... onbIA · to their courll"e,lIni! yen- luxurJ. and when of IIgl', au~CC)ede!l to lin 'II.ohte Ito '1 PPo! u ~ PI II ... Y th 'I'i' Y[6ed hll o)"n ability Wdl better ~lIkulnted hu.bana .Ifl up la \ed/ IDd ruH inquire, OJ,dl, a mut,.l r too" 'oa."or bl.Il.... I, ' . " " II~W • .. ", , \ I ' l ' II th ' one W IU 10 . Uoa II uen ..e oyer e eru '" I I' r dl I • but I)1m alfea~y pr~v \Je~.. I hue • bll~k my opi nioll, ';VDI. qui\lklr Imme~~e IIIle~ taD~e . , ml~r~le. e" o~ CJf the bour, No one \III~. UI~ro 'to' tell ber ~J .eo., hl~ ~~ thUD ho 11m 01l~,0 a tc I: Ingly It hor mUYlIII.ntli he 'hlnke that to ta.k for a ylolatiop' .clu,ty. Durl~ \be earl lu~rb revol,er which r oamo bl ill ralber , by lining the proposal put thlt II Wftll rloveel, an d for Yd hIe gBlld~.o~ a Ihat'.lIlhlt al'c~ptl olJ " t bu't ilo lurly lie fftew ¥irQ\il hd Uleil h.~d wordhi the dia Dlat h... an .oel ., r.lt. B\lt be f1Qgglog be bOlOlllht hll Dluter to l~poQa • ,In,,..ll1r Dllnner' , '1 was not '.irr.id thad botte r carty uul my' Jaappll, .. a.,lummor repm, lit lit ht I ' I h • t I h jt d ill (or (orlUt tho plaIn l,nlul,e tb.t e ex- I,ml.takea. Ill. wife keep. on "la b, d, wblp a-I'tt'- IIIO-eo\ ' ., .J " • , f1l ' i . I d ~ d.Qi Ii note II 0"0 pun. I'l"n w t ,.11 ' d' hI ' Tb Y 0 - I '" 'Let UI lee. it, Dick,' we tettponded . pion, ' A rter 1I0IlIe demur,. conscnlA!d, ~~t I lilt oll \eome m~ ove "In I ec: II r tbllthe plenure .be 1\111 pUll uill, will • cllilme ,: anel MITO DI' , ' bUlb'od 100tH pleuel" 'What do you-,,,nll' d'He Compli~ by 0pollinathe drawer and only ~n c~nd i tion ' lhGt they Ihould ruah partner, lifter, rna ng , me Ile lapI py at e v.alo ,badowl 'Bt the--' " tiebce," 'Dd crjH; mantled be. De"oy~ pKIIIIIJ railed _:t ' " I d '" " I I of the lo.ely ehlldren you ... e I~re, Will " DulI 't the .wear Heltklah' loterrupt'What areyolliookill" rorl' P""'~lDa th. PlltO!. It wd nee.. • inlton,l, to m,III811tDnce III .oon ftI Cll , ff b I I I I, d I ' 1' Thirteen >elh IltE'r the hanquet .t • •• , • hil lye. and blrida to He. . . .Del devoutl, .p~nclld piece of workmln.bip; the.bur!!1 led In COlO I Iltould meet the rubber. cdut °h Ie ~e (nt ell ... ~n °d ,unp~ytntg fionthillilod \llIIeo place a lid, b~yinlC ed D"rcu. ' d . ,.< ' d 'For ,our, tUDp,' the .ftlWere, '.nd Aid: 'Let ~ look to ihe ~ .Dd be dieW.I t'J!rlol,.I,. wrou,hl .nd tbe 'butt , the,lOlemnl.l: promieed lind I pUI"d ellt • -y grle wa. grell, a n au II ttr 0 ' ,_ h • ' ' II' h '" 'Swear!' roare HO:lekiah, ' thee' Iwe.r DOW that I ha.. tuund II, t.lI m. wh'1°U ' td" • 3' d' erl my .. Iod I emborked largely in bu- <onle meat It • voe er II Ita ,or er "0,,, I'" ' h~ , ' 1' Ili»hl;)' poliaLed ebonJ,"wae .nriched with wltd eome dil tancr, as if alone, and u IV ! , in Cali .. WII thUI Icc:o.te'd b the butela. to". I I~,ee WAI on. re, are Ill'" , •e , ... belutiful illlayln" of pili, .ad 10 'lDe~ lullpleinulof harm. '~o toll the" ruth.thil Ilnlle.. DIlhe treacbery uf. ~artlle.. 1 or'l wi le: y 'Swelf not .11, Hese"la~, bD~,~yen_lend HeteupoD \be, btcoma iood frielltle A . la,.. Ibl~~r thl .roll, dobW u • • Id 'Jlllrkled oa .ilber llde. dil nl8J or courogo ~w"ft portillly r:rll'luil- Iu.t my 1111" a.,d remov~ to tl". rel"ed 'I:" d ' ' L I me th, h.nd ••lId I'll ale 11',,111 .. 11, ,., pull I,.in, pe.kln, o( Ii" COIII- or the w",. dpI" •• , " r viliag. to IlI'e in ob.cumy But p<lVl'rl}' to I, lI,a 1m. 'u. "eem • ..eflevo I'llt b tit ccordlng t ibe Scripture Whl('h ••• ' .' 'Tllat pll~I.' Aid bll, II w.re odmi. OUt, for tIled nu thoullh ll of being "saol· , 'Il k II' f If lady and up ·.tli,. ,hen! ia I poor ElIllliilh t e. '0 , . u, lad .pdllllDlor 11ft COIII_ or tb. . . ll ring It. 'Ind Ulli rin" I 'i'ear, I recf!ivlld .t ted; ill 1 8UpnO d 'hat il)e robber h"d tl' c"me. apuD, Uil ~ a ,t I~"~ 0 PI'SYt' 'k won:.n whu ....ould .:tie gIld of Ihe Im.lI. 'Iith, "I ,bine ox or .11 (all In~ a diteb A Par. .raph to Parent.. Ii.tleeaatll. Tilal w, IIhcJalri "- l~ tb ' t l ' I' I I r. 'J d II nllw nul lOW tu rcpe III ..erce at M'; I . . " , on the S.bb.th dl,'" M til I if Id tr I . .I .... e. m,e time, aD, Prize tUi I ,. .. !len the alltm II" .uiilg Ihe orllle , part, I ' Id I I b 'ell 'I ' I btl knrw 8IIt piece 'or me.t wll ic'h you buying IN b ° erl you woo I 0 up Jour noweVer, about wb.t 11 ...,,~. . . " .. rlala of the IOOIl .ingular IIdveoture ll Iver un l\te r[lad \lDd i hQrefore 1 (elt perfectly wou luve a or WI ,ml y, U I I d' .; , 'N!)w, .laler rea •• ,.,. t. too cbililreD to be Ultful lI'emben of ltOCiet,; we .re. ' ~eL witb • I. . ' I .~, . 'J d -~ n;e fifty or liJtt, not what to do . ond I $)Ollhi iet/IO emp oy- ur r our I!" , V e r i l ) , lbee wODld ao~ ... ke muo btlvJ &e " eep tl\elll' (rota nlGllln .. about tho .tree ta, • I,re, .a u"dlr 1111 ~ , I IUd 04 tb I 'II Whu then .auhe grateful reelplent of I lei th I .,. , ... , 'Tell UI all.bout it. Diekl' WIJ .zclolm· rod. In advanee, BUI my refll!ctluna well' m~nl. . co lid .ee ,nay mo , er ~ auch bumble .11m,' AIIII 'It IYU the bClu the former .nlml ,Dor lO.tup u e .t· .ohool of .yloe i. th. Itfelll. There A. GJ.O~ SVllelrn,o-l':"™ ~. d1 bl' ~ 'i Ii chl~rtn I tlrve. t,lI wa" d rIVen tu crime a. " , ' terl' the hi 1 ar \h tb or the ' , __ .I til in choro•• an " l to? Ill" UI, P IIbruptly cl.Ied, end 11'1 equI .. un ty 8 I..t !'ellOrt. 1 \Went to the h i hwa - I tirul Lady H.mlltull, Aner tho death or • h ' tel D ure, a • II. e YU ~- 01 Journll &e]" tbat it ladJ fa dIe_ ed. to narrate tbe fol1uwlnl: .tur)': Iy Ibocked tiy a till, IllIUt r., utll • b b II J II n=d 'I dir deaert,ed 1Iy dloee who Jawned A. to th, welK t. re\um orell, obacemty. will .eDd Koeeutll \be ~ 01 OM . . . of 'About tbrte yeara 1,0, I WI. It.velllli from the dee p ah.de of the ruad-title. atid ,.obb«l, ut t e '01. a\lllli h pru~u upon ber hi proft perity Ihe gr.du.lly be- '~e m\l,t be pr,e uy well •• ti.6ed by thit 1''01' O".IHIOD .t the 4re-elde. he hu. ilonl, the .arepte will lurailla . . ' 10. lIel,hborlllJ 8late, when lbe Incideo'. I'UIIhed upon m.. , In In ihillant tI,1' ~t D~r" .. ry t~ "'pelt ~ e ~r me. Y cell" hnponrlelled' I~d di~ It. wrelched lime-.. ror tlllitoplllll)" it were uMi.. dOlllD Ja.uae hueL IIlIougb to coaqaow AUua .Ith. ftle oceurre4 whlcb 1 lUI .bout to rel"le. robber, for It WII hl',liaa nne I,and on III)' IU~ ller Aome ",.peet ',: I'!nce came a C.III., • Her ro u eon. l.ted un, tu like". Iboe to the lon, . .red Thua ara lCllue ...cI tho . . . . of lIii\lt be ea~". aloft lball becltl h)' A,.ln,lhal for aooaI re'~111 collar. wlrile " ' itb I) e oth('r,. lie pretllllltPd the I UppltOi of ~ont., f brou.. ht bu;,'" ."d f t, oN b : d 1 11 te 11111. BUt l£ tIIM I. . .tilltled 00 th_ hood, "Imbli.,. &bell .tHl 'floleace. thOll wbo ua aon faMIlial ."..'... I lhall llAle ....tber lhe paniH aoocttmed. In t llorID3)li. revulvlnr pl.tol (0 ml helld, I.n nia:.ht,'~ lulluw.:d lIIe at. latrillee. Htr o~ ~ l:~e:. co:!'m:: polotl. aDd will Corthwith reae~ thille u ,0'1 loy. ,our owq flub .nd th.lruu , • • or \ht toe.lIl11D .,hleb It OCCllrred 'Ilunef! YOllr 1II01W'1-qtlici& or l.bUGI,' Re If It md~ '41'1110. Th ... rellOrt bra; '" 1 Del b blad.I~1l do .. lIIun ... ill b.th mak"Joor chlk&rn din, to the •a , At the' 01_ ur .1001 Ill' IIi" he hl"~1,y the pil lol.'arllIed her. lIaol ,he ruabe4 \0 I:"'" lhollt Iny OJM;lfpU?n i I oyrr t e bripi thee &ere &0 land.. . bearih·llolle. 1.0,. hom.,OIltII,",:siu ltap-" ~ die ............. • • " .. lpot the In,Yilu know' pra_ol ltateellWlI, rl mon, JIOI!ta. an d ,It Ilia'" W&e ylJleei I.e .L_ 'dee g-'__..-....... I ..1\ the .ap ooaela III .blde I bacl<breJl - J eade.yored 10 IIIOft 1II,1..acI 'rom . .rtI.l. the funeral ."Ice . . . nacl b J " IIOIl VI ..... rooU P a. . . . ,UOI -_........ \bert are 1,100 , . , . . ,.wilt .. III tny..l . for _ 1 hoar., aud proeef~ld plel.lal J!rosill'llJ to ,he plltul. but Th. ItroDS ..an 11'1' terrlbl, tIIO,ed ..::,., balr 8 ' i tHl ... ie " . . . ., bla ow••"U\1 would slffr ures; eet .. aarap..- ita· thie .. u 10 1101... IlMa or~ oabM.ltoou ..lle ..... he.. to. l1,d. held . . . . ~. f1roa cruPI .nd "pelt" laelOlMletld",ollflililm of hiHrI_.but I r tie DIllrtal~' w•• ~ retcllbia .........r.ar.ilnuablllftChiJII.Il'hiIIJI•• hicOIOUf o!ltprlDC - , fol- ............. yU..... willa OM of .... hI... bl. . . . .1Id. Ilda!ll 1ft _tbed bllll 111 ..,1", thlt I would M", ~... 1 I0Il.Ide baoII .. I»areae, be..wl .... It II • peat mvr. that ehlWma - I ..... ~~a.:::::~=:~ . wblab I..... ........ Oa ........ the ..... ner lot.n, ._lin die cool betn, 1I... aad W&e rnruW wi.... . , . . ,• 1 WUlIOIIeM tit, .... be lelleon. i • ..." earl of ....,....I.,)~~. roo......., .... daa or .. fWlCtical bl......, .... anc1 tbII ftal10ul hIa w. . I... .... .., ... UlUl, ........., tioIa . . . . . . a1 ,..,.. ... UI& '" will'" UllIIUI..., ... w. . I-...pt ... ...-_". . . . . . . . all ''''II1II 100111 die IIiJft .......... ti_ ............... . _ _ _ _. .IIIJ!!'~IH:. _........... ha" II . . . . ...., liS
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C•• tUII8UI, Ja ... 6.
In. of (If Ntll.H o~. UT' ti l. Medl alii, "'''fA II"": A • IU'I'I
"lIova.a.XDa "I'" •••• ed h. ItfJCt"'r end thnu tllIh m r. are nnw t .... un.n • t r 0\ 0 • A lirar)" iCIIle flaUu ... .... ,01 ~~n .,... 110.1. Vol moo enl M lie ftlled .Itl eerUftC!I" of I au "bo IlIMn ,Mlrma
nehtlr cUf9jl
•• tile Ir.lIt.
, .... PllnLET,
I ontain 0, Ih. , ... le••tbof lI.m.rk.bl. ..........d
II•• b ttb ..Uu . tlon I wbloch Ih l. M.dlcln. r. 1,1d •• lb. r. I c I ,_-can be I .4 ,tl ill. A"n IL r....
... Prill
eo Cellta per I.arp aouI ..
•• "XI
"/1 •
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'I, JQl n ,lYeel r ullged ur 81s10r •
To wh h Jobn n I
I rtf'
lint In
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mentiulllnll Mll Ind~l)nl,f aDI ') Oeo...e. ~ .. , D0 you remember lIIa171lnl( a , Couple, .,x yen. agu. ~lId rCtelvll Jor Jour uwbll the fee 01 ulle I elll!' '., j • Jllr Durton taUl:'l e~, wenl t~ Iii, .lIed: Glit! took from. Inulli dr,twer" I,UII rail of pripllr. U~roldlog Utie, be prod~t:etl tlr. cup'p~' rn ql\t'IIt1/>n.' • VI's, I r~m(\w~ e r" all abou\ 1'119....·/ -
·\V"II,.1r J 0111 the 11.1111 , ' • > 'YUII lllldu,lbtl1dlr l uppoaetll.ll1t.olll,. ,. 1I1~'* you" _ > ·No....,1 thought Y~II Wl'r~ pc!04',' 'S u J wa.. J did know lbut I could ford I" give olJv mure. 3btriuge you kno" .. 1\ ,",t uf IIlutte~ , J~.d tglvellyolI,ftvl
\v .. III,
"1).. lun,1 tb onr anolher," m.nhor·. fe"ble prllyer, .A l1.f he lIiI'Il1 la) like II anow tb ke. 1111110 baby'..... lU.III ..~ir.
~ Xl.", "a~, dO!' " ....\1 Ti.......
.. t' AI 1 .toocI I.. olle
, It&t lo~.'1 OIhb. lI.b1Denll ~f out bO,l'()ugh, In e,eniol lioct the door ilollult "11 0,P"oed.. ID~ Ib, ~I.", .
ed .
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NiJ:b 10 ft vr~vo'111111 WO B newly mncl o, l,eBlIOd n Sox lJln old, on hili 0",,1, worn ApRile, fl i. "ark \ n "dpl1Q, Rnd bo po n.c~ \0 "U,II Tho h,nc r~l treln, I!.! Ih,o "pon,llR le~ A relic or Ill' gOlle d Dye \~1Ul /lu, And ino locll.'} wore crQY, 48' 10 foomy et., All illl1l'80 \\ord~ como /l'onl hi! "I'•• " Ilul1 , I J;Qlhor tuom "ln..,1 gRl hor I~ ern III. O,!lh~r-/l~IIICf~/I'llhcr ""'114Ihor Ihem Ill. ~
I.J " l
t\ ~
J ... fho r the I in, for IIIOtl "",I hoy, .' YcOt ~ f\ r'),i!ni-'ol (irlc( nn~ f
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I'vo bo ll'l 1 Iho hou.c. Ihnl II~ . rouii'd! In Qvory IIchll! of Ihle bun. 1 grelllr,,1 ~I"'h , lAUd «nughUlf. (olh er IIlIlloon, C0l'~o 10 Illy 501l1ul\ " 9,/0 lIy on~; "I lJul cllllio Ih' )' ~lrOnU\"8, ur CO'OO Ihoy k1n\ 1 j;lllhor Ih DlI1 111 7' ,1 /<lIlber 11\ !lIt ' \' lJ ~lhbr-iQllio gol'h r - I g~th t r Ih PI ill . •
roan), ara \\,lIh \" '0, y~\ I'm ,,1111\01J'~ KI ~O 9l'.:\' u£ D' l Dl anlt,tPIa!\O 111~'
FrOnl lhc AUlcrs~nn Bonner.
Power of IUndn"... 'Many year•• utlle IIiBre lived. in lloe cenlrlll eountiu or New J or.eT I poor n,echal1le. eminent for ~i;'_ pioul zeal Ind (',(I llal.lellcy. -lie vf;ry "!ucb tried by
om.:..l~r~~J!~~~!]~~t~~~~~~!!~ '11~;i;liF.;i~. ~
.DwIClt Co. tilItepped U! Into 1't!I"f.)lIUlli.1
wheo 111e e tlolledller
Wlb.~e., A-6us ~n
"I" 1"I"ed I' ~e'" York~" Eilandl,., wllh ........ Dl .,ill Frlnol. co'lu 'he 1~1/1 ••"."
c;e ... uvr."
. '
hL '\Yo,HunUre4
wi "'M e . II I~~ I... _wa...: m L
Iftty iI' 'n
"ilL 0>1.0,., ,",,,,..
, '" ayton,
If d II
: a wrller. ...."01 .JOUN WIlllL~ IIE~J!.V, . ",. lie " ,"'lleli IIclltor. Publlllher, Plcl Pl'OJIrietor. I"yell •• CQ'(fftli!iYll~U__ Clark fa thfl'..l"'lllIlte'r., ..., .'Y·','VIO' ItI:",-"I•
VolltJI~j rtllOiI~'IdI~I.;t
"'I'e' gll,'o b '
fi II \\ liS,
l)c:llll1n\; Ih~t husband WQI 1l..:JIllnler, . tYould' Uk '~ry ,.. e\1 t~" llt'a job, and ,,~ , .~ " b .t · h ..... I t I lJI .Dce ~ m Sill Diogo now .t?PPUI!I' or e, oar.ut~1: III1S0. • & ..0 .~ IIlQ . rca , aftont t~hl hilT,I"ill he bad beel) ill \rlDti tbe gra\t(Ylilg newl of the termlna· .. , d I ii1d I'k t 'L Iii 'd , • " 101l0(\he 'I~ldhn uoublea 'ln thlll q\1arle~ II p~ntr' on 81~ , \ ' II d~ 1"1 I . ' lid or, edl.bun me.nt of ~,IIntoer COn;pft. us on " , lIll . \ve nt mlllll Hit!) y to '~ h ' P 'us hOUSIl. culled, illiG to ~hc Om~Q. IInll II d " "l'!!LtJi II ~'It '~'h!ulP~rl\e~"t c~. ~I\:I:I agentow a beg nlling tu gM hi. illco@rc. to ... 0 rete pt '1) , 8 Ime II{QII ea . e 1\ 'd' ~pec~i ng work-when to! offi ce.r , fIl1rllhill l.8ClIJlll'Oll , ., . I h 'I II ' I posod of mony ~oQd su bscribers. a,nu some clenr Iyp,a; We IrUlI'llhat it ,may lDen\ "rlllven ty ,Uolled St.\IIO. lOP' ha ' I ~6I!edell fi.,fIi BehIC!" litH! 'Mb totIlY .,to )111 II 1\I~n o~ ~t f~n~ ~I);~f\. i~'~\I\"~~9~ ot We Nrll sorry .tu ~ay it, very !inU ' \!ue~:- th o ellpp~rt 1t'.o weli (le.eivel,' , ~ gan D ie.,." It appe(U8 duSt he Intlil1ll8 COli I, pro u y. u r Dl ~ I I m \ ' Our O,IYor'ligitl" e" loP' \lur i ng lhill yoar, • -:r ". ~~ tho cou.ntv hOlls!! ' . ."! D f" • 'j' i"\ t lia. . b~n dl. peraed, all' '8!11l10 oC ~I\oir louI r " I ' \\' us much bolter than in I fl o )os1. Our "T lie A mericlln W hi" Re\·lew (or J an\tll. I • , ' , , As soon B3 the "'cPt "man wn s ,o,r y In . " •. . 1 II . ,• , del'l .pprcllclldcd.-N'o furtber troublo \I' U \ "", I I bond calDo J Qb DepurLIll t'nl. has also u VO Il prel ) wo rv. l ab2, has como to hand. "hie )Ium. the In nils of Ule ulIlccr, 110 IU~ ' ~ 'I ~ . " " , .ppr.ahended. ., L •. .' forw rd, :Uld clas ed th e deo.r d,' votod wire sus,tu inc~, return our slIIccre ! '1\11 8 be co'mmt'ncca s " new volume, wh ich l The expedlll1 O Cronl 'S QU FrlLncldcO ar· II" h 'lP 1111 II.e ' olldcrnncsa of 10 Qur rn('nd~ who, ho ve 50 Ilbqrolly bn· lIIok~s it lather a lavOrnblo 'timtl fOr sull. II ' " ' h N IlVOIll " b to, B CArt, \VI I" I I ' I upon U8 aud hlLve ' ' ALBAItV, N. Y . Jlln l ' IO: rind at Honolu u on tire IIh er, I>~thful hIVe, mudh t o lho IImUSfllllollt /I s tolV et ~,lelr pu r?nase, ' , ' • , \ soribing , to th e Review. ''Ie aro . "t'ry 'l't,o appllcatiou orlhc 'Spailidll Gbverll_' _dill t with II triontlly welcome from Ihe y I k ,rtlr Lny \\'n8 loko;. btl" l!'us 45i11stOl.l us ") cu rrylllg on olir bus I· n!Ucli pleased wilh the work, th e mora wo 11,\1'0 a"d Amerlc h (I}'tiZ~II' but Will the 00 .~1'tI <>..nl' 1 : r s . r. III 0 IIC8~, \\'Ithout ulli ch dlfficullY~ We would' rend it tho beller we ' like It. Nu Wllil: 1I11111f lU \lbtu In a re~\1i1e fu,' A Iltflllio Collez' ' (oro JusheD ... orLon, 0 prlnS·1 ,011 , J II n • t ' ' ' , , ,, hn been l uece.lfulj h~ ha., b~" re;plft!t, with "dielruat 'by tho I ' t " I • II n tal and like to r~co \'11 If) 8Il tIC encc.u,lIgcmcn not in. .. u Icry Q ,",00 er K tl 'Illould be "ilhoul it. and .it would r ,.Iewed " , , EnSlish. "horge 0 f ~ .• tt fQr nin cly daYI. F .... n"b r esident. As lata ¥ tho 18th 0_I aoy I'lil" t somC J'urt!' lIIemlierK 01 ot" ~ r pnrlic8I t\l pllruse it or,lcrl,la III ~11(lCl1r at ItIC 1J"1 uy term 0 f II III u!woi , , du ure ' sorry .,' No,ember every th in.... he tok e ,ll6~ n CUll· I' li Of 0 I of oQnllnoli PI'OilS, I n 'n OIi"~u II of of .our (fI('n ' 8 arc ul SPUSCU to Ul800nlt"uo I ' oQreflillv. 'J.'hQ terms of lIubsr.rijnlo " lllsw ,Y ou. J\lll. 10. UO'llllee 01 pence(ul nlld ~"tlsraclory ro 11- , , ' I' il tl e e' he lhel r support, yot we Ilre not !nuc I thanp- fi,'c dollars n yellr ill ad.ance· nny ono puilltedj (ur we kll\Jw full well II)at , it Is sontlin .. four subscrltlhs l will ~eceive nil (11110" an'" III1Dled \"'mlore were Ihe oll ry Ion be'wee~ tile ~xpedltiolls ~ilillhe iDh~- bR,iI for 1)18 ?PROdQrunSFo/1 11" I~n Jail' r '. ~ , " ' \\'08 commllte to pr Ilg e . . , " L'l' ~ ' I' 0> , , ' , .. " , blt.otJ orlbe Islllnd, " . ' A . lion vas hilt! olr II 8imil ... an lInpo!til I Ill', Ilr one !nllll to p ensc. III eXI.1I cop, ,'nnd tbe pOlllnge. for 1I")' .?Dr oa n olles ' compllroblo to the preaent. for the ~IO weath~r ~t S an FrQ~loi~co continued c'&nr ne~J[~;~I:~~IIO b~"tl bOQ n r.ommi ttctl at o\'ory, r~sp(,ol. every body. We l\'IIIlIY be held ~uek from . nil ~aymen\.3 ill ad· lual 'fifte~n yeu;~ , In th e e~r1y parlnr tile ·ileligbtIut. ,From lhe Inlerlor tho ,cco\lnls h ~ It }~OU$e before Jtlstic" P elIon, tI'lI~ durlllg t,he y ~or, we llDve mllde lome vOllce. Comrllllnica tione Rh ouM be nd· 6econ~ mOlllh , 1838. lhe mer~ury ill the ,.pe.k o~{rp'lll~nt heovy loins, \Vhl,cl~, hllvo ~'I~h' I~e :nme rej·u)l. The 'f~rgi~illg hll~· ene,lIl1 es, bu~ we IIro happy to 801.' thnt dn!dsed te th e ll uhlisller of Alnericnn th~rmomcter:rell 10 16 delltces bQlow zero. the injury of Ihe Intftrel\a .nd rirht• of ill. PITTS'lI.GlJlj J.fI. 19. been ,of ,rcut benefit to \"cgetlltl'i,p, lind 111 5 rogllillCtllreusure, on~ relur· lUOSIl en00j'c8 arc perSOIiS Of wl~oDl \'.'0 Whig R'lvicw, 120 Nassou Bteel, Ne w 1'/ler 9 WOg o)so an u,nu. ua[ raU of SllOW.o" v'e ntor., ~c. , 'VII.had a be.y)' , lnow ,.eaterci. IQd y Tilled the r~vera.!rom five 10 ten (eet-nu· ned ho'mll ap pa rentfy 8ati~iiell,-SJlfillVilld co~ld expect 110 better. ,Yo havo the ~ou- York Ci ty. on Ibe grounu r"t ~he lime. whio:h 118,,11 at Also a petit,ion from 1. P. IAlYi. jvhoae lut Dight. • ' soling Ihou~ht 10 chcer U8, Ihat alll\ouJ.!h two weeks 011 the 10 of 1 month chum 0/1 lfoxlco WII rejected by the Board Kos.uth II .. 'not arrlved,lt II I.a,ed tile however to an extellll0 110 OilY damoge. • I ' , J db f. (~fQSI.)' Rtp, ~ I ' d ' . I ' . .' ) " ' ., " . lD ti\e dry Iggtng.' tho rOJ!, III een tiu· ,• . ' n ew ~uv~ ,tuTlle. "j,lU,"8t ~s, 10.'0 ~IDye all 'Buchanan" Journa! or- Mon for n~cejll:' 1848, the r'lIercllry fill! 10 14 degrees below Comml,monerll. atatlnJr that IUJultIF" he.v, In?w will dela, hil .rrl. I. ficleQt to el\ll,ble t~e mll\~r~ t/l , I)'be l'~wor or Un , npprovlIIg COIl81l1l'II,Ce, tb~t enables U8 to ber. 1851, i8 an unusually ir\ll)resti nl: num. zero' on the 8\h of Inme mU/llh. thert! loll bqen do.ne bllll, ,Dd Ihlt the.Dulrd had A carpe~ ba, Iielonrll!r to, a retartl~ ~'belr lllbor, ~I,th clm~lder:,ble succeal, Tliero is ,mlich enid. anll mllc~1 mlsu\l~erlI~oJIII \I'p w!th~ut' fiillollin~l, to Ibo CO\TI' beT. '·We Ilra. very muoh plrn8cd with ' i~ches of Ilnow; tllO weat'her. howey. lost hi~ p8p~,ra. " ' .. r" C.l jfoTP!' ,n WN ~'olen 'thl. mormn, .tthe i boua h ' ln9. the l' ,WoS """ilously looke~ . in 'r~ln,tion 10 ~he gigantIC p.ol,fer $If blUe~ ,bmt\Crlt'8 o~ perlcc~tI~n\.' work, in IDsny; re~~ect's~ 1 ~o~!' ~!od'l.rated: ', , , Aft~r conijlderable de~lIte ' the pelitlon de~t; it ClOnt.ioed three t~ou,.. od dollara ' (or. , 1\'llIoh rcnHers tl.le follolVlhg ) cor· , Some of our frlflllds , WIll di6cbntinue 011 the InoTIIlng of the 16th o~ lai"un thll table.for IIle, prelent., In golc!" • The papers contllio vett ~conlrndictor1 "h)'omo impo~lllneo ot thi~ time., th eir ~llb8crl'ptlon, 1101 out o( ilI"will to· monit h Ule mercury fl'lI to 14 degrees beMr, S\lmmer oft'ered . ' resolution dlrec'. Havigltion .&111 ~10iItd • • ccOUJlll rel~tive to Uie 1l~ld dllooverfo. in W'Q(lr~rDpt 'to {orgel the rollitlous' CllItl.'nt ~vord. our Pllper Of ou~s~lf, b\ll! Ih~t lhoir ""(' low z~fo. ' Ai 11 P. ~l. of sam" dlY It ti'ng en In'luiry into Ihe expediency orabol. We other cold, )loar V.lle" aome asserting tJlat Ihe el,im ur !.he omplre, cove~lhg more , t~lltj 6,000, cftCUDl&tDlICj!8 will 'not cO~l\'eniently al. ~lood ut 1r belolY f bUl owlllg 10 . ', .uddtln iBhlng. ~plrlt raljons 10 th~ ,NII'i. and In. _ _ ........,,-:-~_ _ _ __ k Ii b . " a For Ill. Miami VI.!tor, ' " J hu the appe.rance ,,(bemg nearly \Yor e 000 of aqunro mile8, !lnll e,!, racing !lc\)or • low !\Jem to cOlltinue their pa~o.nDge.- SmAY LF..AY£8 I'ROM MY ..b RT- change in the wedther~ II ruse to 8 below: crelsing the montbly pal' pf tbe marine.. BAI.T/.OBE. Jill. Jif. out, wllillt othere ~mrm Utat lltl! ~rBt , IIC. ing to the A tmanck de Gol~(I~, II pop~lotion To . \1l:b we ofror a friendly rll~elYell, hop· .'0l-.tO, the morning of tile 171h. On tbe litb Tbe re8,?lution -wn lald 'over. ' • The Brluch Jt.~k:o(Vi'llnll, It PQN, eoun~ b,ve been rully re,alizoJ. It IS 0 01 5,O-l9,266 a.oul!l. , A populllllon ,'0 illg al Ihe _ame li~~, that at lome .filt,~r~ tho prelent D1onlhi ,the merrur" varied I~t. Mr. Sto(;liton In!roduced • bill luthorii. mouth. "'I' robbed lut nllht oC .,6,000. reliable fact. bow ever; that Ihll original 8conly, over .. su face .0 vailt nee!!lBl\rlly ~l\y. \yc mlly aglllU rl.'nc\v· our 80cIlli 10· IIUr(nEII\ ,TWO. • , tie from Hi alio\'e zero 1111 eoy during tho Ule Pllllmlitef General to CQntraot rQr , ." 'f, " "IIK9'vurul'I hll!e ","k .'tlieir hole ', to requires IIlarie mUit ilry foroe to be kt;p~ lercour~~. We are /lorry to lose themt Bul foU of anow' on lhe momulg of \\le 19th, tbe malls between Jer.e, olt y " t k• , I .•I ' I ,I, " ' , depth of lJ lell lod batli lit en out ~OIl.taut1y pu foot !o~po ice purpo~e~;allu I ~e Cllnllot a8~ any onb ~o :neonvelllcllce i~ ~lood' ~l 11, below; \l,e following morthe towo, ut O.IW a, I~ ~rel'Dd; it ,W II The Potgm.e, tor t~ree llail.. 'belo",t~" 000 wor h o( gold., , R\l8ain.D al'llly!w\len upon !- PC4~q,.fOOting 18 t !ll) ml",IV,el, Oil, ~ur aqc ount. J , Ilt 6 A. M, a ,20 below; IIt' li M. r'.Cer~ec! , ~"I " ' 'r r"t, (.111,11 blocktcl, up "Itll 'Ie • ',11(", A . [WI ~n,~tvIJI/tJIIJ oro . delernlllleil on Y ce, gentlo J!'oot. Ihol' line 111 nqt IlRwo,rtllY . night, it fell to 2"~, be~ow ' Tbere M~. Cllull in~ro~ueed ,a jill nt, r~lOlutioo reet high. , , Tile ,«I,eral interests ot lbe ) ~I~te Cf& bately ad~qupte" to tilia e~d. I ~e, ,"0111/. declurlog ad~erance to the pre.e.nt .pd Tile Whl, State Conycotion 01 Norlb )Dore p.ro.p,,~eu •• aJid'lD.tte~ ,cob Inue to nal hu~bet Qf tt90Pl for ,tlull lerville 111185, I eavlIIg 1.1 9 , fllllply becaule we do .'IOt co~. n placl! hdhy 'P~i1~~19P~y.' .LIfe with ila was alsQ, tiurl ng the tllglit of tbe "'Umel more settled and I18t)lractory a~. 001> men, from WhiCh ,lhe yer1 best lIutbur- tluct ou~ paper, '0 \08 to !lccord wllb their . e' 'tt~ ."r', rftti96s Itl! 19V(\ ie bCllutlflll ' brillillnt /I0rlhern, \illitt. Dot Dtlfl odfd, long establil ed policy ,or ,the United Can/Una, meetl Ralelah. on the till of ' ' I \1 dotng " d' I )r . Iii 1I 'd d • 'b l ' f t HUl' -' ,- ",v T i l ! , , " d i I" •..-_ <i peet. Tlie ~ ne!. gener~,' lite . ' Itles requires us 10 educt ~l\~. IU ~o or~ OIYO Be " an ee.plCl e vlewa 0 ma· but il i8 thnt priu'ciplc of mind, wlticb ,is ever,. a,' is mo&tly HIe' elee, with ra I.t ng St~II:' Goy~rnmen~. Iplnah/ entangUng April. to .ppofnt delelPleuo ..... Nil 0011 well; and whilllilt the condltl~o of eeclc~y rive at the act~al for.ce. DlVllle tbe . ,fo~ee ttlrs ODd llungs. Such pdr1lons do not c~nOll the wiug. IhOit Inake. it ao. Tulu. lint's o( (light. Tltllre wf,re beud at -tlte alltll,nces wnl\ (orelgn lovern,m eotl, &:0; It Conyentiop. the ciliea hi. improved, there I! <\1(,or tbe inlme,nee terrl.torles rer \lny (avors , nor dllprlve. ue of I\ny from UI olll'emcmbrlllce of lite p•• t, .11 lime time repealqd e;cplollonl. rl!'aembllog \VIS laid on Ibe tlble Ind orderell be We b.ve 10'" on "ound oDe loot .110 a ClOretpoodlor unpfOveQlCnt In, lhe of the C~lIr, IlIId lbe mllttar)' urm wIll . be t flte, WhCD they j!lye or taklt, nwaY' tlum hope or the future ' leave us but !he pres- thn 1I0ise of >1\ fire Cracker, moat probably prluted. ~ deep. 'l.'he joint ret!!Jutioo milk log I.lid , war. ' u.iulog re,lo",l. ,Law ~Dd ordef"no~ pr~lty fnirly estimated. and lose its rx.ge~.ted 'potrbllage, )tllch ns we n~~~ IIUP?O~l, we ent, wlthont gleam IOf lighl, Irom 'deparlell attributa~le to tlll~ phenomeo~n In queel,; , cenerelly prevall',and.tb\l Chllrches IIrc ex· vAllqo. Pulnod alone e2n~oiD' nearl, a 110 not want thut of p: rson, who W'lh.lO dill'S, wilhout th~ glorious yisiona which 100. ' La.t month thore IVU about 6 ,IDCh'" r.nte ~1'lgn.ble wu ~lIeti up, .Dd ~me~d. , ; ,relalar ~ , whpleaqmll, Indoenee on .11 of the ,<,pulnUop of the emplr~; deprive ua,oC t~lIl [Iberty which God him· .hpd a brlghtne.. Dvel ou~ coming ye_fl. preaellt wout 8; . Wlpd me~t. were olfered •• klnr preilemptlon d ..... oC the communlty.- SI\II, ~.rtIlICisco demanda tho ',conatant prosence of self hll8 given UI. ' alld life \V~ulll D~r be de.frable. I cold weather this DlODlb olalms p.y.ble on ,w.rranta,~o; the JI ,~ot the ~ame 'oi , Iii tills ,e.peot \~~~ It portAon of. the .army to pre,sqfiVe ' the ,. Wo 'hllvlI ,a n!>blo II"~ cf. ~'i1baeriber1l, l~nd; eoCliantlripnt td the ' vle\\il io north 01 ,louth, ..... , ~!'et ",a.II».llyl~ ~oed. ' 1\'&1 • tWelve month alnc.. ' , IU\ dOIDiulltloo Inta~ . • Tbe wa~root~ com(lo~olf!of many penon, who IIwwlJllDg blo lbing~. Tho Sllnle neon truly J~e 1 month,21 1 11161. :When the, Sen, te atljoUrne4. " Moat of tm: damming e,llmponles 'ind of,UI,a armY ,l\mbrace. lIo\n1noll)' ~ooo,ooo to bear will! our faults. t~ '~k ovor ~~r ,er. in rtlr"rence to eartli Uy enjo,mctit~: Our .' o'the,. working In t,he bedl ofthe-rl vers men. Tbere II. lj9..weve~~ no reuon 10 lake ronr,Antl tq alldw us the, pfI\lllelleof thlnklllg jOJ' are all connected wuh .temiQisceDtle IU-pended O"r.tlb!!l. An . exteo.lve theae llgure' a* at all ne r the troe mor,k, (or OUr1ll11f. lUany o( Obr frienda entertain and" expl.'~~lioo.. ' Somjt paaslng 'cloud JIOIltc arm.petic oxide or Iron or!! had :RulBi. hue never been .l)le to place more views 011 somo .ubjecUt, with which we Bome .bado;v ,el~ on ev~ry' present en: =:::;:='=.==;;=!:::::;========:=~-. beea ~8COYerecl tbir~ mile. from Maryit320,000 men io tbe lI,eld;. Il~d these conn?llgree.i alld we also hold! ~o s~m'e joymenl. 0' r cue of biisl may speln (ull, Yi!le. on the ,J?I.cerwllle ro~d. , for the \lIo.l part bad~~ dlsclph,ned: aud do?t~,"e" which 0101 r.~nllot ,~(!~UleSee,- but 11,le very ~ldOm tliot BCjme drops Tb.lllne,y of ' tbo Plel6c ~llud Atlantic witholil ony ort~e IndivlauslulIIl nllllon I St'll th,~y do Dot ma~e thla ilt,ag~~o/Dl\nt bltlel'ness are not min\l'led willi it. In raRaltroad from,San FrmclaCo to SalllollC requi,ute to i~eat. military eucce8SeI, or ee~tll)lont a ~otlt!r of, per801'Qhl~1 hut viewing "I~n." of cl"'llar~d joj every hid bRD completed" ~nd D~. ~ob~ ",Ill Ameti9Qn mllitl •• oumberl ng; ~',OOO. are WIlling to lYe , lind tet o\llors hye.- ehade of I.~ppoin'tllll~!lt , vanlehea, ' eyery' .V". __ .• IhorU, lea,o~ for New Yorll to rille (und, compo.e. an army o( 11l8nitely IlfPII· W'e reel , Ib hopes tllat our ' (uture lJlter dark' tiloucr i jnkl benleDth ~the h'orison and (qr the p~utlon ~f ll~e ,,!,ork. ., tlJan eitbe r tlie pelce ur waf 'la· r.oursfl ~"j(h lbe.e ~II~ e!lntl~ue at pltls~. the cleat, be.u~irul light. "~eaellted from DYl,ml"". • fl1l1e l ~o J~ Vi"ltor ..,a tnat Ibe "ew of tllo ~~lIr: -, 'l.'ho fuct IfIllt nn. a~ the oBl , ~nd, ~hnt ,nothing :m"y de· lbe reghillB ~r ronc>". sheds th~ bflghtfle6s , , " Stat. H<iu" \1 nearl, C91l1pleled and eon· ",I\'or' Deb lowed eny ' one sroot cur to couae any thmg dI51!Breeable. l ' enchlntDlen OV~lr , be olierllbcd pic. Ice. $~e brings .9 p"pengel'l. • liderli It a aetUed poliit illat thl! le.t ~f in hlstoTY is , one evidence ~f her ,We hope a)1 of ollr rri~nde, no dllrer·1 ~ure. ,.' , Cotton ~l LlverpQoI liad declined 00 , OO.,ern~edt'wiil i!0l lie removed Igain. ' mortial weakDeiai lind other. are, ber enp e ,,:I)cther lh ~y .conUnue ~r ' d~l~o\l~ln. The flIrden. in ~'bicb 1I1001~lthe ft owen lbe l!lwer ~rlde.,owiJlg to Ill"Ilrror In the ~QUI, 'JlprehenslolJl .tru~gle wl( h Turkey, her WOI'tl b ~olmnd uc their lupport. Will acc!!p~ our klDd WII~- oC imnglnoHon. I. a Inentall'tiradiae, whOle IIock, ' wlllcb , show.. an exce", of . Saa!'tluciaco for. tbe of tb~ Iteam· end In Ihe ,Oaueal»ue; ovinoinii n la· ell fClr their futUre prosperi alld .bappl. gloria. deck our plLl!i.way, wh~n an ,tbinr b.l~" Importer~ wer~ le.1li1)1 treol,. er McKiml which left I-anama on the !a6tli menta,blo absellce o( s!)iellce and coarage nela. relll are dark .nd cbcQrleei. A. ilie oula 1rr&Y~1 at • Iou on the 10VOlce. ~he rece... . of Hoyemher. W'llli.a[ul\ load o(puaengere and elrectlllenoslt. Tn tbe Hul1garl~1l coo' ... • In the desert gliddellla Ihe worn aDd' we.1')' aloce the Slal December were .",000 Buuu,-ne C:omlllltt~ , 011 Publ T\e Board I?C Oom plonen blld previously t4\st, there were 120.000 troops . englgell; . Q::rM.OIlt'y, is at~lI a,n qbject 0(, t'ery ,qr.ea' lravellel, aD ' d~~. the (reehoe.p or tha\ balea. ' " . ' PriflUnl pre~nted • bill pro,ldin; for ez. e hllye ~Ol •• yet irard~n relresh tbe s~tidt, when bowed be. In c!)ns~quence of IlghL luppllel proD~Dced tb.. ~cKim uilleawofth)" , well kqown the dcci liive JJ.tt~,ell ImPo/'ollCt: WIth Ul . ellutin, tbe public, prill"ni II) Iccont.n~ . 8110W had 1.11en,to the deoth of six lIiy bAtween lhe ' .\ualriaps elld ,Magyars; becume 80 Ihorpugltly acgu~lDtea with nellth the wellth of rnier 10 often our ner- hu bee~ 10. more requeat •• nil grelt 1Irn;t. with the ct)nllitullon. Tile bill dlwidea The rirer "1'" (roan aolld to Brooklyn . , C91,Iotry,abon Do,vn! )gvilIe" ' .id k e"plDg s. .. D' pJ U,..image. ' lubleet Into fi':e he~da, hundred. , of -pIe , ID \he wbile" lhe ltiJeal!lnl were' only lenle.ble in fh,e 'le I~. n. ~e 0 f 1i"i Y , ng au up busi , . I lla"o in th e, lund o( bur neu b u been .naDII el t"'"I on tl.e p.r I 0 I • . ,.o ,be ' bld, fOI thl. moinln,l, 'T ..... _ ., ' of u1e neu on notIII ng. ue l0' pu t ItI' i n ' pracII, cI>.j If • Borrow and .hssppoin"mllnt ~' 10 o'clocll 'up portio,,' darken h 0Id er•• t'""~llg II tl18 d eman..'" h al no I be eo I'l~p.r'a"ly •• nd 10 be aWlrded l. to one 0' Wen eruula, on , ibe 'l ee; .bOUl , ' " . " • dlvldln'" an~ 'cooping, 'J!reldr ",IUa tlte '.DW~OIJ hIR.il., H ~', .. n y " • conBl''lJently we 1,",e10 hIve w0p1elhlnll. ' , I . , ie m fteo bu".ts y~ exten, iye for IIn("~lcle. penon, ••eClOl'dinlC to the l"III'n_ o( the lkInOle,lnd the ~Iee brollie 'in III die A " '..... ' ,~ lendlhip.' ClODl • ur~nan lOr I MQrine .' a gfrom "~IOI~Btheg bright II 0la\ld of im. · G u~db r~o dB 0 (ft our h IId a dvance d Gd to bide-the Governor. Audltbr, ~Dcl I'fl:tion., an,d .bout three bundrN ' ', cop)' 0 [the , .,.,.a y o. r T~e RutlBlan 1. rormidobl" itt the and Ihllt wbic h we gel, WI! ha.e!o pay ,our ,ur. ~ ' onJourney the si ht r vD merce.aud , navli.~lo~ ~tweon Great- Brl7 number ohei .e!Il, botin al l otll'e r relpee\S We have ~eyerol bills... ~hieh ore now duo. II Pination. g Thl!lI lhe 8plrlt. on wjggs 8d ~ ~rl •• and 'R ed Wheat 2d 11 bwh" or St.te 10 be thl olllcer. to carry 'Nere carried I"', OD the . 8oathll ..kill. ubund the llI·od ",blcb I"landl, ~llned al~ ntem tUlle.. It conlillt. of fOrly~f1ye BIJ" olhetll that 80un will be due, to p.oy; li!ht ' IInd bOllul)'. ,eve" uoreBtfiloed, Jm!tao Corn WII neglected. , the l.w inlo' executlOD. NOlie.. of the Th. m... t p.io(ul eacltemeat pJenile. "n tbe loth llil)' haa lUI: be'l ahlpl oitbe line.lblrly (rigalCl. and a tlue and how to"pay them, we not, unleu heeding alorm .nd tempest. The beart. Tllllow wude!lllnln,-. bida .re. to ,be publi.bad la two Colamblll thOle on .nd I. tbe ,.11fIII recel'jed. , Il i!' oao of eDtire rec :;oca proportion or smaller veuela. It 18 Ii lit~le 60me of our pair""., who are in orraars. whioh 1ST cruahed .n·d b)eedit" bl the Beer wu depre"ltd. p.pere for lwo w~ek.. The bill " .. reM 'pnt!'d. hundr•• ro.hed di.WII JA) dl~ .rlYft , ~~Iql theexcePtlon~:: r:":he ~:: remarkable that the navy! of Clltheril,e T,. w'iJI come for,Wllrd at onee,' " We trust burden of .or~w, filpds. beallng b~lm in I Theltock ~r ,por"k ~.. nhaUilecl, the fir.t time. and rend.red ,.,., UllltanteUlthe&pow. ",,,tioD, of~ CO!ltlnl ,~ ( .Ince 'WIS greatlv 8uperior io tbat every ono indebted to liS. WJIl muke its bure lounlains Tire mind broodiDg Dacon wu .rmln" O1or. (reel,. bllt Afler cIID.lder.ble debet. tlie Houae er. IpecU.e CO\1btri'e.. Brttlilh ar snd adioallce of ao immedlale elroTt to p.yup. If they do, over whtch ihlld pursed" and cher. cOlltlnued dull. '\ ' " .steed Lu employ two more m8lunpr It Ia 'e.nd alltlt! Ilamlle, h••e peri.b•. l e Co enjllY tpe I!rI~Il!~ 1.lt~', ,CODCtC~O 1180 interest blUl been aUende\! they willllnQble ua to' keep o",r promisea; 'uhed Ivilh ~ coro ~I;icb 181 added to II~ Lard wy firm. W)tl\ Illlea of 100 ~OIl'lt bo)'s in .ddltlon ,to 'our .'re~r emplu,ed. ed; m.n,.lllIIlII.....re NeD " Oil tI.e Ic.~ 10 thou of the United Slate•• 0 enter ng , 'I I d b k th t ' . ' 428 to 43" r , The I\"pfob~tlon 'bill: II 'lIIead8ct. elIDe .Dd it 1'.011 bUul thlr'ihe;' eaC.ped. '~ certIln'port. In nddiuen to HOllollllu aDd by a , contraction f lli~ arm oe~~· f t ley 0 not, rell •• em we !lIUS . poig~sncy. il. suddllnly~ ,loused (rom its Chec'e ~ •• q:iet. Butter w.. In from tbe Sen.te~ ",bID t~o Ho..... 111 a 1 • ".L . d t 'b II eel to trade to 80ry to prot.est It. , ' . morbId state.l>1 BOlne, url,ht blo'!Dl. Ilur· tv r 7~ t i e d 'til d ' ~.JD', an are ~ e. (1W ' It i8 I p08Bibielo. nrrive at tlie IInllDcla! ~ AI we w1ah wJ\boul delay to draw tured in the arde'~, of Cancy and pro"l. de~lInd. vo 0 0, qre .to e .meo mellt. Yo_It,ll •• IO~ th,~...ount o; two hun,~rei:i dollars without Itren' O:or tbe omplre. Ehry elrort la olr, our list of .~~scriber8 onto neW booka, dontiall dro ged DI Its path. ' The London money mar~et 111'11, ell~. The report ot llie Clnclnoltl ,TowDlhip The "eat be, II the eol....' '11'1\ the paymeotofduUeI oCany kind. Tbey 1.1 g l'c Tbe Govemm~nt we DIIQin request those who desire to disYd PP, I . , db No cbange .lilll taken plaoe , n bullion; It A.,lum, w" ,llid 00 ,"e 'llIle. bl"eb.d thl. aeonn; tile thermometer It. ' al u ·'11 the ordlnll"' Import ma e t.9 conceo I" , , energy, etermtnlt OD. are In.pire 'I l ' d . e'd d Id ' Wb h H t k ' , IDa,.. JO pon pSJ I g , "' , , ' ever publlahesany atstement of .finance I, ClOnllllutl, to inrorm us at once. . light. on Dod 0'0 'brighteoillg: aDd .tllI Will ~ ow 10 em.D, an go wu more eD t e OUIO 00 a rec.e... ., o,clock tbla morolo, .tGOd I" ....D .... 01' eaport dutie •• "lrado to tho further n '" ' . ' . . Con.ol, IIltlled .t 97<1 97t; ...1 ' Th D __• I ' bril:htcning. new betautlea and new glom" Id n "', I~ee. ow I8ro, e _ n.er I. 100, thOll- a d dollara before becoming and we can onTy ba,e our conJe.clurCl 00 r o one In , '1.1 bl d' I f . '.iden o:7ThAl'u"'lic r\!,ceptl~n or KOlIulh io (, II • th 'd mlrket unMett e • A er.oo • •e .. 0.. : Aa ~ d I I foot. liable to port ~h.rgel. A .provision is 10- the unavol. e lie ,01UTel ~ D leI " I· H ' I " d d appear; • purp'*; ill orm~ IDa e mill F' oreigD ucli.n,e wu unch.n ..ed a.UTIl_The Se'l'" went lntu • Com- ' TI art' an J~~PGe cr:a'~~~1 ' .. _•• , IrrlsbuTg, ,.ennay Vllml, WII atten c whlcb had aulfered ill!elf to beClOme t h e . • ." I d' i " • e.m .... p _ ••a.l.,., ow. __ a., aurte •· 'er of Daval or mil· tal pioch. Tlte current lIotlons of RUls a '"b" "hOI e "Dce oC'I'h e are founded on the liberality of the with .ome disgraceful actioDI. 011 th e bond.slne of earth.borD feeliDp .h.kel Trade 10 the dlltrlet. C!t the W lole,.n .Ilet the coo. d· ed by.he Ice. 8he brio,. lit p.... itar, e.....er.... Ie 0 coos quI' , . " , b d t' d Otl lel tiy ' ',,"lIn"n cr.llon of .eYeral bllll.rote "hen , ' j~ , I t C Ii' ' '8 n t llhout 1m pay to the dlplomalic agninat: and the tu· part of aome of llie big crOtDd that \Vent to off its shOlcklel, .nd; l'ejoicea io ill! free. "a con Ipue mer, 1 Ie e, I ~ • • .od ,raa.ferred 160 tuthe Plilladelph.. at" prOllll& t1 '! II; ,ofUla,I 0 W ' I' . {'mmenlA -ecelpls from the Ural .e" the 'big m~n,' ' \ Vhen will Ihe folly of d Illd mloufucturere ",ere UDder ordell Cor 1ltlr. AtktnlOn olf.. red a resolutioll c.ll· H f N b Ie ' ..... 1 ff -.:dee· .nd' thero I, al80 Ilclause for t.e mon 0 I ~ , .. 'I ..,. om. , " rd Id b th Alldlto f 8" ...- awuI. tIf e" r .....a.e. ClOp 0 ' ~':kle'iI~ or. Dritlsh packet I"('n 10 ~~se mine.. Dut why wal iuhata two moo.\ba min cease, lind w hell' will men learn to Diseue .It.cke our prison.house some tlme~ bu~ ne '# 0 era WOUd' e ~~ ng 00 e r o. t~ to rerv.. war Alba., ".. ., Cbl"". .bel wu to' .... ' . compalgn . . H ungary 0 f a lilt ' th part 01 pay respect to III0 worthy In a proper clo)" pa in rob);' ' c harDl. we .t •, .,ecli ne corre.poD B.nk. compiled 1.11 (or Bla IUID OD the 'th. TIIt 'E~ c8tabU.hed ID • I.e.o t It,e ' 10, Wh... whit L of" had h lIl. 1861Withh ,tbe b t L -.,,· .hou' d " t , Iny time be. ""'.. I. aw ....Irc '.. ' • W Ie " WII I Citlh'd DOt urIv.... -.! British ",ail.packets touChiDg.t 1. '1Io1t hi. pretendt!d aton d'JOg army 0bll ged th e manner t, o\'er our wBlled hel\)I~, ligb ..t t he ran· the decline III colton d' f B ~ .doptee!. ' pre " b!tD th e Gto.... , • •• • ;es 01 flise ..e.,and lool( (or repoee .in the 'l.'he overl.lI ~cCOllntl rom om, AI.. _"'" _.! I ' ir II. left. , ., the Illand • The ratificati~n of Ille trellty CZllr to ~ng II lOin of 14,23~.00 ru.blee • , Wh Y II " U th at the N L ' d frlen d .nil C.lcutta reaCbed En .. laod 'r but the , .r, ..ungen. ....e.- a relO U'IOII requ ";"e ID tbe 'J'orre.t C_. !llA) tiki jii.~e by tlle lOth of Mlly from c.pi.'ahats" a· SPRlt{G V.HLEY B"I'1I).-Thll company allent land or the .Ieepel'l., A.IO , . au te.U~·n1 . l.i I Ti!IW. ' tion.1 Debt growl rapidly and onormolilly, paid our town. wisit n TueacllY evenlnlr \lrings UI a vale of !lOWIII'I called from oor ClOmmercIII newe .. rather ullfavo able. log tbe CommlUee 00 Public LaDda to en- clOHtl to d", "hen 1IIh_ V.n luna 00Il' DItJ'OO already uceedlng 1,600.000.000 rublel of of this week , Although their comhig favorile haunts, aodi. for. time, our p.1ne The ~rvpoaed lo..n to the Great Wea· quiro Inlo. report of alledpd ~bDlea io menced.ummIDrup. "DEI ' O .... -~Dt. 8i1ver, Qr $1,200,000,0001 Wby is it the w •• rather unexpected by msny. yea quite are rorgottco, ODr moauhlga aUlled . tero Rallrold O.nada Company. of 1200, the ..Ie of certalo laod,. Adopted, th 000 h 6 Ld t When t.be Sen.te .djourned. Tb~ lCe of a1ltlr, Little, pointer of Can· current annual recop~ aeldom meet a a Inrge number of our cltlzeu. ~~.embled These earthl1 ftCl!~ers re.lye, In UJ . ~Id .on t e per cen epen urel. repay.: HOll'E.,-A mOllon " •• made to recon. PITTlBl7aGB, Jaa. aD. . t01l H.!:, eloped on Frldny Ille l!alh inll., curreut annual expendlturee, at II po· at the Concert Hall, which WIsl!gbtcd up We 19a1n In (amlllllr billm 186!7, had been cumpleted In -,:",n .ider the .pte by "illch IIr. Jelone" o( A jOlat rectolutlon bu beell ID'rocI.... , "Ith au En,UlbmUt b, the DQnlO Lay, riOei of geoernl p~nce Why IS It that the for tho "urpoee, to li,ten 10 tbelr,aoul.atlr. paths. I..ten to tamilint lOundl" and. from du~. , • Lor.ia COUlit ,"¥ IlIo"ed bia pe; diem, Into ~e Rennl,lnoia Lerlal.lure, ..... ' who II In the' em,lo.1 of Mr. Little De a treasury from ftll UI re.oureGs; tut's , upon ring ~u.lc. We were ,ery much plel •• whQt h.~ ~een, we "auder.,n tIll we are l'he Looalon Mornhlg Ai\vertl~er wbich ve rree to I .hlrpclellate ID wblch dooln, the W.U~I ,b'HaJe Ilil. ~ Arter remaiQlng at home serfs of the crllwn; the monopoly of ed wllh tbe , perform.nce of tbe Band, loet In VUlIOOIU')' mllZOl. Tbe flowera th.t the caUIe of Lord p.lmeretoo I retlg- th '7ta r th CUI "11'8 It motioD b.. c a . tloa b"" d s the disconsolate hua· brandy. saltpetre, powder, &'0'; ltamp8 ud Although it bll oot been' lonr org.nized, imallinatioD lure us 00 tbrouab the ,wllder. D.tlon, WII InterCerence,on tlte'plrtof e : e IDd I Jup m..tllIl Ia Co • ta I na. u n . " f' \h Ii II enrolments· cuetome a uriel,. of other it would be hard to find many comploies ne •• of earth up to tbe porlila of the tbe Prime MInister, io the .8"alr. of tbe great engt , nipt. . '. e, d t ; : Importa, to eXlra'ct a rc!,eoue equil tb.t can Ito-abeld of thil, We hope that LaDd or We can lee them Forelp Beerttlry. that Lord ••Tbe InOLl:: \n recouider preYilled, b)' The "eltlaer'l. excleecliDJl1 coW. o~ ar Pl IO , hPO cou Ie to that or the Uniled Stotel. TM ,""" ii, we mly rrequently n.'ceive mill from (hit blOl)mioi eyell on lbe verae of the rr.n on ..certainin, the rl\lla, "u iDdi,n.nt. y'.1 to a.,I. ley I Hotel, ud there dt and be!r. Reusw A 10nglY.r would provo Band. brlahten'lng 'd.rk ,alley' and glowin, Ind byletter,deDludld an upl.n.UoDl \be A .ole ,WII tbeo takeo 00 If.Dtln, JIr. momfter 16 de.,.. below sera. an ren; n I lie.ed a th ber purporllnl to b i • Cellrim-. •• in unrivalled lo.ellll'" ip the bright ray. IIlIwer of the Prime Ilioiller wu npe Kinae, btl pll. ud It "" 100t.b), 86 I. . tba name of a3', bad" 0 i d e· To CoaU8!'OIfDEIfTl.-F. S.,lhe article ,,( the BUD'of RlrbteoUllle.. We rejoice aud • hu1llini, .od 'the reault wu. leoatJ11 to 46 Dlyl. , Pft'rnVUII.IlIi. 10. P. II. bout or tan d."a be 10 e T .... Y •• Journal. sped. i • .accepted and will Sp...... to think Ihet earth- Ia our home but botweeD them. IIr. Gut, )lr, W.nt .otI othen " " TIle wu the eow.t 1M lII0I'0'0, for th. bo,rdlOg.boul e of 1111'11 ... _ .. ti r tnt I£&iDlt the proceecI. k here lbla I tIie .... Sail. TakU'I, "ith blm Conltlble Alii., illg of Brotber 10n.tIl_D. ..,.a:-':rhe F, B. E. Accepted, tIIat ill these ".)'~Ie ft~er. we can catch Tbe mljorlt1 for Lou.. N.poleoa Iti , ..'198 ~o ce., • pro .nr _II __ .. h. proceaeded lA) )11'1. Ban', .nd there walat or hi. COlt m'l be rldicuI01l.I, Ih.>rt; ••• 'a ,lImpae of ,!ol')' yet to lie' lind auticl. 47V, be W'u in.~reted &t Parla 00 the 10'" .omelor 1&00II1" de...... "'Iow ...". fj ncI that t1Ie partle. had lel'\ ror partl un· the tall of It rldiculoDlI, 10D" hie sbirt L(~ERARY l'IOTICBI. p.te the delight. or th.t land "here th_ lint of lauual')'. No dlIturbauce Mr. BU" olre~ a rNtI1ulIoII ~_l,; TIle barbor la~loIM wltll I.., , : : " .1 bl9la, ItIid .t lin. BsU'. bot 1'411,,, ma,. aWorb tbe produce of • wbole tlcJJn, tnea .hiad,.,... lball gin pl.ct place UPOD the 10. the Aatlitlll' to It.te the IlIIOUlit of lin Lim. h"ll1, field of flu. hil p.DtalooD. ml1 DOt come TJp 0&04. 0' TD TuiftuJrCI RIl. to the Rea\ity they h"l1 beeD lent te 1m. tuM a..-ecIlpl.1t th• .BaDa. Lotna'flloUt 10. . . . . . ira· & cbUoD mill, ber !aDlMa" beilW thl topa or bl. boola; .ad bl••trapa ,o~.-Tbla Ia lb, Utle or • ne" ~ !p 10 our b~ _ _ _ _ After U.e ,.....D~ II .....1 ,.u. fte ......, II .lInal.. At • ..... 6at Me __,. _k that - - 01 m.~ 10011 •• tbou.b tl.er "ere IDteDded to perlaee P.per. publllbecl Iii CiDelDlllti. b e triM or til. KIDJ DC Terror. tile HQQII Mjoamed. ....... tlllI ___. . . . . . . . . . ....... Ii'IIIII ... COIIIItltlOtly thlf prennt the p.ntll I!'OID lOlli' ower bIa Ohto. b, • C",mlttee .ppoill~ ' 'or th.t cbUIed ,oar taopea.· u he ...,. in atll.~""~ .. ea........... foaIMt that within beatt; bl mil •• ID abort, the 1D00t Oil- purpoae, by the Graod DI,ialOa 01 the retrMt, I rona ... the-JIII" oC ". ...... A-li ......... .. BVI'I'£ItDo I ..... . , ........ or preaelltahle IlIaD 1011 caD CODClI. . of; bat SoDa or Tempenace. ID Oblo. Tb. priDe .,.., til, JoT 01 lIem.. With w.............. .... u tilt B - . ...... "'pe&tb the 1I_tII.... 01 bl. dreae. ... dpla objeet In Yle., II to tile ...... I " aye . . look on
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Wheat il bu Corn 1il Bmrley, @ Oats .3!! doz Outs ~ bu
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Flour, Nl bbl 325r. do '1P cwt I 75c Duttt:,.l1 lb 15c E~g9 111 dc)z 151' Lard LOIlS~ ~ 11> 8 @9c I'\llltlo~ 1" lIu iS5c Apples, ~ J.m cret'n 8100 dr cd S200 ClllckcJII~~ ·1iJ dOi 1.60c Fl'uihors j lR Ib, Sl!e Rn, Colfee II 12c. New Orlemna 8ugor, 1> tL 8j @llc Muple, do 8~ @ 9c New Orlean. MolaflRoe 1P gul bOo Sugar HOllge MolasyeR, tlilol 6Ur Muple Mulo8sl!e, 11 gill 1l0@71lc 190 P e pper, ~ 11> Allllplc1h till> 19r Willie ~sh J.l bbl -c WhIte hl[ bbl Lok" Salt] bbl, Flax Seod bll
~=~~==~~~~~==~= I
AVE 0081;8.
duy pioct'd my boo1£s notee lind dUo bl'ts In the hllnd" Df J C Col letl for collecllon, thoso Iili0WlDII' Aelves IlIdebtW WIll cOloe forwClrd w, OUI delay. as 1 am much prossoo to my obllg.uonl....Jj'wo weeJ1s noheo be given, aller 1i'llfCh CO$18 \\ '., " rr''Ilu THOUAS " Waynesville Jail 13th 1~li2 51 11118
propnlte Dnd handBOme enFnwlDgI-lhan an1 "lht'r piper pubhehe.d in A menu Por proof, we refer 10U to the p"per Itself -elch n.mber of wh,ch we atn"e to D1.llk" Uleful, Pure, Eloquent lind attrllc' tlfl'.
,.be EdItor. of tI e N£lv YOIlI(EIl e'fll tltty 1.11<11 to millie It a Relinble GUIde Oil the Important Practical SubJe~1t di~euaaed to ItI ample pag,,,-,od to .keep Ita cui umn. free rrnm anytblllj( calculated to VI 1"'!At tho bean or cornlpt lhe morale A I I d 1 I r h01 .re ... IIIM by a numel'tllli corp. of II IItln!tit nl an mportant mee, n" contrlbulo-. Ind corre.pondent•• cllpable of tlte Ne. :lerae" ~tale Cotomution tJo- of eddm, il1terett .nd vllue to the palIeI de,y wu held 011 Friay eyenlnl, 9th "f an1 publicat,on Inet • Hewark.t II b J H The ThIrd Volum~, commenc,ng Juuo , "Ill III Corn ht 1852 wllIuhlbll cO rell and 1m blower, Eaq 1 pr",ded and an .ddreu .AI "rove.'nent' m I!oth conu>:t, If.nd IIppear d'hnred by the aev Dr B.ethum. The :nce New type, bettor paper •• n~ filler State Society pro~ to l""cliaH I enpvlIlg., "1\1 IfII~rovB lite volume (52 of 190,(100 auelor lana In Llbenl, on numbe",) In beaut)' and attr~&tl"ene"l hi h t t d I Each nwnber OOfIlllinl E gilt D~ ub1e • e 0 0110 • co OD1. to be kaown III Quarto PI ~rort eolulDnM} w,lh Index, He" J.ney , It ",a. reaolyec\ to ralae the 6.c It the':i~~ olvotumc whole .mOtlnt neeeaH'1to elrect the purTERMS, to advanee '3. yut-Thr" .blH ID tbe clly or Newarli Ind a C Coplea one 1"u for ~-SIlC Cup'eII ror , om. T en C ' ) r 18lttee of CUIIeDI We1e appolnled to eta"1 , I 0-- La 0p~IH (and one tq;O ~nl, p'OT t6 tIliI rp retnlUme are 0 "..,.. to l1li1 out rnol'e lIutcra aila otticra d"poeeel to act a. l,enla Nu. II llie time '0 .ub.crtt.e! 8fK'CIme., num~ra &:.c , lent to all poet paid ap ,hcall'e 8ubtcrlpllon mon"1, ProIWrly enclc.ed, can bft mailed at the rlak uf Ih. Ily the aHofHIoaD'IOlnlmut and ~ublltbt' Addl'l!ll DDT 1I00RE ~ltiOD Powli-r. I b.,••Dllrely curejla Roc:nnu, N Y ' 6i luI. ft_ .y b _ -'-_.I ... , - - .......~hi. COIIIIlatoa ~ diu 10 per enl JIIOT1ce. the aoet or th. attdlcl.. AIH! • The Clinton and Warten Anti !:tIllery eow ft . . . . 110 '"We .. to M eoa.W- 8ocaet)' W111 tlftllll In the Wellerla ~ ...&..Ioa.M.et1na Howe I. N_ Burnap", at 10
o·cIock, A
",OG 8uDIitty tIItl6llaof Ja..
to . - ..... ab ... .......-. ~. A....,.I .t.trada. . ~ lite . . !If I...... wr • ...... ... tha, a due, I. OWN
die.......... ........ ....
FEIUALES WIIo ... If.r rrom • m rl M .n~ unnalura, aODdilloD will find Ihh M~i.tn. or
.an, ........... ..:....
II.... t..ttetl JlI ~mC"Cl1 Il)a U OUi.n • more I,. t-o"
• otter I~.tmtnt .nd lIot one ill It.ary C..I' of failure hat 1 oi ~"RI>l1l1id. V9lum .. <""Id b. llJld
wl(lI .. rIlOe.I.. of I~O'. wbo h".. b ••n j>Orml> n.nllf lllt-l (I• •
oa tile IreDt, a"
rd. 1'IBI':BLET,
Conlalnlnlfu,.CorUeoat.. ot n.""rk,bl.Cllr•• u6 IIi ... I,h ..tlm,lIon In whl~b til. lTedlet •• I. h.14
LA of Flower, A new supply of elellanl Gift Book frum Pub "llb.I'o~Uc r_s-c.n w bOil or 1II. "I pu, r.... " hr. ... At the Wavllcevtle Book lind f1nn ... Prlaa 60 Cut. per Lup Iottl.. cy Slore "0\ EL ATTRACTION erlKI ...) 0111 ... 12~ FUI ro:oi IT N :r.. 1(0.1.1re b SoI,I t Y It BElt1:> BROTlIER rrUE SUBSCRIBER" TO SARTAIN S __A_U ..:.Ih; ..:.o..:.r_ll_od_ "l: :;."_"_IA_ I_o_r _W_o_,r_n_ M_T~II_lo._ __ Magsztoo WIll reeel"e, wtlb the Februar1 number I lugftlJ 1I1I1,hed ud bCl.utl ful repr~enl.tiOn IIf tho New Cop,'t.1 at 'V.. hmton, engra\led on aleel In iho hlle manlier Illd by Ireclml perm".ion. from the authelltlC government pl.ns ThiS auperb bl)lldlni when compllllcd c:oDform~bly w,tb tho adopted delil"U$ .hown 10 the engra"inga, will be 11011 tI,e most magm1iceot _truelUfH In world, and altogelher \Yofthy of I end powerful nation It flvala In eur lod yu~ne.. thf' "MOUII edi6cetl the RU"IIII lutocrat It St Pelel'lburg, ~I">II--d".ill.'nctl wb,le It lutp..llfl them lb elelanee of de- Ca,'r!·IljIU; l i p Ind punt)' of tIl_te J"ldea the larp onfr.. ln " on lteel, the aceompall)IO, clncraptlYII artll:.le WII! be aUltabl),III"Itr.tecl by other '1/"811 of 'hll noble plfe o( ;"~::~rel~:"::bre beall', purch .... ""lIld I" well W Tile ..m. lIum..... WI\I COII ..ln kI .. bUf1.n• •1 wbere 1I,~,.. ltlh. promlHd enl".. la,. o......1, or Blueb- lund. of job work .nI.. ",..t plelu"" l'e'(ll'Heathl, Culum" ' IDd hie eo."l1~ .uead '" the _Leba_DO_n_,lk_e_ _ _<~-=:-_--::_ CIa""'a.. aetiplaa Cer.laOoiel In the
New World.
'0\'" ,lata
Ii,., WE
aN .f
,. \_. . .., ltlr5..=;:i
c..,.. or Ot:NII:IlA L Df 811.,'I11' Ill.
ola. ACTa t.IlU A CIIAJlM '1' B 0 V. A . . D •
worda.... ..,..., ...
THE HOUSE and lilt kflown as the €ummllll.ra' ProperlY' -SILU"led on the weat end 01 Miami atreet Wit}' nellvllle, Olllll. near the Fr,end~" lleo tlng Housc \I offered forsnll' lI"dpos.eMIOI) clln beglv en lIy tho first of :April 186:1 If Ihe proplOrty I. lold rhe house 'lone story I frome With thrt'e rooma tho lot conti n8 obollt ono Dcrt' Ind 01' It there .ro .everal ktnd$ of fruit tree, A good well of \VD ler 18 on the p'reml8l's For terma l\Dd other pOftu;uldtll IIpply to Thom", B flJCCOmll8 "I \Vnynll,mJle, or John Cum Jlml, Alorruw OhiO Janunry 15th 186ll lSI 31Y
wonb. ,.,'.......pdoe 10 III-
t ....
'h~ Ie
AI r n
lhe dt l Oll
my ,pi
pi ()l~
I" ru no III
eu cu
\\"1lIT1"EN r on Til t;
BY 'Vc [lnrtc<l,
, -110 more for lOa,
QI~. ,
LluuOllhQ I.\lul OU\lor, l'fb (llorc the 6onl:~ t Or'a 81\ O~ICI'I lOllI:, ball churm Ihu tlronry )lOurs YUill tho Mo n ru'YlIlIiI Illn nlillol, Or:.h," ~ til" Gotl 01 any, Y Ulll'lnC to 010 hll titllill dellaht, WhOJ\lhou Illy 1(IVOI 1Ir1 lur 0'1 ay
"''' ..... 1L·
'rt " ,. ry
blld for
to lit thuro h \\ Ith wilL I'llItll4.'1I ,llntl,hIlt1P (eN.' '" 1110
'Three or 'our dollllu,' WUI thc rep,y ('1'ho SI,crlti' bemg preaenl.)1'how much ngh, I,~ lI\yun ullly (!Ilve ordeu that .. II ('11 , 18 It, ~Jy :::I1~crllT.' .lIlDpmCnlS hll\ll~ be mud$ Of'Ar tloe OIUIn 'Four dullArs. &e"cnl~olivc • ~ bo Iy, to prey lit surprise ..lid ' lillurl'll, but : Well,' .u1~ Ihe 9 ul "I,ere II the mopey . he II 101 unc Ollii'f'r, Cup , (:~ . who, nllh"uglt I but don', Illl me ~alch I UU hern nglllltrOr Lro~o! III~IJ"wae r Iller lawle8l, nnd dl,;[thtllailloullt,' po~ d to I'l'owl nri,I'llil~ h ·wlltlck' about on The Col. ,.Jdrused 111(' ncat ODe. 'W~ll. III 0\\111 account \Vhl'n tho I"Din camp lir, what ale l' u he re (ul" • fires were iiI ul I"ght.lllt W'ouill rtl!qut'lIt· I 'For debl, It,' f} be 8,,('n olf Uli eonle hili Ilr ,taelf. . 'Uow Dlu ch 1.111 11111 perh I-P', Irum ( e 00,('1"14, aud ill a very ·Twenly.live dollclrs or .mo~e ' l'sp;I:IIl,l lIllIlallun OI!D J.ck on finallJ • 'Yes; Mllld Iho ShCfllT, 'l~enl1· fi"o dol. Ir '
'Thllrl J knowed'd I coald do l(.c T holh' t clbm .prueel\ and ~ bIte -mapln an my doy. rur noth!n! Good bye, (olks" in' 'f eo II)' of yeou ever cum dOwo Clul, jilt I:UY UII a enllJ Zeke lef& ,the crowd , in wonder,,,ancl made the beat of hui way to lUI tubl •• He .hut the door ortbe ahed, .nd then pullIng up hla trowlen, he 1471tw ,t'll'" ,1.e ill'-
WlIIII.' Gen. JUIll/aun W88 opalilung m Ih ~ Creek OQuotr), .. orno twenty odd yedrd 0
AD rDclllaa t. About SIX we ks ago. Il bCDOIHu I Dnd Inlell'r'lIYOUlIg lady named eUppl!D, reo 1 10 yuu hero all,"n.' • i1dlnll In Lllwrenl'eburllh, Indllln., came Tit Culoool I'ul 'he umo QI\OIt!Oll '0 to LIII. ('h, 111'00 • vi It to her .11Ilettl) the thIrd OM,and p~tllwclIlll .ivo 1I~11l.n fOT hla \tbttrall"".
• ' Wetl, \t '. eurt_ lIow Wtll CO o'n ..... ground. Why_,lIe trH' .Uloollul( til" 'an' a danC:ID' a i'g to ilciubltll quiek lIme. f kIn ntoollec:t left or twelye ,e-,.
YOlr--I·· .. -II-tl I . :.. s"rted rrom
-ro. dI.,
D\lttln, Oft • WedMl!lle1 i
strl)ngth ," The 1I141<\U]. of Llln.down Iluu If'mll'rcd hla rUlgnutlon a. Prnitlent DC Commerce The iDtelligence froQI the Cope or Gvod Hope Wei dl ...tro~. Tbe British forcea hid bun de fea ted III two engagements, lever.1 officera 0 nd Olell klll,d. N100 handred ~rench pohtlcil p'ltoncr. to
unto day utlcroth speech, and night I,ullO night ehpwel\j knowlcd~() .
oto TillIE WIN'l'ERS. In 16G4 the cold
Intenso ll,nl
~ tllIl
QII'l'~ IY'D~ co~ercd wlll~ lue 8lXly·dne
__ -
----oo-ny re/crollc.c 10 our
tblck. MEMPHIS, J~n 24
colAlOh el CbQ!ldler has co mmenced Saddle lind Hnr· I The prol~ nt ,car IVIII be Ihe , decl- DeliS mnnu faclurlllg III thiS ploe!:', at the ding' dmll,' 08 to th e qlleJltloll, \lI hl3 llier shop Qn tile onst 61JO of MOin s lree t, for. 'Vay e~llllll, Qliiq, can o~ cQnno' ~upport m~rly oc(uple by nJr 1 T . Smith, (or the a \viekly ne l"llpaper. 1/ (he CIIIZQI18 eame purpc~c , }i'rum our poraonal know 1," .. ,,,1 ) tltll pllco ~ ro dctcrl)linP.u th !t~ tb" po A ,FEW ,","ORbs IN EARNEST
Almost all the bird. Iltlrllh.
Tho Itenm"rl Paul Antit!rson und Pntiu th!! WP.llt hove arrived from below. It Iii reported thl1t the PlliIer ~flI'cr IVIlS 1l1owII up near lho lOPulh of Willto river, ond leverul perions were ' kdletl. but \ yet \\'0 hovo rUCl'lv.:uno pl1ruculur~. Tile 1(\0 ,S 81111 running in 1'!Tge ci&.ke8. Tho' rlver .. ru ill ng. The Dulllltl ll 1IIIII'e tl,ls mornl ?1r for
umus, il wil l be seen li\Dt IItr
111 1692 tho auld was so oxcossivo, lll ni the ru mi. hed wqlv~8 ~n t('reil YI4,\II01l DIU\ ollu r ke d beusts ami tven I1ICII. lIiuny. peo pl\! III G,ormnny wete rrLJ~:tlll 10 deuth In, IGUb IlIIJ 1699 wna neurly a8 but! In 17090ucurro(! that lalllons Wlul cnll .. d ~y diStinction, the f old wimer, All the livers III1U luk!:'8 were frl)%!ln, ulld' evell tho leu for s evern I mllea (rom th o ~hur e, 'l'be ground wae f,ozen nino feot cleep Birds uud Ilnoslil wero 8lruc,k dent! in lile H OLY SPRIIIGS, 1\1181. JbO . lid. , field, DlIu Olen perl.hed by tho\laonds I enrtl{qnujt" thOll hOu~e8. III the aou th of Frnnce th e
eXcltlhg. -
'[be Forraht ~,,~e, NEW YORI. Jan. 26. The Santa, F~ mAil, with date. to the 2d A verdict hal JU ~ I been Jendered In tillS Inat. IIrrlved at ' JDllop~ndence yesterday. CalC. Mr •. For~~t .g.ets /I divorce from Tbe n~wa of the murder of l'dr Branl and her bUlband.and 83,000 1\ yeur. lervantd, \I C'.ooprmed; a 1U,. )Jeggt, who accombamed Inm. very narrowl, recalled Bum net bl1ll jUlt returned (rom 'EI rUBO, M1SCELLAN~. i'he beau quarler. of thl! army ~n 'I__';';;"'~~-===;=~====="";:;":'=-_ (mntler was·remnted t().Adduquorgue. .A TUJ~Lr PAR4!'RAPH. A ,ne" (ort Wit to be established at the Copper Mini'll. and eOlied Fort W;-e1)ster. The fol\owjllg beo.utirul paaaago. by Silver hadl beeri di.~overfd nelll Ta08, WuhiplIlon Trvlng, in tho 'HOOle book might olmojt .mulee a
81' LoV/s,.t an _lZ3
The hdian. were beromlDg 1II0re trouo.. leaftme 8IId c1anprou•. Therl'ler at tJll. pOint I•• tlll open, but i . gorged IIbQve alJd belo"l Cape G1r~ deau. Tile weather i. moderIlLhl,. W,nd frOID the lOutb. L4.0UTEll, Jan.
The Gra II Jury dl.cbarged all the IIri•• aneta in the Cbrflllinaflftt tb i. mOIPoilJJl•.J1.k.... by rorueiDI 10 dlld bill••golnlt them.
Col. lIereze n,a'Y, one or K U8I uth'. SUlle 1,,11 r m ill In WaaJ.ingtoD, " . we Ie. til (rum Ihe T"ll'qrllph u"tll' IIe ~omillete. hIS IIrruh/rllmcnta for II~OllrD(,y to China .pJ Lbo E06t I ndles, 'I n Ie i' II or, 'J!erlll1n 'FlU. of IIboril(h\e •• reportolilly Ilil English ~rllv· oller, II few YClLr • •gu. to I'Ylnn ChUla ani/' who .pl'nll' ltle Huh,erlu" IlInllunge, aM heo r uthor ulI.nI .I",k ~ ble eVlduDcD of .lIoil1 tp the H ungullllls . Th o hOllesl, or prlnlor',~. a craft, ",I' Ilhllltroled at the Frank 1;1\ bUt'Juet aL New ork, oh lhe 161h insL Mr. Biglow, of tilt N"oV York E~Clltlllg' PU8t. l'ld that he b~
HILUillE rlJ IICD 01
'lPJlJlE Mll.&.iillll "
Ij t: \ SV IP h U
IIIT Elj D):D Fun
IN WAY NE::; lL1..1'l OIJW UY u,Ln ,
easy ~E)cc
a Iverh acl'1cnt
- - ::::a:!_ - --
Ol1l NA "11$'1 A 1'0 It SA .... EII
lurm cull~d But1I(1 'uta
'u~1 it ~0011l1l15 a\Julll one hllndri'd ond Ii Low nnle. ,een Dcrol, moru I r lese. ancl three fourth The yeu·l) 1"1' II ellt of 01 wl\l<lh • \Joltom lund ond bre i or lIy 011 ,..00 Icrurcll $200 per We,,!; 11 oldy sub tr tum 1 11m 1110 old III1lI lnzy 3 00 " 00 • to rcihvve uj!un It, Iud o)un ugll it to a good oJ CO <100 11th ~IIIQ~e D ),11)1(, 'loll II )11l of 0 y bove !5 00 "00 FCeln \\lei Qcll lu t\ll~uw l.rnl)1 I,l t!\crllture 600 U 00 If I CUJI gel D g 011 prIce ~ WIll 11(>11 10 80,111 '1 00 700 fartntr, or anybgdy eJ.e, ",110 \\ III luke 800 1\ 00 guod Cllre uC I~, IInii adl! to Iho 1mprove The nenelillo be pouJ fur ('~ en \~ c"lt
Illf'nlM {I h.ft\n nllle 01 11I,"",l from \VaYllca vtlle-lft ClIlrmh'II lind Xe,.J,., Iu., p,lte roud rlllls thruugh It 1\ gllQd frame 1\\0 BIOry hOIl e, II Irlllnq bllrn IIII!! eljrn cr be, IIro the blllltllllr ~ou"lf frUit Ire", va l'Ioua kID". V nils and ~lIrubbery, .re grow 111, I ~n it From Iho houlMI there .. • belullf,,1 vIew of the T., vn. Turhplke road, Ind It ,I Rbud .. rleue I!III alld.~ the premlle. a~ In ~cb II tjl,1>t't nol (:~ Ill' lIe"r.bl" qUllhllell CDnnot be I mCllOnll,. de~cnhed DAVID EVANS W.,lIl)ivlll•• III mo lI81h,l8D1I 1 3",
e lo knees In ad Ihh111 I" \1 1\ e kly Dc n elil eo.ch fulJllll er ror.j! l\c~ n ropy of n golJd n ~'~lIpaJl(!r evcty munth free gTUtl8 'Ul.'re 18 G lIullj L ljIol ull 8h uII II1 be in lerl'oled III !lei, all 100IU\l lit'" 18 In II III gil ~~nilo the POOR MAli a FIIIEI/ll 5 ~(lU rlDg ror him lIB It doe~ tX mJlll n frOlD thl! pecunlnry til. of Plckllt-' By llie an n".1 p"ymeOt of tbo wailea or ("'~ v:~k onlyr he ..,111 receIVe g JoeI wlgra ~ r I!\ ery dfty 01 1118 aickl1088 Te II not wi~dum I~r IIIIn h) I~)' bolt.! <If lucb D golden Opr oflll lilly to bpI rOt II ml4)ll IOd -'Olllilr 1 For rurther partl ulilte ca\l on the un AI:CDt ,or- WI\Yl1et!lvllle In/! VI J W RODEETS
I hS,t. R'
1'0 /\ ANII
, JTo be. lure they "el' :Zoee j."ur droIYNi~, Ithl' ' Certainly I' . ' AVllil. 0 momenl-I viii prove my
BVTeREIl. ' MII4,:,.""Reade, cIo )'00 .a~ butchera' mull Our. ad,ic:e I.. eat 110 iliON orit. It ,. not beah~y. If JOU will P!lf (0' It, ~~e~ ),OU pt ito tblllit wAil DOl butcber-. IDeat, aad 10~ CaD .at it ud wcll. n.wap.paper.re ,ou rll.dl..,tWb!'" lbe prioter", You b.d bellentop ,& .Dd t.lt, ODe of your 0 11'11. for It l"
.- ---.--....;...--
TJl. SCROOr. JlJu"ll' U 80•••-'11, "ear boJ.~ wd. klod hu~ ' tlChllOl-lR. .,... 'e aD uoa.ually ~...., wbOle quarter wu abodt U,t ' . , _ ~. ~ lOUl father Ifeaip JCIIl ...~ ..... the Inlricate aM lbona, palb ot \be .... tbe ItI'Ifaltl ... DUI'OW ~ 01
delpotic power. , ',I'be q.ueen gave;£ lli '{or tile relief o~ Lhe .uWere,. by tho burning of the steamer Amnzon. " Conlul Croaky hou\ldressod a letter to tbe Mayor of New .fork, urging ,eontri\)utilml In that cily CorJho nme,li bjoct. pr~.ent
PII,lLA,P&LPllu, Feb. 2 • , I The remolDS oC . Y~Uhg Leaman. II pe~!or IIlU, wbo .mr.w~e'~iouaI1 dluppearo~ on the 8th o ~ J~nUlll'YI WII, found lilst tvolling, al Port RirhnloDd • . 'I1.ha bOdy wni .dismembered. and Ibe b~ad c:u~ 0(. Ind concealed in tIlfl1C ' .,. 1l In whicb 8tOMs wore plnced to eink . A m'nb bJ the n~me 01 'Androw, l\r"nrid... Yj!II),roCE)nUy 1!Q"r~e~cd bit broth\\r, in '1I1ne>~elgbbDdlo~d,l. tiUpp08e~ to b~ c~rnell ip \hi, pleo, .In etlODcc~ton wilh 1111 j ,
.. .COLUJldlU', Feb. '2 • Houll....:.The HOUN met at tlie Odeoll; 77 member" preae/lt. . A re.olualo~ WU I!!0llted to Ippoint • ,.C'ommit,teEt to provide I pllce to meet duo riDg the ban.nc:e oUhe lelllion.
IbjlJurn bere 101' 10,!le lime p•• ~. Tbii clrcumRLo,ncp. IS dc. tailed to U. .I ~ollowil , Oh Siturda, lut wIlliam MII~er, Andrew Jacklon &id~r . lI'Id;-Fllrland leff thll pl.eII, ~rll'lt; Ilnd equipped witli,knlvel, pi.wl. Inc1,wbi .. ky /luke 0" I predatory excur.lon to Rle~ IlInd CO\1Qty.-~bout nllrl\t·C.IL lboy atop. ped It Nor Iii LII)~~IY and filled their wllh ,yh,likey, bein, drunk Illlhp Ihne. III!I. fro .. thelJl went tv the 1I0uII8 oC Abher D" lUI Dred farmer Iivinr lIeur Nllwville/ entered it obaUl !lIne o'clock and demand. ed rrom ,l~hD hi. II\oDey. Tbo old mlil •. hi. lon.lnd tfireo WODlIII wore "id \0 hove baBIt
J'(:.~ l
EJ.I:CTIC .I1I1D10.61. ·Jotra'l.{'! ,.-W e JaIlVi receiyed ~ n~m'ber or tIli. worlt, "hicl) is publt,hed In Cineinhatl; Ohio, Ind edited, by Pro(e~n B~chan"n Ind Newlon, of Eleci\ic ~ediclllDllitute In CiDclnnllU.-'I'IIe, c.ollienl. aTe v~'1 interelting. ';I'be terml are two dollefs a )'el~ in advanee,
' '" "'. , "Wha11.h,1I rel,te hapl!I'Ded,1 beliey~, at ~ time when part or. th. AmeriCf&D my WII at Wnt Point. Wn~ POUlt rea rol Uti JOJ.M' Vllrro. on tbe H~~on~ Ilxt, miln' a~ve New ~y 1. C••• York, :, N~L~r.r rrom thia pwce, a .&.'0. ..... 1 A. , .. man livid, whom GIlnera1 .! fublnlf,On TH~ oNLY ,O HANCE! frequenLlI ,jilted. Be had b~en ' I tory; . • Imt ~ pretended to be; a .real Jrie.nd til 1191911 We'IDUn d k'p.epl br the "door. 0P0ft' un· America. Ono d.y, Geneq1 W ... hiDatoD :lYILI". tir the firat o{ MI, next, Jor p'ymeDt or ""II It bi, bO)lM. 'Will 10U 40 ,me thl EVILitLI ;V S "Ib~nption !O ' bl! Miami Via lor,' I~ the rlVOr, G.llerall lIiel)!e, '\0 dine._wjtb me I: v 1 L .. T .. L' I " '. , l it.ea or one dolllr Ino fifty cenls'per yell; to-morrow aflerpoon!' 'With · ,\1, lilY IIV 11.11 T.'1' .. LIY. but Irter lbat time, mark till, well, no one he.".' laid Genertl W..!lilia,lOn. 'Oome :I y , J L .. T· • • II '1'. II L 1 , • need eipect u. · to be ,alli lled with 1ell It two,' lIid bl; 'pl,11,I be punctull; Ind II V I L .. '1' . ,E P .II'I '1' it L I Y:I WID 'tit() doUln Wo prelume there il fol' once, General, lene Jour l\I,~rd It I " I L it T • :I • I r 1\ 1'1 '1' .. L I V' • • ot" IIlogle lIubscrIber on our lilt, who borne: c:a1D8 like I real.friend.' T~e next .VIL"TJllrIR.ra ~ TitL19. cillno', in tblt length of ~ime, ralle the day, at OM (I'cleek, GeneRt W~hinlloll . YIL" ~ .SPI~.I'IT"LIVI\ llIIllIlUlO ot ODe dollar IIId a balf. II mouDted hi- horae, Ind, .uki", II by. road, I Y 1 1: II ""~ I:I P '. If T .. L I V & , . ~. \1 one tbat ileacrlpUon, be hlld in balf' llI hour callie to'thi hOlJM. , , Thl .,.ILIIT. " .'!'.LIV. bel'er.~lJtIpeDd operations b, w.,or work· pnllemln w.. il~d to Me bilD. 'Yw ~re II' ~ LilT ' . T .. L 1 Y 1\ Ini Ind lJye 'OD the intere.t of what be quite punctual,' ..14 he, 'Ind ~ IItu~.l· &YIIJ, i..Ta.LIYI ' pJr-lJl ~~~, ),V. are d(.po,~ to ~e replied !.be G.neral ' DO 0,1 with 10',' &VIL. .. LIY& r.lr &lui bOllOrab1e with I fou r' pI,,"ODI! J)JDJle~ w.. not yet read,. aT 1 LJ ' a bill WII "BOOt, nor wl1l BO~ II, out of the Waahlngton and th\l ie~lIemlD took a 5 'V J ,. 5 .... o~ the DIOne, 'hIt we bay. earned by wlll k abroad. At lOme. diaLan.~, tbey II" IV • . . 'aweat of j)Qr brow,' 1111 10., than _ a part; of borM.eD 'PPro'~lllll 'What E ,...,..lIle tillll; ana u..t lime 1\,111 upire, eo thilllk.~1' uked WubiII(\oII. Th, and ......... at 11il pulOd referTed to. troop callie . . .-.-the, w!"' "'"'" In • ANTI·BLAVERY UEETU{G. '.81. . 81.1' llid Waah·
10 P
150 Cordsr
MEDICINE DE WISE AND PllOFIT J IUlREDl In time of health prepQre ..rCor tilckneR. This cen be dOl\e bl applyinjf e(lfly lor 111 8uronce III tl e Empire Stllte IIfutuol Health A6snCI~tlon of ;Wedt GalwllY [hie nstilun on hus a II New Yurk Chorlt'i' bnd 19 III t/ (j hands of the bcpt men Ex Governor Young belllg Secreta ry II dllCIl bU~lUess oCter lltl' rnowt nppro ved ml'lhod nnd to ~Ult all has two Class e~ or Uliionsl Olle termed tlte High RotE' ' - --=--- - - - - - - - . : - - -- -'1the olher Ihe Lu v Rule, 80 thllt t1i08t) who fcnr low ralcs Will not mllke O'llermO-'1 nl'nt _bd prosperous Cumpony, ct.n Ihe otlter Perso1l8 betwecli tl c agea oC fifteen fiftv are inSured 08 pl"r I.blea follow \'hi 111gb Ihlle. Dy Iho Qnnu~1 pnpmelJt I/f 82,60 tl e Insured .ecure~ 82 00 per \,V k 371i • • 00 • 600' 400 G 26 /)00 7 60 • 600 876 700 10 00, • 800'
leturos So como II d INl, berore you buy, The<.tock I huve on hond And If you lind we CUll I agree. Thon try some olher stand lily obJecll6 to ~e ll ad ION, The g\lal! ty as good, Ae nn) ahyp within the town Or surround nit nelghborl ood ASAHEL CHANDLER Waynosville :Jnn g61~, 186g NOTICE. Tho undersigned would announce to the cltlzenR of Wayn es\llIc and VlclDlty that
he haa purchnsed S II Goode ~ I leresl Drug bUI DCIS In till' plnce nnd will continue t.I P I DIP h mlel! Ho feela thanKful for tile Iiber.1 p'troM~ fore rect'lved by ~he II\e firm,lIlld wou respeetrully 801 I a continuance of tI e
tn the
I T CADW A:m.AJ)ER J anuI", 28th 1l!1I11
1ge ~
\' ill prftylng for on allPrauo" th., counly lending (com III KnyJ~ 1\1111 to Klncold"- Mill In totd coul\ly " d ftllerahon to begin It or n'lar the fout of lhe river lilli, Itllrli(lg ot the left Ind clrclinll aruund ..,d hill through the fand, uf Eh IuhneoD, uo1I1 It Intllraect! the ola road al or ne." the lItl'n or th ... _Rle on tho top of PII~ hill
tumen wllh C:0lllpel. Hata Neceallly UI to Il\flte our cuttome,.. lei come. and pRy Ihelr debl~ SGFFRINS &. BOOROl\I Wlyoe"lIIe 0 Jan 28th '6l1 1 3",
LOI!tTIII ,.non who burrowed my 'Swftn'1 lI.nuII ' will confer. rlvor by rowrnJ", It •• MJOll . . conrs.lent, I ' [ b"l1 lOme UIIO for 1\ It thla time 1'~e
(D®NtnWl]VW mLAl£11I1 flND
EXl ENSlVE MEltCHAN 1 iN NEIl:NA .....
\nO lulrar from a murbhl and unnatural cOl"l~tJoa ..J\1 nod Ibl. ~Itd 01"0 DC
n.. u ol'\ OflNl!:RAL D&OiLI
tl rougl oUlllt6 1olld bu alooe Inelueed mo
Ii•• AC'l' LIKE ;\ CHARM
8 M GOODE W'ynesVllIe,O 1.n, III, 1811g
Ibl~;:i~rt~~~i~~~"~~~rDS'o 1 mft,nulr.rt:on
mue ilio lollowlo" alMomont ur rocr. rcalICcl Ing one \If tha 1Il0s t "'Ulnl~lltlH Il1lRltS n':[ ro clrtl od My 80n now .ovenU«l11 yen ra ol 111.
3(ostle ~hOlp8 &, Blakely 5t Lont. M,, G CR \IO\llon A del uG \0 benefit litO .A1 lcUld
DI8801'. UTION. , Notlto II het'eliy given th.t tlie partner .llIp heretolore ex Itlnlt between the un dr.rlllgped 10 the Drug BU$II el8, ullder ~be 1'11"_0'" title of C.d ",alled.. r & Goocle, thl. day C<I~I .. nlnl tho liertlftcot .. oC R .... ,,1c •• I. c........ n4 dll!!ol~ed b! mutuel conlcDt lb. bl.h ulh,,"tIo. In wblcb Ibla lIIed1dna I. bid All POrsOUII Indebted to the I.te firm el '" lb. ruLI\. P....o-c:.n be h.d 01 t •• ~."Io, r.e;, lher hy note or bouk ar-4lount will plnse ..-: l'rlce 60 Oeall per LNp ~ to I"ttle the .ame w lthllut delay, at It II very deAlnble to hove ,II Lhelr UOAeuled erlKI,.1 0111." 1112 YtlLrON IT, N " ROBERTS & Bn&-t1fER bu. neu clolled tip J T (ad" allader II Sold by Alllhomcd Aa'JnUl for Wa)'1l.cnI~e: authorized to lIettle and receipt for all ouletln~lOg r.lalms
Ian '!lth 185g 1 4w , - - "Flll\, 1'111£$ Onry ODe-Oaf Shop IR toW n Inti cln t get mon~y enoullh to buy Furl td aupply Cu~
Tbb.. Blrn:ns ...m.re &h .morbid 1.~"lIbn. ,.rlrl lb. blood "lye ,ro.t t••• &D4 YI"Or to tho .1"o.U .. o'c, •• rort I, the 'Tot.m .. aliiot lit lillUN .11 ..... con Ito lal<on with ..r.t, I t ~ U",. d•• \U. 1&11'1( lb. pal n t-btlne ,N'tarul.- to.tll......1 do1l, .alo , tomlcb .nd rem.rlt.bl. lor 11.01,,!:ioMnn, Ia.I,.ratl., 'lre"llllnln, .Dd ......nlt" ,."pekln, .. I an 1... luabl • ."d rem, dr lor
WlSCQN$l.N N v~lI'. I WI. Uct ~Ih 1~1 l\fn 101llt D 1'•• _ Dear IiIlr -[ am OUI.t your WI.14r s lI&laam 01 Wild Oborry al tl ])r Guy.otl I Extract 01 l"ollo", O«k In4 Saraaparilla Pleaae forward a 8upp'Ir 1m m~~~~~.laamof WlId Cherry 'IIorhol to • charm bore not Il boulo fIlled of DB'Qnl~ lmmedjato rello~ and io overy 11l11lUloe bUI 0 Ie (Iln ohl ,.~nt.l,,"11l0 of 11 yeo ... of ftlle) It curod and tlJo Yollow Dock '.1 done OIIuallr. I 1 IQOk thrl!G botlles myself lUI 1., enjoyed porloc~ Iteallb 11.81 win lor (or Ih. liral ""inl ~r In el.v~n yeare b.lIog Iroubie4 with a fteVOlO eruplion or tI.o Ikin wlliclt Iliel me up from IWO weokl to fonr month' ""ry winter &od epnn/{ unlllllllli WID lore Henry E Junel a brotl or mercljant Ind I par enr.r frl ond of mmo lOOk. tl!'o bailie. .t Ibe Yellow Dock for" 8crofuloll8 EruptlCln, vl l<\h hal worKed .,n entire cure My Ilore I. corner of WlecolUlID AWDlle ,mI
been offi!clQd dur nt! lU I wltol o Iu. "I It a CDn a lonl cough pal1l~n Iho s ido Alld cbeal -.eCOID Ilalloo wllh nla hl aweal' ~nd hectic fewer wblch .. roducod IIrelil olll~clllllon alld dcb.lily and 1I111111>rvnlo during II e Rla t I hi. O"pe.CIO dillon would becon e OU greal 118 10 endaillor h • Ide front 8unnllulntioll Durin!! thl. limo he was al endL'Il by me, y plty_lclen. of Ihe highest t OllUIO whose ~rij.OrlpU On8 Cave but ICmporary rehef- ill ftO al.r/Oln.a W 10 tbo ,,.0II't01l18 aod eo IDVtilOralO waa hI* t.hl OIUHl, WllInUllueet
lbat 1 Wll8
btll,evo him boyollO
Il, o teach of medical aid Atl of our nc~t'bore and [nfl\ld. wbo .a'" 111m r " ude.! hill. as one who was r.plcJIy I~ prooGllllIg In carly ,nd premalur, arave ICr baYlnlllbu.t exhDUlled Ihe IIt.U1 01 IIDr beIIt
phyo..!Iana without oblainlng rellbf, 1 WI'
YOllrt Re~~otfulIY
Ef CAS!.
~e'ml'l~~_~~~:,tlle _ 1'1 J(ollo_la,.25th lI,tlng &1~I)arllUl
, 'P"';'IU. ''''\liu~.~,-A P.tlll'Ue
r.;'rt~ ,!od l~r,,'1t'd ilL P~i1ildelp}~!a \lOd~r 1;1 •. true . eatlW ~oll~ltl~ or 'some , ' .\llr ••la tbat a now ;ty:e ofdrQlll na b.lr.l. But,h namel seem. con 'Dodkina 1.ld'a,li! ely ael},e of .fh~ a Kn~z ule~ to vi.lt~r~ ?cl;\ ltee·.·fDinIJ,. If there be on~ c,!ffe , mo~e blt~er . n·.lnfl., Lew ia CI~r. wbere ' It la beltevr.d. ed to rne. by: the' Cllt .~han ~n v!'gue \~ero "';Ilh tbe II~iel: Th. hair of" III" lace, ' by the of tilollo thinga, and onen apoke ~pon the preictlil • '.' '~ , " • - - : : : - \) lJfthe, fO~lllel ' I1!lvDtt'ly to thode . ~I)ott.er to m,,", la tv bo tile off"prill!: ... > ': that he (Of, 'he Init tilnp ,vlgited·C;: ol. 'Burr, 1tonel of hid volce.·\)y hl8 general, benring, eu\ljl!ctln II nioaHee of an I. Dot curled nor greue.r WIth ~o, POIIM~ lillt.mlln llcr: " T~,. rollo... I?" " 't,ele:'Co.pled.. ~u~ l:~ :~';d ~... lifier Will hlken IIlck,and d~ed In 110 f)tr ~8 \ \1I'h'o were 'wiJling.to r~i:'oive it. The Irrelilliou~ homo-:-...f II hom.B .vher. ~ho tUIJI; nor i.l~ I/llooth; butS \&zlellaD I cuuld read It,: to be, II mon of :1 "1)0Icon j" eaid 'lIt'igbIl'oiJ'o ll<'l,".pe d'crii. LouIltYlII. ,"gl.~r, .w .. , .vrflten ~ ' . " oll,cU[ ltY' hi I'hU"delpl\ia. ak. Ind 80me qrthcfum ily ,i'pre 'qonnr .... He.r . vulco ofp~a~d .. oild 'pr.yer a,. cend no~. ~o I\t 'Ie..t thlJ deell. a pd ' arden, I"nlibllh iel, vf delicate Ing'of thOle j pt'd 0 . w.Mire. The lad:"IIII~we~,. lI\a4 'Unleemlr thing. in churcb,r e. ludyship h'nd . ' chamber. tablp, Ituol · .t1e,~~II.·, ~tita t'II' p,.p"r. lo~ !Illlh ~~c: ' il. tl~e .b"llaf{ ut ,bill and 0 ud. wifo and ~rie.nd. 'lot ' 'i.ntultlon •• )ult,. lIym IlGtliiu; originally ~p Imil ~ltl. n,e 0tD Cq8~ whlcb Qcc " rred when J l ra'ndlelliCk .fur tb~ prophot, and Oll~ night ; ~re and ,"'hero the tiel of hunlan atrectlo" l of velt like al entlelll~" • WAlltc<oat ~ILb. · tIIblht~j , wl~o)liI.cI ~n orpor!un ~', ~r bef 0,? , NU".UI, ' '"t not pUflfi~d ~nd eleva~l'd '. i"" Ilifml~.t POI!tlc re~n~nlr .m~1I e,o~t.i.nd Uttle rr~'{atju.tlik. a i ..I., ~0 .. 1, d~ a man, o~, g.!fli~ 118 WII a ~(ly .~' . '., Ina: Ic;qullluuod, , I~h tbe Ilctl .,~I~te~ In. !J'II . 'elided tbe Iii. a~ " ul'per. eaya to ·hlm. "Mr. Knolr; 1 t,hill~ , ll\fiuen~e 01 r~lIgluu. feehng;hy~I.the co( till. ,bold anel we \erln' it; .tanipod by ·Nnture .all clpable a hom~ .to I tleman I. orov .... r? ~Drn :I W~I mtul~ We ill pricked up our .~ ..., lind lvel .11 ),,?U arc a' !:feat 10BI 'bY ' wont IIf bl~ e~n'I",ufllcatlo~.: , . " . , ' a wire.' J ,,;,h!ch '~ l~O . ~~r~. or th~ aorrow. of ,Mr , of updrellc d r8,le.1 Iplrlt, W}II.ch , from hil ~nl.r8I1,c:e on ~ of Ilr ot!ler work thu'n I"d, 'Phey weir .c hatelon. quolltng' he ' e. lIitelllloll. furilllne'a wu rood .t ' In aner.- '(he wn$ , . "Willi w..~J)III~he~III'lfl1 .D'Id wltaa " .., J'~bll~ I,i fa . until fli. deaUI, then a·wlaluwe~.) to which he 'itjtl l 'h,al\'.~rlng rehlllOlI to t~o It.ellr.t WQI . ~)Oe wn. like II' blin.d Simplon . to millie the Phlll,. ' dote, and' III alt~r I ~own to the, feet ma.~" or' cwgml~tor" lIlI,. .• hllrdly ever. tuld onOll~ar did 'n ot ,lMllIlnml ~ Lhlnk nubndy ~i11 lulie ber-om. or IIhn~ H,_,lng .Iately ~en In f tlriUII~ Icene elf .d~enlur ' 511dl a I dnYI. ~hllt hellr! conn~t tuiD ,~ltllUUt bit· ,Jew?lry ~. , Th". '~.ra I""eupo ri: Nuy .11 o! them ' had a\lti. Qt 6pmew~e. I~ wqrn thin ever. ~?d "iouCUSiIlQ . Ihe N,ew Y~r~ ancl. ,~/iiladliljtllia p'pera. lie Ji\'ed III N.lau', were ' '.' I'W!ln,d erer a. I," to which .hil replied. "~ir. : tprn~1lI of ..filled up wilb in~ ludell, perha'p~ or II dlatlnjIul,he'd kin"; ~," feeling, "".thout Iiltt~rt~e.81 ~flof rao:h brlcelete~ .&e •., are ~1~pIIY Well. pD,acon, ~,. , " old he,''',wh "v"lal flll~luou~, nvt~ce~ Of .lhl8 ~e!ebr~ted lril:!l~1 uJ 1\ pereonnJ cllDracle en I WII' a If that he ),our objpct~oll, I'll ~.ke InqUiry l'e~I.',nll wllhuut en,gUl.11 IIl1d. VI utlOn of , r; b,u t fro!!1 Ind must by .Jlelr OWII Dnd ulh~r .. reupip'j lioy, wa hail ,, , " .' J • "Ichool. mllle., pel'io.iI"~, i. tI,e apolCigy ~111clt the wflter t tb'" tlm~ he.lel\ tile .""lled. Stale'. had od~ to find 1111 DneW,er ~glllilat ClUf nes~ meet. IIPlrll. .If lhere l1e ~ c.lIl'l1e;to Dny cuuntry ,ln 1.8. labor. hove Itot II training equal or ' auiJeri. \\r.ayl of clllchlng ~ItT'.O . OA"DL"...-.I\~ly u,~' 10 V. idle lIqy " S'yi lie ono \·In,... ~f tb.. arlicle olrera,for glVtng ~hll~ be Ii~. 07 ~ntll ~8I1S. hll ne 'fir r~~Ia~d \n any .' .'.. where t. h o trulh .• of r~hl:l...n "re ~no II tho I moht a long tlml! Igu a~ 1r,IJlh belp bad ot~. ur it, t~il.onle \1e ... earneat . aSllduity and duy, ',J),oy •• 1 muat b". clUle~ att~lItlon to.' Th,e Ilevet t~ ,be, 'he true hl~W'1 of ', till. llI apa, ·er,pllce 't.han the 'Ijllllnd lady .ecor~in~l, ~dd(~..<:.d IIeraf'lf det'~elt ~"d, bltter9_,t c~rae w!,leh \.if N~", ProVI- patient tronll. tu whllt b1ee~. men to ,~be books; the ~1If1 •be ~puiled 1\ lut ur eand!" by lenin, them filr 8..,1' of you that Ilec. Inotlter to her elde~t dlul:ht~r.le11ing CI~.er. a~~ IIn~~ eSlt:'rom t!IO ,tr~ub~e.• . of deflce;·. \ ,.'" ': ' ber~he mlgllt \ llIfilott1d III It I. B mUltitude uf hun.ll. hke Inlo II bOI;.hp, ~ mo~t ard~ou. I~.del. .~ of ~lln '!",ler. 'fhe p•• . .I apeak nn~ of ki'lg, .. buy idle, l wi&n't you to Infonn me.. and I I be tI" ,1 ",orl~-w.I~I~h WIll b~ milch. , e!l~,e~ .to vel1 h.~PJ ,if .be eoul~ m.rry Ur. /Knox ,Ihat which ') h~va ,,~pI'08ei Our in formant,.w" , tltr .'ice c,o.,ltil of ,randell,B., or thfli~e .8b~,\ l. ,Suc-h home. tle.nee of ~er V.ljgurel ml •• I,,"1 11\'0. war ~9t"r, ; I;ut lew 11' , 11 auend to the c.... '-Ai I,ou&bt I 10 ,who ',"oul!! be-,a·.J:I't'at rl!forUler do thl" h,.I~!} "ol~red pIcture I 01 t,hll'~ tbo 'Ullitecl S\«tel, .• and , cr~dlt I I~nd lorlh their ~ond ,\nch.eeked .In e.vll l under tbe dlaalter. Iavea (In one of It,ollliera, Judge •• men of · leherl, CjI0 hove mylelf. ani! .h~ tetlr84 to ller , there I. JOe SlmDl\IM~ I dOla/t '0 t11e Church: ~el '.he d~'llllled ,wbich Denr' f~illea ~IC lit in t ho (a. ~ry th". Sa) llIoy. , .D~h.• tI1. th!! propo- t~oU!=h:, u~h •.IIIlYied In Ihelr hablll anti / room III I paa.lpn. blandl. w~o te~d·'111l.r 8tl~b paine' t.lJlc~1I ~Ith tbep.. 'ri,e ve. like; , ~1)1,le t,!lnr UIllllI)o, I'll watch him, ,ninf .ee ~lilJl" iu',k I. al hopinJr ~.r '11I.d,lIII~r wi.hed of eGme noY~1 reltdet: ThO , a\l~bo~lI~ ~or, law ' w!th 'D1'\~l\erll!llftot;' I!nd her beuer unlaulI ,ll , Ivvo tq Oud; tll~ , n.mc. '11~ !,CO"fU~IY tu wal anc ... 1r~ ,btillet glrIBI . ~~h' !hel,r D!ullin saucen 011"1111 ~ook calm her dcl ed.f""ul b1 t~ l'U tell on hi . ..l ~ was . I~~t than to .mar~ a poor walld,_. ,Th" lady crolll~r Jelus tbe facte berein di.cl~d by the wrlt~r, r. wDriJi hia pU,rtller for ,n(,o,r C~rl.t ttalOp~ perbDpl ~po ~inlt Ylolent esercll8l~ the ,r oclllnr ohair. twent1 year •• ;ounl} thef1\' wtrl1 perhapl . 1i11ie ehor.t of long ,before r law Joo 100" 00" hll book ahd addreAed hereolf to ber aeconil dluitat. believed to be ! ulholltic •• o~ of the 1i,lgh. , ,,:here J4,0. paased under e r. on .Ihelr foreh~a~. but not wrll~en Itt their .n Iala t'rue "it'?m. 0t mir,,!culu~B; whirling anll.." pinlllDIr lhere. Immedl. ilION penelratl~r th.b ~~If!!!M.t. . tely J Informed 'tbll."t rr, Jlldee~ who IIn.wero~ .. 'he e de.t: ' f.t ehar.e,\e r. In .'he .flr~t plnc~. ,~ho WDa Lvwla ea~r; allU'oflen hurlll; and lhey f~lld then~ f~rt~ . t~ y ....UelI her D~ .nd call.ed It!, to . told thl. Iii~tory of in ·'lratige . mild· vUI,t ellel. anil thClD IUtl- ~pid h~ 'bow do ):ou krOW,i be ;~, .. idlo!' I . ~!'I)II.rh ..aet! . ~n la~~wer to tl1l8 ,qu~a- hi. · lIhhll~ cllnneotloll w.ltl: CuI •.' Burr.~ Thl'iJ dIp. lady .poke to her t"'rd daugh. UpOIl the IllIItland tu becume III curl. ,nd cl~:m..den.I , Ii~inl . ~hom.e"ve. ,hiotlC1nl~li, a~d .aw hlni.' .Vf~1 t~e ,cply. .' '" . ~Oll ; tlor . OUf. Informltlo~ II, that \. wu In ••- lu lhllt the. ,,:rltar or did,. and ter.lI ul nln~teAO bo ;!!~~. oC '110 whu .v~ry ~e'.lr.uct\lln. thi8. artlclo~ whu w•• each, up~n ho~ lert or right.great· tu~, with were 'I,OUf ".,e. on. ypur. on the . Clther: hand. Meftl!, .a~••! Drl~",. what ,t».~ II!I'~ . ~\Jmtll Dame Ify.n ~ndlvlduDI whole . t~ue a: '1'1 n,lton , Jllml!lcll boo~ ~MI\ 'au rrlendly ~.I.dtM;lIdum. , ~·1I ~~ .very wllh!), t~fl'1I 18 ~ trlel'ln~D~t . and at SlIltkt!y I,· tI,e o,l lIer leg 81rotchea olll at .n . • nale or law I~ the relt,,19 1l' bam. te~, no.w l , '.. t • ' himl' I wi" cali~ht. Ii . didll't walcb ta marry 111m. bill t feu ho , > lIam. 11'." Lew!. Gerr. whl.! wI. burn ,' ln lalld Will not take: wr~ie/lllo tona ue IlIn ~pelk w.I,ere in e"ly Illat IUIll.mer. ODe week, h.. n'w doubt Dln!!!y delfree l;-u II you Nothlll t ~. am •• replied Drld"t; J Oil- , hid. luddenly I fa, 1I0YI,again'. " . ' " . , . ' . int',\' to wh cb tluHady replied. "If thlt be )',,1,. "re tilld •"'" .~y.: bl!en ,Iated. 11111 Ca.m. of dlv truth u( ' h~ foie~i. ~he. heart I. tr~ln~d. to a lov~ ur God. Iy put ~b. ~udJ;a to thl! bot OYlQ Cur III' ~lIrnll~a. 't., rricke4: Int~' the lIb?r. · liy .OIJ' oC their ,w'e till .,rlled:with lonel tl~lIt w II, 11' .... hlllhl)' re'pec'l blej ,nal an ,Id~~ The. rlclII 'ln" droUni.tDliceI till, vi...Il your object!un, )'lIl1o'on "e~ you lin .I!: ,and ~o take plealure In, hll , l/JOflilllp and dry I" of 1111 con· polntll. a 1!.lr. or nthef .. ~uhitodip.oulCO: I good .netclqte . Inil hi! a 1I~"Dlllr. but iwer." Neu niltht., at !'upper tbe lady ,rid • ·b"u,thet ..~,lIeef ~,. itatloo Cit ~cretlr~ .to neetion wl~1I 001. Burr. U.J'lce,"",,:wber,. plery mtl!rwu~u wllh wrre 'fully ~tliI· ho"~. I'f ,"ad~ r~.~l~~ly Jumpllli all4 r OII,1t- DfJaj.\oo .. Dodkin •. llev~r uull rodlly expla. ~o I)lr. }fllOS: "Sir. J 11 a,:e been lh, Gv~amur 01 (:.I\-,u" _,'n ~h~ ,E. II '0'. td •.eo thaI , th~,. WI. cqn~I~i1~; Wllh~" ;~laten~e. ~f rIOQ~·. hoi, 'If"ctl~~. 'JI...,. aliye Eb" hllill alilll~ no room to duli~t p'i~1: K1tal'i'e. Dnd 110 . biaden tbem reat. ,IlDtion. ' '~ 0-.. . " dl8l, to wlaicb pl"e you II" UWI. wenl Ing UP9n • ~'Ue for \,ou, and ,bDd one very whle d!.t Jlr, Dlll}nt'rha..et ..... 't:Uly Lewl. with opened blad•••• nd • nO,t Will t I~ C; r!!u~.t~nlle, t lit In tla I rUDnl:1 Into the IUleh.u I'and atlll' In' til. ' &0 . r . ; .... I , .... e"al,n. In the en"lnell r' 'iI~parlment. Carr. ' .Ie II hot noW I" willillg; " to which Knux .aid.·~w ho l I •• be, IV. tbea, lilrtb , willeh l,,~_ Ion" ~ven ·O Fran~, neither Del'II', ",,811\"1 A t;"ly polllble ./llollon; , I,. b' .. h' ' Ib '1 th MIDNI GliT TR~GlEDY II whllr. h~ ""nll'ined, abullt ttllo rear•• . In dld' b~ e" ; M.d· s lIIt" ~be , an~w~rP.d.· ioun"ee t h~llib they ,ba fllrlJ oHen - and MIt,leettld. ;~reen.~, 0 in 1tI0~tre~l • •1 dial1'eloul .11I!~.t mif_culou •• were. nOt the to ' er el1~w' P 'b~lIi ' . ._hieb . . ' 'd."lJllier.l!lU1nli hy you at 'table." Th!'n ad· an~ "',I,h e:tl~rrl.e waa enlapd In, levant' " ' , ~. '. ' leDltl~Ule 'che.clc, up· ropt· ~k I'~' ~am; o~ ~ :r peupl~ th;..e'lo \I~d to It.', MOl!Uli JK'cu. .11.... "'.• a,nd Inlrlaue ,. whicb Anilly wm· drt'.~lng blo:aaelf to tbe ynung ,l Idy, h; ..Id on the ,,,!I 01. ~~.. II lOIn belll1~ ' and ol~eu. C'J[LtFFE, 1" lidr to tile Oper.; perhap6 " .. u"Ii ...II. arid ::r:~ II o· ~ , ~c a. I • a Oil ~elled bint to ....i"n hr. com'I,I.llun~ .ad ~'MJ ~ird., are you wlllll,g to mlrrY mel" bl, commonly recallllJ u hfllr , l 1_ _ ' lurely eI~e.Clr Ih mOltdlfllclllt. eY4'rtau"fJ\ .,.111 lhe . " • . ·. k a plaer, of ~fll,e 111 t)~e ,:h, ~f Xin". ~"" anl",ere ll, uy."•• Ir; 0~1\, 1.,[('1f )OU ~olilt "I God .lId to turn to tli. \Vlc,klift'e h~1 beell frequently pathl orlao- 1;.\~I~al::D .Irt)a.~. h., 101& balD' -.JI tQ a lemal" crellture hl , thi • .yurld. N'a· · I\un.11I 'he lila rid of J'm,l!,a , "here" ho d ~ii1 not be willioll to \Ike me. Yuu mu.t h~e'l.nd peace Jlu.....Dt. hn-. un· I 'M ' S • ( tl ' re~ fine. ture a~IJorH il; bJt Art dues· at hi.., .dmit t 'W ~. I be , W ' '. " ~ , , d Ii take y'Our venlure o'tGbd i • p:",'idence a~ I ·. pellhtll e I., ra," Iia., .nd com~enced lhe 'practite , ~run:a, tl~: w.~::~~ ' int~~Il~.I th~ h.p~inei. of.l~nd w,here ·:· • ~ere et b~~ tbl~ olle I'il t~ bor~er ,,0 '.the ir;IIPO~llbilt.. Ono Ilt~le :' W~II~IiI~ere. Inlen' It! bf .~OWIl '. on lome fol\l d,te • I at do •• J ,0 ~hfo't1~h Ibe cuuntry ICim~tI",~1 • • ad al.o D"~cl In _reb.Dd lllnc. by b d-,l d tii'l t .rl 1 I!omet ilu ,tb~.h!l.;e .cQmmoll.-:-&u Jlm~~ ~ n,t,..., hlk •• Kb. whaion be' ~,- ,11_ b<lnk of 'Cerlkl,or-TlIgliQnl tht Sellond. IIt,t night . ' " II.!I e " I alnh "II yeo .. ' UII . - an \' ye , I"'· ~ " I on '001 wlih a wallet un 1111 arm, a .cleln JoAn,RMt. " 'Which lllee.nil. " • ' HC;~ I t.unaact un Lulher ,.l. ~ ni.ce 'be.rillg " .t hll uwn name. "bell I wa. the"\. wPqt buundln " from the ' h d , . _/lvI ',1 " ___ I' . with the Duceane .,. and,pif~let "hu hoyer- .' y .. ~' . ." . I d "ew-. a y~u a._ me. 'BL hun,d Il/ld ~ DIble In It; YUt! I'!ay ,Jlut lome· ....n.·_r HI ' en' te .Ie '" I,dour lIa ii, '.ha /Iud been allde or Indl. Coil .er an.. Uae Dr .lIy Drllllte r , .• I ... ' J 'I~ I I d ' d III or •••ure ~nlf·n • 'GoOcl tim4'" Oh to~,I~ . ,.almOl • par 11 '" ~ oDil tl,11I1 in it lur ),oulaell; 111111 IfJ b,d YOI t.ke ,'. ad {Ulln", t II!, .. c.t ,",U. ~ ... I . • " on ted ...., Of I "bim to the "'rvlce bf the Cllureb! ,lIlId .rubber. or filled. ~Ith h!,srujre "r ' ,'.,18 1 1'-·., .'1 liD I C.- t\ . . " '. II I d ' t II II '. ,L'he ~'y . . linSloll corl~,pOOI',nt n IJII.; Illtd 111; tll~ CUla' of lIt'ltleU i h•• ml.-ed • aPlen· l " 0 Ulv I ... n ~ • t e u... the me. wllllet 110 )'uu , ..... 't t '0 • d wh~re 'he becal" e c:llne~, b.l. poHlu,e levltv. til ' bull ,0 t. a "~l '~ w !~r' kI (II CinciilDl1 Chr~lI\ple liKig: > II I Ji • '1 h ' I III! . and muml mlae the mODel It-dld !If tllruullh I~" U Jtlor, ~ 1 Co anaL IOdIl4twher. I lo~ge, . " " eI ~ ~uue,,,, I ~ , • .pellt W t equi an '11" , ~. SII'. *'YI J.~:t" •.- 1'1 a'c~mllll•.hed Ichulur •.llIld , woll 'ver. IIIe the lIeiling; . I bl d m I'" .. , I d . II " I I .. . pe'ha~ nMber Scm r.ulI~. . uuge ",1/ ampr, t I. II e an e c i9 y: ~~e. ~ I u al t "I' d P~:~;~:'.m I ,I'd In '1'1~'" boal dl" . . F'li'll1m;~ tP" Oe,;eral h.. IIdo(lled a r~le "n. lIe ill the fill' 'fell Scriplur el, lit! by ' , 'Why hlow ,11011 tal~. Ebl' ••,. _ _ .'11' 1no ~.t1le~I~~ ~h,e , \lc,m'~1 hlld br!" ,h er. :;~~II . I:~t..a, KO~ a. your w~r ~I~ed AI slcu. 'and Ilec~\IIe trod~~ ~o Pllbllc n~.'11)1! b~ hl• .p~tt!lCIIl!I& ' ~' ao Cllf~ ul • , .whlch, he I. iOvfrnetl ill tito' ,be,towm ent .Green.' 1 hope.'ao~ 11M ....." 1I0Il dldo't 'U fttl I d' • men "gaiItIL""d"l~oea"ll·d.fllelorthe lIIe,,· U (j~ which liie mOfrleg ew' ! , ~onelu"r. d q(oIllJ& in· l~l. dep.irlment. \Vhie:'. will t-'!i. bfCtlk a"y!l' tbe comman ,' '. , , dm'D'''.l 1r Dlllb. "I . WI I ~~,n:. u e ~ e,~ , II.:;\, Itl dlcanL f'rl.r• • · ~lfllin. III 1366. he ree:l~t~ ' /1 red I ,, " " tli 'I ' " ,d ' Jed elude nut Ilnly ' conli(ln II drunk~r.iI. but KINO AT IIOME IN THE T.UR. ';'1'110 d,'a~ly f."1 . had jllelceJ l in'I' " " ." IU ~h uli h ,P'!VIf ~i II .~'<: b .. u 't the "'.ito. o r l'l~ PlJpe tu till! tpbllh"y Inti M I'~I.I :a~p WI .,,,llm , ~ :1.' w~lh mot\er.t e ' d·t"lIJ.drlllkei.. He ha,; I .un. ' tiolt,'" .111 ",an ,urto ..w nIU'. re •• ou ,PIlY' TEE~'),H.CEN-CURY.. 'Breilt ,be col1llDa.;aillentat W'~ll, ' 1Ii •. 1>100II u~tfl\lwi"" lallidl)", '" I tI.~w", " 11 .• "'1.ver , aC " "r . I . ' II d b 'l I~~b" "I e we"-a1loW'a deillunal. ver), wl.ely' dllt.rmined· \.CIc~nrer , . . Dlen~ vf a .Ulll or one ~ uutan .. ", 'If kt\ . ""._ . 1__ t In a ·. IUrt time. um u cnev j\~. In II all a"" bIt Id ,'\Inp"" •• a.. 'd'cl'n\ ~" ~.., , 19erlll\ lll, II. e Will Ia~cen a ' . · '. . . Tbe E c .... II Ii. lln. a • opton " I IWVI\. 1310 ' DIOra" .. , ill ' tl , I I .orel,pe r • .' . II ' th '~ "la~D Itl' <!ffiI'8I1POIlIl!i olt. who t. kllo.... n to III lillie .. IJIIUO"I ~lI\a ,. . Clp. r. h e wa" per~ IU. II'I' auge. '1I11l111y '.,' ," I , •• , lere lire m "7, ,,,,afl\ll ,.o\ldon \a'pGIt, f.Jijrr" IIe.r . .(ro~ the • :Ill~ a"- nlAtlon. "" r ~~. u ' . " .11. ' I . • . a..o._a I. horr."d »II" ' '1' 1' \ t . " . ell t ."1'il' t alimOultle. u( onl! killd ur ann\I,,,r. Wlckltt\ e,w....Jetite.. lrum t h'e " flte mDn 'r re "Im '.Id louk III hi_ "CUpl~' Cunopct . u ~.,o~ 0 lit "ulliU ed WI'" w"ruo:111 ~p Lho 'enforce· 10 n tqu.Bo.t ln" Ind not eut ••hI lie ' IiOf I \. "'h.,~. ruel bbUO&e: bi:i nllllil "fJlllrai , ' .hurtl before he.clme II .. w,tI~, on luir .. rID a Id '.I~tlr,c dl.l~n. m()h,1 of'III.,r"II" ,a frltml . ,the U 1. \,Of .. tt!,bu,y H,,}I.tu which bnd l'ell!~lId ' to !l'e, nutbln., X!OU IN, m~rm, 1 ;rtfn' Inbl,. H;talned ,wltb i 1 e" ill ' , ' I ' L..J, 1000,,""01led , '.. id,"Norw ,ooiIma ll,'1b I II &roue; a. Illy the ,Iht'r f 'Ppollttfid by (h~ P ,IRIIJ-cOUra fI~t!peara ~ I IcellO a' _,liow'p to get • .d!lnk i\Vl\b COle. and In a ~otl\er. ",ulL .'''Ih '" it'" ;11'd .State., a~ ntr 'U. ~ I t I~t I" : , tore. ' D"I, ill 137.1\ hi. abn . " hI' .ta ..dl", •• a . Jud,e (!O, rl/olD.of "Qrl· DmullIl,i;lta~,1>. .• IIU1~ Ipru~ Iol~. . T ~ 1IIld_· iud tw. . OIIl!4"f th~.(ie ..'tlJy ,CII\l~i ' • ~ ~ o~. ~ I )iAct ~ • .rb"ln 1I'lm wb.." ,,~ .. ill'!'l ~ f\lr.bip' *r. ' I the I ,"ppeu; de.ci'e.e •. uf IbDt Dole. I!, apUc.llt ·lur the Ilf- I'g all, .I ..ek crl~ul,., Ind Tile. ' m. tell ~utl' ~ III • ,hilt P '-Ce tUt' IU or , I m. 'U\ ' hb~' wr 0.1 '~i,illlt' st U&IJir'J. wi w.a m'llIl»ti>rol.Edlt)\iurlh, fliICI~f P_ultDlDlter;.ilOIllI¥o\·ltc!'e .. (III' ... e.t 'Laud · •• i·k, aIlVe!-:-yllIed . t~.. , '+ ';, d' ~ II d tOll .dUl.·,u ~ II :141 qIIt.Slll' J'ril~ I ,~d, CI,II,! ~ 01 • ' • • wi,'ILI;"',;·. 'lec~tl"" 1!D JheolOE1 made. c.lled un Ihl) I'D<! InDller 6f' ,tlr.1 .t, 'Ii., tMttg" EM' ,,/AtIlt latea nurU. I .. ",.... r· . unlbr. eana'a'ro~rmL'~~1 b~I ~A'I~ ' ~ " f i tFoia,:~ If d ' . 'II • , . 1 .~ " \1 ~ , p()wCdul iIllPf~'. I...n ·ol1.' a \I rJlli." qu~hC,.. 1\11i.lllfl!.t'I!'''«l hie dral'llrl; IPllfll~ " 'V. •.• II, I did thuu,h, _ I I" 'l'a .0Ul, ' ul~, e I\J II ~. . II' • .., . . . . lIde eo , It. , bra It", lallc<!' nd ~'ilh it \llo~~4 . " '" 1111, all ( ...~I'''t t fllce, til lOI!~ v: ~'~.II' 11- '),be Illr~iY .• 0011 . b",cI"Ie ~ • .' ':i , . 'Ilarml'd.-;- ru.hing t~ruuj('- L1,f'tII n~lfht b!, kel' aaneDI urlh Ial~ ela;m. w the "mee ,.oullht. The OIJ a J lme •.tn.rm, r nd '";,clI~'lIt 'l'ho ",,,,,,",,!r 'tiuuulb, \bOil 10 'the, -wail he : ucky. wliere. c.t, ,~ ilera , III ' " -C: III1I • I~ I):I~ I" 1&17. be w•• eitl!d lu III'pelOr .'"!ill~Q an ..' I, , JudJ:e .r.futinI Jro him fur' a ' lI.omeait III~ · , ~ 'r"e h.th~(lc hU()I ~ept . .or lIot, ,I ~he 110, ' pl"n'd . cbllWd,lOme property . a"d ~n.1I1 I ce e l.ceIOllla"lill.1 ctl\lncil tu • .' . I . \~e Irrlved II L1le,II,re.A\ r~f.pu' +theusu- Ih(lo , very evuly rcmllrke "ll~wer tb" , cb.r· d: "Yuu drillk 10ld hi. I, 111111 lOll, anll thul ad~rea.l\1a, ~:..ltD""I( Oil ttl!t c ... lrhrated lol,na III tile oe. "tfal"lit'hi~ do"trine~ II. ' 1 "., .D~ "e~ C9nducte cl tlll;uugh~ tl,e . Til :"1. clluJlcii willi kr,)" wit. J b"lie"e1" 'fhe ullforlunale Oltiu ,11'11' "lIear •• rieUa. .' Thl. lOon • 'Eben~le r 4oit'&"I "'''hllu da~rllblo IlIu,.:! ' . 1 . IIfMt1'~ ' ' roOlnl. d I and D "III'urbho I. I " p" occlipied by lilt Itun· .n;\liclI,,~ .c~l1il~rulpll thl. rpolArk, into In I,' ., Tbuu ... h.. moknl h di) deltaht: "lblO'II ,ulnar 'lo mlrm: bllt.,80tac Me lIIyll' ~I.ce _bollt the ,ear J803 or , )11)<& ' - he W" MCCUltlpallll' b.)' tie Ua ... u d ~d' " \-, we ' lI.t t.k,, ' ,' 1' 'f ,f , ." • ., d oj' " to; I1ftIClII',., . . dN ' U I ' ,.. . re r . I,e • , c,.tllr; alld the .....r ... ".Ila Ii u ° run 1"lit tIJo.'I""li'"J' "••:<t tI CII, • .. ' . , ,"vitllliun tu !luuff II glu . • .. , with tltB Po.t-, II I I lloe,...gn , . I l.axed' lne to treatj•',lId I did. ' ill.' I.IJ whh a row 01 ' , 'J'o ,Wben he relche wi-ill'n I p .. an . .:.ill drh;'" .tola I~lgod' \' ew, r e.n"T, .~?ID· l and hy utl.er•• ppuj!tU'd bJ' 'be Duk~ · I~OU" I a on" une y I ,. ' , , ' rua&t~~ or .'ulI~; Qe'"era au bullg , rei tid tb, .. alile 01 BI.n lerh....et. aunletim lieu: ·'Nu. e. were I . thunk 'dlvtaed r dun" '1'lwlI keer. <\arll.who kllow. it, .,Yeo. ' IIED'II';"; dl"l" . \ • A"dl' , ~leepII\K·plltcel.ol\ o~e I,!d, which 'M',m~d YOIl Judllel (nrefer I' ' I f ' I Ii ,. " iI I ' Ihree .Ie QeIU'. .fOCure hi, ,alely. I I 0 . C'tl ., op41n n,,~. tIe into brMndy alld waler," .eo I paid rur ·thelr two ,llIlIlIt, 01 ' .pruce '"~ ai.I.II .ike a ctau Ill. . d Ilt d 0 Ilk " '. ' .....:.-..,.:. ml ey were . _ _ ",.----,. tlrut ,II aCIIIJmp.;hed la y w I~ ~c:ctlt!l~. me'.lt\Pi. I di~pule ,a toae . f t~ me III ee , . op~n ~UYCIt, . A' I. ' " TI,i.• reply" Iteltled ' ~tw~n ,llle L.,rd It~n,.~ dour'a' one elld 'ied '! tltoa"m llllt,me A lid o'n :bel", .eparltle ' 1.. ' hi' clI~,-hl. p.pe,. beerand ·mlne."'I WI hat'.rv'pe nce.•'1Ip~,ullb ell nltd I"d Iited WI I I !.mc/. 'm d frblll 1Ier hUB.' not I!lut:.h IQnger lIor wld,e r than lhe ,bud),. werll • ~u! '~w~ •. U.,.h.1I and tb~ .8IMhop or .London. ~etu"ned 6l .....it 1\IUn" alld to 1t10l. alld cb~inber II' WI.,old ll,"l I'bou,ht ,"{o cen" wllth "of' " ..I... (ilr on the 1'''1" fJ~or-Lh.. cell.r. At: b J . I If g«:d' 'I . r 1',"I"n b-' hny ,"Clllatl ll" th ' I n" I ? ' . d"'ler would .. ".quire .'. ailtl tI I .11 the IljI\tt anu, .. elided. In~ bmllian l , up e council; IIntl DUY filII ''''I elan :Idmit~e d Iti. Ip' pllllatiun wa. "ulw, con.ldtt ed IIltI re•.\ ...In; and by Be"ltk.r .I·.j ralher ..... Dt 'ttia' tl. U. 5 • V • , • '1 YOII) Ih.y ~ept a ,calf.,. Yel. . ' d' '. ' h'1" 'I~r • i Lb . ~ec:~lDpl"lbtn~a~, willdi ~,. e ler 1I1~t;e autltlll" W.. done to WiCklUre•• . Dot.· In d t ' ' \l'd bi climpllny clime thrutlih It 111111 ' ., I grat~ D e upp,'r jeoled. Irthloru le .,Will r, they I'ul illluit a la~ible !lnaDtlty 01 IIi" rl\l~uLlt1.'" dlde lidI' Ii' u 8Yld' w rill, of Dllnoe~b.... t u"n be w•• 0 1 ·' al~o 'nf"reed 10 Itull nlllepl'lIc~.. ,9011' ""~atI" ,,' . " . u.!' , ,".ft or \ tlie-dllor frllm ' tbt . half. ... " . ( . '11Si ' f~~pect he . u"liin to UI"e n IUQllaon .. 11 "river. wor e .. on &11 berore Ih" I ew"r '~rIO'~. tile ecc.. · mail oClom.. \ '. ..' luplied I "r• 'Colonel ]Jurr llret .'" .Ianllerh ••• • d ~.I lbe 'VIlle me,rcbllntl 01 .. . _ ( ',.' " . II 1.1 ; . . ._. • ' . '. rei .'uu .III~ de...".·wI'II I" .... 'NU t IU! U ', . . . ,C/uor at let . . , _ia.lica laucwul y .t Ox,o .Oll" II ruiltu we would " ~allar \ . 'b ' have '(.wer aeculenl l an", Over II It"II1. C£UlIll 'ID OJ' - .. Glalo •.-RullIe r Will ullt a Ii rat 1111: ' 1I~ ". wu. ' h Itt ",rly lollie ye~ 11O~. IIl1d In5u. etL. o~ 'esp4'Jledf . I <To . He . ' 0 • " .. lue a ' I' Ace. . t~ be rulU tbe Utiiver~it". " tUflled ,")t 1(1 muny' Dlail f.i1ured; Ind it I. . elt.qaber. a"o ..nll wilid',w al cal. x e be"iari PI.lltOI If )'IIU are an,:y ~Itllilim lhlit ,~provea dowu there .1' lb~ ,Urrlc• a mIll; Terrene Durr ~ucln. him. tlle" Mn be nu doubt .and gloom ,llInC! h~Pflcl t"~t a. Judl(e Vul.llnl,r. h •• cOlllmell' wal,ll T~I. Ji.tln!WIII!~ rerorra"r acliievrd, In ~ .... llIr.' Thl. Iluy., wa. cuufe Duethu. th., rj))'I1I dlrd · ... In nctom ; .. i1; · paul yo~ Bor. ' ~ln yilu le,.ret.',: •• Ylullr aJlIO~ to 8nd feel lueh out .rrom the wbuhl wu.r! d In~ ced lh~ Ith," C::ol •.lktrr rece~v~d lrum ~llm '~~h ac: 1381. \ho "rtat I~bur cif ",'orll IIr T.'mpClrlnf e re.f'!rlJl ill 'lttl: 'I l"e- ..lid. fourte.n ' ,radei. aad hi. ·I.irt;. tbe · "Ins101\.1'1 whlcli Hi~ lII:ije~'}te.,oae.d : ,. be "'~IJllilt" et,,.114 ,e ",.t II ~nl'Y W~l tount o,r ~r,!eq, l~ ~f'~'h altd dl~pllli lallun of thl! .Dible rrom t~ lilia J~.~ lillo,..,>thlt .,Ia~IV b •.rI~ .",d· R~.UII bi)I~. . t I I lh L "'in. lntu the . bier. of' udl~~ "~,,·ur!. l wath th~m all; ,Ta_ Britla'" bo~e~aiil~ of' lbi, .age WCluld~· .rrr,~~er, kiudle, ih~ Ajrjl ol\en 1I1UrHI:uf t'ICI JUst av~n .nd ~I.llkln" chaIn. Ilel~ tlla trudy to .1tl melll' • nyulullu n. aa ,.... uce" hi", '~10. En,li.b. ,It wa. tI,e ~r;t . complet wIll Julluw ". e:ttam"le ; Wblit .1 1N . (o~ a f,w . 'llilllll~~; Drnti'O fIi. , wa • e ~o '!eep) n .ucli ,~ p11!:e. 'l'her. w .. ; a lIer. ~ " . the project.of Illyad nc It. altd 'h~, qu~ liala verlion ~ver m~lIe. , poaltlon , aefllled , truly 1iI1! , ~:, .... klll.JZ: beauli Cul morDI .pectacle~ It wOllld prfll8~t r.ruled ',.dmhtl nce' into it.uclD . O""r•• window with a w~n .butu~r . ,a Ii~pllll ' ' . ti~II.1 to wllulll Ihould be tI,e Irea,t Itlln, tht wr.. ~ol Ihe Rumena!ld!;leo. ' . ' I'" dealll. , i '" ' In 11 to the wOfld! To.lCo all In power JIl lhll he had himlelf .rnted; let fo the wintl thrOi,p all ill cltlnk. ' A mem~er IIf the luy loclel" ,Ce"ant ea dlf"e 11l1~ : Nol a ...oru WII lpoke.n _lId .no one ItOp· model ":.. one ~"eef by (Aivil C:.rr ,~I"" .• Iter Wlcklilre" ~~,th! . 'he EniJIi..; Republic from the Prelldel lt duwn .d of , hllnger;. Cam (ao eJtlra eh .... ·W'•• m.tle w Hi, illjflty , OY, alight .uo}llI. jO,flf ~ed Hn ., " Ile cel~br&teal qU~' 101lead ~r ped til gne/ but'Wlth • . lIIrl,,1I1 loo~. all 10 lh. hU!lIhleatlu.bordin D"h~t) uDdlluttl~ ·ev.nlll .hol/ld ileyel. latea- in'roduced Into lh,e HOIII.·of L'lrd.. I .t. ll.le tr~e r!:llm tbe ",rl1er ortile-L n.ldan.d ied lri lillblm.h uule; lCponin pD.·'fur mllldn" the wiq~. brlllhlll& It orr. !t!.lItlo}Jl!d.t o · "'l0n"r~1II to were I~tent on 'their' work . . ~he.lr dr~. lllill-hlin" '. UaI!DI.-.lwet • . la Carr alwa,. duel.reef bill ror' tb •• upreeaion uf 'hii "ff~~t,·o ~thi Illtolricati!,&' 11011'17 ,l\,lIJ V"u,ell l ,lert hi. Dody to the ~'lP0na 'tIn·. lallun. Ihu' better "'aD usual,') alid there wa ', ' . b,we Ihe l"leet ,re~u,ed. . .' to hill rrJenda thaa tI.; ~n,eod~~ Col. ~u~~ The Duk' of L~nca't.;. .w•.• \llIir~1i'11 ~., .• nd bla.. k ,trlped' &rounCi tli • ., lilfluellCe livt'n to a WDr m frien~ 'of .thi. area, llI~r~l , io, pay\h,.d ebll al {ar. a,. it would 10' . J. lllb;all.t .pJI'ter con. prujecli nl The min "wha,t I. 0ppOted !-O lI~w.pa. theIH~y .anilllmlJ •• alld c~P II tbl cbief of lhajillbl ary w. Idl w~ t~ the ,..rormer, oppoHd it. and of .the limp r .. i~rr;.' nuw.t wurk it.' . tbl, laild 1 ' "lapp'I En,llnd ' the bill ".a one will. to' RrYe lbe pllrpoae of Ia perl'J p'~d a''bbndfl.-d dull.,. n,coll Ii~~ • lire of. nie~Dn~ 1,,1' wellil fur. DUlI"""I.- Ttlere wer~ mun, '<;Iulb~ In Ih~ C.'uuumatiun-de .dYl~ce billllo the I,.frate , tommand In rej~C\f'd." . vuutly to be wilibedl~' Ez. • 1I~·d"tre"'j Sir Walter R .Ielgh dlell " chilllaey. T ... c:omr lele tho piclure of all~,.~ ~ llfd w ••~b! ·. 1n loina: ~~ D~'alo ,arloua r,ootll•• laDd w .rn. wereq!1ite ),oonl' M...I1:o. JVic'lUf e died calml.y in III. bed In II· Ro,al cab I"" ilt tI"1 period, . ,", . . ; ' , ., . tl~fI_tThld; Spj!n_f-~he ~1J~in. Speawe DlI)' aawell tie Ilw~ya takH the canal Dl,l bPln, .... ~ ,"'hll~ Til. motel"t1 Ita or Col. I"rr ..~ lIan· 84 .• Lth~ ~,. of Isty. • place for one wuu.o recentl)' 1 TiIII Dowa £T ~o .. &,-A frl4'nd oroutl aer-dle d fo.ruken aad .in' · •.Dut , ~lIIe. did put In the rllfniture: There wereaom ctlm" ·, h.l wllnt; and the th~re rl .an), fI!lro~d buillt "~a tb.t a pll~rul clltld, ~nd t~ obJ..d or, plre,D•• D"b_ , In thl! United ~\ltH, dutlll, the not IorIO' lier di.ple•• ure; \l1 \I'ID, not far frum P"litiac . w.. impor'tulI~ dellth!lf Collinl c"m~.'hr lind tbl\1Y yeare hlnli ll: ' on tbe w~lI. 1'htle WII • bed. rClute.'" o'lr/l ~Ipc& ft,.a . .7t1ra 11105 Ind 6 ••". .Ireo"f 'no"'~l.n4 aner,.t Ibe Council of • . .I'.'cltun . promlll8 ."d Ilopel ,. ed 00' pl.sa.nt d., lately by bl. ·... 1(. !" cau.lnll! ler)lIIl d~ral!" ce, • . fOf' ~ba' l~ to &Ay .tbere WI. a bench bed ID ment; ,Mlliop 1014 1i: •r C.'~ IIttil D~~ IiG .....lltti In ~,Ia mal 'rial ·w.a' m,de of·hlConUlll " W., vt.tited Ihe ~?IPI,!,I and alw I\Iln~ tall. hera .lel,II ·, Idlnt. 1'hll ',eatlum an. ' hj. C.'opywfi,hl' of P.redl.. • • rltln ••• whieh the I'0"nd. "pon which plaCed a ' DI.tre~ toll, ~lIr .£·I~:a~ ... Tb. I~... IIlln, kl/o.... tb~ JdII~r h~ ull tllplf.cota ~.Ip wltll dllt'a 'lltrmen t. . .' , ', .. and ...rhipi lleln,a m,'D .of bUllne••• plead 1.1. 8/1"•.ge· l t1in'e p'lment ' were tbe!I clJn~C.'mntd. lIod, IIlntel1~ . bol,ter tif rich It"fr. 600 Ihlillill M"j'" "f&rl his DlClUtli opeD. h.... a ao~ anI-beef hi. hie In oltA er .'helr projMt. d n~~oo or Mnl. pa'"led "POll' Wic~litr•• L1~.t I . . . ~ 'Il!'~uw. Tb~ulI"t e ~ere crowded thick up· IIIfnt. when the w\fe rllpli"d bI~ eDPIle- I"'lIrity ; l)ryd4'D hi. bone ••~oul~ l,'a .Ieeplng accommot!ltlon may be Ilkel,l' b:a for lI,ed In P1!urt, Ii!d dliltrua . a Jublln), R•• 10 Ii~p b,i.jaw. ~.o. on Qa" Thfl ., .It wllh lte 11IlllI' eo h.d rail~d. Iud Bllnner.ha••l ' hed ~ du "u~ .. f Iii, grava anil be 'burnt! - edt yery fairly. to thot.orl' l{flled wlllc). ,ht cAltop~, m~nt wh.nbe wlf. r"pHelil ha' wa_.tl•• old OtWI), dlW premature I,)' oDd' ''Irouab , hua~ " il Hd.a itl. 101' a .Ick t1Y,Ilt.,. len ur a1;, \1l1 .!sland. be relurned to ..,~. Til:. ~de~re. V.'~l "s~lIted die p~nt wllh illl.mldll l'.h, oflloum broo IWry. aDd Iha' lb. mu.t.b~ \lell d~\YII at ~er:. by order of noW 11K! t!"in, ~ OUf own dar impr.... I• . d hy ~e died In Lbe Itr~t.; IiJt~lo Uftli • . Orleana, whe,. ~ '. l..n h~.rt.. dl'lI'lee and ('rIme prlloO b.ra Iwme. ,The busband rt'Julned I,d, who JI.d '~ope Hartl" y .• In , HliB. HI • . bODet houaeWIV tll_~ If anr' lire. urp"r(ect, w~f'" WI.tla b.llil'.; Gul~ OI for . .uperniimer"Y.DIale gu~d • Dobb. ~lylJhe Le"I~latllre .. biB COIIIp4nJon,all4ilie elAbll'IIeef J~ war~ dug tip an~ burDt. DJld \beir toIDe o~ . an" G~I.ta Ilr knnl. III 'b~npd upen 1"011 w't r"'JlI,h him wllh eoop cIUlh~. lanltb', V,car ~r Wakeli~ld. wauuld IShp. uit Ihe ~r., < pU.ID, 10111•• bUl he lhlnll. b. hilaflOl ~"' I tlte 'Inilla 0' ,I.iua to lqr • 1 uld th~ II'aDd of New Pro_Idellce! une or tlie were 'put Into 'a brouk calli>4 lite Swin, bort'llw up m1 C.e.'. 10 we~r. ~od ~nou,h tu' eat Ind drillk. thlt tflllr, to a",e bhA froUl ,the I'"IS!' .. hili law; In ,ddltiun. to ·this bed, the kina" IIb'lI\. ",.t wu~ld ,.Iher ptllJle tlaf; bod, 10 do l l"p; .btI.' lu!l.td a.I' to b de·Lb. leal'l·' he w~ld Danam~. In tlfe Weet Indln. Ind .."led wh~uce the mefl\.0reble 0 , 1011 be wjlline t~ be, tied dUWJl 'at \ Fi.ldln ,II... la the bur),'II, 'r;ound Fulle.r: ber cOJitlined .I~. chMli wltb it. lee- rem. Dlueh wnh. It or the. i~ a ,five ~1I~r but on ' ·tlie ollll~ hOU,epl'f'll. . . . at N".uI. ~lI , eapl",l, Ina recIIDl~neneed 'Th, brook ' Swilt did convey . hO'ge• ~A Ie", dayl .ner the rDtlem an En"lilh raCLOr1'at.J.llboll hi. ~.~Ie. illlu Illtu tlla 'I'uund- :a mUY4'abi hair be. HutlClkl'n »ankln, and Gr.~IIII~ _.ithoot • atoa. Cvape" ,. . pr.~I.ce of I~'" 111 ~ abort tilDe. b. lite "von. the ""on iqkl W tt we.' Dt!ZI ~o th., Chlpel' aM h.rt cI!JIe lio,~e earl\~r tban WII 'he ~,erll. the IOJ a I~al lusury. uccItMlon.iI, ordered. 'I thfY hi' IIU.tlIlD \ to mark t~. 'I'\»t; ~av,p dllllill ptleilll, a' ,:n p... lbat Ite II,a tllty • i obllitmed ., IlIrnu,e p~aetlce•• nd ta"~ d,:-ned a ftot'lirtg or hOpe. Seated b.re. alid briar fati"ued I.y d?wn ..married ~erD illto lhe narrow .e.. , lhe, Into th. Nu~ilJc.1Ie u~on 'he «I,a l brl.toli w;brre.Jle .~C1'Dlined (or a .a' contLlned.h' the Kin,," hia h.t. .o~ . 1,ladj of one IIf .t lII atOIt re.peclllbl~ fl;". lI.in O('~Jln l ,lid ,hul . thll mulllt.... uf , !'rilnl",' a and ofetHler t and f.1I IncO • Nlulld '.leep. •Ih. aIIhel .1 apartlDehUltCf'pt Ill. bos hi . 'hlch be kepI Hit ,,1ft too\ £8; 'Butler lIyeef fD l1li dleII ~. .' " Ihea IIf that pl~~.nd w~'IIOtIO afl" die.: WI~klil'e are Ibo.lllhi em were wet'kl, Ilullllt III the Slb,'II·B ebool lOme eord, '\ld'llyly ' led b".land . 'Drib· 1Cha"I!rt or bia bie eloU.... l'lIi. bed NOIII fur a ,i".le on, tb, cblJd o( ",,1118 U!l '.~ N&l:uu al' EnlA-B ulclt,re and ba"~r. t.,l, dutl" rfII!D ~iICI·. Il\rwd~, a ,1.1~ (fOlll hll Blln"el ha_t wflil;h il nllw dl.pe rll1. the wor1d Iaoly Wotd. ' .nII er~edbl. feet hi' tl,. I.me wlY •• nd aunt. \lYer.' d ."ulema n bad ttl ... aha'M ! b1 till 'lueeu; I f it wrr" lIut f~ .,beDl diotloyad !ill.elf, . , .• th~ w~, leland cClmpa"iQII, _,bo p"e "110 ~uth 1~ Mill I her. too IMY ,wer. dlrec~ to a S.,I.., ma. him f.1t to dl • .ora. Sbe thpn ... t • . • ••• aDd It Ilia. not onl, a bed.-ruo. b, Ili.llt. l .ould :cunDubl"liIiI• • . ,. . wld be . ' CllU1Iua troutr~ before he r.ulill) P' Mt to re.L"e i l l , .who _ivel enn tbe ehlt'r of .laDe,.. tabt.',il tll that ,lie but It Will a p.rlor by lIa,. wbo t1~;, IOOthera. Tillre II a • ubborn n~aJll,abula~ Wb.l p"tlyl Jun for rt!1Ie1 man undgn, by platll!ll ~n pillra .ult 01 ho.... alrorded, .Dd Tn lIuoal' or 1'U D~]).-'t Ia. .. . whlrla ,I.e clid, aad -~ aher retur•• C'AaLY LE S OPINIO N IlajHti_ h.d a _irf fur pri.acy. or wb•• '1 ablllln~ • poulld ror be~f.· ~llt ~ or· lb. own eI,,,",V!I, and ','Jilil U. -1 I~ re.llh. 'l'hl. clone .heC.'I.llbea .ithla hI. .xqu!oile aDd ilHtltiro l thiDJ lA ODI ... to the q!'lttd 8t1tet1. all'lllOOW bell..,· ERA. a.arua to pay a lute. th,t .beD lb.... ~ i., ' " '....... IU" 1Iulou... of'a 'prlnte 1111.11" h,.t l lnp bk • ClC a Jarp p<.artlOA to '"' a n"MfeJllol \be Buutb.ru &a~. 1.beirE ptnt •• fa,lh iiI'" pardull and fDII1,. rri.nd. yi.it. Upoo ber retufD late In 111 be u'lUIIOt 4lll-Did leD '. lI_b.,1 II .tlrac:t lwe_. th0 l lOneDeef "y 10_ lIaD~ij laapP '- of . HIded la N_ua, l.. .......1•• jlllt .. well a. _111 1.. 1 Gutl ...... "Y'lIla,:--.be found ber l.bjHl II.. H_ the . W unit, of dellll..tlc .il'ectlon... r"lflll, ' .... - . , . . _ . . . . of ¥Wu. Carl.a. d .....a ,te:qtlir- loull to. pJUlUllclpbn.... ~r • . .1" .. i. doapu.. ahl, with tilt 11'1 of " 1I\;tcl Irli. al alt. ',It _hl,n exceP' tbat _rae-,a , he "'a. dead comea oyn i\. moat ;owtrfU lJ( , . . Dr. Rul",", ia neol biapotl' !'''If)''' I ft","IC iaI.alld .n';"'~ ilia ha.IMIauDl. liylllg; bu' hi_ rHtleH aird wurtb klMlwl.... Cart,le' lIrI"Ilbt~,... wW/aw llu.nd ,ery med. .... . lllWo, • , 11~I.tlbIY • . Alld It wODltl ~ . . . . .,. ' • DIYet hnrtl .....nS . . INa:' oot. 90., tlolla o(bft" ', I"t,.~ .iapoalliua Iwpl !aIm ' col'l*lIl . l lull4l of k4'f'l'ltt. t!Ut uI o\PI. It_ IN" . .What lID eartIa tIaN &hla 111.11" DEACO N BODIU XI. thou.b our ~l&er lI!oaIhtl .... ~... • IIID',lh rvat,' 'l'b-.. lee. . braupt ."\0 I, ID~ttI". la It IN, .1Id lila ~.t-: Uat audad 'I .....nd U-" .. ,ka 01 h 11'_ eh_. in "I,.. vt wlalclb 1M ..t ~ P' r tor Ide wi JIOtOrifty ;; • IID8' 1,.a;I _"-aly oa the .. _Itt .... II.. , In I _lin Ibe utl~mej wbat be lad. ptIIJple ,OO'...·IIt:e:Nathl l'r' qul"Iy NUI,,'ee f bll_lr~.n. 1. . .tiIed to boW. _ Deaeon n. t ,. aIDe 0 . . . . ,.,.. ... . , . . .., 'akl", • Itkta.. """,. . . . 81& hancIrM .aa IIGt a hctlull rill 'or the H.'......· '!1 I tI.. ou~Ulllatio. lIh.1I tllP rl'II...... . y_ "rthl, r ...... IDJeI'!lOU'" with tile ...... eI . . . "ut ',I .... , .s-at!a nl.oD dI_ .,..,..,.. I I et \be whole .... ~ _u' •__ cri.lu " .hotIt ~p to ...... ... uI tIa. IIIIIIII!, III llaiB~ ....... re-~............ h IIfIDII.1Id 11'.... anollo •• ...,,, . . I. ur.. Alai .... ..... Deacnn w.. I\IIt 011"" . . . . . . . . ~ be l ""II .fIo 1ft \be ~ 011 ~. ... wu lb. II. ~ 'a 118 pottJef. Ok. die . . Ita .....awr I t ....... IuIJ; • "ah a vi hood a alCe ....... a. the d 8,,8al' eaople ...... .. t.ow ... "., ..... ...... or thl"". \ wu III...... ..... Ute Callpb Al~'W. lit hi. ,",Ylr, fII ... "-_.. ..... Wha' IIrWl", th. ",,1-A c. ....,.., ....,. .., 1... pMI" " ....... j tItIWer 8 .Itb..w 01. IfIIt .. dIIt 1. . . . .lIN Ire......t ot .... 1~' """",,"'_01 the ...,;" Mt i& ..n ur", ...... ...... . ~. "_I\I a_n. .D It ...14 ....u, rm".,.. It....... .......~ ... ....". " . . . tip.., .... plio ....... lie ... nrIr ... . eI . . , .., .. , .......... ... ..,.. ..,.....~ &kn'a lew ...... ., • • .,.., t " . . . 1M r ,
.' E". LAN1N~R."AS~ 1 ~ '"
W',O .
"o!' It,
It; ~il , .'
t' '/"
"'ood~ ~~
0; "':W
~'hic~ ~ccurred
.lmi.lUl ~
,.1\ ..,!
w,. ...... ..... n .. lluChati.., .tI.
... .. ....
,II-' ....
Bod"., w.... .- .. bu" "ad ....... I'D"' t"""""" Crt,. ._ .... .,."
1- . . ··."-,,1...... ........Itt -.It •
.....Iei 10..c".. ............. .. .............. .. ...·
A RlIIAItUDL' OCCI7J\E:llbr:.-'I1he (.11· flod ih the P"i~ (K!!) Re· 1t>1.,ndeed an extraordInary 011'
RemllrlCilltle DII.,o," 'ry •In Vlnc"'I..
, line beon Inrorllled by ., ....,..".1
'w~o know,' thlt on to·morrow lc:tIUUI'UO,f} eveDlnr, The We,.neevllle Literary
A leller h th* &Ichmun'il TilDe. illalfl that a rew daYI'.,.twhllo 'BvorHI nen were englged In blOtting out hmeall)n' nflt Duchanan, BoteUour, I'OlIn'" thl'S' di.cu\", ered a cave with an .ntr~Dc6 or lIome III or ClI[tbi feellohlght, a.,d UPWlrdl "f one hund;eJ,lon2 wltb t\\'o IIp.rtmenLi. In the fir8ttheo, '"und .oml!. rtlleD .art ~nd
Jt I, • Spanl'" .ut... ttilt ... ,bat ... • ,11 wnllll loeeth __: 1M who f ........ IoIetIt IIICIH; l1li\ lie wllo ......... IoMtlllill.
lumm« d.y. J 1111 lhalfOllnd "lid IIIf I"d loll ,n4-" .. m)'lIr.ld"" Inwnl CIIn lber fQuud JIcj&~~O my, lab"r Gild IP)! belt war. dtclhtn II) ~II fby I1l4hl Anlll!" read bTCln~1 II~h'
111.11 ~ 1 011 ,h6 drops a 11ilel and gnpet! SOon Itftl ce .Il~in .nd nolle her I cad ,'<11010") bOok ancllD) perh,pI Til' n e my deu to 110 to Ilt.lSO kDlI 81l_in 10 1110 row nlgl t ADd I car me ~Dd. by callU\~ h,iht.
OnSIl1ACLES IN TlI E Wit..Y OF IMPROVEMENT \"ntt~n by pereon. WhOl1l literary fame II
hy no meana Ima/l WI II. nd u. in£l' ,lIfr)' flrO" to make tl e L11 E.RAR¥ DEPARTMf:NT equul to Ibnl or ., y olhf'r COUDtfY publlealhm THE FARMERS' DEPARTMENT
UIfI1l~n. p.."llt bo Will boo 1I011Iaap,,'I 10 "n. tllIlD III bill Uilual cePlIClIY
,"peeuull, Innounce. to d,c
second :Street tlileu doo.. ""eI"ol
AVINU Ihuruu,,11y refilled ¥.d «mbelll,h ed lIs ..,,111011 0'"1 llIoIr the '1,lul Ibt
BARBER AND HAla DRESSEIl, ...m.par. 110 pain. 10 read., ibtBI
__~--~~ '1COmIC)I'IIIU'.
....j1 tit_I
aM &~n_1
Another Revolution!
Bldt\ Ollt 40« W.yn_VI I. U
"otl .. Ntlw Mnlco., .at io tbe prlc • .fewrlr,. etc.
ilE SUBSOIL11Il:l1l wuulu JUpeC'lrullr. T jorm Ill. old pIINnl the public I' .flle tnat he I .. remuv...s bi. Jew.nr, I! Ille
la 'UlL IIIID Ilf .;A"lfUYI'.... 01110
no.••1to14 ••llnr.a.
Wlil p.v to manuraclurer. of .tnpJe -" f II d a b Su"" '1000 -r hundred rur. No 1 Ir A a... am IN are 1Iol prov~ e Wit ," •• d r--..1 t e l l tI
_Iee ...a. wcl ..hl. J I .., i d .. ItO e to ue .. 1Vl',ORI' my ec unary ,. re en n, nrr e ell on Halll .ltHt For Ihe bto.t I qlldred 10 pDent UIO 11)' nefJ bOUle... 1 0, Ule pO'lIId, p'odu~d I will glY8 • pr"",luflI of loltow,. . . .,. be u.. tlil iii 00 SUI:" Will be ..am ned di-Io \Vheatllour,ooepouocl,looe'luart. tereeledDlen B B HAY llltHa. 11.1. one pound two Glllle.1 Ie W.yneeville. 0 Fe.b 6 1S62 t tr:
L n d B D.... ",aea 10 • 0118 ~ 0111 ounce laoee..... ..-.......,.... ..... broQi; ODe ;;;....... • ....-'_ i t t 0... II IIIIt. . . "-w. . . .r .... t.o .. ........... _ . toll .... ere
na. 1Iolhin, to do with thou Bootll and
One.wp)' 01\6 ,...r II p.U 1n adY.'101 1t ~ h .1 w"IIO iI1e nar .8,00 J:rt\o reductlun lrum ,..... ...... io ••f
t::T~" oubacrfptloa Ilk.. (Of a •
Leak properl)' 00 Mal" IlfNt n.... Iide nearl V ul'l""'\le I,a old alalill ... 1ere hI! I old. hlm ... 11 In read "". t a".",1 10 ,I e wi.1 ea 0 loo.e who II .,. IDVII' II , wi h • ~.II I I Ie. d "eeplnl (In I and lur .al~ • Iloo.l a..ott III~nl 01 "'lIht d.y Illd ODe-d.~ \;r",,,s 1 will tleU II dl, C ucw. lor ,6 011 and 1 dD}' lut 1:1 ,~ lO\ 1.1 IntllSllver watchell lor .. Ie nullo be Iw .. dn, where til. IIlde llf the city 01 (;Io" nnl I Jew"lr, of every clucrlpliull, and a Ie Ie a\ nnel)' 01 noliOlII1 of 11 eurtl 1 ~Ih aito II porlu loll)' 10 tlJe r~pa\r'n. of Clock. Watch eel."Ie. 1111 will warrent .U of IllY worK n.e e. ber tl. place! t:!\p of th. UI, \V."~b Uti' ~iae of Millo IIr... I, WO)'tlftYIII .. E In RA 1"1 O.N Oelo",,2tlh 19n 39 tf. 8AVEBY AD".", nOVSE rAIN i £R Al'fb OLAZlEll, w •••••• 011110, r,r_nlauon WILL II .. I'TOII pt .tWlltlon' ,II nne In IJ' ,bftll 1"'lJOrle 01 baa line 01 bu.. a.... bollt In. IlIwn l1li11 Pump' 0.". In a•• 1!Oun!fy All km.r. of Colored Pilln.. prepv yolIr ..ell. 10 eel 10 ord.r rartlcl&l.r,.usl wm be Ilbo In !Ir\ ~ ___ J"'" , , - _ palnUftlalllr.ind. of WIDdow"'ulIt_ titlep,_ upall1" III the W. .O I11III Curi_- MaOul.1I YOIl nn 10fJ of t!pencIr Lain.oa" W_ .w. ,,' lIlalo wiD rede••
mloorlctnred b, I LJCq•• lIhia W.)'n_lIIe where he III., al. .,. IUtlod eYM read- and w.llln" turM ....ad • J" "'.... to callr... ofon eaatolll'fII Beta,orthallkrul " u. (urtoe pUl a ClJDtinlllnc:e pablla .\I'M&. _____________ __ pelrunaae IllOltllJlrd I hawe on hilDd • ZKPHYR WOH8TSD mlk Fl-, ID aplelld tl lUId of Ilurvcao.lllll ..IIte fur _r_'oteDlon. ....... bJ. \IlA 110 l. 1M," "'r, .\aic:h "'III .. lIIlI.af.clDl'III .u.t.U .. £VAllI. , BY AJIID 14ml ..wr.lth ...' .... . . . . . . . .le. .WInIm. . 1IOItOCC:)1Imf1 ,;.c .. AD '"'" ......YNDlNCl 1Iy • . .... HBNLBY. ... . .. .... ...,. "'-II:;.. W~IO"A-. ,....:
,lrtlAy Mllalllld 0,. nEay WD.I .....
~_9.~r;~:~'&P~~:;:~~I(==~~ ~~ II
....,ttr """~
~11C"q:- HTillulII'.-<JlbtlOft ia' , ...,: cline Inll rail of the ltomu ll.plrtl. ' con¡' clud!!1 dl. lecund dI,hllon o' tb. RUD'" rlan nlltlon, wid, die lo\luwlnl word.:
'~rl. · n ....tMttillllll.
or or ... -ratIoo:
. V~ Cruz " ... ,t.lted bl • Ilrrlbl..... ftII'm-oobI.d YtrnliiM.un.-jrtCllOI on tile Illh. No . . tho III 'e..... "ere dri,ea frolll their Inoo,.:: !llId on lite rocki or thue, (our weot ~
. MISC,'ELLANY. I -~~~~~~~-~-·~ .~~~~
~ENITEN"rl.(\ltY REPORT. J "":""-
'1'1.0 Om~er8 of this inslhutioQ hAve mad .. their 11111'11111 r~port to t~e General AUIQmlily. from which we glean some lerc$tiilg [ncLl. 'fhe nunllier of cOllvicts in lho l!eDitclilial·Y. 01 the lime of the reo port 11 yeDr ago, will 424 j lind ou lhe '911. of Decemb! r" lut. 4611. aholving on cr~D8e ~l 4.6 during,tbe pus!' ~enr. Thore ore only 4. remole" \\hioh urO Included tbo nbQvo; '1'110 re~eipts during the
We ha\1.I reaeh'~d 'he I\vcllty-fifth 'AnlIual Rrpo rt of the Tru~leo8 anu Suprrio· nUIIIIL of ,ht) Dt)~ f, allli DlItnb ASy'lulII. H . . N. Hullbllll, E.q.• l\f~er n connectloll of twcn.ly·fi.ve years with qle Institution wero ,"6,5g1,J:I; Expellse,. a3.30o.th. il~ 5upcrlnJclldent. bDB .re,lgnuu, Qlld the 81111\\,lng tbe eDr!ling8 over tbe l'Xpcosel In,ltllcs have appuinl-eu 11.e ... ,J, Ad~j~iun to be '1~.J8J, 46. , . Only uine dellihil ecclfrr~d during year, w~jch Is evidellae of, tho gener· II goud healtb thai prevailed III tbe Institu. tiou. ·Tber~ art) now 350 prisoners work o,ll (lontrallt work; In II,e I'nnnolln,mllro dilferenJ kinds of work. Bueh 8s-sadlUle
. il III
to c: wi thl
10 ,The Pre,Bell
T~e French people jUlt nyw lInow. wllo is their King, but their Kililf g nol quilt'·
en: ~
EJI wb b.1
ble loil cal
Cl Iii)
tl1\ Ie,
FARMERS' FAU1LlEB HaJor Patrick. In htl addrel~ be(oro tbe JeD'erlOD county (N Y) Agrl Dulturli1 So-
clet,. gave the (ollo"lng IIdvlce in rett'rence to tbe I!;lIJlrovtlmeot of lormtr. Comlhee :;!peaking of tho l'rlu:tico, which prevlI 1ft ".,ulle (1m of keep nJ; a porlloll 'he ~Wel\lll~ IIlmOll wlloly closed, he laid Fret let llut front patt 01 that house b«l thrown open, and the moat cunvenu:n ,,",utile and cplea.... nt room ID it be ee lected as the fCimilg room, Let it. door. hI! per open ancl when tho work of Ititohellll! completed, let molher and dllullb &Ire be (dund tlu:re Wllh tbelr IIppropnllle ...odE Let 1& b. tbe ioom whero the film I 1, allllr II erected, on which tbe ralher o~ Jere lbe morrung Ind evening IlIctlfice j~other Let It lie conlocrDted nelllnn., and purltj The lubacral,lIlf. through thi. meJlUm, alld trl1lh Let no A", ever be eveD m woulil atUluullce to hi' old Irlendi And the that room on lhe head or lte owner, tet pUblic gellerlllly that hI' hll8 a:nlD rl!¥UDI ed lUI bu.llJesl of Slld<lle ami Bornes. DO.,aen IlIdlvulual Le permitted to enler muliJng m tlile plnee at the Itlmd tormer It If lether. I emd Ie bDld (and lome Iy occupIed iJy Thn. SOl th J IlIll'nd \bere are 10 lbet predicament) lila daugh keepu If un I .nd lin lII.uNment 01 S d &er Will be proud to lee h'l temple. cover die. III d Harne •• of '1I1l klDds, lind will Dlllke \0 ardor Inyllllnll' In our hre ThOle ert by the neat Inil gTlceful Iilken tap tbcat y; l~blDg til pUfchue Irhcle. III our lane 01 her own Iland, have lall oneil fur him 1 trade w 11 do weUlo c.'1I1I ond eXOIIJlne lilY the- coat Ibat he nar. by dey .. to heavy k bcfore JlllrchallD~ elillwhere IS I for tbe e"enlUII'1 j:IlIiCorl aro cheap, Ind ntolld to Bell for small profit. and qu ek lOll rnl II cottqu wlddlO, A few ahillin" SO CUDIO III d Il'e. befor41 you bur.. IQ ,bit dall,lbtora hand, enlur", him the The II(lck I havo on lianiJ, mael comfortllble wtlJlper In tbo world, And !I yuu find wo clln t agree, .... 11 bil buoll litO liard Ind the aaUI Tllen try Iume olher IMla cot modler', ca;pet a b.,hel 01 wboal . , object II to lell •• lu .., The quahty ae good o~ In tbree yeerl Will keep 'hun in slapAI an> Ibop wlthia the towa, pen of 1111 ~1'le.t kind Let Ibat table Or ...roundtu/l DOlihborhooo wlaicb 1l.. al".,a ,,0Q4 undenhe lac-II nJ: A8AHEL CBA!'iDL&a. 11_ ~",,' 1M "*I. be wheeled ,nlo tbe \\1 lIynelv11 e Jan !16th. lBb!l ..... Il.l.."e» raiied Inll pleu." of It'~ till (oot oruaml1lUlI) book, .mI periodical, .. laW upo.. It. When even In, ,tfq OD tbfo Hpw-aad pluty or lnem-- I..~et.
lor ..... '.. . . aU .. wDUac~:'- They will .. ~ wlU d_ _ tile ot"er, will..... lie Itt I I .Ucla
I'" ....
rU IlliSUEI> ],O! ,.&ur. .~JlJ.1:
0011,1 0'
..auar Mua.!.G OF xyuy ~VEU lIr JLlh \)' t;i:U.l::Y tWNLI!:'i
,irsGE LL:umou's; ;READING._=- Il;t~le .
",hlle, II . mollths. ' ' 'They d(w! 'V~I1, no\\', noacon, whDt A CAND, DATE FOlllf;R URCII MEM- m~kl.'~ 'cm think 10' Tho church Ilin't ,• DERSIfIP.'
A. JACK, • .sQ •
• I
It wIlI 'lIIr. tltevena ' mi.r'lrtIl M. at ono , ' time, 10 ,\0'0 a guod deR of money 01J II. borae rlille. " This tnade hIm feci uncom· fIlOO IYIIO.IOIII, 80 he \Went: to D Clllnp meek Inr, whicla wa. held about 'five mlln lrom ,lila re Id'!'nr.e. ttl see ie he cou\lIn't make up a lililo by ,.hQkinl: prop.' with boy.. They happene d how~vor to bll mucb fO r tI,.t time. and ~e wal ' (!"mn'll!le" ~ ~ou,. 'fhil m_de him, i(
leel Inure .erio~, than ever,o"nd
h.ppene 4.to Lo a .poworful preaoher there. wbu cuuld mukc hlmsel! hcorJ at tho Hl;\'
'flJe Scotilh mother's ('xhorlotiol» to her qUllrrol IIIII' cltildrun , 'Allcic-. 1JUitns, Ggre ! 'l'lul re'" no, su , •• UII) 0' yel' mIght .wIIII reut I,ropnl)~y 110 Ir4l1ijlYle\1 ulld prusyniod : '0 our £Iul,gl.rilll' ('xil 8, If "e nll. tliKe n~t, the lib"ni('~ of Hu ~ IIry will jilld OUn.CO UNTRY . , I '1 u•te IU fOrlnld .hle nil 0 (10111) In t(,o J til' • " mountain . H ~re.l' tlskcd rorrefrO lllD Cnla 'Jlldll>ll o. " d qUllrrcls o r )I~( ch lhlr'c n, ' pe III 1798, tile earn or .~ono of ~bt pr,.ent .~. m,aelf ; nd horae, Dnrl while IlIllie werD 0:7'111111 tlllg"'" of tho denr lind dumb,' Jh i\. AU f tnan eDlllo or It, '~.1111I1 \J~ur. , The C.phol or lI!'a~lil~on wua laid. "-t that ill a Itale of pr po r~\lon, . [ nNed. "Ilow !l'rculed~ lIIutol1) ",i lorlun ~ ppl!ur pO\¥l'r. An) ~ Frure.~6. KI.e .. ~,o n, Ihe \.I'oeher 01 timt: General W'lI'!!\ing)on, iD whgso l.p,,· rar to ' o--! 'fhe ge nl/llmun gUY!! me 1~.IO' h cu l til ir biller 1,,,.1_, lind It iIi 1I0t' druwlng In the New V,o rk AM)l!uIII: are br tht' IICW leat o r' Go~crnml'nt \vall Mn.· lh/! illrorm.\ ion Rought :or; uPO;! ~llIch J "f1u ugh Ihllt, II bIle 'Ihrr ~re t'lt'He~, thu I)Q noiu ~rubly hlnger thall Illu.e. , ur ed, "mel. ted: FifL)·-eigh,,)'e.r~ IlltorwDrll, .~keu /Ii m if he kuuw Mr. P. LIe &l.id he "fe ll ilhvuld (Jrnl1 ~' th CIIlsql\'c.; wllh "11 ()c'" gellf'rul ' H e nllJ'l bule. thl" p"cul Ol1lOely. on the 4th day or :luly, 186J, Iho knew lucn \Voll. At thiil the Indy uf Iho cusional quurrt'l ulld du e1. bur the ludle~ 1 11lO 1I.c. "0 118tu Ii t u.e of their Ilnllerd In tll-cltlr, ng Ill' \Vb u,.rN corner·s luhc ,,( oJ! elttcll >ion or the lJullII· lnln '!' "ucCI'ail. 1",. with much eagernes s, not UII' hllve nul lurg ,," . 10 b t i ll!{ th(>ir nluluIII ~UmlJl\IUI(lU tllll: tu each olher. ~ur a 11101' tllI YI Oll illl.'" woe I.i,d, o"d th,c , Secrulur y or thl) mIngled with tllnld,ty, ho WII' fOI'ood tu III lip Irl~l; nil,! nskt>J me II I wat! ~ nhnlll\Ue8 ulung \\ I II til Ir Iu,s til Iho Ilur reu OIl. lhe Oliger. of vlolm ll tl (ru· 'he liDlo fell "pe ll clle.,ly SlllLe nladll' an atldrci~, In U.e cunrA~ of d,v ldutl-tho Mr. G . fl-om V.rgiu,a . 1 ~i)!d her I alruu~r~ IDUd. It III'PCU'rB lilbt lIil~E JII.! qU\!lIlly nllulu an cxtraord inary 1<'I'lIlh ..- clI£:1! whJC;1I he pr;tionled I .ketch of tho) c~m· w~. '1\01. She •• i" o"the ¥Ivurel h ~d ju<t rn ,rk"d h. (l1l'. Lhat.ile wu~ oue or Mr ~.'lIb, 1I0\\' Mrll. " ochmu ,Ihe 'u~e lll1 g • " ~JUdlliOll 01 o:ur ('ountry ~t Ibe p ,'. d.ughter~. anJ 1\'uHxpe clln: a lIuua,n ri UII l1 u 'l' lto ~~OOIl<l Anger of Paponlt\ i'. I"f~ h algil Q\,pr tho hand withuut Jra\\illl!J , 11 liune.ti, hll~ re~elHII Ille ' c:ol.".lI fl?c\ Ii 811M I" llu\,<, lI~ell 11 futl on inch long~r drop or blood! pcrtu s. · . , • alollg frurn VlrgllllD. ) • trom tHe prt'il lll p\]\\ r. I\lot llc. Accur. \111111 ... Iher pf , II. nl'lq1. lJol'I:. 'f\'I!U we had ftneen Stllel, no.... Ilid tbol~ ---«~-:--Artel dan,lcr [\VOl ai uii • on tho romll, dtllg to lI re rcgul"r otdcr ~f l.ut;CClljj'On" a \\ hll l1'e 10 furtun ·,11l ftI til ellJoy , !ba ac· A lome \vhat hive thlrty-o!;lD. e.c centriC law)'o~ bt'lng ~I\. r-rocecd i"l tllwllrdi C -'-. Pt'rl"p!l \fO il or lion 'S8 11011 bu\ ol)€tfcrlll R £IIUllITIIQ A MII• .loz ....The Do'toa of uftlcv- qllu jlliullce uf (!)I" null ore DlVbre thlt ho gaged II) Theil our ~ 1 ;~le l1~pulytiQn ",'Ia three he r~uder OUJ:ht to bo cle~lIt1io~ "!oard en. a ani;! rIol be" AU .. tell. the follOWI!)1 gulid Ito". or told Lhtt C--W a. /I III'ne d .y'; ~l1ilfn. .1\[;01. JOI>(llIu ""~ .trut. tbe l 1..8. "I.ofe I.fbrl . (Dbncff l, by \bl) wa" Ing Iltul:cth tr plcllied \\ Ith n; llIilln4, now It i~ twenly.d uell. tho rullllg. lIf G I/vemor: not ~hcn, "uri~ It ret. a lown; ~III. it 1& t u her lillie II ur-Ihe: ' l,ttI... ha~ lUII(!".I,d lIoult! be I'nlllcr, III tuO· tof. thGn otht'r }'hen BUlIton hnt! 13.000 p~9ple. n9 w I~ meD.lya llcillhtiurhood tbepreal del\l)lId ger,m mrlled thlllhll behcv'\Ve knllw 01 a dlltlna:ulabecJ very densely eel~led rUlig. ~nd l'O pr~ 1 d Iht' . I, ly Iilf lIer herll. people.) , • ed the. wholo. Court cuuld'bo '"'~III ~t wltJ. 1\ Gl'nlll'm an, who leeille cooiahll ug, It Ib~ luno of wlllcl~ 1 Ipllllk, 10UI, her chn r m. ulld a Ilrltt In lhe rrlQ uy \lrtuca,U fllil "he ---peck o(\)oell. . The Judg e 01 course, l ook fluu.c bf R epre.enta . c_tQhlr,:lllltUI,lIJ, \\III t,luly laltl' ujIOn \1111 ~11elt, 1I11~ \lodcr. l,,·ell olle Dilht .botft 1\.1 IUTllfln K usstrrD -Tht ltev thill rllmork ill Ui~h dIlUj:t'{)lI , 0011 orJerrd tho II u·c loe.k, \,enlured .up, WI.e n w.II'11tl rour or 811111<111111' her pO\litlun W ~ e iIl'lu lly fiJldd and going in, {O~K ick WllliulII K" 6IU lh, II lit preaent \lllIt Iftl\)er IU . 11 d.,wn nllll d~ m U I"Jed uf him the Govprno •• I" n~,' ft •.", ""letl ofC-- " I met IIll clIt \amllll ftlld umu r/g the thlll g4 thsi .elted III th,. S~ h bef. n. e hb ",,,,, . the II;O~t lucCC's. ful rrvteilll ni POltu-. ~n an ~plllbgy r\lr thle COlt tempt o rO oll.i IlIrcn. e r·.. cha ir, r-el\dinl: t.is ndd~.. aloud" \0 him-• Jud,. eocll riding. Ilor~c, alld, 01 in dUly tIlTed W irn m'\!r:~. On cw ~'~"r she coli- Doh('min. (n 18~ti, 1,0 unller II'IJ\ to gOlh. Icniug 101m witll COnlllt.t""' 1I1 rur the ulf~n.tl self. Nu "no clse WDA presenll ill bcund. I IIlquir~d how 1 ~~uulU ti lla ~he od "pull hl! r pre COt the H_II. 1~ y 1)1 tlte mcnug. jer D c:hu~ h or n "hcmlull Protf'stu lIttl, al If ho .ltd nut arulogI8 ', The lawyer .rtl'~ \TIIi happenc li lit leRst way til the huuOD or ~J. P. T.he liCit tie- NIl', Mn,l.me Ko dUtil, lid fonr days bofuN "'"8 r celHd Ptog-Ui!. ulld ~I!vorlll eonVlml wen' made . • little rrtJeet lulI re m ()led m~n vtlry p"I,lely gnve me d.rectlo n ., d\o- with mllrkcct olighl "UtI old nUl. Tlt~rc- In l R4!l, hI! CUlIlme nCl,'d II perIodical by .old /Ie blll:evril the Co!!rt tbat ho h_d the .dd ~t Will \lftlelally l\e\lvel'Cd JjerON wh.lll. tl,e ludy veul\lrQd to uk me If J wnl UpOIi nblur T ilI:l.mlln. coU1<1 bft bought llle IWII tlranche . or Ill.,. u.lfi.lalur~.' , ,.gel lil" hol4l1dlld. Ilu~ nump. of Ihe'H~r.. ld III Ihe Duhcrnlan wllh a prck of lIeun! ; tltnt he! .~i J il ",.\lmllt ov,~,V"V. 1 not Mr. G. ,from Virgluio . On lelm" n" addrc.>1 ed a ilOtll to ?tIlifI. , urlltJUUlh, u Jr. Brclh trn,' I;lIt It IVU altcrwar d.t '"rprrll ' r~llellll\lI I •• "~ wlilled to luk it,baek; 'Ollt, A ~.l'U.<T DI MUI.,- Two blllTtIIIt... 1JIo 1 WOI nut,lhe ; polpII'i zcd by u .","" Ing all pXl1111-1I0 ' tll)n ,,( -th ' lI,olt. Till. 'Illy the gOVl'tJIm lcJ I "r tid tIt ent. h I" Hi. B rOllRrl'g " u Ll t atl"n ell .e. I, r thut l'b" Will \>n~ of M ~.( P"~ d~ ugllt"l ra. ha. n ut het II i,~eu, lit 4:J" ~c _ -pot >II.. ked "ncw "om mrll" Clime tntu ..... allb"ligh Clull\) I cur. num l.er ..d, 1.l t July, .. ~e.t\D hunll-ell loul., 1I1'1'l'r wOllld hl1vo takell It Inck 10 .nJ "0' anxiouijly await till Ibe art"" or III lloi. cit)' II, Carpent .t', uprea. II,.... ; d I r I .., atiV1'1I hondred .~ convcrtl Irom world'" rtllpon lIee lIa #rtl' II uUI U 1'11(,0 we had gOOO post ollice., n,ow we ./1 ~ .. u Ir' or wll"m v ed tu DO on-, MIl ....lr.1 Jllnll "aPlH'lI ial ~h. G •• cuusln II IPr.." \\ 1,lch. buur.e. Ii dul, plIlIl~ll ed .. lII<1t't Purery . in ludilll! blve lIl,OOO. thr-('It Ptleal.. • Ho Wllcn Illmolt It Air. P. I ~uldoncr., I IInportUl1t. \Ve up ct to a Ct' ' J ' 10 be rUII"", lhou~ht It lookeilll lte a.,1-t ..th" .... Ilole Ildld to bc nearly r.pilllt'd to Ihe lf~lty3r. . Our re"noue from pp"ag~ then WM ca!D e FIItST n A'l't PIlISOIf,- 'Doctop , tbat ere dou~ I,.a,. IL m., up Wll~ t\~O yllun/.( J~~tl' wO:I~II\1' c: r)U'lhj' throwli i"lo '1"itt<. t ~C't of be moal," lit" b 81011,000. DOW ,t i. ~,OOO,OO\). raV, ba no Ur yonrn I. (UI".i... uid-. Yan· 'but lhrre can be no harm in ezamin l:1.IJllt\the "\1fle ,rlect,o"l ",It my ..e. . l ci\('u.rlr i, ulld to l'",,, lnlft. rra l Oon. TwTIl-l\C Thc. . . re "lIly • Cew fuet. III show the IlIked UlCAt. COlIVlID I • a,e to. vil1!JCe apotheu ry. hem I t lle..:Ou.;e ,\clll',din glr, be Wilted opon th~ f.pNal p t IC"'ylII v,e\V wa 1#' 6 IUIIMI d bll e 011 110 m(lrill or lit ~ tllrl'e tl .. 1.ou('on pillS y OIl In Dllor! 01 r:pid llroll/lh of UIO counUy, alii! wlll1t we thcrcald eDceof .nr. , " 'Konw'd It I knew'd it!' sold Ihl! p'lcl~ mID and 'Iook Ihe barrt!l. PI-lin d yuu • Il1to Ill. 0trlI I"" b '11 . "I b b I I . eel and ollr children 1,Il\'d '0,[0 to I,,\lure the are cllu"n t ilrtl"" 'Don'tJlee)J ' O. t ey ot I exc 111/1 " dv."0 • . qui' tlo ... Which will prube "I e.o llweU lOOlfi \vhl~b h .. p~iltl'dlDr a lon, Ivrudera . Ono-Jl lft't....... fKhoDe oo.... " . • b 'd ' r' wlllinu. nee 1)f IlJI "roefleerlY, I. lO •• tuMmlo cOllinUlle", of YI/.(I- LOJl "·11 cru, 11,,"\ "lvduO tor'. It.Utr.· cilIa towards nil' 110" I clrcumaltrlCO Ly Ihe."PllO I.h'llld aDCtllt'r b!al"l'el , tt.irroea def- .lhIIt . ' I" " • I ' b a " I.nce IIkl,nqu .ry, In.1 I (he "~ft_ -, 'And doctor,' .lId th., ju',er, coo IIy,' J ·'n•• eIlrD meal"_ Mortlr Am \Vhl'n do ynll appl, a IOv~rf'gn remedy ttl Ylluth u I thcn wrllS III ~O\v.1L 9-IQ ._r.I1G 1.,.. • • • r.an CIII('t abd \uwn, \0 ldettrlhlnl1 If 10 )'our tliUllJl 'Vhelli tl • e • _IIII1I'~ .'Ilt to buy al'lo~her puund IIf r .' .ed m" ... III a cpw .tn'lIllle t.),eotbe rrullor bnrndy. As ..., . . . Ire~,u!!.. ot I !lin, and chetiall in .. II pur hroughtllnO te) Ur. • d g1~C. . I IDYll .,ord~ &1 dam" !CUII_"lth btl ...... ~I\d "ulllul"n l I, Dy ,tbn\,.j tulftlory uel.tn_t llln ,,"ould 'Anothe r poundl' eu ey. to nobodt, II~ a.. 101& "1· , ' eel' n ",NlOIi ror """,lilt M' '" till! 'I Icbm w.th vuu dcclure 'Yet, ~ir; htarta I true ptltti"tl.l O. and I JUIl "n" lAdy came tu lIe tllat pollbd r boullht Ih. I d ",~r. ( ,nll'I" ial.-M d", 1'_".. that Jour tooth plll\ed 1'lIu1.or ~. L_ I ' I Id d ~ IIbli tP mou~ lad It ",acle , . . lole . I I ch b ' ~ Oilier .y to I nl ou.r obli".ti" l1 to tbo.1 tlr.lt _lI.all colDe She .. Id he w.. lomtlw Ilere • IInu t II.e to ... CU u IluU ~. "". ""II n. 1 IU,a • C" N 'Jlrun! , -."fi • cI --olher I .....\1, • hlmllr.. I l eJetotlvn w,1l lilce.y tana upon III10 p.>llIt, - ut • I" c•• Ind I a m 1"III.er Ill_ _ .... W"y lie. an aehln, t.oo1la 'OIl"r.rm.-th at - he ha'I o~ 1y bceo I ,.ere I ew ud tile 11011 ... Je.an II' _oJ ld kill h' I' t, u( Ut. day Irnec em t.IIe ~r" . . . . 11. It lDake; poa_"01 ••• 1 lDomllD tI,-tblt Ihe dId nor fi!Alldo tho""l \ 1fIo(~, 11'111 .,. tfre '01. ..... _ whldt lhe hI .. l,uJ.i hi. Jaw.' 'Mr. Jo you Hid the derendl nt wa. but Ihe fel~ ------e.rllin th.t lollwr ,,"' a. not old q...ry ot 'Iu ..... fa wlU lie T" hal tu..., In ~1aa<t OI'C1I1D- Ia ~-W""t "" JOIIlDp D be Ih tl' pRe rroll! horHl. l' Gall. fllKlt "ccu,.ptOo , " ....all ....lr_PalIi6 aIr..... to have It narKte dl PulltD••' datival. and eo'",," tlie MIO. 8 JOII '\Vh't .u I ...n bJ Ibln rr .~ ho 1111 bIn. Ihe Sn' tilDe th~lfte, two other 1Id1es e,,1erIii
• 0
.... . ,
"t, •
. . ltf
ptltll'lJllfn. ,ppolat It 1.... \1"0 "'e. We ob"ned L'lborde amon, tbe Towill", to rtpl'fteht UI rowd, ~acl8rin, hl.... lf U Igrelllll" a. IblteI(:CIl,\'eIDU~ln on the Slilb Bovel'11 lOOltl Wer. draiik.Llulonlnt D' Arclnl"I, U. 8 Na"y, propol' etl tI,e hue IIh 0 tI" COprt~lIu, C:j)mm1nder of " Ie IlIn, wInch WOfS drank \\I1~b warm applaude. COlnmftnd ~r Pereira rcturOFI.I tb tlfllllieq , peer.h, whlo:h he Co pr opo~ ln)l" a sCnt1inll1ll, .Ihfit tllo -·"'UlIlla.'1 WIll anti klnuuell8 'might oVllr ClhQrnc· tllO IIlll'r~Ollrlo of ihe UllIted Stute~ / ";"" ,\ !Ior8 lind paUl. . A 'young In ombt: r of ollr IInr proposed 11\0 heallh or tho Quee.n or S)lal~, IY Ioleh IvIlS II' f I dl bib 'by Iho compony 'Oo/.ll\llnnllcr Per. c !Zens 0 n ~ na w 0 ~ Iwe ~en • d 'd bj 01:>. I I I I r 'UCet:8Hful In their new home.. A colon), elra ~cgpon t!, • prop slOg t ,Il 1'0 II ~. fo Ore ,chlett' m IIIbors of 'tho ]'.re8' tile Preludent of th b Ulliteill:ltGt~~, wilioh r I WlC"1 I y 0 t • l Am '" n'1 I ) byter 011 l\,Ir~ I I ~ now ,orrnln-g an " a ~ · \ as ,"f! I r illl r 6011 cUUI,l Illlder the o~rll of Jthe Rev. Ah c~p roasetl Ilum plo~sure.l\n,~ sqll. lacGIU S. sy'1 UIlTIVAlfT. f An, • ap 18 t co I0 1 Y tlOIi al th lll r \I~h t to Ih o fi rsl SPIIIllolh shll· f, I I ' i t d Ludlum 01 \Yur thot 1111& o;lll' rcl.\ our orl., (or \ mil. or lie IlIIm!! p aao Il, o~galllz fll[ a 011 or 0 D riA ,r "'~ I' heur rlldlnl1npoh~ who wllIalnrt0 hI Il fow l1y yeo" - 1 .. . ~ U OJ c W . ... • weeki! for Oregoll wllh theIr Icrgymlln , ,,100 hilI Jllst resigned his bhnrge (or Iho FRA NCE, purpose ; Gnd IIVOor tbree olher oolonles Lou\_ N.,poleoll hnt , nt length promlll. lire or~ftralzlng fn ihlit-rollt Illlrt9 of the gated his Contl lllulion a 'i'here oro four StoIa alsa for Oregon. _, oun;;ultat,Ye alld dehberuIII'e bodlcH, 1\ IS esllmotl'd that upwarda of two hUll' ;...._ ....."""'.",..="--'='"-"'="='~_ MlIlIsl£rs, CUI1 II~iI of SIOIC, Sell Me, dreu ~' oung anon will leave fllr CuhrQr,IIQ Leglsluli\o ilody 1'h ~ 1\. lIrl'~ ' nrr" ... I. wllhlJ\ 11 n·w ''( .... ". Cr .. V . ... I..,.... , I ~ rollll11t Ihe last wblbh IS electeo by lInil or. 1I10ne. ' Tlurly·cight loft L~~vrClO~ebllrgh, r Ie Bultimore .1'illwI Illyl thlt Ih!, Wet. 801 .uft'rftg~ once III 8 1)( years The Sena. In 0110 MI11PIlIlY nbout a (~rtntglit alneo Ilud tern Balik, at Sprlllgfte\d, ~lall. , .ued' Joba tors ore 0llpu lnt~d for Il f~ : Iho )lInl81ore thlrt), I11nre cbieMy mf'ob.tnlcs, WIll lenva 1111101 ror notea to the omollnt of '18,OOit, lire app<ltnted by him ond depend Iloltlly anti! thld OW-?lll. A complny of fil'ly h.. b~en endonted by 1:lm Iqr tJ(~ mr!"bcr. ill. Srlll enllrely UpUII 111m being ImpcuahBblo onl.v formed In EllzlI.belhlowlI ),1111 <tbirIY 1 01m: who are no" 1II.0Iv~nt, , TI~o PIY~tl\~ w4 by lhe S enato whi uh 1.0 01}l'ulO ~a. Tile. f.rmers "'ho WIll takeylC over,ln~1l1 J(luttl, reslsled, on tlie ground or Illellal pr\lCtitl•• Cllllncli of Slllle 18 nUllllnaled nl801ly the lInd~r charge o( HOW.EL1;·f;u,lIkll all upe· Ipgll" dl.cou,nl~ng' ItIe ne-IO. lilld allo .iQ Preslllcnt aild 18 1101110 til rCniov.Il 1 by 111m rl onced traveler on tho plllnl wl~o hu en· reounl or IIIU'r' 'rbe ~upre",e COO" The ):.cgi lutlve bo,)y CQn neilher ~riljinotl' gug.oo ~nnu g"ven ample security) 10 take hnve aUllailled the qbJeClion. or alTlen~ luw9 bllt hus SllT\ply i~ power Ihom to l!IO. mines with Iljulea an" hght it I•• 1Ippo~et!, \,11) !(1I11 aljO\lt .I1I,~1\IO of Vo.tlllg' IIpon lI ueh 08 IhE' PrI:81de-n\ senJ. wage. II~ Ilinety aO~B {or ona I)u{ldrt!d dol· h,vlllgcolll\t~~~ 1 ~ccllrl\f it liS c1rawl\ lip by tlie COllncil of state Inr880h. 'rhero are IIlilOtl)le!ltr fivll per· the bill nco. " • <, lis .;utngs oro to be Solcrel ,0 or! lhe press sons goin (rpm Auron, t\V~t:nly (r~m Ri· not lho n ll'ht t.o puilh." 8JIY of i~ ~ru. 810g Sun, and len from Hnrrleon. 'Ije el11' ceeduig4 except tho jlol t! minutes os recor. lerollts from Dlilrborn tlounty 4re ohlelly ut'u by 11.0 l're5 ld Aut 01 tll b ~sRernbly. ftlrtRt'r, anJllloohllnios or excellenl habib , \Vf noeu not \I O~le m.ny worUs upon 1\1111 ' mOIlLly lIrl,lnarrie dj luve~ ..1 Germani .uch 1\ al\h~mo of governmelll 011 tl1I8. A ~ro ~olng wlt~ Ihem. pred~ce a~r. of the p~e~ent absolulo IC ing 1'hl. gn!nl rxodllil b~glns to> . ofFronc;e, onae said. " I urn tho' Slate." "~sll.erluuBly. Ren ti arefu )hni',ndlabur LouIS N$JloleoD hoa Ilot qnly Inl~ bitt erl. advinei lig. Landlorda aro now JO&lk uOled lho alO!! thingl Thl'tc is IIUW but lor' tenqnta ill3te~1I uf, lenanll for I.rm., aa e pOl\ler In Frollce, 11:1\1 oftl e '~tuldt'nt Iu,·rt'lll l'r.rd. Fllrll\s on the'gfl!lIt Lawrelloo II hfld III chl'ck '0 (uf a's ·.il I. re. burgh h0110ms thllt lUI year )vore ',eo,o3 nUll al dlj hy thedre~d ot a IIntyerl~ 1 "I a rcnt or 4,600 bU8hel. bf corn are tIll. oUtbrak~, IIlId Ihe fCar of tho ae8Us,llI~d d"l! ,Year olTered IOJ 3.700 bllllbel. ; IInu w" g"r. The " Lundun T lmel" justl, delill~s .tooll oll fllrlOa nre (or ..If' In nil putl of the nelv Consli(ut;ulI .1 an 1II.lrume n~ Ihe county at irnl ..orIO~e b, per.on. Which ·'exllnaui~he. ell !IOFul,r ' llll'hlll III '" ho pl'tp.,ing' for Ollhfurl\la - Cln. ~"'"----'----'" Iheury and arplte.tllIn, a'ld , e.(\lblldhe.4Ie Guelt." , An Amerlclln, at Vienna , wa. latfli • arreall'd for exp~~'illg the opiniOn Ib',t pulillcoll,ruclur e ivillch ia. m~rtl e.nlline , fur l'lIforeil1g the will ur a lingle ruler; " ' 11 PIIOTEC'rI/tO LETTEaa-HaIlY lho\l_and. Vml -p.lmtlh~lIjj would 100" relurn tQ CQI~taln. III ~bort; no Ir3CO of hborty. and of)ellt'ra .ent to th" I'oal omra 1'.l'IIIUrnOU OffiCll, lin!! !hllt LJQi~ .Napoleon ~v.ould lit t,lIeJ ,clIIOC,1( to d,!~ )lut.. m. The ell!e' Iloilies •• dllou lolters-the per,on. 10 w,bum they Ibllt. • J orl' oil eltlier dcpo{ldellt 01\ ~leJellt \!Iot belllJ,!Jourld. 'rllese ~r. deAr will or ruler, or ~borrecl \l ror\) th e, Iroyoll ulliesl they eonliilli o~oIOlure. or eXercise 01 the irlJepcndelll olllliorjt, thllY lomu kind; lind Information offalu/! to Ihe m~y receive fro m the p~ple' alld the ge'll' ~raolls addreliletl,or their friel1dl, '" Je· I gUlnllt,e. ~I pubh; IIbe~ly wblch h_ve etr0led wlttl tluim ''We aco II .,.Ied .tb.t /iJ:urei11o the French (lh.rters IIlnce tJlt! ill • now edlliau ot th, regulation. o~ thl! e.talllieilment o£conllilulionol govern men I Pillt OlRce, IbbOI to lie pu6lIeblld. it I. pro' n tbat el\unlry,lul\vt) ~oW cnllr Iy di.~It· 'Ided, ~hilt III evel7 cue- wh~re the wrkter pODred. 'rho 'l'IllItllOY. tbat Illlbo!,Uh jt of. lotter ello.llll to protect it ffem dl, ia poIII61e lhllt ti,e terrors Of Ihe pUll .... d thance of b'~ing opened It Depllrln:a.nllnd 1-.I•.";+I<':"""'_.pI,,, b. ' m,?"" .~ "e."p~~~" a eleod Iclt.~ h~clln • .eo bl 'RDrn,n'.~ of Jlle ctiU"try,the ,pr-e'Il~YlnR ihttpOl~ .nd writinll~glbJ)' cauae or bUJl\.o Iibefly and reprc.el1tat1~~ emlhe lealed _llTcJ'1n:1! oru~~ gtlVl'rnbJ'iillt 15 lIot 8i> plll~il!d '.nd dead i'n ;J, III I' hloh cue It will be ~~uJd rrom rrillce,tballt WIll IIot one (1_)' _PII,n ,!lld Ihe liAbility cOf b~thr colnmlttrd to '" the Ihok!.' -011' realralnl. which no other people It. me., al\~ itl leal will remlln In tiol. in Euro .... would ~ubmlttol eave 118tbe Illyt " I ) " h a,e and mOlt~-cruel nCCeiijlly of ormed lubJ"i" \VoIiDIiRru r; GOLD DISC<lVl1IPJEI machine .hope, 'Nark ahopa, coopei' .bop, tlOD.' heen madn lit Port Illljlfp the Idjolnlng cui• ~o Into Ccnljrtt •• A8 Ille voice or Oblo. as anu UI.e eUlln l~ ,hetle were aU ~clltroyed, JU~II'inlJ of ,ho tuture by tho Rlllt-~be Oil)' C.r New Bont~ Wlle:a; Hiln" cuel I):Tlud,l! Elhl' Le~i. of Peno., HOU". H.. he bot. PUrlng bla .l~ourn In Glncln. tlie tile AmerIcln VIP.W 01 Obio', true po. fncludlDg !I'vlIII amOUlt t or jIIater,al and Il erll of rev 01 III Ions i. by no mealll clo~ed 10 in~lndual .ueees" were most relJlllr.koble. folluw ..,/{ nntlwellt 10 lbe IYpO&rI'l'hrl!l~ • n,t1> 1"'lIrn~d that more tlion one· third (If IIllion. . lurlle number or WDlJons. The estent 0/ Franc". Aa ~8 lIald lume time III'U, the Ono mlln bad obt.lned .£1..(;00 In a ,week; fostlnl.t Pill.bu~l.h ' . tl,e nll~tl of. tile Columbll~, KIIOIII &. L'l- the POPUIOlllill of that cl~1 i_ foreign nlld We sbal! be- tdld that thlli exerllon i. Ibe lo~ wu. lIot ~.:ertIIDed. )lr. Pltter- French. I( ullfi.t.tor FreNom, aro equally and Dnolher, a bl_ckllmlth, hod got ;£1,000. ]lhe 'fYP!lIlI'!lphical Art-It i. the it dlt lle)fjaml R~ "vDl Oompany. Thla change uf comparativol" recent .!IIigraliunl anll uncalled lor; but. Ilf, When w'e .hllll'f~e .on, tho Supoli otenuenl. tJ1inka, It .wa. the unfil f!it Despotism. And chI. reig~ of A P~ft' of threll. mlln "found 20 pounJa At , wh\("b.,,~ucltc!1 ita prore.teI,. III III IIFql, made on llondClYf Mu~eh 18t, 186la. furthor, III at ~bll bol~. golld rell\lIvely 6([y thousand forel n signature .. laid be- wark of lUI IBc.ndlar,. \Jut pOIslbly the Ijlul~ftNpole!:,n, 18 de~n?llall1 , or thl. mo.' N ~lght In one da)" \1'll1le '"l1thel' before arta III~ acili~cle., nd m,tml III to Ib.lr fllre Oonl:l'e 8, purporllng to be In expl't>l' fire,c:augl\t frlUo the boiler In Ibe machine .rbltrnryellara<,ter. Jt 18 II leeoln,drelgll of lIrelkraat, rallied 13 lb•• welllht. The con· 1011\11. tbe u Je prinoiple. or Iibe,t,. A~ Ind' W;e tlJi/lk' It-a 1I0rY good' onl! 'Air. W , \~lien Iwphed to> tho populatittn or O)l'menta IS Ole SUl!enPtendent,, ' opposlle !lilies of Nq,wpon lind n oj tile will of"Olilo mo, be ludllC' _\lop. Th~ prJ801l~rl t~ro IHlcured Ind .errur. SOllie of the grf!alellt It.ttlm~n •• ell\lence wa~ a for gr~ llter deserllnl! (f'Om mtflllia onL Prlnte, 14 qU11i11e1f for II)' Rnd the ell rbun cquntry I ed to change tllat OPIIIIO~ none IICl1pj·d_Lobll1lille COUr-,U, Ina oratora Gild lulhol'l and ,ollerellli of "I\'Ordlnll!,}, ~~Cllpotlon. than bad ~v~r beell 11I~IICtl I' hlllevor. G:::,-Poat Mlllltera confer ti great ravor not juatJy cOlleluue rrom lhe prltmptlnga AN AMER[GAN. &j'UrJ/Jy. FrallCl havo betlll uiled (or nu olber rea· IVllnOI"f!c! at SII!ney. -FlIllr or l five I.rg\l lun thlln tbelr refu.al to flU down,lnd .lIip' wl're road)' ~or lei a?d detained fur on ... w~en tbey perrllrlD tlll'lr duty. ~y of bill own p~rullhtil'" tbllt all tlleit precl!' w.~ ot ilIforllllng u~ when our Illlper ,. lectadul lire In favor of their dlltr~8sed lIlELA1fClfOI,T AID F4'1'.lL AccrDElfT.- worshIp the i,ilage and,benrt ollw_ whIch wlnt ofb.nd. -rhe eallneaof {he l1~t t.a:k¢J1, oul of Weir oOice•• {We d,G n!)t ClountrJm~n etill rernuilllng ID-bondage up. TEMP~RANCE IfASS ~lEETJ.NG AT A mel.nch uly qoident b,lPponeil on tbe the ilnorllnt lelo/lllry Of~ !'r,onell P.D0ple wllb lO lenil our p.p~r wany wbo on tbl' e.n8tern COIIIlllClltl Jill lIot Ib" LJ::8ANON. 7th Insl~nt lIur W.!t Creek. OCl'on cuun. aetup. O f thel8 Vlt'llml 01 , pru~crlp, will .0 (~r, Ihow a c~u"n foot,.b~ ~e. conclusion IIIcluqcd KoP,uth I. ~en ty. N. J. Ih tile oppOllte the mopth 01 tloD-numbered b, cbe thoullClnd....-tbo froQ/UII&' ps out or our JUIL dues ~' ~akln~ )'elolullon 1I0tl pluoe it ill the ~olldl ~t ~ ma..- meeting or tlj" chile/ll of the creck. Callt. Tbomas Cr'lImcr Wtll up": grea\ maaonl)' ·hav. b-en cund.mll,ed to> our plpe~ felr a ~imt,'1Io, pay,", or It, on Bucblln'oD, with t~e reque~1 tlilit. it ;!Jould W.flllln Counl)' OhIO held I' LebaDon eel in II skiff, and drowned, or rlllhor per. lIerpetulli bo.nl.hment In Ibe ~Ioland almOit , 11'0 forlh d8 the Illnealion uf Ilia 0\; 0 on the :Ult in.I:, on :Ootl!)n Mr. A", H. i.hed. HIS , tOn George WIIS ,Wtth him. deadly ollmato of Ceranne. fl'u beheve , lben ferule It. ~b B'1l t ~ I I I 'III 'ympnUlette mlnll; st:eklllg' co-op,erbtloll DUlllevT \VII I, elecled President, Dr. 8. P. The young mIn succeeded In ,enlng on that Ihe French people wllllon,aubmit to • y..". e I. 0 ~epea t 1~ 8 nQw ebx- Offio"a tbe wea lind i1L' adviled of '"a own Hqnt. V,ce phl.luent W. 8. You..e Bec. the boat'~ 11011010, o r qlllm elida, buJ 10 abomlllQble a ite.poti.m i. to believe lellog outhorlzlnjf lbe DubhcaUoll of t e , or , , " h • h ttl' I (, II - r bet. . ' f COutltrymen suppurled by all ,ss\lr~oee of retary. fot. er could no~:,t up. Both 'Ilflre nllllr· t a ,ey lave uecome Inel" r mGn 0 q~neral LaWII of this State III tlte c o u l l l y ' . • 'h . Ii h b rid • b d h i l l d I cI'rtaJO sliccess wllh the t.. tcreated Cor~,gn· 011 motion. III committee of live cool""t- Iy exhaueted In • wlter before George ler t.; fl. an, t on we- Ive ,0 rei a P~Jltelra 18 t, ~: Idre elUlcte , u een no· cr~ Buch, eir, III unuelliably the Inll br Re •• W. R, Davl., R~v, J. H. could got on tile b<.ttool. He uaotl all 'he 60118 lor supposillg -&11J.r4 y !1'1J.'"'S OJ e y pos "vne • I I J W • IC~YI,' B. C. Lipplncoft. W• Itrl>ngth he ,,~mUler q ( III . Irytni . ,t0 PO$t • , ... • L'fo~ etmo put it hOlllo to the patr1l/l}!m Cuu ler,. utionl" OO'"It bu become .0 fa,/u01Iab/; lor of every lIue Amerlcao In OhIO, wbelher H, P. ~ennYI were 'ppolllted III drlll't. I hili faliler on lbe bOllt, bul wallO CI" ionl! our conceptIon o(a m:h quartz Illd Old (fflI1.-·N'!. dear, It turll'~ 0111/.1 .pelkers to disappoint ludlences. 10 tbl~ DlltlYe or adopled-llre you, air, wbo enloy IJt'rles 01 elOlutions. Alter wMuh , ilie hiOiselr ••,.to be. able to rent1er him IIttlo lIJ'A t8rwaaCI,oa"~'nnce. erlipscd b)'lho evidence. furnl.bad, not by lice thlt 1111 lin un f all\nt d ty lor u. Irt:ed?m, tiecurlty, and happlne •• II~dor our Prl'siJellt.udreased lbe meoung with a Il818tlllloe, ,Clpt • • C'aohler . remained A letter Irum-AcllplilclI, dlted ' tlie IOtlt th~ IIpecim.n •• bollln 11111 the alBee, iI\lt b8"0".'I. Ho~ryer, thlt'l ao, • '1ueIOOIII A8U'onomy.1-PlI. · ~ , i~e iloUce o~ 8\1~: IDee,,:,. and of eXIsting forlp ot ~ve"'me~lt, \yllbp~ thllt low practical rem"',, The cODiRliUee .~andlnll' on the low gunwhnle III lhe ult, r~lates a m04lt lingular bircumetanc:e ~y tl;e great ma.. of thl qu",tl exh , , Ilk \V h Id " I b 611y tho.u~lIJld recently arrayed rorelg)!er. then reported a preamble Ind rOloludolll, ler, and boldlJP' on to lbe aide for Dear coocerning Ibe OndlUg of 11 vellel It leo, at VlrlOUI polllle. In the porul nl ... "old :rlae J,'e.......... I. putal•• t .p~ 1~1'1I"r e 1- t 1.3' 0 • • more »1;1111 Illy before tho Congreu Ilf thv nl· upon wblch rbe Rev. Mr Newell rcldreu. llvo hou ..... whe", he nplred. He ••ked the "rig E. R.!ldcdl, I)f Cllmbrlllge. NISI •• 1I1111ered in lUI i:1ltcctlonlS 111d hi the heap. d I-irlce,u The Conlll Board or Penn¥I'Vlnll ~,. '9 I Ipc!".,er 0 ","PPOIII t an ' . ~ ' ' \ II k I" I P 6 \ ;". • h r alldienee,lhlln it ia (or I I .. ker to be dl .. ted ~tatee Ihelr demand III ,the lorm 0( Il cd tho meetlDi In ,hll usual forclllle Ityle, hlB IO~ to pray ror 11'111, IIOnt up a proyer we no\\ n ,elle ron t Ie U~I C' \..on 1 01 quar~ thrown rrom the mout u ordered Ihat tl~e CIlIo.1 rroll\ PltiA\;u"h \0 > , \' Ii d 1', pctltlOn, dlrecllng III the will of OhIO tba, d\9Clllhg particularly UJlon the Alllibe L,"v rur hlm.elf, bild \ail" rjlreWen, "ud ill . Ight onlralrl'd tor lume tIlne In the ev'ilcu'bhon. gold w.. apparenl in Pllliudelphia 11;.11 k o~enad Cor ... illallo_ appoIOIAQ In n lair a cougrola.loo. , . , . II II P d B •••• _ Cllogrcl8 declare Immediate W~I" .. ~atn.l Tbe prcuDible and reac)IULione Wl're tlleu of 1111 olVn Mme p~".blld. HI. 80n Iosll· pftdlenr,r IrD e otween lnam~ an on eve'1 lump we C'xuminrd. 'rhe IOlid ' on the 12tb 01 MllI'cb. JB611.-Cm. dolo , ()::TTbe Temperance ""moll 'whlcb we the l'o",or" 01 Eurupe for tbo di.eothldll. lilkon up Ind adopted,.1 {ollow., aod the ed ·tho bod] fll'~ boa ,llId .tlll~ by It Frllncl4co. I::Jhe wa. picked up at sea 'by a deliS ftI it digs I lito tbe earlh nnd i. well Aid Iut. week Will to be deliverfd at the me.nt of all inlllUl1fiCltlt .nallon, Wllh Secretary ordllred tu fW'llI.b a eop1 for abouL, half III It~r, and Ibln ~~"n, I lit.- Chilean Yelll'el", about hll. 8, lun. 93 Ihe defined l'mbedul'd In a .pecic. of Iiale. " Tlall Preu Lola .onte•• Hetl!odil' Church in thi. vlaee op Sunda, whom we hllvo no tiel of in~tltu~oD9, of publlcatluo 10 lile ISIU and Vlaltor; .110, tie retlted rrom ~rs p~lt .. Ind faugue, hundred miles. from land. \Vfum' fuund, The .IKle I'mbod} Ihi 'luafll lelld. I. lie. Lolli Munt!!. WII oppo,ed at Iba Oil1 or .velllnllillt, wu nOl, bowllver. The rea. reh,lon, of Intere.t- or CIIosangulmly; or to forward cople. lO our Sellitor Ind Rep- atarted for th" 1II!0re. whij:JI being I~OUt her 'II~. were rurled. her e ~laln. ~UI1 \lut quontJy Ib!o\VII IIway bUI .hllulll lIeYer be, WI.'unaton 'b, lhe Freel, &nd 11.0 llllde I .'OQ why WII lIB foUowa: Rev.~. 001. wbom WO hoye buL rceelllly beard, lind resentallve: twu bundrfd :yarde distAlnt, by ",.dlll, and WilllDulllnv anehllrllUlI 1I0t a tOul 011 baard •• it la 'oftell .Ich In the m'etat IOlalJatlqre 'tltereJ Sho ~eft I\lere ani leU WII unexpectedly called .way to In. Whose geograpllltlll po.iUon will ever reo WI-., The leRai votera of the SUIte .wl/nmlnR. hll It hIt .uc~ued in 'Illch- There Weill ~art 1>f II b~1C 01 ftCiur in tllO c.· The eamo papAr conlin". the lollowinll 'wenl to Ricltmond. Va. Tt!IIM fhe Prelf other piau and Cl\n.equently could Dot malll an In.u~er.ble barritr to the .dop· o( OhIO, CounlYli1 Warren , by I hlud. Ing. He ",all 10 exh,ullo!a In4 weI, Ih.t bill a'l,d II nule water III tbe cuke. N·, pa. e,III\II\to of macbfnerl, &.c. ill thO! vleiu· WII in her fa"or, and there Ibe, il ..Ill 10 atteod to It-' Mr. Scutt IDd Mr. Herratt, tion by It 01 RllpubUelio ~1I.tltutlona1 .. 10Dle mlJonty in rnor of (be temperance h" bud to he ~lItvlt aliarly hlU an hour b~· pe+1 or logbuok were (Qund and no ollleel'l Ity:lueceed well, Thidl.hoWI the ~~cr 01 enLirtir.illed lhe coppgatlon wllh tOllle tlila the vOice of Oblo, IIr J. j& tho demand clause in the new constituttull, bllve de· fore 118 <,ould eliI'. He came up home or ull!!r.' ehut. Tho brig dId not look I' Tho vlllue of qUlltl1 macblnerl in the the 1'rel., and ~yllb uch power, It Ihould Jptel'f'lLlIIg remarkl o:a the tubJI!C& of of Europe! , olared Ihemselve.ln favor of Temper.nee; IcrO!la lhe mElililow 8 , Ind th" lir!'l per.on If she baa lieen robbed at sea: and if \\It county, al tile fi"l uf December, w(lI un· be held retlp<>n.ible I{ It- enU~t Ir. ta!or o( Telllper-aooe. F~emen uf Ohlol will you pl'O'trate and,lVbere'I, tbe eXl'reued wid 4f a mao be spoke to "I' hll Dlolher~ whO' ", .. nt 'lIppo,e thlt .he got II""" from her lin· doubtedly be one mllhun ofdoUara;aqd the what II imlDor.a1 or .ron,.-CIII. Gru, e ' youlIIelvetl that e forelen InVUlon ml1 lonlyof the pellplo I...till dllire,lrded, tile nnrly cnz)" wbe.. a1hl IIeara of lhe delth IlhOf4go at San JUI" del Sllr. Realt'(O. 01' 'IOluo of Ibn,)1 openeult that time IIn~ wor. ~We pllbhlb tbil weelr,lllbollih at ~1IIU.p'e ,our bodletl .. well I' lOur rlgb~ conllt!tu'iion tralhpled Ilnder foot wlt.h lin· of her bUfSb8Jld.-7l-entot. Oa~. Iny olb~r place and drifted with the wIlli', lied Will pfCIb"bly be! double that aum-and Olalo an. )oeanl,I"•• I. BIU"""; nlb.r a lal. -l311Li, the olllca.1 reportl uf in the au.t' II Ibil American eclioJa'l- pUDitJ, and lbe exldiPI la",. iUlulliolenc end currents '0 far to ael bDw eall we IC· the III tier nllt 011 a lielll'oUl ba.lf, bllt tb. The rail"'ll Ie ouW Ope.D from Piltio tJI. ,roctedioa- o( Couoll Temperance In whit period of put lime dill foreirnerl to de.lroy !lie IlqDllr tr.flio and 10 put out THJlSr.t.1uIIR W .... S:'UIIU COLO.- coDn: faT Lbo abaehce of tbe logbook, or Ictulfmarket nlue. Let Iny en. wbo bUI'I1! to MlulUoa, within 14 ...il" tt CooYlDt!on, bold II Leblnon, on tbe 2hl trampl. IIpon Ameneln ri,hta. 01' Amerl' the lire of futeDiperaaoej t1lo:refllre, we, HKa RECEl'TIOII -Yellterdli1 lbe Spnnllb the fact tliat .he sbould I)e .0 complelely thmb a quarll le~d any thin, but ICIUII, WlJOIIter. Tho rail w", liOba Ixtaa4" of J.at moatb . CClt) b"die.t \Vu't do~e by tbe early the cltlZenl of Warreo Counly, of the war .teamer Culon. wu op••ed 10 the reo deRrtl!d In I foreign porti-Oi". E"g. tan,lble propeuy, Ity III buyout a camp'" Loocloo,U1.. ~,. _a will 1'.Iie COItI.. Frencb from Clnldal b1 the Britiah II Stlte of Obio, 1o cony.ntlull _011,114, rcptloo of ".ltON, min, of our CI ~ ' ny wllo line prOilpeeted Ihelr lead. lied form tbenc,e by III. Verl10D ...d Dt~ o:7Tb• .,..t StlE. TelllJierance COl!' BOItun1 bl ~be HelilaDI It Trenton I, b, Rholve, . hll'lnl been in,it.ed to yhllt her. A Fua.-1'here i... I.dy in thi. city who will fiud Ihe vallie u( aJ ... d II Lingillt.. wan tuSprID}j6eJ.tI-C.... o.t. ftlllloJD, haW lut w,alt at Columblll. in tbe piratical Stites or Blrbary OD tbe l. Tbat IntelDpenllCl i. I fire that 1!'1 II nUIDIIe, ItteJlj)ed, oonll,'in, chId, or for m.nl1e .... "" Iftllct~ with Ihal most that OhD1 Ipeel" oC lJ\ercblndl&et aaa ~ _ w __ _ drl. 8~..., ... ~, Iltended h1 the lIedlWrraneln1 bl the Spania.. hom ronlUll\. alld deetro, min, and lb. the Creole Ind BI?DDiab citI_"lnd 11Iel dlae ••e callod "8ts." By the hard to ptwithout In equlYilenl Ana'i C~ BbftJW.l.. W. woolcl r.-.. of tllll Tllllper,nN aergnn, frOID Florida' bl the Enl(lIah at N.w O,.IAa.. 1111 •• Law II the 001, true l'-1re Aaolbi· a namber of _u&l(ul 1"1.. Id"ice 0: an aged and dl.tingulahl'd ph)'li. lurate wltll the nlue. On data call the attenlioD of oar,.....~ to ~ ... 111,.,.. of lbe t.~ lh/l a 8III~1I nUQI· or \.be }luicanl It Duella VIa:Lil..-. CoD. Iitor - cJeMlet'llll'a IIN1 Il~ oIIcfn ,trete"' DIede a p...paration wblcb elfeell,. caleullte tb. nlue Draa. .U.at -.llellle, with . . . .tWr.otJoa11ft ot Coo.beI, we IN told. that W"'. t.ra.t AmerieeD ,cUoa In PUI II ... wllh •• Tbat we ,..peotfull, requeat OUt io,l, COII~ .... polite to their , ••ilO,... III, turecl her IDd Ill. hal anw enjoy" _ r.... le , ...i " . a . . . , . . . . 111,'11 . . 111 ....., ,.,......... TIle ~I.&loa. llIe tclloa. or rllber Ill.ctloo~ IdIIfbt for Senator lad a.preaenLiun In the L.og. Tne COIDpa!,••bleb IOOD INw LO be a pod health ror a .aunAer or ,181'1. With IIQnIer ray .."n1. . . . be tla.coall lieu aSicae.lJlr &M ..~ ~ . . . . ., \hal ...., Jr carrlttl oat, will tbe preaeot pmod .., tltl. rnoiatioa. . , ielatuN to .Gte for tbe Ibiae Law. I... une, .nei 1"-' ,0_iD, lbtt IlftJIIer, know""'" die ....UciD. ' " ... na"'!'or. few cIq...... coW.... ............. _ it. epedoaa-wcmll.., dMI llraWIr or It..u I. That III lrie" or TemperanCft. lormed Illto c5dllione ell4 w.klln',.... eared I GlltrIber cOer u.i .... o*'. 'J " I t &va ...... r... .....
B., Y.
......, Ia......, '" ........
•1=,;:=':.::=~=::~,~ID:laIl JC*r..,... .
to PH"Dt coaater alldtDr Good OrWr, rwe 11111" JufMlM.r eM.,.. .atU be .......... ,....... . , . BDlllaallJ. ear~I"ace ADIIiJIa... JepleU" • IiIIPl ~ ,.,. ... aeNJ oIIeeI who IN pIIlpI to
....... ill tilA tUeacld., ..,. ....
wr.. .... 1Ii"..
. . , . . . . . ebe
Dft"_ IalIed I.. ...... .. '*..v
a"",.' ,.
~ I lor., ..,faeaIdt ..... I ...
1fU.e4'1l~1ia""" d'tcIlo. or ep' hi...., it II A)'It' • ~AwrJ Clrilll"" <»-wr
Be... 01 tto C1o~ ,\ Orl8lh. lIIoI_ it 30c I LID"
tllfOl\ (l10!0
64@66a. PrlMD Willi'" 2010 •
.re.parllla pr!lparll tluna nlone, .nd \lIe Gu).oll. Improved J;lxLract or 1: ello\y Dodi alld SarBQ~Drllla "'Illch IS tlloroughly e car-ioul per(ectly hurmlc •• InU purel~ vegetable .Ill kinde Cif dikuall y I"hl to It. genial )nOenr.e I ~See ,dvenl.ement !
O;7Dr S D H..we. S~.kllr So"apa rill., ad"er\IHd lit .noOler column~ 18 truly • ~ ,Fanllly M\!dlclhe I~ pu lliel the bl!l9d .lId prevoelltl Il' well •• curca-It hlgl.ly ~poke" of in (;\IIclllllatt"lId I. thero caUe" II II poor mlln'l 'rlend See IWvcr ~.tment
COllllltCn-n J:V CB Y \\"ti;1'
Wbeat, ~ lIu Cum ~ ,
Q.tII ,,'
Odjs, b... "'I >u' ., bl,i ill! ~ owl:
Dutter. ,,1 ., Egg8 til din Lard Loot,. ~ II>
Pot loee, bu ~ sllc Apple.. i'l lIu lP'et)ll'lOO dried ~OO Chu:kenB. doz. J ,6oc Fe.tllera fI;. 11~c.. RIO Conoe 1i1 It., 12c New Qrleana Sugar :f II> 8j@I)c.. I"plt', do 8i@9c.. New Orlean. 11018uea, 'il gal /SOc SlIiar 80 ISO lI[tll.esell l1aral f/<!~ ~bplu 'luloasell. , ,Ill 60@'76c
AII.pice ,tIi, La/i" Salt f. bbl, Flu Sc!ed 11 bll
DYSPEPSIA linERS. Till! &1081 roruLAR
FAMILY MEDIOINE or TDlII AOIDI lJ.ed by l'hrl1e1ID1 of lIJ,b ItaDclJDI 1'11... IIlrrens nmo"o all morbid ..... 110 •• ,IrlC, lb. blood ,I.. , .... 1 to". tJI~ .1,0' 10 lhe 'I,oill .. orCa.' (orllf,lb. "'Iom .so"ul .U futu .. • 1uoM .... ~ ta"'" with .at.'T al DO 11m. d.bUI tall , lb. p'll~nl-b.I., I1l1Itoful 10 1110 moot 4.n eal••Io.....h 0.4 .. nark.bl, to. II elr <h .. rlnl' I...
Females, r ell , tbe foUon lUe• E,.,. RIt. N :J Janull' 26th llh P'KIlTT - ' Vo \Ql<e ,plea, "ra 1/1 1.,ltIa
• I,.ral OJ .lrcna:lhonJhr 0.6 n.lorall •• prol'"rUu. In~ aft 1n .. I... bl ••Ddnn nm04, (0'
tllI'It..)'"ur Y.lIl'w Oock and SareaplUllI. IIleft . ali,faction fn .V<lIY .:1 e A. very rU lh!Clllblo g nliQnlou Inturm ...... Iblll bl. dDugl1 r was IrouW.d with dlfficllit mou8UllaUoII • ld olli e. di:l II'" PMull... \0 b.... . " Shu bad nClt hAd hor, ul ... III DiIT...., I.hsebll,go 10' " 10llll tJ, 0 bu~ I y tho lIlIe 01 Dr U UyllO l ~' Y Ilow J)ock and S .... p.rUla
AI .. Un. Complalnlt 10u,,",I.1 ntanbonl C.. II ...... rllnln ... DIoonJ... of lb. Ski. LI... IIId nln too. Qf ApptUI. Low Sllrlt. N,r.ovo ij.d &ObI, Olddl.... l'a1pltallon of lb. Bout, .luIlID, ..d "ullo... o( WaI.hl .t Ib, Stomaob and .11 ol~" . ' . . . .. 10 • .... by an hnpllrul.11 of 110. blood II .. ,
Su,.r..-A Ille of 60 hbd.. r.lr at the- demaDcl CQIIUDUea lull, equ.t to
rac.llc.llr. curtd bo l :owllllOll41a Be &,d 011 dllul bU)r IX! dlofrom 111 _ _ 1. El J RlPf' &. CO
o lf 01'*" I~OU I rt!ce l vll\& tho . lIallOll I b.a
. to. .. bleb "Dd 10 d.blll~1e .D4 ....It•• tb•• ,11'"
l"El\JALES "'0 '1I1'.r 'I"Dm • m(;rbJd aad unnalunl eoaalu.. ,,111 andlbl. ModloJ~ <II
INESTIMABLE VALUE. I. ,.L ..... br OENitJlAI. DUILITY tlala lolodl .... "eft LIKE A CriAllM
•• ova ....
" ... -.1111 tIIeu,. ad tholl"""" ""'19 ... _ and•• t _ _ l . . . ~ 0l1li IOtltvy . . . . 0(1811... 10M Moll o'e\IOTW. Vol~_ cou.. ... IIW .hII ceru~ 10..........~.. Nd.
_II, ••
.... ., "'- ",..
C ......... Call _
C._... 1::.M ·,,:;,;~~itti~~.:tt~*!~~J~t~
... ......, . . . .- ............., CMIIaaIIool ..........
. . . . . . _ _ _ Ia "'.... tWa M8&I8e II lIeN ~
.. ra... rr .. _ ..... .,~".-,...
.. NIII. 0IiIII ... r-. ...
~.~j~~ ..~..I ......... a.. J."'''TOlf ft.
r. u ......
TIlE SEVEN WONDER;3 OF A YOUNG LADY. 1. ITccPlo:;r Iler nccounls III
•• Til E EVE;NING STAR. WJilrrt N l "O n. Tilt t U.a::UI VIS
nv OllE!lTIlnl'"WLU NT Iln
1.0110 helluilloll!! I~rl GlnlJly III) 8\tirlt wl l ,c~ I Il.S 1:1011 '1 hOlf Rlidlalll' UIb that LCQl\lc~t ~f r III hUUlllcd lIull ly t
III Y411 Illrl "Iu., '
er. '-l'ullah.
:SINGULAR l'ACTS. A nul,oll'lllon III tl \o city or Lont/c'll, who kl'/li' u grelil lIuuIIJt'r ur ~I!IV.lIt., rl1ptlslltl cull.lule."", cUllbJ tl n<e III otle uf th"tn,
IIr~w up logel"l t ' lIl Jl~r re~t c'1\lnJhy , reo cell'Hlg the' bnntl) CclUC8\llln : 8" Jrll.g Ihe • III ~l'lIrt!l, uolll h.. reuchet! JIIII fhlt·enlh yeur. At [hul per Iud Ihe YUllnll' COlin I .ell f ng"4U~ ly Ill. The Jlh)~,cHlllii ullILRlI4n 111m, 8nd 11I~ ""sp.trllll: lJIull~cr mude, U VII'" lhn~ Ir Itt' rrcuH'rctl, she \\uu"l .de· tu tlau lot ul 1111111)1 ulliu tCOu l'r II 0l;(c, h~ . ill", all her 1~II (1p ~~ ~\JIII~r(:n III 'the Church hn ulwnyll lio!!)' tf"vuteil h) II. ~IUUY H" dill recuver; ~he selll her two 'UUUllI Nl lh~ u\llumll "I 1800 hll grau'lnted lit Ih~ d.ughtl·n 10 a C,?"VC.; Oil? hmk the v.tI ~'rr~III .Ylvanl(1 Ulli\\~rdlty, lit Lt. !he oth\1r IU ubdtlnulely Tef".cd it, thlll ' unu ,HIt utlrlrt IlpII" Ilia \H.rlU tllo .uPQr r or the CUl\Vlmt ~l'1I1 her IlUcld (nl the In»tllnco' II I Dr Duuu III \lll~ c'lllllllClls, Who, furIOUS 1111 h er reft.~ul, I l'lurt.'~8~r<l ~,r the Uil iverslry)' II cave her in III ~rrlllg«; to n /lllirekl'l'pl'r. iii • \ 11 diS oltH )I/'ltll\~, \vllo wok Iter :0 Mus An une"p~cl(>d hlvlt~L1Un to deliver a elm'. 'l'htn Clllne thlJ lurn or tire Il ultl • rew lellult''' III L Ul:IIII,(\o", (ill tho III1"clIl' 1/Ill\h'1I ~O ll. (leo hnll 110 11\&10 (IIr " tile Ill' Ih lJ reguhlr WUr(!.~ ..r.) ~~ nt hllll 10 C"IIIprl ... thootl, bUI what cuulllhe 110 1 A dl' rr, CIIIU1I11 lur flr/ll.rllli,IIt, \\' h re. UII." . II,,' anti the lOll o( It ~erf, ohellloll «O Wad ,Ill' Igllldllnce of Ih~ JllII rtll't1 l'ro f",~ol M licill'lJ Inly pU$8J.10rt to frecdum; refuI,,1 wunld olld 01 herd, \ Ito ao\v hilI rlolllg \"'''111. be c"n~OInn him tu Q 111(,> ul t otl und IfII~e ly \VO~ ellAbled III pre~! hhIS!u.!i" .. ,,'ture Ihur-. Dy cuusenling he ~t lerlst eccurcll . III" IIllghly than ('vcr Jltl rclltrll~d I II Lt'a IU81rllcllUfI ul IflUII, Ihe scven \\UII~tr" :".llIlliflUlIuil, lIr ito arrf "" " II ," prl~d\ IIglull 'Iuh 11 cour. 01 b'lX hlCltl(C~, 1I111 the ,vorlcl. 'fhu .Ix r('nllntl~ IIlC of the "ltu'.h. Ito ):icldctl, wu rl!CC lv etl III u I Ol hJr~ 'Yus 80 .li"lIullhal he IIcl lvcrco Ihl' ell 1'. III Id It IVUd uU _r Il \I red' I " The g lOti pcoille of rt'llt III ~ cUlllnlllt'd In the 1.ord'8 Ilrtlyel ~ll1g IWII IIr thenl 1' he fiv e r"nllllilil IIII' 0/ Iht! fi'lIlIW<I gh ell "y f' I:he SI Pelerdbnra I! 1I.lnury Ihill nglOn c!luld nOI undcr~luntl how n r. /1:.,. Lrlll llnfl tell In wJlt1 lII !tl, 11IIu. 1 II<U" \ r -I mertl boy, \\Ihilrll Ih l'Y hnll kno\Vn na ~ (\(/. I Gu,1 to 111 110, be ri,'g, aOllln!:!, tc 1I11~, tll6t· ttlt:',lIqd sUlelirll¥ 'l'he .. ~ o 11'11111111. me fro III~ ow II lipi, a Ihe J I rI . " u • !lry I) 11 - UWII I~g~ SIIl~CIII ~ lIlong thunt fur b"o Ilr three tho tWit le.ll\ ffil!lIlt1i lhe IWU contrllr, 11r. -nlacl.u!orxJ. llln90t tnt • Yllllrh, could (\lhllhlNl thbm!)n ony --";";'~••-r.L-_ Dud th ey \",llld lIul go lu hcur It ETIL\N ALLEN nn.O'VN , Y UUII l"!lllgdon, huwcv!'r, WU8 nol eUUraR(·~. at .orlly nft.r\\ b-,J~, (Jllriug Cl ullorl\"r Bruwn, IClllllllfl"ntod by "e winler 0 0-'6) ,) he t1rll C'retl tile ,
Soon II~ thu Dn) , d ~ II urlhtg gl nM Sl led. o'c r ,lie sky fls .un ' ''II'g hltt, Thy glud,l! CQUlClI ltke rOlllance.
T~lOt 1Ya~ 11 goo~ story lhat \\tnt tolll of • oil occurClleC willoh touk pldee 111 - a etulle ev."h utiI' mortling muny yeurs agu in \ Ihe IV~Sleln Il~rt Ilr thld Stull'. A) uung COil
ere nl It I" ~ro Thou h ll llge8. shu vo on 1\)y'"'~ 1" q_ A sj.all iau'r h' ,,, 11\ th ~ lI'.f. "11 "l'e(A Oud ~ \yll o(r~rin:: (
hleCf,lll. Sl mlllP", rouer t'd our ~lly 11IIt Salurday. je~ lhe p\lrpO$11 01 uuenlll Ibe D '1I0. rattc 81~UI Cunvt'nuon.
_0. III 6110 IIf-DIIIi und pint. 011 tlte urIl,oiz 'llon or lite C"'I\1~nti,, " be Wdd .eleC'ltill .. 0110 uf the- Vite PI~lij\CIlI~, IIlId took hi .. "'81 . . .ach. 1'/trollll',uul the dhY be pirll(:'pllt~LlIQ the pl'Ul!Hdlrgll, Illd lhe aIlI~rlloun ntaile • fto lark, 1.11 liun tu ODe of .ne reauluu In, Wille CotlyelitioD I. lhe ~Vlllllll' 1I0DllJIed • .,11 rell r ." dbMructiun ,1M Btale UOUIe, .nd InJ,...... hi. "bleb bled rreel,. Wo .. w him 11.
t'Illered . ,
'lL now
my Illrn to tAke Ihe •• atuud, anti upon lite re.tc~ the hQpel or my S,,,.lIuwill&; " Poker. Ibllllly r CUll Iruly ftoy, Ihut It WIIS nul ao VI'l l alllung my PUIII:III. nne m o r· i much Illnr Ihat mude my hUlu\lremble and
of October, '. •
IEOOIID ' SYBD,,"I!t" .!'.
]" ,lllc county of 'Cliyllllgll, 011 ' illo' 10th or !rQreh. tile l~lh or June, and' tuo Qlh ~'
In' !hl! Coullty' ,?r Trllm1:i\Ht{;;n tho March. the 2tJth of Juno. And UIO N~vembe~ •. , . " , ~,>' In Ihe"cC?ullty of Por~qk~...on the ~'arGh, 15111 .of Jun a, DDII the ~2l'l
In the coul;ty or fttaho"tng. 00 the '241h of FebruDry. the 1st or'J~I\(;, al1d Ihe 2] of Septembor. ,
county or Geuugo, on the Murch, the. 7lh t)f JUlie, unll tho 20lh [II tho
lIy Ttm Bl.O\\"JlfG. Ov,&a 9' ru. S~EII11LE-"WOIIJ)I:RFUL' Eso-\p& (1" T~tln lI ECOllD SUIlDt\,/SiOIl . POd 'I" b ' ER8bIlS,/ n ,un ~y mllr!] nil ~ out 4 In .thoeounty of H ighlun~., on tho 13th October· b I no I o'ci oek the higb weit wind nglng 'IIt t11~t 'I I ' ~ I f A t d II e 23d In Ihe county of A.h~o UID. on lie .. tl of Apn , II. lOll 0 ugll s • an I , J " I ]S I tillle blew the fttel'ple of the Unitnriln . of !\Inrch II (Rev. ~Ir , 1I1IIY'_). ch\m:huvor 00 . \u tho of November. ,,' thallSth of uue, ellu III! In Iho county 01 ROBS , on tho 2d of I)r qclouer. I r t. b oolly of thft edilke le~gtllwile comp~etfly I r J UIy, un d III e lOtI'I 0' SIle; • ~ That whenever tIe s nte f 0 1 u" crushi'l" it. Dni! D'BO t'renlpng • IltrllIIgh the MlireI I,' t I101 3tlO , . • 0 t b $lOe~S \n Illy of tho enid \';ourts 0 I l' coer. mall 1>1'008 , i, luch 8.5 to rend llr It 11,,';0181" ruof of tho IUU~O ' nellt ,e lllt 01 the Ilhurll~. su'ch court sitnll hav" power to DIlPoilll TI~II ~hurah_ WAS uf ~1I;.!ck on,d t~~ ,cllUra anti hold (In ad'ourno1 tcrlll for Ihe p~r" bUlld1nIi"Wllh Ihe ~xcopt\UII of, tbe rront J • III Q • C Iny IVIIII uve~ whlcll the ~tC!eple alood, Will lev· pose of camp cltng . e USIIl s 0 oIled willi Lhe roundition. " 8lh regUlar IllfOiI alld nobee lhereof sholl be TI I" 1 \y built In 1843 b . I r d upon its journa Is j Dnd in jlOln 10 , C Hlro I , u I ~t "'U en II l\. . II " . d loll ,lengtht'lIfd 10010 (Wenly fcet and rece\vtd nny ~f the for~gntnltl II v8 11581gn~ 81,lle the addition or' I apire fortl"nltlo feet in lOll be SUlIllay the torlll 811111 commOI\ce 011 I , . ' gltlll 1•• t ~U"lJner. Thl! ~Oft~ 01 Ihe .bllil, al)th diog ',Idor ~IO 8ullSCq enlimpro\·ei'l1ent., \vii's IIboUI ,I!I,009,, __ . • provislon3 of thld OClt~ be 'nlld the 80in'! ore 'l'he bOUle adjollling the ebur.}h the well h~lcb~ repellll.'d. ; , . tiide' Clf'whlllh entirelv rruahed ,nil lb.: Ssc: " fhe Vlcl'k or the do'urt 01 GOIll" rcst ~oll 'id~rllbiy dpm.,~i1. ''''01 D ,m'all September.
III lho con llty of Lnke, Qn the 16th I 1IIIIrr.~, the ]'7lh o[ rune. III~ tbe (II
BY AUTlIOkITY. '(N 8) Y. • '." ,or, II10 til rm! Ii ACT N A 10 IX nnu' prOVlue uf the Courls of Common Plc81 01 tit !, ' S I. Ie af 01110. S.o. 1 Be "naeled by tho Gcner~l As. . 'I'hnt tlte
• a1
A to
10 UI
"1'0 CI
it 0:: \i
wood 1f1 Mr. J. G. Nurth, , 'coU'gc, o~cul'led , rup. ,
1u the room, next ,Ule church thorc we. Rleppin~ three peraDIII. wbo eJlPc'i~nce\l , drlii\v,'U,, 1 mD8t wOllClerrul clcape frbm dililth • • Tl(e brkke Dlld timbers of tbe reot 'woll ~.i tb. churob fell'np"n the ,rqof over Ibelr hul, illg it OlTough II nd tull'!bl ing uncere· mc,nillUe;IY into thE'tr rOOllll. Alltbe ITll" __ ....., .•.,. offllr nlh!ro 1I1Id eve'n tbe beds uj)on whiQh they loy were broketl Into I 'fho brds wcrb ('ompictoly covercd Idlu. f'lIgml/ntll, lIud u youn~ wom •• 11\ 0\le of IIJ ~m was ctirrlC'd throu,h Ibe Iluor , ' with. tie ! ruIlLi.h. Yel jnlo tlte bll"itient
, ril
hi CI
.,Flr t SCI Ion of tbl' 5,I111rOn\0 ·("oort. YIlt!terdoy murnin" nt 1\1 4'~luc:lli )\IIU hpld th e, 6r~t I~&!iil()o .of , the ~b~\'fil'il. Cuurt lit Ohlu, 4ndcf . the ' n,!~ CUQ.titUUOD. The Courl mel lit lite roo,!, of the ne" tn:1U~1!t'()IH Gourt lioulle. ' Prekcnt. Chillf Juatiee.. "nil!'.>' " , I, 1111(1 J udgll" n"rtJey. ifllurn,nn Corwhi Judge RUlllley W11l pL~e'iIl. Urun , tllliih; IIIt'lf ,ellll tbe \tenth" Chief JU~lice ' Cialdwelf \hrt'~~rll Bheri~ ellJe.f \U opeo (he CUllrt. 10 Sher· 10Ie and ..-old: , . 'He r.yl:l .heft~1e-!' llclf ye.! The Su" premt) Cuurt of the Blate Elf OhiU I, nu" Up!.'lI, $lut' "aRt to l~\v,· . ." \ 111\e tllllcer. or. tflo Coort',in ,\lendo c. Sll rill' Grt'f:nlellf; Clerk, Kendal DII; and. reporter 'V" La",rence. The AUornt1 OCllllrAI.O( Ulc SI,lt, Geo. E, P~II~' wa~ nlso in ·ottend,u; ce. The Cbief JUMtillO then 9~eded 10 cali' tbe dooket, and' Cl8~ertQin wll~\ C'.OI "'~,. . [ , J fOf Ileating, sna what on~. lor, ~ 'rrme/ll. After voiijg througb the d~!l~el, h. ub ~l:ryed lhl! it Wal eltpeQI~ thlt' Jqdp Ranlll ,wuuld lie in hill. Pioe. to.. i1ay, .ud as Ihere bad 1I0t beol1 " mu~b time glYen, gf -"';"==-=""'~=""","l'O=""'"'7=!'-!"~=-ik~,_ ,e •• Ion Q[ Ihe 'Goll I, Iltc, -wuuld IIOt II up allY ~I.ea at lliil tiDII', ~,delil<' , ed Ihvle' ,ltorney" wllu propcl1lod to area' ' ... '0." ........ ornll~ .lo be 're',dy to prvceed !n or- .
.., r::;
r ob,e"~.lh·;t' K08suth in a ' $P~'ec~ re .. cently delivered at the enpltol of Jndimn8, threw out In, tho fqrm 01' a propli~cy, clothed' ill diJ!'ereiit lanlluage, the IUlllp surd idea allva riced by him hi IJj~I ,'r~ee!!pUo\l J
}·e~brlJl."' ·l der.
H~ then drrucl~ the Sherii' to ~ journ the Court till ~o"cf.y. We lioflaed .- nuillbe~ TllrnD ,SUBDIVIHION. . declined to IlIke their 'Ielltl •• ~(lmber"oF lhe bar, pre.fnt" Hon. H~n" , In the county ot' ODllio, 011 the SIb ,o n some lecltni~l olljl'etlon to Ihe ry Stanbur>,., CuI Aw,yoe, L •. WiIClll. , Lbe sat o( ane!. the 20U. oath Q r IUpr"lIIlcy, whlC:I1 declorcsthat Jud~ SpAlding, of Summit, Juhn W. An") 1 " Pope ~'h"8 no juri~dl~llun duwer or drel"~, 811muel aalloway, D. G. llorloD, ?ty witbin ilie B,litl•.h rell.lllli. Tbe Ellri 01 Luc.. , ~ P.".h~ 01 Noble, '&c. (If Ol.o ncarty IIIUlIIlIItnl tbMt the. frllh We hope tlill new Court mlY lie .. ~ itllbl, b~q\le8r. aol and alocDI act , fur the ful to the ~tet"and ever kelP Itlel( •• llI maintai~.nce oC cerllliu cemelenel in abo've III .u.~lclon of evil, II t~e Courl 1,ln .c~nowl~lIge Ihe e.tobll8bmont of a bearing lit. aam' III e, whloh Ilu iWl\ ell' ~ranClh of tho cburch 01 RolDe in.· J pirecl by thl! adoption of tbtl DeW, cqnllitt' aild papal apiritual juri,Jletton in the lion." An .bI. Iqd pure jullle1.ry, f. of tltt ce.o of Dubli,. .. He thorefore being O,.t imporlance tu a free St.te. )(.y eirous of lek,nj( Rat to the Huuse o( OIlio. ne.,er know the avila or any otl!Lordi, presented him.elf W be awo,n U er.-O. 8. Jo ..~~ 1irdrtla~. though proreul0i: the Ruman Cutilolil'l reo I'IIlIT ·IU1IDIVI8101l. ht ..of . In tbe:eou~ty MUlkiu,um, on-the 2d IIglou,,' The Hou~t! alter 'lailll, reuonl Tile. W'laeeho .. 'Dr...... ea•• Mtareh, tho 18th 0( ' Mil!, and Ibe witb Ihe" Doble eul," Ilhd try Ing to conThe allpreme Court of ih. U.iled Sr•• of September. him 'b.~ Ibe P~oleetBnt cut • im l.l, IIDnd'l ll1t, delivered' III opillion III In 'lie couoty of Mor,.n.ou th,lOtb thllt \he P<lPI! had no legal power die npplicatio(1 Mr. John,ton. so to .... March, tl,d Blh of June, aud tbe 9t1i or authority ID Grelt Dritain ' refu.ed the dily the decree il! lile brldje c..e' u to al· .ppllcatlon, and the Earl d. low the bridge to I and 00 the lutroductiG!t !,[Ihe .elle upon which I ihti-:rdree of .. draw III that o,er the w"ltrll cb.ntrl EOII.rid 1110 be reviveol will be 10 Ibe fJt. the ri".r on Ihe lreetiun of a_peD'ioI cellI of ei,htv tttoueand men; but ,t heb.llol brIdle' bl,h enoua ll to adml' tlte boa~ lit i. 10 Delude ollly perttOna between tbe Ill'" p~ under It without ..ib.lf1I~bll. '1\1 orso and S8, In.te.d of between 18 l\IId 80 nion Mubli.hetl the foliowln, pulOIio ' ., ill rormer tlmel. Tbt' pe,iocl or eer.lce I_t. Th., the (.....doDl o(III'II&.lioll froll i. to be (our 7('''', with twenly.ei,ht d.ya obatruc,h>D"II. Tlpt plnlllOUat to ..." training JIl the fin'1e." Iud (uurllleD ClOIIlrdefitiou of .... or ezpe... the der-in lach IIObMqllenl year. JIl the preaol danU ma' I_Ill remo,iu, tltl obIl/GO' pollition of the COUDltT the bill il .ar I to tloo 'M)' ba" &H,
n_._ . .__ " )- M."
O;:)-A publi41 Temper.nci Merlin, wa. DREtfS. -kId by ,be cltlnn.,.I the Tempernnoll aallin tltie pllCO, on Wedne. .y evll"lug Ma, EDITOIl:-Io of 1al' week. Elltemporaneoul addrellJl!. "Konuth'l Flrewoll
rBIll]) tlUDDrvlSlo~
•• I
~w. '.bu, beeD inrormNi that the ' dellDo~l.ln.ted 8cbool Direclora IImployeclllr" . aei '&,:ou, to take Mill!! of the rouMb &reet Scboollll \hI, place. Mr. BCIOtt I.
.reapollllbJe tIIk. IIId we t",at he will ..". ineTaI Ntllfactlo". Be eDIere upon (be perforllllllCO
or hlIt
dull.. on HoodlY
aut; I
paa,-o far II i"IMeIl.lal fea,urea are con"
to I . r/ahle ,lie CCllft
Trl ell!
ele. ID
to tu
Dlllby ttll ret D long tnne olle c1ny vere 00 111l111 1J1l aHent vely cotl~ld~rl"lI' Q elll e ~CII~ ~I air Grbaoncs -Tllo ml\r~ct ror ~1()lu!!6eli ~ At lell~lh ho dlld - J l wonder whllt rellow Sugur ulld Cvffc!e Iii /lrm WIlh 0 guou ldok pnlns 81 DUg\! to mnke 1111 Haem h\ lea Jl ""U alld puhlraw oruuud em!' Coll()ra Ylltn. -A aolo or 200 Ills
Nu'~ III
WIIj,om l'bnlngton \\111 be a .. andiclate for .. Iecllon
l!> the Ilftice of Conatotble lor
WayDe to" OlhlP, at the Sprl", Eleetlo,. )
G H ZeJl," n c.ndl~.te for reo election to the uSee o[ Allft80r (or tllll townlhlr. II ,he 81"'111, Election
co. nOTED Euav \\ UK I
Wheat, 1I11u Corn.
O,te, 'f den. 20e Oatl, 11 bu ll1e FIour,1I bill a IIDCI do 11 owl. 1,76e Buller,lI I; llic E,p, 11 dOl 6Cil7C1 Lard Luotti, 11 It. StAte; POtltoe. 'f bu Nc. Applca, 'f bu I'ffn '1110 tlrled 1200 ChlebOl. V doa. 1,60c Feath_, 11 II. llle
11 ., Orlel..1 Sa,..., 11..
RI" Coffee
lk New 8j(llic Maple. do 81(l9c N_ Orlee..1 1101_. , ~I 60e Bupr-Houae .01....... " ,Ii 61/" . . ,.. Mul_. 11 pl, 60Cl'711c
Pa".., , ••
t\u.plM, , •• ,.... &.It. •
I. lte.
eMIl bJ '")'11ciaQi of m,ll BlllIfIlI, 11l_ II'l'Tl:Rt t.mo,. or1l14 •• NUon.
,.rlr, tho 11I00<I, rI" ~l tDII. ao4 .'co. to thl ....u.. orpAI (orUf,l" .,.tom ap1aol all r.. I... dl_.. can be to.n wltll lafel, at .... u- ••blllleUni 1110 p.U'.~I.'I ..t.(... to til. _ t <IoU ut, , Io_ooh Illd ,..~Io rew ....,•• b"rln~ U., .t,--tliabl.., Illd ........ U.. pro,.rUw, &1 d ell I."'t-lul-bl. and .~ ...1It~, (or
DYSPEPSIA Dr I'l'B WOBBT l'OBJD. A..... IJOI. Complaint, JIDlI41.. Rnrtb.", eo. ,a.'>I~ I''ileclIJ.I,e',.1 u ....... Falill...... Dilord," or tIl,Ula Lint u4 Ala, Lou Dr Appot./ta, Lo.llpldb N ....DU U_ Mh .. OI4.&..., PoJpllaUoo Ib, HHrt, III1lJ1tc ol We/pi .IU. _ 1 0 , u4 all oilier ~ ........ II, .. ' ..p..... tala o( til. llloo4., By,,, 1IcI •• 10 del>W ..1e ODd ....... u.. '7n-
... roaUM.
"Ie" ....
~EMALE8 "WIle . . . " . . • _.1114 ... DI\_nl ..WIo4 IIllo M..uctao or
ol O~L DUILI2'!' IIIJo MMJ aIM 4Cft LIQ A c:Ji.UlI
0".& •••-_ ..... ...........•• 111...., ..........
...... ... _ _ ..."._ollloll..... . . ,.. !lela........ Yol _ _ _ w .. IIW
............. ., ............. !lela . . . -
..-17 ........
~~;r;~~~i~tl ... -..
up 10 tile lbe QRlIVlll'
WJ.tar 0
of Wild Cb"rry to be one 01 tho mOlll ".lual"Q I-:~~~:~:;.r:~:~:; modieiDee 0"" dloeo",rM..I knowinlr .0 u Ernillltltu that \1M .bon CIllO . . . . .uee.... .owly b,
U'f am p.!!t1em(!l\ "cry r April'
YOIll mOil ~lMMIlclllIE~~'n.EY 18~6
e....r or 'our~ u
. . . . . ., I&e.
. ~
• ]
01 Ii II
I. lu
bl ,I
tl h.
bl II
•• , 1
'" i e.
WAY-NESVli LE. ';,{)HI01"' ~:FitH~~¥, )1Anc'H.' 'U)~ ., \\ , t
.... ,
...., .
Wbo"1I1llrrow m"n whu WI'II~ to C.1I1 rllia two yeur" ago bae retu~ncd wllh a 'pd.' 1lJnl/unt'n&, to '16 000 "" OIlmo ..
~Hi'l~rlc'ila' ,.kea up ""eapona tbla number a,.la*t 'An American.' In half of Go" Ko..uth He appeara lillo" wbat b. i~ wflth" about (rom tbe
Seeae al an E:I~cario. At Qhlnn"In Fronce, a few mo,,'" II~ Ina Dloomer Co.tumc- " Inler IStrlo. Mr~ MILLER doughter of 'he Hon Ger Tltl Bmlth lind &Ir. EI zabeth C S Cml! Wife of Scnbtor Stlmlon, 'HIVO been spen n&, II few days III thl. City, Now York eay. the \V Iter CUre J uurnal I"d Introd" "Ingld lhelr up tUWIl 8rl~locrGIIC Irlllllda II bellutlful Bioolllor ~oktllmo (or WI liter cOnSlllm" or "lock fur ha.1I broadcloth cloke. anddreldes trimmed with for, brood c'oth trow!cra made like men's ulld hOllulomo weier-proof boo'l ~Ie wilt Ie IUlt wae el('gallt .nd beClllTlillg, Illd slruck I IJeav, blow atconSe"DU\8 prejudlrea 3fr Gooln,thll cell'brnll'd hlllter, _I Iht' rvqueal of lfr Grovl) Nl r-hol. h .. 1:111 up II benu II (01 Ity Ie of hilt (ur tl 0 new CUllUme-a modification of the Kouuth hal-which elegantly trImmed ... la beel/Dllnk MD Irtl clo ur drcn .. \v .. eYer", orn
PUll" ROAl) -D, rar thllire-toet Plallk Ruad profect 10 thll countu .. YI the 1h-,
trou Trl/nme, 1_ that frOm 1I.lwIIUk,,, to llackllluc, thrcu,h the \;uUDtlel dalPnllw. Alhllund GladWin, CLAre, MII'l\ukee~Ome\la O.lkuUB Autnm, Uhllrleyus .... d Shllboy Ion The huo of aald , ... 11 II Rome two bundrrll mllel Jong eVlendllli ~hrongl. III uuLrululn wlldern .... Tn! heir. of Loull Phillippe arll prep., 'e.t the Iilg .lIt,: of LvUI Nupol.oo'. deereo cUI.I\~IIO" the Orle~1I1 pruperly It IllOld 111t'! ar. lu be 11I14Id b~ .ollie of II • !nUlit emlneot law~ III FllInC!!, wlau huve \lolun ered thol, Ing IV ,.ke ",tuurell to
_"'\WI wllb,,'lt fee 01 t"6ward
dol know Ibe charlcter uf Ille Judge. fure whom tlllll queilion 10 be IIl'f11ed,
A Villi"D. A f.llownlmed Tholll .. Maitland. rell bUI If lh. powllr of Lotll. Napoleun 'I dlO,lll. '1 In Readlnl bani, de.e,tN Id. Dot curtailed befurOc 0 elecl.leiu I. mid.Ind two clllIdrefl& f. . tlIY. Igo._Dd IUppolllla ,I.. decree to be 11l..,.I-lh. JIl-
~~~'fdiii~~~fiiiiifr~~;IW;:bl:j;;th, llIei ilia u.itl .. :'
a hlllhly dlCllry of ",nce will be In blDOr to .aRlirllD the 'Icinis, of Norr.. IlIlId Ihlla hm 1""111 I"". IIIItll'-' aerul'C leIYID, a-JIb,. )(.IIlalld lime. I••tl 110&8'1 or Parit I bull • carrllif8 011 credit lrom a colCh- w La.... ~•• oWifa'1utt of LHaI. of till. olty, ullder ,ret.non Iba' h. Ieoa ...... 4eri"I .. fII04tR Ie. A • JQ to lell ,..ell18 III .... South, M w.... Nf\un ........ ud ....... 1800 per I..... B••1to _rowed . . . . . . 01',lJlt Be Rtb 0 .......1IIIkIIt "I.
............ _ _.... to ...
Munt"burmol.\1I1, con,lctw/ of .4.>\1-
LIe murder _ •• btlleaded In the gTta\; lII'ifpluce, in tha pretence uf an IInmen" contuur.e of people, £uC "01 wld.out muCh d.fficuh1 Wlaen ('IUed upu .. b1 1I e dill" lall1, wi b lold-h.m thai be mUI' prepare to die II) a few hiluN he utle!"!11 dr.lldful ti M qnpreCIIllonl, aud IWure ,bllt ba woule! n.ver lit" drollged 10 the Ic"lTo"l WIltIl the officel'l uf JUdtlca Qrrlved h .. door wil bllrrlCiuled, and he relu • .,d lu 10rrenIWr A atrullfle eluued, ho ".. plniuned Ilnd ,.1 ' 1010 a cuI Arrlvul, al lbe .ealTold, tt.guuJI uUlIed II. leg.. QUlI auemp," " mob 111m muum Mu\lDlcbarll1oulIl lbe. lurllrd I.Ipuu IbelD elld .howed 6,bl U. wa. repu .0.1, and uhUlled 10 'fly 10 lh. lOP ur the 1t..lTuld whore he Will bey..... til. read. uf Ill. gUlnii Illd u.cut.lollers (!If eevrral ~I'I! 0. theD Dlilled upolo alii 10 re.:... lum, bul Utey I~ttded IIInul Ston .. werollart.d ., him of wbid! IIUme wUl.\nded him badly, '*1 b. ret.l .... bIll JIOIIlltuD, Cu.eted wllh lliood. , .. h •• eUClltJullf'fl oapitllialtcl 1l,1i .Jre-l1l luk. 1,lm nck .plq
t1e,eonded, aqd W.Y PUI III lito GIrt and I'HOn,.,1I\I to ,,1_......... ~
'1 b.oIII al ...
bit owa _p\cluu.. be .......... "'ID t. . . au .....,... ........., COIIq'*' .........
,.., ... .......
... .....
f,v 1I1tt!rrlllt 8:.10 llll!. Oil R plcy
c.r Ihe Slalt DUllk oC 01110 are 10 IIVD
FAMILY MEDICINE or ..... 111 AOIII' VIIf.II II, J'hJllellaa 01 IU&h B'aadID~
~WISTAR B BALSAM OFWfLJ> CHEJlRY lIup.,III n.. w VliM \.Q ,,11111 I c(1011 VI <!, re lilltel the 'YiI\l'm by <'IIPning lbr -porn or II e. .hn. and prolllo\l/lll lhe
1.... 1I1"1'l:n5 nmo. . .11 mnrbld • .., ... Unn.. ,. rU, lb. blood Ifl ......., tone and . ll\n. to III. ",OIU ...'IOD. (o.ur,lb••, ..... ,,0 IU' aU .1 fa. eon h t.ken "lila ,.(eI7 ., bO Um. debUt IOU II tit. pillient- b. n,.",,"Cul II> d ...... t deU Cit ••1 mtch .nd rem.tll.b). (or tb.l, cb.. tlna In.ollorolln. otron,thenln, . n4 rooW ... U.. rr I".u.. I. ." In,.1n.lile ami ........ med,lor J
CUt, ..
Ita GCllun I" audorHlc aedallve and "lIpectoranl by epentnf tJle " .. r~, Illay ttg Irrll tion and bv nnder#Gi t.4 .. e~'1 II or IDUCIlUI n.tlUtr
'ter!!"on 01 IllUC0tl' m_Ite,
.15), • ~St!t!
AI", II ... C_plolD'e, Jaund ceo JI .. rtb~", 0 -
Il'.... Felnln.... Dlaqrd.n..r tboUh. LI... an.t
Uln Le.. or "PIIOUt. Le_ 1,lrill ~....... H... adI. Ol4dln.... ralpltotlon or lb. " .. ot, I~. lin ... or" .I,hI at 0..Il10 ...... and all 00. .. • I..._ ....ood br.n I.. p.r...... ..rlll. blood U••• lie _bl... '.ull 10 d.hIUtol. and ....... ,Ite
Afm ELECTION, G 11 C;anon Will be D CQntlllh.l~ fur elctol!un" w tlll< lImee ur CUII.", .. I!). ulld .1 '0 lor l!1~rt un .. A.oe. 0., at the I'I..,cllon 10 be he III III April 18li~. ror WII1be
.Ir.. rn. .. I __ ld .II'!, .11 ............ .... y/U Ind llilt Modl.lno or
INESTIMABLE VALUE. \V Im.m )fun 11111q n \~ III be a r,.ndltlale fop ~ ICeliu!) 10, the umt.e of COII"uille Wa.)ib 'nll.1 'P, •• We Spring Eler.uOD
G M ZeU III a candld.le (or rr rl~thun til Ill! Iltlice uf ,l\lIIItuutlor 'btl 10111' 11.111 P ~, the ~prh C EIKtIov
Probat.e Notice.
Th. rollo",lu, EXOOClllor. and Adm,nl. l,.It" bue IIlr<1ul Ihe 08te of thr P,... bule (;vur' fur \V1fC"I'D Cuunly Ohio ,rlelt
lc:tQUllta euuelll Mpt! "ouct1er- for .tttl~
, LL .,.. . . (Or
OF N':IUL DurLITr: Ibl. lleill
dIie AI."I'I LIlIK A t.:ilAlUI
• .&.a.
R... I.. tad I...1Iac.r .... Il10.................. .....r _ _ .. lou
• ... _
........." . . . . .rlalr" ..
rot ..........rtM. V.I .._ 00. . . . . . IIW wlib ••,tiJf.... or ........... lIMa .......
C. . . . . . .,.., .................. t;aotaIoI. . . . tMUIoa... " . . . ,..... c.......
A.-. ... 1*110 __ ....... . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )1 .......
..,. ... r.hIIc . - - . . .......... ............... J1JL'IOI'i .....
All ........
11 .... ~
1'. .. . . .
] Ii
P L tl n
cradulIl, Lut it
j adoPltllu -{Jf ,t ooul.1
trOH'd '"
r '
IUcendl,., \ \
pubh ~h('d 1 t,I II I !II ,ell ll plUlltQtlOIl Oil the burJ ers of C.:. \VI! wnull "trungly urjlu up"" ull }OUlljI' r~rll l ', II)' u IJ ur,y 01 Ind l IO ~, the ti luughtC'r Inl!l\ ,110 lIeCQuI'Y uf pIOy- illg ,~&, utl .. "I."1I 0' u pdrL ur the fum llyu ud tho cnl,I IV.tj 0 ' tllllte ,r druf~ ,I1"~ II IIttla mOIre til Ilt t ,r th" ,r~IlIlIlIIlJe., inrilldlfll,! 11 lovely girl o f OIanhur6 \Vhy cannol th ~y 1It.~llIlun Ihclr 1:' or 20 )eur.i of aile, her ,ule to 11 pn"ty': rrlvlllllU~ ·!'unell allli IJ UIZ7.Hlg glas., ulld u~ M~ :( l ullll tilltlord, 1101I her, tredenlptlulI l luko a fo w rUdtnllmlnry less"" I1, " cumlJl un tllt.' nc.,.' U¥ O lhollo wuulds"v, hy th ~ om- I p\lhtcnt>ss l It "!foully u~U)ln "hetllhll\\ Ihe cc rd IIf th ~ BOlllldar) U\lmnd.s lun 'I'he youllg~r I",.\tuu of Ihe hllm III ra"" LI~.!"" " N(\ \\ ¥ vrh Cuurrier I'"Ult olhQd a Ie,HN frclIlI c~~ .(!, Ir Ih ry nre bruu.,:ht up w'llllll Ihe \flo 1\I~ ""lIry C, Preltl, tll llh rcled wllh tl"'l tluenee uf II OILy rI'he YOIIt'1 0 1 1I1111eeo cumUII,.,un. \\ hp g'IVes UII aCCUUnl uf 0 whu. had he bC!!1I rcurl,'d til ,he cou lltry \y1/Ukl have turn~d oul UdullJ. wcjl UlutiO b ll~U"l(1.. , under So me n1(lnth$ nit" thero
rIIlhM u rOIn ~ lIlI c ~tory
"f tho
" Cuhlntp ow he.rt.rI.hl~.~ IIpr Ihat "1I'h.,lCle-vu ...." IOW.th, ~, .b,1I be .1Io*p." (( DOrnlt kim l.rDl~"'. baildln, teo.l" :hUQIf', DCIr .p.ei•• 1Mre.. 1i1l J~ II." _ethlill to . . . 111 It. I ¥eepJlCIlloII of lClD........... . . 'oaT'f.... t I •
• RecordID, .,.. , ....... will .. ttl
T.u LAws -Were it not for &1 e (ear ol!;indi1)r oat< relders we woul\S opolor ze 'lII'<the Iflr.., .. mount of 'PSIl' III our /lD J!fr wI Icb I. oceqpled by tbe 'lAID,
elell ~me of 001' prelent .abaer bers were to obtain a "tID Oll~ 'ht'y woUld conler , favor tl It would I ot loon be rOtlOn by UI Try II friend. Ind lee wblt you CIID do e"'Ai J peraon wl~htn' 10 bUJ a (,bow
wbKIow " can ..tertalD wi ere 0 Ie can be hla c:~eap bl makloi Inquiry of UI
'1<. •••
[N .4] AN ACT L III1Ing tiN' pow., or HUll C:IPM' Ourporatlon. Ike I S, It enlcted by tile Gtn,r,,' hU1',""U "-mbly the Btet, 01 Uhlo 'that whilre ere b, tb. eh""t"r "I Iny 111oorpol'ii.
IF(()!&. 'irEilE
FAMILY l.'fEDIOINIl " or TIIIII ,.0.1:1 Died by Ph,llel... 01 m,1I "IDdlll n ...
IITTk:R' rom. . . .11 morbid
H ....iIatI.
,a"'" ••• 1>1""" 1I1 ~••r_110.' aDd .,.'" \0 ilia 'fceoll .. Gr.-n. fortlf, th, ., ...,,\ .pl~ot .1111.1• ....... willi
" . _• • •11
,.tl II lb. d,poll#_.. ..... Io...
,ate., ., 110 \lID' '.~\I\.
,b. ",..I IhIII-
ln, ' " .Iul \0 c d nmJU"kaIolto Cor Iball
.llnroll.1I II{ .11100. 'ns .Dd ....10... 11•• prqporu.e, and ... ' .... S..b....4 lare rb.
DnPBPSIA Dr I'l'B WOBIT nBlll. OINCrNNATI MAIal'fS C'.O\.II.l11t .. I. II WDI I Set IIrl. at ",15 ...... ..ry IIl1ht ProYI.i IIIP -'rh~ !. rallier mOM (lIqm,..Jlerall,.. and w. " ... nI ur AI,. tv-tl.,.
,." II' - Tit.. oall
A.... lU,., !.;o",plalnto Jallb' c. lI_rtb .... C<Ia 110_0 h l n ' - lI.... r ••n ot do.Ski., Lion and ftl .. I ..... ot ... ,.poU.... 1_ IplrIIe. N.".... 11... ...... a"'dl~ ,aipl_ If til. 11_ ..." •• u4 hJl_oorl'tl."".. Ib. __........ oU 0tMI . _ ........ 1>1&111."... ow. nf IN """"'''-. Uood Ie ••bW..Io ............. ilia qo'-
_. _lola.
FEMALE8 . . . . . . . . . . . -""1 ........,.. . . . . . . will ...
WI"..... .,
IN£STIMABLE VALUE • .. • ~~ ~..a..t O£l'l~1. Duu.nT ... ~ . . AtTI j.f'U~ A C:HAIIH
•••••&••• .................. ,._u.-a_. .... _
....I. . . _I_ftl
.... _ _
... ,ot ........ V.aa_ .... ..---...... ................. _11, 11M.
. . .
IWI... be IIIW
r.. _ ............... .......
fi '';~~=~:~:: .....~ .... ;;r...... ...~.... D!!~~~t:1!;~~
,o (I
• r n r.
II k I
Pturl"~Or I
A J r!l, d CAM . CUI' ",, ~ 1111' rrooj!'lItpd
nil, .lIulI' oI
D ,1T.'lu III cll"ul U 1I'J;u
<I,. 01 ..,,',)
.. uti
tI,e ollot r
'I d""k, .11111 a 'MI1Ie.•••, lihould make Ullin, rur' uoe ahelr I.n.:uug J r celV II 'W<I bill. the ulhn day. \\ I, ''''l.0. rur imn,eb'.1e IJIl) 1Dl'lIt, lh. "I"." 1 urdered tu b" I lid 011 til" allb'~he uther U' bo reKd Ibat c1by aUI munlbal' \l
i <luJ <':11"11''' "
rs:;r\V,e I'l(!leo~ the ca!ih for Job Prill ing aa lIOon ali It IS done< Denr II 8 I I minI! \Ve millie no ch~rgc6 Ipon our \00•• for Job Prllllln" Quly to t~use YIlI 'Wllam \\e hllve dealings :rILUIKS -Some of our ~uhsc r bers Arc Ulllng their Influonce III Iho ,ay of lIIduc Inl thelf. frlollila to boca 110 slIll_or burs to Ollr pAper Ollr ,enllomGn hllB hrouahl n two !WIlii levl'ml lave bra gh t alit' each We bope all of our subscrlhera will tbu e Intert;~l Ihcmst!lve. nnd Ir II ('¥ do so '" II 110011 be placed In" • IUllt on 1\ wh ,,11 'We clln repny Ihpm for lhelr kind I~SS
01110 I "AI8 IQlorc CULUl\IRIJS !lfllrell 30 MORNING SESt)ION Stl'uE-11 e bill fhollg tI e comprnl l.; I an ur a\atc oaie!.'r. rD'Ii~J It jliln tho Govcrrlar e~ 000 0) cur Ihe L eut G U\ fr flor 8 800 Iho S"orolurv IIf Rtate 'I 400, AUllhor 81 fiOO L hrllrtull 8S00 hc At torn< y GehH1l1 81 400, nnd tho mMlborl of III) II ard a Pubhc \Vurh nch '1,
GOO Mr Rludle preMentetl • memorial (rom G Uuhnu, eJ: 1 rClI,luror uf Ihnlliton counly for rohnl utldt'l' thl' law 011847 ,I!lX II g re,,1 I state I~ .. ctl for I 1011"cr term Ilion flllirteen ye~r.
!b EDITOll -1 seo An ilawo upnn my former IIrltcle In II vo y dig I .Iucerelx lope thnt
C:TA I'peulul report haa been \llade by th. Doa,d of Pubhc Worka of II 8 Statt' In relerence to tl e Wurrcn COllnly Gil 1111 :rail reporl bls ilOilO mod., In com plla"oe wlLh II relol\lll n pUlled hy th l) General A.lemhly, on the 2211d of l\hrch J81)2 wlllch reljlllred the Dllorll 1'1 COl lice tloo wllh the Allorn"y General to 81tH hlQ we probllblo expense of rl'palTll1lt the Callal, II that courae wna reaolynd upon or the amouot whl ~h the Sigte would In JOllie., he bound \0 pay If the Cnn,,1 WBe
An Amerlcoll docs not wl.h 10 cllocuee the mer"8 qf XOIKllth oa revt'lIled '1' IlIw lire at a IV110le llUt only IIsmaU'rag nen ary part of It, ond fur lI.e Ilmple reolon we doubt nOl, thal 11IK two biJ pamphlet dlil not Inform him on the sobJecl, 1t II II pl'y however, he WOII Ilut magnDlllmoul enough to conren II~ Ignorance end ov. n .bondoned I a need of expending 'twa additional bit, ~r 11.Ln W Erlllln, an engineer In the to an at 111m n the huur o( nt'~d emrlo1 (If the Siote h88 madl! .n examl That KQ6S UIb never Illd r.ommand an Dr IIltllln or \I" alii d Idl, ' Dnd mnde all el my 18 II (aet well knowlI to every timate or Ibe (lrllb~ble COdt 0( . the n~ce. gent rrode r A. Govl'rnor of Hunpry he • ary repbJrlnrTn nrd~r tu make It navlllft O]>pOI,,1ed a Commander In chler wllu wu bit He uy. th\! tile 1m Sl httle lum 01 I Y regulullon BubJect til tl e ordl'ra of Ih~ ,hlrty-one thaulahl:. silt hundred encl thlr C 0011011 of wnr of whloh KOl9uth wa. leell doll.r. w II repllr It. The Do~td
tl o! mOlt prominent Jlnd rf'a~oled CILlaen • of Olnu willie I territory, .nd 80 Call tanued flOLIlII. death, lndeDlIS_d With oui' onn.rd rna~ch I part 01 our \llIlory AI. IDay. /ailA/vl aM trw hi 1M publac IItIIl Ua aU A•• 1'1" • • rdalwm' lila memory will ti. lonl che,rI.hed our cltlnn. or aU p.r Ilel - 0", GIIZ of :l4tA till
r:Urourdlb1 ry
April 14t1I, IS.a Four mllet 'rroa, ClllealtO, (OQ lb. ~ 10 )lIIWlukle,) Cook Co, J1\ • Bit SIOID-D.I~ S" 008 of m, h~~ hd a larle lion, ro'rn,* ~If hla bre~' boat. ImmedlRlely Ull'.!. lb. eol'ar, 1IIhich I~ 111m 11111 feudered hi. lervioo. of nrr Ii ,I. nlue J ralthfully Ipplled a'enral boltJel Anoltler OJd Sold'er ~Oll' of Dr Euylor'a nerve and Bon. Llnllllea" Mr Henry Glb.un, of Newburllh. Or Wltbout Ihe I, .. t btnl'8t J tl proeuiW an". cuun\y' New YI/rll, In old Alildier or Wilder" CtlebrQt~ Hors. Olnlm8llU" tI e Revululllib,\lledat lilt plaoo Int week UIl'd I"a~ IInhll ~Came (ull, •• tI.lldi that at file adnnud "lie 01 olle bundred Iud It would lIeYe. ,.lIen 'beDlmal FIII.1I1 oue yea,. He ,... born It SCI III 1761,111 )1 "blalll" I kK ~lf tnalf .11...... (n.h pDrtn .., .,.llu Iinded 8t BUIIOII, and Ollilulent•• beI hI 1H8 D. . , . r,.. aettletl III New }Iump.lure lit J hIed the the liut .ppllCDtl ,", ,lie to eAtire.,. • army at III !!ariz 18" Iud aerVI d pp"lred IlIId ,be Itonrt .. ".11. III tb .. JUllllllelll ul Cui Do'arhurn, Dlade.. YUI11'II, ,II. eululllql ~O)VfrUIlIt nt Al 0" CUtIl EDWAaD A8.JISTROI(O n 'IICt tIIl'lIl 01 .h" R.volulltlll be Juilll'd ~Bee A,h'ertiMweut tlte UI d. r 'V •• hin" .. n,a,ul _n ..... ~ l~m. (.111' IJ( 1". LIt" r."lIrcl.t .. n He O:7WJSTAllSBAUAlIOFWo.P .er"d liIi'bfllJl,ln II, •• cap.dt' ulItll lite cut-aa Y iDll""1lI n_ 'iliIf' '" ,Ital ... clu~ ur tile \Var, ,II.rD b. ~I ..ed hL1I1 IloD,8nd rcliuv"l the the )J!,Ire. of lb••• ID, .~ ~fJI"
<the maUl'r reata at present and WI! 1:11\1 not J01 whIch ,",Oflid be the malt pro6ta 1I1e cou,.. ror tbe Statf' to pur.ue 11\ lh,. UH, bUilt appears to ua Ihat to place th'! C.nll In a Illlvl!:,uhle • rder, Ind keep It 80 'Wo!lld be the beet plan
NllW Vn.£IRtlly EaTAlLt mu:n -Our ....) reDdera will plUM lIullce an sdver \iMme"t b, JIlI_. Randdt & Yeo who
lut !lu lallO"1 The market we. blre or new Dtef, aud Iunh WUIII demand bill (.lId WUIt dull Theto w.. en Impl..)V~d deman.' (or S de
D.coll "'.n
adunce I r I.
der nacon .... plelll,
'Shf III
were De.
Lard,., .. dull.'.,Bd to II declln. 8n• held .t 60(15 I" Butter II...! deoUQed to a. f.r.WI Tallow ""...... d,
Ii,., ,,,.....
.,.&.. . ., .",..
by fll)slttO UI of m,ll SIDuailJr
na • • • Ttl lUi Nmo . . . U thar) d u o,-.Unnl , ••U, tho 1.1""" I I... . .0\ 10 .. on ~ . ',or 10 lb. 41... U.. arph' (orl r, ho .,.lOm ~. t ,loUluNTII ........ u n ~. t&klll .. llb .. retT at nC) U"" 'Iblll 'ollnl ho poll.nl- belD, , ....t.r.1 10 II. moel 4.11 ,It•• u.leh I nlt rlmarkable ~ r U air fb ..,lnl 1m. .IIMOIlnr " .... tho ~., ond ... to",U .. r" ",r!l.. II 'In I talo,bl. Iud. I • • m~1y for
J')ln I co, n•• rlb.", Coo r ,beS ki u. L , ..... J Ikl I..,.. r A'lollo I..,w ~ I ~r-\\o Noroo •• lind _do. olda l.~.. roh 11000. of II. II.ut. !llnkln. 101 • ulln... or W"K' t 01 tha Ilom'ob and.II ~th.. • lI.... "b) IU bnvure ".le (If lb.lIJood H... r: tie. •• fe b tend \0 i,tln 1.,. u uJ .... kla cb. _,atl ... Alt<I I I..
~ omFloln\o
tly . . . . li _ln Dill UlJaflltra
1\"1 ~ Q. II At- jlA I I & \ LO .... III J.'~ '1" no • ce to Ib" ,oJ IlL< ... tit \ .y ••• ~ III . . . .cI dd. 1)1 .1 I' II,y I .,. to. II CIlct.U llIe •• LI~IIl'V D~SJNI'1IS I"
ill. ",,,MI, ' ...... vi Allto \\ 1111 ~ Iw~ili"J1
"It or Ih
•• UI" •• ,r-_(lolcl ~ l"tI .u, ~ lit ,,10 ..... ko
!lie M I II ou. ~ t \\.) " .."III, and Ihll NUll
Lcc,ll•• ul "\ .. n~~I' , ~ ",. flft'JIII'" 10 de llwir ..... k bs tim -O!I'I\ ", an!llllN,! naltle _bIlU, lIIICIa, II .w..", I•• Ail wOlk 'DI'"*1,d ... ,..... wJlI boo "'-.0
::"!:,,:,,,ollin. -a d." .........,... "".., 1'-JI.. "III. U , April ..., 18111,
F J: IU A L f; S W~D .".... r from
fJlI J • .,d
11 11) an" hi.
. d/oI •• oI'
In , ......r'" >:IIIL 1lI1I11.1!'f .l.o AI:'l' IIH' A' ItAII\ll
Alldtlier ......'''1 e" .....on. Ti). 11I1all1er 4iU,IIcoE bJew up a "Sl
T'-. .ollie ' llfte rOlt, we h.". been ID' 01 ."Ior a (ew fllarn thlo,,1 In to O6Ir paper and our81'lr. Bat Ih. b•• 'lOw come .... Len we mUlt .ay what
wi.b 10. 'J:-bere.re bill r.w 1I~",a. tltl.coQlmuQllv who d" nut de..ire •
i",I ' _: I.,~ ..
Fro,,, d\l\
LOla 1Il01lIN ,..ufit 11 •• ,....11,. .11001101 , ..,"'1 Do-roll II,"" 100 ....... CCOlPPII1I1.d Ii), !ft. Em.'....... uf llie Gn)inl11'" 9\:11001 iJu.rd and Mr ' Hull... n. 01 lbe Merchant. ti~ cllln~ ~m,,, __ lIonorfrd b, al eloc:uq~"" a" ulto..... the bl.", tha e"!'Clte "ltOI , c!,l1dncltid til P~ch 8116 "'.. hlilhl1 g,..tl "'~ ~ Ih.lr ad"n"..1 jjnd enhlllall'P" c~odltl" •• ""d .lIp.... aed hr pl ••• u,e " a L"I.n .v~h Th. Do.tuman.I...,. berra mo", IIr iOIla to LuI. ,b.,. tile cllt~,,'I. "' tlo.olh., piKe. .10_ h.a 'f1.I,ed ~ ••'n,
,-rn F.m p<>'Ju m'
DEATH OF JOliN SH..£FFER OII.otibe d ..ec~." . . .t
I f I
A fir! occurred l'eCen11, lu WbOflllocW. an d. WNI. ~hh It d-.troyed Ihe WUOC!· atock H .. t~l. Eplltt"opal Church. uulellU'" \rar UI ~tll" blllrlhnp..
OF ",,,III,
DIIIlI ~J r~)&ftllJll of 11th !'I.dIIS' "b~
, 1'l'Ttlll ....0 . .
III i .'bl ~ "~"'tlo • •
,.tlf, II • ~I 0Q4 ,h .....t I<IDI I nd d
4lt-ti "r'-"
.. - ' -
Th. vaIU\! . ,"~ c ~" n.., ... Ii.. t""f'n 1.lond Il' C\ll~ an I t~ U.Ir.4 Mt •• , .tu 1.11« 1I.. ,ut , ••" "'_ Q"lIIrly t"'II ~Y ., I
000 H ,"Id I}O eh ,lIl".I, but ' ~I1II\~d • lottl. IJI.l u • d.u~ht~r whll m ~rrte ( elf. ,_•• nd wPot ",tl, 111m til Ih e W.lt u" d1l'd anti 1oIr- L"t" ",,,nt to C Inll.~ cut.., She had a IOn to ",h ,m M.
.. t LI
FEMALES . N ",fer I're", • "'.r~ 4 • • 4 ue • • '~ rtl Hl'I4Iu. "lIlld I~l. ~ 1 t<J1..... r
INESTU.,ABLE VALUE. I. ..... .. _of O':N~l Jl..\1 DEILILITW tllll)lt4I . . ACT. LII(f: A tlIt.t.lUI
New Goods.
; , . E "'Itt. JIJe'I I d whole.....OQO ClOU-bf' l.a. b~qlKl_,".d tu" o~, 'ee.i.. Of .n chv!tabl.. tlud .. 1I,lou_ h"ututlUn_t"t I'W G AltO _MIlH GOOD Blbl. Sue.C')'A lb. uaa.lI~tel" •••.1 ..ver 1(1111 Ib !::a.lfllI .. Ilieo> whl~h W,,- 'HVO<: fu lt al 0,\1
, m oa . ... . 11 flit ••
A'IM I I .., c. .. ~lJ.IA .. J .....«J.., U ..n~ . ..... (lu i l. _ h ln",""" Dlwnlo ... 01 th. 8 D t.h I ~ . ,. lAM 01 " l'l"'lIt. Lo w IIpltltM . ... OU .. 11-.1 ..1>.. 0 411J11_ r.lpltnlo" I u.. II ........ '\inkl., ... rvllMM Of \, .leI" III '9Sloml<b d il .1I oil ... ~~." bT.n lm~v ... u.1. 4f .b.bl* n ... ... ••lt~""'4" 4 .blU\t~ 4,.. u" tl..., .,...
Mr lJl'hr~,., Hulb'ik" "'hu rr .... "tl~ iI.", III N Yo' Y rk l.. rt • ('rWl\~ or teA".
II".. Ia',
ttl) " " . , .
DnunU or l'II WOIt.!f 1'011.)0
Iton, C)( .Iull.ra
Holbroull bf'quulMd ,'0000 uf .110 UOO He &1;"otllre tu 1"1 ... (" tne bMl an_belllit aut thrHo' urill. u l lI,
.. ,....
• 1... «. \.. taUn .. Uh , ., no Um. dl ill a lt., pal • • t _ b ..,"" " ....l uI t o' tbo m • • t 4011 . .U .t~\o I nti N,Jf\fItN, "J' J r l r et Mr. n. 'Do ' ,,"orw "nz et,..nr Lhl Aln l I n' .... t"'·. tl ~ . PT'I l fef '*. ua •• 1.,.1.1 l.Iblw . n! lure r. 1 lot
h.Ylle lIur old ClltltlUteno and Ollie,.... tall ani! . " .....\Ine. cona •• ' in. 01 PabCB AMD IKJIIGL"I\ CLO'I'DII,
'.OV • .a. • • •
..ad., "..
II. . . .ted Itt ..... , O:D4Ihou.""d. "'."' .ra~ tm.nl • • 4 10\ ..... ooUtary CUt u( lallu..
'Jr_ as£ lI, P;
.... , . _ "ported Val"",M ~",,1' be Gllod w11h ~et\I6C.tM at 111_ ...110 ..... been ~ -tiT cored
fd ...... 1pIIl. . . . pC • P.uiPIILIT, C'~nI. . IN fJertllealeo If .........1>1. ....... ~ Ia .,.... iIoIo
.,tIIa ......
)I..w.e It
_ I M _ I f ... A.-..r-
....... u.. .. "" ...O .... •,
. 111
ROIlEllTS &. BROTIlU ... AplIlIin' Wq....u1l
SAVERY AQA." ".,. •• e .. III_, O~.o,
nOUSE t'AI:t.1JolR Md) ULAZU:a,
I i •• P un pI au" till" all <*1. I. Iln. Iou.ln.... bu h 10 '"""0 _II
CIIUOU1 All lunll. 01 Colored l'aiola l>~~" .d II 0 dw "atll""I ... palo. be tdell I. p.lo.1 • aUld d.ol WIOd".I:II..",.,. ~op, up' ..lr. 10 \h. W..,n .. oJ C"rrl&ll. l'Iioou ..
or t1i"'ocer Larli8o>D W ••, .. ,. IIf ala
Ie ,UII. nUl ,.. We, ".'11"" OliO II'
FIIID.Y .va'I,e: or nUT was _ JVlt}j W ESLJ:;\
APHIL 16, 1812,
.....- , . ..:.......,..,-
A FQot III Cheml tr,.
During a roeent lilt ture delivered Prof. n. Siliinuin Jr In N. l'ork, II, 'rorrlblc DI~,v (0 U,e Women In tJ~lln ,lied cl\rHnle ¢u. ,'r hl8 lICit' clfe()tc~ b; Sia remr ogo, 0 'Mutual DO",.,y ~OCI~ ' brlO/llng sulphurl acid In Ilonl,ct wllh cer. ty,' wJ& (o;''Ilcd at /ler)ln, anti .ondl~n~!l :bollate of aotlo, 111 aalrong Iron vceael, ell. by the OuyernlJlellt. Any fo ijola ullder (l8bl. of resllting an clCpftnllve prell,ure l\unly'oJ'IQ year. of RgO c"uld bolftlOribed tl"rl!l./our alm oF/lhcru, or Ii IO pou",l. 10 dum ,,0 (tom fl llecn Iu '1!nnly·fjve the ro Inch' Prol. S eta lilt! ItJat blcn ~h4i "I" 10 re ~e on pro. Ib .. ell~hnell I bad been given up enllre- I'I1'_ _'.r~'" lier c:er\./ieelo at marr/llio. but IIQ~ r,/,o Fnnce. in conaequ('ne.e of tb. t1\lRt. bed lUI'" ~"d rut L...~---." Ing of "ev ril Iron Te"., •• uy WllIeh se,,· tbe;'Ild-Lbe levI. per_onB hod been killed. Dut he BU ...., "ceo\'lling eta led JIAt Irun Yel"cla oped 011 'hi'
='=:::;==:======-;::*=;~:r:Cb =:""
_'1" ..
folknlinr "'•• ori/allled aad ...'....... ,".u...,. abe Pre.b,te" of lIillOad. -"''''' '"''L tl;ne aile choreh cODII.led of IK'r.. a lDelDbtrt.
From tbl,
1\8f1~ aUll1
181&. Dr. Putt, remUllCtIf in clulrp 01
O:7'Nanc, Ferr~J, n &: r1 wi ~ pUI ~ Onl!<l aever,d perlon" ID '~ wliller In tho C I, aT ())IDc/nllatl, t 11'1 be6n Iltlltl!nlJed to I ullg 011 lhe )!5lh or Jun~ next W'0 Ill) noL believe In • hanglllg" crimmll, 88 Il pur . 1 ment and never ex1M'ct to No huronu bell g who baa any feehnlr Dnd reOccts rIghtly upon lhe subject, will go III for the execu tiOD or that cruel sentollco upon a 1\ omll'n whQ I, uneduclItt'tl Ilnd " naturally w(!ak in her Intellect
~l Roger• .4;, Son In thll plaee lillY/! received their .toc~ or new Goods and we med .r~ dOlll, Dgood uuilUCIIS
01' '1'11111 AOJIII
Il.ed by
I'JIf'ltialll of
HlBh Stllldiag
TIl • liTTERS "mo~. oil morbid loo.. UO.' ,lUll, II • bloo4 "I .. " ...., lone .nd """ to tho 41.uUn orion. Iqrllfrlb.t 11.1....' "....'.II lui • .., 41..... can b. takln with .....1' 01 10 U"'. hblU latl., Ih' JIfItl",L-Ml~I, ..loIul to the .....1 doll .01, .\<Imoch anll romarkablo ror Ibolr ""..rio, in yl..,roJ,n, .lteJ\llb••ln, a~d ,..\OroU,. rrorerUoo • don lo ..looLI. and IU" fOlOIed,. f07 Abo Un, ColftpllloQ ' ...ndl~. lI..rlb,,,,, eo. H••MI. ~.IDtn ..... Dltord .... of th.8ltJD U ... r &n~ Skin. lMo 0( ArreUIa, tow-Spirito N.n ..... n.ad ..Ita, 01d31 ...., PalpltaUon vI Ib, 1101"" lI.kl_, Ud rull.... or w,l,bl,' th,IIo..- . ...., 041 othol dill"'. ......d bl ... 1.. 01 lb. bloo4. Un, e\o wltl... I....d 10 d.liUIta\4 ,nil III. ,,01_
1''''' ,ga.
",0 TUB
BEAU11FUL u,orl m~nt of Cuf1'e, dOl I.rs. WCll .Il,1 N-ile 'IIorla(d 81.,..." Cl..meull .... 'lIe JIIIJ OllCDl'fi end for aal. by L H IIAIUU &. CO., flIP Red FI.,..
Woald ruptcUully 8"1 to \lie
I...... of OENU~" Qr.8ILITY: IkJo )(041 aIM ACn 1.11111 " CILUl~!
• • • V • • • D. AIlte TUBBII. tlleep Olt hlAd gon lulla. . . . I ."Dt.h lor potlll rift. Y011 Lb.' hI"..... ,,1&11 Ollt tUbell, IIVO lIIe • c:l11
W.,_,,1l1i1 8"4 .......... _ _r
IIIMIl UI....,VIDJl l lh.'
_ '''_.__.,,_. 1>01110-.....
b. U pr.pue4I to do.u
peatft or JOIAer'. worJi.. tro_ • .. p.llICe, "hh ....&11_ .:~::~~ " .. Inl b~ H"hral ,..,.
• or •• " ( CO'U~HS,
t II
l'v'Moen 11.0 luaes\ seeus .h. v ew d \lth care DogoneraUl min!, I) . 11!dtlllrlot 8 \ nnd Did ),early eul! Ille lugCll[
f,hl's nil IhlOlOlS
March 12
'Ily lalDI doom nnu by decrccs D-f roread blLck IIlto 11>~lt prlhlOYIOUS elnto
t"1l consequence or tbe scerell), Of high AN ACT '1'0 rope ntlhe llrty seventl lee prace of good .~ed, we somethnl'8 f'f the t on of nn oct d tectng the lIoue of pro ;,,~ .,..~dlllg '" cbonaery passed ~IQrch four eJke of a al",... 8&vlllg, feel wum,nlc:.J In !eeull olle thOUlTnnd e glt hunured ond ~.. lmperfeefly developed tb rly 0 Ie and 10 d r('ct tI e manner of af .!"II., 'yet th.B 16 al~ aye to bo aVnJded aDd terma upon which decrees moy be whell po8Ibld When such II eour~... opened In causel where the enme hne .doplet.l, the reeult of our: Inbor la never been rendered agnlDst parties IV Ithout --::-:-::-::~:,:-~:::-;:=~--:-:--:--:--"-eclual notice SilO 1 De It eDlIC:tt!d by Ihe Genoral tatl.raclory, , 8plrlt of dlu,dlr.ellon IS elllendred &gII1~t ('rQlIn, Dnd OUf ambl Ae~embl1 of Iho BLnLo 01 Ohio Thpt par tion ",eakened and unbJDged The labor 1JC8 agll.nst vhom a t1caree m chllllcer,
or cultivating' poor crop Is often III great b.. been reI dared Without olher notice thin the publication In the nOI"pIlI'Or 85 gel _urn •• mdeed grelter than 11 re. proVIded (or In Ihe Dct thrcc.tlng the mode 'I_Ired 10 tlJ.e ease of a good ooe Wbere \"0 . . ,I \1 thmly occopled by nJtablt pitnll thl weede .prlnl up, and IMIIli ~ DIlIr ment, lOci a freer 1'8n
BI til II
be "I
IIU 011
101 lIIe (U ~
I r!
III 111
.po fU tel
'Till;: W.&T TO Tltt IT' -Our r.. ader. ,~tll remember, that we publ 81 eil JD OW; I..t number â&#x20AC;¢ oomlDunicauon. from the
Cuflll lOCIF. D foHII\
\ J: L ~
,,6c 1I:.!@:l5c 4-lIe HI ~
l'ic '" 2Dt':
I,LOe J De 6~7~
Ilc :J)c
r ~(II$ 00 I ': Oc
81 i" ~ II
J u POWERS, b ....alsl
trJ.ftDINSUIiRcI JeT l\,prCh:Al, ,1;61 At" J/to 1) We bivi Iful/l dOl Ih • • Ix \J" .. n J)r lIiU) WOli. I:;xlrlol 01 y.Uow h'l'''hiiinll I INCk ~nd be,uj/.oIUa YIIII "nl 118 In JX'C<Imbor lUll Dnd"'lll whb )'ou 10 ... nl4 .. II. lI")•• lIIure Cli II by tile ~r'l buar It ..U. lIuliur wall • .., ulher I:lllroljllriJla prePft'uOII, DU" IIIV . . IIcuorIiIIUda,.clluo II 110, ID 'liD\;. ollrlllil .uUllI/Of Iba II 0.1 ""_1;\01118 ..106 t;;,:rolul- In. i, DO UOIIIIIIII rewed, Ia .. I iii (Ual~ loull'lamUi V.. llr~ r,,~uu!l'~ 0
J 1) AU1)1;.,
f'AMILY MEDI91NE or ..... IC .~ICI Used by Ml)lld••, of Bilk II • •"
.u,... from. _,bid .... "_IUt-! eotIdlllol .. UI ..... ,,, .. M"'I~lft. of
JIliN D P.-nIt~Hlf 11~_ dod 11' Illl dol. m 1)r Ou,..\)I\. I:'xllac:t III Yelluw o..cIL Iud :!ano.plllilia hIt WII luhl n'lrl)! aU 01 1l1e_1x
duzeD atlll IUIIQ JIDuary 11111 Ibo oeOl.DIl Q
Wob.~" Pilleu,od l"oCtr ItIc~.. uDD It III I cllre CLllleUlIIl'UOO .lId Ibo p\bor a curo of Li,. r VumpiuJI t Wo .b.1I "ulilish lI"m 10 our 0II111llV "'I,er J bere.tII ., I.u, lilt . " ' whu 1",,1, areal 11••1 bull. , .'"~ ,,,0, "'10· mell""" loklll, ,ho Yollow I>ock I.,d Sar..p. IIrI,YOlonl.' i!ll~ ., ...... .ten. 110 duubl hll,lbat II wm we . , Il0<l11 cuto ,b01i1 1he IIlodlcln.1I1IIII1I'_1 ~"I eu,oll.o au' 1>0 11011,11 10 .. nd al unco,
II crllallnll
IrullI ....Ii
AI.o II ... Com ~lal.a. ~.nJldle. IIM"bono ClIo. Un.... foi.I ..... 0 ......... " allb. Ski. L fOr ... ! ~I ... 1.1>.. or Apr-tJ'.. Il<iw Irlrll. N."OIIof II"" ofd~ln... ro •• IIa",", ur 1110 11M., ~Iall' •• _ r.Il.... 01 WoJ,hllt'UI. SlOm ••". "iii"l oiMI 110_0. c •••d ~)' an ._..',. e>t ,"" b"""'- II'" ~... ~lo" I... 10 d.bJUIII."" ....... \11••,.1-
r., April ~I
kno" 11 terUl.~
obl ..'rUllf'j rupeouQII" Julitj IVORY &. SON
JAJlIi.IITOW!fJ KY ~ November Qt) llt~' yo\l lba, J 101<1 uul yuur ¥elluw Dyek and Sarupa Hend nlo loHn""arel" '0 cve of Luiler .. Urotlwr, Null,me 1.011 ':ldOleo boItil•• IIIl It Itlll very 1'1' aod eurybody Iba' ..... It I"" h • Ifn''DIm. and \bOIl bIYulI old ellionle colD"I.I ..... 1,. Iboy bav.rooa!tCIII IIIOte beDoh, trom your uui:l ••hll) el! oilier utel
Mr J 0 t'ark I WOII\1l IalOrro
cillo Ibll
~)' b"ve ••or -."!~.L.
... ~ro..
Do CAli.
liD ........... , ......tiI hlo I'Iml 4,. work
til.,"Sale '.de eoll... ~ ... flll .,.,
AM III• .,...
Aa!;.t.;-_lIalil d_ci.d ikOoo~ Tb~ • '~ilIId .. \be \lU\aaae lloor OQ
Be ~ \\«0 . . cl••r and IIriIIII Aa • • .111 M;ld x.t.i l-'u~TC ,tln oolorc: Tall!ecllo~, '" bfr 11\ 11 H IIl1hl
Tllo ,",_tareed of 8 ... , •• rol' ,.e .er. 1 1m p'r(ecl1.Y l"f.Oed (rolD lon, expe 1'1eDCO, ond hi". publlcl, advocated (or up /, ~_ _"':""_"':""~--"-"-.J...._ _--,-,-_ ,unll of wn, elra, lb~ tile bllit " •• 11\011 proAlib)e I"ine lor the farmer, 1a Ib,t .,::.;:;..,.~_ _......-'l::-:.._.,....._ _.,....~ brl!ecf which WIJI n'I~IYl1laIUro ,I,ht 10 .w.l" mOlllbl oill. loll tllen wehrli, f~" (Mtld Ind d.....d.lrOm 1160 10 aSO pound. A pi, thlt hu tcr bo wintered and kepi \111 IlateeD to "IDeteen II)onll old bolllro lilli, r,tled. rarel, .-" for IUell at tho onllna" prlee of pork. .nd the I"eralfe WelIht of ~br.8. in UII! United 81.te8. o,.n " .,'" Ind. hair uld I do aot belie" exceedl aoo puundl
whl' the (armer \Vanll
a larae
b eeit '\ ltb IIDe polptl Dnd IrI!RI ,row III Suth 1l brftd ~I) be mlde ral at any a'" aud la.... rlablll mature. qUlckj _ But rccol lecI they mUll hive fi'~ 1'1'11111 by dill J _II ane Clr §maiLbollJl.. "..... leg. feel
~ ... _ ..'i'lldo dMp cllnti Ind I round full budf. like ~ bl""] ThOle OOn&lIlutf \Vbat are tech'"ClIlit oalled Sno polbl&~one at your beldl. large lop Illra coalao 110 "Ue Illd hlllr, !~ "Il II!I' grelt teet Ind nlbby. thlD slab t,lled boJleJ. If. ier Ibe .U,pIO' or Iladpike order die larp breede. r prafer the Lincoln In order to ,et pip Ie "el,h '\\Ell! Ihe, mlllt COllie; earlf February In the ~0'lth eru.lfll'Ch 'II the IIlddlll. Ilia Aprll ib tl 0 moal Nortbol'tl 8Iat•• are tbo beat month. flll"nll,ltlly ~o drop pi" I'e~ \bem rrolD lbet .~art. aUlb.y will oat. Ind they will be ready kill from Ocrob.r tu Ilnulry. Il)d th .. .118,.11,1. wlnlerlDI except those T(l"'t:~ Nr bI'HdJu, -[From the Plow
(;.. rI••• P..... Ute A.e of 'linel. Th, tr....ler Ad.macn dllcovernd in In WAYNESVJLL ACADEMV dill. baobab troo wblcb theler-it oab ~HE 8uIlImer .ilIIoion or !l2 wt!tIk, .I conllllcnu on s".,.,nd dly tid 191h of would .,. m.... III,lIn,.. enel the rtem of !\(o uniler tl .. !Uulon of Uep lI/ k: Marl whlcb meuuted froID 8010 Jto or 1'30 rout tJolway lfoun, hlc! llev.,al enCfO In teachlnjl we hope b, ttlenlion lu In "rtb AI they could bot cut a tree luue. to ah . . ati.(nctlon to Iholo who may down eve'1 lime ~hey wJlhed to alcertllln .nlrUlt u' ",lib 'he care .. f ,h.ar chlll,-• ., 1 erm. lleadlnl &. Spalllnir .~ 00 W,i It••", the,lIIeliured h.lnd Ihn. clime to IInll Geography' Arhhmetlo &. Grftmmar tbo can CiUllO II that baob,be exi.ted ror fifO 1700 HI ...... r l'lnlr ll • h BraRche. 11°100 ". NeedleWork & DrlwlIIl tGURII, II dalre<! .110l1li04 1ell'l The c:.lepraled "ypre.. 11 S \V of 1If'Xlco ••a It !eut all old, It not older B WZ HOLIIN68I1EAl) 8 PI.tD Bonhel. atlll IbaD thl!lo It muet be remarked thl" .... Jlllt rec:eiv..d Ind tor Ill .. hy the D.,lup did not deatto, th. tree., liuce HADDEN &. McCLELLAND ,lae duve brou,bt to Noah a broocb of 1 llvlns "I IY" trait Recor.le It III eXllt tn tt e library at Mllon. bl Whlcb II WtI.. -<.--';.....-~---.,;.._..:.....,.._-:.:~~::;:.::_ "lrlllned that. ""preei whIch rrow, in B .. ~ PLAIN i,een ftnd Iftney Wan I..... -~ IOi'A capo" I pk B Iff Kollon for W IDdo w that elt) wu lu o~lltence In 'he dOle 01 Shadel JUI! fC!~h'ed and for .al" by luhua Cae.ar Now tbat Ir,e w•• anI, H &. Me<; t",eDt' ..~ feet iD clrcum'erence wblle FINE n.on"'" !!wi.~ J,nJenhl~ Inri Edgin'! allo coII"n and Ltnen ditto /.11 the )leXlcall cypren wu 120 reel The>1! ·.ft'I"ed In lor ..Ie by H &. McC b DOUtln, I. the COl18lltullon or tree. 6t preooat e.datl.., to provODI their IIvin, aD DOJlfNET8. J ARGE • .,I.. ,y 01 S"aw a!! I "'''e1 \AI tho end of time. wbetber mla.ured by Bonnetl fur nlr. hy JI ~ !\IcC hUDdrede 01 tll_Dda of ynra Dealp ':P-E-R-ru-M-El-ltY-'-P""£-R-FU-III-f)-R-Y-'-!-O-'-or IIl)lIe !'tolD ao lllal1llnalion o( I number or lloee-Trlppl.. Edr.elot R.o8e; Lubin vew treel --taln d thal· L R",ee Coloan. OIr.; Pona.de lane1 ~ Ilnd I , -.... e we I,erap Tollel powden of warlnu. kind. f.ir aalo lllfloualo( e ,,,, tr1le'. I'owtll )Jurall, chell' 'ROBER'! S &. atWTHER Wit iii,.. l,"lflu of 10 lua. In tho year Tbe cltCQIalenJnce or the I"elt '1_ tree DElQ'AL _ KOT1CE. In OI~ftIIIlre, ED,lltIII.11 \bin' .... TALBERT" WILLARD en reet .~ lance III would bo 1160 AVE n", •• ~ thelt ollice and _ldC, "" y_n 'l'II1I WII in the tl_ 01 Ibe 8u MUn Suetl eae dour South of ,1.0 N~w
oo.,"'''.rec'oa''lt''''''" atlD Inez.
B Hot..1 Darton. OblO
II tr.
MlenN .liicb ..... 19 ~ lou, 1Jefore
a t!a\lll I.,••• Brltah, AI Forti.,. .ulete ..... &lie G.... pl.D.ln8cot Je!MI. u....,. M • ,... tree abe I,. or .llleb Qe
",1. •
InUW lie ........... 1iGO ,.... It 18 • .- li'clila~~ ............. YI~ .... tlldler lie a.. ...... _ ......'" _..1.,1 __ 1 ~"'''''II"" .........11 tile 1;..--.;----;....:...:..:..:..::..::.::.:.:..,.
II I, ....
tf ..l'lIClIIl,I". 01
aueb adllltl(lna . . .hall
hav. bee iliad. thereto u¥l!r II. provl, iota of II •• act 3d nil ,"repl. nltM<or rllal to.eh 1I._n hi hi. r;OUlftJl
re!urt~NI~ "IIP
Whea', ,
(lurn, ., .. JlllrI1'1,1I .. Outs. 1> doz, OlllAi, t' bu , , Flour, 'f bbl d. )f c"t, Buller, 'f n. E gg_, V. duz Lurd LuoIiC'. " n.. PUlnlo~ ~ . f bu. 36c. Apple., 'f bu wet'" S 100 tlrifd 820U.
monner, Tn N£w TAX LAW'.- W" publlih in
t hl. nu",bl'r. ahllu.t to Ih. rxclu~lon uf tv· .r,thln , rl.e. the "rw tax la .... I,)r tllli ,toto. We lIave uur uw" urh))~m of it, but e.re nut ft'r rllp"~llIlng It IhroulI'li thaa
'f duz. FeBlher t. 'f lh,
MEDICINE. PROOF I "~OOIIl l'nOOF lI1 11 (;t' l(l::::> LII\E M \ 1.,; Il.;!
~ .OOc.
R,u Cpffee. lllh.
• ellium.
0\r1l SABJlATR
New·Ur lean. Bugar. l' lI., 8t~ Muple. do ,IIS@9c. New Oriel". 1I1"la.ee, 'f ifill. 450. Surr·H ouI .. )Iulu..eo , , /lMI 6Ur.
S"ROO L.-TI,I. In.hlu·
tlu/I I. In • yety Oou".II I", condition. and we 'tru ly bupe th_l It ma1 c:o'1' !nue in•• "d kno' or notltln" .t pretent to prl'vent it. At Ihe Teache r.' lIellllo~ 00 lUll SUjrduy .lIernoo n. ~ ' romolltt .e wan "PP' intpd 10 1U\tI~J.t lundl' of thl! 'goOd p.... pl.! '1 r thia c:_mu," ty, for the purpote 01 procurin g new book_, lor tl.e "Ie 'If .chual. Tb;" 1'II0veml'Dt i", a I!ood unp, fpnhe tlChool II ,d\'O<.;I""' t III' 11111 p~c\ to II "eu~ pllent.
)t"ple M" I.III.r, 11 i*1 P"Pl'er, f ., AII'JlIer . 'f iii. L" kt! Suit, , bhl, Flux Bred, b,l.
19c'. IOe. 11.:15 !lUc,
re ..
Th.I I mill .lrould I.lior rur \\ rek. Inti \V~'I!" to prove l"l)tlal'r 1I·lroltu r,'·cow.r u,· 'hetrdYf 'ruf hili counl'r y.' 't1f'Ii~r t'r 0 1111 \v11~ anil hr. clllhlrt'll .' 'an ubunllonrd1,,1h' &;r,,'e' 1,11 1\1' h Inrunlu\l~ ~nd dum"lng IlIr· p)\ud~ al \1) merit bt>1I'lr 'hurll"d ' frum our lUll.' . . II t 1111, 100 l\IIrrup. too lrcllcher -
LUMD' Ea,' "0,\AI ft.·O ~II.,t.t.I· wdll ••-114 aililol.Nflg un huml 0"" lof .. Ie nl'<l wuulll ri>llllecllllIJ" 01
Ih(orm ,11o 'K''II. ul Wapl. ,II III •• Gorwln InoJ Ih. iUrtOu .. -
',111\11 IIt lll"b.,rhuuci I~'I he It.~ 'BlUr,,'
l'l\u ,h lll1l1l>or' hU.lI'~•• B.. oJ ')lIeml. ~~elll':>JI oU hbud~ tofolll •• 'Jrlll,lIllil l 'uwner. O\n .Iacl
'O'llLA. '
• FAM'ILV l'tIED IOIN II 0 ...
• ••• «TWII tlliM 1I_"l[. lIond. , i. the A~ wt b, thlP ~,.I A~~bI1 ul thl. .t.te, rur til'" ""If to ed.i"'II'1I. It Will lI1~t apin I'J Nuvt'lllbfr nUl to buill ail • ~ ..-0., In "Mdt to '1\1II11b up their .....k.'
