.' W\QJ1
thlditlle old Jlrnte 'llad never kllo~n , Tlien 8 J,uge loaf waa YIJ'o" thl! nd frelh mUir for the l ick bnlie,1"l',lIell'" ahe pllsled ae~~ I:r befor!, th'e rp~ the ,, I1l1d drew 'thl: untlolab ed slippa from i'" " hllnd, piaced ti;ere, a . purso . 01 gold,' ---;-' . Baid in. voice Jiko musics, HBlel a thy I W~8 .. ta,~d ing III Ilrllf broad, C;rowd ( d wllo i. the GoJ of th"e (oritiel!!. a lind strl'ctd or u,large oil.\' . . ,[t was • coll\ Ivin'· 'd 'n 'd I ; . , . . I~I ow -Ill 8 I ~ \Villi gOIlC; oll Iy. as ter d .!\IY , 'l;bere hu<l b~ en rain. IlId, al. w ellt out I,heQrd ber aay,"Ue tter
, When 11)0 \\I~tlll 1'IlIllal" 1~1l . ln ·Oa hlng ~holV '
«.' .
lh a t
~1I1 Qarill i 1:1 ••/.. 11111 in the 0 0 '1111 ,.10. 'rn)';
Whtii wInd. lui~Q l u!' k
r'EltSO:~ IoL .sECl1aITY·~WIII you do;ne " Yes tiline w... lire Ind light on elrtb"
i\lld rouoc Georle . Brooks' to hill tl~ y frle nd. Si\J\on Han80n; ". , " "':hat'is .I,t , G eorgo" ••id Hanlon. I w,i lt you to l en~ IJlO n hUl,ldred dollnr••
and th e grellt world re.ck(lped not tb. grail grelV o,ver q,.t c~i~d '. hoart-t h.t tb. vloletl grew Ibov4f, t!iila, e~III,lnd'bl~ the only digora wero tlie hUlbund '. wlilisome
J~' tiomo. .: ,. 0< ~ nll oJ lOy cU\jlltill~ Ii " il~e', rCj') .'lcd Ali ,me ,C lln gold pay ' ror ,·the Witted I~ '''i."" . " Georg , \\~ nR 11111 I ~ n~ ill " J,Yillg weahh 01 hourt1 Can the;glea'm 01 ielDl "
si r I
l ll ~ ~C 8p e ~t.. . "'.' hut Bec lul'Y ,CU ll i "u gh'o 1II1l, YQ..IIlIg gQlIlIellien. . " , , ~IJ own,; [l e r~ Q ill" ~c c u~ l ly . '~ hl ! , \Tc~y well gP( ill here l .salt! H"" ~'I II,. lI tl . i hg 'up Ihe litl 'o f ,,~ largn Iro " 'ClIH·~ t. · " " d~t III , h ~~u:" I' XCI"!IIIUtl G.)orke •.· ill 1I1I1.llIIle lll; " whnt, 19r !" . . ,. Why. 'tlu ~ 16 ·the place '11' h N ' I "hi 11 \' kl'e li III . ';curi ticd. I" ",' •
out of Rlomory lh~ tears Ihit .parkl.' 011 the eY08 Iyo rDye or yeJ\.1.t Ipre.al, 011, ,,"ollgbt wilh goltlllnd pearl, IVlral; UlUk. the 'Clasp qf cllnJl lnt arml \vlllch hold UI . II heArt tbGL bellt. for uri ~"Iv.
Tile "oprJ M ~r
TUb.;';' .'
, " o\' 01'. A c:orre/lr ontl o u~ of, the Manche lter GUft~t.IiQI '" d Ibl ' I ': " 08cr nil' . ome ~xper meo", .Y _' __ ;. ,___ " 84y8 :- , . 1be lI\ble .l!elllg put III r.~id mo., , A goq.1 ,,1.1 Du lllh"llI lI ,IIIU ", ifl' 1",,1 'ul ,tiOU,1l blblo rulded ,in papor, Witl ' plated 1.1l1 !l"P P I "~ \111\ ' , w llll llthu I lllt~ .. ; uftut it, when t~ tnllble itopped 10~I.ntl'l Ktrelcil , 8ui d- '. ' llouM.flot ~~ In,duced' ~o go Ipln 110 ,,[ viah I vuill.' Ih hebell." " as the preciouM voll\;ne rem.lne d IIpun , Hllns yuwllotl-arlJ r!JlliedTile bl~le Wll~ !elll~vAd, 11101 i copy of "I vl ah I vuh Iii de alill houle. If , Igrlan 'a Progrel l ~llced in ill 'r,ho eylll or SAlly lIe\\! ' wide III',ell ~~ _110 , whel) Ihe t,Mble revolved ia !ie(ore. exclaldled~ prayer bou~ WIlS tried wltl, like rt.ulti ', ~J IJc bount 1c;!u,..al~vIY8 VI.h IIn~, th 'w.bule lel;~lce- ,0Lthe churell de bel t blazr." " EnglillllUaUed !o afrP&t It. rotllrJ motioll. ==:;==:!::===~r=~~=~ 'I :Wh\l 8 1It, Wll. ItlJ\ rnol\'in , witb ' conl\cler~'ble veloCity, the bible WII .gaID· '..a nlfllin 8ulli tit\lted, wlt~ UDVllfyi Ri .,.,.ullll. An.er repe~io~, ~Ir~~e U:1!~rlmentl ' ,,~erel uI10 ur Ih,e pu ~ty 8uggeBlcd tbat 'be 1i . I .. t ..1 NoctU rulll Bath Sceue, _, _ " bible . lluultille ,1lilluIJe~ Gila oponld .. to·lry , D tak i dllC8. II "o~ei .keo fler iq Philadel· BY £t. LJ;:f L£WU. if Monie porp uns Qr It were moro powllrruJ P1iill, lio.s h~tu\' ubDlit tl,e . izl1 of a.) lima : tllan othere. Tille ,WI\!!' dono; wben /0/ leur pOpdlGt lil. door,t,ur tho purpose 01 Gee~- , Ry'c,fitl itl- ,8lUliol1 I Hurtuh! It aceme ' b,I!JIOIJ wl,u /111<1 bc~n ' b~J1e.~ed .to ~o , i'lg Iii 0 turtelMIn,prepar,Qio ry ,~o l'heir boiug !fOu;/ to gor iut.,.o Ghriatlu n co ulltry' OIlCt) 'lt~o IJlbll.~ prOVFetl'1) b011l COllY or G,ulhver'. , .cooked d < up un . guuaod by poop Ic IV I10 I'11'0 more altllr throe y ears I Ollt" o,m ll D!: rdYe erk! " 411 ey t 10 ClOniiterllat!oD of' Ulceat. '1'111. I\lb containe d .LOut 'e llough CllIiforn'ia 9i1Vftgti~. f eilltpill': dec lare , r;lVuIIUor 'if lhe operators lit tim ,~f1.\lc)~·er v. (Ibe hoax rly lYater hI swim a ' lIilelc of ~ucks.-:.: K ute. /JUs 't JU4t '11)1 .\lppe~ roally !' (rur only l being kl1 0wn ~o onll M tbe party.) I ,:t_ ,c. . , rL " '" In. y 'uld the expertm fillt wna aa." tried, purMIo,,,, Idnl ' lIIlU -a e""IIne luea, . ..,. . ' . 1.._ Ilurro h, thcr&,lUr. CiJ lldlJ~to~.j\l~L ~hovo ~t u \Jlllvp er ,~ 'Cp?!04 ba~ lo~~ It I ......wer." !r ,;; rlroiWtJn (Jp.!.'" ollt,my 'bn611' Ire; I 'm 1'1 hl1 rol ! and $ure • , ' " • ', el\llu gh he hu rrill" h ~ me Qt the rate of t,yU 'f ItE ~BW6,l'.u"Ea-:-1u prOmot io.n qf IOIl'Otn utive8 lied u)l!0lher.. ' .'" ~ d \!sin ble' objept,.....~he uwon or (h ~ Kl\t~.1 Kale ! I ••)', littlo wi f\! , wh ere '~ilh " : use.ful- the new8p~. I,ro yuul, ~1Hf h, t\ 10oka,tlt rQu"" th e window . all .1mpll~ djnt ',luxlllillQ:" 1. ' wl(erl'- \ve.. h.o! I( th~lt ia ll~t "C\t;l tJlforlubl o !Doro,! 'IIit, t.8 1.I ·p:~d Ofd·tbe dOODlci'.mutaunity . 'K h ' \I • III 'W 0 J, • I S ~J"" '1\1l'Ul::~ an tea., R " ~ alie IYI ~h Q h1lIt ~ ~~ I , Y It ~ell l! Its ol/ut:lI;:tc r 11&woll aa rc ita eOIlIn I bll" tl reJiI \UO, th e i Y dition; iLS {"'lItl.' '. IIS Well (UI its ncceuitiea' kfl~W eho It)uks pt otliost 'in. blue ....., the mor.a1 0.1' well n Lh'(l ph'i'eioal .tami: lind lLlose uar logll too-cl'lnfu1lntl tlt a \90 - n ~ 9f populfttion and 80\1. ~ 1a the-map ' 1::l 1i"lln'--bUt l mnrl-l wClndur wJier~II "e. gets mOlley ~o wllereon ill t-raoed ou~ teodellclca ud ' 'Iash qilt !Nitl;. wllet! [ Inl 'Ii~g iall:' awny destJnics. The ehert 10 dirilot tht'trav · In Cll lifurll l&. ,T uliing hor h,,,..1 II(jW.- , 1I0r til , 0tLler to sare and ,pleU·, S~lhnUll 4I wl;U. will 011108 'Ielltl' Muy ant or to divert thell!' , from ."...,Ku te [ • 110011'1 ~e II I' At It ~nnga . ! Ktlj ~, II4IY . !lnd bo" ralll'r! ht8'v"lce impute fA) our )lousehotold"OUI' it , 0 httl e. our children its sentiment Illy- hUdbnnd! 'lind tbe preti"l e4~ urm. In Ihe Its tone of ooataJil.illation. 1V0Thl are. rounJ hi. nUI' k, Ihe rOiliest" lip. aaollroraole,'aDd pTe..' to hi. own. al)d \lver tbe ~rl lr ht blaok or again It UI. In ey~. clUllad lon" jetty Ill. 1)ei'i hen)' with ~~y be d.iace~ed tear.! . of our proepenty.; ' 111 • ' . I 4on'l know how It wa W. bllt by thi, ,other)'Fjeej but in it. , wiW »e discovered ilm4) the hu_band '. heart wnl llOflclleli healthfiiUollu dia .. Ide'reb)y. ,It mlgh,t have ~eIllI olVlnlt' to ~rLTait of our hDperth e influonc e 'of a certnin olbqr h ~ar', ' as the. chronicle of our' lIea tl llg Gnd tbro1i'blllg linlll~t hl. ~",n, - Wh.eeling llltelligen. bllt We te rloin he , Ive lhe hend.om e aer. ". yOllnlr (ellow, hie wlfe"-1 .o un l e • l brolh· E'I . ~ . - - -0" 8' A ' con t emporal . l ' , d ' h ' I .. ~, ........ , •• ')",.Il e r' II o'or,dI~1 WCI~I/DI ~, In le~, down Wit luding to tbe'atrooginftue nce of mothel'll h•• " ood Ioullllor not at 811 d,mipl. hed b1 lipon the min.d or man, remarks ahat, ' the I,i ~ht of ni'eely , browned bil Clllt. and amQ,ng the I¥t t~DP' rOl'(fl!tten in .W, 1\Illlki'" tOI.cllt811. lue tho first things taught. us in boyliOlfd . up!' .' . , , nOMIl ...GAul Or -thriiF'lOore-lInCl·tell lIello J Wh3tJ II blue blIlZ ' lUll YOII A h ~ ndaome In,n \!rth H!igh!ly luilburu t· retirell to • uttering t!U! llame" Iittlo dolu 'ill ho (o IlIUUllt: tile .. turlle' ,JI roare lhe (Ilce 'sat ' ill tile afte rnDun 't"-aill 101' nrd. p'rayer wb,~ch r~ndll~d bun t~arleu of I s ll ' by 101lnln'; Iii. heeld 00 I'ia "and,- the dark ll!,nng lill schoolPolir.e.. a.ya: I1Ifi' ' .. b ' ~ .-r:lrtll!d! Th en 1'," hll tu death!, N lIe h.d lllie n tbree ye ora a wlludere r, lind ' ow IIIly ~rue down to s1cep, \jill bel. rI. quarler yo~ are, myoId covoY' ,hlld come 1,0!Oe ~Ich. Rich'l. 'there'" grelt ,; I 'l)IrIlYI tboldLud.r~bem,! sOIul toakkeep • " " .1 T( S IOU • , ' I 'UY8 to llO, Ie lore w e, delliin lbllLworu-l b m~st' , T 0 IIInl, llero I llfay the Lor,d my soUl to ~e; • 'l,et's l,dUI hinl oul boruro th l! ~no pi'lora 'was everYlh lnjtl 'rhe pruud !lIOII hucl s,uon :.' Amen." hill delIcate wife , runred in luxury , rotltlced . 10 pri,lot1un , an~ ~he .~lfered :/Intl cOlDplai LiLLlo can be $looe wit.bout determin,,ed nolo but It maddened Mml He lert tiOD. and certainly no .great acquire on a ,mlld jlrueade f«;ir gol '!-I6rt Itpr wiLli. ment CRn be mad(l and steady application. withoutoj patient . . weary mamory . dlVel.illli In JII' ~ olll o( cl tng. Barlow, the Chinoes ' tra\'eler, ' 'ccnnInll .rllla, aud \vill!, pn8l11lllnte kiisllll,- p,utes ~ha.t thore i. more mal.crial in the llhe deep "right eye. uf t.lle,;' 0~11,. Child, groat wallo! ChiOl~ tban ili 'a lIthe hollllOll . thdir ellnolt .niel Florenc e, looked ,on of England Rod Scot4A d. " . him ill his dreQm>t aomotlm e., and he brard , h Oostl tbe people or New York hall were you Ihe IllIt tear~ cbQked God ble•• ,you Iron, 9. Dlillioq, o( dollars " ,year for the wahi' yo~ng wile'a lip.. ~ te; which Lltey buy wiLlI their D!iIId Nu\ fur mllny I we.ry montll h.d he A lad Y ,e%p"!~ hgreath.~nse !hat . . db gon tleman "10" ~ om I e was conrleard t1dlnrp frolll bOllle, lin ere were aversiDg waa notaoquaioted witll bereoa, tea" !u the ,leap eye. that .bune .from she said,· "'u in publio li(C!. i'Huw old .rl\ lhent,' underneath hi ••llIuched 18"lolab bat , I I what. capacity" asked /Jio other. .. \V hen t be oldecbo,,! 1,01118 I. built, J be hurried frolf StlngehJ dt!put. 'Don't you kno", him' ",by, he i. an "''',5 two weekt more liar a1ea', wbat I,ll Tbe 'r Ol.' wer. brf,ht aroulld the porc:~ aaais tant.in I!- t.nlYelingc&raYu,' repliecl p.h-&e~· red, l a yoll p bome mit YOllr ba.ck o f die little la iry cottage -tb e w ootlblne the mo'~er. ~"iild' 10u, 00 de ri,ht loa,nrl Ilde, by de wa' lIreen over It anti lotth 10m tn r• .ot Barly':":"'R::-:i:-se-r-_ ~P:::eo """"~-:l"e""""'w"~ -eat. green old bliekalll ith Ibop. ;vllat .tP.odil wber ~ it mignillll eite. anol hearldel ae, OOGlO' J . apple. ju~ t before gOing to beet. " nezt yeln will bo ! W,n r,io! delica te breath of pt>r(ump. But . A Mao or cour~. -The man who tuhere wa. hi . wi 0'. blu" e188, ,There .tho c~ look a year's (olley in the faoe wiUllun.bine or Floranc e'l COldon hair' - out Ihudder io(. A yankee ",ntiu, frolll the watt to hia
Wli\T1'tJl roa-Tn ,,' ..... 1 viMl'flI!, at r.ln. ~'r
C:UIITI,UIlD nt"ar LA-It:
" Oht . pter 1. -Ooati~"ec1. , "1 bardt,· kn()I1r Illy , OWD feeling>l,
William, IIDd 1Q!l1ll1l'~ Rivo rile time re8eaL.ad determine. ft i, • Tery aori· \lUS Ut"tier IOU IIlDO l~deci".,; nu tl I mUll do ,& aelibera loly ...• , t·Bight. ' right: Alioo;'"tlcfDow
--~-- -
N'''lI urII \
Irom abc Soulbcrn ,saaici alld Irom M~]I;leo ,
• DUifl'UCOI1f., l:lt!/'i"' iO 'l'he papers cu"to ... r"I' ,rt, ul tbt! 11'1 I"lv fe"l r 11\ v'ri\lllil Pl'lII'd on Ihe rh"r .".1 nl"flg the cu~t A1 'rhllJ.,.I·ut':t 1\\ t!1I1 delliha ullcllr,...d III titre; . d,,) ~ hI nil)' S 'orll II"'rll IV'. milch !IckIlOij~ 'I'he ~ 1I11
ur Eli OVHrnurJuhlldJiI J,c,,!)r Jelluw '" At M,llotl:olllery. Aln, il'Vl'rlll CUftW. 0", urr~tI ,
) 1
t t
a ft
'I'I, ~)' I'h\c 1\ ph,,,
011 l'1ht
1I,,~tufi I.,
Ill!t III' a grltllJ ~ .1I1/iv ,'lilli, "ud III"he ,".' li(lvernor~ ttr 1111 Ihl' 1:), .. , .... 'u '"t~,"1 .Marr S'''I!JII~'U~I, nglld ullt Ir,,"tlred UII,", • i I"' "~'tV·ft'X Plld II ho hn,ll!llIlrre~dpoJ
I:4hll'II"11 bU!i Il'~ ••lltlll 1~8t I I l'"k All ,,"l In II 11'''"001 Waller WIlI/I(ru.1 e/JnlllllnetJ ~111,,"le near UUlIIlllulI.(G. W) 1Il,'rhllr.clllY \~ ~ k. by hon';I"1I hllll~\'ll "I'
1;1 11 1\,
pilles treo.
II ul
Three Imn/lred Rn,l foOt ptr."tll' \\ ere ~rrc.l",d
PIoII./lol"hIH dUrtll': :I,~ 11)",111.
r9f dtunlll.·III1l'••
3tr G,lmor/'. SlIflCtil'elllll'III of tlo u Rod, (,jln,"1 RIO,I,,,,,,I, It .. "mlllllltl'.1 tilt: rl\/lII,,11: of trHIII ~ on 111,1 (u~rJ UII liou IS Ib
\", t\1
' I h A lI&tr ~ ". 10111 twu ",orc IVIIT ItelllllUTI to Km r.rn_. l'lre war purty III 'rur"~ are ICCIII,nl
ZirNlllcly cm'grl\n~ wagons passed their Ella" .... Inol ,,'rllach lillie. Wilh cowthrough lIus place from lasl SundAY anlICt' morning ltt!uk to IlIISt Monday oVCDUlg, It I. rum/xcHllhllt Tlllt81 I. wil I' II If III Ia..e the D.n •• blill Prlnelpalltl I :ormecJ on their will to "Tho FlU" W• • " t. In!u IDoiependent8latel. under dIe prollle:. t"ratlor d'8 tour pI/were
Two I'I/al Officn c!er~, h., e he!!" 'Itt . t ",I ill N'I!\I Orl~""I~ 'ut ~le~HlIg 1RI.II1Qy hllnl I@t"·r. 10 It logo '"1(111111 RIIIC4I Iho I10W .hvllrce b,ll Ivnllt Illtu °I,e,.IlolI 11\ Ohlu. IIInrTllh .. ij IIrc 1,lan",1 ev • andt'r lhe heM 10/ • IlInlle,l J! ITlnerA/t,,,.:' Ace"r,"":: til the \VorCl'.,.r Troll"CfI\lt. Ule I:IIIIrfC1 I3h3k('r~ 10".... bee!, d.... I·r' ...IIo, .even menlLl'rd of the Buciely the Ilq~t week O( tbe llunlLer GY .. "cr. r"m.leM The Peace Conrreu .t E.Unbdgll .1 filled (or the Ilihh alld lath ... r OCl9bllr, .",1 • yerr lerr 'U",d""ce II expeCl4l11 rro", -both lh' Old .nd N(Ow Wllrld. A wee1tly rftper rn Ille )f1l!rYlIr I.n. er"II' I, Lo be It.rll!d III New Yorli It
The all."lan Coaeul Oeuer.1 In r."pt, I'8Cltrrfllllf' .... heeD rec....... III COfIlequ.nc:l ot thll ~"lf1 ranlr... Turk,y. III b I...... II • 'na .. be ~ I CI..... "relluhell L1fia wJliel, ere 10 a lIIa.flp 10 the Tnrl"... IIDM ... the H'",lrlan &.lie'. Joo"'ll IMle;'Ilrr I • ...." . . the •
C d@
8 'b
o r,1
i+l bu
Com ill .. n ,.Ic!. "p .. Ont~
1? dOll
Onts ~ bn f'1,ur l~ bill
tI. (\\V t Unttor l? Ito
Po ~.ta t 1!' do, J ~rtll (Josr 1Jl 111 Put1\\o It ~ Ii" A rplc... t1 1111 Clllcken ., l1 d!)1; II' .tltcr~ ., 11., Rlu ColTeo 11 11>, N."v Orl0l\l\8 Sn;;1\r 'f II> Mopl!!, do 7.eAe New (trlea/l' Mtll ....es ~ ifill l!Iup ... nonle ~IQlu.e"J " g'~1 6U.. ".ple ~ful ...ea! II pi 6~6I11 - ~pper. , to, 19c Alllpice lilt> 1",lIe ~It, " bbl, r~.1. bn
a..ct, 11
Iouwlt a Halt
.\ b \ ~
Sec, 866 Exceptl onl to depll,11 U I Ihall be In wrlti I, .pedfy 01 tbe ,Irou dl of obJcc,t all and filed wilh lb. plpeu In the c,Quae Sec 3b6 Jlio elleepi brt oll c' II AO for l~compelenll1 ur Irre lev. o:y .1 all ~c ro ,mINI. ur I"" made .nd flied berure Ibe comh eucemeut of U e Ipal Sec 867 rhe court Ihll t1 a I mut.. u P 1I er piny hear and dee de the que.tIp " atilloi 0.11 excepllolf~ to depodl\lon. be fore the (lOillmencemtlllt of II e trial Soc 35M Error. uf II e conn n 118 cl,lona upen "Jteept nn. '0). d"poa tons tire VI veil UUIOM ox«lpted to
CHAPr Elt l'v.
QOIIV&Y. lIHlII 81' 00• • ' ..10. . . .
See 861l Real pro'perly rna,. be 001 .eyed by Maliler OOllUllluiooer .. bore /I aner prodded
- ~ " '1
Sec 1)70 Till. Writ mny nill lJe IUUlld III all} U~S(!. \\there Ihera i. n plnln nil I nd pqllnto romrdy In U,e \lr.hll~ry CUUfee 01 the low It mny ilIM UC UII mrormallun uf the pUly bunefi glolly interesl"d Sec 671 1'tll~ \\1'11 IS elth~r a iternillve GnAIIA)I'S llA(lAZIN"E (or Oclob r IS n or peremplorr 'J'loo alternillve wrh tllu"1 mos~ excellent "umoor 1110 conlenls 81410 COIlCI 5~ly tbe (oc,a 6ho\\ IIlg the obllg ItlUlI oflile ~.re\1allllllo perrl/rln the acI, 11101 Ilia 011 11ISI01I to perlnrm It, end com mind hlib Ihut fmlltclJlately UPOIl the re
scnl ,01um,,9
(le1r' ollll~ 1\ fit, or ii' so RIO other specIfied
.... _ e l y... J1bUldelplli••
I' .
Kc-, .... kill " ....rrr LeIIaaoa.
"IJTID OF ~IU!Rlrf'"
Sec Ci9\ 'l'lte "ICrllI' .h.1I
rae- up
Oil every lum",on8, ONI r of orre8t or (or the dehve'Y 411 pr~perly or or lIuachmc nt or ...juncllun, the d~y Ipil llao hour It wu
reeelytid IIJ lum See 6\11 He lib_II eXolcule every other
n \ VB an "rIel,. qf dooie. W F.I'orhllllcrr ami rollet I)n nnel, ",blell w. eel I at Ilf.Clllr.,. and huportenl' tlXCCUOllt .. ~rUclo.
priooa Won,me Lllbht!. 8.,1" I, Babbitt.., linolld a Jill ... Haula, Wc&lllirllli ",1_.. and r.ar~ln a ril II ... QUnblr)', and._ of 1M
lJctt Imporro<! aruele.
0118 for tbii ''-If, to dreu 10 r.eetore, 10 cloan.c to curt $0 remove dlnd'TIlIt tAfOncet fOr Ihe J[aIIcIkercblel the ,he Drawar eta I••dlllf fO\(lt I'owa_. the beat in uao and .uob . . Jll:lfUtT 1.,lMd 0' 111 lual1l8 tit. CI)lIIpl.xlon lnla"t "o",IIer. for drtl.. ooi colldren M<lthcri ah,"l1d never be WithaM them &41'.01 the firet qu,allt,,-fr_ IIractllrere In w",14 Brll8.... U. . . . .'" Clothe., and roolb Col.- 11_ . .. Illd IrIlPOUeJ ale c.n and 4t4aJDJDe
the.,.. ...
* 81[0'I'HIIII&
H erc
th e lll~
1111 for the Oll ~ , Wll1Ch hUB cnusell 110 II,H e ('>'cllen! In f)1 ~ dfo"I .. " • /ucle
A yUlIII l;!
!Jnln ~ d
)\Iuor _SOli Of the /l, u,lIl1rd vi 111\1 COllnge IIchlO<' , III R uok· tllrU , (111)'1111, H!rUI II ti ll In ditulIlII un Ih ~ I , ~ nil' 1\ Il l, " club, II 1I1Il ~ itlln 1 1I ~ lul,lly. a 11,.111
1W 1I0llA OJe MA ~N.
. co. '
Chapter IiI tC1' -
11tH nKU:~S &- "n~", .,n ·' 1
(,'0)< CL\;>l ION
I.Ilkcn 10 prl ~un l
bln r , "JI,I crlm. hlJiv Ilrolld felt lillie lIll ~ luQllne~lelll the luv I ~h pn\Jt;o .. f her n",,,labors It IIrpl! 8 IV lulu lli 'I "I~r 01 JIlt uxll ullo ll 1111111 I ~ II u l.. rJ 1/ vud hJln UIII\ lIe "' !lIlle d h. ~ P'I) hllTg l 1 I loCI, .. h~ hUll 6uV I\d tt.ln dollftrs In liS purchusl'1 Ulld hoVght. " pulr o r 1' 1I'g tl lll ~ Uri: ,\ u9 nrr e!f ed Plld I'uL .11 IrOIl! L II!t \H'ck " mUll ""ml-d Ruullen CUZlI wind"" . h~dt.l'-II bCllutl ful mulch {ur her tl(ul cu; pt:t e .M , hYln~ 111 Ille ~OIYJl or Sh erburn u bOUI n milu "II~ A lillif (fom S"ulb Frl.mi nghnll\ /I r uedare ,n said hnr bUlIlJ, lid "t1118 look l\ 119 aIled rrlllll h UI h lI de bv u y.mug 1n .11I thll1l: or J'! Qu r CIt"rley I1WIJl , (1 h .ltI, Chapman, all 0 11 r~ re.t~ lhlll hill (l: Q7.ze.Il ~ ) SOIl ,WIlS thrOlw n (r IJID II \\1ft poor (ellmv j .. Je.d." J '1U1I1cLle g ~vo 1\ IIttl' hn rl' ~U I' nlld iIlJUf(d, UUU I'" h~ was I uYlIlg lu g door he WIIS ~lruc;k Ilow', lI"d kllltll \\ 1111 nnd d.e fl" . 11 ,.ded IroOl It r fUl l'
('!lur.d,,) " cl l, Aillhe Ilr.ovu c"~loII Y" ""': 11\" 11 liud to ,lIcito 111111 10 CUlDm lalU l ,I ttl w';" Ih~ 1 Ihe [ rI ,llInoll
ttO-,ilOlOH vf-fllh 11 . Ii lid
~O ll, IIA KII'ft ve l VI' ly
rl c hIl CHS ~"11\1
nil II ,II l"~ II nul! u r 6UIlI I,;h'II'"I(1I1T he Ol ll(.le ror tlo nn wc nl IlIt li lh e lb' house LI nd IIltll ~ l, ',1 lI[r<' t;uZlle ll, whuse 111(011 1\ liS Jl lil uJl en A " " '" III III ellll' l()y u/ ~r COZZ~I1 ~, 'V~ d ule" ollo c k ~d Ulld s up Il\I~ VlI to lie l. tulV w(lul,dc,1 After cum· mh u ftg t e~u h f] rrl~le d ~ .I. ,Ch.plllllll Ded CI' ll pmllll Villi III Ih .. emplo, o l lllr l.~luml in Slieroorn , Hlld (urmorly IIv Ii with 1\lr C07~C IlIi . It I uPllu elf II cI'"lInltl ~ \he l1lurd r to olll~Jn wlt,t !IIuney cQuhl 611(\ III tlt e hUII ~ o _ u
r;O~Zl'1I \~ U a
mOil u r cUlIshhlrlllllc wuy\lh
'A Y illig Illun, 0 nllIlve. lin hoen orreu d ulld committed "11.,1..\1'" (ur the !nur· Jfr urn CIIII1301"n-1llo eecond,Clr at ullly 1110 third mUMer In Ihe Salldwich Ie Mury'" Innde f r fifteen yeor
--- -- .-..-. . . .
():7The We~ter6eJd Slender.1 lillie ... bout 0 apring Dr waler In the to\VO "r l\hb • W blcb III"Y bo truc. The od
• " Anti J migllt h.vo anvtd It .11- all" .lIrl -ked J.fthnl'Ue •• ln~lni upon her kne ... u" the •• ch elllpel; "ob Edward will G.1d
or tho UlIkllo\\ 1\ Rcl II til es " by C'ItJlIlIlIIe SlIlllllllr DCWIL~ lind
]),\ Cllport, New York Prlco 50 Dis '{hough tills !Jook comes to liS III the ';11I c of fiction I tCllchu 1\ truly good
cill uvud " hler ry rll jl ,'nl'UIi IIUL uflu l lit wlli etl, 'lmt rll VdU 'YI) III CI! \\ hu luvo 1\ trll , \I 0 11 1111 d Illt ul 1 11'111,.: II. 1••, u' I " uul ul diU elrel" ul Ih.a r trl!:IIlI. , ulIJht t. (\"," 11 lO",1 (ur II ut bJI!. 1I1~ , ,,d .huliid It U~ ~'II'I_ lur II 8e~lII!1 th ,t II 16 IllIpl1:s.<lulc to "v~ r j' 'I"e Ihe extent uf pervcrdh>11 wlilch 'YUlIld btl ,h.o'gll ll.zcr~ uf 8ucielY will P'" ClICC-11 It 81 !Vllhl be'urg t1lhl\t Ihi. VI'. ry cll~1l uf AltlS Nurtull'li crlO.. trulnp!.'l to. ,o.lson ,Afoltll\b rg . Elevlltur, ot CICl t /Olld, Itldl 1I1lued rur lhe I rul(,CIIU" vI W"IIII1I1, II mUll week hn;>d 2.,200 bushels or Wltulll 'n l ur- Lv r~lIIcmll~r!,J Ihll UUin III f,ot rcc"le. of ~ hid chums 10 IIIMnllOlJlJ, Will ol'p<l"e Ih" rno t perfect IIlld Ifmplo prlllllClioll lU .11 wUllloa'" rlg!.I!) ur e~er ,,_ dUlie 0 lard lhllt prull'clk a u' lVumDD dON hot l",uh,e " COlli I' lei" rever al of hOlr PU"illlll III the world, ur ueh .. cl'''fllCO Itt h... IIttllbde toward lIIen as to ""prin J.er ullhal rh!al e.t el"ll" ahe h •• 10 hia l!!lIderne"" lind eorl'-her oUliro dl!pond"'llle oil hi'" -
' 'II
-_ -.- ..
h 11~ bocn llud and rep«!"lcd So often, thllt wlJ'roball mu Lr t to-LIllI ' ftllck of trad 8" 1\ oro r t.o be successful m l>WilllC f!' the p~bllo lnrnd 11M I!c!Ltled
HJ bin dan8', TIlIltI Will .11, .,. bt Ihoee to ...... a IIl.Q.... II PNOioeal lunl wbo OIeaM be", to ben It reloted. "..... are a . ~ In ........ &be 'OCIllAdD. of" . .I. _1Mr .......,....
~ ~ ~~ U.~~~im~=s~~iiid~~iii
=====~==~'=# i =r~====~~==~==~=±~=====~
"Amen" Arul' tll() 1'11JIlg~? " " 1 IIIlY I' siO'II"u rc; lUlU UH; anzet rcgi lll ercu 'luy vow in !tOIlHllI .. it
'lit '
~================~==~==~~~~~====~~ ~==~'~==~~==~~~~~~ '1'111' uucltt MII,I hid d'W!,;" l r~w c ro 6t lj,~ Oonju8'sl D~'!lord. +
louie nlld awum:d Ihelr (,\urllllI ue. t, ThscklU'llf, l/\ billiut wor1:, ahQw up The . ervDllt I\lIu Juncctl \)In C\.lU~1I1 ot one oflhe prmolpa l sourCC8 of conjuga.l Huder Atm<i ' thscoru , tn' ~hc fo llowing language. ~l'I'c twb g' rI~ "Uered 1\\ U '.cr~nm!l, bill "Much of ~he hntred and quarrlll " .I n d.II"re nt Ii I');; wblch ~n~e bttleqw IBartled people, cOllie 'Pllev ~l" Illi ,,,r,, ~h"r""" J VUII " " ""'11 , Crom l~e hu bund'~ rage aud rev,olt at uf it ll, \\ IIh ulI I. '\lly 111101 1' u Ilck, ,vi", ~'l1t,r r " (l ISCO Il rlo g llmt I)lS w/ (e. \fila t8 chw-cb· sWOI n 10 honor nnd obllyhll h. i~ tn realice ~l.rJ"r~ l , " lid III " , III " b,(urt I.. r " hll " hiIi ,1 I h '/ " L;, superIOr, o.n~ L1&1.. e, and not !lIlt', liel, lie .Uly~ I" It ll r: alight lO lJe til" mo~ t ~ ub6ra'hIl e of' the 11I.'II\lIJ Y 'lir IlI l1 rrl lllt~ purll'l li ' , tlH\lll When he left b~r 81 ~ l.bg" to , 1111 r:! "tI,, - klll Iltil:r IlIn\IJIIII~ .< It w"" tlllll,,'C.or herscll, BUll he~ th~~kh~ ;,.ne.." mOfli\lW r: lh c hJl lll p,\ ,\J lllh II 'II !I'll , trr rv nc>tlll hiS fa VOl 4~ fLc r ~ll\I llIU/Jllna~lOn, ell (r~ or ""IIC" wlle ll tllll lov/l-lllmp 1:1' put out, llllil 1,11 'Sell wlwll h u v~ \I!I;rI.,u 11 11111> . h, II IJ\ r,' tJlt~ CO/llUIOII t1 ayht;ht you ' louk aL thll I. s~1C1 lile CI)Uti lll, ' (rt III [lIl II ' UII Y 1'1 II I rl PICLul ol, what a c.JlIllb II loo~s' Wbat u v I t<f~()1\v many men, and DO.' r II 10 Ll I ut qll U \' ''U ~ llI ' IV I1,' 1",<",,,11 1 \. clu!fIsy •• I et\l:.r" " ., C I L ill O Wi th my f\I(.fu I, ,>cnv JI,I I li,\ IV II (lSI\ so, (lOIUO (\ t 118 .. nQwletlgo, Lhlllk
(~ I~n C' ll d t,tu N1I1ly ,
I) n h l ll Jr 'u It
1I 1~ 1' lit re ' • .' ho .Iv Ivr 11\110 unrogPllroul ll ClIb, Illy bul'. "'lh u "rull II UW drum(n» I ,1111 ,, "I n ,:o r.) "IIUII wli .:10 I 9c l8iJoutill i; u urll , II) lull' tu llon j H , J hllUI1I11y Q bOllt-JIle k h . throlY ul hli n Nu! Ihnl IV O II~ ilo)' hid mOlli tl r lI'o~ II() Il !1 make 1l1l! t(,ul!l. I'il Ur luf) hlfll
whit lilllt,
~ I;o.:f1 ~ II CIl ~Q
I lII" r }
II J ~ w' he
~h Q I1l'J~~~
IY" he w\I/I't du it
\llId r 11 fl",Ir.L'r! ,'J'\\ \Le ..:d bv " It \tlu I" lI(ur!' , J ,'1\1111 H, hJ ly,OI l( I tl~l'IIIl'y 8lvck1111:'" ~ hnll l:'! frllnllc, 'Doclur 's CUlIl
Iflg '"
'DIll LO y,;ur co,,, Ly YI!U,ltnr.e vou hue pror.,rret1I11Y 8I,I .. r til tn" , 'Eh •.1II~n!· 10,,11100 COII SItI, , '\ II I yuu QCUl't me,lr J uk YOII '" 10 r~lolgfj (rom my ..u'n.'..... Ullelel' 'I Will enRoge my f~ther 10 let m¥ cu'uaun •.."" ,
SCulle wl lh
'What!' u clalmod tho hump bocked, 'IOU c n.elll. my I" vet)' Bh,.!are t tu'Save ,he IUu 1.11 "relally ,,' Ind uc,l. I Will nul waver. minlli. ' "'Illa ,. ve" weli,., daujlhle r .. ~ .. ld th" uncle, _ffecltd by lb. IIC'II.,. 'Rumtili ce'
havo oollpoil~d you. I b. , _ ve", dlll.1I income. but 1 OIl,'lt not 10 .budlill tile uf "'I b"uther In mi.lortuD!!. I WIll
uep hlln lIere .. kllldl'ed, for where there
,I elWMljlb COIUtll threw ..na. ,.,Ia,:
(ur three there 1& elloullb (ur
foolt ••
h'm ~"01I .( 11 rlaret'~
Yau hi.,. • ••ed .. lI.rortu nat. Ina.
_tnMdOtI ......tb.
nule diateaC8.
Marl, ....""red
1,1111 rUIII~ .
If J 'd J ~& t dlllc.1 ull' 1.1 wlcf llI8~,p "ary I' ll prote UlILQ be Q61<ll!fI ! 11,,,1 lilt <!1iI L'IIJ Ioux e~ r pr l "U'''t. . ; • How gOlltly ha lr<lntl. , hll lY"" )'1 hl~ huml I ~ , ,IJ'IY cu61 un,\ 1I~li cl !-lu hl ~ t o\III\1' HolV tll llllcrly 1,1,' fl ul hi Illy 1.01r t.Ivu~ to V throbbllig 1 t\ 1II~l e I III ~ "".g rl ~l" lou II IhrlllH ~ V ~ I)' drOl' of bl,)ud III ~II)' V!!l ll ll: It III' uml',~I, "l. hu" lIoullalllg It I , rOulad hnp!'y ,, ~ u hunln,I/' g UIrU UI " Illy CI'P, "ru w ~y whit hOlloy dow. Now hU'd Ill l/vo!1 nllny J hCar IIl1n Ivrlllllg u' prCdCnl'UuQ, I' ll JIIIII I~k c n ~ cel) ,lIhl ~e c whllt h" looltll Ilk ' ; Cac. ur AtrltrlpUl1I' if It l ~tI't 1\ F\mIale PI,y Ilei"" ,1>l 11I!1 1\8 a Po!ri-dlltl trI!J beard Ila]l't old' \Vllnt" blllt'(Wo ndp.r holY my IlIIlr IUllkl!) Wbl,11I foot AIIII ankle! Wh"t . hulllul'rp ' what. lillie rouDI! IV bl_I' FcY"r [lv e g ul Lw r lllY rllve". 1tll'I Ih e hOArl Cl'm" pl.tllL \Je ~i d e . Wb.t tl,e rnl. <:-llIe( lelll Ihul hule \Uhlich ilore ! She wi,l el(h~r kill or curo mu, pretty 'IlIlck \VOIIIJ<lr If 81,0 h••• "1 l'nor., lOa 0\,11[01,' l'otUlII tlI ' \Vollder If the)' arll handaum e \Vun,ler If elle IRY. th ft lilitle dimpled h.nd' uu tJtclr forehel1t', u ~he d,t1 on mlnel Now he hom dune wrl\ing, ('II Mllut m, ngu
li d
$1 n year 111E N t;1~ YonK JOt ns \L 1111~ bOI;\I hAnged (rom ~l II ce~\,) 1.0 a 1110111111) pUOhoMIOII IIlId IS nQw furl'll hed to
111'll .ubsc~~ers IILLhetlo"'pnuulif'l
per nllllum Enoh number contltms 611 pl\ges 01 three \t Ido columns to the pag;'e, lind is beaut,fully Illnstrated '1 lie con '~lIll1 or ' ~hc "ork IS eqUId to LIIIH of OUI I!r IJr~t elll~1! nllJallmc~, nll1 IIlII"h bet le t thRII Ii(lnle The uork 18 eCTtallli) \crdll; I IIlndc. II p fll)lII lhe olliclnl roc chellp P D Of\I~ , 75, NI\SSIIU St orth No" York GOICIIIOI-UIIIIUC IBl ~Iedlllll. LcIlIS 85 -B Imre. phil Iht) 70 I \lut GOI ~ Allell 273 M) era 111 fm: MOllTIILf MU&IO.\L Chnl'TE fOI A.1I~II·s IIIRJortly 159 Dil L hns come to hnd 1 Ills 18 1\ ehenp TrcllS ofl ttuc-Braolllnan 271 Brc~
__ I'm:
pnsslnJ off to
(Tuolldn~) very q\\lcLl) 3. her ltlotU ~ to bC but It tI llxCltcnlcli t. IIl1d
wlJat i.byc
1$ confined to ihr,l Temper,
11' hquor dOlls 1l0~lJ\lcr fHe .. bolO I , err pro~ pcct or hln IllS a \ ery p acnbt IID1e IIIIIle
--'-' -- --
.....- --
Iilr We I Jlrn [hat n nUlJlbe r of Iron 1 urpj&l:cs hnve 11I!~11 recent)) slarted In thiS 001l1)l[1
~llnDj &ilroad
Dl&'sl3ASK MIRROR Oct l~I, IS on our lIlblc 011 LJle 0\ et Will be fOlllld n IlIslory of III!! IIppcllrllllce befora tlle Pollet! COllrl The \I 01 k con tams IIllln) TOalunlJlc exposlupns of counterfeits alld 11.5 usulil tables of Banks ete St ml King Monthly 82 IIntilllonthlJ 81,00 n )Cllr Johll S D) c Olllcmnlltl Crallll
~l)e purpose 01 JIl81lufnc Iroll. "Itb a faIr prospect
( TltE P AIlLOa MAoAlmu; for Oct baa us lind coutRms lte U ual \8nCL) of valo Iblo reading. selected
I cacl1ed
Illr lit I
1 A J I~ 0 Jo r JL t: W ~ lt o. 1- '. ,.. WnU~1I expres:lly CUf I Ibl! Multi V ldITOa. anJ uf thrllhu,; J' 'u r l!.'It elCcltm.g &t:Ory. Will be aoeonlp:uuod or folluwed by a Slmos of " A
All tl subJ~1 t aboundlRJ 11\ Cnlllrul nl~t.e r'l\l for tbe nUvehs~ or the chruUlo ler of ~ober truih, tho world's blstory pres nts 8cllrcc.y 1\ 1'111'1\1\c\ to tha~ of our GIVD pIO!le()r, bor.l~r hrll, with Its toll .. anlll'm atlOIUI, I~~ h\<>ody war~ .\IId dllrIIlg deeds Much of Ibtcnso IIIWrest lUlly . be expcot,ed under this 11'Ql\d, a\l Uio pcn:! or ;jc \cra lwrll.Cr s of expenen ce will OOlltnbute therllW Noxt oumu
11 m® M
... Us iE 'll' g.n~fro. ~
~ :lit W
Itt A ~ 1R 1£ !E ll!) • '
.A. buw IOilf 11\ Hlior "1I1'~, ,vh.oh, lYe prdlllt wltli thl! utmost llonll'lunce proyu pUl'ul,r nn il anterlAl,llII" ID tlto IlIgl,oat doc:ruo Nothllll:! like It hWlI" or ell notom:ll:l any Jouro \1, bUL thuro ifIll bll lIUOroS or IlIlltator., Murk I LI
AND BIOG RAPH IOAL SKET OHBS , Will havtl ~ prolUlUuul pi Leo i\l ollr columll '
Orll:;II11lland 50\OOOOJ,
w~ 1,,~11 Qn:lulWor
YOu r ..
to !lerYo "I) a IYl!ckly fOp uL of 1.110 tir~t qu'\hl) ha,ve the pronll;s( t of a Sorlu~ uf SI(l!tc\lO ~ prop Iro il e~l'rc~~ ly [,Jr thulr unt rt 1111 ~I II \Yu 1111 ~U l\\dO. IIru\ ullt, lS fdr I\S yr \cuMblo III overy wuu t HUMOl~01lJ5
ARl'LOLE Cur the I O ll!r~ of fun lqr the suda-to.
nno fo( the thou.;htfltl nn110tieut ll C I
'l'EMt>EIl.A.NdB lor o'iomlo~ 01 Alooho lltnl ~hu (tlulIl ~ of th o Millnll L I\GR.toUL'I·Ult.\.T.. for the Furmer , !LUU MlSOI!:L~ j\.NEOUS fo, tbo uISC llrSl\ e Io,
.. ~
{II a11lwol\
.,-. ..
to t.hu fUI e.; )lnJ wu h ~I 0 no\"
It \II1 1~lIhJc t to
A rohullcc proll I.lneo 1 by 1\ compcLullt au I JII.ho\ou . orlt'\l, to be whi oll IY J ~hltllllu"l In r<l~urvc 11111 U<tl Ie wo b n Occll. lOll, It..q grutit lulI(; h bUln,;; tho only obJoctlul\ to It.!! 101111 ,(It ~to pubho:it lun
v&1ty URn 0,~,,8U.
rot t
3mp urtlt llt
• T 'E II )1 o IU 0"11Y ono >c Ir 1.. P .U D
"" ,t "
s: ·
" I!.x months I ullr O"'ples \ 0110 >o"r 'f"n " "( ' ill 0,) I II bv \.,;" I'HalR MON."II , One 0 py one J Ul\r
Sll ·
Falz". D( >ORt -J'he large pat lito 011 Ion Iii "tglllllln~ t9 aUrnrt lIot1ce 1111(111, farmer. U ,I I'll ftR morket ,.rJen fM-
ql\f\ k e"
ChOic e Idln;: "t P "Id, IV Id
ot! on &y rour or 1,1 .. 1\rIl,kllll! lI 'II 'lrder to 100~O Ihree cc}nll'hrnent. RIllI uk ror lli~ir
ueJlII \ N~wyc.r·~ I,p (t., 'Wull 1111 frlend~" soli! tire .Q,lIuk\'" 'bere Ir\> yont gltle, Chill ~e fi r~e ell (rune. nr th" 011110' ' J "un'l
I~ :\[\':N
f " •• 1" loy
SHUtTI 4 :f nuc LUIOII Shirl. nl.;9. Mnrlno J II U.\IUU" &. C
knolV holY III rqad, sUIII the f\rat,'du I llIlee oe ll (,auCi!' '1 Cllil rqud,' lal~ the
!till r hnv l! 1',lnJslDg \Vont.' flo lo"k II", rmne,. Th. til",1 Ildtl mud o the ~nlllC ohulce Un huw eamo to the fourlll " yuung Ind uf abuul th",oell ur fuurteclI Ilnl Q,uQlecr 1""kll,1 allllm \\llh nil Kif 0 1 gJldneA l 'Will yuu, 100
To the pcr~~' \ slln 1m of IU the IlIghMt Ilurn!)er qf 8ul)lllr.bcrlf frorn tJIl!:l II II.., up to the tirdt d 'y of J muuy 1054 prvi l;Jed the lI11mbor ~111\lIl1rl t be l es~ t\i:ln OIlC hlln ircl, IYIl "Ill bllko 1\ P~$C ll t 11\ \l;lsh, j>f rt'w.d:rr FlI'» DOLLAII! ! I FGr the nUlnller dCCt)1l1 to tho h'ile t of M l\ll~ th III cIJh ~) rW.£~Tt Ol)LLAli~ I f..,r tlul )lulIl!Jor lIelt~ belD~ III ex cnt o~ 1l 0~ 10 ~ lh"li fatly, l'wKa.V:& DULLAIC S I Anti to each mill I II. ,I sell hUj II~ tll'''II.> I"c su!J \C rbllr< ll'lV B O OLI Alt. I UnJer tlYUI~ty liv\l, fa tho per.!):'! ~cn 1111" III the hlJlte t 1111 n ~J r we II til I1llkc 1\ pru'l6Ut of ll11y b uk, of bl~ (oJr bOl) IVII () 1tI lin..; IV lrth L'lIIt ~ ' 0 I L\1\, t rhe 0 \~It rnt ~~ \'JC )Inp 'Q} tit" 11\'1\ H'I ~II C '-lUi \VII II' 1\ (111.0 Lltu prl w~ ? :\.1I1l 111
~' __'.~~~___ '___ ___ ,I ("-'H
IU li e \ , I ()n i
.. \to) to
s \CK ••, \N~I I,S. \i " Ltl l;: I Y 01 cuI",.... lInnle'o, :\llUlel
t\~"k'l.J lI nrecuh.d
,,,,llorn l. at Ih. It.~ ~ 101
II \llItis S ' jln "r 11lk c Ih ~ ac Iilr". pleoel, 1Ylli0h ),OU IMy Db0., I~ lSr.2 ot nl ) .huo b)' your IlIdllatr), I 'As Oil TnE ellA-11 0m MOTII. 1011 I"Y lh~ buuk 18 ' : ' d, r w ill lake It aud E ,.(,~s, l'.lt n Ihrllllnll llil"a<l.e "I SI"." 1.11" In road fro m It II Illy mot Iter • re phed thc boy K nlucky ro, M lo hy RODER1 iI lit ottO He took the Blblc, opo:lo,1 II, alld fonnd LOOK WELl. (0 YOlJ/lI NrCIU! IIT. bUlwoQu tile leaves ttllll
a gold PIOC- or forty N ORDER 10 AIll'Ply the ".nUl"r my eu~ Inlllero II h., \itcom6 ncu..ary to konp TIle ulhora hu.ntt""" n lholf head., 01 h.",l s a sonoral ftuorlnlo ntof Jt~.d) 1I\0dnnrllh .. Quaker 1.. ld them be WIUI .orry Clo,I"ns; Ihoy hO ll nul made a bolte, cho.ce 10 Q dfty8 t \\1 11 bu hI recaipi of a \IIC" 1,,1 ut 0""8 rA"l d V . ta l:!11Ir1ll Cull ... Or. yor U",Iur . llr1O ole ele If 11 mill or lI ~y l it. abuut 'lor~lI, hour I h. oSlromol y low Ilrlcee .1 wh_ l can .~11 atltr hlJut whell he 1".8 bu~1 nolS, lhere Iii lh •• o . ruclo. will no dOIl~1 Induce "'"Ill lu bllY In 1".rerOn"" la Golhnll' lhelllllln, l~ (.J ,me d~1 i/or ur hi. bello llllog Q IOlirer If ho III plld OtiC It na ' I t~ \ 1.1 I::~. !o:lgl1 nold en HAll Hiles hllaut tl.o alrtlel" a"d '" frequ a lll Iy \Vn) ucavili. Oc, Ii. 1 8!J~ lC)en au lho curlier. bo 1M In danlr e, of bo>ll (.;~ i:t;;;;';y !(1. ;;tI;t;'i;,~~or COIIIIU~. lo.rer If hll pUll oft' work lba' h •• buen apl"'lOlcd should be donu al Ollce or run~ Iylth tho ol"r III Ih e .,..101<1 ot \VMilU II InhlloJ •• ~~."" ~lcIJ "'" lato 01 ft C mlllll Ohio ,,~oc.. c I gIrl! wilen he .huuld bo Cit .lu~1 or buill- Xenia GreM \V 0 ~lcC tA.L \S () t:seclllo, be.. ho Ifl l1IllIUn' lIcn t dan:loru r beconuug ..... M_•.:.1::I-:l~15:-.J=3==-=-=::=-:::==:-_ _ a 'oa(cr DUII.D ERII .LOOK IlElli:. ~~ "lnert"'" ..Iota.. to Inl'fllI lb. puLhC;
fran ul
N '
Hz Til."
vlIIan, fafmere -.,
any or hi' 0PII1 ~ 10118 IU)IOr correcled nnyof 1.1. 1I1l .... ko~. and he who WlI neyer WIlit: enough 10 filld allY \lud.lres ID 111meelf, will f10t b. charo llable euoorh tu exC:UM wbal ho reck lin.
buy lh.If DOlO D5 III tbelll rrom lI'D IIII.rake .
Pfl\r..Q M tq cultlv"t1 ne
l\[VIlU chullged
TUfOI,d••b"Uokre III pa,tleula
r lhal h. I. I',e p&red. a' hi" rOllud,), lJt Wa,neh lll", 111 for n1th 10 onlor 00 .I",n 1I0Ilcee3 0 1l1lP (0' budd ang PUtp(M.., adch u Cell .. Window Gr..... SUh \v6iJ1h1., .nd ol".r cullnll1l h •• 1111,. be liMited
W.yncav ill. Aoa 10. 1M3 • 18l If 81ar plus. copy till fOfb.d .Ad
an otheT' char,"lh la OtIIee blaal" ', Ind IhOire lIIal "flCOD01llYln IT IS r.ALClI:UT&D Ib" 'he 1".lIow (re- -";;"'-'-::::L'::l-=.=.=-:A:":K=D:-::CO::::A:":L;-:".- -that. But If they will pl.nl th. llaCU.h quently .llIm. throup tbe air .t the rite lbe C., J,.d or Bueleel aI ••n all haall t. P IIt.to 0010D, '" .... , c:aonot fI U 0f n"IIIlC' lind Iur .aIe of. mil" In • IIII.Ul". altd th.t, ID the Cor.i.. t\l>pl b, N If, '53A Ie. E JOllNtIOI!O crot' will rlebJJ rep" lItel, culture eolitlO of • ,aar, It II. alp'
tI_ we TO 1I'O......a elrc:umf~ce of tIM ...... Dr ahoullO O.. Po.delr FI ..kl IItoI Po..... IIId Olle .." 000 mil.. Donble-Bar'" iiiij, 0 ... lor ••1" ".... -==:ih:i:;:='":i.~ To war ....... ... 1li....'1D . . ., ."7 II. I,I1II. OAR IS' ., ~ waUl . . bYe . . . . . yili& for allll' .. "a...Iab; to • .., r.1tWf 1l OOOD - , ..al,.. , J""neei y·I ~f.::il~ ..... to .... l'tMIIb· .....ua; .. I... GolMB UL bat .....p (01 ala" cInUUu. AJIriI&dI. I"'.
LW B Wilt a~n. NY., Aut.• 1111
...,for c................ A ...".........
el~"~ r
01 b 'lll1le$~ or fur p11111011 I Sil0 111 b. IdllC sed J V( ROBE RTS, I!:UIr.)ll .\S[) Plt;)~ [ut:r.) &
WayneSl IUO, W Inell OOlIIt1 ~, 01111.1
.tto,..: •• ., • • ,. V14 1
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"d,.r/c' ';1". rI
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Prlu $ ,.. linn J
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5UUJ'll lZlro 01\ \\ONDK RI!VJ,
~rmltmCI:I'Ii!D ~lir{».l..1(
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,A 1l0nlAN'.'• .,
-. - - - . . -'---C
WHO ~S ~.E )
OblUllIr} nOllc98 hove Ileurly lOonullul,z Ih o,r mlmlhgo DUL 1\ teu 'rto~rc IIro r \I e rll~ l!lle Sh e II\form cd Il\m IIJot 81,01'0. Mrll III UII~ 11I~IVp \\ll'eli 10 IVI) Il, ~ II "I r!t l d hy Garuello Clllrk wp ~ lIecpJy dlBlrOd8~a ot so II. III} ,I, ,tho vI pro " "" III qllhVIIl1I 016 "" tlll~, Ilhil (!x lnlh te/ l Rl lI cer<, Ilell holt ce the lu st II)r ~ II\lJI\ ~h8 H e aQ IIlt"t 10 \l(II1Q for Ilia ,k 8~ rL,on oftlle til Ollr OII'II1 ~n , COIUIll 1l8 l u .I n) wi I Il r mOlh er, uy k,nll, ICil8 Id the claugllter, \\ho (fi UIIII nnOlher n\I~I \lv n ' " Ille I'~I ul ', clll llrl I \\ IS born II I IS\l(l,or tl llit ~ecrB' lII"rrlngQ Itblu il UoeUHC,1 ill Iho d",lI h 01 ~l Hhl '" 7", \ I IllS wu l! 1\1) ro t'l. rI, Sh wu" placed III lulle Cl\rd~ lIu. l ltn 1Il (llli Qr of (. 'r<l" ll I r \"ltu rgu of 1111 I lttll)I~IC frlc nd \ rC lark. Cdl IIII~ I til', lilt I ul ~Ir~ lily,.. ~ ,rl U 1111"A jD Il \ 15 why rlll~e tl uno euucl1 tcd Ifer ~.II\. She .hou 1."11\. ~ c.ly. lit lit. r~.h' II ul 0\\ 11 ,1((lIghtpr It \\,, ~ tn, t IIl1lll t l/- Itorl hl'r BUll Dr Gllnlct l!:, III tho 'rll jll, ~, d ro~clll'd h""trII V tl ll'l Myr~ ~i8cover ctlth e A( 78 I HUC I CL QI It er !lllIlnr. I,
1'.1 our pe n pr I "r
to, Clark h 9\1tr"rclJ} ~m~ rebuff (1'0111 \ lhO lovely l'tl:~s Cllylbn JII O PlrIlol ,trll C ponolenco flc hurned to Plllladclpli1D, .-Iv Zultme, lind d (!c lo r~d IJia de terPl ,o"tloo 10
yo nts
1 hiS IJHly "~S Ihu IlOro," MII.( 11111 tt S 11(4) tll ~lI, nO! l\1rd 'Wlllllley, '"Jd a~ .e ly 1"\ 1'''8'\I~g ~\111111 11' III rud Iri l 1\ IJI III !1JrR Gull\ 8, ~Il tlll'l Ilrl)sqc utetl hl1reJtllhl \YII~ ,I V luptJ(i III the co, brU lalll ul\' suit 01 In \1\1) I'rll lll~J Iy vf Q Uill I Clark , up Ili A ;)(rll GIIIII08 IU1\ fllil iell, \\ IIh n to "I '11"11 Cl!t '";IU nllil ell eq;y \\ hl elt h ~Hl rll rrl} bOil II cC'j ul\tlcd in
bllrn III thAli ld Frcnd. col\)IIY 01 the UnoJ ~ ld o[ 11, lgll ll utl rho difficulty lIer JIIIreljt8 \\t're emlllr""la (~1'11I hll 4 l)aeJlllJ e~lnv\ash th "' l1Iurrll\g~bet\VeelJ the IlInd of puetT)' ~It" rOPlono -ti, e fnvor ZulilDe IIl1il D~ llJcl ~Inrlt Cortolllly. IIU hOllle 01 the '1 rOllbndO\lrs ~ ProVij llCC mYHler} Ins Illllg lo u,!!!, (lvcr th is cose,whlch 1'101' bluw or Ihe GIP~l'y rnee , Idll c h , II oll ly 11.11 ~c.~ CI llid rt.-o frO IJl tholr gruf8 the ClirlY ,I\ly~ ul LoIII Klallll, Kottl"ll (1ft Ig al1~,dUlrdrnutor'ly tI~lernl1l\o our BOil COlu!l WhulO I QI l'ly 1I'IIg lolrrd ~he OIlCe lovely ~ll hm0, poue d lltrollsh wc-e th!) BllecllIl oh~ ct~ M ti le I"lrlllflllr/III I so lt1\1I1Y r~ver~~~ 1I11d III1:1forlO'llC9, returned IIlId Ivve of Ihe gltllnllt Fr doclo cavnll bl . III her Ial nJe to "NclV OrloJins-her old ,vito e~Lubll.hell tho fir~l COlVIIIC8 IIIln' I tl honnl-ulld Jln Rsetl Il peacelll i oud i,.ppy \\I\h Ihllloe Ihl1 PI! 1'rO\ From " , ~, III Ihe fJll 6dy (II IlVr 80ll t rC"peClell .uch 'uck, IllS nol rerllllkuble thll ~ ~lIhll1e It 1111 II ~UI cd for ", nllY \ IrlU C$ &110 ~I(04 at ,!Irrltre ah\,lIld Itl've t1ern~~d "I' h cxlllvr lhe ng~ Ilr 8CVAuiv c 'ghl, the y~(,ngclt of
'IU '"PlIli
ht'\' flliully-Lll t) 01 " ~ r 91~ te r" hovlnlt 1.It· I bellllt)' I ,.lIl1ry , , 'l'l pef80nll I f b tnlllcd ' Lhe,r 1I1111;llct', ) c 'r n 101",'"lty tele I relll"rk~ , he Recelltod , nlul prudueetl Ie e I"rm~ 0 orsl.llf n'l~ I.in lhroe (lIIOIn\ll1l t0 th \, !Jlrl IlIha~lIt1l1tH of Loull,,a I' glu~8 boule ()Ulltullllug Il .. nrley II " nillt of ol8lllre IYN~ IIU1Verftlll tlllll"06 of Ilhulrnlioli ., I (1 ', ~1l0, lUlu pprllolll ur\y L(I I hOKe 011 our eell '\ IlIijk ll)', (rolll \I tHeh he t1r,lIk t'rulIl III LII) col,'IIY 0 ,j) 1I1 ~nlla 1111\ wlirm UJltI gllr.. nl c1ll11nllh 11I~IIr1uIl3 ntlllo~Jlher e
IiliA a uhUlr, \\ Ilieh • nr~r h (Ilw rOllble
til) ,-uf vl'ry pOlllllnf l:!tttrll iJler IlI,d h <Trl'C I I hI'.IJ f:J~ k ~O l1rt1cur~ I alii,' mnl,nerd GIllrk IVUt!JllsllIHI \I~)llInl ~l\ll') IJ\ QUtl \~~ hil) e(vulu 1[llOL LUdl1l a I I tI Ie \) \\ ~ U ure ullll ' IY 101\1 10 1' ol)~, e "vb rOil IRon ttl cSI~ou'! e 1110 \:08 o( ~ r IlIlllllierel\lre go.\\ : sruall PlttUUQO Croin nnjtrote ult'cI "na wforrgct.l W(lIIlUII LII,," se.tnt) ~(ovl' It 18 ell,d-but SI rrU\1l Utili l'olnL It lllrJ~ Uno ~ulttlnc.1 II UI\Y (\ lll.r~a complloy lho l)rulrnClOcl hlignilul} \I Itl ch ,,~ ~ rccl'"L IlIlJlOII----,-B oIlCh r h 1 wi)\e nl09L Iy '"f,:II"l:d 80 lIl.tt hoI tlte lilllU ",111 /111011 I) Irom Llio Cll) 1: he dl~hnguls11eU tiUIl or uur CullrLs ...... we mllSl bo 1,! .d~~ IoUd h II ~~, f, III so I ellIlSt: Of other, had 118 glVlllg the vcr.1 JII reillted by tile JI " ~"d wlIlIIlilH:d tuw c be Asked lms of 01111' "dill h It, r~ It III1J her Im 'III.. , thu~ hl r ll ur lilli, ttl flllt:tJ "U!JpU , tI;n s th y 10 I~h'.' 11\ t ~ ,!tIlI U ill 1'11IIudt 1\.1111 ••IIIU :poku lIlUll!ll'lglJ IJtI~ gll\e no~bIllJ .~tl. h<,lllIuldoll li d l\) tl\ I1 C!(14 t OIl Ct> or De I}Ull WIIlLL tJley bali ",lid hud b .. 11 hellrd by n lI\1l1ib~1 uf thAlr oompany llf08~ ~rlllgo'" blj(8lPY, lI.ld tIll! ~tlll~e'l I 1I1 11Ul v I (helll IlUgh lJU, 01 10ol,lJd M tf thuy 1,1) ul hlSln it r""J ' Wllh~11 COrrierl'. ~ l vudl1\;1 lIghtl" :rho bugga, Ilrol!lptly Ilftt:r~d her 1118 10111111 "'1,1 hcart I1UI1\ I\Ul\\:U II UQltl, 111111 'w I wulklng " I 1 '1 i '" ul "" 0"'1'8 wlllh!> "rUt;~IIIC III kCl'llIlllT lileir Ilul, IllY-II ) , wncil u w ' 11 1oolnn ,I~Ql\llc <1)11,,11' mCII Ice. L Ie II Irli II ,! ..,' .. J 0 ~ Ihv , h "I lIr, 1l\I\\Cf, YOl\lh, b~out>' , "Ikl ur. Illarnage" iI ~rol uutll \h e} coultl eo\nl'l~ Ie Illnrr ,,~ppuu f0 11\ t\\d 1\11 1c(lloblng hold rhey 01 hllr mm thus 5pO I( I the prvoe ur nil Grrul"'o' Crull urc IIU I'I I1'''&0 ng"llI st tl,e rOIl cr of nleo \Y ere IItrn Rlnrrl ed, O(.. Ih." m.rrll'ge, bul ., I my gouu.• wOllllm-t.c, I' me ·.,tny hdl W Ilhout m~klul! It yO\l1" grclII<1!t ell 1\ hnL) ou \\ IIIlL1 ' @III' 'I I It nil thC~ Q bloaHlJlgs yO\l IIIny )ct Ollie WIWtl88 1V ,1. IlVill~ who" 'he s ui l \V IIt Shu l ephc.,!, hI 11 1(.1\\ [ ilmlJ!lIIl: l~ne, bOil poorellJml~1 dr/III 'JrlOIl I/vl, Qa.J/, 0111 bruughl for tJtlll purpo~c In tire elva! coort. '1 lIuuL .1 IXp l:lOCC-Oll l) u sl~JXluoe 1" II/mum: 10 lltjlJ..,...)ltlrora St{lll(/arrl of Ihll ternlorv, sui! JllllJrnclI t I~n s obt.lII,I YOIl shAll 11In c teill ttU10S t1111t IlUl01lllt •• eel "gAlnst De G rRugo III the ", r untime lIer I" lie lidded, tlra'\JI)~ fr~Ol Jus !lllln aUlt 'Ii CI Y Clark h"d ~dv.nl cd 111 yellrs IIlId hOllor8 pclckd 1\1\ illig) ,nml plllC1ng It III tI,c> A lIIurulni!' Iluper re~ rreu 10 It uIlllgcroll8 'rhe gGllcnl YOllth (If 181~ bud bilCll,no tlte. ~lovM h and of the" l,lIJ1UIl, 'hlke Hm, 1""ll!ll\ltl,ctc~ IIpon II ,v,ft Ily her hus alllbltlOul Ilull tlc \ftl' llIi1itOUlllre II. the It till I~ 1l0~ Illluugh 1 Will gl\e )0\1 lIulld,lllllghl ort\\O a1 lleO illiho wOlllh Ilnrl (luplliar Dllln of D pUlVerlul purtv.he I~n. Ill' thel \' eenl n tleleo.to to lho lerrllury Lu Con,'real rhe b Iress l e llll'UCU tbo cagle C1 ur lha city !I'he wOlJlld 11118 s! vere, l i n d " a I lllg Hero he lion II furlfo.lt tho nOor Croole gIrl, U '."lm tift 1 the poor crell tllro \\'\to rcerd vecl It 18 a It " 11 lVall 1\ SIXpcllce-oll ) ~ lIu:ponce \\ rentcllell VlollllU vf rlllll 8118'. the moth nod beg"o to Inodllato n mure br hl1nt mllr Seem!; ~hllt s ht: could not be made to <r of three cltil,Jrcn-Lllo YUllllgo~t Iml &0" r1l1ge conncctlon take Ole COlli, tit g nntl WiUl III ew fot-th en mOlh, ulli Whon loticr 8he I " goo,1 l'he o\;Jcet of till.!! n_II\[Btlo.lU wns the a 'I:tpene~ 'Ins gnvc i~ to tbe sirangee Iuuklflg nll'\ "necltollnle lo Iocr (linn!) _ lovely MI.I Cu,t Il. o( llnr} 101111, II gronu bClIIg be~lIdl) IIII)l who, IIfler t h!mk'Dg Her husballd Id 1\ hllT~ l\orll1l1\: mnll. but dMulrhter uf Uh.rlea Carrul. or Ourrllitol' tile generous dUlIor, wlllked a1owl.f III~ h(~ '" elllb,lh red by the ",ie hAllll d 0 1 \\..hoII,,(lenYDr,l. becule tbe lhrclllolle~. o~ 3.\\ 11) Afl,,' b ClIIg IBUgh d st fo, 0 I 61 b II I d UIII" by IllS comrllrle, he II ~ Ollt In II\~ wl(e •S he hna rrequelll\} btlell lel'1I to v.• u e. Ie ",a • • great e., 11111 pur~\lIL .. of ~I10 \.!\Jc/;!fRT" mnn /lying , Y fnllllllhe ~trC)el Iv!th hr.r IIIfllllt III h~r Ilrllla lurk. line monn.r., dl'8hllgu,.hctl pos,"Pcrll1lps he IS lUI biro s.--or All «1111 It b •• been 1\ com mOil tlllllg rur her ttl tloll,ond great we"hh, 110 doubt, rOOllpred Illlgull1l eh8l:r1ll e 1 Oleon to I\,~rtnlll ' be U\;lIUllt I'r01l1110lRe> ttlr whole duyt and h.m (IU,lo. tle.lrable mulch (or hn brlll .. nl NuJ. lhll~ he Lhuu,£ht tins Ho wlllhell lIiJ!hll Ii!lsYlnrker child alone, or III \;e 'Ciln nntl Iccumphlbed II behllly The y \Vere Lo 5boIV III lIldltl!!1 nee to \~ hat bill LO by hor I.",.ban'. 0 .. 'l'h "dNY IOUrIIlllg engaged but ,01Ue ItOrlClS o( 1118 ellCOllel C:Onlrudcs hnd ~!lld, be Idcs 8&ti~fy\Dg I~." II~ ruur o'cluck, eI,e we&. ((lund IYI"" (lu.cd a lIuehlell trrminalloll uf titelr rela- hlln elf abouLth strlluge female, wbom uleep un the .Iet- uf Iter hollllll, "ILh a 1111118 011 bUrlll, or hid couruillp 01 h htld Hlued He oon overtook her ",bl.key bottle .~ ber aide. tJrulIlf IJUIIIIg MI .. Cayton. the ullfortunllte Zulllne.- I\IId,plhlrtllS ~pokme, IIIs u.1 a m. #tOf I'" ullig " 011 ti,e lIallIO day .lte \vu ab~elJ~ a 1[00J "elll galll Wfllt to Plllh dclpillft to procure proof. ) (III 1 \vould know more a.bout you .. of lite time. leAvlllg her InfAlIt 10 s\Jlrve - of It.. r mam.ge Iulh Clark D ut "1M' It As til p I\Ker .. nMCd, the mallltdrop Tol see It,the hu. band h.d tu leawe Ina Ilork. all ..ged, IIntler the ... nu n"e of n rerk- ped fJ In til face of tb film Je. ud Lbo allli wbell nt IlIllitt, ~hf drullken \\ I e cawe ("AS ambllllln, he bid mad, \VSY wllh Iit 0H beautiful hell't'!l$l"tl$ proirayed before hOIDe. he ordered her \0 ,une tlte boulI8 _ proof" anti puor Z,,!tme bgolll found th asLonallhed ;etlcwan T1llleho re[uoetl to du, ,vhe II, ent.,ocI. b. heuelf the vlclllD of m'lII I m~achNY III That they e af'te anI Olarned, atnil:k be,. InSlclI!!::' d.on,.roue w.... DIi 'feelln, of d....lruull aud bell' II's Ilea the reader baa already lm"glDod. l(1t o. her ~"ead. whu:h WM properl, dr_- . . . . a_ow .trIIlPN, wbo.. I I~ ~lte helJ'el\llb u.edb ___L,blda l1Ie~ ot pr«ur..... h I L. 1h h log .. worl 1 "",.IU. 1101111. .. ~o P""'u lid 111 Dr, Aild •• and wllllloue-ull (a&alab til w~re tv er,' • ileoeP&&Iemaa had 100 'bee. ~ for I,. No ,ro._&loo jua&ifl I 81ID 10 ocI LIte hlH of Dr Gudette. wbo aDaellll ..... INtIUlI W. uf a&rilulII • wv_n. If, CJGII,.aacl .......Ili'OU"1 ... The lapP1 h I, uh beard lei bowel'" &beN e..u ..1cI .... jllll&IIlca&lo", tnltiI'" " .. -"1 •• Db.. Ilk ,....... fer q , &hal he" lin h "" z· It Alii 111& . . .,. ... dale ••n ttI"e with line. Flo_ \Iaal,mod '~.aot', • _"~'1Nw up hJ IIfl'lIo . . . . . . , _ . . . . . . . .""