,."r, IaM 4....11 .. _ • ., "l1Ir"", 1~ ...
dum > Mr. P~py.,lp hi. u .... bratlPd dlllry. publt.... r..s In I~, dncr.a.IP lr the lelDMI .. ",.. IIIDIe 01 hI .. day, ..,.•. "
Wille uill<! ClI" av Sbir ... j1.Lt.N &. ioN Afoiil
W • flO
Al'l fI 2>1' ~ I
.. UtUl TUt; (;A.l&. , E 1 ' A~~. \I lia "",.,". . ul JIIIQrlllln l ,h•
"""1 lit . . ." lui 0., uu ul Slink
"10011 ul aJowt'nMB L
.. ill "" .tu.,uvl " low I"", COl. b ~ .... ~ """Mu.nll ), uti I'Dnol hi UI.
.11I0Il W4I
W. t,...,... ~ M •• 1.1..........Ich ..... 111 ...11,11 LlliclIIul li "UCO:.
1.IJL",l, • t:l ... LlI.U.
GREAT £XCITElI:&NT A." T t: t:u ........ .o.£, "tlIGI\ l I I Wti
... ~ ....
tv ...., .n. . . .
GIilIOU " "IIIiIIDlIfIl~.1
nt: p
\.. , .....y
..... ,11'" III tIoAo
.aIM,. """0,.11
",,,,11., , ...
.... 'R 1....1...... UI' oa .......eII, 'n'
.1 ......1 _
., ..... r.I'" .1_... un ... 10k.... 1110 a' ... 11_ '-"I'" \Oil •• 'h ..Il.nt-bot......101.1 III ... _ I ..... .... • "'_......d ..... rIooht. ~r , ...Ir ."-1.... I .. .1~n tlnII' """,I~."" I'd ... ~
" l,."0 a IIlce 101 01 Cftne Pol- . for .alr b,
H t t;:;H 10\ ul A)u'lr""d ..~ at liolol, n 11.11
Lrt III P01fO" '_ ..... pari!.. ....,.,..
Bl&b Itndl., .
".".. IIftl':Ra ..._,. III ....... w
BLOO.~III'. - B luunll!f).1 II i. nf'lther pefuh.r III thll C41Utllry I,or 'u Chr ..'PD·
CiIII ., rbJlleilDl
DiltBl'81A III
m ..our 1'0.....
A..... 'd... ~.lo, ~ . . . .I... C. " . , _ hlto'- 1JIIn...... ", lIt,tltl' Llo., ... 1It1' 1_'" I•• IIrIritI- N."n" ..... tICII.. '*4_ r.JpllOtIo• ., 1M lIMn. Il4iIII .... ".U-" ~ oIPINu. . - - . . ... loll nUt. .._~ ",. .. 1.., ... _ . , Iloo WoaIl u....
..... ".. U .. MIIUllate . . . ..u.. "" . , r~JlALIU
w...... ~....... ....... ..... ...... .1II ... doItoM...... .,
I•• ,. e .... II ut'JlO" L D~ILIT', Wo ),.., LIllY. A cll".)1·
!14 :-;:= . . -,..:!.."";:=':.....;: . . AIm
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• • 011'.'& • • • t-... ......., ........ ... - - -
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......... a... ... n 1L'IWI ..._ •• ' - - .... '" 1WtIIIIt"nl a. aaO'l'll A. . . . . ApII_ for ".,...t il- Dl
val Of
Goo ds!
"'-=--=--'" ""--=-""'--=:.;-_~'=:: -0-' .-"",~==;;:-=-.,,;,<==~~=
O~IGINAL I .POETRY , 1l1V~lt on , the n?hhe! n
of 111e COllpix yenra more to lenrn il.'! .(lItelll . • oged, opd sO!nc{iI:"j~ -~!sitilrcl~, ~'rbidd;n Twelve others ,vere fed I.In the ,111en_lUn mounltllns. T"es,e Ol'er-Fan the , flUng. Ludy, p. )00, Am. Ed .~ p o young mcn)ftlid mniJons or C"lbolic PIl._ j lowance of porridge ond milk' [or JI ti ff; ~ e would. cO)lntrr I~ II~e firsV~I·turv of th.ut CI~ri s. Tll,is mulliplici'ty r I" ~ gl!n'll~s h ~s el'cr 1 ren!l\l!e ." (1'efJ'1 p. '7,4.? ' . Thc c{,u'crn- fost, nnd slipper os Lho fil'sL iOIl" but Iho houstJ aDd ge~ tho .change . . f\ '_ , . 11011 eru, until Liley come 10 Punno IIIU, II I hnd tho effect 10 provent II perfect union ment h"s t,:fllseclto snl1qtlo lll, legl\lIy; mor- dinoer they hud ~qul', cOll,luilJirig lWo ubly thut fnrIPc,r didll't swenr any. ";~ITT'r.x ron 'TilE ~II~)IJ VISITOR Rbm~II ' provillco ill~odillg wh ~o)1 Ihey I of Ihe people, ' nnd h08, IikclI'i"l'. cnus\:u ri og'es cO)llrubond; ond ' he nce th erll bove pounds of potul9C8 10 ~Qr.h, ulld 0 quartnr , trllbly,lt not mote- thirdly a d lutl bl ' lIY C;lJIOLIl'Il' ",,~l~a, ,· • lVe~c Bev (~Iy rep!lls;u.' ~\ lId (6rc~d .lO '~C- I' more or 'le8~ disse nli II nnd IIh!mosily. , : occl.lrrell co'ntelilione reh{~l ve to inherl- oC u pound uf mebl. At the end of 111'0 lUnrkcl.ror YOUOIr \Vomen~n Ttuii,ory. e~lar.ribl aro In a ~unIlUhecl~atel:: 1 , -' . , um bock or thl'! rlbl~C1l8 (11Iel~e . )Tho IIleralure or Ihe <;oulltry is nOI tonces. 'i'he children of lIl ix,e~ morr iago8, monthslhcy hnd.lo~1 111 \velght one olld n J?~ery year, ,III the feost of St. in't got ' any 'thoney' .e 4 t' It \Vn~o,y $<\bb,"h ovo, \;>tighl, S liII, 'l'~ley. hOIV~vcr, kept up 11 olH\tinllul w!'r t \\'lao ~ it would have b'e~l1, flud 1I0t AustrIa "orc, by Inw, dlvi/llld, 1110 aO lls glvl>ll to lho \l1Iorlff'poUllds cnch, nn\llhoy tlil di6111!etl wh'ch COOlIlS 011 In tho .lnllCrd'lYM df JII~I!, bound 10 die." . ' " q ea , l.P, • . And hply; ouch IS ofto w,Heo and lovo WIth the lliJmllna, cllmp<'1tng Ibe orur.1 'D O- I Ollpr ke pI lh e Press under stltveillnnce.- fnlh er, the doughters tu the 'I1olho r.- t~ill, thet; the e~pe !lse of QIIC~, dolly, WIIB the 'Pell.8 A!',tr~ .0~Ahls d !~trlct (Blbar) meet .' , ,,' , ,. In 4pril . HI~I!.~ lhjn d\o welleru courla mitiu) to pay them OP ullllulll tribllle, III Th e Hungorian ie /I slrung. bohl «ud 'free \Vhul u ' IUIII Cllllilllc slofe o f thil1/l-: nnd · throe PIIJJce seven.eigbts. '_ tOllell.l cr lit n colrl.\lln plftCjl, for Ihe'purpose . A ··Qu.ftOk'. EspellieA ' .. Of hD!'von, IJUre 1'~Gmi I: ,Ds & serQPh', 1eyo, lIeep Ibem quilll; nOr ' IVOfe th ey ,conquer. l lunlluugo, lind in irs ve ry II Klu re c.lcuillted hn ,l' dnmnoble Ihe conduct ,of IH llt gO\'ern- 1. 'I'wenty ,olhor. had tho Bome breolcfas t of u general fllir. ThiB fOlr haa a very pc- A qunck ,loclor wa. upce clIlIed .to • • & }O:~~~(d, ' mid. J".;'i ,pIlls .~lIYro,r gOID8-,IJI~ ed until,'the migh~y ;rujlll'l: IVi,'h nil Ih e j tu ;, co p l/Ii~e Ihe 811ir it of Ilberly. I mellI, II hi~h fusters it. Uugror~,' and supper, will~ "no poullll ,o~ pOtOIO~8 for I eutiur in:~I~st f~r Ihe young. me,l and ~RI- .I.ck chi.l~' H~ looked al thlt . p~~I8'nt.'$('1t .Fnll .enllnela)or ~If.bt-Sweot Hesperu,. for~elOf his clmplro. wehl ng~In.1 th em. j rhe R eligions ' of A\lngnry have been al one, oppose untiringly nnd per everi n!!ly ' ditmer, ~nd R huH n pound of mCht, Thoy I d~nli' fdr It IS th e: Q Ihul, Wl."l~l purchu5~nlt 1111 pul,o, Ihook ilia he III, h\!J\~!d, llirrce; In ~·YltrU InIon_lion., to Ihol) •• rt ' A five years wllr ensued, I\n~ III the Il.llnl nuonc tuu. , embracing P" l1 th c lri m, Pol) Ille- these ubominn tiolls, anll thi~ s piri t or en- I preservc~ g"od henhh, bUl ruther doarell8- household UlOI)6118 nnd family Decessnrlee, and look \I ment, ro,ie 'g&I'1, bemmell"ahpqlt " ~'.nl1ljh.r. ~e8r.Y.IW&ltinll.Jlil.llllrlIl1l8 Ilnd d('.ci~i~e bUill .., Buch \~Q8 l!IO .huvoc l islII. M.u ~ olhe~sm und hrl~tiullity. h is · mil ),. in ["elr COUll try : "The murriog/) oC '~ 10 weight, aod . preferred the ordinary lh ey ch~ole for themde lvee porlnsrs, .nd his lI~ddle ominouely" (elt'the .pltleDl• . J 0 'lloufll!lll!1uM\ ,lha charch-bell .rll!,., far Tu~e ,~n ~he rl\lI\;a or ,lh~1T e)1cnlles by ~IOW Il lvlded 11110 R omon'8111, P'roteslonl. M. lI~nlhy, aboUI tho your 1839, is all ell) dll?~ Of. Ih e prl,So~. ,The e.lpense )VQd four eon.lllu~e m.~rrIQges ! The pflren~s brlllg pulse, lind ~~IL bl. e!el upon tlle'paLi~nt. out - .1 " . ' the8D fierce Wllrrlvr8, Ihut. there wall ' not 115111. ndherentll of Ihe Gree k Chun·h "nd nmple of Iho bigot ry nnd polioy of the I penci) seven-e'ghls each . Ihe!r .1i1n~rlagellble doul11lten" wllh onch "'Y:hat ails my chlldJ,~.. k~ the father. 8111ly tWIII, h,- nlr ' no aeep I I lOon ' ,.I .III a II 110 I R omun Blimp 10 I J ~ \V dulsm; ' ' .1 n'1I th ose ' scotH uro .nl vori- aovcrnmem; , l ' T f10 \.i,.allop ' of 1110 di cO ~tI I n ~IP8C I \lOpS Ihe. prevlOus . e Iler r'L1e' d e lng Iler, ' ''I "om ". 1 k1I0W,,, rep ' Ii e -d III dd,,:--rUpon lho '"", I il enuug nlo" CIIS8S, per hQ-!ln I, OIY!! a compqny .e- b I • -1.1 AItd 10Icrnu flUII. •••• towar 8 Il\e p Onlnnl • \, .. . . ; .. .. , I d d' II TI' d I ' " , '",wh t . ., " urc~8 Ilro cuts nod gU6/lea or the ~vOQlldcd, ance. The Obn lIulI rellgll)l\, .8 taughl refuBcd to officiate on lh~. occasion. A bit" aod tGel08 or lhe, prj_unon ,hod lome on e up In I 8mll ~~rt. . liB owo~., :'Con y~b , do ~o~l\lnlr for . hlln'''._ brya'l.. Wltooo gle~rnil)lIli!lh'. nnon . ... ero vl~IUle. :rhus th.? COU}!lf! bl'aunll1 11 ~ollliin prov- In Ihllt day ~y ltoTlle, \Vas inlrotluceJ inlo Protcstt'lnl minister W ~I emJllo~,ed 10 . per- i~lfluenccl ~et 'it ap~ear ll.. thnt tlle ' Rill of course, p~opo~lionale to tlie 10w,ly 1I0n- ed the IIn~'lu, lire. . \ '., We , bo, Uld ~h. Abqn ho while,wlllled l lnce (0 naull GI~bo n'd hDeqh!'Oe nnd Full Hungnry by SI . S'eph en, the IirsL Chri '- rurm Ibe sen'ice: 'lind the tlnraged brldu. 1po,\!,d8 jloldtoe8 dally, WII.' II more n\l_ !dllion of 111010 mountallle~t.! dOme ~~eep, "Nolhlng," '~a. the reaP9neel "but," • domC!- ., .. 'I . \ of ~.IIInan Empire," from lhe mi~d!e .or 111111 King, abOUI the )'eor 1000. II wns groom. who hud been u ~t8wnch Catholic I tritiohilllot Ihon tho sinollcr qunotiLles of won\elimes II few 1I0gl, or \lven chiokE\ul. a~ded the diltillei' ' of roote and JIIt6i, "I WI.r., '·each return ng Sa~bnlh dny: iliad fi~Sl to en,d uC four~ti cenlury ,) . rurced upon the 1full'Yurs by urlllS. Wh en beco mo olle of 1110 buJdeat IDnl! most sur.~ l soup Of nnimul 'food. · 1'hele girlll are .at(irlld hI Iherr beat, or have 1001e" lnedlclne: ,v11Jl hie tblt ",III .hytlllll - • I ' Nt'XI Ii.llme the GUlha, (middle or thltd Luther nrosc, Ih e lIIu""yurs bpeome or the cp8sflll d er~nders or Hllngnriull libert.y _ . • --...".-.,-whutlliecelof gold or ,ilver thev may po.- Ihrolv hln'llnlO fill, and ~e,,' 1 cJII "'ure 01 Iltllll O lind prayora of roll I alld lowlinels I L . . " , . A E ' "b To'1 t 0 I ' I J'. d - I I' " 1 " .,. ' ''Ik ,. ' i " t I r G d' century) allrocted by Ihe ferple pIQII)B or porly of Ihe R~for m er , find ure nolY ilivi- ~Tl' f1\ p, 76, und < • Oily . oj tile IIlomm, SOl \I IIC, ~ ~ ec I u, MSI, lIro strung I pon 0 str ng, an nellt, .. m,/tIT am a 1I"'!ecl 'I'gfr oa,jul" J ', 'C lIall'Ont llqonp", 10 I ,e 1 Itone 0 o~, I ), . ' . \ ' J ;r The following deecrlplfo ll of Ihe pr ' h d I b '.1 I ' I \ .A-Yo· waned-now.tho," ••. "., meekiy hung. ! UIC SOIlII, who RlVept over Ihe country I,ke J~d inlb LUlh 'rnns ~IIU Calvo ni~la. They vol.!. p. 258, by Misa Pardo'.'.) , . ' " ) 0- a,tl~r. e to l,le rlll"S of t lelr ~a ~' , 10 '. \ 'J'hll calli. 'Il"(e olar! 10 brlghlly be3n1in8 1\ pCdtilence. But Lheir reign WUb IIrio" j hove UIIVII)'S hud ~o 6,,111 wilh R4'1lr~ lur I Such was Ihe condition of nlTaira ond cellalngs ,OL .1111 cICCI/on for memller of 1 8f- ·'I'huit lilted,out, every girl vno J~elfe.a til I" Prl"'Uo~,Omoc ;~~- , , ' .. Iher.! , t J • \ The HUllS, doubtlcu II brunch ur Ihe grPlIl 'their faith , somrliniNI ;I'e n wi : h th e sword. sllch Ihe in\e( not ~Iem nt of diecnri ;i,en l limeht {pr ~eWpoft i~ MIWmouth, hirl\, II I find 1\ huebl,!d, belakell '/lerdell \Allhe ralr. I L I, cO'.lolnarYA~",olDe-Prlnt.lnl ollicee ~tel'l1~~ LQTe'l 1'11)'1110 r.ID;on re~.'lng 0 Tur~8r ra'}e, afLer~tepeUlell. IVnre. Wit!1 C hi' j The Scluve, ~r IVhnll.'vo'r subdivision. ' 88 the 1iberali~ls cOI;lmenced"t he Jtef.;rm Bg. from Iho Londoll WI".'e •• .•Sucb ~Ce"e8 are 1 8~1I! quit. the.houlle10T her r~ther, I!erhap. when P.l\tt:cllla~ly ,a Krllea ,.ouch GOlD_ :'1 be Mercy-Sellt"-. JIIlPII,' i*,cQJ\ hgJll to no, III w!llo/, mnny were fiuhjugulPH Hnd ! 11'011 as 1110 Wol lack, i /limost invoriohly italion. .Tllere \vU8 tlut 01U~ clQs~ oJ' pcp. !reQUellt, and psss IYlth~ut 'po(lIal 1I~~lce fore.ver, lind bl~1I ~Ier n'~theJ' IIdieu, qui\e meaQ:~ lei IIlnl III .... trldel 'to m.ke hilD . • (l~lda LJ Il ' I I I ' k f p II !.lie boldur olles drrvcn to olher Ilehlft' 10 of Ihe Groek ' Church. The' G crll'lulI 11'0- pIe in ntl lIle killg~om who were tolcrul\t III England, ~l1t, when ?llythlnjf ur .the tlj[lIoroot or whllt roof la to sheller, or whut the ~eClI 01 Yllr ioUI joke" J ~ Is oReD Ili~ph!y L1le'ir \I.arlike Pl'opl1 nti ity, poureil IIIII' wilh hid g~vorn" ent i~ l1alurull~ n liberal und for pro~re8; this c1usS wn~ th~ Ind happens once in A dozen years III the fale alVait. her jOllrnp,y''-' end. , As to her stmt t~ a nelgbonbi omle I\)r. 11II1Iip.,. • UrllelJ II: , '8 U S ~Io t 12, ~ I 0 oace. ,Will' rovcrc:lllallcet wo chlOrlid in . Ihrough llie mOllntnin potities tJpOlllhe v81~ f, Clithollc. '1'he Greol;s o~d RUlnolls Rrc Mo"ynrs, nlways ~Inc.luding L1lo &ekie; s. Unltj!d States, Iho English newspaper. , fortune, it ie in the litlle cart \hat attend8 ty arrlf le, IDd wbol,. orl,lbll ~n .t~e. DlW.C Tho ~~ou~p !If ",orahip alld Oll~ , oyeo and Icyll,tuok th~ GOlha by 'sllrpris~, o~d he- ellemies Iii c1,urch 10 oneh olher ' ond both Dnt" lhey II'ero tho solt o ~ Hungary -In- are auro to trumpl' it IIbroad lIa Q proof of Iter. Tho object Ilf her jOUfDqy \8 ' never ?f tbole who perpetr.~. tbe ~ulf,j Ol!ce hellrl. ' ) I ' J). • " COI;IC prinoipnl masten o r the land: Of l or clhem to the Protp.stonlB. ' The JQIV S ' dl: II Ihey were 0)1 th'It ~n8d/! Hlm-ry Ihe b\lr1)nrionlsUl of lho Americnns: r l.D.l8tB~en; ,pdbody wondere at I~r uO: ', I. upon~1I lime, a 1lO1 ,vae leDt to K~'. 'V~rc \\'1111 ,e a)lolen one who slood b~hill~ l I , , • s- . A I I I' t f 11 l I 1 ' d.' · I ' office for a ""uart or edlldl'l.I" u e " .. '}" ad d k. La 'h . 1\ trleir leadere RllgllulI nnd Alliin are reno ure Jews' ahtl tht: Gipsies arc n kind uf wortby of sympulhy all that were I'ohle I 1\110 0 e ree 0 smB vo e~8, IV 10 10 "Jere occaa on I,a r a public Ilfficer to mllko ... :' l ' ,'~ , . ,.u 81\er \ e~., "8· ongolu YOllrs JII d • ., I ' ' I " 'd' t' U· I P 0 '8 d I ote I tile Libe III d ' I d dOl I I d .qut ,,1.0& WIth tbe plcll\le of I lj.dt... agone 1 pre ramuli/! 'II IIIsloty. From theso the hClllh cn, Ih e IIIY81erious d~s ce\ldunl$ or un gencruuB ond g,ellt. among he,r "ci~izcna' l ls IIlC 1 r . ml e 0 v or " r a rocor 0, .. lie OC . n lie ot IeI' Ian, + IBU \tlllo" changed 'tha't lorn; Tho sama l country reri'e ived h8 pre8e nt oppelililion of l unhnown oril;ln upon whom Chri6tlunlty r~elr .views begin and end "/ith .their caUSe, hull bafore 10 A. 1\1 •• polled ror the the youths who wish to procuro them.eIYe.s Tbll w~ r."h.r I"''''' upon W. tob~ dl k tlllr •. J Hungary ; called belore Hdllnonlo all~ Der- h8s hnd but Iittl~ '1llIuenee . counlry' il ill lor hel! they' lI: c ' Iud tull bllle; anJ vnrious 0lher8, who declared that wlviell, 'lIulen lq die (air, arrayed Ibe bul ,lb"1 Im'tledl.te,l~ told tlie ,bciJ ~ 10 t ' - 1\ d own Ii • . cia. ' .t''"or five hun-:lred eurs thia brullch I . . ry b eat e k In Karmenta tbelr !lhe.1I pont.lll; K - . b! l l. 'tellhlmILw .. th~ ..etiitUfla1· I IJ'I bau Id cra' 11 II WI ng IoW-lho "amo By Ihe 1II08t enreful collection 8nd com- and suITer. Alllhe olher cliliaea are . con. Iley wou ill '81 ICk to Ih' elf CI,1 Iors 011 d vote 1\1 , ' peel>, ey-"., Ind PI~c1d co.unteDaIlCO, of the IlIun 'fumily held po\ se8516n or th~ porison or 1111 IUP nlllHorllies we co.n find nected by ijome tie with foro ifgn powers. Rccordnnce wllh their cOllsciences, (after a I Thele 8~va"e-Iookil1" chapI, \'tho .WOUld lIley IY\lotlld 'D4 Dol ~ ",lIIlOr," • • "~lollh'votolookuPou"-unpa~8J(\nodvoico . .cOll61anlly clI!:ng<.'d Ih . wnra . IVa huve troced the oUove Coc" ... ) ..",n IC.d " II IeY gotu pWIIr'd 0 r ;J;j 420 per I... e Itu Ite enoUIPI to ma keour young II'II el . i I d dl 1- ' conntrv, bClhg The .relider should const'lntly IIe.r in p .11<. IJCeDe 'D Coa." A nd Ilea urol, nn perv. "Igrac!" nail ' . >• • h d 11 d ~ I bl b I I' 9 A d lid I ~ , .. J\1I'd, lIIullon.... nll thc' some. \ 0 ",,1;0 could nnd inrernal bruils. Then cnme th~ MaIII 8umminlt up tbe "1lltter In this ron- , mil)d Lh~ facta bercin, 8e~ forth; 011 II pa'!'l f eo ,po ~ or I I u~ Y 11\ '-ls~t " . nm -., I e I lems~ Vel, pronecd wllh 8 A cerlall) II~i'er In _OD8~f 'Ihe W~ ' ~oulil. ... , gyan, a llett~r. develol1n,ent of 1M ah)oe neotion ,lI ~iijtloauh;hl)d autHor hos said: ~ f lh.e AU8trla!1 g(lyer"mell~ IVMS 1lIlRed . ~· ' Votes, ~Piloored to be dent n the tnor~ luod deal 01 ,in~efP.lt alia Jell tQ Inapect tern SL.tel "lid ~ dOl ",It wa I gHa' fl. 1i1•. w~rll""'\I!3IQ tw.• r .~II'O tJlI ", or!d . original r,cB' whobe Ion a .ujollrn end in- 'Ifn ':0 Rounlry of the, world, o'nclcnt or upun their exit ence; lind the trUe dillil.ul- nlng, blit,liontrary to tlte ,u~OIlI custom.. t~~e fnlr mt?uqtoln lusee Ulnt are brollibt vollle,' and waa la tbe hRblt of ·teD41ii, U, rlt/, ~ I:Ml6rC IUIII~~~!OlllO a r.UO!lroco! IIg lVi \h the Ci~\l',esilln tribc$, modorn, has Ihe \lO~UlllliulI been so mii- ! li~a un~er which the POlriola lubllrell oo.n- anti when It WOI found th!! red pnrty W(lula Ihliler by their r.tbAra aud uriclea, cutul, courl With him. boe d., ~/je W ..ok Llrl c1 o ju)lhl ~li.,.,(UllII\CI·c I'pla n jOr">:1hl~ Lurd- ., then and dlllce so re!)oll'nfd for b~a uly nnd cplly ~lId perfectly divided il) r.es·pect 1U re- not bo underatood' Dnd nppr~C!lntcd wfihout nol buy ,Ihe, mll~ket v81~e fe ll ill Ihe n(, 1Il.~l)y aide glanres and wlltfol. lookn , 10- into hi', luind tit I.~~d I~e b'~C~lllld'IQ~ l • ~ I II .r~..elll'. rO/1I I a " 0 IC~'8 hnnu! I. d' h > I • " tl!rnoo'l fur ot 1 f' M an exprei, Aprl','ed d tl II I 'di ~' 'i .. ! : '1ruvery, had re' l~e re Ibem t e fir.t poo· hgioiis fulth. III no country hnve th e /) 1n knowledge of them. . ' . ., "', war 8 looap YDI n( ,"pr"!n.!! .e, . l noyed,lhe~lIqfl 1 ruollinl IML'.'I"D bJa pIe of uleir da~ in Lhnt part of tI,e world. I! isted 100"1:'1C~U8t1a to render lheso divis• TO 1lE cd1lTr N111!l!. I ; oJl'ermg me the v~t? J)f 00 'lf eo;lInd IlIdc- , .H~ glve.,bil fancy II free rel,h, ~nd wbeD l~p. 'Thp iuda'~, In a ,reat r~.e, .a" They !ijlc('tlily COl\qucr~4 the cuulllry ...., iuns !PerpelUal onll biller. Ever)' Chris- • ,I pendenL el~cl~~8~ IJlr :19. \I belld: And lit he lintla ,Olle IIiDt .rllm. 10 ~laIDI ' hi' prt'C- hltp I vloleDt ki~ tbat I,n' bien ,'I~ID' The enL! re l'Opulu.qo~1 Bell before them iu ti ' iI denoll~io~tioD, singulilr os· it IIllly seem, half-po,L tWO,.fOllf men vet y~eljleclfully of- erence, ~Ie' llt once .d~re'le. the parenl;l, acrOi. the courtltouM. 1Ib. Ia., •• M~~I' IXild ~i80rd/'r, Gofter til'" first fdI.V b7lUlca is the result of' Q l'eligiou8 'J1ll/rre!. "i • • MISCELLAN1~O fe~ed Ihemselves for :Ie 6c1 .<looh: Q~~. when al~1 wh,ut IhllY ha\'e IIlv~,h her, onU IV/iut !l\!Joli'iucru.ed' lt Ihe U~UI'UIOIII~ . . . . \ nnd vit:lo~les of Ihe illvaders, lind unde~ Thu~, tbe H,ungarlaD rabe. are rehd.crrd ==- thl1l Wal d~cJlned, Ihey were w,ll"1I1l 10 prloe they lI .. yo I~I upon tho '101' 10 ellpos- ne, III which bil favgrlte ""II trelLed. cill' Ih& generlll' cqglloljlen ,of Scl~Y'l. ("und tenf~ld Inor" inlmiqol to enoh \lther, 1y Wprtb Rend11.g. lurporl free u,!de fotLho._mull amount 01 cd for I. Ie-at tlie ~ome tithe Itltlli, hi. to blmsheller , among tho mountlline, where to thei r -prolession or IniJ'1lcul r,eligions;' thus, " Have you got .ny gl,Od Weet rn~l. rum Bd elloh, (he v'!luo of a pmt?f beer~ own properlY,and Itandlng. If he parell~ 'Pump. cot)lii herel Tbere 0.••,' tbla_~")' Ihe rllmQin, atill ,relain,ing enmi- lhcso hiimlcl\l rclllfibns, sufficiently ,oppo. alrl: aaked' n womon • dlly or two slolle, ot • The Dpn:ele~ton felt tC~rlb'y indlKIIllnt, asl( too muc:h, (be8e a~lI,ul , 'b(lYI' ·ml\.ke ~ald lte,lllvlDI )jim lboll." !lIcit, 'did I ty Dgoln~t their yletora, They have" bow- aite. ·lhem elves, Dre rendered lenlold' more one or our d'!lllliples 'of r.leu1l 'P iuB , DB .he and. eonllllUC\UI batll~ thr"u~~oul the day '~jllr p~n pffC!f-, which, Ir oil doe. oL not 1I1w.YI Lell you :to .Jrieep out of bid ~vcr, sproud 01'1:[ a plr~ (I( lhe country ad- oppOall!!, by tllo IJ orrela in wloltlt they ' aluwly vllfolded iter .11I1IY\, lind )iJtl1ted' o~1 ,vas file . Cloneequl!uc - I \YllIdowl lVetlt ~lle OI~lcr to agreo w;l/le ((liid lover . .' jl\Qrnt I" llie rugged j,ma a/l'long whllllt hod their origioj alld litus, fron; the bJl1ln- tJie, countor I goo'lIly sized hOJ"le ' !i'r lho II,m..llI',d j bod.o; IlIlted, c.. rrioge." unr to .eek .ontl; one else. , . Ihey first (O~bd I!rclteeLlon. nlng ,Of i\JJ bi~tbry, hUI Iho J~nd (lr' the aceumnrudlldon or the 'Jll00 critter." tu rlled., rede, trampled on by bluea, . and We may auppo.c Ulat tile pr4uj y~upll' ~ E i!elfeDt-.llll'e~ • it ", . be per~,,:ed Ihnl lbe lJagyar ia f Mug Ybt been' torn, Ani! rbni, Dild sacrificed 'For what purp080 do t yo·u wDnl 'iL1' 'In- ~lue8 1.'1 the;..turn trllmp~ed on bJ reul. mOil a.lwoYI.It op a 'top e,e' opeD' t.u ~Ie " '0 rep!el!'bt~ thll tile , I~ slib origittol. 'farlu[ e.ltr.ClillU, but is ullit d by-iU-r-4>.lJgjuU8 tJel~ti~ n e.ter- qahed he, AI he ~c.nned her l~oIJnlenonce. NeSCI were bleedID~,J!yee blaokened, bud. oorrp.~pondcnce. of Il)vel~Q"'I' u(l?lIthe ~rle r.IIIDg~ Ind In&imtllee/ of olj. klud I1/f ~II~ b,lupd wuh tbe. belt rucea .nf I"en. We n~I, IInoppro.nble, 1118alillbl/l hostility ex. 'Oil, aimply for bntblng. air J I never use QU,L. IUJd Iim.hB and flbl lirpken. Barrels 01 ~8nd, Qn~ thCl I/ZO of the dower upo!, die other find tIle rewllollll of ('rlent/,I ~1I810ml, tlnd i~18 belween Illein. No' word or lovll lind tlte vllH stuff for any other PII!pOee.' beer were rolled inlo the h OU8 11S of llll,l other. At lo~t he lInda one for wi om ho To belr wltb~ ~nd Dot mfPIr}' e,ch . 01 ~hl' orleotoll ~'yiA (If Ipbe~h peaCe, irom ono to the other, is cI'er oITer- 1 'Well,' said he,·'{ have a Ihltle Icrt, butit bl.u es, and red lI,nd bluCl YIIglbundl were is; willing ':to. give tbe price! and a loud Oth~~'d Inllrmlt1le.. . .. ., : rellined 1109ng.1 ~hel~. . . _'; ell. • . . .. 'I . C,etltlJ~y all~r conlury, i~ IIlIl the beat quulilY.' I' hnl'o heard f;oIJ.ln g und Ligh~:",g ~~or Ihem. , Vo,lI. 01 clopping 01 the hands to(ethe~ announoe. I ~o i\votd gq IIg rrom bo,_~ ho.... lot ,IOfO \l'e hllY!! tI,e tlYO orllllo.1 rncel, IVIIII~ a rel'l!ious peace' ha been gradually .! much ,r.omplb\nt (lr my lost barrel) but it II nllll~y for ~yer . .. Lindsay lor eve,rl rent f lO the b~ltupder8 tllot'\be borgoln I. coD!- ~,he purpocre~1 h .. a~ln" :a~.t .nd'.lo"'f!r'" ho oecurled the cuuntry. To thom DlDY, ,tling dow'lI llpoh oUle countrie.; the rolig. eltCellellt .nrlicle fut bUlhln,g in elokneaa, tbe ol r,le~d!lIg to Ibe most dc~porale flghla. pleted. • , . mil wllh etcli otber~ b~.1 eilll , ., addod GermuII6 and Jew8, Bnd h!lvc ,ion8 or l:Jun:nry, which, III goneral, aro it 18j1l.R~ about weak eno~gll WiLllljU' l'1;'hl,. town,~V88 fu}l of o~hJel'o men ' (rom ~hll,~' hoory blolV thl" mUlt 'be (or ' A:hv'~y. lum l .r ' t9 1I11T.u l" • the c~)~raoler of Ihe p0p'ulutiun, I,\,a \,'ellll" rac~8 me well 118· ee~18. have ~een 1'!l"."ly 8a f the u8uol dilulion wilh wmter.'1 . tue Hillft, ~f dot~rrnllll'd character. II la., riv~1 whu hUI not d~chled quick enoul[h reporl. ~".J: a , lilt e}lI~~" qlllRiPlt Ita orlglO bell/re .ua , I dlslillet,ll~ h08tile;os irrellonciluble. os, il l 'Weil, I 'll hl\Ve the bOUle filled and Iry c~,unly magl81rate brought do.'v n by 0 8p~- and Nho illtahihg-andoo'n'lfderin, ny per.OD I\nhl ' well fOlltJdld •. , ," '/ .1.11 llie AUlhorilies on (he lubject- spcok th l!y hlid inhabittld QS mur;y u~lrlendly nnll J it,' she "old. AII~' hnvirlg r~celved It, de- Clllllrlliu f{bm 600 to '700 miner", frot" bl! t!r .he IViII.blt hili) alIi! \YlJetli~~ 'III! Ir, ooe be In f.ult to t~1I1i11D lIS panieJ IIl J JllAgyar aft une ~r th~ ,1~oble~t 8p,ec-. Ivurlike c(lIlnlrles." ('frHl. pp. yO-71.) ' ported, :vonderinA' 1\ hy .he IIhgu!d ~e que•• \~OIrk8, arrned \y i~h sticka, bll\dgcona, lind I~vely ~ d 8~curnll.iulll ill . Ile(ore IL Is nientlol\~d to ot~~~: ' imena uf humunity 10 b. found in uny 1'lIrl 'rile lVurst r~ulure or tl.iiltato ·or thillCIt. tioned M~ ~108ely'ubul1t Il little 'ruln. .. . hfe-prescr~er.~ and lodlled them ~ut A. ,'M., tolTi U .ome of the othllrli. ~.!J ulcli ~(ilh.t MY 9,( .1111 (of lhe ~·orld_ . He 18 br!1v(\, ge~e(U\l!' no· i~, L1lul'reltglon lind p'01lIic8, \lave b~come 'Our ;'U~f is ~lIt,' snid ho to hi" olerli the In u lorge IOn collll~ ~ho 'Parrol • . These deed I~dolle, .nd tho borglllq JlI' cqmpleleil, her, a.ud p~t tlill b.e~\ wnl\lnctlon: on. ble'D\in~ell. 'I'lle l;icluves. buw vcrj oro bll!l)de~ nut ol'ly at hume. but wllh ' other ne~t day. 'J will try to procurll ' lI , bettllr men.u f>,,"8pe~ale~ Illu tuwn.people, ,who nlld forthw ilh the young girl-pOo tllIiI,I-;- any action tbDt hla the appearaDoe of op•. wore cillelly L~bernl', tbot Ihey, In COIIIO- proceeds 11.1." \0 clusp Lhll bont ut bor (11_ po_Ilion o~'rrlentm'D ' very differen.t-nre 01)0 01 Ibe 1Il08lll,eboli' "aUJ n·s. Thu8 Ih~ C "lhull~ luoks lu AII&' j Drlicle thon ,hp IUlt 1,08 prov\ld 10 be.' ~r people 11oulI'n, U Lbeir lIu~e tria and Rume, to Ille Ponlili' Bud Empcr' 'All 0111, sit,' rcpJfcd \h~ !'810IUiil.bed cloFk; quance, nttucked the ion, drove theae, men. Lure husbaDd. ~VhDt a moment 0' {Dler. 1 'fJ.'~. obaem lhe ju,t ~1~ '&lo~oj1~ indicuteH. TII"1 or,! III-!ormed , in ur for ~lIpp(lrt. Tho mr mbcrs of qlll 'whv I sold a quurt jU11 before JOU cnme, cn !"88Ae from It, It;lre down Ih" ~oorA , (Qr- elt lIod an, iCly 10 her. Tho de.lln, of Ihl~ 1"Jt~ 1\l1V~ 011' conlel\~lC!n before It, iii =~~=;=::=~~~~;=~~==:;::~.jbu:!1." po a~iIlI lilllo. wental e'ldolYmrnt., Greek Church have their OWII' pontllJ', tho nnd it did not run dry then, 101 #y a~cident ced uut Iho Wi~l_do~ti, lind 10 dlsmantTed lIer lifo 11 '8ellled by thll 'rude 'cIa~p of the m~d!e w tli, , , ill e knowledge, and a degraded disp08i- Blli hop of M 8CUW, nnd wi~h hi ll!. lhe CZllr l lef~u runniilg' ond lost neo rly . • gallon; lhe houle. !land. Tn thll act ahe I I m'ueb ., ' , . Tb~~ sre divided' hllo aeveral clasS- of Ril8li o. Suys Pugel, a t~avdlle~ III there mU81 be ncar ten glll!oni of it left OF SI'ECUL h'l'EREB'lI TO hADI1UI,'"-A 'fu, I wili be youra (or Ii 0, and t conlent , lArd Nbrlh, ,dorl.l18 , •• • ,'_ est B.;la,cl, SeIBvack~, Sclavolllans,Croats. Hungnry prel' lou8 to the IntI' revolution, Y,e. I, lor r hn. \'e sold very Jittl e, I,DteTy.1 , of your J'oy, and your trouble., ".al,a to Ili,1 phyllllia/l.~'Sir.,1 lID . obit .... bill wu intruduced inlo the Legli hllure 01 to ftorto.ke .. , "'r'" SerDI Ire a !iltis more elevated; hul (,-oll, i!. p. 112.) "As political age'lls aod 'Why, you must b.. mi ~tnken. fur I h~d New York, wbleh wee diJ81gnrd to moire to follow ,bl1 throurh weDI and through th~~ - . Vi.l'I!uckl. of Trall'y Ivania, are, If ' opie. of the Russinn aQurt, . Iho Wolluch to tip the borrel yeslerdllY 10 lUI ti,'! ~le ..- divorce iowful in allY of tho (olloll'illg cm- lV~e.' . pllhihle, OI'CIl Iqwer than Ihe Bolavel,- ~rie8t8 are said to be Illude ule ur, and r ure. Do ~how me where you dr6\V It.' lee: • The fQmllleli 01 lho betrollle~Jhen aur. T,he S:leklllri. arc next to tbe Mugyare, Qm -rully inclined 10 believe it; lor' they IW hut bn:rrt!1 did you toke il trol;ll, 8ir1' • Firat-"fhucruel nnd Inhuman treatinont roun<l ; h\lrn, olJ'erinll' lhelr confratulHtl "', ere ot Lhe .Jlme ruce rnd tittle · inferjor. regard the Archbishop of Moscow Oij 111 ~ ir o&kea Ih e elerk , n ,little r ill hten~, fellrio!: I)f a wlf" by hllr hu.b~ nd, or o'huabund liy !lnd at on~e wlthoul de11l1, the - priest, TIII'Y inhobit 'I'ru \18~IY8ni8. 'fhe !'lItire primllle, arid Ihe 'Emp~ror'ul Ru aiil o.sthe, he mO bt hove belm dispc nding ~Jcohol. by hil wife,,, BV render it unsafe for ia on Ihe 'ground furthll oerallon, JI,unouhRopulatilln is ob"ut fi ltcl'n , milliune. O f hood 01 Iheir Churoh." 11 IVaI doubtless 'Thill unc,' reehed be, poinllnjl to the them 10 live 19g e ther. cos the llulltlDl ' bcndlctioD. The you,ng . ~IQ~nr8 livo, m\lIi("ld ;,Suju~qckH; tWQ mil- thia IIIl1uttlCe of Ru a.in .wlt1{Uti. clna!, one noare:~ Ihe door, '1 have mb!d ror .11 BccolIll-"V1[1ul deijertion or V'o!IIOIer), woman prolle. Lbo p,rtinl hand of Ihllt A lOUD, 1~\Vl.r ,'r'.~O ~~ p.id . h. CloUllt Jillnl; Scl",oui~ n. apd ,CrotJ,tlunl, I\ltl' ; ~hol mode. Auslrla deSire her nid ' in Ihe forti}igllt from i,t.' · . ~' .' " . 1 _ " Illlud(lllment, fOf a ' ptrlucl uf three yeo~lij family who h.ve reuod Iter, but . of which LO a htlJ, Iwltb9u& . .cb ....bel. . I... It...ult acellacd her ODe day 'or !HIin, InaeD.I~· Serh., one lind . a /lulr; 1tVolloakd, olle; IVO', 08 mucli ns Ihe IInturul nffilll',! or des· . The clerk could now contain lllmself no oC one by the o,her,wilh refll.ili by ehhe~ Ihl' is uo lo~gcr a pb rt-mo~"rt. lhe car Sz II.I.er.,onc:.; Germ,". one nud 11 half; potl. longer. .' , • him or bor, uf mulual tlullI:8 ' and ull liga.;' her neIY busb.o,bd whom bo;t a lew hOllr1. ~o · b~e to the pbw'er pf . Jove_ n. ';IL doe~ .Dot, jew., half a milliun; olllilhe GII,~ie. one The Protestonts (l\laI;Yors) de pend up'Why,' I id Ill', 0,. soon os lIo'could ~II,IO- tiona. . , , fUfe she m;~er 80 mucb .a kneW', IlId , follow," .he .~th 1 replied, .. Ihll. lllll,IO. Tllird-Iu olhor coors wher~ ln thedl.- corted by her dow." Ie, conduoted to beu·u.e I· 11m Qllt 10 be- woiil by tbe POW-I hundred lhousand : In making t1wae eSli- on them.elvel Illld die purily of their doc- tltl'r his longiller, 't1l61', II hurel of ,,'n or ,uorDe" . · ., m ~le.~ we h~ye follQwed the beet . aUlhori- Irl. es. Onee, when threalened with an- wnler I bruugl:1 to use for my plants, and cretion of the court, th~re hne b.ten ex. hOUSG hOllceforw.k1lo bt her home, ' • . II tiel we can Jind relying on Ko~. ulh's nihilolion, by Iltt' unrelenting p~rseculion8 hod it filled . (rum lh.e btmc to .ne the treme !lerdwhlpaou peculiar incooveni"nce The Hungarlnn Goycrnmeot hUI lohit ,. I ! jUiltice e.~ be lub8:.ntlally - pr~ tried, but in to luppreu tlle.e faira A C..tldloul board.. r It • ··chtap~ 'HtQ.: s lalemClIlB i~ Ihe Declll~aliull IIr IlldcpCD- of otilt'r accl~, Ihey Bought an'd obl,!ln~d helld.' Dce, Ind otber. officiol ducume,,!llB. aid of Grellt nritlllu, ~ The Dank 0: EIIC'Wp\J,. llcap this enlircly ~ your.~l~, r milled, uDled It apppare that the purty ror youlJg "ifi., POIIUvo ,_ !troerl hOll li.hmenL , latel, a~"'1 ed a' &II'll ..b1e, Tbtdnngunga of Ibe people .of Hunp· hind now pay. 8D anhual IIIlereel on n bavl' Iclhng rum from It for ten d~1' oomplalning ia guilty. The complaint for bellO given that Ibe, Ibould lid lonrey 1.11I! when. rat"'~ ~.o" llCUD a pre...~. ry is, 18 IIccordQn'l!l witb it~ popul~\lon, ' Bum or moncy runded by E~gli.bmen for len~l! and have ,,"oollered that poeople clivllrC\l Ih.1I Ipecif, Ilu( oature and oir. placej', but .uch II Iho .'orce of 1011, e.llb- ed ,ro~ dt.<:uulon. It w..J_II.; bul..... ' cumltancel I)f the dee. . . llBhed CU!llori\, united 10. tbe ~'celllllLltlI',.O' tbe WOlrder to hlaho.t; 1IorrI"1 " mlde. up of . mUlIY. dial!lot<t. Tbo ~1agY'!r' Ihe be!lef!t or -tilt' Hungllriall .Prulestllnt,. p~oll\cd It II, alwI1s try to kcep Ihe or Hunol'ariIlD) il Ihe PI08t yiKorUuil Bod ('rem p. 72.) ., kin,!. Keep mum. C--, keel' mum!' I Fuurth-The bUlb.nd or wife of a Pllrty Lhla p"lur~1 rllC." tbat all ,uch ord.. r. Imell •• " po ell,", replifd hi. II""" , . bee n, di areKardc d• Tb' I III "wbat o· ih~t,' • Taite uld. IDICII 1-' unle.. IYO admit the TarThe achool- and colleg,e . be 811 lectaIIlntenced' tpjlllprleonmenL 'OT' crime, lor a e I. !';It '"'_ - ".. ,• CJJItlUU8 EnltR'Mtn WITII d .. hId liete tIS "1'!a~ .kJjl~."'" It i, 0 IlOmbina\ion 91 rillD, all. "The great lIollonlll universiliel i ' ,L ' b h perlud of nOl I.... tb.n tbree year. miV. an efety ,elf IUC enl ra II. ee we h."e ~ \\orUI wblle ~o. uw upon I~W moder. · , .' d 'b d ".. 'e~/' are Clltholic;" aod Prole~ta~t childre~ clln . . marl')' ~glin ' eaerl e milly ue .• oep "elC!,DdiDI lnla tbe ete an allowance Qf tOed .humllill life m.y Th. Ihl'rd ·cl ..... we 'pp-Ilen" ' 1" op. plalnl vt KlilioG,a, ,laere to barter 00' be edur.tp d tbere only at Lhe ri.k o( tllelr be com rort.bly IlIpporLed. ~~. . ,~ .... " II . I r I Ii I 14 .n.1 '" Ima L Ullcorrunlible II we lila), faitb. The PrtlteaLDllt colltlges, Ii.ye or J I ' . ' en a \'ery wldttduor ror the etcllpeof Iho... preclou. Jt!we • 11 tIe OUIClIO , a • to ,. T ' 0 t 'e 1 Dr '1~401 19 me t.l(peruneali th I h UOlwithal, D- lIs in lIuDlbtr, art! ., [orbiC/dpn by. law to werll ID.tllul4ld In tLe- Glasgow prilOn ia IIpon w.hum tbe mllrri'Kc yoke prell" un. ey were lenl~ ea HI".or ~ere II baa /leen surrounded bj olll" r laD· the 80nl 01 C.lhollos.'· Tb8 [AW a.em!- the dieL of I lelecL~d number of la. comfortably. duce or tho ,01l.-C...grt9IIIiDII4lul • .. 1.... II~ I K.,.;.II',• . D.ud thrice,overwbcllDc!1 by ~be lit- narirl o. f tlie G . reekl ore e.qullly euJuslve. lIl·a lr.. Th ptJ:lIOoa . ·ere fed .. n the (01.. A OOCl.o.... Ii ,. Docil.".. 4t of' I U Th I II d An 'l1)i.ble wO.Ulon·. vlrlue lupporll ttuUJ ,o~e i "nee , us II enmity n re g'qo 'perpe~uate . luwlna fare' for brllllkfult., eae,h had . ' A lolf-iulllcf...1 balDbult'wllo 100" up Ii f I ' I 'Id ... • Ie\( upon III oWn inlrlnllc worth. without 1 . 1 I Tbe Lalln II mucb .polren" the Germ.... S Poetarl BII • m II t~ug l rom elr) c II - eel) OUDcea of meal lDade intu a ftorri.lb blllllu_ DC a ph"iolln .nG ,rele.W In . . . boo' E h b' k • II f " ' " "' "'''' borrowlnK any aula\'UIl1e frolll t e flaltA oC • • , al.o; IDd thl! Sclawlc by balt the IIIhllbl- 00f'. ven t e toy 00 a pre ,II 0 It, [ With. pi t r but'erlllillt· for dint,etl throe ' 81 '" . b' -". a cleep kno",lrdp. of We laeallq aU. w.. 't I ... th I d'b ' , Ie WI c!OlDplre t ell erru... . . d tlDta. . an I .-en,..vru 011 emil Y'precept P9Ulldlof b"Ucd lkItatoel wilh .. lr· ror...... 'b calle. to "llllalb.", _a .lIleted • d I " t Ih r -:1: with er own, to "Dll\lDller U.e lauer, to _-" I d o:From the remotelt perl!MIa to rhe year an examp e u.. 0 .0 o,f:e 0 ma un ~. per. lin UDee. of oatme.1 purri,dp, ,vlth pllP.frYe ht'r cbDrit, aDd humUill e ..d (or. lpoplur: " Dola• • ~W onl ltD 1836. bD11i tJae Lilja and the HUllprian AI dill Datura.! con.equence 01 .~ch one It. If pial 01 bu~mllk. 'Ike lIIelD 10 be pertec', ..,reI aDd jUlt. felt MI pul.. .q~ pgc:kel. rb&.ked Il tonl\le were uaed b! tbe rep..-o'llIi,e •. I ,t.le of thlll.... Soeie~ !I dl'ided.Al lhJ eDd of Lwo Ulonlhs thlY ,.ere Ice a", .I.ter r. . ., and cagnot be .. tMlaue ,.... IJa wi e. aod aullr w•• durlnllbe'ili.e te f 1'796,1802, 18- Catholice luoc:llte w-JLh C.tltolice.Gre6li. In-aood bnlLla, e~ penon INd ata lo" In a t'ittuolIII bOeolD: III" will delect IU'" r.U_'lII lGblae eti lldbnl • thP Kuilt,. ,et pi", a."'pr., rwthe enin,: ·II"ID' he Ie ...... jlrllet. O'7,lnd 18) .:-\IIltlo roartee1 to the..P.Ja- .1I1i Greeb,l'rolr.taDta with Proteetanlll JI'1IU'CIIIlo weltbt, ,ad tj.e Arebdokeloaeph.. wlwae knciwledate of and lhi. 41,111108 aaellllllo all IDIInRer of Ibe COIIt-o{ bicla.laciodla. will aM . ., ........ to ebe "No, nul" dcl_,mfCI til" 8CIIf'Otrl..rl
tr "1
. !!
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';Iit'i~~a:.~.~'\'i;;;,r: HOJll1m.D .,.al lmP.t!rlcc!l the huIIIe of I f.terco.,... . . . or I..... nra to tracle. II - ••'-,_r-.-- lpo'e tadll. ID 1814. the " . . BadI cI..- ..... lIb lbe JDei'Cblnll of Jta rilINN.;':'::':'1 _ Jj..e.rGrth 1M ~DJVi'D 0I'Ifer-..... "fda 11"8"11 ",,,.
·R8ir·.....iM IaHlI .... ""... 8I\"ttullifo~lft ~~''''il'
lie u.e
of tile
.1e\a.....Dloo t N
'- &III
two peoee ""' fllQi.,. per
Othrr tea .....,...., for 1I~, J.r OIl ~ pot.....
~ ,.~, 1M ......
,,..... ... .....,. "ru..
lID wirt. ••~
1=~==~~~'1~ .·~~~!:lJ~:fw.'=':! ~11~-.-a:-ru.. iD~"ltl ,.Id, oa delD.Dd _1"'A.,n
IN t dl'l;'lI'IIl"lnt oWDer. Ia hel,. or II' l from collnty trtlllii1, un lb. or- per .,. ~ \lLe .udlt... lf IUcIt clem.nd be QUId. l!e un lIl' Ibew. BalJt-•• (rom a one " " from t time of I1Icb con lcrll'-Olil paler.t It.rnty pe ,.nd If pot ~ dolnlftnd.d, It .hall be I,llate 111\0 tbe phlll tre..UI')': .nd IhIl.. II'. nn tile &. Ifecli,niee' Bunk " f tilt! IIIme 8Hall be demanded wid!ln year Aller UII! ~ame ah,1I have been Ealton, PII. Alar&,,, -5 III tb.o celltre 0 I~t(l the Itate treullry, It 11,111 be the bill, With mtn hurowlllg . nd "owIng "",~============:;a;===';=8 fOr the aGmc u~eft aa l~e land. lire heil on t)te rJ~ht, .nd man plon,hlfl, on to.Bac ~O ,- Tb" e ,eel ,or •• rVII1eS un der lhe lett IIf It-I 6lruro 6 .nd two V," on till' net IIb.1I lie os follf.)\vs, The Ihe ,.,ht end, nnd Ihe IVord Fl V~ ull the I"e. 10 hell! by leuYII, !IIay, Wnh lhe 0011' Ihall h~ such feel on gllY !,ClltlOIl filed lerl .,f \V cdne!dllJ II, Icnt or the Ifulteea of the orlglnnltown. ~llIle, a. Gre allow ed for Klm""r aerv,,:6'd 011 tb l~ pentrGI DGnk 'Vorceller, \ •••• _ \ "f1:rWo! ~ pellt1helclllh fllr Jill! Printto wMth .U1l11 lund. belollll l file hie ee '" pro<:cedlllgs lII chnncery l'h.e GOlln. 111U1~ In the court of c ommllll plels of ty auditor 10 be. allllwild ono dollur BlIll fif· 6' tI ' Mendcn Da'lIk , Conn, Ccn. Ina. n. loon alit Is done. De.r Ihl. an the county 01 ".. hleh the IlIrgest Jlortlon of Iy cenl. on e'll.:h nlo mud" by hlln, lI)r d Oil Ie " luch land .. lire altulltc.lllllllli fiJr~h a dr. each cerU6coto,filtv cente, {or (luch rucelJll lr8 vig tbree ICluulca, agncultural Imp Ie· nlllld "ye lIlath 110 chn,p UpUlt uur pUI~pl)~,.J cl: IDt of tne premise. I!\II'I! I the Itate SIX <ll!nUi, II) bo patel by the JlurchucT t And ment@"huf of grain, ahlp on Itock:l,&.c , 11 okl for J.Jb Prlllllnl: ollly III t~u~e \Vllh • or 11181111., thereto , thllt he II Ihe 60RlO fees for rcccrdhig n 1& ii 110 II ed wilh. rOllnd diD conlulllinga fil:UI"\l :; on "hom we \111\' 0 deahllg~, Q!,hIlWIC ••leh pOI.OIl 1I~ • • of Burrendcnnll ~urh lene, In(1 C(\UU}' rocordllra, tv bo paid out of th ll eoch .ldAof 11' 1(: 011 upp er coni er tho let •••• _ _ l'htl purpoae for wlll,,11 It Is reII" tbe ownrr o f lhe pr('ml.e~ III lIIoney, pilld lIIa&lutereilt or rent. on " D 'V OD \VOODI" !julred. 4th. The day and dale on Iylllch It fee aul" D6king Ihe r.ourt to nppolnl sail' or "urrt'lIlltl r All pn'lteril' feel, tet V, with porlt,ut of La F~ ye\le In thr WOO' 0" . WI. ollttllned. 6th The nAllle and pilice or th r~e dl~lntereltod freElholdetft uf tho COUll . ~lhertl' lng, fthnll be plild 0111 of the "lid F'I VE all the luwer conlerIbode of the Pfl'1l01l for whnm thll artlcla ty, and not reelJrnt or the towneilip \\ here· counly tl<,naury 011 the ordrr of the BU\ll- on thu left and upper corner, tho '\ ord r \Ve Itsl,d III nefd of a fe\\ curd. 01 dlJY It 'Int~~ded. ~lh. To enrefully mark the III tuoh laud, .re Rltuat , 10 ,'lillie tho or, .nd refunded Ollt of the lirst moneys FIVE Bnd Ihe leller V 011 the lower corn- 'I'Ioo~, "nil would III< 1:1.11' if .ome of our Wlt·d I\ol~n upon th~ I.bel 41r wrlipper ; Gnd tho court on beln " $l1l8llod reco iled on 6 u~h sale, u illtere~t or rentil ' I! ber. whowl.h to aelUe Ih~lr ac. ----.~r........~-or e~ch packa~p 7th 'fo nelthtr eelJ or the trulh of Iho tacll 5et fOlth In Qllell pc Tile cost In Cllurl, shall In clise uf a PCII- er, Wllh Fr"llkhn bct\\een- -Dnchor b('- IU sen , \ I \ i , [Ye aWI}'"ny aru cle uf potso n to \OlQorii I1UOll, s\m ll ~ppO\llt '11' h ftpprO lsers, who lion by tho Iroll~ea, be puid 0111 or the Iween slgn.t\lrn-engr'~lIIg \Veil d\lhe COOIiI. 10 tllil mOllner, \ ColU d IItlO/: 1\ o::rTho Pltl'~lIrg MUlleQI 'D~tructor, a IIcm',. CI.y' I ul '1lIIher ."~ ahal\ proceed, llIlder onlh, to IRHke • JUlt county Ireasllry on thtl onier 01 the alldllCt ' , un the Nuumkeog HOlik, Salem. "rll:hl alonl(" Ihe IlIle of I v1lry Inlere~Ill1g, monthly pl' l\I' .&SH1I1GTOII, ~I"y a, P. M Ssc 3, 1 hit no Ipolhecary, ~rug~l.t, nluatlon of lhe premlges In mone) . whh- or, Blld rofunded Ollt of Ihe /inlt monevs !lIIU, .ltl!re d frum genUine onn by Ihe ••• per publtahcl1 in Pittsburg, Jla , by AI H. 1'1111 venerable ItHle.man' ud !,utriu( It or othel' perlon Ihallite pbflllt ail to lIell rllferellce to tho I 01Jlro~ellle l)L8 mMd e rece ived frc,m tho lale U. illtr.reet or rcntd, I I I I It To COJ,RE~POlih£ NT8 -8, II P orvln, Pp.n80 and J M'Mlllcn. nud 1& devoted to draWIng t.pldly Ib Ih~ ciu~e 01 hll 1110",1 ~ "'Pilve .w.y an, "IlIlnUty of arsentc leu thercon \lIIder and by reaKUII 01 . uld lou ~o, In cuee 01 • Ice.pe or petitioner, III pUlllnl: operallon-ho d 11£01 10 I III II: I k 1'1 T ""an one pound, wlUl'ollt lirolt mlxlIIg el· and IIhllit relllrll l ueh VUIUIlUUII, III wrlt,ng, CO.~I I hull bl' paid by h,m ~'_ 011 the NI'w H II~ O Il bllnk, Conll \II! ¥ uu rs \\Cl S recoiled Than YOII. 10 the fOfllllrd,"g \If MU~la" 1 Art crql', C:Gr~l.'r It I. not expecled 'hothecIIIU" tbtr 'OQ~ cr IOdl1O Ulerewl th, In the pro to 8~ld courl , Bud the 18111 co ort,lf It .bull S .Ec !l1 Tho nct elllitle~ "An act In sleambout, lUll and row buot, With 11 fe- prOp08ll1011 It accopted IIm.y cenlb. yenr. " over tHree doy. 10111er, hi. f~mlJ, btl portio!) of ono ounce or anot or half 1111 tie Raullicd Ihut laid vulomtloll II JUill,IhuU provide for the l ule oj flectlun SI~te"I: , llIole .lId lij:ure ~ otl ench en<l,llnd • dog '1'ho Livlllg Dellll,' by A",olino, I~ ae ••• • been lont lor. d (b t e l l I oturee lecepled .......mhn 'Vcs'ern (formetly U v..b l~) The ' R e pubhc or dill lIIornlng Itol" I)unce of Illdl&?, to the pOllnd nf nrsenlC ('ollllrm tbe lame, nnd order It, \Vllh the gr.nterl by Cong'es. ror Ihell8eof ~chool. 8r:c 4 Thai any penun oO'endlng pell~lol1 Bud o'her DrllceedlllS. Iherern. to on..ed lunuary 29, t827-The act ellti- rn I I e c \\c n Ie I gil ... IJ--I ~ , .. ~ I IJ ~lIn.\ the provl810llS of.lul ~cl, .hnll bo be recorded. Provlded,lhut bpforll the Irus tied "!til a ~t to exte nd Ihe tUliP 01 p.y 10'd on the Blucks tone Bunk, nOIIOn, I•• Oem IIl1d MO&IClnh, colIID1fnccd \\' Ith thc Ihllt liKdl.eue I I allumed a Dlllre .10. doeml!dgullty uf a milldemoonor, Hnd up· lee8 of any orlgnlal ~ur,eJed township mellt Iu purchaser. of schotlilunds In tllli ultered from onei-un 1Oth'UI girl, bow. To LOH'US -A I'rllltl"g Office, Mlly 1l"D1b~r,I!lI tourth vllluinc, It ap. lent Iype, and Ihut 1111 mb4t IInll\l,lne on conVlIltioli th.reof, ,hall be fined In Ihell conlenl to the Aurrfnderof any leue Itutf," pUled lunuary S, 18t3-'l'he Act spear Dlld orrow. OU Ihe rJl:hl IIIUrl:llI-the ver:; poor pluce ot uny tllne, lor Ii IVl\ fe r, p&nr81R II 111'W and bl'outlful Clrud , anti III frlenda hnve abandoned 11\1 I,ope. of hi • • ny .Unl not Ifill than t""ellly. 1I0r more al pruvlded In tllIl acl, they Ihftll cauae the entlll~d" An Dct to rl!gululII thR Iple of A i f I Ille but nfter Illghl, II ia Iho wont pluce tlll.'y , • " ve.... Ou Friday ",aht I Wri UI.n tw'o hundroo dollarl,.~ the d'icreulln prol'O.... OI1 tn bill lubmluedlo Ihe ..Ieclore mupater\al and achool IHlld~," und Ihe l ur. ,cllulne hn an mer can eme e on can get 'nlo, It orCD81111\ully hnppe'ld cOllllucrllblyenlnrged 'rh" Oem 18 JlUU- 1reto ., • 1ft I mllcb uf any court of QOl'llpitentJurJIdlction 01 .. id townehip, .t an election to be held render 01 perm811t'ntleueB thereto," PUlII!· 'OU\8 Innrl:in.-71oo,nJli01I'1 Blink Note Re' Itdhcd munthly at Mt. lIeol\lIy, 01110, by troublt'd \\llth a oOllgh, wblah h.. , '1nC8 1 JAlfES C_ JOHNS.ON, and conducted III cohlbrmlly 10 tne provil' td Fehruary 2,19.(3- '1'helcl enlltled 'An lhat we do /lot gctlhrollgh wllh our worl,. IJulurd Durhum, Ed llor und Proprleulr, at then, beel! i{radllally incre~~l nll' 10 Ihlt Speaker vI the HOUle of Rrpre.entatlYe l 1011' I)f the second Beet Ion of thla oet. and let lo amNld act enlltl ed en 81't 10 ube ore Ulght, lnd, cundequcntll, ha, e tu lhlrt) -fiYIl conll per .nnum. in Ildvul1ce. \he SlIge df l\.hl,nd may now b, \lon.ld\VU. bIEI>l;1.L. If, lit .lIch ele~lIon,A maJorlly of the "lee· telld the lime ul paymont 10 purohasers of Dr Iloyucl. put III the tllne then; Oll~ ,hore 1- lIolhillg ,Ve prlae the Gem very highly, and wnul~ ered fut approachilla hi. eud. PreelUent of the Sen~te. orl .h.1I v~te for .u~,. lurrellder',lhen, lOu S chool IUllds 11\ thla 11I'e,' pused ))lurrh The' notorlou. Hr. Baynu, tlic Blgn. 10 provoktnOT 10 lUi, ns to have perAon8 con' .. A d" M b C C Aprll , IS 1852 I .. be glad If It I p'ubh eher \\ 01111.1 gl"" UI II .... r n .eWI, ona"" . 1I0t ollerWI.e, 1&1 d tryetee. I h ~ It !!UIII·n t 6 , 18" ....- Th e .c.' en t I.'I ed "A n ftC t t 0 mlet, haa becnln ed at Puducah, Ky , f\lund lInu~lIy runlllnn an aud out or the d d CIII er u .. regulur exchange, I. \\C bn\e only oecl. frollllllume,l. ca , to Ibe surrender, in m.nner .nd 'form al amelld the att to regulale tho said 0 LNo~ 41 j herrin ptoflded MIOIsterlll1 nud lohool lun~I, lllld the lur· "ulllY •• nd acn tenced to Ihe p~nltentl u ry \Vllh 110 .pplueut object 11\ VIII IV, only to Illonl) received It. _ _ _ _ _"--.....,._ __ AN A<-'T tl) regulatf! Ihe lale Qf S cho ol SiC. 11 Any ~uch leaeee,on prodUCing render of permanent JCDle, Ihereto, pa, lor fivc ycon alld IIX O1onthl Tho tele· 'Bee \~h\lt Ihev can 8oe,' and perhap!t pllt 1',tllD PhilAdelphia. land'l a"d the wurre~d.r: of perm to Ille .udltor Ii~ Ihe ptopercoullty, within led Februarylt.1843," pussetl Mnrch 1~,18· grapb lin brim extensIvely uIOII In tbi, us 10 11 hulo trouble, \IIIICIl thcy ~ e ry of· , Put/.:&DEI.?HU. Mo, a lell ... ,Iberelo. on\) yur .fter making the 'B1IU!, a cerllfied ".-The Bcl cnllLled "An act to lix tbl' mm rocecdlllg A dlwplltr.h cau.,d the mllil'. ttn do We \\ould not care 80 much ubti Ot 071oho A\J1i!r1can \Vhl: R~VltlV, rot Th~ Flrem.n'l PrOc:tlllon c~me 11ft' \08100. I, BaiL ~1I.cted ~ tbe Oeaar.l peUtl"fI .nd apprGl lllnenl, imum price of 'he lai» of Sohol'1 lands," p did MIlY, 186', Pa& tieelt receIVed. 'rIllS num- dill. d II t dl I ",.' Ambl" nf the Stnta of blO, .TIlllt ,II otlon • • h.ll be permitted, by pee ned Mllrer. 4, ltl.5=-AIld.lhe act entitled arreat-the w Itnoa.el were summoned by tl.e mnller, If they 'I\oul 011 y It III \ r In w.. Ie ~o. ImplMlllg 'P'1 n , Itl'IlJltpd P)' '" tbe C~DIi"~" of ' d an aot IIiMe.hmda tllereoll, 'attellte d by. the "An oct to limend tin aCI entlt.e u dl 'pate II-'nu.1 I118 extrllYlgaPI d ec IUB' () ( Ihfl way' on d ' k eep t helT. tongue. III II' , bur presentll • nf'J fioh table of contenu , .,.,itnl!sled In th .. cit" , for mun, ,lIar._ the Uttlted SI.tel , for 'chool £\lrpolce. Itor, to rele ..e to the alate df 01110.11 ~xtend Ihe tllne of !,Dymellt to tiona to nbtalll a r.Olltllluence wece expOI' \It IIIght In tho daY'llme. pereon., who lIud la ~rulmenlfd With a pprlTelt of t!l~ Se~ellJy lire compllbiel frolu Olliff plueu bown II aeetion i/Jlle~", toglit ler ,vith luttrelt , Uti., Iud claim, In and to .uch of Ichool Ilinil. In thl 5tale, Gnd an by dl6patcbu -Om GIJ:. Wish 10 'find out all obout Ihe Prllltlllg bu- Hon II Shurkey DC MI811ulpfll - were In attendance. The pruut.lon .... • llIllch lUI h.ve beeD cr.at~d in lieu of tbe lIenclit of \hll lown.hlp to amedntorv thereto," pn ed February J. 18· slDea.,' are perfec;tly welcolI\e 10 COID e 10 All WIIIHi 'Ii\)ul~ take thii ,work\ alld 1\ over fou{ m\lflm lenl;~b; It w.. eODlJlllf' e~clletHon dXlecn. m~, be aold, alld allch ."me mly belong' w hleh eer~ll· 47, be Illd the 8111110 lire bereb} ropeo.l od, Zall"'."lllc Alld ..., b-clln'" llallwny. Iii i b f I L t ' • II d II . It ImPII 'r, or . . . . n ~.. our office, nnd lenrn :1.11 1'10\ tllOY I'lln. by WOll nJure meln erl \I ot ler par II!. of fu y vOOO remell. :til. e Iitloll :be rt'l{\It.ttd ~, and conducted copy ( III d record In d III'd re Iemse, P rO~1 ded ,IUCh rop.1I I I b a II nu. I be recorded In Ii hook for thd pur- in any:mnnnpr Ilfect any rl~~, lI or IIIterCila The lubl!:rIpllun bor.d. of the counties 'slI.ndlllg back and looking on;' "ut at do the 8ame. The Rovlew il rllrnlahea Ib ----_-~'I:,cordlnr to the proll.lonl or \hit !lct 8~ 2, In cue til lire hOI been 110 vole to be provided ~c'lulred IInder on)' of SOld BCIS of :MU8kln:UlTI I Delmont Ind Ouernyr)' n II ullieda tittly have lomelhlng more ~lhBIlI lubscrlbere It '900 per annlllll, F ,l re lu PllUlIl1f.. ~' "'a~ea fo] tbe 1.1e 01, an)' uch I.n~., the I~ The pur~baeer or any IlIc\! JA~IEt! C. JOHNSON hub beel1 delivered to the Company In all tI:~~ ~O,.us"y, or a deme to pII.olf .he rand 10 dubl, flf hbl ie.a thah tlt!h, at. ell,hO PITT'DIIIIC, Mly trualee. of IIr" orlllUlleul'nyed lownlhlp' l IIny .udllor • • alc, or the lealee Speaker af th", HOUle of Rl'prelil'ntatlvd 8300000 Tlllrly nil le'I of thc tood (rom ~ Id I I copy. Gornmunlcllt/o/I* IhaUla be Id. A fire broke ,Qllt In th- Iplce Mill. to ""b,eh luch lalUlI '!J a, belonlr> Mhllli. al tlnd held IIndl!r 8uGh l e~.e, 0;; , WILLIAM MEPILL " d ' d b I' d time, 10 brllllJ them, wo wou rall~r ' Jey '" I !I N ~aKee &. DUler. ,e'terday, The bUild. leu! thirty ~u,., prior to lakl'11 or nny 1 blareleue .1.r&re8Ild,ahallfllch I Pro81de1't of the Benate ZlnetJYllle~.. I,aro. "ertlse to e et,oI: wOllld au)' "" ny. Per.I)III' , hOYlOa bUll' drt'l.ed to Chllmplon Ulile, 1 0, 1111111 In, .lId l'n.ahlJlcl') ",ere IIIJurfd to tbt p.,10 tbe IreOlhrerof tho coun· April 16, 18511. we underlt.nd, that 011 elch or Ihe rlYul neas With UI, .re weicorllll at IIny lime, and Street, New York. IImuunt of 'tIlOO. IUch vott ..... '!~ !II!" !~U than ell'ht notlc. II to lie Ro.tea upln.1 mlll1), tl,e OIOlt tv, 0110 h~el"Lh ur .thO ppl1Cbaae money In linn froID thal\ .d vertilled, to WheellR&', we \u~b alj,ucll to ulJdl'nJ,-nd IIIblthl" Dr' ... 'lI~hc places of llieh Lo\\ n,hip, n, tlly) ng the first C~It. one t weUth of Ihe Vul'lIlIlOn 1 eertif, liaatlhe forego,"!! Inu hIVe the CompallY have ..IUl'lIIICe or aub.orl p- I I t t d d f, ~bem We do oat ""'-TI it illiill f I TI Ludlcl' Jlellltb ur Mr. Clo'. tbjJ1tfIII1 vole,. retldent th ...reln. 10 mellt In tbe lecolld , and tlile ~lle tt b..urer'~ re- been cbrrectly copied IrolR The. Wealorn lonl to 'h" .moullt of taM 000 more IU e IIUO In ell e or I l'.1J--I II! I, n I' 0 Ie -' lOme eO"'8!1leaJ pllee and time therein celpt tll.,reWr' Il\a the auditor, on recei". 811'1' wl,em the)' Ippear, ccrltfled to by t . Y "':' make thuse remllrks oul of In, d.-feul\nlf \'vrolth II.. beell rl'ulvid. Thll lIumbor W .UHIIIIlTOIl. ~hy 4,8 It 31 ~~td, :!lad LhelJ .nd there Cllt their In,the t"elielir~r" receaptfo/ a.. d lint Instnl· I no: O. Skinner, AII~ltor of Warren - DIR. Gar. loward, persona, who anay 1!.lve 'hotrd \".' cortllilt ncee " new .lIlIlme.lnd I•• very f~ Mr_ Clay it no ben.r th.n he \HI leibIOot •• for 1.11' -:olDlt UtI' ..Ie of.,.y: aur. IDfIl\t, ~h.n ,ltl"e 18, . .Id purchuer or leal' County. I C. STODDA:RD, In tho m.ntier referred to, but only to alve yoreb'e dme (or nl!~ i ublerlber. Mr I Itrtlay and Ihe tfay previuuI. prop,abl, low. IlIn~., b~I"Plllng tO f uch to\\ IIlhlp ee • certlfic,te c 0ntalnln, the nllme 01 • Depoty Auditor Hew tile TIn: Law opperalef. {bem a gentle billt nOI 'to do eo lI"y mure. M. Fletoher \t Uf,dr.wn from \J,e firm, et .1Id w.ukl'r. 'BEe 8. The tnJIlua of the tOlVnlhfp the purrh ...r or 1enee, a dl1l1llrlptu)ft of WllynelVllIp, 01110. J8!j:J , The Z.neaville Courier .t,tee that I • ' Ir alt.ll ptellIJe .t th' taklnR, of allcb biliots, the preml.e., the number ,000ullt .nd gentleman Just in froln Colu~bul, IDrorml l..nUlI J Q. Durdl" , ,ole prf'pnefur ]I'.tnl Ca.v"II,. eud .111111 appulot two cleHlI, who Ib.\I time of pllyment or the tub.e"luenlln,tal· ,t tbllt IIbout ,600,000 bank nbtel have To 01la RUDUS _\Ve wish our reid, Brien frvlllg, .,.,ho I' une of Ihe \)I'lt of reo A .. auy, NY, 3 lIeep two pull boob con~in1D1 th' Drimel menlt., allli the .. 11\ purchaaer or leeeee. boon returned to the Treuurer•• nd the era to under~lond Ihl' all .wel .. ID Ibe m.le wr,tere, .\111 cont/nun I. ~he r,lIter h (, It (R • o( tbe ycte,. .nd the ....olt of Ibe b.\lot thllllr. helf. or UII,"', on the punctual 'Editorial Col\101nl l of out "tlper, .re from H II I I i. b I Durln# t e per orminc 0 "yillulld L h'II boo'Ir fa II Ii ' I ed L II pa"mel'lt of the .UIDI lull dill.' with annu· atoe"l lIepoaited to .ecure Ihem \uthdraw· r er lle ta ~ntll 1.1 ate )' comlnUn ~a' Drle_b~ch'. IIIt1na"ffle, I•• t fll"hl,le'trll ~ It", po ••• e gn "y 10 j". ' " 'lVn pen al d we .luae ItO r"""n8111Ip I ~ th be t It 1)1 h 'I' • • trINt8ft tad oel.rke; aad, In tale .ucb "'~I. a Inlereat up 10 thl! lIllIll or payment, Mr. Foell'S, tllp. well known mllnuf.clur- on amce the pungo 01 th(l tlX law. \lur 0 ,I 1;.t on. rom e I "'I' ere, ena .. e ~o lior.. df .ellte loll. alld hundr\' II. were 11:'''' \cluh.1I 'Nult In fotor !If a 1111111 the tru., .lIan be entitled to recel~e • lin. I aer\lfl- er 0' printing prenn, In th .. elty. h•• Infor .uytlllna th.t Ill"), app ..r III th,m. rive. lull allpply of "tulble rhdlng - clp llllted 10 Ihu ,rlllll;d. 11""1 went .iIr'i tqe •• hll ll, Wlt!lln ten d.,t .fter .uch .Iec· cate frOID lueh .udllor, Pr09lded, that , , We occaaiun.lly 'Plllf,' bU'ineIJ laeli, IlIbl crlpUun prlcet, ono doll. r II year, tion. dppOfilt on'l of ..hl pol) bllOkl ",lib .ueh le..oo ~h.1I produce to the Dudlt"r, vented • proce.. or makin, Jill, by willch Lou ~O'l!TE' AII51o\l'(,T,o.-ln End~~" III. 'l/e do volunlorlly, or be~uII we Kilt I ib a~Vllnee • .Atjdrrea J. 0 Dllr. OUI\Y h'Jurec\~ oue l1u, III n~t eJtp~cted " tbtl auditor or lIle ebllnl)" withm wblch Ihe cettlllcnte of the pruper ollicer tbat all he UlIDII, the ortll\l" c.n bc lu r ll18hed at Ev~nmll~lrro~r (N. ~) we read th.t , III ~etl -'d rll~ 1\' bUl whell ~Ulf.' dy .ppear d k YN t N w Y k. recu\ ft r • • 1100 IIInde (or-the peater po~lon thereof) ,enu due on ~UClh premia'" havo been pllid • ~Olt of fi fty centl per thouland feet .- Lola MOIIte, ,~ .. flltertulnlnlr • pllrty 01 p, Ie ,I ....l1ltree," ilr _ ":-'-_ . . l - _" - - ' ; "_ __ ,.aa, be IItUittiCI witli • eop)' of tile bOtlu up to tbe time of Illnende""lg ..14 leue. r Mr C I I ~ • 10 the e,htonll column., ey are wtltll'n • rom rltt"bu !I" givt'II,.nd Ihe ..l/Bd/Jvlt of one or 1D0re of SIO. l3. Aay pe,.on , wlablng to pay He I. DO'"' putting up or rom e, n frlea,dela her pIHor.ln the Howard Bbu" by ourlelf. Somellme. In maklug conU.JIIOII CnEBUTJOII.~On Frldl"II81h PltTIiUllO.lIu),4;' )t. e a the truatee.· It.Un" the mllnner or .. Ivln IIIY'lllln 1 ulldor. 1hl I'ro\,I.lonl of tllla the LouIlVllle pap.. r mill, the neoee..ry lut evealllg, lOme hll:b wordl nOM be- Ira tl fur .dwert"lemcntl. perun. wl~h tl) fa h " 1._ ~ . ,.. , _ . . , II t f ,. hi ,~ r f II t tl ' b ild fa If d • I 'i ('Ii ~ '"' 01 Ihil mont , I er,e WItLu. a union eele"'he c C,ly Cooncill •• t ni... hl p•• ,~ an Mid not~., tb",tlme IIId and pl8ce of put- act,llI Pllrt or 'u p.II)'men 0 ~ny ,uc .. mac nel'J ,or .U II e I nil pa 0 II~ U - lwcen er.e .1\ a certAIn ta. In J e"a· ha~e '_peclal lIotlC.... which we u. uully " " hi h .md landl elilll firM! o~ .In the ce~lIliclte 01 b h M C ii I h Ii f bra lion ht!ld by tho l\lefhOdllt EPldCOpl1 ordlnlnce .Imo'" ullanlmuu.ly, '\llhodllb, l i!'l UP. D MlDe; w c nO\lcn ...... ' V l t , If d b In, V t II new pFOcel8 r. rom I her. "",ben tbe brllte 1ft I e I ape II • I b ( ,b 'Co n e I Report e ' but I ~ ~o{!!kl:;r"~I~~ b~ .. ld ~~~or n!'iS~a~ ~~~d~~d~:i~nO[t! :r:'~~~.~on ~er' :h'~!:~e~ conlldl'nl that the experiment wlllal leut man, .truck the Countl ... In the .hlpe o( ~h::: l;eo:l:l n:lIce: =cr:;:.g. \Hlll;n bI flabbath Sc 1001e of tI.l. (Uulon) c rcule. a lub.uriptlQn 01 '1160 ,000<10 ~ •• J • wom.l1, I blow on tho rleel Four or IIIC per."nl, hoae bllerc.ta, th.y ~dvo and olhe"that may .r.e fit to Join In it.- burg .I)d Steu"n,fh41 R.ilrolot, plyable III < • ;.... WII~D 80 recordt!:J,:::: record ,hall b; tbe treuurer "'Ut'lorllll~d to receive tb. bl! ao far luece.sfullhat hil gal ,uf )Ibl f.cte therein .tated, \ I Ia .peci fteu, ,I an d • Ii a II gl'O WI III '!.ot COlt hi m marl' th an one dollar " The eeleb .. tlon "Ill bn .t Sprlllg Valley, Olty Boud. bearln •... Ix- pet.' co:ut ,hl"rfllj .,,,,ot ~moun.' tlere five craven-hearted 100111 10 b raeoI lea. cale, and Ihp are r~punelble for them. , BEe • \VbcJl .ucb .r'(ord h.. been 10 llie per.oll pa,lnll tbe lame. a cfrtlfl· thouaand feel , inltud of three dollare, I I Itood by withuut hftlng a finger in her de. h hi)' d I I tl m te 01110, the ~Dm~ pl.ce ",here it w •• held 01 Ilut 11>.. tllall ,500 eucb, ulld lIU,ylPl m.d .... Ihl' IrUlleee 01 luen townllbir. til eatQ, dlfrectedd to thfe auditor. ord ~,he pad" now charged by the Loulnll:e II" wmpa. lelJce' l LoIG immedlalely on recovering havang lnhot 1I 1 'loh 0 ~ ~ I. , lemmena~y 0 Il8t vear We'_ wilt gl •• furlher plrllt.U· thirl, ynra alld ~p""lInillllv ,Un. 'tllrh eald luda belo~g Ih.n Ill. I pel II\ln ment 0 ••1 .um 0 mllatoy;.n • Ie IU , . • t In "I Dlly 0 er Iuv"r.lle. lar8. herlllfler, th.1 Iii, If wt c~n III1~ertlib The !lund...re ~o "- '~I Oc:wb'ef. rn tllf'1!oun of CC'D\mo~ pllD~ 0' the coun· Itor, on the preeeD~lIon 01 laid certificllte, ny The 80.1 used In thle proce.. .. rIng the bell, lind dllpltched. Itr".n& for Ihat It b~, uur ~b.rglOg 'duuble rate.,' Cor what tlif)' 're. ... pruvldllli the rbll ro.d ia brouarht lato the I)' wllJiln which lit.! liInd. (or tbe plll!r ahall give to auch perefln a rl!CClpHherelllr, C.n,,:el COlli •• nd the gil i. ~urllied by her Irlend, "Mlr. Pick,') ",ho clime the luch' notlen. II pprtlon of Ihem) may 11. iiI .ted, lettl!,&' credll him wil,b the amounl In Iii .. bauk. 111111 It tHroullh a . lre.m of water.-CI7I re.cue Ind gIVe tile Italllln brute. well •• _ _ cny by I brlelare.crun Ihe )llIlIclllrioel fO!'\Il the II,IDI of Illlll notice. the tlkrnl( Ind chllrge lhll treKeurer Iberewith. OIJ~ de! etved 80 'gin,. o:7w.e ItI! IInder oltllgalona to.lI The leulnr ,.kea plael to..JII" aail tbe or'HiII biliotithe re.ult of the llil1Ie, lbe !:fao , If Tbe cOUllt)' .udltor ,hall i g ~The Legi~llIture of thll atale, po.e MOlterl, who promplly Infurm \18 or work ~ ,II bll Pf'Ulf'cut." YlJOrou.r,. IIhn,.nd rc«.Nin, of, Ihe .ror~..hi pl' keep an QCCOUIll wilh the county trenaurer, Tbe We.tller aad ItII Elfeeta In En,· on Mund.)' morlling I..t, lit per~onl who refuse tu t.ke OUf piper uut The rl~er I. flllini. wltli Dlae _114 I per. III til, gllice oftbe .udltor of tile pro- 01.11 .. lei mad..., .nd le ..e. lurrendered, "laud. TI,e Amerir..n AnU-.lavery 80clely I. to tu mud alnin on Ille ,bir4 uf their omcl!I. h.lf feet Wlter III the ch'Dllel. per rOllnl)" ladllkln(the courllo appoint .nd moneYI paId thereon, by ollch purf h ..A London correepondfll' writ", COli- hold Itl ftnnl"lerl.,y tbll year .t oC neltt N",'eIRiler. Durlnr tbe tllfN ~lllIIterelle~ freeholderl, Dot relldent er or le,.ee. and report tlla .ame to the I r II ler The Llberl)tor IDYl the re ••on I, , 01 tltl! townlhlp In which lhe hind may be .udllor of .(ste, on 'he firet day til Febn!- crtnlng t Ie weather aa ,p ow. luat ended, IIlueh IUlIe h•• been roullal:I ",1 ~Wl' Invltl' Ihe ftt\entionof nurre,d. o:7An old man of 60 yeard, WI,. COlli' , ,llua,ed, to .h"lde Ipd wal\le tile .. me i• •rf. May, Au"uat .nd Novembar, In each Tho weather of the prrllent .ea.ol1 II that no ~oom I:In be proc\lred III ltliwYork \Va~tcd III dlsctla911)1: Ihe mOril. of era, to. HI.tOflCII Sketr.b, comlnenced In mlUed 10 prl.on tilr II aborl Iinle 1•• L""ftk, ml'lI'y , • ~ .nd eVllry year; and from the time of luch unprecedentfld. Illd· wlDler haa pnl.l'd for Ihrll' mecling IUb]ellla, .ltn,e1her for! l!!n lO the ubJ'CII Ibul lIumber, .nd which will be colltinued It ~I. Loul. on the ouh ur • )'ou'" IHI (hc 6. If .u6h CQurl ..han be ..tl'flcd ~:~::' ~~e :r.t~.;~I~~!!"I~e ,':pot;:!d I~; o.er 'wlth learcel, .n) frollt, but f\lr thll lor Which our lelllllOU .lId re!,n"Dt.UV~' througlt IH!ver.1 more The IUlhur ,,1 01 .. ialeen, thDI he hud (hrelted to kill her dIl1n tile .,.temlnt·,t petit,ln p.li!' altd the 01 atlte on recelv- put two or threo month. Lhere hili I .huuld have hut tbelll thillp Ihl. Ikbleh I. well pOllted lop in Ihft fllcta 1,lthln thrte da,11I .lte dld .. 't m.rry him. In, cerlt6ed copy or the fr<lm levere euterly Wind, which h .. pr, "'lled IDlroduce your t/wn aII'll,. for tile amute· be by ury ullly. If durin, the I'll' In the hlltul'J which he gives, lind W)\I do Sume el,li_n" ml.lntlia _'10 tile btCOrdJDg 10 the prayer of Inch petiuon- Ind "e au~ILO" or, .tate, 111,,11 be IUlborJJ,j'" wnhout" mleruptlon. Nu ~m h.. mf"t of compln1: It ahowa • aad \V.nl uf tr. ,ealllon, thl!Y "I'pl, thlllm.elvel \YII~ .11 1118 beet to mnke tllem Intereltina tu our came .cqu_lnted. alla 't~e old jr!n~maa Mid .pprelfere••ner belllg flr.t duly I~orn Immedilllely!O drl1w "I~ mODe), frvm tIe Dnd the country presenta \llllnl o t conLin' eultlYitlon, !'ltCUllve weakne.. o( Inte!. dlhllenco to thc fulfilling of their dtKle. reader., ,made over Urel or mllrri.p,. Tho glrll'J' befurlt~e ollicer aUlhorl~ed to admiul.county (r1·'I"rerll. I p r hllser or lee.· ued drought, vellet.t,ou belllg ICII~('ely lect, IIr • lort or U",I1 alwaYI repulilve. Although II wa. not expected thlll (nled. but it h. IIltt cOPIl'nted al hi' 111" letollh•• nd tallln.to their old If Ihey SIIC. 16 I Iny IUC I U c d F b U tlllDIC ne~..ary. the counly IU"',Or, thall oe .h.1I 1111 to make .", pay merit 0,1 Iny more .dvance than In e rOll,r,. p to Some folka cllnnot tell ••tory, or rellte Ihould make as fnat prngrella, •• hid ~)1r 11.11, ",hn hal bern tllachln, I tre l" roque.t, to .ec.p\ (rum hi. III II'"' prucfe4 to JlJ.icIe ,.id I.Ddllnt.o "urh pDr· tract uC land, fur the ,;t'lce of twelve the prelent time. ho,", 1!9Ilr, thll atatp .n anecdote, or IP,I!ak upon IIny lubJecl, In ledSlona under the old conlt CIU'"1I tbe IIUd)' 01 Geography, .t Coli. ~nla • eonaitlerablCl .um Q/ 11 119- F,om 0 I'.t!). or I,.CI. II In tI.elr opmloll Will be monthl llfter the time Ibe 11m" ,hall br thinlls hat not been unfavorable for the ,~ithout ullng the Inlll(mficlllt pronoun 1- yet we lOa111rely remark, thalll wai'llot cert Hall, In till I place, ror lum~ time put; thllt tlmt" td th " hoi Ii.. nol rliled to prt!II l be.t for ,he tbereof, aad relurll In cume due .nd payalbltt Ihhe Duhdltllr Oled I Ie ;.-eneral eropa The pe,.onl who h.vCl II 1 wa •• boy I Will at the he.d of .looked fur, b, tbe ml)lIrit, of the people, Informl UN that the Ichool Will clo.o til' 11111 .Ull; .nd .he b.. oontialll" ' to accf,t ~tin". IUct, divl.lon. lulhbly nnmbered proper county I lort Wit pro~e to, • d 1 Id I th u-' .nd de~crlbttd to the ~Id cuurt. with II jUlt lell 6ucll tract or tr,ct. of land. With all chleRy lulI'erPd b~vo bteu the mDnu,.c- my clRal, Ind 1 w .. neter lurpa ••1.' • thuthoy "'ou qUllc 10 a ow la cy d.y, [Frida,,) .nd thaI thl. nenml!' he WIll .. rloul lum. tu tbe e"",ate to .... , It>. ".luiation,of ~cli .p.rate diYlaion III mono the Improvemenllthertto'l, nt the door of torers, IIDce It JIO' had. palpable Inllu- can dIVe deeper,l cln It.)' under lonaer, been. We tl'l1lt, lIllIt .ner bllv,"" '1(000 g.ve. pllbl1c exhlblutlon or litp pro"... I .. d, of .,000, ' ."< ey. . ' ~. the courl bOUie, to \he hlgheat blddllr ence In Clhecklni trade It baa hkeIYI.e and I eln COlllle up dl'Jer-1 can, tb.n 'lIY reat' through the wlII'm leaeon , thet \lle)' lal .. cluel Iioa mlde. lind he hill ,ulhorlzed What ••lIIy old eOdp he mull be, ID won Stc 6. The eoun cw eucb relurn being therefor, In eaj" :Iavlnf 6r~t n~uce cllused great InconveRlenCI! bv del.y sng the body el.e e"et I ..w-l Clln. 1-1 'reck- ml, he enabled to work .0 hard when Ihey u. to Illvlte III penonl, who have .DY ub. IllInk 01 millin, , prell, y\,III'I" I.dy, of mode alld havIng been by laid court exam- ot the time an pice 0 IUC lID e. con aanf' d I t.. 1 d' " I II \ th will lully com I I " lued.'.nd found In allthlPll relulor. ust Inl a description uf thc I.inda, .nd tbe arnYlI of the ttcame,. rom YOllr .. e - on 1 .m rat I~r aeen, 0 commence Ig. n, III p, - Jecl ona tu tie Iyltem, t.o attend and teet ".weet .lxtee/l,I, wlth a Ihrtulle of ~ •• I.d (,Ir,.hall certllt .tJa,e Nme, IIbd trde" mone,. dlle Ind to becomo dlle thereon, by For mallY weeki they h.ve aenerally lIeea whit do you think of 8uch • Ipeclmen! penute the people fur Ihe moaey w.. ted the m.tter for Ihem.elye, \VIi Idvllle 000, min)' 1111111 ," IIDrulled muraml'the .. IDe to be entered of tflllord, togelber publishing lIlc "IDO In aome newl paper 01 one or two day. behmd their regular tlme_ _ on durlnl the pllt Itl .. on, for dOill1f .1· .11 who fecI la IPtereet IP tach mine,. 0111. EHq. with the pelltlon ••nd .11 their proceed" ienerlll clrclllll1l:n in, I."dhcodunty , fO r. elxd In tbe present mltlmce tbe Nlnpr. I. oull Willa' Doel " Mellll. DlOlt Dothln, to aUend. I :ow thereiD h.d· • copy of which tbe UUI- con e Ull\e wte .. , bo,ore I ay 0 r•• Ie,~n h I ·ball e.uee ~o be filed ID the office un luch .. le. nu bid fthall b6enterluilled lor n 0 1', Which Ulli' to liB' e .rmeJ on I It lit I, In tbe annnulII report of the Auditor ••• Tile "'.Ie,.".r tltt! "",-tlJtPJe. faa aiullt~r of tile proper anty, wbo ahall lum winch .h,1I not be .ulliclent to ply III One reallit whloh h.1 becn llbnryed to State, on the condllion of the lurplu. rev- 11.11 bTEIlESTJIIG lTo To TUVELEIlS o:7The celebrated Frederick Doue l..l , Tbe cit), p.pert caQt.la \la, (uIlOWJD' c>py the IOI'Ie into the book containtng the I'urch ... lIIonel d\le the II.te,and a\l tlt be lIenerallycomcldent willi. higher .tate ellue (uDd dated April ''', 11162, we Rud A LreDtlemtn of tb .. neighborhood, .,.,ho I"Clured 10 Hone,. bura, Ohio, oa lalt Idvertilemelll: the notice, a~dlvit aad poll book afore .. ld. peD,'" IPr.lident to .uch b~ale; alDld In ~~s~ of the barometer, h .. developed i\leU in the (ollowing report from Blilier colunty: witla h.. lady, had been Vlaiung .1I11Ie Sundll), .nernuon, '" e hIVe been ,nformt'd A C"RIl-lIad.llle Qlto qo!4achmklt, • __1 ImlDedlatel" lo'lowln., tbe •• me .lIu prcm acs can no' e eo I lor a f ' .1 f d ' ,b inter! r f Kenlucky 01 1II1 I Li d) t o - t ... .... S ... 7 TI z" _I , th UD'ty on a",ount Ihey .hall revert 10 Ihe li.te In an exlnordmary Inert.le In crimea 0 a "Received fr~lm Btet", ,.(3;0911,61; rllp'l nen. m e 0 0 , I {Ide Md'ne enny II, ...... 0 lC., Ie aua ••or 0 e eo" • d d~ t th h lei I ill ..: h IM& ~ the recordlll, ur aald pr~eedlnr, .ball tru.t for ..Id townlhlp, and be lold m the dealructlve character SUlCI e., IIxecu· to State, ' I ' ,li06.611, due to Sllte lanu- return .wppe or .apper II \I 0 • o:7Jame. Summon., who, our readll,. nouncilltat .be., •• ,e c, COD .o,th..lth calill a police 10 be pUblilbed, lIIa\loer berelnberore pro\'lded for the .nle tiona .nd murder. have Dot only been un- .ry I, 18111, • .,6,h88,99, p'aid during 18~1, Blue Lll'ka, In that ItAte, and he III will recollect, wlI.condrned In a 'pulton. In America berore her deparlure fill' EoiD eome De.I'paper of .ener., "I·culatlon \If IUch landa not under ,perlDllncnt leale •• ulu.rly frequellt, but have been remarkable 41 3044.' dIU! to tIOumg, '~4,!184,h6 " UI, thlt tbe bill for two, waa only 'Il10 dul Inr ralll,' In Clncinn.tI, lOme two yelre l'llpe, pu \hI! evenlDgaof Tuead.y,tb'e 18111; Id r... i \\" !!ekt or 1811" ror IIIII"t"nlne yoarl. , • , d b fi I II d d" d I DOLh of i • II ~lIl1t', IV".I con.lCUllVe h .} SEC 16 Whfn IIld hindi Ihall .ell .. fnr the pecull.,.t, 01 the Clrcumlt.neea.tIn lookilli over the nit. we do pol lind lin. an a out ,~ m notel lime lowe alncr. ha. been at 1.. 1, found IrUIILy. Illd I. the In.t;.u ....ou.y, Ill'... .. of ::c: the purch ..er .h.1I pI)' to the tendl11g them The 1II00t ItrlkUllf of theu .ucll entr), In .nr other county ID the to lilt ,uur money'l worth. lentencN to be hunl on the- Sid (If FllbrvThe conc.,,, 01 lbe Ilhb I I:~~ ~t the II~ P~bUl: plDcnl In _aid trust!rer or tbe counly the amounl.o bid caa.. h.. hkewlle lurllllhl'd a depl'lrable Sl.te. Th" IItlngular. Can any bod)' '.. ar"1868 Will tall, pllce I(I1ietropuhtall U.II, COCIU .... two of wlllGb ab,'1 be In the towd· (or I. :d preml.el; .nd on vroauclnfll to tbl iIIUlu.llon of the nl!glect of .ociel1la .t· trll whit It mieanil-Dolllmbua Joul'll4l. GOOD Nlwi -For lome tlnie Pllt, .nd the Iut concert 00 )10.....' , tbe _L .~ h .L I did " ,htor lbe treuurer'l receipt or IUC ........ _ ..... ...ip' " tre ... 11 .a I Ire II uate, liD ODe ... tb.:- ludltor .b.1l ,I\'e him a 8- tending to the premollltol'J .,mptolDl con· lubact'lption lI't h .. beeD oa the illcrelle. ():7:0n B.turdlY of lilt wcrk, the Oen- of )by, In Cutle Gardell, ., .... ....-r pat the court hOllIe, ~~blnbeln, aid ~':.acrl~: p.,n.entt~ at6 ,.,atlnr the Caet of luch .t.ntl, ezhlblted by penon. aftljcted With The New Yor" Ba_t.t I.'. tli.' Lol. New b.m. . .r. dall, .dded to It. Ind we I C' f h .. h i E \VIII be dlilYlDlIOIIneed. tloD of lhe loti or Itl 10, ...e v..- aal cer ".I e c, h d d • ...... • era on,erflDCI 0 t e ...et oil It pl'Co"- . . . UltiuD ,b.reof, aa4 \tie &lme when Illd ..Ie, the Damo!Sf Ihe "urc:haaer, t e ea- homlcld.1 ouulcld.1 tea enCI" A youn, MOlltea h~. made up with Marehall, of the 1,lYe a,.ln beeo,lIIe prell, well .. ti.fled cal Chllrch , met.t BOlton, Tlli. bod, I. The COllrier dea Etat4 Ull~-- ...... I.ada l\tall be oIJ.,d It public tuctlon. b, crl~tluu of the l.n~1 .0 d., amoullt fO man .,.,ho h.d "en twice conAned 10 I Brlllldwl), lb ••tIe New Yor' .nd b.t that our paper Will baye & I",~r IIrcull- compuaed of dele,.t .. (rohl'an lite anllll.1 foliowllli remllrb la .rellnaoe '" ~. ..td .udltor, ~t the dOor the court J.OUII "h ebb801d, 'ie par~"'n~Utl!ct e t':me, an Ilinatio lIy 11101 , .nd who had for .ollle IikewlM lecl~red :he ",,..Ice.. ~f a Ye't)' tlon, \haa country p.pt!" genera II, h.,e. confereDce. and meeta once In (our ,e.re nrr uf till•• nDO\fllce~tr.t: .t aot ........ tile .ppnleetl nJue tII_ tthe ps::.::,rOhlUe'fI ,!"d la fee 11111· IIlDe mlaifelted IInequl,ocal allfn. of bil worth, deacon of oae of the Pllnt~a II nothlnl lrlnlplrea.llOlllnry to our pr .... lur the purp~ae of aUendhl" Lo tile bu.l: • We cop)' tbi. no~ICI, beOl•• It ef, one tw,lfth of 'be pureb- !DOBey to " A th p..... II to 1.- .& ler- murdered hla I • b 11 ~ k • iii I I he .... f uti . . lie paid et the tiN of .. Ie. aad tbe b.l. fDr the AIDe, on produ Ci " ' " e TOr un tUN "'" .-. churrh. jn ]JOItOn-th. Re,;. )lr. Olm- tnt Plt~c:tat OD. , ,,' •• la a IIW wee I a ... of thl! chureb .t Ie,.. cratn u CI. Iy, n t .urov 0 , _ID ......DDuallnatalmeDtauf equal .~r thl. (lerUIlOllle. !llee mbther, .nd Ihen with. h.tchet cut oWh ....tead....wbo I. rei" to accolllpaD)' ber .. add80lDe ilDllronmenta to Ibe appearanu dpSnite trll1810rmatioll or leara, LI~ 1_ . . . . .t/.\tII UIlu.a1 l.terelt and S&e. 1'7. Whealaay pure~ltieb,,: h!~.d~ lield. whleh he placed upon a t.ble. He man or buah._ 1111'1 .dyl"r religioul oC our p.~r. Roll In the nllDln and Ibe •I Ouo ,",I_baUd,. DI.tI~ I::r.,;:lItb~:c!. t~ethl their hello ~~II~;r:;I't:' Dahalla~te rsD ,wfI,llDmr.chalrly afterW.rd, but " .. coareeaor, prl_ ·alial..." .nd'irlJld yl. 1D0ney, .nd we .1\1 lOOn be en.bled to ~A N'llonal ConVfntlon,l)f ed .rtlata wbo bay, p~ Ira ... till apprelllllent. aDd 00 :II JH!NOa a laal urtillcat. eo.tamlni lekell; and apoll hit u.lDln.doD be- aillr, durioi her tour thl'Olll(h th' taketbe lead ia poiDt of • lood aad .el.l w.. beld In ClnclDn.II, durin, &hi, baadl or ••",IIDUII!", bl'" .eaacIOUtll .... ~ ............ DOtice. In additioD to the (orlDer one. the r'llt 01 fori the JllIII'.tr.te,dl.pl.,.•• h.. colllplete on "'huh .he .tart. 10 a fe. luatelned plll«_ nelnllre.tII oC the erafi were flllly • tIM DII_ ua!kr .hleb IIItl ... 8Ic. .. I . . . Mid ..... or part the paYlDent In full, .ad that •• id IU'II",1edl ' o( the coD..quencn of bta act. fore relandall .he IDtenda to • I. c_d. beOVlM lllaattillUl. The COtJDI"", . . . ill the i':fe:." froID : : ::te,,:. bJ ..ylnllll.' h. W.I p.-pared to p to Falil. th, )lllll.alb Can. the I• II .llll lIade_I_11t • or I. wrld .01 .ieli. on the of Jbll cerdla tbe.tc:albld., tlIe bUD.'" .111 Praidi. rrom T. B. hIerIon. or Phlladelpbll. o.7LouIa Hlpo"n, PntIMD& .. lie TICn.,.1 ....., ... ella. _:.,:; or In, 8pr1ap, lib, N'tural BrIdJe la of I'raDel l hll hed hll lila" a' dealillaliou for the .... ftI " l Ia. the la '1'... AttIw. .lIl1vD Iraan JIll' IDDIl_1 uf ....... ........ • oa& tM fw a... at Cola_UN the r~ 8011 tad all ... .... _rivIitIeI of thJ. 1M B... Ouellet -1Io..-er "r1&ee _OIIDII to . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ...-...0..111 IakN V: tIle . . . . .nlt'" ,.,., Ian ...erDlined til call N.tioDal C'DGntry. . . • ....., clearN aboDl ••'110 .... TllIa . . . . ., B......... YQtW. CoD"'tIoD .. Cle....... OD ,'0,000 .......... ID ... Ate _ •• worIr 01 . . . . ......... , III
::..!rt'::dll:,~~,::: :~;,.~lr;:! I~::' p:~:
~'ul. th~y
:o~~~ atQrea~ld.
.If lull"'; ......-
....... =.*at.,:~ ..a
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Net~1 o. Woru
.....,. die Intlc .~~~~cd""Jel"'''''''''' -"110."_.... .... we ......'1• • ttll '" Aapat.
N. . . .I
... .............
b)' 1M ceJebraied .,tW.
r._. ....
.....,. . . . . . .
-.y... ..., _.1Ie
GI~ ea...
",r••Iapl. r.tt. TIle all'duple T.ulcon_JrOtrj Klnl' or 'hklrte, olil'JIId IaIP .,.111". die"'" baa become I m~!n bOlllle ,uill upon Ille lown of
WOIDU, the 41,,1011, bu dnc~lIdea rwm AbolDel_
He... he perfornled " vow- II)
Will popularltJ rill/ow tht hi. Illllb bl rlppfriJropell the benJ of jbe prel'.pl !'b. Ippro.ohlD, concert. will c.ptured pflDce, Ind pl.clng the lR~nrlcd dtClide tt_N Y 0,,'11 corpH ulldel tlla ronm/GtloJD' or hi. ne:y p.llce, which ,., .. the lice called "Dolom I1ft' pedal.1
e .... Uf ' .Dah'. Bpl\, II l1! oc:e the ~j ng: N.llonal ha. tfllelnd Il,e nlme of D nhomcy lalelJljlenc.r. fi,ing .hlp Ibl' "III Ileat GuttaO, lhe prjllenl Killguf 'lW,'. De ily,' IfJOOlllotl"" on rlllhvKy' and re'lulre. nil i. a brulal "VI~, who .pt'lldl III~ I"llt. remonl or c.nll brtilgel, pruvfc1ed It Dmon, 18,000 wiye!. and III culllllll' "\York," Hu call. It ali At'rop-Ilrt anel Itl4t throDla 01 .11 the wellkpr Irlbp.. \\IIU .IYI une clp"ble filf carry!nll J~O aal'ften-.! n!lYe the \Di.rortuhe to live III h!.1 vlclD'ly Cf'fll at a 'pet'd of oillety lDile. on hullr. Cummander Furbe •• 'If the Bl!lIcu~ mude fOuro IIIlfely tb.n .~n",~o.l. or r.ilroad 10 tXcur¥IUD ttl the 11m ur thi. drulikc ea,., may bll ~oDIlructed for 'I~ ouo. aDd mOlliter, .nd found bll.. In the ~uf Ilia tb.l tlle. expellee of rllonlllg I( Will not fl[ Woml'D lind hi. phDlklnh uf rum At II cef'd ~er U.y He prumiae. Ih,t ,he great f"aIiVII! held III bUllor of Ihe lf am ftyillg, .I,I!! will m~\l ~ Ie trip' to eUIllOr 11111 Kill' of bubul1Iey or Deny nl' or EUl'Ope III tlNg dIY!, and by wey IndullI ed hi. vl~i\orl w IIh the light uf II lnducemenL 10 every body to tuke .hQu,1 decap !Iotlon JUlt a8 a Europeu n ili)\ erl'lgn in tI,e A.. roport o( ,6 elch. he "cypher' would tuke 1.. 1 lUI'S" to A r('vlew or to out' tbbl. I.. n,~e .hare will produce IlD thc Operll Tile vtctlma \\ ere brougl \ 10 Incomo of '~O per \Yce~' b I.keu Qr bonta, strorped dowlI 0. cr ml - , Purter olu Ihlll he 1,118 'ully last_ I - , ..., "~IIDI. are In France, tV le ll lhey ate tm;JUgl t I'd illl w~lHkrrul Iilventlon. tbllt one of up to be tlorudt under the 1IIIIIe of tht gull hlH j'tnOllel !Duel Illes 16 leet Iu lutlne 1,'he buat or buket \Va! plafCd 011 •• tellm enghle lI)' Ihe power of l~hlOh end on a parapet The K og gne Ihe tlta maelilne \vOl propeJted. alld lIelng bukel II pu,dl Irum above, 1\ Illch CQuse'd II puled b) ill helm, Ir.vt'lrd rapidly thru' tu loppll! uver II helllht of IlYelve feet tIle Ilf. evell DIOII\.t a brerle of Wllld, III In,medlltely the poor cnbtures' I,edd. dl,.ct 1111 •• or circles, accordln, to the ad reacbcd the aruund \IlI'Y werl' uf coune JUAhnell' of It I belDI II Porter.."...e fluUllllld Wanta Ihe ~nl:le." to•• prclld 1111 .tlll,ned, Illd befqre Ihey recuvrred them IlIlve. II,e ezeCUllonl r. hmd 'hushed the willge willt -Cle~ellllld H ... raILi bloody work .nd the buc;I~' were coal out 1: to lhi! wlllve, Ind yultur.,e Thoae mcn ~U~1_kell "011111,. F ew persoll' are IWlre 0 r I IIe grllft\ 1I "11 ero, prleunl'rl 01 w&f,nut cnmll,.I. lueh 18 tho wreleh with whum our dlplo ~blhty to dect:ptlull which eXI"tl III tdenti {Y'u~ llld"ltiull. Oo!,ld a (ull and r.,th the .p6t hnle lId colieptlun be mmlle of Ihe c.aea oj ml~ take 10 crlolloal Indl •• It cuuld hardly Peace IIlllome, m, 1nlprt'~' Ihe public mind IIllh , It I. Ju.t II. po',lIble to keo p a cal n \Ion thut 11,.. ·1 c~ullr n II lIece~."ry In huuit' a •• clellil huu.e, a rheerful huuse .w!:arlng IV thA ,dfntlty o( p-,rtJr.ulllr per an ordll)' hou&f'. III II fUrlll ahl'd huule, ~Oll. nul well kllOlVn tu the wltne... the head •• t:t lhcm~elvel III do.o A cille In pllillt hi" Jlldl occurrClclal BOl. Where 18 the dlffirulty ul cO.. lultlng eaoh ton A I[r 81 eperd80'1. hlltel korper olhl'f"'M WCllk1l1!1II 88 well .1 each other'd at Rnxbury. WI~ Irreal.ed on lume e~f'O • dt*\onot chari" of havnllf 1\\ I"dled alore I ke'licra 0111 of lubl elf bulter Beveral the ,ufl'orer•• uore pOtoltllely II'Dt he ~1I1 the 111111, Illd yet. lor lomll rf'alOlI not Ita ea .r. ullhUl'PY lllle8e(~e. IIO\ ICI'. elijo ted, 'hp jury co'ild IIUI allrl'e BUlhellol th~t l!anoalluy unB call be ~uurleuus 111 d If unvif'emolldtd to prl.on on other chBrIfP' of plllient III • nel"hllurl hlllltlc Ihe IIlno J","l •• nd w~. 10 have been Ihioi g., l\fung ur ba om of lime. Clr. liB brought liP ro~ IrI.1 IIIIS werk Meull dl8 greellbla Lh~re it Is ID"de d,e bellI oj l while tile r~al ulprll hu. been brought 10 nOI lhe WOf81 .ven II cilortJ Irll ilUttle lu Ile"t beyond .11 duubt, the ml dlaken wit ellctl~ It and 10 "lInw It Id not r,lt; or, II IIIlUt'I hau aCkllowlt:dJlfd thelf 1!rrur Inc.! tt:h. II id altnbl,lcd te. accident nut design IIr SheperddlJlI It.. been hUIl<J rubl , die Dnd tIll' i~ not only ellv but naluml In charged, 1 (ler .ulTeri 'II' tn9re Lhn 10llgoe t.bt hUIIJjp. 0 • trlellli J WIll not therl!"' con ~I!."nbe Irom the rul.e charge Ind tile fore bell~ve \vllat II 1'0 n.lurol In II e repruMch lI"ulved 1n 't -II{ Y, Ori"n huuse of .no~her, \. pOlllllle III bOllle. but mu IItoln wlt/lOlll lear, thut .11 the courtc Amerlcnl1 Arti,ta III Itft'" alP' 01 aucllli hre may b" up he din dllmea Crnwfurd I. IJ~LUni DII .pace with Ilia ~Ic .(/clb~iI A hu ~ Ii.lld, qa "llIlng to bo 'C Iu. ulll.'u", ror the Wnhingllln lIIunu pleo.~d " t homc. IIDII1I8 ullxlClUI 10 plenlc "nQII~ ul Richmond, Vii Pulr ok H~lJry u in lal. ntlgh~ur'. hou,,,. and _ \VIII! ail 10 and Jefl'or,l(m ire reudy fur c •• tlllg ill Illnt OD mukllill 111I1l1I' CClmfortuble every brunze T IB J ~ lJ'er8u n II elltc~dlnlfly dey 10 her ralllily, ... on let day. to her good AliIOll411 a\l the drQ.d lIalue. lI"ue_t, nou Id nut (ull to muke tl"',r awn "en' "urle, t'lIcept a Itatue ot M,nerv" It I,ome bllPPY Let u. not evado Iltll puilit tho V &Iiaan IInpres,,,. mt 10 much a. lilt .. 01 Ihele remarks IIy recumlll[ to tile 1Il111~ lur h ••1I,lIIty 1m about ,J1()w.llce. 'or lCinpf'r It Is Fre.olllin I~ vrc:perllllJ to vl"it the UlIIled Ivoree tbln fuJly tu re 1.'( to o\lr I"mper 5tal"", "ith two Iwrge plctla)'e.-..ne the ,trlle,. we clIIIM p~ ,.e thllt we .. ver gK"'l\hry'd al llao Stpulchr~ the. otl rUI ell Illylbiu/l by CIVIII, woy tll It I'Ilts of llC ple~lI. buth ellecUled "llh groat powt'r III lIun or I ull1sh III quite U llIurh. If not the .lIcrcd p,coe he hOI clel'lgnedly de mute ~ than thcMe they nrc veil led IIpun. P 'fled rroll) lhe at!!ndt,.1 nile. 01 .uch and it aCIIIIllly rf'quJre. l1Iore (fI'ort, and ~tjl"I'OIIll1on., lIut whClhvr ur npl 110 bJ. IIIlllel. more pnlO to ,Ive them up thin made II cunqlltat JO ~ new dlrt'CI'OIl of erl. IYuuld be tenUl ~ lte to avuld lh"n rC'UlI'UI tu 110 a•• n No one. hOlYele· 1 , Care fuw Toolb., II~. think. WIll dellY 111m the l'Vlaenc.. of lie Mr Jame. B~Ii .. ()n, 01 Alrdr.c, Imy.II iu" In 1' .. 1 aU' rnpt. 'f"rty, ~ ho I. rI!marklbl, (rro (roin 'Gum ClIp.l. wben dleol~lld fn Ghloru~ rm 'auh. IOU UII Imjl{ovll ,. and bId.. rll" tu farms In IIllotllent cUOlpuulld lur .tuffin" f(Bch .. ",gll !,olnl of 'lCGellence HId tile hole. 01 ~ecared tet'lli J !IIVe IIsed I~ la;ge piCllJle of Oulumbu~, bf'rore Ferdl "I')' frequently ni,d lhe bencD .. wlllch Illy IIllId and l..,b"U •• II lillhlhed nod \\ III U.I pll\lellttl' have derived frum It. are 'Illy aa lenl ltoml! t~l. l1prulll It ,oes tu Boa blll.lllng The .pphlltlliun II alloplo aud I!~.y L oleall out lhe hole, BlId m Jllten a ~un Ucql.r h .....tatlie 111 ria)' ~r p.,oa- Itule ~otto .. \Hth the I l.lutinn [,lItrot,ont"I, for \,b,ch he hftS alr"ad, rrceaved ducf' 11111 11110 lhe dllouyc:d pMn Iud III all 1'1110 urdef~ 1\ 8!l 000 euh 'I he piece I. Instances tne reher 14 • Jltlo~1 iDst~lItll exeee,ilnilly prllaed by the clJrreipolldcal DeClUi TJJe F
- &U(,I PorLer
IiIYlru.,. IlIlb,
OOe CINl:INNATI M:\RKEIS CINCINNAtI lIhy " FIIlur -Th~ TlJllr"et COllllllues Y Ilh 0 delnnnd equal to ellpplle! sa\el to-day compmed 1211 brlB at S3 18 61 do at 63,14, 64 do ut 8318, 104 do ~xtrB III 8330 and (j~ do f,"cy at $3 40 Provl~luns -The market IIUS dull tu da" IIml Ihe on'y 101118 heard or II herl> 60 and 30 hhos b Icon .hoolder8 at 17!c pkd Dacon slilel \~ L'rtl ulft rrd al !l~ C' \Vhlakey -Sule~ of 1!!3 drill from 1111 oml callal 800 do "'om rlv~r lind B,ore lind 277 do frOID rnllway at 141 The ele mDnd la beller 'I'ohlloco -A Rule of 20 keg. No 2 Ky IlVllt .t 6c Seed -A laic oC 10 brla VIOl er at
Hup' -Sulea of 17 bnlt's DatI II Hopi 321: In Ihe larlle wuy. 30c .alile com mon rule rur thl. dlleCrlpllUn 0 I-Sules of 60 lirll lard 0,1 at 80c net and 60 do do Ilt th .. ume, JlnckoA'e8 ex~r., O!! brla hn~eed from HillDl rnll woy at 08r. and til do do from 8lQre at 60c Sugur -f3ullll of !l18 hbua nt to 4!q Jur luw rulr to lJood dd Correa -Sulea of 600 bagl .hghtly 1I8magcd. lit lIuotlon. at II 10 Ore }Iulu~aci -/I. nla u( 4$ brl. prllM ot dflc Tile lIlurkt coptanuel /ir,m but In
lh. LIIndon TIIlIU "1"n h.. I "alue III
BROKER. .AI.so GENERAL NEWSPAPER AGENT. Otlc!e And Store, ~o. 88 Wlllullt St., Ch'Cllollntl. S. II P.rvin tl an luthorlzod I,enl or Tile Miami Vllilor
pla.ler of Sprint! WIt .. n a true geOlulI uppvofl,lIl1thc dun 1l1~hly "teemed by tb. I!rUst. lie ukl ct. cun.plra ail&ln~t hlln Lut '1500 lor Il. but bal nu order fur it yet Tu Ipprecn. lo Iho Sprlnll of Ive., ThIrty two cXlra clerb willl'hortl, be une mu.l knuw 10lnellilll, 01 gf'neral art. 1Iliml_d (rulO the U S ptlns,cln office but ev.ry aile can ~allin 'he PbC"~'Olltil .. ~II prce.,VII .Iory Tb~ Icr.e~~orlf:l oC A Call,oiac raper 111111 be staTIc" III Bul tit. nOoie. In,l .he time drer, \\ ItQ Iho IImure Ihorlly Illihar tll.lory of till' douKhttr of Puwbat - - -- -- The AII$triunl w!!re defeijl~1I by the In. \Y111.:ive thill w, rll. I duu 1\ nul, great pupularlty In the Ullltl!d Btlte. 11 Ivt'l Turks 10 1131. III OMIIJslukl1
would .lfe III. fiue talent to lome thur aUllhl, Amfrtllall lind 1Illl,ucll,e '.u"J"ct like thle, hll forlulle w!luld .oon bll In,ae Barthulumew. I ,OUD, aeul~or, frllill lIartturd, II .. be'lI remarkably lucce8il11J1 ita Cet"or otd ra ... Winter Alth'lillb I bI.t\ I be"lnller .nd m.~101 unly lIu. reItef., he bue ubt~lIIt'd hlah pml'1- (C\r II .. few pl.ce. 'l'tte ~~.. I. tbat hi • •ub, jr~ .ra louelllll, lIe m.lI .. Ill. Irt mb UI~I)' to 1I0bie oelllian""I, aud ther..,fure de.rrvN, ,ecult¥, ~~COIlrI,ell)"lIt Tile artfl" tIO not "",..u __ \'11II hll . . traurdl
171 he '1 eI butin~.. s rapldl, Inacal,,&; and It I. unvertQ It III.t WhOl""DI e ., d RelD,1 Dealen .1 uuld kDPW ",\Jure 10 m.kt! ~bo Inull t\iJ ..nll,coul purchaaea I\toore &. ~h,,"I.r corner 01 ~ ~lIll, enll Walnula .. i CincillnaU are Ibe LnrKe., d.. I~", 10 Ibo W~. I Dnd or prepared to .u~ply .v.r, del .. 1<.1 IS 1
oary 1'11141 rOI1uIl.
mr.m c.r
.na............. ....., ...... ...
1'11_ IITrtRa "IlIOn all morbId 'OII"tinno ,ulf, ,be ~Ioo<i ,;1.. ' .... l I0Il• ..,d ~Ie ..... III. .., ..tI.. o....... r.r"r,t ••• , ...", ....oll.n r.ta", be .. 'tlt .ar.t, .1 .0 II",. d.blta. "Unl the poU.nl- balne 1I,,'aI'ul I. I.. 1....1 d.11ute ....maclt •• 4 ....... k&~I. ro, th.lr cltllriol m.
.1,_ ....
.'«n",tJo, tironrth ••I_ . . . 4 rWolunUn pm,.rtl... lOW more of ,hoee n ce BONNETlS'I-A bOIlJ)ulo 10 l reuclv.dond fOf u ln by 1 Ii IlAIUUS ok CO SlY" of Ihe R.d ch~a p'
raeclttatu. Mcrlpllun of DabulD.,. ,lie elM 1rJ .. Ille CUM& vi Arrlea .bleb ....
VItAl by rlaylieiw iii m,b StaDdlq.
c::rShould uny amun\l udr CUlOmuRlty FII,' hlt'e Ihe Itt lurk tu conlnet I cold. or lhe prevall'.,t IlIfluel,lu. Aytr, cA" T!I P, cloral .. rl'wmmpnded In luch •• an effiCient agre ... blu DledlC:ln~-sute to rt'hcve I.hem
ROll-l!n I. CUllin, bota lIIode..tantl buu ~WI$T.Ul'S DALSA~l OF WILD tlrut R.ulh wllb hIlT ...... r...... _r.lt wllloh. CHERRY Impll1l1 nI'l' \lgur 10 vital. It Onl.he4 fUf Ihll propCllfld ,rell t'lIhlll,- tlOh,lIl1d relit:"1 the av.1I"11 by opt'lli tlon In Naw York. wuulilllul"l11 • 1ft001 [ lhr poru of ti,e ehn. end promolln!: deo r.~le Iliaci uf rame TheN.re IOlIIe HC'retlon or maeuu. mlltler JII Dotiun e,her1lculpl1JrI here II w!lrk upqn pl.'rrC'ClI- ludutlllc. ledallvo and ~peclUrOI1\ bl I, nude Ogurel. tu '" ',Ieh Ihl'JIII"e llIIe," Inc the porPI •• 1"'y1n, .rrilJot100 Ind Ittd ell•• le nlmt", but \Vhlela I trull will rene/erin, tbe ('xpul.IIID of m\lcuUl IIIlun ne.., bit 1"1 t~i"l mOfe in Ih. elf. of ~"y A_rlean Imalt'llI'II {han "ulr' u ......urte odnrtlll!lIIent or tbe (em.le (urlD Hllppll, the, han Lrt In 'pollOttPUI BarlllpanUa preplraIIOt .blllc.e)I' . ".. 1I~ to I've r."e Illd bad I..Aueliel -ROfIIfJIt N- 'Iun•• luuC'••nd 11M OU)IOIt'. lo,prond y C-,~. Enract oj Y~lIu" OtIC'Il .M BarMparlUI wlllell II tlMlroqblJ e~o-. ,.rCKll, The London .,.__ lbe rollo"ln, li.ro.I ••• lad 1'U"!1' ,..-uble All
GR~A'1' EXCITEMt'i r
AI' hlE ChKA1' STO~'£, SIGN ~
Muy b 18tl2
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AI,. IJ .. , Complalnl. J.nndk. IInrtb."" eli...... talll.ln_ 1l11O.d...~III ••III .. Un..... lid......... or ApJ?lllt .. LoW'plrilt N.,..,.a. II...,
ach. OIdd l"u, F.lpllllloo u( th Hllr1. lIakl., ud ruUn_ W."b' .111>. I .......k ..... all 0111.. ............ed br IJt 'Ia~ Uoe Illoed u~ •• lie• • Illelo I'''' d.bllltalo lAd .lIk.. I~'
t.tg~"Q k 0 U)a .. WlIrM 01 all klnd.~ I"e4I~ eos" p luc..-.on\Q V ry pretty il11.. f" all
and """ Ibe'"
10 '''p.,.
uASSWAJ,E - l hlte ]\\11 received a
'0'" ..m.d, 'n.
Wko .u.....
'''''0 • III
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'"11 Modlclno or INESTIMABLE VALUE. "Ill h.
MAJN STREET, WA:t NESVILLE 0, LLEN &. EVANS HAVE 'rUE A -I'val r\ pt ..~ure.of .nnollncJn~ to Ir CU olOm An' e., .nel Ih~ pvlille generAllr tblll the, .r. 601' now receh<lnl'thot. ~prl ~ .PRlJlfG ... SUMMEIl I 11 HARRIS &. CO ARE IN RECEIPT "ock 01 00e4. W let. ror YAIIIII"fI.."lc btlOr l1!tl .. tah'e "ock of pnler< I. nOI e.ulled by Ta .. or •• ' • 0 I • Arr, .• lown. Bleil, RARE&. DEAtlTlFVL It 18 uaelea. tn enu.!1Ierolll ••• Idel GOOD~ .ulli"'en\ '" or It i. In Ih. inl:1f ~I "I Well od.pled 10 Iha "~t aDeI .ppro..h a:~re buJ'oa .1.oY/bar.) 10 n I ud Ina .......n • hueil i lie An "ind. 01 Iradelaken I~blll bl'ca.
114.' "'~or O&NIi:RAL DEB'LITy' "'10)1111' .... ACT. LIIU A CIIAn~1 •• 0 .& • D •
It ~EJllIr lllTla, to a .." cotlliMbI... lllftllor eAiO and there Yore .... au &ail ww. ..Il at dtct ••ry 6iutcaIII VAIU&'I'Y .... n'YLEI.
..- ,.. 'riMIpel Otlooo lit FULTO.'C ....~ N .. 4 . . . . . . . . 1:10111 ." ROBERTS .. BROTHBIl AalllGtiwd lOr W~'III •.
ng G 00d"'"!
or.ioeaM )'wld to III pall' Ide_roe. ""nMclltltl.
... ita prIMGduo:
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lin. t.o~ JU - , .ad 1100........... ,. 'N new _ad.. Irwtmllll and DOt o....aUla,., .... or fallDn .... ,.oe .... ..,...... Vol _ _ Id .. IIW ,,1111 ..o1l1c_ et 111... wbO I"•• _ ...... NoU, • __' ..-
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Aud doe. he IIn,r manure them un d(ltlbtrdl) liked b, every tyro1o the bUll ne.. of il'owtng .tr..vberry vlnel lIr w • roote Iteml and fruit r repeat he never mlnurel nenr dip the ground DOr turne under the old roote to live place ~ Il'lW onel III autumn he g vel a hght • mllair 0f t be .urraee 101I 01 _.. wO forut,. and COvell the paud w th leaves thele remain until decayed. and served to keep the HrrIS clean dunng the long beat og llealOlI Till. lod the ",.terlng every cia}' wben It doel not rain II tbe great eret or grow In, ' Ira\Vberrle~ 1I0t ooIY 'IX moatl ... bill I••• year he Ictually had upon hll labh, ",ery mODth but two-lap UI" and Fema" Of coufle lit the North, \he 1iearial eeaMla could nOl be .aJ duratloD but It may be greal ry C:I teDClecl by the ..me courn of cuitlntiOD _~U'. W-l.r".,..
r rro
"rIf, ...... W.'er.
'1". _t 0.,. .,.n ~alk ucItwo of IlulII .,..all, purl!')' . . . .t water. IDd puu of 101. .1GIlIlo.,..... 0," of an . . . . .' to parllJ llIaoamad part.
...., .....
II I:ood CROCERIES Sueh u Tu, com e lug.r Pice, pepper Salt 1\101'"08 or d fleten! kltd. SaloralUs
elc etc I ISSES RANDALL & YEO I'djleclrut We re'peeltull} flO Ie !l rCMoDable share 01 IJ nnno IDee to Ihe clllzen. 01 '" ny,nca the publiC favora n Il liope 10 'Ive ge Deral v,ll. and VIcinity II" tbey I aye comm enced 1ft IBI.eIlOD to uu r "UI omers I. e UPO"I to b. 11111 I I re ..on.bl~ PriOOS MILLINERY BUSINESS J ROGERS & SON In lh. comer room of Alleo Wblle. dWI!llinll 'VeIl Iide of !\lam Slree l above WarD.nlll" Oblo All l!!:ol 2 doors aouth Of Dr 610ddard 8 office Moln IIr '1 and WIll b~ plensed 10 I nYo the cUltom of Ihe Lad ea of W Dynenlilo ond thn COUll try ~genenlly ~Tlley are prepared 10 do tbelr work In tl Q ARE JU:Sl rec"IYin. and 0p.Dm, mos l nea lod Ina llonlllia monner and Dl Ih .. OUt 0101 lellon.bln prices 8PRI~G A.ND SUMMER GOODS .All work en rU l lOO to Ihem WIll be done lie (,om the Ea. ern f!Jlle¥ wi lei we reepoCllfully cord nllO ord rand Ibelr eroa C L lIim w II IDvit~ our old CUSlOl .,. !lud olb..,. 10 call and be 10 pToa.e examine conale IOi of Wa,. neavllle 0 April 111 185fl )0 3m
NeW' Goods.
black Ind lancy Ct.sSIDl. ' ~ Ca.bmerel.l Tweedl Lhen and COllon "po 1:00<1. VD riou •• ,lea eno "allernl La" ns lur d..... aood' Ullic<JIId U ugh.l e ShOH O ro""rl6s Queen.wonl and UlOrlO ent of Hardware ~dlery
HADD8N &. InCllELLAND Comer of MaiD and Nonl {lreeLl Wa1D~ Ohio.
Hoe nott IIg to do wilb tllOII! Boota and 81ocs monllfactured by To E Keya Mu n 81reel WDy~ eeVllie where be may olwoys bl! Iu lOt! ever ready and wllhng lurclpon to the coli of customer. BCIOI: llllllH II for put favellr!, D conllnuance of puille pnlrono,e Is ,ohclttld I have on htll~ & splendJ/l IiI0C. o( Morocco lui table for Laale. wear whit h w II be maDU eturc4 to order W Lh lenlne 8 nnd dlJ~PDI(lh N B All york Inade by me 18 cd I E KEYS ••,~n Blnok Boot
oineIN t:t"'.
'POEtR:t~ '"Wlib~ijd foll~';fd VP. ;~hjcll. W~" .l~ IPt, ly(701 ~0 179Qs tli~'~~rio~ 'of our ' ;~vclju~u~ IflUI J~!l ~'mfortlibi~ \il)' ';;Ie
t.~4!~.by tl,~~e t(elllul.~ U~· v~lm~hi.ttllot-\ !·:.pen ~:~IIr'~"'.~'i rl~lr.r
d'i"P03i tiOn of , '!1u ~i~pynUj Iy ·11..".~s,. 10 ,11,;4) . ~rY1 :,Pr.et 'J( ; .ndi ~he furmnHu .n (fn. inlil h... from fr.'IIZ'. gull, ' o~, our ~ov ~r nm~" l.'-l, i18 . rU~I,ilure. ~OIi"" , i.ntu, tl~,e •.~n~lJ~r •• ·t r, rt'eil tlie JUf MIi ll,lth 1iiW,!~e~ UId upla.!ted hu rc\ ,~~I\ c n~t~lD n~~ , illllirm. "'1'Ih~r .' t~"t;u .l' "c,r"II~ I'tl!!' 1,\ , .\, 1 ,~f'r q"h~ .'\~\ Whul' ,~oh" l'. oU :Ia.lher~ e III 1I'I1I!'e lier .Iell \u bDYIi .Ald .. I .uch ,vhleh, Jhu~gh I hoy, wef:4l fuat up' r,"g~ fro ,,"uUdk. ·, ellet;1", I~ O!' the J ol -llIlll\') 1I11~ he ~verlf1l1 , 1"1 , 11I1I'f,1I •• IIJ tyee fur u,e to re~uce ' lh~ 1f ~trencth. .~ Prulllluen1 III'P e.slulIl .. ': IbII" hliv~ Ill~. 'I 'fru' ~rl\lllnal su~hqrhies ~~. ~ '.. '. ~ {litill aeqt out a jfPpldl warlllth. ,"'IE'yeil ,rrom.,tl! ' \\,relel~~11 g n""I'I ·b,\luhe rll,C)' ~r"}'e~ ~nuwn! 1 . , ..m ,:>~~, 11ie ~e. W' " p ~rdetulI(Ju f\lr teligioul ~ The ~lllfI.8bllrlrT' cllncluUed tl\e lungunlle 1 ,ller ·worJ;.-:-1 lI !oe Ijil I':. ,e.,fo 1' lIr ~h~ part~ alld t'~"lbl~ "tlilt.. vi tl)l/lb~oid~ry ..... , OI' lhei rC'olllred l! bu~ hl!,l!lI:'et'1l thro !l!~ llie I .' 'fhe opllllun, ' u" ct;Uti;.,~ fte fllll'ftdy illtilllhled, Wal, "lI.d. but it only ~I""t.. 1ii11~"A",.ot a~"~,kp\ ,~ lIt her., ~.I(- puilliellll~, . "'Ilil • •vlew, 0" .lttentl h, e very POUN hOod c!. r opped "1~ illlo tl,e ~Ie an while IJI~l\k ..r- window, olltllefv re hu)l qll~ le i1 .. " '" "i " ~, > ~ " l ""h. J\ n.' ' I'])~. prlnlli,(ll~ 'or '1Ie ~ Ref"'m ••,llon~ fu III) IIl1t'~ Cli1l8iP il ..WU8 st'orotly iJ~1\ ,to Ope.MtI ,f'YPlI ~u\V'. ol~ly I;~~ 1111t \hVr • • Ih"m. not 'omfof' Ih~m wa.llri o'ft~ 'I'n "i . • p"II\t11 .ud , ~'I~i,ef, wl.li nh WIS ~p~l'ld o,"erd' e.r Irp, anll' \urn' O\\'~Y N",ltilt' ob diilnrbl Dlyilotom 1.01 ~ breath of '. I\~elc!l.nhe J!n I~ollgtir frd' \II~ ~p ll r',IY!> o.r t \'r~c of "A h,lIppy ,New-Y.. ." ~ .. nr !lla~PlII"; ~lie port 01 !,he, cputitry .-;n·aiI y, .. hdl ht '.b •• rl, ~"'IIII.1 ' I~j'm ' lhi~ ,ru""curil,Y III IlIlIt 1.l'r head W•• rPl ling 011 her hlllld; tlaliM .. ~ , f.l:til,n,. he II,~~ Iho "'p re $Oller or tbe cUIIlP ~~), lVer' ~r.,- .. iO : extendl.n ,~. III .... 1 I ,. ,ilLY ,Ibe !1"~Ylfll \bl'~.[,liI~I\OIlV!.rt. 10 / ~"l. , bNUII~'t \u li~lit. g ber 1I11Ie,.rm l. '1It, !a mur· 4i/lllill p,oli~ Gf'U.ru. _~ulll/ (183~,) Su fu·did . • WII S 80 I ~eorly completE a Cl"~JlltPn nf, -Illr il' e" b ,n, It ti1l m,pu~D &her', ij~lrllle., winch wer. ,thOlle, or I I,b· d l1\..t Mhe ~lIdul.t'.l ,glllg billl, ~lJlo·t.he IhllP> • '.' • 1 "lhg,\I~ I ~,ot,! and you w~1I ~o ,uut.".I)'! U A'I'ir.uu~ deapu~le m ",C/. tIIO'~ '/Jr. j HugY'~jI\ Iber.ell 111, • .Iuxury .hl' wp. IIul ,hull) ..r.~ I> IJf ~ ~ ~a !Ii,... .. 1 I " '1'he min did n~l ,. ,. .. . ' " enr, ' lI'ul. wa' • fille prt:It'nce "e" -relu lantly aod'buy mil the P~lIpy ' pf!'.~nl. O~\' you , for ' lut"'· wp e r ,bl~ilel III ~' ear Iothelr fo)hlrlw rn· cUilom ~d to-:-a ' ',. Tbe Llfe ·qr .• I'!rlllter. ." mil"lent '. clr ... ~lul\ frulll ,bUt whell '1.10 I II.~ '!nl~re~ lhe , ~~"'m, .,X { ~Dd ~ IJ~.~,. -:,:Id ~~rd, un(~rere~., ,i~ ,r".Dcel" tni Gpenlnl !Ie. have gilt Il '~ lro,dy, 1I'I~11l ~ 1 y"u II/ult 10 , T~e f~Ilu~ln, fur 'Pt',."'c~tion ·llId ed ,Qvt:r .after Ihe f. i hion of Ihe ~meri~. 1 tl!lI. .ltlln(l!!, e,enUul l'he ,t. ~ Ii,ltht (If Iho 1.1II11, wllich ..tWlI . ~oM"iII r.ll· IIIUllk awqy .. ,It , 'DOw +t .ieI t/ 'C[UI.deJI,.lol\ dil. lIb4!!IY·I II'ia, peo. 1(IIU'. : 1 ~"ell\ 196.) lie Will, ItlW.' forbid· 1partially Oil her fllce revcah,,, '\ cuullteo , hlm8ell }1lI0 ~ cl/ruer,. ol.d ••1 dUWl1 by pl.tileill" .. ~~". juufn',m .1I printer" }lle" I~ .' .n~~\ .",y I?~' , ~~I ,.:( • II, .. . II'. ,chee~, h.blluall y '0 pille-w" l 10 Yf'I. hd.l. ),our p.rlllrllt, pie. · .... 'I"' . '''t ." t ' ... , I ' "j, dI!ll 10' w"lr Ih.lIl1l! i.~ ~l!lme, 'a nd cu!". oncf' ~eep'y ~Iluriled w\li\ c!.rilngl " IruDl UI!. uf 0 r ,.c·b'll I, whlcb ~'P'f, ,.o"~ow • and care; • e.' ,. "" crim.oue d ~1,lh ' Ihllmei uot bt:caUle lbl! cllnl,ed' lli. mot~er, pu~.j!P' ,I ,,', 11 1 " Accordi n,Iy In 1628 .I.w pro)nul. pelleiho IIdopl thc Gl:nuBP m~e ul' d~lI. bul UnIt fnee c:hjrd .1'\ e .. ert. It cu~rect to lh. Itlt.r. II dl'''I~ WI, yuulhrul ~t ilJ, Dod grll'f l'yC'~, of .~h08' n1lo;erulJ) On ~ Ihr ~rlalUid name wu \0". ..~. ,th. Iflted ,be ' aUm., .nd'l.uU.,I.n~c .of' which c 'men ~ele 1111., t,h e'. lrll'l' 01 her 1l~.IJ,,,,~, "Yll•• ~t're It "Opel! "'J'h~ , lIuble'-h".rll:ti and \ keenly.a enu_ l h.d nol bani, hed bblluly rrom who' • m..nJcall iIo II ' bl lill•• , I UtI ' ..... unto th. allw t .~ ,ho.e '· fo •• hilD. but 'lI'pkene~, ~yil~~iF"CI II Wlli~· i.-I"ov d, dp., (alhn-l . II n to · Ihe HunlPri ans (III~ live I"~u .. "rlao ,uu~t ,allblllil IlI ii.IUB fliUler ·l Whll,I 'ltii!~r lind PlltPrprlrlln/l', tIDe. 111m 1ft! . tc. t t'" And lh'1 \d'e.eIlCo WD' ' 1b, lun III:b1 I)r 11'.-. . .( w.1I ilia e "uuw ." 1.ntule· Hire"; It . ' , , hlld " blll"lilroW I " , n LV"" · mllill.h.crl.... h<lOI1 Ihem ' I. ' 0. I veIl Jl')r< I ' ng " I In lI illIli r III tunc. \\'"IU I .ent , ,II IMVe lu Id YOII Ur -v 0 rlell I" . thue wurd~ , '. ...Luth ~rlilll eumbUrulilur," . , ' • \ 10 wAI, tlIe mu"J"urI'11 "re: " • • • . .. " . , ~I, hllrc .. umed' 16 \ cl 'ui-' Ilk.llIe n~. whicb mean. ~!Tlle L; !heilni must., , rllble uppreul on. He m,ust (4)n ...nl Iv b\l whu:b conceull'd 111,el r ' I'ulkllllg ~rlll\lllcy. bl9"d (l~e. n",ry II/rront thrVUl/h /)11 TI I ' veilla. · Tue cblld upellpd lIer ,tyel In wO!1Jer; . ' lie Illripped 'uf hi. riibl":; of cOII,eiellCej alld wlaihl it \ilode their n , 'e II~ 01 pt,Uller IBj lO.ar ~1.11l, IlIvllliuel '{ olio 10 tlil ll;ot.,11 ". " 8 IRore chunnl J:ur h.1I an \llIur, ne~rly . h, •• t ih trt Ii. but I tlr t.tbn I'i.~vd ' 10 t~rtaly ; i . burll~;" II~ brier 'oMen'~ ot "'dclI~1I \ 01 hi. Ill1tive .peeeh, he II1U~l c:lut)le"j lm..! ing. The \ho IInlo 10lle "f VArlel),. , J left bum. _t Ih . . . ' tiell.jvel . or l.~1 and qUiet ' l!Ibmi' Ie t, IIUl ~rlt{llhj( I!I 'lliltllf , '''r"word' or. \~Ien\ thn moaio-th e· warm WII. r o"tPd U,I( oll '~ ~prYiU~' while ' rue, neck, ."oJ hlnd~, 111111 he~ IIlolher look. nille. anti w.i eppren\lclld (i~ po~t. bu~!d-!lllel" III tb.' Ippa.re!; vi' bit oppr".. ion.','~ 11100. re,·e.l~d In tit\! d.fpth to tb, prlntlDC uf lhal buulId my loul. . Ihose iKr, e. ' III. ' C~lIlPdlliull';: II\bo III~ tu~gul\ell hili I e~ ~u hul'PY, th.r r J,' ing or place in fhe ~ e.i'lt lIa, iUII ' 1IIr~J! . (TdJ't p. 100.) . "e It · 1~II(1th !!ut "I!e1' l'IIUairilll~ at Illirte,,!! ~ .• Ir"e then. (ane '. < 'l lu. lru.!,., bJook e1.e~. Ihe I:/Ilmne d .. • nd prelK'lIcP, cUlillnU!'d .. Ol.! oft'tri a(ofI illten '0 ' tl.; ' tond 'tnip~ ' ioned en,!"~I~ to'h't.ihl. il! ~t tl~elr , drwklnll 'lid drlftol ubuut hi. 'neck "Iii whi.~or~d: e;ery Il!rn 'illo U,I.' "~noln i.I'd E'!~" PL'-l een , In ~nlf"nd, lr.).atI. 'ev~ry Ihin-a : In whi ch the HOI:' d erp though.u f tlllct ,whi lo ,llr'olV" .I!J ,>, tbe pl.y; ihlt ip, Ihl/lu ul' dil'ul whu hMd . il.u;'1 \ '''1 , 1I,lu\:ht : t ...~rdl.' I . . . . " ,; 'hup, l pe~~,le' me(' i~ ~t. ~i~~jf , ~~e~1 irl the IhJ'1IIUIlj,l ",,-,uld " brille .mr S rtllftl, W Mlel, DOti fr.n~io , Clue~., Ylr 1I.1I.li~n~liIY I'ou!d Ilild • r.eetillll'. I'I~"t!e'j ~mife or Ilcne,ole 11"" ~l .n untold .~eeln". 111'011 lI'Iy Iplth'. . fac,. fl ~e, ~ he. heru ld . ~f ~dIlUIII! ' (P ul u: ky . !add liee~ , ulljt!ttf d ur ' o~erIUrnejl, III ~ccp Ihul m(/u~h-;- it ~ nce. Ir\'hi~I!1 ph'),l1 d , round M, ~r: tu llle 6uor. uveroullle IId\11 the: I\t'ep 801I,~,tldllg'YNY ~uoIl, b~cl\u!" 1 ~H"te my N"VII S~vl'llI, ,lllllJra.~or, SUut,.' Ame;lca '. ... taard · alao'.,. ,I.. ' " fur lh ... 11 Iral\l,r C~ pot'I'~n •. ,< Al ,Ie llill/l tl.f' Ollln "hl!!.k ulf- bK\J\O ~ . t , ., 711, T ..m II~O . ' ul thcy" rhlsled bd BUV' thl! rll ce III pl:r UII it ~.. , . ' . ", ptluul ~III I,d"ge •.tllll lurel"11 ~ 10 learn Ihu8 to l\XIk! the e()lIl lNu, uhnuI, \~l'e~1 hl~".• ~. Qh~ aI, ~e , At .n,"~ tJlat.~ TlJev, tlwokeI ili.IalumbclIlI & ."T;~ hop ,10.1 jlow. cd Ihplll~t'I' '" lho"" lemblo thou.hu~ hi. IIppt'lil. h.d . ' . . ,aud lI'l'lr . ' " t" nyu,; VI!~ ,",'8Id I,er. ralher, .Iit w... your 01 Ihe Um"n, (rolll II. ," to };,ulolll III purt, , . reh"lun. " er CII_, delputl lore_ per ecl~ d '.f • " their ~y~telll I IIf f I U;'j"I:It. 'd crudhed . llAheJor\, . d it . w!'I1I .. . u 'II~~ I. ora e; cUllqne.r e . . . . . . • 'Del'••", 10 I 'fe ... brllbl~ ••'. tile)' made my Fr~m thaI, (IIY Ul,uU \l'O" P,fQlel, ,. • ,r ' I Ul~~ "lere:~' , <, n.me t h IVI I'lYe..," la '~llal)'-l, I\' II I ,.,lb ruuJllt ~ r ll' huwt."r , lioJI by .urr~IIVd ! nll' lfll'tn II ';:..1 b' I'v.q ' ~ith I tll~ JII.k~ IlIvt"uuW lIe. well'. , 01,,,,1 Wit' • ,I p'~..ir" r.lr. : " . i npr...to4 up. t f l U . e" Ue ,lI'llk rrllln h.11 pockl'l't ho 1\ ~r .'1 ~~r .Five ) ..r~ !tn. pu.,.d .,,, ~. " they 11"1t blPen co",t.n" y, u~pll!II.ed Iud of ' I!, 'milltury ~lllil/a . aw.,. , IIrt.' uwn. '" u (lb. tie PP' 1I11 , 196 d Stlle~, . • 1.) un lhut CUlIl'tp"IIICe ,olv deeply tha~ It cuuld. wlll~1l the roo~ w,IlI J bn. bHo • •' ~ " :.,. '. ,' . ' hurJlllled. Tbe ~Ilng.rlan IlIldierll .hBYe F oreilill Muldll're h ~, d r'~~ '1 hlln. I~ Drutrr» nn 'tJlIJ/tir,vcclljlle. " . Iag!' ruom , .UII~r In wert'! plBCpd III the Ivr· newer btl ubll\E'rllled. " BII 'flm',JIII ...".II~"co ..ql\e,ror onlll£,', ' the me f~hl\lIt Hr le., In.\I ~'D• ' I. .. e L_ W4. ' '" . uld ,cuIIl, . • .11..1 1 ' .... III.crlpli , .. uu ' \ b~1\ w •• , v t ... .. ' "11 lu' 10di.I~l lhoil llirly ,Uo))'_ ,Alae relidpo ill • hilla- nt'r vf crlllt_b lp, blirClue~ brill, It PlIrlt of the "olp,re, tr~l~e., IInll RlolIg the ' bur&!et., on "Allllliil uu.-Ihe 'd , uro ..... ' I0,,1. 10 " nel.r,~ I U "b' I'Itt-fltt' d' lloe • .cbw."" WI ow W" nolll t1pon our, ~r~ ''''lItr... h •• ciitJ tb~ ·.eil '\If • • 'i ,- In d iIed rew , ne.r I .uln, t':IU"iD",, .nd Ger"\ln . \lave ~e~n .latiuI'Bd In lIun.: ,Iurlh on~er prelenee ~ in • r•• peclllbl,' parI of Ihe "\ oOr , III d"1I1e.llle.r-I0 IIII r"lIo .~ • f lot ' liefpin, ulr the I bel' Ipllrl!Dcllt. , .o'llhe Ilublhlll, cuuola Ie, l ' ItI' .a .. r .rlll" , j ) ~ ; -;. " lh. . ' Ii,!,t'tl) . .', c • ert. n . II' PI)" , B¥'r,..,olli~ h~ ~e!!u lillad, II!Dilt ' RUIi.illn . (1) d • ' va ~u... ~ Ilr 10 , l1lt~. and la .~ hapPY"IIUW thlt .he Ie II. prlnl •• ul I"r. _ ... rte., .u~ cot ~hot alld Pvl".. At the eoat r and • chi ld of .even ne,.. •• weell)' , J)II\~ 1IIO\Ia"';II~' po...,. eould'do fOr ua "bat uf 'tile; time, by AII.trllntl &lr HunjfuJ 'lulllbe' · In~t.ol hi. eye ,"leil un it wllh • 'Ire~I' ; f..1 forrUln , Ih. lorrowfu l p •• t , . rt I. ' ,in tbE' 1",-. t b.lI. 'hldllld 'W~ ,lInI olI. lu'uth WI•• · line called Ihe ~'Mililary Dj~• .ill,• . The little ,irl ' 10'i ~i..l 1101 "'lIuoh re_Pl. I!ll"r~••iun; ~'1~ tben It fell .10 tile flour, duubtlnl l huwever , II h.. don~1 .,. . , ' l i'l,'h "':A'u'lri~ 1I iUlrre.t. , Pnllell, lltI ~lIve trict.'! ex tl'Dulnll lbuut ; lt II III eV'tlr ,,1I1l. ubllt. lhe IIIIIII.try. o~e ),o.,r fdr~ .n~ b .•.lr,,• \h'uuannCl IIlle'j ble h,.r m.othe~ ill hj!r re.turt·l , Ihough . to j wbil~ (ljIr ",,1.\- 'Ii Ille .r. pullld .n tllel.ml lluh, .urh II ail.llr-*d thL' eriltfd f'Ilm' hcr memofY, fo, hi \11j)Ijp walla ·~u. 4~ li"d '. I pa.. h:ipatl~n in the alfaira where I \Jelulilul pillaR ",W"lIh II!e .S.w EIIIIMIlIl 8t • . . the AO.,rl"" , conslltlll ly raiath, he"rl ql he( p~rl""t ~he 't)' I !~.Ion. "\'!I!O flY!' ~, ulIl)' tIl' I 'nui.y 'g ruup ill II he IIhop and mud. Ihen'1 f rOlf! which' " • l.. I. o[ ~c/l((lrll"I!nl, whIle tlllI' po~1I uf 'puwer lolt c lld. utlrupie .. I cunspleuuUI 'plnlle 10 New Yor~, N.w Jerl(l" PlIhh.Yl llllll equippin g armiel. "E\'er1 male lAure delr ror thlll ; ro~ III thllt .....' "\'Ift\'lllt8ft rh...Dd flrou,ht bolt cbin,"- or ~rofi{ hllye bee" Iw.~owed itW~t ,liul" I peu~e \11 Ih vl r 'pl"y, - bun" ,rom· hi. 'lIp~; 1 h,r parlor, lip. In old l iJvi!r uPll'I C.lhp. i"Io~llltDUI ul ll,l mliitary fruu tl r ' ii dell. race .hl' coin on ""hOle Vi'il"i. , I;. jl!~m~)'IIl'!, prlul.r, l",",r. •, f'• up...... ""-u lor. h~d.e.ver ileI~ra ' 1 . I' ljelr llal\ N pl'rtccl "" ..~ l4 ••r, '! 4.rpr" Ila('y ' ilion. tint-d, I'ru\II hil~ till'le 19 ,;"quire the moolh I~ce , he''litm. or' I;erelde" , child i, ally. ,with IItlle E'11le th." a bl1l " ' IU. t u per.on, undrr .umol ur the I • to becu"le, , ilill ,er, birlh • iol- III III•",'ure uf Ilim,w IIU"I ~he 1,lod I,)"cu.• '" ca",ae Ur II" J rul, .1. ' .u!'"IItll .emullUn. ~110/l11l1*,,,,wllb I 1.lraWe .way my IC1pliYe '.roh" WII8 penn1ued t rt"erCld& ' l'..... . ".n. h • d I rucleirM crlllr.lwd · IIlId hl1f h~fballd IjOW. In m, puc klit. 11 • ""en Iny 'rillhl ! dler. ' l,i every 'reginleil t .1 leo~t two bill- w~lI, bu't 'u l._ I the puvUllbe Ill,wi.ely . r Shu lived be ~._ b~iql 't" "b\url~! . I, 11)0 I piullrd IIg Ih. IlIvfr Ind, all. rU.b~d uut vi t partlj~r in "hI! 6:m tir wbilll, JIb Cumpt~1J ,.... . '. ' Ill' oitiz;lI.h ip .uli lell~ he ho.iI '("ndng~'I'e II l UI~Ii':Jla ur. OIlI'.luntl~ U1;der ~rmll; of . wu lit'!w'p'l! er, III -..:.... oa. in . . ....' nearl w ,c.: I uno. w.. fJttl!reu 'U cua!... Olle M lI'jure run Iy (ur 'lhA \,; ror thollah tI,ere; lind T'llIe ahop. .• , I • ..I l~ •• for tbee " ! I 're\lgl"u~ UIIIIl lIalloll, elld .tokoll In oath Ih~I' It\ll~nd. 10 the ' I••1111 Ille \ '"ior r' 6illll .Inlo.~ dally tu lnD.onl In R"xbuf) ' Mlh e., ' lI~rvic. oft ' t IIe "Will- bee n mguoell[J - ~ 1 1II Oil !I.cre ' one iii Mew' d·1.1 I,wh('u . hl! illv(ok~d ~o;!'.v.l\' lit cht ibul", ',lit1 I" e ehorl.p, .:e ollllnl'.·lIol\- till bl, ul "Bvpr. " off, 'Ina '90" I. nI hi Ii lie .1ul u Which lir call. ill \.. • IlIP WI': IOU/OIII" • • p~ re an tI", Till Ii"" II ' ... tI,e lD'. Al Is lIiuerrel cur,ell 011 l.im .",Jlo Io.d:. quulider· \ liderilli , Ihe ~,,!. ".Lly I~C!" . ' : ' . " pr.l uta.·, Prute.~dt Churl)he.~ ~,ere ol~8. l bo.'in~ II .. WI. oll,l"rd lu mi#•• bnd IH" M.. J. ·lhe h. II;1 ,,:hlell b". lnwed Ii",. dfilled \~' -'Mr •. I p h.d ,.I. ek ,7,$lO y"p. in 17.) ,?f e<! pock" h~r . w l'~ltil.t qt ., '. til" d < ulII·~ihop und lho') wylk, tiro ... ne IIl1lu',du,1 ~ll'rplod hll~ IIl1e tl!f pi4ullc~ ~11 • ' • , 1 II I < e u, .otl it w'1I~ In.ae.n , olT~ nde lor ell)' (me III Crt.1 of Wllr AUlltrl a the poor Illebrl.t e.-l.a- o\\,n. 1 hllvll.eelllllllmllCl ~wlee••n4 , V.I .. llllle. nlun UI'OIlII", ~ 11"I,ICt; c.lI~ un' III11aHun ' gBnllng lab Ie. h.d crulP:lv Il('llll'cted, _lid or Ihe , \Rure I. _ ' •• I lom I It, h,rp!!.1 Illd mO~l fll.h lu lIlILle dry I.rtn. blthllon 10 u(JnKe 1~lIlp"l " 'fro/4 'lleasure .. At tloe f , (II flit 81 ulle i. lliken lin, finally defcrtt!,d her und her IIO\W nlBrly 16 Yflra (If Ipl' I ba... b,ell ' IU III ' ' I , I ' I" • LI '1 A ' I I . . 1I,~ \je--,he hull luue II 'tOre.1lI Ie CI y. I • ' 11I011\i~r o'et Ib)' (tll~", IhY PoII~hed brow of illdl'~"liu lor. llaese d~leClllb M I I . ;.o! uI'P,aI... . I ·· . ' l $\ ru.lrrtl, (o1Iv~ \ uth~! IIIU~t be br\'Ulll~~ 10 fill id pldC~) ulllil, I • IlllltpCIranee , eclur,t, illl d proprllJlUt ' ' I d lun,olo burledI I!e remel!lur · 1igbl, . , .ncCl , uf o 1.1 • . e d. tlt/er , ., I WII. , .... 1' o~on, ,II.e YllulIll~r it. :) 'Prutt.lu Q\ t fHtheni were "~xpelteil whol. 1Pllim<;oll h 'N ' mltrched u . tllmpera I"~ .wuy nce I fllt,. tu 'd' crimea, I'L unU ,hOIIIl'IIf only I:he lew br,.I ' clerkd lie h.laudc hl.lJppl I.rlncc. bUllho .• T ouo••y.... I1I ..... m 'Wu. pt.... u.. or- II at II -'jfrUm tl elr OWlI'hOU • W1' 1 e IHe IUVllil ' ' I . ' . . . dP.," it . eJ 1" , ,, fi "h~ the ,r ~ntllu , .....:.1~~ it · II i -..:.-II~Ii;;.I...l:.-In I " ' ~. h lllllY WE're ha.ppv l!.gelher . ,' ; .' · ' •. W I...... ¥lu ~ 111111 d',1 . . of' \I,e I" l1ultit'em .to Ileed Iti hIi ,",Ii,Ik eoJ on ~, ' . throne .. t , \ ' " , ' Iqrelgn ye.,. whell rom '< '8uld "rI, " II ubellhin'c, III 1IIII naMloni irum 1"1 • . ' Wlr~. -Willi, hI t"flr • • • 110 Ief Dl'IIP ". "11'11 ro~n l ry, tllu " ' . I ~I b '• C.UII. ,aD r I '. The WllluW nt restmg , ADd bI~ ' lbOll,lb~l_ ,o!, ulbar "~I aub .llp lite lhn,o~e, "t'omu,it tN lhe w'O rit hur ht'od (til her wltll ' aerv.n. II firm. qU'CK '~ p. (ir a our c I, ICiIDIt UI. 8lae 1h. reathea the 'l'H~ nOY ~ND l'HE RODOE RS of b"r- Jidv. their .uld.e";' gel' 110 pay. bllt wh en , h"lId and,P nl I'~ th~ lIwiI', ,mbl'r•. countinJ troplll,e" lwJ" Jl.. d ~ I r' uIte " . \' , r-rool)l. ",b'ere thu owner. Il' ~he II· .• j' .l i harili'. upon Ihe perl~n. qf thllr wl.l' Ioulol'. , ,oulltr), re'(l'ivo • , • • dProcurer III' I ,', '1buh'!~ tt', °d_' . ' . • I ' .h-r ,YO.lll" or lT-\,e Ilighl WII elll~ , the .n?w lu, tbllk 011 til 1&I_ , Tllen for .",ltUe thou nlDlt iliil c.pli"l I"rob- ,"d ".u,hter•." ",ow I II - II -reel ru ..... u re· menl were Irr-lIam r t lelr 'l!cl)unl .. 'fh. Elbldpr Ailvlr\la cr.(a Germ." pl ••Iort PA!jI" " 'i 11 alrl.lled the oth.r IOlditr. u(" thp imperi.l arm w" the eIIfth, '1Id. Ihe willd ' . ' h .. r (0 j)od iI"lhh. 'A rtw cI. • ~ ." nl. were ~ '. w~•• weePill' III,,·pall ;'. , '" .u" .ed Ihen, end • look "r .hlme 111..1 nAt) ,I'V"" Ibu ~'lluwl'n, I"count :,. ", ',. i l . trolll " . tilelr plu,,'. '; viI'~lt" d ·arid d I W4\'1I' or I • • •• ~~n · r ~U\!,ml"j '"t II ~ ~ " .~leWl!' [ 'lip • f ' I.he poli"y P'-:'" dl ' , -~ I ' .1 01 AUltrl", ,.. Ilbuut ' .her, • 8\1l 1l!rtlak IIIe ~.ll\lJi' • tI,ollall.t of :lhl' ei't·1 OJ ,.10 f\ ower th t Qce .,I"ch IluoU"1 wll~cb (Iook ...d w.re pIli..... ,~4 burnt; IUel tillolllil all ,cu,er_ 1I . ..ltt ac. ful IlltlClent whllih Oreurreil t:t'cen ti ), at •• •01,,'rw.ru "". sll.lI; tit l 1 lit in .c arf)· in" (jUI her cen· p undrrdl In the Jrr,.t . _ ' ....... th'lllarl, . ,,,,,"ow io auolla.r rtkiD at ~ A~y• •. Clly who w.re ' thet . ' tUfL' lilld "'~,d" nuGI~ , · And "h\wut and .. ' i,andlumf ,.al tlie fl'lIi h"u •• II' ,II" D·I"·I~t of m \.I. 'bu h' "Ihroll' f IOrrow • mlin. of rc' I ~I' ,pr~ II ip.~ 'OWII• • Ilu cllin "",.,,,rn ~. ~.J • I .. I P . ' i d '.I I _.1' , ou I"'IIIIIII'~ eme~ ahe 11101, rfllUe"" po bl '. r'l I .11 h.r n'i ,t ~u..ennl r , roq' Ulnaer~n co."!, Ind Imlid · i~.. ~ ... ~ ,,~U II r~, \ .re, rhrelll ....Y. ' ., " ue eye. u ' ". Ie .,n ur ,. rt ntr were Oil,~ 1~lclll!~erll. ~~~4 Ihl""'\0 1 with ~KII· depende nclu I.... chldlnll tbe Puillno (rOI\\llIr. 10 ' corder to parta 01 ltal, . ,h er belltt well' ap tu "tnen In .... ll~ud 6Ji. J~ "ek .pllll· &hi ~ .. ailat4. 1111 ',LI w.1I we'er parted~·II. welJ we coull.l ~\Iiiu\lrr", ;II'II,eir un hi. c."uu·1,fulnce. • l:rotcl'~1'1 II. lh. lII_lter the railer n,",l tr.i'b d.v~linl ~ver,_,i"'l nuht',,'i~. Galiillip \n'u ontl, WiQI ' \1"" 'A' I' ' I '" \I" (or the marciell wltla wltic" it 11• .1 "urruuII· . "Why are you I,vr. I,ainl t !i"1 III- knuw that 4h" 1111c, rlJ'~rred ' dividu'. I,~, 0,'114. \\oUIII.,10 f,i~~.ntdt!&lh. lill~,~ur'Ir\'~' ,.ccompl to I• • Itu.. ~~h ::!Wt ~~ It. "WI i.h'!d, quite ded he~, II "" .. trur•• n ~h' molirr Ibe , re~dll&1'dtuut~.t""C'''' .1 IHIIi "1' ~ '. d r~ .J . _ I • ' M'UI~II>r,'OU !'' ted,". 1'"ulllry ,wl;lch r ureet. au "Ilu"'• • au .. 0 •• ' 0 n turn· "'\11. v"nlun d lu utl,r ,h, j .1i,hte.1. •dioll~.., ill CVIl,plrisoo Wilh HUIl".r),. 'rhle Ibu.r j,,,,,,,.eMaed op flarlh wu. tllat bit of.llyer Ther ~ f .lunitIOJ~ cfn."Y 'OU" D, ~ " • Iy· r . " 1111 ';' .&,1\, ..... - phy III the old IIPIIII,muII .. tUlle pa- t buell lh~ ch",en .p '0" ' . " . prubaliun <lr throe rruelti... . (Cu..:·it U"lIve peuple I b b 'd I d II .eAonlnll ~b . , . I b ,. .liner h.~e befll ,. ,'tlfel, IIIII/tlued, JnlJ un l'~, t, I, ... , e .Ieri '"1 II 1.1.. If ' . d #. "I f" , 1'" Eecb fr'iI'1'ontelowin,IlIOJaoll\ h.. ' cllJoed ita 'of AU~lri •• rul : il, ~ho,. .. ., . 'I\t, e I. ut 1.1' Vlh..e ~.. ,r~. .. ~re t p. u my own lIIonl'1. lot ~uu :I ' .. au 40; Tdft\ 111.);-:- IlId ,prubllb!y never ·will b.; tht'Y, I illil tile II"IIIt I!st"lItl"lI .mulili iii' uptn. air. aiKIl tlld n t wa.,t I end had prulI' l~e~ IIpl.,An no' , Mho,ulul' urcl\•• e prou!.lIw ·wli"'t '" Iv 1(1 ',.'It h.l h.r.= .' ' , I""". in dead,; , , r'q.ulrl','tlll\re If nv oJj~ liullll-w !,rre lhll cl,ild rt um illt tellder " • Tilloe t u't5In.iti"tI nl ll Ii IUI'tl' · ." c>wprt"- 'X'Mt1l11l9 _nJ r'~l.ta,nc ' ~ . tv d~.ro'i8lR at ' her, 011 lbe morrhW, 1\ N.,w )' ...r'oI· Ilill. !",lltlm .... WQuid trlllt . 0unE" . II , No It.Il ..... ''''~''u'''\ d,o.. f,,(dedl ••uI in bum» ..iun of feeling on tllI~ :" , y ~bu. beeoml'. lamillor Witl to ,j r" t- Cp/u"OA~' A"~• •-4 'w........ p'nrt ,ul II UlIgnr)" Ibet '~III~ lilll~. - '. ~ . " l}Jut then ... her relit rO! l that 1I~1I1 lIt\o~ clill," llulJrler "III ".1' . 'fl U."ro,mI4e!:' 1~ld the . ' IIlld "rum vne of Ih. IIpcre('8 of ,,""du. · 'N"tWUh.lulldmg tlie ~~II~kl, r.,,-:, elld .1h,,·. · bc~blllll.. pr.~:r~~o·~u,I~~'W Into.n .putlil.'llII',' .hop' Ita. Uthw d.y III" .WHI brnlb whldl 00'1' "Id then unhlllow ed Illd plI.ld, ahe h. d fu.1 .od pr~vlrlil) !I' "I OIolC h u'llnillir •. ml,.-:Ie b.lid oIl ul .' 1 'l' 1!1 ,~" b' the y . b pleIlJr'" in . ., I ' Ut. tlHI c)lret'~ vf J ti rMl ht>r _~ .nd d ' ' 1Uf'lIt " 'f "lItr.at Ihe1follu IIII!: , I I 'l emor muel. 111ft' ... 11l1 - ,.. "r.' ~1'''lpl,'o' n~, one ..... • h-r liua. ' ,L I.. ' .' ' I Ulln'!II .• e POIlI')I, w IIcl:lcle'lo.''tl tI 'au k CIt" ~ VIi- . HI or lor l , ~,U~JI'1 Iur I' /'1:0 " .. un .. , '" Wllr , a r II , I II' ulUp'~n 1 " " Son"Y 'Ir'.IeHd atld ,·III.,d at ' hllifi. the d Ih'lIlhu mllu.ct. ,.. r . . • , . ' ! IU ~ ~erlo!llh ll.lI oth .... ~Ifo "re iwm .nd ' bted b.od, _ thGuLhtr ,ur Ia'f £t)w~ recurJed , uf d~~lruy· Iilte bud IU.J "olirly cUIIIP'I~ICd "uuld lorll)l( Ab. ),.,my 11I~'olll oyer alld till Ihh'life ...." f. llh ul m."lIltlrll alld ,i • .I~t Tile uld ge/1t1t m~ n ~relV furlh rrull\ tl:tl ' MlUidlJ cllllllurf~l\a pp~e". HI~le" leel impe lell InlC properly, dri~III' u n"r'. frul\l Ih"ir ~Ier d ' quirrd whul wal I " prlc' ill tll_aa •• Del . _ . Q .Cullly. bul "ur , 'P"y . . ' TI.I 1!i ,d· . . . ..n " I •• • k . a pllp ' .. r 011 whith WUI. li't ur ntllllel j .;1 ' . ' _~ furnlt'rl" I '~ .... I ' , ,uw-to . . I euRlI,I.11 " , ' I lu lfud hou. ilII, klll"'I , (.Ihp\,.; and worlle, rur uW WU. I,OI.A 1 t wlilihink of 1110'8 whb coIU_. . .U II.. . I . , d I' " A pe.eMIII h~d· I!!I t iii. I.rm f'4Irly 'l J .. III. tllr MIe ,,1\r.1.y W '1\1 IIlt.:r W' 1" \\I ,.... • In tlt4' lh•• po&h~1I7 replied it "u ~ mUdl for , tIi .T f..... ,,~ uII'n. ' .11 tllo~e ul " /lArln • ' • alld Iii. K jll'" tllllt 1111 thflr cntftl.tl .• r., . ' d " '". . . I' u · rt- WI1{P(l, thllll IIlUr~~rll . I"" _._ "n" •. ' -' ucl, (~'- tb. d d' \ ~ , ( l" 1l1l!lrlaelp l,,1I.II I . .. WIVO' · • T ..... III0rJIIIII e~IIlUllu ~ . " loCC ... "' ·~· U1PMllIl'c , I 1 , J HJ, ,' . ," r ' . 1ft' III d,.- " N' ..... . " .. ADd wll.'''r 10 /llti • • • heln unm1 ....led m&llllllr.Ilt:CI., ~d f('llre~t; Ittu ~ • tile nUUlI IJ fVtry mllll 'II Itll fIll· ,.' " utJI w.. TI .... ' d . _.' I .III "laIlUII' , iI dl I r- , • liB. I'"~ . w·v.'II'I.,. Illill'D~ Ih." ,or , 'nd • Ii dUllghl" ' TI r., yet tbe -.. _Il_ lIunlfjlr k I ' h-.1 , ' iltn. ., , .. n".n"' rna",· poeeur ......1 III' Ie Wllck!y , "III UIII\n_ IItock ' _t . lI'Iore . ttoe OU. ;rl~~" 10 f'D n "' 01 II . .. I . . u)' "" .. ,. I ('rp. ...... • ,e mun ,Iln.er helpt4 ..... ' b t·1l ~"l , I Ie h d II' paper em til u lalll even ,h. lailled 11t"lr IIl1tluo.lil1 10' • " ,,00II .... , ., .. ' II I ' , it· I '" b I Id r, A-"'''d '". I ' mOIUt'''I ...... ."1.1., . ..I. dd d II "'\llut.'nuu~lC.. ~ellre., II IIUt er fC IIIJr. .tl. •. II ~~ p"'" w.~ J ~rw.rll· 'lia ~"I JJ( IU,' hll!llt' u.lti .... II~; ' ~f ".uo F ran,.. . j ~ 0, 01 IIIU66", 1111 ,n urlle. IU (: IIlIr.cl" ~~I .... .,. '.,. , Iheir ,"tr"rill .. a"d atlalt, &he ."ubl.n ce 01 • cun.ll\u . " .... . "". P le i ,... r-I' . \ d . " ' . , 'L'lft ... a' III ".,.ala,t Heavel) b.ve merry UpOIl ·ilt. poor, 10. , lIame 10 thp lI.l, whil e J4r. ,. b. - .... leU.. 1Or the • " ,' , I . , C9UIlIlor"". lIuU +~ulU,plon I . . lou". , ·1 ' fillepn d lIurrUra •• 11 .ntl ~~ I d"I!II wilt'rle8 ,tef., 1 ' IIv~ h bill " ~e.,. Ih.~ lhe , • lIame II· 'J • I ... tiun, .lId eo",llutlonlll .hberlY; ~le. and , -nl,bl, an moy. bot t '0 cry. " , . II!CU er, rpm line", , to like • carr· -.; 01 • thl houle CIIW; ' I an ..II' (fir m, Iilllilandl ~1IIOJ'o . CII' "11,,1111 flU 1l',I/ ove 11 11.hUlld er. ~I Cafnleat ••nc1. j , . ~ " , line 10II11O,Il illcr... i"1 from d., W 11'1, morelllO . G tlVllhlljlD '11' In vbdl.••IC. ' t~. l h. on I .eD,elle d ear. 1\ . . Ind .b'mt two holl,. • afhor Ihe purt'!I1. hid' row.' , . J I _ . e"~IP. ,ou WI .1Id ~"'III .... r to np".r ,ell" bre~k' Whoa th.l w. a~ edJ~lt lor II) , r~;II, dd I . IUI&l1I. be,e ' been tvrn ,1r ' Ii ' " .' ,.. _~"I!"" A. her "r '"I'"~~____ _~ lip. I "r ' m' u ' r mered 'he; pl:"1er.. &I,ne pledgl'," ilL' •• Id; "Ihe... i. IOmeli,l n,' itJ Il~n:, • atltanrr,r . . . . ., 1 HISTORICA~ ' ' I. ,. . b 'r. , iU en II b tul.ltllol iI!~wrtd .. I I I tlje lIur.""r i.ullre ID the h.bi" lrum their mUlller'. . d ,f I k d' it ' h b ~ hrea, . hUUle, 1 lol.\lJ! I .t t • iI Ie .. ." ume bed to I me w~ .~llIbllll •• _ elvl ll oou. a allif!' . ,nel'l 'L, _1 ,1", ... lira. , f'" wan v,,", TOllr "" In m.nn.r w le lII. urt'·mo,'uf , '. ' , 'ar~lnp., \.... , . , • , "1 II of wmiD" W p.rliallie at wl~h te.f' Ind l.lee.· .(llW •• done ~ b . k i d ' I d I ' h ' ' T I k I .. , ' i w t ' I •,... d :)U,. h' . h_ mullter . . . . . . (f'rbld . . ··.,,·rl . 10 0 UWII" )" qUI': rap It t 10 our,'11 . "ol "'--t~ ' hl - 'l'L~,. .. .... u......· 'b. b'-8II,, • e t I~,' .nd I'IIwlng lrom hi. poe· .ntl. pl.lu. Ir\ It t In nl m.tlnll t I.t I . ...,. I '1 I ,II kll1d~ uf w.ilin.. .. lld wollllll \lh'"1, II .k " d ' " I. dl' ' h' II II I 10 Iolrtloild In hr UWII dlaleCI •• nd tl,WIIOIV opene II, I mIlA, 'I, -I.I w...... rl-I wu Ii IIlIghtesl .lauw b real.l.nc e would H PUll' lur til-III· ..'~~ wret(.,e ,~~ y ~ 1ketdC and .ou .,.. tll.\ a _me wbell . ,. ,.,1 w •• of ry bl~r otf .I~I\I , he.l1 };-IIL .lId w~nt. the Ilu,,,.':" un." r th,. 'IrjclA!.t prohibit ion 1,,11 thi!lly e: ' II d ' Ihd I F .&8 ~ , '" ed li b ' , ~d~lt"al. le'dln.ph ... nut-lo ·lhe !foR .. It atlir~,I, and wilh • lin. "Id .'. hat th"m hi {he , ' inl'~·. ] 1 halld-·' 1,, ulI..I ' gel d ' you Ih I •• W,I' 11 proc",d 'Y II to eb·~' bulIllle d ", ber .. r~~ ,. WI 01'111 I will ' , nOI urel", if\I ,to _II 'lJI • llder etfer4' pPII.lili~ ~•.• liII uraWII ulVII uver I. p)'~ •• stoo ...." ru "er '1'"11,, um do1l.rllll QlOIJ· hlu.d_t,l r. 'IIof w'ilbrllln, 'whicb .ure, ler, .nme lullab e cIOlhl",. ru·' It!'W we w l1're l,e .JI "u4' ~ ' ~et:4 ~ellY t1I.l ~uch I. the ~8" • • • .• tilel' • rllC!! uf !J1IL!)'er 1 nu', •. _ ' d' . i h' , '" "d b, '. IIopn., . lId • •hl1l1r I· ,III I." -atl'-I -, a" ,t'y;lJul ""1I'P lur. "'~ t il ~ I\e IICc. or. ,ulII·- ·lullIlI",·e. .om~tllln, ur Y bellllf,u ll.fied whh .' , D~ INDEPE I'IDE.....(lE. Ihla, I' ' "'~ m:'/y place. , IIi fortlig~ IOldiery 111),\11,••" In a ' "ord~ •• ,"" to .d~l p' anu h ' '.l.rlrulll "v. • ' , . d I h ' 'ht' h.ert, Thl. ,..,. m, ,~.,. IlIl,w jlh.uIIIJ j .. , t thin, . n h,Salll.tl un' wllio" "uuld ll '. procure I ' hi", 01 ,". he when ' llae mIn, whu ~.:~ CUllld p .... eilCli~n unly gr'~PI of the ' Cili~ IUlclt Ind l hie cun.lit~lj~n liDS beell ~D\pled ~ndcr with Ii ~CIIOW Inb~lr, th"l ;;e(~~'1 l.t· J m'lr~ '>III ~, Iq' llit' " borll •• nnd now 1'111 II .. wltb "'tJ.: fum er: Alr~, BrUIl'1I could .. o~. aive ; _lid ft' rvor Ihll' hnnd .0 kindl), ' II n~ ' '., , ,' ' • ' eXlelldt'''' tu Ililh, tF,e ' IUll~fe, In ldllt 1," w.alnu .0.. 1'Q .IAlII VllffO., 11 ' 1 " ,. "lulI~flr. lhe co\\nli~ o •. Ihr. ~. . ntry, .lId jI Coot, 11i(rellt:i U~.: ,ve Ii '1 I"ro' 'orm ..: rLul TII'__ I.cllO" &.1 ~ k dI e I'" I h.....' uu, hberty, hktl! fruap !Iim. .,e ~lIer:---. , "I'~ :(00" I' · , : r~ nl t le n OPOII' II I) o~el . III" Ill) 11\11111' c I u __ l IlP " II ... , .. It U , IIl1r • • , e,l t 18 r~um, ~ ,I"u"tl, lIu .. rl'~,~uJr h.'" I IU _ ehl."'. lold Iho robber the aell~ end pOll."li un. of lite noblemen or ill obeuirllc i attended ••• .., III • ,a1' lID1'<Ialcva ' thwl Wilh It oontalnl per lIf,uliulI. \l . 1I1r_ Ih.t ruw " 01 .• llt'j b .. , Lth. where . e,pRl.I: .he . "'ftheD II.VI'J , ' nv ....... li1e )IIldl! parlllcr _- I " ,III be 'lI,ely fur hIm ; be, II , . " ' " .nd Irtet ~h. 1I.llv" of·,th ••oil in, their ,I.i .. 1.11"""11. ~ul I ' I of ' I h t ' b I .1 I , T I I ~• I' ' I under I It t .. ... imperial . I.w , •. and. ' dlrl'pl wlI.t •• uullht: ~t lIe lII.n li d, ec .. ,"ly ell . W lie I r~ u a oUIl a U. I,euu. ~ , . 1111 a ree DIme, mnll! o ' , ' d II' , (I . OWII hUID" uol'l proprielorl , but ' I. va· nfa. 111M driu made to . ' ' .., 'I . II I ., . order by the ,dr,pllt. we lug.o Ill' we,ll '.t II)' Wl:rll t Ilere. eutlllt:d Io,o h"l1 F.rena IIlu'l'd the duur upul, ' , . on,.t1U l rio" "'11' WUK". . ." olae I .. . ' II ,IIf lrant.nr b:ud..III'1I . They , an ,our af\prWIr ' i the Ind IVldU"I muil\ I'urce ! II' ie d lyr.III' t 01' I Ihp.bur It ' ,. d 1Ii11 dl ill d tbe II ,m lIa I ft-"P •• aw Ami" -Ule C;}I"IIy, pdI6ct•• \lltu"!:h .vhOl8 rldl. ,.tuud 'a,Lin .t lil' dour .1' OD rettln, OIlt o'r tiD _ I • . " " Ibe wUluw . Brll- 1 • rlu"!Y III1 !'I'~ ' 'I~IY' .~. , rE'IlI· • I bu':'; . ~ . . , . CJlAPT ER n, ' . .. I I' i 411"'" churchN "nd 'I d 'I d IPw d ••• ~:.. .....d' \lllf'vf two rob the corp~e. iY.0r III "~I.'f"le m t 11"h H ., .tlll h.o dlt:la to III f\~\II' IY-cu rl',!'~ 11er run to t Ie VI ~""tJr lelp. L1 ttl" l . \\ u 11"'- .d Ie lJ' ,ra '11 "ti_; II ~" . e h" d I,,~roa ..'h C!d I, I' d I"e I\'It", I"Lilllllte' ., 1'1 .nd bOlt" 01 Ih. 4«'Jilrled or Ihelr 'uiieno with IIllaoi~, of 'Iulh , -eo-' '''' w,e 1101 .Iow III lullu Inl# 1'18' or. ul lI~i_ u bann!'t. .ud the firwu", uf w.re I}nmllll l'; I!nd IhulIl{hl ~uw enll, wllb ra to 'tlld) 111 . . .lr. ;... a~IO,"~CY ~ AU' IA. , 11 Iri a murf" l'aUHOUI 're~d Ih.,. bolrllre. , d t!tI!'." .nilll~I'""I. · wound .lId lIiII the of • t1~teranillrd w ~j l. I I I . h' I I I II '· .t "bleb ,be l.diN .oc4t vr..... I"" ..... ' , IIle dwell.;. bene.lh lhuee ,v"f. could bUI jIf,h.p,II the .'lUnd uf hi, '11'1" , th6Il..... ~Dot ':. n~.!: ;::..: u. " falbfft~r f.,.iliutc bad : ' rI ~r It'· :"lce lu 1 '1' ~" l!II\h "I I, IIHh.aa crl... Ioud· f"tee vlolenCf' Ho~ klill II will pie..., ·Heav~l.I to p~r- m.ke 'the poor rrcailltl!' b.~ure It~r wrufor. : relebed .". _pl. ~_~"_~,:::--.. ..·'-h· .....:..~ t ..01 ~ th- bea, •••• wl~ee fl'llllllheand lI'er; 'fl,r " ,he 110111,1 un the threeb- ~ e·tuot.. (jllli ,ut ~C'fCl' /X I.~ irliu.b_I HI; 11'111 the".n .to .. ufrerib.~ c·.i.;,.,", wr know tllLlp'. Dut : ~ r t'If' 'Tru.' •• Id • .... , i~'I" '!Ie '.."a..' ~ onotf _" .~0It' \In .....u · ,.~"'. ...... 'ebe -, h~ilDted 1 . 0111, ' tvr • brief • old,.loe £~me ' . lu Ihe " indvw, Ind 1i~' 111 Il,e uor, w ,en '1 1" . u lllib~ II '1 lWh&l lile h bH etritHl "..... cblldre.' frum 'heir paren" Inr.nt •• allli~ I' "< • I . • b ", k d p,~w lC.u .rllIe. ~ • !Jut &he time II/,ill ~me wheo tbll . , \' L_.I I , ,L ,.. nillol, . epIc, up Ih e b"t. 0 f • eIf.rr " tI18 OU,,"I -I~~... UIII I~" ell v r t . r,I."· " nil:." , ..t teN froll their lIIother. Illi.;I~ ,ir..t from wicked .Hpu•• of .. n. 110..... uut lito UI' 'Ireel, ~ oller men, •.ClCOWp . ~ 0 .. _ . . lo.w KCOIIlJI _ _ II "j e'l!rJ h . HeJlllbur nl ,: 1III111,bt' ,sliael. which' w•• I~Jn, ,\I~ 'he.llbl~. ; .... ---..~ ..,..• . A' . ISIiI did I ~ nol oille"r Iii III. but hi oblltne d. ·lIlanlliboledl ~~~, e"' er Clift. C'°duldh· ..rmd t '" ..1. .tIa ' .:..." '" . P II I A tli"', plt.r",ll ' lIo...e '.bduct ,bem' \~ the Ihel~ n.m., a tl!'pnlllch I -~ (II ' t' h ' .. do IIIOfe Ie 1Mr. , •• ad '1lelr deeds T F rail, le.r I . , ,rilT An boOf', hit/Vlt" '.111 uor \I, e naot •• Ie I.... • .p' ,.~ ."P I ,limp" ~ H .:~ (' ,..; It n ; ha41 w:- h.unt. 01 illllm!' q er f.re aad ..ru ...• .b\tL lell, .ne g I rf luvu. . , .nd wid 1II1.pre- I'd.mll.b l. laf.m, .n IDlperi~IJ~b'" .t.ia hi d I' t.t I d · I d cheetrul neia, .up ........ 11 . u _ ... ",bile \alkin; of Ih. prell, pre..!!l IIIlm- , dellc.t. fottn, lit., wllil" br':'-~"""''''' ;"".7 ~ n II i ......·:~W Ill'. God pltl .he b,Uer ' . ·unrln, . of IIro1\'. and thatr.· IIro.nl u h· .r" ~ ~.:? r~ we , retr'lY. opon tll\lir lI'Iell'lory till tb. ~lId "f URie. JOur lral.., WD I . . .tb·1 _D. :t~.... w • m, llllouid b y f~r bet ~9·,~I!rr,uWi , ,.h, YF/I hll;. ir wlII ,. h,! end fl . o~ 1111... 11 ,ae,. ' . . fi 11' ..-In le& ~ ,nh ll\ .r. 11. 11 OU ~ ,"t'IIl.. . aol ,~a rpol~muo tver ha~i a, raCfOi.,toi 1.1, the curt.ln, be pllMed••• Inl_ IKe C'otiiac)ltd'tlom whhlil ·ttarll' the H~lllPr~ an ~JlI ••-lht" InI " Opfl!J the unllar. IIIn, u. I • WII ; In I"econ I' ~.crl ,Il> Jr lVer _here w.. a , n'ljqo 0.£, .. ,. on. "'Iotl!', and .h. 1~ld kiued -he !!Ieee ul .Itd duor. eod .terpcd of II ,._,: ~ FftJm • _ . , dlH"h, or in· .. 10 beUII, 'Iolene" , Ind .r.e"".r d. "ppreue whblG d,,, 'pa,l. K '" 1 ~ld .CI~ly d, • down.\rc had he ddl'o IIni~h.cl. I paulOtt, III.d'",, thll II ' 11"11')' true bc'U.....r ,. , ~~t c\.ntiJ a. .'1 ' " d ' .......· h b' k it d' tl d I .. a pi....ill d1."~'hi. "fnll_l)' h ....W· b""'It' " th 1a""'- ..'lI'Ie · ' . . I H " l' w~"n e h. tb " .. Ie, rd II till ,.nlUm ed WI I .Il'p. • '~ r. of th. ",bile... 11111t ID hllll tb.t .\11 .t '18K ."IM W' In h"UtlilD lillie. U~ '"S III -t·, Q mfat. I .• J ,,,11011 I UJIfIIfJ· " IV r er. II' I '1I~1t:1 allo r- Ilu\ 11 ' wuulci brin tlt'r ~jllllE' Ihe: eoY'rI'illn of onr'of Ihe a..t ' n' . -of mUnt',! IArp lIum , ~"i-HInc . . ' j 1 , comll"l[ lnw.rd., tl/e room II' e weill' . i!eopt..·" • .,inC ClIUWf til 'fllel, .,.In.t ill The. !jlidu~ ,. \\'h,ch)le ",a~,' lb. lIe ....; he hal • p: lndpleI"I•••' . TtUt 9 • ed at lIie t",n. /jti.. 6r ·8cIrope. , 1r thl..M oin 011 '~"Icti Th"wld ow w~e."rtlrdl ... e. hilld 1 U'l-,'w .ndl:r Ilboul. !Iaked, hUlllr), end rul~fII, ,hit pt'tlp!1l .. 1111 Tbe Ilntr.nce or the fira~ lufJI.n .... lb. qOf'leh naU trree,·' e"n 'D.~Ullr IlnlJlra . . the :ILd It.. to ,,~! Wi~b •• h. r • ~ i I II ill.'rll" be.d .. Iuwly, rvr II b.d be~II .buKK "nor the liral for lh. Ulant be,.1l '~tn"I""rd h"'..rab' l'. Ie wduld (IIrIOl'II. )iflyl"I" lur bread It e.n ry d,.tOr! bo,l{l dlachlra e one ,,"lhl'O lllll 'I be "rJ '"rnace iQlWW W Our limit. will not permit ue til _Il!,\folil UlPllt. '","rllt~blld III!r nllo,! l';q~r.. howe """,, . ·tnall ... &If litt... lIlCJ\riftll;' bdt ~u"b'll the lamflntb"le Ie ilite CU!lch 01 !,er, .I .. phl, cluld. but ~II. utt.er· of the barrel. of Ihe ItUn, .nd If lthout QI· by lhe.J'lI\ fI fIt •• nd cOlldit,,;," of the ~h" hair of Au»tri. ·. crul!lly .ud de~p(jl· cbaracte 10 w.11I tII~. ,••• lId _h. brullhed a It-.r f~":' ber .. n~ .11".11., Th.,. wa. IC)mtlln w,,", _ 8nd lhwllhl. 'II08t'I!8Ilnf\ of ' pOw. Hua,.rl .. n pet>ple-.a!COlldhl n, In t11.t !frillll' rrUlln, the '!I11l f,,11 Iiftl!1I to Ibal dll "I\II.J of ~1I which evC!n i.n'l w. ha.,. ollly "'IICed fell pIIintil, 't£,,,..au w ~ ~l" wlliwu f'J .lId d.,8IlalOlI It... _n PftC,," IhrOuj<h hee rt. I tI I r th di . tm iuure ",/aleh of .tOIl. mu.t pily!" .Iood bHute ber. Mod whlth lIoor p .... 'til .emh . . .cund Ipp-are d' ..nt It I. I""', but tb, number ~Y"" I ~e. •,ul/a It " IIW th. rn, I ••11. bl JOCI d b D.,. f'IIP."IJa .... ent .he rw/'lf hiud u lh. "lIIe, whll. two IIOufA deadiy ",i .Poo tlllM4 It IJI~ ~'ri4 ~ht I I le.,•• n . pe ft'8~lonllll"" t Y(lIh' Thi. ·I.nul, the ·,dli.IIW01'J I.nru,, . : or C\,uld b. ladeflnit ely ·Glllhlpl III Ilure ,ur Il!r, 0 , _ _ _~_'":"!'_ . ' . b lore hit! ... Iieilrd her ch.t i,.d, il' for ..... 11 tlMo a' bllid 1'\10 banal wbich., .. outll,eu: be4 to... e 1III\,.8' parlll~l; 'hIt perJarJ o"'be! b.. r .... the drmlflOfUe ~ , ncI .Di. · • , . 1>1' ~t'" o",ur, but.. vlll.d LtyranflY of Ifwtlap .wrp b lend.. ~ to retreat, bllt too latel TI .. I ..... , _port Otp ..,. G~-8aoa.fW tbe ceive 'bl! pitllIIU.<Mllei bly Y'eDlbled. t lhe~ ~IIE' WII .11IIOlrA thO!"IB life. t.ti1De pl!rp.e- .nacIDleDI4If Ill. HUfll1\r\.n p. rljlll'lcnU her '1lent and ' pelJ.bo u. 1her.,. . . . . h •• nI, .nd he r,ll 0.,'" tlie corp .. or Illel.a .,ettm. ' .. nalleal .nd IDOll '~i'IIIU c.at ,r lIIaU.N, .. UII..., ........ , I la tlMt .~tedrttta, .. CllUI'Ie of 1.1IIm; .... been Wblt .. II-t I\..e ~n Ihelr tu'l ferjop .1N. .1e ,; lin "t.l.. her. ~.~ alIe dte~lDlnrlf . ' hi. ",m, Iccompl lce. to diliel'l!'nee what, 110 Ihe. •• n":lft to' Shocked by 1,1. rDenll r un....loU4o . . alii ~ , .. t . puot w. If _,.1 , " 10110... op .y'''''I,I eiIl,.. wbte" wocllCl wreacb I.h G/lIlDp~lnli fruaa . ~ The lII.n ...,.-w hi. bet 10111- " lieU, Off. work. Irlll& lill;, DOW •• t e'll'.ft to tbiDk ('f1D'I' tll't p"ple, III II..... to 1"'. of lhA!lr Orll,'; "clv not IJI8IId If fU: "' ... "'I" ...d 1maaJa~'" ""ek th. h.1r Ida . . "" aIa.lIIl, cteCf'Dt .IIIIOD I~ bl~DC'~ \lie bl4'edln , br.. rlIl Yel fNta IIw hlp, 01 w .... be . . . HJtl til do, but hlit _1110 1_IDI .... .., ....ty hredK II",rt,.. 8 uell Will lh4' 1I10.tlon of atr.lra _lIr,OI ~"" l lIMIte wrelcbed lb III ,.. D~ .1treacI bro... I ... lb~. 11011.11 • . chHk vf "lei ~~. 1\ ~,r. ~a lbl ClM kale lIon _ 110&; w~ • • I"'" Ihe~beet1a 01 .Wnt-. I.I,.o4I ~HlU t. _ MOD ,.kn. A,.I .. the pD 'w. "DI". T--oOo. I.ie .... s.. . . ~f~ the I..., •• Dd DIU"" " I. M'ubD ~ 1l1li 1M "';-"" ltitle r./low pl.ced 1l2IJ Ib'7 tell • •, U1e . .. "pl,*~I.' lit Dl nalera ID lbelr true ~H. dul.,.,. ...... 0IIe la ... dnlruclk iD 4It _Ii.." . " " TO 1& ~JI'rm! D, at· lUI'IIM ,wlf 'If: ... ' w.lll.l nplelll' , dawn t... "AD"t " ",\tllm ,,,.,... " ' ..-,awp ... 10 , a . '011•• fartlee ... - , wlU robber. tbal . . . .Ipl ....nI tal. Y...... ..,•• IUllt,lb CNIh lIO\II .ad tileD bl ....... ,~ ....lne.,.lo " 0.... I .~ . . . , . " 'II.. aatll '_ _ _ .rrlY8d. It ... Del -.... ·Dv,_'~lak"..... .., 1M ~ , _ ...~,....rIp .... l..teDI.a'" DlUU'" 1.. / ".. ~idow-DO. lire: BfIII" ... 110 In _ In,. Til. double report lied ....... ... I" a ':'adllio . \Attedi Cl;" vi ~"'f! 10 Auetlilall IWIIJ .... \.... ,ulllie.1I II abe loolIl'd ~"'""" .... of ..1,,,tII ••Ida bad re.cIIed ber , __ B..\ I, he. bftD • I&rIJI'> "'" III O.r.,. . T: .lIta" tIte . . . . wl ...... ..:a:11t '010 •"lib roIl_........] '110. "., lI.r....._II"....... W.-d TIlt, .., • .....,.\tl..._ II\IIh!r • ., t ICMIII ..... • • " tIte . . . . .tIN....... 1IaV Wiottiapotlll·."" ........ . r Jwr.NI~~t , . ~'" 'I~ I... tl....,. trl....... ..., fllDt.ltttt. 'I'M Mr_D I: .....,...... ... uqce 10 ....... . . ~rioUII llIIlf. lItMi . . . . ,..... 1If« ~ Ja ~..........D . • ...... ~ ..... . J••1IIl'It....:." .._ ....1 &0 aU _ et ~ III ~I ·
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T.eCalta.re oC A.pllror." TO TUE LA-Dla. Who i. 'rial ~ lover 01 uplr&j!l!d Th. BE ... U I If tiL Inemn ent 01 Culf~. 'ollOwlnl: mecle (or preperlllif I bed ror ill II" LaCf! Ind Neecll" ... otk!ld SluYMI cullinliuD Ie furallbed b,. 1\ Vlr&rInJI far CibelJl8uo\Cftl e II< Juat "",,"lid In 1 fon •• 1. by 1 H HARRIS &. (;u ~Icn Roo flail_ Iller -
Non Intervention.
Let 1011111 , ploW !JUt • trench II dellp .. thl'! Cln, or wl.h, in lhl' .prlnr. IIrew W~ "ke plom.ur. III \I 10 ,IIJJ ur patrone .eme ~ m.pure.lI IIonl Itl bottom 1"11 CI bona 01 II,. ~lu,,@. d Yielnl l.nl!l~lly tblll are I1lCO!h l ug II our tben let Ihe rool. I loot .parlln the I",nch 1101. '(lon lour lOci eQver tbem ~I\helllb-wor\c: Ind kepp flPIUNG AND IIUMMER STOOl[ Ilean durlnl the lummer, RTld\lIU, rlll~ It of. ,o.:,al ~onll.l\l/g 01 nerf w"rlm I-In lhe fall cut or bend the PLAIN AND FAN(;Y DRESS CooDI CIOlh, Clnimrr.. Sallinetli I we.de tOpl dOt! n, Ind eeln, the rldi;e ~ell Jean, C ... llleUI Berange Dolon" t'ophn_ ,Oud ltabl. manure Ind 10 I&: htte", (I llao UlDcbama hnc), Lawn. MoUl Dalene" AI paca Book l\lullin t;", ... 1't1ull Callbnek. CO'"1' III over WIlh tbe tlve, 1'118)-10 elc Uloyea HOIlert ale t.:ahCOll Mu.lin. 'p'ln. tlke I pIli'" (I uel! • \1\ 0 bol'll!) Ind F'IOnell Ilckllll Uieeill ale .pllt tb. bed 1I0WII to thl! root•• hllOlt (or bARDW ARE A!lD Q11IlDS• aalte, Ir cln'l help II)-BlIthe furrow with k I __ ~ In"~ lVARE, o-~ , atoe 8 &__ wo II ...or"", well rolt~d Illble IIIlnur~, (I ne IJlln I " e. ill h... on band Ind (Dr n i l • ,ood tile aea are' to fill up ) Ind then throw .&lortman!,' wltb the furrow until It I, welt rld,ed "P CROCERIES. an~ tbe Plo'''1\1 eatended .. Ilif elch .id, PURE "ALE BRANDV. or the centre II il 1I8C.I.·I1Y ror karpln, \V~~upeelfult' CIOlieil a r.llonable .h~ro 0 VI EIHOlt QfII~e IlIr Medical pUJrpolu'.! tJao ndl. cleln, then drlw the "dlle np jUIII i b, publ e lavor. In I lope t .. glv. It 1~ ClptlT qUArt Ie Ity •• hllh U can be daDe wlt~ IIOU, lod 'Oil uutltell a u> our cualOmer. . . WI! Up~C I 1.11 HARRls&60 til&nollb.R"dFlall .eIL.1 rOlllOn.Wu pn~. No., ~ h aJ 11... ID "PI"IIlI bed thl\ cln be drl'lll..d J ROGERS & 80 the lillie "'''1 every ,,,rlnl in an I our Wee' aide of Main It reel abo •• ~Ol 11We,neaville Olio Aprall! J~~I or iWD, ud which 'I'll (uflllih lhe nrr 01 Willie and Dlld, O.k Bark wlnll'd, a...t uparapl tlill the 1l1Od planled can lor wIllth I .. III pll' II i!' hlill C'~. mnrket famllb, from the IIIDpl. Dc:t, hill the pr. 8 III ea.h If 'HKN EY \\ _ter Ilrpl'I W'Ylle~\lllIe. OIlIJ .prouta illY. eartb to ""uw throul:h, Ind Februarf IJtb .tlltl 8 tr 110\ t/•• uld (..hluoed maoura bed•• U dr1 anc! but I I bot beCt. On. lOW aloll,.ald. the ,.,den (enee I. H .. 1I0thllla' to do with IIIOIfI Booll and Shuea milluracwred b, 1 an lIUtliCleollor a rlmll" bUI 101 .. um~",pl of row. caD be foar feet ..dt one to h lrelted II above. fall Ind riou' .",lellaall.pattOf1\a ~"ua and _prlIII mlnare eel"..d ~Vll' dla who I. '"r dr_aoad. CaU_ U10lhai ". Boola --.:, wbi-" L_ p1--.1 ID ... tl.... t!hoea (,ii>oer!'" Qlllllnaw.ro IU1d a •• WI _ "" uaoruueul of H.anI• .,. tllddler, . . . are ploa&hecl op In d"'pfllIl' lrirnm.inp.HADDKN &. MtCLELLAND
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New Goods.
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AlitA. B HOO! ....,. Am.D noM Ctr!:TttIG1l.-C'ne l of the ~test e~itlOlll (or tbll pn,pote. t.I.IW .-1.. the rounda I.. the ("lIllWil1' ~
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" , . ' . . ' . . ,.",' , ; . ", ' , i ". U r.~6, olld parlly, ~ occeed"'I : llut Delhlen : person possessjng_ conSOIIlI!On, It soemed. for tho 8QCnfiClCl s\lq ou the ilofo ,' 'From a heart torn Wllb ' an· \ door 'uy you I' DII"bodf' (:1 I" Id" ' le ll I \(,',e IVUH no hupe of hohllllll a ."COII ,I Ollfl,t llll'rd Il'nlo .01"lie " J ' ,-,~" I' d ~ . I ' ~I I ~ . d I ". ' " • 10 ~!lOU .Be out I II er he (II .. . • • • ~ . • • • ,. I" r~u 11m I tlOlle: '". IOu rh~ e. ."" C\I'· I, S Ie ~ Irlexp. 11 o~"" lhllt book, and walli 10 PI .nother ' lilt ' . THE DIVING DEAD. () ~ ' . , e Ilr~ 10 tho lorlro8s, IU 1100 f!r ltl nn(Jgnlllcd .I! II' coml'llons Ol f' "F'I~st (lforlune. ' he 'luy 10ngllponlhesofn.III"" SlIb-l "Frank! Frank! why did ' f .enl! ,''tIu ilkelt I' " ~ • J th rrw Illmself olld f"l/ower! onto' the e Ie • Ii ,./' d (B ' I J' ) . " . .' . • , " I' . ,.ell' em to ~uln~r '7a,and,I',' ar., . ' u " . I ' penen. c ar ~ (, n III lG2 9, nhd l uS ~ OO.i J, good look,. blllg lind weepIng -pn ~ 8Iqnutil ly > G rndllol- j fromme1 Why Uid I B8cr;f!Cp. love vnd commodate 'emjull lib t iI\ k ' I ~' 11 \'JIB II(lA~tI VISIT\l1\ un, ""1OuO drodlld~UI hOl'oe In Ihelr rwn!'s, ' 'I US succeeded 11I: J'rUlll\Ylvo lilu uy (.i~or'gc "AnJ thirdly, commull sense. , Iv lIer, grief oppenrl'll t()·· C.;dIUUSl it sclr.- : l\opplllOAs' tO sllch a fote 08 this! \.vhv I plonse." . ou ~. q Cl . , I le~ wonly t lOUS DII ul lh p m W(!l"C 810 ' • t' ' I ~ ' 'rl '' y i. " Il' lhc fortlll)e ilul, beenus\) J lIcr .. .~ , . ... . . . r .. ( DY ANGELTNE. 'I ' In, lIno '1k urzy. D I1nn~ 110 Irly , lOurs "1 m ~!, lIO brc~lblng uecamc morc rl1gular ufIIl , \Vas I IIlind unlilelght brought lIle mise· . And c changing. vefY Iju\er .n'd ill ~,'asSgIVle.1I t led~lnper(lr to rll~8e ],~g forces; Wnr." (IG I8 to 164.'8) lJun~nry, ullLl '}'ran. think 1'1 the mO$t lIeedlul ;lnd d ~Irllulcqun- culm , lI ~r tcurs 'coD8ed to flow. nnd Ilt" ry 1" Y'terious look with the clerk thll pedl u elmun I~d llefurc SZI"flh ' were" Uu'I e 1o IlIUIIl ' t II In.'I lolr call 'Ci ' I1,ICUtlOIl r. ' ' J crollid longlh 'ler ('y es and cheeks were dry. lIer ' She hy IIp~n the 6010 , sobbinlr Dnd wee· islieJ. 'rJ,e ~ Qlly den" ye. live ~ earlh ,uut , to ,nr . d tl 'e 6' ) , I Vlllllil o(" Ibe three, Although 'ar van· rurka rl'lIrl'd frtlm II". co unlry , • Thii is' hU ttl 10 penco (j f ur I I' 1 f F ,.. J tI lin,k of marryIng . . ~1i1 plc. sDhf mClOof'Y· . . Cdl [lIn In ~ lor'll. ' never u foo I,or ~ , man 1I heud \\'n8 Jllllo,wed ou her firm, and . her ping pO ~8IUnQlely . , Gr~d\lol1y her gric' '\Vhatnil cartb made you bll)" th.t bookl "Vc c. nn.n IllIIIk ItWIn d\·,d, tho' 1I10Y b~1t one.speel lnen or Ihe llIuny nno rr p,·ut. II DIltI "I IiberlY I\'lIh ull h l~ pow~r, lo l \ ho~o uGliness 1 cOlilu bo Qshollwd •.j~1l 1l1 flice-wQslmjf' hiddoll itl II 1\0)011 of beuuli-,I nppenred' to Qxh.u$1 il elf; hllr breothing -asked J or tho cle~k ., ,oqn ., he had Denl','illhQIlrouilSward c servlces,lhe empelors reee ll'cd IrIJ l1l CTU llh these brul'c pCOI'I~. Ho triod QlltI ' I thillil 10 tlllk ,sen. e for Ihe ,one Ullt! 'Ilnc l fill ellr l~. ' , beCAme 11~IUrQI;' I;~r ,cYQ8 alld cheekl dry. gOlle. . ) W e 10". 10 che'loll 111 ~ur hcarIB the ~-Jungorlun9; bUI llo ey munlre. led Iho,lr iil .n goud dcgr('e BU re eded, '1'llis ~'uil f"r !hc other, wilh plcnty or 111IlllO),. \loult! 'fho sfrll gglo, WD8 o\·('r. , The ogony" llor head Ill' pouuer\lllj Ilpon lier nrm , over 'See here a mOlllent1' , ,'I'h. ir i"'"I/C., lloJ 1. 11 g,rQlltude ~!.~h ~ bu.~Ht o~ tl',rUllliY alld llo ~ F cnli.tlUlld Ill. who lUid I\ceccdcd hjs ,fu- be preferable . 10 j:vjlll: ol)dcurilly , \V,ilh 1 ~\'Qft puoscd. lihe ~u\V lIlr. \VI/Jlington cll- J \Vhlch 6welit her di~ heyeled Ireucs-ulllil ladvDhcl'd and ' looked ov.er, III, .heulTo II ,.nilill .nr•• ,he\! love and troll!tloc r In 1636. Out nu "or~y \laB ,lJravo; l o lIUUd,!OIlIC, ilitel lectu,,1 mO"-lf ~ I~Pl1 ter.olJd orose cheerfully to n,och'a him_ ! Wllt1,n alarltiho oried: ,.. dcr. • \lo'rst ~peclC8 of 0PJln1 s~lon. How I.. !h"ir,bluulII d,cy f.lI; n ow ~rI ~hL u 1J)l1o< rrolll ,,.rlh lhoro fled :rho secon" wor IV08 brOil "hi on 'in th o I"nd ulJ1\.: ·t! hinl to , rUli fy ulld rl<ton d Ihe ~'ec(lll"my mighl "e 110(' as ury.' ' m)1 l\u(. rd pi til Ioc r; ' ~Iis. sllll;OIl ,,,'n\1 IIFrullk! Oil; ' FlInk) cOplo beck!" , Turning up aile lind of thll book. he rll. Wllell 1)!UltiCti uwny 'he ourly dead. r!!I!!? IIlId by Ihe nots ur R~(h" I'1o or Rh O' 1rorm er : rtlp les 'or pel!ce. 110 died, 1657. f I do nul' kllulY hilw 1Il,lId l of Ibi, ~ nti. fllrt,uoo f3soi ll"l ~d Ile r moro. fl(l olreretl "Here I am 1" 8ui~ II sort voioe by her moved a amnII .Iide, and dllcover.d _ .topdOIJlb th e liral, wllu Inol'o parl icll!urly gUY~ 6U~ was succeeded by Ledpold I" whose mont CIIIlIO (r./)In Klltio'& " curt. '10 un- jllcr his h llJi ~ . he uece ~~cd !t. A ki6d ~ i~c . ' " pIll ",hleh ho unsetewfd: ~nd thtn ' hAllded 'fl 11\I!y dOlld: how uwcolly r.!I ~ ' . , 'l'l ~ Ill~ IIl 'ry of Ih~lr wonh rc ligiu is tUrl! I') II,e COllle". It II'ua II), ! on ly Udl',I.er8 lV~re ,e nemies or B\ln~~ry " duuuledly il1dulgQd iit I')I~Y ideo8 of DllIlllll" ijl.'uh:d 1hc ,ell lf" genll!l\l.... buL h was 1I0l I ' She rlliscd her helld. She ope nod her hili.t he bOl.li. which 1 n~plled mechanleal' , P"O qur hcurl8, whtill I.mling 'ocAth ' Ilia ortl ~ r Ihe LutlllmlllS WNe cOI~ m u llcJ ~tl. 1 D!al wl,vsc re ~gn of lorIY·l.'ighl yeor. \Vita : nnd slyie-ror her. l't!htluliull I~ l ~iea ' ~uc h n, kle~ as Fruuk , hlld , given, her, 'lIId, 118IQ}li.l!cd eye.! ',,FrAuk WUS B10lidin: bo- Iv to my llIoulb. , Tho hCb.lu~•• III" earlh; to lie burnt, 'rhe ililoleru~IQ ol'pre.sioll tOile of IIl1milil.!.o,led () pprosf ioll DOd Irrror. ! lliJd IIhj1$ of life hud b~l'11 ,M'i i'.l rlt. ~ roo • W ,cOllld n bt 1'\)l'rC~s n 8i ' liI . forc hcrl I, ·WIII.t il ftl',a, klld b'e lauihin!:. \"'0 ' 0011 1)1')'0111.1 tho Iroilt.lel1l1olV. of tlds'despot coold npt li e 1\lIuurl.'d, 'J'lIe I George Dultoc zy II. oPJlOJwJ him for "' l lh~r errOlleUU"; but thut II"~ Wng c blo Thera \' 1 )18 II 'll1ogllilJ~ent "wtdd lng.• You lIove tieon IIIlcE'p,'" 1.0 &alll •• mi· 'Brohdy-br jlngol' etclelmlld I piU,l Ali<I vl ~ \V I'loi r llencelul rOll t p~oplel'Odc. 'hllOlh er SigiRnlu'oq \VIIS f\l\lu tl, lilll~ ill 'rrulI ~Y Ivu!'iu. Ilul !icing 8l1rruuild· of dee pM, beller foellllgl,. none d\i\itllcd. plendh.!ly ~ltll~~, ~d"2zling the eyp ' with Unr kindly. illg IQ lako breulI/llod lII,ki", traele Ie , . In l'UII LJp ghl wQrlJ, where ~(Ifti rep08ft 'l'h~y fough I. Al losl Si!lls mund lI'ue de. jcd ~y rll cmif'8 obruu!l~ GnU !J lrny ed o~ t ,,1110 hurl ~v«1r obtp lned e~en II, p" rllal' her be,btlly tllllS- Adbrnerl. ,viI h flv llry .Ihl!lll J. "A~lo"pl" Ille door. Tllil.gOo)d, lho loveJ. 'Ihe bledl, 'i he)' lead u" lIl' • myo\lo CI'RIII, Cealfd nlld Il,e l'OU'll~y ill the bOlld~ oC thc l ~I:1I1Ie 110 tilluUy Cen ill bUllle \\Iilh the ' glimp~e (jf her true WOIl,UII'd :lotu··e. " ! llrOUlld hers\\' lIl,mih,(J ill 'lhe ChiJrlllC~ n'[1.J "Ait'd "rell.":!i]I" too. I .lIiluld ·thUu; whore IIfl! you goiri A~o,' " Ihe ~ c.n'" uf ourc )lou'llOln. 'Up 61aiTil It h~~ ju.lllruck Iyrullt. The Tur~f, wb" hud ulded lli t· lUik.. f(J60 , L~opold so)zpd upon the l .Alld lhe, tltTlo' luriveU, c,t lenglh . hen 1I1u9ph~re ' of '.fu irY·,hlllll. leuto A'II':o .lIurijlla.08ulltly,e"her ...., " IDe Ihai ill611rl:eotR, Ivett' l'uruged al !h!d redul!. ~(} uhtry. find lieu ""iI the sullull (ou::hl fur , K ulie W88 to 1j.1\(! thut 1It.1,;',IIJ1urli\P~ IIlep , b~tnl to tllo I11~O her I\mlllli~ n-ool h ~ r "'DreUll1inl!~ " murmered felipe; en~ I, the PlIgl'im'.l>roltl't'lIwlll bit an e~cell.nt 'fhe mi{;illl' d..d! Ilteir ~ oo~a oro ours; T hI' ~Illin n iii nngQr raided It YCry large' II, nv\\' OIlO tin ItOW :ho ollocr 'n Ihe OS- jo( whi()h she ho." ort~n IIpl,lllm so Ii J.tly;" love-hud ohooell! . , " : o\ln (l~col1ll'" addition to Il'JY library.' Thu\ Ih~l' ,rolt~ card. havo p~hM.~i "I IlUl'e dO," rQPlicd Fronk takloll' her The n"Jlt d.y the pedl ' I k . 'I'h Ir IhQUIl"", 'h ~tr word~, Iheir 110POf force l ru.lll'd 11110 Ihe c()un \ry, ~rllve the cClldlln&. Tile policy 0: Leopold. lillo whqp alltt Wllll I~ do.lIUnHlrlHe to l,er. crlelld~ ! Dul_crrlllinlj Anlilitioll eoold not hnvt! ' I· ~ , , I ' '' ' ' I' b 'I " Ii I ' I . ., ( , ar 1 ' 1 DC "I' ea· wl\l 'lil'o. " Gormulle Ollt, n~d rec~,lJcll S j::i.'"III(d l" l t luI 01 Il1 ij ~~r.dccc~8orli olld tiUllces oril" huw mll uh oC 'lIor h,tlil,rt WIISJri tl~o 'f.tItds mill e Q e~tu r C IOlce. /I rcm y I Ie HOlr hund. "You coIIIU hul meo1\ 10 , ~'1l1 d ~tl hauited. , . \Vhit. enrch ft~d .'Imo .Iioll latl. ' lhe head 01 umms. 'lh!s WUd in 1,·rUlIsJ'l. "'''R. tO 1)I ~lIk ~ho power of Ihe HUII~ruri' l w~ hdve qllole~. , " , ! llerftr,lf 8~ rrOU I,IiJcd ~y a 11I0glllfi~enl ~ourt. /rtlm YOl1,80 cruel/y! [know. So I ,waitel1 _ _.:...._ _ _'--~ 'l'Jn;ir Vl//~ ~th ... Iho' Ih~tr (Ullglltl VIIIIIII. tllld Upper llullj,;lIry, nut ' Iho 11ell! uM nnd Ih~rt:by llI,!ke lhem will ing BUU At Ihe ellchanlinG' oge or eighteen eha , of whiuh, GhCl wus lhe nrk!lowll'~ge tl ond In yllllr lather's II~dy, ,yhere,L h~vo been ' ' Melln,al IJf be :tYor4 '.Bllole'.' Ar~ .1 0111 111 ,1.o ~u.t, " ' , 01 buu~e o~ulo turll ed . Ti,e ~Udlnl\'l8 ~jecli of Qrt)ilr~ty' pO\\ler. Hellc,1! he would , hud 1I)"uy sui lars; but u!l-lihe never g' V,to II : IldUlirc!~" !I?eO!n. 'fho luv'o"r~ 01 forlulle h Ulk'IIIg wiih I,im .11 of nit hOlm _ , 'Old loll Dundee "'1I.t one time on'e of In word~ 01 nt Qoill" thro' our hurla. wera V\lltOflO~8: ~lId p i&:isnlulI,d WIlS 1l . leave. th um I.'xlI:,~ed ~o Iho 'J~urk' liB hlllg ecriuul ~hoUf!h t \I mor\! \hlln, 11V0: ,l\'e W<i ll , ,: cre Ih()\Ver~d UpOIl her; sue noluled ,ux~'J.onllle bod" \0 'vlend m., co~&e once more th!! 1)10.~ popular d.,liiea Jf1 our city. Uo Aud !,oipt uli 10 Q Iru.t 111 re.11OI8 tI( alnry. "IT awvy. , 61)cond tllllo dr.VI·1l B,wuy. ~uw c:Jlllmen_ 1na he, du leiJ lur I,I. ol(' n .u rety; ",," fUUll'n. · f'llluw lIer I.'lIomple, 011" tliaC)llr~ l ng 1111 I.\x· l p ul\ijly " IlPIl ' h~ IiUlOO\U ~"" glos6Y wllve 1-u.nd found you hero \~herc 1 left 'YOl'- was kind of a patriaroh aIDo'll, the color. WIIVre.1I unknowu I ' tilll decay. ccj " 8uene uf h!JOnil6hcd ulid !Jcvu.'llli,," I ted illMC()rd hl'lweell SCCl8 und rll cila. For cel'l lh,jse fuvured oue8, Ctlll ider thoir rei· of u chnr!'itd lifo. , aelodp," "', ed PllplJlotlon. an~ unlvcrially.likeCl by tilt!' OC/(/Olll ~quu:leJ. ~'XCI'Jlt liy Ihe UCIS or 'tlli. ' a tilllo hO"'\\,08 ~ucctissfuJ. ThD countr¥ IHive rl aim,. NOlh lllg \\I ns w~ntilllIl ill tho whole cir. "Oh. whnt 0 horrid <lream!' 1 mllrrnered white folk~: Abobt Ihto titl1e ho ,tbod It SII.lle d)'IIU~ly 011 olh~r uccII Kiuos. · Genc. ' "'a~ Eu~dued. alit! luf-liler enormili~d re'~n· l II this were nny OIlIer Ihnh n' Iruti story, ele uf Ilcr,u,utwurd t>xlSleJlct'. (0 nUurj~ I~ • .ij:ullo. rubbing her eyal, .. rt W~i 80 like lho hClld oC the Nilw .tr~et Ghurcb he WIl' FAREWELL. riil DU"~B Willi " lUt u d III Trun y lvu~liu "cl ed Lust olld ulnotl \VUi the or~cr of I s hould certailliv use on nrti~t'8 pri~ IO.l!e, " dllel (1IIIk,e )t bright with hup,Pllll!li~., ., ,tcrrihl, roolily thut I ' ~h~dder, n ~1V to ' ul"fora Iqu'", (aow lud,e) wn/'TTtN Ton TJI£ Iiltt.WlI VI SITOI\ as II uo llhuly g\Jv"'rII~r, Oil.! Iho Il\lJ~Oru ~~,e d.y. It s~, nl~tl t,ll Le the Iduu or Ihe~ti ! uilli aim 10' pruJ"re UII 1't1i:,cl by Ina~hlg Du ~IIC) W~B "",t IOllgI II dl6cov~rlllg that thlllk or!" .1 tllllulitht I ",as rno~ried!" , ,to ieltity to the charAoter 'ot ~ Unynu\" I)'~d U1I lIIuell bi:tll;'r th ¥1l ho,."" , III/ llm Il U8 rnler~, Ihu~ If lhl')' coulel d ~ ~lr~v sl~ong C4l1lru~t belween thc~e two tror- .. h~re .wus 8umollllllg wUIIlIIl8' \'I19 'lu her who wos oliaricd with pe\ 1 I.... ",Arid \Vould litullle ~o horr'lbhW' II ked BY COL III OJ 1< 0:. llll~ ,tige i~ more e,l' Jil:lllclI ~d thun tI"n; J the .Joillustic reluli Q Il~ olld huppilleu 01 1cd illd lvldliols. If I could ' h"ve PlY- WOrt OWl) lircu,s t. . " . • l~rullk. f 1IIIIps Ihen )'OU llid not i1ronm oelly. . Fnrew~lI! how diem.1 &Oun \lllhal word. I olll ~r"".1! they were "lillo, M~n, \Yunlen I tho p(' \l Fle. :th llY wOllld , tll ~r('by lur hrr olle shuuld. he 11 po.lor g"'ilfu" , Illd ftomewhut Ht'r ~III~ frl e ll~s woro Jl\1I110r91l8, her you were married .to me!'" , . 'Well. J'ob,' IIlId the ,.quire. "what dq , 'h~1J br Irlh~i1 by haartl b&\\' tlllown willi "litl hi ildren II·Ctc., nlilde I!\O \'Idims ul " i ~ , their d,'.ign', by pardy eXllllgnidhiug u.e ! or II Ilero, lh r Otl er 'iL - \ ·il.l~h)' fuol. Ilnll hU6ll"lId t~lldcr, klfld. 6\\.11 Jovillg; ~~~ nil .. ' o-J thouaMl gpve ~y han~ w.'th.!'ut you know IIf tbe'ch,rallter of dw dere'!d· '' 'I. . eruehy untllle"~lial1 ty. T il\! p,/uplc wt!ro ~J/olfynr I'UGO. ~ 60mowhut of a klluve. 'the ultelltl"olI~ nlld nf!1:c(I Qns ell" en)o~ (fd Ill}' IIrl',I." . nn~7' \ r. IIpr•••• ,],o$ noh . "rldoning IQn o. "hon hcanJ- " . ' I The colliltry v M ct I:lM under the em. But Ihe trulh ;~, our J:oor genius was c(lll I''I not fill IIcr' IIc ur~. IIwcr 10 eI,.nc. Ihe .uvu ~ /oe, nn olJ)" dr ivufI to de.puir. 'j'lho CUi,611 \O. , ·tTllclllr you 'gave /DO your h~nll. it I ·Well. r know. con~ldtr.ble 'bout tbe 'I'h~L word Ii.. or. bnrro~'cd U I \\,1 11• pAin l ion \Vue (H~r~gllrdetl ,ulltl truIl1JlI,'~ III~er Ipe rvr'~ cllnlrol, IllUu/.:h rellelll~d efrllr\d 11 \ much o( 0 g~lllu9, nor Vf!ry pour, eithShe hud 1))ICe, ~ It ~t9 nhorda at ~Yll.pn- WIIlll,) not be \\oithout your houtl." I Clo!ored Indi~idualj and I neber fln'l blm fuut; G "rll1un~ Wt'rC' qu~t1ercd in 1!~ l r were mude 10 crus h hi. p'0\V cr. A'cr\lsude j cr. 110 ,\I 8 lIy , Jlr",!esai~ n D, \Ilauh e, 01 tlly UlQ\'i\d lIy It ~!lIrl 'ui lll\lth j 8~ID hud " 'No. F~JllIll,,: 8~liJ Ku~ie, her bright lIuilr..r of ('III, onl , ·fence.' re~lied Job, 'fh (0, illig' Qi Iho humull "~Dtl divIne, Arid l.. u.~d Ihe .callllnil' l~nr8 II> Ob \V. l'nilJij l wllh I'V ry licon Io)'du ci vil. Thu I \VIIS rdl .c d ' ull. i ll ~lthe Prole.tllll\S Their ,"1I6ic, ond he c ~u ltlll\'e ve ry comlurtub ly klillwil Ibe he,lIv~nly oh urm of th~ ,r tle.,l , rye! ~UIIQlillg happily Ihrough toarl-"Ilnd will. /Ireot reverenqe, Faro .v ~/11 p~rh\lps i~mny Il~ Ih~ luI, Oil-I 8u\l/'II,tH" \ tlyellty,oll arli,,1 e ur I~w ell! " 'he, Dhd tiChObls \I'rro pull~J uow lI , }ln excrclflll thcr~uf-wilhullt the mtl.rt di~- , de!iciou, h,Of mul'1 i untl OC!\V they worll " i· hrro itl9: h , ' , '~611 whi!li'tlle D.tu~e of i~. otr~ACf hll~ "U 00 curlh Irta ~ 1110 110 more; lu Rudolp". I~ ' bc e~ .. lirll!~d; bill II~ add'ld ,IIIIU \I'v " hUl1d rt>d "nu Or,y minislera f tile trlllt hop e4 hO\vIlI'Cr, of rw~r ~\tuiui jll: to I l~nl-lllotrol~1 lib-nlllffl?d, ~u til "perll(. in SilO Illueetillor (olr hand,in hi.-ll~ kilt· YOIl nnude tol' ' Yol orr 'ha mOllIPrl •.jo 01 lhp I'~ l. 11 IlI'cllly " rI:'IIl" urLicl", ,01 11111 ell, cllm ' rell,rlll uontri ll1!9 were sold Ul fi lty crowns ! wf) ullh . Il,/reovor, Frullc"1 Minot p~s _ sdll'l and SIl\iI1~. 'rlled.a chord, ·sliII ,0 lid, ed It in tr!1nlpprlt ·Why. tlo n ia,er.1II biaoced.' 11'1'11"''' ' or )'". tI, \viIJ II Ii I~ro. lir lh fllil ,III furn.Clr "l\',j ill l'uvor uf Ih!! fto, l ehr h l<~ 11,O 1!~ IIi'y6 or NupJ ~ !" 'J'ha re. 1sed exce!lpnt qU1I1tio$,. wh i,eh eotiU~d 101m soundless, hllr I~ cbrt, WOs J"ad! 1I0\V, tho ' Alld , o()h u~e, there reo I mar· 'Ih', whatl' . ' Wh.'~ hligt~I '~ ~ I,,/p." IiI I ,eReh ,(Olld br"cUl , .ll/dli ,Gllurl>h, ulld tJr~ 'ted Illat UIlY verdOn I Clowned I),. :f ~y \('r cuused them to lie Jib. ' 10 bc ' colll'd uy didC !l!ol elde'rly »I!ople, • I to 80 becnuso It ~nd hellO killctl hy n rl.ge· nut Ii B]llpn~id. ~I\t It hIl.PPY,one; nul '~igoled, bllloted-TdOJIJ1't ),011 .IIQ\t And ,ondl y 'l.oUIII" 10 nmko u. t..1..wl, l in,ttllJuclllg rc llbri oU, " queatl,utl,8 bulu,re thu cruted u IIcrlvb,rda. , ' "fine IlhI\r QOI 'lr; , \jy. lila com p~1I1 8"" IIQ' ,," IIIf', n .hQI~. f , H VIIIIl ~ "o~~ l\ ~ud [ult the follo\ d I)', (l lire: of IUlI.ury, \)ul by a ..lIfe whnt bigoted Am,l' . Oil! ¥ulj 1"0 ,lroQI\I Illurn lI ' cr, . ,. I ,. " . . . ,' , Diel, sh"ul~ btl pUlliolJlld DB It pcrnicltflls I T I I I I "h I, t I lole, /'IoQ(i relluw'," IUIII liy tho lu~i ,\ener. II 'Ie 0 r sYlfIl,ut II>, J,n \ OVC, " I10 'i ou I~uI lIul ullL 01 ,love ouu contclltmellt; anu llat \Vos Ihll ' ,.. ry by, no.' replied, tb. . .quIre." wlto I. , , '. ,wna 00 mue I ."r uuman 'Ift ur 10 .. • t A • , \ r6,rwrUl /II.~ Ihy 1,10 lie ~vJ>t brl"ht II!; no\\'. re(\)~Ol er. rpulalty p: 74' 'i'hlg \VIII ]004 b. TI~' -, ' " ' '- II nlly. u ·'''"rling.'' I.. ' n \lUrn for t, on ... IlIll ((lr I~, lInllOI'l~U cd by mnrrla!!o 01 li'rullk )lloot and Kijll, Yule. ITll,lch oJ 1\ w'l, 'Will rOIl ..leG"· tb_ '1 \ II .. " t . , ur. 11 '.,.acy"ra, ~1l0nc .. nllre.n.. " ' f, r I ' 1 ' . . , \ ... .,, " ,1 0 lUll UUl'P .)Id 1\'1 Ie The art'''~~.lln di u\lOIl prl.'~ d l r~. 'rllo ' u ~~~ r r:lllerjc 'T uk;h.( /I lere Dlld " 8M" K~ li¢ could I'ot hel lo\%g ,';.j \1 II" 0 ,1IkUl'f· n ho t. {utio in -j'~1 'Q.,·. ,""/~' Nfll(/f&~ ligfl1jnt. t m, Jllb1' " ' ~'.t.b;~;II~'~I~:~u :iIC~"~.~~ ,ur~: ~~v:'illJ P.. oll\·· •. ~u temilily ' nUu~~d .Ilndof r mlliwry drtlv"e. ti,e AUdll'ilih~ [rom every rUrl'Q (l lI n" 111\ ~ ne"" il. ' (ie WOI Il<'rlili) sf reo ~1111l b:''''ulI'I ' 1I\u/:. l'n\l'l. j~ar ule. und / ( , '; , 'Sartalnly: latt.rnly, I d¥~. To bit . 1 hOIl hO HL IUlb;'n h. y~o~ )(On .. II)' , ch lel.tulIlR, "who ru lt'd th~ clllzen4 lJy llio !long"' )" alld pUl!hed hi~ wny to th" g~l\!" ferrctlllis eo~lcll evell tn 1I11IlL f Mr, 1:1· ~~e(lJldl" unba.('~1 ,. . b.,atcd, I colored ~uuon ~"ow-'too AIIlI h ll ' II br lllll .. t Ilvlnll, fl U"lo s" .:.rtI. Ulld (lrotilied very lust or Ii. rbn r. M the "pill(l. TJie \!lIlpuror I ' UII 'horo- hl)gtQI'I, 1I\IQm u!une 111) Raw, HnON ~ 110-, Then 1\ ilhMII~e ~eaamo appar~nt In her 1 ,LJ (ti ll ' ,' much (or one allllllut enougb lor 10 1 'r'h ~I I)QIlI" II'jll ~ound La 1\11 blcrnh". i. 1II dllli brUlnh ~y Oil thl! liVt'6 I properlic ,UI.. " """ rill( I f urcc d'",0 ,8 8·k t1 t ru ee; It ' was nur wi'h Uio,app(.! /Jntloll of rl!'ul. " ; ..lJusbrtlld. , 1ft! cUllld noL 1 1:' rC'fI)ulll blllld =~==:::~~~=~-=/.==:;==:...~~~~~~:9:~J;~~--~;... W:tyn lr llle, ~hy , <I S3~. Ulld P Cm" " (1'clJ\ P ... O>t) grtl rl tI!d I 'r "IX . IIllmttls ; nn d I'k d T I IS lI,Ir. WoiUn .,.uto li~ (h i~ cllmp""v na '\1 (he fUGt that 1- lIS or bul h scx('"I ' I ' e u cuwur I hl3 love! WUB lOot relurned, r • we re oilly l u u:;rhellll~, by IiiI.' emperur \~ h~n U6 he PS he 'l1 ~d !'rom f,i~ capito l. HI co Jleli/' illl thu "duku. 'I) W6~ IlIJ i lot , o~ Ho 80ugl~t t I~ cl)~pnn.r of t\tQ~e whoso . . Da, Fll.UUU.IlI'1 MOUL Co~,-l'b. Iheir Wllilillt ,,,i ~ CUIIIO b% re him. '1'l1e I Legged ui d of olhe~ nul loqs; und, at lust; hump·buck, ~e 1 ooult! h~v~ lVi.bed Ilim 10 guyCly ~JlgJlt le.d him ~o (or.!!"l Ihe c1v rruw Among thll numeroul Ill!pedlon\. \vhleh folJowinl /i.t of mor.1 vlrtllll8 WU "rawn rtly .1 "iIl~1fl cO,uld lIluku n j ;.~ nllJ ntP-rri. "ired Ihe Tll rk., lu 'drr('st Tukulyi irl his UC, III ordor to make II goc,~ Gtory . Ol~ ulld de~pal.~ of hie soul. Thld "h~~lIow jo'l h~,vo' IIcen re o,rted to In evading die up liy Dr. Franklin fur tbe ~I.tlou of IIItl'It oVdr thf'.c Inhumon Ulr cilicfl ' th is ' I • j ' I.I . .' I I ' tl.e C\lIJI.l'UT),i he Wll tr U lIIun I~r eent B, evil· wa~ UnsOllu(ac\pry, hI/wever; nlli! Impl ol. blnu L~lIhur,' 'u ... , tllo8 fuJ/owl.n" I, the hiH life. , / ',' , • l Obrl!Qr 0 YIC,o.y. ~ e WDd 801=0.. IY II~ " I d II fl' 'I ~ " • d 8(\cr"~\ 11I1I of vlrlue Slid Ihe dOl~PSll'C I lurmer , ft ,\ .' ". I I i I't. " cPtiun "'oul! lo'oks I).lId fino mUllner I ijnd 0 y power II 10llgllljPi IUr OYO, 110 wellt mO,al II1"cllloU8,: ' Tem"fl.rallce.. Ellt all't to lulhle...• driak , ,Cllud a,nu It ien n C 1 I tlK tu o u~ It ... .. sonntullry ! . 111 thi~ l':>tlrt'I/1 '11 /)\Cphe ll ~ .IlInlillvV lc, and u opold was IIgain IIbs/). thel'o wu~ Ilothlllg ,of th" kllul'e OI>OUL him, B\Vhy tll wurlll hi h¢~rt b~ 1\ 8lrH~l:e lire. AI,out II (urtnighl 'Ine~. I ull Ipeclmen nOL to elevation. . , U,)l .. lwy rOI"cd Ihe ~tolldnrd o·. Tel'lJII u ' .1 d •III mu k'' Inll usl f oold ever asccrtoln KUlle !lOW !teuGH !lOIV. III tho !)IldOI ur a of YOllkl'e mUllufoou,lre arrived In lhe 'SIleneo ..... SpeDk not but ",h.t ina" Wn. .-;- I,uIe mpn.~'r(; I I , ne sucr.~euc " . , I " The people !!Jlme to hid silpport lly Ihou. '/ Ihll rn'lO ~rcl,y of Hllhgnry herede'tury ill' Dtl~id('8 1111., 1"sipconlP, was tlUfficjcnl (II gorgtOu8 dC8ulotlon, burning witl, a Jlllrst good !lily of Porlland, 10 the Stule o( elil oUil.'r. or younelf; 1I'11IIna cuftot enndd. BII ~ ltI WPIt d~ r<:UL~J; the v l.Jt~ r$ slcod (If ci Clive. His 6UCCCR$ ngoillsl thr enllblo hilll to live eupl'rllly. AI_I!. J" wns ull'loepchoblu by, gO.lden straQIi18 thut flo\v., QJuine. ulld e,tobl/.hed himlelfond,lugllage vClrulion. wmrn:.~ ron Til E 1:1,\/011 VIS.TOIl. rushed , r9~\\IIlr<1 ill Iriumph. urove eve ry l' Tur/cs nO li u"th er e~l!u.les cmb6ld~lIed hion c n.ider d tw o or Ihree dPgTeli. 'Iulldlom. cd uroulld her; p"llllnA' ,\'J(lI!I hungt'r ~,ot. at the Elm HOlel. 'l'hls' Jugs-ure c~n .. lll- ' Ordet.-Let III ),our thln,l hln t!.eft BY U1StOtlLIlI1S. th ing be fore the~l, swel'L cvery enemy til Pcr~tlcut(! Ihe HlIlIg~riUlJ8 Iln~w. '1'l\e or Ih~n ,Mr. F. lUlnot. .. oil the fO(ld of Il"ltery 1I11t1 Ild,mlrblJU,n ed or 1\ I'lall \11111.0' und 8 larlle oblong plullelj Ict eaoh parI of ,odr bd,lll_baytl --" (,'um lit Illlld,,'ond Inurellt:d up to lhe very SDme dlauolicul DI~U~Ures wero reHortedLO 'l'herllloro the 001)" Illil'lg on whIch could opp~DlJe, , /'0)(, eonlUining ((or Ih o 6pectr"url hUlh,,- it" Limo. , COJn:INlllm J'IIOM IJA~:r WEEIt" WAll. of Viennn. , Rudolph wna foraed 10 l uuJ w ith (Ioe sumo 8ucees\! alld the 6nlll~ FrUllk llUIltl> "I'pl.' nd. ~09 II,e pow r 1l~ . She reproached her)IU[lIa~d ~o~ deserl· aOlilied its COIIICIIIII) A quolltity of book. Relulullor.-Relolv.roper(orlDwhat,oll , ~ turn lu 1,lIuhnzy, whom , h"l h:ld oull.wrd resul t. ' ' I p!l~S06Sl!J ov r Ku~i 'e 8ymplilldo8 Gild' Jlf. lOll her thUB; and he answered .wlth allgry richly bound. which , the prc'prletor hud perlorru wlthuut l.iI what JUU reCHAPTER' qr Ja It! uani _hea. to nledl' ule a peace_ nu. , '1'1 t ' d d I I'b . d b fCClioll~. Tho "dOke"-allh'()III:" iu~t 't'le ulld dcsperula I~unts, or docepllou, lind a llought (!Jr lhe pUlpO." 0)( rotaliina about 1"lve. ~---" . , III 0 /1 Dr 0 I Nty was rn18~ y • toltul luck of lov p which smote Iler C<Jlldci I I ' FruaaII ty.-.... v Ii b r,JIEnOU~ 5TlttfGGLr:g do p" (llId 1l015buy Clime to lerm~, ~nd' 1100 F . R I II I ,. t I . mnn lor her )11 every at be. 6CnlJO. bein~ .... • till e ty. m e 110 ('xpeale. lit to J: musl 1I1.t be uPPlloed IhtL 'lhe tyran. ' Rr Jig foulS P ear-e of Vienn~ "'lid the ro~ulL .' r"III C'nH I'~ tu'd'zy, 'd" \1" 10 wasI 8ulrccti~ I'11 blel ed with . ' I'IJrlunl'. gOlld look" .nO l!lIce hpuvily. J ' AnN leelng hi. propcrt' plaClod in :111, do good tu olher. ilr fou"aelfi tha' i. trr.l~ · · f rerlfom uu d tile atrlct . I IIIf I' '"' ~ u 1111L oree'd 118 wny '·y"u do ' not core ("r mA "I' he criotl- room II IotlllU I ' to II I"I, the po d IClr made hi. notlllnil" ' Ify"f rhe, Hou e of A11'<1rill 'V06 t{llD~ly ( IGO q,) It "/lg'OIl8 " I" r 0 lie WII I commo/, £ense-hud lIev~r bp~n..' to . . . , 10 te nll{l. eopo .l wu~ b u l f p'u tu mu te ·'{l "why'" yo I cl)mplai 1 ,fa t 1 be tolV . • I'llcurrt\ by the urnvo alld ',vurlike I\~. "vurd ; 11I011\Ie1i01lCe ul .thn Hllllb",nnn Cunsllt,,· It .. .. .11 " ,," .. drllw II,c6e oul; ulld Iho hRlftlble IIncl,'ifed' 'I' '..... I U ~ 0ppCHrnllco 10 tilO office. wllh ~ Imull vol-+~J.n,'u~,tFW,;--hItlt..,.."irmr.-iJ,.-mm/T1n11", ' . .. 'I ' • II B utslCllY ,lie . d 8\101) ! poace. Irolll .. lIwt ,,1~llwl'l'ra the nUO!llliUlla YOll hovo lDet lim e .III II. I Ilun. d n"g I/111('1,'dllI ~ Iuten, pIoyed In lomfl hi nl UIII , \I I ou~ 0 f • II UD· rur othcTwl~t). Fur npbrly 'two cel\luri 8 !lOll \Yore prO'I)I ~ e. I I.' d 0 , xpI'~ touI veryI "ualtlnll II f 1I1r, Fronk Wtl8 1I0t willillg to b ltc~tl I lr G lmll~t eve ry 1\"'lIor(\l; \Vn. involved ill ~ ~(ler, und ill 1608 Rudulph ubd lcaled,- I'~ , tn Utll, "t'. \ 8el~ up lie Igi ~I II bhe would 8uffi'r mere '¥urJdly IllJ(l,ldera. Willi cold nUll" shrcwtl eye leI~lIrcly arolllld Iho rooUl. "eceasuryacllon. d l \\ Dr or WMS ",ith I/l i~ much uuuscd people . Uid brother Mutthius \\Ina elecled killg. I rr cem," III" lOll rUI~. (r1~cmry II ~IOP) II lon8 tu cuntrul the a.pirDtlul1~ oll h~r "Blltlt i. wrona--linful •• Kalie remon- whit'h cOllluine.! ut thnt mtlment 110 011" Sill¥ril),_-U.e 110 hur~ful deceit: tfllok _ . , tlIroll g lout 110 couiliry. e 1" 2~1. 8lr~led d I I d' I ~ It to Th~ tir$l 01' itllpOrl~nc~ WUI cumpll'lleed but nol ul\lll be hnd slIlemuly BIVtlrn tu ' B I • • ' . II ' I i heurt, . • but thll clerk n,n mY80If. , nnocollll an JII.t y; lDu 11111 I~I •• • , I ' , ul til' JlIISLrlUn' "'('rt' In 0 JUnco w"1 "Y"I' I know It!" IOld I'Pr hu_!Jand F d I' 1 d h Ii u· I In Ihe time of Chllrle~ V. or Gern.ullY oh. erv" the Cuniltll\lllOlJ, Dod the P~ncD of G D ', I F' II S However, .he •• id to bim, (lne d~y. whell ' • .. .. . . 01, of r('nd Ill: I Inqll rll t l' peddler .pen accor In". . r F(lrdinllnd wu Kiulr of'• V'leunl\. 1'1IUS wrllllntted " . relit PUIII, he preescd \IN to, do ,Ide IIi. t'ut~untl .b~ fifrcely . "1\ l. Ihe ev.1 rrult of an eVil 0 r t.I e c' Icr k , ~ IIe II. d IiIIlli . I d I' 1 U. tl oe.-W r!lng DODO b, o dn " , ., .. !'use brulfi for a Bhorl lillie d '''I rlln III .n Gn "I u 118t I P .ronco" un Ie 11M 0 b• IDJU, II ' t b i b I ' d d an .,lIr orOIll! I unl flu ce toul!~n9 wer.l' d I Reed And who luwcd thot aced? Who " II r' r mlttl' na "'e b. 11'- i'~ l"'e " r lIullnllry IIfllla(terl"ll rds (lmp('rur. ChdrlC8 118 6 r gil" e weeu Ire" Ulll III ly r~I1' \ I ' . ' '1'1 " II , a)l tu lim wllh II allrl\: IhrVI1 un. lei. 0 ... 111 .. W i . . you 10 ullt e UI ' l;"I'e me Q htlnd wlthoul n licari_who be· 'n • ltd' lied I d t . .. , ' . , l evr ry v Hl rc VIC.OflOIlS. , ,' lifter c1culilling lll8 beliel in the doc- Ily. .Dleu h" ill1 h,'rl Leo pl)lLI hlBGerman IIhHure "Oh, Fronk! Jam .orry that wo lluve un ell .harer or 111'1 ~ rtuuo bUI "IIVO mo '111 I gOt any ,t mo, 0 rOil. rop lie u y t' , iI " I ' ·1 III' db' , b • ve CI'!' ,0 I U'" . clerk tllrtly.IlU&Yln.~ himself al Ihe deek, Moderatiolt.-A,old e:&trelD"1 (orb.... nnCB ,ult I"uocreel, eeremun u, IIll1a~. .. a II~S prQ.(I to e 0118 0, I 10 l'~t flu.lled witti 1Iictory tQ cunnue. R"ko'z,':. e r m • I tn 'ympu'l y-wbo levolad mo tO J " ". ' . I, I r~l ' " . "Sur, " l" no "nr~ I ~ 'J r~lh e r guell I'vi aot a bouk here r.. qllling illjurlu ........ I ~ t I I villlr unl Ylld tlu. llu Idl, . ' • ",,'" uf tho CI,urch 01 Ilig h.. hers.dec .res, rulers or tie r .,p.l>urg Cdlllily. und under IIc' loruke t he pellee he hud "etn c:uulpclf.'d · "I IIrn ~~ I .. I . 'II ' I [j' 'r II I I bl ' I Of " "Ype...:.f",r \I'll nul.!' 'I ... 1 Ie ~ eo. u 01 0 r, Yllu'dllku 10 r~ad.· COlllhlU~cl ,tb. podlar, OIIlDlllin"...-Su1Jer no uocle.IIHDON , ~', III Y we ermlll~ tu wipe (llvay t 1(1 18 r~11!1I Ie pCOl1 e were IU I'ru y Bl1l1d- 10 mil ke, elld r('orwe" Iht: war. Lut rI"'d pnr no\\,Nay do 1I0t wr,el' and cl~lp your h_nd, . , ' ftpruu r h; w~ich a tol~rntlun 0' ouch er· ~ed. Duri~lg Iol~ lilelillll', howevllr, in Ihe (1706) ut' lo re il Wl18 t!' nRiout d. DUI Ju. "Purl!" r~peuI~d Frl/nk, tljrrlinf( paJe. alta ~Igb -.rid 80b :vllh lueh d~lIpl'r4110n pe~devcrlllglr', 10 the !Jody. clot be•• Of habit.lioD. tbr~ (Prole.hIH lsm) wuuld CII.tnll Germu.f YI1(1r J61 8, Fddilluhd JI. wu. I'ruwned srph 1. foJ/owed In his rullt tCll3. The Jl wea e"ldunt tbut he hud no~ t'xpeoted I dll n e-r. r r sPy nloll!ill" yuu "0 not WhDt Iv 1~1 . TrahquHity.-Be Dot dllturbed _about fl'" dI I II . d K' II d ,t /. I Lhi~ mp r. c " II 'I 'Well it·s .• Telll sooil bookl .. nil Jllit trlftel or acc:identa CODlmOD or uDavold.· ,,'n I! emp ,'y U Diy p~\\l'ran rfduur· lUg. e prove 11 treue I('ru\la, ul1.ul - cOlltevl \VIIO olliLlnato Vlld we llllll.inl ulm(l · . d ltoryeto lil'or." . . , r ttl m b I ' " ~ my I'I,,.. ' rcilln .' • f by bolh ' sid ••s \'ictor) Idlerllulill '" belweCIl "y" . -)e~. " BUI'J K At,e, . ('.1101 Ihi down • y 0' y, illY bl 0"", Aven Illy CII I,or I~,I ru Ier, Ull d I118 \VIIS one U "Very well" luld Katie eolmin" her- rl,ht for .the umes, too, . CIIU" It II ,h'e • ble. I f I' . I d ," u r I II ' I .. J I . I I ' , . . . IlIOII Api',iU,,1 con olatlon; aud they do la1. • IU " I ' kl , ,111 01(',' IIgl.opruj\rt''' 0 llldennn· error on uI8I11UY' Hili nHl (0 uore· t/lcbe l 1i .'erllnl~ Dul Ihe I/verlVlo Iill rh!: Icr(ly(,s wIIIDnol,crJ}ltI'OIl~ , ~ ' ''1 "illnutc:umpluln IwlllllUt.u, 1 Fu )ler. or the New Yorlt ",Irror, .a. I~II" OU8 dOClrlnr. . .. (S' I ' d r I bl UO dlcot" f uII IIIe (.rcB or ..tbe enl'~.my 01, lust Ilrl'v .i1 ~ d. SUo Prnllk ul by hl' r Bid~' ",e I~ ,e)lS I.'ct e.) 'I'llI ~ t I10U~ III, IIe k'IlIu~ l·d , till hl.f Y'lur '''prool'''C'e 'lire U l1d~,ertlt''' Dut tll.I'd ' . wh"t . • milO can't lilt very easy III bodly boot by a rM,ged newlbo,. wbo Wat is lb· I t· f I I . I ' I 'I" 1600 I II L ' , • , . MUllle-Jull ubuut now.' C 8111lUnge \' lit' t 11'11 " Io.l power/u wurl!. It, Il' yl'Dr , W I ~ ul ur\'1I'" perolilioll JIS 6ct hi \\,utk-\VondcrA were Drill urtlond hor wniet \\Iii" III I"'edit", her "rDnlinl1 thutl nln Ihe cold deceitful tllin" ' . atan,linll in hia way. Ind to "hom he- ..Id, 111 I• ,. . , J " I' n • I d ' ' • .. ..,. ' . ' rhmt" very true. I>ut Tour conlolalloa,' Ollarc I•. pud It hreklhu tlot' aplrit or 1Il1u('r ~. UlllcQ IlIu''''1I e, Ie (II" e a V,I\V ~\lPIl prudlgi,a bl'h~l~ vi.i ' lll ~ II i' I\lIccl, fl· ~ lole rt: iJl lliUC~' he luwl'rt'd I" .~ voie(' and you call me-)ou liuow tllil .tllte uf tblnga I ;' d d I . 'V.mole. "OU tude Jacka... · 1,'be ur\II .. d I ' " I" III ' I 'I I I I R" " ulilurtunul~ y my ,ripn oe. not lappen u I IIr~lIne,~ wIll h hurUCI.,r z rd h l ~ , to eslu IS . t 1(' alii, (Onl Il •• ry ul lIe U'fI- UII~ IIloud wur" prutioiml'd 1111 puinl in!." tu lolk('d to her unlil abc-the pt ud Katie- callnot eUllli lfu ." .' cb In luoked' him } he f.ce .Dd rel'liad5u 'r . I' d n • I CI hi ' ( I' I ~ . • . to be or the rl,hl lIort. lUre 011 t ,e rUIll ~ 0) rlll".. ruIlI KrIl. Ihe Iri .. hlJlh ul' Ihe fll.pcri ur CUlllW. ,'he w pl-wepi Llltt'rly. "Ylle, I k"o\ll it." • I . ' .L d 'I .In·t. Jacka_they're fuller la tbe OOf.ln \ 1('1f 0 ,t~ Lowur 8 ,'rotul· " Ant If '" . T hilt tolcrullulI, . ' d ' I I ' Tberft "II. . • CUllning oer III ule pe , Full.r all oYer" which In - Heil 11111 \1 T,o'I~Y VRIIH' <': ulholiCf \Ie." loplicvt: rN o( 'Hlel. bl uriu, "l{~tic" · "i./ II til I'll wllh· urat f ""VI'II!" dl er. ' eye at II" I nqulre: . d -~ r b f.~; fIlller iD lb. eart. hi. .. . u g il t . • ' f I! the I0 fl'Dlpt. ' G 'e ' I • • u, • , y ... • ., 'Fu .... 0 t e .. uriC alld l!tty brl!'ull III It .r ulld tre mhle. R u· pRO jOl) " 1 know YOIl Iuv Ill!' ! But yuu Mr. W"lIinlflon'd brow. aftlhered dnk- • h i " .Ice Wlla D 'rJ>J'OIlcla. W' ,I evpr Ji~Tl'l! ly ell )ul1l!'tl ry ,e \VU$ oI'Jl". rd IJ) Il<,Dllial1o.-d L tI I l/l ' " I" I I BIII IIII'n. W IIU IIII d ul'en I, ' t .ort.I le'l. A, y)l1lal pedarolue. ID dt"eJl~ir with • , U Ie .. \ lin .., f tl "'vua y,,~ \ 'I 11I B 1l1' I''. II Y. dlld I' oc~y Ill ude &lrPlIlIOUO~ )(I'rli"n8 10 rotri VI! arc pruud on Il' C ~ lfi~ l! 111 w il IYi li ia "y~t) lIu"hed wilh dctcrll1inUliun; rig Wh . , Id b I the " ruel HopliJtlr, i D I I b C TI II' . I - " IUU & " u ' eu clln ,et It, III tee erk be- ,tupld boy. polnled, to the III~ A IDd Th" fir~t war im~ t /I 0) I~m ;~ Y ~UIII 111111, I ' " .ell~ , .tr.dr~ , bUl (urlun& was ng ul". t hlln. D" I YIlt! wuu ld hUI'e me Il'u e )l ull. ~vy tile hi lip. corlcd with e CUtll. oomill, inlerrated. ··1 ...."\· mode:'llIOY mind," ••1J he "Ihnt 'Guel' r .hail .eJl f6u thi' book thon,' ..ked hllu I ( h. kn ... It. . . or cwce was c(1Il' ~ul IIIRr"IH lilg pl\rlll'd tu <lcorll I Ie C\lIlII- cord W',_ t'xd h'd lI1l1 o n g hi. 101lllwcrK Bn~ word.....ond I go!" ·Y.., .Ir.' du,'lrtI un Ihe part "f 1I~lIillry .nd TrUll. try u.ld cOllti.ClJ le f otut"$, lJe prhscd in his c""ntry. And 011 I,i. ~uur1ticu ", ... "Gol" mu rlol.'rell KHtic. yetry. rll hly- ~ tl 6,11 uld 1I01."ve logctllt'r UIY /""Iler • I .iI,lcI tile pedlar dl!t'ld~dly. 'ylV'ulila Ity J"hll ZUjlt,ly" Irolll 14!17 to ,16- th~ clt1z 11. ilolo hl~ '\ -IIIY; jlllll by hlN or· vuill,.1! hid loil ~I,d C"rpo~ urt" 11IIu\IIilinj!, " III" GIIIlIrmlof hemg ll.. lI~d the husballd of thll 'What i, It-YOIl b YCI't told • the .. Well. wh.t I, Itl' '1 know Iler nIY ••11 b, .!pt, . . . 0; rind " ... n ~y JU~III S'1l.1 ll'Ullcllr'!;III Hi, tlllr. tile II !Jllie were "'I ' .U ei lO ul'd, nil' • •'I'll " .Ul\lfY \Va~ tillnlly "u\ldu~d, 1'or""u "YOIl havo dl'cidtdl' whlsptrt.d Fronk •• pl('~"iJ Mr• . Well.in,Ion,. I wl,1I1110ye hI name of it yet!' I ID .wal!ow III. f( I caD "_LDM Iter ..... , 40.tu 1071. D,lrong tllllf 101" perl~. I~\!rrd. rultb .. d IInll pill"geu " Hlld hi. n,~r· by pottioll. pf(lvinr .. loy prUVillC4', u.lIl1. III "I hl~el" my clrde1 you ahah "hla~ '" you,.. I will ,It'. th. Pilerlm." Progre.A.' whh'h w... line /If .lIfrnutc IN U, .nd Iruce c.. nl ril'lI by t.t. Ct)nlIIIDJld. "I i.. ".!t,d \1,1' f 1710 ill wa IIndor the Clw.y of IIle Hap'" "Tbpn love, far(!i\,cll!" pl.ee no l'ewUallll on your let/un., nor Ibllll 'Ob buther I han reoa It d len dine." or pear~, "Beh p~f\Y hud recuur"e to Ihe \\ Iv If Blld JUllal.. e •• 01 ('I'ery PI·ult·~\. llt b :. . " ou on mill' We will be free" • • 0 IlICB,-'You MeLD .nimaled by \hI. T L r '. ' TI " k" h I I I" ., urI[. He.to k her hUld. ,~sC'd a mom tit um· I , ' . , 'Bul thle I. an elltlrely new "'ilion.' II! -'UfK~ ,ur Olu. I. tlr ~ \"~re t pn IUUtltllu 'I, Gnu _I,teod .he glwlII o)T dc.oS 'h Wftl the 6n .. 1 termhlntion of 'he d • "But Ibe \lVorld!" aI'rieked Iblle tremb'ObI 'Il' II t b ' Nn••utUIDD ICe.,.; 11\1-- AUDle,'.ld a hI ,' d . d d ' I 'I' crl)l .nd IKJrn:lwfulry UP'III UpOIi lIfOr b~au- , • .. II e .. m.. . ' .. ,. I rOW ~ r l ll • I I wad. perloo u( II.... ail I.llun.r. ~~polr ol'er I 18 m"llt IIeaul lrlll I ' rugg lr (or ind"pcndenco of tbi. cuuntry .~ cI b h' hng lov"r_. d••ul~tilln lor fillnglJry. In 167J, Sigis. or b\l countries." '(1'cm p. !Ill),) Buch unli! the I,te wnr. ~' ~:~earrul Cute; lhen • ped er to I. "Tbe world will.dmlre YO\l Ihe ..LDe- :~:-~~~~~!~D:'~;:; ••ot (t.' and 10 ·No.l,altl.be.'I.C'ler,lbalJ .. Au'" 'Illuod died, .11.1 the Wf'llltTII portion or the I C\lmilict .rOu cd thOj nalicl,1 10 a mln'-I 0 • Dnd WilDt 11 a.-do ynu deeiro1" ..ked """ . . u . lal lII.ted till I be yuur .. lfe, .Dd b" .... her klngdoil]., un allle lOcI support further re i.t. I B~lhlen WOS " IOn .t ,\II! ht'lld or • viell)~ ~I COIlTJltmI. She pflrmittd Ille flnb,.ce. 8IJe eyeo hu.bUlld. billerly. "Thi, nl"rI.~ of u"mjr.he cOlllmeliced wrl III ~.ID,. - lUcia. kl. tb.,JelDl • ...-H ......... enee. ,ubmillN! to tile J'mperur. Had it 'QU' army. The I'n. my "'ere IlCIIlterrd fi'IYft way 10 the IInpul... bf Ih ~ lu. l.nl.ltd "ancJ.•• ,uj Dot 01 hearta. i. lIIock • we I "',)' a'llloyt<d. , _ehod,.ad hIt ...1 . tile .... . . . tlot h"~11 /"r Ihe br~ fry of the:i>Huniuri. ,n h ·t"! dlr ..ctiull. lind rxpl'lIedll.e cOlin· l\\ InlOd b r ItOl& alMll hi." t. BuT in" bIYe played the r.,.:.lol enQU Pew 'S_Y1ou-bellor look .t the plct_.' .hll \lie hlel 01 •••t ..... 11 .... . . . , ,,_. AD.tti, Clul,l hi "I' (''''~D • ph'J' to Iry. B, t 'llen alld Thurll ulliL..'d their rur. momeoL hll' _tutiun aIDe to her aid, I how Lhe eua"flIIIIOII.1 '''''llIi~ 01 &he OODLJDUed tb. peeIl." lbNlrtlnr 1M •••• t" e T,n'" .1 Ihi' tilDe. Th. (-mou, So. et'•• nd dro II the enen., trum Virun., aod ...he p..... bien lrulD her Itit. • .... l _ hllAballd Ind ill; \nat do 100 know under II~ YffJ D,*,. Il!ill'lan Wb .illlutiuuun .1.11l1li& oeca- tile Imperial clly w•• It thtir lIIeIC1.Shill r .... tt. .nJr.ul.ted. 1."lt Irlhoald 1IIftII) Do 1 0U feel an " ' ' ' ' ' . Ilu"a; ."d twice the Turka Ihrea'eMtl Vi- Thltrn returllN In ..uee to hill counlr.. 0& 1.0'B AlIfD I. JUlIlJ. A {Mble 1" fell ~ her II,.. die oal," ...1otI Is cu, ot 1_ ••• teel upon .... eler'. lie 011 fl\nl. once onder II. "PrJ •• IIL Flnll. 1aDel Delblea WH .IedH ki"l of AM III at ..!err.... .,. . . , . ' .,.mplth" Then naup of tills .urllff11 claalr ..CUt.... 1O ............. ..~:~~~~i==~=a II_lid I.•IHIIaIlIlllD ..ai..iflll ...... ' aafJ, hut , wid DIll lie CMrIl.d. He ft 1. ~. DOWDa.. 011 IIII:ud ....... F ••w.,L '1"'\1 ...... r. . . liouat 1" bat ..... 10.,,.,,. .11I11III11 _ _"1111_.. 11111
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CO-Tt 0 scc I corn t1 ro Ighoul the co un try (ulhng III n measuro to grow hilS In ducat! mnny of the funn ors La rn~k" lII0XU n nation 6U DS to IIscerlalD tl e COllSD of II 0 fn luro S, far 118 we OIUI ascertRlII wo beheve tllO geJlornl o\h on la 1I at tbo corn WOB killed by Ihe sove enosa of Ihe ,eatl er dUT ng tho pMl winter Almost overy furmer wldl whom II e hovo convers ed upon the BubJcct hRd hdd to rc plnnl Ilnjllhls I. mostJr dono v tit corn of yenr bofore IUEI
()O"".lI1rs S inclo r (Intely litre ~orrcn t ) Is to be m Cmclund dllr ng tl e enr-h pdrt f)~ OGtobe.r no~~, Dnd W 11 II )9 8upposcd pIny .u enlrogemcDlllt tI 0 lhenlrC8 thet"
I ' tl)ll S tl eery lhul II s pll)u will lIot 8 sLVor fur long nnll hcuvv stn alurRs 1IIlIcla os III Ihc eulio of t J8 ImollO oere wl) 1 ure k\\llt tl el rolYo lell't oner the r origillul uqlanoo by the nel on of ~hl.> \\ outl -cr Tho br dge we lJeJlevn, \'oIIlS no vcr l\ccepted by the CQunclr «nd Ihe CIty therefore, I~ ell n!lUIiJI. by la unfltnu8s nl)d ~eD 01 \ton h IV liS Lullt under tke SU~r.vISIOIi of R ommgton 11I1050lf, IInll mU8t love bc.ch a costly \~ork
0::r1 I Il'nermUl]1l Herald of the 29th lilt 81\)'B 1Ilit pI/tatoos nnd tumnto a arC extensIVe ly cultivtlted on 11 nl I stnlhl for the A Defloon market Three )'jlDrI ago tl,o (oron to ~rcl\I IV Id ou the hllnnd alld Wn~ (1011$ der dan ro woed-now Its cui trvatlon alfords uprofitnble employment Cor II consldoroble I umber of pcraollS Four schooners ladfln" Itb thcse vegetn bles /loiled r<lr Now York Phllllddpilla and Bolt more, In one week
Pnrtlonlar N alace As our resldellCB IS no v some distance from our office \\0 sholl Q geuclld close up our offiCE) about} alf. past seven 0 clock In the everllng We hope. tberefor", thllt our frlcnd. I IIvlOI bUll De. . WIIA U8 Will (1711110 sleamer Go, Ramacy hal com caU befl>re tont ume, 118 It \VIII be very III mented her regular tripS from the Clly 01 convenient fat lIe t9 r(UllOm Illter than 51 Anthony, III tho (nll. of St J\nUlony t!rllt on the MIS Isslppi fiver up to Sapk lhp ..... ......... hl~ I d,atanco oC levenly lillIe. -TIlI~ A FRlBNDLY OTICE only boat abuvo lb_ r,n., Ind by
~Qd A C NellOD,
the Nortllern Gazette, 1C~8CYIIle., NY, will pIe... Ie ••• 01\1' heul felt thlnkl, ror lb. follow07<)ur n'adenl, wbo Ire !n aeed kiad DOUce of our piper Illd our .~."," WIU .elr. '!'be Guette atill COIIIft to laaad
the .cIftrt....8IIt of JIaI!~rII. of ConriIIw
npJarlJ. ud w• ....,. it •
or eMIt
.ro furnillted wltb faoilltate the Upper Mlaal"lppl which ha"" Dot beeD Intl.ble until recoRtI, Tbe enterpriM or the IIlQellOt4111 ill, t!uabt1. ., IOOD pllOll • I\eUII boI t . boT. \bel Stall, whleb wlU ..~.. .&wrlal.l to fa
nlll)n 1"
Jt mil
II! lnrQrm rd .DrQugh Prc8 dOlll of 11& 2~'" Haule and St L(nlll Ilttl71MJ/ h08 sunO(cded II mak nil al'rulllemenla in No N 10!~ ,ult itl""re the complel nn 01 Ihe wM\f hne III two yourS-tl,8tnnco HiO mile! 11 0 Pte1lldc tll( tho r~ JIIIIJU 0.1 Allan road has 001 lracte.!' In New l or~ 'or tI e 'can trucl on of the en Irc hne f!\llt Terre Haule to Alton TI e project of • railway Crom Cumbrr lond to Pm.burgh on Ihe Cn.dumDD' nlII and YoullJlloghlny route 18 not drl~ :rhe Legl.Jature or Penn~ylvln ,ItJ.. chiau tored a Company IQ muo !.hilt IDe, c:DII' tbor tlng tbo plluk road cornpany tn I I t vert theIr Ina ~lto • roll\\ .y, coillp¥ n with da geqen) rallWly Ilw Lb.TheLlcklug nenld etronaly qrgeaWlf contlnulnce dof lbelAne Clnelllnllil loci of t.er In.ttad mlualon roD to u b J6 DlUti 7;lIn'n~I~~ tbe ",iDtauce he:! ("orablt Ie••,' ID .... COUD~1 !UC tllII.1 De \IIrOIIfI 10 C , " , conwet I~ _ .... p ou winty relql •• lo-801l1lIle,.... . " CIOIUI_( Idl the
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hna be on IoulIl! to Il ld e n fLt II llis tUII CO of 01111 rllul tit of B III 10 from Iho 11 oulh bcolI.1t ()vorQ~ 01] the ero Y rlvcr
At ovory 511591 011 of tho IMishLt Lr" up liro lIl~tlo I y Whll\l 1111111 to be llvorccd fru llll \UIIIII ~I\es QIIO) of Ih M!~ »ses lho IlppllcuLII'l 1l of u lIfr Reh \111 (ur n d voroe from Yuh.ll0 rCle , liS wlfc wlla Indcfilll\(:Jl pl1Stponed h oppeare\l I nt 1Itr .It 1I1~ lilo! hll,1 [~ke n un olher 6'1ltbW Minc() be h II rcpt dlUt .1 Y III ho re~ As HJlI)' ~u\l. n1l III refure IIro 1I110ly to <lome from IIlr ltc.lnvillo f!)r (I UII uree t. of,,,,, ci h~ ge l" I<r" I uf lIe v v l vc~, Jllr Rlchllru~ 1110\ ot! tI tt tl e I tltil)nCI be IIIv,tcd to rem ve to Utllll pll~nll<l1l 3
MARRIED. ~=======_:'::""='~==~ all th e 161h li st
!llE1W llAilD I SE AND f$UODUO
DROIm )l
TH& If,.t F l Tell l'R'C , DENT -Our rcll~ .(Its
r('tn( m~e~ Ibl] dl 9nppel1rnllce
81C~ ncr Pru ~!"ent, some YMrs egu 01 her OUI ~aru bound I llyngo '1 he l'rclS ld"nt
It a one I.>f Ihe fir~ e~ Rrllllhlfi$ nnd her rul , myslrn<lul (Il!~ tnrew It UllI JP r up
I ...
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'I £ lIIE\I.AllC E
-lhe Gr""e1 DIYI 1011 of lhll S)1\9 uf
rell1~(!rftllCC \If V 'gllllU Ilt.t~ Il\to uS Ion nt Frullt RCI) ttl unltnllltoll~JY' resulv 1 noL lu 1111 Ie, 8S nil orll~n ~N\ bo~y III lltvor lhe Mnllle I~\\, bill to III va the 1I11'lnbor8 tu Rct IIIdll'l\lU tlly IIQ lh"l r Jub~(\ lie It fllI ghl"1hct ate [here ate 11 \\ over IS 000 melDber s attached to II It oL'Ile r 10 the 6lMC Ii 0 9 of whom were JUllIatcd d\1r ng tl e IIII1C m ntb~ cndlOg tllo firsl of J.ull1nl)' ---::I · ~ilccIpt8 w~re $28816 , Bnd cl1pen8es (or be nefits i l l 603 lel1vlIlg i ll 823 III cnall un hUDd '1 ho Gr~l1d DIVI~IOII IS to hold un extra 8\)81OIOn III R,chmollli on Ihe ::lnd of lunc, 10 welcome lho NntlOllal Dl VldlQn Will h meets there on the 4th, when Gou"h DJ)w, Oarey \Vhlle Delevan, Chambe rs and other tempera nce oruturs Ire to be preScllt n\ld a grand Jull1loo nnd I'rOCOde On .Lo tnko ploeu
FIrst Ar ~ rlva-( DE TTl OF GEO IWE 1 E\A S DY
u~ E
" 110
rt;Il~ 1
·pri ng GtM)d ! I
II II \ IOU & t:(1 A ItE IN I ~C I1i 1l1 • 0 1 1\ Aqry Ini go lIck, I Rr If, le \ ItE &\1 Tl'FU L GOODt I
Tlle Fu~ltlve 8111\1e Murcter. A mora unprovoKod Inel ~troci U8 mur r never was commJlt ed tb.n 1I at of tho prepnrn allelicd fU'IIIVo sla\l.', \Vlllio.m Sn Ith, III tluna Qlon~ and U80 GU~ 80 tt 6 Ilnl)rOv~ d Colmblll, Pa, b} Illl olli r of M. r} lInd Extroct of): !low D ock Dud Sur~oplJ.nllll
turned Ridgely On TU(,84uy of 138t II 111llh IS IlIorllug lly effiCntllUU 8 pcrrecliy ~ ock, 81.1 IIlVeshg ntl bn WII1I n nde of Iho 111 rrules 5 nnd purelv vegetobl e A II Kind. flela 01 tho ca:o befllre a JU~ Iicc uf tho of dlsotIBe llcldlo Ita gcnlnll11l1cnr.c Peaeo \II Columbia DistrIct Attorney o::rSco vuv cru.Cm lit T~omplon attended ond conducle d lite "xamlla tlon '11 e eVldcnce 18 long bilL O;:rDr perrectly llarmoni oul through out, Blld 18 in lubsta ll!)!! ils (ullowlI 01\ Thursda y alternoo n die 2!ltl\ of Ap T I, Sml~h wa. lit work pl1J11g Ilmb~r when Rdgely ond a mao named SClyd~r cnme uJlonll ra uO~lvar~, and 1ft d hOld 011 hun one 011 each Side SmIth lit .ttugglcd to get a\Vny, drs" 1111 back III • 80rt of &\oopmg posLure, but 1\ ~he lime lie was IIllCtt willeh WIIS sClIrcely two min oles ftom tbe time he \1'118 arrested be wu m1l.1l.lng little or no oppusillon, Dlld hi. Cllpturor. were leading him up lin nllay Be did lint leI hi' IIrma loole III any tlUtC,
CLNl;J:Nl'iATI lilA R.I.. E'l S
ClllOlln....TI l\la~ 18
Flour -The market for /lollr II Orol, ~d lIIelll Dut tbe IIhghtea tlnlcrfer It11 a demand rully equal to recolpts pee Willi the ollicer. fro~ ID5 'luluter which contln," , ll,hL &41 a to ~II)' uC 100 Tho .murder WI. wholly ITltUltous Illd lind ~O brl. lit 83,:10 t'J6 do exIra In unprovo ked. a ..Vlre. bubaroua ,heddlng at 3,35 R ccl!1 ed durlOlr L1le III t ~4 or blood wind. calla loudl, to HeaveD fur hoon 8.47 brl. JlMUc:e.-PilUWrgl GtJZd14. fl cn I'Orro.. nol f~ I lIE bo IIld klndttd h IIrI. Pro".lol l. -The onl) Ale. beard tCH1a)' ere 1600 k~ prime Illfll at lo6e. Vi IIOMl I'ulau ,IlU bu, ~lIh aIT~CIiQII. .pell 100 "'.. .to at lAc- '!'beN . lIot Cala,' calnl! 111_ DlllurDfui .Irall. of .acb IDqIIIry for ~, hleb 11111 be lbauw; . .... 1._ .... It pllal.. bIllOll ·........ Wbicb tIadl _ _I a d&«da _ .. "nUl_- J -~-.J.""':"-----""i:----"'- llIrill: ala .....; ...
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H MnD.ytoll n Sire 'lone dour Soulb uf On AVJ;; reUlIIY d dlon QtHco
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11 If
,n8T1CE 01/ urn PEACE ANI) Jli01AltY 1'lJ1:11 \(
Offict 00 II e
81t1e or MaIn atrr.t .IJ 101 g Ih. Cobl el Shop. up elalfl WaYI e~v lie Ohio 6 l~
Anothe,' Change.
The Bull ct,bj>r, Lhrotlllh Lhll medium would .. nuunco 10 1111 old Ir,end. "nd the
ALl;. AND WINDOW PAPER-I havt W reCt'ly" d fro Eulern Manullc turon ft larlll' of all P3VQ'. Uabl lind lUll
1 Ihll ~\
tJark It alii rleu lor roo 8 lind Uall. AI 0 ligl l co 01'1 for c~l\ "II" W lOdow Paper.
plain ami figur~ Fir. ScrefOM aod Border In/[. ftll 01 which wllI be aold De low .. lL can belXlUllbl m the Bla • W F PARSHALL
01 Wlllle Dnll Black O.k Bark wanu-d 'Ilr '" I t b 1 will pm y Lbe hlghcM m Irket prlo. 0 u..h M H~NLEY \\ oter atrtl't, W synesville, 01 hI Fellrullry 121h Ubi a Lf
pUblic Generally Ihllt hp nlll ug"," rC&\ln ed II. buolnen uf Saddl, 01111 Hurr "~d mok,n, an tbll plact', 8' tho IIluntl lorn or I, occupied b, Thill BOIIl.b J intenu keep, IIC on biRd III "'1 "Pleat 01 a.If die. III d Jiarneaa of III kid. anel w II make ttl order .n)" IMoa n our lI1le ThOMe "I~llIn, tu ptlrclaue Irtlcle. iu uur lin" 01 trude Will do well 1o CIIII .Dd ex 01 ne .tock b"lore pun h •• 101 ellle"bere, ioleoil 10 seU (or Rllllli prulill and lelurn.; 80 come llItr The ItPdlI ~mI II JIIII
1f~_e&"IY"" 48 ... Or
. I' r OI l. S ~ I/ J
rRlbAT NOllNl l'IG OF £vr.nv W t;l!E: .Y
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II ~
MAY 28, 1852,
mene~res will; nrl ils i/lnllenCtll r the 2t! \li cllbinet eny&: "'I'I;e Engli h ~ovp'"rnmellt, 1 eolon nlH(, .ize~, 1l1111:,:-ll'd and. finallv. by (or~e. 'fha Il'oder~ were unl10uncemenl thut 11 r6vululio i~ lI, !> no r,st I,or· ~N '\w Inll~t Iherq not ba .gren Iy I~t.re n e,1 1 At 1\.le 't l\j:~ of 11:e l1 h.1,I tllken during Iho 0\1;IIIOU8 p~riod > 01 Auotm • rid nllli revulti ng cOllru~i"n, ' lImee It to 1i ,IUiln )' to :Ie 'Ililmt III such 11 r.lto Qf ~I'~PU! lu,ly 8~iECd Ih imprisQneil. Bllron \Vc6sel" "YI, Icuder or pluce 111 France, renr,hed ' IIrdomIhe Dlct. KOd3ulh,j nmbnrrB S'\Yll'n l an~ dl.t.I'''', "~IJel' Itl/1,},~ld 8UY, Ih ut nller hcholdinJ.: ~Qmpl II III' mll~1 Whu CIIII ~ e tt, Imin~ ~pon Ihe 1I0trlolilin the upllcr- Chumbcr CUlM IIllmrJllltcly rose und II~rl!t of nl~' \ •!. oNn ,: sill.! !ho. 'yhU "nr~ lib J~~f nlll,lo 11 Bpeeoh. in warm Jnlln i/es/fl /(un'i of '~!J7I1J1alhy, alld a$" every kinll of ViM. bei llg (III {'~ ~. ,vitll(,"~ ~hll1("y.lhQt IO"y reRlll t in u frUClurc duwlI 0" thl,l goy{'rllloollt shurply. oecuscLl , WIIlC)1 ho, advucat~d Ihe whe ll ,lIr uI . nll~ If Yllu.d Ib't cleat out,l v.:iIl p.11 lIuctrin\lllf II con- "surallc( s of ils Pf10nI/i7Itou~ $U)Jport," , I to Iwv WlunE" rpll Tn~ mA,"1 "'SITO" IIIe ru IerII ,0 I ~ IIUlne (I r<I\\'~ , nlld cnr."il,leu to lllllg\lngo 1'110\ '''g ul Ihi; rute '" ,. some 81I1U\iOIlU I lIIU/1urclt II COil dlIel. UII~ Y OIl whll tilB l\Fooan h Jllll.,· y ror the whole Clupire, lllltul"pilc tlli n~8Ur nl\ ce , whi ~h 81,0W 9"Ihll mo t horriulo 10 be [OUII tl JlY ,cn.ll8TIlRFIBLlI liII'£ll. I of ~he II1ngn~te8 ur ~elllg buse elloll!!h to 'l'hlij wue whol .1I . feh. ill I ' Q voeu I. u' ' - - - - ----:- -A ur~1I1 m u~(' tracks lu ~o l)q 'rolltl,;.tiP1.bobut 110 0110 uured t the hoIlQWlw_& or llriti.h pr ~H' n\lO " 8 Iu ulur), r U hlu~}11'~ \lI"r, IIh .. o t sil' k In bO' ' lIe bribed, Ho BOld Ihut A"~trH' IVU& to CXllr(,ij8, It wu~ like t 'J1,\ NOF. Oil nTSIi I1'.- S'lItHl tlll.O n/:o 111fT bis sen\pnCIl, ' Ihry \Ire whhppl prll1"" Tllo, ,IDGt when SVr1u a'8 bri& III,' Oowe1 un eleclrill •• shuc, k . hborul prillciple "-lhe ,fTIlVCrllI llent, IIut tly~ Rna thuroughly IIU ill foul. nlury pre· n hoo 1II,.I'l'r ill \l wor~ bloomln,., "su 'kllig the mllrrow of Ihe HUlll;uriun und \VM fell nol ouly in th" ul'rio. 1J~llIg in ,"ont ot' n~ h e we lit thruuuh thl) door. whirh t1,... " Diel. but" nh the punpl", fur thpy grO Tight , FIlling WHh 1iagrallC6 01,1 II", air. II,t heur\-t he , vl.llcd UII J ohn 1\1 rt lurn quilo parly 111 the II wife, I\d\'cr~, ~cd " pea~unlry." Such boldness must be PU1\' ('qllul (orce lI"'uugho ,.. for 'u n(', nlld, al th!! timo old lody cloSt'tJ lI[tet ul till! klllgllulII 1 hill! with .I!OlIlippr"'" ulIlI worli of n'fllrm g,. \l'Cllt otl. until, us 8c~n . UflCfll( Oil , ut n Iln.o wll~n il wos djfficult ' l,nil!,l" Wbull ~It. II.II11Juf allll ilOilO'S ilIomillll, IB~e.}. So We~~eleI1yi wua thr'!'~n ~utu Vlcnllu. wheru It WUb Iho lSil(nul uf C "pp,,,,,lc d, 1Il,,1 liy 1\ I~nlld~ I ble force, 1\ b t- th," penplll of llulIgnry ond :A u.triu were III nlld? 11/"1118 rounll thu U..Grlallll kln~led thue, pndoll, fur Ihrell ycnr~, c;~l\wryullcc, , n lll" \II r~, in tlU rli l'st , Th e suit.,r, ho"c,,· l A~rull r.ow lIIulwll tog"~hcr I~ IU. KOd- Icr tl1l11', ~lId Ihe ~elltirnelll WaS odople~ ltlumrllUllt, flJf bomG,lll,!.IIa' Lp. She III IblrJ UII " ulklllg utldr, "lltl ",11011 cr. unltl( \t.ly ""J' ell r~d 10 TI parl~d when lb. SUOImer buea ,vue 8uth. Ujhazy, Bulogh. lIfndurus I,e "'~ th o 5.11 111.' hhllljel! u. ho went IIl.ona. 'lllLIP'" lb. AlII . \llId CvulII by tk,c Jiber"ls U! Iheir "ClIllrC6a ion or \ ' TO DE CO~,],I~Ul , '~Yd)'i"lh :O, ' nrrl¥ed ~t tho eili. \VII' "'."rieil. d"jeI!I tl "Plllioll lh .. ~ KIIl If P"d r6 , l J , IRadllY . 'l'he cupture or J{ O"rillth w,,~ h,ith," "A CO"'liluliunul l\IIIlIlIruh 11'' " \\1110 rt'gurtl WOlllnn \\,IIIIIUI cboctille n:,ll ulI'~ln \-llt¥ y (ur When Onlll ton~. darkly whbrpcrlplI Will! I:hnraolerlrillc lIf Ihe Hllpllbul -h nr c.)II. clcnc(' repr''''I,il hQr. hHr limbs ' til IllS \\ Ir.:., 111 ~l'y .,1 ArrlljJ\lll j!8 , He the wholc l'llIplre!" wus Ihe u'li.lIrsul lie· , Ih ulshe W08 .u'ln.·-a nr! na It prllvcd. he \V'll. cwt IIlI", w~r~ btlurU, Dulll"", har houJ Ihl hh lll j!,IIlIll wlIh mu· lI ul QS I IlIII 'I~o uII.' U' ~ hc . I. lid by i~l!U\ng hiH puper beeo~lo \'err ob. \ n'~nll. Illl l\ht ue guo.!. ao tuil.ll n hI hit prodiOll on, f WI .." ",,,urlll,ul winw. WOlIl Ihroua h Iho nllll"U8 to the hule 01 )~,L "Y '111 uUI"l'ok 'II lI'i~1t llll! t Ih ry Il lId buell. ' Ihclr nlootin!; ('I/lI~tl the royal 1"\lIily. in lI1\1tll ll l , III npp uill "- r A cn~i8 was npl,rouehing , nil s" w pIa ill' . ' , 11I ~lcnd, In Ihcir lIeat Iillll! chuf(~ h. IIj ...),· IIll'III, Th" JIlIIII ud~cr l?reo:~ &II1I~"ng, d '- l i d bllt hi~ pupulnri ty WMS so I(rcul UIIIOII;: Ilu~ Iy, The 8tudellte orgnlllzed 0 mll1 l i~cd IIguin, "ppoil,· \, A m~t QRllUlng Ill"" III "ltd 01 a.D4~ ..... 1 lut ( ••• r~ .. I. m.... or \!II II rr. • l1ry \ " 1 illl! Ihl' re IJIIJ ut lulerv"ls III h\fl\l~ . thllt lIl11:"" t1111'u ront pitllllJ ror Ilrn peuple,t hey \\!Ilre " : rol~ to luh, (~lIn III C\l1\1pUII ' ut Vit'nlln. slyl III/:'a lillg, Qnll ell J oh ll Dull. Ol\ij 'rltumu lv\ikh,. lj.." , • ed tlitt Acode lll ic 'AI,! yes, luoy.partud-I,arlcllluru •• rl rll~L-1htlt (XQthplll)1I fro\ll ullluhur • wh,l 'h ,'ury ;' lg tho ~'pen dlly: IU he W08 stl.zed UJlOII In Ihe Lt'gIUII. l'~oJlle word. or Ihe u.Jvcrti ~.'mrl(t, whd.wb ill' on IIi. OQ.lllille llt ~' INlY begu n 10 lul k rreely, 01111 , I. . . 1\0 iu"'l1 '" "'~U\ in 1&1& I&'~I\' S') \'O ur h rcfre. h d tl"l ul, 011.1 Illude lho\ll hil[ht by hirell e\llis$urie~. while wulking Ihe P"·8s lo.peuk "ut, 11 0 1Ilt'1 Il,e 11 1110 In.l} , Ih oy r(l(:ogllized c(\ nl ly orrlved ut Hl!rorll\dvculn\!l\l~ 110\V A GOOp OITI~EN " ID illS fit rur Ih ,' we ck "1"1;IIIU, Ur. lanliilll Who ... hearlllw ltrJ llolU w t.lIer Dover, tlr.ll 'flioDllb or .".lrlll. luiI ~olllC ",I .()rtOW uUCnlll\l lon" ua~" aho"IJ II1uIl8 in mcdillltiou un the: b"lIk~ 01 IIII' werc l ellch othor cO;lltI nut Ch008t\ bllt "lillie ul. cull.<I rUlll.wl\il ror the 'VII'''' wi~cly circululcd IIUU eu::erly n" d 0 ' E' " t:HJNDW u(uII,1 real&till' QI '''' PEN'!, " r~liIo. ~, , Th ry !Iud 1I('nrc,1 hUIl\('. II'Ii I' II , wh"t 0 Iii!, r 'cnl!'lIll'u II. u'l~ d v~rhllp3 Dullube, ~).d conv~yl.'t1 to Ii I,rltit/II. ho Slt nold e .Il~r .huckl!' nelll,l!r of tr nv lera Illut hellolglot dul,lulll or,lb. himWUri k.,uckcd "If, un. FOR IHE FIRSI AND 1 8i~htJlrM \! nt ru II ~p lll '1'11 r~ hll lQ J ohll 1,,1.'11, cl,uhl.h oOtio bul si/.:h. Th o knew 0,' 1 where. ulld lur ~o",e mOlllhu. hid Iii ill realllY Ihe AU.I,luII r r c- ~cl[. , 1111 nowly hired dletlUlJ llnttrpro t.9 wrre fr,'u LAS'l' 'llIlItE. Alld could (!lei lhu. SG lightly '.ever. nnd I~ t'llry-and litOlo lllll : lI~ IlIIbo sut ill ,"orTng"~ hci/'r tt l d hl cuuulrym en wore III tOlullj!lIurUllce ul I\I~ Butllu lVord of llulltllhte H lot a thir\! 111111', er rrpllotl Ihol he had ant\olpbte<1 hlll,\vltllle IIIIt! LeM giv~1I 'llhe IiIlll:M 'ul w~~~t 4I1.c,iuu'. i:balllf Itho middlo Dr 1110 ~lI't1e l- ~IiO\lllllg IIno Ulltl III Lilt) llmJi I,lll~e 01 "I'POll1tllwnl .hU'I'I"I ', HI' W " ~ lill!!1 Lrtlu~ht out lur lIy lhe ell'l,erur. III1J ~hil md ' ('y, Dlltl hud r~gl~ l\lra.I liia! lu rlill ("rBl U people Icll lhat Nor i llel tJ"w round tbu," 1i"6 a rher to. huil it bfllu H"bok«1 J1 • Mllryl n .I \ t pl"yill!: with IIOIIIC lri~h QI i1l1ren. III lho \he equally p N'ul'I'r')lg .. trl_l: u\llellde" himsllir >,In 8U lIIa.l~ r1y u tit .. ), we'e n(,t "ot8I1re. 'I'hllY lIIu ~ t III\\'e ~llin8l~'r, At Iilia ! o .. n cnlin AlIl(l nll.' "A O'or ""iIosl",h,¥ all 10 ",ue .ud .paUlI I ' I I ' J I I I ny ' IV ,(',ro )""1, I' cuse: h' t (I In. . ', greDt UIIII OY UI1C O or 'h~ hQllluwurd·g\li llg. l,il.','li ll".., lIelt\ll'r Cl'uld ' J UlIlIIller, i.. to \lIuke hid judl:ee qU IIlI ulld Lho rUYIII ~OIlClioll 11l'11' ,IQU ' hin lY ,'nut how hny, vou put Uow" to their uOld Olltl tic. II~VII'I ~Ol qUite uver na ..... It cOuld 0111 bo- :a P.ou.llrul ahadow rallied , turn pale oefure hilUj Out 8crulllc~ o( II.L5I cJ.uro;h · p{'nl'l,'. '" All IIm!e u! Iho 10llYd Ih ~) hl'!'l" ll U, C()1II0/ 8(1 ill g.."d hltlUor,tl J hit W'''I jlr(>j udg. lIIulld.. n(\ \~hpl1 I hllyn nut t',hllt • I lIIghl: It seems RS Ir 1II0\llI'r It r. pt Buyilljf wer~ Iil~hy und dirlY. '0 ,oul' qsuth l~. Allilv. Willry.t III ,uI .... u ,"r~: 'lh~lr OprtlllR rom, Ihl' t'Ollll'rrlU lillII bCc DIIle ,61.l IIg reeob\t! or! I aSlonisb ed. and.' Ilt courdlll .,·ltt~llced. G. ,,"t IlX' f .. On 1100 131h o( r.brch, ctl1ellkl nl, tho Acodr.mic ill III'f ijurr"wfully sweet w,'y. 'lYh(ltl'v~r Ihoi r rn ces IItHl hUlld$ t1I,"ucll \I i~h Ir ukll btllh idc. 11\111 Iii 'IreU'1I 'to III." ''' C lemollt lullow'"d tlltl JjlllJuunCC' II1('lIt Itl Lpgioll, wer \10 'I, ~,~ III\Ol eXI'(ltly P'On!)\l1\U It,' NllUtM fiOp}lorlCd loy u vu~t cullcours c of YO:: f\Jrj~el, ~I"ry, f~r~O I ~l'll,tlle S:,b\)UI~I.:· lof, IIIOlllioSeij IJIJJ I )ud, rur tltur o It l'~ b 11 11 lI ~ remurl(nbl~. thlll the ileutonw 01 trell.oll proll ulle ·1I 11.,I&III.t Ylclluc. e. IIlurched 0\11 Iho IIt ~rd IlIlI'r.\'!ew led to tho ~w l el. 'llut j ropietl h falthfull1 lrug) or 111I.' cuy ill U Oh, ll,"l d 1111 olt! ,u~h") 1 C,11II.lIul' \I ITe. 811:;htlihuWN. I)lllry. IIIrIIU ~~ bC~ld(' her- th ei r lIIurn ul!<:.,-lltl1Crllu s CuUrltr, the,o 1Ilt!1I. Tile cuuntry Wid 111 Bueh 11 ' 8uhd Ludy lu the 1IIllirnui I lOihlr'~ pnrtll1aoteau,' pllluce. 10 echu l,clOplc ure gl'ltlllg mure ~lIh!lht~lIed J\(Jw ;, se\l wi lh IIll1rlilicllliulI uUtl6 ·If nCeUSl1li <l Il. \ fcrn\ellt Ihe rOVerlltl\llli1 ueg"" lo loltT IIl1d tile delO ollll or Ku~."lh .--. ~-. 'Out It il ror 1\ ~On811tllllun''' 1 physlolhgy Dod olllor lIutlOlIS I nvo OI'OIl~ d e"lIghl Ihol'(! ' aO'lllnutd I'Dkl~. Ull tho YOllnllc.i Ullt'. und f l'l'lIlIl; , "'Vhl.'rc I~ Mr, F tremble fur Iltt! r~Hu\l. Pucilicblion meue· ! ('reOt p. 1l1)7) Thll 1" '1I/f~lir~d.Mn, Purt- '1! rl ng l\Ie Ihe fI'l:il~r:. IIplH'ctie monarch trllck fur ~Hlmun ntl,tvrl!, '1 h~ r,. t t I~. ' onwH,r.tl !u tll~ 1,1)\)5\).,: lhe other tromltl'lIg III~IU II ." ",re w~re red\lrted 1-9. bqt olily p~rliully wh il. It is' BUid. hut! tied 1 Th~ blloll w.. ~rOUiht. ~pd th~N 1111&&114 10 UII under J:rllunll lI~ory. ynu IilJt)W, 08 \~ell U8 I do, 1)II,t I culpr~l~ f~r\11I!d ~ dlllgi fil e lot-ruro tJ,o lr l , '01\. he 18 trn~(' \ll ng tilrollgh Austria. .ucl~~ed~d, alltl \I lI{'n. Ihroo yeur. Ilft\lr. pll8sl'ge for BufplY. guv" of hll own vllr, CllmmOIl naruo of tWO"I' hid OSMe nt 10 eve- unn't olford lu give 11(1 0 dlly lu the weck; : ohgry f"thor 61111 fo\luwed III h ~ r reu r. It I b 1\ VP ," "'UR Ihe f(~l'hr . w~rdl. Ihe )iri»l1r.~rl wllr" Ii l!erau.'lI. Ihpy ' ry II. mnntl. 'J'III'1 tllIV the 11011011 WIIS l ili blea. ht! ftjulld Ihe r<lllowhii ~WQtoUI wog1'8 ore poor. 111111 I um . ~1Ifl:"rIIlg '~r u WUB qui \e UII illll"lftiua 118 lYol, lid Iu"rlc"u~ w,ere rec~lve.d whil .hout8 llild OCCIUIIIII- free. unt! MA It,ernieh .nd I, '-IV oil. dcury 1\1 0 ." t'l(cl, hned t)~o ulelO- Iclllry uf hhnA if: hiB p"hlY over. WAllt or tho fre-h nir. llio flo lrJ~. ~t\f' 81ght slllhl; bud ' , the evelling lI~illg sultry. ~hl! ell old WUlll:OIII"I'm ~~ glud h.", III tiOI'18 ...nd eyer)' de~oll'lr"IlolI of ,juy,- IhruwlI; alld \\ ilhuut n AII.t· l '1d" lIale ur W urrantad ",lWlulh er, Reu. druJl 01 Lloud \Vila 01 greon trACS. ""tl Ihe 8UII~~ or blrd~,-- ~ lIollthhur ij lilttlng 01 tH~ir ope', wind!)wft. I riu, ror Ih'~ I\tl} • r '\urli ~;'y h~'11 bring IlI U l i~r AI1~lalae But huw changed ' were l\1.ey't 1'\110 of II is rpvolut\on Il:cumpll sllP[I . l' 'fh. Itbry ,iyl.l u. no C?ml': Como, bc rt'udy. qUick; Ihe 100118 evl'ry bUill' cuulll sou litem j Olltl til c1up Ihe bo.ne lUI u~'rlch leu thor, .. the n were reldy (~r the 81:"ve. mpre 1 Tho nel\R o( I\.is revolutiun reoehed the will ring 80011. 11111.\ \YO- IIhlll"t elue 11.10 the I ulltn of tlllll! Jglllflu; tt· '~Q nt to be \ elllllll)( the outer tillar WO~ luckuJ. wreckll. ' K,,"gullt'a heallh wu g,)n£'. Sf) Hu~gllr' u'n Diet immcd,n " moill"", ill Ti,clll(~ Irler tbal. tely. It \V88 UII. Iscell gOlllg." ...... ITTIII TO .. ftI~ MI,"n Yt~ITO~ , , "Sid hus gOIlQ tu Ihc Brl ttery with ~bue· , o::rWh y il cveryhQdy'~ Itillt lie h.. neyer breR well .ineo. ,Slid t'~l'octedly gloriuus. pootnloonl lao ~~...- -..,..K08suth aroso nlld "I shull h~v" 10 10Ilvo,M.~ry Willi ttv' lil- ill Slim." ijltrlll-kc,) Juhllny ill a voice he ; 8hurll lI QCOU~O tllliir I~ll¥ .tiu" through WeMoIl'1I1 1 '11'8. tblall, blind! tll!w Iho 60id "For silt hundred yeors, M~~ ur8, WCl , lie olles u\ 1,lf,mc; I wou1dll't hQ~e tl (llll to t lmm~gln( "lftmalNbhlJ: LIek. )~ IOlld' l.'lIou:,:.h III IlIIn o (or' hi~ two Il·CI . Illld cundltion of tbl.'8e palriold af!i>cteu rfurmed • OOlli lllmio nul Tho No~ York DI1¥ B()(Ik loil. Ih. ral· 81U1e. ,"ve w.\t. go nl"ng II'lth us 011 0111 eccooh\. " , COUJlIrUD 1110.........'1' WIIk, l lr~nllgre Udll)lH "aha $Iltd you wuultln'l be Ihe peuple I BJt II'I~Y were 'tlOI idle,- l thurelo~o. Ih.t. Irom this lowing .iI'I!,llar ,etory ur luck'ln a lo\tery: m\lIPent . IIIl!liij. ! 1'.\Vell' well. lIlury wltl do ,,,,,, Ul\\lough, home III! fight ut~ loc~ , " KOISUlh ellmmencea lhe Pllbliclltiun of a lera oguin sit Up/III lhesfl ANECD OTE F OIt MINIRT ERS, ... 'linn 8umClVh~t' lIiven II>' 'lIpcrstll iot\. bClIlllit's ' (poiUlshe II be proud tu, tmke ohorge, I wJlrrunt , ClIAPT ER IV. M"fY turued, \V(!CplIIg lenrs or shnllie. p~per. and blil1d We.sule nyl ilinerailld 1illg lo lh .. seols 00 long left vecoht) to ,- drcolllell on S'ft t~rd~y ni~ht thul he 'I\~ a'i ! you; vNylt'illg will be,} n first r?te order I,urru!tl to lhe buck dll(lr llEro.IIA Tbll:r IIPVZllt:t rTI. or u ucIgllbt>r. ollJ , At thO,<llfl8C, of Iho IUHl eonlury. III Ihe \" llIl1ihU8 Oll,CUr uIVlcllatrrnt, ClOhhlllll ju\,er the Ci.>untry to harranllue Iho peoPle. l heur ollli on.wer our qlwdliun 8. From Ihid ",lien we CUIIIC hl1me;-going ~'n hke cluck I ptllrlng, lK4o From ~710! the clOie of the tlp~ret!~ion 'l1h .. .,ef)' eight of the blind \Jilt her ohild tli/lV rI. u1.d ~ohbcil ,.. Illllf!l 01 11--' old pa,t ri"t- Iday furth. Mog)'.r~·. \110 wish to have a wor~i lind wlwro Ihl'ru II'l'l II Uli' lly PI\S~\,ulfcr uiHI drowl1 b, I!I hor.....ach M'~lI cy." hc e~lIllnQ(,~.' '1IImlllg 1.. loud. Shu hull bll~lle 1.1\ sllo c'lu~d. ~hO : o( F,,"e,. Ruocz)" th~ .ocond, ull )8:1:1 1I11t1)'r call .. ~ (orlh telMl. rl h lIIell lid IIllt U 11)1\; l'XlrQ",cl~ PO'lt : IIl1irll~1 h:lvililll ix 1011_. lind ni>!E'd Ihe HUllgarlitll OIl11l<llry." He t down. A IICI luIS Upon wukll)lt OU, fllde.t IhHlgh~c~. "If We 11111" , 1!llme bud 1111 IVII;lt)r IIny COIIV I <lV~~ "unrlrr becaruo vir~uIII)'. II mOst • proy· pe\lple to ef\tl'iotlaem • • he r "rr'c~. ~lr" A~W II~ Iho only c\ll~d '" I'II~lcr 101 lied. h/1 I\lOUD Hi. progrC8$ was prMound IIltt!IICO rullowed' ' lho memb ra hy n nott' n( Ihe IIllurel •• eI. ' eight, tuck till'm YQulI1; tc>r~ 1 01' Inee of the AU~lri,ln elD~ire, Inllet.d uf In I lriumph. 1'"" Tnn~,l nicely \"nll t1le'c lIllloqllll,lIc wo~. a IIhodtln: t hOIl(\. ' ..,1 tlr ~ O O~I'cI. ellllf!; ,d with lJl~ Unru 411 ,1 36 , 0" ftJun~"y h\l _penl .OV\lr&.l hour. cllrrit'd ellgnged in Ihou/lht: II nt:llun" dC~llIIies t., bed-dly e ~Ie/Jrl", \bd~pendeut klnadt/m; 11,1110 I mtJ,'rlly of him In tbeir arml, Thev~nIKnl • • , Rcbl.l' lhnt eonlltll!1I hl'r tu h~! I;hu\Ilucr fur f i ll~lrllcliu ll \ir ull It,,,, pl!uplOI , lJllt h~ pro· Peati IJr.-lap, hung 111 Ihe balullres. Bltl the I'ropo!li. t 'i\':'rrJ,in g of'llr ,a lotu~ r~ tlok.t. \VIII: the Mllry p".I\118ed. h~t I~ce lU lling \l'llh uIJllrly It \Voele. • •,there WII,. ~hoW of re8peClt (0' J[ouut!J '. paper. 'll'U helled wilh equKl t tiun \\'&8 unalllmllusly \Ir"'Il~'(ltl 1>.1 lJil rI phe! lul unJ 1I11 1~lll~ltll l numLera 4 , ft. a~, "PO,I 6uBlame d. A de(l. delllht atth" recrcutlun In at~rl~l II \Voulll It, J'lndlni C;Ollltitiltiun aod the right. of llie .oltio rIlJlI",.. Thol Illatter. 1I1ury tho y"u"l;er. neve.r r,,'got Ihe. lut\' · 1~hl'(1ha "l, I\~ tlerl ll~ Ihe ~Ich ulld p.ogre'lIl'd , unlil l UlaUo" WII .en~ 10 tile emperor with KI/~. ho surh 1I~l!I I'<lt' , nt II ~t, h.e \Iulll e!JO fl,if It 11 per eellt. 011". a t;liCA Ihi"~ ,10 be n i lreBs. IIhe l ing thul lu,r !'tither jtnve her lh~l ~ C!, lb, Plrt o( 'lte HaP.tl"ur(ll. Du"~g Qv\)"~I'u1 tl\ll; Iho PIJ~ r: Alld' Id Iho nllcr~ulO rll llS Q n 1'Uc.iUu y .,rultll' 10 relat •• the 11,;Ii.t )14'7. wheD the court Iie",n to manircel tlu,th ut it. heud, 10 muke the dem~nd, It Ihollght Ir only f~r 8 d'IY· , , cell(\ll1 .nd '! 'I'a~ e"ery ell'ort .a. Ino\l1... evu," o( IiO ,. I IlIglt\; he Wb~ .cry tCI,dor. lOr .1'0 f~11 lll"\' , ur,l'otlhll q 10 rll)' LC~I uf whicb hereaf~ \Vue mode. and a minhit ry cre8t~d oil the ruool l .'11,,11, lilr. dre,v-4 b!cmk. lle JV!III at~ III~ wile liI~tle, r<l II teneh tho eplr;t of Iiberl, .nd lef. I ,f; rry. I!c' , ',e Wild Br.. t ,'" th" Ir9!l!grcll~IIII', nnd h C--,--", ,< " .p t (01l8li!ting or Lull18 Butlh/nnvi PrI me lernllned Iu be hnppy.ll(ol'~M . B 150111 whut rocelltrk . ,thull ,h'l ' l ui", ClRrrwd flla~Ii~I~, Ihe p"luolplel ul de, poliam. ' III u cur/ knew hl~ child hlld lIuI (0/111 vt,'tI 'lth' c:urn. '/ r" llh(,,1 ~ruth~r. ullrnll/il~ Duril1(f tllil "period, • liberal parly hmd MIIII.terj Kossuth Mluldler hed '111J1 I" tl,~ A O(JO,D Owll,-W inchtllll tli.• LUIII!#I,' Of ·FIJIUIlCO. pet-bu~ (ull ~f eutu~I,~1I thul ":ould suffice \ pTII,: ulltl tht earlier peruxl~ of Ihe union or tlt~ t'll'O Aprung up In Autltrill with e\'~r u{lcr !lha WU~ tllUglt t , I~or~ I t !I(/wl "", IIHlllli,'r. Hu II'('lIl to hlr~, uful . jel l. il. nucleus 1\ (the moat rl'l\p()l\~lbl'l po~ilion ill the gOY' Iltd" lor Ihe /j,1 "living, Mliu" :1.pp.nrd.LO 1.1. tho d,"Y' ] he boat ,,,as /jIlPd- 18trtl'lly Iho IlIIp"rl.II1~' for Ite. !ruud oalil/N. Ihe ,klur of Hungar y"'" elroled. Vlenn.. At the hel\d uf , ~ Plrit' l II IlhgreIlLdil"p" lIy un.l IInpur~nl C UrlU~lI y_ lin w'~dgo, tlllllltl11 thid P"rty were emnlenl ): Bertl'lil u Szemere Millidter 01 r.ru\\'dpd 'Hmllil~ I lncI.-A j:enl here Illid Ihero ~toutl grollfl8 01 I 11 ally, illtellecllIlIlIy IUld Ulqrll lly. II had a~1t1. !lffn tho c.~om III ~hll Ihe ul kt!I'P' 11l ketl ' J] ru th ur A. hillY I\lllIIy rr~1I1 dU"t'd .. 1 tle,llI"1I ~eil. a profe,lIO" and eludenl, uf 'hI' n.dulI' IHome .II'UIT8, FrllllciR D"uk. cr \I'd •• Itpphlll up'to In· of Ju~tic .. ; rOlVrly-IQukihg, ni~~1~81V"nrlllit alld d;>htinj:' illg the SubbatJI lOunlry, Till. rigM Wit 10llulled by the "I UniYersily. Tbeee tile dl' v ur our V"J O"l~. ~ ollr f'uri dh ure opplcdLy ,,;I 'utrlllr H\rinj.:l · 'j qulro lhe cuu.", li,",,.:~ ..... that )Itli'lQr~ •• of W.rj KIII,,",ul. of 'frlld(>: Oo.OUliiolllllly Ihul OCCOII. a .on of lr~' cJceung fi~ rce shOWNd of to, Klllg 01 Htlllvtl li oud Mukaf df the ~UI' ".llIace of. I.... making Ihe '''IICNSioll KOIIiIulh w.. a 'ICti~ of 1\'111 ollCi I lwllev!: Ilui I!/ID.' WII9 tho rtliidy Iluld: 'ho AU6tl'illll d)C. S.eQhpnyil of Public wurk~' Eott'uK of bucco jllice III every direclion, III ry luuk- vor.\o, u holy dny. • hl'redit. ry, linl h~ the IIlBle, and nezt III Irille or the eell~or~hip 111!1 \Vcr., •Alld Iouw III lI lIy rront tlUurd In ~( tit{' prqe~ . ~nd • Public In.~rur.tion, Edlerhuz~:. or Fort:lgu cd ~hyly aruund: she IOIwheti 'C"ultl ,)'011 In[Qrm nl. "'hit 04:0. .1.001 I~e (emalo (III well all "Die) line of the. Johl\'. orm. , I ii< \ usk ho"u~l Joh" tl. S ~lt', d h' to rldo ' ovl ' d your Ih 't '''erd 1A" 'Irs purish.', Cl'1I1il~ u~d , Iho il~q\lirillg ~ IIp_ lurge, ~ro\\: d ,. • , .rom la. I_ cau.... 11 lind her ehe k~ ,rew red. 08 dh{' whJsl'orod 011 SlInll"y. nllt!. hll \\,111 !loy {'I I . . v n. . Ih(llibur,~, Guill. a.ltery. d~ceptiulh dedared on!'. Tioul . " lIo .. lq I Irl· bro\lll'r. 'llro IllrllislI"jJ Will. IIra8" kmIQk··l , 'Wt'II, the I'bl'rall ; of the I ' The nl1\1O of KII68tllh woe on , eVl'ry "I dUII't sco ulle res pectuble alr-yel . Ilr-1 belln. " a r'l. luokilll[ per- cd th"l un co. und Ifol only Irullblll rur Jill' crl! I' 'I'he Imb"'l were U.~ 10 olake pllrmanellt two counlrw8 b{'utne uOllod in aim, .nd ton ue. AI Vlcnllll he prlllllpi 811 \Vcr , wns.' .100~ld 'j "ernl. ,Irll' ,,'as 8urrollll dd bv 80n here." f caU418 01 AUltrl.. 111 .hon every mOine • r,~iI\8; be~i"~. I hlld to PIlY u ductor'. It HI , tllllik ... d,lzf' n or IIIurc; ' "('rue,' re plied "(hunk ,Oil ill Wllcetl .lhe Jlunj(lrlmlll openl,. thegpoPIIIICI'. and"hailed by the lir. CQuld you till rna whl) lihl'rsle. ~ij "Nc)l1 eenac." said Jllhn, drowiog I,is prcl. ,ur fuUl duJ\lIrd lur Illy wi lu' "' •• a,~d4j ule ol. bnth ho"",l. nd di,hon- the Vit\nnfae secrftly . ij ~11\kIU'8» C?II' lh r UtJlllblli~ hillg brollH'r. 'Irue, In th~ a('c' il I. 1!lut atllr.t. \ the firtit 1118,1 of lhe timPB. 1,1 1iungll~Y ly wile bWUY Irom tile 18 dead!' , rude ttt. r.lr .nd fOIll,I. lU 1.ln Ihlll .nd. DuJIIturo Ilf D I ~equenl oulh1l1 'Illd CllllIC ntlt" hllvlII4-l oull cn~l' yuu II,,' ClirrCl)LI btll ill thc IIr~II ". early al lSU. the lit.erll.lI~lII o'r Vi. 1118 populerit) wos unbuull ·'Why. YPI l ir,. A~ near II I cln IlItll d~d-tbe Mug. wrf tl'hcd Iuuking ylltlllg mUll; GIld th~y ~n wurthla 8 ~et l)'i~. l ,Inr the coo'incu tal ...."'. N!lpoleon ul'er· u( chllJrol\ III I~C bUI. Y"u ~rl''' lly err. r hl\VO Iltk"1I p~I I'd l'or ~ ur air. b A_,' Ib ' .n t ' ll il'. the 1\1111 mlhe coJfTl. lirl! . 5nu,"" em.c Ived t o,~ t h t/lok th t' lr ~IUlld !leur ellllle Il~Y unired Ie· itulll." No 0l r, J "IIII S er 10 I " ),ltrs. I ttl the HOflgari \."~ rr~o.n if lhey woold '[11111 m08 wor •• pe d 1'\ If n. ole. I. II},""Y' to , bull nt, t\. II cerluiu Iho ra~t" in bUlh C.tl· ertt Uluclllion,.(colllP01ll!d in the " II 011 let I The ' AuolriHl1 I I I i r 'I s Wl,'re 1I0t. hOlYe.,er. yel moles. whoee inlellige nt geijtur~'i/ . 1111 rudo Iseen In hll' d I ' lurn I inlt AUdriaj lout thp1 ... uuld 1I0t. b (lOW. WI' 1)1 ~ml y rUIIII II \U I" , ,Ind I fi nd thorll ure on 11,6 rrlll\t \ I t b ' r II II Ii d"l!rl ve me1l1 I~"'. bu I yet hule dl1l1,thefed mlrlh Ilf uled ultrlt:;ua· lon lhe Subbrlll14 dnd llUrriftJ e ftt " Failor Dltll. t e num b el" 1\1. ,0 Y @• • ed , TI,e monnrc II I10 II 0 "Y' They were the emperor 'l main dependence. ul Iwe "lt t' ll he 1'.'~l\ld 10 go Ior your \>url hlow'Cd. thirlUl!11 _" t 'd' ) ' \1 , , I r br~.;.r knock, l ' , ' I A II1110Y dre .. b,1I wu IIIYlII It Syra. ., • I r creas,"" I ' lur Ie vurpUM! 0 I,In en 1'~UI •• crun prOll1lde 0 II CUll. t "' "lilly £In ftJurv'd .una,II'" cur. ' I.d lIuring the WlltlllUatll:e of tllO war, he d' ' I mIMI drapl,) ! to Illtl toulllry. he lukl'8 a ully Iro.n 'lit! ~r~. KUtl I"urt e ll IO:lllt.cr titr\lIge. Gtlo,1 , - • de " , 1'1' l i t ri tllhlO on Iho lIyenIJli of tbe 8WIII", . whca l h R I" ilt j Ii d " Whell lite bUIlt rouched HotJokell. Mnry wurk , htl hna olwoy ..' IUllllu, I I I " obll,,,d to keep them cuuelll.t ed • .-lId ItidCU1Kfll ng ,11 ' I " l VI_II IC Plo I Ica 1 r~ urml' l lutlll D~ I f>. YkthU8 ~ t,I11 I \;Uilllilo mor nIng , urUlh ~ r, .Id \I'r be d anioniC I' °brl' 01 (rie.} ier h\lIiu~ nt. of ~be cnnin!r .lIl, tu (urget 1111, ond t.~ J1leuullli lIud h.p' l lI1uru 111 Ihe eud. R uodur. ".C"R "y. po I.lllla rcyn 11110118,- or I ilelr Wur to perlUn \lume IrllPdom of e.1lprcNlon. n. au. l W8S wh,iuh .lIcmnl' iii el('. tile 11 lIlotal. IU ,. -A mhllsl I r or 'c) the , Gospel • I Id folluwi" , i. relaled by Ihe SY'oOU" .tlll· I .L D' I I II b .. " d J' I ' exa'''ple , wbu, durln- Ihe reilln 01 1·I·ellb81 na were ,If I'y ngll\ll; ~u ~ her fight .lIl1ple mind. rc·IL bedt "uy! ., ' .. ule 1I1V:r.1 Y' , at uny lIIoOlell 0 e rcn~cre " 10 er. Ihe .. ' A. II. fihoulol, and • gV oll II1 lnilltor of l elud "d Iru: ".. Iriui til which it hud II bt'i'll t I. 1~I.tI( 8uhjcCIt' )n d. lIIalll',. were 1'1 ~~ \l1- lect. rrlDcl •• Alllltri. IIIMdo tltno! b.llkrupt\liol.. Chri~Llwill kll\lI\',ll IId often'opo n uli 1!18 (,ont Amonl( Iho moat pl.uln, neldent. of t1 A tl' I I 10 h I l l ' mil t kllcnly, QIHI.he ~Quld not (ur!I llt the I~ .011.'\ Ilroteattd a ..alllat w~~h flugr ' lIl I I~~ IY',lI nd'Itlt wu fI~t din U,II ' ' , , ' r~uc~, 1d cpodr Inll y. °d" t ~ tit 0 f M dllurs Willi lonlher .1 rl " 1(11 III .parl. ~... ur~ I, h. ""I aa the l Ihl1 uld-fushi l e v~nlflg \1''' Ih, ·nl.rrl1 r "-"1 jUlt/c. oned I t l illig Wllrll~ .or wrillCII IIg I Y ,wmewh PBloeral ere u, octrlUes v,.e elM" was IIiU e 0, It' emperur 811' in . ,iolallllll o( (.Itb and olf.-nod to pay their ' d " ~, lVell1l8 Ihuse (urnl.II"d Wltl, brlls' knock· IJuhllson, Juml'a Dora"n; d U : _" h ' d , h I wlto ,pplllrtd III . fi I d.' 11 III 1\11 old·fllsllloned rreu.tl. '·.Remember ..... porliuo of Ille debl \ Th,.... a. Roing tuu \I. vance. grul.le I bill ' y t Ie riG. IlclI" "('"I'ut. f .. I h f I I I I d I C!re \I{'re prt'p e t'I~, \\7hllo he lI11gl CII .101 10 \l1 ~l,t Ih. 110 ' L I I jl mll\~' . I' d • r ' I Iunt ' i cUIIUQlt " ' ' d " 0 " a an Il '0 ~irIa thQ , e. S.bbalh Mn . . .ere tluy ' eet 10 keep \I hlllv." .. t.e elllllllca, proc "Imp u "OIlSlllu l'"n, Cull rOIl<' I'\ld)' far how.. ,.r .nd th. Diet iI •• proruuued. I' I ; )o"rlf ,. ,e_ R" .,011,. ' I I d ' I I.U worI n"h, nnd IUIlI\\llIld ' h Ih,'I1\ 10 be rluh III IUllh f, 18 " " " I " II.. n WIt ICII IIe appeor cd t(I II oocI II dVIO' A " ' _ dd' ., , I r II "Iu II ' SWl.'urin J I I g uud IllulLhlll (n k g'sllll., , ldli Fr.illi. felll'nr bia end • ap. \\; lit • ,.-." Ie III I .e r4'Vo otl .... u I Ihe " .Mla " I> rorreep"Jlut!1I (". \'cruu gra"I, unu 11\ ~ ItlOn. gnve.> Ie I 0 , 0 " UI '> I urn •• Hnd g"od \Vur ~, ho II tOulu n"lllllli ..... B I I' .1 L , pughed o .1001t , age, tu ... , , ' I n 1111 al I' I ' 1.. ~rl e ,," "or ..·e,l' II b.... Iy, I puruon "I" lS40. a, pelitiul' 10 tl ... "lIIperor lur peo ple tho !,Tlvd!'ge Llohg. by d~l!rplt!8 pnrtonll .......chib ••ueemble d Ihe, Diet ttl fll[ Ihe ' uloll Ie" UII .I ,'r II ,,' I'll, I t II I "Il ,I Iruu d till! puor. to pro\l,de Iilcmse veij I , I' I I ,..'0 I d" ()rouuh , to , Ih m , Ihl 00 pclaf w IU .' WU' ' A '. 1 6 .'gjlIlJ 'J atl rf" r'v '. I • ~ , Ill' 'rl c g II., re .. u r " *'ict._Iu n Till dUlle the A••embly be· the .bo\ltlull. ord the censor.l np ~f Ihe Wllh A"""'. und 10 '''I:'"IlIZ(I ur Ihe.>lr I um- 01T'[ in dilft1 rent , dlrecl","~, J... hn h.ok hId GCluPIIltl81l' ....:1/1. tlln I roeo ll. " ~ pca· l ()blJRl.G rel' It • I 'fl.e ; d' I'url/lJlIllfC()r'~r. a bl I b g ~r. • f d t "'II' ' IU I .eoc. • kh,,' ere r.. UI • h I , pree M• w.. "glle uy the mt'ru I'ra 0 tilt' u.r II IIltlulIOI ~ord. e to b IUl ht pu IC 10Udt',OO "Inl\' I~r l D al,'ed IIl J'urIY 1IIi10d, 1111 hoor . dlly : I qucal~d 10 preM"e order for I (ew melu",he wunl'" deulfIllln tu Hre t at tiC Iliwa WI · I III ltoulll.te I I " Id d -b i ., d l" I ' , • ' h}I~1I \Vho I arc udud d .,' 10 ' Th' the rnilr.,,,d ....oel"tlun. III t on c rI'u,~le among ,'ll lII'pre Ju~l)' t xcrult' , ulod I te Wliu Iry 10 gl'l n cony V" nee. e ,l mllll\Jt end to the .u~prille o( 01011 or thllM IH I!rllnt OO\ln- ,Iut I ' , r ~lr ~.A urlllon thllt ' ld 1I0t (ll;ult. • I' I'" H ,Iu do ita dUI" In the .o.cndU lent Ilt ea" prillcip.1 li~1I1 I HId " t to the workill" 1Ir' Ihe roiling' 1I11c11 kllulV 1 01 tbt! AlIlI'lriau cupi. lerb*l.nced,lhe pOlVer of thl' 8lmllding li---w uI " vtry f\!ligl (lnw \YuMn" pre. li\ the vuullg bnpd.ome 6ttuIIl "lid I• • Dutti.en l uf n .. w lawlI ar· ler 111 n 111 ' r\lolm.!n aud .1. ~::e vu/ ~e 'eU'11 Ud wltol ~uch 1\ ;I'~eu I Ilid hu v \\,o:ldllrlul ulltl p~rhllrH camo as neur wQr.hii1I ' 1 d I I" , I I . tul; alUt II' eo IL I I Ie III lie .11 .... _ ot lie r, w1 D ou , ,iDIl M~~ glllllly ~ttiretillridll'.nd brld • ....:.lIlet .pn_1 Pftnci ....1 alllon- Ih' I'fifOrON proP"It;d •• my IIIIC I PIUCI' d I he pllwer \VII'I.III! I ~ u. r pcop e. J"stl!-oll • 1 I ' I I ten I ' 'I '11n"' 1 will rJI is ~ Ih e ope . ruliun, L,'t , U~ cxumlue ,. ' II monardl It, All t a Irouill N--hl'r . (,U~o rit8 IlIilll.t(>r •• !tomll or IlIlu the m1ddle 01 Ihe rllom . ' -doy' I'll" III .ppenrlnClll. ·I'h.lllig ht Vlt'nllu wu ~ IIIU111il\ut~ III t I~ ItIUOP,' W,," J'" , 0 ...... I U .• el,"lIol I af the pe.~"'u. to Ihe rull eve· "nd tft, rua'. d I I 'bJ i' I . Ib ri«ht d ' Icntfer un,) traill ur h'lIr pu~en,· t>u ,r p upte du Ko~. uth lhu HUllgurl bI ' I hi • I Be- t r..rrl~ d 111' IIh I I I ers un yel ot ler. ; lem e "n II ,. no I"/'\ Ipd. olll.inc It tlf' weI" II 0f mure I.un ry ulid'1111: ext'cl' t tl~ nn: but ri. "e ceremon 0 y ' w .. -rl'urme ' rllYu . 1I d \,U IICP. In th \\ • IIC I Gilt! Dnal) CUIII !.' tiJI:l .oun~ or rllin, lng "I~~. l er c.ra anll un\) bUJ:llulle fOre ·b· ,enJU)'RlPD 01 CltlSftll , p. two IhllUlllld Will kno\\ II nao,el," ('ur. when prllJlef· . bl! lhu la~ It 1U,'y, Mh~ W8~Cl.llltitlUlllly hurn' lI'lIId.. rWa! In ~ulltur}' gloom, 011 lhou~h Ihe mUll' Dlld fie/cer cr)'N r{'soonde t or all")' and blilliailt ._mbly or d Ihen thero \I"~ Ily luo urd. will "uL h.· lUll 'h lusa thl11 eig h· m~ rlllg I • rt ian 01 MII,la Th.l't'tII . (O~, 10111: JlP. 3 .. 9.60,) , AllrulI, It IIhrewtl lu" o[ ~urn\' "1' r"preaen tdllv". rrom enr,! qaartor urdl Will in muurning ovrr the people's ft hea\'y foil' Ihen cOIIIJlDr~ o;. thl liye ~1It'IICt' _ t Iy tnn d wei ght, Thl. bud)' III the ule of teoll ),Ilur. er .al\l~~ the p....llt. h.d beto Hr I •• n I FroDl lhie pe~lod Ihe work went age. wllu. lu pe.>.ler Ihe olU Iu· ,Iubo, Afler Ihll Jo.tite had pronoun bravoly V!tll.ry. When 101111' ced clime blit k. poo r .IIIury· II rllic ~er. cunlld\lred III p.,t .nd parOl.' lin. The.> pt'ople ,o(ln beaon rurly lIIiles un 11Imr. It: \1VOci uboul ~lJtt1 reot ' tty. UIIII heur hor .cllld, wuuJII occa IUIU,lIy tllt'lII 'hulbontl I"d 'll'ife,' he relrrl'd (r1l11l to tulk "pen· \ So) grf'8t WBS lhe terror of the now pll· 'co~,"''' hmH r.iming Oll'« 1i l t 1(.0 taule. .r the eotl, were biJullht and .old 111'1111 ~ho Iy of Ihe IlIIJ1deed. , or in a .~w'l,)' Tllal'~ b~IIV\lUII twu , b\llll1 ap,uk ruliler lighlly of Dlr, N--. hor [1Ihll rooDl. the IQvernment. alit emperor. lhut rrom the dl.mino l or' hDII Ind Ihe b.1I wenL~u merril, II ~I't be fri " hteud 1I1~r)' '' h,o ..id l "it uf • clock, II ft l '8 acruN a COmmun atreet, ""Itt, 104 eou'd 1101 leave lh. etlillte 011 and to att~ck the I min I~tl'r. polic1 0: the prime min- ! Mellllrllich 011 the 13111.10 the lllst ur Ihe mnrri"Jt bell., 111' 1 8 only 0 Sll~d"y r~lV: I'LI:I:iovO :Ieb!he r 'll'ere bo~. un Ie•• by Lh• • pe. WI or, Uellemi ch. alld they uriyiu~ wlteel~. if 81:1: f.. ot In dimm 1' \ Uuppell in, in ' at tile Ilouao of Mr., to dech,im IIgalllfl : 11ulch. Ihero \\118 no eo~il1el. uud liD gOY' huve ' --------one ot the public huu.us lIeneruily." ur, r.. vulvo IIb'llIt thr~1l tlll1 Ud ~",~I••IOII of Ihe o"",ner. who wu III a .eound, 11--- OtIe do,. Ihe old Ilidy bej!'d ll ..' I),ranny. in no 10f'aBured tl'r.... TI~ey ernml'nt . A new 1I1lni..-lry The Duily Mail '11'.' In II GI.~o'" om· wostheu furm. "11. SundBY rowl" ri.uimued M~ry. with The revoluliu". of the dr.vlug "hurl II.r, : lI~ullllo '" ...I.r. l0!ttr cllde 01 law~ called .ccuaed him of eendillg chnll e lUll" nnd Auroll Ihinking l IIII.UI the othl.'r daw, .nd beard. the Hllng.,, ed. COlllruy 10 Illl' III(lul"tiun. of Fd- ell1J1hu.I~. litlle elrl :"'tll~"llm .. lI.rll eOlr~nt:I~11Ied I~!e eerfs, aoldien 11110 It.ly lind Switzerland •• nd ,n I' rwuccd hy Ihe 1II0tlOll of thO pi.~on in 'hll pUI It on rlliher lI.rd. I itar hllurilill hL'r no~ more Ih," IP\I~II yelrl of DR"I . .II .. or dllllllld. die Gubhlel liI8otoll their "Rtgolo · John culorod. hut foroing 11 hlUgh 1I.lu.te~'" the eoullde rlni InBl I I . cylinder , 'r .. tlllcll fe.olut lon uf till. '1 1\Iroll!!h. I"id: log Ihe ltuliou. Bhd Swiss HlIO lIungl' lil,ns or the Preas," denying , genllem an "II he would b. hl'r (.tIa· tile tllI"l'nl .Iwh)' thpy h(t pP('1I on olher d~y" tqu: trw, hood 10 lI.e .nd die 'll'ltere born, he "I, and a mixture of all into ""II.io, wh~ el. there ue IWO tnulilln. of Ibo plrit. '('111 olOlloud 18 Mr. N--- . an.\ Clln I.'rl" Itt 1000k of lurpJi.. tbat the rree UBe or Ihe pcn. The cilizeliB \11'0 ~1I1l11 be oblir:Pd wu Ihe "pl,. to Ilay here for .... at llbertl \0 CU' from bI. landlllrd at all mIght be kept moro un . Thu~ tliere are 'il IOI/lion8 uf tllil p reuc:b .. ",,,II.' eOl lly lIuder eun.l agBin an••e \Iud the lIilli~try were djllilulv- hllur "Oh." ."itl tb. prl'eocloue eotIotI'JtVOBI' • Ihnolll every vehicle Is enlrae-ed , .....ure Il~ ,I,ing Iilm notl~, be WII8 .1· tfol, He ,,'III ch'fied pi. lon to the .ecund, Ind ut each of lhe. e l 'Prellch! ' auid th. old lady. 'you don't of IOttpl) HUlDe, "dem" with keepinl\' duwlt etl. , ),Oll 1M"" If Itlal ~ime we C8n get a ~.rriDII:~ and drive motiun ~ 11 valvo II IIl'encd ~e4 • portion of 'Incl •• n~ 'he h.,de,1 ~he.pro,re... od iUlprovemenl or tbe coun· or I'luded. (ur the kn ol" one Mingle WUTlI In the Bible.' The ..econd rallin"t proved DO beUer _ WIlli' Elyaillu fieltl., a three you'lI be 1111 (athrr till the late. Ir. eot. mile" wllk tit""" or hlalut were ~mehl)"t~. ng or exh"u.ll llg .tcam rrbm tho eylill. ! ~ Well. \live mo II t«'l[I,' ".id Anron. 'und leet"". J .I,all tr'J' by Ivt'fl pqeaibre _ ";n8. ~IIO or el· They d"lu,t'~ tu call. ,,,"I'rul jlel 011' for balt price," Auc mb ly wl/uld bo 100 much rOf )'ou." Till. iIude ., erst prolIIal pteli b, her tlAg oue "I ... and oDe race der, Thi. IIlIl~t bo • cumplele ... d perfoot . ee II I cou't preach .' 19amat .noth· j l" frlwe I Clln.tltuliulI, 01. oue preLelt or . ,) • "N". nu," .be illlerl1lpt eu ".gerl,. Ij.ple~et. w ... tn tbe rel~a -'1 , eacb time. til produce the lIpee(l. her .UC- er, tha'.U mi,hl bot we.kl!ne~ toJlt'lh,r, Iinother ,'."d 'y.,u uOII'L IInuw .. nyt\lIni about Iho BI' It I. rel.tl'd. al .. Ionllhfn . tblt I"~ at last publiJibed Otle or Uleir will be llie be1lt ihlng iu lIll! world;, '*Itor, _actlon ed b)' tlte DIet till ."oth,: .1 In til ~ o( the let \III But thtlre.aN!. Iwo eyhndef l. wu,king " , hie,' •• id)lr • H,. ~rb•• nd Cr...!!I. OWII. Tbe j,.tuplll were outr_r und f{'il ".Ik, I bf'« ,ou 'j( you du. yuu ~al l .:e tiomt t1llirvuy .ni. who C_1l ae.e r1~hl de.r l.,hn: I can't ed ,ul\d libeni oae ~lIld-be prepared. .,alnel HUII.ar ,. TIlua IIJ&Uont .loud 111.Id".o( Iho pnrlnl.' •• nd at dift'~r' lake Illy tlill yuu pln.e.' It \tbI.'IDMIVI." Ineuhl'd. The N.lIl/nll Guard deN I cao't it.)' In \bi. Ihruuill aoy":,,,, : tit II oot y"". .tn~ horrible r iIOll ." The time lor 111 • more hberal uoe the DI· thfl c'ute of 18'7. ent poillte 1)11 the cra"k uC Ihe .1I..el, or -Well,' Mid" mIll, 'I. ".rtuoU' womln Tlte wOildtr la tt.ere _.hI L • • J tJ • .,..'\otI tore up 1.''1' J b b Ined Ind 00 Ih"l Irud,,"; Ih. ule. I I ...y bel and d.e, do Itut muYe " f 1111 • I red b d be • ..,bItdJ Iwd and , 0 ,\00 .. up .rml, 10 ,ec I .t II without pnce,'-I Iiu'l ~hU in ),our BI- who cannoll H throll'" a.rr U! -II ~ In thi. yelr \be U,u n,., I'0 DIill ,,.10 u nco.. • I er cop, tbe cllil'YO)'aDL uf the inltrume ut thfl cuuld jjllCi•• un '11''' billh. lIot • brqlb or ab' I "heb.' look .t the pMhllon l 01 the Dr- noet. .114 In .pit. 01 Au.trlan tbe ean .. 1111"111, nr rather, thl" ""rnat e ble" ,old , T~e JoIilliotry did aul relr.ct., but went ~u Ihe rOid. d... ty, )I , .. t .liII the,. cOln\riy.td '-rio lll, .ocIlIacJ, ."at wllh .11 tbe rl,h .. Koaulll W.I elecled . _Dlber thul. e .. ch pctrCurminK tho .liD ...!Bee. 'Ye••·lI1ld Ifre, (f " und It Ihow. that trolD Path, l ~ lIad'" W ret uOlil Ibe)' were COlO- talk Dd malic. 8110w or "llira~:t A Londun ,.p.er 111\88111&1 1••, 81 riuD. tItIftrred oa the )Ift. . at, h•• a••llll Ih.y dl,lde I HOuod inla twelve .qUlI PIULI. wom Q are b.ller th." .. II _Il .ckavw led.-a at leadet bY I r~;:. Lo rell,: o~ tlte 16Ut <If lIle" . 'Of the hi'" we. tbe Y.akee com.dt" , will ...... . M~,.1 tJ .. ,· f.lt w.rDl lad unc:oJllru rtljbl.. ......., 01 COI'p8NII( paaWlla enl al tho op- .11 p.r\lee, .ocllu. ene ..l_ ~.k 10 (lr period •• lit each 01 whieb Ihll perr~ct don't ..y 111:11 a yirluuu, man I. without I ed 1.0.000 :;.,111• •1", 411 hl.- tNt ~ prue I~ fler on the 17th tho mUD.rc-.h, I !be th. . lb., bad .rri,ed at Ih.. Uao IIf I"'~, .. complete oper.tiUlt of \1IIlIDjJ .IId .1' pric.,.' w.onl), ft.lrleC - 01 hjm, I"'" l"I)Ddfaaoa&oril,r. , fi~~' :.' ,Iu,........ c:a itll t80 bol '1IIt~"':. ,.., lur bim, .ad na,' ...., .Ietired uUI', . .' tho tWlltf.. . . . . . . ., w....)' .~II co- "His .peec:hfa ere like t.urol h.ultio, lte.1Il ill perforllM'd. _Del al thil l 'Well. WII wIII.•ee .boutth~ . . .rrow•• fraria I III: l,' MId A.· bef~re Ie ret""" p II- ",wid 8.... w~ hi. ua. ~&rat IIIIW FIi~.al!tl I ...... 1. -. ....Iott .. Ita. the Diet. .nd of ,.c:ta IIlQlivn Lb. platoo ..ctuall, ron. ami .Iter dIYldlnc tb. • ... Ill. -OrItorJ ... 11111 I baue,., wiLli llIIIJoH;l in\o IWO .efll.'l 01 ~_I I '.."..- ... It .th• lied Ie 10_1Tbe ...., "" ..,." head ."'IM .nd tuna. Ute other WI,. bale ~ ~ •• -.... _ ...... ur three b.... GOIII_aoed • lui au. . . . ~ ID. cltJ. bHWJ pl... of , ..... III .... w N... . lei ' purck.l ..... cIOIIIIt til COIIIpPea &be TJroI. Ie.yl.., Vie. 011 .ad , herl buotIa......., ...~ 'TIll _reilf U I .., .rtlc ID IU - - wttIt • er· .... Jd .... prte(o but bt'h aM" eta:~ ble ..~ ..11lllCert. bole retlplai oa lie ...r.- beer . . . . . . I.. "&be _I.... The ear : . . . : : ...... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . n4. It C:DDot _ ...:a" • .., ~ .1l~J"~(IIIIj""""_ IIMirfU . &lie of~IIIrII'-- ef . ,• •..,... .. ...... ... •... ~:"',r.~, .",.~ilrlil.........-..... til •
t aeilthe.>ee
. , ....
(,l'' 'ft' j
.... ,Mi._ "ald....,....
* ... ....,fa' ........ ...
=.-plat., ..
C,. ..
(Nil, 4 ) p~tectlon
A ACT tor tile
of .bup. SEC. 1. jI,., ' t e".elM by tI,e 0 .... _1 A~bli ql' Tile S .al. "f 0 110, "" 11 t f( an1 d.,. or dOli' ' hlill kill ur IlIjlllJe Ill)' .heep, llie OWRIIr ur hlrbvr'cr ell ,uP/j dOl or ilul' ur. ""1 or Ih",n, IIh II be 11\'01'1 I"r III dlll"" e, i.l1 1t m. y-tie I Ul lUl of:d Ibel'l'b,y ' .u he r. cuvrirN by the, perl)' Illj ured; bol(or 11)1 el.lu ~t " Il~ n3' CUllil' leul JurrlSdlc - ,l"''''wI.,frv. tlon •. • BeQ, lI. It ,hail be tnwru l: ror In y I II. I t '\,"Y t l1J1l~ til kIll li lly dog w ",'y be 10llull t lu\1I1111l. w ~r rYIIIl:. ur 1,'Jllr· 'liar ¥hll'3 p. ' , S&e. 3. Tit l lC 'he owner of oov wh l~ h j_ III tllo h. bll 01 nI\IIIIII'; h 'nDa .nd wlinJeril,g allout \ ithOlIl the p "D ;ence Of Il4.. 0wnet. &h.. 11 ne,,11l1l1 or ralilse .o anihl" tiullh dog, II Oer do .. nutl oe f'lflllt Qf it wonde'r l n~ hulllts,' II ..hllll be S,:e.,4 'I'h o \Van!p. II shall rC{:el vo bll ~wrul (or , nr. reh oll ~u kill .Iloh d'll: GIIIIII HIII'lmpNldu IlOIl lor hi. 8~rVICt'e. lu wlJenever it m.lll!' be l\I,uod robm'"ll .1I,) ul ~e ti t~d ~y til .. D,reulul'II, not exceeding 011' the preoll,ea, Ind Il\VIIy rrUll1 lhe pre~ · tlVel \ ~ Ii oudred du /l.ra pur UUIII'"" PUllh en~e of . uch o~ lIer. u ~.I~lunl ti hull rtlceive not rx cet.j,ng 1I11rU8 arure8lutl. S t:c ••• Thet lhe act e ll liited '1\0 1111 ly-livll dullul'1l per mOlllh, except IIIghlbl" nUIl1~ered by the Clerk. I"d pl,,\;1I!11tter uf cuurae, verlou. opInion. OIl to '0 prevent InJlIrv by dOlN,' pasftod VI!- g ll urJ~. \\ tlu m"y receive nut " Keeedlll!: (·d un till' III his uffice. wllh the dl"PUJ\lltUII Ihe 'proprlely of &Jr. )III1P,'1 c:onduct.ceQ'lber :14111. 18 14. WIIII ." uct ('lIl1tled 'AII (. ,rly dull~ri pt1 r monlh ••o be fix ed by th e 01 ~uch pe:oun whluh dOpodlllun 1111111, 011 M"ny Will couielid IInil lie ougltt to lillve . et for the prOleclloll O 'J allt'e",' paN!led Dlr~ ~ tur•• which Cl/IlIPl'lI6lit1011 Ih ull lie the bock of the sume. CUllln11l .he recelpl cu, n'orlUetl tu 'he preYalllll1r CU.I. IIID tlf )I,rllh l $ 11I I o. b • UII Ihe ." IllU ure !,u id qU llrle r ylOurly QUI or Ihe Irl "8ury 01 .. f ~u·h perlulI, lor sucll order drLlwl\ Go ~ .. ruby re penl .. d, Pru"IJ..d. Ih . 1 nod, llIg OIH II' 'Ipull Ihe urd er uf th e Jlmlo'or8 nlurl's.ld. fight ,Ime, we eonnot QCCOUIII fur It, Ultle~. cUUlltry, but J IIbould like lu hear allch ' llt!'reiD cOnL~ lnl'd 8111111 be!lo ('o ll9lrlled III 'l'Iout' no Pl'r8Ull 80 tlu pluyed shuh be ellli . liI"c 4 That nld elork Ihan enter In U - - -- -thpre I~ npglecl of dilly by Itlme of tbe 'ptlrluUI deli he Ibe extt'IU 10 w~icb • Ullin to illter rdro wi I" "ny rlghls, h. b" "l~ ur lie'" t" porqul~ lll' • • IIIlh e Bhl/pe of boutd. buule, 10 be kl!(lt fur Ihllt purpo!le. lhe dure. TO CORRESPONDENTS. MRII AgelliM ur' Poel Mnu er.. shuulil lII~rlllco ",bllt he lIe!illvel to' cl ~ lIn ~, Ihnt mu)' h uv~ lil:or ue,1 II lld", Ibe pFuvldIU b ~, cllrrrulles or horijllB. lur thcm - nllmber 811" "U")Ullt ul all onlura tlruwlI by --"~ lUurul 00llvlclloll8 10 Ihe r.. qulrt'IIIi'Dta uf •• jll rllpl'lIl ~~ acls , , .el~ell ur IUllI\ II 08. hl lll III cllhlormity wllh Ih~ pruvldlons u. JI\MES C lOU S O N . S £O 6 . The Wurd~ n Ahall auend t o II c Ihe prpceedlllif dt'CtlOIl 01 thld ut i, I1lao. A. F DOYI.E, Nelv York City . 'Ve ~The WOYllel>v1lle lind \V,lmingtoll cuurt... y and '~IIt1ellllnI1 pruprilllY· A. , ' Speaker 01 the B ,," a/! fll R ,·orc.ell tut\ \'es. I f I I b \ the IIU~lle "r Ih ~ IlurdulI lu whum grullled, hu\o all8wered y uur I.. tll'r · The puper Turnplko And PI'Ulk aI/ad. Ie bplnl( pUlh- the 1V0rid nJ w Wti,s. IIU &rt::ller'tl prltloiple lila, E"DITUB:-A" • IIUtice 01 th" death WrF.LlA:U MEDI LL p~r~ 111 e U t 10 rp" w mRlen~ d IU e IIIUII- olld he aholl IIIIIU"l1y, UII or belure th e Will be H ili 0\1 d,rectl'd Thank yuu. ed rorwud very rB(lltlly. thlll 8POIOR. 'Dy CDII be '~Id -.10\\ .. lur the .ondoci ul AUI.:r. Geur!'!! F. Ev.nl Ippelre4 ill I..t Pre"ldcllt of Ih l) S \,II teo u.uctured It I the tl llilenll" ry. lin I! hull ul- fili i' LI d. I A I II t d Ir k' h b II • 8 dO clllend 10 1" 8 all lll !)/ a ll Irllcl e~ lOunu ell I Iy U prl .IIIU e Oil UII IIl1 d ANCI EIITMEMORIAL5.I'..I?gelldof\Vaynes. nfxl willtPr, Ihnse who wI~h lu travel UII Ican p'li z(IIS .. bruud, Ihut .,111 i dollt I ""lIe IIP"Pt'r.,1N II. Iuo phlre IUllrlllonth. AprIl, ~!l, I 611. ctuN'd Iherllu!' he @hull MI~u provl"'e lu, inll 'u Ihe uudllur 01 alute •. lin ullliJll ul Ville IIlId Iho IUluml .-The IIIlLJaor of tl1l8 that route, Will buve a _plplldld ruad lu U_l". ulllverni appllcatlun ~ach CUle UIU"t be allil lillie d"y •• Iter Uledenb til hl'latllt(, and clnlllln" I~r Ihe CqD\lCt8. ulld shllll ull orders dJII,WIl u~ IIfbregllld. J I h • I~ lit t I h ft • [Nu 49 ) hll \'e III. barge the " hilI .. up ra.lon_u f the SEO. 6 hut I ( Hhull be the duly 01 arllcle Will p",o~e aCGe pt our thlnkd (ont. TIre \\Mllly cUlllrlr-turll .JeKPrvp Ilrt'uL lIB 1111 hld~pllndellt fact; III tb'l av vU" propu 0 ur.nl. ),uII. fW AN ,AC1' al\thorlz nll' die Courls Qr Jus- eelublslulIl!UI All mOlif'YM druwlI Irom tht> Stute 1 r CU8urer, IIl1medllllOlly UII re- It Will be pllhhohed 81 1111 early lillIe, Illd prll160 ror the energy .bey h:lye dl.pluyed pre~elll IIIl1lullce, '" haltlVl'r lII"y be thuUllht 11II1l. \10 Ibll dUlu uf "I. rather. wrltt~II lice lu challile Ihe welllle in suit. whllre- thll treasury for th e Urie of the prhlun. fo lllV IIg 11\ pll)'fJlCIII ur tuxeo. ur ulhcrlV ldll. \YO wuuld be pil'as d to have II "few more lID muking .he road. 01 Ihe bt'llInlllr uf Jllr. hlllt'.,lbe GUure •• \lU1I oller tbe evrllt of I,I, ~ealh. 11 1u\I in & Curporl&lioo " 0 parly,lo cellaln co- . hall bl! drllwn on Ihe orde r of the Wllf· ony Wull Mculp urder, to Allier uri Ihe lucll ur tbe .ume IUrl." _ _ • 0. ' I or J\lr. CUtij Will render 11101 quite PUPlllar lj .!!" 61 tu IlI,ert tllPm you c.n dll '0. Th. ~8. de ll cuulller. lgned b)' a IlluII one of the 01 the Hallie, the. tllty II lid I dale, alld Ihe .A N sw F r..6Tt111£ -WI' c~mmf'nCe 1111 8 -ull"'ul .he ChUU .. II ..... , to whloh, bulilev. hillier 1111\ tlle ....11 nuw _Iepp tOlplb .... "III , SEC. I Be It Inac",~ liy tbe Gent'tll D lreclor•• lan'" un~er aueh rull'l Ind regu- ,,"rll'rl'dpemetl; .lId It .IIU I be the duty 01 o. " ' " I I b Ii I D Ii" II I. Alllembly of tltft State of OhlOI 1'bat In lalluIl8 • • Ihlll Irom !hpa to time be the ludltur 01 .Ulle, on rei .. lVIng Hny ~uch FOURTH OF JULY. 1852. week, Ihe pubholliun or Ittlers, frum I tlr. hie SOlllbern frienil~ will rll l.e ' no 1". 1 Ie III t'~lt • • 0 PDt I In "10.' IIlC)rD .. ' • ny .ui~ wherein .. Corpuratlon, by ll1w I ur lbe rulea redpeOled urder Irom tile trl.'uurtlr. lu IIle lIenlll'm"n /If Nrw Vur" ClIy, wbo will In rluu. obJectilin. The pruverblll to.d, '"111 I 111.1 wrfc k lhe willtr, ~kf, nu lIIur. dl.. more tbln firty .tuokbul~er., I. I 'parly, Drreclur.. lind prflrve Ibe .1I\le. alld OIlCC. ye., tu fulure write regu'arly foruur p.per. Thl' lIur re pff.enl.tI,e. It lurtHiO ec)ur~ i.lurb .helr 'W~I:I tepuul" 'f".lr pllllrfll\' Ibe opnn.olte D.rty. Vl.lllllfF QI' der(' r.dlDt. S • T~ D' h I cumpllre Ih\'III wllb .he elllilllit uf the In a rew wel~ks mllrl', the evtr memorll" _ on •• rtb I, elliled .001 llMlr I '. rf Ell v .,e lfeClorll1l a I In lurn I k f I .b I.-I lelteu wl'l not or cour .. prelelld to ,,,"ve I Ulukt! uur peol.l. I.. II1e .. 1 tU.U,Ulle wllu h.- wi I, d U eir d, ht' "10 til t d'. p fl .. I. the C.1Ie mlY be, IIball make .md"vlt Ji,' k l ,l' 0 er 0 tIe proper cUUllly. , erel ...... lire b:e "F..urth elf July" wIll IgIl1I culRO .. th., I.e ~anoot blve a lair .nd IInpartld ery I 0 wel' ~, 11111 n (·mp. ny eVdry I'eq'l1red 'u b" IIIlde ." IIIld auditor 'he "1"le~t lIl'w~." "the ""I,IP uf lighl- prr 00 thp uppulille Ulrt'lhe. lye I e I III • IoII.ot ... thret mont II. lD. pe et the War I~II'II a' .. ;> T . . brouorl. TIIIAdl Y, 10 a !tue Amprlclln. Is b I he e 10 \:l ••1 • " tthl~ m the county III which . ucb corpot l l - ' 1..,£Il OJ. hut tile COUII~.I' ~UlnnIl8810n· I I ' I n.n!! fly wllh II greo. de.1 mure .peed lllu" ' I II tI~uught here 1Iial Duuala. wilt ,et " urn, IU"'. lie I ~ . air "hUral . 1) m h e -It. prillclp.1 on:ce <![ trll!lUCIiI cuunls, t.htl dlfFerellt Iportmell l , uf thlll""- 1''' uf 0"1 cUUllly, lOuy incrtlli.e the buulI- a way. ooe 0 gr. I' U reJI eln JrllJce. on 'I b I Y ~~rll)' be lil've8, on, Blld Ihe cOlldl~lol1 uf Ihe prl~neril. 0 I)' fur kllhllg wolve. over ',X mUlllhl uld, bClcuu'n t of the plea.ln, rdcullecllolll It Ulle e S~,"·. "1011\1 conveDlencesj ulour Ih, D f Bllitnlle !llm 111I1I1In , uu lII"y ON TIlE DEATH OP (lHARLE& Ita p InoPII bU-lo,...... I.nd If bi. Ipe"C"Ilop .hall b9 1udlllilled by tl h~" huo p,wp. r tu rrgullalt blld fix tllllle . p to plghl 4"llIlr.. per .calp; Pruylde.... auch tOIl ... a'lI rl, e lIiP III tllIll'" mllld. \Vhell co-respundent Will comlllUlllcltt! t .. UI SUI b dl'pelld UIlOIl II I/I.t Geor~l' N. SUldpr. u f EVANS. tbe .eve.. 1 0Il1Jltvh. 10 th~ . llIte efl'ecI, or flU IIlment. ul.e • • h II,! of all 0 • t'ril locreuse tihull tie ",ud uut 01 tb.. tre.~l\ry we look bllck by .he lid IIr B illtury. lu Ihe Inlereallng po·t!culllr,.. •• In. y nut be care- Ihtl Amocr.,k Rtvltio klle)\' \l.h.t be WOlf ' en Ive c~eJlble perllons, r;lldlng In l uch soun- ... ~ IIll .., ~ d bel tlnilellllllrv. nilI t ulher- ul the pruper COllllty. lime when America we" discovered by C ..- fully notlr.pd by the Telegraph. and doll, III, wl",n he pllelll d IlIlu CIIR, Bueh.nlln, ' duly of the Court La wl..1' pruVI e by U\Y. 8nd.Dllllu~1 Y.III Ih ll JAMES r: JOHNSON. v ur II d III a . .," BT 0.1 wau JUra .. fZ1' I. J'U~ 11, it .',all be 'III' , lo ~o/ne Idj tiDIng coun- mOII \h uf Dilcelllber touk pla<6r ill "I I' pnperd. 1'Y It hope t al our r81 e,. \\' IlKrcy lind .U .he uther "01 'fogle.. Jl _ P"oa':'. ~hlnie thlt ~It/lue I S ' Rubmit 10 I tI I0 _, S p'ell k er 0 r the UIJII~I' ul R t1pr"",,"tllI Ives Iumhu.n , '1'1.1-. 11 oCllurrance ~ I fI r Iy. 1II0It conlleniell' ' for bu.b pllrtlell; erllur 01 lie Ln Ie, _, re port a .the COIIU! \\T.J LLI" &I lIiE DILl.. yeor 149~1 alld Wlltch 118 rapid prU,re.l9 filld Iht! lelle,. 10 be "ery IDterellin~ olld I. t. ot tb e mHn tu air In ru~ InlpHiI.ib llit ", whereupon ~he IUl t .ball bp tried o. hend tlun of lIl8 pr,eon together wllh ·Illlg~"· Prd,d'lIIt vf th" 1:;""I1Lo. up to the preae!lltlilne, then we call huve a IIIHlrucdve. or non fQr un~llohll,blhtle., but •• h",wd. "0/,' har~ of paInful a"ar, C_I ~ lite ..... in the •• me rna liner u Ie II had bl!ell tlonl as to Ihe Improvtment [bill may .April 26, )B6~. filII oppurtunlly of 1I0" wlII" "what II o. aol ld.he llded IllCoroco wbo knuw" how to • I ..." odlinally ~lDlDeliced in .uch o.ljolnlog .hew appear neC4l ¥..ary. • • .....Ou. "0 '8 'If'II,'' 'III' June, bo. been I I I tl ch nc•• al" -I" yet e-art Co~. ,iDa Il;e .",llthll billa. our n.~;aful couol Ste 'T. ThE! Dlrectur. and Warden change hn hl'en ·mode." Where once Vol • .. 0 .' ca cu II e "' • ~, IU ~ -~ beur" , • J. JAMES O. JOHNS0N, the P 'mftelltlary. I holl, fruol lime 10 time, was nOlhilli bu~ Ihe ""reen Woodd." inhK- recl.llv~d. DOll we lire cUll81rame.l 10 .ay, II much inAueoce Ipllli parly .. Iny 01',. 8pelker oe the Huu l e uf Repre~l1ll"lvIl8 elJtllblt!lh by.laws. rule l and reg,,'a"ulI~. N c'n ' [Nu. 66 J 11 1 blled by ' he l'r<l.1 mOl uf tb\! furrest." \\ h" thot WI! hltve nevl' r. herelu (ore, been ~ 1/1 It. ',I'he lorlh('umilll number of Ibe For JJ.llb'. " ... k haverla, .. 1... la...,., OI '"rEDILL. • lor the dllcl pllnb IIl1d ..o~ernment' lher .. or, A A . - to rec:vrl!"l1 lzulue enevo elll Inwell pleased ",'II L Illi. aplelldi.l wbr L as WI! n II t I It I .. d n .1J.r hi. 1111_". lIi&bUul. 111.1111111< ..,di I t _ WILLlA ... " 'r a ,. "[! I UllUII~ III t1Je I:IIUI(: ul Uh,u wlllJ 8111mft1A. Ikc, of 'LlrlOIIP kllld ~.. na ., II \' '" n e1l /CID WI COOO II II. I .11 , k '.t ..I.r .. I>re,' ''eo' uf .... "'elill • . Illd lhe Warden, (ur hltlldelrand aN ldlulltiI. , ar~ Wllh thp nre· Ant nUlnbar It cunta lnol h I' I G C If -If" au • WI.. be d I:I BOI 1. Ue It elluoll:1I by till! Gell"erll l wlIJ as lie, rormed Ibe ollly rrellure Inlillb. ,,- ~ • Ic:or~ tn, ar IC • un I'n. ..... yuu A hu.band ,ltd. f.thr 1.11lk! Illw. ApTil lI4. 186'. hel re'ponllbl" rur the ubeerv. h d d did I I I I ~, Ihll .U-lIlH1 lfu,ln, wlHl.rcll·. power._ _ _.,....._ __ ",PC' Ind ~nh.. rceRlen. by-laws, rul e. Aosunlbly ul tile ::i'"le uf Uli lu, That Ih.: (tant8 1 OIl\V mO l, lCen Cll les, T",WII". one UI, rl' .n ' I we ve pag"'. all .. orn- hkl' til lee a nlln "omed camp ete 'I olille .Iwllv~ thu A"ylum lur lhu hl.~II'" tIle 11'~lIlJltlUlI 14r V II .. F . & ...., i IImt'nted wllh lOme uf the beat engrovll)gI 'lUt. IOUlIld thr.. tlr IUllr lim" In I bltrel AI .. ! /luw lOUD W ... .1I4oIt1 , rlwt Will ~W I lind ,,"uISllulllo ; • 1M CO) .. • tilt! t'uncllu ulI ul Ih .. n"dl .ud DUIIIII, IIlId I Dge~ , "rmtil, c. -' . Ie mUJe.llc r vers H JJeeJ' we~plll' , ...."Iu w. ~III 01 ada l"L.o. , Iur-b b,-lawlI. rulo.- and '" f lJ' h tb Ii f we have e"or aef'o. Grah.m rorever! .. or etron, phlille. turn8d b.ck ,pln. rillll AN ACT to regulate the Superior Ind oot be conlrdry to Ilw l 0 II.e lurthllllduclillulluflbeBlilliI,bel'lullj,dulld" r 0 lIur coun y, t. ,e .moo .ur aoel 0 d • d til I dil huut'n C4imlDetcld Court 1" Clnclnn.tI. ..hallsullllllt .uch by-Iuw", rulea 'IInd II .., euotrulut IlBulU'iI ul'!·rt.l_ltlell,COlltlldUII, w~lcll "Ilre onCle uT\Jy dlslurbed by Ihe OIl' eservee.n ge a lip eo I p.trllnlge. - .Ide uut, .nd then relulH IITlJ freeh ~'ter Sec. .. De II eJldcled by the Genpral l"UOIl8, 1\1 the leal.1il1uro. at elch ul III/Ie IU~!il\jlll'l, &I\Teeo' wllleh bullrd _lIa .. c..lolIll ClOlllln, 01 tbe lod .." In hl8 \V. will furntl h til", Maguln'l u~ nry f.- to w.. b hllD.elf out with •• rter hlYlng Tbll' r.uuDd ble d,ln, couch the, wepl 'IOIId. A ... m .1, or tllp $t... oj" 0 ael. lull Ih.reof. be ...Hec:.ed Itum lhe Cllf III (;ulUIII 11111 , ur "II"'lt C81108," IIIOW are covered o"er wllh vorable terlDft. ulldtr,one thlt fDtete.tlng .urllle.1 .,p.;'r a. ·J·hllil .... llli ,n "'l1l1I 10 Ilia llIII illfllIIIIl*.. ,· wb".never tbe olllc. of Judge of SEC. 8. 'rile Wa -" ~n , by lind '''1'111 Ihe II.. 'IIiciallty, .. ~d the rl'.lIulRIIIIJ 'ux '0 be • •• o. . . I I n . . . - , D_. O!Z. I'lur or Commercill Court 01 ufU... .e!~eled /fUU' .he IIll1'e rellt (lUrllub~ of tilt' every descrlptioo of w"I'Nlrlllt, Irllm. Ihe ' tlUn, JUII p ace 118 ~",oc:rll Ie - - - 00 And wbea 10 De decree be loblt bcnfedl .ball beoome vac.nt, b,t: deillh. re. I,l\IIlioll advli'e .nd COllilen, o f the Direclor•• • 10" 81.1~, IlIIlwu ~.I ",J,um .h.. 11 be fedide .... Iphmdid ""\pbolt, whoae rich fur\llture, ~SlIrtolD" MspJllne (or June, h.. 111"r ellc"ange lilt. Ind re..d the neJlll 1\\110· Whit brtul-lulI ~1Ir1l .. I ,riGl wor. "'111' l1I''OtherWI~I!', allch YllcilnC) Mhall IIl1t be b.\·e powpr 10 ~lnploy II Clerk "wllUBe dUly ul Ihe . an.e buunty. Ivh /d. ,,111.11 lie di!lIu .... reudere It .. maguificenl ail • paloce,duwn CUOle.o h.nll. h cloeel 'he preaent .111· ber. ' . , bled ,blll1l\ ' filled, b'ot lhe court Ih a ll.t o,lce cedl e It .h.1I be 'II ktof'p • IlIlr. plllin .ud reJ,:u, i led th II d I 'J' La t he B ulDe \Vlth Ibe July numt.er comlllPnc8t Ln I. ' hi .Ielermlll!', lind .11 .he busll)e.. lar IICCUIl!:" , III duulHe elltry.! with Illellatl'. I!~ulelll jll~~:~~lI~nd.' r~~o ~~'III~'~:el' llillt!; to cgmmoD Bal-bollA. Numllroull chalnl' d d ' II. ' O.orge w, t ".e ,l'('lt .'•• ",1 P, pro- A hi_In, 'buna "POI hIa d'InJ~"" \ Wmalo brnw..u Ii·... 'ilIo ...... a lithl frctia 'I crediling lilt! .~me W II 11'd i f " II d d ' I II h 'dl b ' 0 ne", one. III ~I' I VIIII!' a 0 ell~ID" "rlplur 10.. been 10\'I\H to I dillllt'r .t Ihe 1I0~ then dllfPQ,ed uf, . ball tie trallsl erred r "h " ~ I I, II tnOlt~ paW!1 un ullih tUlll rutly 10 dl6chbrge Ihe' dullpi 0 'd8 dr/ b" 'd' WI c .re rOPi'''YII ..emil I ~lI- for Ihemeelvea. lbp work •• nd w. think ••••. r 'Huu e on TII.rId.y by a JaNIe u..ann • ... It 1:1_ ~ •__ n . v, , ... •u tli e euurt uf Coml1lQn PIc ... 01 H'lrn\l· !lut 0 I 18 trell~ury ur III! ueeo l it' ~UI- r/>Clulred ul thelll by I" w: uud !.be _uld ten e , III uur cllunl" w I" n. il o ron, tOil COUllty, nlld ~he c:lf'rk u f IllIi .aId te lluary , lind Wllh oil mnl.. rOCj lv.:1l lur Hw:rl1.hllll b.: UPP"'lIll!d IlIIllltldlU.dy IIlt~r and.re withuut doubt unlUnrr !IIure lll_ . that w." wlll_" lIt.e • ~ • • 'ert..... lIum!J.r uf ~"t1f'm.n 01 thi., city. H. L", •• ~ ua.~l {If Jtl.'" _1urJ·.~ A IUl'llI t.d&bl Ie itMA ~L _ .. ~ c:our1 of Commoll Pill •• I\b 11 tnke ch.rge ,III~ tlMle uf manUfaClUrf' artlc ea. .nd the pl"lulle 01 UIIIS lIet, WI pwvultld lor In Iy the ' .... ndl ot our IileUfd UuiUII. But Dleot III tl,lllluillber. • bu jlllll relurDeli (ru. P....DIlI, W ''''' b, 01 Ibe donk!''''' jU\lrn .. la, re~urds. Orl,'lIul dl~rgtni .he IDmer W"lth I.. muney' I'" Ibe CUlldlh utlUII. lila lhrj!e lir.t 1I0,ned ehall would th""~... 1111.1.... bDtie Ii-n I" II had n'l' • .... b.. beton on bUO\lneJ1jl I.. ",1'lilln Iu.t b• Hia ,arlin, "orda __ ~.1Iwd II.... 01 .1Id1_ fi l.... nd al\ otrle r "ruperl " ar.d paperll 01 out on lOuount 0 18 118111uLIUI.. H e be IIpou l llt~d rur tWII ): <llIr. · tllll .hree IOO C _ . ,,• ~r, • .......u B h I h b III I \ ~llld Super, r Clr 'O..llllmer~I. 1 Cullrl' lind _hall ..1.0 keep II r"Mulor al COUII[ uf .11 e'ld 1I~1IIt:11lur tour Yllor.;' IlIId Ihe thrt'; bove beell tI,. t n tile ron ....t)j 01 JUly J176 V"-I lIAr. ",1m III °rm~ ~ I at e rallfOlld that COI)llec~1 I . U. S."U ~... W·""" lei I til th bo • .. 1\ pruc:eed~" ca '~. nler J III>'';' enl purcb8lle. Illude by Ihe \V.rlien, lor Ille Iud 1I11111!d hit .I1X yu ..I'1I', .nd alier Ihllir C ~ I d tl I' U·. d C I 'remain 10 lIlIi. place one wet'k lunpr, ..Dd ....el. whleb .I.rt four t-i..... .."",nth_ h.11! r 0111 \IIOU IS Jo """ !llount I ..f , U ,0 0, u !p I , U'I\ 01 Ihe Inahtlltloll. and ut the nlnouTlI • ongrell PC .rl~ lat Ie n. e u oDlea Ihtrerorp we IdYlSI.' .11 who wlnt lelure. bill IUh! d dcree~,l\nd maUa,. tere(6rure penllll,g.en- 01 Ihe .. left uf lIIanullclured Qlld all Illhl'r tl'rm" o( lerVlce _hlU dllcce.'llvely ellplre. wero' free Ind mllcpendent' Nu we 1 1 1 1 - ' P. from \hIll city rur Allpln",.. II, '!I ltb tn. nil For 1I • 1:I..,or'-lo. . . ,eli"'~ hath I!r_"II, te ..... . nd, had III \he "Ill Superl"r ur C .. m· artlclel ; onll ulllU .,f UII! IlUIDt'. ' Jlge .. nd three utll~J"ldh,,1I b" uppulnt,,;J III Ilk" IUUII- ilwer. and we are flllly 0;' thll 'belief ur "U iI' "' plctu r8il," to go to hll NOm wltbout 1Il1. or the rOlctfir. M.n tJt......hlp Cu~ A£a. ,ball'" " ... , '" lite ,lor, ..i'"... lD' r(lI.1 Cour~, , hall.IBII", be pIUQIlPd..d geller.1 deOl4rlptllln IIf each prldonllr, olld n.Ir. fur IIle 'term ul .'X ye,.,,,. j t r{ I" h b ' 1 delay. JIIr. Drljlbolll I, decidedly the betl p.n"- which ply ba'"een PaoalDl au f Sail bioi auPI_' ill...... Ir....... ".Ir...aw. " lXIII, Ind p~~led, In ~Il 'feopecta ••u Ille crime lur Wh,I·1. hI! u. - lie IIU- beun tlBO. 2. That tu the Ollard of Tru8tAea w I" we uy. e wou" eeO tOI - D A' I t h 1 I..... • .• ..• .•. II bo .. I_I IIIII IlilDe cOllviClPd. lugelbl'r \. ... I ' ilh . -.ny co.~e'"IOII· D~' -11011 '·11 COIIIIIIII···d oil Ille ""wer. lur Ihe In" uniler the .1I'ne IIppre-s'lve ma. 'er th.t ~guerr•• n "evcr,b• -h Fr.neitoo. IIr. L w I. tlndefltuod to M 'J·ha. II .. nlllt' JI't,'Mn"" t ".)n. ' as t hoUll v .... ,,.. a • q , H rU •• , t ,. ,- U l\ar"I1I"111..........,.... .... oOlllm~n~ad 1'1 the ,. ao "vVllrlllllp.nl .. nd reuullllion ur the lu"llIu' • • b d d f b ollr town_ tl IUlhofIJ:ea U. 10 lIyl It; e I..... "IY llltereatl!d U • "lK'khulftr la bUlh All ~ • tied been "rl,"llll" .. . ' .. ~ ,. lie Or . lle may m- ke III well • e . .. our .0re,1\ 8/ • •' ere, an Inltea 0 elllg .• 'TIe ~_i .1.-'."11 &D 11._ 1.--1 'twill Court of Common 1'le.... . u '. • • v" ry CI! \IUIl8 abuve .. amBA!. lIuwlleld by the IIl1ver- r ee.' tb- . It If Id I •... _ will t.1I11 a better plctllre. in IYfrY rapect, 01 lh ..e 1I11et1 of .te.ale,.. 'un. uf wblcb ,. ''!'II'" wv..... _..... ~ , JAMES 0_ JOHNjJO,N cumdltnCe collnellted Willi I". ur her callt', .1 buard. ur truote!!" uf Iht!"e IlIlItllutlUIII, r ~ .. Ilr de, wou la~e.....,n h f hi d d If b IIlowo 1-:' I. IIIl1y be deemed ul Importunce; allll.ball wb lch bo.rd~ 01 trug~ee" lI.hllll duperct!lIe, bound duw" with tbe ch.ln. of .n Ipomi- t an ""Y 0 • pl'tl ecee80fI, .n . e b. prolf'eted llenp. A f.N y.an ·r • W.... ,he lur.1e _m.,ilt.rlIO . . S p.II k.r 0 f t'Ie H .. UN! 0 f n~pre.t'u ... I.ea roeeiv", a. . . llIry oot ellceedlllr DIlle hun r'lll, 1O dll 10 no ODe will be relluared let h I I r I Ie t WILLIAM ""D'LL, - I...,IU and alter Ibll tiDle 'pecllied by Ih lll nlOUS fterr llotl# "0 ole! Johnny Bull. BUI, • "' W fD nn , n netelll1 yea,. 0 I. • Pre.ldelllof tlllllol"oate drOll duUa,. per .nnulII. ThlJ Dll'Cctu.... ICI. ' IIIallk Heneo for It! tb'lw il not '~e c.... take the wurk. Sindy 1Ii11 In the norlbern part of till. Wb'Uull.lM • .w, \hea. auWea ve "'I" , .nd W.nlpo shall hold thllir I'8olpeotl S TI I B d r T • w, bl ~pflllZ4. 1&11, " ulfi~t. ulIlll tt. elr IfUCCl!llUrll IN .pnoillt. Ee. a. lat t 18 ollr 0 rusleea Yuung DrQ$bt'f Iunatllan I. rapidly \likiog . •0 • 8tat. Ind C:lm. to 1101. clity to ...k hi. lor· I lou III 1 the d ilia of ............ r .~hull IIppulot Irum their own nUlllber, a o::rHon Wit ham II Sew.rd U 8 S H b h _ """ 000 1 1 .. ca m c, ~ ell und 'lu.hlled , I' d did bl. pOllllloo .. Ihe leldor uf nlll"'s, 10 al- . • . , . . , tune. e .. now worl u"r -"...... .we; > (Nu. 61) J 4MES 0 . JOn NSON, rell elll. 10 pre" e al III meet IIg•• n a I I ' 'l'b I (h Will I o:c:ept uur Ihlnke, ror hlllDiln, faN,. and I, unl'f!,.,lIy rp pocted u a Illlreliant 111 I',hou.lotl Gill IrNude .ball U.. iII . . . . Secrel.r)'.IU record, alte_t aod prelprvc mot e"ery'n erprl", e peap eo' a b C Phi' D ... I .. ... AN ACT to 11'"Gb the Cpunly of Noble S r ellker 0 r t hII H "use ul R lIi1rp"ent"tlve~. IU'J.ruceIlUIII,a. · Uotted StlQ ell'oy llbertlps ... II.'rlvlle-., y woy 0 U IC OIlu ... ell I, ur 1I0blemil hed ch.racter•• nd WI a UlIO 10 Ihe lil'll BubdlVlaion of tbe elghlll W ILLIAAl AlF.DILL, . • r .. • .. " . _I L_ of .L .~ I Vrlll,dt'ut ue tbe I:)tlDllte. EO .a. 'J'llIlt tbe Doard ah.1I appolnl lucb u no other (Iouple enJuy' .nd .hOllld - -- wbo haa rfftfcteel honor on IIi, C\lunt". by _)OUu 1'. . c:url8U¥' wG NIl......., Common PIe.. D I.l'rlct. AplIl 26. A. D. J862. frulll I~ ow .. number. I ,ullllDl,tee 01 ulree h d b '• MONEY I JIIONEV If 1II0NEY! II burldlnr tbe handaume.~ .nd r••lt.L .leII/ll- AI", lIuw .W .... l lu . . "" WIIOU 10.'....... iII -" Sso I. Be II enacllld by Ihe Genprs! lur .he IIIdt.tuLlulld alureduld, "'Ilch COIII- t ey now, In the Iy 01 t e r rrueperlty. • wlIh UlI'.Ill-d UIlII.. 10 111,1.. A II('mb:y or tIle Stille of Ohio, Thllt thl! • d I r b d ... t er III the lIl'orld-tb. 111101111. r b IUlllee .hQII hllve colllrol 01 the re8pr!cl- eeome unm,n III 0 • e ay, .... gIVe W tt cl ' t t. 01 t 1'0 ~ l/woe Ibet•• "un•••••• w~l'lIurb.,. county of Noble be. ftDd bereby I. IIUO C~ ' Ive 1D81llullolI. durlllg thll inlerlm ul Iht! lIirlh to ull .Ioe U'"pine,. the] now cIIJoyl 0 wan o,.n mu. ,. • 110 e w~ Th,. CIt)' i. au,," eNwdeti with .ltan. W barf, LUlh 11Mt lIIu l i .ftlCOluIll w '.. ,,,ara ed to, and With the C(juu~l e~ ur Mu. kinIUtlel,"g.ol tile Bu~nJ,' luI W e. h In k not; all d •h ' " Id ubundred dullll" come bel. lu attt_d lb, nM.~r', I-'ere.ure wOu r" , .by \.be II.' of July 111'11. .-', . whu Ii,ye . ~ aUlD und !U.orll,nL,hllll cuol lilute Ihe IIr. t I N o. 64 J huwevt!r •• bull be IlIlIJ"ct to lbe 11,,'. ' d b bl II We need 0 con.,oIer.bll" partuf lb•• muuot lunlvef."I.. uf ' ft'II,it,u., jwlitvll- r.lull. IrreD Co. 0 ., 1~1. EubdIWloion of .lIe e'&rh Ih C4iOlIDOII plellll AN ACT 10 authurlze Ibe I'xC!cllliun 1l1.1U1I 01 Ihe whule lIll.rd, at lUI .ta.~d opon our Clultne en I e pu IC genera y, t tb t t \V had b eel tI t dl¥"ict,lOr Judicial pur~Ulle~ • • te~d. rur IlInd, pnrl'llll.ed uf till' IiIlalll lIIeetm".. Ibe neee" lly 01 c:elebrll\lIIg the 'pproleh. I e pr"len Ime. e up III ., lellt, Illd olber In.lhulli:JIl" I hli" alteG- '=======~!!!l!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~=!! JAMEIiJ C. JO~NSON'. vi OhlU, III CUtlt!1I "here the orl"inlll B~c. 6. That tb- no.rd .I,QII meat on- ' A I f A I d we would nul Ililin be forced lu le.orl to ded .. number of th. . . . nnu.1 .e4>II....... --.::-~ ~ !l11l 1111 ,ers8ry 0 meflC&ll II epell' " " b ..•-, A~Y SjJllker of thlt Hou.. or Rl."preaentlllvpl r.onvPYlince ha. been Ifl _t or lIeslruYlld. nuully. UII 1111' liret Mund ..y ill D.!~II'ber. d Th dUnllllllr, through our papt'r; III 1\ call' .nd "1.11 been ~urprll\!d .J Ib, I.ck III m VLI.~ , ! wrLCIAM MEDILL WREBU • • Il I" reprevl'lIted lu Ihe liell' III Wllici. lillie ~he' UlllllmUle lib",.: nallled, eF"cp. hili raj Plr~l ~r'llmllnnt'r. S ebbneaht 1\01 be avulded. W" nPeil tbe fnu ;,e,: very Ju.lge menl In Ih. . .Ifctlun ot .n.."kr r ' _ p,..idellt 01 the &In.t•• AililflIIIIllYI .".. ",a"f deed. uf • un· _. I I S I.' I .. uurl 0 II Y WI come up.. n " ..I, I . I ITI • Ollu • ~u 1111 upt!r IIlell.. en .. ul • Ie lIeVl:r· b h ecCI d I L badly,.nd Clnoul Ipt ,ung wllhuut t; M01l~ tlf lhe renl't'lld uratun Ib,. HUOn', TWO DA.' ... .\ I'KM t'''~JI a::III&U"a:. April." 18&11, vl'yauee fur laud. P,UUhllied of tho Sl.Iotl!, .1 lII_t,luIIUIIO .IlItll prelellt their wriUt!1I ut! at ", d nOl "jor dUII',~oPI be .,rulll 0 • lherelu" oil pertioDlI whu owe U8. an" ell- bOVA blien very dull and PrOly O.. t I'll .. RRIVAL OF TH~ HV_BULDT. were destroyed b, r•• t the tillle Ihe IMnd- repur .. ; wlllclt rt'pur'" .h.1I cUIII.ln tlta lIervlOg" n epen deDee " w I lie ff'h • d b d II . . . j, offiCII .1 Dellance woa ~urned, 10 eOIl_ olme. uf eallh lod eyer' -~olleDlpluyed b th 'h I. Ih I pec:te.,er 10 ..Itie Ihelr III e te 11...1, WI pI"itul." .. ho 1I"'.lIe .t the ",ohe,.."' }Ii ... \ ·uU. IIIJ ••' - 1'1111 " .......i. • hi b h b h ' •... renclI ; ut OQ e (lIJnltllr" w•• ilia I b d It r - ' , • __ hold,", the guence o. w C IUC pure ..er. live no IIboUI the .ever.1 InlmulI",. ••• nd .1110, lhl! . b eI dd th I f h cunrl''' • 1..11D1l' II.or, y rea"un IIIg qUill' or th~ Tract Socltly W.. lOU hurrlbl,. dr, QUlllwldi ~Ilb IWu d.y. later IjlVICft J;) ..ttlct Court 10 the eoun.y Nobl.. ~f.al r,evidence of mle to their lInd.; IIIIIIIUIII puid lu e.ch perlloll, willch repur~ :::::10: meT~~ClI :riatllo nl e ~:::~,o ~~, Iy IIld promptly to tb .. ClII. Sun... ppeer , 'hat tb. ploua alllll;n.". w.re dl"lUlitIItI, Jr..nl EII;I.od,~ arriYiotI .t dale ,un I..' 1I11q. I Be It enacled by Ille Gene,.t .erl' ore: alllill be Ipproved by lhe Jlu.nJ, 11111 prll- I' b .. ~ tf"l' be d' tu,bne a" idea Ih.l." Ir. m.klni mun· 1111.1 .nde ••uted tu at.mp blm do" nj ' but IIllt"r She ... I~ Irum H..,. u~ tttt 81b; A_mbly of the j:J1••e of 01.10, That the SEO. 1. Be it eoarted y the ~I!utl'il tu tbe Uuv.:rnor, .. pruvlded lur lu w 1111 I. uae_ lit .ny me, 1:.n I.. d d b fI b I j • DI. lflCl Court l!t.n IIPreilier be held III A ..embly IIf tbe St~te 01 OhiO, l'oat the lltt! constltutiun. penlled wllh; we caD blve .. MIlulll .y Yert r.pl Iy, In bll ere ore I ere. • no be. InlloC41o' IDln, pufF.d up' wllh nOlty, Ind &uc ..... pt,un on, lhe IO'h. UtrH lOci for the coUnty of 'Nbbl. on the twen- pruper o8ice,..re hereby .ulhUrlled ."d SEC. 6. 'I'lult tbere sblill be .Isitatioll. Ii- d -' ~__ '1'1 I I neeeNI., of tllem • nl nry paru.:ular llIl.,inea Ihllt ,h"y werp 'ppillud,ntr h,ro d.y~ p"',loq. 10 lIer "Iullr d •• , fill a.,. to. e ay. 1. peP~...... Ie. "11 nil • 80 • . , . ~ II ty-el,hlD"'y of AII,,,.t. requ red I"execu'e.n dd ever til dUC II pur- Ind Ihl/ruugh ellunlill.1I01l.uf Iheae lIev':fal N I d R II 8 ell b about ply III, Ibllir die.. milly ul uur aud wrll' un 10 Inll'rDlloable 11l1"rt" ,el. C41UnlOr the cidp.. ' 8h. brl. . !PollUD JA~E8 C. IOHNSON, Chilli,., their h"r. ur _,-"nl, deecll IlIijlltutluUII nll/Ilt1"y by oue, .nd 11\'1111""lOa nn I!. IIt.\U onar- can w e i ~ I tl II Dllnoer b pi e d ~ , Speaker of .the HOII•• 01 R~pr".entltive. cunveyance for IlndlillO . uld, the .I... eaa (or Glluuu/ly by • m.j trlt)' or the Irud~"', aud blencl~d lua e •her : .nel In IlI't, every Ihlllg pi ruo. 10 10'; n I . ..11 II e I ng Ulure .nd more "upld, untlt hi. r.~ ,.pere or tht' JOllo, ft.I", IWO ",,11 Ia,t er WILLJ.-\!J. llEDILL, which. Ion. beell luat or delllluved. btfute allllulIlI),,1I1 tllll Whulll B-"lrd ul ·fru.II.'Il', UII be suiled lur tbe proper obHrnnce 01 "I III .e'1.tralgbtellell! CI~C,u~~tance • • lucb. ; mllrb were .,u fUJl~Y. Ibat I~ i. queatlulla. ,llIn t~e ..1vI~" by the Alrlca. SIMI .n. P"aldentqf tbel:lenllte. comlllg 'nto .1011 pu_ 'lln IIf .u"blur. which lIuud shull drllW up IIl1d preberv•• II tJ ie d.y, bu t Ii al t hII IIU IY I b DRt b•• nd Ihe unle y re i ev ...., Will &lat re- b le wheth"r I '.. we bl 'peedl h · be u,"lerMtwc! .. bit he "1.... 1, eoo.te,,,d . trOo...... _&Ddt the lNa.eek April , . 186lJ. eh.aere,olf. he pwliurtluo to .ucb u cf!rll de,.,led report ur recurd uf 1.118 prUCt'edrI L ' _ W -u t .evllr. y tu I e prutpf'r.), ul our pl. IIlIlIIftlt I 1III,e he'M .bat. cerl.lp dl •• n( ~.r _ ... _ C rtlfic .... of pur" I · · d II r hi ' d 1 Innlversary 0 nme cell I!MIrty. e • ... ,. r- ..-. II f U I~ e ~'v ~ '''~; In I. IIl1ny IlIgS 0 t e severo III.. Utll\l uI1' UII er Ilelr I per. Our p.troll'ge, even If It I' alllO\Jd, 111I"" l.btd preaeber bein, colDplimented GENEBAL INTELLlGBNCI. eN 63 elle y.ucb cerllficllte 01 puresh ...e shuuld clo"r"e. wl. lch recuN 8hMII bt! lIuOJPcl tu dlrow OUI tbeN IIUrrullolll, lopln/l th.t ill barel 8u8icleullo maIDt,11I UB: I b e r e - " - . . ' I euafrr. AN ACT -Ovidl.A/l°;'or ;'~e Ippllintmeut \l Is .. hIve been 10. 1 or deltroyed, lind l uell Ih" cUlllmo ..d 01 "he Oellllrl.1 A'de,"II'y, on friends m.y con.ider un the ruallolr, .nd y on une occaSion, ror thp bre,hy Ind 10llH'Thfo Lo..do,. T III" ..y. Ute' • oftir.e";·or tbe OhIO Penlttllllary. 10M or de.tructlun CII.I be ,huwn to the au I&lId Upell at all lIUlOd'" tbe COIIIUlltlees euncludt! upon IrI.n,elDemen.alor a c.le. rure we bupe an. of our r~leIlOI. wbo ere eat of 1118 pllbllf eerulonll.rtp!lt'iI: "';'P- .oce ....... Id a' II...........D OIIetvn the b tl to us, Will do their dUly illunedl- plllle I buve dUll. IlUme ".,icked thlnu. In' my 8th, to "1'1"'11 Ibe - - ' i i a tal tbII DiD. RI D. I. Be It pnlc.ed by the Gellerd 111.ct,OIl of such ullii·eu. by alli"uvl... pro- UO Uellevulent 1II1I1I1UII.>III. A_ lDblyof Ihe Btate o( Ohio. That tbe perly ,ulhenllcatell, olld It ,ppP.lnog Iram SED. 1, 'I·h .. the Tre.,1l1rer Clr tJtate r. UO. alely , rr. • d lit Iii d 'oolilil I II Ih • nel th.t llle ,011"1 Duke Of
:!. n
1 , IIiI • •
"kill." ....
\I I
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:~h~~:I~~!!dll~er~:::I::~n;:~n~~~ ~:~:I~u:~ ~:dl~:a~aB:;~~bl>:ln:rlruu:~U~~: ::!
Governur or lbe S,ole. by .. nel Wilt. thlt .d• ice .nd colllent tlr the ::iollate. I. here b y ' " - , .tlth9tlaecl ....d directed 10 apPoint threll i.. UH, ~ucb olli.·",,, . hl ll pillee UII /ile tho 1&11'" uUlhe PXPl'lb!l'1I uf tJle \le v.. r.1 inol THE CELEBR.ATION. f)1,..,tu,.-c( the Ob,u PeRltentl.,,.. olle letillmOlly 'u pruduced. Illd .h.1I IHue IUllun ...hllil be p~id uut uf Ibe fUlIda apof whom .h.1I be • retldent of lhe coun- deell. lur lucb I.lld Iu Ihe pU~Lh ...r, the propmted lur th" IIde of sucb inSlllutlunll. To-d.y (Frlclay) u molt of ou, rede,. t, 0( J'rallklin •• nd no two ab.1I ,be r".i- It!:::e 'r~ If ~he origlDal certificate had un ortlere AIglled by Ihe Snperlllle lldolli. arll I. lb. 'day fh~ upon by the dent. or the Mme lIouoly .ho Ih.1I 'buld n puce • IIlId twu or the cUlllmlnee. ' tMlr ollce. for the term ~f twu year •• IIlId JAMES C. JOHNSON. S EO 8. "he Tru81_ provided (or In Bund. , Scbool. beluoging 10 tbe Ilethoantll tbelr ,uea..801'1 Ire appuhiled Ind Speak er of the I-Iolloe 01 Rep,..I Pnl.ltvea. 111111 'el, . h.1I pertunn.,llhl."tlulIe_ "'qulr' dllt E~lecopal CburdJ on Unlun CirCUit. qPllftfd; Ill\d plre«;tort ,b,U ""eraUy p WILLIAM MEVI LL, ed of Ihem, grllullou.IYi Pruvl"'ed, h"w. to meet tovtbe r til lIold • cel.brallllll. It take .iid lllbolcribe ~n OtItb or alIlrm.tlun April 26 18&11 ~llde.ll ur tbe Seoate. t~~er, thllt Ihpy ahaU be enlltled to h.~e 8prlnl V.lley Ohio. Althouirh, •• bue to .upport the coa'lIlutlon or the U"iled ,. l ..eIT nec:eaHry e"penlP. plld dunni l a e ' • BtatN and01 lJteStatpQ' Ololo..alld f.ith. IImll the, lilly be lr.tu.II, C"lol'td io \lae nut bee. lalor'ml!d bl. D, ooe reapo ••lble Mly 'Ieoh.~ IU the dutiea w!tllth dldlr,e or lhelr offiCial dtlllep. perlOn,ol &be anra,.,....Dta lor tb. diY, k retlu red of th'm.byll'" IDd 10 cue .111 SEC. 9. Thlt .h,. ~ct lto.1I take anti _bal ".,e. bow we b." ,llbered ft~aDCy. by dllBth. rel't:'Iltion or olher(No. 66) b It II' from .lId Arter the- fln-t Hund.y In IN. dlll"ereat _r.,.., Jet r..)jlll • r~~n"";~~ =~~rth~b:ftI0:0:aplreetor- \\01 ,,"_ e&looUl.,e t e , I Inl of :~!~ ·~:e tb:ru'!'::,~n:' :;~:::-.:r:~Ii'::! i_tenlt In tI••• m.ir, ...... Jed to 011. bl, ~ pernoublllllll.uch.1UlIO H£c I . Be It pDllcted by tbe G.ne,.1 "'eplal Lb. cl'y uf CulllJllbu OD . .id dl,. Doun.:. an tbe publ~ . o t •• do know 01 ap~lat••t • • bJf C1 to the COoll nt A.selUbl, uf Ihe Slate of Ohiu. Th.1 I~d orpme. th, _lter. AltbuaJh atleaded to .t ratlt. • "e'a ."n .,.ID 1O""n.4. eny pef8<,n ~ho .h.1I frill ..,, wol r or JAMES C. JOHNSON. ., all" 111", ,.11 "'I~thaube Irranp- . , ...... DI ..cto... ah all ""(tin! l ilt wolye~, with in tl.1I SIIII', .... 11 be ell"- Speaker nf the HuuH ul R.e"",,,,ntaU,". .PBIIJ .~ ..... of _Itundred doll .... u lied tu reeel'" a eli.ptA ..tioD 4.r rewlrd. W'LUAIi )!EOILI., meata for th. fCIb4oullo thll place .re _ . _ t ' - few die ..rYi_ nqaired for each wulr Ibnve th• • p fl(. ,X munlb. , Preel4eul Qf tbe Sen.... Tbe Schol.....nd Teachers wpre 'dIftti '" .... to lie ~ UII& of the ur rour dulJ~OI .nd tW. Aly-lIn cpn ...,.nd April 28, 11161. bue lDel at ~I" E. Cbarclt 00 lea, ~....... oNer of auditor fur PDc:b wo I under Ihe I/It' of . rz munlll. , ~ • I tb~ IOID of t.o d"lI.n ...d 6ny cellta. • ..· It "all ... the " y .IM 8u:. 11. nit .D, ,","""D dlilDllI l uch '" . " .Iat . W.... or &lie ....1. leW.nI, ah.u praduc:e lb. _Ip ... I Clff&1f) dial the fcnpI... .... .... tbe - of ' " a" thll ....DI.... ,,~ II ............ ~ .... of I'" wolf or .ul...... au killH, .ltIl ......... corned, copied I.... ,.... w..._ (PtWq,) at ..,.. entl,., wlUil1 t ....ly ""......, . . . . . . .ro ...... '''''' ."..... _1IW to ., I~
or .01,.. ban Wa fll ..... to .... lao. If til, -:'..: --::JI:-:~
...... Cou.,.
IIkiDIIft AIIIII•• 01 W........... ...,
i. o. aT9DDAu. I
... ........
n;wllftlrr,~eNl u~,e~;n~.;,,g.,:~ ~luC'k::~:"
bUl ICllflllaU, "COl_iud . . i1 Would Ihlt ulher cl.flCllltllUemeli ClOU d ~rp..u ... ptl,e. • , I"y ~ mucb! Let no m.en ~ho .. pi... tAl Th • • Are\lo. Eaprdilioll . . . . . Cape pllpohir", ewe r do a 1«19 tlllll..-.... · h.d W,.I" L1lhl-HU\\IIt 00 thl.1hb 1lIt. CORRESPONDENCE much bett.r do a "Nnll thil'i, 00 the Thl! .1e.m_blp AlDtrICI, 'NUI Buatoa.
COlllllQNlC1TlONS, .I.uli
.. lIIe principle til.' T.11P1r1l1d u to ..y. anlnd a1 Lh·lrpllUl. OJI tbe muniDf tb.t. blunder was WtlrM a c:tI ...e. Ibe 8th. r . NEW Vu. . , H" 1'1, 18&8. Frencb'. Hulel . u nenlJ blllDe4 doWII. The .""lDahl, Brillah lila. EDITOa :-The AlJGn'lC JIOl lu lut ou Thu""J. The are I, eapJlUliecl tu frOID lJ"~OlII (or Ute ."".."..... . ItiL I A b Ih broil i th d I • .... nil I MIl lverpoo. mung . er- p... " . en 011\ D e " D,,-rvum, up lalo Hul,b ••d.,.. ltIe tt.b.0Il re_n,.,.. . . .r. Thruher, I.t, 01 Cuba. I ..aln. The ut tb. buUdl", . u en· II ... beea400dM .Ilil ..."', .......lill . . . hilD thll OIorblnr. Ind wu Impreeaed tltel, deoerru,N, and It wa. tbou,bt, at bun"lIJ. ' 11D_lIlely io bla f••or. He I- quite .. uo. tlDle,Ibal TlIDllDany HIU, whlda I. Tile accoaata f,.. Parle ......... ,aline f.llow; but (don'& dlln!t that there I. on th. uppwlte turllt'r, ".,wld llao C:ltcb cl.I. .., I~ .........re I. the ... fI &/Ie e~1 of Will to ....1te hllD d.. "",roua IU !tllllre. Bat tbt 8ftt.... pI.yed the Chi- lOUt. .11.. dMt BDIIMWt .1,"- It . . lOy a"",DlDeat on eanh. too _ t 1u..t1r, UD lh' ~IIII or tile old . ..,.11, ..del...... dla, ........... Cutto. wu Iteu, W"'D the Au..Uc ".,1, ••• , atHI Uiu ..."tI It. '1'IIeJ (the ...aWlabI.... ...... . . . . . . . I I Ita Brnda di 11111 euArtd the e to t 1111 r walll) were au bcM. II.. "",,. tIIIl they .., \lie ........, ...... . ,. "ec:III1'_ auuIe da. Ia. O... .aD.U...... K.h au".... ... .... lit. CI., our AIDffIc:aD ConaaJ It e4 to _Ill, ud otMn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '""". ......... ao.lI, .... abcnrD hi_if to . . . . . Ie tile ,...,.......... . til t h ld I. til I 1.1. ...... _ _"Ift_ _ L_ e) . . I • eta a .,. II DI"_ - 1 : 11• .,.--111111,01 ........ ., - - ... - - ..... aDr - 1 e' filrtlp..... It .... vi ..... pro, ....... .. ~ ..... vi .... PI It ,..,. that .JIr. In..... A.......... . . . , BI\I, .",....... ,., A OF TI1Jg
IM., ............ . " II• •' ...... 1..... &rip ......
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!!I 1ai11 law
a.....I'1. . . . .....u.1
.......A ••rlftld
~ AI!o!i ep.,. l'aut.a blJg)l. ...
..JOt'. ,..,.01 ....
8111ft1UOD . .
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QleIDINon uf tile bar .no .Iread, lo the lbout SeLl 10 E.,I.DeI... uadldl ln fu, . . . . t
......UlItCe. pollee ."...,. • '!'b• .,.rrIa.. or .... ~1.pII'CiI' 0' 4 ... lWHtl OAII A.1IIId Aoa eilla l in tb. totaln. p.rll'IiIf Dt,lnd It II II.....',.' ,'..,.,'" trialad the "rhlt. . Si4lDla 01 SUOD, B..... allu alb••• ,U.I Blaell, Ilia SpiD. ed prob.ble .b.t-IIO or '9 lllllre ml,."
:J::~~~}f~~~~1~'~~~I~t~~~~~ .... cahOflly.o tab d1er. lIn lb. 01 IWrJMlUlliD' hilml- b.rnre lb•• o,lll or the plIe,.1 .Iflllioa . Th. Kin, .ad Qut!ln or Pra..l. blil 1'1)111 Im.,.ltl ".... ad fr.ude, Ind cClmmi~ .." Berlin 1.0 m", the Empero r ,,' l. lin, y.rIou. IlIrC4!DI_, I. Pbil•• lphla Ind w••dyl ...n who .1.1t ~Ineillnal i. 10 pur.. on th.-friln' lier. a.lahbo riD, I.OWIII of Pelln.)' ln·Dla e..... lhen T .. of Moore ~ Oliu ter, cor. nl COMMERCfAL lNTELLlGENCE. , Ind New JtrM,. The ,rllOner w.. ta. 71b end Walnlll. ,s T~I.I. Ihe largelll and T.lJlt L,,"puo l market OD the IIlh IIrD Into .w.todi .t I ,e_pecta bl. hoo.. e In ~' I coo"'ucled •• II\I.I,. holenl weel of th41 At.Ieall"o , C bbun.lll d tbe .. lei rentbed Ihrll'L aUNI. where Ih. wlilluarUinlr IInll9 And &II Ihe ' propnolo ra loll only 'I U'LlU"I) UO,'lnllllJl'" )0000 balea,'of wllh-h exporte rl tOok 1,_ ' It hu beea IIcert.lo ed that within lhe ctlSh.the,; bne no bad debll to Siddle upon e'lo Ih.l r cUHlomere. In way of UtrlYDil lll1 prof· ~:~' 490 Iud 'peculal u,. ~"i90 b.,leli. " lu, two ur Ibree !elfl ebe baa tlkeo lu lIS I • '. 1'!/lV II'1I > "Breadltull'a w ..,. 'I" el. lout uoeh.n ,e. d h erteH DO Ie.. Ih." t"ret ' [\lIl\ U::>. ,,',081 00" \""/""" " "'If'lIe ,,,u,, o husband •• (tlll!lf ' , . lila Couiol. c,kieed a. 99i@99 tc. ""Ulilty .ff~rd~. 1 IIU · Ifl' Shaw, BI.Ilk. Ind Splndlp r)o:::r.D •. S. D . Hr)w~, Shlke~ S,nop'- IIero,ollll III eu,!, r"'r 81y - "'he bulilun III tile Bunk 01 ,En"land h.·1 She mlrrled only two le wenks "go. H. I. rilla. Adv .. rtlSl'd In Inytl.er column. I. Iruly '~ • liU6h,Ulcra \\ III 'fiud iL 10 Ihelr lUler~11 10 ox· • ~ ~ ad F I I '" ,. IIlore,lea neif>lj twelit, mllllun pliuDd. a ),ollnll mao 01 very rNjH!cta . onllll~ Illy 81OCk, "'Iurl!, ble connu • ./I ~o II nil 1 ....I'uic:lne. Jt pu.,tie. the" &0 ",,"sllIhll y 00 huu pu n~h",ul/)II ~J .oW'hcre a " '1i:oQd . ... Orlmen l 01 •. bll)od Ionlln &ADc Ite,lI n a· rre'en"' , .. well as cllre_i t I.. , ••ody lIIade 01",111\111. which ..t~r cOllnty. She Itu been I ' hi and k Will be IIOUt UI Ihu • ,.. -',-"";"-r,~-"";' I OW~81 cIo.h pr'Cti~. lately Iravellnl l .bOUI, and ' Illat Caml 10 IIg Y ~PIl ell of 10 MUlutll::1 (JC)QKI CIIICllln atl. nod la thelo MOII'I 8,,, .te".lto~J PI". ter... Wue l f'ldn. bMlweulI Nonh and lhl. \!lt1 f'rum Belmont , P... ulJe\llh e poor man', frleud. Slle .dver- T ylc •• ' WnYU U1lVllle.l \h.relii 11 th ) S~2 Lotl/.VIL LI!. AldY I. -The whnr'·bo lt II H tisI'm pot. h MI • 'J'u WN Pltul'E Jl'rv Folt SA (.E • • er nlltl,e place Will the viclolty o~ Cu,UQn Plallt, .t N ~pu i eull, on I e '01.· G ']'he dll~ ~c rth·'r . r~ rur •• 10 I" . ermuntowl). 81Ie I' " bH'n In the liuus p - - - - - - - - I! II blN tty S .\H~ E Il h.~ re.u t lle~ '0 this Ilppl riy .. r. wae b Urllt'd un .L r Ule lUurlllll, uf R 'f • ·. 1 pro r·fn.v 'II Jhrv*'l,. J'Y llUrg h, nil ~lolh plnC<j' o~a1 n, ft nd "III iI"lII c.Jlotcl y. ~ ulI \ e 0: ~ uge ru. eo" IlIIpruprl ell~8. r IlIll'at e Slid. b.,eUl'lr wnh ,160.0UO wurtli tb tUti prnclle~ III l .. ot\,cJUe 0 11 Ihe cel ec,ul.\lfIl lo,· I ~tr~t't. eltl tl ll.JII,g 10 BOUlh .lr~" I . (\lIlI' InstnulII)Q abe staid unly 8 Shurt tillle beloA , I ' I • I fOod., &!e.uued fur dlfterl'lil plrt. of Ar. "let. I Alao. he 10 "r"pa,"d I" Il rl"rlll lI il ~I' e, •• lIg t' a 111'0 Ilury ,ulloe WII' ~Ig It I d f.... I k.o.... toulII~-..n ,· OCI upied io~ 1\ Mert·h"n l 1'1111,. r UII " no III 'he 11\1 0 01 Ol',"al Surgt'f>'! nll~ all lure Wlnll ng I car. 0 mer t. At the age Wll,k J CINCIN UII" 1'1 I.it .. III II'" re~ peo' . \\ II (,<1 \\ or· NATI MARKE TS. "lloll-ln cu,,,p lete r .. pull·, IIlII ~'UI\CU't'lit t E('G I llGGtllt I ate.m bOlt 4udinnl ralll .~ . ,,"Dice ' 01 :n4 lorlll"r r .. I"nco 1111 I'll IUllk lice. when 01 th,rleell she was bound uut, but d.d nol wllb IWII Wl'lI i . cholc~ D {\:t ~l /li L .. I.::;W pUIIIIJ , llh. Waynes IfIIll Irt'e~. 8t.. bll ll" , Nunll!ll • 1:."., uf MIIl lI. \ V.Yllelv llio. () • ihort dl.lunte below Cu,o.lw II. The remain long It serylce. 8114 FIUDUr Pltyal' .. \ Iii " Ilukcrv lur wl,lch Ih6 CA¥II :W Ill C &.c. F •• r 'II .. rlicul~r~. IlIquire ul thu &I,b. ~ Her criminal carel'r h~. been gulng on eJ.o' • be poftl RvUl!.1 \ 'I:s &. lUlU IlfOIlUUT • I . M. y 25. 8crlb~ r 1111 Ihe I'rt'lli eU All! ulle wl. h~,. urlarin.t td in the T~.1t •• , "llIch, with fur the 11I8t .enn or I!i,ht AVIII l.t. )6.'Ii? IT CURES LIKE MI'\G1C. '1 ell fl. Allllln" Flour -The markf't WIIB qu,et to-duy. illll u heullh) thl! piller ponlun of lhe clblO. Will del\. loculioll .wullr tlu " e ll to A, CloUd s.ved! .. lind Ih .. 001'1 .alell hearll of \\erl! 100 brls. cII1I8OIIO ulII.leJl," ume lur Ihelll'. e lv('ll. fal. u rl'ptl!.en tali'0Il8 ~h" mudl' at ..111troyed, b.. lore It w.. f.1ttlllgul shed. She• h.. the ... f6 t t' " I" d'''' AIIiO .11 I nC"rllllt 'lIt I 01 nl bp~l .. b d 3.23. nnllihy Ind d I bO tI... 01 III r. ... 8320. RS , F }t"celvIM 1 I ""I J ~r~n ."'~. Ollu u '"l.'rl'lI pl'rllun_ len d I ' . I 'c ~. ' . 'i' ..... uiii. ,,,. I I I .0 Ullt' I"r trip. IIlId tI,e ~Imy 24 I \,uo, nMnct 811u' b C 'JII. Ol'@11 merl'd. H'lIl1l1gtl .lnlllll. nC ~, ""I., and el'llwhe re .. erll-. thai S I ·Swltil ~tlll "'a. nlltllu ~ ~rlh ' II~.1l V\iry l utl/o CUll be b .. nghl luw III~ R;ll'del' r l¥kel b .. r ('r ellbt Illd pu ells to IUlle . lorllme. un .hf! woa the heir- u;nlC ~ ~e IUt 8 II0Uf ;726 rid. A I~o two Ihuu."ud .IUCi. JUOI I.utiveda lld 'ur >.10 Ilh~.p, Clllnlllg uf IIgr, rO".OIl I.- Ii 1'8 to uy III :150 .000 Ibl! leet sell aunl'd If'nlleril to New Orle-n.. N" live. w~re I d Puplur Ilim lilpr IlIr 8ule d W, ~ . l'AI("'IIA LL b I fi I Cr.CI!fft4Tl. Mercb ~6. ~SI', . Iburun .Ide. ut 91.· .• ,""I 2' 0 hh<.lil • •hulIl. IUllt." CHARL ES CLE MENTS . DIt. HllwE-I \ear Sir: My lon , wboo Ibout . , ownl' • flilm er II Leb.non , 01110. april lie It~u.e" III der~ alld .. d... III '7!@!fc . kd. ~8nl'y81 id )\Jr&:h lt mOIlIIi. , Ulllu.lllt old. broke "" 'wllh lhet llre.llful t rc h 11th J8 ••:I. Phlludelpltim. 80m .. 01 lhue bUI<.lIl'Il A \ SOW DIMES A NliIU: AI' DOLLA ltS. I' • UI8CB8U, l:icro luibull l or • ovor th.. II"" and ~he llll.lk I"dlet IU .cp.lnd puillted U::o'l 1:t.\.t.I\> "'U III A.l ell 6, "'''OUO ' II 101 them GrulII -A .,,18 ul 200 t.ulh. barl.·y. tu J.n~- of ~tfe-Ue~tta"U"e Fire, "c. body; lor IWO yeartr .nd I ball 1 trird nc" J'S \JF WA 1.1. l"Al' ER trUIll B II) . Il\ rVlluy m oJe !lUIIIIII.r CUO I. IIl1d v~ .la Ir'IVe al 60". BOJTO • • lIu) I. -A ~MlI buut at Nt'w 'lUI II~ hp,.. III WIll Ihal could"" IUjqI""led by mp (r\eDo. !IOUI. per piLe • • lUll Lj rCCt Ived ohd lu( 01 IJrI~. Ihul ,,111 •• 1 nl . h Ih. 1I1l1,VU. . 1'ltch • I .lso hali Ihe .dvlce 01 Mia O( .cYjln Ilf Ihe . olll hy Wh 11 d d 81 II. &. MeC Bt'dlurd wu c.p.llt'd , ,e~'t'rdlly. al,d two r he' Whldkt III ""lure Ih~y .r~ tlilllone $1,,11 oJl Iho Uuli!. 'y.-S .ll'd of 34 b-Ia. from Miell a e wed C llelOll'hy .lcl.nl In lI,e counlfYI whlluUI .&cI' IBW, une 0 IC I 11 II I 780 d r A 1I 17 I ~ i d l' LAIN. hu~bBnd, 1I1 .~ n u"rl II he '"IIOY rei Idl'd I IIII1Il Wl d lld"w '_n_~U_'...,.......:... '01 let Ii curo, nu<.l I &lInOliI wloilieu lb. Utli••Q llr_--..;._C~_ _ _ _ _ _.....:..._ k ani ""U. ,UIIII, 8 .. IUD. OIl J IIlIalh'll HIIIVel" ld ! r. 0 rum r v.. r UII olu.el. I·. p~ re . I J,II lIlIll i1 0llall lor Wllld"w • ,. r.r dud, thaI II 1II1111i! be 1r&Oeil1i.tn I.. Jllilil. I In wor Ind Mr. Tlle""n werll drow"ed ' "Ylng .. he hud pl"nty of .......1-. will eh• Aud III dll IrulII ruilrlliid Ill ' Iii!\) -un ad- lo u...... J ~.I ,"cdveo olld lur .u l by I)U!II1K LQO~ !Ito 11111 lIF.RE, lilt 1II0nllil LADU~ l lul 8. e<I{c. ""ero.o • • . • I h U ,~1\' ce I I I Ylluee. A~I.El\ 6 t.VAJ\i:\ haVl' J"el , . c.iv.1I III tII.'N."h lll 1 .. <1 ,alllllli. I\lVllif aDd wile were Plllhllr.. C .. ttull Furtury . I.. N .. rtlr Ox- ~)e WIIU Id vl'ry • ' 1lU01I live lIe I'XIl U8 V(,' UI~II", \ e olld Leuu"'lul i hJuk 01 lJr••• ",:,. o.' ~ ." ul' ""loll lIl~bl Ind ""r./or wcek. l\lae rber Ch pe~(,' -Suit's of 186 b"lIrs rllr~ ".a bUIII ..d 011 SlItUn)I!V \.1 ht Gir . runlr,,1 ur. Uuu<l. ,UIlIIIIU I• • ldl,bulI •• i"u r•• ol •• tiho.~,,,,,". ..7"-.-",,", .. lid we hacl lllvcn liP aI hOIlO of onr rallln, • ~ II • TI e I 1\11 i _Ie , Wlli"" II UII ~ 01 yuu .hll"ltI fa,l 10 luuk. III d' I our h ldu Ollu h iI 3bO d.. "i(1·. and 100 du ElIgh~h D il, lry., H U8 nutlllng to tin Wllh 'OPith a .,lend edYlted It. DIID."I W .. b.ll'r le .. vel lor W uill!II',\(lIi IllOs ' , mp or,. 1\ an ","cel.' '"II Y • rl)w at 7jr. 81 l' DOIII .. an,l l>t!for .. J1 lUukl llll IlIltf your your 80"op.rl ll.. lteluela~rly. Ined I~, @ 1 lnlr ~urclI.~ . -lIIdlc'j lln" /I fllir d"mulld. bu' ; 8100"" lIIunul~c turt'd b) I. E MUIII De"'t 'J!ueidb ,. • Kpy~ ~ . lU DU,IIIII'U1 oIn j 1)< hule , 1LIid " Iau wum.lI. Lul.Jud have relllOll f"lI. liall • f .'\",,1 \0 IU/I. ble.. UOd IQr It, ID I y~ n Ilid Ih . .rt'no.rh 1~~2 bl), I I I · ..., , I atrt'et Wlly/l ~.vllle wlol.'r~ he Pluy olwuy. . • d ollorl 111110 it h. aled up Ibe orCII,1O lb.1 II. ro NeW ~d:ord. heretofo re clHI",rd !II In· qUill In eDiunor . H er 'ppear.n r" ' l fllllt'r uW rll t .... . . ' f~ .carcalv even I .ca~ 10 be lOun. \V. only I. }·IN I):. 10rl/i 0' r 8 ,.1 I Du'tt'r.- S.lea of 9 brll and 10 Brkins I ti.W"btiIt .. ,. hla ~IIIHoen len W t! blllrr Dlen ~Pf'elOIII, Ilid hl'r nlil/, .. er. " '\lUlI e~l!r ~eudy and WIlli"" tu fl'''Plllld t dYlilli. reKr ~1 Ihat wu diU 1I0( "e., of and Ct'mlUIIIIC I 'C:;I\Ii~ ali t! i.ill=I~·J:,~o~ iu"..,~ wlIndprl ull, I l . • , h I I tu the call ul • u.Wm~i'~ . Bt" IIIC , tliullk llli r,,"o.. o<l "htl lor01.0 C free (rllm eU."J.·ioo Two lurcf!lIiu nne II O2°; 6 ' it 'ir'lf it .unll ~r, .. w.. Ite •• 1I8I1ed 11 wOllld . .. 1., by U , !\Icc.;. brIO. It 110.; IG fi rkl"" 81 181' .• lur pll~' IlIvllr~ . ~ c· ,,,lInullIu:1l to ~.. Ie.lt \lMlrllll ollvenllu o. h.,e .I.ed I llre.l dOli of 8ulklrlh", Ind 'j( "ul,lill lr d b I . d' I I u. " f h In and "3 ,I.. primo yellow at Ilid• Price. p"lr. • eu, ,"ulle p,·n"". e~ III n HUhUlt1',1 r.cr The child 0 IIIIUW wellandb ban" W. I Il'r.vo" . ,ave lin I'H 0 t e "d' It F JI LA R ~' ~' nON " I N....~. d F I nl III I I •• , M ' .to IIl1hl!llill In' I UIlII, 1'1 drOllpln culI,lIlet ,. rom four J:!h.lter r .... " •• VlIIU S ..... Y UI . ,," 'If a 01. (I "I' f" blwr, ul • Mr•. Dell. All perllOn" oncy 'JrUc'cu •• u lau Ii' .ur f Uhnll~" lor . nl .. Ity .. lIawIf Oil Ilatlltll on. UI Ute bell lJirtllllra tion. noW' ill &: Met,; . ' }lUFHI I. M", 2~ -M d Mut:Y Ann Ludl ee we ur. whl. h w,lI be llIullll t" clured Itu bavo bl'~ n .W'ndl('d by h~r should UIIi. ~ugar.-~o l'" 0' 19 nhd • . fUIf at ~le ' l tu .. rder Willi J HJIi tI'I'A~::lBUY, 1I(,lIlned" I\nd dl.'~ p.l ch. Br.lIl..l'. a yO~lIg lall1 Irum Lillie R u. k. I'fllI fIt 'h4' Ab,lIr·/! JI!.I~ tU ,\ I t: ltY· nace. belween ""0111 uffice.-R luladclp lua ;Ild 33 dll. C' II'lmun ;ot IIr. cu~b. The I'EIII UI\IEIlY" 011 •• Second '11, N D t-U ":"'k 11111 de Ly III!! id "ulflon~- I 01 l(u.o- 'l:pp"lc hil[lr.cI ul itc.. u. LIIIII" A•• }'u,".le IUf!dI.lne. the.lId .A' •• n .. ~ . cuolmhl ed . ulclde UII Frida, Brdkti'l .6th. Medical !'rul.... , ' mMrk~1 CuIlUnUl'1t brm. bill lhe <.Iolnond " I ed. I. E . KEY~, billO Hinck . ,on lu thll Ind olher 011101 10 lbolr ,rhalo nullt. 2· 11. I.oSC. Clll ul!nu ()If.~ 1'.IIllRllu IUll uy /:!ya". .,,<\ ItKII'pln" b, jumpia/f tlO Ibe .tl'.ole", Em: prucut:U r~t'Ionl lllell~ DII<.I u.. . 'I' oit~ , 1,,,,Jera 01 "" ,"'us kIilU. , IUr 1101. Ilmitt'd. '1'0 'I'UE LADIE5!. J)lt I:j J) HO W!::'!:> !SHAKER BARBAP A. I/Ia De.ni ... llt'n alliut 10rl)' milt'. bt'luw eh,uilby Itum': I"l'::; &. !JllU'J'UEI , Arrz., oATlolI Of TaB t;IREft'1 10 count Clltr'ue. -A 8ale III l.'LA:. f{.oIU"mbtlr" la" amnted I.) be !'or. of liO bpg. fllir nlo at , BEAU I IH' L OStiU rJ Uh" l! III C ult . v.I · 10 1 bere;- -8he ..... dro"'De4 bf\(lIril any . 1U1_t. the nle at which Ihe I oly INv Qlld oOllrely VeIlCl .. ble, anti u atem.l. and . UIN OI ' G,oud I .... . l\lOIlOl:G L.cA all~ C' :J :SKIN Nec"le. ,,'ork ••1 I)l~~ v('~. win,,1 uf 11I"l'ctll f , lur 6ulu loy lilll.lI, IJII'U1 Cllie if n.. 110 eqal, Be ."rl' ),ou \.helllU'~ 1\~8 . elc .. ~1I.1 'il'IIIII'1J " n.llor . "Ie by Inre could be reDdered. It 11I"ltatlld thlt muVI'. Tbe bllulnlC !II til!: ' Ll:.l: , .nd hUOlmilig nUlses S l,ll'ratus -A eRIf! uf llOOO th. al .~c. : .. Waler ""quire lor Ur, t!. 1> Howe'. ::lh.lt.r s. r.~ 1:11. Wn),no5 " ll o, 0 , AUf! 15 1Q5 1 1. H, HAJWlS &. CII , ~Jl:n Heu F lailS dl.. ppolDtnlluve WII lhe clu.e of the Ull' prudllclld by wlOafed In,pet" .. /1&\ and, lake no olher ,"' or llale by I. »'1\. are IIl1t at Mul ........-The IDlOrklll (!Ulltll\U~1 firm 1<.1>1,. ~O I C<.lloa"H ,II. Wllnu ~l:I.. Cilldn • blp", aet. GREAT EXCJl'E lIEN 1', ml&:hl lie .upp.... .I, vUCl1 ,uulld.. They It 3'i1e . but llJeooO 11111'. ar8 nt.klll' III 11&110. \0 wholD 'Ill ord~,. n,lll1 be Iddrlltllied. A 'A' 'rUE UUt<;A l'Si'OUJ •Tile Stl'!lIle,. Ecllpte. Jroqutll •• Glend, rnull rllm .onorou ::, t'l,T ,\,1110 b)' Itot.urlil '" Brllll .. r, W.yn.. vllleIE E pl ~." u r~ III urllilng Oijr flftlrnna l uodulall on. imparted MmuU lute. l'l' 011,1 the ,,1'110111 01 IlilS I'".cu and dull,I, lli. v!" I lit:: U. Wrlllhl.I IU Jgho J:: Kllnllllull &. Co. lAb Burke. Pacific, Ilblpire .lId K"nnf!t 1I...~d tu thl! IIr by lhl' ttoppina IY lI o n ~ ,.liy, Ihal ...e uo receh l"l1 II our or Ihelr wll,!t•. ."un; M. "J, Wrl&:bl SIIJWlIbJro, It. 6 itPi a nd' tbe I.lae. ,Robb .ud Prowllee Tbl. mny be rplldered ev~dent li'OIP roo) •• our WAYN ESVILL E A1ARKE'FS. Shinn Uellbroolt II<I-y. b, ob~erv gPJUNQ AND 811• •:£R STOCK clvwn. lng, that thEl nUllie .lwH,a Ci'lIIee \V"~lIlhe "f 1111\'1"', ('onli~,l lIg 01 , The ,Ive, II It I Il.nd. The w",ther In. e <;t all"hlil on an)' objecl CORBECT r.D £VLav ..... ££11. The al"'ne PL)\JN A~D FANCY DIIlE$S GOOnS II clear Ind w.rm. h•• b~'('o mgenitou ill, applied fur the pur· t.lullo.. Cds. hllf rtl. &111116l'" '1 we. itl J~an'. t,; • • • III ~\ II. , U ~rnli liu lIddo.' , l'ul.h"., Wheat •., ~u. pUN 0 r licerl"IIlIng' he rat\! lit 'YhIe II t IIe bllc. ""UIlham •• }o olley I.a wn •• Mllil a l>b l ~lIe~ t ~ I . Cum. ~ " WillI" IIr ~ur.h erelllll ·ed O.p, Till' 1r,.tru!Z5@;2tc. pDCU • • Jj"" ... lI1u.II". ::>wl ••• Mull . COUlI.rrck r . 1J' ..." ~ Ie Ul"vtoj. .J li""l~ry • • 'C. l' ull~Ud. Mu. IIII O• me III beinr \Drought IOto U"illOlI Blulf1. '10 II wit I '00. tie f' l-'Duncl. , 'llckillg, CJhuclil, ftiC. DOIto •• M. ,1&.-1 .", '¥lninr .t W.- ",""d pruduc~d by the Inooeet, indlumle ~, l. Ollta, f dOl. ISII. · Ol' " fJAJU) WAIUJ AND QUEEN S- MAIN Y..I" on lbe Fllnllbu r".R.Uw .,. AII'. ""wSTREE T. ... WAVNE !lVf1.J.E 0, -. ~ .... I,U In the Cftl ... of Iny other mU.'(,11 ,uu,lId, " Ou'· 18. , ... , T U • [ "AilE, with hil wife Ind three d.ur bUl.... in the ,ate of vlbflilun. In thla l.[.EN lit EV"NS RAVE TH~; w.y 11 h.. \ Fluur.l! all",1t 1' bbl. II00d. on~ wdll • pl OlI.orl~d. ~ n . ure or ~nno l"'tln(l' 10 th ~l r C'ullom· a,!l!i~. • earri., attemptt'tf to .ero.. the Ir.illl ....... U.NeI We II ill "un ".e ~ Ull Ind 11111111 d" ,h oDd .. 1Il p,.h)l lor 0 \\ IItle. t. c cener.lly I iliad . tb at Ih ~y Dre bl.'en IOceflomi!d thlt the wing. 01 • 1I'".t l,bOu. OOV I ,.ou.uun\ o· 1J' aR., OOLD . Jllll 00"1' U lb. reccivln, "UWII Ihpir t'llII W .. ClIDlII,& It 1111' ft h' I I I R 000 . 'i \0 r , ... ' lIutter, 'f til ~p .t t I! r. eo", 12c. , lImel pf!r .... 1"••• , • •., •• conu. GROCE RlES, I'!PRrNC rail UI ruJl, mile •• n hull.rl the' 10ClOWo- Tb = 4. lIt1ftiM EIl .. L 0 f t h e •• • EaflP. 'f doz. . ORI'I 'I., OIl.O V., • • '1'•• Snoh '" Tn. (;colft· .. , a"I1''', ~I_. pep!,er 8 .t)~ k- 01 Gt.od •• Wili eh lor VARlnT\I' "Tn.p.. , Oil", pradu re d b, III i• 6@'7" . tit. came 10 contact With ,b. I)Ir""ae ./ i e pit"" . :::Ialt. ~......... 01 UI/Il!nlll\ ~"1IIie.: ijalerllu •• PRinE, la Dolu""ll od , 4' AILA",01>i!I. I the ~ te THi. or nc\lthbu. lng MtrU Luo.e,l1 til. MA, ...8"". 1.0- 00"0 . ~ .... M.MuJllh'·';', It, Ind In.ttln". II~() II u II." •• c 0 ft I lOco l.' IC I:lC. 10W ns rl'II N LAlIO ~ T . rR.T11r'.Io'1" . NnCUAr UT •• lIon ~ f na I . re II . I' t toe. ~ b" ~ ~ "" ' Oll 8 A.D 00 • • 0 • •'1'10_ ..~ d '\ d • reilpecifu I # 1mllr .. Uton two oclnea Ibuve tho lly " " I!Olicl ,,, 0\ la ~ 11 u 1ell4on.h .. II 01 11801 • • we ... le Ih.re v In ~r "a~. enum~'"l 0 1 e ortld.l: bu, hTlIhl'll o,,~. 11" ... . DI,.· J,oflltt , I. ,tl ... , .ult .tt'r I\Ot~ ul ••evlln, ilctllve plllDO -~" Ju!>l rr", v\,d and lor • • 1.. by Ihe !,u\ll,o/a vura, alltl /rOI'" 1\1 1I1~" a ueral .~ fIi· fo", .. , .~ y. II , I!I Ih. InlN IB ll)1 ., forle.-..L IZrdL Apple •• l' lIu tlrled rI'I1H" Innl".bl e remed, for In d.... _ of lI~oo, ,..It U'. drl,pr, .ncllr.e tllrrnr the .trull OIl • "UdiIClilJ o , to f"elure \Jur CUllOlUtJI '8. al we- UjJcqL lu Lu) In. "I.. ho.e l) 10 0011 Ind ,5/) • l. 11\ IfA RRI 4. CO. .,r .AL.L . Chl~ken_. f dOli. 1 lbe '11Iall..T "nd LUIIG. bu IlIlIoed IlI elO • F/II" o( Ih. )'rd f ·/ollo. ~JlrH fi. IS61l. •• 11 81 r""'l'no"l. ""ces. 1,60('. II,.. SaWYfr.1J ."vlre'y t".t UI. brain, .,.,I.b,lt, froon lIS r. nllrkable 0 ura.. nuer• All kl n,l" 01 Ir~de ' Dken al Me brleus. J ROGSRS &. SON Ft'lIlhu fd.l' 11>, II!e. ~ 1I1f1f!d b, "ALL any OIlier ~Ieln. be'ure. Other PAI'I1W .. ,W.OI prullllCled. Mr. ".w),er WI• • 0 '1II1II1'Dt Aptll side ot l\Ialn ""llOl. u""vo t'lorll,.P lh. 1&2• Sn.... Sr JIB Cl11:rlla -The re I'I~cbll WalL & \lil1d.-)", paper. Prop.ra tlon. haYe ,1I0wn men...l.. PJ\lU.lI .... Itt Rlu CuBee. f Ib, wQYII,,"ville. 010101 Apr" 8. Ib ~l . l!le:. ItI11U'r: eud IlvtO., C"hlrle.wn. . . :!~ cUt. a"d III ,6melh" ... e (J'J!~ted nOllbl. oU''',l:u l ooil. !IO .UI · p or bolt, PS F'A!S(;¥ a,,~ 1'11110 Dunnel RI~bon JU.I r.culv~ . the ftlilt 01 " wllnly·e lll"t ,l1l"11l.'t, E.o' R,ver New·C;)rlcali' Sugar. 11 til, d .nd lor lulu by lie. eY.r 10 lull, won lhe confidence of 8i c• ---Ne~ JU.l rlle,lvo.1 .nd fur .n l. hy_ C:~lIn\ lInit" wh.", Ilia kouwa. Afler ,earl J. 1I . 1JARRJ8 , Muple, &. CO tfADDE. rote," "., Divol'Cle C • • o •• d LqaJ Do:- olle or.1I1I Oll).l I'Xlen.lvf! . lolI.1-<..lIlng du N &. l\1cCLE U.AND 81@~c. « Ilin 01 lhe R ~d Fla,.. April 6. 18~;iJ. or 1.1111 111 e.er), cUmale.l ha fe. 1I11S h""o In. ", E AI<", Ju,,"r r.",I _I " ... "i! oPCnioi N call1u.. () I ... I ...~ I I'ltobll.h menli I" Ih .. city. (I I. Ih~ E_~ \ t' ew r II1I ... u dlsIlUlIl) uar l' I, ' 110.0 1110 JI9M- • !D"ler)' oYer Ila . 4"c. • 11a. ' W'lerflll 'll (N Y) Sentine l &Iye. tubli~hm;nt of Ihe Eml,I,,' SllIne.dre.elnlC' Sui" ...... ulln· ,u..l,;l1'Il'l A'1I IOOLE .LJ:lA'I·!tE1t lor 1ft/a 11,1, da!ll1erou . 01 ... or <.I1..,11Ie•• which coula SPIClNG ANn 8U!IMl m GOODS Molu~le o(. f ' l/ul. 60.·. by M. flOI liIll 10 altrllcl Ihe allenllOIl 01 I'h,lIicllllle. th'lullow iDJr I'f'p'.rt tlf • feuot IIi vorce C'llnpI" 1•• n,1 i. tle.erlbe fro", Ibe LOSier" d\le•• wi litH wti t~@IJjl"III1 II) d In the Nl!w. WalOr Mllple Mulu ••o •• , 11,,1. 8 1 " W01~v 1'.llonl. llll. Ind O'.f , he public .~ II". "~' 10 18)1. fiO@lJbc. • Invlie uur ullI e""lu"It'O u"J pUl~r••u c.1\ duu Ir.al hlJ hat rlclull,: M~rr.ret V.laClul f Yurlr 8114 I. OCt:upyJnlf !!eO Ihe 51.U.hlO"", olltonly ,J Mcur. Ill' I1bullt 6v. acrell IIf \ P .. pper." Ib, • .xu rhju~ . cVII"l.l ltii 0 1 1ge. .h,lduah Ind /rom 'ar dlll.nt pt'_I but of ... Nlthillh F. Vi ••• h"r. ..ou"d. end ell1ploYIl)" I (l1n1' of t'IUiNC D AND I .NGLlit n ' CLOTU S, A\I~ I' ICf, f lb. ",e "nOWD .d h'lpHlIH t lbroui~Ojlt 19,. , Judtre HaDd Istely II:r"!I"d a dlforoe 10 ODe hllDdreji horde-po wer.I.It'bmofn Lluck Du ll tUII'eJ' l. ~l'ti lJftl r tf." (; ..~ bll.tttts&.lt, lIu.:e bllOck. L"ktl Suh. ~bl, g:ll5 'Wt ~d.t Ll,\(!U all" liotwn l 'OliLl&OOOa ut Vet the pl. IouI' In \JIl' aclIuo.III ....!lvlD t bll of It"ne are lifted. by Ilesm. frl m lhe Flax ~red , bll. tI IIARR1 : '1 &. co, ARE I;N R rill'" . ,)'1. . " uu ".110"'., 1.... ",1. tilld iler"IIOa 90". •• ~'i.j" WIIUIC& bel'''I'D b., .Dd tbe lie. YIIMe'" Illhe duck. alld pl.oed upon" r.oIl. !!!...~~~ I". tI'L... gllO,I. t;Dilc"Q , &"" ... uuu • 01 • " lfY lurtle flo ck III ~~~ ~=== =~=~ ~==~ ~h~"t ' .tUCt.:.lt:tI , ~ u\'-L: llfrwltrtJ t IIU,J • MttJlu.ul lf9tltDl. 10 Ia.S the pldlDUIt ill thla ar.- rUlid trlc,k ''It\t'ndl ol lllell, RARE &. DF.AUT IFVL tu 'he m.lD bll IIdln, U• • orlIlWut u, !Julllwur u, ",ILullJu'r """ I.uuch tlun h.,lnlE IIII.'d I bill riaa,,,,, tlte tlplllnd. aud wnvl'ye d b, 018111. GOODt i, 1 &lllfUi i ll,,'" .. uf • truck lu hll tinDDEN &. lIt,oC.:,LEliLAND. Wtill .dlPJed 10 tI •• """ au I 1/111 " PI,tuar". Int,' UII accuuut of hI. c:ruu' .od r~'D..trk,.b'" n."C;h\ue. 'l'be adJUlluupnt -.,1 Corn~r 01 M.lu ."~ l'oiollh 'lI"~II , Wa) II~.· Ille 'GQ~ OIl' f tr...tfU~U', (he Cuurt 01 Ch"n"r y IIfllut..d t!lt' cuu"" III bll' th. v llr »Iock \\Os purchaerd In Ihe ' wurk ur I" h'llant, SA':TAI N'S MAGAZ INE . '0' J UliE hn' viii". l ' hllL lin d'.tc:n!i It h. tu I alld 'hen. J 1" ;AIITEI lht' pu. lN h (;11'11.8 01 a II'Y"r, . th. ,toile madt II~ Rppe""n ~, .nd ftn ex~lIeol nUl\,ber WANT I • perwl III, Ir IV" ¥I!p.. I. U, - Wllnlf.d .1 I"e Frl)vJ lUll 10. very ""u. , .... ,t.lcul. nl lor . . h .. I. It "hI, .. Ihe fint volume of Ihe presl'n, UASII , alld Ihor" hll and .part Ir.1IO h..r bu.b,,"d , I~ bIOI • (,"I UJr.,~" til ,:hi~. Ioej(III 10 Oy hkfl • ''\'In,.. lrom a y~o; and in lite new v.. lume. wnllllenc ,"!! IUHf. UlhJ 'b""~,' jlM" .C<!,."d VUlal""". hueu" lu re \\ e c.~ IlIlU WILL tiwt III Ibu very Ul"'~.! . .11 ..... UtI cOIJlrul hl.'r own pro""rt" ._ buard. lur Wd,~cjo ~ltll ,.11/1",.1 ur... 0 ... 01 lire." m.chluf! . "10 d" 1 Wllb'lh.1I JUly Ipue, the public -.may .ltl.. r.1 a "'''rk~1 "d"" .. III bto ""I~ ...r , .... U" 111 -X · ~ L INVAll fETY OF 8T,' LES. AU'r tbt. elrC," Ih. d.leoda oi rwent tu ""'''' , wor. IR trn DllnUtH I • noln ClIO litok u~U HEADL f:V. lhe Cf'M,r,"Jd AIller chltlillU Ill' ,roc. n.. ",Iv.. II. a '0 ,1. bolu " IIdnll.'Il~wllllru. U W .1:lI.. (; II '1 tJvM At; 4uol" ..8 anu c.>tr~ I,u " rll ll g prIce•• wu ol,lm \lito tit... 01 Mtchir D, olld tbt're &I~ • du io • wll,,'e dMy by blind •I •I,n Our mecholnl- l~n wrher '11'111 fllrnbh It .tirl", of pnpe.s f.r '0 Ia t l" , ... .. d I,y Ill! t.. .. UIIII) t:iIUl C. .u,U to;O~n-INO' -:.--£""-=":",", ,,.,--- <qu.led L- I I IF. I . • ,1 •' a"lJI~t I..., J\loatnaC thet _I CIII ",aok'r. CAn" lurm .0 1.1... ul the bUI !,oJ lew • p ~ IIIi • a e,1II11 IIlot .. M.....In. on Amr,lcllR HIsl"r •. cnmOlpn Ie Allbm.d e at· .. BOOT ... 'D . "'HOE' ) '0 'Jll r 1I1, " d •• we lOY, we .... l116o,(ul fllr , I SHOP h PI . I I L p".,lInC« ' I ' of the ..... m aUulIlI.cUlIhlll III.' r ~Inlf W I a elnr . Iou 0 Gon u I J k R ....., t. Die leUer ,. I'fIIJtielil to h,e "'lID hllll, IDd lIt1l I bill ul ." on I.nl I.vur • • a"d .'111 / do "II III Ollr /lqwer lu . I I ! 'TI,e Ilr. of 11>1. ,min' nl n ,on "ill 10" loll" o,.r (;1 ......." 10 "." 4"...:. la ,het 8ll\" UD t/1I' ",Olund. Af. ":lIl1e whtln ,1 ""e'Vti Au (;u. Wju. OUIIO, . Ih.lr ",u,l/hill. llce. Dlld hum .11 \\ U aok tell 'hem tb.t t elUt'~ Y,I,y oth. r pllprt. hv Ihe ~Ime wril"r. devOIcd .orlb; the IU... 'a call al Ihll .llln tI, Iho Un"tr.'I1 · • ...! W uul U 'u-li' clr"lIy kf. aruin. tbi. btll . in Mil h.. "'" rl!tll'lDbll!tl D"lIlel'. buerd.pl .llln:: witch Of' I 'he n,nFt d ' "n,,,.I,, RED f·I.AG a n.. n "'h~ h"VIl ndd",1 W Uy'.'.'!::~~·:I"·~~d !~':~~~~ ~~II ':.:~,:{~j to 8~r.''''' cuanly. alld llIarrled the tUUt'nI ul willch a" placed lb. ez· : lu.".. 10 Ihe 1""aIS of Ihe MIla n. I'lr H".d. ond llrak! "Va ldke pl~, ure III l"nWlJ'Q 10" "'hi C.'"I1",IIet:tl Ih .. 1io0il1 ~ud 1II0Uter wit.. Tile plllllllll' the II 61 .... II", trl1lnl l, ol .h"'lJm Ir"",I. , ~vi nil" .... du nOl .oU lel."o. Illd wl,II thelD I~y I. I ,fit, popular write r .nd Ihl8 "' "IU', ""I 1'_ I I ".uk",,, !;uioilleu 111 (;.0'''111. wh",. lie dl 1-11111 of Ih .. noot Jolail_. S. E. CIIrner ,. cuttin·, &h. wood •• Il pa._ ' will . no dllubl ...lIh.nee th .. ""'u. ... In t I,. .u t III" vurce to ulla.. lv" re,lol-•• o' Ihls a" IIUI"", by .11101 .11 ..1111 .... to b U&I UW.I. ItJ r6' l lo ... & NOrlb SlrcMs T " t tK I I II' • 1'h J I • be i:~IY'" ~h ur. 01 I'ublle I,olroouwe . 11. will I.., .Iuwl, alllllil b..luw. Th. ~ulll'r. ul Ihe , , ... , p"PI\ ar ,••ra'IOe. W.YIICi Vlllu, 0, A .. rll 0, 18f,2 0 U Y nUDI r ,~ ti cly al IlIlh""" II) ... " uJIU" 11,_ eClalr'OI be~we,," ber alld Ih.. wllu '"'l' I I d 1••IIIM on 'ho fiul of Jun... *'Indan l. TIte'del end"lt ' h.. ol hlu. Will, I cell, Itlil 10"11 1 1M" 10 \I'dt l up hi. di- It"ne lII"chlnO are. l.o".V!",' fOlit re ~ IIf.-I I ... 1I11~ \ LSD I 111<)8 lUI of Calle Pol .... fo r ••1. bT Slrl.I" ..IIi", I I.rge t3 enllrnfn a "' I pre' III Ihe ka l UI.",.~' 0,,11 1II000111"hl(,""b, • • ,yl" , 1. ~ .. J ('UIIII_I a ' turceoblai,,~ III MI""',,, n ••• _ delelh. er~11 t I rurn Iny 0 ther~ J II. IJAIt N IIAIl I. any •• lId" III hi. II". • rua, tie ""llIed, mlum to an new~ub crillt!ra, Illh" o!UIL The eelle w.. trl'" .t Ihe '1D1i1l, tnl"~ .telll whl!l'la And aJ ....I() rd"~I1I/111 "rO'''IIII;' .n,1 ""Ily )RU:P P1CACfl •• ba' ~o~d ~8." prim. Irlldo to ID NIIW lolhe lim., 10 mak e up CI"be A '(If'c 1".'r Ibu q"olhy, ol hi •• uICk. wotkluOlllhll.aOld l.. . . . . ...._ _ ...... CI ' be' J d ed/lil l IIU Ibat .... hll. PII..ln8 "'t'r ,he .ionl', !mltn cop, can be _0 jU, 1 r."",vu.l .n.1 lor ... 1. bJ' .t Tile " '1111, 1\11111111 .ure ",. VI.llor "lie .... lll\He "'.hm, 10 pUlchl .. ' Will . du w_1I 1 H ,'1 ARUl;:!' " CU , Slln 01' lit" /4l<J Flll:a H.Dd P Jl,;tte d III Cltll 11111 .... hulold 9u,0""''''11 .,I.. I I tI.ey ft,ol,,,. bu, It th. I"me "III. 1\11,6. 11IlI1!. CU' .- cm~. • • r .ppeare I • ..ullblle ur W ILLlAM lit ANIM' 1'llJli . blan ul Ihu I ' I t TERr.JS tltt pllluUII, J , K Purr .. , lor the '"'telld. . Bini I< & "1. lI.,ar Iho u.tIltoad.. It l" III thl. p«u lar IWn ..uu~ "I tie eu - One cop, or Ibe 1\I"II&ln" Ind one or May :IOlb. 11052. lilt. Judie 1I.lId IlI'ld that til" decree ub- trr. &h.t tbe ,,,lu(II ul n'lf aD II'''D oil patel1t con· (rillt t:I \17 JlA T - DIlEEN fl 'VISIIE S TO talnlll II)' Ih. M letl".nt 10 JI,ebi".1 1 WI' .lell. Tbl. , .. mnl( cutter ,ruduClf'o no TwCI cnplH of Ih. I\lell..lno IM),IIWO or ,', kUuw-wl",1 II~ It ul. IIIIl ,,,Ik ~boel.. au "'en... tu Ib_ !lUil. lad thlt• tbe d... rlnll 0 r tl II.' • t tlile. I Itl ,uu.... h the POWI" .p. 5 .. h. , lou ,"el",,'11 III Iblllk-lIml .-Ital II .. like. the prlot. nr WAi~ES"ILJ.~, OHfOI I " 1t1lde1l- '."1iI .,"Iili ' ...... '.dullero\lll,1IO phl'd to elr" fi I ,b~ 1i. 11I w utoum"ll .h. .. It I. of cou,.. tteme nduuII. If UI!:.(::oJU l\"O r... ve.dully .n· F .. cup Ie. of Ibe MaSu ne .nu IVC 0 I., •• lIli tal I"" WJI IIIIIU U I.It~~JI' wl. he. 19 know whe lh~' eel d The rapidity _lIh whhb Ibe atollN lor Ihll th~ pr t. I"d.n D .Dlleo 10 tI •• eillz, n. 01 II,i~ ~Iaj)e ."u I'Xlrecop)I of ...ch wo.k Ihe " 1ft II ' WII C!Olle.'11 • a" vr"""," 1 .... &l.I.,ur. WIJII1<l en [Clrldln • bill .lle lurNutld lllllldll/lib",bouc/ UrI! 110.)1 "ave IIdl I d , le- 10 Ihe seller u" uf Ibe C_lu.b, "'lItI(tb . plaiD 11ft • dl'urlle Irom U,. frontAl 0 r buna·. la III r~fClllo\(j IbOl ,,, ..,.. ~I "'.loIo ".Oll' I,;WTUI. IJ. JUwt npcncd • c.. uonn.. I""' .' -t..._~ N und" .u, wlI!llllor II .. wuulo .re ii_II be Ilkt-ly IU llill Gaoct :uy A~D PJlOVJ8 10l'f "Ton~. "d' bt' the.e mp.chinM . I. - I I I . .\riaoo, With ttiedeleo dllnt. I A ItI'E1'l:>- 1 h..... ju.t receJ ...d .Dlur" \. "GO ... .....,.. Ibrou" h 1I,118e•• lun. ''' • ( UNDER D I "I 101111:.0 h."ft •• ,/ ~ '.uIIM _lOCk 01 ColtllO .nd Wow uri • toaM,ln a. The .team rubbe",. on I I !I, .... ,," ,,- II 0" "1"'" r.r Ih' ""',rll&lf!l1 100d "' I he" r i,\lOll I,uly "I" lilt.' '''0 v rl ur v .. 1I0rli , w_ .. " . .11 . WOLII , 10Ilr.I" Car(lll'" (,;oncerl h.nd IOllie Iw". b"l'tI8 . "'lIl)n" and 4.' V_ 011 110.......... .tu 01 hi" A .U.I~"_Y"""-'-, morDln ".t whlcb ,In tbe tilliahlDI luuch ,b" Ir".'etlL nUIII"" r " 01 ."e" ""~ Lu'" .nd ... h re Ih thll. .. , are . IIIl.od kl'tl ' Ill I"r .ale I lI.n C"fj}HI•• " "UI M.ttin,. ilni'lSlllll a "If .L_ Ind bU-";lee , whll:h they wl,l ...11 on .b. lIl.".t 01 ~.llllnkl Oo",ellun be dun o 10 I''''.~DI .OI~ _"V, :.......111.111 of C,,,,,, - NIIIdt........ Z. J..\W, E.q., .UOntI.'1 pie. bUI." ttrflltln . The "rtlll, d re....nliltl. lermll. Fllr p.,llcul. •. HUll"' JilwlllJl". lIe •• '00, wli1eb Will kln ra nil 1\ the '11, mer.... 01 lfIIIe~hould .... or iU .hlp4'd. I'"""'.... clo.~ ." Shop' 0111 MaiD UDa d09r lOulh of Cuu· 1I,lnll"OW aDd then ""00 liD OUI • ". w,l. til. ' p, ...t...... B"IIdII l", .e,. QIOUitfiDIf ,. not dunar by lit"".. thloi 'oGROC £KIUI AIID PJtOVI IIONII, " "" ""It! e lupor \h\lll Ibe reaular CIII"iDu ti mac"l"e r" uDI, cerl U.ll. "".... or W. T. rAU!iA LJ .. It 0 CIU~I'EN . ::;Prlll" LeI•• non.O Arr-. '; ae (;u1f~. ~ II arill aJlrIi.tiIIeIi .tid Amalla b, hlDd. Th. bro""n 1. C (;I'LLI; I",·. • dllt'll a ...... ne InCilo.. 10 Ih" opinion ,""I II the PlIeIl illuDe (or the new t·rull. ,\lol . .. u. Wlyn ... UI •• OhiO. l UII.. MI, 117. 1&1 IS-If ,ulltolll brltlil" I ore '0 ft, _ ...._ ~ fll * r . II .. . ~llce J 01 t'epjIU.t. .lnlllnrlln . ' tL~, Park and othpr .. ,.CI. ' ~-alIp &IC'T .........urtb ua. C OIl rt H""'. . 00110111, u\lllbllil be low" d_u(\ 1. ,1 •• banll.e ~. udl ... Ilid ~UI". n I,... POI1ND II \\OOf. w o.'ed, for 1te.,UIDI .. "'''''' ,.~, ullleI.ted. TI.. wltn._ b uildlll,.......... OUIOI . ,,1.1I11t'll. be " loll"" It ui••• IIJ \.JIll.' • • S lo,eh • I" ""inll clune at the Empl,. , whlch the hlllh.,.1 IIlftrkol ,'tic!> IllIOlly unllel'lllood Ihal 101 . ..",Ida .. to,tlr. ~'1.'" 1_. D ......1.1. Wurk.. All Ihe loul. ".Ill be .01J ~IIOI, !.\Iud. I"d III I.ol livury Iqd r. p~if'll rt'fJulr· Will be p.ldl.'!J:. FI L H 1J.A~ICLii4"I~~ t.... lut .h•• ,lIalle." Itilld III 11I.,lIl lur ,",, "h.rd· louililin . oeil " .... ~IIDOI Ih. K.... ... LIi.on•• nl • • Jlr.,.,n" IAkCfllbe 600111 .. 1111 Iu. IICW t:;"rlul CODIIII a& ~. fIWf til ,he 8I~III... ed 10 tile ..... bll.hmtln .. LOVIl. ... AI., ~"D FEED m~de In tire DRIED APrLEI I. - .A pruueab lela. &. I.,"" .... KichuJ Paru:fl. IrrutfNor euD~I'II. AmaD,o lhpr trarlClflll ~!lucd k, 01 ~"11lnl 0UCKl ,_ om;:v.i.:' ~ 1'::~IIl:"i: ,.' of.1l klllil. "I;' be e. III tbe uh I,,"d 10' ..Ie. rea.lved 10001I1r 1.le L, 1'''I U ' ' ' ' ' ' tl M'11e ......_ , .. ".0.11. the .mi .... t blaeltamUh'lI ahup. I... ( u - wad. of W. ' ......cllully UljQL' hberll.b .re of Ihe J U UAlUtl!) '" CO SilO of the Rf!d del)' 1111 her dO.1I •.loWI .... 1.111" bU 0:i . lId tinUflu ..... .• p."u""\l6 ......"'WIlOI. y U wll ... 1 - • FlO;. 'l\e M., U. 18)~ pair• • Parodi. MI.1I1 linN witli iIre·brIc., 10 arra",ed f!""U'- ' ,~ u clL,"P II~ jlubli; ::~.: U.Juu l w.. 1u,W.lhClift r.'II<I"r , ,,';"11 11110110111111. _ U_ ~ • cau " D. " .. ,- Ih • "Sw,1I Vrulll ...... qu.ok """ru•• •· i. - . ~ Arautdi. eud lIu-. P.,.,. t hree men ulf. EEP I.EEJU .-..l p..t ..... rlmeOI ""d dlldde. ICCeII • " " .t 1II01W..u b.nd tI w• • ""el ", ..Ulorouh l eOtlratl), . end tur •• Ie b, "ftit lille , _ _I" .Itrnloo o. UCI . . . ll.r wllhCllll Uvabllll , IIcb bret!n~ t;"D.Iw.y. found, "!load u b.. All "Ind. of (;ou"", hod_ IIk..a in eX' IURIlIl:l Ak 00. Sip of m. Red ...rd. Il ~u. a. MaiD !belnJe ---,l, O\lpollllel loe Cotul ell."fe lOr Ur.-. Iri II caeII ",iot1f. lob_ .. lllil " - - O-D,O .~ u lI.y U. 11IS2. II dlelr we, to It all. The IIuIItItep are b...... Ho_. · til • '" Cill lltv • ea(;. W. III. \ :, u. 'I'HC/MA ti, ... y ....~ Wit ~;; 4l1li' ftkatl Bu.. blllllll ........ " Ule 0 It II I 11:4. Jll££'N BBY! Ml££IA 'ERYU • ........ .... _ pr ." I ... aaIaW. llride JL>.1, . MliIl'~ hA~PAU. .. 1 i:.lI. 1..pt'Clrul· MEBCJI.aA:DII!J.E A!rD ~ ~ . Conu uno. I•• PRODfJCB I ',DEa YJ1I11 GAL-A 1In1'- .,Uore .tid If I, an _ _ 10 tha .. jiilo. ...... 1 WI'"t!I· we ClallO& ..L "'" j ... ~ . . : . of • 1 wdloaud' rlGlDll, thll . " hi... Cll)IIIU1eoced by ........ .. ..... ... ...... ..a 'lInl ••ter lato It w_CIIIL 1l11.U1IEa. --. u. W• • &;. &I. 'rUOK~ I, '"'1IIp~"~I\I. . .... - tba IIIIt . . . . . . . . . . 10 . .... to acrouat perpetuallJ
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one Y'lt if paid in 1Ul,.- .~-:.
UI~nTA1"T TO DUll "'" R.9~
''II'~!J!!,!!!!!!!!JU!!I!a~fbh ., ,II prtCl:ll rot room. and }Jail, ""lao •. C,'O\orW-for erlllna. W hldl,., p..~ fipred Fire ee n. Inc! So.....r wh clrwlllb6aoW ulow .. h
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AND WINDOW PAPER-I hue W ALL lUI ' rtcdveol 'r(J1D tb~ EuUll'D MaDIL'&<> IllIlle ell1ck of , aUl'aP.fltll Iljrbt.ond
·WAYNF8¥IL LE. OHIO: FRII)1.Y~ JUNE" 4, :1852. ..
OilGIN AL~:PO ET.Ity. ~PI~yed lin ft,p'"renttt.e:
\Vith tile concur· I enll'glld I'n
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or t.xe. Dictlonllry, .• nd we' will .rl'nc~, .of 110111 . cllun~rre., Hungary lind down by the .lde'Of th~lr mfunt th!lt Iltti. lookln8 SOOn children. amungdl ull the InhlbltanUa Iii ~'l¥~ullt~. open befor~ the n" MIAMI. . UI' and look out ~"ery word of fro,!" the houle ahe 'w~~ draw:ni , Troniy' nnfa wl're Ullltell, an.d IIIpit diet" .C"'lldr~n. ~nltchetl from ;, ".llu!'I O~CIr nlllled &oJlp, COIDlh.l.ndlllf an A.e1 thl'lr little bed.; tRblidhed. wheroby you h"l1 t, .deUver' which. we do not unjerata nd tile me.nlng . carried 'WIY DIy new etockinl l!.', ,"~~~II" ric.n' . h.llherl.u 1~lirtlP, united," (R!llckw~'_ , whc,t e th~ ,were IUltl, v....I III the .,dlterrl in8lnJ toUeLed 81~eplng., were ed fro~ a gr"al burdpn . .' . : .' p~'our progrelUl i, ,low at first, we "h.1I IlICnd '~Id get '!'em b.ck 'pinl". .. 'WIIITT')1 WQR Till: ,.1A1II1 ·VISITOIl , ~"gU1De. vol. hlv. p. ~1l9, lind IA B qUtltll. -d~.hecJ to jlll'lII'l and Ihlliwn 1D pllt!1 \lllon Id Ihe ~.at Gillralt.e r."u io;hM .. iii,!" ~ltb Spol. . Yuur national it, .nil !I1llDilClp al rl,ghl., ha"8 nub. d)' to laugh.t u.! a"d we 'lIh,1I ralb,er. t "O,.~o. Inderd.". .. Id the , . tion from an ablll and Rluet f'IICUli ellt Irli· ,IfIt! dead bildl.~. 01 IT 2', Ir. 80&alst . their p'ior!!ljl~. ' Prt'g' ~lali* ~ w4icA~ Min /II1II I114Uckw rtpor~ ~n fln~ ourd~.I~l.'iI Improvi nr r'pidl;." . ..~ ~ellt them. P'IU' !'ttle C~"l.y· child. ford. comm.a~p or an,!na1i tll "ea..l . • t . cit'. Ille acta Of Ih~ Dlel bl·inK trl!nMI .. ted nhnt women "ere rlpppd . feet ,hat ph,ce. WlMo tllnae, w" . ower. anel op"n with the Aatit b«n ·a prea/l'·- by lilt! he .lItluld h'n e ,. IIII"'MI, b~u(trullhou (\f\ ill •.uunnor'. r.a", · from the orlgln,,1 H~lIgdri Augultua'! Mmiled inQr~duluu.ly, but Reo- were cpl~ al,,1 blecdlll" ." an.) .. . . I ~urkl~h)~hif~, and tl~e unripe. tb, wiue low elf ,
free.\)'f' the .ubjllet of in. (rult of ~heir iddeoJ ....... with ' the aID' of fxCil.inr ,- YD.ur · med dlapo.ed '1'\IY !1Ic\p"j'liriok l\'flh-Verdcnl loli.~o IIl1o~; I The lhhlnl .yetem. 10 to Jueoura ge hi' wile' t~ go !. TIl~ fati,er DO~ remark"d lit •• lung , mea~ure womb. were lrllmplf'<l ~neetb 'the coa',~e di,'1rU~t. i.t w •• n~:I_ti(on WII IntrodDc~d; crre b!l 110 ~d t.ll lre~e fruwnl~a dlt~ly . o'or I'lce of ?p~rel~lon 10 . the , puor. :Wae i~ ~• . On OD~ ·,:-You.r e ind~ • ~obJe pl'III1t'I'~ out lime lor ,r,mll), abnh.hpd "feet 01' Ih" br~I.1 murd"re rl. The wives lhe c~'''l.. ry, .\\,uuhlp, I ... moment .1I 'Alld 10,' '1,1 I::Ipo!'Ofd, ,'1 II. b.l". 'tuth YUllr n.lio~"h}' 'Iild wbat .h.U we!lo OR h" S.b~.th1 I bend • '1. J. To••ltlUn w.. made rqunlj lind WIS DI",de and d.~Ightenc pr thuuaallds?, I',unillol8, .up~ .w..· .iI~nt~,book ••• lul"I, pD~r .nd work" annl'zed Tpll.... ., , DC· .n uniclpa' rlghl"; lTe Ilnl~rtp,1 .~d .eoured pOle yo~ eapect T. II Itl •• Iho dun))I •• on thy Ire~~lillil II c, collvl'yoble by will or .to ' ad".I'ce .... t ito the i weN! all laid a Ide. A. nf. ' ail! Bible,;, d,rdj ond lfK'clul Itr liPID, oompell~t" ~oelye the rey"lt· a.ruin.' Which ,.ith. wotlinlr lendern.,." tOI.in. ·Yra. 'we ~lIve,' ~Y' BOll.. , all mcroachMelils: not onl)' II lhe '1IIl1rch 01 mind,' wben we bave 'I . . r ' I ' b ' \ , . • whlil~ I.. do",b. lIiOlt' ~1.teI1> Im.G"'" a whole bearing the mllrb uf cq\let.nl u"a • . . Pgll a:l~n hlgl\ll/:et .:;. ,u; I\n~ ~"e ' C.8S8 .. . ''''-ell, you're a DNaliar people.' d IDIl em raceo' o "' ,Il/hllie compuny o! tiDY- UI" or yuur \ c b I Til ~ ' d natalie Itl"!lUtlg~ ~ " 'T!,t.lw..! al'llIn~I,·ll",er~/la. 9n ' \hy verla w~a~. t to e a ow 111fMl"- ~y to llu\'Iel" u!' . , he ,. ~vu/llun. agH. wNe hil~Ii(:~ ' Gnd m.Ilt!I~d b~ 1/111 . o1lwd roug '; , e~, .el .n IntU~'II."1! po~. . 'Ye•• we ',du .v.r,lbl ~ you forrwr t" n, ID • pec~UIr To w~teh Iho iOnl dark Ibecl'r"'l! 0VB\' lhee. ,Iud I,;r~'I' were cun6rme rthooU .md "Yt!8," laid M. rhm,I1'" ,,' thluli we m~i lion. . rhe d ill Ib~1r rlg'" t~ .WOf!lf QI the. ..olchers, th~o ei M IIpIJ~ Ih~ churcAM who e tam·ly ~()IIIe-d In I '(lImll· Dlalln~r.· . 7. • , but It I, Iik~\Vi.e ir\Ilr~lIel'd · mlo tlr~U¥h Olli' .r~.n~men~ must be . Aad wbon Ille Jlver ItahllHl mO~1Q Iud lIar. or ."eelllll ov,rDln enta , eamt'• .Iar h.ym~, IIlId the rulh"r I~d In .l,ra or"/l~ j 'D~)'ou Intelld fur 10e~J a"d hOIl1(, hl'op of· their Immolated killdrod. "the public ... cmblie., wlrere the Latin h,n. wliat IDlldiBed, Yl,u kn'!w to 11'0 on ."nflaln ,,' Daucoo on 'hr ~h!' ~Ild ~IG,n\"'lc sbadel, ) aft"~ri! (like. lite SI.t.. ,Ne hl~" II IM!tt . worihlpped Ihl' Fdther ul melCit!. In apir. " Cerlaln of "ur Ulliilll. )- ' (Tefft, p. 181. . l,.. ,'. . • . If\Iage h .. bt!en, untIl now In 1\1 .... , .1 ll~~lii,erll)& I.rlea,fttl'de I,ht(d round; They ~.re .till to be rep"'fl!l In Dr. C - '.. Clrur'oh. You nll,!iltjuill (it Illd lruth. (ruDl the ll~d in lloe I rllllle~'lIr .gr"aUu l . ·'A.llcl'i¥ h en ·do yon ml'.n to 'top" J !Iuny other .• eta. too hnrrible to 'IInd 1'IM ",real a } wh.l oovt!NCl a coulredi hll • OIIfitir.r cllon w ,la, .. tbia trulhrul N t ' the I ~ younr hI rtfen'."1l .. d " lble I .. CI.... and prepare ~eurl. I D beau', r It, "nere U lona ,,,deem y, an ' . ''. I Ie I de.IPiC" l e~ 'I p1DC!, I n t he.. paCU, ' were per~tral~d.'" .blleDle ree. .. ' h0 •• ure at III; ,.Stopl · Why wilen we aet to thl! lI.tU. , . .' ) 'r I '1\1 Ib ' nt 01 lhl! Hungari an l.wI lately t h . ' ..\nd lIplike bcIltotlll:~' Ih. ~lcIt"'l iqJI " ··an : e "lion I'· 11,t '.'" P"c~, I e IDurnl"If, "'h .. 'IlII• I • u~I\l/l d I 'a" ~' er~ InCre~.ed frOm tllr~e to ~1:.:1.lteeD. .1 ' n,lt'r > •' • 1I"er'lI ' .. Thl'ee lav.ge. "~red ~~ tile ~I!\I of men, ellael..d. tu tbe .tltem~n t e .eon! III hIIu,/~orl " , , tl T_ whit ~bulldanl harT..," CouI,,,a pl'l),nulp 'f'''' teil by Llhs mellung. IFht'n I ~I"'''.y ill Ihe ar· .Iu,)k.ed up "' jl rrtlll,l . ' be 11th of kJlrll, till! D,et !lloeed 1~u.t ...0' IlIel, atilt III strIp" ~ ry ,e~ie, o~d ""Id:~ 'The na\ur,1 r\llllled bqpndarl tl', e ~. Ihl' ee• .Anel whlll are lecret 0llenta or Ihi • • arn • • monarchl terllutlnl ?"d let , ... U go tl) thtl. ,~rterI\UO W4ele COInlo .1 dwelll reer1U& (rl'lD CUyarle II.. e.;..lo~, Illd 1\,' lelw, wllre prea.ollt~d U "FllIhor, I tl\lrik I h.v~. hellr.- )'OU.IY, Ihllt tlll'Y I' to , a"ve ~n .plt., bu'n~ diem lip '0 thl'lf. ·~'Clllillnrii.'on," ;,' . he Jltuc~ ".ollllht lervlce.l!od the Bible ·CI.... III t.ha ""t!n•. , Sl'l~· w ' I , F;\!/Cli"'n~ fur hi. .pproval , ~'hlch WII . neC!b, a"d ·.o Iprl t".m to be yuur y,ou\ll w., lIelll~c:tpcl--lb~t you 1W'r.e all ~Th" Ilquator .fld tile Aurora 80t~ll,.' e~len up II¥ to ",.ke y ... u ~/le~e Ih~ HIII'pri ln lIatilln ' lor WII w~Jl'rQlld.1I , ,t.lIiL .round I~ iIolliliful L!ka p).hl... . . . re.dily 81,,~n •• put o( hi ollce rOOf. ,illi~l'r"te. alln0'1 tin ' III.~.,I. ftlld r,plilld. B~'yle. . . . . ...~lint •.w.. In · erow •• nQ 8wl.nll," (PnlIfI' .. ml'm. "un dC'~ired ' '\0 luppres . , .our IUllgllilge. "' , ... 1· "I've nu obje~~iun 10 that. but WI~urlnn,brQllbandnrdaolllo~ and tb_"Wur~: "We con.lder .. I COI/1- '1'1I/.irI'IY. ~i~Ci.IJurugl.'~. It woula'be O;lItrPllle. 1 T,1ii n.rr,!l()r 1ht>tte . luws hi. 8(Jn~cll'ncl!," lhat · thea• •~ (uCl',::" We oUflelve ..lIh Ilot' whllher Ih. di •• . s a8~ure you, thllt tile .. •• d, ~ re........ 1'.n~ltl, . L UI , ,n 10f If my ... .Blbl!! Ciu..~, you -II,U.l Iy illl~r".llnlJ IU,llIl toleur" ~y. >-11.1 melllll' AlIu oren....., • .m a, om",' ·lal- ..' - Jnd lhlOlr enlite ,'Iente, bOlh ,eper.t~ly HUllr· Slrug. for .freedom. p. 11; ~'ee 111110 108'11' .. ndr.d Iltre.bul the hearen' _Dl.d W .... p·o r., IrO lullllly, faleel • flo ... Kuw could jultl th~Ludic.' Sewhl, I '. " . ' • '.11e ,. Circie. MI,d J will .Ihe muyur u( II"I.II~ lilly, ih" h\lnored tu ftl Ind eu~ICeti~e y. filtlOr ~nrl '~I~able: . ' : , " Ithe new,'pap "ra or 'Ihal thlle.) ,Wbo.hu ll you believe . . ..'ld", i, • _..:. ....tIlpp·I... DI.ce .'.. 114 10 .. . tb.t the t.',ie,.tu ue "'hirh h.1 luke c.,t' 0,' FI'I!d ,~1II1 .. t'h'rUOUQ . 'Ra"."vled 10 d..,o,...., .1KI •• rde"."." wt. . We WIll p'peet tb' . ....... .... .. }1I IJle nU.lee 01 our Collelle~ th,1I S,!pl'!ln lt'nenl d? we. • ~ald. lawa, .nd ceule measure the Inr~DI' or that Hj,u,e, whOle Ilullrded , 'lour mOlher • longue Idw elghl cen- weell 1o let you '80. or IOYIlI, 1I_~'" of ~bllli >:inN. ~em to· be re.,fll'C! ed ~Y oUr fftlt!.lfUI 'Ub· I OIembe of' o,!r Sabbltll S C!I I •• nd Ib .. di.llCon 01 .. for ·tllel.' oivn . 'gll'l'andllemelll, turiea,llhollld now bellr 1,1 IIonile ? • ~ ~:,D1Illl'o.l/C)ur~ltoc1. IeIl~JjI. tau,hI Jee ....• • ·W• • hall prele~ntl. !\,,,,,ion ~TI.IR.~ ~uu. ,d••~ hutlbl~d. I wlllalDdly ' our cllurehj 11 ..·ru... II lrum It. unpron\' ,iDIl a,':". y Ice hu\\' he ClLJuid Cllu.e ,!,uch .ce!'e. Jo. be ~n'Clled1 to itl Nolw ithl1lnd illi .all I!II","-w hien accept dI ,Jile it. Y"U 11'1,1 . II'I , a~1I .t~y b,Il'ID/li~'tl.• , Itl hili pr~lIt _1'1.111111:' " , ~, Ibe Smlth!!r. JI'Y~ .Ile C~II '11"'0' tttli _.0.. . ! re,p~Clle d Ihem. Oy·b• ...-II eleaIO . Tbe )!ft,,;ara D_.,"ru "pure. ' w"'lhe~, ,,:h,th.,. It I. co dl)r \hln . .t la"1 tooll up .rm 8 •. h uugbt l to " llull h lorth .. r.litud,..... 'Pt'rtIUl11 ' .Iulle '"ltt. V,,"1111l "' tile \\" k, ",IIIIIP Y·f¥ · '" u ' 'l'h I b .. ' '1 . . . Ul\ reoeroa ty O!\ t e part 'r .t"e . Th~. eye8I, · ul thll guud nt"n lllied willi 't WI or riot ' IIIr. Bntllllrro t. dl~tllntl'l . • e • I I of '! lit "'~' Ir~"e de."rlbe .. d ' II "" i~. .d , \11', hIIvll bl'eo ruund • t anlllnpt yuu, " 'hu in_tead all".. , ' M, oad_l.... IMlarda n ~f ~ ••WMt! . .y.", 1"ilbbU \. pll'lIl1el ~Inee the ... ag· d ' h \..,~ . our uell "n1 &oyutbUI .:""f'c.u......-~~nt. 'I 8 P qu verE!, ~ ~u,~· ~.. . daya o/ l·ft.med Ih" luldl.,. erelnly: but they wer~ ClI th.nklul ne I ... 1~1I\j rl!l~~e.J lit h. uld 1{"",IIi Ill~ .. , luve . antl )?i~ 1I Y ... .. And .nuw I~l UI hegl~ tlllh'V!:niulI, ~d 011 wu. brew. \h..~~.. of Ireedom , AdIlO, rai..eel the JH!ople ,'" ,rail_por J t.!~1 wltb h," hlllldk ruhl"" and IlIr _80rne Ihur ed Ihat '4'!n Will, ClU""~ byn ,~ 10 di~Djw.ir. ta ul in~lrueted not 10 rel.llite . 'Th!' emperllr have ullfulded .lhe Il inOlalll~ 10 8t~ndurd oj riolll.llcal th.t "'t!ry ,1IIU!"~II~ III lu.ttlll we duo , ~~ II no, ~\II")fo\r .w'd ,.t c . , juV. Iv.", race 'and dtt rejoiced, "II Il lind W.r Milliatry al heurd !ruID the ••luIIIRhed ItM .Imo.pb ere. V;i~lIn. wert' '!lllilec\ dIBlru.l· who rl'pleeem t1~ HUIII! • ." huve mu~.h . '. He,. riilf the ehal'Ob Bplr~. frO!" tbe "i11l1tCo ~·poi.lble," •• Id tlr, .Elerbt, cllcourag eUl .. nl . 0/11'1 tbl .. k a"dlenCe ~tounil hltn, ',HI' Wll~ \lrit klllir ul SCi","'" alld upun 10 .id, ~rid to pl'rll.1I the HUllllariun I ril"" II~ '. ..... , _ your '(\"(>hlle~ ' and a": -',;- hll'- .&." - ... -1 .......' "nl-" \Ide e,(>ry 01 Ihe ma"y learllllil UllIn wllu Itilvil .. ~ucti. hi. poverl~ .ud illllur.ne", ero.te. " th.t we hDv, .,.0 Ion; ml.undJOr. .uldiet. In olht'r clIunlry ,",,0111 t.... .. .... hi. elrl'l ' w .. I'I T ~J ~ - - • nl, ', not eniKal'd in' llle~lIa tu di&IIi1lte the t~lI nllti;., II, rlOetr u I continue to led tht'lu.e lve., UIIII riwllII to rl'."eclu bilily d'IY6-,UI thl! ,elillit,UI "'04 ~J;plc..,h ...n .ed Iq. NOlie i\fe, .tuod the cbar.c.t tr • .ad .lJIlarepreeented Ihe !IIJ' (Ao.lrl!\ wIII'fillh . , ' ettur. wllleh bull I '.~ . ' ., 'llll, ' d h I I .yo . r 'I llnll ' th" 1t"I!a" ••) tl) , We, t"e Killg of HlInll"~y. Crouti&. an . . " , I In cIaorUi jo1A wh"~thenllrro"pb.,"OOI\'1 In\entio n. of uur tM"~r .I~I' '0111 • U~! ullle ... , W 0 Iy 1 ...1\11111 Ihe" yWII Ih·lI, tal\ ~1I\lIl'd I~I~ d,'jllruut , coIlIIU ytn.nl- r~turtl !IIIDIe 10 ~.!"elld Ihelr !l~/l cuulltry. Slu~unia !(jn-.l( tile 'Yi'. more tli'D enr. Why • •'lea ,ocl DI'IiIIll'lia., w.e \I.''',",1l per~l\n eXllrlh,ilw, . tin II allt r \lIlly \\u .... ~111~"'/I WItIfC\ ~uirrel. "mt,ol 'mol\i.' \hei, na· Ut u. rep"y them lor.lho "'rnnr .L way In wh~ch a kind p,u~hkmce bud led Ill'" pft!RIII." wilh In- l But the Minieter 01 WIr lIid' jU8I the reo I, ''''red lu · I • . . lell vuu ~bl' Illw ~uu Idyuuc:i!d '1II IIle. R JlPr~li .. rlll.II, lur ,lu. I"~ • . , . ,,' . tt'reRII" (Tufl\ p. '78) ' ~i' thou,hlf J " ul .Iep., KNid .11 th. 'dulli'1'" . "Tltp ,.ndloru lvtlrde •• • "'I rhere 'Wh I . \I were • t at h "" lhe ., comln·m . ce· i ...cred Dnd IJI. U~\ be!;01l8idfllr,pdllUl We alanee, and .. IIJu , . Anet bird. eelnd f\)rllt dtellr IOdn~. °cl£ ftexl~\.Y; t wf!nl home to hll' , 'I II. ~ e ••Yen )'ou IateI" uurrrt, liD.. • • holt o( around ll lda-ul the ble •• IIII hI! \lid r_I· f ,. nl., an'd 10 d Ihtln Dlent or ,helc difficulties,' buI Iibuul 18000 b~ve ,\\Ihlleo Due,,". lnqu~'u e••n oe .. " , 'ah ehe de ft .w~rl; '01 10 th(' Eterlllli I Kill" \If •Kiull8, otherw .." . . . 1 or .portl" ....111. 11"4 6~lde or ",vlni-: t!..1 th. e., were PU aer,elq,t'i. " , . ,cd In . III. I"wi • adlllltub ' " le " ,Ue. 9'1 the " thla~ they .trou p• In !lit H tuw' blrhDl . 1'!t •• p ' ' klma l ·,'.reaI!OII· . u~lgary; i~ b • Ih~80 ~; PilI· ., were '.urE'lJ.ln. tl " thpI we ollr."lvr . d l ' ,1\11,11 . 1 pre. erl,' ,r&ill " lhe illte,,· ' " ',' ,~, e yuung W e eC.Dlt quite en, IUIII"'~ dllY" 6: ,uII IUI~> Illil\\8 ot .bard lIudy. \ !I" were ~ll' equIII~ .....OI'~.'"' d t~Dt ,to m.~' tllPlr er" under AU.lnu,~ , ~umnllllld.r.; ti~d \~1'81\' III It to bllr.' r., . .rili 0.1 Qyr HUlIguri~n Crown,,'IlIId 'or uur ltco. Shl' ~~uceed'd •.• ·JUward .our ~o4u.", ~nd .00tl\8 o~r carea. ~quBhly wurlli 80DJellll lId W~UIU. I~~YIl dptll!'. w/o[oh .lliI h~~ llll tv lhl'lII. Ihe olllecra· h.d . received leorel inslruct: unl C"n.\IIU ~~d ch .. I'\!tlIJ,m .un liilll, olltl tliut we will Ie•• pur. the whole ~, venlng IQ her dltiqulfll\hm up un IIke.n ullg!'1 . ~ IMlld th~",cullh"'t.d WI. nu I,,"ger bil, but IIOl ~ u:ert them.l<:iuu ~ "I "lfht lind lutilli ',"el 1..11, .u.ppru. l4e &'M, . e"<lve.obt'1 th .. itJw th.1I we will hu,!= it lit.! II·~ 01 UC.UUUIl, I d Mbiftm~A ., d ftC~~ ' IWlI k IlIg Ire ,~)' 'OCl,DeS ~~llnm -ld ' bl """llIi' ulld'tiunl thelre. whlel: uiew c\lbld uwn. oceupy~ .. nd t btU at IIu: limit lime. Id ffl#ke. ,a IU IIU .I',t dy. . A m.mitt wI, beln,."l of 'heccllln d th.l.n T e ..... m.n. ,..11111 P·ce"K l 0 crt"1 ll..... Jra t ... t WH Mow qf re. o'bA)'~d hy oth""'" I!llclll" 'ed~l.old ~, amlC!lu.lnI ,led toeDCI bear ' .1 IrulII' bi. ·nap,l'IIq :mound. . uirrd iltlmll . !l1~ttrnMI .. . . .Clt. 111/1" , " . lIurrou/,d . Ih~1I ~tlllillDlt to ,tll!!lr ilP.ftC~lIdUIlt.8. .. Th.e ',,!~n«, ~ btl1ull/l, ild IlIat, • ~L le"8 . unco". , ... th . ~a9!1ar. he , Alld IIUIY, TI\al -thi.o..Lh wal oot Ii"'pt. • v~ry .ut,. lelllilln, . J .. 'IlltIlor ubo..u of el.,. the lowl" lom~. > " I,"' It.UI, nlal'l:tln " IOomen&. h• .well ,. peliBIUlJIIj 'on ,bl'lIt'lnl thi •• lranK" ~ew., wl,pn .. Id woo •• hd, th : .reel hil fa~, ~"d .",ill ~1.IO~d lW~b., •• id .. Mi/ll.~ter, decr~r· laquanl ftct (I' LIII. perJ'lIredm un,lrcJI hlle-ta. tI Wl,Iera 11unliler. YCllhe 1011111 t;)r,,~\lrn Clnel! le~fll'd lor Joy, I\n~' rn • 'ItunlJlll AUgultUB took liP. tile Bible, end read a ttl hid "I("j "Iell lh • . ch'llIlr.n rt ur IIruli. ed,tbe War IIU unhOlurol ollc. in' 'Wille1,I lire It ' \: de ' t, thit ' In. tllne. " 01 eOlD~"l 9n In. ror"te"~"b' " wuuld nalurllll)' be '/lIIPIK1_e. (hut rr"m (\Joel c:h.ptt!f III rr\Jverb~ , When ~ooda unbr~ktlll cell llietf IOli\bor tu¥, kitllled tlle hinds und 'J~/.t Uh, Ib t' pr~\)lIi:al col\ver' ll IclP I 1\I!"ic. (of thloir 10llir,era could lIyl tuke · Jlurl! hid InBelh~t, twe"l, '.od ,~t, . I do,.·t 1In!».- wh, .lIoald be I I ' " . the IllIlIhig or thil nfUlli 1".' , th~ r('b"l. 'dlllle~ 'If lile, alld dect.i .hald~, " . I I I 'II lurlller 1Il~lte,.." (I b. p. 216~7.) I ...d Ih.1 he ".01 De- ,,,..... .,) ~nilbt, II,routtd Ilur littl' plno Il"e~ 8eeillil nil hupe lrum t.II'1 quarlt'r, the wou iI lind in ,lIe ein .... r... r Ii ."'" dolle III! In, ~.nn.j TlMiwldll('I!rl"l"II"ronl''''~ on,. .. ". , •.." h .1' \,pptJ.er' Vl'f beM.,.e: rrad tlUch a ch'pter. The piau . ,el~" . bl~:" Hu"gu,y, ' h I u u.... ' b And lbe ,.,.n, ellll1ftaln. In 1111 ourlurcd ,,?UC ~~II"le ' " .. . , ' JI'YI ,. , r' ~u" I I~ I.. .... ,. eYBII.o , . • . •........ 01 '.:l. . ~rllpure lur lIe" ' OWII 111\1 .IIch w.. n'.'t the l'l\t, ~II~ ret pol.' ' ''' 1 b . . ;" h pride. I t. '- -", Wul •• If Y "I~II. . ' 0JlAaA CTEB., ,,...JCr:s OF GREAT I brotherly love IWltlrcr,old,b)' ,IIIio I/ubll' ,cun. , ~~I.~ n.e. V ~iJnl,,,er ' He Wa. we, OI'm.ker 0 ~.. •. ~vere ral.~d, len . MEN. billicy wu Ihe ".'"'" a~d ,\,u cor trlved wilh r AUKllIIU.W ... ,p.le, .pare young ' Adowi, lllO,val~ puroucd hi ·wQnled &~n)tl' l du.·t: .T,lt. SCIIIVI'II, St'r\Jo.& lD.n,!, ,!:~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~,*~~ a .• ft~lIt 0 de.I' 1.111.11111 II firal •.who ,.,re~ til lig"ll,l their 1lI0re enf!r~ than berore, un,llt .,...., ,tlltly ,h<ll' Miami, \h" .lig ht ...' .. \; 'l'l .. t, the of nllle-lInd twen,'. · HI. "uUlltlu n. II I, • eguuol, lu Ihe M.kYllr.- tu "tlllr U~\ tb Ir COIl,ltIY, but nol 01 It... ""Y w ro' muk wlut'lhrown lIif, 8nll ,. , ~'Qd Uaro ~.~hcd "'YA), bb ""'prutl . r''111' 'IIY , Crll\}Illdt!' and .. hlln~ •• ~!"IU turib .. Id, h.d beel~ ..dly ne,leel.ll~ ig, bll.youth . bury !ur"l'er atr.,!ld of beillil tDk~n '\o 11.1 a~in8' tb, witb ,\I hi' ..s"'l'llclt)' expo.~lall ,hi. p~r. H.ltld beeD boulld .• pp.....ltlce d1l4! , . . .. .• '111l clIllIily. ta "-NUl" ===::====-c::::=====~=:;=:==:;:;:;::= Austria' ~a\)' til d ab,lo uf ur' j lJlllriutij Illcr.', wllh whum thl'Y "ymp"lb il' J'ury mlnife,,1 IIi. Ii,.,. 'N! <lunchw . iii • • no,,' ~1l'Ilt\reu 1 . ' .hlte·m" kerln .lh, CO)IDtry, .ltd had unh • .,. , U . " , I " l lnir& with N j~nlou •., ,,,. It w"qlllllOI du• cd. 1'".01" look • 11,/ led' th tll.- nllDle. ol H.wve'd, . . • i hi I d ~U II OO.TI~ "_h~'I...r""1f.i"lIamO):' .... ,... ....... f l <.. !t.1. ·~h· ;:I' }Ii ;'l' lt ,' , it" ~ i ".. ~ .! .',..",~)i P ~ "U .. quIIII"", n , own !II ~, Joe Hltriao tl.lI • •bol. lOuIe'll, qJe"1' T' " ' l lt, . II 1, 11,0 J ' 1t "'~'I f . ' t ... 'h .... ' . y .1, . . oel1"QII.' 10,,! puweru1." h~r old ~licy uf ill' (!'ul.'y ky. ,mlldwpj l'ljo.'t-a" ,,"1141141,, " · ( .lInw~ .. ,~,,( l(iTliv~ 229) . J • I' y.t II w...11.111\, In Illy. fm """ ,mI1,1 J • . • IlInd deg,..(tId fll";Iorit\~dt for ~Uit, U. I"" ,. N... (nIH", .-for 1 Theile' ~()ldl~r~ . .. \Yer~ .. fB~ered b, Hdll' U,lei·.. J ·e.1 .. VO! .. II,y "'M~ra d..""I\YfiUI II J,I;I1"" ,OIlI'. • "g"illit It/lolher IIluSI be re. he b.:~~~~;.;~~~!:..:~r-:~~~ .Ii . ..... halt Imaalned 'I: , 'I11U,'tfU ~ It 1.lia rel.Uollil wllr. lI.me to thl' co+.lo ll ~r "j.ltlnar '" ol~ ID . gOI., slIJvt'd. Seilreoly IIl1d Iiii' ~t'il'gutioll frulll gurinn~. who Salin Ii n CODlpan,. L . I uded III 11\M"'~ 19 Ihe I ' lirl\ " . I .. h f f hi d h" 'i "=" . wing lu UIIO a I( to · tn •• n I. IM!~II' uRllle •• W", ul' I II M... "I ..om he Cohoe. L' Mlltan " .. unlOCiable and lite.. Iffat,w fltlilq,lI, . ,,'b.t!b. &Ild j:,rtillll tb,· S 'IQ~e",' ' "" IU' ~ta, w.. eta., relurned home I're tbl'J' ) Ihe ell!!my, nntilhpn I 'I " c!,elestllil Ihem, th in I .1· . ' 'Ar . .. ' l1IilJ.;· . Pi t "e ~I\ure wu .tu,,~ to t' ·I l" e. h ble ",hltn pr.mtell nto C4>OVltlitloD. w,'re lJelltl t hy "ecret .elllil'llis riea "n,m II ... mOlt eVllr "oltlfl. The tflr h.d 1I0t _n.ror maoy ow. I er. Kerwlln, thoulh coplllul lIld elOqltent in eorb~ were' .peedi. J.I,d btl(! ' OIIU IltCI ~I \'0 110)' 11111 lIIuri rG courl, who were there . , DAI... a . " • rew ,ean or".xDll oll .nd .tuil. he .and- I,. dl~"ft'nlll betweepf~ra. h) poi.-oll their tlrivpn onro Ihl'ir ,uwn · le,rilory . lIy Ihe 'l N~'" Orle, .... nd p"bllc addre •• , wa~ air.,r. aqd dullla,lIol. OR TilE RIllSUL T OF fERSE Quod. ' jerecl rar c. Ir9Dl home and. friend. lind MUMaclrueetta, In, r.,.reI, to tMl. u.... ul !I1illl!- .. no nol be dcCt.!ivecl by theall- fllil- mi~dlp of June thtre .n!. I I d~ WIS eome prrt'I'I , VEAR; \NCE. • t;.. n\., punJordu . bc:j'\1I1.l i .. Imtle, r.m';lllt .-.oc:i.li ollti; ~ f~ir ;;elfn« "," ttl"y .ai". .nd • wunde, It wee; ent ~pl~II., and ... hett Joe .rrI.ed there ."d I~I' Ai,gy.,. hard fighlillg dOlle. end by the liret of Ju. 'II {V.. hoi' .~ . , Wj,utlilwaud~ng eo>l1.0" ,"du.. wltll lhu . o.re your old en;mie, . "111')' collqut\re .. thnt he \~al nothurrl f/d aWl, by We .",(ul r6~nd ~lIlhe ~plll aI.ti .bout lempe. Lilr~ . .; e~" n ;;~~natI " d Iy 'hI' a.·rb.lta d b""n 80 .ev~rt'''llIlIldl.'If. "Well, AI~guStI18,· 1'118 d ' ."ill )l1 "'11I9"e, t a. wl'irlpoo l of error .... "jJ,u and ""-II"o • ,Ice,.ne r C'"", -"rJ·l - o'Crt l d ••hedup. ranee, h" feld..d, lil{lIltln", wllb lb. '"Id : A II cI I, • "ull in bulliu Til. y look upoli yuu " a\ 88 to a .. 11 , and '. • . • • . , ' d dbD'. neld·ppe·r - , .. "-"'" '" " obtain ....,. :V;::'I" be ,. . lin arm.slle , e unlll II • or itIter d " the' 10fWI'r enlered . Irlnl II !lUll! 1'1)001 which, . Or Luctttnt.llln-s lUU~ly ' . '. I on ... the . bl"ll,!,hlutl, lIy rOCl , I .... b ~.truClt .l tluhj!-'CI I,eople. "'"1. grellt aCI, ~i~lcb etup, . . ,1111" Ihlt, ... p nr .. ,I' .p 'Ite u" y pour- b bj 'tOU , . .nu .... _r R'ljhdih-h 1I~()uld relum If!)nl Inllllpenek; .wlllwut. _.0 h II d j t not .• b · .pe.a· b"'... ~tpet, curtlin or o~Il~~nent o~ .ny I H e b"" tb ."..1 alIOre to 8hUre,". ud ... reck n"'llly curcI. :"ou celrbrll\ e I~ nothhitt . f owe"!!t, . eell. fllvon", w . t . . . . UI ..... with t IIe, lug Ih~ 1~I"ta dowlll" wen. ... WII but a trick ag.108t,l b \/t n>prdle •• or .,h8 truce, 18 ~oon.' .8 Ihe ' kind, , "''' one 0 t e eat m04leI d' . 0 • M ~ r. . .. rwed .' . . . . , Itchell •• 1 . l lIni t r-room Flulil' 00. {oUlI, " ' orever Ou-' lind Inalru.U on. and pr"yert 0' • ChrlNtia .j ''lUll. . ".... They ill(Plld tu blut you. IroUl I' Mogyar trolpptl . ,werewilh n mil' WI),' to mMke·(lme p..... tid bNan .., len . . dMlwn, on 11,le.,II, . 01 ~lrJII · -~.. I"" '1~ "lVe .re re~lIf 1!f'~Je;d down at ·t ,IlIr,,,n 01 h8d eeen f'Xl\mp I".10 .' h'II ow'! .1Nil tnur\lIII'.Msio~. e'et dl•• urb d.)' "rC!all; ' ..xl~t;nee. • .'~ Yuur ~ Indoe d ,tIl.t b e w.. In ...· lair' B · I.ueer ",olll~r to II \lUI' i8 I o"cu~ied Syenl-T ilmll,' o large vllJolue ot: ·"nunery, en.,."' .. •I a "IC e. more For Ihou ':rL J'rl!4l frtlmllOrrow an" froln IOltrl!, ut un til ... b Itt 'Juee-keeplng. Du,,'l It lIIIelD ('.(jllllorta· . mlly or "I,b~pl'~~"•• . ' nd tioble From wClar,O I. and · di"l.pointed hopei! I .bulished. You .r~ III cl .nd j.uo-. tile nlOmlnr .fte~ hil .,,1'111, the old nlln ",.!e· e,t .n , . .. I . • • It .llf you ooml!"ll"d mixed populnllon, l'OTe aWIIY . ~ I Ii ' ' • co~~e,," 1 on. 10 _.I the HUllgs· blo, .... .rLer 1O. !"''''y prlv.t~on.l If bl . ~ry r.itn.rer, w~l1at _ tr..d ,ui, ,SD~,d. to betpm~ )~~,,~ril b)' lu~get{j~i I~he dill' rift" inhl\biw el)' , d conve celli 0 e urt. .... uoa \I' ..... . . ' ~n~ hi' IOn. heln. (tut .t wor. • , ,Ullt dull. bla Itumor .. turn nta, and forllfied the pillce . on I "Yel," .~.wered the ,oung hUlb.nd De.IN reaerved• Fo.... ~ ,u ...r. lind lbon (or"olCA!lIlie. , I .He h.d. tlterfro{" pre.el'\led.lln un.ull~. c~me \0 Ihhn IDd ..Id: leet 0" '"Ut fatheu'l and ulln ... tllcire; .11 aldea; it thence ,,",c/lm. • ., , . , , olle D.luPt or If.elr " . . . tr"llng ' . "enlln to Imlle mIx" . •• , be gl~DCfd fi,,1 at tIll cd "pllt,allQn, ·had .cqll4'ld .Iutle pl'9per· "hero otbef.~t 1Itl\OI'1I1II1 . " "dlld you ~re 80 !lUnd 18 til bo led. Willing. IIronrhplda, and wn 'Jue', 'ItlU buv, beell 1\,lna hI th" IOUth. . ' C . 111 I gl."n Ihe nlme of hlndllOme Wife, . _'p and then .t Iho IIr.1 little ty, h.rt ",.trled .n InteJlijlenl,cheerf(l\;Mlld .nd, ilo doubl.' .rl!' In lh. orne t. n c:on, ••;;;;1 _. UD. w, ••0 I0 .. ,OI ,,, all" even Ihankru llt 10 the .bt:ti6ce b.blt , ,~'o( , lakio Serbobri •• ' . ln 101 (Sl.'l'\IllIh b t .. " . Sbleld.) . 'I ....' r From thia Olhn,. I . pine r H. "upper·t elile, .nd Ib\!'11 at III." end I!!', ' h".lthy ,It I o( tweol1 .umm ~ d . d ' S11.U1:II e llPOIl lhy ."nli,1 rjppl~. too, . . .. t ,. . •• !" n",er •• "".. 9- w"'" fI'· " ha linle (Teft't p. 178.) .umethl.n , , ' tu d",,11 . .botl\, .Ie,~ I • I~·' d'd . point' tll"Y made Incea.n~ .. 1~lu, .lId In . !v.here ,Iept a h~t1e" ' .. ' tl.L t I cherm " Buy c> r .~X remuv. eel to. "t;ity of: .!wem.l lefl." w.here :Alld pO" Cr_ _ tit awa,. but dlOU Ibel, -.II ' I not UP .pea. corret: 1 8) ~u~, .lId .itpll..r ·.rti6~~,lbe Scln'" .11 ~irecllon. the Hungari u'cloek, No,,: • lleep. auate,IIPre' 'I)~ mo:v 'of' ",hlcb "ll,W.' .ych an .llla..,' . ,,·e ... ,mon.tlll. "but. II IDe ...ucb • I, fe of tOIl hi. OIlC\lp.ll _~. .. ~ l' olI Will honor.b le. ,"d where caJ purp~I, but l\it no ~lIIe. ~II!Jw ..."derei In,"ne\v.. mad .' butll~d aod ' tile Inh.bltallta either killed thaI I Itave no time . ...... .,. . '. iI, .. m)' . II .nd Ser'" were 'B~n luhn.oll ulled to .. it .Ilfttt fa C!OIIIp•• ' to I'ojoy IIl1ythi llr- hll •• pltlltlon .rt,.r .... pect.bili ly and Inile' ., . Whiltl num.IIorllll; Ti,!",,~til1 mulupllee .. fe .galn.t their brneract . 1 , . , F 01 II ore, the JI~",.ra.- or drlvt'n away hQilleleu. At It,nllh, af- Inut .b d . hUHb'lIld w.OIAI." tu ael tlte boy, a r()()11 1'&- ny.n01 .Ull.L I',II W I be .a d t-b,lr hu ~ eVtln 10 pl., with :e. 'e.... ... th I' ... ndence'lml~~t ope t.o lie red~lI&eth" • .mr.le .' ,. m,~ •• Th'l w.. thl! .w.y lite vile DlolI~rch. c.u., ter tb'.. t, Ihe new recruit . .d lei . I • ••• 1'1 nd H!lngar Suulbl', Will' itllr, i.n ".OU\ II _lOa to me, retdrt(", • '" .e, IlId, wRppecl To,tar ~tefJlily. But on t 18 ....erooo'! precee lila ~ 11011' . Joe prom/lll ,Dnd lhln ttl &I .. lAW. ;0 b.., rf"JNlC!I"" M.rk the O~Cer1l .f.irlJy took ihe "II' It' wov I re~ . 'I I field. the Berb. , Ver! t~oughlrully, "th.l i\ npet not be jUlt "enltion ~ 11th K04l1a.~ .' jUlt rel.ted, be h.d been unu"'" no more thllt do" tOok, a. he ellp,e~.\ re..,lt and \1. tbe t1'lme. wblch fl.\IIowed, weredrtvl!ll from Ihf'ltent 'd lIPA~:::I ::~ p.d Clompall~ with IdiI In. • reochme ntlt .nd .0• .\Vo are not In lIebt: .11 both line .1I,lnoo • J . . )ed. • He "lid tuO'errd lOme em· 'II buet.r.' Aller thall/I! wIIII"tIout iqth, ' I where th,,),: bolgnlt, ' at .the .door of, Ihe mo.t or their fOftI6C1t . , . , ' b I "'I d" "'t In DI d - p .·n J ,be I . ,, 'I i~n., .n~ ~e bealth. and I am j w~• lIInl h to Vert eCOno- b."... ruent.·1D Itt·t ng , ~tt II'd In I' . , ",I e lr en fhpaburM '. uU Ilte . "" um· .t.ble, .nd wbo. Ilull Id he meet but IIIf ml~le or S~f'e.mb." ,,~re Ilmo.t IIntlre- iIllo.' .In onler ,b~t we un- ~It'rved bil~.dltr'lily by • lot •__ • m.y hue tI .... for Llelelle lllenl-h. d IUltalnl'd .ome I........ ele . A tl~'tc:e .Dd blctOd, cl,1I .;., ell.II~.~ Iy clieck", . ·.i Ab~ut, Ihi. , _ . ~ II , ' tlllle Julluj:hlch enj~yment' .nd Ittl ,u~em'n~ I~' SlY, ' .lId h"ard . II bitter • .,cllllio 't'mllrk .fr.,.m .n The 8Nt aotl ol ' ylulenl!e WI!fO p",p.red wall prep.p i.,to 11I"lIite~H 'Weil, JCJ!!,' "Y~ hi', ., tXped' , .. u ar. .;u::·· " .. 10 jbodea. unrar"lDd' an .h.II' we Iry the 'expel'",en.1 th,1l !te c:OIll~ , • i arlltroc-.at , of th.t pl.u. wbich crlm"ont't.l Iccu8t1ln'l'cI 10 dflllk by , lndividu.Je I~ ltD. II. Im"pull lible ·p.rti~ we~ ~l1zioliily tIOlllethllll III N~w '1lIJU>IY'pea. uptln lh,lIlOt!tcommdn .ubw'ldln., bl.move - I She handed him • i:1I,p or telf II Ih, hi. p.le cbHk Ibd lint b~m home Illrollgh Orlll.n•• b~~ yllU find UllIl/, cOlllplnlel" ballOOn tbe rcbelljuD ·became m!'n". , ~"Itl 'lin~ Jeda Wfllh~t I .ulu.ion 0 blll1'hr.•• ' .!J .poltl! •• nd lut,kt'd up la l,!' r.I. r.ce with Ii ...,Id r.lo"lorm , wllarl"d 'II Iwd" deprl'_ Ilere • • lId lur tbe ,enerui' ,,~d'w•• " 'hctloite d .ud ~niJuct. ul ."n., dUll l While thete enntl were tran.pir l"'" _""flet .nd hupeful mlilll; r~ ID aqn,.,..ti n nl'.t'r III IIi. ' "'UI (."e.wa.• ~,yt~ed In .pirll, ' "lid Ilm~1 dl'wrmlJ,tti 1ft Ihtlnt ItII ~' IJR)U&zl",)I~xc" ed U:e .ttUlorit le. In power. On tb. wlllcb, on w Ibat I · h.ve .~'" I'>r."d, . IIII:i a.nd II leI}' ~ilre Ih a~a... p~rt or ~e Serbs, were in- dp'. dry p.lt ; .lld .n unhlddt!n i~.r .IOad in tlble. ~ n~v.~t: m.ll0 ,no!hu I'1I'0rt. " .-+11th ot Ma'l the Uetropo lluin of ~arlu- d,ated, uplleld .nd IlIpporte .bouI; lIut 1, ju.t k'I'.p a little u"\t h~rt' I~~ .D ~1I11) .;,: 10~"3clull'; tl, HC:rdIy by hi_ I'ye, 08 he •.n.we~ l/luoe"ly: WllftIIr 1O',r . . .,AlIl VlS~" He w~. u~ It!PP\Jlled b. iV' r mu.t ~. DI, rt,eullll.tl_m. WIll fi/U vii.; bfiad blliJlop 01 Ihll Gr~k Churcb, ... , Ailotri •• whOlI' cw;." .t ,.I,I.,,; leeepl~ 11t1!~1 Grotiul was u lkftt/Ye, (Pul... , "I d"n'l know h~w~.th~t ean 1 • Every pol.r .hoem.llt" . ar aiUOi'lCUI. or L--,. ..J .e'lIIl1lec1a Dumber of S..,bl.o prietta .nd ., 11118.) Md&eth'~r. Jue .• I~IIt'd hi, "'.~'II"" aud ItNII aou- · GuJd.1ll1tb wrot. like an "w~~h' .ouI u lh~ Olomen' t.ken· froul 1'" la~ iiI 10 ml1eh . ' . . 1 ll;1d t.~It • t11fl1 ••nd"On the 161h held a ··Dleetlng, · whblt! •r~~elllon;' (I.b:) j~IPI'ln Ih., bl" horn. Tilt-II .."Illinul n, bill W~''', ed .Ukp' a pour Pull. ~. Ib~ In- takllll r!'O,,:", !fl.' kllnl, i ean~ . ,. Twent, ,,, ... had fllapal'd, dlllClUllld .ib, ttrl~VldCei' of ' the peuple, .urlfnt• .wlth ".rm~.nd mun,tro nl' to IIOnnlt7SD '..10M LA.T. ,",iii, br. ~II",,! W ,1\ hlOre Ihe. b",. ~ ~r~ "Jltllt"l , Dllrb W'" "!DllleDtIJ enten& lnl.,. not .tfurtilD l\lend pinel''' i;t ~'Jle .mut!8- If'uup "'l1re .rr."111'4 .r"ulld I marble COil- rell., .r.IUlr c:ollnr. lP. ,'" bIle, 'IDe .1/1hi. tbawilitl ~ 'Ind Riao>d th, ma __ to fln.tlc.I ftclte- ' .UII more ell'tCltuallj bllaa e .Dd inte .....' in, In Nn......tlon. the Huo,arj 'nl, 'ml'n'; .ill our prelllnl luw ItS" ~r 11.101. tre-I.bl~ , In • perl", of • DlM\lnlfic..ol eu~ In. ~ Idl . _at. Thi,'\iiolbop. r '.1jtll:h1t:he, "' ••• Iii· the cnlpttOr, I,In tile tentb. CHAP1'&R V. " Cumll WII' • eon.l.ia l dell)'1 .~. iOue4 of 1\11~e I.. utd we Clnnot ",Ingl. IfI ·\"t'iI"~ crel,••nt hou.p hl .. he ril, 01 J,-;.:-. A ,~ntlelllill • _ liltl~ dlllD',o e; b.ut "'U ell!CtI'II ' . "",.1 ",anlfe.l o. In ".,hleb h~ hold. ~ui*, ~ eXI eet,ou wuuld ilke 10 bave • . Inlunte r, ~.id..... w•••t I... lbli ",III IIenr cun.ent 10 n a Ia .11. ,,,nJ ~Iher ..... , ot lOwe, lilly ,e.OI. had jUit dlYl'~tld him- drlnll, ~nd •• Ille olillol~ _iotl and &eMI\ hlmMlt· Ihe .d- 'II/'p." ,:· .,. down on II- ·Or. Birch 4ftadtcl a ..n .. be illII • tor.' Ihan jfO'odilKic ic\ty. If wei "" t a",1fHo1 ••. d I .' (t6 .,. . !I' hi. . I ,ume."t .11 nialratliln a. lind In the-,'nt'w Statv, .lllch It . I«4·YOII. ()roatian•• nd 80••,001.n.1 .. 110. .. r. we lleep oul to UI pt!I.,; bat could talk b •• ronal", ••teI. ror Im"I'CIVI'meot, my eduatlu a" 10 nr- • ricjJ!el. etlC'wn .!'o BOt. all:... ~mbruld" _ I.....hoold ",d .. lip- -'111, our wllrk. formtlcl uut 01 We u"hed to the drown oi HUripry' lor el"hl , Dr. lolbUon .rote moootuDClGIIJ 'utl In m, ehlltlholld. t)"c ' J Iln. lillie ••• al the j.. uroel. pI . Ihe dlly. . Oul ell ...e. i1t'.'.· boll"', .l1li down b the 8erblb' coulll,,_ Jallarhlc h,'thl'n lai' t. unluriel l. hne poucIeNU IIly. but la coa.-d un lila ".". "'Ino:d all "'e 1.18'01 lor reedinIC ,'lId bllilkltN wj, Iil"e nOo • .. Ikd,. toOIl ,elr. yuuII,, ,n, .. t I" hla ,.1, liod . 1 or thi. ~"untr ...... whu owe W dlil! v~ union · .hllll to'!'t!ad) Ihll b,lhe tllltt' bt. .ell\ Olt_ .nd .1_,; .... j( . " ! undeor tft. lliadf:hhlp 01 Ing in . 'Ide •. lte' r.u ~"mllli ",lth Illlell.'geoce 1hllmt' I" ·li'trller, hi!''''" .. t~hua he WlIld atlRed ..... b•• liIlth tbe-CU!.llIurlooel' Ireedowt o. hi" beln "Oh, 'I",'" ...1eI tIow. Itla aattpwit.. , --".-.... . , un.nlmOlII "olea ~f IIOIh mofeiil..nl, .nd beY. and prill., •••be Iftll:d upon 11er . e \MI, .. pol .11 Irllat .iaa&iD, a 'teDJp'too Dwt wllb. ti' l1li1& ID.ot It. . 10 1.11'bt!ftlre ~1I.bltd tv ~r~1 '''''' e ai •• "poln~. enollfh 10 IH'fIn with. .t(efI"·our beaut-dlcll,lec! .alllun om htWtiltnd •• oct Ibell a' aace r.Dlllyl' W,I ... firet ed uur Cullrri tlp.l. _"~ _ wf!o not u Iy hnr .h.,ed ,..11 or 'teW 1(11t BIble. whieh"e 11111" r.ed .....MI._, .,. tI,e lu"ely ,",'IP 01 c!"ildren . . . -~- T ..d Ibe " In all the ",itIM .ad libprtle,, "ol ttle HUll' e"'l 1OOnI11!1f'nd' en.ill,. ......., . .....JII.II!MIIt1. . • ,",_II• • I~ .U :. ,llUI' bll'. ~nntll"i'tiona, . Pat led r~ .i~n III tile 'H th ODe WI. a noblt' JU.I relurn U"8ar~ao rl.n cun.that lun, bul'wb~ ~IdN, Inr. Ne~ Y",II, p• .,.... with , I . LeIP HOII& ltd ,"D _II .... tile impro"l t'l i 10 .p.nd bit Culll"~ "11:8110n .t b~~t. In· :~ tIC'eIla MI"'.-rr,,-~nd I ••~"In ..., ItrTu~I~~ A ~hJ.ld.n look I JI'UD"l ud,"t 10 .... PhUtIIIOpber 01 8u,.. aDdI h I ~ wilh f.1"liJ'" en~\I"'Pd wi'/.. ..... to • pecunar rlgllt. ",alter ,.ouCh tt, 1..1olll!~r tW'''''fO ninp uther -- per'(ld •..,I.,.tlllll "."~,.,,. ,Uf'1I! of .... 1 ... nu."r .~~ WfOre o"rw w..... II, ~t.ce!ul lir! 01 ."Itea, a ,."eDt wito . . . conl.Pfd eat. • . • , "\ to Ilia bId:-" p.lllnt aue . . I. -.-tIo a. lI,riotla "one.lp. but, "Itli • rll~roaltJ' @er•• eton.ha lent .t . II eote e . .b..,. w!lobad Il.lah", a 10111 rel\lJlllo n to ber 'Sh,' · pNtc:eed1nftl, but prl"lep ,' alld U~ .t t Ira: O~I tlUr .... tile pll,eld. n lbe eIok ••n, . . . . . objeeeI .... ;:.It. ~~.f';l1 up lbe ,....." lIepa U1I.....I.1td In tlle' hl.tCllf lIflillioi t., , btl~ 111 c:o ncllil li!'7 _CIlIUm , ta r.oa· illtutt:iuq< ttl Wot~r an ... u P~,.·rill' to CbCff tb. ',ou .bu. beU l.prudeD.. t. JOf' b.,. ,.teD ! .q~. "jJ, t re 1'IlrI. In: ~ : dud ti_ rutMI ~~ ' tit HUll,. , Ie ~llIt il'" ner .weicolllf ' .ullto on the u .ten.' tbelr .. lnce,tJa.~leo('laelraUvd Inwnliu a•• pt....eu.,CI.t · . :. " . . . . pMnrIW . . . . . . . · B.1l,~?Ulthf I bar ~. .... _tift b ,,,.II . A rf . • IIIJ I p,&IIO Abri"b t .... -or tw~I", .... ·1I!bJ.Kb 01 our....erp~~~~ ... UIII.r .... clown. l I Bu,"aa- ,..... .... " ...''''' .deftb et'l. or .......,.."'.. . ,,'lIf 'The ·... tJt.tu..1Itedllt .thlbaL ... i "1 • _ .... 01. UIIl a.....A_~~..:... ...... . 111' .. .. .... , Y r · , . tI· '1 ~ oUr bl..-. ..... taw to "TINII.k 'JOU;A~rUf' til. _pll. roo.i.... prublem l" at.,hem .t1a,."' " ••"'1... .. •• ,..... ~,.. I... IIfoklbf a",...I11' Itpt'hfr ewattlB Uftlply eac, at • . .twor, 1r"1 n~ 110_, .... " . . CIOCtor .K~ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ........... 01 _"and o.." . lwlll ,a,n UIl: W. wlllllw ultt!n,- clteeke dalrl. ~ ~... tn..4Pr1!11 to tbe ~ .... u Jet ~ IInown eltber .. Ibe H~rillD& wMilri .lD"lct bow" d~tI att ' ' ''.I'' • utD be'::" '. , ''''"~ --... a ...., ..... .. . . . . viii. n.e ,.r' work di...... II' I~ ... _tt-Ib~uWlI u,a 00 r I"""e-. nd 10"- ortheAU lU'II"'. .1 ..., .l1li \eallna .... " GIlT" "'''' • ''''ioll ....... ..... '01 . rkl\l .. er~ .,. ..... totllCll ber. . in ' ,ltlWIIfII8 01 4t.. ao. . . . _ to gr-.. ftillr~ ttl ~.:::..'-!::.: , ''' .., •• aN ...... '1.., ;. T':~.,,:~ f laID.., toU.i 01' tIta III..... . • • . . . . .... awe ban· 1DtI'n ID _he .Illff, w.. !II....... Pre_ntl , ..... .aDOU D_' ........ Ie ....r '" ..... rt1f4 ItJ laPP CIMIa 'II".'~..... IluliabM Ia ~ illc.kr '"",Ullr ta.'''' ..... of Itor. A· ,.........tertd ... p,-..IM . , A .... ..,. after. &bu' Ill' Re,.,.. lat.u .~••rdlCf' ,~ die... .. .... ~ aer'Ia~I..... ~ wI!. ..m,... ... taM • 1IfJ!:ll!.!J!I!I ....:!tfte ...·IIII!..rIIIla tbe .1Ieerill lloa for rWlIT- "Pat 10 t\IUI't ..... D\Clflllluld. 'TIwtr ... ""IftIL Ue ,•. ),lIU.t ~.'" '1""1 .,.. .. -." eN..... uMiI •..., ... ..... . . . . . . . ~ Ie ~~!~~: ~~rt li .. ~ 1IIi..~ It w.~.... .r ....... ....... .IM-..... .....,
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llJe ercelion !!,r1111~"OQ•• tw., .lIcIllIOIl I J,unlUII .\"ium •• ~1:4'. j. 8., it eaaated "1 tbe ()elleral A "tlte (Ohio, Thlt t~" .....,etllllt. by lad wltlt 1be adtloe .nd ,~II' \.(out u( 'H' ~~. til her+., atuhqriz~d ' ~I!I!. I'f.I.Na .• ppltillt .llI T.Ii.t~ " no II\'Q uf WilOIll all" 11 be re~ id.nlll ot ' till Mml' 1O"IIDly, or IIdj"'nlll~ coun"e,. dilly It .1I.1I1ioe to " lee\ ~1I1\ pUtdl~8l'J . ~CC1\'1I by 11t~ ut .IIu'Jltti'ln, tw~ IQl~ : ,Dhttl lbulr' nlOll l'!'reneral will be.t .ul/aerve til.. t.' III Ie (or ~i 1II"":" "\....,,,or"a ",'vms tor l~" :~ -. ; .•.,... ~ .-. , h I nld JUU In bo tl.l I he Unlll; l·rovi,le·, ·neltlil!r or tin II! .h' lI b IVCl_IIxt' within 'Il". A'; ACT
1'0 prvvhle rur
bt, uf'-u.
'.,n\,.t Ill''''
'Ily Ci)nlaiQinlr' ,\Oy lI'lo)unnd ,. jhl:llblitlhtlll, \c:8u·l e Jillt l\'hl,11I IIlltl lUilo of "">"" other
j:t~y, to\~ 1I 'or
REC. ~ .
'flint ill Rlllkfng'llut b ftl.ll",elitillsj •• the,'Tru. tl'Ol shall tlkc)'i ntll oo l~ ~llfer.W~1l . ,I ny dllll~'.Io llll.ut ftlQ)' 1iQ. prul'II-e!l'n\lm.,."u ", the oalabli, lIlllllfli. IIUtl ereel iun of lIlid in· illitllliullll, " F.u'ab,ulle' of slll.l, 10 (.8 lit , I.nd . 0 IIUICllt().11 ~I\ ~ II cOllloin n'l l lea) 't1I .. n~'III~ Iy \lo't U\o)rl! tlnll1, QIl O hllll~rN
1:1. ,11 Tru~tl'l'~. ,fter 5~HJ.l ldnl: . , ...... " ..., ' • boll filctbwilb prucced to",muke Col. Bento. "c. ,e ,or "'o.rr..... 1""ll ts rur ~lllld\DII" oil fuqh lo! , T h eSI. Lo'~,ie '(fuiOfl ($ ,,1, Bellll)lI', Or· hu\!Uh11l'l'fur Ilie Cll'ro npd trOlat ill II lit , Qllbe lj1lh,ilU tt\e (ol1~w !r.g c~ltori~l: I
he. Delli'ocral, lc NII,liunal 'Conven,•
~ion 1I1i1,mbllld, Oil 1II1\t Tue.d ....)',ln the' , :', of 'Dal,imure, lII.ryland, for the purJlOlle . . __,,, , lel~till' th~ canitidllt",'fur Plrty 0 ' ~.: ' d . y ' \oDie for ... Ptesldent ...d Vice Pre.lden,l. L: Moli ~ entrnille', Ohio. our. w.. , Your illld~bte4n". tou_ •.i~ . ,u " . ',,' ••• , .. " . . "nil ell/hly ciillhl. whicb you w ~Our lown';. r,phll), I!"provlng thl. rllmitalloon. al YOII c.n make it. 'Quite 0. I;u "e:llumbc;r ot lIew bund. ' .re. ,0\1,,, up. , \V e Ire ..lid t.I bU,.e ~lIyeal" ','''' • • ~. , YOUlr c:ommuri'icatibn opJlortllt:lhy ~f 'Inrptn.hllt . OUt, ' cepted•• 1141 will' ~II p'lbli.h,dl , I • .oon .. bUllneu oC' 1111 ~llId. in ""ie Ice, we uo Bod room ~or It. Would be blppy pellra 10 be on the. " I[rcue!. "IIrrrll. [or tobeu:ft.a' YO\l:olllen. . " , "~~ ~V.!ne~'Hle." ' , '_ .- " --;:-
I> ......
II" ~
leoft une hllod,..·1 pn.li~0'8 ; ailll to It'Ahbou,h noi IlItb rlze.d by Cui .. BOil" Ihem In prQCCOO ;\ .Ihollt difficulty or to .. tn IInilouce"I.he f.cl bv his .ulhority. , ., ,.. . ~ ra,"meut ·they hero\,ly (illlhor.i' .<:tI to t~. c;.t (occor.lil):l \ tllP ,prqvlfilon8 yet. '11'. recel'ved In~IlUigtlJ,Cft y~terclG'y fullowitlg u .:tiuu ,o( thlll afq (or ,hll evening, by telegraph, Itj;)an ~.pe Glrn· eiiQI'J mllterlul s,.,uppuiut !,uilriblll person. deau, tba~ ' pl~cell' the , me,tter of ~i' .' of the @om"andto . I.or ConIN.8,Intb' . 1 to .V-e"dluch till' erec\loll perform other tlutie; 08 OImy, be DOCaln, i l 'd''I I,tIc al a 'oer~ eulty ~o l;arry' CluJ'U,e obje~t5 hereiu tainty. ,In ()!l,!,'pliOl\c~i,witll wlult ·h e h.. tl'mpl~leJ. ·; IIcert!llned tO 'be the ~i..hel 0.( " !'demqc. /:fEe. s. !!hid l'(Il~leeB of uiU rlcy of tl.l • .di.triel, ~u~ corre.pundent p :h:t~:U':!:~~ ~i~~: etfH,l t I",te. Ihlt he IJlnoulIO~a hlmlelf.~ • cen· meu\ ,lIiI plan 6f el,:h or Illid genorlll poll book I. n(,\Uirl'll by law to dld.,e.' . < ! , RIl.! of QU' buildil~ .and be kept, 011, of·each'uf ... llIch .linll be ' ". IDOX 'B1dHT HEILEr " lilPpr veUl~l1h" lIecee8MfY to .' pOI,lled with the olerb' of .uch towh8hit ' SAP EH Ler oJ' bTEM1'&UJlcE.-A re~ :..-' jlerreat utll1'1 "'hi A~)' !uml . ~Iltl alao. a election dll"let. IDd tbo other of- ele I aillce •• n altercation ~oqk place , . , . I '1Ite,me.~ ."1 .~bI!8,eratklQd,&1Ia~de~ortp. be cert,lfted ...~Ied .up, Ilid .dlree~d betwoen l'bOIl" ~lIdera aDclIll.lon,Ulrri,J- We wleb It dl •• lincU)' u,ildel'etood, l.at lIIIIa~\'I'... u 11\P'~!:'; .. II)' llw', w/ will ~e. ill palym nt for .Iubecrip Ion tloa. n ( Illli.Ierui'-,wilich ~.U btl WI8d IU the eeyl!,fIli pins of IIlld r"provemellt •• 01 lIlc 'vf. .no :.giln;rll poll book, 'l olI""f .bout 16 ,ean) raldinJr In ,Ridge io"T.s.'lfu..t VI:.ITO. . . . .Imoet 011' kind. "lIllm~to\'ewenLs, ,111m ho.rc beon ' within tIlree' dla¥1I nell.flor town.hlp, Wy,ndot .county. Both (.Iber T .. ' d"C 'Produ ' " lJpo" bY'GIII Uusle"., IlIrd.&hal1 nne orwo;1I of the ,·udle• • nd',on we... babltual iuebriate.; nnd were or It ra .'·~u , ~ntrY' D I . ceo kl!elt~~tllil by .aid It'clbi~O'1 tp cler,k of tb~ co\Jrl 0 ~om. both iotolticnted ,t dle ·t'ime or \4e WoOd l Wbe"!, Corn. ~I'" ~r ~y, dp8Cnp~'Clnll. p1linjl'•• sUlntet ami mOil plea, df tl(e cOUlIt}' to whloh tbo ter. ., F .... _..th ded ~ bl~8 ,Ha" ·POt.toel. Apple., (w,bc~ I Ie), it°t ,uf aU Iu,ch pn;poied buildings rltoryc ti.rore, Inll at c~e timo of tbe crea- rei. , rom *0,- rJ p~ • ,Ipe,) ~" COWl, $heep. Hoa" TurkJ',r'oVCRIl'UU 01' .ftluJld~, _. ""111 \lnabl" os- ~ion or such new county, bellmaed. 10 "bieb the b,o~ r~und hll ~'Lbet , bad "10 41'11 Geoe ClIicken., ,,"c.• Col too " ~lm.tl' '0 be 1Ii,~."erer'ram, or tho COlt SIiC,' 6, It .baU bell,\V,(ul tor tb" elect· .dvlntaae of \ilm • .,aad 10 ..ye , } 'I 'f • nearl eve tblb, you r~idln, (n ~nf ,ullh ~"w~h.p,o.r ehlc- .from jbehil bfttou, flIn out Itf Lbll 0 ~~t . ,' , . ry Ii '" of .11 puta of IOld work lall mlterlalsl alldnld ~r.WUl~ Ihlh.II' le"t four ",eek. lion dlilttlet, 11'1 mentioned In the fourtl~ ~'ne '. . ,t' he thre~v bacll • of, will be IIke~ at c~. lIerore \h~ tim' :ouecelv.l~ bid. .. section 0(' lllileet. to ,ote CC?r-.enalor Illd ~ " I\etungoll , pllyml!nt lor .ub ~c iption; and tho in PrQvlded (Of. pillcl! copleli orsueh Reprell!n~ti,e ••t tb.lllUal,place 01 hold-' p.eco al oak board. Which .truck bl. '1\ reruled in 110 inalance. Wo de. etiptlput . plallll... l!\I,itn.atel,e ..1l ipg eleetloM In iuch towa.hap or er~c!.io\l er with lach forcl I I to uUte bia c1e.tli III : ' ' !n' ed di,t no one aball h~ve In WI olBae ot til" &ttct.r, or III.trlct: and h IIh.1I fie the dut.)' of ~e Jlld. I~ mlnulel. . The bo)" 1\' " .rrt.led .nd ettr In f ' I ' I h. ~bli" ..id cJeeerip!IOJII)n Iff- or elecl.lol)' IIf' any lucll toWQlliip or committed for trial ' po,;uolt,o la, n, t ..t t, e)' can paper. uf ~hllhll circul.tlon electioll di.trict, 10 eajd rourth Million • our piper Lee.IIIIG they h.Y!! lbu'-'~. Ilpth', tllere/u tho mentioned, . beror. they receive. ballot ~ . '. Lberei.-no person: who "ID ' , lbe .. lei .'~rk 111111 mater'al, wi~l . lot 8oa.,or Ilid Rellt8f8atttlye tq put the 'Letlo_UYeI!l. . .littd-N,! row ~"... I", tr!ln. Ir:.ounl\ 0" dae dol\!lr .Dd a.d lfte, ~· And ..,d 1l'1li1_. n"cra..1)' queatlOD to the ,Iect~r propO!llng Lalt ewelll", • Irel.bt trail. OIme In ' '- ' ,. b rtl leI .. id IIotlCe, .11&11 let the Mid work and to vo e••0 .. to h hil re,idence, ."d In th. C C "nd t a.1I • ~nd olle or ...ore 0 , " ' c tllri.l. to ihe ,toweal bidder. \\Iho ""111 e... the olector I. chillellited 'or' nOD·re.i" •. ' ~)' .mI!Dtlo"ed~ Now' frleod., w.ke rl.pt denee I" , .IIY peniCilli' portloo ot the ~ on Ibe .outh IIde of. Frotlt .~reet~ . to a HII.ror, rour duty.• II i-era.nta ,'cute a boa~, with l""O .u!ficlenl II .., ~ditkined fur tl.e rallhlul toWII.l,llp or .1~c'lon dl.~rlct, thl,a It m,1I \OCtJmotte ~e. York detac~ed.~ nln.ia- inl The Gate., .0- fer Ie " nCeorb"wD~at;butthe.,t bet!aeda(yol ..ldjudpltolwearor.r-totheeD,in,booae. Orderawere " lvIQ ':""' " " Id " ..d th~ .tate of eeCII or .Iid AsylUlD1I ' /lrm tbe elecfOr tu tlle raet., III tbo. • Ilme that tlae lralll eboulci' oot ', !Ie 'run 00 lhe COnC81ll"", ....' ~"I ~ .j' illI ntCfI.'" bulkllop. If'OIIudl mlnner'l (orla1 cau.. or d1118llge. " I' I . • d ' Irtle. ner., l a""., can lie supplied "'II' too ,I Irr PfQ\,Uau,,,u( IIb~ 1I ~ut t'a:c:erd . Seo. 6. FQrthe purp"'" of caryrll, nut p~r uDt,i1 I f ~a '11''' glJ~"! n ~ p I .od aood (!SPer. With ¥try little ~ expellte. ,at". when PlI;leclly' . tlli. ut, tbo .. id jUdrl wire b.l4lY i~ a IIrln, ~e timer . tom III J:I~,,*I~ 11'11 . . . . .ublCi'ibera we . tllOUJabd dotl,::.rai" Jld DO coutract· @lslltl!lco~ aDY nece...: pl8(.u. ck. 'Pbe ·4II1.n ~a ; cJ,a.... of, II ' '. ,..a .Huled . or addltlo.. '" c;llIrll., wbo .b.n lb. conelueli.",tbll b. JJaclWII~ 101111 a" , ' pet' In' .111. waJ'l fur bpr'~IIJDi IIny p_rt or . ald ' lQr .bllll ~"y "" qr.1i be lIe",U\la\lt."lb le:. e,. me fet', aDd qUlllfied In the b I ' lb ' 1o IIcie d the wlt.ch t o . PI! . menta eban be m.de 'frilutlng their &0111- .ame Ia olher 01.... 'DQUI( • ~t_ ..~r~ • . ~, UI • .l th can do 10. If the
c .
...... _
Mellre. 0, &. W •. ~ocelel la 'h~ ~IIMI WII'l'1I0Ul&, lo.t Ibout t60000: Inlored fOf 810,OUl110 IIll1ttror~ Qffioe. , . Cin. Gil" ' •
.1. . . ". ~ •
Tllr""ie O.tr. .e .a .lIe' From Ib., 8t. IJJul.. U,n·(IJI. of \h. :lOth. ' we obt~in lbl fMlrtlcular.,cl( II "a,ldy en~ '
\'0;' ,
O:tt!rh Mlddlolown·Emblem comm~n. ceillut-. week. ita ~cond ,olilme• . T.he Emblem I. "very .ple1 .nd flllterl.[ainir na-r and rrlend Oblil1ler i_of abu(1l lbe ~'r- ' " . .. . I rlllhtlt.rlpe, to ",e-a.b.ad, ,'VI .'y the Emblem Ihe belt or auOCl'''. , " ... . , 0:::r0,,' to.mofl'o\v • • (Bulul'llay,) com.L ". . I \ iI n "1 '• " r I m~nre!l the t ,.'r .. .,.u.rter y meet. u~ 0 t 18 MethodlSI EpllCoplil Cburch on Ulllon clrtbe jlr~Dt conference yoar,. • t Chapol n!!ar' .Xenl ...~ 10 conllO' , r t/ ' ' , . III b I I lJ~eoce 0.. I.il. ~ lo!e w • no H" ,ce n tll,church In tllIl place on $.bbatli; I.e. 811bbltb School will. meel' i. 'I.ual.
Dutr.cU,e F're-Taao ."aelville FeiIIa'e leal •• r, •• urely .e.t~'''. , Z"'.StYlI.U, X." ,lJ'.':-Tbil .l),eta.9O Ii , ., • .buul lIye o·ol~ck •• ·Ore Iiruke 00& 10 the FeD)ale fJeuunlrf oa Sey~nth atreet. ju tI.11 towli, w~,lch nelrly tbe wboll burl· din .. WII ae8uo)'ecf. We lillvl!: nQ ', II ..t~'.. r l' \ ~. I' ' .' par IOU art. " " . , T"e ,..r'd.~L',"~r •, ' •• ae. nt .• _ f ,_I. 0.1."'110.... llty 119:- The Selllll\ .... rejecled tbe ,HuuM relOlu'tlOlll rel.li" to tl.e W~eeljnl brid,~, Ind d ,.., " I I "'I I " 'till . , • Opt,...,.10 ill 0.... mp y ,eqUOl , " "III1W ,olume of ,the wilt be 8eall\ur, .... d lltapre-elltlltivell III Conp.. .. '. UUIDCtd. The 8tar i. one of ,be old ell, to u.. lbOir caert,iOll' 10 IOCllrll l~d1 1.,..-. lhelr .pl!lou ~a quel. till lbuI.t lour 0 .nd · "1 'al..,· one or the be.t /_llIlon to .,djult the controverjl1. nd prolhl! followlDlf murnl." wilen .11 ' t il to ,p tl " ,' . l ' tIl e e ,lIl1hli\h.theflllllne .... d .. CI. deck , DeWllpl~el'll II t I •• " : .. .. or "!.~~ me tlbletmenta to reca ~to ., COIDIII r~ \Vcre eullll.llly ,&U nlulllbld.I .1I4 .."raJ pa.t l~O patron... t.o uae:' 8~ ....en of the Ohio rlv.l:l'. . .. , Iktd I b dI UOII {If tb..... ~e"t1)' Oil the locre.... pert!cuJ.d.1 the I" th. III,,~ ' lJea.t• . y"terdll, IJI meo w~ ~ ~ : I~~ ' t.ck p.dvetti.I~, cWlto~' a..4 rr lid DeDDT pow uoruurable,.port w.. made oD \he bill ~ ~. l\'I~elltlt el rm 0 o~'u It , ...- . fi d~ I~ Ice . o",er'to '~D~'lce tu tlke h~ __ or •• people Iir! Ilw Tho nu'.e ,unllcned the old I.llao ,,"II hili ' bnl ' II 11th h If \ hlbl i ' tb .... f ltitqlf;c~'ln" M!....1\4 1I\"y ruade hJlwelllllte prt;p"•• I p,,~nlt, to en rae .gll n, I 0111 pro , I PI e , 0 . ~ . i" r Ik-I' .. DOt brill' ,ear'lel, _IDce Jt wb co.... 'l'be IMlcob.d brancb or Iha City Coooell 1 ulil" &'1..,\1. k .. ill'" uI pletlon. It I .. a"rea.to 1101 exceeding lhe , S£C. I8ftral bela, "nch";'",!, nce' """." e ald. lu .W~yae IJlore,lIIea ,lo ~.~. 1'''e prlee. Or\ pa.tiN liD 9'1IIl\IIlCI y';"te"'IIY; ,Iolnbl, auo .\1' Mtruc ~.)" w t ' - : . ' JiOI/l . fortiHid; . '. court or \lOfUm.on t~ 10, tbl. locomotive. tbe,mlu ran 11\'" tie cltiJlD'19 1.1 two dull«lra,a Y~Il, ..... blch it ellr, ,1,600,000 I~ cily 1IO,,,Lt W \~~ I',rker.. , ,thl! tli\lo.~" ,toftC~ ,..11 ,. s Se. 4, 8/ald Till~te• •• befora ' .blll rece.ve of tbe el.!;" houH.. drl,lar til. locomod.. aliw. berlen ,hd ,I.. 1 ...:.l'h ft"' ~" ~"trY .... per. b ' . IIr d " IDd by ~,...11>.11,( IW u" upon"'" Hnllor .nd Ind wlt~"'Mood ....,.,.ltlhNil.. 'ft" ,, ;1 ~Y .. ' . wen,'''''''' ;. _~ '! . ''' '-f th uri .0. • ~ • killeN t_u dle ,W.;. 1I~~~~:a:~~a~ ~J~~l~I~~~:,u~S!;,f.~".m.1d ~·II~tr~:~:':~~~the ~ bpUdio, ---""T . pa_ W..I1l. .. _ ...,., Iau", Y tr~t . ._. uun.o 'e '..... ,I -.....~" . ' R I...... of tile att,~ ~ J-k~' Wf epaP'" ~af .au , \,y:.w . . . ~.""111I• ••., ,... IaIlict~d • ,I!IUI'&al ... wM .. ~J' to 411Chllrge \"1 pilMed. I. ,be bOl• •1IIlu.mclr ....... flldena. OUf 'milld to the " It of tbe • ,." .... . , , I " .' U.lnI. .. .~ " them'" thlt .CL! till!)' melt entitha reb\ro• . of '. I,ueh Reilw.y. d cia IDd Aid '~ k' b ' Nuw .Yo~, Ma, IOth.-The ,telm.h)p . ' WbeD thl! .on fell, till ... 0Iit'.~"'~ Ilt'd Iii reuivCI tI.t" dailir. lor e.cb d.y reulve'and count the ...d yolel80 A,lliemlJl woo ..... clODI.., tho~re out ' ' ,a __ o>r .... .DU. ,Y\1' ~tlllllti ti .. lie.! ....n ·.he t"ke~166 ,",e' 10 .nutller JIIl'I of thp bulltl, to "Iriel. ' lIeCNll(i!.f e •.llployed by thom ip ..Ieclla, til rued .. aroreilia .nd cerlify . , . . \II it .u..-_ 'I. 1I0thiuI til" "'. I 10 1III.8II,ouo I ' ci A ag , r II . ~ltfl, ClqoUlctlnif tor, the jlrecHon of huUd- .nd 'in .11' "':I!OC\l governed 'by or the New York. lI·' cur.ed 00 0 , .11 \bh" . ... thall " 'III Itff~'OI.r ."e" I' . . n " pe, '.. 010 cirtUm.tllMe be II hllll\lb~d. 1_ .1.. ' ,••""!P! .nd' 'proUllng tempuflll')' ' ,f i.oleI.w. in reannl ~here~, I' line throyp,tho .. an. 'D~ rell illto II d' life detl'rmincld to per. · th.. , p._nrra .11'.0 Jenny Li.\d , Oold· 'I'be, 11,110 DII"e frn",e til pul.J .lrIlIctt .i1elll.for the .eeonllnocl.iloh of pillentt, lie coo.lltent hereWith, ·. nd wlter uuder ~e ellgloe, eacapio, waltum'''0 t , j all dlfli Ill... IICbmid....... IMlJ' bllllbend. Grace . .nd uthll; ,lit. n.1 r•• in defludinar ' ....... Iy'u O .lie J1,.widejl ~ ia 8e"tluD ,ill 01 'h'- act, wI;' . ~l~d In the!', teepee- lid, 'th, pu. of th, C. It P. lrack k.. P\al ",pre w . !),e come • cu ' . wood. lad 8ilbo\ll !RaClo.. ky lud'Del••ey. fNm lhe .I111rude,.. TIll' Iltt" __ re"II" the eltpe/l1H neCeNUUy lnctjrred 'In tho ';'~'~lclerkt8 of, coun ihe locomotive 011' hilll. Tbe troll' OIr 01 D~W in W. bUhel~ . b\ t II O;TWe Ire b",," 1:0 IDIu~ the The IJlab. ro t.o ,UI" a .,..1 jillliitl. Lired !iul nut till tbet "Id lu8ictrtl ..,.,.. Ihe, ,IiIj)Mlr~ 'of 'lhJ! du~ltl 'ull,lIed lilem, ,Ive n ,I> • Ie r~ urn I1g " ' b k ' lYe t II. t . leY , r ita. I. ' hd In othel'll r ' h Ob' b' E I d • r .L_ to bit piliU uilt af any mulfC'VR 10 11.e (or bi• •(""., Ibe lillie •• f"r like the tr.ln·loedecl wl~" o,.••• w.. tv en D- ' , Tb~ n.atneu 0 ,P 0 t, ure 10 tll,n. ' dl"~'o" wound. 00 tbl per•• 0 ... Tre.f u., aot eLberwilo ' to lbe ~lIdiwr of to killfliiD' wood. The locoawtlYe Will tb ' btapa.. th,' 10 • .",",n tilll,' lbe .e~"'l~t CotIr.r".lIe. uhl II. ,/WheD tbe IIOIt rpclMld fAUI.", their .~untll to be lu!llted and\he .. hI .uJ!.tor ' blllly ~Im'll',lI.-Cl~·H""'W. ee to ' t C"o~' will be 'fI'OI'pa.... , , 10., thl. UII!Clrtun.te I••", went uII«t. by the Auflltuf ur ~I.te. , . • ' . \be, and illue Dn order on ~e I owa, .. tbllt k h. been ~~,ti.II, pruY4/D. DQuo,,! III, 18.-~ 6n.1 ftpoi't ot bu.t roeetdrd 011 lIer trl . . S£q, ~ B••d "'rut~el a)II.11 b~ reqlllred u~\"t uf cOllllly therefor. , " , . ' .' , , work. . !lOme ' I lar orrp\ntIoD. \be 811011:" Cummlt~ .wu preaentecl; It and .Ib~ ,P , • ' 1,\lJlluke- ' litlr . rid tull report of .n ,bei~ S£c. ~. A.II ¥1It'~ lot Mil.tore "I\CI R.p· N.w " ..tie ••••le,II.,_41 R.II~.'. . in tbe ::ocIllt ' V.bIll'Ch • .ia cont.al .... relOlutiol\ 0' the dOla,. the • Al 'he latnt ~!:U. lbe old mall w~: pr~lIln&lI, (Inclucllnlt' tbe plaa. of the re',IIt.atlV8I In .ny.lucIIIIOW coantl,,·1P1I We .re, lOrry to .Iato tbtlt the pfOlJre.. thl. wo late..d 'II - be ~ . Tw Ne. York book 'a. ntl , I, allO"\I the In, " " ahleal CDudltlOD. ~rut hI 111"" hlll!dmp .dopted '" diem,) to the p,,,. ellt be 011 ...parole baUot. f th' d 'hI )I D m.terl.Uyllllpedild ' , • ,. .. pllOl, WI Depr m. 0 ,..... . . Dot eap8Cted to l.\Ir\'j,••-o"", 0 ••• 0 6ner.1 A_mbly. If rn ....iG.. ; .od IC uot, SEQ. 9, Th,t if an, offici!rchllrled with 0 I~ " • If. . ',. ,.1 11 &'1.1. 1)111'.\1.. IJOt ...beo the (lbolr wu a119w_ to 11\11 I'llpot1. ln laY"r of .D I~epe~nt orpnl•" . • any dutle. ullder tlll.' lel' eban neglect : Ib,r tbo preaeat, b, 'he w,thdrawal ~I II~••ll4 '.,1Il oal" .nl "ltb re..w~ iD tile Cllllrcb. 'be Coa~Uoae ¥~oa Ilr the Tract $ocle'1 or ,he ]II. Eo . Let.., ..... lIr......_ _• tben tu,t"e ' nex~ GeneRI.A_lDbly,' SEC. 6. ThlltNid ru• teee ~.y"if rcrD8jllOperrorm the .. me••ucb De OraII', the contRcW.... betw~n ~ .. ,Wid,,,eltO~l~ InQllr9W8 mind, but ..rae .nd the iotera.tDl&'I'.... '" Cburcb. Abel 8ttphl~on. of Botton. '. W ..... IIIIOTOII ,'JIII, UI.186f.-Pa,J:JC, 1belr opInion the .u~~ng condit.un "r tbe UPOI) IIOnvl~t1~o tbe.r~r. beforo .ny c~url p,.ee lfid lhe cit,! ot lliCbmolld. A, e b I~ ' ~d' io '"III jIIIr paper ' . ba I i II elected editor or ,be Tracte. . MJYt.~M, DMr, 8ir:-l a,lYe ,~ It'''fMl rlltJull'lllt,eIIOM'e.mpor'l')' 1IIr&0g"· com.petent Junadlctlon •• hlll ~ filltd "uny tlculty bltw.. n tble aelitl8lll.a ulld th" 'II' • ~ " w...",.t. t.. t • DOW, "'!?Gill. ,mertt;, 10 be lII."de fW', lbeil: Ictommocl&liol) luBi. nrit exceedlnr ,Olll! ,hundred and fllt1 • ; . .~ upon. fOlln_lioo. melD~ of tla, Cbllrch. woo were , KUIftIt.'. ' ....... . ut, 'bil 10th. &lid III' I'11J18ed ,to 1..,_ lII.t .000ltel~a~. un Iii the ~rDlI!,ent build'; (fall.",;.~ lhe dl,ere!/on' 01 the, eoort. . '~r,oc.p.1 en,lI'eer. 1It'. Myo.ln~r We· " ,- -, • " .' \' rqarl' I.. dieir ,ulDcIa..ee. ~ b\l' n~"ALo. M~'f,. ".-.o.~th · .dd,....d tb,e 41_••loDl ~ ibe ,!III,' ~rt,I~~ in,. pNwiileil for In tid. act "hal! be. ~m- ' ~Ifl; 10. Tb.",n finel,lmpoeed by ,th." he'... 11'." the cell.e of thll, wbl~ . iI. Til E N :w YOlO: C.. ~"T.... Ia the ~t Ch~. The pre.chiol · . _,. d I hil fI' ~ 1rtt!dj the .. me, .. well .. the lllltlt,ution .ct' shall be recovered. With COdt of 'Ult, Dluch to be rearet,ted ' oc~urrenu. " Tbe In IlDlllen" 1~lencalali ..,I,ht In thia ei- I e p , ¥' ~u I n , . D IIII:#ln CGiltlmplated. be under th, contrlll in 1/1 'Gtion or debt. or ~)' Ilndl.Clment for meD. .hlntiel,nd tool. ha.ve.1I _0 re- Iitie of . per to be pubhibad ,...1I1y III u I~~ ~t wu the., onlyl~ l.eb t1' He "Iltd thlt • revolutloD woul4 Accep' m, tb.nll.. lor /.. .. 41r"itlTru.teee,.ndaubjectto lb. rules \hetlllor,beeounly. ' . ,," I b' tha be NewY City, from .... 19th or the~tI,OfpodIlDaI. . te,""I.ittO bre,k'outlo (t.I,la'~ houn .ltertlt. m'lIo"iB \! blcJoyou.~pleeudto.,.d 'lid rqul.tluna pro,hied.(yr.in the ~f8f1ll , . 'lAMES C. JOHNSON; moved, It II thuuglt • . owever, , t ne~tl oolll the Pi."ld~t1~I. oompli.1i ita obje~ . E,~" , ~1'. "lIbelr.; ,lor tbo Fretla, Ho ~i\l at!miDIIlUlUo•• IiIl" hOpe IOU u~ .c~ ror tb'e ,uvernooel)tof \be Ohio, I,u. Speaker or the Ho.... e of Repreeellt.tin•. re.ult. '11'111 aot prOve 10 daleler.lOllI " ID Dnt ....mb.,.·. TbeTlIII". to .the~trvr.lt II 0IIf 6rmbeu,r , ..., • . " " . h. COI!tJlI~.nce. ... ...tlc A..,lllm, and the care of Idiot, .Dd , ' W!LLIAH MED1LL. ml,ht be .atlc!paled. II ,he 1liiie l'oute ed' t.t la' &b, GlllotioD. or Church .th.t b aood ' alnflD, aud poor. IIie Oennlll cltlRIi' to'DleM. IJId I •• If.. . __ ....... 10 "I"Il1IC4 if'. , in.. no. • • " ' P ~••de •• \ or tbe Se~ate. will be "feli out ID Im.lIer oooU.cll. . to ~ , pr , j~ ~llIlo Ea,t.I00morrow. ii' .. SEC. 7. ~bllt lit the !II!le\1~g of tlie Apr;' tfo,186l1. . .. .. I.lllioll ~rI~clp'1 ~~ ,,,111 du h. ,b e.t to ,readil"l, wl!l b,,, I.~ . , to ,.,~ rf .1 ,""".,•. ' ve (i~aeral AA~mbij'l tile GoverDur ' wblch w.1I at more gener.1 ..tfa ie the elet .d 'the WhI, "Ddld..... 191 aMlGcoIap)ilb .ore pOd. tb •• ' will "F'••"lf" .. r,."1 "- ti.,:I . . . _ , ~ to cWi~ r: PreeJde",.ad ' ·IoePrUldeDt. '1'11. C...... wJtb pcrII ~la'.II.i..II'_~t itlor 'fb- .et Id..l~i .. tbe Btete 0'- C.lIf~. '" .Jr.~ ~ '")lOill.te, and b, 'aLld 1!1~ t~e allvice Mod (No. '69.) -~ . Ib.e ItOCkboldel'll. A report ilqul rollMnt of the St:~Dte.llp",!IQ~ .I~ peflOOI AN AO~ rurtll." dellOrlbln. the rent In IIOme parta 01 lI.II.lnd . the n pIip ~ publilhtd .t th. N.w. Ill,. As •• eYideau II' th. let 111,11110 tho fnt .......w.. one Let ,Ite ,",ia _lea .f ItIC'_-_ • • ' UCCfillOfI. \0 the Trultee~ .,erel." n.m~ .nd dut'!' or the eourta of , in, cwntlOl.' Uutt lbe fwork Iju beea . Y L om-- ____ II1II-'11 be ramIntereet.ed oompe" &b. -lIlUf.. of the "CO.-mill ...... 8laYl"' L"UIo he _ . . . Ir III .. ed, who ."IU mlulle Ind d"ect thO: and \be JudJCI tbereor••nd to " Ih d tb C' or. - - - . , "'!' , ' .. ' .,.• ... .,. , , . .,.,. . I" W_ 'I -, I Gerllil of--Ihe A.ylum, III blallo.r u el.Meenllt lection of the act , qu - e on .ccoa!)t 0 e ?mpaD, ilbed ~lUbKrlberl ' 00 t1!11 lela coalliuoll of ,he IIlth04i1' Chureh 10 did liot e&itt 10 C.Uto""'l 1\1\1....... tQ hoD ...... tnM to ... ~'.UOll ... ded for In lb~ If\'~rel ,ICta (or th"e 'JO¥ern· to' the or~a\illlt10!1 ot courtl! o~. jlllllir.e hnlng .u~cl~at·. ruad. to Clrry It· tennl: ' ,10 coPe-. 60 ceDta; 6" oopl•• alt. p!8Ce, cQ. ... toDtl.hln, CClodillqll It u. by Muico. nor wheD . th, CotuiaitatloD Cooot". J .... 11 be .. ~. I Ilk eo ll I. entlrel, r~-. lad meDt of the Lunllic ,.,,_,IUiD. Ind .lId their powe,.. Ind .dutl", pUled . 0111 Id • 1t,QQ; , teD p';61J; . . . ID two ~ra ~. Oae pocI_ h,......lI_JWt. . cbe JOYWII ....t ... mo.... 1 .... "'-" ,.... . ' lltl ll8,oo' aft '11 do u puach I OIIr 'opl 100 ill adopted . Thlt ~onllitatiOll tletlared thlC • 1II1LLAlUl FIJJ,IIOU. the care 0' Ililota .lId In.. "e; .lId of 1liOH , February ainelectoth. oJlfllbOUlllqd Illd la tbe mind or 110l1li oDe , our.woratll, II.. Ii~t .ppoin~ u"d.r th~1 'lection,. eiabt hundred .ad !Ifty.t\yo.. , pond towircla dill IDterprr... Tbe 'Board, twenty t)DJ. " .1 , " It , . '. ' , . : • lIb.lI.erve for oue YOlr~two ror two ),I",ra. S,:c, 1. Be .t eo.etl'it b, ,~be .• . ') ' " b . of the .11 a'" ~ ..at to ODe 1111 tII,.I~~" Qf mell. ,M ,wO"of the ' _ di4 lIOI.qd aWerIJ IIGC ~I.t. A.... - ....!.---:-."'""':--."d \wo for Ibree ,eer... . A_mbl)' 6f tbe State or Oh.o, Tbllt 'R! ID fineljllrltl. t I proepecte. , e.ch p aad t ... .,.,.,. .... 11 be _d ilt.rllMa"rlDo", of lhe d.y. Bat bav'r ood ~ ... Caltfonala LeJlljlature, C&.LI8IUTJO. or.qa w.Di~ 01' 'liiJI ,. S~e. 8. 8mid Trut teea, to be proceIIII lind rrmediell .uthorlsed. by ComplDY were Defer mor., I~.p\cIODI.- led b, t "one, WelidriH pGnODI wllb· .IPal01 IIKI Jood pre.chlaf w,elb.... mike .1 • .,.. Ia dlIt Stata, in lIb.r....., Pu.o..... 'l'uIeIIel: o• ... provided fo! III ~.e llrat lI!otioa of thil ja"'l of thl' ltate, when the preHnt con· NtIIIJ C.1Ie B.ntt!r. , to iID~'-n peper to I'Uboorlbe our word tor It. tII_ will pod f'IIQl~ lb., ...., ....., ... N .1"'& ... ... .larp .......01 , ... clUe .... .act. .111111 hoI II their oIIiee for U,e term or .tlt.uUoo· took ell't'Ql/ mly be hid uad reo " , ag • • e',-r:-" , , , , ' (D c,) Jearl, 0' ~lJtil~lelr &uoc:eiilo... are .p- IOrted tel i'n the courle or tbe proper jurl." • (or th ....~..........,m!!ad. JOO" It. • \Ve do IIOt Mlle!.l. I cbelir doln,.1 .811 I"a." perno........ tNe bl ab. ol 0"'1'''''''' " ted: "nd,i~ ~ • Vlcancy"'~1l occur diction, UD4" ti.e preaent' con.litutiol,1i FaoM CoullelL DLI1Fn.-The olB~cra & ,CO,' 8 ~tJoIlreet. Nlw York Ci- tho lilllinc .a • church, aor In k IIIe lt1tutloo. Another project I. to tile. ......, II" qf .... ...,. dt ath. realll1ctloo, or otber.,.., ie. the Indall t~ Illwe rerulatln, the prectlee of. or the .tnmer 8anJIIGl .rrl"ed .t 8t. I)' • &lOll of tJae .... bort 01 th. aboIr iD Ut• • •Il••,.w &tate tlGt of th. TefrlllW .. eaMt, &0 .......... \III , O'leNlor .hat! fill lucb !IOIaer Ip' Ind Im)KIIIln, dutl" oa, or arao~nr · oa Mond.y, IrQm Cooaell ' pl~ce th.t !hll .h.n be til. '~J _'r 0.. '""' lDOluded I. CaUCor"Ia_ .........., of die .... CathelJo PI~" ""lat...Dl, unlil the aext uenefl era to the .upreme court, or la, hi h I b' lel\ n the IJla.L ' " f H 10_ ol---~ ... "I" or U~cill,jj It\K'c\liaor eb.n be Ippolot. therQf. ,.nd the C,1Irt1 of ~.nui.an w c p Ice I 41 0 • _ _ • ieefllt Inial U 01110111 IOIIfCO. 11. objeot,. eo ~. "p1arltl' IDd "I. N~ bD~ daft tbe "IDlll",,, 0 tbe. _ _ _,..... . ._,:. _ . ' elf as bere[n provWocI tor. · or IDy ~ thereor, :relpecUvely. lOme .rIlc'" or pl'O'ffe!o~ aDd , SIb &em ill cb. Ii..,aa,. . . protDiM _ U N l Ipply Ia tltaI CMIII 8 BC. 9. 2i.id Truatlf' ••DeI therr the former colI.litutlo.n. except .. III rem.rkably hip. Floor W. . '''1I1C1fce thlt It .Ill 111. _1,ocI ap w Ute 1 . . W. h"l DO 00IIIp1.1_ ID IJoutb-DO _ r. la olleo, .... LI hue power 'to tiki ten or probate jurlsdletion. la lorce wben •• ,UD," .10." t}1 per barrel.- or tbll _th, ~,dte ..... or Dit'Hton et'J of ~I-e_ oa 'tip CVIIJIHI 'O'J'''tct C...- W. J, 'In:d bnld i,n truet fot t!te uao .ad 'beneOt or the rree4'nt conltitutlon look e.GI ..... 11 The 8. c.rrled up ' .10\ of ' 09 b.rrel •• of the ........ ; 8,.....,-0 aM W,I fD"" ' Cal~IOtI ..... W • • • •'." ., . . . ..id AI, IUDlI, .ay pnt or deyl" of 1I0d, Ibll ro yern tbe prlctlce ott .ad Impoae Id dl ' I rrI I ,1I1e ~pIle Cclalpaoy. rO( eotap!eth. ....... r.- lIew .1 -aDt., .......I.. . . . . . . . . . . ... • a, donllioll or ~uee& 01 IIIOMJ'. or like dutiOi upda the III.trlct ~urhl W.I 10 reet Y upon. " ned • eb H bet . &..a.-.. _-".~ 8&.' .... .... , -'''' rIII ... \IIbIr ~lpnlpert1' to be .pplled to oouJU or cOmmoD pIe.., Ind the judI" 10 doil. . 8bl ,llOh';' 1 . . .11 qu.a,lt., of \h.t uI" wi. ween,...... r •....... r-I'IarIIee..N ,." the ~ 0 ,. II, ~ at ol ~ .... ... . . . . . . . til. aWatau,lnce and .upport 01 iaMDe thereof. ~pe,cll"\Y, erelt.ad by tbe pre....It, which weot oW u rapid".t 10 dolt. tllil pi ... ..... De.,lOtI ............. .urlw~ .... IItp . . . . . ~ Lao.... W........l ..........n . . . . . . .,.. IUIMra I. , .... ....,. '" ~ perto!"o in. or 1.0 the teoeral till! or eDt OOllltilutloO, '110 In .. auch ~r Hek. TIHt ~.U.t.a 01 toar.wb.. rl:O- tile 'Dror.adoa ......n .....' 'C••~,. , froa . . . . IlL The...". &0 nile. ~II'.... A.,IUIII" natetIIea u4 Ilw•• lb." be Ippllc.tlble to.,;, b r th ...... iD & 1I""J", w.. , we ...... tIIa& tItte ~ • . . It.-T. ,. Ii . . " " ~. ...... !b.Jdi. . . . at ~ ~ lice. lO.Th~thl _olonebundrecl .leIeourureepect1"I,.lJIdtot!ae JQqee 'I to 0 , I work It.kt_ ~ .......... _............ Col, ..._ ,,_ . . ..,_ ~ "' _ tort, th_.... dolil". iI herebllpb.ro- \beI'eof.1lKl11O\ Inoollillttlut wIth tb';II • ., e Iud '7 dole. per hundNcl pouodl..11111 8 .... ~011 Jut " - . . . . . .r. " .... req... 'O....... ~ ..... . S- _ ~ ~ tlte purcb~ 01 the men· ~...s .IRCO .... preeeot con.lUuUon took een.. per JIO!lad for. ..Il. Oth.r ,"",Ier.o. it ~...... . . . . die . . A~, hID.........D. C..... .... IllilItaIJ ....... ....~ . . . . . . ~ u...i JOt. of 1anc1• • DiI tbe erectloo of e.,. . ' IOU were and c:hftp. 01 ... job. wIlIlY hili ...........'! Leu III aD Ia • • TIl. . . ,.. to . . . . . .... "I ............., _ _ . . . :.=t:-l!.ted.. At 8t. JOIIpIIA ....'" ... oo........ble tIM! road A1It'erIca. par- lite I.......... the ,.D.....' 01 aM ......... ... .-.alai.., th_ the ;:lelia, JiMIp of rid cOurt. .ad IickDIIIIlllOlll the eml,..I11", .... ..... All ei.... tIaI llbert.,• .., • UcltIC of ........ dte plltJ, .... tile ei'lll .. . . . . . . . _ ........ ...... ..........~pr.rtI- ..l!~ wbeJl ...,.--or~ . .aIIal1 ~ th.. •.. _ ~'.t he IUIIeqa.. _~ .... ..., . . . . . . , . rictM of a.., crl. . or DOe, .n D...•• Ca.,.., of ........ lett I. ... ..0;-....- . . . . . . . . . , Ctpt. ...... . coart or oomlD08 ..... or 1ft.1." oo.rt J[.....D1.~. . . . 6th. lor -e.HiIIIIa..., ........... I&, _eyl............... for ..... tIotIco ... Gila, ..............
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dos. .Oa\l, 11 bu. 'Flour, tI bbl. d. ~ ewt. BUller, 'ij! ~ . E,r" f. ilft. . Laril L,oose.ll 1> .
, Arpteo,;> bu. dr~ed C/ticke!18. , doz,.
'· and oolorO<\. A 8olH!!oallt corner
ell."" . ' ioc. ·
S Ilc. 12!e.
hi 8tock~rld,e, (H.... )
~o .." a Shaker SaruporjJI, IUlracl..,:-lt!\fI\e' d\QI~Jj eanl _IW Jl10Curat ono bollie •• n~ ..n • rliiln~Il, the rOluh!lf 'aklulJ ~,.,o ~lll- eJ Dr.
~[Ji~rtJ~~INi~~~~;;;jj~;;;Tn lIowe's eOnlwund altae! QI B,.r..".rllla hal , C"lfIIeu 1118 to lay 10 yo". Dnd".n· "IIoIU it lila" Collc.rn. Ih., I om onlll"l, rei .,.~1.~row all ' cOllllha •.plllll iii tlla bre!l8; &t'. , ,
-, 46<1160c. ' ~:,OO. ., 1;50,':"
Featherl, ., til,
CI'~I~!QllltI)' 1!!.~{e_~~I!!Ii: }U!~I!~!~;~!l!lt~!lled .
MilS. NA rllAN, OltA V.I!l!t • .'
t/. D. l,wl\l jUIl la, 10 you lI.a' /UT WI'" h .. 118011 laklnll' .tbe meillellll"llIr> JOr"1 I ..... wook. for 11 Ii~d COIIIIII nnd ""in in Iha braut • ,. . and Ihr"ugb. me 'bo. .. ~'It 111.1 Iluf "enr ..~ n.uSIf£l~~ IlA RLEY WDlIled by lIIodicilUll1'llt I"ollled 10' po b.n !"11\1 ALLE:N .... t.:VANS. algll Goldol! luI' Ie your lIlodidnd . • •. . WaYII~~ilte. Doal 6, ~8~1 . f(c'jleClllllly. N./l·'·I"A~ Gtt'A..YlJl,> .
. 500'0
' SiC,
Ne'w Orlean. !\(Cllallel, f pi:' .' 60e. Sugltl·1iollse. Mol...OII, l! ',II.. flUr. lib pie 1Io1011e., 'f rl. !JO@'75c. Pllpper. 11 '10. 19c. " ·.AII.plce. 11 'Ib, . 19" 'Lake Silt; 11 bbl. ~;116 , Flu 8~ed t? I".. lioc;
D .
18&,\• .
Rio Coiree., ~ 1>, New·Orlean. Suger, \'l !Io, MlIple, . do "
r,.. ...,.,.U
Y AftN8-Whlle apd .. 11 ~'Olon J)qr.u.au•• lJ·I!Jlln.lh~. 1_: • . O- ~RPE'l· Ju.t we.hed &ad,foY ..11.1 bv R. S. n. Ho",• • t.:o.~ 1 II... . ,y', F. ' If'\RSlf~LL; . beo,u aftIicletl witb a coulh'l!il \be1,.IIIIr.. ",· Lob_non. 0., Apr. 6. , tour yoar8., wbleh coo),h cam••• rr ne.r ..1Ik1.l . ' . me 'llIlbe ~ a.pre. of III tlMi..lllellleel alil'1l0LLIl'IItUEAD'8 PI.AlN SILK DON;' from my family ph,.!ei_ll. 1 bad. d,....1rerl of! .'~ . NETa. ' .yer olnJn ,"-,Inll ',ellOfed ICo . he.llb, $W BEAUT1FUL m'on,:,\8 1,0 I noilC6d the ad.verd.e_llt "f Dr.
• '400. .
J:lJIObJPl,t ·
IT CURES· LIKB iliA-GIG! VOI41e I .........;~. .,. ."'I~ ··
·B.Jey." ..
PRoPP! ·p-.op.. U
CorD.1I ..
Well ",a, 'it be cqlled 'bo w."'n'ts"l l'oor "'rleDtl .ad
-\II "'" (01101'1'10, ' 'IneCclote of Zeb. TwllAlbcl,; .. M'lbolU.t clefpmlb ita lull J'lIe.ven olrped lIim... her frioilll, ..... repl.'atlllldiap. Ind I memborof llae 0 .'1 thi. '.lde De.th and pointedbllll O~l -i ADVER'TlS~UTS." · VeraoD\'ecJllfere' ceo AlOne time It. reo to mell.· · .. ....,.,... 8tockbriCice 10 ~e 8'at4 iell" A 1III!Dt lecture, but of lonrei!:n J1O~er. - =========;:;;'===10""' lalU.e. "Zeb •." .IIYI·OUr InformaDt; "ill a To \llce.conrusioll Iud to virtue, peace." · lII.n of lair ,.Ientlo, byllt I I a prea,clter .nd , I 1II1II1«:l,In.• . I!, Ibe pulplL./le i. "ave, lui· Tllol!gh by nlltu.;'o ordent aDd 'mDul~i'e. C'Dl.lI, dilnj~. Uioruuelt .,.teJOatic ler. bY'lrrlllll! divill' he was e,lIDbled to liv~' the eQUobler; but,oul of th~, pulpit. tl1ent II ' no prtllti"'ll. e,erY d.y "'rl.end." "and' chi'ili~ lD'n UvlAi who I. , more luil of rUIl lind II.u....to YltC nd error. wherever .nll 6 M... '. ,18.~Z. · ,._ ,I' II.. 0 . I h 'd h Ii db " ~ . I . . . . +1. . . ..ro Il Oil' OCCI.I un 0 W" \V1i" ; w anaver ou~ .e l'I'!Ul a " un~lIrnpru," e. NOTICn TO .·A.HMEIt~ nVILbEft,J, : \ 088Ul/JI ' Itl' bl. WI' towllr!!" ". ·..,.t or ihe IIDnu· Inll flr\emy:'-:y,e t-h!1 cllarlly .wnl 110 ' A.ND·OTURaU!.. · Hos notllill, to \10 with those Boo~· ..nd ~I conference ' or ID I..Ill'ter', ID\ COillp.DY ed 'wlth cllrt.tiaD leellnr, thot h. adrnon ~ II AVE nnw on·halul a Iqt of lalh l .hl",I~I. ,Shoe. manUfactured by r~ E. K.,'.,. IIlln andeuinOloll pinl! hODrol •• an[l·llltendke<)p· W I ~ , wi"" ."olller elarlflltap,. P ....lnl. COUll· itheel ."d mproVfd. w Ilhout il/'tf/lding. ina a "oak lulfiCient f./rthl~ rnarkul, and I nm Itreet, Dyneevil e. wher~ he mlly Ilw,Y8 · try 11111. be felltvked to hi. cocaptinlulI:. ' -, IlreparL-d Illur"iah pin .. fenCinl! 01 Dny widlh be 1I/IIIId ever ready .nd wlllin¥ ~re'l!!'nd __ ....... '. ,.__ • ltopped 1~ . \Illt ta,erll I HI. I.'.re w... ·centle and tb. ,E lementl ., ·1"lcelh.1 farmer. can allun! 10 PI>:. . to the c.1I of cu_lomer.. Beill, ttl ... r,,1 •• p ............. .. _.. hi th t'N t i ht t d W, ;:I. KEYS. fur pill favoro, a continuance qf public -~ lintrIltwcI'. I/lj~l( 10 litter DO mllEeu III m, • 1& ure JIlIl I aD Wo)'nes.iIIe. Ohio. 19-:1", . I . I I' I _.. I I h d -,. :f" • . • . po luDI,. 10 \"". 10\' 0 00 an a . . . . . . .,. bi¥~ clerl~' frleDd .waoted to uP . . '. .... EXEClU'ltOBI!I' KOTIVIl. . . Iploodtrl lI~oclr 'of Morocco, Buit,ble for' , taow be ..e.nt. '1 mlln jUlt ADd "l' to all the ~\'orld 'Thll TUE u"d.r.i,n~lI; ...·I!re. on 'lhe :1111 i. y Ladie, w-:ar, ,hlple' wlll be monur.ctllred , ' • , . ', MaYI.185jl. du!y '1uaUficld. Ea,ecllIO.... of to order wlUi lIeDtne •••11.d dt:llpalch 1 .. replied Zeb.; '!I nd 00 we.nt lbe. two He died ••1 Ire iiad ' Iiv~1 • chruti\l1l.- \1l_ ' la~1 .WII! "1I,1l 'l'e~I~llIenl ~f'l'hom .. £'''"8 N. it .AII work mlde bor. me III W~rran\-. •.... - ~.11In unl.-", ' lie t'l tl ley D urna I b'Ii rII ne...... \V~CI I I . 'VIII. .IOrl. 'I .• Inle ul Wlr. ne I pwn.hlp.1Vilr""n ). .E • ~ IIE"S • B DC k -\,00\ n ' •• l f v.. ."va a . ,' ~ce. uo ~ he Ue.: ly,OLlo,bytJlot'ro~ljo/CQUrtbf ~.iU ....Coun. unl'. ell.• • • >: •• 'gn readted·tIIe IlClhrereace. III \he early part 'J!Oke witll cQmpolure GlJd rellgn_llun . Il:!AAC E~.(~~. , ur I~ oeriInD Uae.po.rerell~ .at wjtt. clo. hi. deparl~re, W'liieil be .,tmed' to have " . JA~r1~!~ t:'~!~dtC' oed 4cI'~ I9t tl!e pur POl' of tra,,"cting a vivid preaaao;'rtell wbon tal" Phy_leilnl ' . , . pritlte bulhtH., alld _peolall" to attelld to I.ndulged a I"ope or hi. ' .rt!covery. and ell~ ."oual uamlnltloa of oach meDl~r'. ~rel'lled blmoelf rllllly aod wlllin, to lIIeet prltale oItaroCll'l', ur .fllltet con~uot dur\nll JII• .Retle~DI.r, 'He .arkoowleod&:l!d Irl. uljthe put 1 ear• Fur thl. purpole, tbe clerk worthiae'!', but trui,ecl thllt lbrouJ:h . the .called tite roll, al wu the cuttom, .nol In Imerei"''' 01 hi. _",I« CltriJt JelUl bl. duo _rae Zob.'" lI~e wuc:allod. -Do8ll ~IC~ \va.mode wltla bl~ Ilftuonl1 ·f.;hor • • ny one know wlllt apl"., the .coDduct HII r..d ~n no .lranpl' to domeltlc .lIIlc- rliJlle" 'lIiI of brother Twitchell cluria., the pa.t yoar!' tioa, ~f wllicb .lae' .pUke I. wound In, ad'eeI ~ billbUP., wb? ~ •• pre.ldln, o~" heal ind 0. atilt ,to turn hili d!lIulhra bellY- Hlo'mll"r
. i'JiJ\I.."
elaal . , 11' CUIlES LIKE.IM Gte.'
~ Child Savlld! , . CUE.-'J'he'l fllirowlnll n'd ... ', I,' IhousAnd.of aimil.'cl..rlci41r. ,DIll
. fhat Dr. .Ho,\,o·" ~ar••
p". ',.
mCII! ·,Jl1:dU ,," rlil!leili.. ~"or
'"I"'. ,
_tI . . .
II ERE, AI•LEN.Loole' lIZ EVANS I.. vr·.LA.DJ~. ju~' rt.' telvetl
a.ejor~ m~~lulI ),our .priOIl pUI~lra.t\II. 'fIlaju 9$CW;:~~:iNGSj'j]~);S~;-i;';lt;~;;; 1 SL. $110111 Gold"n .~DII, '-\Ilfll 17.11. 18&2. "'IN F. auorlUlCll1 of 8\\'le. JI)~C lin~ and . EdClna. Cllto cuhoJlllnd Llnw' :rlno.jull rccelvcd Ind lor IDle 6)' fl. &. ~cC.
cxlcil~lvCl.... I)jl oollullflll Alouk .01' DrillS 0000.,. Bunr'o13.ItlIl'bi>II•• I·..·ro."I. j ShIM,. DIG. • e~., wloid, nDne or you ellollhllill '" look "" .
and Jo'nncy &.
111'.111"'.".· ..
"r. . AfUrr a ,,_at. .1I~oee, Ze~ .• 'eDwari!,
,.' " . ;1'1~:~~~~~!!~:;~ 'fav~JI{II' ~1I!oD "~IIO froDI bls' lIt!.t, Unuo~ a clllm and tender le~ve qf ,v, anll! with ,~, "e.~1 I",:,", .nd I'lve, domure, er, me.mller .o f hi • .rIDIII~ and conoeetio.n l ru~~~10n'", Ihe 'lIu,""'••r l'.auatetl~, ... icI !Ie relt tll.t Ite bad ,. du·. pretent, IDlplrtlna .ult.ble advice to liill " tl to pe.forml 01" thlt ~e owed to 0l1li. ~1,lIdre .. , urglul t~e .. 'w live and do right ,., tbe c:bUroll, and to bimtelf. r He mUlt an tbln,l. But: a"(ew ...,. before hia tl!eref_ diaob.rr· it (e.rl".I" t,lulugb' dec:eaae be bore a telJllltOlly 1.l pin.t tbe with tff'lIIbJing. fie Ihu rel!,wd what priuclple. o(-inlldellty ... tendh" iu. parZilb. It... tokl blm wllile @lltIlni tile tl~ .. rn. !tieular ~nl!~ ill corrupt rllCl1b -.~t!. tlloie ' - ....ilellt ~vhb . lb~ I."dlurd·, w:lre • etc. Of t('nder' yllli-a • . I "." . T/I" ...... 1KIdJ of miQjAe'" W~I Jltruck H,iol 11"18 to hi. lOOieIY~to . bl.! Jn~II"-" u"NIIIa '. ~un_~ldll allhCIUI~ a few hi. Il'leud&!-lI11d ~o "I~ w ....u•• ill it 1,----;-,-'"--......-----:;-.,..--
. . . r--
Ita..,.. ,
.~I) / ..... "...
'!ptln,&IJe bblbur. hpwiul'y, for ~iMlY koc~~ .
• .' •
·n .... ·wlio k.... '" ,hi, \It..~
I.~~tf . better "'.n ,the ~el'" thl' ch.racler C?I IIIIOIt, IDd ,it iti Ulolr . ~lIdul.'iulI to ln~w
'lie UCU«d.
1IW1lop ca\lcd.l:'p ·bto!~. that '
.. . .
11.."nd •• ked hiru " ,bat be bad to lay In ' '''Delli'' i.·dloctown of life re!lluua W ~" ....l\IU' a cha,.e. Zeit. Were DI1.th denjetl. poor RI~a . Dtlllt. jivc • roff lad tiaic!c " did Ill' det.ldr 'neYer ill valli, - . -.' '""-'-n. p.·':I'., wltll IA _~ul ~rl •••, D ' h :'" 1_,' I I'... U t L_ w ._ .. ...ere ('at ....11 ""' , 0 I"~ "'III'" no. .... " _1U, h. ,~. \\lith .Iu., ,.UtI ..I. life. ' . .., . ...n dellber.tlon: •'nletv ' wu olle little DClth. wouodt to cure; ",e ran. we riae. _ • • '_.f • , cRum*t!lIICI!,ltowOl'fIr, c o n _ ,w ith the we relgD' " '.. . AIWr. J iJld uot lia ... to tbl' brother. It 8prln" frum IIU ffUera rute" III th'·... I" . . , .. ." • • ' . . '" .. lit." ~ hawe much wel_ht "lib tlte COli' ;Wher., bloomltl Eaell wl.th.... in lIG. ,illat. I,,",ou bill .Ithoulla It 111111 bft clfl""d or "'-- ih' I·ue..... h'bre thin Will la Eden ~ .rUIDle '.,.ortouce.1 wlllllllir It. I' WI~o .- '''It. . , I ·.lept whb lb. I.ndlnrd'. wif.e; ',la ( toI4 1 'fh', kllll' of terror il till' -Inceo( . ... • -ace. •.• Jl'lf Th tile brother. I "tpllA8 007II ..y.w:f' • . • .. • • • I 1on,.1Id troubled cwn\lllllUCft relued; · Who Iballl.die!-L'bea )Ive f«. • tlUer foIll1wed; ·.ild the 'out !W1ItI on '¥erl' 1M roll _ ce'led."-Kttdfi'1JGdao M,,!/"
'. '
", - .,.
0." .
FR ESU lot or A81g11 JUI' rllC!eiwed !II Golden o.U. .1' W. L.•.••ITH, uq. TheObj~'lIflhe.uChorillorepretlft"t tile dili"" 01 in Ill_ rude tNI .1.1" CIIlliin • hu f. lI , OCCUJIIIliuna and11 P.",UiI'I'C!', l 'h" re lIon. ""I.....,n hI.ller an mbllk~n I.. pal":,,, and ml'COIIct'iweri ,""wa tile Nor",.", ..... I..,wopul, *c.••.• ~ repreaf\tll Ihe p...loI,•• ad 1011111111111" 1n their nalu,.I' lift.-. a. ,!1M! •• nle,.• r. diap~.,ool in II.e llulIIMrellol of _1.1,.lbus a"'?"III, Ihll. , In the cue 01 d", .law•• 1 I...... ODIfTIU<".EHr ""TOW' MO.~ HuriNEU nu ,.~.; and Ibe 11I1l! 10 rei'll'. re~nt, ,uri II, a. "I' an:_, 10 III' 10m JU.IICII1 ~::~~;:~:~lri:[~.n:rw'~iU~,s~;~(si .. do...., .nd wb<lile _ch.nc:· Tliul\llllI~:S . .
tI,. I:!I.,,,
~~~~I,!,'j!~f:~::.:ael.!,-c~ will bo publilhad on tl,. _lIln lbout '600 III UIO 'l'be price
III"" che~'p Shlr,e A('LEN & EVANSAprll .24, 185l1 •
rim' Arrival Of . G od
. ~prmg . i
S' I
co.• .ARE·,lN REOEn'1' I • off1·I14RRllf& a '.r, larae lI()j:k"ol" "
alelf, R:.tBe &. PF..VI'IFVL . . GOODS, . 'Wel! .dapled t~ tllll JlreHn~ alld
IDII ...~JI..
O.. r _look \l'" purdlllCld III Ula . ,£M$TEBl'f ' ()ITIES,
10 II 'fer)' c:onliderbjoexler~1 for las", .nd 11r",e, fore we .ullnd \Vu...."U ' Cli 'ho very LllWQT
HO~laJ. <:\1.,)
au DHOADlYA'Y I ~~VTBO" . LIBRal'Y , , .· lUJW YUI,l,I(. . . I U.o e n~w Qnbb~~d, iIIId WIINI be reulv. ne ally tlllQU, ...e 1fll100, Good•• direct ,roll\ t~~ Europe.llD mJ!llllf'lOturere. aad c•• h ,AUCllolIII. rich. (uhlullable, r.ncy Millinery oOcid.'. 0 ltoek of Rieh 1
eomprlJe....'" warle'y of tbe aDd mOlt balutlfill (I"lln.lmported. ~~l~,~~~~~, ~l~~;:~ )(,87 of our loodl .~ maQuJactured ex. I!. preNly to our order. from our own dellllli n.,.II.'." U'I.~R"." 1.1d plltttrni. Ind .Iand unrl ... lI"d. W. !llf'or our ......... ror Det C..b, at lower prl. It ~-:"- _..jl R I A I 0" I III .ny c"'" t OUIe n met ca can al'ord. . A·t1 p,ur~h.lera wilt 60~ Itgroiatly to
lilfurre. . . . I If VA RlETY Of !ITt LD. tlea Illd corrciJpondlnl' "riIlCllt., wo el,lm @u~pae'ed L, 1111 Countr, Z>lot., .nd ~··~'\leo:lu.IOII bUI b, few. " , liieiKI. we 'eny we .rG .rtllliful fOJ atlu hall rlo'lIll hi our "Iowar.o eOntlnu.,lC4!I.¥dfrorn 1111 we ..k .1 'h~ .I,1l or the . Int.relt to rOllerve ., portlllD of thllir IlIOn. D~. P"~G et a"d mak. HI"allonl from our ~at va. W.n.ke piellure IS rr,ty or rIch chelp 600II.. .. nf'llt ~~1I. 8 E. Co . Ribbone ricb (ur Donnl!ts, ClPl, Suh.. SI(eflJ('. ."p,.. rner.~d Belts. Donnet Silb, BII~IlI, Cr,.,.., WI'YII'l!IIvliHe. 0, Avril 6. 18lit. LI.... and Tlrl.wDI. Embrol~erieo. Co~ _ - : '_ _~-":'':''''':_''':''_.L ! - _ _ _• lan. dlllmlae,~, Vapel, Sertb... Hoblb. LSO. nice 101 of CArle Pol", (or nlll by 8Ieev~ •• Culr•• ·Ed,iD.. lad InHrtinal.hy lulerl III~ntlon 10 1141....... 10 ,roo • J. H. DARNH.ftK·L Embroidered Reyjere ,Laae aDd Hem,titcb .b.re of public p.tron... ... wUl be 0 b I Hdll' n'l d' I d ........... !DS' on ., ID RJl1D PEAtlHh.-A ~ or!i~le 1m r e . . . onler jUlt received Ind (or ..Io~, Embroidered Lacea for Cap•• :~:~=~::.:~. H. HARRIS. CO., Sf,ll ot' 1118 aotI Flaal. III Lace. for Sh." II. MintWu and V.lla. "~ M.,. 5;18~2. . . HonitoD, Meehleo, Valenc","e•• rut Brue. l.Iceo. En,lilb lod · Wove Thread, s",y",., Lille 1'b~adl Inti COltall. Kid, lOll fI+ANII. LlIJ'e"bre.d, BUlI,and "wlOi 8ilk, Glo".
'.c..._ EA-at.-Thc Orana Dlrielbo. of:·lretldeo'CI III' " .. to bolcllto 8rtc Cluarterly
n. A
New Groceq ' aDd
.In'n.ou,nee ID'lhe ridlila\ of W.Jnlll, Iblt the, b.re oonlldClaced
. H." Pro. '
JlftlNDEIlSJGIIED w&n"VlLLE, OHIO. .,;-~·!I........,._~1-7.::.~t...r.~~ ...... lruJty an. UA.T • •EEltE ' . . . . . . . TO ·J. · ..nUN &0 11M eld__ of til .. ,1.011 .nd IInow-",," lie feel....~'-t_ Ihe lurroulldln, aeiabborbood that ihoy .. ha' he Inollnes &0 tbl .. II-8Jool -"" h.. 1I11~ jlMl "peaod a. GROCER" DO PROVU'ON wbethe; in Ibe "LlDlon Bulld!n,," IWO 400r__ Ih 01 ·. nlMt:. ln a bill Concert Han, on 1lI0 w.o.l lid. of Main Irroel, wher. lJIey IJilend Itoep-IIII lor NI. I .....rat 10 ... aad lJoocI_UII.nl of .n IIlnda of . tl .. :J "'GI!IOC.R.IIB .,.• •,ROYUIO.,," III c:;.~ Co,...., T"J.:~." Sale. ...,roea, dried ,meal IloIUieI, J!I . , . Cabdl". Soap, ehllll':III.'-.rrwllllili., do· CiPI'I.moa, aa 1/1•• OrIUl&el, Lemoa'il .OUI~~·II uu. and t-/UIII, Chewlb, 1'uttacoo, 8nll se,rell lleleralo, l'o"dt'r.nd 11M! I ,.oa.,.~ICI, aDd lal~ oom..... ' ID .1Ida eItUUIdIa.nw· .........:........,_______......
"'f1lbloi PLOIJ., . ."'ARb.....,
....toN!!bl'of a11,kddo ..til bo Itop. CD hand_ .ai..
S. .. r:s::=,,~ ~I"'~ . . ;;'"
' "u
_ .. ·• __ .11••
FrellCh ~fraw Lace, ~~:~~=:~'I"'.~""'"'''''' alld ltaliall. JJ
JUuery, 181i~.
PEl,'8-1 "~VII j,!" receivod • luge .l1d CAIl. be."jll'uI.lOcil. of aod WooQI ltd CoUlln Ca~tI. It. K. ODd ••,
.Il \v~llnllrala Vu", IIln Carpell, lodl. M.uln,. Impeli.l 3 pi! CIlfl..... Kur. Bln.llnp. ale.• etc., .. blcll'.WiII be IioId cbujI9r thin tbll r~ul., CillcinuU
pr~oa, 0- .• AI"! s.W.... l'AR8HALI..
BOHNET8-AnOlh.r ftjlllb lot of BonReIi .lUI rtlCCIlnd .1101 lOr ,.1" r • W. · 1'. P """L. I ..banon, 0:, Apr. 6. .
G~~~.!f!'ioW:';'~·~lr:r!~ ~~
o'Jie,.!.Mi·*fihirl m,.kftowltd~
.....-,.o~ h.. __ .....lu-
':.lU' 10 m,arked .._u.it: tr 0';r'\ai
e-801. ,
.. a r. nr.
lad Trlmmla...
10 ...... '
-,;.;~------1! =--===-=-.-:--=.,.:....-.-' ruDD VJ.BO.uI.-A .... raM . V,;..I_I...... "' .... . I U. W. II- C. U. TJl<)MA8,
FreaCh Ind APlerican Aartl.
roduliid P.floea-_ Yory prlttr '1'1.... Oall W. rwpaelfiall, _llCIt.llberol ...... ar. . . IIId Mot iiem. p... - . . 01 tblll _mumt" 118 ........ tuG· W. F. PARSIfALL. ...U~~,I . ."tol/i•••• etIII IOder &.l1li«01 ....~, .,., Lebanoo. Ohio, ~ ··tfaIaIl lII'0I11 IIIIiI qlllck ,hliIl'U," III _ ,ino_1 _to. ..r we ........... 1lor NIh pll!lfaU,. 8'-' Y.B ~~~!~,~:, All iiIldI ef Co-IIIItrJ Prod_ tabll III .... .lOla AfIIl) fur Glucen. cull .".... 01". aa ..... • "T. O. W." C. H. TIIOMAS. , r.JlIO .....~._. _~....,.:!'!"....1...,. bo lou . do ....... W. Wa,_nlle,~, AjIriI I.t, 1_ 10-1),. I,IUID ~ ~~Courl .
..1= .Ii!..::;IM ......
, .....:,...
JluIo' 0.10 ~£RWOOD. Dear Sill 1 wloth 1~1d ,ell :tr'..;.~. with. OOD It, wh.t CIIIDlI ~u= II ... 10 • It doe. lhe -.Ja • be e~lte4 ~th' I form I~ J l~ t fa a· willch tell .:, ~I...a,..:\ IIItd 111&1 nr'Ii~"b~~ 'IOld ·t~liil to pin atreDal" I" .11, m,. ..en ... '11JIIiI .tillk, • ~).mp~on. I. bM 110= ......., IIId a dftICi • .11 ooullh ..... UI.:'!!I . ~l bepo 'to illite yOtll' "".. • ••~ Ibo 111.1.,. oIa ct:.~~::s 110~ .... lie .t. leoti ..."'.. ., m,,....... Dnt. anti
lad.. in:.::t 8!!
_t:.J!r:!' _ a.
-!:u~..:ft.';'=·::'d~ mJ apjell.. "IWIMd,1IId lUI NOtorttI -1' 1 ... well no oilier JOIIf C\W.
"e( W1tWr atm he ",iQ
wal the decree of the 10lh of June. slid It if 1)0t, wilY he wo~ld make common cauae \ .nd lloud-Ior -nothing .ne•• of men and woI A certmm hmb 01 \ho law ar2ul": a ouo J luch ollih or affirmall would lIiu{r.lly b~ euppo.ed thut Ihe d")s Wllh AU8tr1a Ind goln on. shull persollallyJ a new trlul. his sec-,olld IYldb. men now-a.dnY8 where .. It all 10 endl- In one-ul our lucker cUllrt~. wus lururmed 0Il 'lU lre 01 elucbJu, ?r ',vhelhre,r he I. liller- a CdullfiY}lIu tbe judl:e sball enler O~, record of 'lllllocbl cb'e power were elided. Dut \ But by or before , tlun 0' the vef/llct ~ rt'ndered , d In SIIC I curporal Ull,. ller III owner. In Iho time when he felt Coil Ihemselv es 'Sona of PllgrIUls.· \Ipolllh~ pu),mo,u uf ~he a/nount fur do by his 1I01l0r Ihllt Ihe case I has alreo dy, Cite not 10; on the ~9th he la at Inndpruc k by hlmsclf prepared 10 .I"ckliuhl~r •• gem ur uiturney , 01' III dny whlub Iho vcrilret .1 renderP.d gild .urh toke ~p oll'Ilnsive oP- \ the~l I \\Idh 10 mercy IhOir 'oly ,randfllbeen deCided by Ihe Cuurt, I know it. ulher anOIlIl~r: und I( comm.p d of the empflror . and rec~lved by eratlolll agaill~t Hungary .111 jurur .halla llllV~r CQil1 , Ihe Allatrian i tbers could dee Ihem, 1'bey wero Irull re8pollde muy be uselled ' \lIe t\:Ou,~ .b.1I tl the attorne)" with a peculiar .. 'ch queilllun III Ih •• lIirlllatlv the roval family I1l1d member . IIr 1110 court bud been victuriou a •• 'lrch jur" rrlliJer 0 jlid!:lnenl. to Ibe ell'eet Ijlllt tile aglllllat patriota or h. l grll-rea l heDrl. of o';k- but Ibege pop f Ill- lIaul twange. for which he was Ibell60m o, heexcu80 JI'Oa IND~PENJ)ENC£' d froO/servllIg. Hlld tile pDllelahi WI Ih mni'kl!d favor. It 18 said he WbS in. aly and the Sclnve" lal~ ~ori'urlllluu sholl hold 1111, propert.y In ' of Dohenlla ; and Ihe JDya are noUulIg in Ibe , , eh tilled wllh t"leHme n.by thll III\tirllf', u. lll \\;orld but voneer· ,whbt rCdmrkablo, 'but I am 1: 0111 IU thu prllcc'~dlllll~ me ntioned for Ihe pu.~oaViled by Ihe Archdue hl'ss Suphla In theoe alfulrll of Ihtl empire 1: to prove otll ~ r "Ufe o. . ell were lor willch lhe ' ......e Was • ' pruprl~led, In aueh prosper- IDg. .alrTElf rca THE KIAMI "SITOR, thwi Ihe court Is wrung!' Alld ul It he word.: "'Iy dellr BDII ~ r expect you, Ihls oes Iroln. the Imbecile 8£0 6, It KIIIIII be Illwrul rur the .nltl lIu,l enler 11,11 .ollle \lpo" monarch had rei urn· 11 reC'Ir1. nnd Illere\Ie go on al Ihl. rate, Iho I aco WII\ wellt. fight lind lelt, wheu Ihe Judge problile IY lIIsToaf cus. fOveninll 10 lell~" He replied: U Imp erilll ed to 1111 cO)lltal ogalD. judge, Upull 1t1'1I1u" uf either purly, upun ollcb curporuti01l .hllll On the 41h of be run UU~ by hold Ihe lime 1I011ll'r gelll'ral ioll-we again inlerrupl ed him with-'I hnve decl. ! lu I••• lhe Iblluwln g WrIl to -~ I Hll:hnes 8,1 am now 110 Iunl:er Pllytillng SePlemb er.leohn g . a!leflll'. uc, urdlllilly. u lid be elllilled to t\lfcClllll' U , I thut he mliht begin, shan. I' I I b or ulher prol,er " ffieer. In·wlt:the 'I" t hove anylhlng left CONtllVE rlloa! I.UT 'WJ;l:It. but a mlxlure Iho to of , PUI ded the lhat IIIln before pU8 e~~lu" Huve. ho, W 11 t e I.herllf of---cu unly; Yuu wre hprehy therllof:pruvTded . but hlgh-lra llorl" "ThplI. my dea r III~ h. ullder Ihele ou&plclo Ihllt II upoll cl'rl'urpr l, at I lIew ue clrcumst ance8, to coxcomb Blld muhla'}, mol. The womcn. too. u8u"1 uccullIpalllmellt. fe,pullde d Ihe uttur- l c:ulllllllll trultor. I ~Xp,l'ct you tu ICn" (pul. zky show at lea tHbe lUes lded to . eOllllu", tho IW I'lve Jururd Ihere 8h~lIbe II Ie, ul,d •• aea.rnen of lils"clov eu.root, " , are no better-I tlsjhSl l 'rIley are rflared t ; wl.lc" ney. 1l0ntilluIIIg 1118 .rl1l1mOIlI. Dy tl1l9 IIdllIed IlIlhe pUllellu CHAPT ER VI. 220,) Thore were two rposon~ for thb he dlspltch ed a leller thl. Writ 1I111!!lCl'il. Ihull,'xc l'et\ 1,1 \Im,lunt Iho~ lirat n.ode, ,lilt to Sallacilleh "" rlt- up good fur 1I011llng uhder lLhe 6un, bllt to , tllna the patlelloe or ~he jud~e WOII gUllllIg ! tu '''PIV 'he proper ly JALLACHICII 411D CltO.lTJ.l. j or pre llll~I'B ~ulIglIl lu ~IIrpu"HlolI 11.,11 p"y the f Xef's. t. ' lIie doutile dee hng on the porI of IhA govern- ten bV hi. uwn halld. , I d I ' in which he r(lpudlo- put In Q bllifet. 'V hell r Will Q boy ,t WII8 " i1 be apprutl,, · tf'IJ I)y (here slole Ihe humt' o! uWIl~r 01 such WIIII.t lhe eventl recorded in the pre- mp)lt, Tho first and ,ex IduBtfd. 011 Ie WOI fit Ilor IlIclllle prl'perl), .olld 'he p",bate to lhe curl'urul lu,',) "lid u\v'I~tlli primary one. was 10 t~d the edict of depoolu oll" ThiS I' Oil hIS y (hero etute jll,jllo reI elVin Ihl' cmul'lIt au 6'r,\ dt'eidnot ao-Ihe Br lDnll1 g whefll siood III I)le 'fill!.' 11111.1111 U lomell "IOUa ch'pler were tr.",plrin~ III the eaat, mislead the 1Iiagyart h,1I1 aeyere 111110 he I the num .. ul 11,1' oWllcr or UIVII ... "",) 01/-ii DB 10 Ih e Irue lute,,- m""l1er of kep.plllg IllS royal 0.110, TillS ... d to be dl/~ •• tall retalll the IIIRla 10 c.al\ kllrhcn alld the Jye-Iub ill the eorner' - .",d-'II you \\ ,Sallach lch-w .. alEholmlr In the luulh, the tion:. of the rourl; lu per.l.t III orlllllng . Ihl'-Ilti) l ul-.-, Ihen ulld Ihl'rll tu view and Ihe-eecond IVas to letter IYO. Immedla lely pr,"~d In ~ wrIt uf certlllrur i 8h~1I Idilue, or • new Ihe Thpy werll pu 10 \vurk 011 lOun u thl'S IIIIS cuse. you que.tlun of Orollll.1O Illdepend ence. /IIuot corry It up 10 the Ihe pr""lh!e~ tlr prIOpNly ufllreduld. I t It "ep 1oltachlch a. u luol-he 1m" In their Sclavlc and Germoll III Ihl' Irlal be grlllltl'd;Olld If Ihe v<!rQ,l~t or Ihe ·, • 1 pape.rs· blltlhe MIIU- could \\ul k-th~y did II t love nu lIuraery (',uurlo f E " " I I ' ( II ' I t p.('~e llee 01 A 8 un 11\11 • 1I prube bl e IMa Inan w ... at fi r.' aclualed Heret. and Ihuugh the rrUrd .. ...U8. III. I • liD a II be led. 'hun 1119 flrat. ho 'id emperor 1lI18trusied yora pronoun ced It a lurl:ery. I I de pllrt I D u: the I <,or- secund • f I hll Jur.~ -hnil ~ I They cuulJ Rlold to run nlll'r IIlem--IIC I. • ' I ' I ' dlfli II porallu'l 'Burelu • on by pure and patrlollc motlvea. He WBI I him, he ceulU not 0" lie p'lrl 8 I r Dlullera , 11 cour, 0 errure. I d011 .I . . rep"y 10 ~ uc I ','urporat .nuw Willi. er- 01 Ihe IIWlle r (or own ... r~) •IIpJlolnte well dispose with h'. nut IIl!lieve H'lAlthe emperur wu. 10 b ,10 werell't d by rOQe UpUIl Lht' filllli dl8po81t1ononuf I.e lhe c.u~ei .shamed 10 euelld tu Ihelr 0"''' Ie!' m.,1 or educatio n, a nallVe or CronUo, a aervleel , ' The rohc)' Ihia cOllrt. lind you 'h,"1 1II0leU telurn of ol)d pruvldlHI. rqflher, of lloe' cubillel .. To IIscerllllll the truth uf Ihemalll.rlhey bnblc.!Theyculllnlewonapalcl!und .. lhut 10 ~·.Ie prof"uec l iIIierel, "nd wlehed lu lee bi. thul lunlmed IIp by II.Olnullnt.ryuUhoVeellp.ctltl!~lIwrlt.lrlol shall btl gr~ nle4. at tJle Inatance• new one of tbo IlIslo"on 8 Irnt. delegatio n to Ih" cuurl lu milk., .... III_ rucle tbe cradle besldeB, of I~e 'rbl! I(UII were Some yearl '1:0. Pliliadel phio merchal lt lu tl... colmt. on lhtt-'-,do y country pru.pero ul and free, He was e'. or Ihla perlbd. "Ostoll. ' of. tl • A, IDI' oWldler riow npr. ufdthe prib"RP,lrtb" Ql nd die I lble frlllndship fur qlliriea ntld receive all tXplanallOn, "The C I , Bill IUYO j[tIod for 10lltelhll1g 10 11'011& tllnes; lley Y(111 d I Ipn ai, • oquent. Ind In 'he eomm~nc!!meot uf hI' Ihe }fegyar•••ecret IlIrll I I' l ver IClt 0 t Ie leCOII aent a coriO of (toad. tu unalunlm op e. wrll: The IIfllredllld a l e t I. . . me Bupport of Ihe .Soulh. lung WII t~cIIUID. evoalve. ind perplexe d." shail be "j!nl'd Ly ft~ or l"~' In 811\41111jury cuuld .plII uo.! IYelive wool II,nd IIl1en hll- Aller lhe .uperellr g't 1tholl Ih~1 firetrend ercan:rr ••eerndd .101011 a Hcund Koa.uth . Belne_ llmelul denlnl lAW Ihe bille. and I thll pru"hlP Judj!e Ulld c(!rllfh'd l or lilly pdtl)ci la- Ind "<1 .atl~fuclluO W8I given. The HUh- .t>y-\\,ou unde r hid ed. lueh o\~nf'r Ihull plly tbe wholll COltll ldey, Dnd Wtftr It WI,II'I wllellune ' buxt'S Illrel) I.ncl ~d, IOqulr~d He .hltV what w .. dune In ~lIllpry .nd 1111II In tht' 8clnvl&h rl,llIg.le "h(ore they I llal uf "ffil'e.un d hI.' .1I""a1.11 JI.lIl\·er lu of Ihnlceol cret Iubdldle~ arliln II t l II to ' ld prucPl'dlllg; and Ir it .bllil mila ry were I \\n 111 t 0 COU ~u_ They eat bdon pumdge Willi a pewter could be alored. 'Leuve Ih~m herl'. it \Yun't the sherllr • copy ul Iho Auatrl ••• "d do.lred thllt .Crllltlll, too, tu Jall.chlch-Ilr~a .. tlllelll .. 1I1 qon- be mure tI.ln Ihot flht rel1~red , !ht'. CIIMte rent uttempts al m. dl· .Iun •• nd III but IWO 01 them. KOlsuth I , IlIlnlng II ¥Ppant B dr8cr SPUOII: lpllull alld 01 neh Ihey I'"rwere ot .ucflll\c~nil pru~etcllug 'I"jlill be paid by ClluulI" .Igilt happl- rMII, t(). ...g ... t. wa. Ihe I'('ply , 'Dut 1 dbre Ihouhl aliare In the bellelill of tire gener- atlun, and lit tile ume I cel 01 r .... perly blUI rllthl. ~uuKhllo bt-1I1" Ihp eurpur.tl lillie .Wve uglt.- Dlld Szemen . re8l,ned , 'l'hese Iwa were olI, er, alld betler 6ult. d tbuu the "lrI» are I notleuve Ihem thlls . al rflorrn. He procllllmf'd for her. IlIde- t,on to rt'nd~r any Clon~ihull exp"led: 101118 ur thl' flr"p.I~I~t1 wlthlll 1111'1 cuuntY;' ,nd he ahall oll 1I1I1'0s_lulo." cOIRllljnluned by Ihe AMl'mloly to trQna. ; Sao. Ill, The prubate co rt .1i~1I tr."e MW, With Ihelr Milk gOIY1 ... Ihefr Frellch j1uud" muv bu 'nendtlflee. II e.p.rale i!1.verIlDlenl enil 1\ (Kull. allJ HUllg Itlll(·I1.· BUld Ihe .upercur gu. \Yur huve 1'. 71) . III" pow", til appuillt Ih" Iwo pef' rower lu .. nmrre tlul jlldllll.ll .. I tl ' ( I ' Ii mUllleM IIIId allvl'r lurkt.),o wnmg ulld IIIUp. 'rhe Mahollledull lII~rch." ( te"dt'nld , .e I~ II u.lI\el. 0 I Ie nullO • CI.n.lllutlOll 01 her ,.wn. Tllli~ far he Will t burat hlLu II eUI" the-rtlll nolnlecl, and Ihe -h." 11'. ur fina", III Jultachl ell wellt back to Cromtla frolll I~d~ C.uel, by execu\lo D o~ ut~ It IVa. now plalll to lhe IIUllgerlllna. III!! ,bOUl: allly. pKle luee Hiler Ih. II', ~'Ilh nu- , loud IUUlC h UI hu r .. plll!t1. 'O"u't be HI"r- wrll, !,ropRr uJ1lcer IVh" 18 IU ex~mire •• Id erwl., nut h. bl.me. lor !fu•• l1lb h.d demande d IIIII.pru ck. (10 which ' , . hull. by a epelllill N!turn lI\)on the place tile emperor Ihut" Ir Ihe ndn \\/ . . .~tilll1 under Ihe .u. • JA"MES 0, JoaNsoN. 111111" 10 duo Bctlhl'm lo"".,k! Pulll.em "!~d, tlaMe ". not CI tlnd obtlined tbt' ,Dille fbr Hungnry , lhe had' lled~I' nulic~d Cllt"'"11& willi", Iijl!l lumr cl'rtlrlun der III"h und Ibut thevl"w haa be,url') D~d relll' " cd Ihu.ny 01 th e kll,g, 10 lighl him wl)uld be Spelker of Ihll 1I0u~" or Rl'pr..~'.ntltfve•• Dt II ~orly, Idlelles. i. t~le devil', fure- 1 . . ,lu oj here!' Vlrnne, e C"r -Au.trla , and tht' ' 1IolI.n. h'~ IIgll utlon. Tbe lie 'n lI,a~e."ccurdllllt t? thkCl'"1 maldlhe re' MIIgy"r. &tllI CU\lIJ to w.. witb Au.trill at leosl Indlreell y. • I W1IJ.rA M MElJlflJ.t • mUll; anll nu ehai" II 10 ~t~"nll' uthe iro'l I ' i I wl'r!' II' Itlng .ur" III tllelf cl/ulliry. But, nut b "I. The exp~II.". 01 t"klllit .ald view, ' e eOIlV d I!ce 0 f t.e " Ileep rJuphthy 01 olld II Au.trl ~ cboae to 1 Pr\,.lde, 110f tla. Sebllte• 8\ d lake pari wllh the h.blt. W"II. I 1'1 d d I 1I0bu~y ,foul.1 cI11 tl'~1 IHIII be be Wail ulIlI.ble In hili prlll'llplf" .nd pur- the emperor . '\1I':1l11 the lin.e !OKl'd In bill o~ CUOII, '11d noon er .. tie reven!!e 0, a cuwur an .vldellce .111111 be Ihe April 3u, 18611. 01 Ihedltpu . Ball. a war bet,~et''' Ihe two nallunow ould vou , IT Yen, 1111 ellher .Iile at _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _~ lie knew Whdl w... Fulkd dUll t dl8ahuulwtlUII bl' delellCO, poRe" , nd lOOn '!.ecnllle a tool 01 )lllller- .. lion uf Jqli.r.\lI ch. / Ihe tliklllg Ihereul; Prllvld,,·I. 'hat Whne.. Ille P .r1WIIIIC dellvtr('d bf' the ;~5ult. In Ihl' dilemma . Ihe As(N 61) Bland Itlll hero III tlili wurld>, Ihpy are 80, nfth .ni!. Lhe AUltflol l 10vernm f'lIt. HI! !,I•• peech Irum F~rdlllal ld belute Ihe Nil· .embly were .....eally perpll'xed hot know- iUi une wily or ~·Qlher. .ea m"y tie l'xum,ned belore lIAltl jury, IIf- AN ACT prelcrlbl~~ 1I1~'II'O 'd f'r,elebl 011 lfthey uun't e draw .... uIB Oil IIy.ppolll • A fal~e balbfuln e te Qan (1.or d)' uf eft. I, more dlltrucll ye ler Ihelt relurn II) the eourt afore.uld , .n~ ru- liollul A_lillilibly. (The P"lulIne wu, klllg " in'" Whil cduref! 10 pursue. K"ISUlh Huw· Ihe .Ied up hili. t Iitj 'II bid R.llruad .. •> ' U e ~ I !Ill! d uIVn.- to. ""LUUU' mind thlln bwd 1I'l:lll1lllon». Ille .'ia •• rld lhll III'P"illllilelll ~uve ttllli . III Ilach celIO 8h"1I be ' conducle loree u to B uf I DUllgU'y Be It euoclt' I I by proxy . Ulld • ~I"d uf medl' ever wos fur defenil!n " Ihe COU lllrv " I d b II I G pner 1 i t I II ' , EO, ,t at IlIi AJam WOB no farmer nnd E~e WUI nu ·Iri.h I lerea ler II .01 pi'u b • a 0 euur, U 10 ~ .. elllbly • bll dUIII"I. to 01 IllIe SI.te of OhioIe That • u~ur b~lweell Ibll cuurl .lId the HUII!:"rl- huuord8 It ..anlA II10uper that tile ,,11.1 "I clYl1 e",,~ \ )1 .lur b i Ihe d king f hlld h upllcilly d ' tuld \1'111' ur'mgg" r wench' 10 w!'il UplHl her, It , Ilul while lie WII c.rrying uut the de· an~) 111 ",11., 1" IIlter • 10 e I III uly Q eoc lin ,'~ry ra • tlullllg III .. lIe~~ u\ th~1Il lu du 80 o. v llell as tWice, IJ~ w.a III ''9n~ulll( 'd Inlhp colur' 01 C!omll\un ple~_ ro¥~ campen) ' whule ~IDP uf rond extend. Whut do Ihe.e poplllj .y. '''1 IU Ihot'I." l'lIl' 1\ 1111: t I algll. II A ""lrI" u/ It 10 pe"p Ie. 'I,eedy ane.@UrI!8 lu IIleet the ~xt rhurdllla- fUr!UJlpo H. of .!'I" rllUII y In which ,alii pruC"flIlllgo I. ur ~h.1I herellite r bit rllrlg Ihe klllf: In all hl,luwf ul.ct.. A.hullle d'II tbe u Id .,,1 'k I • .•~ ~ II wllrr.,,' .eltended to .nYpIQc . • lId nl~lIIg .lId tqulrplu r UII army. be 'ry "~Igcnc,ed 01 th~ h81l' PruyllIpd ,hal II 1I10rtt , VIe I,Illy I • '" lillie •• be ~Il).: "eru- bUI IV IR for IIhandolllng him in ull Ilia un' 0f • I I'd b Itl Ihall ILhre. JU II. • • or toi a pur Adum nt 0 II"erW •• Il·t nob • • .dy-Eve ' WIIID'1 .1 lIubudy wo. 10f\\ .rdlllir • ~pefllt Ie Iwmf' ul hlil .,IU hU H .rlg!! " ill ulld"I:I\I , BY AU'fHO IC.l'r'i • \ ~!I~fMII~"p~~tl~:nll:~ ~"I~Oe rA~: ~,~~ )'.:Id I"cllulo with kGn1 0fr I the nllvlil,b •• u ..e~IUun, -' • lu\~ lull'ne,. Hi. pohcy wa, udouled. anll I-they '. cloll. klluw aU that. • uWII. "I which hlo fOYlI1 '''I'"d, I\neIV no- n ,'lIdd ul urllled rt'bel. • or ul .er WI,t .. 0 Illtrnl mpre'l'lI le pt hu\o bruk('11 \111' IIIf'uure . of de fe nal' IVere cI.HJlmellced. [prubute J Idge eh.1I hllve pOll/pr til IIX the ~1l1ullgl • . Dq 10 tl\l. Stille, 10 8a .011 ealabBut Illey clnlt wurk-II ,.,y .,e '0 ,Iell, ~hlil'. 1111~ pr"JPlit wu !lull illig l~d81"ll n pence ot tile (N 60] fi'ee ond cUlllllrf. ,'udiN • , 01 • II .deh IlIl Ue whb("~11 .llIc.'re 1 t~ All Ihe eye. lI.h. ,,'er" tH"1I' of rnl~. ror Iho tr.napon ltlou nuw I\lrnf'd • \I, 11,1 thl! muve- ealt-the ., .re 10 weuk y" I S I 1 I • PI"'y f I <)1111111 11 Ihe .unll', Wh.t ' t"~ Ulliun ul II II I,e "w~ AN ... C~ to pruvlde lut COmpl'ndhtlon "" .., I Ii uv c rll,.e," w 111\' WISh 01 hl ~ IIIIIj ~Iy tel uvuld QII'II wur, * ''0 , ... 1 tl ,•. ~ .1 I ' • * meDta 1)1 Jullacili ch. w~u IVUI evidently D\jIue "1'i I '" d ft' II of mrfcb.n dlill. pru!IuCt'. Inu 01 lei P!OPf "tm ~ 10 we~. t 1- .,110 . ' , Ie uwn r or OWn(hl. ot I ~ erty ron ...el) 0 yuur , III uWnfrl 0 I Ilr Iyutl) prtol,~rly .v~r JIIIUle, 11" d i II 1\ II qlllllll' Ip" except 'I'prup l"IICil.tu IIIr .It h., ' lrutn 11 1$ )'ulIr 'ji1S' olld ellie' dilly to proUIdc I'r lIoelr anj:h I "lIurdllln " . IIa the co I.l IIlI'y is I fill prppulll g lor sume greut underl" k"".;- chum IfrmUlul, your wu~lle~w • ," ··I'd lu thp uie 01 cd.,lorlit , I ' d I h rlll~ or I k Itu,ola, ir.IO one lI.tll/lI, ulldcr one guY ' 1M rIIt a'fl8Hqu llw fur. " "ulRn III' IMj I ' pulnl UI Illllfllect uu. on " t , I bII un· BBc 1. De It pnacled by lolll Ihe (; P'IPf ul be. urc "" nuwn. Itrlflrlflg lhe /rQl"J«d Un Ihp 9110 Seplemb er .11 duu\lts cuncern · ur ~u lIut rl" .Ie Within , luwlulJu . r 111011 flilruud complny lu churp your uwn 11,,1_ .buut It. It mlile Mman A 'mhly I lhl' Stattl ,rnllll·" . 'I hf're wu. 8eere.t "urresl,o ll- ',aF/l/uIIII!I oj lIuJ COUII/ry. ur 01110 Th.t 0" , lhe COUIlIY whllrll Buch prollPrlY lI1~y b" " hl~ n"wemel ' elC, '1.h~ de. In'" the nuture or ' d Ulol h or rrcelve bny hl,h.r tile Ipr Ir.n~J.!Ordng iIIIt lia wer.e wumell or l h u 01 e ri ,ran • .rs, III d II tl Ie opprlll,rll .hulIll'll I mllller c. t,ed ou rmCiJ O( illl! country eI lirA! III re IallUII 1111114 MIII'h t.llrflUrlltl ll!onK On by IlrIy"te II. prop pru~Nly r II lu lilt> tli • I . d Ad " &W, "will . frum 'thl! ",Ived by hlol advance unlU HUllllurian .oil . . . ""ty ' I 'I b _1m or mere IIUIII I!:&e. ptuull dId • t1i or p,vp b' ' .. r blol)d ain't rlln UUI. tl'), I ' " .'pr, IIUI IIIrIZ.. Mgellt ur uttorn· y.' 8 IIII II ()v.r" ~ 100 bel"'f'e n Ihe 01 (·r \Uole ol , any In eVl'ry I'lIrpMUl "oll erellt runc I11'11 u r lIt' al orltr dl'lllDe" elr lnuIV "", 1)IHke 04 ../ »ubJt'GI 10 which. ulldpi Ih ese ~Xlrll- No Aooner had he r~oched road thu ll lit , um,lIivll to Ihllt 18('1 MIIIl ~h.1I nevI h oj ~ ¥ I I "" .. I ur' d , lh th., l,t nifty d MallYu IlereufLe ~ "1 ler· lomet Ini let. ". r IU' " er~tlled \11 wtat f.ml'y 01 dll~ I(enerll: I.ll le; lilt" the orlilllor) elfcum.t u • • • .. r I I b or ~ ce wetll'lun .c~r lIce. , I cull tbe ottell- (/Iury. thun he was juillad by.1Z ({Wlllon \ I to ~uc ••• ,ill! ~lIch -1"len .nt II. I. reqlllr Chft~eL\ d I 'II u I I Ibl. 011111, w \Ie I muy e uUI '1'or III" I by I.IV e.thel~ tar! lur ti'un.p"r I. , ~ ule tu bII lie to .nd lrolDI _eu _:I I .iI~" .o~ I UII ....e lone. t db I , d 1'lllt w.~ ~I IlIvl; ,It 10 uO t I 1 . . . . luch »pprup" IIulI f II I nell, IV per I ect"", 11 Illr the tlnn II v .. 1)1 ht , e the y IlUcllIble t , t! IIown leCIOlI1I I , " DC1, .. I" " , d 'l'prt'8el ltIl1l\U. - of AudrUlft ' roap.. FUidlbl( the Hun,.~ ' d bt I ul"iI til pay uf inler.ecl lo,l .. afuruald ,I 0 ",,,,,... "1 , I r a man 1101 In I ' '" e Ie " , .. prob"te conrili od .ball ullu pdbrr.. l, In .<lOle hlll,'el Th, II1gnnllu . II or r upfll'rng way er fa'r any Oilier II every POrL \\8. HI. maJ~.l" trU'18. dldt the repretie, "8to iI.. . .". 'IR,I ev.,ry Jlurp()dll whlrh ' " '\Ie b 'I·' d .AlD " ,er " h e d I't bll" I , Il.- mna IInpr~pllred fur In ' I 'ftliun,I I I I ' h b' 1\' h ntlv. II n pu .. op ilion M! I ' mlrk IIPOll y f "" II • I" to be Ihe IIlU~hI" 01 HUlIg.rv by J blluch. lIvoa Will adopt 81 , mNy I' w I lin I II acupe 0 t e, elfll I au I lIew' 1t~II"ru clrcu ~I un II lUI' DInY '1JUd!l and (Jl'propria/ll do- l ,nurcheJ Ihruugil lhe COUnlf$ .t the heod him; but It is Ilul.o now..-he cuun~y fpr 0Ihlllerm ur luur weeki .n .d. (' .(lubllllh ita (oril!' of "pulH on IclI. ",hv Willi Iwked "pOp I~ OUf' ul th~ cillon. "pun aU maW'r. ulea nut ~ Ih,:t 1y uf .UII~I rorpllr~~o"! Ahnll b~ mude Vl'rll ~p:nelll CUllllrcled with of lil ~' thou •• nd lulrllllr., bU'lIIn, lo~n. p.,-b.'1 , • 10 1 cbeat II~a'; ~rpr h.t bel- an ,1'OAl uf'tl III ccur uncll WII I I,e pro' I 'he propprl1l1 CI",lullll ng II .11'~c"plion uf P .riane tIIUV"";, ...d ... d"lIblllll l. IIIle'I~. llie Mftty Ind _Ira .... of Ihe ol/tlnlry .I,d ' OIIS{ht to be nppl'IJp"IIt:C/, allal ~~ \I t . . at-l'-t ) 0.& IIMt Il~,t VI'I vll"'g on. a I I 8 DC • ,.lIIurde rlrig, Jlllluginll' nd r e. • !1 .. 11(·e C!tI lu ..cure Irum hllh.elf • PUll IlIjlb III HII fll'jt!til)' h.1 Ih_, • Ih~)I .... ""v' ,.... lIIulie "ppU.tl on Q SEO. lI, Wh'·flllv.. r an)' .uch c!QrporJlt- ' .a:cQl'dfllr to I.w. 1l,I\.IIUI'h learllpd wllh itLp JttJmg6 1f0)' llIg. untIl he w"' wlthlll a .hort • proptl., • dt.- ; can ehe.' dIe fUlen .. Ihe .ulhurlty III the Ilew·form ed empire,' ;" 001 ,egr~j 4,,11 dupltofl fellow. It lion .hnll WllIh tu m',!;e ~ny ~u, h IPllrup.l . IIPf!cllyl lr. (.) Ihl III Crull- lonce "f P ellih Ihe cllpltnl. G~n!: r.I llr Ihe d!\y which 'hIt be wlt~a::J~~~~~~~!J~~ I " .Itlllli.h lng how ~hpper" thrllO fellulVw at(ull. und Rhull be utl~b e to p/I'rpe Till'" while he WI. III the It!crt\t of Au.· tie alld "" Ihe lower ' Willi tell dlv. frulII Iho 'nplrllllu ll 01 '"Iii O:lIIl1bc elll' fRlltd,,1 HQlltmulln wllh , .0 AIIMlfIIlD cllrpa WOI t Ie - the own,!' or flWllers or Iho I'rllp"rlY .re, SII 1'1 h roug h ItIe 1111111 II e t IIV' • • trt •• It" wa. &1110 in .11. uwn • II Ch J I ~ IR!crel, olld rebell,OU8 a9" ak!. have ~lldt,,"" •. " 1 1 IJ 1 1" ' ul ,uur k u we~., I11'11'1 f 1 I 'he " 1"lIl1ble II IIry 1.1 II"uP .~urdrrpd w/lUlllt \0 meet bill!. wblle anolher budy Uilt II lUon t 1111 u CllA: I ",. to u oDpr"llflUtE'u, or wlI I ~ . Iler 1I, I illtl\r"CI ~ fur . I IN allY t p 1I.' uell nsp- ur their nulhurlzl.1l Bnent or nUllrllry. uplln while !leilli URet.! b) the klllg and cubllieL La"l. of thl'lf CUUlltrr Il... , ' • c ., I IJ &1·' 8. d III cu I111'1~ "d'" tl u II10 /' etll I .. f'tC. f I It. Til la . of . d AU8trhll\ I f i l ~ l ullder ilOilO ill¢ general .. aru!'t'.qld.J1I1Y lean Rull were t0 Plllg U oneo IleDl l 6 . g",em, .. I·' pd u ., tlllrl' t VI''' Itr; Hadup e,he w. . . I.odhpln 811 aama UIl"" *1I1l1 the compell~8110'1Ip bll pn u Iher llior. It 1t'"II.nel ed '\lId .wurn "1 q Jury ue II \ lurLllerl tated tl ..lt "hl. maJl'lly ,Iii firmly lorm I re~erve In I 1WI 01 811cl I,rll)ted • by thl' pr\l b 0 f"b I' b bftl~jl\d/l8 v e n pay I /.1 I'I de'IIII~ h Ihe rllar. To oppoae 1, \'ll tl luu.cur I IIII '"b I I • Tbl. lec.~' IIIf1Ul"ncf'. ullkllow n .Hk~ 10 relolved " tu ma intain I. IIY' II the~.. • h a Ii be t lIe J"I)'u f 6U"' h corp '( futlc," • ~, Ind Ih~ pru(ef'cjlllgl ' c'url \lilt 11 I Ie iI~1II11 .Ia IOVI! oen clanIhe integrily qf hi_ this Ifray' the HUI\(lRriun. ' h.d-noU lIlIg whuit Ih.relllll ·r be d b • • (Dr .. little •• pOIIIlble. pucket .11 they cap III !,rop.'r {IAlt:pr. I'd ( ,ey I b rd (dl ' I Auetrle alltl Hunilrr , iv •• one or Ihe kingdom "lgaln,I .11 Ollcl'thur .. • I ~u I c:ulI~llclt'd III eccutdun ce Wllh Iho PI'IJVI.- ~~ 8tl!h":<ll~I" "tl • I au.,kl 'ruDl .bro.d, "lIeir Itlr(',e•• III .n not exceedin g filf1 k I I k make Ollt n atulellle nt. IV Ie lI"llllli'I'I a~de .¥·Ieu:t \II~ra:;: In ('un,uln I I ~ 01 till" Icl CIIrr,: It'll III I ma e ,1I .mUI, lIIaln-.p ring' tu the Serbian . SIlI.vic and "~Id e,.ID~t.II discord 81M e a epclllfiG dUdr.rl!'ti r • on of eurh pllr~el 01 1 u wlthlll the realm * thuuund were In IhB ean 6,htlng Ihe 8 rrl d " II null,'\! 01 lIuell abllll,e elVeh by III 11 or ' lhemllelvee, clear ulr the .pUlltr.ra. An lap prope.IY ~ntl rlbl Crultl&n rebellion . The Duh~mlan., whu • • will allow "0 one hts ~oul!hllU be Mpprop ,. to curllil the free- Serba. ~ Imull body, however . W.' llIu~. I~f! l lllro~,~n~~oue ~I: 8e,,} cllrd, 10 be plJlltillll l IIlore&oltl; anilft • Ihelr finlerl at th"rr credllorl! . go to Cali- uted. within th~ cOllnl' where ~uch "'.11 lebelled al"lnal Au»tn., .l1d lor a dum or the Inhalllla nis ""nd uppl\. :c~: ~I~,:il ~~~h \:er~'v: u"l~roJuil~:'''~r II IIhl"wlnl lur .JlI~h tuIj\P~IIJ.. 1111 oIB,b.1I • exprOlIO llllll ~el'(''' 11110 .ervice; but the commuDder, ,ornlll, lod '. h I n al ' ull be mude . d lind whlrh "fib" Silch CI,r· or t 10 ' gran, no I tiwe wire vlcluriOUI, 1ft the perl .... bC their rll6pltOsrtre witl. the W ere, co 10 I I I I I' "f. ogelll'. lu ev, "or .tu' lJIl't to ev. d e V • I. I It. dyy lur thl!lf •• rvk('•• IIlId five c"111 fler mlllt duringo mtd"" of tboee. Ollinger dclierted and joined Ihe rebel •• In d I. ' 'Good "I.nowA ' 'f purat 011 It lie t 1111' u r 1111 n.. dr.wbuc k free ,vorehuu gill" au,' I or .. ellill aplll. 8 II I- I In "nF! Ifll&lrlt pruept!rlt)' hid ' "roclalm ed tillS tl!M ..... 1ure kllUltr' I 8, .. I :IOU., tl d I I .om.. II ent .~ekt tu appropr lat. "r Ihl.' wurk If , .Ir every 1111 e u r. ·1 111.1 eIIy 011.'-1 act. or belnu under Au.trlan illfluenc e HI, aucIII I. ullce I~y IIIUV IIdler mullo ur mUPllf'r, Ihe P,."YIII,,01 of (u I of Ihea. felluwI had lived r"rly ye.r••go. :y :nlendrd to tic • b""~ e ~..t·lntentl un, llld InVited Ihelr . eun81rOe 6 ll'J thprellpl· ,". brei ... " "Mo6tda hb elilm ' PI I ' lied . IIU trluvelll'ln 111 1'1 bdllehurged m~ kI t4e 14111" (",hieh Ije hlld hIlOMI ct'880r. Telekl. dl~ Ihe . h I ib Irelltht~I/~. Iccordln , to Ibo prillted IDrill' I' . I hi' ..me, The p"la- they ded b .L C put t em u pr l i t ~ r dul en; t ,e • lerl IIIIU 1 e tllllllie of .un Ani a ~ye d I I~.r Ihe name or namlla 0 r II II,' uwuers 0 ft'IIe, to 10 01 em. '0 . tl' l'hl'relll prllYldl'd • t WII Inlen y ...em 10 to mlintall l) "CIIII Mile Ica4m ploce with Au ' luuh let'8 u. he lOlly ~e .lIuwed b'llllw (or b d rll • ~~ tine T I ,I ..... d r lili ' parrl'l look Ibe Ir field kn"wn Ilext, ur but If 1I0t. de,.erled 0 IIQI~mellt , hi. e.~. du"1 bilL thrlr meOllu,"" we*", 11/, planed. ffUljul!l',l'flOUikitlge. or ill lhe I b h 01 Ihai fOCI. Ind·wur.h IIKIpIIH' t eEl •. B. I 8t .,Ie ""we 0 pu e wor kI nt ~hol1 be i lllllliur .e'vIC~. "\lereat III or ul post \I r ClllIe¥. IInti fled to Vif!nna. Tilu. by Ibe ut e dh.1I II II. roby IIUlhurzcd Illd .. ~qulfl.\d 10 :'p~r, L dl d d b th It' n t r .. ul y execllte ,an forlhwllh filrd with the prubule Judlle of nut be .III1W cd 8I1ythUlg 1 e aU"por e. hI. royal hOUle'" (Deliver t'd July 8~b worat of ,IIIII'lble ,wl·y u~ nlit eOlell .od evrry rMlir\lll~ wIIIPlllY III BUDaw ay _.,ch.. . .1II,lny theM! three ,ener.1I be· 4ea/erltd . The r.ce w •• not Ihrlll not fil 1 8 4 8 ) ' pouOllufl e;I t I'" wlln~~"'" "11 Ihe prop'rr mou nl" f!Ida .uweu 'I 81 I d III II I d .dher".., I" auch , t lrayed -their tamt II I ' aud Irf\ Ihe coUlllry t i f t lIlk b ,II. K.te Con"III Ul, 10 a Illtt Amerlc. n OI~, II 0" III. U I b I ,. Of Hac, 3 TI,,,, ahell he the duty of the :1~7edur~~ U~::I~~'~C~ ~/:IIII;'; ur ~ guvemm t'u, .. n .. • w UP. o:~·~ Courl.r. mike. Ihe lulluwillllr IIen.lble re- prou.u> jl'dge un II'rer.plving or e"o~~: rol\) ul In-illht ~iI !~Iprllb.()~ibed tilth,. Icl, Tllf're II • di~ollalmer fur yuu, MOly"a ! open to tbe rapacity of p a brllta' .nd »IV? .ueh ""Iic • ttl II: b I Tbf' conrt. recelVL-ci IUOle 1I,.'rueti un 0 Gu to work. now, Ind I I Ie I II I hI cUII .. r\ac~ 'Ultuu I) r, I(ea .cr""l .n~ dl t I Illy Ih.. Iprk 01 the e"u.t IlIUII P .... ; Ihe IIru ,ute d light thele "relicl." IIlfe .oldiery. All QVW .IW th., Jall.ch~ 10 be U - I nllvllJallle Cllllal, marBI. oUI run.way bma e I e: I b .nd f('pd~rI •• 11i( k ",.Ier ,.iI.chu lb·. latenll." "" and he wu Ium- wllhu'" r~er of oll'elldhl :rl:~m~~: ~~.a Dlld .hprill' 0 1 the MUll Ilul'I··d t\l enlll'I'II" chulr"eJU vI, I Ihrl!e , the kin,. He Ich dld·llard wa •• ctm, IIllpruV.,lIIpIII8, n&fllll!!!" [yer •• • 'r b)' COn81'1It. II I••• ,.IC nul k 'c!' u~ rill naD""YI milA: ell.eelo 0 emir-.d t pea 'lle10f'e the Ihrone and ' or .....1 tlt.lemen t'•• lId Mllid d .. rk IIlId .h"r- I:::r:,e :~I~ lh~ wlll~~e _ o.p r II II I " ~lItl:V::::;, :~~II~: Ilike r~8IlrvvirS' ,vllh \'Illloh 'l aldlY o~ III:~ • I! hae denounc ed J"'II~blch II I "hleb-u al,· by comman d of tho k ",II OIIP nauro. 1 newer II' h II '11111 one day ing•• 11 • t I" pU\'lo I .rd 01 I• b.. I~ ueolle. of'('f r. cpivilllc ']twt au Iccullbt of biM . lte'llanll blp. BUI tlr" and Idmeelf • Nul r" from UI re- I . " WI I III thlli Il\te .re~lIn tl! • Or W UI and folJuwera .. '<l",dl- er Of Auttri • .vuto be dr ..aded If ~e II a I Irom Ihe pHld Io} th" cI.rpurllUull e", klllif lu milk!! cllllal» . .. ..l.... waa l Ie I d lO ' wh ich Ihe Uru PPYd hid \I ..w~"re til' 1111' . Ilu<h nollce. prduceed till" ect ........ w .. ao pruo I a""mll I' 11m, 1\1 j Bueh .pproprllltlOlI: l'ruv,tI",I. IIUlI BUlh ul audl rJ.,1l or c"llIIetl~ tioul rebel.... wlduw la y, 1i' u u~ • Irum In oppos"d; while on Ihe uther balld. nut to IIamPI r .. lurn. fO.aliI necl'ulu hll!y r6il• 10 .~rvl' U Jur", A. I \I'y C II r II h ~,. I 11.11 'I' ftI er ."ellt or h I JIIII.. aloCl 1'.4Illdemll him ull the .uppot'tl on IlIi I ' of tWf'lve m." In the IAmll manner Ih"1 < urpu" Tile Magy.rs be"n to rrepare 10 put oppoae him wallO ah.ndun er 011 •• I II I P 0 U 'Ilt 1 Ihe '''m • nllder Ille 'Upenl, l"n "r 'al d ' the coulltry. exoe lelnlt mut lI n: ne.llllt·le..,7te r.u~.~~W:II,; jilt"'" • b hi motive• • 11 'nnt exf h • m I'" ';, are .~I:cled fur Ihe trlul ur Iny ::~~~I:I:!':I ~11~~.::11 \~~II~I:f.: d OWl. ~~I •• e I h " d I _ d" wn tho rlaillg; bllt II JlII.chlc · wor I "'" p~~h.,~IJ yu • ~d'/l~ I bUlinl. ~ndlln\ _udch hli ann .. rl'~tWI III" nrllt In,~ "" h h. Ihl'ir lioml!a .nd all I .t 11 . . ere lU' II! I muthl!r of three e. u I or commlln plena lor etl, til. IIl1al, .0 he Will dl ..ml ••ecI. I.." committ ed 110 hoslilltle ,rewn dllujble rl. "ltry CU:1I8ell~n IIIs~e ul • lerru~1 or II pI' e I,e nnv /1:0" 0 ,uCu I e:Ii",.lIn un,J vlIllIllI • Ih fl t1"pullt Wllh •• Id "IB s. Ind WIS onl, he.rt 01 I palrlot. 01 Ibe IWO evil•• the I ... r ~uch 8m"ullt of• cIII,,,I. fel!dolt, .'uClkw. ter Imp,ro,. lueut; r 'I b h i d die wbule .dullt.~ in the .udlellc:e. ·. . .rmina: .ud eqUlppl J lelt btl the II li P P \r t' g e I' h IYn~r or rnuulw .... thl'y IIIUY tI ... m • JUdi and l'qllln, aultllere, .. ,el, the leuer WI. deem"" lhe I,,·.tell ; .nd "'IVI,lnbl" tlver atreao.,I "ke, or re ..er~tllrl in ODe 0 WI ~v~; upe ;I;,t.eeu y:;r ul ~~::~~: 8;:ftllr.~;;.~~::au~'~p f'~,tlll~d 10. by be ~ep~ hll own CtJllnl!8l. to hIDlel'lf. Ind ""hulll force ul Iho Huupri elll Per lull.'O cumPi"l lllull m.rched .elf delen" the 8I1u,... nna were driv!!u yuunge~~ ~")' ~~ fl ";Ie. ~ Ie .lId lI,uk:D rea,,'," o · MU, h "lflrl;prlUtilil': Mn.III...... ld fi~"III~;~J'I~~lu}?, for the p:d 1It,llld PrtJ'ld~tI. h \\;e~l!r. tI,nl bl!rure the perml..... III th. aecret of the c.blnel, He fll· .gllnat the Serbs... f.: ~1:~;0~1.1::1 ~u~o ex"'~: .Iull if ."~t1 Du~rd:I:;1I be ,~v1 fur,~le lId .. before. r~lllied 1010 1\ civil w.t, or. r.lhn. luto wle With t d I.. hi a"e, :~I' ~. tbe"::a¥anp'ht 01 lb. 01": cl@rk Mhnll ilnmpddllll~IYt r·lhl~rn tbh"t nj:T p: Ih .. IImuullt "u ~epo~IIl' ' d urne \U • wor k • Tbl. w•• In MI) . - Ilefealtd b J ' Ulem in a tbe wholl' rOlu :~rl~~:~1 ;~m "P~~'Y d:.lrf.~" : c.;~e~:~, .ned \ ,e.r ulen e all el. A"ltrla. 10 S tie til , luru.a ~ falVn II .. pro" P. 'I!, rile nru ·" ..dill" 0111111d, bl' beca e eonYi,,~ ... ul th6r Mluwed bv hrr chlld,oll ' Ilid whu can 01 I 011·" tqll.llv ~11"lltllpl1'"nnn I U fI eU'JlHVr de! InlUe 1If~ Yfl"'p m Ii d I h fllo u . I " ~ &yer.1 thinlP .t Ihle tlllle (Auedll)' C .. ' I I d I dlVldl,df build the .. nle, ,h.1l GIUIlO I CoDlP Il'te cl!-' • VI , Genen' IIIIge I"CUedl 'd the Palatine .be blalllo but herll'Hr I'U b"'",l'el' t ,(' curpClrll1 .. n.n I 1ft ' • IIl1itltid l'l Mble Bu~ Ihe w"rllL reo rln. .\w.er 0 , .II!I', lib (" ,I~ d.ttrmln ecllho .eta 01 Jall.chlc h, .The III the Iherlft Clr ulher prllflr.'''... din r btld- deotilln.,tllf. UJ ~er uf .ueh prupprly In ca8C of III. ,.fulul I I r"'mlll,n der. He ,aw and lelt IIIe po- I, Rllln.ye . . _ _ Ie ducumf' nt 01 Ihe 101 0 '181 to ICo .~ra.m tl p "I 0 a II r. b lJIIII~'i" .ucb e.l .. tto lie tuld. Til\! ~Ide.~ hu .1- Ihe Ct/unly. I lu ~uldanmun lutth I L l • , Jllrnor~'(lm eoe I --~ &I.vllcl t.. UIII bOdy uf Ihe.Sela ve.llIll cept b Iha .Ime·. _ <III ~.~trr KIn 10 d \I!I~~: d'ftwn which R8 hlot'cuun ::; • "'PO.. ~pru tl1",o8 ... mrllt:. fiver: , I ... p "en; ul rudy been dltuned by her luulb.nd . whu d \ ~II 0 1IOIItJt, declared him to be In ·rlt.'ur, Ilin.,- Ihe o"rtl. or. HUII,.ry h fil'd .t Ihe .. mre 01 .. Id Judl/e ' • ~ ' I 8EO 9 All the prure""l nla hl!r.el .. be- Itl'('.m, wuW not be j ln.IP;" of uerhDg hlm.. I(. 10 retIal'(' her b~. pue IlIko or rl!lI4!rvol •• to !If' IIle d lin tu Calilorulw. 11II11 ...t w~k abe n~,~ :~~~~d~lhe day. Irum ...d • IIIIII-trll"U', Ar,er ~_l'ltul.'lhl illductd 10 JOin the Il Ie Ihe I",uln~ rure p'uYldet.! lur III tIle p,ub.'1! rourl ...... 11 "mill' uf relt cun~rae, uf clluse. he lollo",ed if' a cuod degree Ihe h.d tu t.1ce »belter .... ItWlI ui HII"pry lind th"lt II~DI protlli Bo.rd 01 Publlo Worka III \Jje 1I .. 'lIe "I ht-r of IlIlti Vl'lIIre. Ihen and or Ih~re I 10 he em- be up~n lu (!lCcl'l'lI"n~, III Ihe .. mr 111.1111.' H I Ih ... foel'~ l!lt'y reolilaed ruthllli In Ihe r l .,e p• of bll 'predCOCI' Sial\,. and the .ame .IIall 06 'pP!'U.. td i d d n In IO'ON. • J".' vprdl! I Ih., "XC"plll Nfl! IIr ",ay De tlk,." 1" rlv,l thl. e relrealed I)hlluhw d; lhe second d.lltrhttl f I. v"lolI' (~ 1••, chapler) tbe mUI·.rc I ~'::.. lIn1utude tu the .40",1 IUIII, lur PMllj l' .11 B\V~r I rendnr by 'Hid buerd, or by tbe ae\101 coanal... n .. r de c.lb,.d' a~d .1 .. ' . III ,he c'lll' .. fut Ibelr rn..",.. , tu • !Irung ""lItlolJ .,Velenc iz". alld a""lturl 01 eOlllQlOn pin.; ."d el· loner In chatge uf Ihe cllvl.lun of lh. p"bI divorce, Ibu\lllh .he b~. n"l IIl!ell Ullr- ~h~ll~ n~~r.~e,~m:r~r"~,m On to ..,. WI! will lIec!p out rOJal 0 • ity tu Ihem, declhrecl Ih-t tllcy prelerrl!cl llnll such v~"lrp. ther rarlY In"Y luk& the lillie up III to the lie work. ed III!' f'n~my.11I1 ".my belDi reaulvpd tu t!!en oIlUllth,llumied. Ah, In which .ald ~riClj:e lli.1I be pro" tfl.1 nenr Itl I... u" ~ nollce to Ihe ICYf'ral ow III'''' or ~uurt I~ .,.'ClUlla ~ our roy.1 Whjec:~~ tu live untltr the ",yemln l'u, 01 luch . ' filthl. "f cummlln plea. of th jf tr"per 1'0u,n· 1 poud III be buill, ICtlnLb /I.e !I.d nut '-n .ble t~ find & fit an e.,1 huur place y"ur huntll I aOI~vrltJ l In III t uf I . pr"r<:.IY 10 !OU~"t I? be epprilprl ~'f'd, Url~~~~nu~.:::!rl Iorbearlli , tu lhe "'~"t who repenl. b nuble 1 ..11 aenero\U peopl •• thIn Dlld~r the pl•• e tl/ 01.11 • • •t.nd ~r~~':·~:e;~li~"I!~:~g ~~~l ~~: :o~r:~;I!I~~o~ on· ':I~' 11'~'': .Il Ihe w.y from Y"""1l mwn who wOlild cuunel yuu ~o \llallrfllbly _ere toward. IllIbburl l tra ll- .badow ot' cletpollo thp Ilm~ wh;" :81d i.u:~h"..iIi 1~'I:e :~~e Ih~ Blin:! 01 I pr~elpe. In which n.e ilucb PrnJI!ed . ,rutther, RU"II, whlcb hltUlr .. f' In Ihe caVlt.1! .nd 10 h.d re- lellY&! y"ur p~re"t.. 1 hume! tb.l no bridp , ... bit at II cruw I.u om;e 0 h .jl J~lfc:' :ucli .l,~rill' ur utile; .'xrllpllll ~ 11 Prf!aj! n1111!H - lIeyel'(') would be rir. cert.in reault or thl"r reVlI- trth•• ll~ a'I)lII&'1l a lid lie. led bylhe p",b.le erccttd undt-r tbe 8utbCltil, 01 Ihia 11act, lfod from potttcl pc!'1 whhuul ltflltlPl ' d\!prlv" tll_ whu have lIulI".h" d YOIl. a"d "8. wbll reYultB .1l"D'l \he Ilw. ,evull.ll lutlollal1 OIOVl!m'lIIl~ aucct'llif ~:.~:I: :~"e UpUII Ihe pori, Ih('rein judJre•• hull be ,aken and clln.ldt', ..4 !'•• wnloh ul. bl".... The 1I.lOu , b.d bUI fillet''' tliuu- With ,weel hope bne • ,.I.I\l/II r a YII 'hruae which "","I u p - ' .han nol b, eubject" .t \l,e P"'lI:r . luokl'<t lurwllrd to ~)lI:leti .. t Ihe III ~~"'IIIII' allOh VPIII,f', 011 I'. uf II~~ r,curu, uf o .udl prloceed1IOb",;1 Cllllt and 'llpenae Of leb d '11 ....d b Thl. dldCOllf lll'lllhp 8dbl IPd C",.I •• !\IIn4 mell, ~w rerroll' . , S · 4 It I ~I be Ih. dll')' or Ih" ~"er- phrl an I equ,p!"" " Ihe 11.1 ul yUlU IIIMRI'8'e benelllb them Pruvlded ... III f'II UIII: I.w. lau B.rllo S.lIlchi ch I. acru.· end ",lIderH th. prlDlII'1' we I writ 01 Cllrt. un, • I ,h'l tbe .1I1.e, to l4Ie b •.nre' .D EC •• n . fllcer r.cel, !n .cheme "r J 0'- tu "ppuae Ilialy thoUMnd VlClOrlouA lroup', own r.be liIlIucd wllblll SrlHn doy. fmOl r thp rentlOna.a mly btCC/IIM 1I. . . n,., aec:e"'1 rwf; l I.. cruel to rull IhelD ul till' 111"1 ur ~I~~r clr:uro .u~;i1l1on· with 1i1.1tUWI10&II adbert'n u,or oot 011- I"fllnch nut lu In imptHIIlb 1 Ihe Jlf'to'O:' dmun 01 I he judlClllelrt ,n a.IIe p",b.tt b, any iliry. HI, hb- ; .anpl"e of .u..ct'e~, well ermed. w"b G h.ppl". Impro",mc>at. elt_hO ll' or elll.,.. ... JI .. Wlllf ble_1 "rlvl"'jle Iu ;;:::er:I: :;m:ct, In' 1111' •• mJ\ It ....JIO'ing th,l.w. bat pe,...IIII, Ih hfll l I IIIMnntr i I I 111"t I , I. cuu-t; I ad 11I.lulI , pro- pllrk ,f "".d Irtlll.ry If!rvcd ill ellctllen t ble",y"u pru"illi'd , that lIIul'h c:"rpuratillo mml. of Ihl! I.."el 1I('uch .. cII.ibt.tIlt.ace .....nI... 01 th J.u..rbt u:- .r. prln. aaI. feedtro or r ,,"100 snd Wllllfll" )'\J\Ir .nd Jur<lr. are lummon Nl ttl ,U,"i! WIe I I I " Ihe cOllrl ahllll han Ibe rljthl. UII thl' IIlIdlllll 01 lbe , 'laekwat ,rT'mprv .....' 1.1 I I I t .. fa • • • mlll .1, d. end ",hidl h.d .endefed 'i biOI Oil- numper b, Aualnm . lrum' emfH'I I 11lid II bJ re...,n of I or- ),our hUlbeud '" juJ. lie ""'"' w:.,.haWi ...~Iho Wi • It I IIt1ll~"S lu '"IPICiuIIO .~ IlOIIrtj Duw c:..n , ..0 Ibeu 01 cllinmu: p eAlilftil n '10. I'.JIUoOl! or for jury rn Ihe ,rubute CUll", to pll' luto eoart SIQ,.. ".It ' ....-," rI lbe Imoolll "I cuOlpe ....llun ... h.und •• lId mad collpenl ea laa b"pn 10 my, ~hil, Ihell. wert! thelf chen(\e. lur rou t~'1D thla Btete -d",ir ...... Jl"rllclpa reewd tio~ fo thatJ..,- n~..~~:~~; ;::~e 'U~;I ~ry .h.1I ~ut he pr!lcPf'd tu eDtH upun .nd .pproprl ... ... 01 .:UII~';ZP I(b III:' IIbb live w.y 10 III. Irielldl), leelln,. luwllrd, viclrorJ' Ind boW . Iender the hopt" of Ihe OIN brld.l. ete brll".. uver .ny of tbe aavl,. . . .~ • tow.rd» which "ley I*el to JIIUr.t • II)" PI .... iIt!tlD ~u" Ihe .het'I'" ;hlll lUI the ~Ime .,Ith lO(lb propertr • lbe .rehduke ot Ind lrohduch clllt'i, who "ad M'o.rfl · But.1I . aowhba ttadin, /'" c._ ~ .1U1l ,:.,., :1Da:u:;~a:' wu at ,t,b •• nd DlU.t III ollnyy "'" lwilluir ,_&rd! D.~l.; tal~.rO .. n. II~ ID. hk<; ClIIlt'I III Ihe cuurt of mlly tie re mllve~ lu Ilitl coufl UloD ,-ou:a :=-: , t.IIU bin. b)' tbe h&M. II Cuaa r,(II:.~~lr!'hich : ' a..~ lllIpaIr the ...... and 8aUmd be defellded. On came 1"II.chle h wl'b len ",bu elope. areal , ~•• 4I.c lrum pareaw hiDl He bf',.n tu look to Ihl court ror hi. con.""rl. . hUllt. ,I;:;,. 10 If the OOIIrt 01 _IlIOn pl.... tiun tht;.eol. &lie .W ~""i• •lIIIlatlon thlt cNW II Inl' JU1 IIC I latller•• Ind mOlb- , ror II..:.II '\Vhf'n a.rd of JIlIIiIII. ""n, dl""~yed. I,HI bJ Ihll """" Ie.llenee pro~otton. Puwer the , ...el II 110 IIII'CI It u n Ihl' he.,ln, IIr till' cau..... ah.n allrm .bd pl.,1 were hll lD hit wide path. Oa.lh, Itth 01 Bt-pl_ er'e IIt_lhe S Workl iii btrebj ...-ked till ,.,.It .... I"'116C11 ,lun I&pvae.lYIIII IU thr d,q",,,, 01 .aarch, . I 01 their .ha'~1H! lh. dU I, or I'" probate Jllalp to net blOOn I( he C'OUld IIOt '"' .t ltI'r lhe .reI," were II11'J al aclrutb rr Juclfml'P t.of .... pNb.te cUllrr, III llIe If' ,._In ~~~;:~ pte- cia"",. , ..,ritd " thllr OWID ....Ide.-, .dDlIII'.l er the III tbllllll" It were 1M i!tIUU'!'_ 10illl.II I' n.th tu Ih.. ju., euebl In .. Id CUIIrfOl ......::: Pi"'. ~1D:e d - ; '8c'~'10 na\loa h.. _lei ... ' peml for bettl,. The lett If 80n"." ah~1 .. 1I,*"1I 4Id tIU~ "bey he ia -~~tbe i~btld r a:r lOtI . ., I A lIridll1 el . . . her. It uop.aur. ul 1 e aad OcId·• • .o t'mpanl'ltci. tG-wlt; 1'1/11 8act.:.lhd .aeb~~ I be p.ld b, 'Ibe ~:,,"t ~ • .... ..... Jt;fatI the IaWlul' atnlM!ri\lea. aad cUte ••• hljh d (earful .1' brr \a:::~'~::"'~ a a e ~ U i. • pult III the raplre .. pillal- ... IU - -....d ...... tb:L lb. 10f ,00 _lOle,., ,11 Iwear (CII' .... rDl.) t I. writ Ul Mrt uN III , bllllile .111 "qt.1.I "W .. .... , ...... - . ......1....... ble But the lrat -.Ifct w..... JW ..ill jolt" .... Ilipard. lI, _ , Ie- ' .lId If .... ,hIli "'"1M tIIch jlldtrlll.nt• . . onb "I- II. PNfe.... IiWi .. •• , foordIn, lINt ~al. abe u.., .... U..... 1. A Srial. 1114 I.. urlal fOl', eaJNClaUr. II II " fal.ed. \ .. . . '1'0. aolmft D. "Jolla." . . . . " .... 10 lilt : . ; 0:':: :"'.":iC !h tric:iUl. .... ::i \ 111 ....... ... , . . wltll ....... the iHortd e!- .,ou" DOt . . ....... ..... CD Iatot derecI,n,. the • •" " cltrll. ".111 Ih.1 WII • OOIIII..,ltl, lUll of ..... 1- dou.r ... bldl JOU tuuIc fnam thlll&lt ft.,J" te .......... of(...,. .., . .vllllCli be helel.t tha lb........ .. 01 Ih . . . . III ..lie ..... .• ... ..... ,"",",I' orij(lalI JudP!'tl t. or 1ItI,"" ~ ~ meM. • -Y_alr." .... J ....... . lie . . . ....·) .. $
11'- . -1 ....