.11..... ......
......... .~
•r tW
........ I.
,,1., ,1.',. •• '- £:
,.....1. • .., _ .......... ,.
- (AI WI
KINDLY NOTICIH kn \II 111 It JhelO.clyCll
A the fir. of s tAndll!: nceo anlll f OUl H
deble I
B nnTIII It on Ollt
ara re'l,e.luu \0 01111 DIIJ 801li e the • • no I n lI"wftlely as \I u \I 1. 11 to
Ii: \90rd elo IlODl!:1t ra '" alto ----:.-.----~-.
elu", up the old b 1t, k.
- --
SURGEO. D~IITIS'f, "",lao_ville, Ola'o.
OI1U <10
Clellal'd, . . tor.
,r lIor d . 01 11,,110 1 ~ :'lIe
111 Iy
e tI fj 11
5 U
II 11
a (. 81
n WI'
'( m d tr
0 118 &II
r.~ of m
av ft
111 n\ (;1
of Ohlb~
p .I!~
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til 4If In
\I ll1 pi
Til. dltre;;;~v-;e»lh;;e
whcm Lht> world e,te"m' a. good, and thole whblll II clJIId,mo. a. bad,tlln rIIao, COtlos. l"nt lhe (ormer hnye been bettor whollered (rolll temptatlou Stlnd u-p-o-n-th-eedg-e~ ur~ Ihl~ ~rld ronily to ,.k. wing. bavlng lour feet 011 on~lh your eJeII' d heart in heavem
tu surlace sllrflng' Men are often rOllgned but nover contcn 'lot Iho oppiaC(I\IOII uf InnlllJrc 18!l ~euoll dtl~ CulI81~crutioll (or though It IIIOY bt' tee! Uod.eervod popular Iy 18 Ihe (lrolutio to vcry hbl'rally npphetl. IIl1o.1lVlth consllle", blo o:<pcII8E1. yot, lVith.)UI liral ill.urlllg the contempt. hCllitlIIIIO\lll urlile IiUII, IIIUCIt I,rol,orty Ne¥er wlllh a tiling .JUliO buL du It Ilbllr \·... It be flllcrllicod Sell no.. lrlull til pofOUII.O lYe,*lth RemOfM"fl!1 ofton b~rb. Ihe orrow 01 Tu \\J"~~;-A R.~An;II'; i'(; 1t8E -rll
Some ,,~o~'y qllllltty oltora ijCreOn8 U IIUIII ber or unIUgi! tI , one. ~ ___ _
aOllllla,,! otiC II I '''"
All ()
nll\ltoUl ,LIIJUi. C1Lh r 1)11 \)It-lUICilii Dr fur (lllbhc ~tlOIl
(POnT I 110) L!,
~aYIl06V1lh:, WIIrr~n qolul~l. Ohio
,. -or" •• ".... n.'fJc....... ,. ,. ••• " 0., 1I"'r'.(. f:.lltl,~ .e... ,".. 'Iwu. lID ... In_ " ........ u ..a. _fl_!', 'I 00 1 .,....... ttlh!W.1ItT _II i....
Url1l3h SpQrloSl1'IRn \\0 finu tho (ullu\\ IIII,r IlIlIt rel!l'llatlllg tlte mnnogemcnt III It ~Pllr IIIII' hurs(' I\lilch Slrtk~s u~ DS bEl11l1I wor-
'Vo ollp tbe (ullowmg 'sLI\IIZ& front R thy. n81llS en y of II trlul Who never you p.ece of poetry ua!.be "lilocntnc. ' n pl~ percelvo It hordos' "lcllllllll'1l1 to renr Bl'P per pubJiebeJ by t.he teaohers IIl1d pll rale your rCIII ~ n\lll prc pnro fur iIlln-
1'10" III~t~1I1 ho Id nlwutto r~16l' slockel\ W. hid & plj( - but he i~ uend - h. d l~1 olle hu II out! flllld ur tWist hiS houd wllh 'luu,liJllb lhu lIlher kcoplIIg yuur hnllds low J 1116 W. . .1·'lIm Ill' Or'IIIUM"CI 00 nil 01 y , U d I Ii mat ".oow b~'1 Ing I".omp~. I m tu movo Ii hind lo!:. w. (lid him auol"". 1ft11l!\1 1110 I ttl III w< Illd ollluc I!8IIV bnnll'$ hlK rorc foet dowo IUm ~'ee1c .,)!! bill I j I And ,",III~ '(jIJUlMf WIlIU''' M ell \I; Instllllt y LI\ ls< 11m cumpletely rotlnd twu dill bUll uu,r.leful pig or lhree !lIlies, willch Will confuse 111m VU - - - =-..=ry IlIII"h, /llld CIIIII,I"luly lhruw 1110\ off the lae.ut eC FeN.... "'e,,' 'uud The 1Il011l11nt you hove Ii,ilshed The HUlDlIolt w.. det.,ued 1111 Lho $0110 tWis ting 101111 rullll~. pllOco 1118 hoad III ti,e by to. licit oJlrecllulI you IVI~h 10 puocilcd. apply tho The Turkllh qUell\on 18 yel undoc)lded spur. and he IVII nul 'uti to go forward Tht combined lleeL b.d puaed the Du- rr tlte situation be Ct IlV6111 lit prl1 8 blm dlnel ... but it wu tbOllp\ hOltlhllc. would IIIto a ,aUoll lind app 11 Iho 'Pur8 Dud prob.bl, be ."okl... Wltl!, two or Ibrec 11m,,, aeverely 'J'hc 'I'll, lut ""leM lie.. BUlla aOO Turk hone will hot pcrhllpw be qui..., ., 1Iri.. IIOtbla, cit_I" In rea.rd to tho wllh the iirlt defeat. but may feol Jl8pll.~cd IIIl1J t.IlLiD.tloD of dIe B'.lbrn qut-Iuun, I try .golb ror the mastery Should tit .. ..... rro. tile l the colDbiDed lIettta lit tbeca.., you b.,o only to tWII' ~H I rl-u.:u--pb~ III a("'uct ........ Did paMld tbe u.lIerul'1! .nd lOU ""II ftliot In the ncond ""'0 ]~~_~IVed dir~t &_ Il1o lake n.u..1'- ............. before C u t a ' .. !MIller • ....,. 01 • II tllan .,er ~r 'IIIInle'" .iII be _,.. 11111,. aullcl'Dtl wl.leI, will .,., IOld" ry low r.... ca.... or e.' ....,... u... •• I_I fl • •"""1111_ thaa CIII die fonD.r 00CINI0D I chaopt rOt wood or bacon •• cub pri.... ........... ...... of &be 1MI1..-tnI\Ible a . lOU ne ehf..... t _ h malt can bar IUId ....r II'-a.,. will ... ItIID qRlI UDder tbe operatJoa_ noted 10 1M _lid. A" & lolli 801'1 plll1)( the Olrolevtlle Schoo..
r.et ....
If i
1M fo
II al
bone,.' !~Corw!~"~'~OIato.~J~'''~1;7tla,~I~d$3~~~1a.~d.~ ~:~ii~~i~=~if~~iL.
........ _-,......... ooalillllD&aJ I It that ...... rI ... ~=,:= t.rrvtIf ba,1qbappel\l beea tl'latld la tit, ""1 tltlcib~ . . . . . .tll'....... ~.1I'I11 ~ to Lhla trIctI • \IIll'ii &I.... 11..,_,.
QK "P ~,I'I 'D' TIl ~ - 0 1111 B .n R D:E R LI 'l1 'ill ilJ .D "1.i U or. \ll1I !:: 'U .!I: JC!..
111 uul II' off I
~cu I ..
Bunt neeJ 'UllO Ul gl'l~ to m Ik' thelll ~:=;:;:;:~=;:::;===;::::;:==T='=:==;::::;=::;:::'=~ - ~~ nut, y LIt WllS impo ~Iblu ' 10 II crek e ~HB B.~E FOR LIPE A .cALIFORNIA ADVENTURE, 10u r pc d, 0111 b }~lS woro nlIlIM) dOlllg th 'Ir \llmo~t ! ,1 Sll W Lhr: hl~lc n.! \l~lI tng\! • we h ,.d growing rnptpl.) loss, and til
WII S III mothcl '" do. ling cllllJ ShIJ lJlI l~' 11IlllcrsLQodlllm, and k"clY nil thele 11 .1 noblt' nnti bOl~lItilui ulldcl' bls fll UI , (IOCt strango wayk, yet she IV S fit lint!!>!, nIIOO'~ fll g'lllcllod LO !'CC how· ntllch Wit HIlU elcI CillO $ . IUld lind rstandlllg ~II UO\' hl'U Wh on 6ometllne. hn! father wuuld cold bccau ~ WtI\l.m' ISh 0\\ cd 110 IIIc lam llLl o n townrds the wool-uu Illes ~t nil, nn:! wuuld SI\)' thuL tlle lnd woul t.l "ne \ UI COIJl() to IIny goou," 1118 (ll oliter woultl niln,ys OUSWCI "Hth a good III [lill t, " 0111 Willis !iura to rn akll ~Olllt: IVII ~e III LIlli woald J oh, now 1I1 tllk Ill)
OC'fOBER \!6, 1 53,
NUMRRH rca el\ ".r IIJln~, la id 81',zure, b Ul ~"y~'''~ tla nlliluy cu ulJ I,' "" II ,llIug I t was th e !.'ilK ,, ( lhear mow pro p 1 hQ tl1Lher \\ lid W A~' uh clldy ", fi r nl , gl lliv hennle.s und 1I1~ Alichuly lind ~ unk Inlo h i~ grllve. T ho II Idow Itlfllulh:.1 lu h r ul,l lIgo .))[J (uchl n .~ ',' uiol II U I vn ~ "r HIII'I""1 hrral'lI, nll,1 CRm UpOll lh o l.urI. h T llo !! P " . cd tilt UII J Iy ~h ,' II ,Hd thp cutlU"" dv"r, ,v h! 911 (,,,,uJ lh~ !l'rJIl' n . ,ul tlonly ~11tl!l. A ~ I r "I Je t G\IUI ~ HI, "nu dOCITh'tt to llu luo/(' II Ill' ~g e riv "nd \" l.llv II
..\ Storr u Ifla A ltlOl'l1l,
'fh e law o ~ div orce In Oh io J,U recent . --'--=-<--==- =.'r--== Iy hod COllBulc rd 1I1/l new4111lper nolorlel, THOUGHTS !l,vell l O It. It I. perl'.pI ' more coofenl~nt Ih.n llaRt ef ~ ny oll,,' r ~lDte (or Iheto ,,\ 1UT1 .£:t el ft 'r ll t 'IU ;'11 'I~H"OR II hll hO l'o d"leJ"mlllcd to lint e the knot m.· • BY WfLLU!d, dlstnnce ueiwucn UB 1111<1 0 r pu ' un, In",Ulllnl; and nOl a few fro m olher 81,te" ASD orllleR dimillis1l1nl,f nt (:\'c'l"11)0I As Wu It IB aftld, tuke up t> Il\mpOfary r- 'iide.nee in I _ ... 1 , _ _ __ nelll lld tho pllill~ or..ldustmY<Jul eltn.noos '\ V" ' ... ully , "~I" " Mt1II1UI lll,ll ~I ...se~, Oillu 10 nvallll,enuolvlI4of the luI\' on thll ~ ....... I r I " • , .. , f"r hfu nnu d ,~tll eeC1l1cU nbout equnl, And iJlIJ;il l , 'h ' crv "I~ r "iI,lI)1Irt W h"" Irllln . ,., lho I, .cron au ro ~es H ~Ul ~ ~IIIIlJn'b;red tbllL ill Ille , on u tine, IlIgh- splriLcu ,horsc. 1 and mY ~ Ju~t U"!II,o'\1u of tho ~UI08 f:Jtumblcd su bJ,eel T~e Sf !t' UI ROJltlbhca,n COIIL; hut ll on wilIg-s or eVM'ng .or, 61 the ,tndWlA not un- 1C)omflIlOtona on mulu, of ~ho bo,L qUtlh- I~IHI ~1!\10 L,threw 1\oS /1Iu ur, C.Ul~llIg' hUll Inln8 Dil QOCOUIII 0 f Q coupled in that city A 111.1 ellll u l hrNH hs In pt'aul nroullc.l III , (1't!\~&I,. moleitechbe "gold d.gge~," ty - w"h OUI' 1\.Il11ll1I]11j heRds ill olle d,- to (all 11 1"lId. , 1\ hI> removell lo (j Incl nlly 'or tl1l8 putPOle. ; I 1 ~/" t! If' 1iullk of tit ' ''') Il ij (.It, SI , qd o:n!' olpel'irill>: l.hll cmigt'lIll~ 10 j reCdO ll, lind hcl~ 1\ k1l1d of cmllleil l Ofl 'My Go~; ~nl'<.l 1 'Tom I); lost," lound He 1\ ,. d r".~ ~d In a Ch ill e,, ' . dQlh I , "ho luw requ rc" 1\ res idence of one Jur 01 II I II tl ", dllll 1 ~ 'i,:J to n rr\JulIJ Ill", uti lroIIl d~ land 01 n:~IlY \'0PIlS IIl1tl ' lVllr ,It '~Il~ UIl'll llllnOU Iy 11.186\\'OU , liS .lI ul I \I' IIS uhullLto rltl.fl1 lip .111'1' lImd IIU llh, J u hll I " \\l rl ~ C II Plclulci l unli gil l~l l,) P d." lUI d " "Iy HI ord~r to 10 hecomo ft lubJeat or it. \ Vho, f) t I unh , lin ' C "I1J et- <;t t' ( U Ihu 1t" 1 'fAd dilapP,9inUDentl. lillt enemy did III !ltlll' lmg POlllt, thl\t, OOniC l\lll\.l t would, uy hUll to tlto I,L~t, whe" he ,tid 'll\( But tho II ~ Ighbui ll 11.11 shook thon bu r' lh o " " of ~ II" bruk l! lI hV .,d,lId" olld ttao MlIJ1le In question II('re thr' for' not ~nture 1111.0 tlil.lllcliled pl\rL (If thc l wc sh(l~ld n ,ve'r surrenllGI. \Ve kn 'All rig-ht, uoys I PII ~ h 1l11\!,lIll1l1d h","ls 1\I.c h, lU"l sOld-"hl,S ~h , 'k s - I '1 1" Ie I. n '\""1' ~UI 1'1 ~ ; "I lt . ~.:l h u~. ha rtl.hll" 11u I QI\ h i. an n hlil .lull l, "V( - lh e IUrp llfill or hv,"!!, (1l1t Ihf' rf'qlllrpd lime. eoulltry, or to those "pillcur~" whotl! l the terror our killd of !trms In splfud IIl l tll ll Lht! frlulIcls I'm comillg! ' l,eulc IS "polll n" L1l11t boy, hC'1I IlUI <r t n tlh'11 ~h lji1 " I dour o fle:i pO tf l , \\ t1) j enl'J t" lI'nrd he r \J u, h r~ Nl f' jl" \I \ rc " I .. , Th ~ doen,hent we 11'10 10 Ihc Repl,blle.n'l the "dimra" were IIUlUllrcn.s, bllt COIl- the bU' 01ll8 of our "'IVI'ge fu08, find Um~ ,IWU llad pll~h nhclld 'f" m elo~ ' 10 lIlII IIl nll Lhu IlIlIn Ia~s lilther I ~ " 1 1. . 1" IIIrllI 01 I,,,ne,", ul glauuL"' < tliin 110 .ihn k (' " ht. l,no~J II J ur ' II , r , tll,,1 Illng uagu' bad their opcrl1t4ona to IItmgl,:lillg 9' once unarmol1 an.! ill L~ejr PQllU., no hc~l s, but Whl'lht' r lillY' f u ~ ~ho"ld e l r 1,111\ orry to 'slI r ilun li~ hi gU' I\ u llL 111 prnf iJuct 1) 1 th I c~llIl11d ~fu. ) 1fcnk 'pRrtie!! ,frolll W1IOI11 thu) woultl ' rneruy " ould bc shown US; nud nt ~(;e 'the 11I6ntl.' nrr;1l11 \I llS xtrclI' o', f hu),- hou:l, Iho ' ) .,\!II!! POUL le ll ill to Wh cli 1[" aal llnn. \Viti III Oll t 111111 )"Y log Ih er .obhed t.kll n uhlltt '['h \1 1I1I9r \\Ol n\1II g 12 'A rte l Ihey ft rrll l,tI al Cincinnati ,Ihe flUt. 5t031 cverythingthcy could Illy llflh~ 1 \vIl 'pr~fltrred 10 dill fightlllg for IIfu RI1(l Jt)uliLfIl\ ~ • Ilt l, er lllid '\IL) 'He IV lIS \Ory "'tI) ~lId 011'1111 '11\'1 I r~r: 1 n "h,,·, \<o. vel , ~d Upull hfan wl'b u U I! III IIIIJ IV ,nJllr 111:1 band Wllh COm mPlldllhle zul, faofhtotod upon or dn,'e' olf. \llld 11\ tl,uir n()fatiouli ib(,rty, rllLuor Ihlln IIILZZ .rll Lhc uncerWe IIUJ'I Cll tho tUt lilt'" pilltH, 11'0 lind II \ ely. IlILll so Wa.H lIluch Collrll:(1 11,1' WIIO la d.. " ,h 1I0'CI eo/I),,' , braghl 11<>1'"9 LU eyn d u ubl le8~ lJy the happy proijpec:t of Q epee \Vh r•• O ltO \V ~ ce.lP" ,n ~o ll g , of 10' a phillderillg eX ~rl\lqI1N, it WllK by no c rtllllllio~ lind pMblLblo horrord of 1111 rIJ:lcheul L, bllL closu tholc 11~1 "! UI\I foc , g"y emu !! Illy, nlld cxposod. to 1ll!1I1) "Oh, my dp,~r, ,I e nr motlmr! ~ U II'l you Il)' d\•• nIUIIOU, "elll io \fork dut<'rlnll1ed t.o OlC.... nn unoommoll thlllg ror Lho.c ~ lu ,llI\u e lp th I ~y, IIUU. iL Illlght be, d oath II'ILIJ IIrrows ulUwn 10 - thc IW.I'I, r'lIdy Iiu ~1Jo\Vctl to o, Ihll ~ II l, lLl",,\ tll o, U :':0l't )1:);':1 1;11111\ YOUI 8 tl I ) our poor bUl , G uors ,) t prOVid e 011 tho nece.ftnrl~B of life for hi. (1\1", whom thtll'p,lt'ered 10 fIlII victitllM I"t th .., hIke! ' to II;~ ulh" nt 1,1 as we pllS 'u tl' They p leat g'IIII1S C,lII bu velY fllohi h alld It wu., III..t ee~ , tile \Vroclc III h,,~ 01100 "" parlllor II~ long a• • he hod H 01.1111 10 1115 LOVE 10 thuir. I.o,"fllullvli:~ or pO.don(!d utroll'S. lllll t ho\\' IIrc \\ e 10 '90,1flc l' II liS LIIO 0.1mc', fl cloud I) r them, th,lt m ill] /.! Iii 1111 pI uJen t, by III III YIn£ bufore !lU II a~ ble I• .ti who, all.ltered by 1\ oUIIII . , hy 81CIt· protection She, IJctunteJ by th e ~ft me UDd~~ lueh OirCl\IIIIS~lIecl!I, It \v11~ \II L lllq"Il'Y Illiidu ImJ ~chooil by U!j 1111, lind I,ir d.lrk, bu l ' OI Y fl>rtuh nloly lUI \I ~', \!lg hl C 'Ii , hll ~~ Allllli lhth ,IIYIIY, duubt nO.8, mn ll lurl!lj[1I ImpraloDllmtlnl,' lIad, at 1II01l v e, probnbly reI! happ) 11\ conlemt deerped pm,tcn~ fur pllr~on to l' IHI ut \l f(lr Ii time lIOll e el.lulJ nnswer ,t:" md LlI~:y fdll~ litlle ~horL of lhllir 111.11 k I c~s Il \VOl ~h )', yo\lllg w~mlln In bCT " ")" 1)1. ' II ,herc Id ,,,'u I"IV Ilb)\ ~ lla. res l, lil"!:I" dru !l:e ~ his IV Mt0 d IImll ~ IHIlI\ wU l, 1 pi", ug th l) fU lure, hoLl II gon" "I'Pl'tlto o.t (a, froDllbc.~ comllllnrOll~, tile 1we \u\1IWII rOUlul upon Our (!nCml\l~, ollly reRcileulIS \Vh n SpCht! A Ii buL 1101 KUt/lll llo Wllli(l m :Shllkspt:lll li, I ~ \VUII U" III W, ..I 1II- If III r~ j." WU r(1 '01)036 ~onulIg l(J e ~CUlle8 Ilf I". d,dil- hartlly, nnd dreM~oll comrorl.hl} . ' ~a\'.gc" were nlwlI)' !urk1,lg nhuut, nllJ kIp,,! uf l'i<llI\p '~cl'rn(·d utl\61ly tm t u !J, dR~d m~11 grc\!tcl~ our till I ' . ,\lid 1!Un. secllh, ftlt he II II~ lIoL Ion/::, happy 1\.:lth Tlml I "olliu 1m"" "" ""Ia • p n "I nro hoot\. T hl! rl!sl ur Ihe "tllrv Id tou ll lo JlUigbL fllll upon th\lOt I'lt nny mmnen!, ! "0111' fOl's bogllll to mtllllfost ~ lglIS the tir.L unng~1 we Celt ul\Isoh US sn fe her , Ht.: WllS0\)1 .cd to le l\\'e JII flUllll} lUI' 'II Ihe ""."I\lu\1 1I\IIII)or 1)1 " lilUJ 11 Ihe menlllhl1e 011 Ih p legu l cnllnl!Ufur the young ann" Iang eru ~ t.ut Q [ell' \V ~e lt s v~u hnll " ~I! n rr~pnred ArIll Sllerl, and the when th J II1U~t lIuftor tho 1l01l~cqUCn- f implltlellce at IIr long COI\fUTiO(W, see- Dut1101V nnol.hol pre!;cll ihd itl<eif We lIud Sll Mfolti II,L liI~~, Yi! ty !Iud lcnly, nlld II Ih.rc a. ,,"y ;hol~ th tll I.Ulllll Ih III\U<.I COli 01 th::ir temc:rity Ihhouh.l bit rd- III " "h,ull , 011 0 of thc pili ty plt)posed cOl\ltl SI'C nn Qutl, t bullt;r1 US 'd LIII ou rrll 1plUUI\ hly It! tho IIwht-tllll e, for hnl'ill " OI'NI I" " 'II:~ I 1,. 1\", nlld rllp"h IlnJ de.\lI oome III his rell,,( I machhl c oilly rr.lrd on -the proper .1 " Q , 0 L .. 1 ~ 1f" 1111111 ~ 'r) <If I II- 'rl ~ 1l1!)I\ 1I LIH t. ' Inaneil, ~l)OWUICr, tllD., (11\ thc~c ut pi ._ , tn,,0,lt Wll cumm 'nce tl Ie IiIgIIt, tiS f'II; IIt II !:r"ll III thc 1Il01l 1l11llllS whlah "uS' o\'lJ r hoc!} UIIg'I1<Tc t.l ill poOlchlllg und ilC:t) r klll 'rho n C~1 Sund,,)' lifter Ih o fll nernl [ hOI'1) jllHlQd ulllle. Ihe lillY 10 chop off tjlO offonj da,t,ioos wero comillitlud IJv the rO"III:; \\10 II\U"t, 11011 scll l'ur, I,,'cs lUi dtml as hlllW 1111(1 omlll ,lIldell I>y 11 hlg'11, p UI'-' III". 01\ W\u 'ISLU~tl of 0116 Sir '1'homll~ U"J hOd mn.lu M lhllll: .." rallr 01 ~Onlel1ll" d ~i!c rlbed, 1 \Vus al the villall!:!! c hM e \,. . ,\ e Gha rd Ih ut \Jo'ind .ht'flI to each olht'r tribe. or Ind~,m-, lind th;.t thurt! Wll~ no ~,"blc. J kn II' how grol\tly the 111- Ilcll tlllmlnr bluff 1111 Ilh~1 SI(J O, to " 'Il' ! r.1~C.\ , ,1 !flont mall III those II'j rls, who "11, ~UlllltoHI l'utlilic III It.~ ,,<I I .r IrI\l h l~h"l1 10 my surpTt.e J ~UIV the puorulll \\0- While quietly n" tlitlLIlig lhls lIme l heir ~ I' 11 0 0 11110 " " Iloculbr 111 ~n ll lll~ , """ \V Iti "I ""d A11othuroll18~. 'Who~1l abodl!~ \\'cr pcr- jthflns t!tt'l\dc!1 to oncoullior el'en a SUlIl 1\ IIIQh allu kill lis hy tln o\y IIlJ I a k~ lip ' I h\ 0 1111' \ elY lIIlIel\ I,lurnguu !l!;lIllI!J L \V,II'II " ,"II. bu. I rn(,l 1""11cil " "cor In. l ll" II) 101111 t'l t1prlll~ dulY II lho al~le lu h or ueen" r~I~ll(lh~ \\Crt! ot tlt e mll.t (ritwdl.y mdorJ QlAIIOllt, thst 1I\l"crdi~turDcd IhoirlU;ll:h- lIuanl!.ur of 1~lejr foos \\ Ill;) wero tlrlncJ 0 11 \I 1\ IYO a :h IIl1uctl ill lt;l Ihu lIIlriOIl hllll. H c wCIi L up to LOlluoll flild '1II I,w 01 II, R\cII I. L 01 c- n"d ,hO'IISII "n ~ tnmeLl Ae,,~ bn Iho HOp of tho ftlh'r. Shl' unt1 Ihelr p r08re~" elf uparatlon eOIUtHl 00"'. or moiClitu4 Imy on~, un1esil pro- Wllh lu\'oh'er:1, 1\1111 that 1\ ~uJ \1 'II Ilt- II Iy, \I'M 1I0lV 1l1~CI)\ ' r d In be th became II 11" \ler of )JIRya "lid. lI lI IlolUl l\.L " '1 " bee" '1.lIrl'"d by I'M. Ion ItilIl pruJl1l1.U tn qdc nil efforl to put on aOtl)ethlnt.t II~e to IlIere18e Ille e~lc elll IVI))ch II,ey' h.d· roke.., ~o .MtiQR. to l·ut.lIlitllo fo~ ~O\llC t:tck on ou~ pllrt ~Iil::ltt throw thum IlltO ccolld o\,lject of Ihe IlI th ,ltl Wu 011111 ~hIJ Glollo 'J!hoa.lrc. 'l'hl~ WIIoS in, Ih e ' 1'0 II. "!Ihuly U~UP Ihruuhg .11 IIII' ~, lI1 ,jlll nlllg IUr lIer san: nnd nOl hlng coufal bo hlUIQr,Io "hhhoid (rom eRllh olher _ AI 'ha outrage or injusllce 4"lllllst thcm~ch us II mOIll 'nwlIY ~1In1e , bu ~ c~uJd, sCo no Hce tlWJll all th~ rldg' I~,'klllg for lh c~ 1,1 ~1 'r J>;lrL of Liae r\llgJl of QUllUlI ElIza - :;1 111. Ih" Ilte", ..1 1,IIIIell,I';1 I.ur~, morl' IOIlChlllg than thl ~ 'I~uggll' bet\\een rAI<:d I' I r Ilpro.chtd, the \ftdy be.gon to. or thet18 dom05ticito~ \,J'.bC3 tbe \l'hll~ prQqpllot o( uillm lLtlJ ~'~cllfll,! by procce(1- l'l\l!$ with tile 1if.1I1tIlCS!l of 1\ fll)C,k or! IJclh, or "Good Queen Be~~," ali t;he ,\ j,,1111 Ih~.c .tee" ulluciluno thel l IVC lecl had 110 rears, but went and CI\Il1U lIinl>n,; \II~ ill thllot W11-' DIH"it IV,,,, cry p1aUII 1l10:lIItllin goaLs. mit! alii ehllnt:I ' od \YIU; eall d. ~he was t\ good sovereign 1)1I11'lj pO ICn l wh ll i ll uo, a nil \I d ' 00 plou~ n/l'~o ll o l) nnd IllInr po~t'rty. /I !ltAch S'!lve lIumi.lokollble .ignR of .lI'eel\lIn. 61lCl 'hem U luiled thdr COI\lt!l\iene' r or th IL wholclltr we d,d undcrl4\ko mus~ CSt;III!C \tOre douL lfllI 1\Ii cI" r ~ Agfllll i 01\ nllmy lIeCOl\l\tl!, but Il hl\rtl-hel!.r~et.l, I' h Illvi," "," Ionr. II> "Iud , I()H U j11vv n rluonr/ur (adnd IIJ" 'ik hundiru rchlor .hrbw 'out certlan inslnunllons o(-c:ompropto... lIod !.I.l"''''''~ "ilhout rcccil'llIg' be 110lle q\lll,: kly, ~o I \lropo~otl th;\t we Al)Ut IC(I ollr l>(Jju;Ls <untii lhl Y bL!CtllllC I llLill, 1I1l'tl PIL~iIQlll'tc 'lomllll tSla(J 10\(;(\ 1 1111 III " " l'on'! lng ,.,1 lu m o•• 01 n ~hll~ nnd Vll t,l or ~ :I''' . \lch hum"l~ atlt'lnl't~ tu mise-nnd \lnu clll) IVIa!!11 h8 wehl 10 villt bar. ~'I\\ hVRhll:ni. , tlghti\l~ I\.:;'"ll~t such u\j ~pe ralc u~hb..- aboll ~ liS rcSllVO as th~il· riu l! l • und to Il ICRl llol, JlOnor<>rl, lid ob uyetl, buL I'" r ~Y~r) 'ul'lJ 11"" &II'II~ .lwl ~ II! h nIl , eXllr6!B hy o ll Llvnrd ~ lgu." thl! g rief '\'hl cll , ehe laid her hAmf upon 1111 ,lluDlder. Otte oCc dlCllC tribe:! Iii ell ill 1\ I'loIlo} ollr ('llltmlC9 out·nlllnbcrlll" \l~ n"!II'ly II 11\\ uy \\ 0 fie 1\ , ,,1tllu iI~' wlth Lit!! s WI1Ul S!l bellcr 9llll, ho loved to bl) JlIILLCrGJ. \1111 "vny cllllll nro1 l'cJllI n lin Ihu j, llI~, 1.ld 10\lkod1\8 only "" om\l11 end wife can 1 wcr or UlClSier'p NIU'cdo, lIud In thc iall~ hUlldred IUOII(' - II IC lI ,h 6)10\'8\ li t omu- or nrr\lw~' Whcu he WII;; )OUI,g', s lle \\II~ lI1(hur ~ 1I1i l'"ry lr~~ "II'I jht ""1 r Ull lul11l t.r~~k . (I" 8~l'~ , h'l I' Wh QII I luok ud II rou n~ ullotl tho aturlod look, olld mallilcatcfl 10 Dlueb tl'lidernflll, P1udi.t 'Vicinily of lhc 1.111; , ,\\ III\lh, lIt liI'c, ,we Irnd best lllllk\:- I~ UIII Illst I tl I'> rl, , Wu gnill oll , Lhc l{f\<li<, just II~ oUi I hnu 11,II11liJIg, 8111L u su d to spt'nd mliuy V" flce IttlW ey ry lhlllil \\ tle mode IU I,,,t,, lin c \alion of mort' thRn \1111: ,hulI~"nt1 IInu tr) 1\I'fl~ to e,scnpl'. , Cll C rnl (l~ CAm C tip. nIl,1 plllll!:!,llI::; tiU1I'1i \JOlU" IlL Iho 111m I nuollllng Ilnd IId~lI- A 11 Ilo\\' limy err, ~vho) , In ~ wurl,1 hk u a1 1~ mon 'UI\UJII,111 . tot olJ h Ltchmo)\is,lhe cold ' olld ' )ICU lJr.n('ro'll~ r ~l1C!nlo n('e, \h.t Ihl! til r~ I\j pump w'th willoir 'l ho Ifr.,h,ll'lIr m~al,. ht:.rl ot h ~1 1m bund ~lmOllt Ylllid. ft:c~ Illxl\'c the tlt:R l!bh~ lind ftll\~'$ ,it.., '8,,!. 1I'1l' c~n \I e?' IlIlS uglll i Il~kctl Lhc delli, gtll u~fQnd til p II\ bof dllng.r ' III ' hUI~clf-bul, \I~ 6),e ~rcl'I' Qld. IShIJ I.. ,,~ " 1) 111( .. ;; to, hule 1"'1 hll n i n !lfde mull. neal .n..gnHl,'el,lIy ov~f t1 " P ll r.l~J prlde II!I frum the p Ur)' ''I' boll. hn.d 80 decld~dly tides "ith nil ~hc r. '~ljl:lYlly \'If old Olluall 1'1 N'plied, lIuH ns to liil'ht WIIS C'1;- ere III 'Y eould hull ~()WII tb elr II\!uLh g,",w exec 'Ivel) ugly. II11 n1 1,1 Lshe \VII Ll» und IIlrtlblllo liliOl '\tllllr Wldo,y uowed by ngrllcd u\lQn , '1' 1, "~fl uboul elev.1I 1.IDlsclf -1& phe.,om 11011, ~(> fill' ns \\ e lIih dUIILh 'Illy how", II \l \Hlillill .,,~c de,lllhg m~sll(j~ UPOII u ,IV ') Iollrt! ~he lll lOok Il ' QW IIC' e. tv I Qk "! IIglJ'Ss agalll ftrn IIWllre lThhouL ' 1\ 1?tlrtllld, IInll ,\ 1111:: by 1111 nttempt 10 SCllP<:. ,nnd fl' 11 1\1 Ilr 1\1l ·11> f r~ 11",1 I\i nlm \~ \l - fAI LC Lhal ~ lI;ell! h r l\luttlll, WhQ had u "go nuJ !II JTrI1 \I' , .1.. the Q lIer u(lI O"dutl,ulld mounlh. nftt' l I", lr An-h Al III \he Slate., 'I'i!at 'eIaFi~.lt ~ . '1'111' ~llIl~y WIIS 1\ de· gll_le(11 thnt we should milK\! .. - ou OUI snfe~y W,I" pr tlIim d b) Igpile ngl\lI1~t hcr, weru IIllsche\>ol\s Ilg lip lhe pn lye ra snd 1/1 ul g e~ 01 I' I'" ~lId ulle IIInre IIII) UIII 1~{j\'ld probnbly lind fighltul plRIW frui tful tlU,l!H/)_urcsque, IIlId ~Uiltll'll 1\1\ h llP(ln th e. hll e of of desptlir flOm uar ro~~, "hi h' jlllllil -h Lo (trcss her hllll: III rl~heult>u8 "' ........ ous Ihl:Jugh IIrj,kcn ~c u rt l ~ 1,,11 that Ih i~ tllll ll~ lepnrn' " d (ur~v"r 11 gUild on .11 lind ill dlo !lC~&OIl of 0 '" ~ rudulclIl onemics for \hll pUTpose of IJrc:lkang' l'~ II W.I ~I l,lIlJk mu~i 011 OUI I \\'(\y~~ lIl1d :put the PIUllt 011 her eltcel.s living mOllumont ()f r ~ ~1 glicf W8 ~ ,,'orlll race uf 1 1i~ h () I1Ul if(J I \\ Ift', for II.ho II; III hanll! wlt\~ ,,'rfll!jll'i II;! il\hllbiUl~I{I IIC' t· til oll~ll i~,-\\ hi '!I llhoug htth crc \V,oS SQon 't'e 1I,Id J)loc\a d the Qutnt III slrlluks ..lIlId .sp()t~, 110 t1IRI. sh(l onOIl Tb~ ,,7 idow nnd hel' Sou til ~Q mr. overy w tfe I ~-or hhoul.l br.-II"~ pe"IfCt~le Ilnu fri"llllly 111\,1 1'1 r l't:IIJ y 1\ p(l~',blla~y of dhlll~ - nnt! thcn l.aIku OpCllIIIg Ilf Ihe gorge lind buh ' Id It broll.1 \I :LS a )lideuus bJcc~, whon she bLihe,'~d nT w 4lIIIUHI-l'VJ( IRVIIIG, Lo ~pruc"h.l go/.lll fcyiing; but, hk\l llll ol\r ohtlll CC fvr fillill 1'~tl.l Jl', 'IS fl,, :lIIlC, pl'"11 sir-etch.ng AWI\Y III the t!is~nn o(! ue- ' hel .elf IQuklllg CJIIiI ,"iogl,)' , I opp rul1ched Ihe grnvll , t e lilled th o ~lor1 to 80rnll Of lho II/'al- bj' ti,e R tllc k 8"lI'~C lly o f n 1I'01nll.'8 gl~nc I."~ whell IIrulul\'d th~ \' II Ort.: IiCT\W clrt:lImtiL I1INI~ or nccl ~~I y hould II - fUlu u I Wh l)lI \I e Sl1\l-'lhe dllnger II'A9 / (1'11I~ Queen \l 1L,~ (un,d of the tJllmtl tl, p!ucelllJl/ .ho g-rl/Ulld Of) II w"rc 1II~llrIlJ- thy .Ilftmhrrd. Ilrtho cOII~rt)llnllO!lt nnd Ih ~y ~J IlIIu lulod 100 Ly returning ftffccllon, elle Cur 1,101:', hull ItIlil ro,'('n,' c," te nnill', 'l'h'$ pi til \I,IS ndopl" 1. W p I~ lUll} QUI I!~(lapo c"r~,~ul, wt: (il'c\V j nnd Hdnllrcd ' Wll!lI\ln h~lk pen H"s "y Ihe Ill1m q "na "1:1' ul 1/,0 .I~';on.e",- w<;!re fT.." ,('d b,. II TIII~I' !';tl'rled Ihe"'~ti t- ~h lV the uIH1" t f " !l nccl PJrll III bls eyt',Qn Itlt.appeau,l £hIloL oJ" ~l'lIl1' thf' cc1e- pllllf('u our nllilll:.lls nbrct\s~ ' \\ILI: tl~~1 lip. gll\ C a yell of dl'ti lllce at our PUI- , pl.IJ S Sh s omc lllll tJ9 set hlln S U~JUCls , George SUIn ' " lol!'oo!!6 ycard. The 01 11: 11 I C~ hi rehder ht'r IIl1ullo n IO ll rf! COtl'l rQ rI4- prlutell 'In Im pns.iono.1 ki~. IIp'UII hi. lip t bra\ted alvxiean fI bbur, ~\' lIl1 pls~lIIg h(ulii s nlllJonllng!CI Qt\C yrOlllt, ru(\(\,1 to ~U CIS, IIl1d litrcll h UlIl Ly, sou l f~I ' ehllCI!! l he Wl lHe oncc,£ 1I1l< bc..'4 t. phlY j [or Itci ,!Jlld " r 11,"1be" 11 """;SW.\ lv kuecl dow n ut Ihe ble, untllo lallbtell hor nffiICl fo u! . It IVU 1'lllIl k l & \I n. lito ~tld lliatllmoto Ihe heart nel\f,betllnilUl'1ur 1\1\ l"W. buL Il m,ke lh' dClp rlltt,! offort. ,VIi"n nlf rVI,)t\r.tlhcs! pfl,uh 1 flc lcral bellUUlulcl.llllphlllcn ~s hC11l1 o( IL H er \\Ilherr d hU\ltl~ \\t're hO\V Ol h,l>lIt ~1ll 0"llllng'llrlllV IlIcpato lhe Anti tll~ ~ lrMtH $ r affectlun so lonp PO'll lilr1~ 1\'lIf oyor Oil Lhc 0.,1\11011110, r II 1I~ r 'Hly. (\ur fOI:~ lhe \\ luit/ lll o m l'lIll! We ro1c IUlsurel), rtwn)~ , nnd 1)11" L~I I Alwr the Ql.uen had smllcJ on lalill, all , ht' pI II, liS I( III pray'r , buL I CUIlI~ I,er Itrnv~. 1n Iho c.. ur.e or H Sun "y ur l lvu I'I' ~ hrqke out ' ln 1\1\ ~1"!Ir fer~or. It rat.r, :l~,'I"J' 'iil1.: tho 1\10\111- rily eXI) ctlll~ U~ tp urrcndcl:. 1 ;"" I, foll /Hylng da} made our I' RP'I! IT,mc(' f ~1ao Iluble h\~\c!I Rnd g 'ntl"mclI suddenly C,' I U, I>y II f\'~ blu ,u~k l llg of h r b\l~Y , II l1d Ilft~r 8h~ \I 118 ml~6etl fm lll hat ueull I 8/l lll nl I s :neelllc ~H lb ~tly, 0. rec'>lI~tlh,ton \\'01 Boon h&1'1'" 1111,1 cluIIICl1ng II) fIlII ill wi~h 1\ pRr- tile \VOl d .Allnull.At\cously IIIflktng !.Lo am on'" OUI' Inlllln" 4 sQemlel' find ruhl fUUlld OOL thll~ ho \VIIS ~ g l'lll\ ~ wtl {l nd ~Qn' ,,1,1\ \! mlll lO lI ()f holr IIp~, th ut ahe IVas ~hlll .lt, nn u b'~I\Jre l (~ [l lh, II Ill'hl>orhcud, (llrucluil, th ey r'rn('"'ed th e" " OWI wlth".n I" I)r tHtm. rur meT \\' ,tnll/III1Ci'-'i fln rl .pnrs til'e l' lUlo thd 1\0811 elf '0111 b 'lI ' t~, lit odl ' I\lure to Lhcir 11 ~m'1l11 wond r- ~t.1l,1 u ~, nnd C\ 1; 1) bouy p ,ul! 00111t to hUll !l lli , n .." ul\ 1\1 J lu~ t rc ht" of hc rsOll, Willi ,;'...0. 4 ':1<' or ""'me .,thlr iuflllllOIlS ml) awar we W~lIt I , ' l \Ve were qUI Lc ll.e 'holls' of th e 1311 Lhe fQ) (II IHI'OI IIUYCI cun:lo 10 ~ 1l) I hoarl 'llll\ elllt. r ' UlIOII \ll'll .b~ I.~J 'lui Ihe INvor ur ~ o u d., ".t'clilil'~ Ily experi· U_lli.. , , .,... v I II ' t tl \U s CI'1I0 tl III l !lll)'; ' 11\1t ,~ o hatl 11(1 (h'PO~llioll t 0 Wn IlIllg I .1 I.. IIll\r ttl llJ C t ) lht' y\,lI r1" 11" " U[ II In\J~h e r'!I hOlnl, ti~e 1M! "rcll UII"" Iht lll With hi ~ fulI o\\· "~I , I n(' nr lorJe 1II 0lU .. Ifi ll 1\ " ~ , r e II y bTU' I' 'C, II ,rr I'hll, un, II ' Uu., I!UII!l tll re o mloe rc tur lied ttl 11 1t~ ClI,v, 1J11d oro " / _11 ijaei~"Clhiuf a YllIttl' w,.rrlul (vllo\\icJ 'l'hc Illthl\n~ wure ~o lllk,c n II1Ilrels bv 6.11 o~her II AVI.: f a ll Lif Ii I n il ' er gil ' C hun Il tll'S. or CS(II t(: , Hilt! P rl' l' ,, 0 Ilu n \ wcrn null' IMtle to Ilupnall J'1I1I Ih/l~e dlj (' I\l VIlIl III ,h It \\ orld 1\ h~ fC lVe IIrll, glK!1l o elllUt, II " II~ huppIl} logeth~ h',or'''~hh~ lI'ullconnd 011 IIb,lckb> ~\ti!\bolllmol' ~n,i\llltth()Y'llol'ur' l [ aOIl'iIjUPPOutl l ~' l eI C IH(lac1\1w) h e l I Ia C[ Iftllln tltt! ()"~lla, The ro II'ns th a t ""~Vrrl(nIWni1lldlr\c lI~~ U"I II " V- er, '1'0 tho} " Illig \\ ho Have ' jUlt cntt:reil 'Pr~! ~i. Of the b'~ld rrnkilt,.. lh Inl cd 1IhntidligninstU~,l)ndtlg\\'lIdRsh~ "~- hc,lt.llo lllllkc III00 0IIc of he I ooullclllor~ UII !\ III1l! . tIr, which "ren~8 00 h a r~la ly un or sc po ' ote,J ' Ih,) IlI nrl tlld ill~le, "Il~ Iltuse who c6 nlem. :Ilim~~ n.::iftll lite oUU;:; prOllcrt~ ' 01 ed tholl\:th thclr IlIIe or wnrrwl'S l111111Y ~~~;m ¥@@f1rl8!o BIlt})c allnJ1~ I ~ W.1i a \I ell fur lUll!, C,I I he ree lillga uf glltlf vnd IIfr~ ctiun, dlrec· _ _ _ _ __ • _ __ 1111110 ,Ioilli ~o, 1\0 w~uld recol1)mun~ tho an \,nlue III 'lu:ir po~~c!<lii"n Ihl' ln \lerc tr,II11J. lclrl down 1111\1 o~h~-- Llmt IHIS not Illlog11 tlll.:l ,\II tlg" (lilbiu QI lI(Jn~ W~r g lv t' n IIllh culd lonas 01 bo~l . Il i f 1 (li I tC Pro \\ cl pi'ecopl-lehTn 10 prBelice forbear\vbeo JlO\\'8 of dll~ dll I!lrdfy IIlId hurled 10 11118 ~Idl! IlIld lhnt ,nth UII=...--.;-~ omr(lI Ll1ble omcu~Lhl! Qucen bUIIIg' III lIa. si nnll Ih ~re IVU" n slnklllg ul ~"aUII.. ut Oil It! 110 •• ulIlI 0 cr• ,I HO" c" r\\ny,-d 10 cc""mORlO1l8 ,lo icll CC', h \¥lIS !;OIllC F''OlIIllte LIlli. P'/fl lml I tho IIII~I ~ of ~LOlmlt\g aWRy fl\flou· h ' IL I I I r I I euceof",be iU J'j Chllrch on TeID- IIce-'or much tlume.tac mIser, may be I III IIIl\0U ~ pr uelltn".. , u ... ~ d r tb F W- SllA lI"SP,E &:on,E I perllDCO n~lIldeu, nl1~ eO'lnubial hllpplnell obtain.1I 11ac I i~ ' I~ "XnRpcr~lcd thum 10 a high second" bdore h.\~ r c e o\OrC lorn /) $TORY 0 ~. ~ \ q. t hot m!llI ~'t1: 1 I \\" I11)/1 LIICY VCI\LIU CtI. lO• IV'llie' 'Iul llIil "nlvo 0 l Ilid ' V TI"Vedb" - UI . "'f",r fj , !ltll.,' d('ot:.lreu ,CII- pnllic 1II1l) ,~hfuh 11Ji~ Slllprt~e Ilue,," , • ' Id,ft ... 1 fIOI11I)('I-~om otlOl(;S JIlIUJ'lllglll\ o ~ SIIUIl/rlt.e mostlYrIIllug. IQ U. l p B·' l1ww/.' (tlrIl8huurren,Jfr~\vllhlhenc by II 0'0 P observonce and appluraUun of PI 0., u "1. IlU \.lJ f I I f " d tm' bu ~ wht'n th~)' d,,1 t ill')' Mnt up I lill~ s()\ltd I)' uoxil1 " th clr clIlli 5rl'tI1C~ hJ 11\\ "k. n Ibe lllul" ~ r Irum n liull 01 Ih o C' llcl unAtl A uu t oo.n ('re nct , . tiliM r,ll v. A Itllougb 4 t.acholor oursul( ::IIl:I~~ a!I:~III:rl~r'! ~,e' rl':"~a~;~;~' lI'mo~1 nl1FlIlllnd ticlltltsh y IIIIHl~r"j DY (;n\ ll_'_G_IIEJlSWOQD" It lSi nt)t 1I0'~ k~o\\n JII t ~'h'l~ kin \I (' l c ll e u ruvu.) ~hO r,"~cll hu~ "loz~J YID lIf"liaUlI;gl Elllu cli llul Clllltcll,,, ~ II~ ltl\ " " u though (he in cident \\ orlhy ul 11 rocfl rd the lISor8 mid ~II po \llg all of $0 rIll} /lIV nlld mllue ~hc enreh Ire m U II, ' . t. lIf a Ifu \Vllh RIU ,hnkspeA,'o lea In t yell u'\l1 IU\lI( \lJ u out Wllh" !'alnt wlld- ~I, •• i,," ill H,II.llUr u.:h, J.1~1 Pill, 11I bJe c ~ll1d hllvc Auum ~ til dc.dur.e Ihe mora, \Y.hi~1II .Il'xl n tl,l Ik~ c:ql\al.\y jn (I\llit. PfCC',I.'phbly II~ ~O(!' .he !oUllcs~ Ihunuer 011 Lho 26 h UIlY of Ap.11, lQG4, (onll London HI II (1111 (1, Btln J on,on, II lI ~n 'l','mllorMlce Thill It It fJ - \lAM unknown lit 'l'hel, CH illI} the pur lilt, lho enragcd tlll"~ huw I\lIlKlIgO!) one 11L J oh" , I""t~r, prill 'K 111m , cry muoh, nnu I A.lho m Oil appro Achou \vllh coda t o The Prcumb\e nur~I"I"~li~ ... ft~d.Elmr.QOO'Qal ,.!j~.eG'rie8' ia Medleal The Dlinclt'" :n~1 ~ ":::1 110\ ' Il'Y '1'1:11 ~!lvog ~ h!)\v,hng \II our ", .k(', hke 8(\ :Sh,,~·~~.\ro, al\~ hl~ '~If' 1I1"ry, pre~el,lL- i \\0 \J III hlld 110 blllll\C(uUIIL ot' 1)1111, 1\' 1: lowor'lh~ 'o ffill IlitO .he glovll, aha ",'run g du pled II Illl UllolIlUlily 111111 01 th" ' lb' lIl, nB At n mn I tI!C 01 the AouGemy of Midltdi.aRll ~ith ' tllii lpcnl '\I which Lhoy mRII)' d'monK IUL loo~e from bolo" I II IJa \h 'lI1 sch CSf nt thu I"" I~h ch u~ eh of ll1lRy illLf~ly conolude th flL ho WI\S not II her hrtutl ,,,lid bruko Ilit o on ".1011) or Ilrier "a hllve beel( Inlurmed Ily Iho Rev, Gr. nI',,~ 'In lut)d oon n 'f .ro""'i'her "s bllt olle \VII} of egress tllttfOld -Up,>n·A\()O , \\~U\ a yO\lllg LH,I Um a'l. You kllow thclEl llra Illll ,tp , cui Stll ~ UQC , III .Ne w y " r\(, Iln \Vedne~dft1 ~ ~ rr, ., 1'.. I I I I b I .1 I d I I III ,,"V I ' Id I Th ~ Iinor womAIl whll oltentl~lI h~r, leuk vallli lIJOl)d~ sI n,r e 'II18 return frum Cunfer· • I t ' e' t , 'f ""b ,tC 'r Rll u 1_ thnt \\ C \(!I CW of, und , l"'t \\IRS t" ''''l }n y, " 1(l11l ,,'~y 11\ 0 IriS OI\C • I - p~clI l,y of neopit) III Lho Wl.lr \V 10 III" " ~ venlllg, Dr D ~ tlll\)I.1 xhlbllod Ii tllu mb )lectiJl, ... lIr, 0 lice'. II. C. , , I I • 1'1 .. ,. I' " '''I p" "nt "" cr" ~ d'· k \ . . . d b tho \iy Iho /\rill ulld oli lievllrlllg to r~"e her el\ce hOll ..... nol bu C"uud. 'rhis pllrL) by ,\\:hich IIC 1111 CII Iclilu, 11>1 "'1; tll m .. I' . r.: mOle ICll } 1.0 SpU II L,I Ir mini d II QU' , which IV ~' lorll Iru rn Ihe hand ur the I.tl ' ..... d f r 'I d'.\ldu',I~ 1111- of r Lr.... t\\"IJkll\J\\ fOb\'ClltOtf, fOI "II t1r/·ssculllthelt bo~t,l1l1d Lh·ir n 'whb()I~' f"uI L~ thaillo corr<e. Iromtl",edrlh,nlldlVhllip"r.ome lhlngllk ll owner "" .. ng !lIll d"y One l l'ndQo ~IBIr "lUI OOUlIlO!l6 0I lour I ' r ~ b , IIt II II 1I1J1II1u,r l \ u oll'n0 - -so, if lI I e poet h a d L,IUCIl,' eIY C>II.iu I l lOti 'N o¥,IIUIY-no.Y-lIl1w-..,oll 'I dt &be~-';-' of 1\1\ frnll\d " vr tho h ,Il1St,., ... IIlhC(Il \' myell-CII\ 0 f f nun d ~ \\I Lh I\c lell II tluohp.\ I U,O JllInl\). ~om ~ i lt IMIaW~wr who' ~ \l~ow lell hiHtll\ n ~tor): I\ml ,py thc I'ais. \Ve wliiO 1Illl.lfuty I\loLhcr 1\1I\y" , hn\l: looked II. IIlt1e p.J1~, Itlltnornl, It \I ould t;llrely. hs, Il com' luko It 80 80r~l~ 10 thl' ht!lIrt" n ul lhs \<1111:, lin d tinnd ' y II 'r ~ a \lIhllllt h~d ri>k('.ll ~,. 11). Y I cd ~I e Cur[her d,llnllllll, Defore ,.~ wnsll lIil- :lnd Lrembled, nnd wep~ QlJ)c'Vhl\~,'V1lh d.)wll 10 us SO Ill C nll\·. "".,hor cou ld' only IIhuke lIer huud, nnd lit v " Ou. d,. ,aI1" ' nh \'e Ii).tl ' ru l nt ,\ I(ur" d,:~-t.lll1~ ~~~IC \clllU~1 Sllllllt. country of \ ry Iilll' cx tent, JOY and Jhllnkrul\lC$l) 'l'ltp (llthel lUust 'L'hu gl'c\tt Ehzl.\b(:~h died. ll'1llllsQrabl., wr'l'g her hSl)d., as onc 1I0 t III lie cum(ur Ihe O1uo o" I• • h J • pB bl ,j l't,e jlOlliL I!D 0, n ~ t) y t hv in on Clvilt y SI~O b,lIlg h and p. e· 1tll\'O buon llrolld IIml hnppy. for 0111 "oman M Itl~tr-I\l ft Il thOIlSitDd mn!:· I'd that Ih , D ')CI<tr m n d~ Ir,l lll 1111 10 t \V • ~ hi border:1 °dJ~ with niounl.n(Il~, througli "hUlh we he htlll L\IO 1",.,ledt\ultlttt'rR. lills w .1.~ ndiecllt.. d, esses 111 her watd b. I\lId As Ihey IUIY rt'd IhobOily IIIIolhe that th u COlllmOIl ~ () c ~nne \\ u~ n ol olwa). i:~ =:re:n~ th IS 10\ olillo i4 ~f ,no l\ucUI!slblu gllp or outlcL, t!rsl.~un, but he dOilbtless bore- Illm~ I 1li>~." I'ril!nd lQ wc:ef over llor grill e, for Ille cmcktllJ! of tho cord . lormed 10 .gonl , u , Vll. Ih lll III th bUll! bud", ~I .. ~ ' .anil ~r dIe lICulll'~ by"llIch while ~11I"d u 6~ Cllm tll\r foos, 01 hke a mlln on the ocel'." .on. • ~llc hnd no\ el lo\'~ UII~ 0 110 hajras " e ll Ize lIeri bUlwhon on Kon\" IIcculelttlllot," g , .1 d 1 w l\u4d"nr, mo t w.tll tho 51YIo,ncII (If tho wmd 'l Afr John 1\lIk peaTc \YAA no r Spl!ul4 Il..~ she 10' cd hordclf. do,l. UT ' rUI,'nr ',II\I\I r~ c ¥! Y I 1\11 U \I mue, I, ""I!,u'roUJlUC, • li IIlU til Qi\h~ So Mllf ",domJ. hnd they follwcd u:< bIll Woolutmlcr an~ l~ magltllr,lW, bu~ '" 011 lIf1er, Killg JIIIIIC9, of Scotland, slrucll()n, th e re 'Vas II Jo nltnlf of Ihe coif. bill clc' , \\lhlle In the dena body I b~ mu ~' I~. ~?ait"~IY"!rlQth~e ':~t ~~chnntiug lhat of ~he IIhow r of RrrowS thoy It: hi "'Ifu wil.. of a proud auti, \fCIIILh) cnme to tbc tt,roIlC, Wlllulln SbakspOllTC IIi, IIlIlhelenderfleae of 11\0 mather burst 'Ire ID(ldl. eUfUy r Ulllured 1,1 ttil& Clue, Is 1- cae b h Id d.- '1'1 1\ (\tfl fly upon us one Mlnlok uecp 1111.\) nl¥ fromlly--olll) OfLhc/ \rdell OfWI,ljl1lecotc, left r~out.l(ln nnd thtl th cl\~re, J\1111 'WILh a (or\ h; a .f allY h1ltfll 0l)111a.1 .1Il1n I to him wlllch .e/lm~d tu I.e a i_It Qlle, 110 tenll\ll\ tb:.:!dl,or etoc a ,.n~~ c, I HorS we hor~<:!1 ftunk' and olhcn> wht~Llcd pML Imu some uf hcr friends t.hou,; It "h"l. Iit~lo fortullo, th.~L hc hMI ml~e by IllS llmt \\'0iI fM b~yoll" tht) re~ ell 01 wOllll1y e.ldenll, ....a~ broken only ~t\et' the en!lllf d' reel ~ b t , tl ilhflblt ollr \llIAd!!1 I oxpcoted thlm nrroIV h might have lookod IlIghur tll/lIl I\. Wr\L1lI8s{ Wen~do\m Lo Sl~ rl\tfof'll, -where ~uflilrl"::. 01' th\lmb had been removed ",mo \I,elc,. creed' y ~o ~rtedeo~ ill th~ e thut shc IIC' er be bO'lght 1\ phlcc not fur rrolD the old -Cft )!Oi IN)d I\nd Lhllt, Rt. rur~h st, til a trl\U ~fllll". But I ~ could IDe 110 III lttt, my hg ~rt ewell«HI from ' 'be 1l1tnll. 'the cOIlI1'tlry doctruw. d~ mU 1"::/8 t 'n lThieh lew minulc!! my horse would 11111 II lid, fclt so, or trel\.ted ller IlSbnllllllllY leS!! hou.\! nlld hved ,ery COlllrof,~ably lVi~b Inl<> my lhroul- Iny eyos filh:d wilh teur~ tOle n , 0 gal. 1 wheli!l1' fRle ,,<luld 00 IIcRled I nut 11\ kindlx lh\lll if he hlld b 'en a T..Qrd ' his fa:ntly. thlt the mUlole. bold O\lt Ihe 10n."~)8 ~!ore all U'lleYiklK'O.-:.'e~ very IInXlolI~ 0 r.l1I~ surDlI 0 1 WII8 h"ppilv IIi IIJlPOillh!ll. Yell\'!! went by, tlnd I\aO Iittl~ Wlllrnnl '1'11(' nelghbol's uid thllt hc Ill ad tUfO. -I fell M II I were \lOIIII\: a burbllrou~ pnrt laid down In.'' the boo~a, ID!! III .he b\!"" !""'P ~fa J r e ... mr I~Wlllerl a: d~ , I IIIV a !lmnll dponlllg Tn Ihe d tslAnce, or W.II, a... lIe IYH.S Cllllot!, ~rt! w 1II bcau- cd Ollt better than lhey expected. bul III al IIdlll" Ily Anti i""II!! idly on tllIl ~cPlie hef I.If all othordolt .chool.. Allotb"'Ia~"'ed to.~ oomp"~.?n"; '~eliil~~ off In I\ly t\(lgreeR to our Ictt. ,wlilohgnc Ly Rnd III knowledge. Ho "':1M \lot ,,~ thnt he WItS sllll fAr (rom cqlllal to his 01 mderutllllng~l.h 1 \V/lnolere'! to onIlanee of ~n error, pl\f1I~tQ'led ,b ~ ' - ~~ 10 eo:r am I\Dy 'tid ~ m/) 80U'/) hopu of bclll~ Ilble ) ct to rudJy lUlU robu LIL\ "lost ~Ilgh~h boys, r"rllcr hOIl(l L John Shnkspci&re, the ,,' h r p~rt uf .he church-yard wh,'re I recellturre., WII .he doc;trlne: tIllt, ID a _ _ • an 11'0 r~· ;h~ 1l:<01Ipt! \,iC)lIoinll!d for tllIiI poillt; bu&p l)IIt be WIl!!, well·forml!ll\ IIch vq wool-Jc.tler Ht.: \Yl\9 ne.v~·1' ~ great mat\lod u\llll .he rllliilral h• .1 dloper.ed. sloo\ \\ound,lhe .mllller Op.D!P,'1 eooe: oal'8C till eo on~t b we lll\d \0 mRk~ tl>e circuit aero~s wbich !plrll.ull. ' II ha,d Il brol~d, hi~h brow·, man Lo them. N~.ghbo\'!! a~a .r"'&YII H IVI' .ume tllne bof,'rl r left thl 'place, mad .. In elilarini. lod tit. lar 1~~:lC dils ~nt' we -w;re ~ pnl!ucn oooid strike, mil' "'00 w.u groat J~p. hougltt.rulcycs, (\II/I" I\tOUtll tho l.ut people III ~ho -world 10 «0 a 0" Illy way home, J toel WI.i, Ihe "omlln ~~' ;!:aD. d o",e~ and "c;lotlJlCrswone. Buuhis ""'. our only 8IVcetnellS Alld pleR.Sontne ~ Y 1I11\II'S grcslness, 'rhoy never l1l~e Il '''~Q h.tI.det! •• cOMforte'; .he WII rewsrJ • wllrulthoy , mil l~l(ate of 111m III trlltford. IlUd ~e ItUllln, rrolll aecumplIII,lollhe 1II0tl\.r to ed ..: W · a &II trur un - chancel and we ~~rQbk fot ,He op<llli,n g he wM (\ lIirange, "All ~ he ~ r of 'ho wbb ,,\I ,he IIpeed our rudW,.1.&1I1UOII who neTer &ook ,hMruly 10 work Q I.\n) dUl 1111 he \lsd lived. s'lllpl r.1I Sbak- lI.dopely' h.t,lt.lloll a\JCI J Ilr.w from her AI to t (.'CI mga d a--1 UK to m 110. 'Vu ' purred our IUljld. aDd wu nevcr Llred ol' rC"l~.ng ajScnr 'iii 1ncllt, . . . • DOlT remove : ~ till t.he blood .pouted (rom the.r poott.y. 'plan, rom&noos and hIstory, But'slnco tJulL time, Iii fl\m4~ 111U1 fill ••01110 part.~I"r.-eblulecled Wllit Ltl" ,cit d *1 rtf t ~': eidt... ud wiLIt 11l!lildenoo CIlol'g1 ~hey lle lovcd" to \~l\ndol' oil' NOllO \II the fi.uld$ ed O,e world until it i c\v!JIrywhere ling .celle 1 had wllne ..ed • . - ...... ~"ed teo.far 10 re~. d h~ ah~ ,ill the ellr~h bel,e!'th 1111 Rni! 'woods to listen Lo &T,e winds and allowect thllfhe is tbc gr nte".~ 'bat The parente 0 tb. oIelll!uea had. te."led C\ll1lmitue. (or 0" . . .Iet ..... formed a 11\':'3 eeemecllO' be lO g .WIlY In the NIIr I bird. ' in tJte lrl! • and the tipple tid eve.r. exi ted. There is no J )p</k. of In the VIIIi'gll from Clllhlhuod , They h• .t ~ ....... ilk ...,::,~l~ ':,h:bid' - 1J1sDoed O\'er my 1l1~lder, 10 e wb~ of'broob down roe\lIlllld Jl(lC'~tha~ ha. erer been wriU!~llll.t CIOn- Inlr.bltet,! 011' of UII nlllte,,1 cult.~Q.I. anti ..!~:... aJMI we ;:1& \be ~t cr, cb"'~ were. aDd be~elu tbo llldlhe ' lI01IIe~mea ll,ll~t hue \aiDI 0 mMy wise and , belllltlcul ad by varlo~ rur.1 uccupa,lolll Iud thl 1.. ," 'M •• ;.~ • .,' ~ ~nd Itrung Old in 1\ 1011$ hue 01 "pl&l'llu." overh-.ra t.Al~.'Yf ~ ~\t, 1roQderf'al things IU thll worb of 8baJr- &ance u( a l",aU ,.r4e". bid .upporled ....:. . . d ....,.;" '",.:a hIIlrie. Iiu1heat end o( whtoh w.. fpt bo- IDI\lcb08 wlld~. He .pea~ 1011 ",II lind wbe.) JO'l are th.m.eIY"1 6I'.dllllbl, and colnror!abl" .nd • jarifl' 011 uAft.r ov·.· m I.be dilt.Aaoe. whllllt the fOr ho, ... QD i.be bUb of Lb. AvOll. old enough to read lhelD for 1(lUtfMIlv~. led 11 happy aDd bramel•• file 'l'h~ b.d ...rket !' weft almOil np 1T1~ Ilaa .badow. aacl t h e . . Whee thaI. time eomell, let.. _nBC! Ii It~'" to be dae ptWe ·UN. . . . . . . . . . . " • ._ . . . ;'41 had ~ aocl or lIP ...... aad daial.., be .... -.nd ri aa ODe lOa, w 0 - JII'OIYD up lide.