B fe..
1.ldeo .
nr ••
-r ....
' ;fit
eom".? &I': ...
::: •-. NOIW~':";::~:K
=~ a ••M,
altar," .
or~bJ" .......'" ...
TIl ....... .. tile .... poaI&Ioa of ...
.........,1111. . . . .
_·_OI~ ..~~_~...:/ftatI'"
, . . " - - - ' ....L
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::,~ &rial fII
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ordc:r I"pt IIIe mn)'
IIblt!d lu c!lmp'ltcl~ the PUb!tCU IIUliOf llill lawe pu,..,d b, II e Gent'rDI A~'t Qlbly elf Ihl8 81al4> at II. In'le'"elol befure Ihe erlll of ,b It volume or 01 f paper \VB .~aJl De. ee.illrily have 11/ dey ole • 11Ie,,,r eploe to' tho m IbDn we have bfl'h d,!1! & for ."me I me PUll! We do 001 .ol en d apoloalZ hg for doing 80 for lVe believe Ihl' II e P~ pie Illouid be pOlled
In Ihue maUrt.,
and 10 v con Ihf)" unle .. !,hilI hne Iii op "urlunlt)' of ~o IIi 80 At tlr, lilt' /le __ loll 01 II e Lcgl.lallJte I'lefe WII not Inucla
dllne UIIII W-" uf ;JerI ireat tnli9rlance/
{No 66 "J AN AOT to deline the dutt of turere of .1111 BEC I B. It enacted by lire Genetal Auemblv cJf the Stille of Ohio rltal It 'hall be the duty of an manulacturer. .aliin Ibe State of Ohio to have tbe lime
TIll \/"Y llghl doo appellr 111 bet II ciullClf thllt Ihe,. did not get till da" hglll ' rer It touk Iheul
.boQt holf an hour to travel ana bluek when I llAw th~m whlcb WOI lit b.lf pUlt
,I'I Ihe hllie Iha' wae Iccompll,lIt'd,11 uul4 "'e fully underaluod bJ tht. c'lIlu~n. 01 tlu. slale Our mu.l nnpoFtunt obJect In pubI ,hlo, tho fll\ll I, to oblilin eom I1l1n" wherewuh to tDullle \I. to pu_h a he~d it Itmle longer \~ Itlt our paper WI! gel w~1I paid fur publlshln, Ibe IIIII" It ~ did 1I0l we COllid not blaye perh~p. 1.111 lallbd OIII.,J( II UI far In thll publicat Oil l,f our poper 11 en do not u, a word
e ->] II
1 0 clock tlII8 DlOrnlnl(
o::TAt Ihe IDte
le •• lon
of U.. Gil lien I
1 he,e Jult bl'on Q'n board the OI'U«1l.' Cpntfrcnce of the Methodi. t Ep ..c . l Oil!! one of tbe U S MotU Steumi " p CJtU'uh, Dr 8 milson, eeMor 01 The We.t, 00 ,vellel., "lth fife frlendl \\ bo &0 to ern Clln.tlan Advocl\le p~bll.hell In Cw
Aspinwall ill her, Io-morrow, enroultt lot CtllnGll, OhiO WII elected and ortlahwil Sin FrllncJ8Cu 'I wo of them hltye III blfhop~ togelltar w~th tbe Revs L Scot(, reldy been 10 CIUlo'DII ••,d tl eY'.Ylhat E R ~mel, Ind () C nlker Dr C AeplDwallla cieatlJled to become. 1\ plaNt Ellioll, whu " .. e,dltor ur the AdvoCllte, of ClODI derlble Importance Tho ,..owlh to the Ippumlment of J>r S mp:;
u e
• I cerLlf,. that the rore,olDIIf J••• blVe
1 ,' 1 "
NBW YOaK c:oaP'PP.OIrD CB ........ 8IAIII . . . . . . .
ORIGINAL "LET N(.)T THY HEART TIE TRounLED .. wnl'M'rlI fOil THe ."'NI "ISITOR VAC.t1tUY F(,n A D./cTua -GrUlner the Illdlnn Ag"lIllll New M~XICO, wrol~ 1,01"" Why .hould Ihy loul be 80011 on Ihe 31st 01 Ahrch,thll' he know IIf nn Wbat Iho 10 ~ay, Grief robol Iho cllI'lhl open In, for all I!n terl'flsong phYSIcian, II '10 morrow ' IWIII be Ilad vncollcy hllli h ~n pened 8.ld I,e lold Iluw With lI"hu:III 0011/11 01 mlrthOne of Ihe EUIWI. 00 the Run JU811 R lvpr 'I ho' Cine 8 lull mc&Ouro lIla~ be doubled WD~ tukrn 8' k, "'Id an I ndlan doctor from Ihee, leI 1I1J1 tllJ' hurt u. Itouul.d the Rlu Verdt', \VIM cI>lIed III to att-nd 10 ,Vlldly Ihe w.vea may roll, 111m OWing to thll strenj!t'l of the ell-eu l e APII eklc, IIIUY \:'lIh.r ulltkl) round, or tho "tukne.. ofthe pre.crJpllon of tl e ;>:"61 /alit nOl-hll iuy .oul dllctor, the pillent died and Ivue burled In t Iallb'. lillr Irwl. aboundTh. tirlel 8 lull mcnaure IIlBY be doubled Afler Ihe fUllenllhf' Dr wutnkt'll by Ille 'J 0 IIlw, 1.1 1\01 110) h.. rt Il~ Iroul;lod frl( nIl. (if the deceupd !ltd ,IP, eh"1 und
'} °
Thadrawlng lime ilhurOh look' how owoclly sblnel, "bove ,'l110 clou~1 '9 darkly urcnr, Yon 1110111111"1: Slar 01 Lo.at Tllo' Falb'. dark m u~ure 'lI ~y ba doublod 'J.'o Ulon lei hOi Ihy honrl bo l~oulilud
.0IJLARS CllfT~ Slb"Ho, Jscnnel nnd ,"-,S,l\o' <.. ~llli!' Slid ",ocnl llll" •• ~r) l ot~o
&Iuck Jual
."d lur "" J ~ ch u ft~
\V,I' J' AW:mAI,L
~,~p'2 S9\\ DllllES AND UF.Ar DO~ I,AIt$ U:>i HJ:;UIlaVt.U al AUun & Bv.,ld U 101
ul r8uJy mutl. :;\ulIlIllcr Qunla .nd ,cal8 Illnt will oal\ I1I ~h Ibe nUllvc. 1'l\cll III b.lor. Ihey ure all &ono Sllln ill 1100 GMti lit ~r lcr.
.culppd, hie wile'. ho,lr IVII ~ ~ut ofl, h'B hOll_e bnrned, cvntuII1IIIg .Ii hid prul'!!r!y, and all hi. Holm"l" kllltd Th" 1ft the hi .. thesp ) IltlIKI1", rA!lIulupog 'rh III vllcftncy i_ yet IInfill~d
Apri l 17,
1 ~2.
LOSAlhg the Germoll phill/Mpher, betll rel"Arkllllly .b~ent mfllded. kllo tkt>d It III~ 0" n door one j!\1rmllg, wl ... n Ihe 8crvllnt, IOllklour out orth,!! wllld )\v, and not r~cog 1 ·"e'~r, lriler~~L,f nlelng hIm eold, 'The Prol .. ~.,lr II not I' ~ Fntal ACI,,4cllt. hOllie' Olt, very well,' ulll Ltl'~lIIg comSnUIIEI'IVILLEi, June 6. J> III j:1l11lulI w .. belolr fired dUll Ilt"rnOOIl p06e,l1v , wlllklflg IIwny, ,1 .hull coil unuth demonstrative D' rt'jltlclog at Ihe numlll 11011 by llae Bahllnore Convfnlloll/ it bur.t Billo"bouy ray. ,Iont our pndslGna Dr.1! 01 In.lunl)y killl"g olle In.lI, lin .I .~vl'rrly der th"n our reU8u n~, bl,lcftllsO p "~81011 S oro WoUDlllIIg Clllolher born wllh u8,I,ut rall"PI'1 tlun ' t follow 1111 1=ell. Pu>rce" N l/onhJf\t!UD. u lonll lllllP. oftl)r Tiol. I, 11 slmuer \tpUII D08'1'tJIt. June 6, P III Gilnerbi Pier~ ~ all bailie. When a ~~by 18 BpBllkon, Ind hi. ,.dy <lire 'lopp"'!: at the 1'ru,"unt don't lIe h l, l1er~ Vel Anti hll ~ II'1 loa HUUlej lind when the. Intt!lIlgenc" of Q reos n,,' Ye., uud a mighty Iluad IIOUllnGtlon WI. commuulcltted tu It tv - Carpe' Bag was qIJ1t ,.~ol1,'hod NUfl\eroUI frJl!lId~ C.III1~ UPI)" I I n to cong'r"tul"le 111m He Iravl1!S lor CllIln\Jrd on 1I1(IIIdlly. where lloe Ilew. 01 1.1. numlll~hult WUI rucelyed with every dC!llUnotrl\IU/I u1 Jq) 'rile virtue of 11'(I.pcrll)' 16 trmpcruce,
Ihe vlf\ue ..1 edll'rSII),
We regret to Icarn, thut • •I ~t le .on Jl.r Jumeil R eIly of Sulelll toW,I.h,P, W' 8 l r.c ldNllully shill b~ ••00
or Mr
I uhn M
\VQ Ah(luld not relnln l'l e rcmell)bernllce of flult. w~ hllve unc" Ir'~ co ,
\Vhit,ee r•• 1 &!Iddleborougll, on 1I1ulllj,l} E, ry ~;\ CIJ m'\lutn a t'IIIIJ ,s born lutl The twu b"y. were pl h) lOgo w,th L"!lUOII, Dlltl eVNY mne mlnutel aile I IIUll "II'Pused 10 tie I\liloaotllj wlle /l Jerry Whltlcer •• Id," Rllt,>)' 'I'll ~ hOl!l YUII,' II IllmIJ/edJlI .-Iy IQycl~4 the plt'ce IIII~ shut Itl"" the" 0/111.1 " oylng 'at~ I III 1\ fe\" l,ollrA WI Ilarhl.'r. WII tell CIt "Ieven yelnl uf Dll'e pnll all f only '!¥ or d~ven -UIHJ1I/)/I &tni ~Tl:ST IItvll Mr.luC~ - rhe I~DI" nt'p~re IllIye tl.teil Irolll M."~lco as
II" ,he ad 1111,
(,O'"Dr S D HII\\ .... d Shbk(lr SurinplJ. rallu, 1lll\ rrl1srtl III unull,er cC!llInlll, I~ tm All ""I,.luuul WIS arrea'cd III Cordo\II (or enaelv"r,.llf to Intup:yle tw.elve tIIOI- i" ~\JiJ.J FUllilly IIIl'ulc(nl! It pUrifies the 1.lId "l,.r dulln.III lIunr burrel. HI. oX "Iuod "1'.1 r'tvent~, all "ell IIi cured-It III "UM ",.1 tltut he «onct.lt'd Il,"", 10 eiJCU~ high ly . puk eD of I" Clllwftnlllt.und 18 there called Ihe I)oor lIlan" !flelld Beu otlver· tile rublt"r. 011 Ihe W 11, Ille
The N4;W 1'01 Low. 'the tIIemb.en of Ibe Gelleral ~~.en,b", '1 ht,.o IDtent on nank deatrucliyn, iheJ ~wed very lIule DttllnllOIl to tho pbfnl provl.Io11I1 of the new Tdl bill VerY IIlall1 01 tbe pNvldlonl uf the ,el are .laevnlun t, nCK Dnl"!lun lallnal, and the wIlli lei II 10 cuntJlllt wllh the COnltllutloa. We ' balve 1.lely .1lt!1I .n oplnloa orone of the mo~t I!mlllBot II"'· J~ In tb. SIlt", d~I.'lllr Ihfo Till IIIW i.
1"~I"'l!t CUllftlUt, in ."veral partlcularl, ~ lilt COIi.lltallon, lOti tllerelore null
... ...,\ Of till. Ille relilllr m,y JuLI,e ..... , ultlm.tel, tho Court. wtll lI_ve tu ·".lbI9,,"tlon. , Tbe 0...1 l"lt blllnd" dllcovered WI',
.nd 0,PC11111l:
onu oU., fI
10 c~ ~ul1
FIrst Arrival· Of
Spring Gopds!
co, AilE IN I • ofH •U1IRRIS lar"" slock nl • &,
A ~ ry
GOODS, W ell ado\lt.d to iho (lr..cnl and "J'proD.II
IOI! Fe. /Ina
Ullr Block ".e Jlurct.&•• .J. 111 Iho
11 bll
Curn. 1P I< Burl\'y, 11 I, O.ts i1 doz
26 <il'~8c
tllc J8~
Outs, ,\1 bu
f b~1 'f 1;\\'1
fluur, do
3,2lic 1,50c
Butl,er, ~ III Eggt. i> dOl: Lurd Looso, 11 Ib POlalqu, , bu Apples, V UU ,Iried
JOc 6n
45@50c 82,00 J ,60c
Fl'uthcr', ,
RIO Cuffee
Nt'''''\ Orleans SUGnr, 11 11>, 81r.· Mllple, do I '7~~io New nr~n. YtIQI"Ie., , !lnl OOc Surr HOI,se MuI8M,e", , ~al. 60r Maple Muluue •• fl CIII bO@75c Peppe"
'f .,
191! 19r~
L>lk" SaU, 11 bbl, Flu Saed ~ bu.
2 :Ill SOc
6J,c"ft~:rr, Junos
thAl /Iu pru"i,.o/l .1. lIPIde lor Lallal re.1
Flour,... The mar\tel remallli firm. WII" , Cli, cleGlllld, IOd ... I~ t,,-d.y ul 100 brl.o (rum ".8.11, n II"d brolld., at 88,16, and 900 ,,,,,m .Iure al ,3,l10 R. celv~d lhe I.., . , bOil .... JllbO IIrl.. Pro,.hml_TM oDly ..1.. burd of 1011'1" llIIOtIM .JOI'lIAl th.. SIIIe. Nu Iii- dly w•• S60 No. I lard (eluUnl!)') .t lilt .~ e." _Irord • lepl remedy lur 9!c. Ttlere II .ome h'qalry lor pork lad ,1Ieca_llle CuttetIUlli\l/lt'lllp"-ly IIlwn, buttlae ul bu) .... aad tI'l' tlse Gen.nl A..e,,"bl, ,baU are ,.r"lIt • .." au power to ,... ftlnjoactlve la ••, Wloiollte)'.-Salelof IOU brl. from '" laWI "peri \lip obJilllltoa 01. IJIII "Itrnl.;; .t i8je, and 190 du • "..e GII:Dtni A_albly lIIay dl.· lrum du Io-d., Il lhl! "Ole, 118 do (.OD! ...... 0. .... ,.... .. ..... nll••".c, tIu (,". . . . . 0.11,1, 4.0 1Io . . . . . . ~ I. lu lrum ,,,,,, ID. 160 ,,.. - - ud ....0. - - -... tar .. wtalt .......11* TIle m.,k~ .,. ""ter.-A ... 01 .9 .klaalalr at ..c. ' I _ . .I• of . . w.a.
...,.-A ....
n. .........
MILIJINERl" DUSINE"$ · In Iho corner room 01 Al len \ IUl es d'I~ \hnl! 2 dOors .,'u,h 01 Vr l:cloJdnrtl I ofHce illulIl @\I<Ol anti" ,II 00 IJh,.~t<d I haVll 1110 CUIIOIII ~ I Iho Luull.r &61 Wa)'lIunl~" and 111'0 COUll Ir), II ne,nlly 1 (IllY uro "rapart .1 10 do Ih.I , \lork III til. Inool ncol '"I1II:>J>hlonalilu munller 'IIlJ at tho must (t..:tnt(n ,..\110 p-ricdl
AIi \\ utk ~II ruih.d 10 Ihcm ,,,II be dona nc !lOrdl,,!: '0 order, and lhdr lit blcal 111111 will
b., 11.1 pl nap
~.f" ~Y,llIe
JO o
cl"ck~ lIS, ,
fI"le' 1'111' .1. 10000tl OIIt ill lime to P'" a .... " . baal. I.nd. It II now ,"Ied ,h.t ", "p"allna all ta& 1....,lbto .bole Imhunl o( the - ..itS laoXl'l. relurnf'd 00 the cleltllqUl'nl lilt, Ie ,e .. IUIII It lhll be 10, a nry-
l;x"uiJn , cuutns IlIg ul J RI'NCII AND fl:NGLlSJI
iJn h~ (lur vllJ CUIlOIlI.11
A conducllI arrived III V\:u Cruz. qll 1/11 'Ilh ult. with ~l,708.265 In Rllvt'r
'l'he electfJg t , l!'graph bel" lI"n OrJEnvo and Veto ellUI \Va. Ilomp'pt d, DIIII the fifel de'pAfch!'. were exchanged on the ~t\1 1111 BUl lhe robber~ IIlullr tbe rou.!, r~'tlnlf the renlu\lon)! of the leleg ra ph cut and detitToypd 51 1,000 feel of the "lire ~e l)1)lnpl"Y on lellrnllli the nelll sllnt u lumber of Illemplo),e ... wl.b 6rllt rale wife bOlthey wrre met by tb" bUlldlu, robbl!el .I!II IIt!lteh. Th,e Marel.ex trouR Iud rellcbcd Mox1
our SPItiNG AND 8U~llt1ER GOOnS 1'0111 1110 l:.a ,lloTII cl" •• , "Iual w.~ r.~p"o'lul\y
~ c:orr"lpulllh.·'jlln the PorVi'lIlr return mend. thaI thll rllilroud ocro~a Ihe "''''lIIIUM .! ut'r"huuntopoclhIlUlti be uUllt by M"d l:1
New GoOds. ·
\l iE AlIII:.
10 gm
•• I~ by '" W "" C 1\ J UOM "-IS NOlle!!: s hereh)' gnl'lllholihe ulldcr. il:'lcd hnb~< n II'I",IIIIOU by Ibo! I'rul>a lU COurt 01 WArren
U April leI, 1852
AIUI TVDlJ, &.ci
J) :)
G MIl 'J 185'2
lU .fAIUIEII8, BUILDER", "l(U O1,IJ£htf.
H AVE noW 0" 110",111 lut 01 I.Ih , eblngle. .nd co"",,un 1,1"e bo."lo, Iud hll.nd kilt p 1111: •• llIck aulio.UIIII 19r Ihl. morkel and I."" pn' p.,\d II lui".h VIii. I~"c/o ljt 0' any idlll Ill" Imce Lhat lu",or. can afford to I'0y W I::i hEY
WaynMI 11Ie, Ohlo n"EClJTOn~'
IfE UI111 ~t~Ig-II~U IfHe Oil llou ~J.t doy 01 Jltllf, ta!JJ ,lull' quohti.,d n. b;X"cnIOt6 01 .. _ luI WIll dnll r"".uIOlltol 1 hOllla. !>VIIO U ,IDle 01 W.ynl< J u""ol,II', W.rre" (joYII fy. uMu. b)' Ib I rClba'8 l,\lur~1I1 IDIII cutlnlY
I \}\(( l!.VA 81
JA::IOll! l!.VA~::; Ellfo 01 '141011'" t.'t:.,,~ dtic. ,
lo ~
1..0 I. u.It\l l nl ¥lra Wr lJu lIU/II. NUN .,1 Ih U'(.I~ 01 1.1011".11 ..,dr/Ilk dec. Ille 01 \ aylle 1v\\ll.hlp, Wornll counl)' UJIJO N01IC~
Il A!)T~ItN c ..a I ES """bI, Mote LlirbU;tlll." to • very co,,; IClurbl .. eXlc,,1 for CASU ond A lIUVj, hJ\~ I ffJi: 'J IM~' lore wo ."11 1\1111 \\ 11.1. .eU II (ho ver, EI!TITt.BD "jlur.. 111 P. AT'I liE. I!IOU'fI!~OR J N VARIETY OF lJTl'LES. quolhl" .nd c"'re8pondln~ prJcq. elolm (1) b" .un ~"ftl ~y 110 Country Slorf alld Ali"t"."ClJ!'no" JIorll "nd Inthient. equ. led bu, by low D elnr: ""rrnIlYf 10 Ollr Irl lid , we .O~. we IIr. IIrnolfu l (or IN 1 !'IE RJ!!"J.. ",LIFE OF THE pu" I.vor. 0"1)' •• 11 ~u qll In our I'o".r 10 LOWLY II iJ .rve Ih~lr CoII,lnuollce, &nll Irolll .n we uk 11" 'Y L II .NITti, EIIQ I coli al Iho 01,," 01 Ih~ ullhollnlll')r RED FI>AG 01 011.1 lOQk' We I.k. pl.n.~r" .. lIood~ evell trwe ~u 1101 Boll Sl~n of the ned Flng., S E Mol" &. North !ltref lg Wo ~ne" III"\ 0 A~t11 G 1852
I \.ICI.,,))
l'UC.I 1:.8. - A prim.. Dtll./o
" JUIII rte IvtJd and Iur fil e \)y 1 Ii lIARIU::;", CO, SIIJIl of tho Red Flail
M.y 6,
New Grocery and Provia· ion Store. IN
IIfo ntr..I, lb.. Aa,hm.uc al 1111 ie"ar a\ our CirellI., 'e worl" ihe IlleIn·
'ftere I•• world or Havill liIt.",h," t1,.lU'o WlI~
ID ~hIt .bad.ofUlI GOUIIUY. hoq...... cll"""olll p'1,e" A. "ou, ~II".' ~1"lcfo,oUl, oflb..p, lad CIOIUI,
Ill!! IIbll' th)'O~ 1" a p.lr of brl,hl -.Id m.llet! aWl,. In a bewitching dlilt JOu .e,,,r dre.lllpt of tlU tho mlil,omOI wu dUDe In tow II., Ind the.lrllll, and th~ wel/llbUe. o( the rich and tilled, IlIlr, )'OUll. O~ ),out gaard, YOIl tnllw' whllt you are AAp'uleli to lind put on ,. our
bl'el.tpillte and pap throllgh thl mQat dOldlr 01l,11Ugllt 01 be.uty alld
lIOutJd Dut In tlloluyl yon relt,CUI'l!, 'ure!llI)T:"_I,IIU 'YIII' illl[ or nlallliogales, lind
lowlnr of ox~n. ,.m ar. ta'ken b, Out .tepe
fair creature.
rl e8~ aolVOIII4/1eH \\ Itl Olhtll'fl II ut SUllilcet IbellllelvoolO Iho l'urcbll.ur 8t hrl! ~IIII I elllnOI la I to rH der 1I1~ Slove 0 Ie 01 very
leap. a .tl\e~ you .tart, you .tQrid"~loilt
wODder, lltonlshmemt and atlmlfatlon, you \ake Oli"ollr tab\etl to write I 1011 net 011 return of the nympha and dryads to the earth up comell Jobn Tompkins, .lId 'h'. only tho farmer. dnughter What have fil"\1era 811ch clau,~ ten1 IId\y V.., I ~JI you they /laVIl auoh oa.llgo"e!'8-- r, thoae firm huuae. ate tlllugcrou8 places o~liged by onll being sellt Inlml'dlate Let 110 man WIth a poelical Ima.ll1ll3t on, u he WIllies to cut hl8 own COTn. lIfr whIch 18 but IIl1ull ('r numll for a very tl1)1 PUQob would not hovo troobled tbe cell1 der heart lIatter blloeell wllh flinCles or brated Amer can HUBiey but 'liS OWII wife calm delights of tbe counlry ~ltb tloll a< III 8uoh • lillY bu,.~y, that alUI wlil rene Idea of Iluln, with tbe fDrm"r in h ~ no! perfurm Iht! operation pequ!red Old fllilloned ohlJDney corner and heDr All enllgltlentld 8!,'l'ulultur ala out Wt'sl 101I,I1Im'talk .bout corn I"tl mulloll, of thlOke Ihut the bllet way 10 make (orme" Jolllln, him ill the- pensive plel8urel of grow lIIaddt'r f~ to poke em Wltla .harp 1!1~ lind brown JUIl 01 October of Il8ten etlcb -llorJicu1tul',."
II at h•• ever lwe I unroduced l\1s)I 2S 18,)1
1I 0 Woat lll-U
JiERMs One copy of 1\1 ]l1&l(o&lno anol one of Ihe
Two e 'Pica 01 tJ c M~llaJrno t10printl
d Iwo of
Five C<!pic. of Ibo I\logolUne Inollive 01 Ilta prinl Gild an IIlIlra copy of each '!York 1(11)0 g.mer liP of he Club 111
in, to the goeerp of the comrortablll rar mer's wffe ot or
the par8011 8Dd Ilia flmily
o~ hi. lermlllld and hie
tenth !,11t over .Irll
,rllot cup of young hy.op, or I..ppmg &I.llclou' IllXul'Ie8 of cUltard. and whIpped I:reama To WIlIIlIi I filiry "81011 of lYOn cIloUI W~Ic:llljrYl alltl WIth.. curte8Y aDd • • oule of moat wlnDrng mYSterlOU8 ma, c, uke. her aeat Ju.t ~\lpo.lte It II tbe mer _ daugl1tl1r
II: lively creature
tlptoen I'lir III a lilly, frelh frOID lIay dew, rosy III tbe TallO Itself, graceful I\a the peacock percbed OD the p.le. Ulero bf tbe wlodow, I~eet liS the pOl1 of Tloletl :'"I"lovol allhve~,' modelt as eulJ moroial', aad aml_ble I I ImalliDatlon
'Well, deDr Emma now I Dm aure you will hke It, (and blliurge black eye.. had. luole Ihatahe dlil not qUit. underataad With all her Iklll and praotlce ID readulg \IIem ~ lind 80 lID gOllllr to d""e you uut thl. very I\lt('r"oon aDd \Yu'li Ie.,' .aid lie, gl1l1y klSlln, ber Itrebead
or all occupatioal, there Ire aone 10 important Ind latereetln,lI tlae c:ulUntlon of the 0011 l.So ALL klRdeof liquor. for •• 10 bl' Ihe A quart CIT 1811un by J Ii DARN H,\ 1('( ---~~~ ~~~~~-
Live After Death!!
pv .. e PALB
SA "ERY AD~M" HOUSl:: • "II'> I Mt A 11 uLAZlER
SUl't:1 IOlt or lcl~ I"r IcdlCllr purp(l,ol iii 76 etl pilr quart ftlr ule' by
t:I ARtUS &. (;0 blill ul Ihe R~d FII, !III, 1>t
Wllyr elville, 01110
6 tI
Another Ohange.
The lubtKrllWr, ,lrmullh till. n,e'IIIIIOI. 1 wollid ... nuunee til hi. old Ihendl pUblic lIenlrall.)' ,h.t ~I" ja. . .,Iun eel Jlloi bUtlIlJeu III 8.dcI1e .lId maklll, in thl' plaC4i, III the fllahd I)' orcupled bJ die. I
Su Itll
all ..... rlPleot U Sad 01 H.rn_ uf III 1111 d., .nd will
DI.ke I" ordcr IlIyllllnu III uur "I~h nlr Iv pi rchllile artlclel III our trede WIll dl.! wtll to call lad p,z ,Wille lIock ,",lure PUI'I'h-.81JJ" fl.ewlwrt!, III In lend to tell tur .mllli pN6lA! aod qUlllk
more 01
I. . . .
--"~:-:-.:~d';:""", " hfti'.....Dd lor III. by gfUUUIlI •
"'_'''••Y'"8, Obi.,.i1 ealla \"
't'lt'tL ,Iv. I'IU" pi al~lIl1utll
\'\' , hit h,. til bUll,,!!..., bluh III I.." Il Inol W 1II1r1 All IUlliII 01 tio "r...I toliu" &If.....r J W ~EYB ed lootol.r ...... lo .. ler l1ain. will bu 'akeA I~ Jt!8TJ\;J:; ot l:Ua:. PEACE plllflling aUklndioi Wino! wi:tbu,,,,,. I:lhup; 1t1M'1.lr. In Ih. W.,jjll BllIi (Arrllllltl Manlll... Al'IlJ MIl AI)' UbLII lory ul ~i"'n""r La..!.Ioa Wue, I,ll '" \lIla Ollie:.- lin Ihe Wel\ aldl of 1I.ln alr,..,l, lfU'rel 4i II a.IJ"'"'"r tilt CublDe, Shop, up _, .. IU, lIIu~
CO, Sin of tIM Rea MIIlI I~
~~etl1ibl d . : , nur gJeel- l und d,elI1Dlld" wllhdr~w;1 uf tlu.- u11l1O)xI I " I it d l"IS~(/ vu I Ie p~r Ibibeut Uy IOU5 or er 1..1 ;.e "I eo. bul returne d Wllh decree. 1I. We de lure 08 • frlis,h coml\lullIl to murch.
rj Ih parllnme llt 1 W .1
• ..:""';;';;;===';""=ioI'""=o?:=="F==~~;=!'F~ 1 I/1g.
crlmlOa,~ e,~e$
allowe~ I~
'I .om" lompenl iltlun, as \I qUI lind ree.;n I I aro I fur the of tbe judge- 'lI. vlded fur by 1I\1~ K\)~ atber , tlif. VUflUUd 'ec:tlOn8 o( tl1l8 act fur I"hll", courtl of the StilI' prSEC 8 Thai It eh"ntio tlle dlllV ~f the j servIce» . III cIvil clIse.; and ,he eQll\e 'hmll 1 8~c c a f4lllawII "lid AUTIiO p. la of I.wa kIT~ LA1J~ IC1I 11,"I ' uf "clIlllnllln pl"88 \II ' the .~yer .. 1 be pUIIJ alit ut die C<lIIIII); I 1 The puplliaco . hud. 11\ Ihe meon lime, ItO~6ury. U1 .11 In&: the eOlnpenH,ivn of officera n.rued tilt" In ClIUIIlIe~ "" Ihfd ~t~It!. U~OIl compluil li, ' In 'C"~1l8 II "herein Ihe Mt~le 1.lla to ';UII~ICt. or I the lor\!l!olng sertlqn•• lIo lar d I! d b t uCltd \ a_ tht)'~reter wrill g ill due IImll III haw, IlIglI~d by wherl'lI) tjle .lefclld.n gu Iler~ 1\1 1\ l'lla I\II1Fa un <I JlUr t prove. Inlolven t. 1tu the officerl II~rell' a.med. be .nd t~. (Nu. I t\11' per~un lI~ perwlI~ lIIuklllg Iu~h CQmhia puslll:e., Thr GI'uer.1 urderc lIIem AN AC~ Ie) prvvlilu '70.) FOnlNU~~~ND~Nt~. ~ J1,Ir Il he plecti<ln or phq"1 bud lOllluh'lIIg IlI.Uucl f:hargcH alill ' - $£0 .. TI~~t lur .ervle8s rendere.. '0 •• 010 .re hereby repe.lf1d. Ihe grlllld Jury. tlJ(' Clerk. of tI" .ever.1 1 , t .. dl ~ pl'r81' i Ih ..y u·tuf. pd. HI' \yurnpd 1 1'rU~P<lUllllg Atuult. n.&SES c. JOHNS ON, - ,., aud prei\lfluu\1t ~peclficotIUII" agamot thl! rr ...... ()UllR~ at. ClJurli 01 1111. ;SlJlI~ .h.1I rec:eiv. "he ~p.ali.r of the H'luI" Ihem uf lhl1 CUIl8l'IlUellfee, but Ihry ullly ,tjl(>lr <lUlIe.. wa~N uf R~p~e,ent.dy.. ~1I£" MUll I VISITOR t , turn"y ul IlIld cOUllly,' :ur • wanlon a'ld urne (ee. . . . r" IIl1uwed (or .hDII~r .er'l.. 'I .1 I "1 t I WJLLIA M. MEl)lL L. It IlnlcleJ bY' Ih" GIlII.:r,1 wIIIIIl1 neuleol or hi. dUly .. pru.ec~l .CI,rn~" 1\. wllrnml: . Ie ~Oll en Ion In- & SEC I. 1. 8u 111' IUSTu.loil •• lng eea I III tl!.l" civil cue d a f III UI S the mtl arcond t aectlon uf ' " G I , ,,nul'u y u < Pr.-Iden t of tb, Sell"e. u Ih}.""" Il\ lero l \lUurnry • • b fOr .ald counl, I to ClUle . MUC II tJt Ii , 'j/ cteutil'. 101" I 1°"" lime luhllerl jl( D II lacl .. n I .bbllhlll ')'I'\er .eb~!"'''Ie I ~ ~ct. I h e .8rne.u e palu.• ""t u f th e • I!:ll!ol..oi III f ilCh CUUII- cOlllpllllnt to ht filed ...... • ...... 'hrl 9u~ D~~«, 'Il1IcUr tile eluif olAllmcrn4 of ~ompnnv firrd III !he ' and elliered IIP"" cuunty Irel8~ry. people. the lirl' wUl l ty ul thi. Statu. by \bll q!llqh6~d eleclor. th .. lr duclltlt, anil nullce , c)oIlTt.u zb ),ROII .. bi wsu. , OtlR BA" of e,oa"II, &1"IIOIlIa alld Dal- r~Iurl'led. The figh~ tb~reor IU be glv' ~EC. 6 ThlJt fur ~pponiol\ ln(l jurare "Iged for . , httle l ul the cuunly, UII Ihe '~':'J114 TUl!od,,\' -01 to (No, ,..) , _ ell HlIII .. pruaeuutllllC ,llorn.. y to cllllTged; the lIewerallUwQllllp m/ftia, LIEtlTf;IUI1T FIl:LlIl'IIAJI>UALL lIA- willi... Jlredl fl' lI rum 'hi. •• c;opying the namp •• AN ACT to amelld ,be.ct to I'ro,lde fur hunle •• nd the <,>clu\J~r.11I Ihr >;eur l'lgl\l1'611 hUlldred and a"d l , CHAPT ER' RO" :JONEJla-JALL.4Cllloa" HUll I" Y \\ til upun Ihe \l1I.w. r Ihf.'rt>lo 01 ' , . Id pruIant! plll.cmg the ..me fn thl.' jury bml. d~1 L • Imy-Ihr .. e.llliu IIIelllll .. Uy IIler".I\ u.llllbe .'c.\thlg aUorll th.. IppolDtl l\cnt 01 Nul'rlel Public, aDd ..,' g r \r.,ups "ero uVf'rwl..,hlll.'d anTL1:I or nLUlOZ £ .UD ~CH\VErKAI('. ' al • .,. d,' c!~red ".uIlJ~llt i 11111.' U1hnllllr d '"her .. tate ..lIllollUuOly 01- ,uUllble 1\1/10. uy. IU bl! II ,.i1 ~ \lhlll \I rea- Mever.l tl~rkaur the -courl. "f thll SlIte prel<lrliling their dutle.; p.lled .Mirrch auch 10 mnrllKI h,w," ,lid tho cuurt .. h.1I fix The .hl,1I Clly rec",I,," WIIH Ihe Bum of three cuuvlIl~ed, Alnrm-h ell. IiCtlf6 ure !!Ieut ~ , :"1]" ~'ruse, UI~lIg Auor. a"lIlm,l lb. 18blll ud to rl!~.1 ..CUUD Sol It Will" day tQ live IU thl! anoal. uf tilt: t lu pruceed to Ilt'lir I),e eYldence III1KlIy. tu be puid out of the du'lu" aD. Inv ..~l"d WIII~ "Iuli pU\H'r und rDI~g out \ht1lr )lui. fuunly treu- , .a,d ICt. Blrrlc d". wero" 11\'); whpll/t l~fllI ul uOill<lcjllu1il CUlllUlellce In If ngb" alld.n honr uf hllel.e dClle- furco"Bun.. IIExecul rl'l.tlu;l't ht'rOhJ; Blld lvt' If MllliKltl It .ball r" ulld ,·~",uuppe~r ur,)'. I d d ' • ~ d U u It\,. ' 011 II Ssc. I. Be It t'nalltPd by the · Grn,r.1 I flr .. t Alulldlly h, J,m"ury uUl .IWlr to the ,"I sinclillll 01 "uld rourt' ~ I uclllIce to r . r L.t Ij' " I " I~ r"llI ,~II prepaT~t10n. ur eenee Np , 111. th~ tl, .. t t\le SEC. fl . Thill (or receiving' poll books ofl .uembly of tile Suue or Ohio. lIlent. W Itn I Ie 1,:,"0 II " ~• •10 elpCIlOII. !lna he .lniJ\ atld II i)1- l pru~pcuUul,: attdrne:y ten lit 0 '1ur uY'. nl ,.ty! 0 l·lIterC e Iy' <,nto-red Th., "'e tbu~ chllrgftll. hOA jusllcl'd. election . cellllll!l lt eleCII"n l tlurdnc UI'OIl. (II the Imd.t III tho I'X- fl1:e lor Ihe terUi of tWI J<lIUI, foce In urd 'I' uf b~ttle rhoulIln da 01 ,the BUlllOrll.Y,'· '~III cyn'"'qll tlonor liJe "lCt to which tills I. "Id ulIlIl ~ IIlItunly 111,,1 wllJu,lI~ 1!1'~le'\t .. d to pcr. ellee of Ihese Olf~ clli!menl, Cuuut L~t"lD WU mode ,Pfllou- I III. l~ilrerrll1 1l. ridtnJUI .lel'lOl"a th. and enterIal\lenal wry. ~11\·,cc.i!lO btl. dUIOII' li Pl'lIlh .nd Ihe .lIrruundl1lg sot"erflgn kUti', IIGlmt, and" hereb),110 amende4 r Ihull be t'lellt.tl hila qLII.tlli, forlll hi" '«Iollel ." n'qVlred by l~lV, thl! we deClare thllt, er In lhe W~r Office. olld I1l1ng II. an ac- . ed, IlIg II'~ lume 01 ~~urd, the .rveral cll'rk, .~ tu read u rollow., Provide" . lblll III ilu,h lluU~. QI 111111 courl sh$II, lit lhe rou,n u~ IcJl.I,h: TlIlllteach Po'" lry ••...ockl·\J 10 i,Ii. ~cene or .cltulI," \/IMUO/:1lt.r 1M BAIf , "Mid prU611llutlllll 01 tl,e I'Ullfl8 0' llJi~ SiAte .tl.,1 ()au.tTI.A ,"all .rdtf', c ollli , .' I I I tb d be onll- ,"y public, before eAterln , npo_ the iduI TI StUll', V\len.l1l1 th~ limll I k th r. tu' fI ',bt it "('cnoQl'\IL" 01 IInV at'urney . ~el11u~e hIm Irom ull1c~. Hud ·.hull tll'd In f, cump ICO u e pllrJllre ul ' •• dt mOlllrl' ~rmlllc crnd cOII1fnaru 10 p i I. , 'v '" 1M: Que dl' lI~r, I II ".p"e • II 10 be pUld by ellch JUI- tie. ul 1111 um"", .h.1I pru,lde Ilhlll!'l(w .1Il ... lu uu un, u e l l . ' ~ Il T'rocuell r .. ~euu'llll ".uu"ey I", reg a,.,. lUa In 10 ' lurthwll • peuple were ~olln III possesslOlI ollhe City, )"'~r tu UppOlllt ahut Iler ~u Iill t IIlO \111 rl'OI' I' .., I I II bl .ury I A II rel~ thut tbe rate at lbe eou,,-,\ cun"ld~rpjJ U8 regulbtt' VUIIl I'". t:Oll1ll1~' I,III. h II 181\:),11 P'fO'l'CU I\Jljl AHurJI ..y .hull L_ '11 UIIICIII ""1 .~ II W e.. Ie •• Iho Vllcun~V unul Ihe II l!lIl ul1l1l1l1l "Iootiun d. ll .. t41rmln'ld •• nd whIch was IIIvealed by Aller~per, .nd Jill~"ulQO"n; I /SEO. " ThHll"O Il'vl'rui cll'rli. 0 the litale hll officiall Le elected 8t Ih" try ",,. at .ttlltt!. i.1I etl, eltlllllUn upun whleh lor coU1l11 Ih.1I ' be Ii\lt II Ih" c,',url "holl: upl.ln hcutl,,~, be ul (1011". 01 thl. Stllte 8h~1I re!1tllvo cUI\IU\ul\I!ed by o"r t~ aldAoI !I!!" , l lu61l1CII IU' JI)ID whom Dud tuke comm1J~ d ufticcrd III 1862, lind Ibe f(ll· el.gruvPD Ih .. arrlJ. 01 thla SI.le, the word. Whio... '..'''ICIIlCK INI o~t hi, .rmy. o!ach I 1'he whul\! lout uf blt'imlKUy l~er" ... I1~r Jophlllln th~1 .uld prv.pcul lug IIl1uruey I, the mOllller "UI 1u" now 1111{ ffe~ ~ f tl • e I 10 \l1I~~r t\.o nl,turuhz ullun law, c' NlltuflHI 8e.I.", and the nallle 'P I WI dl th I < !:ij:c 2 'I'hOl lr ih~1I tlU the dulV ul uot glllity w~ told Ihllt & 1I1l1f' relolutio ll and thrult wt ' I.n~ and ull tu of tile cbun. thtu Ihe culm dh.U entl'r up ul C'''llIte~." Fur I!nlcq'lI f. c!ec;l.rut the ("ze of o · 10 1I1IP "u 1 rce., r nce mall II. - , 611Id Pru.ecut ing Allunpy , _lid If cl(cb jU~I!I1, .. lIt ;or • lulI ty 111 which he reslde'l which .e.' toptll. ' cUBI. ale"lni t Ihe pl' grutz, •• un or "I intpIl\illii 111 becu\lle II th i%~11 of thot ... r with hl.ollicl~ the ~1I)lquerur f)f Prugut. Ind Bllhe- (lro~eI'1I1I(l1f IUO'II IlY IIUW 111 Jirlllne.. , • hllle delerolln ccl br.\lIlr}' for jaaH,nl811ed Hunll,ry 1 r"Ili.ltr .b.1 1 ~esemp, uftke III thllO ptlr.onl 111111;;\11( aueh (Ul\lpIDIII(' tu bl) ra- Ulllte~ Iud Ihe clvlhzed min, had lelt 'he spiit of hl~ Victories .ntl 8tlltf's nlld IlIr • tl'rllli"d cupy Iruw necutllm ; IIl1d on th.d SUIl;>. til prua\!1 ule ("r I\lId 111 be".11 "r cuy,lI ed IJ,. ue " JI\dJ;\nel 1111 hou. ur two. W'lU~11 deoldC' tbe day. A. wu~ld, lind II ~p"cl.cl .. lb or reAloo lt ut Iu~. r e to poater!ty u I th .. r~ul. undfr eeal, IlYenlv live cUIII.; fur vulirull lliftice 01 "uob The ,11I1"II'ned lu the IIld of Illi 'lIy,,1 muttr .t tho Stille. ~II CUl\lpluln G lurtl"" Incenllv e tu notAity \lnIiJlc, hi. t~. alI I". and cUlltrU_j SEC. 9 '1 h.. t IIU per.pll Mhull be elll! . l'lItering th .. i" cuurlp u"ilt'dlllu ue. r<lbl'lhuuI trnltor" W.I clplhl'd I tho n On~1 adml ' illllull I . IIf IIh t ~he!, V nl 10 rllgl.t!!r Ihall be depllllled In the ullr.e of ver.leil III wilieh the *\Ilte . ,h.UIoV l purty. bli!u~ Ii CKllIl!dalil lor, • de. hll/he.t pitCh llie rebel chler prom- with "r<l}al Iuthorlty ., II1u1. plMced ower lome.... em lOOa at,er c.me u II' ", or be elecled to, the 'hI' ril(llt "I cltlz",.l np, .nd a ct'rllOl'd 1u , the reeClrdec of dPeol, h. Ihe count)' whllre an d _ue I I ~ U"8. nIUU(lr." n d Wlltr... uffi.a o r pr"le. ulllllrllt! 'h r I 'I r Uhuer ' " "I I" urne.y. blod Wllilldu ued tu take comllland oC 'he, V"UI .... , ,08Oll~r , II willi 1 -P I. IVlt cOilY ,lerl'O em lieU 1111 full'lIwers_II"'t elc Ioue. 0 t lem, t!le kl/lgdvm 'Fum Which, lea, t II y. va .uc II notarl ree 1.uili. sl\l.ll ~e dlrl'ell!il bl law, wltll- an albirn"y ulld t!uuucellur Nt" lulY, r<lVI d.... no. Th.t ItIl' by ruyn com·o peopl~'. Corce.. duly II· cel11a, ' 1111 Ihe CIIIlIIIY fur willch he .hIlIlIJ_ve been een!td 10 pru<ltfce in tillS bp .ller th .. <tilll',,) ,fbould 10'd. IHllIdelf with UlDlld" lie b.d been l.wlll,l (or any nUlary ~ublle, duly t;umSllIlC; drlvell Sucb are Ihe 1tn~ I\U t SEU-'. Thllt D the ' I sevor.I th cl .. rka of II the I ih' ml••fllll"" RI ."ch, tu u.p. In tbe '''J.hentl . ..h'lll~d. In the djillrlct cuort. In ,he c~un pro e~ul\rrg nltornt'y the .poil. of tlle em'my .nd the hllllly <If 111.pab urP •• ud "Ivcted "' pUfAuan r o court~ <II Ihl8 Stl\le, Ihbll reccl~e fruln the lhe nlanller o( involIIr ,I, ue ~naclmen 11 • e Imp .. n- of ~Olllnloi\ pl~OII. Dud cltlon' of hl.IlIiI ial a,,", • •11 or the aithe clluntry, .nd .lIth.le 1118 deilre~ With villg AuSI". ulld lIun!:ary h i ~be pro~.te 101 Ihl_ ItCI, ahull be ~ mt'fllb"r 01 ill\! G",I. IrPIl8ur In -wart Nuver· I capital ...... "r 111111, rplipell.tlwe ,'oun\lp•• the mllhude ofthu*e''IlIlhorilled bylaw. pre,iKUI."Ib 1\IOOrollll to 1,,- cuurt. Dlill lu (lily ( ol/pr forthwlUI tu lllp "rill t I ilbl 11 c!n ' the' I u b ' AdSf'lIlbly ul thli Stuto; Dnd lIu O\.lU,," folluwlII~ fee" lur IDldedl. ! d ' duee the Diet 10 ellter IIIto wrr nle&lurea, cuun ll lr""lurer , .1) neou. lenlen UUII to the p"1I.ge nf tbe .ct to wldch thl. Ihe f." n I l,nt.. u ':'11' • III I - ap all1."~ 01 ru era covere I I,emse IVet R1\1tJl" bek.nl&tn g tu Iy treuur.r , ebUnl} .1I1.1itor.l luull-'Y ror he rerurdl a1(\' tI\ll~ \Var WMS nuw Inevltlbl e 10 Id &;OUllly. wh;. h he hn. I'" 111'7 ~er\urmP by th~lu rC'<lpee tlvely; Fur cenl- i. ~mend.tory; .nd Inlln lII ethud ul operlitiu i \III the belltly \\ Illt IlIf"my 110 deepl pruvldt!d. fur'lhl.'r, .h.c herelll- lOr cutlu(v durVI yhr or allllritr•• hall bo ellr I !1I1t Illeld uf damning 1tud hidelr- , But the lou e of. e .. o"ful reconclh.tlo~ Jud~e. Hlld clerke ul' all elee- whelll:ver It .hall be nIlCl... ler coliecl, ~r which m~y ~U1ll8 Intu hili g ble u p,~.ibl\1I of hiil .,vuge .uldlery adopted by ble 81 Ihat willch re.tI upon ry 'ur Clll1d,dule Ivr, or C'rl'ell!d tu , .uld l ulI~,pl~hl Clint. 1)1\010, for ~Orllfylnl thl. FaulIlY' p p .( f the II aucb h. i ,/III' .M leldtr_ < h"II~' lIutary bv pubUclu WhV 01 lilleR, rl1flll\lllr n, ceoSlS. or uml \l uf pwaeWIIIIIl .uurllPY pnlcu~ • Dew .e•• of l;Iu ~bur -Lomlln e. ) w ! •• e,IUnll"l enterhln ItiulIlII ed by White a m"Juruy mule ellll~lI~u 0 Dlell~ vertllll erR. t i l l l! b olllA .ueh rwioe. new .eal 'ball be c)C die 4e.orlpl lon ulld 'uki! Ihe id I H ' ri Tn p SPoe. 10 '11hlO{ the uct 1111 til 1,,(1 '811 ' ott 1&/" tl 1 b alld all he could obtalD wus Ih" pal8Q,1I ul cutc rt'cl;lpld there lor. ll~~u"lIr~r·. dllpllOn tie ot ,'r. t. t Ie unaa 8111 were ouo ul wIJfcll IIU to pruvlde (ur liIe electIOn .of ~ru,p, utlllg ul O( twenty,o lle ~i!U~, Iu Ih" Secretl\ r, IIt'rell,b eloTldlr. t dlllgnal ell. \8 IppOlIIll\ll'nt of t I' re el clrlef.. a bill InHh""" , 81.llIlol ' nlr le Gen. illIU.q Moga lor U1akillrCl to i1emand ip Illd 8hull CUll fi le wilh Ihe h.u~ltur <If bll pruper "ttornpy~' (Iu.aed Jalludry told. Ind theJ aew .lId fl'l~ it., tl".t thl'J J.II.chic h.1I1 Dlcl.l~r, I. Th.t the thlfd aeclloa <If thl .Cl ~H"h, 11133 , 111101 pll'll\Ig g-elll1rlll lilt! lIP. 01 ':11 JUdgUIIlIj\' to Bec. WI. lIothllli Ihur~ III Anerlpe r,'tl,e dl811rrnlug ufl Jlllillcillc II)'hlc:b thl.l•• melld.tu ry. be ••nd tbl h. CtlUnly, .ud UpUII luilnre to puy uv'" ,~Id the I\el el:llllcd I were fighting fur tlllttrhll mee.lhe ir hearth· ul • declar.ti nn 01 wer by ",PSI ria agulII.r ucl lu uillentl tile .ut Uld d~fee •• twelve cenl. fur e.eh Cau.., d I II d I II t I mlJlley,ft. II hereill rpqutrlld ••\lIi! pro~llll- enhlle~ 8" acilu'~IIpruvlde .alHla b.reb, ",(I".I~. I nC!d parwt_, wlvel alld clnlclrl' n-thelr Hungary , and 'll:RI 10 11 If looked fur til" UPIlI\ elecliun lIy \ he 1I,lnde . · nd; Ie !eluot' fur lIIal&1t11 to. IMlr. 11m. t . I'" tlll!f IIttl/rlll'y .hDIl bc rttmuvell frulll office out 1I.1a 01 un· • 0 • d II "AME~ C. JOHNS ON. d I 111 I o. prll~l'cul1\1gllu"rl\"l •• &c,' p.~~e<l rl'lJarmy IhilUld pursue 111n1 Illto AUllt~I ...- HI IIlIlIInflr (oil preacrJbe • \1 that I. ebr an Acre to I Ie I man Iurruun di "Il 81 .Iel. but I IIe' M d ill tho elllbth _eu- rul ry!l6 lh 18S9 Mild till: ut t'II'III,d ' .. n cl1\l1l1ed 0,111 anti p.J .allle ~u \le.. urer. t'lIliker or tbe H.",a,. 0.1 R l'p... .enl.ti"~. "gl .... were Ihd ll,ta Wl'88Ur<l beel1 IIdopted alld Jcted five per cellI, oiliba MWIIUllt ul the Rlqne), hUll 01 1111_ a .. t. ..h~Krl There 119\ld !he .pelll~tllr., n,lny .Iow til llike up arm., • WILLIA H: MEDILL • art lu prov'lde I~r tlill lenlflly U( ' !lund. pUld; lor purling They ,widhrd tudu upuu.uo ne,.the UUII/Jllrlalll wllllld,duubt.l .lIIlu.lI) to Ihe cutlnly' Pr~"ldon'or the tMDlt•• or tllfm of ,ht' uenltt! $('1 :.\\hu hud friend. rYerv thill' I~ ..ally ... SEC. 3. 1'1111' nct. anll ,overv prolecu- I ~l\en by c\junlJ ufficcrI,' Ir p.deal lyr.1I1.8 Murch can be c,umml,. \ullt'r. tllII .1\,t.I\\I~tJr/ltit'.".I.'.lICil I I. ,._ • d tl • ~ tlllg ullornl'),. here .. ner elc~",d, wlldt'r Ihe U~I 1840 " be .. Id ~I\Y I, 186a. In Ihe arlll', alld,. who 1~lt the .w(ul n f.te dealt. lloe with" Ibllle In auch. m.nller, "I,en every l ellit t na~fl uceu V'ClurtUU., an art' he by liy 111t'lr rll~ectlvt' cuur, •• (me dolln. 1e w.r, tn Ii rdt • ·'r r, I til II I~ tI CrulJla rove i 'h lof I I .elllo". , l I)10 QCt.I.I'U III, ,... lIlu" entfr- rcp(!uled. Pn)' ld.. ~. 111I1t.1I pro.~eutl S"..c 9 It'" d I" ~. I I ~ 1. r th nlf .\1 atprobubll • lty. beell IP lern\lI1a ,.,e r ill .tore or I I '. f UU _rver" te~. ,But c ~r •• the u e IlPlllI Ihe dullc. or bl. ,"ftiC~, \hkClllnd t ,rneys. In ufficO'.t 11,,1 limp Ie • p lNo '76.] I II I I Y c ti m IIfl • 1.1' c1Tte.n lh,,,rp", J dbl~y II.f nturl • moulh. I~l the ,ulden lng .of th" (l .... courl. IIf til" State. lIalh ur offirmullon, to be. l'lIIj'lr.,' d.npon hlil uile ul 11I1¥ bu . elilltl~d til AN "CT 10 ,ru'lde for tit!! or"D1&~tlon yictoriuu .. Ege rv bll~DI beat IVllh un· tiun, pOlfell, 16. YlulUll,Oh uri, .huH CllnllllUl' In lm~e rur tilt' .lIm uf II t)' conti Allall of ell Juatlce Upi p , rlulllt) .llp 111'\I'r lor '''~U 10 return. III( lIeelll,. ul Cltiel .iJlllllco rpur.ted VIII.~. CIIOIIIII,_il'lI, to aupporl Ilu~ 'Cl/n,II' \lli"m uj Ihe ~am" Il'rb\ 10f Willetl , lunlrulbb le emutiun . a Itern.lel y (lllue ..ecl .lId a vi\llellt ro\tbllry _ they were Po/eet. tu 811 uu,' tluueer, ,,~diller, I.rry IIeflper, or Irt,~n the ppople '- , Sa:o 1. De It euctt!d iiI tile Oenleral th" Ulilted Stale., .nJ 0) - lbll ~Uite. any .d, 1111.1 unl" their aucceuo , by hflne .nd Jelr; allll rrunl every' heart rlltal 1I1I~tuke! an~ r •• hdllurel eet- t (ur any other Itl!I'Ule ,rMIIled by tiJejr rl!- A.lt'lilb 50, IIoe Muaprl rUUU~ j Armed with the Older of the Dlilt, Kosl, ul the SI,te of Qbjo. T'I.t .Il faltl,iulfy .lId 'llIpHrdl,1 y lu dllcl(.r.n : Ihe eil IIpd qUd"li~d / " ~ tl lot rille p,lIt t ' ' • I .P1/I. tlv~ cUllrt.. 1\I)h repplreil l u h,lId.q\lQrler8. alld \lOIRe- dulle. or hiM ullil'l!i whluh . "tn~ up 'I'rll)'~r or . le'l 1," curpu,.,l oDlfwbl ch exl.ted .vllill the pre.aul Pl\lh. 0 1' ai\ ' . , I JAliES ' d I C I JOHNS ,'I I '"' ON, d dilltely t:la:o. 10, Thll.l tlte cl)lIn~y eommt ..roll- lellt cou.tltut illn t<IUk eWllct Leglill to prepare tbe .ru'!y fur the IirUlullull JII"y btl UUII\III1~lerod ri~t., uud Ihe •• 1\ U'IUII of t Ie cuunlr), Defore th • periO 111 ae lie I la milo) (or the PIIfr byliny Spe.ker IIf the H<)II08 .,1 R\,Dr,,~,,"lullve •• e,. AhlJlllurnli h tu the ' _.1 HI/lU ll Jllea. Jud&11 uf thlo liu II' <I, b) comclerk. uf cuUrte ul pu." 01 mUlllllip.1 frum II' Imllll'ht per tI. " I I eUlltl'Bt IIbuut lu be elller,... lhe . • W ILLIAM (rlenll •• n.,\ dn IY '.mong I I ullun. ~lEOlL II tn· L ' thetr 1 \8 ~c avee '11' r~.pectl" e cOlllllle•• all blink book.. L I I I I ' .... B 1111 t proli ••o Judge 01 Ihe c"'lII~y• .n, W"llll ~ht' word" at If ticli~ alld on come the thoil~ 1I1hetll0 Ihflll, but .Ieo Ie • Prel&ldent uf tho S~I1~,e. era ur ..... e , _mong lhl' cd to vbtu ln In .Intenlel v wllh em, O, C'iccled, .tutlOlllr )'., III d a II at Iler In .ny 'elv IInil IUld. prOiICcUII"1( \lotn!!y ml.llt hOlt ' of J.llur\\lch IUlluIIIl'd ~y hber1\l. of V lefllio. Aphl,80 , J862 , a".1 Ihuoe 10 \hl' 01 pruPIBt ollo"r dllcl1l1(g 'lP"ee uP<JIIIJ e plun by' which town •• yill.ge •• or tu .ecure a Illuli. befor~ ellterulll U\1OI1 th.ll 0\1" 01 I: Y, , "I . t6ucerl' ur • .,llun bl!tl\tl'1I the Huneurlu !l8 \hl. olli.e, .,..lIy lIe. lr" nnJthe pr.\I~P\lCI uf plunder eounlne ll Nuw I howP\'~r SEC. II. That thl IIct ilye blilld With tb.1I be. al111 til,,. ,lt ,,~. Inan\fe.I. lure. , I Id Ce~. of cl"rllI In C"'" lie. 1,,10 b.. ~l1pru"f.dl by tli~Iluffi~ -1'\1. ti1'lll dlRrge .plllst the l\Uparul uf ".\lher dlllt ile WII I'uu", ul cunllut" liulllflDQl'aUld (Nu '71)1 p ........ Mllrch 11Ilh, 1889. 11 'II: ,\Illig wSlrun\e dt uf lind the VleDnelie. th 1:1. tter d qut u\u~ ple,~. ul' II ..! pruLate court,) to Ihe AN ACT to 'I'guillte JIr."~.r. by u\'erw 1I!lnllnl: IIUlllb('r~ WOII ... IIIIUI}lIt tool 01 the t}rullt, \he, ea;' .nd "Iotn C1erka reueh IIV B~ • (Ull' m who and twellly.t bid .en. hr" .. , un"l,o,,' or "\ ' n to I Slate 01 OIIlO,IU Mlty awn lIul .Ie'" tll"n r~actlb'd ~~~~~~:~~i~~:i~! I I 0' Ille Ouurl ul C0I1UDU,11Ie :;.. 6 i j K O.luth, luperced ed 111 cU'II"1~nd al ~ep- uue 11,0u •• 11ll tJuJl"f". " r"l(ulu" tire Ceee uf !frt bll' 1t,4 t~I!Ilea ~helll ,,1010 tota an- "II ~.I,r cunduct In,. AII;..ch C'l'lidl~IU t pro\'!!d e ~. ~ I eclllj:ll! d." t elle,. t:;nn ",al " •••, DIIIII.11.111 Du, ~IIfIV wIIII ...,,,d Ihe tl'm- con""r/1 ce of tile cflurt. /l1m to c .1 I)e n. b 11"...enhon.e r. illtu whu.e hllud.lh e Will, .ccord"' g lu Ihl/ Ioe~t ur hill .11111 ond ~"I~lIIbI1. til .nl ...0" I.w Y ul d1 BIDtl!!,( Uhlo. That t/,e .nc!a(!ct!un fuur uf aCIII'&, fur tI, anil . Y I loblll be deellJed d I.. ltcr (el ond Will aup,prcu ed by h 1\11 III IIbllllll'. • 11\lIhlully dldClhur, ,· nil lile dube~ Clerk. ul t!le. .. ver,,1 (,iourll u( til III Stlte. tiull 01 Itll' ,hutit' br.vl'ly Theil Ihe tlll""e, like ~rfYiJ'lr mIt 118 yit-WH. he I u tcllllm~d J L co.la. wos I proflo,"l I p.lle!! I ct i I d " IUlld ruse 1I nnd rill- • 'trllitur tu Ihe eo Ic •• dCCPlv~r I'ld loS to I. "II hllll \ly uw, tillll\ ... U. ... let Ie or .erv <l'" r,,11 do! re d In civil oue reC~lve , r> b II.. •..u....\.,".I1.' ....'•. p_ the hOM uf 11 relluncJlllIll\lll. N Ilvt'rtIIe- ""jllln"d 1II, 1 air, • • ~llklt. ~ul"rl uroll. c Will hllullltir hud 1IIIhiully pny ~ver .11 IIlIu l e IInll.re , JP I ~~D~~~::~~:i~~:.!~:.a I' I' thr lef.8 her"II\R'~t>r, provided, 0111\ flO lII<lre 118 lors. Ko.~ulh uupi'u8t'd ~epe~i~d tI. . It Belli would Inuuf'Y' by hUll receu,ud •• IWC" ,rb.eeued u,l!r till! ICl'lle uf 1.'l9 ufllct • shnl!lII\r Ollt ('Cl.rlle. hili ~~rrIlIlG\ rI SEO. 1I. For duck'llln g eAch C"I.\ .. , tu bil l t!l!() III ,ff\ CIHI .. teoume til' folluw the cuur~e uf Metioll lard cluwn, elld No Intere.t .bllJl btl tased or 'U'II( lILlorl)ey, 111 the IIJdpn~'r ~Irl'tltj'" th'lIl/:h t 01 clluul!e Irul\l th 't, e~ c.... ue tho blllt'r".1 e1lemll'" chllflfl'd but IIl1a~ •• il tlllltl; "ir enleriJ'~ cdlll!l,ted un • CIU~t bill or .n)' .ull or 111I1'r, L n III.t tiU 'Ullt'UII bu.ed 1110 011'11 Ilru IIIW, wlllell ~"Id bUild lrel uld~r~, Dllt Ihe cunlU. lon ul the con· ( The !'rue 1,.lulloll .hall " be fil-' Wit' tbe IlppCOr/l1lce 01 r,llIlntIO" and delelld<)r 11111 mnn - ,eomI pru~.edl • ng, h.d ·u 'IIJ of the ,uurt, of pru\llded In tbl•• ct lad .11 .atl po" I. ill V tltt cUUlltx tr~uurl'r. I .. a~ f CUII~lCI", c;1.npr uf rlI1l111 11,l I tuhlrndl clur c\lncluct, 11111'. I!Ij(hl. cellia I. IIling preulpe, luur J'bIM Stule. III Jlrububly CCtldllll.'" ulld reaolved lO luurch lIpun I1 11i~t, I • r SEC. 4. Tb~t Ihe pro.eo~tlng aUorney CI!II~; for lUklllll IIffidK\ furcf' I<lr the <lr,~~llDtlou or I(QY'l'IIf11tllt f II. ~ y H i d Y d II. twelve t cen"' l 810' d en,,~, .h<l n~lII \ttlell in cUlUm'lId, und fur hch ""u.ty III tlu ••tute, arll1~. ciul/hlAt 'If "'"'' -l· n erIe. u _IJlllt re.:c!IVlI lor Illduing CUPlll., .ulOrnIlD8, Alubl\l8l1. ill In lu,ce 13. Thi, .et to talle eWeet ad ~ uf .n· luch mUlllcl .1 cor oratlon_ . aball e Ih'~. e I. .lJIrlt· Dill, III enrlle~ 1111 the twu II , ''''',.. lICldd 111 ullillll. hUID .nd 1'1'" Iia pIWI.lle. th. 'JUIP,," .uul, "nmp,.....II"U I"," I". IIlrvlce. III the <'u "blltla"I -, w.. llhlllllCI ) heur 'I{ruWII'," l'rllly, II, lu,m Ihe: be .!.d 11t1"J ar. ber~by re~.led' Pro,ldt" • writ 01 auarhw~lIl, wrl,t .01 re. , SlIlnvlc confl'd,' ru iun floh.1 tllera l. wuuld Clerlll"l y h..ve beell J."Ml'lti C.IOI,l N80N. tb~huch r(o al.halil lol .'ll~'" Dr barr' I uurl "r COln!I'UII pi" ••• itr ulhe, 'QllttJlu tlUII<lt!r .uilluvd tr. \\11111 eVl'ry II cart t"HI'" .",1 llllllUIIHhty Ilreudy II. writ uf certiorar i. writ uf· IIIJunC~ Sfuknr o( tile ~uu.e ul Repte~lItllj". IIp,,ken ut.llld 1,1 d I ~ 11' 1 ' I I b right ofr;rope rt)'••ctl6n,or p~CllItiOll IIIIC hk~ crlmm.1 JUnil.!ICllIOII , (UI r.l·b term lil"d with upp"r('helltiion, UII~ t!vl!ry 11)111lJ good :a\th til lurlllt!r Writ "I errur, .uptrdec! e ••• cl\ul\OI Ihl. fOlld. wUfmly nd· 1 ~ eMlf II" lie puwllr ul t '" t Irul\.<I ep .. WM. Ml.:QIL L. tiillb.1I flIlJ)' bor n.teil or exll"" the tillie bl' Httowed uy the judlC" <I( , '\leh t, uf nlll' other ml'lIle prIICp." unI w ru.trKled. A. 1\ WU, .. II wu tou I.le. J:Uurt 01 1he C:OUllly i "a. fill ..d 1\1.10 dr ... d. :AI} WK' ulIl:erl.lIl- yoclled Iree prln ~iflle8 Pre.id"II L 01 ~1l~uD.l e. hi. act I.ke. elrect.· whert-In .ue~ Rrv(- der .t'tll, twenty·Bve ael1l.1l rl>r t'nter IIIIl or .n~ l' u l't1lur blerlY- ' iand th" 11I1)ll'lIIelllrt ul K~II.ulll .ud dll) C" •• ilall M.y 18~1I. /o.ve-bee tf ll r.. ndeted; Ihe lImoulII der tu "d~er\l~e, t I>llIy-a".. celll_; II \Vb 'Y .nd d!lubt. lind the IIIIB\:l\IrIVlI " •• , fl t Dill, while Ihu~ .. nunicd th I 1 bit t fllr , he aufTered 11111,- lIun .null. I I-ll J\~d, • .~c. c~lInt e: :Alt::ce tiu:ldil a or tlueh ..ervice •• In blllh Civil a,,'& crlnll- taking bond tWl'lIty·O to 1'11:111 ... 11. U\I n CUllCl.'l'lIUIU' of b'lrrur •. I'll to li~If'D 10 Ih" ut v. cenl.; fur; ta. KJrcn \lOlel' 01 the , II ~ (~u, '7a) · Yof • n ~~L) or incor .ted ,:iI'rl!!l nul UU41J1' •• peru.. 1I11I1l tu III' ufti~e. At 1t'lIlrIll (he tide uf b.ttl" .t>C!II,ed lu lie lelllpter IU I.. uk UpUII klllg .peel,.1 bllll, tweRl,-n ve Cl/lI~Y, lor AN ACT to amend 1/1 the prU",Oll<111 I, .. hl \ di~cU.. ing the propriety o( .ct- d~u~rw\ned by thr cUllrt ur ,,"mmun to ... cL41ntlt lPd-." act dl.lr/to be orllll~to an inco." pll'lI lillll" d ..clllraWIIl. pi " demlorrer. jolillder, mu~hllr lIuuthwa rtl; tbe ~"Ollll\le thullder Up tulll: ~Iew IhruPllh Ihf' pn'l'e;"r He IlliWhllet to provide Iur IIIe. dL.te PrlIIUII, ,' p.... v!Ul-P they ma,..pp l, b)' petlUuD I)n the ul1'elllilwe. \Jie tllUlldd uf the 'Milnn.IlY II ·I·I' l\lbe\r IIrMt tur'lnb .1~ller,,~ll e liret ~!I~ ·~;I~;:~;·l~;!! 'p~~.~III~~: h~:~~yr ~=:;:.:~ ~d April 816'1 18:12. d b tb G I of Ihe .rlll!ery .IOIu8l ce.detl. the I ~rp ...erfll, r".ulvrd to II b I UlldaX n Fl' ru.r)'; alII wurk for \llIlIlelt w.llll C_lIl1ull ut- Vle1l1111 W.. Ie I a . ' . re .1,I:ed b)'t~. illh.liit. nte 1\0 II'" v ~" I Ir y t I" COUll- ce v~ '\lull CUllllll!ll .... tlon lUI hIli .e""'ce. • • Aue 0110. I. • t ••.. ~te iJ rmle 01 l11ui kPlty Itt!c.l\le 111111 "11.1 nll,r1) leemrni liu be dUUlg enlrl URI.; .nd '<lr.1I utller pllpeul fuur ClInt" In nUPlber Dirt Ie.. tlia. tlltrtile work. ul tile Iy- c,1 At till' ,uulld. puwtiu" til lhe hilI'\!' n,bl, 01 tile Slate of 01110.e Th.t the Yolera, til the count)' eoGIml In Ihe prub lie euurt, . ' 11,1 1. , nnu.lly ,.. (1i~III\lt ar.d ,he clouol 01 1I1)"lie It lIl1g UD ' rolll-lo IHike IlIr IIIm8plf Ihe .. h; rur enll-ring \he f8IUrn 01 .IIY writ jlourllblo ut the Sen.le IIn~ finlt bluw. rll,1 <lit), Kua.llI& Uld . "M_gya 'l, I hale .h.llile Hllu.e of Rep. the proper cuunt,- wblch pe~. u lIUW~d by the prul~.le ouun o.f h. wh:g. a~ thll .blllO (llIIe, ,,"I rulllnll all" il ,,~ (..,IIl'd. jUIII l'le royal Clllae prO~6" •• Ix celllrt~ 'orb 1-~uil1lJ ilj!l1tellVI " eh.II be prll1ted I..... per-ruy.1 ~ .ald I!lIvull,h. I lu,,,e wId yuu the Iruth.- the CllUlltl' "'Jberedin b,,~ch Iler"lce' ~ball delcrlbe Ihe terrltor1 ptO~ • " .hllhl d I ~I I JU~' ~~~~c: !il'!~~ ~he ~.~~~r~; uot~YO furln, ud" lIe.tlonl l PdTlIll" "'Ipe •• nd I .Iu~ IJ '''''y. ~eveahld Ihe M~gyur' 10 p... - Till' I. Ihe u:pl. ullUII,811 t 10 ull y one. L .l~n. 11 yuu w 1,;\I tu IIPllf tI e h 1 Illy hllye be.. n rllll ere • t .. 1I0... un, ,u t 'UII emJ>rl\CC!d IIt.uoa.l ncurpor..,ftti \'111_,. 1'8",1 ceu, I" e d u In.I' U I .erVICef ..... a" \to be delolrlllineu b, 'lie prubllte c"mp.~ 0" er .e • "011ar...iun bl fieill. Llko •• ruck' in tbe \\'e e~n ,i,e III the prenllsf . , l\IId .nnelled tn,,..,lu ," .r.cur.te mil' up; ior elllp."he ling regu"'r jury an .1.'lnt wllh ((uiId thou,h .r,um¥n workln,n tfl" "x.,.ad ,hlp. \l1.g,1I1 ",llh<lut .t Ihe trait- cuurt. I/ll\u.lly hero!~lt.,r, un ur ."bout thereol' th." .t.t. tit" a . . . prupo.illd.t of oh.n they nlld "l~ m.I,lull~ \lp 11011' !ur tllo lir.!t tlPhl .~'I\IIII_Ip,rlnll the uul'l.lwe lve ~""tdt I!,d lunller.e nlr hlllllb or bruken pip. dlallllet1,. II_Ifill III or!,l WII lit. cry uf the ouILler._ ' WII~II v forlueh I~curpor"ted ,III.,." aN la Or.t MuudMY 111 F"bruer y, Pruvld..d , how- rof ,,\Illig • cenllln w '&Iillit Ihl' uVl'rwbelrnlllg wllve uf tl,. b,,- thele puoe" II bl'lIeved 10 tin! Clllluly Qujl,lBEC. lI. 'l'h.t .Qction four of l.n .ct to e~1&e the .. me 10 be the true Idh.wlI lip ltl w1Jr~h, he .ddrl.'llled the .rmy_ be (ur the purpute 01 • r~ uver. lb.t thl! p,ub.te cour\ WlY, at .nky d . . ' , ~or lhe/hc ~d1 ::~rllgta~e::i~~I~I:"~ I pro\ 1.1, lur th~ Stltl' P,lutmf , Irl·loeo ATPlrll dl.lriet onl" .h." IOI'u ih., bl\d dDahed upon thelm; en one. I 11 d co- lim" .Cler Ih41 puftlllile at I"" .cl. ml • e g It cell '. U .tlle•• ntl Iball .Iao I ·' .MuIIY", 0 I wre II I ,e rua lu yuur pea "' 1"" 1861. wlllc,. re.d, ,. In ow •. ' Ie name Ihe perllOn ureoper~lR .11 .lIutvan ee III the pro,eeUI~ ln. . .110rllf'Y eDch t.lcdm"" Jurur, \ !tow on .l~e. the bruk~1t Ir11l1li1l.l1t1 uf The new Dlctatu r.ln.tul! of entl!rrnl ful h"OIel." • • ulhorlu4 tD Mill tlmts ; IlIr . wellr- j pllr llnl •• hall be prilltedl li .. ~Ium (lCiavO _elill beh.lt ofthe petitlUDl pulll\lnJt the wilJ tu lIu·llu- rur hili . crvicu relldered (ur the year Ihd WhY!! mre relldllred Wlllbl... lcattcred Hlln,.ry the Cuum .. lra In pr<MeC)llo eight- illg cOII~I.bll!, ,uur cellt_; fur 1. IIUlllg aUbl'- llurm on 1I<l.t uyer which he wd ry' t.llell itlreclilla hI. lin~r to Ibe hl!:hIUIII pruner type •• nd In tille uld petltlt'n ".,11 bUlldred .nd lill)' twu, III Ilf tliP ai- 811 •• whC're Ihe,e 1. but UII!! lu dltl4.lrder .lld wnfuIll) n u',er the pblll. appointe d to rule, m;'ched direlllly wHlled~ lI~mi •• r.1: ..,e .nd C'omp.et urder '1 I. cona ..t- SEC to V I- I w~, le.dllle· tu Vlellll •• \. Yu.\der II t.h, Wwauc•• Dlud. When 'an, wch .,.tl~io.D .b.lI "111, tbl! COll'~dtlb 1I ut- "d~~:~.'~I;r :~It~,. 't~~ ~U!C';;I':IlY :a..::I':.,'I~ ent wllh j(°l"d kwurkbIDA",lIhl" WlllooUlh b d ' .~nll cl/,.... Db""t d'e Ylet<lr:a luy he.p. u ( I pnn •• b,. 1l\llnlcJiolJ. II 1 I. I I tb Cd ty 11II(l'IiItOrney.eoulC'lPplI,~ ytuth~ Ull dou tI.... III ,11. pUlb to nil; 'I\e. to lhe eUIIDty colJlul II .onlna ,bpI un • " uut t I. tIe pM 0 ~ neret~"ryb.11 ur ru I.'np_!Jl" . ,e.c t 0 u . be p.1I1 <111\ ul Ihe Ilounly \rll.lur" 1111 ur- ne...• tberr .Iliin, file., . 'Jaer Mug. fullowed up COUlptd tietore tho th' ...1JIllobe O\e,llul , four UllloIi tor ellterrrt' g .nelld- cunlllill ll8lifl.r a'm', be.ftll8l l lAtulict Imperial cily on Ibe l WIolch wl:1 yuu t.UI Ever) lD.n .heU m hund~ n~ ~lId lor" to ~ Iberellep l IUJt.;l der of the cuunly .uliltuf. tile ylclory .. he IlIuuld hnt dUIlC!.lIy • 41b (Oct). t Schwen ."ce uf endl "iln~'8, .Ix " .. ntll j .lId 10r ' ~III~ IDr.lwlilJg !il'ad lind dorf. Tbe 1001 1\61 0.1100'" fur IIlm.eU. WI! w.1I1 no UIIWIIlool IInel.· be and tu~hli rnllpe~do"u(.n)' Jlfttull.:rp.rfo SEC. 6. Thal II Ihall be tile dll.,.f elwlIIl! order lu f4Ch wrttl~.. lor felf' ,1tlJo ~.e I. h.. r"hv ,rpe.lrd ,11I01'OUI Ihe cn.er of the reb;" thullllrllu1,!bt to ,"pport the clu.e .lId . • .une Int""'tle 4.untll the UlDe appulnte d de. \llllg.aul dl"r.... "Pl'alh itr L,bertY! " C!hle' would b.ve been IpE't'dll, tfntllllll td fend {he pel'1lOn 01 hi. 8 aker of t!mplu,~r, .nd the Ihe ouly rtlpun.e . Altuut. hundred ... '" req~lrrd tu e lye bOlld lor lhe Bllt tbe ,~ ..eral WI' aecreUJ favor"" the final .nd eroWntng aet untl ; lor Inill'xlnc e.ch CIIu.e, len eelltl pe of duplicll WILLI AM IIIEDII:.L; I1lhl and commun icate to IIICII pel" Au."I~n'CIuI•• lal/.chl "h lI.ke~ 'Dd ob- p~rl of both w•• conlum~.ted. , on t,he l,(li1nl!na. Iuclu.hn , 6,e ur lilt Hune·n lnl. ul 101. tJutie•• 10 I1MII UPOIl ,b" fur earb .lId eVllry U!rlll Ihe .. IDe .h.1I rel Pre.lile. lt or &II, SlIlIlte. tllrllw up Ihelr .cml !l nd rellred (rom tbe .ttoru ..y OIl hi. cuunly. lIoa';'. or their ."01 •• tl.e.~ pl.e« (or B til Iltll!nd tu mlliU 011 the dUClhl; ~or eDler1l1~judltrnep! H'J ,,1862. tlined .n .rmialic i fur t~ree dlY" "me' ulld II .hall '.e the dUI)' of IIld Ih. b.lrlngo reucb pell&lon• • hlcb tlUle ut ~t lhla time. Vlelln. w .. In • at.11> Of{rftll II, xt. J'e11\ p 309) len cellte, lor reour .n, ,en , . prOlle~U! lnlf 'Itorney . UpUh Ibleh .umo\oa ... lbe faUh-brealHfll r...dl, by the conal- I!reat U(lllem ent. Ih.1I not beilIU tbla .Illt, d.,e aU.r the lell cellll. lur ellterIDar d"c(e. The ,Ptoplo \;ere enOn Ihe lISlh the army took up tbe hne to pt'1lp.,e t11"lrup "r ballile, tlml o(.lIcb Blrn,; Iud ,h.rau a . tb. ,.. 1ft 1.,.1. form. II",•• brulte lb. colldiliUII. of ra.:pd at the duuble.d e.\ing of Fl'fdln.n <In Journ,I, lell I'enlib.'u r AN ACT Ibnn,(~~ d. of march and 011 tbe evelllbi ur tbe !l91h to elUl.iM .D Ialle l.rlea Iitlonl'''' ur thl'ir laenll••".Irca u.. epec,,1 eare . . . tllle tbe lruce•• pd Ih.t nigh' ratre.ted und relCllved to cumpel bun t<l carry 0llt 1 encampe wurd.; ft°r ~.nk: Bt.te Ol1lce.... cl In tlce til b~ publioha41 In IOlDe .'.&pap er o.r .1,lIt me of the t /,Ily fcI.l eod ti,. liP• lorm. WI uf h If' I~O 'Qh • t""etller u,wla~~~I 1~· for d ~~Ierln e l l .. '~~'I.~~l I unul <I[ jlHl'; S.c. I. Be It eo.cwd b, the aln.nl gener..1Clreul.ll un ill lh-;._a~t ~'" ""lIltrl l. lin. t e '1,.r C\I - Ihe promt1ee of r.form 'ln. un' I U len I upl.nll e.,. I e prupcr . . . . . . l eml' Tbe aext morullIg. expeclln e tlI' algnma DOt Ie_a( • rd I A_ulbl y of the t5tM'. <If OhiO. Th.t ,III th.n .Ix conlecu tlV" and Id.lhol tbereu(, .0cI .11; .1" ume In lI,ht of bl. army, be h.d ai- \ht')1 blld t'.lurled from hun. or def-ree. 011 ,..,e!' ' ,we.1 ct'ntl~I .evenl weea., aa" • cop, bl\\ which ulllcer. berllin.l ter UlentloQe~}.bll IUch notl~ to "e ~ Vlcllnea e to c:u-oper... With theul." ell4urwemelli. thereull at •• re .,1. cunrormil), fur ellteru.." every '!,ec,.1 rule. ~)I cenll. "idJ croutel Ihe hne. and ..II on the "lei '~lled to perfurm. 'Vbell It W.I I KUllluth ,,;bJlet b e t'tled to r'C4Ilve (IIr tIIelr aertice. Ihe pl.ce wlthlll t".lImlt Ii.d wrlttell ttl BC'm.lh e HUII,"- to law: .ud tllC bUild uf no C:;rUlY r e uf the ..W p,opoo Itrrh"'1' of bit perfidiuuI .U)'. HI' lea... lI~uwn Ib.t I.'II.chl ch WI. befur~ :ffiu lur entt!f\'I, IVII[y :"t1llul ln~l ~~I~~"~~'; 1~1!':n the clly, ' "Inlf were It'd out to It tack tbe InePIY .t ehell be Iceepte nl ' _.a W d~nd appruv' • b~ t • eu- uaar~ o~r r~;:r!'lIee n t':~v-~ :enll a;d elahli!1'1Il .um'•• nllu.II,: thfl Guvl':no r, eN In·corpurat.ed eillap Dot I. . ".D .t. • h lib I f fill • hbwt-v .. r. ~.. CIIplUrno hlludrecl doll.rI. 'l'he LleuU!li- C"lIfMCUIIYII .eell. IHIIIlN tbell\tIM at , .. _a- th" Academ ic u.-I'UD alld t e . era" 0 I Scbwech at_ At Brat diet were .uc:ce.~ Iu I tlourlly autllunu u II! apUrClVI! arr • ru ot ~ • I' t G vernor fin dulil" pt'r da)' t.he '8Ine, ullIII Aid buill} h.~ be.. _n hull. Mild h •• rHe",e under Rou. 1100 tbe NatJuql l Gu.rd ..kPd permll.l on mg which nollce. ... conll l. . . . COPI thereu( . uuder •••• !;Went)'ilile "~In of :he I.e 1lllturol. TIle Jud • te Under tho brl'. G\I)un Ihe Au.men••Dd lIl.pect.ecl by e.l. 'l'B • "ad .,.11 ... the prcllecUlm, .tWrDIIlI lItJOn IIro",. WrN MMln furce( to lurrlt;d er- l Ct>ulol, fur eJlletlllg no~~ o~ 'pr:. I, I the BU:leme Cuu~t, wwentee ft htind~ ru out aud liaht blm. The ""p(Ilbl y were elriven (rum llie \'111_ie o( )lann.. ul lbl' pru~' cUlmt, •• nd lht! :nUlltJ alJlOIDcN far 1M bear... :O~Other boil!.. were I.ken•• 114 bel"" tbe t ",auld lIul permit them U!II c'"~;1 f~r dl1l"'b~ j,u~ ~~( :ollal •• Tile JudIC". of til. Cummo " PI... 10 d" AO' but' .el)l worth. Illd J"JI.chh:h f<lllid. H.d Mog. ~11I'fuDc r~ 1I1~~ ~~:::;~III:I'.~tO:~ ~o~ :~~~:u~: f:' '~aklllg up • alllnplet . rea. OUllrt•• lId Ihe t'rllliDIt 'on 01 the _.r, tbe Hunl;.r I.nl • "dell'l.t e to Ihe rebel'. c.mp tu IClt h .. been Irue (Ilore mlllbt bnl been .CCOD!- bi:::~~c Jud.e 01 th • Cri.~:: I II':.'"=:rn f!':U::r~ il~ ut\cler Ihll Itcti<la. •• Ib_y urd 10 elch Clllln. ten CllIIlI fur each .oue h.d killtel CII' made prnlUHr . rort; toou.ir~d Ipirlt, end tu endeno ~~rt 01 ~~ml~D cu..:ntJ 'I ~~~n huo r tu buy 111m ballk phi h('d. bu~ he .... If-cretl, ra rlne the t~~: or~.2'.. pt.. to .... .., ,..,. .11~JI cI",oo Ind ",1.ulI.b le.. of 1.1. loll_ere . or .IKmt two thinleof .... arill tn Ibe I:klnlc ' bundred Wo.rela IOcb recut' 01.)' :"I\~:~d: hu"d~td dull:.... c;b:'r': e. . pa"y. 1'1:. me • • ure AlIIlri a_h.d wl.htd tblt murDlna to r!; .. n I~~ ••, SEll. 6. Tllat on tI.e 'Pflll~a~ on of (ur lDakllla~u. W~iee ':eJ::T n·. ~_ BIIMO bundred doll..... tDU ..... 1'Ift~1 Tblll tennlnat~ the lrat w.. un'lIcuM l'ul." )Telt\ The .,.309) Aboul del., the a\lack (or bot t.nlJ-fl lllr IIUUrfI. ProeeeuI or .. HI ....... ....~: III, .tlon,e" 1:'!nelt~th~ ~1'::lct ~'uioa 0)( Hllllpr, .. w,dch bed been ~- thl. junctllre . Frincl. Pulak) , Huna.fla :b:":e.i:':~x.'d when requl~d bi i S"te.elx teen laua..rtddolla.... T\i, n ! knowIn, by .d"_ •• h.t .11 woul4 'hen !~~~(j~~<I~O=:I M :~ ~ Ih~; ullllln~ Dec:eNIparlna' (or .onth., in tw ..nlJ d.YI. the p.rdee 0; the lew. tea ceut' Librarl~ ••1. ~nDCl~dnl:::. n!':: Btoeretl " or St.te. Ih... at VItAP'. IHI O,l'r 111 Vleaua. A. It w•• WindllC h- r,. .ppolnt aa ...~at COIII.I. . .,.. ... ...., proHl~ut nterlo, :::::J ipeal14lr qo 1.II.chie " I. no" on Au.!riu uae bundred WONerI (ur pe:=~ perU. publlabed tbe h,tl'{Cll'plecl pta b.d th.t mornia, ell~d clleeft'tlo"i ~l' \ba ~t the "I I IY. lor "!' ..~ lerwleeo, t::;~~il -:."'~ -hllhPr t.hl' I"DI,. ••,e refraine d (rom I'Orretp<onclenee between : ·:a~:C~~I!e0. lIie State b)' hilli Ibe tire imperial and wla Ita m..ter. lee,l... !alt .rm)' to , tlte or a . . . . i ....... .... 111111. lIIeI ill the COIIIpltt.· POW'" Coon In4l.n. "b"b " (Rf,'n .1Ia1i1 dee. j1ll& eaecutio n.JbItt} '.a" c.na.; for _ 0 & ur !ai. p. 16) Tbe POU' ant apoa-lh e Hunllfi ..... A1 lour l ~':J !..u~a • ... l1li ell W. to lw p!id out c>f the CUWI' tI ,t. lII.a who bed ".nuuM H hi•••• d'o!Ct p,..,dllcc<d b,lhe Pet. UlCllUoa ......... .. et.... -'!I:etOl 'Dltb. ....11 '":u.. Icnuw'.... Ihu. pru- <I'c\uck, Were to rHrl1l1; IMJ\ BoaI l t""III} , t ..,; the order kJal....lraltorl.. o( die l J .ad 1M bl. tor ::~~~= : : e : :..~~ ~~' lIel mulpte4 . . . .D open inlnrrec hun, &he ..Ih do of the IIOt eoDaf'Dt. dlell. bu",- ,udltor, ... f ::::~I" .rl&.l of nadition l . . . . . . . Worllt.1IIOIr IIIMII buedNII "1Ir ... -.on...... hu acl8d a ctouble part, 1t11l1., hcMtU, . . "'1111 broujlbt oa the rlsht .1., ... tkro•• Ialo etJIIo ..... 'ar be baa ,.,anlet l h. oath. fo1 .....: uf c.rrdtca 01 IIle........ .. j . . . . ',"",·1 " Ian, .... fulloa aDCIIID, e'- • . . , . ucI .... Ii.. IIfto8Ie ucI 1ft"'"" fureaell ....~ ~r.We On Ih.. U. Ootcl1Nr,. On \be &tb-9ct .. a. ouIer ... ~~ 1111.. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,...... .... , ••t ,bt rrrl_. .uw I.... t. tIftM!IIJ! .... tile )11'1 ''''' lit ... ... ..... _ 01 . . . ., ...... ~........, aI
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1"-,:tl llPlrb: d- .....,.., • .,. IIct_ _OIl",,",IIIOrIIf"r"~.1 .1......... ..iIMDaIl1 I. r... 01 PI'III..,. , Bb." VI L • .w..... N..rdIinI 111ft ..., .. IIeute. WeII- 'tJuuat at Ibe AwriIa a, ladlul, ID I IIorrld ..... IW lad""l. . . to dJ,ldl 'b'I' '",lIlilll l: IMt'. rru.a daft .-.n. •• wb cb h, tHeIl , ... • I DIOrDfllf. bill 1Ie'1i ~ t::7"J'Iae -0 .....1 OUDfereaoe or the 1~11I, deraapd rw ..... ... , ..... It, ~~C~IUIi'" ..,tbc,dl- JlpllCOpal Cbureh, It ,I.. lale lb, acI~~ vI bI8 pll,.II.. WU OD btrwI, ~Iol. In B'.llon, .....eh_I~. lira... to 'iIIl' 'rJ.oM ..ar L.Daut er. Hill wile uul IIi., cll._ hllhf' Diec:lpllp. which no- ."CUatp.nl.. bh". lIu81 utili,' , . 'fOre tu 'lIi~ \hIt th, DIM IDd ."lIIen IbhUId .It .tart h. "elll ta hi. ,oumtj ."ed hi • •• ~l.t, III rhurch clu.rln, wOfIIltlp. Jio lrunk.l..uk uut hi' rUI '.', WIoIlIIO tM ,m'" ..utb p"'If'. ,,"de. ~nd ~klnr I 1.lr ,~ew. IlUt :Jl, u ..
_ Iterda,
. .. UIII •••h. r~.chini rum ear III e.r, IIIV"r. ~ £aUI cop'" vI 'f:he Milml VI.itur ,i, llid~il~. bUI Dill qUllr reluhlll i "'II be ~.. d 'III Ih" r.tel 01 llvIl, cell'" Iur hi. JUllulur. Wb~1I Ibe, ~t'nIIO
hi. rO"111 a Ih'lI'l. 1I&I1',.lIr ""piV' .ur len ce~I" lfUr, b,w bl! Will un Ihl' 411Ur welll'''n " III _ • •• bi, bltJUd-_ n IWliJl,ll lht. HII lived abuut Prnonl , ",fiu live their Damt!tl on l ,wllnty-tlYu h"ur~. h"t wa_ in_ellslh l. ' lh .. "C.hl.. r'. lI~t," wtll~1I1er I Ilvur by the ' ••"7' VQ/"hn/Jlu Journal, Jum 14. ","~'hl. hutlllh .. C.rrier dehverw 1III'Ir per.... lld b7 lIut ,"II,lInl .t Ihe ... lBe18 Iur Amonr ,h .. ,idil.()r~ in W".hlng lnn I, A :
conIllrl"". e.ery d•• criptlon 01 P.· I'" Weal. W. IIA~I\ ~\I1 .. n. unl· lu all. Ordor .. bf .nali "III be hi.· V"et!6.U II bllughl III I>\Ir.oll ~&"II'! i!' "IIi he "ent 111011 fr." nl c"o, . lIU 1 ' 1.l~1 &. 1I110IUi::R . , W"ulqea l. Vftl"" .1,·nl.r•• :17 l'l: llrl 'IrU ~1 Dec ~. 18!>1 . HI:: IlV S.\l':"IZ ;O-t::""n:--b-""~ro-l-u-r';'lIe-II""'to~ljrlI. '
P" I
It la Vl:ry 1",:UIIYt'lIi"lIl It,r III tu B. C:urwlll~, E ·q.l OUIo.ul uf the U 'llted ~CIIlUIIIII uf III .. lI.me~ ul Ihu~e wh.. H'llea a\ I> ,nlOllla. tbu.. I.l-&, tI.. UI uut. IU "W Inl',nll Ih" 4:lIr----: ---= ----- .,iB•• Nd \I ~ II du liu', it oIl1bj .. cI. U" Iu TIoI' N " W V" rk M E C"nll'rellCI' <nO't IUdll. III N 'N Y"r~ elly .. " W,·dn,,"eI,y. B!~h"J'~ M,.rrlollluU ~Cull prttdldllOi ••• 0:7 Hr. H'IIIIII... II, ,,/.Iu bUM lIl'tll ruu('v~r"l ) ... r"I"U"rl l""r lIud llillnlllll'r 111 lilt' Mr., CHlla.r, .... Bine·lml. (t'" rre.' ) I. tu H" •• III.. 11 H"h." 1" ,1111. "lac ... h,," l"II."d r"'MPI' a Ql Br.. nl:h.m'.I ,yc~ulII ill Nl!w
Clndnnatl · D via '. al'lllI. _till "iI~ Ihlilletllaooly ,h,
k.... p.n
lUi BOlt nia
'IT '-' .I~ vrts.... t«1 hI IlIIhUI druu". l.u \lflh~r tV .ur lloi. wurllO w ~nllt"r. ad,..u .r~ l u ~ ..1i "u
II In •• v.-....."al'I"'" prollarali"n CI"U~' ~ Llt"' ·lor~' au)' "&I,d u"l\.Ico Itl pub
WI h iU'.u h :t'U Ulluka. _me_, M. ,uiuurttl\ \. It r, 1t'II~ul . 1.1t' . tiutht. ci':lm u. b l tHar Dud Lir.,uM.
, 0/ "" Vr~I"''''-.I
u .V.
".:<l,'N! I~ III .. J IY. \J II
1' .11,)
If. .I.~.::I
rUOIlUI" ~uc dcr: 4' 1 m t; dlclllu Ull thlJ dclocllU prlllcl ..
\I (ltlt
,,10'•• Aid". I.. I- VI4'v" ' 'tI lllllll rl';rul nil uv ~1.,lun'1 11 Jh.. lall~ ul 1;"II'al "fill {y. null all
"" 1, I. u-c.11 lU.h.r (;01l1!:r"'~1I1•• ,a,,\ ,1,., blu.·~Jlt '''uVIJr',uIlUAtqtt. \.ill'lh\l, U.tOU,III.. by \'c wurk tiline II)' 111111 In "lIto rUJlVlc,. \\ali L.u W':I.r.H III · .. ttitutJr U'!IUIil Jc . ,.Y ",lUrf ~""u· 'Dllh~" J c....fllcu al uU~ turtllur rUbitl~ nee un .I.II~ lIUH Wi l l \!~ht" I':.Ud lit. 0 w d h. , ,,,:hi t:oo"rlh ~t , b'~t 01 M.IU. Warne.v llI". \ I " unu), Oil U,u
~1I~':'~.~.~I;~co;'~r~lI~ti~r~A~t~d~~n3ll1~~~~~~~ft~~~~~~~~~~i~~I~~~:~:~~ Wliynen llle,
\'\iRIT.N(~ INK,-W . ,".nUlaClure I"
IIl1lu qu.nll'I~~ Wr£olnl lnL "j .. qUill ly c,'1u~llu .'IY~lIlh\l e '1I" 'ri ~ .:IIo •• ulu n ....
\!XIt;tuIM UYtt f tit
vcral o. Utb
W~'lttrn , t'l~8 ,
.'IU IS c\lII~lau , ly lOIer ... 1111 Ord.rH",hailed IlU'I Lr.11 6: IUHfl UI'~d.
---r ----
ul r".lJy~ .n tl~tt UIUIllItI CUllla .. lid ~~'1' ,,'ic~. lU.e ",.11 '.I ~ III. b th IIUIIVe9 , 1'\I':h
1I'1i1 ar. aU lIuliU. ;0'1111 UI \;I' ".U. i\ ~rll 17, I b~~
10 'OU
III ""Iur"
w\,I jU", "'1
!hal wi ... ~~n Clnclnn .u. U~c ~, 1!l1. :!1I)~1r1 SHeOI 'lae meo1kilWl kit eom. LWO ...eek" (or a b.u coulb .Dol ...io In , • ilL. llU~lIt.L::i ll..\IIL.}:. Y WUIII.II i!) \Ind lliruuah Ihe .bo ..,II that .be """ II.. l"1 'ncdiC\DO Ihal .""med IU II.. iii., .. ALLt. '" ",VAllo", •• iBII 1,,01UI''' rellel a. )'o~r m~lcln., bul!. WDYIt~",IIl". 'Joe:,~. It'SI • U"'V"ctiu lly, Ii A'l'lI AN aRA yt:a. -'~--+t::~(:~G:"-lt":'l-l"'(;oSIl Well ntl,. 11 be e.lled Ibe UPZI " ..\." b"I\"'~u.llh. WhYhO•• .'oor Fr..... D4 F_n, ~Ii'.l. v.l' b 'U.lk~' y avt WH ich Ihtt CA.:.U v..t i , aUlar I), },'ur.!. ' j,UL.Ji..d b &. llC<U 11' CURES LIKE MAGIC. ,,1111 l~ I. 1 8~\l. ' • , ~ A Child ~ved! ( • I 1 7 A. JJ IlOA II OS. Wu...!cn BnekelS . -Illtulu: CUI,-"f be tolluwln& eftdollce I, \ 'l' I1rO"Il'iI, &1:.• on hftllU 10' ... 1. tilly UUII 0' II,UU ••lj<l. of Ilmll" cl"ll'jJ~~r. ,1IIi
Ilv-.:r. lhIw-ul., .kIU. l lUj ~ ..lJI1" ' s bLAM OF 111l.C'I"AIl. I 1:. at.uYl: !JllllWu.&t:.U ".11,,, ....... .,. cvn.,.ruly ",r.Jill ItlU.c alau •• CIUU net ~~U~tuh". _ rdtt vII hallU, .lbU i.t.ltu',h,..U tJ. ~"... , t\ uu el'ut M.lJuvu I" C\JU~.I I 'tS i, Wall k ll"l(1 ~I'b C.UUUIU nll)l. tflur<hJJU Wu \l~nl ,,,r'ih.r u..;Ofl.-U,",U UJ" \\ • 'tJr. ~.h A.lCUIi .u\! ~br1itl~UI aha beser. , .. ur II ' ....II ul lu II Wr Y.,.. .. IOI'" ul Yilrk Ill .. "' ... k. U\3Ccdsal, . ~. hU 1IJ:. II I '" "" 11 "v 11It;\t. II". IIIt1JI~ltIe I • • e'll'Cl e"re lOr ~h" (;ro~I' CIII~lUhllll. OI.lu; ",lIu I""k .......... Iuu uli l Fur •• 1" ., 'll. '''''~II~~. Ulug :,w •• t. \\ & l:. H. THU.\ As RI:!. Culf~ , l\lt"v~~. l.colnul 1I"1"'~1 .. I t.hi. i!l' \t, Thw Hlill.ueell O..vernClr Huul. 0 1 Nl'w Y',rk. h"" \lub. by J. 1. \jAIL), i\1.1. \UJ:. I'. tdl;HII" It,d UI .. ~IIII' II.' . . .ry 1.r," , H " ... 1a •• 1iuFl.o Il IrUUti r'l,ullI\lu li .. II f lI~h .. d. lelll!r r,' 1!8inlr lilt:", AND 1J1'I,U~DtlD uu.... ln .",c:~ J\I¥IIlU\l vtlllalld I vr •• 1 Chdjl, .." CIlll IOn I'lItrll ' ~ hu,,, Ju"t r\!c~,vt'U 1101&'1, ••d oNII .0J'P,U14/ It will CUIIUUUII 10 M,. .iun 0(11 ... W, ~ . • A.. :,JlALL. \ \ III IV '!luck ..1 1" 'tJk~ !.I'I!I.IIIU rf' nr II,. , Statl'. t .. I:. ..\lanon. UloiD', .pr2. du /III. III' ' ,e:ull.l •• 11111 IIOtI~nrl'•• cl"i,~ 10 thl eUhlrKellll'lIt SO,,' DlMi8~ND iU:o\I' »0 .....\119. bylulI ~ I ••• I 01 the canal•• L:'1 1.t.1.t.I \LIJ.' A,I,IIA! L.oii.·. I I
N. D.
=-- ..
cuucltliuvuly pr", •• wal Dr. How.'" ~"VI' rUI& ilf u... ul 1110 IIlllil' 011''11)11'' r.medi. . . . . ,1I.cllvurtlc!, CI/lVIIIIIAfI, &1 ... 16. IN •• DR, lJowE-ff ii.. c", My IUD. wl!el! .bely' IIll1nLh. 011'\, tiroke O~I "lib ilull eIIMdfal ber",lulOIlI 1Or_, OVer the ' - ..114 i lOr LWO ,8UIl" I11III • ball i lrlrct _ry '1I~.1I' lloal cullid be 'DjrplM by frieDel., I .... 0 bad W. .d,.ce 01 .ilI or .II,.a .. lbe be t I'loy.I.I .... In the eoun!ry, ,,1Ibo(lL ~I' Inl. cllle. 8lId I al_, wLo_ lile I'LU. Jiull. l.rtll' duad. (ltlll 1111,,111 be lteecI fr_ ~II paine, I)lIrlllll Lbo III, iuUllilw lb•• um ..,. '" ulI,r_h, " .ull ,.1111111, 0"..11 uuI ,,1M _rl Ul' with ~l IIIlIbl anli ~." for w"u alld we "ad III Yea lip aJl bQpe of "erIIIPllier talIlIll uur lillie oao AllellClIa If IrI.... advYell III uprr V'll1r lI.reapm ll.. aaillolla tl, I triM h. Dnd hnve rOA80n 10 bl... Uod Nt h. In a ,.ry ,hlln IJilltllt btl&ied up !he .or~ ••o ihaL !llere i. 8carooly uY.I~ Q ocar 10 be _n, Wf, oply rep:rtil ilia I dltl nOl bear of &lid _aI'nc e U' IIIR II ,01ll ••r,.1 )Va ~ro ~.Il.1ied II .ould huve ~a\"d a ,ru't de.1 01 nihriua 8IICI, n. I' ntt, 'l'he C!ldJd I. nllw well .ad Jut.flf. W. ill> unhealiillJII/lly coml''',r yuur I:5blk.r Sen• ..uHUt UII' ul IIId .beal IIrepor.l lllll. DO. I" :JUliN 8'1 A~dbLJ,.
u.... Raco. " bill wcen l"roDl _
/iI(oCu~ ....
1'·lIOI I.lo 1\1,JI.III'tl, the M<lIIICal I'ryhi. thlll .nd elll" .lII IMlr "I".~
, Q::TThf'fl w,li. ,er1 pl•••• ul I!lc Illc Ma!! JUD-. '. , the Wid"", nl D .\'101 'Jut!Culd 81"'1nl(, IIMh 01 ,III. JU I LLINE HYI ~IlLLINERY!1 ."11, ,F 'ltlly F ."....Ier.) nr.iv. d ill Ollc·. pl.~. un IiJIItuflloa), u l 'I".t wl'tk. " t.;- I, A., IJ H , L.\ \ t, • I,. ~I clful· I]' DlIl1C,fUIICt \ 10 thll ."hl&l OI ut \V ·.\)'n~8" ~n W , d'lI'lId .~. 1..1, I,ll h"r W"y tu H '1I11. ulle au" U\;II,I' Y e~.1 IIIt1 htlYr cuulIlIUllce.I t"n, y ".k, 'he I'f'lIillf'nee uf Ii!'r P"- ,be . . ~Dr. BI..d4~rdl of tlai. pl~rl', brl.u)/hl I r,:I\I..N·,wSlu: Iw hi • dellellt' "ttlte of heallh MII. r.IN)' Rl· DUSINU I8 • I",.. IIlIr .oti,·tt I...t w~·c. 1 ~tr~wb rr'l'
,.''1 at
-- -
'tIIttt 1I..."uted I"rel! IUllhe. 11101 oIe,~'lII-
POETRY. W"1T[1I t'(l1I TilL iii lUll nblT"a
aT \\I.LTaa . ~Jil!r
'o'Ilr h.n,o duwn In' curUn; rlnalc ... , .I(uu,,'&. 1'",lIf Iuy,,!,. 10"1'0, " II wnJ nol _I I" 1'1 .... c.tnllnelll.nl, Bill h •• Ir.. n. 1111 'I'rliton IICtI. Sl\~lna "lib. iracel;'1 ICPIIL''', tl".lr ,, ~ck uf ~"I'wt wlolte, 'SM<mlni .. If tI ..., would bld~ ,I .'rOtio lIa. II'~" rol'lUI'C!d .~I't.
1\ i. DO' .. b,o.' or u' u n. JIll •• • 1 \0 I"~. elly Iolack- ' r .iu r. rt • k .. U, ID ,' t! •• • b,.,IIIII.
,,1011II... &11 U! "U
"kllo. ••
n..r 'j:jr. II M' a .ofl ~rnlean, flul ' IiI " ..cit '" maleh lI.r I\olr. ""~ it .l~llll l\ wnlo ... ,1 .lId louIII"r. In'tJl, ''ldulli .".rl.lu Ihlre. I•• wr... IIIUII nut b, 100 hOlllel,. Y.'. 1 woU h! IIUJ " •• e .1It'0I ••", II' Ih" bUll ' , Ihol .d."rtl.'<I Ihem
W.,,, .. .,noli'y .. dr.
·.uI' ,hal tat •
_nlr.neM II OlUenl .hrllia P.~l; Jill •• ~I. n.... 0 1 I<'•• u,..•• 1 b.. '~il1l. 1J);j • CII~Ii.e lul. _to'I~LOn. Ky. NIlI ....
('I lIl. ,..In 3 ~O d, ,'In \1lr .. ftrlll!'! vrel at New Y"rk lrolu St, Bllrl ••
In 110. "'" Uer ' ....... "I .All.... \\ hil •• oJ w.llllllf. 10,CO. ,\hllll alll." I. nlill ~,l l bt· vl.·u,wtl tu 'hUYI .bl:! cu. hUll .. I Ih, L."I,. 01 WU) II u> \I 11,•• anti Ibe WUII'
'lI!: llNOERPIGNF.O T II", ho I_ P"l'llr#d \l. furnl '}l
~ door .... Ullt "I 1>r. Nutldard '.
~nn,,"nt,p 10
uy ' g"lJt!r."y • ., h~ ) ar~ I'r4\p.rllll 10 dll II.dr w'lfk In Iltu '111)1,uia, 0..,11 ... 111 ,nebl. II"lIIlIur, alia DI Ih..
!'umpR "lOW in U~. fel,
t:TMI ... ~o: A C",ana 'he ire., Tea~l ·ftl.n. lIIul' rtlnl!ouahl e fJr1Cf II 7th ~nd W.lnu. Ito. Con.IoIR"el. h'"~~ All work ,·IOIrll-l.-l lo Ihenl .. 111 be d,me "e· ",.&le ealen. lv. prellar.el,U8 10 ~u~Vly Whult!· ... ,d"'1!( lu ord.l •• uli 'hu;, irtll.,it ,,1m .... 11 , .1 ... r.d R~I.iI M/).rch.lIl~ In II,n c"unlry Gild loel""I _. \\' u) "n\ ille. U • April la" 18~3 IO·3m , ' ' tv.r lownl. and no"y be dnpeoldad "!l"11 II' J, ~.C;:bW.A~LL~D&&:-11'00\ ,,,Hec l .ud.'"",r .1 d..!er.. , 2
lin. WI'leh I,
y .. u nn '\wq)'1 1ft (..,.b "Iler. will reclovB PNlllpt uten,I"n . t
.. -
• ,uOd uncle 01 LlqulI",.lor A1.so .\lloUll:lllul l,urvual>1 .. Illy, :Ol\ch .. h~" I. ~Vlfi"'lI.
11 ,I 01111. "f dOl.
Goo ds!
II ., /\llItl~ & 00,. AloE I~ ~l!ll;'l:.I "·1 • of. ,\, ry lorll. otuck ,II IIC,IJ.l sARR& Dr~" 1JTIFIJL
bu •• 1I1 •• j,IIII '" I~I.illt!;. ju, U I ' " hi~ hhe. "II. bl"ck'lIIi th ~ Iii I 'W. Ililll llilh'll. ,....,... "... I
lliuku II wltl, 'h~ II .....IIIIII! UI.ll "ItC'" II 11I,"hllttl A 'ef,oll ul IUlle 1IO,,"tlo. wl.ILt lilY, boa /III >lUIII. u'~r ehr... "ulluro. un ,It,· I,.,cu_ r .IV
lorS 'WIU.ft1 HCUno); ,I I, .ulI" ul ulI_r. Ollld 111101." c".Io. Sulu lu ""IUllltlle , .1 10. ,,'dock, A, M • "h"11 du" ... ""liull .. iii bu II" 10 "1 l<l,\AL" toy Al\j.:o" J ,\bU/\ ..VMl;!, &zu •• 6 ,\lUhlh, (June, ~ud. J llb~
... 45@iOc .
til ,Oil.
""plel, ,bu e!rled Cb ... k, II~. f cI'o&. ll'tJIllC'fI!, 1> lb.
I,bOo. "~e"
N,'w Orll'1I111 8urr, "f Ii.
""pip, d" N~w tlrl... ". M"loI.'.'1 S~811r "YIIIl' )lulu.fI t,
F,I~t Au ~v"l (:f
"It ....
11 bu.
' 10\.... ,..M,I"II ., ,1""'111
lhal I. '''II 'oj Uhlir Il1ldr".~ h. ~UIII,eJ I Clto.e 01 1'"01.
Dutter, 1jI .. I!lt.., l' dul. Laor" L. ...I". ,
Rlu C.. O're.
w ""II •• , h. ....
Flour, l'. bbr. dtl 11 c" 'I.
PUl.luell .
Public , Sal~
b 0111.. _, • ""," ••••• 1 lloe l'lo U$ually itOI'I In uryu btu.... whloh be will \ \ • ILl. rC.'.leh~ ut 'a 11011.'" i ... t . ., dt:Cr ••• u, • .,11 ~I 11001""'. 0' current ell.lI price., .b<'UI ~.. U I.' lie•• uUII,lOun l Ir•• DI \V.yae-" i.. , • lIu hili 111", "OI.! lOll, Uti. IU .. CoIp ,"onOlancl, Oi' ion .Ia~. 110. 1!l11I 11.1. mu 1"'l"l>lIl'i {""I' ) " .. Ilaml • ,,1IlIiI .U~lIly oj Jllwtllry. ';,uolo • • ,,1 In" \h-cc • Ill. cUfUo. i:.~~1I1 au 6'.&1 L VI UU,
O.l~ .l'
b.alu.!)', ......0, h)' tt, Whl&ky, J)ort·WlIIt J Au. II.... )U.I ",'Ctavlld a .. 1.1 ,..hl cuII.I • •lIly ..... , "n haud I ""~II ••• IIJCIL'tI .....,nul~)1\ 0\ ~ucl Ollucle••• aro u"UlJl br.'~ a""y~, aud all ulilcll'
.lJrulIl· IOIUO. toar .IIU IlIOlIui' rtll~;; , UIlII.I Alld ~u,l " V.I " ". VJI u bllauJ ul ~hJ':I"I". \aboU l ~ht:llu ... u~er p i llet·•• , '''.MlOllldc& Ac ul C Iltlti, "ull I " .are .rt:llb thth: .. c 'WW, Ii ,,"VI<) u,u,,'e I. 'Ill b) bi ", a "'.... n ttd e bo lIu\lIbur ululIOVIC" 01111 oil u~: l ' IW~'''U'''''' car· ~Urt· .. Ir~", ItUU ".lnulut: r! .~~ allJ Ila ..tI. I I 1" 11 IN '''''''. I "II'~, .... !I. 1'.rl ,eul.1 alit IIllulI "III "" 1'01&1 10 IIlhnll nil, .. boUI toW bu .. h\.ltJ C:V"I au tt:UlI. whua1 , Quit. . 'h) " ••Iull. urdu .... , ~1It1 "Ullin&: uVI,r"""I' III'''U"l ant. an 'h~ M.uumh III(ltutJb• •lId '"'1111)' CUIU(K.'Uf uJI, and ,,r-.:t.lU'&ltl\101 ul I lnl~II1M uLrll~'I.; tuulIlnK ... h I. :r.!,,,,ut kit d.
WI ... al,1I bu. CUfll,lI ..
M"lb ••tI.l'
P1'PPI'" l' ft.. AJI-rlct'. l' lb.
L" IIt. SAil. " bbl. Flux !Wed 11 bu.
• I~'c
'7(jt!i r • bOe. ,_I. 6U~. fiO(!ll760. 1ge.
Ilk. , 1::16 IIU4:.
E ukl! v'eM
u .... III \U I1 f lUm" our
\ :, .n!1 III CI ' Ut"1I1 01 lIu. I.l.c•• nd VlClUi· tJ If n '"" .l1y, Ihal we arc reel itln,.., ullr .. tur~ • our I •
"ND BUlIliE R STOCK "I g,~ thi. tor'. ~,I .....I
• 11«1. I'IOCI • • p.1 w,,11 _rl,", , \\I. .111 "no un haud lad 'or •• 1... e ,ood .a".~rUII~II '
bUI II)' I w I,Ilen,,*,
" ... 11\1
l'1.AIN "PoD FA I\( \' 1)111:88 GOO"~. l. .. II,.. l ""ulII tu. &iUIl6"~. 'J ",. •• d • • J .. il•• l.ulilell•• Il<:rlillftl o.,lon,",. I'.. ~hll'. (;1"\110 ...1., t ... 1 , .wn •. ~Io\o. ) U,I"'lo.-, "' .V"c ••• Il.lIlk 1\ u~lIl1. "' L' ~ . 1\1 ull. l;'IIOI>rick , .~ IC \.ttnV~tf. l.'J~lC,.'r". Ie c.;uUeol'l, 'tUeh"l!, F'.Hnt.l~ , '.ckl .. ,,~ t.J'I ~ak., ~.c . .,I'll , 11,,'1,1)\ \,\01; ANIl Q Ir,t;t.NS e " .tRt.,
.nd CUrNltI'ODlhhll I" loel. WI< claim u'l .... " I'f Ilu LOllnlJy l5au.... Ind
we IIr.. I""adul (or 00,,1,1,1111 du ull 11\ out "uwer IQ oonllUUln l:4I, auU'IOIlI ell "''' uk 01,0 01 Ib, , "t;1) FI.AU .nd look! W. IlIk' .. \t. ~ura ~!lI)WINU " .....1., fly.n II We d" nOI ..,11 . I:!i.n 61 Ih. Red Jo lal" S. E. Corner l\l.in it l\Iorlh ~lrU"'" W.yn ....)Ue, u, A"J\I 6. 1852 LSO a Illele 101 01 C-.-'~-e-P-o-I~-.-f<-u-r-• •""'I"'e-b-, IIh.Cllrll... '1 ' J . 11. llAItMl Alt·J.
All orden
\V.,.nlln lll .. , Ohl". NI'\'~M...r 61 18M. ~ 11\.
ouaal:C' UD £y, aY WEEIf,
rl",e up
' t GEC"\. !\t. Zit .1..
W.\" ... VII .. VW"'. , Il IIf'DR .. G8, MJn)IC Jlq&; S. D. H"w..' • SIII,kl" SIIr:"p. , DJJUJ1 OBWU CAJ.8, ..~.,.. ,91JJJ. rill •• ~dy.'r\llf'd in .no~'t"r l!vlunon, h,Iluly ~A'U'li:)'''~, ,u".~. J .. -r-~.J V ..1-.s. t.~ .. . IIIlfvod F"n,ll,. JI...tIcl,.... It ;U.I"'I ,theo , ti.f:l, llt'. 1:1, "'lIIJAl\\ jlf, ' blood Iliod ~rt ...... "' ••• ~.11 .. eurr~it I. A~ Uc..lloA ,II), tA, C\ AUIIIltghl)' .""Ium Ur.llI Cillcinn .,i. "nijJ_ 11\t'le UI·J:.:'hJ · " ~ cal1pd Ih" puur Inao'l 'r)t'nd. See .dver. --1 I ll). \ . tiI1Illt:S, tii. "'I'n\. I
""'y elo n,,'
y'/Ilf ...,111 10 •• U~ ~.nhule Ihat "hol ..o",. "Ht"\I~el 10 flllrlfv IhP Walp r 7 A I'ld. ,''''' ... nnne fr.....11 "I,ln the \IIlnl~r. M,
CQ r.
W(tI,ld _pt!CIlfully
r onlhlllllit y ~t 11f1l~1.lhn' ~ri,1 I'u, Inl". W~". Ollllin. I "nlpl. 111 whl~h Ihe al.,.~ rUI .~ ft M· pr#,cnl~.i"n\ Th~"" I'tlm", hnv, unll,,"hl... l. Iy . 110"", IonJlO.I.,, 1 .dunlo, '" ,,~., ellY othftr
L ",a..a.II IS. LOOK
II. ""UlI\r) &II dU~.u ~
.. III
I LIt,
II""" I'llCIt' III
b.ck" •• ,' bu, \" 111M 1\, I" \~. &. '-i, h
DItIit.:l U:
\ .... Ut.al
\ It ~"UW-W l .......... .1• • ".11111_ liluwLwh .. '"' jn~III... ~ 10 1I.11I~-aII" ...hl& hi II .... ,he fiel" lu ..,.,.,ru&l".!J •
"1I11.1lI v . ... -." wi.hello Ibe 1'1 ..""1 l"'III,llou 't 'l'uuhl l' ....,~.Ja au ...·!Culal" th •• ~II"" vi w.u" ~'Mra"'YI 1111" II .u, w""llllI' it wuulll
tJlcult¥h tl1._ iltUt'luli. • IS'""II.. 1.,,1. an I 1"110 fer the ,OIIol Hi" .... UUluLltll v h .... .. ..... Ihm". WlIiI~llul' • • 0101.1 "" .l1o"e '" jII'~Vv'lI lit.) lI.tl""" "' IUti 1\1 ~Io.", d. IIr.ell! .. oJ,u·, \IIlhll,..... '11&1 "'~.. vii UU' IU..... IIIIe I.....II~ Inc:\nel 10 tilt o!!l .. llli Il.~ II till, "I"J..I bll"II'. lit 10 btl I .... l',iC!U .. , C I IJUaul lu ttt I.. w t " u-~"IJ . . ".8 bI ..... ... ""IVI UIOI I " " " ' \ " ' \ ~"""'"I .... 10 ",I •• " he I) \a ..U!d1t IUUl& lb •• ,ia IL"'~ .1.,. t"'U
"., ........ v u."
CUI Ih... I... II,,~' "'111.1 III ","DI I,,, 'til.. "Ilanl. 1 1 _ ..... Ultl-IItIl&l .,,11 I.l. lIew COJIIlul& r.I....OI """"_. ell'I\I '1II1I .'111 .....". ..... Ib..", ....."a II» ,h....,,~.. ,. L,,1I1 4"')'111 Iootl ciulla!.,,,, I.ij!il rliD'" .llti ~.III1U"C4' c:II....._ , iii . . . . . . .IJI lit per ".1. .. .... All In I \101 .... 1oUc fla ... lll. IIIU /h!~'1ile.
.1..... 'If lie,..... ... *' 1M ..... .1 ••,. _....... l1l'i'-" , II., *'
"'Iou'~. .01,,1. II JII ... I ........1ftjOI1, Utili.... caD
1IO....... ..
a ...wn
hi. 1M WIlli
OD .... ,,~ SHOP
'RItP rt.:,\CI lUI. - A vrlme " Ja" n:t:<l~eoI alill 'ur ..alo I,y , II. tI.,\Rlllo iii vI), tlilln ul IIKI Red Fl.,. May r.,18):4
Crou r, and 1011 Store, Il'f \\' A\< 111..,". LI.t:, 01110.
lltlllJt: ,:,I(",'1I:.U re.~~.tlully In· n ,aOlce III Ibu w,l .. 01. 01 u.iio jll.c8 .ud ,h•• lIrrllaQ"loo, ",,11I.\burlluooJ lloal ~!ltiY Ia.v,
IU"I .,'" tI,'II. U.Ui(;U CV AND PROVIIJIO~ ",tnE , L •."u" t¥l", uvur .. nur,U vi
l.. ,.,.'
1<".,. .111'."
",,"c.:rl .1.11. 011 III~ W,,_I .1,1""1 ,~1uhl Itr..~. where 'h , i .. 11 IId .... r"I.HI. lur .. Ie. ""ue•• 1
".w ...... II' ill .11 lllall'" "I """1.' ,",uti". 'I "&.II.'· I" ~II. 1\, ..1•• _,'.t Ai.o ...., I, .u,1
--GRUe l,IU ... AMJ rl4uu ION.,"
Ul'tftI'.c.. 1"".mulI , II ••• mo. Ur'''I''' '
JII ULI, U ... "II•• "uuoccu. .nll \.'•• r •• bl.rOlJ, Z!el., 1111.. l'''''tH!r .nd dI1cit. U..d. 1,,01111 l.cl ~,c" ,1<11111 eOlllu.~uly 'OIiHID .IIM.IIIII.......t\tlMllIl ••
. '1.0111&,
.UlP FLI'a)
,tt IcIl.tlIo • rio ......,,~, ull b.11II llil .....
W.. ' .......11111' ... hea. , IIWII tillar. 01 till
IIE~,o'lIT,ranf'~AIIDellurUT"_I' T'ntln col' ".ruoll\, we e'fr bid. J""n_ivCod .ad IiIr "'e by rI.W ....'I"Ni\l;", 0 Rfd ..d:. ...........u~tlA. Ap)1 ,I
EV£1'IIIC -Thlare are two perio I. In the hfe of III".. in lV~u:lI tbe evenlllg 1_ pecuh being r"uened orr rll IV Drlv Inlerelung-IU ybllth alld In 0111 Dlle III yoqtb WI! love 11 for It I melluw
emblem of tile Ifinqull ,,1010 hfe-.erene plDCld Ind Rllid. with tbe preas of III Creillor 'tamped upuo It. liprelldl Itt quiet wlogtl over lhe ~,.ye _eema to prom II. lbllt • I alll1l1 be peace beyond It
.oie of .re,,,nbaa Shloa,ee OD !loofs. A gentleman 10 Croton rye UI the othlbe maon,r In wlch be prepared hiS .blo'.... belore laYlnl tbem 01) h.. bou4Je. l""'''.,I1~. eolll1l .lx ,ure 110. Ind on examID_tlon, •• (ound theJ bad. perfecd, aound Ind frIItIh Ipp.. rloet'. u th0l/elt they !lId DOt been Ilid 1II0r. thin a month 'ppearallce. abe diaea,ded her name He had I large boller, wluab be filled med b, her Jrlarrillge.aod look Ihat u£LoIII wJlb wb\tewuh mlzlnl wltb It, a~out one HI/nte" F'tlend~ no,,\, Iprung lip on a I bound of po tilit to four pllonl of bCJuld. particular., Dmong lfle nablll, nnd 11180 about tbe time amount or ~alt 'rllli arlltocrac, Ld,c1 Brougham became en c:ompu.itlon he boiled. and 'WJJlle it W.I JI.ted In her C.Ule, .nd IOtrOdueed • \1111 lIoUiD, ~. dlPPfCI lb.lbmgl.. "" t.kln, for her dlvolee from !;it>ul Jomet In til\! • hlodfull" time. Ind boldlOlT them by House of Lordi lie lucc:eeded howl'yer thetlpa H.,..h.d bo.rd, pI.ced 10 lIlat be ')01,10 (ar .. obullnlnl their sepftntlu~ CGuld .et h'l Ihlngle. on tlJl!ln on end Ind hUlblnd Ind Wife, lIelthllr tit lIIar'1 dUrin, Jel the IIqwd I. It ran 011' them run b.ek the hre time of thl! other .rin into the boiler The .~mrlfl he II The reat uf the eurefr il better known lowed to dry In thl. poaitlon. ~l'ror. lavlnC When the KID, or Bavarll gove het .. pen lbem, Ind hll belief",.." thlt bythul of 116 000 per fllllr Dud the t ill" rlhlCH: hlnhtmnr them tile, \Youfd of .Landereldt she qtlillc:l the much Innrer They could be collured ond retired to I beautilul villi on or yellow. ellily by mutinlr red or ,ellow of til" Lnke Genen Fut III.lIne oct rc willi the compOIIlbon Ihe lived 0 ret red anti .ecluded life Th. npenee lor Iblngl.. on I roof, ,s ldiltrUlutlnl[ .ery C'.onllder.ble. II the moat of tI.ole which we boy now unle. we GO to a Yl'f) blab pr(u, III purcha.mi. III. but fur I , . . , ••,. Ind Iherefore IOmethinlr that ~J11 hanlea .nd preserve tbem hke Ihe Her Ablesly" Li re Guard., he bec.me I'''''', and whldl eoata but lilLie In the 1m lien w,tb her chorma, proPoled Dlllr , pheatloa. Will be thankfull, recelYeci by "II"•• nd ahe m.med JI.m with, fORUOG owQtrt o( '"ildlnp -~Ift411 Cit~ of 140,000 St e Will .ubllefluenlly .rre. ted 01111 cliu«e ofblgll",!' on the com \\'mTB Bun -You b ••• oRrn requea- pllu t o( L eut Same. glU IUIII In Lfle ltd lulil mbera to comDlIOlca~ to lum or '10 000 .nd wltb ber lIeIY lord Itar dae F.rmer &lieif' e~JK'nence In raJ'lDl dlf. telWor the co.lIIleal Sbe.. now paat Ie-reat "ina.C!r~pa J hllve .rell DO 110Ind we doubt whetber I tlce on lbl c:Wlur1'I of tho white i1e1"" .ad orl'olll.l1lJC hre caa be dlolCOvJ IUIII' ~... Ire IllfniOi tbelr .ttentlon fn lbe lilttor)' of the world plrtlcul..,< to thle nop. it mly be 01 ~ wlillre the blrolee I. 10 youog. 10 Ie IOI1ItI . . know bU,. I m.n.... I do lbla complllibed, Ind 10 "eU lInown • worlliU lilt .eek in m.y I preplre my Tbe .bove ac:count 11'.11.. DO mea 11011 0 ,,"l1li .., Ind dtllllll, Imooth, her dilBc:uh1e. with Helld, lI,r _ lIu.. 1 _ark Il IWIow ftanouw., ebout who we fte.., be(U,. hhP<l, ••• • ..1Id.haUledlpart, "llb a coru plaw. J Lleutenallt In Her ••jat,'. Lif. Guarcla, tMa . . . ,. . . . . . WO ,.. IIII'M IJlCbN lIor do .... belaev. It - .-utl thetr- .,.... • tJaII '1IIf'UW. .. ....., la tlOlI Lol., ,IDce her .m.11 (n Nt. Y4tr1a .... .......... d.. ..... pulilillbeci all6. . .ntd4lt8lltd I ... oftaer perrOl'Dlluceu.d ....1.11' or bar ......r. ........., wltb tbeo" II", or " '•• Ilut . . . . . . 110 _ _ .,.......
........ I
Dreaa". III En...... A Liverpool piper oC tDe 18tb IIY., Until1eaterdly.we ha•• not hid 101 rDib worth menllunlll, IlDce the 18tb Fe\)runy In lb~ country elistrle", wlter hili bem con.rderrd I luury u willi II I nace...r, dr Ufe. Ind thll ordlD.nly delpi lied contellt. 01 roM.ild. pita h,"e become obJle\l ollnter..t lad monflery woM Mu. lulb were obliged to IbJllre to MIllIe elU.. nt tt.e flrlue DC ct •• alJJlell, thlt tbe, dRoit Bre ..ere bIYe "riven I "pi tlf lrade III the lighter dl!KrJption. or IMler ror fn IOlne place (t w .. ~Im'" •• ~p todrluk Intl/SIClltler liquid. . . In imbibe til. UIUIlly cte.p\aed luWl wlnu pbiloaopb... aeJI III aJ.a,. Sock ID _ .
Such • 10., cobtiDued droucb& .... ............ fnr1"".... .....
,.arorc... "...at WI. . . . , ....
J8I8J tile "belle
W. lIM~t.1
. . . . . .4..
.V sitE~cTi.n POE'f.Bt
'bat~ IIon
.>t 'tb~ ~b.h elec~d.
1lne'to '111\ p.,t .lon, tbo 1flverJ d., I." I n,ew rend; for' elllht to ODe -;;;;f'oak. Ind loe uf tllf1'lYe'I', wb!cli Ith" 1iE-ld," (lb. 11" 109.10,) Jrhd yet the .n~ "i"c!'fdl ble di!,,-t\ull be In4 wbo ,Ii,n ' Ii8t . . ••.;. Ilr"". hi " ====:::::?:=-~=;::::=i:==:;;==:;=;'"• lianklact TftI d l~. •,. wbll"lh e 1'01' rd f d at Ihe lIme be ,quallfied yull!!" therel~ancl : 101 ,lie P.U~~' , • II~r , 1,1 or er~ on Ihe part or enp-my har~ly. hc,:rd a rumor j ~ but til. llitl of all thi. bf tluHrvu PI., 'he .enlrance "J of Ihu P .... beln wilen Ihe city cuulleill 'leetea Ullder :hi. Ict cu1ilacu Ih'\I ·11JI,e full the gen.ral. clime neu proving the de.- .. net preplrnt ionl ' ihall have bern or".lIile d. a. l.ereill.IUlr . rUI'..."'IIInr'" prQlaiblt puwer to prenoi In ..11 the IIn4 W •• were mbklng lellne~ ImIO!'1 to kpep awa, \II' ,.1.,t 1 8:~. 60, 'rite council of .ny. incorpot a. provjd.,d. they .hull prucel'Cl tr~ction of th., cllu... t the·unle t. Peslh. th~rto AO tr.lfur to bctny "nd deterIDIIl,e, !"rinj( ill til••• (kelit .... prettcrllM dI. klll4 hi. countr,. fur from Ih" elilllbera. thtl .ne~lIion (If the en. tid VIUolle' .h~jl have power I. I. " ...Olt. :where I,lie prlnc\~lIlltore •• IIrlllt .nd ImY. A ..."trion gold. 10 provide ; by by 101 the terlll ur Rryice vf e~cb tru.t",. II,nd deilurlptl ' • em)'. Abuut one o'clock the ' hllnd. h.J • by-I.w ur urdllll ~lce, un or artie,", ",bleb M ~-. "IIitlon bad be!!n collecled , wa, I'xpole" lU )1 TI I~r _II'p ele(\tll)1I ul. 10 eleoled, eO 'that une 01 the Iru~leed ,rolll ~Id; 1 ",Incl.red .I~neon. eV~Dln, in J~DO I' b nb I' arid ~tie ,\liIId. oc: pl.- to ... u.-~ ' nil fited ' 11" eigne I ttl • trea/llire r, mtr8hull I"d .uch IUbnrdln ." Ieee ft or. 8<10 eaan 0 IeIIl'.li Ihe I rellehf!d" it. po• t ,I., ~t. ')le. "1 ",~I holy .I'ra IIId ILe pOD live moon, each w.rd .h.1I Kl.'rye fur two Y"I1(". IIn4 p~ed ~l die vtolldl!ra: ..ad v • • tn . o!Beer•• ~ they m.y Ihl,lk nec~a 'ifY. the' elll·my. who wu marthilt g alrectly up. cunlelt, and 10 rh.nge .:'oJ' .1IIbati'!D rur Ille ulher lur Ihe 'term the fuce vj .If.ir•• 'rile 'stlllCIl {n Iront WOI 'Ii'~n made III T IIr.llb" tho breath ,o~ 1I1I .ummer Jl.(",.rR. oa it. Nulhlng Ih" gJlld ~v"rnment or Ihe corpor,I lon: every .lIcc~edllll"n!luuof one Yllar: .lId at .n· inlua~late It'iaure. errea\ .ad ....,., but Ihe Indeilitigable nur- To underll. nd the Proll~I'" 01 neltt., l cily eleetiub , une. lrom the Dlarkl't. of .n1 ~a .1 I_de, Ihe lIe.t, Ulld the A..... 10 drink tbe b.hlt 'of Ibe ro.yllow eh, mOlt delpH.~ e bravery nln· to p~acrlbe their dUI lea and eOlllpen'~Iil/n, ' Iru"tee .h ~ ll b. elecled tiuna of leullulh euuld huve Ined Ihr .. '1'l'lder should be made by WI! Q1l0\1I6l'd It~ ,pgylutlQfla D, •• Iabill.be !br qr ..I...... acql'aint ed wltlr the ct1d by the D8IBllanll; but'liley were reJlul. 'ro-Iul 10 IhI mu"c IhBl Ibe mlnmel . played ~Iure. to the ClJnnl'y. or th .. lr~ thl'Y .hall III entitle:! tu reedive vuler. ul nch war", alld wllhuut Ihem tbe 1I/IBlti"I" ur ti,e cuntelldln)t rurcel. Wbl-II who Ihell po ••e.... Ihe logelher with ao, .rtiet. or ~ 'D 011 .beir Wild ,,00.\ ".rpa 10 d.e lor... t .hade; ded with great Kllugble , r. 'I'galn '.lld I again ' d fur t!lflr ftervllll'e; ~ to r"quire uf Ihpla In ,. • j, I" lolicatrun h~l'''lu~elurc rt'qlllrt'c\ .ud ,1l1l'lr. pulle..1uA. IDd lb. ·' I(lD all d pra,.r, ' ~n .. ,GO .. ,O.p i-t d' M rll 0r "evOI t ,. III thnl he orlll'rl'd ''Vllldl.~h([rau enlered H",ngarY outh of "ffillt', and .. bund wltb e.urely, fur [ '1u. ""mfCll~ - ... · ChURl' \\Iulollt _ ,. wb\J'" lI'r,1I ot ."r"i,\1e .h.1I be lWu ,Y'l~ra, ' on II.e 'l'1"'IDltu~o braam.1i III ber ",orlbll' Ihero. ure Iud dP,ltructlbn Cil ul"ted vr· IIM111111d . t., the nlllih hOle Id the allynrl r~a" tu the r.ltMul dlolcharlle uf It II dulie.. Tile Percll.1 to check Ih~ Od\DIICe or Ihe elll!' 16111 ul l)ecl'Dlber, be IU thd tilt' lerma uf tbe twu IrU.I ... •• III he b"d undpr h .. Ihl! a..eult only to be driven back ag'ln. p.rilld me.t or olb"r .,. pru,laioD . ' . 'I' .. ., T fur the electlun of uny u!lluer, .h]tll euch w. rd .h.U.,w ay' exp 01)' al.ny coat. "Every huur uf delay I_ immedi" le cuwm'l, d re In ~Ift'erelll 811,000 ml'o. ID ' lhe G"yon' kllew tl!at th" only hope of Hun,SiC" 63. , Th. C:t1J: COUDC:U .ti.n ..... lfo... · pen ",... the e.rlh. bow quieC llie .It)', Dut tUo d'lrly'nu rchioed ' be dxe4.t the lho~ ~r the relCul"r "n"lllIl ye'~re; .1111 the ' PllrdUII~ eyell with doreat," loulh J lillaellich I}IU~.C(lu : h~,1 ~u ll ehllll tbe car~ luper'll" luu Iud C(lntrhl or all l 8d 000. At Ihe ary WIII ' III hi. auqr". . . . 1111 u 1I~.per'Ie ele,llun •• tld WilD lIl""le IUId bealll lor' 'Ir 11111. e; , r 110 'pp.llDlm elit 01 any: .. t1lc~r 1",ld their ofll uu 11IIUt tllelr ~ucc~lI.u , y y " . hI' •• Id. ~ ~ n ubedien re t" Ihl. sugj!'eBtl r. publ.c IIIKllw.y •• , brld"e~! .Ireela••lIefl, . . til> .1...1 el\durt' beyul\oI til" pe.I,,~ II! th ... lerm "hull be On, nllr\h ()o~nt Seh htk b.il 20,000. , In ellullttun ell"cIW ~Ol. c~OGdd ..... .on ": the .Ia~ or n~,h:; e lind I'l'qulre quollll~. cI~.perul8 ~lIurl •• ~d re- of tIIB'le u f Ihe council,n .klnl( the uppulI,l' [,fU" public .qnar~ •• Il\iI ~mmll"l wltblD \h. that br...e , .. neral mllde I l\lIlId al M~r. Trall. ylva!)la, uulkor leI" elt'ctell ror l ellcr. l cilY! IIh,1I p.aeher un n the "lid neZl Llldor chy, IJld .",.1\ cl.ulle the lAma to lit. ke,t ••• url,. ~16 turned III" IIr,1I1 ~. II UW -b u d I t DI~D ~'IPI "I "' III willch hll \U!'nl, Ind ulle week IIr,,,r Ibe ql' (I!itlcatj,III M,nlday .lIet ,,,,,01 wbere Ire I ull,l.t with de.per.t lun a lellr ul. were !Ill 000 ' Ilnd In their elecllun , IU~lIIble \0. upPII .p,llill DiUr .n".,.. &N1Il 1l1lilM1IC ear •••• I", VU CD 0 pr.yer, ut!wr ~u~10000. l!Ould nut _ .,lIinllt N; the-'Il.m "',111 • 'U III "',. l. u .,.1. it ad UI Ib~ lIIernllllr. ul thl! auclleediolt IIl1unclt. IIdht'r alltl 'ur&,ulh tJ I, ] IY ,uperiur turte.lm d th"u" It ileleoted I ill. lIIolriti .. ' ' ...• n" to ~\h city COUll 'iI ; ~ AU 'llrlel 01' .11117 ~blola .balllae re.'ttr ... ~.,"I !lo!~' U I u~ Ie., h, ' . , S ut ll2O.o0 "I'r mtlll• uf own Olen, decl.rln g to lIiem ' f II ! , , j tit " ,. II. y I ft. b ' I , !O'. "'''111 ~ • ., er th' .. '!'\ rIN ,~or. 0 Aedl _ 1& corl' ,r~ 11m , 11\0 IIrlly II I < "u e _ ~ . . nd ..arlh and •• , ~l1ll11f"lcal puw.r, • ' cd Ihr.cuve l"" " ,:'" lur t\I" G: , ~rnor. '.. c:atea'_.J.II "1.., IIi1e. MIl~erv'ltur 01 th\'I,~ae ...... C u" Ia'! t'_ pro" leIut whom 1611.000, were rellul.... . e thrlluqh • tet'l .h.U b. y. Ju cunllt 'u~e • 01 IlrQupd t~ :Their III'ojl!rt,p ".ltI '" lbe IIoly /tour. III '''! city ••b~1 be Cleo.eo! • DUrlO2' thl. pertud, lire ouO ..r ... , 01 bOlh Ihl. l\lrmi~able ITT.Y. KU'.Ulh Til Op,11Uil4l, f .ed '([:iln~ Ite would,.hlmeell al~uo~ IIIl'm Ilut Ira 1iItIILS. "tid ah.I I llHve. whhln lbe qflorum lur . theal\ce,lmr tratl'~llt ion of, ~u.Illu,,; public alNelllr all~. or t~ lie UDd~r ,~ and Ib.. Di· du\Yn 1 h.y kl]ew he ",uulld du \I; It \if" ,"me ulllhp ~ I 0 _.• It I •J power bnd jun.dlet j"n Ma It JIll· Ihey oh.1I bt.o judjle. 01 Ihe eleclil,n t lrmlel WUI tl'rrlble un ICo:oUliI ul till! culd. eillod but eb, .ul 68000 . reo c.r... ul' control 01 nl, el/, couocil. ,pbleu lOW"" w , . ,r.ale.u lune, IIII'll uf ,.. 11 k lud •• only deDlh .nyhuw, and Ih"ir Lellth att.ck tlce . '1'1..a lounla I I n. ~ II h I Ihe J fdace, ' in 811 ," ' "lte-., Winter civil set ur crlm. IUru •• uud qU l\.lilillulino of th"ir uwn m~tn· the dedieatlu in e.tl".n d un the relreat Ihe ol- whum IIlIly 10' 0'00 loud b"en di.clplln . tlt .1,1 I Y 0 nil I 0 ,aro , I I u'le. a .h.U!le .c':'pted '';~. COD' 01 ed II wu I b~yulld f II cumparlw S I I un b.. fllr,delerJ • ti llfned , I 41' Ind I it "' t •• Ir ~ ttl:! UII e, I,e " Th" 1I0war* loukeU UII 10 the cloudl... pkl.~, U , I d \III', u _.f b • 1'r.. ley ft l e e r mln' Q the rule. 01 II rnl .... . II, ... - t E reet or the C'uvlliry "'I!r~ Ir(~IIt'n III lhe rand bUI 311,006' wer" It I alllllien t. and purO')8ell.WA )' an ord',lIan.CII .pet'l. wh,itovl!r; 1" ..1 ,or , tlielr pruceedll ,~~ rl'&.'1II.~ly ITI!led, lll~d rfIl IAtII' •• b,.ver~. l,,~,lInd ket'p' jllllrnili W ith dl~lr rllinbow Ullle .nulh.lr Etlan til.' •• llrrupa. und til" Hung"rl here. ! for Y('ry .utlh I purpqae n~ g.ve .; lbey .h.II IVI to. WI)' erlllle. Inill)Wl'ncl'W CUmlllilll!d within tit .. uf. which .hali un mllllll..y belllg not fzce~dlng thul t1ullIUllr u! 611!.luch til before bit Up~'1 \0 Ihll in~pllll tl,,1II (pollYer, la eltle. u. tbe' 8rlt thl'OI, 1 he olue Th.. tall ultll .... ul Ibe lofly ",~, . e'lP"'Y lIt~d In Clonalpt'. lilllilll uf Ihe Cl.rpurllllon. I.ia lurl.icliollnn • ..t,1I; pre. 1bUI Illy cluth.. d unll .hue~ ! I,ell their murka .11 II", .rmy! Of ond eXbminllli4l11 01 IAn, cililell. Ind IU'y .crltH!. by ordill.nc e Ihe lhid m~ wldlh 01 tb. tifM Llke\he In.rk. uf 1\111. aubli""'~J .1Oad, , uf IUW.'rlllg bl.'hilld Iht'm in Ihe 1.01\1001 Ihul. II furee Gur .y In 1!l1l "we. iU'liIlPP'\' natl",,,. rruln olle de felloe to Inothe~ ,Ind Ht ,h.1I b~ cUflllll"alYe . whl~ 1111,' cuut)ty; he ~ul"pel the Ittelld~ncllur .boil",1 weit Mg.IIIIII WIII- luot from Ihe ulh"r eXlreml )' ur the P.u., ~h.\ll:lv member•• ' 01 all ""gull •• n.rl., dra)", aqd otber v.An Ih Ir brallcbta "'IVIlllIU Ih.. brHu •• " fl I I e bUild ond .~(·urtty,'1 II required lit ~ ue" lIl"n d YI lUI. a"d under luch pl!lIaltle•• hicl .. ulfd ,ln tbe ,,.nlp,,,, .tl0J! IIf f \ , l owed Irul1l t lelr acerate ,eel,. ~I tIt')P11I"I,lll.:r"•ll h.dg 33.900; III d r I . by law o. illIIIM' ul the pea~e. 11,1 be .p. . . they .haU er per. 9000 Wl'rt! .I .. Ihlnk II'II1~d til with tu prll."ribl.'; they ona.llr .rUdell, Ih e !,"ad \I one t f , Willi. lI~eir .h"'o.... q.hn on t 11m '"rc., p'~IYed by ti,., cuullril: "lid the .. I" '""1"r .hlU I!leol Olle p.rt of tile cit, ",ereelll tIlllfml:'rtll nut, bUI b"re 1111 pMu' lIll), a"d un the uppl.'r fro\ll their uwn budy •• pre"ldl"ut. to ilnutilPr. ur iDJ'rom 1'hf'l~j 111.000. u"rJ~r KI •• Alltl n.cllr y .11 II,,'lr ,Iruillery , Gurge" Ih. lr.a'por t.tt.". vi CllBI, .h~1I .11 Ihe dutil.'a reqllired of , wh".lill ll prellld" "t thllir tne~\Inltt. ,duri", even ~he(1rlully lur 11.l'lr Ilelovt'd cuu .. try , alld E 11I1\11zy III the ~ulllhj 6000 ul"l~r wllo dId lIut 1'1I~ecl 011),1111 I.U ~urceed •• n~ hlln ~ypf'rlorm wood. "vue, or Ilulltber. Illto Ibe The .k~ w•• btllhl whh • peIIulul .".. 1., to Ihe l.. wI a"d urtlhl.lIC P.uf the ~or· th6 tortll luf ,Which Ih~, Ihall ~l"ot. of 'he IlnH! lite th .. rI\lU'''t'le r ot"ud ut rt-rlllld, in Ihe ~f'u\h.""C '"llve ue~1I e.t.bli.I I.I.nda ror Ii,ellll.' eo.e....... 0iI1Ia ~I; "lid 6UOO III WA. .Irendy Clunll'ntpl.lin.r a ."rrende r, I'urultu", IJlld IIppe"liI '1'11" nluun ",lIh rehilbn'lI h,llI. II", .,.hll", c d 18 I I ~ mlly, '1\ I hI! 0 tllilen In the .e lected •• lit the alo ..IHlce ur the prell , lind ulltlUb,ua 16 . , '11. ;Alld .laralrul n tlttlr I.t btUD hOIl'OI abo.e, 'I I I ' d I It ael, 11111 .Dlorct Id'" W I Ie ~ I~ rl', 1111 III •• me 1II""11 .. r, •• Irom de'·I.lu" . 01 juotlu. \lent. Ihoyndlila), ub~· uw .. r P"~rllulld~llI . (P.lot und FUIUr!! 01 HUll. "1('n ('I"CI • pre~llIt'n~ pru til III' .nee alld uae ~ltur.or. iliad til b lit.Ih. Ie leur t ~(! ;,e u • au. bit Iha ,arlb lo.. k... (\0" n wllh an ..ye or I"f"i at IlIgllI. Number . Wl'rll e. Ilfye ". Clf \he p"ICt'; he .h.1I ke..p • dllekp\. nte. lruzen to deulh. iury .1, •. 2027. K"d ull,,,r uUlhurotin,) pur.; they Ihull .1." ~ppolllt, IrurD the .lld prlcl\1 IlIlIre lor lu.,11 tb. thun tr~n.pur~ 'I'h..y ae'~led io c .. llln, tho wurld btiluw. Wl\, lI1ton HI.' Plurclled rill .r· and ,lIall be nllulVed GIld rO"l'lve llle ,am~ qllllllftoJd pet"" Ind IlIbllY lIIurO \\ {ore Illjurea lur Iii... nul \ 1'hl.' lir.~ cUlilen ul' vuterll III' (he city Icily c\.erk. much 00 lillIe •• ad .liur pra~rl1. tbe my la Ihruneh II,. uullel tI.u. " pelled tv !rim, r"PI \11.,1 jU ~Ilcpe o,f th" pe~n IlIGb IIOlob . . tab. a_ A nlouml,,1 ,I."op .. lind ....! ...., Ihe I"ve ,/1 Ilbt!rly Wn8 10 "Irunll' III the rf'lrtul uf G .. r~ey f,olll arr, or IriMy whu ~hullltuy. Ih,,-cu~ludy \If aU Ihe I.W .. )IUIllQlbU.... Pc~lh. \\IU. loul.:lit and Hunj!uy VI .. saved lor the Ilreaeni. f'rq ... Olle pan uf ,lie '"'(, CO Tiley _nl to Ihlll,,1t "I Ih • • urrowl"ll hea'I, bll .1luwetl lor ,Imll.r ,erVII:I", hourt. 01 Ihl .. nuble p"oP"' , " III~I tllI'y and fur. ordhllmc ee ] of I Ihe ,c ity •• nd ~hDn JrIHJP aD!)lher. AIIII I til ill! w•• .~eQ" a ....H, I 1 'II near P" y .oll. "n I.e .UIIIIII t ul. '" i , Schlick, whu '1('ulI~"Io'red OuriPY a. bU- l Ssc. 0\1. TI,p mdrdh,,11 be IhO prlf1elp I I rlll:ullir .nd correct lllurn~1 ul til" . prJ,)-' I Sso, 6 •• The eny couacil w..11 h.,. IUflk Ih"lr hUI1'~'" nllh~r Ihan loll under wJ'l're Mlvud. 1II1111.Irrlul ulflo:er of IIle t'0~p4ratl ... n, and r.eedin~ of the c"ul1l:iI. ell.pel Ulld cOllvelll •• t til" perlurt'll . pUWtlr'IO e.t.blllb , .Dd ~. &ail 0 who ~,.ulJ bUJ l<lvc 10 '!Iauder away, CD 1Auolrl ... dun""IUII. Hn~ 'lvrled ult' rvery bUde III which wu.1l ".rruw rllYl11P, ...pan. rte~ ujiYc,dr.. w I~II .lIbr\! In IIlury. whell a ,hall have tlte .. m~ puw~r Ihlll conelabl ea luch othet dullp. ~~ Ill')'and,be.hllll ' reqlMed by Tellul.l. , 11"'Hn~ placel, wbanll . ~lICb. ml'l" r br.. ught IlInr Ihe nl'wll or Ihl trUI bne hy law. and hll 0" .uch DII eV. It;J1\I ito" cur~. 01' oluy. lliing with thelll willI h w .. eu"\ul~ted tu Illig the lel'ud COIIY9t1t jurledlcllI On .hall bo ~hl: urtlltlln cl!'o( tbe city; the cll!rk III ot· r.J.rl" Iud b.. III.,iiaU u 61 tb. rat.. bll.ail.gard~1I Irulli the at 8runlMII.1I , In~ e'lciolm ed: ' 'Du", 'th .. t 18 ,cu-extl'n Wbeu th ...ceo III "'''1 1• fll Iltll ura.~.. give 1101 and ,'omturl tu Ihp. enelllY. ')·1oi. 1111 .Iye wl~h Ihe cUllnl" lor uft'.. n ~o" tiel"~ thl' rXl'lr.~ioo ,'f Ihe ~erm '1 - I I Au~ Ih, ....llll ul nluole ',"101 Ib~ """"', 11 .1 I d ul .en· III, wltl\rll " IRd dock .... an4 ... PI (\If ] II C ,.re-all uf yuu dogl: Thai pu •• I w\luld rommlu ed within I un Ihe IV limit. IIC I I Ie ( I , p~ • "",. ill Ihe carl'u", Ice 1,11 .IIY cUII,ncII .hllllluu l\lIue III ,!lBce lhe purpOlle w... t1I1".'~III'11 wlu'" wltll' ,,,I.:. 01 luYu, l l.\lrllice \,n ,heir ~urt cMu.pd lI:e tn'lle-rrai 1I I .to_ld , aliy publiC ltDtIill(, IItlulIl be IIh.II,I'S tcule the prl.ce•• uf Ihft ulltll Ilord!!n "urlley po.u:d II "utly ul HUIlrt'd. h., .. held ·ilil at hld·.llcct1a.or .ball b~ .ppolDtlld I ..d 01' In, ~ro~rt, • hUlldred llluu~.od ma)'nr, ,nd rec;elve the .ome lee. fur hI. ti\OAIUI.u"ly !hr<Juil" tllo ,,0.>01 "IJ IIru •• , belulfll! l' ot' Ilotle, tile ' army tu ruft'~r "ltn, .t Ilr quilA 'I mlt~h ". wllh coullun -h" urd"red qlj_lifi~d .. (COIIUU! of p"rt.llol" the fI")'I lDeI . tb. 011)' Cqapci, . lu mell!" . Aud 1•• 1 1,,0 woll Itlr. ••• I"JII:rd'l. IIf!rvlcl'l Ihdl ella.t.bl ' .re allu\ye~ In III .. H~ni'drlnn., ."d wdlle ..d 1hclr lel\~pr h.. nlude illlhe I.ouDrd SIO. 60. E.eh clt1 cOlmall ,hall Itlnce callie ."d pallt'd liver 1 .h.U have the u,", IDd cootn.1 furth •• bore r j,lo lhi! ,..111111 01' tuY, UII·burDelu I.&.e~r TO aE OOtn'I.UttD, .!mUllr c .. ~ea , , lo lukr np willlt't.q uarll'ri ~t F•• th ",hf're t I 'd II m to ". pruVideli f~r II( cler~·. The enpmy were del'oyed 810. CiS, B), the ron.r.urrent ..ole or fty. In dl' c,utrll ul which .b.U ufllee ....ral. ' I'urpo"; of lh. abo... or If.alt or laY lak., •, U 1\" Ie .,. ". tbe n.we ur rlwer. out lit. pruperl)' of 101l1..ldul•• tu hfl Tell,.IIllI'd r',r 1I .. ,re th .. n - lIIunlh III 1lI. IIlulIl! the raYtne\ and men.b!'r .ul Ihe ('ultlml. Ihe "'.yor, or re' ur the cllY. thll nll'guar d UIIIUI· aruund die marl/iR titre 'he 8lI1f!nl .nd I_ '0, •• UIS1~RICA nner 'laltt tbe C'oi'd.. r,ur".n), mPJIlber 01 Ih .. clrUltcll, or word. "C'Iy lind illoleti\ily, receiyj)'1r the ~u"grutula. P.. cllllil uf dillier, ·p"l.ge41 Clerk," ,,,hiI''' .. el Ibill b" Sl.t. caa ,rNat filch tIM vr cODtrol; tIW 1Iung ulltil dIe '" \:I ' . a" .. jft,·er ui tht ,:orpur'IIIQn, m.y be I•• \ ftmllfd tu.1I tr'D~eri II"". 4dlliulluna alld eulu&,Il" uf hll' IY,</· Dluln bud rl'Mcl,pd Ihe pu, ord ~. ur certlll· "itr. collnciJ .h~1I ba. . Ibe pow.r . . .,. lIe.,r~d p"illi. whPon . nlllyed lro,m offil'e; tiut flu lurl,1 rnmuul cale., wl)lch It IIIK~ be "h.ntlll Irlenda. Illd Ihe nlerubf'r~ 01 Ihl' re. II H ,., I nece~.r, , IIr pru~ po p,t, ur tu pro,ld. lba.l tJact qvtll" .00 rtiller renl!d . "edruc' l BY " AU'J'Ht JIU'l'Y. " be made wlthuul I~ ulI".r Oil a '. chlrl'lI wrltlll, fir tu lIuthenth)"te under l~e pruvl~lutI. vI ,Iere .b.ll ,,\tIrc' y u 1111 huut4ehuld, w 110 drdured 111m to l,)e the live 61''' -.n.I"lIg "Ie nile brlnll' bartlor aattn. wharf mndt', I"d nn IIppurlulI lIY or he.r, thld 8cIo Ilr-Ol IIIIV cmlln.na e ul the city. m••te .... JUl' W.rtIt'lIl of the feuce"=- l ~ =e ~ . II" utlMtro a.. iplrtle'" , ,iYPh., un)"•• th" offi('flr Illalnlt f Fur .11 IlUt".ted I .. vl.,r 01 tlll;lr (1lIntly entllhe prp..(!rv~r uf Se,ytrlll hundred . 01 certiflcHate....d lr."lIUilltM u.~.l '" IN,.r lor tI•• r~t.tl" the Au.trilla , lell oI l lNu. '711.] a. or .... wlllll" Ihe eh.rre tlte elllplre , I. Illude, .hllil hne re· I ulh"~ thill ~ltu'l! urtle .... d by the c!Iy cuun' lI.vlj{,\l utl. unce, cunlUllion fullu",l'd; .ume bUlldrl'd. AN ACT to pr,,~ Id .. tnd. Of Cllllllllt 'r. 0' welt lur thp. organi&,tlOli muy!'d \"Il ur thl! 111,,111 01 'thll coullly \ ~nd During the lime that, GI/rge, w .. re. , I ' eil, lhe nme r.e •• h.1I u were taken h.gether whh a be paid 10 tbe clllril. cll)'. II) tlf!!n. Ibel" dull" aad pow.n. _ad ul ~ltll1' lIud lueurpur .l"rI V\IIII,e, . , ..Ii,'a ~nJ ~mc.r ~lillll c"uf! tu , reellle I u prltlUnt' "~ allowed . ,. CIll<Ca.WI..iJl. Irt'atlng III doeobedleJlcl! to ordl'~. Ko.~~t ~ UIIIIOIi Iud .mull .rm.. • withl"lh e limltl uf, lhe curporll lflni It \ IOr .... "Icel. II,! county v8l.tefl 'IIIr .Iwl- b tbelr Iftl CIf c_,.an tlu•• cople. ef Tbl! HUllllllrl lln. OF . I:iPECIA L ltuA D DtiS'I1I lICTS. \ ''''''' ~ df'emed .. aObel I!rbuud lexeUtlaal1riJa .ntI .....~I,.nd uf die ~ W.I~!( VOl( TU~ "IANI YIltTOI, whC!n lae bec.me cUI\"lncI'd thA' It WIS 1m· lu.' hordly a man. Iud lur rlltllu~. SEC. 1l.1. Tltl .i\! co.lllell .b.lI jIoeIHa ",,41111' 01 II'" PO" relrl!ate ill" .,ll!lf· '~ ..c ••'. 1'111' \'urpuntl ! .. lIlho,.., 'II III' .1 Ir 'm 9lJiue, wa"D III , ....... poullole lu hold th .. ~Hpl~.18!fllinlt Ihe ell- t Gurl:ley IIUW Idllpll'd . .lIlh. le"I,lal lve pu\V~r" "r~lItell I" Uti. dl.l)h.rl e of \\te Ihe pl.n uf dlVi~., curlMlt "d \'Ittal~. urlUIII&t!li vr lu lie Ufof II\ICb uIke~ ~ Bl.o, ra .. , .. my.lou.it'CI hh".elr In rell\ovllllC the mili. · It .hull be law lui for In1 IIlI •• nd utller corplltal II I (e. an at lO kl!ep Ibe elleol, K'n,.~d ullder till_ .e\. lor e pow.... O"I~. !l1\1. liled vw· lila IIIb4 • • 1 . .1. aII.1I lie lh~ lI\1"cllll , PII" j..oun,·1\ , lo""vld e fur ID, I II u r . the ll1lntedlK le arr •• l 111,11 herein. ur loy lume OI'tllD.aw of tit. prl.a rlcle Ji'1\Ieuce , puole. ul "filiI( a rUilil III.trlol, "aillltt, be by Ihe prOp", o!llc~r. uf tb" tlry ~torel from Peelh to D~brerzin, lu , empJ..yed 011 III "Idp. . v( the (au tberelll c01'poratlun. 0111 cuuncll m.d. Inl'ltr.ul lnce of an a iJlollnlllltl WI" Y~"l!d III titre!! tru.le thl. lot. ~1 .lalr". .... wltu Mitalilltl q".,. ur .1)1 "er.(ln luullr! vlulallng 811)' ordln· which I.tter pl<lc!', thtl 0 1,,1 h.1I rt'mu)'t'd. rlre." bel'll. he to uld CII'lrerrl!o 'IID I"u.e utllee, O[ 'Ih"cl'), . Ih", tOllibiae . bUI 1Il1l' apu. 1 Ii. /lOHI.le" T"'" tur elll .. nooolU,lI'jI: colII!Cll of .nt C wI.pia VII. ~ . ' lb .... t. ,,~ 1I11"e "I pre&1.r•• pe"o8 .n4J JPod 'I" 1... 11 h.... tI.. ",.na.' lfeut e II~d .tt ..Mullui t ... lllo p rlorm, lIa. ' oo',d .wt. UI wlll'n lie Chme Into 1'1. - • • uuh "p'illlllil rund \l1"lrlcl. \lfi d .I1all r(iJd ountrul ul 51",11 '""e tlI....el ... iY. HAP er CD ftltlllbl1~lri. • hulcl , dt'r In ~ut1h \'orl'orall,,/,; Dlld lilly pl'nryn lI" Ihe tJII~n\!e •• "nd ny III aad IIUt r the Alllembly cun6IJ.. r,," "1 f Selli .k h!' uf .U fuund tiull enlPrpria. tll!;lr dB,'''. Iur UII" yt!ar. Dlld ull l ll tlrelr TilE .IIY.lIIO. or DU.p".' " , ,' .rrPlled . Iholl b.. laken Ibrlltwlt h before and perlullul, belolll(llI I'le pr••",rt" r.al ..... '0 rell"lte . .d IIC1t_. I.rrita r",. l I I ' t CIIII y U Ie. , , From S"II~eOlll Ihl;' Ii ng .. ri.n .rDlY rC!- It II <I'lgr"oo 10 ahnudon II . )r lu tilt! IU, ee•• Jr. Clutpurat luD; lutltO'ly btl "I ..cl .. d ,,"d q\l"h6ud f Ihe "'My or, ..~ lKluae Ie C~JlI " ,Rill I . hi' Kfnl'lr.I -Ih8>bea t ID Iha Imperl,,1 or- II. 01 Ihe pebl'e ,"I they "h .. pruYide Ihe timea anei pi let. "I pu.lla .UI .t.y 1.04111, I~rela.to th.. v,. n ld IrUlilfe••haU . ppUilll, l'hhl1r IrUUI the ('ullnl1' fur trilll;jll.uce tUur. IIr (rum IIUII pan ur .. ~ flit, to II II elr own coulliry ' but \'I'qulred till the GuY .. rn" r·" l'~r~"n.1 111011' Ihl' cuum II may .I.. u hulllln, Iheir 1I,!!eIlIl, " whfl,h ~h.1I : my-_lre "dy ill puue.. loll or tlte p.aae. ur' Ihplr "Wh bud)' "r. IruUl .1_,II .oullt"r , Jltd ID 11","\111, lUcia 1I.n.... to 1 lu~ar d I I tI... qu.lilied yu· provide Ih .. 1 \\hl'n lill)' IInft il ImptlKed fur I b I'h ' ' . ehee I" f11t!e! the;'e IlIld prevent oerl"u, dli. the C~rputhl"" Ulouul,11 tillle" b" uptn 10 lbe pu\lltr: a/ld the mll\'- hl,jlCMI ettob ...... Ip.ble tpr.~ .ad reatrio. Imole IIIIely fu~ uwel y ~ eoemy. cord. ,'hc uclvnnu rel reKu1111l, ' fr •• m Ihe Iwe.. n twu .Irollg ."d III ""d hlmsell be- ter. 01 Ihe curpor.l lu .. , I d.rk ... "d 1"~1 the ylul.llUn 01 "I' UrdIIlI1ICI', Ihe .\lI'endlr ur. ur DII)I Ihr.. e tru.,t'el, .-whelr ninl' rurc' 1al'puhll II lIupt:rvilur. alltl IUllib 0l"f' ,,1Ii- ' mul 'c~1J ,p"ei., &1un .. la r-I.tlua tu llie 1t"""I' of lUeli ~IIO" (leaeruls hac!,Judl Ihell. Ihelr .. and_I may f II be COII!lIIitwt!. 11111U the 611e .nd (1U8,' Dlcetlll, ., by 1I01lC' tu elllh I wn I •full at Vletthll Irylll&, hllli (,x~'culi!llf the·1 PYlIcu.1 hn 0 Ie mNropo I 1d r"ra ur .,t'II'" "" lIIay be Il~DIt""y ••Ild 01 pruHeClllAUn ah.1I Ihe c;uuncU, letrle., .lId tile tlta~ ••IUII!r .a4 relea ., I. w~re III) p"ld. ur 11111 ii' tbl're ... rved PI'(lIlIIDII), ur It'll II IlIaIlHU.1 pl,lr. Ihe e•• whu by one mnHte, y m?VPIlle-nl cuu by pluv~r by-Iuw. vr urduI8I1ce". pr...crll.ojl ab.1I be • di~chDree be i ta f "It rl.,., .I·d tr.I,.pot tadua vI' ~a• ~ .11 Durin tl~e b.lIl., t~ be mOllY "nd rC!al, tblll tbe cuntell,would . c,u.h IlI'due ,·I/ur.. 01 law, fir .. bo"I.. ; tl,ey .. ha(1 .ppuillt ur, prllvlJe hilll beyond IhA hope IIf reeuyery ,by ur prupertJ . Ulh. citY' eUtlncll .ay pre. ,- the d,llI"," .nd c ..... pen •• uull III Ihll ulB~.. r. paIr u ~ "ra ~t II I ~w II 'il then be e.~r\l'CI 011 In the -helrt ul Ih(' MUll- Schlick had ~ur"Dletl tI,e I:IBC, 611, Tlte eurpllrutlun .hall bl! .1· .. Tllhlance th.t 'the qllahllt'iI ,01MII 01' lIlt 'Ilrlb,,; .,Id tb. cil)' coUacil ~b.JI h". MogYlr l ullder au Ippuilltell, .lId ol.y ..... O)1IVlllllly Much uRI· luwed of SehweClllt, •• " ,.... Y III mil ,.' G ojC" ' yur rOUlllry whe"" every Ihi! Uje the j.1I uj Ihe ,cuullly; lor ,'lIf, ur uf lite ",atA .. Itr IlI.I,iell ••• ",an cUllld be de· f U~IIZ"ruil Dt Burt.••• nd .il'lillced to the c"r,llId t'lf! p"",er tu p;uvithi for til. ,pul'rll!" hlp WII' b.d, uud Attbur 1urle),. \IIUY "PIIOIII' ul""r. at tlt.. lr dilertl- ,the cUllfiuumelll q( .""h pe""'II' of .n, ' were no lrultor. '" lIlu1 c""e ml)' r..quire, .b.1I elect, .11 .uel. cit, .u~h lI"ell", Iud ~or " pointf'd uultu 1e.... utl,J.i1! errur.. "lid' II" pendetl on. ",hp.fe there h weY r liulI; tb"'""ft r .... t.l".lIh.1I h.vtlpuw l!r lu IlI1 ' b\l lI.ble tu 'bi puDI,hll l.nt. II, Iml,ri.uII Dlflnl . ' rll/ht bunk of Iho TI,l el., where. u uuder the I.w~ IImeer. lij ellalt be ,leu...r1 lur, lhe I'UII(/ p'''per Ihle\ .nd ~ "t l"y Vlt:ancy whlcb nl.)' hlpp"" In lIulfr ulld..,r,linHlIcee ul Ih" ~orpur tn"Rlle~t"" bil k~ .. w Il'dge uf Ihe mi· ' wltere tI,e creat ItrenlJlh , of llie pea,ltI' "' of the .101.11 ... .. tlulI; IIl1d ,II \luver .. mPIII or .ald CII, •• nd 'ur the dlle uf nal1ulI \ he luund • tfew commllnd .. r. lelapka. ope 1 ," n boIIy. :r,'m aD, /lnUDl!ac e p'rllh!6~t • d bTt , la. Ihe 0 u\'tlice quallli .. "uler" "I ~u ptr.ulld ~o htlllrl, ulled IhM'1 tio ulldllr Ihu "lII'r(1,'" o~ nd Tbi" 111)" uf Ih .. be .. t aUlun& tlla HUlIgKfl ul II~ cflrpurlt e puwt' ..... ntI which fer~II!" ur rrlulllll ,ll tlKNe ~&Iblllb hla!',! .rt II .. I I)' 1,1 cO~'lm~.. 'fi ' I .d .... Speftkin g or Ko•• ulh'. I.bore .1 thil met.ud dllre.I~lIldal. (Scblick anw. Whll curpur"l iun. _nd llIe pl!rtlull ." .pplllllie d ch"r4rr of Ihll l,,,lur'" In ulher c.a1M!', ~hlllili ve bl'en pruvlded b)' I"dln.n\l ,) f' al . . Talja, . Ilcfnlltld. I:irvum.tanc:t'. tll~tber W II . .e ICt t 1.1. ' "hMIl tulittllur In umc" uillit til .. IJl'XI I I' 1 I UF CITIEI:I , I' "II wllJ r.er re- ' J lu whu't' aurulntll l,,"t ur tlllClllon pruvl. . I to II e n ountaiD .... ul.r elecuulI .• nd uillil hlllluec e....r ..r..,· llt"r'" III> ..!IIcer 01 billiler Bnlde than llm,l'. 110 ... or BIiO. 88. rl,te eU ......11 ....." POW'IF 10 h"n • SEC. ~Ky, , "100 curpur.. te I)tlhurll , 01 i.. p I. l\uIll/'relll IIIlIdl!; a"d .11 city forCing him to ret re I. I P b. ell"Clled .nd quulitl~ii; .. lid twu 01 IIIld cilrZt'II~, 56. ~I ,.In la'\he HU!1&,_rlan rl1l~" UII whom mill'" maUer or"aaillllll ulBliere pruvlde III at whell ri flue •• U IIa h.pONd utgnlll" ..d ur tu Ik urll"flileil under ",h ... t' term uf IlIlniee ill lIut .. hmpnt l,uW .ueh · e ... where he arrived iD tlU\~ to illlert:l'pt Iru.",e. pr •• ct\b~4. lor lbe .. lulaUuD 01 &Ii. urlli_l1 _ ul~ tbeI al.y aCI. bUI nutlce 01 ... y weet· thld "cl, ~" iii d cI (.u per.eyer lllll)' .nd.)' •• ' a IiIlIllllude el: .turrl .na el't!Chl could b~v ..aled III otll' prillC'lple ulll, "Id WhOl,,/ uwerl .nd dUll... ~re 118t d~ be Gurl"y, Be "'~'" lilt,. ur 'In)' 01 th_ •• tId lh. a . . e (\.Ill ppe" , h ,. I A . \ relllllver! in the COllr8e uf II lew dlly~j rrom • the IWu branchr ..nd ptliCe him belWetU i"" lur II~" ulnncUo D III bUill ........ hMII lIer, tube dlyler.! tile Inayur, in """ buuTII ,II""11of 111.11 of by tlia U'III)·• • rIllY. IJllven to aU. tltl, I.'t. IhlU ~,rr\.r. Illch pllld. ,he p.n" con,iCl, " .all.II ,."... ~at "tlcally blld I '" IlUIIUf\( ea ul \l.tr~•• Ihl' benvlea' lu~um ..u.e' enrine tru..\t'l!o.IIJ I,,· d,,"unlh•• , ..d IheCity (;UIIlICil, lutin. I'J(\,,,:la8.u.\h at dtiwn ·lo. \ G ' I Il lito d... penote .lIu.tiun lo ! tJKIl, 45'. Tlte ..id ITII.tfll pow.r•• ,nil COOl hi. UI" lII.yur IIr utbtlr plVper luUlOrlly. Or oa 0111 ul jealuua, .1111 frllr. k~pt dowll .I~ rIM' \ . , I~lIl1 IIi,. I h b I lu plh~rwl th I .uch uU.!!r k Um,lt'l'II d ... d ITII itl ' orr)' lie III ,:mce '"Ir lIucl! lenn ~f "me. ,uut ex~ p r _ Iuuecl lur lbl/urpu a I bu b I tal,,"1 and ,'beellt'd .11 prumution Pimp e - ut, (! I, 111 WU , the "1Ic111.lv lt .UJll1""" un ,"~.trC l!ll,lIe .,... ..It. lI 1,11 aU Ibiol acl n.jOnl IUllfd, ur I.., 1I1'ly btl trua~'ll \. eillnlf Olll! ,elar. PMC II' up an j whiCh he WII pl.ct'li del·ply. ah.11 be prtllOtlDt!4 by ' lell uIIl,I aut:1i t e un, public t .... III IlnI"I., .M •• ",.. • I II'd Ko. lit tu. \lInt C rried .woy, N llt a hubuon 11\ ,~ ,hi _tl of ~. ' " ullder III nutlll rity. .rdi.DI (I; but .U umc!fr. tu be I'ler.teci. oatluo 'w \1 litllne.a r "'" .ppe"",d dl' DlunI.eu'"IIt!eUl aDd lW'"7~ Ml,d &lb1......ltMr\il:l/ IIIlIIIIJ (ble JI"Ip p,) peNt, or the part,! tllach., .. rft.vflu ~~I U Ii P;' wa'111 ""11111.1. ' "" All tIlt' ..nuu. Re lIa a b.lllu hi.lll1ce 1 b7. 'rll'l\ mayor 11•• 1I be eleelecl .h,1I b.. eh:c(ed .t th' re"lIl.r N' llIcI b, eve,. "llhlllll........it.ul.uc il.pecl.l r'....dlll.trll;I•. "1,,~. .llIlu"I. I.r'- !eiI b, 4u, ~ of '1~1 . 'ht'J ....11..!..... rge, "*PI ...Ile1e~·lp>Chl.r ot t e ..1111111")'. III cill.,. ul the 81'~ ci •••••M Ii.,." lor munltlp~ll.orrr. ~_-;-_ ~ar- deJlcilpt l"a. ur Irm •• lIuwn tu Ibeir ,mAil. ! ' Ii' ",I r ke"t~p lbe' 'I'irl" '1'1.8Y ahall h .. Ihe pe .. "r tu loy llu ..... TIi'I:'/Il ,.r fvl'Cfl, lie WII eUppuaed. at tble liru. . b.M. "".." 10 prw",w. tbat ..., peTIII. 1,111' a .. 01 l unllu.aH~ III till!'. ul th", "'cund OIUf, U " ,,", «!J' ,II , ry ..I.... n. In I' ~W.II r lIlulllel,•• ,c:ur,..t lun • • ".11 , _'Ic~,r. rel'!'ll.....1 wiUIIII be Iffljrvu;r ,tl ~ummil\ed llid out or,the jell ph·re., whlr-h h.d IIr.t ".t .. IIl1lh. ID-hup", ye, Itl!.. p til unter a"d rll- UII! Bral .lS,,"d.y "rul•• 1,11 A~fll. tu be pUI tugelh· or hi. :ruup.. While h.' w •• ilalldll, al pMlr ruad. ' .orL't'tI ,"""'tI~yol; b"d";' "ptl, 'lOt" .. 01 Ihl! eia\ ; hoI "h.1Iby Ih .. qu~IIt1"d ,ecelye .ueh t:olllpell •• uun IDd letl for tI"" 01 aa, ordlDlIDOi. wllo ,ball nl. . III' r A ,'I 'hIYlIIg hUll' er.lhl! ature, uf cludl. r"ughly cuI IIIIu JJ(lu be a /i1l.Htlad their .er.I\l" ••' Ihe Iru.te". ,11.11 by ."dl. lI'II~i:t an.d .... ·utICn." ua 61h F .. brol •• utl ~Uu"lt~ct; .lId keep In.,rdH uud rep.ir dectur ultd rt!,j~1! Will"D til p., th. 1111. Impoaood. .Dd lb. o U."llin 01' re,. d ' _ 1.0 pieeN 10 be mudl" lntu uniform ••• 11 h.-d ry SlIililrll Illok po....... lh.. 1110111 ul thr ""IlI:e pr..~rlbe; ProYlded, iup uf Ihe 'lI'uII, nwerw. and lira" •• ; tu t!1IU!r OPIJIt, Mild t~ltl! cllY COUllt Zic", • •lter hll COli emll~\lon )' a Iu be p' ."k .. d ill lhe be~t •• lId oh.1I hold h .. olJi e durin" tht> p~II.,tlltn of the cuuDcll t/l1it the cum- r.IIfIJ \If I'""""U~ivlIl.liall b, Iilte . ., or ord .. r, I" be aer\,,' Bra I" "r with. \rUllael vie" 11,1 eu, oil' lut th .. I,urp...-e Ilur""aid , "I..,,, 1I000000. . . ry. lertll .ball prot ..... !>e IUIl'rleoaed lad 11Ip' ID CODIa.. court.nl'r U.1 rur ttelilln. Ihe pruuf .. I fur which .h.1I hUYtI been ",ecled lIul uceed une dulJ~, lu ,each mllmber fur ... U II' u. .11~h ",15 fwnd III ,hI' carri."" In til' cable- lor rUlure u~e. )I\lreoyer 11,," I. lid ur 1""lrr,,.l j lu .etM!8j an.l culiel:t a .. nd IIntll hllhe_ ~ucr.('8.tl nt ror allY. tefm nut excM4l a. tb:rty had r .h.1I 10 lhe qn1y hn .... .. y ')' .. rv ul e.\r.pe re,ul.r fut or O"rgl'y l"..c:I. luward ch.rlle lor IlIII cu" ..trucllun, impruvcmclIII linn flleclkiu ml'etlll, uf til" da),'; lb., ab.h b.,. pow.r ... pruYi4t tl1' f 1.1 1m;" 01 • be Icculnptlehed willioul much null., Illd thp e"t' nd q111l1l6ell ; I,e .10.11 kee l' bUllrd. 'I'lte lII~itl Hun\f.tt aa .rm)' w .. ur rl V.lr ,,( .1', th.l.1I v8j[rllll l. ,CUIllIllUII I~t belflllNt 'pe. v tre..un. III I,rooll II u ', b\l1ll\e, wbi~l. ml"ht hllYe h.d the elf".:t or! now ahul In lin ,hrt'e aille••• Dd H .. nllll;.>r- 1 ...1 tu c.rrlltll _ueh ru.d,"tr~"'.ur IIIIIIY; all umce III MUPle c,,"Yulliellt pluc.. III Ihe SEC, 6\1. The city council Ih.1I It.VI WUla"p prtlOlL\lut",.nd ",,1I11!, ..r :which Ire bid fead, fur POl',", u e/l"lIt lUI II puwera, ...d t IIY. lu b. pr"\'llIl'd by Ihe clty.cuun cli, "raoal4 tattirhl. . cltl th. euple of P.' ath to IIllme mId .nd power ' 11,1 p,'I.ul •• h • bolrd or bealth. W lb, pelce 01 the cit, •• h.iI I II 0 \he lutl,til .ide olh .. r v,uw~rd illcldl!lIl 10 • wrl,ural lu., II1II diitrlbut llllU 11>1. w. . . lew d.y. prOf- ex UK OD 1III... 'ctlva lor 010111 p. kl'''p lit .. curpur.l e .ral of h .I"an the etly w .. Invt:~t It wnh euclt pUWl'rI" "Id hllpuae lur" I If Up n • Ih .. ,,"d _Iotb e In••llun or Jall.chic b. The pr.llk.. SUGh IchleYem the~III.11e puoi.... t!tI ~, l.prl,oo••aL, 80& enl" !C .... UI with.1I 110. dlapclNble I"ree th.l (\Ollld , pulltl.ll; ~p.dul '~urpuiK!.; ul~y . IQMktt .hd In hl~ Clh"r",,: be IIh.1I .11 CUIiiOlI.I· un It wuch dull ... , .~ .h.1I be nec..... Cf up· 10 I'ZC\It.dln Cvon h h , III'" linn, .. 11I d',I; .. rllll ")'.11" ••• ntl ..,rtll. lull., hi:~II.e .lIil pi"" it.. Ilrar1tt'd by th,' ao, cit, .\1111 lie I I H wu 1.lorie w•• c'p.blll uf ullderl. km, .nd car- be CIllll'cI~d in ~elllre Ihtl ~h)' .nll tile G.. I,ciA, Thllll WMd tlat 1111111'''... lid 111,,11 h.ve tllll like rlllh'" Iv, lbe .... r,.,.. of I.pr""_. . .& ,. I, t \lUll • 11111 we v UII,''''' b ., I')'lng uut. Tu Debr!!", in Mlllbe.... eft'~clI 1"" and Mild aUIIlI1I hy ul Iltr .:It)' cuu.wlt, .nd 'Iuell Iro.II Ihe enl.. , dlHtre_ Inhllbltauta thereof .. nl, hul'" iI alld o. cal.mltl eacape el. rut of oft', blld rel"I'di;.• ,lb .. 1I1t'ap" c'.' I. Un II.", lei Cllh.. r .e"', IA by low II U.. I'IIIpw,m eltl ur ~hp AUlllrll1l aul 'Jr· uutler !hi. ,cI,lb..... Of tilt IIr urdhlallce DIOY rr· clI"tM&"iulI.',mpllllll,allt and ullelltluua dI.· Ii If III> an t loua: 1000w.rd tu. , t uYlded, In r~lutiu.. tu tllbtr IIlUII'4'lp It/Ii ",I banet! Ille f"le 0 ,rlC"V li.d drawn . were. d~e I1 trun.p.,r led." (Ku.oIUlh Illd G pr"per CIOtJIII,: .nd .11 pe~ .1 quirt· hi. c~rtI6c.te. in c.~ ul thp ~eillo, Il •• el; pru~lde: lur urW-YI I ) . III pro~r CI,"anil.I corpural I\lD. eo i .. prllUne4 &han billudtr til.. i"".. • o1tlru..lf b ~I. u[to,,"tio u. III Id· ""nar, W Ir. " •• 19.'&') l dl•• bltit),. r,,~llInatlulI, ur uther .... caltUII 1" bnd 110., ell'clrun or of , . 1.urrelldC'r Be th" on "ppolnIOI~I\1 ul the tbe abe{ill' Cit tb. COUIII,. wbo 0.,...N1:11>0. fU. Nv Meier dirpclln , tit. opea. 1,11 1.11 .,mtl'. I )'. I I b' I 1 But thi. . . . lIul .11; "hlle PrInce Won. ! Th~r'" .... but 1/ IIltrrllut "" It'll. Ihe cll)' Colllieil II,MY, b)' • IIl'cel.Mr y "mcel'll thereof, lin", "., .ad Inak!! aucb tei ..11 Ind dl• •r,. .urh penuDIo In • • 0' I'xlrlrMllnl' I" UI. "ew rO.1I eu""t ur 1Ii1",~ ur til' vule 01 a 1l'8jurll), IJI .11 11M menlb.-fII. ,.. II, the A ..... DI!I llpon "" .u ~e~ • di.chj!ra ls I.ying Idle Mt P ....lh, ft'cth- MQ,.elf .1101 .rol)' •• nd 110.1 w." th,. up· b,-le'YI. rul ... Ind rrllulMLluD. lur III "'... lDallll.r ••• dr..,.... I.. li_Utlt wrltu lllua 01 GurJlf), ~ .PPUIUI' ! , blll be prHOIIbM.b, tbe oNtul ...y I."d lor thll hhpN f,....al. pUla' .. ""e uliler penun tu II I II I P acl ulluullc,,1 Ulltll l the tltnm .. nl· alld Iuppurl •••• h.1I bel rrqll!r~ U'DC' or lb. cit!. 01' otherwa f' tbe P • ur O... nl.lto .tr.IIII'I~rlilll ur ch8\'&I. ,. .11>' ~tf, _lit: . , Ing Ihe duer.oI .. Itt tIM I"" w 10 r I!Aplr.liu n of Ihll " •• Id r.t~ In(nt une , Tile II .torDI~(l1I , n,,),ur or ur g Ihe qaOlI prampt .na .fllcl.nt cou..,. of law. • •tIt't!1 ur .lle, ... b,,1i be III'" "1 ~ -The t.lliun h.. cunTcm d on IIle tlte hllll "Ihe ICre.le_t ",lIer.1 III It.. dty . "MII he II. ch~el ('I('cutlye ul· pc:rrI'lIlufC'in 1,11 the'llge. and willch w.. cunlldfr~tI Iml'Tt'II,,·ble, , It -1"",Iel' .. rmHltce 'lf I", dlille •• and Ihe 11111'1111 tile. 67. AIrf nllllt'." ae.her I Ih., Dr lb. .. haW~tII ell, CfItI.. ' &lteftllD; lic.r .nd l·on.erv~lor 01 It. pt'•• e. IIDd It t'llit'rcl .. uf I~, powe"; I d' I r """rl'uil lir thil till! Ma".arl '·II.d lurned d('fenile4 b, 111.000 Olen, 'Il Dllla ' allilnu IINI'I' ,,11,,11 "'" IQ • ..., Ih.". ilhall blVe cllllt.y be ellp"lIe4 ~ ....0.... (ruaaoll Oi. .,!,I \or 01 It. c:illfid, lice ill I ,e Ireel Oil u 'h"ir back. a........ n ... lut Ibe In., .h"1I be hl~ .pec181 &Iuly lu I'III'C! tile uTIII- puwer to nut III"en !\!nt • "'~UDI GurM ..... I G"1 ulI ~'jlll but 11),000, prvVl'ntr e.INbh. h. Cit)' w"ch 01' pullee. b1" COllclirrellt" O\I. ,w",,\b l,. 0( .11 "·,,.loIlc .11 .. ,.. ...)' tlte "blIU" likt. ll' ur n:p"lr 01 lUI)' Iinret ur lI.nCft and TI·",lali"tia ul the cll)' tu ... "rp"lze the . .,me uader the .uptrlnle od- lb. truate. . .1ecMcI biG r et wi ..l",d tu a- aliI')' 'lI"fpt Ulf p"I\lilln ul tw .. Iblrd ,Iqce culIlI~rflce in • 11\11 .. "hoUt I cllollce 10 IlOlIquer t II~III • ' b ttle 101 G - d I d'J' _cil," '" ... f Ililhfull , .nd culI".lII 111, ~ ly obl'yed; he .h,1I enc"Clf thlmlyo r.m.'lh" lI,orolh erulllce rl nul • I lIyuli ec art.,. u II . 1_ tllilll""" Ihl! bull on. uf ni heart•• nd Ihr,...by ..dd .I.. ,lllI'r . . .c:oDd lhf'ou •• ca_:'\ If I.urel In III~ bru~, 4l r ,IIce him. a~ he "uuld "01 JOlin thll SCI Ule ..~' ''I!r. 1,11 Ihe luI" ur I.ud llorvu,h. ur luperfla e Ihe cUlldud of .11 tile utllclln o' ul the . pol let. prl'.crlbe I", dull ...... nd de1. 0 olllClr. Which appqlD~ by.lb. cit., _noll _, .vch ru.d... r~et UI' .lley. ur II I y k elty. Ulnllntl th .. iroupd. uf .. II !'fa· IIn~I"'puwe"ln .urh m.nner I K" .. Ulh w .. bu., .1 Ibl! new Rlt 1)( all'" er.l·o rab.I ,.".lnat Ie.....Ulh. It I. "ell p~rllll!re,,' til be imprllyed IIr r('~lred ••the ....111_1 ......."'. . rrGta v " 1t1 • __ rrut ""- hawe lollnd \\orlh)' tu I. U I.. un.ble wllfpl.hl ltl m_de 1,.111_. '")' 01 ..1I"cl u.llt preH-tve tloe I'nl r.. orin fur Ihe cuml caU.II. ItDuwn thul G,,; 1',. wu pe.C'4I In uf M. pn!'''llt .ho ,1 ..... the cll, ••ute of a ...jo-l.)' 01 .&be w .... a ..... ., cU'no.nII or ' our arnl)'." (KUfI~ulh I"d erlltu , ,p P •• nd CtlUH all 1I ,.lr viul.llun eol dUly l8t:ure Ihe' Inhlblt. ntl Ihl'feor Ill( r " & direct refult ur i OF~NcoapOIlt\TED VILLA GES. Ilhrm aMI" W" \l9D') Wblll! ,,"crull in, .n4 allrl). tU whldl theIC ,.In lrom tnlll'" .lected CD the cll, - " I .., IIr tbt'lr aPKleet•• tu be prulllptl l puni .. hed. ""al YI.,lpn~ •• nd Ihelr Prln.;. w.. l ...~.. dl'l1petlte .Itu.uvn ." the prllpen, I Sac" 'I'II~ c:Urpul'!'t" aUlh"r"y 01 In or rep..rlltd tu Ihe pruper tribwIII "'P I i ' . oSeer .\e(lItI bJ til. WIlt.... 01 &be Ill.,•• X uth II'CI r.ce. III' 101. lot'll, AI Debl't'c. in. • hIe dilll lbt'dll'lIce h. thegfl, IUf wr· and V'llaWlu l dt'p,...t_t lun.1 the, ..rnmrnt,I tI.Y,", ~JlUr~tetl' .hall of an, Wlrd or .u.cnct. -1 ...... ... ~ nlf t ,e .....t"rlt luree.. 11M ,"'Hltd vr Iu be ur- rectlon' he Ih.1I hue _nd uerel.. wllhlp Im.tl tuwn withoul w.lI. or furtillo:atiull', ""d.1'fd ill • p1'focl.m labllih Ir.d ol'Jlnlae .U_II .liun, ti •• t, "II Ill' I ~a"iled lor gl\1eral pur,....e.,"".11 be nalerecum plnle. r~ US.. .." a...,., .....,., . 01 a'"'" ta,: "WI"I.I 0 ••rr1·a ,nil)' WIul. I Ihe inte:lur IIf the cnunlry wa.lIl11M the cit; hmlt •• thlt puwen eultlerre d llpon .... provide :lI\. tl ... D, ""Ith proper enal_•• 1ld ,1I'Na of .11 I"',r _ _ ~""' Ex,,~'ullye aad lbe DI ..L h.d left r.alb ed h. un~ MilJur. !Jlle r(,!curd.. II1 lhl nr, du nol let ap), Vile allk .lte 1U1' a n .:z. r "a. II", the .11.rUr'u f cuu"II" •• tu ,,!pprf'lf dltlClr- M1ch ot..er j \ • I In.. rum.nt ••••h.n lie Deen- COIIlicit .... '""~~~_ be ....• II e .rm wuu'd Icl ' Uu.I .. t'l "ho Ih.n be qu.ltll\!1dll elfl'wr-. ,.Ir "' ...1...... " Surlt "" the eon6deu ce blf'fl Ihe grHtllf '.vf iff,..nd !If"" to keep Ibf "un,IT )' peace; nl,! .h.1I . .Iov ~hbuQ' ad.'·'1II I., I Nry II) pstla",l .h tire•• nd Y lie; .rda ,....idru 'Wlllll;1 Ibe Iholtl .. , Ihil eurpura- pertorlll b the •• let l'*olb I.C!IIIl hi Ourr1 •• nd ...dl the r.. W Iell ......... lNtli uther dlltl.. coml'.~.b" wltb propert)' 01 lbe Inh.blt.1 \I. Thf!re. while ,II wl&huuI bore • q~l .. t III III"lIre lur Itlll'''. 01 tb. Guyun .ba/I . '*f praletNc • llun. l••DIII a _rl~ IIIaII . . a~~ .h.1f buill ttieJf umel) IOI'une tan. p III ade III II , lblt II.Iure Cit hil "ffiet. I', 'he clluncll IrofU to"'~"'IIo!, •• aD,1 cuatlnon 'I~t ",I'hln WII unce..llI, luld E.-utll lh., O.".."y nd ,""I'" IUch wu • tr.lwr. lid up'U Ih.lr IlllCUll ul'I.re l,'Cted .114 mil' fro. hH: , .11 ..... ur IIOiIDeIIe _I~O~ "pi' Cl'I ~II' I tOed' ~,_, ":: toiL "Aa int:"_li~ b. tIIII tl_ 11,1 tlu•• Tt'qulre; h. hall I• • • nil reaullttO l\a 101' the __ ln •• od Ikbur. billa' 'Ileft ~""f of lbe l.cI II :ue'iflt.d ; .1111 ettrh Allyur, ftC'Nr• •nd , rrcelYe ....... 'Ht ~ 1110 ul u" OOUDCII. IIIW,~.; ..... 'I Mleh 1111 • .,.. plJ'lbltr I . qua,.e,I , out l'lll the ame. u a ca . \her . 1.I.clilla ....11 "' . .mp'- of bla benelact ut .Dd prolllUt- Ip,.a ",1"1 UU; Ih. .nd leH abe I conatilu te lbe _nell or of the cil. lreuury ... la ~~ .......... . . . . .lter .lId I Ie tlte d ... there 'Wo,1de d dlenll .~ _h llId ..." pe_D " 0 II,. D" ill 61'11 AuIf. ~t...t .. i'I.,. la, ,,, Cit wbuta bJ cwdAo.D«,. but tbe all/ollDlolbe aaid ,~&IIJI'''Itall..r wert' .t wurlt 11111 nlthL, whl.e .caID.I hi.. Tltia w. a.r • ...... ' II1II, "IOIIIlo .D}, _h Ilre~"'lr,""11 .b.1I W • 'Idurua lor' the UallJfliCtioD 01 1rJ .....\1 neithet be inore WI ..... ..... ...... d III I OD the pliln alllflMllIIf .Ultery t'lIer~l_ wl.n luv••IIID ud aIiuot ...d, IWC' 111.1.. ' I. d ... ut ".... lie I fI tlIe II. . 01 110'1bll8inew adIer....lI totlIUrH a aMICI die \MeIol..!..-... ' n ttd IihN durl., '0' incuDlll alill letIII of 1 _ - . or .ilillrJ f'ftmpt .,. tak' 1.08 . 'Ilb Iet'O'III 1 d.t" I 8 68".e ••)'01' or III ~. of hie ~. h'naln, P ~ VlrllDl. • • • _ _~ 1Il.'le_~Yr: w ID'..r ' of die 81.t.; 1bt7 wll ~ rdIItI. to tak_ dW lUo"I"1Ic.W .~_ ......buul tile 1." 01 HI"....." recurder• laP 11M _II I _\.r •• - p ... cqeoD • ~ IJIQ. 61. TiaaIIlD IU otbenrl H ,,"icW • rlpl 0..,... ... the ~ aa" •• I ""I • Taee till Lt. or .... . . ~cil; . tM" ..1ftft .. '" 11M cil, ~I _atIWt&14 bJ ,..,. ad, far tile ..II 01 ,"""lllot luwa* 8.,,1'1 Hunn ....... drl ..a In f... n " , part d IMflWr D', 11'11118 ~-". . . : ::... ~rI1llClll the clmlvl tI. ...., tbe au...... tile COII8t'1, to lie UtI..... for tile ....try ....~ It the "'11. 'J'be Iu. . . . . I f JIIIifII ~ 1.lIoD '" ....II.Ueud III 01 'lie t tbe ••anI w. . . 01 c1liee blwtot. N la· _fort ••• ---~ ,,_ "111~~.1=:' 'IJit~i" ID' _"lee; ...alltln 0( . . . . . _Irrou iht hilla .. .., ~ patbe to tile · foo& or 01' - , "1\ID~iI. rualt. . r.lr ___ ... ;..... . :;; \: - : '...... maal ll.... ~ I ID.o' .1udl CIID"'" . . . -at. .....au.a. _1II1D 1 wlo" .. ... die ..... ~ -:'11 lie 01_ .1Ie ..... I urtI 01 alt • J)., • .. •...... ptt-'nlR le ........teII. at14 ..~ Alar .J{ b ...., ...... .... 110...... OJ,,"' . . . . .tlt ........ ........ ..- . . oet~ .-.ell ...... 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.iir.I,"'.i",1."C 0 ....--...' Aft'ra). Ttaa,II......1• Ra .. ~y. . • Welti.fD frOID 'h. lilt. GlUe.d ~1I1rD.1 Tb. W",b",pn (Pa) aud ti" Wb"lmi ".at. .. df'l!pent. Ind bluudy -8'r., 4WlCUfM eva.) p....,. each '~Ik 01 tile very vig9r' ... p •• t .. h ·-'1 U I h ou. preNeeutllln or tb. lila" "U ....fy; ·a I' lIIe ru... , .11, ...11 ..... lit .... n,· OUIII ' th I B 'from lb..... ertlub~ n·.de. we preaulII' Wd " II tI b on.,." •. a III our u uoyru... , ull bl ' (8I1bb,th.), bltw.lm t~·o A~.IJ be. (' t,o-: ht'uld Ibe" curnpleUun ut .1 , ,- 13th 111.V 'I b'" f r,QllDllan d v....v r-Iarid tlll" lurt er aec:tklu 1I~lIc, Iii S .. 1I1Illure. QIf.D 1 .... II . . . . u ~ • ,
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fnlm.dl.t('l, .fter'lhlt t'llerc:1.. III lIte
It I. nld lhat
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clOUd,.r;c! whlld ,bl ll'ul,le " ... return· belIli ufter'" til G~nerMI Ch~"g,rnl.r tlle\, bum~1'f (Lull" Ind !luNlllUld oue bhh~ Buuth Ame,lell'} R ;!pUbhc8.
b,ill, In the feur of Lbe Cl'Uwd,) L.~n\l" I~' ::----.--::---"'_ _ :-:-; -_-:;--.'-_ _-,-_ tempted ~g litrike )llurIlIMnd, bUI 1IJ~ ••ed hiS
.,AI alllllcll. ~lIrela d hllmwl,Muly wprulIl: \lfI\1n a"d h,fllc;lfiiI lin Ilim 'lI lIIurllll
\Vound, by, .Iabblllif hhn In Ihlt lel't .ide. 1.4.... )Iell ,lil.,i1 tu ~II. feet and fired a -- • . ,1.111', aharr" with .nlbll ~ilut ••l hlln. Un WeJnelda). ~Sth M J Iy, 1862. will •.-lINland lh.n Ittempted ,u 'ealllp41, bu.1 cumlllt'lICl! 11'11 Ji'U ~lh vulunl(' ol , uur po per, "WI' llbn Inw eu.IUIly br ,t~\J" l.reRnl. whpil we e~'P,ct tu pre~eut to our 'plltru/l i JIll b." .I!le' b\!1111 ,x~lIIlued b.f"re a iUI,. I piper "n"'l'ly wllrlhy UI their h('urly "lid IM1"tl ~lId " 'lit to join. • ' Ullteaerved ~ upporl. l'lre Mllml Vlsllur i. \Vp uudl'r"\IPd Ih"t tbl qUlrrel ~.~ a Lilt'ratY ,lumoa,l, dl'votpd 10 subjeci. 0 ~\I~ ul'.a old ,rullp\hl're WU .... iillllli be. r"l'ral illter"wl. IlIId i. iud~pl'"dl'ut III pul. , ,. I j ,I ' • ,ween .lL.rehlUd lilll1;lI_a. Iither.-(lm. lIllII, pll'ugpd tu Ille arlfl .. h Illtcre.t. of 110 Ov... . p.rty, 'I wll11lp,huld the good Doll OppUI'
Dr, Borton's
OU(HI It\. Jt ~,Il
•• ,~ ' Ul> ljf
n l\. UhlN llV S'MIZER h.1 rOlurlle" to Una J9 1,1.cio 18"-lu. and IHII hlilllo,lIaloly re~ ulll e
p.. dl.... ul medlcln" oil the eel_CU e vrlll bl' Iw I.! ,w...,..rcd lu P~ 'lu'III •• n IIp • he II I. ~~ e "tJ~II\ tur \Alui\l. \JlJld~. 1'&111 In ra \lOIlI'1I Iho 1111 0 jl.l l)onlall:!ur~ ''y' .nd .an a!au BIU D~ t. \Vh wvi ll"cuu"'.j ~ \JhU r lC, CltuUt\ wurk "on. tIl' Ioilll III 11118 res pccl. Will b.r warno \0 TAX F Jl 180t. ' \\.0 ~ h ~1 • .3 helwur ~", .UIU 4J t aJIY lltllt r aUu ,. rOll lLod. '-lIieo al his lut lll~r IO$lU~uce 0/1 Cu M Vhd<>l"",, t;Il>l ul W.rt~1l C.,Ull l\' . 1I11 c<) \11I1I IVIIl CO lld U ~~W II... /)0, ,,01 " bU I UCI. N Orlh :>1 , J,., • • \ olf M ai n. W.~ nClville, 0 Ulnl>.ol Ihelr r~ilull' :;"1. 1010 In Ma r~ h 011 I lI ~ 11 •• r, bOw.h . ~Iutl . anJ "IJ OIIY. 1~;'2. dUI Frn"" t d the .',II)Unl ut l oud Iall 10 lI. "DUlly NN J::rr IIlDA toi DS Ind 1I .. lnC_ In 'arell vrUlllu ll lIJ( III" . ecrcuIJI1. I!cher.nv. I'll. reI . .... tur Ih. current leur. allh. r~ I" 01 fiv e .bIJYu. m CulCJlltl i~ w dH kUUlV tl HI dli4 c o mmuVIlrlO'} ,JUdI rcc"'Ved Qnd lor ulo VOIY ~" lItJ1 \In Ihe hunll(l'\l lIulla,. volll11 11UII of In .. • 1111),. III.~~IU'U Y(Q lI~eUl l~rllI •• r d\l. ~r1"ll"n 1111. <11. "(1 W. t. t'AltSI1ALL able prupc,rty. whIch lOX 1II0r loa tllbchnrgeu by n u c.;!Q~ "ry Lebanon. Ohio. april lab"r "" II ... r? uJ., ul\lj . r Ibe dlr.cllull ~t Ih~ ', I"s 1I'~thOI ne II a .ure CUIO Ihe Croup. .Up.,Yhlll,. II, 'ha ••• eral 111. "1 •••• BI Ih. , "' OI.I.ARS \';ulf• • Sl uu .~ •• J~c"nel And "'~r ".1. III Il,. W " r nli.YIII" Ur .. " , "I ~ uJ' >oVllnty·five CII"IS by J 'i' \,;A u,vAW,,\v V SW I ~ I Old\:I Bud 11\1 rtl", •• a very Ilr&e The' >upor~ i~ur. ollhe 1."10 d.clncla Will w\uck JUJ , r c(a. , v~u and 1ur ent" chell I"
lh l l,\:' ( lu r Itt a ll y uU UJr kUhJ l,HUOr tt Uu~ .. ub~
..lu •• Alib.
p.' d'e
fi IlUII". ruod Illlt I..,!' 'II 1110 hauu. III Il le cterlc tl 10 wrong 0 I II II . ul I Itl, pNI~' r IO WII II ~' I', . R.t.lLtoAD AOOJDUr.-Th, Urbina Cit· The Miami VI,IIor cOIl~Dinl • Ilr,rr J!'4 0 . C, !:;Kl~NEll. AVO. W C .... ...... I _ , 2'L -lw !seJI'IUIUllllii UII ...... 1:1 w...... pll" III( 1'l1Iount of rl'adlnr Dllltelllh,n 11\.0*1 coun· =~'-:;--=--~=-.,...,-:.-.-,--..-.-c-- , 41 .up &II elilldit-lly ",III1uHd., .t4itUn. I. • · 1 1~"lrt'"' "riiI t~ feodhl" ii of '1 he bUl . ., -d I ' B IL ...I " ~ "II~ ,YUUJl,IDDII I~ ", ..yue .tI"IIII1'_ tu ,el 4111 1'IUlllll1; havl ..g a large Ii at or e~II"Ullea Uc. <II. the rca"". <1I\lillr tb. CI,. we", III a,l/duo, lIul ulI..,i", oflhe lIeat 1I.f""'azinu alld N .. w ~nllper~ "'e r n .(;oU IIIY. \VOlII~. ~ 'to I T ' "" .u~utA ,,' u . . ~ IIhun, lin al!s"';IUI~~!l"l bl ••tl'P, 10/1 Il!, p •• -.td undl!. Ihlt \\' b~ .... nre e"lbled to IIY bef,'r ..... ur rnd",. a "r I~A I' It I 'I. Ih k i d " " D/II" d,lli. June 17th ' 18S2. 11\.1111 11 ' , rl' I II lit., UWII. III au grellt varlety 01 Se l~llt~d MI~I ell ft. lIy . A ~lJockluf a rugUlier III tv r.. pdlir Iluputali'JIl Ilumb~r uf Ihf' b... III Wrllf'rI or the duy CUll' SALE:. : A CA "'r A NU ",,!tN. ' 1.. I. f.lj~. ru r lI'rllld ftjljl ljl lu ,II lid ... t: \,. lIry. 1 y' In'qullilcy 01 M'II .. _':1'1' tribulinj! to ,IU, paper. enlloln u~ to give Wn l~r >Iroul, W.yr""vlll~ 01,10 !l2 U00U , u\J\lly uf Or. J Clcob TownecrIll'. ~u,u l>o uilJ .>yr.lll ul dllf...,.ad U. JUUI ro· dlllll. d~ lIut *UJlI tu <I"l""rueu trum bu~. .1.0, a coulIl¥rllble "mount .of u~Ij(llIui , A Ul'J I N"'TII" '1'011*' • ",lve tl uuU IUf MUl tt OV -. ar4111, Ute and IIIu1l io}ulUplrli uJllil! c.. r. ,. ol'~ler . • W,lb \ho lir.t number o[ thll BA:L.: OF REAL ESTATE. J• .,' CADWALLADER. IIIUllulI., • U ...; fO\lrth v~ume we will Clllllm.nce t11~ pub. VII'l l il l:. UI btl uru .. 11'''.01 Ih~ PrdbD le CQrncr 01 M.m allli !'IOrtll Illlrtlblil IV.YII'" . ' COUll "hhin and lor Ihe (Juun" 01 War v.l t" .. " l IiAI!lIIi'aIV&t.llIG.-l·lu: tr.la. on lbe lielJ,lion uf II N"vJ'lIrte, ",duell ('xf ,,· •• Iy " n ftlid S,ale ul 011111. il/leut"" 10 Ihe ulld,·,. • fcrThe )li,"ii Vt.It"r,Gud wilich will run ,i~ .. ~d 1I(lnlh,'8""101I 0 Ih. g. IAIO "I D.nlel , 'I " 1 \\ill H bl A I Ilu "·· 'u R lvl:r .... u Celltr.1 L,n. ul R~il· u_ Ihroll"h _n"rll numb .. r.. II II CIIlJe~ ~,Da'lnll.~.~r~",II\I·.·••w"'·... "Cl i~c.~~GI pu Ie ucl un 'w.v. Ir. ~ Prruulle" tll';l p..... uj{lIfII I'IY' II' .,. • - ~ , r" ' J "TIIF. ~JI.r,AIN'll; \'1t..TUJ, 011 KGIU,d", NewYut~ I' \I A. II.! Alblny.IUi: Uti':. T La 0'" P ONEER lIFE ,be lllll! dnl' of July A. IJ. l~~2. bel" cep tho A A 1:1 1", I . . " hM r¥ 01' 10 "'"lllek A 1\1 • • ",14 O'ch,lrk t' 1\1. I P. Il·i !:jY,lc"a.. , ~l; <ll:lllIelt,t .lIlIut Ollr l e.de", ilia! ell:pect lIOlllcthrna: ul thri!. 0 • ,iu d.y. Ih~ Ibllowlnj( d•• errb.1l II ul"ludl. "rl'l,I,,!, I~, 1$ud.lu be,ou!' III i' l"li Ihe ~rl,lp""y \\1 nit! d l'C~u."'. 10 Inll:r It. 1.I 1'r6cI. ":-11U6 IC nnd 1)lugin Iho (.;.lunlY Ib e ~,c"lh,. At u ... t huur.1r ... t. I..." lur UnlC o::rWI' illvito the Itlrnlillll of 11110 I .. d 01 Wan ·n anrl t31~le "f Ohiu UellIJI lUI Nu, I ' 16 in Hurrl~b ll Hquare. IIllholownol WUln e • (,llevl'lliUO, DiM"", IlIICi Chl~ 11"; IIu Ibat j . N v j at 10 our terlll. of .ub.cript~.II, whIch lire .i lle In IUld ";OUIJIY. h. I,lg lilly f. ul on Tllird IIue III" , 11rt'M~II' \ III .1;,_ :"111, till;' ill .. follu,v.: . ,rtot, all\ll\I l "nill~J"ck Cl n.. ilunJted .. ,1I ti lly Ullu, .'Ip be\wnu Bud.11I _nil Eric, ta· II 1.".1 I" on .1 C)' 'rbu -IOI~rn.c /".nlo <In •• 1<, \ .' 011" copy, ono y.a,.ln I vlillce. ~160. 101 OI\n~I. 1iI or a "OOU IWO Itor- 'raQle hOU8e. kllllllrr.'IIIlI."1 Ihe IIt-XllDurlllnll III ()I .. v~· ' . , #.. • " , " OJ.. With in the ,v ,lIf, ~ ,O() •• ,.bI••• nJ,lIcl!IlUary . IInu coo,coiunt OUl houa·
UI ' dl\,1y IllaUO ;:IulI"". r "II~ .la , ..II '.'IJl, V""'. IleOI " ill •• hlnl.h the 1I"' Iv... I' ileh Ihey lire .11 "UIl6. I:o!"n \II II.. UIIIII·
III IM.lure
ell bull . 'Ajlll l 17. l\;~ ~
LOOJ{ IIERF.. LAIlU:S.' LLF.'" ell L VAL\:, II~YI JU. I Jl!".lvod eal. llon G and bcuulilul .1Il.k 01 Or",," u ,",'h.h., UuuuelB, I( lbbuU d , l".r •• ol" :$hooll t ute" wlIlell 1l~1I. ul yuu ~Ir" .. tu iall Ib 1\I~ k ftl
11",l1tnll your . prinll' .. UIO".. ....
::>1, 1>11(11 l>OhJ oU Ilall. J\I'III l'lh. Uia:: •
,\ . "' IN III IIlonmenl III a wi! , Ihetrunl anll )",1"111,, 11011 C\II{uJI anu LIII"o dillo. J.. OI .lIti lor Ie)" by tt. iIt I\1c(;.
rtic ~,.ell
lJONNfO'l·tl • •
LARGF: Vir I. I)' 01 UOnllol 8 lur ity
1Ii .. II, DIU' It nvC!il . III 41~lr"". t '
C; blj!~IIU IU
lI"d reullli ~
lit". \""11\
I. DI..rII Ullla • W"U.IlI1i1 . 111 11..."'7 {]j'tl. (i
Aj'rI· RL1!'I' ' OU1'a.u''',-()1I
Uillhi ' •• L Alr. \\' ~.. I".I
r•• I· d~lIt ()I tI~rlll~lidel. )1"...... Willi eoully .hl/\ d~"" I" II lIall, UllIl. lI.Ufl!il AIIII.R~tI\I!.r' It, 'bi! "uru4' (lr Alp'" R,,"alll~tr I Co., N. Y. H. w~. ,1.1111111 lit",I,cr·llI·
, ,.air'
IU",I)I"" ...
" , Ihellce " . " ilill '1I01,th8, lO.OQ. a Irllel ~AIl" perlUlI 1111'1111" ue 6\'0 ,"lIrly ,h.noo , I '1' .. ~ 'I·. I:l
will receive 1\ cU(ly ulI. yt'ur,
1~ 1 U Iluiu III •• tune. thence N TIC 101. W bO u2·10II1,ulo. I. . . . IUnl1. Ibellec ~ ". W 9 4· II) ..ote. 10 • ",un... Ihellce tJIj ){:> IV .... lJUl~. to • ,Ione. un lbe oiu .. 0 I {~.iI ,-.ulhl( lrorn ·,Toy",,,.III. Q ••
and kllellon,
lor ' Mr. Vlllllij. ,1!:lIlU.t
1~.-C4li ,
'J ha lJaCI or land _ndl)' aboyo d-.eribed wit I lad IOlu .UbJ"1l1 10 Ih" do"'~r vi 1'rllut'DCC IJ 1'1 ,lrhl~, wl'j ,II" .. f j)~"I.1 doo'u "I.lclI ha. 111);11 G>Uiil ll"" I~r Iher.1II 'pecIAIl), heillil tile IoUIiI ot 1I11I"l),·'our ilulla,•• a'1I1,,"lly nom Ibu. IVIH clay (,. June A. l~. Id)2. lur alld UUl i1l1 Ih" lorm ul bur n.lural 1\11., and .81u IruCI hu. b. ulI .,, ~t~ed a, tbot '11111 01 ' ~II.I)' amuulluuj( III Ihe wbololo ilJH.li7. IU Inil ;"c~ lIIbo! r"" by .alll du\O'e' Dnd wlll nul be _014 lor 10111 Iblll I ~·I avpraj.eJ " lllu8 It...r... l, \II ... Ie. 00. third uJ 110. pureha.e 01 ench Ir.CI i .. lIa",1 Uli Ih. dQ)' ul ••11.. III IInll, .lId 1100 r• • ldud III lWO yeon ""Y 01 ... Ie. Iha dele,,"" eulI .1 ¥ia
,rM" (01 . . . llvhlll ill Oholrlri.tulI, lIuill, dll
'Irua. ul p.,in; our luw n II yilli!. jll\ ulld .. r thi Miliai'd ul III.ulllllmer Gllllllflur,jIHt .1'c~ tbf' whe.l. al14 pi_CHI" hi, (••t UII tJle • pond,lr ul til. llullt, (a I.rllo pellm "t'ar tb .. w.t!'r Ii III'. de.i'lI~d tu bl'p Ihe "r.1I . "'p",huDd Ilf'ldy.) 111111 cI " PII1, • brll(e ,h .. I. c\lnVl'nlt'nlly n"ar, elme over (J:TD,. S: D. HIlIlt',,·. ShMkp.r S'IfUPII' .. lrJl' Wilen ali.covered he pndt'IY' rilla, IlIlvcrtl'l'd in ~n.ulh" cuillalll. i. truly orlll, t re.c;h th. ~I!'r~ It the Clrpu'.11II1 kt\Jki'd brl,hl, I"".,ulh dl!.:hMy III I "1\lI~I • guod· Fllu,lIy: )lrdIFinc. It p,!,ifiel tllc bill4Jd .lId prnelltll, I I \\ell .1 cur,_lt i .. colldltlun. ' hillhly.pukea of II) C;iuclQnllll,lIntlll the.\8
V.ry II,,,, prnwda .'e aw.re I"rl th.t th" ••,ectol vI' tht C,erk,.
6"1 ..
'belr 11."la.. t
l..t wlnte"l1 'Whill. !'&tINed '110.000. hi l!C",Ii. IIIC! pI' 01 )I~l1\be,., Ber,ra .. I•• • C""kllilld.liul'
IUIUUI;'l'al '"
aliUl 01
In 114&.1 tb. ome Jtf'Ala tam. til 1",.&69 .'.Ale ""11
III' lit7·. ,II...alII W.I
lD 1,,9-7
1l "".
Cum. 1I " Barl.., • ., .. O_t..
11 do&.
Ii"'' ' '
~n 01 Uill
Well Idapled 10 111. pro.enl ,"d flppralch.
10a. OIlI.
~ Uur albck 1\'11 parehlUd In Ih. f l
I.AbTI!:JlN CI'I'I£8.
"'1" .•
to I very eon, lrl .ble alieni tOT ~d Ih,r.· lb. Yory I.</WI ST
lOre" c o£. 1IP1i "1Jj(, HU at
lIMurH. ·
., l1li.
or ....
IlfYARlETY l'L.. I ' J . .. I r "r"l.II~lllib!~!C (l't1U• . qlla lIIe. an cor,o.ponQan~ lit O~, \I calm 10 "" nlll'., ~~d L)' 110 (;o,... try 811l,e. alld eqlUleti bUIlt~ lew, 'J'b u!Jr Irlcnd. we ..., W6 ue 'T~alful I . . II 'II pdt aYo,,,\allll o.1a do I In our power 10 ~tVt\ 1111 r crln\lnuan\*. anti from all wo Ilk • call II Ih" .i,n 01 lhe .
Ind 100kl
n~D Pf.AU
We 1ake, pinlul. III
lIuod •• onn jf w. du nOI .ell til,n 01 110. Red H~,•• S. E. Co,ner
Sueel•. W.yneavllle. O. A~rll G, 1852.
MIIII &.lIIortb
ALI:iG •
ul~ 10101 Cane Pol-. for Illc
Ll1J11DER, 00"
~O 1't:I!l'I' or 'Well ....,oned lum· ." U ~I! on bind .(lil 101 .al.. '1'l1li nndt t. l"ncd would ,., poclhl liy Ill/Orm Ihe ci~ 1·".'.1'0" ...... II~DI 01 WaYlr... iII •• CUrwlo ond 1I11.urroun, dill« neillbburhOUd lIlal be bll ,nwr." 'RIO lb.
J . Ii. BAIWHAll'L RI ED PEAO" £1.- A primo 11,,1('1. Iuuloor btl"'".... nd IIIteoclJr lleeplnl on b1l1d 'utl {.~l;lvlld autl lor .ale by a , . netll .. ~urllnenlol IUlllbir. Alhl ...rroDl I II! 11 4R III:; .It CU • SilO of Ib~ Red Fla,l . "{nch 10 2 in.h.... l'.rllOnl wilhlnt! IO j 'Pur.
May) 18)2.
'r y and Pro...l• New Groce YoUf;
FAIlOr !fS1. riva
I ' lC U , IlARE &. D E~tJT I F ti L
l,f1o.c. ' ..... IIIMioIl' or Ihe !.e1f,.I,ture '11.,.68 . do l' c\\ t. B~tter. l' I. ' IOe. The P.' 01 cl•• b, I\t'rge_n"lnd •.p.ge. E"" 11 dOl, lIc. "1\rln,Ih. ,••l ~(,di"l1 amWlllfd, tllO.· Lud Lu~, f •. lOco 440.11'11, ".860 10.. Ihln .tll' 'I}ti~. Put.'ute. 'f bu. ~~CiOc:. ',I.,u", "r IS.'·9! Tllf ply a d mlleap A ppl~ •• -f bu. ""ed ,lI.IIU, • ollllrplbf'r. a.It\lIIWd, at the 1..1 .11111ft Chlda·II.; f dUI. l.oOc. to '''''IIIH, '7Otr, .I; ..;h IIc\dl'll 10 Ihlt or FUlhirt, ~ I.. II!",. ~lf 11"911111, maba tso.84O, ur .4. 118 Rill Cull'ee. , 1>, l~ic: ""~n Iho pa, III tklUur I ,r an .IauYI, N,w.O,I,.a. Bt.!~r, , ", 8ie, I'~•. We ,ive tb... llCl.wltIMAA eoqa. Hop Ie, . Ii,, ' 7~8'c. .... - ...... III~II S.UtiDfll. 'New' Ortelnl II...... 'til Itlll. . 1I0c. i SU,. ... HOlllllllul.~.ei!, , I5U~. Nu"", A...... 8.11'.-'\ ",rpNuftl Huple M.. I....". , 1'1. '. 60@76c. rill&:tr i. to III In• •rtt! 08' Cape IIlIlIl'm , , 9 1 c. 10 .arn mar'Y oera .pprlJachiu, til.... diP' Pepper. f I., 19r.. "".io I"", tllD", or 11.11 lilll.I, · AII~llleo. 1» .. : t:~6 1CIc.1b. ttMei ~ IIV 1'0,,1,,",1:1,... anti th. I,.,lIII Salt. l' bbl, 80.:. "" '" bll"~, 'bel 1M. l1li1.1•.,. ur l/Ie w.,," FI,,~ Seed , bll. lrjll rauM It CAln.lenl., to till' Merrlell ....,.t Phllldflplll.,.re .. 10 be tbe CINCINNATI JlABKETS.
'Oc. 18..~ 18c.
nlee chenp 8111rl1\ ALLEN &. EVANS April '2( , 1 ~.C".
~~~~N:'" ~::I~:;:lA~O ISpring ',Gt~O~S! 1UT W lI:uu~-WIl"1 II" ,.ci. olU11l'tU lbooll- I II . UARR18 &. co. ARE IN RECJ::lP1' wltal b~ IIICllucli '0 W.h.I . ~ Ilk.. • of a 1"\1. flock 01 .,
Isr."n. can .Iw.)" b. found ... iIeod~ ~ W. wIOld. 111'0. I. t\lalJl' .Irecl. OPIKIIITtt l1ie (;our,
• ili@i8c.
11 bu. Flllllr, f bbl.
JU RI ~, \.
p.,. .,
JOI of AI"lh',f'RE!;1l r . .. lv ... al '1,,1. n R.n.
Is ••• p. !llcUne. 10 Ihe opinUnn -tbll 1/ IhCl IlW'tlJ.lllnflt lruIIlUIIU b"u ". IIr. 10 W'TlIiol!il. 1I ~I 01 cohill u~ftt lu tJe tuw"r<'d-, llId.M1 bonk. , II u f b ,, '" ' ,'e IUUlIl u I 0 "alll~.',cC!'J> Il l '!:- ""'" Ilnc ' l~ unll~,aluod Ih.1 Ill. 1I0u.j a '" \I l .... 041.. Iv' Ihli ,ullllt,,,t kiull (II p'ulll IIl r Ib~ ~Ird\ \. !lnHlnll l .... Ihu belu wuh hll lIoW<.'bjllllt a ~Iuck ul t.1 ..,lnl(,tuolll" ell.." allll wellllll"•• , di,d Ih ...... llo)"I''' Ilia aluve 'u Ibo ~"u lill)', lIel) 11111 her chubl. lI. 1111111 J"~U~I aud ~nillllu", uJl"n ..... u... II •• eb".p bv ~~ vC!( ,..Ut • •• II. ellu I" &JaytOn. l.et Ihe pu~llo ••• p,in.. Qntl decide. ../ 1;"
Ctl.a£CTF.1I &fLaY WUIt.
1\\.» ~. 18~~.
~ !II"'·IC" IIJ'!i'" " "" 'l kUI dI L At' .,. ". LO"K u • ...~ .. 1" \II tuulluy I'I ..... ~. WUIII I"r "'~i " lt w~ "III _ow ....ce ill ~u lih or t",ccrl.~ UUD' llHi ti .. c .... aId bUI L&JIIII" rI"hU oUIi
~iiln ul 0, .. I ..d Flnlll
Iv r"jfulalf thu 1"lcoI ul WUI,'"ADI~ \';1eW" Il'IV' .II~ \I lIu. ",I.olllcr II ~~UII.I.• ~O 1¥.I' .t 10 Ir" Iilruullil \Ili. ~~~.IUII . tir.... o 1. 01. IlIltOU. f.r Ibo ",rhte.' ,GOd 01 U,e a,eaIC»1 lIolnllN!r" obi ...e1~ .....t~j.f a.'d , !=,'UIIIC1~ill"",dor, llllnk. oI\Il".lhlllll oIlo~1d lie .. " I I'hI YJI II I :--: any hlcreu... ul Ihe III .lo.igKI, • •,,!" 11.11111 tluw abtl tilcIIt _.,..~ ,.,.
01 II,. .Plun'. 411' tb. 1••1.
u;, ~.lil,
know" whCllhet Ihe I'I~'UIII l'~lri.III' ilr6 w"uld let!lCttlin ' . blli
• lilpl .... .oftlle. Lltte (;.~I.'.t.ree a~tlell Ihl! puor mil,,'. !rlC!lId. Sce 'f.U1Inr: ql ".,pea..le( Ih. Le'I.la~UI", .l111·iUrn!. I'Xl"'n.I,ufihe w'ljJlc ~"" " ul llUt-ll _=-=~=~~~======'!!!!l~~~ ~qet tb.Mt ~l!\'eD thuu_.qd dol MhI mu". ~OIl1llEBClAt
D8 WOOl. lor 1",I.0, 000 POVIII WIlIOU Ibe IaIj(h" ~.1 111"kvt V.rIL'tl by l tI tto4lt UU,
lilth! I" aecum .."' ''' .. "''''n'~1 Ih'"'1111111\1 \t. &lr~\I" wil lfe.
, ' I'.,':1,,,,,_, DI., ,,~d
1 [' IlINVU \luoclilill<l h~ ~R ~p I,.,. JU'I!Ii' &I t.IuI '!!!l\ 11' ' ..... IllllI n\'111II11.\!I1.. ·i>I~,ilii1:JlUrlil lIii~l~ Ilau IW.. t~.nr..~~liJ
A IIU"IC E.tttl"';aIlUI,,al' .-Th. , \Vii· . ' iail1,Iuu, N, (;) Juurllal '\.")'.: A 11.11111 lIt'gru buy, prub.lIl, OYt'r Ifn
tI,. W.
c~;,i:~i ~lro~.:~~:::~;;crlll .... Il't~'1I •b~II'C, 8 UIII 11\111 hllU_.
_+"UI tht'll1 e~ l'Xo1tt'ci Le.:. IIM'II. hlld
Ul' 'I'M'"
wltll 11.,1:1 road S , u'" I!)t W. I!I· E lSI> 7·10 I'ol~. 10 •• Iun ~ ul IIDlel' r,ml. Ihanea S ~I 0 lIulI& ..I~ r',~u 10 Ih" bolo b1 uutetl. 1I rl!Oll- al1.t1 6 leo. . 'I'hd III1\,rovom~ nI8 cJ .. crilb.t1 If~O\ ClInIllVIII 01 a~oul culrl."II'IlI: • II".... IWu
~ 7<1" r: liZ 2· 10 pol.. W Iha Ctlrn- ' 01, 01 1"lId turrMrly ownod I))' &lIal ' <;hbe. with Ihe IInll 1.11 I.IJ Ira~1 N ,' Oo
UOI .,;·~mlllc."
",bu I. tlllllAA:UI"'UllI1 II pi.."" "' I pl~C" III 1"011 hI Ih Ct tuwn. 111\011) purd.. '~v IrOll, Mr. VUII R~II ... lu\!r; it I. •p,uli.t.l. lltlll Mr. Willi W'" ... 1.\.11.. /1 lIy
"'11111 ..111, ""rclt_.ell Ilil
A'.' 'l',U': t.:.U U4" S·I'O._£,
(1 ;,1111
.... " .ill: munth. In udv.nce. ,'76,. 2.t'l'rael. Siluale ana be:rnllin Irclion No. Ten cnpl~. 'one yrar. ' lll,llO 2, 'llOWI).hl'" 3. ItAlille !to b.. we~n' die M) IIUII • . ' [lIy"" III Wot t e lll;uUnlY Ulu(). BOj(inninll"l " .. IIlIt 1I1t'1I1h.. 6~6, It ~I .. ne on lhe " • • 1 . ,d" of Ihe rO.u l~olhllC Twt"ty coni... o"e y"ar 110.00. Irlllll Wayheav.. ' I~ to Centreville. fllnnl,11I
"'rI1I1Upp~r. 'i'he aiol\utlce (hualr. Ill~d iu I.... Ibl'l 4fj lluur.
· lblD
1 "••
W.~ . ~Al t ::lUALL .
LebGlloll. Ollla. 1",2. . ........ SOW pUI.ES JANU IlEO\P DOLLMI8. U,,'l J\,"" t.ln!.u III All oo .tr bvan.· ~ lUI
OlllUl::ltliJUNI::O r"'pealluJl, ,,"n· T HE nJullea 10 Ihe clll1cn. of 11,1. Idace .nd ,ur,ounuinl'nel,bborbood Ih.y bawe Ibll
cit . ... Iuulbcr 01 any ~ind or qUIIII, 11'011 d do 11',,1, tq cilll and .nU,III_ my 1\pc1I belUrtl INr, cbl.inll elaewbe,.. lIoanl Vaid h~.Corwla. Ohio Jdltlll W. MA~INu1'Ulll April 28lh. 1~2. • 1t·3Ul.
THOMAS. - -- - ' --~--~-.I ...
ew WE ourARt:: JUI:IT
rebcjYlbc uti
GIlOCEIlY AI'fO PROVI810N .~aE. • ih. ,b. " 1lIP1on Bulidln,.·' IWO .loon north 01 8!'RING All D Ea GOODI lAIncert Ullfl. Oil Ibe w... 1 .Ide of MIIII .Ir.... Crom the l:i.. aern clIl... wblCh ·relllMlr.lfIIIlY
1"•• w.
wh.r. ili-,. Inl lid lIeeplOj( ,I,or ulo I ,euOlal in.h~ ollr old OUllOall,. &Dd olbelt 10
,nd COOd ••,')'Inle", 01 an .. indl of "GROOEltlES .. lifO
tln1' BARRELI' LAKE FISH •• ' havuJll1i ,.cei¥td llUecl Jrolll I.... Lake. W • I.". 101 ..1 tioh lu B.,,.I. Inci/ialf b.r· r.,a\ ...~lcb"Wo On and .. III kll 10' ca.b. I;;
alBo APPLEL-A pnm. .f\\~I•• Jill I ncel.tt.I and IfIt lal, "1 •! e~ch.n.e Jet wool . baCOD (of eo>'tn. lower 111111 I. 11. M!Utb; &; UO. Sian of lite Red ~, ., IW, I~. \1001 cal. lie (,Uullhlln CiDoIn ..lt1 or 1.111 lither fl... , Narlr.~1 dala .,dl the Lake. 1 N A. '"
fltISO •
nlUlloe, cOllli.ll . . of FREIIICD AIIID POt.lID CI.OI'III,
black Ind fID~' C""hll·e..te. 'I' .. . . d•• LI.,il/l aDd COI t6n 1'aD' n · I"!Jl~I~i{lpIIQn, .1...b.';:o~I"OII· ... rlo". 'Iyln In\lI;'III8rDII , La1\ III anti Bef1\leal' "til'a~1'... . U'·II'..III.. lor dr....ood•• UIIl~. GI",II.nll, Boote aucJ l:l-'. (~",eIIrIee, Qu..n." .... IIId a .....'.' _rlalenl of lilnlWlrol. SIMkII." an4 CoIlCll
,01IIII .r
HADDEN.. ftCLEl.LAND . • CorDer or Maila IAIl Nor I 1t.. II, \V.,_. ,ill., uhio.
.......,,. PLAn_III
or ,.,... ·...IIUt"'·..... I~.·
prefe, to. pl.
or an,. kind
iii" III&iIe. .... ewa Ille me, be oolite! wltb. palnlni.. I"'l 1i1 wl'lIln" fex 1 Iii ..41 t.b,aa . . ." IIb~'lIQI1JII. ,..~ C'ew .,.mmm; uII~ fruit, own to ' molo_••· ,W I bl" ~111l. Ihellublltrltle (gr a .ewlp;i·p., til.,
. ', bu..... n Itbed It Ih. . .mpl~ 0 m.d, of I rail •• mtieb .. ten KIll , of tile l' .."lllIt have ...n. 10 t'll. olt, the", '"'U''' If ['111" CI,11 it, end 11101 •..,. 1. ,111 III.cult, I. ,IUIOllnto live ltep bat kept untlIM" la I floe coadi. II Jilf1lli hI oIl'G11mrerence •• tbe hlne It don.' ~ . ""'" of b...b.PllIo.... .d lwe;,r"~ 10 ·leollh .' '" thl'.f .to.., the pund, an: l/e'1 IhUe oIi.~II, I. I lUa, &b. 11m" .1Met Itfmu \11 .... r-.t III I~", ••11 no lIIoreln Ohio pel"I. or ' a"y, 01 t11e lteml U IlIl:llei la length. u(tbe .I&~ of a mineral p.lnt . 11'ely b ugblmto I!illill" wrla~. Od 10011111, for i,lleh .hrond lalel, be"", dl.cov~re.t to be equal .tl). fot 0 'IOllOal pll' wo ~nCl found lOD!.n taube'~ne' her u't ed (or palnll"jf Iklellitit Inchetlont. alld lei. roor•• floor8. {eo or , .~y other ilia mCIA·. ~bumb,c.lt a while in point' or econoln, It i~ III elllh:t or' tl'll. Tbe di~cbver, WII 'JPOWI\Vbile tile common .Ize as th,t of ,OI,IIIII.lIy" 'jlnpr.-W"lt ,~ the ml"o~l Inude by MT.~ ~ohn Herold.
'III'"(b." .... •'lI\an
f'or It. It Ihow th.t II!!!, .r. both' IIeIl·..1 .nd honon>ble. ..... . . - - - - - - - -
. J(~1' IT 'EPOR& THB P£~fLIi.-1'hlt 1/ it be lI!eln .l0 dun ror a IImall dt.1b'_.it .~ • dOII~~ "Il~t me.per to ~al~ to be dun· ned tllr ~ Imlll debt,. , Yt'~.II,r'7 ~e. of Ihe fndi ,II" UlliVe,.,I,!)!' at recllllt iel_hl Specially Plloter. bills. meeting, eleolt'd l\Jt• . Henry J)r"lnllrd. of LOIi/l. J4Iaad.-The Plougb. C"QTIOI Til' TilE P Ii'8LIC.-No' onl! . dol. CUnlle!(tir\lt•.Plelll~e111 uf the U ,,'vershy. . . IIr note III the Norlhern Bank IIfKenlocky .AI\TJI!On: ~o.a ~ED .Igned' John 'r,ll rord, 'Pre.·t and beari", ONNETlfll- A ' ow U1ure 01' .10....8 " r0t11 10 exehllnge, a qu.ntllY flf ~hlll~ all. date .ulliequent to the year J849,1. t oau "l'IS~MY''uTS, 'ohuD,' blllll1~I' JU81 reilttha:dend lor ulo by A:PVER .nd aboUl t~e aRme quaml!)' o( la,rd or I.I ~ " ) J_ ~~' \ • 1. H. HAltnkl .Ii. CO. t:illn u( Ihe Red 1'1081, h1l1y' O.ltI~!l· low, ai.'on]tlr lh.t'llI ~ few mlnule. ~together. loe. \V'IlIPH. ' , .0 .that they wIIlIllIX. Apply th.e mlxI.ure S~L~ or ~ltJLu,-')le;'fI. Youn,.,r . &. 01u~ ~!!.f~o!~~~:~l~~I"~:IC;:~\~h UGOY and Cardalll Whip"land whip luh. With II fe~t1I1" o~ ' finf' brudh. todthe crevice. Mitufll'lI. or Bedfor~, Indlun_. mude a aHle al).vanlaR8 of Improv~1I n.Dchluu y. '!:'UJ ~I. ~u.1 rec.I'~od 1M ." e by l . 1. H . U,tORlll::h'!c CO. 8ed joints of the bC'ndll eud. ~n llele ver· r, ' d ' I . b '" I, equal to lillY' tnado IlIlIw Uu ion•• n(1 .' . • bed b i l l ' a .elY "1' 81:0 , . a f '".. jI: ItI y," ne ea.. IlIIvruve'" Ity \IIBlly of )l,e lareval Sigll of Rod FI"I. ' A~ ,II \!O, ItJb!l • . ICIIO "lUi Rot unly de.~rt t.IO , u t W yearling mulu, a~ Curl1~iilht dullllf' Il" d681Ier,s- in Ih .. Wea& Ivr \livre Ibln Ion y~rli Ie live the roum. helld. "
Aner IU lellr abUllt ,pie'phnt, otln,no we or \lId we nllt " ' " lbe ,la10 I,llrec(lun to' llnd It! Pie· p\an~ .antl II Yell'rich .oil; II i •• glultOD oFI feeiler,. lt lo~ea. lOil' filled Wil'" \IIa· illite froat ~"e cow'), rd, the 1!orote·alllble. tbe bOI pen, lind lb. recoptacle of ., nii~ll lOll'. h WID" mol:t09t;r, a deep loil. J~ L~ _. ~'a po"e'about the mellllw 1011,""
.,.."'10, better thau 'bat;
- ====":=4,===i===-=-=====<.
u •• 01'~ERTI8IWG. .q"ln (1511uOl or 1"I)tOal .. Each Dlidl}lonll 11l••nluD I .. 'J'hl'ft nlolllil.l. • II',.' , " Six "IODtlIa~ , • .. (Jill ye.r. ~. .. tI~rQI deducllon I~um .bo'o r~" ~r Iliad". III Ih ..... who adverlii e Ufttlllll'tl, by Ih. velr; II buln, II l1d" rllCI9d Ihtl lb. prh 1I1!8 ea ~If yearl~ adverll ~er'. \lr~ iillllt\l~h\fIO ' 1)1 W Ihoir O\VlIlllllhllUOlo 11... 111"" .' tlU~ IIU;.' l:.lIllS ul lU Jill" or leN. will t" IQ ' "11 " thr.e mon'IIIl; Iur .1.00, ak' Inonlbl ~ .\)( ' I on41 y.ar lor ,4.\,0. . ~for .mlvullcilllll~III~~ of cllndidal.... It 01 ' will be o\,.r"ed, 'l'laIoh m... ; In Inry e... 'r.. 1IIUd In .... CI:1"Advorll.flllcn .. mu .. havl lhe nllmbu 01 III1.rlh.... 'deaillod. nlllrkllll UII IIIe mlll"tctlpt, <lr tlw ..till be cOlllluuod an~ chualld I.r te. oordln'lly. Unli t .nt...... r O\l L .Q)
:-~..........._ _ _ _,,-_,.;.::..:.----,,~--
. WEIGH AND' CONSIDER. R, HALVH bALtiAM i. 110 nre,ori' · wlib 'IID fear or ~ulngthrullllh inlo Chia~, IIrep~r ..! j"ll, trUI a 1\Iedloi" ~ which hllli.1 , cur... . 1 h"I1I~ . whel " lh~ pilrdea can tNt 10llnil Illel ~a", .end out tlleir runner. ' In II~I dl. 'JlRE,GRE-'.T COUGU ANI) COl''' ; JOCtioaa; ,reedy .1 a tribe of cDlerpllI~". , 8VAlPTlVE "'~.J1J)Y. . ~t waats, moreover. a moi et , 1?11; and . THE GRQlI~ I II IJolle~.-A per~on or 'MullC abd dr.wlng tought hero .' u Ille I R ~ A IHl R! JIa" yo... OIIullh ,.hle" tbl. ItlDolt .nd will . bave. or It Will not mUCI.1 ~xperience In \,~I\\rlll.ry ·i ~clenee I, min .. Id when he Will pullin, a \\'he~lb.ryo..., .. 1I.~I.c'ilil. · ~w '" any .ile worth tllkln, .bout, 00,1 never 'troull!ed with thll d1611a.. 0 10 IIor.e.: roll' tlirt/ugh Lbe lueell without 011 oD ita uml.~r 101~ 1 Ilia, h"l. onl, a CtIIIImlln tIiiIt .ant of thll I. pro b.bly the rnilln HI. i lmple practleedurill~ .the (HIlIO.ootb~ .x1I1. ~iI"I,.I"llh.1 II will .",by we IilYe fouod IU~ AI we hIVe de- i. to k~ep ~ gre.8Y ~t<llh In tho Itobl", an I FORNI"" ~ouo 'W ear 1\11011 OUI}\ J,.el. (rI8.1'\ AIR ,TIGHT COO~JNO acribed. ,Nuw, wo h."e" projl'ct (or rrc;w 'j on'c~. ",ee k rub with ftlueh I,arll of the " Fau UD EAli".-An e~jlor of c;U Nt! 1.11 yOIl.ln alll,,!,d. " ~\'i'OVE. . IDtltli hi" ~'It 'aeed ,v!l~ «row" In the h~rlll ~I .moy h.~e b'len "at~o~hea,.. b,., the country p~.p,er, .• ome"'here in IlIh,uiN. HAVE Ii I til;' labl b 1 ,hOI 0 •••• wblt Will EL[,Y'" CR[SPEN han on hond anll • 1..0 ttl ra '"u a Ifre , 10011 '''8 prolll\l" f ..... I~ In. IbUII Il'ill tlrlllt ~a~dll,,~not withou~ allule \rOU· oit.fly. GrelBe deeU'Oy. liiI! pr~venll lhe Bellt tbe P Icayune a copy of hi. jllurllu ·er., oonl lnll1:.y 'h,unlliacluting nI, Ih ~ gUlll lor. ~ale cbn V' J H BARN !' ART II JOU CODII'nue IIJ IlqlH' 'IIUr.eIf'luu Will Wayne\lvlll~ .·oulld'ry,lhe .huv" flallled lI EW b/., f4lr DC! good thlnl comel on .n, o\lier eil: ftom bnlching . 'wilh the folluw IlIg 1".Crllltion in perll·1! .. b"lil, 1'\oJ"'1 ...""" 411 Liab........n I·pjlr.... W lIynesy me. 01 •In. . . lu~til y a~p rov uoi Cooking I:huve. "ilIon led t1ulI acr .... lite cI. .1. 'ClOUIII~'li.d WI\I. lno condltloo "1111 tb.t. ' PI.nt It In • ratber lhe title: 'Pleue cxc~""gtl. dirn yuu, anll alld by •"mhh &'It UItJ ftl O~' , O.CtllllllOr 16511; lliia SIOVO (~UN 'rvuEIio "lIoml .bllrp lI.rulla p~III.. '1 heu - dr,. h,.}i. II coni \lueled "Ioh, ' • . .hed, litultroa in ~n enriched auil; dum become civlii&ecl, if you d·io' t · you ouihL' L 1 d un b e . l h '1111 CQollh will a.1 III. Iud Whllll ,uu rlUoa ~n, J • ee~ on I. e b lI 1\1 •• an,.._ JoVremr. flllUIL II will be I thioll and ,."uwi~h.ur wblll! DOUBLE FURNACE .(1. , er t' coyer the eutll .bout the TUOII, tu the for P."tlPK I!I. Yuu th·.t Ion. IUu. with· lrulhy mauer, Ilro.kell wldi ~th.", iii""" 11 F'o~ Summer .nll Wl rilc, eilltor or bOIJ\ 01 , , ", tleplb oftwo Inch .. ; wltb .traw. chip. or uut lUuell, Klve' m" I c.... .till IBke no n,eIIlah'''j d ...... . YUlP'''"1I whlcto mlY be \lIed, Ihul IIffordllllC ~l'eal Eoo~· "fu... Ne~t ret an old barrel wltli both Pa,.cE SCHIV.UZUBE1lG.-Prluee Self- ''f,JMU:r Pail'.,.t.IUTI_II. ' 'Juho," Mid aU OI\lY J. IJ, BARNHART. illcr... o, lal! wllt IO\IU la,1 ....ouc I, •• r. In I~ uaa ~l' luol. ·the Oven II elevaled chill., RlII.1 ' ••lli, C.."IIIU. Il.jlflf<llIIUOU beada out lIad plant it oae fllot frum the wau.nbert. tbe C;el~br.ted 4Ullrilll Prim!, angl' pareot I... II i••1111, who Iilld COlllDllut<d Ind iJo Irranged IS 10 Inlure 'holCrell~.1' Ihen tp'uIl>rOlltllloo. 11 )'fllf ..I" "'a1001 REQl1LARITY IN BAKING. yuolr ~ dt •• ltiWwchkl\ ur 1II0lltili will filII pie PI'D~ 'on tlld ....:Tben plaut It lull oC lliinisler, i1ied I' Vit'rnl, ,on the 6th ult. II lIIiildecd, ·Ju~lI.you 10 to the next tllom ""n.lII'onily .h~ ....". laulnJl ),UIII II-Iuull. 10 "lour., I 'rW .ttoni.1o 11,11U1 t(od ,~. He w~. 'he leader or~he re·lct1ilnary move- Ind prepllJ'~ YU1l8elf fur 1.C'vere ft<III!",JIlIt." l 'h:r~:r~="wu:;'~:;,~i~:e;~rrll~I~111I 111011111 Ituw rOIl,III), c';n~u(nl/'I"" ~lll II. wu r~, ftlld hurtle..t )'uu .w.y. Friul,lll Ilav" rou DO I'ther tb" t 't will take lOme time lor w.· ment Ihat_commeDced la 1848, and i~ .. til The boy deeerlN. and wh~o hi, I'"rell I~illo rohdor lhll lO(()VOono of 1M VIlry a"""o III he atlrulIlClt JII Ih" .bu.,,- '''~ lC:1I tar "'Ilo tl>rwgb, lIut Dot 10 Uah& .11 'to bit cOllol(!l~. b',:kecll~ th~ .were, bl RUI' I•• d filli.lied ihe' lftJer lie wae wrllillg, I"d nTE~'l'"j\ND DEijT you III OYl ee • • III. trl~. I. I.uw , v. r,' ~~Iic 01 l!orJ."n'I.IIlu,. vrujjnllo~"" . whb II'"'~ or I... bulel U. Th,.D eaeib ' aillh pour la\o thll th.t the defeat of HllngH ), i. to ~e at· laugh I tbe efl'endiolr youth, he I:YUoI tI~rpri A 6ril rill. or.icl. .f Reillll1. (or .ale IU q I~IIII leln,illl ll<ll1. UI all III• .,1II'fOJ .palJ of .,....... -t,1Ia .Dlp '~"Ind trlb~ted. .The (ullowlu, 00\ vert CIOmple- ted.t lh. swollen Ippe!lranee of the younll' II r I .nll o,illiono wl.en" Ihli . l ClaI by I bI! ' puy" d• III I I Ulf or 'U. I)' ' U 4:>)' ~ 1I 1 JO Ihe ,"rub. IIw",,)' .\lItrl. 00 ~uhln,d.,. i. the beet of-an,.,'I\}I. . .eot.,., TeCUrli .. 1pI.... llf hil IIle: , rl,cII)', bock \ J. H. BA'RNII.ART. . cd" tl;!tt. .. w Ui a Cllilill II lIol. "'" .....11 al. low thlallp thro\llb.., Illd JUDe. aud " lf , -Prince Sehwlnenber, WII bora WfjD~ Ihr. &leaD I' lie lI~ealt · wbll 1."11 .... III tld"h \.hue be.,,, well , uu l. btl"l Wuynea,IJ1t'\ Ohiu. 111,,,10 aled. Iilld~1 lilt 11I11(! 1Iel,1I. IUIt . 11111 II u.el.ly".1II ,ao~arow. It will be beClUIIe OD lIae Jd vf Ocwber, 1890. 11l ..~1, life i. 011 YUUT backf l . • JIR1F.D I'RVIT. , . wuuld ·w.. t 11...11 .rr.·I·, Ir.o<il~rr~IlI'" II .....• · thq cannot. .It Ie ~edl..., how.yer, 10 be evin~ct In locl.j hie tho ':Iu.crup'llo~1 '~Iel!lhlfr apron,' rephed 1111on, Dried Appll!l .lId P....·" " ... 10' ... II! 111 If fiC ' I'1O '" I ~ if.. Itt I~n~e 01 lla" tUlIP • .xci, . J. H. BARNH~~.T. Illill'h Ire Ihu 10;IIII\II"ft uf Mlttlel... 4110)111 . • tbll.,IOI tile Iplntllllli ltd cOmmollly Iibertill'''1Il thlt afterward. evinced In double; you 10111 me to Drepar. Dly,elf for _ e•• nhLl .liuu.lIr aUld ..aded lu,,1 .11 11\" liGUle; pDWiI. a . Uh. Vi\lluril'. Giani. or Duwll' hi. polltle,lrl ~8fter. J 0 London he .educ:- • h.,d 8I1f,!nlr •• nd fdid lbe be.t .. cOuld.' SkMUEL O. SXOTHERS ~ IlIJt ,h_ lilbercl.. lK'.IJl w ...iltil'o .... d IUVPU' , Ule. I"." ,by Itl00Ir III",rallu....'"•• ea¥j bll" 8eed inl to be-'Il .hh. ed, and' .lopi!c! with . a Ild, III ra!llc. for Tbe hlr!l ••et lelluree 01 the fa,her'. AVlt\!J .huroUJ/I.ly riJluw·.....I II'I". \i.. III I " III" At Ihi. OILo~. lIId du ...... . , wbl~ he w,~ pl'OHculed, .041 f.i1ed to pu, coullten.nce relized, .. did .\.0 the nlUI' eel hi, "'I.hl f~ hlll.n l 1II• • 1,1" ulll.ld ~ er, .lIlheu t 'U cur••• ud ull.llIlIlI •• tu lJl Berl- VI... 111 G.r..... . the d.m'rea decreed. W.I doclared .n 0 '. cl~1 or t~e, haDd whlcb IJruped the whip, d ~I"I\I"" aU hUl"la" .11. 1"". III Ih. lallor Of FRENCH S & LOONS n .' wur. , all te". IIli, 1I\'Ulcin. "il\ ..1",lullUe. "" A.'h."~11 hi ill ~IIICI whea tl!e . Itn· II.w. A-Rerwardlrla Ihple.,collllouecl bl~ Ind helelluilnbllj fur onclf,' wlth',ell "speatlutly l"UOUllata ... 1l'I! U".B."~ Ilulallr rl1~1 Ilia ''''''.''. Clr 011..\111 '111 II IlI.r..... ",11 will Iblt " jj w,n be ,,'011 Joavpy lu /Nr." Ihljll' hi hi. q~WI'. "Iak. It. 1'.11e1l1 """" ClUIIIIUllab, •• bU. . .i11lttlClk , lIUCIUII~ ID.I.... a~ CI,"rofcriwi.n lltpU.nlry, for whloh in tIe admonition. . uu.I capftci,YIII a"d I' ...loUI hi. 11111. Iud h Itt lbe...' ....' ....OfU" ~ 9 ..... w••plll IIIrora ... rudefl, onelnllanee be IVII HVlrrel, ch ..tiled by DARDER AND HAIR DRESS~:R III .. ui.l. lIulllI il. ludJliotDI IIr ,"rUlll', I'!lU' tlUit Ute.,i) ",a, &lI.t .11 'Pjured hUl'II.nd. He .lIned under R~de. TUB AIaBIOAli ICOuAo&,-An Eogli.b. .' I Al • ode. lJun. 'lU1I',I,i" r. II. 0"" ~Ulo " . \I"y u'~.r OIlu lIlI' U~". WI I oJll re uo 11.,1111 tu reuder w.nt ,liil4:" alHi Oil. ~ALL'b .,,,1.;)Al\l tOil .....'.fau~,Ior ."..atin, their I'Ilv.... 1&11, 10 J848·•• od i"~ in N(Jyt!p1b~r ill £h.~ mlln peru~iflg an Aloericil" 1l8",,,p~pllr. tOIiII~rt'ble ~ w~!1 ~ "~I.I,"I. . THE i:U!'IU~ If 1.".,,11 Ihl. IIUl. will e~r. . Ulhca> , i\tlll~ 'O'''H'. WM' Sid!!• • ". door II D:7'A:; bURfl,LY Ao II' I" 'fAlt /:; '.A;fIe to ta1tellitll of ibiD Itoar\l aDd auke IInle year mlde Prime Hilllet!!' IU oftlee he 6i11. excl.imrd imp.ltlently. lin notic nr 101110 0 l'iOlUr al tlev • t.'&1',uD •• WI,.n""yllle U . '1 lob I•• Imi" l~njlu"lIl1. b.. 1 ClIll n'l"r Jl IIlI ' ''-N(hIWwlthout tnp, o~ Nltom) ••,. ed IIntil I. death. , In every rel.tloll, pH- Web.ter'. ortlleoa'ilpltlcal Impruve· !Jl.~" '!"'" IU lIumllorl ~ N IIYII'II .. fUI". IIIJ" IU I""~. Ib.l \l D.-as GOODS 1 I\bout a foot ",olre -1Id.iz 10 eia)lt 10c~eI Yate and public. be'ba. bee I! • ~.n of III. mentl! I. \lu"l Arid .1'lIr~lol~, WI!' bln, ..,I)· ullof\ ~ pl"nd.,d ••""nu,anl, l,lf,. i. lill, in r.rt 01 6Y111., man, wom.n Ind cbUd. ,.hu h... ""l1li11. dMd, anti coyer the top .I&fa. ahe'p mUll. tripe. with ,be buldllell tu veDture ever, ' 'TbNO people ou,rht to be d"liled tile UIO Clio"""., (;llIahlu", L~wn • • tloIO"II• • • ,,1.1 or Ii . ubJ. 01 10 QIIld'tl III k ite" Ihe u•• \h ~'nH 1>1 lIara}!" de Lalli"•• ' the I'U ... L'l'j kIC an.1 t!ilk yllu lu III. 1"," • Inll wbelloar yuu tl\ l.lI C!l 1 ~. net.,"" . . .at,~ ."tln,•• ucla • qo be thl, in pu...uit of a,. tllljllCI••ad· tbe .~111 UI8 01 the Euali.h ~an,ulle II liIe, CIOlt 1'111.11111, rich lill'rd A'lIl/llla•• 1'Iain ...d il'H'ot '101 II .I!)",,· IU ....rk· ... a.chllli hI l"ll~ fuiujlll&,~ drJ podaltOre,~lIou) tell Of to .ccouiplli.h ,an ~e u"de.: ,~k. lie will Ire.t It better.' bll> . G",I 1,,1I . "'''1~01l tldk., ·l'oula.d IJrCltaldo "f . l~t". 'lin ~1.eJic'l. It Wllt"'l.ht.,. flll.1 al ~lU.., bllt. !P,lito ~allu,. 1:llln, 1i,·ld. d"llI\I ' .......Ii • ..-reyard. "01'11 be lI~e loni III tbo!Dl'h\oty or 11I ~ {orhll1111e1i IIlIgoagel' eehoe,l I untv. loy ,bia' I!olWl'rluhy 1... ~lililC c"Il'\kIu .. ~. !-<II II1C11•• I• " lid w()U1 "Il,llloid~ r~ 1:,... 1.., ...jlo.. aall \lud I" . " YUllr 1.. 11118 u ..wju rW. 'u "lin)' ,ue ~ U...oI.. 11111 lb. wbul. IIDd ble uuelt d, .04 lobe bvld elierlPllc wltlluul remdvlnllihe c:ilP'" flum betwee Book Mu.lIn.. IIlull. ale. tole, OlIC. hI tull ~ !tIllr 10 • IlIiUd olli "iI. 1 .JUII .e""iy~ and 18r .a18 Jallar ud lfa,.UM,of .lIkhl,.neral ~. _reI' wblcb be dbplalect III tbeir. nero hi. teelb~ 'auell you're,mlltlikeo,lIoN; 07R. loll.,.lhu""1 ul' It. alULFt>RD, fA'!., , 1. ti. tJAkRIS & CO. Ohll 01 die ,,111l1li1 M lll i'lrw l.~ ill 1101. ell )'! la. of the.. ~.ria.. la terJ IUI\IL. iilte,' tIIf' Amrrlc.. n ,.n,u.p.· Slln Ollhl Reel FI.... Al'ril tit A1<.S2. l,'~"INSA1'1. !.luc, 101. 1851, Pat OM 01 theee otft' lid. bill •• lOOn ,'ADlerICllIII' ,ep~ate\l the "l£llanl , O. R. Ibull &. UU.-IJ,,"r bl,.: TllO¥b !iIIltl ..d \!Iilh d ~_ ul Ihll lgll,,, will LARGE ASsoRTMENT of .. the ,1aatI .P...... IIId keep tb~ on A ,Weatero "'!IOrte' livellbe (ol1owlnl Engllolhlllin. LJ::A'l HEI,:; 011 b.lld Ihd lur •• 11. hnol Dr. Uull·. lIaJUIII lue ,lio luqp I II"",,, . lacl ollbt,•only r.moylnl tllOlIl to .tir, delcrlplilln C:ODth'lrrlltlun:-'{'he de- : due ... i\'i tha,,' •• Id Jaq.thla. uluubl. ~I eili cl" ef I h... bee.. In:q"..IIII,. . M. tlENLI:lY. Wa",r 51,. W~ne"'ltlc:, 0 .. Alii. III IM:)I I .~ltrd wllh dl.. _ 01 Ibe IUIII(' 11)1 1II.. j . ., CII' ~.ter the, pll.". untill tby valtatlu; .Iemeat, ulI•• tl.fled witb IIOI/Wi 'we'yo IIIn"xed It.' I\v" yU.'"\ B'"\ lir. UIU'. I:I\lIMUIl' h.. 1I1"'~ll are too for lhe frame-, or th. a.nier .of ",I"r. belelled (o~lh I", crlolloD ,hIt., --:--:-- - .......- ~Il.k .. ~1I111. illote ... II 1111 \111 . 1 II!4II Iho, II.. P(fflB PAI.£ UJlANDY'. , T~LDEaT &0 WILLARD I'lIbhc .b\lllid I.IIUW Iho IlIlIIb. 01 , utili, rfllllI' SlJI'~I,llIK amelll.lur ,,1....tic,,1 pUrpoIO., froID tbtbap I.e ,III.,. Bftldet t.lcladlol ,nd .preld lbe k" flllotdeVlI",Uuu overi A gentlemen ".ulng. wunt".churoh "Vb a"",". ~il Ill"" oth. . . 1111 ' 1:.IoIIncalll 11, . ~ A( LClIAlW l\llJ J.tvIW. II '5 eta. pur quarl.lur •• I~ by the bqII, dane ccwerfDl' ~ found tu pro- ealire lIluare•• uac:het:lted by the .uperh·u- wbile under re,pa!r ,ubaetVed to onlf of .lbe ~I'" Ot.. dour t!ullth uf ,be N.w J(nid~nce on t'luiub. Ih• • duor•• ,,11th J. H. ItAf(KII:I&I::O•• HI&DOllh.netlFlI,. .~U8L . tl o" 'I, V',loa. Ublo. 1110' ~,h,. · 51 IDOt. &lit pow til of the plintlc.by ,artllll, mu eXlfrtlun. of the 8rem"" •• who teealtld workmln thut he thou,"t It .uu(~ be .1l1·-v:U:i1:r.iiLj~~Wi~j;iiWi~;:"~· . MORE CINCINNATJ CVR~!! "" "II<C;I I'/ ~ I. Jul, 1. 1 10•• 1. ~ I t"'PC!lJ.ad. proteetlD, ,hem from like IlIIt 'plrlll iu h.lt. \If pelllleDloniuIIl, u U~"h'ive ju~. " . DONNm'8 AND RIBBON81 Illua ... O. R. lUn. $. tu.-IJo.r tiuII 1 TR A W ilunntilllill avcr, YUIU'YI A lureDIlI By .torill, tbeat In. d" pl!ace tb8J 8uekllll around tbe lertlBc lpeuta. Why,),I'_, /Ie replll'd. but ID my 'lPIQ· ha~ •• llIra,. h.II Obji Cllloli. UI have 1111 Braid, and luMonaLl • • beD rl\ftla," froa th. yin ... tbe lramet cl.. ',' Ion we Ih.U Iccompli.h .b.t our reverend in an, w..,. am.ched ... a va"'n 1IIIIIIIIelh.. Uul biLK 1l0NNIolTS, , and. ,err I".. "luck of 1i<Inae, Ribbon •• W!wll 1 thlllk \." ll1u" bolO" .WIIT), r,-.c/u aDd "Ulna wUllut'lIever,1 y . .ra. divine Ihll"ried to ,do fur the .1..., 1tilrl)' ""1i~vlI) II bll.8 .av. d D', Ihe,..' 1,1\ ,,,d .. OOtII by JUII raceived and for '11e by . CDCtilD~"" 'plellllul mlY be .own A Grabam le wa' OPCI dllCO,erecl ., y."B"~ in .. iD.' J. 11. llARntS '" CO. . . ...8"'1 dUI, lu IbUM amiultd III 1 h... ~n, mJ _ )tnuwo. IIIC1 ",CUIII' EU.ln \II Iba RfCI rlap. .A V.i1 6. l~iI. I~ ,be middle ort.tllt part oflbi. monlb !Sweene,'., puulnl out III IIIht a 11I1.;II.u. -Wh.t la t~ltl' alb'd the ,eatle. n,elld >"ur bahl.lUlI .. DlaIIlell" IbtL ' ClII t.. on &rollDd w~er.e oJbtr' CI'OPI, bite failed ~.r. beef'I~". 'Wba~ eltlll.imed ~ ,enUeuIIIlI mlo. ONNE'I'tS.-1 hl\"lfjlll treCt'ivMIb, Upreal JVU'" Ia:uUl till. Aill!ul. II»ae 1 I"n d.y. frllm New Yo.k •• I.r'(" .'ock I".eked with Lun. t IInr. wl\ICI. I," CII' lullP Nea relDoveil,-Doet,. ;(ur winter m'1 u \e a.me ~uW" "taih, 'willi mlll"l thiil -Why brhli t~e parilh to repenteace, ladlea .nd clllld,.D·, DonDel,. 01 .Illlyl~. :~~~::i~i:ii""'I';.\~"I{a :;~::':":l'.a~?::~~ .lao I!e IOWO ~0'111 ;-Q6io ea.uitltllDr. " tho,lliht !lr. GreeQ that you Jived ou of cOlln~!" ... .ALJ.. AND W1NOOW!,,:~;:;;~~~~:;~: <II jU&l ncoived !rum 'lie :,at ~;~~dl:'.p~a1IIDIl.e. iliom-IIMIJ PJ~I· WIS')' A j"1i bALijAi\& Ut' W1l.JH';Ht:RltY - .....- - -...' - - - - , ",etlille llIeU' '~J do .ir,' uid I1r. 'urere 1l1.r,....luok of " an W. F, PAR5J1ALL t'UI Fl:JlJ Vi' ill tbe I"jlllra, .lId 1 cullchld..l dark Ir .11 prl_ room. ......oO.&III.u 0&0••-10 Ul\mil· Greeue blUliblDll. ' •• nut.U ,ralll' A tbe wife ~rone (If )",baoon Qbi" .,,12' 10 II. 1 iillCld lilli' built... w1l1\)1\ I.Il Ifili;-oUi.•f)tr~~ .11I&bt colora lor u"'......_ , ,. . 'fA~'H IlliJln I~ U"I::ItA'llu~ r_Ulbiod ~II renan!),. bUlla 00 allaH that .e kno. ' .rIIlOCrll\. of OUrer!y. on .li'\H'n.ili, wllh t~~:~~:~~W~ pr.ln IJlllligurl!d. l'AIHil:lOlUC ........ IIi1'1( ...nlpo.raril,. Mr dill· Inll.. ,,1101 whiCh will btl p o'.lOlDe 01 tile belt farmeraaow their 11m· Auohtin, to &be Trealoa Emporium. the ",rvTce. uf. f.lthrlll lernpt all. pve ~ • I ...... bad bY ,hI. WuII boaoIlla" 1'lllMLY t>t."'. btl bollli bi hI the 1:1111.. U LL 'liii ~lJ&.l;tlh'r, 1i III. JU.' relit 1l' W Cl hi. Tt.D· 1111.d ""Id nl¥h,.wlII,l" Heoaic h'.... 0&11' u \het would. erop oC pia. , The, tbere II an 4!c!ltur '.t FI~milllrtoll N.' J. ,. her tIle folluwlnl reccommend.tluo:, W. F. PARS 4 . .IOC" at }:!P,lbl Ind bumwer ,wdAJ, CoIU· ~rilID' ul Ih.. LIIU"., ~ ••llUwlt,. ~U~ J.!!blnOD. 0., Apr.S. prepiart da~ ,",and thoIWlhl.y. b, plou,ll. whu llrellk(II." c~u' IIwI'lrled 111 ";Jbdllmj ~u'" Da, lived . ~ilb me .on ol.tllII In pari •• 10111110', : ' rIlUU.U WM;\Jtht"llvt\t 'rlMa r...~d"'l A ~II1:I.tI(.lAl'I l!:Nc;LISII FRENCH. ANO olol.llIulhum lla¥ r hyoaic:i1U IIIUltllllllllvl ... Inc, ban'oWla,•• ad J;CIUinl. till It. I. well "io'lar, picks bl' teeth Wltll a bollJle l)'er Ind twe~\'8 mUlllh" cuokln wahin .nd l>t:RMAN BlloAU CLu'hll:l\ A~IR'I'tm 1111 Pbrn'.II~IIII~Ii\ll ur """eAII. MY LlJl\\>1;I tilled aJla Imuotb. Thl aeed i. thea IOwn katie •• Dd w•• hee dowa hi. meal wilh a cleel.ln .tad " a u.ellli kind of h'Ki" .hD I, lolUALl'J'll:!S ANO COL/)I~IS. l'a;Al~ l\IvW ULc;.llj}j,l·l'MJ •• DII 1 ,1lJ1IIl I •.,. Al'll> t 'ANCY CAIH1MEREti... ~'I'Tl· /juaoll,... '\I Iullwr Iroll. 11_. '. hi lJuclUl' ~Ii ia'8ePlMllber lael bUlb" ID. They drau&h~ oflqu.'oni •• aner Which. wltli II vlry onillt a~d 1 never now her .in . NI::'l'l:I. ALL "WooL AND r:A'tI<C\' ,Old 1I,y-klana. lb.t 1 MlJtI'l' Dll!:! M~ II,.. pulGA_bout. peck to Iii ,I;~e. ~b. reo b.ck alltion. birhfalutln ~ou\jl~ ' barrelled .?d Ille don t b~,e ~o buw. cuurtm. IA ll'WI!:EI>i:!.- LltHlbl CUA 'fl.NG~. lber "MrUflUllliunlllol Ur, Hall'. lItl..1U I« I:)lLK dA'flN ANI> MAUij. lh. LUI'p••nll 1 1:1>11111""'..... lakhlll II. A' IUl~ .... yery "rillial' Tber ha" I crop .~el pel) bit' ute., up every .nd e\'o:rl lI\lchen .rter lIl"e 0 cluck. ISELLLl$ V):;.:l'l'Il'iU~., h ..Iellmed ~l'" bll' .IItIr ."11\11, .....r., 1 0/ hl,lhe next h.,ln,-1t I. th.e kind the, tbine ebn Dum.. iQ hi. ",.y. 11,'•• \'tIU· t:'f'C" E'l'V.. t;'l Co. klutid ' h .....DI 10 II.......1-111. ". r1 1>0111 01 mf. 'Now. while 1 think on It. J. didn't .teal !\Iftking ""lIh Iha Iloek 1"""lUu.ly on h.nd di ........ ~ 1 ....111 IU r.i.. wAlII .....,. - . uiI .......el roO mixture of nltiyCl ,,.II&-It I, 'Ur. . . Ih. l!,r8U81 Illd 111001\ COlliplele tI,'t:>\..iK I)F lWullll..,il. d.lif. thlt"" LUQII" were 1Ma.1I!'1, lill'lO hi'I!" .t all.' uld J I'mIllY Twilhcher. ·r",. of we...... od the lUe.do,w 1\'11\ enduro OOO~ pellaiulll, 10 U.uIII·llltiD Ind UDlil. bJ the UN III luur 110111... I • • ,....,011 wear. "~"r olfemi In Ihl' markel, .ltd wlil be lu lItouW' llI!Iilb u.... 1 h.1I Blli"'. Juf tel", about·twice u )011£ b.lote It milit tie IIr'" 'I .m·a{raid you.1I1 coml! to wI"t.'.tlll who h.d been cIIliM ID the a~t of ete.l. ARE,-.J . ban jUIl rt!C4!1"cd • mudb 10 ord.r IC the I"WIllII ca-b "riCe'. 1 ""'Ieve II 1 llltol u!lt!d !Jr. Hill, '. Bal.a ... wl",n up. Thu. tb, Incre~"d I.bor .lId I'll- In q1d lldy to 0 yo~ni ,Autlemln. 1 " ••·\,e InIP-''': ..lock ollil..._.,. ul .11 Io.illll •• III Hnlll• • IlIjMlrior S'I'UCX or ·rRIM· 110'• • tiftl 'UackCll, II w<IIIld loa•••• Didn' t I fe.1 'em l' rjlcullCl'd ' priae.--.., reIl1"1,w.. U.II ,"I~li~ •• nd the AIO.I ouOlPvt~n",1"gru"ulen ,,, ..I 01 l1ul/lorilll' 1\11 1 CIIII 1U~I"'~ PI... la n\umed man, tllQ" o..r.-Wa· collle (0 w.nt 'Ire"d,,' wa' tbe "'ply; 'l a,,11 ... iII_lD. , . die coulltry alfurda. I alll eueMo:d J" IU' i~ try h, ."d 111,1"" yoll wfU t.a Ii4'ncliltlli, " tollrr. . ,!ant )uur daughter.' Tbe old ladyupeaed ~ AgricIi~,~ W f' PARSUALL. •• ,ru."18 In l1 ujIf!rlur Ilyl.. ,uur dl.o. ... ~ 1111 ,UII. YOI!J. ~I' 'No, , dido', lte·al·em.' ,prt LebaDO~. 0bJo, • • lillorulhcre .. Ullind illO Ihell IDC8rtIlIOOl- lulI~, J . v, WU.t.AI,U. b,r t,e•. lnalll" Illy arock, ""lure I,ureh.eelu, .1 ..... I..,' e. '1 hrlll dotln .bove Filah .1 ..l'U . un VI"•• TIll Cl7aOVlJo.-1t I. colD(ortllbJe io bear. -----,...--"--LSO ALL Ilinell of IIquo,. fnr '1Ia. ~T. &btA W aUDIIOIIII,. un houd • ._rllllt'nl 01 • 'Ib&. ,l'ubllo hate ,,"n inlpbll"" UI" " by 'Yo(by.1 .. w you WiLh m, own .ye.; Inel qUI.. '"' .all"'D b, J. tl. OA,IU'iU,¥·l '. .eldy 111l1li. dUlhh ••~ whh:u will .... IOld.1 lhe edle 1~C\llI1llltodt:d "1 IIIIrlilicll\lll w,J~\I ..... of an, .,1•• for d..troylli iii. t;ufCU 10 '1Ii1 , '(il.. onl, oae . JI.· • .,. the uaek I C1ln brlDK hll • tlulea Wltnl'lI," W \ - • :t !uwal . ." ..,,,.-. MUlt,k1S ' ,)C J lK: ,: .1.t.,8."..... " ..... ""'_ unlullI .. DoidII-i lIe.1 'enl.' It .oIIld be a.real bleaeia, Iud. tom- lciwerti...,. to Invalid• • ·W.lk , h.lo wlI1._r they iIa. J. W. DYS. l\Jatn tiT. , ~ ""I Side. btl,,"",,, Noll' .nd W.... k • • ..al. . . ~ ... I•• Ven.1 cln brln, two doltOn wltaeHe. iJrSTI\;~ ut' ·Ud. PEACE I'yl~r. "'ArIlM.me.lltlrch ~'Lh 18~2, II ... ",11. "'llallcelltU~1'dwb4.I, ..r II .. ~\ all ,late remed, for 11. "epreda,ion.. A cor· cilY parlor once,' ..Id lIae .plller to the flV. Ar.U l'oU'1 Ak) i!U bl .It ;, hunll ... well u • • 'J'''. I. no . ' ...., 0 Ibat 1I1~llrltee me :«10.' nlpoD$le"t of tbe BOlton J'ourll.l 'Iyl; L W'" 1.1- of II I '1.;\)11 t'JlOI· ....."TY J'UN (fALE. rrer.rlliufl, bl&l til' W lilt I ~ In ..... 011U on ...... e . . . • n The .... bacrih .. r ulrer. rur .. Ie bis l wI' . I ' \, thu I,v.,., 1bII\Iot1;IWI; all<l jHlht,," , take cotto• .batti~. put three clrclea .Ix to 1\ writer from Perl••ay. that .. hen • a.ljulRlII' tilt', C.bioet Sbop. up .tl"", proprrl; III Hurvloy.bu"lh un IIbl" lUI, 1".11. Ult, JlIt•• hl _ till "11111\111 ftuOl twel'" hlcbea part lroundJuur plum \ret'.. 'ri_lId \od~IUI.~.pu'eoD that lae o"ed IT Won 1'>0.-1, ~riou. how lI\a." W IIYII... llle. 01110. 8-tl. dlrret eal .. ncIl1- \0 8uu.lb .tn.l wa. 'WbUu, .lIoy pUJ0...... 11I!'110 " ..~~.C)... wllo~ • -. • II I. u...od " ... Iy .cculdl/ltl' 10 dU1'.:tio ....1 a_ _bt .ixt1 io the It.t circle ia tWflO' bit euc:ceu ~o uoiYerul.ufFrlJrl!, au. repll thou.lnd Iblnr ~re wMeh ••• II,. ul II lwv .11", bo_ wltll .ltrIlt endr. ...11'.0,1011 I. \lUI IlIYen la lW or 48 ruulil-ube uc,·upi.d II Mere"•• t T.lltor l.o~... 111l) ean ret uln 11/. DlLih~11I J . . .d 1II. lr 1,'Coar hou,.; la ,ba , eeoacl but fe" hId .vOl: 'Yea It haa baptlaed Ine. but I do dll'o eln Upol. 'hI' craSJ: plan.t .of _ 0 cauibt. iD tbe thi,. circle .".. reel, aut Intend it Ih.1I druwll me." whereupon .e eat .Ieep•• ud ret our d/a· The eublt·rlbl'r. lhruu.h thi. Dlf'dlum ...hul>-llI c:umllitte ,.,.~. a~d ,:u..te.lellt :1!;YtU~~I,~,C1''''J:tr:{·J;.I~;:'ih'Jr~ woulilatllluunc:e tu h'. old Iriellcla .nd !tip wl~h IwOJ w"II,. chulet' Jiol'lt Ih't'e, lSAhll,.,. Apulilor WI'IICI,II~. O. " IiII" ... pt 101i~. ,HI f\JUnd lhl. & .ure preue, • . Fur lallt.ncepu,Llllc " .. ner.. ,,)' Ib.t II .. n•• I";n For p"rtleul" ra, hlqu1,. uf the 111"· 1 ft1ttl.., .ad lot 1011 oUiDl plum.lut Jear A .eo.lblo cotemporary, ..,II: ·Th. we- It .un't dv to pluftp Inlo I I• .,,,ult ed bll.illHII vf Siddle r.Ci· H rt_ .,i.".' till the P,.,III Ra. An, UII. • ..... . JU~I' Rt.Cl::lYI!:D Illd lOr ••Ie II p i I I ' , .. the flflt time r", ...01 ,eara. He- fur- men ou,..t to mille. pltclp rIOt to III.. I l,inl whull, oa til" jliJlllee of 10ur In th .. .,lace, .. t Ihe :'.ad I:rlll"'- 111,. lIelhbs I ~iull .ulOld . , •• 11 tD IDrilll.tul bllllll~II=::r'I:ION dler rec:olll... ncll k""., .... Ilruund tree m.D who UlIII tokcco, ud tt wQJlld _ aoll )lot eqlllpp" btlureblllld wlda • b, Iy cwcupled II,. T\ifl•• Smith. I Illl~Dd a.,llOOn .nd "x.nllne rur tb«mael_ lael'plrr un h~lId III .....rIDll'ot ell.... AI....~ .iM:.. rtm,mt 01 .....t qll811t, lrota wlatlfall., uthey OOIIlel. the lD.,pt b~11I up the practice.' A fri.ntl orOll,. 101111 purae. . ' dl". d H.rnea vF .It kill• • • nd 11'111 clutb. COI.llDer.... fe.lln,., trlm.. lo"...... w'l8 pea.lllto &be...... to IDltUN 't· ..y. \bey DUlh' _110 to llleclp _ _ I.... (t WUD'& do to tw..11 a ..an'l 110M tell m.ke til vnlet aOJlhfn.ln uurUr.. TI_ 0lIl be b",,'ln.... AI_ tWtI l!at..... • U. . "' .... e ..." ..In that don't UlII lL-alld him . . II.. , unlea yoo are ,...r"tll"a\l~ . ·I.bID, tu pure......rtic," III wr lia.. ot leet ~ .PtIfll.r lu ........ for ,hat S-' Ditto".. !fed be .... a..t ,pulIII etHIuab to retellt tr.de will du wdlte elllU.1I4I JIt.alae IIlJ CHARLES CUllEN....,. W.t.~~JSI1na.-A OOfI'Mpou· '" blOwiD, ruur bmlle out-or 1I1uu ~:!l=:'~~III:lI.totk btl.. pur. bUlD, et......"'. II. H.I'ft1.bu ra h• Oh1u. B.rch Iftb lid. ..... ~r 1M -A (I\CI tiOlll 110 llral..... crac:W-. your •• utl. fat.ud ...... JW IItDIII ............vlc:II 1'IS, Uf WALL 1'.f,I'. ltvIItU..... . IOIta . . pl_.J••1 .--1.r..a~ _11M of ..,.Ic•• : 8oeto" "liar I• •.,... fa prel. of hli 1".00'\ du for • Utili W/"'Il • . '......... ".., par \0 fti. . . roll ...'-tIbefi. H••,.; kic:kat blm. to kick beck lantu... ,rt • healtb, 'Wiee are ttl. bell Illbenlbera I" the It ",.a'i dll t.. Crick Juk"l oa qW W"VU ...." ....... • 04Hi1!tNlfnlh•• thlDk. J eaJllfttetlaa world toae . .",.,.. ............-W. Illthe " . . .ce of IInmltrlM ladl.. -The. '" .,.,. oil.... ala..... Iff ulljttct I. to .. 11 .. Iu •• t"rbMI~&",,& lilly tQ . , . ucI i\Or .... ..,.. . . . . . . ,..,. Ia..e~ fori,. cloee of .... _ath . . . . . . _ .... 1I"f'r &aat ....J. .lIar'l It "'l1li" do fora ••• A. ~L ._ , ' -. . . . ~ PIIl oCIilWll. _~ Wba•• r_......~beft. ~ 1Ip10... poIt. alii. he Ur ....~~ dig .....~ ... _ ..11411 ... ltlpoa.1uf 0 ' 11111...... ..., to 1teuev.. u..thle .......... _ _...
· ...... - . . "
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Cook's C1oth.nll" S.ore·
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- - . . . , . . . \lie hilt preecII..... the pft~ ___ WfIIIIIIr ...... coe.aollJ .110 ..... "!1~I"IW-, " Gf It -h.daa. aU &be ............ ........
.... . .. .r.
1M .....u.r ,......_11['....."........ opea, IIfDllfr u.a. 1l1e ..
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A'~ TUB Chillâ&#x20AC;¢ ., IITOlle,
, coati""_ _nil"
Of 'l'W!:
"'r ..
J. C. STODDARD. Depa., Auditor.
W.,aemlw. Ohta. ISH.
, ,
In CtnCll/utl,tha T ... bU6inui I. perp;o; tillDbli.bed .. Ii ,eperOle br.~c", Illuch 10 th' advan'lIKft of .ouDiry dralora Ind con. Mum~r., Moot." C4oller 'cOrnel' (If 7Ut und . Ita.•• re the crell \c'U~rI In Ihl' de· of bu.in.... and hav8 Wt IUllelt
UR 1 H V . OF
\V.II rna, it'" QU.d Poor lIIas" J!'rleaa aa. 1""11, ••, ....
In Iho WelIlcrn Sliltl, Q
L U itl B :
, '. hvltolu.l.lIcnd
''i~ '.
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'CqI~J;O'rKD JlnaY .~·"".
CU,rtl I
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a.rl., . .,
Oata. "dOlo. • ·C)ata. i 'bu.
I',e. .
Pluur.'f b.... de
',He. ·
l' c.,t.
Batt',.. 11 .
'loe: ile.
Err. 11 ~ ,
.wrd' lNoH., Potat• • o f bu.,•. '\PP'". , bu.
OIII~_.: ' · dOa.
"'tb,...," _.
, II,~OJ
. Riv CoIF... , •• N...Or~~. , ~.
11.,1.,. N."
.u........0..... ,
I'tte· 8~. '7(jS~.
Or............. , pt
. . .,:'H0IIIe • 'ple
p,.pter. 11 .,
a, L,". Bait, ,11111. J'1u . . . Y bu. Alleploe.'
.A. CbIIclBaw.d!
,60.'71!1:. 19e.
., t:t6 ,toc •
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foUowmll n idence ,I, oneol ihoullndAof .Inll)ilrchar.eljr ••lill ' con~lull"IY"p!OVlll' 1h1l Dr, How.·.. $Wr.p'. tilla I, DOl 01 ,w, 111011 ell'eeUn rlllll_die. OVt1f> ". IIlouDvoreel.;' " , • ' . Mudl
On ~e4n ••d.", 29th 01' Jul" ~852, \"ill cUDllnolnce ,toe luunh yulume 01' our'plper.
, cl•• t , ' CURES' ,tiIICE-' MAGIC•
"V.10b. CAlE ....Th.
~'JIId41en Tfe"""~1I.;
pnder Ihl, land, Ih ~ Dall) l're"l P.HIIlIa"~'Olldle, !fIve. <I r,emtorhblll olury ib.e' ,h~ co""ry. by Iwo rallrudd lulJtlrl'rr , _II"'~, 110111 ~ tnce, or nLpn), ,hOUd_lId dullwrlf III gold, .pOIl Iho lifle III lIae HU~dOIi !t,v.
....,1JItFA.~ -:-Tlu'I'ellia fum tbf prame, lll'1\r St. ~lul •• ~Wned Ri,erlOD &. Brothen. (w/io IH'm to uDder· llAad Ie tu m itt !lila 'I by CII'IDlnl. mo· let moat be hl~"t.,t to ",in w,tb.) eom· ,mlal 1.000 ac:re~ la one flelcl. Reed Wl,h I!OIta eDd Rilel. a mile and a eIJ
~uue, IDd c:outalalna oal bllnl'nId alta finy ktea ur CM •• 6wt, len. of Itr•• ber· (I/t lbe St. L~II muul. IIlttl, lo,ea ofttowel'j\llIn,lem ot ,nch tfee}. lind
1wo hllnd,... acrea q( otbet' Iruit,
wbl~ are UOO ptlr tree,. 1100 Icret Ol~i ....... tbUl' • ..,.... p•• ur/,e, nnI' trees I. Cb.... qUlrtefli .11e wid, a prolec\ll\, lOW ot .11e. All lbe orcbld puad II ..iiltiv"l...11 '0 . traw,*,"i,., 1IIe:~. OIl IOmel~11\1l Ill.... 'nbt;te l.;e 1100 and 160 ~tl1e bpI OJ!
or,.... 'ac.
d!. rarllt.
nOETRY II' , . . ~
IUbilcflplion to I,hll capital Block or the ' certlfloate of Incurp~)r'llon " lind b ' h I : ' b .' , ' ,. I,' . ;' . ,. ", ,,' , , , ' curnpllny; Dnd \Vhl'n lit '1l'1I8t ton ' pl'r . cerl. name 'riml at)'le .pruvlded In oI~ch ce tlh l e t 10 flme I elll&" rnny !rnCrli~~. ,al,d . p~ay el.II'1 org.nl~ed,.lId IlII actll.lllylieen com· Itil 'l" IlarlJlJI;"!I fail 1tboNl , inlA> Oaa , t;onJliel.,, \jured j.ck::"'pudd· ' , '. t t . &l _ ,,:::::;::f:,;;;::=d;;h~::;::;'=:;#:;9!==;::=:;=. , tUnl ilb,1I huo been Bublcrlbed • mCPti I II II b d d ~ b d ~ . r .c.~t:, emp o~ t ,e capilal.1I rlleun.I'of the rom· luenced 11111 hll In progrl'n' tOWlrdl cum. ' Th . .. " 'I ' mil. U Ie .rm ,. I , QDY ' .hl/l be caUed, by nnllclI beln' Iven' g I II , ~ ~eme_ a 0 'J ,COr'PllrI.tO. wIth puny, rn .uch mauulacture. 'L8 ' lh~V eh',/I , pl~tliln ' luch pu1!lIc lrilpruvempnt It Ih_U ! ele reuon .. Ile~e I. now e,er~ CIoU.O B,n•• prop!)r re~ptlon. He ..t hll trap • IlEIi ~~ . .IIY one ur. lhe corpur"torw forglbfrty. d by lucoes.ror., Illdd the~ Illd I,helr -.woclatea, dpcm best lor tbe comnany. and 'or llle be lawlII(' rur Illy luch compiiny\ tu bave to believe, WI'C t4e mull 0/ CI tecrel IlIIlkr· .nd aboutdaJ.il,bt neat. lllor'lln, bla ,lc,. •PlCTUIlES .-::., , in IIbmo D"Wlp.per prlntl'd ill each CIJU~~t8, :~C;:::6II:;:'r III'CI raA8 g~8. 111111 have the I're,·tion rUl4 m.in\1alllln"e ~,r such m,,· furl her t~uie allowed lur 'th'o Ihl.1 cOlllple- .taMcll9 lJIilla Gor~" O,!i Ih/. BupP!>II. \Im ,nn Into lt and met. lII ...t .1/10111 de+ thruugh" wbich luch magnl'llc 'Iet",raph videa ~I :h ..alhj:l8°::tl~tu~~er~I~8 Iri pr°ci cbill;;" dali~' buil~lIIr,' r.cel~, \\!,lItl'r co,Ur· ,Iun IIf 111111 wurk •• II II hereinalter provl· l ,ion, and 1I0otMr, cun lire aOl)d~CI of Ollf' reat,1O milch 10 ' a.' 10 'illlab~ 11118 fIom inlY JIIl-.1f a p~per ia pulili.li~d 'In each sUhject 10 all lire real~i·ctionll. haJr~.~~r ~~:'.lu~i:I~~IJ:rc.~ a.IIW::~a'·ytobet"aeecCeOa"lrul u, r'l dl!d ' . "6 Tb 't lor. 'Prl~oe Wilgenl,eiu, .r.I/Ye op.erailoDI lot' • lunl tIme a"--. s EO . ' . . a upon J1e~ IIt on b'elRg II'" e d" ,,"y beIaccuuD1t'd "';"~JI. the ,beluliful plclut.. "Ul,l~y III w hll:n meeting there.1 la 11 ' b 'd d b I II ' •• ~ ury II I '. , ..... 1'bal hatalfon MellMlry'.·wall. _ .. Iected b ,b'a)lut, three dlrectur. e uvr ~ ; ut n a 'CIIBN, tile bonks. 011 ~he bu"h'e" or mUliu/'io/·tU.rillg, 'b ut (ur no by tlie' direclurll 01 .IIY cur ur.tion In the tn . ' c rcu ar ~l1ed Fnllklqn, July JI~t. wlrda. Tbra Wet the openlni ~r the. I. 'oae oft. film old for8l1, [ ah ri ll C(J1I,r.lue io IllIee 'unlil thll Ilr~' ~~~ I~o:~ ~Id ... or '!16 Itream, where. Ih~ brul~e I olber pur/10al.' 'bMt.' .hU8e Cl('lIl1ccI~1I whh. , ~uurt ue wrnmo'l pte .. 01 Plhe couilly ill 18~9. aner IIlv,1R1( al! .. ElI:pu. ... of tbe clm·' cl ...lve c'II'l~"an. Wblrb.t Ibla petlud wu . Thill "melli Ib, " t 0(, nUll meethrg of tbe Ituckl""ldet. tbereu(. t pany : " ~III!~, t:::~' ~flb~a~ne~lb) I,N!d cubn. I· rjd Pt'rt. ,I\ln~ tu ii1dk bu.lnl" ~' hey "h_\I I ~llIch the prlncip,e ullice of I"eh curpllra· p.lin ' then la prblre~l, IlIol\'l"a a Ii,n owl. 41lcldedl'l rIYor.ble 'to the Hu.a....a., I.Il Nottol litp.rlecl oak" 41.dOD;' " er. : , . Icon.~ut of the owner ~~ ~~r:~~":f ~II: , ~:;:~~; a~.h~all~~er~ed I'!J.J.!f11~ttb~~i:r,ab •. f ::~:: .! . ~UCMI,d, .n~ upou ,Ivlni~blrly day. edge of. 1IIlUeh, ••yl: ''It III" but the adwaaup d,••aeml bad ~Ioei. ~ , " Dark,1~hb ~ Dl18tlalOlll lh S!~. :~'IJ:"ere a",:: be I ~"I'tln, 'or bluk. wher,,- tfl~· ••ld bridj,!eJlw IU bo erect: trun~lcliun8. and their IIouka I.nd rec:~~~ t'r~lcclr~~I~~~I~,Gi!I~~I~oc~~~7·p~i~h~ e;~· f.ir lo prtllurne that Goreey, with the bul" a foot·bold 10 Tnlltlln.ala. N~~ Cur Ihll.~lul"II,"lclell' It:U~~" b!U'_I~'djr~:~: .:~~,~: ."I~:{d~~~· ed, 10 ',erect (he IIld bridge _a ~rore.. id ~baU.~ aU re.lunllble \1r""1 ~e oppn Lo the JrOl alld.pr.yer uf auch pllitf~fI, .¥Id cuur~ or the HUII,arian Ir~y, remaiDed la .n~ "Oa the J8~~ of luae.t~. Bl&&llaa .. ..1l N~;b:~ :1!i~~ ~~I..:I~I~=~' :. I ree dire'ctur'l i j.' .eclelliry lrid Ptrea'ur,,; ~nl~~. the :t~'df~':lk~ a\ .ucb POlOt Iltall l\fl~p""tlull ,of .ny .u~ , l'very we kbulder;-- IIhall. It any r1Ulilt tertu altt!r th., pubU• • round KCllnurn,jOl" Uu 6pfC1al ptUJ1f* ' riI arlll'l. unde, Prlace P.eJrje,Ic:h" plW4 Tb.ti' .4 ft~1I Ira';rinll.tlI.a. ' .. a,r b. cb.... e~. wbl,> ' .hllil ',old ,h.ir. ot~ I e 8~~· P;6 ICTil~tl~~~. corporator. herein :t~I;'1oI~~a~lh~:~~t ~:I rjqllirec, p~~leut c~ti"l1 l ~lIjLh:e, UpUlI c.u.e l·".Heing f!orr.1"Led to ~"U with ilDuvlA the bound." llae or O~/lc'. llUS .atared Coqu,uq ell da, willa lbII"ub·IiI.IIII~ ~Ii~:~r,i~ thl IIt!Xt annuiil el~~aloll. and un· nlna~d' ahllil qpen the buulia o( t~I". ~.'d 'tho altu~tlc," and I~":a:t ~t ~:':~~~!. ~f :~~7lr~ Cl~:~;ie:lu~ euxr"~':ld'II~~J~:n:!i.t~ ! tIN ~" '~trd 111,,.,,,,,* oj II~in;' on th.. HUIIJll'lall terrItory. • ..fv,. &lila "'lId .~.li»&!betr II'Ildu""1I .t ckh Iducce-:ult- ~re dUI! Icta~~ . . , ~he cumpal)" rur· .ub~erlptlun to Ihe capltll the company, aud ,decide alIt m~kt "lIt b to .uch pt!riud'.1 .halloppen to wUClII 'c:uurt l ~t1h tIIC In,pcrllll (;lIIl1'all. a. ~ .... A" army, '6".000 ~tonr. DeiDbltukl, "¥ li:9 l tU( eL••inll on t/le .pl~, ' , ' ~ u ' t ,0 ~•• :... ' II Int r , ~It.ltlll~' m.y, ,llodl, 01 •• id bridp, I"d '\1 .uun th,re.fter clividlJlldi'vl tile pru6,'11 (rurn' I lite lIu.I II~" 01' ju.r a .. 11 teal',Ootble 1r-,aJ u 'crtl (]I, tic. . ... • ... "At Vienna COllllniD~elil at tb.I!IOIth rch.e.tecf hntDI
.,11 ' ,
d II'
"" 1
~~~.:e)~~~~, ~~.!1:'!:~C:-~\\8iiPi .~.Jlllli~:w.~,::"~ia: ~~tin::~u;::f~~~'~ ~::: ::r:b~l~II:;I1!h~:I ·I~:II:Pi::~e~irr~~ ': .~~ ~'hii:mJ.~;yi.~~~ ~~1~~~~~li~,le "'t~~lletuc:k iii Ssc. ·'J7h Tlllli ,~ ~.me of .ny corpur· 11!tey .w~., ~alon IA> tfllA'fI ·thal Gorgry 1IIa:U1ualler hllll but a ye'1lm~l\ fOree. .pe..... bu~lne'" or 'h~ tompan), .. ihey mlY _ . personi who hne lub.criblld '11ICk a. ,fufo. thtl .h.1I deo'li rxpedll'nt. • "I el, a' l a~n '1.IY e ~dall.~ .a~ Ille hllle waru,ler Irq14 allfl 11I~ illai" 1Aa ",,;rl lori- ' Will .blndonecl VII ch. Ud. aDd ' Kuc:hau It _lIIIda 10 - IWa-1; p,uper' and may chanac: ' .1 al r lillie tI. 'd ' d h 1\ I db ' ', pruVI e.. .1/. I lI' extonl on 1 •...J.; PI ' k ' ) I II "' I T ' . • '. t" d I ' Id· · · ' '. • .. I. ,Ill I" t len.n I l're prueeed 10 .S£o. 66. The perlOn~ lIa~ed la til e- cer. of '''e ' tlllle o( the culllpletiun 01 ' ftlr" • t IA", Y pp. 849. C~. · 'm.y be on t e Jill I. , he eoeml' relted b.N rUl' Cl
~ oace IIId alittlellr~lief.