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A French pnper Jlub)ldhed In N<lll Yurl' Iho R pIlI/hI an 8~Y S tint, u~nll tbo [UC8lpt
plo;r L\ltOER YET
Rho«dcR of (;1 Ilr or k l OIV I\slll[1 sen' U61\ pow loc of th e \1eU ,IIC hj\U1Gspeclus lllll~ " eok. \I hl011 Ilxoeeds 1111) tillug IVIl
J at see n fOI HIZI\ :r her \\ ali &0 oll~ we didn't lI ~l()mp t Lo met ur It, bllt I t w~ I,:hed 3 III 5 oz I 1 Ills 18 a hcad of Menu IIIlS WLutr ton's 14 0;: IllU C
BEETS liARD 'to BEAT Fllcnd SIll \Vh \I ton has our til Ulky ror tho c ~I m o \t~ bculs On ~ of I h ~ m 1lJ(,llStlrcd 30 lIIehes III 1 Il:;~h nnd the otlll:r 29t And e IC It
of till' E I rJOI' II I lie,,,, by the 10 I m all n ImV"I l' mClw ' " Ilok pluce In lhnt ~lIy of 9QII1 "xlle IIf differe nt (\oulltrte~ ,V!.e".1 \Vos II II A II llIIn "Iy r08ulved Mqjllr J41 nn [lnd l' 'l',rzu oonulVAk / (rornlely a III de cnml' of Gelle,r~11 Micr().ln~kl. all,1 .ft!!r. \\ atd a c 'OJnllulIle~ II) c hlo ' Qf Ihl\. Fn,nclt leil io n In tho Shcdy wllr,) ili a. ~rp ll) nt II to mnke arr4n~oll1ontl for lhe II p~rt.lro of 0 ,oluntnr I r~"lII ror OUMt'n\\hn, pIp 1'hp "IHO rPd ,I, 'd t) ch' /" h un ~~ ~ "'UA' "nil
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I '1 he ulll 111.'1 II fl8 gOIng lI\1um tlCOONl lI1: I I> ti,e lIby~ vIII E'rrl. tulklna 1+".lly It~e 11 11I1I.lItt1: ~ Id ro f ll~e d tu be hofe litt hl ~ wltl) Ilk bllrn .1 to tie Ith ~.. p II'
A YOUDII' 11\311 by the nAOIO of OUOIlH u[ Jli!d(ord O hiO, recently 1Wln'letl • Y01Jn{
Lt 16 a lllhen~lcQlly"tRtt'd IhtU the £mperOl' o~ Ru., III. ., OllDuta, declarrd he Mrun,ly '''I'~04 for p,.ce.Jn ordUIO (1M_ ble 111m 10 baolll,OI"o( &ha dimeultl
P'I~t,M'rl ., 'g ."ad pu bl It
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lad, or the .. me plDre. "nd was lIolfRgeil to be IOnrled to her ,,,li e n d,e raur olle rfpented th at . he I,ad (QrmOi\ the ofhklCt', allliruarrll!il Doother gO utl\)mql, p ••OSJI for '"lne II". oYer lh., ,00.,r,,IlId I'OncluJed 10 p.te/! h .. wuulllled bOilcOl~rOmlll~Yllh Ihe Ilewl, mar j"Pj lAc tnlll,. on Sillurda, IRa'" nit .. , Ie "1l~l'('d to lh, relflileoel! t~ h'Plll pAI.".n • r.11I01 to"e latls '"'" "7 .nJ ellp .n.Uo....
1813·· ' 5 . , QP
OR tBJI 26'111
at whl\)h tim~ it is Ol,\ ~ IlIte~lio~ t() i~proye its nppearllnce and &l;\d to Its inter· est To our nUmerOll'l friends and the reading publio generally, wa nre "BP~Y ta~"':e the "(OIlOlflllg 1l1~1l0\lnCCln(lnLs for tho oommg .ix Ulonth,
"1jll1 1iI
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A l' A I. & 0 F 'I' II.: WAR mi.' '-~I '.... • Written ~x~!rcsMly fot Lhll &{(A1I1 Vl"IIfOR, and of Umlhng intorest. r[HI;' ",'I .blo $IIIII!II1 hn. born 16100vci! tWj) <llIor* rrom Ih" ~orn~'I' of' \I ~ " BIl,I 11(.1111 CXOil\IIJi tory \v-III be nccompl\nicd 01' followed by a &ries of l'eelA.... tirol J..,ut ' 1IIrtlt 01 tho , JI.t;lIl1 ~ 1I o ." , iluu e ~ \V1",re il I~ ol,ollcd I" ~1l\IQr W'lil. o
As a !!ubJcct I\boundmg m (,llItfut m!\terll\l fur tho hovohdt or tbo chronicler of sobor truLh, tlte world's III~tory' pre~ont.s 80llrcely 1\ pl'rKlIet to that of our own plQneer. border lifo, with Its tolls RllU priyations, It;s, bloody \'/'Ilrs and dRrill" tleetls ' Much of mten~e illtclcst ruay be expocteu under this h~lId. as the po~s of ht!vorAI 1\ rltcra of Ilxperl\ll\oe will oontribttte t horoto. Next oome ,
1b lE lLl '1r 18 W. ~
11'12.,® m ' ~ IBL iE '
m A m& U~ lID • ':
,c ~
A n ~ w" 'lc Ir III " WI ,\ lull. whioh,,, I'ro lJiot with tho utmost oonfid91lee, wi~l provu popul.lr and ~lllel tuilllllg 1ft trtO highcst lillgrec: Nothmg like it hll\.~j 0' cr chlAraotc ri,;!)J. .'n~" ~ollrn\\I, bu L bhure ,vIII be coros of lIlutator." ?lllli Ii: It I
HISTORIOAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. OH"inal .m.1 sele() tcJ, will h:wo a lIroDlinont phlco in our COIUll1l1S. o r , FOR 'l'IIE l{OIJ'rll We' Shllll ()Il'j{)~vor to s~rvu up a I\'.lllkly rep ,,~t of tho nr~L qUlllity; lin 1 ~vo III\ye tho pro:ntse of K Su'rlo~ of &kotcho'i prep ~rcJe:cprlJssly for thmr entcrtaill I nl f! lIt \Ve shull, Ill~o, present, 1L~ '(l\r 11'1 " racLlcllblc, an ovary ISsue ,' v
U'UllO!tO(J$ Altl'LOLE -' for th!: It", iii of EDUCAl'lONAL for th~ sedute, Sa(l!:~ l'IFrC for th o. Lh(O\lJh~l'ull\lId rullouL" e , 'fEMPERA.NOt: for cnun'llcs of Alcohol unl ~he lncllli of the AGRIOUL l'U It~L fo~ the Furmer, lind hl[SC~r,LANEOUS fol' he <!JHcUUI\ II \ ,
Jr t.unup ... d ~lout Illlhe Inme hme, one b,1I .t ",Ill die til spite of oil ef. to .aYe tbem. And lhllleillat do BurY"', wi1l ItldomJ mllke hllndllOlM to p . ,~ur the r.lsJn that blfore til" roob caUlb lur, ficleJit tollllt,nin 8•• d 1ioep the .nIO'.llf,..",,! they will.die down ' lome incb&. top •• 11,. Irk lopurulc (rom the .t the pol II III moat delllflld fur the shoot. to .pring lrom It is .rue thllt 80UlO wil! -..,,-----=-., dl. b)' 11iIIlnar Ihelr top. olooe without mo,liard Pubed. 111,. ' But til" oumbor 111111811, and there W.lt h, In t)n~ o( hi. letters tl'lI" onl conlOlatlon relpeetlng suchi thero hot rollo\vlog IIlorl 'If t be lIt1drel, oC II PlArldlan btiln uo' lllbor expended In monlog dun~y.
~:I 10m.
pl.ce 10 die. ll1a,e prlcllced lilis mplhod for lomo ),.ar. ond .eldllm 1000e II tree dier Bellml!. SUiar mllple ia cOlllldered by .01\1e, to be allow Il\'ower, bllt wllb gClod IIrollml end cu\Lure, (which tbey seldom I,ne,) bul (ew kind. can bent tbenl. 1 hllve IOmu thlll wlrl treated , •• b6Y8, aud aet lwo yeara, h.' April, lbat bue hlndeumo tOPB, the braoch b,IPi .Ilt reet \on,. I IIIJ1 doehlolf· 11 partial to luger maplea 101 I!ludo troe•• ar.lIColld to bUI rew p5 thrllty grow. erie and to Qone fa, beallty, for clelnlinl!iltl aDd freenelll from 1111 kind, of IU!iootll alld , " cll...... Tbev u6 I18l1Oud tu uono lor- itu,"bRItI. b'lI'dine....nd loull"f_ror lhelr CIIpabill" to with.,nd thl! tempe.t, IIlId lul, bat 1I0t Ie lit, titer lire "CQnd to 1I0lle (or their .wee"'.... lind J wOlild 1'011 for a tax oldft, ~eDbi ¥pon-enry Uta" lIIIould DM'-' to Itl out one t,ree n year, lIliD J would (or tLte IIUle amounl, for u. ....-nl. or all1 oIlier mih"" .yate.. ID 1JaI. of ,.~.,- Rural NnII YorA. i fr.
lIIoaDla,.--A _ , bruLaI murder
.-otDIil&ed at Fort H~lIloo neer New "Oft OD TUlldII ..oum,. AD Ifl.bm,n. bl Ute II..... of &111'60, belt end kicked
laie .ifl I••0 horrible a IIIIDoor tbat alae ~Ied wl,ble ab bOllT. Il.P,. .... ~c Sal. Una bad "'0 to 1M Clll.ad boaPi IOiDI -'A WblD be Neched bome, about • o 'eIoeIr,hl caUed \0 bl. 1I'ile to hel, "Ilia a bo& of ao&l. TIM womlO, bIYiOl ..... neetltlJ eol"'. • .. leo 1I'.. 1i kI ... 1M MIl, ... Ie, .....ltd t.u on bft . . . . . . . 100\. AUbla ,""ocatlOG lIlI IIriIII be" aDd laic"" lIer to _th. H.
Oil;crpllllcd to uie e~ery honor\Iblc lIlJlan~ \0 pll\lll) tJIIl MU:\lf VlSll'O,\ JlhMd allY p,Ipor of jL" eltUs 'pllblisbQd, to PtlUulb d'8}lo~ed to aot Q8 "olunli\ty .cnllVll.9 ing 1\;;<'111.8, "0 offer Ute following Q[
IN 0 U C E MEN T S !
'l'o tho por~()In sendmg IU the higbcsb number of 8ubsorlbers fro~ tbls dale up to tho fi~"t day of .;r"nu ~ry, 1854, pro~ldl)d the number/shall not bIll'" s than 0111;) hunt!(iO!1, *9 wllllO'tkO 11 presont, 11\ ollsl, oC TWIIl(Tr Fur-II DOl.r.ARS --''''';:''--'---''';''~-'T~-;';-''--I For tho,hUm,ber 8cC!)ni tQ thO,lhiglle~t, of l\9~ IO~II ,Oum ~ig11ty) 'fwBNTr DOLL\,ul ! • He wus hlvlt?d 11.1 110 eAtty- ul tllo L 1\(lt. FQr tho II.llmbar. next bolO\v ill oxtAlllt,' of RQt.tes",111"n fifty, TWBt.yll Dr)/,uRs I Imlsl Glvtl Llet Un II, by s modl'h Ijeautj Alld to et1Ch, lIl:.ivl,lu:l! !jombn& 0.1 ~\von~-f6yc subsorbur~, F'IV& DOLLARS [ 1 ' .1''''''1>i[;1.,:.;~.:;~:.........~.,•••_ who rromlsEd her h~lId lor tb6 '1Iret Ultd~r &"qnty!flve, tp tl 0 P1luon JlOll!i!ng us tpo bigbc.~t !'um"or: IVI! will m,llte quadrille. Ii. COnl'IYlllh olcetllli detained I' proilen~ or any buole. of lu~ (or lier) own cho()Jing, lV(mh {'URIJID 00,.1.\1131 111m ot 1118 01,Grtment later thlln he xpectTho O~ill mlli~ a~CQlllpl\l'\y thO II ~tJI J~ ,/u all c "iO~ Who will t Ike tbo prizes '1 ea. He rUllnd 'hat \18 hid 8carcelyllme ro~ eOI'lIu" .nt Itls entl""ouI; Rlly or a hundrec1 earrll!;e. - : - -- ..,........ , '-1 mi,bt lie already III liIe, .nd It \VIII impo.Alt O"!IlIDllnlll f.ionll, oi~her on 1>:& IlDOSd or for pllbltc ,lion, ahollltllic aible 10 proecl'd on f(Jot in • Fobrllor), (P03T-rAlD)to J. W. ROBERTS, spl.sh We Ie.e tvery day pIning In 'he I.reetll cuverlld JItter. on wlueh tlleeiek lUI EDn'oR AND Paorn(&toa, d,ot' or the Jlo r Of0 borllo by IWO or four WI\1ne8yill~, Warren cOllnty, OhIO" mell 10 the,ho.piLaI, The Idea occurred to I,im in bi. i!\lIlnt de,pllir to IOnt • Will, I,t rur a ciul<!retlnd tllil WII epeedtly prt?curell. lie extended hlOllOlf (ull dte..OtI; the curlaiu. ",erot duI1 tll"od; alld twu st.lwart porterl carried ,lie p.tlenL in bl, pUlnpl; pa..ed tho Ivholo loni hne of cor. rillgeft, the muniCIpal ",Ird. and Ol'l!'l aile "I.e r.pecl/ul,l.mll' l;'a1i 'and when they ollte-red the Ilr.nd p-tell of the C •• · .llIe, to reach tl:e ~Iat."t Tild,bule, thll cry aroao thllt It 'W unrortull~te I.borer wb a It.d f.llen from the.caGbldlo,lrected In tb. nel,hbor.hood far lb, pl'Clplr.Uon cenll .. dHcil'ltio", of the hall. Our be.~ Ipraog from hi. corert and ••••ale In lbe anle,chamber ber.". lb, poJiee.f a ke rrom tllelr •• Ion i.bmont. '" <
lJINIleof' WIC. A .trokl pC wlllCComplnied bl II deli. caC)' or in.lllt ...p !J,. . . .., a I•.,••" w... el!~ ebenl, to be mlrried. Tbe laleaded brJdetroom, II... "Ik• for. oo....... lilllft aalw.th iliUM .,,.......,,,....,., to aaoth. IIDtloml" .14 to ".,,'" ..III'.""' .....,., youl',," llaell)'........... leu..)'011 b.,. writ • ... "..,U, ......... -104tM i. BrooIr· tm to GIl." .,. jUl. . . . wu die ".Do" .w _ W,...) fane Dolla.... to
.... aro.Jwuw t~111 dteJ MW III_ for,aa.,t aM . . . ...
I.'..... ,.. ... _.......
-~-,-.. . , . , ...... 1......... ...... - ............................ ..... 1& ..
·~'!;Hi;··=·I1~"""'·"'''' for ~ ... ... .......... I...
EDITOlii &:
p, /)1/1 the T ' lle D f.1np:crat, 't'U11 LA!J'j' L loJ'J.' . ' El' 0 E »1~ U~A:n D 'S, 'VIF E 1111 MRS
F, D
R e mem be r h im Wllh gl ring ftnd blootldhot yotS wllh fOl1mlUg mOlllh, uWlrlng I:llr. .. nod grolln ~ und deAfening "rled. I ~c mc mbcr hun, u ~IIe murder" r of Oll t " ,,~, for II II ~8 11 18 hontl , lh nl III II rre ll2.I~~
m1I.~~11.1A:iiI.Q)'Olo =
=== ,
How to Spoil a High-SpitJ.tell: Wl1e
"Wh,~t do you p enk in ,~bat 'W iI)' to 1I1,'mCI'1 tI",,,lt lll(! loIllw tllIll pr ClpituIOI\ y'0ur l'I[~ for, ) OIUlg W .lII? II ked old
Uuule Ragels of 111 uuphow "S ' I' ,) , ellau e ILEi 110 to C Itt ll~ up," replIed Ihe hop('fu l)3encuioL, .. .( like La mnk\! hllr bl!lck eyes lune lind h UI roulHI checks !£rI) I\ leu I\~ lD) J damt\~ k 1ose LL'~ q lIllc ~I I\~C, the war sbtl puts h ~r h tll {!JI)l down, f\l\d8llYs i~ir,' But t1u! m llses t ii' you'd ~uld long ~\no \1g1I, UncI; , ~\l hll\'e htlwo you 1\ Qu Cll , ): U YI> no utea how , ' " granJly sir tv ses back her fili rpe bttle 11I~ (II liter d HUII I, ul III" \11 '"1; \I I " hI" , Iltao, en IVll.h \I hat il Dldv lake air she un,/ ~ .. l"rs Ju.L ullr~lIl1/.( )111 0 '"111111 dll' ,dl '<1 l1lgS Lhoso d "lrcaLe hands of ~ rs. l~ r."ulol yllll II ll l" 1\ Hf'nle,[ 1I"' 11" r' t ' I"I, q UI ~u break Lltr. monoton! of li CIl to get 111 1\1 I"rll\' II II", IIl nll ' e or ch l, d'l ,,,,,,,"t1 i,p Buch u tCnlpeijt 10 order. I You s~e, lli u crr, r~ or " (II'.,] hUdlJ .llld I" Uncle. onc Ill es o f eloa!' s UD sblQe at;ld Glndly wo uld I It ,lYO spnrl'd YOll, 011 Illy blue s ky- a nd so, as 1 kno\v she own. ~ 1&l pr , III) mOlh er. my fo th or Bmlln)' broth LI II~ spupl'J temper, 1 just to~cb I~ up ~rll G lu(lIy 11'1111111 r hn'l'O Ilitl my g ln ~ III \Vl lh tho; mUlllmooial, and let it wallop till soo ti L LO rem 10 " lnv UW II hUHfI , nntll"clwd Ihum an Ih tl (II " 0 "1' .1 d' I ' VO liS goou Q min to roo~ out. ~ lat kp IIr I'J V ~,p~ al rnng 6& II' Q) 4Il '~ Ii H' l··~r sl1pp hng, H liI, nnd u~" H 0\ or your
hlon (Iv\\11 II I ~ I.,lli! fi l:;IIL of . 1 \irK, wJllch
·, ~ f. I,) \. :""". ~II (I""..I III~ I"p" • tS" nr,c ml' E ll llv, " I, "1,11'11 m~, f heM I 011 cr, .. >I h, h", Il Y"" lo l l mr " II Ihl. J \'Ii h), If Illy brll lhur I~ I,''' '' '' , ". 11 ) uti bllgl ll III 11IOtl II \ Ihlll\ l r ' l "lty IPI nil' rr mr.lllh \'r 1\ I""C ~oll'l n,") tho II ,blo>! H ave yuu lhull.!!' \ u l lh o "I! II)' 111 11 It! r.p, ital witl .. Iv I II' :'< ' ~\ h II r"d wulher .. ! lit ,,"11<> 11,," ' ,,, II ' rl,'Y' I
1101I I d~ I ~ , Il ~ 1 ilild tlu 0I 0TIIIIIg tQ elit mY, llrI.llIb. fa"L lldoltl you >;polled my tlPpo HI:! • "You .a re tt\kitl~ the s ures~ way to .1 fill"ly strung orgt\ O\zatttm. SIH'lng YOUI PI (;t\iIlCO, ! 111o" tl man Who ~hu!l tll tnper,i II I h Ii P &38101IUlc 1!lIl1ov'" ~ s Il'WI Look 8 ~ ' ,~our wife-how ~a ll1 (' g l os~. Amy Dlld IlI'f lovrr-h c pure b (; Ic u~e Hl T H uty Joak a, 'Y0UT nlld goud nnol . tronlJ Ilu~; hm nul p"r" r -~h(l " Y toOlp! of t.:j,ljl,o: 8 d ur 8 1ro n gl' r Ilt nl1 \\ 01 Wllhum III lhe d"Yr nel\Lncss, 'fh hl,lI: fbing on hll1p~D' !!I) no Amy sn lil \0 him , " Olt llk, II WI Lie, the rrl ll ~J lIg li nd r ,,~ 1·liag !t,;te aud du yap guodl nrYer I'\'lnd EmllY.lhebe Lhere ~pvc 11 ouch b J 6ud Llle tommon lutI !!8 II> th o fUII llli C8 111 \" prooch UII, t e l' l!rv to your Jlumble f UI nilure . Tun IQunge m ll n ",ho \I un!" n Ill", . italY Slid llo p n lor Ll lllt lends so gr8 11J All IIIr ~o Y0l4.r ponlor, (lx l'llernli dl1 m'n! 1 bCCOfJ\~ n "dr nnlcnrd " " , r had sel down rO~1l0 less 111 n n tifly'Iu-e , rorsu~lh , sonte I~w, vu l~lIr ' W),eD I~ I I t fu! ns (Jut that II w o.mlUl'lI h f' N A I t l lIIgtmul ty dec 11',,0 All 'old , x ptllenced. I r II -
B ill " I"rn dilly 811 ,,] NI', fl ." ru lh ~ r ~"Il "rdar. llte WIIiO10 be pilicod III' turo hl8 j!ue·l1 . 1\ I'll 1118 01\" IlItnd ,I((' Ii '. th o te mpting glMB lor h 8 POliS Hid 11I ~.\h er nuw SllIi " ·. cO'" I,lueellti y R,"1 on.lw. I lli t Ollrl . '\II t! Amy, my sl dt~ r A",y , ~~"IIt ~ r Ivou "'I' Ih e ,1~ ul!y nec lur cuy ly ffl l[ll [II~
kn ell'
n 111 " I'o~ '~.u ~ o CI ,-r e H W" rille yo u. Wtlit ))uIl re tn ~ ntb e t
18S ' ,1I
111 0 1)
upholster lIke my elf Ie " '.l'hen look II' Lha vm ca h hilS traIn' d, the l'I uwe!ultl' 1,\\9plfln Led, Lba~ ,I"iln 101\lIrd lIer ·Wbi!ll ~l e approl\chtlll them, if she ," ' Vhell glllu'd\.lln anKell Why , H ul, 1" 1 ~ \1 ,.iUl ~ tlU\t the,Po ael1!)1\ Q r uoh ' I:Jclne:- 1\.\1 llllS (I'mpts you La ubsW'dit~ tim IVI II SlI l lIlv c n d In the <l ~sLruc ~IOII of yOIl1 UI,IIIJ( st,H:'lltIpplness '/ " YOll 111'(' nJ!~ llty s/lt!Olt3 &OOUL thi ~
little lhlllg
uf.cf~ , t
" SC:rlolta! un fo'rtutl ,Ii!l I Rm' liome·
T)1l1l ,, ;oto ~he dyilli IYl r" ovef Ihe corp." ur her husballd ; Alld 11. there but one .1Ich cnse in lhi. illoolly II"d I-i. there but olle ("thor leadillg his Ilhildnln 10 ru!n. one eu, mother mAkllli no JlIl"1 (Of hilt loyed oneli bnt one sloter Am, laughing to 10Ufil thOle who w,jlUld nye tho w"ak C)r wnering SemI" frOID 'be D.'cII.uuI'I from dewtruction We kuow tben are Tbe r. II a very ehlrJtable -old IhounDoI_, al11l we UII, L lhl. reoard 0 ' truth m'll'l r ..ldini In Will IQI.burjlll· H. ~ lDay ruch their heu\.ll ar Indulen In a luau.,. of IIn1 kind Ullt tlunklng uf tbe poor, Wben. ., ' " h .. ;n. for dinner h. InnrlblJ farwii"" The St. .Plul Illnne.otllP of the '5th tI e podl to the Orphan A., hili!. It t. A young poet In fuw .. lll .....blaf 1M ,Dice ot hil lady 10'" u,llt Ie . . . ..... rorm brldgfl. eonneetin, drhm la. .... On. o.l Mi.. B--'. puplh" I yuuni reaLlly." A ranclrQ( ),0lI1l, 111'" lb.i 0.Ildr , I'4!pped into tb Kbool room tbe olh• pJtr b. d.... ., ....... . , lIIOrnin,. and comlDeneH ptherln,op ill ..,.\Ilion • • • h•• a. 10"., tba. • A ,.,.r .... jail been ..........., 6.1... W4!t\" ,,' ,,,- (0110.1.,..1&... ..... I. ·Porwhlt-relaonV.lldl, IlIqair_ ..n Ia. . at Port.h •• or.... ..,. _oaltlh.. teacher. 't
w...... ... • __ .')
t l' o'oloolt A 1\
"two day's" nleeting will at the ~. E. Church
-----------,,~~--~------ 'I.r .. Ar.LEN .II co. hu? r Mf. 11 ,au ullu8ually DlceaWcltorSb ce l.r~ aQd
dIal! Goll1ol1Dell W ~ Y1IQn ll\ t! 0 0 ~ 1 ~5~ 19 ~
a...., . .Irley.,
Wheat,1I bu
,..Qa&a.ll IIu.
~r •• btil
..., 'owt Batljlr, 11 ~ dos
J.rd LooM. 11 ,. Po~,
11 IIu.
~"I.... , blJ ' CIa...... ,dos
,. . . ri., .,
Klo 00IM• ., w.. Mew OrleAnl 811pr1 , !h • •• ple, do 7@8ie Mew Or..... ¥91a~1 ., lal
.0. . . . .,
.......R.....o....J 'f ~Ie
A'..,'81lt. ..,, •. La,.
60 (j}II~c
II'Iall ...... .....
..........1' ...... ----'Aft
C t:f E , ~ 0 F 8 -0 R. D E R • As a aubJ(:c~ "bounding in .fruitful mllt\lrud for tho no,"oh t or the chrotllcler of lIobor trllth, the world's history p,rcsonl' 80UTCWY a parallel to thl\~ of Qur O\'I~ ploneor, border lifo, with its t.olls and pm atu,lllS, It.s lliood} W,\fS Imd.d!,rIU~ ~e d8. Muol of mtcl)sc il,ltorcst mlly be cx.pcolod undc~ tIlls head, I\S the pens of ;joveyal1ff\ter~ of e~ert~nee wil{colltnb\lto thereto. NO.lt como ,I
.. 1118 T ~~ 18 m~
1 !F ill lID lY1 IJr 1BJ ]¥I A ua. II ~ lID • " A, now tailor III !ILorllWro, whieh, wo I?r~il,ot with th~ lltmost OQllfitillll,Ce, proy... popular arul eoLertatnlllg III tho lugllcst (l()gree. N I>~hmg like It 111\ 0' (ir 011 rMLorlzuil nliy JO Ull \1. b llt thoro 'flU be sooros ot IIlu tlltOU, Mllrk I~! ,.
, ....
Ongm[llalld :llllocloJ, ,.,III,h Ive
plUlluncut pl/lco 111 our eol!lIDns,
"'OR ., .. £ 't70I1TH We lIh"n on lc"vor to sorvll up II \\"001111 rill' ~t of tho tirs~ quali ty, anti \"e 1~l\vc tho prl>:nt I) of (\ Surlo~ of Sklltdhoi pr pared upru'Hly for ~blltr olltert!lInnlunt. \VI) dhrdL, 81 0, pNRilDt, 1\ fllr 1\ prilCticable, in oVllr~ Issue
lIUMOROt,Ta ~(l.rldLES for ~hc Il,\IOrs of CUll, rmUOA.'l'lONAJ, for Lho S/ld!Ite,\ SO!~N".rIrrIQ fur tho til ll)fbttui anu re8cotl~e. 'fIUfPERA!lfOE (or CII011\I/)S of AI(iohol.~111 ~he (non ,Ii AGR[oUL1'.URAL COl' tbe ,Farmer, Ilnd MlSOELLA~EOU.8 for ~h.., dISCql'8IVO
or the hbino LllV , ~
,,. ..----,
eOURTING TUE DA.R1< A Clrcu~.tane", olld berel lwll friend. of ou" I" Gloce.ter. wlab 1I10t OIIlJ cvc· IUD, It tbe hollee of a lDut~.1 [r'~nd, D 100,\1 hurl tor whl/m \)ot\llIlItorllllned tOl)o der lelltlmeolll fn Il I'plrlt ot'rollc. 0' ,he YOUD, lI'entiemen put oul tlt8 light, alld lh. two Jud,rnS lhe mOluellt til Ii., (11vo,.ble ror mnklllg kIJolY1I tho IlItte tbtlr feeUlIgl 0 dll~ rlllr, onll, cl1l1nlted at tbe """ iollDnt lIud plnced th omaurvea • .up~a, at l\I.laily·•• I~e .t\,llcl1 rbdemll1 took, De hll 10nUly .uppoacJ, Ibe lIu e hllnd of thc bhllflnO[, wit eh
•• da.,
.et 10011 WOQloc! Ih~ C IBflcler ~f 01\ UI\' m~l..bble IIIPtll,lI lI!lue~lll.
Borne momentll BelY In ,bill" -.rlleallie ialoreb-or of UlltI .. UlQ(I, aud It II fblt to pr••• me lh .., lIotb I~d. Illl~ 'r...ehed.' al Mr Ulrd woul~ , ,,he. tbe hdl, becomln, lu'preloua
lbe UftUIl,t .iJen(:8 of ber (rlende,suddon< Iy relfa'ited lhe laml" .nll dlicOv red the &-,.0 gen\lemen witb luve Dnd "I'ht b ioa from }hell oy•• ,.11 Dblurbe~ 10 novel reer_llon orJlqtJO"~lili .lIcb olh~r" • hlnell The gellllem"n .Iopeil fnoohhIItll\l),. and one of tbem confidently te mlrked to II. a if!'" day. aft,rward-, ~hen tile joke jot I.bfOaJlj lhlilll:bl nil lhe
willie HU.An"
O;7A Pt;;b~~ n Itullped- _ I,d III 11111
.trell to 111 ••8 lome
,nqUIrIOd III 10 bl "bereaboDII, • ')lOIl fren, whllt I Ie lIam. uf III Itre,I1' 'W:ell, "'bo .tlld II 'tw IUlI.7'
'What you emll"l ~lroetl'
'01 c;o~r.o we do.' '..PDrdClliu~' J huvo \Jut yuu eall hl~
M \'Otlln tllry
'Y •• Watu. we cllli It ' 'How ,ou c.llle 1Ill\oI U of 11. elreel I' •WlltlS 'Ireet. r tu:1l ye r.'
·Z .. lI~relltl' 'Watta street , old rpllor, ollli dou 't 10r 10 to Inllile game o· m~.' 'Baere mpn dlitut 1 a Rk ),0\1 000, tw o, lhre. . .,eral t1ll10. orten, viii y QII ll!lI me I. D~mll ht 118 atreet, 11111' 'Wal~ "trect, I told ) ar Y .:r drUllk lI{o'L Jf'r~'
'}loD IMII' fren. vero do lOU li ve, (.'hl'
·tn V.ndlm .Lrecll.' '!lb. \Ie~' You lit In one
d~ln ItrcO(,
All c')~;u\1nicJ.ti\ms, cltl (1!O~l'-P.JP) ~o
and I, one dam fool, eh "
O• .L STJlIIIG -Tooae 1:011'1"IUOII III th e bablt or Irequ&tltlnlt thOle dlnini _"loune where tboae ,utta porllha It~.ke aro 5er- l · --'-.-.,.....:..;..-:o:--...-_..:-._~=-,.:::..;,,::=-.::..:..... Ub'tlll,rt:'1 .eel up .111 appreciate th. fol\owin,G.nt \lllldlni up .. eU'ar.e ,rll\rlet! IllecCl
or 011 ~IUII1C11ii or for pllbh\lltt0!l, J. W ROBERTS,
PaormnoR WaynosVlllo, Wnrrc'lI cOllnty. Oluo
01 melt: \ 'eee Iier'.I""ller, I have minutely n _~~~:.;:~;;;~~~=~~~~~~ lbl. arUole. an~ prletlcoUy 1111ted it; H" Jlot beef, al you and I IUpPO",!lut a bunob of CIllO. aTAIKO. '
'You b,obelorl 0llibt to bo taxed,' Slid a 'Idy to a re.olllte ender of tho nOOHI! matrimonla'
., 1111'" wl lb you pertectll. lIladmm, wal the reply, 'Cor bu.cue'urlslU certainly II a JUlturX .'
----- - -
Ii. Dutohmlo related • tlJ\,rort~n. "l,alch befel hi. eon fa the (ollow lug mAnnerIIPIlOf b'D'~ b. bit hlm../f mit a lnittle,.... and l'uh .Iek In 111. bed apeech-
I.. (or .~ weeki in &be IIIDllt 01 1\11 pl-Ind.1I hi. erJ .. clr "Url..lt.,1 .., ftASI DAtIl! alld be c:ouldn " Dothlo, ncept a IIltle TU~T ~efll~ and (or 'Il'~ tit the Dak,r, • .... " Ip'dncll<l UAClrtmentoJ 'l'ea. froUl SOcii to Th. . la a (llmll, of be peraone , ..1- et.oo pee III and wartlDtll(110 ,Iyo ... tlalactloD I _ Ia &lie to"11 01 Dort)' •.N. H. In wblelr or the mIJnoJ"m 'A~IR~~dDAftNtJART forille .pace of lort,-fin ,elra, u..r. .... OW IEllTA.O'L'SOKKJIfT' Ipre-.1n'-l:lon .... DO 1Ilrth. marrllit'! 01 dellUt, DOr baa 'BLACK LAC~ VBtL8, AND PRiem TO SVIT TflE nAtES 1"'."""'M1tltr!!'ltIfi"" . . . beta ,btlldan 01lle4 OD llecount 62"0 to •• "CD, jaol neel"ell Ilt THE anch!ftlcned Itl~ Olpell.eI/i. of 1lo1J_ ......I~ ,ba, tilDe. _~~'~:::-::i8-~m.~l:-::.:::-~=__....:.!:.:I,;;.L::;,lt~rt:.:ls::.._ J W... and SIOYe ~1.bl\~l1mO"l , ::hove $Iore Sllnd on M.'n l:Itroet ~_ U d h o,ool'J. . .r GkOOERJalt Illil'th o{ coaoert Hall "here be l~ goo w!)man, ow mach TIrE art al••" •• lIppH'" wIlli· .. ,GOOd .. ~ luenlllO all.".., .... iu ttll line .'_.' _..• II tIIu~' " IOnmenl9r crooerl.,l1Ich II ciOh. toe. be! lOund ...,....1 , .. Ullt'n. 01 III. b.1 IluW '11 ••• WAn -0\1 .Ul!:~f ... It, PlPI"!". "Ie S ..... eow I. ...on, trMoh VI J may Wo Clio Hli Suit.... Corns &ad SAl7l' II, "The &.crk'1.S........ ,cII iooII' ... !b:a ........ hrD . . . . . . 1bllliA'. ..hoi. ale 011 _ • _w... tile ..... Pren.... al dIci Old. St... Fllr .. n.. Irft I "U~"'GDe. ~lNboap'ln"""~. W. itrri.. peno•• IU.IlIIll ......... Tbeu..o.ttr&~I." allf.,....-0.', i4 aiD', ~.........~~ ......... _ell UdeI. i. I..... ~ III ... btat .tJl., ~;cal. Ta· - toll .. tI. a nil ....... ~!~_ ..... CIIIIAftft' c-. ~ tIIi 0Cber. e1D "'.... A. 6. &. .I01fl11.tJON ALSO I Alwa,. on had .. 1---' e. Carwi., Sep\. ... las. •.0 ul1'11I W ....... WftoIe.... qa __~lrr . . ~ . . . . .-,;...... -.on..ao.. Aft 4IID CAPlI, f'l1f:.~plteri .. a'rad. . . Nfea 10 • I LWAY.IIIl.................. .. ~=.::ldlOrol....... A .. B.IOIDMO • ~ ..
': ...---------'!..---...:.:.:.:..-
Ware and Stoves II
== A.
to., ..............
a.. •
.' t"e', fono"l.rl""-'~ VI',UlII'\I, v ........ ,
·Falber.' We IMIfortrThfthroae, I
Wlt\fIow ...cI 'betHleti 'ore•. " " ' will........tUuttobf.
" fro
r:fr;r,e ..!~ :rliel!rl ii.l, 11"'1" J " .. noun to 'JIlfn; ,
Fur ij"', ~.r.o&iOtl'.....I.hl~
J)1,klee. I',no~ 'w.Jlh T~e.
• Thou .Dowelt. '1'.. t'ler"ej('~ (bUII.:ht
TiMt Will.. w,lhrtf my bredr; :
aww ,hll fl"it ~Q' ''lnI1.OtIgl&(
,. 1'.. kee, III
Iq~e ~ppl~. . et wlie\l t"~ idUl, ~,;,re'lip"acJ one, .
8!1a foltdl, b11ot11 .Idl'.
, , ~", "Iftt¥e: tbe !oW~ ' I
., •
CDnn"', ~hun.
'JIo m~ III, ,deel,llIeci IIr~e~; \; ..
F.nar!ve Dl~. ir 0'1 lorril' ki •• , ~ . , , 1ft ''''\'M "f: ' h mt' b~w. • ua.t ~r D an Ii"..., 1I.k. 'hili
, r. AM t'lril~ ... I
Il,,'. eb~ .. '!II' ~II be 1:18 lov~, Aad com(flrtt" Iltr@t!' II! : Pollabte.....~ ah 'God, . ~~ Jj,~:~e A-IO'I!t". laUhh,1 Wlftf.\11 •
J. ,;11
lie ~now. nul, F.'b.... aU tI,!! dapp; Acr~tlon. , cunll'Ol• ..../te 1I001I1.d IU9'nl ~hoUII'11 11"t . Rn.~tl"". o'.r my '8';111. ,
HIP "~'41(" , ~t ,"ch
.~,~('I' fOIlIl'
ur ' Iv'n
, 1'1&_, ru.he. warll' 1l1ld free; FNt C41U be e~er, ".', p,v". , , ,X, ~!,~m I latry. " . •• ' Th.n·'~fdtj It m. -P"lill~Pt«lIll'" "I~ w~y , Thy eb",ceet iii...".,. c..a" AII4I n'D4er ••011 ,uc:.:e...I"\f day • . tt\lI! ~ ~ pri.. r ~hlln tho ,~n4l'. rather.lfant UII .0 10 1Iv.•.• Thill ...hflll' lhlt "r~)l1 o'er Within \I" ".PP1 ho .." ,"\1 ri,e, We'll DlMt &0 par I~ m",,".
'Spacuhl ors ~rc p,.0ing
, .
Lb..~ ~~~tr.Y b.U'>lil\g ,u~ dllfcrlll~L
pr t\,uc ,fOT.Lb~el\'!lc~f,I . n\t\rk e~" p.L .'Que fqurLb the ro" I v.a4ao of LUU , ...n .." ill ~bcir ... ruti; look OU~ for 'IIt:tU;' \I.~C¥ , r han DO bu"octl lq makf LitO "nd
LITJ;a.u.y _QTIClIl,
TII1I OIlIO JOU"If,U; aI' EDt7CA'l'ION ~A.,t,"""; I· No~,
hu reacho\l us: Onc' more nUnl' ber!"HI clo~e the fllHloud voh.tine o! t~lj~
Mw'If~v', " i~ bcro~
1&e, 'We ·lille lb. delc~, a~t ratI
arrangements ,of \bi. ",jlh one excepl.tonWQuld ~Dlo"'OOIIvenient'to have the S~te. ~ged in aJpl;ibetlcal ortler, . . Dye is regaining tJie' positio)1 h lost bill COQDo\:{ion wlt.h· that Mtllllpltis inltitIldon, and 8t1emS de6t.i,ncd to have., proi!perblfJ ' rUllldtb Ilis MiRor. '. . ytafllemi'mon~lil, 81 ;50'Ellontbly; John ~ 8, Dr., Cinoinnkli, '. , • _ "__ " • . AMPle.. PH.;.oWU·IClt. IOURIf,,,,. 'fbi, Y'aluabJe pllblicl\tion (or Nov. reacbeil \11, LoS'! ber with tbe W ATK. .TOIIaIfAL, both o~ which arft filled With ohoic.reading) asili. frOm lhe par. tieuJaJ' subject to. which they are, d Ul'ot. ed, We tbi.ok 110 one w!u rOi ret sub. 'cribipg for .i~flr oUhoM wo(k.... all who cio 10 ..ill ge~ Dlany times Lh,e ,wollth ortbclrdoll&r during tlt,yeari and thCtl, too, a doOtor', bill might pdeliibly ' be u"t4. II _year each, ~o!lers de
) "TH~ GKlflU~
~1!It:," 'rho. No\·t;fIl,ber nlJmbc~ I1f ~J)i. 1tbgujn~ reRch~ ollr • "sancLum" ml" ; . ...·ul. I. " J'IV !HIi
work that ollgh, lq 1m widl:ly cilllul3wd through the Wc:tern. ~te!tjitsdelli)rn 00, to .promuto the lliterests of .ei!ter.n h~ora~lIre and .we'~rn. aUlbb~. It ' ~s prinCipally, filled '1'It1, IDtere8lm~ orlgl"al ma~tl!r from tbe I'~n. ijt tbe be.t writ;trs ~r o"n ~ai~iI~ I v"1'~y8. , a r oar/ an auynnco. Uo,.;ard Durham: Cin'c innati, O. • ., • •
our ,
.The Ootooor No. of: ''}:,.. CLA8S'~AU is on our L.'\blll, TJ,illllumber contains :\ ~h:&,a:!~C[nellt very i~tcresting sk,otch-":rhe Ohri8tiR~ EJ:ptlneollc of Jon~th~1I ~1II!r" Mi,Ind4an or the Narag~nset :rnbe. &0 year. R. 8'. ! Ihot: DI1)'t()n; O. , LA"CElIif.-A; i oung laa empioyed in the .Kcntuc~y [I'u st Company Batik, LoaD's DlI1JtCToa AND n .U llt Non RE- OovmgtOn, was arrested on Sa'turl 1 r N . u}lon !he charge of l:treen), of _. 8DI"li Welil. New York. N~T&&,,, I~r . qv: 1~t., liaa been received. qUAntll, o(notes of the BI\nk with onTh" work IS ~ubhsh(!d ltootllJy at 81,- Iylbe l.. gna~ureohltcPre8idcnt"uMI~edl. -t T..ILIlV8ft4T&DHrDJIO.4TaJOQvUT- 26, and Seml·Yonl.ltJy at Ii., per an- ~ remJ of tbe. nows WI re put in cirelli". j T. W.. Lord. Cincinnati. • L1011, IUIdp.rc8e'\ted "" the coull&er of ~ht' ....1' Baffaw. W. have reeei,ed DumBank, which Jed to WOttrre8~ of the lad ber ODe or Lbil work, for which . bas conf\l$sed that be abstracted ,~ • tAInt our thanb \0 ~CI pllbli ~ra. "TuP",n1.Oll1!.\oUtlrI" (or Norem- blll~. bot does,not.lAte tbe amouna.~ N'~iow of ita eOllLealll ilDprellllea u Dady Columbian. . -.,wilhtbo
Floe,.....IiO PNrI.Io". - Buon .1,Jee 8'
,,_ P'urlr .,. 5U, 11(,•• cco-No. \ Va ~.1l6c, loiS
K, •• wi" • CI au,.,..;;...&t (J. Sic tar conamon to prime
O,aln-a,. IIOCI 1I1f1'1 6Oe1 Whe., t -"1~U,!""~"t
tl,IO CGfIl, IIIW 1$ (I 1Jf I
. ., . . . .
It. 611e.
C~lljc Chtete-9a. 10 ~CloYl· •
..... ~.fII.u·
T":' ,WIlI:r~ S&alai or TullIA"1 v',,"oa co'.....l;oM OIl. iWl 2Gru ;NQv., ., wllrc~ u~le' it is 01U' in~ti!)ll 'to lmpnm; ill- RPtM'IU'aJ1~ aad alld t-Q ~~ inle! -, "~, TQ quI!' numeruli, 'Crienib atcl the reading pllblia geDeralIy. w"" .... bap'py &0 lIIue tho' lollowiag a;QOu'nCl6m'6DtfI 'i~r lhe ciming .iK IIlOntlt. ':. ' ".
'4' I ,A': lt\~'io i " ." Ir!p ·t·~
""1111 'l'At),;
' !jl 'II~ '
\VA ' It ' Ql"
' I'~ !.-;. ''''''
.' Writtun.~xp"iI,i, fur the W'4i(~.:VI!tI1.oa; , a~d lbrillin,J~teroit., .tOlr, ,till be '&:cc\>mp'..~i~1,l OJ loUowec:l ~1. Sune. of
~z~itlng II
.. 8 ','K E,T C H E 8 , ·O ,.f . B ~ I\" ,D E R
AI , llibjecL abouodio;J in frulU'1ll lIIate~i'" ror,'b~ no,tj\i., or the oJu:oo:iolc!t or 1I0bel' trllltb, ~}le " ,o ,ld'. ' buto~ pre48_nU ~1 'a panJlel to that of ,o".n. pioneell'. border nl", 'wi~b ,i~', ~il. aDd ,ri'~tion!l; it. blood~ wa,sl\lld iog died.: " , ~noh of i\llen.e iaklre.t mtty btl ~ZP!lCted "Dder th .. boad, all JIOI1I 8t!Yer~ wl'iter. ur e~~rlalice willQontributo tbere.to. Nux' come
lP.1a,O w' , '1r '~, 11
. A new laM in iiLemtiare. wllillh: WIl l1.,udiot with the IIt.mO'~ o~6deDCej. wil~ pmll 'poilU'l", antI euturt.ainin~ in tb~ liighe~' !logree. Nuth.ing like it haa o~,ef' ob"r~teriliid My jourulll; bllt'thoro will 00 ~iWi 1>£ itni~ton. I Mark' it I '
BoOtS '" Shoes j,
n A'r~.
BON N ET:S .&,
mA!a JI1 II lI ,W. "
'~LlIt,lI "~' m lai ilE un\l8nilllled I«k os tI,l. ,Hlelnod of an· • nouncln" TO' the alth.n. \".ynu.. i ll~ anJ dc.illlcy , ihot I,. h,.. ope,"id I nuwl B.. ~t GI\'! 81o,,".I..Uo, Bunl\ill StQro , hi the roo"l, I snll~ ; \,;lIncert I\AIl, wh ~r~ '''' wil l,k ee p 1)0'" Ily on hln,1~ I\ ue"llont .... orbneni"f all .rLl~I9" III hi. Ills .wok · of Boola ::lit.... 10 lb. bitt noW' o ifei'1n" In tlda mar, ~1l1 •• 10 11,1•• quah,lY .uJ ~i1 1
:,BIST~O.T, A.~ BIOGB~.il10AL
. Original. aO\I'ielec~(). wiU 1""0 a' PfO~ineUt plAoo.in o~r cb!umn9.
U".. "j.
HUMOll.OUS ARTICLES for ttialoven.oC (un; E()U:Ct\~[I~ON.AL'· fo·r ttl~ scllato.:' , SOIE~:l'IFCp COt tho ' ~II(JIlghtM (lnd rolljlctive; 'l'EMPERANOE e~on\il)ll oC Alllultol 1\u.l tho (rion1il or tllO ,M'uno LIl"; AGRfOU:l:r"unAt for the Farmer,- and MISOELLANEOUS for tho dillon"i"e.
A'I editor Iltlel, n d hlA w.lIet .Iutract,. pick.poh1t~t, lit on. "r oUt Stltl) (al .... but eontainllll notl.lnl , motl than the ouly currolloj orthb (r4~rDIt)', . lt . rt'tur.(llld Ii)' eXpr.,lI, with thll j.,Uowana .
e\! b, Il
11010 aocloted:-SmQdulky
).'iou' mlnf.bl. Ilcun~j beltl 10ur ~Ojlkl$ bilok. I don't ' k\lop nil IIQh ItOI!'. F\lr I I. m', n drened II well ., ,UlI W•• II) IrO roupd with .. \Vallet whb nuthle" In it bul InC10lpaper ~cI.pi, a I,or; t~tb comb, too nOOlptp.r Illmp•• an 'a pau froal rlt.rold
, " ,,~ ~: '1l ~" .-J ,~ ' ~, ie 'l ( t ,,~ .~'
"K"~I ..I·'~·'~"~""lOnllblft
' I'litr Auh
SIU ' p~rtaJI
I ' tm!'~ I
In th~ dOpv~IQJnL ',oj Ilh.,llong c:I:n;, \risIJn wiLh .\.)Ir PAP,,_; an, ~ we sh,\11 eye&: Mm.1.o kocp O:lr f,~ \ hlrJ .. P'HtoJ lip .~_ in atl ,Lho impolrt!&n t 'r~ll.~tiUII:l of both bomi.~p'!lor»c,' to.;tl:I&Uf ",a!i.~Ill" l~ \1 Dul.tur.,f :\, m" y bo wurthy of I\I) ~U.
I uave, rob. GO; ,Bntlomen.
l' ER1[
I. P.llII'li!",ADVUOI, Olie ,Oupy ono ye,~r " .. 1., .i " ', ' . "' I ' • ," • ~I~ mOil' \I , r .!:>'oar -Copies one Y!'ll!o~
Tal,DUUT whQ gre ...ed his tba~ be wOldd DO~ make !Wloi.. went,to " lel'} ohiokenll, IlrpP..t!d beD 'roost in~ 'he cIIslOlly of Lh•
.Be pve ... reunn ror hll belag , .. DI\I 110' only GUill dRr too llee of do
• '. (,r P 4~D " ,.
wid dere oyes opo!'." Be,!'U qoopeu· ....lIf. Y. .Pioay",ne:
II' TI~Il&. YO!O'~9,
~' ,
. ,. , OJ . . . (8n.l one One Cup, ont! yellf ' " .. " "
~ Agell~.) '
' 10,00 1.76 ~,oq
"Ai TUI UPlU1'10~ o~ TII& Tuil
Tho C~.ll ·mll!lt inmri"bly aC~OI~pl\IlY t~!e n~mQI of: Olllbs.
TRIC nu.ow that waa ClllJght by wife hll8gillIJ his !IIlr'llnt girl. '"ore i ~ "JlII 1\\1 owing 1.0 hi. hllYing beaTLy' aap';>er Oil meat, collldn't hulp it.
It' R 1 'E ':ND S,.•
f ,£.n 'f:~ :"
A r'om~ncc, pronolln~c 'l by 1\ complltent and ju:lllli~u\t C~itill, .to lie, or. tJio V..sIlT '';I~' 'O"Dll~ .wilioh,.,-o 'sffi\1l bom in roseryo 1\1111 u,'o if "0 h,~ve Ollol\sion; i~ grll:'~ ]qng~h being tho only objoeiion'io i~ immodiate publioati~n" ':
drn:lcturr. or .ulDetblo' .110, I. a cOht,mt. ~~Ie impenhlpn on lhl public_ AI J beer Y'lIr" .clilor, I "lurn Ylur t, ••l,.-
• obickena
, In "Jlit,(4)11 to the C.,re~ lin:,;, w» b:\fo no,. in , h:~J11"aubjccU., our dispOs.ill,
N~" is,tha,ti!De,lo Ipuilk ,a.,word rur the VinroR, We !I'i~1 do RI\ witl;i~ o~r me"ns ana,LY>llity to IDllke"IL "hat" gool Fllir~v NK,,"IIP4PIII OUURT TO DK, Will you Aill us I), YOllr infllt,enec! ".11 you '.Ilow a copl 0(- the pl&por to your neigh· ~r nntl ·.~Ii: ~iril to b6'eoma "sllbilOri~r? If eaob Qt';'1011 will add one tQ OUf list' or I.'.lAtrlllll.\l, we .hall bo , enl\~led. to g(I on lI~inuninlrly. •Will you not tr)' to rIo IIO? A fc,1V minutol\ tJmo on YOllf pllrt-t.imo th,,' you 'will never mi", wuul~ Jrivo Illl illlPj)L~S , W our .elfur~, &h"t wOlild enable 118 to rep">, YOIl' fonrrol~ ill tho !botter .ppollfllnce IIn'l IIltim'\/,e eillar~mont of our paper. Who will be the first to aot? .",ho "ill obLlliit lur II-" the groatos~ numbor of subsoriber.:!?
~-~.~ . ~ '
.A W CSTllalf ~DrTOR, oopylng It story abollt a,drowned miln "ho lUllf n won· derflll meQiory ofe,err tlVunt or bi. life. a tl IIi us aome oC hi~ 6ub!Orioor. to pucti~e bMlliDg jri deep ""tel'l ,
--....,..- .,...............:' '
111 Go II ·i .I CE NT P R'II IS'.
'D41te.r~i",jI4 to Il~e nery hon,lm,W,e IRC~U$ t? ,pli~ce tit\! HIMn VIsnpi.. '"bond or any p:\p~f of i~ Illa-s pIJbliclhlld. to POl'>lODS di~polIlld ean'lWing IIgents, we olWr 'be rollowing .
act as vohlntury ". T,
'to the pe~n IOnding UA the hightl.~t n~bor 0( ' .Il.bacrl,be.... from thi. rI.,w up ~ th,! fiirst day 01 l1'nll"r,. 18';t. proyidecl &be Illl..m.r aball not btl 10"1 tb, n ,ODCI Itul!ldred, we ,wiI,l Ol,ke a prellent, iltcuti; .o ( Tw.lII'f\' F~ ... DOLL4.. ', Uud, " ' F?l' the IlIl,mb~Qr. lIC!lon>1 to tIt~ high..,&. or n~t less than oighty. Tw.~nDC?L",,1U I 10lUlIOrat, In •• 01 MOlllor)" .e"a~ of l,ulJ1,ln IlU,' ~Of t~o ~u,,!,!)~r n.,eltt' bol~w in' ex~n~. or no~ \9- ,baD 11'1.1. ~W.LU DOLt.',' a8 I I~., "r"!\u,,n"Gn'l :mor'I~~bla 'th~lI uu. , EmIlCIIIIOI\ Inll E.lrellltl Dobillty. -:-"3~~~~~~i.!~~~-:1 And ~ oacslJl 'ill'li!,.l .."l ~B:I'''l IU ~weill1-&..e ,'II~rb8I'1. )'ft. DOLi4is I ' , P~i/lclpnl Dftp,.t at ' 'Under t"entll-bo, to,&ke Pel'l'On $a'olling liS the highe Lnumbor, *e will CQ.k~ Burnet's, I'fo••• Ea.~ FClWI'" 8heea, '. p~lI8llt ?f any bo tt. of W~.( or h?,,) ow.o choO.~lng, worth 'fll'••• D~LLia; 1 • OIMcn'lf. TI,' 0810. .u.e DUPUY DR .~YDY rur .' le,li,u. 'rile ,CUll IIllllt ~ompan1 Lbe Q_O~ in &11 !'L11e1. \Vho will tako the priltl.t' o:,rF•• r a.'" "JI Dm'lll/iaur cvcir;1whN•. h~1 l, urI008 •• II" .qle'b)' , o:::rf'rloa FIFTY CEZ(TS.' , lex rlion, IUU.I. lllllClln ••,. of VI ~ ion . \he ~OUliJ, P"rtioularly . , rial"" in' lho uIOrnh\1l, ' . I,lloryy rllll, IInal $Onle (; \'I'~il:ht Itl I \&8 140 111
, S'rJ'i1t to IT, RJWIOJ1l'.-!t.thor an amll> .iaK BCC}10 eeme .QfI. before the M.lyor YASt.rd.)' aftemooll, :bct w.etn Teddl Drft nIIigab, a Ion 01 ,tb. Emetilltl HIe. and hi' 'colllort, Rrldi.t, Toddy hId beoll .rTe..ad on' e ' eb",. or drunkenn...· and dilorder~)' conduct,.mt klillg hi, ~ife. Dul
T . t. AI.LEN &. CO. D::rCoulIlry D""lors s\lppli",1 .1 Propriol"". bie I.dl fori1yJng. .. prieell by "'" uf Iho (;lnclnMII DruUi., •. , SI"u Uuldoll Ball. S~e laid 10 bl, Honurth.tall. wun'~ IIrr.l~ i\hy IGlh, I!u~. " ' 173. FufJole by ItODJMt'fS 4. URO. All conun~nilaa~olUl, or Teddy at all. ' at all, if hi! would oull , PRltt'IJ_IUCY rJ ( 1'01T-PAID) 1.0 . take tho pled,.. ' \ C;APlI. B HaVE an eJlCtlIlO'~1 ,,~ri~l, lIr ,chole.. o nn~ Bny'~ Clolh lind OilOlll,h lip. , I'orl".nor, Ilild '1'011<11 ;\rtlol ... 011 IlI"d .. \Vell t.ddy," •• Id bl. honor, "will you iliA" h41.l"ulIlI nl 11. & MaC, '8, w(uch W. 01111 .11lI~""';'Clurer••u~111Il"'1r10rlol 1·,~I~e~. Wo nnmo LIlbin' ,Dllzlu'., B"bbltt·., do De your wlr. reqllirel, provldod I let you , ' , 8elUn ff Utrtllul'o\ Julol ll.ul ..... Welh eraIP.,Palmoer·, 11'1' " • I 0 at at. , o , kind • l:;uIIltoler IIlIur " .. , bo ho,l a"d l'IfVIl1'~ of 'th,. cunnlf)'; aOlI .ome 01 th, '·F.ia," .. id T-edd)" with II.eri1r;"an" boroaherat CONI, 10 thu ••id d. ,h. leU\)II, iJcSI Iml""'''' ar.llolu. , .• at UI.1I6ot an,13 ho. !:llorlHlf 01 Illr Ihe nair. to dre!ICI. 10 .... 'Ofe. J II ..0 Ihe' •• DI. in .jIJlj. But llren It I.. 1l0LCO,\1B, IJr".dwftY Lebanon. 10 clIrl, 10 4.. n"I'I.Ir., • t;~lImcftl lor '''0 HIIPd""rchlel, .ho Pr...... lIollor BrldJct lI~el • little drop KiNDLY I'fOTJCEt ' wer, elc, Ladi .. ' 'I'ojl.." Po.tlers. doe .nd ehe mUIt. d" the .. mG." f.arirons knnwing th emacl Vel i."loble!1 .nd ••• a!'\.rt~ Imrla.d . f01 , 1"" "\,,'OIDI."IY wid ),e, tben .... Id' Brid .... t 10 J ,.lirnl of ROU8RT~ 4r BR!,TRu. on OUI , " a- • Itallui,nll IOC'JUnIO, .r. rt!<lnlllll".r 10 call DU~ tllcltlng her. lo'l~ lord. arm under her .ollie lb. lama jUlhltdlOI"ly, DI with 101 own; "\Ve'II,o .crOll tbe I'rl'e to elo.e ujllil. old book •. "A w\>rd" ate. ' . ROBERTS It BRO, F.tht'~-'. Ind 11m berore ye rlpinl," "Wtill," •• Id Teddy. with I 'Uicl p,e&,nant ,wi emphuis," go, bill Illck to , ~m nlon /line lIuar,!., plDllk. barn it Drulgl'," IDg!c~ 01 Ih. be_llj\la!IIY, I..Ut , Ole,. wh ..... I ' C .m wllhnJl 10 ••JI 011 " · II~lqd ~~r;na .. m,. 6. .. el '.1 U4e oort amid .hout, of I,uaht- meall. will .Iford. "'v lit. 8. K~Y6. I I from Ihe "'.tande....-OiucIDn.l[ CODl' ~" 1C"'I.ED POIlK 10r ..1e b'L ....rcl.1 . ' ..... • . • 'f. &Lt.EN. & ' . Slin 01 lb. Gold'lI n.h, .. aW1'uL Co• .-"wq), is a tob3CCO . cbe:..e!.!ike abP.Ma}iD a Dlltch OY6n:r" JUST rbeM~tl'or~ll.. &ksy •
w" penitent and
C ' o
.ither on b,diinou or !o' ptabl~at.iOll. mOl,l,1I1 be addnllled
J. W. ROB E ..... T 8 • EOI~ uo t'1IO""III'OII.
.W.1~'iU." \V.,uren ';,ollnty. Ohio.
-.... e"
on ' the 'plt."
".''''IDenl ot T - . trom &0_
Tbe ),ollnCIllllII who perpetrated tbit.. IU ,OO ~tIt IlnJ ...arraaled lO &l'" ••'1.......011 ~U'~bMD wrap~ in Ilaanel from bud or ,h. fa""'" ,..111 beA't-aO~BAIlNU41lT: aa4 l~d ur on a ahelf lA &he __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ froot room O'er der maoblall. aLACK lOOt,
Utarnu . . O..A•••us..-A te. bu iDft,'" ....... lor eztno~· .AM iIlI..liua-lroa Il'" a4'f8I'tiMaaeQ~. 8ciiMet.a.. ..............Dte...
_ . . .... . . . . . . . . , lb. &nth
F ItOM'6',U'c III nl.I8·19t.]
".CB Y&I"" P-.nob\ j ••, r _ .... a. ?
PEN. r
Pas II
811'"'''' ._I II"tffltI·
] Af'RSON *- 00.'19 " ••~TIl'U 'na, 1IIe ... I.
I ..
Ileal ,I.",. n" 'I'"rr>ld...... 1..,18 I """, .....1
hI ol~~.J\) .. alllllU. r l " . ' ' ' - ' :lOc(jq~d'.lRIl, IIvoliirSoUl• ••..r .... ,..li• .. Ie .00 relftli , by ' RUBI:lR1'8 • •ao. W.,.lIeevl)l&.111118 1. 1_,
E'CLfK'l'I'IC 1.11I1. . .ft.
10 10 be lbe ...... """ :;;'11......... fir l o t n II
.......... -:
.R.~ln -eIIM-"
- Rau'\IT8. 110·
me.I '
'I'lie blOC 1ellr lho ~flllder~ uf tl .." (lU'IIny ur l\ll~ ~l\eh \l.uu~ hUI~t~d II \\ 11118 lIug
Delluotli hl'; hoUio ivh~rc
.\le t:n: l\ IT!!Il8~ . IJ
W\lr~tWutll' had lhtl "hllhlUN
a dCl'ljJ
b108. 'rllklnlt lI!lr c:hild by tho Imad oae d.y, elle l~d Ii duwlI .,.Ir.. anet Warus,hlg It 111-1110, &:fueeLi Ibe dl.lur, luc~ed I~ .,Id hurrirc.l .. p II'GI',. • , .• 1'ho 8~llICl ~llHlhlg Iler lover G,!Ple, IItPy .~( Gh~ltllli IUI/elher, but IIU Iqemi"u \V. ~
= ::c.;""".:....: :.-=::...:=., ...0..-..,,-,........ _ -----= SVUllllt'VDBB OF Blf~IG()!{'N,E. DV
eho oo.ulunltlly wturecJ bor "iilel"o
'rhe IIl1uVIl rol~ulllliuu \~ aa mud., IltllIUc Silplember a,' 1177 Accurdlllll \U Culu ,~I 1',ulllbull, Iho! O.g mila" III purdu.llcil 01 It \Vas -lit.t u,ed .1 thu ~lIr'o!lI\lor 01 Dur. \layne, Oct. 1'7, of Ibo /lInI" yenr 1'1, .. wull • ~forlou. blllllllllll&.lrul1, 'ur Ilia wne olle or the mOd' hllp'\lr~,ult ,lu.urltlB of the Amerlo~1I oralll. durlni the It~\lulutloll ' 1 ' 110 6r6t c:hunge ill ~IHl naU\lulil culurs w.. uarllcted ill lhe rullu\~ IIIg onllClmllll1 COIl/tre.... tlJurlttl~ lIMltry 1311t, 11!H. • "Do IL ilnallle,I, &.C.. Ihlll rtOIl'l lind "rtf'r tillat d"y of thy. 179$. dl. IIlg uf tlln Uultf'd Stille. IIi! lilleell ~Lrlp", shorllllll) fI,od Illd ",IUltl, 'Ullt tho Ullloll bo Ulleen stnr. white blue fiold .. 'r~ , I u II '" (tltl> UI lied Fl. let •• Wild' I ". U I " II .,Jlot lIlruul&h th. durllllC Ib" Wilt 01 111111-1 , hear I The bull 111 181B, 11.8 dUll ur lbe Ulliled S\8IO. IV" UIIIIII Illered. On tbe ~UI:J:1hI1 011 tl e Hun Mr \Vo!lItiuver ut ll,e Sialo ul
lO,de orllta lillie ubi ellle". The neat d.., I DOer II ".,~erllull of t\\>enty.rout hUDf., the Inllther went ~urtly duwll ahil U"left •• Iho !loor '1'/10 quick olif ut tho chiLI c"ughl Iter mollr~r'" 'te~1 and Rloe 10lplurtd, heT to Ink .. h('t uut ur lit lit lI.r~ pliae-8he w.. (I ,Id ~.Iti VI'f.Y hun!!'Yj No ID.we" W.. rOlurl Olf, IUld .It ... mo.ber c""p' qUI. tly up ~ llll,.. • lit lire 'lve/lll1g the lower 0.10111 ..,lib ~ 'I'hQY to" k tiuPllor tV!; tlu~r, and f)~ ... tld . aua it. l.cH Ill.,!; Aner Ib••Fr.d 'wear,. '\lUr huurs hud pu~.ctl.the Dluther made an. ul\ .. r vl s ll 10 Ihll <:hlhl ..\i_In tb~ I\ule "ull'er r 1",a,,1 her, Ind \\ ith '.oble \'VIce b"gll d fur II cruill uf brelld.:....onl,' ODe cru." uf bru"d. Thl. polltld. lime opon ' the !!luther'. ta<'!art, lIut-IIU P"'PC:_
Anol!lur l1"y p~l\a4!d Tit. 1Q()lher wen' qu t"tly ..town .lalrs "lIa lI.tBncd. All IV" _llrDt Sho opened .of"1 lite GOor-Cftll child lay "~a,l. rJ·.kln:~\' Iflb tlU) bod,- up "'(wf1'8, ahe 1...11' ur OIl II bed; ulI,t IDlflIodl~t ... ly rrtt.· killg .,rclIl uutery, CRII tlJ o lIel:hIlQr~
I . ' lelilul: ~b('m Ih I h~r elHh! b,,~ Now Yurko • relurll W •• iliad. '0 tlll rloell 11 d,.J A.'III,) It ..lunod ijlrlp"', ult 'v .. anticipated th.~ the IJ:, The duy alter thero "' ••• ro" ...nl. Til. "uu'd becuntll an"IP1iIJ, I' • litlllie \~ftl chiltl "' .. Ifl0f, ~111 .. ~II.. .,....... wWl added 011 the .411111..1011 vf mla ffllllej and ~b:.~!i;I~b.:~U:~~~~I~OI!~~:.!:'::= mureoverj b, tlto pl ... propullClCl. the Unlull tho fUI'(talllr tb It f8forl~ TIIe~. qf lite old tlllrlBeu SI.tel , cUlDpflaul, \be //loved 1~\Y~ rliollb. qlde\ O,fI. II' •• {God'ilae',,) \\ lltoN ,nil t be ~ . . A.I. .
' /I
wu In 1I1~~.
,.. .....
Joukh" .auwu ..... u........ _ wblCh lite IaQI, milD WU .......... wkll
JU .ulIua'.
Flour-t5.a6 Proyi.ljlne - B.cqn .,,)"', [r.8n
M,.. Pbrk Il 'ill
0 , V. lIa2!1c, to 28
Xl .1:( U, I"" 90-
Bugnr-4 &'0 for common tn rrhn e Grnln-llye GOu. narl~f 60c• • WheDI 81 ,10 Corn. 11 • • 3' @ a'l' A('OIIl8I1f!.-2~ Q1lS:Jc (ofr~llie
Che'IO-94 (110
Bettl-Clun- 86,00 firm
Here Ilea 1\ mlln wbo louk~1l au l,lah Uti pMsellllll common Illimsell lIy, 61ld lhay "'b ... l"ukcll u IlIgla •• Itll, Declar"d hlJl bpde they II tluld nut be. 8 I t", .xt them both he a.cd II b\lch, 1\ nd no\\ )"1 gone to the old &<:rll\d. ACllaa luli I,. lIillts apleudor Was pco lug over.tbe hilts. II newlt mdrtl~11 man uclullncd 'TI\e glory oj l/au ,vI/rId I. n "In.:'· U .. wire, who huppeucllto be get 11111 up at dlat UlOmtllt, tDkh'lr tllc com pIhncllt,tl) beraeH. 1IIIIIlerCII, -whit would you dllY. my tlellr. if I blld my new silk drcSB 011 1
To tho penonscn:.llnlf~ the higb0i't nlllllbor of sllb~CMbor9 from thlA ,lutu up Ik tho lint day of, l,mltar1. 185;&, pro\ltlcd tho nllnJl)cr illlI~1l IlQt be l\Js$ than 0110 hlltldroil, "0 mil tn:lke n proa nt, 1II o(~b, df r\'~'i'I'r FIVE Dott.,\.t3 I For tho numller suooni to tho III;,rlu)n, of n)t IC;S3t han (ligh t). '£WlCNU DOLI. \ I1d I For the flllqlber next betow III execnt, or II) Ie,s than fi~v TWIILYII DOLL41U1 ! And to elch 1Il1,viht"t llnulm.,: Ul ~\"Clll, ftve 3I1b.crb;,~~, ")t"vs DOL"~RS' Under ~\YOnty,(i.fo. to tho peri"" ~(mil'~l tU the hlglaoil nntnbcr, We \,.11 mn"\) a present 01 any bj )k, of hI!
('.rlacr) OWII cho Hill';
The O-,\Sft mtl1t.Mco:blr-tll), '~e IUIUI)~
,,\I eMOS!
rllIlR~ DI)LL \1l~ 1
\Vh., wm lilko ~ho prj I"!! ?
All cr> UII1UI1I\Hbon" elth!lr on b:H.nos I or Cor pu!Jllc(\tlol), shouhl be (ronoPAID) to J \V. nOBER'J,'S ~ , ~ Eono.. 4lfO l~aorRI~R. W"ynolVllIll, Wllnen counLy. OIIlQ
JOURN~L, :. 1.
VObU~JE 6:···NUAlB}~R ~:
. "r
jlillO\ 10<1,,(\, }[avo Lho recordS of
IIf wtLLtAM.
Whnl I. Ihe lilo 01 , 11'0111 II. hlllldoU. ft" • tI" " rO II:~)' .
ur.t. "".
& .j'AU,
'",Iolln~ J~nd, ~ tlurk .h , ,..." " ollr IUI _h" r:fY~~rl ld , .... , t 1 Jlo\\ •• .1 h i ~ 1\1 1 "ll - , , \Yu I" •• IrOll~ rO,rlh I~rov ~ r,
Z"ouu, tOO .,oou o~r !aYliiarO It'ttr, Alld ". "I'e Itlill 'IIti."\ llo u COlli cluy, Aud our menl0rlee ulu'" ">" I.lk~ wi,"l. '\O)II,,: lho Illh~ I)' ~hurc, J(lIlgo\ille, nhio , N"y_ , _Ulh, I S~'I ' .1_ _ _ ~
A rn"oor . 1... ill' 110 chlnlll Y 1m I , Un a. wlult~r'ti "IY tmjd)' ill~ I r(Hl d t ; Jlv It ~ & lIIal.!.1I )0""1( Ilf,d Inlr,
i i.
~-l;lrI \\ lLli • wru",ll IIr Itol lUll lit, ir, },ml ~ !.e l/;n.ce\dI9. [/lI!i'...., .lutll "11,1 cui.! , ,\ 1& It " '11I •• lil'" uruul}, lrilu U II,I ohl. 'h)
\\'1"' .'mll
Illutly'~ Eltul:G ral10)1. .81 cu n hili p it,"lIho .aId pettl"hl" "l'\" , OJI, Lhere uti t"olt8""d ~! " ~.hl lhtll' Ibl ket! 60 cv,'r ~i"co r 11'0' bo'rlll" [f . HUll\ h,y l l ' her II ... R· ll1 I1I!C., 11'1".1 Wil l "r" lh ~ rc ony I ell ol.uch extraull.D ' I "le ~ . \ lr III~ .ill l.Iy tbe )'lIrd,-"lhouaullll and ICllly) Oome: I t ~Qur rood '.D .. III1'1 ~ lIty .. • 8wr r. " JII~ llh" 1I "h~ ' H \l l!'h~ II Mly ~ l\' lul": ",II" .' \-V liy , n~. I ,upP"_o 'Dill." I.nlwired tl 'lr ylll!"!! IH' ~U ~ Uil, II > Itlt IUIIII ',,1 U\' t ht> IC ul y, ol,ly ~o\lllnil I \lf r, little; "'btl', I'ur~r Sit" kll ow It Wll~I IlI "i)ll lrc lur hcl I Cll1,',t hel p It Elvel'body IlIllce 10." I. ~xug ll'l'r\lIH) II, .1I . hQ~ ijiu l UII),(IHlI ; ,"1 C.II'l "Ndl e~"rybuuy, Rule, . Oome, ...., help, i \V llillllll, II I '\'~' lfllll"'.' .1' jll.II ~ . , ],.111 g"i YOII, IIyolI will only bre.k fllUt .IlIU Lll ik u. I II I,, " c r d,lll't 1:(1llc l )'1111," '~ I f of th r.. tlJloue h~blU I'll bu,)' fOIl I Willi"1II 1I \I"llcy h ud nil y ~'i IWI' II J1 1t'~s - bCl\ ull llIl \1I11u II lit,'. ' 11 11 '\I11i ll ll# IltH' \il h!\ hy 0' 1,1 .. 'tlf lly bdJl' "Oh, ~chg"' rull" 6xcl ..lm.J Kuty, "l'\! ' 'l'hl,! IIl1blt [If clIflltll('flll ,N Ii ." l"",w Iud t,) II\! ,UII} lh llt~ 1\ tlte wurlt! f~r luah I,lrlIlll\\I; II >\ UI, ulI ll Ih" ... ~u UII ~c\lI\"l"\I ' YOI' I'u ilLvJlIl If [ ha !'e 10 cu\ 1II)'!.un UI 'vu "' " CC Ihc f( lY\'d,lI ~ioI IlilY. U\It.t' ~ ; ~ h,ip til Y "'e ', ~I';. I I .' "()lI, t1~qi~jjr!ed her h4~b~\'Id I l,e" 6I1 y ' IlI,l .. I ~8 1 he 1'1,I11utl ' I XII "la,l) 'YCHI ur In CU rr billfe,"
hlhnt you file
Ipast or tl'IO prosent l'cvC'lled 10 YQu, lIud
IVIIITTE~ 'Q I\ 1'il£ 1111,... \ VI.,TUa
110 ulOO1l1 • ho ''''11 ,.hall 111e.
ficl!king' Ilrlel wi~dol)l pnd cIII~eUV()IiI\g fallll)U1 the' sOllrce of Uui fOllnt~il\
We are Palllinr Away.
p CI'C I\C," !lllid
IIIi\lJ." u"
II' hel: . "'"\, ~ I "' ~ 'i~ CI) III U' 10 \ ,... 11 , A",', 1.lloc., whM ,1I ,)" .. ~ li l" 1,\ III)' 1i( • • H,i ,, " rrl~tI ur ~IDl:l e.- w l&iuh I. "e I'" ,
YOllltn6wCr'lll'tbe quo tion' , What A.puzzleu,llxpre sion 111\;'18cd_ U\ cr Jt...! tlU;lught.rnllrkc!1 ~ CO\lI\j.o· IHllleu qC ~4 1\ Sludout, aad fUI '" moment htl wits ,in doubl.: whllL RUS'VIlI' LO ' ~h' e, BL\t n(Lcr 111 i~fi1ttcl vl\l tll • corrug'lItCt,\ brow J itnilid, ll' r{,inllig]1 sColc ol'\!r donht (.'xprc~sin~ teatures.' lind 'willl n hlllf·confident 190 , I\S if ha 'was only pllrtilllly ILSSUI'tld or bl'i!., COI'rt;ot, Illi In1\dll reply:' /('llm hl18 Q. til -fQlli ckIfiIlIlion, I on lrohltip q-, to ' 'tho" 01111; th e othcl' to Lhll \vorlr.l'~ II1bnbilanl.s, 'J'I1M,WI it ' u:llIlcll to Lh6 \I' rlu, i the Ve!i\ld ,is igno/i by the dlcnto r for the working out of lIJ8 puqlo Oli, ill the con IIWlUllliu'nuf IV Imt HIl \t"," deoreed of lit o IIUlilal Ol\~ 'Q rbil ~h pll' at Hid bltltIil\~, Timo, n~ it rule l'OIICf,) 10 mdll' idv 18, i:i Il ~IIC~ gh'cn til nlan ' to noquire 1"10\\ IcdgC'-lb slltl'U hh III it II I froOl the trCl\~ura 'of WiMdulO, C,IIl
IS '1'lmo ~,
Qllo,h "
h,ru o( , h I"
cr~I' L I \Jhi ~h~~
\ \i OIUIUl
,\\w" t ~ 1J u wouOt.
A llil I h~ ~h'~ 1 1l~ ~uLl. " 'l' ~
C ~ vet \\,116 Ihe roung 111111 hnud"Ollle K.l~
Hunlley n, ur \' ol"lllo hI In . bl'llUt apl rlt. thun lu dllY, 'J'he Ulugic of 110 0 l).)lur. IInti rio!. 611k", allli 110 .. IY lh llillg ~nU\III ,~lR u( lIae li llie th r~. mbk ~ ., II Iiu wits il ~.oll gent lid In hor wuy, hull H~l her IUllglle 011 I:l h' I! ~rl , 'Ilid ~h9 {I1\1l1lg .,I hor bU~ l-lli .t: , l,uU ll whh l,~r le ot Glial/dIm, 'l'110 I IIlleyfl \~~rCl LO hay!! u ~ ll1 oJl ph,. If III hit evo n lll~, a"u Mr. II . dOlort\;lno!d It) try mil e~por)'hC,,1 \I hi~h hI) hud IOltg tn
A s OI1Il hilS shorLly I!xprcsscd I~, '!£il HI
i klluwll!dgc.' Is YUill queshoq nllSlVorlid 1" ,'. ,. \. tbOIl'illlltlnn \ycr~ lOig htbegilcn, nil dilf"l'ill),; ; cUllh the cxpru~.jon It,t III
1lt>lllellllllulitll1, till when tho lll m~fI hod uii~oll,lll ~tl , Ullit Ih o ~UIIIIIlIDun \\lere I. I utuPI;lnl; III, "11\0 lit" '~61 od me ' yOUlI1!'
FL!>WERS. \1": (t~ nl ~ , reJ II
lllA ~U \,1:i110n
~. ''')I,LlAM,
0]'1 '~NA:U ~K!m~(C!8!~a ,, '1' I ~l E .
="',.-:T?"I'-=""==.""--= ~--=-
.. .nrf;'Jl: ~ "'vll 'I'll&.; MIA 'll \I.\Hly n: r.y JUI\\ ',s.
HUIlt1: y. h,ol.llI\:, quit .. nd~hctl u~l\lll cr;
Ih, t JC JlY 1110 Iry , 'v.nd 1111, you, ~.at ' 9l1d"r, ~1I ~ood U4 wull UI • • h. -Oli"
'Of Itch,
'\ 8
.1 It
.. !Jeep .. }logs
Value.of AOlruals Bushela of WbQRt rallied In J 850
~ Bud &be anpaal "'tc:b QQ ~e
883,478 this county .47 .Oti. 325,J 18
Fro. Earope. Bread,lutr. were I~ ilanted demand. Ind do do 1862 3611.311 Whelt hid furl,-,r declln~1I to 4d per Average Yield per acre IQ '50 lG I bUlhel, Iud 80lIl' .. to 11 6d per b,l I' .. • '6' 1..,.. Q.. I n11',all Curn wu IlU I~t bql unchllDled In .. .. II jl 1862 16 8 prlj:e BlllShel. Com nlled ill'lO 1,8648309 Jollrd ,va. dull at 9, II .. .. 1861 fOOl 048 f All kindl4frT.a had (ur!fier ad"•.uoed ld
6nl pace. atllhd "Tun n II ill old •• " .. 1161 .:886:17' tu Ild . . . .. MIl .. &lac oIcI..., 'Ir011l thread Ale"'ge ywld per acre ba IHO 41 6 j FIOIU wn droclp!", in Uane • .,d other beMeI! .. If .. II 1851 f8 7 IFril!cb ~.... • Jail ... &rae ' • .. .. I f 188 S'7' • The I...... (rom the tl ... will _ Ou comlw is ou of &II ":_1... ~ r.; ... Bae........1111 ollt,tr e1&l.. In ",.
......... ..,....... Ma'" .... _.tAr
............,' 10
. . . . ..
,' " III
podu~or or )ud
~~~~~~:;;~.~~;~r;1~&I=~~~,a:4"litiilAl" ~!i!~$~~~ii§~ii~i5=~i~a5IiBili
e. __~.., ••• W .... """"a ••~or"!Jr*~iiMT n.. ,I0..11:1""--
poiDl or
' ''1 ,.,... In \h. . fouU with ,he 'hr., .".. tho\.
â&#x20AC;¢ I
Ono O"I>Y "
olle YC\U
SL-t luollths
O"'l'lel:l OIlO ) CR~1 " " .. (1111 \,Ino to Ag.:lIL) Ir Ll.lu lllt THRKI: MOill'1I3 . Oile Oopy,On" yill\r 'fUll
lhe elisa. With Il litell dy. JlII11U' iillCdICW tho b11Ul border upoll the- while ClILY. tllilU Tlroto i,) boLt• om (\.f tlte q,lsh tbo orlk: '){liQ W I~lfltcl VIrr'UO, kIIlUUUU, ltU lh, • j\r'~ l hu urp'\" 'It uJi. ",/il yO Ulu .. Wi th o\l ~ soying.\ w9rd, tho ml\5tur went inlo his wllIlI-.,oum. lind ~rlllglUg t on ce mOI'e the Waldcllblll'! Jar, prest:ll~ed II. 10 tl!e little gil'!. "'{'here," SUIt! hc ·"l.l\ke III lL wa ' b!'Qught out for you Qnqu b fo re. A ruald\.!ll thl\~ Clln I.tbol' 11\ thllt fl\$llIon, small and youn" LLIt.)Ugh sbe bo, ha It righl to keep a B!I ~
, I i ' "..rl'lIlllld. ol~rialluU~1 y.)U h~v ll Just liclud r WOA lin lunger lIt tll lIelr, Ind
locked Ill. Ihat J um a lugrnnt ami fOllotlc. I 1111. f1l1gl'!" iu\o my slele p,oeket. , I eould 1101 " , not , As my Goil know8 my UI> II sau heu rl wronch the ~rl111zi~d U1811p ' uway, DOli whh • II'I~E OLD llLlNt8"S" ~O"~1. I am IJere to ' ,1" ..uoud, lIe". 1l me nlld iii' line C<IiI I11 us 0 r tl Ie deVI," I I wa., •• IIII,' .. , A. TIIIIILLUIQ UJ!TOII, • , jllil . .. , Ihe door U('OI1 the urnl, Dud With my knife, 18hllll ,, ~\er loruet th~ CUlIunellcemellt "r ~11\ ~1I ,01J 1lI 1f).9Itu,Ii'IR .t' the (Inti of lervrd it ut Ihl' wrllll." " ~ of the temperance re(orn,II\IOII' j 1 \vU 8 U hll". J"U' lI~y 'J:'I'Ne Id II d~cp RQ,r OIV ill The 6p~nker M~.ed II I m o mt'ol,' Dod Iluclllid ul the IIIht.' OrlOllle ton y(l ~ra o( age my h~l\ rt.nll,lla uto III III) "Y I'" , I:.JI umeYNI rl t'd his fi,ce ill Ilia Il bOds, o. if 10 all ut Clut Our home had e~f!fY corn fur~, olld my pa,- 0Yfl' 0 dark nnd lIellCQlllV81' UCI' Ih , nnt! ull ""Dle feRrful drPDm, . nd his dll!'!] aile., ellt illllhzeiltllolr chll,l. \VlIl" WIiS oll",n II (b'. II.'p' ns 111\1'0 I,M· n IHV I:,.J . 1 " 'II 10 vad II t U ,L ' • )- : . ." u. w , u I n ~ I te n • orlh 01 Ilea. w.!j .at,,UII the tuble, and r.. th~ r nud 1Iloth~ r (re wltl\llul f-I IId~ . hUlIle "r ItllI')I,cJ Ul) earlh, rr hlld Q rls~ n frol1\ h)1 seat• • the I.a,~ q'lel.llly g'IVe It 10 lI~e 10 the tiotlOIll ':.£ llie \tllllok with Iuu:!"'lf III Ihl! r"~1 ,,( Ih ,lroJ!' Ilnlldllig UJlUII h"' , bruw, CI"II1Ir sho like. \""onld v<>u Ilk" to plllOe I'n<lrl""~ " luss, n l~hl Ql' ,Ieulh , ,Vithol1t rrlclI,l~ kl" tlrnd I,rept bade to my yil~nlr heur!, 'uull I ~IMh. \VU I'e.1Ullll. ,nita ' lllt.ttools for 11lI!~ bey? Que SUlidflY it chlll'ch u stortltn!: 1\11' ur hlun,.. 1 It WIi&not D.IlGe ~oJ l" cd I Waf ul horlle. Tho 01.1 mDn looked You shan" ' Wo i~ for pOQr Pl'Y'" IItJUlICelllelll .WU mude tv our j!l.'ujll\1. ,j > Nu olle coultl wit hdtClII (\ Hie I" Uch l,,\! up , lIlttl 1 nevllr /l UVI! 81~ce Uth~ld IUCll kllew nothing ul l18 purpurJ, bul lh",e IVO ~ pUlho~ o[, lh ul,lmun . J n"la'rd 1\ ''' " ' morlal "gollY p,clured on a human lalle II' much whl~verh)g U!lIoug the mOil. 'fhe Ir«)rnblirlg on lhe lid or "'Y la llt ••• •• .flf' th e ra wns on Ilia pllslur . ijulII IIIIlt ul1 011 lhe uexl eveuilU; a,,,1 r nil ,,,ore- !.Ht IIahnlllcd ,,( till' ,\\ II. "It II as morltlng \11,t lll J awo~e: IDII tbe Ihure wuuld be II uleeli "" aud 'UI od!lrO!.ti "N~. Illy "tI~lld~. It \~U~ ' Illtl ftO I!I lIce.- 1I' llrnl hud cellletl, bu! th ll role' w,.~ jQI~nae. UPOII the eVIls uf i,"tlUlpo.rullce Il1 lh" u~e AWIY over lhe dluk wafOA, whi h hnve Ilir81 secllr~d1\, II rilik Qf \I ftlcr , ond thell of "Icullol:c UUIII". He (,lCl're~d~1I ~lIn- wrocketl Illy hope!!, there i. tlie bl ll.sed luokeil In Ihe uc~usom c d plftClO for l'tlary ,lelf 1IIIIorllllt ol' tho cuuso oClho Ule(' tll'jf, h,ght bf hnI'PIllt-8S un~ \lo(ne r' rc~cll Aa t.1I .. a~eIIJlor, 'for Iho first hmet .hnd. "I1'nlO c\>lIvuldively for the ulmnctl u( the uwy .lInle 01 ~o me horrible nl&hllll'" 118huusehold idu ll lhnt once IH're"ml""1 00\\ gill 10 da" U UpOl' my wanderln/l' mlnd.IIIJ more." IllrOughi lllUd 11 tcrrrllle 'd ~eGm, bllt Invol'fho) old IOftll Ictmetl luolt!nl: ~W lly unturlly QPCllt(\ (he odt lido db/lr witll" Lhruu~h rdncv U)lUII ~olUe I,dghl vl aion hl. ~hud~llring dre ,, ~. All tho door opelled, tlie l' ps opllrl 1!l11 11\. 6n"er eltt~ lId.d , 1 In ~'\UIV b'!,rit Ill , C(jllowed 111e r,1I <>r,blll" vullllltllrriy ~umed In till,) dln'clloln wiler" IlIb)! IIcru" the thruhuht, ICltteUII« ilia 811011', ond .trl'il1jt the,tloor with. aqarp, Ind 80UIIII. "~I)' blood Ihot IIkl reJ.hot em.. ~ thto;~ Illy vel ",, anl11 rubbea nu ey.. too abut
th~ 'IItlt, It'\yuII-!t.....:()hl God ho. I.'orriblll! It w.. my own IlIj rtel .Marr .. ~tJ her IiClbe 1't,ll&!'1 to Icel 1'he ever trut Inolher h.a ""w,d Ilaraoif 'over til••111111 to Ihiel1l1t, wrap~d.all heJfclallhn,l,oOtlli it, lenlng , 1.er', owII perlon dalled to the ~Iurm: Sit .....11 pllctd b.r hlr cw" I~' race! ot lb. child•• nd tho ...._ b.d .l1'OIe1l II to the white cheel., Tilelro...t " •• whl'" UII, 1t1 hllll opeol'll ey .... a~CI ~POI1 Ita tlo),
Iln:e,.. t knew 110\ \~hafg.c'mo of lilY bro, .. buy ...
1 ~1.(.d'
fr.. "j I\h:. ",rllln"
IlY )IlL:\.- II
'~\J" hil:J·(ccd WI\!i ~lIH ll\lIkling, 1U "" _ .:I~' . IL. ,~Ilen t hu 1i~II\l q\tIItl~n I'PPIIlt.ed , (IIUU, fQf I\CI' Clip, ·.""u, m Ilould hili (ijy be ~ 'e ' . lie II lwtl
it' 1 C:IU'~ mllke iL do r~lIilY prep:1red n Il,1l rOIl.ntl file., uud II tood nll\u~.ll luuk, 01\ 'yho It,v~th "hll,I,el • • II. h" Ichlurely lookoll arount! uVlII.r the ~u· • Do 1101 bo ~tllftl dilly rrll:l lril.f-t 11111 lUlt I mll~.1orer III ~ho COIIIOlOI1 occeptatiotl term.' Yet theleleliaht III mY eye1I\11l{ '~ IIY. A .pirit . mol her r"jul~lIa dYe' dIU ratufIl of her proa".l Ion. 'i'he ~mlle, upoii him who 1I"lhl ,utnl bllck til virtue Qh~l hollor. TIll, chll~-I1I1"d vill t. III IIlllhllull, Gud r (etel Iha IOu ph or U lilly jI~ 11II 'Iptlll lilY cllc~k. My tJra,Ve buy, if ht) yl' l wyuld (urll'lvc tJlll .llr,o,villi: old mon the 1I1;,w 1(llt IIloinlfd 1,1111 lur IIfct, unci Irculli,'cllt hat drllve Ilt.u iUlb Ihe. wl,rIlJ.I •
!':h ft.\l i'''"w.I, L ~011l 0.l10l0,
C • AN'l
plillc filr III w\lf1,
gro ohe . 'l'iw chllil cllreh~ IIln' thluu orrb 1111 ltllough, bt~ collltJ brlllg OUL vllly iC Il PCUIIU:,:l. • ' " " ' . 1 he "'!II'i) p 11111" 1116 \1llnllOg. S"II' S , \\ l~h a SlIppllclItill!; IUu.k "SO I ~e:' l lilllll:d he !I e.rnlv "Willi. yl,lu III I)
1 Llle rest. a!l KOOll" as you elm. 1I1l lI!l?"'cd ll\!r, l\Owe, l!~, to L.II,Q ,may the cup. , 'fho; pbor thio!' hung lIu hUlld, IInJ slolc sOl'ldwCully, out uf the ~b p. 'm II ell rill o( bel'l" 6~iq ~ to 1118 'She'll llol CI~ ~ my.'I'(,s\! Jd doprnll on'~.' · f Dut 011 tbe aUllond da}, ~lrc e"lno R!;Ilin, the L'~u llllllilluS 1lI lIan u '1'he good jI\ ILt.cr was lnkc~ b):,~UI'pII ,f" . "'1'hat'8' my bm~'e. llO{lest g'lrl , <II,d hu, plll lio~ ber on lhe 1Iell~. ''}I ctld n'l, ha,'~ cpmo (1;:llin-lIoootly kftCW "ho ~hc 1V.I~, r where shelbeu But whf\t theu 1$ ~~\lr nnme mv ' d nr'l Who a1'e! yo ur pllrcnt8 , ' W1;cr"'\, is your hom~ "," . 'rhc girl HIIIV6erccl ~be,.c qucSlIOIIS 1," inv('I'se orner, ,,'VO.\lre III,RoPQ L,\nc, Nil. 47. My Cather If! delld; lie W'UI " pnin k r My IIRme is Mng(\.t1enll 'J'"bcn. .. A painlct' ~aS Ihy fatht:,r? COlJlo, "nut why du you go bllfl!-fOot" child?" Ihcn. thOlf ennst painL l~? A lid be.lter, I'llIIlY a pcnny, ~hun .my lu~berl'y ;RP lI~kC)d tllO mother. looklog It wllny' prOnlic ti,erg, ',ho l\1l.8 gnplllg at liS, n:tI.cd feet, "You" ill be chilll:d 0/1 the colil sLOne flool', CIIO'.t you gut 011 ~ r instead ~C pAlntin'g his warC8. and ing oui motloes .Cor thC~ll." 'l'lle If
bllll!!, Oltl
youth st'iled htll 1\8
fire w)Ion Lenny
nnd her eye
h~ W~~
"Let's hen.r. no.w," cne Solimidt. to the ml\IC1Qn, "wbat LAzyboneelil\lI made out. Cn.n you read? .. Inlltead or an8~enn~, M.ag~"lellll lOOk
lip the lirts pl91c IIQd reRd: " J ~ m hI>
t' lDl.t ""ft'l
l'lnnl.p,,,I,I\,,lt .1\ 1t ~ til' I. t~' , "Nc. doubt or it ' " illternlplcd lhc
1'1.t; ICcond
h'III' hu\)e, a Iweet. t~nt!er .blouom, bill AlPin the old rto~~ bowed hi. bead ellt! ~\I~";t) )lullI\a de'lInoy'cd It.ol\ll I~ lIve, \~ tIl we\lt. lty (u thl' r .obbod I,k. a chlld. ' tn
\onn 01 lu\~ l.jIlt) huurl brttllea pSlh~. tbe old man c')IIbI Ul.I~II· ,
"I wilt IIrrl'll"", atlll !Dr Lmt IIlOD,b~ '\lV~t110 ~ell.rlll"". l, wtoke,wn .... l.IICtN1 to' prl.un fot len year.,but 110 II/rtarel couW bun bl'~11 II ko thu.e 1 endured ''''It!JI1l mJ own hOSt/me. Olt, OoULI, 1101 • 1m nol" (aIlQI:c. I \1)li.h 19 InJl1re no one, Bill wlllllt J J1ve)et '/lllill,hlllo \V"rll ulher. boi . .enter l/le pD11i Ivhiell IID8 b•• b 10 dirk 'fllll le.rrul " 60n (0 mi l I wllafd .. a 101 IHIi)lIlrd c"ililr~h btl,Yontl ,hinlleut tear•• Tho llid mun ~til dmvh,but uptili. d".p
It ,)\\ Uti! 11111\ 1II1,le. } "1 1111 ' QlIl'e II fll II 11111 , unJ lIlullly r\lllo\\,· .. II thr- 1I11l111:111111h! \ hie\. Ipi.I 100 tu ' rU III' 1 ,1I'6S U IUllulIc ~vll\lll 1 sllcrrti,,~ Illy wHe.
und alrllllll n. Ibut wl-ouaM by \I .,ilard j • bn'alh realt'd up'''' thi) audience. , He.rt" (will,] " . vo: ~~e.n he'lrd In Iheir bealiJlu,uud IlInta to fllll. The{jld 0l~11 tile", -,ded th. l,lt, tu 811Z11 II pledge. My flidler" iNpIr"m hi. ' ilul ... "II ~ 1I.tcIH,i1 It It pall,t-
t;htld r,; n.ltul!I'lnUI <lutl 111111111,10 llotl IIC' c!Clllun of tlio uu \ I. t Me odur lin' ,,"'"Ile bl''';i Ivh"lII f illJufttl I~ J(I':(1.
1 h~d 1'ulluI\cll hlUl.llhd II h. h.. ila" II momtmt II IIh Ihit ppn ~n \lIe Inlt. II lojl froll\ Ihl! ..1.1 1111111'11 oy. 011 Ibl! Pl\~
tI rl,rutvu me. fll r the rU11i tlluL I hav4l
' ''Slg II iI, S)jrll It, ynUn&_min. Anllet, Iyould ~1&:11 h. IlI'cluld wtite m,' name Ihere Ijlll til all and linlCl In lloud, II ~t lI'un ld brill' budllllY IIlVfll and lo.t UDiI.:" bly (ull,er" rille, "Murllme, Hud~UIl.h , 'I'" , old rn~l~ Jul.l/r.~d. wIped hi. tef,r.ful eY.I 1I0'ltrlll•• -1 unt! hor IotHho h1o)t~,lIl1d tll)tt'd utlhu (llveru. u",Huol"JII .guln, hl6 CUUlIlI'lIdllCe IIlt~r· IIc.vcf CQIlIIlIt Ineal, y c ~ . 11 .... "lid the IIIlb' ly IlUllhllllwlth rod unll deullilike Jlill.clilidreu weltl hllnllry fur blt'nd. lieu. \ , . < ,I "Olle N~w Yl'ur'. /IIJlhl, J 1V" .. t IlIte,tl' "Ie Id - 110. It OUI' II0t be - yet buIY Ire trllt whero uhu,, ~l' hlld I!I~('" Ud rour.- .Itulllle," IIIIlUl'r1l1l II,e ohl mill, "Pari/on She ~ U8 yet ul', Q"II ~IIIYl!rlnlf-uv~ r the III", .,r, but lhut w .. tb" II111l1e lOY brave cuuls. J ,h'mulIlIed rooll,lllluhu bu ..t I buy." to 1~1\t1 tlllil .. Id tiler" \\lUll IlUIIO!. {fi~r ~ Aly fUlher trembled 0111.\ h.llllip hi. le(t celv urdered her til get 80mt. She tUfllt!U orm. f,ool ,,}1I1l1l 1110 bilid bad llean "verher eye. ndlv UpllD Ine, lhe tear. ruililll( ed. fUll rver II~r ptilu chee~ •• .A~ thi .. UJUlllenl They looked (ur I mOlllent 1u each otlllite child Il1lho crudlo lI\Vokll IIl1d lent up er'. eyed bOll! r~eled "lid 111)114a ~ 101_lIed Wall, IllIrllllll: ehe IlIl~jll.I (rjnll ".My 0\\ II i"jured buy t"1' Illother lIke u a;erpUIlt'ri wtlllg. iMy lath~r!" "\VI) JIUYO 110 (IIod, hUleli-liuve had Tiley I~ll up"n ('Deb olher'. nlclla, until 1I0lle for ,overal clay.. J lIove h~d 1I111hllll: It weemecl tllut tbelr lOul"wullld crow .nd Illr Ihll billie. 'My Qnlle killd llUoIOUIIU,,uIUIUI I milllfle Into olle. There \\ iii 'Nupln!: 10 ho .Iarvel·· lilul cburch, a,,(/ r turned b.wllderea upon " "Thul .od JlleaJln; tace la ud Iholo .trl\IIUI· the Itre"millir lueel .r<.lllod me. "Let me Ihunk G.1d lor tllI.j!relt III",.. li'l!. willcla hIlS ,lldelied my,ullt-burden.. tllO~1 ," fJtclllimed Ibe old 'l!DII; Dnd h" kll,olell duw II, pourint oUlllI1 helrl In uot or lhe 1II0.e lueilloj' ptuler. J ever belrd. The spell Will thell brulien, Ind all e_,lItIy .i,ned llie pledge, alo"'ll rill, to tb.lr hOIllU, •• if loalh Cu I."alllt .po&. ']'be (lId mall I. de-tJi but lhe ~o hi! tallabt h:. Ilr.ndehll4 on tbe knH... bla oveltlnl,un Wtllt d<.lwu IVltboul. cloud•• m nevet lie lor&otte". Hi. Ilo"Ic:_ b. lu.l pOOl of Ita II ... In . , miabcoilll........
The NI. Alban, J.UIe.............. r.ilureor another .."n' ldYertlill. ~ I. 1"11 ell,.
tbal . . . . . .
•1....'1 .dnrrl.e III Iblllta., IPc • .,. tNut.o rd II, r.llur",llar hobod, Irt _an tb .. _lhCCWRo.anL ~
8ul i
~.. ul l\ ~ 1l'ill f' 9m yon II hon c\ er ) oil 1\1\1 U Ilhy {\nllg goorl If lIOY o llr conic [lOII<\t)1I
b(>cn 01 tlool ed,
WIll plC(1..SC
\U ~ ,
AS tlte omls~lon 1 un)l\teIl Ll o~lal 011 tllr (lUl l, alld tIle . cSlIlLof
lIut IIlId r QUI
GJ::!) S \
$1 ,1
~I (' ('
firtll 11
or .be 014 Tim~
Wi) II pre leD()III~ rl,'cell~'Y lilY. tllI'.3iii .,.....".,:-=. . 1II~" \UI) 'Cbrolllt lll,' II 11I~h.ory IIr CClnul"'iclI~, :;,,~,~ rrum ita firat ~l.'~\1em''''t unllor Georjl' Feu(11.' WIck dillY" til \11 • .R vClIi.tion 'rhe Ilhlll 1V~'lIrllltll~ll,. pulll r"lwd 1\ L 'ndoll ,In r,D]d 1tl81 ~ llllll re-.prllllcd lit N ,\' Illltell In 18. I!). l\.lItI IV" fOlllltl SllIue cbrl.ru•• n'cmf'nl' t!.('re.,b Here Ire" Ill ' ar Ihe 1I1WII'-"Whuevor 1\ o"~ ell/thee 'rlmllled wW, Dl guM, Ilvet or b lJllO l~oe. 'I\&\),e tWo.lllIlIIllg" b)' lh~ ylml J dh~1I be prOBoneud by Itrllu!1 J"rllra, 111111 hllllliect n,,,n .1I4III\u lhe IItrQI'~i.'r lOO elinle .. A dlllllor, III Pl'loIOl1, .",e.tit., 10 10.11, = lill ~.t hIC. tf hllil 110 let «l ut, and luhl to ..... I! "I"ru ehull • r; ., O~IY _hnll J'(!I~ the book orcuUlmuo
" -",,nil ,1\"
(l,"y.r, :11l II Ch',dtmIlM or s.l",', lIaYl muk" "1IIICt',1 P'U, \l'Ulell, ploT or
ny whrn h. J.ked Mr n is Ii Vl'rl' iii,") IRlelhl;ent look~ 1'1111 .011 BII~ illnrgmel1~or Jlllltl~ ac:ept o. ,nil' mUll, prolin\) y QjJ,,"~ 9 i yl'1l1'1! oft! He Ur"'II, IfUII)!!el aUlI Je\\(l- I.r/l. lived Bve ,lin,. w Illr I\lur. h~ it.. l.he nll\1 'h'I"r~: &'\,bulh ,hall blJ;J'1I a, .un.., 011... , II .. " I~ runy. • VI' clllllllc \0 OWlI hlln WIIH probnlJl'y . , I IIbbut 13 whell M.!r81",ll bUIlgl,t 111111, Ir ... m '" ;~o 1"'(" n ..II I kl~ her ~blJd oD ... ~, t ....\I ~.ll or I, 11111/ t\ I' • ~n~ /lart t.or Kuntllclly. He ~nlJ\Vd •N WU8 Jn'Uu ll th illg of hi .. kindred, ')lIlylhoL It wne b ; II olle el~nll t\1lye'.euok ytetmsl., _k. t\Jld thllt Irla moll,er "nil diol.! I, ot JVI/I( of- tl~~ ~n~:::: J OIl.lel' ~~t IiDlr, (lr 01 t .. t> h9 ve,lt to \lvlI oil rth,d ' I.II's pl_nla t "N' I Y tl\l n MHUlr.1I rft. lIel'h~w or (l1ll IIOlo. j 0 ~~ie d1hron run on the 8.~bajb ;., rlou~ Tum ~rQrellDII J or a IVII '" 1\ I . "Ir:ckmor ellle"hare.enep\ We le.rll (1'011\ prlvlle 111,ile from n revcrpnll"", to. Incl frp (roD! mftlln,. Freight .flied', thot Lilli Sl.oUlllern ell.! "N~ ~II: tlJ ~cru". !l1"'e,. but wll14.n ... the rund i. londlul t'i.orIVIlrd a gllod dphl ~ ~rYI1lIlR. fre n:"! JUst IImv, lind bll"nt'lIi1 ~'Oo\I15N' to 00 O~ lotI,i". ,111111 lit .~"".. \a, b b I k cI I I ', Adal1ll~J or ather h",.Uc. o r ¥ Ill' ng lie .IlItef. I he frel!loog "Ev I h' 'II h bl II I ~ of th~ 01110 ,. lookok rorw ~rd 1011111 hl!ely • e,'Yri mil e. 0 .. IIye • • r cat • ~ceorUI I to • eap ate Ac: c ron to 'h. •• ,Ihe .. 11,18 o( "chntleill" ",illg: We Ii d lh fi II ' I • I a north \ 'rho "~nl de ItO' 1111 to 811)',"111111 IlIl1 nt"1 It fit u ow I Ut'OU DI t Qt. I " I I a 10 ed fo~ .ntlrtll n D, .i,.t • ItP 18S tlovor rn llt \V III 111\ arcldent. II 0 P ... -Dlllre.oJt O('lIIucru. 00 Dill eeeoo o~t.r, wlaotD. lIoUAIII Mllt).I' wu 'fItY lulll,. lIall lie ~ • ~ i'oRrTrvE - We NW Yl!lItllrclla, a r.,r, 1411181. In4 CllldMl rdal, an w.. COlI· 'loll'llel" just IlJ'riv"d Irllm .Inery 11111 ,h:~ed on pod arulleriptural .,.-• • hOPI'lne .. ln Vrrgffil.. lie IVOI Uti 1I0cl by "o..con Pot_," ..,I _adler, wu IIcl,or',..U " fllnllly nlmed Wlllh,m II" fn NI/rl.lk, fUr It.my .ltd .,..••111 • Sf" (ur tlrirty.tltrell yea"lr lID done tt,rm (II abowlng bUl!pltl1it, to Ittea8e"lce He say. tbllt (rom I~ll ,olrth Ii. wbo cline to hilliuu..., ht... eUlltcmp''',tud hI' elWlpe a'id nnwere Qu ...... .A,,~.p~.. A'Ier f....met! "DI rillnily UN W~IICb.'aoll""" .qllea. to R(I wira betrlled bl. lor ....I.. • en~ ItII Iceolllpll4l11MOt. Ue blM -hIm- the a". and ....~ .. aJa....,.~ .. ...... ••11 (-u!lh a ph ........1Id )'1' It ie tbe . . I, There W.' a pollLIMl . . . . . Ufl l, .. U,DUlllIun 1Il818lt'd upon bT O~ line we oln OH> rOI tbe IUID or 'JIO .._ for "liioh worth 1IOlbIIafnoLe to Gntl..-bak01l'; "Strongholde In y••t, and ..nte I ... h•• lteea worll1or It! "No . . . . .aU bold ollie w"''''Prillelp.huel lo) he Im.edtalalT lUi'. -.ndlh r.hh .. oiJ rllthlutto..,........1 I
t,..... .
.JOD Pl.1INTING, ()f I ' ~ry "eaerl â&#x20AC;¢ Ion ,u"h
l'AIIIl'Ut.E1':I!I, UAN1)DlT , DVI'IJI'IEH8 AND tJ8''l'tN(~ C Uil)s,
DIIAMI -'- - ' - -"--,.-
"l1lE~~Ug:ti~ ~1 m.\ID:ru ~nnlli WAm!i~lEID. I A nIlIV hmf mil t rlLlllo,l, wlllol\ lIe prl,ldlllL IV'I ~ h tllu u tmUill ooufluence, WLII Vivv Jlopulur ami C Il~llrtllll\lUJ III tho LU1hc~L IIcg~oo Notlpng hke It ha~ CI er ulllllllc tclized lilly ) 0I1r11 ~I, bll~ thi:TC 1y.11I bl: \)0108 vi uUltu tOI~ M l~k 1\ I
AND BIOGRAJ;'HICAL S KE'lIOHE~. Orl ' 111111 alld selecte d) Will h"vc II prVlrtlllcllL pllOC III our CO!tUUIlS ' FOI"
.511:\11 ~lIlllllvor t.u ~c n u lip n Ilcckfy 11Ipll;lL 01 til flr;lt qlu.lht ) , Illd We lhQ prom",e ot II IIC uf ~ II Lch c ' 1'1' P ,\l cu U:CpI O ~I) 101 tl\()lr ~lI terLalll '!tVa shall Itl ~o, FlO Ollt, as f(l~ f' Vr\Il ~o"blc, III 0\ or.)' I SilO ]
lllJ~On.O!1S ~q~rwr:I<ia for the loV't!h of fune, EDUC'i\.triONAt for Ili a sedM J SC~EN1a LO fur ttll thou ,lItfu1 )1Ild ntiuoLI\C, 1'.bMPE!\A.NCl', fOI OIl Cllllll~ of Ale hoi nul lho in AGltlOUUIUltA.1, foll the i'nrlllH nlll.1 1tJISU1~L'tAN.BO , for the llis9ursil l'
".l'l! !l'1~~ ~lCflll;\l'IOl'j OF Til 4611
m.u I~
IlH .m
( null 0110 Copy OIlU J (;) LV
[0 AJIlJt~)
J 15 'l,OO .,
" lEAR
LblJ ICU\J!)\P Ill) the 1\:uue~ of OJub~
'1' 0
5,.00 10,0
-~ - ~-:....----
Duteralluod to uso (lvelY honllrublc lUOllil~ to pilUO Lilt: MU~t! V:J!lITOlt nhCllCt at nny pnpor of Its cia, p\lbh Ited to por!lon~ dlspo etl til act as loiulltkry CMVl\.S IIlg ngenf.s, we \:lITer the r. ltO\\ ill,\;'
englllu, "Utl III lIa,,~ ..
l''' 1111)111' "I
v.lltr.4, u• •OllJ u~ 11111 1I11,,~rd, wllh 111. ~ft"III .. 11111(' 0/1 Ill. 8rl\l, al1ll _e.~~ 1,lul" II IIIU ti "llIdow 'r111!11 \"ukll,,, roun~ at tho l,ul
J.II liurrlell
IIhuiltl,lft lIluilh .urprilld, he PUI
Itie head lJulat fhe willduw to .ee tllfl 'urit t"r .1.rl" While II thl. pOllllon, \\ 1111 hllen •• anzl ..," the \Vlliiti. luuudellOur bero, lIIur.h eurptlile!i Gnd tlvl,lellllv nut a hllle alarGled. d.rew.bu, II hi.. head wtlh a IIIUliPR that OII!,!ht bll callod ., Jer&, and turnlR. to a eM I"mln ,uUoa 1I1!.' 111m, laid, 'I iull),. all.ltier, dnl )'ou heor th"t IUlIrt' h Ii ot. Il~dd," Juk, lind he'~ .om.· Tbe ti.ll '"11,: th. cUiino mllvl.Id
All oOlllU1Untcatious, eIther on iJusineu or for pUbltOlltlOIl should bu ( POST' PAlO ) to J W ROB E R T • EDItOR ""'" PSOPIUKToa, WIlYUCSI1l!U,
00', Iml 1.11 Wf!lIt the tar. ~t • tap,,! .nd bllore our hero hlld tecuwered Iroll. the ellO("k whtch ,be "\IIorL' prl.ldllW!d, till CBI'\II were mO'IIIIf over lh11 £10\\ uh Brld.c D.ecoyer,ng • ·Chllllg. III II. iall',' I.e pop ped b.. belt! out lIt the window l&alll, '1 eee ho" It mo,ed' Seeiu, Ihdl ho Wll~ 101R1 dllll.nco (rom the ea"h, .uppo.hl~ tlil '('fllllr wu ~)'llIr, he IIYop",,,1 OQd f,JI r,ulII Itl. lee' 8peechle,~ Sey .. r,,' "n1l,men 'It\lIl" Ilear,cllu,ht hulll of Iolor, uUlIl h. rnl,.cI a htll, II. opened .,,,e,lnd ,,",Dll ..,.,.1 .. ntlfmen, look Id up moel bHHcblolly Intu lit. Caell 01 ooe or tbem, aad laid, Sr•••OIa, an J'J'rCC'IIIIPIIC:III'ecJ
"lUTE IItON STQIO: WAllI>. SUPERtuR l\IIoor.('ffenl nl Wtlll .. Irn, \ Alone IlInl"" '1." • \d I ntlel W.re .U Jl~ llor '111 "ltfy tor .. t.. uy 0 ALDllICtI lSI Malll 8 ' b il l 41h Dud ~th Clulll II 11ft II
a¥ c.~ .rPLIW VI'1:,
lib TDeol~,
allie, La., Mechanic., AIJ,lcalC.re, III tor"" n",el~t I "Ie 1!lIeDlOlr&, Pbllo~opby, ace., anI! a COIII[l c(ft II'! "'II1JM! 'II
,HI ha
.uo., deelrableflur ,\1I.10,:!CE ,, ofLL.ANEOU~ f:j(;l,it) L
KOOKS vubll lI..d
BOOKS emhAc.,. .U 100 II. 01 morh u_ed In Lhe lV .... t, lrom Lbe 81"'1 hng &uk to 1110 Lilal OIln Our ...",k of :51'A11O Il:ItYenibra\:H
One ort1fO Ie.Hr • .,u.~ be brul'
eJ ad applied 011 hUll 10 ..he p'VL, IUId LIte WOIUid \lttll beeOIllt! Olell.ld"I&r:Q ID I
ever, urial, 01 Blan's 8<)olu frO", tho _mill 1111110'IIIIUUIll Book 10 tbe laree IU\M!' ro} .1 Lerlallf, loclu,Un, .'Itry artide u.J III Ihe
"rJ' ehon cime
We 1IDdentand thllt yesterday
W. b• .,. (or Ih. Coun!fl.)\erchan'l (ull", rtlll, (If Leller, Cap IDd NOle Poper, !::ny.! WrajlplDI "al* BuaU, &atil., lal, too
,.Jut- ...." "'" VII eu.,.·l-==....,~
S ta.
fa KAIK BftBBT, OlactuaaU
;;::.:i.1r:i1i... .,.
hn." 4,nft ot Ihe lar.IltIU,,,Jboti "".orlt W ocIl1ock. in tho WeIll l Olfr "lOjlk "111 Ihe work. Me41-
A Hlft -t\ II 110& .....-ally known &h*, 1h~ es of rrenl11aU Are an t!XCt I 1enL "pplic.;iuu for ClII", \ltlll:rtl tht llkill i. rubbed 0&', lUll! uLh.-r WOUII"', ohllA'
KltMlna II........ hClUftl'lld, 1D Ih\; ..... Gm\,. OtiIrt.-a Jlldpent for ....... eIuDe,. . . .~ &be Peru ladiaa.pIIie IltIiIIaid ~." .. ........ fur tbe cln4ltut ber hllllbcuad _.'teor tU ...,-ay,
jloukselltlls, Pubhsherli tlOners,
• " l'OIt"uoRO
iO"" '\YA~ APPLEG \ l'E &. CO.
~\~" lroro MOl< R
W'Il~rcn COUI\~1, 01110
., VOLUME 6:-;"NlfMnltft · ~o.!. ~,-I'~J'
the fJlb'~ lIle!i'ary ror th01'•• 7eDr,to'!ie hundred 1lio.-nd Jlblft'" Theao book, he -efti ••"';., •.., Wtruprond out bD "I.!,I """'..;..·••4 .... ",
• r' .From the TAw/.iJilil AI~IM"ger.
fU; ~A~;& . 9F llBE BO,WL .!, MOll'lli1 ,a,ly .:, Nuw 'Vurl< wlib hI ~ e hobi! ~f' I\' ill )ali!! 11M! .'h,lh"lulpt.~D ~~I/e,t. jlll III" luld"1 \I 'r.lllp.orQ !\~u , • Uu r~, ~.~!hl'& w~. au r~IJ \If ptlll~ .a,1Il ~Vhl~ .!I~ll- J~~~" e'lIul\ull of ",oul, (hil ,.(rl~"'l . ul li tr. '1cuUolW her 01 belnl.n blt,"l~olllh •• utricc) r 'IL1I"i,urnlloo\\,hf",I~.1o wrqtD ,U, 1011,..., illlt lJ'\u~' , ' 'l' C r••1 Il8 I h~ve, Iilll,Gn I,,'ar jI'h1l1 ll)nve 1'''1'11,<> '' , i'jlll\ II •• \I! ,116 1110'1' D fnlLor cf,~"lt ; . ~1I!i- .lh d 1"/111 wild.!.,. Ilr(l U4) ",60n!: , !il4~11 .ufl. , 011 trOllt)' utI') )' ~ ~r
boy ,hal t drCaed, oa~c I
m r' un", ...
w31Mrosil , IC dol)r. u,:~Py \o\v~i'd biln, ~ok hill eutly MadbO'Wt\.~il· '
p'oLI' IrcI' hand I, and I9tilnlf him his furehCllld'(
" 'h,,.oj' rtl/ref lhh l!llrolljll;',IelU'. , t
iiIJl~lIpol G,. h~YC \n ~h .. ~t\'I,I!lrc, ~lJl'iltch, RIll "f!I.Y Strivo Illq LtI<),lIcci II an t~ 11I , ~I. , t 'Ch~-dowl,w"rd co~rM II~ slay ~ •• "lIII
il" 1,Iltar oIl roo u
~ou I'r.y~ .... "~rlllf'lilud. ytlttr
,Irli,etl ,
There j. to
toe an al'nuII
1111$, it i8, ,Itall'd "III btl
ec:llp .. of f'h.
'-tlf' -.1, . thin
l"~t hu 110('0 I'll i..,thl.\ .t1nl~ _ _ 111f ' Ii num~e.r of "..re. .1 ,
,Til nha t' 1eny <2Od III~' 1Mblllty I ror cl1rlllnly man I.. Ilr kin to "'. be"w,,, ", hi, Ii'lldj. lind Iftl' ~,. DOt liln tj:l O,Id by hili .pirit he I. e b.~ .ftd Ipo.
Ilropeed bb
,.. lilLIe boy drum .tick' • into a "ell. In TAin he enu.atecl WI pRpn and m.mma. tbe ~jner 1Wf ... ler¥&nta, to go down jato llIe wen tit ,.. coyer tbe drum .tiok. IA lIia ~ a brilliant e1'pediel!~ oocl1rred 10 ....-
CINu.J......... £
Q tI 11111&'1" ___
.= _
AV1eelibly La noUoo Iifl'Q aClOftll. . ........._ -----pee I.w, llie SIOQ~btjld.,. 01 till.. Co,...., .,..... ........ Qlot at Loblljlon, on U1- selh lilt., fur tile A prlvole>lolter frum pari. It_1811p"fPO~1I of olecllIIl ••yoll DI'.~Ion, to , f. b m Wldl Ier'~ fol lb. "IIBorh, y•• r. ,.... -Iet fho PRIS05 8 uf ( e ', I,Ilks1lt n, II f411 J1 tho followh}loI pntlwm.n yla' ,1&0 o~C.!lPlillO!l ~.Iof"t, WI IIl1ly f\ dl: If.~,1l.It Glt'R8"W~. Oi(;:IIU)iu~1t I: • II. ~ ho prllltllplli 1lqcJ.y or. the T rk J ~ A DIID~ of Mallin' , urlllY cro~~~ 1ho lIduube:lt O)tenlsa. oli d ' R G llulwclllI SIIl~lrll\lll.,.J Ru.chlllchuk ulld uf· J, P f;;~'I!IT,.. lIa"ll, J4COI ler u dea"erl.to HcIlOIi. whloh 10dled l'ur lour ~llJIr. IIl1u~I\'v~1d..vi1l. d J'~~II~A MA:n:~JI. of i1A."uh~ J ID hourll, thu 'l'urks romulned ~lIdler,j of the
I"'~~:~~tcr Ilea \lutch
(roUl VIOIIJltI glVCf ud91tlunul deloaid <)1 Ihe PI/SlhUIl 'Uf tile b., H"eroul for.ce~ Ilre~lu~B Ii) Iho b~ll'l' : rg. lJudwtl of 'l'urlllBh Ir O\l\18 \Verfl Ct,II' cCII~r!ltf!d nrullual WI,MIII fi b-lllge. lltjll totllJtllUlIl hud beell "llllslrull~ed nt lule· rul. whluil lI"rvtlll ~ IIA Iho b!\si1:i"ul ~he os \If tho '),urklsh IIfmy. :l'h~ n corJlol uf DlInll611bcrg upilosed Ihe Turkdut lilltllhlllltllllmillmd IrU)1I ISO), O\)O 10 '1o,onQ mOll,lllld Wolt Bllrel,,1 ell ,t'o· heloll IltlLYleell KraJ"vlI IIIlII Sh\{IIII~' J '1'lIllro appell.fa ,110\\1 to ~e hllie dl bUl that Q uoll \lltched bllttle 11\' (ulIght, ani I1lul tlle,llusijlun~ hI"'\! r') od \\.,'!I lu~~, olthou:;h t)INe \\ I're u/ll !100 lIIrlu 0PJloaeJ 10. tl:;,O~,O 10 Roodlu,l, .li'II\lr~el'lI superior offiller~ fepurtcdtlS lul\u!l; IherelOl\', lIy IIII! 111'111,1. n" comrutllU~U I It Is but (II'it to I'resume Ihot IIIIIIIB ' twb '111 ~red l"rOflur uf1IQer~ dlll\r~d « .IIlIl1l1l1r ("te, 11\ the clompn~'y r() duvela thuudJI,nd 111,11, lO Bny IIU~ lIog 0 t 10 wOIIIllI~d. It a!'peurd thol Olllll.r . PUij)IU 11I11I.b ar~. 'J'~\ut IIIIM hllio hIlS lieclr \VUII ulld well w/Jil by tho l' rke" t\apre OU!""'t ~e 0 ~h,"Jo\V uf dUllbt, Rd the "fin!! "F Ih ti crt'Scllt ~VII'voa proudly 111 tho bqltl& liijl~ j l<'lIrther rUlIlord roporlilaul 'he rlijh l ) \\ lug III tho Rlls"lau nrmy. tI .. der aUII~rdl , Da hunberg.(ptubnbly thl~ vcry, lurc41.)huJ
\,erlell~.11 1\ ic)~ =-
Fit'olYl TilE I
wor -
~ rhe nUluber
' _ ,
01 Veld_III - . . . ,....
dllU, III lhe 10dt 18 111011,11., were ,,, ..... drutl ulhl sevBllly.rOJlr.'1'hry .11 b.lu!',.. lolhe Ulllwd Btete., 1'b. Pllilldll~l.
aun dR) d
DUriO" the IDl\U"I1.l-i~lSt teNet. 'lid larid I,rrtluualy 11.110111 .," iI.tel heir.
from, 33S 1"1\ 10\11 r,o" ." ••t ......111101 IYfl'cl;~ IVllf(l lionel! ~II. h I ....... 10.1 '01 th. glvon ~rlut\ ,or onll eYery ~....,.~
Defe,.t Oft)l.' ll"!I~JllII!l1 ' S 000 ~lU( K\I.L£D
'1'1\e R~Jlurl.lI of tho. "I're,ldent and EDe glncer pr08cn t l111. II favtlu~\!V account o! lhe \lrog~cs. of tho ro~ , •• tem Stl,.r ():3';OIl 'l'uo .. ~.y lutJ,".t D,ill"I'", ibt followlIIg gentlemen elected Dlric. lure or Iho GI livl'llInd Ilnd CIIi~lhn.tI }.llIe Ri1i1roDd: 'JUIi,,, MCLeIlIl ••• Grf'Clmood, of l'III"I'IJl~.I; ·rbo.... alld J. P PllchJllt. of ~baDolI' . Pow!!11 and 1Ur. J, C, E.an•• Delaware; Mor~eu"i Durll)" Iud Jlllltl Purdy, of M,41,efiohl; N. M. Ehl,ldut, '" 011111 Cliy, G: WlllhlOlI; of CleeYl11IId de Q VOII I)urno of 'Mt, GIIOI~ III1!f" ...I Dlr .'l:lora, wll~ wllre preaen,', II" 01111 luok thl! Jlcchsuy o.th 01 ollloe. "... .dJou~lIe~ to<illeel IIlfulll at ""law.... oa JI~olldRy n~,,1 tu Meul Q Pre.ldeD~. 8~ . tary nnJ 1'rd'II811r er We ' u~oreland ~ prusII"ot~ lh!!' 0},mp'IIIY aro ;,Iuab (.. D ~1)lleay anti ~lJcce .. (ul - u.... . . II ul thld lIIoll lUi 'urt.llt ~nd tIe.lr~II"1 k Slur .' /
'J'htl 1()llllwil~ g tipOC1I11 91~ 1) IHOh rellcl "ur eorre.p()II~lJl1l lit LlvuqlJuhjla.l belLlr llro dSJlbfturo ul the AI'~lHi(),
I!trflllllM I'V41r'l 4. Iiourl ,
0 ...
dUIleit cvbry '11) IIIIurH, IIl1d olle cnl~J ••,," Irvlll cyery__It1~JI~.J"~,;;.1... 8 .......---,--,00'" 1\ \'cr) d~.lrt ull\'e fir, yccur"ili' nlllllll 11)11 II, ",II Frld., lilli/II, Not, The lua~ 18 Ufl'l' 81100\VUU, 'J'h. prln.
tlte ~Ie .,lId AaI,~.. b"IJ ... lhe Vun Ollee nu,l. lIur.... Till illl""'," Will ruuder -.3o,I)OU. The pro(irl~lO" Ilf tho BUIfIIl W»l 1I0,OOO. IIIIJ
"'r(I. Sln~eJollru.I,w., 1••rlll\lnowoo..