I:rn; al p ~I:r III h~ IIIg allllua~:I~j' .le~I five dlrtotor., who .hall bo "uck· tllIl\: te u, ;ncurporltlU", or . "'lIIajority 01 l,n9' public IlIIprOVI!Cllell1 In tbe ' prllcedlll, Iwtllldered et. Ihl' Gurae)i Will oot remoy. a diY, abd then Ir. pr'ocfleded to the ~utb. ,;:. ~ .. y cc :'t:::~I~~~I'b'; t t'f~:'~:liu~' ;. ~u:der: I.n 'lDh", laid c°chmPd-~ny. wb.!' ·lih,,11 Ihem" 1111,11 be coJII!III~.ionera to upell .C:~Iiun~ .1111 III cue ,h. nlu'i" 01 allY cur~ I e'" trullI ' cumm.nc! , lur Jal. llI'a nl .etl of wrirel-toOk AlI.koles ob thl aoth-mel a b b h d~ , u t elr, u c;ee al .u Ireclor. lor olle buokR rot the lub.crrptrull tu the Cllpll,1 I pur.. tlull II I:hani.red a. a'ilrulid • ('upy uf d' b d I b ' I lei be b U bOd u. I'~", Y' e . Irt·CtOh. , ~ yebr Irdln. end liter .. Id electi,m,.lnd ulllil .wck df IMid CUUlp.II,)', .t .ucb 'lroea .nd ~ Ihe decree .ball be tilt'd wrtb lh~ 'Secreta· 110 ~ ence; ul t I IOU re!D em er.· .ma , or Haa_ a.ar ToUl. lad .(~. ~:c;; ~?U The «;urpurilioll h!!reby crill· Ibelr IUCUllur. a~., elected alld qllftIJII~d, plac"l a.. thtOy sh.11 dl!ern pro,per; .nd, Ih~ 1ry ul 8late. ur In the umee ul' the cuunly ed tbat th~re waf aD pr~f 01, hi. trelluol ter ,,,,bt enllpm'Dt, droYit tb... bl,k r 'li u I I~e'ir l ~ co..~:jtruCI"ld rl\!&\"I,h. one of whum ahall b. pre,lolenr, .nl ooe .. id comp.ni are .uttlurlled lu ~lIl1neDc, Irecurdrf, II ,lbe curporatlou wboee' nlDle i' l-tliat he had much III/Suenci with lb • . a,~ to tblt pl.u. whea allroa, corp' wa. ~ lI~d nUel!:~ lall'l"..:.{~:n I'" '.,11' to PUd"t'b I!.•• n, g. tre~IUrl'r, lind unt' ,.ecret.'1' teo b. a.m~d opdltiunl UPU!I tht! .ub'IU'I~ltlolJ of ton 10 ~ha'latd be III 01 tlte cl... oralilltied 01 Y; thlt.OIIDY of the be.t olJlce,.. 1¥et. ted to clI.p~te tbtrP~'" ur Ilr. Th••• 10 Ie PII Ie r "p I. J t IU on Ihe tlcketl wheo yuted lur by th. 'lwek· per e 'nl 01 .lld "tock UI d II I, . tJ t" , \ . f II J .er!'ctlun of Ihe o!'Ce... .tb;lure•• ' liiell1' bolder,. aa Iforeillidi each .~oclchold"r .hln TO PR(lVI O~ FOR' ',rHE JNCORPO. a.:d l.:. II ::II!;I~: i~ :~~I:all:~1 11~18 :~f &I I. partT; ' and Ib.~ It w.. do~~!'01!8 t.o . but IOmo ~uaclredl of COIMc:bs""'alil t~. r dlniJIJIIU'i Plo!.r- "lid .LCltm~ntJI ,ne l'lIIllr, be elltlt1ed ,u line yute fur e.~h aud I'very RATIO~ .01<' RELIG 10(1::1 AND V'l'H • .gellllr.1 crrculMtiuD In th' elluot'l II~Or:;'.ld, apempt ,"'Jtbinl, ,;,,"bout ~.'ltf ",,00// ri,er aboye anel below tbat poln' abd PU\ r " e t "ff'l!. , Prov,lded, I.'~I· thl ..me -bare or.·atullk thaI h. may owo, und alter ' " ER tiOI,JIE'rIE::t,. I , 'W4 en thl! pro,iliuaa .lur••,ld h.n blllo u~de, Illeh clrrumltanllel, a. It wO\Ild cre., tb. HuallTlanl to Grpt;" ta the eYe". f' .~'~ ~~ulllli'fd~ tbl pulillc la tbe u.o I the /lrat elrcIJOII.,no Iluckhold.r .h.1I be Sao. 66. 'J'JII' :rum IIlId '.ner the p ... cumplied w~ih, .uch cump.~, Ib.1I tbe",' dilc:ord In the 1Tf'41 at .urb • cflll~ lin, or the d.y tb. R"",llae otcu.lId il9tJa u .;a, : : TC:; lIa tl:ya. el)tlLled to I gre.ter lIumber of VOlel Iban ..,,~ thla ~ct : It .ball be la wh.1 (ur IIPY alter be IrIlOWII by .uch aew olmo, .bel aad be emh~eutl'1 dl... trou. to the IAter-l b.nb or tbeThelll " . I IC. , ' .1. W lell~VI'r Iwo or m\lre Ihe numbtr 01 ,harN , Ih.t bo may .hne relijfluu••ed or dellomlllatioOl, fire clUUlpa· .talU ,l!qVe III thl ·fluwer. ancl b. lubj~C)t W ' ~ .. Lc " le 8,,"11, Ii.'pale. IlIIIlO~ ~,egrl"h, comp"n. ' d"'lre tu . conl,ulid~le p.ld ill~u the .. Id-C:llmpa ..y. '. " _ flJ' ur any IIter.ry ~·.cient,ftc (,,,brill "uleat the 11110. reitricUODI II il no lucb &tllanll' .~tI of ,til' caUM. aDd co,Ul,lIrr' _,,' " T.ch.oaaje6, c:olllmiauwo( til, ~aemJ'" ~, 'II"'1t I,... 10"''' ·l)l!.IbrlO8. ,e.~.l'1vea'hllo I eh'!.le .~l p~rl\,Ilan. ,thfY SEO. '6'7. That tbfo tro .. urer cir tbe IRld ... ucilltion ,(otber thun co/ltlge" IlIIlyenr./. 01' D.Ule, h.d beel! m.dil .ud uo .uclt T,h1 ,Aultro-Ruulln nv ••lon \9u OI~d. a"vIIDc"coluIIIII. bu ......at dlllN' to talle .... rJ.. l~loI'IruIllOr18' boutr ;re I e~~bY aUlhurlzr .aa I';POb't'red 10,tU eumplny,;be/ure e/lterlng upun the' dulleot tleo,lIc...!emle. Clr ~mcl1~r'e~,) wlWin .. II ohanate ur 'lImo .Iilill lu Iny WaD- wilh rOrCel ,mount ina in all 10 1176000 o~ ' Debrec.lln.lhinkiDIr It waulll ~ t.o bl, SII"ntl, ecnered hI. IKe; u, n t' .I,ale DI'lIl1e~, lUI. IIU ~eClttu tIe uf hl~ ullll·e •.ahall enter into I bund with Slule. tu elecl ilt a meetinl( ul • majority ner, the rlihc...OI .uelr cumi.nf; CIt ",I 'au)' '. . .. • faille a. h b d bee th ( ... nd wllen j.Jae Irr we iuoAt .. ~e rul.... ar~ pruvidtd III tho ,tweuly. g~ .nd Illflici.. n~ l!'Curhy, tu be appru, of th. mtlu.berli uf Inr or,inil~ ~hur<lhl 10dlYielllol. . ,' , 400,000 ~en. The Hun,uran. hnln" [ . ' , ' . n e INC 0 conna· Lod,ecllu Ir"'lol" brl,hl, . ,rU, t_·clI{Y·lIIlc•.IIId ul~d twenty·thlrd i ~ec. ,d .of .bV the ~lild board of dirt-clc!r •. p.y.. lire ,comp!!ny, I!terary. Illleouille or bell~~ci, ,8EO. ~8. All .tockhalder. ot ao r.iI. ~bout 140 ,OOIl"r 100,000 to 0p~IO. Let [lI'llnt (or a lira.. HI ....ched It OD the ... JJ' /e1l.lllla\ll lal.nt-Ilite tie,'lIr, tltll. ,l refllav" to Iho ''!In_ul~d •• , bl" tu the! lIald c.pO.pany. wndttoned lur Illllt "lOcl,tlon III afurelaidl, ('11I\!d' lor roMd, luruplke ur pl.lI11 rOld nI'ajflh,tiC b'l. the re.der pi('lure hlmaelf a cl cular or July. IIhIt DO rell.t.nc;e. eal.rtd It aad " '. Alleep by'1lMi pi;" 01 ll,h.. T~. C;REA~rL ~NlrrIlR~GULAT£ G 8 Ilhe f.1t11f'u! perlort~.nr.p of III aud II~ru' Ib II purpose, an1.Dulnbf't or .Iheir,memberll "arlph or bridp ~OllJPau:'1't' ·.hall be plaID,-u 'the :rr.t;ld field '0( optratlonl, wil h , quartend ble IOldlere. bue lound Ie va" ~a . Tbere,ofl. ·0f.11I Ilti'plccuroil , LlHH'l' 'Al'JD W A'rER' Cull .. ANU~~~ ID~ the dulie, flf hll NldlllDc,:, and lh •.r he lI!'t leu Ib ~n Ihree. tu M' VB U lrUaten or drllu,ed and beld n,bl. tu au l t~e eaemy nn Ih. ollt•• lde IrCumfereace t1n.lanIl1callt IoWD, Deedlll, KOIIulb'. p_ 1'bll II",. Oil Mt'II'Iory:' wall, s. ' " w .1I well and Iruly .cc.unt " r••nd Ptll unr d reclor"••nd,ulle lQell'lber ., I ('Itr., who lI'hUUII! equal 10 Iheir 1I0ck luhlcrl~ed, lu I e I " I to II: It I H _-'_ 'tba'on" 01 th. clim old forlll. !!C. 49, fbI.' wh"u"v.~, ·!'Y Ilu,u~er IJI It·, ~he .. Id complllY .l1l11uh"l~ and J!IO". Ihall hold their olllee dClrrng 'lbe plelBure Md"ltiun tu "lei 'I<)tit. Iilr tho ur' ule ur and lhe HunJrarlaa. ~n tile la er clrc\lm. enci ra. e II .ny nOle. e .....Q I sftm.,h tile bt.1 of Ill. per'''1I1 ••• rllq\ll~d by the fi"t .o,ctlun ur i I~y lbat .h.1l lreQl time tu .Iilae r.ome In· 01 Ihe lucielJ url.uo('Jatlo'l. • ereurlo, the creelltu,.. 01 ~uob !m:an,. fel'e~e", with ev~ry '~clllt)' ror tlie I.Un MW t~. IIan.aana ot th. Ic~,.I~o_ tllr~ .ot. ~~I!lte tu li,arUl Ilu h,!lt aDd to hl',hnrid. "y vlrrue of bl...ldull\C'e,lnd RIc. 67 , TI,a' the clerk ~ .ppolatecl, ' Ssc. 711. A ll.iuckholderi of allY JUln\ to op.rate la COlljulltlUIl on .lIl\ele. whl/o I f " ualb\. 10 (eed hll t""',...lDd ab•• r.1~ :~:;~P~Q t'~ifOrt~ e p'lrpun ul:,urp:~· tbat he w!ll u.e due and Pruper dil1'l!a~ ~b.11 rnlike'~ tntll"COI'" of ~I pr~eedine" Ilul:k cualp.IIY, orllililaod outler tit" pruvl •• tbe former we~ lOCI lar rateaded I~ their doned It la .a (e~ "'Y" . • .. 0 'li~1I n( ,e "reet, •• n PUD, 'a to ~.lIect ." Inulle,a .nd demillde, th.l uf the me<ohll.fl prov,dtid for ~y 1/1. arM\ 10111 uf tlti. lut, ea~pl u hereillaiter pru,. , . , Tilt ~'lU dlvlida f th_ &u.1 tiD. all.d p~cvate bulldillar_ 01 any olt" tUIIID or frum ·tilll~ 10 time Ihull be due lind owing lIee'~un of Ihiil ael, cerlll, and tI, II". r lire v,ded, .hall be deenlE'C! IIlId "Clld, lallr\!'~\I~I. tIIn~ ~, oporlltloql t., be abl., to cODcell· $I . In. I , I ' ur vllllIl~ .~f Iblill:hla.-. ~r lor lbe pu'rpoae · l" I~he •• liI fomP.IlY, Nblcb ."flU be lil. ., ...e to the recolder of ' tb. COUIIl)\ In 1Y Ii_ble I", .11 the debte clue ' .iad oWin" l trllte re.dlly If .t .U".nd h. wlil bar. a u.nder. Oen• .arablle. whO b8d bejia 141\ ., BY AUTHOIUTY~ or·'''~rI'IYlllllbe "lhllbh.alll. o,a"y clty.tbwa dUly to by I'~ colll!c~. '. wbi~li fluch mellUDe .h.11 hM"e been beld, iel COUJpill)' i ud U.e ttllittel ur ,di_ prelly correcl Id~a of doe II:u.Oun of Ibe JfIllid c",,~, wu order.d fcM:wanie III'CIM °b ~r ~ti"'u Wlt~ ~~~r, Iltey Ibull. ,l.I.udllr IiJltc. 68. 1 hI' prellllent .b.1I pre~ld. ' It torether with tbe qalbe by, .hleb eucll turl of IV..r'l auciOlly ur "'IOCI.tlan. Illcor- m.ln fure.. enterin, tire COllle~1 xo"f tb' couotrl ' to JoIII &II. AIM\riIIu. U. , t CI!r I."", • all !'Ia .. , nl~k., a, C'.t'r'lfi~lA!, .11 nleetinr, wb .. ~ prelPnt, IDd nol olh· cburch, lire oomp"IIY, or I II.ooi.tic/lI. III.U pur-teet unc/Cjr the pruvl.lurlll ul ihtl 'lIiatJ. I ' " n' ctollecllJl. WI at .1"1111 IftA nuW (~o. J wlirel.1 .bul 'peelly •• lulluw.l: Tbe ,11mI' . ~l1lVi.e iacap~clt.ted.l,n which c.... · or 'III tllpre~~er dt"l;e to be knowll; .lld I,t .bal! lIillt" ,rcUpII 01 ~h'. l ei. mh~l ~ be deerllod ' lutll ali'" ,I~e Committee of ""eren.e, ac~ , , • II • ..,. . ~N "'til'l' 10 IINvid. 'ilr th. crelllt;lll Inrl ~' "lIld. ~tlIP"I1.' alld by whrC;lI .It _h.lI be ea.e 01, ' hi. abaence \.hI! ,botirel Lf di,' be tla~ duty uf e,c!1 CI'UU''1 ~.;Q der 10 thi_ Ilia held Indlvldii.I1Y Irable (or ait dpbll lai 00 tit. ,up,rlur.lty or Ihe pOlltlo~ of Rc*tabell. tiut ~ cwnUJ ~ople rppl.U ..1I or IncorfMIrl!ttd.. Cowpaalc. bll!t lo , Ihe ultJ~ct lor wblcb au~h cllfllP'IIJ rtc~or. ~h~1i chOf!ile a prelldrnt (rum "Me,' Immedlatel, upon t the celp' " or CcJlltrMCle\I b, lhem 'or ,beit "'I.,eullve.u- the Hunllrlln formed. m9't Idml., .d lfOull4l III.. Ja .lII'rUli bi.udi; wt 011. jM the 8'~te of Oblu. ·t~~ b~ lurmbd. Ihe IIl1lu~nl uf the 'ClIp,t.1 .• mulli ~h~lr IIlllnbpr. wllu .hall perrornl 8.\ch certtti"d all e~lll, tu I the ,..me olti~a ur ......clat lotll. , , r.ble plan or ol'er.tiolll wblch hid' It hi. lupplie.. IIInoy" him 11I" eYe" wa'. , I 0 .uc c:qrupilly. ~e III1Dllle.r, ",( the dUll... of \be ,rf'IIfdent '.1 .lIch ,lneet· io. boOk uf teco~d. tu be k1rpt by him. 6£0.80. A chanle,ln \.he loc.tloa .nd cd. G " • . .ad furced /llim to ,..,." ~ Kuban "11,,. , , ," COI\OLVDED. , . lIl_re. 0 wt,fcluh" •• ill Mtuci lla~1I cua' Inl, and perform IUch uthl'r dull.. lie W.!''I pro.ided for Ihat pu r,poae III ~b. t~lIli .. 1 ~t' Ire, r~ilru.d tutn ' Ike ar d til. it bef~ oblltJ':n by orlfY. ",ould; lIey,oad " " 11.,. 41.· ThlL H,aD, turnpike or plank _I,l t, al!~' tho II~W'" ul ,,"~ tOWI\ ~ ,cily ur lrum ,il in1t ~~ I",e, .bfI ,.Jil)led 'IIUt ~, tlit', ul hi. «:bUDI,• .for !w"leli' II!tlll~ he ft' road ml,.be UlAde, In lu:.e 1n.~J.;r r~ rall doubt. tl.h AlveD Ih!, 1'IclotY to tbo Ir. WI. compeled !o .....Ia until. the Hun. ~ ,"II \iu",paa),. • 1i.lllal1ti. keep Ita ruad In '!I"~a~ •. ~I~ cuullty. fu wb;lch the 'JII!~. bl'.~ w,! " lld Ole rule. of 'he .. C9qJp •• 4~III.nd anel rvcel,.~, (he lum ipC 'IIIlI centa Ie pfuv,~il, 11I the 761" lIc!ctluJl u, tbll act. ' ' .l'bl. plln w..., 10 eltack lind ,arll'" uader DealcHl, f!>lIowlD' out \he . ",,1I1r,"" 6ve dl)"IU~e.. lvely ••• ny ~h I tlU~lIlIf .uch curapci", til be CIIrrred rof· . . per hundrecl wordoi; .nd frulM';jjlld _/l" 10.· lor "".IWlbt'r talAln.luu o[ tlllIe; Pruwld.l Id.leu ,be Auatrlan. under .u.,n\1A 'Irlt, plla of ~IW ClmpallP. tell bac' to CODct.. ~n .. ay ~I. '! ('U8lpIUIUt, 111 wrlt,III" .be." Oil, .urb certiJit:&to "h.U be ac:huwl,dg...t, BEC. ~9. The lecret." .hall ke4!p a kin, ~uclt haf:ord 'b,. 1'.. ~UI~I' reeurdr r, ed. \fll' .t/cla I!CllUplnw .hill be relpW.lIl. "ih h ' B. I . d Pa III ' I h d trat. willa th. olb.r ell,re.... O,.bM 'Nna, JU•.tl~,ultb. ewnty. wtllnl .urtb -CClrllll~ .IHI' lurward,.. to ,h. SII~rll- rec~ qf III meeUo,. til tbl bo.rd of' eli. lit ....jd \rjhtl'ee ilr dlre"l_ 11n4I~r ... t ble 1114 8n'l cl~IU';' IIr Inj I• en' e UII la. all er I !IV G I 'l'I . • • "\ll.I'e ur l!le "~lft;t·tiO!".,lai"~· Ct~. di~ li'llJt S'IIII~ Tecurded Iud cupleel.... tie·I~.. ~ti4¥n",r p,roet!Hl. o,....to·~· ........"'" ~~"II""'''''' _ Oillo.... 1.:11 LIIi&iHt~ •• 8'1~ rotldell til t:~ e~:~~1 ~.", ~I.lalo~.In .de\II1l. w"lcIa _Id ..1riIi ~" . .","," .pIp. ucI OIl til.... ~ , • .,...U", the p'*ce la trl' rciilCl wb.,. It .. - mill,n" I' I. 'proyhlH I. &be iecund', pnClY, auHi-qull'ed tift cperlu(med II,! InJ Ihy,.,ed ",Ith lbe ,1I.trl , ptl "DSI M411~ III' ....... .,l!q JIi nnltrov....... _" ,,-,_ '" Iliv. Hell doll. ID. purau'lIc. of th'~ Jill, UCCUPIe4 .Ere.Dita, oii che liUa lr&i.lo!; 'I'd it .1a~1I ~ the 'du.y oll.ld julio ..c~lun o r: ,bl. lIetl llldewbeD) 10 Incorpur• . ulher 01111141,. 01 t ........, boa~. ID ".... ',mmllilhl.... iDONlellt tu curporll- h, ~I ."'Irv"d ~iN. . ,Iita Gorpl iru' ee'fll........' , AoJ..~ .nd ";"n a/~lltId.. luetic::. tel a~la, t.u dldiatltrelltlci p~rllUlI. af , .ted, tta~y .re hrreuy .u~huriled 10,·c.rry ' tu~ euch otber Ini1 (Ul1her dud!!1 ., liIay tlua~. and a certified trlnllClrlpl uflbo recO~ SED. ~I. $ultl QJay be' brooJr/lt ~,.Inec . H'yblb, in.~'II, "_IIro the 'bu/. or .1. 'loll ehlf, AWlna.,•. -, , , . . .e1'i"1Iie 'n.peeton, to mllet .1 the ph•.,!' eomprMlne'' ' loll ~~ «:,pllr.t lulIl 1I.llll'll rn .~"h ,ctlrtr6t.llI , lie ;'1I_lilled 101m frum tI!II~ tu litlle, by thl1 bereln .autborl&(>lI 19 be Ir.de Ill)! UI, C!JUh·' corpurabull~ otb!'r thhn ra ll ru,"" compa· operalioul Glir. .y I.Utd 'to " lId .ilelDl~ drewlll, die .et."lrN--e1Olrr I ..d within live d.,a; Inti ul the ·tlllle Ind ur urcurpur.tJon. Iml by the.n-lIIe .1101 Ilyle Intlell alul,\)1' aw. of th~ aala conlpany. " recurdpr, .lrtlf btl dlll'nl,d laa I.ken, Jrl 1I101l, lu tb. ,arue maDn!:r a. 1'11111111' llldi. . ' . -', ' IIrmer aroall~ RUn..". .,lIiI! Oll!'~ la, ,lac.. u' ineetill"i' 'rea.... n.bl" noi!ce '.hIU pr(Jvid'ed !tuueh cerUli~ate' ••10.11 ~~ d~RI. ' SEO. 60" That the nid COAlp!o'l ,h.1l al~etlarl' and pli~ .. b.I..... ' ..r. la 'tM. W!Jual.j.'D~ alrvlce ../llill be liIade un tta. I wuted 10, mlleb lI",t ia _I~.. a1ilrrnlab· , .' , ' , ~-, M ~IVla to the (ate lleeper n,.ar..,t the eel • I1Udy curpurule, wl[h .Iucoell.lun, l"eI / t..ve ' Pliw .. r from time to time, at 'an)' reg· etott'l " , IOvldence of tb~ f'&1.~eoce of .U~I prl'.ld~lIt, dlrec;tor., .eelreta"y, ur 'atlol , tD ,in, that JCilaa"l~ WII ~Ol'"ed t9 remove Inactlre or WO~IO th.D ID.C"" IIOliod SoIlIlCll uf m~'IIIit; .lId &lie In.pecle,. ltaall they th'lr _ucl,te• .IU hav.' tbe IIClDI" ·' III.r mt'f'tinlt.pf the ,bo.rd of direNura, tu ti_"IC'I.tJ()n Ind curporalloD. ptr~oll, ur by leaYlna • ""'py ,I th~ p,lucl. 1.lm IIna· plac:e D,mllnleh iD cOIODlI"d; llIorn. " . 'UIt>p " lilnlne llit." lbe tru lh, ur ~hE' matttor ,elll!r~1 cprpu"te pu",~r••~ I,ll pruvlded In J mab, .lter!lr ch,. ,nge, .uch ·b, I.IVI 'I)d SEO. 68. b.. truwl Pt!~ ur dlrC!Ct?!' wbo ple 'ulluo ~I ~uch cUIIII'III'l; 'and In IIIC1ltfn," but ll.mhllll·ch t.1l rronl /Il. :cerrl'r' .Dd , On the .J71h 0' 'J oo.,' Ua1nau "'UUl'" CUlllplitiae.t' uf•• ud lI' tbe" Ihlll IInel . tbl! the ,hlrd ".Ctlo'll 01 tllre actl a'nd 1lI"1I I!e ",lel' lur the Ifuvernment of II/ch cumpaliJ . may lie apl",roled uiHIef the pruwlall,m• . uf .udl ...rvllle, the .lIerlll' IIlId 'oulI~'.ble aro ' b k ' hi ' I I ~ d red ih. off'D1iy' H. wU al llie /Mad 0( 110.ecomplllla~ I.U be trcW.lhry IhltJlwlIiI • C'or••ubject tel III lb. reltrl':t,il/o, herea¥ler pr.,. . tilO. 61. That the cC:U llpln, pre. IOU. tu t"l. aei, Illd thllir .lIcn'lkIn Ir\ olDee.aliall authori~ tu rnake ..rvlc:e withuut •• w'eJl I ro e • I'il .e "'", I en ~a:e. ren e . 000 Ii I '11 I b b rebad " ,'I.... ,,(the c;utll~.iat•• ad \If their .,id"d. · . . , ' recc-ivllli .1lY; ~II. up"n .~Id ",idlle, "'\le peroc!lualctUcceeeion, by luth ·name •• Wlllll~ their ",lI peetly., courltiell"nd th'e unable 'lo cumlDand, 'Gura'Y. for poUcy'. m. a. a • w, w ,olOm. '. rap. ",idiu. 1"........0. Lo the kHper of .acb of~EO. ,60. TII.I 'l'Jaenuer tcn per eont· .),an aet up .lid ke .. p 'In , . ' con."lcuoUi .,1 may be dt-lIlgn.tt'd, Ind by l!IIcIa a.me relll Blld plll'llllllli pruperty of curporaLlonl ' ..ke. Idvjltd KIINUlh tu ' appulnt . Belli, 'cll J~,,,, tbfl yUllriC e",peror. a.Gb I_II Ihe .I.IN lletwl't'n ..latch lucll'ilereCI.I"e UIII "f tile capital Iluck of' luch cuRlp.n? place Oil Id bridge; D bOard, un which ,h,,11 be, Jegally. c'lp.t.le of ~nll" aud "bill ~8 ' lIable to ..ecullulI.,•• o~bur proP. j whll i.o ' knew 'VaM otlrerwille ' .nnnd ' fn~ Ib.lr blndl. 00111'1 hlotla, ....... , ..", .h.1I be. lod therealte lIO toll .1i.1I whllt be .ubll:rib~ ' I~ paid ia, ,l Ild our· •• hal1 be writl.en, p.lri'ed or priated, III • or p~ciltina, ,nd derelldillll: lull ••• od · erry. " P , b I • i. G . hi . ( 'eeI ·lI. olnll. Dllb' of the I.'ftb.Dd ~ lie ....Ivf'd lit heh 'II.. tllr tJie In",,,,,IIdI. puntutol, or Illy lun.) 01 Ib¥Ql, .hall, in r pl.ln Ind 1",iblt-1ml"ner. tho ral.. of toll .b,UI,lVe c.pacllf to acqllitl1. hoW,' .n· S£o. ai. All udlce,.. ohny Inwrpur'ted t I. Inll' mpoIIII Ie llree, mMI, of to Aea 0 ......It. to 1P'C1 whe • ata dUttaaee.unrll the ,.rll ( ~1 Ihe :r... d .... me lI¥weplpcir pub·'.ahod In tbe CCJunty'1 whlCII' r.. t81 or 'tull .h.n hu, joy, dl.poae 01, I ..d collno,, · .11 proillmy. co.nI PaDilll, or,~nr.ed IInt1er Ihe pruvi,I~II' /Iec~.. ll1j rebilined .t lhe he.d of Ib, _ • P...... ""I aMIl'a. , N'he u COII1pl.llled 'or iIIllIlI be ~ 111 rep.lretS; and ,ive wlice ul the tlrne" lId place for Iiok!· been jirB. cribed bl, the COllrt or, rUl.or prnullaJ. whi.cD tbey ,alY acquire of thi. let, Ihllll be rp..I4ea~lclr thilt lIale, mlin I rmy. A'ter I lIumber of untmpor. IIIt1eke.d 00 l~' Jd of .1ul,. The haW. 1ftlle heper ul lull" ,,,ta ah.1I dtl~a"jJ l'lllll !,cm-;elib, '"r Ute _Iectiun -.1., 8ve dl: common.plell .of the proper ' eo!!n'y: aud hy purt/aa.l'. ~ilnl~'uo~ til utI1erwl"", whf'lIt'Yer aUI Clump'lII. alllUcl"tillll or lint Ii.u el, III erery' olle or wbicb the ~ • I fierce .ad bloCldT oa.: Tb. Hall' . ·.neS ......1.,. tllll, eoalrar'J to Ibe ~rovililln. rec~,.. 'I,d Ille .Ieelhl" .,b,1I be !'lade by Ir .'Dy curnpiln; ih.1I de~.nd Ind rec~IYI' the purp!>.' of carYIII.,,'!ut lhe herc~o lo~~ nr Ia~reatter Inourpura. AU til n II t 10 r Ih~lI three ,10 OIle aariln artlllelJ wu admirably ..mel, aad 01 tbll"" lie ....11 .,.. IIft111t1 10 ~, thl' th~ atut:klwlden allelldllli lur .uclt pur•• ny ,"al.r ,.te uf tCiIl. thlln tbe rIte pno- -ucla IOClety or e"oc,.taul~; ,bel tocl, blve lillied 10 ".ct 111 ullic~r. at • • ,', 110, u' . 'wed ~o a ,b. 'D'. IA. "mille _ .. _ '"I Iwedoll.h10 tIW part, InJu~.tube ' ....... eithc:r periullaU, or b,1 prulty, lIud \.cribed by ..lei cOllrl, th,1. ah.11 be .ubjec:1 lIot Icquir. ur h!,lcI properl)' lor an, other the time delilln.ted, It alaall '" I"WIUI (ur were lIIor.led. Gorlt'!, relreated to the "" . G" thl d 7 1eiilI. ft'ecIYef,"" by 'C"OIl of 4ebt, belilr. anI eaclr .bMnI,ul c.pital ~tollll 'f'"~1 btl eotj· to. fine ul ten dull..... ' p,!rpUICI. . . . '. IUch compac.y, .,,,,OOla,io,, or _ Iell. ~nt,..r:Clbm.Dla ilt Komurn, wllf,N be! ~ nero • " oriel • a, IIIIII'~ • •, jua11U of the .,.at.. "''In, 'lu;llICIictllln; ,led to ODI yot,,; "I~ .llIcllJIa .to be.. 8~c .. 6.J. That die Clorar>en.a'l~n or, Ihe . SIC . .69. TIa.t ,IU~ IOCI~I, or anocJ"" lu, call !l llleeUlI1J alld elec~ ill Cia:. mlilled In dfll;lledl",etlvily untll,lhn".. u.~lfol'Jll' ~Dt,..rT to blllllu.1 CIIl\OlD. ' . ... U.., 1'OIII,lIn),. DloreClYer. llia~l be II.· periUlAl~dt!d ulle or wo~" 01 Mid C9rp.. I'rp;\ldent and uther olDeere of euc:b com· tloll ",hell IlIcqrpor.ttd, 111'1 .llct l!',IoI! leeh, _:hu Ihal.llaulil their ,e~".ctlve ttdi· 'my hid fulllinae t.o con("Dlrat' .n bllli,. ea~ liil• .,lf ill ~. baUI• ., Ue dill ' I. to 1111, ~ Injflred, lor ........ III.. tlolll (.:urpuralurl.) " Plnr. IIIt_n be regllilled aad fIllPd bT the ..1IIC'ere, alld will" .ucb rure. and relU fao 0" unul tbe lime .peeilled for tbe Inallal. . not call1alQ.~Il\lon bla .D.IN Coree... he .. IMII b, "'Utla ol_clt'" iWtllr IUIFrrtiE\:. 01. Tbere ~ha't be • prt..lde,,~ or ruiN .n" by. l.w. of .ucb COlOpany. frura lion., .. mly bl' nllce"al, .tlcl .a'"'teDt. or otber Ind iuue lin hpl~ln" IUcb .lec. e .. 1I0d comllllfRce 10 .ct UD the 0.011'''. taln db~11I1I4I prob~b~ 'wlalald " ~ iIIa\ of 'repair b, thl n",llCIt ,aroh 1.'OIDpan1. who .... U b. delipalM 'ime to lienl'. fur owa /l".ernlllenl alld III.. m.".... lion; and w"ellever a6y tnllOf.Jlllr.ltd corn. A, thl. 'pO/ot Ih. IImp.IID · IIII, .,. Aid , • 01 tt.. ..cOfllpaIlY · al!li the Inlpecture and l lru!,:, the nlllllbe~ or dirftCtc.or'.' and al. u ITO CREATE AND REGULATE U~N. mellt ....( Ite1l4O.1 allli Olbe.r aJlr..~. w p.n, herl!lOlnn, "rllllllle". or lIlat ' COlllmence ill elrae.t. ' . lb. III,O"~III. th~' th mftbt of the ,pe~ce ehlU b. ~ntliled to re~ l,uCh aitbUrII,niate olllWn .. l\le C~IDPlahi. ' UFAi;TURI NU (;U MPANIE8. f,rt tJl.lr ~p!e'lvc obJecll. . bl'relltl!r be ,'r,ltil.ed, under Ihe '''. . ' '. I"'ille or co"fJl~JlI elDotioDi hi Itta 1._~rrn_cIollar prr dl, ltoi' Ibelr _"Iue. b~ ill ~J ..JII\I'" lila, dPlrIlO.I •• W~IO m~y &0. 63. TUlt whean",r rla7 aUDI. or SIC. '70. I'b.tlf Iliid bcilrd of'. trtlltefe Ion~ of I"" acl, _hilI haWl _ tltlle Tbe 6rat ClJlfrall~l)l. aNet ,bt•• wert bregt. 'I'h. HUDprJa_ clIlIlIlII tilt ,10'll'ht.. h ,.11I1te paid '" the COllI...." ." the ~ IMl elected ur, Ippulaled,. .It,a r'lllllred tu pe.hi,ir., .. aamed illlh! fi ...t _lloa or thlll or d.lrec!1ore. a. la p~ided ror be. the lind for III Inqual meel\na, a UlMjurity ur commenced lI7 llrderl. ,011 &ll" 1I1~ "I .leI!)' .thoua b th" ,alaed !lothID~ bil~' . 11t.lloc;khulder. In Ja~.I'C!.t. , tII~)' II..t Illy n~' 011 the 19th bi "rov. the Hunllri. ' AI -d G '" tI _ .u...' • '.pl&l.1 be IU·~I~ aad II ''"'1 1.i1 th,n II r" lucll _urlly fur the '.lthIU, pt'rlurlD· ~ .el~ .Moeili. IbemM,'.e. IUr tber ,JII' the -,.arltlb uctlun of Ib,. act, .b.1I \j ttie COIIIpl-III""I. Ind ,tO tb • • m\Junt io ' .uce 01 tbe ,hni.. or Ihelr ulllile.... . lbe pu.;a.--or tlnplIilllln th, beuin....' of luln- ~jl/aer in w~olr U!.l n p'lrt, II, " rei .11" ""lIulll IOMttne ctllnp 'he 11111. \ Iii B elliot: '!lOtb \Ie .torD ed " .rme. ur~ I C9, 'b'rd tiIIenlle a~ 'h. eapirnlO o{ lena. j cua.pan'l. br Ita.bf·I.~ .. III~I ....q.l,.. Iltr III.r,lurinl, tliey ,hili, 'under their b~n.JI lIatl~1I or OUl_IIIe. luch "",filof. of the aDnuai ~.etlll' tltirfU!". ' a,. ~o , •0 , \ a.nA uf o.rde~ "'.- proll,," 10 ~ 1/1"~ ...lioe hi Ihtl pt. lIe.pe". . . ~ ""bich purpoltl .,,~b eQUlpauy .....11 ha.. eDd ...~I, mab a Urllftca".. lI~ilrinJr ur dl!""c;'or~ nlaY. . !IIi te.lvt'Ci, ur ' ..... MEa C" JOHNSON. Ker.)ep. whlc" WII brl\"ly beld ..., Col, ply wllb orde,../ ~ ctW ~..,,.,... lhe puwt'r, an~ .re b" relil au~ur l ...J tu tb~ Imounl o( e.pital ttoolllllc:e_rx. Ille tl~ .ctr .. ca,nele. ~I lrd .10 ctae . "'t~~, thtaact~ wlatch _b.U lie p.ld of lh.J-I"uoll u l Rf'prHelllll,iveI. ualil h. 1.11, mllrtall~ woun!!.ed i, on erllmlat allenat b _Dt Meanroe ~ .... "'~..If. ', mMke "'cll rul~,I. reaul\rtlua •• ud bj .l~w. I"'UIIOI of eacl!. 'hllr~. ~~tI na!l!lI a,!d P"!lce PC'IIIh'11 out la ' Ibe lI~t, ••,lth,' !'.ell.. of ' W ILU"'JrlIl.EDILL. , . he entertd troDltlclt. At ~e cCimal.lld. H. re.ched the rIO oa &be Il10. d. That In ClIO cihll, .,.Clner, II Da" be a_"'ll IlIel' r'lulaltvn. wher/! .qcli mlnufaolurrll\f etlAibllllbmeilt ,hi •• ct. ~lIr Ibe ~~IIUIII r!l",IAc;.. 01 , Fte.illepl ul lbe I:HIn~t.. . Ge~ Enllel'lrdt ~I\tered th, . . I ' ~ cW f I. II ~ ~ cIe.th. ""I,,,.tlon or otJlerw'iII. 10 In, I\ollllCUn a lo4aat "i\lt the OUllilitu\lun iUld ·.h_1I b. locattd, the naml ' .nd liyle ", ardd. bo.i'd, aDd mIJ"r:lty ,0'( ,Id t:;uat"'a ' )(1y'.1.1~1I. • P . 'II.. G Fj It ,; ~ lied ev.n al ~I I '\'!, til •• 111 , , ....... 01 cHrectoN 01 '111 ""hI.d. turnpllt. I..... "I Uti. ~1.t.. ",bioll IUch compa"~ I".U be IInuwn; .lld or dlreClor••• hlll. ~e a IlUOllllm JUr I , en, comm.ad. <.Jorpy oa.I"•• ~ort tllM beer , ..lit road eve II, 11 Ihllj be law fill 8se:. 611. ..-Irere .b.11 be .0 annual , certilitatA ...b/lll be acllnuwleif&edl ClrtJIItd IflnHctllln of bU.lnPII. . w/th 'great 1011. lei hold the OjlOl P ••,- 10"' IUDOuaced to tbt .uthorIdn, ,,~, IIJot. ,.... ,Ibla, ~ teI.ppo.a~ a di. ~11II' 01 Iii'. atoclihuld~rI, at a PI~C' I arod lutwirded 10 I.h~ 8eotettlr.l of" Stllte. GIN EI\,.Ar. P.ROVI~O~:IIl~GU. I eortlC, that ~e fo~,olnlf I.... . fine Thul two dlyt.'oni, of tb.• ell.mJ w",.. vIc:- would ~o 10PI'r .ubJecl bI. bra,. 811 .u~h 'lflCCnCly"anii lhe ,...n tlNiciNilH b1 .aid direclJhl,10r th' putJlUol:8 recorded aud copied .. require'" la ' the J,.ATIN", IN (;ORI~ It W OX- , been correctly IlOpled lrulll TI,e we.lAIrn ,uriOUI and rntered Tran.,llInla. whil. til 1 !It ' " _.111 I tilt eu ItpUt.&f4 ...11 bet a ' dirf'Clor III: IUe/I , of ...et'lII IIfII~ w/ao le"IIIII h.~ld theIr ..ecuncl aeellon' or thl. ~et, .nd w!ten 10 PA1';t ... tI. . Stllr. whe .... th" eppelr. cettljled tu by rd de ted lAideri alld H... tel t r c"... · u' .. _ e.p ~1 ,. -pall .Iltll til' n.xt lilcCeedln at.tfil ofli," ubtlllhe n~d anllual eleet!un. and 'ncorporuled, they alft' hefeb, authorlld SIC. 71. All CUCllpci.I IClI Int:OfPClN. Iho. V. SlIlauer, A~ililur or tbe !hl w.. f.a " , 10 .ccord~ac:e wllb hi' ow~ W/el!fl. IDII 4 nnlll bl. . .ocellCll ~I"I be uatll Ibrir .~ ... arll duly cb'-lIl to t:ar'1 un Ihe m~n'\ faClurinr' operallo•• ted III thilt atlt., alld .CIU. dulll.ltuli. CUUUI!. · . J. \,;. STODDA~D. fotcl'~ trled to collqDer .tli' ~"rle,h, liu~ 6(hl. Ullcoatroled. bl ,ral conUlWld" 'l9r ~1toct<'4 "hd. .. " oflet,.. .blll haY' tlllt pue,r,l . • up~r· J "'llIed 10 Ibr ..Id~.rllacate oriaCOf~ratiu~, n!!l'l, 1lI1" .c",:pt .oy of 'he provlalu.. ·or . . ' D.pury Au~nor. were drino ",ell 10 ~ron.!.aI!t '111',b 11lII. th.' Il\d'~lId'Ace ~ Ii~ coullt"." (K~. SEC. ••• ThilL ..hellenr t.o or lOON ia!enclcwCl 01 th. IS.I ... ul tbe I:OIllPI01" an~ by the nat'" W" oItyle, pru.Ii,l8d In ,lid (hi, Icti,nll ~ Iaea. eo .ereJl1e'l,'::. "!""' W·1 n• IVIU... ObI0. ISba. . B..m 110"1' 11.~i,ned 10.il,e .cene of action, lad Hlin;. Wat p•• ts.) DUI . . . . . ""npl•• ur p'liDIt ".ad COtllpalllel ....... 10 .Iid '''''I'lmaaIVUlI.nt ~tl ItII blulla, _,•. ~~d Cflrtlll'·i"htl'~lI.l~_~ dHII~Pdlba ~:trd ~~ed~!I:!.lb::r S~:Pl:i::: portlo:l~r _ '_ _ drove tlie RUI.I.n. oui of Blltrl. 011 'I he ,,!II' unpopular wit/! tile ana,. : " . . Gor~1cI'1. the.. wl... Into •• ,tD,1It co... DI.y c. ..,.ell llIee np u .e ''''''.' , ale. • I _u._on. a.... '1 ch ., _.' I .. "b ' I ' d " .1 • ad ' r J 11 . r --~ Iii ,....datI, t1M7 aN heNII• • Ulhor!led .all hul4ere for til. UlIIMatluu "f lIuwln\!.!l. UIOCI.l~. ~ .nd . ... Ifn., IhaU t~rll artere IUCOII.. lteat w I • • proII..t '. In on . ~Ie .. , 0 U : 0I'1lCU eID 1'1 ,01 t.oletjler ..,... or )11 ·ow~ Clique. ~e"""eo totlo 'DIh. ..... II~ t 'B&c. 6&. An7 C4!rpUrldun. torraed IIn· " I.,. lbll.me . IfInerl' colpor.IO pU"l!r'I! ,9I.lun',of .thl••rt .... lIrreb' .' bl ~k to Bur", P.... The &eklcrl nOW who relOl.iicltba' Ke...fOII I!bould Jea" ·...·IIlI1;ect· IO the ';10. rul~. a. .r IICt, ••Il bctv. Iu'l ~po•• r; it • , .. II .re pru"lc1e~ 11I ,the thIrd IOctluD Df thl~ ~d !~:.!'! ":I:p~::!tI ruyl,,10n. mea•• vl&oro,", "/furt" ulldpr' 'heir c~ler Gorp, .hlU ID COIIIIIII~-tOID. 101... ID .. \lit I"" II'I·G",I \weal).I!f'CO,ut .lId -pallT, to _aullctureell'" ..II••1Id \0 act. Illd ~ubl~' to III \lie rHtrlcliuDl POI t. . tlh p II _• •p th Aa &eneral. O.I.Sand_. to eapll lhe 'lI~ml u 10 .., the, would ..ne uDder DO ~. hi .., ' 'I IU lurta"b AlCMIIa qUill til in 01 ... or watt' hereafter p"",,,,ed. ac • ~...c:~p OIMI D.m.... IQ .. " II II ' ' . .... QIto~.IIcIIlltt'~I::a:.t..:::~ '!:I-:~ to lIIay ~ re,ulrl'd 11I11a. IIltJ, . IOWA or WIll· Sm. 84. Tile .naual 1II""lIa, ' or the ..ct'on .re reqalrecllo IIIll1e~ .utlrel, lro", th~ 'OClatr.,. :At rat I .~ ~th,r "a~. , .....rue-compl~" utd CMo rRIATI: AND &EtJVLA'~B MAO . .... wl,ent 10CIlit'd, lor JICIbhc .lId prrvlte .toellhulden ....U be h.ld on th. IIr.1 !a ~e lIe,. lipa"" pr ael)~~ were .uecellrut, blit .yp,erlor IIl1ml!t.n, ror PJ ftma(aocl,.t the head of bl' lruo...at, wltere \he P~;:.Nf~ I l(ft"C 'l.'KLEQ&APWC COMPA. buJldin,..OI' fur utber PUrtJOWIOIi liad lueb , "~uda, 01 J ..nua" ID e.ch )"Ir, .t wlucl) ~ 1'0& JJfPJal.EJ")t:.~CBJ . cell lJt'm oul 01 8ililril, 10 ilri la, O!J& br }low ~"eCl to cut Ibroup lII, A. . ItIES. curpurall"n IIb.1I b.,. puwer tn lay e ,a· mtelln, tl,e diraclu,.. uf the conlpln'l_hl" I' ':d.:!i~~a te~~~L:' ';.D!fI· the towa •••bOl wa. lfed trolll'" imbUeli triaa arID7 ad .... bta w.T lata a pili be elocled , anef ~~hhln..r~~llh~:u~~:I= f1~ii~n':r ~ 1OIa"':'I1 44. 'net whlll",r anI namber ~'II' eotI ~Otllllr IIIlwrur.,.· 'hruu,h , do .1. _ _; "11"&11 ro~ TO ......1 VIIIIO.. at him. bul ml~D" hi .. mortall'l t¥oubdH or the t:fIII~'- wbeN.It, couW ec:c 111 be .., -. ft'qtIlnrd .... lhe If,..I aectlon .... aU'ft&f, la-. ....,e.· .nd "I uarea iq l np, u lh • • t0•• 0 uer. • L'II • .L .. ...... _ I . ' . .J L k I h" ....... hi' .faij.-..'......,· v~ ..rch eill tu.. a or ,iIIl.e .. ilb tbllcc,lIlflll _ry lid prupt'r; alHl"bould thq rail to ptaall ..... ,erl .tdb, the 01... 00: ..... u Jlll7OIIOIl.. .Id ....e.comp. II ell ea, '" a r-~ u'l • .p,le..... CHIt o( ra"plll JrOltu\h. for lite - . ot ~:-~ ":i=~ of tbe u.~ulcipal ,,,Utorl;... of hid C;Iy, eleCt lIiractu,. II the annual meelln" ~e, denl, !*,.rfll':r. or clfrk. . ' I ' _ .ide. Tb~ wu the ..euM "Ualll\. fill" In, (/I" Ill,aiu h~ "a"OI' e PU' Ql' b. II .... oritrtJo Te~;:! tJ!, thall 10Wb or 911 .., 11. lad ullc1.r .ucb rflIflUlllble , IIhaIl' huid a epecl.1 m.,.t,",.t 101Il!t .ub· SIC. ::. ,.dl CO: p.IIJ vf.I::~' la' cOlnlllU '110. un WJa&. on hi. life bJ a~lft.tlo ... BfID ClI"linued (orce. tu Buda, b. . .aile. kla.el( 0( a ha IIWr tIaeW enell.1Id _I .. ..:eke a e.t\ir: rep1lltiuU.I. Uel -y PI'C!I"'r~~'111 I II'flatnlll tl_'I!~ ltb PUf~lOIJIb'. Io·'..lw .;..~~_, UNta or _ ' bit opera'.... wllll .. 'UCCt'1i uatl1lU-~'iTOr lit had COII..l&ted.... _ p- I lea" hl"'- , .... lit II ......1" .l 8.&a 64 TIae munlor,. .u...ur PI 0 di IrtJ aJ' no """ fll'f'bf, In ' ~ . , ,...-, .....1 -~ I.;r;;; 0 -'~T a"l cj;)' . 1 WI CII' "II... iI. willA .nlpi potJll'r or . .acral cirC9latioD la lhe cool,lo'. other prnpet\1' lI,rlN!tl, ot' 'rMI~,..ctl,. lot CHAPTER XI. b.ttle or T'II\~,.n, (wlalc:h 'DoD. tile JOtIl or laly, I!~ lI09II, uaW ....... lie "_n~"=: l.lIt :rl':e, ~",hy ~al\ ~. 'lrJ"olRli Tbe dlrecl~ .h.11 buill their ..... .Dalil ,a,,), w'l:~::~~, :'~t.t.ocreeTn AtlftaO·All . .wa InAI1011. 1.lIeebitb w•• tarrfllllj rlln~ H"D""~ ~4ta~ t:q \De ~ eM Wnilal uf.W Ii... or linN. IDd ~ ua ..r thillct. I,. 1M r 'I, .!'tb<oril!ecl.".cua- CII." I I C I _ are, ~n aDd quaJi8ed; =~ 'l'wu IDODtbl bad '-a ItIAred t.o OIl ,,, 'a, • ".at lit.. I.rk. Jut S.'''D bill o.Jj ...~ _I, I which llifo ':1 " .~ r.:;::I:;:!,'i::' ::r~'t:::A :.t~~. ittl,~~ Jll'a:": l~t~:~Cliu,=~:~ IIIC, '4, That the ba.n! of 4ltreetort Or ""a, uaimpr4Wed '" QCIf,.,1 ... ia ...~ "",a, 011 1a.lOltt he.t- _ I detach .......... \lit ...,_ . . . . : - . ~lrtI......... n' ::,111:a--tall~ot llhel...................l1li :l~r the .lfCdun, ,he electore ",all .leel tnIIteee. o...., .-pllI, 1I'~lo~ore . ..... ample I"'paratlOllll weN taClila .".1 willi. force ....1e ~Il of the,.~ .A.triaD lII'1D,f ..tore 01 .:" aha,.; 1A1. .lIch cl.!1. 'u." or 'IIt~I!' 0,",01 tbtIir nD"" pawldrtD' of tb. ; . ::r.:~ or .b~b mr :~~~!'...,. the "eta, anCKblr ........ A_ the latter.lKtl WII (CJI'IClCII to retJre to 8" j Bul 1,Ittf • .,. ........,~ ... tic ...,.. . . . . . U M ICk"",,~ TO l'&E~ TI A"4 D REGULAT£ poralioa, aad ma, appoial .... o&btr w'lb t~ .rl::! ,..::., 01 ~ bia. dritlll ta eau.lLJ. bed beta COla- 'l'haDla1 .... I'oWnr......,....«!' ~IUa .......-...... a ~ "_erMti l~l ~"te'1 01 ' 8Rl00II: C".p~Nlrd. cera ,lid ..... t. . . th., "I, ~"""r: a . .pilot .r the eb.rw of ,e.... teI.-.....r . . &otbe 10 ror.. the 1'1!1lhIlr Ad • • of . . . • .... .. I &be - - 8ac. It. Ta.t .....,.. • ., _ " ' o f ~ dteIr . .I......- ~~ w ~... ___ • .." rtv.r lDed __ - . . : .rt _ _ ..... I" .... ~...uo. •• 1the '1IICMItI1 of ~ ...'iM 10" ....... tit. u'lta...... •• eLI l1li Car, to . . . . . . r........ Tilll,.ad t " , . . an 'L..O.,•• ,...... Id .. : :::" ... .:: ~.. &loallej. lbla 1ICIl,1Iiatc:I........,n..Jtllltber ..,' to thnI dlelr nda ...... the ~ the to ~ 00tF 0( 10 IMI$ _In. ..,...01 CIODWlICIlItt. Wi'" umlwlltll"fI!Il" II' .... .,............U rift - , -.n . . ca-. -iIIJ . . . .,... ... 1....... ., "'lIInIJi II ........ t• ~IIJ of .ater 1.- ~'f Btata. boaIII &0 1M . . . .Ioci. of tbenrtaq _ell ........... ialllDDacil .... Jail IIUa rwo. llanI. the . ,.....~ IIeftedc ........"". ............. laltllt'" ........ lntrICI ... ~I. e-'ltNI ..uer ............ _ , WI.. dan Wlliq'" . .I, ~!ItI!,.' h"" to ~, t ....... . 1......1.... r-"',..
. Whlt, \,y" thll W"'.....rk ~d deep In,tbe I." 01 !;bal aId dl", lorll" ' HI' hella 1II pea", ul~, (;~t a. tbe dOWll o( Ih.. IblaUa, ~ i"o .. 1lacI wliada Ibal blow. . ut. r"AlDed wller.1,bj S..~lilul .1181."', , .' . .lIu\lMfIol :o\le 180 1 S,1l hla le4!t oa Ib, hll ~I" "'tlry, And. ona ~I lbir ',U"U~ID .~.. l ' nl&4le. lar DI)' lIu1, bro'ill\rr:' , . A Ilcd or ,cllow Ie....
\:00' c;r
LA. \\T8 OF
"y ..
.. ,.,..10
.,ocI "...
.... "
::?i:.. "! I:
.....,.=-:z. : ..
~'iiiliii~i~i'--i _...
,,::-'011. ':t,;:"" or ...
. . ... ... u... ..........or
. . tulia, Ii . ..,
- w_
. __ .....re.a-
. . . ,- ,
1-. ....
'!.coa. ........ ,..,..,...........
_-...... *".......;; ----
r..... r:::.i:
At we lb•.... .wtb.11'.,••••
c;....,. ,.... ..:
.......,., ... ..::.::...:.,:.idt e ....u.. •·
.... .;, wb::::i' _,1ft '''ruyp
lID" r,
.1IC.aIIrat ......
tile,..... "
a. a'
' ............ f t • •_ • . , ....., . . . . .... . . . . ._ . , - - -. ...a . . . .
_w .. 01
:-';.if."__iii.""". 1fI
"Til!, D' ..OC....TIO CITIIU" i.lhe thle new,pap.", tbAt will be wrnmcoc'ed io
, .a
CAIIOII8 and pilil... bur,.a" e~ter • • lore of the Shlrt-Sewera" U 11100, SCreet, QII )(lIlI,d., morui", c
It~rgr"."olr Nfodltd. Tlulro ill In lISei"l, .. mftnifil.t lveraloD
io chlAn,,,. Thu
buman' /II';nd I, inclilled to nOllrat". prllll!jpl(l~ . and \/I.mutlun. i~
., Beech Gro,e, O~lo. ,J ul, Hlth Ie5l1.
I.... OIl. liUoII 110m Allatra "'Ill . . . . . . ., ......... at ........,... llllvut... to our people. Ie TIle IlIlII'IIaI t-. ..,or ""IID, br.ad. whlob belq .. 1l111tCIOIU ..~ tIIltllarl ... til PII,·1z lIIo~th. Ule~ bu., ual",raall,. I. rralll ,,,,,, .Itlonal ".,. lIuUu.......... at dll. JR)r t.86 bl...ln,,- We wer. Itnaek a"t at Tdeiltl.l'llI:e' b.'UIDllnd, .lIlm'" "hla I toD~'lIlOf 7;6'fC,lIIt,86&hJ. wlthJbI 'Ine.quIUJ, or br..,1 at OIlr UQo Uo.nl',lIpn ~.JlIrl·r lIumWr or 'boll," aad a lreli(e~ III. Aud.11 lbe eatlar houle. Imount of,tonnlaltll.a w.....r celll.true- Trlut. Itlld Vlenn. Wit rem.rlle" the :ted dllrlp. I~e .lIme , period. Thete ulle~et ot the, breld. Hue we e 6jc>}' lh~ 11'1 " .t.am." DOW 10 pro,,- of.~ luaur,. Nor II it , luxury for Ihe cqmplello.ln ., &h. YI~loUi Ihip-,.rd. la rich .10De. Th. lime ",Ill .wce~ Lreud ~~~~~=~!!!!!!i=~==:~=~~ tbll vlc:lah,. We hew a,';en. onl N- 1.ln' llI the bake .bop. It prices which en. marlc lbe OIlier dlY lhlt llIllAb~.t bulldlt" .ble. all cllllllel to I,~rcb ..c. J::nglund hu "' •• I••vio, Pittlburlh, (hbere are any cunlrived, bUlllalll'ly. to .:I"e 'cheap bread' "....=;====:3:=~:=:=.=;~C""'==== two oltl.. alolI, lb. rl•• r ~.t cap boGlt a to her people; bul AUYlria 'ufrurdll.ltJl1m.:h=="7'()JH~.y~~iN~~":"-_~i~!I~tjti~~dlo~!li';(.\ Unw compare W1t IIlIl., S6 buaw cheaper and 01 ' an elleellent ~uali'Y, ,and 84 bllilc!!Jljl. mlkln,. ~Ull of ~6 bOQU J d~ not "poi Ulot thll .eerel ((If mak. till.!lle, ,51 bel ana lI.t boall1 aUIl1~lnr ,,~ bredd ClIl "" oomlnuniclttrd: • ;71 or.~we .111 eh ..erfull, , publMi it ,J uwi?t: 'to lome peculiarity ilJ tbe •• m.. In tlat{ .b'!ve we ba'lt .\lulled fluur. or in the 'VllItlr; Ilut I do kuow . til DO bOllt th.t II Dol 't:tljIU, under I1on· fhat th" art of m.. kill~ fur I\m~rlc.n p~ollie ~''l:e~.'II,j~llh tr.et· 'doubt"•• lOlli' ,bay. beeu onlilted •• uch brpuclill i* ellten lhruugljout AU8trhi uj:'luialtioll of hlcaJcul"lI .: W:e ~bll!1 m_otloD .ucb . . .oon .. we are IVllulil bo ' mlcr" coanhlant or t11~ r,ctl. . VIllulI. ' "
"~h ~ralaJ
Falou,.-rVL P.CTualt.-The 'rribune cumpillltioll' or u~ciul Ilc., th"t out of 16,000 criminal. "UI"""'''''~'' 'I to 11,0 tOrlllle of Nllw York CltY., lho pUlt yeilr, over 4~OO 'were ulllier 21 y",rs 0\ I, ,, I lie! An~ o( t!Jeae, .blUI 800 were De. tweell the 'Iee oC IIlne Ind Glleen! A mure frirbtlPI pioture hn aever lie ell pre· 10111 led lu .il Y coulInul,lry. Hu.w gluomy II}tllt 1I0t lh. luture' lower o,er lh.l ollymight" it Ie Irue,lD wel\lth,llI ente ~pri{e l'1d .1Iergy, but lIIighl) .1.0 III wlckednull Canbot the ,re,t Oity 01 ~ew \' ork db p~rta,lrllm JI
W".llh ,iDlue.l b1 tbe lou uf_charuel; r, .elf.rClpe~t ulld virtue. i. dl'IIr1y "urchu-
R.~.~ /lot liookt .. lUlie, -buI DltP; aad "ul",~v l chldIY . be (Jllre,lui to relld tll"dclf. :'---,-":-
The eteamer Jlcub St~lder; it Ie 8ald. I' ____ whflll c:uO\l'letf'd, \V HI CUi. tll'o lum oC '185 , . l'a ..oHWu....-'l'ht!Puiil eorreepon · oOO,lInd oll ly 40.000 l",sJI Ihen the E~IiJld~nt of Ihe •Cb.. rleltuu £veqiUa N'elv I \ wrile~:
'UdlC!! dille plllllicl, at lhe tll,tauran',,;
tb,. Gla, b.. "'eerl al .11II1J~1 I,., 01 tbe :,.,lIiulI.b\& ~,ell
lI\eut. (u
S.llIlelll.\lU It III nut
aeco ... ry. tu
,U inllab thell! e.tabtl.b
Wit tlll ·I •• r
.~J[, Jut ever"
tbe, III" be I rn II/lied I.. ' Dr Iii. ""'r. ~II llie llpell' .Irelit, t!IIJt.~ed III tbelliell'cIMLle UCl!ullutlul1 'If aippillll cufrl!e wi ..e, .Dd tlt'CJlIlllilly lIulUelhinll .lr.OIl,.:r 1J1." ('Itllr}. 1 1I'IIUld Dot like to
tb t tlli. wu a ver, .r1~';'l)r~ ic CUIIW'I' but btl" IItverthl... leen ula'I' t..blullohllt ~.liuth i.n.I~' 01 tlit o.,O.e hDU." aDd
,."tliide. a..d I U~tDDdth.t IDII~ ; DI 'nfll!ct .... .ro In liI~ he~lt u' ~.l.lillj(
Wlle.t, ",' bl,' Curn." ,
thtil" bUl,.,w_f. atlend~ b'"lIusllaod) tiN'I..,. (lr t~t1ler. no olhllr hhll!ve I.. UuwtCI Ilere to aewmp • .., '1u~1 .In,le• , or •• IIIM) IU tIIat an 'ItI dl:lmfl.t't oecuJI,UIID I~ not t., .DlU"- baraelf b"oi.., 10 • CUDeen 'n a"er'uOOft w.lk'WltiJ inry.coulib.' heae .r. reetrlcl'OD' whlcti our r.Ur.INU' .t.to " f m«;lnllty bu yet lou04 It Dut'e~.. ry , til Idupi, IDd Dolbl"i be I~ hillie.I'. lb~ wltl'Ilve de, ..., oHemale vlrt~e ...d mud •• • 'l hatbel\1Fowu.. It1eI.
Dutil'".," Qlt:I, 'f/ dol • Oula, , 'bu" . i'luur, 'f. bbl. do 'f cwt. Diltter. 11 It ilVl", f dOJ!. Lard Luou. 11 lb. POlltoea •. bu. Applel. 11 bu. cfrijld Cbidee"I, , dOl ' Featben. ~ lL. ,
lID' J
~rlcb 'l"en~ recellt17 t~ok
Flax Sted
1l bl!.
~~N':i~NA~I ~RK'£"'S.
,oduw, til:,
1;118 the .... pllI"'lI 01 fil' 'betlu.b.I'I' wllV
Pepper. f. • AU'plce, , ", Ll!1tot S,lt, f.' bbl,
lbUab.ad'.. dip"'"'''' by • lI1'odemlo vi .buUi 1I!.!1.'1prvvl.. lon dealer \0 ~e belilf.
h ~,~ I"d n~ . kindl, t~elll~ .111et, er
iadd.DIy 'btum. &ormented 11 lit tL. ".,.n . , " II\ODltet.-je. lou 9· w.,ch~ diIlpIlU, "Ie eYfl')' atep; dcterlDloH UPOD ...rial.11II 'er owo hi. 1'OW' of love uoQ&Mr..... wjtn...11II with btt own ~,... hlelofWttHt,. Tueede, I,at week WII tit ,...... Her bu.blnd mlde 0'" of hi. '~~1IIIIecI 01111 vpoft ,the gv'd.hunttt~. wlf.. H. Wlol ubfttd InlO lb. parlor. ...... Ill~ IiII~Ul" .1"eed, .1I~n .~d. "11 II" dODr bunt. OpeD aad .... pl'D1'J.i... I,.", wllW .t~ bfofvre tho rllte p.rr. WI wilt DOt .U.lllpt<to dfIIorlbe the _ .... 'l'Ire-h\J\l,td wl'."11fd t\.,.I." UII"ut her _I, the h.lr of"er 111111 .mI tIuntd ,., lrom lit, IOf.~ (\iii btr c1cIlJ,. In'~ .rlap, ..icI..U• ....., M n......t".urde ta lIar... ad Ilielit \OrnIllC to b~r b\l8ba~, .-Iled hia h.1r (ruIDIlII.aa-"lChtched btl '"ee, blaelitcl both .... e111. Inel Cr{,hl,neti JiIIlUC/ ,bat..... ptIOroW!IIMa II. AUt IIMII "'n \Ii lI..hi 0.111 &at""'1 .iat.tl. The Tie ..... _.wr aa, ,et ,..., Ita. 11-1 Jli'lll«utlou; VDlU tMiI •• eappr-. Ita. • or the 'pudtl.-IOacu. O.rald.
I~Oc. Ij!c,.
New Orle.nl )fol •••••• "RIll. pOe. Barr-lIo'ole Mol...e ' It 6il("• )llple )1"1 •••,,., 1I,al. ",60(!76c.
.... pee·
A .>1r
lIIble illt"n bf '''IUltl·ellt 10 C.III"rDI. • ut Jon, liaj:I.lenlni be~11MI him a wtle • buut ~ ,.~" om l abe aIull.. , of 'laht dalhlln. ft'lOuIil.di!Hid . 'llftn Vlailed
\orb.lOII, lad .. hu.b'l1d alid a Jrtqtl.~t ~"llIIlo the C,UrU'D\a
N~:'~O;I::~: S:~.r, , i,' .,. ;~"
pillCe In a atte.t. &uKbury,
~w'lIinl OB-W~lhIDIIIIit 1I._clilll'ette. h .",....~U
Gil. 100.
July Ill.
flour.'!"Tllere w••• moder... demAnd only, lor Clour tu-dl~. bu~ the reeeiptl ., IDII . Ii,bt, prirel w~r. lu.taiDe!! • eomprllPd .40 brl.. at '3.~O; 100 do, '3,14. .lId 100 clo. eatra at '3,16, eeI.etI dUrin, the 1.1' ... bourl 785 brl. ("port~ .. me Ume 661 do. ' Proyllionl.-Tlle mlrhl ,rmlll..1 qulet_ ~Il"d lb; onl, iI.le he~rd. of 10 d., WII twelll, Ilhel., bacon ,.ho"ldera I t Gte.,. pU.; prlrlll ar. heW It 'c" nd .Id" (rIb. I..) ma1 \If: qu.,ae4 et 910. Nothhll In I.rd; prl 1ll8 btl. <>It'eredJor IIIIN thin lOco 'biaky.-SaJra or., brlt. lro. Mi.mi ~D'," 86 dO,lrom Wb1lew.~tr.do.,'D" 360 W. rrolll &Iver at 16t«t., .nll t~ do. f!'llm w.,on, It IOlc.-ludic,lltlr' ~Idy mDrIiet.' .-~':-~L-;",:'-; Cb.....~S.r.. of lOO' m. -44~., I!I~ _-.:~_ _-:-_ _ _ _ _ _100 do. at 60. Tob.cco.-S.lfI'of JI hI.. !fl" S Va. II. ~t l6e. _~ do. No. I do. lit JOG.; 16 d9do. ilt. 117.'00.; 10 d~. v •. IIvel It 10 do. at ne., au4. 10 do. mtdloQl do. .-•. IUOe. <
-".Iab '
ud . . . . . A J'raDCta,,..lua.n r• .... Ie til. Ira iD BoItoa. 1& wu ...... III 1100. Tbeae two ...lIel8lft11M .,..• ., INn of ...~ allll tile oaller ......,...o-bIIft ....lJ tOrII..... ,..... .de -Mer. .... III 1ft ..... ...., 11'1(. hi .
pa'U-, "...... ,,,.
_.0[ .....
A.bn.-A ..I.. 0{ SII brla. I""arll at 6c. Sur'" -&.r•• ~ 15 blade. at ec.• 10 tID. a& 0.-. • CvII'".-A nl. or 67 bap a' Ulo.. Ind 40 do. It IJc. ~ da.lmlla CAit•
.-at .....
mi.' fa......".... ..,"-It a f\IrtlIerl QOll. .~a t.llck.CJ apwah• . , , . ......... of ......,. 11M,.. lolter.-W........... -
. . . . bUlle of ......, .. ....
a' lOe.
O:7Two third'. 01 the (olb w~o ~ to church do 10 beeau. o i\ i. fuhiunable. We We •• w II (1II1ny' .pe4)tacJ~ Ih~~ olher 'day wonder if' the .. ClU.O wl11 e,er make equal ltumber Iww~e A ' d(>zen omnibu.el, with live r'ell/ht . ~lood. . wore abuutetarlillir 011 a 'pIc nle! when i _/1 ran b..,IIY up, .u,d 8ftld I';' a ,eo tie. SI1C~E.~";;~ FI>NAU P uyifi;•.b.-M mlln bfihe party, wtio had juuaolted him· "rloc.1 D. ' (iHlJe. in a "!If'r (rom Phil.delp,t ill to 'lh1' -ql veland J)tml/r~.( mro· " lionl ' havlne ., met with Dr. Harriet K. ·l1er.~ir. I Wlht tokDbW what rlllht you lIun't. who pr.cll.ed Illedlclne (or obe
. . . . . . . II "'1 paera1 tba&
- - ...... _
. . . . . talalDOII
\llet ........ ., ._1k:I1l1
I.h'I. rece " , Ilt 'llern,ur, I ' r UII.dII' r lIe I ' pen~ ' . ·,lJ ~ III ~oe con",,1 " At "'d ...... '''''h ' ~OnllreA'oDJll . "i1I1trIIl" Illall"" !lDt h.n ; h,,"o • e ~am.. 01 1"0 I InK ty of fi~e hUD~r d ,d~lh.lI'll, to 1>e rellU~ered jllliticol ', lull 'r4Pmee \y1lo will olBell\t~ ~ ~,b.een lR",~e,ot 119\ be,:nac{1I whblQ tbe bet"re. • ny (uurt havlDI;r c:ulDpctent Juri,. Ihe laklllll or Ibe depo.I,lonl ••.nd wl,en lIme r~qulred by".w utifUlr tit cerllSlI'I ' I:eedlnar r~n dullur'!,lor tho: UIIIl' ot t.he ~pUIl- the pull b"uk~. doal lho ~u'ne, lind .~iruct h d~Qhlo all Iho vulid, "y uf tho f18turi.. .IllurQ. diction ~ber~~ in qn ootlon or debt 'in the ' .nil where Ihoy ., will 'aUend ' 10 tG~e the 0/ III~c"on ,ball Ii • b (, ~ 4 d ty ill which he ur they Rlay re,~ l~e, ~IU lie. 'l~. tile clel'k 'u!' thE." (\uur~ '\t !!o"11I1~n ,p luu epid, bUl ahnll1te gov e~D~d' bY' the lIul!'lIer lI~me ul .the ~~"l1ty; nlld ii 5l1ull . be the ~I\m~ ; ~n~ .ucb notice .ba.H be lerved Il,t tlte pthuo b"IDI ~bo:ntll~~:·:':urn: ,',. • --' . 1 r~Clqvt'r ..d \Vlth CO,lll', belUI'I! lilly JUoIUce IJI tIt the 111'Ullty wl. ele Ihe re tu.rll 18 t6 lie j Ut' yulUd ~lule.J III tue , pull ~!i'"k.; ~ut nil dulY 01 ,the coull!y ~rlln~lIrer (\It thll time Illut ~en Clay, iJer.Q't,e ,lb,e .doy polllllld out thl! IHRhea\ aallllHtr of votu,. tbe .Secreta! ' 'I:hc mOI~tr·ul.jIlO i. a h~avtnl y a'oulli! dtl~lep.ellcw ~ r the towl1iahir, ill' all ueliun uf IIInde ;"ul!U lho pI/II \)ouk Ihll. ~~\lled. and pBp,or ~h,uli .bo r6cclved Ila ~' I?oll bll,!k of being. to III~ for, IIntl rorover ~ bo 'penalty lhorelJl, for the lllkini 'of the dep~.It;oJI'; r)H,f Blate.ln lb,' pfMtDCe 'of the GOYIIl' '. ' A~ I",.i I.IIl' blue ky t ...ildclh; " t. ~ irlJl:tllll , /O lInl,l be, co"vuy~d lIy title ~I Ih~ "lly . tOWIIKh~ 1l ur o~hor eleCI! I dlatrlct. un- IIfQro~fti~, for Ihe ul e of' Iho Clounty. : ,! Pro,liled. tbat tb:a tJmo ". iCe~ UpIJII f()r III~ Qor, or.ln(bl••baenee.ln \hllpre.. nce pf ·'I'I'. ~ ,"ol.I"r', voj~ c~.'" (llu.J .. ~8'·round EO: 9. ,Thl\t f o';I" ,llco\or'llhull. In (ul l J'I~lle., W II," ileterm .m'd liy I,i ll. I, tbp~ Ie•• d,Il~lvereti ul Ibe clork." "rBco .lly , one \ ,Sl:o. SO.. .,·h"l the Stlcret~fY of Stille. king-Iuoh ,dopU.I\io~e · iboll not expeed tlio'A\ltlltor and Trealurer of IS~I•• wh~tt ., Wh. ' " d"l'IQlilill'r~.'m l'XIOl1d~\h'. vIew, I\e!\ve. t~ ~ u( lit' judge. III lI~e CUIll",t I'gr9{l o ll~ erW ,I~il ,IO 11'0 \llerk 9,1 tho th~ J~\lgea of 11!Il 'tllc.cti~I\' ~,el~ In .uoh on Ih tW~!1t:y.fir •.t, dey from l ile ,huldlng thlrlY ill" f!Onl the tim~ 01' ole~tiOD. .old relUrn. eboll be m.• d~f 'h,1I iJpen til, '.. «" 11 II)tI~_ur" 1001 ~ We<)1 in wue. oleeti~II, • lIilllllo 1!'11!llt or piece.ol papl'r, c~url or <,I'II~'~IlI0 ~ pl~u~ ul the ,cj)unty. Ilt tU1I'1I 1' '11.0' "Iectloll d''-1f1ot. . ~\)oh ,paciol clecltol1, or eooner. 1(11\ the 'S~C •.'.40. rhG~' lhe aald ' J\I,Iloel or ei. lime••DiI the "G~,erllor 'abaJl tertlf, tllo '.' >i:~~ \ iI\ IllcuwJ de-III ~Iao. . ' , on \IIlm:\t .bKJI ~tl wrllt"n ur pr,nted, Iho hh' ~lll ue <Wllhln lWI) duy~ (,urn tl.o dr.y , o( .8£0 , 22 . Thulon tl\e .eco.~,d l'ue.doy of rlllurn. sbRIl bo recpived. In the pretence thor of thelll, IbQII have pOll/er. and are _11m, ~o tho Spe.lier of the ~ou.. oJ B.e'p" , An;" uw~e l in r"'lj)II~cll~o. lIu(lIe 01 he pereulltl , v",I!!d lur. with u Ihe ell!llllOII; and Ibe othor p'uli buok, : October, elghleen hundred' li ud a lty·lWI), of Ihe Govern',r. for th u,timtl beln" (or i ,ulhorize~ lind , r~quir"d, to Iellue rCIIOl1tllt(ve. or !jle Uni}ed,St..... l'rli tlelltdI!8i\l'IU~i~1l qr fhe o~eu ,which lY!lllrlll\~u 8D'1"1 ia nul .otlt~r~i'o d~''puaetl and at ~yery pcrlud or IWu rOd" therear. hlb Illlae nr.e.itl the prl'l. enee . o' llie Audl. to ,II peraon. wh Ie te~tlmony S£(I. ,6l. Thit Ihe. • berlH'. grin. dlfl'e:. , Our mnll'6r'. Y' ,iw wit ' thll cr.dlft IODC 10 ''', Ihey IIl~Y bo IUtl:udlld lu tih ~ :,01 uy II~I ~ ~ct> Hh'". IH~ ~e~u~ l lcd \'11th Jlle te!" till' elBclorii ur ,e~clr cong,r~lonIlJ .lit· tor ,llild :rrellSUrtir ~r 8lDle who Ilfe ' hore·, "1 e.\lh~r tit" Plrtles; ent COunU. . .611i taoll recelve " or tltelr T". hnl)'.h~1l U. t..yomi ,It olher; ' "SEC. I~. 'I hot ~hll JU~"1l III whom IIJ1Y l<~1V1l 51I1P cltlrk, or clc.rk .,1 th~ ~Iectlou trlcl .that 1I0,V I~ ,or whloh '~1II11 herufter. bY"'ljulred lorthwuh 10 ..uell~ tt 'Ilte of· tw.o Jultlcel when mol,. .b~" lorvl_. p,lIllormed ulld", Ibl, .ot ttl, .fqltkkl.'l .hull be Ulfhv"rcd, .hulll UpVIl Iht', re· d,~tr":t . <08 Ihe C'I~O I,"y be,) wuhlll wree bp. IUId. 011' an~ eltllbllslted. Ih.1I yOUI fur 0 flee of the S ecretary '0\ Stotfi, on, notice Mrti(y ulI~er ~AI, IU,. tesllmony Iii-win, ftel, to·wlll lI'~ .dretJ.tD, tli8 ,. . ""ud..wll\l.lIy '~OIlDd.tll utl! molher IOfll:UI \ 4w Ihv lblll'boru j iojieill :·~luU..rj.. c~!Pt tll~ril.,r. , P""'OUlle!!, wltl, a,l nu~l llll! dUYI"!rol\1 tho d.,y, of rhe ~11"!lion. lhere t", luitable perl!on or per.llnsl'; ~'e~ ,e8eDt thi• . ginn by.aill ~eclet"'1,Yftn~ eocll. o~ the ~o Iuoh ~ntllflted e/Clctl"n. to tho ' eioOli!)n, lbe or' 8fly, CeDla (ur flctl VUIC~, till! Illlme uf Lho ""rOlor : . Dnd II IJ./) rl'lI1l1l11 fur t~e o~e of tl,e perso,n. who ,mDY BtlLle \1\ Ihe Oungr~... of Ihe t:rllltc~ StRtee. _(\lrelald .herlff.., all DIlly 'hank ~l'oper to n, officer of 'tile br\lncb o( tbe Qen- '~wD'hip. fn ,hlt eOunJ,. for "eIMlrl~ lb. . , Our mllll" r Ilmg\lO Ia lhel In .... hloh : objellli\ll, ll" J~lIdo 10. hlln, \ll/d <t1,e j "rile 'btl 'ehoo,e Lu In.pf'llt Lh,o .lio"!>, , ru r tbo term 'of t.wu yeo,!" tci 'i!olDp1ftqee 'IlJ ·ltend: .. hllll open the .h8trll~t8 lind cllna'leD,ltly where tbe peNon 'll'lioae, Ib.\roctl 01 ~tellQ lfi~ Secre'h'1 of Btlte• ,(Jur vuuDq /loul. ,IiI. 1 ound' .,lIt'r_ion, . • utiIlS.oJ Iii .. , Ihl! el~clo'" fa I , clt\leh 01 the I ·,S~I:. \10, "hll 011 tbo ..ix,h d~y ar",r *e the. I~~rth du)! ''?{ Ai rcll r.noJll \l\'r f\er, va.. lito va ea; and the 1Ic". ona I.'conte.ted, mly ~"ieiUrAed til ~erYe !II his olBee.'th. lIum of thtM ' riC/lim (ur AI"j,th. 1 ~ u r 11I.Ow, UO ulher *p.cC!1 U"ilc,-d StAte_, Iud Ipililly enliLled •• .leur"· el\,cliun. (or 8(I6I10r, In enle 1111 .the ret.,lrn,S/io. !/3. Tb nt the cler~ d\' the c4U of lJrellt".tn\l,nb~r or 100lee, .hall be .. t lIa {ief!t le..iop, . "'''y. t""o,,-I1,. mil,. ttQvelitdioalNl CNm " , ,!,u I'uur ~~ I 'bia lullJlo.rt» pUl ~ lu ". S~o! '1 , ThIll np per.on .hall cODtelt th~lr"Telpeell.~ "It. or ju~tlce, DD Cb. lug to (lin ' CUD~lilulloit ~nJ l"wI qf this Ih.l111 ~e ,rlade,) tho .u!~ olerk?' Lha ouurt (lOmll1o'" pll'ua In each couht.l. 10' wnose e.1I ~uly "Ieoted; 'lind Ihe Govern~r ' fof ~Ietltlon ot auy .e~.!pr or repreeeDI.- ne.Grellt u.u,,1 roul" 10 'he aea~ of 10 '11',0.. Stille, ~o v"te .t di~ ele~ llo,l. ho Iboll !m. ut ~ mmoll !llellll, tllklllg \U luft qSII.lunce- \ uffica .B returll of votel ~h"11 (i~ mail_ uti- tl",!!lielni,shall f"rt!\\vllh ~r.n$mlt"to \lIem 'Twa. _p<lk.,ll by .U lbn"e kblga or old , IIIedl.'Itely put Ihe tu:k ~ L hl til., bux, wllh· ' IWO IU.lItIe. uf \tllo ,peace of ,Ibe ,prupur d,'r the pr.,vi.III"~ of HII8 net, 5111111, In Ild,• • c,ertf/lcole,..f their eleotlon;, II•• f.,fllAlild. u,\I~.. he r. an 61olltor of th.t COUDI}' ment; whl c" reel ,.ball be allowed b}, th. Jt(lUlld \\ bf, lil q4r · b~'lioa. e.ll1on, OUL Inapt!ctiillf the ,10 milS wri'~IIn- t1leroun': {county, ,,1i.1I proceeil'lo open the levflral dltion to the copy reqllired tu be forlVard. S~O. II. Thllt whonever, It1lbn!110 b'~~ from which Ihe p.non I. retoro- Audllor, on Ib" certificate oC the' Se""~II. ' Anol II,. "'hu.... w ~ nl gl . Itlill aPlI IIul\i IIh~ 'th" el..rk~ or thl! ,I'Icqt!',1l ' .Iulll eD~er retllrns w.blch ahall' huve be!'u m~de, 1<) hili ed 10 tbe S~CreIQry . ~r !3LGt~ it.y the twen• • pen tliG~ 11\,0 clerli :of any to,!Tt of cQ'at> to .er'e. No te'll~ony.bll\ be reaelv- rt of I:Ital8. Iud P!tld by 'be 'l'J'laIlO~r or " \ :,I>u we 'pl'\J ~~ly Clurt ~u~ llil"~ri. the 'nllmll , of Ih" i ehlel.,.r, DIld, Ill\mbar. <lffiue, ftud to m"ke ab.truct. uf the voted In ly·firet ~ecuo" of Ihl8 oot, mill,!, out. trc\.1Jl .mon plell~ .hall dll!> bit a~.ent, ,or frolll b, lhe 'jUllll)01 on thot part oC' lhe per. State. ' " In 'h\! poll boo\l." .gren,bly to Ihe, 1'0(111 tho 1011uwl)lg mallner: "lJe IIb~trne{. of the return, in I,il ofB'ce.1I "I\pnrilt~ ob~~~\ an,. calualty be preveDted frtllll open!n, IOn conteltlDlthe Id,~otlon. _lIlcb doel no~ '8ac. /'il. ThJ "erT IIlch ,clerk (.1 I~ (lUI 1P0!l,er·Lli rlgue, ill' llla p80"le·. moulh; polnlttP out ill Ihe el,hteenlb sectioD u~. l' vutl!8 lIn Guvernur, Lieulellallt Guyerllor. \ of vote~ lor G llvernor, LlelllElOlIl\~, Gover- the returna of VotOI tit Any 'eleotion•• it "I'IIIf,8 to ~e polat .peol!\ed In ',tile noUaei courf,'or rrob.te Judr. the atD.1 \ hh ~.,rd. ~I v",¥or It lI'v8Ih; ' , tht. liet. , ' 1Setlretury u! StaLll. Audilur .01' Sl.le. uor. Secretary of Stllte, .Auditor o( "StII&I , .hllU be IlwfUl for bl8 depuly to diiclilrp, !' «Ipy of Wblch notlot .b,1I be d,II'tr.d he,a ,hili re~ellre for hi! .ervl~" p*rforl1l,' 'Tid luyeoJ In ,118, Orlb 11,01 ~I :Ib~ Bolilb, ,SEC . II. Thnt, .t'tho clole Of the' polls. i TrenBUrllr 01 SLote, and Atturne), Gflnt:rtll ; Tre., ,,rer of Scato, Auorney ,(len tlte dillle,. reql11fcci or, IIlct\ oler~, by I.w-; to tl10 .ald J"ltio.l •• nd b)' 'lIlem \r.nlmlt- ,4 under tbl' .Ct, the Mlo"lnl 'o~lt: ApillUi e!ilio Ihtl ,reell woud aivut!\. the pull bouk. ~hl.lll be aillllf'd by tlie jullg." , allilli bO ·1.>1I aile ~heet; ulid bWIIl;: .certified , men,bers!,! Ihe Board of ,fll~li ~ • ' 111' Ir'~h" ot!lce 01 clerk i, nat rr.prelentod , le.d to ,tllo pte.idllll n$oef of , tb.~ , br.ncb .or m~klnl 0)11 .brt~t.i ror "'l'J bua. , ~ e81 .lld Iltl6lltell by tlte 'Glerkd. IIld Lho j,blld lilCned b, lbe. j\lw(loet GIld olerlu, ,boll Judgo~ of 1110 SUpremI'l10 Utlr t,. unll Ro lIy deputy,l\nd IIl.ch olerk boIDI, lIbaent. 01 the , (OIlClr..1 i1l1embly wliere Ihe COli ';011 \Vor~•• tell ceOtil for eaeb , Cjlrllloatf Ouq11o ll)o"'IOn&UO IJka Dlow.r, wrealh, lIunle. Ihe.n' ill cOlIlIiilcd eillill ue . counled. be'u«'polilled III (he cllerk .. office, und. copy 'Ollt~til'ei to ·C ohgre8•• which .iIl .nJ wi•• ditIJlI.ali60d 'to te.~ II to ~. dllolded.,wltll tho C!tbor docu, ","h Ibe .011 of tbe court; IttachtAI 10 lb. Bnlb high .uilluw 11 enlnltlodj; Iud Iile lIumber 801 dllwlI HI tho roliL of Ihe thereOf, cllrtified ullder lbl! utlidl1J ulIl of 1111 Ind direct to life liecrl'lary 01 ,Bt.le. ~.l .11,11 bo tbo alenUI. " . Ilrut.lIlly ceat'; wblcb rOil 'bill be iI~ 'l'btouah hi.... luul. ul' our (lIllier,' breathe, Pllll'uookll, in the 1)1I1.,llIer ht:re il1ufter pro- 18ft'd clt'rk, ~hDIi I)e el\Jorscd and d'irect'ed tu aud endurs!: OD the uutllide or cover there- ~' • 1udp' 0\ Ihe ,SIC • That tbo method to lao PUI'IIl- low.d b1 the couoty Aadito~,on thll certl. , . Allu die uu. ~eu:llulli hold.lb. \ Vidrd. in thr fllrm 01' th" poll bOo~l. . . the. prewid.elll of the Benlte. nnd 'fonVllrd. 1»/, the ' loli~whll! ,word: " Ab~l'ilct of I "Ull" • . (\n ,..... lie1d. to ... m'bd eel Iti con'i e.Un, Uie election of 1.11)' Plr· 01 IUQh clerk or pruhat. ludp. (.. ', ' SEC . • 1I, Tilllt .nl!r the floll lIuok. lire , cd IlIltllethawly to ,UUl lleat or, gov~rlllRehl,. v01el ro~ (die omce~. In thle Ilectipn . nam · I' ,tely It,Jljll clert. ; "fIlee takln' ,to .,•• O~ Oklared dul, elected ~ruba~ judI!!. ma)' lie.] Iud paid b, the . " Our hearl8 ,peak ooly our ~olbtNon.uo. signed, In tho lI'\anller hereinRl'ler oC/ntlln- \)y mall; blld Ule \!Ierli.. Glol'"l1ld " hailll)lIke o!d. nallllQ¥ suol!,) r"LurnAd 10 the ~\l)rk," ",,"ncII1wo JuattCN 01 the peaCl'. of the ~Ierk th. ourl IIf col~mon plea.. Iber· , " \ n :11C1 know 110 flIrl!ta .U!lI,sta',lonj ' I edj In Ihe form of thp poll booll~. the bDI~ I uul anotHer certitied cUIlY'or the ulutrl'lct oftiee 01 (1"a\lr\!lIg tbe. nam~ of I~O COlin· ~ pro~,r county •• hall IhcD proceed, til '1p~n II1! ouron", counl)' .1Idltor, couOIY com· 01, Tit,. It , (or \1Ie "., II AloIIO. wb~lh.r wntten,pr .U"If. lot bOlle" »111"1 be openl)d, "utl , ~he b.llot• . 01 volee lortbe GuverlJor t LillUltlOllllt GuY; ty;") lind the. clerk thall "11n ,hll neme1 111 tho ,return. oj el~e~loll' (or lur.h coun· 1U'!I'lollen. county treal.U\'P1'j COUOI, , 01 ~_, be ~e14 WWch frU'D Ilvap can ruUIO a.llq\loa. , or liokelll Lherill tl c;ont"itllhl thall be tMh" erllor.,l:Iecretur,y UI ,lSuI~e, Autl ilor 01 Stllte. therl\~; and 1\ _hllil be , tfle dUl)' pf . il~e ty, wbloh !thin, line blleD' ,atlde to ~uch IlttU\lIY .urve},or, or proael;UllD( .ttor· opinion of laid . . out,onB at • lime, by one ~r Ihe jud~8. 1 Tr.. uufer or SllIo,' 111111 AU\lrtley , Glmerlll Clerk to' lorw'ard 'allIIn, a~.tr.ct to th~ S oc· clerk'. ulBce •.• nd per(orm Ihe lame dutiee .h." b~ u~ Ibe In'III~~e or . , c:aDd!~ to ".lIn' OUI Illd OUr mo.ther, leDllue.lry tI\" ,"I " ll~re wild, who ,baU relld di ..tlnctiy, while the tlllket j u glcire~~id, dlrec,l eJ, tu the Prl!8111el,lt rehry or ~IGte wl~ltlU , tw~nt.v. dave Ilrler thaL lire requlr~ 0/ tbo clerk or the cpurt or '~llctor oJ tlJe pro~r county ••nil b'l'a!feeD "".0 .A 001 III Ih.\I.t')I "00<l••ulllm ar ItI~~n,. . reIDU\II' ,n hla hind tho nnmo or namel Ibe Stlnate, lind deliver Ihe uUle to Il me'l1· luoh eleotl?n. , , iD sucb ~~e8. under ~bo rrl1VllloDI 'If thla II\~I\ In Ctoll' relpeet be Ilmll.r to ,tbe bOJl. conlaln. " Ifowaw< 11)' h tilulld •• liom OIiU or child. cohLHit,l'd Iherelu IUI~ then delivo'r 11 to the Jhor of the Gelletel A~ilellJbl):. to-.\he eDd S£Q: 2<&. 'fhat .wlthln ten ~a:y. after the act. methOd direcled.1 Irore... to be llIIriue4 Ii},. IDe1i: .D" . BI\~w"'teIi lrutu ti,e UjlII 01 , ."I.loJeo. '8ec\lnd jod.,.. wb~ eli.1I l'ullIlno the lillie thlit' the I\lUl~ mey 'lQ cOllveyutl ~ lite pree- 'flral dmy of Deeemu"r. ,iez~ . tler ,ucla S5C. a\l. 1'h.1 If any number of p~l'I'Qn.; thl electioD of leDlltill'l ,Dd lh. ;cb.!p ;of SW in Pl••• ura 1I0d ...... .. , In woe, Ind !»D~. II to tbe third llldjfe w,ho .hQII idullt vf Ihe $\lII"te. II~ Ule .e.Lllf lo,Il1llr,lI.~ t elention. the G.~verllor Au4 iB~ orel ry 01 ,I(re.te~ 111110 Ule nu,nber of \be CIOunty 'ofto lb. rnet.1 I ..e.bl~, r.rtlitr 5wHIlu Iile .mllkalh el:to, IItrill~ It u "'hrl!.... III.. d c.~Il!"y preecrve, ment; .lId aald olprk" ahull re.pecti~i!ly ell- Sl'lte, In· the aIBee or the Isc eret~ry 0T I tice,' d'rtlc\'1~ 10 be ftlled.• Ihllll be equ.lln that 'the te.tlmo,,"y ,ll~en .ii coubtlnll d". 'If~eD , I All" .WIMIL In r.cullt4lUbn. Ihll enme' the nine IIIcthod 11,,"1, be ob. , dor'" un th~ ellvelope, on outaldtl, o( eacb Slate In till' prPaenee or th'e AuditOi of "ute~. Ihe olerk lind jU~tIQN. o~ judlP .od Illd III m.ttar. hlltl". to web tbe ibl1;.cootlD· .orved in'rllireet 10 "Ith IIf Ih" lirke', . I~. lIupllo.le. "Cer,lfit:.18 of Ibll VI/LllJ for' eov- Slate .\ld Attorni!-y Generlll'l ,hAil open Ij".lIce. alorettiid. (Ill tlle . lIIIS~ m.y be~) IIpnte.l•• hlll b••ent to tltl' celllrt of com- ued unll: .b.lI, , , k~n ouL,O( thll ballot bux. \lntillho rill;nbel' ern!)r. LieUler..II~ Gu\,er\lur. SlIcrettiry tif , the retur". mllde to\I,e Secretary of B Ult~. J .bllil deterll1lne by lot, which of thl p'er'- m!!>11 pleu of thl proper couatl. on ut be· be lD la tbie ~ ! Itlken out 01 the bilioi. h"x I" equltl to the t:llllt!l. Audlwr 01 StilLe . Irre",urc~ 01 Slite. fur, member. or tha, Board! or Pubhc 80111 ahall be duly .Itllted. /C1r" tlie .ecqad "I}' of til. t.rm ~e.t !l.' Icl. numb"r of nalll".ln UIO pull bouke, J !llld A\)urney Gellerlll." (~ilhilr or ' .. U. all Work~. Jud~ea or ~he, .uprem I3 cpur.t, .ltd B£,1o_313• .Tbllt nil et~ctioll ali. II be illIln"tbe thlr\)' dl" " llowtd,ltl whlcb t~ S". U. S£9. 13. Th~t the ulcrll,; ~bnll ~lIter.ln · the ,lue m.y b.u.) II.nd th, n~m,e or ~be Repre.efll\lllvc. to ConJ.roaali .nd If ,It GlltI~ fur WIIIII at [u.nn III thfl poll tli.lie depollltionli. by tb. pret)edlli,.cctlo~., tlo01 MY AU'J'UUklTY. eepar.te rolulllt ... under lhe 11.111('. of the uuunlY In which .aaid VItIel re "Iven, I tlh~t1 .p\>e., ,~h,Dl returnl hal'8 been rOIlIlI", provided Ihey contll,ln the lubtiltlnco_ \tlld Ihe •• Id courl of COtnmbn pi .....t ~ =*" r.e"oOl voted for, Ie herein, ' t(!r pr<lvlded" filEC. 1I1. 'rhllt IhePre~i dtlntor tbe SoD- ed f~o~ all tbe c.ounliee.lgr~ellble 16 lbll . SEC. ~4: Tillt w~an two or /'Porn ",t'lr ..jd tirll term aft.r thirly day I Ih.1l 11,1,1'1." ...11,•• , • In Ihe lurn\ 01 ,ho poll book. nli tbe yolea ate "hall. "urlll~ lhe fil.t wOlek 01; Ibe 10:1· proVIBIOn' /If lbll .ct. tho! G IJ~erDtf .nd I,el are )ul!l~d la. "nllurill, ,aplred. Ib.IlIt", .nd deter~lne ~h, (~u. IU,). MO 88 a,I'Ir,,",id. rc"d uy lh~ III~gel. al on 01: the Gtlllj!rlll A llilemb fy. open ,,,,lid I,Secreter, .of Sible 5haii /ortllwllh p ceed lin, or JudlcIIII .dlelrlcl,' th~ cltrkt of .AN AQT 10 rcKul"lll Uli! elllllllj)n uf alltll SEC. J4. Thllt whenenr, two I r more puul\ljh thl! DU.\rIlCllIOf vo.Il~. bV hllll ,.. to Blcerl.1ft the numller of "!Ilea glvelt to OI.lunty IIr eOU\lue•• o( lueh U'"Irt~\I" That , alld . Collnly ut'Iicer.. . I b~IIQl\o Ir .. fuu/ld fllidetl ur roll~d t.j)~Rll1er. c"ived, ill cunl &rllli ~y with lito pruyiliunl 11l1I ,di/ff;rent pllrloll. for the ul" 'oe o( By~ tbl' ~ ..ye Ii Im_!ler popul,LiuJli ke " S.c. ~. BIl It /l ll.~tl'd by Ihe G,>ncrlll It "b,,11 be conclusive ovidenc~ of thuir b•• ul Ihe Ih ird .uctilln or third qululo u! tlnl of Public: W~rk ; for the o~ e ilf 1111/1" oul (.Ir "b.lrectl 01 the VOl" : wl\h- uf lmy I!"rllln .A:Q~tIIbly .. I tlt e Stotte ot Ohio, 'rhMI ai' inj! Iraudult'ltl. ) cOIIILitution ut' thl_ State ; Dnd Ihe Ibwlta\lll ,uf. the S\\preme OUl\rlt 8Jld luI' ,Rep1e',ut in Iny ~tie.,h , I:ounl,. undet Ihe ...1 0' 'he Ile\lte"al't lo\'erllor, I "1"ell,,I'" her\!Mller t~' bo hulden. lor G <,vSso, Iii. Thnt I !, • .balloL .holl\~ Ile (OUI'~ ur vuttlJl lur Gov~ruu~. LI\!u~cJIIUlt Gu,,,rt" I.tl'l'e.8 til Cun"r.f" in el\ch (:ul~"re..lunll court 01 common 1»1I:a•• 11111 altlllt4!d by .udl~or or .t.te treBlu.er , I• , . • Ibe (llerk, .nd u·.n'lDlt tit, 18 111' by n.}' l)judge or 'h. . court. • raur, L Ie.utellallL U " veruur"S utrotary ur io ~/)hlt\in a greute r lJulQbn III tilltn OR '" r or S ecret"r.\' 01 Slate Aullilur 01 BlJlle, dl.lrlc,. ' 1:11.1<', Aud it"r or . 8 tute. 'l'ril •• ure~ 01 IIny /llle um%" Ihan III Ilumbt'r of rC:60118 'l':"uurer 01 Stalll, Alturney Ge~e'.I'Jllt,I. \I SIO. 1I Th~t if ~ucb .r ot"rn shall not oil I melllleniler to, ~h. oll'rk 01 1I!1l cpurt or ·of the board/ uf pubho, work •• S IPte! ~lturll"'y G ~ ""rat, !udgll~ ul tllt! r~ qui~J II, filllhut oftj,'\! , 11. shall be LlUD. JeII' o( the .upreln. court. Judge, uf the bue b~eJl. , ",cel\'eil.lrom 811 thl! ouul\\I•• comlaun pie .. of JlIlIt Coullt, III .ny .uGb o( tb, coJlrt 01 ClODlmOD pl.... tiullrO!IIlD Churt Judge. oj Ib,, 1('ourl ur eidcr ..d (rlluolul.ll t ~8 10 the 'l\'lloie u( the ~Ullrt of commun .p.le." DI"mbera o~ t.h' .1 .ro-eaa"l, aod ab' lncw .hl~H Ira"e ~n dletrlet. ",lfl"" me Ilrie.t rDpul~tIOIl. ql ,be Clfimltl"l coy" of C'~III.Un pI .... : MI'm!JDr" 01 Ihe u'f nam........ la;l.wl/lto flI\ ~I,loh ul!ll;C; but D<,I Uqud 01 Public W.,rk~. Prou.te ,Judg" •• .received by thtl !Sote:rellry!J SllIW, t.rum 'I'llhln teD da,~ .n.r lbe d.y 0 ,elerllon; betWeen ~• •Ixth .nd .'ulliie W urk!lj l'r"h~le Judg~, of furtllor. . ' cle,k. of iliq .,uun or !'OdlDaun pte ~ ~- , &Ucb J!".II~"l~tII"l ~UIlU-, jrl'!!tIo,~IJ ' to , ~"o ",b\lll 'UIlOl¥~ 'Dtl open lb" - ~ffi~'DH~i~~~~~i~~5~~i ~...t ·_"';,Uh"".I" 'he CU,","!!11 Pie.." . Sltl'ritr, S,.O. 16. Tilat I bo\IQt .ball not tie 'enn. 'lAW, Voroller., Ooooly Audilllre. (;uuiU1 the pruvl.lun. 01 die Lwell~ .1iut ..e Ull Ihe .. me JIl-..ner ~I rl\urna at t , ':I'I~ reLlarD: "'o..~ C' ,"IIty Audllur, C uu.. ly Cum, Iiderild 'reud .. lenl ,fur c!onluinipl. I••• Tre •• urel'1l. cUUIlly CUIUIIII'-'!luJ.e r •• CUUII~Ji' ... ~t,:;e GUVI!~~:r·~ a~c:rela[11 or ~I~. aDd ~~~~'~PII'l1II1'_\!iI (;OUlllr 1·ru."u'r\'r. ~\lUtily R llllbrdtlr. nhm""r 'O~ nllnlel than in! authuriHIi .to ty : R~CUNi!t•• ';oulI~1I1tlrvoyor", .pro. ecu. J ta e I J. I , 19 vern • ' .0 Ie - uall or .. a fIII.UCI lat,.. 10 IJ 8urve IlJ. fl'1'SlIllutit'g ' b.. 10".rtPII• tialr AtlOrn"YI, Senalor••• nd Repre.elll'lI- to 8U~'- deJlllql.lcnt IlUUlltle." by tIIQ I . I~ popuIllUoQ.~ftb ltlel'fltOrulo( .Iectlon ~~wr ' tllrl Ml1dYIlr. Jlfil.entlltivc. til tbo B!'C. 17. That .nllr 1"0 "••minaUon 01 'ivell to the G lluvrlll A-.embly. Juilge oC !DeDU~Il')~ .tMltr.ell; Inll ,the P"f."U ni b.-. _trlCtl~ till !lUUUl)' baYl... lhe I.~et ,,_",blu Ju,I'N> n:' lit" Orlmin.~ Cuurt ~he blllnt. ~hll,'" be comnlel"d Ihll l1umb!!" .t)ch cuunty court ....rll n'\)w. or Dlay he~,· Ing tbe hl'lBhCl• t I'II1Dlbedr,.UI bYOlO8 .ur~~ !?u"~ion' I!,J o~t,~qdt dellr,erl:j tol .n .. ' ' .j tl ,~ II . .. ' . ut-bli..elltllb,. I cd I an u ce_ clime In' e Lwelll .,' ~a. " lillIe t er \111 n y o ,I.'b'. Iiie t b II b I Ide I ' Cllrtllll' III , .IIf C\lUIl ~),' all" It pr"""lltat V"I I ... 0· of YOINlor each p"fllOn shall be enumer,,· • t, ~ II~." "rlull be helo,l lind c•• I\ducted in , the laJ, under tbl' itl"pKtion uf the judge8. a lid BlIte. tlilli Rrprel elluu"n to , I , II o~ DI ", , ~ ~t," Iherl!' or II r. m ol rill~r pr".crlbed in, till' act~ , aet dO'l'n II. h"rIlID.fler I'ro.idl!.J. In "til. _"!I ell b" m.de An 000 .hQet; .lId b n-\I' - .:;. efl, tb • .. SEC:, 2 . Th~t l'I1c;h townlhl p in \he form nf Uut Foil 110011" .rid 1>e \»111»1101, ~Jbed Illd .111'11114. (I.., tite "IN! ~ ~ .\0~e ....!{e:I8t·~m aOD' : .r.t "'''!'UtlfH •• b .. 1 c:vm~ an eh,ct/on pro~lll.lod to tbe people prt!ilOnl. III c''''!l f ebatr.cli,il! "ote~ for t ~I?:O thll\lut of the i!onIm' r.oD• ...: di~lrII\L. uul!! .. "ullb 'IUWII.hlp I. nuw, ur Bltc. J 8. TIl.lthe foliliwllI,,.1I111 be the n.med 1\lIhet!,.Q~,etb "e~on Ibll hlghett ~f·~ e count w~ere "UCb 'I"anoy mly .hall lirr~ ..!le,r be, dl"ld ·d. by III\(, 11110 furlO or the pull b,~b to be Iteet b)' the ijblli be.dllpu,"ed II I .e ,"ld , , I II ( ' " D c;. .. h ' If f.e · . i r tb morf! dMr;ct, tnln oue; the eleclll.ln to be lind elorb oJ ' the ell! \10118 beld uO.1lnd I copy Ihereol, cllrtl6ed I I llid .n eilUm C~~m er a tbwu ,,: "ur ....,pr,e.. I~PIPll'"d'. til y,.::tt , ..maJorbllf 0 1 .... emt, l I'~ I ' d' h II Ii ' 01 ' 'AI I d d lentil U to un',..... a .. ' I jI •• rD~r ~n.. I II e.erta ne aJiB lie pu 10 a ... rel . t.eld nt Aile II p IMee In oIU~ I ",WPI liP or II" 1111 • •01: ' , • I e Immll"l.... y ene 0." .11 S f " I 11 d ' .1 II lot d II it of tbe untv require 't I · c ~." the Iru-teef IlIl!acll t(fwDlhip Ih.1I eurel.ry 0 ,..I_le. III t'&lh,.e 1 .n Ie we are , 110 I It ,;: . ' d I w rd 01 .ny olty thaI i, or ' of .. I,d perll,9 na h.n bii dul, elect· to IIppolllt • dily_ witbout '~ala1' bD which n~:c~'all"~~\l\l~ wlrda. ah,II' compuile the Go,v erno,r .h.1I give ' \0 ,Icll' tbe q~"'\iijed eleGtora of IIIld county .lIall ... ~tC(ltiOI\ dl.lricli the e!ectlulIl therein ~ ~ daly el~eted RdPF"8II\1th~,! t~ meetJn ~helr ra.peotive townlhl~i or to be lIel4 at .uell licea •• Ihe tnelJ!ber. l{p-Id III the towII.I"p of '- . in the cellnty uf---,oD th, - .Ii, of - a ceru8G&te of .bl• • I.otion, IloD ~I.tr~cta, and proceecl to the , of tho cil counSI lor Ih.lr re.poectl". one lhou .. nd eight hlll'ldred end - '- -'. A . C. D. IDd ll. F·.j~tliea, .ud J. ,~rLI'e.te "ball b. .Ijrned br .Ibe of. Iherll' or cuNnar. (II tb. ~Ue FOa Il'(DbBIIDUC~ . d ' b~li direc,' ."d ia .11 electionl K... nd L. M., clerkl, or ••Id election. were ~e\'erall,. tworn, ae Ih. Ilw dlreoll. Guyernur, .II~ de.I"d wl~ tll~ Grelt Beal be.) In ,bl lime mllUD.r ... I. dlre4ted h~d ~ ' J lb' 'I ' d , eltall .. rYe _. pr~l\lu, to Ibll1t' \mterllJi on lJIii c\.uLi",. or \keir HIIpeetivo ollie,c I. of the State, .nd ,oountenli:Ded b - tbe the clBe or Ihe electloa 01 • iberltr or "Imlf iOa n..WlI .1&1701 •. ' . 0 lin nl) or 11.0 b' ld .,.....; "re4 I Secrellry of Sta~'. ' ,",oroner; and the returD. IIf .tiiIIa fJection reql.. 0 8Jg. 17" 'rbal if the Genll~.1 iAAetllbl, .h.11 be made, 10 ,be olerk ....d ah.11 be JudJl!ll' .• n\rd p"trfOrmi t Ite "" ~'ZCI.IIIW, town. lip• TI UII el~ I" - _t.tbe leteral ' .eA IOn Oil t b'.."' ~n. til. ... ' . d ._In .... m m. D~ 'IheD berUl'a nol Iie 10 _0" d.y 'Opeped .n d ~nva... loll .. e . ac, . I' 1 11 ded th next Ifter III eleohoD for all or D.r proylded In thla .lIt.lor the .lecl\lolil countSC!!I. eb: cau.. to be ~., r C of exeoutlve olBaera '~f 'biB IiJlate ••t the ,eno,,1 eleclion. " IIppOIIte' plrty .11111 b.ve ".d ,.uon.. CO.CLV-. ea~l"e ~I_", d~tr~ I z ur GnyerDOr Ind Secretary or State, Sill. 16. Tb.l tbe olllrk anti Ju.tlc... notice of thl li~••~d pt~ce pI . ~ ea_ W"'....... p an • ,. e n. c. 8,.. dlyl Iherlarter. In th.otl. Gf or judge IDd ,J!I.ti~. III the rna}' the .. ",e. ., . CHAPTER Xlf. ID, bedNthu~aof tli~h!DIei.~d the Secrelll'7 or. • t.te.ID the p~DCe or be,) ~hlll deellt. tb-e per.DD blfln, tbe , El,~c. 46. ~ ..t In oood,UOItDA' .ny con· '1'0410. CO•• I7.....'l'Q. , Ie 1Ip'!!llled, With tho toW!!. ,Ietk, It i. he,reby ' certl6etl tb,t lIle n\lmbilr of. el'lctOl'8 lit ~hI. olectloD am6uD,ta to ., \e •• "lwo of tile judiOl of j,b. lupr.me biahe.t Jlumber of vote. (or p~obtlte Judge, t~.ted '.leduolt Cor,lIie 01l\ee,. 10 the Iort}' While Gorge1.J1'u wlck,ed l, GOIII~ dllt}' It 'hi I \Ie til prelim' e .am~. "." , , '" ~ ~ , Ib.ll OpeD tbe . rtlurD. ,01 fob. clerk of lbe GourL of commOD , pie.., Iher. lbi~ ..etion.1 till. lot lollow. , • tho u.. or ~e.eltlll1Ofn'b.·nld ClIT)' ~.Id ,l I .. . C: Judlle. or , Elec~ion. .tr.cbi 'made to tbe Seeftl.r, ct: SUite Iff'; coroner. countl' .ullitor; county' COlli', ill; rule. ,. ball lie hi. In, ~ IO'trllmeat 'lId Io~ box Wlh... ~opy 0 ,e .WI . L., M.~ eral. E. F . " Cor l.i41 UCBce., , Irr•• ,bly l~ tIl.~ro. dllllloneN, couolJ trta.urer. eounly ! e\lor· 91\ h. d!ly.lld.t cOUDIIl' lato ,b. ,la.neII or ber .n.baI"~lM Jhll to~. place ':. pl.c:ee fte \,1. i0Il8 of the LWellll·third 'lMC!don .t der. COUDty lurveyor •. judp· of the crimi- (hilt purp.....i!I. Ibe other ,enlta1_.ere a4e"orl. toder••A eleCI! 01 In II t,ownl IP, .1 0 teD f<. • , I~'. Icl;, \h" II ,uch relUr!ll .blltD~ nal COlin of .ny ~uDty L .nd pfP8tl cutlni ollie'.... It ~he~r their hom. . .a4 D.UOD"IVlth III Ibelr IbU. 1II1}, be netm'r Jo'lll"1 an4 '0 or h"" ' been r'l1e lved ' frum el !)< ",e COUll> 'Itorne11 aud the·per.o,n 9f po,.ou .. bn,. : Wh.D tb. . T \ 1!ollll und .... Ihlll .ct " , lid ,fl'tI. recour.. lhall b. had. Cor .uth deh,,- in" the blgbe,ll)umb~r or yot ••. for .eo •• not th. , It)'. Belli i . t la yBAI........ Sm.... Thlt I, lhall be tha .dulJ,lIf the, tbe return. ' of ihe abo lOre repreaenttit!ve. of.tbe, ,IDerate•• but \VbeD fuor tI .... bli II"D ; Du"her~ Wl lhe PfO8htrllt Illd bf'11 berebJ re~u'red '(teltn pro"l.Jone or dul, .Iectedl fabJect 19.Ain eppeltil tilltor, , lb. ..e,loDt ,lid III.DI,..IOI. of !Jae • ...., daSI" ll'lIl\t befu" ,h• •110 dl", 0 , .n}' tbia I\Ilt aDd , Ihe court. 01 com\!,on pllIJI" of the pl'Oo lem. ad. parU.. ID ~. "'. 16to\ to.C'ft.te 4iMor1l a_DC Jba ' FDen' ,ell'ctiua. or lin d.,. b~fore Ihe of ~t.. It\l,' to ' "~Ilaill the county. 10 cu, of the contelted .l.c. tileD h. calltcl fll da,' 04\erk of' lb. Db II hiOb ' R ' Ilia liold\nr of .n1 , 1)IeC'~.' "ICtlon. to five vu'" ,(yon to lb, d,) trerelu pot.. of the prob.~e jqd,t'j clerk of the Sealta. aad Illb" ......, &btlr "'~ I I I. f"'III' ~oc: torr pahlic notlea ~ pruelllDltloD, thrutll out Atltlltor of It.~. IeYeral ulBc~. o,r ,pwertior. o( commOD pl •••• Ih.rlft'. coroner. anC8 .b,iI be re~. 4lIa. f t e - . -UIoIIW )ref!QIIIl1 ~Ia,d. ~ Ilia IOIJDty~ !lrllllthneofblllcllnrllIch olecIltrerner, aeerelart' ~ I:IlI~, .udltOr• .cbu~t)' 1':0mmUillon~n. lor IblllaN . l r"tMilcelll' "'Ul6oo1, .ud butllOllJ .t "m. belnr !lnlhlJed.... t\OOl. In1~a ,n\lD\lIe\' of GtieeN .t Ih.t uf *,tI~; tr.-.urer 01 iii.....ild t,..aurer, \lOUQtl recorder. COUDty lhen tb" olBUr .1eC\ 'b,1l Iiltroduce bll; .Jld W.lIlch....... nGltecl .. ~ llW16 to be ahounl Gn. eoPl' elf .~'eh 111111 .ttorlll}, pII.ral, u ~. 0", GIl'1 "I.Dd . or prUMcuIID,.ltorDty; .tjd ~ '1i1't..&I1D01111~ lOll. throll,b 011 · b. (ound !~. dl8lault t~ ~II" I I . " be J'OIl~ op ., t.ch ..f tile p!teft "be~ Ibe thlt of the leneral ... ombl},. to ' tlal,conteltor ,' ' ' ' hllll_if or ne.. ouDI 111.101 tI,e ~1"he'l( 'lulU"r tbfo ~Iecllolllifti 'Ippolnled til be': holden. .o~. IIlr anI 01 , .,id' ulIIc,," at~..tI .. which .ny perIOD ml, bd returned.} 'WI,eil PP'!! tb. CODt.H&I.Dd ,be 05" bal dOli' before, Hia mot.m'llta, • • 114 lt1fert.ed In 10Dle ne.I"."" Jhlb IIlbed .Idered d.uly elected. Ind' bl tlb. .n election I. conte.tid; Pro"ldednutlce \11" th.n ~rJlf'~ bJ hlm.,1l or 1lelrt1" 10, \b. "allm),. aud ~..., IIIt~e cou~)'.· If be ,~lIiebfd , therein. 10 Mel.reel: It it. ·eh.1I "ppe~lr IUch .ppeal. to tbe ..Id co!lrt! be .D •.,,,,, arab bJ_ tete~oe. "ud the coa- DIC/IIt m ..tiril comWa.tloDa lbw~ , Stc. 6. ThatitalJ elet\lulul to be imide!, returD. ~ud .b.lr-cll at...r~ct. . an, with \h. CIlllt" Lhelli!r. W'lthlD tw.nl; h•• nlla r.,'" ~th. An.r the After \he . ., btntlo r••tI, aM . . . .f \tllder thl•• ct. tbe JlQIII Ib,II be openl'lI or mOd perauue. (o Illy Iplle ..ill a Cram the cit)' of election, .n .t hu, lODe Ibrvup.b,. th. Ii Iecl.l-'-- _ L_ .. bftwten lb. boun 01 .1& .ad ten In ,the ollllte. b"a the hlabelt .011 III 87. That the clerk m,elllbtror lb. Stn•••h.II'" a,Dp.,,,. -... ~. .,. ~ ~Inl••Dd doeeclat alj hil,the .1I4ornooa. I bor of fOtee. dIe ""eroor ·.hli", b, the pru'.te Jud~. cl.rll or otrer hie reuon. ror , ~ br. . ." la .. tIIODCIlta. to lie .....b . . . . -, tilt' ..DIe da)'. cOmmunicate eueJa '0 lh' Clommon pleae. Ibt/flll coroa.r. . 1O Jlye. 7'tb. (6W.) Tbi bJ ,lb. ,ull, aaperlCll' Uti. IOIU.oaIl1 l0r BID. Tlilt It.1I ele~lone~ be bnldell . .t it. firl' ae.loa u .....n.r. dltor count, COIIimiu\olllfllt COUDlJ 01 the SeDc:.te ~blll regullir ~r.ulnl"''''. ' ~ ICt, Ibetnleteeir "f the leveral Saa. Tbat whenever n ,lOIllay .ball OIlUAI) earvqor, ,juda' ' 0( ' ohb. proc:eedlap. 8 . ('JUl.) IN I \he P the -bJ.wr ~l\ablpa ib.llle"e.1 jocIl'!1" .ad web h.ppeD the olBCj! or ' )kprA!tMnlatlV, lO (ir Reb lIIer.IKo;) .ad nf'r,9( te.ia. tb. d~liIlon .h.U ...' q ... . < • .thH ...~. ..' Ibe jud(H ,h.1I Con rea, or IItIDalor or repre"'Mt.l.~ In .ttornel •• nd neb o( th~ .1 p~.e~tl<,.1 cell oC LJae JDeiDb.nl In abe banda Dr 1M f~"'" be ....iretI .ballle", .. cl,rkl of tb. tllectl~n, the ral.AuembI7. ·ID . "'1 coua" reprelf't\lltt~.. to the . .n.ral tnIJ __ tyof IU tbe yoe.. "nn IhaU \0 Kouulh, mn~te. toptber with tb. jud~' .rurnaicl" counliee iD tbil $'.U,'OALltledl b, ••• who b.... th, blpelt\Dall'berof the pre.I~.nl 01 lb. 8en..I~! .Mn actlu, 00,.,., .. ,...' lbe ...., a. ht~"e two·doH... "" 4." e.elI. II luch .. nUor or ,.p...aern.liy.·. &he .0 •• certfl\cate ul hi. eleQtluD. DIIII the "..an nOldlDI tb...."., der ......... III oppoee the aaulaDe. nia ....... tlo. for &beIr " " ' ' ' ' to bit p.1d oat nu~ of the ,811ie fIN' till' titlll I~jnl. deliyer Ibe "DI' 10 the per.on" bell" aUo.eel to 'flate, .Ub· -'aed b .1Clt .( I~ t,......1')' of IN proper count)'. UPOD "llAflOIOt')' iDrorlll.lloD dKrag(. thereto, UPOI\ demlDd. without IMi .ud . , flD.I".,_ "~.1.II1 (ONe ~ 8DOa,... ,, , 8aQ. 7. TIIat IC e~ Dr the lrUele... • wrll 01 .!tLa o( eleellod.. to lb.....r. .ball .110 •• b out Cor 'D)' CIDdldate , or 'lu.I\JOG dlat h. .., nCei'eact !tit "1,lea"" .Iao \091 Del '" -...ron OO1Il1C1lme-. 01' eler~ olabJ tOwn· tlr lII"rl8". of .. W COODt}' 1\10 COIiudtll••1ec10'l' Of hi. counlJ. aD .b,traoa of fOtee ' ..alerl" la nat. Thllc:1D&IuGI oW~.." .....n·r.l'to etta" a' lilt III.a .1141 PreMte Judr· en~t1et1 ~ .Ja.lo .aell ""IICrr • ~ .. .rotelllld upop belq palcl 0118 dollar 8~,"'. 'l'hIt th.' ~,. w,b oearrt. dI. ~. wL9M rama~ eU Oy-. . . . tar lill ,laOe of hollllnr .IeetIoDe, - If .Idlet fit P'I ",ollloi.~ ... . r....w, 4Jr"'t~ W.. to 11\eN1«. pc?U book to lilt ~1erII or th. CoIII1 (It ooIP .~_ uble.-te - t o - _ __ ihelll .oaW be • qitdid lte .. tbu It ....U CI.,. Df '.be Clturt or OOllllllOn eaL hold. 'flc.111 eleCUDD .Idlio IIiCb SIC. If. That I' 1.11)' cutlMla.. or.~ IDOO ple.. Df !IN.,..... _DC1. eIIaIi .. : - --.- "'! r · - - - _ .. tit. dllt)' of the eleetore p~a" or CIlUDUft OD d.)' .,.1114" III eaob lor aII.1I dlreotll or laclireclJl. cite or InUUctd to recel" f~~ tilt . . . .~~ ............. ~. . . . .r~ III., abooee. ,Ita YOOtj .-Illabit perICIDI Bherltr. til wrlu, lII' purpoa.of IltiDa IIIClb no pro.l. . .ny _.t. VlIlk. or 1.111 oUler ,.. pet' ..lie, fro.. tit. p.ot 01 ~... "1tJ ,Ite ....... 01 ........~ eeae.I,leqelre,)ba"",tbe CIIJII"ddcJleeberlWprocMl.o 8.. with a~ to ~ bit ...,otjuatieeto"-pelclout o ¥'.eoaaty oI ...........~.~rI. of.,""", to act .. J-JII or C'~ (u CoroMr. .. lilt JilM.DCI pl. ..of eleo&loo of .IIJ oudItI..........,. lit 10 _~IfA""~
' -. SELECTE 'D I '" ,'. c:::=:;:±====~7!=;;;:::======:=" .1'. ,E , UOTflER.~ONGO~. ,',
.1r'lho.e .,,'hom~y·
bec,'hunll'Onctll;, th,' eir , Sllc.i9. Th~tnltl'rCIlIlYIl8'i'iI'. t 'I'ley~te . 8 1· l'd.. and' . ('o r,y-r"ndtot' ho ' . ,,~
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.11 "rid .., ., ,.41 In ~"'7 dl ',III. '",80 that nezt IDO'I'II; Th. lie". ,ro",""" _ proM"l), 1'" poll or A~~lJtI., fl'!al a\lb. Mille IIJII. wrut. IlluIIM!/t " 'im pnll' GUf"n. bu w.. In ~ b:ottl., to 0\1' I'cIr Ibl'lr PftJIrril" .1& III' It" r *"..,Ihln, "I~Nrl' ...' of lblrt,r0tJlree.-NI.. .IUI bill I"'. at "lr'tl'~ Dlure .ullnd- olle ~od, bllll.dunn, hi plll'.ll1l.n"\·11I- ICu.. uth. thlt ft\It I,thoJIIIlld meD CO,:!1 '" l in .tbliP wuulel be for '''I.tt. . . - qulr.,. \ It tb. Ctl G~I·rnmtut. til"" Ih,tlllf, tn.ir culuulll' r"t mid "ut It.. ,~he f"rre ered ,be ..lher to 1,1m. A C'~"l!ct41d h',f'ther 10 IIni blld,. GII~1 . I Jim nOt eam,...tlt 10 IlIlt, e~I'ln Ib" T £ NIA-GlA,l "-'6TIU -l'replI'.lion. rarlonll Will c - . m,dlcla_M. be-Ill) "'0· bad-~at a .t thl8 time 10 Arall. i1... atillinl ttl be ' Od:'The Alllerlcan J'hllonal l'lIpecied opeNd".. of tt.. ill.emlle. ' All • It .1 b I WI I .. huut lh la~. C ......• , , . 1 . t'· l . i!dIniln.. tu .. ~ ~'.III! "u , ~ .. :l lei t T t N J IV ' (I b I fi ar. ht'ip, "erJ''''erem'utl 1 lie I,.. l! Y"'" -, CI. Sunderli ~r. ·rt. IiI_U,. ot t'llltll fail off or whioh " •. occello~al!1 took a m.d, uiet.lor, ..,Inr If ~j' wa., hll ~ld ~con"enIIOI"'hf' .!1 ren 00, f'W e ,. IIpmllnlf. CIUI 100'" eo 1 twenl,', v. 'eel m8~ar. Iu Itu nd Ihe ,.t"nitl,lt NinJlnr, very we.lth, pl.o~.r. r"11U1I ., ..., II•• c "l pf,,..lIlrr.. II) ,h.lr. , labte. [ICo.. up .h~' r~~ID'tig Ule ~uu~i'ry. KOI.lIlb W~I now W~· II" Il,e 6lh 0', ~III mO.nlh, nomln' ~ D.n· ~n dl.a\l1elet~ prllpelled b, • pO/ldl"?u•• h,ft oMh ~'Jlh. 'to CumQlemor.t.. the III:rolo Tel\UI'~.ee, died, le.vln ". lar 61"" ,. ~ . n ' "'3}- P .... I"I~b bim,ulf of thee. ' . be IIp......led to hl • . CU"l'IOU~ atldl lel Wt'bater, fOI Presulenl, ·Q4 Gevr,t C. ,\venll ~..t I!mgt preeelll. haelflIJ th.r.e~ . ~ B . I ' IA b . ' ----HI '111 d .~ J. ell. ~ 11", ,.. ,. T" " , ~- . "' , , ' • pl.' dd ' "\llilnementiof oq,tl" ~a1'e troop• • e, •• r.wa up • ,.. .... _ -•. , .Lt I \h.. re..m, from Ally'bd but fllflll'lle. ,tbeae t.."t8, .. k, tb. -to decillreil' a -.v_I tzpedient or • tilth to ~"lhln8't9a, f"r Vice re....ent. Mr, .r th'e roell It I. provl e , on ItII outer , , I '" d II did r ... ~ ':': " I . ' " r~ , . .' , -. ' . . "h I' ., .. ' 'd ' III LUluly'. I .. n~ ,ur. II. eu I, ~II "" Ine.~ b'IJ··. ,. Jl rl "'1\ b ~.:k at the pqiaH of' ,h'e />11)'0' of Americi lSI proy, 1101"80 much.for ill lawor of Oor,I'Y . Uo did .u, 011 W,lhlll,toa ~e ohuel I 0 , ICHlur, IInu~' ed,e wilh cutter. • foot WI I!• • nd In ;the " , " or Iii. Coli" dl id.... h h ....ge of • .."" •• ,.. h . t ttl Wh' I h d ' lI TI '11 I II ' one ~ '. , " .. uleb'I" ' ,:"1. II II (\tr~WC wa& arlvell umllb or tht Mogyara a.a for {he III" Illu;;jll'tSfcanililion [Gorlt"~l""'.- p"lIn~~a i. Intenl lon ,0 ~ul'pur " e II centre IV I • ,. • le,e \y' ell er Ie A'I! JlI~l'IIIQ SPAca .oI:IIDTlIu;.-Undllr into h\O- part., devi_ill, line h .. 11 I 1 1 ""ehl)lll-l' \ tI~, ~ rllrttled *,.In i . for Dung.at, CIlJiJ!O\ be c9n· Ule-tMmI diotAlorl~ .po""llrlj' 1o 064ain ~!cket. " roC)k, drllllrig .. . . m. I ,hOIIl "I~ l<lhl! C('nlre, thl. c"ptiull • telri!raplilcl dl.,.tcilt rrom Itimate.C'liiltiren' and lire olber ~ ~r 111.. • "~ ::r,,"lie Ij~4keicvilch .drltr Ollt ,11 " . . ~ .. be~.yl'd. hOYl'everD-~ by ntgoliIJIiMI~' oll ./WuQrable n~ ~ I, . . .nd olluing OU~. ,('Irple. Otl the outer e"~e New Or:eMnl; '~ nder date ~f :ruly S. an· clti:drell, burne him &y __ 1IIIIIu Ito' lal.tol" 'It~r" ~ltlil" ·I.reo for. IlUJ.!'Itllld, By Ollie QI til .. IlicoIapnhl'lIliblo b tng, \I or W C'olldut' to tlte 1/11110:1 III rlff.IIC'. OO"'There IS 1I0t. very luge ~Ullnllty twelve Incbe. IQ whlth. AlterllUmc prog. Doune.. Ih,t 'lhe fllrilign bl Ibe .te:lIllshlp The.e colured" chlhlr.. D PIll\' J we._ ,..~I\iC'ii 'Illf' bUlIle ~m. r.aln~. olD ilir. lIe\\' t" III, dioueb the ·,Rullien. and (lIellllillgwen. po' ~7. ,.... . of liJj ial n'lllltlr in. thl. IIlImber, re~. 11I thly way, Ihe "~lIchille il bltcked, Atllllltic "'U. rlcclved In Ih/ll cit) lell day.. n Ukllig uf Il,e will h~d' b~l'h ~ .. I~ I,b. ~. nntl Iioni: lha wholll il/Ite. II ~a. Hot Au~trillll8 cnlllr our counlry b1 '"friltla, KO'.\lth reliree! to Turkey. GOT!fl!Y rrom Ibe,·f.ct till I our 1I0l11 ,- '0 much and the mun or rDcll wrtlrlll Ibll Circle of oner 111..tllon J ivOrp"()I. 'rile didllnce C\lIcllln.tI Ohio IIlId EVlln.vili rUIuCd~1 tG '. Iittl u!ondy. Tire Hun~,ril!n' t aValfY lind lind thoug'l t~o~'~lIda of (Jur b~othrell f.1I marched IW'y ~owafd. til. nO~lh, lind ul1 0r.0cupled Itl mol"n&, our IlrrllJlg~monta .lor t~11l 'cufe' blowlI out Wllh powder by orehll_ Ifllvcr~ed WOII IIb~ullloOO milel. • "lid .. rnan~·ipIII ..d: 'I'he prllbQlei'bl ::I~'.~, IInd' \1i l'ulilIlI JUl1ceflllnad•• IUrillUs an~ to thl! cau .. or frlledl,lrn. IIIl the lSI!}, .t .\':"I8081 'IIrrc:'lld~rcd to the .,,,,new volum,!,llrllt wI! huve but hUle oLlhe /Iule drilled In lhe centre. Th"u . ' '0 ' I 'd 'b ' h ' i . will , ' . ' , 'I' th' ) ......n .. and oonsequenlly .1 kill b II II TI . rl.",. e 'I e WJlIle hel" 1~~II"'" .tl,ckj (lie RutlsjDnl Ihe of lil>eriy,"quDlity anti ffllter' Rusalall', h11 nelotllltiou,8 Cor thul purpo.e , m~ , 0 use .1 r ' . ..Ie war "" e reeulne ... at ral. u. JIfTERUL IMI'ItIlVUl~IITI -Tire Lllke., a. lire I d' l II C'I l O r • , , , " I • ' I I .1'1 I I ' .. 'he requitlht.m 0u II t , i. the fltet nil d ~I1Cful pInn, II .Il WUI' k~, Ehlperlor J"lIrll.1 'RVI Ihal l)r. ICl)l'per .' all .. IIppeu e U' Ie rcu I Ullrt .lIr Irlll " Hi n Accl befo re tbelll, By ton Ho ' lle Incarnllte Ipipt of jUl' being-already completed. "A nealh·like IIVO I... Il ~clIJor • E b I klill I • " • " " "', • •• . I ' " I •. , " f fill vcry II dlnc () I'IIIIWIt (9 ~ U pr.clltlun D ~ulllllliki ,,'os m~'lcr 01 th~ fil'ld. with tICIt." , .tillnc.. ,Pcrvacfed the army.l-Iheir IOllR_ ' II Iurl ler UperlRlent WII ul) trieu, u - Ohid' F)1ll!illeer of. Ihe ClIl1l1dy Duurtl or \ . II c I v hua be CJ\ lhr WII I II • 0 bng,lIr ur Ihe enemy, lwelv'~ c.I.on~n, IheAe ill!.nti~ l.bol'l were beut upun Ilr. ground. 'I'hc Illil wn. .f:t7 0n ~alllrtlhY or th~. we~k, tlierll In~ \he ""hole Mur[uce 01 thl! whoel with Pu!.lic W urk., Irl. eOIllIlll!UCI!&! tlou 1I1I"'t'y ~:;::I 1;le ·\V~1l ullltdeirr '~It! V::I. 'I! . anll .I"ht hundretl priAonera in h,1 poe...... 10 long •• tr!,lI@unwa.lntbecal11plaered-It\VOIlhegraveoftheir honur!" Will be nil ~ 01 k tlune In 11111 ollice,ol we cUllere, alld breakllllr in l1iecea at puce tho 101 a can.1 on Ihe Ca!lad •• i,11l 1i1 Ihe F-ll., I I ") I I II t .. Ihe \ .. .. . Ii t II l I (u I olld I tie . ,. \ III II "y t'rm 0 Ie cuur, "IIWI'V , lit lun, all troph iett\f ~"e victory. 1·hl. vic:· Ibe clluncil. Gorre)' ~al not Ihe. a?~ (Ku~. & HUllg, War, p. :102.) .. Ive ~: " Illy r 1\ Illy, or I e~tlre twe~lt}.fiY" ruo, .. irc.l~ 0,1 llill ruck ••1 Sout SI. IUllrle IlItllhMl CIIIIUI wi)ll't'ry CUlldO cume Iv D "'".rll", .l1d tbll \ViII' WI' ICj'1' would nne Krvecl Hungar1, ha&! Gor· Iy tr.itor; DUlchek. mini.ter of filulDce, The Ifnty under Bem, ~o blldly dllpl!rI' buy. anll uur6clf: T~II buy~ havo Itul 1 be m~c:III'le i. entl!'!'ly 01 Call Iroll, the hllt'ly Ill' completed io 1"0 ,oar•. . Jr Illia lully ul~bli ahl.'d. ' e'} hto vue. t'VI'~ und~r exlol!ing circum· of tho cabinel. whq had control of tIle ed al T"mf'avnr, oot being puuued, ....em· inlo~rned II' or. Ihear .arrangemellts tor Ihe CarriAIIl' or, equ~lll'nglh wLlh tllp. .hOlrl, .1Ie1 i. ~one our whhle oumIhH"O .1111 buMllle.8 l\lInCIl\\. It Ihowed ihe Hun,arlon. Ihl\ mOnll\" preae, WOI equull)' • tralto,. lie bled allaln til tbo nllmberof rorl,lhou'lInd. da,. bu~ our IIIlel~tlOn j8 to attend ,.the Ihll wl",le, ~lth<l~I Ihlll'nl!lne., wl.'i~hd II on Lllktl Superior will Le h _lIl1\e meQlure C ... ncert Swln"le tit Loulnillol they coula deleat' the RU'lllIna ., e"lI, I. clld all th., 10f In hi. power 10 oripple tho bllt on hearilli: 01 Ihe lurrertder of Gur· Rubbotll !:lehool l;elebrll,tllln • • t Deec;h· little ~1rllrt uC OliO Inindr..d lUll', lIud COlt und~r llrlU8h rontru'/. If Pillr~e',ltleCled A ~o culled don"lun Clillcl-re cam~ 011" It t~1l Auatrlanl, lIud pruvtd the report. . operation. o~ tlte ruve'/lmenl and K".· Ift'y. , e~_hl , tli_peraetl, tbe seneI'll!' and ~ruve. OhiO. about 8:l~,QOO ,-Co"'''JIOIIdt"ce .o f · Ille I're.icll'l1l, hu will, of Cllurae, ,oto an)' !!p' Lullidvillo uri tl,lIturdll),. By Ou In IIIIf h~~d. the .luvioe\blillY oC thlt p4!ople to bo lei . . . .u~h, ~)' kee plnJr back lhe ietUlle,aad ht'ncI,! five OJ .b: Iltou.. nd lIIen goillg lu Tllr'k~y , Springfield Re1. ub/'C/.tn. p'rIlIlTIIIIIIIII ror n. canul un Ilil! Ailierkull bll'l. 1I,leI- ulhrr 1II.... n. ul/OUl 800 p.r~oll' ... Dut",. Gorgey would nut cu-op~rllle.· .nd the pall or the auldlere. Thll ~tnbarrll'- On thp '~61h Allg. MUllklll c.pitulated to . - - - - - 'rl . f .iile, lind will Ihtl. do hll pllrL IU ~ee" UI ,emblpd ~I 'he )Utllllri 111111. ench tlIpect. • CQ)'NEIICENflICTS .Ie r('xerel'!'. . '• , . d I tI'II ' .... . .Imperallfely , . , eJ nelll in Transylvanlm more tball Ihe eD- •h0 R \IIIllln.,' P clerwar ... 1elD 1l8mbanlkl'. prelll!lIee de. tu the AUK· . ~. I' 0 I 0 aublerl to ' llqtlwh cap,.~.e. 1 bUI I' c"ry· to rnw D'P \In I prlte. A hI! prize. I'~,. , " _rt.l I I ' . ,' h 7 h S d K ' == Comrueneelllelll ill eeverul 0 I Ie ,. lell" . , • . dl Ib .• t I oper, . tn.lI. on t e l opt. ; lUI IIOIU'1l 011 1 . " . outthe prltclplee olille. cUlllllrullllun. .t, uteu II He CiON or tb. prr(urmuc. !\Ianded.t tlte ' loulh tu opperaw 'ilal n~t emv, Ind .erl""lly hlll"''1ed a ·t~ ,AU8tr'.II" wuom Gor,ey had ,an .way ti,,~. ol lh. MaiD'lIr.. Yet thill,man Will l~e 21th Wilh hOllurablectl!rlll', whh-h W,!!I ~ pucu:ua ScUU~DR.I:L.-A perlon 81~d .ultlv~'lIi~. uf the Stule are 10 be .1" ill amall bo ...·, by. Ip"C"" cunlillititit, bUl .u\llen ulloppulCld,th. deCnt 01 Ihe RII.' I~ch.n .dt'f't ill di."lmul.llon, he h.d the aRerw.rdl .hlmefully vi01~It:d by liar w 1C11J11.!e· himaell' CIUIU.U GBSOl! WII tellued DI full"",.: GOUDDAY'. ,Vo ....:...WiI. Stra!ltlr, tic· wht'n Ihe bUI ..I \\f,Pre upened, Inslud ur ~iaD maill •• r.m)';ilad no mQrll ••lutary elJ'ect tact to de ,iv. Kouuth Giltl .11 ' lbe, 'Ilier nllu. . ' " " ' :' .~.ted I'n ~un~~y fYP.IIII1&, on : hnn: e, ~r 01110 Wee!olYIIII Uuiveu~y at Delaware, kal .gNIl 01 Ihe 1.lttl. ali~1I11 R Hilrclid. 'II'ltoll", jjo~ elM, pfn .. III, fie. eIC., nOlhinc tI,an to dl'lay'il' Idvence 10 • lime. . :' dl!c~ I of ' the nalluu.1 vouncil. He wal Thul termlnatetllhr ItTH!file for Ille pre. )'\,Jlr.ncy and habl.lu.1 8purl~n" wIlh 1.111 VI.I Wetlne'~IlY. Ihe llBlb Dr July. on Rruldw.y. w." compelled tu 'pull 01 hl~ 11'1/ a. IUUII&! LUi C'11II1.l1. '''IIKr phtni~.lI l1d.ullp. From WlltI~l\. pvrg'l), - relreated to in illcrel corre.pondenClC! whit Ihe Vienna lent on Ihe pari 01 Hun,lIr,. The- reauh ~Iomeari,- ~f IlveIOlo",~. A ~lIry wu lin pun- . Mflrtelll Cullege .1 M.uetI8, Thund.,. coal, .n~ rull up Irl~ .Ieue.,' on MUl'Id.y .Whl'n Ih. prilPJ wltero.1I "ut, IheTe wtr. Lucolli. "thell eallw.n1 .~d .oulhward lIini.lr)', .rld, douhll~ ••, rec:;ive. hhi reo Y" d uccuiJl,cd b, trp..FO~: The aJu,lrsr. nell.~ alld ihe cilse heard berore Ihe lfuy- thl!' lI~lh of .rul),: . IU &c'culIlllilllll! tick .. ! purc:lIlIMer •• ,At tho I renralnirl, .buUhlxly bUlle.. Llvml", II,. tuward. T.... ~1I1, d.,.cribin,.o .re from Ibe ward rrolllihe royal bllunty . "U~ remain- er, I\ot buten In the field in1lllY 0110 fllir Of' 1e~tl!rd~1alterlloon The evidence IIlIc· Ohl" UUlvrrDI 'y at Alhl:nl, lV.edne.d,! hUllr of .:lo.I"S hi. ullil:e in 1!lft fYl'niug. 1cOllct'rl '1IIftn ha,l tlilllppeDrtd. Tile mret. .t KOlSulb'. aide unlll 'Ih. elu) bf tbe fi!flll exo~P.t .. t Temuvonl Lut graiol!d .1· ~~~-"hClwed thllt he plo) ~d r.a~da rQr a I,y· !h~ "'h uf ~ugll'l. . he.lllilcl' ro:crivrd .krllr Ihou.t/nd eig11( hUb- I ill&, rl!""lu' d, \0 opt'" Ihe rl'l\I.imnl: boll, forlller place 10 t,lre latler, ~hile tbe ' Ru.. 'Ian Irmy (1I11t.!' d.:tllclilnJ .&ronl corp. to IIIlW'y but lurely counter~orklng .11 mOit.U Jlle ImporteDt b~tlJe.. The rtauh ,1Il~, and b, 'p<lrllllg IIc~urn~llIled ..II Ihe Kenyon College.t Gambler. W. ne.-; dred "nd lurty'~ll!hl dul~~ra Ind fll)y-~ve .lId . if tl~e. ~"Iuu ble II,Urle. where in Ih~1II I 'p~r.ll~ hi~l) IJII~cbe~ In • 1101 whioh ~e"lIre •• like bil evil ~plrh, .nd on'et- WII unnoldHb!e. ulI:e... d"rgl'Y hlld .ctl'd .money be hid, Il)ld the !edrllnO!I, 11~l1weel day, ~he 41h of A~I.f\I~I. . . C:l'lIt~. hlr tu:ket.. The m~derll Jllb, hll~ II~ til lIive Ihem 10 the o;plrnns-bal nVlh an , woull repro", ..t i~ cord." (fleonillgleo "I: Vf'ry impedimeot l!l 'hi. uperatione .i· in 1I0'ucerl witb tbe goverllm~Dt. HII de' tliit tbe defelldoht",.bllllied IIllh thieve., Wlueobl!Tar QlIlIllie at Spnllilfieid, time t~ IInl"er vo!:ue qlle~lIon. 011 lhlll but III1IIp-not IO(IIOIlP--W" found. p. ~.y, 011 hil WIl, h. 1.ld many oppor . lelilly but perlnerinirJy. I~ventive ,n leclion wal D"nisr),'1 ruill. . aOO 'W.~ anytl'illl.g b~t en Ilun"roble mun . Wedlle,~ay'. the J81h 01 Augn8t. tlIY: Thl' dully illCr4!n'l! "r Irllvel on thi. . .:-::.~-r:.~-"7"'turllti .. to cnt 01J' bodlet oC ~he '.n .. m1, r.i.1II1I obltulu to ,be "rl'cllon of the ' Thl! prl~ollple WilDes. W.. ;& JUlin, onarrl, Oberhn Culll'tie • t Obedin, \Vr~o"d.QY. ru," elll\\,D'~, hal III' pur.lIel -GIll , 8ulI < Prlvnte M,mulcrlpt or lIenr), ()I~ ... oIn••t ket,~" une al. Vadkl'fl•• nd othur blllkDole.pr"M. he Ilullrulfy contrived to ' ,ed Illdy of lIeyenteen YCIf., whe) tllillfi~d Ihe 1l~lh uf AUllUsl. . . ' ~t I~ 'Iat"d in ,be Philbd.. lplrin Enqll;m place.~ all i Cwblch he .te.tlif, lIelllel;.... impl!d~ ila operatiun. wheo at-work. H. IbaUh~ w .. mllrrled; th~t her 110m. WII • • ?IlIGrl'l U, Tal: (.JI!'L£ItA. - AI • recr~lt Ihul IIl'orY, ClcI'l' "PI'n f,j,l,I'flJirpml'ni fro 18 , tv IlDpro.... O~ I'IlChln, Jhe vlclnlly o[ ~(juld lIever b. pr"ulled UPOli to lllue l:(Jld ' !fEu,." WOOD; Ihlt thlR mlln by proml.. SVD?1lIf DU'l'.'7'"'Air. DUlti Tril'lor ••ln 1r,.ltlC luli • lIIe!!lIn, held at EloJpllf UIIl, In Ihe SIll Ie Dl'pbrlmt'nl. at Ule dOle 01 J"ltn 8aroa P ..., Uie,.Buuilnl were th.r. ,bjl- .nd .Uve" Iloia.,e from the trel8ury-lllil JOHN WESLEY JJENLEY. ! ' jln~ .. ll)nill: wilY" had enticed her from ultl reilldt'nl of IhiN pll\c". tllftl Y ~ry ,W· 11.'!Jldll'1, Jh. ICrelt Spnl!e Ho~e of It'• Qnin.·y Adam,' .dnlh,iatratiOlI \ C'ull6d#d (lire hifll,.od,tbl' oliLlet w.. cut 01'. He be w......... in' for Au.tri.. . . ... TI;e lIc1Jt.or. PubUab.r. and ~rop.rletor. her hUI~yntl'l rov l in BL Litull, _d run de!)ly, on t IIP»duy lUI ••• hurt lime bell/re £"lI'li.h ,.e.lIgjuuI wurldl'~ ' . jtenllen,an of 10 GII/l" Jt'IH!lP .I! lloe q rllli".1 "Iallll.~ripl. , ~uft'ered Ii _ I ( tu b.: ilri"rD 10 LOIobcI, 40nftl\Ueac• • l1li'. ... that ,vant of mOlley " .way wllh ,ber 10 tt'll city 00 the ,teamf'! I~ ~lllluGk. He hud bel'n II well .. u~u•• 1 authorhr .~Hted Iho "tllI"""I"le r.4:1 Ih.t and rllullh draft. whl"h lill lied Wfllt-" ,vhtl'f' I,roal ' bD1ly ' of under rr.a ilu • U, •• pre.d dl.roptent .molllC Ihl' and thul deprlnd her .of ,com; &!uonil'the {qrelluon. hllvinjt hem out )11 (ax I.!I" b, whll" Soctrl.ry or S11I1 1' 'rhu_e were 10 Gl'n. 8'"i cajlle upuD HliD, H. tDlrel"4 t1:lIopl; KQMUlh W~. ~Iellied b1 all tilt! J ' Ip,,,nloollhlp 0 r II fond lind atr~l)ti~n.,te hUI' Ihe Clo~,~'y, Illelltllntr to I(,mll 1I11~1I11'... ~lIa~. d~~.llIg hi' Iyrlinlel! l ~'e 11\ II\dll' br u.'l!d .j~,.r hi. ,d"atll in iU.liel! lu 1,1. l ' • •'1 witWthe'm.in U1II1. t.bw,~ G10tirY' ifl~~r.'~ (or'arreu. IIf pny, .nd w.. IIl1a' baud, who in Ihe ('i!f ht mU(l1h, ·.t!rI'Y_ had ,.horl .tlllie ofler rOYCllln, tht! bou~(', b. '11'1\" Ih" eau_e vf ti,e A_lllc~~c- Chllh'l'a-.1 j ml'mory.111 "I It \h. tIIIlalllnW' ahyvld fl. 0., ...d 1I!f..ln , left Na.,..S..aaOl wi (be bl. to meet the demllod." (Kou. & HUhi' b~eo "'n;led~ alwaya' treilled ~"t wi, .. ' the ...ted 1I11II.el[, 011 • ~~l" In hia 'f"U~I~ •• nop dl'-:Ollell..l h... . preld h~ pijl,"IIIO~I. pu,rld j re\iiv.-a, th. " .htaoe}:h lie _poke wtll ha ,,,Ir-p.rdto"bt: N1I".S...orriot oDI, W,r p•.II4,) Suoh were Ih. dllli"ulli", ",I'!lit .,..pett. 8y !'Illfllpr£eenl.Uoo' en,~ged I~I rE'''tll~. A ' dallllhter at 11lrrllt,h over \I.e' wlldtlIl4 ,'"1 mlllluulu I GQuld IIU' wlfte The nllllu,"ripil .re wlthllt lfl,ubucll 01 'I.e , _b ', .tt.ck "a u h the dl""·AJe f~8on Wilh willult . " . . alfe Will dec(Jled 01J', (III .he fuollahl, .up- hi. ",U .hurtly .hllrwll&!•• enl ~n ttl cull Ihe gran.-Th' cblliu. w•• IlI1!iuuwo y'l'ry vululllrrl'u" filllnl( II lar,_ tttllli: Mnd "l , Ion I c ~""I~ 'r- ~ , Inr." .000 ... ill' ilone. Be., Ihll III " '-tl ...· b h h II t dl I II I ed II tl 11 r b cI Ihid "I II ~II lle ' · I ' Iti.It brAvl!lf kept them Ilt ~111,~"d de_p.tcb. KOIIfqlb b.d to conltlld. bit .ny wonder mInd. We . mllke t19 char,.. upun our PdOAIl "llY 'ID ~ne'll mu ..,C\~ ~ eatertaln· I In " , nt",er , \ leho I I. rll 11;'1 w ~.I _:1. e urt: I e perlu d" ~, o,i .11 i ~; II' '1I b 1 IIrlr publlt~lic'n wil be 'wlifd lor m 4d 1\ meuen-.rter Gor-, lor rebllorce. ttu ...... foUl . 1 ' • e.n I .ot 00 ,ur- ler. umlll, to re~rtlla If'r II o:r Wit! .·I!f'R, 'nu .... 0 IIPP,:"r.ncllllfl f' 1.'1., II ow 1161' ,e .. \I • till li 'III.I illlt r81. GI'''I',.I J ~'~UI' WII n.-' J boob ror 111b Prlutln, ol\ly to tllo .. With '1 . Ii ~ eI • d Id t k I. 0 h IIIIW II 'h d I tI I , I H tI II ' • • • .ntt, with tti'cI~ura\lce ,,( &11 e ..y vicWhea Gur"". arter the blttle• •round whom we helve de.llb.... 11 I~~ e , uun IIhe W" ImJlUlle un .nelhll· ~~u h 111°, ,wu pn 1101, '1 II erf me I'I l w I', elPlr vel ' II. d""" ~"!"I u :.n .o "1·Mr. CI,.>:·. 'j'col.d I" tllll'l "till ROil. l to!')' 1£ Ibe requrlt WM "anled. Gorr1 ~om.m l,colliq,l, jo,fe)rmed the ,overn. · .dlil~l.r. ... Iegr.phftd to lIer Itliab.nd lu com. 01 : t I.' IIUse WI'III III t I • P ue ur. ,rollt [or. lei tllD 1I11re Il'nlln t,I~'r uu". d"I"Ir. ~t\d trlC/llgll fll"~Iic'Mlly "rl'lit'·" 1ft refuHil to IjIlld> 'tbe~I .Dc! :Ne~.Slfllilur ment at Pe.t thllt Ihey had bette; retire 10 ... , .nd ,Ill her, p~tlDli6ini never II) rUf'uk. ullmber of yehr., Ind WI. blghly .. .lcIlUl· . .., ... .. I't! 'h olh~r, Ihe \\'hrIlWKI reflll,1I1 Iritll~lorp • ., , " I·... i .&. • b h 'd db II h' H I ~, H . , _alIT -Tile Itl'll ufLh," YOU"iI " ... Compeled to retre.t. lhtlled -wilb lome pIleI! 'oC •• fit, II he could not dl" \11 ...." n. ..." I e ,ave lh er en elloe f' Y a IV'o nl'w uo. e ene.. ' , ' . l ' alwDyl "1I.wled bt'lwcen I h"llO . 'vorp), :' .took ••lroDII' 1"1- f d tI I '\e.r 0 , l'1alPlI IIy Wat ...n I n eVI'r1 l e ',Iml"1y all d IIInll '! f r Ien.. d -I(I 1O,lIrn mill ·"". el j ra<' 01 It,urdermjt • 'he"d41, .. U."ar. arm} it I (I) ' tile II1II1 of ,overn. lie .re J ,Idllll at 4;)omor. Why did Gor"e), ~ ',fl. ~:nl ~:.c::m:y~d lu S)'f'jeilill; anti when !le. "~ile lhe' .edacer •• It on hi. ch.lri ,lIIldden .b\lrc'.Yellleot.- .."lddl.ito.~. f Nyr 1"ll F ..ll Y (tile ElltuW, lIuu.", ~". nELL, .u~Q lit LtuOuIIIG .-D\I,j nll • .....11)1111' 0ecleet."e'1 .i1..~tsie! "'IIe1 t1 i 'Illtter lace WI" 'd~cl~rlla IInprutected • \l(il .n .11' 0'( l'Irkl"•• lOci vll1.jno~1 del- i). )pnFr" . I 11111', ~.I Ir~ UIIII, ~U. br·/1l1 ht to 1\ do.. ~I! ~11.rm in 8 ....lon . Tu"~I'ly. e.1)1I B'Hh uf ""1 111d lbe IIlImy, kQQW.lDg blm' to' bo • b 18D'elllbi!.kl, It we remuved t9 Ar.cl, · , Ince. ,OWilii 110 W.III of evidence hi Ill: . \. " th"f cII, .U\I. tl.e: 1I!llh "It,' . ,"d re~u'lffd III lillllll,ing IV I~ wllil'h It \VDS ' ''t,r'IlOpIIIII, .I, -JI.I J hi'edl I Ib tI 1. .• ' . ' 1\ \ O::7'On SatuM"y 0' It. - week, Ihe 24th cordaDce wltlllJae ordln.oce he w.. dl.. ' t!IIl" '~ lnr MutC",Uy. hi. ~OIIVlnllon. The Ilublle Trlbulle of an Hctt'd till the \vlre~ 91' 1\10 fire .Ir,rm a - . _ a , 10 ttl! row 111m· .lrer, It t~rr/lln.ted. ' . . InIJ.• Iherll \VIII be hel~ • Sabbnh Scllou' clilrgell )Ira \youel wi) I ,.tllr" tcr her . :Mr. Jllfllel l:IilWt.ell \ Br•• r~.illi llll' In Jlh" 30lh 'II'~: ' th .. 1every boifl in th., Illr"nll Vi I i SIr III kj re II bin :De IO'~' .. ~I'N:n~. y '.... JL\J'luth Will rl"/lI~~ to llUl.d =Yl'~elf~n Celt'br.tloD. It BeechJ,';uve. (better knll.n h\llbDad thll ~~k NMIJHlrfi1 Bru" kl Ct'otrl!.,I.ldy rutllr\\l!d frum Cill' ''jlhe c•• " ha" rxdtell IIII"/I,,ul int~rcll pl!lI-lin., ,""" ~~unIl4 .. di.tllll:l .. wltel) 10." it m'I"'l~ "",ual til e""tlil - to Ibe Ili"t. till~ Dem bln,lIl ••dvl,e II ~II . . . Heapto~,) IIbout low: mile. ~O\IIIII; lltCiI ' , • . ". d'lOali, ~ompluilled, lll b.l'llIlI.lick, I~id c1~'l'1I iu IllIt cOUlmollill-~lId during iI~ prult',," glv~ rtrtf. "twe~1I UIIiD. • onln, Ihe TbeIN •• ,lae I!il~ or defenc~, II t4i. pillce.. . e lliarn \bllt lbe .c~6ula ex. • '4Y'6l/'LLK.-fb. Hay.. .nd tlled. fle wal bll.,leli o~ 1!le lItI 11111. , nOlwhh~~D"tlinll Ille UlleJ].e IUlut of I At Qou.\)f 0-.., ... obll,ed ~o figlat. ~orp, hid .Irelld, Pf!Qlltlt'd tbe RUI' pell~IIII to lII"t tOJ'l!tl)er, 011 Ihll~' ~f; are ,iHe-Eligle 01 Lb. laLh allY!!: , Tile ca. w... tlIfllt l,h"ler". Il l' ,I!", I we!ltllt'r, Ihl! CUurUOc.lin WIOII crowded. ,Y'I" n ilrt 111"1".11/17. !Iii) W"'h'rn 111I·if. i. <lilt 1111 a~1 not f~t btln, prep.red ror. aur· ~ ~o cro.' It IIbuvt m mlfllf, end, tbere· m.llia" rvery preplIl',tiob.to ~lIve. pie.,. . ~IKe vur h"lI, II' re.w 041." or "bole.... ~wWil, .... \""ual!ili.tfl, I.llen ~u ' 8 · t.rd.y ruor"'n!r. Ibwt. Il 'u'lIll1OlI, Ihu ,a' of" ~,iI-II~' •• ty IlJlC ~II d(lIl~•. r..\1~~~ HI ., render, A,IID w .. N,C', SandUl, the b ~Ddend It 10 their puwer I" ~ tlin. JJr i~ A IPl$~ iQJler. 01 b~"'-i. itae-clt1'..;..a of ",Mcb lbe ••'t It . 1i4f In , ••• Imrllkliell ul Ihltr .I"I~ wa. cUllcludtd Olo.:-Innalr IU to ulllh hflll for r •e • un of &h••rm" 'trdfred \0 "llold Pt~ ~ IlIIIIln,,'to. WIImI ""t .dalY freolJ putiakr, "III ..~ p' "viicl f. aI We hue be.rd ' vr no dl.II~. hou..., . T~ .IIl'IlI' atl"~in: ill 'and C. to, bin.,,". !!,q., ',pl'uud rur I~e wilule or H ~",.. Th,' [',.,i.l... Film,·, thill~. '''~t d . . .I~DI b.ftne GP!D "" loti. ,. ~l: .the JIatrOj ~'Ii.... TIle I lie proyJd~~ ~ .peeehH .lId li'dd,.,••1111 n." ~'8. tlli~ \ll()rrlin,. There I. Ihe '.II.rty. 11.0 dll!il •. \'U'I'1dIl1 Inll~lIinlt, S,alt!. lIe Willi "1C:1l. .~•• d by C"I. re~ey ble, UtI t1\eo to tarn uide ..... Ie "'~I:"t G~rr1' '"u, be ex .... Ulcll l~ -"paln, b)' &he how ''''', ~ .trollll diKpol lli()n III bow,l ~"IlI' (ra 8.\Vt~II, of Ihl. ClI11 whv .ttenllntl l!at' W I~~ IrllUI er. Th" II I. lidl k~" thOJ! 3,500 II W frill/lug I "'.II, i n~. ","i1~~ ~" r,·rl'llio. where I .chouli .ntl Cboin. W, !loP!' our , Irleudt plalh~~, whit:I,; .if D9t .uenCled ~" in t ~",e. • cl~ hi. 1.1~"r. w aui:hlpftiy icitqr. Mr, Antler.ulI, clu~~d for I~ s illio. \~ llIlJe P'1I1 '1,I1l~" in IIw N"rlhw".1 II,,· pr... an, dr.. w tlie _m, .. tmlt1n~lLl. VWDi: " Ollfun,.PI!ICR , m., lane. tiuir ,J!leuau, dID\! 01 t. fUll air 10 chule.,.. We lelrn that .lIIe. and dl.d I.. olllhl betwe~1I J J ."d ·HI. A I\\llo .(It!r 8 o'cluck Ihls can WI\_ .ub. al'"l.u .oll-e!)uui ~o the lub"r uf 17,bOIJ the ~ CO Pllt1!ok 0 . .11 to (,1[• . •Del Itu•• W.fj p. ') o,ber clllI\l"pG~I'I. Ou the . , ,': . .. ' ' _ . .".tIN otllbJtjlk of ohOlar•• 10':. Idler- I~\!I ~.wlell. "luther or he 1",lIl1y', \iv. mille:! Iv tlt~ jury, ."d IIller 1111 II b.ItPc" TII~'.lirlJefi were f,uaotu.Ul U~I""'-:- dt Aup~ D\fIt. frem ~lle tU'II'n, , 00-00 B~~." ~uly HLh, w~1I ,be lntllllJ\ne "ken pllce 10 tbe celllett)'1 '~n Ol~iu City, .w n .I¥o lakel! .iek ,J e .. ~unll! few nlll,ule. I vt'rd let \v. . returtletl At RUHoin b~.,ap~ wee tim" Ju, ,I h. AlIIlrlln out poetl iH!lIIr 10 'I~ht. On IOld •• plimdi4 l'rlD , belUlI.io. &II &Jill ell- bpi ,t.wt!!en · .w rour:\I!f!;1 of ' riicb • w.re tllrdaY.IDd nyw li~ ••1 Ihll puint ul de.lh. QI" ,nill" wiih the de.th 1"'".11>:.' . The NDI/a nnl IlItllth~I'.lellr '\111.1. IhAl ~*D lIum'" ...~ .uch • m,lIoer u to the ..me dly t~ .olire RU/l~fI.1I lII .. 01 DllQijr) H.I".., deune\l The ~"ole Il CUf'tl.~ TWII h.ve beell lot.rre«! i. IlIo»l.remlirkable I.tullty .nil! quill by the i.le cali'lI11 It 'PP"I\I, Ih It Iher. m••• (helll btlllJYe the, w.re OPPOW'~I C'f'OIMd the Tblll.., .ad 8,.j1'CIln, ORe f.rm lie. Dbolit two milN porth.weat of el",.liere Ihci'~ I1;i ninet1.fite ~'.Ih. by IIn.c,c:ollnluble lu Ihe plry~lei.II •• It wuul~' r:Hoh u El\:rECTnl UI .N... lv ~"IIIC -A lire in tlte Ullittld 8tlll.e~. 10.10:1 PN'MII GorrJ" WhO~ ana,; "lad., teoP"t h 'be .troDiel~ lont . . . . b.o~pecl til the dill pllc~, i. 'nlllmprl.lved,.nd Will ,ruve i cholera. aeemlb.t \be I,U'l'r b.d!,ee" I" Cillci~ati, letler [r"lII Nt'W Ynrk II)': de.1 .nJ dUII,II'. 6.Qd:l Llln&!; }I),GtiS illf tb.1Ie we reported ~I bit b."•• lI~nt lIa". }O . .~~ •.uw II, A~~.oa withlll • bl~w. • no lkIubt tv ~~. Iwcl • :Drtn .. tbi. coun. rilll "n4.r the Ii,..t outbrealk, the .. bere Ihe chol"r, w.. .knOWI, to be, Ire 'Tllo SlIfll", ('ulldillun of NI'w Yorl! -lind IlI,1U(ritludc . • nd declllllt'cI, r.~e~ th. . . .10 arml It 6n ,Jh. Mille cl,al,he Ru ••,i.nl allVlaUG try .lJ'orlll. • • • hlvin" . roCurred an...r IJ w. . . u·paOle)l cumea home, die •• ,Jld .. burld, HI' I.m· JIlII now i. rlYorabla flnol'lI lr, bllt great we., a hI, . "14,,kS." ,lbid.) ~l \hllll..t place G,ur- tQ Uj-VarOi. tlielrlq.ln .rm1 Qun,l;erin,.Ia,. t ' .... , . • 41.tlH "lid .IIII~ forabIJut' . "";ell • une by one, u. all w t\till one wee"; pr.. hell.ion iuxprellfd le~l Ihl' Clrll!rr. (IhJ\E,C~"."~ LE J:,.~"'D.-'-!lni:~ I : 1 0:70n llo~., 10,11' uf Au,,",.t · 1.1\~ " c " . .,,11 lll.callereil 10caIiUe.,I.Jid ID the dUll Ilnm,,,,, brln, Ih. chult'r"'lDlI.ng uti- The::" • • p.o. ge",IIlIe wr~c aft - ley w.. e"'..... wlt~ die .. ~my wbpn "y ,holl.nd .troD,. On the ad (AUI·) NW~C: 0 .., up~ :btft l..tttall \II aero 1h'1 Olllr9i,eil tu Debell, 10 here th,eJ will b~ u/)'",.4 , r fllll, ~h. upIIIVld~'" hklf T~ CIJOloli.l.-on lIu~d., bight' IIId be.lile Nunr out u~ Ibe f'lmily have Inspeetur.rt·porl. 343 d.,allts tr~m , ali d". r:..~/),ltrprrwrl.Ualfl t~,h~lb,m .II ~"'~ !urehu~ wi" G . ...... arerifdhllD\berUlb tb thtH:' 1IJ ..... Su'l : .. , i III dd en ~ r.by lire d lae~e " ' . ' , 'n~f"l1 ·PII'"' ...... ltV.t.... ' .. Gor.-' . • tne, u.., .rl.111 ' lIoder .,. .~ .,.. - o~ t h I. 11'111' I rDpe~ly ' DdW k OllWO •• tht durilllt'-';~ellcll'" Ihree pilrlUn,h"eu :-CleVtlhlDcI ellu,durlnjphe w"t>1t r,ndinl Oil 811tul'- !'rbm ,hoi'. UI-flted. "-I. . II u••• eO up With ht. " t l ' - trw,.. cia",". tbe cler. Whom, .. Ion .11 ,Imll.r OCC•• IOOI, ·'Tel.earlll'h MIIIII" .bllut'I"1) mile• •outh 11) 0 ~ 5w;'urd"l Row with .11 \~, lIIu.1 • IIlb. " • .f.y. 01 these tbere were 76 m.lI, ~ >\'0' • • ~Ilem~ .ad dec:idH-U'. "".f; ~be ~u"l.nA 'Gurg~y hall .ppuh!ted to the po.l -of ,d.n. or til'. jll~e•• . 11le 1i,1!. or ih" prop'e~.11 .ino;~,!,,, qr'C!l0!ere. · 01\' of th~ who • Pleni I~I bUY'.lnd 96.,lrl.. A Dt!~ "Wtw I•• ~I, ,11'1 dlt l:lI 1'tr.,Pf ~preclll, enCIIIltcl.HJ.klllos,IOd Gur,e! lel': .' H. pot!ted Ia'l. ruen ID the field •. of lu be lUI. beMlp to tire Htate or Thu\1l- dlt4-" .. , ~'O\ll,b; .nd the otbertwo were Btull ul! Till ~&lJ: ChAL.-Th~ Sle.m 'rum 1111. Ohiu"ellit'\lItia'f, w •• r""It, .. w~ ep.b\r:tl ... ~..,. til' nobl.,.t putl..... IIe.lhen In rul. bloum"lld IUllght i.ke '1 flVln •• ileceued. 'J'bia Mill i.a in one nitn~-.h ocr-up.n.. cif a t"nement " ' hleb bolt ·iI.cub Uillil. la)'. til Luclkpo I D .. III" . ALLEGED ~VaE ro .. CaOLUA.-Th" In Mllw.uklr ••nd ... tl'lurl in, 10 (''',~ .. ' tl"~~ rJ'V1ll OIIod.lO ~1aa, tu deatpU)' .t be 'be Judl.o, or AOIP~lce, under CI,vfr, . A uf Ibe bett IIltllativa. In Iho COUDlrJ'. . A "'" ir"lI!'decl•• nel .jtbID,.bat illNn. An. O~,.ti pI ..e~ . Ibuugh' Iblit viII.,. 1.lt N~\\ Yurlt ~me. "Y' lhal \h~ 1",c'R' in ohal',e. uf .n, t.lllrer, .nd ~hile on Sral" b]idd'" .~ ~~~ t!:.. dat~.m, It~ buttle "n.ued, NlaT·S.ndor WU" b.r,_lo, DO cioulit, c.q be bael. ' olh'lir man bell)al;II, t~ the lime hllll.e !I··uradu,. b~"lni in Iuw ivur Orlbie IMt,,,,·t ~ Ilrna whu .. II u~t of Llve-rpoul....ert tI,"1 iii. wa1 rrom Det.....l~ tv 8alldu~l)' IUcr,r... DOII"'1l m....., W ....." ......e .,~nll! ..." ",bere to ene<lura", hil troup.. I~ ' • ••• • '11'11 "ile\1 .iek Ibuut the .. ame tlml', .bd II 1l1li ul bu.ta t lul An u"w n.v ,. Il thr Ith"y"ow crtre no nlure ror A.illill Chul"'11 dl'«\·,. rullini 1IIIIIIeil uttrbo.h1 ..d "'.. of rtill'liae. (Jr~•• ~ Jlu ,. War, p. •rll)lery w•• .,cur"d In th" j ,D!0~t ma.lerly oo-T~i. /lumber -wmp!ete. tb, third I.rl ror a IIIInl1 ov..r Ibe rlwer. !lilt died, Il UIlIII. 'riley were h~.vHl loud..d. with tbln r..r urd io"y cholio, or 1\l!kne.' or.' he tlrUW-lIH 1\1 the ,l.lle. . , . 1t6·l Pe,... UD ~w JUI,.~ wa. ~t. m.nllrfi '''~ .11 bll dilP'"lt.luOl wtre m.de volum, uf. TNt . )triM'" YuilMr, ' 00 II ... Id, In thtl woocla. · ar~ lilt the a.bIIN~d Irun, nil II "I"bly-luur 1011. \Will .tom.ch. T~IO ,rei'lled, wbich I~II" . , , • taekttl;b, tbe .en!m~ ~ force, 'Tb~ ,.~: III .uch .d.. 'n"le,or~erl tb~Ube di, '11''' Wf'dllftd'l uf uext.,!i*eli, wilL be I.ined deltl\l Iht h."e t.ken pl.c,. ~!ld we .re tlie .al.l~el\ \hlt ulty vi the~ ,br' i ttl' ,'g- upon, IIld wlJlcb tI,t', pruoulI~ce Infllli!. The Jiichl"~ Pl'pt'''' .'lI1e IIll t tie l ..tecl fro.. murlll", IIU ~ at .~bt. dOllbt!u!. , . the 6r.t DLilaber or tbe ffourtll ,,!;,',?'e.;- ... ~r~ tb.t thllf •• 11 .ro., fr.m .ntece. grrgllti .Uiuilu' o.UIlL hM\le WtoO .L lea"t· lou~uch. II. Ih.y have ~e'l!r ,~lIown I: IU \Vilh"Ii'" lor nllhl ,~.rl llay", 01 Detl h.) ~'a:.8.odor .od Pulll'rib", per. HII h.'te~'cl. me~IP '0 Gur,p" who Borne decided illlp~ovelllenli ml, b. tl: delli. lueh .. loilht re.ul In Ibellnae 'II'~y IlIr~e hundl'l'd .II~ IWe.llt,,,IX lUI... . \Y,itla I~.~. 111 thll (01141111'111, lumple pre.criplIUII: t rull, .nd M.•j. K.·.,;.If. 'n~ IV,"!! Ume one fOl'lllrll p.r odllie'"ot ..Iocr,.t ~It~ he.d or w~. ~a.t thltleen allle•. oir, to eom. up Rteled. 'II'1111I'ut flor,ltlllllllg Ih. 1II,~j..t I"o~nd '0 IIDe or bUllle Iv d"!r,c tbe ~'e.m h'r I 'C"mDlIIII ~lltl uoe la~le"pouIII~I; red "..,. uf tlie IIIfPIIII ul tlII'Mkbl'l.i Ullivl'r.il).their H~rn'e.t.. Gorp, ell_plef ed hlcl' WIth Iu. army .ad the .1'lctury WI.• •lmUlt ,_, &eline In the ,r.dee lit opld.Dllc cbol. Dluveel II.e~4 alille r.le 01 bitweeelltllr~e , pl'r, urle Inapuunlul; In h.II",plllt 01 ~uI blllb illlluf\btilll)iJlllc!cral•• and ... nn per. , bet, .)llhtl... prob.bly to Ibow thll Rut· cen.la. Gclrp, Ifnt I\orll to reo oo-'I:he publiution vf tIle 01 lerll.-Dw.ylOn C/1IUl14. elld luur anlea 'Ir hUllr, lIulwlth.laudl,11 w.~er. .' .uIIII fr;f'II'd. or ~tn. C. __ b.~. nlll Ilia• •hll·he Could do whea h. m.de \be milld him of "the ord~tI lie hili re- Ohio. il b,ouah"o • elOie Iq thll number, I' vb~taclt:' wblcb Ihtttlfr"W ,.nel Ibll· . ' 0111 rIlr ScoU' ru" Pre,ldent• • lIltrt. Th"overwbelmin, nlltnben of tbe ceiv.e. to eneu.tAt Delutyln .'~r la .t· .110 the hiator)' of lbe Bunprl." Wer, II OlUIIII.ItIl,'! 28.-Dr. Lt.I, a.bbl ar, luw w.II!r "I Ille uld UIIIIII1 m.ny place. D"'l"JlVClTt1'~ 'IU Af Sr. LovlI.-A ''''111, were fO"refli bloll •• nd .t nl,lll the tempt" "11a't ellcel" N.".S.qdor had COllr.IDded: .nd . tI~rPlore the or Giellt'lI, wri&ea the rO,lONlng leUI.',:-'AI. preaeo'ted. It m.u .. ,nq Iwell w . .... ta Jb. tW III' lIUt~1I .rtrr II o'~loc:lI un 81ullrJ81 . A l16mP,aIJ1 CIOJlic! the. A.nel'lc.ln 1Ik.1Il WI, WI~ qpen for 111m ~ erOII the Thel"" aow btlt on• • lterD~ti,e-relr..a'. Tltil Ibll pa~r m.y h.t .. rler loolt for ~. " ••1., 10)" m.,tu ~mm\lniCilte k, JCD kI, bill Jilu,ed un _p'll,lItlily fllll\lly bre•• \nlllh." l"lh Ina.tll.t 1'41. 1,..111-, th~ NUllan. Cirri.,. Cllmpa.." II'~ M.tn ,~~ 1« whirh.'~ eou~ b." ""ly• .Iou. e\ TIIa· be 41d Itl cmtet. Go"'-, hid ~lJt one vuiet1 of readiDl'. m~\ter; \h.n ~•• lleen Ing fa'i l • "hlt'lIl I eOIlII.d er ltV, IIbl,,·the ~tre.1II wilb " rlppll. luul .111 on Flth ''''el, n." Kill Crllt'k. til. pllrp_ uf bllildiDC .... lit ClImer- lei' (\INd••• bla O1IrD IIll1/1en and tbe .nem, "~1 of retreat, lelt ol"n, and th., lea 11101 (inD fll~ 10m. tllne p..t. Ketp )'..( Jure;" tCI't!.t til &he rc,.cllll'I' of 1\111r wl4el, . , • • w•• dllcunracl tv III. IIfI fire. "TlJe 11"1111." <11"lIk rol.4ia, Ita I.!tder.(u .to~ Ih....lI\Il1' .lpttC..cI: • But tlii. wuuld I.ad blm 100 to And; ",bllberJa. weAt. . ' 0P.,l!nl led jvuftJal! 'T\Ycl" yel~1 m......h WH& 8AlTI,' . DQT.-T.he pn)ll r, . d with .ucb.r9idllJ. thai tulu ~rtb. pi ilk~bi lb. h _ ' '.et. It near to Koeaatb .ltd tbe 0111., divl.lolII o( Dembinllh, oa leaving SYf'jedin. ~ ' ; , •• LoHlwe" 0' rl'll.lrt\.led ' with bIa wn. 1l'0III l~~flld .a),. ~Mt lb~ "ClUel I. prev• •'he IIn,ln... frum t~ .. upper pITt Ihe Ill· I. thou,lI~ • carri.,. .IIJ Ire cu.tltruolflil the army, aDd Ia. w.. not 1et ".d,- to poet' .t S,orej. "here he w. . .ttacked on ta-The ltn\l,c:rlpt oC "Tna-VILt..llll bl!~<-~ Allieri,CI!. where Htlled ia cill' .lenl .~h.t the ClIllu,,"II~r Ihll ,Elich". " ",...Id . rt.CJi tba ,rouUll, the wOutlen IRuch e ..I'" ~ tile ~ aDti mllcb \lll,., lII"'Ube~ , "Co'.!tr.'1 10 .\1 the eapeo- the 11th (AUI') t bJ the Allttrl"n. uader AltD ... Vlerl ••" •• rolll.nce whioh will ·clnolill. Ii. dlied••Dd· bill whww .",ved qu", will ~ .ble lO relhn Ihe ~t.:llm "I work_ul tbe flru!)llITe .. nd tb • • "'Icilioer, 1'''l'lh.Q cummon II." waehrl. c;I'foelof both ~'iepd. loci foei' Go'J'l!1 ".fneu. A dllfe'.le b.ttle w•• the ' re· bu commeaced iD Jh. nexl number of thll here. r•• cI.y•• go. for tI,l! eapre.. pllr_ the lite ~Ir R"il~ Pt:el, bJ rlducIPIL ~lae lVer" allUo.~ entirely CUII.llbll'd. Ind _0011 , • "UUIIM the &ajo In4 the Ueellltd,.D IUIt. 'l'be Hungarienl were deteated.- papE'r, h.. been rtulved. Till. rom.nce POI" of hldll!ir die iet of CMliall ~l11e re. ~,e huqllred 11111 ...... 01 three per c":lIa. • ftfr. portlul' uf lilt nortbero w.U lell Th. CIE'vel~Dd U.~ r.kI ••,. tbat th~ P" III. &rOIl,. • d.y'. re.I.t Geutely.- Dimblnl1t1 w.. ,",undrd; .nd WiLhoul a WII wrllll'" ezp Mly ror pllb~ic.ltioo in ligiou.-disptll ..llj)n b)' the Irullb.ad'. ur~ IPto IWO b.~( per ceat, .wclt. (l"D' wllh a treml'lIduUI r,rub Inlo the crHk .t . cenlt.1 ~m l,l lN .of ~,.." JD tbl. ",ltioD Grabbe .u.eked him, .nd coIllDl.oder, b, Ib.. wounded popr.. I·, or· The M' lmi Vj~it.(l,.. !.ulthe luth~r h.. lie. Ibar, prevhllli \0 her ruarryln,.,.lri) ~: hl~e OIIllll'qlWlllly IIIVllIIUd, !Iud I,e ide. Th~ m'"I1Ir \nery and fiatu,.. lion" h, 'lIed G~.\ ta tbelr . I:I't . : drl..a b.ek to Onocl." (Hi. p. ~a1.1 cler. we Ifnl1 retrelledlO Tem~ana. Ind cured a copy.ri,l;t lor it and ",ill IMue Il furmed ber bruth.,.lo.law whu ...ldeII t 100' w lUI. ca. d ... , d IMat wert' Inlure~ IlIr 1 ••000 tn II!., .En.. "and ltUtJ ,114 .lIt« .ll'ed him III , thell" II" l -bl '''tb • Til d" ' I h'.. ~t\Ir' in book.ro,m ...000 .1 It I. . convenleDt 10 ,In 111I'l\tl,~burlluod. . ' . P_roIec tl "I. IIIII l,eI,. . .' t lu ot the ffew II"., tlnef , • wu .o. .... ~ " h e a.qua"etll 0 r pro,e d t he ru In II rib II c.lulc! 10 Alter' ilil. rehll""" 'UOI a b.'111.11III'\:11fU , • Bur • nd U~kl . ' bllt: 1 'ibe er..1fI1 "were re_,ed tu 1 ,zlIrured, ter. Kuelllih n'1 ju.ll) bllmed D"mbla· to d.. Tile r..den of thl~ pape~, who.,. cerelDo01 ).d been perl"rmed '1 111e ,... c:u,.,r the· I....-Cin. ~ plld tile bill. , . • nd Gorpy It len"" cro-d the Thl""." aki ror bll dilobedlence. fond. of re.din, neh Irtljlle... lfiii..will lerda" the wll ow I. po tht ....iut of. I ' E-. • F'~~no " rn d.. . rda d ' · ' • • • '. ' , r ,~_O"O.I ~., ""UT.~-~ ~ (lb.) Be l1li''' noW flYln tow. .Ar., 1.llb1. JUI)CI~ni . Dem ,.rrind.•t Arid. DO "oubt;·"" _ _ 'f intereeled In il. . tllrainr w..\merlca.'....:.t. .Churl. c,"11 near I5l. Lvul. Hi. lli / ~ Ohio II 'lfry Jaw .M ble aec;ld't:nt ,uc.,.rt4 vII L~k~ Pl)nr.hltrlln. the then "It of lOycmmelll ..·'noLllln. reo .ud KU'.Ulb It'lzed th, opportuDlty '0 .". [ •• •• • m\lll n , ,' J I luh The 8 J .alnint to blm .. ,e hi. _UUffII.,.. poinl bim to Ihe eonlmaod or tlui army .t . O;7'Tbe Cboler. "'.. .till tarlnr III ' • ~ TIt•• e' lillO" •• ' brl/lt~lI, .nel hit b~ad w~, .completuJ~ ellprri".,q eOlllldrrable lllllllultr ID II-I' u r · t. ~me•• rt~: If. Huapry WI' lot' tbtoorh Aie r.ul~ Te..e."o. 'fhl. pllce W.I In tm.. h.D'" WlioliniluD. Ohfo,'the lut lime we h•• rd BEDuta: Co .• lItl.... J'.n. l~. '6'. I d .... I",' Hd" II.d .PUp.re"ll, 11ft. lila.: till, oul. !nlit frolll 1Il1!.,,!I'rllu ....... bbTbI~"" "oIll: lei I t he coli of h b b -d bee r t' • T bQfI; ' elil Ie. tb • t! 'uu'll uur IIf" It eMh... whIch • • • .rVe I\um""r JJ pt'~e" • cr'I • .... he " WOl C. n" eon. ruet r a l • emm1, w o . n.Or" ung (Nm Ihat pl~CIJ. Sume 1f'~l'b d..thl bad be nllll. D. 08 • IUioed with blolld, w.re Iwad' ha... Tp J&WI UQllIU.U. ra N£w 'YO\lJt.- w •• ItaIP.I!CI18WJy ....JiI. _lid In !I ~w .ala· wI~111. ~~n b~~ ~I~ P:'~. I . ' ;~ bH~~ b,1rrt~e HbUllt!"III\~ ulI~er oc:c:urred. Gre!t llarm rXI.tA io tlrellllnc\e but!y J~~I, j~~ It" i: in,.to an..dj.r.eut Irre. 811 feIIlur•• lI!d The JI!"'i~b ,,"pul ..Ot!II o( tII!. cltl"e .bVllt IIll'Ilbe boat ......"',ptcha a.ID"'. Fillf • ..t . n.\. 00. t er 11' 1110111 ~1. "t "1 WI" e Ollt nte ,. of many of the cit_D.. Wllmlart0n,.wllt p' me- 0 GIl ron.po fII, become ,uitAt di_~d .ad ... ob. wa .111. tu 8l up • bllfpil.1 "for the purp~ 0' I,n. wrre loeh • • ., the .-m)'. ~Jllbillllll ••• _n bellJ1'e, On"'" lOW of AUfuat ••h. tWoI herelufore h__ beeD'.pared frem • 1'1111"· cop, wh...., th.lle. ~ .• II, .rl'lUnd lit. • r. rd ' I I d ....1· I'd f A h I..lnllll t-. II ia B.~il) lot H.t,eal lIatiA. "'"' Jed out to baule uader die oommaild Ii~n 01 Ibi. dreadful d~" ' out of whlel,l .th. ",orllmclI wert .luwl, to • the~: u 10, a:;: ell .~.m CII.I. ~m ,urt m;D' , ~ -, J'~-...,.~ ~o~_ D e 'tIC QO labpe r • . IKl\lon with O"'PJ, or JlelD .Ad H'1I1tU. The balli. \Va DO. . -' , u ' · " (for' lIeilrr, ri~ ,lee. reqlllred" derrick D&owlW) urot. Tn.-An 1: r.. nt "blld ... ",'t eJ'!t ~, T ~ ,Dill.,' to WI_~,!.. 10tI ~t~ ~~_ ..... W IV' II clel dl~I"'• ....... _ t L I I r r b fi hili .. ~.......... t U , It I I) \It'!'.,, ,_uy ~n Il'a. II" IlYe 0 1r· ",uun 0 1 ............ U," ' .... eceo"..... 'otneren .... ".uu optr--o te "rclllulte.",• •,boA """-JoeZen '......rli .... eoldoatthe ........-r-'D '. . atop.cr re~lI .. nennl.. JI.•_ .. fH~'-11 f,..aI' th.oth~r I I I h . .... ,.. 01 . be -_.. • I~ • Vol . • • . - . ..... . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . d Th ., '" ..... ~ cu ar, nwn nr ~ • U .. ,I.nCl of tLr. bl'lIn· .......",,.r 0 , , " , r "Da. Uou, ...., . were ~.,- \0 were ilriven Ir.'m their "ound,l~eor lert Weattm &mporl~.. 'r"tllat ~t•• ._~_~'7""""~...vD ": • car- IIllhl,IIolII hi bed (DCO a tula ur w.ler oleOlln furlher.Dce or thla obleet. TIle alt. JaiD'" wa rafill .t ,", tim" "~ to . . . . .D. IlII1 .nel ceQUe de,.ted. Ind Ib,D'U, It fl ..Id meDt, lu Ger~D,,",., Oblv, to II............ ," tJo( the IIII~bJlII III 10 • whlah bid bealllflJlftt It Uld w•• dNw~ I • bo~ r.... 0...," urlnl, Wllt"~ alII the b.d Ictual!! 1'111 ,,,., Hveral n'i1N frIJID Jidler" BrOoIIi .110 wlU chea" lbe pl.ce, j~ ..,pe.,dlcul.r aide or ~lId atd. _ CLnu.ID. PAtl..YI""I. A.ftAattu Tlte ~IDJlI!D. c...".) £x~.. hll .... 1II\IIIIe1It, . . . . . . (olloWed WI~ V uf codIcl. w1l<on ~m" per ,from aa IlItIepealle'lt OM to • "Ieott ,.,.., jilt. Qt ~. _lItt lin. 01' tile r o t I l · Filt,.roa JOliet vi thl-rqad'i"' ......·ul aoooa.&aulliGlt .... uia &be pl.lat ock1 ..... Ute ........ :fanIIjj.f lilt BtiDo \lUll !'.IIed, the UIIIIm.n4.r of bI. ...., ......n II'."~.'" real'" which .... "'~".,er".lfur tit. Dn\ Ictu- - Th. dntb or • • CI., I" .... bUluln. in r..... lo' :J.;rli • .icI u....... .... "..,.: .......... I It ..... wlnl harln, ,,"a lIilled. threw tbal ...tta""~"""D" . .a. uperl.... L ., .... I....,... ther, ... lieaurttYllItm.taber.r cotnpu te...... or . . . - 1,.. lilt warit Ie A ....1 ~ ctowa Oil Wedn""', . , . ..... ..... 1M _lor of tile .rm7 In . . . . . .1 the etIfIIDJ .......... of dI., ..... I•• ~ , . . . . , ... tbta ....Id .... til. _ _t vi JuliD QllillCI h•• I.., 08 lIuald lit,"",,,,:,, ........Ia ............ "'. onIeM Inclcharpl "Ida. 41.- Jet .,.... . . . . . . . . II, 1ta n....',_,..lowollliea ah:btH ••• tracIt OD . _ .......... .." . . . . . . . ." -"" .t -polL ............ .., .......... 'I'ht .... fa ,.,.... . . .Dd ",1licII DOW IIYbw" the . . "...., Of .....t hill • or. eI _ ... III K~.. .... ... . . . . toocI ~ IIont 1ID..u, eatJft O I l . . . .. tile
' ' ' ftc
e. 1ft
,.. ,
' 1111
1l'~led ~P"?
W.r~en H~·· I
il ,
.,tadt ..
.1* b.I_
.,. ,"",11;
' 11.
.04 •
,Jr- .•
.., .
._tIte ...,...,
'llt ...........a'''''.'' mMr,.DtI..... ....., . .
u." ............
11 -..nt'
lD lIIiI ......,.
cblrp4 with
~nr h•.,l1cateG/D fo....,....
wl.h .11 ,.,.Ible lpeed W. fll I IIIIDIHro( nill"
. . . . . . . . . 10m m ..tllb .bout filii fIIh 1.1I~tlUn C1holl'rI, "I,I"h the lu",lY4IIIArtribute to lome pec1rtlurlt, dr thft waU" ,,"j~b II~ III1(d on .btl r~t.J duy Tber. iV... 18u 01* butt • gentlem.n In tlare. "ldOI\'lwhOie hu.b.~ila .had dwd OP the plaID', .ud who were turllllll: 10 Ihe'f Irl('l1d. III lh~ eat'
e"lrv. 0'
C,lLF -w roun,. ullhl. piece I. r.lah" I bull cull. fur uillblt,,)n .t the IJPlH F _Ir, whlc!1 E'xceeda luyl1,l1 Ir'u'th~ kllld ever brtuvht ullder n R W"rmly•• rt' .....tllnlrRI vur lIuliut' 011 Riliurdoy rl.t ft was eltlv I Br,u ..h.Novji dtt-ol 8udd(,lIl) At "II wtlllk. all> 11110.1 weighed 2BO puulld,,' ~. Oil SaLurduy JllIt Wrlllg I"fle tllV week. precfedlll" It hud Dr Purl!'r 111 I aermOll at ~tpmplllR, gUllied 70 "uund•• lUi IIY<lnge ul 6 puund. alaled thot hell WftO "pp"rnred 'rum hcaveu I)"r lI"y h I. 11 cru•• ul Ibe B.k"w"III",,1 by II .puce or 100 000.000 IIIl\l'd ll"rh~m \Vbu can I/Iulel! IL'-Wurrell 'jruU8 The 'Odl~ORIl0I'9 S~ntillel or Lh .. 7lh h,_1 , .nye II e Ihpfm nlf I.. r '1 od , t 100 NEW D.HK-C4rIT~L810000UO-.Wu d,ll r .... In tht' .hllde In 11'~I elly on lh~ dlly le~rll tI.a. 0 .. Jr/'" S .11111, 11'1, ul lh" ,.revluu. \\ ••• ",,,,d,, Fire .. ,," M rII,t! hlouruuce COlli P""t hUll tiled Ihe I",ct!•• ury pllp~r' ~t I. 'a ~I"I In 'I'''~'' m"l Vfin .. IOl'klng rp S~riu~U' Id. tu "uOlile bUll lu- cU'''I,,~II, e mall'~' oIyllll!' 0101 ",n,d.-II CH,. II Hllrh ~n lIkllkll'i I .. Chlcul( I. under lhe Itu,. I/t!cu- I"'n,,.n~p v,rllun of "ur ~Iorlou~ fllunlry 10 FIlY"Y_It'1I1 'file cUJlllal I. '0 lIu UII~ /III' I b~ ~p,.dl'd down \Vllh b y. Bnd tlrl. alld hUll UI duU(,.. 11111 Ille III.Ulllli.. rr"l" .. Ire oCUli", I~ton P rrlllllllll, I( npt II V". cld'elltlie City BUllk.,1 AIIIl'nca a"Clult! '!I"ke I Ilpen .hun ba, herlorlllU al Ihey trealgD I .".01"41.... )' Fie"" ••, ualure. \V" .. w .111", W ..I.IJIIIUlI HOIl'1 yl'e TI,. floo I'rn 01,11 I'xl.flln ~by.vIllp wr<l.y II DlUlt .hliluiur ."el:lIl1ell u, II ,,~u tr ckv I th"uj\"h 110'.0 vlolen! ond futql os Llv hUIl1"" bl'llIl:', 1IJ111:11 lI.ure ellfl"l. wlirn It fir.1 broke uut IJ to rll.lll" Ihbll 1,'8 I.r filmed SI""U!Ofl l tWII1. 'J Ioe lullcr 'Jre Ulllt~" by • l\11~8 F""ny Lt'e To.\ nee!>d hlft bel'n np IIIOllt III 'r, hl-lhe ait'l:uilu litll" crfllture. po "Ird 'I. ne o' thl' DI'II'glllPl (rum New \li0 .uw y".. IUdllV ar. lirlllly 1111" 11Idl" Yurko lu the N ullol1a1ll1du~trlul CUJll(rC8I ... Iubly CUlllleC tid by a CU,"I/IUn Tlllr III • • Ii uther re.ol'"cl.IIIIlY "rfl .tlpl,r"lllly Mild S F OllCfIIl Prubale Jud!!e Cor KII' ~ <l1"lllIcLlv orll"l1 z~d rht.1l lIegru chil cOllllly hU8 d....led '!llIt Ille UI/tl HIUI r luw IIrell Wf're burlllli Clliul/,bu. CuIJlIl) I Nurlll nuw UII till: Ml"lue blok Ie UllcullllllUlluu Cuul,,,o •• lId IIrOJ "buut'w.lIvl'! 111,,1111 .. ulll ul "II~y hIVe ""I py h.et'," hll h "Ir' !lIlly r~ Nefti ~, W 'M pn Id 10 Le 011 • 11,. ,1 \V ut IIIlIIble cllcb "tlltr, .lId IIrt! buill y ."d 'I'rlj:lnly 'l'h'''lr lI,ul I I'r, \\ "u lice ul"I'1i II\' "I~ (lxl'\,rled 10 Il'l1d.. celtbralhJh a rl1e. tlac", r•• \OJr, I.r\:t' ~lId blr"PI'ill&r Dutr.1II un W·t!dnf'~Jny EXTa4'lllJ)IIl.lBl'
-R c:lJllllllld
E~ rlulrer
Tin M ,hlj!'ftl'
--r"'-- - - - -
I~enlr ,I
tI'rrnd,.u IlInl Iru~lerH un It" III bp ,~he nd of Il,bl j!r~M ~1I11 4 y.t\l'f-II,c eillol
All lmp'o~. d .... Ur.. "d 1111' N ~\V V ,r~ h~.
!lr C.rlk'"ler. 0' R
~~d I" '"'\lr'~~, 11\1'111 In Ih~ orl.!lhllry IrOIl r.,lruoll, ualcul ~"greully tu dl/llloll.11 lhe IJ.b IIW il~, IIIturlj "rtllliude 'he PU,"lli"lIIy "' lho If'''" rUIII\lIIg .. 11 \III " 'Ilel ullder ., y I In:UII"IIfU(I II The 1I111ruV~11I1'1I1 CUll l1 ~ r. ul. uII<Jllle r.,1 ul ,.ullor \Y'lOd, flllll1lnillh~ ~ltllll' iC"I~lh ul tile lrnk Ilrccl. c ., III II. ",I1irl', Iud rlll Fo><l • '"ut \ r 0 .~ .. III .. aide ur bf'.r "If rl1 IB Fr ,I1UI1 T() II r~ 11f" Ult" h~tI II/ Iht' " "gl\l .. , 1111 rar. "<lItoylli III pA ..y IIP,III .h .. 11101." ih" !llId d .. ut t;U/lIII)j.\ rllil \'I1t'r,l.ry Ihe ",11 .. , ~, I toU, h 1\'" I" .1",,0.11\1" IJIIY I('oo/ell, y 81 Ihe "."k Ilf a~ II II lie nrr....tIld
'I ==========:'::==='==
coallBCTF D EVUtl
\I EEl'
Rime Ihl' ""I1Ju.!!on ut Cull/or.. ". 10 1 BIUI~. (60'7,'1ilG,93) IIll1t I) '1~ 1I11~11 ~II~ ."""i, I.. " dr"d .. "II .,x'1 • '"
III VillI' d
tl'II ... 1 d, ,,"11 1\111\ Iy' t ... , dlllorJl III 'v. fie 111 j:/Jld I ullll 11 h.. been rt CI:I\ e~ at Ihe _JMI 01 Nt" B urk ~JI ~TAXE III tilE! SI'Etr.r1ltr.-SpClI' f'lllu ttl •• " ell r/'" I .. I rUllUU'" t!d ,"", U \YHra.crnJ 111 ro'-1 hOlle Iyp"''''
Tile ',,'eree' or EII,I.nd in the 5'nlo_. ') Ill' D',JDdon T'met a \onll' "rllde In r .. f~renc;e tu Ihe. n"ml"allull or the t.lof .J~lIIe. 111101 lI ... r lite elI1M' ql ~I\o IIttlel\\ 1D1I1i1"8 .II~ f"l!uwilllr lra"k ,aml>"lolI III ,,, lard Ihfo IIlftlt lIel: of Ihll cuunlry 011 lhe CINCI'N~ATII\l:\RKE I'S all'"lr~ of the Brllla" .ml"'l' • Tltft mnrcl, or eyl'n .. h! I'I"h Jlue .. C! .. dln~ 'Inr C'ollvilltea \111 mllre Inllre thaI CllUlIIIll.lTJ, July 19 \I,("r" I. nc1 ,"«'IIranee ilf'}ul,t/tlie ),,"Itl EI,"r -The anlt!. I. duy werll clIlIOnl'd Ih .. Bnll~h Empire Iud out or our 1I0lltrui hI 144 lI,l. at .3~SI 100 >Ill ... t 83,:12. \\'bl~h ttXI'rCI8flO BOJlreut .n4 ,mpI flunt RII I"d 7lJ tlu Ulru Blts:AO We I,eard uf I Illlt'nClO un I'ur UWO "fll.r,., lad un lb. uu luII'I fur upurl. RdCE',ved dllrlnlr Ih .. l~f.\;JruKre.. of till! "orld,.a the Ghnr- 181148 h urI 1165 brl~. ""purtelA j!lline .elf'r 8tllt JIll It Y,or Ihe A,"eru'.n Govern t,me 6:.1 ,10 IIItnt nul, therefurf', w"hollt Ihe d\'CI Pru, l"IUlld -1'11. ",urk, t rur b1f:0ll repPlt IlIte,••, Ind aulieltude til It we ~ "tllli nl"I". MI. ,,'"111 ....,,11 "e hl'llr Uf IIU ,"'eM lhe ....II,,.wh,!t Clftprllr1uuI upl'rullul,a by W" quulO nOI\lI/l~l\y IIc rur Mhtluldefl IInC! whllh l~e cunlpt..11 un II( lhD' OUVI'rllllltllt l 96C rlilb d *Id ..~ I,uriJ hll' ialn be chtermlllfd It r Ihe IIfXI I"ur yelr, Wllh. 81110 01 200 br1. It 1040 The l'l'1.tlllna,ufth. nrlt.. h Empire ond Wh •• k. Y -~ .. 11I "f 130 brl. Irom ea\h~ Amerlcon Un un have "ldUally tl\ IIled l IIallll 161.,., 11I6 d... l!'vlll d,l II lOt, , tll8JlI.tJYI!' hllu • 'ell,lftllt'z"'n, tift' 1I,lh~lI- .tu 'ru" du. 2t1!l du rr,,", \'01 IIIIC"'"II'[' du ttl 11I1 .. ,...lll\lId C1u~tnl'"1 Iref'if4 Ill, "llIcb 8n11, 174 do ''''Ill rIVer at. t6lc-. l~b du I•• ilk" dlilllncllrlllD Ihl! tlu.1I and linl'n u"I,om 1\ "gull' II 161e ,PI,d 171 '1.11 IIrl. \I!:' 01 a IlIuth"r Cllllolry to her \lUIU,".I. fru'" rlv~r al 17fi:.-Ilurllll,r ."hoce ""h ,"e1lroll' Ihe 'rl"lei IIf ~1"rl'.1 .lIl.lIce 01 d4 milld hlu lur.' IIr" S'lt;'; Bt'I"I'f'n I uurilt'I~". Che,~f -81.1.. 01 160 b~a It Clc .lId tM 17bl~o!d St.lt'I. th~r. i_ lIu de 'J'uboccu.- ~ Ill''' ur J6 t;Ultlll Nu dflldencJ. a"d, .. \~il\lly IJWHkllllf' .111- 11>" at ao, 16 do cum du Ii\'I'I It I'@I anc~. bul tht!N i. idt4ntlt, in th .. l\rlll IDler l'7c ,60.1. C!, dll .lSOu - .hd 0 do txlr.. ..Ia or illdllll.,.. uf ,o.el', and of D1ulu.1 du 11>, III 40@bO • "'peel • 8.'prntua -A .... Ip "f 10 c ...1(. at 4t. _~_...._ ....... _ C"treP. -A •• 11' ClI 19 bdg. NI Du",l1l-
First Arrlval Of
Sp.·ing Goods!
1• 01II • Anr)' lari" co
ARe IN RECEU'T of Il1<:U, RARE", D~V!J'If'VL , GOOD!if~ 'Voll adapleu 10 prenn. Iud approaeh in, .0Donn. (Jur 1I0e'" " •• purehued In 'he IlARRJ:i&
",,"'lTf,nW «:ITlt;IJ
• very ool)lllJ!erlllee.",oe for o~.Hllnd ,here lore We c..~ owu W,LL ••11 .Ill lila \lor)' WWIlST
lIa ur ... 11
" \Vb""l'iIDi,:uuilJ','iI~II"C, ...,....,UI••
T.... N... J'Oft (R r) .all Iltmpt:ranl'f' ,0 u( OJ' The delllullIl I, Iuud .. nd ptlC ~ .... 1I1Jnullf.,*,1 a ,,,,,lIel ,lor I""pe,t- ".leH y , ioo ~OlllL.II .,' <t •• " A I BUll.r -&Iea 4l hhtll ftl 6f/'- . and , .. n, u "'me D1rn. " h u" 1 ~, II ~I" b ••,,0' ... IIt... l nu Jlljuur I. IIOld a 48 do db ., ,he •• me Tbe dr!'l.lId .. 1e"'I,e"1n tli.llowlI Ht rull rll!~a • • C"IIUII -Sill" 0 J, b.I... eommoD t1tft
The ('''lIh'''11''e
'"l' .II.
A,'nl'''.,.,. 01 FridAY "plnnlDlJ It O'c IIl1d I) du ball1ll1
"".lIy_On yealerday. (Thur.d.y. tlorn 1IIOn1'... ad .1"11 da,a "MIne.. the lift') we
UWlr COlltlnu.nee•• ,,11 froUl III we Ilk
and look'
\VO 'ake ple.suf' II! 1I\/)'1I'/lfll au&ol. even If we du not..,U I;!iiu 01 lhe Rid ~ S Eo Corner of
'l'hfl Jl}o. Mr, L,..hPy. Ib.. notl'd lIul.II ., L. T~ppe ..... bnD locI:t'tct fur per-
JirrJ. In
Culumlill Co\I... Wi., "and In ~f.u t or K'CII( t, to Ippev 'UI Irla'. w..
""'mlltftllo Jail
Dlf'II .t his .....ideDco bn .l.InI Ilrt'f't, J( mnln,. Jul1 19Ut •••" ".~'-~• ."!!!'tr:tJI:~'!"l 1t611 It 1 I u·cluclr. SlIc1 Coop"r, a",oed
".Ii! ph,ct'. on
"""" (urtl .enn , ..ra.
o' Pitt""'' ' . ·""''''''~':lf--=~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~'!:!!!!!!!!!!!~ .,... hh_Ir .-,1.. A"IrI.D P,.,lNlalil a "'11eaD GA4Wlte Iur """'0' AI~II' la-.1111 UF a.r••,
Mnl,. &. North i;lrCf!1I
'or .ule,! ~ ... ile1~ of an" ltullr".d J OIiia-:o J , UA,HV,\ I.lI.ADEIt 01 1\10.1,11 lIi~ lIIorlll l:ilr~'" WaYAN
W.yuenllte 0 Avril G, 1862 Pol , for 1811, by A LSO • nlcolot of C.ne J it IlAKNIJAlli
P~ACIU!8.- A prima I l nl!,:)) JU»u""""oo allll IlIr ".Ie
I -I/ell,.rll
1 H UARIU:i&/CO.::;llInorlh~RcdFI.II. ~ray
5 1852
New Grocery and
ion Store,
IW 11" \' !U~8" il,.,I:, 01110. E lllll Ot:il::;fuJl/ EO ,tltjlcollully In n .allCd til ' ~ II&.IIat'al of II". "I.co Iud
JjllrrllunlIln" 1J1l1"trburbwd til" th.y 1a.~ .. """nud a tillY AIfD PROVlIIOl'l8TORE
New Goods.
ARt;) :.r r"~IVilJ" and oMaln, our SP1ll,.O AIIID IV.IIEa Goobe froh. lbe !!:allern old" "hlch we rupeo:'fullJ IIJ~H~ Ullr old CU.IOII'tlra and olbe" 19 eaU 8I1d Clalml"e colI'''lln,ol "R~NC" AND POLlln «orOI, blaek 8lIct I'IKIJ c-Jm.l.. C.bnl.rall I w~"", Lhl en I"d (Al1lOn &'1,11100111 0' •• rlou. .1111 (,a".rn" Der,.", Iii' d,c" ,UCHlI (,;,"1.,...•• vmiil,lnll. iIo!;la ~llli I:lh....8 j .tuCCflell; \4ueen,,,,ru. alld • &en.hl _rlll,"nt 01 Uaru"lru, ::;lIIdlerl' In" \;Qub
1 riluruflllrl
La,,", ."d
llADDEN .. r.r..cLELJ:.AND
COI"aer of M .... IUI,& NorLb IlnIOlI. W.YII .. "III .. UblO
Frul~ -A ..Ie (It ~ br 1..
the _,Ill'Kln drrl, . . ."ter W 1'lII- .t 7"_ IilJulfla lbe I\ro k,ocilN UD the memor.'''lhto April
equaled bill by (ew
.4'&11 .1 II", ali" 01 ,be
IN VARtETY 0, STVLES. quab'lCI .lind c.>rri.pondlnll ptlcd~, w. "lolm 10 b.- t~t~ ••ul.! Lf I/O t;uun If tllu,.. .11" ! 0 uur "1""11/1, we .a,. we .r. Irlll,fIIl for fayarN .,IU .... 11 ~o .11 fg our I'0WRI
nlee 01 nRp Shirl.
ALl-EN &, EVANS A r rll 2~ 16~~
pork and benns ls all lIt U I!ond d~ (!ool! A Indy ,.~ct'l\tty In 'pc"klng or htr I us as any thing III tMke Q b~llp ni platefull bUild who b~d rall~d lR Ihe flouhry LURI f \ 11 by,,,, Y , I en '~1I1 111111 I e I n I been h"nv y ('ngn H 4 YIf ~ dl'y"urecl !bft mesa wltlt harp) gf'd In merunlllt' .pl'culutlol • III Turkey, /rIle celer t)' be ru~e tl8yl i Much obleeg ed' 1111.1 W.I Ilbol,lt Y.. mu~1r IUto lhe alld h~d be en unforlunalt:
A politI! ) (Juni! ludy rl'Oln,ll'd one .,.orn mmp llBILle for lor lu aleep durlDI' Ihe IlI!!ht on Dr-CIlIIl t of the olltery of a gl:>nlirmul I ell renr Ly Il1g thut It \lU.
1('9 lijble on Sun I y ('vel ng
A R WilD m rreu'nll'd II" b 1110 'till 1I(,lglrl)ur J e fur ~ervlre rendl'r ".1 The latlrr 10 111.1 It Uyar lind fxprt'M" ed mllch t1urprl~e. at tI e 1m II lit 'Vhy 'lOm It 81T1ke~ me y u hilI e mo Ie out a prell)' rOUI d" III pre co!. I 1 m lon~ell.lble It II I round olle quoth Tu II but I hal e t mil fOT Iho purpodO U' ~I.'tl ng It 8'lU rr~d
«l®N(QlEmOJIl lBlAlIiJ1 AND "A1 NESVlJ LE fiALOON8 '1 he MOl ko.J and Ibe lJawk.
The cook 0 (11 French noblemlln WhOBO cnllieau I. in the II Ulh of Franco, had a mOl key which Wilt .11<lwed the free ran,,!' r Ihe Idillben aud which wiil ao ill~elh genl tbat by pretty levere \ruin ng, Itil 1111 tur~1 propellsity to lillie" leI h.d been cer!611T uselul servlcfK Mucb aa (awl, for IfIAlancl! lit Wltle" he w.. Itn c"Ommonly expert One line morning II pUlr of purtfld~c. \I pre given it to pluc\( 01 Ihe k tehen willoh Icolled dIrectly upon
Ihe park and went ta work With ,reat dll Igl1llce He 'WOD Bul.hed one, whicb he Illld on the ouler edge of the "lDd )w. Illd then we lit qll elly on wllh the otlier A hawk which bod beelfwall:Illnj: hi" pro,,"' dilllIl Irom a lIelghburrng treo,i:lnled down upon tJle pluc~t!d parlrlilge, and ID a ml I ule wal up , .. tbe tree IIpin greedily de
A 8.... r' WoIDIlD. In~ecoun1orCbuctlw,Ala,a"oman
d wal charge d wltll murderrn, her I lUI bIn. Ind employed a le,I' ,eotlelVan, wt.olle nllme It I, Iloluece'luy 10 meolluD, to de fenJ her prolDl1 nil' 111m two negroo. aa fee He undertook 1 er d.. rt:nce, and conu'uy 10 the expeclilion or all, ahll WIS
wbeo ah~ Irravell informed blm tblt the oeJr"M'l belonged to ber daughtlT
vour IIIr hi. prey The r.onlternltloll of the monkey at tillS unlowlrd advPllture mny be eOil Iy Imltgl ned He hOPI't'd ubout ID roa, dlHrl'811 lor lome- II1ll1ute., when ludllenl) a bfl~ht I thl uaht atruck him &!1%lDg the remblD log pllrtflde he Wllllt to wlirk with the ' w'ntl!llt eneray Ind .tripped uft Ihe elll He then placed il lin Ih~ ledjl'e. JUII where ho bad placei Ihe otl Of and Cl-IOdilig ODe of the ahullers collcealed hlOl.elf be hind It The b,,,k whcb by tbl. I10 d Ii nl'u' I I I111101'8 I very lOOn .wooJWd down upon Ihe partndue but h"~ly b.d hi • clawltoucbed tbe b,rd wbell tl,e monke, aprang upon h m (rum behind ,bl! .lluuer The hawk 8 head wu InlllAlntll &oro Ill[ and the monkey, wlt.b • trlumphllnt chul''' Ie proceeded to .trlp o!'bll felthers. Tbl. dOD. he ui'rled the 1\1'0 picked rowll to hi. mllter. wIth. COII6clelit aad ..If ..tI.
LADlE::! Al'W ut:~ I Lt;1\It:N din. n IU 10 Ihe lIaok al d ii Dno~ Sore, wi Ore you onnollulllO lI el II lied \1 Lh~.ye JU l ' rec~iv d 80,"11 I ow .. d bulUllfu II<'U". . ui .hle lor lIilli Ilmung wllcb .ro tl B Lao Il' ~1l0 01 Howe;..\. be,.ulitulill y lIoue~, u P e YUilUIL IIbn 1 Ol1ellnlr A cc Ion. ,.. il I e KAle" •• ke illC Alao card» enrol caeel mill IOCii leiter aole Ind UI'\",.per of cY~rYIIIllnd, and Ilyle ape1 lod p D 0 "nn lope~. a which we. • 111.ell at Iho 10 ..... ' "1~llor cul, IlOBER'I IS & SRO CADWALLADER W.lYIUSVILL1: 01110
Another Change.
TI e lubl!!raber thmUgh till ' mediUm,! would 1I11110unce 10 hll old Irlend. pUbliC Generully Iblt hI' 1188 IIgal ed 1118 Iludmea, of Saddle Ina D!J~l IBDRUGS IIIIDICIN!JS Hae nothIng to tlo WIUI "IOIP. BootA and makin, In thll place, lit 'he .tand CBBI~CAL8, OILS VAJ:UIi ll:!11~ Pt .A.Ut'f8, Ultl.'l::t'< 11 l:: Shot'l ,nanDracIllred by I E If"ye, MillO Iy occupied Ly Til d 811 Ilh I .lreet Wftyne8vlile where I e may always keep In, on t Nnd afl salumnent 01 ..., llYE ~TUrFS.B GLA&), bt. I, nnd ever relldy und wllhng tu rl Bpond die. II d Hurllu of IU kll de lin I SNAtJ:~ I 'h!J)A ~~~o, to the eall or cUltamer. Belllir ,h.nkl,,1 make to order all) Ihant1n our hne FANCY All 11 (ur pUI favor. I CollhnUllnC8 o( pobllc t \\ I"h lllg ... putchu8I! urtlole. In our 1I0e ot C~trMs"R\R patr nl,e II IIOhclted J hue on hand II trllde Will dl> \Veil to clIlI lod t'lI ltmme my SPICES IpleDdld Itoelt of If .l'OCCO, iuitable fur aloclt belure pur. hulllit el"e\\ here .. I Lulie. "ear wLnr.b wll( be mlllluf_CIQred Inlelld to aell lur Itnlll- proli~ and qurcit lrutro !f'1 &0 order With lIe.tneu IDd dnp*tch lelurne Slljlrh'~D' N B All w>rk IUlde b,llie ie warrant So cum811nd lW~i beron! you buy, rd 1 E KEYS, .ip 'Black Boot II If Th .llIck J h ••8 on band, "lid II you find we CaU t D,ree, 'I hen try .ume olbl' r Itand 1tly "lIJreL • to eell .. IUM, Tbe qllalit, a. ailOd, ::;=.\a InJ alulp wllllio ttJe towo, Or aunoandlD, ltI'!ihburilood. AHAH£),; CHANDLER. I 'UJUnlet' and IDler W.),DenHle, JaD ..... lUI .ater wlIb I paIDI' hI !I) • l.oILa bcI_ 4:e._, 'I'IdSUE and
.,.. aDd .bT1lbller, 01
lSI. '
pinesiI, alll.l atatioll j anel hurries lIs victilllH us ,t \\'OH . Anoth er glosa-ollO moro -hllr· resting on his ha nJ, und lo is c)'cs fixed on onotller n umn. nnd what's !'etter thull thul, l to .t"gnut" beneath it. 11 0 cui/e d hilll' ullt il tl.o morni nll. by Wh\llb lime ho ma o roh! It w a~ n merry life w hilo it 1,lstet!; II wrat chet! Cluder tiro th u~ it'd po id Cor. It's lucky \\'e met ),ou." aeH up in Q projectinll door.wuy nud trieu tu ud a plan:lor gi Ving tb ~ DutBhmal' .1..... mqdly 011 to df!gredutlon IIl1d douth. Some ,.f thcde 1Il0n ho ve bee n impelled GIlU ho would muke th e mOlt of It. in!: on the. lwur th, wos II 01 "Verv," Houl Lhe scco nd . to sloep. o!(p inulllio n of the 'old o.dllge, !\ 'V hllt I. O CHIL ES WRITTEN F R A . D I. • r ., . I ' I ' . tIN ~y ml8,orlune (IOu 1I11su ry. to I Ie VI ce t lut 1'imo wellt un-, th o three childrc lI who "buut tWO·lIlId·tlVellt,·, I'Cllpitul, luck." tiliid the firot. with n Dut slc ep hotl fil ed rlum his dull lind gill. douce fur Ih e goo SO, Is aGuce ror thll "aa. TO RECITE AT SCHOOL. .1 .1 . 1 I 'rl . J • ha s uegrnueu tl~m. 10 flUIl of world ly wero left to h·lnl.:;:rcw lip , olld were c hil. uhl coar~e juckr tll ll tl Irousers. will k 10 his compllllion . zed eyes. His mlllli wandered strangely, dor,' ,. expectution ft, th e denth "Grent." repliell the accon~ with a sl;'.ht bIl Lhe \VIIS owuke ond eo nseloll8. '1'he The morning su n h ad dlspell~d 't)I~ Ini.11 w nlnt~ Fon TIl P. 'II"'" \ ISI'ron I of thos~ tlll'Y luv- drcn 110 longc r.·- Ih e [u th er relllUi ucti th e ed "l' "heu his flllher enlertld. " cd, the sorrow thul ij o\\lly CuIl8lll11e~. but 8u me-poorer. ehubbicr, a llil moro e1 issol. .. Fo ste n lite doo r, ~lory ," on it! the young noJ or intelligence . woll·know n s hout of n dr unllQ n mirth. of Iho nIght. J onathan hlld ,hitched hil 'nY ' J. ~t. J. II b k I I I WI 1I0t rea I Ie IOll ft , IU8 drivell th em utr.loold ng, but the so me .confirllled an d ,r. mUll habt ily.-" FolltclI Lite d(lor. Y'ou louk "i'l noth ur gl nes hero; qlliol;!" aulJ lho dounJed in his onr-the gl 08\l WUK Ilt hl~ hor&e8 to tile cort, Imd brougbt the!" befd,. The day I. bri Ght wllh . "nny liGht wild; Ilnd they pre8cIII tho hldoous Sllecto· reclollluble Ilrullk"rtJ. Tho boy'a hnd lo ng u. If you d iulI't knOw me, f!Llher. It's Ion!: firsl speake r. Allel in {Iva mll1l1tes morc, II ps-lh e bOllrd wos covorcII with rich the dllOr., roady fur II slnrt, liftf;lr beJuld fi'l' 'fhnt eliQOI<I aerOA! Ih u leo; cle of mailmen. 810wly dyl'l~ by llmlr OWIl ogo. run wild in lhe s treels. and left h illl ; ell ough si ll rc you u~ovo me from bome : tho full e r hou un co nsciuusly yI elded up h ie food-thoy wcr" buroro him, ho could .co ished his broakfnQI. The breo.kflllt pasaed, 'fhe bard. in \1lumo \\,1110 morry tune ha nds , nut, by Inr the greater purl hnvc th e girl alone remuill ed. bllt s ho worketl YOIl mny well furgc tlpc," SO li illl o tile hongm all's hnnue. thom till-he hlld bu t to roach hIs hOlld Qu d ond J on olbll ll having seuled his bill. feil "AIIIl wh ot do } ou wont he re . now1" Slowly nnd Iwavily tho timo dragged 01H1 tllke Ih e m~aml thought Ihe illusio n hllll"c if dt lib erty to meet' the dutchman wilfully , and with OpOIl eyes, plunged inl o h urd .ll nil words or blow8 could ulways pro. SinG on Ih. crnud uld Iwe. Thu flow' ret. ri.o !,ononlh Iho . kiD. , thu gulC, CrDln whi ch tho manlVho unco e u· I!ur" him 80mething for th e love rll . S .. ho Boid the futh e r, seut ing himself on II tiloo l, ulong as the brother nntl sister, iu Ih eir '1'08 rOlllity itBelJ, Il u knew Ihat he woe half wny in any 8ho.pe b e ohooso to 111" A•• howers wn rlll de.ce nd; tera il never rl s('s mOI·o. but iu to whi ch he we n~ on in the ohl cours". Illld a merry on th o othe r aitleo( th e fircpl9lie. " \ Vlta l mlacrolJlo hilling-plnce listollcd III anxious ~ Ithng ulono ill tho u~acrtcd street, walch · pronch, ~l1d 08 Ilslinal (o r 11 morc porfect r erlumo 110. oir, lind make <I,i . aphere .i nk. doe ller aud Ileep!?r dow n, unLii ro cov· Iile he IC ll d, du you wuut here nowl" slIspe n&o to tbo slo ght cst sou nd . A t Ing Ih e ~QI II drape as th ey plltterod on tho unuerstl1ndlng of hie roadiness, he let into Wllh n e lY allraClions blulld ery Id hopeless. Olle night, I1S ea rly os t ell o'clock-for "Sh~lter," relJlietithe BO ll. " I' nl in trou· le nglh a heavy lootsl e p WRa hC(lrd upo n 6tone8 lind that Ihero w.,o nOllo to carll hlln iu thi a lViBO: • Such u IIIhn us this onco .tood by tho thl' girl hod I, r ., • Now, uld Sourkro ut. before I g'o, I bavo 1 '1,-u rlldl\y boy ••.. chil"~ nl joy, uee ll ' SICI( IVr nmuy uays, lind ul j Lhut'~ enol1 ""h. JC I'm Qallght I sh all the 6tll ir ; it approached nearerj it reoch lld fo r or to hel"r hilil, " 0 Rchool dOl h wentl hia '" "Yo bed.ide of his "yiug wire. while hiH chii· lhero was conselluen tly liotl l' to .pCIlt! lit tiwi ng: thllt's certul n. Cn ullhl I shall bo Lho landing, unil tho futher n nlll:ered into Sudde nly he st~rtc!l up in the ex trl\mily OliO dtlng. the IlIs~ of Lloe lurge nSllortment Ilron k nell around, unll lIIinglell low bursts, th e I'U blie I1011Sd- I10 I.uellt his 8trps h<lmo· ull lcHs I stop Il ere,' thot', as certaill . An~ the room. uf tetror: lI o· hnd heurd h i" ow II voit;e thnt I wont to sllll you. You know .YlIU nre \Vhar" !Jy dCt;rOC8 111. Oillic. Dle51 learni ng's clo •• ierny. of ::ricf With Ib elr illnocent prayer. The IV orlls, be tb ill k' Ing h)lIIse! I thllt. if he thero'd all end of il," , Th A girl en ...... thnt he W08 in toxicn ted, s hout in tho night IIlr, h"v Im ew 1I0t what 8 vcry prudent Clcono. mlcal allrt o! II man " Cr. ~\I\'e skill wllh k In du t will roolll WOII scantily anti .meullly furnl shedj would lIuvc Io cr a!.l c to eu rn m Olley, i I " You mean til say . you've, bren rob billg, Dnd advllllced with tll o ca nd le ill her hUlld nor Wily H urk! A grollll! II ls ee n,as and ouo 1V0uid nnswpr for yo.ur wb ~le r~m. ulld it uceded but II gl ull eo "tlhc pulo for llJ wOllld bo 11 3 \\'ell to Dpply to tlt e paridlt IIr murdorl n ".... th en1" said the ruthe r. to mee t him', .he sloppod s hort, .."nve u loud were 1000vl""tI him-h olf·for med li nd inco. ily ; ond )'ou. could lot your IIploYhbors uso r l"c~<I 1'\,11108 III hi" minn; " Which it wil" ClUb h. will 11111 rear, from which tho light 01 llI'e Will fast puss· s urgeon, or, at all ol'cnt s, to t n k 0 th e Ir "YI'd, I du ," rI' lllIedl tho pon.: l " Docs ' It 8C"Co m. and 1~1I8P lIse JesB Q Il tll l'l IlrcJund. heren t worus burst fr oUl his lip,; Ilnd h i~ it nf'ter you lIad .,O o " t done lVith II.' Iflg Dwny, to know thut grief, lind WUllt 1I1e of inquiring whll t ulled h" r, \Vhloll he 6url'rlde you. fu lher]" He luoke,l oteodily She had cough' SI\rhl of tile shlldolV ofn IIllln halld R.oughlto tCll r IInil IllCeruto hlil fl esh, I'VI!ot ill ilu lld~r Is .ill' ,,~s SOllrkr.out. !llu"b cl&dn ••s h. oholl Illtd . "", olln".. ".'.,..onluel slnl· lell. " 'II-n a chl!.I, nlld unxioul curo. ho,! been !.u~)' at the Md not yN though t it worth whil e -to tlo , in th e It un'a fn cc, but he ' wiLhdrew h is " 'fl ect ed 011 Ih e fl uor. They but h rush I'd Ho woa Iroing mo.d, onll ho ahnDked lor 'Wl"l • .1'0 11 SO". uow.' eaya Jonathon ~ "ut U heurt I<lr 1II0ny a weary) ea r. A n e lderly Ii woll a wet 'D t!CCIII ber "I.~ IIt j 110 1 11'111 ' tl r.uch . ond bent th em on the I:rUlllll!. ill, alld III anot her in$lollt the YOUDi IlIUII holp till his voi ce flliled hil.n. 'whe n I 111111 in my B.toclli I bQught a p~ime, On Ell'. *"1)(\ ..,. fllc.; , '1111 bowed 10 God and kiucll hl ~ rou fem~l e, wit.h her fllce blltlled ill teD '~, IVIiS I.ule w pillrch,g co Id, and the roin pourlld "Whcre'iJ your broLhers1 " he IUld . ufter WOII 0 pr isone r j nIHI hUlldcufl'ed. He rDllled .hls hllo<l. ond looked up the' IUl of ,n~asles, IUld h"vo .8011l 'em all eout l' • I Wilh meuk bUI chridlion grllCu! ~uporting the heud of the dying womnn8 long puu~e . "Verv qUlellv done," hill olIOof the. mon long dl"mal s tree l. 110 recollocled th nt exoe plone . lind I kinder thoug ht , 8com' he nvily down. ~Je be,ged n ! ~ w huH· J Y~nng J~'OI,h 8OIJ-w~9 !lVllr !Jold her dllcght or-on her orm. But i ~ w.s not pense from u p08ser.by, and having bll ught "WIt'e re th rv 'lI never trottble you ," re· 10 hid companion, 'tholl1;s to tho. old IIIlln: 'O Ul~8~(~ like himso lf, conde mned to Willi· how J OU WIIB a vcry ~avin' lort of a maD, In bleeLl ehovnh's couse! townrd s hor Ihut the ruco \VilS turnodj il a slIIolI luaf (fo r it WUij to his .lutereRt to plleel his .on. .. J ohn 'iJ gO lae t o Ameri c., L Ht up Ihe girl, 'rum-com e; CVllle, cUllle. dor ·d.y and nig ht, I1mi,1 those IIrondl lll I eoold lot you have ' that on9 meoBle a woslluthor hand thaI the cold and trem Lling koE'p Ih e I:irl ahve. it he eould) he s hul. arod Hcnry'd deftd." if's no U80 c rying, youllg womlln, It'a Gil IILreo te, ho.d ~oJllothn e8 gOIl!! dia truotcd enuse you could make It vgo laroundl' ana 1'0 Ii) YPl's kine did kno wledgo brin&: Of n~W bU l.myslIc lawl. ngCl8 c:oaped; th ey pressed tho hu sbulld'. lI ud onworU8, 08 fU81 as the WInd I1l1d ruin "Dcadl" 8010 th~ fl1th er, with II shudal1/', over now, and ca nllot lie hO\ ll cd.' witb Ihelr lonollncss, fIe remembered t o J onuth ll.u had tho IlIugl\' all to hhJl self. 1'hu~, <lhi"lr~ ". mn)'. from dmy to dnY, anil; the eyes RO 600n to be closed in deu. h woulll let him . whicll he could lI ot repru6II. Tho young mnn 8toop,!d fur on instnnt huve' honrd mtl ny yenrs belore, that 11 horne· 'I'ho, Olltchman bejfRII to blul ler ma loon rlslhe~.or.l ·iitloro ! rested on his fu~e, nnd the Ill~n shoo k be· " D c ,ld." r~ pli ctl i he young mnn. "He over tho girl, nnd th en turned fierce ly Irse wrolch, ho.l ollCo boon found ill" 8011· us he gol tho Idell '~hTough h18, wool' an~ Your .... 'I At tho bac:k o! Fleet stre et, ond lying I lila. Wiedom·. ways, fII i" heQvenly rays, nealh th eir g nzfl: His dreu was s love uly . d I . ', 1 I died In my ormd-shot like ' a dog by n round upon hla lather, II'ho h ~ d roeled t~ry. corner, I harn elling a. ru sty knife, to tlhlking he could do 118 he ClhooBe witll , I betwc~JI It un tiC IVntpr Slue, uro severo, • . . . r 1 '1 · I v k' b . Do yo~rB I II lIt'u is o'er! and didordored. hi l (uce inflamod, his eyes I' I ' game keeper. JIe 8u""Ered baClI, 8gullI ~t th e wall. and was gnzlng on 1ho plunge Illto hlil 0 vn Ilca[t, proferrlOg Uoatll t 10 Ilppor~ lIt ,y &~eon 'A Gil 00, e comlOeuII oncl IIllrrOw co uris, w IIC I lorlll II pur· ''''.' . ' , . " .I ii II . • laluodilhot and heuvy . He hlld !lee n tiUIlI· . ""I ' I f I cuul"lot \tim , !lnll liift blood trlCkle,1 dow n group wltll drunk en stupIdIty. I'Q that eudl s, \,," :ory ' wnnoerllllJ to !lnd meoeo .. II Yini" _ ... li on of ·Ylllerrar6· lt~Vllstoo noo tl~ 8e , '" . • . . ' . ,. 'Lok 1 I ' f lk ulOlled from sarno wild debuuoh to tho bell I d' ., , . ' my hond~. Jt pOured out from his siele ILlsten 10 lIIe father,' hosald. III tone, f1'O, . 111 an I!latnnt 1118 roaolvl) WIlS tak en; 0 11.. leto III s ter. none 0 your tr c • ~ . Ihnt Ie Irecteu 115 Bteps. . , IIf . ' . " . II'] ~ d' LOVE 0 ATE If C THE DIS 0 S L A. of so rrow and dOlllh, . r. " . ' . ' . like woter. lie was wllak~ and Il bHndod thut mnde the lIrunkbrd's tJ.:.s b crecp. "" Y his lunb. re~elvod new 11:0. hf! ron ql\lckly. upon , lrovo era, sllyll dna lolu)lj 'IItl~ Ii t , I A dhlllletllAlllp by tho bedSide cast II 1 hc olley IIItO whIch he turned, Illl~ht him, bot he threw hllllsolf 01] his knoes, on brolher's blood, a lid mine, is otl your Ilcndi fl'o l1\ t!IO spot. 1IIIIIe pnue~d 1I0t lor bteath thi~k r,o u ,can Icaro li Yallke~, · lIoIIlIW.1I'81TT&1I TOil 'l;IIC ~I.\ "' I ~18ITOO. dim li g ht {In the figures uroUlltJ, Dnd left for fi lth and IIII 'ery, h a~o co~npeted WI\h thp grass, and prllyed to G od , thu~ if his lncver hud u killd louk., or IVOrl!, or coro untii ho r lIi! he~ th e .rlver side, . WhY I rot your \l Id e.abbagll a.nrd~lI, I' ve • liT JiOWAIID ' nUllIIAlII. Ih e rcmailliler of Iho ro om in thi ck dee p the du~kest corn er uf tillS oncleut ~U lIl)tU· liwth er wow III hoav~n, H Il woul~ lu,ur ber from you, olld olivo or deud, I nev er will 14e ~rept e\!flly dOlY n the steep stolle known u 1'IIInk ec to ea t .u~h o ' Ducbmau , dhoLiow , l'he sllenco of nIg llt pre vpi\cd u ~y In Its dirtiest ,uod mos t luwles tl?H." -:- p",yers fu r pord on ror her yo ungest Ro n. lorglve you. D IU Wh en you will. o r how , stllirs thnt ICllu front .th o COITllllenGement oj u6 you uro before breakfast!' . I c1;ePl\letl huort wOII.ld CBSI wHhuuI the houlle, lind Lhe of dealh 1 h." hOllses varylllg fr ?m utorl "8 In ' I II'U8 ber rnorite bor, W ill ,1 lIe saill. 'uud f 11'111 be with you. I speuk, UH n Dltin Wotorloo bridge dpw n .to tho woter'B ! A Yun eo eat Ii . I\I~ lo" c into obhl'I!)II '8gluo lII, WM in the chamber. A wfIluh hung o~er he Ight 10 four, were Slulllu~ WIth ev~r ueY· I om glad to th lnll, now, th~t ' \IIh~n _he \lOW. and I wor n you. luth er, thut ue .i.oroly li e crouched (lila ' a cor ner, .Ild held hlij dampt ilkely ydlofy. I'l l pe~ you fivo IqtOr thollght Ihe .Hlnt 01 IIgl," now. PIIOI 'b bl I ' tl t I . I 'I . ' \Yuuld ~blO nly palllWIlY 10 illume. the mantle·ahol! j liS Illw tluking ~1' IIS lh e crl d 0 lUe In ong ex.posure 0 110 wus ~yi lll!' though I wba a VClY young ns YOIl Ibust ono doy ela nd belor!, your brc~ th II~ tho, Ilatrol }lft8&cd. . Never ~id n. I ~r you carl't uut mil!' , Il1IiyhlllU Yo . lnyoV ·blf""lIl!" 's tid • ollly BO Ulld thot bruke lho profound; qulut, weolhur\ dUlllp Dud rnllennep~ ell n lI)1purt t hil tl Ihe ll , unci lIIi little hl'llrt wu~ '1IImost Maker. ~o Hurely ah.u lJ YOllr childre n be prl~oncr'a heart thrQb willi the hope of lib· 11'11 Luke. thllt bet,' a~ys the Yurikolll cll1 '1'hal bQ undtai lotlh SII wild . "d frae, but i~ w'us a ~o l e llln Olll'. for' well Ih ev ll) tenelue nt. compuseel or.iel null:, uf ~h e burstlng,l knolt down lit dill foot or lh e thllre, hontl.'n hUlld. 10 cry lor judgolfloh t ort~. anti li fe 1I0if 10 e~ger lY 0 & did tlll\\ 01 io YOllr n ~l~hb ors to lee ~lIir, play -' . Williou\ 0 "',,YO llinilld no t !lit:!\) , kllew. ;yher he urd It, thllt, beroro it h nd r~. rou~hC8t Dud CllarAest motenuls. 1 he \VII,' bcd, and lhonked God (or hD"ing ·mudo· me nglli nl!t Y'IU.' He ra ised hi~ D)8nn~led thl! wn:l(lhoel Innl) nt Iht' pru~peCl or·dlluth . · Tho nOlg hbors ·tll lel!jrl li nd tfle pre1 mUllOlIlI reallesa .. oy to Ihee. "orded ' the pu slllg 01 ollother hour, iL tlows. wbre patched Willi Jlaper, an~ st ufl~ tiD fond of her OB to h uv~ nevor onco dil~e hUllds tn a. lhreololling IlllilUdn, fixed hia, ,T ho \\rl\lu" p05~e~ <; Iu.e tqJllm, but be reo tnortee orrall'ged, in whlcl}' I t \\'111 ~grqecl ' . '·J.,.",g~l;v. I nursed Ihe wl lc:1,illQ: c1fl'~ \ll I\'uuld b ~nt the kn ull of U dc parted 8pil'il. 7!-l ~vlth .'he foul:lt. rogBj th e uo~r~ ~\'I!re I\nytlolng to IIrllll: Lhe te Qre ,into ho eyes. ~ye u hla . hrillkJng \1,\rOnl, ~nd IIloiv ly ",ulll ed ullobserve • ~nll nftor w",itlng till L\\ II \hll 'D\!\chlllt.1\ w~~ to take 4111' ~i. '1'lIn now)l_ .bllnlllin fr",11 Illy. h~art; ,It is a areaclf~ 1 th ing to WUIl aud wittch ,nlhllg. lrUOl t!1 IHlIl\gl!d; pu~e _ WII~1 IllI e_ Oh. Will. wl'1 woe . he t ok. n away , ~nel left the rooqJ,lIl1d,Qel\her fa/J)e, IU,f list r \110 Q,i d '0 £ foot eto lIall dt il '1Iwoy , hl bOote. \Vd h 01&. fc~t, alit! IllY dl,l\\tll on \h~ 'JII)" whleh lI,e fUluro nlily lie nl. for tho IIPprQllcll of ~c.Dtbj til knpw . \b~\ U}I \\I hl C 1\0 dry. 1)\ 111c1 , preJuoled It9nl cv· ruthe r hlfU' '11holo'8'hl8 dy lllg WOlds, (Il' c"er. bllholU hi~ morc, ai 0 of th!! tho j llnnc,e . lob clluli\>Il~I)' deBcended I\lld \oble;, wh ero uj.!ou UIC 8tak~, ,'!Sro . put up: IIUlwhiclf n',J\I' f,o m 1110 IIIIl~t dCl'litl. hopo is l:une, and ruoove rj illlPOS~llr!~; 011d (ory clIsemenl, and aoullds., of quarrellu~ ther, " soid the young mllnj I'makl! tbe bon g rave. ."" 8t ood bclIOIl~h tI~o g loomy 4~.ch that forllls j'lae Dutohmon IVD~ 'laid oul,' and John. 'fho tilL hl 01 hOllO Ihnl ovor ~hono recovory ilnpos/oi~le j un" to 81t Ulltl i:ount or,",uilllCIl.eaa id u.ell Irlllll .every rooli,. you clln' of " el1l. YUU' struc;k "illl ocroas. \.vh'l'n 'be dilll \111\ fJmdmg ,plac,o '~onj,r/lG' rlvo r, utllUIl proceedod very dllllb'erately' to' nnite A~ro •• thu I'uillro'. eliupg~iut i,'oln. 1 J A I' I I I ( , our.' throll'Tfl 1011". lun" Iho <1l"rrow Th6 tide w os i .. and 't ho \U te r flowed lit blap croval, anl unbutton' hi. alllrt coll'i-.. U' IO drA HIlS ial:.il now, oml uli h08 gOllo ~ tlrf I',.... • nl)!ht". . 1" ,0 I,ary 01 amp ,n t Ie cOlltr.o 0 tho face. ill a drullkon lIl, tho morn"". .. wo ~.,., " , hllo Ijll.'.'~ t1ul1 's cI OIlU. 4llnin. , ' n ighl s cow OIlly wntcher. by th e I l~e cour t ha.! b Oc ~ bluwn out. (l ith er \ly th o run uW"Y J ~h tllo ero\9 the e nd or it." Ine begrimed Ills foc t. 'rho r ain lilia " coused, tho wi;ld preparatory to hili connlblll fOalt. . lied of .8ickne u jllloiv , It ell Ills Ihe blood ~lol~II,ue of lloll wllld or. tho ncl or 00 me 'f he girl we pi aloud; und the falher si nk· winuow ot the wretcb~<l room, War~en W RII lulled, !1nelull 'wn. , for lho momonl, ApproQchlpg tho tabla. where liay the .C~, II VOl) ionr Iho w"rld . ltouid kn OW I IllhnbllU It whQ I u I e cell I ~ d J " , to heor the ueare~t eecrelii . uf tho IOIl,rI , . . .1 , I I. X e~1 . reuons . or ing I,lis heoLi 011 h is klleell, fO, eke himsc I uwuktl fro m h[s hoavy sleep, and loun~ 111m· .ti ll ami quiet-3D q uie t thn~ Ahe rippl Ing ;ylinderi nll' nuto.hman. J:onntlitill took up Thu 10"0 onklllll lcd in your lIro •• I; b I .1 b d d I .. tho Ilen~·un, self al~ne. lI e nrose Bnd' looked ' nround of lli o wolers ngolll 8ttho bargos that were one o'f'hi~ foul, olld brouribt'lt,tolJls mOlith Alld {llouid you ,,'or ill II~r llwue , , ,. hid~e ll .eerets of' IIltl lly ycurs, u. ~ ecl lllg.tu us ~eSlulmeo cllIg re n ore to und Ira. 0 s.,uk Ihe,. Iho 1"I\'on nf your run,p"urE<d r!'~th by tho unconsciou~, h olll lcllS too COIISP:CU OU8. Alld the oll ly lig ht wlt lch " If 1 am tuken." .oit! lh~' young man. him j tho old fro cll Il1 QtLrnss of tho floor wus IIlPored,thore, W\l8 dislinctly nudlb lo to his and mad e " ~ery 81gllificant l/Ilprcssillll A hnlh \\ hlch tM" nc' r Lc IUII1ItIbcill" bufu, ~o YUUj und tu wink how ' little faJI IIpon the broken nud UIlO\'on pllvemllnt "r shull IJ~ carril1u bllck 111'0 Ihe' oouI,lry; undi6turbcd; ev~ry thing was jlist IllS ho rlZ ·oars. 'rhe stream atolc) lang uld lx lind with -hilt t flOth on tlte D ,,~chmaJl" big toe • tho relllrve alld 'CUllllhlg of 1\ wholb liCe wa._ ~crivoLi ~roU\ Ih~ mI8e~(lble candles unu huua for that man 'a murder. They membe red 10 have 8cell it IU6t, and Ih uro alul!'ltis hly \In. , JSt~ange and rOlltnatic wllich elicited ~ ,00.r'lInd II kick. .... r 'h~ a ~fjld duludvo IrUII Thnl ,I,mua lho epirlt Irl.lllllt. ",oun~ "' i11 uvoil. wllon fllvor und dll lirluJII tou t lbllt here Ulullbcre I ..... IIIkleJ III Ihe room~ connot trllce mo hero wilho.Ul your a9, si8t. wu. 00 wil[1I of ony one.8Bve himself, hav· form. roso to Iho' Burraol', and bCllkolled 'Ohr mill6 God! 8101' bit""9~at hurull' Uee""r IUIIi o~ltv loll~. tllllI. C ' 1 f II 11 e ~ t te' I bit t ' . N d ,. T olf the md$k at los t. :9trlllllle tllies hllve 0 dU~ 10 10 I Qr ur una IlIla Iln ~ Dllce, fa the r. F or .lIught I Iinow, you Ipoy ing oocupied tho room durlllg the night.- 'li m to Ilrproll~hj tJ.trk glcum i"g eyos peer. ' ove r mIn j you uon;t expect 4 8m ab- ~ 0 .. ",iI~ ~"tI rnck lc.; . o'or ~ifo·. mulntold in Lin! wllnd crlngli 01 dyillg ilion j 11 11 could ulford to indulj!e in so expensive 0 give rne "1' to JUBticej b\lt Uil ica s you do, He Inquireel 01 tho other ludge rs and of ihe 0.1 from t.ho water, 'ond Beemed to mock illg 10' ebt you, Th~tlVosn t 11\ tho bel, I Y~ut iol·~ wytd. ,l dOI'\pro; tlO fllll 'of guilt I)nd 'criOle , that, tho~e luxury. A gutLor roh down thll ~cutro of herll J &top unlill Call venture to oSllllpe neigbbors j but his dllllghh:r ho~ pot beon hcsitotion, whilo bllllow l\lurrti'lJrs from boo bet J could eal YOU!I ~nd be m~de anothel" My ~o\ll cun writhe btlnolllb Ihe jlllin who s~ood by tile' aick 'person'lI Nuch hove lhe lilley-nil Iho sl,!g~isli ocloura of whi oh il broad." Been or hourd of, H e fI1!"b\cd lhrough tb e hind uracd onward... lie relr~lIlcd . a low bite. UI \lnr~\Uruh)g love nO mor. ! fl'.d 'In horror allllllffright, least they s houl d had been call",d fonh by the rllin j and, as d streets Ilnd scrullnized ench wretched face. IlQcea, tuok a ahort. run . a 'd08perate leap. Old Sour.krollt e'o on percoived that Ihe Dut whon )'uu ncar tho' dllll. llt ahore. ~ h .d I F or two wholo doya, all three rcmn.ine . "e seared' t·· mad·n"r. by whaL they hourd tho lI'ind wbistled through t e 01 IOUSCB. in the \Yre tche~ room, ' Yi lh out8tirriDg out. among the cro\vtJ, that tllrong~d them with GIld plunged '111tO the river', Yonkeo bileltrlckod hlni, lind that he ~Itll. Anti buck t h~ 80ul slll,II WillI! ~ahl u Lit...·• ~arly ".el'~ 10 pandor u'or, alll1 allWj und ' mOllY 0 wrotch hn's diod the tloora nnel sbutters crellked upon tbal r 011 tbe th ird ovening, bovJover, the girl anxious eyes. But hiB .earell W0 8 frull. Not flve do don,ts had pusod ,\\hen Ito er must I.e oaten or loaD his five dolfqrs. es , and the windows shook III the ir 'rbis rali llY will burn thy !Jr&il\. Illu"'~, rllvI' Ilg of delld8, the Yilry Ilumo of Itinlr leesj nnd bo retllrnnd to h is garret when rOJo '0 tllO ,vllter's 8urfoce, but wJ.at n I.fe cho!:e the , ' latter o.lternative ) Ibe money , j uu I was ,yone than, Bbe hod beeli yet , IIlId tbe • • k Which hOI dl'ivell the- bolde.s t ilion OWllY. (raines, wilh 0 violence whic I e very mo· J night come on, dosoillte and weory . cllOnrro had tuken pillce In that s hort timo, WII8 paid LO the Yanko, e, who lelt Wilh higll Thll II Ule 8um III life. to drum d t t h d li ! row se,r aps 01 food lhey Ilau were gODo... 'rav 'lllgs \Yore to be hoard ment lIeeme to t \roo ell t c calruc on .o For mony dU"slao Occoilied himself in I"It "II tll. tIIOUglll-• ..'11d "'fte/lu .... ! L< '1'['e,ll'e 811t no lu·h I w • • It WI18. Inll illpensably nece.8~ry thai aom~. , • , ...... I' hon,or-. , hllv ing vludico.r,ed, Ih. e rnme o£ Ylln'I'loa drOIl'nli WI) call1lOI raalac, Til ,,1"1" euch' prolpqcl .. '~I:"ould /lecnl 'lht' 'bedeide' by which the el n ldroll knelt, ~h e whole pl.ace. body s hould go out; B,nd , oa Ihe girl WIIB tho eal1le monnor, but no , lrllcee of h\u In ony form; poverty, mi$ory. starvation. kecdum. ond Buata lned itl blgh reputatloll UlltO nur illexpo(ionctld tll 'll!I: Thoir hall.atfRed "obs IIlId lD.uaninp aloll e 'I'be man whom we bove fQ\lowed irlto 100 woak anel ill, tho fllther' went, jUlt at dllughter did he lIIoet WiLh, o.nd 110 wor~ nnyth lng but dell th. tIo (ougl1t ond slrult· (or woodell nutmege and YOllkee 'l'rlck.. A\ld "'lien tbo hUfl" wreck heil4"!cs broke Ihe .iler\Co q\ the 10n"ly chamb~ r. \he dOli, walk ed on ill lhe darkneslli aome' nig)ILfall. ~r her reached his eors.. AI lut hq gnvo I\'led w ith Ihe wotora thllt closed over his Tho ~ 1l1 Dut(lhmnll balloGrll ~~ ~o respect iICa'a 'bU ro"l 1'lI.lllv driven, Ami whon al lust the mothor·. grasp rolux· til~lla slumbling into the Risin i Uller , Gild up th o pursui t 88 hopelcss. He hod 10111( hcnd, on~ ecrllomed in Qgonl~a <;>f lllrror.- the ,uper!or 8agnelly or Yankee pedlar., . - -Wooh.eek!O !Jrol5h cerlhly glOO1ll1 . od,and turiling one look troRl tho childrllll nt othtlra, into some bron~h repositorlcs of tIe got aome meclidnp for tho I:irl~ and thuughlol the probl\!JlJity .0C her ICll vin g "he curse of hia olVn aon rang fn h id COU, nlld (rom t'ultdny elnce, haB Dhvay. treal~d co With lite .w~1 bot'" oC pla lD lIcQvolI. to tho lather, s he vainly strove to 8peulr, garbage whioh hlld been lorlllod b1the ruIn, a triflo in the way 01 pec uniwryoss is tonce, lum, lllld c ndeovcrillg to goill Ilor bread in ,[Iho ahore.-but one fobt of dry ground.,- 'them with duo doferellce, ' oDd never falla Mount J:le8lthy, O. I} IIl1d lell back 011 lh" pillow ,'all a8 so culm ulltil he roached the 11j6t h uuse in ,he On his wily bqek, ho eurned ,Ix pance by qu io telsowh cre. S'he had loft him ot lost h o coull\ olmost tou ph the stap, Oll e to look re markably silly, If o.lIybody .uY' and trllnquil ' Ihat 8he aeepled to sitfk to court. 'rhe door. or rlltbp.r whllt Nil' I~fl holding 0 horsej oml ho turned homowl1rds to slnrl'a alone. lIo ground his lecth IIl1d hand!\! broodth hODrer.llild bo W~8 IDved- Ollythlllg nuout eCitilla rClw Dutchmen III . d aJGr. ' rort I10 con voII I'epco of tile Wilh enough monry ,to aUllply t!l elr m08t cursed i CH 0 .1C,E Bleep.' They leaned over herj they callod 0'f 11,8100 lor. !lIlL thd e lido bora him ODwar , UII d er the IIIS prescDco, · .. , ., he proceeded to preta ng \V anls for two or lh reo dMYs to b tI I ' b d" .I d I Hu agge 11 8 rCIl ,rom oar to , oor. Jarll arches of th o bri dge, an d Il 0 .an k to ••• tI 'niln ber "Ilme, manly at. firsl, arid Ihen in numerous uugors; Ilnu r ., h' h Id d b oken BlaIr comu. 110 hlld to paiS the public houlo . d ( I ...... ""'D'8 "'EATlt. the l<lud and . piercing ,t' o ne~ of despe rlltlon , gropo IS way up I 0 0 o.n , r . , Every hal C.pell. ny ha caul Ivrlllg ro m I Ie 10 lhe b.Oltom, . . A Young Goole • THE DB.U..., AAA » I " Ho lingered for 1\11 ill"tnnt. wllik ed pallt It., I I r h I I d i d I d' f lialcned fo r 10 t Ie IIlUCl story. d d P ty ot ereiI lilt)' 0 I OBb t o W 10111 10 .1 1' Agltlu Ie a,r\lso o.n I trugg c .or h e. A rnsokot g irl sold a ...... ntlemen a fiDe bu t there Willi ho reply. 'flte" • . I' t t fl ' turned back 'goin, liugero once mOlo. an " I I Id ' • tiy "alll but no sound came. Tiley 'el\ Ho WD8 Wlt.llll a 8 ep or wo a 11 8 uresacd him.a I WIlS apont in t 1 0 U way. F or one IlIs tnntthe bUlldlnrr_ on lbe flV' . t. It h .,r br ~ , I ' D)r OIl.AlILU DICKEII. _ ... Ii II I k I T YO men who)11 ho haJ ., fut gooBe. warranting I~ to ue yuung. . " Ille palp'lt'at 'lon of tile 11f.'lIrt but no room dQQf, when It opened. and a girl, IlIU y. un I). '. A yeDr possed over hia lio~dj til(' rllof 01 nor's lJa"k8, the \l llhts on tho bri dgll' und er lur , . u not tlbserv cd, wcre on the w utch. They I d J I d I l"rnud out; when roasted. to bo unmlln age; jail was th e ollly on e thut 1ft s 10 ture whj~h tho curre nt hnd borno him, the I. lick d I , (al'bt Ihrob re' polldo',1 '0 1110 10uClh. Thill whoue mi serllble Iln~ em~cillte IIppearance We ",Ill be bold to .o.y, that tbtlro la aU' ( I £ I were on the point of giv ini up their soarch I d able tough. '1'ho IIcxt oy, Lho "OOl elDen ''08 brokon 8\1d she 1V08 delld! wu ollly lu be aqua ed bv t lat. 0 tlO Cllll' him ror mllllY. moull.ls. Ho 8 . cpt un or wI\tur, IIn ,d.lhll lllst Dying cloud., woro dis· nit! to the mllrke tgirl'Iearl .. Ic.rcely II ilfan III the constant habit d 'U h i d In .tis palr, whell his lol terlni nttrQc ted t~~ ir d b kB I·' I I h '. d Tllo'' lluab-lld alll'lk 'IDto a chair by th ' dlo wldcl! sbe .Iuul~ WI I er lon, peep· are hw ,,},a un III a rIC e u-o"y W le re, tinedy vl Mtb o-unco more o· aun., all ','ha', goose ,vl,l'cll you sold mo liar a . . w.lking, day sne~ da,. t hrough any of the IIttentionj and when ho outer,.d Ibe public I I fi j hcdalda, and clo. (l~d hi· bands upon hi' ed anxiuusly out. . where Ib ero IVa' aom.o warmth . or "110 ter once aglln be rose-bright DaDlea of r~ youn." 0110 wos very old.' crowded thorlltlghfarde ' oC LOndon. whn ~ ~ ~ .~ h . I h!rule tbey !ollowed biOI . d d D th I I h H d I .. ' Ii I I 'ournln .... relle&d. "e'"azed from t.hild to "Ia thlt you, fo.lher1" Bill" t e glr • from thp col un ro,lO, ut In e ~s t . hot up from tIl' eort tll SIlVen,lIl1 ree ~ 'Certainly nOI,' said the rrirl', 'don't yeu, e.nnot recollect, alllon'" t e ""op" W 10m g IU ., J I Y 'I I d I. th me InDl tor II --Id d d I I I b ll I b ... .. y~ h'ld b t h ~eepihgeyemet'hh' be "\Vhoelae shoulditb"l"reple tlemlln .. ou rIO WI , ' .... atngeof pover ty, 10C DNO I\n louset's~ edbofore IIIOY08,W st lle , wllterL un· coJlmeyoun,~' lie ""DO... b) Ilghl." to UI8 II falllilll,er c I .j' dUb II' enhll I~t I k Nn woru' o r gruffly,. "What are you tremblillg aU- one of thom proffe ring him a glllil or liq. wunl ho wad 0 Ilrunkord 81ill. derAd in hi' ea rs, Ilnd Itunned him with ilS ,btlllll,lOme beln .. of abiect and wretl\lIed qUftl e eneat s 00, ,,\ ' d . k . . h I. d ·Yeft.' .. • , II cd ' n his ear 110 look It's little enougb !bat ( hRve ho.d to riD uor. " At lut. 0110 billor Illght, 0 enD.. own lurioue roar. 'Well, I 11m but nineteen • . and I hellrd IPV"rlnce. whOM he remembera to hne Ocofm~o'nrtdnweal~ wll~h~Plel!dr 01!1 hi - 'ac'e. All lo.day, for tbere'll no drink withoul monev, "And me too." said the other, replenllh. on a doo~stefl. fa, int and ill.. Tho pre mu. A woek allcrlvard8 tho body Willi wlIMh· I Cl0080 " ' U ,i. IetIIIII . ~ft" dllferent condition ; wllOm .. ... " I' "'1 I. ' II e I sa I YOOD III it WtI' drained 01 d fV d PilI d v r db '! d tl I c eo mother say oCtOIl, tl'~ the.. .. A ' " L.. d I ' "" and avoided himj and whell aDd nu money without work. n lot tue 109 I g a a ture ecay 0 Ice an. ro Igscy IQ \ 0 n e as oro .omo Inl Q8 OWII 10 r v r., weeks YOllllger than me.' ... ob.rved .hlking lower an o,,:~ shrunk fro ... , df tli r om no' ono 'devil'B tho mllller with tbe ,irll" its conLell18. him to tho bono. 1118 cht'eks wero hollow swolle n and di efigurocl mael. Unrecoglli. Tho gont fainted. .11IICIIt hilp!!reepl(ble ·dl'gre.", an~ the lit lut he stllllgpre rom I e ; 'It! \l "I 11111 not Willi, ralhor-not lit all well," Tho mBn thought of hi. huugry children, alld livldj his eyes wero Bunke n and their zed and unpitied. It was borne to Iho grave ",ebbla. and uttor 'deelitutlon ot w!iole lought t~ follOW'bor conabo 0 e w rO~v rd' ao.id lho lrirl bursting Into teare, aDd hiileOD'ldlnqer. But IlIIly wore noth· \light was dim. His iegs trembl cd beneath -and lilere It hilS long s illce mouldored •• J " " d . k and ·P.... ......- r.n"'t I.S I \ itrll'e 'orcl'bly upon The tllno Ilad, dcen, , . the lone of a. Ing to t h e d run k ar. d I'10 · welghl, . . The Two C.t • • -,. .." d d011I'many . I h ' nenr "Ah'"..roplied the man. III ..... no , bls alld • cold shlvor ron t h ruug II away. !tilll, II he plj.ea by. Ie thetc ' any mill, Would have crowe roun 11m In II a· ' . d LI hIS rouon lelt him. 11 b The followilli .n"cdote ,vh!ch hll be'n wbo b•• ml-.d -uch' with soclely, or II' 'n and ,nanv a heartfnlt cOlldolenco pereon who IS eompell~ to 1\ ml a very d " h' d every 10 • Id f I d e n orilliDa~ed wilb ~~ .. , , ' ICUO • '1' I I I ' \Vb/! II unplc"l&lIt lact, to wlu Clia he would rllther "A wel nlJ:ht. \Var eo. \V " pllre ono Aud now the long forgotlell sccnea of a to 0 mony urne m • willote nocatlona ha". caused \tim to miD' would have met nOm n bile II'r e d ~:. remain blind, if be could. "You muU get of the meo in Itid oar, as ho .1: length tum· mis8peD~ life crowded thic k and Caat upon HUM 0 R 0 US. tile pllio ter Darrol. H I. only pots w~e a I fle Ile,at ono time or otber. wltb a If..t \Vere t/ley nowl no y on~. t : :~en be tter some how. for we muat bavo money. cd to ~o .we" after .pending In liquor him. H e thought of th o tlmo when ho cat and a Ieilten, In proge ny, A frlenel, bQmber of · people, who cannot call to latlon •• the co~mone8~ ,cfJUIa ~ d th: You mllst KO to the psnali doctor. aDd ono.hmlC 01 dlo money on wl),ich, pcrhap. had a home-I happy cheorlul homo-and Eating a Dutchman. seolng two bolcs 10 tbobottom ol~il door. ltIiDd the time when .nmo sho.llb" m had rallen off . rum:fan II ~"e;'~ng to mal-e him give you aomo medicine, TbeV' hi. "uughter" life dflpended, or lbose who peopled It, and ROllked about Tho Yankee made publishes tho follow- olked lhem for whatpurpo.e bo made \belli .ble wretch, in rogs and' 6ltb. w,,~ .h!llBes t1nlllkard. H '. w,~. ", .a o~,ek a d 'ro paid for it damn 'em. What are 1 0U "The right .ort of • n;,;ht for our frienda. him Ihen. until thtl forms of his oldor olin. iHg rich trick I)n • Dulchmlln: . Ih ere. Darret soid. it IVU for .hie c.t. to him DOW I'll .11 Ule anu.lor of dj....e him in grood an d evl, III '10 uel~ an p o v · · • h d' "aster "V.r-Je D "whisp-d tho d' f h d A "lInkee pedllr traveling Ihrou"h York go in and ·out. .. d Ilow bad he rewarded b2r!- siandin, be foro thOo door for l Lel Ille In I IlIK w. • • ~.~ dren afleme to. fleD up r.om t e gr.ve lin ~ .. poverty. was a re"pectable ttaclo.m.n, .rly. All led fro I " I bed come in can't you!" o~ber. .tand aboutlllm_o plolU. ao Clloar a nd ao Stille, aOlbe twenly y e.ra .t nc~. 'put up' Ilt 'Why, replie:J bi, friend. 'woulJ Dol fir' , el.r L , or I ..... . n 'ollowln ...ume tbriv- lie had hle m 118 tllvorn tv lef • . al t d011'11 here" one -110 b.d dllllD ' • m 'I . . . . . "rather," \Vhi.pere tbe Klfl, .hullani ..... , . aid th· ~... ct Ibey wore, thmt IIe cuu Id tout: h an dille. Ilou.o of a D Ulc11 lavern keeper, (or do (or ,bolb1' iaa pur.ult, with !:Dod I'r01lpecta, and dec;. Ilde.ln bm_~.lo eee her dIe. diked Ih. door aod placiDg heraelf before It, .pokt'aytr'l, arlwine bim int~1 Cl corDor.- feel the m. Loo~. tbat be hlld lonelorllot· the nigllt, al Iho. close of C)ne 1Ino•• um~er 1I0-::::II!I~::~," ::,,:,redJJlI~e.::~:: tlitmeli..,-« CIDnot any ot obr 'He m.heu from tbe boUle. In \VII "Villl.~ b .. come back." " W ..fllYe been lookine arter tho yonng tlln, were fillel UPOD 111m once more; voi u- day . . At that time tile peculiu prejuciu:el .-QI\ to mind from amnllg the lil t 01 . tllelr .wlfll), throu~ tbo Ilreet... R , emorae. (e~r, "'Vbol" .aleltbo -.n wI'tb I II.rt. Ull. w. come to \.ell hins ilL'. all ri~bt, e. Ion" bushed hi dealb, loundod in hia or the DUI~h people of .Ibl. t ~ctlon, ,,:,ere hole1' Ho,'" • I'" I. r tbe 'Bitt.' .lIidhla friend. . d noUbe .... ~ .equ.lnt,nce.lOm. raUen alld de· .h.llle,.n crow dell o~ _h '~ mIDd, StUPl/l "Iru.h "ro lIed!bo b' 'lIoIe1' irl , "William: tiro- DOW. bUl w. couldo't find hirn 'oaUM we eara like tho music of vil\lI(Pl Loll.. But . trol}gly . bu\\·n u ualllf JOB,OUII), a PItIed ...11 -who IJnpN aboul tho pne- Cd with drink, anel Dewlldered, willi tbe • ' . p. b,.!D·t cot tLe precitJ. direction. But lbat It wu oDly for an ill.taDt. The rain bellt 'd.plpt Yaokee• •' Our IADdlord WII 00 one CO t.broap the ~ but I -tin bU~I" lIIiu'Y-frolD 'Wbom every .M h. bad ju.t witneued. b. rMlate~ tb~,~':~I:~;~ldoe. be want'" aai/'lhe I\WI aiD'lattan,e, for I duo" thID: be ItDow'd heavily upon bim, and cold aDd hungef who _mod to talr. particular c1.I~b' III '£aad,' ..1eI Darrel, '10"" could, - _ _ eolCll)' Iwa" 1l1li on. who pretile 'aHm h. had qulued .OOnl}' 1ie1!!N. Ith efti n at colD~'lIIOnol! It bllDl4lll, whell be COlD. to LoAdoa, did were en "vine at bit beart..pD. .DDoyilll an)' d_DdaDt of the pllJri... aeter than,bt oI"~~:' I ...... bhll_lr frora litter ewryatloa, no- G1... aucceeded'I.... HIe bloocl 1II000at- w IlL H.. me If' ~ WJODI bel" Ho "OM abd draped bw r.eblellmb•• who ohllllllell 10 f.Ula ble wa,. aDIl h 111&1 ~ ..., IIaow.lIGwf A1u! IIIdI tINa are edt •• ~ billiralll wblrled rouDd. D••tkl raeat! c1rI U e .:... die • "No be dida'tJ " ... pllN the father. r.w paen fanller. TIl••treet w.. ,UoDt be lU,poRII b. did aot n~lect an, oppor- A eer&aIaIrilll ~~ .... ..... "lII!I to" rare ...... S • . , oat til., ud wll, 1001-1 aill" TIl. eacbanpl , Impt,-th. few p . - . '" at that late tuattl &bat preMDlbcI IlunDlI.b. "'I Dr tile proOIOUeI a prill.... !'lit.......!. . . . .. ~.~~~.......tr;. 1Iat . . . . . . . 10 pad for Will; herrelatlcme hid oa .. &Irt )"." Mlltl cIowD at _Ira, to bour, hurried qulckl. oa, .... Jala pUv &0 qwa bl.a,or IOmaUlaIm ora Urill' pIIIIIII.... ,,~=_ "&n.o.~ 1 Uaa ~x.; f ~~ u 110& _ .... khlllO. CUfIII ...a.i& ;.tq &lie .b.. ~.. • • ..,... lllll . .oice . . 101& ia the Y50ieDce of "0 the til wI~e.' : " . ) .......... ~· ,..M~ ·.~ h , ... left... o ' . . . . . . aM flnt..,......, 'II put ..coraa. Tbat Ilea., uRI epIn Oar .. pi! 1M
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V I ,S ITO R_ JtW editor. Who do tbrow t&A r.W I:OP",I 0 lbl.- edition Qf The E. Mi1I. and pIIblilAed by Ih),.elf.-I &ban tht Increlle lIe population • . W, a.lde t!li_ lI.\ld hl,hly .rUlicull)lU man· -&li.tnl Vii ~r. do not p~een la nice a more lfftf'J/' ,oulC!billinl-1 more .m· ~lYe a ienefal .malll 10011, or I .b.D ner ot' OlIprll,,~int: tliemdelye., are IUliked appearanco. a. ( cou ld bne wilrh.d, , rcri~lurai. Ind tl7IpMlo«1p1aical .enthnent prophet. " 111\ 110 upon BI yery lI.in, .tgelialu; arid ror,ward weolller be'ng~ vcr) IWllrm, r \lndered)tvery oot be produced rronl the whole voolb· i'J"he fa oUr the !.~IIj.oad, from N kil)d tiF. [ello~I~\ \VIlII, 10 be It then" ~ to keep ,,~~ "INIUIC!.i;. ROI.fJ!U I; In ulary of inMel books. 'l:he New 'r.... York to,Buftblo and b.ck, for per I. hod rather be clll\od voln, egothilla, or, .lIy 1l9od order, and c:onaoquently the .Impr it. ment a,.erte, tl;"i spiritl ' 01 ~lk"eJ. havll Ilrou~ or 1l1£e. hlg tlie celebratlonlOo~1 de. thing eL$e, thon ony Io-bger co nlinue this ail/Ii on a (ew of 11I~, rllpere il n011l1 come bauk to earLh, 11IId ' aer two or botile of Lundy'.I.lne, It.. been rell lb, .laI at e,m ire eulto>m, II iIS n(' jthcr correot, 10 18 I. thoy hi.. otherwise been. Suoh apostcs frcD when were conftlled .ill to IIi lie doll.rlo ' '.J,lbll II jUlt- h,lr th "ura Il, \. firo. r , t. ' but eorpet ' IlIIe~ ' CI101118, ' ' 'I'h I.' otler I ' I Inlll ' tho con'etnlctlon 'oC 1I111guage ill concerned, Ihing4 are very pr~vlll\lIIg. Rnu.•. 8110\lred ' L uy pr iBun b0 It8. lin d I)lIr)' ,are. _rl! exe onl ' .. laye: , \' or prop' or ;.~ (ar 8B trulj. 15 eonnccteCl wilb Ihty cannot be, Ileipell. Il nR [II s, &0. The lIDllle ilileroRtlng volumo Jna~e a ,lrnilar redlletion, FrornpeBe~ 'The calamity Ihat ,a' nQ longor II8i th .. lub)·ecl. Any pereon hlterelted, aao •• spellk, or eOm& of thoso wo tMIIl 'piri"" Iu to "Niau.ra an.d \Jack, Ule lar- bal L." euily' a.certDin Iho co rreclness of theae rrrA Cow cxtra Cl1 pjoR of this IIU or flR,l Ith, hovillg been Been by mortal eycft, retlllr.clllq 0110 1I01IAr-mnklnor''".L e -I-' feared ,hna ot I ngth c . , ' r., 'the chief <lit~ in t~ theml " Another th ill" ,' n rC"lIrd to this nre published, III or I'r to sI1prly now Bub· IIn\llillOr ' il " with mortol corK, WIIJl~U for' one of the llxcurllion rrQm Ihls c'll".. to 'I' Nil 1\' 101 e 'd politl'on°. wlHell ,bn 50 IIInr 8 time enjuyc , . . . .or, per~oll8 IIcribers \\ Ilh 1111 of tho , orl~llInllnle which ' . R1ft ' matter', •thtUI "re low ' ciollSOli Ih O$e which wore 800 11 in Iho o.dy $10. ' while ClllinugruUon WIB 'Pat, do you ' enccll JII thlt number. I Ir .. gin~ d I 1111 ol'or · knOlv how t.l drivel' uked tlll,t mnke . U80 of ,Ihe p!Ulol pronoun !!., is ~omm lom JJ II' II~ro tho body or J eSU8 hud Inill! 'rhe ecillbrolion, it is almolt needl.·· thq C1ountry, III elllt Ic~glii 181 ) II' ~ Yun~ee truveller III Iroland o~ lhe" keeper , whero !iiJl""IM ones should bn usell; mId "-.... Obs~rve IIlso the Cullo\~illg 1111111011111 IIny, wlll be helll·on tho American 'I.... d 10 Ther!) I, 'no ne'do to hport cub ar zc.-..to W AYNESV.LLE; , of tlleso D.'lit t 110 IlliI CII"pter 8nll Hf]Conal vorso of the Ninnnr. Rive~,' nlthn\I"h 1110 battlee'" 01 . givo l of a juunling car. Silre I do,' . wos the lin. , eom,e nre, (orel"n rultlrs, p,ub\ie L 0 OAl; I TEMB. detail. '" regnr to W oorc, urnl ut lin" slVcr. '\Vun't It 1 wbo uplet your honor • u..' ARREN COUNTY, 0 ' ', O[lnll:k '( .U. '' II CurOW8: " ' ) 10' eillertilin ' .. Connela. The ..Cal)adlln no '".. n .. r• .0 nnd EDITIl It fa cluimed by •'nenol rorgelfu rought io I'ho IIro not-all, nil il gone. io II ditch 11'1'0 yeara aao!' .. ' - -- - - - - - - -----..--.,... Ilin plural pro,nouns '.re uRed by 'r IIe firm of Allen &. EI'~I1S, III ' this slrullgoro; "Ilr t I .creuy, '· 801110 I101'0 nterlmm· . however, hsve picked up tlle Idea Ihat ,.• pe" b' The fire cotr\manced on Frilla,!, 1II0rnlng, T , been dis$olved; n. EVon9 retlr· ed 0111: 019\. ," &0, 'Vitlle88 also the l.th celebration Is to be on tIle fiuid 'or L dI e ' W ed nesd 61, , "U 1'I "8 ~ , 18." u". for reason of their EXTRE~IE plnce, hall 18.b inal., a little .rter 1 o'cleck, £t broke A. mftn Wl10 .dvertisel for a wife BUg. ~=!!!!!==========~==~ uo ,'. r ao Ihcn AW'.f.Y wilh 8UO'1 in", T . L. Allell cootilllJe. business nt verlld" ill tho firet c!Jopter oC HebrewlI, t ane. i.lsol', w,.l thln lhe limltl ,or Can"'l; uul lo, tho building on tho plun, ea 11cd t I,e gells, BS , h a qUII Iificatit'n, that he under. SUBSCRIP'l'IOM 'PERMS OF it Ie only affecled, ond thero· thob olll ,sll1nd ou 11111111 street,8i":n of Ihe Iyhere IIl\er aome other rem~rk5 mallo con· nlld Itl8 omU8111" to rood tllel'r MolumnOIl occupl ·e·' by )Iadlme etanda t e "'anagement or hlah prc-.aure ..I c I1011"1' \;0 riling , I } ' ou I ~pcaJ\8 .. ~ a 0I , U .,. • TIlE ' b D roo I. F'or my Own par l I G. 0 11I ('II nU. II II 0 8"ya t I,lAL tie ' ' •. 11U~: I , " ,,,. t·100. The"o • , ' b MIAMI•• -VISITORI OligO', ' Are un,Iece88nry lIlulgno H o tel d5a Frallce Landreau, end fooing upon ~Vnahiocton enllinel ba~illll: een ill the bUliuu. three " th ey 1I0t 111\ llIillisteflll:: 8pi ril ~, ~ellt lorth PalQt" , One copy h,r opo yuar, or two vulllmM. one hnve u~ed the plurol prolloun8 will 1I0t mako ~ny difiorclIIlfI ill tho nrice for 1nl\0llCe, eaY8: ,1Il Dtrell r • treoe. From thence it Ipre.au in a doulb. velrl, i10llar and. fiflY conlS, CUll, In ndvancc; 0 116 only ber-ause it hus boen the n'onorul eus- of !rootle, bllt thut thoy will be as chuop tu rninislcr for thtlm who shnll be heirs 0 'Tha bullie of LUI.t1 v 'd Lane I', nol ern I., ' .. I In I direction, until It had ',wept offevcry d f cor y Ior»10 Ino!, IIII, or 'on. TO Ilimo, sev@nIY ' lom80totlo, butbJ' sueK custom)wlllos ever. 8Blvotion,&c," "Vitnessolso the lI\lmerous event of which COII.dian and Drltt'1811_I, Bl8"or BOULE,-Th il age servant , 0 IivII oom. PoymenUll1\ all catc. til b. ill .~, ~ huilding that had any cO'1nection wilh ite 'neighb!,r., inoluding the whole o( the God, IInll venerated Bishop of tho Soulh ....no", 1'0 Club. : 'I'en col;lea tor 0110 )co r no lenger Le governod. I rod thllnk rut, toxt, III lhe Dlblo go ing 10 provn that $pir- tiiers. h~vo tho le~8t reasoh to bo sshamed, Ire block, and botb lidel of Eaat an~ \Y'ut ern Episcopal Ohurph, hS8, notwidl8ta~. twelve dollar. and fifty conte. twenly '"PI , that I aID 110'1' qtllTll alollc IIIlhl6muve, for The Turlillike from tillS plOCIIIO I1rnnk- 1/31I1ui/ive1y did mnhiresl themAclvea to the but thu cel~bratlon of II , a. a viclory b' 'Vashington streets. The Masonic Hall dillg hi. odvanced age,alld the licknes. ot t\\'.nly dollars. All club suh.cripUons mll.1 Ihere are 0 who like hove be· is ullder contract now til btl 11l1i8hell. people of .thnt dny, ond lime. LQok 0190 AmericlIlI cilizens, witt\1n onr own rro:' Ihe lut bulldill" an EDIt Wulllinl!II>b.l liileetimable lady, consented to pal an b~ paluln ad\'l~~e, .nol for n,o shon.r f orhltl come tirod of this fou!i sh CU810m, nllli nel Los; week the contruotor commenced ' IIC· nt tho rccords of religions peopltl In mad· li"r, 18 certainly 1\ very cool, lind (1'1'0 • b . • " thall one ),ur, J he p8per of Ill) re8ponll~16 ' lip tl I \ t' I N I. . ern ' timcs. ,Seo tile mullltudO !lr teotimo· . .11' ell t tl ' k) I .'1 rt .rrC1et, WI8 entirely gutted, the adobe walll oticiol V'Slt to the churdlci In CahfQrnla. IUh!,cnbor \\ 1II bo dieconlinuud wlllio .tr•• r". In roper manner;, IIl110ng IC80 arn lOp· IVO opcrol on~ on urt". Ilreet, weat an III 0 1111 IQru y prudent ~;tperli, 110ne remllininlJ' The rolluwinlr 15 tlle closeing .entence of !tel are du.e. py to nome Brolher H , M. AJJ lson, or the ¥"in, III this ploco. ny brought III \Jy lI/dho.ii.vt$, B"ptis/3, Pre-to mOllt.' Du' the whole northern end of the letLer ill which Ibe ChrilUan vetil ran Commercial, Clevelan~, OhIo, an,1 PrQfe!. by/twilln" Quaker!, lind almost 1111 olher 'I'his ..~rrnct will .orve to Illow with from the place of commenCl'ment "p to Informed the Miallon Boord orhis purpoae : "'crms or Adverdsl 1'1 sur Buchlluon, of the Journal 01 111011, 011 Sunday afle(nQon Inat, Dr. B·enry sects, nud denolOinlltiulis of peopie, posi· whnt ulinecealll ry warallh the Conudian the narrium House, (til !'Ibin Itrollt: hu 'Some of my rrlend • •have railed objec. Ond of fourteen Ionu or sinllil Cinoinnntr, O h i o , . Smizer I1nll lluly, of th is placc, wero 01 a lively Iltcllarin9 thut Rpirila had nlul1Jt(1 discuss lha DlOtler. , It i. ntllural beon eon.ul!led., Thl! wind aoon took II tiulle to my propoeed 'iliit in considoration In.errlon, tifty c~nlJ; elch addliional in.ortin n How my rel\ders m~y hke the chango 1 (riend's a few miles in Iho country. and commu"ad or COlllJ¢rlfd with mort.llil yet .houl~ COl'I aomel' ha' 6ure'; lind J am oot turn to ~he northward, and the fire Ipread ormy advanced age,' t).&. greatdf~tance be. tWIlllly·fiv" CCllll Reo8onaljl~ redllcl\on8 do n<?t ,knolV. but \II'R E uftl P',thot ' they Will calil'g dinner thoir 1IIIIu child, some on tlJr/II, Now IJl the lace of all this nr- BUrJ1rI5ed 10 sce tbat tbey,ln~omllJon "'Ib rapidly from ,llOuse to hO\lso. Grea~ ef. 'w6"In the Atlantio and Pucillc au list the (r() m I~t.e ralea D,id~ 10, jho.~ wh'u adv~rlillc ' be likely to become very ongl1 obout old, ron out iuto , the rood wlitlre it ray of testimollY of Iho poett (lel1wing out tho LUlidon' Times a'ld other ellrlniea of ~or'o wero mlde by the CI· tl' •.e· nl to Itop the It' d d ntt I' tl" tt ulonelvely by Ibe ~ or fur Innounclng tbe ~/ltter; if t110Y ti~, 011 thllt ,the" call \VIIS Ricket! ~II tho foe, Q tiy a "uunl! hard!'. . of tho nrdlllnont, tho euiJllI1Ct' which nre Repullliullhi"m, aro nn;tloualy., in ,rrvor 01 " .. ,. casUIl , Iell an II Dere req\len 3 0 e;m · namo. 9 ' candida tell olle d liar el1ch 10 ' btl . ' , ' I • I, r' .. fiames, but all 'were unll\'lIi1uble. The a long .ea yoyage, aDd tho liability to piid lnednncf.' , • , ~o, .. to beeclme pleiiled ,81:1110 • Thl! wQund wos a .t.\·ore one, ,but it ig .t/tmdont wilhin our rcach, 01 ,Imilor Gun. Pierce. ' tenloly InBllmmllble nMure of the motetl. 'end burial at 'lea far from home and ", \ thought likely to retol't~. ' things transpirill~ in Oilr tlny,) "ro lYe to I BOW iUtnted in a paperreftterdllY, thll ai, Jried up tboro~bly, .. il h\ld been, by ' . 1 bave weighed the.~ obleollens. ~,~;J'OB PBIl'WTINO, . Whig ]lJominati~g Election. h!IVO E, MiIIs l (l()1II0 furword olld bljght Lhe the Nelw ?ltl·trupQliton HQ~el, WII abOUllo a montb's contInued hot weather, aomhl' lire light in the balance. I have Of t\very ducrl"uu/l, euih .. ) Thle eleclillll,' fot tho purposo of Bcleet· This' pineo slill contll;uCI to ImprO\'O houvenl} hopc~ or Ollr lillla chi/dIm with COlllmOllce 1\ new, nnd tu Iny mind, an 10. lied w\th .careity of water, renderod it lin been I,. perila both on the lea, and 00 the PAMPBLETl4, "ANDBILI.8, ing for Lhe Whig pnrt, to VOIO rapidly ill many way', Now b,uildiJlg; arc lhe onljecripturnl uescrlioll, ' that not I e.tperiml'lIt-thClt it \VOl ahout.o iwpoalibillty to e~cllny aubstan1i.1 Kood land, but Gild h.. heen my ehield and of. DVlfJKES8 AND VISITING eMlvs, (or at the fDlI rlectiun wil! be held tbrough. aon,loQtly being pu t ttl', and bU5incs. teMsper' clln e\ or be t!XflcltJ to C!lmc back charge 13 II doy,ln.teall or ,~, tb. ordin•• The consequonce Is, that the wbol., city reeled deliverance under oircumslance. BLANKJ!I, LAU.EL8, ' out this cOllmy on SOlurdoy' 14th or Au- ,erolly !teems 011 Iho Illcrelso. Thil tow" to thoWd we lovo on enrlh. That our ry charge at IIr8t cia .. hotelJl' thruullhou\ bll becn cODlumed, WIth tbe e;rteption ~yblch IIcen\ed 10 be beyond lhe e!rorl8 of ueclIted iI) ,bod lIyle bnd 011 ebort noliqc I't gUlt 181l~, lit ono o'olock P. ftl. :.Tho~pl~. might in a rew )'ear~ become equilito any rriendl who dCCCObC, 'cregonl.' 1iI,0 n ShOill- Ihe counlry •. A, the 1AIianu bruthers, the a few 11lII1lC!rer buUdinia on the hUman agen cv. The groat and Ilood min 1'ho Miami Vilitor Office, aud on rnuouable cee of IUlJdiug the olection in thi. lulV other in lhe Slate ror busine8", if t ho Giti· j fllf .Iftr over 'he tlcf l1 -vergo or nlght.'- proprietore, have gono 10 Iuch lin uphe.llI· together "WII~ I lI:felt portion of the God, Dr. 'ColLe Ileop'.' lIofel, ill (be !efll'". , blp, are, \VllIynesvilli-, 1I1P1Igt Holly, 011 zene wero to show· a IIltle moro I.'lIergy, r SIlY i~ thl~ Iloc/l'i1l~ to be .nllght ill rhb oC ,,;tpense in decorating their 'public pal. ',b!!r»> of SOlloritl, tbe lir. ha,lnl ~l\eD bOllOm of .1'8 deep; .1 hi., vellerable eol. It-yevi Ie; III, Maiaie It florveysburlJ' and bu'ilillhot lJydrauliCl C~nol, for which nud no ol/porMlil!! given to prO~'t uce.' 1 thougH,1 it pUlBihle, but not quite Md ill ~be Ijeigbborbood. ~f the 1ellr'le, ~Ib'~ry, in a sepulohre of eartb; A few namc~ of cllndillotelJ they hovo e~: liberlll n ~harter. , Go to erronl!V~' 'I uk thn !lot ,to violate thy , t)lat they ha'd beell per.Ulded bJ houle, I), thejlldiclpu. Ipplicltlon 0(' and both rest 10 lIUl'e'and cl'rtain 'lope of , ~' in thls tnqlllbcr. ' rule', II\arkod oul (or, tlIY own pnp~r. The some Willi meanln" IIut injudlclQlI1 rtlelld" a~e alldrope. A coolinlloualino of huu. aD equally ,Ioriousreeurr.ection, when tb" ,'.. -COlUlll8 of 'rhl) ' lIlioftli VisItor, art tlOIl\J into thil' d,cpllrture from tbe IIlDgel or the ~ ' \ J .m .utboriJed 0 annollnc" the nRDle of TI ' . ,. I I .... or Dear balf II mile ,in I~n'th: ma,n, 'euih and .ea, shall give up "he dead that Enoch Uamm6t1, al a eaooiuOIe lor Ihu offio' . .Ie p~per u~on ,wlllch Tho 1I1lami eS8 opm to I lil t', ,,' 10 me. frnt~rnit)'. TII& lIaily paper., - II01vl'ver, 1\ bich had been built It an ezpeuee are In them.' And whetber I'lhall .I,ep 01 Audhor of ,Warrem Cb~nIY, OWo; ' UbjllOl Itor 18 prlllted, JS mallUractured by Mr. l . " VALENTINE NICHOI.SON. cO lltrauictthe r~port, lhi. morning. The Jrom two to lwenly thouAnd doUan in the elementary babllimentl of &bo one to tbe deeilion oflbo Whia Nomilladul[ l!:lec· ).1, Seely at Lo()kpurl Ohio, Mr. -Seely , J. "V. OaUrilf. 1I1elropolilon HOlel, It .eems, prefer. tode· hili bee~ .weptawly,lt a bre_lh. or the olher; Is a ,circum.t.nce of no impor- 1100. i. a ' gentleman, io overy l enlle of the pend upo,"! the pouohoge of the &:Teal ,ub. Property to ttle amounl 9 ,I,Ooo,uoo ,.nce, If I m8Y but .Ieep in Cbri~l" no ' word, and hi. moke of pnper II equal to') .. III tb& ullulliol'll'f re mbiJo lonchhkg Iho lie, 10 cn terill& te tho wi8hes of Ii lew fl· f has proti.lil, thUi been III a few floure matter wben, no matter where.' _ 1 .m • uth 9rlud to om)' tbat Chn rl.. any o,her MHI in the Cc.uDtry. Mr. Seely Ibernlity of Tho!'lliuml Visitor. ' I \yould cl"sivcs; Dnd Will f6neeqUl'Illly, aelrnl: to tinguillaed. ~ - S!nllb 'Will bull ~.nal"ale for re·electlon 10 hili rurnisbed all the poper (Qr" illi, office, Wish to bo ullder~}ooll liS rororang tu Iho tho full drjO}'l11ont of If a unparolle,led \I. W ' 1.Ie d 01l'1CO of SheriII' of Werro,,-C;ou'nty, Ohio, sub· with tbe exc~p\l orl or the lut hllf of tl'e th t 'd t . f la ' t'll '·1 ' d I I e lirl lu to fln tbat Rev, Mr. IIr Olay In" WIll d " } ' ~l to the deCision of the WhIR ~oIUIQ~llna • a WI IIlU JlIl signs 0 I ran I 9 or, u e, ap ot.cr uxurles j nil I\hite m~1I Ind b.elll•• fine new ?lr. E . Church, Which , • , .. I~ ,rlwn J'Y ,III Eleetion. • third ,volume, the RUDer lor wlllllh WO I! furthe EUltor of.11I1I pnper hasolrol\dy wumnll , I\t the u~ual charie o(.,ll a alI, luck Iy. wu built welt 611 on lite hill.,de. ow~ }jand, and dated July 10th 1851. pro· ' mailed ill C~ncionalj : \The reason why i l Pl! rmilted lSome,vhatlellll'lhy di 9111110n,0 That 18 wile: ' " toget.lic,r .wlth the .. We.leY~1I Cbapel, o( Yid,el l, ,' J 1m rCl/'fuO/Ilell to 08I1Y tilat, Joian R.' Done was gOlten there wos, ftlt. Seely had 1J1f· the lubjoct of the recent spirilunl mllnl 1',le olil frign\~, J\lncedoni.n which ;VII whIch Rev. W. H. Long I. pAltor, .re That the of hi••1I1VOI born ' af. '1'111 bio a lor tJlc .Ro. me 'lln inferior which sOIJlfl qr cnpturo!l in thc IRst lVar ,,·ith IJrit. Imoog the fC!w bUlldlnr_ved. ' tor the fltet of I,nuarr, 1860; are to be cortler. lor Ihi8 county, 8ubjOOl to tho decilliOn of' puper, "and J not lakillit it very y.t1l).rs 6111Cfl, an!! \\'I'lclI ' contanuo. to 11111, haa been rllist'd Inlo II coryett••t Ihe We wi.b tha~ ~e could Iblieb the hl,to. IibC:l'Ileil lind , aen~ to Liberia, the malea of tue Will" NOIDinuUDjI Erection. concluded tf lry lome olle elae for .. , time; Wrluen for The JI.ml VIa lor. ' great auU 8prCQ~, no~wJt8tllllaillg; Oro(,k lyn N y Yar~; ond Is new ~:iled Ille ry or thil ..deelamity here. Lou of lifo wlteo they 8/lall hov8l1JTi"ed at the .ge or but Mr. Beel),¥ having rnode every tlliug To the Bditor of .h.e!!t8 ~allillir . thl!msch'elt 'New.popers,' R~'~i~h, it rnDy not bo g ()nerallJ kOIlWO, wu not wlDlin;'to make i~ more lB"ere. !l8"lInd the fem.le" lit the Ille qfla5; tlilt New Volume~ 8Ills(octQrYI I shall CUljli, to potronizo HERALD OF PB~M;' ftul .ltl I;lve their ~ 'Idera ""y Iturn. of nelY" thal it hal becomo on elt .. blilhctl rule in On "llilill, the charred ruin I this murnlng the threo years' of their e.unin;S prior to This number ie the lirat C.r him. . (PUllnISI[f,D ,IT Wu.MlllaToN OUlO ,) III thi~ Ii~e. ... r event.. 1'!lu Editor or The .I:e Novy 'Dt!p)lrtmnnt, to nnme i hlpl ,ner we la", the more than hilI( coneumed reo tbe ~mDocipaliou att to be re.erved for fourth of The Aliami Viaitor, !>I many l.~. aUF .... -Relp0tlled frienll,ll er - &Ii~ml VISllor h.. with manl:- Illd"lwnd. Ktlllew, 'ri;nlOll arter American rlvell, main. of Qne hUlll.n 'bolly lying In their benefil', ror the purpose of 11 ting of my patronl do not exactly underltolld mit me 10 DJdrIJil thoo, ihrouglt- the col· eUVIl , dc ~lllred dv· t hl. ·puper &halJtbe non· ~ lonp9 and c;nrv~lleft al\or town. ,\)rip 'If· hoUle whrre lb. Jl~ orl,jllllled. tbem out for tljelr new bomeBi and that thi, Ir(.ngemenl, r dl'801 I daw words munication I(ro'm :Valentine Nicholson, Umlill of IInolhor, and mort IIbllral journbl 1 in nothing. NolV ~fthe E tHtor Qf 'J'IIo ler, Nuvol Cu'mmnllders, Ind ~tlnilera 1!l0l~ bonid ,peclacle, Inll wu relllly pr~or to tIlI~ir em'lIcipation and' removal e:rplaultion due \b~m. •'the vol\lmf , in· IhrveYBbur~r, Oh,o, !,ddrcl~od to tb~ thap thine 0101•..::.... /)'hou \vlll doubtlcss Hefal~, "Ireod}' knowJl\hi~ nWItc?~ or eplt· lIilcretion. ~h.o fi nrnell or cllptured we.. OUI to, loo'k upon. He w.. I , Ihf!l, are to be taugM to re.d. ~tlte ,~nd I, ad ul rullnlng tbroua11 ilie wI/ole lear, Qf TlteI:t,otDild of FreeilolJ1, J!ubli8hed tecolJocl ll hot some monthll pn., : thCire , , to-b1l.o ollly humbug. 801. ore getl~rllly prOIP,rvea, ancl- a new he .Inel hi beiog before ~Ie 6)1 form~rly, atopa at the endpf Biz month., Wilij;iollon, O~io. !I'Q.e object of liJis a bri f, lind respectful IIOlicQ, o(wriuen liy Bwlt.~erland, lIamed Fr"lcoill cyphor. not tIllS (pet 10 ' !1\8 rt!adors! It velllli wit), therelore, be chrl$ttlled \be .nd wn 88 ,elrl ora,e. 1 I~. ~lInullry~ 1860. ,bequo.thold to b~~ and a n~w one ililmc~i.ut~ll' begins Lh,e article CO" be ~'ery ellily dl8cove~ed by 1ho 8u bl~rlber 'to t his arLl cl~, and' fQr pulJli doo. nOI know th .. , why close Ius ~Ioc('donlan . 1::' Stranpto ..y in the mid.t of ~it alii'. family. , p~lce of Ibe paper lIilt relllains, howevor. T ading it. Mr, NIcholson lIS~ur9a c~tion In tllt . paper,) r~je\lted by Ill", ~s be· I1goill8t ~r\lcloe written by thu~e A !1 i~pol~h hn~ boon ,eeoll'eel by the' U. ful delollltiun, adete'table spirit hall been Of the 85 .taYe. oWl\ed_ ~y, Mr. qll!, at one doUor ~nd, Jirty,cellts \I yellr; hence, that it wae bot through reason of any iI ingllnworth'y ~ I!lueo ill thy J)aper:-']'he ,in it. trllth nnd i\1I uspfiilnC8111 ~. "Jarahal, Irorn Mr. lIuliter, the A~IIO' ubibited by a certain reckle'l and dllgra. A~rlhllrn, lbo Q'I'oomlman, I~ the oldest, persons lublcriblng fat one 'yellr got two or vln~icfu'e feelings towardl l'tfr. to whioh I allude os belhll' Storctary 61 tpte,lIut)IQrlzlll, the au~rea. claM of men to take theIIgardener, bile dollllr and a hlllf, Chaflin.• th.l iur thUS ad.l·clael ilim,' In Ihy columns, WOI 11 81\"rt Ne,v York C!orrcsnoodcaee. d er 01 ']'1 lomnl .... orlIille, the fugillve claim".u of the 66 near aIIll),. I Th Ola \II v notice "'" Ilea", mialortune whioh h.. been "jeited ~od ,y ear.o age.. III'nton, r. y'l aublcribing' for liz mo~tbl receive one vol· object ia to ~lIscertain Alr. Ohaffin'. real Nritten witll reipoct t~ a "isit, which. L.· NEW YOBK; July lll. Ulli2. ed b)' Grent Britain, IInder tho E:rtrldlliol UPOIl 10 in~n1 of our timenl,lnd converl, h ' y ' ,ervant, received fro~ Ille billd. of ullle at loventy.five centl. My objeot in positIOn on ' the que8lion of "Spirit\l\l,1 rorilun4er\ond, at that time contemplated &In, EPII II.-~he America, which 'llr. Clause or lhe A.bburton Tltlly. l it llito an ezcu.e fQr plunder. We' hre "lIIaster bl. Creo papers. ' ' haYIng ~wo vqlllmel a ye,a r, II to have CommunicaU(ln'," but if lXr. Chaffin be mll~ing to the Wesll willlllie avowed "Ill" ril'oll A\ lIolifl x O!I Tuc8dC\y mOlni!lg, 'l'bere Ire nd local i ncidentl.of much 10: 10111 berofO he.t.d oblcure hintl and whia. Th.1 wu deoidely • pnerou..h,irted of Ihe , like myeelf, it be a hard wotter " pOle 01' leotllrinr Up(,", lind the Lringa three dltYs lator iotel/lgt'nce frQm lerest" the tlay Cr_ pering.; that In cue of a fire In youna mall wbo divided a lu.doDl annie ~IU\lU 0 lIe pIper; IIINea " of 188ulllg hilD to take Biue. either woy. FI)r, "'Y 111V80(OO7l1N:Gtion of ppiritual ihterceuhe Eur,ope. It D ppoor~ thot the I!~rliamonta· int one of tl.le EIII Ri,e ferriet, lut e,t" there wire PUU"I r.ad..1' to 'jump" 'the between hili .weet.,heart Bod Jier th' proepe"tusee' oilly' oac~l, a: yeak', they can own part, it is a , rule, lhal I endl.'llvor to comrntlmem, \yhlc~, under proper ry e letlio)la "hich hOYF JUBt laken placCt 11111&, I blppenC!~ to bl on ~be" I.'me bool , 10 long beld by mon who mlni.ter to and on beln .. aa,lled a' . thll time nmototo elir, tie publl.hed twice in tII& eame time, Ind liv~ by, nol to ,!ondemn or epprovo sny- may be en.joyed bd\Ween mottals »f't re. in England, I.ol'e rriultt'd in ~he dere", witll • nlan who had e"ldently beeo ,,';,io· wanta or -I .. ' Tii e natura I ,n b e t ter dpportuDlty ' . II il~en ' 1 n f!ver)' ' " unli} I~ a,m .atillfied, e,thet:. e Goverll111ent, ' ., ., • f...e .wilh• hi. I ~ni' lt or'~ lle, would ru b h'1e•m t Iling, b, , my mainrng in the bod~.. Ind, "'iril., wlio ha~e 'lin t th d' Y, ner.,' I, . ' I' b rI . PI' ·The July nURlb"r of Blo~""'Qod, COl). t U .ee k c0" .. 10 II''Ion III th e (I('e n.e 0r, Ih• .t we ~ew WII, th~t .uch men wonld 1~lr, replied 10 a drllwlln d tone:.pec. to perllOnB WIS ling ~~ ,1U lie II .e:rperjllllce or ob..ervotlon, or by th, to a llighd', or mOre refined atale ~ ...., II t I WI th II t i d Ib be the very llret to ralle the "ame of the . , At the be..tnnin f tI . f th Ie tl t ... ", k b " . tainll 11 PQlitic.1 fleoOer,· to b. 0 I e. len. e o. arr ,WI n .. 'Ob' no, thllnkee! Take tbtl whole half, Ii' go 118 y,ear 0 a paper, s u~ony 0 ~OIe, WlfO, are nown to a e.iatence. 'Vhen firlL I saw thllt this IIr~ rrom the pen 0' All' If I ' t ' J Ibout ten (eel ,from tile I"Ddln,·pler, h. incendiary, \.he very lint to draw down elch of you! It doel me...,od to ' see ( gDYe quite a nUJOlier or receiptl' wbloh persons ~f truLb anI\. Y8rl\clty, thllt lueb II ticle failed to appallr Ih the Herald, mylm,, 1~OIl" Ie 118 onal'. t J' rnped oft I ill th I I ' tl fa,", olltl n d'd Ih h h ' .. you t t th h Id r h h d'd ' I'" I I reforl to the "'n",er ' in wll'~11 EIIIP\alld u I w l e n .en \In 0 elite • and enJ'o. bell· de.,, I't • aI el the 0 erlo t em a pDI up ID I ling la, or II 110t W lat t is re"rulented pression WOSI th~t, the ,-IlItter h.d been IItandl of II F I'~ h' l tern·fI rma, but 0 ( courlO rill tr.o lidIn ea upon 1 e Cadi of tbelr .I It 80 well-ond ~ " I h , II .I I l nlJi upo e a· UIIO e iug fellow.creaturell. We ."eblprobbin, m,l8if,nurtber for I hal/eiot ful ror e third volume of the paper; 10 be. 'An~ thiell my pOliti on upon tbi milCMf'itil. ) could not btlitre that ~n writer tI ' k rll~e IJlVllon, WI clt .tle to the \Voter, The enll: ne.were in.tlPtly py to,"Y; howpver, that thi. ~Ian of tbre. more In my COlt-tail ~ocketl' that time tJlO change. WCI.I lIot deeide'd, np· .ubject; , I bllvo not be,en con"inced or ita Itor, whQ hCldaigned his nlnte to;" 'ProaptcIII,l I Innll com" loonor or atcr. d id .HI cl':e.nt!l jl but imaU, and haft been,. . (tn, alld conlequently, they were Intended trulh, neitber hal it boen olearly IhoWll ' , libu· Tho harticlo c(llitaini tile' fulJolYiPI pill". roverlle al arrll!lgell entl he \\'ere ng r\lll ~a k ing pro,olBions 10 broad and 'i made to, ' re.cue him wben
11ITEK~ION.f.llLY 8ell~
~e~ter o~po;tUlllty .e~ten,~idng
to .bolY ~ltt the subscriptionl of the 401d. 0:11 SIItieraction to bo a humbug, Dnd untii aI" ea di~ Ibat il.uell by brolher Cbaffin era 11m (Iur th el( cony Incc d one way or th e for bls po per, llIOulil close hll columnl , of ,ucb roeeiptll10db ee h pI Id ,. for th~ IOleremnaqt (If t:leir propwh. ole of lhe tbird ye. or. ,.Thl., howeyer, oilier cOdllnuo, lo count it a luliJIICL lJ" ' anninst hi, lubscrillo';' , ,u"'pon a lub. defence,of trty Ind d ',. II kid'" b dleball d .. • _ ee, were Iney no, of tJielJl. e1• WI ma ~ no rei luer,e nce, 1\1 011 , luch • rou e iii 'mylltery. , jeet 10 Iraullht Wilh inter~' t o mankind . re. a eufficient 'force' th pe d't iI •. I b t.. 'th ' I ere .re rlO~s Ire ere I e u\)9n t Ie 00... WI ~ , ... .. , And juet lIlI I \VOl on the threshold of wri· of, upri&ht Americln lninen Who would the price for' one yeat. The OelebratioD.' lin", and lIendinl • secoull cop" or the ftoCJt in (ro Th d TI I .. I' m every part or the country to e rei era or .elliaml-Visitor w II The Celebration lit Boechgrowe, Ohio, an inllmate, ond lDutu,1 rriond law.nd order, and the rii accorcllng Lo '!Iy promise, 1 on Saturda, lut, .was altogether a very both or us, ipformod me that he had h:llrd blt properlJ.-Cln Gu. A gentiemlll, .eelpi lOme COWl in a hive Improved tbo of the po. pleaeant afIlIir,. At tho propor time tile (ron. brother Challln'l ow;n lipl. thllt he field I"UIIl" .. Id he did not wonder 'that per to .ome extent, bO.ld~1 greatlylncreu. echooll !lI.f~lnbled .t tho appoinletl pluca, tDOtIld 1101 publiah IIrtlell'll upon thl, lubject •• • the IJlUlI did IIpt let hlah, u It WII cow'd In, the matter, by leu· Il prOjle..lon alld marched to anti that mille Will 1I0t the olily artiole: What Good ha. Chrlltianit, dODe, down! Ing out qUIte a number of Idyertisemente. the grove,' where the CJtercisel of the day which Ilad been ,upprelled. Of course J Let UI look to the lowlielt vllioge Whether '!,r not, the -quantity of ' [ba.lini wore gon. through with In a manner lito. then deolillod troubling theo with Iny: ib this b.ppy· I.nd: to tbe Ilumble.t pallor SrllGuua DJUTII or A. BQY.~Thornas mailer will continue U Kreat alit I. now IIIl .~lctory to tho.e lntere.tf!d.- thi,o " furthl.'r lI .... n the lu;'leot. An.' 13 ye'are of a-, while ba&bin .. In the tiver r.e ••• I It01(01 h er w1.tlI t h e euorts ". ... .. I WII "eopl·n" rud the .imple.t Gock. ' Le' U. . , . of thllle ,ddr~1 bY,rrorPllor Fronch of Cin- whalat theae ~ thin-, 'IIn' du ~ Itom ~ re~oc~Obe:r A; . _ we .oe them pourl", fourlh ill hurn ' lit Windlor Loob, Ct., "'I' beard to lItter Interested I~ t be (lrcu~lItion of the paper. cin~atl, vnillj W88 oue of great in\erost. pOllderinllbem" in my bearJ; the'r..o' ClIme ble porlal whllt word. bave been on .1111"1 a of pal,n , Ind .Ink with a bleltwlrd If tbey conlln\le Inacllve, lind stlll turn a Reve. Me.ar,•• Dudley and Bcoll also deIn lhll columa of 'The Herald or ' Fr-e . ' • • mohon," W II It thoughtl in m.ny hearta,. what . h hiIf drlwn .• un dIer. The . k boy who "cold.b 0 ulde r " llpon me, , WI'11 b e. f\Jrce d I'avere d"e cel Ient Ipnl'cbe~. The mUBic dorn'.n article under tho head of 'Obilu .L b WI. wit m,lInu aaw 11m 1m • railed an to adrnlt a 8tl'll lar-r quantity r d b b . ~ 01" ... 00, t. of mlliesty and !Jolinell, what I d 1{ Will B T ' .0 a yer· WII y tO le Olrrl, one .rom Ive Branch uary' anll over tile alKnature or 'El MiII~ , lo"e, what reliance, what confidence' aod 'In UlementaTin order to my ex· lind th'" otber from thia and ;uward the ClOl8 or which, di''tC1 l1& tbellJ if we are not (aithlee. to the dlrrnity .., IOIDI· pensel. cU'clllatlon 01 tho place They both gaye c I I tl . d of that .oul which, thoue" ty, Immediotoly to the .pot and poper, will 'not justify me 100 1 in glvllll" lion •. Tbe Dinner, to the eam? or Itlllletaio. the Itamp of It I llaker let u.' dove In alter tho httle fellow. He lound 10 much reading MaUer mllcb a. I may ono w &be t Ien d'd m' f th I . I r.e 0' communum, etweeo , him about twenty feet from lhe .pot, where wiah 10 to do' therefore "It I'e to the I'n'''r k' d' Ih"t I " moe blPld ITI II cur o. e t Ie III labitanll of ellrtb, and thOle wbo beline,lf we can, thlt no good 11111 been h . k J • ' ...,. ID a ~'ver he e . .e commttteel have eIlperlencell tbe c1lanlle ao I .!feoled, no p.nioll,ofiened lind checked e IUlleen to IIID , yllla on the bottom, eat of every good .ubscriber 10 use hi. or deae"e ,reat for tl>e tute diil 10 ell callcd ilea ',\ , . mmon Y 110 d..ir. ror the gracel ofa Obristinn tem~ with hil face downwardl. When ·t.ken ber Influence III illcreulng the subscrlptioo in thia f~tulre of tbe Colebration. p Jhl 'B th I~lli' 10 tho sflJl, WIth Whl~h , . from tho water he w.. dead; and upon e;t II t N ' tb II " d ' • r; ro er • scts out,lo OJIFOJ~, the nu· per Implanled. L1it dl" li,bt be eompa. 't tI II b fbi I •• • ow II e acceple ~rne,' or per· doy wu Ii plelllllnt one to all~ and I merQUI .plnlual manlfealatlonl "'hlcb ate red, not witll the populalion Ihlt collected a~ma~on, b· e y part 0 . I ego appear- eon. to Ibow their intereat in Ibe pllpcr. 1I0t but thll it will pl'O\'e of .ccruinlt In OIlT 0W1I ifay he all;h " .. lik'e our barbarou. fOrlfathera, or Uke th~ : hto ;ve een ~~ten, II If.by a lorell If I receive pr6per encouragemenl I '!Dill bencat. .elf to be .n • ['lfidtl ' I: the floll U:N. 1m· ..nflet of modern da I t r, • I. poo onlSI e,werelaeven iocision• •till coutinue to give to m)' patronl • pa... • ,u IDllan· bloodJ "'orabl In the~I' h~ ~~r orm t~elr or the depth of'tbree.quarter. or an incb, per worthy of their IUpport, but if the en. l'ata1 Accident. mg, ~nd 8en.e o( that 'Nord . beCluee 1\10 or Ibinin: Ilarli I ~ III: brl~hC and liz upon the otber. They were evi· courDiement i. lackin, I will leave YO\l to On Hoeday morning or thll week ... I there ~n boldly, ' .bd apparently uobluihlng. &he pollulation that 0 lde~ve.~~ ut wltb dentl)' m.de by the teeth or a flah, and of au... the probable result. h ed ' I~, pUti (ortb. h,.1 OIDII .na4tfl_lion, in ... _ poure '?r .... from tile wbat kind .. a qUOItion.-Sprin field I\>e belD Inlorm ,between II and III dared contradiction 10 numerou. blltorical __I port.11 of lome aplend.d temple of p t a ." * o'clock, Joel A. 81ok... 'Ioho Hyed u fonnd .\lndloa 00 record I b th the polilbed AlbtH, '0 join ID tbe iDiqui. 01. 80methiDg 1I'e., lOme (onr or ft.e 11111. . IOUth.';e.t .r &bia Bible and New n"immt. HI .;:.. 0 of. Bacchan.llao or witb A Sailor in the pit of a \.heatre looking •. or paper will 'perceive place, In neiabborbood of UutlA, met ("lIowI: 'Onee beyond t:, I;e It whleb, at thl. \to? lime, ..tembltl in oyer tbe pl.yblJl .... d. '1lII ' ; ' I f 110 oubt t at 11. editor h.. 8,.111 ".ntured with •• accident th.t ...ulled Imme4ll~ we return no Dlore And " m~. e, the .Ii.tall' r.al... of BindOCll&n, lOme. o{twenty.1i"e ,.e~r. OC~DrI "a ~ upon "WlJleJllillg fttll'." I bare reference .,la bI. delth, He h.d been on lOme lin. to th· I notn, "'"'per " ' _ for d.ecIa of~h, aud death !rill and .. • tI' A th eeD e to Ibe ule of \be ringliUJr pro oun. In ee1i· aiD_ to -lIe plloe, and~ retaruID.,,,,, pne Ilkt Iboo: W:la:':~er ut.e are Ii.. for- Ifni_ old lhat -clie Ji t h con _ .c. l . end of thl! torlal articlea In. ead or plwfi From tar aearlJ -n,ICbm. b-" OWD 'mal..., .... "..... or: t. I:; far 08' ~leep ftI'J a"IIIDla of beueuaJlIIl bit face tin b'ct, • put on hi. old wpalln and 11/\ the tirne th.t ne~.papen were Hlab- brldlt OD b~ bone ...... Ioote, Ui4rlie bellt. . io aplri.,. t eJl., a 1~1JII8 IIYI~!-'!!W of &btt6 ,PIople Ilabed,ltup,"*, that, ..Ith btal few ltepped 00& of hJ8 ...,.,. to ...._ it A-111th,1 , ... qp... E far 1hI_ IDcI abed. the banll.., tear . . . . . . . . . . • L.. ...... _ of 0". __ II..L.. W ye to ....... 00'L' ucep.'h- .....,0- t . _ .......... __ I _.--."" ....... t ....... to iiieIa - "'-' - ..._- . ......... - ,. ..._D, but IIIaro9 .... IDe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dill] -I ... II tilt . . . . . .-Iot ..II COllI- The eoeta to be iii writm, their -dcJet, to ... ploral pro- LbroWD nd ........ ,.... . . ... ' ., ... thea lee Ie be JII the W....... . : : by lite clereadnw ........ tU-..l,. or I. biaa... M. lMtqu,. JIr.
Iy frowned down bl determined '",hou livel will be cheerfully .taked I-
Molher, I would not be lurprilJed if our 'W'''y ~. my lon1~ ' B ecau_ her b.au twilted hi. arm. dh ' Iroun er ne~, and if .he had no~ kialed blm to let her iO, be would 'han .tran"led • her the other nl,ht.
Su~an •"et., choked .ome day.'
pefcf~ve, tha~
.pp~ar.nca .~ount, ot re~ding
for~ed in~
~p~i~:lie~~ wh:~.1 atl~:rk t~:P~~'. ~f
~ whic~m~:le :~P~h~~ !;~7,'~~;=::O:
~he rBl~~r
*' ... or
CIII..... ,
IIea., .1'dn, or
tellI ..
"Iou..• cae . . . . to ~..........ItopIiaIeaI..... tIpOII . ., .....
. . . Ii .......,.
. . . , ....... 1M WIIII. . . . . . . ..1
&:Till' , trrklllllly lUu.trat,ve 01 a remlll ka· l' b d hide' 'f If b I .~'~c"-'''',-'I. blo' feature in the or No. elm c upyet tea 0 Ie alioU, OIt,llto ul, PQleoll '\ IIl1d whil\f the boat (.Is reel ' I ' I ' h t h 110 'Prince" huie N l' I 0 I' k I' I ,rom tie .eny p It,o~m, e rlUmp 111'1 ....... DOC n, , e III unc e. I . h 'l'h' ' I k Is very ltiperlllitiolJlf, an ·' alway. carrl· .... on oapt .. ore. . ere, uld hlf') 01" II.... th ( Id d t j N III. penaolt en amulet, tok"n frOID l:';e body at cou o. at two um\! • OOlan of Clla,I' I II . II t b H but. I hair drunken Qno, ('Quid h"ve perror~emange, W I e III 10 om • e d h ' is knowilto hoye Itltd 'ifl this country,lolIg 1Dt! .uo a r"at. YO)lhl before I.e lelt it IQ acerpt tbe l'ruidrnry of the Frllnc1i Republic.: 'It 1J!IY lepear prelumptuoue in me to '!year that amulut; ,UIfC'.F.LLArfEK01l8 iT"ftU. but I hne all illborn t'ollvictloii that l am to be, one doy, 'h e ruler of F-nnce. W fll'o_ aaUferata. I "h.n firvt extingul&h tile !icenle the ARRIVAL OF TIIE.u. STATES. I L' " N YOU:,' .., u, I IIl1..--~n' ' ",l lIe.OI"II p p,reu, an d t.en au~c"L. &>ugland. I IbaU ElY e t , for 1 hlVo d0 10 "t I h rear ' . , beel) )tIJldly U un IdS te I.ie., from Alpinwi II • w1..··0 til ... rec.ived ther!!, and it contain.mllny of my pinene''', and tl150,WO In ,old, ."iweel ul bel'• Ir'end 'I • naormn,. • 81 I' b""11 ' .. tOi fr"I 'i btl u muet Iiu ltil my million Ilere ,II' •...., and carry ou' IhDt, hltb J It ' I' Call/IATnia r lo tile nStb TUDe. AlDone l'" ,~1I0W my Dllc e " er ..... hatl DlOIt at heart- lowe lbl\t to bl. paneoi •• re Lleutellant Goverllor PIIIIi1 ory.' In of theae ,IOWI, he hOI .1 Calilutnl.; . Major A. H. S ibil, Cololtl deereed 110,000 men more to bill rtlll••• nd R. S. WlntLOn, of \h. lar army.' ', , Thi. party were robbed of all their ~ AI r 1 .I)d 1'I;'orO_ M_.I·,," the 1.lbmUi. lIOn the~ ,oel on to eIlpole, wilh ~ 'l . . . .- ~• Jlood detal or abillty, the cirem_lance. In ;:. f1reoccltrred It St>nora 011 the l1t1a, the pr~.ent conditio II of E:llrllnd which IYb!cb deltr~yed property to th~ IcnoliDlof t Id ~ h fe '200000 wou Ivor euc III al mpt b, Lou!. Na· I ' poleon, lie IllY' 'pealeJ 1'lrclI upon ,he Thl\ GofdeD Gate, (rom l:~lIforoll, arriet/apolitioD or the ]rllh, to a\tliltilt'~"'lvea ved at l'CUllml,on Uie 11th inlt'lIt, brlllf· of, the firat 0ppllrtunity tbat offer In,II,:IOO,ooO in ,olden fnria)lt. 'the achief81heir ind'JIf!ndt1'lc:e; and he quota W Dhld 8coll 1e11S.a F;aDc~oOl iIII fro ..... rlou. I(lading journ.... t~lhuw JIla' 1I61h the moment En,land thould become 1'1\"01. Edmtilld G-Rate .... I·lor or lbe llaralA ...... onI "ed In any Europeu Wlr, Ireland would died a' Ha•• na. once take Ilep. to ,ain her (reello,.,. BUlIII. . a1.SID Franc. bacl betBAll Tbe .peculatlon In unprodllctin ci\1 but ri brIM buliDea wu Iota h .. been Ylry 1fF00t here, fur &be lut ed. two ytln. Real iltlte co.manU hl,h TIl, IOCICHUIta li'oaa &lat taiDn prlcea In all parI, of tho city; but.'1 • PII- rablt. _ eral thin,. bo1clen .11 QO\ ...J110111 to raJ. Be"",1 dlaIJoftriet of.." 11110. "t ..
Ise. MoDer," I&kI ..,. ~.... be .lnu!daal; bat --.IaowOl ~,1
u lft DOuperiJMI.&al
tnuII of III....t...... of
'I~====~ )I!
w.· (...
W ......... .eaJcaa ....... "........
• . . ._ ..
. .._Fro_ .......
.. N£w ~&Jt,
.T 0 R .
G &"ew rocery and Provis-
I:rTherl Ie DO arllClt all dllll, UN dial la V S'l',li:AMSHIP quire. '0 nluch juolpm.nlln ..Iectinl, and 10
G dJ
0 ..... ~IIDIDr•
Jui l '6.,Tbe Sleamlhip B,ltlc with dates from 1.lYerpool - lo the Hili In'f·, arrived at Ihl. pqn toodly.
COM¥EROI~L INt~llLtGENCE. Lh:,erpoollUarket. '
Flour hat! dec;lIned 6d til- 9d Re~ brl, and Whellt 2d to ad P9r buehel. Corn was In (air demand at Iteady ratel: Welt ern Ca· IIII Flour i. quoted at 1118, ane1 Ohio at 2"08. Vallolv Corn at all, 'and whlto at ~Se !III. Provilloni were unehullged urd W1I81earce and keg wae In demllnd lit t)78 608. ' Dacon wa',)n limited demand. Co/l'. eo was steauy Sugar wu ullchllnged. ".rhe trallsaouonl 10 Rice were email Llneeed 011 !lSI. Cotton w'aa dull oud un. chlnged.
London JIa~kct.
Wheat Bnt! ellrn were I. lower. Tho stork of Lud wa,e ema il, and prices were 6rm. Doton Will dull. Hilma were jn but Iimlled demDlld, at tho Ift'l.t quotatIOns. Tallow was !Julet at 37w 9d. Supr w.. lo\\er. Coff~e wile dotl nalive ec.oyluD 18 -luoted at "48. TOil WOI dull. C01l801. closed at 100,@100l.
Gcncrul IntelUlfence. Tho I1lectiun" III England, ai
Wheat, f bu. :i50. Corn, It 2li®28c . Barley, 'fI " 40c. Oats, 11 dOl. ISc. Oatil, 11 bu. lSc. Flour,l1 bbl 1 ,25c. do 1? cwt. 1,600 Butter, 11 • IDe. Egg., doz. 6c. Lart! Looio, ., ~. lOco Potatoes, 11 bu 056c. Applel, 11 bu dried ,2,00. Clucken., II doz. 1,50e. Fealhefl,"f n., II*c. R,o Coffee, 'i! ft., 12;c. New·Orleoll8 'Sugar, 11 Do, Bt c• M nple, do '7@Bic. N elY Orlean8 MoI1l8CS, l? gal. 60c Sugar-House Mollswes, 11 gill. GUt. Muplo Mulu'lel, 11 gal. liO@75c. Pepper, 1'1 Do, 19c. Allsplce,lI ft., 19c Lake SIIIt, 111 bbl. '.~5 Flax Seed 1'1 bu. 90c.
10...41d C~ IOu'"'01l1CIIIl8. I'LOVJt, lIlEAr., AND FEED 01 all kind. "III bo kepI on Iiond for s .lo We rCsl'eullully suhOlI n lib Tu l .hare of Iho palronagti of \f1l8 ~ol"n,ulllly, os "e fecI COli' IIdent liidl we call remlor gunerol 8OIISfoclio n "::;lIIsll prohlY Slid qUick relurn.," I. our 1110110, lind we experll.. Rell for clish generally All k,ud . 01 Coulltry Produee 18k "n III eJ(' "'"11lge lor GroconeN 61 c08h 1trlCI'Y GIVII ns a call 0 W 0 i llJOM AS Wuyne."lIc, 0., AI'nl 181, 11152 10 Iy
E aru propared 10 IIl nk,,, 1Ir1l1ka 10 order fur 11111 Wlm" " oulhur, "8 Wu uru .uprlo ud with goou Iceu urll,ka, ouch no ""nurnh,.. ler, lumunalle, Bodo,cruolll 01 ".clar o"dCronk Boer. ,,1110 be c rop.red uccortllll!; 10 ordor, II) G W. &. C 11 t JlOJ\lAS CltEAM OF NECT.4.R. HE b 000 ullriv.led drlilk kepI cMfilaml) Oil lalld, al oo Lemoli/ttl"1 :Sodo , Mlllcrul Walor,lItulcflll and Ssn8fJur 110 Boor. JWU EH 'l'S <'II. 1.IL1O'I'HER. . BONNE'I'S. LARGF; varlely of Sl rolV IIlId Fanc v H &. MeC I llollnCl3 for 'tlle Ly
V&.O 11 'lllUl\ AS
LUMBER! LUMBERU I' t::t:: r 01 w,,11 soa.onod lum , ber un hond nnd lor sale '1'h. undcr.l~n od "uul,J r(:'Jloclfully "'form Ihe ell I.on. oj 'Voync8ulle. COflVIII Bnd llio .urroull dwg nOighborloood Ihal Joe hu mored 11110 UIU lumbor bu.lnen nlld 1I110nda ke~'nl"f 01, 11"11" ,. U a gunerolll8ftor lmcnlol Jumllor • AI 81%08 {rllm " Inch 102 Ilich oB PerSons wishi ng 10 lur ch08u llimber 01 allY I... nd or qUllllly woul do " cilia cull ond u.I.ruhlo Illy Illook bolore pur cha~l 1I0nnl Yarn {II CO rWJLI ' 01110 lIg eloewhcr. JOlIN W l\lANl.i'lli 'lON Alln128 1h,18~2 14-9111.
50 000
OL LAn::;, CUlrM, Sle YO" I lIcn" . t and C S\\ I ~I 8"t1II1.~rll"II"" vcr)' I.r~e 8h,ck JUSI rcoclvod ond lur 8010 ch •• p. e"lllilg.
Lebnnon, 01010, .pr2
SAMUHL G SMOTHERS G Ihorounhly refill ed and ernbelhll i. HAVIN cd 111M ft& lnbh.llln."t rtft er Ih. u )'l. 0 11119
New Goods
G 00d' s.
DauwuJ, C~~IUTT. DU.l~ ALl'fB.The Luu"vllle Tlmel ..ya: Lut eyenlng belweea tbe bOIlrl of al. I~d le,oll o'.lock Mr. Emory Low, One of OUf lending Dry Goode )lerchlota. CIIlme 10 III. death bylllJ unforeeen lind dreldrul Iccldent. H. WI8 In the pit of a nult be l1li&1 h"'IOI !onk ad· DIDr 'DOther, Oh Ihe lot belween Jlaln .. \Vubml(ton ItreOt. lbove Jaekaon w__ the old on. bUret tbrouah, COYerilli "1m with brlcb IlUd and /lith, eome tea W twill" (flO' below the lOf(ac8. A IIUT1D11's larLtnlllcB.-I(,hn Ita~ delth, wr.,te to. Irlend II rollow.;-"J Uled to be call· tel aJ'~Dlln, becau.. I took the Braucb •ide In politlClll IDd thoulb tb I. ",U lIa· jaat, tJ .. ~th ii, 1 abould ha.. beeD l"reneh Athelltlr It had ~l bees (or one "'collectlon, and lb... wu .. twa my tcllboCber uaed to take myl1ttle b.1tiIi In be,.. ucI CIU. . . . 01\ my !mee. to .al: 'Oar ratber wbo an 1D He..eu.'"
cMpb, lOme yeara before "I.
f lib people thaI I~e Jlk. themHlrN la '""",I., whl' theJ I ... lll1e 111M la Ipt 10 lit . . .
,1Ia, w..tllJ' wNth IDYe tee" to Ia., lad wid cia
1m Intplnr.
IiE UNDERSIGN ED havlnll entered co· II! TII'-riller.lllpin lh e butcher· 1010
11111 blldl101l, and havllla on baud 8"me 01 III. preetoua 1D0tll, ,!"outd aoy to Iho fUllltlrl aboul W.ynesvillo. tballbey .r. pre D. .. cd 1.1 al I I ImM to pay ca8 II tor """ves, heep.LIlDlI.. audfftl. Hogl, and Ihl!)' wou 11,10 Ihe citizen. of till! town .nd vi· dnJly Ihlt ili.1r IIl1rker, on Wedn.lday and SaltlfdlY morDlnfl1i, .hlli be ... el1aupplled wllb the bell meat tI,j, land eW\lrd. Comeon Ihoo, onC! Ind all, and your ba.k.ta Ihall btl filled , JOliN L. '1'110M, ISAAC DAVIS July 13th, 186. 2~·4m
op.ned and for '010 by oil kilide 01 " Du nds And lor Iloro DIJIpiol _--'---'-___ -=.:_~l_H_._HA __ R_R_lS_&._C_O_. 1rom~dy unoquo!ed ,..~ CADW... ,'LLADER. Sign Red Flags. J .
WF.TflI::RILL'S I'URIFIED CUARCOAL OLOGN 0 AI PASTE, for cluanslIlg tbo leelh atld CHEESE AND B '''- wo)l. on hind Dnd lor BRI" byROI3ER'l'S &. BRO. lIumo, III d pun Iylng IIIe Breal 1I, f Or i 88b t y Jul 8 J8:>.! v J T QADWA LLAIJBR. I WaynesVIlle, Juue 16, l8b2. HOUSE AND LOT FOR 8ALE. . Y (lOOSE Dnd 101 011 i\1a1O alreol. 10 .&.. Waynea"Ule,oo.l1 nortb 01 M Cook'8 T. L. ALLBN WlIJ8f:LT AGAIN.. LUItDl,n",Sloro, 18 for 8alo vet, low. Tho -nnE uodor. lllned. ha~onll IJuruholltld Ille In• frome, 1\\" 810rlet and an lI\llck pr 1. Icret! l of 130njamln Evan• • lD Ihe Ilrm el swry high, • kLlchon alt.llehed "11h a «1Atlon &. Evan~i Will continuo bu.Jnesa at the or und er 11. 4-tao a lIoed fr lullu 81110ke houoo old stnnd. lind '0 hOJl~ by .,rocl .lIenlioll 10 Dud wood hou .. - .·or IilrlhcrptJJrucultUs a~pl, Ihe WDII~ of cU810mon, 10 mol'll a conlinuanco ~ READ TIIII. of 110. liberal palronago hero orure rC&:C lvod, lD 2~06~n 1,,0 prumlllll. SARAH STRAHL ·V,·' Fe n . Til U... AS h... He wonlt! here lako beelslun I" .. y, thai Ibe ,\VaYIIDBvlllo.-Oluo, 6 nlullllL 29, 18:>2 , .... GoLDUI Ui.LL wlli continue 10 be 'IUK placo for 1:-:',;;;;;;;';1 ebo~ goods '1'. L ALI,EN. • tor .. e, a f\!w liral ra... w IlIhLng frorn len W IillOCn jJI Jul 20 18!i2 The power Rlllhi or PrualW'OCCI ",l.lIh,g uh_ rur hat""I, welt 10 aynlltlv 0, , I widow of Danl l)l 1J_lIIu du lito I ClJI. ' bolonglJlg 10 1100 ..,1110 of C. L. KENDLE oiloreil Itlr .. I. , to d,o OULD .... pectfulll' Inform 1118 friends 00 Ihll dill' of ill lalO, IALE. I:ook here A lint rile Irll· '1 bOPrlClCl to be made IDd 100 publlciloDlirally,lbal he [s now 181,IUI1.I.',. ~ d.ol I.... fiIh, new Ind a",..1. AtlO a prepared lo execute ner, deecrlpliOD \ll P.lnl. 2:!·tB. &ood .,del. of..JItc;k-IC)(! I9r .. Ie It 111&. Glaclng, aod l'oper HanglulI, 1110 CIMa 0, W.... C D. 'rUOMASES Gr.... , which 18 nOllO be aurp.1 cd fur beauly or tur.bUtlY Un! I'iI J It al hla ,It I.' on ~Jl1n I lteel, up"lAl,. of Iho buUdlDlI OCCUPied by G W atlfrlh,.lIte·s Saddl.ry .hol', WarDell' .lIto, uhlo WIU ree6IVt) prompt '1U!JIIIOn 26·1(.
nVI!.,w I bOI~ wlahln.ll a"lelealn hli lln ... n& h. reel. a.surea Illal h. call make h ln lorOl1 10 purchlUl. ot blm.
rc~olrcd 06d for 8al o uy L AnD OlJ',.JU9\ G, W & C, 11 fl'HO~It\S
bridGos oro 10 b(l rllisod, Iho~ uf J\!nln St-, nppoRlle 1100 Golden Unll, Wllynel ' ou..;hl 10 be luwered- alld as. onk. vlllo, 0 • I'i"!v 18tb. '~I oUlof ex Is lent". he Ill ah II d,s understood Ihnl his 11:00,111 1\ III bo sold smull'at kltld 01 pruhl fdr , Ih" "hurd" W®N~1Em'll' l!tilcs tho held" 1110 III. naw S(lflllg AND l!llegant Good •• chUl' and \\ 011r1l1l<\O, down IllS glove 10 Ihe Quet\n Clly "A ~NE8VILLE SALOONS. UU',YII IlLIIOr clolillor., hlll!1 rOIl18 nnd O)nornlOu~ ~J:,ju lI ;~c, . (0 sell us oheap by 2t) por can In UO) 1011 Lot Ihe pUbhc and doclde Drt ~n onn alway. bo lound, 8 8 good 1 9 hl& word, al No I, Mllln .treel, ol'posite 1100 CA'UI House. i\1l\y 20
A BOOT AND SHOE SHOP , In Corwilll, Oh.lo.
1I0~cr.'Knud Would rO.I,uoICull y THElhlform 1100 clllrona 01 c"r"lll
Waynosvllle n\ld lurrl)undlnll counlry .1 aJ 100 hlUl CO~lllllenccd Il,,, 11'1'11 Bnd ronki ng bUl mu.. III C.r"/1I, where hq by elflO! aUonh'1II 10 IJullnOYlt, 10 re. ehare of Ilu bll~ \,alrl)nall~, Do will be all lime s 10 wa1l upolilhoao wbo II\IIY wilh IL call. lIud will ~uQko 10 ordor 1U0SI foalilonable Blylo IIIl1y IJIl wanled '~"ftlfllll" promplly and nUnlly Id'~' worklllnllslllp IIlId w,lt Uo Willi ~- . • • wCJ""_""·',."". ala where. Sign III 1100 U·I(
APJ,>LE5;~A primo arllclo, Ju~t DJ 1UED and 10 by U llAIUHS &. CO Sign of Ihe Red reccl\'cll
m all,
I(lr ..
24, 1852
lain etO/lt peraOI18 The bo ruoBonaole. ~~ , .... A. rCllnrdl 110 .. '\ S&~~I Ls Ibe eame eo forn~1ii1i anry 1IIOi& wll~ be mad" 10 eull !he 'dnllOl 01 tiJOH ",ho may relon 10 U,om • No I lHlllcn~~d for '''o Gentlemen. wh ,hey will bo wnlled upon "1\ Ilb Bueb rerrea},. mOll18 al thoy mlY wjWh, No 11. n occupl.d 118 a couJocllonory, ~1t~re.1 keep all hand a flood BlIP-Ply' p£.cvory ullng \Il nlY Itne of bUYI' lies.. ~o 8. t. Ihlt rO<lql wbleb 11 lil\ed up fQr tI,O eltclqalve tccommodauon of Lb. ~ldl .. Qn~ 't~lI lr altendanla,lIIIa nopalOl will be'por· od 10 Pinko Ihom porlewy al h,ome. 1 Will 0ll,on Ihe ~aluona 8l1d Hall for paruo., alId will \imi~h rolre.hmonl8 10 tberu on good lerml, a roaaollDblo notice D B fJAY l\lqm 8 Ir~"', weat aldo, :WoyneulUe j 01010.
PASTE nLACJtlNG. - WeC1onUn. ue (0 lI\.nu(lIc~uro Iblaarllolo IlIr.oly, willI ' ever v &AiYl.Juaf(O 9f 1"IlI,oved l!I.~~nor, . 1'/1_ quallt)' la oqUn1 \0 aflr IDlldl/ In lhe Uu1on. alld hUI bool'l IlIlllfovcd by Inab; of tho l.rll08t doalon In Iho W.,.t lor more th len ,erra ...