Illlctl'd by 'he 111,1,0"1 u( Mr,., Chu. S UII.t. Whll.l~ I~ generally uDrleNlood, h.. fill led lu 1\ l"'g~ 8mUllnt. ITII, .,. tI SCIIII & 1~'8(\u,n W AI d.'lIOlveli Mr IJM ~ 04I.1111 r~I~I(" ih. P9.t
III -'f'll
~Ia I
~dlrur '11''l)1'U$ Q~t!J 1Jr.m.~ II..
• ~.
All rrl ~tlm"'1 ou~ ~hOtitl'llf du." lifer Whllt!I\llllIr, \V,,,col)"in. un tI •., 11111 1'''1 .. \I
o. _nCudll'd
U " "~ J<lhllbOII, 1\"0 oshd .. till whl lie WM ,lyl1l:: • ~o 1e o! your b\Rlne•• ,· t., ,,\letllhe Imhmilli, whll r'l~d hi. K"II 'lid ~llIlt Ihll boy .hf'U.~h the land, klilinll kl ..
(lIICI "J'he nltlrll()'~r .' llIuloo Alln, \I ile
'I'bUjt ,W."
'"I-kt ...
.a, 1111,11,
()::7" It. .1oVC'~ ()~ l~~J'ro~t.ty of BIIII'
!letho sot, hs now Ihi1nlf on ,h.'1'""t,lIoD
or CApt ltc.,h.
lefe'..... Tez....-
u. Willi /Oil Ul(\lln~rjl''''L J, .. tIII.",.llIe
JIII)hlil "'''II III.. l ~.,r, to .,'.It bl~ ~I«, ft
lid ht! ·rc;unemb;' .. die In~ld.nt
.fn. Hi
reprl'aenta It. Iron Dlrtr •• belal the In'" g'f"'tII'Int\1I 118. ~.r 'lI.~., NI w.... women III tllo•• dlly ... In', I!OtIIO ap 10 \\ hill Mr • • Bl.nnerh .... t Wi....
....TJauoa...GI t..mraa.-At
K. W. bbarell, oa Pridq_,..~
atn.., or how Deacon Uerbfty'. elock Irad bee n bc:"'h~ed. Ilnel &hoOI" IPIIn" ..j_==::::;==;~""~=i==::=:=Pf behevll\l hr. nlon. aome, Ind eyed_II, )U,,,,eod, ~tteClted to ct..-ertelit oll'"ir, hlntrn; tbat tlu. d.acoll lI!d Iryiul the exp~rlment of t •• tln; fN-laPllGUlluJ I}I,Iur, IAlIIllhat Ih. trle old doek-Clte exi.ted ollly In , a di.tempered IIl1agIlJlltlo~I. , • Howe,er, thl! interdict beln, In'kell off. 1i.>C WM allllwed It) retUllle liI.4\lIurUnll. a",1 1'011 lhlt oo n~enl of Ihe old people t" Ius unioll wilh Sillr. lIy rep.lrlng' the (llet Oloc k till It \\ enl., w('I1 · .~ o.ver
VIlIf . , 'OR.•
yo,,,'" 1Jr
Tn. WrJ{TaR SIIRUIII o.}" 'fUBl(J.UII V181~OIl COlC),IEI<OIl8
Oil TUB 20TA
lI.t ..biob tUne It i~ our Intention t~ i,rupr\)ve its nppel\rllnce 1\ud Ildd
It:. iltter-
eat, To \l"r numerous friends Ilnd tho· re~ing pubhu gOOill nlly, Wu 1\1'0 hll.pP)' to malte tho r.~llowing IlnnOUnC~lu~Dts f01' tllo coming six months:
f l A n1~
,.. ~~ lB[!Ql
'f II 1'.: \V A n ~ Ol~ 1 8 J ~-, 1 "." \Vritten expressly for , tbu }(t~1&1 Vlol'l'(lll. an~ ~r 'tllrillil\~ illt.cro~t. I:XcitJllg Wry will be accomp.\olell or' fQllolfed ijl' II. Series of A'
'Jr A Lif:O F
"SKETC~ES o.F BORDE~ LIFE·" AlA ~ lIubjeo~ Ilbo~nding in fruitful mater11\) ror tho novetis~ ur the ohronielcr of lobor truth, the world', hi,LOr), (IreStlu~ scare Iy Il p l\rsllcl to that or our own pioQCjor, bor1er lifo, 'Yitl~ its to\H Ilnu privatiolls. it:! I>lood~ Wllr$ and Ultr-
iug deeds, Mucb of intense IUWI'9Kt mlly be uxpeeteu under tillS hood, 1\8 tho of".everlll wrhera of cltporiuucc wmooult ibut.c theroLO Noxt oomo 1 ,
.. Us 1E ~ ~ m12 m If Itt (c 1'll
Uit 1Bl
'm.A\. mm11 IE 10), "
A now learl'iJ~ IiUlrl\tllro.' wh!ob, we predio't witb the llt~o~t UOll,fidclUue, pro\'" popuhl" amlcllte;t.aining ill tho highest llo~~CQ, NoUllng !ike it JIIlS e\ or char~ttlrlzoJ Bny journal; bllt th er will be $Il?ro~ of ill~itl't.()l'8. Mark it! '
ABD ~IOGRAPHICAt. $KET'OJ[~S~ Origjnal lind seleoted, will havo a Jlromincn; plRce in OUI' col limn ,
J> 0 Q TilE 0 1f 'r II - We abl\U 0040llvor to 'scrvo ull/\ WilekLy ' rl'past of ·the lirs!' fIUlllit)', "",d woo havo tho promise ~i n S~tic.i of Sk\lt.oh~ pl Op u'Oll expros~Jiror thOl\ ollijlrl(lin o:" mOIlt. , 'Vc hall, al~o, p.rC~Cllt, fI..,rar liS pr.lctlcllblo, In CI' ry 1551\0
RI:1~[oROUS ARl' LOf.E for Lh lovtl'r$of j\ll\: EDtrC:A'r roNAL lo"'ho !Iodate; , SOCENTU'i'lO fur thu t.holl.;htt'1I1 nndl'cftc\ltl\·o. '1'EMPER,\~CE (or, IlnclI\!tJ of Aicoholllnd th AGIUOUL·l\U~tAJ.. Cor thfJ Ftlrmur-, lind MI OELJ.,,\NEOUS for 1110 diljoul~h:e. IlIg, 11'0
an han
llub . 91ltpnrtnllt
III this dcplllrbmo,nt \'C cllJlllenge ol)mp!lI'hon "jlh ANY \,AI'Ek; IlUd woo s1 lill ovcr aim ~o keop our roa l.Ilr~ "polta I lip" iu all Lhe impor43llt tmndllc~ivns of both, I,emi$phord~, to~d(hc""l1"itb "~"!l I~ ,I m,~t"rlI M may bO' \Yvrthyor ) ,
T E R l[ 0110
. .. . Mix m~o{lthll F ur Ooples 'oM yellr 'l'en ". .. .. (nnd \lIlC to .f.'Ollt) b IJAJD I~ 1'"aa8 llotITRa, Ono' Copy one 'YCIll" ~ "
t .,
.\1 orAe lIl1rnU.TloN
,) or TIIB
T'a;A:R ,
Tile OASK m!lst innuiably ,,,c,001ilpl~ny &ho names of Club'~"
--~-==,.... Wedncllip."
rHZ , W'B&-T-ITS,,£ITEBA,y WANTS . • '7'""
lbree monel'R ,-iuee
penned a Ie., tt.OlIghtlon Ihe cleJ!Uny (I. the Wdl and
need nf m('lre.'iqd~pcn
0- \V e ,hollid be plused to Illy' the PrC9ld.,nl! 14""Rgc tx:rorel)UfI eRd':1'. but It~ length J" too gn'IIL for our columns It II qlllie roadable for II doeulllcn~ (If I ti chllrncter
"OIL aupply j~ o~u uemnDu8? u:- Abnc~ '1' PIerce. oC Nurwlch. Tl.i" pOint 18 also I:Jlslly expl/lincd III O(ol)n, heretufore eXIO:II5IVcl! enga~d " thulr 10(1'1101 ~ujl'erll pl\perillltll I1\!UU () III ~hc e'" IDllnufj\olurnmg busincu. has e.... tel'n ~%-ChllllgUllIIDd lUUS' havil lhum. Calh:d. SUpp05cd, for a ll\lge amount It bal to obl,tl1U them, e~tcrn IIllblishcrs 111&180 _rlaloed thaI he hM CO'TlmiLled Imposed the IJhbt:1 1'1. an~ unreclpt oc1l1 (orgerll)' /.0 ,be .. Ioa"htng "am ot 890. tIoIIdil.looj tJlltt to obtttni lIlIlI fltVOf wc~t- 000 t • He " 110t to be (ouod na ciliLOra mu t publish theIr pro~ptc tUlle 111 (ulllO ~h~lr column. NCCU!ltiII) YOI It 011 &turdll$. winch cun5umed tbe comp.:led a complmnce "Ith thla oz ICtlOn, SCI l'll fiVil OIlory butlllmgs o( )f~ Iln~). iil tI e Qud. 1\ hat was lit lil'l!t K aeceASJty "eCRm .. II habit, ~Ild upw, IlL tlllrpl I & nr\l~hcn. book pubh.hcrI, ,j I 1 L.. . f b b Id LlIIS "e, 1 ifn ,ing Ollt of our o',n Jtclu\I' j;IJOIlL Illf Wll , a Illlm.,..r 0 ot Or III ge.•• we can 1~ly ~ur bnpd on II U THAll Illj,fS Lc.iIs probl\bly '1,000,000 'fIll: ~ which conuun fta~lIng prospec- Yd!1labl., ltere01yJltl pllLtes bt.longtog to ...... or eutern pllbUOA~tOn•• wbeD W8 Mcs ... H • B wtre '0 lire proof safea, • •ft MlTIII ona UI 1'11& W"'I', tbat are aad are Iupposed to be pNlMlrved Tlallr t.fl W '"II their ny. ullnotlced and Pl'()pert1 WIUI lOin red to a I"rge amollot )IGIided. by dlll~ ollOllg toil ltlld perlOaaJ
FRoa Iu'~" Nov, mll,r !l8th Em rOll G'If~IIIifAT' _'AUIIA,
tR~I. we lIa,o In(ormallon of ~ frlcaDII, IlIlIded 'IpUfl
pUlltlllDe" 4munl{ lbt apeculalur, hlloJrOll at the "EllesunoJu ~e \..0 , « nOlI," ncar C,turu~,oe., of which Gt'li l&III ..l! ....IIQ 1(r Cbel'r) did not ernl CanedO-OIll' C.ptaln Gen!!ral ,lid At tbo II, E Chun'b as "'M an- GOfernur-WIII Ihe 6r., 10,"'8 nOII . o tu nounct!d bllltiaW..~n tI Bey l [ the oglllll of the Brllll'" Guvernment. lind SADDLII .A.lfD IIARlf&8S' AlAmO We WI ' • co Ie I' .'dO, Ih.~ he b.il: tI"palchod. bJ ..",nlrpa,., iUIYO hl'o eatllllllabmenllof dill kind in !Jtll ":,d~1:SRd the aaambJr. wo are Indlric~ orlir fur IhAIr C4ptute.lllldllr ",hlell towr. Messrs Ollllndier 1\ Ebrlgbt MalR 10 al1 etrecUl'O maoOflr theJ' I •• ' b I J~
St' , oolwccn North and MiamI J,.,C T ,I.. I d IlK CAD•• bave re-orgaDI.~J a conllUlJ) 'V on lao Agood Ulbrtmont WfI arllololl In their hne lnanlifll.Ctun:d wuh a \,Ion In UII. Illaee. d,reot "OW to J)1ee~ c.be ".nls of tb.. commumLy, Their J,amcae "aagel ro price from 810 to It5 for lingle. aDd from'to to 876 for ,lollb1e lete, their
. Wi\ll
berore III bow easy 1&
ia &0 UCOQo1Cor the 10llg IIiLi of 'UlMe~1. bert. M"bc.'rtog patron. -by t.be thou. . . . .haab &1.4
the C) e. abd fill tbe !
~ pliblllben
. . ,..."ndicl.ot~pbere Latera ,&rCoftgren met 011 1I000dlYof Jut 8Ia. oppoetle &he VJiiIDr 0/100. WI .... 'e......,. .lIIlll _ _• . .• ptabUeben. ...., 1M beM6~ or w..k. Lynll BoJ4 of X,. f t I el.cced iii" ~e1 dq goocI work, Ml as Lbey do .ra~riIIII!L __.................. lDr&heir pro- epeuer. ad J'~ of . . P....YI. DOl tell .. a1 thin, OIl tbelUjlot. wel~J.;:~I'&::'.......... . - . . , .... Iim 0 yaaiaD. ~ ....1eeteI to UIl peu .. lIIe maUer. I~ "-";IJIII~ - . _ MIl _0IerIIIIaip. ~ &lie LMNr Bo.tar0.,..... W. . . . . . &beo;r ........ asap. two fit tb,.. III f.8wrII; . ...... .. . ..uI..........., . . . . ~ ....... 01 . .'&....., ... bu ,.,-. troDU- llo4CMM"-'
IWI' cor
Ihe J,h,"d
, ......., ~ ".ftn"........,,,
l ...
()., 1\"''101 four, ... n Itt.. ~1IIf11~ inMrltoa fin, eefttll ucb ftcJd'hlon,,1 Ins,,"lnll "'JlIt~. ..en'. ftom ....UII'..
n... ..r.bl"
redn ~tlnn.
"".!. 10 Ih .l1li 1II!J.., .lIvonll..
"I ,0'" del'll., _II
,aN .. '.Jan..
~ Of .. noJida'..
"n.llnnc'nc '0 1M'
~rl~~~~~~li;m!~I ..;r:::::e,..~~I~~N~,W:~:~:
A.'T 1111& EXrtlUlIO':;
OA.S ll 1)\lI S~ 1\1\
O~ flh nnlt
lll\lbly uc OnlplUIY
the nnmQ
'( allr. mu!ler, 8111[l ' 114 tl Ulltilbko ,) 1111
I I)
,ot t.be ~ron:r /lole-Il's Il brollell bll uk , 'No ddfereuce, 8.r-goot.! elloug h for II. ,'
11011 I"
U MAIN 8TREW't, CwcbuiaU t: h.vo , M Ol11h<l lnrlltlal n 1.1 boa I nUotl
W od'ho119tbcs.1k ",o,lu, on" 'cu .
·Com., So .. uld aDotIJpr , 'Ihllt IIolon,8 10 tho tomp'lI} door .ad olvloJe '
LlI\ I~ , 11111 lho
II 110
Ou, ~ lOck ~III r~ooh)r', Medl-
Our nIBil, provl.lonl,lnd munhloal or .. ,v.re Iinded t the lu\\ n rorlI6~cr. Illd C ~ W.I~er eillered UpOII bl. dull.... Pr':, lit oj Ibe ReSUbllO uf Lowor Caillorl,l, eeren II Were mo.l COn.
llOIU.Q~ORllliLBY'8 ADDBiss We ~o.; I'.4"104.l. Ac IDF-NY 00 Fmln,Y In5~, liS illrn tmm'b lo MeursFo1¥lo.... ~ Wcll.$, th A M I r IJllt tralD pns$cd up 011 ow YorIc.t- for "cnpy 01 GJ'e4tle, A RU Ihe Little Jf,on\l rllIl~Md, olle of drclljll\' &be IndlllJla &llte FilII' lL IS hands ,\ ~S Slnl\dl1lg \1 I on.lhe cnrs 1\1 ono or tbe host. UIIOK" 00 ~lte' IIU\)Jcotwo
nnJ I ~ m !l ll Hl rnult"ncuu. nl lllc k olllho n.lU~IIU hll' ~ b Iho re.1I11 IS 1101 knq\vlI rook !)
O,"rr PUdltU l,aJ III\cr~Cl't.J n Illllrr
rruUl J)lclI_ hlk ulT 10 G " rt ~. IlIkulr, lull", hllll tv kot'll 'Iulet III the I1 rllJcl ll"tlll . c
f j
Frena <!aUfoIlQ':a..
The e'eomer John L Stt'p"."., Ca pl
Pecn'llon. fro,!, Sail FnlflcllcII fit Pllolrn~ ,
- -.....- ---.... LOOAL IT.Ka,
lhe.)nl.lhgp,.co Ihe OYctlltrow lutltOrJIy, aud UrO '.'11»-
\V. h~ve
lito rej!(lrl '
t11~L(!,IBc:I.1 record ur . "'.Blkerr p,lfty,lIrt LnPl. .tid .1.0 choioe of • preelde nl of the II'W republtc It,. RltnOltncetf _ •
'he upre"ellone Qr de-btl", of the ba
iJlo4......-11 Clflilo 1~11I (J JO
Cdll'e_llito Chlle._~c
Sud-CIIl"· 85 00 8rlll
n.,p. 84 :l5~"30
.JOU I-RLN II~U. 'tory cI.8 ~ 1I1 Ion • leh ..
~LI.f" & CO han JIM: reftl • .a T • aI..••uRllfIually larlle ami Rlee of 8JaoH ~tC!Ck
,ijiln UoldeD B.II Wa1nf.. I1[~ Oc: 5 \85:1 1"
• (
W&YN&IJYILLft iliA UJU::T" cO.}lIlC1
" 1I1I1r
\V11 ••t f bu C.rn, 11 1Iarlel,' II o.te, 11 doll 0 .... ' bit rlodl'. , bbf
do " 'cY(t Butter 1» ..
E,,,. 11
dOl tard~... 11 It. POl.t~.' bu
Hh 3<1
Applu. 'f. bu Cblckell•• ., dOl F •• tber. 1iI ft,~
Rio Col!I!e II 10. N•••Orlean, Supr•• II, ,,& 8jc
'-'pl,. clo H_ Or..... Mol..... , f !\ppr-nOliIe )(oluHA. , . .,..1101....... 1,1
Ptp,." , ".
Allapi_. "
a. lAir. Salt, 'I blt1, Flu
1[. . . . . . ." ,
1I."5 IPk 6Oc.
Zino! Zinc!!
1. CMI.e.a.& ~ .4 the /lew $1091 lOr•
W.,....'IU., o.t
THS Ill....
lor . . . . . . .
. . . . . . -a4't • J a. TIIO.alAs.
1'. l8I3 .,
J" u
i "NT E R SERIES FOR Qr , ' _ r I S J T 0 B.
O -F \lc li~t oj- the chromclel ' " ~ ' .' trl.th (he world',; hilfwry proscnts se o<:lya pllndlel to ~bl\t of \lr I) r 80Dt;r , , ., 'll d \YU pipnCtII', b'order nru, with it.~ toil:! allll, prrviltlons,' i~ bloody; ,,,ara nil af" J I;~IIC~', Milch or' ~c 911 rest,may be oX}lceted under tillS hUl~d, as tllo 'pons of IIcl~crallYrit/)rl! or QxpCrllIRCe will co~itributc thereto, Ned oome
w m
m m
" mdE Vjl1 ~ IE in ~
IF {Jl) ~{!Ill A ~ 11 Ie 18 jID ... DCIY h:l\( 11l li ~rl'~llril, '''l,leil, ,ve prO'liot with the utmost confidonee, will' Pro \I DOD~lIllr iloll onl.9rtl.illinl{ the Illghest degree. N oUllng likc.it has ever , O f' , ' !!.nJ " jOllrnM; • t • ' 0 r"llUltllton. ' ~I ''\ ~K ''. 1t 1. cb¥&C~rilCd but thoro '''I'Ilb II SCONS ~i.TOBIOAL ,AID" BIOGB'AP'JlIOAL · 8XETO"JlBS, OrilJinall&nll Iclected, "ill h(\vo. a promin 'ut pl cO in Qur oolumn. " FOil
I. E
sh;nenJcllyor IQ .,rvo up a "eekly
0 1I T , U .
~plI!lL orH hu ~t3t «Jii"'~' ana ,,0 ,.no t~o prorniilO of &'Suri~3 of Skotohes ,pNp:uud tlspres.ly Cur thuir-entcrl./tine'o, .mo 9 t , t We 81\all,'''I~o~' prownt, 1\1 far ns prllctioflblc, il). crcry iSSUQ ' \Ve
,<bY,jfiv, 8n1nll clllJII lr)'
UUMOROtJS "AWrIOLE::t,(ot;. the loven of fUll , EDUCATIONAL for tho lICel'liC:; • ' • SClI<;N'!'[FIC (or tho thoughtCul "lid reftcc~iI'c; Tl<~MP~ftANCE ror encmic~ of Alcohol ami tht) (rlo./II1, of Lhe MllillC LIIW; AGlloJOln/I'UltAL for the Farmor, and 1,.""0'"8 ?IlSCELLANEOU'S for tho diso ursh'c. Iu'ad,liti()D to 'the furogoin,g. we h~vc llO\v in hi\ l\J, sllbjecL It,) ollr dispollal,
,itl,A & B I i' t~ JfN T • P R:£ !. E 8. ' '
Dotctmi~.ca tQ u ' every honorable mOAns to pllloe ,Lho MIII.¥r';\T'8t:r0llIlhoau of any" papor of its elMS puhlt<jhodr tQ persons lli~lJqsc(l to act 4lI \'OlulltHry clUI"lwmg &gonLs, ,..... oller: the folIolVing •
• 1.'0 tlao p,cl'SQl\..ending u~ the bfgbc.'1t number Qf lubscribera f~m this date up to tho lint day or JlUlqary. 105", proviiled the nUll.ber _haD lIot be Ics! than ODo'llDllldrcd, we will m'lko a present. in olUlla, Q( r"SIfI'T Fru DOL&~RS I Fo~ the IlU~IOOI' second to tho higlaost, or not less lha" ci~tlty, T\y&Nri DOLLAIUII For 'lie 1lU~Il!)er D,eltt bOlo., in axtellt.. of not lUiS than tiny, 'f"ILVB DOLLAU} OL1.II.RS I
.ho",. UI t
bt.,licilies or lrocl, wllicb rift., come out llrillil IIDd greeD I" 'priD" YODlIg rroit; tr~ol IIro eOllletituea kil/Ild
He •
' 44:WJLID't .IlO~
on Pigger•• "
An old crono kOtlping B so-oallod "C90~ Y liiana," Wl\S Qno day RccO!Itcd by R \Vrlg~ wit11, "HQW do you sel\.or-
anges''' ' .
'Two COIl4'.·
lW,ell,' 'Bielhe, tltldng 01\0 'IP ~n' .1 , \II turning it Qvor in hill h,lDd, 'How dt!, Y, u ..U this we'?' , The II\Me prico.' Suppose I giVII l'OU back tho and take 'ho cake'!" ,
.r. tbl.8 'ryl!l!
' •
to tha 'op oflha 81101V, alld the bull. lett perfectly rresil benellh. The porolll nllluN of Inow relllln, lullleient nfr to pre. .. rve tho hllDhlt o(tn. tree 01' plOD', I,.. ltd. dltlon, to guardltl, It frOID the tl~.nlle. UI.,. .tmtl~pllere, TreetI thAt .re lillble to ~tllrL ~OQ, eatly III Iho Iprittll' (III thO peach) ean ~e fe ardell;by pilloing tlie tlln or bougll" 011 the anow around tha roob, Ihul forml,,!: 0 cold bed. A friend he pmleell hll runnlnar 'Olea by I.yftl, theni dowD ond furmln, 0 roor ()\Ier them bl pallin, ~wo board. to- !i,;J~Hsi;i;A:~c;;j~,,:ij;i;'~~ aet~.r at Ibe uflper TIll. CDn b. easily prl!aernd fur com !WInters, 40""0
oont.s ~'
·Well. I thinK I'll luke 'his pic alLer c:::z==~~====="*'=~"""'__ all, iutead oCthe cake; "hIl& do rou al.ik
lonider .. 'Tw~
"'OSI. ,.
'T~e the pie baak and gi~e driftk of ilt _A C1&1f was :1Dlod and IU1II ad
cuatomcr, "~~~r
awll~~~ Ilia 1i
t.o tho ~ IlAWII; 8111~~~~~~=~_rl_ log tlle W~ .~ ~ ilelibe
t ...
'DidIl"1 sift 1011 thellie for'lobo it"pio.' 1~~~~I!~t=~~~ !Y ... ~~diQ!t pAl' for
tVln'..u, I ixelwipt the eaJre iLt • •Y... hl )'OIl han" paid tor &haL' ·1 .... ,... ......... for it.' "'ftie wuge lit two oea&I.. ea.whl . . . . 1 fir bit' I ... 1&.61 1!-
w,,~ \Viii
AU ~am'1l\ltliClwons. either on blltinosa Or fOf pltblic .. ti~n, IIhol1lJ be (1'08''''AI0) tQ J_ W. ROBERTS, EOI'roR AND Paor'nU1TQR,
Wayocsv.iIIu, , Warren c~uuty, OhiQ.
•• lAVE rOUll DJlII~.~ ~pll-:l:I AND VIo:N I'I.E!\1F:N, 1111 ,OU !:~I uU"''' II) 'I) lite IJook ami .,'nnn], Slore YtI!' eanlJOt r.iI tlll"letlll~ We hn"~
r~,vad 80me .. II,. allil builltiflll bflllk8 .ui:uble lor glflB, among .. bleh ... lha I"," ~
~". .e of .Ju ..e!~l. beautifully flO""" "I!' Ih. Ieoun, ..IIIa~'. UIIer i .,. Alliict.uns Vltl;' Tit. "pea ...., etc, AI.o e.rtle, card
1lIU,lolle.r. nolo "till Cftl' pa,..r o. flYer, 1U"d anrl .I,ro, lane, .,ft~ plahl Myelo,"", all 01 wl,.ch 'w" ",1111011 at "10 lowell rlliel f~r en~ h ROBERT '" JIlt!)
CARPETING8. • A" Ion VERY fI.eU,U.ortrllelU"I Collon, Colanti Wool. all Wool, Ib, ~nd Velle-
Ijall Ca.r,IeIIDIJ'" Rug_, Blntlm'_t etc., jilin roo
atel} lf~g oft', w1J~ ~~ wltli tploaac., Wi. 1011 hayn'l naid for •.,......,1'. the cidar~' J;.-0... r,tad cooly obse"ed. " What a&*1d I ~1 for!' fTbe elder, &A be suo.'
"I .. od Gml/or .. Ie by' l. II tlAttlllS oIr en 8~. of &he. Red I'~g., AI"II21I, 111';2: • L'NlNG,I1tN OING, ..." ......al. by ,
Water&., W.Yllftylll", 0_. AUI( I~ 11iSI .
ELUllf, OR TBR CJLUlfa" .""'f.
RIU'O' AI.. • 'BIt. a l"rllllac "",-0,1 ... or 81."...... III STOPDARD "'00141 lolur", bit fri end. Kenlucl" rur ••10 by ROBERTS .. BRO. palron. Ib.1 he b.. chanlted W. retl . 1.11\'1d E ... n, ' ollic:e\ wbt'fC! :',!~~~-'~I~ be tDllud wlloo "", prO&e. coallnue'! "' tho old Illud
300 1 611c
NoveltySteam BrushFactory ~o
em No, !ll\ 4l
'laC/llu&. ,""ctol!l BI'IUIiu U"de to Ordor D:TCA~Jll·"rD Fon IUliSI. &'1
Flllur"/l1l6 1& 8:1 ~ Prllvl all1nl -UacIIII .ldOla ,reen ~
'h.. P"rk.
T"b.eco-Nq I Va II,. 260, to 28 conti
MI); twlt,1
('If .... r) do_",lj\li "I
• 11:11 at
liA .rlll.ET8, .. .urbnn 18, BV:4ll'1~ A.NIt VIHITll'IU c"JtDlt.
: . : . .. HALB ..... flul ~Id. . .; ,of . . ._ _ for boIJa
fHE Wi\'mlnlllOO aefo", 1 W K.y. W.ynMuU. rllrnpl"o "J,,"iee oflh. peaoe Co lor W.,D.luwneblp ... / Wa,",,, COIIOI, Cyril. ;,J Drown I Oblo. 'Fba lI.fondanl ,,111 Iall. Doll.. Ihat 00 lbe :lnd d., of NOWllIl1_ I~. ao alida,', ,,"U
.1140........•••", ALIO, HA....... CAPS'or ....... Dor' a.. in'II,., ~ ... III_I ~, ...... artie.............1Id Ilnrft. III III WIIIcb .. ~ __ ~ ..II
.utu ,,' t5!i OIl d.. to . . id cel1lpaDf' wblch will be trl.d on .... SUt U, olJ)eftlllwr IIOllt al ten 0 clllCk A. U. A, L..A.DI,.. AnDI .........(1 Compa., 8lb. 1m. 19&-3.
"0 .. efta" ... 'lUi
~... INi .....t ••,-
0.11 ... aa.... .. 11 .....,,.. .........'" DC ...., .... "Ii ..... .Iao .In' I~ "1aJ fa ...
.. or ......
61ed aod_4
.,1, 01 a"a_ _.' ......... lOr
ZiRot ZUIc1I
& CIIl.... ' . . . . . . . . . . . ,., . . . . .. 4. tlM .." 8........ ol J 15. TUOM.\9 J!U it
W.,-,.w.. 00, ". IWo
PLE..'CD1D ,\1..._ ...... toy flU.Raft • BRO'rUU
a, btifore "ew" lind IItcJ III '\Le. Duffel
hilt/nded n Ii . gift to Eveline on her l'ceol·eIY. ,!" caw ~I;e DID recover. lIud, "I>IO,' bcc,lIlse. Ii!! h\! buhc,I'cd, th e ,h, teclion or ,Lhe eulprit lIould expose th.. bt\Jlene~~ her lover to' hi e dnu;:h tcr an~ callie ,11I~r to tfl~oanl hUll at once:
.. ,
J , " }'ronl lh" 1 ~I Hlo {',I I(<l11I
~tu ~U o~. KOlllli
aT 1iI':"OK I
UrutJ.:N\~O~ D.
Ivere q\~itll bumplld ~\I t or hilll . s nd he Iny lift und sull. En d ltob~ rL rOV II'('U 111m ami help(!t/ 111m up 9ut h(! II'IIS mOl hlind su lell. lind Il l' r IICl er hud nUIlIn, lJi ller spitu IIgllillat hi , IJIln c colI!J\tl(rOr,
• '
~\bO U L nOOll the t b walla grc"b ri~g. lIIg of blJlls Itt tho church-then came tho wudcli'ng-p'lI r(y /I '" d tJldr f~jt'nd., The llli legl QllUI IUClk"d vt! ry prou~ H1\d pumpous III his gOld-IHccd. "ell'er, duu l.II,t, ~ lI d ",,,itO ~ ilk (lO'se ; but b.
11 J
11 \.1> l\ \\
h Ii
Ii 1\
4 •
• ;
II t
I'rolfll \he Li"le .l'lllCrilu
8.&.W.oO. "'eaBIT.
7 &. ~ lc 7~8A c
,p gnl
eOr 60@tl2c Jge
Ct.~.uII!(J TBr; B.ule OJ' TAIZjI -'Va ha~1l ulten rec mm! I'~d Lltt! Illie ~r '11/ ul
011 loap p .tlUlh, eke Cor eltlnllli tf.e bark 01 \flea a 1111 f"PI,aud lbat Pit apph
collun could cxced It Illr IhlS POtpu.1' A few \\t~~iI jintl IVe vlslt8l1lhe teat o( R Rellll tl E,;q ne~r til., LocII Prj W(Irk., llUd Ibere nw the t'leauea' Ireel It h.1 ever bee I (lur I", to me.t wllh IIr 8.11111 j, 11 lorlllil UI Illet b, olled.II' I l ,l •• •ade
(If (lno puund" ofblllt
tI,', audao (urbo Ilito IIf Ioct.. ) dl_lred in "Ill'"
one 01 wllu:r aoJ applied il La LIt, .ur oco (If II e treea A It tha fonal, dead .nd rudll, ezrall \e , f Ihe h•• hh, P du
III, l'C
III tho eo
\h 11
})II Efil;aVIJrG
FAun' -Take B
be Ib
cl nO: aDii plAce allorol tel, ~ 1'1et: of rult end chaW. The i!halT it lIgbt J., ci~ 10\1 \y .. f. to traQ'porl your Cfull • mat die il not onl,. ptelen" from bl'Ulllni. p~ooC egGJnal (roal I( lUed lIberell, So e." C HUllt of 8ome".t~ Ulcll In ratcot omCle Repot
Lt"S DUITEIt.-An Eft(hfih orchanllat WbOM orchard ouupl.. 60 Icree protect. hi. tRill from caterpll,ra Ind-other jo..ell ~, Ibalun, over the ,oune roll .... qUick. hllle pUl~.rized and lifted througb I ww,.' . w'.s". He pul' Ole ltme II 10 a \In conical C&11I11ut: •• perlorated at one en~ with. 10DiThe tllI.e ro. ,,8'0, it III in cIe.
n it
. f1 I.
.1 t·
ft b
'n \
, c
~I bl
, lb
'hi,i~ C:I
.' tl tI.
.t U h h
., Ii
II \1
1\ tl
" ,'I'
-, I
! J t t
I \1 II
or Jaau...,
pHIIrwH ,. ,rticle. (rolD you CIOI~IpoD~ 1 "". 'Ar\ool••• or Aaa Aru"~el Counly. 1101 • 10 .!llth be ~_. 1*1 or dt.. • _,•• hOI'll. ~ ' _lone 1QC fOUl' ....... tbo.aDd fI&Q t. to Iw-
j •
KOB~~(, ·
,= ',0.
VOLUlfE ' 7:...~[1MB~lr 1( r -'
QD.riginl1 . iJJ~tr~..
Y.' , wi .. _#1lon 1.te'..lIrnllu on~ • . 11'I~ , 1 - III W_'1IatlL ~W'Y1
t.'.uY .... ul ooull\
A.II~ hat, 'my bllt, "' .. \ n her morry t.me. ' \'llila uhnunll""""'lJ,etl .omll "'1111 tvulIOolu •
l l' I\lillgl,"~
llt.,., ...e flt'e B'I
II r 1c.~<il J' 1Ii•• IlI\.ol Mtll,,,·~ ,,g~reU inolUlIul ftU.t l,t1l,1nlt Ih ' h;ui~ urHIIlO b6" .101. , Mkclioll '~ (1:1 i..' IUlii htarlllollCC WM{IU &lCC(!ILI !
Aa 'Ower;'1'&l1o Tall."
, WlItrn.li .U"1'OIl :111&'111 YlI,Tn 1\. Ir TlU:
't'Ra \ltv,\L UUN:r/tlla." ~
bllvipg~hl:<l the slim" Iun Il~ whi'c lie hilt!·.'re"dy put np for he niglil.
'. r 0.'0.' 0 . . . . "000. \
W... w Oolon.,l Hu!eJiinllOn went. N \laID, he took· with him hi. 1'11.10/1 wi
L,qjj cOlilnlllDd of, thll
fort"' .... of
IItJr'! IlI.,vt-r, iuul .piri.llld "~IDIlIl. 1If:l:r""rcb wrole till Lntt:rclI'IDi". hlilbldld. wl,ioh )'UII D,1")' rtJll<i
19c 19r )$00
1,5lic QOe CI~CI~~
\ . . lU,,"-IUUH
'n IIIdr.. d' Gre a.1 'Vhv r 'Ill' 'em kill I' Inull hUlltlreoJ 111 Ie" huurI. II J ~, V 1'""" lu dun"
aa, _ Ii" ~ 'V.....Ir And n (ellt!r with I'•••• , 1\ Ulr~ ,.Ih,"l '''Ill to mble .. I b"nfl .t .aft .,•• , ~Id 1\I't wilen they lillrm,.) '(lm lumf' kilt. "cllded .nd /ocrllpcll t~1I thuu.. nd hQulEJI in I d"y. Illd wl.en tll"y Pllt 'III .tum twentv IhCluI~n.J r')rlr"r. ".re IIUt • If .hol cut up III I aln~11l d ''I
WIIlIt lu
I knuw • -\'41•• lir W.II
WI' ~1It intu thl' t~e crillpr. d , •• t •• lit .. , <I .ulel brill" ' .. 111 In ~ B)' II'r. It :'I'.a .... ~IIr' h"w II f' 11, ..... 1. l! ew lhlurl!. bU~i: ktlf'w wh.t It w"" III, lUi, h" lira. iii iI IInpkin • II Illk sn" tac"I. 10 hl_ ."Ollt! II ,Il Ihey allllkell him h~e
whe... th .., Icnldt>d
h.,. •• •
Jl'lstrUiUlfllUS •
II • >r I " jill '.IJ"1 kilt,· '"' kID' .nd IIn.teln elm In .nd II" IQ .,lhl P • trellm thruu,1I the .culLll' ' ·!.et. "., Illd ,ee 'em CUt up th. 1'01l:.t~. ", .. ltiill"',et, Huw to A"DlII A nAD "V- IIUD - 11 'UtI WII p . Abllut. hUlIdrpc! 1:'''' Npv{', marry rur \\,lIahh A W Inltn'ti ill, f.II .. ,8 .e," hacklll' un 'IIm lip J!v 11"0 I)' elln"'!Ii,,!lh llut In til. thllli••h. pout ... il w .. dellth to particular p u,Pl. til' «'til w., tile ,,"RIt! Two when!.., fo,.. ~ N,vfr marl)' lJop 'It one whu .trut .. amI rifl ••• Unci,. Jill' mp. uteel tu aa1 .. pht "bUill oIallol, II". 1'101. allk Illllvf'. alld ru ""••h I, 0". ,,",ell b, • II"lIlIIy .'<'1 et fie. whh "lIv~t'f'd CIUIP Illiel ml,. on 111~ with .." 1\·"rf"I~D· allllllk of .ba'Ptn,1t IInll~~ BI'IYIrP' Ih ,;" a 'fOP. Irun, liD I the b_", w. . . tart.red. frllbbed a Nev.r mntr, I nl"I:"'oI, or clbae O.t 1M cu,leoI oll'tu anll,bll!' bllK'k •••ad Ibf'1I N lI1elll lO,d,d wr.tell who .IV.. ".~" . . .t lIl . .~ ..,.,.,...lllctltill' GII.P' laVN I U " • • 1101 rlil Inti lilmt" ~u"d, b.DliI 1111' ""nIl1. or "I"'nd. It ,rud,in,,,. Tak. care .h auld"", If "hi' 0 ••, •• id.. Mild mid I ~.II~ etl"t 1011 to iI.,lb •• .. ,," •• II""~' \,a), , ... 11. I W Icrewtld, 4 N".~ wa".,. ""npr or one .b .. ~uiI N. m dWII 1 ' .... Mr lu b. luI/ t.ho"Jlcler It nOI k"nwn or ~!lttd 8u_ 11,1, ,. ' ,11.111 ha ..,. ""I.. _ .... .nd I"f" ., "I_ rlp"I.' and 1~"11 DJ"'" In ft:Gl II ..~ IlImp rI,ht rntu the Il,., witb tb~lr .It••..-.. .11IOIt tha...." fr,lll Ih, eJ-' I ! ' o~n IU~":'~:" I.rd.. ...".1, rruaa • "",,"1. ttl1llt 01 6 N."., 1II0pt or droDe, one In and RI",.... 01"", a" _:..~ f.t. ~i"' &OUt - I... ", llial!ul i d d~.... "roue b Ii fo. Oil. ceive wananllh. - - H, _til • ......, Ie lin... ,_ .,.., _ ,he I ".. M". I ".klel .. b0 d , . . , . '''' .ueh PllrGIIJP . . . II1ItnI IIlllilte I!MJ \be ...1.... hur'1I"" bAO" IbfloU,h fOOl Il\tr.no&bt .aDd l.tII thl.,. 'Ik. thtlr I a: to beai". AL.UT TROMM III the nllXI
ltD! &tn
if"'" •
• . . , . ell .,..111'.....P1'4 til. tlurll liD'
.,Deawill. loll,
.,..,..t _.........., .,
..... o",.,. •.,.... ..... , ........... I ... ""' I. IfUI 'br....... .........ItItrur.ft' II_ ,.,110 I. &he ....., ...... I, III I}' IIr 0,.. lit ""II!IOII ftJl l,ow .......l1li:.
he be
_'''''HIIIl tJ~~~~~~~~it!::I~;;
... he.W II ....__. . . . . ., durw,.._ S Nnll!r ... a"" • • •n *ho ,_" hI. l. W. DY" .........., He ~.Id t .....IN lIi>t II", RIO.h~ &1"'iMer uDklpdl, vr Indl......... t1, o_r~i -~ 1ft.' • . " II I COlI" . . . . ID auill .. 8 h ._~ AND MQTA.. rolUC. 14, .......... WH .... t.\I ahuw _ uc t ..'tlMat i . . . . . _.C8l_ of • OIIu oa &It. W_ el or JlaiD , II , ."" "wit I~IMC'II . . . . . . wtck'" .... ..!JOt.11II .... CUlM ......, .. WI.
'JIIJ ~.'1"''>!tAl 'I ~N r.ltllAlICJ: OA&U /. 'UI) of III Iln por nOlI lHllel! "Y It Cla1k Ih. 01"" OrJ!311 IL IS muuh Ilnrrf,lvN ,"d 0 lieu~, Iinpet " ry \I uy IIll1ler liS lie", 11.1 _ W,e hol'il. it \I III IllO"l wbt. Iho 811ec,.. 11 de.
ClII.Pl~",'e /serv.ft
F.vuy 'rllnrl of ('elDl'tlranee UlllrtlliO
'Jll'vor~ h
.1,00. yopr II ill. roollctlon to
All O..-UU.D dOIIYJl1IS4TIOY - ' Jo' wbln ' " J'tOw up do you meaD to be a leep a cenfectlooar,Y -tore" ';1 ha,eo" made up my mand rom ' but lila "&ilia m. to be a mln ..ter ' "Oil. dem't be a IJUDlISter, Jo, for) ou .u't go -(0 \he ClfCU thCD ' ' "I mow &hat, Tom, bllt a mlolster prof8UlOn '
law,.., _
.'r.onl, NOIT V.nUII, rint or m1l1H. ¥llorrr lui", Itell.'" Ihfl l..,lIi~ 4' ~:' rl .. Iy'''r '1rttwn, AIict;~.ln'lhlldIY ' .1I ,h... fill oadly.II I, I ....II~' 111t.!n ~ 6f ,a,"r, b". Illy ,II 1'1t.
'l'we oR ..1 be.rd
I ... on.a
.¥bln''Wul.s-n.lud tbe. \lIere
.b""lt" &bat
ia alle1' ~ to ell'ord It. TbbI but .. 10U Ilat .....ell .. tAo • tbl ",oriel, the bt8t • ., , • •' ..... Ie to "Ill IIIJ.blie4 II.. .lIout ... ~OII of \1.1.,. In II10eni Ind of peacb tree. Ibowan, "ynaptoml Dr de, . . profe_OIII la pod.. .ad cblUel. I~ Q1 , ..... the ""tr.ee 1011 from the pole ........' of lIIe II'H outward. (rom one to tbree 1eqi be .. I ~..l • 1004 chance Iccordlnl to tho elP .t tbo 'ree £Om • hl~i~,;{,;d"(;;uj'ih
..t\IIlIIe molt .bo..,
.'" .,pnIIe.a...... ......
'ulle -'-
·r ......
jIlL uwr I '"' made. .....er, '" ,elllo' Ine tho t ........ " aaJ' Worllll.ro
round o~,~:r~~~~
or dat .... IF. . . . _ 8I&&ia' lip ,. elill 'bem oat ",1111 _ abup poIa&ed knife, III ..... aU - __ . , ............ - aad procurelrom lOIII8 Waetr.ukta .bop. c.lIIa' .... , . - . af cban:aal daIt, elMen, .... IooIIeiI pi. . . 01 ODIJ.....II., ......
1_. P.............
• 1II1r
.. ....I. . .'
die GOal. ..........wllt .........
..."'~111' ...
In .hl. 41111 iOnaly "Nt, No fool 11111_.,. ",Ul diliutii Illy QUSlt 8~1 o" r • .ct• • of Ihe wild bird •• h. 1I bllm,
Cbeerla.. 'h.
eo lclu~Qd 1I0d the rotlrl)d
their re UriJBOPRI(J~ ".NP&LUaL" U-
IUNU PUW.,aa." N .. cell~ ... euu.lUlf.. lor J'~I . . . Salera
"" ,or,.'.'"
N EW ~1 YL~ Of UOO I
11 \TIf. CAps, C'JAIIPE'r BAGS, \ ,\I.tIlU, UllDIULL4S, AND
.p 4 1te
n., II ..
J " (rUII!: I r 'I,klllsvill aq
t J
II â&#x20AC;¢ " tl
hlPOIIT.LliT rcsPdu'd.en~ of
J,the'TI\I1B.-A \loriN, '1, 'a;"", IDl!nPAriS
tile fullowing di cO\'(:ry :
.A. \'~r1' rom!ll'k!\~le di~cov ry:'
t\nq'oilneeCi to Jhu Acu.d my' of $i:illflua by M. DumAs in ' its
10 :
I.ules of fcur. :1Ilt! I'Clu1I1 10 h ~1; LlllC nJl(l Ull~()ttlt·d, 1I 0IY Lhey nrc ai' ou ~ of Lhe p,lssllgC 1IU11 DIck 1I1l0 1V)/llln It WI\S r.h u wOlk f II \ 1 .y IY t • • whcm II kllid ot mlirmllrlllg &o\llld, Il~ r!lll'red (lv(:n 10 Lho dl!l.nill! 1 Id l "Oil th~ C I"(! I' • J' I I 0 HI C P' I OU0 1lie I<\V(\Y the thlll~,ql 1111l 1 1J1l1 ~, IlIC llell! C!1I,lurancc II~ mlilH n.. ver lIn • . ' I I r 0 • • .J .lIn, ns ~\ C Itle. 8Upp(j~u,\- U ll ".1111 t!h "' L an,1 IYI 0 ' i ' , I(II C" S III tie (IBlIlneo, ml!t hCI our, h,\\ (l been Llllnl,lIl1: for Lhe Illst L\reM\' '1'0 nil (Ills Evelinc \\'IIS lin allsol h .o A~ LllI~ UOI1I 11\ nno\' 11' 110 cl 1.I(wl\' III ~IIR ! . ~ ' , " 1" 1\ 'I" g ~ u you \llherlVl"il u,lIlftratuud There I... great L1"lcJ\IIl" II moment she felL qui lo sure (our hoUl ' m Ll t I bo I . b I k I • 'I , . " I;l, s • • rou.u " to pilI I "I ll. 4 l1 I (III d I f I ' # tl 0 <> " I I 1115 ' 11 0 somu UL ~ 'Illm lin no\\ n, 1~ 1\l Il~r How le lldeu to " II' e intollltllLIOn ()r dllug"r WIIU\' /III II ,~ h 8 lire ~U) h <1 L' " .. III I lid I wUlllt.perIl1P'1 tuoll,l, rur au 1 p e 0 you, 1(o.lIllJrl~I' l\lell.elf~ciIlJh' YllulIglllen , T.B PIaIT SnUliG, F:(:,OWER, I I IH'{'J 1II'IUg p\lr~ots SOOlull'i hulC eUI'pOSl", M ),011 nnu the ~c~t of tlll:~\l I Lhe g\e/lL hope; qf tho monlill!: ul~d In h om WllilU~1l II. mu>i Lcurll1illly b C')II- IVIIIJnu ~ mon uy'. I , -;3n~:~lb~iJly!llllllnl~mllQillll~gUI Idl('\I'dI CI~o Ullon( tl~ lIdO\\'~ , ~~ud Duflcl in liarllcular. ' \ldl l heP rbO,Ol1\, KlI the femllllu ulh "'1\8 Tu 1I1l0' ''U 1t1 801~O mllllllel' ",i ~1t III ln uu'lI~ "1 'Jilt! IIIY.IV WI book~ 'lid Ill" 'OI'S' ~ .II ...c1 Ihelr bil~lllcl' d,,;lnll I" v • 0 .01 WIll • 0 CI'nl1l1 'li III imL ' \'CRINI 10 hor tUIIL IIlloLhll r SIIIIT ' of .! ' I I Q 1 " . J J I " ""ITn~ ' OA THt: )I u: Ml \" II!ITO. to sull'c lhe III tel In wI I /;1 "v II C t1 0 u ' • c \J , I~ esoape. II S~ W III~ Willi IL WOI'[ I , •. 'hel ,Ole C'JiI'I14l1 lly " 'pIIC"d by m Udl y U\\"'/ (r\lUl hume, rfll urnln, oU'1 ., nf UAt. lI\voh, .d ' ulla Ylt IIU~l In L ~IC ~ I' WII S J .< t l Y, \ILC ·1Il1}0 IIIlLllnyle hcr flllilr--l.hIlL Itl'r no w- S~oh IUS Llle Ol)nelilb1011 Lu w!Huh EI - \ ul hur' -;IUL II~ YUllr OIVII COSt, U~I by thl' tire hlt\lrg fur mtlll, ellCl~. Ihll! Iloen . . ,' • I tl 10 . r CI' IS tdo be .1 1 ,ounu frte!I\(~" were Dilt cllcrnlc~ III ellll!) Ilr ' d ~ I • I U 1IIf,! ""ro 11\ tls.,O}'Cl. Icn Ill ru IS no 110 1: UI IIY I I Ii Ji b 1 f I her I iCillIt)'. to /lsool Uhn whc aud \\ hR~ fellllng. tu let .he gi!'1 1:0 homo. R8 lIll'e ui$gu,"c 1llstCllu of Iibel'lllorlj, whli III on Ihell~~,ti ' 1" A\~rl ~I~ 9:~N,'c~~~d 1:11 ~Ti\ \II~ 1\1IcI~ul:s~ W101t' 101'01 I~. pel' nurly the Am. roullne ,,(dill,. Ih., befl. ~ IHre , . ,euulu do U~ 11 0 hnrm If she d.ei rCI I'~lIl WOIllt! reslOlc' hcr tu hOll lo lI'rid friunll s, lurlh er, "h.lt othur m ()~h ')d 01 '~I)>lPC ' 01';'11 ,il'o \\111\' 01' e ill ' tu Il!lnk th.t It Ie Iht'lr own 101 to perlorm A t""He lllg I, nh a UIIIILIOUS bilL fi~m ollr RCCI i)(;.~ ·: Ithey \\ore VIle IIII ~crORllL .dll~l.11llil'> hilI' W.IS .the lIJ SII\" 'I SOCI(: t IIlCill Um uf "Wh l' lI ,gou fI'l ' Iii Jl L t . .lllh ; Ilruq.". ftlld lu bll n~relctd With 1Iltlp. ~hl! WIl~ I\OL long III ~(\lIhl :I~ 10 "11011 yuu 1 I1111' C I.lkou ' 1 fILMy 10 [ 10 11 fl\((\ 110 beLl"l Lhllu ~hM willch IIOW COlnmUIIIC;lttlOIl LII " ulel worle! ? I G 'I ,II dlri.. LJI1I'~L l1~lo u~"IIr~"U\ "1 >1.111 .11 III. wetl[hlllr car. alllA r. . . . .I1I1'. Lhcl lIll~I:l rQf l h) SUUIIU. 1t C\ Idellily Lilli ~Irl IIlri:!( 'IIIU h.l\ e ~cL 'tny helll L' SlIn oUII<leLlII~r.llud tonlO\(Hl 1411 911 LJlt I j N lit: tiL 1111 1!J.;()cl'l II. be ,I 0 1I1~ L IV /lith", Muru" shu ~ald sobbml{ "I IU ' lUI _uel! a maa 1I~'1:!)l a very IVt""1 ,lfW ~:~::~I C~I , [on~ JU~:l1l. Itp~ As sH on ~o~~e8~ !11:r Hel'. an,1 I Tcill do it , lL's ~ f~oiil t!le posJliblhly of 8l1ccor. j.'ol II ~ \\ IIbill Lbe p'I;~s,Ige she 11 1.11\ hUI ~I!J( at ' IH'Clplc ~(:Iml It> '1IlIIIk lIII', hll:c :i~I:: of Iho C•• tll he need. r II opP0rltlnity r.r IIbl •• 'I Icr ~' 11 ~ telmc IS~lIIgl:;~ h- ~II~ I dOli tOIHe fOI the Order no 1\' , I lhuJc ttn\c Nhe clullg'ln lhu hopo lhll, !cupled. Idll Oll hu could nOI bllug hl!J' lll~lr du ty WhcII Lhcyglll!'lJ)UllOY, I'll I lIIur. leal.nd,~ obiler".li<lll. AD41t I....... " •• ". L1I1~ S ~( cn me 1(. the on of uf) nil Its mCll1h\lr~, bu t thaL nhlk(;s Dlok \I oulll hold ou~ III Ilel be'h.M, bl,l' ! 1i'1I /0 bl'h,,,,\: WII S th l! II,I-e, 0 she re- / ~gIlVtl- •• 11-10111\1 _ IIs~lll. - • .IId ""P~ fDr thla 'er, re/lau" lhut. kinG 'ro,," ~I:~I~ I~~ : go'l I; hl~III,1I11~kl~p~ll) tc: mlfllllIIUI'(~ n~ (J11f:lul,~lIcc. :tbollt lhe gll'l She giles 111I~ InsL, lllOp Iyus tnklln n ',Vol)" l"ld ~h~ , IlCIII'UII her Nellrch fOI the uoor of' Unll!e Itlc illu d-sllld-lw I~-Sl~-'(I"il Iloinee arro.c. hi• • ,/ .. <:III''''Il. '11., he ••, , t> ,. I so It lV' , I .. , lose " Ie II III U6, I f"l t 1.1' Lt there \1'1111 110 h(' P hom 'Ill \ I! ' r ,~~ 1 I I 111 I I ' CHIU lJlil ~'Ie, Will! II'IIS eII(ICl!ILI) 11 jllll", n'L bl:llc\'(J lilly good Will co me cll1nrl ur, llIltl Lhl\[ self u\lpelHleLlcij ~vas 0;1 nlll\u l~ h cXlnUIl l1l lT Lit" 1I1lTrp r d...»10 11 -1l\vIC:- jl Ul\f )-UlOr~-Ic~' Icu rn IIII'UIII 1\ bat he would (all toubl8rn thlll on\:, Itl)!1 pn Ihe 1U,\lu~dll\W OuL Hie I)f tIIklO' hcr, bUL Lheru Isa',pIaJ5I1Y ;;00(,\ hel only ~lIf~l;lI:ird, I~ h' ~,l " li t Ull~ ~I du 01 lLo" ~lI1nll Plo: 1 ~'Holy~vcr II~OIlMIU\ mone l~ LO u. ii, hnlib TIt.'acl 1., ..en oftn , llIM -UI (,lh4:1 $IJc-,woll the pel$/)\\!ii IV ho chllilco for 0 1 II 10 uIIlIle or II .. J\ h how clesfJlnti) W'~, llQr 'h('art 111 JtChdn Irk ... II tlldl o( 11'61Y 111111 r ll R \11 ,. 1. , \ I J "! I 1 tlltotr IIII.rlll In 111f!lr h....... 'Ylh." n." ollftl\ \:,1 "I ' "L IJ I. It comu, I tl ,('n. lin 1I" we 'II'IIICC II. tI , ' p thw s ' • OuS IVU' 11\111 ,11\11 orr.III1Y, " I l ~ I I I d l> ,g u I, conVt!lSf\ LlOll 1.11. ' hour! ' How h'kel\ IOlle r('ou In Lhe IIlg IIfl' ll\ "1101111 ./\ tioor, of If\\leh ' ortcII c un ~, de r g l\lIl g I: IlSbUL II. Illitil ",e tOla."el""r IOllle, 1I1",•• bnl'.1I 1 Lli I: buL /I bnu,f mOIlHll1t hko mCI.' I llell you 1 Ilm dC~Jl"JotIC , !pcltlllJ tCIllPCIIL did !;hb ~"1il1 h~lsclfl o bel enlll UI Itsdl IIIIJl 1\ ~cCLlon. prllllg II oVHlellClIof gl1llc lo;;,aLY,Plll l1clIl,\rly wlll:11 ple ... nt. It .lIuuld bover ~. f~lIoll'D tldh bcellllle IIX' d I~IIU ' nil I hav o bxc(l my st,lkcs. 111111 1 till n't IiI . j 8uI rounde!f by ~nemi'!j lOll 111\ hItIlLl~. a IlUle WIl ) lI" n Sh\) 1111 W IL b~~k C '1llIln of hili IlIg t L I~pl ~c.d LIlt UI d\l.~ Ihe wlr..... I•• r rlll'II_II,.,," al\« III ~hc'colI(ert)lIce gmh~ O)~ be· te nd to l>e om on rrom lh em , l'he morc prl ollcr ill '1\IUlln!l'con. 1\'lLh no frl~lIdl~ ' II IOU 011 t IL~ Tiln '\j~ 1111<1 hohltng hur I look I\t thu IIlllllcr sl.I!lIdlly a nd wnh " I_mrd.lle". lIerllf~-!lll!l • :01), heelMla4.. lue n th~dld~I!~c utO"~ bo~h of \vhom thlllk 11m mal \) d!:.icrlnlnctl 1 ilcMnll,t" to lean UpOIi. 110 killlll'of(le of ~} IJI · 1111111' 11\ Ihl! Op\lll~l ,e. ~a\Y uL bel' liluL ti l gcml.l, y~t IIIqllilln~ plliL ' dcvoliulI 'tu Ihe Ivlr. ' .It.r marri.~ ~11I ( ~I:IIJ, ~:t li \s:"?~il!~1 bu\ ~wo • • "Built looks so .~()all Ilnd cowurcllj lhy 10 (,11I;on~llge fUld ~,Lr~lIgLllI)1\ 111'1, J t1i;rln of Ht(lIr:; 1'lIdlllg down Into (he , "YOll !f"YIl 1& tllllllll\!( L~ Dlimll God Ilollccde 10 ' h~r quite 0. ' much a'uerilr:n ., ~C, roe 10 ~ eel~iy mLcI Oslciluh 80mu 10 '~u~e " \VOIl1I\II , rt:lt IIlmos l. like 1tl'I mg ol"el tliu ~IQUIli below A dll1\11' \lurrellL of >lid fl C)',tllll olUer morn ing' YflU dill IIllt 111. ilill.lIlr,/ ..J".I .11111. a lunr ''T( It It nlllur u Ider COli laertlltOll, " W i!o:ollul I IVIIS b"OlUg tOllbulie her," I ugglo lind IUyllto' d'}WII 10 dIe" Iwre ' ca mtl up frol\l t111~ sUblCl rllUOlln OIlVIIY tt he 8111111n ~ Do 101l' I'~welllb.r .. h I I ' II I ' , wll" It I" 1)'!1 I 1 'L"~ .. I .' t> I ' It u( ~r,. ,11 mo.1 .~ 1 lault, " tell " tiU • ., J I.. -, 'P, I ( on . ..nY ,IICI I :l Ie sloou, ., Itllli It clulIlY co dllllss 5CIII " cllll1 111· she I!ald " . • , hk ~I} IS 1II\re, llir-lIcssqf ll\nl):I~' qlT (hilt ., ' pu'd betlcr bc A liule etlrt:rul nul ~lii~ ft: uhng of lIu pondcnc,' \~,IS llIu,~'of hUllor ' throug h Llle u&mt' "Yet ~unt.' " .... f.w •••• pl". a,fm.. Ularrla•• gill II. h(.1:1- ,1 " ' 0 bJl ~~ LllI!)"."I· the '"reeohJ my good rellow I' "hOi I. dUlalion, ArouslI'" LO a '111'«1) j ill II'yi!lttiil girl, 0110 luss te Qlllie "She Sl\iI.\ 'Lh"nk you III d..r joulIl • ,..,.nl . . . . .«*1. . . . . . . . . . .UUII, ""!!I~=~!!i!!!!!!i!!!!~~=e=~~~:::=:: hlllUur 01 er, /Iud Lh(t 1I\0rc I l blllk, lhu • I IllY, Wh"L 1 Illenoe: luld you ~l'IlSU of ht!T sltll4llion th I~ ~plLl"y 'WliI! l ll lll1I 1~,.l'tI" l t would 11("0 iiI "111\'& tit Lhc Il\dy:' bilL oil how ~11\~fullllhuIl14 Ix! ,bQllt 11lt!lIltUnl an, lu,ll.tlon to ~p.nJ m Otu J do II~ L Ilk " i;." ' - whllt I1uwe .Ilid 18 tbe IruLh. ~h, owll off,nnd the na~iv ' energy 01 ))Ur- ll 'd" ll vC ' ClIplOllbs 80 dl~mlll"'~\,looking If r)~U wbul(J'read to we Just one eli"II' .her-t! hi. ··I.",lo~" hid llllt ' In,l. I' cJ,~I" t) ;~:'~he ~r~t \\ rtl"tbut EVil- YOII gain' to deotilve the gill?' Did JlU~1l WIUllli Ilhq 1II\d ('xhibillld ill) !lllIk- 1)llIoei bu . no~ 110 shu. SloIIlI/npnmg 1\11 Icr In Lhu Nllw 'l'catamouL ' '~Il, Af\er-..arrIMl:\!" h. al",,,,.," ,..rlle, Illi) IQllt UISh~)c t Y Cl,l lIn ce you Jist to\l' hor that you WlIl>1ll' l frl t!II<J.? mgly (II (ofmcr oce~ lOllS, qUICkl:IIild hor eUl:qty. she boldly , dl' ~elldod tile L hke lu"dlug 10 ell! WQUl'.' Durin, lilt' ' 'If cIIlIr,.I"p III. Wl'r .c. ~? IIII( W 11)1'VoiS 1'Ild ~hl\L wU;d li),ur\Lte \Icr l? Alld ilQn'l HpictL t\l~ul ~litol·tld I I~or{() he~ f~lIntc steps, w tllch 111111 CI Id 'lotly bp.llu Cllt Ollt OllrllldluV, " I I.lll1llr ....hl .IftIli'- lit" h• •,,"hl I ,,:<1. I lob oL lillI;' S IC cxpeo't Ull Co tRk~ he; h~me. In~Leild mmudlalcly allo tlcS'ln 10 COI!~L Itel by .thu h"lId~ of mlm," llUd loon fouua glilltlroftity dad not lIa&c.:Dd to 111.11" e\I ,~" •• bl' lu 'll r; ~n"r .ar~ t 11)ICO p,ullk ilr"I\n,d of Ilway ,off to . th,,~ OR' e III Vlrghmy. thou~hLs !lnd Cll~t t1~out to sce Ie there hel s"lf at Lite bOltolb of the euur~e - the IIC1'16(1« of a'lilllr wblll .. ou ul.lii.d • I 't ...; ' ,I L' ~ ., ' Or" or 1\'1,· I wl'''~ ul.e 'JI he no betler olr' tl I r . ' 9" 11111(" ll1lf "'llfr""l." ltllu, n.D .... II~ 11 ... e'" ~ CI .~.~ ~u " " u II\II,B IE, I~ w¥ no Wily (.\ e~~,lpe f~om tl1l8 uow In frOIlL of, her 1\11 WI~ sohd eal'l.h Ilnd bUL K"ry 00I1I"~'1 did.' .-,.... 1« UIl)OUleulCIlUlc.Andluu"t "c~wII.rdJ~ tb he AI d dllll¥Cr. At 61i!L~ht: tl\QqlghL9 f 111I\k' UI; ' lock. lt~t on tUi'uiuS' 1.0 Lhe rlgh~' ahe ,cA(lir"! . CoUIl,r." repu,\led Ihe JitL!. rtl'd m.h. ; ,tl1r " .. , •• "''''' w'l frv. 9' th~~ ns 'ruat ID your word 1\ oonhdeLI .of Duffel., lind thro"in~ Iwr· dl cov.erl'd lin op.cnill ' . follfl~I'IU~ "llIeh glrl.dl.d"inf~lIy. 'pou~ Hulll AI,lry Colli. h l.nl~ Ih. ftp"lull, da" dmll' I! Ia'ch the .. Ir. II •• lulle" II It.r dUI' ••• to lit f,~"IIIe' , • suit . upon hl8 genl!! 0 I t~, bu~ rllmemlh:l- It wa.~ bu~ ~ , h~tlb w111 lu IlII slle thuv eli r hu,," ellb ~M b'l genl!r()u~ f' lJI9',1111 tllll~ h!! hati dUliI!. she Ielt thllt! lig ht IIht!:tdi IIlId ~ f"lt' moru i,,,p~ brO'1 "Afary Gollno,·. cheu III .,uk ~lId .,.in 10 to8\. pl.ee of .111--'_111. a"d d,ls woul~ bL~ ' I"IUII lio fil l' /\''''''' WII.., I hcr 10 lhu 11111rglll of tile 8~",flm. bUIL"II' "lid plintH wlttn .h" rwad Iliuud I•• ~ tarr Iu lUll on u,,,:h•• ~ and ItOIa.PP,. cono4Jlllod. \Ylille it lDi~h t savu 'urn (10m lhe bltuk of ",lllell "II" lhe pltth II/ld yet 1 ol~en liMd ber II ~Ulll bcit'ld~ Hll w ur'~11 Il ,,,p,.... I~.' .JIer ,Jdhtle.' nlc,"CU uXPlbullJ 1I d pU n1l~hllll:U L. lind CIII lJ I ThaI. '1~lIlh, then, \\lLl1 J) llnlu Godt'II:Y'il tied. Itnil dOln,,--whilt ulltJ ...."n... allli .,,~~.r~"" so 1l1le "I Once nbanpollod I.he idu:I, aiel) IIbol I! hcr I .AIIII 11 01 tl BI ll: 11'&11 >,Oll tl!(u d to do-thou~h VQtj oan l'elld ,"4111 II) •• 1I111e. .l1li tier "'.~ fl'on• •r; III!! bClr:,y I\Py olle that )lut thl:mdel (II lhe mi<1st of perplcxi ty' ~l1d doulJt with tllo Wllill ,\\ lId bcJfule her. How lI ud sing, WlthOUL plIll llIIg . "fOUl ~l\iIl· ,, -'~ 1-,&" 4\ '- 1M.... 1I11c11i1 my ellfc? Say, Hlr. hll\le you?' tht! L) loughL IiI lruck hVI \Vuh the YII' iI! - htr heiU'~ lIOl\llliud I • IIlg !,"IIL l'obbllU YOLi IIllith""' "r "K.II nor ~ I t' I. I Il;' , "W oll " no L" do II't"1I0W Il8 I 1lUI!!. f ua~u .. 1. 0f mte I,'I<'ellce. , l hat til! I l:J:. et Ii n,t'tIIOU' IIt II'II~ 10 Hy I1nmodl' uOlU" .('olller . s"crructlJ , \I11~II'L wt.. n ~. nl'n • 0" fl> ~~ Mllr~' bo~bbut wha,t or IhnL?', ~M'~lIgl: sit" ",Is.in 11ll~I~t c:omnlulliclLLe atc1y; but 1)IIIJo~lcu Uiu LILted " ,OII\Uluu th llL Wl\.~ gcnl'roslty' A.nu Lhuu I. IlIg•• re .palil al ~II.", ,"at '''1', .r" elll· \lllh Lhe oulcl WOlld t / lrhtl \'cry sug,<! ~urv,;,y of the I1ll\c,~ P91'ure \ uti UII1IY POOl', /lgcf.!. WO~l"". l\1\oll (ir.) ; A.1i.\!' I, I'h)f~1I III .I!!!II! rl'""1",. vi' ,o~.lIthft w.y "'A groaL d ~l\l. HII; " grellt dll ul ! ml!:ul~ LhllL 1.: III I\Qt n meall, cowardly guw~I OI OllUtieU her t6 !Hial'l: Il lligh of I c· hel' nl1m 1111 R\lumpl M nighL • 0110 or the! IUoa~ trlllv Sllullroll~ W001RIl I thU due. lIut 1'lI1 "i /Ill! Ihl" WIj~'. rl6!111 lU dug; thllL! don' t go to a w.o~l\n ~Ith It Fcr, Wbl\l 80 prob.tl!lull.:l thld ~ upposi' l She 'hMonlingly len ltllcu ollt in tlltl r kncII" j ' . . h lit· III 11,8 '''IJ''V IIlt' lII l fren o( tbear~ ho u:. my mC)~lh. 1~111' Rllei\1r.IIl, ly lion? , At. lilly t"tAt !lltu Ill1'0 ~QmcLllIng mo~L gu.uded mlll/llel'. to mllke '\ ' Ahc~ II tXt;)"illlcd Gcrl\lt,I'np. leill , hUI Nu, sir. I 1I1 Illiove Auah· wotk.' l d9. R uttlilllt~· ObJect I 01111 rOI ~11 htlll rllh\llls , 'Ibe W\l.I!f WllS bu4 1\ A.ltal! would nQ~ h~Yt\ d'Ad.. \ LlJu ll, ye 1\tI.Il."d_. a mOlUlDt .ad ra . her.' 'l'hu 1II0menL the 1'!!Jollldel' .,IJ.'hnt will o. I cltn', bUII1" uVbry enc:t~itl:i; alld lit)! "'aM u~r-,fIm"lll\llllt...f. l WJI)' bol w wi I.: 0 shd SIOOII, Ij.lld CIII'I~l mILS , bll~ tllr "ollr !Undocaa..... hllw 1 II tl II I .1 I r .1 I I f I ,. • member whClt yuu, wll .. w•• ~h~J\ you c'lme 10m I' Q Ie-r, ow 'v er, 1'1 n\ Ulu t ling, OVCII 110m ,.ou, :lllu wlml you ttl I Ie stltL41 <0 mill ( un h er ~'huili ~hc III II IJigll sl/Ige UIII~ L e ll l d\lII~ly call hl!~" g IUlroU* ,'. ' " II ,llS 1',)rJ) I~'xll d, l!ull1 ~ s he II I"hed ' flll', !l1}t 10 &"0. 100 fur!' ' WJL' I .II/ ullnc:"~ tlui' Jlour; / 'II\) {lillet! sll e Occupll"d mIt! tlU' "'fhclt) I~ Ollt! reat lrt llIIIun at I"ul! ber. lIul frum "lIIpultll"P, bill \1 III Lhul' lilo Ivhvle 1I'I '\U'r , vn HU lling/uti IIW III n' II\V/ly, tbell; T'm i lO t tIlC 1111111 • ltili iu!; Ill)! lamp to !l le i', I "'jlll hl.'J' It!Hdlllff tip out of II , nu ' II~ ~ho mlio, wllleh GUD '~t!1I uai at' OUf IlIr~1 )'ullr UII'II chu,,·t\- ch"I~ \' 11'11 ',I,?' Ji) I I, I. And II ould lI't It Spltu Duffyl JUSf 10 bc tlkI!6i'·d by .IOY worunli Hwal r thlll sliu pit e:J the h"ltl ' cb I: to th , j 'I'11li IJ~\V I IIry I~w s he hutl 11 tin6 up Ci~riJd",jJ anti W'~JOJI l;'CDlalOlf !ridl u~ U/l'V,IIII Y' U ,Ih e ll 001)" d"'~lj Iw r . " p,·mrtlt) 1\..' lIlueh If sh ol\ld ,t"kc her back?" 1:1or' lfull;ud thu ,ellrth Nu, sir, I'm Willi. 8cr.ua lllzlIIg Cl'oj.y I!PUL, tu 00 d'i porLlllll ly 101' mJtj(m" obsen 'lI l\on.8. - flom, tht: ~I Ildlo to LIl. !fl,"Yo-oca TUf.. lu -II " Ilt~ra 8"_ Wll~ rjJullff, pl!r ")" , ..~ , l d,;,'II' t, LIIIIl~ IL lVo~ ld . Bc,l- IWI I Allu I S,LY ' agi·lI. the 1ll 1\1l Lun. LlicJ(: WI.\:i no tiigl" lIIdIC.lLil ~e of IIno\h ' r t~t P})lIIg dO)\II 11110 Lhll edge of th" W Il wOl1 I~ or "'lStu Il-~t: ~cll 1\ "nd Ih .. 101111 <l1.t ""PI'l hUIlI\\, .h" w • ~'I. n.IU HIlI t!~.11 1 ~ IUlt It> shl)IV hll'll huw cum" Ilnj1Qse on II "')mUIl IS It. cOII,ud, IUld II "Pll1lg'c)uNeu duur. Bllt 110 blll\lI'll~i \V1\W-I , he had (\11 txcel1~IlL I'lew of Ihe cxch"i'M" il hL\t II llllll is OUt own -i \ III IJhllll' Ud Ih .. la, k anil IIJ- b(o tllf" "J ple!cly IY': ('1111 bc,lt 11I~ ILL 11Il! OIVn 1ll1:~II' olie aL that.', '. III g'lI1CJlt 01' SllllllOtio "ppullrC(d ILS 1\ I , 11lIr(Hlm bt,l Lh "l\y ~, . 'l'hu b1\llk "~ I e lhe only Iro~~ ure the "orkln~ IUlln. llr ~rh l ~rd tlh!!".h\) I ,,',;r ~. II u ~h \ 1 1// g'lIIUI!. lIud f!IC", lOll, I "I~h tu ho w' Oomu. como, Dick, It II 110 U!;~ lO hI: "'!lrd f~r hCf ~Cl1loh, .Illld .Ihu lUllled j l'l; ry hllth 01\ ~I\ch side. Sleep and IIIu _,yorklll;( woman p09#II.~e,.; ",. havu d"4rult'lIl Vel .lln 1C!11 oj, r~ jo n I."r I' c'"~'d VIl IlInl ' lo ,hl! fulll!$~(':tlelll., Iklll,IC III Lhlu mllllu!!t. ~yuu knuIV J nWlly With a fc!;hllg 01 t1 1~IIJ1P()lI1 tfll !:II L, IIcces Ib.... ,0 much 1«), mOe,,(I, LlnlL no IIgh~to flUlloUd"l III /Iobu u I ~ or I II 1 1. 'I .1\11 d 10 know IIlit t s II e •IS ' j 1\1 I I , ,,ur., 10 mol'" 1'I"eg t IIII gil 110 mort: \} f a CO\\'l\rd t I11l1l yOurso If • nllu· IIOI\vIUeSS at IIlll IICur l. As she dllI I :l mOW!!IIL S IHl W ,UI III U"' ~ Pl\1I o( gel' I~ad u~ h ll l ~ \II, do ~o~. No" Aliot' III e M ,edlll1,/ I - IIr 1""00 1\ the 1\1"11..\'; of IlIIother. \lito 111\9 -l,;uwllliL .~ the u~e of wob un ado ~o, rOI Ihe firliL tillle heroJe fl:lJ II)JOII H)" 'llg Clom III;J jlUS()I\, IlPW LI,III-she IIMI b} hCr'TIlt&-tlllnJ ) 011 ./.~ lallll~ bV it 1,1II,,} , \l lId oJu ~II Ih lll wlmlo ,,' 1m «111\ . IlIhl . Will be II SOUl C(: I lboll~ I~ULhlllg. 'DldJI't you Lull ~e ~'I!S ' poh~ h {jd :1I~"fIICC. jnudh ,"~!>lllU ~ling lh !! (oun!.\ lhe'wuy OIIL, A Illu~iir' llIttp ellon -so hhc ulld r. 'Il\lI1M ':nd >I ~I" ~cill~ w.... ,,~II'~ II/I/dlll'r I uulll tlnl.I·, l .. 11/ ,;<' • "lid ~h6 splilk 10 It",ht trill tllrdny you ~'ould stnnd by me In L!d~ f>lcc <J f 1I11llrrOr, lipan the opposiltJ \\ ,111 of Ihe blink willJre .;ho tood ~ hO\\'~ lt II \l lLlu", If ~h \ 1I!,'YeH III r dUlly l1\!.()v )ullr 11'1.1" •• , Iu "1I',II.n Ihl' IIU"''',I will.!. /ill!8 Jelllollsy " , IIthllr! Come. 1I0W. keep' our \Vol dJ Louklll« more IILlulllivcly.' situ UI~CO I CI - I her Lhe p 1~5.lblhj" , or osl'ape by, follow· t'l ell for 1\ 11 hour !llIe I Ullpllv,Ug • 11\1/(111 I" "" "1.1111 Y')iI ,II \ \,Jur ,p"W Iii" d' "You~uo n'~ Inlenu to lot hil11 kuo\1 \lid don1t prove yourselt Ii IlIlr after uu. II .. iL "vcru. II <!CII . 6h't'uib~, Ii rUIIIIIlIg' ! ing \ hc \ W I{l(::I"!j ildg'e (0 SO ID U POlltt be· f!l ClIrllllll qll'l;llI lVof fuou, 01 ti rh fi,,~,ul \luur.~. l"lel I,,'r ""P4Ct.',vll. to,. 1.10111. ~ 9U IIIIV' tllkclI"lhe gnl I .. such II bo~t oC truwCuluess, jU~L Q DlO - ~tr"nm at \v~II~r. IlI](l'"lIlhe nCcOmpltlll low 01 lI~O I'Q. whlt l c thu higll ballk rc· lit o, or IIlllldg1l1~ ~i1l1 , 1& • 01 q~lIflty I;) ~h., cuul.l 1I0t <llIIerialn leellll. ';llloh .ICc rt.ullll y 1 ~o I ( mt!!li"ago I . . lII enL of 1\ hnllllled. llU1ds(lllPC PIII~lI111; e"de,1. ~'I1ts ~a enOllgh. 1\\l 8h~ IYlIIII' It I 1101,1/ urus~, nJI ~url\!Jly 'Ch I! y all I ~ I~, I' r';IIlI~" au rnuch.wIlIH)UI rurlnhll!.' "'" idlll "And tben 111\ 110 Lhe \~h (ll c LOI\g Ulf . '\: 11", tll,.:rl] It IS 11g1'II" Yuu t.old mu liS IVRS h~r !ntuJlLllon. ~ htJ ooulJ cd lV ,\$ Lho b,lFe hkcllh op,d 01 p t)~ IplIllY RII YC L• .Alleu OI'I\Y g'IVtli IU .. t holU'- o n\lrl~rllc.tlun UII Yllur par .. '4h. Gill 11&' ". I ' "ncr · u~! A tino :plot., trull'!" IL WJIS,(OI' ui'-pcrsonal sofal)'. and lIuch help p.\U:III1g to adllJir li till! liofluly . llf O $CUr~. IIl1d' she would vcn luru 1111 aye, Ku d mlloy hour;>...!t!) o,)lufort I ptd , .. " w....I.I. I fter maNt ... , ~Io" the h-, ! 1 lell } OIL 1'11\ like lilutf. tha' you werel gOlll' to Loke the n,IlIllIlIIIC S~, th~ pcrrl'ClIOII of Lhe upoo tho trial. f"lhfr l " ~ lind lh e wi!low, ,Il. w"lk~ fo( . I I I .110 I I:P" ,,1 f tie I S(lClljl. Coli t 1/1 .,htch ,M Wtrl .. pIl1l\~" to bow Ihe 11 I10Ie 'ling to lIullII Iollg; till d ,1I0l\' you d e'f. ~lC I111 d IIIIIl'T bCIIIIIdllny ,1f'lYing millIe thc ~e hrl~ly ol h c rll~lchc UIlllk8 fOI ()t lter>l~ hu dll- I"u~e killd IIY" auld nil I" • • whul" ardor aild Ill'" ~Oill l to blow I.bem Imlf 80 vi-' Id. tlo truth ful frOID the s ilo 1!lt\rl d It.lI:k. 1.0 mllke pI' 'P'" pm'cs hu~u lf uf wl;1\L 10 hl!r I ~ IlcCl'~IIl' 10,,\1/1 hi Ih. of IUltrothllfllt.' 8" I·V hilt!" • nlllo"t.ollis I t.ake' ltthatmuk08 quite of the IIrLI~t Il ' nctu"I!,llccl1\cd" $ fOI lllLIIIlW.:iOlltlcl d PlIlLIU C, _ 1,/. 10 ~I:rve oLh"r~ T/w.t ill &,'UIIIO.I ly "I'com.,oer ",II •• 1.1, luir owo be. !ur "When 1 ICllve lluol r()~ion thill'C will '\ diff(lT(mce.' "'tiLer WM runninz ' vcr 1t.f.1.~II\\, Iy bod, I> r<Inched Lhc' 'uppet p 1ttS~ Rke ,IL 8111Y Il lIttle b(lY. Lhe O\htH' doty. So yUIlI'1l; bu,.~_atlfr, •• i~ 1""rf, u.. b.D. be no Le\lgue hCI\!, , I~illl>l O,I\ e IVIII be "0,iI11l'I'-J ibn' you the ,girl was ,to go 1\ If Iho bll hCs n{o' .'I.Id'in the br~ 'Zu; in e tI,edOl'll, she g\lIllced at lliu IllIo a t.~ker·s ,;IIOP, he wAA r~idly hllll' ul luve, ~llIch b.li bound her I~< "er I.ther·. 111 rtlln s , and ~h' ",11011.1 OrJor ~(l i l ltd- lilly' Ituw' Ilnd Iheln', Y0l18&Y IL would a \Vor,I, the wholCl looked ' f~r moru liku mirl'QI' /.() 1$Ilu whllol. \VllS g'llllg on II' l' h Ilnu he WI'II' VtIY f01li1 of b\lus~u ll ti rc~lde. a"t! IO"~III 110 oth., ~ I~ •• cd to til" lour Winds of h('ILI'en I " hn~'dly be filiI' 10 Ileip lln enemy alld nil!. 1\ I b.lhly thlln .1 cold pllilJlillg A ~ ~hc out. What.. 1Y11S her Ih~,I"Jlom l lll ~ l1 \ boys RIO-LuL lhl.l "r 'M ~ lltWr. yuur lilfdllllub" left, I Ina, ' b. the OIIre l'Arc lOll CIIIZY, Din Ml tclwll'" ,I fll lllld? CUIII!!. wb url! J'our honor WM g'lzing In ndmi r!ltion 'l~poll IIIIS ~IU III\d hOIlUI, to St10 Dull~I'" Iml\gt.l pll~~- IfIlS . lIe \yAII hung-IY, III: bou,hl. ilhuge: d.hClGt lIu ... or hlclul~nc• •nll .. ~o. IUn ju'~ coming to 111)' SOIISCJ 1I 0W V' liT flJlpCllrlCOee. 1\ bIrd Ile tllllily Ih;w III!:\, LuIo~c h ~r on IlI~ wILy to Ihe U,II'e I t ll'U'p~l1l1y bun; h~ w.. ~ 80 Ituh~r, thM now wha~ ",ut Ilo her (,eho" I; .Ice U~re I! U111\I'e ~cen Lhes\) mnn)' yenrS. "That promiSE,.! tell you. \VIII ~bll\in . over the scene I She . could hllflily bo' Sh' had hoped lo gcL olI before. I,IIS rt" ut: IUl'n~d illi Lhc mllrblul 11Ilt! bill r.d~.11 _w,lte. 10 CDII.clollln:'" ,b.t Ilo,n~ 111\ tho lI1j1sL d\lIIgerous IIn~ d,lI- ad 1I11der fl\l~ ", prc~on&es. aud lH no t he\'u hl't 61:1I"es, ' bat 1I0on ano ther OIl C Lul'U, bu t now iJIIIL hop" " '~ gOlle - I\LrI\l~lI. lIuc.Ludd. !lnd ~ lIti. of qUller buy · /( (i I Y I h b ~ lh illg \vork of LIle Oidor-wol k LI\IIL oth l>illdlOg!' 1 ~ lolloll'ed. nlld s he kncw there was nn de- She must mO(J~ hun "glllll. IIlId to IVII like Ihlllgll. ouL or hl$ VOcku LS, hoPlll1' 10 yu "'0 I,., eN t 10 Ii ur.: ., Jour ers wLlre Loa chlcken·l\ellrlcd to ulldel' "A plctty excus&. iudecd !-Well to clll'llon III hur eyes lias tiblO de~ptl rl\l.(I e1tl e n)ilio~ lIughl he nol. plr,. fintl "noOler pel1l1),. 10 "dd ~ sDlI\1l bun IlV.llm". are 'POlit .broad. d..t )'011 onl1 l.akl'. 1\1111 whnt IS Olll ruward,! bllllg tllu .;llIllcr I.b" POlllL al once, 1 PIlIl osoph} \V.IS no t univc r4~ lIy tnuKh eN'U III the lllLerVlew 111 wluoh shu mu sL to the hugu on e. bu.t h. h"d nOL even OUIII.IIO ... tL.~ to ..attol, tb. ,de,. ... d of osteumed 1\5 . ~hc meanest or th" now titllole dll llllctly thllt 111m gOlllg ~o 1I1 Ihosu dHy~ I\S It is now. l\l1d (1;1 chile 11011' bc compelod to Ln ke a p~ 1 tJ '1'h l.:l1 I1rtolhel fl\rtlung; 10 he too"" gr~l\l. ,/our hlaaler• •• d tu aa" a re&ll" plaCol1 lor 1111\1/19 buiag Illudly 'Iil to lIS oci· tiL~e thc 'ghl'Witu me beCRUge ,l Wilih 10 diU 1I0Lkno,. hOlv to solve £llIlIllIySlClY sho remom'>ered Lh ,iL /:1111) h"'14 Il'f~ the hUllgry bile OIlL of Ill. bWI. and lookud ,/uur .he.d when weary, or I lIur.. fDr Jout tho!re whO' eiltilll ' U> b\lllle ge ll' do !>o, Imd Cor ~bltt rUl\8On aloue; M il l lIS \l' t:I!nij IIIUIlY a !\lliool l~irl cuuld lit dool: Crom h r TOOnllO the I'l\l;ygl! IIJIII'. 1I'1lh pllllL~ure .IL thc pit ou III 1114 hl\t\d • • i<k "hamll.r when dlll(!....d. llolUllR of lhe Lul\gUo", Wh)'; 1 blllit.h: waitt you 1.0 help me, Will you do it.? lho IHllsenl day ; but abc had rellli of lhll "lid he mlgllL rl!ach It bofolll she could spuu"d over "ILh h~Lle biliok. QurrRIl18 Wltr dId Ih. I'no Iho briMhl II~Ulb of the offiucrs would ollLour IIIIOlltS 8t lilly ThAt'lI the que8LLOn, ond I "lint I~ po I- II ick$ C the maglclllIIlI of Bgypt nlld Ill- get lhere. lind re\cllhng to 111m her se· ' WhILL .. IlICO bun .' 8RIU Ihe li ule boy. IlI:o r 1uuthful' d',11 \Vh, did IOU uk h. ' '/Uld 1 ~III so hnngr)' I' Wh~ll he look· If! ,,,.. up III •• nJoy m.nl.u(. happy holbel tilll u to slife Ih ent ch os , s.,c u11:t1 tIIu I\nswer, yea or nl\Y, nnd no mOl e !llli. IIllll IvhaL sccIIlIng . wu~dc~ t!tlly cl oL. Cllt uff hcr 111llL IIlId ollly hope Duffulls nnel IlL tlll~ \eI3' lUIlO ey- p .. hll'er on lho subJcct. Snr. ,will you coulu 8how III tht:lf m&f{IC Ill.1lrtor • and eSCJ\pe 'fhe IhougltL Iwoko 11\1 hc /u1 up from Lhe bUll, he 81\W Il V·lf W lull" I Loll t III ' d cr n'lIs 111;ln !ll.:tI'lld 11)01 LuthlUlly ~l'iilll IIl.1lnd by vou r, old (rtelld 'Ill thill J ~he came to tho conclu Ion qat tllu rob- c/lC!lgi • • , lind daslllnl) Illollg lhe IIl1rrOIY Il\rgu, blue "yd, Btllrlllg rrom alllld a ' . p, arn ,our. oc: nt-. meu \\ u ha\o St I I'ed 111m, 1111 how tTt1l:l wu grllat hoitT' of ncet! !' be~ of lhe Cavc "tid ICRrJle4 tho snnw wily III the lOp of her 6pol:II. LOoping Nhock of IfII<1 1!lIiT AI~I .he DOi!! "nd JOUf olaul.,."I&. . .r. of ,011' ehll....n. "I spose I'll bl\vo to, hul. it IJ S rt, and thnt before hell "lilJ one of Ihe Ill! ehu rllll, to "VOid the lo\\' pIIlC!!/), Iii", IipM, the very checks, or lhe eluld .nll watch _ryour .Iok bed I W. It htll'e rcn.1cl'cd linn nil the lIid It lIe\)ds or Ill' iNS nt ourl I)llIId 8. he Il ould cut mightilyaglll' thc Ilr"in, t.o be I nmrcd SoolhcsRytra' glas!cs, ' rCllChed hl'r room lind olos\ d Lbe gued.o eagerly "t his bUQ.wen to.cuD4u. .. ,000f own __Ion1 os off'; IIr. worS<', he wouJrl murder U' liP in th'c$e women ,,!fllirs. lind 1 fllellUi But what W/\II Lhe d~lligo, hlld in \ lew of Lh" PUBage. Jus t as she heurd I and 1('\Jow (rom IWVIILioll, 14, It Or • • Ib.r. . . . IlniIIIfIt ..lIl." that .... -murder us ne we hIli murder 'd fOi lI1o"n liS II kill sheep dog when 1 find ~n plncmg it in thft' obscu\'e and unflc' kllock 011 Lhe oLb4lr 000, opening Inlo Cnend I&W It,lna moment •• "d nOla w.. lo be made' h.", In"" eoqDHtllHi him, Do rOil LllJnk ~ II oullllcL 1111 op - myRt:!f lit ~\I\lb d,rLy work, qll nted plllce? Aa 'hi. q~lery llugge8t- tLte larger room. menl did u. h.itata, bUI, .ithout .llI, tilt •••• b. daNti 1"I.. vo ! por~~\l i 'y ~o bu re,(;nged ou IIulI pRS "Wtlll, liJIIoLlntltto .... acttled. thun. and cd ILse!f 10 her mind •• man p_d along T~ •• COIltJIfDKD. word, he .aJk6d up 1.0 L~ • • tarvi.." ' 'Nor I. It a .",.ci.al .n .....' lbat IOU unlmprol"'d! ~"el!er!" ~ hop!! we shllll !lavo pcACe nnd agree' Oil lhe blink of Ihil IItreAlib I and in ~ ohild, .nd pJ/loed the rllmamdet of lUI rt' I II 1 \'II ..... a hll_ lIl~tJuu "Bllt how are ] ou gain' to do 11\1 mcnl. peh'f ('II Ull h\\ltlllflor, I kllow few minules I\nolller 10 1M oppotriLll dlblln in hi. dUll leAnd, w.. I~nl!r· ~ ~ l' cI II rlli'1our lhis mighty work ~ " when you suy YOII'11 do II thing, .you'll ruction; and in Ihe "tsl onc, - .he reoog· OSlly. Thl! boy who 11I,d dl. blln • an 1",1. t, I ~ ""'. I> 'I'd Il10.... "1'11 tell you '1'he o3ptllin is' A1\'IIY, <10 it,,&lud I want" re)ulblc companIon nized onc o( hllr captors I SkI' at on.co '!LI hungry .od poor. yet h~ n:mllin"" hllU' hel,. 1" U ""~'" "I> I or .n" n I ( , [intend lhllt Dull'cl s hnfl be scolllcd to stllnd by Q'LC jus, nOlf, Once wu g el comprchcnded dill design of the .pllI f gry, r.Lher Lh.n I Ull'tlt one poorer ud 11011.0,11.1''-' •• 11 '1I1Ir wtr.....d II'IINI inl Ollr IIU W qUlIrtera 10 old VlfllillU\ 1 rattlS; it was to re l'~ l\llVhi" "u pASa. __~ _" _ ___:... more hung!,), tban )lim&I!lr to .wI'e .'''IMllO hw •• nt ••• nd la _ I I wa, by the officer of the \lnv, tho rest Lbe members' will II\k~ mell urea Lo Mhnll (lid s.n(I:, as we can bid defilUlce 10 infJ lVithout co lhe eye of IDe IIldivldu lil Fr" _ r : .. ' No •• it. i. nOL riollgb for "!OU &0 lile ,._no,- ..,.Cllt\oM 10\l (lIghl.On; And ~h ell they rI'l!ort to tbis OUt cuemles.' with Ill, who had doubllcsa Illdop~ t om IT" 6AUU PilgrIm, '",.11 dOlSe. fiu. fello. I' but 1 f . . . . ~ , _ al"',do... Ie . . . . . . rwe mCom,,\ ClAv. (or ' refuge, cuun~1 01 "Woll. ltit us be 011', then. aa quick lioii method or informing hlmle.lf or piiQing AUlfT lAD'S LITTLE LEOTVllB to '10 and do IUle.ise.' 1L i. Ilet .err'.... ,.. ............ If", lie ctln(lCrli of action. ~hojr will Bud i~ in pos!flbloi for to wllLhe tTULIa! don't hkil extern ..1 event.. III " moan, ' of penonaJ _ tor. Lb, hurL 10 bea& IIIld t • • •1.... "feet.... an" J.er .....lnk ..........w. .. "mUD • • rllins." Lhkpllrt of the collntry much; it'lI gilLin' •• ruty In ease of ueed, 11t W8l, allo "Win leu., ,..beb "i1'o,eroue ~.UOD 111 1111' bllllr . . "' ....I!llnk ••n .t. ~ the "lIo.w, in ruills ' ., cntirely too hot (or our biaDees, ..nd I. IU,PJXilM!d." device of the c"lplltin or the .r .lLI, I. C, IU&.Ii, , ; if it ..aIt.. " proper I~P"" eal';' or k w. ,.,.... gerf ... . . . . . "1 lI'~ llht're powder cnoll ,h in the bJ no mCllnl lIS a,,(e M it might be! th, VOl, to 'aYe him.el', cit')lu!!' the 'IOD, you WIll not he hippy J1 YOII k' luiliWenat . . . . .~ •..u....... ml\(lIzine to blow it. to ntom~ . " "We must be olllo·morrow, if I\'e miDI I rs~r Ihe Iliworrrom th. uaYc dono ·like.iN: ml I I ItII.,.. .....~ . . . . ~ til "Powder! ,. CI\II tioi II all of otIt "rrangemtnts.whiob of Lho 0 under him in ol\ae or ,"olt. N •• oo.~ntvu. not m. ~ • • to proel'Cd. "Yes, 'palMer.' I s there nnylhiJl '" 1 " opo we IIhail be a"le to do. If we lose h ill not oar design (0 eIIler illto aD IltllI6",.aee - ~Iw-.. ef ...., ....... 1lftcle..,...,.•• paaat!gettlrminald hi .lllat uplosl\ e 1n~lA![Illl 11111,1i bet:~ 110 timt:. • ' W~ mlUlllal'e our ho'l'llcS ulllbonuud.lIC rlptiOn of Lhla piece - - ---bUllbatMle. Illa_c:a. . . .,..... Ih· , WitIa wI\M clkiif ooDDec&' W.. il e:1U5C ) ou to look 80 ",dd'f 1 ready to uight, at all o,.nlS. for it mlly medhallim, u .i"ery atuderlL or philo.~~l· U In ••."II,.r ... IIIIIt.naM .r ...... Nara& _ , or by il been ......e b)' YOII were betler RCqUlllntcd wH11 uit lO !ltart in Lite niEIIe., it wu fail lo g~L oph, who i. well acgmliDf~!I .ith the ~ lite ..... dMI .......1'. "'lIt iL . . . aIM: OOUlMOtiag propnAies." 1""lly to-rnorrow.. 1 aID Dot lure bilL" rt!lIect.ion IIIId rerl'llwon or ~ y. or light. . .. had l.~ IlIld "1 belie", I begin \0 undoMltl\nd ",ill be the .... plan to leavo in die will uade,.~tl ho1\' an ooD' DOWd iD&eulioos' bat Lhol do ft'L enoL.- uight aOJ ho .' tri,1IMO produoed 'he I'IIIRllj~ 8pCIba of ,iUefM' 1, chime with planl or yosltlrd"y," 'fOerLAlnl" Ih be.' The Mat ~pl. a ... f........ _. limllu -113: I tellyouiwu onl,. "Weill" It\tJed, tbCID, \haLlfO leu......... &be . . , . 00IIIP.l!d. ala. .. ~. \ba. 1 hlld ,,'~ cl)II8idered to-1IlorlOW' I: . . &hal beUIg the net. WIt I apemne "erJ_...8!.lfjrt.r.:.i,1iIIlt.1
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WrLLIB AIlltflCU L \"kllLD ur ~h1 8 II erk Is m fleli nu'llber "Ioe 4l611\elll~ are I HI .d elOlI IfllCre81mg, tho mll!!IQ 0) 111 IIrst onler, Bull the utleles on mtielll Wurthy th'C ~1I""lIO" 01 .11 .tudellt1l or InO 10 IIlId Iuvp.1'ii or h~ftllun, There l a 110 \VOl k or Lhe kind", valuable Of lho MURICI) .\Vorltl ."d ~ IAIeI '!In yoar, ~ c~ p III ~, 6 IlO~IC!t '10 P lit Deyu. N"w Yorlt 5
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~HI~Ts-;;».uay lII.um -Farme rs' ~ Ived ilIa) be gl<l~ 10 YknuIV tllbt when
DU ren ~NGL~S f J.rob F"I~ar "mlJdfe &,c I !len~lt:mall cu , re(lIae~ to gl~e 'llown hcr IUIlK' by -of rt eul,. c or gill biB apparel welllllc rul ! "laclII" q sut k of gruin r ollior welgl t led W III Jry II lid antllil. hilt luukltlg Itke \ un her b lel'l hi r p"wer to "ol~ up la over • cullop'lI t! Sleambo At cyfh ldilr wiLla Ille cum\: alllllhe#nulk will ftOIl -Ex lOP blull II oft Will brollgl L up on iI com ' , plll,llIt o f II dr<' gc ada IMII lur wle.h"l: • CHAMO MJLE pll'C8 of cor.illlroy. Vlllu,d ilL Ie... " dollar. A f.\\ rl)ols of lit B pl',lt uys lhe The lIayor !lsked him I' he undutltooll IHl lllh: Amllrlcl In, .hould be 10 ev~ty ,lI r E"ll'hl!h ~ dell Nul ollly are It. medICinal ""~SIllJQ'I:I" ': _~)'~~.;: l:~ ... t tnl"", him roo~t rale IU"hly vululble but It, pr!leoneo Oil you Itl 0 ~ what .. t«:.tl loeanl" vegvt.1i ee I~ suppolcd to be lin Algil 01 Yaw , IUn'1 "ltllll V8\ .. tnude han! • vrotectlo n agalll8l mlllly dl$f!IIS0l! to WInch Ye~ ~h_l i. on6 klD~ of M,ccl but not tlley are subject It sbuuh! be klnsplaD Illat I m.an Du you unde ta nd IllIe - ted e~rly lo the sprlhlt Ih~O warm and HlJ'ft' came you 10 8ttult la cllrdllrll), I rich IUti. and tie ulIl~led Jurmg Its O'arl, P CUUMO nllnC preellhes VlIst nich t gOOd deve101'0Ient by copioul lII_nurl0 a' end to go lu eburch frequent pre.. .,re 'Doea i~i.llk\l tlurty yur ds When planta, IDte tI e ee •• on, axhlb a pal ro! breech III it eympLDml orll~~ny and geuerbl debIlity 'Yaw,l tr lobuelde r mUlt have lome the pl.nting of • 4m.1\ root of eblOloln lle tor cabbage , lind Lud;]e, nL» lert nll,,1 I do III tbelr vlclllily II frequent ly Ibe mOBt ef ror ." Iro\, "hen 1 &ell llIarrled h u d 6cutlou sremed, lha t can be appllt'd I be mike her a gUlll ~O1l1 odor or D10,""II. di/Tuwd by t)lI. 1111\11\ Is WltOLES ALI AKD BETAIII DBAUa IK '(..ee thlityou .re a ilion of lorn ghl, .I»u lI,uwn tobe IlI,hly ropl!llao t 10 mnny l'iEW TYLES UO OI" AND SIIOE but don I.YOU k"u,", Ihllt I(,l • .,,8Y Orgel kllld ~ur lI"o,,)u» inleOtl, Dnc\ltep relellce IlATlf '" CAP, flAltPI. 'T nAGS, llngth. breechf" In4 petllcon tl Ia AlluMt linton&! 111010 ' peele" of pfllltuAnd ff,olm VALl!),;',I1XJ1RELUa AND TRt7~K8 lb. 1.~1' bleJlllf•• ted by .uah enemies wlliprot ecL I duo t cate .pollr tbe I,,,, 160. Ih.em 1II0re cfl"eclullly than Ilml18t Rill Tuc man' u\I er IIfent kIa~wn. and Dl eompata t\ve 'H."e yOIl rot.la1 frhmdl wbo Will CO 11 email exptnle
II, hi
ttl <
ed ~l
~ t
,our ".111 1
_ por.d....u'" • ben" In 1IoI~1I•• I.d, ..,1_.. 110" IDlIIt reepecl ,lblllll.a Ila, IOClety .od • lIN Ir on~ 01 f.n... • .... 1M'OC.lecI hie , JIIU,.. .. . . .e (I • •llot 1effa W~11Ie iii tI.. .,t.' erl... did Of .Id ,ul 110 I I r. aecdo..." .lIIOII III &Ia. I • ..,..111 that .tIII......,... loti .... die..... if . . . . . . . ._
,'' I.. "
..:.- I., I~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~
tu IIr
'O:r'Clt...... IIhI "".
o .•
~ U
'Blelll1 of frlcllld. .nd 1II0re lI.a J IUP PO" 'OU haYe yqu, ..1f Dl'Y clime end de, ICIhwear all ~ tblnr De, .cltwear ver 1 nl .nd My let me c:lear ' e ilon I .... ot th.m to ."tar, we .nat thew \0 &I'" .curlt, 101' 'fDOr ',pea, A. Love " ....Ir orBea e41Ct Ara"• ••e ••, COlirt TOll eunr... yoa ltole Ihe Tall f'!lowanr I•• nrUable lelter, writ coN.ato f,lnel," re I, 110 OOC8~on ror eD1 teo bl Gen B'nHlc\ Art ollf,.neIOlII1,one W, to .wear \0 It ' 10 MI .. Deblu18. IIf Bueloa It waa.d ,y,wl,OIl lind 1 nlebl dill any lie _ d........ to lira GeD KnOll, who ,.... tben ,....... .. .."., do 10J".hll .."I,," he 1\ h 'Hfdhlt in loetQII .nd WU I (tlltnil or ....... q.1I Ylw.l dIG lIIeo1 d.r IIIU!: AflloJd, .ltcIy 10". W'Ij» . . . , . . we ullder p., ~ .".1 _nl.b 10 pa, .t.nd fro...... olh.,," , 1U"1"lnfeontl!1I
f~ nll81n08 111,
h Ih e (IrKt (II ICC
tll u ke II" yOllr
1II1o,d to
lIecu 11\,\1 . " wftlll"vc r yllll .. tltle.tallo ,doclde u(H, n ftl/mo p .lIunlv ~mJlI('V!II""t "n~ per"" V\f III It Al l ~ (/I" 111 11. Q !I-e 'IV' rcunut
N ~v u ' 01l1ll111~ t" Ilculth f.om nnye\h n QII" \I III II \uhllr. ~'Il@cIUU} . 1 1~ '.r place II, p' "delll! upun \)~c~ I\l I")f Ih Or UII IU la r lt ~ 1I () • li d w ho Iv,II. fo' J01ld 111< I'~, I\ ,a; rl\" h ,v \' :P ~ IUIII: lituo burll f" lIt .. " wh , , ,,ns . fter. $Iltu ow lit ... \V~ n rh"l mc r" cc " Allo\o 1111 IllIlIgo ". , .. r lio~p .. lr G04
,,'.8<iltu' 'll'
i8 wbl'r. 110 ,. Q.
''''y UII8t III nIIll "
h IflR Ihol. Who
1\ 1'v\1C IIIIIIl ( U.T41 i11 - l 'hliru ell t8 at
Lh ne n n lo ucl ll llg
(U 110 111
! - --
~ ---
=== = =-=-=-=-:;==--== - ==.-1'rOI,. tlte .Ltlile p,/gr.",
wh .d , we "ere
fi ll.III1J nlll411t 1"6 dele til th o .. v eIling n1 ~ I) U the ,ght de ', ne • thll Th lu"t HI .11 n ,",on,e,. an I "'"ldr~1I r~. ( trom. J b". lue.,. ,nd ftI,~tn"le 10 the p.,ne .p ,I fl nt~ "I the e llY. all d In the publ." .q l,rC!J AI aoclft .. dUI grollp ' are lormet! every onl ~ll' do.,n on lhe ground, Anll hp!::.....10IY I, to chaM h,. pr_yers In ~n un,le' lone, and th, rpli. glnll. conco.t flr.llhl c"", ~ n alld. onlumn hll.mollY throllgl,o ut Ih" cit ,PCl",,. r1l1l0 80 rl Jllal .. u -
Ily ..!feeLing to tho 10f.I' 1'''e tIme "0 heard It, .. e could not Ilelp milt·
"'.,e IIhootiAIr AAd Haql. . At. I'alr •• WaalllllU'a (lea. .,
CI'l'T WI_.,ln I H.rcb II. INt .~ ALTHouci mlD1 repuita ....... brl)ad iu referellce to lb. .bo,. PU&1'4QI
11o.re hll~ IJlI.n 11 dIOi~. or 10llle ti l 111111111: bet ... een Carlwrl,lht and FUrPlla, "UOII\ lome "n ,.l'\arllllla. onl Uaae wh'll'eli C~rlwr'lIht 1I.,erely rUI forbid dll II Iolln I, cut lIR1bor 011 the d..pu~ lallJ At IInulh.,r IlIbf'. one elf Funn ••• III~ II IH ~ , ,d !o hnv'l IhrulIIlI II buttle o[ ", 111.11 ul C~rtwflght. h~lid IIreakil. tb, bUlllu 0111 be$lIlearllllf 1,Im willI Ihe 'I'" III-I I\t IlIllt"er tlllle bel lie th. IIr.t flit II d Y 10BltthllO Iii Fellrul"i 1863 C Irtwnglt "lid Furman cOI um\ly mel It I t y ru lIeMf by.. F!UrrJUUI II.t'fI,.d lip \G II Cl u~, all.! lulled fur lIbllle hquur. Illb, aunl\) tlllle tumml ,.. C.~twr'(htJ ,,' 0 W III 11(l1i1/t IICIU the fire .ad Iluutl bill \Vllh Ule ' l!f1U,1t .lflilr. t
LO Itlo"
I ja.d
Furml'lQ aJ: "I~ wlllpped CtrlWrf,hl Iy bent "II' hifli 10 bnillY th.t the bro_ &1111 un hid (ur11IH.'lut la e d tu ""1 bun,
'1 hc, Kllljt 0/ Prussia e lit an aUlogr~r It U'l'EIIT Cuvlf'u nrEln -A ~ .od or IIAIY lelt"r I.. N 'pule"n dC(tlllllllll' Pr1l4~i411 OOIlIl\",(e"'1.IO II lIiI lhe Ohlo1sta,e D uk nelltra"IV 111111'11 ~rrccl In glllllng • new n.. tI:lO. 011 tllo Inll'llIll BIIIII-lIIl\e IJ,I''' mecilAt. III by l'ru 11ft N I)loleoll rcphed
IhAt It IV 'I to .. Inle The <.;r1ll1l1Dulle au IAlllllt Ill' III~pccled. lite Rllddlnn ficot at H~lglliglurJ 1 he comp l1y \vne expt'cled III n lunnlghl 1 he Gul's ur )lolhll a Gild F III 11 II.!, \ ert' 81111 co~cred ... Ith I II
"\' x J Md~l~ur ElI Clcrk of
Cour' of Montgomer) oOl\nty d!ed on hlrdllY IYctlk \Ve ronlt:lObtll wuH
turned out on the c. untr! "11., Ife .k,ll fully clulle Th~ R. cl Uter Dtmocrfll81 yl! • On" uf lhe IIIIMt perlect apf!olmclIs 01 ~ I to red 1J4l1k uotcs IVIS preHellled .t tho Brc>-
ker·. ullice III Ihl. clly • tI'l' or IWo .illc!! It WOI " o.. e 01 t flC' F Irm~r. aud i)f"Chlill lca' il .. II of hhlea, alterod to flO, ""I lhe trullaf.. r Vi al 110 lIeativ 110110 .. tu dely delectlon by auy el~ un,k,lIed III InO' ey Look OUt r'Of Ihem
Tho Greek revolution ha~ IIbt r Illy dub It I, atated in prlvale l~t.fI 'rlllD Hun Iided t;I'rVl~ WII qUI!!1 lhe r ported gllry Iho Ru,.lln elllll.. rle.- .re It wu,k d IlurbancfO h.d IJQ('IJ quellec! e h.uri'eetautl POLAND AND IIUNGARY-THE on a Iftra 8Clle 10 f.t up tller~. with .. 'ew to tne,hl •• tie EIDpeCZARS PROlllISETO AID rHt:M ror ur Aualr a into I RunilD .1111.11" Pur. IIlurc I 6 HIli"
!fill: DUDEIII, AND BElIAl-II 07 nu: 'VEST i.lhe talle .. f 1\ lutle III nlhly JUit eel .lIoat on Ihe lea .. ~ ller.ture lJ"hl>g Irorn Aulca,8eI,eca coull11 0 the llra\ num ber of which II berur. UI It II qUite II nCl~1 papar ellll18111S 8 pago" I ro.l remd In•• and Ito cu Iduclecl wilh ,lillilY 1i0 cia • yellr witb reducl Oll to o(ubl J C Uildl.I, Ilmco. 0
The nllncr to ",llIch I a lIud.d a dnl or two '10. r••peellng Ih. IlIlftnl un of the Emperor N,obol.. to ~ IIgdom of PolollIl III h.1 own lImp.,~ II a,sln revlwed It 14 IU)W laid thll ,. COlli mnnlelli! 1\ hUI been lIIode to AIIII .. a .. d
'.,..11."".11 Ihe
A Dla SHI' - rh. R 1 ,.,.....
"Olll>eellull wllh an '('COllllt 01 the ,re.t Ellllh.h .team.hl" 1I0W cOMt_tlne .t
M If"rd Hnen••• y. TI". UCiOl" cen act IIIto no hlrlltr In till. coun", ...eept N.wporl Dllt tilia Mi turd lIuen efllln.. r ill II ,nllre JOII, 1..,11 cum "u,.d \0\'1111 IlIo~ "hll'h IIr G"'III-
A. F ....er ...........,- ....... W .. learn .rum a ",hable co,,"ptlo4tnl III Mlddl.Oeld. G ••••• eoaaty, dtlt IIf Je'le Clenl~l>t. who ri-" rro- 0It. bove place acoUle thne lut f.U. te AlifI"" "1 ctonnly ~tJtJIf'"' wu 111 bll " ' " S... n_ ..,1IIe two "etkl ,lAC' 'l'Ia' deed w., doa. w,,1t .~ de, .ad III InfOf1D1!Ii 'hat ,Ia. It.ad 01 lite ~ wu Inerall Ia ..-.a l JI_ 1 ~ .P...... " ,I"", .. wu the old.., .... 01 dId aut 11;0 10 IIlflillpn willt.... ..11f K. I.ft G •••p f'UIIIItJ fa .... w.. w .... th. heipbore tit. . III. to lie I..... 1I1111.r a .II,M den......t ~ chaneler of 1~.' C _ t w.. ut • to jUltifl dI. ,..ltne I. ....... tN~
.t. a...... 01."-
it..... ..... ,. ...
llewOUW . . . .
~ Ifdal DI._'~~=""" ~j"""",,''1 ':t
• •j. . . .··I~~
l~ c
3, 30 ~J
Il flO 01_5 15
~! 10 40" (;O~
I 00 I 50! 40 15 ~,
f." E
'r Kit,. S 0 I~ HUB)4 C III I"
r 1 u s,
~u, ADVANOD .J;J) Olle CO/)II (In, y,cr.r 81 60 ti~ Jf) .i", "wlltll'
]I... G'ujll"rw
0114 !lell,.
'PiOI.'IllU ~"
~J( "ot palll Ad,n'Ul". T,r.. Dul • ..,. wltla •• Ihll , .. u, n•• I \V • l) UIlU
... ~·Ia.tr. lIner
tbc ,el" 1IIlllre" ~
T~R.S 01' AUVlmrIMIN 1..
I ...
of 131111.. Bral •• ilor I It Ilouo' .1 r 'a" (,Inn -~" . ~ 0"" , ,o".h d\J 1 "0 I • II.. "" I hree ,.<1 IIh~ II\J Six n all It.
1'1 "'0
One reftr
QuarrtrColumn .ltroe no til ~,
.\11 mon Ih.
o\le ,,,.r
c::t>1!\l.able IlInll,"I, .... , Coluu... lIor81! lI11>olh,
110 du
,.ne year
e..' ....hl. n .....ilil y
011. ~Iumn Ih.... ".nnll'l lie
du .It
• I
111M 10ar IiII tICI .... eli.ble mn • 1.1, 80,00 <W announcll.c nan;. of e.n It III'ea .or aIle duller euh It) I... 11A.1," • Innr.. ,aq •• entaclycr l~elJl.llta \G be I 11&1 lor
~ e:r
''''''''"1:8 ~
n! ."d.... T llIe pubhe order '.CIU,. to
il) •..t f loectrully IIlDOUIlUI Itt th'l ,h., '"' prapved to,q" .. u 111,1' In,
1II.llllr Une of bUI
lieu .ucb ,. \Vat/ont Csrtl~ea. BIlI"I•• • &lid u> do 411 klu<J.o of DI, ek'''hllnol
A L::!O /lopllrl", d OUI to Circler on ,oad IAIrm. Our worll. t. ,11 "arflU1lod ,. be iloq, 11. ~"od '_lyle JlUR.:U: SIIOE}!'iG Illn. In ~, beel "lOll. Stead un
\Vhem J tI Y , u cn m .. fr n 1 'F I ",,'pSr tf.'ofN) th Car li ner ,
'Y.lI I h f" I) ... m le h e.n iTO 101 tI." rlllr fr, n • hOI S' ,,'~
mlMhl! "ljlsl
tfm-. tlr _) I'nr
rl'clf II-III .:' Iy
"he,p of people
,In' nf -t.rvlI1
110.,.-.,11",', Ih ..
'T he 11m moll
piae to looJr (or
,~p hIt. raIled D
beel or
lind 1m
• new., "lit brqught up b"rore the f of PhTI~t1 l1lpb D for lIen I nil' cl ck .". The \1 ert was eonclu 1\8J1 proved
'Wen Toby' .,,' ~ hi. Honor,
'91 hilt have feu «0' to • ., for ~ ollr,plll 'Mull" but dla no ' . 1 er.., .. • Whu, whea , .101. dat '.r pulle' co. I .keatol. de bi, ,ooater an' I a'her done De-.llo"a IlIUI' ''.\, d t f ... ~. I.bor
.... WIder ~ d.l
tr'lIIelldoul '
h ml ler ot our c u, try V.nullll ulea " bavo been adopted III .11 ngca to entl ut. the 0011 I he Jews wer"
J AC0 U NO 11a 1IJ1 l )"II '"
.E 8T
It N S 'r,
1I1~ It(1l: !lOA L lind lilAC,•• A IUltI \\ f. IIC [I v ROIUNSO~ S KEY 10 ARITHME It.OBIN~ON S ELEliEN'TARY TREA
) :l
t ISE ON It. LGEBRA [Ellilion R.OurN~ON S AI.G.EBRA. Unlver~'I.1
Mllrl'lIa8'e MAnOM J;T, nl hI
rnly ",arrJ~d • wife of
furl) SJllokllroaJ'o"
Allil lialhllWDV hllle!) lIior Dr JohnltoD'e lid, hlll:."O al lholr IUllrflDIP, How.
8C I t\1I y ~lu 8
ord the PJlllunlh~o pl 'l lll th" toile of IlVcllty fiv", ~el!!1)leti • wile of tiny twp uti lUre r .. fu I ure Ih~ 1I1r l'nll~ lhell Ilr.)~,1 ,"lh nut! fn . the " dtOIIl ~hcd yonnl{ 1111111, UI1~ Ivoll UIIIJ IIllceI I
itisctIIltnrnns. ri'-
W-OU'l',IF(JL B(lDBElI HE.. ~L'U.E" t
800TT " II
M my n reade r, wbuso eye may rl'M 011 tho e line. Ilid who firat .aw the ".weel lIght' in 1'e lln8.lee or Kentue k"y.wlll Ie lIIelllber Ule Rev Jobn Craig Th .. gen. Ilemen Willi of Ih, Methodl.l per,uHIO!I, or the orillUlal A. bur1 Ichoul, Ind he. like mOlt oU,e,.. 01 tb.t deDomIDaJ,o"lt Ille tliD' to willch we Illude. "I' note~ alike ror hi. pllliDne.. DC tI,.lI, Ind I etflC\ Ind Opllil reproof of aloin ",hat ferm weter II made UI appelraDce, Ind UDder lh1 1nd III clrcum.. lnM..
I UlllI lO UIH
the •• \\ erl what lire calleli III cumlllon parlllnce, 'happy mllrrll,lI • The \Vo clip tbe Ibote (rum an ellcblDI" 11~le fuce lI u8 lell ed the ru~.t The it'd but lhlnk tbe \'(rIWl 18 but orh,ueckeDln, man hHs (Iult ed hl ~ I unllllg ground. gnd when he dCbomlliltc. &Iuhomel'. 11.14 they w"'a chl'quered off miD 11 lhuU8Ulld I Shnk'pea,'" marr lal/e8 '11I&flIIY" Biltorurro\\lt'd ficltly , Mr Oruill W0 8 IIUIY 00 old 1 1ell • u. d,ft'erllldy, at I,-'at in Iho cue mall HI8 locks werl' II while u wool- uf ShalE'pelre, IDd the other at can HilI ~11I1~ren al.d gralldclilidren had ,rown I b i d d II bt'uJ up around IdOl •• !Ill clJlldrt'1i of hi•• plri lu un y • coae ere 01.1 .' .1 cb.rgc IUrJoundl!d him, lIke wnlDi 1'.. 11.\'1 lonl ,I PrQltV CAId:_ wire whoal heada III th~ I'IlIr\lllll IMd purcheted III Cuclda I r.w dl)" lince b, One lunny eve 111 Autum, .. IheoOld c,utaIDjl1ll'l'plculllufi. h took tWltn prncill., .. t In lit. mid" of Ihe falllily walDO. to blullhe bird. to tbe a..llro~ lZl'0up. it W.I totd him that. Rendemln depot.t Warren, tlll b,rd. were plclied ,n, It the ,lte who wllhed 10 .peak wllb ID !i<JX8I without beiD, plucked .. AI maa, him He wellt out and .. " In eld.tly a. could be IIcured lliw. were purcbuecl mID Deall, dre • .ed rldln, a IDe "",....- at h"h pricp. The nelft Gelle,.1 A_Tile IllIlIpr ..ked ror~C!coaIiDodalloll .. ror bly oflbl. 8tate Mould Inllrpoee'''_ rlat al,llI. Thl, bei~ ,rallted, b. d,a. I." to p"'eDt the q~inltioD of \be lDoullted, I I d wltb Jlr (:nil ealend reltber7 IDh.b,laDIa ib:a'b':.q:~a'~tnw.
'I'lml)' IU/lg y')Or~ huve eJ 1'I)8fd Te ll u el3~e I. 11 "lid, rn~'8 110 In"to
Cr.', "' .. OD. 0' the fint ,r•• ch. tbe bou...
e,.. to '1.11 .... 1IC\loa called Jllddle T.n
llu 11 , IliA puthorf.. \\81 filleeD yea,.. lbe ~"lIIo r of her hu.tll'nJ, lIiarj,tllret Fuller mllrflrll tile Count 1>' O S80h, 1110 year. ) IUtI,e (fmn hcr~e(( ant! the Inililorlill J en llv Llrld I. au ld tl) be ell:ht or lell ,ear" olilIT than Herr 0110 Gohl~clllnidl Arid
LIu.I. beyoDd lhe
CIYlhu,.. of
1'1 ... "1&1 Law In H •• (F,am ,tIf'- London ~nJq,J, MtlrcA 17) 1 liE (ur hua. clt'l)l.r('1I the .1",1. of E 1r0I'I! III )l,l""! .. 'II II .'"hlnl _It' e Till!
-_e· ____
F.on ..:IGN N£\V8
rloe um()I~1 r"'u~nl 01 the Emperor of Till:: LADIES REl'OIlITullY (ur Apnl I'IIJ! RII .. ln 10 Dccede la the delllR d ul Ihe III reacltcoj'U4 It Id elllbdlll~h"J Wllh IWo III d 10f< fill ",.. huurly eXl'ocled at 1)0,"11.111 beuultlol engravllliJllI, \llld the COlltOllid rur .,,11 , •• tid It Willi Ilir""dy knuwn IIUII he nl ~h • lent lor ,/til ,nder Jiliul Iho v~ry hlld rclWlod Ih~tr requllat Wholl the IIf Itrdl tl", 18 alllOllg th e best I' Ul'lIcutlu,,~ hCIll1 ducuttlen t Arrive. ,t LUI/dun. ,I '\ ill ur liIe IlIlId now or ever berore 1.'l\rd Irl/lI1 be IlUIIIIIlUIllcII14Id III both Huu.e .. uf Purl! Ihe prest )V I! "'0 110 ollgrllvlnllil 111 allY 1I111~IlI, Illd WI, WIll btl furmally prucllilll IIth"r work equ.llu tho." 01 1100 It ' I' ••1\ ~d Iury' oil Iii .. year lhruullo Iud t\t.., ruading N 'p,cr'.. fleet .rmed at \Vlllg" ~olJ"d on muller 18 Ilir .upenor IlIl/,al ",IIIch uPl'earli the IMh till 1'1 e allied tlt!9lo 11111 rellll1" ill m.1 Illonthh.. .~. year ,..-SWOlQl II Dyer'. ilKY I Lut were ~oo" III re enttlr 8tetlt & Put, CII11l101ltltl thl! Bilek lie. Two A\1'11"11'1 "e.. "ld O;:r .'lte nUlbbl'fI Iu, J'III Mild Murch were al"u I"chured It Il,er', bay Nu hllye lIut coonll w hllOlI Will th .. publt.h rulher t'ha:"gI!I1II!nI8 ore rCp<lrled enll" lin tlrR be kind elluullh to .tnt! d,elll1 lund or '011 AIfo..,~ on lhe Dl\nubll ro
F ,usr FJ!Il~ - TII\~ ceccn Irlc llldy IS out In a card In tlLe.v' l' T"htme, I\ud In n pi) to" p IT 'gl'llpl. willeh pl:'clls her
n we cI\llnoL see Ulolr work In boob anti. mQnUlllen~ mtcll~clul\llabor."'1! eRn behold their labon on broad fields. ID a cultlvaled and 'Ich countrv. and feel Ihe resuh In our own comfort and the ~I!an. of Improvement. Ihu8 placed
our reach
among the dIstinguIshed member. of the Wlilt. f,tWlly N~YS & far nil lhe forcf,'011lct sl ItcmclIL rc fers to 11~, .Lu, IIIcorrl!ct WIth duu II! Cllreuoc to Mrs Grundy and PlIul Pr) t;sq , 1 beg to alate Ihal, ~c,.crAI ) cars amco by" Buclden rCYtll'll( of fortune. I WI18 dcpn\leu of All my rclllLlwell
llIalll II110hlll,ed R I
AWAY, then, WIth
plOnellr (alben J It \I to \Iold them W suoh eeteem
:11111 P~II\:ioa MI.OAZllfS rur AprIl I. on o I JI
A report of the aal'tllre I·' I"
llUlI I. 1I1MtlH PC\!cP1I1PII, but .lte wllC,lo EurOlltlnn .ltvlal",1 of the (,In'lre'~ prochl1111ed We .u~e Iheellpedl ..II 1_ r18lltl('11 to III order .., ,,, ..cle lit. humll ,ul1ng cOllrt'~.lon Ihll' Ihe ,,1)01. "f u IlrNiL ~ n,pl i'e I, plar.r'il til elrCUIII,tlnc'. 01 Ulltl~UIlI dllJlClUhy We ClUnf... Ihl' IV" du lUll llndrr!tllt'ul whllt lerlll_ of' a IItH 'e ol.lcllo" elll DI'a,I III .....18 The "ouul /IIterpretatlon-a If.a"r or I... .118penH'1I11 of Ihe 'urdlllar, law_noot 1I1'1.ly lu II oollO\rllO whldl tb.,. '- no I." but the "'III 01 a ',rl.. t Wh.t, 1"". due. Ilttl RU4IU.1I cl"cllrallol I ",,1''1 uf alf'Ke" me ~n , 0' whl' CIID we IDfer frOID III 1 he Illdmor.hdum 01 Ihe CI.~, whll:la ,,'pelr. In 111.8t. Petenbur, JOIItIIal-of UI" 3d Inn. ma, perh"p.lbrllw 101" "I'0n th"t .ubJ4!ct rt4 III thll' melno,andum. leu ~Ide Ib"1 II ougbt 10 ~,th. t,rllR OW¥~. tblt the dllllrj:lllllZf!d flOlldltlOIl of tb__~Tui'};r.1t elllplre, I\Il1ep • .ruble froD) r~ ,re.~ .:.t~ 01 trAn.llIoII. rormed wltb bkn I .... lIe ,. ( mollve for 1I1ter,terellce U ab. procllU 0 Iran.ltlon wuu 1.1 prubabl, lead 10 p""'. ' _ _.. al.n.e of prtnrlpl" .1Id O,IDIOII. lhe IM!IUed 0II1abll,It_nt vf ..... Inlt 8.atM In uther worh. TurieJ .dunelng an rar In I'" roIId of Jllrvpean clvllosat,un lb., a horrlbl. .iaic.a ~,
all treuur!! COIIVUY I,u rC4C IOu • ur .able Jt I, a good lIumber W F C".".t.nt1nople Tho lrouble. In Grelle.. lire cOII.,d red Lyt'nl II now one 01 the edllo,,, Illld he HOB:SY-KOOK III1.kea I". mark III the work We hupe ove, Ihe proprlelOfl are receIVIng tbe p"trull "Ir I could 0~11, CQnVlncl!d UllIt II "lte their \,ubhcllIOII dIll10'YlI, wblch will The ethvo prepIl'lllluUI for WI' III Eng would last 1 linDw olle bllchelor thllL Kluko II I p.''''11 concern, mO~1 certDI.I~ Imnd litlll Iluntlllutld J'he lir.. t d!,,'lOn of t e Ffonch troop. "'' 'lUll'"l1m. IOnrnmenl, ,. ..... "" 01 re.' "ould lca~ c Lhe .,taLe 01 'dmglll bl~ssccJ I'rlenol J Ick"UII. we -lee, haa been gclllll!l It.olailled tor Turker. ' I lit • 1l1l'i a8Il ntltrled,.nll we expect that I. the rCIAIUII" c rAI"."Ad I'llt tile expur' or aol.l IIIUIII ","rnt, meDIC.. n e ,u 'b ; ness' for It " a v",,, • the~lllure 1\ I. nt'c_" to IDternpi • 0.1111 nol gel the JI•• uh Du ..ber W 011\ you from Ru..,. II prolublted by an arlllld. "-.... 8lltld II Jethrll! fa a y~ar, ClIlcluloItl. T"e ParI. ~'rre.pu"dent 01 Ih. rim.. • • ,. • • • thlll til. Cur', ref....l w•• telepp" We beli.ve, In trulh, thll &be C.... \f!t Tn LAD,{ES' CRaraTIA. AII.I1AL lor rrolll Dflrhn on tbe J8th, latl thllt.. foreed rorward tlllt 1ft.1 Grille 'n die ...'( topfll '" belor~ UI, ,lIualralod wllh I" Id.al ,I .woe known, the Brlttl" ,,'hiller nol,fied Europe Ihll w..... 10 errIft . . . . S., Clt.rle. Nlpl8f 01 the rael, oyer-l.nd 1.ler_hll otlo&ih"kjtA Uitt ......~_ uri".d In I atellD 'rilll. III Cotbe Cl9nline'" _ _ . . ., 1 , .. WI., I"'Dhl•• D on~. 10th b, fro.." ' " .. p.,la -..HpOQtI••t ..,. ••• tr Delio. .. uoope were to , . . lhf04llb .,. to _ . .flal Toulon OI"M.....,III.. • ••_nee 118M
or ..