Our prlcOll are ,0 low /IS 10 command aJar"o porlion ~f tllo Ila~o (tom !be prJllcipll cl e8 (J ilia We., J'~cked in blr",l. 0, abuut al& IiPRJNG AND SUMMER STOCK grOll, an!! Ih/)lP6d(jfroo of 8lIJI«IJ)Ie. Ordera or good3"l:onal.tlug 01 , promplty flUDd . B rrLER eli BlWT.Hl!lR PLAiN AND FANCY DRESS GOQD8 2'7 r~orl at ,bel Malo and Walhul 0101108, CuAlIl'iner08. Satllnclt, '1'''(oods, Cinolnnllll .. Uoc 18M , JeallR, C08sluuU8, Ueran/:o lJulRII 8, POll II 119, GII1\1b~1ll8. }'IUtCY Llwn8, MOIII J)0101lO8, AI· "CALIFOJINJA" ~ poena, J)ook Mu~hn, SWu,s, Mull. Cftmbrlck8. AtR TIGHT COOKlNG OIC. Wovos, Hoallj ~y, CliO C.IiCOII, Muslins. STOVE , Flalillcl" 'l'lcklng, (Jhuokl, (Ito oua DA.aDWARB A .. D QUEENS- T.TElLLY"" CRISPEN have on .hAnd anli .l..~ aro eOJllltllDl.y manufaclunng I\t Ibe '''ARE, WnyncKv llle ~'oundry Ihe ahovol named NEW alook I. llood, nna well a.. orted. and hlJlhly a~prQvod ec;;;klng SlOve, palen led We Btitt 10 avo UII blind nnd for ule, by SmlUt ... Gleaaon,l>cCClmbotr 1&0, Illi. StOYO O. . orull~llI of I~ cunBtrlfCJed with. GltOCERlEI!t. DOUBLE FURNACE Such lIlI'1'oa, For Summer and WI~~t u.e, olthor or boih 01 So h, Molaalloa, "hleb mAY be Uled, thua all'oriIlnjf gRlat Eoo",· utc, etc 011LY' in Ihe U80 ,f fuel .' The OYen II elevated We reaPoelfully lollclt 1\ r ..aonl\blo aliluG ani! 80 arranged as to Inaure Ihe srellt.. t tho pulille fAvora, end hOllO 10 II'VO REGULARITY IN BAKING. Kaliwlacllon, 10 0\1, au.lomon, a8 we aoll 0.1 rorl.yonablo prlceri. TbeB. advlu1la/le~ wllb olh,,", tbat "SUI,..t . J ROGERS ... BO~. 111U1II&oIV88 10 Iho p.urcbaecr Ilt jir.'llghl ClDnOI W oal sldo of 'M "ln Slrc.H, .b\lve Nortb.- fullo l ellder tbJ, SlDV, one of Lbe \lery WayucnJilo, OhIo, April B, IBM LATES'r AND BEST FRESH Burply of lIfat koralj,uBt rtlccII'ed (hat haa ever been Introduced In lhl Weal • ' '18-11 May ::S, 185 1. cud lor "'10 A &. E OUNSON (Jorwlll,O.
ilE U DERS1GNED wl'\;,(d r.,.peelfully T unriQunco 101100 commu nlL, Ilt larll ' lhnl 100 18 pr2pur d 10 Iurmah nnd ftU I In to Well.,
Chnlns r ump», 01 wliloh lh .. abnvo CIII Ie (l r ' pre.elllallon 'floc... PUrnl'S have undqlll!loo. Iy, IhrOb Io"porl.nt odvnntlllle8 ovor on,. olhor Pumps now III 1180. 181 , 'rlip.y \10 nol 01000 UI' YOllr weill, 80 as LO 4lxclo\lo Ihal whol coolII~ bird whlcfLje de&lgllod to putley (100 ""nlUl'C2n , 'J'h ij'"cannbllr., to "II In Ih. wlilier lid, Yuu "~n al" oyA go t frcsb ~ nter All order. Will rOOIO>O I'romplallclilion. [ OEO 1\1 ZE , L. Woyn osHllo, hlD November 6, 1 8~ 1 4It!. .'ARASOJ,Sr IlE Wl\OF.lT, rnET'fIElf MID t llF.Al'r.sr lIlIeorllIIuul 01 pnrns~ 18, ever hnd JuslrocOIved and for .. lolly 1. 11 n nRls &. CO. 1>lgri of the Red Flng., April n. 18b2
W.4.LL PAl'rull ~OO Plews Wall &. Wllld.,w poper, from '" 12" cl8. to W cI8 pCI' bolt, J Ul! roec! voa and lor s nfe by I U IlAnRIS &. CO Sign ot 1100 Red F Inlll A prH 6, 16~2
IInil yory cheap Slack 01 ALSO a 8pI0l1t!er.1 (;000. fo bdiQa _nd Genllemen Summ~ r
CorwIn, 0
B. WtLLIA;MtS 0111, Uor ey Dow finu S • out put up In U" loil, IlIr .nla by J. H. IlARNHART cl~uwlnllillb.cco,
r,;XOIllI.. LEN'1' arllole~;;;;;JSu JUIII recol yod ant.! lor aalo III the Drug J T CADW ~LLADEn
CARPETING .. VERY pre lty '' 'lOrlment 01 Colton, Cot INClNNATI SOLE LEA.'rIIEIt Jor atalo 1011 Dud Wool. oU Wool. !tng ond Veno· by .M UENLBY. tlan Carpell nll8, Ruge, Dlndillll• otc , 'J"al re ee'vlld orld for 8alc by 1 tl ItA 11 Wfttor St , Wa,ne8vil Jo. 0 ,Au~ I~ Itl~1. & CO Sign of Ibe Red I: log. April 20 t 1852 • AIU'l!:1 5-1 bnvu JU81 rowlvcd a larlle lind uoaulICut 810ck of (,)o\lo n nud Wouul IIlId ALL AND WINDOW PAPElt- 1 have 011 Wuulll1\lrtllll CRrpe lH, ," nnd 1·1 Veil • IU MI received Irom tho Eastorn 1\fanuloc 11011 CRrl'."d, IlId ,o MOIling, hupednl J I,ly Call,CII. nUllo. Illllrllnll8, OIC" ole., whlch!wi/1 Iurerl a brllO 810ck of Wnlll'llI'cr~ h"h~ and be .old cllollpur 111(111 1100 rcgulur <':Ln ~ lttlloU do.rk al 1111 l>rlcoa Jor roorna ond IIIIII K AI>o, prlcoy • W F. ['AItSHALI .. 1111101 COlora for c~IHngl. WlDdbw PlIlle rs pfalll .mlligureti Fi rQ i$qecn•• ud Border· Louanon.O. Apr. 6 oll of whlcb " lit bo sold lIB low liS II con ONN E'I'S-A 1I0lhur fre.h 101 of 1I0nneU! beuoughl In Iho SIIUO I JUl t roeuitcd and for •• 10 elwnl'J'): . W F. l'AUSIULL W 1" l'AIUlllALL Lcbo.llon. 0., Apr 6 Lobnnon, • Apr G
RECEIVED and fOI •• ao Judd'a Mod· J UST Icnled LIQIli<1 Cullclc, nn altkol,o unsurpU8' C
SU~IER IIA~:; of every Y(!.fJOIY, Jual ed Jor dr.... 1D1( buroe. sca lds l CUIS, brul8ee and
will lio patd 10 mlln" ordors l :!: pUIIW1r!i prelC:rlpll0D8 comllounwr, aud ~ratiOD8 Df .iI
Dr, Borton'J9
l"m s'f RATE nrlli:lc 01 Spiced Oyllor., A Just retuh ur1 "lid fOr aal e very luw by 1100 thai 11 lhll Can at J. II IlAllNUAR.·I"S
o InclinoR 10 tho opinion
First Arrival Of
inehn • In 1"llIk - lIl1t! "hpi Itu lake~ 10 8ecoillpli811 ' \'Ilhom G Dreano '1lshe8 10 knolV "hulhor Iho pr~9c nt l,ell181111uru would Oll lUrlOlu 0 ullI 10 rOll ulalc Iho /trloc 01 WI (L'l'lADE CLOTII1NO, nnd II eo, wllullor 1\ woulll IJc lill,ely 10 Cll IbrouGh tblB 80.slon B,"uno Icols an.tlou. for ll,e "l:raaloet &ood oj lb o IIrWlIe81 numllc r" of Dlollllnd bo~s, lIud Ihlnk.801ll01"\111( sllOllld bu tlono 10 pruvunl l!lerUltie u tho III sho ped, grocQloyy ~lo, nuw and IIio". SC"n un ou, Ilr~OI8 till
S, H. PARVllN,
DRE£NE WISHES 'fO W lJAT know- wha t h(, Juu l. BIiXIOUd abOOI-
BOArtD, Woodon [Juckols . W ARlI 11rooml" un hand lur .. Ie br
FRENCH SALOONS, respoclfull.y announce. 10 Ihe UII"U.lveD pubhc Ihut h. will be 1II0~t l,opPY 10 BelVO Ih om in hll. U8UIII cupnclly oj DARDER AND HAIR DRESSER, and no IuCb; Will .par~ 110 PRlllS 10 r!lnd or 110001 l;omlOrl8ule • • welt us Il" nl 01 ' omC"1 !I1em Irc.H, ,Vea l "'"te on. door WE ARI$ J US'!' roceivlng lind opening NorJh a Hay" St.1""n., Way no., III. U our SI'ruNG AND SUMMER GOODS ~oo PS Of' WALL PAPI;:R Jro," 8 10 from 1100 Eastorn Clllea, "hlch we roap olfully ~C18 per ploce, JUSt rCC4)Jv.d lind for 1m lie Uur old C\l8101l10r8 and olbo,s la call IUI~ 80 0 hy ll. & I\lcC GREAT EXCI TEMEN'r c Xlulllne, eOJlslsling o{ GOUI) Al tTIClili: of S Ullar 110u8e I' ll!' "'f T,.E CIIEA."P 8'J'O.ltE FRENCH AND ENGL1SI1 CLOTllS, lu.el and II &oot! erllol o of Gold II Syrup SIGN Of' 'I'" L" lind fency Oas811llorcR, C ... lllil oretli, JullL recolVed Itld lor .. Ie nl Iho Orlill SlOro ' u... ,Ion nnd <':0llon1'oOI ~oOl18 ~IC 'u '1' CADWALLAOl!lR .ud l,'oll¥rlla La\\ II" 8nt! Ilernges good. Callooao, GinghclI1I8, lIuOIY IIl1d J',W A YS k611l on hand a tirll ralu quullLy UrOCOrle8, QUCCIISWDru, olld a ~ello rlll of j'alo l! ron eli Drnlldy at 7f,o I,er quaI'l . ~",~~ ~~~ ..8yorlmqnlol 1!ordw"ro, Slllidiury' and (Jonah AIMo a lIouli arl lole el Old lIye 'WI1I8k !y by ~ 'l'rhllnllllgs J 'J' CAUWALLAU E It. UADDl:lN &. Mr.CLELLAND Corner of Mllon IIIId Nortll "reCIY, WnYllc8. NO'J'ICE 'fO FAnMEJlS~ BUILDEllB, Ville. 01110 AND O'l·UEuS. • HAVE now on baud Illot of 1~ l h,.hln nle" anti WmlliOn IlInc boonlo, and lntoJld k-:"m. 109 II ""'ck .ufliol~ "I. lor Ihl$ m.rklll, and J om prcpor<'d 10 f.. rmah IllIle C. n!ling "t ony widt.h III. II IJrlCO Ihal furmo," clln afford 10 P~Y MAIN STREET, WAYN~VJJ.LE 0, W S KEYS. , Vaynon'l lle, I~. 'lm ~ I,LEN &. ~VA)IIS HAVE TIlE ...L~ I1I-A8ur" of _onolinolOlllo lholr CUllom· POUNDS' 001. )Vlntllll. for ore. and Ihe I'llblfc lIenortilly, thai they arc Yihloh U." 1"lIlt".1 rnsrk,Ul Wlco now recclving Ihei r , by 1 Ji II A ItltlS' &; CO SPRING & SUMMER IIfEROHA1\'DlSE A1\'D PRODUOE May 24, l8~2. Red F IRlls atock 01 Good~, winch fur T Anl};1 v 8T\"T,G or BIWKEll, I'RIOI:, l~ not excbltcd ~y rUle or DOlglibo;lDg T,'..utMJDDS. Loon: R1!:RE. -AII kinde lawns , AI.SO, .l' 01 counlry produco WDnw,1 for "'Iol,,b wo 1\ I. 1I1.. le8O 10 enumer.fo articles, bUI GENERAL NEWSPAPER AGENT, \\111 1'"1' a good pn\\ll In opah or gr'lcorlca guffialell tl" aay. Il Is Ie> Ihe Iliter ... lol Don' t lie back.wMd bUI bron" II rll1ht ~ I o ng (before bu) Ing elaou herc,' to call and!!;~ Offico Dnd Store, No. :so Wlilnut St., (j W. &. C H TI{O)\lAti. Ibem • CIlIcinna", AII (unds of IrAcle taken at \,I/: brices, S l! I'Il'Y," 18 o.n IIlllhorlzcd IIgent oC Tho ~prlt !llh, 18:;2. (\1loull VUllor ,
&'c, &.c "
!)th. ·!l l
NNE'I'S - I Ion,. JU81 reeolvod by'exprea. len dllY. from No\v York, n largo • o~k 01 lodlo. anll olilidroll's lJolIII IB,ol lill elY leI alld IIrICCS 0011 Dnd 8eo Ihcm - tll~y are pr.I' Iy ol1d chaap W F I' AHSHALL Lob'non,Olllo, epr2 ,
11: 0 to tbl IMh 01 l\lay. Fr,*, th~ p.per brllnds the enquirer Is eJlct't'dlngly light, 01 the 7th 01 M"y we copy tb\ following and prll;e. heavy. ReI elved durin" tha I..t 48 hours e62 lirl. nATTlltlye:-Ex, Piov,810n ........The ooly IIIIIe8 tCMlay weru , :rElub ~IlT On £110 CaEW lIluaDEa· 8 b 819.60. , ED -C.ptalU George Helth, of Ihe barque o rle mels pork, III loti, at I'e,cedore, or Velpllral80, totlched Ilt Chll' There ia no movelllent In b.can. Whieky~.leeof82 brla from MI~ml ,111111 r.I.lld, one of the Galhpegoe, on bis can III, !!35 do (rom Whltewlter do and teCent 'oylge to thil port. • From the informatum communIcated to 350 do (rom river al 156e, and 75 do from wagolll lit 16tc-iodlcpling no change t.lm it _ppeer!, that • about lbe mlddle Nvvember leat tho sloop Phlntom l C.pt. nu citllnge from the rale curr.nt on Satur. day. Ken lll, 01 Sao Franciluo. ,1,lted tbat ia. Chee~e-Sales of 1176 bll8 at 7!~ lind (or n c*'go of turilo. A, boat w •• ~ent BUlter-Sales 01 U kegs common to .el/ore with all the Chi I\' ,except tlte c,ptolD, mllte, lind boy. WIIIIIl thu. weaktmo good at 9 to lOco Sugllr-SolOI of 5a hhda lit 61 @6~c, ed, I boat "'ith live convillil came 0/1', lit· and !lll do at 6c. The demand CtlDtlDuea tacked Ihe 'C,llIIol,and killed Ihe mllte; on fair. obact,nll,t WIIlCh, the ceptsl ~ JUqlplld overMolll8eel-A 81110 01150 brla commoo lit board, but 1\"111 purau ~i led in Iho , 33c. ""Me. , • Cuffee-Till! demand 1I'limlted, but pri. The piratel thon retu n~<t.o the ,ellc\. celllr.. Orm at 91@ ]Qc. .IUed the 401 .nd plundered the vellel. Tobacco-A aale 01 16 bOll81 ICy eIght. t'IIl'TY DARUE.,8 ' ..... FllIR. M,bllt'f to Ihe amount of ,'7,000 or ' 8!1,OOI) EJlave JU,81 reeelvci,l dlrGct. ftQ!\1 Ihe Lako, at 14c. We nOllce thlt leaf contiouea to 'lie IlUppo.ed to hl,e been on bOlrd. Af· a largo 101 of /is h on Uarrells ani! hlllt beradvance in tbe Louiavflle market, .nd tllat rill", \!,plch wo can lind Will aell lor cailh or tel' robbing We velSel of III they wanted the relleiptB at Ihat POlOt are erceedlllgly Fit ES1I 101 of 110080 mce t:ho~l) !';Illrls u.lchangQ lor weill, "'Hcon or cOlrn, Itlu or dial! ehe WI. Icuulad and "ullk. The porly 011 Ihoy can be ooughl III Clllem'naU ur .. ny olhor J".tree.hod at ALLEN ~ EVANS Jigl,t. markel tillS side tbu Lake. , ig" Golden BIll, Aprol ~4, 18r.2. IIl1on! were 1I1I1"Ued by Ule' conVicts, wllo A &. E. JOHNSON Corwin. Q qllllrrelid among thelnlelve8, Illld .;,lIlIIed one o(their OWII numlJer Iii;.!. eapt Heath IIW on' sbore I chronome· ~prlng COUGO S\'UUP, a vClletullle pr'par"IlOil ter, the mluiliture lOll clothe. of Cap .. Ken H HAl'I'IS " co R.E l.N lovunor loony oilier klDd b~fora \ho pub , \ "" , A RECEIPT lic II ia oxcellcllt for Cough, Co ldl, I' alil In dial,IACI W'I informed by'1he Englllh capIhe Drca~ I, WhoupingcoUli h • CII~lIc. CRO~.1I', • of a Aery .!urlle alock tiC tain 0(. Spellilh brill tlilt two 01 tho per· RIOU, RAilE & BEAUTIFUL &'0. 11 ha~ nOllhor . plunl lub. GOODS, alance Ihal wlll eonaupOI/l pelrltoN of tho 1111181ae Ia~ !ieell apI"e· v I , gontly on tbe hve[, bO\,.I" b c nded, aDcI lbat the oilier two lV~re Itlll el adftp~d 10 lue fOreuonl Ind approach· Ilfomollo2 aut loer811 0118 am" .... ,,'•. JIll!: Bua on. above med[cln. l' woll kn ' at I~r~e in the muuutllms. Our ..qck. 1'Iae purchased In lh' nlly, Ih.rufor. w. dO_ijOl furlber' EASTERN Oh"IES, neeus. _ry ....IIe .......a. • . .e... 'fhls mediCine la • Iura cure for Iba Croup tho 10 I vrrl' eotl.[dorble oltlont for nU ll, Rod thero fore we C.t.!I and WJl,L loll III tho very J,Owar ,1"or Ia.lo at iliu Woyne8v IU.. DrulL Blor. " . e or ~eW YO..Il. figure. by J: '1'. CAOW Au;LADEIl NBw \'ou, July 1I3.-A memorial lotbe IN VARIETY OF STt"LES. , JUST rocolyed and lor aalo a I~ood a!\lelo PrelI4ellt, elined by oumerou. mftuenllal quahllo~ nntl corr ~poodmll: proWl!, we claIm <.:avWldllih and RUllrood Tobacco OF 8COTTI-JU8t rec,"~ed Man •• 10 bo Burpns.ed by no (;Owllty Sloro, bnd J. '1' CADWAL LADER. clliatn.. repre.enl4 thlt thft Iiaheriea em· L ,lPE lield hie of Scoll, bouod; alao In am all equeled bUI by few. cornor 01 Main and 1IIorih l:ill'eets, WnynCII' .. plnJ lIloo va_I., leameu Illd l~,· l'am~Wel f. 01, pnco !lell Tu our fflend . , we ny, wo a~" grofttful for vlllo PIli fovore, and .hall do all In our power to -"_....,.._ _....;_ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _ __ ROBERTS .. BRO. 000,000 upltal-that tbe new constructiOn doaena 1h~1r COlltInU&IICC, andfroru nIl we "sk MILLER'S IIIIPROl'im CUINF..8B or the tresty will ruin lloe bU810C.I. SCOURI"G POWDEIl-'1'h. IIr031. lIfCLE :rQM'8 CADI"I-A fe,!" COPlell • caU III Iba Ktgn o{ 1100 JU.c rc<:el ytlti and Jor .. Ie by RED FLAG ""110 tho kllo,,1J " o~ for pchs lllnl{ Copper, IIItmorl.Ulla pr.y lblt the Pro.ldilllt will ROUER'J'S "" BRO and 100/1' We lIke "Ienaure lit SIIOWP'O llrus, llrHIIRla.'Warp, ele, Ole. Puco 5 ell lead a nllyal roree t.o the British North ,00<1 •• eve~ If wo d\l nol 8ull per 1101t For talo by Sigll of 11.0 Red l"lagl, 5 E. COrner J 1\ CADW ALLADER. Amerill1ib eoaat to protect tho fisheries. OOK UEltEt-A Crllb arrivill 01 ~ S. W. Comer of Main lind NonbSIl ,Wuynol' onl and Orlogca; .1.0 Mol....... and MaIO & NOrlli SlreelS WISOCliYlllo, U, Allrll 6, 1852 villo Mackerel and olher groceri8l, for ..I. !ly G~I Fire •• ~ew BnualWiek. G W & C ti 'tHOMAS --------------~-~----~ " LSO a PIC. 101 01 Cono Pel:e for .0111 by GOOD .uppl)' of Dr Jlcob TowlJ8end '. 81. STUlIB... J uly ~3 -The extonsiv. tl. J 11. IlARN I:J Aft'l . ~lUpou"d l:lyrup of tllIraapolrilla JIlIl 10' ..w lIIi11. uf ~orle[, McPbailp &00., seven D18S0I.1l'fION OF PAPTN~RsnJP• selv" and lor 1110 bv HE COPAlt1'NESHI1' herolorore oxl.lIng P};J\CII£S.A prlillo uucle J 'I'. CAOW ALLADER. dwelll., bllUle.,.a~al~tel, twenty ,allway RIEU be 1\1 ~ell Iho underelglled, un~qr Ihe firm 01 JUSI rcc " 'cd aJld I\lr salo by Cornor 01 Maio Ind NOlth Slrl:ell, W,yne •• alld a lcllmeDIU quantity 01 lumber, Allen &. Evan., IS Illll dey dlllOlved 'hy mUIII' 1 U. HA.RIH & CO, Sl,n of t.h~ lw~ -" ,all: •. ; ~llIe, " III conpenl 1I"c. been deatroyed by a firo 111 hich broke Tho buolneel will hcreafi cr be conducled by May 5, 1 52 ------------------------------r RECEIVED lind for l alo III 011& h~ lilt nllht; and 'Ia. not yet been '1'. L Allell, who earneslly 10locl11 a CuIlUOU' HEEP SIJEERS.- A 1:000 aS80rtmoni WaYlleBvllle Druf Sioro a soperlor alloo 01 pul favon. IUbc/Oed. Tho lOll IlrClldy amounla to 0 11 band alld for .alo by 01 A.lmond Soap A 10 a fUll ra .. IJ' L AI.LEN J. H. fiARltlS '" CO. SIKn 01' the Rod nrlollllh.d bllr Soap • DF;NJ J::V A1IIS. '~OO,oO(). 1Iiny 24,IB52 J T CADW.U-LADER, Flags W.yncBVllle, 0., July lKI, 18G2
VARNI lIE§ 1'U,IU'g;rlNl!l ' DYE S'I UFFS. OLASS SNUI'1'·Sl. TOBACOO ' ANJ)vluARB, ' I ~NCY ..lRn. C[;e , PER. FUMERY '·.lCES, '
U, W &. <.: II 'rJ-IO lit AS,
DONNt-:TS AND ItlBDONSl TR I' W Uonn Is ul II' ory \ bf101Y, l,'lorence lluld. and IMblonnhle SILK Ii NNF:TS, and I ver, Isrgn llocle of Bonnel RibOOna J UII recelvell and for •• 1. uy t I II HARRIS &; CO. SllIo aJ 110. U ~d Flnll$ Avnl6. 1852.
ilillOPJUCK I 8
A =-=-:-::--:-___ . :. . ._________
aa heard froDl, 8110W 117 for thu !Imlsuy, 190 oppolitiOll, Ilnd (\l noutrul 'l'b" Pall/fie JtIAI[ Stellmer Thome8 arri. rived at Squlbompton. dn O,e 10th, brill". Illg $1,400,000 III gold. 'the Fronllh Goverllmellt bal eroemptcd tho d~riY frolll tollJlIg tbe 011111 oC allegl' ance. .. A rlot had oecured at Rlcllmond, be. PEJl LUi\IEI'Y CI1101111141'I, July !leo ~, I PERFUMERY" OUcr tween the troop ~ olld thll people III winch FI TI of ltoeo-'l rlJlI,lo J::lIlrcct 01 ItoM LuLtn our- Ie market wile qUiet to·dllY, !<.oe", Co,loQtlo OIl' Pomoue lunc), " So~pa olld IIIUY were killed on bOlh Blde8. Ind the only ealc8 heard of were 170 brll IOllel lowdur. 01 von ouv kinds, fur stl lo chon b ROBE I'I'" •. n r" 'l'oe Oeli>riaa Cabinet Iina re .. gned. at 26, Dod SO do oholce at 30. p y " ~ "ito· nl:;R. Tiler" II nu demalld for .hipment IIl1d for L lN l NGl, UtNDING, and 1I10lWCCO IONS FrOID _be 8on.wleb .slnnd. ' f o r ija e by M Hl!lNLEY every d cBcrlpUon ellct'pt good rotllillng WaleI' 6 1., Wnyncs'llIc, O. Au!! 15 IBM We have Illel vf 11,0 Honollllu Puly (ar
; R \ ' INt:GAIl. - A /,rst rllio atllcl e C JDF JUdi recel\.11 lor aule by
hlllll~ble DuklOlll'O\\der 0 11 eXCell~fl l orllcl~ lor Ulukllll: UI ' bread' 1>10', or cnke. , lor oule by , J. 11' BAI~NlIART
PURE PALE UUAND\,. SUPEIUOR orilclu, IQr l\J od,olil jlurposes , al 75 cIa f,cr qllort, for sn\1! by I{ UARIl IS &;. <x> , SI/:ll 01 lb. Rod F I.1l
NEW AND SI'LEND£D BOOK';! Look Out E hove Jual receiv ed froUl pllll1l8hera WIT,L SELL all klmls of Groc:crlo •• BUell W new alack of hook. "hlch W6 wlll • II '1' ' II , Oo/foo, ·ugllr. M"la •• e.. Illce P p. low {ur ca8b, couelBII IIS pUrlly 01 tI,O lollow· I per, Ginger, ' alerlltu8, .Inrob, COIIO((IU ft
Illg 10100110". tJ),IOI1 " COlllp'ete Wurk8. "vfcn<ludly bound and Illusllalod, :;hnkR)loftr. do Rolloll., JOI pbul and McCauley'S UIaIO' r, of E:h"lantl. The wor.ol 7(;, /{cvcrld a Bocbclur; Dreom of Ufe. Young 1\1ao'. fermgr DOli Juon, l'ocma of Oseion, '1'0•• 0, POCIPft by A nahln, <.:tJoper, lind l\toQre,. Gold· Amllh alld COIIII,OOIi '8 l'o()!ia~1 "1\ orq, Lodlo', b\)~k of FloW~rQ and poolryll\ln 8i"oll"ney'• POCIIl., 1'00lry of Ihe Affuci on. Ie 1 8 uok of !orlyre 'l'Iu: life 01 o ...r nlor; Ilitililoa, lind ROBERTS ill- SKO lIynon Book., CIC.
.. It • aonl).
,Kossuth HIlS nolbing to do witb thON .Doola .nd Shoes mllnufactured bI I. E. lCeyll, Main 8treet, WOYlle~v) lIe, whero he m'I Ihroy. be louud ever ready .nd wiUtng to reapoDd to the oall 01 cu.~m'fI. Belhg thllllkl\ll (or plllt favors, a cootinuallCO of public p"tronlio 18 sollciled. I blye Oil baDd a BplondJd Block oC Morocco, .u1~bl. for Ladlel wear, whleb will b. manutaclured to o~der with nellUlel8 nod cteepllloh, N. D. All work mllde by me i. warrant. ed. I, E.ICEYS, Ilgn Blick Boot, i:tf. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY ) ' 088ALE. ffE U ' DEIt8 1GNED oll'ore for sale Iba propo"x whloh ho now oce~pjea. 8l1ual"<l 011 'flurd l:ltrcel, 'Voynuvllle, In tbe mOil ploo.anl And hoallhy pnrl of Iha (own. Th. IDlprovol/lentM consi.. of a two alOry frame houso, 16 by 24, wilb..t summer and 'l\'imer kitchen, a w IJ of good II10r willi a pump in It, a woOd hou8e 12 by lIO, I 8Q10~e 1aoU.., &or: , &.c 'l'l1ore arc frUi t trees and .brubbery 01 dlfThrent klnda on Ibo prcmlau. Tho loo.e prvl,er\y Will 110 SQld cheDP I'or fur(ber par· lIeulore elll)wrc of lbo .ubl.cnber. SAMUEL COLLll'fS Atlo an' Imprllv~ Farm 01 160 lern In Jaekeo n County. Jndll1na. SAl\ruEL COt.· L1NtlDulhorbed ag nl for JOHN COJ,LJ~S' 10-1..
"1\ IJldu", ClOB8 , noll8, , bed cord, I" Inc, broo0l8. Ilull·boDrds, mackercl, Lllko f1.h, tobocco, clgnrs, CIOudy,lIuta, ra)tiIl8, ~li •. vluIl 80hJ'I I'Rlr oU • • klllyca, IIro08lpl1l8, linger rlifii., jIOOkOI books, punel, dgllr CllItIII'. CODriO UE UllSCRJlJER II .. JUII r41C4II"ed hll nOlI IIli UcOUlbs, lith hook. and hnu, alld 11110 Blook IIriPIl and Summer looila, COil' many olher notion. not mentlon~d, as chulIl' III II.(/ n~ In p'arl al follow.' Ihey.p-II be bough l lnywbero flleo in Iho IOU n AlltEIUliAN ENGLl H, FRENCIf. AND of \yol'ncaville. J If BA Il:NHA ItT. GERMAN BIi DAD CLOfUSt ........<ISOR'l·EO l'o1&i n I , eUI aide, ono door 80ulh of I U. QV..lLI1'l£ AND ()QLOl(", PLAIN HorriB & tie. A}.ID FA Y cAS31M.t:REI:I eA1"fl· N&1" ALL WOOL AND rANQY GUl'I8. 'l'WEflDa..... NEN COATINGS, H AVE IWO firel rOil dObbl. barr.1 .bol l;1L.K, SA1'lN 1 .AND MARS· E1LLIS vEiITINOS, gun. for salo choprl J II DA.R.NJIART. ETC, ETC, ETC., !\lakln, "lIh Iha atoea pIlIylllUlll etI lIud Wal'nOlHlle. OhiO 1100 hlr,,""1 and moal complel. ~rocx~ (:(11' TIlPBlf. GOOJ)tl 10 GOIIllemft aad .".".Ikeep on hand lIun 1Ub8, and II wrench 141' matUl._~wW be lor pllwng In. You that have iUDI With· lo~W"TIWI. out tub08, 4&IVO me a call. ~~,,",..,... J H. BARNHA.RT.
Oook's ClotJdDg ' Store,
0 Z. HOLLI.i'IGSUEAD' Plaln Bonn61i 2 Ju.treclllV I tI ODd lor .ale by. lJADVEN &. McULl'iJ,LAND
UNDERdGNIi:D have on ~ hond tIOmc 10010 horle w'1I0)18 ~ and bllllll''', wlueb III .y wilL a ,11 on Ihe mUliI r0611OII aliio lorml. Fur parlllllll6111 e.U at Lb hop on ~JOIO 'IrCel 000 door .oUlb oC <:<On. corL U..u. II (.1 C'USJ'E!N, J. C OOLL I;'t"l. ""'fIleaville, OhiO. M .., Z7, 18:'2 l lhtr. ~
TO TIlE ......DJE&
_MII\CIDt or CuIIit, Col· A BEAU1'U!'VL 81""..., lar., L_ ud ll11t IlI1CINJd ..tI (ur by
Ob_elel~ eCc ..
I. U. HAIUU.15 ~ 00 ..
iI1P Red t la.
10 ~ !If
OD Fl::lU and LH~ fiab (ur ..Ie by J Jr. BA~lfART.
04,1 hlr.yaJ 'roO\
c... t al Iho ~IQlo
WEIGH AND CONBlDlR ted thrllt, ,hrivel,'" sDIvel rng Intllgrlty, \DIrl Partln.,on ••J' lbo dId nut m;;rry R JIALLlS BALSAM III no }lat ~ftr:le ,.mbilioll ~ud oblueperou, Infamy ber second hu.b'I.d bec,u-al elte toved ~el~~~==F":=~~====';==F====:' prell,rallon bUI l\1vdlcllla w"'c~:rr~ cur... at '''Ime.. wharn It.tllla'li~. 0"11 bo IO~ J Obacenlty •• mOl e allfltl!st1nQ' In '001.1'. ar~l mQln BOX, but jUlt becluse be wa. lhe Il~c TUB GHI!i4'1' COl (Hl Awn .... al lemple' llle ..y~vnn alfopy of tho Vlriln of ller 8r_t pro lector, alld would come (tllJll"T,IVll: B~.uGDY " .. N. earlh, tlum IlIlhe filthy,trllllte ",bl,lre .tlant goud.10 wear bl. old clothes olll' RE~l>tR' h., you a ClJUgil wllI,ij ed beneYOIUn4e alld reprel,ed reVerence ~ ;',j you aro Ilolllllc;lia ~ 1\ \Vo" 101001lllle IIgo IIdverllSe41 Il Illr ublde polnt~d \\ 0'1' n perllmbulilUl .nd hber .. \IndoI' !lIe Id •• I~~: 1\ I. ollly a CO\IIlI1oh lit cBlilandl ko p~tudu lamp pusts to durkell rloge to perfurru without boraes, with 0110 grm ~ ou~ huu8e " cold Iud Ibut It WIll Ihe way to hell N'/fgurdll hoepitlility and wlleel andlllvlted all curlUUI mechllnlCl It lIee.! nOl btl knolVll • tlOOU we., I!.ItJI oult) Lei. friend 8n(>lIklll~ aVllrlcl!l ore not uilly more notlOIl to see It Many momborl Qf the .oclely It I I,nrd til prevelll IlIcb Ihlll:: lell you III "I lund blo, bat morc hot oful, where Ilulure Icat or arts attlllldeil, and III their .r!lent CJC eprpnil ubruptl ' will I In I 1 WI" It IIIl cato of thllt powt Your Lers her bOil lu e'llVllh II mUIll/icent hmnJ, pectollon, wer& shown n tohMl !JarrolD 1\'11 h')u8e !illall not b" InJurl'd 0110 purlldu by Ihou where nnk~d wull8 of u:m orlog A LADY 10 New York,lYho" a member tho O~(lurron nt> 1 glv~ YOO my w4rll fur 11 fnllllediulc blvcks, prelt'llt their burrorlnl1aR of the PODce Bo. 1 1'1. hU8 givell 130 to Le 0 NulY \10 you cOllse nl' • nnd half cuncenl the light !If duy, wlllch upplied to llao rollo. of the wounded ill P crhnpd YOu &1111 Ipyo (hIS girl, and lin tho elfe Cl t ilpon lhe h ~urt wlllch heal the cOlfllng Hllligurian Sirugglo for I ber aro Ifylng to dec. lYe 100 ' hos upon nil hnl'" budlcs Tho Ilive of mo Iy' It Is the best dud~o we hnve Sl'on ),ot I Hwul1r lhul I do not, thllt I love only ney-willch luve 18 the'roul of all ovil, y ou !Ilia prevails eH Pywhere-bpproQcl,es 1088 MODEnN lJUAlAIfI:rll' - Jlllle, put the ,"Yhy III en seck tlte ancloly of IItl8 nenr Idulatry III Ihe country Iholl III the bolly to aleep With LUlldunulIl, anti then (Hlmr l ' 8plell~etl IIlelr< pull., for, III tile lutter IIr nil me DIy pur~sol and revolver I am I hive 8\\ orn It, liS I hlre~t1y lold vou placo the lemJlIt 8 lIf mammon hl10 eveq II gOlllg 10 attend a muelJng fur the ameh lIlIO th iS outh "'14$1 be perrormed 'VIii stre et. and eVPll tho ahode.! nvenues m urstl'OIl of tho condilioll of tho IlIlmoll Y (1l 01.1 1lI0 or nut?" the suburbs lIolre too. Ihe ma~lea (rom race ' I CD 0 1101 1 pray you IIgo III do lIot the \1 orslllpperl, ond like 1\ mighty current lempl mCI • 'The ~UII IS all yery Ivell, ' 8Uld nn .nab berr cvorytillng ~Ilwllrd ill thelT dl.lrk and But you ",rut help me I cannot do Bumlllbre ChOIiIle! mhn, 'but JII my opinIon tlte moon uITords II III, luI) OU " \ho Ilight time, when \\e rea lly In the Llllrd alld bst place. Iho oQuntry us hght For Gods ankt' sny no more' Every 19 mOfolly prt'l eruble to the CIty, Irom lhe wunL It, wlaerlll$ lYe huvD tho sun Willa folt'ling (lr mv heurt revulr... aLlhe thollght [llct thu t lho fonoer predunts d roct VIrtu U6 III Ihe du) tillie, when yoe hOle n.., oc JUtil 1IIIIIk (or II mom on' what It IS you uus 81 d rehJ!luu!I ItdlUl!lIrplS u, k 1I01Y I III ellaloll lor it ' ask of me rhlllk whnl would he my Ihe lulter III lie evclkl organlutlun 88 TI ere 18 II mn I uut \Veal ~o rorget(ul (eellll!l'~ Love 19 Illcompnilble \Vllh Y I I ' \VI' I.. 118 pIIY ~ IC.1 struclure dnys lhe requ est I1 uw CIIII Ieee y"u dobaso 'lour v \., W EI'BItT!I 'It may lie ~'lId fnce8, lhut Iala wl'e 18 compeled to keep II self nnd me by 8t1ch lin .ct l , Gilli n nde tho C...... 1I1ty with Ila dom'llu wafer MIUIII 011 Ihe l!nd or her noae. Ihnt 'I ollly deSire ynu II> tlu(\ldt' batl\ eo. u830clutlU1l8, rolalIOI'" oloquulllv, ItS regu he mlly dl6linll'ul~h her rrom other Iud ICe. lhlS and a wor.u debu6Cllllml \Vhlub Will Illr IIId\)~lty nlld hablta, IIl1d I~. mutual lind bat Ihla doea nol prcyent him from muklllg y,u chooo 1" unres lrlcted 8ympulhles, ulld mun mllda occo'lolI~1 mlslnkea
'1'0 'l'ql" (lJI lit ltelll.Un Of Junto 'NOBth 'J ~Re ftll Illf .1 ~ 10 11ll1\ 11'11 a (1\1r ,\)mlli ,l\lld .he . adty complllnoolO lbo 0I1Jtl1l
\J tnolV 11 0 ~ ~ .Ipnll nil IhoYOUII
0 /1 06 ll rol o Ul do VII /II,e n rull • • I filII 11110 I Anti b•• liillJtly .Ic.p# Dlld 1 m li llie lofl to
\\ Uf'p
11y tho I lftcl ell. or l'ihl or Ihe mOOIl Dut his I:ro.ve I lIaeelt ou t unlll Illcrnilli oppeare
And \l OOp for mr lo, cr ~o bft e I II embro.& \be colli .rtlt .nd !lotio\\, \l1~h
CHonus Roll on OIlVC1 moon,lluilio Lbo l}'aH,lIcr o. his WBy
Wblle Ilta mghtmi:olc S OOIla ill II I mr I never nevor moro wllh Ill)' true lovo Ual' By Iho IIweel 811ver haitI of lite n100 I
THE OOUNTRY GIRL 1: 1\ eOl1nlry Illds who tin lhe earth Whon e or ~ou want tl ~uxom \\ife Who 11 1.0 conlerloo b) your be",tl AnJ lead II IIh you tl <jutet Ide IX fo ro you \ake Iho I "I' look I\ ellTI ou&1I doubllc .. YOIl mlgh} \\00 and wi n her. Wed nOI .. I:_ddll]g cit b lieShe collid Jlllt IlTOII Ii I your dinner W~nl
Ihongh her form to filII n iglll be Fulr 119 an 6nael. forOl lil henvon, Anol au her cheek Ito rooo you oeo 'flo M~tho rOIO liy lIDlurc gh'on Th.t IIlQilm r~nlo v~1i dl&el,lYClt8 lhoro Tbe palld check lbo '1~lt.lo9 hue, '.i~~,i:':';'..:,,- 'Jlbe bpul lar nlO{e foul tblln (lIlT Or ono wbo findA no work to do No. leek .ome charming country lu Wbo 11 wa.to ao i1mn befure IItr glu. BUI 1a.llhlulJy perlorm hilt dUly W1m worsll". nOI III fo ofllon • abtlqq. Who h01)1I1I nUL ol.arma Ihlll bloom III petiah Alluwlu) wulill\ IOu let hie rq Illn. '1 bmn une wlhaHoweu fellJinn cJlcmh
Then a.",1< n~t dv1ls lroll) bO.rdang Ichoole br Illrlll!$ bolles "hblh lID cllY BUlloave them 10 tbeir danny fu lll, Wllo tlUuk ,b~uI.eln. '0 WISO ana 1\ Illy
"IllIl'''ISI'I'Oa r!lDrAIt" MAl Dr.If, ' "TJUit IlllA-1. lfQftT2!JII£I!,' ETO, ETO WftlT'l'E!<
IIlfcClioo loon for JullO'II
AnJ ~. ahe knowl nol Will z not reclllll\h neur lo~cheU 'pInna key Tljoro _ Jjluilic III h ~r 81' IIDlnl: wheel 1 hill Ii bell", lar lor fI~r ootl tho '
UII 11IIpunlUll .ctVII;O yl u l YOII know you can 1t11\\ I Ilall Dill VOII 111 such 1\ m01l1l r Ud Willi Idure me your hnn.!, ond I "III sen e you untu leulll "Nobly 8poken' .J\lsl III hot I e1lpoctctl of your devoted lone I Dul the se rVille .hall reqlllru \\ III Barely try your love , Then leL mo pruve Ila 8~rellglh ' 'Elb:n, do lOU doullt my truth I my gill cer ty1 , , Hllve I Ilot I;lvon you atronger prOof Ihnn II tlloumulld 058cverntluliS or lh" slroll oath8 lhut my cOllfidence Is unbDunil ~ d I \V IIhout tIm tru s l 1 should be wrelehed bpyon d endurance .. I nol ~Iud to bellr you talk so Sltll I feur you Will not consent 10 sOlve me a I 6hull Wlijh ' Try lIIe lind see' Arc you of IJ, :JMlou$ dl-posltlon, my love l " , J eulousl \Vhut IJ, question for !Iou to uak'" ft moy IIppear slunge yot I would be (lIMBed Ip hllVO you Ilnswer mo truly RII.) wllhout I"serve 'l'ell me your reul . Ollt! menle \othout reserve or di sgul e Much .!apP! dQ th~reon " rruly I CUll not ~t y never lun ng buou tried, bull CUll verily belie ve Wut Inlpn oe batred would atltiu In my "rurt towurd une or my BtU:, IvllO would nllelllpt to 8Up I'lunl me III your nlfeetlC/ne .. 'Supp&se I shoulcJ dldregllrd Ihclf ef forts what Illen J" No\lung rr aure o( your altachment, I \liQuId curD fur Ilotlllllg Il(l~ides "TIS weill But surpoae th~t T shoUld tell yuu lhut J tlllce lovetl ullother thun
.t QTHoa 07 ' TlfE
Chapter I 'LENUIG S HOTEt In the year 1786, ... also, pru~r Ind sub ,'equent to Ih"t lime, Ulero wall hOlellltuoted III one or Ihe Ie.. frequented atreets ilf PilUlUurr. thea tbe llirgeit town wellt o( Ihe rpountallll, and kflpt by one Flem Inl whebee It denved Ihe name of • FlemIng a Hotel' Till. house. a .m.1I one aDd Indltrer..ntly (urlll.hed, WU 0 favorlle re.ort or the Iudian. bo vlliled lbe tow n on trlldin, expedlt\onl Fleming l.ad two dauiht"r., IVho po..".sed cODslderable per.0nlll altracllone, IInll that prldo of • Vlln womlln-braut~ HIStory duel not, to the be'lOC our knowledge, glVe ua the first name. of 1he two IJlrla, alld we wll \ dis tlllgtllih Ihem 18 Eliza and Sarah U1\ fortunlltely for these young femalea. they IIl1d eVl'r \)eeu lIurrounded by ullfllvoroble clrcum~lunees Bnd eXI'08edte th~vlcel of bod a180010110nl, lind thot I leo dl8erlml11a tlon between pr.opraely and puhtenes8 w b Icb II Il nalural charDcteTistie of the modest womon, had become 80mewhBt obh teroted. Bnd tho hold wlllch vlrlue ever h .. uy nature ID the heu rt elf the gentler • ex, bad been domewhat looaened Jn Ihort, tit. voung MII.oea FJ .. mltJg lolled ot all tlmoa to ubserve tltot degree of proprl ely \\ IlIrh .Jlouhl ever Cllofuclerlze the pu(e '" hoort, Ind were, lIy many accused uf Immutahly How (ur till. DCcUlalton Will true \\ e Ihollnol attempt 10 sIy,lIut duublle.. there YOeto not wUlltJOg IlIllny ton,,'Ue8 10 epr'-'ad slunderous re purts
, TllPh r would care 1101111 Ig for it ' 'Nut .1 II 1l!1't an hlcurll\)le 1\ ound lit • Dill Il" , JL ilid' , , My Gu)! HOlv IllIvp I been dCI elvcd ' , DUll t Le alorllled my d. ~r, 1,'0 W VUIIU w,. nol III Ih~ hpurt-Il wad In prtde ' • Huwl" "I \\ull not troubled at heort. but II. girl I f~lIcleU guve Ine llJorttll I \Vtluld be revPlJge~I' • HIlW 80 1 W/WI I~ tl11U DU1I't love, unchw.ab-l'evenlIe1 Revlln,;rn lor w 1I1t)And 1I.lIt dllrk Jrown. whllt m~una all lluH I" , Bo cnlm, YO\l IIro f%Cilted you reor nl)' truth, lind where thefe III no confidence, love 80011 t1epll~tI I con SOOI\ eXl'llIlD all 10 my yoong duya I fell In love wilh tI beautl rul girl of nly own ago, but soon Icarned lholthe Wllft lIot vlrtuou8,lllld With tillS k DOW ledge Illy Iuve eh.lllted Inlo de sire A, ~he leut retllrn for n y love, LO gOIll which ehe b~d ,ecoufse to 1111 the w lea lind blandlahmenll 0/ a coquf'tle. I vished to p088eRS ber for a time. but she spurned llIe from her preso/lce 811 ehe 1V0uiU a dogl Ffum that hour I huve IWDre to hllve my revenge Ilnd go," my pOint My hDur has now CuDle, lind I cun IceompliAh my ollth, prOVided J 1m eecure of one llllng , "And wltll:t la that I' "Yeur co operlltlon " "lIIe Old III Bucb a schemel" "Why not''' , Why 110/1 Sholl I turn tho enemy at m,. lex? and aid In the deslrucllon of OliO \\ ho has never Injured mel" She hal IUJured yuu " , In whut IVmy , tt "By d~SIT9YlI\g, in II good dearree, my eonfidence III Ihe 10)( Hud Ihut couli donce been unshoken, you Ivuuld long ere rlll8 llme hllv(' been In} \\ Ire hut hOI\ could 1 trull my IIl,pplDeaa Wllh ,,01\1111 "hen Wolltun hoil proved Ireocheroll8 1 I hnd been onco deceived und dIstrust hud la ken the placo of fallh when I met ~uu J feored to place my oilitretnevobly IJJvour hond~, Wllhout Ibe IImplesl aS8urllnce thnt I should not be betrayed all"O You know the reBul1 N ow ~ell me, ha- not tlII8 girl IllIurl'd you deeplyl ,
It may be 80
Out why not lel her go' \Vlmt good cun It do to purs ue her with venlleallce I Perhap8 Mho hU8 repenled Hliw Wicked, Ihen, to d~ltroy her pence of m,nd' Drenrn not that .och .. mbe 'vll1 ever repent nUL to satisfy YOI\ all thla POlDt, t oan !BY , 1 A'7lo!P Ihe has 110/ drangexJ from what I MICQ.f alld Ill8th,a knowletlge thot, above all !lunge urgea me Oilln my ploos' , 'Nell whal do VOU wlah me to dot ' ,L I II I I 18 en .8VO JluRt cllrne.) that thiS glt 10 CO'Illpaoy WIt. h er fllmlly, w.1l be III lawn to dav. aD tbelr \~ ay to Olno or Kentucky and put up lit Ihll housc NolY I "1811 you to 10 place the young I~ dy, that I call IIllYe acce.~ to Iter .Ioeplllg opartrn nl, tIll. 18 all" 'r cannol do It "
, Wh I mr oo rou t ' Thnt I wlJI 0111'1 murr} ynll on tlOII y ou \~ III uccrde to Illy preeellt dlllOll ' MUln YOIl nol told me lime and agllill lhut y ou looked upon me 08 your Wile by the hl ~hc8t tlf nil lulVs the luw~ 01 Iluturc u.ld oC G...d1 How lhe ll cun you Lulk ul nol !lllIklng me legull y yuuril III tb" "Iglh 01 rnru 1 , If ~\lll WIll do liS J C<lme be kllid bo gen \10 lind loy IIIg 08 you ov('r hoyo beell, and IVA Will SQon be COlllplllle Iy hnppy by IIcknulVll.'dgmg our love bl!lure men, Ht lila ~Itar " 0 tl'Ulpll'r lIotray me • fillS ugulII
I will. J tell
ijh In the pre8ent lustOlteO
II~ I'"
Ihe taWil, Willi II .. jlllli dOllleolle a •• oe\ljIIfnl! 81 EOLtS HOy~, "'1'ho be.t \ egeto Ilon8 Illldu~ dl~lIll tne"lofchl8lCI hurflcd blf.' pilllhul hu beell In~ellied 18 the ap lid Ihllughllee~ 1110 IInti reBtricted oburl tlca' pIe dllll~lllIg For dcslroYlllg a (nawlll\: ot the stomach It I, the only pili tu lie reI here Q ijtrong ml)rol InI1U!)nCII In Ihe I d Ie on nure Hlr 01 tlte C()Ulllty, in the mllsle of IInmmlng IlIscct S. I Ie vcruul harplllg 01 A JerseYOIoII give" the follulVlDj! advice lIlewls tho live long car... hna or number 10 gardenera - ' To cure hena frolP ,orateh les~ IIlrd, Ihe ehOlll of dunclIIg ClIIC4dt!8 IIIg up your gar.)ISJI bed., you cut theIr IIld lhe roor or torrenta, and III lh" prus d 'IIIty ecrenchers "IT JU~1 beh!w theIr peat of waving 6eld .. uf grulIl, rar strelcb hellda ' lug ililenals plumed wllh I he flche.t ver dure, rulh"g prUltle8 lokes sleoplng In lhe An extravqgllllt man, h IVIlIg bUilt a sun alld lIIountOln8 npmng to HCllven To CUHtly manllOll, ,emu'l'ketl to " friend 08 1'.. re811~ O II, '. , thc!le influencea the Inhabitants of tbe elly he was movlog Into It 'NolY everytlllog atu atr8nll'.,r~, and eyer must bl', until thqlr IV III go 011 IIko elock work" abodQ, like tile Dlillellllll :1eruslllem III Jlor A gentleman met anolher III Irayed by Z~cherluh shAll bo callell I 'CIIy or trulh,' a"d Ita &ullchlied .tree!Jj'shali \\ ho wa¥ iIJ of CODlumptlon, allcI,IBled 111m ~e (ull a ! I'YI Ind girls plnyJbg In UIII thue • Ah, my friend,J'ou lllalk$IOtD 1/ 'Yos," stree\s thereuf ' j C replied Ihe min, bl\t I lUI ~l1Ig frut .. 6uftulo ~1.jfClh 1852 (lturul N
'You have your chOice I Will n SUI'r Inllrry yeu I[ you r9fusc my pr('sent ollor, !l E ~ en' Whose thell wLlI btl Ibe ,hllme! Which will you be, an honorable wl!e or a dC:8111ded dlfe IMt' YOllr de8tlny la Iii vuur qlVll hond. IIlllke you~ el~otlun " Order and Ca.re in Little Thlnga o G\ld J alII In your pOlVer'" Smull IlIclden 18 $Umotlmds leod todlsa. 1 rh c lI you COile/ill I I ' troull cuneequePl es HIIIV ell8enlllllly 1m 'DUL whlit u •• ufunce Iallve J thlll till!! portunt, then IS it Ihot Wf ehuuld oullIvllte pr... mlap \\ Iii IIlJlke me your wlfel H avc Ihe htlblt of order-uf putting III pillce eve y till lIot pro"\I~ed tIle BAme thlllg scoree vi rytlllllg titul we find out or plut,le ParenUl tllnc" \I' work agal\18l lhld ullwllole!lome prill q lIre nny fOf'" of obhgllll pn, 0011 1 elplc by ellllle tllne repl"cillg arliolell 0 WIll give Il, 1t8 I mOlln who,t I IDY, mllke fiJrntlure vI dre8~, &. willch Qfll carole.o V"IIl' own cOlldlllon' ' Iy lel\ where they ore u.c~ by lhelf chi! (J Ive mil n wrlhe prom Iso ' (Iren, Inalead of burlllg a jllace for Jic gU¥t' \ \, .... be dlctalet/'t tlllllg and or rlg(dJy requIring ..ver,Ytll J 'Ioroby pr9mlile to IIllirry Ehza Flem 10 be ~!I1111 Ils pllaces \~heo no lollger Il1g Wllhln one mpnlh frUII! thiS twel fth quared R daJ of April 17~6 Thle prollllse I must A servant drOfts the broom Just where 60lemnlv g ve, caJilng on He~vell to her InboTs With II laoppen \0 elld-wltluJI ness It lIodll I foil III Ita pel'Ior'OlulnCO,,1 t~e next hour lhe hlllldle II.tumbled over IIllly the CUI'\IC uf Gud rest upon my eoul "nt! broken In tillS world and In tbe world to come A child neglects to place hi. book LoUlll DUltAI!T" where it may be fouDd-a.n hour', hunt I, , TIlut will do .' .he IlIld the c\lnsequence and a leB.on ~rb,pI I. i And I nlsv depend on you'" 10Bt A Bun leaves his bootlaod boot Jock Bilt mind III comp~ny In tho middle or till, room to , Yea I um nQ longt:r 'ree all must bjl tlulle qUietly, and kept a pro Ihe annoyanoe of the whole houlebold, to (\lund leorel " be removed \ln~ Flroporly placed lIy .ome , LeilVe tMt til me r will be reaponal one whOle time ILlld Dttllntion he has no ble lor {he reault ' clml\U upon The rarmer "'nel hll6 plow ~I'hus wlla • net woven (or an unsuspect ID the field wh4lr4' lie has 10lt uRed 'I, ell 109 vlcllm Who Wal ahe, Dnd wlaat tbe poaed to tho wealher, .nd when he next C~U8e ror thl. IIl1re'entlng aDd revengeful wonla I~ All boul la loatln huntlDg 11. and feel ng 011 tbe parI o~ Dura 1 Time probnbly anolher III removing the ru.t and II\U8t ahow fcnderln/l It lit tor ule A II IhlS III the re 1'0 DB COll'rlllUEIl ault of thu want ()I 0 hllie care If', givllI .. the rlllhi dlreclloll II early Me The h~ bll of order and Cdr" In httle \llIogn i8 a AGRICUL TURAL. easily acquired ~s 18 the opPollte h'lblt 01 ~Iuvenly neglect 1II0l'al Advantages of Rural Life Next 10 ImporlanCIl to habits ororiler. Ie People rceldlllg III sparRO 6ettlemellt~ tu lee thRl everythlllg II In urder II ~ uur ore nOI III nil C88e_, IIwure or tbp lupllrlur bllr~ nfC broken or a gatt! olf Itsillngoll. do ndvnlllnges /lIorally, o~er the denlzena ul III t nt'gle~t to put Ihem In order untIl IIIl' the city While ~egrettlng lhul thpy Otl coul!! II ve d\ etruYl'd a crOll of gr. In, Ir a deprived u( some 01 tile Ilterary prlvileglJ~ hoo \Vantd 11 ,""ndle an lilt/! 0 helve, or If a ellJ 'yed by 11111 'atter ppople thoy ' should Hcythe nerds vrindlng do nut fall to not rorget 1~lIt, as 011 olfdetto thiS theyea Ihem oR' U I111 1 Lh., bouryou dealre to use cnpe ~Ome 01 Ihe evil .. unIversally prevu them It III a curloua f~, t Ihal hundred. lelll In Inrge tOWll8 and are QIherlVlso dl livre were 10lt In the Eteamllr 'Dlrken I .. I I reel y 81 .. IIgh Y luvored hfl8d beellu e 11 piUldle box boat could not '] he ~ul'erlUr mural ndvanlage. of co un be unrn~l!)nd Ind the reasoll why th 9 wee try poupl" over o\ht,., IS seon III th4' Ihllt the Iron pin ~hleh Jleld the Iron Itmp Ilrtil pillco I~om the faet thut tlley or (aslel Ing kflpl down to Its place, was 10 are lutlilly exempt from the InfiuellC4' bndly rURled that It eOlll~ nol be drawn out o( cerlaln vlelo'!, ell.rltClerS, colDmon In~ Had Ihll (8Ilellllil. lind tble pIP been 01 oonfined 10 populous thoroughrarea Ru gaivalllzed Iron, the lIccldent would not ral a<illlechire daea not embrnce tbe sub hue happpned Indel1d, If once or tlVlce lerranee" am loon Ihe Lllhmrd ureade the on the vOY'[le Borne one had gl\len the
a ..
In early yent. or womallhoud Ehn hnd buWllfIg ulley und the tbeatrea, hence Ihl' 1l1.l.'n her nlf.letlOns 10 line whu Huughll er in ll'8t!'ra ~lDd pillars of euch edtficeti - l u\e under Ihe' Il'Ulse uf 0 I!ellll ll\on Clllllblors,collnler(f\lter8, burf{lnr., a1ll1 har fu rLune II ll l! pruH'd to lie \I ha~ 8uch lOla -lire al best -or rllthel the wopatcharaotNt' hili e 011011 "crore lind IllOe.. butlemporory 10J,ourner. n thinly IOU led becll-a Jlbertioe, \\ hoee only mOlJve In dl&ll'lCUl They could 110 more thrive there .celllni t o \ In her coofidence lind young thoo lI~hel COilld perrorm ID overlaad e1fectJ01l1 \l U 10 irall'y bll helhell pll6 Journey (rom 0110 ocean to 'potber til IIOUI In Iho tom oj virlue ond II good ellher clie-ille ca,e of tho fie Illy Icquatic n me Under Ibe uloaLs... lemn R8 uroneo. or the acal\er rJlllmmal-lbe IInlmlll wOllld or deep tbl hllg unolt!'roll le Juve for her, be out of Ua natlye elemf'lnl aDd would (all t tl.e mpt. at re8ptrilion and the mo t 10 1 Illn prORll se. of marrlog tn I S II • aD enrly day, "llIela Ir he flliled to pilr In lhe .econd place. tile moral pOliti on tarm, the dlreAt tnmledietlolll ot Heaven, o(country people II prflferable to that of .lId the mos t a\ ful cuue lVeTe c.1I d olhen, {rom Ib&l ract thaI Ihe temptaboal down IlpOn lu. own \lnd, even to the eter to eome or thOle vlcea w\tlcb.re prlctlced n.1 ovnMlmin, 01 Ill. eoulm tbe flllme. a more or lela In .U pl.cel. are milch ".1" pet'd,thlll. be uccel!ded io h ilt de Iltll V,r cr III rural than UI clvJC~ commUDlliel tue a. overCOUle, .ud the JI'III el of Jluol 'lou can, r will take number Ii (or the D h rtm I Opl Ire Delther 10 nwneroUII or 10 --.!!L!!!P.I'1~.d Irom the beert of anolh"r of lugl.l pOl her In 17 and illl II. J uk I pudllTllued up and temptiag. on tb. do'r....' ••auaht rt V.ln ere the t Ir. 01 am .lIre lbl. 18 ell1l1 dolle" IIIlla of .... lcul ture,.1 UDder the lJ'e of .... .-petataDt Ilrl to IndllCtl I perf'orm.lIC4> A ad thul brUIt .bout m, own abam. colDlllf!ree ProflDI" lOUD.. 1Il0le revol. . - - 10 IOIeaaDfy mAIle, f.... IlltI hft dilhoDOfI &1o" tIDIht, die •..,. of the open Illy,' I ud III . . . tho yOWl of the "I wll 1011 .......had, dlehoaoncJ; t1traucb wbieb GoI . . . . to be Iooklll, ,1911 . .,.; \ut be coallbued to IIlIIto tbe. . .nd InNIII of brhI...........ft _D, t .............. of trde, tbe 1D1a'*1, ..., hope, t lim ..II, JOII tl" 1\ • . . , (ore",," p.t ... balllltallDlar YOIc~ or the III.
ii ('ow, '~~~~~~~Mi~~r;~~~~r.;:7' t1IIlICIIlllti o(gr/lIP, aJld putgr,een . Illectoclea on her, she will be 10 convlbOed thai 8he IS ealln" IIr... , that Ifr." buttrr cqn be mode (rum the milk PROO' OF PSYCHOllooY-1.ke
whelher he wo. In lovor of tile MlI~ne qllor Law. rephed parlly-l go Cor lhe JIquor-bollng the III\\< '
, A soo of Enn caut,,)ns the pubho aaam8t harbor-lnaror tru.lhllJ bl. wIfe PilI: gy on hl~ IlCCOU lit, I. be I. not olorrlell 10
her A man wbo will very neof IIlgbted, beIng about to IiJ!ht a duel, mlilled Ihat be Bhoul~ Itan.lslx plI.cea nearer 1\11 lutlgo Dllt than the olber dll~ 111m, Gnd thClt were to fire Ilt Ibo lOme time ThIll Sheridan B 'e1l\IIIJ a fat mon, who gomg (o figM a tMn one, IhDt Ihe IIller'. /111m IIg ure alight to be chalked on the otl.er'lI purtly peUlln. and If the bullilt hit him outlilaC orlbe Illuk It w •• to go for nothIIIIl ------~--------I ~
luvem!l 11I,I Sbllld til Ilia IIYKI ~pOllle, who WI' Bever. I ) f'ar~ bls JUlllor. "hdt do you "'I Itl movl\lg III to Ihe wdtl' 0, 1/11 dehghted with Ihe deB Yvu recullect when M,orglll moved 9ut there, he wns 18 pour I" we Ire, and he died m three year., wurlh a hundred thou soud dUllar. L Oll'G 31ETIUI: -Al I cnmp moollllg nut lon, ~go, to Lhe .tlte 01 :abme, the lellder 01 tho 8 nlftog IIndlna tlial hi. cone lulling ~ord WIS Juob •• Id lhat h" h. d nol "ylla btes pn!llll(h Lo fill the mualC IIdequolely, ended Ibua J •• a-aJ It'-'II .-(01 de rull dle-eJb 'Wife,' snld a tyrrnbnlcil bueband one mtirUlng 10 hil abuled connun. 'I ,vlilh you would make me a pair of lalle bo.... ms' 'Ilhuuld think, replied Ihe, 'tba, one bosum I I lalae .a youre II, wuuld bo lum elent '
Another Ohange.
'Well I don'& know but J tould, motller, A Poor lrllhmln, pUllDlrlhro". YIU'III IIW. crowd or ~!OpJe IpprolCbi"l, wblcb If J 'lIDd UII.' mlde blm InqD1111 .bl' WI' tbe mltter, I A YOUD, .d1,reeentl,lIIurledtO.rv. 'A m.n ie felflg to be burled" "Oh''' .... iDer, one dl, yieltied &he cow bOllllel, p h ectbe,".'1 lltolllO'" that,t; we MI".... th. . l.terroca.... bet DlUIr .... "!I tbelD ID oar the " b" M." whlela .,.-. cow. 'ria•• In ap towawho II" th.t daat Ii ................., If ac.rt-w1JeeI __ leUow. .u.ahed .., A wltlT . . . .JOI'. . . . . .... It, It'.. 0IIlU . . Jaw ...... wahl'"
The lu6lerlber. through thla medium, would attrlt.lunce to b\1 old Irlelldl Ind Ibe IHlolic generally Ihat hp baa agam re»ulIed hil bu.,nel8 01 Saddle Inll .laro_ llIukmg In this ploce, .t the .tand larmerIy of-cupled by rl'hnl Smith' J InlflDd Iteeplnll Ob band 10 . . .c.rtmeat 01 SIddle. a d H.,nelll of III klndl, .nd will nllike to order .n) Iban" III OUt line Tb6lO \\I~r.mg tv putchlile artIcles .,1 our hne of trode Will do well to CAll Ind examine mT Btock belore purchull1g elee.where, I I I Intend to sell (or Imall proll~ IIId qUIck leturnl • So 'loDle Ind llee, before you buy. The Btock J hlfe on h.nd. ~nd if you Rnd we cull'l api, Then try .ome otlier Itlnd »y obJett III to 1811 loll', Tbe qUllity II rood, "I lin) .hup withIn the town, Or lurroundlnlir nellirhborhoocl L LASSWARE.-l ban lutl r"","ved I ASAHEL CHAND ER l&fl e 810ck of G1l111w8re of a\l klnd. 11 W.yne"iIle, Jln 16tb,18611 reduCdIlJ rlella-lOme ver,. prettY.lyl.. (;all aDd lee Ihem W F PARSHALL. epr2 Lebllnon Ohl!t,
S al~ a youar (ellow, andlgnlntly, when called a bol1"i>on t oall me a boy, J ve boot a comtlng or 011, the boat wOllld not chewed tobacco and drunk whllkey thele tbree yeuI" have rualed, ~ntll many human belnga mIght bue beEtlI Illved from I watAry J.so ALL klndlof hquors for 1~le by lhe Why I, a yannII' man bUIgln, hll Iweetquarl or gil lion by J If DARNIiAKT. grove helrt hke In epicure who pl!rmile bl. wine ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!~~~~ to Ilik Iway' Becauae he i, wllatin, J W· KEYS, JUSTICE OF 'IIlE PUCE FA C T 8 AND FAN C I E 8 what be love. -Tbe luthor of tlau. w.. AND .NOTARV PUBJ Jc: .ent Co the Penltllntilry on Tburaclay on the Well Iide MalD Ilr""t, S .djl~IDiDlr the Cabinet Sbop, up Itill., UDLIIIIE -A 'J:'urklab paper " y - " A Dobb. 11,1 tb.t tbe lI",t time 'lrlrll" .. lynelVlIle, Ohio 6-t(. aOllldonlmatlog rOlebulb l bud and blooom led hIm, be lelt II Irbe WI...bdlo, dowa Ylel lng, In the h"ppy Imperl~1 ROle Gar- I rttnbow Wltb Yankee Doodle 10 .lIcb ~n TUBs, &c., ~r .a1e b~ U W.L H 1 'OM den, b•• nblblled II"n. of venelltion ,r bind ' • • - . AS Tbll, In plaiD Enrllih P1'Dl8, mean. th.t UST REOElVED aad ~o. --'e ~ .._. U tbe Sultan 1a abllut to be bJeaed with I ... '" ....... aortment 01 ",Ia..dard SchuoJ. Ball • 'BI1l1~ my boy, caD'C YOII lit s lmle baby J ROGEIIS tk BON moret'
A PerRon bemg asked the other d.y
-T DZ.. AL
~ ~
~SW AltE-a fin. ~rlmenl jUllr. eelved aL A l.LEN 4t; EV ANIJ. --2elden ~al1 AJlr:l12~, J8~2
PDOTEC1 t'Ol/RPKOPERTYl 'l'HE WurUJI JUaaava llilllll&JI Co.,.· .J I'fl' have 0,.0 of lbe mOIl Iiber.1 chtr1f~ of ant luuller CGrjJOtlUOb In UI.l1nllOillltaltl
and IlI'eJIWpI/'IIIf &0 iDlUrt PfOllIrlY 01 WO mOlt "ID~I Ifrlll' 1'lie pI,1I 01 thelr operlUonl .. _ t eUt lent. PropOottylldl l ' IWd into four c1 .... callad lJoloa., '118 The Farmer. UnIOll, Viii. Un!oa~ MUll' (acturel. Dl!1On Sae8lllt UnIon t;aett Ullloll 18 IMIparale and dialinc!, end InIU", I. ~ and no olber Til. propriel, IJItI JatllCill 01 locb • ID'Il.;on _ biJ _n at I ,IUlCill 11 II 001 rlabllill' • Farmer or ViII •• , &0 p" hl&1l teln lOr the beneft' of thOle wliil III.. ~ at pill rilk IPd daia U\luau.. .. 1\UdId \If the arranpmelll .boYe 1' !ae _ fJ'I! II.,.,·
TALBERT .. WILLARD AYE rel1iowlICl their oltice Iud r...dIDClIo ~1:::=&.partJaul'? ~~~~aUotel~~~ Streelloal dtMtr South of tJte N.w IDlrda 6t11 I '~'"I&oa. 0 110. n-tI. I_ WaYDee"me, _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- -
ec T
h~lId I;t'r~.:
fl. G f N A L . 'P 0 E TRY.
4, 185!.
pul y'lur III yi,ur'. trt'mbl_ lIy bUI Ihtlir 8111l1"e prumide 10 reluru. Y"I melll 1.11 trut> pulitelle... We C.Il11ut help led uut pI the IrAp, Anti found himself f:u n. (.nd Ibinl. ,) 81,d Iry "I. luck. A,n sbori YGUlh dreased In Ihe e.;reme ur ru hher'.due. cwt. lIet lip. wuve; It I. YOllr Ihal pruml." WI. ntoY"r bruken; and lJatl thGull1a perft>r.1 Wf' imllglne ou;"el\·.A "lIlill III lhe Itreel. where he cuuld 1I0tleli allemivl' gume ketlper. pruffered 'Ii, lIerv. Ibn, 5tundiog befure tlu, cOlloter Imu\IOl '0 CAUIE. "ume. . luwe .Iem heHrll bore hi/ll. i. ulle UI 10 rdnloider vur /tumble .elf Ihe 111I'nll' uf a IIvr,wbere to retrace hi. IIPp'. .ie.1 81 attl'ndlnt. whic h peremptorily a cigar,)' T • . '0 ...tron,.' .h, ..y., 'Gud will help the IIIll11t tou!lllh,g ilicidllllll uf hi • . CMrl'l'r, whiAper, aud thu pilin ' wrogling ill •• declined. determined that his IVallt of tilli" lKCIPIEKT MAft-You 1I\lt I moat wamu 1'08 Tits MIAIII YlllTOl, y<-u·. · . ,A. a purlilin leider, Marlun hud flO uur wounded aell-Iuvr a thorn which A Bucce'a don of lItillortune.. . not he lDud Ul hp luhjer.t uf re l"urk dlalinclly. wi'I" y" u 10 ' imderlltanil, Elnrn •• In' >M, 'L<llltaA esITWUOJ), She barder your hand-'lIelieu!' l'quMI. 'Olle C&Allot puint ullt. defect In 0· laler will IIi nil; 'thl,! 1\ merchlill til tloia cily. I few in 't he . prvant'. 10011. Th'e rl'ault of lola Ihe: propuft.• 1 , haire 0..48 ia .eot!rtl, A long brel\th-allutber; yuu ire alulle hllll. oor I!IIlfiell ·• liliglul,!uud qualty which alld prove a thurn tu Whidpt'riu, laO, purchll8pd I cuuntry re,ldt-lIct', .ume Irump IIlight be "ullcipated •• 1It1 he (oun hUllurublr. alld ( have'e th'lr. bradit, aud '\L'III~I. thy haUt, be lfUliblec!;" lit "iain .. Nu lear. nuw; poor man ')OU C.II- I,e ,did IIUt pv... :fu .lllerple". tlrelpla in the prl'Unce'ofltruligen Ilitl,oltt "am" milel fr\lm 'the .city and uln!lved rtlturll llli I,ulncwurd without evell una III hUlleMt . 'T,l,a !lood, ph\It.~lIb, . I To bear u. "nw.l·d. tell 'me t~oulb, nut find Ihem. villiiellce. he addellllll _nd peflt!- cugent opulugy. is, Iherelure, ellllrl!ly out lhene\! with hi l lumlly till .umm"r, '•.1111 II a leather uf a Iruploy. cUII_"lced qf one 0 1 YutllfO LADT-Huw. yltry S~.'I C.fri~: CO! n II IHo . • Ailli" hll'D!I ".rly. There 1'1 smell IIf Yl'r_nce , ,,'hlch never ,deaerted hiol., pru- "f place, .lId uUiht to be .vuided, cu. I plo.act! willa a (lluntry M,., illielldt'd tu reo IWu to wit: that , lile gUll Why hll yuu tittle cilli P8laik Ihat Tillt we ciao. .we 1II. ·of'ljr" vlwlah III tile houf!!. A CUllin I. there; denee ullin.rrl!d by I til nile rue!. Ict.-· whul it may, mllin durillg wlnler ulld Hid 11m. waai. vt'ry Pu<Jr UDI'I!ir Ihat he did lIul you 're tile hundred Ilid Wldi oplrh and they h"ve clolh'ed l.be budy in,decl'lIlgr ove Provuked i"to nu hal te. intu 110 , ••• " . :y of him aelf, wire and Ihrell ullllerdt. udltd U'I'. . young dandy hOi said jUli 1111. lime AI •• ! I foar looofl we bow el"tbe.... lid, Ibe under,.k .... I. lerewlng atiuli. urieilled loy 8UeCl'II, UII' Long Prayer.. . cllildrl'p. Abulllihe II(colld werk after C;:Wdlillg. li ula, in tbe centrA wbill! Ihing. really lurry; but as yuu aet'lD '-nnLb It..: hlllld of wroo •• dtiwn Ihe •• lippill, ruund uo tip toe,- dilcullra"ed by dele.I, be evtry It I. diatre•• inlC 1\1 ".a' l" g. dl'lIitltory thei r arri",I. the youngl'ot cI,Ud was tllkell W88 a pUlld, IIlId uround which had "ather. rellily tl> be I nle. yuung man . 111m aorry ji~1I nOllbl b••rt 1M lfo~Dlad" DII .. hOI len to wlken her! pioUI or hi. purolul'1'1I to take him, and ht! .lId pruyer., TI;ey evilice tillil ' th ...i"k alld dil''' i Ill", o"xl wce-k tho aecolld ed p lurge /1u ... 11 ul ""eeO. dUckd, hUI., &c., fur you, and I'll tell yuu somelhjng. ln cuu. le ~duwn Ib, path uf IIIIm, ~ . H....ka you u,,' .lnW qlllllt\OO aboul tht filll.d In the nlid.t or. hi. loea.- dlcrl6ce Is from a dead h"lIrt. and the child dl.e d, alld tl;!, wil e luy allllolil at thl! he nuliced Ihe furoll er lualliug IIpUIi th .. tidl'l1ce. ' Bl1t Ihrob.. arolCloOlenl WlJ.l. 0001 •• the lo . • criptiull upun Ih. pial;, rullbiog iI P"r .'ulIg lilne tlot only p.triut who ddr .. d lip. ' a re liui' louched with a -live 'rum p' l )llIt of death. The aNvall1 wu senl tu rent:e, .wah:hillg their Il lbol., IIlId hc wllo Y. •• dllr.hllgt ' ll!lIn ofer &ei Alld lilt 0111' !lJ'CIII .,.,ith'leara, ftll ,,:1t!1 hi' CUlt cuff. You luok him· .trtighl whu d.red tu lift the 81ftlldu;d or Ireeiluli! Ibe u( Oud. 'Vheu prayers Are Ihort, the city lor • Ulld while drlwillr wilh de'i,re tu try hill tllI. t I CMI heftr yuu; What I. Itt There'. Arul eoJiIPlII 1/18 1D'&rm~r 10 our II~~ , . "Lil.l•• lu~1i Icp mej"- , In·the eye; yuu IIIGtioo ll' tbtl dOor; you In!tl. nlltive BI.te, he beCAme Ibe object 8/H'C16c.an'd wlrm. WI' latlve eVidence a Ii WII ' uuble I,orel', drove 'gl1in.tll milk cart the reuihered uloj l,?ct. lof Ilill It. eume olle bchlllli YUllder. "JAI nQI dl, "'.an.be lfouble4," nUJ .'peiok. . IIgDlllit which the Brilidb direrted r,,'vl vul h.8"b('glln: it hos ' beuun wher(f Ihe sl.-arb! uf lhe I ,tier pirroil)g ul 11'I,lIiUII , Accllr.!lllg iy Inurehed up. tu Y. L',- (I', ullly hlan • boar Car" .... cad·h bef up bfa hat .• nd,lideeoiJtotcllth- ;forl,. Yet they never lli.blilld"d hid .huuld bt'g ill. ," ; IllIl ' oi' ·chriftlans- tlie hurae uI)d.killillll lillll 1lIl llintly. 0 .. 'U"dg"" whu Ifell,cd quire iiulilf'c:rcllL to Y. M.-On 1y who I . '. IIroke hiB power . . The name e.rih wur8hipflr come. 'to OIeetinll wilh I.he lervunt'd return lot' WIIU(,lIt outtu Ibe l,ie.apllrOHch.llld thu8 tI(codtctl 'liilll: Y. L.:"'ThQt'. t teli ily like 1\ cat. , \',Lel,aot thy h~rI be 'rollbleel(" The man h .. done \York wl'li (or all Mariun ber..me • . "pell,word, with Which lin errand to II;e thrllneuf grace; iUld be ll"rdclI to pick ,,;me cllelrie., whl'n he fell ' My IrIcntl l ,,,hut ahull I g iv" yuu I:om Plurled lo the ruung ,mao wbu OW08 'Why IIIGU"," we ~I.I\ .nl\ ""pI Will AI'~lllerit ·.n4 _1.hiD, tbltl. il I. II nice cullin·.,..a very nice col. tu cOlljure up the republic';II., alld (rightpli pleads It l'urne.tly. being (alII U Iilith lind Irorn Ihe troe lIud broke th igh; o,;d ill pcrlll lSdlvll tu. Lutb bl1rr"l. Illto Ihi.lltoro. Lu~1 AlCII. wOo' lu II~el'l I P.e.your bind over It-Ituw emuoth! thl! turlel, ' Seek'hlg lhe rpcenc. II,. the Huly Ghoat. J I he pra),. lo t: Slip. not expecled Iu ree"v!'r. -'l'he ' gt'lIth' lIInn Ihe ,lIilloll"l thul Ilu ill' ' 11I"IJllent younlT man It I. nOIIGn,! *0.have 10.lri .. .• Gf mlainon.lI. Ir!, lyiJlg "¥MUlP' day by daY.lnd Ilealilll: un bl. plicatealur till.' thillll' he Clllne lor; anll hc ull Ihe recuv{'rv of lola Wi lli a '\Vuil,' lIurt" coun with tbe tr' Qk. ul Irudl'. Illd forml. re.aWilh aarlbl, ""0IIII unlll.at! core.le..ly In • littl. rilt Iluce,r . Hhe fue,like tho plnther, by nill'hl. hi. awift Clllre.I. rur it wilh Hlld lin. cudlly and, a8 he Ihuuj(hl, a wpll bruke 'al tlu knuw, .. rt thvu u\,oudl iv IhUII' luliun in httlc /hind th.1 "e'"will .... ,.r "LeL aot thy bear I be irotlblad," I,/vet mlllilionett. , horaemen clime aDd went liktl 'tbe illvi.i· purtllnate tll'i4lr'" . tbell . he st"p" 0 !rOiling huree, and "'II Iht' IIrat triol, huvi"1! 'Muuh 01 " .hup l)h, enlllllr. /lurchnle any mure cig." o r'. wp. lIe.r Carri_. 'lwUl1ld be bt-.I. .Jt 'II . e'Uvd . tlble y collin ble sir"ke of file, Nu preu.utlulI : could' ·Clm.llon! du )'ou' 'feel lur ' d yillg .illlleri! hid and ren,ulllh'i child in II buggy' ralliciJ ,) mldtllinlol, ullly lII iddli ll,," mllll In cigar .torp.1 IInlll he hA. iUtiertQln. lilt. Carma/I. Ind, all how llr wilt thw It.'II' ulfl' ed If tllt.y Ire mutlled • . re •.II,crn, it ilyuur I.ble; you are a hou.e- e¥cltp& hi. penetratin, rhlllce. IlId · c·a,,- Du you feel f'vr the c·l1u.e·erl hridt! ·fhel.1 wilh him. the h .. rae runaway, kl'eper-I ,mu" ul flmily. , , Clelllml'lIt nil It>curlty .• guinllt hill prav; wn!Htle iu '" pruyer; be.aiei 6 tlto thrune Ullt', aever.. ly injllrillg 101. wile and , 'How 'itr r , Ob, ..y aboul twelll.y yardl.' ' Ay. uf • duw.n dell)' rill.... 1111 .e .. mell lu of gruc"l'; tuke ·llu dt'lliul; IUY with hcub, lind him8elf leriuu.. ly. TheY 'ttll rellluilled 'Wull. ar l/olnk Ibuu nlia.:IoL'1 III"" , A lUcb Scen.''!' ¥ Ihe lIurlle w,ltl be In. ' L'lOk oYer al th,. lbe enr.lil'd~ terrur .trlcken loyaliats; and 'I will nut let'thee 'ell,'ept thuu ' bleod tt leyl' dayd ut Ii rllrlll huult belween ti,e lIull !luiIlY.' . The follow ing r'lela< Ice lie recent'l ee. pinchPd feature.; it 1•• 11 'hat i4 leI! ul . her. wheQ lll ..y dpemrd them.elvee . • nfe.t. he me,' ' W h.1 an l'xtilllple 'we hln' ill )Iud' cily arid their hump, until d'fY were l um. 'H«1f ,Ii Iluinyf PttlHy uad ptlce, b\1w, rurred ill 0118 ol 'our cotlfli or jlJ.Utl'l beAnd ber Np, duo·t. . wee IIlwIIYIl nearl',t. Alld yel not a "ice e •• In: "bruhdml in Hiinhuh, Iii Elijuh. in olenlly tu bp r.muvtod th , . ever•. I·1I .Iv it" twelln I jUllge IIr,d a i1illcb whneN .Irtbe '1' • • • •• • yuur hand» • .minKI. l"ur ' lip •• nur j[r.le BulJifd hi. 'rrrnille clautlcler.' No feroc i. III Ibtl Old T".lalllenl,",III1; all.! III_ whpre they POlY are. The"e 1II1 •. . Allllordirl"ly .the w." ",ay ,rum R "urrdulII: : ~ teella 10Ielll"r. II ,all C:"L1ld ouly t) w.. mingled witll h i. c"urage. and IIV Iy J ..anlt Let tli catch,thl, eplril of pray- allhlppelling 'lII dUllh quick 8UCC·1'8.iulI, are hid .tul\d. with tielibcr. J your native IluIa,,., 11011' ._111 Iba bour of I.a, L crur.hy JiIIluwetl hi' fief!:e Olllletft. Nt'ith. tlr. uod ·we .Illllluut .peud uur brealh III lrul, rl'marlillb'le. Every Intidenl ate lIim, dlllrllut&lld butb bu'rt'I •• Wltneu-( pe nil lIalive.I'. a Duuc:ft<o . . Wh.a /It••l1nbe.... 4,vo ~id ,I .wet I\1.bl; N.rp. . An"lhe, .d .y • . c"m" I. JOne out. er the buburlty of hie ellemie.,. nor the wuill. tiuned i. 81riclly true. Hud Ihe icntlemull IlIICi \,IlIllY lIIure thall he hRII . au. mon • Whea Ib, clr.. ofWlla, ba •• ,aU r .alabe, . The hue \Nept-wl.at lre"uri of hil trienda cuuld pru\'uke hinl alluded tu id well kllUwll in Ihe r.lt.y;o lld • tlcipiu.qd. 'H.I hul' he laugheil, " Jud(lA-what il your mOl'ler tongue' A'ad tlo, InllOD ~.th.. tbe Ctolldl )n her lliltt. , Sh'l', with yuur cheriliaed hetr't hili II) the cianlnr" of hi, OWII - - - - - - - - - - of ourl,-Cjneillna- up the i n" lild. 'fllr • . W ltlleal-O. lioCider ••ya ,.he 'P' ,.11 Irone. " , , , ful)uwel'1l \Vcote unable .to awerYI! 'h)s jUlt M I SC ELL A N.EO U S,_ ~I Comlllorr.iul. ,,1I.'r. ""loll .ccllle(J quit~ ii lldi.lurbed ,by' tIle to nllile. . _. , .' . When ,be Jew~"" of b~.i,n look !lowo! 'An,lllIul, on LIl.. barYe,kbelow; . .,. Will,on h.,. I!le,aant ennlngl at yt/ur fr"",Jlie p.th 01 \lIll!grIIY. Giveu tu . -=0;:;• ••• rUtiLili, 'you diLlu't c)(l'ec.I r .buLltd kill 110 <III 011 Irrit"ted Inl). AId Ibs ,b.: !" ~' ma4* ,. 'belr "'II","I~'I Mme nu",! • ,,' ; cir tho plun- ' 'Aneodote·is.ha.-k', . 'a CPrlsln L<) lIdo" cook!lPylsni 111011).0 , ,ild you)' . . ' .'" . 1r1111ge did ,.iu flrllt ' ll!A nil ',Whllt ' .bade, ' Qo. t,he p_rl,ir'.th.t yuur der, ",d never uaed. Ihe puwer he pOllle,a, ' LIJilkillil uver Ibe ·bhlw'Ir'kd "l the .clloo- that to ul;tllil. IImullf: aOllle I car nt I lly ." 'lIid', hut atill did .you 'peMk in '. 'Oil thl b(Jak of Ib. .t",m wherethuypw. kerper, h.. .made cumrott•.ble with clean cid to ,t'I\.ify I s .. 16.h ·pel.ion. n", (writt'l Ii eorr~~pu. lldent of 110" BCut .. h ncrl here-lIl1d ' lhal is.lh .. Il.I lJ.iilutllln 01 yer kliu\).. ;l'~ tlolfling 10 1. ~r. klllJw, becOJ W ltnu._r1ilid nut .plI!lk Ilny lan¥"lp ~ ~,,,, helrl": Ind Iltl\!b. " .JIfa p.t'riuii.P1 w., pure fludloRy.e hi. I lsDw ont'o( willohl'ul the wurd ··'!"nt.' lor gelitlellllln. h 18 « IlaJ:r't nol",j,ie! · . in de crudle.i I II} I alllt' critll in 1Jo«Ir• . ··Tb.IirP...... ""1 lien fe,..t" b,l.th, F.o kln".lhe Uih\· ~oallll.jI~)'~ ' Bit down In yuur ch.lr; there I. another Illa_factt'r; .nd lor Ind IU'."I ,nIJna\ .. r. windiug ' IDEily backw.nll .ull v.ulguri8m • . ' 'il E""lulld, I,owavt'r. , ' Alter U,e w" ovo!r. Ihe wit gllve W8I a goneill luuela ji". wlotcb the The _ .. of Ibe "irda are,allliu.bl!ClllI repose . velvel cuolhi'nnl'd ulle OYer all& il1dl yuurol- hI.' neither •• nor eXIIe,ett'd remullera· turwurd •.likil. IUlllf miltNr; 8umelitnee rl· Ihe lermtl I're 0I0.t dislioll'live, it leem.. 111m all .extr. 'hull" ror hi. Jury anll HudlenCfl jOllied. Tbe wit, loa•• u.a "M~wlll tuftliti, her III" • You pre.. YU,lIr fiutl. Hie he loyed-bptt. rth"11118 .ill" till hi. lIude dbttlrbeil f, w.itillg.mujd.t II on be, an<\ I five PUI.'llilUule fur hIIllUl"!lIn prlllll- Ilea. w.. inll'no,,,led nu furtb.r bla pyell.II" I' if yuu "iluJd p~p•• Rut .omt!'- lif..,·aud liberty WII 'deftrflr to hl~ ,,!an.ill a Iltldhinjt aouod like a. dLliep bre.IIl rullC! in, .. kcid how milly 'Rl\nt~' lhere were ide n~vl!r to menq 'H. It Inei trfllflinll lhe nllive langtl~go, Jt~ .. calnl I. t1i./Iour of 1\'1" Jiow 10\11,' tha 'l,,", .batloWlI!I~J . thina '\hlL bUrl th" brulll;uur ' bul c.nllot....:: thlllS- el".orlea,lli beeiae. _ W ...1111. rttnk: t,l lrou"l. lhe It" , II) huule. "I'IIr.e e ,elite alld ... •• Wllb O'tr abe del'lW. Ib, .I~ and lIIe.dow. Your bead ,Iell\.' upon 'I hl,,'d ; ..(et,y , 1111 Bunk b"lIea th bill lItut.i u lllell the •• II!I h'lIIna,ra, f., gentlemen. , .. '" "' .. .. tlili hyr.c >, AlIfIa, ~i1~hl ' .....Ub', ~w.,; "yea tfO.t'upon th .. lI''''',na' b,iii.. ...d lop 8el'ml'Cllu ailft It 'n"tlo;,,!!, ,Iur \'Clh:e~",,", tJj'~l1n''' l~lr ,. ,u. uti. A.. W;4IY du'1u!I mIl ~. .lIlII:tlon. B,bUYl , . •• lwlY· c,lmr.ner blflze. but II. Inlere..., H i, lille fl Be'dom Jee.n , we were wilti'hillt liIe lJIulloull. ul tlilll mUll· 1"ld Ill'r inlerr'?rratur.· '0'" .W'IY. Ihe F -\l'IIIy F!ln::r, ulle ()f 'I he !.fterl,., y'ou h'm "or".'.. , 'Wben. ab~ "~u~ic watep"" Ia• .-rd, G" IDto.)~.ur toolll wberll .s he Hi. ollowl'rl were worllty Itn~ my , only hn ·1f gerltlemun .• peupll! frulil 1 1 ,1 ' . br! " , " • Will .iqk. .ol'·',"bim.. .,... aler. Orucq' [a iil.tle hvely 'negro v ' w-/jI.hltl. - ~lId. .. ht uhe ICHJ_:llive.,1 _ \ 1t . " • A. the wa •• lal8 ,1I~ 'nl.rrll)' oaiW~~11 Gur Dlu.in.' are·fr •• '.011 'uur tboll,hu; ,a r. . II1·t-I-lll,I Iy hi'. IlIuvl'd '11,10"; .t do the Ian" ' iliillly . • .the thl! Culluwl11, cqpi't. 1IIelilljtlulI' ur twu.... prim ho .e .• lle , l.'per cU, m eM f.r'PI,-lnl ••• alee) in 'he illlur ,.,. cu.ikJ p ..... 01 whu ClIme' (In hur.ebal·k; ur-'hti1:h pr ... .... till" ., IIndl.,urbell, " . . 0y' hi ••'a /I rl!- b, riC ' k Ill'foI-IIne t1lelr " earrug"') ttn d are. gem Ie· Ilcle. ul\ell 'tu be DlOt w'lb (Iu., .. .. IIft!tr. ' "~ t "y clul ..d .rolllld him with II railll Init it. I! t bru> for vllll.Un, lhe,.... laiv dl 1,IlInat 'la.u~din, 10 AI! ill' ~ilenCi wnd., lion•. "'he" have put new d.lmlty upo· n her e1evotlnn tb.t nclle our .dmir.tiun in Ihe ,tuVl'. wrap it up butily i~ 'urnI.' mell" cle.ty j ' \ • ( ~tb moadl, 810n; IIqUo"'; h"". hull .. .. new curt-In. ,Upull ,clC!im uur luYc. u"l ~r."I.y. . II.' • ,tI Glle time .• !halr,' 111"y , , 18~!I . . • • , c,lu,Ula, •• II lurt tllf di"""lde. Illd THE MUDd. Gl!lIl'tEM",,-Bt.re. theI Ilr('el. b'1'11' b·pullcema., h!'r bPd. ' TIII'1 h'.fe 'remllyed from thl' • •• tticil '0 heav,lt·coverbu.rd. -Till. w.. the ~ M 0 RO U·S·. '" ladll'd ... It Ihey hlld atulen lhe 1111t'd 101m y Ii u .. nil uVl·mllut""Ltlu .. tlin~ h. \·i.11 and .i'v"r bell; the perlum!' A few wor d• to t~e " r i Ittan. Wilt k u t ...r ev.' · mliluto~, lin d tIe t!lItJCI ' wo. '" "'b ' .. lao ninllirum him; take. Ihe ' Inl.lde uf tbe uuuld Dot Ie. hllll mllll.1' READING. ' . walk;lIever weanIIfl. hi. itbat II) Ihe .II. , , ' will not uttend Ih •• ick .c'nlle nil". C/ari.lain du u.. t1judl[e Wa(f tu be we.k·. lrlulllphillt. The A Lover'. iJ:iehap dltt.; Ivhell' heprelK'u~e boivi 'lo u, Ihelll . A Cra.her.
m~rry ~oon"r
d~re He~ake.
th~t cu~1
~'IIII,ejr ~t
. .'1" . e.:-
I.'" ,
P~Ce'I, tie "~l'dinu 81111r~
,l1li .fi~IIler4, ~1I
"~ dhe
~f· ':
mon"erl 'ollo~"d
corrupd~ ' i.~ th~
'0,,-B-I""i":"I:'' ,,' ' I -II-t-I-,a-,':''o~,-u-lli"r"d\l~
of,yuur'II~' , i'WSur'I~B-I"dlmld' ~.J'I
. ~,.,
e~ut~S b~I'f -.
~ ~I:er~."II;I~I~'!~~:p':U:~I~~, hlll ~:.IlI~ti:~:~I:'.:
de.lr~y. cuurllr~.
', Th~rl'
kil.l'"~ ""lherl~11I
. the,cra~lel
pruv ',~ci~I lnn~
~uJtIl~~le. d ili~ or
~~fily. I~.t 'Ib~'
grllulI~ ~nd
~hcrldull ~lill
~~l~r' r~IILiIlIl; t~~
per~Ullri 'Wull,' IlIl~!
th~· liurfllcei~1I11
· th~l(J'
retlre~. dl.gult~d
~he ' I~
hi~ luffl'ring~
. convllle.ce~
p~rti"lllIl ~,·quGlllt.ncl!
k~d. cuu~try
wh~l ·~'ant ~o
~lniullrl'jll~t ~a1;
di.~bur"e Ino\\t!t~lIl.he
trl~ bou~e-{
~eiz,;d ulI . lrre.I~llh'lI .~ill UP'~II 11~
~\lI-cr1. ~r
" r~e .~.upid mou~npfl le.r~:
alou~, lllilil.·f~rvelll,
Buaie . lp~lea
1'b't!y bne hall ope lied Ibe winduw. Ih.t' er, . bt'c8UtOe the II!UIII! uf blallh'i prl'Y; we il ill . t./Cr' • Ilitere.t la •Ahl' •• \d In. eldllr.i, '. pnt; lIllIeiln,' a Ihl' (110m' 8U ~ollar dult>d. ml,. hive .ir....:. "ruwing .!'O!llrPI. Thl. I. ihe CUll ' mit, ~rick, likt: a .It~.h uf liglltlliulr, ttnd 'brie II There \V~.two !:Jul. /ivim· ;.. our town. tl,eln 'vl,i:e lhev 1I&VI"ute the •. trpetl III well-drl'.1Ied functionary . b}1I room. OU I I ' . .. . 't . t II t L Tlo I. k e t tl e urfllee S~I SI"bllin. alld Sui B~llIt; leal corn I~d,.. . . l. IL will IIot be ttlO · c uld • .. Rhe i~ nut tlifre. ·un~or IlhIIVlII¥ ,. , w len I .. 1111 II! :1.1. ~n er. ' ' .' , 1 r ruo ., I • ,nuddy ur. IlIloil)' wellthorf ctln"ldtofl laiin~ '''h, wh.tdl~yu\l.ay yy'iJr nttme w.~l' .1' 'I· . • ··VII.,· ,' Inllrede'of .in. but thtl . IdllltDeP -!Of YOIlI ,,"nuat imml!dialely alld hl~'lunl!uy rnutiu,11i ".1.: ' B,tll,o;t~bb,"" wuuld lift. II blrrel 0' , I 'M'y nlnle.', lilY' the. fu.actiulltlr.,. 'la.' • . IC' k I.. dl'lf prlvlle"ed 'r . .. ..' i A SKZ"'OH.'.OP ••KAlLi . Oll'S' LIPE, Inve lu Chri"l. diat mIke. YUIl' lhlak,IO, . Ihe olrlh .. mUIlIllItVr .. III'der uut u r tl III en d 0 f, a ellf.• Iii q.u . • , to ulter rnp"rtill.• ncl'II tu G"or'" Nilpo ' leon a"teth, ' . & b prlltly Iillil.llUp glrla; II , · "uII a 8pill' ulf'.' . . Tulle heed, 'huu Ihillke.1 ...ut grace at', hi ... "01111'1 beclune torrible; t, he ·' w.te .... UIIO tller j'I' ll ~r, allu., "ur",'II k 'Ille W( SID ~ ,~. Glb I' .. 'I'1i. wlr. o,':t whom Jour III.... brood., I. " . ,' I 'd II ' II dumb and blilld 'lo all w. hu 0111 .IIP"II 'I.io u • . > '. ~ly·l·ec.ua· ,tl'y ~omtort whhd.r.w..\ TI...- "ppeur~d .. if di.turbed Ily I viohmt ""'ill. 't WU ..O at, II Ie ru o,le wlY a. we ft~ • • • d I Id I ' Ih ·fllll ..,. ' N'o\ IieIlUt, r.ain,:: that, no", lbllt 'Tn Murloll rrl'Rent.: D U 'tl1 • I d 'f I tlln II I' ttl • ,i r "."alltry. If the 'ppliclltlt I, over Iwerity '1\ h. return" tit, er y ae"t, WI,. w ' ,i.'"r'p,ted up..' I\, , .. ' . UI'" tIll I' "" intlue.lce of 11.18 eUII cullle. where ttae Hnd the .prlly Wit .driwen . over th. til uri W lui ler.I MI, I ' " Iy I . u " h•• .. . "" Mre d••d.' ,our h.l" belllll a IIrialn,J contr.al.." moot > /i"hl • I kl • e 011 \I' to' bi! uKly; Bccum. 1Itl1lible .lnl'I.," tIIIIU"II"1 ..... - lillie hi ul' th .. army. It I. a eu.rioJUlllct, th,"\Jl' ul it i. fOllnd; .lId Ibe Bclin,. uf ' ,rllrt wh,re we .tuod. ,while the "le~lIlinl body "I~.' ,ete w•• a curia lUI "g, In weill I '-D ea'dl dltl YOIl ,IY deado/I" ,. WC!U 1101 loa; be mure \'iguroUi ill thee when: it..> "llbe fi.1i repealedly bur.'1 Ihrou," Ibe, .00UII" wllh 8ul SleLhin.-thpre III plitlb" the purpyi. h lillvpment 01 WUl'''\'ei.,tl'''' or that She with quidi ' your tllwnl"r "en.rll. II( \btl Ial,heet ,rlde.lll butb Ir· c"mlur'- are '· 'ee·ble. '..rkwueA . ... If writhin"", i. ,h fierca . llid Ibe..,.. I, .,'lIllI' ruund. 11111 '1 .ut IlIg a (l'1!!" whlked Intll one of hi. . . b · 1 alld ~.u1ta to ... h lbll IDI'., 'd urln"·,heRI',ullltiuhl .. War.lI1er. S b II' II 'I 'tb hanlrt'dllletweekl"Jer~e," Ippnt 'UI vII. al "·1 T ke heed thuu dOilt not and t.. rrible duwlI lIeftr s .. 1 al,II 1'/1 be dtlrned iI eye. . 111.\' I I II.te,.. r.a II I •• a er !ler'... lillie. Ihlrl: thy (face dec.• y". when it may b... Ihuught we hl'ard. _brill, bellowanar r.ry. 'didn't kiu h"rl J kn .. w'd what (w •• ttleulli"guverntlr,' ."eerlll all that I. Inn. an YUllr trl.11 .nd yt'UT I.. b .. ''In'II'nu'l,l' pru ' ""rliun 1'0 e\e", .."Iy. HI' ullly thy ll'lIIpletionll·lllcreUI'. tfhe 111111' HI If Indicative uf .nguleh allld r.lCt'. rilillJl, • bUilt . . Sui S. t.. lJIo1h8, . lloe . bludlllld; Ih.. Iy io wuman, bq..1a of hhl ers. . ,'" ee.nlered ,"lIr Il!"oIcllu... They Ire nllt u ''''' , • .HI bl ud I I d It I be I I II driv(" t.lldem, Id d••tb oil mhn julep'j , I id ' ..,111,lot ·only Iheir! b)lt. reD\lr~lbl, tbln:'l"': "lIlp lhat. whea li~latfy balla.tl'd. Ind . I.. · thruugh tbe gurglillg, WHle'r.. · . ~ fury. , u rille rill I ~p In II . r I~ ~; ( II' . k 'd i k I .. -.ow, a. whell ,uu wtlre. nllU m.n, '" 1'vored wILh the wi lid goe .. mouotlll,. at Itll' howevl'r. w .. '!lUn 10 ." l\allr\ w... the be.t rrd crlUer I ever did , .... , .1 chews, es. r n 8 ani .wea,.. ' .J ake ,. your ma.iel' 'armer" , 'prela .nd .uperfitlrll. TI!1'1 h ......n.au,hl Itl. 'Vi •• •• nd uther.tiDle. deeR If laden. and lime Ihe IIIUlld. aWIlY thuught .it w•• 011 up With me. and, TOE MullEt LAJtt.-Plit. ber chlld":n 'Oh.11'1. fuse rate farmer-he WlkeH"., "um"oaINllc atl.llhmen" a \lI • alld In Illd hi. eye eull'lO.o. W'llld t'l d-. may muve witla .• eluw ttlld the aaittlliun 01 tl,e ,ell Rli".eldedl the enuulI.h Il W" , fvr. whell I ubd her l O U t 10 lIur88 lap dill': Ue. ·In ('rup.in'nnl' .. 1.m'/). Thl', clileol IhuII' out' l,nJrl',,1 Ilid poeliG. F.xtrernelY pl"itl In hi. drl'llB, bed lill nuon' we..... p ..... , eoled .hoe. J \ aot , .Iri~.. pafte. til'"Y III til' .laip take mur~ •.llIlrll I".d ,Ivell h;nl8elf UP tu ilie . ,I d".• I. wO,uld go hOllle "'.Illi me . he . alu: . • I. thlt Jllcet' I \0 b 'Ii II k tbellce alld Itill pllitler maa tier., h" aid - : lad y.' d d . I I' her w.lell ,..; ""e. b!'r pl.llu• II Ifrea.,.ur fill •. a" IUC up ""ilM to make Illail. than Wh'.D' il wenl unltble to I'ru,ale BIllill.1 t,he ilpproitch Nil, YIlU lIeedll I trouble yuur.ell nuth· fln pine I • .. . , '\Vhy. he .tll .WiI. bay In d. r.11 .nel . . it,.n,II,eni", n\ltrim'lIt., ,h.,,, • .trlilaer Yeri favurll" , Iy. · RI! ..ervl!d and ,.\ , • I'b I' III. olld (orKe,. ta P"y ,llIlf mlhllPr; cllt. ber Ic . _... . I Ih , . II lie b I..trr. , de'th, aild· thp, wllre curyine hie' bud, ito' n' tft 0111 t. • . . ma e mune, ODCl'-..en n • • pr ". 1fO-1I underh Ih. furcelng ,II" ol the .ilent. be .eldum Ipuke,l'Xcept w ell lnec· But conclude tbat ..... ce II declining in relillin ..ly to lhe beach. ' 'Wl'lI, if you'rll mind 10 ,et Bpunky. ( poor relallun ••• lId ,,'e. tu Clhurth ",h.n ..ell de laldee ub de Clltle dlt dfe for weal ' 111111111 rouf• .l " will 1I0t ltpollure. p18ar,. and tbl'n oxpreued hi. thuu,b • in • . • • I I ' 11 I ahco . . bunnel; turnllh" cold .hulIl· b h d ulc mdta"ey t ice ,. YUII do uut now look Olen In tbe lae. ,. thl na~~t direc~ .I\d .imple IlIn""aglt hll the('•••• , gUte' r can ael I ,a tllu~I~' ~t 'fie ~e~ dl!t t.o i'l'r hu.braud, and 8ire. ~ltb hi~ u , If. an m u " ,. ' u. I' . . I Wbe~ thou II't Dol 10 Wlk,j'ullO dllMv· The AlbflllY Atl.. Il'lI. I eto" of a re.. her hum. S~I O"bll •• III a.:u luna WIl I d I( a bearl lNI\ld "'.11 linllirl, 1 l1,-I. Ir I p'!tU tlrllte. '.1 nner 'IW • Ihlmble. on't /lnow A Clly Mi .. newlt I...tllret a. tIi. wire tolllmlialt, or 1i-II'n, III ··-Iw-a.- errated . 'he mysler, whll'b lal ...ctlolluhre¥f er'eucrolcltmellLa uf ,III on tbee I. furn.- peeUlhll' l:elotl~mQn u( thet city, l. 0u !· I d' i d ir a duruill nl'edle frum I crow-blr: wun. d' 11·· d b, • .... • .... _.. I I 1t ne tl'mll we "n't! that D -"id' lUI w--k 1.1 n".ton. on b.ul··,n....'. 'W c.II,' ..y. l/ap.· un t m n yuu , •u uf I '.rml'r, WI. one .y CI t \lpon Tbere i. h.lrt !kond·.III't .baqrba.1I oth· aruund hi"", and dUllbll ... ......... IIIUC I er y. 1\ 0 U •• derf whltr. puddln,. r:ruw. el" ham .nd nel,hbor ul:lhe prule_iob, la . 8 . h I. Id I ' II ' nd heart ImOle him' when lae but relit lh" lhe pvpnlng' wel,1 tu one i>f lhe deW.' , . "'11" IlrlvlI' u , un" dill'e . all'. pilleun. Ie.. ill k ,,_ r. .ra; "'I,I'cl. be lelt I,,,'ore Ille .• n· olth.. ' Art . pr th_t. 8 ,.1 Stebbin. IlIlrrll'd a rel.ler ..u • Ihe ab.PIU\e of her bu.bllnd••• ed .01' .. 'I Ihl're I. • cummunily lhat 1II01l0poll&· Ibo In u'!nc!" f ",e over. II. tt • r. 'Ii ' 1,1. Ind quI., .whe,n kin 01hilB.ul'. "... {" '.1 I!I d runl Ulad IUtlr Itoe I.. , new. lllbion the luan of hi. plou"I' o!lr .ee na· WI11m thoII Il8er tl . •, w ". be. went un Ihtl mu" , eye ,.rruelil. ,honcl'd onAtO...nodi,r ,,,,heb••tim h,'.. p"rfGrtnllnce. W.lkfnli'.lolli" .in. the 9 ur !uwn. by ., "III nallle 01• .. 1 . '.'Iurl tIme •••' -Ill,' eDtIl! before It lild upen and cJO.ed nai ... ioll,. ",illt"ut .,lIcltl'menl_1 • dd r t to 'PIII! du.l. on Dy,un; odure. Illy f()U1 whu ,rio•• uta yuu would be accomlliudaled •• waa - " .L h b II I t " thea a tlae Illse. uo IUc:J& '"utice 01 the .nare ail:- wltbout pa)ill' much .lIentiun 10 lucal ulle lin e. 0110 ear-JII behi.nd a moultache. and when a.lled lilt' ..J , I b aiouDd ,a"h'Y"r uDjeeta, It .turmect ... ruu. t ': Ill, la" .1 tin ".d 111·nll·o •• 0" eo i. IlIIiI (rum Otic .In I'Ie •• lie wa••"ddenly a.... UE!d 'fwm behind hie, nutillll elar, ,buo,Iot " .he wa. a • . n._ Lhe reply. 'if1fr. "orie W.I on , . , om. j ' ' h .11db ' lrOlllI . IIU nd ' reel wuaec· " ' chilu. "plin 'MUII't .. .1 · h •' -• w ...._. ."Mpi 'lfCln,. c eor· cqal p"--" .-.. miliner drew ull' b .. m to Inother e n . . . by . "'me , unknown perBul' d"xleruu.ly lIIilld 10 t.ke. lelll'r Ib'l cou Id n.1 or "lie 01 her yuulllle.t • , _ L".'u nut.nuw uIOU,II W . . tlll' now It... cnld.r Ihan ic.. tu their dirk ,nd '''lIl'ly flnClmpmflnt.b p.r .uy tew WI' It• I.t! bt'lter ,lode'• I 1 laauw.ladeed, , .k Detty.' hi. plou"ti. bu,,' ,be &deled. evidentl, ...I. H When a tempt.lloll to .In I. dlleo .. red. "nocklll, hi, hat uff. alipllin., I • . r And lIuw IbOll8 plrticular obj.c:&.::-.JI. Betlmeel litterly dellitute 0 padllun: · oj I I • d w I /lulle abuut t Irl'(' GU' to len., 'Iher. I.lhe cart In the ylnl . .. lie Ith I'r re,en._ - Ilor ... -LI·,.l fur 4Ad thou 611desl thl beart .hut up th.t h!.1 head, lelzing upon hi. _rml .nd run- we'u lit r rum • . u Yl''' II ' l..•• l I buut . II V" Tile Newport New ••lyIlhl. l. . ".n.tle-. , -0.. plo--" .I. t ll' ll iii'" fClt , ..l_re I.llln,. po......... Ovalum ypara' ",0 ,,' ~'L w'" a .... Ihouduest'nulpnY'pio.tlt.or nol ,dlh ninghimth",u,hllnllle,ln InlU IlrOOll1 , ,c.u." . ' wht!n •I -e bIC.I. "" I ml' nallLl 11I'. II. dyeame IrulII Ih. cuuotf'lfr. 8lun.-l.b. ' .a ....\. "D'tansi .. ~ PIlr-UfO. JUII! H\I" 10U 8 Iury. IIur Iuveo I I'XCI' t p~ '. oUl'de.ireol . . yUrt I know •• ot ' I' IIt.re I. nu 411n,.rl thlllni ."d .1101, iDdiKu.tlou •• on (urut· ofUlne hundrO'dh ur hUlldred. fPOt I .,,______....._ __ lltuqlti to I.llu luun~, or pow .. r. H• • 10.u.,.. eel .nu d tn . hud. 'our Ii ttl. PUlI_ I ~ e"t to tee • b uwt u' Ih.t cily. li'lt a 'f!W d.ya _,0. to p., • H -, I h bl ' b I bitt-OIio"I" a her· tlr ucr.lI.iolll. re'l:. Here e "Ulpttt lin Il ..,I all II. · ' . • _ .I I vi,it 10 tloalr uld Irquulrlt.nc:u Mr•• ncl B 'n'r. h1.1Id, ·· ..T J.iJo Fjore h_ u" It cr·t.. on your ....-the toi 'cor tela . e, u "... , .. When th. Irl'lllleni' prenilinr mo.t It.rched whh ,r"'lt dellbPntwn, one ,at .100" Hhe ..k"" to FU me q Tb I . t to EIlTIMtlIr.''I'll. ' lid nth. tUfDI!lil ,of .,11. city. It " . mUllr mit • . Even tiMf womea bad nu .. nce 'witb tl' re.l.t tplnptatiun. to .ID. ur to The o ....nt.,-.. w., eool Indl wl/eetl'd. in and ..t dow.n•• nl took I chOir In d Mr•.- - - . e ,1!1I1!'''ln well ep' ilo,luUl Natu ... 10ilh la h... b m' .• t.. JOG 'we... l!One; It wa. p..... lIl .yell on, hilb ••neld h_ mu,etl .mid the r' d d b I It eI Ibe e toplher lhe rveloln, aOlun, Ibl'lr brethern uI t/'H' are 61/ret willi bl_m.,lhe .,00II III 1 bi I' ll ..,..... d ..fK':. rplu- le ..1 ~_.-.. .... I'n il' .... _ I I ".n3 "--...... nd ,"~ pllio , • frolll &h. din yUII were eillioratlnll . .roua II. I • Ulltl (.- 0. 1.In· II InUllfll fGr ain cummillO'd. II"' mora r.. rnll. propllrlicln to tlte he'eleHn r ,10_ H .;.n we ul• Iw, qlll • alle naollillr. rCIUIN on. " • . rlall --iety. bUI hnin, .tald uut tv a ....... 'l ~ b blpcl #,"et tu .nd Ie.. evall"lI.:al I.h.n furalt.rly. ily 01 hi. victim.d. II. ,uun,Illp Olll!PIDted , • 10 them,.od . .id. In vpry I"te hOllr. ,II tbe (IUllly were all ill car_c...J _ .. Ind !luwen.. • ••lIort. lor the clierl.lled ,Gblowot.-When w h0, ~o o, ne are~ t o~. Ih b looked.... "" .... hi,"h the b tl er e 6oof' ,._"' ,,1111 •.• had 811c!l .weet "hell a~llIlpl.bed. Dtitlkln, hi '. "nerar.In d , .L ..." fci b ~., Chart".. I .,... Ihiukin'" .. of the iI"" ~nDIn" . Whell thy he.rt dvtb not proar pt . Mveral· I.. w an p'p w I. ""In" • "oy'. bed .nd. fut laleep wheo ttle, reI urnI'd, . •y_ .. '" Wlf'lII r l . . .0 tbem• dOll't youl' 'the .... d.no .. w.ler-f'ftw,b t'1 It eep .11" 111'" ,.th 111- with Ihlll funvertln ....... 'unuel,. tu bul.. (,,,,od. anti II0t rt'Jlrdlni . " '0dIlIln -I 'I Y .. - otlpm.n ur the h·o Ut. or, courae •• 111. tlllll,. . Thee-!lo.'er..re. dlailelw... 'Itu,, " t 1II... - to --. .L_ w'orP ..... lla. hia - . noe Iwmia,. or rice-with the Illn "hI. Gud. ue to him; rrwrllH I"em. I't pt!lIcl y'''u ,Ie . . ' I'i . '( eee theY'r.. went to bi. lieu_I pllce IIf IIlel'pin" aad whell Iht" .re plhered lad pat Into. •. -~ ,....... -• ~. Whe.a Ihou df'Clineal in ,h, care tl1,ill'- .nd peo w",. Ihu. re'urned .1"". I"d a '.,., _qulntlng lip 0 e, . . h ' . ,1._ -a'!'l~... "Lile '1011 .....t"~ I. tl'Na tor h). .~h.r.llnd 1101 • .,.mpllor hi. '" II Ilk hid dd bliad In on. eye' .huwing lIil frlplld ti,e lord In .nlll er pc;t. with • piece 01,004 rat,.". ....." •~ .,",ellaaer •• piritual IOrt. in blllll tu I She ji.1 flUe Ibilln . "", dumplin'lI I V. I b.tllml' . •• nd . wber. e htl euppo.ed hi. wife "1; b,!t un. fer· DI.k. the be.lt -nliD lb. ".,leI.' .' b_tl.,,,. 10 .L_ "refit •.' tlte1 ••1.... retreat, II. f..tea. bllll~e I, UPOIl our ' ... , I' I roll ' ul'loo h . . . \VII all d I hit .r.seemed ,..Ialned •••• "'" th When thou ptleat but !Jul' .p ntul repl, t e perqullilion. an w . . lun.t,l, tbe hld,. oflhe liou.. hid ,,,ell ,,', - aetoaI &II. \able; Ib" bo" I ..... and iDte....t, .. ith ,SrDUJeIB DO noarl,bment (rom coalmunlon with God, by th. ,obbet. Tbe per.o in ...1 lOOn . . . .. '" m•• hu, up on. t'J'e: .Iae up lIer own bed (bPln,lbe btll une iD, \he A Farmer', wire, io 01 t" 1J Itn'r ••• lb• • u.e, 00 DO' lcDOW "b.t .b.... b . Fur • ou.... renpw day bUlin... uk, lIIaaner. cIollrlctrria4 bl, uol.-itb • .dumpUn· ."d 'e' me b lie It huuIl')' to ht'r lIieljrna Iril'nd•• to ••foUle. . .JId Inlll . . - or her 1.b...rtLlYlbf la I.wle.. tl.l, ilD4 .1II0n, r'OUI D_ ' •• U • I 'Ii,h on Ihe wholedo_nur to kill bi, lhe lal- l·utJi.r. whleh mldl'IN ,"ul it up. CI.I n d Id aal l -- -...a...!-=-li"-- _ ,,1·L LI. bill 'or ,ad boiltlToue ........ he retained III III......... It. v •• 11'. • • I . k tII ' l " 'd t l' .ntl I 'hem In tho 'beet mluncrtllCl cau ,t'llpec' IUn, ·. lad or lis ,ean o/d'W.W.1.a" D• n .... - . . - v. UI n -.proaIi.. or plraon. Blck 'b<Jtb .h", "ilh lI'r with laucb lui ....., elr I· .e¥t'r l·.or • Ullg 10 Infurm their hUIlbaadl Ull Ihelr re- taul:e, .. ld; , 01 ....... bcIJ" fll;l*'lL Hf tao", 1 " delacy of r..Ubf, ..aned t_., :ud IefUo th raeat' n 01.10 ' Bemllrecooyernlll lOme oblluu ubjectlou•• and IIIllua, flUlDe hlill. lleeo n o,e llnee t . tlllll'. lurn. All went qul,,"y to bed. oa" iD thE' ,'He! cln read.f1_ l "f'T1 PI" ef pie,;. ..., ret-fbi. You b_ bl.. III pulllUllylrlue In l"orbll .Or bl.,,, I b.like ~:.-or ~ orcI'o f G '·"" nd tb'e -:";tl01 -I.cie which aeemed 10 Ia e(. k r I" _.. t 01 .L..ticl L_'_ _LJ-", la r-' til' 0 ad tL IIdi . "I ... Ibe " uu. • ,.. -_. . , Til" t i lnorni", ."0 A IhOOllt r ',.ten.... ou t"4! blbl•• tfOpeat ... w..... eal ___• • the ,.. _I, TIMI "laW the Ie",hl", I""" Wu1alartoa. wu 1 O. II fI l&hfal Be .......IIPeed ia _til,," reel tbau Ih••rlUDlt!aL ... lh. part . 'J r. •• e. lhelr Ii ... to fifld titemaelwe. eO ,oue" "1k'II ooiol•• w.ll- bie fat!atr.' _ • 111 aaad _ _d free IFUIIl euatDOD '..:.., ·.r. uf the In&erYIe". lhe baa w erllllOyechad 8cilllebod)'UIIC8lOld • aepitll'l.OF7 I".OUI lucked in the IfIDI or their riyal eomp''''' • Y.. _dill'•• ldcIM tile , . . . . ....... follcnra ................ tin 01 man. hOll ".y the yictllll lu .. e hl_, C8pi.lr.-The neY., bawl.., Ie•• III prl.• I. iun.. Th. Iidlee botll r.lnted, but their '.n4"""'T 111cIcId ..... . . . 011 8111,.,ar- WllbOIatpaJ-wltbeatn-Dthlhopo.ol . 00 TIIIt h.bit 1.lleTw. . . IUUIIIr bodif'll Pllil. "lIb.n w.clHl... tu ......" •• II ..adallaa.: Ionia beiD. 0141 arqa.lotent'ee .ad the . . . . . . ."...... I ridurJ-blUlUtl " . . . . . .'10 W .. ill £",1" ......,•••• A 'certaill " . .Ith, Mlem•• IDritf'CI "'" beatfrie• •U. . . . . ritlnapl.. ....81. ...,......... fAIn ." .... ..... \be ltq&la." IMw4II1 of .... ..~ FOUl ..... .... ..d ......... Alan ., all "'\IIII&Ie& 10 Yltilill•• 4l1l'i., &III 1I/MIoI1", . ........... .........J....... adUllnglKua.......... ......... of rrle_ a..- ... _l(a ...U rull'ctf' bilt. ........ _ _ I at tala ..... IIhfrIdaIa -----.......- I _ • .&. .. iD ... ....,..'" If ......... .L _ _ _L_ r_ III • '-" __.. DO - ....... I0IlIIII ",.. _
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\\ it h 1'\l'iy, bill IjIl'Y heVIl jlot llill lI'ns l mudl ,un of blle.\n()SlI tUGt, IIJId • III 1'Jll 1"lt..." r I, 11'cillll III In, 1 I• • have l,CotlO an bl!.upII'/: bhlll\lll r Ililun hlun~ I\lIt'! VOII( 1")1 t ~1l ftl11l\ln el tWit d) 'l\I1' .ler un~l\ the Ii ,rtln lui 00(1 rIm en i~ In "flCl,tipB to r~dlto\l "I1r$~lf, n$ elliv)t I" Ollt ItlC)xtrtculi{~ COllfl.l!l\OIl Tho ~ 'l~ IQItl' ',1'11 r., to lin \11,1 , or ~lngle W~ r to (clLI' Hit! tnlll\er wDult! he to Ii II lit r4\1 11 Nv\\ onl ~ cll I~M U",I\b II"" \luI Ihe \\ ho i COI)r Tn 10 the lll~l,cst bl~ "flip l ti~h, tt In It~ 1,IOre ll,odt 21 morC! tier, (\ 10 OIVI 11 tit p'rtl(ceed~ • I rulll{ul , II\Q(O hn t ,n n.l gf mmllt!cn III 'l her is not muoh tllll llg I~ tho thea· lllllll\tlgtl , thllli to SCIl un cdll~r 0 1IIf1~led t l< I II c rill, Ilt pre~e l\l, bUIlt 1& cxp~ct d TA& J..\I)I£8 WIIF.... 'I'1l -Thl!\ AlIsUd ~'1 1I1lI1 11'Ihl'I , ~) 1l1 < ~ \ ""IIt~1 tllOl)HlC n nlll , lIall llc ont "ltll\nOlelltll ulpur lhc ~ 11 s nud Ilult\l!or or llll ~ IUtorOijl!l\g Mngazlllo, pub 1l1llko r f ~ nco 10 hUllS If 01l1)~ II Ilh pro I Cltht'~ 1.1 ~9 \J f UlIIU Sllfil Ill, UII'1l1g t'I o 1 by J Blfr,llcK III New Yllrk City, rIOUM~ hl~h Xp rlll19111\1ll1 llllu~ 1 IInl ~\ "01\ 1 1'1.11 :t no W mlllr, wil l /10 more /JO\el / cOnle to hand It JII II goou numb or, pllJ cleri to ll, Qae forms of "porch fQT}p nr . lInd )mlllu m Ihnn lIllIe Cl or Il elilre 1I 1t~ <-._ hilt lit ull log) 10' Illls t\ jlurlu t (l (llll ' ''lHlllthh c,ly Ell Iy 1,1 '~p l"llIliet, OJ THE FUIII O ETOIU.AN -'fhIS 18 the title fI(IUIl'tl w OI.h IS ) ()l mOle IIgulnr 111 llol! 1 .ler l'l ace O pera II mlsll II III be r \I Qll' WAllRE 11 nclY poper Jilt "tHrtlid n Jlrlceton. rl or A~I( lhe l1)lIu ,cr ill tho (nil", til c,l ltUlk rlhcuallcu ft lto \\\ or .. '1"03FRIENDL Y NOTICES IlIfllOIS by antos-kinney snd 8 Clllrko lh~ ."IOf III h, 68111\ctum. I~hy hOll s('s th~ l lro 1'llc " hol l' IIl tc rlor of the bUlldlll Lunll)' Cont08.Kinlicy. thl' prlnolpnl odIlrOI\Olln~ '\'fei nil.! 'usl \~ hen pc"k lng 01 / '5 uow belli r ('oIQCCO falcd, Ilnc.l re1turlllllutl Wed~eBdl\y, Augu st 4, 18-52. My brethren of the PI C S lOoy rl'pt FrO~:New k. Succe81 to tl,e hlln.elf. 1110119, lind ho \I III III 11 1 01t Il IS ill 1\ Et} Ie oC t ho most gor~eolla nlf'f,l lll/i ------~ sllred th1\t thmr ktnil lleS8 by" uy of ," "t'i~I.l tT Itor, I ~ (rom thiB vlclIlII) NEW YC11I:,Suly 3J -Slxt)! four bodlCl prOpTlBtorll Ill8 IIIVllIIlIbio mo e8~y. ho IlIU Kt Ly 0 11 "CltfO 'J'ho pr proc t r, it 'l'hornc,~,n~ :~('11'S RIP'flON 7'EIUr. OF my poper In Ihelr Pllblll)1I1l0118, \y!l\ nol recove.red from tlto wreck of tbaClny I"yo ,neana avoid !Ill ImputlltHlII of OgC\lSIl'l. und Ilo r \13~cd 11.0 clllebrn ll'ti 'l\lr,u 'llll Olsclle '1' IIE lUl~M. "ISI'I'OIl, (or"'oUl1n b~ mo 'file (\lllo\\lng are til' " lhererorc I () U8CS Iho plllfni pronoulle - Lo in 1'Ilullt s to ncCIlJlt fl ll' n g~ge mel1t Rl nll~ CI1P~ 1 r I'1n ), a t or 1\\ ,vulllt'1c' 0110 Ireu rrom two ot Ihe bost pllpers III Ohio. Gomrr'e 4DY'If Dool: for AUgURt hns been rocollnized. Twenty-ollo arc elill • '1'llls ,I pnsslngs1rallS' .lhaL It shoultl be h lK theulre Lola 1'1'111 oppeRr In both 1>UI- j'I<'II .r and fifty COliC' cft.h In adlftnC9, II th o first IS Irom tho \Vo\ileTl\ (10m anti beell recolved. A &lood tluUlber, lind 110 ml8~ iJlg C 'PI I r ~u 1II0n l h~ or pile 911111'" $tvtll\~ 'fllll ~ten.lor Mlsdl8Blppl, Vtlll'lmodorll 1 0 r Icu, ItlllI drnillus hn lI)11n O~c8 t anti elIou.\l nl to spen' A 1110)" nil' IIl er 0 r th I~ Ii I ' 11 ' MUSlCIOIl, pulihshe,1 liy Iloward Durhom Gt nUslU~G. 1 ~ t I v C II • 11\ nWIlIlI 1/1 ft C· 5C. lo Itu In au P lC'rry I ~\lilod (lu8 mol' Ilug ror thu fi~bfr_ onos se lf 111 tllo tlillgulal nlltll~ r, llIIt q\\IIO Cit)' I ~ now ellg~g 'd lIl"OII gl~ ne w P 3,1l, Ift n_ J) tlulls 1 II ' IH f8 I"r 11110 I ar Mount H co hhy . 0/lib, Iho B coud iQ froOl ' 1"8 ' \ ' M"'G'\~llIIl, for !AlIb>'lllt prethe COI,trnr), \I han lUI COIl\ "I ses na lholl~h \\ nttcn expr ~8 1\ lor th o OUnlC91 0/ ",,,II I tlllll~rs 81l11liflY Ct ul(I, 1\1 Olily !:~ II, 8 1 be H arald of Freedo m. W Ilmlugtolll 01110 I '}'lro 8toallle~ Nlugafll ho,~ luat arllved Beuls tg It II IIlImerous readers. a lIch fenat I\e COU91dcrc(1 hllus ulf ntl artn) '£I,e nr· 1.n ntl.rult, " lIu \1 111 be nrllslIccliy !llPllort- II" enl y doll or- All tltlh Hnl"crl r ll" " 11111& I Irom the", rCllk of UI Henry Cia" j brillg. gumcnt ,') " tlll ply sp~nkl\lg ndlclil ol18 - ed ~ th CIV Yorl! Thenlrn. by one hUll h .. P'I j 10\ " ':~lIn~", Qn' I"t n ) 1\IIt! r I),rlllli Hlg nllUI "lIdluOUIlI lcdil'& \-Vera It true, I would ra Lher \)e tiubl~()lco\ ure\1 an d fi fly pI rfo rmvrp. moro thun m:t) Ihh" Olle ) arll l. a , ~~p~t Oil JI 111l'r ll"U Ibl II CUll r""J y(: cl "\JCJnuo \\ 11 c- u.n r{l~ '1'ht) hull Of Lho boot I~ Illlt ~j(I~f'd rot to n Itl t.jOtg(lILEIn, thn n 1\1 tillS evor! still!!. or 1\ hom lire Europenn, III\(I Am er ICUll 8 r.r du e UII.IlI 1M thought !Jill lIuulber or tllt lo'~ IIlId "torlld 1L'<! 1"1/1 \ \ h 11 J hcnr n 'stnrs of Iho nrs t mognttuclo ___. IV III ucectl Olill JIUIl1frllll , m! rlbtur rISe JO the pulpit nll!1 soy. ' 0111 A 'mnrrluge c>; lrnonhnnry' to~)k plnce ' tC !'!l1 of .1d\' crc "'lOll: text 18 t,~ lie fount! In !uc h 0 pl llCC, nnd It'\) hore. ) csterdnl, belng notillug lese thnn lI U Silll r.1 (I I ftlurl uti ! li tlr~ '" I• ., 6lu:.h Luter fron, CUU(ofulll. IIholl moh o II 0 (1)1I0\~I\lltnrrangA!rnenl , [illtl a IlInrrr IIl'O uy 7"nr!l rt \lame of! or Ih n- Ijl ' u( l l~t\ filly C"IIIG, In 10 ",H ' Iollal l ll~ 111"1) AUIlIVAL OF 'l"n,f.l I'ROlll>:11IfE. ,odnlond \0 ua u \m cf n$IS OUr ell tom,' &0 ofllcc of ~h c 'pnl1l It ollslIl. wli ltre \V es- t" 011 Y fl' ~ r 1110 n~ 3~(lnnt'l ~ l )1 Ions U~, T Il1cllil tl~llll:l Ilim If. 1.1)' tho wortl ItIe, Ie) I:l mlt h ]£., ,Alclerman or lliG elo\ Qnlh trDm tl,c.o,rn t~!1 r'Il~ uo til th I~e \11," n Vb~ l1~ij Ngw Yollt, 4uly lin ...-Th" .Ieamer ho 1Il1l~ l) ~ I \lllse lf, nn~ ht h9rsc I P n.u l I' nr I united O !)tl JUG'll A .Darre lril$,of tho U lull Ivell' b) 111 ) ur )'or IlIlIlU')n ~ln~ J n ~1tI ¥ I c~ l\d"lnlCB olle tl6)hlr o8th to h. l'rolllotlrl) U8, f.ront SOli .t~IIII; ol'fl,ed at I WaG a 11'I de l pr(l\chct hll\V W \\ J such Cit} of IhV4l\ah. ,"rou!1h hi! )..lIoT1I'Y oite II' III ~d 'IMII ' , tlll~ pOrt ;o.da,. She fllOO,ooo In lutl""I'''IJ.l SOUI}t1 III III mou th ' l'h o gOR U ltr rC'rn~ . 10 the hd ly bonds 0 1 matr \lll~l1y gold, II.nd""fIO pll~ltel1gerll p~l of Jogn!! Chnst. I"h QrClM, u.: P uul arr I\!lh )I ISS Alln ElI~u ROPI'. 61 the IIY I JOB I·8.1.... '1'ING. The 81~aml!r V.cHlie arrived nt Siln 10ThO !haml Visttor, modo a IPln \d ler We hn\ e foughl n !:ood N cw 'o rl, D un J Olle II Iii, of ~o\l~e. 'I~I) I ",u y UtllOClIlltJIIl1, ."t~~. 'rhe JiM nUllliJ I , ,f Ihe fuulth vl\Jllle 01 "11 del Su~, (rom Sun Frndc\s(\o, all the 11,1 t,IDe hnlo filII led Olt~ cOllrs " bqve the gullullt,' unlil !IliA:! R UJl p ntrll'cs III I' AMI·Il (.l. r , UA:N J),llIl,'LS, tillS vn lup!i)c. IIIIlI very (IIU b llJlllrovcd 1'0 14th m st. kept the f~lth lfe- vonly thoug ht \\ Itlt HU 'Iolluh." hell she " III ue hoddy t'onsfer- D tlSl~"Ii I~S AN l) JI'\1'J INC CAllDS, pllr III en our taulo H I~ pupil 1J1.1I1 ot llu.illeel fit Bao Frlndallo IVI. renerrlly Ilqr$I 1/i th , Ice oll£:llt to do moP' llun:!s ro" tl) thc connubial anre of D on J uan. \'\'olnllsvllle,O IivleflK \VE6t:.1':1'Ii£NtEY, Il L.ul1iI:J , I.ABl':LS, gooll IIIr. Henley 18 n hold. nnd Jellrle~8 udl'oellto eontrary to '109113 of NI\~ur()lh, I Illch nlld tho riles l! so lcmlll~cd ncco rtlH1g lo cxcCUktllllllQoJ "tyl" Qnli Oil .horl lIolice 01 whnt he i:on co!ve~ 10 lio tho truth' H '1'he ,"\DinG IIc",1I Ilf very faYQ,."lt tlllllgs W8 ;\\Iso tlld' Per/'APS It II\lU hl (he lules of the Romull IIlhbl,c hurch. 1 he M.IIPll "1'-llOf OIl,uc, nlHl 011 rCh8onalllo lIolln<1 butt!;lr ill JOhJl'6 tnlllHh I;.et tl9 Eee i\1I1r; lnges by prolty f,,,ql)O nlly occur bc· tcro ll" Nil cicdh UIV~ll for Jblt [' nnlll'/! 'JVe .pe,;e III tho eplflt on tile I....,rtl'. Dnv, tw lleu royn l Jlersdnn~csllI ljuroro. liut lh e 1 IIII.YlDt 'I!)Qrd be!lllld 114 n grullt \ olco, unJ nbove cnll~ I~ probnbly the firllt orllil h~o of CANDIDATES, '" turned 10 soe tlte VOICO thnt s pllko nnto Iho klOlI \\ IlIcl hos ever oocurred III 1I118 1'1' P~ul lind John, however, did IJOt foublry. 10m lIulltorl1.~cl to IInnOllnco Ihe Ilam, of While Olnrrlo"'c I. tl 1 Potses8 refilled enfS, !lnd the/eroro fellilito b n Ie MJH;8, mny ~ d"'ol'l\ D Wrlght,.~" cRndldMu, fI ,r the 01 tbat egotis m. which our Ldicr lasle ellaulcs liS well mention that 'Edwm' F 6re5t COl)' IICO ~ 0 f "Uu ~ 'I tor 0 I ", "II" I I Co untY 11ID, ~ul>U8 to avoll). But seriously. !lfr F.~ltor, 1 tem platos mnrrlQIlO "Ith one of tho ~lt$ Jt!ql 10 \I,e J oCI.lUll oL Ihe Wbig .Nl.!millotinc thlUk lho eld fBshlon tho bellt. I go ler of Pllliudelphlu, (lnd tllllt Mr Nohemlhh £ltcll." rudu(llug nil lhe flarll08 10 thelf orlglllol Dt-ntall, n,ld 11111;9 Loulzl\- A Frlsbill. botll dwf mllle8. wero Olllrr)ed 011 "Sntllrdny losr, J RIn ftllth o fl2:CJ III ftllllli llllCC dllnell8lQna R w.' R!II Wllpllllgtoll,-{) hlu. July 30, ISG!! ,,' the D e af and Dumb A SJlum 10 tM B CI- Eltorh 11 '''"111 II II a e4tlllldalo I r thu ~ ot AlldHo r Itf \VAn n C.UljQIV, (hia, ~uI1l0~t ty Pllpid. ~llIld gQ~lt londs troops 01 \VII til the <I.clslon of tIl Will&: ~ill1 l l1lllllnu I lvl: hng \Iclt lI, dUlly, to tho )(ym yllttIL oltnr un . ~ ow ,- OI'~ Co..rCfipOlld~lloobll't Il, SlVfu\l Youro truly, • 1'j lll'T YO'nK. J)lly 28 1852. ~W:.lnII Il Jl ~. EDl l1UR - A tclegrapll1l\ thft~4tch 'Y~s rellClvod Ilt lhe Navy Ynrd. lIl5t cvon. lnlr directlllg tht' alco.m fTlglll,O, 1I1IfStSKlp' pt. ~o be mntlo ready for son, \\ all nll ,lla· l>========== =:.i::;=:;==== A \\aka' yo t110t' aro slunlbering, plIlcb Tina voasel now baors the lirood Suicide ot tbc Foils. fl.PP"r('ntly IrnCOn8QIQu8 of tbO rnvog e .. ~r. pn"uont 01 Commodoro C.Peny, and was , A genteel young In1y. on Sundll~ IQst. rim roqll"-,,tod feelcd \ly Itltern petU IICo' Luok around • lI\tended to ~'" the fiRIl·slull of tho gront partlnlly dlsrou\ld hereclf. tul mg oft' her bll lind lIee If ,OU do 1I0t fihd II \York to Jllp!!n ElIpedl\lon, but I~ has bQen lit all' bonnet, Ilh I\W I. ~c. dollborately walked do; i \lhor 111 the Ellat Rner, {or some "e~ks, jnto (ho ruplos, ab ovo Ihe Full~,on tho Ctln~ ====="""~~-='i"'i==#==.:'===!== ulvl. \lng the out1H of the Temalnder of tho ado Bid!!, nnd WRe nnrrtl.'d over the CutorQlI\lIlll1ltor or ilia Equadroll lIer " ealllla. ract; ' Y s t ord~y her b'ltly wp (ound fi\Jllttlon h~ uol~ 1I'e?" ollnOl,lflcetl , bllt 1110 mg rOllnd 10 (tho cdlly b~ 19"" and n(lllr movemellt at tllIl lI!'no hne Bomo SigillI! procunng a email hllrpoontbroll.1I (co m Q calfee. llnd III supposed to be connectcd dIHlunce.ll" 8S rcoo\crud Il, n mnuf!letlcon wnll the Flsbery Quesllon ~jtlon 'I t is BUld to have been lin Ufilllf of Ice I)r081t1cnt Somo 01 llll~ Tilo Bteam.slllll, AIIIJ, left tIllS port. to" the henrt 'Betlut, In ruine and 10\0 hi llBYO ultendy chosoll Ihelr ~IIJldnle8, day. for LlVerllool. with 88114.000, in "pe. deep air '-Clcve:ond PltI\ndelller. orb \\ III loon effect th cl r chotco, and ~ n cle. and 111 pllhengerl. \ ery- ~ h ort tllne tile r lJc;e Will be n'tn Although tho 'English 11lI'eet to trool \tuh Who lhe 6ucco8Bfui onQ8 Will bo, IS 0 q contempt elly' flvnlr.y witll them on the I 011/0 L1FE AND 'fn 111 Co , B.ANJ[ -The tl\lll r'lIlh er difficult ot prl)seh\ lo dUCIt! OeellO.Oley are: n8vertbelels. confessing pLwnllt .Dank bnll uolc.l In London. ~2QO, '1'110 WIIl g' potly aeem to thmk thnt Gen our 8uperierlty. by their actions No v. for OQO o~ Cortlficotes of. tIle OhiO . Llfll anu t'ral Scott lind Mr Graham IIro fiuro to IlIltence, thoro lire IWO Enghsh ship-bUild. 'rrust Cq ; dllO III 18M, boowlg 4& por "Will tho t..(\~\le.1! for tho), ~ny with eClme etII lit Ihe A.tor Rouse. Bont to thlB coun' CCJl~, IIltena t. Thcy I~ore soon lit bar trlltl1 lhllt If thev IOlc tlll& ono, It Will lie I II Hun(s &. C'jmplny ere: illlpfO\linl: 0" lh e try by II compeny . of Englisli ellpltl\hsts Theso Certificllle!!. "ere Isaoed to tije the lil'5t victory I\lSl liy tJlIIIll tho IIppeo-nneo of theIr properly on tlto tJiat Drc about to stort a bilo 01 sleomers Dank when undor tbc 8dmIl1l8tr311?~ or oth",r hand. Iho old Democratic pllrty uro to some port In Arrlca. Tho object 01 the. Mr. "Delafield, for a loon mndo to the 1 ru,l "ruro" thot Gel1or,,1 Pierce. Blld Mr Kine. Vllil of t\rose gentlemen i!J to Insl,ect tho Co., With c¢rtnlO cullll rul IIdvantllgee. bq ollie to hOl6t np the bnnue*' of \lic· stelmshlps of the U S llDII Stellmslup nlHl llol'o slIlce been held by tho Bank Ull' tory, nml tha t thllY Wlli triumph over thelT Co. ruDlll(l1i bollveon IhlS port IInti ASpl1l til the present {ovoroulo 0p/1orluOity ror (ocs F rom the "1~ t1, tlttlo Incldcq ts tJlnt IInillhoe6 01 thtl Poclfic Mnll fitenm. rellllbureement. ThiS salo \\ III furni s h are tlnrly occurrin::!. lhe mullY 8c.l1l.1aI0\)9 enl" Oompany, willch run from POll limn some Ellchonge, for the Wounc8dny alel1 rllp<lrld th ~t nre beltlS' «lrculBted by botlo 10 Sanfrl\ncISCO Those 1\\0 hnes of mer -N " Tnuune, pnrtlee. Ii louke r on mlgh\ ~\lprUdC Ihut On SUII,rdny ellCrrtuun Ilc,xl, nl •. .1 I til t II 0 Illl' IlK Mr Jllllterj ()nrruu,. \, III coll""e.)( Ii ot II pnr t'lee II.u Steomer' nrc (\s cole1irwtcJ. 1/1 Europe, 8$ C lOde ll m e ll D I y •. .. b ... I b h I f "'I n cour e lit 10H~tI!ltl III tl ... ~. le llce of Mil' 10 AmllrtCP, for th ei r 8lrollgtll. tlIOI' s Wlrt...ccidcofi at.,el cacclo'fL)" ollg It lo (I Uil um!!( .L lere \S aoone nfs: , Ilrelr COnVl.'lllCIlCC, and Ihe ir ulterior 'Ve leurn that on e~Ontng or two (lInco tllIllg u() uele~tu~1 on th~ course pllr~\Joc1 ijlC, t o tho SrolllJIllh Seho, 1 S hola r~, "I ! '.rom t h e eh OC1nw N Ii t 10, n bY t uo mnny In onu.t e ,,\Clr • InS' I0 Cn t ry tl , e the Mclhuul~l E plecvl'ul hurch III lhi splendor They IIlwaY8 beBt Iho other 4 voung I nu.Inn .1 U C II d '1'1 II 1 Ilh II 1IIIIce The tirruugcrucll's lor an adu lt "' d Ji l1~8 liot" cen tillS lIud Slm F,rllne\sco, by on now II atuucnt III mon a ege. Illl' ny ICY w,~ elile I lip \II ft onger. e.1/1lluac:fnl Ol1truHCAll l'1 I \V IS' h I, \\a8111Jurc d bY tl10 ~.,- noas olery Ill'· tl • tl Ie me n W IIJ) III clnHI5 ore ll{Jt "el Nlll,lcl!'!IJ. but II 1\ III Il ql ' A10' ..... tIVO or three d~a-sometlme8 by ten. I me d •• I '" nc on 0, I uennnllll'" I un" d U} 1Osl \Vl'4I k; 911 .. I H e \\ as pr.sen • t 11 t lin tl lOY " ItiIl to I«('p d0" n, 11 d·ut t 0 ra IS8 re· be I IW, Ilor wo)" fru", ClnolOu.11 tu E uton, by that OUY traus-at- P IOllion 0 f "Pl stO. " I dUI'llose, unul they ore. tlo n()t think, ho\Ve""r. lantle COUSIDS \\111 be oble to bUl14 ony. cllllllltlllll of on Illne.~nt Juggler who re ports unci do tlt~lf lie8Uo III the m d o \ V n " , lome mistake remDLnod on the tra'io r~r thing Itko them, when lhey go bncl' Ir qUl'etoti one of lhe lIudlcnoe , CIS IS frequen- If men would nlwnye Slick 10 Ihe ttutlt ~Oll TUC81ID}I and \\re'dnestloy of 13dl 'Vould It not be 11 good Ideo to employ Oily ton On TOnelli", Mllmiab\lrg .bu they do, we )'1111 bUild lome .till beller tly tlOIIO , to nre a p,.tol for 111m "V r1glH It \\ ould bo mudl b tter The lVoek II grellt \Yllig l\tee tl/lg \Vnl heltl tit aome II rHo n tff sprtnkle the rrlllcipul UU81found tlbe lVOI of!' the roulo elld alllrteu I~ 0111'11 complied "Ith the Tcques ! The pIs tol cnmpulgn' " I)TlO of ' grent 1I11creat to the I.ulldy's LclIt C! A tremendous oro\lld \\1111 11088 Iftreeta of this pluce witl~ IVQtcrlwal~ hack to Hllmlitoo When ~ (el'l Tille Is Dot Dilly the '''01''00 A"'O,' but WQ8 of cuur6e of a peculiar conslructloll, CIIl :lU n~ of Ihla country '1'he reellit of tb e re, nnd If I~ lVna ne dry Gnd tll1sty there The dun .IUllllg thiS hot IIlId tlry II eather mile I olllow the B rll sho "ftl eOI:ed by to the 'Age of Reuson' A.. gentlAman who un d ow Ing to I10Ying p.Ince d I118 Ionn d over tho P , esl dentln I elecllon WI II doclde t.o as It '8 1lere, I lIupp()Se,1lOY Il')uat Ila"e IIn d I~ very IIlsuil'/!eoble. • three ruffions , dr~cgld over l'jilt!) a field. hOll r~c(lnlly nrrlv d here fro m .Europe, a concealed ~Dl!fcl,lhe lleHh WRS torn nntl some extent so veral Important quest lonl f1 "Dlle tunc er II," (1) lure enough, and ller penon brutally "ol'l\ed Her sllowed me lost evomng a (lurlou, HjlccllUcn shaUerctl by It when It wall fired With l'he volors before tlepofilllng their ba\lou .. • ••• • Drt:,:hllm's Portnble Duguc.rrcnn Room frlolla~ there cllmlt ImmQdiutely to 1\ItnmI9 - . 1 r tit· ' I 1',0 t! IIOU Id sorc,u c II yeltamlOe '1 '""is .....let Go "UIOS80r. 15 6hlllO town llr Brlghnm hila done a b IlTg IIlld of!'ercd ,tOO re,ward for tearh of 1r01~paper. lm IIrt tcle which IS 1I0W be- genu ! no J IId Idn lor UuC IIe bl. ".royc. ,Ivn r c.1 p"ncI~... Ill, manufactured by lhe proprletol'B 01 an symptom or pntn, even by lin elt(lllllllluon plcs of eaoh cllnd,Jato, nnd thon voto ror I noll eo lU The \VcBtern Slar or In st lnrge business in tl1l8 plnce. lIe hU!J been relt of her nbuae,. Two l1)en ",ho wero IllIpected IV-cre eJtamIDed and helt!to bill eXlenslvo Iron foundr), In Berhn The Iron or a look. an d It WIIS not I1l1tlllt "01 IlCili the lOe n whom they lhlDk bcst qUllhfiell \\ cell. the IIBmo or IIlr Emmor Dnlly ftB a hero for neorly three mouth. II boaton to sucil a degree of tenutty, thot ced that IllS nrm II 89 mOhonl es. lIud bloe to adVAnco Ihe IOterests of Ihla mIghty nil· cnndulate for the office of ABseesor or R e· A third, Emanllli EVllnl, a hlllCklm"~, the leaves COil be utled fOf pDpllr Of the dmg, that 0111 one knew th flt an nccrdciIl tlon. and nl so do th,s unlOlluenced by por· at Property IR the district composed or 'A I'IbGHTY DIG EGGt-'WIIIlom Durnetto' Lettefd {'om Kossuth hod been Inter· who hau ror lome time been at work It finoat Bort, tho mQOhlMry rolls 7,000 hatl occurred Shortly nfterwoflla lre ColO- Iy prejudices But tbl8 Is not done, men 'Vosili ngton. MIIs.lo, Bnd 'Voyne T own· nClr thiS placll.liroughtlDto my office :I few cepted lit rlaly lIud lent to AU8tTia by till! !'IIlImlsbbrg, wa. al.o l~phclted; bo wlJ 'quare feet -0 'jeaf Iron,' from n CUll of ted from PDIO nnd loss of blood Dr Jonea Will 1101 vote, or nt leost but few Will do _hlpa I hnTO slIlce b!!en Informed thllt dnye 81l1Ce. n he n'g egg weighing Ihne OUB Governor of Lombardy. followed to Dayton. metlll. ,A hookJlIJider of .Brcslnu ha @ who" liS present, promptly &ttclldetilo IItnl 80, In the montier alluded to. 80 Ihat the !'Itt DDlIy's nllmo wes Inscrted without hIS cu .,rd (I 'Ialf. &mIl"Mn thot lallllhat eg~ The Iwllan moll hnd arrived In Englllnd Jt W.I foond that Evenl had taken the I made nn album 01 }Ttlll, tbe peges of wl\loh ~nd we Ufe grutlfled to learn lhat Ire is dO- pnrly of which they are members "bente." or COnSIGnt, but eonlJderlnS' him ' ••• The Drltl eh hnd curle d the WW1l or BUBle. pae~et North, and the of6~er. followed but turn u fl~ltlbly us the tineaL fllbno of lin. log well-Evo Jour. that IS all that Ihoy care for. It I~ not the the mall fOf tbe office. I would advlie )lIm LITERARY NOTICES, In by etorm '1'bo engngemont hed been 1081 trllck of him, It H.eml the Captalll c n mae! I ellpl'0~e lin lronlclIl wrJtlOg good of the country _thllt thoy aro ItnVIDg to run Tile otIace ~i11 be " difficult one II sever one, III wluch 80a. Burmclo batl ~r the pnokel(I...llklDlf hi. appe¥lIoU. bad \VIII nOlv liecome faeh,ooobJe. alld Iron TlI E GRATH TR ADE -Tioe opolllllS'ofthc for. !lIOt 18 on obJect of 6mllll Imporlance to fill. "nell know of no one better quoh- Ap-rXOIl'1 HOME G4ZJ:TT&:-TI1I8 pn. been kl1led. put him lehorl! abo"e town-and 18 It new.papers mn, .oon Ul' all the vogue":"" Rndwny to Greellvlie h08 ofibrtleil new fo IVI~h tClO many, Ihay do not uk when B flod to fill It. thao Is Mr DOily; he b('lng pcr, publIshed In Phlilldelplim. PCPu8ylv,,There hod been leyeru fighting lU North 1erlVllrd. IIppeared, he felurned Ind tOO" Wbllt n~ll OIItUCll 'or till! purcha8e Dnd sllle of QTnlll mnn 18 brollght forward a, cllndldllte, lin mdependont mon, bo81.J!!B pos&esslng a ma, by T S Arthur ~ CQwpony. 1lO1II- welt Indill. between Slf Colhn Campbell boardlOg nl Mrs \Veecot~. Dnd on Suu'}'ho dlfilcult) llOtwCJlo tllo lIIcthodlst Here torore, our mills IJO\ e cOlls umed whether he w III oct for the good of the knolVledge 01 tbo vnlue of most or tile meoces Its Iblro ~ cn r abont the finl of lind the ro~ohcd trl bCII A terrible bottle day nl!tllt Itole ec,veraJ IIrucles of c1l1thlllg ohurch es, Non" nnd South, In rOi!pect to l1enrly nlllhe whenl broll!)ht to tIllS mar. nntlon, but "CliO he bCOU"18 theoU-mlpor properly tn Ibe DI ttlllt. S nptcmb cr,1861 Th\8 paper I reg"rd' lII! blld oocurred In CMpul, between Yahr lila rroOI the bDorilera,end I.h. It \VII ,lid mommoth Boo" Concern. 10 thl8 CltV. bDS ket Now, InrlIc quanhtes are purchased tnnt queeuon, lind to work they i O, uIIIII ' ••• the bes t for the home clfcle, of lilly pub- homot nnd SIrdDI11 Cant_h, elch 110 had relativel' n!!or J\rlinlton, 1n {h,1 IIOt yet been finnlly d1aposed or, although nod shipped Enstwl.rd -One- or ou r bUll every oDort to uuy the do),. Could all ()::7From tho Westorn Stor. L6bnnoh, I !teil throllgllout tile whole c;ollhlry. T wal 10,000 strollg 'l'he battle lilted county,lnd ye'terday c;onltllble Clar.k lod lhe prinelple involved wse dcctded by the 0099 nlen, Inst week. purch06etl 10,000 perllODS act In a rational manu6T••nd vote Oblo. II orn t~at Dr \V V ){ G ald, Arthur bal! tloo whole control of the ed- eliht bO\ll11, andS(rdara was defeated, 'lIth another went up. found blm tbere, ,rrelh:4 S Circuit Court, In favor of ~h Church buslicl, of wl.ent In ono lot, lit tbo DeVOL for the good of tl>o people, Inltead o( par- rormerly of tbllt pl~c.l, but Who hal been Itorlal deparlment. an<J dill faGt • enough ,Iblll of 2000 :Lim, and relurned wltb their prl.enu lilt uth •• d the CJlfuch N orth bov dOlernUll III Greenville. ThiS W38 but II 81111;10 doys ty glory. It would lie mucb belter. but thl8 for 80me time p"s l 1111 Inmllta of the Lun.· to conVlnco InY' douhline one UIIlI the PII_ The _hIp BI lIJary nmveel et Roni Konl: ",ening Be I, now In J_i1. We dId no~ d not l'>-oppeal The couse or tbe d Iny work, Bnd wo presume 1,<l1! no Ifnullulll 19 somelhlng not to he expected. at leul llC A lIY lurn, ot Columliu8, OhIO I dlotl 1\1 per III what It IhOllld Ite 'rho followtJIi on thl let May learo tbe name or hi' a.~lltOl!. who . Ire 18 . . Itl to be the coafUtlell atllte or the DC- transaction (or D LIDlO. lhtll IUl mullOn (ttl the 16tll of lut IftQlItlt lire the terml. 0116 copy onn ,ear 82~ The American ship Rbbert now at larre on bIl11.-D.rton lou""I. MilD" 0' ,lIe o~lch the 111m Lalit year thlB same whool 1I0uld hnve - - _ . _........- . _ - • '" t\Vo eoplea 83; tbree coplel ... C", 1lOp- tain BrylOn. bound trom Amoy 10 ..... II"~J Inllru) Wok-k~perl find It dllleult to un- b~QO !tnuled in wngon!:lO 0011« br more tv Steamboat Accident.. Control er.,- Declined. iet 85; C!libt COrl1e $10; tblrteen coplea nI', with Cort, coohee, palll8nreA, TIle ew Ped . .ee ...... r. I• unlil th_eecountl atoJll.relgb- a market.-DaJ ton Guze(te AlmOit e err mDJI brlll" aome necount lIty reDden "'Ill recollect that In lut ,t6., twonty coplel a few da,. out the coolin took p!lIIHIIlOD A bill bu beeD in into ~ SOOl8 trllB OIIt, It 111111 be Impclt! Ible to ucer· __ _ ___ or accldentl by burning 01 blOWIng tip of week'. paper th e re wu • comlllunlcatloh of tbe .._I. eDd lIIurtle"" the ca",alll of I.pneeuteth'. to prnn' leu." .... llUI tho nll" "' t1ae ODefl'O. The raet Tlu.!re are t,,·o lentlemen b,. the name Stelmboau. OD WednNdl)' aftornoon or frOID V NlcbolM)u addrened to the editor DoLL.Ul WZHLY T •• a·-'nI1i II tile ud olBeen utcl. pvt of the artw. 'l'b. n.".UII,.,. curletl o.t vI til. aieQ. ii, tJae Book Coac'oerD h.. beell iD lbe of Potter In the Rhotl 1, lanel Lto,iliiture. fait w'lk, on the HlIdton nrer, I very flne or the Berakl Ff8C!dom, pu'blllbed at title Iltp well printed paper. pulIllah- ..... 1 wu "~111 .....bD. 1nat \he 111 haw f the !MIl. .tlIpid aDd lnrompetent "ho look ID much allk. dllt ben on. Bleam.r, called the Renrl Clar, bouud WUmlnllob ; from tbe folio InR eel in Cia!:lantJ, Ohio,." Cat"ID W. cooU • ~..tIIe tacep\loa or \1teDt,.• •• '-" oU" , _ tAl lIkeel cock till theoUler .... tiptf7 011 (rolD AlbllllJ'O YorkJ look fJre, aad ••1011 appeUl hie ~ oflllitPtlcle11t buckProprlelOr. '00 oW. abOrt til ,.... .. ~~I":'~~.I'"~·~LII!!ltjl~~ miD • •h. It ~ntf"l, C'OftIUtDed, The bait .. UI be lit IIr IDe YCiftmito; ~""III ..
or •
aD1 proprietor) member 0\' lII:0nt of any carrylbg lilly letter qr cons.
~.lpreee, {rom
lIIun/tlatlun in wriling, and In actdlliO/l 10 pe]\altl08 Illr4lidy I1rellcr} be~ declares' tbllt tlltly till_II be deemed iull11 of II mittlo met,n6f lIubJect Lo Imprisonment for a lertn not excocdlug tbree month., IlDd a fille not exce~illnlt fin hundlO4 lIoU'nfor every euth oWenee NoW 1\ e !Dust ul!nounee tbla 8.1 II COD temptlble b"Impsee tor our government to lio ongalJcd 10 In urDlllg UiQ ncccelity (or Illch • law~ the Government of the l$lllted S~.te/l admits Ita own bunglmg " lInclIIlCfficie)lt monllcr of Qltendlng to nlllll. -Tbe clISe Play lie Illustrated truly thus A Btllr\P lin eXl'rees Bnd Ie o'lobled tu d~li\ or oyst",. from Now York to Cin good fllit 1.\ 6i@6a, IIIUICt (II J U good de eln ot\ ill threo daya D stllpe 10 lind mllnd and fuli ralca atons nil opp08itlon cxpress, aDd by diDt of Cuftoe-A lulo of 30 1I0gs flllr RIO 01 In."u""y IIntI energy contrives to deliver Ole tile oyahlr. in tlYo d/lye1 wbereupon A Sult-Salos of Gf5 brls KIlIIO\\ hll 0\ mst~o.d. of lIomg stl/l1ulato~ to ellll grclller 2'7c Tho uornoDd Is very good nnd the excrtlon 1I0ca wi 1I1111l1'ly lIelore GODlrres8 11111 rket firm llutter- 'rho te~olpt8 C(llllllllle J ghl • and alka thllt Congrlls8 IntonllD9, lind pro JII!lIllJ frolll cllrrylllG' Blly mor(' oySI4TS- olltl nrc token 011 ,mivollli 9 to 10&0 for ....l'II.ro YO ou I~I be just liS much rcoaon o.nd common to tlllr choice I", tiCUrCIl nnJ <8C1180 in sncll II IIlW 88 IIIlhe propoBo4 blli ell now belore Congress L~ t the P 091\nos lwr Genera IIlCl', 88 ho ougll~ to, lhot IllS contracts ror currylllg 010.1 IIlottor ore lnude Wllh m~1I of HUUlO rcputo.\l oll for ell efl:Y lind c lIlOrprl8<', nnd 1\014 them stnctly to thel" agreoments \\ Inch ,holiid olwo) 8 611 (orth thtll Blloed ia the firet pOlIIl of lin 116rtol1co 11118 Is eepocfllily iropoplDnt III J regard tQ~ oup ,relit \~estorn 101111 -!AlL • out GQvofll'men~ nge/ltft look u()O\lt thom with Il little, mure show of Itldustry, keep race with enterprISe! alld.1I ttoublG Will be aViili{o~ by t/le rcmoul of tho CI\180.-,1 Nonpareil
lT as nothang to do Wit,h Ihoso }JaotK o.nd 81 oU8 IJ In I\CIlCtllrotl by E I~ c) e 1Iluill dlrcot Wllyhesvilic "I erc I.e muy alwoy. lie loll uti e ver rflo dy lind wl/l luU ttl rcellontl LO LbO cltlLo( customers Ilelug th~lIkrllJ fur Pist (IIvorS,1l cDntlnulllico of pulJlic pntrllllogo 1$ $OIIOlto I I h3\C on hllild 0 &pl~ rH"d atoclc of lIfprocco. sUlt ub le ror L ~lheij Ivenr II II roh wil l be tlIunuf, etured to orJer Will ueotness nnd d~spo lch N n J\ II worle \nudo b) DlO ttl WUfrR llt cd I l!: KEY ~Igll lIIReJ! Doot 2 tf
• \V hCAt ffll
1i bu
.te, il ~Ol: Oolli,il bu Flour, f bill do
'f c\
Vun~ ollC . J US I r ,
1 C~rl 01 "II ~ )~lJg.
II < e\tt "Y [ 11 IlARRIS 6: () 81g11 of tho I{cd Il oga AI TIl.'O 1 8b~
cuiv r~ 11\
Eggs, ~ dOl: I nrd Lo08(, 111,Do Potatoes , 1) btl Applel, F \) .. CllIl)kcn~, 11 dOl: Feethcre, , n., RIO Coffec ;jI no I No\\ drlcallil Surr, lIfa~e, lIu
VER Y , rotly u ROrlrn911' III CHon A tou lind Wool nJl Wool Jlog lind I• Ulndhlg_
ALL ANVJ>VlND W l'i\rER-1 bova W Juit (. cclvc (rom III £&"Iorn Monul." luror. n Inrgu slDck IIf \\ Btl I'tiliCJ'il light IIUd.
dork Ut oJl prlc"" Jor room' ~d Uo,ll~
ligh t cot ore (or edt ngs WindOW r8Jl~rd rn~11 amt liguro!! Ilro reens alld Dor<lcr 1111: 011 01 \I htell " 1111>0 80ld 88 Low. u.s it CUll bll
11 l!> " t
tiOllghC u\ the SIOIl),
New Orlnhl! Moltaso! f ~t ~ul!lIr ROllle'"Mullllec8, '11 ,III 60" Maple Molonel, 'f ,,01 600'750 1ge Pepper f 1Ii, AII'l!el'l, it 1Ii 191' l .. ke Salt, f bbl, 2 ,05 }<'I.,x
Seecl ~ bu".
(JJlIfVmN.lTI llLUIJUtt.
lkoee on band IUD tllbH.~ • • Noch (or pl\tung In You thai haft GUna wlt.b· out tube_, ClYO IIIIJ a :UBARNHAaT.
COD FIlUI aDd Lait~ fieA' rwA1~:rART
d, Id~nt 10 urlf8 hi. claim UflllJ Impeled by _==Ii=::;=:====~=;======~llhe Irr",I"lIOle violence of bl. lun. po.. Fronl al"alll'. )'tt"ltulna.
Ibe apo.n cuemenl. Atld looked ljpon Ihe filCh I. And .IW Ihe weal\\ an!-t;:oln,.lIti 'P....lawl1 out 01 ..
S1owl,. ,U. bnllhl rrocelil oo Went down Ihe ,1..-mUll! areh. And nly lOu1 dllCCllfnod Lhe muaitl or tbeir Itln, mUml)hal m.reb Till the IT,al (18111111.1 .rm),. ",",Iohing far 00' ontl Ih. pol •• Became the elO,nll synabol Of lba ml,hL, morch ot ",ul•• On"ard, fol'c ver onward. Red l\1.rl led uo"o hi. elln. And Lhe Moon. Ilk .. a m.lled mlldllll. Wu ridLo, ill lb. van.
eeait'd. unknuwn to bltnlelr. II m.gnetic (,ower over ~llIj hearL of Ihe luir belng._ Alany w.. relbe doub" ,aud f\lllr. of bOthne'uroll a~comlll'hlmcnll 01 t"\le.llneere. \ devoted. but Imlckaowled..ll'd love-bul all l\erl' dI8pt'It.'<I by the mOlull\ exchllnlle of Ihoughtll, and thlt' mUlul1 plighting 01 flilh. VOWI! orll:1I made by .ho p\lre III heut, nre leldom Ir "vl:r bro.ken, and tlten , hI' lIoml IUKher duty or demand. "Fur a lime Ihe youlhf"llovcu wr~t' h , ppy-Itappy in them.elvl" and lhe jOyl of the Dew (lXistem18 orOMa up 10 tlll'm b)' the magic wand (II LoVE iut love haa it. trl,le , o. a II eln le.1I ry. Wh0 Ilave upeflenced Its potency In ~he heart. Ind 110 tIIele two lellrned. Their enr.gelllelli 1 wu a ~,am II)' lOeret. not yet 10 be deve·
plunge mf', '1nd le& ,ilur Ilea". YOllr klad. ll'Q0eroul lieatl. relf'lIt." < ..~tr. Durabl.l ba", told 'OU onen and ofton thai It 'V u 1litpoqlble for ~e to I.. ve rou/ rond lhall, Wei klmtlleu 10 lell you eo. If you heve dlercgllrdcd mr oil rilpc.ltd deolorillion, the truth of which ylill IIIU.t long l'ro tltI. hovlI beeD convinclld, Ihe fault II ,OU' I Dot mlnt'~' \ "I knuw you hllve 10 'pokl'n often. but ell III h.}"e dort'd to hope. I lovetl too rervc ntly for tbe pl!lion ever 10 dIe before ' ~ you !oruente" me hn!!e. T hlnk of a II IIlede lhlll~8. ami .heD recall YbUt worda." 'IYuu hllve repeated them 80 freqllt'ntly. lloat I could nut well avoid thlllking of I I chtlle 10 or n(lt. L ct me t h o:m w IIIlIll'r nuw lIy. onco fur aU. lililt unporlunltU). are uttorly U!elllll, an d can pre\ e or no avail" "Tlren, am I '0 under.land you II uatIng mo Ouor ( rom your preterire. III d t III 6 k ~ I k I - J f being lie <7Ja 0 your munllil. mlY al what wad Ihe oI1ecl pr thlt klnune.. ?" uJ alway. endcavor to do unto othen .8 I WOII III I18VO Ileln I d u to mil. I f you lhmk luch a conrae 'll'rolig. I cannot help" "TI len yuu wou Id Willi I .onle peraon who had Ihl! power to ahow you 1111 man· f d ,ner 0 goo will unlll your .trtlCIlOnd w('re won lind a9 firmly 6xed ne to be ureplacubl e. an d t IIIIn cut you 0.,.... .. , "No, I .hollll1l.oo rarJrom de.orlnll' lucll con duCI on Ihe pari of In,y one." "And yelthut II your way of 'dOIng liS Id b d YOIl wuu e 0118, by!'" "I am not aw.ro 01 ever hftvlng donn "0. if I hnye been tlte unWJUtnrr Inslru· • mt'nt 01 luob actl, 1 a,n truly 10Try lor " It "Then let your lor"ow work repenl·
opell. Hel,ce. Olllny of her admlmra etlll o 111lired t helr Ittent Ione. In t he Vlln Ilop e , II tIy WU II. II f I I mllte luceelt. P IIrtlcu out A"d lOme were brlghl In belU'" , Ihe CedI! with thOle ~bo I..d an eye 10 the And eonlo were '11l1I anu .mall, rOrlUll,r rather than the hOlreel, II ki nl I h e BUI Ibete millbl be, In Iheir IIrnl hellhL' L ,lIltt'r a. •me on Iy meanl 0 f 0 btOllllnll Ih e 'I'b. nobl ...1 of them former. Dnd firtt Imong 1111. nun,ber wu ~"nw.rd.lo\:II~~r do",n",arll. ,Lo ulll D urant, I man 0 f corrupt pr Inc Ip Iee Behind Earlb'. du.ky ahore. and deeply depraved feeling.. A aprlll 01 h 'fhey pUled Into lIle unknown nl,bl., • lIoble foml Iy of .mll II pretention", W o.e The, pUllld and wo", nu mora. prIde flit exoeeded the ir meanl, he wal I No mOfe' Oh. ID)' nollode81 rous of 0 blaIn i ng WOl II h ;.nd be ng And do",nward 10 nOLjUIl. too Indolent to enter II profe •• lon. too foor For L1le ellhL II .. e.lt.and Ihuen.el, dim to bt'come a merc h ant. and too prou d to 'I bllloell. LMoullh belled d,UII work, l\I a IlIIt reBorl ho w .. hed to marty I h The l\a.tI ana the. Plalled moon. a fllrtune. L ' ke mOl t f h II C nu e w .. 1'bollah tIler IetIm 10,.11 and d,e. unscrupul1,lU8 II. to W!an. 10 the md ' WII Still .weop, wult Ihelr tlolbalUcd !rll.., attolned. tt WII~. thl'rerore. an ealY matAn ,ndl ... re.ch .of Iky. ter for hIm to cllnform In outWlrd appe,r. I h • Til I II • th And thou,h ahe Iolll. 01 nellb ance.lu e lOll ety II wu In. I' I M.y hIde Iho bri,hl arrar. never fill led to do. When wltb the Wal: T.be mamalled brotlierhQOa 0' lOul. f I d ~enerol t,y an ,a anco." tone. he WII. I pltterll 2LiII keep' ils upIIVard ",.y pltYln1l ,anltel • When wlIb the gambler "Tell me how •• lId I will try to do .0." Y I roue tIe wle equa II1 at IlOme, a deUp'IIIard. lorenr upward. or tIe I. OU canott be Irnur'DL of my meon· I •• tbelr ntarch 'ubllrne, buuchllt', or a hlndler 01 cardl. l ng, " And bear lbe &Iorl oul mulic: W ItII tie I i ntu'i I1'0 percep I Ion of wo·.. I om tola IIy 1\ t II 1OIl to kno\v how Of tha coDcucrot,..,f Tim •• m.n. Ellen .IW throuKh hi, cbaracter al your remlrh call apply to me. 10 aDY .he treated 111m wllb wuy II And to", Jjlt mil r.ntenlber, on ~~e', ...nd 'bou"h • .. T~.L Ill. pal .. ", r.IOUtII OD., CIVility n"over gllve 111m IIny encourage"Then J will ~pe.k plainly. Your ac· 10 dl.lne Vi'IOll be ment. Bhnded by her (<lrtune,llId con- lion. ror tho la~t lf1w mUDlh. have been .A b'!lblaDd blaillli .UO. .lrulDg ber rell"e IDto the ba.bfuille .. 01 .L1ch I I to bId me b .. pe fur a' relurn of my • ( "k I ' ... ' a lint r ..llon. belDg too VltU to ac now - luve. Ind allurod oy UIIL hop". founded OIl • edae Iha Inahlllly bf bra flow.,. of (ur.)· Iho.e IIctlon •• I have pllced my .ft't'clJonl
A D V E F\ T I aEMaN T$.
work in 'llell-cfotb a"d a,hea,' .,. if b-lopJIOle'" " 1!,'lsE c«)It'full'.
A",rriclIllure litI\e body. whUe ,he olher lIrore.. I(.n•• ro the anembel'll; Ind .Ithourh ~ 1 Ihe bud.y una IneDl~erl8re mutually depell den I. and recillfoc.tly ulelullo eacb olher, I mem!'n b Ihll budy CID elll8t wllhuut' lie Tho farmrr'CIlII 8upply Ina n8Ce8ll11Ie~. lind mo.1 or hi' rcnsonpble wanl, wlll,ill the circle of hili r"mlly. he cln feed and ololhe hlm.eJ( but 1111 wante are enlarged •• nd hi. abllily fa gr.'lfy tht'm mcrened. III prQPortlulI to the prpfi'. of hll' I.. bor. fl. ' through ignorance or .Ioth. he Jlrodtlft'8 only whal i, nllce ... ry for the 8ub8tenancf' or I"s houle-htlld. he can buy neither orlhe merchan •• the monuracturer. nor the mI!· Ilhunlc...!"or Cllnlrobule to Llle MUPllort of Ihe learned proleulona; or.lr he bUYI. hI' 118nnot pay. ,Bul. lr h,d produclll8 doubll.' 1\ hut II rt'qlllrE'd for lhe con8umpllon or the lomlly. the Burrlu. hulf mOl be emp I"YE" I ror lhe benefil or Ihe olht'r cluues-III d pUJc:ba.ing rrom thl In Ihe cum'url. all cl('gencit'. of lire. Tile o.her elu'ses, on cOlltralnwl~e, cllnllOI thrive. IB .uch. \I Ilhout lhe aid of the larmer he furn l.hPl the ralY motl'rl .. l. lor Ihe munuructurer; hv leeds Ihe mechanic, And rrel"h .. the bark Ilf comrner\it'; Dnd 18 be.ldee, lhe prlnul1)le (:U811l0i0r to lhem all. The held cell do no marl' than the .~nd8, Thf! anImal 8trongth or the oX lind the hOfle woulel elfecI no udellll , purpule. WIthout t~o conlnvunco and direc\lon 0' IDon. In many CUUl1trlel on the old contlnel:t. where the elJltl\'lIlIlr .. de baaed hy ignorance ond ,It'spotlsm, the awkward. III contrived Implemenls olthe prlmluve lire» i btl .!fllin u.e. T lero 18 nut a m.nufac.
IItll naB 0."11'.
LUle tlla mu.ie'deep IDd "16IIlD fo lOme ruloed eburch. J'\~linllJ... rCl1llDbUn. collJlIUl , And (allen lreb; " Throu,b tbe n.ked branciheltraiUDI L,w 01\ lb. erouDd. , Come the wl"d. 01 ,uILlo,,, "lIilln, With a .110e11, lOonal
OYer /Ill belb" a feellni
. or 4ulel ralan••
Like a dr~..
numbn.......lIn. Throuah Ihe .00n. £'ep thaAUn. ~n Lbe dim biua moprnln" HlISee hll head. LI~a I .iKI, 'Ipel bUTolnl BelUh, tIi,e d..d'
And all !lay one l\\tIltn, b",., III my lUul bath wr,)ulht. 1"all he#1 and Drain 'fj! algy ,\V",tb ~be eo/emo IlloullhLl Iii ~e '~O", or dMp d'JeeuolI ~ aIL and al,b~ Wllh but one IIld reflechoD. 'A 'r'M': 'fO Dllil'
F AC T SAN D FAN C I ES. WI I d . d f I I len. "ndert' • 1Il~le8 .. comp 8111 njC be ltla'lklullhat yuU hove Leenl.1I 10 com h b d ' Th mit I e wrong litrl e to rou. ere· proaelil" of cunsclence life much harder lu b b I h r u car t lin 1111 reprollil e. 0 III n.
Y i " b d" ourl I a very "aile, •• Id to the uy,'er.
,blf.J(I't and r8k~1 lind t'\<er, "v"nhllt ciltta,er brJI!Il II hollll\.' c\IIrlal1l ql\lntl~y til add lathe dung-help. whil'b II mo.t 1111' d I porlanl IIppendlige to every \Ve!' Oil· 1I,vln1 but few almep and c.ttle,lhey ore . obltgl' 10 make tbe mllit of the I't'reora· ~I!OU8 .tuGk of men olld 11\ Ille. Thl . . . d Id cllrefully collected, all oetuully tlO It.O milch per pouud while whule ,trlllg. or ally sCllv('n!:erl moy be ~oen c:he"~ily PI)8lJIIg Inlu the eOl1l1trv I'very ,u,\cenive morning With their envied acqul~llIun8, IIttlo h~edll'ar Ihe ollactory IIl.'ry". of thl' le'l IlIle re8ted p...enier. E ..ery uther "ubKlonc t' hk( Iy 10 IIr.H\ er the ('nd III JlUXlOu- ly wllecled. Illd carelully dlsp08t'd IIU 118 tn pruwlut' .ur fQulre 1'1C1j!cnnlr a; euch a. "~cllyed BIIIIllUI 'ljd "t'rlllbiu maller, ' lire 8Wt'er"'''. or .treeu. tbe Ililid of n· 1101 •• Ihe tihurl. siumpy humaD ha Ir. ahuvell lruan mllhu ... of helulM every ten dIlY., I. JIIdu@lrluualy i8llier~d up.und "uld for milnure thrulJl!ho\1I th" I!mJllre. 01 Iho hl"h III portllnce of lIt'rcuralllln In CIJln~, \\ (! de" all IlIuslrlltl on In thlll pOSlnge 10 2 King. ",. all when tllL're wu a great la • • nllne In BUIDIlf'.. III tbe IIrt ur manur,"" 'he t:hrnl'Be I1Iay lI"e I lelton or brut tu nur ullr" u11Ufl81R. wIllie in plaCing hu.· bundry In the IIIIlhe8t e.tamatlun Dnd the lJ ultlVulor uf tbe lIoillll tht' ""culld runk lQ lhe enlf"'t' Iht'y '1I1.pIIY a l,ber••ilY and • .rue e"lll:hll'lI1f'l'nt thut IhTV"'" the Amer10lln pIIl:110 dcplorubly in the .hlldt'. '
a. I"ue mon'ltly 1.
\hat J Illouid uk yuu 10 a' le ...& try to love me 111 relurn!" I'Mr. Durul.t,You know thlt your IICCU' ..tion. are untr,.e. I)I~ you Dot Jllst tell me \hH YIIU loved belbre yCJII, ever IIpokp to lOt' oa the ~ubJel:t1 and baye 'OU nul v lIy an hund...... tllnl!~ I Irl n p repea.edlJ." 'l'¥ • 0 I 1 !V'I cold 10~Yard. you. ever evlncmg 8 IVlnl of cprdlallyl How, then. cln "au , J , hIVe the face 10 demand a return tlf lovt' I' lcore.1 S ib un IH. mce Yllu live een ,n _",cll palna 10 make out 10 'conlradictory u clle,l will I.y that you but le.... n "lIur.
I CLoul~I"~ )'Ou Ire ne. fCll!II, under the I". ~.t
co .IIld lualh"iII .oj/n, 'w let I"", ~~IJ Lei II r,'-aoj e lOu, Jl,alllLulci. ~ De...., ~b.t "Ill ~ry~~~c~~~r.~:~~~'~,~ui~~ y'~;~I~hOrL lit.... ' !~'uu lI'UI bPgln 10 leeI a il4lJI"" 0 dllhul_ III", Vp". ~iun ~'t If)I... I. t"'~"oh'l'lrnlud .. WIUI Itt. quen IIrp ar nil JlD 1" i -Ion a "ry. b~.i Inll coulh trW ,oll'n anI.! wlllln y .. u rlli" ..,.
:~~~I~yl!n~:I~rl>\l.~:~~~ ~1~rpl!~;;v.',~~bol!:.~bl"U
you _I
k' r ...... 1a e no me,lIcln'\i )bae .Y.llljJ'-t
"'\~ ~11,~lr.uo"i ..ah~d :11I,:ool\pl~: licclle
"n ' . a OD • c,. fizpeelOIlI""1 IlJI" L1JdO 1'1" proaotauon II you 11111 11".1 yuuroull. I 10I~w conll"nt'il Ih w".k~ .. orI mOlllb. willI"'_ Y.100 .... • ~Jf ve. elYtnll ),our 'elld, I. mourn ioU'll r"pI Y cUlUlum/"lun dill III "'u,k l have.o "nd hllrried aW'T Fr eauae 10 be)'OU .Iltmllln In nnd Lhll lbov. '.~}11' I I UICII Y"u u 11 I ..... ,evu'l tIIJI ~.~!ldrl,!,I',:n. ~~~r":::t'ln~lllIn mUg'1 °arllj~ , r. J \ II t 1101 I... Ihuu •• nd. In III111I00u. whuno 11\1. It'~" u... r hall ",.\horC!ti 10 ,he lomb ,vorl .'i""1 Iron o.~e whir I culdl II 1II1.' liad' otell'" t ' onUcd 10. a'l nllillol ~av .. bfellc well, bulil!tl~* iICIII,cled. .. r lhe delu ~lol' wClIl ld 'wear\lld ilaelf 11ft'. lalll h Iran.fair ... lll\illl • Iy aCllun 101.1 • • ub,lImee DIllie IUIII" '¥i. unlllhcle tile fornlllllOn 01 tuberel", Anuill " 'Jill',\!. .r. ami allulh, r wid added 'liel LU Lh. Ollb': BUGGY Ind Carraago "hlp"l.n ll wlolplub unlll Ihc.e LuberclllI be.llllo.oltelllnJ.lllPPR. C8. JII.L reculv~ .u,llnr •• e by r~l e. l"IVIllI. by Lhelr ul .... r.IJon. jlre.l e..l. 1 H ItAIUtid lit CO lie. III Ih .. lunll' AI Iii.. erlal.\ L~' UI&_1a Sign of R~d Fill" April ;zn. 11!52 verJ ,lIfhclIh IU cure. alill olLllIIliJlIlI .. II al "~han~. III hum.n mtl.",. tn 110. 1III0r If JI:t'Il'EIl8UN LIFE IN$V.IANC} Wotll' "')ce, 1111, mtLllcinD will orl8m!ruo• .,. t:OitU·.ANY OF V1Nt;Il'IINATJ, ru~L Iho ulliane, or chuck II. prUjlr.... ""II Will Olllo ••-llIeurr.u,aIOd by Ih~ bla", ul Dlwa)" malle Iber p.tlttm IIIl1r .. e~h"~rllLb" ~ loO.uOO t.:ophu. Vtlice, Oromw411'e 8,,01 Pf"'OIi/C bllille. au\l IIj.I/IIIr.lora worUl; dinlio. 4!O,n-r V,"e a 1111 hurdl .Ir" I' ul al!J". bUL'"lt~.llloilVI.n' or lO~IIllJ!' Lilt! h\. ur.lI~ t·llucll!<i In II ..a Cump.II.)' dn ~~;:~·:DndloJl)lult'IiJ·laA·' cL~~·~~A~"A"'11 '!.~b.! Ih~ MIlLual anil JUlllt Siock Tiley " .. ... ,AI ..., .. .(j" "tont ur ptlfl.hue InnulJle., C:ODI~r .ndo,w. '1'!iF; LUN~:;!. If l.kolll.1 Ihl. tlul!l will ell,. /lien I-I Dnd nlalLti COnlraC18 "p"p nil appor· It t::TAS lSuR~liY Atl 1'1 ld 'I'AI\I!:~'J;fLolmllil '0 01. 1, nOll anil r",or"un.r)' In'.I'.... rhl. \.lInlll~ I.nllu-I~ bill w. elll ",llIr 1<1\1 connuo:IOU whh 1.lIe RI,k. La nunollerle .. Ij~Ii'1I wil"~He' 10 pIUV. Ib.~iI All MIIOUIU IUIure "ho 8'" np' eerl.ln of lea. i. ll!J,el And 1I10r.lore. "0 earlle.lI, eahdn Villg IhCIl\DIIIIJlU In coulforl.1I1ej cl.cI/m"IIl' evory lI\an. \\Olliln .ud cbil~. wb ........ CO~ IInd.1I ... bl/~' Ineonle olclHlno upon Ihen ur I •• ubJollllo auld" I" ke,p lb. Illldlclul • l'ononli 8%0rlluol. ClflrIlYIll4ln.\ .. PhY.ld.nl you in Ihe huu~. anlt w"ane,er , .. u I.~. ~ Lawyers.lII1lcloaula. Ol.rke. uuoJ(.ILetiperl. du nOl '1.1 halon..' 10 w .. rk 11I1.dli•• all )'0It .nil thu.u In public uffices AI.n. MerchallLl AY.'.Ill. bUI ol'.dlClIII h Ihoroulbly, au<I ,I I roue.n, on and M.hulaolUrera in .Cllve bUll unce. by Lbla pow.rloll,. hel/Iofa ClUnoJlOU~ IICII. ",hOlt! prop~rty lI,peodtl upon Lb, vlciul all" leave )ouduJJP JlitillJulI"I, w cafl, , •• ,u,lea 0' Irade. , In lull vIII",r 10 I goud old _".' 3 'I h'lll! whoejl real ell.'o i. oncumbered O:TjllCoi\l lelIUllIul\y 01 .1<. IllULfORP, ~. 4 1 hO'6 who r"'1 ulfa Iho eudur.~ ment 0' un.o III. wdU.1 ~..lllrl"'ln !Il1l dll, III~ar Iri' ndi lor tMrr .vcy.rit, ' U/1levcNul.1J4iC. bl, JII~~ Ih~lr':~~~NI':u~p~~V~~:df'l~r ~~~h!1:~~I~'Yt j·~=~·I~2.d ~llh ~r;:,~!-uP:h;t=:••~~i Officer. npt!, Ulreatl)n.-H H. UuudlUIO ,lIIl1l)r lt~lt"I.I.JII •• uI I~\ff 1/.. 1l!\ljpI ~ IIJ4!It I'r~l"'enl. W W (NUll•• V. l'r.. ·i. L IIton ..Iuable 1"~lc ,Ie 1 "av. IWtoh (''"lllal,11)'.IIon. *0', . ..~ltl'tl witb dwel\lltll 01 ttl. 'aRa.11It UW 1111 I>JIIIlC1:01l" H II Goqdm.lI. Geqrll til! lve ye.......d DI. Uall', BiIl~lu b •• .1 .. a,. ,Iole, VIII, Burnol, Cblli <tunahl II , W ",\ , {'roklo .... I"e lIiJkia .. aL unO. 1 lilel thai IIIe ";"lIe11. A. G BUrl. 1$1f!l'1 IS K"y•• Cb.s j,\lbtulalwUl" "'oow'lbe uI...'I.. OI'luOO if_liltu llodm.n j Will M9Clnolllon ... 1;...1. UIOCIII ' .JYIt~tldeDco on P~~~~h~~~'" :~-:!'~II" naLl. t). ) W Doel.ler. C<ilumbu_. 0 .. 11. b, Ir-' , , 'Iyne, CI ev~lau". 0 , - .. lIOu\) or ,t"NAliCl-UOO, Jaecb 0Jl!"el, l\lORE ClN~'1NIMcttl:>1~_I,. CJ'uUIR ." EIIJIL"I"I. -:.n),1 Willlllll, uq, . T , S, UOodll\.O, "",q. v A ..,,_. "" Applle8UDlII lIIay bel u.ld .. lu d W Ituk er• Mus ... 0 R ""nl! 4:. CO -Uelrolr.1 I ',eollor War.nenllle ...d .II;IIIIIY, .1 Ii" ,, ~y. Ilway.llad UbJ'<C1I9 ullO "I.a Uly 9'_ ' lore room. bl J J{u~.. r",'" l:lIlU, II"." ,u till) W it )' .hqghW Iv \lV.I,M luwl,iue. ".1 \Ialll .,,1'81, a lew dOdr•• IIII,e Liltlnb. l\1edl ,.h~u ~ thlulI: ,.. Luuw llii", ..... r I .....n I. "AI ~ n\h\pr. Dr W 8 McUul,e b.rll~~e) h h .....t/l !Ill' 'he, 11u. In""CIIl. lip " .... 11.1\. ul lilll)' I.. al,..... .tiliel"" ., I II.~ plc.:hL~ plckl~o1 mdl ••nd COd"filih ijill ,p,IO ll\akll my 0 . . . fDUWIl, anIA ~.c.jlll' '1IIlli .011 jurU.alW .. I)..~ ~ 1, ULLY 1~I,iI ~1Ia:r.,~b uur ~11'"I" AbtNL .. U"Hticill. Ibal elIU "a YtI.. ,\tlee 1 __ ' '. , v. H 'rHQ~1A$ " IL~~k~"'rl\il. L.uql'nrr; wnlcu lUll Iu)' lu III <luml <lllli!leodl: ttlY cuuau wil o1~u"~IIlII, 1\~ i{ ell Wllb ValD In Ill)' .ida 1 lIali _" yJ I JlI 'l) ,.,Ai.;:!A.vt 0,. ~ U.U l.Ht;tUty , IIlry. U. 1I};1J III Lilli "ajltl~. aud I COIlClUoaci , , h. I01' UIW boLlI" .h~r IJont~. WhM. In P1t'KLEJ) MEATo Dried Ilt!ol, Dolol'" I'Al:I'U , aDd 1n Itl ili'i!.dA llt'~ :r_n,iil", l:iall~,e, (;b".lI!I. ~ulial""', ior lalO by ....ARliOOkW ....oihlllill '.U'jlUlar.I~r i'l¥ ..... ~: W, 61. O. U. TltO~l~S. ".. M had IIf lhl. lUO. boeotllU &'1" ~luY tlt;A, , ' 1 hDj 1 had ~I" PlII'" "'!Olie hval" , r II....SS\VAUE _.! liave ' J".I rec:tlhlld • 1\\:~,1I11111 01 Ih.. 1.1.11...., .s.c. ••~.uwilill 4.iOl\. U l.r&1> "lock cll t>1 ..... llre 01 all ltiUIIJI, a . ~,,~ It.O t.:ONSU,\It' 11,,1\! 'J be rawt!tlll_l ~~"'~culi P"_-IOU,.. very pr.m,. .Iyl.. (.i.1I "I'l¥llud hOllllllY t'b".I ..... lllU'llItH! IhlDI /lUU IIl(l Ihel'm, , ' \V. F:J'ARS~IALr..; .IIa Il"IlUIiIlt!nt rdlul ~.lJ ..r • 1l~".,iI Y 1; \.It\U/J ~OW \) W~J{A'l • ull i At ralll!ll bljpl Ipr2 Leb,Doll, Ohio, _ ' '1111111111 "1"1 llIalldr Irolll l11v",. IIw DuO..., , (II it nl)' Ir euoJ ••tlIDll l\ftl~I' 1)1 .., AI, : A!,UIQ ALL kind. of liquors for eale b)' Ib, , ""~ IIltn 11..1 100,110 ot lIr Hau·. IJalnm I. A qUilL or IIDII"II by .J U 1S.A;1{l'<IiAI4'l .Iie LIUlIl , ... d I COllIIIIOllcad ~111t. AI ' 11,.1 fI .'Ol.""tid "Ie. but Illdr lailll" .. io ...~ J YI KEYj:I IUUllilll w ..nL 10 Ibe i\lOI-lh....r, .~ .. 0' til' "n!STIC~ ui.' ., U1;; PEt1CE I.u." l'iltlF."" 10 rill. '!''illllllure .......1lIl om A/:Iu WI\!i/" Alt\' l 'UtH ,IL 'j ~~I~:'~ f;;lib~·u~.' ..t~~~I?~~,~ r:~ ::,I~ cion title ,flt _ld'SOf 'IM,n 'I~I. ' " b.rll.r be&ilb IbaD J b.L1 I.., .tIJulllln, I I;' (llblne& bop up at • .,.1 t boolle". II 1,111111 uaed lJr Uilfdlll \¥br, , . ' wI.Ilr4~ILIIIOk"'. h w.oIII" I......."" 1110 • va" d~al o•• ull~riulI' Alii CUU IIV 1O<»lIIin. 1< uy 11, all:d llt.luk )'ou .1,1 I.e IJrn.1t1M4; it , .. ur d "'"aM~ 11 otl ) .. ur 1111111" Yvur."p~,' ully. J \.i. Wl~L..Ai~lJ.
",W_ • "
II'!,.. '
Thou,h Lhe outw.rd .enoblanre Wa. COlli- quelle'" • ploymellt fvr JIIo. ,T11/!re I. allotller con. J "I not p IICII the a h Ir 0 f Iidefllllon willch reDden 'tbe InJpro,YemplIl may be proper to .tllte tbll' lhe d,.tIOIIUI."plelo. Ellen .. w Iblll tne plldlOlJ wu feign.. Beouu(e f w. I.'d. oDd I '1,111 dheper dl.like took pUNa· ,"y (.Vler·8 wull~ In your pOll.e .. lun. ~ 01 tbe ",rnd. or public benefil; lanurullce cd IIIdlVldual "nown amon, tbe anclellU .., d h d I f L' b I '1 , .ion or her fee IIllg. But wi ... i"Dtle eJ- lIt'e rea )'UII' mill v.. rum tne elllRn nil'. liege" ladl/luDICe, .nd Indoll'ncl! begets 01' Cupid, Ii ... rel'eutly chall"U~ Ill. name, Icall' ahe told bnD h .. pUllon Will not reo 81r. alld hlll'e onlr retrllin!!d from tellillil Ville, If we w(lul~ tltererorll.incullle.Vlr- lu Cupidity .nd \'lill herealler d.vutu hI' id b I k I I ~ lurned • you my rn n • eCQu.e DID eta ru e 10 tue. we mUll IOllter II1dualry: alld If we attellllOD to rn.'~en of mUllol, •• WIll .. "'rhen." MIld he. "Ie~ me wla your love. huve Ihp good will "I a dog. m prerereDCf' would mIke rudu8!ry re.pec.alile aud deBi- matrimony. O. God of Ihe .ouilmmor\all l 1m sure your heart Witl yiald. when yo" to hili III·wlll. wben lean. 1\UI 88 your rllble. we mUll throw ""bl upu" III pllhtl. • 11 d... 1b. 1M near, are cunvinced of lhe depth .nd devoted· conduct thl. duy baa rembved tile Ililt thin lind .ecure lur it • merneJ reward Qt7AptT nIUUGU& 18 TJIlI BACE \Vood. Tocb me 10 Irelld dill porlll • ~ r I h d .., . 'A neu of my aft'ectlOn." Icreen rolU your rea c orbcter, an re- .It rellult6u (I conlt'qoenc,e.tbat the im- ..I' .,NEJUCA -A PllAIlIl" lraveler meL And nollO foar! JI:,ap lIlou IOJ rtlllL fiom lurnilll "Do not ft.uer YOllfiell 1'111\ a vem veoled your J}oktod . dcprllvlly of hurt. I proumenl 01 our • .".Icul!ure i, ol,the lirn wltb D 'fller n,At a hu~~ /lDd /lIqulrld ~ I 1 I Ii f dL Y ou Importance to c~~l'ry.. 'cla~of Ollrllopul""(ln' WIluee I lou~e ,. ·.oM0lla'" ". • 0 • Alld .. to Ilk ~ hope. I .ee tbll~ 'hll nrYer be .ble tl' cllre nOl flven ur your rllID 1,·lp. I '" IIMt b\IIIU' Lei my lamp ~ filled und burolol love you; , .nll It I. kind aDd ~~ne,olellt to knOll'. you I~l tb.t you are I ilearaded lind that Lhll il~proVf'mt'n't can in no wift' 'Lo~" 'Any neli!lobunr" Frllg." 'Your For tba 'MlGIIII"T cay!' ): you.o al once." ' wrelch. end lhal yuu are unworthy or the receive luch ('IIBclenl I I by l\l.~uctill/l dlel! 'HuK'" 'How do you.lIlI·cli UleUl" "All. ado~a.bie. anlelic behlgl ' one 10 .oclet, of tbe virlllou ... • • Ihe youlb' who lire lrerea'lter. to mln1ae J~ 'Dop.' OR.IGINAL TALE. Itjl;ld••0 I!onlid"rate,.o good. II pure. "Madllm. thOle wordll Ju.t epo\t(,ft, havl! concern ••• we'lI m the .cie~ce .. ID too Dear Ikm to belVen. fur OlIO tu po•••e.led your fllte . • DlJi a. J em. I I'tie practice ~r tbe.: buBillel..' A queer-loI·lllng cu.1umer ill.erled hi. 10". 1 ooly uk lo be ,uur friend." Ihe power to work "our rUlD. Ind l1Dill do head I~IO an .u(\llon-ltn". and looklll., I I b "A••uch, you "ball evllr be welcome." II. • go from your prelence a b,ller and ' gravl' y lit I e • knlglll ul the hlnlmer: In· Dd l'1 and Polh'7· qulred, 'elll I bId ••Irl· ·Cert.lnl ... • re•"an... TI L ." T"uen k' ~ 1 b I tl I TI I h Chine .. HUlb_ I. .w.dY ul prove unre en nl oe. Ie OYII YOU .ve re( l.. I r , l'ran"lIIf the variuu. c I.,ell 01 tlie ptl-d tlIe IUC I loneer. .yt U cao b I. d' W t!. II worthy of your Irlend.bipl" • Jected I. turuecl iflto bltlerDe... Illd t hne · ~ A TALE OP THB BOBDIUlL . " 1111.1Ie w'i. WII IlUg k (Ju, " •I bId Tbul lermlnated bll firet .ttempt to WID drpg. o! thai biuerlle.. you .hDII drink. Pel)ple. ""Y. tbe 'Farmer and Meeh.me.· tl •en •• Ihe ClllllHe ploce the hlerlli In Ihe fored I I • ' GLEASON'S cou,.. tlr Leolu"" 01 Elleo. HII fall from tire lu,er to a friend 1111 your 10001IlCkenll Ullto death! I will ynu ,00 II KI,t. Ll'" .nd Haalth ,,, have JUit ree.!lv,", walTT&1f roa .TO&: lIIA,,1 VlllfOa the lint .tep In • plut alre.dy matur- never loee eight of you Go. here you Ino.t rank ... leuninr II wllb Ihtm Ihe oieu,.l d.. zen IIf Lhe .OO,Q t!0llu(.t 'l'ork a,. 2'JIa .. OTDO. or "rUE 'IIDrA" MAID•• ," ed. A. alriend he could ever blve IC- /Doy 1 will fulluw , Hide 10 wh.t corner illepplng-stone to honur: but immedillely A ,nen ·un. who had nt'Yfl' bero~e .een it'ltc:n·~'~II~b~r~r;,:~e'~~'!:'I~Ii:f :~~~ "TO JlIV.z. Jn1"TlItlE....~ 5TO•• ayc. tlke" -a eleanIL"a' ~-II tl IroOpl I IIIe h id ' IIIe hI I... an, ce.1 to tbe heir... , and be received morf' uf lite wurld you may I will find yuu.- arter lhe le.. nlrd. tlie hUII"alidman ,. .. u .'''' ute Iway G..t" en d If "0' wqu 1111 I ve lip ,0 , the preceeddn"'e 01 all otl ~r· beeau b d I I I Id b W I lellulall"n"'~ilf dow~ 10 Ih, ••• or Ib .. pr~or lamililrly tbr.n in IIny other CIlPIlCII" lave When you Dlllet me. rf'member 1 am an ' v .. a, ~-. e· OWII lito I If' 10 01 t.. hll 61:'10 tlCotl. valion 01 h~.hh. we would ill! .JJ!icLeli wi., .. In aclinowledred Inver; thl. famih.rtly f'mplacable ellP-my Beekmg revenle." \IIg engagpd III rlielnl tbe nee..... "e. 01 alld belnw unhurt. luudly upree.ecl 1.. 8 lew 01 Ille OC'I•• Ind pallll.O WiIv,ltll\L al 110, would "IVI hIm the upporlunlty of In&rl"Go. vile n .. lcreant. Ironl nly prelll!lIC1" lore. he II abundanti, 1I1urt'lmportan' Ihlln "urprlle-'Weilif the darned t/oit)" tir~1I1 do),. " 1,0,0";1('1 l:I de. §ItO Chapter II. chllll"e. the Ii u II er ' baUng hlmlelr Inlo ber IlI'ectlonl, of Think nut to intimidate DIe. Bettel an Ihe mec"anlc " . wbo, mer-Iy ~ .. w.I.. • :VILLAI. tlIIMAS"ED. h i d (orm of maUl'r. Ind the mrrcbanl. wbu Ow",, ID' belutlful dl.trlct or the "Old Do- Which, finllly, he lo,t aert.tn. 'open enemy I an alf'cre' fOIl.' 1 liD U I H a beClme a conltant an d fir('quent v II- you h lI11e unm" k e d ,ourae Jr .0 ru IIy.- l'xchlnae. ur I!Jnolea nOI1l\n/.l. and only baner. Ind Tile min tlrat illWf'nled the pllller ('lfia .. iniop" borderin, on tbe Rftppahannock ~ommodlllt!l IlIr the •• k" ul I' II . , there lived jUlt urevleul to tlie time of Itor at the manllun of Ibe W Ilion'•• and Now 1 knuw th.t I hive Blcaped lbll wor.' .. I lIrl co Ir. h •• lurnpd hi. a,tentiun to the Il'f W A YlllE8V1LI.~ omo. • ~ . d i d' I H I II Ib" Ililn '1'1111 honur put upon Il"icnhural innntion JJ( a .ub.tllule (or the Ihlrr. TH~ l'~(JI!!I(SII.iNI!;J) r~'~".llulI' .n tile opening o,f our Iturr. I pllllier .ho Will ever reeelV~ WIt I ('or la Ily. • et • e vn e.r • empl"yml'nl. II eYldf'ntl, tbe reMult or den,UIICO 10 Ihe "llllellll of I I• .,Iace aull rtuDlly pll' n d l "Nut the worlt To be tbe wIre 01 Thll he hopt'. In ar('onopli~h by I finely II III n I lib.. hood h I be h h.d onu been wealthy. bUI whOle prillce- nu oppo u ImproY" 0 carry sign, Ind ehowll thaL tlte clluntry. belli" I I d JUI.et·~~!UD~!la'" ell r I • I 1 In out bll dt'.I"n Oorodnt'll benevolence even a ,·ilI.III, II better lbau 10 be bl. VIC.. po It It' ••ell-.dJu.lJnll'mlllble·dlcke," ~w ~u I1 (ortune had L_ Decome mucb reduced by - • • • nveratorled wIllh IIIhabllln'" nt'edl culu. GHOC~IlY ~ OVIJIOR STORE Sndller/mlnlle klndlle... Poneleed 01 I charity. were counterrelted mo.t adroitly. tim I" " I E 'I II l.t' VolinI' to I" ollnOllt extent. in urder 10 proC 1 •h d d In Ihe "Llntou 1hn ldlnll." LWO door. norlh 0 Dobl. belrt. I Ileneroul dieposhlol,"nd Ihe untl eVlln • en, eglln '0 llilllk .he bnd " lIVe my prl'lence •• Ir. or I WIll calla VIde the people With lullenllllCCl. Tire In• ve. t'l' an Ill! 1111. are. In En,r- Ulnceh lilil. on tbtl Well .id. 01 Main IIreeL 10 done blm injustice by her 'Ulplllione - ftlave 10 put you OUI! In'amolll wretcb! I.nd. conelder"d •• dehl'll'lPI; In" Ir our where Ih"y 11II".. u krelllDl'or .al• • •~n.rll I De.t .ymplthie•• he could n~ver fin,ll& ¥ T dUilry and .klll of .be elml!!M••triving to b ,"01,000 ".'lflOl8nl 01 .11 101116 of Ilia beart to ear DO 10 an apphcatloD lor hi. II a favonble mumeDt for a Juyar. The curIO of God be upon ,oul" proilllce II anlny of the nece.... rle. or hfe utther. "ould .. te thfm for •• It', tbe} '"GROC£IUU Alii» paOVI8.01f.,,, UlI".nee. Thoultn,I8 h.d thut went to Pro,e tbat you have been de.lt with unHe wenl. qUIlling under the ftuh or her would be e"rt,in neVl'r to 10.. mc,nry •••• ucb I. (.olfuo, '} ea, tlullat. 1:1.11, tI"leet. drtell t rll. II i\ Iu I'''0', .... .. cktir.. I, "-" b_ PlY debt. of lecurlly j IDd .t I.. t he rio JUllly. all d a womall'M heart I. opened by an dIgn.llt ey*,. whlcb lDud. I. .. lUllty loul .. p".,"ble. arl!uN a den .. pt'pulallon ev- t.It')' wuu Id t I11'0 m. IIe boLh ell d.meat. ...,.lIul., 0'>1\1 h cower an .b'lement. or Ilrul[rlJnrr lila "'It tbre.teDln, "Int. t'oJll"'r. t.:lnnlulun.l,aiaoln•• Oraol", LeUloll» .. Ived 10 ...move to the weet. II a me.n. 8vmpat y 10 let vou In. It wu well f.. r IIn~ compelled tu exert .hemlelvt. for tbe'f .... utll •• Gild 1\1"8. t.:h~ .. tnl ·lvli.ceo. tlllutl , -", II Ellen that ht!r Irearl w .. already c u d When he Will fllrly "one. her h,,,h. A lady upon taklllg up Bhellr... •• nonl. 11111 "lgI,.. I:i'arch, l:ItlcUIUI 1'" ...der all, tri o ft . .101 b II ... alra, •• we .. to cut 0 C pit' • . . . dill, bread. 1111 troplc.1 chmate., where J ;:.bOI. LiI.d. Ind In laCL eve., willi comDllIlI1 'Thl' L ... I 1I.n: TIll.'" it down very Iud- lound In .ueh .. 1.l.U......eall. l 100M .rom tbe UIoclaUun. whIch we~e or thil Dlilht pOlilbly hive been her f.te • .,rung "ner",et relaxed .nd the rear.tlulJ npkll1 dItnlDllblni the rem.ID. II' bll A. it WI •••he becllDe wlenslbly Ind un· prlllltro'ed her Itrenllb. She .Ink UPO" I 'he grouDd i. ferll.e .nd the populatlun d t'll Iy. exc I11m i nil· •TI Ie I..t DI.n. Blp.. I'LOUR, M.t:AL, ARD RED w.alth_ Intenllonally. kind towarda Durant. He luu.,e. und givlOi w.y to l.er fr.elinr n- ~caloly. tbe II.Uve. find tba, bJ • low me! If fitch. Ihllll! eur "t'fI' tn h8f\pen. ul all Itilld. \\\11 00 IU:pL un blUld lor .. I•• '1 ' munth', labor tllllY CID produce .ullielelll I Id W.. rll'jl~cUull)' .01 ..:11 a h"'ral.b'~'lJ{ tli, Tbl. pllDtrr. whom we ,bin call Gen. d Id not fi.1 .0 nulice the. chun,e. Ind hi. clllmed uvd W la' wou come of the wonlelll' jlauo...",e 01 1Il1.. .,.,nIlUUIIJlY." WI ... 1 CUll h t It d • r I "Tb t .. h I I' lor I -.hull· year'l con~uDlplIOD. lind IIIl.Ul 111.1 Wllellll rt>nllMr ,"lIl1ral .adll.cLluli .Itoo. (tile lut alme Uluml'd. Ihe lltle ear nu e 10 prulpac, 0 comp ele IUCa man mly yet wot. I 1\ ru II 0 .re there lore Ilndlipoced 10 u;rt them. "::'DlIIi pron" and quick relurDI." Ii DU. ODI,Iven him by common eoa.oDI) h.1l one ceu. my happIDe.. 1 0 God plly ale....d let .elve. ,urtJaer: I'ut In China the IDhubl·,1hnll. who .re you flUlng 10 vote (orl' InOltO, ailll w. U&JHlcII" _ell lur cuh "onarell) .L r Wh h lh 1 not tbe WIcked Illumohl f th put I " •I'm l/lln. to vote fnrdf'r il~clion mit dl'r cbauf"ulr AlllUIIII. d' Cllumry rrOduau l.k"D ill 1& IOn Ind la on Iy d •• , h ter, ... e ol1ller aWea· eo e ouglt the proper time had 0 ell tanl. are Inellullntl, employed. alld every liruCtln... It cub \II i-. '-Iv. n. une.lhe IIUer el"hLeen, at the dme we atrJ"ed. be pre\lared the w'y. IDd 'Illin DIy trust. Let Iby walehlul eye be OYeI mdlvldUIII. obll ..ed to be bu., In cODlll- be:lut-boz. and give rnlne Ii< bll to drr • cal . U W ac. \, H. 'j·fiOMAI:l. ,,[ b to • t-_..1 th t tI ad declared bim.elr I b I mil. and thy power protect me. 0 let me • pre»ident mIt Gl!nerall:i~olt.' Thlt Mttl". W ajalnlU., 0., "'"rill .. , J!iMI.' III- I,. a ID ...... IIU l'm II II"' en 110a over. W)t more e 0bUllbll It.. quolll to the commoa Well. E". du. Both were worlhr. tha ODe u ' a ueoce tIlao before. Apln hi. luit. Will Dot faU ialo the hlDd, o( my enemy; bUI try 'one. ilt tile Ie ..' acquainled wllh tbe tbema!.Orlhen·l·lDERVllfI>.GAR._AIi... trlte ardel. .Ia tbe other .. a wommll. He wa. no- -ntl- declioed, but Ihll tilDe be perae"er- pr,_"e me b, thy ri,bl bind, IIId keep "" jWlt reeeayw aDd lor b, ~; .. m.nner. or Ibe CIIlDetle, kuo". thlt thA I'tl d r I .. I I U W • t, 11. THOMAS. 111 •• lal,lIe.:1Il.I. miDI,; ahe Will belut!. eu until hie imporlunille. be\;ame anbe,r- me lined up." 'J en U our. w.o tou. t Ie o,er Ind theIr exertlun. to DJIl.II.lu runte 10 Call1ar'll. • ..,. h I I'lVe d IDr lell lS1lUPJUCK'Irarailbl, Blkln.l'owdar ful, .ccomplilbed. IDtelhpnt; botb """- Ible •• nd wllb them III Ellen', IIld prf"n- P ro,er rve h er atrenat-h, aDd renewed ire unUrm"la • an ~"'" II UI arnela iOr lUaIIlD, II, br..... . r• b R Ihemael" .. aDd lamille.. 10 the bU"I'n-enIt'd tbotle IaIgber Illd nobler qUlhtie. dUlH •• Iren,thened teD-fold. If he could er coun". ely In, whh firm fallb on - ~... .11,' on the bruth h e m• de u r .0 0 Id door "lea, or cake., lor .alt bt beart, wbich lil,alf, and all) alld would force bl_lf (or Wl!Cb aDJJ Iho roodnl'll I.,d wllcblul cate or her of 'lI"'icultura ,he, are partlcullrly Icllve, mit. Herd rel.'d I~.t lO -Irt !at 011. To H. BAR~HART. .t to dl,lalty. mODth, upon In unwlllin .. 'lcllm ul hil r.tber In be nell ••be beeame cheerlul relllnr two C"'I'" frulD the around eve..., d ,",.' eXIPlldinl ·III-lr -·Iti,.tlun la eve"' NOT NI'T ,"T E II W~lorIreIhl. pre>loared IU mike drillb ~ Ordel EI~D Walroa, III bel ..... joiatl, "Ith Im~nunIUe., .nd aUempt bYlucb meaD' Gil compolecl. lit .... di ..., ~ d~·br' II 'J .," xralllltTa.- n. Wlthl Wt!'l~r. _ we ara .uppli ... - It-·I. i ti ' I SI\ Pf ' OW' rue ...,n. all In"nr I e mOlt nlnla ..,.. Ihe tI"t time .he ",IU Ibe Ito ........'Lb IIMIiiI ,~ \j'b.... , .lIeII .. tai1l101.. 1 --.. , .....er. D ,roepec vet and reP!lted (o.orce lOr to lecept bll hand. be !'III da. e 'ery '1!ldom .aw or heDrd ID'ltlilaK b I",.'"rn.. tJlCle, ,ad •• _ I l l ' andCrua" tit, wealthl", 'air OD. fo .11 the dletnct praved ~nou"h lor aU. olh.r wickedD.... of Durant. but wheD .be did, It al"... arr.f!a aad u.plrolDillft, .pull Into - . I" ry 01 the Muflleretl Cord••inde'r,aJie ~",I- bftr. all Ln "" preplled accorctln',10 orde, b) ... IaI 't • ,.. ... I order that nolhJn, ID" be loat.-Tbl'lr eel all over lilte aD Clld cheeae tn Au. U W." u. h. 1'UOIfAtJ. ( .... wor 400 at.a,. kMW the true 1"- 80 .be pillol, lold hllD. thlt rhe could aot aWlbDed fear. "F..r a 1e., .he hean! It I 11 ___ __ 01 • ra.a'i atraln) _ aon.fl to .ad llfiibld not IUbmlt 10l1pr to b .. nnre_ nothln, or hllD, aDd at lut tbe old dre.d ~ II In eO'ecu"l' I .... "",1ft.. II not, I!lo CK£A. OP R1I.CT4a. TilE lboVI1 unri.II- ·· dlill" ...... -'---'--d IIIderin, lh.1r ,.~w IdVlDIa-, ~OD'-lDptl- • ..., fa IOht_ .lth the dl. .at pr.- onlble coDduct; tbat he mu.t coolider bid pUled rrom her hean, wben ber ratlt"'~r' - _ . , ble.-They thor.l, undenlllttlitae I.,· WOD'T IlEA. TanDl.!-A IIlnDeaoll Wa;~ :.~'lc:!-:.!"~~:!:illa:_s.::.r~'" "pwl til view of llecaaln, that . . . . . . hUb4lIf .. fIII.Uy, 11111,. ud WlreeaUlbl, er preplred to 10 to tIle ~eat. '"II.... _ oW _ilL No, .....u . da.ml'"Cl, AI lor Dannt b••en~ (rOlD her ~oce of "11'i,ln. the au,.; tb.y "ow paper .DaUUDC.. the _rl... of Tbom.. kOIlKltfi ~ "OTHER• ... • 1111 . . . . . . ..,... Iovu., be • prea. per••en, we . . . . . . aad IUiIl adapt. H . . Cnnl. lorallrl1 or Ohfo. to X.. lIO~R~ • ......... ... .;.. IIotb 'II r~- : .. Aad ~v. ap .11 hope. the hope th't eDce mutterl." c:u ..... and tltrealenin,.e.,. .... for ".ertaln .nd ..., . . WltlrJill, TII••oIer. a WiltDllllp k!~ ~ atuaw ... ....., .....;....., ... . . . . . . .1.... ead rtHD me lif. .. 100" P'a_. laro.. wltleb WI. dlaWtauithtd fall, the .......... or. ••alto ...... _ II. ~ IIIIU. dJat. . . . . . . . dalall. ElItD. lhinlt of IIIJ raleerJ. 01 .., I 11a.e.,..tecI oa\ " '. . .D hil cJeDcb· lJa .,... co _IDtala ""lIlLY TJa.-.A- _ _ _ Cfttilcate wre~_ I... .leh "1"11 .... lair NpCIDt dll. . .,'I A .1111 ••• tfPt t:IdH _ .....
I )R.
' d Pr ew Grocery an i 8t on ore .u.. ••
.r .iDa n4
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rea ... ,.....,.
Kt:~UJ\:R! .._
_I..........·1....,-· -.,.... ... o.au .....
IIVaPTlvB • • •,Ebl. -~.
dOn\lnllnded. IlLlt til.. Impreuion. made lelf in Iny esteem by the "lle,"pt I" were far dlO'ere"t from tho.. lutAnded."I lee. alu! you are a bev.rtle •• copo
ou¥U~hG'a~%~r~i fN:W:r.;~;;t Y SI!.t;UKINU A I'OLlUY III Lbe "0'110 Lite In.ulance.,Compeoy," II I, III Ib~ IlU\\Ol uf o,er~ maa I" 1~1V' a @lnpelenO, 10 10\1 wllo Inll ~llild1'01I .llAIl' hll J6alb. \ lew .,.,n18 tolLi by overy wtok- c:onlll .,erh'jllllloed· I..el), expendol1- ~"II Dccomphlll Ihl. delllrllbll'enll 'I'hUlk ' of h' '''he few d,a". jer. chance. 11111 'IIme rClodor ,COnaUlUeIJ, woul bIl olllply »tl.hcluIlIIO Inlure osa. T\v.., or fUREE TIlDUIAND 1lOJ.1J41\S' And 10 tiC ~1I1..n, olloor .",all honls ... u.,en.el Wb"l .nloka 'WI)' Ihouu!\~'l Yea, It iK l10 ne cunljll,u,alily 011 '1 hv undor.lgn~d. u A !lellL 0 \ Ie" I° Lifo1nlure!l",,0QlIlrlnY".1 l,repaNld 10 lake I,plicatlon. un ,hher IIluIUlr or Jo/n\ hICk ,)(hICIPlo, InLl un Ihe 'lIlOS'I"f A.VOn ~ IJL~' B'LMl:! , IlIhl8 auo~n; Coml!any, unuer,ou,riow,n Jlaw " W I a nIDal LIUU .. I, OIIAl\TU IInu n I Ie Iand• .. I IhG rlghL lund o. llIun 'IJ lie•., ara illlPor '''Ill cou~llleraIiOll' hi. nllL Ilwa)'1 •• Ie .,' uulL YUU"'N ..... 001811011., lUI Ihe>lIhnple r",. 011 Ih.I W~ Clln kllow "'u, 111110 aboul Ihenl. IVe i nVlle" II wi I.. II!O t In IIn_rOML III tI18 IU b I cl 10 call anl1 \H2O u•• lId gOL I 1S000k- lrtIC.nd wo Ihlllk )'OU "llIlnBura D1Il··c.::'l' W m Per J I'" M "1'1 "'-J'" .... '"II .lun~. I.·" lion, 0 III ) air, po n unu lUe. ' OJ l.Iurnol l. Edell 1.1 k9oi.l~t, \VIII (.iowD.wn Juo NI Itlilll"WG),.::; 1( .. be\rVI ul'r.W,l>~T, 1;; ~ ll • UUM Q~Ok p'tA~Y. b ~ noe"cr ~ W. ~lOIl1::It'lt:i .,., n\ aL WovllClYlhI. ' • , 31•. 1y BON NE'l'I!lU - A low mu,o 01 Ih.... IIIUd, che0I.',lJonnl!"jju81 lor Ibe •• 1"K~ b) < I I:J IiAltJf1::; &rocuhlKland CO, :Silln 01 Flnlls. Mn)' 6. 1~2
Datl,m to carry In be(ll~e tbem. lie rve .0 Itronarly, that 1 (eel it will be dealh Iv blmBl'lr up tu hupe and already counted tear thom Iwny. A, ynu have c"uled me 00 tIle h.1t of the WaltuD e.tllle, u hll to love •• il It demnndJIIII more th.n JU.llllt' owo. and IIpent many a .llilJing of hi. .mllll IUDd.OIl tb. ~1renllh \1111 ant I01allon P . W~eD 'Ie .a" thlt the bottom or his une would 1000 be relcbed. Ita lOulillt an P upportunity. decl~red hhnMIf i~ love. lind tI la ~Oll" I. .I 01 III uWi ...S k ed . Iton. The Gen.ral to whom he hud IIlw6Y. apPlllred a "fiDe follow." wlluld lea,,, bit dau"i. ler • _" to deCide tb., matter. ' TIIIlI r"rerred. he ' mil kl nl Ell eo t he reclp Ienl I0111 no t I melQ ul bll"laJe of love." All III. theatrical 'pow en were called ",aetlon. hi' eloquence
'll .w£IGH ANn C~N8IDII~ , IJ!p;.:.t.~~~ J.:tJfte&ei~t :.bt!:~
eN"''''' n.1i '.
l'lii•• fccuwlueudial by cwrlll\Calua. wlllllll nn.
,uetl,. wUI elleel ClIIrt/I whern"r h II uiiild ••1 'o.mo .. "1.11 u l\;(UlId. 'I lil. 11 ou l'aret."" " ~rIIDLhllJ. but ('ne wbidi Ii uMd \II _ wil a••" Ib.lty.. 1,1 IIJ0u.al)"' •• nd ~ IU,.,. tillch-~ ~ra~iu "lilt f_ ""i~'1IInl.li. Ibtl, pUl Ib-L III _Mer,Aldllll ___ ~ ~._ -- II I. lI.eII Ir~ell ICCClr<llll1 til durcdOAa. ao4 •• InLil' .all·1.• .CI 011 1a lIul II IYen I'" o ....t _ ',uura. Ihe)' .,.n r"uro lb. Dl"hCJ~ , JlDd LilIIIf IluNl!.Y wl.l ~ CbeerfUll1 ",Lurned E9I' •• 10 II, 1l0bhK'I'S . JlkO' 'H~f(, AI!CP\e (Of Wa,,,.. ,il.:. O. 'bI!t!!
...... ........
Ano"' the ,Change.
TIll .ubilcrib~", thrntl,h till. 'mediuta• woul4 11,1I0Ullce 10 h I old Iriend. IInti Ih. .public generally Ihat h" b •• 'itillm re_IIn.. od ' bi, b··....·Ille-alld H.rllfll - uf Bud~'le - .. malll",ln thll pl.c:4!, at the,ltaDd lorllltr'Iy occupied by T11<l8. Smltb. 1 Inlt'ntl It eep l i d 8 d un lun an aUorlmt'nt 01 .diu a, d H,rnellll or 1111 IIllId•• Illd will m.~e to order an) Ihlp8 In our li~. ThaN W IlOhln .. to purch ... anlcll'I h, our 1;lIeI of • tr.d~ Will du well to clIII .lId 'l!"lmne 10'. t • b I ! oc e orll pur~ h IIID, f' Ii ow IlOti. .. ID~t'nd to lell .or Imlll! prl/fI~ IJ1d Il'ltell IIturn. So' d ber, b"" cio~e.n If't. ore 'UV "VI Tn" !lIOCIt 1 h ... un hallet; "nd II )'OU lind w~ C)an'I 'ar-" TheD try IItIllle oth" .t...... .. .. ..., u b~t'c t .. to" I I .1)" ... Tb", quality •• ". anr Ihup Wllilla tJle town i.... d ...... b .. .. vr liurroun Ill, 111' ......rh" .... . ASAHE~ CH AN DLIL W ,,0", II'.e, J kD •• "6 t h• J_.. ... •
,uod •
AilE-II 6nalUiOlIn\~"I jU1.1 r.· Q OEtJIIl:IW ..tn'li at A .. LllitIi &. l :VAfili. Dlfn tOuldl:n B.,I.
April 114,
Flll1::1 nllEll • P.BOTECT I'ulJJl ~.. U.PE.TYl 'rill:: W..nu U...a:aVI: btSULUlOJ liINIr~1
han 00' o. lha moel hbertl t1tV\ltl ,.1 ... , 'll"UU corporlilulilp 11&. Valuod :,...... ,,11CI an preputKf 10 In... r. property aD .be mllltaonn18poua ternal. 'l'be pI.a 01 ib;Jr opataUoal IIII_L .zcclleoL ,Pwpen, II .u,I· \ed 10'0 lOur 01_ I!II1II1d V.~ .11' '1I1d ar_lIt" Ualoo; VlU. UII!qD Man.' 10IuNt·. Uai j)n; 'J :S\4am UoiOn. ~ VnlOl 10. aapan'le aDe! dbrUflCI, and I"I"r. h. t1") ,"" Dc other. 1 be propri.I, aud j.llee. ,aeh a dlYj"loa CIa bii - . . II ~ I \!II 'lui rldllOf • t.nner or Viii . . . 10 p.,. " ... ... lOr ........1 vi "-.JiII be"~", t ar-t de, and Lhi. nuv.lloa" a(6ldjl ), Ibti allO" Tha _ III libef-
arr::=* ..
JIIIIlC1l/ua ~ J ..... ...,.:!,~..JI" ....... Do.
lI ... ~._ AJrIIIII.
'" I,_..nl.. IDIJ'Oh lib.
'give II~ some more
,It's a d-:d lic!' cxclilill1~d tbe ,8Lrung~r 'Yea, .q~lck}y; J' bc\ivvo' t·bnt scoundr\,1 Ihnl ..,f \'irl ~~' I.orsoll ql ~c~uIY may .ltr~UI Iho Tile lIlas!JI\ clau!it;t !!l Litlu.,l ' 'Jaw. (loJlcludes ' to give .. u]' ' the \onpllno wlurting· Lo )Iill foet "ulld you ure a .ned- ,IIQS rq urnod fur mischicf i. of .· .Il"tirnllu u 0 Iho I'Q~silll; h¢Uf , bUI II l~ II.. Th iM law went.into dling, inlpuden t pnllPY.' . . operatio n !nst Thurs- houseke e ping, ond try.'booTdlng nt II hotel_ . , He hud .tonroel), s poj<cn when' a bull rlchur b~n~ty ofmo",1 worth, Iho IlIvcll:t~9s '01 d~y_ 1'1,'0 Truvel~ r. nn u.!vucato fill' lho luw A:cccpt~ Tompki ns' illviL.tion -to <"ttend lhetloul, thnt Q4) nun nn da ,he: d UIJos'l rov.~ronco, '1;10 gil'~B you tho lie, , olonel,' crle d TC d cllmO \VhitiL1in~ hy his Cbrs. , '111111 ~~"'''t1''lho 'lIlo~t onduri" iJ ,dTo<!li~i • •. F."OIl suys: 1I01e. 'ijlrkc lhe r08cnl down.' the children 's concert. ' just to please little iQuick. KhtOI' ho exclaill)edj 'olarm ',Iell who lin ..o 110 roliJlhln Ihum",!1vns, hIll In n1most ~vory city ond principol town T pmmy! ' 'l'ommy iJ! lilight~d Tho tory oDioer wal' 0 bro(l:Irard. ,and 0 t,h rm or they will bo , an!1lhlllke IIll.!rdicred in tbeir who nre mOll of JUJglIIOIII Illll wljo 0 "pil.il'll in the C01nmon\I'( 'olth, cxcc\l~ Boston. m~- Tompkin s '0 very cow\i~II. Illlt bein'g ex.oited by drink,. hc 8lcrp! kind gellllemn~/ ' to is w orth Iho mosl, reel)~'ot nll~ ndOliru 11'0 nicipul uuLhoriti~s hOV G tl\ken n\ensureH . in give him SO much cllndy Qrd mlll1i,fested n. mllcb courage 011 irulividv110 mOllY b.onThe lIext mQmon! bo snw .1II bright light. Indy Ihe 1110" , who di $lll o),s in hor CilOTGttor I\ccorilu nco\vith \ho net. for thouuo execuols oC hi~ culibrc do' unde, ~illlilu~ t\lrcum- The barn WIIS on fire, bons. His mommll bC/l'ITlN ' to admit cor'lind .1,0ulS of 'BuLch- Ihe ~c~uIY of holino•• ," ns in regnr.! to Lho lIale tain littlo ollovilltions of her 1I0rrolV, Iii ~toJ)ce. . If ih.r. 18 0 11 0 .i ~h" lIlor" th.,l nnolhor, in 'lioll of its provisio the Of the reuels!- hock them \0 pieccs!' mlldo Ihi. worl,l of . ill .. HI 80rrow, whiola ct1 I1t"it1ll~ of Iinnor. 1t i~ IIn(Icrltoo tl 11 . I oM e~r.k,' r~plip:dlhe gentle'1,'11 tooch,you a leeson- rebel-tr aitor!' the 1V~lkil\ r·lng. Dnnl!!~ ,ut 11050 per- ~hllpe of protr~etcd converSlltlonl w1I1~ c. r ~sh!-wc nl 'all tI ••. • I QIII ~18 of b"oul),. 1I0blones . nnd vI' .on8, or many o~ lhom. who ho,l'o been li- rilles. cnlle. variegaLed nnsnl protuhcr :. ho criet\, drawln, hie 8wort!, lind 4(.c. making the' bar-Toom door, nnd in ' nnother iITsLullt worth, ids dinl f n )'uuI11: 01111 l\)Vj,ly I Clllul"~ ccnscd by ollr city authOrit ies IIndnt nro "1I0t u'w are thnt tho rubel nn IIt~b 1l1pt to reuch the. • trunger. the Sho cries (I>lill\o. whon Tommy os~. 'lllienm the room boluw wa. in full \. oslwsiion /ql whoso )'oU lh nnd bORmy, whOlj o dcpll. nnll rormer IlIw will rt>gnrd thoir IiconseR on hi. bet lega-tb~t tbe Cow'- you u Ics80n I. ' as va- her if she hssn't roregotte n to plant the some eight or ten tulHlI~s. \.od on by A;m- rithn~S5 of n!f~clion on\1 wlLoao Iloworful illmusl SOOIl throw theDlselvea , 'Come, come, none of thiel' ~08red 'J9- strollg, nuanoe on humall h"nrUt, IIrc nit Cflnsocrn t rl lid, notwith stu nding· tl,c new Inll', and, con- ,nowors' ill a certoill cemetory . Temp I Th I Lo Ih o <musc 01 truIII' .nd h,,!lucas, \~ltl .M nil tinue thuir bu si.noss ' of t~e k'lI/g.' ' utlcore IlIg1y. h~nne8; 'I won't ~ave' any di ...tuthancc 'Quic}i,q \lick.,Knte!'slloul e 0.- kius comea ill, aild think. he .. lqvlier than 'Dd Livil'g~toll, humbl. 011' ring at iI.&· 5 ."lor'. (~Ct- 'uch, . gal ow. Dnd I dOI)'t 'c are' a d~n ,,'e re-put bp your IIwprd-p erhaps ques tion which witl be ., thu~ roisou, e.ver. 8l1lilint: througb her tcars. the 'tl",y ore on the stails!' Tommy' . . hohl!; is , Induotl wOrlhy orlhu reyerOlled and nel . mu~t be decided belore. snid Johonlle s; 'therc is your Y04"" mnn "'i11 clplaill. ' tho nelV InlV can is senl out hlto' !hs l:urdlm. to milks 'pretty ,. OltlJohu lln,,;' 'VIIS .there, TIOc in' !kllnd, lI.irnlioll or very LrU~ lIlId 110,,1. dow'Q with you\' dust!' heart. Slid ~ho L ' I Iko cffect. Me n IMr,ncd in Lho lillY, it i ~ di r l'P ic8 ,' (to the uLtcr tleniolition "'11 8ee him in ___ .i , ~Irs : 'Covellhoven .hllu II trelllfcndous hlun- will CQ,lIolt.llol it, OVOl1 Wh utl Ih. or a nUlv Iillilt or her ooidl.l.HIVO gll'en ~n opiulon t!lnt Iicenle. frocli'nnd in nnother part of lhe room ' R ed nose interrupt ed tI,e Itranger trou~er8';) and returnsl 'ery unex'by t.le;bus8, nnd' ~nte was ormed with a . pair hcnut.)' is [lIlCIIC/tud , 611t1lhc. llowcrul her lu"Q' provlou. ly granted, ure contracl s which individu ol. who did not Beelll MY'ing out-" H 'unulI ,olT! fair nloyl' pcctet.lly, to tintl hlB muthma' s cheeks very· 01110;80 plstols_ '. , IIno i.roded. •. if Ih rod .s n sod , hourl- tho operlltio,\ of theMw law canllot unnul. , .,. oblurvlls l ns of tho gentlem an lire. killS: Hlghl "nQUI' rosy, nnd Lo be .tossed up' in the lIir by tho cfi[lh, II 'Come. come,'no 6ghtjn~ ~ere-I keel!' ill Ihllt of 61ku ' . The doo'r opens-A rmstron g op,l hi. u1rV whit olllh" Chllrlh~ wld eh nnlllrc . ""ft.""'iIOJ'ld/ tlf,.\Ikt ",d,,~,_ 'I\c,-\ nose,' "nd w,o re about roplyIlIv lBh• . If . tills shollid ~ro~~!o be th~ caSe, I~ Tompkil ls, who m a re,~pectabill ' establish ment;' .aid tbe lahd- blrelitl '" nro ,Oil, Lhe decltlrc~ Mmself 'pis ,!ICI¥' stoir8, . sure euougl\'. '~ U,POII hot duUUlnllls , proo li llllillll Iholtl . 111'0 b ,lle,mllrKS when an Engliah offi- lord, . 'becomin g 80mewk at 11 ,IS ~usy to ,,~e thot It 11'111· IISI;':II\1ully CIIl' cI!rago d-;l Four of tb~JlI hlld reBchcd ~llo 101/. whell lJoO . III1R~ pApa!' 01 vtlnlly, or 'Cosltion, ond 'In~vh'u dress, IIrolic lind IIlil: ,bnrrn.s lhe ('x~~u.t1on of tho htw, Ilnd p~rknow the' "enLl'e~an, ~nd' will protec~ him.' ~ivingstori vhoutl\d' ""'I'l~y rn.~, ~re!', 'Three .sh~1..B lite ~OI\I on thu ulllnen.nine: IJAIlIlfYo( tl vuill hallM doCeut tbiB. I~' tho ~irth ~dtl1 o.C the tho o\.juc\iun of it olltircly , so 'I-h! lia!.' loullhetl reil 'l1ose, '!ute\\, ~ Willi ,took'.eO"ecl: but tho , ••• , tory leode~ und hia '"ld itollo),,-honrlod world; .runnin!: n , Gi~~y as lndivllluuls I'IOIJillg sllch IIccncl'" lire • ter~,. l to~ive you the health rip-Ijt.' Spioed ihe"'~r, 01 "nyol~' , Im·olrt)'. Mill. '.Ii "sjpnll~ lI; rar I, ." , cOllccrn cd.' QomrlldcM nrcw more desp(!rllLo ilL the sight round . . ,.' Inylng ' UI'OII lhC 'IUluro I " I .. 1~'ulm(.vtft 1'0 I 'I m,!ethave -aatl61~otiDn,' 8aid tho officeI'. o( bloo~. '.. "c Iud eM An d t·oron. 111 I the TI wintor " of u7, I' • rS I I uld IIgO, ~1Il1 ' nlllisorn\)IQ, 'runlol>!oful dlornity . ·'~i;~~~;; .. " '}I',lo reol'dl'n" In i'i::t;~rD:;.r.;:[::;:::r~,;:~~,:;;: CIt .C cIty aut IO! IllNI {o all hie face • aa red al tho comb onl IUVO ap- Ne'w Orll:an8, lI: youth' whn stood ~lme8t " .LNUU '~ .1 my n'n c.qulI: . ,of a diln"hl'lI . k ,qu IC k " .Knle,1• Sl9ut • .,. I - ' . .." Oh whut I )I'omlnl WI.bt hcr' mHo . l, doinLeu roosto~, '\bia in8ult .hall be reveoge il/ I gencmh 'l~1 gonLs " I for ' . the 'city, II~O, fix- IilVe .eet ' nn d' t IIrce quarters' in hie ed ~Ierrll,ther. rushing nife in hond through ' IJ tr Jill's 6f1ov~"b 0Ic\on . or l'()I! f ligbll' tb~ toast Will! rlleponded to. .:1'o-mu~row, I'1i aive an, the eatl.flletloll th4l "moko, e .811 ury. 10 pu~c losing agcllts ~re f,o- s(ockh1ge, whu,hoill:d ,lrorn 80mew,h ere UP " '1;)""':n Iho 't oflois l ' D-n tho' Wiloil is ahe Iflh03C lI.s r vila ' . (tulrod ,to purcllllSC o,~ly lha IJc~t Illnda of tho Waba9h , Iyas invi~cd feet, a~d af\er Ufolning 10U require,' laid the atranger . ,'and. . by a fdend to more ,reu eoatft ond ,to b-II wj,lh old Kihg 'Fhe, lpwly J~I'll!1 1-',v,o Ill"Y writo pretty dry, gave three cb~ers tOO. perhap•. ' lIq.uora. dIrectly ~rom :mportcr~, ~nd elr the diue lit the eame hOlls)) ." George! ' exclaime d Jdhollne,a, cutting StlVWhere. wlla bOIr;Ilia 11111110 upon "or ma,l, Q br<l\v. ftd the cu~tom snlllo number io' Mr, lind houso 804,. or Irom authonze \ mOIl- ding. 'This was tho Hooslor' .... ,rUt'II<iI:,D!Ulu;l~tiilp. ·I..' 'Tuke, tha,tl' eaclaime d the" Colonel •. 1I1- ~ ..ely 'ri".ht 'IInd le'ft, ··It s IIrRt vialt ' WIIEI terrible, t ho, b b I; okl Co, venhoyc n, The puncl, tell'lptlnlY \0 throw I), "IIBI'O/, liq~or, ufacture s, nnd' to seJl only to lbe I\ity scHTlt\1\d II JihLnB'"n.itl h11 r curls orj Dm y Irom I bo . " 't! h s •<0 Id II (. d . in <tho panlin.;"ond lI.trl\~ IYles, and n'rUlln9 oC, tbe . • _ OJ.. . nwn 10m€', lin 1 0 l! 6l1 nf,l 18 nOll IlW? .. f ij f1f", Y " ~, . Y . . II . Ingol!o nla,-Th e seUlng ogencles ore of- 'h [J foro her trcnti; and yot--allu yut . . elllptied agalD~ b'ut , In <its stranger 's lace. but whloh WlIa pr~vellte 'I . I '" I d cOIJlhal;ont . . ' , '~ 0 WOS In . .: , . . t 10' protI'uct 0' t ,.b tlSlne~ Without th'nt me k~ r an .. eJI~'11 bo ,a perBon <thab "!fIe. Cclveq- ' from reaci,ln , itl denlnl1ti on by (Crill!. 10. aU ro~polltob a ,lt P.'?! ~eollrIO~. III ho~ l'utchnslld hili curgo ' of c~rn. as they. Johonno rl _ JIork! the quick J:ol'0rt of II pistol shot . ' A lishlor Ihing LinIn vonfty." . lh~ .ctty, \yh~ Will ~Ive y~~ roqlllrod \ bon~s took their ROllta i·ndiv.iduaJly ilDd pllrll~naily .. clltohing bi~ arm, and sbaLLeM g , Lbe lhe Ilble, that he exCOLI- Is hedl'd, 'I1nd Lbo to,ry lellder hoadlong' [L8~f'l nook. . n~t to buy o,~ ~cll..lIl1Y hquo~s p:,c,",Pt u~dcr pocted he would litsbow of more pretenlro 'na in lente of th, lom,e"b ere In the 'neiih- down tbo Ilairl, The tle~dl:r weopo!l him all ' the sighlt \Y'i1Q . and circ~ference •.filled to borho~ o( re4 nD~e'alOunlel,lllnc:e. (hrect-Ioll oOh~ city allOHrnhe~, I he,y oro. in tow'n, DB he, wlInted . -" In ~hehl\nd~ of 'tl!e RED~L'a BRIDEI to let nil tlieJQlks at olTore~ II fi'xlld Hulury, .of 8200 lI ·yeor, pUyll- li'u m knolV nbont It. Th~ .ervant brought a lIquid which lave birtli ,t o ~re you tbllt . dare in't l'rrupt me1 1 But ller motller, her dear old motht'r, loy 'ble quarter1 y, u\ld ~ro . cxpect~d to rc~orc~' hi", plate of soliP; smoke, ",hlch ucended Inqui,red the oflicer; lavagely ; ' 'who and 0~8orvlnl! a geDlIe , 0 , dead 'lIl her feet; her fatber hud sqnk from .' The n06trila 01 oil pres· you1'. all 8I111!8 mude by (lIqm from ttlllo to t1~ " 'mnn nllllrly oppo.ilu "put ~o~sider \, f. ~xhnu8t1on and 1018 'of blooll pn' the stnir-. The able CIIJ-' Ne~fo ' ~ ndlnl~ d FI~llcrles. on~ llIuke 11 mOJj~hly ,report to Ibe city. stlp Itl hi! di5~. our ,Hoo.ler open prodigioullly, a,. thoy 'W,bo'~rp, T. you . d-d ecoundrel!!, ~un-. WRy-bi ll Llv!ngat on had only; ~ecelve~ II · p.olnted to a B~.the treot~ ~r ,1788, the Unl~ed . S ! attl8 8pd at perlume a 01 'the beverap; d~red ~~e lanlllQrd ,'rwhy 1 sm a plain, !I.le.~nmo limo (Illy I)ve.r; . whot Ibey bottle or pcpor!.~uco and Dskod b ia ' lIolSItDnd rlOo ~oll in the lI""hy part 01( tho ~rm, D.lkd, ·aClIU1ro~ , tile Jlrtvlleg~ off tnki.ng IIsh ~po~ ~o~e .rec .I~eil (f~m theIr &.nlclI. . .. ' (ree .po~tio, lj\~n, I IlllVO j)on'veried with the perfor)tti • bor y,ohat It willi> ' , o,n of two ~~lIl1ln lIi~ h8~;- . th~ 8horc~ of ~1l1~Jl'() u~dIUnd, and lOt tir~s fho Olty guyernm~nt of Xewb,ur yport, .• 'Spiced Vinegar ,' \\,0. o~ plpe~.' ,~id the be~- VI1I~~ing1.dni ~-n ' 1.0 r eye~1, ali hon9~ Onh ono l'~d tbe 'rep1y. ~lIt remlllile d IUninj~r~ d. l10d Ing tbcm III. th_o unsettled lIays, unU )l~rb~ , hn,o, ns w'o u~i1~r8tn Johll·nne l. • make ,YounsolvB6 which you never hlldl' lld, pursued \ll,u1)11 th,e ·Wal. ebPpose yer 'b'liJ,e a fl)lIar 1.11 he made bis eac~pf! froll) \be SCOnD of IIC- of ,Nov.o Seotl~, on,d otller cOQBts. h~ld by .11\11I1l course wltli rQgor(1 Lo tho new . IIIW, jJappr, ·Thele are 'exci-" " Such oe you are'101. D-n the hOlldin't I1IQlIg.' toriea" tion aa t~erQ I. nQtlling like i lit- d-o thB Yog~r8! d-n the red coaU, one him': Tapidly ~ his legs woulc\ .carry Great :nrltlll~ .. , D~r6te Lhe Rovolull onary as t1lat.lu.ken Ly (ho \lutbo,ritios 9f DO~IO!~., 'Cerhltll YI' WD9 the answer. \,,' " . War the Qulo~lItll of , (:our~o, In. ~olllmo,~ 'l)hc ~rnc.i0 uf. the olL~ and rum_ Hilke yom:telv H ~bd ill! Confudio ll tl! k.ing George, m BT8hnll hl\~ . boen . Tho hO~8ler too~ 'the . bottle ~nd comand The firing aroused a ~umbcr of ,nelgh- ~v'tl~ ot~er ,8ubJects ?~ .Grent Brlta.ill" on abollsbe d. OliO Il ncw office, 01111)( of r ollee menee~ . '.' 1111 (lis minion8, ' ~ . doslnlr Into hIs lOll]; b\\t If lba bora by whOlo ,exet'Uon a lhe Illoiliea ~[r. Joyed tlie lame. I,rivllege.8 ~s. ,~I~oy, rhlOJ brIm 8ub~lIt!,lcd,\ 'rho dUtljl8 ," eJtabllakm"en1..B 'now-a,a ays, of the ~11I"t souce 'dld noillow very (rcely, he took 'lut " Th~ .officer fto'uri.he .. ' d r eonoesai d· hi" aw'6 rd Dgllln, onil Mrs. Covenbo ven wero oll \Vas Btrongly obJecteli to on 1 thc i 1i· rollll'1c rom . < t') I :c::.~' IO~' , QI the word liner~y' border. "lit Jolianne s quicilly .topped· tbe gentlc~ . ' .~ . ' 0 po "o . ~\~ I~C u de tI, 0 111',0 \I t o~. Q r the co ... the b!luse, The bodlea;o f the torres wcre. ~~~t of the ',Brludh and at til'll SlllDe tlmo observin g to Governm ent· but Wlla the laws plleacd IIY tho eta~r auih'mll~8' mtox"ca,"olos;. but we do not min lind ordered him out of lIIe IdlS fr10nd;houso. . burnt to Mhes in lIie Clol)fiftllfl'lttldn.. ' , ~ III slstod o~ by lIlr, .I\, dQmB~ who ref\!sf tl ~o Jllmca Cary, tllO city . mursllal, lin • .beell meollt that, for ' 'Killder clo~o ·roJk~ yor Btqppill' with 10 youl' IBid , tho landlord , ' 'If . ),011 s Tile next day tho' British troOps 01050 Lbo treaty" .world ~'generilly dpe., loathed ~Oll·t move olF 'in an Inal"nt~ lin any tenll , . qhqscn. oh lof police_ '" but il bul- tod the ciLy, lobt;Jnnos. reco,"crcd from ' ~ho heaty they. put IIltch Iiltle 1II'le in tbll\ to' , ;r8' 01 ~h()nt w.~s "1Icn~ ~~, the h."ve lllllo~.,.od o~r .oxo~p1e B~\d ill ~1IlI.)'1rIt"J!"fI\ . . a ~rullkDrd In h~ lDmo~t let through your train!! • .nnlillipn- VOnt a foll~r'stlllCell' m,luh or ' the .tuft: ' . his wounds, ~nil for a number of ycars IIv8ubJ,OL. ~)It ~"' ,atl....f(I"'UloJ1"I&.w J~. ro. ,III ~_ " when An\erlClln vos8e,l.s . after Mn of the 1'rolullltor), Illw gl~'t\n " . This ~~uled t~e mlLltor immedia te!y, ond ed ~appily with his '011, 81111'10 [:s poso.it' comes high, i1on·t. it. cbildren ; Il~~ many n the pcac~ of ISSt, ros~mcd ~p~rIlLlo .'iilialliP'!Wit . ~ • .,. . Jrall I .. . . .elldy' drank Lbe hllaltb . of the gall.ul C()lone~ mqy~d oft' ns ~uppl~ of licrnc!es til B~H liquor .wlth the ptlrlng tllid . tiano he 'pourc~ witl!, nonrly a h!~ "~In~er:j; cI'enin« would ,he \il~gulle. tho. tc' tberc, .11. d!scl1~8!011 aro~~ U~OD tho question ,. u\lellbol l lind cxP.cctllt .. 1boI, ralt ta,elO:"~"'r~=~:';::M(':~"~ ) I . , i~ a.~.oo IIresent. 'and ~rie-"iI~ Ct.,11 reu,\lrkn ble rop,ld rata,' bill liS 'dloUlbo ion of II1IvIIIg t~lem "ine 'glus9 full fn~olll' soup, .and t~k!t)I ' , uu, by. narrntln g to COrLIII? ' httle t~e n~lhs~ ,~,nIBtry ~lDIl\~tng or tho cba".~hlb~~t-. 'J'b.IIlIJ~" . t l\ll\!lrO thot tllO . ,var hol~ goo~ ·for n yoor, wo cnunot oerUlIn,ly liis spoo~ be h~lI. of tbe fair l:irl,6 he left the door hQ uttered 1111 o!lb, lind qnee, tht> ~vllntll bereln , ho ~Ipped It f~II, ,tQgelh~r ~hl& ,recorded , . ... boton. I4llldraul.... Tlle.. il~"'~.,. hi Iht'tOQ~l had concelle d the 8LI(lul~tt DIl8 of 1788, Bnd SlY. ~ though IYO bolleve they hove. . . r ' scvtfol pCPllrr~l llInd ' put Iqnto h)~ gwore thllt ho would be revenneLt ' II.....~l~_hlud~IOf.~"',jttl' S ' . . .... ' Qloul!l. ~ ' , . the Uhlted. 8111tos Gllvernm ent on t~lo oLb- .A' form or blunks. , . tileD 06twl\01ll ,1M "'''' :»'""" I.. tl). ~ , in Q~.e oC Com(1llnllt- 'I'll" next installt hil'spoulclI. tho contenlS " philosop hy, or drin.i~I" • . ..D,urinlt h/l disturbo nce', Mrs, n_" , ' d II ttl ' I (tlst Cuvenho t t F.!!11!O:orA (r.").2 SUlPID&.-'! he Rlehmo~d .nv- ,or 11111, k ~ . 10 crmol ~ .... ..,taoIIIo. cOl!HllP~" I. I , . '. I d '-I d ' .... ed \ PI' 0 ' N ' I rell y ~~ hns been I1dOptOll by t ,e .0ICO ourt, " . publ~Clln " in tho co'urae tlj Ii senaMe arllclu on 'med II permane nt arrangom 10 LD~ 11l~" .tlar.oCIoJ;>·' D spoon 110r08 tllo tUb Ie into I, " art,cu ate ule re .n"" 0 French e very near 'gQing, ofti the hlln.dlc/ 8m.... ,.... ,11a,. ent connecte d compla'n ta:were modo ttl thia Oourt during orhls 110 b' hO . I It II Ie vim-cam. I' I III hihla 10 tho It II «lInOelll0I1'8 bosom and b\lw)ot! • K ' . -. . , ". I .1 rllBhlon, C •• 1.' I -ll~l.a B a t ' us \lUSO f e ·g"n""u va U , R ei u6. ' 19 alld " IV h Kate Ie ' aOpllrllt poor ,.j,j,!dP,t\II.* JIaeII I, . ..iCOp,""" . lite, 011 wllo 0 " tlO wa. , In totes eu . a rOIll .. , I tho cf' .: sOllSion '11' . tbis . I ' < forenoon . In csse II com' ; .' B' 'Wutor' Watf,lrl BI\Gl:ell Jlnd ",lid Cit. - d oJ " ' , ' ~..oui!e-W .,"f1' t r " iJ nics,: ~",,"Il' or cellt •• ' . uC lrr eu WIll. . . . ... ' rl1ton. an \yoro ', 10 ,orco u~t expross IY plniilt i8 mudo agoinst a pe , nt, was 11108 ' IrantlO. . tlj~~p'" ",,,\st" 'IWJtHin I 'v~er or two p.~t eor8eua "ave rso'll. Ilad clIfcely died upon hlb Jl)lnlllg apartme " lIccnsed aive me aome b "'eter' I'm ",lIll lire- . . . • t 1'1 '. I f II _ , 1lMm' )lftr iRlly n"-ndonB<\. bUll a lIub,otltUo,C II tOIl~tcq. , . , talent and ~tl1\u.,l\O d Ic .r~st,f \ 0 tiS conLrovcr- by \hc' CIty . .' " ' door ,oponed and a young , nllthorltl The,.tr~n~er /I ~lIqrO '1(88 10hn LJv\n~t~8 the 4ucstlon to be , 'ny aar, 88fr.' exclaIme d the Frl,1ncl!m II J~OlJlru"t1'0 to ho&i.lh hoe boon a/lQPt- ay was lho , provl.a lons an ~I=. . . . .":~~~'7.":e'l or 1818, ,the con- dooidoti by thc Court ",111 bo II~ .~o ..tho VIIuetl, entered the room, and. .ton. a young <!onllanent~I-.nd he in 0 rage, jUlllplng 'up'from W.RS the tllu tabl~, :~nI:Old ,YOll times l.di.R ul!'&llo wear jU8"lenou~b atruclion of willch is now ~II qu?s~ion. ~)s" tt ....'ble 8be·I'~l,n.II'~4I't\0CI' I It' Uih!y of tho Ilct'nse. d t d l 'mselC' It a husband of the -Ian lor~ .. dllullhler. hllve 8Jloiled my 8hirt, my, vestl sol,r: ~poil po-ILieoa tS 10 It op Ihem eomfor.tlIIblo, and tlil 0 ccrtnlnly seelDS lato , .imlll &Dl\ ",.. prill'" All b!r . fig a ~or ae~ilcb III to re-ollon II ques tion, h '1 Tiley Ilad bcan married but a abort 'jime w~fe kepI in \l.elr (llacc~ ,. ~~!~~::,::' .~ lh. oernci tverythl ng, salr . BY 'gar,leh aU'aee aboul or boIA-~o by one Ihoultlot corner, elraps. 0 ng t e 00 y of 'construc tion, iipnll(en tly SCL IQd by tbirsa III 4\I!dIt a porr..r-a... , , I d Ti thl ' -tbe olTalr hoving\ beeh kept _secret from hi 'l tb 'I'S sair '" " , " .- . . , . 6 1ft now', ,It·s no uilpomtpo HUM n .t ng ' 0 0 lIe~. 1\0 US ,oI.... Wth.1>Of ••1so-QI II1. ')ccu~.!~. ty yeors " priic~ioe 011 tba ono sido, o,nd IIC, .' tho" mcan. :tiDle . tho Hoosior I,~ lere ~18 . n:ttrancg aJl ~ave Kate'a parente. CDl_ Armslro ng, ,lI'll1'kly, . ' In ddl~tho lilttle .ebed Cr6~ttl,rll ~~raml1uI prtldn..., appellral lco very '1l ~ 'quie8cen ce on (he otlier', . .. h' ffi - h 'd b ~ 1I1It- -'1P_6\het_ltcn~. , moment all eye. were upollthe .tretlta WIl .• It or Clillt e"n\8- loIJICQ. II pitcher cuotoll'g \Vo~or ~nd lind taken ft the Bntls 0. , ~er, a een or ""?~ t i me them . Fl ' I' " 'fh!if thick Rnd d l' bellY)' Vi' d onough le,r horlo blank:t i".~re. Undor t~e trUIl~y' ()~!:I:f3, r~nce I: /tuna , . ceD_~ , ' .n. admirer; anll a""ore, when he dllco"er - ell!~tied lightly oro.una 0 e lowe .' tremond oua draughl . SqUiog down the ~~r w. lat. tltereb)' o!ld exercl~os 1\ right or, IIslullj: UjlDII tIll.! J30gins 10e Lhink Itrll\~1t C\1un ....~A.AC t h ' man" oC' ed No thllt . .. 11 Liviogat beforo the on ", ••• pitcllcr a favorite, th", he he4ting Ihospino. Gnd ere.llllg "I'fellilr e UI10Il he eyod the Frenchm an Cor . a mo- ' " ' - " ou wan erl', )'ounl ontire northern and ,lVe~ter\t COIt~t of New- wcoJ on his Itat losses ~ Ii"m .' . h tone' wOl\ld' walk over hj_ delld,bod y, an d rna k e tI'l\ abdl.mon its 6rst glosi. '11[01 m6nt alld then yolletl~" \0 " .III.1- .If constantIy .app l'luu . ' I 0 fOllndlllnd. ,to tho exclusio ll of ovon I I ' ;~l~::1:~~~r;~~=~~~I!.\ll4lLlII~.It~':. ~e~ 0 ttlielnreap~yo~gl blIY~ the inn keeper'. ,. . ' BrU- eoeh aulstfnl{ )(oung g r s t[) fillu 0 senltl! , ' Dod da~lIhter his mlstresl .L. ~aQk of a mulo, would kilf: him us A4odndllll1 Jl\u- Ish vcssr!s. )'f,'r old shirL! '8poae I \Va. ,,,,,~, • ", t'Will , AItholtgh tho . terma or tho charch,o r ordering curLS 011' dry cros8illgs , gain' tobl~!tt '' ' '..houg,1 . . . , 1 O,lIl1lne. • ~t..."e. !lfr..... I h 0. d b* en ma ,_,' • h hUB ClmtlT In lu •• Ihan a mont • burn v my eo hlnrtlu o e OCqUfilll· r uut . for you or Yft ' ~~1•• _L I . h' I ea .......)'. I ' ' d ' e I 'nlwor d ' 'proviSio f ' I ns t IIpon W lIClI . t 118 , • .• pretefl tlon . or 'Pretty ee~ tin nro II'UI'1'IDg to P0811 ov- shirtl..:.... againsl ...elo ;:;;~~ . ally Inolloy1' an )'OU ar ' lod with the bOllster II threat, yer meDII 'cuss! Gomo. ,down to . " ' , ,Ie wae '. too "I\'s fD$hion~btlo!nU, ·.i I . w dre8. 80, lind one bad. 0 till, rosts are by I" ti t a.. n~ mel1ns fr~r (rom doubt, Qll~ "',l~""o.!.~~,,,ta . .........," II! e b ' 11 - y for what'l get' shrewd ' a mlln to lot Armstro ng 'know cr. a com' meed In nel'er wos' m~ 0 0 thQ bont oud 1'lIl1'vO yor one .of mine.' well be outor lito " 'orld os QUlcf tho fulnon." although Franco Illd ~~~~~'~~~~':~;;::~i.Y",;~-;; E/lgIDn~ bilr· I.e~s WI po hovo been 'live nloDe.' Ills 'chlldni n' mus t be looked . (hat he 11'&1 lI~are of il. .Llvinga ton Jt was wilh mucb difficulty· thllt tb" HDFn~bion Iho dcueo. Lt'. faahiollobl~ for 80mo lit war I~r. Rlnny yonrs, since 1783, the ;;. h' . for- anor.· 9r. If ho hosll't nnYi he \vould liko tu siet's friolld could d h f II ed noee a frallk. open-h~irted relfow,a nd Kate lov- fool. to kill QUny the Fcullcllm on'. themsolv "l"rflItlIW ICI. es o~trllthl~ Rnd Ispere ~ donn fI mer 0 still Ie r holds hor privilege s then obtailled , bo looked orter-hl meoln 'DrulVs , Jot! _ I".·•• Tp ILl'" t . Sh , ,' h ' ·We lilercoforo \ldvlao th.\l8e IlId,09 who .,. te ', lo', e'r or'ed. II dccp rogo nnd wet mnlters stroicllt oguin, lum 111 lib 0 did ber hfe, " e But waa .,,_ a "" """ tboa' .." 11 I.i d'" Vl"lJII on, all. , II' . t d . d , th t not without remolist ranco on t h0 PlIrt 0 ( 8Ig II cvery tlme.n II '.' t ' Lh . .,..,nJD • , I ' , rC~5 rUB 09 1n·OS, ,bellutifu on, 0 a Opt n \ girl, POfl1088t WI n OV er nfler 'Spiceuj Vinel1or' ,vos 'n ng a IJI Ien did ..4gure, lro wit .nil 10d UII .or ".811 ' . h . b}'-wot4 I l I ' I 1I0tt.er 1'1" . Ily the colonist8. btlt \vlt out SOf\OUS roft st- CIl1~ 1V0mOll 111 j. In _tl.... II~I, ' .tlkedn· C 1 I "t' an Int~lIIgent face, and other ~uractlon8 cour8i~' 'lbnIiIIOmau_~1 .,PoU;~~ " , g vury , pnr tl CII 1((t nnd 8ufliclent to lot .0 II'bole .. ~:::~~~~"~~I1l" 'I".'" table in a n~l: only, diJl'.ro~c.. RIICC_ In 1830, in Drdor '\o tost the ques- ubout etile ;trlllrne t h e u one, 1 • no" . politi h of CIIrte ' his boo\ II, U 01' b .. ' ~h4)' h "'. fit'of hie . b • h'-\ ' thai tho el4lllmer 8eK know 10 "11'011 how to being tllat wllero Iho), delormin , . , _ ... 1_' • the re '" . , as au urn ,. r, . e to commit tion the cbllmbcr uf commor ce of St.10hn , glol'ej . . roaT . . , I thlnk~ hI! 100 kQ.very Imeres tmg d lalf . H ~pprecia. te: We wlll not lay thllt tbo 'had ' In - _........,...._.. .uiclcle by llI1J1rollOr tlre881l11l\ lhe dootors be,vo NClVfol,m . , Ik . bl' I dllllld, sent II vcssel under tho COOl- black. Don t \V~ ,bllCk: an not 1 10 ta 'reven ringlets " or an ',Htbll8te r blllt,' al- Iho ben~fil of out In pu 10 mue \ O. won~rou9 ogo l wht'll wllnt or ,. noth'e Il)eir dccUl1o. IInll tho al1gui&h mand or Cllpt: ~altlund, to IIsh on th.ut with hia children , wh~\I he tloes, tokes tho cl'lIrms ; no • b "1 h lhoullb ill tTUth, ber bair . . . very dark and anxiety of friend." long!'r fills ' fair woman wilh ~nd rel~llon. lire kept pa:rt of t\lo 'coast cluimcd by tho l"fcnch U8 youngesL! Revives his old t08tO for moon- I1larll1s: w'hen jJointiilg roses 'dorll pleue- ut ne my and .:Iony. Sbe ha~ a most bewitch ing ~~~v.: f~~I:~:~~ the Bftli/;'~I~~:~ 1I~~' n'::~:lfyaa:e:~= t1!eire for fi shing. rurposes , TlIo French light and poetry; piti!.'11 single n1~11 lI'.ith 101V !iICC, and cotton stuffing give~ her ev. dimple In her 'chill, and .invariab ly tbero otl' nnd is oTCnLullily '/ org~lIlllI_" Intimate d thl\t tb~y should resort to rorco all his henrt; 1V0ndnrd was a pretty pout lurkiog abDut her lip'; how til e,. contrlvo ery grllcej when pile8 01 gold-he r Itfe'. , ... • If noceell'at y, lind he ' whhtlrew . Tho re- to exis t! R eproves1 f llle John :or Baying i11-gotton gaills, mllko full 'IItoueme nt for wbich however rendered her none the lep Woma n'. Beet Onlll~ment. suit was commun iculcdto the home gov- 'Pit! so loud. (when ho meets 111m III the hor wnn~ of brains; when Bolld grocee' c~ive. 'N: pent up UtlC4,'! n the wily , emment . hut nothln" wos llono t, o " ' intli- street). 8. uls his f~ce LoL me urg!) upon nlY femnt. ","do!s, eanllolns t d,e prllctlr.o 1,,'lcld II blunteti dl1rt,' while "'11$1: ••d Df ataYII. &i.e., bad 'contrllc ted her powel'll,' pcd.lly thoeo wbo arc to ln youth, 'Ihe Importance cllte tllO clllim ul N ow(oullliland fli sherof women's going homo 'at~nc lind un pro· moon/i9hl IV in the lover's (or a more perrect ph:lure 01 health, aDd of tak1na loltior and heart: ticllcr "jowa or IIro tban men to partlcipa te ill HID fi ~herlcs lip 00 tocted' (rom evening meeting. Tolle the lovoline n oo,or eahibited lte qualiflcatiDns IhoBO taulIl" by Iho vllin ••• "'~rlcl . It is a.iul 1D0ro thllll one haff 't he ClOll8t of lhat Is- \Vid.olVs his heurt nche~ for'om! Wonder s In th. lorm of ""Dm,n on this Iittlo globe tl,inll 10 ICC 10 many DEliS 'EIIl_-A pious old nl!Jl1'o, .wbile of tho Yj)unll and J&lr, land. which ofnll the dnmsels he IIC,Ofl. 110 shall "b t C., h eo 'IIho e . Ille Ie a1/110111 t I a blolbl · t' I uaed 10 whoao )loon 1118' Relllorkn bio it certainly is, that G l'tlnt mako up hie mind to morry Ie 80rry o( nllra. UC was II e 0 en 0' - copl.lblUt wbose I)oblo power., whoc!o deep he sOylng grncll a t Ie til c. no 001: lucb may e.,er be the fair daughte r, Df afftetlonBiea bbl ' d t d' .. t ' , ;hoeo prociuos time' are. layl.bed Dritllin Ibould by trellty relinquis II b t uijlc II blessing on all be bod upon 1111 'board, h lIucb II sbnll 00 Ige .0 ISappOIl1 em a re- America l u but would also petition to' ~mI'e lOme dlldonly IIpon dreaa anLi illY Iy, lind fllllhlonllbl" rigltt upon the COll8ts of her own posess- one! has long SInCO I'refe~red orllngo bios1 add d 'but waitciont diah supplied, Oue duyfl wa. known ' It il true ehe 8Omotimes milked tho vl.ti~; 'who w.;.~ tho bright ftPP~ of the Ions, an" deny to ber own lubjec1..B whlt ua ,reese, . so~s to tho cYP,resl \"re~lh. S~II~t8 up that Catd WtIIl out 01 potalooS, ond '1lIpe~to • and rendered 1m orlllnt , eervfce- 'blltlerfly, and ue as lillht , Now,the .and graoef.t1,. and ahe concode d to foroigners, Scarcely leiS aomo "nt; I II _ b discover what ,cow, th d fino day nnd re-Iurntlh~ h~s house tI &if!lll. b' t that ave 11101... too; ..halO con.~noatl .. n tfmM DO lugber that bb woullt pray {or Iho.eamo at dloCGliar men 110 is It thot the Convent ion of 1818 con- from gerret to cellar; , . IIbnut a OlDel e , hangll Ilia WICO'llt\Or.- ing lultlo 0, u g or more proYlded himself with a .mall improvl nlr lubJect tI.ln tI,O 1dle lOSb I' -d:'" e-.culate to tho America ns tbe riabt to cure trllit 10 the attic (dhroude d red nOlle her DO thOlight about her pretty hllnde, or lip o'lho n, d in an old blen- nero a wag day the I." pan, or ,:hI neyer.rlliI- ~ ~g • • U oY~ ~ th bo I' I t' made her bearl the Ie.. bu""ant . She wa. Iilia bPlc-d did • I",thlne r:.· whoee rudin!' i. mieerllble tboir fish In ul)retilc d boys and barbor. lit ..,._. measure or tile 1DtgiJ4.,.~. an .to e un ,akIDg ano er w, e on ket,) and anamea a pillymat e for bls old- tho window. ... 1IIItllIbr. D " , ' a jewel Df a womao, that -,Xate Covenbo - ' trllln, near which IItood tho table of which II indie.Lin,l: eVer!( community. thl. co~t, on . w.hi ch til 0 F ' reDenJy r' petlWl, .-' renc)I Cl 11m ~Ie we m~y~.1d tbe Ell 1iBh 'len. brlllht and gloriol18l' an d eat doughte ,r . 0__ C . .I~ , ' our r.olored Chr",,,l\o. lIDd enervatiDg and ~il8lpating tllo mindl of DriLain admi~ a right """,n ato ' w .." humored Df fishery eltcludln ",ohann ", g , , 11 WII F.un· about hu, elDven . up o'clook at Diaht, ollr youth: wbou hr. Menu 14 ~ aImle... a obair. and commenc - .. really ecl: • her own,8ubJocta. ADe halldtOm e gtrl. 1 0ur '1' , d trlvQloua lICe; and wbo, til lbo, Om by tholr '0, mu.. lordl wilt dow III 4J prnhleD l The mOltvl1luablt> portion oC the coast kept. aood The .011.1 Widow . . d flu:!h! i::e:. condeaCelld to breee ebery tillC III the w;:: however, lor fi.hing _ ~nf*D • tbat 01 Wouldn 't wear hor Kate were atill up; ODI wrlUnr and be ploaeecl to ..COW Dpoaand the t"ke loftier vlow. of lifo than tb,OIO. While! eutern and ~To 11-11 With ,001' ••claimed l'oheri' thlDk.' leathern portiQn of the laland. count. Thlnlrl her co .p th adl" h bl' jUllt wOlllil a Cew Dol . 'tatera-I Dd aU the ~ chaw t lOU bo frlm t coUectin tbe It&Il000al , 'Ahem!1 pI,.· .outh returned , . .,u be )e'---1 of Cape St_ John, and eut of Cape, er til an evor, in contrut WILh tho 'ludlori l,',lad ,OU 0 ene D., '.......,J wen a u er u ell. (Here tha potatoH were dlabM lpon tile 'D'd t herl! yoicee wblsperl alr 1' IW'ft of' .cx:icl)'. nor (JDG ,loom, 01 011 d tile hlaredll llta tdr the punch; 'If )'ou thlok ro.' . ' whlc . b the F b i ded IIpcm bell h RaJ, new from dreu reae are Q'KO u , I you no.. ,_~_-1" .... .L..... • • er 1.\ .Dta!II h . ' becllUH tho tDble ullIeulD i the m.... t d _In .. ,,'oulel plead jOflomo Here the AmerlC4ll .e'"11 puraue the- Sondt a r--v WIl', lib IDY h~ cleu out .~b t I I,Lbo"t 1 .., hi Kat.a IlUrtlll i' lOIIl er 10& an . - . your ),outhfu la.y,I.t1 l1 'You han IOlDe ne" fold of c:rapo on the sklTt ilo'tdee p mourn- . "",1'1 a ' bere .. . d . • i m' "'_ • _...I" Mid pate>, Iookiaa Itla DOt . . . . . .ou for ' oat Uiroe" ami bellnel ' ecrioue bOQIII. 1Il~ In ., UIU 00 IDOIMDl.I . trail.; I. well u npoD othcr portionl " d' 'I 'oA 10 look. em, _a..... ... of Ing cnoullb- ' ..,tell to the wlndow. ..'~'1 re.u.... IOJIlO time appoilllecl to tile ewwr. of tbe mind, with I 11.'--_. riM. -0"17 jut ...,. ~. h t 'Nol many all &OD. to the . ·the dlrectloo of a 'dreft eoat' for-one 'No: replied 10110, '1ou talk foollab. I tile eDriclllQl of dlo -017 urp tilDel' -"-" l\~th ltod. of t °I'c:..·~:,~.1 th • . ~ fr/cbltlle daboutlO methlDa Kate' ....fo1 11Iao.laIIee LI I I 0 mill- :eekl Wood., . if that hand.om e Tomp- leule ealier 1 would ludd !bat..... o1cI trlob where ,00 oo",tlO be.' Qat • .. -_.a. more Jan _.I. we v c:r;~ ed DOl rr\Pteae d th~ ~ eapeoiU .. aad "';'ptrati ou or Ibo ifllmOMa -.... --! "I' i Ion dolla,. capital are lomtad III the kin. "ho pa.lIed har window e~~ TIlls replJ 0CC8I10DeII .1aeartJ ..... at r .... tan or d., Is • at lbeJ part..- l n A YW•••~Ou. ....... ... ,..... , ... JOIlIII' ..atl.. th. ape_ of tile Colonel ; but. laaodalq diet lite balD.. In AmerlCl D ,,..... The laliDe enougla to thlllk .he Will eftr .aralii 10 the ~ . . . ., .... fII -'Ill r-lti. _.hint ed m.Dlated, ..out of co4 taken 10 1886, wu e.llma- ry apinl Ie (01101 01 drew 10, 011, ... - . ' ...... loIwa.... ......,. dnDUJd.'" OOII~I IN pllll rloft -:.::,1...... 01'. UIl IIapalad of eotd .. a- ted at 1100 000 qulDlat. or c"t, W. ud reetiDll ~ "I . . toW dIlI\ \be ...... ,.... f.llow 'BtI'k,' .... JoIan.". ~ .... her lIltle hUd OR b_ wo .. "1- pudItl .. IaIaor tar \be beet ,:.1':::: - kDO" ~ ktl ltallatJCII 01 &he trade.- blaok boD.et,l hlnkb..",bite • wit II) __ . . . . 1 1 0 ... i~ '" be ...... -y. a leW hilt..... ION 10 Is PO"1Il CiIJ.O" . \lyt or ... tAe . . . . . . .lie ba V .
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':hl"'~ .cdltlll ....... ...
, I
on lir..t leUiDI hll foot on the' ,bure. diftl.!ent 10 ur... hii c:la'll1l until Irnpeljtd by plung1! me,lInd let your beDrt. your Clti".. A'imuet ewf"J i"drvlllulIl met' witli tbe hreslitDble vlolenee o( hi. lu~e. ceneroul he,art, rel,nt.!· " , II' the pRlhl ,alld 6eld~ II ptovldcd with unkmiwri tq , hill!l8lf, II "!lfr, Durent, 11have ,told you oRen 81,1.1 . Fronl ffarlain'l M~'lIine, ovtr 'tlul hent' of -the f.lr ollon thlt il " w., hnpoulble for me to~lll,el'~~~;!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ' b~~hl nnd rak .. ; and e\oerr ..vpnlolt' Ihe DB Qa;tBBTIAL ABXY. cnltartr brl11ICw h",me I eer'-III /lOlntity' 'tu lila II)' w~re the doubt. alld fca'r . or both- rou, lind Ihal It wea klndIJeu to tell Idil to Ihe dun,,~heIPr whirb II mo.t ' lm· n!,lural 'a ccompanlmentl 01 true.lillcere, .Ii. H you ' have dl!rog:orded my ofl porlllli~ append.go to every dwellinJ( . • but unackngwt.e dged love-but '.11 declarlllu'l, the trul!) (,If. which ytl" \ i , di.pcJed by ~he lnll!\lmL.exchanlle or mUll long ..,ro th ', hove been convinc:ed; Ag1'icll~ture ~nd , ~gr,onlturi.h . Klving but few ,lll!ep and clltle, the): liTe l ·ltood by .he open Cllemcn1. . Ihoughl!!, Dnll the mulual ' pUgbli1'lg of th~ filII II Ie yours Dot ntlnl';' ~ ' ' , . A,,'l'iculture i. the ~uily. while the otl,or ob! ilrp~ 10 make the must uf the ~I~rcor •• And looked upon Ihe' nle!ll. Alid .&.... lbe wel.v.'atd·IIQ1ni ItIIl'I faith . Vuw. OIlCf! niade by Ih.., pure ill ",1 knuw )'~u have 10 'poken onen, but profelSl"n. are th,e melnbel'll; .nd although ('e'jl llll .tock or men olld 8l\'ille. Thi. i• . Pa...10",1), out 01 alaltl, bea~I, ore leldom if ev!:r broken, and (bep allll I hllY" darrd to hope. J loved too fer· Ibe body Dnd member. ere mutually depell' carefully collected, a"d uCluully 80ld It 8U ht 110m. hi"het dUly nr demand. ' vontly lor the pllelon ever to die berore depl, and rl'clplI'ocllly Ulelulto eacll other. much per poulld: while whole "Iring' 01 Sowly ;he btl,hl pr<K!O"ron '. , Wlln~down lIle ,I<>amlllil Itch, Fur II lime-the youlhrulloven wl'r!' hnp. you denied me hClpe. { Think of .11 the_,e he b,ody c.n nlal ' withuut the membrr• . city 8CfI,vt'n!:era may /Ie ~eon ehfl~rily And_",Y lIC>ul dlleo.med 'the mu.le py-~.ppy In thell1ael~ ... ,"d the joys ~hl!l1l8, an~ Ih~n recaU y~lIr worda." The flrllll'r' cun supply , hia neolllH\tieft, lind pust.illg inlo the counlr)' every ,uccl."l,jive Of, dielt lani irlllmphal nlareh, "You hllve ropeated them 10 f'roqll!'ntly, mosl oC' hi~ roallonoblo WHnia wilhin the lIiomlng wllh Ihelr envied Icquisitiuna, , thll new exi.tence openfld up to t1l1'm • , J." . circle of hi' rit~nlly, he eln feod and clothe ,'ittl 0 heediltg Ihe oliactory lI~rve. o'r till' Ihe mOiic wand of Lon: But love hae that 1 could nul lIIell '"void thinking 'Till Ihe Aat celllllill army, SlrelOhinj far "". oPtllhe pol., 11. tri.I" , u. ell can tealify, 'who have, c~. th'lm whflthpr I c11O~e to or nClt. Lot me hlmlllf: but hi~ WGnt. are enlarged, • len ilile relt~d p..,e~gcr., E~ery uther Bccame the eternal ',lubo1 perienced ita potency Ih tho ,heari, anCl ' nuw ny, ence, for all. Ibat importunitiea hi' abilitl' to ,grallfy ~bt'm increased, ill aubslonc e tikt'ly 10 pIllo,wer the .. lid i. nll~' . , Oftb" mlah!, march 01 lOul., tne.e 11.0 Icarn,ed. Tllelr on,~gemelll ullorly utlelc." and con pro\'o of no propurtiUrf to the !'rolit. or hitt, Idbur. II, iuu-li cullectlld, nlld carelully tllsposed 80 Qn"'Jrd, rorever pnward, was a family aecret, not yct to be devel- nvall," thrOllgh ignorance or .1<Ith. hI' produrt'B n8 til pruvi.!" fur f!ltme "lCll!l'nnil'l; lueh , , ~ /\llr, led down bls din, opl1d. , Helice, many of her admi,.,ra It III "Then, .m [ 10 understand you a. Cllt· only whit i. no~e .. ftry lur the 8ub,lenllllCP aa dt'cay"d alilinul Illd vegewble mlltler, utrered Ihelr .ttention., in the v.in hope ing me off from yuur pre.enee. alld this of hid houae.ho ld. he can buy neither of the the IIweeping' of .aUi'etf. Ihe .lIIld or 11&. And Ihe 1tllkln, like a m~iled maidon, , \Vu riell,Di >in tb* nn. of ultimate luceell, Fiortlcularly Wli thi. being the en4 of your ki~dn\le~. may, I 114k merchant, thl! InllnUrl ·turer. nor the me. 11,,1 •• tht dhurl. stump, humin ahuvl'li And 101111 were brIght In beauty, the callft wltb thOle who load an eye to tho what WO;j Ihe oIitt;Iof thill kindne..1" chonlc-h"rcolilribute to tbe I1'1Pport 01 Irom ~illionl urJ,eullM ever., ten dllY., i. Anil ,onio were 1.1111 .nd 'lI1all, fortune ratl;er thin the lieire.., taklnll' Ille "I alway. endeavor to do nnto olher•• 8 the learned profesaions; or, ir he huy". he Induetriuualy galhered up, IIml ~uld fur ma· !lUI th~ miahl~. in Ihelr "reat ~.Iaht' lat.er a. th~ only mean a of obtalnini tbe f woul~ have Ihom do tu mil. If you nan not PIlY. lIluI. if ~itl produce 18 dou~lr lIure IhrulI¥huul the empire. 01 lhe hlllh 'l'be nobl.'I1 . I num b er WI Ihink suc h a CODree wrong. I cannot help," ",hut is rt'quirr.d for the consumption of the 1II'I'0rtllllce of aiercurotiull ill Clllnb. \\,0 • of wom aU. forrner; Dnd tlrat alDollg t II. Dowilward.1ore",r dlWlnward. Louie Du'ront, 0 man of corrupt principles , "Then you wuuld WIHlt lome I'er8011 lamily. Ih.e surplu.1 hoIr moy be empluYl'il eep. all ill1l81ratlQn In thll~ , pOllllge in 2 &hipd Ea(I/t'aduI",lhore. and deeply depraved reelipgl, A aprlll uf whu had Iht' ,p'owl'r to ~how you all mIn· for the benefit ,or tile olher clullel-in Kinis. vi. 20, when tlll're Wll8 a IIfeal 'rh"J p.. ee,d lnlD !he unltnown night, a noble family or .mall pretentionR. who~e ner of good will untii your IfI'oIction;t were purdl.,ini from. IIII'm tlie cum!ortl Iud 01· mine III Bumtaria. In the "rL uf mlnurina'. ThDJ.,pueed ,"d ~ero nu mor.. pride rllr exa;eeded ·their meln., he ~G8 won tlnd 10 firmly bed ns to be Irreplacb~ ngIJnciea of iu'e, Th. olher clua•.ea, on Ihe ehiliPle 1lI0y I/i"e • le86uII or hillt lu No more! 0\, lay noUoof obtaining woalth; Ind being ble, and t!len CMlI you am" contrairiwiije, eannotlhrive. IS luch, \Vllh· IIlIr Illri~ulturillRj while In pllCillg hUI. And downward i. rioljull; 100 Indolcnt to enter a proCeMlion,too Foor "Nu, I IhOII"1 be rar rrom desii'ina- .ueh oul the aid or the larmer: he [urnlllWB the balldry in Ihe highelt ,eatim.lion und thl' · For Jbe .1,Ibll...eak, Ind Ihe 18\)18 la dim to become a ~erchant. IIn~ too proud to conduct cin the pllrt of any une." r.w mal"rl.11 lor the manufacturer; hu IlUIt ivutor ur .he ,uH ill th ..."Cllild r~nk In Tb~lloe'" Ihroul:b belled d,1l11. work. ftl a I.. t re80rt he wiehe.d to \ mllrry "And yet thot il your way of 'doing os loeds Ihe mechanic, nn~ frei,h •• the bark the en""", lh!'y ,jlsplay a Jiberlllil)' Hnd The .lAfiand lhemailedmoon; .. af.. rtune.Llke .molt of hll eluR :he was you lYuuld be dono brl' II uf commerce; lind ia bewitl\i8, the prlnti- trlie ellll&:htl'mnrnt thut Ihr...w~ the Amer· ThoUllh they 188m lojall and dl., 'of1~crupuluus al 10 mta", II) the end wa. "I.m not aware or ever hnving 110M pie custumer to th~1." .11. , , ican pul:lit: deplpnbly in the .hode. Still I"'eep, with d\~lr embattled liDee, . .tieined. It w.~. Iherefore, lin ea.y mat· 80; il J h01e been the unwitllng Inslru· The ~e.d 'c.n do no more than the An end/_ reach ,oC Ik)', - lef for him to c~nform in ootward IIppear- ment oj' lucb act. "I ~ID Iruly ' aorry for ,.nntlD. 'Thfl .nlmal atrength or Ihe ox lilt! F.A C T SAN 'O FAN C I E 8 ~ A'nd thou.h lito hilll 01 'Death .', ' ance, tu the loulety he w •• in. . Till" he it." the hur4e ,woui.1 ell'ect no 'u~elur IIi1rpue~, r.la,. bca. Ih. briJlht "rray, ' never foiled to ~o. ' '''h~n wltb lhe Wal· "Then let your ~!lr'olv ,,'ork repent- witbout tho cOlllrivun~e and illr(lction a! When 8lnnderl'd. in,.ead IIr compltaillinjr The ma'IJh&lled brolherhUOd 01 loul· ton., he Wa. a pfttlern of ,e.nero,lt,y and. lince," . man. ~n mltny coulliriel on tlte old COli' StilllLee~ iea upward way, W b I bl an"e,l. , hen wit tIe i 8m er "Toll me how, alllil will try to do .0." lineril, whe re the cul!i\'aUtr i, debDBed hy be tho'lkflil that fllU hon Leen lell to com U~ward, forever UP,.,lrd. or tbe roue, he w .. equall, It home, a de· "Yuu cannd be ilnurlnt of my melin- ignorl\n'Ce nna ,Ie'poti.m. the .wkward. III mit the wrong IIcribed to ruu. Tbe reI tholr mareh aubllme. buuchur. or a bandler 0\ card.. ing," ' conlrivd' implemeilll ollhe primitin ages proach!'11 of consllieqce are nlueh hllrder And bear the glorlo... mUlle ",1 11m lotally 't a 10~. 'to ,Jenow bo\\, lire .1111 in uae. Thele il Dot 'a mDnufae. beu thlln the reprbuchea of mun. . Witli the Illtultive percl'ption of woo 01 lb, cOn.uerorl..,f Ti~a. Inln, Etlen.... w throu,," hi' character at ),O\lr, remar~, elll Ipply to me, iD any tl1rlng employment, nor mt'ohnnlcul arl.. And lonl let me ramenlber. once; and though ' Ihe treated bim with IVIlY." buOI.' been. llbridg('d in ile mlniplllfttiunB, YQur. is a very hard ll. . e.~.lhe monk,,), T'tll ih4I p.IN" falnlin, one, civUiiy nllvor ,o~e' him ft~~ encourai~' "Then' I will .peak ' plainly. Your IIC' and h.d J~ filb,rica impfllved In , qURllt),. I.id lu the uf'ler. . , ' "a, to djyin. "Ilion \Hi ' m9nt. , Blinded ~y her fortune. IniJ con- ti"n8 f~r tho ID~t few. munthl have 'lieell Ind reduced in 'p rice, by the aid of mode,' " '. A brraht Inti ,b ledp, lun, Ma. ,Jolus, yoo Uld tllat Mr. ,Ru_in WI" ber rele"e into the III to bi~ me !tyee r~r a retur.n of my science. We 1111)' Dlodern 10i.. llI·e, bec,uB~ tbl! Court ·underd.ilJd fir" pI•• lon._belnl too v"lu '0 luve, and allureil by tlilt hoptl. fouOlfed 011 lome branchllP are b.it be ginnillg 10 devrl • t.onlpo~,er. tIll \nttllillty of bit ppweta or falni,' Ihole .~tionl~ 1 b~ve placl'd Illy .U!'ctlunll upe tlieir prllclicRI II!IIvanllge'• •lo useful frum tllllt, he WII II writer (II: mUllic,' 'Nu to urI'y all btfore them. he i lve .0 IItrollgIY., lhat I. feel it bo dr.tll Iv Ilibor. ' We J''1rily believe that acie,lrt' ,lIr-e, he'. ca:led a cOlilpuaer bee.ulle hI' ' ,U 1111" 1'11.& .. ' obIT; hhusptr ',up tu hope IIlId II ready cO'unted tear Ihem aWII)l. A\II you havo caua!!d nle cftn do melre, alld wili Jo more i~ the COli" ,iever tal •., 10 a min without pnlling him , 00, thl bait, of " he , Wall liD e.t.te. u Ilia to Jove. i. it clemandin" more th.n ju.tici' IIII thirty yelfli. to Improv" the cunditiull tlllle~p.' Crier. 'ca\l t!le Il!llt willie... ' Like .Iia lIIullo deep .nd IIIlomll own. ~nd allent man, I Ihlllin" o! that' . Iho~ld .11e you to at leut Iry to tlf awirulture. than haa bel'n effected ill to IOmo rulnft! church, 'Hue yuu 110 reaprcl r':-r ypur bellera1' Imall fund. 00 &hl Itreplth ,o f tl.tfl love me III returlil" tbe lalll lhree ~ ceitlurle •• ,An inleUii"nl Ftoalhl, 0\'111' orwnblina colWII. Ihe jockey llIid t'J the fllv~rite whlln il pa~I0'l' ';Mr, Durlillt, JOU know thlt your , IICCU' head ja deom ..d of more, impurlauce • • 11 ADd lallell arcb; hIm. Here'• • iukjll, ~pil .. I,! •• ·Thrqu.h Ibe naked branchee 1t.IIII1, Whim lie ..w tb.t tho bottom hi' .re untru~. Did yuu Dllt ~11Ii1 ~ell cOll\hland. a blirher compen.~tion in mallY earthqll~b .. fd t~ lI.e city of '1 ; Ibun. I Ln. on 1111 ground. p~ne would "uon b&: ril!lbed, be lOuakt an me thelt you lo~ed belore 70U ~v,er ,pukt> luge e.,tubIiHllluent., Ihop hllf • We are drI Ving billlin'ealt to kill,· .aid a Come the wloll 01 aUluD)n waiHn, IIppo~(unit7 • .dttellred hiryelf in . love. lind me on. the lolljectl' lind ~1I\'e -you nlll dolten ' mere:/' .I'newY ,arm.. IIlJnd 'til' rei low ,who had a\ drllVe; 01 ho". berure him. ~i~ IIlhOltlla~unll! I f I,k~d ~II lIand , o'l Mig Walton; :rile repealedl!, af! hund~ tjme.,,}o~~ Jul" gre~t lerer :thDt \ ~ove" the ~~ teri.1 ~ , ' O,.er an biilbw II f&eIiD, ' • Goneral tu whom he hud always allP'IIDffiI [IVai cold tllward. you. ever CVIDCIh, 8 th .. mnter .pirit I hal olvhbel mDllj StfIOIllE.-A YOUlllr man " .. mplhy ..d 1.11 Of 'quiet r'~t1I1', a '''6oe fello\f~" wlIuld len.. hi. d.uihler lVanl of cordlllly" ~ruw. tlien, c.n IOU llIultipliel hi. comrori • • nd ellj<lyme,,~, Iht' dry 'c uodl ed~ulllil'!lment ul Sil~, Crlp LI~e ~ drowlY nurnlln_ .teilln, to decide the mltter. ' Thill rllferred, have the rllce 10 ~em.lld I retu~lI . of lov .. We acquire ICDOWI('dgein our llu.III .... me & 00" while l_boriD" under I .. olt.l'llol Tbroullb lite nln" . 108t liD tillle in makin, Ellen tbe ~eclplenl on tbl. Icore! ' Since yuu ' /iave been lit dl .... ilUllly. but IdQwly. The ' Iccqlll.illu,' ulirequjUt!d lov\',leized a bbr of lUI.!, In~ E'en- !he 'IIn, lI"tbe dim bUe ,"oumln., ul ,bi. "tile of luye.'~ All bi. tbellVilll1 encb paine Lo rn~ke ,I)Ul '0 contra.iliclory u moy be ICceler'ltcd iild an~memed to an .tallbed Itim.ell tu the hellrt.' Hi. rt'IDDilie IIidea hll head. tdke a Ilckly taper bumlri, powere were called, in action, bll elo~\Ience c..e, I will .1Iy' thllt yo~ tiut le_n your. ' UOI Ilzin~ "'llttnt. by ' the ellperiell.('e Dnd I~O dickey. lind a pair "r lIuck., were lent ~id .. tha dead! c:oml!\lI~ded, but th" imprewioJl' , lelfln my esteem, br thl' '.ll~"'PW· " !-ellching. of lOeo willi bllYII mu~e Ilotural hliOIe on tbe teleqr",h. u. lIee. lila.! ')'ou Ofe a Ileartiea. co· lIud Ilht!mlcal.!'l:ieuc~ Iheir Btudy and ' were rllr dill'erent from thOl1i lutendt!d.And all d.y one '/eeli!)1 b~J Thougb the outw.,d al'n.blance WII 'COlli- 'luelte1" ' pluymellt foqi'". Ther. I. IIlIother COli' In my lUulltalb wNllahl, Tilt b~llI1d brain i1iuy piece, Ellen a.W lhal the pI ..ion WII feign"Befloupe I ("ill; not place. the half .ideration which r;nti~ra lha, improveml'lII WIIIt the IOlomo llioJllihi! td. and a' ltlli dcjeRer ,dlltike tuok P',Ie" Illy (Ilber'.,weahh I'n you, poue.alon'. 01 tbe ullndl' Of : pullllc ' ben~fil;;' liOOrU'ncc ID the .liadow. or dee, d.jdc!icto .ion 'o r'hllr feeling.. 'Out with Kllntle 'del- have reod ybur motive f,om ,the 'b eiin bent4 Jnaulei\(~e., a.nd ,1ndoli>nCtl b"c\d , J lit Ind Iilh ' , I~cy ,b~ ,~oltl bnn \lII ,po •• lon wu no~ rill' lIir, and ·hb,·e onl1 rerrllined from tellilill vice. If we 'wbuld Iherefo'Il,lneuiate ,' ir· ' With buton'"I~''' reReclioll, lurned. you my mind, bec~u.e I make It a rule 10 tue, we mu.t, ~u.ter lildyalty: aria If we,l.ltlelllliOln · ~A TIME TO »l1l1 1 , "Then," .aid be, "let me wtn your love. huve tllp guod will vI a dog, in profer,enct would mIke luduslry relpecloble Dlld deli. 0, God of tho lOullmmorttil~ I am lure your hea: t will yield, wh!-,n ,you to hll ill·will, when 1 clm, But IS your rllble we mu.t thruw li,hl upon Ita pith., JI delth be near, ' QUAUIT 1>ULUGUJ; II ,Tm;:n... CIi: Woodl are cI>nyillced or tbe deptb ,Ind ~"yoled- conduot tlii. dlly haa removed th~ last thin and, .~cur~ 'or it a m...rhed reward. ' Teacb' me III crelld II... portal nCIi qf my Ill'ectiun." Icreen froh) your real cbarlete,', Ind reo 1fl relulta u ~ conlPquence, tba. the 1m- u, A\JlIlRICA,t"'"A I!.. ~ill" tl'\lVeler . met Anell)o, to tear! . .. Do not Rllter ,ourHII "'itlt a nln vealed }'our noked . deprav;il7 of hnrt, I provement 01 our .grrculturl! II of,the flrat wi ~h a lled.r near I Ituu¥r aud luquir.d , X,.,p thoD my reel &010 turnin, Aald. to dM hope. I ' feel tb.tl 'han nner be ,lble tIl care ,nol even fOJ -your frl.md.hir" You imporlance to e'vl'ry cl.u of our uOpul.llun 'Whose houlel' 'MulIlI'.' '01" htlt built I' JLe~ Illf lamp ~ fi!led uoel burn in, " luve you; and It il kind and be.nevolent to you 1m ,tlial you are a delll'Dde~ ~nd that thil . ilRprl'vpme!lt ':lap in no wi~1! 'Loga,' 'Any Deillbbur:il!' Frup.' 'Yuur For \he ' ~D.I.Ul' oul' tA!1! you ao .t once." ' ., .~d Ih.t yO~, ' " e. unworth), of the receive luch ellicien •• i:d, ... by loitructi .." 41ell' 'Hugl.' '1101" du you.I:"'cll Ult'nll' '. ' , , , "~h; Idorablej In"elic .bei,lll'l.' one , loclety IIf tbe virluoul. " youlb who lilre lierealter to manap ill' •Dop.' , I ' ~ -:;,:":" , ~"----....,.."Madam, lhole wordtc ju.t .poktn. hlv!' concprna'" a. we'li in the .cience in kind, ,o, c~n.iderate. io aoCJd, ii lui, pu~e, ( , A queer.lo,.king cu. tumor III,erled hll tbO near akio ,to heaven. ro'r mari tu PIII- .ea~ed your fllte. , Du; I I J .m, • have prllctlee of thell·. busille'••• lIead into In lIu(l\lun.ltore. and ' 'louki~1r .e... . I pili, ' ••k tu be yuur friend." the power to work your ruin. and IlOiU do ' "Ae .tich, you _h.li enr be welcome." il. 'go, from your pl'e'aence , II bitter and OhiD ... band~ and PoUcy. grav!ly .t Ibe 'knlghlof the bIDlm.r,' in ~ quired. I 'en • bid.lirl' ·Certnlnl.)'.· r~. " ••Tha"u... .... ' Tllahk.l' ;"r au 'bu' prove unrelenting loe. The 16,e "ou hne re.. _., • ~ In a.,.ollln, Ihe variuu. cI... es 01 Ihe plied the auctioneer. ·Y ••u cen bid.' W -orthy or YOllr trl'endllllp'" . ' ii turued I"to bitterne .. , IIl1d the A T4L£ qr TBE BOBUEJl8o ' w . " ' people, ny. the 'Firmer Ind ~echlnic.' tI,en,' .Iiil t~e wig. WM!kill, DB'. 'I bid Tbue terminated hia lirat attempt to win dregs 01 that ' billewe..' you .hllll drink, Ihe Ohillele pla,ce' llie Iilerall in the, rure~ you iOod night.' wa.rnu roa 211. MIAWI vlalT?a Ellen. Hi. fan ft:um the loyer to I .frien~ till your aoul .ickena unto death! • ,will moat ronk ••a l,earninK I•. with .h ..m Ihe t .1' TO :AIJ.TBoa or ri'l'BIIJlDt"'lI ..... flllll." w.. th,e fi-:a .tell in a pi,?' 'alr~ldy malur· never lo.e light of you, Go wllere you IiIlepping'ltone to honur: byt ' immedillely A\ green 'un, wlto had nevt'r berore leen "TU aiv.u. BI.7I1TIUIU .. ·. i:TC •• ITC. ed. A •• friend he coliid ever 'hue ac- may I will folluw . Hide \0 whit ,corner h ' b cell to, the heire ••• and be re'c~lved mor~ o'f th~ wl\rld you may I will find yuu.- In"r t II le.rn4~. the hUll andm.n tlikea a .teao,liual, fell thruugh 'Ihe hlltehwey lamiliarly' than iOllny' other eapacily, 'lave WbBn yuu lII11et ·me,·' remember J 'am In tile preceedpnCl! III allothPn. becau~e, be· down intu the huld III th" Willlilh'ld Hcotl . . 1111( enua .... tI ill rai.ln a '.tb'e ne&:e'lerie~ 01 Ind Iieinr ullhurt. Iuudl, I'llprl'.led I,i; II an acknowiellard IDver;' lhi. familiarity Impllcllble eDAmy leeki.11I revenge." .... ,. " 'life, he i. abun~I'1I117 Illor~ inlporlant thlln ~utpriee-'Well If lbe , darned ,thrnl( ;ailn Chapter II. would (ive him·tbe opportunl~7 of iDllr."Go. vile mi8!lreint. Ironl my prell8pcr.! .. . lial.ing 'himaelf Into her .trectlon." Think not to Intimid*te ine. Bettel an the mechanic. who merely eh,ulIH the htlller.' ... VILLA1II UlllI.ASlt:ED. torm of OIllIpr. atid the ml'rehlnt, whu 'epen enemy Ihan a.peret foe.' 1 ini clad III I heautifcll dlftriet or tbe "Old Do- whicb, finally, he 10 t cert.ln. The mill tl!.t hlvpnled tha plaater rlr,. He ,beclme a conatont and (rt'Ruent vii- you have unma.ked "ouuelr 10 fully,-;- urll!inatea nothin,. Ind only, blltera .nd IIIlnioD" borderina -on the R.ppohlnnock 'I • pxch.nge " dili I tl k I 't t th ' r h WI' d Now I know that I have eacaped tbll wor.t I corum', I!I IIr Ie., e II .hirl wlllr, h •• turned hll attentiun to the • the~ lived, jUlt prevIous to the time of I ur a e manSlun a t e a ton I. In trlin, This hODor pUI upon 'lP'icultural in.eotlon uf ~ lub.tilute for the Ihirl. ,the opening of uur etury. a plahter ,who WI!' ~ver receiY.lld with ('ordiallty. UI let 1.le on eartb." employm"nl.tl eyld""tl, ,Ilie relult of de. Thi. he hop,. In 8('cen.pli~h by a finel, had onu been ~e.lthy. but' whOle prince. no opportunl17 pa.. unimprovl!d to "Not the WOfit. To be the wife 01 aign. and .howlI thl~ the country. bein" poliahed, ml,ble ·diekoJ.' h d ..... out bll de.llTo GOlodnt'I' benevolence even a Villllili. II better tbau to be hia \'ic.. , .ell-.djulthl, , ' Jy '~tQne II ,!f'<come JIlucb redur.ed by • ' ' " ' overewelted wil.h Inh.bit,ntl. need. cu'l ti, lndi.crlmin.te kinduel'. Po.aelled of • charity. were count~rfelted mott BclrolUy, lim!" C.lve.· htldl Ind oz '.il. are. In Ena. DObie heln,- a ,enerous dispoaltion I nd tbe until e~un i;lIen bejtan to Ihink Ihe hlld "Lt'ave my p",lence ••ir, or J will 111111 :~~~n:.;op~~p~;'~~,~~ e.:~~:;~i:C::~dt'~~/ir:: lIDeat Iymp.tl.tiel, he could neyer find It In done him injlrllir~ by h~r IUlpicionl,- alllYe 10 pUI you out! Int.moua wretch! dliltry Ind pklll ofthe Cbiu..ae, ILrivhig to I.nd, con!itler ..d 's deliul'l4'8; .ntl if our ~ heart to a.y, no ~o ao Ipplicatlon lor Tllil I. a favorable mument rur I Illver. Tbe curae of God be upon youl" , proauce I I mln7 of'the neCtl'llarlea of life bUlrhen would •• ve Ihem fur .. I... they _i.unce. Thoulln,l. h.d tbu. went to PrO\'e t,bat you hIVe been dealt witb tin' He wenl, quailing under the R".II or her II' p"ulble, 1fl!:U~ 1\ dend Plipuilliun ev- WOllid be cprtaln ,nev ..r to IUle munt'y, I I ' pi)' dabtl of .eeurity; lind at lut he re- jUltly, Ind a womau'" heart ia opelled by indignant ey", whicb mude hi. ,uilt, i.oul er Ilrull'lllII. 1I,lin'l threatening "',nl, thef wuuld then m." buth eudl !nut.
Iho rlghl "ind 411 num, 'I'b_ are iUlpor' couHlder.. ll"nl, .11 il no~ alwlY, sel.. I" ItUI' FuUI"N .... ucl.uon. lur Ille oIhflple r... · 011 11!81 WH kllu,:" ~UI 'Iule .boUI Ihem, We InVlle ho leol an Inl"r"'II,1 Ihe lub. Ioee UI aud iet a 1$o1l1L-fr.e-' IUlllre, ~. Hainee. W4D, Per W. 1.Iunuhue. Will WII\. (;OOilUI'''' J:: 1/1
AND illS ,VIC-TIllS.
eol.,ed to ~move ' to the welt. II a melnl to let 'OU In. It wal well fur cower in abllement. an~ compelled Lu enrt themlelv\!I for their of retrieYin, hi. atralrl, a. well u to cut Elhm Ihall ..:r heart w .. Ilready oecupi,d. When he WII (.irly ,une, ber bi,h- dall, breld. III tropical climate., whllre J _ Irom the IIIIt!clatlun. whicb we~e or thil milht pOlaibly have been her fate. I"ung !'nergie. rel"zcd Ind the relt:tiull Ihe ground il ferU;e Ind the populltiun dlmiDiehlnl the remain. o' bia the nativea find th.t by a lelY did not rail 10 notice the chunge, and Iii. claimed: ' muntll'. I.bur dl"7 cln produce aufficleJil ,oud lor • whol'~ yell"l wn.umptlon. .lId lllle lut Dame Ulumt'd, the title hell't exulled in pro.ped of complete auc"That mon ml! yet work Ibl!! ruin 01 ure therefure flniJlapoaed to ellen tbem. onl Jiven biOI b.¥ common conl8nt) had on. ceel, , . my hlppine.. ' 0 God phy nle. a"d lot .elve. :urther: ' but In Clllnll the ' lnhubi • eon Ind an onl), dnahter. the lormer twen· When be thought the proper time bad DOl the wicked UlumDh! In thee put I t.n. are Incll.. ~ntly elllploYl/d, Illd every t),·"lIe. the litter eighteen. at the time we arrived, he prepared the way. Ind 1,.iD my trull. Let th7 walchlul eye be 0\'81 Individbal i. obllig"" to bt' bu'7 in contrlwl.b to inlroduce Ihem lu thl readere no- declared bim.olf I lover. Wilh mo;e elo- mo,lnd thy Jlo.Iwer; protect me. 0 let me , butih&: hil quotll to thll common weal. Evdee. ' Both were w'orlh" th. one ' u a than before. Alain bit .uit wu not f,1I iolo the handa of my enemy; but !'ry'one, h. tile le .. t acquainted with the .aa tbo other .. a wom.lI. He w .. no- pnt'y declined; but tlli. time he peraever. p~lerve me by th), ri,ht hand, and keep In.nner, of the Chine..e. kuow. that th,)' "e. tnteU.~tll.l. mlnl7; the w•• beluti. cd unlil bl~ importuai!11l1 became u~be.r- me lined up." are ulitirlnilin Iheir ezerliona to .,.I.llalll fur. ,ccolOpl.iabed. Inteliilenlj both JlOI" Ible. and wllb them .11 Ellen'l old pr('ju. Preyer I've her Itrenrth, and renewed Ihem.flvel ,ad lalOill.l. In the bu.in .... eteeed ,~ lalper and nubler qualitie. dlcel, atrenathened ten-fold. If he could her cour.p. Relying whh firm f,lIh on _'" _. . h ood d of l,ricultl1!,!, the" IN partteal.,ly active. • r ..1_ aDO blut, wbich di,nif, aad ill) and would force billJl8lf for -weeki Inti I a IT n.... an w,alchllli care ot her .. k .....1 I Fllther in he IVen, Ihe became cbeerful railing two croll»l f,olD the around ..ery to .... , • .,. montbl upon an unwillln, yictlm 01 hll year: C'llIPlldln.: Illelr cullinuon In enr): lilt. W.ltoa. a. belr_ Jointl, ""lIb .nd luempt byauob melnl composed. IM*lble dlnretk)n, .ad brin,lIi, tbe IDlltt her brother. 10 ,roepecU\te. and repilled ber to .c:ct!pt bi. hand. he 'II'a' d.· Bhe YIlr, l~ldom .IW pr heard III,thin, G. wn . hhlelt 'air on. In aU the dlltrl' ct prayed IInouah lor 1117 Diller wl'ckedneu. • D t b t b b dd 1 bafl'fln .ad uDplroml.ln, .potalnto ~ itt (til. wor" IIon't kno" tbe true Iii- 80 Ihe plalni,lold hl'rn. lhat rhe could not 0 ura,:!, u w en I e I, It a WI" order that nothln, ma, be 'Ult.-Tb.lt ,_ f _IP. • Iw.kllned fear. 'Fur I yelr Ihe belrd "kill in rll'ectilljr llifole Clb)ectl I. not, con, uat_ 0 a ..lo'I ....Jn) waa oot left to Ind would nlli IUbmlt lonpr to hi. iilffhl. notblnlrOt him, and 'at la.t tbe "lei dre.d ,I.. a • ., In _lilulie wltb lb. dl_11 pro. conduct; . thDt he DlU.t con.ider b.d paued (rom her beart. wbe. ber Iiderinr their Id.IOtl", cuottmptl. ble.-The7 tluiro· ..... I' UDdentand ":.1111' PM' l• -'~ ..., of IIecoaDln, ~t ......... u fiolllt. lu1l7. aDd unrecaUlhly prepared to 10 to tl,e~"t. ' ..." II .... a.... . ...... MtIi4. Mo,w wu lieI D b ~ portance of "'i7 Ia, lbe CIOJIer lIae7 koow ... wiD . .WIlI Io9Iq her .. .AI or nrant. e went rom her p,.... perlacu, welll.be . . . . . ud 801 .. adapt. . . weakII ~ • -1Iodt '11 • - Aoa~" up an bope. the bope thl! muuerfq cn~1 anti thtealenlaanD- ed ror ('.ertaio allll ...., 1ft ~ -., aU 1Nt .-.1II1II .... flY8D me 1Ir. 10 Ictn,! lmo.. hicla dlatiDpiaIMocI 'all,lIttalblt die I~. . or: .a•• _ ...... a ..,. - , ............... ....t. Elln, think 01 a l!aye, ~ oat ....... hit denab· ....... III 10 ........ID ill of .... ...,....... SIte •••W ~ lilte wlalda pea ''''"...1'1..... berrepoDt "''' .," tertiljlr. A . . . . . It.
~~i~t~~~I~.ek~:;a:::~::n~~!~:tl:d ~;~ r::;::::~I~:~:;n!~~ tO~~::f::~n;:ll~ ~C"lly.
0' .,. -..,.
' ,
A\ Iidy upon tlkillfl up Shell"y', novel. 'Tht' Llllt Alln,' Tltr"w It dOWh ve" Iudd.. nly, ezcl.lminlr. ' The lu' m.n.DI .... nit'! Wnth ~ ttllllll ever" .rp to harpen, IVhl' wuuld COIlIl of Ihe Wunlen I 'H~n'. who are 70U lOlli, to vote ror!' furdpr' h"cUulI mil drr billot.buli. and gin Inine ti, ket. 10 der "re_idenl mil Gllneral Scott.' That Httl". the ma tier then.
."JII g"lng to vote
A r,lt'nd IIf ou,. wl.t) touk Ihe o,t'rl.nd ruule 10 CllilllrIlll •• ay. he lived lor leu oI.YII.on the brolh he mid. of III old "door mat. Hlrd feed I~at 10 It" fBI 011 • NOT
NUT, atlT EXnIllIn.-Mn.
H.rrle A7'
Ihe lI,.t time Ihe re'ad th ••
"01 the lIurd~d Cord".lnder, abe cra", I· eel III oYer li~e III III • . chee" io Aufrill&'
..u . . . -
WOII'- _ •• ""--••--! A "'n"'lOta ..... I .... p.per anoOUDCIIIlh. _m... ot TIIo"lI H •• Curd, lanaltrl, of Ohio. to .... WlllrU. . TII. . .r. a Wlhaellap I..,.