. . . . . . . . .,,' dill .I&ot April.
......... 1.
I~=~~;:~ of a . . . .l _ _ _ I~ .... r...... I. mlaOlJlII. II.
. .~)~
x;: ;;x "'~ t
><><:>< "- x
..-- ~
113 Ie ~1ft' 8rall81' cur , FOR 'GOOD CLOTHING
"'X <;X: ~><.><
x:> " ><.>< ~ x><
Dr 8 D lIo"e', Shaker &rIlMp,U/1 1. ImproHld "Ilh Yello" Dock and Siilinga 11111 Purl!!. the blood SOld 111 ROBER rs & nno J lIER
eqaalOl'r.D .f.:ay WUIf
loll) c 4lic
Barl.", ...
Oal\.'fltu Fte,.r .. bbl d.
Whe.t." bu G~." o.~,
a,ll6c 16e lI'e 10c
Bu\ter• • •
Ba!." d.1 I""~"
'_tMa, '~Ii
40c bOil 100 1,60a
;\p'p~el • • bu
'ao Dried
Chlck.n.: ,
....th.N.' •.
RIO Coffee • • ,
• ...or..... ...,. , .,
'c.. '7.S111
lIapl., do .... 0'_ ..1 11,1__ • 11 pI
"',..R_ ..
'Ita... 1101_., ,
40C eVe!
.....r • • 'la,
SO.81c lac
-'PIpIee, ,
-----,.-- J"
\.au "(t• ., bbl.
, ........ btI It.......tt.bll
A'I'I • •
~I... A,.III.
c a nl'ru", ritES '1'
and I' u~u.1 ,h.y .r. abl" and ,,1111 '. 10 ...1 ,~em u •• eh I,rleel a~ t. fear ItO eompe".lon
W ..."1.I .... LEF. '" co. t "e \Ve.ffolllll. "ncl eIDola.aU,OIalo, AV E .ooul!ll H .. litre '11111 be
.JACOB 11lUt'8'l'
to Aluder II eh' .,.,mbU • •n.oo,
V"nlL 10 TU~
CO".II"ITT . . . . plaau II 10111111 • ,UJlerJof ..Iorunonlol IUDDOJlfH - 4 macnlli....enl Gil ku d~ "I' .lOCk of Pfll1l Klbboll. ror •• 1• .AT coer Tat.fIIl ua4 l1..fa1 J)ry Goocb by I 11 IIARKI!! &. CO AT TUB JA)"BIT PIIICBtI, Apr 3 ~ 219 51111 .h. Kod FI.,. CillII.I8Lelli .lIh .. IWII.II., .lId 1..11110.... '''' ...m .,( I>u.j_ .1111 the, hIler u..m..a •• II.., the _mlUll&, ~ u> \.her H_
1> lUI!
Our ",ULI uur'Tf liD nn •• 1I0w I .".11111 , III a n... tp.pdr 10 enumer.'e P'U)I Til l: TrTlU
~I'" or .h. ~H Ut;N BA L Wa,ne.. llle Aprl ' 4 ISl e "9 If.
MU I.t.I .. U
1\ •
01 ollr L.~DI",I ;\UTI" M •• 1 ... &h ••"ollly III .ht..r ,.,..orlnirn' 1ft ~rry .""era' .,,1 com and nnne n",lcn ....ay 1I ..",UIi d .. hOf1!loloru p'Tcn ~-lhal ~ Ih. r.'ace
'"1!l ~b() •• c:;\ I panv I nVlIIg eo IIpl.ted ,h4llr Iltralllt ,0 II 1I0W pt Olp.,ed 10 otrlt 10 lPronlor •• I I ~' 1 rade r or qu .. ltl' of
AI l EN #I (; no ... In renell' nl , Iholr fJprhlC ••• " . . . .er IJtoek
am IL
BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER No 11a Mill" ~'. Bet.,...,•• Tt.. rd ••• PcHUtlll" . CIIIICIJlfN'ATI,
lI09 IT
a.be a..w-...oD 01 I~' wlda I __...e~.... ! ,1.r"~."'whh'""TJ.TIJfC_ U uCII,rhia. lhe,. leal ., ,......, ID pronolM
INCRJIA8BD -ADVANTAGU ..~:;~~ "'* ....... ... JJ~~~~~~;';;~ • ;,:- . . . of..... &IuII
- Cone .nd WillI ,lIrd . L ,ur r£IlIQ lor or tandl. r.r .. I. b, t r...llern, f •• lem It011
~13 II
1.8\ M. n
Look to
Globe or wllhout
II bel 4110 .tld 6 h CI I II
iOU,Own In&erest.
13 00 .11 ..heir varl.llel of l>r.o erll IlIlt T hwl I ,". laY. bHll I...ed In 'Yer)' Itlle 01 1'1101'", .nd ~ro,od .qllal If OOl llIPOfIor 10 "ny 11 II e mark.t. Thl COIll",ny ar. d. Ifnllned 10 p~,.. the .,.ndtrd 01 Iheir Il.nufaclUr. 1....bioIa_ n\uel mati I lQ .....11811 ., Ii It will be their aim lu prorlute a q u~1I y Q( lnk far 111 edna... I any bor • l<v. Dtr~rod 10 all. plalll 0\ ........ " I..d i. wIll be .. u~lac\orJ' to tIM 01111"Or I.,. .t1lruand 10 "l&her th. ~'or
1&Iet't!OI" will ..... 1 ..nIh all.nUoD
Oct "
.... 1_1,
100 Boon' \Vell;.tlOIl ),ou 1 nil v t ,s tl 0 C ,"It 11> for Ib~ ~11 IIstet 10 go olll befor" ""Y 01 the > collg egol on Pl~ 1I 8 1101 .. IS !Iolle fi~ n llIhdl or reRp oct ' R es1'C1l1 or nlll, h O ld /loll 1Ill' III I mfth alf.! C\6 for crcQPIl g Lo h, n I II do Il.'
'Well let th ilt I,"S9 nil I C Irry II 111 lurkey Olll! If he tlul\ 1 d 0 k you, J will Charlos sh o uhl o r~ I lho 'Ilwl 01 II I 0 . hort trme 1108 II L lho hllU80 of 11 0 111111 i ~tf'r 11100 \ n~ Bcutcd In the I ar!or 8ur roundeal bt II IIU nb er of r" cllll~ \ I 0 " ,1 COJlle 10 rRSS Ihn\lksg ll" g I lilt 1 II' J he lad elllored Wllhout kll oclll g Olltl bn Ilf
81111 th~ pn rS!) 1I
gllln 8 " "8065'" splu Llerec.l ~ he. III fn III or ton o. 8 S aloe .ro. oI all' lit but the uhl felluw to_d Iter by the " .. nd nod .he wenl d.l\vn for the tltrd l,me aloe rOle more ,'owly n lal all hl!r wnler 101~l. tI rorm nenred t he ~ l1T fal!r I "YII!!' loat the power of orltc 11.'I"n vet da ll!rlll loed never to gIve II she IlIr\l8\ her I II ,I out uf th e woler ontl 11II1\Ole<l \Vlth the lirr! nud til1cond finlters tl 0 OJ'£lUIIG flHUTTJlIG OF S CI8aOllS'
The olt1l11nll
I' oa
IiiI'll cnnv nce
II IViI uselr.5s \0 try 10 felll'r 0 II UIIII
It ~
ElIIlGRnlUII T<J nl£ itlcu - SlIItft Anlll hllB "-,,e nt tn x years " puzzllug II If lor )II to d tllluver lhe r,88UII why he Willi be It~ n 11 Ihe IV ,r IVllh th e Unl (ll/ Stilled n I> 'I 0 'n lit 'I'I '.... t'l mUUv ,I. up III~ m I.', n. I lilt Olr vlelOry \Vns tlue to Ihc Iurel,,, 101 dlcra-e8pecinlly II e OcrlllnnS-lVh I serv ed III 011' army ACMrdu gly &it R Iruef. Inte C"r&8ul t NI!IV Yurk h,~ bile .. ~Ire(ll d d G t! to prucop 10 ~rn nny to procure II lDrge Gorrnnll Illmugrni 1111 to 3ll'Xl~ aual Gtl\-MI/f
nUSITiESS BEFORE PLEASURE A cOlresnollt!ent of tlo e NelV O rle nn' Delttl 11110,. IVr le8 uDdor tho cogl ome n
U ti DUIDIt V -8 A. R ent!llr II r r ll cr 01 F te v III ""roil coulllry OhIO o( K UIl' getR oft'thll fullolY nil #!OU~ ono RB ) 6 011 tl e pr\l fil of shoep rillS 11,& I WI y you see II hell m.\' m Ull cn n il n relit 0 fRr 11 (or 6 per cent, on 1 8 v Ilue cou'tm ' me 1 hod I I 11 0 leas t th ougl t d on p y I XI'S lmounllllg In oil til 8100 W/ltlt' e 1n8 ulle r 1 u"1 0 CII on to ollr II n LnR I y eu r I kept 9!1 8 he~ phOd e one night It tl8rk lind ropped at 11 e or III xl Iro 0 S"R1I18' and French merino a conslIle"oblo tilllll or "'OIlOY "U beell door. and I sb.d corne III' 110 opened IV h our ll\l m:J\1 n Merton rhelr IVeul placet!IIJ 1118 hftlltld (ur th e purp",e No the d ..or Dnd there IV08 JuLie J sn ll. brul gi l me 8180 Dud I rOleeti 40 Ian L. Olle, III! preluIVe Will 8uRr eat Sallta AnllD
'come In Dod lake a oheer 'No' 10VII he, 'L'zzle. I ve como on 011
\ orl lo at 'C" IIL 30, I fed oft' from the (arm 25 a ll d rn .ed corn eo lugh to follen arrant, and 11111\18 du my aTrIlIl" fust' lI67 wurth of purk. and lifter ualnll for But youM beltAr come 10 lind take • my olher slack all I wanted-sold J60
cheer Ur W
Nu [ OIlD t tl/l I ve dUDO my arrnrlt , Ihe (ICt L,U,." I ve come 011 tb 18 cre coo'ri o bu~l lIe.. ,ry wIfe i been deld thele three weeka. and eve'l th ng .I-oln "'tOllff Now L lule,ICyou're • mind tu h., (1 me aud IlIke cue 01 tny.childteo,.lId my IlilOj(O, tell me .nd 1'1I ", c:om, In and L t ..... cl ee,. If nul I 'll ret Bomo CIne elM
au •
Wh,. ''''" . ICecred I .ald ,fyou oome all Ihla lIrt II bu~l n1lS$ come 10. r IDIMnhink 011 \l . IlIle ' No , I ~. n t tlill know That II nty ar Nal, e'u', tel duwn t,lI my ~ ffll lll. done J t~l. Ihuuld like to tblllk on't a de,. ur
I,el,.r cell'--r.....
- - . .II_.top
rb.t ,.1aIaIa
T~U1DDt"~&IIJI""'" _"OWA'l', r.au;',OIIJO
NO 112 MAIN ST CmCnllU.Tl
Ihllt ",hlle 111!IISrS Ame. ere malll\factur Inll the two hUlldred 1I0S with whlcll tho fulure Emperor of Mexico Inlend, to tllke bu! hel~ laldo raillod 446 bUlhel. of oate. lhe field he .hou'd lend to Europe rur meo kept olle 'pan "r horsel. II Joke of oxe n to work them We \VIa" Mr RO~le/ 'IVery C. U If 0 R Y' I'J IIvo cowa. a yearling colt, pillS. ObiCkAn8, BUCCea. 10 hll lask -And Lerore be !foes, COMMgROIAL WltITl~O FLUID &0 Here I, tho relult 9~ Mheep '180 we put jt to Ihe t.ommon .enlll of 1)le under.fgned I. prep.""" 10 rllml~1t It. 40 lamlre 830-maklllll t\lJO From tllIl American peopln w!Jelher It be not lbe Wus'",o mntket wl,1I • IUI'!"or \Vrl IIII' clllllu of Impudence nd lVickedneu to Fluid- hi. own In,enllon-;lQd wi leb ill C<I'ut deduct rent .lId p.. turage .1~5. and \\e 18k ua at a time When we ere bourly dnrabilia y a ,01 OUII1I1., Ie war,anl I '0 be I I Ir ave Ie f I 885 ~ur In t ere. t WI Cb I, cone..-.. I ex~.i to be I n,o 1~.1 urpl\IIl d I hll at lir.( I{recnt"b ,,.,. In t be B aropean .blue cb anglng "'.color doep Itpemll leOlab'.~k dered over sal per cent on thll. In,Htmeot. Imbrorllo. to like 'wenty mll'lon. out of All or' rl. will he promp"y allunded 10 . , Thl •• llhrnk .... ,ll.how that ,beep will .,., °lnuro~ear~uhry •• b·aedm,.i"ebltlyhe.~lIlnOoS.n.n,la AliI). addr Ing or c:allin. on hi", at hiS "mea In IV • • ~ " ......... , M"rClllltr. Colle... II rna, U.o bo Ob'alued 01let 40 per cenl. onr .nd abo,e.L1 expo• .field, and Import Germ.n IOldlen altbo Ilook SCllre. ,.lIarally tel of eire waallln"IItae.rIng, &0 Let Bremen'-N Y Nercld .~!)~::, GU~DRY UI rooolJect, tbat la call1llll'ln, tbe p"ofill W.ITI~O or Iheep hOlbllldry, we mUB' DOt In.ell
N.; 1(10 nMdD',. L lulo' JerII'll fa . .telllDan~. for ctweJllall1 'Well.Juble. Ir J mUlt.-.o bera' .nd otJter ...... ivai llallllla... and then "'le Ui", \ \..- lbe abe.p ror thea WI&Iir tha .... HORACE & W tllen COle la, th,a IIC ... ent coUI.t.encr••••,. .' . . , -fk1 1ot llocIl L. 80 Lf'OMB, aRM • Bttlltn(JlIeIloe of Peace.) It Ilh -1.__ _.. I __["1.1 ••D &ftAiIo 1lUt.aa .. ......... ntll' III1d I .'Dt • apICI& &0 .... Iae 40 til fo.... 'hah..,....... Te 011 N£W STYLES OF 8OO'r'6 AND " , l1a loa, eooithIe . . . I- . . . , a • .,.. C4P1, e.......
or. u..
1 tl6LISl1ED
or Imporllnr fnrmers or monufaclurer" f Ge F I rom rmon" 'g Hlng ml'n are the ftrlicle he re~1I rca It I. quile rill on~.
N () H I 1/ [O;Olll!:l1CA L alllll'ltA(J l.lIJ 1111 I I \ I \ III I mil I Ie f III;
OllRU£.llJoaf M :\N:-t tn'IC pLMjJ: TER- l be g re.'eR tt,'lIltb p. ,"d PClln deal,oyer in Ihe .. orld- . rr~.11 ,"ppl, k llI ""n.,Olld on ~nnd 110 Dr ~l&illl elJ en ,n"nen' at KOO";RTSoIc Bit A
""'' :'1
fie woulll cven h 0 11 1 tl .., 19pnmlllld "'I ~h
SlIlIsfllt}\ 1011
I till" Jl(l,'~I~ ..
• Gilbun, " 1 ~RJ(I to 111m
TlI~ ~ATjfER'S CnOlC~; on, TIfE
nORSE -I lin l .AD ''Ower Troe Tale '
, ,,~ , rT
N 'o.-rn~
MIAMI \lslr O"
If Till U)fUIL . OI' "Tl~K lit\> IL \I Nltlilti' <
' --
Chptf t XXI
nI~ntl firat, /llId thl'n "'!nlt' 11I1l1,pe,.k,
0 l ' chI) - I O n being kf'lI \~ hut hn thouC"! uf "",. w" lhrI!6)E.'IlTS IIltler \1\1<11 he--Hil lier", ho DM\\ erc.1 "It hQ ~ bf'f'n will my' hurt yon
will lie' CI glttll Lhu hearts of bo) IS 01 UI II If ) QII pllr~lI(l UII~ s. III h CC'III-t •
\~ I~
lIullll iiII' ror thul cnd, th~r.1· I hllVtl cpo.,,,1 Irtlll WIr ~c~ (Ilave nIR mlleh 'I" t I \\ De mnde I"call fpr rn III
the low (e\lul\' to rAgs Alld 1111 an slVereil the ,nother J dun't IIIIU\\ ," relurned the Ullde II he be Ih, man or lOt. but I \Ya~ tuld ruther "UCt'flllgly thul It \I at Hlil IIllIIe, If )'ou plcllS~ .. Cornehu . B--- ' IIDltl MI~s Carol me • That'. it-YOII have made a prettf 1111... take' eff' upaet • mce kettle of n.h' u,d the uncle wllrml) • Why hc'~ ncb-ho '. yorlll tlVO hUlldrod thoullllIII dull.,. alld 1 nnve IIIvesled IIcnrly • hundred thousand ror him II y.elr oU'del,s . \\ hleh (, (' hm, e no duubt I r bo I hey \\ore )lot ftJj ""Y AS 118uol at l\lr~ 109 \\ ell able 10> dll ' F - - - d (0£ tl c rOdt of Ihllt evolIIlIC E.lI'EJUlI ll&!Il: " ~\-I-I~"~P-U-T-A-T-U-E8--- We iiI d lh II d \\ frlely lu tesl II e heart of Iter .. Ith \VI,olO he \\ na 10 Ihare hJe'8 J"YS 8",4 in 8 'IlIO Ilumler or II tJ 01 0 Farmer the lorro" R-[ N Y l' c Jo rom
t" .. land f ellol. r
Troll'l cal ha~
1I1 EssIUI 'Ei.rroRs - AI I hovo leell nu pubh.laed nccollnt oCtllo atrnn,e lind heart ronden"g lee,~ I take the hberty or atnd Ing you I briel skelch, as rell1ted lu me b, Illy brother lit law (~ho ru,dN 10 \V.. u ,acea c.;u. \V 13con"ll, and iu tbe •• IIJII
IHltalO 1I/0Iltio:
glo 'I>rilll: Mh u fI u' hNI "'I! dOI/r, .bot tb. bul~ wllh a cUllvul.l\e ,apulh}, .nr! rell
lin the 81111', W h.o Ill .. r,~ut'· cltod rrom her .woo" .• he "' .. BUrd wltb 'ba .. lmOllt '1I¥ld1 on .cel/unt of It., b.-. bpllCl, ttl I Ihe "k'llull .hllultl Dlrel .. lID bJ tLo ,."ir But prr.ellll , .he h.. (cI lila ".,II.knu w" .t~p. \,1. wen·\IItOI¥n oti
61ul,ng the door (" 5\01l0d. and let blDi 111 \\Ith • bAIITt Irc Q\bh"ll w,th nlllll:I •• aut! L1, n n~fullllcst Gr•• t u by b.rll Itt', on Ih r. lIllo... uU • • lIle InlcTpo:.i·h)II or Pr ,'~eDu. we Ill." lie _1m: Ilial ,IIU "'"lluh! nut n.k tL. . . . . ~I.e II' III IlII O. "r U<lIllIt the olher. '"
1I0,rtcr/ llf 111 fatu,u tq aboot tt... bolt.' the doOr' DDcll , ~r Ina.hlllel, ~lDnca
d, d~n:tr"/ hl.II\MI.... u4 lbe . . . . . . . le i. aft II pm ... " bDDIf. " ' _ I I . • 11 hiIII'
'full Sr<'RIIJ 1\ hicla t"illltell II Oil dlt,' c.:y.,nmg,rllising 611Ch olund. of d~~t
aluug our .trtelli.
,ery &e'en: III
CillcinMti 'fhe wlIIlI blew dO\l1l thu Uh:aei", '811"'158 I,ut lip f'lf Ihe t'xlll ImioA of Fnlllcom'. Iltppo.lrome lind cu,ri'd 1& oft' LllOO til" IIt:reOIJl Non Loli.~
Slh 9
lhll~" hV!,LIIIg hersc ll 1l10llJ ilL 611 (;11 II
rl\f.. 'I'
" 'l'hIlL? D Oli'! )ou ,kno\\ h~l ., ~h)
It'd """'-- - - '
~ "Ihe deuc u It 1111 1 tllOlr~ht she,lul(l mOlC \ /l' nso thll1l, In "lllUlIdlU.lIIIClr III ~ ~ t ~ k tl\IIL lIwf 11 m'II II1H 1
1\ JU;W
00"' ~Vll' rolllrll Oll~ Ihnnl,1I t Il lI,A Sec rOlllry vI tll_1Il lor II C(I,,) \If til 11." ,'orl you ..r lhe COlld1l1U1i uf COIO""III Suil"" I" _ The R llport rurmllllun.
nau t h valli ,bill '
~ ch< ow,
W,e dill not IIltcnd (0 ~pC lltlllO I\1l\ch LIme 01 o~cllpy SO IIlllell Mpncu Oil 1111' :mvJ ceL, hUl \Ih
It h
1\lILlell IS IIlllten
eftOrLli, alreKdJ slIeee ~ful In some C"l\C~, be made 10 11111 e llie fllll~ rdduccd 1)0 RKdroads ft r tht' bCll tllt of Lhose vli!lung lhe Pnl,lec III I' wor~l, CI n) Lilln.,: \I III Lc ~Ivl\ u to make the E.a:lllinuoll lib }l~ I feeL III .111 11.8 pari! Rnd d"I~III~ 1\.'1 J'o~Slblc We IIp Jl the CIOSIllg'I'tlliljwks tI PI cSIIJeul \vlll
cor.cllln.,r r I) ~ "r a ~roplc' ll l! un, whcn thero I ~ not" br~lt h of mr on the I/tlll nor R clvuJIO the Iaell\ cn~ Well, we CRII'L do lake the Sailor "it down anti walt 1111 old N'f'Lune or lomo oLher gOlI or gotldess of the deep llef"l!! " propItIOus II Il1d, fOI III or) MIIIIIlc.: we exD'lnlum. peeL to hellr the CI y of "copy," "nd 80 '1'0 Itd"!c,l c.lIlIIu. hlllp utl cl n \I C mint Ivrl ~ whlllhcr IV.., ha.-e Ally
'rll"~&;'N(;& AlID TlJi III \Vlno"ell~r, Ind , die laches oC Wv
' I . i. a IUIr.! to'" f~, .wmp • • .,Il., caU wben b \\lbl.ed hi.!
,.t........ -"WII.r ...... -1'
.... . . . . . II. .
7:···Nu~lnEu 15!
nlt\ . , I \!Vfl "nUt . l)
lIL10 lQ cludo my flcnlitlel~, It is nut tllillg' ),1:fOl C me thi- rllplliur , U :lstC, ng~G5ed ."l1d Ihe,. rough l"- blYl/uels. ~,.,. so llifficult .to e scape frum Lite glll'ltellllS Illld roturn tlUOll , WILh o:=rWh ile In Ar.bll I h'. d I VltrY reo yelr~, 1111.1 Ivlterew ith hltll 111111 the Il\tly .\rlor IIil I,uur of tI~,..Jly cll.llttlcL. a "Iolent he he haJl " Lu •.l4 ~Jt,tScr I:ludl: ObS!!rI'u tiOD in the streut, mlrbbl fur in c~titudy. . uperien ce. ' There ia a druir In rt~rued m'IIIY hnmnll ' bemg. • lIlettern ich, yoll will III 1:1 8110\\ ~r 111 eOllarltte '01 t' k J the cQmlJ~t, ' and ,~ I ln~. callie Her, Id" . " J , 1 ' y pCI~ I ~ nowlI "" ,uve,y 60 IUI'IlI IICCOmpallY 11m. L wust l.uO OIU fl " Ih. EI.I.t wllo.e eflilct >I. lik. IIa.t 01 ' ~rom ~he .rle.arful .iealb o~ hvdropholrl~, O\dl klmer'~ . ilion 1I0W · ~ ..1..0 ' . , , , ,forme\1 mtm~I\!lv~a in a , lho . city; for rlljtc onco 1I001>edl 1\ lI\onth ololy w my .. rlll good villegur T~B .IlU~ lAST bird or tepId 11101 It II preparoJ from tho Ind,all hemp. water wult the ." PIIACE IS BOJlt;E. rclatil'e , Iho Empe~or, PIlHMlld litem lI\ l "And \VOUJIO clean Iborewlt l, Ite ill 118 silly 116 1\ bird, to 1IJ>~ circle. hy hi" dlrpcliol l two-..L ' lidb I S '. __ ~.. ROMAl'oIG.E IN REAL LIFE, 1rcvit'w, ur rtltuor Ole ill roVillW before ' ' I WIl8 1I1UC I u.e y 110 anecn w.nI r' lltu~ publicI" , 1 ,vill 80011 IUlee .. ' .>ehillr!. trell. In trIO ora and Ihen dry Itl pour ' Iheu a few II ruplO e,!IJ parI of the ". few doy. ugo l lbcro wu,. grolll CJI· when abuu l to ollter i,llo buule. , Jil ItI11g by lfle G mSOlfl8 . ' f t I Ihc:m lit lily balcony . I fllno til cover. lIli,1 whu Ihi" clI\,lIl • 1M A 81101- nluriut!eAcill, bee"lIse Inlllllrul IIcidd deHtroy II d f m tin '1 ,1 I 1.1 l~r it!, , your 1ligh. "Il WIlCllover a mall re a IIlu-. It producc8 on Ille l'ul"gl' ll-tl' on '" rl/ ~ 1I1~ II e \(lmt'J'1 II Ie al~ee I 8 0 III ' iI ' od II tree which 1 01111 \lllijily atiCCltd, liCKS," the POldOU of Ihf'l sill va, by which meoltll n . l~(',lIl1 lho elf'oel8 of tho lotler IS II clllrahz e,ludilln 1I'0ult\, run up an'd lomnhawk Lllo Y,,:too (Mid',) whi" 011 liB c: >',' f' t WOIUlII BY II. VTEIl, Iht' reporllh llt i dOllble aUII~elou~ne~; ODe pI,rl ortho 100IId LoKilllllt Imving bOOll . J>rl\cti~l\Ig it, lI!!olllingly, ll Cou•• .. him lIcf,,,,, he eould re-Iulld, ~u\Y, When I Wl'ntnn had just Ifrived \II lawn on hur841 .eeln.. lo siudy '" (for exercise ,) from which cxtontls 11 whIle tlte uther I'MI look. 'fhe cllrcm'!IIY uf DlIurillse WIIS . . < , , Ihe lillht \\,D~ rellt'wt'd, olle flr';'l •• 1Id II;e bnek ,Irc~"ed in mnlo! t Th'Ulih olher~ lIlDY uell Inr ","1 wid" .lIiro. How It was eo. Frullllll lltlve. of curil,tlltr I Will prJ' IIl\.onll limb, which touelUlli llnother Ilcd, und tho }Jri '!It \VIIS Jllunoltl lclllg UUITI~II CO/llPLIlIRIIT 1'0 I ' Jt\1fSIAtf re8('rvQd hi~ lor Ih~ ludlen, f 11'011.111 b ul a IIIOllltnl 0 I 'bl 1111, By rounli 'I oUllhat 'r"· Illo J., perlou 1>1 h'" wlto attrllcted a t &Du,lod 10 try the elf'ecu of it 011 Illy own FAITII growtng \'9111 ano. lor trllO, ' UfOUI:! I IS uelll! d'Ie lion WlIcn 1\ COllll110LIOII .-'n Ihe ~:llkli.1t HonRe of Co~. ' 't _.1 ao Ae· . bI''., wall Ih~SIl llIean. Ihe Indian . . .lI'e, .... -I' ' 1. PilAPPO Inllllfnl II ,elr b I r ' ,I ,00 alep'" "re.t crowd areulld 'Iter w,a n womon, we IaVRlfln. I WD' III ' DanlBlCII. t' 'I t' II • liB 1 CIIII reM II .... r 1 IIII11 Il rpc l o a II " ' llru t\ppllrOIl It t , Ie, Ime. 1II0ne ~' !'tIr,'IudI-t.d O'lImmo I III . II: Uf ' ICI' It }!~l 0 tiC '(l • vLlrcly I ll", I10I a, t CIlIISl,c d 0 Iitul they lJegon to) y •.?..:! ~I Ibis dl' noL knuw. Either her 'II I 1II •• fl (1111 of Ille""" Ilk. thl~1 • . . trte, Il~ 110 a rourt.h slid fifth, till t ho nUIII', Llle . doo\', I}lId Ihe . I.. .~CI" 10llg hnir will eh 8"ulI .ftor Illclng th~ dl'\Jfl IIt~ e".cI ~ •• co\lI1~ . C \u rU~l! n a. "t Hh. III • C¥.I throng gl1.1 U Iltne a reinrorC'.t:m'cllt (If ;'J'GliJII" whieb hod evor-del )jul &111 iOn.! 0 ..' " IIMI ,1~ltie 10 eh.to lerl"d 08 hI lIur oally lIl_pejl .IMII_tll 11IIIL limb her bringn fur cap, ne or Within her awk. rcl\clt IJlln 10 tllC ~ ppn.r. wily il, I -lvrrvr I 'hI lilY 110 " Ih. ~rl1itllr. iu huur of n~ell, .1111 whicll. OVer .inco i~ W~8 hefore Ihe stride of M...t· :"ould be IOII~III"I I "1111, I,' III' cll 1'8 1\ Ilullll-t I te' uL .lij "lllt ••. II W .. .. " rUDll1 , '" ,... _,. walk .11.1 'II, ",1'\ -he - 'a. b.. tr.vee!. Ihe rOOlll, la'ked with ,~ ' I mperlll I 1101 ve. III 'J'yron coun,y, ell ..... ur ~ru I"" ~ .. ""J'lllll IJ IJnlI tl Iii 0 fl'leurS 0 f LI 10 Wlien lRueht bylh joy. dwtllllnl llhctc, Iho company , nnd • khl ... IOth,Ja. ed d~~otWd overy pow .. n" " ... from Lit!! tirs.t LI-CC. 1 cun puss u IIlollg i , er Ihat ""k~ I Policy , . , al I aaemed to be ne.r Ihe au 'd of them wero ' persuna I)' nUI~n It) I III She Inquired lur t)1I0 Tlial Ihe hawl!'\!} 1,la.:e I. ;101''', ' r"lllld or supporlt 11-(I lear)-tu'. n' IIII d a I \\'aye thulJe hDlbs. if 1 elln lUll» ullobsl ned uf I'ur 1II11et respect. · 'f, " Whl\t l1Ietlll~ 111\ this'!" llcmllnd cd 1111111111, oml .11 I"..ir py 1I0ncuvI lrtu lhe IIttutlge~ t IUlJ tulioI1 4dv(\JIvllldlclif j, feclillg. ble cillzens Dnd he elliered Inlo conver" a' iltto Lh ' tree, elllircl" conlllllllcd by the Me.Lttll'nich,01' II ,'onerlll Clteup" whoso block. or .'on" louk.'d "lie lege or lit. \\'e'lk in 'ft.. wolrhl maYIe.1 n lirl.:hl wllhgnl office". WI he were al ullce .rouled. 'l'hey lougltl th~ir hour 01 gr~lItl'ol J UUII I \\11th her, 1.. ld her Ihat ahe wu 101111.1 h,l\l:e oqllore. of Vlralnia 0, folillo'~' 'l'hi" IVII". If lillY, IIllonls tile camc IIcar. ', tobacco. 'l'h" weotklllls s-a COUlilry Ihllt had bee ll, co\lud "1111 111.11 1111. , and 1111"" 'ul .UI 1, .. "cr8111 10,,-10 cOUlbal: rlllllrlli J & If Ahe woul ! .IMle to him Ihe Inlllil'e "celie ebullged. and I wa' k Il I I Lhe means of eHCIlp6 ." b " ,I I I ,.A lid lla 'rlunll.hl l' "PI"I\r~ nl\Jf~ devouI, 011 the de.erl I nllllon 0 r pIIIl I " A. woe ' S",1 ,erd Ullu8C murrill" h c, O l'rillce -i>ut, y 100 11135 l er~, b , I I I \II'I'ier~ ed Ihruu~h with knivlllS. or I Irol· ,-111..11 h"tI promptoI ,I I' b I d '" With II", ~'lol"l.ne~ 01 Irl1lh 10 Ih~ hunn; I J p " f I TI whOle . relilliull d her It a s ocn loun t 1111 10 IIval.)Cu lI' ull ll ~url or 1I1l0logv IhMt lo l"ftllmQ Ihe Oil' n A 031 m. 1I1l1' tIC IUIISI. L 10 e 01 mot il.'r 0 pe.r lielil 18 hllth dono d . It .. , \11th I .' I lIcd • .l_ .. by d' _co nelghb. II~I.O .weet·are Iha pleDluretl 1,har.. or'"" InUld. tlte~ dl~d hI \:11180 which dhe worl" he wuuld a~al'l ., . II ' II\rlle every\ I ng 8a~,e 11Itu ft I'Ie-IV'IIIC licit' or it, with Hingldal' SUCCClltI. This gmc!: lind llCLIOIl IlS if he h r eDlh· ...,em= 10 be In Itra llls or lu.lrou8 bud 00 morollly wero ill rich ellch othtr'd elJllIrlce . The 10diQoa cuuld ill her fx~e llt IhDt of deMpislojf M, It..rl hu 110 ), ... rnllll (" ",olIO. eltt~"lri~e if \1 woro loolllme lldlible gold, throlllllt ~ hlch thy bo.t rail •• ill thc nole in reply to his, whjc~ 1~ earnest. 'l'hure IIUI, e8ll1y the Inatllulio n or marriago , u db tho !I~I'PY cou· 1.. ,1.1 ~lIt 11 0 11111"er, IIlttlll~!I proclpitn tel),. ~it;ee nnlltin" on ear h can t:allll1are hlllgh,) IU IIin I IN •., w Ik the lit~mnt Ollll, Slltlackn llwled,,\ :d heree" 10 IUr. _, ftll 011 tho wne. of lite ~ 0 rIc • II ho "I!re the Olmueh m D'Jt 1\ I U 'Iell; 'tile air .flelli. Uillt h? ho,1 ruti ,ot DIlllln playlog 11 ruhber 1; ' b Whh'lbl .h~ppl.a\ oll'l.c.... 'ttl 110" ", , " " ,. . 'J'lte • "My poble friend ' w.1l Cre • , nlld • ltullten under tlVllii .I "II at. Lo.:ct, lollitl" 111M her IlIeWry Wblllh I' a ~11I .. I.r. e n ed Ivn ' II h ' 'l'Iestlll llIasquu rado, IIru 8~ sluel:)' I10d , I sIVteles of whlsi III Berlin with Ihree. ladles, eAch e l~8 , IIrmon Iel '0 f tIe , uf the mellUij bu lall1l tllLplRiu ed, when Iw a~ were e\;~r \' l " I 1 ' 1 \ (I ' mlLll IInc.l wile l" "I . I " If~ .... ~ .. k..tl. I\,~ wily, I Ileurln~ a ftrllll! IU sume II"t\lIlC'~' , .Ii ,~ug III Iy hltcre81i fill " \If ,IV lum In, UICC 10 IIOPI' IlIeas 0 f b'emil llg 011", nCltL wl,lks in Ihe gtlf,tlcn , I\t 4, P. M, ' m~ld c; lIe almnep I~re was I ,ed wllh II!!" lli» wilo."(L "'£II\l)' aro LWU .. IlIlill Ooloncl Neckcr. lhry wero needed, eldC'whe """t W.l\r8" burd II of :Iri.I, oughl r.) re Illd rdlrNI She II \-01111", A Ullplloli in will ruceive hiln, IIlIll con. beautifu l 11 lid accompl i.h. with odur~ ~nd IUU;iIC. "h is hel 1ll': Clit tltOIl1. Also Ihe lenvill: Ihe,'ryro n militia villtulr.. Ullforll ml', Aud Ibo J} u.ls 1 b"ve u1t8\11 llel"fO)' - - - - -- - 'I'ht' cd, II t' r hulter live» in • not fu r d\8U III eJ tu he II cooslon • tIuet hilll \.() his monn!l! !ry, which is OU}lllollin!" t aeriee 1~ 'Ihi huI., \\ h.11 1110.1 nowl,,\: f. lld , or. • rendea I lIow to 8 OO\\' Love fOf ~ ""lr~. . Amt'rlca n accou llt I ~ Ihllt they ,loot wo OllUIlIY, whore IIho I b I h I ' I 1 IH W ijhow luyO lo r )'our wiro \lud your IIdmi. w •• murried u f(lllr or ra u '1 '1 Ilroug w IIC I or leen clll, C ilL h lllld. 'i'hole he will II~cel'luill Yrqn 110. ,1I"ul~1t wlli~h IOrlllr., Iho 1IIluJ, The Prlnco ro~islcd, alld dl'c~ l\l~ hundrl'd exeh, ive o!' WOUlld.,d fh I ht.n ~Il "8IMl' eom\111. uIIIII pr1801l' III'V "1:" 111\11\1,1 1\::lIill8t hi~ lviii, I'nll uloo ill I soemed whl lt ,f\lrLhtll' WUllhe~ hIS ~8(dy." :!'O nl pwu Ihll", h~.,"',)n l 'lt 0:0111 ", Iu IlId, ~ , s\\l)rd . Tbe fille! IIlhe Iltclcc, hiS lI1l\8k Itll\ oil erl!. .~n.n wei. :~~~ ~Ol'?~' 1:1~~I.t up her hUII~kcruhicl, Tho Urill~h Ihut fflur hUllilroil lVere UI"IU$lliu lI 10 Ihll t or fl'he hur III 11I., J1"!II~) 01 lUI Iuved Q II~. lO t\I\'\.' brolher. B~ IItB deytllol,ed, all~ aU IIrullnca Uun WOI. 1'1 ince, Oil ICLliu!;t himsulf tl(l \Vu III.d be trllyed 10 l\lll'Ycs , ur Iter glove or in cIIl'ryitl1l hor, rllll; nOI \ thcw,,11 kllu\\ II kiU~11 lind 'IWO! l,u'lIlrell lakl\ll pridollor ., \V:e~~ ugo hllr ltu.b~uJ 'cbhlo 10 ~ui\lll tu IIle lIarmolliuu•• 80nRllllo r h.l l\iu "al'I'I .. \ or; loJa~Ud I~ 1j'l)UI , from tho 1\1111 1 "llS hUlTlud uy Lho Muilk II·. IiOCIIO, we III.olI\:1I YO\1' h~ve the mcund , ii, hlluglnu ut Lbt· cjlpLiV~ l'rillcc, -'l'l!cl'c 'l'llIs lil lnufO likoly.- 'rhc nrllidlllo ilS wool .od; ~I\I(11uYIII~n' lenvillg lila WIfe ilL clln oully concolve into thc courl of tltu rnOItlUitcry:, "lid" lIS IL gencl'RI uLtorl\l1c tbo urillill of tilt' Ar. ~ Ir.lllk"\6. .nJ bnublc. ul,ulI h~r; " ~e of surpl'itie. 1i~le illlqrlur GI'neral Jl llritimer , wUIIII!I - h"lIle 11\ m.. · conducl c.l \.() ltis qUlI. 'J,'h",.:. Lu hi!l ~ur- lIud n feehn'.' f decp UI\ti1 \Ie \Vb; lIetU~d inlcretit! Mlmlli. ~iall 'NI~1t18. lily cOlliplinlon,lIltulie Kell, ~1tI&' YOUl'd"l.!f a ~IOUII by ,w,lblllk\ll1\' lIot . ." ' f 0 liB." • alfl~'I~ee\ 1\' ' ed 116 h ~ WM. I•• lled urddr8 tlurin:: IhQ d prtsl', Lltu Prince b ·ho Id Lhe ulsgUISC 0 ~llIll.Oll~ly. tic\'urlll I d I I 1l~ ,1111 Wu. Ilb3Cllt 8ulllO tlule. tllltlihe trllo tuekl .. n, trie I III rug pidUC, WII I leI ,ul ca or , 0 ,ea or II Vl'lIl!llnn cllvlIli 'r. which, II nole (10m .1 1)10\ e ment ISC liS o( ~he nlllgkcrs ml\dc .. ' w tl lin IIIlIUIIIIIIJ Coult,,: 1I111.II~w Ih<ltll by IIcld 01 rooloyuoi!· 10 ob~tl uet Lh o police whvl" SIX IJi Af\ I hOtlrs. kl wllh thCr Qlllllt IIJ III I IIIIlI~1 henri or hi d Iruitlllg wife thulll'h nol Chilli' 0 001, LII~ ·'lIu '.ht" r of Count-'---dC Qired IIntl fll\'or his ~ Clll'o, tIll WWI 1>""11 It A, IU''!! "!I 111.1: GroSON8 , er IIU IIg at me ror . , W I e. 110"1 ' luwur~B her ; l>rove, by Ullc'lulvo " ... CUOIIll!RM Dlld rortilnde;, : III Iho rourse 0 110.1 ~y lil~ o~dcnec 0 ¥ cul ,~ s'lltfolrod pltln lind di B. 'It" alllfted up with Ihe I ,"xclama llun, "I'ln ( y,.. him 10 II SIIUtC. Hu ubcj'l!d. Jlnli '..theu l<cpJlrat.cd from VPlillOO .. " de~dd, )1\0 hllth vulUe YO!I "01 011 hcr ~e .. llh. ,lrleLlcl'Ulllh 1111(1 I I " b.1llle. d I h9 b t'ven louk tlUI 11'11 his , l illd"r alld bllll, life and POIICO ot IIIll1d; lel.)'l)ur praise '1II1PI· frolll It. AlluM nelghbu r olle .Illy • OCUIIJ~l ve, lin louked lit the MUll k tUI' furlher ill~lruc· CuI. Nuok.;J', Ilnu. ~ 'ORns 01' A. t:LUYD l'K.\Z~a. Ie egln to CUI 0 bCforll thc llIllI!Scoultl il \lIa pille, I1l1d slIIoked cotnpose dl,. All· I ~ of ht'r go tu Iha Cull hlellt or Ler-de.e rts, Ol 't hln. ill Yaf.oo cily, olld asked hilll II \Yord. hke lite pull' Liolls. be ).lc~Hltrilted, Lhc bl1~egluum lind er the buillI', lif! Wl\~ or an 'Iglno, aDd bUI lei it be conltldle llt {vli ll trulh und ,lvilh clInit'ti t,~ 1I1~ re~l. "I\i.lm. :" MOld an .rll. ... e!tlld, wife wliA with hilll, Ito rl.'plil!il II) t. ,,:or,k liko Ille 1I\0.in' "lL i~ YOlll·.hi gltness'l i ilC81ro \.() be i,de hlld beel! tlllsisletl hy IiUllltl !lf Ih. wh .. I•. - .ill ...~rily . 'Ue 'xho ,ia the ftuncrjlr or hl_ • . :FI:nuh lI~ncr, ' \VII lJIi1c~ rrom l,iLl:U' F.~II •. , 'rho , dd Il d I ' d I II " mnlillor, Blut h.. !rllil ,10 wH~, bul At 1;1.' ho leizeil Iho water'Ju 1' 1 ffi ('I'IIIIIIIII h"r .UIIIIYr curl_ Il8,Jo, fll we I lu L Ie nllll l'1t W 10 us 111011.1\' u, ucts OULO III 1;\ 11 j IlIuJUwI " . .. t: (or 11 drink. \\'If~ u\lly pre~~re. ber 'ehrij for ~he hYI'~r· U d I..J 1CllrplI$'" I IUlUde i. sllll a. tlllldi\l~ 1110.1 ill goat! reo Ivu8Jllat IIuillg 10 "C Ulorrlad • r .. ·1 I Ai Ii: , AUlI cJ"j,inC Ib'll wll bUI "d I f I 11111' .rm, ), I ' "IIIIW bO:lcal.tlltt' 01 uthors, Tho klllUtldl Ilppcl· I~l ?llUI olloal'c.? .. II. 1i \!U. lu a YOI1I1" ye.11 OIVII WI'tlI a ye \II . IdVllti, tic 011 -. ::)<:vcra 0 1 \C g.:nl e lllCII 111'11~g C\ . I upon '1oulblu plLir; l fl' "Ioll lire .. r'" neck .. 1'1. Ilrl"' IIurt.bule81Jlill rCUlulu , Dud the widll\V 01 Illi. Ill~lre. 'I'he IO .. .."III ~ wOllld anI" c" 111111"IC tho hAp- "Iltl I)ux 11II1I 1'00 1'''llr' f .. 13tloll ,rl. \ 1111 IIIUlIe a tlrd •' i I Ihe ' 1 IUI to ¥ wliem c&1l I Illk. wal~ , r Into IUla ,v ' DIy ' IL !wIler, drove ~ when , I beallhnthe • '·1 I ' d' l • ,,:, ~'t t yuu "In Uilll, e"hoel.lI "1\1 .. " ......h. 1111\11, "m, nloll.. r, " .. w," ) borore t of tb ' brluk" aDem to be 1111IIu.t u. durlftjl lc.~ 0 11 the rClllllrk \l'U. 11111111' rUllllltoJ it to Ihe am I t I pincsft of thiH hllur of fl'\: ctlom," h e uns' \Yl k I 1':'111 Ity ,q II J..lbGUIlIt ull ..... II' cl~ulrlc clll"'''' e I \llf 0It' • I~anl.", "IM.1I11 P(1l "I "' "" I e I d I , IVcr.:d warml" f"CII. All overlbsU I b I f "Ollr ,betlrts IIrc,OIlC, Clly whoru the l~nneo tr!r ' " my lIrolherti uoar, • "ullt orlhe \\'iI~, 1I11i1 tl'cy Ilflnuilth cill' 11110. hi~ brido II. ")' lilly were Irilt roug It ruin )J,u Ann 'rAfLt)n . We,.. char,,'d Will. .1O<IU.UI:8 01 10vO, Io' .orry COIIII'Clllblioll, lur 11.0 IVllnl of th.( fIILll c l'; why Ilia V 1I0L bur la /I ntis ~l'?: ' _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ WI:I': soon KIfoly ill II l L!l\l'ud IIlllnS10Il hllid. lort olluve Ih"l 1001106 lloe husband elle.r· Tho G'·lIer.I' d leI: hllylllg IJeun dClves tu CUIII~ lu Yuz ••o to IVJIj"h 1",lllCIIIIIOI br~ulh ...e _lleak In" wordd' j ' : Thell hel\r til" })IIIII III'r.l1lued fOl' 111,1111' the" nIl, OCCIII)io aee" SUllllnu~)' 1'11/1((;8 I II 01 Vll S££1'I.-1 'love IIeelltlt . full)' toil by duy, b'llUk L-' tl l>y t\ Prllllllb of· ~hllh~rcd, ie "'n~ uiI' ,kll!ully DIIIlI'IlIUled, e " ItI" ..., 111111111t. ....... me, It. IOU 111', klu m vChgl'dllC , C UpOIl this cOllsum Iho d" iltr,,) Dr mation, of IltHlr SIS'I'O'b !ght is thc Cl'I'. H CIIl tb!;,· rcm,lIl1cd Uluny I 1111 80r\ll uf lillrd"hip" 1I11,e, Hie ur nnd lhe Dlle lltlllll\ll wetcllnu Ule It/IIOP ~hll Icr'd JlIlIlf;C , Sh', ""I"~n'h. " d',. b 1II0s1 WI·rll ILIftS all til uy Ie II u"'l1 d rea. II Ic enduro "til'. III.," '."1 ·, I ' L' ' " a 111.1·'011 r.le, I ke, " I lu lIul '\'1 r ' d c)[1' d II!, t:I II 111"5\ I \11,"1'11 D C Ilt III .- U U r leilith or hi" ,~ \ o. elllDII d• 'II. L~" I your _ I tI I olt-. uIJ ",m- month . ',IlI"tO \ , II' \I ,<3 e l'e,' r), mre Ii.. " IIVII,II 1"",1. - Ill" II'OU" "111ril did 1101 rlll'811ke I,i m ",. 1I\0~tr....hlulldbly . .Uu oIluoolII.d 1..' 1111 .lIrllCllfill rlallt!. a wuru,I u f I IIII rCI,or I all d d'·-\ ,\ _" 11t;1't:1I\'! h I~ P ,111110 I IIlL "o. lI !lcco m· :leL 011 IOOL by ~,Llle L' ueed• • nd 1\0\ ""'Ir \\Iora~ !lorry to hor Q~ IIr.,u ~ ' . I " e ""mpcro ' , )' I r, lor LII~II' 'low, Hu smok~d ahd f() lIv er~ell clt~l'rful·, I r ..,., 1 line lIeon Iho _ t' \11 enlcu youllll heort, I . I\ef I.. nin .. I"".ro \l1 ....y loki..... .. tlally 111101 Itvurly cU lilirlllUlIu pllllY ~ho 'oulltes - - - Ilt I~ I'-~ IC t1i. conr), Illlli lit u lit or m,m turu ler de'l~rn ,..11'1Iutiull \0 (lUme \II 10llrel " the.lIlU\le Lln,ae l' n llll Iy urn!r tt. .. t1l'ur~li"n, th"l1l1l~ I", J lad ' I ti"II!~rll lIud dlo ,Irullkur "". lifBlJOIoI~ 10 Il t.r olr"'I1!1j I I l"e roct that 1\1 the eostuntl J ofll,lIolJ lo V(lnei.lllll Irtlly. yuu hc. ~1l11i1l Ito.benll II ~r II II . 11 \lnu,. I"111'. nor bf ' t\tOri roN.ed w to 1 '6 CP!~SLlIll II Lly {OI'mllllt 1 I lJytl!UII' b I fll!lllds 0. 1 I lI,gllt, f MId ' 'FIlOlitlll ~hat donth W..II nOOT, hopplucu IU 'vlilld "Ki,oa lill," .h. Mild III & ........ llolle, lilt her ~nd, - ou hpr pct.ialhllC, '1'lIel'o, 1 slt~1\ 1I1~0 uu ,l>re onto I\nd du · 1'01' g 'mllg L111"1~ oul , lave 10011 mOl w 10 0118 C mue 10 the world; IIl1d 10I' lh\~ 1111 oliier thin::. ill of ~bu ally. culled rur 0 nihil!, relld lho IIt\rly-eJllhll, lucked ber In lin uPllur bo OIullire&Ho her -A11I1,loa ,. Ihy "UUllt lo.a will. ,,,.l'lIlH; Lhli \' HI'IUUMS 8COII(;$ LIlI\L \.lIkll plncc room ~I nillht ill' Llte~r wealth. who we.re 1J0t .blo 10 PlY p.rth:II\a,1y a\ thullc lIilll!a " hell life .A.L IOllgLlt ~hulr roll ~ IiL Wll~ • t }Ir "tall .llRllblenl1 h. own with ,hlna. ' (',uIOl-I IIU.t 111 IIIJII\arly app' rl.tD..... nd lelltlh"" .Io-tI~\,lh'luao~ I. Ih c ru (ur th o umllsolllolh ,of tho stu:~tI!, I!d. The Prlllllo "as re_ III llie .... otlilllK LlIOlr lollur· arhlliOOtl, b~~ AIIII brill" IhUn buIlt IIlIcll.LI, 'III. III~u. . mote or lee~ I ~, tlnll~er. , \'011 ~IIIIII oomo UI) La me, lind "11\'ly wilc ellUlII)ctl , .. ,•. i f o 'VI ,ill t1il;amsc , lind rOiLcliuu JIl·d SUIIII art. cr \Viti, HIe U!D1U'~. c.lllIlIe8l ·I' ' 1 hne ~on mOll who modtllllu eh'iJolae " ." , l. Uloir expcull 011 0 ruvcllge. jHupOSC to be UllilCd to tI,c I.lIly fur LI~o P ·lIl'iM. Hili coulillcQ~ lell 1\ \ L 'I "'AVO Yllr .. '411 I , 'I I .lellt ~' n8 /l01~ mure H .. ",Us b uri 0.1 III li1 0 b 'I. , I GIC(lI'EIt8,- ,Neve~ -.lI1ile , ulllt,.. iliose ,, ' I "bollt IlIl' t .,urotlery all d. tI ar IIIg I'sjllulla ".ltl~' t_ u." •• 111. tlYlnlw y, ..' , . \\,11. eth ,810 , ' ; enll'lt,III1Il1Cllt oJ th e C mpuny. · I ""II .,"or OIlIl L\tun buf9rc, rllICU • • n"gro ~y man 0, nno.l• , , Ihe ~U\' II 110 art wi!I" you compreb elld tbe lubjeci 'liLy of Wlor ,h II tubr 8u.~ ·d down hi. 1,·lhll 'che.k, RIIIJ CUllgrOl l. JlDIIIIC Ire8Ulullt lll LlI brul, 'lllmlCuc.-d IIt1l1 "ll throug h witll Lhc ",illC)I, Ilddetl ~o It." glicf ... 8ujl of 'lor brurllcr' " clot/Ie• • In rI "nd "" re r elr VOl III •• i. l.r'•• nr, ae('11 til" •• ;ae mOil run aIVay .f ytlu, mirth. 'fllere are .lIme /It tbc 6(JJln,ra' ul'PrultriQlillg !i\'O lIulldred do ,Iurs Cor a which 'Idshe <> I' I I fri.lDllie. I dre eud l.erel'lf.nnd defce'ldlllg . , I '1'0 ,,'Ieh thal' vule. ao Boll lind ,,1•• 1..I .1 d I d ,. ~ lava IIlHI'IllIge c.remol lY, 1I'11I1l I ~ III II 8U' I. I tI I I ' I 6 I tiO.ll It'llm IUd O\'c y lUlu J 0.11 I r cI'°ele I "II I from a 1I'001e. 'i1I1I1U1U l'lIt Iq uC I' u'<'l UK,... OIa;'·/I ...hI," "1'1\1 ,Iylllg "OW, u~llr I s !CIJIIl. II , thrulll!1t the window , got a lorae .rum t Ie "'/to rClIlltr Iheln~c ~ellfl,ltrll"!c 1 .ftgrec· c ll\li ly tlllile YDlIJ' I hue Ron ilion run III debt whhoUI wore UpOIl hi~ ~)li\'illl lind Ilcac}jlld; I)r\lvided u c~r' .111 u~hor ablll by Ih. hllb it fll coullnll .lly ' look al A.3 tllilo t lou lullielltU e. 01 .'011, BUIll 1\''' rni~ed suble IIl1d slarted on her ml'8iull "'I'his I S woll cOlloci\·lld. I\lId 1I111y or love. ill n fow mOlltll aftcl'lva r 8 10 ~ from olher ~~urce8, 'l'he .lIch ollter, und ""illlIl u~ lome litlle awk· ulhllr 11 I ,i~l~r.l w',l1 "ulell lor Ih .... , ~Ulll IV" ucror,~ tltQ ilhlrn lnuUlera owuke. their alII- prob~bllily of being able to Ihuke I aitlgle wardn., ~utlCCCII," slIid the Prine!! • . "]~lIl llUIl II Cllptil'C. 'J'ho PI iJJcl.l~~ NilU.nl~o. . Of ml~h'ap lhey mny ftincy tlley ' A"I1I1,eel tho .1111. gal... 01 1Il1lv'n. 1101 roill~d-lh" 11101IUI;11)nt was n,olcfIlClt'l1 t.r' WOI (ar 01; laer ~h:\J1 1 mcet II ith the fillt' CUlln~8~ hnd Imlllol:c tI ,to shuro ~LSCllpll\ Ity, ",1\0 Wily to YUlIO ell,.- PII~I~I'OI. I I lind b -tho on I ,jlln I ' nppropri ation \VDtl dil'er~ed She arr.ived hllre IIIIU'I\I, .Imoat IVnW out did I I J: 111:1111 1" had been 10lclbly .• ve ae~~ Il man umr, ng Inot ler 10 t· ..c!. S~ch n're nlw llya ~Ieelel from dltDgef· " gIIAr"hJ I~l-lIl1llll1crei.now 1"11 I.ve dew ' llllC, I " ~ d tl IC {J1I L I f 'tl f I L' bQllIC ' ~ .I ' \ ,eoml) me .. ComcWlt [ acalluld on hCjlr al.foro tu 1I1l~1\ere some Ge u alld, ~ w • oVI", re.lrrie iiI nd., Thosl! "bo vlaillh~tn c· IU ",rllllCI O Il. filar. Ind flltlgue, liut firlllllll " fixe.· ,d '.a.~I~ , • Ir,.. ~l f I }Inch in ltmUIII!{ tho wily 1I1 ~1\g' Illig of hi ~ UClltlt, , ~ fllte wllh I I' I fl ' d I luabald lind I hllveeee gave birLu tOR son IllItl lokell whntnvr. r 0 , lie grll til lllheeam ef., "low vole'g.l l1at Ipl,e,'llel'r nlalUlllflU, anti ure conslant l)' iu . ~'~ 0 H In ler .rea.: UltOI: I) u ler I 81t1\1IOl~ uf thc ooni.tur to 1\ r 0>lLo rn, 8urrlllld l:rcd ul' Iler lifo. 'l'lii~ I I him al Ihe elocllon . llreld oC the'r ridicule. child, r~J1u"I'c fur the sen 'ICl' cr NIQ 0 08 cr- ,uI'e hId hr!'. File, 1:~III~mall I to kW ~Ol\l "hidl he ollllnOlI. ntld pIL'\8i'd \ Irough. lhe grtludSQII of Napoleo I hove .een parenl. ufgln, Ibolr ehlldreo ,,' nllvor hke to go tu n, still 1ll'CS kllner. IU,., M--'. " ~he luld In:r IIl'"r), id II lall 011 ~e III 081 10 llIarry IC3inii tholr own A few minutes' wu.lk t hrough th~ not. ('U· {roul l~nrls, a tlcuur0 illcllnlllionj .aid .llId,. "Aud why ," t ~t -... I." Itnpula(lil, and Just It.-o one to 1l8tfhf t •• wu- 11I1dstr.cels \\ hich \Vule fill ed 1\ iLb ma,;kerl', gllllrtled and eheriijh .tBecIUle Y4U Cit" hurd I,. ~ .pe.li: ... worLl ' TRB jJ.ABIUV.6.L; A.n latercs UUIf LeU'cll n1l10ng wl.tum tlll'Y !\tlmClc U,no [lartiou· dil;I1[lI,oinletl iu the ed hy t\tose mlln III tlur.h II predlcam tllt, Ho asal,ted . Ii ir I h'opus I of hill flAthe ' I ,r 'rhe bllllleol 81111 Alltonl. d!~ Ilnllor- her in eve way dlHlirttti, before you .Utl ludlcAtlo nlof ulllDlillnetly Ott, TU NOOK. MA1UUA:n:. hlr IIlt(!bttOlI. brough t Ihum IIItu II Ilinc \,l1l1lly look fOI'1\'ord lInd lIe\'er leR 1 live aeen a ove y young glr 1Il1lrry I 10 the dllY " ,hell Ihe fQilllt Ihe AI.mll and Ihe butchery 01 . , _ . ' ' in th~ rOllr of Lhe t;lIrdellR of IIIlI Gen. Frllueo ~hllll (,IIIIlC ry rlah 0101 bll'tlJelur , ruercly m o re rille tho nllll01l6 Cois. 'J'ravi_, Crucket Bowla IIl1il llocir, fClr 1111 weolth; mIrth, Perh.pa tlley no,lce II plhlpla 0' .. w·.ll ':0- "0 buck 101\ ncriod sllll i erlll her 1111 he had tI"livcred Coun' her I.fe and . ~ounil 1111.1Ulldcl' LI,e d eslin" of a Nal,0Iuo ll. ' uno " ill ycur rS~!-. wry dl&pUallion uf II bon· ---, nrior to the IIh'h~ 10 hor Lruouh bul repenlAn l hUlblud . ' h r d v o cunlp .. trl lll~., by the,&le'xi lho CUrl,IIVtll. ThL! ! "\Vuit "h~'rc I hl-I'e ' aeen Ille .. m. "Irl die broken neL ribboll, all n .felY nlOI.IlCI1I R, cIl1ll8. during .' 0 ' ul\ln~enlion.lluok ill,yuur . N I .. I." ..... u Beeell er'. Courtt blp II..rled within . ytn. _ __ Ilrud illlpli:lOnm n" of yuullg upo I!!>n ltiorhIlC8 S;" slIilllhe Ihe ~ Ir\lllgie l·r Ihe 'relllllls for illtIt'~n. Ollpuch ln, dre.,-.cvcrYlbillll. SCI' tbem a 'fuicllcr · do li ce, I~ still rresh in the. mlllll of 1111. by \)\e ' .A.l1lJU'ian Otlvbrli meu, h i "ell I a priv\lte 'gftle lind diSIl}lpe All cmillent divinl, who is II. well I ltevl! Ifen 'tllo YOllnlt Ind be.utlrll i. tlte uriul; in Ihu IF i .,.Yv.~, ' ·'~I · ' 1IIId Ill\w l,cr'h81'N I' .no n II llC • .o:..t , 'II 111111 IIIII)WII as he ia ulllwer •• lly re.poeled,.I~II)' lalellled "" . ' ,\ t;lInI en. . , _rry .• d••blnr bralrlle.. fop bc· Allu liB overylll ng c:onneo" ", Sucb pllol'le, go '0 ohureh, , loDletim u' w' I lako ytlAr' .incO! ~or'.: de .... ~ mOl'cd Ihu !S~ 1I11'1ILhlCli 01 .J I t e n we I I I Bd(lfO ~lle Prince hlld limo 00 groll ' w.. led tu Ihe qullC u. on 1101 c.ulle I,fo, 100, w•• riClI; .n~, Lhl! "oun<r Qf all ,nlllio,I,IS., ' ~hllll Ihc f.l\tl.l l in\nl\li~nt, the MOllk 'd u Igo l,....,, II' II y slruug lo l'0seessc 8 0 eep 1\ er • , all .I ill t Ilat eocre d p I/jee 11\ 'r o ' n[lpe!lIe tl, r~lld. ; J I b I I e" 0 1 > ' Ileo.ure hi Inyln!: boru;e 611' .fe.d~fjI Ihe "il \\Iftl 1101 ,we II ~I'r n d N p~opl!lI.i ly, 1 If il child hnr "'--'" PellS to cry they mqn II e 10 0 I • I I h.ve en them otle~ a ~r ra, 0.1 • J 01 IInLolb t'r Ih'illg pl·nwnll g e . ' i t 'l Ii (l; I A Rer cun.idll~abl. poltderil • UIIII", l ing Lhe OOUUlAlb' lg, he rC801v· mid4lrable... wrtlteho GEN. UERK UlEU '8 LA.8T BA.T- l"nowllI g °dtl~~, IVF It d eXI.'t'oC (', lIi,,~lc, tbi.· ImlllltiunlJlCUt., ~hel' R~ ,110 IIgllllt Nllp9It'U II ardellLly il.olllle, \\ 101~ If lit., mlni.ter \Iurorhillpioly ..a ~ ~ 'If 0' 'laO were ed to ulf't'r himsclr ill OIhrrl'l{o 10' e olllsl'cd ooltld . er.' willi" he.n ule aa 0 .ub'lilu le. an rnell'gllllt word,lb ey lli<le MVCUIilluU, 1,., .Wllt UIIUllllcd fo~, t!Um~ III /I minute kl\lflO~WRrd~d' e IN h C I' II k The 0.r41 .tr Iwill41e. cnrrlRge, 'I.'LE. their fOlll1lh (oee., under \Ileir accnle" Wt.tll" . , • mOtllUllery, L'It: 'g1ll"Ucn u .\ wh,clt, diu Mon wilh hilll wpre thul up In Ibe Alamo, and tai " :1('::ul~~r 0WII~. Il\u provl til, 0111110 up II~c r;.olullo ll fornl l)d 1'1J~ Nport oC a ol)mmitt .:o in the Su· ~mbrlc N wbleb Adjoine d Lhll' ul the ClIlIllu .... 1 lind getLing inlo i&, lIUffUII" •• Rnd titter. If 811 old poorly dc~ by the comblne t Hulenll furc· they .,' rove \.() thu . .1 Ben\) I U>Utl ll--, who had Iln only HOlel ,de l'Empcr cllr, , I Ie , .irleell thuUl ond lhnll II W"~ pilI 111 pr.cltr.~, unu ,ouilla nalo, conclud es whh lhtl follo"'llI g ali· lellYlng the MUllk, lumptio lls. fuunded on .llli~rllCl()ry ui. dre ....d, totterIng Sevunty ·aix yonre ago was foughlth e ell! DUlUUIJ,9 ng 0 U WOOlOII, (111' or God'. 0 d rB daulfhw ir of fouTleen , who O£ICII calllu who ~Illd hc wuuld A 0111 I". CQIIC, lie epeedilv rear.hed tile ncnco: 60011 follow. uuulu of Orl"kIUlY. DUW n tluurlslll llg IuWII I ..IlII. "IIJ~r llo~ Ctln!OIal! ' vary lillie onea In .ngelic: piety and cJuld· o . lI"rrlet I 11\ . d u Inc '14.Qb . lIlG ~'I\., dwellillg of hi. IIli,tre.. , >'f y 0111 \JIg to \hu ' IlIll'SS \VI'U 1\0I r 'movu, AD b Y tIe h "OU • go c' .u "l ~t. That 0«:0. A. GI'fdinc r ill notl like ,hnpliell y,comed creepll)g up lh. III k 'rt1IIIIOW ')'1 e CIII" ",hleh \\'e pUu ,a .... 0 b111I 1Il'U In Ouoldll cOllnty, Now vLur. Ie. .. to be J\lol\llav I. Ilia lu.~pc: ...; -:'lked.. wilb the i'rmc.c; lot 1mlUlk dnring the I I I tl \ It CioOIlCCII marilin" a .I IS)' lind n O"ilr WIUI, a cit~lIn of Lho United with c,;onilli;i':' \to (ltlded q(1I~1 pille\! resoundc d Wllh the boollllllg shawl lind ~Ollnet 0 I autQ' d'i 01 rrom a !on oC CIlI. Trn I, w dO. nlcn· I\'hl.h mpny New ElIglu;ld reuden IIced I uv I III abo~" 1.... llOry lUlIi fulL fOe hiS ilad to the Prince , lUI he look hll,lol\l·e Sllllos, ' . gllna Ihe III .. h Qr kllivee, tho ",or ' \Vh.op ber of Lhe 'i'cun IQlIke. wilh head ahaking: with .t:D IIl1al Sl'III1~e. an wn . . . 'l' bol Ihus OOCllme noqu.un tcd, ot be '~Id is bOiler kllOIYII III the house· • lid'. 1' 11I\~ "either "No," IInswerc d tbe Prillce, firmly. ut the IIlid G~iner Inell.n.ll ild lhe b)'JWI of 111. IMr· belore III prinl. We at'o :~'" be,;ding Lellcatl~ 'Il'ir weighl l 'heY ;~llllti~n. ::ultl OA WUhlll, d.", Uncun81lioul ue tire nor John A. Mel\l'II ever aad.Uie Pnuoc, from being pteful , boo owned or wllre t..uelt alSch olher 011 Ihelr "pal,!"I " lu(). e\les810mahll\\ k; IIclKhbor roueht ••• 11181 fur II lu It. W , 'l' homol CltJlie .aam~ wi~h ,he oollutifu l, gen : r ·ql· DAB ehlll l · hOllor thnt "' .. intC'noed h(lr. lite I.dy w•• illLereliAul in D..Hvco. or is to bo 1\ nw k mArriag e ill Ib d \ Id d qlliokBi lvet mine, Ind .h.~rin" whl' per IIbout ,INoab' urlt," i.! . 'helll'ttd glrl, who, in mRIIY wR1a the"Th(lr(' Iy lUI he died GVllllllnndclIC'.)' a t I OLltcr pllrt of Iho saloon,'. ' t;llid ~ov· noig lor, In,I't II I b b II ki I or allY kiud or 1I mino. in Lhu St~1.o a\l ye e UII . ,IV.... ......t u 16e tI ....raof lai.rm Henry. and \l,all Ihru', . theIr Iltoldor. ; IlIugblng u Feb. ~"'"8a6. , prisou. 5 " rnl or lho RlRsker s; Rlli! a l!Cncrol The b.ttle ground i. . landlng liehlnd I e tllb II I • a., to ISen Luis 0-, . PotQoli, ill Mcxir.o. two 1IIned weal uf Ihe T , .. " ...."Jj At:;L AIi Ea. en "'lIh her arnll ' IlUmer.e d i ll the .ud' l ' A r the ~rinco WIUl1'C.'mo\'" U umO\'QOIOllt or Lbe I ,lie u Tall PEOPI,n 0 F'1'I>!t cro\vd IDCO.. '3d, WILli OIl1de 00' villa,ge, wllleh i. al t I10 COli II . "'11M' , DO'l lllcr aniu Gurdillc r or II thl!Y had done I nry pretL, tblp ' uellce 0 , I • It uo \\'4),...... . .. to dOlO qlla~t.:flI ~Il ,he Olty, " , ' . " , lll.ii I ily 'I CIIIlDlled BI ill.n Ill. y~ung wlIruth aL quark r.. to ."'lmCIIS ' "",mp.ti k I I I h ,.. I on willc ,10 u ear" wno OltpcU"u (rom the Su'le, ' I I UlI,Aamt:. k \Vlten .alJor. It: .... Illme on .ue I soc 0" • F 11 ' l eHI8T..... • MI~ cOD\p.lr rUicl•• dueply iuterc:.ll cd her QOlJlull\lpr mi,lsL "loud the Vene ulln cavl\hur II. Ie Ofldkan y t.:ree IV I I l e ....o law , m. iuUI·..... 0'_That T "BV the lellSt or h.la wore usulul I I Ihe .. I ro'4th. I\IHI the J)rili,1t furcea ullder Col SI, Lell!r during nll\r'r tllo "llole Uale: I t leao • mperlnll • Imp leluD. with ::~~~~~ , by II \loUUHllld o~ moro 01 111111111(\. in bU faI,e. Three ycart! pl\llSed on dll' Lhe Itldy, both nll\lIk(,d . b~l .. podod of time in whiah SRld Gttrdibo r llOIlu.b au. canea. and ~oth lUuslached .I !:!a\l\.ll "11011 I hll~e rial ~laich inlerval ; by UOCldIlIlL. &be iug. from tho gmce Imd dlglllty sui~ - Illid .eilte 10 Fori Sbuyler , (Jlow-RolDe,) .. Thcru IV . . 0 Iuud knocli at II,,! door. ullc~tJlI he WIUI cnp-ge d in &0 Lui.. I'.,.. In them 01\11111 PIeD, "h.1 • rAce c:rell\lfe of theIr Celler_I Herkime r pUI hllllsell at tlte hear! tllll ~ell~cu\l ~~~~il;:e of fool. d LlllUb~r h.a ,wlce JUO~the yout\y Napoleo n. und pcrKOns and oArriAge. N d~en~ olld "Jnne,l: to dIe door,lIl, t if il il OilY tolIi ,,'orkiog Ilu. minel. he o enr tltem 81.000 or. the millli. of Tyrun eounly lind march- All" t iD fllot at would be tlte CODM!quene~! Thc world !.be. h~ " luterc!ta Qb-ed glMclIS , it" Ill! the Capuch in. A ulft~ble IIlDe I R f C' U !rollr. 11101 h~"! not 100t budy to .ee mc, t.cU \hem pedesta l WtlS Ihot I .m ellgl1- pl~tI re~olO from~1 L ~le, engallw U I lted un UII. e\'1I1I "IlOlnOI!a , e or ':n·O,JU~'~. ..... -Ii ~_I' 'Iill'l. thc'y wcre be· cOllv"rt de_ener , elloogh, Heatlen knowa, cd inlo an Illlnr, h\' 1)llIl:ill o" UpO\1 ed 10 the reeeue, ~., " »ow ." - • e Ias a mau&lI'e rof a 1m I milling conCOrD, .. .I h • b .led ~ I d" • lur· gw and c.nnOl lie tb~lD. 'd rue l! limplll ,llIala,. , I I "II" A,\ 1e tithe mludou rosuhcu it" erucililt l1777 wit" 800 Illell• a II1MI. TI Ie ellemy 11.1 delnltltle ."T1 Aud CI\Dtllu8 d tilllitch«: j .' 1 tl ' from IlIg 0 lie" I ..UgUd 'rile ..e........ "aa rallilruliv rehear ... d. lUI a dItJlll~~. ltD t au. t e.1 0 I a , • t .. _~i .. .. ~ , ' r~lidllr at d.i~erelion, ()l\1t'nvi .. I", ",fri· • "w,urt "or hi~ escape. '11e caudolll bl'll. pc.. III' In .mll11 ... bUI .. ou meet the. m everywh ..,.. ' r ere. On Ihe "!' _ . . " . lJellr Oril k.lly,de terntlUl n, 10 awlll relll' , ..t" ' . Ii Ilu Ihe ."'0 d it lite fori • bi i.aller _ "'1'dl hilll . e bew I to CIII II Lhl •• WRII bcr tjrw ftfrnOOI u l," lIe.u .. ld war!t TI L I'cr~ pT.rpr csonted by ero",~ed omnlbu. son Ill'e to e pll "Kneel, childre n," aRid theC~puc n lurCllme UU,c.r.a t a e~el\llI.n , \Vh~ra perho~ .0D\ja \l ~ !JIM I'; taken. I han n'llIwered- II~, · ..... · III ~ (riend and fricudall lO 10 UIC UDCorlunllt. soll:mnl y. They hnell, I lite I"dy, whoo Ihe .u'IYer Wal Jetll'ued or Erin with her hullhy. , b th aaid Gardtne r an Me"n, at oom· pour d ~ug II and lite Monk ell.ck ulitll he recelnd thl IllIn.lll r n Ier, ' ti • non p""';' for be had been ill BolJllpll1'te's proceell ed to go through ' the lIer, Ice. IOrtie CruUl »hol and o\lr1t~'lti" wave. " 1".1 1 wHIRC bhD," ~ 1 I:' fro Mexico, i-. 8..ppor~ of &ltoir hone.1 breDdllt ur face, IItforda Ibe Furt. Hi.olBc era, ellier WI Id~ c I II \:1111. I ;lWIIIe '" '14'" !llem 00 t<mI ' To binUbe eommiu ed I\cr pllm8. whllll IlII t.llc cruwd Dutlt was ulI.vliilh llf. eI~im', IIhxxl around ,. ob· 101 the fr.y, upbrlide d' him ",ItIt .cuw.rdI U; fa~ aud lorl;ud, rCl' mirth: In Ihe .toom urj pUllnlr tbelr prlltl ~r TIk~ I oall' U~I(ID 'OU iu ,. &muel ..e her now, ••id lbe mlul~ter. ..W~ C:llDl'ider t.b.~ ber06tilh lcllCO in him.hc ~co\ld. serving it ns tlley' would n scone III 11 10 which be replied. tbllL "he IIIlf:nded '0 I ,hlllle conclWlion& 1"llpld judlflUenl uflOn e,ery on. who f Liberty 01 ratriutil m. and . .oJ her 'wi.bll.. 110 6ucccc~cd m cor- plIlY, "'rell \\ie w.te .he ,.," lire firmfy establis hed by the proof ,'uard Ihom .. Il ta'i her, and wuuld 1I0lle-d II. a'i~' ~ de.r w awio;' a can. nol. ill . - , or w.a" a America " elier.e'e r, napUn,' the 'Prince" c9nfcsso r ~o far as 80 .. yi ..... he rollo,," t"~ IInnl ;(110 lec\4ld by III. and to d I ' M' . l .Met ~hem out.. Bul witt-h. ill addilion 10 diU.. ::me which we iDyll. f.UGII lite ",rooral da or har "08.1, :: our G ,d willt aU deep.le:II. ' \QmalIe 'lIill& lhe rncd!u!D )ur "CO~J'\1I'~ls- T~lel E01PuurGc°rn'cA~ll~: C~:' the 1r.itcbe....to tbot r u t aurpriee or her eanrrul COI1Ii~llrali~' fqn I~~ they L c"a~lIed " i•••, to aee Ib.1 th., dlh.." Ibltll1poadt!ltlDO b.a.w4IOlilflU "yo O,'ers, him "'itb, .Cling lite parI 01 TIle IDemy i. recei,jng rein~Jrcemenu miette.. . 'I. \ \ lCrmC I, all w J oil TbedCOllUlUUAIe,•• oJ awe Dacaec cOPt.lnued fur 1101110 lime, \Yerc Iltill wgelhe r, WhOll 't~ "lUI aeina Irr;!IIi.l lblelt I. ~ i\l.lr ~ ~es J It ~ngcr • tr.itor, he became nllal .,." , II ou- tbe lUli IDm 0 , . . W IC dally. alll1 will DO doubt I~cre~.elo tIlree -J ~e l'rillCo tleohu'Cd hl~ pRlliliOIl entered l\Dd IInnollnCl.~l aD officer Ya!lit, th.t Illey h... a sood .pin190 ot "Ki. • aY. come 10 Ie c I' Bllowed \0 <h:o. A GtlrdtDc r,waa a",,~' \belr _ita. f.r of Lhe the .ign.' 10 ""reb. The exclh d trMp. Of fuur ll\O~Alld io !OU," or five. d.,a. QObody hu.-O l'" I " 1"'~' If elutioll \0 lDar". Will JOu ba" IDU .• ed upoa fraudale nt, rorrd, to be ~lliU!tl lVlLh her, I,,,,,,,rd, He atlmlllfl d . . lind fiel" ~: fOfw.ro.l til conru.io n, 8nd only ~e 'r!reu~. DC .IIII!ItlVuqlA:pn, ·'Pardo n. WIIS leel". I lID dlll'I·.in ed 10 waa the tlJiDlale r'. opellln, .pe~". your majesty -bilL If the plllledoC Ihe error WllOIl it WDlt"l' re- Ihla callle tiou. •• lale. lao f1~110 100'" pouiblit , uitI 41e "U.ve you!" replied tb~ ..lunlabed lad,. TIlepttpen. ~~ ertl bCn~t1r~l: 1\11 t:t11l 1I.1It1 ' Prince Napoleo o hlUl IIb~ " sCltp<:d. CIUIe of Mean, III wbICh Iherll Their road lal l1cr _ a II'Imhy rovine, IU. In A IIODaL 8Puca .-W. _ _ _ lbe ~" • :10""\" lUI womanb ood ill ilJl is in Vibllllll lI,person II) ve" forpu whal I. 'Till. I. a 'aiAJrUIA r IrlDe \0 olr"r ",11 Ole 'olee 1\lId Qroued In elen\ed Woodl!D p l.in.oo which II. allo.e~ '153.1 P Col' ~l~gtld dll'I~C- lollowio g .peech like. to lhe careful 'Iud, or IItII dler. v. II 11'1111 tllal 01 hI. COUll' Suelt 811 II~. ~,.; .. ......ti"''' I . iIDJI!OI'tau, .up .huu!1I be made a UOil vr It qWeltaU yer """0~ carfi~ IIrc hid owq-" ~~ ..... _ , ...... , I "'I Le-r bad I.id.o am"--d e, dr.wlll, AlI\I .111011 all D••dlnatea b.rure Ihe peapl,,- It ':: ' .. w . 9 Of ~¥1om bli ClwlIltonor a .. • .r ilul dftliller.l no • iUll n try B .., bOw ebQuld Iro eacnpe T holt' w . . preHllte c1 ~roasll tlie 1IN\1Ier 0 pre,er 'Iat ~o8n }OU, "I",. . . la llllMie, ~ • IlUidldate for . I Ib ..en III the rorm ur. cltcle .I"VID ,' id George .A. Oardb Ier...1 1eliellt l.-,It liri.f Ud ,I"" ...d tII••• n VleroaT oa Dun. "Let III pra,r' ..... IIr. B." 011 1 ,.~ ,lley 'meel-b ow shoula i.bC'y b: yu~ ePl'.k~ ,,~t.il'1!d u a V ~netirm ~YIt· up !Iill IOIDIW laatlimll arr.ohis OWIl, who.e a. k\ .....leele41. I t be ~ 11111, • a~.11 MllI1el1t. b, which. Her~ WILLIA M BARRETT M, . . . . • . .... dow. bea )ltI1ted....::Jaow ,hoald tllelllfle rwan!1I 6y. r A. ~aa .pon ..~ ll;:'': :Ud the C!Wltni ~ u~ CorpS &bl ball a few millutoa ...d lal. tered. 1'1111 w" ;:~=1~i f •• lind L&. Col. t~ Ilieobat; aclea lDdwd.b:~ef\,1l ::~~ . : ".,.. - , It l&llioa mit ttnd fabrie.1 ed ,....n. IQilering neAr. lie I~ itIJlDetilalClly c:loaed. and a murderu • ua fire I . P. S. The ....... I. Of! DII& . . . .. aad WIll prevail. 4.A _ooltI ........ tae 118,,1 - at to Ilia vi_or "pd foreed' hll WII ope"..1 all ell.w.. upon the IIneu ...... _ _, • II wlthhi a""" W ~.n. Ia~d ~~:. IID& . . . fIMI way in .. It lady ~ hu. arm, ~IIO peell. . .mlla. AU w .. ditIonIer. Ora· tine ........ III . . . . . ~t ~:.'O I
II UnrO ' llS ."