TJ-.-A ...,..... ebP••
::.j...- - - - - - - - - - - - -
mDEPEND~T ' • oJ
VOLUME 4:~N11:MBER _. 311 1
, Inll . very re.! , 11\180 . ' give 110 some lII or e ·It·s B .!-d lic!' exclaillled the 'slr8ng~r • Yes. quickly; j' believo thul scoullo,,,1 Ihnt uf "irl I16j 11~l'!Ionnl li~n ==-=-_=~F"==:;====="""=-=-===-' IHlncli. ' l1ly' luny '1Ir~ I lllQ TllC ~IlSSI'tChuscts Liquo r I,a\\'. Go;; clullcs to' .lu f llng to hiw fuel, 'unil you . ure • me.!- I,n. re turned fur miacllicf give up ' thA 10l\cllno.1 of '" .' ~l ' d .dmirnli. 11 or 11.0 Ijn~8il\IJ hOll r, 0111 Ii ie I... I ' . , 'JJ In .1 ' your JtI B IIII' S~. 61r, retumeu., J o· uhng, Impuuen .1 'rhi~ luw ,~.cnt into ojleratlol) la t ·ThuMI· housoke eping. nnd !ry SOLDI ER'S ADIEU , II e IHlu.1 5cnrcely spoken I lpllppy. ' bonrdl"d Jlt a hotel. r beftulY 01'11101111 w ,Q rth. W Icn a ball .loh 110 10\ioll:1"" "r , " ,. 'fl IC '1"1 . ., hnnneM, who. wlt etlt llr lIe hlltl Lecli 'drllllt r tl10 IUW. Accepts ' rav e cr, nn auvocute ,I)r 'He gh'CB you the lie, Colooel, ' cried red Cllloo whidtlln .. by hIli cars. lhesou!, \h nl QOmmnnliFi ~hc dUll ll03 l r " ur . n~u, uIIY, Tompki ns' invitl\\io'n0 10 'IItteo" It . ' \ . , . . {~ It I illl; or not. was .omewh ut vexed. '1 kllow noel', 'jjuko UIO rU8coi • ' b '.' 80YS: W~Ir.I· nJf fp ll 'rr~t MIAMI '· I~ l'l'on . fCUrIJIt the mos t nlht rll1 Ibo children 's con.certj"J·UM to nlOBso 1'lt'I.u ' U })Cl yo • dowlI. ' lJ ~ I~,nck. Kotel' ho' exclulmc uj 'ul.rllt . niH ~ , ",~ n whll hll" u no (~I\~iuII Ih 11110, '1..... $.A" ,you well: because vou IYcor a red cout .. go . 1J\1t In nlmost !!vory city and princi pal town T ommy! 'I'ommy is delighte r BY N. LOUlS.t. cntTWOOD. Tho lory officer WU~ a broggord , Gnt! G 11.l.'m or th ey will be d, nnd Iblnlte IIlllrd~rcd In their who life n:t~I\ ofJudlllll ClI1 0",1 whl1~C 0llllllul\ III tha sOllleliutll8, you 'think you IHe Iicellscd to coward, but being Comlnpn wcnlth. oxcept Ilostoil. mu- Tom'pkills 'a ' "ery kin'd gemle'mB' " to exoited by drink. he .Icl'p.' Her., doaro,t. ' nealh Iho deol' billo ~ky, iii worth lit" rnO~I. rCft llOCI ' 0",1 ollnlir IhO nicl)1ul nUlhorili!!s havo plullller ond rob who4lver you )1leQ~e • . My mallircstetl n. much tnltell mensures, ill I!ive him so much candy 'and so niun'y bon~Otlr'ligri ItS illdividyThe llt'xt momoill ho ~nlV n bright ligh·t. lally Ihe 11\0 I, W~Il' tll' I,la)'s Uere, while lit... lara ~r" brilllH nlJoy", b hor. oh r clor Ite 'ordunco with 1100. nct. for the due c:dcuwort! f'lT it. you will find llIe a flueer cus- nls of lli/l culibre t!o bons. His momma beair,H 'to IIdam co~. untler aimillir circum- Tho burn was on fire, und .houls uf 'Dutch. " lIere, ,,'hl\e 1100 moOIi IIIlillt.".glorioIl6Iy, Ih.. ~c!luj), ofhol"'? . ... . turner !' of its provision s .i!, rogord to tlt4l .nl~ taln lillIe al1evlnt lons of her " 8Iance.. " If there 18 ono 8 1ght f(l Ot Q. t! tan nnoth o ~,)11 lion eorro,v, itl rile ~r tho re bold.-)I ack them to plecos. lIIudo lhis fl' ~ ~\cd"c the~ '"Y undyill" love. 1 ' " woriel of alII nil I sorrow. wlliel1 com ullllis 0 Iquor; I I 'Very lVell~'old eor.k,' r(\plill.! 1110 gellllc~ . . t 18 ulluer.~oo .I U10ItIO~.0 'J'lltcoc h you II Icsson-r 4lbel-tr altorl' the wolkin ring. Dallll!per' sHipo of ' pro,lractcd conveul ltloll' wlll~ 1'I\e r;nlloro which ha.e OIlCD ;1111 crush1-w cnt nil 11.0 elOiflollW of " onuI)': 110\)1 lIess 1I1Id of SOIl$. mun with the variegat ed lIuB,,1 protuber - he cried. ,lrolVin, hla or ,mnny of Iltom. who hove boon IislVord, rides. 0011$. alld moklng the bnr-roolD .!oor. ond in an olher iiiotout worlh, ii "'c, M~~II;:~~I: '~~::!I::lltt~i~lu:::r~lan is Ihaiof 1\ YOIIII!; 1\11\1 lov Jy fomole. cClIsed bl( our city outhorit ies unco, 'you nro tlot uwurc th'nt tho r"bel nn IIttempt to rellch un~nr .the Sho criea. 0, , lillie, when', Tommy 4e1l', the strunger , '1IIleum the room beluw WU8 in futl . fl O&geuioll 'kt That marcbca to ' lho nuke of war. whose yolHh und beIliU),. ' >\,I.oso dOl>lh nncl formcr "I" ';\'III regurd G BlIllral is 011 hl81ust legv:"-'thot the cow- you 8 ICBHon!, th olr·.licen ,os 85 VII· her if abe .haBn·t foregotte n to .plant the . some c!gln or ten ruffian", > Icd 011 • by A~;n. f richness Ilf nlfuc lihn ond whOM I.oworl'ul in· lid. notwilhs ton,lillg ~' uidly ¥ollkocs must sooh !hrow themsolv eS: tllo' new IRw, onll COII- !lowers ' in '0 eertui[1 cemetery . Tomp. 'Come, come, none of this!' roored Jo- strong tle r-,'n""th ",e moon 10 CelL.nl Inu..cold, , . nuellce all I.UIII II II hUllns , oru nil cOllaecrn tod llnue Ihoir bu si ncss I ~1Y IIndyill" faith I pledllfl 10 thue, _. ' Decordingly. T~e 1\1- klns come., III, and t1i1nk. her lovller tb'in UII the mercy of tl!o klllg.' . . ' . , .1 1 mnnes; , I[ won't hllve any di8turb~nce 0 Iho OU\lS~ ot lmHI ~lId h"llI. o.", I .I~ Il~ nil 'Quick. I' , . quick, Knitl.!' shoUltl!'.Livl ng,ton, hambl o ot1ltrlng &t th~ ·n\'iQr'. I ·11.b lI'" 1'hen, dear ..,t, wear ilil. rlllK 01 gold ' .1 Iii I . 'I don't know. n ild I don't cllre a d-n Ilrre-pu t lip your 8word-p fuoI.-..Buch ~ lia quest,on IV I' lie '. w, ! lUll ralsc,\, ever, em 11£ Ilrougb h(Jr erh~ps tl,e 'th~y ~re on t!le Btai! 81' tCOri. Tommy In meUlor; or'tbll nllihl and 111'0; , boillll ia. indood wor!hy ol' ,hu revorellco and .d- muSI .be decide.! belore ub~lIt it,' said Johannc s; 'there' ls your youllir \1'I~o will ezpluln. ' . the new low. COli is l\~nt out into Ihe a!lr~en, 10 make 'pretty , Old JQhannc8 WIIS' . l"crl~. rlilo In Jland, IIlirl1llol1 ..r evory true And "hell il darkens ,lu"thy slllht, ' 'lIld flunch, Ilnd down with y,o,!; duot!' Iw\.llu hijBrt. IInc\ ~he tllke effect. Mcn lenrno4 in tho lillY, il ill. dirt piCB,' (to the ulter 'l'llsco' him ill - - - , ' demoiilion of II~"O,\V Mrs. Covenho vcn hnd eo tremendous hltlll- will o(llllll",nO iI, evoll wholl And will. Iby iofllOt\ch IlIejlli III IWAin, At a tollle In ~oother p"rt of the room ' Red nose ' illterrupt ed Ilu, Iighl of hor enitl, hnvo given kin opin ion . thnt !lcenlel frQok tI;e alld trouse",, ) anil returns very uoe:t.: .trallgcr by "'en dcrbu ' kllow 58 nll~' Illy Kato belth I. was broke ormed , lt nllil., wh h 11 Jlnir houuly is 'lul)lIcl1..l, !lllillho f1o w ~ret her loyc· previously 'l • . ,,,' I d " d I b did . .. g ranled, 1I.r~ el\htrl),()l~ whicjl pa llte~ly, to find his mumnla ·. cheeka \\'.ere ~eY"ru ill IVI UO e w 0 1I0t leem /\tylllg out--'.H tin dIi 0 tr ! fair}l 1UY!' very IiD~8. is flld",l . Dvt iI' lh9ro ill II Bcd, hbtl"- tl '" O')(lr "0 f II 01 h'ors.e' pistol ~ . .. BUI nol Ulllrue, 1101101 Ullnllo. ur6ttldul: I!lghl on 'lho ·ilO rl1I. ida Ihut of all to rellsb ille olisorvuBi6na of the genlle!1ltln id Iv I '''I ,10 len!lW ' 1OW1!.~nIlO t 'C0f1!e, come. no fightlnll , llero-I .keop onnu. rony.ol) 10 be tOSBC d up in tile air by The dQ~r open9-~ ",stro\ 1g nn,l lie placed It on Ilir 111110r Bhllil,! hl,a !: ifl. " will. nlllho'clu lrms II' hichJllhll ra lnyl, h. wilh .lhe Ired noae;' lind were about ·rbply. a resP!!cllllile est~bll,dl tr I\i~. dltould prove 10 bo the CUBe; It 'rom('kI1l8, who delllBroe hlmself lnellt,' aaid Ihe IKJld- liirelinga nio Oil Ihe 'stairs, sore ellou~h. IlII UI)\)1I 'his ne ..... "W"ltsh all 'l ahe !o 1!1t..," nitlello. ' . ing to his remorks, when her ,Inllghte'rfl, pr03I i1~ llng .'.\Iom UpOIi id e 03Y t9 see thnt it will e~8ellliul UII English offi- lor~, becomin g somewll at enrllgod" ly 4l1ll- p.ftpa!' '::',l FOll~ of the III h~d reached tho to~, w~len Ihu ullM 0,1 VlI1.ily "J oilly ••Ir: ooe ~io."o' Dril(hl" or ' I cer in citiaen's dre8s, arOBe ~nd eai~: fll3ltlOlr,. (llId . ,IMY I"!: bUfralu the exec"t iQn of the hlW', Ilnd per: kno'Y the gen\lem an. olld wl.1I protect him.' ~iving.lton sho\lted "AU!' fUN. :/iret' Three B~~l!I Iho HOlll on lho l\llIlleq njnl:' f\ ~\l !y pf II ~nl l\ .. Qf Iby bro.1) haIr 10 tell o.f III~' 'Gentlem en this, Id the blfth-t1uy of the ' 'Ha! h.!' lau&:hed red haps t\ti"rcnt the ol.jcctlu·ri of it ollli',,!!y, so She ."v4!red. ono 10nllrtl8ll- I. ouch nose, 'know I ••• a • Was took eOilet: but; Ihe tory leoder and hia and hollow-J\onr lc~ \'·0r.I,I, r~on",nl! .f> gld,ly , , ' . . ' . ' 'U9 indli'ldUlIls h'bldillii &iuih licClle('s uro · Tho \)<)on you uk;" sh.. tremblincly 8Bi~, lu~dlord 8 doug!lte r-I,fJ lve '. . Spioed' Vinega r. • rO llnd 01 gny ely, frhohty. nnd d t~8Ipnl!on; f\lT ,you the_health rl~ht. c'O\ice~ncd, . ' . • : " comrndc~ gr~ly more ~~speruto ottho 5..gh~ loylng ..,\Tbon iI f\.duIII whhin vour 10llch . ur .K:A'1'B Co... slmovEIf. III) n Iho tUlnrc n· ~h~erl e .. tllIlllO rfj~IICn "1'lle I musthav city nuthorltl cs or'Sulem h llvo a'po satisfact ion, Bllid tile officer, of blood. In tilt! wintor of '.7, 'w,hilo relliding In ThfJ,,'no tlili tllell. Ill y love II tlci.d.... , ,)Id ,(ga, ulld u mi setllllle, rU1lI'1l'11oful O' ~flI1ty . Thi,s seempd to q.ulet the mind. o~ all bi.·faee as red a, the cumb ., · . . of a dunghill Ne\V Orltlnl]lI, 0 'Y\lllth who stood almoet "Lood my rille, quick; quick, Katc!';s~o",t. ', . 1 . 1 par.lleB, Ir we may' ju.!ge by the heftrty man· rO~8ter; . 'lbiB insult .1~8 1 be )lullltotl "e lle,rllll1goilte for the city, Ht \I iiI- II\'e fe~t cleven nnd three ,I h wlmllS wo,nanl 'Yhot 1.\ '~ emilo', . . tile ''''ortl and I. h,ield • ' 0 Ion IIll· lid reyenge u.' . tlun~ter8' in hi. ~.! hel'fntl,e r,ruehi.n g knJ(fi! in hand thrpugh , .• d I r '° I 1III,r'" II"sll" ge ,. r ~ 'WGr; ue~ III....plnce lIer lins nfloy • • Ilor el'CH ,.r " "hll ' t Iho IIjthllfUhar; . ,net In 'Ilhlch Ihe toust WII8 responde d to. ., e .n ~ y. ...10 y ' . . u\, II ... ~ e r~' etockll1"8, whollOi 1tt!lr'om" 'o-murr ow. l'illlive all tbe a.l\.fllct lon the ~moke. 'D-II till! ,. ~ 1I0mewhere ~p .. d 1 • 1:1 ,lOll&:lI,ln !"wlY a: b~,ule .Iillld.- . torills ell so ! 011 D-n t .. .... tho A st ulrc W.h~1 J ' nd iff. r ehe'lttl,Q 0 0 lil'S ruv ile _ All a~oiIe to their. filet, I\utl after draining you require,' eai& the , '1 0 ~ur II , I Y "U < " . 1 ,8 0" tho Wubu6h , W08 inviuid by a friend to .tr.nger . 'and more reJ coale :. Bill! to h-II witll old King I:f Il"'ri.hc d in die hbSts ot' ""or. 'l'hl> lowly J Ullttll, · L n"a m.y Wlit4! t1~~ir gla.ses pretty dry, gllve three .chuers tool .~erhap,.' 1,l quors, ~lre~lly .~~01O llIlporters, ~l1dc~ tho din~ at the e0J110lttlUSO George! ' exelnltllcd Johanne s, CULling anv- JiIK llumO'''llVlI hvr wh-cre I W"I bQIIl'' 01_ folde\l bb hilt folt~ful br_I, for Kllte, and the slime n'nmlie~ for 'Mr. nnd ",.t\.llo brow. tlU, WIIl iI~use SOA" .or rom atlthom:e!l ~Qn- ding. This wos Ihe 'TJI'ke th.t!' ea:olaimet! the GOlonel, IIt- ngoly right nud, len. . II-II' I h I HooslOr 's Brat vialt It wrnr:urrr ilJle,' '. ~ Tbal breflllllll ihe And lillgo r III hQt cu~18 of jot, e'l ..1 /llir 80 rile, , . to IIrs. Johanne s C~vill\hovotl.. e' TI(e . ,1If,!-CtlltC~, ~ltd to e~1I only to tbo .j'My soll- MYIlY Irdm ho~p . o~a h~ . , punoh ' temp't.ing ~ b throw· a glua ,01, Iiqqor in the panting 'I Th" IIllht sl·dnll f\ () WOTB mDy \\l oo kI)' oow toltl his, fri eniSond struggle s, ond gronl's of the I ' ~ • It Tile It_ 0 f d u.. rown I.n .... ··11 nJ!!lII.l(\ • bowl WU"Bopn emptied TI II' " I o · of. ' J n~ou,,~ 8,- , . Ie GO IIIg ,n"cllc ('~ a.r ,. • - who wos egai", but III ,Its Blranger'$ luce, but. which WII8 proven ted corubnla • BefQ'" hor Irond; lind yot--jltl,J yet. nut blood b.d ..haUled ita ....10 iy bue; '" in tile nroUIl~t of bmllncas .and t d ota. ' II t III \"'llhnlll rJllllllleukcr IlrnCll • oho.' 111/0 ,.. place, .no les8 a petBOn Ihan Jlr •. COTen- from reaching it~ 'deltinati .Ilre \0 a rcapoc a e apot Ile.canea 11\ hlld purchaso tlllis.' enrgQ '1'111\ IWer wal b <lr, t ho "" Iuhed .. PIl. • in vain by Johonqe ' of corn ' os tllOY a Hl\rkt the quick repor, t ,o f'n pisLol ehot . .) It ' I C 'II' · For bll irwi n o'er Illoulltainb~uj,. · • cd 0 t'I" . , 0), A: 1I"I1IIIr I'rod tion~s Ibing Ibull vanity." _ ' hoven her"elf. Individually iind pllf8onaUy. cntohiog hill ar,m. and " . . . .e e y, ' W !U WI . ~ I' ' . 1<1 r '1" •. . took tholr "Roota at· tho to~le) .. ahattenn g the con- Is heord, and the tory lender fulla hca.!lon~ . tit lit l1e ex- ' t · Tllo rinjl or" Ilild it rok~ In l'voln, " Ii" exo Itt "uder dopoaited a veseu~ of more pretenll on., ill lellta Qf th.e gl'~1 lomewb [Lady" Dook . no . t 0 ,b!lyor 6"11 u .ol~y . .. uors , 0,.-" peC;tcd ere ho hi ~he neigh· do ... n the Itllirl. Tile.deiidly weopon, wos .would sbow him all tb" ~ "Alad ber 'fond belr~ ~ brOken point of' dep\h. and circ\lmfe.rencel.fine~ ttl botbood .of red noel"11 ·dlrecl~ol.l ~t Ihll t;lty oUlhorl\,le,a. ~ ho)',., o.ro. in lo.wll! 6111l! wtlljtc~ to lot 0111111; .. &lgh ta touotona nClI, , in tbe bund~ oC tile RED£l.'S DBIDS! , [ol.ke at 1\tl. CaiIllOlll, 1M. ' !ile .brltn with. liquid which rave birth to ,'Wbo ~.re ),ou thllt d.re offer4lt}11 6.x, d 8alary of 6200 a ,.enr, pnya- hum kllQW UhQIIIIt. , intet;rup t , me1' . Dut ber moilier, her deo.r old mother, loy Tlio tOrnnt brought Inutha of biuish smoKe, which •• celld!!d Inquired the officer. ble qllnrterly, IIqd '6J'O czpect~d "to record him 0 plo~o ohoUll, Qnd ' eav!'gel lj 'who ore de lid at he~ foet; her fllther IlolI.6l)k fro", ob~e"lng • geotlll ,to the ceiling. The nostrils 01 III pre8- 'you1' ' 011 lolop llIudo by. thelll from t,lI1e t\l II~e. man n~llrI1' opposIte ; put ,, ' exhausU on ulld losa of blood on lIie etnir· co08ider .ble.eateQUc,. n to QPOIl prodlgio l!lly .... ' they 11\,d IIlllke 0 Illonthly re.por·l · to thll Clly. SliP ill his 'dieh,'ou r Hoo~I';r ;Who alB I, you' d-d 1ooundr ell', thul)- woy-'bl lt li.v ingslon pointed to _ hlld bnly received Ii . B~ the lroat~ '~r 1;83, tho .Unile~ S~at:~ djloover ed the pel'fUm~1 O( 'the ~evero~.· .dered the III'1dlord, 'why antl.t ll\e. BOmO t)\1'IO p~y over what tho)" b.o llie q( pepOU!lue\1 I am a ploin, and rlfte bllll in the fiflO8hy pa'r ~ of tho arm, alld ncq~lred and IIsked bie ne1tl h • ~qB~'S the priVIlege of. lukong ,fish P n walll"b'ot atulf,' hnvo recl.'lvet! from,. thotr IIIlcB. " '. ' ., fre,e Ilpokell milD;' l bayo ~onvoreet! )Vllb ibe perfonti . bor vlbat it 1V1l8.. (, ' on or-two balil' III hia h\lt.- the .shoros .o f New 1l'9~nd.l~nd, and A .Tale of the Revolu tion. ' of dry'H~re are plenty of pipes.' 'Baid the bet- Was'IIt,I~t.on. d-II your 'eyeg!' IIIL bonor..On" Tho ,~II.Y gover'!lIIent .of lfewbury port 'Spiced Vlnegllr:' \VOl the repl1~ one red 'coot remldll~!~ .qnlnjur~d,llnd ing t~~m in the unset le~ buys, .~ ; lor 'D\uiety of Jobanne !, <make youl'llol"ee which you nevor ~ntlI18rb ?rB ~IIIYO, ~8 w~. uJl~cratnlld, pur~ucd. ~lUcb tho. IWUI"8upp~ee ye~ 'blld\:e a fl)lI~, by had!' . he made bisI!8cap e from the scene of (lC- of Nova Scotlu,. and '~'. ~ A ~ R ' other IlOQute h~ld by 'OI1l~ ~O~lrse with rCIl'"Tlllo tho ncw IIlW, t' . .' i~ comforta bie .nd blp·py. · Tbe.~ .re ezcl· 'Such a, yo.u "reo' ye.. D-n ilio {o~ll's, tlon all rapidly n. bia DurlDg t le'ga would m~r t'r~.. :'''0 u Ilon:;" 0 tillg tiuiee .nd there II notbii1g like.' II Jltear~y .m·eat Brit""in .. ;Before ilio ~e.volullollllr, as ,u"lt 'tlikOIl by t110 au~horit!os of U~8ton. hondin1t Illoog.' . .' th ~" YagCra1 d-n the fCertaln iy, WIIS tho Inswer. red 'coau, one him. . . DutCh c(jt~ge wa. 8tan In,.. n War thc Culo~lstil .of I.ourso, III, c?mmoll The offille ul. tho city ~aver tIe BOCIObiiity lIi1d rum. to lIIake yourllelv~ nn~ ill! Coiifudion ,0 king lIIarsbnll hoa becn Tt:c boosler took the boWe 'D~ comGeorge; .and 'Tho firing aroused 11 0llmb'c r of 'neigh- ~itb ot~~r "re,t; Wlllch wll•.. at (Imea the roslo~t of .subJ~cl;" ~r {h4lal Dpt.m, c~- .boli~h" .,)'·,ur~t1 0 new >offico, ohie! o,r ~Qlicc menced' ,. .", all his minions, ' . . dbaing Illto liiB .lInp: hut .. tho " bore b who.o exerllon 8 tile bo.!ie8 oi ~h. Joyell tlie lIame I,nvllegc clllcertl 'of IJ9th arml~e, a8 it :18 a ..p ace o~ me:~y~r\oklng estllblle s a:" 1bey.· ThiS been SUb811tgt~d. '~ho ilulips <if tHe clunf ·tlutico kmenis now.a.d .ys, ,Tile offii:~r Oourllliled b.le.., 8wo!'.d agaIn, .did nottlow very frecly he look qut }1Il1!' M;~: COl(ollhoven wel'e . rcm. .pd. from ~olli:eBsioQ \V1l6 ~trol1gIY 'Oblect,Od .to on thll 9( ~I!'t!'Ihment. commonly e.l~e .sn IIIn, .un the defillilioa oC the word 'merry' noi!" e ~0'1Iot IM~U~Q 'the exocutlo n o~ th~ 'ro~k, a!ld ~t tile 8Qme border. but Johanne s quie~Jy etopped tljo gl?Jftlo- ilic house. \i1,D~ obl\crv1ng to ,The bodiea,o~ the lorles ~crc ~or~ o[ ~4e Drltl~h Governm ont, ,drr the joint prorrleloi'1lhl~ ~f >.Mr, .n.d aom'ljlvhat on intoxica ~ul .Wtl8 the IlI"'8 -Pl!!80d by thct ,tlllo lIuthbr((iee. bis frlcnd- . tions; but we Clo not mall, and ordered him oui of the hou~o. . , burnt ~o lI~hes in Ihe cont1.gr nllon. tire. J~"8nne8 CO.Ye.nl\o~eo. IlIsulled .o n by Mr. Jl.t1amlJ, Who rofuse" to J~~OI Qa'!; tJl~ .. olty. B! lhelr believe Mr•. dQvonhoven ' meant th~t, for 'D-n .you!' .~id tho landlord, .~if 'you mnrshal, loll. ~evn '1<illll!,r clo~e [t>/b yer stoppin.' "ith, to Tho next duy tho British troops eVQc~a: cl6so tho tro~ty. upon any nlloe., one wQuld. very nllturajly tm,\&i'1..o ' " olh~r le,rUl~. ili world generDly dqe.~ chosen chlof of, pollce. Whcthe~ they Pllt suoh plngby H.~Ie-!I dOll't 1II0... e '0Il"in an inet.nt I!]) but. bul. ted Ihe city. .Jolianoo Moin-thst to pr _ ! recovered from th~ wt;re·I;)~tch, or or DtI~c" I'xtrDctioo; :n~' ~Sete:ed a drullka-rd in bu ·Io.thed Tho trellty 01 GhollL wlla ".llo~lt on tlio hllve 10110)l'od our unmplo Inmoat let'throll gh your troin!' Ollt! in IIntlclpn- vont B fellbr's ta)(ell mltch of the .tu: ' . -' ~ . his wounds, and for a pumb4lr of yeurs l iv: .ubjel. But wben. ~merica but It \V.tI not gen~r8I1y,: suPPo8e~ , !0 by> ' I n Y.e&8els. a.f~9r Hun of,tho ,[1rohluitory 1\\ v given ~:~ ample 1'6 ~8e it comes hi' I .r. ) This selliod tllC Innlter immedilltel1, and ed hDppily with lai~ cbildreo ! ' . thOle who fre.Q.uon'teli Ihetr ed!nblishm4ln\, sou l nnd f1'\nny a the peace . of 1851, r4ls~m~rI. operllllo ns supply I' , I d drllnk the "t1a'th of the gallllnt Colonel .moved oqlccnc cs ~1l-se11:;1 o~ \VIti lie During thiN lin\~ lui pourcd rieorlr a: oft' wilh ,his lYil)ter's eYelling would be/begui le Iho til, therci 11 Cllacllsdio ... ·tlley Illpoke relnarka blo ' J:l)otl .· Engli~h l th' ilou , int:e ~ n IIro$e upon Ihoquoa trtln, lntelltiol t nllrl cxpcotntJoll oJ IIQvilllj' ~ 4!ltflOn pre~enl' 'lind fri\ludlll\t a ~Clllnl'kplile them ' "ine rllfe but tiS dlous hours,' by, oarrllting to certain little ,tIle !I ri sh .lId dr\lsst!d, .Ild mn!\njrerl l ill" ir btl.llles I' e n~~ I r~ the h \i ~iltislr.y claiming t}llIt tho wur bold gO,Oil for· ~ your. WI;! ennn!)t ~crt4it1ly 'iiis gln~8 rulllnto III. BOllP and 1nki/lll .'ifl· of the fa/ .. iris he left Ib~ door ·. epoon he !lipped tt (ull. ~~golhcr wilh he uttered I II 1111 d'''''' o~fh lind ( oneil tl tho to.. U events 110'" heroin proJlo.e ·r~\:orde~ .· " .; -, ' hlld enncelhi d tho st.ipuloti ons of 1~83; und iJay\ thollgh lve · 111 a ~lY, ~ IAllO y., IlJcr, ~ll r(ln, - .. , ~e .: nrenlS'.' ' , " bolieve .they have. ' B\\IlIre that he would be revenaei l.. soverol pC)1 r1 ers and P'llt It Illto hlia moulh. ' I U' .1 S t G jJ ~ tl e • oth ,. ~ ' ,... : , - tom. I)r tJle .IiC, nt 1J0liunu Gr~, IJI C.llt P I ' . .'. . ·t.le f ' 1\lt~u. t~ es ()Y~,romon.on I . t: , th ~ A for!!] of bl0l!ks, In call~ 0 . ClomnI' D I I d' lunt 'fllo next b n instaut hll, spouted .tbo, eQntQnt~ h they bbbtl\'et iin a ;lIl1oll"r peculiarl y thOIf . ' 4111 t 80a 0 p '1 Phy of drinklnu FAHUlOJUI\L~ BUICID&.U Th o Rlc.hmond Ro- er hnud, thotthe tcrm" of. that .' ~ 0,80 I .1 treoly for- hO$ bopn adopted by the Pollco Court. Nn of his spoon tI or ng.llo Islur , 0 .ce, 'd ~II; 0V;l!n d I 0I t)ubliClln 1 ·.in ' the I eounle IIcroa " d 11 IIf Ibe tllblo Ibto peun ll.ill1.i~I O arlielu on 'm4lt!' a permone nt orraogem cnt connocte d complai .p1VII, an ellrne .t\! lIe reu DO'IC ven c~me very near 'gotng off t\le hllndlel' or II~m~e vca IIIl re I' . , /l'" health, ' ) , IIrtlCu nlt we're mode to thl~ Court dnrlllg ~~nllemQh'S bceom '!lod bowlcda Frenoh , , I 1'- ' I . I "1 h ' ~ I th .' ' , b i . I 1"1 ' . I" FaeMon. ( I glTc& ·prrlon.g S 1 leao ( e; 111 'et UIII" us e. be 1,,18 gIJnerol \ 0 laill/llo( 0 nK '4llltlrc y roe II... • j ls- lea til II aud Kete )1oor Kute who . wallo lUI ad· I d ' e wllh the sepllrlllioit a lie totoe roth Ihe BO~8iolt t li8·[or4l1l • , .. _{\ d' ' . I 001l. In coso a oom- .. I\Vator! Watert ' . . . ' · , • : , I$nllllcs and ... i1d cat• , '. d" " ," . • nICS" a II lhlllg 110t 10 be tn e WIt I.' I . • . ., Brutall, The collage _fores~ill hl\~ Jolmng . an . .portmo . ,vero III forco tlut cxpress y plnillt IS mude D!rntnet 1\ pf)r80n '. nt, WIS almost fraollc. bell1l8tm ndil1 g 'T' I "Within. .. vear or IWO '1'88) coree,. hue b up'on 1Ii6 ' hcensed. ttive . ," mo ~ome ",.ter! I'm all1l6ro . . ' . Ie wor .! IIad 8CIITC~AIY diAd , 11 ' L ., • II . .• . .I _.•- ~ t a aub~uluu) a. rognte d. 'I'hc rcsu Ito r, tiS ' .. ~ , mllny yelr•• if the liguree 'lG9lt,' The .trun~or's name " .. . \VII John Livilljt. """n pArtin y~ o,... controvo il)~ the Ii 8. wlten the ' door o~lIed .nd rhy the clly, RutllOrlt n on~ 'U les . .,u tho lrueslton a .young to be 'By. . ~aT, loir,'. exclllilllcil Ule Frellchm .n ' .~ 'n f 8 8 h i ' ' _a . ~u~lly 118 dosltucllve 10 I.c_l lh "08 bullll ~d~pt- ,ey was t I10 P,rovlsl~ • front p1lrt·of the buildlnll milht be taken p . II I d ' d . n8 .1 I • ~ 0 con- decided liy tho Court,will lIo nd. to t 10 va- In a rogo, , [erod tbe room Ind tOil, II young COllti entol nd he WII8 til" 'cd In old liontl8l~dlc3 u~cd 1\. woarjust cnough strucHon jumpIng tlp 'from tile table, , ~yoll as rell.ble IIIt\hotlty. A barn IIt~od.I>Y ti;e, ~un ru ('I y • reue ,edll of WIIlCIIlI oo~,lfI quc~llo~. t d I ' Ild,ty meelf' of It thu a' husbl,nd ll c('n se. . of. !lle 'llIndlord rll • "\ d~ughler > II ave spoiled my IIhlrt. my vest,8Dirl ,Spall . . , pa;ticolll.s \0 KOOI' them comrorlablo, ~~d 110'&0 ' certoinly lIecons lato II wor lea e \I 1eft alt!e of lhi. a"de"t 811e<:ime Th ) db to re"opon a qucstipn. o of arobi· without 88ylll[l ' db ' \.. . . ' " 't b' I h l ' b Ii I" tverythi ng. slli;. By'gar; 18hall see .bout ey \I c~n marne , ut • snurt .Iittle table III one coroer. • lIme wore upt in their paces lt ' I d b I e ng t eon 1y I' teeture .nd the door-)',," , wlIBoflJamenieti y 8. 0\1 .. or IlTlp~. , . h of construc b tion, ,"'. oppnrlln . Y sett e y t 11f, : d Th , ' , LI ' g ~the offalf ovlng een ..ept IIOCTot . •,l,'otn But now" .Il. • Ihis 8I1ir ' , , ' Dco!,lmon tI.,in g 10 sue a , ' . ' I. .• one no left Il unoocull ,e • ere . wal no un 'I . ' Oil the olle SIlJIl, ao .. 00K' . wiili a pool oC j(feenlsh , ....ter, in , \V.llich abou~ Iii. per.!On..11 C I A ' . . weeklY ' deliCato Iiltle aroaltlr" pcrnmUulal nil ty yenre prseliee Til tbo.mello p~a~al)ce very IIttrDjl' ~I RaVCl. ale 8·p.ronte time . tbo ' Hoo,iorl h lad selled . O. rm8t~ng, l~fI" .tr~el8 witll .Lx or o.ight "kir~-.omo of ,quiescen ce on lI~O?t wu im.bed~ 10 ,lile hub., .a Eurioull y f.lb- tive, but in II momen~ . er~ III eyes were UpOD the British officer, had beon for'~~e time . The .... odel. WI'dow er, Ii pilcher cOlltahlg waler ud lInd. takon • them thick and hony enough lor.bOl'tll! blankloned car whie" looked •• Ir It h.d ~e~ I" Undor tho trun~y o( 17l!~,F("nco clalDls an admir~r; and ,lIwore, when 'h" aillcover- elll-tied , lightly arQIlQd .. '" . wear Noah tremoilJ ous drought. ,. Sottlng down tba f."-lcate dl In' the hor' wa i81, Ih.reby ond' exc.rclso eft 0" erJ{, I,m. a 1\ right of fishing U('OIl thl' ' . WI d , t h ' 'J!oglrls to think "of lifo: JI before Ilio ;,itcher l,e evcd .Iho Frencilm hat )Ie hOllting tr manI' ed iliat L IYlDgtton ' WIS a .aTorlte. . t an (or • mou thelpine ' . • nnd cro.tirtg lit ezpr"ly to accomm od.te thllt wel~ known n pre sure up0'l entire northern (lnt! I~eltertl CODat of New- \VOw - I on I' ' . fl rst I ' M '/ " ' . ' J 0I J'I '!Vanf hi !!fC, JI~ I.Iat ItlS88!,11tB ' youo.. . b tone would. w.lk ovcr hi. dOil d, body,'~ an d ma k e 'the .WoRlen, Ib., , If consltt,~,I Il' OSll. B mont, and ilien, yoll.ld,.... . l I"" ···· tq t Ii . ' . . InqUIre.. . 0 y· Ilnnl!ll y . .. ~p 0 m ' III .. I' I fOUDdlllo roug d. . to . il\ll.ivjdulII OD -IIJ&. pilgrhll 8pI ,' . ~ho.rt dl~' tho exclusiQn of 'ovon BrI~- seen 118~tst .ng oung IfIe til Ii111 d i. . . ' 'Refresh ment••• k- ~ ~ltIIlo ''''ould kill him all aoad u Ju· 118eo.• In the repl I ,-ba9 1l.... . , " I _8~ II .. ~ '.e. lilln a mon I h ,I I wee rrom it Wi. ·a bl!\rlli. ~llIeh . ' nuiit- had lIotbip!l to ~.tWIIS 't If d th. Advice lier Isn vessl' I8. Altlloug II ,t h 0 .terms,. 0 f . tIe I lCMIay.' ' C litre ,or or"er .ng qor Though s 0 lohonne ry c~os. ngs. goill' to burn my inur~s O)lt for yo" or Y l h~d bellD made acqufilll' ~:~~~e~: 1:h1n~., and r .are an8wered ,er bOfllf \oduatrlo ia. po~kere' were collec'lo~ . ; proviSions UpOIl ,which Ihls prete l1tl on for pretly fe4ltthot It ' ' ,. . aro' walting to poaa, \IV- s!lIrt1- ytr meDn CUIJB! Come down ted Wlili thll bouter ~ thr!!at, he ... e-' . too " ill ' Iilshlonablo 10 drll.l~ elU tb . 80 and OM d I hAd"" t ' rosta 'IIV!! oro by you no .ny "lllllns lOoney. about io , the' pool. with tree ffOm dllubt, and er. ' b .oont'inc od ho '/lel't'r wall lIIa~Q to the bont I . d ,,~t ea 01' -s.t· . IYes. 1\1 mu~h 1'- will pay . for whit I \I!t strew ng Iinoll' . Oll~ I'll give yer one of mloe.' ' r I fi I a 11111' n to let_ Arrrtatro L" I.f.etlon to themll!lv lll ' .nd to the 8TidEmi e d E In 1111 huve been live alone' His 'children must be well8 be oUI!lf tboworl d 01 nut 0 ~;e c.1I1J lion. .. a hI lOng h F '. . , rl1n~." looked ~g i I'•IVO" 'vltll n1u' nil di"lcu~ly thUllll" Ho.. .:' that he w.a aware of It, 'I ~ f' I ' Ivulgato . j n wal Fa,8hion 1d:)'k I tho douce. m •• :"~-t'IOO of ~r' 'Cove~hoven • 1\'. • 'nelilollu ~ ~ I" 'lr 801111\ ot war for mOllY who here, yeurs, It. auly rah~' 8.lOoe '183" I!) or- II tcr, or, I IU 10111 t uny, Ie IVOU I a lJ dI f e I frllnk l open:hn rted (ell4l"', Ind Kate lov- rool. to kill. thf!m~OIV e' ...u_ • sicr'd frlol1.! could allny the F ,enchmn n·. , 'Colone ' w Ispere HIO II Ie rev.1 nos, C8 ourri!:hl, lind be dono mer stlll hold. her priVilege. then obtllined, 'be .oott in the doorwlY watcn!'n g their mi)ve· . look' . J I ' . LI "0 t ' c , d IIfler-hl -"V be maetr! ~ K t ' , 10Ter or ed him "I Ibe dit! her lire. She wos' a wJth d . Drllws a \Iocp rago olld ~ct mnllere strail-ht ''''lIln. But Indies who " . l . tll.!r:e o;e or, v~~ ) Ihose mente wltli.n eve or .n utl.t in ·"ueh 'th.t', ulln . ;VI kgt . . I to d ,. th t not witho'lt I . remollstfllnco on tho pllrt of sigh e.ery lUne . • "" ~n, II el . " n d~c88 rust eu poet, w ItIll bllllUtlful girl, pOB.cesing a .plendid figure, .ro wl\l~nll 10.• let or ever nftor 'Spiced Vineuar I , ' .vtiB 0 b}'-woiod ' . 11m ~ ll):·~o'. grelt y ~ mlet. o:,.tu.I~" en, the coloniale , but without maUrea. , He' WIS '1 ~I~ hUlnoril !t,lnu we serious rCllis t(11l11alo d h woman in . It. coursu, inS lea" 0 PUI1lUlog 111 vory • ~ha\v I' returhed tbe Culonel. 'it'. n'o- .n Int~lIigent f.ce. lib ot er attractlo pnrtilluln 'l IIl1d 6uflicient " , " to .. lot J II whole . tnille '10 • . O· d ' h' ne cerlaill, but n.ueb slower-d lo ouly dlJl'ero,oca, onco. In J83 '''Id ·"It he euuld ·re.a IOrmon" 'ill 01 his Ire "' P ,1II.0r er to t~st t e quos- a b out II Ie po II ~ I~ .of III8 hoot or tl '~ fit ." ubi' b b . h"lr tb.t th. aWllrner 8ex kllow 10 well ,hoY( to beln" IhM whero w. . I roar. Ihoy 10 re II delormin o as tAl ou ,,"e .1Id ~ 10: e,.erytbl COl1llnil urn • lion, 1 the chamber • uf COllllllor og·' but .to- thing like 111m' ce of • Johl1, glove; think s he looks very interesti ng in ' d ' • . ,.' I ' d ' I If t II apprecla to. We will not 8ey• tlilltlhe I d St. ha suicide by L ' ,I ...., """"d I ed.~ ' . ' th" " ..... thi~ fellow bas bock, 811 illll'rD,,,,r dr.allni, Ihe d k D' Ik oOlora l.vO NewfoU t' bl' . I lldland,8ont 0 vesscl uti or t )10' com- bl ac, not I. eo II 'r.veo rintrl!?ta" or an lalobaate r b~I,' ai- Iho un t W~ a.OOIl .. I' oot ell n OU III pu Ie muo .... enJoy ",,'" b ' half a fOOl' I wollllrous agel whl'n IVnn~ or natil'o benofit uf thll1 r dbolloo, Dod the Inllweh mlllJd of Capt. lUoltlond. to fi Gh on 'that with .. bol ••1'" mn ••tlo feote of tlie "porkere. y, 'nk U :ou leue-b his children , whell he docs, tllkes tho. I ' . 0 longer 'fills lolr d I flii d .rid nl.hens are ke\lt ut'I \JIVe my IhOll8 h ill truth., her hair. Will TOry dark ~Vo"~; wllmBIl wilh • . I lil ~ :~:lltB :II~' in lh~ Intter CIllO tho port or the coast claimed' oy thO Fronch C 'lirms. n v 100 ~for the e of 'ruGl, rum! more .' Th~ ,> p as younges t! ReV'l~es 1.IB /) . tnste or mooll- olarms: wheri Ind !lICitly. She hod I mOlt bewitch ing blow [oJ" beavii at lirsl; pujntlllg ro.ca 'dorll tlle ' II~I- . ruez!'W!~"edhlm th~bebadpo rlQu.iom ers .u.piclon~. bul· . naluraJly we.re Ihoire (or flBhing purpoal)s. T-lJe Fronch light. anI! poc~ry; plllOa y 1 d 6 . h hi meal dimple In her cbin, end invlrl.bl y there off and is 6! nglo Oltll \Yl!b low fuc4l, and cotton Btuffllig giveello r e". evenlually forlloltel~." ~Wrin Ind tha' It ..... 111. dut1 to .dminIR· After.; Ie 18tr.o~:r II I t ~~s e~d pi;e intimate d thot they 8hould rC60rt to forco 1111 hIS heorl; wondflrd how U)cy contrive cry grace' ,nd waB a prelty pout lurkIng - about her lips, when pilcs of guld""':her .Ire·. • ter to ~h' I t . edily I I possibill. 1I1re. Co elllOVCO . ;UIJ if nece8sIlry, o~d bo ' withdrew . rho ro- to elri8tl l.l·cprovos I ;Im h l ': little Jphn Ibr s.nylllg iii-gotten 'g.illl, make full atoueme ot for wbiob. howe"er , rendered ber nooe the 18... Woma ' n', :Beat OmameD.~. e r WI!! e a. PCb ' r as me Bult . ted was t19 commun of the icated ',hot to .tl1 the -;-sa1 home gov- 'PII' so loud, (I"hen ho meote him ill tbe hor IYnnt ng t. a I Deide were . ' num er 0 men ee' .ttr.ctiv e 'No 'pent up Utica' In ilie ... DY of brain.; when solid grace, . . h cuetom 00 .uch occ.sion s to ~\ w. ernment but notiling wea de ne to vlndi- 8trcrt). S els his (oce II.lte· " A bl I d . , ' I hI h w. ' s Lot er ,no' urgo ngolnst upon the my pructice fC lllale tOltdOT8, d· wield n blunted dart While flltu" ••d lIOun .. a ta e n 1.... centre 0 w IC ' I of 8t.ys ~ had 'contrac ted her powe",,' pc_'.II. Ih080who •. d 'fi' I f ,...etta to p.rtake ,0 f 'IICh , re.ree ' I h arO.ln you llh.lbeim. porlanee cate lIlo chum .. I' ,., , . .!len fiU. th ~I.'r "ul NOlVfoundlon ' . 161er- 0 women s go og orne •a Iono on d unpro· moonlight WiD , . . _ (or a more perfecl plclura of health, lIod of '"tBk.lna ' " . ' . the lover'. heart. 1i h ' i lohlcr Gnd beller view. of lifo than men 'I.r~ e~rthf\D bOwl, whIch bad b . iod monl'-t here w.. II mutu.1 d' { I to pllrticlpato 111 rhe 19 er, o, IIpon teete reeoglllt !on rom eveo ng mee II ng. T elle tl I~ lovoline n ne.er ea:llibiled 1\.8 qUllliflcations thoeo taugbt. by tho ""in •• ed II'lth cold pJ!Dch .t no dllferent per ~ .nd the gentlem an of the we·rld. It ia • illd 1Il0re thon one hilf the COQst or thnt, h· lvidows rtld D08e w .. not . the lorm of w~m.n on thi. Ullle globe ulln, hie heart dc"e~ for 'em! Wonder s or I~ ul ....ci llut.t 01" UmeJoh innea D £lIIs lEM,-A plolls old ncJtro, .while . tQ ece 80 Illllny of th., 1 0111111 lind C.lr, land ':_'. . • . " . . . . . .. In . , .Iow to o." "erve whieh of oil tho dllUteols he 8ees. 110 sbull . a.• I bl ' . ( Such w •• Kate Covenb o"on- "boae ltIe 11 I n\Q81 a OI~W b080 k '. I bl t I .. -~ 10 . cell ,,,,. Remarko blo it certoinly is, that GNnt mlkcl up his mind :otalne d ' .C ltcely • drop 01 lte graee at t Ie til e.llo 001""" " you,to marry. Jg sorry IIe saying be: , 'tb.t III . ever be the fair daughte r. of ' d h' bcMtrcJ 'R Britain .bould by treilly relill9ui .h euch a aboll booblige d d " eral loho ~IYlngeton- ~m ,pot~'I'I'C. disnppoi nt 'em ell bot • _ Americl 1 :;'\:::: o:e de.li: ' only upo~ dr~81 .• uml ru!l'l more ruw. e r i e , and gayely •• nd fllllhionab l .. rlll"t UJlon the COIlS'" or Iler own posess· one! hus long SIOCC prefcr!ed orange 'He II wooderr ully dl8jlUlaed, thOIl •. fe It '1 true IIhe sometlm cs mi ked -the villing j who wllan the bright applrcl bios. ci nt dIsh su lied. 0110 day II"'" .DC!~n , • of ibo 1008, an" 'deny to ber OlYn subjecis wb.t soma to the plledth'. iodlvldu.1 Iddrell8ed, 'but W'lt- . cypress . wreath. . Stn~ up thq t C to w!: oul or potlloes, and Ioapeet 1 . d d d i La \ ae"'oll blllterfl;, .and Jre .. light and gttaefu!, and ebe conceded to [oreiiner s: •. Noll', lite IIDdIor4 w. 00, of thOle pe- don't be IRlp.Urn ti I'll Scarcely 1058 .omo fino' day and re-iurnis hea his houao lOOn dilcover what .COWI, ~n d~::.t~:flteel~:~r b~ that !aT' II. ball oold pre1 forrholll Dls at dinU801..e 100; \l\'11ll•• oeODv~rlllliun linda no higher 10. 11 It tbnt the Conveut cullar meD who do thine- arter their ~wo Ie on foot bere.' loil g of IB18 confrom . garret to " ccllar, ; hangs ~i. wife:p por- Ing ta: 0 ~o"lded billl.eIC whla _ I0Il11 about the bt bo t h , II • ett hllnds or of more lmnrovlng eU~Jecl tbln.~tho idle II'!,5- cedee id l t d I k b . 1" 1 ted red to the America ns the right to eurll trait In tbo attic. (~liroude her 00 oug I 0 er pr 1 u . !qn, aDd hew.. Dot to be hun e ollh d.y the 1"11 pan. or y,. novor-f <IIl • Il 0 d In all old lilan- ncr, ;.. "'o(Plhe 1«n~'-"'- and .tole Dade! 'Drink. r ,0 • 01~ e~::~:r bowl'nOllll le~ m.de. her hemilie leu buoyant . She •Will aip ling • I)plc-d~; . 'bcee reldllng is miller.blu thcir filh in uhlettlcd bllysllod harbor. I 1II)1J1in1 b)' ali, ld meaou.~ . ,,""W'" HI. cuat.omere 'U'IIlall dlld1I. ~.lunlJ a ' \ 00 ket.) and marne. a p II)-mate for hla 0 - the willdow. IleAr • a jewel or I womla, thllt Kate Coveoho - !ruh, which III indlcali" ",bich .tood the t.b e of l overy commllnlty. thla COllllt, 011 ~hich tho Freneb d.lm ~nd lUI. ." ullde,iat ooilhl. peculi.ri ties, and ua b~ merry whIle we m .y, e.t daughter ! id th E lI.h yeD, brllfht IDd ,10rloul l' our colored Chridtill t. and Soou, enorvaulII Cato drew { and ~laolplltJ buaaored him It liml!l when hla coaduct . ·By-the -bye.lob lnnll, ,. of ,ritaill admita' . rIght or fushe.., .eacludIDg e, Hg I wu .liout .Ioven o'clock at. ai ht, our )'oulh; wbolle hCa eeem.ang.10the~ m~lId. F..Ilfll1' Fulf. up a chair. lod commeoced: "H relliI obnoa:ioUl. limpl1 becauae b~ Colonel, •... h.t a fine wnloae. ber own 8ubjeetl . hlndaoO !. girl. your t • • n =' . '0, m.... lord! wilt dow IQ d'l pNYlileat I: frhiOlou.llfe; .nd who, u tlley BUI by their \apt. lOad artltle. and The mOlt valu.ble portioD cf lhe coaet '!Veil veraed The .odel Widow . Ihould like to .oultivate . d eIlI condescend to b ..... eberJ IiDI ail, 1\'illl', ln Qu1r1 "';;: ia the ICleaee or lining it up. howeyer , (or fi.hing purpose. is th.t of acq~n~ce. bot Ihe ,"me to abun 1Oe, ~:te- . : .tIll up ooe ' ~rilin, ana tho Wouldn 't wellr llcr yoU up on any ICUII' aoll be pleaMd to upoa III ,!:elo~;i:~tyvi=: oU:~fO~:6:: 1h_. r 'To h-U with ,oal' IXcl.ime d IQhln· think.' J eutern .nd .olliliern portioo of the leland. COUDt. Thinks her complexion l«!D b ~~r- just. f.~ 'tale~ncl aU the "........ h ' 1111" ~ol1ld DOl draw JOIl frlm lb. raUoaei pl •• - lOath of Cape St. lea... be lelaurel , weot about coneclin, John, .nd cut or C.pe er thon eYor,lo conlrast with her 811 'Ahem!' returntid the landlorcl, ',lad JOu Qt ,;;.~e !DI' t here ea. (Here the POtatoel were dUlled opaD lite voice. whiaperl Qllt' Iure& of lociety,o or 000 1I1"'~my cloud opon tile tllarelile ota lor the pU0!lh; 'lr you thlok 10.' . .RaJ, from wbich the Frenoh are ezeluded , Sends back her neW" drCSl, becllu". tile table uPlCttl q the QlUIUld poL) ,.,... ' . I YO~~n fro.. her lO.t .od in' your youthful •.kl'.l.1ll1 ..ould plaid for .ome ,","Ilk . _y Ia~ clelr oUt atrsIlh tHere lbe America D yeallele pun\l~ the fuld of crope on. the skirt 'You h.ve .ome oel,lIbo. . .bout bere, t Hid K . t a , I.n't deep mouro- 'em, ~...a Loid!. IIid elta, looklaa lilt : iO I .o!ri..1II liOurt, 101M ladue!rlou. moment ., trlde' u well 01 \lPOD We 1lO\ . . . . . . . tor OIIt throIlI .Dd helleft'l ' 01,1101 portioal of IDlf eoough. ' Steadf., tly zefu.... 10 look Ith to the window. _ I . dma .ppointed tAlthlCll!lluaoflbemhld. the ~I't. ' 'Oa/)" jlll& 1nI'. . . . ....... 'Not mlD1~eJ have .U iOa- to the III·the direction of a ·dre.. coat' fOr-CIDe w lk fool!rab. ·No.' replied 19ba, '108 Uethl a~r ··SUI_ I' I, the enrichi .. WI "!~ ,,:!:,.~ It I . . tatod th.t more tllan twelve Yor are f'tfp..aecl.1Mnauom mill~.... laat'lheJ laufIbed. 'M 1111 oW tricb army. where. JOo 001h l to be , . weekI I Wond.r l ilthat hDod.ome Tomp. letlle _or Df D" ....te. ueful bow - ... , ed t rrlablelled than are capaohl. . .114 . b IIC4 b i d e~., dll1 is \be IlIIIDOnei ion 110111" or capital Ire In.ted jn til e kUII Tbll repl1 oecIIloa e4 • heart, lIap.t . •... taII or ao '" 0 po er.w n ow , :II they pan ..-l."" .... .& Tuk.. IlalrOU . ' . . . . . . . .~, , jo, JOII.....tIe- the • ..,._ or ... 1114 Ibt Uae butlDea ta Americ.o"~ Colonel; but, .othlDr .... la the tIOor-Jud- : . ' qak • The iDlIDlI ,_,h to think abe wm eft' . .,. &.II .... IDOnaI feeIIIdM be If.~:::ft::~~ ....... ... Jolau .t1_IIIII d, IIIIOUDt of CIOcl ullu 10 1816, wu eatlme- ry epiDI 1t1ud ' '0• ., ... claua.... he IIOIlUued: Ie fonel or dNwtlll 011 - . - . aolq Ihe. ~ ~ 8Dd ........ ... ... ... be ea· ted Iat I 100,000 .lntl'l or ow&. W, and rettllllh -=-u~~ lI1aoolL' 'I .. to14 &laa&1JIe 4ubIIllJIIGDI reDDW ....iH.t.·aW er lluJe hUe baad - .... JoIID.·t ~ thea - , - pdIW I. labor ~_~ ... -no '---.;. ::..;. . - 0I,!:- Inaow or ~ lateltatiM lGII ot dae tracIe,- !tllck 110 ... to ,W& here laM p . oYer \0 ok" to tllIe hoaallt.thlllllIDWlt .'1 .... ..... ~. feW tIMa"'~"''''''' Be ~_ '-~'''IIJ~ II laO .. 0iII CIa \l elr IJ1 flrl1.1'P Ucadoo " la, ...... ISImlIl caU
-=== :;:============. THE BRIDE., 'i
'M C
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Col~nel.' ~I.d.
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ClIft. 1MIlkIiD,. CltJaer ,actllOdatr!'
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Illt tlall
power .-
• ot Sinery are ~Dpidlr 1l1l.III(1'JK'~
',,- .1]{l\'"ESVIL.ll~ WARR EN C O~N l'Y. OHIO,
Ang-nit ti, 1802. _~'t3
'BmW»f.Y irO~ICBS.
The . .1e laD be lied at ~btrtl &: Brolher" In dale placo. ' ,, Boberts &llrother h.ave, Ihe life or G eral Sec.U, lile Whla C~dldjlle for bt, lor eall'. F roIO the ~,era ' 'rpOl ftv.e eflll ~~ ~ .. one dollar, II ()e l'8on un learn al.I'. i of the "He ro of m~l1y oIItllcs.'· ' ''lleod arid )'ou will kub\V ." "" " ' " . ~ ' '. . ' , Uncle ~!lm-'. Cll'blD . · O,: lho killducS8 oj " frl ti'ild,.l .!luvo bee n (ovllred wilh lI' copy III "Uncle Tum'. C;uu" ;N"ortJt ~f.9l1na :Eleef10llil III, or ' ).i re IlnHlII~' Ihe f,4,)\'I'IY'," '1I wur k Wri t!CIl by M" ~ , H. U.. \)c!wr SIQ\V e; 'whicll , ~.U~l1h'T. '.'--:--Ii'u pptlarH (ronl (I) ropurt. , \_ a work' ur,I,'uth dlth QuWI bUllrln" (l_ re- Ive hllve receiv'!!l thltt t~u~ Yote en t- li p, . • bqell Iurge . ~lIa thuL Kurr IlIi, u .m~1I " " ft' dmllblo~ee to Jl'=c1ion• ~:" hu~e , Duelt I aD far. ~" . ~ wur k und uot. rl'ud ,It wuuld be IInp08~ible~ NO T oS.-We rllcciYed on la~t eY~nlnAi niter heur ing .Bueh UII Ollloullt· of prllidP In'd!uwed II(lUIi it. " l'l1e Jl"8iC:1I 'or ( the 90me reporll ~r ele cllon rOhlf'" fro~ 10.,/1 Emblem. -, work i~ ' lo Idul lY up in ita truo HI/ht 011 the NOTtb Corollnll; and perhapli aome other " hurrors ur Sluv~ry. 'und 1I.l~ Ilie lume' Ume poinls. but they werll lIlore like Ihe prodi.c_ / Th,e Miami V~;'i.tor. giv " 'g {he g ood routure~ 0'1 thllt· l'l ""ul,iar tloll of a nllu!!~o · tha~ a ..ne 'pO... OII, all~ '1'/lls PllC611ell ~ clIlllllillge COIII OS to liS lo,'lht lll illddu't i o7l." "'hnl it dooe do till IVO Iherefore had to I>rnlL H.-Ru . J(renlly illlproYed, 'floc 41b vulumo of the ' ~ VI. I~o r iw ju ~tTcomm ~ nced. Rild, WII hllpl.'. It \\'0 8 t1eMi g ued IUf, ·ia unq uCllhounble. Gnd (. r , ~vith' ~right prosper-la,.of 8 11CCC til. for nu rrorn tl',e rl unlber or' converts IIiOdl by It 10 - Alabama Deetl,.., ". t'rvon . g t) C 80 fCea~ ' t I.iI Ii A ..;ti-Slllvotv II, .id certain tbnt l!Jere,' Is ,MUII'1'OIla/IIAY., A, ti,;,,~t G•..!...There ' .une , I8 more uU b.g JOH~ w'UliSY H SIIL6 r, whose bold nud ' ~. lIufficlo nL relurnl I ~ to Bhow ihot tbe peo. IOetl [ellrleS8 choracler, di8J1I~YQd in all hia writ "S9 'd ng in it," Oyer eighty tbousond ble vOled lurgely I&Alnl l II COllvention to tillge, wo have ohvoyo admired. JJrolher copies of thiB work IIDve been 80ld in leu I b 0'1 . }fEtrLBY 'hi Ilks (or himlolr-ho 18 not one th11n three m Jnlhs , and Ihe dcman'd la'lItill rov 8e " e onlll u~ion. ' • of tliose to be 8wayed by Ihe blnt of pop. 08 "reot 01 ever. 'fhe publ I8h~r., are unDo ""Il'II .. D· ..'~n-ThrooLlvesLOsi. ~ I, i. • If I ' .. . . .. • . l ... 11 Ior sonllmOnte 1111 .own op"llona lor ble to keep up wilh tbe -call. . COllaidera. ' 'vith t!toae lel\tiinonl8, but he 8dYOCllte~ I Weunelday.-'Aug. •, .t86~ .~ whateve r tte believes to bl) right pnd just. blo alarm is Illanirellllli Sl \he SOlllb, Dud, ' dwell/IIi hOllie , No. 89 Frlentl- It~e8t every body elsc '10 ' tho c!o nlrll~y' 1I0\,v\lh- olrun'dy ' two or t~i'CP ·.vllrks' nre IIdverlieed lI;e at 111 'o'elo~k lu~ night. Ind Jhre; I\lundillg.' WI! tlo not-IV lsI, til be IInderIvliich are ,nlp ' eclnlly··'o/"sigi.ilU lu c~. 'IItllr' " 0r D .nI0I.Rogera, I_borer"we,e · d . , II " II ' H I 'Id '" .. ,. t ij DO II. enylll: 11,1 ufO lor EtrLET. 10 ~ a~l the influence of ", t1I' ~le TO....$ Cabin." himself up 10 the \Vorl~ 'a8 Infalli ble •. Fllr i'III,lfocal:fd 10 dell~. Their ogea were '7 rrom it. DuL lY e do meon to 811y tht l unU! ond to 'de fend tbe "Pllculillr Ins~itutiun.'·- )'enn, 8 yearl. and ~ IlIonlllll• • 18 provclI hcy olld 0 doubl tbat he is in maul be II. great deal 01 ' trulb in il. tho ' wrong l lie . ,\rIll nrge hili own t!enli. qr WQuid not b'e ~o ",ucl; pain~ tolien Des.....~..ve FUe. meults with tile zeal of lin hone~I, r'lIrlee~ . VITT8B!l~J :Auau lil• 'I. P.M.-A' fir • man. I:)ucb all une i8 0 mal, 'a(le, our 10 prove Ihat II. "novel II'~I ~o full of out Ible ane,nooll in •• table auich'mtlilyrelspectl. uWI' h~.rt,' an~ wo feel a brother!, I<lve fo! l hllt la the \~IIY tlie" 'Sputhetn, hilllllltlldllg~ ;" lomo. lhl~1I1 'spe"", or it. ,;1 oilvll8' oll. both !rlonill .Dud ed ~~, a ., dwellllia honae po ' Pro.pect~ ~ , or 8hl \·eOo ·to rellli tbi, '·work. . tween . Elm and Wa.~ln¥lon Ilrellll._ , N~arly an :olltire II10ck WJII djllltroyed. be foro the fire IYIII .ubdued. .w1'wenl1.fiYe I TUB' AA'l'\Srs\~oulI",,~' {or, AUg:l!e~. were bur_lled and t flft, lamllel fen. 69.,p~ese o ~. itself ill 00 entl~Il ' DOW The bulldiqp were not Il~d ·il8 IIppeO, IIIlC/O Ii now Iruly Ind w~re dCC:llp\ecl 'by poor '~nil beluti ful; it ia nc.w publilhed ib qUill'•
y a~s Igeh to II.llk"o\vledge be fllvornlile 1'0 Ihr. ezt\IIetlon I ho". n,y re.de""wil~ Ilol secul . me of b UII;g yoln IVIJ CII ,I " uy' bo(oro , them {vlaio call down thll contp mpt 0: the whole C(.\un try , but ilolY, many kiJ.d BOlices Ihol are bel Lowlld 10 'li'baIeUy t~lI~ mOlt re,s poc,lablo ft n~ wt)'r thy Ille n illY papor· IiY ' my cUlempornrie, •..!. tl.e· \loulllrl' do IllOllhillk jt- b Qnoll th ~~the ~1 1;bIS',WIlI111 ~ pre5e II1IW(); 1I1e lirst ill frllm acknowl.cilge th e,nsel ve~ Iho frlc li.te u th e Middl etown l h llul Ill, ubhahed lit la ve alldlo work lor th ei r li be r"tioil, I.DJ,I Ullle'"ull.... .0laiu, by II first r~ ui rellow. : F. J •. UlJnll lte r: 018 secullil is frulII HQIV loni 8 lime will e lDpde berur~ 'he)' CUll 5eo th eil' lll~Qra ~O RlI)111'I ctll kll4W 1I11 t .l lliD K pll\II'c ky Blur, Ilul~ijjheil by R . S. but it wilt loku lilUllY ycarll to etJllvino, all, .W llh um~. '11 w ho le- ~oulc d rilUI1 . in Cu\'lngIblll S ~llvcry is un ol(iI. . 1011, Ke ntucky . __ . , : • , . "'~The lIri(l'l,i Vi~;10'r,. 11I111· fl nlt'r"d. ~roll tl l JiiW \'o lllll,a . bnll II l~lJd 'to u rnu Qh i lil ' proyed unrl beu u ifit'd in'.;'l'peu rll', cP. \Vol IV illll bur Iti Nld, l hlllI ..y, thl! ~ ll UC(,8~ whll'll hu gIl n u;' h dtl",'r:t"8, ",Th o: '~i$~ti,· i~ Mil to the 1t'\Vll (II WllYUclllVi lfl'j "lid ~h1l1l111 r~ce lV Il (i iwhliul ""J1\lrl )ro.h l ho cH lzl'lI uf lh ul lli ri l'Ilig pluce,-ltIiddleJ
I " ..
... .
.:.....rOD I!RINTING.
'Of every d o~erllll IOIt. s uch ai,
. J,>,UI~JrLETFi, JlA.N~.BlLL8, DV&1NESS AND. Vllfl'J'ING C4RD8, DIJ,AN~, LAUE"S, in 11000 . 1~l c ano 011 al,!brt 'Jolie~ 'Ill The Mia mi ViislWfcO ffice, and on fIlM\ll1a~ lc No e.r ()dl,~.lIhon,rQr.Jo~ l'l.intlng. ellO~utc d
. The .......~ . . . .-Gellen·l . q.I~...."blt. Wei!nlltld" .• Aug. 4 • . 180'1, ~.il Ii tbroll.h ftolll N e", Orle..i. ~~==~===~~===!!!!!!!=~ I 'Tlie pipe" cOlllain lillie lit' i'lt,ren• . Gener.' Qui(tJton h .. cClm. ~ ~ c ard. III rel~tloo til his c:lmnr. aUoll oU lbe ch"~llct~r ~e"eral 'ilcu~t, iu 1\'liit~ II~ <Late, fro_ .lIe ~.'lIo *ub.cqjlenUy turrOIi~~"le. all thaI hall &tee. U"'I:'I!INO... AIII'lIl -&--The IIltlil Il!lIerted of that.cony rllatio... ,lfe plll.,1 . (lirough jrulll Nllw Orlt'lIlIl . ~COtl . . a ael'!eral- 1'1" thll the !iklullIIhe arrlvBI u,f lh .. Itl'lmohlp ern Whi,_. lIave done ' blm injlilti~~ and 11.1 .IUw Orleanl. aatea' from declare. loe II not the ID"~ 10 be ruled < Ihe 116L'h ult. ~ere received. Oen. Sewarei. i.01'-:--_ IDJ _ bod, elR_ • _ _ _ __ Sabbatli School Scholors, of Ihll )llltho. hi d e~LII~nsbod helld quartere o~ the diel Episcopal Sabblth School Hili pl"'le regimenl of dr~goo~1 at Fort CJ'OIa .. • . mUM ,bovc Au,Un. J'Ive compaillet remt!lllber tliat ,I,e em,.111r lobool ror their r--" b d be rd "~" " h' Ii '~ 0 fluemon ' a eo 0 ....... to teOur t e II f tb" DI 'O d' enefit, will be beld on SalUrq.y Iftn. eyo b Ie ~. I0 d I'1In DOons. It lbree ' 0 " olocll,h at tell, E . YO "J11i tI ke. Chur~h In ,this place. Tbe terID o( Ie.. r;a. ' e ~ 0 .r~ . II , ro eo t • 0118 ~oll'\m,~ce " d S IIturd[!IY. IIOnce ' The cropt! I'n every nlrlorTellU onI . a.' It .II necea..ry Ib"t a Il W h 0 d 8Slgo . '" "I·illd. altell d• ed an ubueuII abundanl I h 1.1 -. d ~ ,. J ~ ng 8 0\1.\1 Illwn at once. ' . Fout more bocIl'- of Ib a loet aD I....e "-.-;.. ~D II' , St. :lam" Jiad been found. "Wblob oow N. e"'ihbl uiid inlf' aof' conl~l"tl' Jieillg P'lt .",'eUI tbe total 'L, uOll. a • recov' ered 10 tblrl" ' n "",.. ' ~ .... 1!IIaiItb :.lit..., r- =up 10 " Pt&ce. Q near y enry ei bt. I .lbere are aeveral under w.y. II J. con- g Sl'aACUaJI. W,dll.id.,.AIII ••• J86,.i b . It ' ~II"Y_I Th. report gulD, the rollnd.. of tb. pipe" the n .1I I ort ~1'1l11 to ~1, ou tWQ Tbe Los. of .be Hea", .. ne~ elr.ete, qn. to ,be cldlllU Fifth. end ' T"e .VeNlet .r'lIe I..". thlt Ur. 8an~'fell .nd bl'9ke hili neel il \be olher Ch.p~.n. . NEil' YbU, Auauat '.-Tbe jul')' In true. Oe pe~rorlDed thll an.moon ..' c.' e oC ,1h'e d811.thl b, the -burning of Ol.ero· ' How much be~li!r the 11[. E . Church in Renl')' Qlay, ",nlierech nrdlct ~It .~--'-''''' i - - - -- .,....Ihll place would lo~k, II it w~re nfall, dlllth; WAre Ibe r"aultl oftl .. acll 'of ' ...,.........., •• Jlae pail)ted white, or IIOOle other lull.bl. 001- o"oe .... tillll thll.t tbe ICII of llIe ~.TUll!. Wedoelday, AIfiu.t ". J86l1.or. Btll.odloll ~ it fo a I.ri'e lot 00 "iueed a deprIVed II\lnJl;re'rarl~leIBl The I.T H. SteaQilbip America, Captala Ihe corner of t'!V 0 of 1/18 principal 'Iree"; life. Tbe vI,dlel ,,~,",.. t.Il""ild /::lblllnoD, Miled at nOon. to-da,. willi 11 appelrance It preaallt I. not very juty , ""''D.'n..... 11'10'. tbe oaCODIl •• delllllDlrl ~....naere forLI,e'l)oql.aDd l!·fOr~b\llru, . tU WI ... D.... She allO tok.. out ,1110,000 iii Allier CIIl woul4 bardly be f.ir in me. 1ft I 101 II. member. tl! IIY Ihlt Ibe Ippearance of the gold. BALT,1I0U,
The EV,a u8 FninUy. State F ..... ·....r 183ft. Vermont, a~ Rutland, Sept. 1,2,.8. New ~ork. lit UtiCD. Sept.,7 •. 8. 9 , 110. ,Ohio; at Clevelond. Sept. 15, 16, 1'7. . )!lchi,Oll, a~ Detroit. S ept. , lIlI) 28. 24. ..canada \V etlt, at Toronto. ~p'p.t, :ll to 24. Indiaua. at Iudlanapolis; Oct· 19. 2!l, ~11. Pennsylvania. ot L ilncuter. Oct. 20.21, 29. ,., . r W f.cooson, a! Milwnukee , 6, 7 .8. ~cw llall'lpshi re. Oct,.6. 7.8. G eo~gltl. Oe~ 18 to 29. JlllrylaJld. at Ualtimore. Oct. 26, 27, 28, Am. Pumolog icol Oongress, lit Phllndel, . pllia. September, 13., AOIerican 10siitUIo, at Ne w Yurk. Oct. II. .American Ins titule exhlbllio,ll "Of atock. OclC/ber 19,20, Ill.-Ohio Cu~lil'alor.
The. lom",I,\' orth o lute CnAR LBS . EVA NS -i1 map universally,beloved (or llil rnu~y manly virlut!B- jl!lll •bet::" .ingul.rly IIrnlcled during. tbl! palt yen by congclllive , fe. ver . No~ I Ii nglo Individual llompQsing bn8 c50aRed. but ,everal hllve 5urvlved otlac1ca. ' CI;AIILEI! EVAtil died(on ilie day' of December 10llj GEOlIGJt • W. 'E -nn inle llcot,lal. mllial lind very promi,,Ing Bon-on tho 19th of April. 186gj Jos~l'H F, 'E VA Jls....:(lno~ber' don, just rrom GallCornla; on lhe j4tfi in81,' Ind lhe : widow 8~d w,re of Mr. C.' EliVB. Mrs.
SU9+ !I~a EV~N S on Friday IQat. tbe 'llSd Ins~. A similar mOrlality prevniled in tile rllOlily 01 D.r. W HITRrooE-O bronch of tbe EVAlIS (omIIY:-lIl Eaton r a :ew y~or~, 7ao; some five,or II.X of whom di ed W IlhlO lhe space of two rellrs. joSEPH EVA:IIs. ,Sen., til ~ I I CIIlI.r Ied, IlVe d un t 1I h0 e 01 lor 0 ' CwARvLLLI;..:....The Xe nia Torch Llgbt nearly a IlUlI~red.-Lcbanon Slar.
S8.ys:-'Tbe traveler. all ille Rt1iIW~y from C incinnati to C levelllnd 8eel. no ~here on that route. 1\ ~iIJage Ibat look~ B~ ' attrl ot. Ive aa Ce~rville .. " Tbe Joeatlon 18 a fortu nate one. bO.lb for beftilly aud b,u .In.eils. a~d the publle Ie , graduolly apvreclatlOg' Oi.s .facl. Tile town is 'filling up; and e,'ery new re8ident find s himself surrounded with the adVtwiage8 or churches. aui! good
ft _
• ... :
ed. Jf the 8ublnrlpliu lii t iB .increaaJd to IhrttTIvndrtd mere 'new end good I will onlo~ge the pltper ag8ill,at the mencement or,~he neXI ~olume. Tlli, somewhat ot III inducement for exertfun on Ihe port of Ibt! lubseriberll, for I~en Cb00811 lbe bitet one.
DUELLtNG. -Th~ Louiarlln'll Staio Con. vei ltion for revisi,,!:, die Ooostitution have adopted an ~rtj c l e providinl: that ani cltizen who sh!llllight a duel, or send or accept 0 chnllenge to IIjlht a duel either in thl! S lnte or out of it, with tl' citizen. or \Vho sholl (leI 08 .a aeC1olld, or knowillg ly aid or aSsi8t,8l,all be de prived of the r\'gllt of holdi"G' IIny mel' or proHt. liB well olof t! utrroge.
Ihey would receive nearly tll(jce " ,. amount of roading 0I01lor that they . The' Di.triot. Alle.'or. now for the aBme money. J do not Since the Illue of mylut lYeek'. paper, tiny one to uk perllOnl to aubscribe wboOl I ha~e boen, ,iuformed Ihal Mr. E. B~lIy Ibey would, not be willing 10 'ruel lh'em- will not be II. candidate for Ibe ollice 01 selves, fur I do 71of fDlJnt, neilhor will r District ASllellor for tbls District. Irom have ony !lut good 8ub8cribe"'j I ~~ the CI"t that he hse other eng.game require . ubscriplion8 hi every cale I'll IIdwould plrevt'nt ' bim (rom ' rl"illg due vanee.: but utllel.s I kllow II. mall 10 be ,re- attenlion ~o !lbe dollel of tbllt ifflPO rlDnJ aeboolt. 8po081ble, or he. II re~re~~IIled to be good offir.e. Fronl the Wellern At., of 'Wl for the amoout In due tlma,. by ~om~ one week. howeve r. J learn tJllt tbere are foar TUG1cU At r A.,lR A IfD E XClrnLEllr I N The Sultan of Turkey b~ recently eaI know 10 be rel ponslble. It ",,11 be oIIter Clltulidalu for the office In lbe ellltrlct, Lo lli SAJU..-SoOlU two yean ogo, it ap- bli h ,. C I ulIOletlS for lueh an one to' try ror crfdil al ftnd!s pUlper bu quite _ IIr"'e clrcula. • • a 'aud • ' L I' 'd toh I OU II muse um. at . onalallLmop e. thl' 0ftI ceo I. h tI II.lreldy tion ·in Ibe D l etrio. I c1ee-- ' t •J·,•• IIAA to P';a ~ '" roBC b e I ween a 'U.... IIJor II ave Olti loa muc 'U_ He H II t . C ·'o w Ich I, called EI Dlcu ALIce. where II b I di I .. u,' w ... dell •. -u:-and La -', . nry ~ f ng on. 1(0 .~~- Ihe cOllumea or lhe empire, ejllce til,> b.- y an II sCrim nale syslem 01 credilj bu.t my leadere to ,lnform them or the nlIDee UV .., '. pWlIIg ou. 0 on& 0 u,eID ' . . . . my inillotion. DOW Ire, to do II no., u of .I.e p....on.: They s.re: Jon En... h..lo" IJ.odered a l~~ ..-and "nllily Hun- gtnnm,. to' • ...., u 6 IIofb'the Hegiraedof M.ahome.t, tl h b lDd the a eel h business. J do ool meln JOB" Wu.nneoa, :A •• ou, T. B ...... lltd, but on returoiug 1:l 1, WI e preae" III ex I lie. to b h i I I ' ---~ t ln,ton lef\ Ule plaAft• ~ .• y I a t 1St " 'iIl no. toke "tnde" In pay. H,u,- i'M. or the quali1loationa of the Jalel,. LitldeU", umed '11e q\l"-el. The the public. dThey OIJ ....... •• u ~. ~ are tis placeu fio fti .puteboar" (or r am IIlwlY'S alad to i'Ot it. eendidll.\8I. I lIno" b1llllule, and lIIeNfore result wn, they challou--' • ••• ..... elch olher to ~~.luea, ID Ouer e e~t e eel. l.ball ..y D~lthiDI forther. fillht. dllel but Liddtlll wb, eqoentlY· rc· To Ille lOU. July tilt.' tbere had been Fre. Soil CODvention. , ... " .•u.!d 10 liiM on the terme p~opOIIed; wbeD recci"~ It all the Uoited Slatel pam. The Free. Soiter. , or io other WOrdl. tbe Mr. GIlDo.lho l ecoDd of Huntinrton, pub- ~ioCe the first of September Jut, fl.667,. Independent DelDocr.tl .881emble lbla . .Il . . . .b.r. liCillf ftbouOced ~j?,! .oon lI.f\er, u Glenn. 831 b.les of ootton-beloll' an incre... (Wednesday,) nt putabUf«. PenDIJ or lbia yolum. _not he fIIrnl.hecl.with a.l~!,ctable clllZOn Dalned ,Viggenl. compared with lIame date IU I.tear 0(682 _ for the purl!uae or aelecllni their Oanell. The de. .a. '" Dew IIGlIIerIbera bu oom- - r l _ near the place or )I. jor U~ 681 bl1e • •_ Btock 00 bM!.ltnot Qle;red ;t date. for Pr8lld.nl and VI~ PreeldeDt_ pletely ezbl\l~ tbI un edJtIoD. TIle ........ . all the PllrtS; 14' ,2911 -which I. Ie.. than Sevenl pel'llODI hue heeD apoll.D ot .. •a - , Qr W la1ftl (wbo bad oothlnl \"'" on ,IIUd at tho NIH dale I.., eat Is CanclklatM, amonl wbom s.re Hoo. lobn Onom. 10 do "Ub their qnarrell) u fOUDd Iyin, 82,8l4.bal... .y 1 P ; Hale. S. P . Ch.... aDd otltt!l'l• . Who On ......, IItZt, a' lUdp. . .... , ..... tllat or Olenb 10 tha wewill . . tbelr eholoa I aID DOt able to ..,; vllle.Oblo. tH Jletbutlat Eo Chureh, " ttIda ,be . ......" . oat. Both It il Rid lbJ t ell Btcnstal')' GraJaaa ·....... , ODe tblDt " aruba, IDd ilia, Ie If lila &b1a tnape ...... 1l0III..... oj '.0 ............ leh bucbboc.- aoWhl. clwe111. . lnW....I.....; 1O Balecbotea,\hno.. ofdaa&.-e" ........ WlDIl,. . . . . IOOIl after .,...... star • lit d.ooo,"'. ..- . . . lie. lap 0IIfI. The .all..... 0tIft, ~ dial riIIep ..,
,..,,..oI ...
Xardl .... ' "
_ . .III.
.to._.,.. ,
church il II. fair index to Ihe citlracler tho m~mbe"i but.l~ i! rlrely. UJe .CU~ that .J Rocau'1'llB. N J Y., Aug, •• there III !Dqch rstlilion In a ~oclely wbo . The n'!w CI!!U or cborera were will not keep Illelr eburch · bulldjng in good to-dl, thlln prevlClual1! and are order. , the, lower cl~.. due. rorIDerly an operator ID the How nice il tbe appearance of . the Teloaraph Ol!JoI,clled ofC:holera ~..teyen BIretta In this So ID.any pNtly Ill· Inr· , plliel, just deep enoua~ to make cllle· , • (ul drl vlnj( lIoceNarJ· I hope that no one TIle ~.lena a. 1hI.IDaI__...... "ilI ever think or lryln, to bUll them II. ...,.. . . teredo BvrrAf.O r AlIllI4t, • .-Tb.re hate beeD thirteen d.atb. froOl ~bo1er~ tbe pU, It Thill town II without II. charier, aDd con· b OU1l. , { J'..I- D . ' L . ' bi I ..quent 'I II "ilbout "holelOme and Ilrlol .....v "eFeIlZ, we W....I .. t 111&11 0 ,11I.,e lawi. The ci,iaenl IIboold at once Niagara ('aU Diy, died oC clIolera at tbe an U Ih elllH1,et 0 f t be prl,n8lf" ' -ofI'ered F a I".. 'I eet• rday.' , 'be lncorparll.lloo 01 A ;eDt1lOla.. froID' be W e,t' by t_ 'L_ tIIew by t h'e act .1" I II WU aOOC. L Led dowD ill lbla CitiH. T uwnll, au d VIIa,,", puaed .at the naOle-0 r Du. IU t_IO!' iC ·, Iaitature. .-.... ~ d ro bbed 0 "1'1'"" 0 tb , ..... Much c It'y .... l1IIIyan ~dlllOrde, aDd confulion IDj,b~ be ~JOlcled by ha'ln, cood ordlnilleet. "ell. eofotced. BIbIIe1Ut Dedi... 91. LovI" Au(IIIt. ' •.-Tb. On Sitardl, afternoon neat lb. Whir rromlhe count, s.re Dot lui lb_ Is, Nomlnatin, Iller-tion lor tIlll precinct "'Ill however. but little doubt tbat til" . . . . be beld at the UlUIlI place In IIIIt toW1l. D eOlocrl tic Ucket Ia electlll ••i&b \he ta· • •• cepdoJa or I.... 8beri1'... tile _taller 01 t.l'1'~.... Conar- da_ are _'«alt.
y .ouns.
"Tn .....na...
01' t'II&
Let_DOli lot the
tUte 0 ( . . XlIIIlIi" m~ "ritt•• III Q . W . . . Be,. -blch poI'tnJlia "'tiler.........
Tile Free Soil Ce)!lye.~.. . Dunn,,,. Wednell4ll,; AUflllt 4. 186~.
There ill 0 he DO Free ' Soil Con,entloD 10 Cle,e.-lId. A m""D, to appoint del· egaitl to tbe PI,,,bur,h eoafDD\iOD )1 t.be ~d thl,. OD lb. 'Ill iDttaJat.
~..... D ....~: ~. . .~~ , ~ollDo. Aqult 4.--1·ne Toleclo .• te• • . BwaDl nlnainl to Detroit, took fire at the clock lut D1rlat, a04 wu completl,
med, No Ii,ee were loal. TIle... ha" heen .. ,eral d •• tIIl'" cbolera at S&IIilualo... "!I
. . . . . r..... ..... ........ . ...-!.aWl' ~IIfaw Y,ou. AIII'JI& 'freID 01,&1 etaUi lb.t an en-..mtDt ..... - .a ...... taileD pJaoe .... the ItIIJuly..,.. bet. . . . . ,.., rea and U......na. a.lld till' the .....- • • cOmpl.tel, rooUIII • I'JcIrei Ia...... to eDler OtIJlCllail aD the 10lla. C.or.aa..-Wlthla • . . . . Of two ""
..... t • •t, or $hi", ........ "...CIaoIara
ba,. ocearrr.llD 10....., • ~ip~ Ie t1ae ......... ,... .. J.Mnuee ..."
IIbI. 0. .... lat........ '""" . . or
a. .... ' ..llra.chre ••'.....
. . . . 111M ........... ....... 0 -""""""":"l"""'"~",!::",'"!'"!!'~ "IIIII~~.
THE Poll, ~tlle.ln
thl ' (oIIQ~Jnr
flll'~C' of thet Slate. , _ A. JwmiUaUng u i. the thoojfb_, ~e forced to the oon<:I\lIIOn liy recont e'Clllta, that thtl r""e-~ol/erl or: the North lurn .ble "ulIIIII.,i.,. at the Booth. yeaj within tho .c'¥ l\sIr4era OIl, 0llYn Stale, Who lire dulng f!\le,y lhlng in theIr powe~ to br/ng Dbout the dire c~llJmitl of ihe bolltlUU or RIIl\lery, / fir.t 110 II ' pili". o~6r willeh Congress h~. Juri,dlc;tltlo. IIlId tl,',1 '"-t~ Srute.. We do nOI 11,"'0 ~o lilly 'that ~II tI"JO!~ ,,11U '1l 10,lS to rl"e~II-,,\yl d OOlletlluliollal UIIIOII "arty ore FleeHOII~rjj UllIl A'bolruoll tits-tiul tltat there ure 0\811y
Chee_A ..le of 1!l1i bn at ~_ , TublcCG--;'A .a1e of 18 bi. lttlddhhg at 110<:. BUlter-A ... I.ol 110 brl. The de ml!!l. i. ~_ Cotlen-A •• Ie 0[60 boles good ~plt1R.
we now or a8 ~.0I0 gouda CAli be Illiroltucd lur lu EaStern cIII ~~ OIl"':'A 811le of IS b~l. Linseed from eaWo line 1100 cxcluSlve Bgoncy , or tbe,.a uponul ul 6qo coab, whiclJ Iii 0011' tho oul~hlll r/or ' WIl1TINO?A)'lmS ntonufDclurtld by ll.;t.;I·NE1l &. lIHTO. OW),;N &. HURL, rllte paid by i.\eale~r8. ERFU.MBIlYI PERFUMER1' u OllCrl ·"'~.'qimM~~t;s;; DU ~ • nnel thu C4Rt:\V COMPANY, II 1IIIIIhe \If ltose-Triplllo Extract "I It'l.!'o. Luhlll .".~:!:'.~~ !~" IlIghUIIlllrod.o ul \Vrmnll PUPllr. made 1'1 IhlS Ro.e, ugHr-. A lIale of 40 hhtls at 8@6ic CQlojl'nu 0118 JlollJodo falley ~al" oud c.)llIllry , '101101 I'o"d era 0 vunoue IiInd •• r~r ~Illo Coffee-Sulell ol J20 buWS III lol.s at , Qur SlOolt onlbraec! c"ory dcaorl"lIan o. I'A IlOlll!:ltTS &I. alto l't1EIl ~ , IJelonCtlrg'o thotl'.O"Y, even Ot!IIr~ Soulh, 9te_ 1fl~ u~utl In tJIU W~Ht W .. hov" hUl 'Ino un. ehoq" lIy 1 orlll Ilfto" to nil Urders by mAil w.11 bo fill who" ould I,e rc.luieed to Bce Hlllvery IlbolGREAT EX(;lTEM}~N'r Frull- Sules of 110. bXR Lemons lit '10, ,.d III Iho hnto IlrtcuM lUI II hOllcht In IICtoon Ia~ed evory \Vhll,r0' wo al mue!1 belreve IlB The de/Rand 18 good, the supply being eou. t;oampl~8 \\111 ~c! SORl by mall .r.o (II CUiI\ , .... 'cnE CUEAI" S'rOJlE, DUTI.),;lt &. lIItOTlIElt, SIGN OF 'l'Hl!l we do IIll1t tit ere I. 11 Suprome rulcr or tbl! Sued 10 11 smull Jlarcel. Wtlul ~oa l c pUI,er tlcolor8,
IlIg at 10c.
Rice-A 801e 01 10 tel It 66c, cash .
'Deatb 01 Robert RuntoUl,
-The Hon R'obert Rllutoul died Ilt W Ilsl\IIlgton IIIIS morn. Ing His rl'mtllns pU680d through Ihia olty
COJlBEcrr.D £VI:Jl\' W,I;Ea.
DHT/MOltE, August 8
lo-duy; otl Ibefr
woy t
hltl ' hlle I)Onll3 III
New En~lolld.
,0'" or Illat Illo.th. a man elllltng W IlIlom Beldul,. Gild reprollentmg h"1 r Idcnce to be Vlllklbllfg, lI(18~ll56i pp'. .eJ1 elgl,t huuefred clollors ' ln couo blink notea 00 JaDles R. Strong. I rOApec· toble lind worthy dt,.on 01 Ibis counly.D\oomini\On, C{D,.) Go~elte. •
GREAT ROI!8J!RY 01' dOl,b
letter dilled Singapore, JUlie ht. that tbe bl,.-q,ue Pfol:on. at Melbone Loodon, w.. boorded April ~d. during the abaenee o{ me muler on shore. by two IidDle' crow., wbo overpowllred the orew Bnd "lundered the vessel ' of gold tlUlt to tl~e
0111 0 11 01
of '£lili,oOO.
TarDpike to W.r.esville. Tille road \8 progre.1ifll fillely, a'ld will
liec:ompjeled belore winter, It Will be J'Ilmllmber~, ho~ever, thllt' it stoPI at ",Inton'It ' MlII,lf the c\lI&ellll at Ind PO'1I008 along the IIl1e of the be. tween th~ toWD and ita prellent lermlllUs do not exert tbllmll'lVeII. Dy ,II meane tbe few Ollie. from tbe town to tho Mill, ourh, to be mDde. Dnd thllll olford 1\ g06tl mId between tblll ploce' and tbe Railroad It W.,Jle"llIe. Will nobody !Dove in life workl Jr .n1lblnl1 iiI til be done tlie pres. /jnt aflledn It IhOllld be. done at ohce.RtjndIIIC4n. 'lVi/mit/lltm, 10hw.
Flour,lI bbl tlu 11 cwt. Buller, 11 110
1.60r. JO@l!lc Bc.
EggI, lI? doz. I.Dr~ Loose, II Ih.
10e. 06lio
bu, bu
Applel, 1J Cb I ckens. afl doz. Feotherl, 1l It. , Rlu Ccllf«:e. il 11;, •
Iho practice 01 metilclllo on tI,o DclubllC prlnc., plCl! AI~o, I,. I. JlfolJ&rcd lu I.urlor-Ill aU 0110r,'IIIIII$ H, Iho 11n e of Dental Surgery_ Illld ail work tlono hy Illm III 11,1&rC8puct, "ill .... war fDIIIl'tl. QUico III hl~ far Iller resldollce UII No~!11 I , 'C:a8t or Mnln , WnYIl C8vJllo. 0
I!!!OOO n,,11
M,lJN I!ITRE£T, W AYNE8VILLE 0, LLEN &. EVANS HAVE TffE 1.\ p l<l81lure'Of annollncillg to t1lwr Cuolom~r •• and thu "lIbllc 1(6nen'II),. th8t they .ro
10LIJARS Guo;,. Sleuvc_, J"conot and now reCUI Vlll!! Ihoir
\..J W'til edll1ng •• ud I1l8urllnl:0 • • vury IUI/,l8
&tuck JU81 rCOtllv~ and lur s ulu ch ~ a{', W,.' I'AH::;HALL L ebnnon. 01110, apr2
8pnUW '" SUMMER Slock 01 Goods, wlllc/t fflr T.. DIE rv aT'I.£, OT F II' CEI i. 001 8J:coll od by TillS or nell,bbonng
to wlia It IS U .los8 10 enumorale aru<,!lc~' but --------'~--~-----------------J\ilm W. j('eYI aDd J C. ~ HufficIOnt to oay. it ., 10 thu huereet oi Wuodruff adUlTS 01 thp ". Warren Probate (before ~uyll)g olsowhere.) to call aul\ 8eo thelll talO of I.raul WooUrulJ. Court All kinds 01 tr~d. takon al b,g brlcQs, dfoCUS.(I. PUll tlon A pril 9th. 1 8~2 ,. til Bell
11 11;,
11 Ito, L~ke Bait, 11 bbl, Flull Seed 11 bll. AII.pice,
New Goods,
Francia D Woodr vlf and LOlld. Cllh.ra FANCY nnd 1'11l1I. D6111101 Hlbbon 50 ~ Just rcc"lvdd Ot,d for .,,10 bl. ilE said Frullc). D \Voodruff. a rOllldenl HADVFJCf &. l'tlcCl,EI.LAND tho StatAl of OeOTjt\la, Ie horuby 1I0Uftetllhtlt tho .bo~o namocl .dlllllllllrlliore 01 Ihe Eelale 01 brael Woodrufl. tlee'd. on tho 3d day FRESH lot of tbose nice chQn" S hirls l".t recelv ~d at ALLEJI/ & EVANS AUKll8t A 1) 1852. filed In tho I'robate COurl, Avril 24 , J 8.~:! In and for Wnrron Cbunty, Obio. th.ir pOlillbn • Sign Golden Doll alloll1t! him and othor'l cbildreD nud laol ... al lllw .f 18rllol Woodrun, dec' d • chargm, d,eraJII lhat Ihey ot e tho .dnl11ll8trotors 01 »aitl u. Into, IUld that the "or~u,,"1 prl1purty b'tlonlllOg &DId caUl!" 18 1118ullIClent to Ih~ debt8 of &aId Ind tho HE SU BSORlDER reoopCotfully In(orma 8 HAnRIS & CO•• ARE IN nEOElIP'r tho Ilu\1ho a' largo, {hat hu hn. creuted all. uthet ato,y. 011 tho blllldulli k nown ~s tho lollowiI1l! d::~:,~l:~~~::U of a .lory larll. all>ck 01 ,.,~-,,_,.. II RICn, RARE &: BEAUTIFUL "Waynl>8v1lJ6 &100118," Ior the express purGOODI:I, pOlO 01 'UPIII"llIi tho lown Y'1,h • plnc~ thot cnn INi usetl for meeting. alltjllnthurln"a 01 dHWell .dft,pted to lit. prosenl 'lOti IIpproach- drerent kInd•• and In all C).~e. It II U"lwctnd lngeouonu. .. Ibalilood ordur will ,be obecrvod '('lro UaU Our Iloek wa/l plileblUlCd In lb. II III tho accond story alld I. a zoom of "uUicl.nt au.. to a(l('ommodaltl. lar!:Cl nlimbor DI EASTERN CITU:8. pereon~. 'J'lro chnrgo. for I h& UiIIl 01 "all Will to • ver, conalderble UleDI (or CASII, and there be rellaounblo. for. we o~ and WILL eell al the very !.OWEST A. regard. the "Saloona," Ihe ..ranleruont fi!:urea. 18 Ihe I/llne a. forlll erly, alld t' v~ry effurt will IN VARIETY OF ST~1.E!I. bo mad. tu ,uit tbo IItBlres of IboBo wH!J OIoy qUGhllel and couc.pondlD~ prle.,ai. "o cltilm r ...ort 10 No I to be 8urpuaed by nc> COunlry I::Ilore. llid Ih~)' "III equGleo.l bUI by mUlita •• 'ro our fnuud., we ny. we are grelltful ' conJ'i!c\lOI~arY. Pllt fGvors1"nd .l1a11 110 all In our iJ.Bone Ihe r conllouance. and lions 1\ oall at tho algp of Iho • BED FLAG Dnd loo~' loke ploft8uro good •• eyen If we do not aell Sigli 01 the Rid f'1~8. S E. i\fnln &. North Stroel._ Wayqeavlllo, OJ A"fli 6, 185Z
First Arrival Of Spring Goo~~d
.h. . . . ,,'.n'...
S.c. iL7(jjlllc_ New Orlean.1Il>llasol. 11 gill': liOe. SlIgar·Hpuse'Moloueft, 11 &rnl. 60<:_ Mllple IIfoln88e8, 11 illL 1l0@76c. Pepper, il Ii, 191:. New-Orleana Surr.
ho s returned to thlil DR fllace ogaln,S:I{lZBR and will h nrn4!tl1tlwlyrc81.11l1e
ty equal 10 Oil)' In IhQ COunlry 'I'hu ~iilo now I OX.Ollda OY.r 8cv~ral of Ihe. W OHlerll \.t~8, onn. wny be found. Qgood ft. hlaand is eon91alllly In.roul n!: Ord....a llclled. No. I. Muw .ucct. opPO.lte (!to C.Urt DruIIlly, GIR, Ityu. Wh lsky.l'on-,\,lno &0 8 1)'11 ,"It & BRO'l HEU. _ _ __ _--!._ _..,..~-......~.M;::.:R!..y.:2::.0:.,.. Uus JUUI t ocuhcil alld will cOIIStanily kcep CinCinnati, Doc 5,111&1 Z7 r~ ftrl 8 trollt . II lIonl\. ,, ~Il .vltcteol a •• orlmell t 01 BUell Qr$OltIETRJNQ N£WtI, r \lei •• as Bre CIIUUluroted nbove .nd aU othor, D(/SHEt;., I1AJlLEY 1vulIlod by A DOOT AND BHOE ImOp IIsunlly kcpt in l)ru~ Store'l which , lie will d ALLEN & E\, AN ft illn GOI1\811 1 Qcll ~I IIIe 1'01".81 current CQ I pneoe Wuyneavlllc.lJ •• 5. It!~1 II Corwill, OhIo. Itu htra Ill. " !lnl\ IlIlOnd.a to kc Ii !l\lnst811t1y 'fHE undersigned ~OUld to,p~olrtill, on \tnud a good alUI)~ly of Iowa!r)', l'1uu~ as EGGS! 'E{j:GSII Inform lit., citizens of CO""n Ure.n~t-pln8, ':Br aua /iugot' rul"~, void ,lid DOZEN 1:;O{;S wBlltud I' tho Wnyn.a. WnYII.8vllltlllnd aorround.ing counrry ) ~llvcr pUlicols! :Speclocl",. 4tc \'11le llGkuf" lor whlclf tho CAsU Will ,bllt he hilS COIIIII1CIICIld tl,t" doot eud J!;Vt'ry orUe. sold b) IlIu). til warrant.ed t. be bo pal!! n UER'l'S ,"- sno ::ilioo III llklng bU8tne'aa III Corwin . whore he Aprill l SI. 1852 hl>J1"'" by " rlet Ollulliton til bUllde"". lu ropure. (r0611, ulld genuine I'urtleular BltclIItion '1111 bo (1ald 10 fllllDg - ...:..- - -- - - - - - - -- -_ CCIV .. ahnre 01 ""bile IlotrOI/8':O F(e will be l'hy~lolan. ord ors\ olld Rlllllllg uII Ph'acrJptlon"1 WASH BOARDS, 'Voodoo nuck~ts, rtl.dy nt all IImoa to WUlt ut>On Ihose wllo nllly family COUlpounaa. and prel.nraliOltJI of .1 Brooma, &0,\ oalland ror Inl~ by /nvor hlln \llIh a cal •• nn~ \VIII mllk~ .. to urdor kllul'; G \v & C H 'I UOfl'lA in tho bosl ",nnner uilil mOs l /aslliolloble 81yls He InVl\08 'bo ed wishong artlcl o"," hlsU"e. on)' arllclo In hl811no that moy ' ho wantedto cnll. n. h•• uela aeillted Ih.1 he COli lUak.e It ~lItl al so do rOJ'"l rl ng prumpIly Will n uatly. 10 IlIu., Intereat 10 purchBlio ot 111m F or Ihe quallly 01 hla s tock, wor!<mtlnBhlpond E AilE JUI:I'r re~ol'''ni 1lIIt! oponln6t Itricco, IhQao "Iaillng 10 purchoJO w.1I 110 woll LAUD 01I" }U~t reeel veo.lll1l11 for 8alo by G W & G\ II ')'UOMAS 10 coil Gl,d oee vef!)r" l'urcnartlni 0190\\'hl:ro our • SPRING A.ND SUl'Ill'Imn GOODS ' WILLIAM lI1A.N LNGTON . SI"II elL Ih. Blunk lIoot, netlr Ihe /toil nllod from tho Eilsterta Illlle~, which \\0 reullqbtluUl' Mny 201h. 1M2 0'l"8T!lIJS. HIJS'I' RA'1'1:: article 01 Sploell OYlW •• Invito ollr oli! uUlltomorl lind IIthoro 10 cllllllnd Ju.t rectllvtld and for ~.IB vory low 1!'Y l/l~ e Xftllllll c. COIIOI81)1I1; of um» APPI,E8,-A prime arnel li. Just (JOII ot J II BAli Nfl A l\'j "S FUENCIl AN D ENGJ.lSU CL()TD8, reCUIVJld IIn,llor lIule by Mum St , oPJIOIlIle Ihe GOldon Dull. WaYllel blnck and fancy Cas.lml/reo. Ga. lunorots , 1. H, UAJ{IUJ:j &. CO rugn ' of Ihe Red .1110. 0 ,Nov l ~ lh, '!lJ l'woed•• Llilon alld 0 011011 I' ll lit IiI\lOf.lY 'YO May 21. 18$'l1 rloue a.)'lc~ onl! ~QIICrnM L~\\ nB Dud .uor1l1l8JI Flag lor dress lloods. Cull"""". GIlIghllnl •• lIool& Shooll. OrOU6f1d •• 4U ooIl8war.. , and a tD@N«JIEm~ IUIIIOrUIIOI\t olllurdwllru, I:lnddlory , NOD Interventlo~ AND 'l'rJlIIlJungs , • E hike ploo8ure In 1I1/or'lllol1 OUI patton• '" AINESnLLE SALOONS. ~AnDEN & MIlCLIilLLAND anU Iho clIII,e nl of lltl. p•• eo and vlc.nlCorner ot tlUll aud Nonn ktnlull, WUYIICB t)l gonQrdily. litol wo lIJ'u r~c.lvlni 01 OUr ,Il\el. Ohio • ••• HI. Y, I'JtOPIlIETO., 810rCl ruau .., our
a Jood of Spmtou8 Llquora, 101 ALSO Mod,el .. nl purpose. ollly. ' uuh I'rollch
l'oarl Stroel
'1i @ ~Se
Dilday, l!f .. Oatl, f doz.
WhOAt, 11 bu. Com, ~
CIO.lnnatl. Doc ~. 18~1
IN1{. - We mnnuhlclure In W RI'l'INU Inrgo quolIllll ~a Wrhll1f1lnk 01 a quali-
SI"RING Al'fD SUMMElt STOCK I or good" oon)lIIl1nll ot lard l !!nd "Vlllof8 prutl~co, lor whloh th& h1llh""t PLAIN ~'D FA.NCr DRESS GQODS. IIlIlrllul price ,,' III lou \I"id, or ttliten III OJ; OIoth. , Cn.almero.. 81.hlnoll8, '}'weed. cnunllllior "rl,a~rlae' Ulvo u~ /0, cull bolor o J oall8. Cussillutl\l, UerQ.l\g" QOlanu8 ""l!UII. : g()llllrol~owhcro <0. W:v&.O 1'1 l'HOllIAS Umghoma, FaneI' LaWrie. MOils 1)01nn... A:I. 1,,\el1•• &ok lI1ul bn, SWI.H, Mull, GUOlli'rlc;b e le Ulb~O~. lio'l\lr~. 010. CJaltcqa, lIJulllln, F ,annoill. '1lokl!ll. Ullocke.ote > • MERCJIAND18E AND. PRODUCE IlAIlJ)WARE AND QUEJilNS. WAR£,j BROK~R, IHoell I. gOod. and well ""Bmlod. I ALSO. W.ltill han 01, hUlld Ilqd lor lale, a ,~ , GEl'fERAL NEWSPAP.E~ AGENT, aseottmonlof GROCElIiES. OfBc:e and Slo~e, No, 3U Walll1lt St., CioIlIDDaU. Sucb l1li Tea. com e L augor, li!plo"",. Plll1(10rS Ii Parylll ~n IUlllorllind aionl of Tho S alt, lI101a.8~.j of tbfa.cunl khldl. 1;j.liratUil. Miami VI.'lor ole elc. We reapualfuJly &OlIelt a rooaOnllbla aha 0 ci f Ihb Iluulio fnvora. and hopo 10 1I1vo tl0no,al 80Ual.ull~ll. to Our C:U'u)~CIl.<N we e.epeot til /1011 lit rCOlIo/Milo "rlcoa. J aOOE!(S & SON_ W Q8t s ldq or Millo tlITOOl, BbOve !'i'lrlb,Wllyn ~8vlllo, Ohio, April 8J 115~ 1. ( .. Ibn PrOVision W UTE".~wunled Storo, ~ulttrr, Gild IlOtut~. UnCOil,
"'" FRElSli stjJlllly of l\{pckeral Juel received 11. allil lor Oli!O bl A. &. I:: JOHNSON O!JrWln. O.
l"ASTE BLACIUNG......Wo eonlln OIL1I0 tomallUI.cllne till' artlelo l~rgQly, wllh
curvlldnnlllj(O of ullpro'~tI wllchh'Qry 'l ' ho !lua1lty \. oqual loony 111101, In tlto UUlon, ..SId lou been' \mprIlYod. by many of tho lorlle.t deaJ6rslD lAo WCBt /Ilf 1U0re tbllD IQll 'yurre pIll
Our pn6a aro '0 low .. to comml\llrl g• poruDlI tit the nllllo.Cro/ll the Ilrlnol)'ol cit ~. 0 p,,"m.iUl'lt ill" WCil. I r ..koo III barrql ' 01 abou\ ~Ix moul.cme arOll••
and .ltlp\ltod I~" of
Ordot, I roiil"'ti\ihi;~~; -- -
prowpll): 61104 UUTJ.ER. '" SILO'l'jj Jollt In ,",1.1 , bel Muln IUId Wlllnlll.
CUlclnDlllj, Dee. !I, l~l
.. ~ver8al SutisfilcUon. Viotor, N_ Y JUDI 112 1t!1iJ.
l'URIFIED CUARCOAL W F.1'Jl1::RlLL1/i PASl'F:, for clelUl. lng lite 10001, and
W _ ... Slolln, F. ftQ.-Slr: Your ~Ilenl Mr. 1l0rel&IIUso len Wttlt lAl lIome of your valuable medlolnel, and we have -lrC/ldy
dll,olMJd orthe Ointment for Horsel, and It 'hal aiVen universal ,"iafaction. Plea.e furward u. by rllilroacl to tltie place somo of the Ointment. a8 we are YeQ" much ,hi lIeed otlt. You,. telpeclfully. SIMONDS &.L~W1S. Bee SIODO'S advtrtlJlemeqt8 In anothor colllmn_\
T. 1.. ALLEN mMSELF AGAIJrr'. HE umlc'tllllt"od haVing purchased 1110 JI\tercel of B4illJamln EVlln8. Inl the fjrnl of AU"D'" Evanl, 1"111 continue bUlllnQ811 at Iho tlhl stand. and he hofltl~ by etr.ot otwnt,on lb. wains of oustomers. tq lIIortl II coll1ln\lanC(l of 11,0 IlOOrlll PIlIf()lItlll' horOIOl1)1o re~IilYOd Ho would /lore, take oet!aliion tl) llal", that the GOIJ),EN BUL will cuntmuo to be rHIl pll'llti lur ebeall goods T, L ALLEN.
!lila purUylni J
Wn,.i1eevdlo. Jone 15. 1852.
10~ of Jul"
1851l, at her d~"ce In Hlrper Count" MaQ"land; Mra. Ellubetll ~liCllm.., aged sovel)tY"llt yean, lbfel Dloothl, and one day011 the
On the 6tJa or Augual, 18611. Alhen Lyttle, IDr,...t~D of Thoma. B_ and Julia McCom~, of tbll place, 1ged 1),,0 year, and eleveD dlYs: "Oh wb".hoold _ mourn. For the dear babe thai', gon,,' Like. *,-eel r.- It faded aWl', And III bod, "'a' laid In ,he tomb 'rhe tomb will ct_nllt .tlil the dl, When J_.. will la,. ~ dear ~.fl1l1 and como onto me."
or Iner,OIl .... i'ltll of July I'st, It Freeport, Ohl", III;. DanIel J(eanI1' Oatlieolth 1118t.. i. Musil To"n.blp,
IIn.8antb Dtake, 10 lbe il8t11y.ar 01 ber -,e. She bad been a .. acceptable memo ber of Ih, II. B. Cb~rclo for near .llIlJ
ALL ANI> WINDOW l'APER- I hav" W Just (ccuhed from Ihe Euteru Mllnllfact\lrcr, IIlarllo Btllok of Woll PilI" r,", lIaht anti
Wayncavillo, Iuly 20. 1862
.,.4. In the Wetltem BtIIll!I ,
.n,............, I Uork al oil prlCOl lOr ~OOllls Ilnd llallo
111 Clllj:lnnlu, Ihe Tell !iulirneel ia (1or)llo_tly lltelJlllbc:tl u a leparat., ,brlncili, "",dl 10 Ihe ad. .nl"~ of cydDlry dealer.. Illd conG,ndon'all N)taol pnces CIlII • Wller. Moori> .. ChUler Cotner 01 71h Qud 31 and oxalUlne (or )'ouf6C!lyee 1-I"'-\1f.l l~1I1 iit •• arc 'he ".,It leadeu 11\ thi s do A CH4NJ,>LEI(_ Iftrg~s
the Breath, for ..Ie by
(lU11I1'!01 of, 'ualned, and Iino 1h
ncar tlle I.nil • • or to ilia Pike, 3 lIul .. Irom Clllcinnatl NOTrC;" n s HEREBY II el' Ir,at~• rCUII9. ."l" 11\ be II! enled 101 .11e Iruillees 0 Woyn .. I""n8hl\., Warren CUUIIIY. Ohio. on, tho Gil. Seplt ml.er. 1852, pm) rna lor Iho ~e.uon town~hlp rondo ""glnlliu!: at II Mtrno it 101\ ~Rh.p road cornor 10 d.o landa 0 W. 11 Grab.1II and J S () I\oal In tile hne 01 A_ SleWoft. Ib.nee Ihrough li,o land of .lUd towart to 1110 sehMI bous e lot thonce through Il.o ~ I h a.ldlotlolhellll\daolJ i\1 My du.119nCllt lrllUIIII the landa 01 aald l:Iytl .. to a 1I0nu. thOIUCO Il tHrough tho Ilind .. 01 said yd. Iwn ... a U!rly "..Intcou"", near Ille ICI~ 01 Ill~ Lmlo 1\lloml y r:" cl" I hili d lUll tbenu own aald 1111 t Irou¥ 10 on • 0 H. C ereavllr~, Ibe mOa l praeucalil to,utaotO , . vii ,g'. house d lba oounty ro ncu vrCIl liT ' th~,. 10 end A 1'1:: ITION Ell Auan,,!!d, 1852 182-4w, • HEESE A.NI) DOLOG~A -A Y'aya on hand and .or a.le 1.11 OBEItTS &. B.RO lui, II. 1852: , t
1'hoac .dv.ntal~eo with othors d.llt SUlllo.l thelll80lyc. to Ibo Jl.urchuer ilfulll_l,hl c.lln~1 filll 10 ronder Ihl8 8tove ono of Ibe ~ory
E·1'O. ETC . ETC
OOK IIEREt- A freob of LemMakIn, with the Itoeil LMaclt.erel 01" andl Onnl_. .110 MoI_ 11101 lbe lariCII: moet ....."".'"141 and other IIrucen....!or .. I. b, GOOD::! Ilntnl
W • .,. C
FI:m and Lab 6, h rur sal6 J!J'
1. H. DAHl/HAllT.
MACKEREL. MACKEREL luat recelvod 'nd r"r J tf lIA,ltlllllAll.T.
IVavMllvillo. 0
A fllllt rate article of .Rlllalna for .\0 by the pound. hall box 01' box by J. H. BARNHART. WayDea,lIIe. Ohio, GOOD A R'l'IOI.El of Sugar lIouN 1\10' III"" and. 1I0od .rtlcle of Uoldon Syrup. rccol , ed .ndlor .. Ie III tho Inu.i StOre GOOD ,uppl, of Dr Jacob 'ToWftlItIId f • S 1'. CADW ALl.ADEIt. Compound Byrup'Of Sa,.".dUI J~.I "'. ""ned and lor aale by .. LW A VS kepi on I"nd • fiut <&Ie quahly J. 'I', CAD}V,.\.LLAD...a. of Pala FrQuch Brandy at 7!Hi por quart Corner at IIt,in aD<l Norlb SIl'OO.., w",nca, Abo a ,ciOcIarticle of Old ltJ'o Wllllkuy by ville. J. T CADWALLADER
T<miQig;jro~~~~~~~~Eiii ~ ·I{A"IIJI'~iW"' 1
On the 8tb Inic•• In . . . .Ie Town.hip. or feMr, J••ea Buder, apet about 11 'firs.
HAVE lll>w on I and common pine boarda. a lufficient for thiunark.t.
LOOK JIEJIE.-AII kind. of crountry produco ",anted fOr wbicJi FURBERS. .,ocid
AVmG ~hl, reJiuaclllDll anbeUlah. will ".,. ,rlcre 10 cuh or eel tu.RENCH _!abl,.luiallDl after the al,laol tbIl ,_ D\:oO _'_'_birlil_u._.,,~If~d~bt!~'~~~~~~~I:~.~~;:~~ '~.:_ SALOONS, G_ W. &. -
v....n:D J!Ubllc
tlud be .,.W lie _Illaappf 18 . , . . tham J.1aiI _II capjd" of
=,,~~ ,r.
JUS1' RECEIvED .nd for .. 10 Judd" Iloa,.
ICliled LIquid CIlI.jele, .n4rdel.1IMllr".....
10000 Y. ~~f~~a"JiFI..! H A~tl~ cr&:.VJ~~~l!:.1;="iy~
--=---::~=..:.--:-~=-~;-:---....... I- - - - - - - - - - - - : -
~l' IDDOIIIIIM 10 the
01 A1moudSoIP, ArlO a fir.t tile IIrdel. of I io4bIlSo~. var ello I. 04DWALLAQER_
ad lOr dreulolt btlru. cull. ~ ~ W.y_"I1 .... Ohio J9-'III' all kiDde of tVoundl_ AII\l 101_ 01,,1. . . POUNDIJ WOOL ".uted. 1'or rna"")' DlICIQUal"'j: CA.DWALLAJ)BR. J'" wlJldJ tINr IrI-nDllt msrket ,P,ric:o
Jl)W.,nenlllo l' nECmVED and Ii:lr hie at u.o DnlrStoro a , uperlor ',tide
prtpared to ful1lllh piot feneill, 01 any at I price. tbal fumen cao aft'o(d to P~''''''S and W. S. Kb,
·~~~JfJAY.·EJ~L'i8H\ FRENQ.~\
bir~l .bot
GUN TUBl!:8.
lkeep on 1I1n4 IUD lube., Dad. wtench for plutlng ID_ You that blln guos withou, tubel, ,\,e me & CIII1,
e"' ..
two lint ral. double I HAVE gun» lor salo choap .
Look Out
WILl. SEL~ ./1 klndl Uf Grottorlol •• ueb 'ru. Co'I~ SUilar. Molus08 liIPlcc. Pop,por, Glnget, 8alerllllll •• tarcli. madderI OOll"rlllht wlllta. lOOp. window &1.... 1)&11., Ded cord, Iwlne, brool1\ll, w..h-board'~Okore ~, Lake 6ah. lob ACCO. OliOi'll. candy, nula. raI 8In'1;8hav.UlC BO nJlI hAir oUe knive•• Broa. rpllls. nnll~r rllli' , pooUt bbo~ ·JJur.08, elgllJ' OUCI, CO.II., antllrno comb!l, fiat. flOOk. anirUnll•• onll .,~ mariy olll6r nOll01l5 '"at menlJonea. as cheap ad l1,e1-""'1 be bOught anywh ....1•• In tbu to"'n of W~yncav\t1u ,. H !3AIUUiAR'l'. 1\1&111 SI,).,~lII t aldo, ono do\lr BO\ltb of J. II Ilftrrle " ~,
W. & C 11. 'rIlOMAS h.... on b.nd .nd LATEST AND BEST • lor 8&10, a few li/llt rata unall c1Jeeilll; thathu ner beOD lOlroducod lrI 1M WOIt. well(Jllng from ten to fifteen ~undo\ F.rmera !\lay 2I!. 18~1. 1$-\1
wlalung eI_ for bllrvElI, wlU Ii!) Willi \0 ,lve tJIj a 01111. , VA.LVAB1.£ TOWN ."BOPIHlTY POR SALE • SALE. l.ook her. A IIi,.t ralAl arti· UNDEltSlGNEI,) 911.r~ for salo cle Clf lak~ ~b, new and M"'"t AI.., a &ro"o,,), which he now occuplos • • llu6led good arudool :plekled po k for all Ie at ..n orl '1llrd Streel, W.,nu,llie. II. Iho IUO.1 G. W_ & C D TIlIOMAI!I""" f,leQ8al _nd healthy phrl of ~ICJ lown, 'I'ilo ll ml,rov'omcllta eohe.is, or • two I lory frome BOOT, SHOE A liD FAMN bOU BO. 16 by 1M. with a IURImOr lind wlnl.r G 0 h II I Ie Ib i JAM.ES KIN'J) kit!) OU, a Wti 0 loud WD 'r W t a pU"''&: n J\l,lUI or. El WJ:lE'r, J'e.~t· It, a woodhouse 12 by 20, a ,mok u hpuMo. e I lully IInnQuneo to Iho chi un. &.c. 1'horu a/U fruit U'eol and 81lrubbory 0 III Waynoaville. and IOmundln, dlITorontktnWo on th~ prollll_ '!'ho allOV. neiahborhood that tI,ey hll~e oplmeil, In .....1. 'Iruperty 11'111 be l aId ebe.p, f!'orfurlll br p.r. .. J _I III il I d on Maiu at "Clilar. ell"ulro 01 the aUMcrtbfr fN'S place. al - n"uOOIS 0 a I I,". S .. .. SA MUE' L COL' , one door obove J Rogont"'::>on. to,,,,' 0 u DoOI, 8hoe and FaDCr 8torer,' and th'!:d IQAleo In impr".ed t'orm 01 160 aeroa In - ,, a i .. - Jlakaon County. Indl'rIB. SAMUEL "' ... Itnd k......lng lin band an d ~ Mlr _, fI()ftOIO-;'-[ of Boo .. aDd SbO<l8 o~ eTOr, Ilylo LWS DUlhorlled 0llent tor JOliN COLLINS' and doacrlplton. boO. of Cllleinllll4 anI! homo ro- If. manufaeturo. 'rho Fancy Doparunenl will be und.r the eharge of !\tn. S"eo\, and .he ",Ill keep al!enerallUlaortn'onl of all Inleln Clo~ ally kept m luelleltabllehmonta. IUch OE au lISCRIBER hoe JIIIII r.C4Ilited hit CCtl. IlibbOna, Need Ice. Pme. C<lmlH! -,ook of Sprl.t!f. and SumlDor 10llde, canklndl or Toilet Arlielca. lSIJo dO~lIree lieulu atteotion of Ihe In,lie'. alld hopee AND sho !/lay recel yo II .. Jo"ral.hare 01 theu patroll' (JERMAN BROAD CLO'fHS A~n'l'ED t 1110 Q!JALl1-li18 AND COLOIlS. PLALN Wayn.ome, OhiO, Jllly l1>th, 11852. l/5-tf AND FANCY GAS3l IER.ES~ SA TTlNel'S.... ALL wi.X)(. AND FANCY "CLE TOM'll CA8Jl1I--A lew 1·Wr;EDtI. LINEN COA'rLNG8. JUSI rcc.'OIbed lad for .. Ie b.J' ... BRO SILK... l:!A1'lN t .ANO MARti· ROBERTS _ Sr;ILL1S v ES'rINGS.
.Abo. IIgh, "olora lor ccolhnp, \VJntlow Papol1l proln Rnd Ii3llfed Firll, Se(081111 &lid BQrderIng. nil 01 willen Vi JI\ bo /tllid II low u I~ CIID be OOugbtln lho SI'Ui "" W F. £-'\RSlfALL. LebDnon.O.. Apr. 6. , '
Til~~~ leu.
. . ." ...
V·I SIT 0 It
"I caD!' "O~ ",hat pl~~" '00 your owo written promise." "You bllVO DO Buell prumlee." :'Do you deny gi.rog ill" "I do." "TheD your 0'1'0 baod.wrfting will can·
Quick, quack, 1Iolh1ila Ilk. qu,ckery, Runth\l(f. my trielllli, ill \,he dl'Yia Ibe order! Qu~,
"1lfao 011' with I
puff, (ur tile
PtelelldGre aboUDdl4l. U11mpelen IIfIllndilll bonor and glory, Troth ,ou're quile rllbt 10 pr~, U 1 u don" . "IIIb 10 riM, \ • BII' if, ,ou do, yon mOlt ,elup a Ilory. " Quaok, quack" &0: Fl'elT'm811 hi'
The lllan dllrif11lihe wiulllg of the TIlII~' her.' 11I8rilulloo, I.. t wel!k, W" hlowp ul' by ~ 'HUtltlt!1l IIIIToIl of eloq\lenlle,' ltlll.aklllil utcII6ivo ptcl'ur~llion. to cUlDe ' down agaill. ' ' , T, L . Q.tlllaTltJl'IS rUB EXEaCISE ...".lf a hnlo iii lwic n wi dl!!l1 It'8 deep, ' GIld twilll! liB deep III It need b.. , ' how mnny ~Illftto ..... (
Th Iiorioul dl)' Ii dl"OlIl" lIuli ' When womliD 'hiU bo (roe; W,beD 110"011 .nd bonne .. , c~pe and .hllwl., No 10Dpi w••lilill _I
Mi.. "'.bbor. ble.. her beltt, Iweet QirH •
IIai pUI1he Icheme OD 10011 I. . the trump 01 mal'8lM, And we mull foUow 'Di~
"' ilj It bold, provillcll lhey
111111 mllr·
Sllal)xulC~.-'·u .etO,.udlill se('ond.at.,ry Wilidf,lW fur 'twCl ' hullr~, and Illen be lold tI,l' yuu"" \\,0Plau 'whut u ell tu live /Iert<' 1.0. rP,IDoyed .round 'thll Drlll corner,'
• W.e!l1 drtII tD real 'lIilUCAIf,' IIdl, WI th glOM; beav~r lia~ , ' ADd CIon \lie mot' . .\ChIne COlltt, And BI'wIlIDf~ tried cravQwi " W.'11 WlI\f IIIperb &ill bDttoDl, evl.: Upon our ••It of buB', . Brllbl uw,' rich, pial!1. tremble .:111, FI.t .uri.ee!-thlt'. eDoDahl '
ObI won't we look beWitching. liIirh, WheD ,~e:re ,0 trimly drH" No DIOlIiI man CIIn brave our chonn" ThlllIIb be IDa, .lnve hli Ix\at. • lIe-whll".red folke IDlY .yy, ald., Our inllJ!~ ,ube and III,.; Bu~ lit 'them fret until th.y tlrePdor feUo",.! DO olle carCl.
ferbapa . 'few IDa, 'cUI; III, gUle, ADd la, III on tba IhehClI ( \ ,Bul "hli of thatf wo'll crook our arm. AIIellCt th, Beallll: ollfHl".1 ADd if IbeJ won" 1&1 marry. lIirl.,
w~!o. TIm
A mlp
)(iAXI VU'l'O'l
IT Tn .lU;moa ot '~2'JlB JaDUlf IUJDlI.l'." 'iIJO JUv.l!'. BUII'lIIiIX.'" ETO., ETC •
- ~
Chapter 'rJIJI TlLUIR
HII VIC'J'br. The relder bu doubt1811 arrived lit COOthlaloD tbat DUlIIDt WII 'plllUling
dfttructlon o( Elleo W_lton. wbeo he 80 evontl, dnii-ed \he Uliltllnee of Mi..
&ur~ed ,bit 1011 out of Joors> Iltte-
Iy, becau.l' 1.0 wou.ldll" ~'1 him hie hl/uie rouL :A .trikjog p~oof u( ' p8.f.rfll\~.oll iii. rtlc:tIOD.
;,,,---------,,----i.-- -....:,.- -
, i
. VOLUME 4:-NUMBER 4: I' "
1~ ,
. =-=
ened aroulld. he relt tbe burdon 01 IIge and tolfbe.'1 U(!O'D hjm; aDeI he deeired ' the
WRITTllfr,l-oR TilE IIIAIII ",a,TO.·
. aT Totr"g LdCuUI UK.
, GREAT M tilt-TllEIR lIllllll t lfl'!J OF l'Oel:rJOK.-nOs~u(it .composccl 111&
lsormons on his kncei ; Dulwe, Out novola 'in full dreas, s ce nted ; nOI1\~encinlr his jZreDt work. '
, Divt:... If\W .Dcienl Ye ..e h.th iuraln • . '
, , F''''hl ·l:jle earll~ d~wn or Ih~ ~o t ·. ,IIY;
. ~:ubli1liO,
A YQunlf Indy, wlWi I\'Qrt! sjl~c!"clell . ex:c\n illlcd.iilli voi~Q oro~ nlhncJl,tul enthusj ~llI ,
II hlu~rndn who "'DB ":~k Ilg .tIl tho roall , "Do you. ~lr, nt.ptC9iDle \110 bqaUljl IlInl h nllijcII11Cf Oil,· 800: upon Illat "elllllJ <Ill, jJ!loilol\ \)y tho gol~ou beam. of 11101 aut· 4n!l"un; Iho. .. lovoly abccl1l1nd I.rri~, III 1111 tho IIlnl/con pla~rwnea. 01 'hoir Doture, gambalhl,ln LlI ~~ Il11'~llIo-"' ,' . . 10 11 Y<lUIIIJ
. "Gud II mIlA),! Alum,"
th,. u-
10nlshcd boor, who l1.d .een timon I in lilt 80111 11••••I>,,"' ........ n Iho '.lzo '0 Il \lleco of chalk; iuter· , lIow o( lou1 lin ,wWch (hoI III\lUIQ'IIIK;' ''Th0I!'' . nol ilbee~ u.nd !'IIIImllll -11U81Il1'. I!Dd cUlihg .look','moro WOD 01 Inlier,' llpon "Iho 1I1l1 p ho w•• II Illltoed 'foolu to ~IL bOil for ,lla8pI," , u '1a1ed. 1I1I wlllklnir. The maiden, III IIl811"t8d IlPon hi' recedlDa tonn, e.lclaimed, ''.l1e who ba'\llllo "-~' perlarlnllied. .
, T lit'n Ihy fil>t ll, O' Lo'e! how IIneer,ar..
. ,.In,
, F~ ..r r.!8j! ,8 re.tll(,' " owllhouhast 8h II; Ah! whoClouJd bellewo III, cl,..,ac1 YIl\l'~
1'11011'. ClaanPl, ~ a lIell wblal9Dee ""as
. I
'h. Vel'1 L ••t_ Whe.. • Ke..1ue1r, judp. eollio InN
Ilr•• rartlDgtOD AIm, .,aCf!.wu aalted 1IJ a...t~u.,.. • '1)1_" 11 "., nrlIlUl,' .aid M.n;.. PuIlOC- .ir..... rolml. oJl tbar ,..., 1tI'Ilf ....,.
IOn, ~ .b~ returned /iolD bor " lnGl doot ion-
- ...
P,u:do~ by lhe P,·cSldeut. " '".1.511 111'(; (Ill, 'V('dllc~"UY I Au~~\~t 11.DrpywlI UIIII S U},l't P, Who werll IHld ~cllll' n ccJ \Wo ) l\ nrll \l llO tur the Ill. 0
IG'"l'l f d uLoIuCl lin l,f ~CVl3n y ~ lu\'C S 1II .l h
- " : -" ' - - -
sd,oo"cr P IIrl, nlHl \ ' hUKe IMln 01 hllprls1IIt'lIt io llie ~I)U'lt>, i \I woul!l I)XI l'II1\ 111 fift y yonrti. WCID Jl:jrduuc~ tlf.duy lIy Ihe I'rcslJt' ni
Pennsylvania null.. WlY·
The h lltk uf lhll Ohio ' DIIiI PNI,rill,IVn. ,,, R ulllvn.\l \Yus uOl1lpleteLi II'TQII"" 1111,1
'filE ' AM Ellla. , VUIII ll r.tlEW rClr :\11I,uij been rl' c~ i~' l'd, 'I'h e ell n- dl'I' n 6\1~ In Ih'l "'1\' 11 of \Voo~tt'r. ut (, tl'lIl. ure or il "rry illlcn',,\illg llU lure, tu u'cluoll on , SulurdbY ullcrnoou; IILI the pili hicl ulls : lll id tl/ti~c "cell DU( rluh;) 411 lhe l"lcrrot Ih(' Il,selvf'~ , for tho lII i_I:c1l u-
(!lISI, 1802,
();7011 thl' 8110 upd , Oth ue SeptfOllil'r, 1852 , ,110 colured cll l z~ 1I1i of 1111 Slu, e
ill IIIIM n Mn ~s Conl'clIl,un vl Olcveiu'1 t1 '1'h6 u\JJecl bf Lhe Co i,ve lltitlll i to d~vi8l' mC'"18 whereby to l'if\{(le the mo,:ul lind soci ul uiJlldh ' 0;\ 11 of lho rllee. 0" lloe se l;OIlJ dpy uf the (;~ nvcnli()n a "GI'ulliJ Jull l• ~l1nl\l.UI:19111lC t l~ ur, . w,lI bn held in comn\" hluruLinn 01 .h~ rnl (lv/;,ots rend~Tcil lIoLlllllc lit t110 cl> rur~ 1l people: SQmn of the mu~t eel£'. brlltctl m n of culo~ will be prt'eent j lind I hu\e hD duulit bul -thu,t tho ",eeCing w,lI be one ot gre lU interest to IIw8o' ,,,'."""'11_·'
~o~ .S..il.Ke. ')111;1 (u.vorile wl.Itcrlng plllco be,s hltely been puroh ased 'oJy n company'of ~9o~1 Oleo une of wliom Is ex-GovernQ'r Johnsto~, 9 Peonlylvaola 'I'ho DedCarillnqlllrel' s~Y'' tbat the amount to be paid tor the proprl-' ty hi l'6U.OOO. ::'lId lhat OB splin oa tho Hoa~ eon IS 0 lhe . comJl~ny illt nd ~o commence tho erolltlo!) of bUlldll1,,8. to be lioIshed by t le~ io time (or nex! Ben orl~ co· pablO 01' accommodating several lbou@Bt;ld pef40D8. 10- nih....' (rq~ Bro~dt~p to , n~drord.' olao'.poken of. The lnqulrer , ' (U!'lllt" _Iatcs that there titO nJl'1rtl villi ora ~t 110 Srrin"" at prestnt lhan {~r mnlly year. p~,t.
Til!: F,ulR
who I. ~mllwllat celebrated for hll! ,juggfillg reate, In Whic bo la nid to e cel in ratlre Wil.yi 1ba/l lbole wbieb properly bele,lOg to. ~I. erofel8lon. a•• dieclple of proato , haa l.o~en '~j8pIDying SDme of bill slolght or-ha.nd a\ the t'IIpenae or a isndeman named J. E •• )iagulre. Tho Fllkir, whops real name ill Hliskell, trl!ve lcd from Albany lo'New"York,ip, company with Ilr. Mil' , guir~, who b.d • aUght previvlQua oC!qual~. tanco with hlm.-Tltey o;rr!v.d, ~t NewYork oo.Tuudav enning lut and put up at. hotel Ih tbat oily. In the mornl g \lle Fa"'ir r0811 Jorly, plli~ hili btu aDd or· ,dared w. boggag~, ond two ttunks cpo taldlrur a quantity f clo hll1(: .nd abOut gnn ~ 8100 ia mUI\!lJ. bell)n~lng W' b.la compa1f.· ' 4 lon, 1.0 be to,kcl\ to the boai, .ud before tile' The chQlera 8 fUI dlu,Ppoliring i ~I nufT~. Intter \Val aware of "lui' aballnce or hili 19, Buche.ter. and SlIlldllaky City, but 18 \.raveling compaulon, the .1~i,ht.ot.hUld rnp.i ~ ly ,8~~euding r-om Cinclnnuti, up Iho lrillksterwu t.fllvellnr al fBllt .. Iteam Oh!o Rh'or an~ eastward, Silvoral would COtty bhn Ju tbe direction of Ibe .den denth. occllrrell in 1>11I6bl.lr: on Frid y lunny 101l1h_ Mr. M_. 00 hell,rlug ot his lind Saturiloy, of Asil1tlc ChCl~o,to. loal, bl18~eneel on Lo ', I>hiladC!lllhiu, and Juckson, the ~mllriClou eifler, hos beltoo there learned lhClt ,be obJC!ct or his pursuit Dovett, a oelebrQteu runller in had t.k~n tbe ellrs for J}altimore; upbll duing ton mile I in 6J~ minute_the JoJn,wbich be repaired 10 the ~Iegr.ph om~e, lish.nlln a hlllt a mile behind. and .ent ., deap,teh to Baltimore directed ""l,--,,--~......._ --,_ _", to the 'City Mush_al.' Thc~e leing 00 S1:UMBO.': ACCI~EIIT8 -TI'f/ nur;nbero( S4 cb omcer there ,Is the probable renson Ilvealost cby Iho !lever'll at\!QlllbllC\t lIreiwhy -l did Jlot reach Oapt. .lhrrlne, for dllnlll in this country, frOm J 411u3ry ilt to wbqm il was Intended. The Fakir, with AUgu.a1 Iii, is computed ' at 428; pe!'llons tho Irunkal"hid poaees8100, arriveu ill Bill Illjured, 100: " mber of IIccidtlnt8,20., imDre In lhe seven o'clock"'.1n of c.r.on Of lbe.a occlaenl8. 18 oceurted ob WeetWedneldny'e,enil]l!',lnel It is believed pro- OlD Willers, Plld in Georgl1l, alld ooe. thll ceedeel on 10 \Vublnjtl.On the nelll ' m.orn· Henry Cloy, on the Hud~on Ive,r, The Ibg. He ill a rry Imal ,spate maD, wilh above figllro8 include IbOle known to be a .Jnr.geIlCllr upoo his ora O'8,
He I. well lost.
In 80me instancee we number of
koowll ut the SO\1th. where he bu travel- Uvea lost i. ullkno'wn. ed CIoItensively, eahlllilma, hi. Jugghng uicll_lIIId ie is ,uppostd tltlll he h •• 111RECKl.!:&811V18.-The N_ Y_ 10';rn1l1 or ken his cour. in Ihe dlrectioll of Alaba- Commerce 8Iates tllat wbile tbe jllry were ma,-8o,ltimore Clipper, rcciviog testimeny ~t Yunkera, 00 TucsdllY ( c 0 I " rela.tlve \0 the destruction or the Henry , I A uV GOa rom ew r oanB La the "lb C inll•• ItaLe Ibnt the LIttle Rock GAJette Iny, two alORmer. p•• 8~d lIeor the land"b F log, apparently In II botley come'ted rII!e !Ill bl.. ea a .t.toment !rbm orl Arbackle 11 'n til ie" ~epnlle.. of the horrid Icene. wbicb bad pro o~~ g ~ mU8llcre c 'pUID Mar- occurred a few dsy. "reVIOIII aUmoat with. e, aD Dpl. IOIX. 10 bow Ihot of their trllck. ' ' WheD Jaeboo Ilia Ailim • •e~ cllndld.~.. ror the PresidencY."'1 an ext;bioiO U!,_ EDwn, Fo.aur .....TIIe New Vorl( ' a lackllllll'OPl1r 10 PeDlIs},flnla cblrpd Courier besra honorable lett1monl to Ibe Ada. Ith bulnr for bl. Wife d,ugh- conduct of IIr. FOTI'M' during lbe Icene ttr Oecrrp III, An Malll. paper con- of eacltement a.d diD,.,' ••deb attended tbe tlct but Ilated thlUuklOllmar. the burning of the HeDI1 Clay. WbUe l'ieoI t.a g( ~III. lIora1-il ia 110 OIl to tho 121lfortllDate beiDg.. were l~hllllD - - .....,. D lUte_to .bat 1'*.-t 1M_ water, Mr. Ed.1n F~&. ho.... theD at hi. c .. t)•• -101 their coDtlldoD, tell • " " JOIlrIeJr, aad Jet tile nn dowa, aDdjomp.uclato th...... cetMIed ra NICIIIDi . . . , . rraaa a watef7 ..... ...... tbat Ie IIQOoo 1"", I1Id recoterIaa ..YWaI .... boo ....... at 1Imr... tile ateI\a dIee.
.'CII'7 l
tIeW - . oa . .,
o::rTAe Free·BoIl National (lo,VIlntion, at.. Pll\sb!lrg,·po., lut w..ek, ohose John . Hole of N,lw H~mp.hjre I I ' Ihelr c~ dldale for Preltident, 'a)'ld'Gcorge W, Julian, of !tjdianll. for ~ce Pre.ldent.
LiCe It'l NeWport-8ervau1S:A.ttaekloll a iOat"cfoer-:A NOr.. N£WI'Ol\T, R, r.• 'rlle*tl,"-, AugQ~t 10, 1815'2,-'I'he Ocean ~ouse ' woa' yelterdJ\y ~
. FRIEI'DLY BOTICES. Friend A l\fon of Th\! Cley~land Co ruerclnl y wllll8ccept my .iucere thank!! ror , ... , ',"0 fu/luwilli kind lIutke oC 'I'he M ami A B V' 8iIO~, WIIl!:!11 I Hml III hi' lalL ll"IIILer~ J \Villi nDt 11\~.re of the-vtrY61l1Ial'lt lll,rea'a 'rh~ C/t'vclo'irl COOlIl)erlllnl is a I:ovd pa11Iat bound till" "gl r,IQ\~S t(jG:olI',e~~1 !lcr, nnd lid n:1~lItllke: Ufi 11.11 ~horl lima lllifc;r, whell, rep,urt "\ til' prlOc~celjlla' lOf ~u" I\lr_ Sumner, Uuited Stale,~ ~en~tor (rolll Moanchllliel ,ofTt:r~LI II rOllOlutlun raYllrl1b,le to,reportlng 11 nilito rOI,eullhf Fu:llive Siove Law; but huw do you sup th.t rC5ulutioll W.. receivetl! (t wos refU8eol. allel Ihe gentleman wllU utreret it \V08 Jt:/li«l tlltt priv,le ol .pealcing UPOII T"-' , wIt h a It, nil .. " I'b I erty ., f peec I\' vengeance' aurely. Nor la that all; eame llonorabte body, ,uled a lIlll lI/1pro'tl twIIt...:fi 1ltoU.-~ d<JlJ t prill ng ;;1. tit '. art 0 plly for lOme nearoee ~bo ran away frDm GeorKil, an d welA to " wltb the F lorida In· dillal. Very jwI tUId l'~al, lliat. _ may thlukl n
have lill l'I8Olotlon brooght up, leverlll genrroll! u.. ~"" DI'OIIe Ind laid thai Ibey would coallder a re.olutloo of tM4 kind, . . .quI~lent to., r"olution. wMail would dllloJ" tho Union. Tbe __au.. !'rDII! GeDrJlI. Hiel tll.L ir lh. Slave Law W.I .repealed tile.
NOIu.~Wllt IU.QUoli
conllderhereelr 4~ .=-..~:-.. -conDected willi • IIr.Brooil,rom 1I_......................11 18111.....111d.. the fait. Th1a ... - - - , ... fr¥III- ...l • •i..... poor "~",... 0( . . .
UaioD ... __ (1) . . .Im wUl .... , . . ........ &loa,
.,lII-lIIIIr..-. . .....__
llA VE !"o firM rMe doqble barrel _bol gli,li for IIllo e1woll J H BARNUAR I. Woynoaville. OhIO <J(fN TUDES.
gUD IU~8, and II ~ rjlnr.h Yuu that hllve /lUllS Wllh- ~ out tubQlI, give me a oftil
lkeep on hllud
Jor p'Utlng on
. .A teuonJor Farmors. Ali Iho, llible Is full ,o( prumieea thoBe who lru"" in Gall. A mon mus~ beliovo tho proml8es or glvo UI' tllo DIIII!;!, ir he is honcet II jib hilll~clf.j nnd thore clrculllst~ 1I0li'a ill the occllpiltiuns of II fnr· mer which ehould rcmilld lilm co,ll;nllully tillS, G[,d ' mllko him mofo , \ trtlstful liberal. I CIlIl hurdly Ipl~g'ge a good mOil (orth 1'111'0 hi. lieldJ, IIl1d ~eelni thll of the IICxl year IlIld hi tho grouua, without rcmomberj,~ g, lit timl's, such 81r1k·
Ihe river'" ~ , '!Ollly tbre,,\ air. II "Three I Did you .ee Ibllm aliI" ...
"I d14.'1'
. ,'
. "Cuuld yoo 'r~,!(,plzo them, woro YOll ~ .eo them "iBlnl" , '~l could." "PIeS t OU know Iny or (be puieoliera1" ~ oil did. Colonel Thomu )lanhell lIIaDded on!! of die bOlltl, with ",hom '!fare a Domber or "I'gIRlaIlB, leveral tbem personalJylrnown ~ me." '1:\\"1\1 ~bere II. Camily ti, tb. 'Damo 'V.ltoQ ./DODg tbem'" "Walton1 Wallon}
, ~ filth r, mother. 104 d urbler; Cirl eJ,bteen alld uncommonly . Ing-prOtenl a' mucb rloher Ibln i.e uau~1 wilh emigrallla>" "J remember them; tlley wenlln IDOth. er boat," "Do you \I,inA I ey hue reaelled HaYIville yeH'" t "Ir unuMuall, -lucky tbey IiIYe;
IIIOJt ~robabl1 not." "Then tjIere l.t • pOlillbility of their beiDg o,er taken, IOU lhlnkl • "Tbere fM!/ bel p~clllGl"l1 If an; Juck bit attend" Wem."
A IYrlter tn tbe Southern Planter (Tbol. Rlfldolph) recoD!naenda a 'Jarge do.e of laudanum or a weak lo\utioo of lye, ror colic tn bQrtel. Wilen tho dllten.io'n II to Indicate a dange:rou. ohir, Lho medic!,,!! (or hoven cattle, l.l drllcllmll of cblorlde orUme diaeolv. fn,;....,.d l e~ In two qUlrtl of \Vatu to bo within an interval of an boor. wuulil proba. bl, blt-Connd .elfej:Lual. Thi, writer al60 61.tell tblt Ille ~nerlllly received 'nolio~ of ,he actioD or ' bota, or grUbll, on the BIO'IDIl[: n of Ibo horse. l~ entirely erroueoul
~ra , GOLD!~D~IDT.-:-A correspoDde"t n' the Courier Etalll 01111 write. from Lon-
do~" undor ~Qte ~r tbe l~!b ult.:
Jenny Lind Will no~ Bmg. J3he II .. ':8IIhke aU tlio olf!u DJJctprayera,of tbe ~of . the commlttt'e. The ,e~11 or tbls r' tuul, wllicb Dothlnr .ill •doobtle.a tbat tho ,0ngeu-eaa.1 In. condition tou to ad ..1t of htr apJlearance on the atlice, 8be .. u. to-doy with her hUlblnd, for G.r· many. Thel'1l I. 110 call for tbt'm 1o emi. ",ate to .\ultrlllia; With olle h.1f of of Europe. u follow8: .be bring' With IUlr IrOl1l America. 'Tbe bOla C'.3Jlnot, while thef inhabit MaiJa~ ~oldl~hm dl mlgbt purchDio. dothe .lQmllcb of tbo horae, Kivu tbo aDllIllI zOhn prln~~PIUtl:t. &ad ,Ive tbe little plan Iny pain, tor Ihf'y are (ntened -on to tbe ~ ,o~,. \e ~61 ~en for I h~ban~ •• po• tlon or morc brilliant Ulan K~Dg Otho·... b ] . wa. lit the .bop of Mr. Mucbel!. the oo~aelle~L wbo, you know, adda to tbat
blII,neu' we
JEIIlf}" LutDI .UID UacLll 'IIoll,-GrllCe Greenwood WI,illl rrom England to the National ErG thal durin, ber voyage. JODn\' Lind and her busband, who were ber ,'ello\v vOIDllIfI, both read 'Uncle Tom'. cabin' ~urinllbe p.... the JaUer wltll 'txprellion. or admlratioD,' and tile form!!r Wilh 'unllOunlltd enthu.lalm 'Grac , 'I l\lon .. IV that dill 'beart. ~r tbee: ·~w~ bOlat'with lin «.qual warmth (or feedo'llind tbat Ihelr 1I1anpadlill ror the op'prollleil ' \ were gonerousl &Dd deep.' Whell you.~ Ollllo drown )'ou"I~IfJ' al· . '_-'-_ _--,_ waya pull olfyour clotbet-+lh'o, Dla, Jll Dow Is the Reserve .Olil ypur w)r.11I Rcoml boabind,. , 'J'hhH1Ueatlcm is often aakeel at aC·dl,. i tallce, but nev" here. Here we uQdefitand Iryou ean 1if. free (rom want, .aDd hive it. and know that the Fre. 801l.n of the wherewith to do pod, care rur no D)ort-
Reserye ".re never t1tme'~ or more deter- ~'Teat i. but nnll)'. • mined thin tbey DOW are, to m',ID1~UII Dlopnee beln, a,ked how one .hould their (aith: 1'hore ~ 110 cllfin. In to elth be rereDpd oJ Jale epom}' IPawered. 'By er ilrtl;e nOlll11Dltloni io tbla -~tJ' \V~ a ",irtuoua and bOD.lt lite.' • , have I\ot hfDr~1 "' a .1Dgle InataDc;e, and aile Cree eoiter who Wirers toward clth. A laou.. or honeat labOr will aive an, er Bcott or Pi,!ree,lIIe Menlll of freedom a better Ippetlte UIIO all the root. betweeD ..... aDd ElD'pt. ;:::;~:;;;r;;;-;;;=;+':::-::':;:;:==-:-i=..=!.~
Pat,4t th~ 'oat 0_C8,
A dopdilled looking C)hDp, who ~ .. WI:t· bIg {or ~he &11011 t6 arrive a~ the POlt otftee, took hie lelt,in I c111ir aQd .tuck bia reet' OD lbe window ~iII,-Pre.. qtJi J;>atrM~
turnd-T~UDd IDd iqoklDr ~hl\ da~ , . "in. the fac:e, ropijed- , . ,tlowlyflr bonor, int il a hog'DeD' VDI~ 'mlllkiiDlr ;DunoJ( at home. anT wa, ," ' ~he ofi"ec' "U Itl7tllnr UI'c?D \hedJJ1drIle:bounded from !!!I lihafr" IlJld throl\11Jl, , feroelpu8l~k. It"th. irIDnl!), ~iborDIIID Me,dit,~i'.1
etro4o out of the toi,lm.muUenDg a.hS'
wepf, thot the vu1r4lwitJ of 'b,~ ~e ... (aweignere WII ulte pwepo'Pllro~.-acrr.
pet Ba!r \~;
,. F.lCT.-.,4.n oJd ,antllmln,"bom tb~ , oitiJtI(li of SlIIum )[a.: \iliad &0 IIlll dl'inllllnil Harris, (or Id. !llcQl'Qlile pro. . .•
Wednesdqy, .AI;gnst ,25, ' •
" " ' " ~',, , 0 )(£ dB),,'lut week ~olT'o , or ' 1110 ,~t'~m. ~S5~~ , stera "ho "wnre huulJnlr gfll\'el for ' the
SUI1S0Rl~7'IO~ 'l,'ER;rS OF' ,
'I'JlE l1I1~~ 'VI81'I'OBI " On~ eopy.. r one YOl\r,'~r two ",olumes,
.Frllu'klln, .iild .:WuYlle ~v ill!l ' 'rllrnp tk e~ ~e. Ing rotllod to cross the" niee little gu,lli tl8,' Whleh qtoa'a IIllaln ~hli'el,' ill tllill plll1:b, fbu· clime' ~~lto ex~spl'tllted: and let oht 1I.Qir vcnallllllce try 'ulllulll1lng two or three \vol:· " on.londs or, grllve l· III them) ond IQua pllr~ Inat S6tunlay
'J'Clrms ,o.c ~clW'~I:'llil ..1P
0110 Sq uUM o( I~ji Icon IhlO~ or 1e58, slllgie in~ertlol1. fifey con II e all edJirlonnl insortion \"'ollty.!iv'o conla. Uc~onllblo ; redQC UOn8 rMee III de to tbOi ll h.. ~dYorli,8q
vol); b)' \1, )' IU'. :F-\I nnnoul\oll,g Ilpmel oJ ce ll dhln l ~. , 000 'dojlut 'caeb, to b(' paid n adVlllloe. · •
' .......,
TJlJt Firm' )f II' H. Horr111 '& Camptiu)'. rn tllie place, baa beel~ disaolved by mutuv,1
riHrin,r lind Mr. 1. K. and Mr~.l~. C. lIarrl! wllletlll .contln· Ita t,he ;llIi.ineJ5~. P.~raonlJ ,vIII lIoti ' I~ to
coual>nt,,)l(, ,[, Horria
tbeir IldvlID~age to call on them \ hen wlllb· tht; to purah.lse &toodei. .
thirt,·1i& million. of, frlDCI. 'lIbe oil-. lato place Holland Iii direc:\ .l'lllllro.O I COIDllluDleatiilD with Germany, Bellium
AWfUl 'tet.mboat Accident. On I ~.t Fnclall11ornID«.I~ll 'D' .~"'! • • I oae of &)1& mon terrific IccidenIB thai
• endenote4 to.hoW' ln ,out' volum. ot ,ear; (pa" 9.) wh" raul~ Iio& III.... wen Il'IjlJrfOIl~ 10 Lhe warm .e~n. ' ,
W II "now' lhat f.rmer. feekb" nel!ct "nrmal, fuod, and (tea" me.lI cafulol way. be b.~, yel l~ane.klod. ,of m~~t ,and more ve,etabl .. ml,hL be lI.ed ·wlth P'flllll Ir the farmer. , wou~d Clultlule. lIate ' for lheae,and tRke tbe pain, 10 lurnl.b., IJUp~ pi,. We believe nearly ill, wurkm~1 men would like vegetu blee,lf lll~y were proper·
Oltt :t. l"we he.td r.u frQltl III, JI~., Th~ ()\I~hblll" .nle, Ilt"~5U I')va~ Alll1 !III ill<)U'81101\l 11ly l1'~llling u<>y 'l'() n jlk • homu In,t/cc,vQn .b~" .:
HPOD's',H01:lE; "\,
"'RlTTE); fOil TilE ~ 14Jl1 VJSITOR .
'r .
Tho" II D spol to motJory doqr, _ Amid Ih hili. of Oul",wl~., Wh to dQy~ a(, brlghl, 0011 1\)lIpl-in. cIon, All.! 1l,1",'y br~1l1l1e8 thO f.allronl .Ir.
'Tis for remote from public $0111, " Behind ,h'e iTOCil hilla' lolly'bro"." 'I'hnl shiul<l. it from "Ro 'olar blan, AI,d clluls DlI~8umnlor" nl~hil,~~ Slow,
No 81~toly,elUfice8 r~~r ' 'j' heif pfoud, b<lld fi'on~, Daain. " Iho ~k)' , BUI IlIwly IIro Ih~ dwellinG" ,IJorc, , 'Fho hUlilus of blel' democracy. ~
Tboro .nver itroaml d~ IOfJly roll Adow;, Iho l)!eltUowlIl:~oicn tIlId '~Y. ~1\l'irclln& llIal\), a JI\lW~ry klloll,
on ,boil dlll¥~ l\'~ wa'l.
And Ih.,,8 aro. fiulda.pr 7011011' Itrain, • ', And cum that 8110rLa Ihe dark IIlun "blado, ,And Ilripi or i'i,oQdlllnd cru" Ibs pial • ~V itt. bor~ rO'po,in~ In lhuh.do'. • {'.
And there .r. tr- 01 radeJau. rrreon, " And bhd. OmQIIK thtl,l r ,1."'1)011111 will.\, Wlooou Wilde. \IOU» 'liem.~\Ya. un.~eD, 011 .ooilled and cbarmed DIO whell • obi/d. I the pa~ I tnr~, 10 happipr hour., Ihy foot ••• ~pe made; 'Fho .pot wa~ 00011 thy re,Una I,[acei Itbill lho .Uenl .bllllll, . , , , Tby whLls \'i.nd ,r.ined Ih. fragrant bouah . 'rl... 4roplllll bloP '()!II1 o'cr me DOW, Al
And 110111, .lu0"l!h the fUfOllI b"" , LI~hllovQJ, .hl\Il~' ~,n II10aey pltlDl'7" F'loal.,o.er 011, lib y{lngl'< .. ~. Amld' lhopllrphng aloont; >'
Thol,r- .weet aonp, ImoB trail to tree; 'l~brill tl.oI &1I0~llVe. with 1ll.I9'lY. JL 'ND' • ~i.iJl
en 10'folylpot " Wlibre ther hDd laid Il1em Ilown '0 r_ .. Tlia wlrlto·role aDd for·eet·!II,"noi Bloom IW~Y on tby bu•• t,
, 1'he~
In, my' r.lher'. lhtle fleltl •• - Be.1oI11 hili brother'. broader loa; Aol! there: lhe lowly rool' IppeQrtI,
Alld \iJrat, IUld .U't!I\"ml with liquid lull , 1fave made !Ioe 811110_ beauHful. The moon ,wltUJu our CUtp,ollt bea",s, our 'blued IlYecl Wbe)."tli dropl to .leeP1 AiiI1.11~vc!lch IJ to [II dre8lllll, " , ,
Where 1\.1 fllr .i'!e{J dwoll " 'jlh me.
Amlil tile ehe4o-:- d.ep,' . . , TC)p)ulle beelcI; the .i1ylII' ddt, ' Wboae "lVJlI .ro ripplill& .1. !by 8140.'
It, ptlron~ both .ro "o~k alaI! old:
My mOille.! ,lbolsa iliull !'y•• or Utlno.".,. 01 Ih.1I1 nl~.r naore blIhDld- ' So Duldl), b.lsJhl Ihey ,lifnlll
I loTr Iltllll, tol\ my fa"'~t too, ' \Vhll burnl~ ah ..k Ind learl... ere; The r()lIu~.o ,or .fI'ectJon tJUe 1'0 baIIo oDe fill. well te.r or ,jeb,
1 forDtid lhe brl{lY Inltrtllt blck, Thai for 111, Iriftl ,011 abolild 001 pieva, Or Dnd III men"JfY on. r8ll1'e" 'nil' n .hould palo me thl1l 10 leave.
, AG RICU't::TU R.AJ.... lIealth and Jrood ol'anner. 1 1'h.la Jul ~la",e wa, 'pobn IIlowly ,and eml!b~ ~i~ed every w~rd. Afl lhe lime
be Will JlpeaIl.ing, tnen'. leelinge beclIDlo more IDa moro . lnt4l0lel1 f,,,,jtcd alfd III the ~Jo.e h'lId reached the limit of ~ntrol. II nlooi'flnt abe W8I overc~me.lind' leaD· agaiDlt a tree for .upport· bllt 'Hing the Itranger make. motioD, II .tbougll to bert ahe r~llj;d arlD,l1Dd bec.omloll more compo.ed, dem.Dded: "How 'kno~v yoo ~~.~ \bioill of wblch
'~ It m~Ller8
bUllittle to dlee. to know;
• We wfr,e grlttvtd ",hen ,ililing a hl,h)y inteUlkent anll 'InlerelUnr larmer'. :rllruily, lome time sillce. 10 Jjnd that 01 tI,e whole Circle of 80ne (~.r.e were DO dlluglll.,._)
not olle looked I'qrw.rd to. larmer'. lire. NOII~ thought ,be iald .tlmcien~ I'liy.lca.\ conetltutlOIl to (!ndure III Ollel.lonal una· voidable iflver. J.bot' .tid eJrpoaure, We can all'l'e 'ImilllJ' Ib.tanu. about UII; how mnny II ,"mily nnda III .onl to le,jrn'"ome other emplo,me'nt bee.1I1O thll1 .re Dol ro; billt COOUlh for ttl I.. ' " • The race 01 , Ifarmcr. not DOW near 10 vigorollllil It ••.• a few .. neratlonl linee. We kDCI a.mllat etlan.. bu'ta. tell place, to lome elllent, wlth ,thOle. eo· gag~ in otber pu~llI, bUl we think lbe eh.IIge i. Dot el~e*here .0 mllrked or 10 Inexeuaabl. I I bere;.ua wb,la thil' Par· mere t.ke more'of the h ••llhrul narcla, lhe, breath I JllII'er lunOllpltere. lbey aeuDlIy have Ie.. DIj'.taIIDllilty, UId 110 temp. tettaR to kftp Ilite ~ud wbe' eo 10 ,..eaUr ceGDIerecUbfteDlt1lnl UtIDpan' Tbe .11&11 . , . lit
Utile .Ullliion It linD
_ , •• .,......&1011 II • ,.LI1I~~11I.1Iat CIO. . . . . . Of,the
...1..... ........,............. for tar laclII~
811'.-" WaynmlJlo, IGK1.EO MEAT Drle.! Beef, &lollnl !:!au.a,li, Ct,eeee, [·UlllOeI. lor '11e by
P They reablvd III pe-
G. W. '" C. HI ~
']' no~us
J.AI!SW" RE.--I bave JUII roeelvllll • III,'" _toc o(GI... w.r.of' aU "IDIb!. at ..· ...llan"'• • EA.LI AND FEED t40n 11l,II.yor ... d Cit, Counail to dl,- rtiUUCW priC4:1-IIOWI p~tty ••yl... (J.ll o,' In kind. WIll be k~plon hand ror ..hI. band lhe pplice O1'er tlie caoal, Ilid if ililt IIoll _ .hem. W. W. .pecIlIlU, IUlid•• liberal ,bare 0{ lilt .' 'tV. F. PARStlALL. IItlllOIllit! 01 thll to'Iruhluuill._ •• leel CII/I. WII lIot dooe, rellqlnd to proaellute etel1 IP~ IAbalton, Qhle, ' !idenl ,5•• 1\>C elln rendl\r I~enl ..U.l\c~, otli\lBf whll arr.ced any member of dill "SDlIU ptoO" pd' qaiOk nlUrai," .it.'' '' , LSO ALL kinde of Ilquon lOr ..I. by the mUI&o, qd weea""uo.eU lor~ ......lI'. • Thla proceedlnr b.. prod Q1I*rl Ollrallon b, .J. 11. JlAIUUUJt'f, I the ..... ext.il.ment .mool DataraUUd ~~r.lntr or~.!.~. ~~ :' • J. W, KEYS, cit iAn., end tbey b.... th,nte1led to mob • o~1 • o. W. &. C, H. '!'llQMAS. . JI!I!ITIO£ OJ' IrUE PEA.CJC WI7n."UIe.. O,. Ap~t lit, lAS. Jo.j,.. , ,hi. ~let" .bould lb., mHllpiD. '1 ;..-. A:ND NCYUar PI,lBL1C.
TIt, er.t ...,low-tailed
Olllu 00 lb. Well Ilde or Ilaln
thlt old Jo ... ,djoutln. tile Calalbet SbOJl,
ia "oahrie'eollnty got 10 d.pleeaed th.t '-I .turbed \be Ind Ultd it for '--_I L • ~aca.
,. 1C111111I11U III ScbeDeClady. on ..I." oro.ed In IoYe, J..t wHk, -lAd .....111,. .ad dubad bl. llreluout. --'"
Wa,n.IYme. Ohio,
W.UK TVf:'\iAe.,. r. eatll U.
. • C. IL 'l'I!OllA8,
__-:"'--:-,----:;;-.---.:.._~ JUST RECEIVED I pod u •
HrtIllBllIOII5I8~ .
E are ~ .. m_ drIIIU~. W '0, Ibi. wania ....lIter, u we are onIc ttl wllb \IOO!IltIId drinh, neb u ' " o.::.k
I ' .... :
.~ '-'iII4a. .... -
lIMt. ~
In lie
of ...... -,;:.-lIJ
:lftlJ8f\Id G. W. ..-nlf~.= "C. B.-.ntQ
.. "
' DQ
ni~1iJ til~ ' lI~.·tle~'ltlil'lSt.
Tho N"!)W \Yobrlt 'J'ril,luntl LI'IIB 8ptllllt8 llo lft r;cn lO)'\HltI, Wl108tl 10$s by Ib e III\fUlng
of Lhlt \l ell ry lilY jg ono or the 611!.h\CSI t CculurCij COllllooteu wilh lhul m03l,Il f
A,H oltN .'·-Suw e yania 01;01 lllO
[lTo~~ i\ln;
horn,' WliS ill
~dm mon
pllrtic1I\lTly DlnOifg tho 'b'h!>), J: lilltd~p ' '" \ " i FrOM Imon' lbut luto ( "oome 1~\()' 1\8 oi.• '"
It. ca lm, hlu~.el'ed, 6cl(·p088!lISIl~ you!1lr '
lu,ly in 'II vill"~c (fown OQ~t, recol:vcd II cnll
/I'om'o pry,iillr IIld 6pjIl8t~r, wilo after pro. lunging Illlr \,t8 i~" beyond evcn liQr own con· cc.p tion , r of fhe Y'llin<'" Mly's eOl/urllllC8 " \ cotcle to " h.. mnin quean,,1 which bll~ IJrol1llltt h or hilhor. 1"'0 lIboll Q~I~C!d II ,ooel mllny ' timos \l y u WitS cngugud to DJ'. O. Now. if Illo fo\les enquire o~~ill 1V1lelb~r you bo Or,. not, WIIIII alH1Jt I 611Y, thilll think.' ' '1:011 thO/il ,' tlllswered ' tl~o young lollI , thing her culm, 111110 C),(!8 In m'llllua lin, ,\rrl,,.,.'t 8[en(U/lC?~K IIpon t,hc /iJl(IUi8J ~iye felltllt,tlR of Ilor intcrrlll:1I1Cr, 'loll tholO you think you .don' t kno\v Dlld you aro &lIro it if: n"ho of y,Duf buslncsa. ' Who 'lireyou , how Cllmo YOII,horo l' ,I mud~ Bomo 80rt 0(· reply, Ily wny of
. ,
efinitio!!l. 111~(j1 CI/:!'Y; I"'on tho ~Dllk 011 II chuir nnd 'En o"prIHin'-;-Rusiting IJecJ8 oVflr Ileoel cded \vlldly, ' . , Go quick-q uit 'ilils room-"-'l'-:'ll~ougM in debt to build up Q vlllnge, wilbout tho ' 'Y,o" 'QDN! 1rrY hu.b,l/ld/' And, oovering her l.ocAna for }loyinj! !Qr tho erct\ion o{ II Bla· (n~o with hor , ban\l.a, sho sol/bed ~Yllletie /lID. , 'nighly' Elut('cl~';"'4 ricH' lin thoronghly [,lly, ' • I \Vue llottllicd, and o( cQurae 01 all~iou. utcixicntc!d. 'lleQstly' Drunk'- A. l!oor 'mnn in lb, tQ 1llBVO lUI sho wos to huv!) lIIe. Dut in ennl!! ~oodlli~ll. .' " ' LlIrUm~" I " l>~vOtil'~ cltring n foce n~ lo~ Q'S ' a • ficr llbovcl. ; ' ', 'Lilt rlll-Giy lng: /if\y cloll~N \0 \he llungnrllln J";un~, o(ler beoling down th&' wIlluw tliree conti! 0 81rlnl:' bf onlem., '!'rltutleiog .Mc:diciDo'--RUlln~r o'owlIPre all duy Wilh II faa,t' ij()fSe, alld ,onding no· · vela hnlt Ihe llighl lor itIJprovewent in
ther('p~'otic, .
A Valuab le -Thing. Whiell will yoo do ..... mi le, Doll mllke your houle·ho ld IIIPPY, or lie crabbed, lind 11'10110 DII thOle roung Ollel gloomy, ,lIlId \bo elder onea milierQbl e! q'he amount hap(line~ J.ou can. prOduce ~I incllle.b lo, you ahow n Imilillg (a Cit, a kind hCDrl,
countcnance; illt joy bum your eye_, I======-.-;:::;:::i:l:::::::::;=:=::===:2:::: nnd love alo;v 011 y()ur rorollcad. 'l'here no joy like 1114\ whkt. 'P!illS'. Irom ~ kind net or ft pleasaDI dl!ed;, and you will (eel it lit nighl ",hen you relit, nt morning when yolt ,18e;.afld through tbe doy when about jour basine... SWIlIUllJIO.- All each liJ8!O, .pulllo ,
the arL 01 &WiQlIuio,. ID)'II, 'MC!'D are drownel , by niJring theJr a,. the ",ater, tIle IInbuoyed ",~Ia1lt
'A YClung la",y~r \fllo IlIiI! 10D~ pDicL IIi.
"owe caliri ICI a YOUIlIf lady. , withou~ much ad-
YllPcingc hiB sliit Gccuac4 , ber I!no dill of
.....~..- .. Ii.,
"I'''''.' 1I.. ld in I'III~ 'City 01
Ii , 1" I"tk In 1\1I111.t, to llOIlP,q, r... ty 1,1 petllion"l, 1'llrIiD-
,.",...,. , lit
.I,ltIr t
I/INI~ f .. r " prllll'lliiory Iiquur In\\·.
, Our Nomlalec lOr c::o,npeho
Tile Clinton Republican tlml ape.ks our ncmmoe for Coolfre"l • ';All our reGder~ by thie limo are gt'IIl'~ol. I)' IIwaro, 'htl ,Di8lrlc\ ~o ll\'cIILiol) which embled 1n XenIC" ollllollltuy lut, ·'conl· .. dell'lIl1tt'l rrom the countiP4 of CII,,· "i Drr~n. Greeno, IIJdtljvon~ Inil Fuy"teslilted in the non!inMlon (jf flon': AI-RON HAttJ.AN, of J;reel~l', l!~ th~' -==i'"O=",,?~~,=:~i;;;==;;===;=7"'" :Whig aanaidotq, for t;oligr(lse, 'FI'II con· tt~~t bctween ludge Problls¢' nptl ~l~ Hur; IUD \\ID" very 010&0, 'rbe Yule the ~e,· erol counties, III noprlY.1I we cllll lIsccr· tian It, BtOod as rOnO\it~: ' , P~obalco. '. lldrlan. SUBSOn!P'l'IQN TBRftfS OF l~ 3 . TDE l'IlLUJi VISITOR: 8 IS OnCl COi')' lu~olla yonr, ur \ wn volumc~, one ... d~l('ir alld ~fty C:CI!lIJ,' ClI8b III ·nuv.nce; oho tB \lnl'>, lor .lll '1 IOO'lhll, O~ One ,..Iu,"o. 8Clvedly, (j,~ ccntll, · l'ol'mQn,\. IIi nil eaI08' ~U be iii od , .11'0 Qlllli., N~'~n COll ifu lq~ one ye. r. ~OIlD(8 and' lift)' eGntJI; 'Iwehl)' doUut!. ' ~1' olul) sll~rill\.l().!. , '.. So 1t will bt! p~rGell'ed, thDt Mr, Hirlull iIe \lold ill nct"Dnce, on') ru, no'. shorler than one feat, 'l'hClcp'oper or no rll$pOUl81~,I ~ sueceeded by I! srngle ~.ote" ' B ut\$crlbcr will \)0, ~i ~co,lIIlllucd , MI\: HAII,LAII. tho , ,,0Il1rnoe ', ' . hfts 'bee" .r. lluo. long Dnd {Q\'orobly ~nown to lti~ people 'I~ Clinton.. ~e is a n~on or superior, talenls . ~lId h~8 gB!ned.II wl~e '.~epp ,lIllon th~ou~h. oul ihe f!tAl~ fo,r hie IIblllty Dnd, effielept'}' in tbe l.eg.el~tur .. , where be aet\ 'eil several year. hI bolh brllllc~(!,. Ue. lI'a. b' f I' , "1 • m~m er 0 "' tie ' I~~e co"v~.~t. ou re~l~ed thfo1 Constitution o( 01110, . pOlJlllon be. dlsl!nguie1t d " lI\ade D nmlllillde of frienal. by never, i ' .. .JOB' PRINTING. makln~. ling ~ .peech dur!ng Jr' wholo or !lYeC1 dCJJoril"ioll, lucb ~ , . teslion..-:ln, e.vlllenc~ of (urbtllltillCe ~Ild P.Ui'l"UL~S, IJ'.UI.DDI1.L8, which It Itnke. UI would ;parllou, , . , ' DU~l1n!SS AND VISITING CAnUS, 1.rly Ind~Cllte bl~k~tne~" fort 8elt in ~on. nLAl'IKS, LAUELIJ, '. w (f0 la, ang • I IStal\l!,O'! lUI execulou in Rood 8\110 eod dn ~lIorl DOlieo ol ,Dr wordll i. ablolulel1 ovcrwhelm· Mbnri Vjahor Office, Jlnd on rn.tionll~l~ . . No crtdillliTon fO.r Job Plintirlg. Wltb Ijqtb o( tbe eindiilllh,,' I/efore the, Connntlt'n we have I Irood l.cqiBlntftncell'~r=======~=~=~!;F~ Inll wo!'td hqvo been alad to l\lpport elthE'r • ' . 'o f' thrm (Clr Congr«!". Tbt'y are 'both · From an adverllsl\melll ill The men ilf eiliracter, ablli1l1 lind influence ' slG,' 'of Imat week, 1 learrl that tl\e 'But Harlll1 hall been ~ominBted-,.horl.\lrB' of ' tuntion th'e ,tlo" e"c,lu6Ivo of Warrell Co_1J' mJtle 8OeIety. bll,aDd fairly-and we are for filII election for .peciol purpolel", will be IIbOllt At the al)llal :IHtlne- or the Warreo heart and 1001. Let tlrere be no bicker· eeola on the dullor valuafioq. Lut Co; Bible SO("ery, ,vld at the Cumberlaajd Inl, iilli'Ult, or je.l0.y, ~Ilt let .ve·ry Whig tile ~verDGe rlll~11 cxtlueive of ,specialt.~. Pl'6bTt,rlan Churel\, on 'IlolldaYI AUcn,t Itinculllbent upon him to do hi. duti Wt'fO Gbout e.jgbty·t\vo I1nllll half-c:enla. it ,will be.-en tbAt tbe .tll~cI 29, 1851, lbe ,foilowln report wa. pfeie • by giYlDl thll nomiolle I hearty 'end cordial ted, Inli Il:ee:p~d by lbe Societl aDd aUJlPort. Thl're.I. no Fucb ll.ihg eut. II UUIv deled lO be Fublished. " ch.·whhout unlun. ~hen let bBI o~e,lInd ---~-.--The BOCillit" It tlie IlIIt Inljuill !pe,BU!Bg.\ II1I, .uiv. 10 """tterve In urlbroke,n for H.rlln< Ind 't~e wbole regulor ,eaplved to ~s\llore Ind ,"~pTy tbe wllb ,Blblee, lind Iccordlnll'Y proc\lrPCl tllf;l ticket. ri urdpy morn~ol%, I· Obde! vcA II ,luJlg article .tlrvicu Mr. ~obert Andefton. The We .• ~~ .urprl.ed .t the Illogu~go h~ld in r~gard to II I\Qu~e, on Fifth "Mk 'IVII' com/ll.n~ I" October .nd oc- by the UIHz',Oft't8MIf', and the Faytit J\elD Iwel'n W~8Lern ROW' IIIl,d Jqllll, which ill cbpled the wbole ~ime for neal' .Ix mOIlUs@. Era in regard to thl. nlatt.. r. Both 61\id to tic hDunted, 'rho hllo.e ·i. nld lu The 10JlowlDg i'.• n abeltaet of hil report: tbeDl JI\lbUlh "'noneouil .... temertl. of.lhe be II v<!ry fllle Drid cummodioull bul Number of ramlllel ylaited, • ' ,' 367'l , votee riveD in the convention (eYidently lind in tlie conatructlull doe. nol, un•• ",,, .. Numbe deliltute,-. ___ ••••• 49:l fumilbed frottl,the .ame banda) .nd upon Bnl' peculiarity; bul ,alUl It ;A laia ~o' < 9 ..,pl;,;.l cr-tLllwuari.- •• ". • ov ,,'om lu.tuulKt'll',,"wr. ""ll'r tlull 4atmted. f'llhue da,e or Spirltuallbo'· cordill) ,"Y".'''''' NlIII\ber who refUted the lUble , ~ • 38 u,I, charge, ",fraud.' . Humbugl '~here re.tliiolll till' rtoport wjJ~110 doUbL: be '(,;e'1dI1" n':',lto... Namb..r, ~r Blbk.. don ..~ed, • _. l 3 5 b •• belln DI~illier erter or rra"d in the mat. ceiv~d III true by very menf. The been .ent!o Ditto · Teitalflen\a,. '~· a ' . ~' . ~ _ • 233 &er.llnd all attempt. to JD~ke ollt.el\he.l'; I,~. been recelltly '\I8~d ' U a, ed mon "0 Vllue of nl!)lc81ilid Tettll/llente jlonltoil , will " oni y • injure ' ~~o fooli"h 'enough h'ollle; ,and ,on ''.'edq.elcl!li''evenlng of' luI t~l\t .mo,t _of , • .f '148,71 m.ke tho/llo week, Q nuise 6101i'lor to' the report· of 0 T"~ ~m~be ! 1.tge turn ~u~; Friend , ~umber of i'Dib)e. lold, ••••• : 48. The above uPO!M' or tbe vot. il jlre(!i.e. pi.tol W,U heQrd in one of lhe rOOml,ll'v, Denney"of t~ '.J.ebanon· SllIr, ..,. Ditto T.llme~ta, ." ••, ~ • _ . ' •• 7~ ' 11 III ~e ~ndllr.tooct It It the time, 1~4 In erlll houre 1I~l1r\vlI~da,. wilen. both tbe fami. on~:thoul~l1.d Olbippew. Doy. are . '{alue or Diblell .nII Te.lalllenu 101d, tbe aggregate eorreepond, with the ,.Iulta Iy Dnd ·bollrders bad retired for the nlth Irom lhi. counllr, Who .rtl golnlJ~ . , . . '" ''769, 86 all.h~\Yn by the t~l.Jy.p.pert ~ept by ql;lite a Jlumb~r of r.eportB we~e bRant by - - " •••• Colltribllti9D1 10celvleI , • _ •• ,60~6 ' allcretitiel, Ind 'll'ith • tlllly kept by ollr· 1111 tbe oocupants of tbe houee; 01.0 lOUd The rxpenile. oftbe work 'll'at, UJ I 57 le!vel III th~ ,otel were counted out by the B'lreoming In II roum oCcupied by .om~ tellert. We trUB~ thai bt ilii, time our youn, III~Y bUlrder., and. danglller 01 Mr, E%cl!'lWe of 'blea anal Teet', · • . ' 1~8,71 contell!jiororlel Ire prepare'd t~ giY~ the E~wntdll, the' proprietor 'of tbo boarding thie Ih" ~mllnde.. <it "tlle nll.m in" an ullqllllUied 8uPP9rt.-:Xmia , ,t , '890,28 2'OfcA.!-igllt.. ' " to tbat ,.pot, i 'nd tti,O' YOI·mo'". 'rhe ~ciety , I. now}re,e. .frolll .debt, , bu~ " . ", T" ro fou,nd mue). ftl,/.tened. .Tolley h.. DO booia-eucb' III· ~.re lIeedell, and ·QtrThe Webeter meD of 'BOlton bave Ibat noiiee wl!re mode al' tbelt bed. . • nQminlltl!d Mr,'Weblter 10f PrClident, lind. t.lin' they were liko '.'pislol ·taouJ~be kept con.nnll, cln the , det'~ho. Mr, Grlham for Vice' Presldont, and' have " . ry. 'l'he General Aient pf tbe · ~~enclln ' ' . . r . 111111 Ilap trilll lhey lIaw "red·lighllt" ~' R ' '..... G II 1 eppolDle4 I comm .Uee to cal a COnTention at each r!'port On Thur"day 0 ·1 II W B . ' bl e .......clet1- ev. _r. 0 ~w"1-1t t~ nomblale a Webal."and Graham elea. ' •, 01 '1 lin' now 'lilting the diO'erent cburcbee in I 1 tl k t B I tl th - e heerd In difl'erent parta of the hoUae, • "' . ora 0 e • 1 1l1li1111 on el - . M TOld"' h ' , d, I I eou.ty, .od· ~ Httle lid rrom. eaoh '11'111 'W~i'" of Nortb C.~alinl to . l.i d, opt the r'r WBrJ,lI, nVlDg r(!n,~ anot ler 10U~, pl.ce tb. £Il1C,oty in good CODd~ti9n. eam:;icltet. AI NortlJ;Oarolin"lea'dra~~ mo"~CIIn. Yarioull<)lulillM III to wl,.t an motion It wal ' . . il tJ.,,' ClUle 01 the nolae., are ilftp.t; 'n"'"I ,I'I~I"'''6''''' .·ft " 1' 1 ' b 'I k C ', 'u Iy ,ef"aed to ."e a II ollIe olle of \let votel tl,a~ • carpenier, who Oll~ had 'll , ...,IlIOL~En.- lat t ~ . lin II 0 , t Ie DO- (or Weblt" in lb. 1'h\loall . . . , h II tend eel t R b t oll ,~~e ..mu spot, lYas tIlurder~d th~re, cle y:"re ere '1 er ~ . 0 or ih fii, prelunltia that they will rellp~~ded th~lIt It i. ' bi. e Irit 'that ' Ie cou~ing all "with alaorityl, to ,tbe fb'lt.tion .... Xeniq Ihe trouble. W~Int '),e true cquI~ .is, rll' tleraon: .for the ,0p(teJ:Vcle be hll ~ u~ an luppl,lnll oU,r c:~ullt!; Dlld n;: h 'F' Tti, ' h.ve all confidence in hll Integl'lty, ~nd ~ r~'g • 0l91n" ' lCi be fOil . oUI. ~ " ., ,.
,MlIl4r,. • I\"rn ~. !'rof. Lillie, Mr. ,'hu,"'IlIn,Nuli ulh~ri!. "llIlre...d Ihc tI. .embly, _hlllh ,~qd 'very 1 ~ I'g e alid "retlp cloble,, \V~"u tht r,llllilHillll 'leclnlrinir in flSvor t.lle Mahie law WAI ft\ibm!Ued ~o H,e nu:ot· In(, ~1I1Y' lWO /..mlls w.,re h! ld up agnlll!t it: '1'1,\11 i_ lhtl \Vor.k uroW'e~lnl!' fM!miletllnco IIbqletic8 hAve bllen It each 01 tho 81111011' of \ho Ceylon mi •• .Uml, It mlnut uf tht: ut allllion., Ilud lit dUtbrl'llt vilb~ Illiaidee. Urelll ,Qod ,.expectod lfoOl 'tlaii, movemellt iii prepllrillg tbe fot ille comln of Ch~hlt I", ' dom; e,peci ~ lIy a5 lh~ people in '.l CO' D~ Dlre'C!ly invilll\g lh~. cO' ODIsratiolll i of \ he misiliollilrill8. , Tiie n'atell (JulifQtflil1 Iudlan' Ii le, whilc inlQxlea~lld Illoa drew liill sword lind plllilge4. It . hodY f hll,,:'ife, knllllS" b'. r ~Nexl dai ~cr body 'VII. !I ', oerlll ']lila, ~vlili ill ~er eft'ectl, even ' t BOme goldfdu8t which .be hllchul1ected tile i/..IlY bofo{o. . '. 'I ' l' t e d an .... o . two on h .. G oug • II 0 .p n ,.... J B \Vee~. 10 tile city Ilf Toronto, in september next, d'lflllif the Anl\ual Exhibition of the Provincial AU iuulturD.1 A.aoclallon The temporance pCP'jilo'intend to improye" t1\8 oCCIIII"n b hllJlng a: celebrllii~n to 'and ... . 'YI . ~ .. ' ten••ve lell c. , , O~e ', huodred Qnd fifl,f peuon. "~lied ill New Y'<irji, durlng the II'~ twelve mbDth,,; of clelirium tremen.! . Tltere wero nine . ,'..... • e _I murdera caueeu .." rll.~, enu n D. Y tholl~nlld cummitmentl fO'rdtunkeneasdur. Ini the .~me' limo. " mil.. D'Iwe ..: d 'IiMIC ., I .1 Cronin '. n IIQ, burnod to dtatb on tbe 9lb Inlt., ill a IIb~nt,., at Stl'/llll'll. aeneaee ' counly, He Ilepl In 1 . 19~ (,Ccupied by '(ollfleen . othe,., lind belOC iutl'xiCllll'i1. did Dot ' ''08P'. Uempel'llnce S atll GonY~ntioD.l. to be Iind 'llt :l'ren(ol1, N. J:, 01' Ibe lOLh of September lIett, with a 'II~ to lIuch tion .. will lecu,e" probll)itory liquo~ Ill\\, in thllt SlllIe! . "
f.ithfullle" In~ ~ell hI d.o g90d work.MJ.Slsell'l'I.-'I'be ,SCOtt I~d G'raliaOl I' 'b d 1.1 1..-' ~ . A Startling Fact. A"" uU we ,ere ,l'ecommen '" m,.1Il! e CIU,. Elecloraltlcke.t wl.I.1 IIQ,nd. : , For . " tU . • d b h 1 h d ' • Frolll.the last ·' 15;,ue of The 1111D all rot er, to e J I e frien a large, I. L. Yergel'. or W 'u hington,Jamll C~ritt ",here.oever bit lot ma, be COlt. t, Aluom, of Co.homai' Pbllle18 T. Cbrilltian Advocate, lle~ru· t~e. awM B.ur~ NEwaLL, Pre.'t. SCfUIlP...of Mlreba~l. " ," , t1111t, during tlte lsei. yeor, tlae.re·hove been liu'n.dred ~nd firly i/nthll hI New York DISTBIC'll-l. Samuel BCDlOli, of MllrEijbtteD ·Tenn8l.ean~. hold'olJice:i'n the a~all;~.. : J~aeph B. CobbJor. Lowndea; It. cily, ~~ tkli,.i1J1I'I 1m1 Tbe re were. ' Department.: W'1IIh1nglo,!: ' Wm,_R " J\Jile., ofJ'Hind.; i. H. F. Slin. $~}? Il.e .D~e city nine mu~~t!r8. commit. , Three Te~a,II. hold ollc. III raIl, of W (,lkCnlon. 1t!U uy p.er~9na uoder ,lhe inlluence pI'. Rum:, Phd I ,.I 1 , ...enta at W ..hln~n. .. . ereo~.r~ w ~ ar~ o~p~ee tQ t.e . ar Qpt 0 , Tbere are JIUQdllfd PeDn~ ,X&I;fUO~Y,"-Tht! vacancy 011 ~he Whia . . ~lrlDgellt liquor Inwa, Q~e ~e.peettully" P I Electorlll tickot " III re""11 reeideJ:lthl in 'the VIII th inVited to ,reDellt . ''', y a~d p.- opAr IY holdlnl' ,,!t!lce • in llie Dep',rtmentl Wublngton. DI~trlot hili be!!" lilied by the iiomlq~tlon on these I~Cbt, Yuu mOIU\lt. :th!nll tha~ T=t;:nllrid 'na.nenty.nine penons of Thom .. F. Maf,lhall. He etuinps 'the tht'80 ~~~ IBolated tac~; far from it, In o[ J birth are 10 ti~H .'nd diplomllio Diltrici in conjiuictloh willi Mr. Jobnloo, every city or lown 'tJiroughO\l~ the whole Hlflce or the United R~tH, .' the oppoeiuon candidate, . coun~ry wher., tJiere I- DO re~tr~lnt ~pOII Tltere ue twel.e pereone from Ul1inoi. . , .. • Ih", IIle 01 intoxicating IIquo,., .ucli ~ Jto.l\llili . . . .1. th. Q{wli1ment. It Wll~b~ VEBIIOlll.-ln the let Dletrlcl.. P. F Uling' IIre 'eonltllnll, more or 10.. occur· •• 11181on• · Tucker i, the o.'d line Democratic calldl. og. BtllI tliere .re penona wllO will opTllere Ire rOl1y, Ohio m.D 'boldlnl ollce dllte f9 r Congre•• , Ind. John ~Ierpojlt IbUt pose .py Il'w .pr~hlbltlnglbe trame. in th~ DepullDen~ at Wuhw.ton: Independent DeDlocroUe {lolDJllee • . They , : ••• • Thirtee" peno~ from COIInectlcut Ire bOth of ~ereenllea. .ooting ai Oaklalld. blBce in.'\be Deplllmiulta at Wubln~D. TIt G .. 'By a private' letter.l .m illfo~rd tbat Thtre Ire i" pertonl £I01D Rhode e , eo... Party, on B.tiad~z-& a Temperlnce lIeellnz Jaa~ boWiOC olice ill the Depart.lun.. at lUVUIfAB, TueId.y, !-ug. 36,l86'.-A will be held at 6.k1.nd; CJlntlln County, W_IDpn CircQlar " .. publl.bed 011 HandlY eYenin" Ohio lAlt there be a «004 t t. 'nIere .,..' tbree1hOllHlld.eytn h" drea .iped by the Ez8CIJtlYe CODlmittee of tbe The ;ime (or ~cllon il It blIlJe! uro au ."ldlle\ - p«BOnlln the cl,lI andu~ 10- UuJOn Put, 01 Geor;la, w!tbdnwinr ' . .... IDltic ~ce o( lbe United St&tea. P , Electoral ticket pIlt II. DODlinatlon by tbat 01 til. _kI1o .... G t at! puty at Ita late CoaYeatioa at MllledgeJ)OItructi~o EitOl, 0' lII. t1a1waltat:e.,alK lid th~ yt1l". The ..me CJrrilu elUl a meetin, b Ou 1I0ndty Iltern::. of thi. , rn.Pret ua4 allle h~ II' ar the Ulilon Wbi.. lad Dflaoetlll t er~ weN wo...,,, racU" fine lD : : ; . : . ~ye..... and GeorJlI.to be heW at Adlat., oatlle fl~cu;~tl, :::.rt&on:,w~ &be bona· 'ftere .... Iftia from N.~ Jer. of ~ber. to determine whl' coane .! I) oar 'CIlI . eb '. It,!!L&bis)IUtJ wUl . . . . la futuro. " 8Heral "'rell ~.... wlda lIIelr .,.. .. I ...........-tw~ I'ICIDI aaotlttr orllfute4 o A~BnaatUIe, OD' nlllll!l, wee', ....... 8,rlD, clDIIer wblGb alJrlatdau ~ Cowlta.l1WlIlIwU'•• aDd ItRW W.. upo..... top of a GeralD Catholic .ll. . . . ...."• • tt 11 ......,!Ie eaJW Triofl)'. The Cbutda, a c
. .=-.. . .
., ....... "at';::.
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or ,
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mite. lie wudnaH.
~ ................. . ,
........... 11&
Ift1 "" ...
On lu. a,lulrd.y .vebin.~ ",'. m'"inflorm. ' .. ,. ~ I alit Itltee,'Ilr, Ailln.on ~1I1 .. ur . HllrYey~. burg, m~l with . .evere accident, He w,. '
~p..-.. ~
irB.a; aey.
THls place bu)een the ·.cene or .two or Ibree di~ aerul -dlaturb.DctII On lilt Frld be fi b , ~ya e,r1I )11 two perlOn, a g t on e corner ,~r Jlline aIId North Itreet.. On haet Buod',J .• nemoon OD ~ater .treet ",n Ino~r Id!.,racelul ae:alr, Theae ~inp oClMal' ImoD, lhe forel,ne~~ ' : : ' \hat 10111. 0 e , a 0 lui
·n. nlaed lit or lII.
" lee eo..... • .. JIII"OD' bJ
eahool ...... aM tbo all lire
JIoJ[aJi1lro~ .. ~11 place. The
IIrllaiWiac 1IIIIIarIaJ.1a IUlal .. tIIII
Wlidle ..... ."I,..
16~h:f r~ ~.P~le: {it~ti~ie~
,[o:t the I a1'8 a u u a mQ IDe· 0011, celebrated throughout EUjpe, by the repreaentatl,e. 01 Lolltl N.pe eon'a !rOY' A b.nquet wiIJ,ln Olis 01111 be liY8n OD 1I0ndlY, tbe 18th of August. In,Lo~don, (lhe aD"I~eflll'J o( tb. SOl,.,. or a blrthdlY r.lIIn. thlil,IV on 8111H1a1~ wltleb banquet ,all Jaer 1II'tjeat,"aIDIDo . . . . la,lled. We ~t the ' rullowh.. ~ the retia 01 the Loatlotl 'rile . . . . .nl returned to tha Palace BC' CJoad (rom hi...wI} "'"'It. . 'Ch.. ,"0 or Lamotte lin"," III 801.. . . . . . . . . . . . . oIl1at1d1' . . . .ollday ..ae.........., la , . . . . til, \I
Tim.: .
a.-. lie .... aI,." .....~~~_;~~~~III ~
Wlb~'" ......
", ...
. GEOlIGu''"r''Tb• .8C<!Itt n4 Gt.hJ.' Elee..
tle_et I~ '~lDpond of II",,,. I, ,, Cr.w(or\l~o., { ,tail';; W I UWi 01 CIMt~, ..... , ~.m; J, WI Utollr, o~ Libelty; . Lotl,.... reno QI ,Bak.;'" V. HudelD~,o('~OI!IIJ a, W, 81_, pi ,~e"J ~. B; YoH. of Law'iDl; J. W. DuP...... , Twl~1 Jf. G· J'Ultl'l', of 1I0r....; G. W. E'llIIIttr. ' Rlchmolld. ; 'i IRateTab' p'~""" Tb. Clefelalld H.,ald lla., DOt6clli ' . preparation fur \Il' cOlDhl&,8tate" .ttTThle momln., we ....Dt ....~ . . . the I"0undl IOI,CU!CI fur tJwt 8iaII J'IIr. alld " . . pl.aIed to ... illat aU ... ..... .,.tlooa wltlcll ,COIafoct~lIl&acI......1111 ,.pWI, "i..acle. Tbe poucIa, .. area of more thtD1welU.t 1"".1ft ........ witli • board reace.liocIi ..a &0 t_l" ..., Jt laelpt. At dae aora.r 01 IP .p..,-, .......... bui,W.., 160 .... _ , to ....... III . . 'or .... ....... eJerIta. Ita. poU~, 6o..11D0• ...,11 . . . IIuH ·entre. OM or ....... 110., ...... II • ..,.,""'" llId die c.-...m ..... ,..".
. toral
A corrf'.pontlclIl onbe .Ne,. York Her. lId givte the lo~lo.ln, ,allteDlant 01 ,tbe seyer~.l pertl~ in, tile lIew ~.rliIDlenl: BUPPllrtere or t~e " IIIDlat;" 311: Gr,I~. 0' doubtful, Iii Enillil... ti,OI, 26; French CaD.dilna ti .. _, lind Papineau Dlell, 6· , -rhe" partie. are not Ill.tlncl aDd weU· ddned, 8Q ~n, •• Rolf and Carpe,roll ezerclH II lell\dlQ,lnftu~ce ill the OIblll'~ they will CIIT)' WIlli them mOlt, I( nol all ~ tb. B Clear Grlt., ea~pt, ~orge rown. Alal~, the lorl~ ill':"En· ghlh ConlOrvllU,u Ire quite te.dy to IUPport the ,.neral poUel oCthe(lOYBr1lIDeDt, The, wculd prebabl, oppoat th.' cl.1'I1 ."e bll!e and DlllllI 'perha~, object to 10 eleetiy. Ee.IaJ'itt,. CouneU; but. . . ,r ale the; arl Ifar froDl c:oaall\atm, e formidable ~artl,.nd the bHt ••a alDOD,thelD woPI acee~t ollce ancJer Hr. BIDCk.l, It w ofFered &0 thea•• Bo,la aa, qtaeetlo" : ,olnn. preJadl- 0' ..... .,(- til. C..lIIlan CoaIemtl.... u. ..... ~th01\0 Cbarela ~ w'DaN YOM. ,,1" IIr.
ao c... I " . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.'Ida ............ tor .,.,...,
JlIIa .... for ....... .,.tJwt ....
~ .... for .......
' Cook's Clothing ,Store;
TIlE SUBSCR IB ER hoa JIl. t rbcuivod
8~ck 01' 'prlna and SUIl) lIlor gooUa; conslali nl¥ tn..pon 8& fllllo W8 , AMEltl\.lAN, t::NGLl 1I FUENClf, AND LA 8 WARE.- I hove JljSl ttoolvt'll • GEllMAN J31l0AI),CLOhrs t ASSOltTl:lD lorgo ~Inck 01 Gla •• wure 0 III kinds, 01 QUAJ.l'l'JES AND' COLOIIS. l'LA1N red uced /lrlull..... 60nJ~ vorl' Ilrclty s lyl.8. Gitll Ar.l D I'ANCY CAS3Il\tEItEti~ SA'I'TI. alld ~oo Ih nJ. Nj,;T S, ALL WO L AND1'AN C,( V F . l' AR BALL. TW BED;iI, LINEN COA1'), G::;. orr2 LebonoD , Ohio, SILK ~,A'rJ N , AND MAIu;.
', G
l:lE1LLIS VES'l'JNGS, . £'l'C., ETC., E'rO,
wi lh Ihe . l"ok prcvlou~ly on h"n ~
.AN 0 NO'I'An y /;'1.) U/,J(). .comploto I:I'\' Cl{ of' 10 Gentlemen anl\ Il Qr.b' Offi c~ on the West Bide of Mnin st/cei, dllt markol, olld will be 8!ljUlning the Cabinet Shop, up etnlre, low oi~ caell price•. W lly nesv l1le. Ohio. 6.tf. STOOl{ OF 'J'RI \I: comlwrcnl JournOl'lIIpn ICK),ES, l'lck l~;IItI~" I, nnd 000' /:811 on 0111 enabled 10 !l0l UI' h01l1l and I()~ 8&10 U)1
mo~ l
, O. W. &; :J. n. THOMA S. IL PASTE DI,ACKING.- Wo contln. ue to ulanutlltl'u(O Ihl. nrtlcl ulorgo!y, wilh oven lid, anlog... 01' Imllfoved mochlnor)' 'rho quellly i8 oqual to lilly mndo In tho Uuton,' nnd haa bollll lIuI,roved by III1,ny QI Iho hrg081 d.~nlori" ill tit .. WO~1 lur mar. tholl ton yorr.
, iu Convln, Ohio. IJ'IIE IIlidare lgnCll would re8r.oclrully :1. IIIlqrln Iho clllzcr.s 0/ CorW'lJl, " rI\Y"O.~ilI6 and 8urroundlng ~Itnlfy Ih~\ ho hll.& 'oOIlJOIencod lhe BOOI '''Iii 'hoc mn~llIg bn ine • III C.rwlO, whoro h. h OjJOIt, by "Iri OI nllonti on 10 buauu'..... ~ t 8 cu(vo n ti h ~ r o of ,>\lblle IlotroMRe. He will be ASH UOAltD', \\)00<.1 011 BuckolS, reldy lit 011 tillle8 10 WOll upon Iho~o whD I\) m, llroolllti , &'0., 011 hBnd lor atllo by (ovpr 1'111' with Il.call. Qod will mok" to onl"", 0. W &. C. II. 'l'HO~.I A. In Ihe be~ llUann or Ilnd )I\OSI fn. hionable ~.,Ie . any orllclo In his Hila that moy bo "'Inltld, And Ill ab do rOI>~lrlRg prom!'l l)' anli " ' !ll\y. 00 S. For Ihe 'lllnlily of his s lock, workmaneln,anll E AM JUS'!' roedlnl'lr pnd o/lonanjl IlTicca, Ih09 0 wl. lung 10 !,urehaeo WIll .;\,0 well to cnlll1nd KCO belllr" purchu ti mlr olroe\\'bore. " WlI.. bIA M MAN1NGTON, S'I[R of lb. , our .;', SI'iRING AND SlIl1lnfER (j100DS J31.II:k lluol\ nunr dlo RaU.Rakt!. ' from Ihe Eistorn ch ic~, whlcu wo tc~il1i'c lfully, Mny I!Olh,It!52. 11.tf. IIIvltc our old cuslOlllora ond othurs, 10 gnll 111111 CX3J,ltlno, cO"allllll1l! Of , I'REN OH AND ENGLlfili CLOTIIfJ, blnok Bnll IUllay Ca.s$! moroa, (,innhm o(ot!l, 'J'weod : L,ooll und COIIOII 1/~11I 1:001,11 of" VII rious aly !CllI ond {,nIlQtI18 , Lall1l8 nnl1 B9rn g ce for tlrt",. goods. ClIlicoo9. tiil'lIhu I'19, 8Qote and , h068 , (;rOOOrl Oll, Queon.waru, un~ a IIclloral 111180rUn QlJt 01 tlllfl!waro, ilutltllory a'nu, Coach 'l'rlJunlln g~, ' E tnke plonauro In mlorminl: Oller potronl IIn\1 Iho citlzons 01 tWa plmce alld v191111HADDNN &. 1\1eCLELUAND of 1I1111n 01111 Nonh d rcotM, Wnyn.a. IY goner"lIy, tllln "u ate . ruMvln/l: 01 pur
. New G· d
Non IntetventloD, "
.LOro roOIll & our
51"RlNG ANI) 8lTMMED 1ii't'00l( lIootl" consis I.!ng of I I AND GOOUS.
C"'~P.ETJ~ t
VEal' >roLly' ••aor l1'lont ~(J'/o~, O/lf. A tall an \VQ01. all Wool, Rill. arcd Venell'n Cnr!letinlll, RUII., .UindinP'd;~ JUII "'. ceIVod ODd lur solo lly J. U. 11.1 kRlS .. CQ. Sign or Iho Red FIn", . Aprt! 20, J~.
ALL AND WINDOW P"P~R-l hah W JU st rocolvol\ Irom Ibo ,Ea.tero .lI'hmu(lolurerll 0 IUlto slack of Wall Paptlr. nihl ani!
N~~ifli]j~mrnii=~ ~~~.J~r~I""~~II'
rlark ".11 prlcns lor rooms anil Halll. 1.1.0, \tMbt co lora lor collinga. Window PajlClre plilln ond JiSUrfJd . Fire Scroo". uld Bord~. In~" 01 w~ch 'II .H bo lohl '" low alf h ~uu 0 bib! In • f.!talll. W . F. PARSJIALL Apr.G, '
;'JNE 0II8ortmont of Swl.llnaort.ing ,",I A Edging, also eollon and Linon rct;Olw,d ,Del (or IDle by li. • MeG. ill~I!' ,.IU"
OULl> rCllpealfull, inform ~I~ frlfllJrI. W mlh" public lJc/lerally, thai ho DOW 1l~(ltU'ed to execute ovet)l detCriplioaql;1'l,nl'" jjr.
Ina, 0111'1101(, lod Paper,.ltanclnr; .4t.o Vhf.,.. whidl 11 nol to bel .UrpIINi.ilf be4UI" of durAbility.. Orden I.,lt ., bi. aho" OD ~1t.ID
_Iroel, uP!llOln of tblI
buUd~1J occu~ed
W $ollorlhwaha'. Sldd10iT .bop, Wll'''''' 01110, Ohio. wlU rClcclvll prom!!t IluI &lon_
. -If.
s i, ball boeomo fMbJoDable 10 aell aoo<l, III A OM" and the alwant.eopiall \lp With tho 'pbillda of the Ii_, will eell AT «J08T1I .~becrlbl!r.
GOC\D,ooda 118 llbel/l, it Dot cMepe1. thlla 1heJ" call lie bou.lJbtln tlil. nlvketl'oOd 4.4 £..,lbllt end t'rcllch Printa, eo{o,., ~~.II~I"-j Lawnl frurn 10 to ~ IleDtI, .nd orlter ........ a
Lbo C;hW.~~.pA:;;w.E,ell
. Lebenon, July :10.
Mano.gl;ng Tomatoes Th re C1tldtA iu tile mlll~8 or cultlvntor& n.grenl diJrerence of opmlwi with regllrd \0 Iho beet mellwu of IRQIlQgmg the tomRto -Some tlO them up on bu~h 9. wlJlle 0I0S1 of people ulluw nMure to teke Ita own
E~rtJl bill flllW too milch
()f eaillices. Fllr to{) nUleli nf gt)ef ~nd core, Ana n .pITi!. finng 111411D , '10 ilia viclUn8 of dupalr . 1>r rt 11.8 rull ol,probohun 1 I.\lG ,(jtglIJ of Ihl) E!~rllt And tllo III,If"of 8\ llry nauoll Shall , in 801llr, rOI.enl tJj~1t woul!
Severnl doya broU"I.t (\ return of much Iho slimo fOIlUDe of e\enl8, n8 th06e jU8t reJr\tcd Dunlnt kl'pl to hl8 Iree. and Iho youn" peoplo loolt thcl~ Jllmule8 m; lIrll bi" h A' h" ...,. ill y OccuJ1y~ng I ~ same sent ,t t " en of 1\ week Durontgulbercd thelRrllrmatloh from thl) dlC!our'e \Ie ovcrhel1r~. tbot EIII!'I'e ffi d ' Q 11II1ce WIIS to relum \0 VlrglOllI~ lJemg ) no v an II VIS,t 10 make some ol'rnngemQl)tll prepnlory to bllreturJl 10 cIUllo her 08 hill brlile 'Vheh they had ~eturued home, III' muttered
Ollapte.r VI VRt.o -..I. J't.~s VE fJ:.U nuran!, wIlo bellev~d ~11l18elf II genjus 111 oootrhlDlr ~lru~"geLlcol mens ures, now tUffleld all 111. attention t~ tile ellecutlon of tbe ~ecret D11148 he Iilld m\l1 "F tured. HI' first !nfen~loD was. to \lccampany II botly oCIllclillDB. Who were roody to mQr~h upon the sculements oC Ken tuoky and wIth I ae1ect , lew. to whom be bud m~de knowp so much of his purposes .. he deemed ueneseary to ~ecuro their ~ope'ratlon, IIttllck the bouae of ~he WoltOOl In~ obta'n poSsession of Ellen,,, lule tbe wain for-(ll1s \VerI' engag!d ID the attenJp,t on Ihe body of tbo ~ettlement .lId the block houee. 1'hiB measure fll,l.d for the simple lind only re0800 that he bad eboDle, to a w:1o i ~oncluh8\on l~oDCerninlr t e lOUie ~ b lIllu, m 18 Cllllficter of
the termlnlltlbn of 11I8" n8 he deelDtld Ihem, /lldrelile'y well dellgoM ptoJecta, lind 11(. ler II second conrorence vltb fllmaclf. rq, d .. d f du th. so HI "D II n'3W mo 0 procee reo a. r I _ t " t I 0 per8o!,a ",.ploDoge, 0 ue erpl ne tb I!' ~aulls) Dlld parLiculorly the IDa"" 0/ bill Interlded vlctjm. 'rbl\ outlines of lile pre~ ent operllolll were bnell these He wouM obtoln the se Icell :r Rumsey, ani! ono or two Illdla119, 1\ bo ehoul~ remai n conceole.d m Borne co yeDlel\t plllce nent Il'nough to the 8eLlloinent were Walton JIved, to be called upon at ~ny lime wUlln he hould have .nOl'd (or tltllir help • ~ III the melln lime 110 would make 1.\8 obSllrvllUons Dnd deternllne the prllcllcl\bihty. or And gloatmg o'er Ille anticipated trl p08!ublhlJ-for ho woe dl!ICrmlncd lit Ihe umph. hillert 1018 retrent nllll haatcned to rl8k of Ille hfo. 10 accomphsh hl5 purpooo-- hi. cl)mpnmonB In wnltlng HIA dUJCover r t t E l l en, o cap IVII log les \1 ere- Boon made know 0, ond hili plOD .py. oil severlll occn.Slonl noticed Ellen He had but hule Jlfficulty in oblol Dll1 ror cep\i\otlng the lovers explulDed MI1' eo into a dweJling, \~ here sbe remalDed b i d h I I nudI one (ald, nn ,vere to I1I11Z0 and secure ao lone a. h e kept walch\ whIch nalurall, 18 mon, IV 10 secrele t emse ves 0 Jed hlllllo lIupP9~e ILWlII her homo He P econcerl~d plnce , from wll1l1b butane 01 Ellen, \~blle Ram .~, and tlte 0lher8 wele marli.ed tlli. bouso, det~rmlncd to soe II II time \V8S to 188ue~ and lhen only lor tbe 10 tllke IIplln tJlent"clvcslbo moro dIfficult a 110, purpose of laklnjl geme for Bub81BllInce, tQsk capturmi tbe lover All Ihe de ~ lIod tberO' he IVQS to find them Q~ !Illy mu- talll or th\l,r ClpernUBJla were flllly dlscu,. I It ao happene .... how~ver, lhol tb le "lis mellt h~ should call Repairing lII108alf e~ and decldeil upon, and the time of acthe resIdence or a (smlly liy the name of to Ihe VIC1111~ 01 the W IIltoo neighbor- (jon \Vnt' Impatiently" ftlteil for by tlJem Scl'lllliS This dwelling Wjll attacked 011 hi)od. he secreted hbll8e)( in B ~lU1JOW 1ree 1111, Imt pnruculerly by Durallt, Wl10, UOW tho nlQJJt of tho !ltb or April. J787, and b, day, ffom an oriSce in which bo could Utllt bo felt ~rtllh) hls VIctim Wal In 111. oC the lomite' CODr m!l88Bcred on the .pot eomm.nd a goodly .cope or' cO)lntry. no- po ver, wlIIlI'most besIde himself WIW rna ud one mado prt-oner Thre~ escaped Cleo nery movement among Ibe inliabltllnte Jlgonnt and heW. h joy at tJl~ prospoet o( A (\II cIe.cription of thl8 blopdr deet may \~ Ithin ranle of "1810n, himself tlte wlnle speedl1! Iccomphslllna bia 6eudlah Pltrdh cd I be foulld 10 ' W eslCrn Advllntur~ " paiet 179 to 1811lDalllslve unleen, In .:: preaoo1'8 udnl,~spelCll pO&e-or grallrYlng 1115 hIVeterale hllto lind Will now ear.y autumn, an .... eavos 01 long BOught rCl",nge, by the mOlt danms 8&vlna 18l1~d In t\,\~ lil'lt entflfprlle, tIle ireetl were rlpeluDg (.,r tbe eDrth, lilY ble oet known tllIB &Ide tbe 'bnttomle.. pit' Dunlol took much pona to ucemlln to • 109 to tbe old fotEl,t. "Ie.,mg. half mel of d,r!r.nen. W Iii he succeed I urulnt, lb. ",uSence or the obJect of ancboly npect 'l,'be "e"Il)~ 'Via mUd 1I1.ltlte. But thi. "u a dlBicult 1Dllller and exceedingly pleasant. and .verylblD, The late Ittack bad made the MttlOR eJt- combln~d to induce thOle ",'bo ,Were It .n 'relllf" II8IIaIlt> and watcIJM, IIld It wu dl1posed for lOeb recreation. to .troll Iiong AGRiCUL TUR.A1.. I t . , . .naIa death to ItDt... too D.U the.readltD gt'OYI!I, where nature'8 bowen 80IDt lIiiit. thenfore. IlIYlted to thelt cool, reCnt.hiDI .ba.du. III Prllb TI. DecaJed lI&D.ue. Wort1tillltOltu obNrntlon. ..tlaW Jail wbo luve the calm deJiAtbIl of • quiet. ,,1- II Koerte. ProrCllllOr.or tb. Roy.l .1.. - dll. poful: bat ao IOODtr .. ,ian retreat. A~ Al"leuiutr. at Moeah I aoo,ooo .. dIa.. b. mar.cl18'" I'or .event. hll wltcb atealed hope- PnIAi., lIIade IOID. rcara~lO•• o~ ~ U.' ___ '._, e( : .OWe» • .... .... 10 .... III the aCCOIII,II111DifDt or hliJ object ezperillleDti. 10 uctIrtlaa . . , . it lit till .. two ~ _~"'''''Ib''' ..., ...... - , peIICI1II,..s UdNpoMd I.. to _ 'CIt ttl CIIr~ ....._~I.M.,
u.. "'*""'.
.se.., ............
....... diem wen cbe to .... ,lice fIf
...... ...
tht . .
A ,rue frl(~bd J8 oot bor~ every d,lY, \ i>';--"'"":--------- - --.:I:.......--:.. I, beat to be courteaul 10 all-inl:,m,AI•• 1 with ('IV, for thollJl\ Wfl III~, Ie.. Cllu .. lor JOT. J 1m lure we hue Ion occasion lor ItOrtalV. The,. .re t1!'O reqUI iter In tho choice or a 'rlend, b. IIIUII' lie bot" • ..lIllble and 8Jl hODorable IItID. fot facll, an4 YI_ ~Q are IDelplLle Dr (rleodalt!JI.
tlrIIIle ~!bt~""l'-II~~.f"lt1ir ,~"~~ib
As no\V' ~t to,. were ad~letl \0 the 'Ulllon from time tQ time, new sllriJl98 w ~ro-adtlotl to the n ~g.
increase ~ur
[F'rom The 1Il w' -Yoni DII(chmDII.I
. . ' . ne arllr J\\'e 'Tho I: eM day a'rrived. Tho gllJs till ~ULCIt~OlL HtA~l'n.-By a Bootqla 1'h[l, loolled WI SlVeat nl 81'llwb~rric8 uD'd 11m ~p7"'w!w htt6 t rfCil Ihem.-;-Nevcr drink , "fellers <III lookod 'ceodiul!ly Icru~p~hUq!- "nyllaing liut woter. Nover ,ent QlJyth ng 1 Til.,. fear of death i8 'common "to 111.'ruo l;Bl WU'1 lllton\Jed 10 8urjlr l8p tllo party ; ' but oakmepi. IWe.~r tho.o p~lckc8t boots. Tllero nevor WOB a niall of lIuch bardihood m,ullo /lulcp lililo bundle of her b1oorne~ WIII~ ,fiCtcel\ mil es rogultlrly ~\'\)ry d~y:- of lIon.,.; but be ,hllB at' ~D. timo or otbe", olld 8LOW~d It owny in n 'ung:' Dim'uby th~ Avoid ' 8)1 c~citeml\nt; c'onti/lqu~lJt\y it, is ehrulI~/romo poril. . , . I, , ' , best to rePlnin 8i llg\~. (or then you will be < er (reo (rom all h ~u .e hold carOB IIl?d mntrimu. ' Nov •I.y , 8'tumb~illg block in thq ~1Il' Iti 1 tro\lbhl8, lind y ou will hnyo 110 children of n ma~ 'T~O is I rylD&r to, IIdvftnce ~1IQ\' to \Vo~ ry you., The 811mu r~le IIpplic$ to' .~)I In tbe world hO\lutly IInll uprig htly j ~mokillg, tnklng l1ull', Iplnyioz cord_, ond ' (or ho il lIke~y to \~II k oyor and ll1u:h .~ o,rgui!Hl with an Iels'IRlan. They are aU 1 0U II:florwar Ii. slrong ('Jcitllment&, \Villeh mutt be l'lgid ly A jury ....t- K-e-IJ.;..DII-b-II.-(- W -I-.'coni ln.) htls IIvoided, if you \'4luo I~ the ' IOD81 your given a inu\oUo wome" II verdict of ono h~llltb. Dy otle~dlnz eMerully to tho hUllilrcil dollan "aioe Copt. Lund,. IIbove ruJes, thero 18 every probab ilty thllt the Iteambolll nalUc, (or turnlDI' her out thot or llie commo,n cobia, 04 ,ocount 01 bor • fll1\y color ~ , did )'01U' tWollty.fIllt,. Nev~t bo .(rlli~ to do Yigl)t. Ue Itri,I), to p/e.,o elery bod,. I1ltNe. Do.( bOdy.
frolO 118 I"Vl'sllpllon. LOLl. on 6 Ulld Inrl,lll 6(:11 111, th ut It IS more otlvnl1ll1l:e uus to curry If e man uro at once In ItS
Ch&pter VI. 1!LANS D£VEl<Ol'W
t>unnt, who believed blmself!1 perfect geDlua Iii contrlvinll ittatr.getlcol mees lIres. nolV turb~d' all jl)18 atlentlon to tll6 execution of tlie seoret plans ho hlld mn tured llia first IntenUon WIIS, to aecom pIny a body of lndillns, who were reody to march upon tbo seUlements DC Kon tucky ond wilh 0 aelect few, to Whom he bud mOlde known BO much of hiB purposes 8JI he deemed necessory to lIecure their eo-operlltiOn, attack the 1I0uso of the Wei WIlS and obte Il po~se Bsion of Ellen, while tbe mam forces were engaged jll; the Ilt tempt on the bqdy p{ tllO lIa ttleme,nt IIllIl the Llock hou8e '1 hl8 measure nul~d fqr
And Il'lootlng over the onllclpated trl left h/s felr~/Illlild hastened to lUll compIIOloll8 m woltmg tlis discover cs. \\ ere 60011 JI ade know n, ond hili plllil ror captlvDtlng' thc 10\ ers llx plulllCd lIn and one I ldlun wete to sel:to and secure Ellen, while Ran sry and the olhers wc~e
umph, II
T~er. Ire tWQ requl IU!I In lie M • friend, Ite must be ~/)Ih a and all trollor,blo min, (ur (OCIII Dnel Sl'4'r.I.nCS OJ' )JJJlULl -The ~1.. loDa oldUl~ Ire lac'r eblD or (riendabiJI.
IIII0nt olhfr Itab" H h . ~;;;;J;w;~~::::=~~~:-:~ abe iD...bi16nta It he D ,'" 0 doe. Dot P","o& • ;Wr.nl, 1 ,boat"Ann 101 II.! VI a I U In bit power," eq,uIII, -1,lnIUtl. ____ rr"y 7 1\ ..hh 11110 wllo oOllnD'16 CI .a Dtore J~""'lIIict.DlI 10 the .tHlDed Iccordla,I,.
rJ !fllila.me rOt tt.:. of Llber,...
TIle 0ftI'~~~11II
~u~Btio~ Of ~hf,l
• .,.
; . . . .
, \'
l,u\\t(ulho8S . of ~rtl. the amount. ?f Il)i~ery and deg:r?d,'tion, n,lld M '·S eEL L ~ N.E US. . slory , flOW; $omethiog' to muk,o. UII . luugh,' this lim(\,' I~~~.re Slood lIie. UlQ'lrl\a~ gl"; ini-. ,F ACT'S' D 'F A N C \ E S: ~.!jlc amU8emfot~, Is resolved,llIto I) very so grent ure the ('ifcet6 IJC llIoncy, ond DC: , ' said littlo 1l'~nIlY, II' .rurul belluty of ~ix.' 'ring j 'st os 11 'ello would coll.l,se, Dime. -=__ _~,=,, ' ' <, LINES. simple thing: lifter 1110 $loora, 011 auy glv~1I "'vo philllllthfopy In ameHomtlng Iho con· Tu& 1I1~R n • T ",,:, 1'1 J' teon. ' '~ ,I ~ , • by onc ",r. lhll g~18 got up, it:ld pllt lor tl' ll> , • : ) t · ' h'" 1 . ' •. '11' I I ' I' d I h' t ' . . : I I ~. 0· 9~r A.lf,~.l Ie OUIO Ol\f' ,. . " ,' , , , ., ' ~n 0 to)VII III Wille t ICY were uU, png Jn80ribed to J. ' W, B. n g It, are c, ose , .OVI> t 0 vIr UOU9 or vic· dillon of our ~peclos, thllt it 18 no ig.t nal iv08tbe follo\Villg06toni~1 j'II: dOller I 'Y es, y~&, Il ez, do tell Ull !l story,' chlm· bll. h-tnoll another did Iho same-.nd 111"': Ii .'J .1 II . I d I f ious di6P08itio~6 or the ,Iltenders boen; In thing for s l!I~n to employ his tillle and Ilro· ,' I OU of tllo now Ilotnl no\:v ',n tl'e "Dur'8 .. Po' r ~d ill lhe r lit'of tl;c girls. Iy soon ti;c '" hol8 ,\V on t just IIkc II lo~ of 1J~II roa'l' loro l/vero OD!!> P,~ .0 , pllr~y 0 ' ., . , ' . ~ I " rrv'lnen"ono 0 II1i10m went to 11 Etoro . d' d .E ' WRf'l"l'EN VOR TU£ ,.,uil VIIITO •• t I10 gtjlator elrI llo, promole , , ' very olle perty 41'pn vllin lind neefllesll IrrntJficalluDs, erNClt'lon' 'In No,v "ork' ', 'W ull, 'l d9ulnro [0 ern 10US, g ltls, I'Vo s~OCI!, . TI j 8 killder, wll tho. 11'111 by aur' I, n"t t Y '.' .' . ;. ' " d f ' (, " . k I r "b I " , h .J ' '. , ~ ~ x , . ~ ".' " ' JI " '~I' • / fl ' lin"!:", 1\,1" a8K~ or Ii y~r~ . , . llY T, • . 11. 1,.OW8 ! IIl~ t ~e , ~ Qnce ~8 on .. e 81 0 oJ 'lthese renurks might bo ~xtent\ed to,mo, ! '1n: !le nbl n~o o'f lhei:pYfll r UI tlea10r !qld 110 1l'i1l1l,,lal,Oy, Ih~~ , 11);'. IIbout gIVen PridO heraolf"7shQ di I't t~4Jroh, on "so, of ppr~ ; 'iJile Yall\;O Od~1I1i r~l~1 ~lIt on' .'I 1d , v,lco; 1I 1 ,til \8 ' con?lus,ve~y docidlla the ny otho~ ~p~l)i~ qf I\m~SoanUIII$, 11U~ 11 V ~eln astoulsliOd, WO. tIlO\< a l(1"E IV II<;, a out-YOI! m.lI$t lot me olf.' . . ' , n\I\\!,h?8 ~hia, Sho 101!1(C~~,!lrOu~!l" h~~ 'l1lttl~ piga'Jce~ und. gllve ti I~ hl~I, ., ,1'VI], r.nged thl! !I~~r old .h\lls DII'£'" . quoa~ion, uld it lti\~ WI to ollcndl" , conc:lu, iOl\ bll the 8~mc"tb t· ' t~? e\lil out· day ' ! r.two aince oyor U,e ,lIIetroPO \i;u Ho.. 'UlI, no you d6u't.' snys Fanny', Int~r. "coi ll~,nQb~dy but tl!~ rCI~crs, n·u..l,thcy 011 '.,sure, ant! 16 \1018 \VI,at YC'ilbe~flcr c~l1in )< j W~u~ . lo'lreadory'bl'll; , .Tbe. s,lIme,quo,7 b~n, )s" ~ Lo ollkedJ ond b,llIlInc~1 tb~ good, and thll~ tbero o.re no t~I, nowl"'''lhill'~ fl>w weeks ofi ts,oponin . !r\,Ptln g ~IC:t,' ,.". hl/lleri,n' Qnil, clt!ler(ng like n\l\al-~lId ' sho ,. n ynrd of lorlc1' Q~ltcd lhe 1ri.bml4n. I .Yeij~ PyO bn ~hJe IIIe wn«sr(oiIl, . ' the 8I1me an~wtlr Will ~e, ~eturlled .. respect. ju~t gr~ullds upon whir:~I" gO?al mpll CIlI) It \HS literully, tI long welk. ;.rho bQJfs . Wuli, now, FOlloy 1 I ~wO\~, I . d01l'1 ~ llIdcr sortc~ C,1I6t hur eyo~ do.wn to tho illt\ecd-Joll>t thrce tcet mnko II ' y~r~;' , • AIlc1liiten ,t In ilK ro~r! • 111 , 1f,vtlrltlus othcr,.usiemill/e& ' lor purp08c~ )I.sllry G. p&r~lcipnl:on In thoan, In tfus of this stupendou9 'buil~iDg Qrq ol'or Ihl'ce kllo,y bu.t o~o 1II0~0 ator~, tr.II'1 t~lnt l ' ground, lInu ,os sho did tbls elch IInother Tho ~ilor ' VDS bit. ~ ,i I> "'hij sAw'mill III&r." ,\8 tWilling 'y e,of "milseOlC/ot, Tbey,do more '1lIrm thllll cOllcludll)g, 18 poulble tile rellder mDy ' 10\· b j tl r t' I ' l" ' d r II dun't rully UIUlk . the IIBls would hko to scrench, DB she let off, YtlU WQult! not ~ TOe graveyard oli t"~ bill-' ' ; .. . " , . unnrc co III on'" tJ, on 01\ ono 0 Ie .' , . " , " d Tl And tho .bo()C~ ,lreo, ~h~ro Ylli cu, our goo, le~ 'mayk ,plellsc, but' tliey UlJure ngillo thut ·wo ' would exolude " 'Wbere hnvo, you Iloen, tllis Iveek" '!lIe'' 'I , ' . " ellJoymenl stor "es tl ler")'" IS 11 .,con t'muou! po.sago 0r heorl 'lioolurly you, F1~n" goot! nnturedly tlainlt II. lillIe body IIko l,C)r'g lyQs capQ~lo " d nanlaca, . " . I 119; en W Illt me 08 tie CQ'so 8tall stronger (rom the world. ' He who thl'll\e thiSJSIID- fi I d ". ' II 1 '. " I '. replied Hez, of contnining-clld lhen she storted ofT I'vo beell fi~hih"" lOotcli onyIMn"" Yey , I II I . '" ' " vo 11111 re,,·,cot,1I/ 1I on y 1I _~ lAg 0 tern· . . ,. " ~ ' 0' . . 0 : lb <J1l Ul61itOOn ,award 81111. 1,ft, t,111\ III. P ,.easure. IS frolllhmtly such. OR. IIcquulllted w~lh. " aV o n\lC~ IS , 'Oh , nOI'or you" fear olTe"ding tho girls; too , aftcr tho Tcst of the gnl~-nnd Ihe a colal! • \Vhere ". \Vero ,you la8t n,/,hl" ' . .. . tbl) nllture .ona . source8 . 01 i n". TI10 0'/Iieet 0 1'I.1080 Ionl~ . , • ' , ,, ' OU/,llt not to .. o enJoyed, ' .\,Llpplcr ellJoys our beltet enjoyment.. It ,18 an ordlDary 1 '" I ' r 1· ' 1 . I ' ''I '' nnu you know,lIez, 1 wouMn't get mod nb way lhat ahe did' gDl JQrUljlllcllI! . 'i'l) lc. 'Ducking.' 'Get onyl' YesolJQ,i 'Wher01' . I . b ' .' k' .. " . OCUli I U In t!o ex rem.,. , .1; Ie nocrs oro ' .' , '. , ' . , L' r callure In c(;ommg drunk; but he I, nOl OIlsto A to ImOl!1lI0 plpuaur" IS grent only LI d j II I tI tl ' ilil Ii.:! , . ou)'tlnllg you scud,' l'eplll',ltcoslII g FllIln y~ .grQ(~ woro nowh urc1' . 'In thi) tivor.' 'How1' " Tumulei! iil l' dcet! ~~aJf!ltq~'~~IO' . ," oil, now, Fun. If yeou won'll!lll liuf· " ]J ut cousin lIQz, \I'hn\ mllda i,Qr IUn sol' '. , . , , , ! to allego tho gratificlltion fiB D aet.oft. t~ when 'it is vivid on~ "Ilemllerato. It . is ra~~ nn 0 ~,c ' " on qgQinat. th!\'irnroornlilY. ' A~,rso it Ie wi!.h htlpp.tly IIlld kindly provided, tl;nt tile great· y. r~¥lco~ k !Jl9U\. e .;.,· ' '1l1.a:1 1° l~rI8. (YI onu \lle res\ of 11,e g ili ol ~vill p.ny te n'. osltQal ono,of tile guls: ' 'Tho aOlitemp,lation \If di8tr!l~' sol.l'o" d , '\1" I' , " , " .uperu y III eeplng,on ' ,,10 I~ QCLI~ lei II I ' , " , , . " Ii " f d k '\ h • ,.• ' , , I/O amn pllrt of t.o I1le0.8\1rea of 'aD ',118. est eulil or enjoYlliellt is that which Is 10'\· " I ' . 1I1 I ,~ , d I hUl" I'I! t~ll,ho only 8~ory I I.itow. ,It's Q 'W IIl1nOl\l gill a, just hold "youreolvos 0 t 10 n\ 1\ ... 0 m~lI .. nn n'la os,t 10 l)~r. ,,0 \," \.1 .. I \ D' ,' " " . ' . " iii ' " tonedbytlOJu CIOUBUSO '~l... tnO Uft~8 . ' . ,,' ' . . " ""0 1" 'I < '1 ~elll"'Y t IIiPOBlllOlI1I ure grlltlfi\lll 'WIIlCh eUy alld CODltUijtly induced, Ili8, unquca· i t " ' !T1 ' ~ ' t r I' ,. reul gellOIVI\IO 0110 ho wever-II uCLlIully nlonlt , lUll 'gi ~ to thl\t P!1 rl of tho 6to~y , ter . · t.,1t, 'l:rUl~ ,ea th 0 ace d' 0(, onvy , lin d it would be w,iaer to thlV~rt; lind; to wpe'i.k tlonn6:y' true, tllot ,no cpmmuuity enjoys ~t m~o'r lint ,pO\~"\8. Ie ~x ,I,. 0 t II~ tl4' hopponc d.' ' ,: .' "You Roe ~hat ilia glll..,.o~ in sleh 0. qnroell I,ll-will townrd mallkln~, correctll tho prit!e ' II.Ilf t1,e d'ISI'OSltiOIlS .. ' 0,, t. Ii e mlQd . lifo rllore ,tholl thllt . . ~ exclud~8 >', .. e It OTId bon t 8 down II II tl \o •.. "erQo, A t IIII t rut whieh aiL IBce ., ' 'IS n8t091 ~I"ng, d " Tho .'. lool, II '11caofcllrpel T I •~He 'nll proD. Iso, nl1 d w,)lilt's ,m ure, you hurry 10 got Oil ,hor" tlg, tllat slle (orgQ' her o r".. rOil pry, I ' ' rowurd you with ]XIII/I" "" d' I I" I t ' . ' to be, mQny O[• theRe wero 'suc I!'Oll they ought IImusements from it. 1I0Ul'Ceil of eu· wI~fbe . ' re,qulrc to CoYer " Its lIl~ rs, . 11'0 .yo tell n good litory Ind l 'U ! l'acl-trllo n's goapel, : AIl~ sich ness nn 11180 ence IV IIIlI lifO IIpt ,q ,1I0 t I · d " iI . ' mllea of W.t~T Ilnd gill! plp 06 rnlnlfy Its ' . " , , , t '11 . II r tl d.' d < \ II t lese mo es,qf i:vcrslon woul be nClllier joymelll. 'Vo USI! the~eforo tholllllguogtl N' . I d d " 't' u Ins .. !lulu' F !lIl, by wny of lndllCOlllent, onolhet eight De ebo W1I8- Cllrtdtopherl- til 0 10 !Il1ll SOlO a,lug ", all ,or u, ' . " walla,. , Ino mn re onu eel'tn y men nre J ' IInto .' I ~ 1I0r", re80r~ 01 to. 8 ome per,c!oo8 1I0t of epoQullltlon re Ii »IO~ but or oxparienc(\. When , II I d' II ' I I' b '1'" n Vlll YOOII, Iho', Filn~r all, by /tolly, ,Thero sJ,o WOR, \ Itlr tlothll\~ 0[\ but n laHUl • . . ' d ' I' I h - h '\ 'I I un y emp oye e t.or II t.o U, ulllg ur, ' " . ." .., ' ' I . . , ' . r' I b '" 1 II du H, [ w.ll. . 8hort frock hlle) JU~ ~ Llg ollOUgll ror 0 goou, '01 d " 'd r II " 1 'I I , try to persun e t lem~e VIlS t nt () IlII Y we soy, thnt none of thom Is, In IIny de· } 1.\ " '" prepllrlllg e 80\\ ere, ' boftUn Jicz, ' ub oul SI7.0(\ ,.uaby-hcr ' . ll'ti kllu-I'rQ ., . . ' ,urms . ' pllrt 01 their mohve In oteen d'ang '"'ec "ncces8nry to tho hnppil1llu 01 1I(c.. , ' lis .r urnrturo I " I .1.l'our' '\,ou [\lust k nOIY.gpla, legs ~ \ onY, II I .PI Id 1\' US ,I onOD b 0 .1:11, I Iw ,cn 9c lltlllg n I " dIStlh()~ seta 0 nrt lll811rO enr,l'gqu II uQco· .. , . . <' , ' ". ' .. ' II 10 Milt C! 10 a cuc;um Qr. ' a w"J'~ ' . , I " . ..... . ... " , Hue I P IICIlI,-IIS whqn tho profhla 01 the From V,e Writings of J, lItJ.than D!f1/lond. ' , . , I·.' d ' d t in d Iho tlmo that d,stlllguIWhed fomlllo, lIJIs. 19 plelur" Wllr(h 10ok\lIit ut by nny IIIdlvuluni . I It I I' .', r "'1'1 . night.llrll'glve':l t o"n belleY\llent illslitutlon. " , '1 ,~tI~g l~. II t' lS ~lI1gOtl I 0 ~ 1IC1° ~o Jl~L,e ~lbolller,11}ndo Up ho~ Ii\in~ llJQ t 11eltioonta, And 1111 J hilvo.-goqo SII¥ , idl if. hair tho ~" loiIP ~UC I:t 1~lgQ ~rol\r ,III. ~ ,I f es; J liS '£ber' h'Ope, tb()t 'tbougb :if would ~ot be " Ol»poaition to ~oung,men. , 8 ~' IUts,rC d~t~I~D ~B, onrmI~~ II ~r eoreuts, frOOKs,nlld lhoin or~ li-xhul, \VnR gll,ls nn sb'ow us llrclt,y; pl\l~lp U 'J1air' of ~~" I:Oitll~goo UI ~ lOt\V~P,O dO~ S ~ ~~ ~8. t6 . ~191~ tl quite 'right to 1:0 If borihllll1D.cO 'Vnl oot a Evory Ilbdy knows 'how common it is ror 'BI~rdv~?",, \~n \ le I Ui1\ o.;rr~r. ,0 .' bl ~kl:. t ~ ~, anI- IWrtful t i> th~ femI\I0',ilo"5HlU~h'UIII ~ho g~'~ 'lpl(3 ne gmint-r, yet tl,at tho end WQrral1tl1 the old' and iniddlll:aged lIle n to Iry olo ktlc!p , or e ve,r" !ldr,le 'r'\ ~, 0 lorot\ll! ~' to 'IUm-.Ib,o placo' whero' 1 w~s ruleed- . ij,ero 'J-!c 21 WIIS cu~ otl' ,alltltluilly by 'p ~.~ S ud\tor 1/9 IQ 190 tIt 19 un; ,or It'~km, , " " .." , -, 110811 lin .. comp ele e~s 0 C, ry por : no ,.. , ' . ' ' pC 110 ~ g DllDer IIi: III th oy ,vore .. en d ' f' ," , .,,' l' I 'Iflh eonpludtltl thlly wero t!l, ' nlld 8,ch'~ 11 ttlrnpl loud IUllg\) Jr, IU tho wllolc 'parlY, \lnt! 0 'b ' I, I ' r I I .• ,' • mcnll.; but If those penoll. ore charltablo, young" mon 'frol/l rasing III the wot lu ,. by \' d " " , .1 ' U lIet' or a .rell I Ullu. . , ,' a ~am a n"gQUullle~a n"1\1' lere; t 10, let thorn 'live their money wit bout, ded\lot- Slicers onllo )'O\lthrlllll1l9S of the nplrllnlli . 1'1' Ii \1 fi t 1'1' Iclternol)t.oll we Ricke u,p QOlong . Lho p o.~. gooil slilP nlongsldo oelho cars, ll~mlll18tete ' , . , ' . , ( .~ory qUit us Sll I~ us Ie ra . Ie , • 'h A Ii Id' (II I.., " I d I '. Socrates \/11\8 oaked whether " Ing ualf (or purp0811,of qU~Btlo .."blo prp, -~. in 'tho ouo 0 WIIIJlole, whoso ttluntll I b I 1 '1 ' II ' 'b 'I.1eblll*, WOllll 0'lU8 un , tu ' 0\ 11,y.o n qy I! ~nlly 6 ~ort, ht~lo, pluil\p .uuil, .nll L.O WileI' It I' ' I I f I d ~' d n furtll re 8 not moro ye egulll, ut om rll· \1 ' T d I I . IF ' 'r ' . , ' " ', " . priety, R,,,Ii'*oue amueornelll., luch IS orogl\ms~ Itt ~o slgnR y 01 e tu er res9 II Ii I ' Lr III Il\ls lIOII. -"'V ta 011' em rlggo t lomsu vcs pllrly BCpllr\\tet, 01l1lY ro I\SlIIg to glvo woro oottor fur 0. mlln'to got married or ttl 0' " " r. b ' cee a t e atcet 10lprOvetnonts .. ,-, Ilr o· . ' Id' ,. " . 1 I ' . , I ' II ' II I ouL t.n D100mer cOB\lIrne-nt IhQY Co) e It" Hell. tllo p,rollllsod lus8, !Iud llez. doclnnng livo 811111.1(', ho re llied-'.Lot him alo eltlrcr • Iurics, Ilnd tbo I Ikc, furm no 01' tbDse or· the IIIUer; served but to 'dumn lbear aut Dr ' ' , . . IIY 0 co or III t.o 8mo o,~ liS WO /15 ,,~ 'd I ., ' I Ii \ " tlfites \If ehica lIery by whicb people chent, to evorlas~lDg shlllno!' No ·yollng mnn 01 I ; ._ I ,. . I 1 1111 comploto; pUllto.loons all 1111, allq sue I that ho'w nevor te I er IIItOt lor story: and ~o will ropenllt ,. • " ' , . ' ~ 'ft. Ilrgo"t npartmen.... laB uCOII partlCU ar Y I I" d'd I' II , . il' d ; E h I difr. '1 loolllp'r 8 g It y<,>u l\Ovcr I aoe, W Ion lflY .....-.' , . . or try to chellt Ulelll~elva'. The m\.lslc, lllleAts; lIut Ireg ·lrlld enemillS,8Uen as 1,.1..,$0 c sny tiley, is aatree[ j, deYCJtionlll' it ~xcltei to enc9u/.ter-ll)cn who seome to take 9 ~tu '~ •. Bd hroom I~S~ ,IOrIOI}tt Pdrcv~II' 'pllr~ dvd the slrtio~, " 'j1hero WIIS lillie fl,ltl' erfectly Imma.terio.l . .0 ire, unquie't, porvo~ae dispoaiiion, 4la• '. ' , . I d I . hI" Ing lIlIt, nn L 0 carnot 16 ,e Pc e Wit I D . I d r II b d ' I '" . ' • . tempera tho peo II 01' '1 f I Ie ' \ Dnd IInimotlls our reUiligul .en.lbllitles.- 6endlijh , dolig It un ClimB a.,,,)u 10100 • II ,jew Irei bton its eft1t. ' ,In tllo'Ulloh. ty ro II, II rig It goo It e. 0 r, 610.gllt I.;thllcrous IUlldera wlU oaOl1lli6lanJly oe. , , CIl ' n unl,1 ,oJ • ~ 10 POPULAB. AK1J8,BKBIJT8. A. it 'respelltll . Oll.ristiG!,i~y, thit i~ 011 ple\lBure in 1I0jl~ ipg, to d"prcdB ov.crytbillg el r's ~OIV', t~crolli n ver 1ent . im rove. the nlool'/ll\r ~nnc):' tllll, .al~d ~ul)h a slg~.~ qur' ill oasua wh~r(), Ignorant po~.on8 .t- ,f()mI1r:' il! 80010ty 118 onll Jl\r~ing .Inslru. , ,' . , -' t .' '1h1'0~il loO olld 6Gli~n: un4 i~ ie u~roltlln: likt ,g?O~jn~ 01l~"u6io~1nJ ~r .lhe',III~oYllnl lII:n\, eQoh ro'Otn h"villg ~F~rccO's B 'f :, 1\10, 118 aho wO*i li,i' troll,Y! 'a bOIJ.~I~,o?il cut 111 lompt. 't"c" \leo of , IO'1guogll ';bo~l'\vllich' 111~I~l" will .polll\ wl~olll ClOI'lc::'rt, ., It i. " rem.'rkp'ble cirClumltl'nJo.'tli.t.ln lito, l'.Dt aOl1lo of tho )1)08t solemn topic,S ambition of the b.rlgh,t bOY, o~/biie br\l~n~l bed furnished 'Wi~h Joltling d()ot~, so.tltllt III :\Vo ~~J dfed6iJ IIp In ~.eLLICOn~!I~d ~Uld thoy' kho\V llOUlillg, I ''vho' followillg Is n 0no of tho IIndd08t thinga 1I1t 'Ul bu~~n 'almOll III Cbrl.Uan counttlCi. mllily 'ol' of O\lr religio" !Ire \lro~Kht Into ~U\llr un: yoong m.n. 1,'hll or,ISOS, ',!n t~".l II e t tho dity tilDo no troco orbed III vi.:llble, ' nnd lold no ~~'Illpnrls!ll) ktj? lor. I 1'n kt Ion ' OOliO iii pOlllt: . . Inq.Iuro is, tl.ot 0 mOD mmy guide o!1;nnl iu ' . b --'tIl.. and aeba ·n . . . Ifiel'ce ' i"'norance 01 ~he ntlture IInu tClIlpcrulTuill , " , ' thero W0.8 cC""y 13roo ., t 10 S ,oc-mll er'e N I I II' r. , , •• , tha poplliar .mUBellle,lHalln cell regunAf' wor 11 III...., • ,, " ,.,., \ Ii '" d h 'lno room thus Berves (\l.r $~Cblllllg pport·, 'r b I .... . I. I " Ilt . oog I nQ!!, IV i 10 tr~I' (! Ing ,rom ,tllo path of Me without wlllklllll' III It hIm. " II of a moro dceldod cll" of ·lreniu. ' nben llC e mge.r IIpWDr or ' WI'Il~8 e IUS ~jYlh~ cI'ery yetlr-BuO IUu . 0'. .. . • .... ...1.. tlhll!ctlon~hl .. ..bS' .ho' m ..." Qtlbp,~ GIld .lU.W!quCrQ es.ore .. ,. , " • . mOn nd pprlor,' . . ". " Pll1sburgh to 1I1C-In1!nll, t\l'o rlliher vor· !lclr_tho~ ho mtl)' bll a pilol. lind' ytH " conllClenlioua plrt 'of the wmmu!llty:- ~--. TJ:.the~le58ure ~h.ioh poorl ~e· ~ai"ea b•• place ~mong ~he peo••• ,11~n ~~ . ". . tllo nlllncy tool ' lp,,~ 'Vlth lhe rp st, lind, dUllt; speaimoll8 or tHo I\lmulo eox cl'lnoon cnst'lIway. . • NJ.:rlOliAL F.uo,-The following Is tho grnt;lous enokc,S,sho Iuoko w<>rstllhllll Int· I. " d \' f th I ) ' ,I fur Iho __.:.. " ~~~__-.:..=-_ _ Tllla ollinlon codld aclraely hnvo boe gen~ rave from meel ng in regul8e. "on • • tW" .wilial..lh""o ""'~.:,t'lo IIp\tercre. C~ OUC ' I I h'f d a "ro.II o~y II Qr tl • .~ d fll:Vo au b.aelY II they f"rmerl}' mu ' D ]1 ' P I ' uullr n one-o e allllllg~, " 10 " eral unll,.. it h,d beeq jti'lj yet 'll\'h'Y'lhould mere Y n t e. un , an \ .' • 8 ~ : • OTi ,iunl rosjllution'odol'lillg tho sl·(). olld lJ rOlYn, .. U~ llgllY Wild rnt IQr eonsi' SIl~P 'of '~ls(\llctjon WO will (lllll'1)ln~y u-n/!, A !tG .. Uom~n Wh ... !lb. nCMAlnn to - Wlllk • ;& peuple preJer anlusel~ntil 'or whlClh I:~bd thing, we. D\ight WOl/~er to .'Ioe, 110 'mllny ll~nlld oud rldlculu . I~h~i ~nd \~o'\ld film Ehrlpell-: • •' blo woman 1;l,ougll, 01~1I Qn~l"dO<l.\h!\\ ~t.o JIlIIO, Now Mary \Iud C'u~ her oyo tOulll, wl~" ~wo 11410. '" cI OP,! uJll.brelloj IIhllu\d . ilion feel tbemselvell Clon.pelled to dl.~p. eblltlren of five, or aiz fee. IVgh, .n<\ IlIuD crf)wd out of algl. III. old fnUIld8 anti , In'Congrcs,lu,ne 14th, .\ ?'T, Resolveil, ,m Olner'll wultn \ b e<o 1111. ~u jl f~,lJuJ.l \l .,., t u' o~hor worda, \.,/1. Qcqunlnlo,d wit)) ulWay. go in tllo mlddle-Uiq,t secured'.11 'J.roye! rt ma, be ftll.f!l4 t/'I'at tho dell/ree them, perll~p" ~~ tlioir clilldidli~o~; but Bt.lI~~h ndherent8. fn hi' groe~ ~.go and Tho! thl! tlug 01 th.o Ibirleon UnU()11 Slote d~II'rl: sUCh'~:l oxtcl}sil'c f/inlliv business 1111 tliB rilles . nll.1 f ogUJlltl,Olis ,\ luc/l gOI'crri My. coet to,:hiln~ If, dnd iii aho.\vIDg 'n~ pq~_ , .\V1liuh ·.rel"ekinll for ll1'.tifica~loll.ar~ not tho truth IJrl tll.po m~ny. t~O'zost ~o. co~·. buddmg renon tho y\>uI,h~o( ~e~ I ~~ c~~"'s bo Ihlrteen stripes, olternately r'ld IIna . he IVn8, ~I.~r~ w~s 1\ gO?~ II l! ny fnl$ gQntcclsodclj, J'qOo.,. tho youllgor, ~lo.d Uull,l)ltQ ,tlul,er o(lho Judi~iJ' ~heiJ\d l"clI'p~rej, II d 'pllrl! pJcl,liurQ) . ,r~' Clehlmcnt cpn'I.~. In tho opp ort l'lIlty. It ,lind ,r~qu~~fl8 IIYI~lrlltl)Y, It :I~ ' \\ Ith hI ,w\lite; thnt'tbo Uniol\ lie Ihjr~oen ' aJa r8, thou.gh, 08 ,hlldn t cllcC)k e Qugh t9 rOIll'o nO\;Or OIiietl,.to·.nnv grcQt..-ox~e'rit, >'1101 y.ln ~ , _ , . ~~ no\ c(lRliellilll to Impure Olinda. \. give. or COllett Ilcebllou~~lolS;-?l dIJlng ll,p~cllllly, (nnel,.o ~ ~cuaure ."'lIh nil. m?n,) wbile'illil bluo field, f4'prosl>nling a new out ,n Ihe ~!!oet with pll.!"tn oons, qfl~ the8~ , lhcrc(o; e ill bUsij!ul i:norllilco ll8 tb, OilY ~Il ~~noholor haVul&; bOilll loughilal 4lhu.elllollt II cOll:ell8edly ~ auborlllnll:8 that in ~ecrot or whi!lll, OPIlp'JY" lbo)' would II!! lOtoI!ectud want ail , ev.de\lt ,1111 th? tonstclat\on. ' . . , ' , gills lI~ed lo get (og"lllol' ,Dud ~roBd thc~. of 't bo rule., ~vlllolrrgpvorn moro reflcnd Ily,~ purty of protty'g!."'ii t~ld tb~mo:conoern ift life. It i. neither lhll principal prof... to be ·Iehllmod• . ' SomG;--Vlenc-.t"& ~, lomonta 01 eX;lilteqco. . As new Slntos ware adLlelI to tho Union s elv~i up I". th . PDI1L~I~01l9, JJist to ,sco persons. Her, IlInguQllO, 100, 'Was only ,¥ou nro smoll pot~\OOS, , . '" , nor amonll'the prhiclpIIl obj"ota of prc5per somo womon, wl~b affect propriety wbell -Branford qUid/e. (rolD timo to lime, new stri~le8,IV;ore edLled bow tl!e,·thlllgii would feel on 11 fc lio], all ~Udl as aho I.enrd ornong her rusHp a~80' ~e ~Q~ bB smllll, pot~~oos, 8o!d ouo of, li'olittltude No rODlonllble .rinn lI.cllftc;'tI tbe 'fnco i, sbown. are gll\d or • fow h o u r s . to thc ft~g, I the Jlumber hll,1 itlr.rullsed somo or t~lem.usod to 611Y· Fnnny, here cinlea. MltTY wo~ Il;vore ot this {oot, '~nd tbom. Iiu~ IVe oru ewoot oued' . , ~lnd. :wh",t you lay. • to fifteen or twenty. At leDI~tll c.bouHbir· - - , ,' • LI F b h/ut theroforo -c'o.ulloned her to ObSdl'VO hOw Ou'r' timll Is Iiko our monoy .' \Vhen" wo the mor'e importaot th'i nl tu tbo lil~.; .pll 0( Cl01H1Fsled'}ibortinis!1l, It· II. tlmo !~ \h.u OliO'. rell"l'u~ ar,d,ll.Iofal copdilioq which the ~rinciple"'lIre len to c~,~n~d thll .,It is IIhvllY~ well to IIvold 81l!lng eY~ry tt yeora n~o tho stripos WOl:O retlueod by , 'IIu~h, Holt, I/It.()~~"pte _ 'nnny, ' JU,sl" abo (Mllry) . notod, nnd to geyern her.elf 'ohnng'! a gUineo, Ihe Slllllillg~ OSCIl[lO liS i"orlnwmpu.bly greatcr import~Dco han c~1I1del o~ vl~tue, \Vltli,out tlie ~u~lhary o~ tiling lhut is .~pro?!lr. ~ut it IS r.speclol· act of Oongress to tile origlllnl nUIll~er 01 IOg.1l lIule Dlld scemlllgly , ~glJ',' Uul n ~ accordingly.' J anD promised implillit ,lobe:- thin 8 of smlll! oecoun!j und when wo his diverlilon, 11I '"I~cietrtly ~llIln. Ih est· p~~I1~ opmlon., ~"d. ill do they ;itiard ~t. Iy 110 becoro cbd~rell, An~ Iiero por~"I1 , thirteen, ' ; , .' app cl!led. ~o tho lIouso, null \VII; ollowed .to dlcnco; "Shortly. aCtoI', whilo 80nte~ at. .bro!l~ () dlly by l~l()noBs .in' the mo~nl{lg, imaJ.ing tI.e prop iely,!lr r.ther ~lie law!'!I. It.8 DO equlvoCla} rndlclIUoD of 1he aledder QII .well, all otl,018, oro 01\01\ '!l/oult, < Chilo , . proceed. , • . , , , the diri"her \nlllo; Ulo wtiiter Ilslmd ,l\lor,)' 010' ' i ofth" U\lUf8 ,loSIl tllcii impoitu Q . ·I'e.., o~ a g!veu ~1IIt(~ment, i1 ' mlly I.fely, 'pdwer of a ~rs'on"a pP,inclploll: wilen th~1 dreq havo D,8 .m~IIY oeml ~ gr.~1V11 p~r~on8, ihroe sl\lps rfom .q;II*oo~ Gb(no} lndcfl ,.\",rllll, 1)ow; ( dh.n~I't ~ny nnylllllll! 'bout \V~at por~ of tho, fowl aho ' would h~.vo,.~ 'in ou~\ I , ., ". btllild'down, ,hac 'pone la' lawful 0;, wbich do.not r08trailcl/l im any 10nKer ~ba~ I~II all,ij tf~oy .or,e gellcral1y m!lre Mtefllvo \0 ",Ith te()s 1111'11 silks,irri"'ed ~ New orlt ~nnlly .p l present, b.tt.I Iliry to fill}lth the S.ho illfo rlnod lilm in !l very p?lito' mnIlIlC~, .' " ,/ ,~ ~h~ .Wtll.te'''corlequenoea' • e illj~ri"U8 1II1ldeet\" will ilr.odl!,co D;lrPOSUfll. Sh~ who wb~~ 18 s()ld before Lho~.: W~l1t .. Lb'lr 0 Friday week. ~ \~" .: , . .lIt,~r~ liS ,611 011 U~ l (10n, , " (bot It was 'lloricelly immaterinl.' lIe ie. . ,' 0' NtrnnYl wiltthollgh ali!)1: wi' .m eW to '!1Qr.le;":':oor, if Ita bad ea'ee... u~n tire 11I1tJ\modest.t a mllllquera,de,la modest liD. h~nf.thf\y ~ro Dpt to repell.t, .nil 118, they . ,, ' . {> , 'l \ ..----. l11e .gll is nnd f~lIerB <~v~ro gBi~ID g u~ ., 0 cllrd ingly gQVO hor 0 picce, an~ \)lQIl lillie. 81f'tlll? fe,luw elllt! wllell bo wQ8 , tiying to fnUlrm8di.te .,eota' are, 'In cenerol, bid; wh~~e. She may otrect Ithe 1all(Uoge of baT,! not dlec~etlon ~nil .know ledg.e of. t".e , lIon" R.?bert. 1t_~'sll' ~ lVbs insurod ~rolld ~1l~C!'UP'Il'lllcle'!>ICk?f' II plcker,nlC,l.e (Jd J d .10 \vhnt part slro lVoul~ chooee. , 'fbe stonl.tho gC)[!t. . ' L nor, it it oooailoOI needle.. p.in. to men dellc.cy, .I!cllbllitltmin ('zlem.l decornm; world eDoug)1 ,to 'h@g~18~ onyth\nc, It IS anhe Drlt\sh.Llfe Iniurll"l!CEllI,i HostOll, for, or~ . , " , slmplo. mln(Jed girl ' roptlcd, with nil , the . : . g~nerally foun~ tbat ' cluldroo ,ond, fool!!' tHO,O,OO. ,:." } ~c.nl(l." ~llgge6lcd o!,lo of lhO, ~",Is . sclf'DQ6urlLnco imogillubl : , . , or to .nim.I.; lI~r; la.!'" 1£ It oce~plt:_ but Ihe hll' 1I0'purily of mind. ' ,milch Ime, or iaattoQded \"11/\ . mucb The tUfl ie • IItrong·hold o(,a. mb\.1ngj .peak the truth" See that little, bOyld . I .- - " \\ 1111, Il plc-lIle. ,. They, wer~ S\l[tll'l~ up '~ beliovo I'll tllk.O " piece of .lho 'fllma' .nd therefore an eftiClltnt oaul8 of milO'" eyes nliaten whilo you aro spe"ldnlt of. -!L htllo c1aUllhter or~, LO\'VIB, ~t Do· Q!lpu( lhu6enrrllngem(HlllI, uIIII Qgren,l tlmo t 'Z't ' • , Jl.4!DtC. , , . , '.1" " Oh' d' d l d f ' th d ~ tria 00. , Ir ' b . r 1111 I tb' ond ' ~'l!IIedne8ll. It' ia eo amuaeRlont of ne.illhbor in language you do ,no~ 'Y1il.h .to I,:nnCC, 10, Ie D ow yllllgO rum e W~S oxpeett< . 000 of tbo,gnla 1V,. t \Vnlll! . Tho liceno that rollowed this doelorlllion pliet;!t"':t:~ri~:;::ibl\l::.,n.~ou~::k. .Iinost rinmingleo" ~wii; but npc?n whom it ,h,vo 'repeoted. ~e dool ,nQt Jolly un~er- offocts 01 poison, by ' eli'Dj~ col,ored ~1I11' goil)g, ~ad ~n.e or Iho,!ie oro )llbomor ~ro~. is b llyond our pe~ 10 describo. ' ~h~ all. ," .,;" .,,-' &b ' ~ tbeevil ob.rgenb!! Upon tllo lit~y or one Itand whnt ou meon, but lie will rOlJlom· dy.,. I. . ~- . " IIns-1t rcnlnlco un, bllt 8heno~el\ woro It semblod comptloy \vor&-eem"o)lod --'-'LJ!e ..... r e~ew.,.anro.rm ollmao.~",· .' . -. ,. ~'", -j' 'II " f ' II -=- " d tf< ," \V II .' , . to,.iYo Il~."ol ~ compOllition berot e othel'll ' lind hundred p8raon~ only who ·. tirln~ borae~ Of II~r every ~vordl 111'1 It \VI r bo , 8tr~ng!, I The creW' 01 tbe lIlero feu posed to 11111'0 10 I~ sl1:eeL too ~o q~ o~,t lut, a , vellt to thll ir surcharged tdelin~ ill I'oo}s , . .. • cco)mp1nriag It with Ipjlropri.to ((e.~u~el; m.kll be~il ~Il •• ' ~'Ol'y'.m'nn ),"beipllte. b~ ~oe~ 110~ Cl.!lule,ycu to blURb by l~ ~ep- bCl1n lost pa' Gape E4iz~~llh, w~ro .l'I!llcu. sho ~yns gOI.ll~ to SU{priSO tllo 'parw...,.t~kIl uf' oist-erou8 loughtOfJ whilst . tl~e poo~ ' )Ie 'would 1,1& a'yon. fuoliab que.iionJ be· IWlio .ttebde the c!lurae. , Everyone, therll. otlhO!l. ..... ' ed ond bJvo t~turncd bo .hor,drc.s IYl,t h?,,! telll pft' 1\1 , ~mong Ih~ 'girl, her f",co sull'u9cd with crlmaqn,lct:' the " I ' 101 k tl ··h t~ •• ~o- whO Is-prellent muat take bl. ,.bllro A guntleman waa in the habit of callinl: .,' , bushes, put It Oil, amllhoh co~no ,bOllk, to \u' blo deelnrin'" as sbo Iled to tho lodil!'d ' , : 'l ClIUIO Ie wou •• • iliUM uo." 08le_-" ,v, . ' " . ' 1111" \ • If TI ' . II ' I ." .. J\vllrice in old nge, lays Cicero, la rool. 1 t Ih b t of the mlltblo( and tho rOlponBibUlty, .t 0 nOll:hbor', bOUie, Ilnd Iho Illdy hnil al· 011: I It ler~e " , lIS!8 t 9 wny · e 10 cobin 'Ihoy IVon'lltetClh 0 nllonrd o~ one j; h: 'for \Vhllt olln:\'o oro IIbsutd,' thai" tu ',;. I't'tl d I e or 8,0 re eJ.ncy 0 e IU ~ec , • '''' , , ' , ' d b lit II h '. mont to 8urpriijjl 'em I\.lId wtli~ biml' by ond ' . , , • i mbat are 'thoa ordin.;" .. A"ect. 'aC tho Ir we CIllctllete tllo benet1l .nd mlsch!era W~~. ell:pre~e ,t~ I ,a~.u.. un j le~ app~ 'II eo If b' 0 'lid 't d It h .. ~ ' I of thase pesl,y 8teombuats og~n. ' in'~ rl!oso our provisions ,for tho rood,the ~. . - "<I" , III b ' d nellt from hla VIII Is, her little boy cntcro... = you s Jl . -'¥ ,II 0 , D.lIl""0me Y ," I Ii ' " .Io,e upon tb_ who act qJl IL" One and or. field Iportll, tho baUIllle8 W , e ,oun I hf ' lO ' nearer I\'~ 'rproac to OUT Journl!} 8 • " b' " '-tly ... ·n.\ tllem Tlae .dnnta· the room. , Tho gcoL eman lOo" 10 ,011 ('FruIn Tho III \V 'Yolk ' l)ulcbrnoa,1 n. ' ''u'cD ron' fIp. ' L'1'.H 11.. a S cdtch Phil Alld ' , ' hr, ~lIl\e,' and lIelced. ., ':rhe gr~lIt day errivod. Tho . g()ls 0.)1 , "" w ': - , ,- " • • . , ,, ' .: l '( r', 'q.oe,mlyaolwe.r can, be ,iven-lb"t w. at· <0.,., grel ~. J . ewer "'l!Py uoeptiol;ll '~ere may be, tbo lI'u .• re-;-tliat II miD 1& ~mul8d, and, poul· 'Are oubot lad ' to . ~ce ale G~orgo~' 10ukcLl as sweet ll • . s~ralvbc:rie~, and lhe ;oS()pl/~w'lI) M$ trlca thGI7I,-Novcr clr~nl' Tbe fcar of dCllth ie ,'common to al\,"~lI'ect il bac!; th.t the Dlor.11 and 'religioul bly, thot'hl. h~.l~ I. ImproYCd; aome of 'N ~. 11lf d b b " ' . ' ., . OR ' , fellers o.llloo'l.cd'! oeedirl D lv scru!npllhuo!"':' Rnythm:: but \\'otor, Nover ,ent nnythln~ 1.-' f h ,iI.ad t ,e. 1I~...tbat they aro unO,8Ir. rep e t e qy. . • , " ... . but 01lt'OIo01. \Vear the thicken boole Thoro never II/oa 11 mell or ~uoh hardihood IIl1n s , ' I' . , d -Why Dot my Uttle man}' he continuod . .Hoz' a acco~t of a CO,u lltry P1C'-ruO. 'rhe gnl WilL intended to 8urp~IB lho p"rty, '1 I I d" of:nor:vo, but he has .t one timo< or otber, iC-.-.eler of,acton II 101\'" tblD th.t () t e othllr lW'J"fe..ionl Sn... Wilberforce: "It pn,lpitioul tll thel rnftlleoc;e of re Ig.on, .n 'd ' . modo II nice Iittlo bun.lle o( hc' r bloomer \V olk fifteen ml ~s rcgu,()f y overy. o.Y,r-• I, • I' Ii t I' '0 'nd'JccI' thot 'Jlecllueo molhor on't want you to '.' , :t ' .,. , A '" II " t t' 80!l II ' t 's ehru.nk from porl!. I, In undllDI.ble raat-ror the trutll bf the dl~oa lionl t a: to I"' II 1 , 'd G lIY TOM. 'l'~ , Ie.' 18. , aod 6t.owed It nwqy in Ii 60g 1I1qleby tho YOI" Q (,XCI em(l,n , con qu 11 y) I _...,.....;;..-,........._....:._ ' L. ' \ th lid on8y .nd limo which II mall: ,come;' 1101 J!oruo . . , , " . best to rcmnili sirlgle for tho II you will be " 1 h' . "i 'Indeed! I~ow do you know lhllt qeorge1' , ~arly \IIode 0 61art for the plnee whore tho.. ~ II b I' 'Id .. d t' Novor loy II stumbling block in tho way wlllch we.·••.1 ,.. fely Ippell to eyery I,e , ey oXlle, m I , i , I f I "u..h, to be .ble .0 emp oy otterl-8U.. , , . h d ' .,.. " • ,roo .rom a Duse.h CloruB lin 11111 nmo· . ' ,. , ' d I. d U th 1In ... 00- .t t h0. l.tU.t on 0 tie,. pO.r- v .. , II !lete tbe mothor Will crimson and loolt· To got owny from bot wool ~r, ust, on", ootlllg pD.r. of tlto nrrllngemenl" wos to . I bl II '111 ' i 'ld or n mlln wlill 19 lrylO~ to 8 VRllce 1101' u fCl~menl P8l't1~I.rl1 or those oftM' remale tbot thlJY inlllct G1",uitoul mlIIOlry poa IJ dOdo e __ ot the Httle lion B~t he taW othor summer necomp lIim'Dnt.~ 1 took a toko pI lice, which .wos II- quiot IIttlo plnce IIIU t~o" os, a"T Yo WI \U~e 110 1l1~1 .ren l elf In the wor.ld hOIl~stly Dnll upxlghtly i ,ea. II remarUbIY1lnf.."ortltile '0 th.e main. lnre lor .Dimale, ' .. P.· O"'llrn'g and thereforo replied' rUll up into the coudtry \Lbe othot dD.Y, I"' tho w~als, whoro no!todY could 1100 the ir to wko.rry you ' ' he !omu r~ B 'lIpP ,les. tO (Or be ill likely to wulk over c.nd" lllul:h at j kIng s nu.\, 1'"YlOg , • d Tbllt 60ldBports . b live aDY t en doncy t 0 n .... ....,. , . ~ nlO .III", Cllfu8, ~Il d "tenaDee .nd ""wth of the re'lglOUI on _.UBO Bho said YOltordny th.t shQ Bllbnt 0. wtlck amollllllie freshclQver field a, ·cntrying& 011. Willi tlley gOI thero Dllu ~t, Ct . 'm I ' I TI ' II JOu 811orwarda, .I I' hl d ' "11 ' I d »U~ " ' I · . d d t. d' I. arguing wI en rl6 Imllll, lCY I1ro II morl p.lDoll'lel.n~of-eouru ng y _n· mak. a mall ,better. 110 one WI pre en i - '1 lied th.t old bore would not cell bore lind fiveorsix roilY boUil dID,g COUSlna, Oil opd the galt bOg\ln to sprOn tu9 111"e8 on . I 1' 1 b ' .d - - - - _ _ _ l " tp dielr "teroal intereita." a04 DO 000 who looks .round him, will Vi S nltogether had In iuteruling time of Ih- Ine gross , olld Ibo follers bega~ to kiu Ibll 'Iro,0tlgd°1t~fltcme!l 11,\ W Il~nl mlluolltloe trlgl y A jury at Kenoshll, (WlsconsiD,) hM terOUI .. . tho ren deocy iII in th 0 oppos Ite .galn.' • tbetle,l picked .. ! ' '. . 01'01I Ie I ID youtl VOIUO I 'l'herefore \( I lib my lelt In lbe tb·e .- doubt tliat , 'rh.t waa enough. The gontlemnn" Wlule up 8i 6Lory-D goot! gnls, thon lhe galq went to ~hDvlDg up ,the I d' I f l inl t your th given \I lIluloUo women • v. ordiet of ono .tn. I jlaW ";icl my mODeY' II .0 IndUee- dtreclion. h Lbe cl.aracter of Ibe ep!,rtll' qat wall loon in Toqllle itroD, Qna b~ left, ullo-just 0110 of tho r I:llt kind for tlroso bam alld bread, nDd the follers \\lout to 1~11 II, I YIn c~ I n~ coro ~ ~'ltO tI 0 hundred dollars .i.inl\& Cop~, Llln~1" of ftte~t to a number or "erlOna to aub:ed man distinl'lilbed by religiou, lIonlllblhty1 ~·Itl. tllO imprecHiou tlllit .....eat ill tfllth, .nd who like (un, lind I IIdt 1I0ling 10 try nn~ hugloting t1~0 .g"~~-lInd tbo wbole r seeno Q ovo 111 e,8, t lero edver!. pro B I tlllltL tile e!eomboat Dalllo, for turoing her hout . r • . b I 1 N e' . .• ' . d ' b D' yOu mny lI e tQ Q IUn rou )'\lors, all" 10 tho--common oabln on account 01 or tbllir prlmti,1e1 to utreme danger; and the No. B)' activity o( eneyo enGe 0 ...... and it will prevai!.' tell i.t. . ' prescnto ... 01\ 8nana Ui plelltre, Q8 t 0 L' you Mil' enjoy your hundredth y~or fully 0 ' .defenacl wblch I mllke la, lb't I.m amul. by lotellectuel ezetUonl No, . Sports· ' Anolber little cbild, 'looking aha.ply in A, raul 8l~rm b.d o,e dillY prevented us bl~1IaYB. 'V.Il, w~llo tlloao th,lngs \Voro 1\8 milch &I you did your ,\wonty.t)r,t,- col r. tII,bl Ii ·Thll II & derence ' that reason moa Dre not \be per.onl who dlITU80 tho he ~ e of • ,.\altor .nd belng ..ked what from intlullllll: In· dur o~lt·doOT amule· gOlllg on, tbe gill With tbo B100ntcr dro88 P ch ' Nover bo airlli4 to do rigM: He' 0.' proOOu~_ to be .b"rd~ .DC! mor.llt, to liJtbt of Cbri,tianit,., ·or endollVor to ree- ~he ~:.nt by il, re;lied,: mentl,lIlld w~ were all Bell'ted in the por· alips \l1f' I\~OPlt lOme 111110 lroes and, Clom: lUI. IIriwcs to pJeull ewery boor, }lleUC:1 ,000 lle vlcloue. 'Yet r ba~. 110 !liher to ••ke; tity tbe public monli, or tu e~tend the '1 wooted to lee whetber ,on h.d. drop lor. endellvormg to O!ltettG~ one lUloUlor mcnced fixIng hllr. eJr up. Silo d~rsC!nt be bod!. it il the IUIII total 'Or 111' jOltl8catioA. empire of knowledge. So, theD, lbl n-ll· In our .ye' 1 heard mother I.y 1 0U 1J.d II beat WI) could, T40 party present WC16 ~no Jong, for fcor they Would luspoctj C....P 1(il!'ETII'G AICBODOTll,-Al Q ClIIllP , - -...,...,._ _ _ ~I h i " I d _.Jl_ the ..IOUI .nd mortl\ tendeocy of fiatd .porta I ,y tl: coanpoaed of helf a 40zcn plump, rOIl)" aornolblng. t:lo ahe went to work In earn· meoting Q, number of ladies contll!ued Nover 0111110 I lio,./or tf 'OU ..bo quiet .' .reqlll'D y. . , d d I h .tb •• d' cI lI\lt ... 11, WD c IWwc eat to a""", '1 tb . Un I tb 0111 il bad. A bel oDce ..ked ODe or hie f.\lIe". checked gtrlStJllet lOCh onlll .1 Lboy rallO CIt, an ill a fo", IbODlenta .ho como boun • etl1ndillg on t 18 bene es, 1I0tWI s",n In.. truth Ifill ewontuolly o,ertUo an.. d..t.r0l JIIorabil'_~f r e'lUn °h , I ID,ot Tie YII' AI to t"o ezpen\iture or time .nd moo· • ~bo lind next door to blm' and in'tbe country for life eomf>Olk'rB to young ing among tho pllty like "youilg door with frc.quenthiotll (roal tbo minlsler to.itddwlI. it. Dor. t e ""Ie part 0 r I 0 e" • HI e v " goea .. w , I • eli I' d ( . A ~ I ted for bls good f whida I" ...8'ered b Lbe "tormera 1111, a" it wlll be IIald thl' I man hill a rifJlttco whon he he.rd hll naale, he uk!!d If he farmerw-myae I, an a own,ollt cou. n, 01:'1 e ter It. reveronu 1.'Cllt a.lm no .... ':L t t' I"" both .. be choolOll' but be hu no t rooH nan\~ Huoklah Gree.JI. ' \'ou see .he 01000 all thl» to aurp.rlsetl.o b\lmttr, arose and said: Erery ono complains ofbil memolT but r" more iA&eDIe,but DpoD we lpee. on emp ~J ' , no a little (riontl.t replied the gu.t, C OUI Ln B Q,., III t h · III ..., -"1" hi m. party. Dnu' I'f you 'd • lec~ II.e (I,alleri og. ~ r ' kif .L " and otben. It i.' mote u&endeil, The lUeb right. Obllptiunl .ppl, Jua~\II tru- W68 'No,m, e glr til •l'r. ",rn '"oeo Illdle ••tanding on the DO ono complalnl oChi.-jll.1..menL ... Ili,ht of a pia, il thi. banee(·llm.· uf IDI~ I, to tho mode of .I'Plying lel.ureilid pro., 'ira II not. fool, but. very ~"sible m.n. wilt on~ of the bett lpec:lmCllI of GrllOD tbe rIa Dn~ follors, you d bohevod Iho d ~::Ckltl'O"~'; :t~~C,WW~!~: 1:~~0~:1.~. in th,eir The allent eyll il ofblll I __ powerfl&l en t the UN which a min may h d tth.tqu.til)nl' MOUDtalD Y••• hflttlatI tlv(!r looked lit- tlucceededmo.tbolutifully, g.,.. oQ ,. .L quit,· wben the profIlpll 81111 .... 1MI00lI- P ,. III 0 w J 0 'UO a. h _L Id Len .....uI to A I d h Tho .dtltcie h.eI tlio desired I:ft'ect.- cOllquot:or UI.D Ulol\Cliay toD~. at ; 1D \belr .Ield.. lad faa. It III \0 make of • pou.d or arunle. The obUa.- .Bec:ab.o.' replied thl boy, 'mothe~ ,.Id, e W68 • ""1Il'C~ou • ........ 8 fJ ',soon 1lB . I Ie. mil 0 cr .pcllrDDce _ _ _ _ _;....._...._ Pu P lICIt IDdeed alike enrored in a th th d th.t OIl wen nezt door to -wu .lw.,1 ready to do told, III .1D0ni tbe party, tbe Itale ICreeched lllro 11I0J'0 wu an Imm.e~llIte aink~~11 in~o~b: No )IIII'IIODIIt"O AIre\l..... .. ~_JIIIrpoae tol.y ~hata ID.D ma, pto~~ -::JUII\I~' tho' 1It1.... 01 ~Ic Is • I::W,"~ to know wllo be told them,lft LiIt,reuUllr di.lectt were olll'ls, .ot! hid theIr (.cea whh their_prqna. seat. A YOUDI( mID .ter ... n IDII' 0 n WilD lill oa 9&IIer people.. . . . ,• ....atre.or parade ata~. wldloutll rt ~he ' mlauaer or ..el ' t o OQ '-Oliw BrGllc4, alW.YI a.IIIID,. The CeUen holle"", like aU ~Dd lOme biOI ••11d b'uahIOIl,'lIld: 1111 put l.o tbeaurroatdlaa UcelitiouaD.... ,to prllOn; Ln ol 1\ Dlb. lIest door .,.. Th. rirll weN a)l eJ! IUltecI &alklA« rolled olltbe ground Imolll Lbe dJ. be. and '0, brother. how coald YO\l"Y tbllt1-' Work ia taU" appql ~Il.bo'" there ~~::.'*!~ _:ltI ~ abnnl The bllllla. beart la lite a leather bed Uwllilie aDd liIat. "..,. wtuallll eo... fut:ua.jlllt .. ir the, b.d lIteD e.tlo, pen 'Bay th.l!' .. Id tIIo !lId pDtleman, h" ,,"I ......0............... •L~leto.." It IIOIIt - . .'~. VI l1li ~ II ~ . . tal.. a riPl to ....it ......... rouP1, baud1tN1,weJlahaken, liIbIt to dllpel the of tho day. app1ea a!MILbey didn't II8l well OD tbelr • rlct-if tbeJ bldD'l bolr. 10 thflr ttotk. . - - ..... .. . . . ..... ID -,.-- Uta \bat ... : ' : IIIdan DO\ pualA_ a.d e.poIICIlO I YUlet, of tar.., lD pre- pdlO Un " . stOlT: llto. . .bee-ancl .kb • I el~ lime III thero illP. I'd IlkI." to buw bow thl7 CKlaW rt All lila ....1o~Let.. do ~'::...... " t II ....t 11 bani. ~_, CIIIIIit ,.1:&, • i\aAO.J. pamI'¥ CIIl'l 110 lDl'ftnt4. AllhU diem vn,' ....iItlalCltt who.le
, '
" " .
°t t.t
'" "ril.I
I. ,' '.
,0 '
;0:1 ::..
:t....::,' .:..' ·.D•...,'O ....
r.- rUIaJ
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A \VitO '>/Olll..,.Z. CAVGII fj\'lrnS WOO)lS We were In formed yeeterilqy by 1\lr Jeflefl, member or U,e couflCJI, of n strange- Of .J?D I Pi l.lIN .rING, eVllry uuscr I' OJ) l Ull I n. lind Blngulnr II IliOIr IIlilt OClluneu, n \lllr the ~e8Ideoceoll ,I.llllhor In 111\\, ot 1111~ moulh l ~'\ lUl'lU ET, llA.N.I;)nILL, I lllJSlNESS AND VJSIUNt, CAllUS. J ollI)
Taxotion for
County' fror wlllcb WIlS (lIlUS The Temperance Cause ed by dlo comp081tor DOt 111\' I g 8ufficl~lJt No(\VJth6tOntltng, that lit Ihll time there Imil1 \0 cornplilo "~Pl" With • 18 II II' ellt doal or _exc~t"ment cIIUle:! by Tile error a~ilae~ ~IIII thnt tho fllrot of thll nCDr DPP~Deh of the time which 8011t tbj. ,.fea 'or.'taxatiou \~ laen 1118 people \\ III ngliln choose iholr cillef r~lers yet, J .m happy to Illy thmg else 18 not qUlle forgotterl rentperonce co.uae IS IItll1 mOYIDC onward, hundreda lind tltousand,. oro foiling luto the nnks of the "Cold 'Voter Army,' and the nOlnbe~ of effecttve laliorere III the couse of tllli Reform la dudy illcrellll LOCAL ITEMS l\1g And why Is 1\1 It IJI beclloBe that tho people pre be.comlng more lind moro aw"kencd to a aenso of theIr duty ni Ihis ro~pect, theIr eyes are becommg open to th.! fo.ct tha~ RUin If II cUrlt' and tliey are , l.a.oglnmng to awake Ollt of tho letllllrgr In .Fletcher'lI Gru~ \Vh ch they hllve so Jong heen fllurnber n,g, o,er the c6untl1, ontl ore IIOIV lulilOg a bold stonil upon one derer la Walter ' Haloy, and mur gelleral pilltlorlll, the prlllClple plank of man 111>8 10h Nelson willch la No more Mllllul Icturo orSele Drunkards, and 0. far 01 tht! eflden~.e (nto~icllttng Liquors' TI,c limo 18 com dhows wero bOlh d~nk ot the time of lite owful tran80~UOU Nollon I brllins werll by throe ~lubA !lnd a laterally bUlIten gun boing broken over' IllS hl>lId The I crdict of the Com"er'" Jury wol that NelMon came (4) blilfellih fly blow8 mflet ed by Hilley, I1lnd uton th .. II lVarront WOI ISS lied for bIB 11pp~thenlioo enraao lhe Cl>n8tllble, hovlllg fDO much otller .mpor tant bU9ID088 to IIltentl to, Mr \Vllhom Golden WOII deputlaed o.nJ proceeded ot once to CincinnatI, \\ here all 'Vtldnes dny 106t he h.d Iwf u.fectlon of Dlreet Ing Holey, he brouGttI 111m up ID the eViln IIIII' trOID, ond au exammlltion wlla held The Mi880uri Leirl81mtare. immediutely. beforo J C Co11cH J P , JEFFERSOn City Sept 4 -In tbe House yelterday ~1I81r W88 IlomlDlltod by the Ilnd the prisonEr was eommltted to Jail 10 Benlt)D1tea, Ind on the firs, bllllot Dlalf re III, Olt his tr,,1 at the next term or Court ~Ived 20 Yolee, 'Voodson 37. Acbke 4ll Ind Kelly 18.. Bllllt thon Withdrew Bud Xelly wu nnmioated in Ilia p\a~, UpOD ·dlcro
Wfl8 ~llItl~ 8Jl
MeXICO The Southern pipe,. Ire BUed WIth u' couota of the ra Ylglli of Jlie atorm ower 1110 SOuthorn co •• t, but the l\Ioln r~cta ..,. beell ,lYon alroldy W0 hIVe recolVed JlO Mobil, p.pert
Fro. . . . . . . . . .... September" II _Tbere a most enthU81utle detaonltrltlOA made here.10lterd.1 '" tbe 10_ of'l'••
r n EOEJVED and (or 010 }uclJh M~. J u~ lC)ll ltd J. iquld CU\lclo. an .rllelo una llf~n~~ od lor drcu lll" liuhlll, ecnldl!l CIII8 btuisol anll nil kind. of wound... .And lOr aoro nllJlllei .. romuily unoquulcd\ by ER J r. CADW ALVAD An flxcellcml aOlle{. of CIDER VINEGAR VI/. EOAR J",t DIUI for • ...tll CID~1t
rec ~lvod
J r CADWAt.LADER !louth W all eornor Main .. nd N~1h Ilroo&, WnyneBvlllo, June I~. 18b2 ,
w. 1'1'1,10. 1111 who .. iall Clnellln..,1
to pur
chafe Ihe,lt fen of ~~ooro &. t:1a~ler. eor 01
ftj6'"1' 14 now propor d 10 "zoCula every de'Qrlpllon of Paultt Ing utnzoul{ alld Paper liJl lIg h,gl alllo Obm" OIqss whJcll1l not 10 ~ ~ ur"A9 tiecl for beauIY or duraliUtly OrcleNl lelt.lI hi. shol' on i\1all1 0 " 00 1 ups ..ur. of rho building oce... p,,,,' by Q W Sallorthwll.f. I IIU.udry shop \V D111" ,,11101 Uhlo ..111 racilv_ proui p'altenllOn IJO.lf.
7\h 111<1 W.'nutlls 1 IIIN II Ih~ l,rll' l l en" hen conlillclcd ellnbliahmeDI" I of ,he At lonuc And &II Ib" proprlotors I II oilly llJr cub they Ii.. ve 1\.0 bnd deb'l to snddlo lip II Iholr COlloll1or, i ,y or utraynjfnnl prof. ~
D reMI)~cifully info,.,1 hl~ W OUl nnd Iho II\\blre Ironcrnlly tbnl he
kel) ~OIl
l... WAYS hor,d a hra. raljl qUillny A or I'nlo BrAn Iy al 7ac per qunrt All o " good articlo of Olt! ",yo Wb.l koy by Fr6 n~1o
l\N 0 OTllElUI. WI H m)· rdcl,d. 10 call Gnd ~oe mo Dr 1M flAVE now on hand" I \ of lalb.alunlles 20.11 of An~u.1 II forlhesl ... 1 _j<peet to and common pino board •• lind lDulnd keep tori But, .n<l don' t lakelo 1",\'11 hOeM 1011 a l look 8"fficlOl\t flJr Ib.1 marlt,)l aad I all' """WE tllem Dal1llUn. caa he haa IUIlIt llr~ pllr.d to futlll.h pine (oncln, 01 any .... utl. then W Y, PARSHALL at • pdco \hal f:ttmer. can "Jrord to PBT._ Lebanon, July 39 W 8 KJi;. 8
l!l !1m
CrlfctJlIU.'rJ, Sept 6
Flour.-Tho .ale.-Io day cornprl~ed 167 "'Ie, rxtra It ",4Q; I" do do It '3,~, '0 and 168 40. at JI,.s, 13~ do at ea,M 40 do 40••, '3,H, Ind 60 do do. It &7
There wu .ome de/llllDd rex C!orn Arctle'. nil"" Bome
ltraM., IIId .lter tbe
we... wid ataboat 13, Hi lust w. dW -. Item ... partlcalar, ProwlaloDa.-Ttla obi, ..1,. reportelllO
THE (D@Ncn1Em~
DlIfllht 10Bt
ttlno in ftljOIll prCae UllnJ hUlIso lf bcrure Elle , \\, om ho I1ddr c~so d l8 fullowi r hnye Just la,~ my v 01\ 8 befure Mr U'um IWII, who III l,,~ o\\n lunguage 1I0t ollly nppr vca bot hCOtllly cntera 11110
1\ od 6\\ cct oe strll ngo Is I nott
J\y 0 IU I oro Ouo mell And I U v "~PIlTt AI If but nlwoya rcmom llilfc pnrnhle
drngged to tho 810t III tl e bollances S uy but he shull go {ree P ale II~ deoth Itself uuu ftcnrcolly IIblo to
I he Will of God be doue
mont , Ether fale III more dIan I CDn bonr, but 1 Will nit pcrJurn my IIQut to suvo my Blllf from 01)1 (ale God plcllIoII to send
TII£ canlv
II e IV ell pOdlnble
S~PTEUBER 16, 1852,
6Q llleoflhol)l mny ¢00l0 ucrosa mOtiomu tcrr;ri llstr.nclioll!lIO ' hili agent, Mt.!lc· IrcverpnporcJOOBIIO"Clontll'I'1 I "r I, ' r LI , I • " lo"g nnd illlportor,l~ s,i tllll"s.· Ofronly ', lh rel! P {leo " ' 1 • lug It wbeu 1 cq'l'lnBYigntc .• Alpin PIV " , 1 .1 't1 . f Ih ' .. ' uO ",Dose 0 Ie mU[u ~l"lYq5 J()O - anti m et furiou91y 00 t\IO ml··Idle ...ound. . . • g IfIg 11 ,mIDu 0 ueRenp on 0 0 porlion of Suicide,' HorrId ~llIrdcr and ~,our peors. \Vhnl is" t ho ,m ooning of (lit I , " .... " ,."rue , undtllen n\\'oy "ocs \'out pros ar'lolo \va( IA " 0 t I . ht t I 1\1 I I . 0, U$y q un ey nnd his (LouhflY·· \vlfe. Hero II n'os t "w'ul c60ftl~t elllued 'or a" b f •• I .u" S 0 nge. lelg ,e c. n 0 nnll\()ly AceidCllt. it is dulll: II ullwe), , spllte ncc1 1\ Is thlll tho ll.:luso ' r< "' v .' Visilor, ' . ' 'Vhe arinlln~1 wos orrestl'll; and locl'll'd ' bhort spnee, ,wilen Ihe rlghl whlDped 011' 011 Qn 1100 ll unlh or lury AllIIn 11 01>' ccn. \laugh. peclive Iwo thousaud. Soy. w. s I tu 110 si&brl. she must be 1\ lion/lie Scotcb lassiei " , JTlQr~ by Its vetO tll nlt by I, to 11\\01111 tfilll ' oli II elll,r/!o of ",",rUl".' r ' .... . .. 1 I~r 'ur E,lwllr(! (J,,, , hllll Leilli/ll Jnllo llcslon. your IIe,Itl c Ior k or phrtner only 1" be s~u~ on tho return or hi s own ship; her It haICthe gloomy trnilsnetions which OQ. , It Lus been cc,;mporctl to 0 0 8uuueg . as we thougbL folrly vllD'luiab.\'1,,'1 dOl ancd Ihia lilY'1 III r hlenuu of 11 r "Olt! I,nrtn cr. to be Qllro." lIume 10 bo on the mlLllifcIOl. hill of Iodin!:. cur'are reeorde~. it is SI'UTlle'd 118 Q I'ohlolo tllo 01: go of Augur • • witioh <,ye ry now • Latest Connl crCcits. P..d; but we }voro in 9iror In what Jack i~'rtlu \fl, lIuar t;llrilllllioj.o~ Ulli filII. l ei, J8~g, III d.on' t Iwow; J beliove 1. prefer bei ns elc. ' He prOUIIsod. on arriving, to hove O/ily of cnlnmllioB. o lld tb oll , intef~ red, alld ()\'I soml). idle proDeware of nOLOS of 011 dellomiuotiona al. Randolph cnntioU!I UII, it hod only '@Ilen "lied about I we ycar~: I cork ul,~ld hovillg n1l th o .teoJing~ in." he~ Hlured in Ihe house of a Illli. p OI)er,o"v II.,· '1 9 .·'vertl·.,.-nnls, ' 1. h I bro k()Il POQplo's Dllnk, of back t o Q stronger. position.' It 1l1I~.. (I "" "u . ' ''' ~ tCl llce 1.uUI p os~luly sQme gooll rQ~80 n. for . t reu. , frurn tie ~t would .~orne mure IInturnl. , dnre s'oy. wllom ho Po.ntctl; IIl1d, if general rende r murmurs; if It d~le.8· oot, the b~dtl' fu rU,ler ,p roce~dillg8. 'fhe 1jou~o . o.f PulIl' t60n ; N, 1. 10 tho l'uIOs\1ie Co. Dllnk mOUlltOtl lip two hack keye, lind eomm4!:" l. ,l' nIn'u/( FOil 11m ,1 1}.1II "'JSI,\,o n. Landlord, . mako us another pitchor to the partie8 concerllCd. ho would .mollo bU Bin"ss mon wlUnot pOlronize it. .Lord. is, In foet. tho ballos t of the &"ill of tho su mo plnco. , ed Ih o noto or ruttle8nuke. Tbi& had a J!'f 1. M. J . If h o 'publ,i8hea)he Inws of tbib S lntt). o]d 8lutC. Dudt i~ tho;bull u9t boclIlI ~o II is In · ' 58. on tho 1Ilcrehnnts. and lUcchanics' wonderful (!jfIlC~ Upol\ Ibe Ie It, I\nd placed " I,unob." to th\lt, futlctionary: as he e nlered her his .wife in tI~lrty days after Iteramvlll. )Jcl r,' luvcly cl'iltI.! 1'0 mOl'cthr prnulil)g yul C;U 10 emp,Ly those foolidli Young Ioen's pock· 1t noL nnd she wl~bed 10 return. be would and young mnids grumble; if bll d()o~ 1I0ti ep()lIden tj be l)~u so, it i5 ullci Qnt , hl'reu ilo, lI un k. Oswcwo, 'N. Y. -VII:'. 'rnil-CI\fS, the docllne of anak'e-r.hnr,minjr b!!),onil dili' 111 lon q. n,uIlUJu (,)U3 re"GiI, 111u nillng cnr~ eLs. " pny l'xpens~s,lo~8 of time, OIC. : civ!litlrls frolYn. . "', rY"rich. IUl~ venoruteu ; becauso it ia tho gl'llJl b, sto\\'mb but. &c . ' in' Ille distullcC p~to. rl'he lell. ruslled to\~ ard It r~peoted:NoNo'lI1:'ro \'ho ",jut thy '()horll~' nlllilca rejoieu' 'Pho allo\V \Vila fullin g $lIghtly, but no't Wh on SUlldy lIfuAI~ill hnd flni dhml ] I ho ~teers all 'impllrlial COl'lna, Ire I~ JI' r I " Iy, but seome d Ilonlr. struck wllAn it como m<>ro Lho "~nl8 of thy' I'"ro lI.nUIlIIIa "~! e nough to cov tl t 'k '.' "I d' I I ' fi . 'Jt!ct 0 al\ n Itl Ost ~uporslitlou8 regonl; I'lIlUUlIlO ()a 110\'0 Btl englo for vig· , .. -" ~,. ' er 10 TIC e, n.nu "rs, rell IDg,t ~ll eher 0 IlHtructlOlls,he el\lw- soid t o be on tho fc nce. jfllo JU II Jls oB~ he " ccaus" it cnn thruw OUI hal(ntl ozC Il llillil 1I01t" . withill8i:t keys of It.imtl nN invorll\llly reJ1t>G.r! .. 1\100re, nfter IiR tU lllllO' tu Emmlt's BO(t hron. Iy re,noved hIs ',lIpe(ltnc le~, muttering . ure to' be be" ..... on red. t ired with a tTcme nilnul loor d"w",' tllA • • 0 \ 0 D 'U sellt tip from Ib e Common6 11) 01)0 wo ell , 2() •• on Iho DUllk 01 Kenl\1~kY:1 [(y._ , ~ 'v For, likc n mo,loo" 1:18011 '0 nn. h nn (1 ny,~ . ~hin~, thott.nhl o.f hnl'11Y slUPllier ohd }Qc hl",a~lf, : tho 19 t1 (hil corrQapondcnt. Wllf,) lrnduzclI Idnd r~lemts ,call on hirn wlil IllId Adu,r088 II ;'troll g rem on lrunco to ' II Vi!:, fc rnnlc,'" hC!l vos . cUlllc , &c,-fo,nnlo ba BB Iteys; couti' ued itl! allilaulte, lOme.' '1'hy ",ind I'rtlqociollft brllllullfO did .t\~rlny , Il qwed cOI,fidcnce, siulo Boftl)! from hor \Vas thirty yeurs 0'1<.1) is dUf. he t ells me' to he ie correntin!; hIs proo(' shl'lllp autl Crown Ih e woek eillor; bocause 1\ pe~ rngo 011 the loft cll<l-Iodiun 011 rig ht ond-ruil- times by n ~it,~ag mov'em~rit, but all at· ·rl.~~o 0 ..111)11~...~nclll'uo():~ Aal~t '11nl eye IIllle,' nud plocing n benvy cll/uk Il,vcr het dendltim u wifo, os ahe wcro n borre l 0' error et1c4pes detection, he is tho Clln l,Ol bo tull on oll'ny or Cllltferrcd without cars bc\wcen llle .sIgnnturcs-lIot Ullo"lren' te~ pts todislo~ge the r ighl from ils.ttollL!ftl SCJlIIU I y. JOrl .,ullt y IlIclt! day!, ~ h ouldllrs. "ud ()~hllr\V lse d!sg lllsillL!' her so't herrings; qude )'0118 tho fosh blunder-heud III tllo 'Vorli.l. '\Voighty reclso.ny. • holil proved)IUclfectunl; ,,it CIUile do~o up "'0 YOl1ng, aD 'llll~O ,-lIh, hooven acome!!' Ihy persol,J,·took ,a IBntern and ,snllietl out, de. I was ot 10 gel II. wiCe for myeclf.' I'll see ~ 'J ' _ - : -_ _....:-....,..-:..~ hiS a'dl'orsilry lin!! eXI,it!ld., Any ono, or' horn&termillod to know for I,euell'. lIer wObh. wllDllhe guido wife soys'-(II bd,:;ht ideo.) h lUcUaocUst Jilp18co~1 r~thor Il~ one, can imagi40 who\ k'ind 'of 'fhe ~I)h rc Immortn l for Ihy ~jJiril8 rC~I! orwomn n "ndlOld her 01 henry·s nigh~ly Next 'day lIlrs, lIlcA;l pi n sat in council ' MIS C ELL A N E O'U S ~ It noi~cg Ihe pijl no mado durin~' tho conflici. WhCl'~ with the a.'I~oI6 it ."~ll;lllIivo Illld roatn; CRTOU6Ile, antI al so, of ,hl8 precautions , to with lIl.ra. A. Dnd D. Jnvitatlons w~re , )1.ev" 1. 'l'<ln'l~I~:~, D ,,' has do: Cerlni n it .Is thnl 110 0118 con deec~ibo ApJ bo l~rov4ir w/lh Iru ltlOIl blIl3U ' . II DO I' til t E ' ', ' , j ,', , ' " . '" . .• om sccro. mJl)o seor.ncu the se nt t</ ten mnlrO')~, W ,orie dnughtllu \~cr() A : L~via"ia.Jt Mi,c rOSClope, , pll nod tho Pro Idt'ucy o( Hlo Ollio U lllv'e r ~ ~II .... there foro, we sh~1\ not attomp\ Chno'll~, II o.r I'ftrcritij! dry lho 81 imine e)'o! so urce frbm wh ep,<o clune t ho o~cuilotion, in and out of tee,~8, 10 Ossemble at. lIlrs, . 1)roroB~or J. :MiltOn Sanders/ liow edit.o. '81Ly nl At/,ons, bill\ 1I1r. So lllrnolt 11 o\vafd bllltlo eoilod. lIlIII8 JanA moved Sprillgfle ltl. sho would lIa~e ri8p.n. bu~ ,l\le And \tow 111'0 111111<1 10 Illire Omili i:IOll t'b bUL I\1rs. 1Ilooro' hod bee 11 =I true frien d to lIfoA.lp in'8 teolloard. E~ch matrbo was rlally connected Wllh Lhe Memphis Exthe poor 'womnn. ond . believed ello would rel\uollltld 10 bring wllh ,h~r a aaugh P(CS!l. n~d E'min.~ fat hi~ 8ciet.llllic naqui re. u , UrU"Hft,""u 'agaln st by a oumber or vol· l,ot wi1fullr. tell a ial~ahood, 1I0r dwell· ""ho wo~ riot ~u:cr young to mnny yet. IRonts, in' loto numlr or his wapo'r BUy~t !lea ut oncc, 'Olle , ilong; • m~ deDr ! ane. In:,: IVQ~, noDr the gr,u eery, nnd 'Ihithe r ~bo All 1i~I'1g prll,sPlit Oil hour bef~re lco 'Uy tJi1l 1nte i1iscCW rics 'of 1\ t. Chllrles that little French air)io>l used to shill'. nnll went. ,Gently kllockillg nt Jler win'dow, !lIr. lI~cAlpill ~eD,d the lelter, ondmnde ex. 4 ·.Sp encer.o( Us..n osto, N. Y .'.Ullcro8cop'es which tnlluome PtggisqlJokl is (ont! of.' Rhe rouso d 11~0 \vOnlnll. who let ber ill ond ploilatlo!"s. 'I hey t\lt '\ 80t ~own to tel. on be made tl?, ilr'ngnify miUit:llltl lIe ~i s8 111110 luoked pitiful at he r ntamms, oner, oXp'I,ah~i{ll.l' . her reo son &; (or eo •bold -I\lter lell oarh loas !:nvo ill h' r ultimatum, Ihull bad been ··acllohlipli~lICtl ~o_ I, ..i"" I"",,.n her llIammllloOKotl 'si;,g' at MillS laire I d\H).lIhwollle~ a step.logethel' th ey stoal. whon itwosIound '{hd only th~ee \~ I!re 'l'hiB is elfeGted by the " Kr Bier nhLU" .C'O.~UI'lll'l'Y. ehn ~ q~"red har90lf for a song. tliily Clrep~ U,rough the back yard to the \villlng to IICCOI)t thll olfer.-'I'!UI80 thcll aptrature IvbiClh hna be60 ';nabled to her lionda Into a cep,us till. grocory windQWs, which opelled into Ille agreed 10 druw lotelto decide the to IAchromatlc le nlo!'. by ,""ltoh m ell DS ond they I«m~d to be . yft~d. .llfrlt.j'(fooro lol ~ ' friglit(!)jcd 08 the pnco . .:l.lal')' R obinBo n ilre",', the 'luahtity 0' IIgllt paB~ei! U,rOlIITII ' (0 ellllh otber; t~ell loud' iltultb • Ihe co.arse onth lind drunken' str"w, and woe hailed 08 tbe bonny bride. lenses, "'lnd cooHequcuUy a bet\\,l1011 ti,e sign atures Q Itl nd or" cl,ll1oquy; thot rlgbe song r('ache~ her ear; lIut she bod ~ono too ' In ten days lhereafler they ~et nil for ni(yin.g power .is ottoilled, Ullon 68"OI\' tI10 bunk of O;ltJ"ne, ~. Y .-1I1- whispering treble very .loflly, and, ,t lef, fat to r ('treu t, sHo kllew how .next to ilOllos, America. "'hey entered tILe Ohesapeake ,of these gTCllt dltcoverlel 0(," .Mr. ter tl frOIl1 genuine oillis,hy opornlion, " roeponding boe.! verr 10u~ly. , slb,le h ie ,to .'liEcdycr, wilh "ny cerinlnty. ,l luy artet a voy~go of t\v~lve ~veeka ond III ' we. ill conjuncUon\ Il'1th Prof. ] ~j on tllo IIlechonies' .n~nk, ))rQ';lu~lIIoe II '-:h.e conforetl~O ~lId bOlln ,~oPt, up unttl . tho cliorljet~r of ~ y~ung mon \\iho U6~8 two weeks Dlore thoy were I~ J ames mMe Orral1gem~I; Ls wflh 11m 1.- ig. l0l1l0lc. VIISO, &oc .• nI.d a m:ln \ 0 bogol\ to ,i1c~JfO II cUange UP~lD IhuubcnlltiC)n to Illde IllS vIce!!.; ondeoll he r only cr.' 'Vhe.n Mr. C,rowford, our bero, heard 1Il0)lUfllCLuro us one uf hi s lal'gcJL m r,,,,_"',,crR' in the tlilltUIICC, plo\j1'irig....."stcullluolll joCl\. \vhll o ollr' eore caught indial inotly, tru~!n chlltl:tI happinoss , WII8 at attke. Nerved. or Ibe IIrriyal "fI~e 61Ilp,he, withJlour iier- .!copcs( to be illuminated witll IIvo I)rum. LI.e right \ll)d-[()lnlll~ UII loft 80mI' yery QurlquI .ound., whie.. IIIl~el\red dNa)" I!1tnm., .. , hopo not-but hoping i~ by th,o thong),t. Shll, taiKcd hllrself up Qnt! vlllhs, raJlllil't:il to tho wlJarr, ' Mllry wnp lights. ' III\olreu tltllc. I " to proce d fronl t11~ lip. \If' Mill Jun'll thllY , \ 1 /J I , t: ~ 1' 1 . Ir l ' ~ 0) jq b e} . ,. 1" ,too trifilllg a ,WIl.'J' 10 ~!!eidil so'important 0 .go2,cd in throllgh q reut in, th ~ .CUrtllill, JUlt Rtao~ing, on tile quarter dcck. ad~tring nll'\'v e Il~vo witneQ8e~ tha graD o)('y-1.)'. ' ! to 0,11 compllUnd 0(, a dry cpugh que.tion. If Henry dthlks pri ya tely. itla III t,m e to hCllr tho treacheroU8 lover 'sent! lur e's ,,'Ildeat grandeur. She hnll ~eoover· ~rogen mlcropcope nl the R Qsul lrolYlAcl'II hlceough.llnd it ~ppollred 10 u~, u \YQue, (lir won!>. Llilln if lit! openl, II r ua· tile lo~dlord fur ; the socond : pi1 cJj ~'r 01 ~d (rom I!er slokness whon four days 0';1. nic fllslitute.l.On on, which iv Lhe inWprotel'a Iletweeo he righl BIIt! ert:::"""" ed. , i'rtlC, ~IlQ Ilttle.r is 8ho~ltinSly ' vulgnr, punch. 0 \~n" . cnoucll. In 0 foil' 0\111' Til? luillllltrul breezo?f .the brond ' 41 the wor.ld. , Tho coo " \vil iarl ).r'r, ',Ch\ngsllUd p~ogrellod in Ihls way ror IIbout bl\~ • mOll Is euler cu ~d 01 U' dlpl pl\tioll ule sho was ,lIt her own , ~0ll.r, 'diAtinetly tin h" ... imprinted 011 her prelly (oco n. 1,11& mode for U8. mngnifie ll 1\ on secontls, wbel.l we hoppened to dl. t1!.~ he <:,11 be mado, ashamcd ,of. thou a marking Lho young ~,al\'. U'ack fro In tiful (reshlles8. Thor.o sbe s tood lier or times "rQuter Ihnn our nllelllion to IIl\It. R osI. , 'HII eyn pnvril vice Ih ,~, he conceil'C8 nono , know th e!lcu'\'p lh'o groac~': •. -til)j;0d ,wlth till TQSCa of SllorQn. aud her one"bnd .v ill , cOll8elhu)II\II~ clc)eod, his he.ad ~WQnl araCtlI"Ul rom, eiM' l1I IIlde, II bellm of hnvellly com· ltB vil',til"'/', ", but .... Emma s'till s lopt. alld I\ever nilssed <tho 1.01l1ly brow ",Jaite IIs11ie )il,)' of tile ~alley. ,he retofore U\lIlOOI1 I>y ~11t:.l.'iiiIU81t; ()fl ~" ,n , .. 1 ~he ItllTS w.:rq In Em~a'l oyeR-tho \V ~tchrul mother. \\llIQ /loW loy bOlldo IlIri'. Cra w(or'il ~PI'II/Ig'. OO deck, DUll wil" illlr"~u- rnollkind. 1I1bee ncy restod on hIs 1I0(Jntellllnce, aDcI brtgh\ tlu.~ or Indlg notilln hoil . l)alod on rqvolving rlanll f<!r hor surely. . ced by ·the enpl~ill.-He looke.(] on Mary -'"-...-!~'"-___- Ills wholl' mOil gave 1!'NII_tlll/o domonatro· her chtc~, ond lilio luoked ot ,he!' motlll!!r, ,"E,I\'M. dellr, .\vould yuu Jfot liko to vis- with love and admirallon; her ~oft 'hllnd tlons thllt J"ne'~ rnullo made 111m foel broalh)e~~ly. OIJl\08t. Sllo 'ilaq o~ver 6ur~ it, lhe !,Iilr,'ond s pend Ii fow' week8' with 'loy ' III hisi )lc wbs § bol! good all :ol·er. Wt.i resolved irom tlli. DlI~od hor idoJ .JlOult. fuult. ' ,your QOu~lnli no\\l1' You mny not' havo Ihe T.iJey 011 c1eacl'lIc1eil (rom theahl)l.lInll reo tla,WiIlS mos t do l',ongre.ga(e-nroulIll the contemplation or, »-lr. noss's transport, 10 "lInl, 1Il0lher,' it cnnnot he true!" . opportunity ~g"in; ond we can Co bOller. rllir~d to lho mansion of the widow lIforehenrth ifl, SIIIII Jonsillg·s . oellll"; Or ill the eec whether "e couldextroc{ Irom the per· ,,) ,'OP!! not. my: dllughle1'-I ('Iroeslly 'fIol" Lbnn Inler." '" ' eoid, On the Ihirticth day o( pTllbn.ti.Qf) , I snored cl,sk.' I t'iB riob;8~ unilj.uo anll BO formonae ony,lhipil Inte ll,IJible, whon Misl hOllO hOI; but"as r before remar ked. i~ mu ~l EIl}ma consen ted, Ihough feeli ng it II tile lovprs we're Iluited In tho bOlld. pC poduliurtQ Iloor , II qenuhlo e~ble' ~.ivln'p. ,.I nno .nnile ~ fly-cat ohiug I1rab at half a be , d~ide~i 110 drunkard nlUIL ,"ako n tremendouB snOl'ificc 10' bp. pnrtlld from her lOck. -.In cOll\lluliiun~ the ,8prlg~'lIy though h6,ld (n Ii ond give ollt hiB /IOtiOllS dozen hya In II: rq\V. lind tile lime Ilislt/nC thlrillS, t omp bro ll1nd s pil iturl1. sbe 11lt~hl)d a 1011(1' dung-hill eo~k.crelv. ot wreel; of m~ do.u ghler'a hb~pin~68. 'Ye lovor. even for two week; but ~r •. M(iote veooral)\o widow remarked tllat II ' hoppier will be ~O\lh.u" and oodl t inveaUll'ato the- fclt SUle when tho>, were gOIle ho would couple ,woro never lillked tOJ(elher,-La", l~ul her S., who wl!ilom did the ' eipoun~ tlte COne\U,8ion of IV,hiGh she arOllple,a ata. el,ariP. (\loBcly-~~ mny be lI!orl! gonip or commit himself; lind 8el il. WIIS \ ' Rum' il\ a ,·i8 ToIld. ' • \ ding, to tho color-ccl Mpthodiats iii our goo II k.,ys Ivilll tlte !eft. Tbis «;,omo ovor moJice." ". " dcvilthnt pOl"s bis v(ltnrios with Lrp.ocher,. ' uily, wn ll, 'ono o( 'om'-null of 'm08t axe. like II \Vn~m both, and ovor ~ like a "".k him IItoncf/,n8k;hirnup-on his hon. lIenry fe)trelieved nB sooo as ' thoir bnck ' TIlE Mo RIIF.~.TWe met lost night an ellllont foncy :' 1t ",lIarieli t Q hOllr lbe olil fllak of bnmboo bdl\,l'lI. Our nerve. bad ~r--:Jqn C~IIU()L bcUoyo ho .would lell ~'·dc. lY~ro tOfJ,ed, and mony: uw,' with ' regrel, nJl1ieted friend. Sorrolv liod plowed ila slll nt 'do up' the pre,nohmontlJ II) I!is <jnnlnt no~ recovered~nttl Miss lano ropeoted ,tho hberote, (uIReliooil. ~oLller, y.ou cnnnot the botrotlled of Enllna Moure ellg~ged jll turrowe "pon his; ,brolV. ~nd ~mi Eery hod etyll'. 'lily brodrell,' sditllhi9 slIllIe divine movemont,licCl rnpllf!yi 9"jt wltlt . squllal ' know holY wretolleli it Dlnkes mo feel tu 'drunkun froli cs. , . ' silvered his Jocks. Young, nrdentJ •••,I •••·U::.n... n In O!IO of Jlis ex'h ortlillona. 'Inb all' chorlly uf a pinllhed cnt. ThIs IhreIV u~ ibto anhClq'ou Ipenk os if Henn could ,bQ what Sev!lral wro lo to ~r8 . Moure, and Em- 'illg.ho hnd elliered tho bupy course of go ,togedder like a yoke of loxenj und je8 olher nabo 1\1, but from re,l peet fo, the tlloy oy be iaj".c.nd Emma bURt i~o. mo-;-poor Emnui! hOlvovcr loth to" nd,m it ftnimnloJ by bigh hope lind ured\toble ill~!t!lu you hitch on religion too. l1)elko a spikil former. \,,;e maintained ollr pOBj(~on.;;tenra. ',' • " the truth. was yet loo correct to Ulllrry 0 ~itlon • . Ills ho~e.wlIs baplly,cfor ' ill ' 'n", ,,I',,,hn 100111 on·t, lJn ~ day will pun togedt!or bellll' Sho now' m.~e a third ~DtiP wifh' herrigll , .Por llie .liret ~ Ime In her I\'holo life' ahe lOon who ra Iy did ddnk. ' ' liding d iYinlly Willi one whom , ,tifu\lY-llrid cUrl'Y you to- h l::bliel\, Gltd lit tile aome . time raised ' on~ of we \lloullht hor mother unsymplltlJizing. and Lik e' mony Ilthcr~, ),er .first love bcoame. clJristeocd, I\nd . ~ve hod ac~nowledgod W?oda o.nd J. 'VI1~on, werll or.p,OI~lctl you gib up tlte de g!iOSt, JUI a8 sliok as 110 mUlOt nn-onrthly , Ilqwls thl\t ever i~l~eJl unkind; but it IV\I.' not 8~. Mrs. lI100ro, a foir de lu8ioll -80mot1,'ilJ~ Iiko a brigh't n child. T~ 'o babes ble~ed hia mnllsio[l. Gommlt,tee to.cIVait 01: Lhe Commls.ioll- ,;",0111' when you get to, tho door . 0)) from tb~ t1~root of any. human belnlr' , by no mea~., WCl" u much jn lovo \Vito dream, from ,whicb we awokpn to. eaft h1s beautiful as bl)gel.l r lovlng 8R chjl~ren / lit them SI~L"II~,UL CJ~vC!I~1I1.1 0 11 W~d· bres90d plnce • .Potcr ,wil L' com ~ I\n' opell ' , .comed tlle·.lgllul for Jln~ver"l ,~Pher Inteuded .lOu,jll.I'&w 118 hor dlilght.er. tealll1es. . .. . . , . A peatllence IllVllpt over tho IlIIld ; Ihe n csdllYlust, to IIIVI~O all Cl({IOllllntil' n oC thll nn' let YcI'U ill-Pao g'winc to aay '[oro roar ond dostructlon. Bho now' ,threw • y~ .be (elt like doing him eotire just.Emma is now n wlfo ond ~~ther; and n'lothe~ \1'0. a vi(!lim, but a8l5he fell before neighborhood oC H u.millon. ond R08~vllle; IlII oc~od !' • Awnyall reserve, cbar'led the , piano ico. -Slill oould BClIrcely }lelio,Yo that ' tbo sadulou Iy abo guord" he r 80~8 from going dlo BOY tho of ~hc deltroyer. Ihe·bre'lthed.a nnd Mea~ r8. Deckll.I,. 'WllkIUS und SLokes Spealdng or cOllLcntmont one time willi her lvhole force, Sho , bOJ[ed It, ahe vory graco[1l1 IIq~ II.Pltorently jllgoneou' o~~ oC -jllghlli tt] g,ocories, ' \ . I,lym.n of Clonsoilltion for her solf·chosoo CO'tnU),nlllu'-- 1 a: CUlIIlTlllteC to SO!IClt fund .. ti) purcholo Il c~ l1gregatinn-lhis dIngy preodher .ald clawed It, sll~ Icr~pe~ H ot beck yeinll, -... ' guardillo. 'lnd a proyer for tbe otrBpring she 8,le . .Lnr~o . eube~rip\iolls wero rcudily it b~hooved hiil peoplo to bo Ilollsfled WI ,.."elled, her chill flelv.up. her face 6u.h~d. Yllutfl'drllllk to excCIIS, 8011(lltimes; yet sho lDurketl a "cltrellk," or sellitilioess in hi s A Bride Shipped ,to Order. had len. ' "'"A",.loD lind then died. N() I,,,, II SURn motlo.-'-Qm Gaf,' tlieir 101. 'Lost ,vol!k ' be continued • J her oyes glared, hor bOlom heaved; Ibe ehDruct~r sho did not like. Lovo h.d blind· I livcd in V1rginlo'in tho yeor li~8_ AI The bll~o died, rtll ' mother W08 gono 'O,~n .£10.0()O bill bee.n i\IVOHt; d in tlJf~ 08' , rd nno of I,IIV f100k lI'rumblin' CPUIO' he ahe howfod, ahe yell'ed, Ibe c.~l'cl'PcIU~lI L1SJat. , ~'. ed ,poor Emmo j firsl •. puro, • unadultera ted nn o\'cnillg p,arty il) Rlchmond J hero woro nn~ it sought hel' in re!!lms ~~ hero mourn· tobll allmeot of tbe Law Trmel, whi eb " he wns made brack. I t61' ,him do tbc sloand \~'IIS in the act of ~",elling upon ne " ' . . II i ' d - 1\ (rom the natu~e nl its contonrs, being 11ft. Por moy Sivo up h i. scheme ry 0"u lIl}'r'lum, ," llc'"II silO . -nil "lIron j"u un' the Ilote "of II '~teAch·owl, whe'n' w ' 0 took IOl'l~. 1.u~hoving ojL()~ good 1l1lL1 oulle of ey- •\WtI Iye mo II ,ers, . twe Ivo d lIugbtors and ng'la "un IIh own. TJ10 CIlld I remlme . .n ,. " bow-could ahe, \loor child, judge charac- Iolernble sprhl"ling of fothers, sons, wid. booutiful one, whoso coquetry, aDd 8lDilos. original. 1811eee.8rlly II moru moiling gOB out of water, II' tile rollowlng fllult wid 1IIose's wilo 'calise ehe W08 an tho St. Vituo~. dance. and rnlhed ,out of. . f \V 'I·'u\lwora. present ' Wit. h'" . an d grace, In'' t ,II ' I'd"•. l • TIIII I to 'prod uoe. I-IIon a po I'ItIco I o.ne, .tory, frolll our IllIIt ElIglisb pDpOrtl, 'l'.ll,· 110'" " 0 ',71 -rd atrll-k '; Ie lLO ... t er, w,II(t was lau'" IIt tn spenk evi l (j f nooe j. olva lUI", "'BU~I(). Quct· j t n I moa ~. , ·op,·on-"h' ", .U 1Al ~ U U roo In, . 'Cood"leaB.I' 8·I·d ~ a b~8t·nd ~ ~, ,<I·f Ii ' truo : b b I . , nol drl llkl-never 'fodd ih their miilst. nnc\ vou' moy bo $ure plngue come itll round, allain, and the wenler portion oC wl\olo poge!1 are i\JlrJdm. wid leb'rousy tc)r It. Guess' Bhe ' e er 8 nglng. wllllt m)lst bo hor cry. l "Mothe~;Hen'ry doe" , r '..t\. moa t curIous and InterosUng d . " E--~ was drunk ill hillifel" ""claimeu Emma, wo hud aOll'e fun. Convcrslngwilh an ao- wna strickeo. · JllrillBS blllnched lis densed 'from tbo dOily plpera. 1'ti1!l'0 go t wlli, te nuf denl' . Illl· """'Lange. . • , cry hns JUBt boen made otLnugrc , Frullce triumphantly. &II. at tM o'ulooK lhutuighl clent I," ly .horemllrk.:d tbotller gronMatil' but it ,lirned 011 all !tll dimmed eye, which scarcely n DAwapaper In London ill ,which. \\Ie ho.\'o no t!Uubl, will C8U'0 a Touching oiRui!ement,bo told hia J1o"lt s"o entered der motber's chamber, from I er I~ft Scotlnnd when you'llr alld souled in spoke ilfI'cotion and intelligence, 1I0d ~tnlled threo er fOllr fortulles ,ll0ve-,not boen soarching sc'i(,lItific inquiry tis to the rilatc- l hnt ho bnd no olljccuo • ~IO tl, ern, Ir. they CALL UI' .A liD ~E'J'TJ.E.-That I. not I Virglhio. He .becAme a ,merchant nnd Q faiotly lit the clli,rp 'lVhlcb IIatl bee,n. use. d'io IID.d by whicll U .mllny pol'llonl hove boen did n ot c~rry it too fnr. 'Tllcy m!nht hb vii bad story lold of a captlln of B coblll boat, lung illtervli,w witll hor lover. ' . \ I' Illd -nropcrtids oftlle perpctuul burning .. I ." d .. A b b t .. "How do ),OU k"o",?" plantcr.lltld grew nll~, H,s agent in Gins. wake Its chi o,sll 11I"l:lltor. It fiJlled, rUllletl. r pnrties,' he' sa id, 'thoy miglit alng, 'lYe Icaru 10 aye .. on" y, u nc,- • "I could not wncclIlllllytbing from lIon. !tow \VQB 1I1cAlllllI. to \yhOOl he flliled; ' the tide o( Ii(e l: ::1 not tho (or If dey did dill, er in Till! p .. were at i IT,mother, and ~el u~ged so ' hll.rd to know conaigned two or lhroe c.nrgocs or tolrocco ebbed, until 1111 unheralded. lilt. Bplm The Lundon Times MIkes tho 'VIlUlVilDIl: t'I "" 'or r"Ull/fi ll' on 'or n /lew !..uililing in 'lore dey we~1l awor!> whutiley Were aboul, breakfost, BII II dorkey woa nglng hll 'Ied l " 'k't te'nc Ollt II doole ed tllO ' .. " ~ v ( I " .' . d 'fl d" ' ld b I j ,~ lieU tumultuously (tho cUltom on WIl ea.t· wIlall. OI~. I wlla ao. dull-for J could every y cnr. and rCCIllvcd in return cosh, sno I 8 Dl, 0 r striking 8tatcmentll relliuve 10 lbo II dOb ri~j evidently tho rjlllloillS of Gallo. e ule wou . e broug It jn, Doln ue 1101 jell Ind talk lig~l whilo luch a weigbt bard'IVore, dry goods, etll. lie had lIbcka worit!. · of Lords; R omAlf erection, whon thot cnme to the chl1irs on' tablo , clcor~d OIVOY , au' 'twould er~ d~tCl:ea) req~ee~i~' aU the eentleOlell lay on m, belet_nd I told IIim all, alld ond herde. mOll ecrv.nnts.anumllld8Df\'nnlll The pnrent II Icft alooe. The Tbe British Houaeor Lords is .tbo crellSOOIi bew 0 • not pilI tor rare to call lip to ell! if you could hne Ie en bow indlo... nn/JI hors~s'ond mules. 'Dut 0110 thin .. he yet kUOW8 noth/ngol his pnngs, aud would ill lion of neu a thouland yellrs, '10.1 lopre- roof of nn unller llrIJund sort ?( a cave, ' CroU obcr.np an' down!' ~he coptaln'8oftico IIDd ••ttl.. Tbe brelk0 , which timo \tad ftllidered almbst of metul'llit it i. needle •• to III ' '1 t of tbe lie WAIl! Indeed,! Will' rrl ..tllolled " t til'llt,' lo~k "d-be hc'd 110 pretty wife to alng with oppretiote them '; bllt omlu the throng be 6en\.8 not one, bill mall.V elementl of s tllJjjl- ' Tho 'lulIl'ntest tltlnll of 011, ie tlils old 1 wa no .. .. v .. Ie bcrdne s~. An opeuing W1I8, howeveT. tem t' I I d a W., II the ~ut when llllaared bini I never could lie· hlll1 whon ho came home at lIi g hl1 futigued i~ plancd and hreh~tle~~!e the .Ind~n ch;ef, ity ani! power. It repl(isenllJ Jlr-uperty, eo- elfoclcd , \vllc o 'ono 01 the wel'kmell illllol1' rOlhcr'8 opinion oC roliaioll without P 111111~;r=. e~:t~nual outer)' ot 10\'0 IUch. charae .gaio.t him, he a"'W c" 'ilh counting IlJOIlIlY 8ild 8atiol~d With I ,at n\ r~p 0 h' I rUIII In e ve ns eial rank, hArcdltary aDd Ili &(o rioll Ily ox claimed thol thure wu light nt ti, e which he hkened 10 'beef 'steak widout ',ls,ftll)lloew"·.!Pbl~ao'lIv,o.,IIII.n'dd tbe Inllpid ~Iture of <f¢ e tQ~y, and .'Id JIll cared 1I0t what olborll worldly pelf, for ho hod more of Ihot than of any IVIO!r t mr, tige.1he-hiera rehy Ihe Immediote ihfluen· bOLtdm of the cavern. Pl'ho parnes pepper nOf-1I011 .-NetD York POIff· d . • eel I 'te . n I Ileart ~ould \" i-II. S afte'r a Wlll!O he Reader. Ibo World t.lks willOly a.nd well. AOI' of tIle r.rowo a"'d the dom ' i~lInt" vinn I, ro~f oul D I . norl. YQ ce: .aid. 10 I believed 1I', m." v v U eMored,lvLeu Ih ey fo~nd /I brl.nzM -.epul'Looll here, IOU devlll.h nlcpr,1ou' are "Dit! be, tI\olJghl'~ ~lIiil M". )Ioore concluded to loko ' 1\ ,wife as 10011 as he It protei! of lIympllthy llid ~ondolence. military and diplomatic telenla, tbo chflll IlImp of ren,urltablo workman ship( How to Play the Piano. .0 fnel1:'etic In yout oftice. 1 would advlM whilo. it rejoice. with those ~hat rejpicl'. i~ legnl .wl.dom .Ind prdhlblt.1 of tbo ege. IU ponded fram tho roclf. by ch.ins of Ih e Tho 'other evening we wero at a parly to II lie' "-if eqJ'~ 11]1 10 IJtIJ ".,.." It quickly. Emma .atdo'wn to read he r chap~ could'oalch ono. ler. bllt bet' e •• wandllttd, 'f,er cheek ft\lt!h, But here \Vas the rub , limo wos so rerely JUQUrDI with tbose ,\hat mourn.- varie. eyen from Ol,e 'day to anol,her.,E mellll. It WD. C?lItltely filled w itllll com. of a friend ,ot ourl, II.nd among tile for I ."'ear iI hun'! .ellled, lad cd. )IOor child I . lifo waB jual orening Its occupied wilh hi~ busi ncea thllt be could Vlevt7a111111trold. ter the HO~1Ie in thO' mOrDIDA'. alld YO\l bustlble ~\lb.t8nce, which did nllt IIPP 'or \VOl a g81 miss, who bad just returned never \\'111, IroOl p.....at .ppevaa~ ,_ chOpl.cr ot relliitiea! not fi!ld limo 10' look about him for II Wife; ~ a legal tribunal, In the evcning. and to have d imrlliebcd, although the probablli- boardiog Ichool. when Ifter many .011«:.1:&-,1 CollilMrcicll. .. • • • • • • • and .worso than all he woe II bOlhful mon. : Co;lfortl oran Editor. you will - a .ynod ef divine.. On Mon· tl i. tbatthe combuilion h .. been l1;oing on tions and apologiee. abe I .. ted hereelf III _ _ _ _ _ _..,.., Two men lit in the ba<;k room of Wh~n he SBW a maiden or twenll o~l'anI f he duel Dot flU bi'. paper ~itb now. day ),an 'lVilIlind onr grebt terr itorial no- for ugee. 'l'h i. die'c \lvcry ,will. wo tru s t. til.,. Ili.no. flicked to Ibe rlgltt, Ihon to Th. daugbter ~, the proprietor 0( • I &rOfet.y, DOlh werf\ ~1I,ccl.lookll\', Clng ill hil path, he wou.ld crOll! (he stroel illlporla.acl!, wbetbFlliere. bo I\ny IIr not it tbe rights Ind dIJ eaofllrD- thruw ,!Omo light on II quoslion wbir.b hns tho left,l eaned forlVoiil.lbeo bllckward. and coal mine in PenaaylYanill WII iDlj.I.il'" IIId 'bath were Clofnll' jUllice to the plat II (clrful of being kllled by a , bOI (rom her i. condemned for not being wh.~ it ptlr· perty; on TueacllY YOli will benl Beld OIU- c.u ed 10 mill)' di8putel/mong Illuned Iln. begin. Sbe placed right band about .s 10 the nattlre of "POD w.leIa.er 01 OY8tera tbatsllt boru,,* tbem. 'rumbler. I parltlinlJ eyl~, Bu\ a remecly 'II' U at blWd porll to be-a neW8paper. . hlll., t'J[·go,eroor.,.od Jndilln Commao· lIlJllarie •• '1I1though it ia Itated that one midlvoy Iho k 1", uti ber fell about two Cllt.er npreeellted Ie to ... JIIP pit of or pUll,cl1 ere aleu fait. dl1l:lppearhlg, lIud bo\Vewer. Ho bad Ortell hurd bJil parenta If he ci_ not fiU at !~t.ooe column e~- den-m chief, di,cu ~inicolon1e.ahd wars. was dillcovered I.t Vitcrbo, In 1850, . below Ibem. She no" put olf fire o. mOl& prodl,toua ....... • !loa/I, 'be pllle1i ere Jlualaell back lIud the Ipeak ~lIl1h In praisJl oC 1he \,Qullie Itlai iol. er, week w lib aonnlLhlug J~uaballlv, h.1 'map., boveYer. the mOil rem.1liable feahowonr, no fre.llln!ormlltfoll wal to a bri.1r clIntor upon. t Ie trebl, 'Papa" RId the eIIIW, -ouaIda't , . ... cip.aUghled. of Scouand. A bright idea liruck bim. (oliu i. pro~oun~ un nterO!hn,: . ture of thla bt.dl1. not the varlely, 1JUt tbe aJl'orde~ on Ule luliject. nOlel, aud Iler left .nor It. Tho left then the dtYIl to ....'.11 . .101 ,... .. "A ncI eo, H.lI 1lX1r DlYloit1 beli,red e _ WheD lie WM lellylll, tbe. clllce bitt cltrJl If a pubho D111.4nce .bould. C1I81. nolice paucIty .r attend.nce. On .latOllI led the Vlay blick, alit! wo rilht Jlurauetl eTJ '&'0l'Il10 11 tukl l.er!" 'I'M tIIIpyl"lll duplicate onler for 8undt... 01 Ie would o8'ead, aad Dot to notice It '''Y' eveDtnr 1" can DtOallon. liacllOr'lJia'll Lo.l)qED I. J41L.-Tbe o~toriotl J,t'lbl"Y, in like OIanner. Tbo riabt turDed lIocl reIbn.&YC AJ'rana.-....... ..,. "Cortelal, .... did; bulJ ..l1li1 'ook out. to be len\ .. /I parl of we rewro carp. auld be ~to the .thtea, proeeedini. of the mook or La Trappe, has been btouaht Ita mowoDlobt, but ~ lolL oulnlD ....' trieotI ........ __ , ... ... TIte 0141...., ....... alto_.lrer flO. .Il-l1ae Be tIloacM to hiOlllelf that be weuld 01'11. Un donaocpablillf all the "8m.". h.. buD ,." b..." lad ,ou 18111- up oa IOha'110 or IIIQld,rln"a man naated it \hI. tila.••oppecl orer It aDtllqlt . . . tW .. . ....... ....Ia........ JalWiIIe . . lIltewd . . . . . ,..la,l...io forawlfe, •• the IlII\ilem on and tIe/l. \l&a,ooc:--1o'U die orIeI'or ine atelnaadred lIaaton ball bDIIIy Ed .nU. Baaw,•• , Pan\eeyille, Culum· \ir.1108' &lie track. It . . . iii ............. 1& . . . . ; .... o."be 1nil ......t lip . . utieie u onIfrttI ....". nIUiMI,' hether b.....'" It wed. la lact,boweftt,lII''I!~t~lItbC'' bit /1000'1, l-...ln. on AII- ~ er, belli.... .... 0 Ita ..' c . . . . . . ...... of"'" .. 8M It for .. 1Id1 11........111.......... .-11Jt1ao AttlMllmotlrwe:lto,r.cutN»' 1I1III,. .01Ift 10 ' , ... uah e " plYIW t __ ... I~, &lit lliplfJatM-.. ft
8:.Sll~~:~:~~:: ~::~e i:e~;:t~: ~~:n:'~: ~ut
dc~\I'8 son~I,
u.. .,.
Area" .....
T1aur_,. ur
_la" .ida..,
KATB HAYf.8111 C.4LIFOIII\I.4.-!I!BS. 0,,HltYIl6/ wlio ill ot present ' sojilU(IIN ,h 0 1l1. In ~rlU uChllBotts, IInils in Oeloilor lor , C~i.rorniu. ' illr. woI'tlately in 80~~~1 of I\Ji8l.' IH~ 118 t.o Mns88chu !iotts, 10 muko her all -olr~r uf!1II cngogomou\, un ' bohnlf of II gontlc· ilion lo s iujf in Cnlifj)rJiio,·ror',\ blo'h lie- WIIS roudy to p~~ her $50,000. Mr. JlrOugh ~I 00 (lot nillo to flntl .l'{iss . 1toyc~, but lIIe \ her og(lnl, lIfr, DlI shlloll. by chalice, who said it wn8 uselos8 for him to put hiUlftei r to OilY Curtbor troubla, a8 ~he lind' IIlreody closcd with a pruvl~ u8 (lffer, nnd would go 10 Cillirorniu In OCloberundortbnt' ongoge· ment.
Uon1rt "WI, F~om thllt It '"pea... thlt . In the Benlte \bo Wt.lge have oleatod 1" alld \he De:mo~ra1a l'7j And III the 11011 ' tho Whiga.ll"ve eleoted ~7, nd lhe D ~ 'JI .... , " • 0'0 OQrots W) ~ ' uo 3u. Tili, 'ho\'\'. aver tBrgo u'l' I , J .. IIg g~ II In , hOlh brohehOI.-The Uuw.keyo thillk~ Ivbon dlo full ()Hicl~1 YuLa comes [n tIlt' gtilD will bo Inrger tl,an It now oppenrs. J.
';'::"'_-,-_':':"'_ _
I MA~l~A'I'roll.-A remorknble illstbnco uf
tllo fl>"C~ or ImngillnUI'1I o!lcurcd upon lho OIll:ASioll of ~h(! " inking of Ih\l str.nlllcr A~ 1011 lie. 011 LallI! Erie. , One-or 1100 po'rter. 'I'he propriet ors ~ro propo!ed to . [urni h Goofge DC/lin;' \~ho Qover ,hnd liltomptod t~ ol'lIrythillg In \holr line , /rom ' II "Slauin ~~~~'~"~<~'~'~4f=~~~~'=~~,~~~~ &wllll in hlllllfe, got II lire Ilr~al\rvu'r, whl~h Eni::in~," down to'. a "StelY'IlOlI," WA.YNESVlLLE. 'ho piJI Oil. lind jumnillg into tho \Vuler WARREN COUNTY. OHIO. A\Vum BOrn e fineel! O~ .IW!;nty roll$ to th~ .DR. H . SlIIl7.m oners his card to .the pinollele \Vlllcl~ was fiollting in . th~ ' Wllter. citizens of this eummlllllly, i\1 Ihls numbQr Wednesday', Septemhr 15, 1852. Whe n hl'rouch¢d it.h'o felt tho lndln rubof tho lI'liami Visitor. nnd thoreln ' profibra AIl~ l)lMCtnlCdrl nll crs too, ber belt. und [or tho .first timo dlscovorou hili ptofessio'lIal ~ervice ~ on very low lerllls; ., 'r h C" Vlll~ IId, lrue~ you, thllt he hod {orqollcn to In/llllo it• . It was SUBSCRIPTION 'l'ERMS OF ond offers to do things ' up "about right." (Junle.11'1 ul ong, Aw'on 11111'11111. neverthclell8 essentllllly hi~ IHe prellOrver: YOll ,.ri.ly nre to lI11ulIu so for 08 the }I 001 il1g Art is concerned: This gcntlomon has been nomlnoted for ns wilhoutthe confidence iJI811irlld by tllB WhUIl i n litO dnn~ llIl,l lr. ill. }'I)r nlc61101 hne ~ I~ ill 'IN consi;qn nco of the Ooncort of tho CODgress in Lile Clinton District, and we k.now ledge (ball!6 hnd It on, be \Voultll,llve Jlis I hQI\ ~ Il\I,las lJ onJ;. , Gibson FumilY"lhis (WodnesdAy) evening. cnnnol furbour rola\o the follow lug IlIci- been \I~oble to IIwim a yard. tho Shlgln~ Bcilool undor Lhe chnrge 01 dont whlcl\ occurred aevenl years ago. ~Personll. wiehing ollo~p clothillg will 1\1r CnrmJII. will not meet this wooll.An officor, In pursuit of human prollorPRICES ' IN OI,lEOOII.~O[l'goll tl,ough bellr In mind thllt tl.o Gothic Al'cndo, Cin· Doar this in il1lnd. Iy, arrived "I tho village of IIJr. Horlan'a producing golll only in the 80ulhern porclnnatl , Ohio, is Ihe ploco ror thon}, ~===:#=~'='====~== 1'l'eIBilll)ucc, wiLh n wnrronl from a Jnstico of tjon or Ib~ terrilory is .affected II)' the g~Jd Lhe Pence of Hnmilton county. Tho 'pro- discol'erie" and Ihelr conlloquollcc8 nbout E.eeCOI·Jlll VoCe. ltlISCFJ.LANENOUS 1'1.'EIU8. LQCAL ITEMS. was a ' lino young Iud ~f soma 14 oa much. os O~urorlllo, and price~ ore very • The following is G schodl1l~ of tho etec. .of ngo, 1\ ho ror a lelY monlhs hlld high . Tho millers, by Into oecoUllts frOIn torial vote to whloh cnch . StDt~ will .bo cn· THB TUII'Ellll((CE IIrEE'I'IN(l -I trust Report of tile Grand .JUI·Y· been n rcshll'nl in W. Mr. Horl(ln heor- the territory, were oflbring ,II per bushel F;r . Ince Uoji\lh's lIoa,l, eitlell ill tho cominl1' election. lind. nlso the ' Terms of, AdverU Inlrt . a ran'J J 111'0/'$0,"I'IU! C'OUlI I!I~J.r u."IlI'· Tho I'h'Hi '110 8 a'r o Iloil thntthe frionds of the Temperollco Ro· U! •• e ,,,' Inrr a little 'noiso ond COllfUlliol\' iu Lho fur wheutll'lll for .£lou, r till» nr,ico , Will bl6 \'ote to WlllCh eocu WQS en'litled under the . QI)u.squnro 01 lourloon linoll ol" loas. ~ lnl> l. ' '" r " ,. 9 In wilt! d i~ mny. form will bear in mimllho mEleting which ren, for 1L. "" .. ~rm (J Allyu.d, l!l~2, r~specl- stroet, wenlta tlid door 'of hili OffillC, aud por hurrel, for onts ,"'I "6 per bUlllol,' fnr revious C"JISUS : P '" lu,orl.lon. Jifly ~lIt8; onch ndchlll/nnl inscrllon .. ... ~ , T/loll I", U 8 g\~tll)' bring I StntAs. , 18611. 1848. (Wonty:livo c nt8. R~QlIonnblc rtlducllona is to bil hold in thill-p10ce on Bowrdoy nnd j1l.UYl'epor', " , sow n colurcd boy running (or deLT 1If1l. h3m8 37&oenll POI poulld. Lubor of all .ir Ihonks, nnd Ibud1v :slnjl, ' from Ihoso rnl~. /llnde to Ibuso who ot\vllrIlsc SUllday nelt' , Let thero bo II full .torn-out Thnl wle hnve ex,nminod ono hundrell oud looked terror striul,oll, rollowc') III hat kinde \\'oe high Qn~ ,scaroe, ond tbe deputy lIln.ino, 8 9 'l'il{ough Unvltt' God ond , ling New ,~lnmpshlre, ' I) 6 oXlonslvoly b)' lho ~oor. 'FJr nnno(. l)clng on Bnturlloy nfternoon ,ot \ tbroe o~clock ond rtiftv witlleBa~, IIlIil [o\lnd sixty·four pursuit by n loolo~.lo~kll,g whit" mnn. He stlrvcyor.s wero paying from ,110 to .~OO , , "', , \~()'vo won the ~I\l' . Vormollt, I) 6 ncllll08 (It cohdlllQtosfllllO d~IIQr oooh, 10 bl\ nnd',at I'Illlht, o\so. ,I hope thot no , billsof In,l!clmelll, , tl!i1 ' prillcipol ~PQrt ' , Cll,lught tho boy. Mt. l{. wtllked to per 1II0nti.,l'ureoch Inoll they employed. ~1n~soclhIl8ctt8, 13 ]~ IlGllllO ttdVIIIICO. , who feels luiy Inlerest in thl! caul" will wlllcb \lre fllr o~cllee~ of· minor illl tho captj)r, oud asked why he, held th(1 boy . , \ , , , 4 4 .JOB, POINTING', bo obaont: Do not . lot thO ' "enemy\' rer.o. , Ho replied hll \Vns on officer frC!m Cillcin- ilL ltlnl','cl, II vlng. nud Chollte. Rbodo bland, . " ConllecLicut, 6 6 ovor 0. "slilD n,eetln~' but rllthor We hovo vi6it~lIthe Joil, lind found uoti, /md hnd a' worrant fur the bOY, 08 ho III ~ht"el hOB boen lin objoct of tlluch nt CQlol'l,'Cl Muss ()o~vcnUon. Of overy dQ8Cl'lpll on, slIch ae . ' , .' . The' lIlnsQ Convention ~I the Color~d New York, 36 \ 86 , PAMI-ULE'1'S, HANDBII,LS, let them bll put to 8hamo. by the contempt clenn "au ill go oil order. nnd bn-vo reOKO was n slave. 'Illont know about elOoin- tcnLion at Burntogn, this Slimmer, A CIlr.( New Jersey ., ., , which a large mpeting wili show thot the te» believl1 U'I\: it is gllllcrally .kfpt BI) nil n' all Justices olld COllstobloa I"shin.."" nncl reBi)OlHlcnt o( the 10urnlll or Clll\liPcrco deCilizolls or Ohio, uow in 8.c '510n in tbid ci, ' D ~INESS A.NP "tlUTING CARD, , ' , 27 !l6 ' lJLANJCS, ;r.dELS, people hold townrda their n:.forious busi- h,overeoso~ tll b~lIcvo ,'hot It Is genorull serving cIvil process in this cOllnty. Wo ecrlbt!a him nS,O~cllllj)mQn young in .al'" "", is curlllillly very rl"peetable in num- I'DenlllsYIVOnlll, S $ n08s. . , " kopt!lli nu.! thnt tho priSOllllhf thereill \vill teet thl e. m~tlor. on~ seo if this boy pll ornnce, wilh on air II lillIe bonlerlngon , . e nWllro 8 8 axoautOO III goou alyl e nnd 9n slll,rl nOticD lit The IIpenkera wtlO orr ollyerliso~ to lie well provided lor;-although the has hot aOme iegol rlrthta, os I know he ilM the Illstingue" wiLhout, howover, nli y aI'berB, tnitmtll, and !ionLlo/llanly dopottl"enl. M 10 d' The Miami V, duor O(lico, nnd 1/11 , rQl)SlIl1(1blo . • .1 .. DutlVeen i,vo '!llId threo hundred Golored ~ry.•I I , g l\lI o. 1 8trnnier~ ue ill the ' city, nnd, we refer c!,ur U 17 tOflllS. No,'crOOn givell for Job l'rinllnl,t' t bove }l1I1~ilT~n tblllr :riltell' mont nnll coniittucUon o.r ~b~ buil'litlJ( mnny frienlls here. Come. let us go tei the poorllllce Q( P6sumlllJon or rgatism. Of rellders In \po lOport of tho 1l10ceodin~, ,l'IIol'th qrol no, 10 11 " bo on halld,~an~ unlt)S8 sOlllot~lug hop- sucU OB ' yiilnot admit of 0 Iroo lind helll- Court Hous".' Mr. Harlan cousl'd a writ smnl1stnh,ro. tllld unly 0. r~lp'ectoblu .hore made btou~ r,e porter. SO';l\h .Corollno. , 8 9 ovor ",hicla tbey hOVII n'o , Gontrol, tby c~~llululion tllrollgh tho Pfi son 'room" 'of of lIoDens Corpus to Is8UO. ' A., beoril,g or ~~nuly, Jle would lIotll('e~\, of hilDsolf: To.duy hlle beell cclqbrateil OB 0 Irener- GeorgIa, ]0 ' 10, thoy wilL be ~ore, o!lcl so lure ,08 t~ey are " Tho prl\ctlce prevalent wllh "!ollY of hutl. nnd ,the boy wnli disohorged. ,Up~ purtleularly n~tfncljve to tho fllir sex, yet , al jubilllll, 'in mcpllry of cortnin eventl l'IO.ddll' .. ., S her~ tlliiy will do th~ir bllit Cot the, gron\ tbe Jualicea of tho Pellce III our county or the onnounoemont 'or ,ho decision 01' tllcre is about him quite a /lolVery girdle !1,lllo hnvtllielped to.Rlolio 0111.0, 23, liS , causo. Turn oui, everybody l MOD, wo° rec01nizing persons to 8p~O(lr bofore the the Coutt, tlul et"vo.colcher caught lioid or be femcllo I.ovolinesl all evidenLI~' lCazinl\:_ which Co red e conspicuous,' A 80luto wns fired at sun. ln~ln~o. 13 I~ mell, and cliildren, nll hAve o.n antereat i,n Court for s/nD;11 Anl,l trivial offencel, anll dIe boy. whlln !'tlr. H. atepped up 0 hi~' and Jiste!.ling but to 4dnllre. This ill. 'IlL riao by tbe Cleve lllnd LIght Artillery; o.nd 111111015, 11 9 tilis matter, Dnd therefore. all should work, where tlJe evidenco pfgllilt is ahght, whore unci with detormined manllar and 'pcech r.rftrv~l,' tho ,fa cinating bllcholor, ",ltoae at 9 n second snlute':. A procession WR!I 101~o, " 4 . Professor F~e'llch w:fll 'show forth modornte fiues might be aAscsded lind no 80id to him, 'Iut ito this boY. Hands ' ofT' booutirul portraltul"C or the 'Wocs or slnglo [ormc:. Ul'twi!hatonding the fllin, 4nd mllr. WUlc~n"ln. [, WAy bo(ore 101lg, It IS ~c~dl~6B ror Ole to logalltyond utility ,of tho Mnine ' . Md in ,such 0081!Y, ,is III IJim insl1lDtly." 'rho office~ obeyed, RIIII bluscdne_. h08 mode lIhn thc god QI every d ,6 dOy thllt thruo or four limes the nlHo~nt Low. 1 hope-til It ~ho lil)uor leUllrs wi:! our opinion, r~pruhol\~lble, ond ~houIU }u 8 Mr. H. then cried out, 'run hoy, run: IInU I,lUmo.rrlcd fulr 0110 wbo baB 101l« boeo pan;: ched through Olli' princlplIl slreel., The M{c~lg/ln, Mnsqnlc, Odd F 1I0ws. S~n8 of l'omper- It"ntucky. < J~ oeed~J aq'rt'~I' is due me! but'l ne9d 1111, be preaent to hoor t hot; for it Js time tl.oy great moasure. be dis~ontinued. th~ IittJeJellow 'pllt but,'., onll wlls 1'IoIecIJ lIo~ for II "ympilthieinlt. aolll.' 1'1111 IIllme nnce, IIl1d' olher. socicties mode II sood ,ap- Mlnourl, ~ or \V II.t In Iho ~our~e of hme. Ncwspo. were lookinl( abol~t for sometlling to 'llleer thnl a grlllvnnuo Is necessl1rJ· out o(tllo rench of ~he law or 1'763 Bud wtlLor thul ~e~uribc8 tllo IIPP!!lIrSuce lalld pO~rllnel', lin ler the direction or ~b.rahalll ,A!D~lImll' r nc:,eollnts should be I~t~led onc.e.oy~at, uJ! jn the "~I[eot IIl1lio~io~/, which un~\I~ the. llxr8tio~ etatl\t~, ~n fe- Justioo cett'flcllt~8, b)', lhoae who belleye m~nlter of ''lllshinlttol,l ~rvi';~ at Sprnt"", . pn hOf4ebRck. H~ckllr'8, Bruse DQDd ~ wIl8 1.olu80PO, leasl. olld thot ~oo, t tpo beglllDlpg, to be(~~1 them; for ,th" tlmo ~8 lbe tet~lbng. of ard~nt " pltlls, 'all mon.riro entitlQd to ire, liberty. nnllthc gQ:-'Among tho .mall ~r()upi cluslered in ' in Qtle\l~I\DCe." Aner th~ P(ocos~iol) rig 1enno5800, Ileed mo,nr,y now, Md must hove It from Iy oppr~ocblog when Ithuy \vlll bl\vo cualom Is '80 genoral IIl\il pursllit of hllppin~Bs ' . (he porchoa or C.II tlht'grq8~ [II rroht, lOU cloq\lot't a\lilrcs!s \~~S deliverod by 114. W Missi~lfppi, 80m? 80uroe, ond t~ oso , who OIVEI' 8hOllid "knock under." . . ' " , ' , ellch eVIlr.y Iloy ~ccuron,e\l, tho'~ inen " Such n mon 18 Aa;~'~ Ho Ian. 'go hma may ,pqrhaps' dIScover ~ mhtdle.ogc~ gon9 I) , . ., 'ArknnBls, 4 lur,nlsl\ It. Come up oui! settlo YQUr d~ofl, If tbe weather I. ,ple05arlt, Oil Sabbalh, hllve becomo 51) mueb accustomed to wllrm Intlgenorous i/O) u '",ee: lIoc!deli orill' tieman, IKlnted possibly on' lIle grouodl-and " (ricnlls, immo(lilltely and "by tbus dOIng the meotwl[ ~i11 be held in \he groVil iog it,1l1oy do not coni\lder \.ho occurrence 10118, is 011' ullcompromlslng Whig nIId II, clnd.in a homely gurb ot' Ilece\l~ clothing, - 'S e:!;"l SQu~licrn ~onti(lmcn, plante!'!', TexBs; who lYore rrUll cnL ot the colored p~oplo'~, C IIl1forn 10, 4 ~I~ce your humble 6etV~lIt ,ullder grent in the western 'edgo of tOl'(n, bolong. wortb a psssina reftection.-And ' whe t~ uehellrled mono Wo hope fIe' will b n!little Quakerillliill III cut, and having , , hga ionl. ,to 10silill Rogere. Lel the WoOdl be brought before the Grand Jury, their Bvi- electnA to Co' "rrrn.s., 01111" wl' ll b'" 0 wo.l.• on hili head 4 COII"'O, ",bite [~lt I'llt. tho cOU\'~ntiou, erprcsacd grelltptUiclltion at ':'; , , ~'1 .. ~a " ,. " , " ' tho obllll V di.!,Jayed by mftny 'of It. memTutat, lID6 flUed. " deno\) i.a of such ' an uncertu In IlIg, lind not 0 noi6Y member .-Clevelcm d Goat of"" Imh could not ha\' ·exclreded eta I \I " thot It cannot be construed to .airord sum· I{er-Ill. ' &llIlIln o"8. en"lIltod in 4 l)ui'O .. ~ ... A":'.'j_ ... bere, and 0lle uf U;!!In wIlo owns 1200 ocres ~ ti .. • ""'. " .......... of lontl 'nod 160 gluves III lli8818sippl, de. • 'No, Asluunccl or Ills Bel1l(loll. elent datil Up01l wliloh toJlnd a bill of In· wilh ,fA rriellcl~. 6110ull1 ,ou aok!rcaa ,DABinrouTlI College. on tho Connoctidictm\lnlj thus pUlling;!n a moasuro be111111, ho willl'iae,~nd with hl~ kiodl)' bell' vert New 'h 0 reoc1 f te 0 f'JWlt I~o ' rece Ive10u ' wllh, til 0' moel clluou t1,al- ir he thQugM 1t woul~.on " tbe cut lri"~r, ,'~ ,-t . ~ HanD ,. Hampshlte, J 0 our, eour III Ing,rtey eye, of his slal'e8,. olle 0f'l ""t respec tOu"Ie ' oJ nn d bl whole, !Jetter ..e 0 Id' ell. 01)..., ml'~ w h 0 k(lop up a conhnuc 4m II e eourfCi!1. ~11111millg YOIl b, the aIm. the condi~ion 1 he would give U,olll a I free pllper8.lIt ,!lIce, II I' I r ." . t Ill' i I - t I h'l I . . I. " ... "";'cleveic.7IIJ Ber~tJ t!f Ftridl,l!J. " co egoa n Ollt count~y. , t \\'4S n!l~e .. It. ra 0 n tIe' ar q o. IV I e pelt sincerity uf uis mOJlller, IDd 'he lin"'liming modosty of hl~ W~rdl. Here i8 , bonor ot Lord Dllrtmouth'. on EII(tIJsb no· tloua ana occo~loual deol"r Is .moro. fr~- and , Mllbolliog. Adc.. tioll~1 Ne'W. from- €lnUforll- bluman. who gave a.l~rge , su~ of money 'lnently eXPQled 10 JUBtice 4nd meets IVlth ' , o~e o( the reolJlons. Tlfie ientletiii'p f~ I. by tJ.c ~ol'Chcrn LIg'Iat. to e~ilow It. 'l1bere t8 n Jin,e pictllre of ~ :. •• tbe "Punishment duo to hi8 c~imes. 1'II~1f Temperance (louvcnllon. 1I0no oil,er tllon Washington IrvJn(~. 1 N till I ad In C-I him III one of the 'college bnlla. He waa ' The State Fair. ') A praotlce we deprecate to he prewalen A Moss Oonvontion wilt,be. he ld by the man by the mnnlc ot whoBe pen Ihe Eo"'o evon Ins teenn y l~ppQn . ~ • , ' ) ., f b . r CI " .. Ifomio, \\:bicb Ilrodu~d A more poinful im' youllg! Bllil hand80me; ond fJO~, ~nQ 00On to·day, to·morrow, and tbo 1I0ltt day, oontrol of auch mlliter. lit 1!fo,ent otber wilh lome, to vuluntcer thomselves a. w~~- [rion",s 0 temperllnce In t olty 0 ~vo- lish langung" it dllployeclln plctu1e. of pre~.ion than ll\e'l{1to duellietween Gonp- co1t\)lasbed; but h~ bo.~ .o~ethlng for bet- the' Annu.1I1 Foir of tbe Slllte Agrlcultur· peraons' willtake tbe mattor III bll~d. 1 neSBes before the Grand lury, who_ UpOIl lood 00 tll'! 16th, 16(h and 17,tl~ of Sept. ellqu!.,\te beautr,-Rurus Choate is hit elf rol Denver, of the State 'sen4le. and E. ter thaa. 411tbeae, he !I,d pleJy. He loved nl Boelety will bo h"ld at CIllvelnnd, Ohio. do lIot soppos,! "any body will cry over it.'~ naminlltion. h,.!lvo but a vague recolleo- Hon. Samuel Rouetoll, _Hon. GeQrgo N. in the monnor following; 'JI\ one of thl,t Gilbor .puior ollilor 0 the Aha ~aliforn- ond hOllored hIs SlIvlor, anll" although, Grell.l proporo.lionl I.ovo · been mllde to , tion and that of on Indc.ftnlto clio.rootcr. of Briggs, Han, NOlIl Dow, John ,B. Gough, In98t retired parlours IlIrroundod by a very in. Thc o)'l[(ill of tho unfortuf\ale IIf1i\lr, the lime when ~o IIve~ It WOII the f~llIon have a fine exhibition. A greot interest JUn, J. ~. llcl[{;A.v, 'the supervisor In 84me triv:01 brellch of the peoco or iuslgnL~ ES I)~. ,~. ~. Ki"\~~ll.EH.q" .lIJld mOllY oth- few per.on., yoU vii. liilll' Iyinlt 'upon 10' WOI aJl e~itodal ortlcle, re ectitlg upon to mocli ~t sorl\l.us tll.ngs. , he wo~ lIuv,er in the subject or ~ A~ricultlirc htlli bllen the lower district" hOB hnd thlt b.ndl work. licant viOlation of the stlltute. , However er d.stl!}gu(8heti.spoakeril ~e Ilfos- ,(0.,11 mOIlIl( middle IIge, thin and Ilender, ing~.rincip41Jy upon Mlamt IItreet, III this pure lind just ' tlloir mot/ves m~y 4e we 00 IvhoBe fl\ce wn'~ trao'ed deep . !ine8 .,r A tbo Governor~ O'l~ in6lre'c\)y upon tho' offi. 08hotned of.. bIB· religion, The t.:an., lind awukenl!Jd up In this State; nnd' great cera of the rellof expediLI II. who were ~ome 'ltoblemen a~eed on one OOCIISIO~ to provemen,s lire COlIsol)ltonily boing plnee, and liMllln,a few dRY. made it look canno't consider tbelr eets producilve ' , . , ' thought and ap'p~rQJ)t,I\lfI'erlng. Thero i, dc~pat~lied by authority of the Btnte to take an ~oriy morllln/l ride. :rhey waited in overy bronch oC the, ncieneD, for 11 scl- quito rcspeotable. I hope that the good p04ce lind hllrmony' olDong our citizens lind . ~mE.-Tho 8pl~nll.od rrlvllt~ mOn81~ft or I wili! boggald ox~re"i D to bis r.oubtl> ' work will go on ,lUntil all the "Ireet, are ore led to bplleve thot if they received no Wm. WO~d, orCmolDnali. "tullte nbout Ollnce, o.nd- his eye Beau'" roll .. rc!atmellt the I!mlgriation by tho overlnni\ rout~. a, few; ~'Dutos for Lord Dllftmoutb. On en co it is. Tltl9 Ilflicle caile~ out a Cllrd from seve- Ille amva). 0110 ~t tbe comp~nv 8eemed dill' ., put in good repair. ,P oor streeta are not (ee for th'" apponring bofore U8, fOI\', if one lind a l!llr milos botuw Sprioi VollflY Ia.a 011 tb(lugh he were now being cOllllumro'l gontle~cn co~lIected with tllo expQ'di- posed~? coil h.m, to IIccol!n~ f~r bit tardlOO1Ul.ty Pairs. lodicotiv,e of great prolperlty; therelore any, luch cases would be recorded. IVOB deslroY\ld by lire. YOltordoy rnorn.ing. od by aome Internal 6re.-lIie clothe. bre tlon, in whlIJh thoy aSserted II10t theoft'en. , n~8S, 1 b~ve learned to W~IL upo~ the Tlla followIng wi/lloforl1\ my renders of tho citizOIlB of thia place .hould spare no ' Inconcluslon ",ye would eay. 1hnt our Tho hou~e and furniture oro It total lUll. by nO . meDnll fa rlionable, or even new. sive edilorial 'pervadod {oell and attempk KlDg of ktng'l, boforo I 1II01t · upon my the times set for boldlnar Agricultural Fa.ir~ pains to mllko tho lItreece wbat thoy Ihould tbank, IIro due to tile offioors IvhollllVe \VB i- ~he bouse wit~ completed but Ii rew weeks There is aLout him an 41r of negligence , ed 10 turl! II worthy ODd .comm.enllable nct ,eort}J1y loveielgu,' WII Lord Dllrtmoutb'8 in this county, and olso in CUnton and bo. !, ted upon ualfor their promptness and cnergy 8\nCC, and \Vft8 newly ~rol.hed in olegnnt on~ occa.loDallaoguor, wblch reminds you ill tbe performnnce of their duties; olld eH10 a8 n Bummor res.dence. Tho losl I. th4t he 1ft ~he same gentIl!lnoll whom yOU \0 Ihe pr(>jp~ic-o' of the Go~t'rn.or'-thnl tlnswer.: N~ m.atter wbat be hDd '~o ~o; or Greolle. ' 'the tltl~ck OJ! lhe Governor could hllve wllo wanted hIm, rending the Dible and Tbe Warren County AgriclitturiLI fair TIIB Whigs of tbl. vicinlcy hold a moe-' peciillly ~o the ProBCcuting 'A ttorney f", not less than ~rom $10.000 to ellW drin\t 10 mnny cups or tell at ' the lUll- =emlnate~ only frail) an envious and ;)aoll. 8e\lret prllyeJ' were duUe. ~blch h" lIever will be held at Leb~non, on ~Ved !!sdIlY. ting at tbe Concelrt Hall in thiB ,place, oil tiis kin~ nttention 4nd ossiet.lIlce dutiDg $16.000: Wo do nO.l(knolV ~hether IIny per table. 1'bls i' Ruful Cholte, tlie '· CIOUB hon~t.' To this .;ard Mr, Gilbert ro. p~~ oft'. ~l us rom~OIbor his oxample, fl'hursdoy,ond probably Friday. of next lIIond8y 'evening lut. Beverlll . oildrei8eA our sovernl sittings. " , P;~tt 11'118 (lovered by,nlur4nce. The '9. an- great Boston lowyer, the 'Alnerlclb .KIiIIpoIIlJe~-llIi9\1rln~., (all he "xpreB8~d it,) ond DB ro.thful to ,God , \11 he W48.- week, tho 22nd, !l3rd, and :'14th of this were delivered by Bpeaker. of 8uperior till. All of which Is rospeotfully lutimitt. 810n wo, erectell olllhe 1irtr IItol1 owned Buth,' ",bOlO eloquenae IWII111 tlie hellrts 'these tOlltl lcs of bis Excellency, thllt their Child. Paper. ' , , month. ' . ents. l!ow many couverts wore mode ted. by Gen.Moi.eley~ lind occupIed olle -or thll or men o~ the IIlllrch wiJ'ld swaYII tho evr.ril . . The Clinton County Fail; will tie hold know not. HI:II&1; '':: LA RIi:, Foreman. most IlttrQ,llve sllea behlfeen hero Dnil Clr- -cen 'pines"~17o"" - J,-'rn ~1 , t· 1n dl gn.Jllon. supreme lin Virtuous 01 It 'Van n...R1WJoI .AltD JEIIIIY Ll.D MADS. I I ~u .... might hnvo been, looked .noro like the ef. ' I' , . at Wilmington 011 the .14th. 16th, ~nd 16th c .. nllt :-4~M arch Lig''', 8lA ;"-'It. -Tho fo lowing note, from a reliable of October, ISIS!!. , CONcsnT.-Thls "venio" '(WedIlO8da v ) Saratllbt Llues Ulld, short .L l n e s . . PEJIILOUB SJTtJA~J!lII~On SlItur<!l.v,laat fervescen Ge Bnd froth of politico I bllngers· Bource, "Ivea us tbe 8um total ('11'1 ro"nd • . . ... to , WId Rl'v Onn F wl0 II C ~ M tl I ' . . I • Mi G I b " , w The Greeno County Foir ,Will be hold thero il to be 0 glr4nd Musical Entertam. , e I~or a great 00.1 sBid obout straight • 0 r, . . film 8sea~ o. we lenrn from the Itoollestcr ('spera,. on , 11111 tIe genulnO artlc cl , ~ I erL numbers) tbat tho t~o distiguisbed 'pl'l'IIon. at Xenia oil tho 13th, 14th, and 16th ment, given at th,~ Concert Hull in tl:'a !intl nnd ehort line Ro.ilwoys. and of pm. chusc~ta just tioQeQlled ot Wlllhllliiton, wnll parry of citlzcntl ' from that ploco paid a " ta I d born in Lebanon C . . 1'791 d ' closcd bie nTticle with tho followmg lon- nues, W/IOBO nome! heAd thil article, clear'A t th . r! ~ ... October,186l1. plnce, by the cele!J1rnted "Gibson Fomlly" Jec ur new rOil s roquiring untold ' onn •. m an 80 IS vlliit to Canoda, and about the tlme'orthl' gu.age; B 0, C perversIOns 0 nelll,we 0" ovcr all e.penaea. ""rln a 'hol'r connec. ' I i 61 yellrs old lIe rod t d t Y I C I Uu" • I suppose thnt these F'lra w·.11 be (not the "SponCEI, Foro,'lly" under"t-nJ,) SIIIOUU.IS 01 monoy, as i ollr c tizena h, ad g ua c o s . e \I' evening W48 comln" 00, etarted in a CM" I WI II ndd lint to vouch for CIT- tlon Hallom th ttl d 'lI ~ a u V I 'n 181 ..'"•,lin d oll d t • ' r ' hwe are ready d' . II a leY"fcrage ,,In e coosl,Jerable interost and IIdvanto<Yo liv., in.numbor, tbree ladies and two gen. more .blln tllay kQcw wbot to do .wltl,. ege I wos or a De ss nc er/lY riage to return tn ~he, Americ.n .Idel , ond ~( any of the olTer 83000 a plcce on "acll conc"rt .. W I I man at I'lalnfleld C ' ftc H ery Jlel ~Ve aye slatl! , . ,. • those wbo mny attend tllcm. tlemen. This '~"Impany ' Ilavo obln'lncd a e .,ave two oxee lent linea of Railway , onn .• loon II r. e Wh b' Id ' f tI ' , gentlomp.1I oUo.clJed to the tra in, or nny 'EJ)lToB~)f WORLD:-N t I .... ~ thenee reD10ved to rllll 'River, 1I1as8" ell II ou, m way 0 Ie .uapenslon . UBI CAL \I oog • ••• reputation liar tbe excollence o'f' tllol'r {rem this olty ~o SprlDglield-ubo\lt an nv· , brid"e. the storm· slruck.· .. cm with appalother JI'rleod'1 o( tl Ie Q'()vcrnor iI Oltres to slnco 1IIr D h 'bl- d h era"e of i6 'Ie" t ' I Li I d wberc ho Y{G Pastor of tho Firlt Congre. " 1'" mBke an iUlle upon tho mlllte th k ' . . nrnum ex I to to me' e 4CDemooratl'o Oountv Tl· o~et. vocolperformancee throll"hout tl.o coun .. ml - q opnr - t In It e on in" fury. The wind blow a perfecl tornar, oy DOW count current betweon himself ond Jenny J .. • Ii • 11' Mi . 11 d N' goHunlll Chltral ol'or t ' 0 I tl·· ears where to find ue.' ' " At the Democratic Convcntion bold Ilt try; the Press always spoaklng In the Ig oml .~oo B. elthor or.tbese have . I , W n Y 1 , u~ • do~ while the oir WII denlely filled w)tb To tJ · a '" . . . Lind, and 0. truly marvollous document It Lob-noD. on Beptelnbor .•th, 185n , tile higheat tODes or p~aise. Tho editor oC tile huslnesa equul til their capacltv,. yot • ho wns elected to Uongresa.-Ho 11\0med driving b,i1 IIn~ rain,' aDd 10' potent W18 JlI pporeo IUvltntlon t.o a person· i8. He ourrht to publisb it entir.e. ftor tllo h II \ . I tho dnu"lIter of Re D P I , , ,... IDid" ~ II . T' k I d Wosldnrrton Union, D, C •• oODs'l der' Lhom sort ne, onl'. str41g It line ore proposed, ," . ,v. r. , 8Y80n W 10 the wind thlt tile brl""lI'e ."••,ed Ilt.raUy enver rep Ie through tlItoalllhOlent .lInd edification o'f the world ,0 OIVlllg Ie al WOI .orme for the DemOJ ~ L u v Vi) 1101 Th Ibid did' I u" • n. Iwpe, uenen lh d th -r t h · Th I u' the best company in AmericlI. For onlo by obDooon Gild W 4yueaville, lind the : r I ~.~' olr Oil YI'c I .e lIIi n- to lind fro, ten or I dozen feel. makin .. one e eOltor of e Altll genornll" lind s.'ngc- particularly. Acco- oerota n us couuty 10 vote for 48 rO\lllty t b b th I' JDney no wal on Upl r t l~ • ano er cor ~ Btl -h d I h ,.D ,- office-'. my own pllrt, not bovinrr I h rd 0 ler y lIyton, stwoen ese hlesl ••V gil consCleD ~'\8. "idd" with Jte vlbrlltlotls. 80 ' .ppolli"g C Ii' I • ,orn 4 Wlti e ~n n.ue, 0 moat take ding to the footing-up, and balances, the • them I slndl no"t "'ve /IIY"Op~s. ye '{ cbl!. Each or these roall. mUit run ne4r the line industrious m~lI, alld very highly t:etoemed.· , the troublo 0 fiJldiug hIm, (Deliver,) thot lIart ' i d h ~ II . h d Bl1EllIFF-John l\L Hntbaway, ' •• IOlon 0 I e.r { (th I N Y Tribune wu tile commotion, tbat tbe horlolBtOppod he shciWcl nut go out of his wily 'to find . . .'el reee ve l e o oWll)g an some AUDITOR-T. D. "farris, singillgj but 1 bOlpe to dee a "rull houso" 0 one 0 e>ot lSI'S, nnd if they .u~ed. ' . . ' end fino\b' Cell upon their Ildes on we dlvldcnlle. oftor olll'Xpens08 were p o h l . " mutt do ·0 b Ie 0 I tl fi'· N .n bl c" III.... I-- J.d·ot I n u R H W P I to-night. Admltf auae fco 01 I t I' .. Y liS U nJr 10lr pro.... 0 bridge, wbllo the driver, in ilie extremity ,y a .gu >" ...... " ley a er .....r. Jenny Lind, 8BOll,OOO, ECORDER- ellry . r nlz, COllI.. I Y wen 1. generAl intereat requires the construction ONE VOTB.-Two Benlltorlnl al.trio t ill GiJb.rl pr~ccedp.d to SIlGrAmento, and lont P. T,Darnum. ' 8308' 1100 COIIIIIISIIOIIER-'!'homoa Parker. N h0 01111. terror.leemed inCilpoble of maklQII I.' Ii ' I D ofel\her Hoe, howover urgont may be the ort orollna ~vent by one vote'· nt tile the leut e""ort t~ mov A f:- lb" perl"lou8 a 0 h aII Dge to G ellera I D enver~ WulC the IIFJRlIlA~Y IREeToR-Jobn Denhaln, t Illte Ill ' UI '" " , .-... " Ialter lecnpted, Illd 8elected lVesaon'd rl. T ' CORONER-George Brill, A CunrosTTr.-Ooe dorlosl week Ire. ell.lI uf ndlvillual or priVllto interest, CoD- D : f)c °dnR' A Whig \VaB elected In IIpOt. Tbll Inmates oflhe oarrille' could ydc, by one vote II.nd D'Dem- . I d 0\0(, 8610,000 d nocted with tbe price orreal eatate.-Cin- "8I1.ort IU flee u tbe WeOpODft. fixiog the distance , give tho even thoU!ond~; not remem. DisTRloT ASSl6Son No. I-JotllesDoxter, cejve a "printed Ilelt~r" tbrouJh the POlt Gas. ' , ocrot III CllJIlden and Curriluck in ' tho WIt I ifllcult. k,eep their eeat~, snd IIlI' 1 at lorty paces .. " n informiD'" me ' lba· a . ahort lime e·p~ted no· ...n d elae bu' to L .. ,. '''1'111 " . tllolO prel'm' I lIlarIei bering the units, ten_, and hundreds. Thoy -J. S . T ot~en, Office, in tbj. plac,. . ~ame way, The Dcmocrota havo the LeA'the parties DIet at Oak Grovo. nOllr SlIcra- are oC Iittlo consequooce. Truly Yours, " " 3-D. P. Crut, II DA.OllEllRUK" hl\d be~n opened In \hi, A F "Tff&1l .um THlln OmtDR£1 Losl. IlIlot:u1'e on joInt ballot by tl\'O majority preclpitllted illto tb4! .urginlt waten below. mentD, 00 the morhinll' of lite 2~ of Allgnst. " .. .. "-(Not atated.) ploce. Now~ 1 bll,;e "h.ard tell" frelluent; Thomu Clllrk, a hi.:lIl)' e.Leemed citizen The change of one vole would moko it ~ A lituotion like this i. t'oointeDAely pilar . A leiter fr~m San Frsnoiaco IDYl: 'Lolt The T h:lcot I SUpp<.JBC is (armed ' of tbe Iy of .. Daguerrttm Roo",," II.nd .. Gdlkriu" of Deflauco, in tbil Slate. on the ~6tb ultl- lie. rul ror dellorlptlon and we must leue It tQ After tllo f1l'11l 8hot, an unlllcce.. fulllttempt "a. made lit rc collciliatlon, but the parties SliM ilY, 4t church, r obilerved a fllot that best men oC tbe parly, and nre, DO duubt :ei';g o~lln"~: ~~ Dever ~y. lIIe bhro0rore mo, on bl. return homo from the "neral the illlilfinolion to pictare what tblt I8nla- . could not arree. Ind the guns \vero reload. may serve to IJInllrat.e, to aome extent, the all oC tbem worlhy of the respccUve offi- el 0 a ~11~ eUlg t \1(R or hi' wjre'. brother, ~avini bi. three ehltCnp!. Dryden WII .tabbed bf a Dr. lIolI. of tbole III tbo carrie"" were, ;ludlll ed, llae .On)' il\·ell. nnUllr, Ciilberl feU oJ- Ilibit. of tbe people here. Obllervlng tel for which thoy ore 8liiving. I noticed ~pen. AI!: J' III~? .:V:derful oJl'I,i,~ clrell "ith him, in tile buqy, was run Into 11(018 It the Franklin Hotl.a hi D., ton on tbls (rightful c:ommotioll nf Ibe Wlmll: moninnaotly. 1'6. j)IlU piercedlhe obdo. that Ilmos~ every lady in tho church woro in the Western Stor o( lut week a .tale. .uppo~ evelY"""J 111 NCR 10 - . the canal, one mile from town, and him. TburecllY. The Captain i. all laOUllntll1 elemente'-~"WPOr\ CR. ,'.) Ne"s. men~ .nd pi d eJltirely throulth hi. body, a silk dreBI.l atotioned m,eolf at tbe door mont which loid tbllt tho DemocratioCan- Wbata world! lelf and all the children dru1IIned. He ·wlS Democnl. Ind wo. definlr" bis po1Iition oemlng Ollt on tbe rigbta,'-' opP09ite wbere when th" con4'cglUon was di'l1\ined, and .fidolo for J\uliitor d.d 110t acoei't the 'Domd yetl'l old; MJnerva. aged about 13. on tbe Vallllndig\la!!l quCtllion, Ind atlltlng , Tbe Llqaor Law In llionHOtI.-The It eutered• •r. Gilbert ",rvlved bllt four counted ulem. Tbere were fifty.two 10- inatioD. fI "b- req&lIeeted t uk I julJ a,~tendethllcel' lIIary Ann, I,ed II; snd Ja.epb IIged ., bla reuud forrepudiltllli tbat enterprl- citileoaof HinD_ta It'vlr,.. atlo .....:.1 *he II e . lit d·th ---' 0 to" lIS 0 f T emperance at I e I' i ." • .,- . or , mlo H, tI" WI out .. 11'"",, or die. jltetelit, and all of them except a. I (b' thie eed yelH. h' owCl_eekor. whllll he wu Ittlek" .aloe !lIluor 1111', the tint attemp' to enD _rcel~n r hia .prrit"?""d from went drcuud ia IlIk end utln-: But Union CircUit Cam, _ettin,. ..enln • ;tlliD . :;.... lm....:.llc:'~ .n~ Xu . bl the Doctor. Tblt ClpIIlla reoei,,,,, rorce Itl ,"",!alon. "u ..We b1 ..111111 ftnb. llltenat lenailion WII by no Olein. alf'ord. any. eYldence or TItle Jleetlll collImenced oa Tueecle g .. ..... ." RUIa R&r..u-lO.&R1?-We 11IIlltt cut hi the Ind the Dootar llpo11 the liquor of Ilr. Co."''''. poCII' ........ UINqboul 81111 Fra.cMto altd tna ...gence, I' IHIra lad OLin. ere rcallf r i y to lie a'leade4 to, U CUIlOI be (101&. baye bee. informed. ",..Ia eachillp b, knooked powll with a ilI!aIr he boetlll- 01 5t PlGr COJl8ta tI ad .... Meatoa"kl... in .. reeult.. Mr. th.che'-Inie''''fior'.dl'-'d~... ~ la 0 ~ut week,.t th. _II pllce, about pcmed. .Rla~lliaeatreaideDtorWeat"" VI';;... tieaUIIIIII • W • ....~.L_ • II _~_,.. _,'-" ,.. _~ • r'-~ -~. ,n....., foer .Uea..uutileut -Xen'-. TIM.",t. Ia thlt there _I_ ....., .. ' .~~. ..... proD.. .... - - - - up-l...o'w rem.\. wen ftI\IgIIt to . . . dill! .. aplIetl lail II 4 natural _ _ t.._ WU 0 .. r eouiiIerallla 1 _ ' - 0 .... a maa ....u. oa the Gov.. . . . 1IItmrt' M aea.r__ .l 1111 - . . I ' ... -"I ...... ~ 0 ... _ _ ._110~ CoULD there .. __ plan eoa"'", ,'',- ,ea" of 1-, w"- mltrl-- I _ I LI_ low" D_ - _ " "......... BIWL - - ........ 10....... ley ...... ,..ellro. the ladies d'/III mort rlchl, daa he daor .... ·7 ..- ~"'IV....a _......OII ... ernor4JIreohi'M ........ ...".. . . . . I. ,lie ''1 As I tit_a in moel fltl .' . .fattnble ~.'as."':..s..e::~" to ha.. It. ... ~ ,. lb_ p.... &ot711 U follow.: w. . . .l1li .,. or the . . iIIal. eoataI.........1' . , _ till,. . . . . "'~tba cIW. .... ~.IODII ..... tit _ ............~. , TII\l" WaY!leavillo Found,'y "full.blo'~,I': · nn~ !loin:; a go~d ~usinn88.
",, ",
. . . .
_v ....
tl d
L fr
.,dell IrolR Ibo hoad. or barrel" dlrellll wero m~de, \I\hcn II com promIse Will onlol'\'d I Ito, and Ihe liquor plnced 111 UIO hl1ll48 of II llm1 party, to It~Dd a aujs<1lllow of< Ill'rll ,"~J vlolnilce
RY 1\
DnrlllY, iQ Outs, tloz
20, 20c
Ou ts , 11 bu
Aue liSt 14, 'lOS \h\l four hundr('d and por fiflee nth onlllvcrllory of tlto IlIvC ll tlo n uf prtllllllg, It hl1Vlllg ucen InVcIltcd 011 141h of Angust 1137 A. N.ulRow E CAIII-Th., NolV York Jlfw" or cOllt~'I1$ l1le foll OWing, willc I pru The nelV Bteomer Arn'iun, of tho Cunard I C~8e ". to COIlIO rrom a IlDssl'lIgcr by the linn Itf ndv ert[Sed 10 10 'V B ].,vc rp oo l 0 11 l'ncillc on her 11181 Irlp froll\ Llverpo\>1 her fi rst trip to New y'"rit, all tho tilh " Til orde r to make tl\o shorll!~t pns~'lgo November Ihl t WO ~ (l ver malic all tho 'grllat circle,' ( I upl Nyo touk the northern routo and run I _lInl ol S Hallornn wus urI t"l lty murdor os tur JIIltlh 118 112 dpgrecs, he relaxed ed bolow Now Orl~nn s, recolllly, ~y l\IO 1I 011ll n g In spoed witl'1I omolopctl In Ihose m~II named Drrlfly nlld l'etcr~ fOI(R 011' Now FO\lntll!lnd, wh ich mus t be J onallioll S(orr,OIl O or the uldest lind ~II to bo uppreola ted-Ihoy nre J,k .. the tlll c h Illndt slRoke or Q rutnnre, ho ron 80 111081 respccled cltlzellS or Now LOl1don clollO to CUPel TIro) 10 lhut he cru ~ho d tu ( 0 1111 dll!d on Tuesdny li e wall l're~1 I' IDees wIth IllS wheels, a 1I0nl OI1t! its dOlll of Ihe Umon J,lnnll crOll who \\ ero /idlllllg III ({lICled socunly, There w.1! be rprty lI illO A" r-lculturlll 1I11~ Jllst 08 ho was lIolng 'bolY~ oll'lo thosl! I'II. rs III OhiO tllla PlIlI, oud ID ur them rocks, hundreds of fuot III helghl nnd llllr IV II bo holt! the firsl II celt III October tv lathoms of wotor at tillm bnllO, n aud tlCII pry of 'Stop the cllgllle~8larbonrll W U SUIVlml dl.! H\ cred lite nnnllal ad. vour heln1-hotd a slnrbonrd' , \1 oS Illllhot ,Iress before the Vcrlllo nt Ag nculturul So ti<J \ od lhe Pdolfic Bnd her pUlI6lll1gers rr()1ll mCly ut Rutlulld, on I'll u r~dll-Y , !ld In ~t l nllall la ll~Qlu nonll,lct wltll a rQr.k fivc hun GOII dred foet high' lInd when tbe he:1I\ was pllt n 8lorbonrcl / alld tho bo\\ 8 clenlod Ih u stoy IIIJ renrful bumor Iw II oudJ. n s hoar, thc hUI/ Pulnt 01 thM Immell ~o sillf 8"'Cpt, wilit pllwer The Darhllm und ]] atO/f1ll11 questlOll Ih ut UlOtlO 0110 gltld) , \\ Ilhill I~I Jt'1l1 Ihe preti(1llqu8 rock- bId lhu I\IU8t tllnld, .caQll! now to draw ncar a 60lutlOll JUr ps well 0 8 tho boldest, held lUll brcnth (ur OlltlllnUI) h~8 mullo an en:OJcmont wul. J\Ir '1'hol no lor t\,~ eurly nllrearullce a IIIIlO .. his chlldroll at the New York '1'holltro, - --r--ri' Y INKEE GINU KEEJ'lIW BAonELon's JfALL ASliIr 1'laC(1 Operll lluusc
l li O~
• cwt DUller, 1jl It; Eggs, ~ dpz J.~ rll LU06V
12 @ l lic 6c I 0c @55c ,250, 1 ,60c
1P IIlI A ppl u8 '1,'1 bu elll( kCllS, 1)1 doz FClllhcrs,' lIJ , RIO Coli eo, 1ll lb, P otatoes,
GE ERAL NEW PAPER AGEN'1', Olheu nlld :StUI C, No au \ ,,/UU\ SI
sq o
Ci ll C II,I lI lItl , :; U l' . \11\ .. lll . I\II I110 IlZ 0 0
1 !l~c
Mlnnll V' $lIur
No\\ Orl001ls ugllr, 76> II" SAc MUJlle, tl o 7 S!c New Ottenns 1I1 oln85cs , 1P gill 60e Sugar HOllse !\[Oh, NSCR, 1r gal OUr lIl uplc 1\{ul"8808, iP gu t liO @7lic Pep~~
)~ ,
nll~ I\\
' 0 1 1 110
Allspice, 11'1 11" L ullt) ult, 1',1 bl"l Flux S eetl ~() 1.11
19, 2,.:l0 gOe
-A Irtlvellul; corrcBpOlldelil o( Ihe Luw 011 Courier cnlllo 1I0rolis nn odd .sl"ht tho alher dpy, wiliel. he deSC ribes Ihu8" 'As I Pllsscd tlII 8 Side tlto Wilite 1I£oull lams, lIenr C JlWOY, I clime tipull 11 nest II Dloalm!ra from 1J00Ion-so:ne hftcc n or t\lollly 1qung IndlC)! fro III th ilt clly hu vlIlg Iliretl ~ houi e lIIore Jar the 8ensolll oro ~c epJ lIg ' bnohclor'lI hull' !rhey woro lh o LIQolllcr dre •• 10 enable them th e bettor III lIel nmong lhe Nhlirp nnd h igll pll.cl!II, 011 0 spenil thor tllnc chu;:J1) In 6JloruhJt I mel OIlC willi a lIg ht fo\~ ling P'( CO, Dnd Dlloth er \\ Ilh several woodpvc.kers or olher lurds; o IllIfd II bnske t uf lJerrfv8, n fourth IIlth 0 atqng of tr(lUt, &0 You IYoulJ t.ketlloru lit tll'81 for n /lurly 01 tho lJ' hvYII, bUIIIlt'r.r 1111 I1no y OUllg ludlVR from lhe CIIJ of nollons, Who profer Inilllu/nllls aod 8lrpanl8 10 IlrIck wall. and -wcorched menls, durnl/!> the hOl bOUBOIl ' Nuw B.n'L til 'i sum?
.."....,.-- -----,-.
NflIC.l La Diullc Is tho 110.1110 of th e
young mun 8 1.0t dll nJ III a duel al N~w Or lenlld, u relY days aao, by W uo lllllJloll Duhlll III hov lng II s plto at 0 8 n\l9 11go ru hcd 1010 hl~ ell 1'1\ hell cro\lded WIth cU 9~o mer9 thrcw 0. lurgc dllo.d cat 011 Ihe coulll er 1 4 nll 80td "l'hal tnllkes nil1etce1l, we'll . 6ttle \1 !t Oil you're )Iot so [msy , n~e r ,
CUl\lJlEIILA"~ COAl. -All II. 1Jew
Cumberland culil I~ode, the JOUr/HI! IItntcs IltDt theto Is nolV nt Yorl< I \ C81Cl from Gcnoa -waltmg for D cargo of C\lmborlantl c(lal (or the \l80 of tho Sur.JlIlIon government -
10 the
Black ~ouguc.
First Arrival Of-\
TillS is 10 C r\lfy Ihat I nllpllcd SIObll'lI SQlvl' to l'tJy hor80'SII1outh whcnlt wus ve ry bud w.,1t 111nck f)'ongue or Co cor, so und ho could IIIlt CIII, nnd In tlV hout8 ho nU, 0 8 lVell De cver And I I thor certify thllt II Is ft good mod,clfle (or h\ltrlOD f] esll, cuts nlld bruises 0, n CROFF,!lf D Dcthclly, Gcne&8ce Cll N Y Oct
Spl·ing ~ Goods! &. co , AIlE IN RECEIPT I • IJuf ItA RJUS Jn rgo stock 0.1 0 ~ ory
InCD, RARE &; DEAlJTIFIJL GOObs. \\roll ~\l ~ llted to 111ft prescnt and IIpproacb
EllICnA,:I'rell TO ArRlCA -'rho agent 01 lite V Irgmla C010II\ZTlUIl Suclely report nne hundrecll\ntl aeven~y threo rreo per80na of coll.'r, Ind Clghty 8 1DVe~, em~n 1860 clPRlctiln 1850 ond t81i1 08 rrcporlnl: to {)::J" Sec Advctlilemunt omlltroto in tlte November eXl'edllloll from Norfolk 'rill!
WllllE~u.a B1UOOl! ~Tho Pitta
burgh Journal contlJnda that Ille fece nt of Congrcil declarmg tb.8 bmlgo to bo D publio IlIlIh","y, ,ooa to 'Iego I,zo a nUl8 Ince 10 Ihe InJllr)' of a Stalo,' Qnd adds, lhat 'Qt tbo IIppoJnted tIme the Stotc'" At. 'nrMy General will apply to tlte Suprome Courl fur In order to cmforco theIr t1elcrce by \I removal 01 the nUl811uce ' ludge I, J-I
Overton 1I0a been clectod
llig , U080n a
Our stoOH.
New Goods!
Jn CIII Cln nnll Iho 1 01\ b\l8h, os$ I I perm o IlCIIII) tnbli~hetl os n. p.mlo lnond.
'0 lhe UlIV811'.!:" 6f coun lry dcaJcra and con . 1I1t1 ~t8 Mooro \VBlllllt Sla ,arc
de CI 8 ' r comer 01 71 h and tilO grenl looll ora 1I1 tI iH de )10,\11 1 til of bllell)""'", llllO hnvu lilt l orl1~' ,,~tl III the Woalern StOIC" [)
I· Vl.t E
It IIT11elu lur i\lodlool l'Ur AJ.Hn. 1JJ' l!:Rl q\lnn, f<l r Knlo AlHU &'(;O , SllItl ol,iloU ctlFlag 1'0808
76 CI8 JIM
Nov "Ih, 5 1
coo... HlSf
[I L be 801,[ low cn ,"cry cney Icrtn & W Iho (Qll uwlng deacrllAAl I"o" orlr. ill WnyncsVlIl c;l, ' ''llrru lI wuoly, 01110 r 10 ~
W pnrt of 10 II nutllOOr On9 01 tI three in Wttslllnllwn ScI .. N, lIIulUlhllg 0 00 hundred IIml IC.<N ", Ji I nlld six In r hd 011 WIICJ 8lfaol ami the snmo n Ihe nil y ,lIroll!:!l, Ih l\lldd le 01 llw l,~orc, on.1 1\\ 0 hundrou nt,,1
ll>urtecil rc I de I' 011 thu ereIll l elf 18 It good Cooper Sh p, ulgh l 11 iJr Ilufty • •x (cell, ul.o Flour-Thera .9 a aood demond from 11 tJ;uOd well or wal." 18 Any porllOlI w' lunlt (0 Jl urcho t such I,rop ally trade, on d wll I~ I'1{ IIl recclp cny woold do ~c\l to coli on tho el.b.cl1btiT are well lUll_I ned Tbo nics tHay lUI ho h08 '1U.l tho l,"~III~os 01 Cdo l'Crln(;. ftll J 10hl) (' McRAE, Esq , of WJltnlngton, ,I 100 b I "8930 gOO do lit lome ",Il l!ell ~lUu prollOttY..,1I very ."",)lIl1l1(i(J.'llIg I pr let" r , . , 'lerRl. J h ope",n!; ror Ih bu. lo ,8 g<l ,, N C, bill boon appuillted Cluef En gl. 160 do III '3:26,400 do, Inspected and de- o::rllIOO P\I,k ""rr 1$ CII Il be ollg_ged III lillY neer of lbe DrUQ8WI k l{lcI -Plotlda Rail. n""" 9 33 lime 1I1!Jil C lito pi rhn"~1 hvered, at • 3 '0, J60 d 0 al. 3,iOO\!Y t J '1 ADWALLADER At:...:1..::lh:.:..:.I.::.8;'~_ _ _,-:-_--:~-:-and 100 do extn at 13,46 Recelvl!d duo -=-A::n;;:g1:.::':: DUring tl18 ",t'ek endang tho !Uat lilt, ring tho lut forly-elgbt hour. IOt7 brl. Pro""lolll-Tbe market 1.lnaclIve, and Ultre were J85 deatb. at New OrleansIS dlot! of ellol~TI, 9 of 1ellC)W rever. Ind wtl have no .ale. of any artltllo to report Cl,ee~al.1 or 600 b~ lit €lie 1'bo ~ C)f oIb\'r (eveN dfGlud Ii lOad and prices Ire ash.d. bet· Gen, Peralf... F. hUb Is not .... ".,.UlIlfJ Itr. • _ _ _ _ _ _ _---::-_ _ __ t. _ DQ ltuta N"" Orleln. 10 W ..hinaton, flu& Duucr-S.ln of 10 brlland "30 firalM I-. retGrtied to bill bel4l,D.rten IL ... lfOOcI.t 1sl. The demand C:01ltlllUCII .e·
President of thll NelV Orleanl, 0llelouau, and Gt Il W~.tern Rlllhuy Compony
very con~ld ql blo
AT THE CD1MJ.· CA~.ul 8$ORE, LEBANON omO lJ!'lT receIve.! III Ihe Choap Ca~h SHITo D Illrl;o and bbouttlul elock of OreS8 (,ooWo cQnSt81Jng in port, of l1\o ln cham"leetl ond c h!~rolilore'l billet.. nnd foncr. mike .aLl n <10 chene, Bn Un dtl luxor . lIk Ilssll ~ bnro/le8, brOil tie Lrunc8 and m\) d ~Wl Boa,pcp !111ft , 01' Gril l lao. thero .llr:! W F 'PARSUALL
W&8 Im rchnacd In tlte EA TERN CITJEB
a.. Sin
, CA llPhlT V A R Whh~ JU.' re ceived nud for Bulu by
Lebanon 0
Apr 6
.11 colors
l! fARSllALI,.
L Des\lr lRlft nt-hlne'" A UGAU'Ill' I)ml colorod ot lh o BIIIl" or tho 'Red & UthC1I81 cOrner l\1nln !lnd n orth . troets,
FI.II ~,
WOJll ~llIo
\<lilt fllr Co\5I1 nod, thoro at ,btl ,.ery LO\VIIST
,, 0. ClAN Gild, WlJ.fj . all
Wbat pllgrlJll whll n ii, Illut ollmo9 Hk\\)
ott boon ll5O\J
Can '4ir I r~o llhQ hill P¥ \hrlll W\th ~ ho grqolll Ills hpm
1..gb l n "Qr-cI eQred my Illbomy heDrl, ,1\1) when I~e ff add.. ng bo ..1
Flashed ,,It,It Ita lurlll IISlt111DlI Ii my 'Ileu gulud ,aiil r BuIIlO1\' 1 \0 daab.cd the Forever l,olnlllY IIllS -
A III now 1 t1nru(
p015onod cup
pure .. 1hreo.m
A3 fubleillllldtlllllll ' ,pe
II W J1 /)III ~ onco n:lvn bath found tho 1< nlwuy8 U cd to IVcar -
, Ierrtbly grand'" .aid HamIlton, a8 If spellklng to himself "A fearful dlBplny of Godls powerl' re 8[londed .Ellen .. ~ nlere j)rQatb of 1118 ommpoto.nCQ' no
'rbe Alllbny Arll'UB doscnbea on hon \\1110b " dellgned to supersodo Lh e ll\jfll fur COl .rQrl (hero plough till'! harrow, the roller, will the ilIOn In IlIlS DOlhcadL paol o love who 801\S tlo seed tt 80) 8 Ibnllo D1f grlofs 1I"'lIy For hllif an h\>pr the storm raged In vi 'Yeslerdny we were 8hown the model of And .eo an Ango! prosonco ollmco, tben Its fury WIIS broken, Qnd lI\>on Ii now, olld what pili ports to be a valuuble JtclUroing cloy by dny after the elouds rollod owny improvement ~n.one of the )~borl()u9 de The party now hnd t me to look about portmonl! or tbe ngflculturiat and for ORIQINAL TALE thorn Durnnt had manifes ted signs of which tbe invelltor procured a patent \II !tfe but 1\0. eVlilently bnrl17 burt He lime and rather thnn try tho ronsttOg ex April of the preselllyelir It embudies IU presently opellCd bls eyes and lIarc,) about, perlment ngnln 1 ~llInk lIe II 'PerauBde bel' one implement the capa9tly (or plouglllllj1 but It was tlte look uf beWildered dellrlum to Ylold III try 111m, a' all evente'" with four ploughB, ~catterlllg tho 81led In A h glt ro\cr WIlS burning Ih hi. 'OtOS, Its HlIVtOg thus "Ive.n a. pretty tIlorougb ID the fllrrows harrowing and rolling -The fires pClletrated to his hoad alill reveled Ilgltt lUI) bl' motlvel nnd mtentlons dur ploughs uro arronll'od nt Buitoble distances ... TALE 01 THE DOnI)En$. nn Id lho bratO uul inglllg re~80n olld let Ing tbe pllst,ond exposed 80me of his ID frunt of tile cart, and Lbe Dumber can 'lTnlTTllll 1\ , lIE. blt.un vte1'roR tlDg loose the fierce pOlISlons s0.10llg lime plnns fot the future, be wen' off mto n be diminished lit pleasure, or four used IW rItZ .AUTHOn OF ~tIB IIIOUIlIII.AlDElI" grolVn strong and overmoster ng WIld paroxysm I~IIICb BO hellted 1111 blood ImmedlDtoly (ollowlng andatto.cbecl to tbe • TilE lUV.u l{IrNTS)I1'.N," E'l'o , E'l'O Wh o 81IIIII PIcture tJIe dIIrk ness 0 f 0 and braID that 1111 caimnesl left h m, ond pIough8 urc tho bucl,etl (or tbo rect'ptlOn cl}rrupt I ealt, when (or many yeon the for 0 time be became nglDj' U ODe mod, of the leed-corn locluded-wd (rom baeest feel ngs bum lin noture 18 cllpnble or swearlDg cur.h'g aDd laughmg With Ii which It IS diatnbU!E d -The harrolYB fol expenenolng hllve been J101lfitibcd untIl fiendisb laugb by tIme. It Will shocklDg low bcb lI,d tile WIll'I Is of tho cart, oud the Chapter X moro than mature1 It was more drelltlful to behold and belr blln At lenl:tb h18 wheels of the carl and tbe rollers orlnK up 11111 TUvEl)Y to halen to the rovlngs or Duraht, thon '0 disturbed foncy took another direction the reor On tbo platfurm o( the cart, ud Tho order \\114 metontly obeyed, the wltncJ\8lbe most fearful war Ilmong the He seemed to be lookIng IDto the future formlDg a pnrt of It I. Ii buln, of tbe eame fI~mlng torcb IYIlS applied, 10 the dry-mote element I TI e tempest lhllt wal Jlllt ond reocllDJr on Ille poge. of hI, de,bny ~ ldth, \\ Inch 18 ti,e recl.'ptocle of tho .eed Tlllla, and I rulgh~)' bluo 80011 spread aJoDg over, WD9 nodllng to the one sltuggl\llg bls comIng fate, '0, at Jenal It lIppc&red It POSIlIOR I. Immediately ever Ibe buck \be ]lile, whlle III liry spires leaped blgh and lIt-blcllkllllt III 1 • bosom All UIO from hIli ICLlons aud 1118 maunefll, willclt ats, and III the Clift geea lorward, It I. DO In aIr! Bllslng, orackllng, rooring' tlte revelations he made of bl. ow n dark became ruly awfull lIfraugetll8 to allow tho Hed to faJl In devourlnj{ (lamol rusbed to tben work of thought. lind depraved nnture, ~e shllll 'Auuntl yo gtlDnlDg devllal Out of sUltllble quantities Illitothe.bucliets below cleatJal not otlcnltpt to give, aB we "ould Ipnro IJlY slgbt, ) 0 glto.tly demontl pOlDlIna' Tile platrorm I' lar~ enoua b for Ule drIver Tbe lltake wae In tho centre of lIle tbe Teoder'. leelll1,"' from a sbock, plllnful WIUI your bony lingerdl 'Vhat would yoll .nd WI\! ,110 IccomlDuellta ..yeral b.,. beap, or, ratbff lhe wood '~ 1IlI plied IIround and rovolllng \Vhlit scema necea8ll rlly bo~e lIIe seel" pin Tbe barroWtl are allO the wIdth II, lenin, I Mpac:c of I50me (COl oootJlJU connected "Ith OUT blalory, we. Will put Then Btl'lllDlDg 1118 eyellin one dlreCllion, tbe can, In two pieces, I. ara .Ito lhe OUl, and OD III aIdes, ID \\ bleh the prl.Dn dow ll lIo0nng more Tile last lIets of 1118 as If look lUg ortor somethIng pOInted out, len, for Dlor. - 1 p~"'r over theground ar «<ould ",alk berog futenlla WIth Il c;,prd hfe .ppAored ot firet to be uppermost III be 600n began to stare WIth gha.tly horror The entire anlDlPlIilaDt can be l'1!IDOVed IOJDtI Wit feet lotlf, 00' end of whIch WII III. mind then he wandered ." '1 Italic at some imag Inary but to hi. d'HIIIed fan~ with o••e, and the Clift WttcI iD ID1 uL1.tor lulled to 'be take Bencc 1& would be Ing hore ond there at the PIIst, a. ODe oYi'enl object. L rife drop. or peraplr&1I0D capaeityaboUI the fann lOme lI.me_b.!rbrC! deatb would enau.,lnd memory lifter anolber eamo UPL oozed ouL 011 hi. brow, and hi. haIr ro 'Tile inventor t. Mr. HeDrJ1Iebee, I \HII hI tlow IIIthOl Tht. reJJn"ment of • Tear awny the fire, I '~1 1 Stupid on end In bed terror lie crazed for 'OIDO lOone meolJanlc ortliu. all, While h IPcrull,. DIt,..t h peel would brlnr repeD&- bloekbeo.&l do IOU not know that I mull IIOmenta,lbeo fell baa. ud COTered hie to be • nlaab I_proy.meot, Ind . .Col 1\ th eier nth liow b"., my reveDp 011 the :ttl' Seltte'lh• . , . with hit banda. bu Neel.... the .p~ badoD 01 many dlaAs J DO 1'010 ....,.. the Up' or fiOOIl! God., If .be dIe., \he he.rt" 01 nolllOl )'U Dot eom. to tIllt, DOt tlDplabtll.piaaJ'-' ilt.lta uttllly rIlDll ... 1_ TM .......... JIIrfOwiar bluod vr e CTJ dOIr or 10ul 1-1 IIIIIIt, I ... t1IaU All.., ... roo4 WCInIIII apl to .. 'l'IIani Ie 8Clrcol, • doub •• clrdt. . . 4rwtat DIver 1114 ...... wt1l blYo lie, alive I" ..,t tI01-'l'boa loA flll ...... 10 ....... io- JuMI il will prot. Ami, ho, III c,,,'1It look1l doaoltuo
A New AgrlClllttll'alllachm8
A h~t1n girl wllo had been VISIting In the mily of II neighbor, bear IIg them speak bor (ather being 0 wldoll e· on I er ro turn home adtlrel!sed lilm tllUS - Pa, are you a WIdower' Yell, n y ~hlld know your motllerlll deed! 'Why, ye8 I knew ma watl dead but you IIlwoya told me 'au was 11 New Yorker A friend In Coltrornlo "flte. uathot "80 IlIlfll run for .Iclual., and other edl blel/. lbllt not!lIng but a miracle or way robbery can .ave hIm from starvation For two week. he eay. ho \lvcd on a piece I ,..._ ____~-~--~~--_ .I oil c!oUi bOIJed wllh an old booL 10 glvo I mealy flavor lll.'re', II 81tunUon os 18 I .. tuatlon
Tm: LAST .AtOl DElI'!' or A t.L -Tbe Dos 10,1 Post thus poetlclUy dl.counclI upon Jenny Lrnd. new work,She on lbe rosy couch fl'POIl'! Warbling thus In rwe JClto'I blve now d,atlllcd my fO e&, Ana Jfrodueed a little eUo '
_--'!L.o._ _-."-_ _ _- -_ __
kininwhom Dr Johnson ~nco vedrar follo~lng • ueelHl flnll deUlorllll. baaJnea, ..III III cureulO, ',ou ~tor, thaL r ID.- live '-Tills b,.vo vld bat.er of e""'tllm, IDOIIJl &ad IMteful, coo," _ _ _ _ _~__:__~,_;:==~-.::=__ I, repUed thal ·lte dill IMILICf au __ ~
lUlIT - 1 hno jusl rC1:o!IYotla I..."" 'I~k "lor, proll, lI!a.. lampa . .1,...111 tvr bunlilli \I e l'al.ntVt'1l lablo i1 warranI o~ 10 cltplcldc, and mnko Ihe hend,,101@ l and cJlelll_llialll now 1ft urte II",,,, J.IO)JIiI"~
tlrea" COflyeniont ~Iear and h.lll11olllC • wlll k Jl conn.I' I, On hOlld Ih* jJ lOr bUmUlt; hI l\wlll Ull an(1 eM Ihem J ' W f PAJUWA ....
l",banol1 Fcb 07lh
DEVOTED" .To ...
;r ', . ' "PROVE ALL TH1NGS:'. H'OLD' F;AST THAT WH.ICH . ,. ,
~ • .t:!-
. ,
voLtj~m 4:-NUMBER
.8ing, or Jl~ay, or pre.f lt 'OT RU¥ lellrth 01 ~Iore Importont to otlelullu than the world, Tho greon oC the forest beglllil ~o fnde wlthiu about thrce ml\~ of lhem, olld bv thmotolle,lu,. to Invcolv n~ h"T ' 1Il ,mucil lruoble. .yo~ nUl"om, Ollu., .owoy ho giles 10 rin~ • ~ IIm,e, wiLhoUl beCOming ill. the len6t de~roe nndthlltyouaro alw8V.ll of this opi/"ion . away,ondin its ' steaol ClOne thll dolphin SOlll01ll01l1l8 Dot intelligence 'of the tlay' o'n ·thool·clll n<?ofli orfi ratfotll. ·a tllll, 'I I III , ( ' .. . . ,Ie eompI ea, clue I nl( lit t}IO Id.c~ Ihl'l" he , ~uarso . Such wns lue lI~lraclion or hlH rr II OW and ,th~n 11 nOli· professor of rellg· lints 0 the lIutumn lime. f 'orhMon. olld flxe~ IlpOU to d\,slroy the. town, The,. ill, grn~c fu l fig~lre lin ked, followod hor, PIlY' was success rul at lalit, ''l1h'err'oi nOlhipll THE WINE CUP. , vuice nnd lIlunner, that wllun ho would a8- iOIl should ente r your plaeo of prayol'. tlo purple. hnllltuut9 wero' fix ed \Vult consterlJuU9n" lug her \nUlllllonb lo s\!enL all nllous . {l"o like. huuging 011,' mu,Ho ~C1ollloj '~ny how.' ,. eend the tllIlild lit tho· camp'IDeoting IlI311)' not' le t him hove it to' think or eny that Tho Bound of the IjrJ<le el:ltoes' nlllid n~d It:ro~sod to the .groll:toet caution nnd riO hersolf vf hi~ Imllortul\ltie~i elio BU~ Tho. 'Li1l8 lV~rll Ilr?,ugbt., and tin.p n~ \Vr,O were 8Collc~ed througb 'tha 5urround· "but "ery fc\v of the ChnrclJ mmnbeMl. the volhos; the ripe crain f~lls with 1\ rue· eXCn101l8. A counr.ll \Vos 1,l clll.alld It wa'S down Ilt the c r.l·,tublo, and WI18 succe8~ul were lip-xl i,ujllired for ; . 'rhe. pans wero ' filg wouds would· rUII 'with 8ucea to get 0 11 eapoclallY.1ho male membereof the Church, lilng mll sic. • deterlllilled not \:lost to Iyllit !lIO onem), 'g for nbout uh hOllr. '. 'brought, and othorortl%l enumcrltt<,el, 10 the Gnmp ground t9 hcur him. lio kllew were there." This is a sot! te&timony for Cureed \6' Ibp &1"1Stores better thnn gold nre I'o' d up for npp.rooch, ~IIL to go Qllt "" nltllck ·,thOlil in The ~asll, who .lilu] fixed. himself beliind acvclI dlffe.rent kinds, until 0 Ilt)odly portiQlt nothing about tho rud,montll of music cis ft the worlrl to beor respecting tho Church. tbo nl16"en futuro- storcs whioh s holl bo th eu stro nghold. EVl'ry Dlule nble 10 boor hor chOIr, lhe n tiClhcltl;d tho hOllor of plo)'- of tilll peollor'slolld hnd beon trnlj"lcrrctl to O.,touo" h nol! ''fis rullt'to tbo l:I,.utsclenco. y ~ t he eoulcl sillg be~tor without Soe to Iii thnt YOll do l'Ot give occnsiCln for opened nnd disron~od unlidthe Ibng hvura arms \" ont ,'orth to bnttl~. 1'ho wumoll ing with h~r, which ahe gfQn ~ed, qnd ro- the hOllpo. . Wlih Wv ' lis fraullht. " llonce than moat collid with It . B Ie li llg· it. The Church is IIppoiuted 08 God'~ of hostening ",intor. ond children were I)orndcd nlang tho mBln neWt d the gnme wilh f~esh spirits, though ')9 tllr.re onythinlr else YOII wnnt, mo'nm1' liS claro I. Ilalnt«! wnlt Caro. IlIg and pr~yerB lfrequen\ly pruduced tho witness to the worlel; let it not be your There ore hea rts that throb f"oter nt tho s treol, with COrtS nnd wOgOlld londeu Wilh not willi equal good fortnne. Muduma wo. ' Oh, no,-J dt.lll't\vnul nllY of thoBe ' I Will. !I!llory"alut P~JII>1~; most poworful itJ!presllion8. At times his fllult, if It jH found, by n mnj(lrily of llIem- recurre nce of autllmn; it is the Rl1lliYorau, their furn iture and " ffeet s, tho n ight before I,i.luecl ~t tho IUflerior s kill of the ini Pcr ll· only Bsked you if you hna th em." ' lly Domon I)ower '\lij wro~lIll1, eloquellCle ,,;'os overw·holmlng. holding his b~rp.beprinl: fa Iso witness us to the im· ry of tl/at hour In which th <:ir dllrling paB' the ootion,reoll), to movo (In in cn Be the tlont mns~, aud stuked to un immclI~e .0 10l(cli tile Wlua CliP not! 'I'he pedlar was Cl\irly 'sold,' and (or a at will or rcllsing thelll ~n OIu"ye from their porta nco bf proyer, lind the vnlne 01 Di. seel silently down th o hills of d utl!. onemy Jl c>'oilell. ThuB matters wore dis· Dmount. . momC!nt fclt'liftn [lot ting ongry'-but tlu~ If y~ would vo 8eal.ll. Sirange's 'countellllllce .w as 8erious vine trulh,Olld the bleuednes8 of oommull· So ore ,tlllf gifts of tl ~ H C0t60UhOIi vo· p6scel, whon U, e importunt...duy oroso which Still the stronger I"DB, tril,lmphanl. and iucarothcr ticldod him ond he c:';mmellll~ , Lquk "ot 'upun it_lIlow; approaching even to solemnity. but hiS ion wilh heoven. ried. Sarno gather in the rIpe ('rllite, SOlllC wn s to docIIlc tho (ato of HClltlln ll'toll.- jluilillg (rol1l hia pochot a ltlrge purso CIf cd rel\lrning hi. Worf'S 10 tho clln wlth~ ut" 'rho 'W\nu Cup wlllllijcoiYo, sty 10 frequelllly savored of his pleOslilltry, .'uluI101 00 ... Go, then, to the proyer meeting. for your tho 'l'yria n gropes, Bome the y ellow graiu. a CII. Stllrk nnd tho officers with him, con· gold, tnuntlllgly dured her to ri~k 'lho IiII!! utrorlng a word. lIe has never ~alled ot BewRru! u 'llIrolh whore c IIl1d In tile sociod circltls his wit und humor own 8alte, for your postor's $nkc, for Ih o Others gother;in 1,lew Iloverly of heorl.ond sldoring o"orythillg III ri ~ J; upon tho cxer· nmoullt. , tU~ houso _ _& I. . t·' ~nt.ls iDlJlolBOll clIO al(, were rich and entertoin lng. Dut few mon 10k. o! the Churnh Ulld Ihe world. G o reap 11 harvest oC sorrowful mell\or l c~.- tiQns of their lIulo bond of inyinclblos, Although abllOluto ruin might hovubeoll , hllli L>roacho ar ound Ihl! 80ul \I'cre moro d evoted to the IntorC'sts 01 Ibe with 0 prcpnrcd nnd Boriou8 hQnrt, with on The corth is fuJI of controstll ; nnd tho as th ey afterwords provod, maelo such JU-; the cbns 6 quonc~ of hor imllrndcnco, Mn· ,HonntllLl: AD\~KTU nl!.-A~ llul p~llod ' Vat\;, UIIUlIofl\blu ooulro\' ehul'cll' or more perfectly influenced by n earneet desire 19 be profited; go regulorly, shout of tho husllotldmau i8 cclwcd by tb o c1icou8 arrangomonts, ond sueh nn Uncx· dumo would Ilol recede. but aoxiety anll whonllIurnt was Ilbout to invodo Sittly tlio 1" 0 Bten tho mlghlY yiold, ' • 80nllO 01 ' duty tlilln lubn Strango.-Ex· punctuolly, lind wlthotit fail. unleslI \Vll e ll mourner's sigh.-E:v. pcctodnnd spirited attnck u\'on th o enomy In v~xntiun markod l,or. COUljlonOlJCIl. Fur ChE1blior R -'- ':-,' poy:mulor 119no':01' o[ 1110 ltH powor; cltul:ge. · . detolllod by the prOVIdence of Got!. . . ~. th eir wnrk~, thot they at ol)ce, by th~ s omnlimo V"~ game wnl doubtfufi tiql1 ngth tho NCBpolitoll fl)rce,",vol lrnvAllng t!lrougb And ilr Ulle hour ' -.. tu get !tood anu do g ood. to bo instructed UTll,lTY OF Dl\T1! tN G.....Tho' lionbltllolu8C crowillllllid ' of ausplcou, hoaven. forocu Ih e moli~nallt doity' deoideJ oguinst h~r, Cambrlo for the pU~pOIO ofjolnillg the ar· ')" air doom 'Yu~ ~unlo<! A 1I01y Life, yourself, and to elit. nn e;cample to olhere . of thll bnth wo s founel ~o benelllJi al by the th om from \hclf linea und r.edo;>ubts. Icilled I1nd.th~ laah widow found hllr forh,(nil do: mjl. hll\illlg~e~n t' Nuplel 'to it'Iak& IlrrlUlil ' YO 1\0011 J.,ilo'.blbQll' dOVllr~ Tho belluty of a holy liCe con~tiJutes tlfe Go to ,be Improssod with trutll. llnd quick· areeks and Rumnns, und is w in 6uch and cP,plUred lIoftrly tho whole of Ih e ir stroyed by 0110 nlght'a lolly. Her l'nglt\eh menta for th.e tron~ml88lon of a qUllntlly of,' 'fh bye 011 ~lt811lloly s\&r~ In IlI.JncllS 'ncull, tllo Sw.)" moh~ ~L09uent IIlld effective pcrsuosivo to cned in duty, Dl)d to u k the rcvivillg in. COIISloutllBe ,in Frnllce lind o their coulllries, party. 1'he inhobi tants lleord tllO nttack, cuulc! notlle .concealed, aIle rOl o o\lrupl)' ,peol,e. Jie bad sent on llis 19"aQi before U, 111,1 It wlthored IU duco y. religi u'l which 0110 bumall being con Rd· Ouenco of the Holy Spirit on the \Vorld.-- enJoYlllg a chrn~te ,illliinr. to ollr own, lhal and wnltedto IllloIV tho jasut) with a dis· frollItha curd·toble, whon .tho mask In un tt) \llepnre his qllnrlera' ilt tlle town o f - , o Ir,I lIQIl it nOll . dr081 . tu allother. \Ve have many ways of Go with a (nithful, humble, prepnre d. wpit· it Is s urprIsing 80 few English WOll\en, of tr6sojlll! onxlcly, not to be conceivotl, much illsillllating ton(l of.yolce, hintod ·to her c~poottng tQ arrive thero trllnsolf at ,flight1'hll <Jllrk, .lark Bowl, doing I:0od tv our lello\y 1Ir6lliurcs, but non ing henrl, 011.1 ybu shall noL come aIVny \Vhatcv~r groele of society. hnve rcco~rso le8~ e~llre8scd. Tho firing ceusedi nnd. tlmt s he llccd !lilt put herself to OilY il\~on· (1111: bllt tbe I\~y' bp,i nlf vl.'~y .ultry, htllad The Illllllu of 'l'loouglll, e ffilluclollS 118 loodlllg a vlnuo,Ue. upri£(ht, Ivithuut 1\ blc8sing.-Puritczlt &!corder. to bolhrng, excopt somo, perliop's. for a few 10 \ 0 COllrlcr hO\'e in sight. nil in fomn, und venienoo to make up Ihis dbbt of honor, 18 loitered on Ihi ,ond, ond at 9 o'l1loc~ In '1'ho rUIIl 'I \lIe Soulolld wolJ-orelcre\l life. 'l'he~e is all ener· ~ . \Vlleks of thoscoson uL Ih~ e.ea·slde. 1'he liS h!! flung his ' hat inlo. Iho ulr. Ind all' hs conill wait het'" leisure, or compromise it, lIle Ovenillg, rou4,d be WDB sLiII n conslderlilI glliro is 811lltlcd With Car~, gy 01 m~rlllslln.Slnn In II goud mnn's lifo l;mmortllrlity, ptnctico of lJothivg is not · ouly. one to be nO\lllclng tQ, tbe trembling multitll~e tllo ill 8011\0 other way"w)th mOTl) pleasuro uble dl"l~nco rrom tho propoled end or hi' ~~lt!:::I/:o:~ ~1~:I'!I';~!hl' pUlSilljf the blgl\u8t efforlll or the orntor'~ If we wholly porish witll the bQdy, what ndvocated on lhe pilln of biMn line8s, anc! Joyful udinga of succoss onel villt\lry!- hlmselr. nnd I~ss elnburroS8mont to hor. journoy. Ho ~VQSllo muoll hnrrassed an~ ,. (') tl)uii\a lho Wino Cup noll gcnill9. 1'he seen, but .dent bcaULyof hu- nil illlposturo is this whole sys tom 01 Inwy, rodl ftoting Ih e rOI~ovlIl bl acerolion froOl ' Th~ day is our oWll1 Ihe enemy, ara vlln· Sho dutod ot ,lIinl 0 10011 of rogo o:nd rutigu~d lbat h~ ijetc~mlllod to lIut up lor ~~~~~~=;=~=~====' liness 8pe~k!, more eloquonLly of God Ilnt! monners, and ul/agcu on which humall SIl' the body, but it Jlng a dirroct 8ed~tive ill~ fluisllcd. ond you nro 011 s~fc I' Very loun contempt, , . , tho nlgM nl tlto firs l cOllvellio'r'lt houlo. ~ , d Ity Iholl the tongue of mell Illld angels. cioty is founded! U, wo wholy ,porish \Vilh Oueneo on the norvo\lll Iys(em; it 8cemS tu Bfter their eye!, were gratified WiU1 seoing 'Who artth\lu, wretohl' aile) <,xelaltned. Ue at'lcn/Zttl entered au 0111 rU01nntle bull· H'O ICE: REA [) 1N ~ . Let tho parl'Dt~ remember tlli,. The best the body I theso', maxims of ' charlty, pc· nbs orb thotmorbi~ irritoilility arril ing from the. intended autlio'fll of their destruction 'who dorcs! titus to insult Ime in my own ~ing on the r9111 Ildo,lrlhDblted by a ruab, Inberitance a pe.rent l.an bequeotli to a tlen~c. jnstice, honor, ' gratitude; ., anti ollllndlle tJe.YclOpemellt of tbe mind ot til!) led coptive.through their streets, olli! se. hOUlo1' . I ' , ~nd hiM wife, Ihe fornler I etout mu,llulor = ebiJd, I . ~ virtuous f!Xamplo,' a legacy ~f .rientlshipi which lages have tonght; Iln~ CJfpenBe ,of \JIe body. ~nd leovell ft fooling cureel undor .gllord an {heir mealing.hollao .. . 'Softly. modllme,' replied tlte ·mD8k ••~ ligUle, Wilh • swarthy. c.ountenance almolt • Bev . ,lou IItl'ange. t'rom 1\ IIOrics of akelQbc8uf early 1Iltth- h'lllowell romem~rl\nce, I?nl associations, good mcn b~vo prooliced,' ~"hat. are th.ey of comfort and rl:spon~e 1I0t wholly , ottri~· NOlhing W08 now 'sllid or benul, Ilcarcely, ~m no gpmbler. nor needy advellturcN ahruudold .In ia muk of bUlhy whllke,1 ond . odist I're~dier8' in ndlona. filruished ' by The bOfl,uly of 110lincss; beaming through but empty wor,ls, p09.(,8~ illg no r onl, lllnd· Iltable tb the. 001l8ciousnes"·of "~iI,g elban . but ajaculli!ionB of prnioe to 'God for their Ihc~El are lodies ''lllo would nQt bo uaitrnto. ,mIl8ta~hl ol. ']lhe travHler WAi received Re\'. F. H/JUl,day.to the L.wrc\l'ccburg 1110 lIfe of a loved J'elnlive (\f friol\~ is moro ing effiolloy1 W hy ShOlll~ wo heod \hom. Too bnth &hol\leI be used, at least overy delive"ollco, lIod mutunl congraLulotiollB of rllHor Buch ,an uccomodotion. .' willt oivilllY; IIpd 'after partakIng o,f ~ ne.r it,depon den , PI'CIIII, i~ copieil,tl,e following olTecluul to .!rollg~I!~ n al1ch ,I\S ~Q 8\lIlld in if In th.is life we huve hope1 Speok not of )yoell by t hose who are at tho oha.nge of each o(her. , . lIodltme Ilur~t into tuara, Good Holl'- Iy eupper. W.~ conveyed up ali 01. ~SJ illlef09,ilJg aC'iIl\1nt of (lie pulplt {lrCtlQI,. I' irtlle'~ --: nya, lmd \O.rUiBO liP thoso thllt ure dtley. W.hat 'con we owe t-o \ he O~od, to life, lind more ,frequontly .by tho~o who BufBut th ey hod scorcely enjoyod tl\e foHc· VCII6 ! 1I1ust>1 olldllro Ihls IU801l'llue1-Q,uit stnlrcue. tu hie oportment, fur, 11\0 nillht. iug of Rev.. Juhn St,rongc, wl1o'. from all bowed dowll. titan prlloept, ~ommantl . en. tllo livIng, 1,0 ouuelve,8. i1 we all ore; or lot IIJUdl from proluso pers piratlull. Tho I)' before their ,bClpell woro oil blus ted· by my house, sir; 011.1 if you ~re a g!)nlleman, Not much laucyll1lt. t h" Ippear,nca vf thl t)UIt ,lie hl\ve hoard or I~im. mUlt IJIIY" been trenly. or' warning. Ohristiullity itaelt. I will be lIotllillg1 W.ho shull Illctnte oUf wnfll r should be .8ufficiotidy wnrm tc) I'rOSpeeJ8 of the decpoBt di~tre8s. Til tl· 1000Ico ~ood yol.\r olulm to.niurrow,' . ' the pl~cq, 1I,ld 'findi,;,g no)ock on the door. the Summerfield of Indjajl.. • belil've. 01"0. by fnr till,i grentor port or ittl. Juty. Ie not 0l\r plel\! ures , Ollr own ' p~6S' llllpor~ n grateCulSO/l8!1tl.on, f. Dln \)4 ~~ 98 ~ing8 (rom every chl"rter, 111 'quiok SUC"Cij· 'N\I, madtlme, I will not qUlt yonr 'hol1so he 'fll~tl n ellolr .. gaillet It lind afteE prIm Tire filII Of 183ll wltnossed \h~ death of moral pc,wer, not to the precept. or para· jooel . Speuk not of imblortftllty-. Jt iA 1\ ~eg'ce t-ho l' (jollt r :Ulonjj ~ll In . lIulf-lln· 11m , I\rpwdcd in I,P 'n thom, . The oeti/m ~o';ligh li my chlilll Js 011 y~ut fortune, or lug hl~ piltola pU.1 tho.m Q8l'eflllly under !III n",,'.b£ ~ _-'"~ .. o,...",j _ .. ~I' r'ol .. - \>I'll or . I~I, trut I~ ~)iI pWlL ohe-r aoter. (nere chi..... etn. a .bugbll~r ~r human laWQll' hour, and till) head cnll. bB IIp'~'n gtld With to \"0 "?rlhwarc1 \a renewedl An expros.B ,yollr5eif, IIlId L wiil IntlllC Jt good, let who pillow, Ho h~d not laee!llo.,,, in ~ wjlOll ohtrlllhat hod over ICll10red III Indl~na, th~ The ~eauty 01 ~holliohne8s whlch ' il en, lion, .! 1/ relrlbu\ion terl\1l1late with tlib cold water If tho jjrll~ 1mjlr" Bill;\' of tbe arrIves witb uu aC,count that d titrong reln- will C\ispll\o it. ho Iteord " nolle below, aa of persons en· cloquont J'oh~ Str:~ nge. Who illed at rndln· Ihnned In the fotlf ' brief biographies ~ of grav,o, . < boll, LslQ I1ftU~l! heddaeba.-Dr, Tm,07~thc ror~cment ' ljoli ()iI~6gcd Col, H C1rric lt. Jtlld With lhosa wllrda be temovod hilt InlU\k taring the hotlSOi .llld lomelime aftcrwllrJa , lIopqlia. De<;l:~ber ~ndj 183,lI. StrOl\It~ lh.e &bn of N8ZQ(ei~. bOIl done mor,e , c n~ Jr' IYO mus w!lolly ~e~ll!h, wha! to u'9 lItallh of Wonim. thQt hQ' \~P$ forced~ to flee beforo th~m.-, wl;cn mo130010 utttred a shrick otjo.l'flll fur. wil~ olumedby the Bound of a m~n\lt fQol~ "'"l reoeived (Ill ttial in ,tho tr.vel)lIg can- Will db mo~ to re~tlflr.te the worl~ und ~e tile SWOBI rlcs o,f kltl~ro~J Whot the . .' ,.. , At Iho SOllie tlOl~ 0 po tr...1 rllturn ed (ronl prise. Dud {ninted In his arms. ' eto.pa 011 Iho Italrello. Ho then percclv~d nrction. 1I8 a: member 'of the \Ve8tern Glm- tirillg' In ~n o,.erlnitrng ~glneouallelllllhDn tender JlBm08 oC. parent, clllld, 8lster ~ bro· DomestlO ~applne8,8. the sOlltlpvord WJIIl ('utolligcnco 1I1utn.por, 'fha company crowded orllund, tlfey wore 0 hgl.f through .tho clrevlce of the door, , ' forence. ~ovembtlr, lOth, 1810, who,n ,he all ·the otber GgohCies p~t to~e~her. ,It ther. huab~nd, \ri~c, or friond1 ~he .. cbor· All! wl~nt is so ref~es~hl~; 80 BooLhillg, Iy of the e~c~lY, COIl 8 i 8t~~ g or, a thollsund I)hiefl~ relatlon~. wllo lmml!dlut~ly rocog- o,ol~i8t wltichllio mall gently ~re88lld for ' IV s Ilof !l uita t""Chty-uno year. of 'lIge'7" has do lie more to arread hiS rehl:lon ID tho IIQtcl1I ,O/ a drnmn orb nut mpte lJluSlVq,- 10 s!ll1 sfYlOg, as the. phiCld Joya (If hOlllo' mOil, woro upon the town from lha( [junr. nizecl (ho OhcyuJier St, Am ere. '1'he rnp. adml\\al\lIe bnt flrlding lomo rO'I~tDnco, he Ho hod Ileell o.nplQfl!d a purl of II yoar bv world. thall all thot Ir.os ever been pr."o~hed ",!e have no ."necstor,S, !l0 de~,celld onls-See lY,e IfBveller;-dooll duty, .'Cl\1I him for ler .. ,l\t the same time t.he prison ersllIudo tmcs lI1adome lIIRy be' llnsjl ' magin ,Htl'ttt1t71~ ope .. B~Ift()lentl1 to aamit hil ~htt Rll.v. 10mes Qllinn, who woe thell pre· or, "'tlttonl ~n the ?vldenCel , 01 CliTlstlunl. s lIIce Bt)cees~loll cannllt.bc predicted of nO· ?BeIl80n 10.I~nvo 11111 beJo.v~d cl ~clel Th o< ftrJ Illsurrectlo~ in tho lIleetinr fIOIlSO.- when on recovC!tillg; hor husband in,fopn· ~l!l,Il.~. wllh extremo , OIlUtt~" removed the siding el~er 011 the MUBkir)~m dlatrlct:-:- ty.-Rellglou~ ~erald. . thingnes8 . . Would '.Yo hllno~ the III\1str.ous ,~og~ of.llIs onr~hly ,hllPlllocas CIOQtlnued Whnt a Bad reversn of fo!t\Joo frnm (h.e ed hE'r that lio had belln loved from the chulr, .Olld olltered the 'pllrlment. The Hli mlniSlerlal hfe ,~as spent in the'80uth· dead! .Howabsurd 10 hom?r that whtrh v1vld mItis remembrance, It qul r,klllls blm most OOltering Ilroapects ot ohl:e redlic<,d wreck by ·a brove sailor who ,/tad \nke,n him cheVAlier tben ~uw 1118 h08t. with I lamp "elter.. flIrt of Ohi~; Bud in tudiona. .Jt .T he Prayer lIIeeting. has nu oxlMtellCC! Wuuld we toke thought 10 dilliCeucc, it' mnkes him huil tho hOllr to II sitllotJon bp.set with 1)ls, und envirolled in hia own "hiPJ wl~IClh wns !JQllnd to Perul in 9ne halld alld n hugo ~ni(e itl tbo other. il 'lot our objellt tv give Dn Qcco~nt of hili Go TO f n.Eput,lRLY. J'iow is the tlm ~ lur po~~or[ty1 BIlW frivolous to oonl:ern whic~ sooe his purpose nccomplished, lind round with dQlllJer ulI.1 \viih darkness ....:.. Dnd hnving bOOli fortUllate enough to amass IlP!lrOochlng tl~e bt!d 011 ~i~toe! ' Tho ol.evlabo~for they would fill ' 0 vohlme""!'but wilen .many will negloct It. lind be IIbsenq oureelves for thoso wbose end, Iiltc our own, hls f,nce turno~ toward home; it corpmuncs l?ut Se who tutneth dlly into night. IJnd U oonsidernblo portiblt of WCullh, hod IIIC)d. 1\) I r CluukeU IllS pistol., penellth tbe bed , to giVe. a, brief notice of Ihe man, Q8 olle soe to it that you IIro Ilot one of them. 11 mult .oon be a(lihill)tedl I~ovll we made with him as he journey., unci, he hoars the night into doy. for mo1'tol s . dhl~not rorllllke ituled (hi8 ~greenble 8Ul'priAe, in hopo or clothes. tllot dIe 1I0ile 01 the Ipring ,might of till! prominent aclore in the eDrly hi8to· ~ell.indulgence pleads for rest lit homo, a prC)tr~isel ~iow' III1.n it bind nOlhlng to. promise. which causes him to hl>pe, 'Thou thom, 'rllc gnord5, by IIpirited ",xortion!, curhlll b ~r 01 n destructive hllbit, the can· nol bo hoard. When lhCl man reachecltlle ry orllethvdl.m IndiCloa. ' Stranae \y'U bring up -the ooonlet-plea 01 Yllbr cove· nolJling'l P~rjury is. but a jest. 'rhe ost ~halt knolv olso thllt ~hy tabernaclo shoU 90~n reducc~ lho insurgents to ord~r . .' A aequollces of MIlch he lIad '1IlIlg 'dro.n~cd. . aldo Ilf.t!l~· bcd, ho .lleld tho Jigl!f to. tho tall Ina .Iendori stood re'marknbly e,rect; nont pnllagementl, and your own .piritu. Injull'ction of the ~ylng.....,whot 8hnolity be in pooce. 'und tboll sholt visit ' Ihy tob· 6C1cond IIatrol from tho vouthwurd COlltro. 1Illluntne olnlJruccu him wi,h tmus porl, nod chovoller s f~cc, who prl'lcnded t? ~e U\ • hi' hair WIB blo~k \18 ruen, anl1 hili "eyps ality. nnd the influence of a good e~~mple. huvo th oy, more tlmn tl~ lut sou.td qf a e~nollie IIr~d n<1t sin.' O! thEI joyful reo di clOcl the report pf the formor . . Coloncl u8surcll him P,nt sho would nev er 'nll'~i n profound aleep. but contr!v ed , nevertllewere .a mild.blue; yet TemarkllblytirilliaDt Endoa,or 110 to orunge your bUllineBl, an,d cho,rd, that is . snnllilcd o~ an in~trument union of , dIvIded family. I.he Illens·. Warner fortunntely camo up to the n~8ist. yield to tcmptlllions, or continuo in 'a prac· loss to 8Lelll ou o.consional glallco at hi' IV}lellllllhnllted. lila Clltlca~iori WIB no~ your family Ollres, th~t, as the genl!rnl rule \h~t ia brokenl . urcs oC . renewed interview oud oonvctaa- snee of Col. Berricll, In nn ndvDntngeou8 (ice 01 which ahe nolV law the tnadnes8 iii fearful host. The mlln 800n turned from very lhorough. yet he '11'11 a i:101~ etudell~; you may alwDya be at tbe weekl, pnyer To sum tip all, il ,~e !lJl1sl wbolly perish, lion oHer,day ~ of absence. .' situotion. Thry engna:ed and vonqufshe d glnrlng eolor~. • . fiim, and lifter hllnging the lomp ~n the and bllt low men ever had a ' better com· meeting. ' . then is obcdience to tlle lows but 1111 iIlR~l1Dehol4 ,Lhe IUnn of scionce-be dtops the the ellolllY D second tllllO. 'l'hus wero th eir HDving received tho congratulatlolls of bc d,pOSI, wo~~ to the other end nf -the mftnc1 ~f langubge lhan ho. Ho \Vas' In , Gu 1'011 YOUR o~v" . B.urE4 You moy SMO servitude; rulers' Dnd m.giatrojtls ure loboriou! Clnd pollJrul reseDrch- closcs hilJ fenre agniu di pel ed, and t1l1lir lJedllondlng thefr friends, tbe amuse ments of the eveu- room and brough~ to tl10 ed·aide 0. chair, tho hllbit of carrying Wilker' octilvo die· alwaya b" b.-nefiLed by it; you moy alwoYK bllt the pho!,tllma which pojlU: .. r Imbecility volume; S1ll00t118·hls wi'lnldod' brolV': IOllyea spirits revivo'd to joy DOli to pr"llio. . And hIll', which hod boen eo 8trangely: irlt-cr· on \vhlclr lie \ illlmediu~C\ly riloullted Wlt~l lionlry1n hil 8l1ddl",bDge 01 studying it Ilelir lome truLb thoro that will lllsttucL hilS nlecd liP; justice 18 but an Ullwarrcllt· hiB ~~udy, onel ullbolldlng ~imsllif. ,s tOO)lS now thry hnd leilHlre ttl ollend to the k.lI- TUI)tocf; were ngnln renelVea; onp the lid· tho tremendou8 kn,i fe8tdl in. his ho~d, , At clOlely. IInllthu8 he acqtllrnd II vcry ready you; joll] in Bome prnyer pro/itnbly; hove {lble inf(ingcmlll)t upon the liberty of mon to the copBcitle., yields 10 tho wlRhos, and ed alld wounded. I'cnture \VIIS for lIIC1ny 'months the, tulj( th~.,~ry moment that tlce cllevllh 8 and h,ppJ ueo of lopIiU'ge, and bie ,t\lre- aome omll8ion or ntlgl~lIt reproyed; or roo -on·impoBltion, a usurpotion; tb e low of millg les ivilh the divorsiollB of bis Ghildrell. A '"ood old g lif\t letnall wfto I'lld llvO throughout Dordeoux. ' a~O\it tQ .tart (rom .the bod. and .)100& :JIOIIR of wo~d8 e'eel!l,ed to h\oxhaullll. ccivo freah Iml1rcliBions of the impo~IClllce marriage is I V811l tic:ruplci mode8ty 0 po;oj. . Tllko tho man of trode-whnt rOCQncile;" Ions III tho field, WIIOIIB furrowou che ke •, hIm, tile ,mon III ~ hllrrlod mOnner cut &I\v· blo •. lill groat atlentio';- to the Gltbico 01 of fllithlulne •• In duty. llV regulur altell~ udlco; bonor and problly, such atuO' us him tu tIle toil of \lusln~s'1 Whnt enablee and ~Uver locks aiMed venerllbleness t!l his Boyftrd Tuylor drftwi a sorry pl ~ture of ~he e ral enormo\l~ shcol fro", a pIece of ~?l;oll "ordl fr !lUe.l\Uf, IIIlcle hil sty Ie quite 110r· dRnce, the pOlVor of good boblt Will be con· drenms arc mode .of, onu incests lind mur· 111m to ondure tlte lasWliousneas ,nnd imper. boary browe, boi ng .oleltha! h'",08 1111 for· Christillna resicUug ot JcrulUl em, of whom thnt was b~nglng over bis bedat<toc!. though id oud ornalo. H~8 lellding mentol t bilb flrme/l, ftnd your apirituQlilY be jnc~ellaed. dorl, pllricldcs. thu mosthi'ort!p8!tcruoltios, t inenee 01 OIlSlomers? ,"Vhlli. roword, tunote ill oue of his 80ns, rephed, 'whot, thoro nrc niuClteelllll'6ts. These sectl arc It had boen whr.nly unnotiCl'd befure by WofO .ret/ling oi,Jd. hnaginbtionl and hill aero By w~ltiug Hten.cl! ly on ~h.e Lord when mo· ~nd llll! blackost crime~, ar~ but tile logit· Ilim for 80 many houl'll of ~edio~. oonfine. l,ns he misoehavod! did bo desert hi. ]l08t BO qUlITrclsome. thota 'furkish poiiccmon the oglt~~ed ~ravel"'r, T~e host then p~. mons werehiahly delaril1tixe SOIPetlml!s ny tIling. cOlI\blJle~o dl'IIl~llnc ,)'ou (rom Imnte sp9r a of mtll's Irres ponsIble Mtura lIIentt Dy and by Ihe 8eOlon oflbtorcar)r~e or slt rillk from the churgo!' 'Nil, lIir,' is olwoyl stationl'd in 010 Uoly ,Sepulcltrc, Bod fhlllllfht before IIII eyes a~srn. nnd Mr. 'l'ilylor hlf~ tho room In lh(l 6Dme.cautloUI \Va~ . In hia imaiinatlon '" ould towe,r-be carried ~oillg ' it, you will ill a double senao reneIY -,\ hile the harsh epithets ottoched to will arri\'c: he will ~ehold ti,e d,~sire 01 his Bald lbe informant, 'worse 11(on thnt. he woe to pre"ent bloody di6Jlutes. in f'nl')' to the ' third heaven.. He could your itrength. them, nrc merely such os the polley.of leg. pyes al.d lIl e oh jldren of hi9.lov~, fur whom among tho slain! he foil conlellding mOil' soys: whIch he h~d entered It, ond uneOllllOlnUI , point out ti,e panoramic Iccno witll thc ~~ FOIt YOlilt ,PA.!TOR'S I.AX!,;. , If you ldlntora-118ve Inyonted and Iml'09Cd on the he rosigns bia oose; and tbelt wl~lf"ro finil .fully in lI,e enURe!' ''fllon r UI~ lutis·fled. 'Whatever good tho YDrioui minion~ of tho dang~r he Ilad escaped, returned to a a recoUlpenso. re Jllled tlt(\ vCll~rllble sire. 'brillg him in hore moy accompli h, JerusQlem is tI,O loBI cro.wd or I~e\V Ind hungry guelts bolow hllnd or , mutor, and 110 emplQyed. meto. would ~tren~then bill hnn~s. nnd CIICQUrllg e orodullty of the poopll!'. I1horlc: reprcaentatlons wl~h \Vonderflll ell'· h.. bllurt, let h1m sce tblt you' 8re illwaya Uore is the issue to whi ch the vnunted Yonder comol the laborer-he; hilI borne Il ud lay him before me, thQ~ ut lail ure I pilleo in tho wurld where nn intelligent stalfs. who were of coprle nQt . very lorry ect. Once hen pfee.chmg on 'l!le love of there. Do not give him ronon from your phlloSllpllY or unbeliovers n11l8~ inevit'nltly Iho l"bllr Qnd bORt of the dol'; lhe desceu. ''Iny !Jeho!.l, nnd survoy the dorling of my honthen would be cOllvertod to Chri.tion!- to perceIve thot be bod laved 111.1 blcon. Go<I, he compared it ~u an ocean, Inil then conducl to lIuppose tbat your I'iety ilbllrnt lelld! H ere ie that Bocial feliclly, thin ding 8uth ha6 released him Irom his toU, aou!.' Upon ,which tile corpso wns brougll\ ty. 'Nere 1 Clist here, ignorant of any rc· WONl.'. ADVAllTAO&l:-A womlln aln endllivored t'" lOund it wltll a line, ond out by the lieat or ' 8umlller, or frozen out emanclpotioll of error, or which th ey cter· ond 110 is ha8tenlng' home to 'onjoy reptl,,!). ill nnd 1l1id ~efuro him. 110 Ihell cul1~ for !igion, lind were 110 comparo the Jives Dud I I I' k t . I be"In, . " I I eay W lIt a Ie I 1.'1 a you .vlt 10U~ whileletti", down IIi. line he becamo 1m· by the co ~ or winter. Let lIim. 8ee thnt nail)' prete. os III" fruit of th eir doctrines I Hlllf woy down the IAno. by t!he side of 0 bowl Of ,vater ond II IlBplon. nnd with pruoticc8 of thedlffllrcnt 8ec18a~ t Ie means II k dd ,. " ., ., ' d d I. d I h I Id h I I I ' ". I ' .' f nllc c own lor It. , paMioned, Ind lIr'ied out t the top of biB ybu volue CIOmmunl?n with Go on lIa Ac~ept lheir Pluxims, nn t 10 woo wor wllic aLo lldd llO Clottage. his ohl dren run h 16 OWIl hunds waahed tha ,goro from lis of mnklng DIy cllolce-III 8 ~~rl to Ju~go 0 Sltl' lIan tllke , 'Inooze aftl'r dinner whll. Ihril"" voice 'mor6 hne , moro lir.o!' and the trutll, more thon politics or reet. or even foils back into lito moat frightful chaos. "nd to mC!ct him. One he carriee and one h~ Oll'S corpse, ond wiped 11i~ goping wounds e~ch f!lith by the conduct of Ilil profcssors, Iler b us b IInu' .i 1 . III gone to wark • She CRn elrel. !aeracH 10 a neli tidy c,l('lrect WII to enrlp~1tro oild cOllvul.e tile bUIIDCI8. Lot hi!" feel that he call rei) all ~he relotl~n.of life ~rQ coufoondtld, and leoda . ']'11'3 eOlllpnnlon nf h lB humble 11 .0 with II ~Oll\pl~r.cncy. 118 h ~ 11ii.llio lf (IX· I ah:ml t olice cho080 MsllometlBm. entire 1I0ngtl'gatiun on D Ilirge en.CIIIII p. 011 you, olld k~ow ~hat, howover fow moy nlllJens ~I ~Ice Illld vlnoe rc~cned. ~nd III roady to.furnleh him with lilslhulllblerc. prewsed ~I. which before he IUlIl lII'ver fclt Iro fora ddllar. wbillb her buabaod had (0 , 1\)01\t, while llrel sel'lIled 10lt in wonder be prellOot, you WIll bb olle or t~em,- the rnoat IDvlolabl~ I?ws of 1I0ciety vlllll . h; pll t. See hia toll-worn counlcnu'uce all· or upcrlel.,ced! , HUM 0 RO US. earn and fork oyer. nlld It~OrUIOn at lbo Clthtll\llela dopthl of £,'or.1 member oT the Cburch who IS are· ftnd all moral ellaclphne peri~hosi Ilnd lhe Humes on air of cho!lrfulncs., bl., hard8uipp ~!01V paanful 18 deoth when corned hy, She can go into tlle street wltlloet boiD' God'. love t~ I lost world. . ~ulllrly 111 tho week If prayer nU!llting ie government of SllItei and Nutioll8 hlll'c 110 IIro forgullon; fotigne VlIllishcB, 1,'0 oatl IIlId vlrtuC ! flow pr ec ioullho blood which is obliged lo'treal' at ever, C!o/J'ee houle. , hile on the Madison dlstriet dolnr (or mOte thon hl suppOSeI to make lODger any ceOle'!t to uphold it; and all II.c is aDtl fled. The el'enillir i~ fsir, he wal.lt• • hed for 0110'11 COlll1lry! flow trin,:"phont Bl\1.fBng a Pedlar. . t She c6n point ber flc, J( too pale, :#lour • «;!>mpuilUd, tbrough lee~Ienll" and extreme hi .. 1l1inlstor both eneoufll,od Ind IUCCcal· h.rmony ur the 'bodv pontic, becomes dis· With unc:ovorcd he~d around his ~mrden.oll' to fAil, whe? by (olli?g wo risc tu conquest, If there is really PIlY difficnlt poinf 0 I~ if too ,red. Indi.po.ition to dOllel from preacbing .ful io hi' work. cord; and lhe human race Is (10 more thIn Lerl ogslO. alld rcUrel to rCSI; and 'the rell lIon,or, end lI~ll1ortnhty. be manDlI ed , ond IIceulollel!! is Tequired to Bhe cln wear CIOIlt'tI ir too dllc., ani whilo ill the :'ld8t o( Il ecrmon II~ a qnar. Go FOB rag C",; ncB'1 un:. Never In assemblago or rcckle9s barbarious, of a laboring m an il Iweet, ,~hether he i\Jny .America nevor walll of her lOt.I to elTect it, CIOMmond mo 10 a womau'e \vlt other fixin'. If rue tbln. terly meeting. But While abrup~ly 11101' is the Church revived, but DB the spirit of ehome)cl@, remorse1cBS, brutal, de naturali· eots hule or much.' Inhab ita nt or thi8 imitatll so brl:ht un eXQtnple. anci to be· for the purpove: iog he ~clalnled with a patbol all his prlyer il quir.kelle.J. Lt )V1I8 when they zed, wiJb 110 oliter check than pa s810n, no lowly dwelling, who can be iltdiffe~nt CQ me rival. for luch di,tmglli shed gluryNOI~, there \VD8 a certain tiu·,vare ped· 1'AR S1'KGY HAn.:...IHa 1100. drlfe.., OIV~. and pC!rfootly lllimilllllle, 'God fllrbid tb.t felred tho Lord s poke oncn onO ~o other bOild Ih.n irrE'ligion, no ' olh er ~ud to thy comfort! r~ace be to lllis houael to Btand (or~h in the hour of hor distre.s , Inr trMeling 010 cily to diepoce 01 no~oll' I.id III(iniY partisan ncor the 01010 (Of tile thu any . or my helrere .lIould w.ke up Inother-c0ll1muneol with God D~d Ilia ~ba~ lelf. Such would be the world willeh - - - •• , gna lloLly vlOdlclto her CIIuse, Iud avel1l:e to lueb III were Willlnc to bargain. He polla ir\ a hotly cont8lted elfction buDJ' wit\! the riel! min in hell, where they mUll truth. Ind elch other III faitllful dlBclplca 1I11plety would m~k.e._ Buch wou.M.be Ihl~ , The Battle of Bennington, her wrunae, was a peTle,,!)rln, trader, and !lever to be dowa wllh Yolur hick and brine old W. to cry in vain for one drop of waLer to cool evor Ibould de-l hat the Lord hearkene" world, wc!e a behor III God IIndlmmorta~. In AUll'ual. A . D. 17'77. wben Generll •• , bluO'ed off with a short ·anlwcr.-One vClie; make hute,' tll~ir parched' tongues'-and eulting th81\1I' and bellrd it. It ,v.aa wben tho ~wo held ity to dio Ollt of the bumon heArI.-Mczln· Burgoyne aumO down frolll the norUlw.rd . The Agreeable Surprue, bOUie, ilr plrticullr, be rereived continued DritPr-'Old W., hltltell ba WOD~"I lion to the word, he dlppet\ hil flnrr In a con.eree with JDfU', and hearel 1111 le_Gh· {Orl. willi II millhLJ anLY. Ind ill [r(!lt wralh, Their retidp.I in Bordellux. ayoun" rich rebucr•• nd anu.rancsi d,Dl Jlothln, WI,I he'. too 'Idnu 10 "ote,~ lumbler oC wiler that '11". aillin, 00 tbt' inll, that their belrtl within tbtm; • he ,enl Col. Baum with a llronlr detatell· Illd hondlome Widow. who bpd for lIix WIllll'd-ther neYer bou,ht 'nytbin, In I'lfti.ut ...... Oh.Joo are II\lat.......... (lIllpiL, anell.ltjn,1 drop fall on hill own IInel oftl'n, in mod.,n trOles, tbe Spirit of The Autumn, mont. to deaolote the country e.lIl1nrd, month. InClel8llntly I.menled lhe 1011 of a tbat way, N""ertJleleea, be mlde hll call, deB. he will "Ilta for bla brotll.ro(th . . . . &oIIgoe, (ell illllnedla"ly bac'lc 0'1 hilllOlt, c;JQd deacenda, and the rnl"l. commence., We .rll ..,ing our larewellln ill' 10m- Ind to etlrich Ihe_\IIOi with thie tpoil.- hUl band, tenderly buluved. A Catal ltorm .teadif1 with,eaoh n'tll~r villt. nad III,.. church: lllla 'eTJ ..1....... , 116ft eRea "bile tho coDgnplilln wal .uff\JRd In wbere bla people JI ptberecl III th~ pIece mer. Bent.lh her chlnlP'"1 (oJl~l'e and Bennington wu partlcularlr markl!d '1 an bid wrecked Ille venal in wbieh h. had ply to the laformatlon that it WII 11181... heared hla PRJ ud ....put...• tear., and 1(folna were' beard from 0' pRyer. aod to bear whl& God, by hi. amid ber witberinr flowere, .be hll lain obJectoC theit nn,..nce; ICCOrdln,11 Col, embortell, and every lOul'on bOard it WI to cIII, mada known hla purpo.. to cio 10 Dr\'.....-Jlife . .Uer II". .~.~ part 01 tba audieDCtI. tftl\h. will lpC!al Ullto lbem. rr you would dowlI tcMIle. Blum too. poIt with hit rrollt em In ad· ..uppoaed had plri.hed. The younl wlc!ow jUlt al often .. be-pi..... mrfer p to ....... II ....... 1IIIJ;.1l-i----::--;:;"" Ooe Hen' of hIe eloquence,.u In tbe _ the Cilurch ...1,4111 and Iplriwal. ,lid Ailt...... com., Her palm IIII/led with vaDllroUB h.i,bt leveo milll WHt of the lurrouaded r" adm • obier,o.r ICfbpe· 011. bitter cold dar tbe 'bell nnw, ancl pil oa lit....... pnwWId ..... A POWer of lila \'Dice. Ita toaK. . . 11••y. &be ilDpBDi\eDt a.akeae.!, lie raithrw to the purple elute". Illd rrnita Itrelked and clap· town. woere h. forti6ed ItroD,II, ala rear \QuaIl Ule rulu of ali dtcorulD; It JIO,&Ir the good ....y buteatMI to pt her baaU ~ let &be aIW..srI. , d • ., .... _.cal, ....., ... .,.ble of pray" aaeetlJll. pled like , ... 1D0rnill, III,. beiD, MY,. mU.. bact. TIle bow.",_ tbe pennwlODI or Jrer (rfea. bed rr... tile ....... ID .hleb tb., were 1HJq. i!" ..., ndelJ.' iDa.ctloll . . . . . . . . . . . . Go roa tn WOUoD'I . .D. Let dlelD There Ie. pleuMnt 111.11 DpoD th. Ilr. f. BeaQlnpD .era lD~cb the I.dab. oace!DOre lItrew open b.r . . . . . .r &be .O-....a .... I'fttbH tile . .""I.m. . . . . . .
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?tf~klJllllhroe ounC08 tllO mQ~IUIII will cmbroclllIlI tho IlC1V8p~p nll~a nlllllber of va 11I1I1i/e porlOl1/culs wllIeb' w,~ bo HOlltlJy.1 mUll Jl\stond QC forlVlllo CO"' , " Ullces, nn" thus Increo se "10 rllyell~ of lb Puet OtHlle, I t 3 Onc OUncD nnd tt-rlb!rWI'1l IIIOludol1i ~hl!, IYf,lak Iy country p~por. BOllt Wlthlll ,enoh Rt~le at half the PrlCD of tho _bo '1'hore Is no Benso whutefer ' lc live AUlericou Doal'aofl'Ol'wgll lRi!i• mltlDg , slol'll. theBo I'0per to ,he Slate w~ere ·pu6l\abell • 'Why Ubi extond tbe 1,01lt, SIS on tbe otll 'l' hl~ body !lns bl1ell bolUlIlg Its 10tly· t!f, pIIllor!!, to throa \hOUShlld mlleal 'rh" third flllOlllllll-looling In 'l'roy , N~IV York. I h I < nm on y 1\ f tho wOlght, aud there lor Its mcclmlJ&woro lurgely ntlend ed bf cler· shouhl hO\le tl,e !l1IrQ,O pflvllege. 11 lIy,lRlty nnd IAdlel:1 rJ,'heodorl) Ii'roljnghuy· , t e 4 '11b\1 prepo),mell of ponai • ellhe~.t sen OCCUllluil the Ghalr, oud Wlliworth. Dr. Docon, ond othar em the offico \';hero a I\e\ys~opcr or perlQilI~1 i~ mudl'd or l.\ellverod,la a grent IlIcollWt. gentlemolJ. wQre Ilre811nt lind took pnrL III b Iho proceedings. H wnB rl'Bolved to 0111 tllo puliHshor nl\(1 thl! pub. hold tho next ol1nllol meeting : ..iO!~~~.tr:~;'"til II> Cuoudu, &i.e.. mllY be at tho officD of mnlhng. 11 on Iho IIrAt'1'uesduy II) Oulohor, Rl'v. "VlIIlnm Adums of New York, WU8 6 Tho redllctlon ofl'oBtoge tu olle half, seleclpd oathl! prellcher, and Rt!v ChqriOB II hon pUld quartody III nih I1I1CO \VIII be _ White Ill~\lrnnto, grent IIIcontlve both to publisher••nd subsonbers to prepBy th eir postage 6 'fhe obstructions 10 londlng lranslelll pupers or I'llpolhcull w)Jipb now O~ 1111 Will be effllc!uully rel\ltlved by tillS Dill In stond oC preJloYII\g fi'neon ceqt8 postage Ob the J ouruul of Commerco to Cu IIfornill it 11'111 be eellt through tho pOSt office for two cenla Our CuhfUtnlD "rQlhr\!n and their rr)lmd8 will ho.I1 this CIUlllgO with plcQIIlire
'l'b~ lllc.c l1llg wn!
o]lellcll wHh slllj;lng Ulld pr I} cr l'rQ f Frt'llch do lIvorcU Iho odJros • &hOIVllIg tha
• 'rhe ONCltO~l\ClJt In Pelers Colony lind subsIJc~. both pllrLl o8 WlIlUIIIl: tile- Ollt oC the L glslnturo The 011l:.len8 of Jlldlolloln lUd Gell. Perin far Bnlllh Uio cOlllplllllchL oC Q public bnll nlld SUllpcr 0111118 rettlrn. illig NuragungaB, of 'l·homu~lon. r.~e . hud struck 011 lho brcllkcrs lit ~lIl\'C6t»1I Bar, Ol\~ suuk to tho IllI\IO dock Sho wnS 10lldod Wilh hmo, nnd wben tho stelllller left WQIl on hrc, lind would bo Il total los8 ~he Germun 'l'urnor Uillons have COli' tmuoll their festivi ties wllh grent 8plrlt'ro.doy wos fi pellt on till cxcurllWI\ III two largo slOnmboula, both bOll,g tilkd With tile SOCJ..,tIO~. 'l'u.nlghtII1l1Y huve n 8UI" per and \)~Il. ,IAnother brClak bAS pccurred mlhl' CI,es· und Ohio Oanlll, \\ Illch it \\ III to twO weob to rell/llt 'l'l~e ;PhWIIIX COUOII }'uoto~y m the VI' CIOIlY of BI1I~lmoru, wall eold It allc:lon tp·duy CQr $28,000, II Orlf:l1llllly cost $} 00,· 000. ~II.
S rn CRlJ' 'l'IQN 7'ERM
Olle copy fur
OIlL' > ~11
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t\\ O \ OIUmoll . OliO
of .ldvCl·lisiulOl
,Jop PBlN'l'ING,
f Qvc r~ dc Crll")UII, sucb 118 PAlUpDL1!."l , lJANJ>BU.I.S, no INJ::SS AN D Vlll'rJNG CAIlDS~ DLA~IUI, L.t.1UELS, d III Il,l)od slylo nnd Of! short noUco III l'llo Mlnnl1 Vislwr OI CO , nnd \1n ~ '8onlllJlu No o.rc..jil 1,<1\0 11 lur Jot. Prlllllng
"XMu l
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fill 'I he
Te)l!.peranoe Jr{eeilug.
AccQTUIlJ1l to onuounccihcnt, II fo\v 01 lhe rrlonds oC tel"perI\IIC~ lJlel ot Iho ME Ohll,cll, In Waynesville, Ohio. on l Snt· uril.,. the IBlh Inst • ot '3 o'elooll P. 1\1 ) rOI lbo pUFpOSO or IiOlnmencing a lI\1o day , t.,"peranee 'l'coUog. JUr, (0 E Dfo!rtJtt was oppolnl d 91\Qlrmlln oC tho meeting, and J. W p ay Searetary 'l'ho meetlDg Willi opened w}lh /ll ogtng by the choif, IIlla prayer by PrOrl.'8BOl" r'rench of Ohlcllllln~l, afler 'shlch (he allolr sunlf IIgbiO. Prof French th~n IIddrcBsed the oudlence. IIpeech W~B 1111 Intcrestinll' ope, giving n brrer 11I8tOry ot ll\e 'romperllt)ce Retor· mation, fr ill ~he }eQr 1800 al;Jwn to tbe prCIIl!llt tlmo. Alter l1\B IIdllrcl!tI IL GOIll' mittel! of !jve wore IIppoinled, to drllrt resolullons 10 be' l'!eaented be foro ~h() Mooting. for their cOliftlduratlon Dnd IIchon upOD. Tile COlOmluee consisted oC
',fhe WarreD County ll'air
lJl U~is ptllcO, hke mony others, are persons l !Nho h!lve llothlng el~o., reMI),. to dtf. but to create mlschiof, 11\ ny W.IIY., lind moro pnrllculllrly, by eronllll/t hard fecllngs b~tween mell \11 bU81110BS Bnd tboee," theh employ. How much Prlllci' lIoas-Prices aud PI'OSpoot8 pie Bueh peraons have would 6e rallier dlr· the Next Q:op. litult to decid~, Tile prescnt 111gb prlcee or pork allll 1. W. lIEIILEr. I con beglu to oause CUllaumer. aDd dealers PROF FSBIIClI. I. DAY TIlE llerchaots of this ploeo are to IIIqUire With regard to 'he quantity ood 8~1lZ1 n,. T F. HAn~. mng \0 recelllo tholrstock of Fall and Will' qunllty 01 the \lOllS now leoding for n~xt A.rter WJlch the mee\lng D~journed to con· GCU1'eU1 SeoU:al P i thbOI1l'h. ter GOOda. Hidden & McGlelJllod nil compnre~ \Vlth the lost vene Q!rtllo at tbo rlDSlng of the boll 10 PITTi\ll SGIl, Sr.pt! 18.-G ~ lIertll Scult oal~I[IIU"r, ' , z;, , bpenllli out a fino l188ortmont 01 Olle or lwo of ou~ pac~er line Jusf reo the cyenlng. arrIVed here nt 1 o'clojlk thIS ml,lrnlD~ Ho The Cmcinnati \Jonference GoiHls, &'11. RemembeHhelntllnd,oiltbe turn~d fro~ a tour t11rougll Kontull~y olld W08 met Ilt tile rllllwp¥ 8t~t10n II largc Of tbe Methodist Eplsooplil Cllu~oh, corner of M411" Inll Nortb $tree\O, Indlona, who re port boga ill eVj!~y rl'glnn BA"tl nllU tvil'llltO. Tbe mee\ln" \vRS crowd, Who o.cortod 111m to lhe commences 118 onnual 80&SlOn to do.y. • > --\ they hove' trnvelcd through of a much bet. ope eil \Ylth singing by tbo choir, lind. Bt Xenia ' This c,ooferencr. !lfn C!RI:rA.~ls Smglllg Sebool Will meet ter quality, and a considerable In~reu~e III heln 1-JUuao 1'1111 mornlili ho \Vas (Wednosdny,) prayor by llev.' Mr. Hall. ~r. Mllie, tile ~tl1l Lo1rE STAR ORDlm -Thi8 secret duced to a Inrgo assemblage whp had CO,I' Is Ilomposed of about One half of the lute on Frldlly .. evcllIng next. 'rhi.' orrnng¢· numbor, IS comp~~ed Willi Ie,st leaSOIlRepre~entl\tive IrODI Clinton county to the ordn\' IS becoming a pretty fOCiOlduble body 01110 Gonfcrentle, whlcb WQS dlVluCtl at ment \Va. mnde pl1rtly for hlB accomllloda- The farmore are now generliity feechng on grcioled In front oC bls hotel, by Coptlilll Obio Lrgi8\uturo, WS8 introducpd to the DI\l1810nS IIro estobhshed IlJl ov p~ the coun. , ' the last 60581011 of the General Confer· tlon, nnd partly beclluao tbo clas8 could. nol corn, wlnch ia UIIU5uol. 'l'hroughout In. Nay lor. audience. He gl.!'nced fof a moment at tl')'. In Now York Cit}" lind nelghborhoud, 'l'he Golleral made a ahorl ~ p"ech in enc~. 1111 be IIpprllOd of the tlmo, Bufliclently diana. Ihere 18 cen8111ly, I lllrger IlIcr0080 the history of tho Tempt'roDce R eform, Lhese are domo sevell or elgLt d,\llslOns, which ho pBued I IlIgh eulog\llm. upCln --...,.....................-800U to mee~ I!lst evonlllg tllia aeoson, lind hogs ore 10 per OOllt. hel· t IIn4 ~Ien ptoa~edert ~o reilite the dOlllgs ~of em»racmg sevorol tboll~lIlJd8 of membera, Perlnllylv4111a rllld her regular God Clt.lzen The Great P,e..lla1a& 4J:'he Ohlo Confereno ' , ter thon they ever were before y tile ~eoN'Hbl A:seemdb. 10f O\IIIO • at its los\ who haTe aU bound Ibemselve8 to mllrcb ot The Imlllonse pt'ndulu," which hlh" Of tbe MetHodist IJrote8tallt Ch\lrch P ETEn N ORRIS was to bn\le glv~n lin t'x· Tho llrldlaon counly, Kentuc:ky CIlI~' lo,dlcrs. 1Il8l10n. 0 B~"te tlat 10 h unte d two C b TIJ f> It wal IIl11lOunced that a lI\ec~tlll: WIll I1e }dthlll tllO D~lIkt\t Hili Munumenl hu kiI '\"eelts nmOQi the Rcpre~entotive8, before a momenVs wnrlllng to u a, e ",6ur. commonced Its seSBlon on Wednesdny of !ublLlon 0'0 last e"enlllg, ['l'uesdRy,] at tbe mtSSloner rep\)rt~ twenly·tilx tilourlnlld hugs heltl In !"rOnt o(tbl) hotell!.i. o\letlllli wholl t6 tho dl8cu\lcry of muuy intt!re'lI~g CaclI )le could find II (rlcnd to tbe 1\I1I1I:e Liquor leT say" that emlllollt 801~lere, merchants, lest \\etlc, nt DoJ\brook , nlld closed yeater- CODcertH'alJ III tlU8 place. over SIX months old, In that COUllty, on the the Citizens Wilt bo lI~drl) ..od by .evo~al lawyers, editors, und even dlV1nes, ore nc· do! 1 hive not yet learned ~be hsl. of 01" Amorlg tl\em 18 olle w)liol1 we seo giveD OD ..-,-lUth of January last. Gnrrard county hna Low; but he eald that when so many pe· tlve nnd influential members or tho order, dlstlnglJi8hl!d Wll1gs. " 'rll,ll Concert of the Gibson Fumlly, on acventeen thollsand helltl, Ltncolh, JOB80' Gen Scott Will 'Temllm here till IIIqndny the lIuthonly of I)ro( "oraford,ofBamN bliona caina rolhn o" III, praying Cur 8uch, a und ita coffers arl! ropldly filling \\11th gu 10.1. pOlntOlente. College. IllItmg 'hOL tho Monumenttwlnjl ..... , t rt \Yclhlendoy efCnlng, at lhe Concert mlnfl, FoyeUe and other Inrge hog law, It took eJl"ect on, tho feelings of many, The Ooul"lor contBID8 a document. troualnmorDlllg, wh'Jll he will Jellve for the Weat bllck" ords nnd for I\' ardl like _ pendululII LOOAL IT1UillS. Hallin thl8 ploce. weB well nttend~d, BIIlI counties In Kentycky, show the IIQme l}fo. or them, IInii ot tho cl080 01 the Lprm, he ted from /I Spani5h pnper, purporting to every duy I Dy on BppRrnllll, whlcliis ulltbe 8inglng Igllvo general sati8factlon. poruonate )flcreoee. Colli Dlo~cd Bm·der. Buppoacd there wns about forty who would glvo tile orlglll, progress , Jlod obJol11. of TIIG T IlMl'ERAN CE l\JEETINO on l~tit Slit· We henr \Jut little from Ilhnois, Iowo. Ol/~DA' N. Y Sept J,8,-Lnst ElolI· n e~88ary to dl)8crlbe, 1\ 1i08 bc('n 81aerl'~ hl\ve voted fllr II 10w 81milor to the LIlluor \1118 order, wlilch ISIlOld to number 16,000 ned Ulat tllero I. very . Ught but )lerpepllund S unday , wenl off finoly A \lcry A & E J ohllson, III Corwin, opposite and MI88ourl, but considerllIg the senrclt}' urduy 109 !'I1r•• Gregg, wlfo of E R Grogg Luw of tllc Slo\o oC Maillo. He closed lI'\embera, III different scctlons of the Un. ble movement III the morning to Ula WillI flur ossemblnge of the Citizens ot thl, place tillS p\I\C\l, lIye dO llIg on extensive buslllon oC laet 80080n. It 18 more thaD probablo by 8II.)'lng thot be Wl18l11 fllvor of tho pa.. 101i. lhi8 tO\\ln wlla IIl\ullhrough hor body while nntl VICinity w ~re In atton~lIlIco nt the dirt· In the Dry Goods lIDO. Give them tl call. lhere \YI11 be 011 incrose "other thao II full- \vGalllng at hor pnnlry II inrlow '1'ho 8h(ll \vord, at nooll to .he u9tlhward, and ID 1&' Bilge 01 suob (I low. IIl1d gavo ,lie r eOSOlla erent eeestons oC tho mec tlllg. Altillugh IIIg oil', 08 we scldom bll\le two aanaona or cOllie from the OUt81d'!, lind Wb8--;ViiUd by c\lenlng to the ooat It i. ,cauled by tbe for it A song waa tben sung lIy tb 0 TllRlLI.JN O A Cr.lVENl' -On Frlduy 109t, lh ero wns not whnt tnt!Jht b Gaited a "big LITll!1RARY NOTICES. 8cnrclty together duM, nfter whirh PrQf. Frp.nch de II\1ered u persQII but 8 8hor1 dultonc,e . T11e bnll unclJ.uu), ClCI'Rnajon ohllo ald08 onho lion' Througbout 01110, ~ o learn tlllit more oJ)tered the 8tomach. ~'hl! ludy died till S ument by \he hr:t1t orehe lIun Whot COO 11 short address Thoro wos then singing, near New Albany, a IUrs. n. fired 0 gun crowd," yl't the mnJofl'y of Ihe true fflend! firms I' III tliat II .hower .udde"ly CC/lilat GODEY'S wny's 'DoOK for October, 18- young hogs lire bO\lIg fed thaD uallol 8!1I1 morning. when lhe olldlenco wna dllmlssed tQ nleet Ilt n ~lr G, \\ ho hnd: been endeavorihg to of the great CQUSO III this place were pres cleceive her d ~ughter G fel lit the report e nt The meeltngs \\ ere \lery pleuant 5;) , IV nlreudlv out TI1I8 nqmbcr pleases In many sectiolls. on increlUlQ or one-tblrd 1l1I11II on Sabboth, at 10 o'clock A. M. No truce hoe yet been dlecl)vcri!d of tile one tnde, a\so produce. a mO\'tlmellt. of the Ilun, to nil npl'enron s perfectly and nleo very profitoblej for there \\08 0 mo i)ettcr IlIOn Gny ono I bave ever berore Is Bnt(cll'Bted, The high price of pork murderer nor c \11 3ny CIl.i.O be u68lgned fur F1R K ENCTIKils nEIfD.m~D UJll'!C.$JIll' SUJlD.lY ~ronllnlll , 10 0·Cl 0CR:. The dead His frcnds picked up tllo prostule general \\Inkcnlllg up of Interest III th ts recolved. 'fhe contellts ore of a trul), In· has cllused the farmers throughout tho tho perpe!rotlon of the deed. Tho cluzens of the borouih of T.m.qu., meeting wai opencd"with slIlglng, Dnd the body, carried It Into lho hou!'e, and after gront subject The spollker. were of lhe tercstlng IImlure, tbo embelh. hmcDts are \Vest to bestow oa much core aud otten· readlllg of 0 port of tho 101h chapter 01 tiling Il !ntlo bartshorn and comphor, life first clnds, so fnr 118 prinCiples wero coo· superb , nlld III fuct It 18 the "Lady's Book," 1.1011 upon their I'lgs 118 they do upon their A MHn nnel hl.8 wJCc M ;ordc:r(!,II.i Pl., havo Juat comploted tIIl'lr wlter workl BOBTOII. Sept.. lS:-Tllylur Siloeml ulll coat 01,211,000 wblch besides f"miill 8t. Luke, and prayer by the Rc~ Mr. WQS restored. A tborou~h e:nOlloollon cerned Dut two of thoso od\'erllsed wore alld no mistake, and. no ladv .bollld bo oluldren. 'l'hroughOllt mony 80ctiona of V.oglin. T11I~ prenmble und resolUllons belllg mado for the woundol, thoro wos not presollt,1\1r Foos of Wllnllngtoll, not Without it L A. Godoy J>ubJisher, Plill· tho Boiltb. the plllnters IIro mllklllg Itron, of Natick 'vas muraered last IIIgllt lind hla Ing Ihe \llIIage with all ablmd.nce of pUlt Wife mortally wOllnile~ . A lORn , b\l tbe II ater, Will be highly valullble 10 <II "~ formed by Ihe Commfu.ee. \\Iho were ap· n ~ ()ro.tcll to be foun~. IIIg \Veil, Wh8 not lJerl', nnd wn seqllftntly adeJphln. PEjnnsylvaDlIl The Miami Villi- endllo\lora to "irow t.helr own moal " JlIr Mills of Snblno, Clln lon County, oud tor und Gooey's Lody'll Rook one year for We boar of contracls by our ptlCke~l, IIRI)IO 01 DUIli:Rn Mlthnw8011 lIa8 been .. r· flre pointed 011 SlIturday for thlt purpose, nore ' Tbe \Voter IB brought (rom RRbblt Runl then reod. The lollo\\ihg is n copy of Later C"oln' ;Jobn P.llale. occep- Proleeeor Fronch oC CIIlGlllnnti, wero nil throe doUo.r', lIud lifLy eente. ' for tho futuro deh\lery, of lome 20,000 rested Cor the deed. n ~Qnce r two 11\l\e8, with a fail aC 11S ~IJ the Free-SOli :Nomination thot \\ore presenl , but thoy mnde II ,lCvU ~ hoaft. to bu faltenrd IU Tndioho, lit S them' lVhlrea.s, The l\rall.c Llqu.~r LaiD bOI for tbe Presidency. loom," anti \'lent to I~ ork III ea rn oal Mr Fl1:zLi:D'-Snrtain'a MoglIZioe hoa lind 3~ COlltll grO/18 Several tbousand Envelopes and Sl~mp8 -J\u Dllt waa (cet giving It 110 'llllIcb force ~h.t by 1I0srol'l , Tuesday , Sept 14 -John P l\JIIJ~ Ii n member of the Lcglsllllure oC "gone .lOWIII In deep \l'lItof," or In other hnve been onllol[ed !iy MadJsop pookers for pnslOu "t the seS:Hon orCongrl'18 I'rQ~ Idlng IIIg an ordluary Itl)le to a fire been In 8uccessful operotion, for moro thnn • yur In Ule Stale of !If.ine and Oregon Hille Wrltlllg to Geoes!ll \VlIson III refer- IlllS Slntc, ond nbou t thr oilly one 01 t\le wotda hilS made a "giorioul fizzlel"- tbe next Belllon at" Illd 4! centa lIet, we fur \lIe makmg nnd dlatrlbution of Iflller tor 18 readily thrown oyer tholtiG'nC!"II'U'l'c"'tOl']', lind COf Beverol months III tho enCD to 111 9 1I01ll llln\l0l1 by the Free,Sollers " rt::11I slrlpe " He S3y~ that I! tbe ?tIline Whelher tlle publlsher8 lDtond rerundmjt lIear Dlao oC.\lOrI OI18 conlrocta In Kentucky lI~rlVO.IODQG . hearmg postage 8lamp., willch io the horough, lhll. rendering lire Statee \If )Ia8sachulcttllllDdRhode Island. to tJle Preilldency Boye 'I hnve not fel t Law IS nOl passed tIllho extrn seedlon, It the moolly plud lhom b) eubBcrlber8,wbicb nt S aDd 3i cente grOSl, to be delivered nre to be IUPI,l1ctl to the pu.bllc lit the cost alt0/tetber unne()c08!10ry aDd baa ,~otkcd ~~~U, even berona) the ot liberty under the peculiar cICcumsto nces Will be nt the lI ~x lregulor 8e8Slon. "GOD they have 1I0t-soul their mngazme to the when fattened III the ftlll A aalo of oC procuring th m 1llI11eGr 08 may be The bopelof Ita be t (nenda, and bQ.II d1111 III· oC Ihe OCCASion to set up my Q\~ II 01'101",11 peed the dny" II he n Oillolllfnll be free - Cull omollnt, I do Dol know. It (8 not 1,000 head nat becn mnde, dclivetllble advantngool this Is ObVlOU8, nnd the pubhc t.bl!Cl crime fu lly Ibree·lol rthl ""llcro\ler III direct oPPOSition to ~uch 4n expressHlIl Prorc6Sor frllnell, who IS woll hown likely hOW'!\ler Ihat they do. "Pellce to here, at oenla. One of our pnnclpnl hove long demanded It. All poatnla8tera .lIoptt'(I. tbereforl', of my ffl enils. I therefore 11olt! my own thCllugh6ut Ibis 6tnte 08. a Now School Bap· tha usbel of tbie enterprile Beller luck 'Prowl.lou deale.... n(\lockCfl lold 100 bu· are to be furnIshed wIth thrlo fur enlo, Ind RuolIltJll, That tbo \im" llBS fuIly come, IVnbc. aud opfmons to lhose of my friends. tla! ~tlllister, do livered throo excellont lid- next 11111'. rola or mellS pork on lIdt1dllY. to bo I1Il1do 'other persons' m_y boy them by the whell tbe Interl! la of tempera.n a(\, alld .nd tbua U l ent to whQt lias becn done drcsel!s. On SUlld ...y morulng the commitof tho nut e.rop, and 10 be dcliyesed in quunllty of tile goverllml'nt 1I1r!llta doubl. \bl uce..el of dlo liquor Irede (\ltd drunk. notlVlthstondln!f mv prel>!Due re fullu l to toe allpolI,tcd Cor th lltl'\JrposQ, roporlo,l reo TilE Nel\\, Yurk MUIlelll World and Jllne 1868, at $1(; per barrol, wblch JI lOIS Ule book. totee will bo .lIpphed wllh - ----,,-IIII'II ..Uior-ftt-eur-8tewr-lou4ly--etll lor a cQnscnrth~t II might bll done. 80lntlUns fllvorllblo to {be Immedlote enllct. \'rlmOI, bu been cOlllmenaed aa a weekly er barrellclI8 than tho prelent ptlClll. them -ColumbuaJOtIrn.'. law ahllil... to lhe Maiu LiqULJr LruJ I "I,h, also, to BOY to YOtl, lind through ment or IIlaw.alllln.r to tho M!UIIO Liquor publacaliolll, IDltead of acml·monlhly, as Tho above '1'0 hebcve to be In accuralo J. a.n.t, That 1t II the db!)' 01 evo. JOU to lhol potocD oC tIle pubho who mI., lAw, Prof. French m.d6 • speoch some \ horetofOfO; Itl. a rood worle and Ibould and Impartial atatement of the prel.,nt Dr. D. T • .Iacltaoo of Bolton, tlie vcry " &hit ....penaQe mH. to mIke temper. (<<-I aD intereat 10 .uelt V1au.cI1l, tha' two houra In len,th, adtoclItlllir the adopt. bo well I'll nlsed b, alllovera or lIIM.ie. condition of the funb com.Dlt'h. Irop," hllbest lIuthorll, OD thla .object . . . . ' - ' tnt 10 ow- eJ.c:tlonl fur tne luqlllriee hlda DlI, bo mil" of me, ulan oHhe reaolutlolls. Durlnl bls remarh IA perlOn or .tud,lng \b. lelflnce Iud we I.... lhe reader' ''' draw Itt. own tblt cllororoMII .... IMaa coaamoo ,,,,- 6en ,. COUIItJ .Dd 8tate, waD .. tct ~ bleb bno already been ..... pl.i ..... the alne Liquor Law, IICC- Iwill Aod to be a IfCIt help in 10 I!o- CODchllloll 10 r.prd to the pIOSptCb ry.,I" potatoe 1I~,1II poleollOUl . . 11 .uta, .... \0"'11111 opinion. IU'O 011 ali- tlon an.r lIIadoD. and when he I I h~. Dl r IlIM WiIllI, New York lla. Deal 1dIott. Howty., . . . . . Itu)t- the __ 01'.... athe CIlIa . .bjectIJ. 1 bl" 1M) .!'....\'1'411' .., aa.k••·' a \'\It. Wit tU('D. ud \hit n:~IQt1oD' wera aa \0 ... prtMIeal ill &iIu, ill r.I oeclinl4 r.. Comlll(ln cce to.~ oy <,\V cdnesdny) L~bnnoll, and Will COlllll1Qe until tp·mor· row, or the nex t ~ny Consjclcroblo prep nrlltlol1 hns bach mo 4e 1n order that tIle nl\ who
'Vcb81~r r..onv~nlloll Au Do"IOI1
1'm N/l IV -;;; ~~Eluln u.(II reference to the "rl'Ollllm~lIt of HUll ontle r\IB I~ partlculur ly oommtnulld E LOIIICI, D HublHrd to ~u cccoi\ 1111 Hull olUl rofe rcnce lij tnuu o to tI 0 nell('s~lly' of a In tho ollke of P Osl mlldlor G eneru l, tlac Work House uei ng erecteu III II Wlls hlnglon R vpnuhc ~Q) s CItizen • .cUlClIIII III 'lib IlubunrJ like 1I1r H I II /s n thor uugh g ILlig hU ~ "II!Hd flW 11 , posses81 ng 0 ~trollg' vIl/orous tnllld, tlnd 11 character for willa/I" us UIUUIIlIIUU.ly udUPI~d. cOllelllde~ hOllor qlll.l rcolIll till II h eh 110 one CIIII thu8, doubtllr quesll.n l:l e repl earlntcd lhe se Court como In \1 hh Q true bill for Ul lin 'Wo cnll UI'Cllllhe rrremls of ~he U 1101 ello tl cOllgrcsslol1nl ,1' tilrtCL Qr CO!llleoLlcul l slfil1ghter, undor the net of Congress oJ "IISl everywhere t'lrollght ths Ooulltr) to 'ruus" I the !19th UIIII 301h ongross nnd \I a$ 111 11'IIUIIIU8 Cc lIy or James F 1 ullmoll J \lhn themselveB from Ihe letlll,rgy wh\dl the Illller pl 'fced by IIlr SI\clll(er \VIII. I Ql rmnill. Edword KulJumJ, Jun')es L Jcs QII them lind \0 net wllh Ibe vil:vr Ihllt 1hrllp, tile oillllllLio or W lIy~ I rlu Slip J mIce Elmondor f untl ({'hurlca Mertlll comoa tlielll WIl cIIII IlpOIl " 111
n0810~, Wedllli"t1uy, I3l:pl 1802 -ll1e OOllventlQII 01 tho fllcnils of DUllld ~V('L tcrsln Funouil Hull was culled to order lit u rew mll,ulCB pwsl12 liy Churlo8 A ,Vollfl of noston The nuenpunce was Icry tllLlI 'Iot Ilt any tIme exeeeding 600 'l'ho ILlJdrob to thl! Whlgi! of tho U 111011
A. f(lllow who took tlte overlnnt! r'out~ to Cuhrormll, Rnys III) I" ed (or lcn dn y~ on tlHl broth ho l!l~ de ot Ull old door mnt JI.' ought to hovo h~d 80100 lonUler pIckl es
'rhe DuWnlo Repl\bhc, (BOTnburncr) hnft • levere arllcle DguIII8t j\Ir Fullett nlld tho HUllliers dlmouuclng theIR III! cousplrl\ \Orl agullla~ the Stnte.
'J.1bc Order-oC Red Men. naltlmore, WQllllcki!oy, SPilt, 15 -~hl! r-.!..--f(;'!Ir""."'ud"lhtlolllll Coulicll or tl~c Improved Order 9f Red l\len mot It ro >cstl'rJny Irho r,.lIoIVIIlIl officera wero clected (or Ihe cnsuIIlg year ollli Inslollcd 10 do.y W Tucker, of the Dlalw' l of CoJumbrn, Wor tllY G runtl Incllltone, Lt:.u18 Dousall 01
l\Iorylohtl, BOlllor Sngomol'(', J 11 DIS
lIOy,·uf 01110. Junior Sagamore, luhn L Bockor ofMa.vl.lld, K~PI'er of tho Worn pum, Joseph Meyer., or Now Jerde" Grand Propbct '1 he r~1161't 0' I he G flUId Il1ch90(>0 rl'ptfBcllts Ihe Ordcr ft8 rllpldh "preldh.1I' throughout lhe SlrItO~, nnd 1Il0~lllouflaJ.lIIg
R~.II of LOld Elgin. DuW,,)o, Wectne i1uy, Sel't 16 -The Turont plpen of this morulllg hR\'~ tho (ullo\\illi -We hl~e rectllved n SPed"l 'l'olegrepllic di.dotch rrom QueueC', tI"tcd Tuced.,)' IlterQooo, IU(Ofll111l!;t UII thllL Lord E'glD hIlA been recalled, tllld 'he umce of G'!vemor General of DfllIab Nonh Amerl JID. beon oWered ~o Lord Harrll The pub hc>muat bu" 1000lted for tlte reGOII oC Lortl EIIIII . . BOOII DB lhe Derby Admlslrntlon hid Ihne to orrango thoir .If.lts .fler tlll~ I:"noral 010011011 Bill ExcolhlllCY, the Hon Domilliult D~ly, haa hael Iho honor of the (;.0111 of lhe Doth c:ollrrrred up.,n IlIm.lnl1 h.. been promoted to ihe Gover Dvrahlp of New Zealbnd '
'.I'lie 1U4I
pptll(f QUe Ilt ~O...
[olk, Norrolk, Weclnndl"
S .. pt 15 -The
1lel"o kldnlpped ),Hterd.y, wei nlmed
IIIDt"" LIQuolt LA. w -A truder from Ill uug'v rt'c~n Iy made hiS DJ1J1earance UIlIOllg the 10lhll1l8 lit Grand l ruvcr8~, wIlh ten barrel$ of 1\ IIlSk~}, Olle o( willch ho ta~J1~tl olld commenced b\lSlllCSS '}'he IndlUlI! 1l1Intctllu(cly uuemblcd UI II bod} nnd knocked the houps all Ibo bor rei, Qlld ho 8Rvell tho burrels b} putlmg tltem oil bDurll Il vell8ellll hol buste Tile Jl[ld ~ lonnTy 8ccontled the J ndLUns by hltlllg Qut d wom lit ul:uin ~ t Iho trader, wh uh, lIowevcr, \110 beheve 1\ 18 not prCl or-uted The Irnder leA. and went among the /ldh arDIn, where 10 round 110 dltllculty In sell IIIg out, but wh en ho !rot to l\1nckll1o.c more thoo hall Ills 1Il01l~y WO.ll Wild Cut 11.11.1 cOUlller/PIt-!lorthe'! n 151andrr A man III \Ve.L Brulgcwater, 1I1n88. I\ho deelar; d he \Nulo.1l!ell IIquur 10 S"lt~ of the IDlY \Vas Rrf 81 el Oil thre COlli plulllt8 {uund Ilmlly 1111.1 BClllcllced to threo months III lhe ClimmOll l illi, b(,Bld~1l renllzlnll /lnea amountIng to b l ... ~en finy and "Ixly dollar. It 18 thollght this cos IYIII finish Iho hquur bU8111esa In lhllt vII
_ali.... ••. .... ,•••
Wheat, ~ bit Corn. 'til
Dorl('y 1!l if Onts. ':til dor.
0111.&. 111 bu Fl9ur, bbl do ~ ewl lIutte,. 1L Egg~" doz
ll1'1INC. INK -Wa W Inrt.\Gquanciuci WriLl lIglnk ni .. quail Iy equal 10 IlIIY III Ibe unlry J he Rftl 110\\
mnllljleClUrU III
l.ard LOose, '1\1 Ib }>OUllocs, 11 bu A pries,
extend. over eeveroJ o(
NilI' OrlcariB Sugar, , Ib, )Jnplo, do '7 <jp8! c New Orlenns MoluseII, ~ gal Sugar DOll 0 Molaaac"_ gill 60r MRpic )luIDi.ce,
;;> IrQI
'f Ib,
Lnku SII1I. ,
lb. bbl,
Flu Seed ~ bu
,.rt.r ..,. .........
fiatl aD
Ihtl 'V~~lcrn
nnd II constAntly Incr oeLlIl{o Ordar HohCltcd aU1 LER &. art 1 HER Otnclllollli Dec. 5 J ~ I 27 Pearl dtrcel
Cblckenl, f doz Fenth fill 11 11>. R iv Coffee, 11 Ib,
II 250
HAtmSOlllll Mli1l -OPO or our t1Xc han les <JINVmNATI 1II1BKET. contal"l the folll)wlng ourlOUI rl'marks re I,tlve to hDnd\l()me \lien CJ1ICJ"An~Bept SO "If JOu are e,er threatened WIth a bind Flour Ind Grllo -Th~ merkr.t for Flonr eoDl' man ID tb. ramlly. JUlllike 8 clothca I!zhlblled no ~h• • &o-day The recell'l. pound r while he .. yet In the IIt1d, Ind t.t)ittiuue lI:ht, Ind the demanJ fro", the bltler lila head 10 I punlplce For eolDe CIt, tilde 18 (uIlYllq"al thoreto Th••alea
'VllItlm Allen .o.loll£1n, to KIIIIloa, Ja. lJIiln ne ",u Ihl~ thenl 10 the Dfl lair DeU.b of O.U(az and then IIIIP ped rot DallllDon -1I••u 'fltlted I.'y cau18 or other, h.Dlleom. men are In ..., ..• IIDhr \he -etenee of -'al markelt ble __ they Clulli"l16 their hafr Ind . . . , 'nnrn, h, ...lIh1aappfr btloapd to aaplhen ClODIplulOIl 10 lJIuch thlt thl:)' bl... no ..feMII tbel the Illn. &0 "link of tb." bnlll8 By lhe C.,tala or lit. . . . ., • ....,..... .&II lim UI"Y nt.cIt tblrty, &belr "-Ill, .1141 11, ..n AI',a, we "" II
Included las brl_ from canal, at '3 !Ill, 60 do from .tote "111118, Ind 1&0 do from I a .L t.. I dRI., .l\eIItlOII rallrvad at . . 80 II nla, .... on •., . . . ah, ...... rtee'" a nollced ... 100 b. Blrlt)" at lOcI. for ~I'_rill., Ohlo.lal,
Com U84. In 111.. l..uu, n_, Oe'" 1!t8Jk; lael' QI,c 1ateU....1 .... , jual vaa- re ulU .IalllIIII .....nI,!If.l
VCT) cOII' id~r~lj)
we OolN and
OXlool for c:A$I~ \Lpd there
u,t. eell at tho very
ur., , IN VARIETY 0'1' 8'1'Y~EIJ. qunllll •• nlld COUll lltmdlDj: I'rleu wo claIm \0 by DO COuntry 8tol'O and
Orlln her trllck tbor.. Illea A mC~811i6 0 f graco. nrh glllg from upper skies Ptin\ull and poaco 'lInt 1111 hur othor JPY. BIQblyoll.donta 'J; ernporanco \omp!\ranco Givo ho~ thrcocheora
Jll' JU:YI JOITl'l rn:aroJII'1'
''Ie CQnl ~ wo come, Ibat bilvo beon hold In burnmg ch.io' 80 long; W. IIr up! aoti on we oomn a hoae FulJ fifcy Ibou.and atronB 'I'll. chama wO iYlIlIDcappOd tlllli h,ld u! rOl1nd 'l be .",Ino,\,al aod die Ihl1 SilapP!ld by a blo\" -nlly by n worJ '1 hll~ mlJlbly 'wohl 1 WILli'
W.Thecometippling from Bol/cal 'pel.co~ eholl.l lind, /J
march, IbplIO gtlte~ of I vll Feef th rfoundouone 111r Th(J "Very grouod thAl oflline held All nlkhl our throbbIng ~e.d !CnoWI thaI-we r I1IM-IIC> more to fall And q.mlllOl nt Ullt lread And
cation Newspapers, popere and po.mpblete Dot-more tbon 16 pogor 8"'0, UI pocknges o( not los8 thnn elgbt ounces to OliO, to be churged a half cent on ounce, t 10Ugb cnl Loys -In genteel city 800101y, 10\1e lilts ,-.... , ..'..... by separate pieces, the pustage may nt I arlor IVllldOWI/ aile! brellthos 80ft t\~ nd. omount to more dIe ond squeezed lIantis The kitchen de POllage on nil tr,\Uslent maller to be-:pre partmellt. however -pledges I v VOIVS nlld The Maane Legislature ThiS 18 tho paId, or oharged double surrljndera Its hands uudt)r stoops, oreo cat that cornered the rat, that ..te the malt Booka, bUIlOd or unbound, of not more glltes lind other plares whore tbere Is an that lay In the houso that Deoth bUilt Ibon four pounds eneil, one cent per ounce nbulldllnce 01 olr end romance 1 here are The wholesale Llqllor Do~lere Theile under tbree thousaDo miles, lind lIVo many woy. of gelLIng at die matte whe D Ire the doge, thllt barked at &be (lnt thst oller thllt dlslance you conclude to do II-It e a very conlmon elutcbed the I'l\t, that ate the malt that 10.)' Fifty per CODlum to be added where Dot pillce llimg 1lfter nil, II SImple yAS or nil ID the hOUSD t6at Death built prepolIl The flret, frllught' With every IfAoginable Pllbhc eenUml:Dt '{'hla is tho ox With Weekly newllpopere froo ID the county blu, perbes, Ilea figl te &0 wh 10 tho lony horn, thllt gOfud tho dogs, that grow I or pub\icnllon other 18 full of ugl~ {uces Dt the cud of the .d at the cU, that mw.zled tbo rat, thot Bills for newspapera, and recolpt. for plor Innumerable drlnb of grog, Inql1eats ·When Soorllte8 wos aSKed wbl' be hlld ate the malt, thllt lay III the houee that paymenls of mODeys therefur, moy be eD ond nil thDt 80rl of tiling 'Vhenover you bUIll fo r hUnK! It KO .mall 0. Ilouae- Smnll Death bUIlt closed In subscriber.' pOI'ors rocelve the No' JUlIt think of rolse as It IS,' he rel1bed,lJ wI.h I could fill Vlcant Jalla and Poor hOlllOS Theae EXchange8 between DeWIIJIIlper publlsb (olee teeth flllijl) ShIlPO, IIl1d blJd "ru~Ullo__ IWllh friends' , .re the lIlaldens all forloro that lost theu erlllrco You II toon get over It. Newepapel1l &C1 to be 80 ell closed tbat {ull pa.abJ by the UpRettIJIg horn, that mad d ... I d Dobbs lIIyll thllt the difference botween cl en ed ·L ... e or, .... at .nu e at tile eat the cho.racter can be detormtned without thlt put the ,crew. 011 the rat, thnt ate tlie A writer ID the Cml;JD\lati Commerclll old bachelol'll and murderers " rather malt that lay iD the bou•• r111'~ Dellth movlDg the wrapper, tobave noUllng-wrlt hal mode II vlint to tho KentuokJ J'e!Dil~"lIo !lmOII!1I1arV than real 10 hi. oplololl the built ten or prlDted on tho paper or wra pper be uDry alld thus dceorlbes tile appearance It of keepilll: peoplo out of the \vor}d II TIIe TlpJers Thele Ire the men all Yllo:d the dIrectIOn nod to cootelD 110 en Mr F IIlr b1111 k a jus t 08 great 11 crime 11K thruel1ni them out cloaure other thl1n the billa or reco1 t1 tl be .. elF b k h ~ Si III I r nev II VID IIlr an I woe bUSIly engn nIter they ave gtlt UI Imerl w p anse '-lteTed .nd torn, that courted tJle maidens fore monlJone-d all rorlorn, tbu.£uree 110t Rum, bllt the god in aplOmng hemp, aod tu ndd to hl8 notice Anti Rum Ihorn' th.t "omed the doge, Ma. . . . kGla (wJdowofUanpicturesque appellrl111C9, be had 1118 Jeft eye A boy Will praillng tbe aklll With wlllcb that 'nlp""d at tbe c.t, th.t ~.u"b' the bandaged by n black silk crnVllt On~ r.... • • coek) DadI.a Fa,-ct1e I k ld n~ th.t aie the malt that Ill)' IU the house t Ie cepere to us that II Beyes were .Jory a aliter plaS llld thc plQno forte 'Why D ..th lIuJlt. \Vhen La Fayette WIBID ]JOSIOD,durlnl weak,lll1d the dllst of tbo hemp not only alld be, '.be once inutllted thunder 80 nol his lut vltll, In Abgust, 18'4, he I ad modo m b I &etail RUlIlllellen 'l'beee 1_ '''e 0. ocls 18 fl8ua organs, but hla health al urall, that ih! (lId wbmnn had w .Up ber .v u, !loil e.r)y call on Hadam Scott Those II hI b • Wilat w II. tbat {orl ' D1iked a pureon pri_a. or thelr muka all ,hom, tblt wed. sO W I C 108 een Vf<r}' dehaate for some ... to WOI &he IDe. talt d d th wbo wllnetled thl' hearl} mtervlew, epCDK tim A pall At work: on 11\8 Inft; W•• a no- Itandln, OeD; ere In torn, at It wldl admerlltlon The once yoath(uJ Recauae till' imitation thunder turned all "11111 .t the ..aide.. aU forlorn, that 10lt cbeva,ler aDd tbe unrivalled belle met II ted horee thief from tbe vIcinity of Lex tbe mIlk sour ' their cl'ftlll hI tbe Ruthl_ born, tbat tor rf only. \umm.r bad ..led I th Inglon ond un hll right WI• • brother De ..... lb. dOl', thlt rrothed at the cat that had e d I II t P i $ ~co ey lrfOe II coler The work of the prieon and ~ for ... ' D J o y e .oc I 0 ervJew. Q Ille per.1a Ita herd ~ ill hi- I... &1_ d d h'..... ht, thlt Ite the !DIlt, that lay of the rerolution Wh I til b h ,are, w ,we t .... lOOn en .. IU ....,DPI~t , • JOurneyman prmter la die . . . th" Death bullt. t latI th h i e eJ were 01 trouble. IR tJJi. world haneeentl, received hOUbreblJl U""q...,~=~1I\baror tbe MalDII LI I.e Tbl COn emp III e.c angH efl'ected by lung or.tloll1l aUb. h.aU of the Prnldent YJ)ulbie traclil of ha",~mo te II die eocit ....., ero.... iDq:. w. • tIlDe, thoy.miled In each 01111". raen but The min who IIlftr told.n etlitor how the FreDch blJ f(lW mil (rolD UuonRIl't>R the ...... die prieN NboW 1IIOrII, thet allnllon lIIaduOluch IJI IlDpllant b. could bf\'.r IaJ. peper. hili goD. to 8che~prs a. ~nc%m 1 o~ ~il~rlf':: It~l\tT~~a.':d ........ tbeaIIelfM .abject, lb. wu Dot Ilwl~ 10 ellent DlCtad,LO IDIInJ' the _0IIIIIl wbo ne.. r The tit Eri" CIInel In a beiILb, lJt'J,ttiborb-t lllal I_ _ _ ao .... mum aU oa lbll paiD.. 0 r her &',_---'_ ._....... 0 puty nlval ollicon hu motll, •• \JJNI II, ~lN!", of 'lie Fade'" 01 ... til m... 11ft 0 10UDC u . ._ - - IDeo. Jaoldar-a-been two thOlJADcI cloJlen. it ".1 Pri~ I A~Ppl, '"a.JOUN MOC)~, • at. W D .. ... her _ ur .... 8h. TlIeIr cIa1ldnD .m IIOt n e for--rl, bo,-.a-.. aev -- I. or to P 6LA LY Kead. ..... tUIUR'... "" Pib, • • froJII CIDcblllatL J3:l8w
WEDNES:pAY, SEPT~~{~ER 9, '1 5 . Resoll'f I. TII"t h\ YIeW qJ the c</ Ilthlion OUl uf II-whl' nt'verl,wlwrc\','r/ tJr "II )lle ll 10 lh ~ ,,-oil I ~ us Ih olr rig ht \0 uf 111l,l ' pl.pulut IIJ~tltutl()u~ III \lU! uld world , or III "oItl~II1P~ IUIIY l.rl' Inuill' ; " U~ \\'e (be l f. n IlIgh nllt! tle red tluty id uevo l\ cd, wIth m~"ltu lIl IhlM,;0' ''111 01, \)"licy ~li" llli ll i ttl IlI cre~s!!d rpupuIIs[hl\!\y upbn tJle ' D e'nllle- IUe Illi liull uio ly 01 tI\ e Whig pllrly, 41t~ lllll' rocy of this cuhll iry III, th e Pll\ty of th'c 11I \\lgrlty 01 ll,c UIIIUI~ " " p~opl e hI
upl,olU IIlId
01 Il vt>ry Stu'c. nud thereby th e Ullloll th e , StuIC". nod Iu $II ~ ' U( II 4ln" nu vU II Ci' \III \O l1g thum CUll vtuilullol hllcrll'. by CU ll t1i1UIIIg'to f,'''," 1111 1I",)II()pulIl!~ oud ex cl u· sl\>" (egl.rllt lu ll Ib r'-tll L II dit 01 Ihe 111\\' at thl', cxp \l ll ~e uf Ih o,hlll llY. uM by "'''.HiIcm nnd ct)II~1411t utlh c rl'lIce to Ifill'" prlllclple. dlld ClJlhprull·l.e" ur th e CUlldt1 lu II UIl w ill h uro Ii follil tl nlJulI l 10 cuillruc(' ' ulld llpllo ld Ih~ U"' OIl 11, 11 i •• nh d Iho UIII,,11 ,,~ It S(IIJt Id Ill' III th t! full t'xpnII iO Il .If ,'nergled' ulld cullucny ul II Ilre tit ~ lId (I ra ~rCd~I VC peollll). · ,
or ~ the
PLATFORII Democratic Pa tl of tTJl.itecl , §tatel.
Tilt: PAullin Cr, " ',.,-1 once know B youug mal l (8Qul on om; n cnl preae or til other' duy, III n se rmlln to YOUll1r 'm ell) th l1l w I" c;oml1l~J1cjllg IIle 08 n cl ~rk. ODO dlly hie clllploy e r IlIld to him. ~Now 19'9lOrro\\ Iho t I\urgu of ClItIon Im ust lin !lot out 00 wefghed 1IIId we 1D\I~t have a rrgulllr eount of it.' ; He olVoe a youn: mlln 01 energy. Thi ~ WIIS tho fir" t tIme h~ hut! b."n IIllrustcd t o '1ue1lt ono. . I" 8upe,rlnlend tho eiecullon of Ihls work , nut Lbe atGUDc). boat, under her 'killrul lie made hi. .fflllRemoDta o~or nlgtll~ pilot \Vh once mOle und.,r \yIY, "~d all .poke tb the men aboQt 'belr earll" was r'/lb, u rJlIO mere. , TIll' mIll III lb. wlll'~ bll WI. pow 10 behul'ted 'up; by rlae iab'DQllcr'- WlY. ho.w Is Iltb/allb_. ",Iule blla.,...o vlny IDlaabievolI. 11110011' UJe lollor le.. l -
mlln4' .re part. 01 une ,,'lem. allk!! nee· oBury for the .eGmni9n proeporuy. pe.~e and £ccurllY, and ollght to be regarded
Hilke with
II co~I. I.
b llllllU,llInd
1I1e auacbmcJI\. R ~pt (01' lhe , ~uI,hQri ty uf, eacll, Ind acqulelC:e nce in tbe jil1t conatllutiollal /Jf••aurelll( IIlIl\h.l\re dlllle rC'lQlr-=d by tile plainest c:qn.l(\ rllJjoal IID1I0na.l, .l:Ite and indlvklubl, welllJ'e.
CHOICE READING. The Ohriltiu', Confidence.
OIl!I~',· POII~sftV.III.'.
' I ~ • ! tho Sonli ' "" 10" ""'.. . . ," , 'illP"'! '" '"" •••"d .,,, ,'" :r - 'nlld' Qr tI,e of UI.O Tcrll,l'erOlllle
Tcml'cr~mce ~ ,
Ili'e &n ' o( 1ft and fUJ;IJ\cd tWI\ :gr.etit f:rlltc rnll I ,.. -~ . i f. , "p'oy" prH",d, ro" ..
,,~,.'" ,,,.,r,, ." fi""~'~'" ,.1"C"..;". i~ ' ,i.' ip!" , rrit'l l ~g. Il~d '11. \'1,\ ;61'St ct of hi . n,r.... ,",~ ,'" Jf,," ~'i"~ ,,,., ~ ~" Wm n"d:~.... D, · .. pj~' .\ ';,",iul1 wl' ld~r'lI .l ,of ~OO1d ilIx " d'" .. h. tJ liis lI"d peu ple, whi C)l, hlll1Jel1 by . a n ."PRell ' . . ','" ,""" .,,' , ,i',' .. ", '''M D.... , ., r'" ,. hu, ~Md ,..d r,u", ",d,h. ro."", ,hn· - ~ I UcJII';i~. :Mt' r tl,e meoting c.lllled I~ itios as t\ an~ theJ ofli ·r t ilidt · .. . ' I . ' It hu.m'. Hill; IIllell I• .
• "
a I!ttlei' 1 would,
" .'
. . '
'.!-'~e mil'!'"
earrlo~. ~... 'pd'. 'Hi<. ...........r .hI.h lie "P' .. Mil. ,S,,,,;,,'io"'",h. w" ...., w~'
..".... l'~' suppo~ rrom .~ III
80'1 ,P•." .. U • .,,,.
IncludlDa aU .... laapcirlef ~ .ad :IoIIen Oww. die 8cIoIaI.-. b.. an_.. ,I,. . . rletl., "'II anlat.....lIn. feature eed-h11Mel1 aCUldkla~ fbtdle Parll.... the fllr. or weptlble ptodnetiolitl, tlT1 repretqta\Ju1a of.Oldh••• Whf.t; co,n, potltoe., bMla, c.b"-p, ;ft. Au old ~tlem.n D__med N./Id of 4.~. dllhel, frull •• &l.c.j th. qUlllt1 .nd allOrt- Curd Kent,flIlJIIMdllld.nd beque.tbetI'I, m.n~ were ver, Jlne:_ We ol)"rYld . to hit ",1~tIV'" ...d, ~ 1DI1110D ~nd, tlell the m.lluf.otured .rtlel..; loml .u.-,rll to lhe speelmen. ' II' .hlle-mlklng, enrollmen',b.1 :belln 101.. "ddler,:. w"nOn. ' .nd oD.lt.'.IieUeyed 1111 rermentl will be plilllgh-makiDg. The w.oon•• lId filled .,athoutnlorlill, tu coml"'ltorr bill. ' . r Too' I t _" bI•.'on•••.• " .', 1.mN "".11.. . . . . . , " . • ,
pOlDt II••tercel OD "" Nt...... OR tbe l'Ub or Jt1l1' ~ .,cul. IIIIIt manl ,dliftlrent colOp.lIl.. OD tb. "'IY. the Jilt belli, th.l of Jamet 1100,0, of ~lftte :county, w••-met .bout flve~ ..nile. thll Fort uralllte. on Ibe 6~1 AIJIIId, Yin, .bout 10.000 he.d of !Ih~p, wb Iroiu baclwater continued avel. .t th_ rate of (o,ty toHe- limed to vii nter.t to ' the· . , .,' , , • . lb. "II ,..., . .. woulil pll' the expenee .Dd' IOIII. i h.. h",dod ",. $., Gntdll a list the name.. , " d\former r,,'II\lence or
.• ,.....
-, - ' .. 'VF,lnlll,l I\I;&o,,\:rIIl./l.--'rh,"
H".,. .,~;...... .....,""'• ..., ' " port~r rpr l~e l:o,n"u~ ,relll, .It 'PPOlllt~~
or .,....... '" '~,"'.' TI~ ,lol,,,.j di~ .,.... C.'~b1 .. #"d,
mendlltlon•• 116 dli! allo .th! elee
plly i. very Jine', and II highly heditable to d c taste and -.klll 01 !hldadie.. Mr.L.
, Oov~rn ~l"n~ return. 1~\lW' tile lIUIObe, emljranta from Liverpool durin, AUII\Il\
w',,,,,, ...yo. h. • ':, ..... '0;, ', r .,;.;. i. ,;..,,~ ... Am"'" .... " ..."IJ.. ' b " j.., .,,~I ~t'l e~I'al aboal 8,000 oye the correilpolldin/r nionth ,~ ~ ' . d eXQrCI~e8 loat year. allil andop'en ent of palienp,f ",~., "~ . _, lhe ellil. , r ~vo. b1prlval . .blptt. T' . Alllerio. I I ~I _., G ' . ~ \\'~Il u~c ~nd tJ18~ '~'I,I S ~g(1I11 ~ I~uld' ~e e~ CO~i!en G,.ntl "ero 111.* ,1 r I a.... erlD'lII ~ spel\kc~ ~Il hvored pri~o_" o' &Iag~z~ne c..;.ea~ ~reez\er: Sco'cn to Jlllltnlll~. , .. ' ~II.", ~, .~ ~". "'''~~,''', T£R'. f ~ ?'" ". ,""'" "", ,,:" ~m.d••; ' m ". ,w ,he .", u"',. ,..;, ,..op~ ••,••• b,'" 0" a.~d.,. ,,,. "10. ,he L1_ ... !". ,. ,,,,, bO, • "1" It,: .n , : ' ~",. • joyful .""'ri.... 11', b... 'u . T"E ........ · ......,..... "'''. -"',.' " ..._ . . .r ...d", ",,,,i. H. 4._i";' u.. ~,.. .,~. ... .. ....m. F~ .... .. '..b"'m""..~..' ~h.."" ..".U"" ,..... iI~._ ' ,Plivered I'''" " '!"'-:"" '~i.g m,,,,,. 0", .. N'~' >"". " ,., '~"'''' ~. •..~,~ ...., !" "," g'''' by m~" ,ow. ..".. No' ,. "'" h..........""", ,~i'" • .",.. " ..d ;, '... ..... • ........ ':"~ ••the, _MI",,""''' .~ l'"C!ell~llt,'". ,,"'" In'''' wh, ho' : hMd. 10 hi. pu",'" ' '0' . . dollar fiRy CIlII,~, cn~h In advance: ono dollar lUtlatbhd. M'r. ,Moore. Ihe editor, ~ .' wi 'eb Ibe F I Wi t 8IJJ . ton~ to ,.nl"'ple . .llelpPI. , 80 \VRS
l\IQOl1&' 1l
0' .. .." ... ..d '
.r ...... .;... . .;.."
publilehe.d by 1\lr. "A. l\loor,e, in I EN CO' U"'"1'V OII'tO . i ' b" I d b onlllr ulia.llb c prelilOinnry, tagC'llls emp lIymen., I.C 'f.a a liS In ' \V,A R' L, .. 'o " otl. OhiO.· - It I , (lu .IIIC Y' .' DonelbrulIIIIW,lbrMr4.S.JK.lllw8t. i ' .. 'I I l . b tJlO ""Ill,S 0 r '1' 1 . ---.-;' " • aUllcdtouOI. t ,WIt .,em' '''''''-1' • • . e,tem!nan. 'editell.1 I)' W elfern wnera " I10 .8Ud . ' perance ' . ; . ,. . .. .. d, n,ea day. 8 ep te m ' ber 29 , '1862. nd 8I II ' ed Iiy "W ' t en I ' .. lubanlO.," i!!\r,o,d - d IU;.t now,' be WO 8u pport. HI) i6 a 111111 1111 • in hi ,{llnce. !Ind' rcnliac d'1'lis p<isi!iOll, Jloople. T"-e 11111 II ,dd.. .,,' •• d' ''=i"d " WOO "," ,.6",......,"". . 8.B8CtUl'TJON OF . ,.". .d· IV,AS
8I1dl'(,86, l
'111 1111
' ur"':tl 011 Vo\tlrB tU'su'IlPor 'for office. lion ... " , " , " I 'bl ., 'L' bilt thO)8c ill fHVQr' ot ton p. pro 1\ tory Iquor W II R d Edq ol.ld Law. I "ll eo. . ., ulher counen' w.or\) prellent deliweretl Iddresses which "wcre to their ' .nd fO I , Ilonor, 0 r th 0 0"'\1 credit . "" J b ~ tl 'e meet, ot lIurGI {lofor,m.. uat e ore : thme -
~, ,a~8pC~"el'l ll~
~. ~hollr8 we,~ gl~cn
ill~ l\djo_~tned
\ ' 01.1' '
. , '
. bOO"'!" on 'lie NOI th aido 0 dt p"aiae ror hi. anre. lIaw on t e roauSI",e • III entl e 0 esp 'Q. PI b' De 1'1', O'lIte lod MIMouri I I 't "1 . to 'bl. in'.rll'in" d.n.rIetwe"n v i , . .'bff __ Ih" mIt ng a , en. on ' . ..... . ' . _' ,. . .tle• T 'I • river. lero arq mill 'I gr ment. roail he did not ICe. tile ' majority 'win' die O'lddend wal on the . lire buried.t the cli8'erent caDlping ... lth hli in4;olDl'lrliblo'Jcll
r." ......
~ , n~
' mb~r
lor aix,'I1!Olllhs,'or Qnc vvhlme, eovonly· I' P j nta '" 011 ea.ael tu be ill ad· I¥ b etm M: II ... I . I . VAnce. 1'0 Club$: ' L n' COP'OI or ono year lwolVo al1MiI)Y'con lJ!;', twnnty doilais. All c;lpb silbacrlt,tlona mUll t 1)0 paid iu actvgi,cc. all· · for 11\1 P<l?od ' '1'"· Ibnll one , .... p)lper 0 f \co ! oep 0 ...IMe loti • lOOr III be dUlcontjllucd whll~ orrcarQ' ":' '.,
tW~ly t!ol1ar~
::e duo~
C~llicl ~.
now1'8lfdee .t.tllill pl.cl' 'and all""commu· the Imper ect mlln,ner \Q \I .. d d.' d .re bllrled, 'the wu vee 800n .een. lin niealion. sho'uld UlererOle be • u."aae I ' L- I b Ilow ..... vei ItrewiJu, . '-'\ I' , 'Iem .rom lue r • I .' ' . .. (lceoru y. " ' . the Ir.1I bones. lte,catlDlllteli I . tl n ,bit ye.r at 40 JlCilple. l'fII8CELITEMS. t 10 .1 f Itle , ' , ' . ¥ . , WIL .. , , , . I bi I' lea'4. 0Ii delltl 1.0 'e •' Ilowlng namel - , 1\ t I lit we II .New Sfare \Jr. pe...one rrom Qhio .lId lodi.Ii,,: ',. t::o.. Wm. HIgl, June 6th. OhIo: Ia"c Tow-
'r~peraDoo v~ntl,OD~ ·.,
sending ber l,lbr Iy . 8U lClcnt lA;I ,pro. od d l' lei as if from 1\ b OllC' " cure .'1 an , I I t fricnd keeping out of tlte WRy 0 cn . . ' , ot ber unlll be Jltld pr.o. d suf tieienb for ' his' pnrpo e. On one drcflry, tu it> " r ' 9/l rday " (H'c uing,' tbe. WhO S,lt o\'cr the dying,. of a ellCQrlllBS fire; thinking. pcrbap, of Lho plCMont
~I tr'\
• r·r
tir" we
ca~ 'Iearn, Ibe pllr'V'pb WU for
• , .. "h " ~he lateet "dvlce8 "from-Mexlco in- 8lIPQrtatio ,or Ir ~he, p"'Jeet be leri~l, d b bl di' . 'I d' "bU " lied ~
dicato that a revolution In pro 1 0 , ••, entfrta no , It . lID m.mbermeol or. tbe repbbUc are Impe':ld. ing. The llolDmll8lonere, s\lnt' to Jill. pI Dublin.. Ind Limoriok m"nli<:'fl " II . d .1 '" h " "Jlllt tl k to quiet" raction. iI) that city. ha .. elopemll'lt t .t ... 11 ID. a ,....e. f",1It' . '. b' db ed ____ Ia it without bllYlng loco,?pllehed .DY t Kilkeu111; .n . lac.ue a " ...... . eal 6f • in&u,:,e?t Bebollido t.olDp!etely In, th.t ... irtuou, reriob • . 't!he .Lo,
ret,,~ne mg.
~,,, JI"" ~.,. whlcl! Oh....,~ h',:!:~ h,m~ ..hon i' .u,",'" Oh. . .... " ,.'''' T "" ..., .'P," ",_T~ N~. I.,..y '1', I ... ", fodi,'" C..., "". I ... 1 .....~,.u. H. . . . u~' '. 'h, _". , "C'p" iI;.y ........ I~ ,b. ''', ' 1 '''I''. II.'.. ·P.,'h'" .""~ •• ,~. .., h", b...,,,d ,J,,'" _,d ,.~. • .... T ......."u ".".DO,.. m,' h.re O"'.i 1..... .... J". 1. Obio; IU,',,"' u'",. '"d •. . . . - . "".... ..•.,... 8,,.,.... """_" ...... r... b" 'nI' ~. "'•• "'!':'. ',.~hJ." •.'''' ..d.b. • .\eri...od be" ~ f~bulezin"h..andaoh..S" , ,~ ....." .,d .,...,'" " ..... " l' •.R.. a, .;.,..,.,... IO",.d.". Ro~., NOW" . ..,,_....,,',. " ,'...... ..........,'" "4/_ ,,,. ,:"" ""n.......... , d.... _ 'jn:l' o~ La,,,: ·)e~~Il:l1lduQlIoD' 'N, ~nd Mlrqnl~ ' " I""!.....'" ... ,n" ~..., Sb" '?' :oa' . d g B "k ,g. r~ ,,-..~ m~ ""~..........,. . .h.lf. ~.","". '. " • V". "_., .. A'''", ""'Y. d'i D, ""k,. J'". ,"'.9, ' , " " _"9' ~"' tile., 014 Nte .rebItl~lY' u~ bJ' "i: ~=~;U~:'~ rePrelGn~ed. l6: Grl8w~Id, 9, e " mlrr~d..,,10m..... t~ree .wb.m ...W~e., (ol"Uie MUUle
_' . -- . . "...... or ,..........1_ 0,.. " .."" r",";,' .,:..., ,_. • ..""•• ru", -'" ..... 01""'1"''''''''
stanin ' · l"'0!lty./iYI! ce.n",
iren1l8H" of \I\TarrlllT.'United!Slatlll Mar·
' June: 26;'Yridilllla",
Me!:. IIe.
.Iroty we. gttariuteed to hifuelf
com- ter of Jhe
~Ith 'mu~ p,,~ed ~brough
.m and wlfo oC
and 1 g" allll h!)f clnld , lin 9 - - • IIJ' a '!.18 yesc. rrom "Ieb' COUIDt, ,I" Indiana; Hi;am June In- . 'the LAgidatu.1'9 "a" refll'ed to boen K.ree ,el.,. l'peopltr, por. Inale ImI' •femll.ej .11 h ' for It III......montbs . 01 clindldote., one'. 'fl ,- . ' . TIi ' e' re Wlillil aTlnd"ptocelllon, d"lana;. W ' D. "U rlnnon I June II , ' lildlana' any propolIUon .ljort oC '.•n u",cond(lion.1 Int.eon the: " (nghlnl w.... L. d" . r k"l'1,(lk, clln b It 00 .' - ·t for d tl· , 1'1I1lt!¥lllIlO . .... _ . I ''tD bOlN ODe the ptlrpole e 0011myl,bon,o IIny . . ', iclnd bllnner'. , which N,anOJ Kell."' June .urrendllr •• nd h.a .ent Ollt " an (whieM}of);"e.Li'(erpoo .. Id .tclIQlerifor . r oft... •· ~.. II w b"jp... heart since ' "V" . ava , I "151 t. e - >-'',IIS.-ih Onl'hS .. J >. .' , ' 10. Indr.n." . , " .t. . ~ . • portion U fI .,. .. -. f ' I. Ill ; L .. n.oo": 0 , Y- . ,JOB PRINTING, ,tbe priRoipal Itreeta. , " . . MII.Don.ld, ,June S. JDdiaQ.i J. JUlies. in of him. '. " " ' , "-'. • .nbble purpoile. When . . i 'arid, Ilt811d8j backed up . ar lion, A .eO_it 10 dfln res· JUlie 22, Jotllena. diBijlultiel.t >l;'ere ' ( f,ell ember. t09, .oar i. wQll ' loaded " PAMPHLET", "ANDBlLLS, olutioD'. of whieh Mr'• it '. ud prevailed by.n 8PIlttI . not . Ih'c lIero ? It, JiU81NEIiIJ olIO) VlSlTIN'C CARDS, . ', Cc)JDmitt4!e to . ,The IAdI.", oontl/lUI: derlmp , or, the old m.n, Y" lI."g Innn 11\ II I f' , 'DLA'N K8, \', to .id tn tile djl',rlbutlon of temperSep••. . . ' 1JIvln. ranaed h.", ,. W'II. lAm bno' hi y. . . b"no' ...; .....; . . ; ,. Md' .........,. . " ...... . .. , . , "'.. dHbo,.db, '" ""! , "'d ..... ;", i , II" )"bOn••r !b,_ , . b1l,.?r ... .......... be toilOP Dour. d J' t,' n. ' load' '01 No crCdil gi,von for ",ob PriJ)iIJ!l. ,. . at ltill eloae of Ihe piocessloJ11 _, StlUda.' .Ioam confectionery .tri>ei\lel, . aDIl Nl,levo' Leon dl8cover him down .monlr tli!, dead miD. ,Tho .n',oter II. ... : It .' , . 81) , 111.1 ' . Three thonllnd w.re filled to , on"J)ulne I,treet. York. they murdered or 'l'he .newlp.pen th"re Ii" UI can (Illd 1IIill J find , thlt the IIIfo.r .YOII . Rnd , . " . ' '. IIi" In clrcul.ting telitpeJlnce, trllCla. aDd wa. conlulIIed Iut lIIi llt ; )0,. the Inh,bltane. .nd !)Irried off women. Inklln, .oven . of hi. lIIultr.tloD. whereno. .re at stands Mr. a lond or wood. , · .A in 8ealon, . I , • r.__ " ,"a ' ""I . . :. f . 'SO 000 nilrtll iilllllred." • . Tb 30th of Aum••diad been Jixe'd <, .Ild .... raclo.. 'eur . hllbit"nls oC the "Key ' . . ':" .1 ' d " ID i d' t . I ,", L 't .1 •. '1. I I III b II' 'd P III "'" '1 m, OD . . . CIUl!I"_,It. " , r" ... \ e . ..... . . If la' , It> A erlc:an .,. ".,o,k \n Il.rne,t; a ..... 'l. !, e.ter De 0 and wantA:! t.o know wlfere ..... put '. .. ,In I 8.. t me w e ·c. e. -- ' The committee ' relOJutiou reported Arthur EVllnl. a firem.o. .IIled at the cta; to receive propo..l. to' ow. COI'rtlpoa en o. 8 pr Imnl&h t!llrt prol caUle of en_,!o aolDe Tllc woman WIjS' with On large 1 a aerlelli' illicit were ' i!l, fire. bi the f.llin, o!",." '. ToIIUIUIl'peC r;viad-l'fo, l b.d been o.mnever a ,.,lIlble nen to throw romlaed da " ",,-inhablted t8e. elrtl. • ., rnent"nnd fOl"1Io mpml1nt could, /In'Il to , problblliDi thi,ul.,.oC liquo"" .. '; .. , , . , ' ed (or openln. IIle proPl'lall. upon tlflD.Where I. bed,). I ' Mlpeflte .,.., to ' CQrr)'SWCl' (\ word, ',' 10 raiH II . ed It. "polilical p.rty. bat " Ole . . . lIuw _ _on thlt bUll, out their pnneiplet; .nd 18k. .. must be .mislako.. ; ....e entl,:,I,. '1'h!' II10Dey I w.nt•• nd I WlDt -.pUle nominalion ot teDlperance , rlll(....Dap'BU •.Sept. »6• Bull',t he .aula aad T.-:lleT....... 11,. ' be WII !n ',ne" • bUI!1, to P' , eel ill fO'; . ....i.unr.e trom ..che . : .) nt ,htl threl) ounds it from are owinr lIle. for. . ' , ' 01 .' • . Nllrw.".n ,Idhnllt •.decl.rtld hl.lntentlbn :. aa. 1Tlllted " ' _ " . to \!Itend to, .All tbetc!' '19 pOlItic.1 plrtie. of Ibe dll·· i The, e for mo, h.s. <l P' P not-.wilh to lie colllpeled to go ond borrow 'Iar,., ' Iod to .be 9l'lIl,e clltlen.ln IDdlpendance Han. B,l'9porla from Conat.utlnopl. p,echc- h!qllirle. th...t h.ve been 10 O<equelltly..put, .d!lliLthat P!'Otej:lti?n (rolD evil tbe of flour In, bouse, at "!pney wbe,rewltb. IDee' my mucb.1 [rlt ' W•• dll I, ed. rt Tloere tyere before t!:al! Court . of Koeluth ift nlli at. more out of eIW 1 ' than a Law lIIenli. •. "hl) . how I (jut dele . Hi, ;io ' Norda.e rn Penn.ylnnil. Ind A Londun th.t It .ill -IrJ'8I' I0I11 plelltml. r.II" • VIM . anlkorl anti. 'Xecutofl; bllt thl. die elle! sent the thmgs, ind.ebtea, and expect to p·1 lbe b" . fII p " .' ill ftourllhing. There.re hundred to lhe Nil'" York Tribune 11,1: the IUhelt. ud" of IOOlIln"(,,, IOrlll'llll. ,Nq! Tho "1t",11/r of tbe , and told \18 unload at hIS withoul further . . . . Yorll • NOrwegilns there now olearlng the Ir,nd . i. ,00 in' w.)" td .,re . ' or t not out to 'protect tbe ciu tberellc comes to a,",.sW"?r ,·f hiuit,Ci.f'Il!\I! tiP Inti "" "OD. , road •• ' " ,; ' . the SIraila ,od Ii barbour In' the \Ve lellin. Ulen. rrom. I>r lb. or '(rom the self." The ,turncd bcl' , . " •• '. ' . !selil. 811':"= Tlie clole,.te. to . 1 ri _ nel odent 01 ne.n •• nd YOIl mly lure berore ,h.t tlJe gre.t MI." .,r t. IIvl0110 ravage. 01 tbe D&IIOII ,1'ho e"os in the direction indicated. Could a.,at .aot.. Jlarbeoue 'the Wbi,liltate OonYlntion are .lIliere-ANTIOCH " A CCJ. po I iDler hl'r arm'" will aa.in thll I .. ,In' a back · affeClionato·wlfe . . Ind , ... deo!' " " - fiTQt .• To-'dl •' '( Wedilead.y).t . • , • lbere . , X.nia nrM' Llg'" nl{ D.nubiln ,princlpl... , ad • lbel'Ut.ta.. \e d that. bo Wm',, Henapt:SQn,' with ·so Lebanun. b.rIioPY' prev.nl. aDd th"re tiut ( . uyl: iocb 0At.a meetbeld '11c:8 , .III J..ond on ." it he> uk 18 _"'''',tJO.. , hO.VI./lo profeellon Crom step and gClPtceJ '! It wa. htro· II 10 be y. treDlendoul gathering 01 thtlt tlie GO'l'8rnor will be DOm- of Tj:,te.8 Ani Se 0 I t lualded.t Conll.uUaoptll. the mulli. ,b lln" hi_if .\Iout cellin8llll.l polilicl•. The ,. . x Inlned ' all She wli' . . , . on tile firat.b.IlO(. at the Yeo W . P:' ue., .ra ,et eXl/llln, the people , a,.il1lt tile tbe Qll8ltlollt nOl' tbe iIollftJl-.' -by thi. ·"Ithering curlCl c.u '1 \tio u,crcenu, ·de.lar IIppearapcs e (81 obbin . Ip. . > th. rouo,.r1!' ,. 1 , • SUIUlf, \bollllh !JehU bit reform ly rif 'the peopl": TIi. ItaUri to. t "lidnl Ilcohol . forwar , -an . 1\ . gd . . Cblb, feaaora of .. , mloittry .od RuIII.D ' p.nl- Ind UPllrian un.. willi wltioll the Jri, 0 willill\flt I lIui". . 11111 ' husban .-:ITEXa. OD.U .' HonceM.nn.' otM._ehuaeu,.. ,P .....I..." •. Til re I. ""l QD,I 110" leR for ,UeIj m"boPi'lla-_,lt .... ld".r.... ' the relcue, ....d let ' ,I My lI'ift)/' "look. up: YOll ; den.; w. H. Doh_er'YI ,Koch,e tler, .Nel'" rrl.nd. qf )!! OD!er In tbe hlblt or looking to b1 .. fflll a.ell Ind. from tho haTe npw no ' oallle fui sorrow -,.1 am TIll, "OAOUBRaLU'/ q ....uaT.-lt 01" or by ud York, of LogIo Belle I*t-; tla'rr .( gener.I. remlln. It the 1I\'41d 01 .Dd .dvice DOW than .... M;.alnl. JCOfII\&h e • d" "dodf, do..... .......... -liou.. by ..y h",!", .. ..... 1 bu, '''' .......,. ,. ....•• U"""'ot. . ...., ....... U"'- "O!' ... ,..."..... " .......... ",,"'''I't(,... . ,
~n flt~inlli ' t pull'~ ~.xel~ilpe,d w~~
~ c~, t~(lre ~bC.stepR. f~O "~(je8Mr_ . Ht1nl1crson ' ·~ ycs ~ , "
t~lIt ~ajjd u'nrel~oli~g f~.'who
ev~t1, do~~ri
~c pOl'l,o~ ,~C
~I\v'e or;ani.~
, ~l
ba~ n.?t~
.,1' tc>~ eWztln~oC ~DlltQ'." th~ 'auty, ~C been.~~h~.
F-~ ~
~.\\Y.ho Pe.~n
~ d~ eni~etbemeel'.~s fItOMg._.~e
~lIn8elf, d~r; re~~ctfuIl1 ~ueated,
~tonill he4 w~Ce
MT.Hl!u.d~l'8On ~
~t. . ,
~I.' nWrnlng~
-7- ,. . :
"Ru"l~ roi6~
th~t ~up, Ilrl~1D
~ ~n
il~' Wbl~
Eu~, ri,al.,bb~lll-holllll
rep~ce,llt'~itml"'d b,
""~ nlYe~
Il~ODleleri. ~
1/.:' prln~. f.cUIt"we~ e, ee~ ltt,I~I'ltu, tloll.
EnBI~nd tioll~ lpee~a" OO,;I~11 Iitl~. Syr.cuee.~e rul~lId. I~lte, ~
IIl"Coahui~ a~'I~~ed '~II'l!et.
.h.N ...., .......m""'"
~p'oD .
GU~~II.j.fI grea~ d~coDten~ '
..•• ~• .....- ""
i 9AL
8rmsoCh~~ ~~¥e.red I81d~lle;
de~.rer. ~ur
,40p~., l~,or . t,~e ~nd op~
,,~ D.",.
~:. ~e
~6tll.-TIi:I'9 ,
~~COID' .
~t~lIIah, ~o'(I~Y ~e¥eral QO~ ~y
·:The~1.8nomi8~C abo~t.'t,Jll.ad(lm.
~II., ~Ii\$ 8"e.~.cofOml'a~ealth I/llnflptr~! o~~ ~e 10~Ury
' br~tlier8.
wo~a v~7 0~t
DNlra~t~ve, rlretl.~
,~.IJ" 11.'...... ....... Meothl"' "" "1"" ~ clolI~"
M ... ~:l,,'o.~. M' ~ ~_.b1, con~ent{oD
t'~ w"IPPoln\~ ..fretln,~u;l8d cb"lrlll.~ ~IIBO re~etve
.1Mib.. .
",,,,,~, 'K!•. , . ' " 0,,4J \f~,h..tiQli"M".! m," .",..... 'u' ~.lIn(luome'hinlJ d.OI1~ ~ ~·.n.,.r f:Ja";' Ihi~ grl!at.~l1t ~ l~ ~q , ~, ~.u SIO~" ~tlte" fu~~ tr8p~. ,th~ Pbllip~, w~th. rr"..
~iaht wJ........ ,...~... .. • to 1''''-4 """'- "~ ' .. h""" <1''''''' ""'-~"'l"" "''',... ...... ~.Attel ~'• •, "at Bald.e. - Mr.or ,..,T'lIuel, ~~lI........ • I... , .................,.." .......... ".'b. ~. neal "iBln th!l I iun Son QC Tempcrnncc,' /in refll'1'nce 10. tbe 1,019.,e in • ..... Prof.~ . thlt the Frencb Go"er,IImlDt II.. l.nf_ad IInent thlt It t. IDOI'IlIy ,lid pll'~I~lIlllD~ 'noo,_ ~ ...... .~ .,lo..'. h. bp. "" "."'•. "d I' ~...~. or'~_....,., 'y"" T........, ..ho,'' ........ o. n...... 'U",Ii*" ,_...... . w,.......... •" _~,_, II": ,....,~.....,. ....,.....,...W M' .. _.~ ,,,,,..,, K"~ I~ .~~a .," bo ' .....r ""! ...........d..~ ,he .(lh, ..... V.....' ... ..en """" ,';]" ........... K'...... W"-........ -~Ji I') P~..._ ....r_ "N.j.~" ... ,... ~"""" un _ ............. lI"",·,' ..
~.,k . .
llllppi~ tor 'wi)'ea
b.v~ ~eceived jnrormatlou Ihat the J)..
0;. . . ._
. She is ) .. . "'" b. wUl ...... ....
d he the
'!' •
mil- mllde .n.lheDlpt to d" IUOY' hll bee, III .neet. Mr. ,AileD. Albu1. New 0..... U .,..... Jt bo",,,, "'100. "' .. r ""': IJ. ':" .... ..d be bne. i;p nolthe "pclnter.'" " tb.c Clune to 'lhil,lI:ll\oo 'fro!ll ,CleYelud"ln tbe L. , "bID..... 11k........ ••r 0"..... De.." ......,b • .. "II .,., .... T _ _ d. .. one the beat bande at the bu', the I'\IlIon. About .• 11 '0Gf If· r _, ·1 know or; Gi,,, him • call terwlrde h!! W" . cl'lIl1overed' Iylog in .1· Tile ()lIoltII'IL I
'''r..,,"\,........ ~nu1o
....... ""...
~ech. . .lId II"."..,.. III tb.
p~r~ ~-"~ ni. N.... ......,.",.. · .t n."." ...... llto',..,."'~ ~" bod ~ . H!t : 1'1> ~e Pb"~pbl' ~cKIOJ1'. lo~" ·. udeavo,. to mall. moeb . oC e8'ect to Ihow IIln,. ItMI . n'DCea t~1l .. '.ro~II.. ..... """r......,•• Jto~M.~~ orw.- .•................ ." """'~..." i~"" .,' _ " ' ..... Loufo,*",!...~ hu ~_. .nk ......~ .....................' In . "nd!~laRbed, bu, . " ..... ~"." "..",.. d, ...... hi......."" ......." . . !........."'" ' ...1".'..........,,. PO'" ateel , be broken ••nd ~i~ Itron~ . ~r purc~.H4 "'me~c.o ~.i!8••nc!'adJ.: ' ted ~"t .nd ~nroreed lIy Ka.auth. A. I o(.mlgb. !,nil P'!.... er .hall b8 br~ul,M . Dover, threw lleflelron the track .Dr .~ ~"~c "He bll.nt bit rrienct ~1III1lIInltte'. M. u.ereCo,e. bll pr.HIp.WI • " be .,It " 1m............ !be .11" lh. ,,''''d. " W®~" It. I,.j~~ bO. ""'" '''', 9"'" ....,. :T,,, wUl .., ~._ 'Ito c: o. "'I..... '';'''''' ........... "'""!"""'"•••, .....",.•••;""",: ......... ,...... to hi.. _ " ..... . . , public 0,pl,,,1OIII .rected ~I all wiebe~ .... peci.1 tTIIlq WIiRUllOg a fe." ~"enlnle lie thelut .week ,or, bie Itl7 'h91O· ". ' . Ufel.,.. .edlcal ald. wulmlOe~l.tely ylol . , North Amert~.llI JI" It'tter of lboot In lilla";"tludln, ~. to the' .tate Tqe poliee' •• nfUte'Je.f are titb,.V,..~,'.,., . '; e". .i,"'~" .,,,,,,••.,., ...."••.ho, ,'I:~ ~...~'........ ~,......, ,...... • Iod,." oIio.ooJo .. _,." wu :.......,.. ... "!'" "d~. ",,: ...,-.........'" "'''' i...... ~.... ...,... •......, .. _'''up.,. n ~ . .. .. ..u....... lb. I" ..,. a,.,.",~ ••, b' ..... m~"" " ... boo ... , r.....'." .... of .....~... 'f ,!h"'u"~ , . he fo _., to m."",,'" ''ilh' or .• ~ ...... or.,b. ~..,... ...... '¥• ..., ', 18. 186~ 11.1'111". 'II!.al befoll tl!e engloe r.elohed her. dr the ~har,e qJ Ur. J ame. ~I.nnu. ,I"en. lIe. 18.J~bqnng" IInael', • fl~ ,o~ ".'th.t terr~bl. -;C0nr,.. tbt' A.i.llo Chothl! Guano laland., whlcb be. been cIIl- h... bad no oc:oqioD to io....f."' ... It~ Ill.. Tempelll
ooutnlrr 10 the Illumed rlgbla
ialll18DC1• •
j .....
mee~oJtS.~u~IY ,.ve~lo&'l'.1 l~r9rmed.
R_"' Th.Eno1lghl M'' ' V...", , " ' . ; ... .,r...,..... O .post st.ndin .. elOlE! by • · . .... ·iSure: o .. -'~ .C~.I.b • ro. mil.. r'l"" ........ .. .........b, " ,., dh , ""! ,,_ ......~(.r ... i....'..... ...... , . ... _hi..ot...a. rli1~.linal"nd.reforlllnc.b.,1n " to bo ..or...r" ~ •• n:t""" no.llce b1"',. "· n1m-Iollf!r ~lImeter, "I~.- ,'.".'_0. . ,ifl..., " ," """''' "", W .....,. •• ~. .'T~ ""!"~, ".'-" ~ "".., ........r ob. ' ......h ., rill "" ..... .. . . I. _ ...... d. ",~, .... ,....JiIto.. ";".., ,,( Frio.......,.. h, 0 . - .
~;i'" b.I.~: ,~, If".
i. ........b."'•• " ... """"
~ w.,;..'i'~' phi..
· "1/... ......, ..... ,.... ... ... !"
' "
'b~ del~lve le~, Ihteldl11 mo,IIJ, from til' to -N~"r" II 10 J8U·.nd 1867. and It ~ mnre
ber•• ner hate iOllnilV----:."otber Ylc!m (0 it rapplJ!p: been Th ... , IUPP!lle, II ·., .per- doctrinelof tile m.oool ..........., ........ Ii boatenr the Hiilllo.l mOclel o(wblc!a 18 toe e e o. n will , be no lDore caUle of compl.lnt on the . -'. hl8 b . _ _ :"0___ n.iIiiiA_.....eat. • . • • . , 0,. portion or the put or .., p'ortion n ." ,.. .. ....., -
Shealld It , w.. lier delerlDlna tloD \0 , of tbe·\vorld.
"~1111 r,lend
tHin, i.HDr -",n,&ecllblt be la DO 10. ill th, con!Wence oftJae ull,. ill
En,1.~ N., h.......... I." , ........... mea .. enolllh II." _lilt to eaeW, I~......... ~III. hllD,anel,.,... hit f•• 11 tbe '-'It .. Tb ~ ,.,.I,." __ _~
We,blter! .nd
".N "'~ '....
.... It .. ,. to'" ............ foth ·Central /I '''eepid, _ tb.t 1l_1. -lllllUcceed '''-'Ilt __ __ -'_Europe F ' it .p . Ih evv. ... . -ro.vv fOlO . '''1., e In'olUII Enlfaud IDd I'flDI:e
.~_ '.:-'-"'-~---:. •• ~....I~boo ,O~. C"-,oIO'''ooil!"' . •r ,.,..N ...... " _ """,b, ... Jura. .
...11D..bllry i. the
.,0);.... u.,... .......
... ~ ... 'u ........., ".r ...... ' '.....,m.. wi.,. .... _.u.r J.oMoo~"'" r ... 'rom ... "", ....... ,.", ~htWar"~ '~ _ '!OJ" ...... , ~u,,_.................!. .... .r ..... D,. c" .............., _"". , . r.. '.' ..... ,. h.... . . -... 111._ . ....... "Hi..." ...·b..... ,. - ......, ',"" ~ .,..... ............ _ ......"""'..., .' __ .o._ _<-U_... , _ ."......... ..-..,.1. " ' _ vi...itt.-It,''''_ .... obi;' woo ~ •• "',-oe,"""! roo"" ..... .,.,,,,.~, - ,. ......of .....,......... _. fi",~.i" . w"" .........,,_ y"... 1\1 01......" ........., Iu,. Qa'''' u' pi............ ':".-A ... ,., r_lI......'; '-'!o -! - ..... "' .......... J........p .... ', .'~u •....~,'..."' '. . . ..'0...._ .... )~" W~"'" ""! ..... _~ 1 ... _ ........ '.ir-''''''''' joB.... Powl..... Pi'... " N.......... .
d ......... " ,. k••DdallO.t D.nlzlo. Ac:
whieb, we '011111 th.t
.... 1... , • . , • •
' ·~~e ..'OJ··fi9l'~". •.'"'' -" ' !' '.:..... by ...hle~ the I~ on ulldo
A..... , ," . . -
,"...~ ~ .. Bor'!"" .." ....b~'" .,~. 0' "If~'" eo._. '''l' '. W.
....... ., N_. ." ...
w... "...b ...
.........._1_ ...... 111..
y,,;, ... .
oTerth, ..me trIck thil ,yeu-tblt Beebe. O . BrooklYll, Ne1Y York, ".ere tel •• COlJDt lIenreclbe'1r enclBII'OII Ba. . • ., to.,enOAa., Ind oa .fter re.ebll!g tho we.tern porll or tlie IrOm a e;arril,. on Frld.y morntng berr. Tbe, Ire botb IIld to lite ander thltW.. , B ...." . .-...... . ob'....... , _ to 0011.$.""' .......0..;.,011.. the " - ., a.. willfi..... . . . . . . . . .tom .. "" ...,. .. ' " oil weN .......,' . .. ....."'.... ....... _ . Drunkard. • The LoulIYiI!e 1111' thlt Oot., by the "drlnlr." or iii leu . tb.n u .. II, can OOIIt of IIId tht. country It burt. lit. Beebe w.. in a cleJlc:ae. helhb to thll I. or enllrel" 'priW.; : H';'de";'••ti. ·...dod In ', ....... "-."" .... ......"" ••)................. ,•••m.-Ilo ............... 'bo ••dt.. b.. _ . " .. ,..... .1m .... •...., ,... . .• (or the' SeD.te of the UlJi",d IDg a vert fuolitli que,tion; but lIeli'ertbe... over the )0111.tlribu.a.l of ' Jut 1·elr, our be (.111. ' . • of JIlchl-D ys'Iluge In w,e. 8wltc 0 f OJ ' uo. game , , by I(rof, C.r- lted St.hIIt. It ,. bew.U, _ther.Core, ..... I ' : lor 'b ' . ' Bilbop MeCao.". _I .._ • • . ,. H' d ed St.tea In 1864. ·lIl1aooner II Sen.tor 01!1- Ie... when I"Il'IOni come to ' me and u1 r-U4I• w , .. , ........ • countrymen towarttCU II .. _ • • •t Our lnform.nt uy. tb.t he , climbed ,. h "b '1' .......lIou ..., bOD ,....... .;. Mil u........................ or ...", "'.. 'I ....... Qv'.. ___.... _ r ... -"'" .... ud ... "',.... ..II' ...... ,. . """.. _ . -.." ...... be ... obi. To,.... H'Iod .... _ . '" . . . ' "., ..... ,noug n., .... " . ' ..i .............' .. to . . . . - .... .... "il" lb ...... "... .... .. ., ............_ , Bo_ .... hu w .... .. ..,.. _ _... .... y"k _U ..... _ _ .-'010" ..-, ,!!abe." r .... ... -... ...... l " ! ' _•. If......,. ........." _ ••, , , .......... lb.....'" i ..... be- ...,.......... of ..',.....', ... do 'Willi and ruddy chIld toot hl.Ol ehoonw- th, at Cienl.ad, '7.'700 dI;IUar bid,... .ollcea18 to "II liquor wu graalpci b1 the wllll_...w. meana or IIvin• •lIIy»••• tWMD 81: Jobn.bury IDcI Ihe .moulltaiue Go,. Korton, "lIlcb 1ft... ill a lew cia,., lyd o coDlQle hi.ln- his daily toil. . Hia .111122.000 .UDI. : tiallet;a were lut co"t 01 thla COWI'I. from die IllDpi. • ;. .. . • b..... been h.uled caroll.. 1000 . . . . _ . 1'1111 art.IIIe clhpl6yerJrespected.him. for his earncat IOld. mlkln, totll , reeeJptl eI6,2oo. f.ot lb., the CODltltgtioD .trleU, proW bill W' .tllal" W I'air. . . eatraete4 in .bDlMla_ ...... 111_ IlObriety of But. Tbi.1I ncarl1 •• eo II tbe . " FrOm wb.1 the•• clo re . . . P : " " of tbIt Third ADDIUII Fair or t,", Wlmb A •• . . . . . . . . ·Rew• •,. cae lieu San Joeeutl _ ......... t.QOlIIIlIIruas I poor HendeJ1lOll 1VU 1edutT&y. ceDlII- ' ..... JiC)uor HUe,. lJaelr per"ilb a'M \\!-blle' on Agrlcoltunl 8ociel1 It. ' • Paelae. . \If .."liM hoalMtlOlllOe. beticIII ... 11. ....... , '''''. . ......; aDd ..........., . . "' , ' , ",:' .... . ' ;" W to .to...... ,; ID ........ W .......,.... .... .,..... <01 tho _ (:Ioooeh) .. , ...... himfl{'lf iu the intoxicating Clip.. He , -. a bUIl1.ha. IIone wa' M,bleDed." a adlDira. . . h"•• nclKealcu'-A:'la OIli1oru. lUll A bianself to bis infatuating niD.- recei,ed.t Bolton. from . . iDe. tb, HOUle! lb. q. Il. Zu,1., of ibM pl.u. will uf olte \ ne., tbe n.lcl8nce of Rob- bly •••pted (orencb ID uhlbldoDj.lId beelllrt.Li,erpool fora r.w .&1,1. On pat. \ lI' m er bore with him ' until for- .tandl \hili flf 6'7 Wbip. 81 Democrat.. eepl my t&.nlil for the nice broaPt ert Lytle; ":'1 aDlmal Jmmec!l.te', ' reued. and "rio. for cllY 6th 'bar pre.ched 10 ",1_ DC . .. d wl>o. vi";'...... , ....... h........, ............. . ...., ' - '..t ..... ...................... _ _ _ ........r ....... ..... _ .....'....d .. ......, .._ . . . . . .
· .L · •. '''?bhood " ' h~'.". .
~Y';;;'"'M- ...... "'io.,,, '-' .. ... q,,!,.y~. !>"4 " ........"... ' Wn'" ... p!...... b.~., ",W.'-n. """?~ 1I~ F~lrl u- .....
twent,~fin d~e
accur.te~ ~uth
r~portf c::~. cI:~ ~e 'DolleaD~ AceQrdlnrto,ctu.ludr~ltedretllml
~ 1o!,,\.. • drift' .... "!'' em., • Do._ _ ,.. "",.., ....,.r '~d ~
~, ~II
~:mDgtb. lW~l,ellloDth.
_"',tEnal~nd. i. ~ ~rom
N.~b _I...
H.,....' ..... _ ",,"10..,b" e~bio,~ 171~fi" blelb'~ -,,~ """"r: d....... "'• ._' ...""'''''' ....." ............ Tb...., _"". " bodt, ..........~ ...., ........'.......... _ ... w,.......... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n.... IIOJO~.......... ~".d
"" ,
_. 11119 1 ,TIYero Keeperl or .n1 othera ill 111"
of ."'" '" ok. V,
8." ......, ......., .... <bot ........................, dO., . _ ....
D ..... ok. ' ' ' ' ..
""""•• ,. lb........" ...
of ' ",' '' to !be ......,.'
II ... - ...... - ...11 "" ..... be ...... - . . .
i... . .
A...'.... .. ,
hi .....
, ....
.. '.........~a ~
~tldIIea ~ ~Iea
7 :,~' U:::, w., __.:clcleat.
1. H. H ....... """,..,,, ..,. .....
....;........... Ufo ...
C~, COIDIDI"~ ~ Udl~~ Tliel(l'OUd18l~ua
................ ...., ...... hI...... ,
_.r~,_. . _'ot,.~, b~.........~
woO ............
,. , ..
~ OIW"te~nNewYorlllncllllchi
ob'_ ..... ~. ~
61 ... ......, .. "'"
B-"a. ... -"'
_or . . . . . _--.. . . . . _. .
_x........ _ .... ..,. .... _
on .. _
.................... ....
IIOJ ..... .... -'11- . Tb.N.w (Idoo.. Pra,... .......... N . . . . . . .. _ . . ., . . .,.N.. 0 _ .,. .... _ . . . . , . _ ..... ,....., ...... _ , _ .'.....rNawY.,........ _ _ " .......... _ ..... _ _ ... what • .blow wae flul to Uiem I Be de.tb ot Charlet .A. DoWDer p'oe of potIiUvely be Jaerelbil .....II. _ _ InJofWII, 1Ir. R, G. CorItMlSecretary, u& .1I&ltItd to bell... but tIIat tile -.JtoloedwWcat W rJl. . . . . . . . hie 6 to , . .trefetl. 0trippGd.J.tem ',oF prilOnert or the Lopnu,...rtloD. He "II ... wiD Willit . ......,. at .... thaDa for their """ftD Jabota. dareallnllll a tbllllde...tor. woalcl 01 Jut "e•• II WIN tlk. . .t e!OCl) . . moltgagcd hua dwe1lmg 10 • DIll" of Kobile. AI.b.me. . LIT.BBOY .0'rI0". but lert1IDa&8l1_... D1Iblirt by _plo, '!'be Bzblbltloll. t..... II' whole. I. tbe -'1. Ih...,., cIid . . , . tlte . . . . . . . . '" ...... '-aa.. .......... blL,. hit 0W1l destrucUOIl. For weeki .. ' the II.-., .... " WII on tbe point tieet ever Mid I. I:JoatltiPIa Ohio, . . . II Joba hll ... .......... ., III . . oIJttl .... toa
la~re, ~~
~ ~aII
... • ....., ..ppn. , . . . . - - -... ......... .............. _ pJ'OC1UM ucltr 1be beDoabe:tl ~ ....t eben. ..... 'a.a.. .. Graa..... or binal,.", wt.r.. Buaw Wllm.. .,.. QIIWtrMr or Tau .... ea1W .. "ltar ........... of title "'
I.... ..... 10.............. 1IaI. ...
0Iald 110& 11&... lL-eo *'-111 --01''''14............. ....... ....... ....., the power bs. -fit- dlal..u.. o1tpreda&lo.... lila -art ~ordIf of .... ,.troMp of • Il"a 0-_
l~' ~... H. . . . . . 11,... ."III! ........... .. of the . . . . . . . . ___ alae 01 the . . . tbt trw "'I..,.. ... .!' .... NeIIk ' - Ill ........ lor . . . . .. _ ....... .........1. . ...,. of till _lata .. it ...........~...... ...... _ _:.. ' _ _ _ __ .. .................. _ o f .......... _ : ... PIal... ae Ie" Ik. ~ .11.....................tll... ~ ., ......... II II ...... U .. will lite ....................-'I'Jae ..... ... _....... . . . fir ................ ~ . . . . . . . ....
and month., tl)ey had pot more than Th. Cb.o,": I. " ; Ga.uu... JIM.urubOct.oIler, 11&_. of W to ketp diem from Itar. E n . to Nt II n J8 eoatatal. _ It...... aDd tweJ,. ,.,.. WIt· or fta.el to pre e1l\ their rftamg 1~'7 ~ IIlDUCb more C•.!'! (ban ill U!Nt or ............. of .. bip chln_,
I• ....., ............... to tile eDter. woallr quarrel aboat.a . . . . .
_of .......,................ - __..., ... _"' ....
..... ...
I.• .u...
Wal_dYer, hOllnrldela .. ~I
Colao.. Ii MIl ~ .. ~
' ISIT 'O R. a.wa.. .
!fu-,. AImII17UBt ft . . .nL ExUTIO!!. TM ........,. . DEBI"'A~1l TI........ 1\Ibacco-8ell!llor Ut AlII". oft')I "~ . , Wrote.,npare4 Iii. ' . ........ . ..... ~ . . . . " Ibl .. Ulc; 18doS:"do., IIIlnd·1I1 ".tenln,' to m.ele. ·AlmOai. III A8 'pu;oallED . . . . BAJIII. paANfCGiN' PIERCE, mon--Va •• at iOClnc;"IO , my. ~I" were iIIerelled ~n mliid two leadlill cuupte. try or uw HA."arllE. ' i6'(ft IIJe. Ind 6,dO"fio I do " -ther 10 lb,e act-ofillelrlog 1IIU1lc oRen pllY. and , back. It!Ind on plYemeot and ,F o!, Wlee ~~ea~ , 8u~~811010f3a bhdl lota ,aI61C1 eel 10 til" r'OCIm, ac/Joh.ln, hi"ltudy. XU·' w!lit, ladie CbalIiJ'liall. proIllOD.de. -!.alee ~ Wr1.LIAM R. K.lNG. The'q~mln" ia 'rllr ~, the Iml,1 "a),. coo 111\4_ to bl. orpn '01' hli IOlemn w. rI,h' IQ4 I,,~ , ' :. ~ , OJ\, At~BA.4. , 00&e-:-8a1Ill.of1'70 tommon to Becond:..-blldlnlll ",ndemeD advaDce .ph'I,IOIiI, an," mutir4? wu "!In neeeuiry . ~~ ",io It e*@&,c. 'Til, d'~".nd I~ m04. , to WarbUrlOD . .. .'Jlhe 8ympbonlee wlllcli .~d.rellre lwl~. , ,lll 'et It , co'f oer,' Ind IF.N:"'TORIAL ELEOTOU. " ' era t e. , " a" olle In 'the P9t1t sublime ulllolioni, mi,"t "111:Jor turn. , ' , " \V ASHINGTON McLEAN. )t!)l ...el-A le ,o(36I1rl, ata2c. 'rile THEn',ou"".' ,wlllcli hive .comp,po!edthe' !nv~ntlve D!ind IJr the ' 'Jlhlrd'''''The. lcl~inar'·)ad1 In4 QPp(Jait~ 'B~RNAnUS BURNS. demand ie confltled to Imol! pllrccl~ Dt' H ' ;::~:"~;-:Yl~::~Pl~~< ,relC ~liio lu the ' vlalona or hi. theoretical advance lind ," elire twhle ; lop: , DtS'l',I ItCl' ELEeto... @33c. .. . ,' myaterie8. A l',e lebrilted Fre,nch prf!~cber. , bot'~~ , couple try ipln, eild return to hT J)rilT.-CHARLES RULE, . Cotto", Y.ril~A .~re 0(8000 n.~ 8IlOr; , 1Ilralhy. The figure ' Bourdalou.or lKe8lllion, waa ooce fnund . ,G. W. STOKE~. : - - - ted at 14e. Tbe inarket iii firm Dnd till: :- ' plah ng, ~h lIle ~Ioli~, 10 lICI'ew hiit mind up Iidel. " , ~d ', II , ·. R. ~. CUNNIN~HA!r, .FIFTY B&RRELS LA.K1) ".SII. Ilock bpco~lng ' much reduced. E ho,'o JUSt received direci /tum Ibe Lake. to t~e pltch prepatory. ee,.mon which FoUrlli~Four' 8J.ng~. Illd rour wagons ~tb u ENOOH '.G. DIAL. OOtlun~A sale 01 bale. Spiuliing at InrllO 10101' fish ill Barrels anu h.l rll~t; within '. eli art illi~rval be WU to pr~nb advanco and 8\OP; carmen do the Hme 6th u tel., ,whlcil we can o'nll ''11'111 lIClll for ea.h or SAM'L, H: ' f:Jl'EEDlIIAN. 9~c. , , ' ' . l ,· r.;oua, ' L .. ~l'Il) -FEED exchange lor wool; bacon or corn, lowor lImn befo~ Ihe Courl. Cl\\Taq'" f.vorite mode couplenurn, and ' come in collhilop; "8Ih ' " , ,CHAS. J.._ORTON. , "u~ter-Th8 supply i.1 not cq,!al to Ihey can 1", bought In Cincinnati ,or lin, Qlher of all klndl ,w.t) lie Il~plon hand for ~.I~ . ,ofiDedlratlon wl'~ h" violin In ' lala IIng8gate rlg[.t ' and lelt; M. P : , promon. , ~ilhh' .. , JO~~PH . KY~. markel Ihis aiue' Iho Lake. Wo retlpllClrully ,."lIcit • \Iberalshare o( III. , demand •• II~ prlcell Ire 'tonl~lng uplVard~. A. &. E. JOHN,SON. I1lllfonlgo 01 IhUi tommllllily, IJi .... fcjo,l CUlt. bAnd; or hQUfl together would ' be : fu,..eL tlde.a lod turol tile corner; geber.l 0 u FRA.'NClS CLEVELAND, We DOW !juole fai'r fa good al~ 14@16c. lidenl 11,-"1 '1'0 ODD ren""'~ lIenorlll ull. ","'\oo 'blmaelfrUDl!lng volu .tarie. o~er Itr.ing anti ba~k to placee." 9t.h ' .. WILLIAM RALtIER. Dark-We nolice 811.. , of 'about 100 - -_ ______ __ _ _ _-..__ " Smail . profile, ,anu 'lu i~k relll'nl," '1. O)u; 'AltMEIUI. LOOK IIP-RE.-AU kind. mOllO, nod \~e expeol In •• III,nr euh lIonehlly . while hilimmliln'a tion. (olie.:ting Itl tonel " Fifth-the ,leading couple waltz -round 10lh " . BENJ. F. JOHNSON, cord. prime fromrn,er.alt9.~rf' , GREAT EXCITEMEN'r of CQunny producu wUllieu ror which' "'0 kind. of Country 'l'rodncO) lak"n In "" • will a goOO ' prlco in euh or II.rocerlcs upenjnalU bl~ f.cuhie. (or Ibe, com. the g~tteri fuur ladie8 Idvance IlIId II',. II ATTJJE CHEAP STOnK, lor Orocelira al cas!\ pri_, 01.. 10HN B, DUlIl8LE, , Cooper'. Slufl'--:S,11I1 from the ri,er of backward bUI bring II ril!!ll alnnf! G. W. &. C, H. 1'1l0MAS. ' ill, e~eri.mi:v at 'he bar;-D' lerllell on (our gentl!!m!!n do the eame Ind l~th If SIGN OF Till': ,WILLiAM GOLDEN. 16.000 Ilght: brl PoleaatttO ••'lId 30;000 , G. ' ~V. &. U. U. l'HOMA,S, Wuyn08v illc. 0,. April "'. 18~V, 10.\y: 'tl.e LILerlry.. ". ' , I'and cWain, .U promoulde to pia_ 1a If OL1VER KEYSER. brl Stave~,tlt 'JIa. The au'PI.ly is bUI,mod' flA:VE YOUR D'Un~. , ' CCI tlirn IIV.Ce; l1'and cham cl,ciu~ , 14th " . HUGH .J . JE~ET'l'. erate, , ADlES AND Ca:NTLt)l\1 ENI tlll you ae' , ~U"ollll OtlU"'IJS III MADr.IlIA.-The to other lide wIthout r~turning k. .pla~eaj 16th If 011GR sYRIJP, " varlobla I)(~poratlon do\\'n 10 10 Ihl! Bnolt .n.ld l- III1CY Siora, ' WILLIAM OKEY. , 8uj•• rlor;Io' any oll.er klD.t- boror. the 'Pllb· you 1;'11 10 lIel alii 100: \Yo han Idelt tele..-npblc di8p.lch from ~ndon to pica.. nL Imlle8 over the Itlll. and promun. l!1th .. lie: It I, elool\enllor Cqugh, Coldft,l'aln In 1I0 W nml b8ftUlUhl b\lIIk • • CHAS.'. H. MITCHNER. ADVERTISE'MENTS. Liverpool qn the fth I'nltant tiaYII. " Iho Bro.ll, Whoopll;ljfcough , CliqUe, OROUP, aele Jor i"ole with dirty boota.-Lm~rn 1,7tb .. IImonlt which 'oro Iho CHALKLY r..llcARTOR, ' ,,'. &'0, It lI.a nellher pplum or allY olher lub· I.,Du,!hilly goU"Jl UJI; The R4\trib,uuhn ... ar Iteamer ,left , Lis· 18th II lAMES FINDLEY. Illnee that will COIl811(IOIO Ihc hOWQI KtiUI ocla Alii c,lIons Cilt. 1: h~ gontly on d,e Jiver. bowe10, akin , Bud killuaY8 Ke,maillte. bon' for H.dcrllill w~ere ,~ waa rumorll<l in GUAIIO U · TIUIi I:A1fD {stUDS.10th .. eardlt, card (41108. ftHi(. SAM'L D. HARRIS, Jr. JUnV~Y8BVRG AC&DElIIY. ' prol1,ollll~ tho 100",11,,01 Ilcnor.ily. , '1'he Olov l'DI'~ r Qr evc.ry kill,1 UE WIN'l'.E it .ilitllon ,lOt' )8:.2-03 of Ihi, Lllbon tbat an ou~break bad talien "place Tbll - Valparaiso Reporl'er eeYd tha,t the !.lOlb ' .. ELI T. -WILDER, .. above medicln. 18 woll ' knowo in Ihia ~omlllu · IInel ploln envelope_, nil 0/ ' li,"ltulion. " 'iII cornmenclI on h1onu.y, thorero.ro we deem l'unbor ueserlpllol, Uri 'OD account 'of bad provllionl. , but polltjea ,·Cl(llol.iaILal"tlf'lril.lca at tIle Falkll\n~ (illands, -2lat It Iho lowelIl rnlts for crulh, ELIAS ,H :, n 'AINES Llclober 18111, Dnd ,continue ,21 ' w~ek •• DI 11111 M:AIN STnEET, "-,VNESVJLLE 0, nlly. necultary. ' ' ROBER-r:s .5< BltO, Ibliowing l.rlCOl; \VA8 ,enerally tbe caule; and lliatlhu prine have de~recd Ihat ve8~el8 uf flogl may r.!.EN &. ~V ANS . nAVE 'rl'IE !l'bls uiedlcine il II 911ro cure. ror the Crollp. 1o' or 8pe ling, R._Ulna W,iolng. Swirl'. 1 \ pl e ~.lIre of ""nolllloing to their CUllOm· For s.lo a.1 Ihe ·Woynelvill", '· Drill!: Slor. clpelK h.cl.been otdered to ,L iebon to '1Inder- load gll8nO in Ihe hIBnd •• Ii)' plying; live FOR IUOGE OJ' THE SUl'nEME ' CO~BT J. ' l'. C:A-D\VALLADER. l'hilolOphy , Atilh,"e\lcal'r,t.II••• ami M 10Iai eto , and the public lonoroll~, Ihou Ibo)' ure \iy , J. 'to CAO\VALLADElt. Arithm ulie. go the extreme penal~y or lhe law feara' be. ijhillinge aterli':!g per Ion. IllIking -for a Ii. WILLIAM: D. ,CALbwEL. . , \V. I{EYS. ' f '/lf 6dvineed Arhllmet!c. (::tlOlltaphy. r"i' nolY rileelylnglhelr , , ing enteruin'" for the lafcty of p~ace i! cenle (rom I!.~vt'rllmeo.t tii do 10. ,Fon M£IIII1ER ' .>i- THE BO~RD OP PUBLIO li.h l:ramlllDr. Natural I'bllOlPI.liy. t;loUle"tl' SPRING .5< 811111111£11 ,n.'ST1CE OJ" 'I'llE PE&ci! ry AIKehra, etc., " t/i,OO, Block 01 Goode, which for ~AIUITY 8'l'n.r., o f , jtJ~tic:e were '~ller~iaea ·on t)18 "pat. .. WOkKS' , 'AND N(J'l'All" PUllLW. For advanelocl Alaebr., Geomelry, Mun.ura· rIllel, ie nOII'.Il,~lIed by Till. a. noillhllorlng Offie'! on,the We$t aide of main stroot. , TUE 'UIIlYERSALIBT ' GElERAt.. CONVEN· JAMES D. &TEEDMAN. lion. Chellli'IIY, f!\etl!OrolllU, OeoloilV,' Phy •. u801011 10 enumorAto I\rli vleo\ bUI IIdjolDlnl the Cablnot Shop. up allalrB. V 'C UI" ,. E,oLuD TlOlI. now 10 leuJoo' ln N\lw York.repre1011Om'. elC,. . • I S,O(). 10 Ill)" It I@ to tho Inlfn81 01 AU. W a.y nelvllle, ,0410. ' G·tf. , 'l'ultlo"wlll.be clilrod ffom tI,O time l iD· •• ~"'Ii£it.-Mr. J. 'N.- Bryallta~ Wash• . IIt1t '1;091 8oclolie~', with 6(0 cler~ ~uylni ellow!.ero.) to call and aco J)elDoem'le' (JOaDI,. Tlcke.. denls ~"Ier. UOlil' lhe cTOIe of Ihe ",rln. C.Ilcept Ingt60 City. wrIte. to I ,New Yurk )!Dper gymen. and ' Slii churches. Addrc..e. ICKI,ESt pleklitd met.t, Gnd Cod,Clh on ...... H "T·H "W "Y, ill ca•• oj alukn"e. or .',*\111 pravluu. If· S IlEBtFr-lOI"N kind. 01 Irftd ~ IlIken III big brlcl' s, ' halld onu lor ea lo lIy , • JQ n n n r."II_men l wilh C.' JESSOP, Toftcher .. a6' follo1vl: , ,"'" . . Nere dlllivered berore" the ' Converitjo~. on 91h. 1852. ' ,\ ' G . W,. &. C. 11. 'l'1I0MA$, lillrvey.burg, 0 ., SaP," .,.h. 18~'l. 140.3., AUDITOIt-T. D. MORRIS, ' . . Iln'lbe IlIv~ti.rl!t1on ot 80100 clalml Wedncsd,a the Rev. ,E . H '. Chllpl", REcoIIDEs-'H ENR'Y 'w. PRINTR, : EXECVTqRH' NO'fI,C E. '. HCALIEOR1II1Att ' ADI!!rlcanB to 8IIta~eB in Etlgla,.d hllely I Rev. T : 1. Sawye~. ~ey. H. Ballou. , Ite\'. COMJlISSIOIiER-THOllfAS PARICER. ON Tfll:: ,\!2l)d day of 9 M!I" 1862, Ihe u~ . AIR TlGHT COOKlNG l18 uor.llI""" W61e dbltgulUned! by II", Pro· , Jlave liecollle Ild~l.ed of one whieh ',' h an H.'DacOn; Rev. S , ·Stree.lers lind olbera . . hiFlRU"BV- DtnF.OT<?a-I. BENHAM . baw <Au,1 or Warren coiln1r,. Ohl", ' U Bx~c. S]·OV,E. . "" " iii~ lDe of Ibuut 830,000 1I0r annum wl~h OOIlOlfER_G EORGE DRILL ulor8 of lbe I~ t ,VIII anli l'elll."\~~1 or :Eli· ELLY ... CRISPEN have' on haod on~ , . ' , . , ward BUrao" Dee'dl lale of W.yuc luwMhlp. n till" of 'l0bilily Iltt~che4 to it.-The ' ",e' lira, ~onll.nt,y mnnu!'"" 'lTblll ' ftl 'the DleT RIOT A.IElIIOBl. , Wan'en COUIIIY OhIQ. '. . , Waynesville' Foundry\ lite ilOO.o nalPUd , 81tllOikmtll of George Btown, 1\ Lieu~nlnt ,p acket ' DisTRJ(ilf No. · l-JA1IEIIJ BAXTER, Sj\MOI':L BURSON, ~ ft'ld hl,hly apr,rOVed Coo,klng SIOV", , O. S, BUItSON, '·in·til, Dtlti..h army, wl,o " mlurateli to thia 1 ."redll~lllIalr.· hY ,811i1lb ... 0 e ..on. Decemoor l8:,o, II II 2-J. S .,-TOTTF.N. , JNO. W. BURSON, iv conllrucled wilh. ' , C(lI1~11')' ~bDUt' ll,e year 11!4.0,," I\~ ~ett 1~,1 al II , " ' , a-D, P. CR.rST. September 28lh. 11!!i2. DOUBLE FURNACE Haverhill. I am quite , Cerl~in , are .. ' ., 4-(Not SllIled.) 'r~ COL'LE~Jl'IG. tlie hel{.:'" '~_ .,. ,', WILL eil Ilthe place of holdlllil olections '-,- ..,....---::-----,-,."",:--..:...-,- In ,each lown.hip, lor Ihe,ful'POlIeol reocilv. FREE' SOIL TIIl&ET. InIIU.,.. II 1.0110'1''' AI t1 ...o'UIIDBD CflAllrut;~The .t~ckhol. , o r Pr.'.e.' or tile lTDllecI ' 111 Vt'e!/ield 'own'hi~ on Monday, Oqt,. 18th; REGULARITY IN BAICING. olf Ih" Suft'"lk iltnk held I If: , "'" TU,eeday , " \lO!h; l!ltll. TII-o' al!-onl.R~' ailll 8~te., . tl,iDllhon Union Wedlletl<\a,. v· • ~ with olhor.~ d,at Sua. 000 Nc'w tork.,on Frjday, and gav. 't o !ue. Wuhinllton .. Tlluroday, " " ~I .. ; .bO"'8,,1•• llIllIo Il,"tcha..,r al ,tiral .lgb~ .IIIDUI JOHN P; H,ALE. " a:.lem" Sa\urday," 2ad; tail 10 rcnli~r !hl{l:~fO.o on. 01 !he nry , trce Oeboae • certilica~e thlt I1pon a ' f(tli OF IIEW RANFSRtRE. Clearoreek " . Monday" "1!6!h; "' LAT}t]S~ AND BEST . and 'clreful t,'xamhi.liun 01 tb., book. lind .. ~'lIe'ljay," ~'h; II I Iieen j nlrad ueca I", I I\0 Woe" • i\ialllie For VI.,., Preslde.~ Wayoe II , Wednetd.y," 9'7\h; HEREI- A freab arrival at .Lem. I"~I la8 oyer P'''!I~ ofthe -bllll~/ th"y foupd , ,,,.'4on,ll>ln,,,1 GEORGE W. JULIAN. franklio ,,' " Satu'r "'ay," 3ll1h; , On and Orangel; allQ Mql ...OtI , May 28, 1 8~1 . J ", 18-U righlaad Ihll\ lhe charge. a,oin.t Hr. A , , , Alld allbe Collrt Uolilo In :t(lbanon Jromllt. Mackere aito! olher Jlrooorlo.. for .DI.. by JUST recolvud ,Ild 10f .ale a lJilod artlola, 01 nulllj their Pre.ldent were unfounded Ind OF IIlDIAtrA. lal of October IlIlthe.20lhuf 'p"colllllor. exc"pl ' , G. W,• ..., C. EI. 1,'HQMAS. _ Cavcnd\.h and R.llroad 'fo\>.cco, ' 1M dl,' aoove, when at_01I.111/ Ille 10wnlllll'W, ,nOLLUfSUBAOtSI'L.UN SILK DON. ,J. 1'. CAD}:V~I.LADEn. malicluua. At II' meetlnlf of Ibe ,board 01 , ' JACOt) MOHRIS, 'l·rou. ' ., . N}''T8. ' " Forne~ of Jl.faln , .n4 N~~lh C)trCOIa, \Il.~n~. F-oR PB&lID'& .TUL ELECTOIlI, dirflelora, Mr. F. D. Foote l\'ho ,made tlao ~~Pl, ,28lh . . - · BEAUTIFUL aB80rlmo"l-bll~k. ville. , " taT Drl'l,'.-ALBERT LE'W IS. C:~~fII!' r~ln"ved from umue aa Olle 0 r the allh~, ~ia'1 of I, h e Red Flap. MILL"El"8 JMI'ROV~D CII1.Nt:ttE 8hd'CQlonlll. II AHOS MORl!l. SOuthe"l , corner lIIa,l n anil north , '.lrOelll, SCOtJIUNG' POWbKR~'I'~u Ilte~t. direotolr. and Mr. H: II. Taylor. cuhier, E r OiuFFIN . W.yncnille. , ell I~ Ule Iinoi'li world lor pOlIslllna Cbppor. wu 'a llo re'moved:" . , ' II Hr..... Uril8llla. Wue. tlIOJ • OIC. Puoo II CIII. DR. BRANDRIFF., , por Boll. f'ur eale hl', ' ',' " II 10HN PAUL. ' , l. T , CADWALI.;Al.h:.R, " vlMWl8 .... S: W . Curoer 01 MolItI.nl1,NQuldS.... Waynel. , The eub.crlller. throu,h thl, medium. " - ' McKANE. ' Co '_ would announce to hi. old friend. and Ith. v.tie. DR. JOSHUA MARTIN. 'pUblic r 'n era", thl\ lie bl.- tag1iln l't.oiiuru'v' • DJl. O. HOaR'. H hi' bUllne.. Badtlle and H.UneN JOSEPI{ JACKSON., mlldna In at tlte I,and (ormer. I. ' FULLERT,ON. Srultlt: I JULIUS A, • . BINGHAM. ~ and_ "c"', . .....' E. C. WR'I GHT. 01 HrNIEL:
""tt.·, ......
Dr. Borton's
1, bt
, dOni
.. ..
~la ••TIU.
,ab" la&r.",xD.-Ti,.
er~11I (I~iand) I;h~oulc:l\t i.ye!
.. ...
·J,••t ',ear the , e",l,rallon' rfOm ' thil
c:oun\J'7 WUI 6,000 llIUb eer·wwk: .TIIII year, \lie ;umbet n"lIrly :r,IlPO. and '~he , t. Btlll unbrolien. Tbere' Ie :'no lip ,u...tloa Of dllbiftuUoa. but 'the ('row4 , ever, port p,"a on.d'rl." by rrle~da IillpeB ~,ond lbe Allailtltl; PI't'IIIeIt byllle wi"t ~ad mi ...., ~h,d.· o
A WJt~ STAIU,D.tT Cn.D5.-W:e,I1IlYt' he~nl of .lln. i!eill, staked on I ',ame ,cbllnllt' 011 'the HI• •llppl. ahtl wlv" ~lIt up 'Ill auction in En,llnd, bUl 'Y(e lit.. It 11111 beell l'IIft"ed for the Freach 10 I1I1Irod11Cl'tI" 'lakio, of wive. It I ,.me '~ ~lil Fren~h paper , tbat I e_ ",..' brou,tll before ,the Cornie,10n,1 -Pulice; la which )lDdl'!le T. broup' a aull diyorc:ft I"lhlt ber bUI' bll'Dd. la ' tbe e-ourp ,tbe e.ldence It " .. lI"'ed tii,t, oil ,two dl~rent oce.. tbe wife hail bellD .ta,keCI alii! loat \, nrdul!d tbe of bei"fOOlll blnded Oy!!r to the wlnnenl Tn the Wrat .. II,ee.capI!d bf Jllmpioa oot or the wlodow, arid -In lhe otbel, tile winner WI~ toe much Intol;' ,iClled to be d~~~ro'll'. Tbe ~rt ,ra~. '''d._n I,c t or wplrltion. but refilled to dt· ,orce tbi'-plrtl,.. ~------------~-TIl. KIK'l'tlc;" 1JLUClk.-T:ii. beautiful block. the producuoa of the IOU uf the nable8la.. It la to repmeatln tbe Wllbln.· loa Nldonll ¥ol\utDeal bu laiy" In per ffct onIe~ at ·irooullleat.Place.' It il Il hll'lllllim, apeeimeu of tlrall colored Ume.toDe. , teet lonl bJ S feet " iacbCl!o . btlght. Til; ""1"1.104 'e"erinl are ez· t,'cut~ In a IllUml, allnllet' and rc~t I. lite _Ire lb. r.n...... IIprea. of lbe llilloted CIB, .t\iI CricUtadea Rm.ul'lded br a _.tirull, enc:uted .,",h 01 08. , aud laurel, .Ith lbe ·V.lted We • laad, ditiftd rau,'" the ontalde Ie the hllt'riptl,oD. 'Under the luapicM ofH....JI 1114 lite .....,.. 01 W_iDctoa.l[tl.\IIIII, will lie Jut to up t .... Ualoo.· ~ _110.. la .IIMo", I. bOW rellel IIMI pruJetttfOur.l . rn. tbe . . . 01 tile
Wa!»k.-NatIoMll.~. ,
.. FOil
For P ....I.e.t. ,GEl\!. W INFIFLD BCOTl\
D::rMoollE .., CU t:aTtll lbe jp'Cal Tead"al"rs, 'cor. 71h and , W~lnul II.: : ClnejOllali. haY" n' ll"..o' e.Ccn.lVe pr·p.,.don. 10 .upplY 'Whol". IIle aud 1t~101l ~terOlb.II~ ,ln Ihe wunllY lI1ld river ' I01"ns. and ·mlY ~e depended ~pon ... A
¥Ol1'uoe.~'lj~" ,,·'IO
10081 CIOrr"lllIId liberal
" PI88OL11TION. ' ' A TUE plhnerablp herewlo~ eailtlni belwoen , tile. under !he nan.eand lirm III t: H. Harrl. &. Co.•• dil, day deaol.oo. by mu· un(erllln~l
.ny tual conllln... 1. Harrl. Jun.; rellrlhl. Tbe . billlntlllJl w!l llbe co~jlnued by L H, 'Harrll, &I. 1(. C. Harri., und"r the'nlme .l/ormerly. ' , " I. ,H. HARRIS, ,J. n .HARRlSl.," c. HA.RKGJ , W.,nenl,i1a. Ohio. At,au8118. ISS\!.
Mens Calf ancLKlp Boola ....1 Sboea; llciy.' r.MJlQRTolNT TO TJle CITIZBI'''' OF do. do,; C/lildron'l common. fancy, U1d , ~per. , \vAYNB8VI¥E, AND VIOINITY'. · ·'JLL1AV A: GRAHAM.. ' - & BBIEDI do' Ladllll' calf. en.lDelOd Ind Imorocco BOou DR. H, SMlZl!:ll will herea[ler,lwe III lb. n ........ . iod 8Ulkllll. , ,,,,entloo w bit patron' l In <lbe "Heallni OF ltOaTlI C",,,,~a:O:h::. " /I:"i,':..:~~_...,.~+-_)!larr..ied..clllU~.D~~:.,;~,,,--~, Col. --, GROCERIES. ' ' Ar,," !hal can be rendered by. an, ono. AI ~ • VI A iener" ""'nmonl "I lbo bell qu.lI,-, of ,her" h.1 '-n eonalderable "!"lmpl~lalnl" b; leU 1. P .• Hr. 1 '!nlt"la Cleff.r. to _18 Flmily GrOCM!rilll, "bleb Ibey wid leU ver), "aqme In\llwld ..II.~· wlth'rel,renCII w MI re.' lIur4TOlIUL-' &I.EOToa,. · S nb )ln8 Mintle 'all of tbll coun1r· '10'11' .,' wbolelDI" or rel.II. ' , . ' p?ried "hlllh ohareet." tbo followlll\: will,b"w . , QUEENtlWARE. "io bill Qf chIT""" . EPWARD D. IIt.NBFIELD. ' They ha.e on band.' . iood all80rlltlent. eon For town. Flral .1I1t. to.75. WH. DENNISON. Ja. lillinl of eyery variel)' called 1l,,'ln W. mar· .. ,. Second " ~. !te,. AI .... a tew'nice pauerna of 01. . ware II lr IWO or.more ...me de.y. • S'lH. , DlITalOT EL&CT01lk'. very low • ~ For Counlry Ihreo milee .nd under 1\00. , In DIBT,-CHI\R~S ANDERSON. O."r IhrOB. In Ihe Ume rado. .. .. : hllllCilold, .nd Wayne.vllle, Ohio. $ePI. I:>. 1~5~., 138.,(; ~~ " 1. IfCOTT , Ji.ARRJSOIV. , W A,nE8y.ILLE '!uRKET8. , 11l1li., au.. lb ' , lei II THOS. J. LARSH, I al1,l811 klY~ DAYTON ~XE8' for II 0 Y .. " , ' T. L . ~LEN. COBJlECl'KD ntaT' WEE.-. 4th .. JOHN, W, DEFJl1!ES. , taken in ,, ' , • Sian Golden B.I1. ~11i 'u DANIEL SEGUR. ' 10 call It .8110E A1'fO FANCY ~OKB. Wlteat, f bu. GOc. 60\ . II , HA'NSON L. Jl~NN. u"SO'" 'J4M~ KINGDOM ANI) ~ IO""" Corn, ll , ," 4.0\:. n . MRS. '1\ tlWEET. I'OIpeet. ~ 7th II 1. )fJl,~ON W1LLr"MS. ,,....)i. ---_:-.----:.-"....:-..:..._ lull, ...ooimoe to lhe chlnnl Darley." .. fOe. '. Btll II WM. LA WRENCE;. 1'8. PLAIN, &!M D and fanol Wlnd'!w ot' W.,nlllvl\le. and allflound'"i Pape ... , lpll: BoW ROlli" forc Window' nelahborhood: that they have opened; In Ibil Oa", 'f dos. !10'" ' 9111 ',' SARDIS BIRCHAR.D. ploce l al l. Kln,doltl·. old lI.nd. on Maln St., She.dlll. JUII 'ree..ITed and for 1,,1.. by ' , Olta. " bu. SOc. 10.l b " IOHN I. VANMETER. ' " ti. &. McC. ' oao"ooor abo,... J . ROlliera &- ~hl. 81ore a . , ' Boot, 81a....od 11Ore; and Ib..,· 1n· Flliot, "bbl. 3,260. 11th ' ., • WI(. ·E. FINOK. ..' tJS1' recel.N GI_,. }lialil, ale., for 8Ile \end keepln. on nlnd .nd for ,ale. a load. I~' 1> cwt. 1,6\k1. do l~t" .. JAMES R. ST~BERY. by HADOEN • M~-CLELLAND. IOnmant of 800111 and Shoe. of netf alyle Bulter, , 110 l!lClI6c. -=-':';"--..:..:...--~-.:..'- '- - - , - - - and dlllCllplion, bolb of Clncinn.tI and bome 13th l' plQHN SHERMA,. • mlhuflctur.. Tbe Flney Department will be Ei... 11 dos. , 6c:. I"th" SIIITH ORR; , under lbe eI,a'le 01 Mrs. Sweelland lhe will keep a ,.lIeral ...."rmenlof .1 , a"leI.. IIIU' J.anJ Looae; It.. JOe. 16tb" A, BANNING NORTON . all, keil .in iucb .. lIblllhmon\e. loeb u LI' Potatoe.. 11 ~u. @lllllo. 16th" ALEX, LEWIS. .,.... Rlbbonl. N.....al.... Pinl, Combe and aU kind. 01 Tollel Artlellll. I3h" dellree the par· Applel, 1l bu. "lIe. 17tb II ROBERT R. IIOORE, licular aillolion of Ihe ladl.......d bo~ thai Cb iekens. l!'dos. 1 ,5Oe. abe may reCeive Bliberlllhireoftheir p.lron. 181h" VAN ..: HUILPUREY, : F•• there,. ", ... IIlc. 19tb" WII. L. PERKINS. _ W.JDenllle. Ohio,luly 10,h; I~ ~.tf. Rio 1l ". . 19~. iOth .. SiLAS C. CLAIUC. Pili• • article of Ja .. Cofl'... fQr ..I.. al New.OrlelDl 8u..,. , It, 8k. 'lit .. JOHN A. DINGHAM. T . r.. ALLElNS'$. Slen tire Golden Be II. IIlph!. do '7(18lcAUlu,,, 17, 1852. , Ne. Or1etnl 1101_, 11,.1. 600. Foa 8v.ra~. COVIT luDG&. '!ilqar-HOQIe .01..... 'f pl. SOt. DANIEL A. HAYNES • iraple .u)..el. , 6O(j'7k. Foa Do~aJ) or PVILIO WOUI. Pepper. 1t It. 19c. DAVID 8. BEAI.DSLEY. AIWpIce. , .. , Uk'~
Fer Wlee Presl.eal,
VH. HA RRI8, &. CO. April G. Isnll. . TO THE LADID. BEAUTIFUL , ...mIDenl of CuWe, Col., lara •. LIII4I and Nl!edle.workcd Sleeye.. and for ira(o ti~ Ited Flalli.
Stp 01
J Ull(flt OF 8ll'1'BElilE CouaT, I
" ' \vA-Lli PAPERt
1'IeCtlll ,Wln &. window plpor. from , 500 12)",,,,; w tIO cia' per 1I0lt, ' JU'I 'reeeived 'and lor ,-~Jo by. , ' .:
"1' ~ed n ·l i"
10 a '''''' cOlrIaI;Jerlbl.exilenl fore " '0 au " ~urell:N 0)1'
Pol Co.n. . . . AAJWN HARLAN.
Lab Salt. ,"'\.. Flu 8ee4 , ba,
I~ DOc.
q~.litiCII ~ \lOrr~ Pt~\.. ... I
10 be l"rp.,,10 bi DO t:ilWlU, eliot., . . equaled but btfe"; Bay. we ~ "..aifW for 'l'o bill lir~, pall fa.ore ' iiiill:aall do aU ' In ' ollr \)Ower til dC1Mll've thelr oontlauanC8; and from all w' uk I calJ BI tJIe Il4(II of tbe ,
..., PUG
plllUUfe ut not len. .
i1.... s.
Eo Canter f
KltCK611 f,:)ARDBlf,-COUcct oOlon pip. Intonded for re-plnntlDg In eorly aprlnll' Manuro grounus J Ileuded (o? aprlllg gar delling, plpwing alld eubeoihng deeply. burieil o~, III 1038l, not merely plneed be. n"lIth the surface io thn~ hI the apring ptO\\ llIg by us "l!' the ll'Jl)e plow lhe rna. nuto will bo Ih01lOugly mixod Ihrbug1JoUl Lhe 8011, n ~te~ d of merely occupy 109 tllO surfaco or b 1O.!l!IIJeD olllurnOO uudnr, as Iloulli be tlte cllltGl\'rt~h I Jallo~ fllllm"nlt
r ng Keep t1 e hllJl~ lind hot.e e\I'lI~ntor bu lit work ./iton:p te tU~fljpti, Il\~ othor root crops I. ,
'Creat .~n OlJjldren , Some p.ren~ aro particulllr fund of DO mlhl thclr clllidreo ..Iter great In II, rpu ucldDg hlstorlea to ehnsten embr~o her_ to awnddhng ciutllel Mark Anthony ~-l~I~.!.!,fJ:I!1!!:..!~ltaJaltQJ.ILbJWiG~I:lU~.!M Octal'lu. C3) at..ul1en quarrel onr_
- Y.OLU~[E 4:-7,NUMBER
and solicilAfdons hRve made nn impress . i n on a (e l~Rle. hCllr~, jt IS 110 longer ' maLlllr of indl!l'crCllce whetber h." p rm'cres in, ot' br Ilks of!' his engagement. For he is thell particularl~ ciear to her, and renSOll, b,onqr, justice, ull \ll~ite to ol.lli~ him mlr.1io brOod /.lis engage-
scnrc#ly oud ~u t meugerly exist.. Yel, in IUl'ltj, juurnlil.TllOUGHTS, i,l, eouly c hop Ipt!!C uboollh e.peril il of '·e ....lv .. Il'gisluli ulI, lite prollen S8 of IH lv· W R1TTE1f \ion ~ Ill: M. IA 311 VISITOR. ,;\It ~ c r~ Lo ItI \e rnleJ<\le ,*ilh \, h ~t is ' nOLlO - IIi"c ••• 01 lhelr llu 6 ill e~. , &0. 'l'ile) lII igh t us \Ve il coil 011 our fir elllen l\~l~I'1 10 II "C •.11 ",II (hat crowil. on IIre' R lOll hour m<!nt. When ~e matter is brought ~o I,rltcol'ul amI sllItcry. loned 11\ th e 1I\iC:s t 01 Nb fullor IOllll'loge Iitlll,"-IJt!J,U NI, " o vu st Ylld s p~ e udillg conJlagrutilln. '> \ ' such It crisis, tbere is no , fC,Ll'cuting, IIuw pont orll wQtd. in ," lire's lut hour" Pulrlot ! you prOh:,ss ttl love your C"un/fo lilY. Ihe lee l tnjl~ birth, tnanifes !ly di sh.IT~ing her quiet Iry, olld Qre \ rr~dt to puur out y nur 1)1 ·Whlch whdlll the BGol willi lonou t-Ilower . and tranql/oility of mind; nor can Ilny· III her , lefen 6 '~. Dut .. Ihlll 1'u\olli' A I•• I furewell (0 eurlll. thing but ber 10 S virtue justify be!' ~p(rIL la greuler thUII thnt tuketh , u ci· ']' he fllcrt! MId Ule foht)RwO l\lyed, deserl.iolL ~h~the r m.llrrlag e has b n ty ; " Ullt! U P cc,o ple who hove ulllrollghly Whtl! II/il'. >fuir h0l'c. ·ovurq w.rm\ exprc 4~ly promi ed or 1I0 t , is of li ttlc cunqoClc u ' Ih ell r ow n vicious ' IIllpe lit~. T he b OD ri who e con lon ey IVO r roy/,Il, 6i~nifica lion: . For if be 11M '~licited II c d feu r 110 forE' llln enptny: '.rile gelterlll 1.1 lIup ~IIlU 6 And 11\ ~Lorm, • l' , and obtllined, ~cr aff6clions, on th e sup' 1I0C'llllon of 11,t! M Ul ll e L uI\' lly our SLlltC" I\. mOllicr'R JOI'O, 1\ fQlh Qr'.lca re, pO/iit~()n thut he intended to marry her. lVou ld uild m~re 10 tile slr~ lIgth, 1\,.,,, lllt, Fr:lenill>hl p'a ~I" p II:rllIJIIg !lOIVar, ' the cOIl\r~et is, in tb sight. of leaVCII, tigor, i'ldu"lr), alld pr6sp~rify 01 our Utll· of 1110 h enrt ~ " ~. i" 1010 . -tih.re, "11 th ft n .II hew 1S ~llker 11111 or hldfll dllzell E!'iln iUJ1hl, 11\8\ ull ~uur. suqici ~ntly binding . , In ~bor~i the man DololIU Vl dtua. Ue lp liS, for' ynur COIIIl' wh~ bflscly, im:po' ell o'n lho )lOlIllSt heart . And ;.ul ~" 1100 veil Qf denlh 1I1.ltle• • try 'a su ke, 10 carry Ihe lIIullle Law ! , FrullI ull ,Ito !teurl h~~ know n, !Ill llnsu peeling girl, and, after win· CltrJoIlla n I \'1)O n YOll pray" 1'IIy King. AllIl o'er x.iBtell ~a' bOUlldlellJr tlde• . ning her affeotions by tilEl pro, ailing rlP!')1come," ilu you re~lIy lII onn UIIY, Ihln t: ! \ l'7~~cuture'8 fouh (,)0Ile1 • • rl ~et.O rj() or -cOUl l.shIP, and un ~n crously DIY Is lh e IdllgdOl/1 \,r Gull \0 cu rne Cle How ,,"ullld Lite pnrllni SPlrtlllOrlr her. to biUllr sorr6w'und,complaill- Cl'(l t Itll'uugh the b~lIi 8 ht'n e lit '/111',1 ]18 ; orOIlIl, duel' y ~o"I I ""8 Ic;orrl'!hruw of sociU IIlfd lIIontl l'vil~ 1 CAn It iug acts, Q "'ery di honorable pari, A (n~l'lc. l'r u . 0 Ion p ure--' ' i more.to 1,1 de'teste!;l ilian a pommon I:ve r r~tllly orne, hila J world Ii i. .d lVilh It. 'J'u llioee !I lov d.d ,III eorlh. robb' r. For p:l'i~ate. tTcRollcJ'Y is m'uclr qllo~ IIlId ilS o,;o),,:oll'il.o ll"" ull le~.II \hi 8I1h,,11 moi- llcni?u 111311 op.ei\ 'force; !-IOU m Q' be cle"r~d O~L LO ins I.e I~"Y fu r It 1 p y mllst not bc ,pu t ~ compcu 'on witlt CU ll yuu lie illd ifT"r e;l t .or 61 11ggi~h to vi ew () th e cont!'sl. IIC11V ill prtlgflliB 1 b.app)nc,tl. . 1I1urulidl8 of ull cr;'c,ls, R eformers hll . hudes, Ph llol; thru" is ls of ilvery I Ilame vr nll lllr(', we claim yo"Ur O8,,18tD nee, ,w e • k Y'l ur eurnest Ulld GCllve' co,(j PQ~olllln. 1'~I(l lr'utn ph.O ( 1111,1 euuse r~IJUirC8 cOorl I!l\vyer's or doc lor's offiell, thinking ond n~riaCle, bllns richly worth thl1 m.diitTu t·y or ennoblu: bill ~il 'makl,ls II ,Jditll' U8 1.0 .curry tho 1\1 ina Luw !-l\'lIU I .. " l , • mistake . He PIl8$C8. by 'that IItcPt .l'ark f ,fI/Ju:ne. from indl.>pend nee to , Y~~ alaga, He ..L'f"' f ..; . .....tbartelrs a nl\~ural for an nrtilicia l pur. foa VICW 0/ th (:~t! u p p~JI\"!;f
'y; 11\ (ill)~, -til cudevnl] l ~urhilhir o 6lnll\c 'HUM ORO US. boy WIIO II", ooly OIiC or l ilt d l lllo'n~'" u l~====;=====,,~=!: ;:i:::==== bqdy !hlll coul~ IIl klio Iltl't ul!:rllllolli lt e im· ... LOVE ANp CATIU r . PCluUllij cOUll eli, or r(ltiler i1.ictulod 01 :;cllll'orzCItI I rg; nll d lhlli wml f41111(\ hiUhly !lY :sJ)GAR SIl~~ERd . uBorul \>y lith er rn ()rntl c~s of th.e dll' l ulnu~u tJUdy. ' , AllIo n.ll' ol her!. n!C\'c nilortr,' th e ,R I:BSiu li ,'1'he tilth li!;ht 01 ,lho la mp illlltl\l lI cu »," bua6o J ur, cultivllwtl ., him IJrellriy . A" tlpur trn (,l1~ ror • wlil l ,bitt n~ 1~8t WC,lI t II I!:l1gl i~ h lie lIt1clIlIlIl ~ IIIlPll1g 011 0 lI ig hl ul CII I' !" :! th e rooln in tlrtr1ii,~ ~s , 8~ 1'9 \I' II", Ru~.h\ll ut1lb"~5udur'~ co';hpli l lldllt~J lI" o,co,woioll ul tluti h 01 hgll t IrOI\) Ih ~:\ !.llll hi lll ul'Qn his t'l(('()11 nl lIurn. "filer '" "u 1'.~lill!!lll ~ h cll firo !:Iullced fur II monl ollt ur• momber or;,ur ,)'llluIIIU llo' corp. h er~,'lIl l':y' 0 ,1 th e vbdo,lrlll'. J II oli n corrter. sen loll II p,) n 1\ PO(II, were ~Ildtlr~. 'who SUppll(,S U~ 01\ II IIh hu ,,\~ rro O\ Yorl. hire, of wlth'h CUI\ rt uy he is u tha ,orl~~ of to ~c ll i1e nlllllJ~ 1l nnll Iter IIdort llg )Ol' ~ r. 1'ho ~'o \l lh II "" pi uding II nl ive .' 'YH rd vl ' itt:!t1 .t.Il j! llA lld. . u\,olld dIAle ct nnd b('mely pl! ru ~1I 11011 h it origi n throllgll. th ll l,ro ru~iw i 01 01 411 (lO lllllrl ll~ s pnrk ling 01\ It i ~ brf)t(st h~ rurely YI'Illurct! to uppeur lit, cvclIllIg' ~Ol'
lind he m.ust lie tl,e $lave Of the • cnpr.icc of customers Rnd the cllicane of.
~l((" lI
11\ evtry
!WHy Bhadow!
I ~,u l;ll terrur beft/lIll} fOr he fQnrlf IIVI'II/o1'e r! It is lIifl do/lmed !llc:rk, orlt! sillce Ibe tllrOllt of tbe i'wi:sollod I tRun has been told lIim, liu 1t 18.grolv n tltln Illtit his employ er in1t.nd to usa IIl1n ua-ull Illustrati on to a couree ilf I,oct/n'es on
\llHltorny, , l\!IlRAL.- When Q r()jected y'oung bon (, 011 ~uiciclo, tiCC ll3 to pu rC\l tiJI() let him !lave it; it i ~ dec idedly thlll g be Ilouhl luk!', Bnll by ..• _ _.,,"-' ....wil lo hii reqlJe t Ihe Dpotheccry Inuy !!dUDpe
n fulUfl' drubblllg _
' men,
:A n A,m ericDII in ~oltdol\ \vas bo;alln. lIoy ot the ifllmouf ily 01 hia conpuf. olid Dlclltion!!d a.nlollg iho . otiler w(lnder. 'h ol be him ell hod SCP o II cane.., mile IIm!}1
on ~
wlollt kind of , COliC wa., il1"
" ]1r1l),
. Purity,
• Tbe man ~f uprightnc8Il8nd Integriof hO\lrt will no~ only observe tho beauties,of the min~, tho g~!le,,!! of the bCtlr~, the dipity of 6(Jnt.lmell~, and t.h ddicuey of wit. but will ,,&rivo to 1ix nlfcclions on ~ucb perm~ent rndow-
I i ould ItIlVC y QU attend to the Cull l illII lfl cllI\Ce 81;d ex lent of Lho Lerlll RIII,Y . ri is nIlt ab81inoocc fr om outward Jeed'~ pr~fllltDc1 ulone-i t i. not • mer\! tCCQlI fro nt impurity ilt aClion. It i~ a tpcoll imp~ri ty In tI~ougltr; it ill ~lrot qui Ii nd IClIeitiYo delio...:y LQ w bleh eve ll vcry conceptiuD evil ie oll~lui'V0i it v;t\Url will h h"* i ~ re&idell t u' which tnkes guordiau ship of Ihe heo rt, 1111 u ciudei, or illviol. lcd ,4/'1ClUllry, in wilieh no wrong or worthle y Im"gl llit ;')n i. permilled to dwell, It ;" not pllTity of Ictio/'l Ihol we contend 1 r, it I~ exllited pll.li~1 ot hllort.-Ih e elherlal purity I'll the third hel1'.11 ; Dud if it ill. at onco .('lIll~d in lhe he~rl, it irrin", thl! pII.er, thl! .nd ti,e unlroubl ed . IletCllilY ' along with It. )11 the mainte nl nee.o( th l., Ihera"il the ce.mpllcl!lIc1' 1 Ira'" .lmoat lIIIid,tlte Drldol, of • pit mar. I "kowry .l1li aao
•• GOBS.p .
nt tbo IIIU. ('joelillg II very decided Itre..k IIpOD the
slove . P oople' who attenll Ilrell s1,(1l1.ld th~o lv
ne v~r
the b"rCRUI yut of tbe window till Iheru I. a suffioi~nl D~mbcr, or pe~ple 1.lntlcmonlb to breDIt thu ro 11_
\!-~pl' r\
rur,tnpr, down E~.t, hae lue. cel'dl:~ 111 tilling II coiL from tile 'llight
.A It lritibmft n in wrltlr,g II loller to hi.,,·heth r ello wuuld DC/'o: pt 01 hie I\lve or 11,, \, writ". , back thtl : II Y(lU dOll't luyo mo".cud back the let~.. r ~ id,O\ll brcukitllt Iho ~a l e !' ~weelbcorl, nfl/ittl'
A little chilll .bl'8rrng I llermOD, and n~ tJdulI ,lo e mlni~ lt'r w•• rery nhe1l1 at 1111 hi. words .nd g"lture•• cried aul:-'M otI,or, why don't they Ie, tba\ lOaD 011& 01 ti ll! bolt!' •
Frc9 D~UOOIIJ'a.tlt
~\; ~OI&V~ ... ton, 1:S'Y~AC.vSB, Sopt. 1l9.-'I'ho free De
. S (J • • IlloUrA tic lutl) O,llvonlu)n meL at Ihis pi . . 'I'l UCO I L llti lIl,o rlung. Icru ~ro Mly.four dale. gUles P)llsr..)'It ~. DilIlIVu9 QPpallll1~d lein. porll ry Clllllfllloll. ' \ • A CQ;l1llJltlCo ' WIIS OPPoll)\cd to pr,~ ('
r~~Ault!LIII 1l 8" 11011 olloth~r 011 porm~ lIenl ufo
IIcc ra. I '. , /l "CrIQS o[ ros'o)utlon, \\Iere ~epbrlcd b the ~lIm mitLr~ Of UUlllLra character. Y J\ ficr rcudlllg lho resolutlDns the ::unveQ. (10 \, prDcl!('tllid tu !lallot (or Stotc ~mcolt. Wlllth ~~p' T1IbmplliuB wh IIDmilMtQU Oov. erllor unille flr.t ballot; Seth. M. Gn\ci rDr Lic utCIJDn ~Go,'orllor aliI! Charles, II. CUU. K I~~1· WI \~a l q h On,nul CCl mmlseiol)t'r. ,Mr. 1;hlimpkinl Qdiltil6~e~ \he CO'lIveli. unll boCtlptcll, tlr" nqmlnotiQn QCkllowl~Ill Roll tl!o hPnvr 'con fcrh'd Ilpon hfln ond ",'o wed hill del'oti911 tu Ihe presllllt doclrlne dl:ollllrillll' he woul.J slft lld by II 10 Ule lust. Att or ,lito Ilifoplll,lll of Ilia plAllurm, the CUIlVenllOIi. o~juurncd, 'J'I'E: Gn rrol~ Blni !.h L lucrty ConyclltlOQ IWJrl iJ hqo to·m mlll' ~ "'---:'
!'tit ,
rUl'~~1I8 N~w ttCl~8. , 11I1JI.·~PBti'IIIA, ~"pt. ao,-p. J, Coloeo l) I)S lm~$ta r lit BuILlrl!,!lre, III~cl tu.Doy. ' 1\1uclu!l~tl $.O!I}DIl gllve h(lr IIlleo"II , ~n, ccrl nllllolrop1l1i}lll lIull, 'New York 011 \<, l'dllllijtl~y E ~c uln~. , The Uoulldillll }~aflinIllI)Jlt IIdj'lUrned whon tho clonll\ 01 Welllll~I')I\ Wtl~ onlloon. c
~ 'rho 1',0lun'ls ,ecclve{ frum ,WI.colllln ,In led I{l'IJn6111.l 'Vedn('.doyahow t , de.
The Whig J(eehJ1g At-LeboDoll, In thlsoounly,on Wed nee·
'there qred)lr~lcultirly., 'ill Ihe Ftince~ mlny P,oteatllnl communitie8, wbicll hll':fI been. (or 11 longer or aborler time willlout spir1tuat paslors or guide., 'ro reDlody the ol/ililley are from time , to tlmc "i.lted by tI1'- PUtolW ' wl,o resldll otlle! pllce.. The prlvile,:ol 80 aeldDm within lhair rellcil are highly prized; wbereas they Ire orten slighted where tbey lire conalllnt'y pO~le8~ed • • In one of apo.tallc ' journeys. about ten yellrR th~ . "..tDI', Cilabrand, of Toulouse, 1I1101he' failhful miDister, 10 vhdtinr tl e depDrtmlOnt of the Upper Pyrenees, (' reached the high ridge of mQun~ln8, 1110 c;alled .. which .uparate France rrom Spain by a ~jree.rold CDrd. Beyond the firlt r.nge. of bill. bll Ivy surprised" to Bnd a Chriltian Cbarcb Df congregillon, hitherto unknown, cOll.leung of Ihepherds and
No. 1-1'Ifr:llecroek and Deerfield. Tbe HeaJth of (JblorIClillolo..JIh!!IIlUl I ND. 2-.Union, H"miltDn o.u d Suleml FlHEE MAsulIS i':""SbalJ tlie 'Wa ingtltD No. S,_. WIyne, MDuie ond "WlIsnlllll-.1 MUl)Ullle)lt be bUllt1 bt' tDIl; . , been ,elght de"UII frorn Yellow' Fever. I~ean and..wiU II e'v'ery' lodge "Ill tiko ND ••-Franklin and Clu8rcreek. pllt twell,ly fDur houra aud forly tlneo du- up fI conlrlbutiOD I'o~ lh' pllrpDIC on til, In lh :s election, tile lilY requIres 'that rJng tlJe week. ' of ~oyember. , The t' (1 ' f sepllrtlte ptlll f¥Jok 'htlll be kept. Ind con. Bfevllt !bJor ~ul.nd, CD~t, of tho Se~. If erery edit,or in the United Stattt Will omna 1 on erenee. the relurn of ti,e ectiDn shan be mllde We do not belie,e, however, that W "I- o,,~ Ro.'glDlllllt of Artillery died uf YellolY con'picuau.'y eopy the ~bove '''pller or elho d~tllocll~t EpiScorl Cillro~l) the COllmy Andltur instead ur the C)prk linatDn will k ranked with tile chief ac- Fevl'r ou 'l'ul)ll~ay morning, It C.llie Pink wllh tlto preaut augg('slion, no lodp CI~ comm nco I ecs!! on lor 18 2, tit enlll, of lbe Cou!'t o(Oommon Pleas, to whum to,. of that e,.,althoug~ il w•• hil fortune ney lJ.rbor.t the .ge nfS6j he Will rail tD ~ce it in time to malte the ueeetllIJ 00 Wednee()sy, September 112nd, and c10s. tho otber Miums .'0 to be mnde to be a, conspicioul cllsrDoter III the lu~t ' 111'ti~II[Dilh.ed I'" 111e ....:II·ICDII n yar , . cd on Tbun;doy evening last. It wile nuite . f II ' I,' ...• " • ' t af ' d ' ., lalY does lllGt ellprel.l, require tbllt tbere .cto t e 81lngolnarydraml. Wellington n III cro Ingseal'Dn, on mucb ilnport_ sbol/ be a !l!!pAPate'ball~t box fi r tl All will take bls place In the catalOille orEnlr- Farlller ••ems bOt ahe Canada. , ltoR1BtE DU~R -II. GerDlan nllmed If. lint business w•• trlnsncted, l'he prellch. , ..., 0 Ie - I d' h " , L It Lrr.e era ee,llt t U' (U' ) >1 ' b seavDr I vole.. But Inll.muoh II a ~epllr. an • eroelS n"xl to llarlllorough, excel Tile duke 01 WellingtDn left the clilpo- ' . uper, whu ~ept. do.aeryon Revs 111: 8 118 R ,;'On d' c,;Ublt. lire I e Dte pDlI bo(>1I: aad return cllnnol be mode ing all others In tbe magnltud" o r liia ex'· 881 orbla rctnllins tD the Queen; tI.o Ir- I~reet, WOI bururd 10 dealh Dn lIlo~d., ' 4 rl. 61 In e bter. 01 \Vithqut ~ w f "I it k I110ill Ind th~ extent ,Dt hia rllnaenlente for his funeral II a" '11Ut b,,- 11Igi t, lIiJqat 1S-II·clock. He WI' • ,ery tbelr tolenls Dnd quulifieatio[Js I knDw but Dtne 111 0 mil.. II, nown tD A ." u ~ I the clerk he In tb II b ok h t lia and Europe balle relt his pro\Vna a,\d lettled, till aner con84ldo .. Rei' MOJeaty, IntemJlore~ min .nd It II euppoted 18 W!' 1 th hille, but I ,uppDle tlu:>y are of the ,iaht I, I' g e ~ • 0 8 W II YO' bo' L wl'll re-ftrd • i. J ed I I ' I • { t t d d 11die ott 1M .. ters vole r~Ir It leem ... UJ _.1 0 I n t lelr .DnD I. I\, calt of! tho Duke's <.c'e WII.tIlL",I. n UXIClD e an ru.,.. e C11I1 kind, at leolt lbel oll"ht to be. I :"telld J~ no ~' . • Dene.III .." ,.. .~ kl L ..... tD prepllre sepa lite ball lob d IThe onCe mll[hty i. now food ror worma counter on to hiJII. and Iria oJuWtI Ut "' publishing tbe liet of ::'ppointmenbl lD full, I r 0 Oxel an I",,· , eo loon DI\ r cln obtain 0 correct co. ell (Qr Ih. vole f~ Aueuor. There ap- and in earlbly CDurt and camp no more o:T '{'be Free Democraey or IIhllol. tire, bll WII burl\f'd to deatb b. an, o~ PI pe.ra to be no o\ht'r wly 01 utlef)lnjf the !lIan Ibe dlllld pelunt who Ilelpl in 110 Uh' 1111'8 made llie fullowlng ~tate nomina- "'lIme!o his ... iall~ce. HII trile requirementl 01 tb, law and wlillAi,er the known iTlYft.-Cjnc\nnaU Time.. , lIona: For Guworner. D. A. Knowlton une of lire nelihbora.llnd when .be calflll New Feature.. InCDn"enlence and ellpea., the lllw m...t alephell CI).; ro~ Lleur. GuverllOrj Pllilo bOlDe. fUlnd her bUlband Jying 011 lb. D . d ' " _.1 etermlDe to do all lliat I cln to make be comp'l••~.-Leb.aon St.r, Laqe DemoeraUe _eecaq •• Carpenter or Cool! Co.;' fot &0,.11" Goor til tbe! 16.t I/fllure. or deeth. hi. be... The !liollll ViSltDr worlby of the patronSt.te. Erll!tJI Wright or 8.npmoll Co.; Ind r.ce hnmed horribly. 84 w••• elIDelIie of a discerning allJ illtellilllnl public Plrrnt1nOlJ. Sept, 80~-Th~re wlI •• n for AuJlu;lr, E. L. Smith of M'8en.... In milker, and abolll 16 ye,1W c.Jd. Anllibef I bue mlde IIrrllll"omenl' to o~c •• I'oll.ll~ 'J I • .,. ~ v Ar, imllieD.e Democratic mf.tin, held bere tile ad Di.lrlct John W. Bryant I. the Free ILfIIlI.., II l1am ple or tbe eII~cI' embelU.b tile pftper wilb Bne eupyi.,.. coaqiD!liuetNl bad dllcharaecJ tbelr dll- lut niabt, 011 tbe greundt of the American ~moer.tlc _ndldlte rnr CnDI"'I" ca,.. of m •• lllrut.-CJeft'lllnd Berald. whicb will pnl'r.lly tf!preHaUoml object .nd plHlrilbaelnea. of the Fair HOIeI. Juqe CDmpbeli or Phlladelphl. ' ..... of intere.t to Ibe puhlk. I wilt also, pub- WII l ..... Pao~ell'_ m.de.an Ible-aJI\IftL In lIRl.. 01 Pierce a.M· ..• .....~ TIle Chlll,np ur.·boal ~ laO" ...... ... llab ]JGlIlle, ... ~ol&i.. - - - llelr' Oti,inal .nd Bolected Murde."- an abl, approprlat' .dd,. . . .ner Kln, lad colllmenU -. I --. the It wlU be percel,ed,1a a linl, oat of which Uae or the Society ....:.. the tM etroru _akin, bJ Geu:. Sco::-'!du,:: 41111111, Sept.IB.-Th, ')'_10 CoJoa. tent loa. 15Ja. II f"", " ' ID ........... ~o commoa order for COIUl"J Pair . u teJ1Dlaeted. Wblp to obtain the 1110 1a~~11 • .,.,.1 "'tell fro. ro" eipteeD Mnt ... eurIII..:'o~ Tba the eablblt!oa ,..,. 1JOte. ...... other JII'OIIIIMIIl • &hat 011 ....... _1111 JUt. 'I\e'" II . . . . &0 a IIIIdte-.dtb. . . .&Iaf..... cI~b':--= cwo ........, .apty .... tID _ til or ,b'" .IMI__ 1 1 . _ I.. .,..., I..... DUID'" Ia "'nil....... die ' .... &..._ II 1a tile .... ..... -
-. Among tile cobine DC \JU I peoplo isaeoll .imple' place of wOfehlp, which h.vlI nj.ed with tholr OWh handa from ltonel of their runks. Ever, (alllily POI' I W av.ael twu COP',08 of tile word of Gud aod' A!lIUlfGTOlf. Mapt.29, .s P. JU.-Ed• d A 0 LI r V Irg I' tliey Ir, well acqUliuted witlr ita contenta Wlf " 8 a 0 018. formorl, Q , ' olerk rn Iho Lind Office has. beon many Ilr tliom hIWIJI" .to d I tl . ,"ppDlnt, .. re Irge por on., ed to the cblef clcrkshi in the Gen I in lhel! memDl'\e., II WMU •• laid up In 1_ d om .p e~1I _ • ..... n ce ~:re i~re:.rl·f· tIE'C1h~ the 'ofDungelt bave E. C. Cabllt. the Will" candidate Iior _ _ ... 0 III IItory ",,(ormatlou.. C F which b •• been handed dow!» (rom (.ther o~gre .. in 101'lda, Ii out I? IleLter in tuaon' not are the...tH e t b d O wblch be opposel lbe elecUbn of Gen. , , D r II 0 t e lie. Scott of the moat NlIlubblll eventa connected • wlti It. Tl' "I ' NEW YOKI[, Sept. 1I9.-Tfle prDpellor lele " . Ye.tler1r- e man, wltb eilvery GIIII,OW. for GllIgDIV, Bailed tHlly WIth b.lr, tbe olft.t of ibe ab.pberd. , whom 37 tb.ty call, their Elder; .D• •, . , ."enln, ~l8Ien,elW, .Dd (ull rreight. principallr when h.., drl en botH "eir lock., gralD and Iloar. I....... tIM. III tbe cbarota and re-adt 0, The lury In tile Gold. 'o:~t murur, tllleta . . . . chapteN o-om the 80lr Bible, " d relaraed. verdlln 01 JUltiflabJ" bom'l'IIIJ Neel.. &lwp.... w'" of God ..Ieb lei II. all aiaplidty. wldklal troubtla, C..nI.UW. Sept 1& The Whip al '" tile ...... Meta .... PIItIee IDeo Texu h ... 'be' n;;"cit:a OD their ........ i ... to .... eJectanltlck",.\II"Ppo,h umen,ofJudp • . . . . ..,., Clrutcboro uti C. MIlia, £"'1' 'I I
w" •
Pita........... -
"""'papen. .....
NU::~=':i~~t:::. !'~~I~'
..a........... l1li' -..
... __.-
... ...,...r ... ,.... ••. , ....1J tDoo
WIN ....... II, ~ ~
- •.~"'-
a.... .....l ...fi*-l..
niEE IOn. TltlKE T.
,For '"
or tile trat~
SIa.,es, JOij:N P. H_ALE. 011 IfE\V lI.\lIll'SB\ l'I!.
For Vlcc' PreSid ent,
Cotk lint.. ort! c:xlellsively ntiverli8cII in ILOIltIOIl pBPQr~l wCi,ht fum (JlulcCS. 0 ,
" "
cir cholem have oec.urred
hI D.efi 11<;0, Ohio, recently. , ; I
, 'f
LADY Lov~ uc!!, l,or"- RyroO'8 only dfillgh~r, (Ada,) I~ thought to bo nt lbe point of dClltb.
, ,
R»BEllr OW!!!!, the 8~cil1li ~t, ' hu onn(lUnced him~lIlf .. clllllHdute for the Pllr· li~momQry rcpreHclltnt\on ,of Oldhum. ,
16tl\ J7th ' 18th
2' lst
-Nearly 400 )OQ9 tO~80r rullruud Iron hnvc FOR J ODOIl OF S(T-I'R~!\IE OOURT, ' Ileon hnl'o'letl within 'tho IBst three lIHL1'ON SUTLIFF into,\ho.Unif0el 8Iutl\~ from Englond III tile I.------,--..,..---'--=--~ ____'_ QUSL of over nillOLQOl1 D1i,lIiuu6 of dolhi!s, 1lO"'1'lIoro is 0 0 nrllcle '" doll y uso (hnt rr. qulros AD 0luoh jIllIIlO';.OIlI in 8el~clj 'lg, nnd so muol, care ill keeping •• the arli.le o ~ 'l'ba,,VIIIG "'ICKE 'I.', ~i oor~ & Chb81or, cor. of '8yelli o..nd WOIIIUI, ~C)r 1,>l'C l~ClIt, . Clncl "lI~tl l nro '1llVlug Ibeir. DttCfHion ex 11\. GF!N, WINFl tLD ~CO'1'T . , i' cl,)' 10 Ihi. delicale uranD1I, .mll~O ~ 8 10"I .h· Fq.ll Vice Pa'c .tiCllt, InCre061\ of tbelr b ~a in 88, QI on unfnlhnl: ~lll n W JLLIj\M I' lat Ihelr Ndl:cmol1lllnU core DIe op pr6Clnled , A, OR~HAM,
LOIIPOIi lIE1o.TJ rnlul, , -ln a Jettor ad. dtRSIIed tu tho_1118110p of Londun, sbmo or J(O.nl1l1 C41101.1.1o.. YCPI'1I8110' un the ~piriluuJ c~ndrlioll or. the -. metro~I,Rcv. If. 'w, Nocl ~ily ~ : 'Tjle 8I!IfArOnIAL EIilt01'ons. EDW AlLD D : lIIANSFJELD. : popul ution cjf the mo~~bpo'IB, elllircly lUtO of Ohr SUIUS instillctlon 18 more , "w111 , DENNI SON, In. tllJ'\1111 to !!Ix! chtlre cournlee of Engll1ud. DI 1Rlcr llLl'd;Q'nIi. .[, tile u llprovl~CiI part j,l' tho PQPul!nioll ih· - 1ST D ls;r.-Cf( AR,LES ANDER SON, /I aloed of bellllf cOlllprille(l iutu 0110 11'/888 of J . flCOT'! ' HARllI S()N, healhenism, were to, bo .prelld oVllr I n ag· 'l'UOB, J, LARSH , " rlcultulal dl.ttlct ,UII remDlllinll 'under JOHN W. DEFRE ES, your ~aro, one! in tllllir prelent stute of moDANlJir:. SJ~GUR, nl dea~it~ Ibu, ,ullr J.tmLlblp ~wuuld pru HI\N$O N L. PENN, ~ide over " diocese equal in extelll all/l " J, lIIJLTO~ WILLIA MS, II porlliation to lIix tOlllltift t;omprilling hun· \Y.M:, LA WRENC,E, dreda ofhamlol8, "iIIlluee. and to\VII'&, with· S~RDIS DIRCH ARD, " 4ut-one church, or IIIllli.ter, u sehoul, fur JOHN I. VANlIiEn~R, " II rel/gluu . ilillruell on: mure untuugh t WA1, E, riNCK , to D \'ine truth thllll' the tiuw-Ze alallders , JAMES R. I;JTANDERY, , 1I1Qre unl'4!g8r~ed' t1"11 Iho Ollillese .' lIe JOHN SHERM AN, hlrth r adelillhot, 'A,t Ihe very lebat. III SMI'll (!)RR, " II ood of die i.ll.l.lOllltoutJJ'Qre living ill • BANNl NG NOR'l'G N, uf all IlUlIm ~'Ckriowlpdgement of ~LJoIX. (;EW1S , Abo~t teo yean tater weind It It&led RODER T R. Q,O RE, .110 equ~1 good authorlty~ ~hl1,t .the _ ..,_'.D. VAN R. HlJJlIPHREV • Ii qf ilhllvieluul. prelebt at tbe •• me ·service WM. L, PE,R KINS, i. certantJy nover aretler tbQn 400,00cr. SILAS C. 'OLAItK , JOHN ,.. BINGH AlI. SGtnet bl•• _ _ for UleLa aDilrr . We were reading, he GIllarda 1.th'!t FUR suraUl~ CUUIlI' JUDGB, lIulIZlio gChinea elnsteld of Ii .... tin their ' DANIE L A.. H,AYNES. lDoolhi ulltolll upun the fire. put fire ibto FOB DOARD or PUBLIC Wo'/tl[~, (Ite 1III1CK1lhin, iron. for Ihe purpose of raDAVID H. BEARD SLEY. Clliyiog it. 1:lie clrrumelunoe wa. IDeo ion~ ed by tile )\" I'l.'r 118 ~ p,oof.ofChlne.,e.atu. Foil, CollQU& Slj pldlty, Gnd Fe ,fjttle tJiouaht the itJeo AARON HARLA N",' ever be 1II.~e anUable IR the wi p.rt. of t.t1e .arlh. Oul" a.tl~"'~lment lvorre a toDat, - )Vblll' thererore w.. ron.lcler.bIT ,,'lIen. • lew S,l£lUpr -Oharlc e A,. SmIth. cJ;ay. =-0. two of tile mighly e~. IIf Ken- .AnDll1oB"'-JOcob Kooglc~. wcky eDt~red oQ( utllee alld pl.,ed upon COIlIll18 SlooER-D aviU Delrdorf fi. the delk, ontrivGn te for Ironing, .whirh REl(bBP EB-lohn R. DOlle. e elllb!)died the wer;)' Ilolien lor wlaicb tbe COJlollBB-Reuhen Brlld:ey. ploille~e wt're rldlcule d-bul , of course, 80 bfJRllU. BY DJRsoT oR:"Dan lel Voorhis, rmproved UpOD th.t not. a wall,er 'man in Al'l'Il.ul! EB8 91' REAL EST....'!·!!. all CeleatiDI Empite would , recognize DIS'l'R1Cr Nil. I-John nart. it. Thlanll' " Kentucky·Chlllea"-~moothinK " " lI-Abra hllm Drant.
, \VlaeAt, ;P bu. Corll, 'fl 'f Dorley, ~ If Outl!, , do~. , Out8, 1] bu. Flour,1 l' bill. do 11!, cwt. lJutter, lI II> ~gg8, 'ill t10;t, I,(ud LooBe, ~l lb.
POllltO~8, ~ Ilu.
Apples: ':fil bu.
Rio' CofJ'eo,
jroll illllrnpIY' II,m8I1a ifllllht IItove with
woodcn hanille ond a pollihed Il1lqel. 'bottom, rerembling in shape and welghl commoll iron wilell the addillon or I
.. t-Cbar lel StrQud.
n ..., ror' Ihe eleape of amoke. Xt , in the 101l0wln3 mlnner. The lop ~ remQved, '.... maele III dll! bod! Willt ,chor~uJ, broken to l~e size fOl a .hinory nUL The top ia replaced alld ' lhe lire burna up' Ind heals lbe Iron in IIboli't ten minule. . Tilt Ileal I. rprill.(e d by a , 1lItIe doar in Ibl'' bock 111iJ'1 precla:lv on Ihe lIirlight principle. O~ell the door lind tho fire I. quickned; &hu~;it., allll il rena inlt ill • tillu qllb. The fire will burn witltoul. re~I\'nlvh for IW'O boure. ~ Tile q~Iolity of fucl 4'ftl\ll1l0d In II. doy tal", ono cont. . :there 111110 wlllte 01 time in. going to Ihe 6re ror.' hot irlln; 110 "'D~te of elrE'1I1f1h In •r4llbing 1t rI •• n, and no 118cee81ty for the penon ironing to, work III too warm rllom at II II ,-The cOfltriv, nce _hoa been practically leatt'd lind WI! are aa.llrtld tha il,; IIl.wer. llio purpOlle wttll.-H oQle Jou'r·
1!l . ',
New-~r1ean" Sggar.l l' no. lIIl\~J~, ' do
dh Ickens, 1!l doz. Feulher s, 11 1ti, 81c. '7@8lc.
New Orleans il:9Ia~8e~, 1l gill. 500,' Sugar-Hollse M.9hlsleR, II \:0,1. 6U~. Mople Mulllltles, "' ':111. 60@l76c . Peppor, f no,
A I(~plce,
Another- Cha,ge,
The subscriber, throui!h tbit medi\\m. would IIIlDoUUCle to \lIs 0111 friend. and t1J. publICI leneral lt lliat he hall again reSUmed bls ~u.inell o£ 81111.110 and U.fllW!8' moklng ln 11)11 place, ot tho atllnd lormer11 occupied by 'J'hol., BOlith. J , Intend \leo ping on band 1111 I18I"tlment of Sad. dlelalld Harl!e8lI or 'all · klnd., and ,Ill make to order nn) 1I11n" In 0111' lIoe. Tholll WI~hID&, tu pun:llas/! artlclca ill our line of trado will do well to cnll aDd ellamtne m,. .tock be'or. pur~hlllni elsewh erej" [ Illtebcl to *011 for .mall ,ro_ tail-qui ck.
' Lak ~alt, ~' bbl, flax Seed ~ bll.
, CI~O I ~IIATI, Oat. 4. Floui'-T ,he •• Iou$ported to UI lb·dllY COIDPrJ~cd 500 brl. at t8:IUi, .00 do 81 83~ lIud '76 do It ,3:30. Therll bns beell <lu",alueruI)10, export dem.nd during the ror Now York, and 4,000 brls lold for til at mnrk.t. lho parlicul ar. which l}Dve' 1I0t bElen- rQPor~ed. To 'day there I.......''' .... was II d,emDnd at 83:20® 83:23, but hold~r_ jl8norallYlIsk 83:2i1@,B:30. 1n i!'\llll we notice • 1~le of 14'( :Ilu 27c, Received during th" week brle
Proviaionll-DacoD Side" have settled dowlI 10 allout 8e, allil we UnderelOad that • salll WQ8 made, to tlay at that prieo bllt we dl~ not lelrn the Jllutieul sfi. , Cheeae -A aale of 250 blls ,lit 9~(l. T Ile
W I'AD'I'M, for c!polI.ing 1I1e leelb and gum" and Ilull/ying Ihe Sr /Jlh. fOt .a1~ II, F:l'H"mLL'S-PVRIF~ED
II,t 6*c; 20 do III', alld 10 110 inferior Dt 4&0. Tllo de~ !'.' .'••• •._"C.....~!, del'{lllnd )6 lair. ~\lt .t lower ralee. Co/l'oe-Sa'~B of6~ baga lit 91c, lind 110 do prime at 91e, ., . Dutter- The elemand is go IIl1d the receipt. meet with. ready' 1181e at 14@ 16~, t ~'Il,I !lril'y ,~~liiullO.l!!
ca.• .,.
.Ttclle t. l!lutJu, r-JOIiN It. 81\THA W AY, AIIDITO .-T. D. MORal S,
eoaOllU-GBOaOE BRILL. Daftla r A ...... . JIo. l-JAIIB lI
• 1-1." 't.Q1urBH. ~P.
'r" e
11'. L. A.LLE! f JIlIII$Ji !LP AGAIN '. undcrois;ncel lillvLIII purcbolHld 11M! In· lcren 01' Dtinjalllhl Eyan" 1n Ibe firm Qf Allcn ... Evau'l Will conUnue buaillu8 at the oill land, alliJ 10 bopllll b, striCt IlI!eollan 10 Ib~ wDnll of CuulOUlor., 10 Illllrh a c!ou)tllllaDce
Wllynelv ille, July 20,
HE VNDER81UNtm on T two·hort o and bUllll ,ea, whloh liI"y willadl on IlIU ilDlld 10lUO
or' -
ot Iho IlOOrl11 I,,,,rollago hor/nolure fCl~.I,ed. II., would horo .olte occasion In .oy, U.at lila (;loLDIlIf BAI,L will collt.lnuo 10 lH! TUB plA<\II 'or cheap lloods. 'I', L. ALLflN .
. DIAL, 6lh " , SAll'L H. STEED MAN, 6tl;" ell-AS. J. ORTON , ' '7th- co JOSEPH It LE, Slh co • FRANC IS CLEVE LAND, 9th ,. WILLIA M PALME R,' tlal. 101h" BENJ , F. JOHNS ON, 11th" JOliN B. DUblDlJE, 121h I. LLUIILl TlU or TF.LEGRrHll!G .-The IUl WILLIA M GOLDE N, Logi InlUte of Maine pll~ lin acl mak- 13th ,i OLIVE R KEYSE,R, Ing TeleWll pb CvmpB1I11III Iiablo for error 14th" HUGH 1. JEWET T, ill deepa\cbl'II! ioilller in tranlml" llon 10 ill I$th II WILLIA)! OKEY, clcstiIlAti9:n, bo\J:Tn and out o( Ibe Btllle. 161h II eliAS. H. MITCH NER. In cue 01 uuteR.on abl" del",. to l"anemll 17111" CftALK LYT.lIl eARTO R, IIr tleli'''', a,fI'ecUng ,l'be value or Ihe- doe- 18th" JAMES FJ;NDLEY, petell, the whDIe amoullt paid IllcU be re- 19th ,/ SAlI'L, D. HARR1 S. J r. fund.. Dam.ge l lor r..l.ifylna a dH-- 20th II ELl T. WILDE R, patch, from tNelM to one hundred doll.,.. lilt' I. ELIAS H. HAINE S. .oper.to r•• agclltiI, c.1qrkl and ollcer. nre alao held nlble for any fralld committ ed or FOB JODOE !lll!! SIII'DEIlls OOOJlT attompttd by meliDII ortho teleifap b. WJLLI Al( CALDWFlL. FOB HIlla. ~, TJR BO.48D o~ PIJWO
WOl'nellVjUe, JUDlJ
hT pl6T.-CHARi.~$ RULE, ~J .. G. W : STOKE S,
tlulror-~SllieB or 1I1i bhd.
So cbme Itld 1It'1!, b.rore The .Iock I bave OD band, .\ nd I you find .e ClIa't agree, . 'l'ben try 10DlU olber I'.nd. ~'y object II to aell u ION, ' • Tbo q\1llitl al good, • any shop wllhin tlte town. Or lurroundinll'!nel,bborbood. " . ASAHE ij CHA.N DLta.· , W a,yD08Vrt!C, :J lB. ~6th, ISII'. P!i j'ANCY "lid PJal1l JJp~lit'l' :ibbol jllCl rCC4!lvai\ Ind lor Bal(l by. RAD.Dl-lN &. 'MeCL,ELLANDe,. "
renellllllb !.u lerma, For panioul .,. coli atDIU' ,be
Sole Leather, &0. , LAROE aUi,,,l,
1:>1001' On lItllln ell'OOI oUo door leulh or Ooncort llall. Jt. 0, ClUSl'E N,
01 Hed, Clllcfan. 1i A SoleLu,L.Jotlto~ 1 received, ' Ala"" 1\10' i ng Bi odl"I SiUns, Illld
1. C. COLLE' l', •
WayncJV llle. OhIO.l\I.5Y 27. 11!52.
Woyneevlile"Ocwbor 6tb, 18)2,
YOur Goods?
AT 'n)': 81Gl'f OF TIlE rRfMJIJ .rllele of Jno ror III 'I'. L. ALLENi:i'$, SIgn tbo Goldon D.II. AAOIIUl!t, 11, 1852, Corr~.o
h~va ~ , Wftllen. ~ ,
New 'Goods.
rccei ....d nnd ow opening lit our old atnnd, o. r U UDI euppl!.of FAL .. AND WINTE R GOODS ,
tI.!I.~ of . Cf.,()TH~, OASldl U1RES. VESTINGS, SA'l·1'lNE'J'~1. t1NSEY~,
~rDttndi.~I J DE I:~~C~B }~~~1.c~~~s. ALA· EGGSI EGG8U I)('1ZEN l!:U(} wan lf.hllho W"111'" villa Daker" whIch lb, et.trD _III btl palll. . J\ODEU'I &. DRO. "pllII hI, 1M2.
MK QQARJ)El, WIJQdI,n Buckola, Drooma. &.o. ~ on haDII for .alo ~1' 0 , ". &. O. fl. 'Il'KOMA8.
MOWN ANO BLEACH ED W UNa. UARDW ARE. Q.UE~S(VAnE, AND G1tOCI1lRJ'ES. whlal. we rl!llJlf'ctftI.U, 18,,1/_ 1M anention tbe pub1l .ADDEN &. Mc(JLE!JI.~ND. Comf!r of Main.ad Norlh a\lOCIII, Wa,n_
tJl!I'r. lllCC!l...~d Ind for •• Ie; I fine llayS"," Mill. SbaWi'101IiI end "I uere• J TbibetlUUl C""b, wi III an wllbIilll fN&&101
&. MeCLEL luUfD.
v. L~nallf8
The girl willi ot nlneteeD 18 fQ'!nd. PerIj iulo, \Otn~ IIbd dl ty, Is aftlTn JlOor ~lncl 811,lIt~ too, 'When sbe "mvel 8t ~ rty
poil Ihe chIlD
And bohlu 4)n \he "ath' .Iow 1I'~70l\d~ ba "I~ al'8ce Ah,] .1Iu\lt.\IlI"tl nl ,OUt ~'h. ~ ~ ofL havo ,,1[uCk LIIi l?elll"'~ I I.uwlnallll"bolcl l'eqIlDt, Wh, tHnwle Ib9n willi .uddalll~lIr l).) I"av" U ia.llIFiid apoll D 0 ~rD,pcl fur tG brcqk IlW" A .. tI.~l!k lho lun'
Fetl' nol tlur 011100 I IWlh dOI\&, IlJUmQntli Ii \0 be <;10"8. " I 0.1 tbo l QQr 1IlllMlrilt bGIIC!I aro lilm \\ lthlil ~ IQI'ly mbauU.t 1.0";1 8mC1! tb~l; "ilhruJ 'll'Qi Btced
aaill .. l
I::'pil It.. 1lllllh'a S'rou ule
1 he " \\ erc o\li
\I gotl
r</lJ I 1 Jljlll 0111;11 1111 anti \'1Ile 'Ilum II c "ere hlll'II, 1n ollr horae Anjj ekJII h.l (),!l \he Il'DiI III .n:1li! 111<1\ ClOlIla o.ctoea tI"' ~D " 0 gave Illc~1I 1"01011 .nB ~ere
A It.\ dear 1111 LUIID(Mlllrotbcra bd , II r v d Ih.. "hlW!. u aur
cia •• I
~DllIOfIoD.le ou,r 'qlliwa beeomo OJit .al.d c;bUdl'lld plbJ -fh.,.,!! 'l3b~ qur ahnple IU81 enlllllu Alia laneltD I aq(a 800n bred \'U yielded 10 Ihet!Q "lid clrmoode Anti 10 II e. rrofly wI Ilea "" eold oilr wlllwRms and our land.
elf, by
Our uuwspuled J'~bl8
J .Julio no moro younlnllcI woe 1 hll RoiIllIDJI 8 tiod 'hllll bo AlVulld b,la ~ whon thoYlLo 10 1:\111l.0" diCit aeelllll' Tilt! lIl, l>" 110 m,y uJ~cl80 1m Hile, At dUke- ~loliigQns ~oaml 1 bell our Gre/ll Spill! with II 8R1\1" W ill tAke III~ {;9 I poa hoUle! '\ On oll{llt mo'umiulr 10 lite Ik1. COil 001 fe" WlI\l r Ibtougll Thill oal: Iha' liJle III bandt on blg!1 WIll crurllble wbora 11 gre\y Tbot 11loun'~ln sueam lhllt w.ldly 00111118
Mua1cmllty ill lho a n So \I e .hG.\1 teach our Junlllg grounds And resl l,>r'Over fro JIo Pnllsrd ud iook1d Il!l0U IbOte Crovo!!'
'1 h~n Inov d nI ny iD ~rrQr eo ono by 0110 dId alii Ie Drov08
10 Inti Itll<l lheu eWer. '1 he lYOI1)ClJ nQw beyond cODtrOI Do 1,1 d 11m bllter 101 ;or ub It rllck, ho humon .oul • :1 0 Ic""e ~u dur a 'lIOt
TJ,.y tllre Unir Lan III \\ildceLpnlne Aad 6~al U lr hoadlll brct&l~ l Jnbl the \\ dklo Cll1lJllI tile ' trattle .A lid Mt'tl III lr tOM' to IfSL Tf ~n. I t lIil1& 10 lh ~r ~hlefraJn • call '1 \I 101 11>'" on Ips troll
1 b 'I Lid oLI" 1011 8proad ,ls"aU . volIlLlLl lov Iy , 1110
tome III lJk.r rnnrbl ... Iher /pIU \\ t l~t hi 1rolller land. ,
l'ho ff.l were mol .,,11 coldly ,I ... n 111 h"'rilo ••, ... III1A1la l!,.... lAaaJll'll b, OIbforlu_ lOP II -~'WM'01ll
lbu 1 UIoI IUlCua., • lOllr DUll ~ lill
ill 1.,.\
wos (ost oelel'p lined by: Il
'You hllve come baell, my i1eor" 'Good heaVal!S' who IB herel crlcd rro, IL womou 1 deolnre Ah" cned the lady, greatly temfied IllS notrny hUibolld
~ ahe J\lPlpcd
uf pet! What ore 1'011 dOlnll' hero, WOlRont sbou led P,etreJ You ho~o cO/lle.!illo doubt, to rUIII my dhllrllcler -to prevellt my gelhl1g mllrrlod 08 ( \VOS abuul 10 do! JleJIY! help' shneked the IlIlly 'you IVII.I to dl~ bonor me Qud mllke my husband kill me! Their cr c611tlrocteil th" olhel lodgera to Iho spot and Plorre ericl! 'DrIve lVay tllie 1\ OUlnll she hos been pOld by my el)emlea to como hero nod blast nJY reDutllt on!' '1 nile QWoy Ihnt man who Come to in) n my llU shuncl II absence flllid the poor omon, trembllllg In every hnlb In thp. ,oldsto(the COli uelon Dommique returned At Lirst he lIoemed to be onll(Y, but on henriog the tale Qf both partlel ho bur t InIOll roar or laughter Meexplatll eil tho afl'lIlr 10 the per.uus 118sembled. and they ~o lougbed mOlt b04ftly At moment a corpurlll or pohce anti II. nrr ved, tile porler's 10'1 haVing althe glOniolt of the .cene, wlllt a IQUlbbie zeal tbe mtuIIlaltJonce of order, gone tu seek them 1he fllots brthe ClIlIO wero to 111e corporal bnl os tllilt \\1urthy d,d IIOt thluk It eu 1I1'llt.ble with bl. t!tg o away wltbollt arn.tln, .oraebodr he aelz;ed the porler'. 01 and urdered blm to be lak~u "lJ'to the luclt up, alleRlnl 10 J"'" t lie.uon of till' b.,.b proceedtn., tbat be 1I0t to luawo IDDl! ro, tbe pO'll wIIh· bohle qlllto lUre that It reqolred
frlt ele:
h, uo preserve -lIfIC,,",OIl Former
lure Air fior Alum all
Pluter, cbnrcoal, ob,orbeot"'prelld
are kept, are ..... '~" •.'u... 1I'''lel nrlsl"g rrom nlJllUlru tbe Ilr puro
on,.., ftlCl'lpllon pU\'1I1 \lIN pat'.
ablodleDta tadla, and ..,e 1Le ____ .w .,
..............__ .
NJIW ~J[r Oot. D. p, it-We aa,iCN erGID &he CI11 or JlulllU to tlti ....,
, TIu: (lotlrallJcat lid '-ppolaled iJil.lllunr .... to ,noUlle llie pmpllaal.
...,11 I 1I10 'l'.""uqlel'flc roule, alld
quellt 10 their appolulmenl (uur uf
;Jon r C'tlrl'
11;':' .1
eu", as
IIAN f>Un.I.H. OU8I1'n:SH A,NP )' ISITINQ CAltD,' , Ut,ANKS t L,\Ulo,l,l'i, . one.u\ ••IIII ·good 81y l~ onll 011 .horl nOllcc nl The. Mln",l VI. llur /I.c , {lml "" rt'ullnoIJlt' 'Nt> crooU ",h ell Job l'lIIl\l~jI.
w dl
, In
lIIonms VuuJ[, lUerehnll1 T~llar in Ih plll~e, 1108 received ~ lIe\ll III;d '.r,,; asBortment of CIOlhs, &.t' .11111 he "III "'like
When the
du.lry anil Clnllinnllli Telelrep" Lrne "'•• It h.. llireactr been rnelltlonPC! tltOI Ii lirat c:Onllructed, the Cum pan, olFtired 10 832 rorel,. .mler-/lla uri\1ed al Ne •• York tho Clllzel~' of Ibl" pileI: 8.. office, on Tllurild_l aiHI Frill., oC IlIIt week cd a certaan Imuul,t Qr Stock "'!II IIlIon , 'file oJl'er w..
HINd I ·C (D~NT.
lhere If ample rOOID come
\VII tw.rd, \IIboro
rur million. yet to
WI lla ....e&R T.
FOI !.P... ..... . GEl f. WIN FIE LD Stci'irr. For Vk>«l.P....hle..t. WIL blA 1l A, GlA DU , OF nORTU CA aOLl lfA.'
161h 171h lBth 19th lI"th
.. .. ..
.. ..
l\Iurrictl OctolJer 6th, b) J . C," CIIl\et\ J. 1' •• IIfr. ~o8"'I.h R JilliM on 01 Leba non; to lU,.d ;l\1'IQ~ E. Hog u@ or thl. pllc e. • Mnrrled. 011 Ih~ 61h inal •• by J C. cor! lelt J. 1'.• Mr. WiI Illm Gre en \0 JllI08 HarrIett l)eel . nil of W .~ren Cou nt).
Ev env WEE II.
Whe Al. ~1 lIu
Corn. tV ,I Borlt'1. 1!l .. Ools , lJ d;;Z :Oulil. ;p bu. }'lour,11 blil ~ c\\ I
BUller. '1? '11 Ell'g~, 11 dor;. J.urd Loo~e, lP It. I'otu locej ~ 1111. A I'plcR, 111 b". Clllc kcntl,
\p doz.
l i1
,1.'0 the" "
RIO GlilTec. ill 11>.
New.(~hl~1I118 ~ugar,
'f lit,
Murle, tlo New O,I~l\nB Jllulaasea,
'7@S6c. ~nl.
Sup r:,H olise IIlulol!8cR. ;," gnl. 00(. lIlaplo JllllbBse • • fllll ll. 1I0@'5e. Pel'P C', V It" 10e. A
Flnx Slled
:P LI.I.
Flou r lind G,u ln.- Tho W18 agl' " \ery 9111l'tto-d., Illd the ollly 1)11" l.CIlrd or wal 100 !J,I. ,ull" ~ u:lr ll at 611. G09d l"l'e ,filll l may be qUO lt'd lit 6a 26. thou gh roulla 1'llI eould Dot be aold pX~l!ll\'t • dl'ch nc. [II Or.I II we bne no ehan ge to notlcl!. O.te brin g 2u® nc Oil lim n I, Whe at 6'7@GOc; Corn (O@ ·4!c.
P,ov l.h> III-' VO bear Ilf 1)0 III Ole mll,ket for InJ .rUc le. Cloe~8e-sale.
or 1i1i0 III 7c;
'16 do al
6Jc: 60 do IIIr~,lor ot 6ie. and 100 do Durl111R1 Furm at lOo, 'I'he mark et il very firm, lind mOlt go.ll! 10\.1' DOW III oi!lr ktlt
II'", limlt~d lit '7& @8c. Tub ar.co -Sul ell of 26 bn No 2 V. fivel nt 18c, IIncl 6 do 11;11ru tWll lllt 6Oc.
llLl'U lili'-A
nle of 1I0Ck. 1It1lilood at 191i .
.. II
.. ..
.." ..
.. ..
t u :.li
10Lh ' ..
~Olb .. ~ let "
FR EE SO IL TI"~ET. For of tile V." 4.'d 8ca t8j' JOH N It HALE, OF .zw HA.. . . .111.£. For -VIc)e '1't! IIlId eDt, GEO ROE \Y. J1]LTA~,
I TATf.oJlll'n~. ilE UllSC IUDt:R.lllroll«l. Ihl8 medI um. .",.Id annn j
T IIU.d.c
ur I.PIA •••
F.... £IlU IDEI ITI.\ L \1'1: Dll r.-A LB "·r
.. .. N
ELEC T ......
~ E. GR~FF'N
lJn~ hi hie old f,ienol", Ind Ihe IrMa.. II,.l hll haa "Pin ....amed Ih I.llo nn. bII. lu_ fnheIhl. ll1lce In Chan· dler' . ....U,lin •• '''HI \lelrllJ in ~III I '" tltr "hita d!!lp "'1 1'''-''1011ia"., ,"r••" flille .. 10101 .... (. lhDUII~ no, ahlIwIC .. 10 do as muc h work •• In tQl11"" tTn~ I;t4! ('an do JI . . woll. and •• good .".1" alld fita U C!fIn he J(OI .1",,· .. 10", (1. , UN J KE1\lP ~~~!~\I_ I~_._ O_ c ~_I~ ~~ I~ __~________~__
.n,' ..-., ..... BAJ A)() ](. U\J4lkn~ll1~ w""~ feSPe!!'ll"n,. UllO m II\! h... CJIIfiMd a ne• nd ~ ..,~"'IV!~-' o"e duor _oil , ot lhe •Ba· II..... blnet • nd and ....Ie
Dr. Borto8'8 .
rtOUc,;1n 8Y nIl p~ a .~(te preparalJc)ft lJ aUjH! r.1o,i o all)' olllOlr "1I1dtablo llefo r. III" pub" lie. II b excollenl for CIIUJI"bC uhl Ih. Br. uI. WhooplnllCOlllll1, holle •• Pal .. In :, CRO UP. &e.
11 hu r.ohloe, o'phllu or aD), ollK!r .ub11011 ",U1 001.1 0,,01 4 Iho bo ...la bat ac:b on ..... II ..." bow"I. , .ILln. and kWn e" p",," ulinl ( Ihu a.crO llon. ..ne ran, . 'r...
abO • medi Cine la well know" in 'hi' cam m,,' nny. IhI',erore wo t1aeullur,l wr detlcrtPllonwtlIeceeaar, . '1'1,.1 mcdlcule I, • lu,a aare forfjthe Croup l'o, ... Ie al the fUjl L!''''''', b, 1.1 '. C4DWALloAD .,;1
'V.'n.... w.
I. W.
.. 1 .....TlC R OF TtIBY~ r~AC ... AN) ) N(yr AJlY .PUBLIC:: . oti u on the Wel t .,do of Vlln '\, Dlnll' tlw CablDat Shop. ap Itf!t ItlUf I. Ohio. loti.