= ,
,,11 "Ie
c:;;Pwt;tCu ,
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P (ued li~ "' 0 :w "i&h. o.nu'v.s. and tbis .ug-l....... .... d babiied ..
a V.
a ~. ~ Bl• "'m~ ia yaloe uel:a :r I.e •• _.0 ..... da..,.gIa b~ he~ Priaee....~.... ..... •
wllUlldecl. "'.... aD ..It ....... ..1_ die ltDDk • vee......,111_ .. .-... . .....
Ia. ,"ced
.' .·....'-'.,....... ......_II_. . .
.. . . ' PriMe, .110 iafana Jf!Ilr ""2::"" '_n ~ 0'
... . . . . .
8erllllllft w.. -
I. . . .
toucIl......... ....,... _._ ..
... . . . . .
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ron-d. ... .". . WI ..... ..... I.-_l : .... .. ".6. . . . .
., ......
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.-. ':
TIf£ NF;W YOlll! J'oduAL lor AprllllUs tlltn ..-the high replllntion of til" recently
starled. bllt Me.llonl p'ubhe.L1on It h.. ~8n, !\ t~aclloll', Is ,l.1I"uJlOmel.y IIlU8t{1lt ~
and \vell ~\led wIth ch lllce in-Uti' ~ ,elr. ~ D Orvre, Nu~'I' York (18?mCn~ mil) be see
another column
TSI! G2ft'V. ,,'"~ TilE WeST ror )l1Iy hllB ClIn Iny 01 It III of
beel1 received, Ind wo
Z3r Tu.s GlliJRl1cm Irenl~, ., IIppenn, .11 lit pret.lo~.esilOll-G"'~ ' ,Ve reel vor] I'II\S 110t rCJccrcil. lJ)" tile SCnnltlliflcr nil, CQn6" ~nl tl1l8 IYorli will lueo ~d, bee IU"" It~ .. ~ fJ tle cryfta .uec. ~~ , n yeur I[owlm) DurllauI, cl nCllInllh
GR,nrUIS lhoAZI~ IIII' lU 11 I I)n 0111' tlble •• nd • relt! numb"f It I.. Grahllm Imy.. .., clem" prqinl .. a.atllloll,erfo'DlI he ... Id h • 0111' co"..... pon ..... nl III Vlelln. und. Ih(' 1U......hul Will ItOlnlt tu IljI excollent tlll~ year. -\\4 he 111 rull\l1 nil: 1118 wurd 10 tht' fuiJO'l\'lDlr. dille/\' Vlllnnl, 1 lerd~YI 'II I. hiller t3 .. yea,' Gou R (1,"hlrrn, IItoU"ed th.\ lhe 4..." .... have l!Jlot iI.y
Wheat, ,
Barley. '"
Oattl' doz CMl, " "lour" eI, l' ewe(
bll bhl
Butler., ... Porgs, 1! dCt~ ' ..hi ' - - . , n.. PCt~tl'e .ll bu"pplee, 1'1,11 cIo Dttml
Chicke.. , f dOli Ff. the,. 11 ,..,. alu Coree f ., ltic New O,lean. RII,al', ., 1t., 1(",le, do 'T(jII8jc Rew Orlnna ."la8les i 11',,1 .to"
1:)II,ar-HOI..e X,.h,..eA, ,
IIola• •, l' pI
~'''''Iee, Y a,
......1', ...&1 • ••••
10@87c • 190
) 110Ll!lll Eb
E It N ~ T,
HO 1U IIAUf 8'1' omOlH lfA'fr IlII11::IUN Ii l'HI!:(,tC,t' Ilt.;AL", JI;UtAl , â&#x20AC;¢ .\0 II c\,1 A"I'II1"~ 110. ['!'Ill .ROllINSON l:J KEY 1'0 AJtITtlM EROllIN SON S ELEUE NTARY TR~A
Judge humlh
~~=:I~~~~==~==~====~================~========~====~============'==~~========~==~~================:=~~:~~==~~==~==~'~~~~=-~.~-M ~~-,~~d=~~~~ '~Y,OLUM~ 7:~··NUMBEn WJ WAYNE~V lLLE, W~\nUE~ WJWNSla Y, ALlY 10, nJ4
lu I Gud 1\ h.., II ILl hrollght rue ~ If", LlmluQ'h Illl 111111 ~o flf kt Jlt me fruro th e clutches uf the h IImllll wulll! •wIllch I fcareil milch morc than the UCI1l&l<llij of ! he fores t Tho stuml conllllu"d till C~ days 1!!1I1 tilt'" the bug flllrl) oroL to SC/t tuill 1 lhou,.:h· my trouble s on
Lhll! sc ure nllllr o~er but she could not. lnk!: mo nml mJ htthl girl a8 plll!scngers IlIHI "llIle
neve r I)ICOIIOIIUI/ 1/1 ''' w> I'bg r~plllee Til'. el IOmu r. l ~u ll u ll le ila who Ihe Ilidy w.. nnu dl,ow ~ her til have beoll worlh" o( ber III ilbllllU ,...., 'I'lw le lll!r • dale" from AII.lI.an ~ ~1Ic:l\lgnll Alitl MIIlCU 1 R JC »a E ~II TO /l -S Q ~ IIl~ 11 PQ ... grapb I. )""lr pURer or tho 41h, apeaklng 01 the oml, un, III 11)1 the t voa writ ell of AluNn
~t.l1I \ury ol\;all) mlsl.1I1.I;U '-~
a.1J A - It IS lui thRt. 1hc G \ Clnor GUll fill of tHe l "llIId of Cuba hils III III ~ p o CS~IOIl th lugnl documenls fur <iib mLIng Lhe SI!I\ e9 LlicICIIl, at. nny uml: "hell hu DIlly e fit, to ple\cnL lP I\1IlIc:Xllil911 of tho ,,,Iltlld to the III le(\ till ~ nl lull t & a hu e country l~ u 11 h ilS bee n 8 IItl c'loccrlllhg till In It r. bUl l ) cl. 1\\1 III Tumor and fl"e
bl\' 1111 C rlam nJulIo o[ t11e trulh of lh e report.. fhQ SllbJccl, lao,ye, cr, bas cn ""'HIJ'\l In the Brill 11 1'I\r1u ~ l, and mCUlOO" I\nd I)UlIll>lllrs lh~le ha" IUlno\&#cud thal. 10 ClCIt4111l IItlll
111\\ c
repotls of
grent lJatile uctl\ccn &m!.u Adnu "ud the 1I\8urgtm~. Ah nrcz 10 "IIIC11 the IIlLler
JACOB D RNS'1' WR J L f.U L& A:tO lI':l' .U L
DDOK.SELI 'ER 1·I1B!.ISHEll, 8T A fl ON.a
AI'! J)
BLA NK [lOOK MA ?\UFAt;'1 Utt ER No 1111 M",n SI1'. d
,go 1\ n Ii rchDIII votlll IICllr 11 III Ill"n uf ddll"r! slood upon II whqrf wAtch IIIr the approuch o( a r~ch 8hip just ardvlnlf III Jlort of willcit he was the owner He vaa elo.vAt~il w th his 1l"1/tI CcJl'tU\ll! Dnll looked loft)' alltl IIrrelllllll A puor Aeu~lIIlh aulf<lrlllll UI dcr gr eVOUI mDludlss Blu",1 Ilear and haVing eXI,er en cod how challgerj,ll III I fo Ie YClltured 10 lell Ihe '"umphallt merciaolll Ihllt rIChes have WIIl.r~~ j POGh 'I..d the merchnot there vou eel' II It lOllIlIIOlld ~IIIII' I luke from my lin I{"t' You IIce.loe II ro v I III to Iherlver As well 113), ),01 ureel ever 10 see Ihat
~The oU duy, I liU!e '1 WOII 011 hi. way to Ichaol wllh IIlchel ill )Ia"d ulell~ upon hi" (/WU P Ir'lI l "hen olle Iv.ho ahouhI hllve been II man well Qa In atalure I II led 111m yo mn 1 ' 1 be lad aloflPecl e),ed lua IIIterrolftlor r,om I ellt!to foot II III tbell rt'plied- )fy IOD dOli L kn IW 1011 sit Her acq Ialntall eel Ire 1:(' ,tlnrnell EXit jl'elltlemall of 1IIIIall brallli Witl I J1ia iIi I e ear -lluft'ialo Earpre.~
II '1 he d IIlIer VQ8 hcortle..8 Ind tedll/UI to 11110 TI c r eh wine o!lly madll hi~ tho I&:lal'
.,olgllant II. al.pt DOlle tllll -He becllDle "0 altered 111111 H" .petulatloll~ were all III rllrlUlJllle I Lou 8ucceoded to lou 0 Id I I a (e v yeah Ite IV" 11 poor mnll IIla hl
W.altb I. lhe gilt or G Ida lull SlYeli (or a p d pnrpo.. Nul lu be dqua lliJered -Dol to mlk. lhe J1use.sor hard o[ hlllmbut 10 leach 111m benevolenro to O::TA collntry l"~ II\~ely Irut ~p an him to !J~lIl'fit III. rello y me J aecount of 1\ 8re~ lieaded-" DeslruclIYe 111 lIod tire-elevell bUII~~, ten Itt're,lS IIlId olle What Postma.terlllla, Frank cracke,. Iud appllll and bClu:ht!a and paw cow 111 aVIIlI '~r 0 •• P~iY.te Letten pawl my Lead a worN compullllcated'thftn EACn postmnsto:r wi O~C compcosn u a cruy mOl key. and my dtllll;ll If-an r. r U I t I II roond hk. froth In • ,I ..a or .,hllter pop \I d' \II I re eN ng J ~ If dl nol ~ I DI1.FI'.l.LO . . .11fT.50 II'K ~O • .. :J R cc 200 may I'elld ,hrollgh tJle m I " c ~n ~TOI.. ralllI ,. II \ lOt sr.c y 11001& Kalilh round 10 tbe patent do ,ble Illi leUel'!l lI'rJtt~1I by IUlIllkllf on 1111 obo,.. comjpllll" .....1111 _U.locI,1 ~ r o:,:. :ne;!~ le1iJIIJ wattr ram .b~.O !:vlD, to .how pnvllhtelCbllSlnCSIJ "llell ahall notezcecd l'rl IT:'An~o ~r;:.t:~ her wbere, If )'011 d turn one apliot, the ~."'er at Sea U Ie II an ounce JR w(!lglllfrn iII]HUt "II "elr ..rlell.. of J rill eN' IIIk wat.r would 1\1 out and If \IOU turn enoll. A .bock1Di mllrder WOII eomrnlttl'ff 011 (1$' Ie Ihe comfC:n~ IIi1~ ('zoeed 8200 TI Inb ha", ~ ....'j' I~n &Iyl• • r, It wOlltdlll bOl 10 buetle I turned boord U. YanA~ Brode., bet Wilen Nt " II n i1~ ball tbe ngl.t to fronk odll suoh ~ ;~~l~I.:~S~~ aq"a no .upenor tbe 'll'r.01l, ,Irvr-t RU". It wal" e Due" \"Ott aM RIO II"elro by a lador nAmed leLlera 1\8 relate ('~cIQalvely to the bllm lie cOl Plnl.:'!jl dot_Iliad fO prner ... II • "Io'a bHr b,nlll_I-....d I dl"u'n I • e lile Edward Ihery -I nauve of Sprlll"6eld nei'S of IllS oMeli or t11e Post Office sian lar4 ot I eJr ~!,.,!.,I'hI."'.'"1 lei WlllC' aD ,~' • D ..... N moeb lIlenl la InllnnlU a... I w II he tI elf .\lUke tllJ tbe pootllfl Was neul d lUIlAICJIUIleIl. un tbe JierIlOII of a young (par....on.. 0 po8~ml\Sli)r can aim to jlrodu.. a ._111, of tn,k flor III ad.- Ie;. lied ~ ro" \Voloan nomet! SUllnll'" RU611eU of 'Vor C~1VC or lK'ud free III) pnnlCd mal.lCr of Iny h.relof.... c. . . 10 lhe pot I.e I'a" h ceeter IIaaa. A,ery la con6ncd IIU loard IUld in eVf!r1IDII~nce .. hero 1\ potwu JII'2~:::J dar-rr 10 Ih. eUfh!OIet \v. p.... on to tit...n...dJultiDIL op tbe lteatner .. a IOUrd8rer a..d Will be fer recOIvea II CIOIIlmuWcalion "acJl'OIIIed ~I"" will n"~ :'3!,!,:,~~~,!.Pre.1d.nl or ,.. -"" bll_, . . 110& dow. to1wr lbt ..lten to CaNroaaii!aataad blllr.1 where to ham as poIwauter. whICh I I a pn Bulralo Oet. I' I~ l!ll 17 a maltlD" a full vaI.e cbaracter aud deaaguL-d to promote .... .., ... tire tlte mMb"n :'~~=~:':~:I~ _ . 11 • I lit 1M., ........ ...,.. we couli A cams,on~ ., die PO.1IIa at.r pn ale IDle. .", willa &II evi,d...11& ill.. LAIlGil c,.~ [.~ ,.., "- • ~ . . . . IIor ......... followlll, IlUftdN or &Ire mill- liOll of gimar aimdatioe Co a& ••aboa& 10 ~P ea. ap ... I£oeIoIt ~ iJer: pa)'Ulg " . . . , he ntana 11M . . . • MClCLBLLA U
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VOLUAtE 7:· NU!lDlm 171 '
J ,.. .' lAo 1'/., '" •• ,.
WAYNES\1LLE, \V InURN COUNTY: 0]]10. WEl>~El:LHY MAY 11, 18 ~J
Ni:AIt ti,e olose Septumbcr
nAll~It0 1lT
or tL hot 8ullr~
t 0111 'Ve "" lIut til nk Iilnt "n "'"tnllco can mlu e be III1I1C" wilere 0 mull of HO~ lnl P081tlon II J{olltll~ky hus ~n Cr been hUllg or .elll to Iho Pllllltell t ory, rur ,n\l,,'g "III lt1 III I'on d yh.;hl, Iiollgi th re hive b CCli \ I.. t H~ c lJlod t o UO VOIY " g!!r Iyuletl cnR". of 1(lllng uno,! 0 fnr n we kll n\, I thl. 18 trul t)f thu vhole S Ullth \Vo llollut It n onso COil be linn otl II herp n IIlnl, III nllY outhnn S\I,IO PIIJ OYIII/.! hl . II socilll pi) ~ II'OIl 1 11~ o.. e r bt:ell I !ln l\~ l'ulI1" h(l1 f(lf 1!l11111!: III or OIl ~IIY Icr vh ,t lhe clrcllOls tall( os
Ill' OBOttOE A
u.y 111
Clll QfR If P ~ .../. 1\1 10C PI mu ch anllulllly 00 'fliers or nl ICII 1"118 -The t\llllg. th. vlfe r"ncie. oro, lIIoreuvlIl", tlae more reo hnc,1 uf Ihe t" u ~lId 011 11111 whole, Ilrll, l.erIJnp. q lite M uoe(ul 88 Ih. cHile .. \Vh ,tHor the ' re t 01 IIIn Ilk lIul" lOa, lilY, 11'0 L d(!cr Will ue I",neat 10 Ihl. mlu.r. ~' .,r ptay hU8 lIut beell glVIHI 10 the .e;l[. 1'1 0 m!!U who elu 1II08t 01 the ed tlnlf' wrl. Ullg II.d P'Ylllg h.le nOled Ihe cry of extrnvog once ag~11I8t the ladles \lOtll. popular l.ten hu. 0p SCII lhnt remlilel Ire ClllIStltullou.l\v groRter Pflcn.ttbrll\_ tbln thn mulD8 h i8 the old 8torJ of the l1ulJ pnlllth'g h II 0\\ n virtues S unnlor A G /JrnwlI of l\JI~i\1 5 Pili 111 1 11 vrlllr thoil l'xollcrnl ... d tho ladles, (rom n 1.1 0 ~pOll h III thO V S SOllllo rn Ide II i n chnrgo wo Ihlllk unJult, they will, we Ilro LI) 1-: ull nrglllliollt ftl;Dlll ft t th e 11('''': trusl II.len dl.paij~ lu\la lely to \\ hilt further .to, tr'l\O \I Illoh 1\[r Culhulln fir.!t ,lel1ollll' \\0 )!IlVI) In ny Fllr Ihoul(h we colliid. "uled squ .lter lovore'g lly , cr tho mOil qUlt<l us eXlravag ant a. Ihe other' thll 1:'8 Mr n RAid WOIOOII IV(I ure fir from ellonere tloe either 'I'" udm t the sovereig nly frOIll tlll~ follv ell'lrelv At lOme otber tory i$ 10 uclmil lho ex;,.tol ce of n StAle time we mny have a word of Idvlce for the ()U, of the Vnlull A State or sqvercig nly "lorl18 of crelltiun , ' but to-day w' "llh In Ihe VIIIOII callnol lrt'ot 'Vllh Illy lorolgn 10 huvu Ihe oa~ of thode eame ' lord." 'Ve power The Cl)II~'ltutloll farllllis ,t Uut preftlllllO, 11\ the OUl6ot, we aro talklnr 10 II !'Iulle or 80vort'lgllty 01\\ of the VIII!!11 _en.,ulo " Dillen -Dy a 8~nalble "oman, IIlny IrUM tt mny form aillallcos II1'~, If It III tillS IlIltonce we me:lll one "ho,lr I ChOOR\! !Iot QII\Y remnin alit 0' the Vlllun Wile, malin her hu.blllld ', hu.e\'tlet lIer hut nlt~lIlt Itself to 1I'l.l foreIgn \lower - OIYII, lind "ho I. therorore aodoUI 10 SIIPll0BO Ihe IHo.erolg'lr1'errhllr~' 01 Ore 'I,aro hlln UlIlIOCOS Bllrl' IlIlIlOly, ltid 10 ~on should tuke a r,UI I'Y to \lIIRch Ittlolf to lu~ )r \Vuh him 10 tlUl extent or i.er IIbllit). GrolL! IIrlll."11, I "hQuldl 'ke 10 kllow how 10 IllY lIy sunlct lllll/f Itr Illelrold ap.ll Illy f"Blid (rQmllhulllgnll would prcvolI! It 1101 (lir tho ("htrO e.tyblllhm~lIt of tbelr It 18 113010$/1 to ~n~ th B will ilot IlAppulI - children rjlo wlfll wbo hD' not 11,11 I he qllcst l01l11B III whether 1\ Will or will 1fIJlDlby \\ ILb her husbaud , but who reo III t huppoll tloes 1I0t IInetl tho quosllon gArtli, hllll lII\lroly Q8 a meOll8 of elllhllng of right hOr 10 t1rflaB oxpoll.lv ely i. unworth y or tho nOnlo, the pU~l\lolI? the ho'ooll of. o:;:rllrighulII \' ollllii hD8 Illvoilled /I 1I0 W COIIIJl",1I0 11 lor hfc She I" 10 Do IOIlIf', nlphllbQt 01 :S3 churAole ra 011 1111 p}IO)IOLlO rrill clille nll~ hUH d e ore ~ d he IlItrudllclion th e. hell' tllllft, w hlcl! aho \vDI called 10 tbe 1)111 Soxon She I" a drag Oil her Iauaband, Into tho s choo ls of IJlnll Ho h". Ill~o 011 Ilotl\n aM8ldtllnt to him To Iitl him allo "a nOli Ju\V pl'oyhllng thot ~ItQ prup shuuld bu elleedul , .bouJd or~er lief 00\II1II urty ul C\ orv f:lIlIIl, 011 hfa d ~ l1'Il~e, shull well and above 1111 .hould atrlell, .,ohl bt'UUnJll tl Q I\lhctltlilloe !lot of llio wldQIY6 OX troVlljj ;.e , bnd to Iluhleve the litter ,III" ohlllrl:l\ Imt of thO church' U\l11 01 tllere I. IIU bOlIl'" \vlly pru IIled abe I. II th"a/; falur",! nrll IlIstltUIOU wo pro ~l1l11e, woman sondo, thull 10 kllflW hiM locome fur ")llldorvln tho dCllllll ,"ITI'USI! A\lult ,,~noLl, '1\ crcnt nnd Ilrlg h«," I~ III~ prophet' t'ur c xtrllyug '"ce lij 0 rqlnllvQ term A ~'i""" GUIfPO\\1 )£1t -Ille Lundon Adu~ !lIves brocade SIlk IIIUY ba II lolty t.r'One wife, oun B curluul IItl\\I i llCII '" reltl.llon ltl KIIII \j~l ollly what I. !l up. r (or 100\11er !riL. L!)r lilT -'VU I'u w d~ th moo), , do nol advocate (I 18 r, ck<llloi\ tha~ onr /10 (\\0 \\ hleh 011 tho purt (of the rlnb I f elesant r.brlce, ilu<llbllrl'd 2140 gUI,. fired o\\.y 4" OUO undll'OIpl~oul lurllit"re Mud IIno bOUle. 'b. tof ilu IpulV,'ur clurlQ/l tI,o " ,.ul/) 01 \VefO abohlSheil, OIDIIY lllr/vllla IrAd •• would f "falgor ] II tho .Cljtlll ... 0 (;«1'0 St perl. h lor \Vn~ 1t of ~1I~ toilOlIGe, and thOle Vlltcelll, 011 0 s illp IIreU 1'7,'laQ Ib • wh,lo wIle) ply thurn \You III ~Ither be reduced \0 '1IlOII th o bOlllburdn\o b~ Qr AI~l e (~, which perm 11I\l lIt b~II'ij'.rv, or lorced, Into ott,er In l<1 J IIl'drly lillie huurd IIvo llUndrlld \Un' l,ur.'lits wl.leh urtl nlrouely, pt'lr"apI, .utll· or .!IliDt nlld ncurly ono hundrot! bUt! chellt c'Q,ItI), lockt:d DUl If a ...,lIlIlIle \111110 en tOllA Qr \llIwdcr wero eXI.outletl-tll ell kIlOIV» Ilor hU8b'"1I1'. I"cuma, Ihe cao lOll, olg(.l lhQ"llllid IbA of pOll dcr Dnd SIX (or hOI sell , whllt 18 Nttuvag ant, aad wb~t IhuIIUIl~ sc\yon hUlldrc,1 and l1utty SllOl IIPl 1:. he II I)lIlrchatUI She aware, ~clllg hr II fr01l1 the lilll1l0j(lIublll 010110 " IhM, thot 110 II~ s hi. fortune to ml"", Ihet hla pur.ult III I precurio ul on., aud ,hat J'oRal\l " LAW -An ollilorial , m tho c:olldcqllelltly tho hQuIllhold elIpllll_e. mull !:Jult Like NolY. lhu_ ,poClk~ or ~"e trdat ~el).r cr very IIno ll p,eportlo ll to th' IIppltr. III nt ul the IIluudorur o r the folr ellx III U ell~ prunt~ I ~ ho Il I'rofllll8lonil 101111 Lub sho kll IWB, that,ltl thl' c:ue, the rued til ' II Is 100 IVvll kll own to noed repenlln g Ivonlth In . Iull Qlld 11,11\, tberef"r ., .~ ~Iill I( II SOil 01 n oliol fih,mld t1l'r.lI111 0111l IIIU I clCD~ 11011 If ItJauy tblop hla ~0I1\l01l of our ralr w1Y~8 IIr q'll1ghl~ rd hi. h ell,1 would 80llm 10 worrant 18 bo i m~lIbin' 111116 t pay for the (urfelt IV "houl JI,dge IIf '11' 1.1 8ucb an evont, her buaUIOd OlIn J~ry In IhG Inos t pnlllie pllCO, on~ he IlmBt l10vcr hope to lie rlob, uII11I be .~ye. etpl got the 'fecompenhe (IIr Iho 1088 01 hlil tul CIUJU!:\' to become • mailer \vorkman , II ll1rl ~ hlood ,~horo he can Ii lid It, II hleh 11I1~ he connot hope to lucceed In Ibl. al· will lie III fophet ' rl/rl, ~nlcss .u~ tailletl hy the Ilrilltel1 eoon· oll\y 011 the pari of hla wife I. he • 1010 Ilere 18/1 toosi whit la Will bt! drollk b} 01 furlune' A wl.8o wife I, aware that Ihe '\vllulo lI)nACllllllif gouder," hdohclor s pro~rt} /loC~uut08, alld thai children will hu III le,1 wllh 11 h<\orl, gonel Will wunt e alort III hf~ l lInel consoqu eotly Iveo \VOIllOU l'ho lu.l alld bekt o( Iho aOrlos \he wife of. lunde.l proprieto r will like Ir we may hov o hot (tIr a lousl,IVC IyoulUu't cure 1I0t to ..pend th~ir whl Ie Ipcome d6k (or o.lIY b~~ JUl1 It is Dut alWlyal he wife" (10 II to blltpe. hllwcvor, for 1I0t rcglilllll lll Ihe expenlea A perdon should \lut be eltl,ect~d to tllko 01 the hu,blllld '" illcome Maoy men oft'lIl. glovtll,l ropMnto ry 10 shuk "11 hllllds fooh shly Ihlnk U UIIIO\ a wife'. bullne.. WIlli IInother all' lllore thall ~o tuk ~ of[ 1/ know the stllte oftliH lr.rroU'lI Othert, 1111 boo, wb~1I ubllut 10 kick Il mall whell III dlfBcolu c., dcceive their wi ..... OO-COl\uterfOIl 810 bille uro til OlTcu\a IL frequenl ly hoppon. , Ih.,refor e, thllt I \lOll Oil tlto 1'uugtlbe ck DUllk, fir Westpor t, ,~He ellher bellevell her huaban1 to ba prusperl nr when ho Is nol,ol greatl, oYer· CUllnecticb l ilUll tho .ex ent of his pro.pera ty III I1Icb ') ho Plln~ ...lpnlleur. III unMunr lng Iho ~8\!8 the Itu,baml 1$ q~lIo .. ceo.urab 1e I,resellu llou 01 the HOIl S )bn Y M"oll, fur Iho wife'. eXlravag aoll1 u .he be.... lt. the Amellcn n !fh,later , muke. one c f Iho 'fo lum up ,II III II Itnletace , If b ... balld. lJtO~1 rhhculuu 8 ml.lakea In EngU.h ever would be more JUdt to wlna, ",he. would ) et committ ed In FrOliC!! It ,Hkca tllo o rteller act IIko WUIII.II oC " _ , uti would Y \I hleh s tolid. lor MIlSon 8 middle namv, be In. I!lItravlljlollt -PlIilaJ Lt:dgcr ,o,ke. 0 "mall y of ii, ond tacke It no 10 Oll/toOl !! -'J he reDI ob,lOCt uf e"'" Ihe enel of J ohu, IIIu8 'Jollnl,y )I'''vn IIOIt •• 10 ,Ive 01"""'11 r8.aurcP . Ill" will • , . .8 pro"fnte d yp8,e"lI ay' Prubobly thla ollelure u IUUIl .. hfe lIodurea -llabka \VIII Ihe lirat time thot Johnn, ytlr IIgur thllt \Imll will IImelior atll,oOt 1I.1IOr cd .n II Stato puper or In "mclliI orgall uccupllll llni that Will render .Id:n_ ' - ' 'ablo, luhlude plealDn l,.p wen.rallle.Ur. mllre dlgul6ed Inel u.l>(ul aoll tleltla 1_ terrtbhl
p", ..
ARTICLI 3 _Whotcv OqlVCll t mlly clI sur 'UII .queue!! of Ihe /\xteutlo u of 'l he IlTc~unt ,,1111£ IItl OI the hlgll cOlltruc\ 1111 I"rtl c" oil I..C Ih omselvca Itut 10 nccoill lilly overlU ' C ur prOI)U. itloli telldlllg to a cUdellUo lI of ho.tllt C~ (10<1 IJI) tv Clller IIllu ullY ti,rllllgem<lIt With the llU?erlUl ( Ollrl 01 RU~ lIn ,ultl\u It hOVIII~ I'r~vloll. Iy de hberated ullon It til COlllmOIl AflTICL& 4 -A IIlmuled 1 ~ the d,.ire of lIIoinlolll lll ': Ihe eql I IbnulIl of Eurllpe, .nd not pursulIIg !lny Illter~8tc)(\ I'\trp...~ lhe III/,th colltractfllll pnrlleR r'c nou lI \:4 In "II Vu. 1:C , UIII parllcu]. r ullvulIllIg e (rolll Ihe ev, lit. \\ f ch 1I100y ro" lit AIITI CLE Ii - I 1I0"IIIoJc8tle8 lito Quee ll of tlte Vnlled 1\11 gdolO ofGrc ..lDrltulII ulld the f~n per"r 01 Ihe Frv"ch, have COli Ilerteel I"d" ,11 continue to llOuce rt "'"pOll Ihe OIean8 Dlost propor to (ree lho I r rltorv of Ihe Sulto" fr ,m lorelgll 1/ Vtl .i"n; tllld to oltnlll till object "paclfied In Article 1 They ellg~llo, lor this elTett to lIl1pl'ly nccorcllllg to tho li ce cellslliclI 01 Ihe war delcrmrr r tl II)' a com ilion Igree menl Innd and &:ell rUrte8 suffiCient Iu me t them, the qu~llty, the number uod dClfUIIDll olI of whll h ,ull.o '1uellt arranJ,rI'OI enl8 w.1l dot.ernllue ABTI OLE ii-The present couventl un OIl 111 be ra titled 111.1 the r(luficat\ onl ele ch.nee d 10 London 10 Iho e pllc~ of 61gb! duya "III ple"lt/\ IIf wltleh tho plpnlpo !oUtIUrtl). have ..,ned 11 alld altaChed their IOni. of uffico OLU nOull London .... prll 10 \V ...... "IU,; 111
ORE" r
- -
FLOOD A l' liAR r}'ORD Hartford Ct, Ma)' :I '1'1 e \luler contillue d to rlbe unlll (our o'c1ullk YC8terdo.y evoulIIg , WIIon It Cnille 10 (I &1.110 1I11e1 Will tholl 20 I 2 (eot IIboVIJ low water II !Irk, IIni! J 2 foot hillher It all II e .. reut /lUll" II 1801 17, tho CI .teru Pllrt of tllo c lly Com morre FrOllt, K,lboufl l c, Perry Putter, Ellcrp Dnel Charle •• Ireel~, Ivere all fl ll\\ II nlld a large .cow p 8Icel thruu b Frunl 8trc~l, rrolll une u"d to lhe olllor:" H ...clrcde uf lamllln were elrlvc n Iroll1 dw Ihlllll, lind several perdo". were tlrulV ned Shad bODle are flubtlng DbOuIlhe Itreell, alJ'ort/lII&: templlra r) 8hol tvr to the huu8cle ll A large nUlllucr IlfIdges were wlIshed IWIY, and I.clurie .11 rcndored idlo, II)' wblcll20 00 pe.-ons we ro IlorowlI out o( olllilluytnpnt I he II.Is8 ill thl. cit)' I.utl~ned at _8 I 00000 ,
A Cu.rUSI IIII -The Loul,vil le 10urnal IU)' A It 18 unduubL edly true l'l.t men ,rfl tou oftMu permluet.l W \like v04Ullcaoce In tbetr OWII !aao.t. III lCentllck " lind are .UI· tlllled by tile "unwrll len law II but It 111110 true that the ume conditio n o( thllll" A ,ouogllc J.r by the lIame or Mar, Zul UIIL In all tire Buulher ll Stille, Tho., IBII, lit com pliny ",t!. Mrs Arter, ".lled Stale. ilave l0III8 ImpDrlant .,rtuN thDt the drug flore of Dr Arter,ln IJarro!to o the Norulern Blalea b ... ve riot, but tlle, 011 '1'lIeaday tho ~eI 'Ul lAot iii Z oll •.,. arl IIlIt rl",d ha tla. pool.lIm ellt o( milD'
A youn, mall h.Y\or p~ tw Dr. EmmuD ' 00. dar, wu 1D&i~ to P ' I B.aow Yoar U . .1ma.' .laeo..., word or applaulII rllr ble lallor 01 .... \Va bear \1 (r~ueotlt UIIIrtecl lbat n· Tbe IInv e'Dr • ho...' . , , " .... Sa\nlllteoe tnUlln ee I. tI.. "..1.,,1 1 oJ the- aJf'- Ihe .ubjeet. IQtllale Wvdaer "'. Huaball'" partlcul arl, are (o.J of ellpetl•• obll.:ed to "lit the booll lot Ial& ._I~ I tln,u" lllil ."hjecl before t h e Ir w '~" or .,r , 1 did not we." ,our plop .. . . , ode .. N.... . befure fera,le vi Iter., whom Iltey talk 10. lenSlh or mr IIIrm :' 10 order to tllk at Ihelr apou ...., But, 10 It all, oor hJ the 1M eI ._ jD,llce to the ladlN, U .noald b. . . Id tha, \ Gu .&011~ PaarAJI ....-'I'IIe mea are q'Jlle.. extra..,.., .. wOtBen ••a an a poiIK ,... &lie I"'fI 0 1 G • til. lat'" han. we heM, t\OAI ' ,,..111 . diu 111&1 ... I\IrIIUart', tile r. ,.. JII l
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Jlutler, ii> III .j':JfI~ iP .Ioz JAril ~"OHO II PlltlltOCII '11 hll
Appllll, til ~II -nO Drtetl
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1I1r PlullIix in 1.la nrm ehalr writt'J nn 1110'1 .onl vnlcdultco ry 011 reI rll g Ifum tl e el torinl clinir He uyl! To Doom l,J)udClmu~ -lui.. An Q. I.n& returned! W til tho com pi". ou 01 d.j, utlille my Il}bors Clro elllled n III \Vi pln~ my (lpn 0 \ my cunt tn I ud plncillg It bllhiud my sl ll~t~r our wltll Q gro~orul bow Dud n b~~ III SIU 10 fur Illy uouured I1U uuror. oliln wlilk of mtense mC~ 1I 19 lor my encUllc~ 1 slill/ a"~ crito witt. dignity \\19 arUi choir III lavur of Its loglthnn te ... I ropnetor 1)1" arlll cllUlr s but II plol1ll nlll lIeW,1II Bonob. - lho Dilly d01l1 fll me lto{fila o,tnuU II UIIIlf'TllU "II L1 u l ktg which I hovo occuplod \vllllo wrltmg ''IY leAders upon Iho I .rcrled Bugar box thGL IIn¥wcrs til e purJlosu of" table Dill sutlli Ii IIf" Dlvosteil of lIs pOlltly GI d romance tho objects oT our lugl OBt nd m rnlton bocomo I ~ru eQ\f\mon 'places liko the lIorntd ~ clllllr and \ubl.., IIlnllY den s \Vh cia we I W D ICllrneil to 10YI! al II rover enao frlJm the IIoelry of Imag inatwn aw tl1blos, bOllomo old 8u/:n boxes on dose Inspectio n aDd muro mtan aLo aell luilll OD~C I plGulIog l)lnt one cucumber 1l1ollt If I u has gl~oo Clfro leA 10 any ono ho woulil "eur more fruit than Lwo I 1\ I ill t yo more IS 10lld1' to IICCCpl lhllir apall.!:I" a He tlau ruur, DIltl80 on olld Ir therll 1\ eril III nys Iy plulI!8 II II Illi Iho wh Ie uf th~ an /lut "Comm enc ng nB ull \11 lepcnden l JO IfII LOg'ullier wuuld Ileur 110 cucumb er. aL nil nl-l have grlluually passdd Ihrb gil all {be truth I~ tI ere 18 IIlnuch greuwr IU88 08 1I e .1°1: 01 Inc pieut \\ Ialg ~ory decl~cJ III 1IIIow 1I~ vogellblue to stulld LI Ick Iy con1!eTVal sm d jllllficd rocDlltnllOIl bud tog..,ti \lr lIun most poople or8 al all 11 d ng d\lll)ocracy ond tOll/panr rudlcaham \VUrb ut 10 JIIslire " 9roP Q phmty ul lIud I now colllliude tl e series with an ell soed Id sown Willa the: IntcllUulI ul t1relv hlerary I Ulllber ) 1 which I hovo IlIlnUlDg uut lit tho 'propor tllne hUI cntf'rolly ohstll ned from tile mcnlloll 01 whcn .hlnulug day arrives It require .. ra n Itlo nU-Dcvor 01 I d as 'I oudlos sn) sth er more ncrvo to CUI 11111 t 1\ hnt appe Irs I IIl1veo t mentioned any of em hutllco .. tu be the merciles s hu, 0 01 lcurlng 011~ careful to prosorvo 0 perfell" Dr med lUlU lillie lelltrl ullbe bOllull Inl grow III~ yuung trallty , plonts tbnn mus; llerllOl ;J possess A cnll' The deacr Vllo n of the orrav II home of of beeta II at hna JUs~ commell r6d lurmlng Judge Amoll ollor nllihe trouble I'hlllllX I onde"mb bulb~ p{ecl8uly one Inel a~sU I hud causo!d 11111) Ie 'vory rlcb Ho says .Jcr III the ro y ceria" Iy 1I0lllelllll g ur ti,e eoony WII gazed from Ihe W lIIdo\v of boldllC~d 01 II 0 surgeou the offico UpOI lhe new tC/wn rond we t6uth uf tllilae Will "fIIlg.IIIC~d 8 to luy Iluc III tlie 811n l..u dcscrillil a clouil of duat n tl e d stlluce cumbers ute J iii bOgll1l ng to throw oul lugh above It Il oived II wi p lault and we tbetr ruuJlors tind to slauw tl em yelluw !flld B06100 cOlnelli, aud 1118 drh 111.1 IS blossu,"s Gna I Becms to BUUle a har\l like thnt of J ehl de 8011 of Nimshl fur I e muller 10 toor out II ree fourlhs uf tlo doz dr yetb furluu61y en now growln!; I II 0 lull Jl n O:lt t;aJmly NO scnled ourself III tho Drill hnwever, be duno-G II th o lurplus plRnts ehllr and cOlltlllued our labora Anon a III a bod of bcctl al d turn p9 or III a I 1\ ste]l n lonvy sto p WIlS I ODrd upon the of cuc.umbe rll squuhel l 01" 1I1010ne aro 10 slllll'S anal Boston stob.! \)eroro UI I• ,hape IIl1d gesture proudly COl nCllt .tuod be rcgnrded 8 S sOillallY I'u. ,tlye duwn Ight we ed. obslr cl ng 110 iro vtl of II .i re8 t hke a t O\\ or '" .. '" '" bUI I 18 fnce deep nnal Yluldan:,: hul hLlle or lIulblttg tI em lcor. of thunder had olltr~nQI ed lind core ..elvils If our crup3 nre to 110 crll vd..,d A t on IllS fQded cheek but undor broWlof und alun od VI) would flU to IUt wj ll l"lfly dlluntlo.. courage alld conBulerote prado huvo hnvo ~ l dOlle wHh pIg weeds and fox walllDg revonge toll 8S to have them smuthered Gild II,e W. rollO, and ~.th an IInflllterang VOICII lOll cxhulIIlcai by wcedd ur their OWJI epo 1I.ld Well, Judgo, how do JOU dul' lie cie. made DO reply. buI ClQDlmellced tsklllg off ~hllY YC1Irs IIgo wh en tbo cull vauoll lill coal \Va romaved our~ ~nd nillO our of tho rllin bnga w.s first IIItroduc ed we craval coul<l very ea. Iy d dt I gil ~h tho cropa 01 , . / . • • .. '" • • .. '" the lu.lvlce, by Iho tllIClkly growing hull Tht' .lxtb aDd I•• t round doeul bed lievoluped bulbi 0 bllt tbey had Ihlll "1 the prcaamGu a 011 wmpOIJl Of4 118 hav lied them to • very Il'roat eJ:lelil- lhey h"d lolt ~II r .rrul Gild ICH)llhll c. \Vo held cut out II ree [ourth. lui reduced ~belll SOlIton' dotl u oyer the preas olr n.nc trom one lOob to fuur Incbes 111 d SIGuce " {which \Ve had lnlcrtt'd belween our ",etb (ur th" purpo.e) and while our h.it va, thlD a foot to alch otl er If the 10 J pos employed ID liol411111 ODe hClnd "0 bpld .eue. any thillg lake a faJT dOjlree or fer lbe other 18 OUt left alld It til lho dhee p 8 looked too much hke foOt' brandlahllil aboye our head
8.A.VE YO\IR 01. . . .
A AN IJ G l!:N n. t:M &N, L down to 10 "the BOok aod , wher" you unllolta 1)1.£.~
ll to 1.1 ... lled • h~" JUl' rec'l~ed "'" aod ,",alltJr.1 ...... _~!U~""', .ul nhlo ror "iflome •• a",ool whleh ar. lb. JAa K"lle lower. [lolllllfl lll, , ..... up j~! YOlile Ma" t. OlTerlOI .1f.cU.... Gill .!!':' KeellaalL. CIC A..o .. rd. cud ..loe. loller 110 e a.d aap peI.,.r I " " 11.114. anil •• yle tonay I III I'Ilalo .1I •• lo~,all • wi
..:h we will •• ll Illbe'." eaua,..fo,.../a
IllSU01 "nICK.. "IN .. .AL'LIB LK ~lNY PO'WO BR," \ :oJ axcQlIe IIhllllUlo retr alld Iblo", III lor h i li \;1 l. .. t ARK1S " Ca_
wnlTE IRON II'rolU!: W"Il~ tlUPEIU ,R ... lflmelll ..I Whll8 d 810ne lJlolnJ To~ .nd To.lpl Ware.'011 o• • 1l1Jllfl., q ••UI, 'or .. I. r., 0 ALDIUC Il, 181 • •\11 . ", 1Ie1 4t1ulld 5t", Cr_ _d ~ ..
VOLUME 7:···NUltBrm 18 1
W:AYNE.SV~1LE, w.umEN COUNTY>,o~ro: WEDNESDAY, ' M,AI: 14; IS5",
·I.at try. '
rtV llr,to!.rllpr~re ' th(lIl' day's men!. 'rhus llio wllt(,r tht, Americllns U OJI U I t ' • " the O~oe~'W8 eucllmped' ed back Rnd 8"lOpod down illlprinted O::T ' I ' 'ngalju , Lhey WCI'C til'eu UPOII h/ n bnnks sct 'up sh I)uts 10ll'Ylind ~ouIII~~ ~'Z~"~ pili ~y of Lhe Orueks. from an nmhllscalhl. some slight ru,'eL'ge for thc trllgcdr fl n , liS plnn~tlonl and 8ubsis\ing one long, IRSt kis~ upon the 'oold lips of f I ' ~ vIr UOUI per~o .. , III the 1I1i1'k~sl !Jxcn. nnl!r IIniouding hia ralll' \1 I ntllIl8 C~Op9. Ln pelUle ,tlley ~elt fur her dCRil ' lusbllnd, then 8tng'Y~re(i 10 °1 JlS rlllgfurIUlle_: 18 lik e n Ih lck sCt hedge i tliolJllh I hDd'j'aitJa ond hoped ~ 'I~;I a, -===::;::==:;:::==::;=====:::;=:= I RUII eating 10 Lhe 1·IVllr.so as to gai n tillf Fort Mims. 'J.'ho .Indian c,moe prcs;'n~ BBAVEN. co"er oC the pr 'jcoling bnnl" thuy <li~- ~d n Ilight u~usuatly revolting-sevOI'ni been tl~e ;ri~onTt!thvenrTtlon~he hl\d her se"t, bu~ell her ffl~fl in h c~ IlI\utI ~, I 10 m ~rc he Is out ... d Ilftckcd, tlto beuer "' llh Ili~ mopil.g ~xo .. to Ilni.,:, b • DIan covoru, llI buge I1M·hottomed CI\1100 COil ' IDches ueop III 81W& "0 UIOOU-Lhick c'n W U f, , 0 ecumsch "nd Rn<l tlie closlng' coffin hd bid 111m rrolil Ito Ihrlve., how lunlll S ' ut, 0, t:l,inil1g' ;Ie\'c n armed .nnd f"tjnlcd wnr- \ c(lwHk cl )ds of bra~lIl1 nnu bllnellUs of .. Di~ 8~,:.r;cJiiil\nd t~~ " iIIr. t}le hntlme ~f he~ 8ight, (orever. O::T 1\ IV iellotl mAn iR IlkOl/IiC II "o~lnnG'c ed (or ,i.. I II'Or~spcnse ~~8 D~ron.Y! I waltnr LITTLE MARY. milS. rhu p,lI'Ly behllill t 10m now re- hllir. e(c,' j I I l'k I e (In I~ (lllr 0 I e Sunil- l'ha~ kISS I Jt'ond loken of IIffeolion Over II cleep pit by II slulldur I I Th lice. nn It tlnally came, tit uJ. lert"illl: D.llo to chooso liis OWII A felY yenis prey iOlls tn tho Ollnoe ~~ "j I In.t,OI! YArl1l8 ?~ the. hOI dog anil of 80rrow. of memory IInu fllrClI'oll 1 0 110 1'01111. Illl~ i~ (\lttln it ' I corl wit, I e piece .d'l!re Ihis ecehe occorrOlJ, TUl"~-Lilly Dale. OOIIl,'le tUWlIl'US tlloso ill tbe boat A~ hig ht.Gt:1l Dlilu \\,118 tm""~ucl in Rnoth ~ 10, Imlm -GI..orl~tn Uml'crsity I havtl soon many kiss II;cir <load-Ill II ' cr If WI h Ihl' 'Ilh· 1\11 h", loeen before s'aled, we. in C.n.da W I~ ,I nt I'"11"'I II101 '.unnul ' II UI I11111I, b.0 tlI \I f I lIS ' CllUCles \V UI'O all " " ,' /) 1I11·tll,,' II'SS ex~r ~ .1I1\fFaZllle, n,Y suo ,I 81lR1S 0 fl oye upon cilly-ooid' , . WhDt 'val ~.v il ",I .Ie oppo~ ILc h.inu-to-hnnd I'encontcr. '" ,~ , ' ethn t IIe 'WI'Id orne,s or t/te' town-' So full of joy al\ll p.~CQ I sidc. D lelo oluer(111 thu larg~, one to bo oiti n15' 'J.'lIere i:l so much of 'tho ~ irit 4' G ID ' ' hps-bllt never 'did Ia/lo one EO purdy .!e!! ship of Hamilion. arid whpre ti,e lara e '" of J Iona 10 he.r Ihe jilufloll8 un u,1 1I1111111Cd . 'C"'I) of, the wllfri,":s no\~ loCt 0(, iWlld 1\(1,'enture Iliid romftnce COIII~At "re-' ,enllm I ,Rln. °tnl ReCOunt of hia ~Illli 110 simply hC1\rt-touehilltf IIl1d hOlle. ~ flourishing ' tV"'n of Cubu'lI' no'", I d1 WhORe a"!hem. liner ~"'80, tl lOll ' ' b (1\I ' I i • I b L d 'I I ' 'd ~ -.. 81ze "nl strew' I "1lS knolvn lo Ic-· a tl 't 0 'f' 1 d " , ~ •Ihllound • an e, . III 8wa~ lOr. 5 100e; ~ 11 e ~ll tie UICI ellt, IVO nrc SUlpriscd th v Indians 1\8 "O',.,"S' ., , ~ e ~K '. r,1 It 16 I~ope. It WIIS It. ....ItIIII popul~lfon of sevcral ' 0, heuon ! OWUUI honvclI ' Ihdl (t om thu un urrlng rIfle or Jumes tbllt II hns 1I0t IlI'O this, beon ma<le til, I., I\m. that wlllch look' beyond COffin8 IIl1d U ~ ~ _ ' Q. Mille of lI.a b1"al ' umh I,cl'furII(cd tlte H[HlII of o"ne. wlto fjll~is ()( one of our tilrilllll.!! bonIer tllle:. ' chnrllal t\(~U8e8, IUIt) damp, dl\tk lombs, _ ----.-- 110nc 10 be IbMa InJ III, 1I10"~~ hI shn ro, J I k I I d I I ~ . I II t ) h And lean on lesue' Iir~"I, Imm e I U Y sun; till, ot lor glllnc t ,II~ When the ndinn hostilities first be .m ~ .. 0 Ie ~rpc UK, ome nbo"o. You " . • Rhorc anu .tl~ellpud, EIght mell IlIld . In to Rsst;'lle a threatening attitudc.ill c~n~ould ~188 the oold cheeks of in fll lIoy , R A WOLF aFODI' . • 11'ea~ of thai land in the ,lorIQu_ 1\',>rJ Lhe In~autltnc. mllll!ICd ' th c large cnlloe. sequence ,:>f lite Gulphinton LrllllLy u ZJ • ,1 hcre 18 poctry there; it i9 Lhe lilMtud f.\f AlllCA l!tE PRESEIIY.\r'~ 1f OF A UlI V IIEV· • /l1It1 \\'ere. UpPI'OllChlllg t.h e Intfillll b ILt; white womBn ;"lIS seized' b)' a llnrly' o( rosebud I Or the Pflllid Clhllek w[u:ro EN YIl.lIlS 01' A<JII,-TI{e wonderful fHCQl'e Whid. Ooel "elll down Iro(l1 nbIJl'r,..lad beforo r could ro~d 1 Urtall h40r,1 bUL CIIITlI lIlj lion. ono ugll to sec tho illdinus nnd ,cnrriu\! into Ollr1il'lLy All _ bOI\Uly blusho:l! Thb)'t! ie r\)hllln CO (rUIiI tllOlIel'ourlnK jaws or ft hllllgry \I olf F C Thl. D1on"c:~ of IrllIh Blllllovc : , nll qlbc,r of ritlc-mull~l.cs ovet' lho oLlge attl,npls' towurd~ r6cllplurillg h(w s:equJll 'n-Hllro is, n ,t ouching Rnd bellUti- thure~ for th" .II Olver ·is. slill uenuLiful. which I 'um 11011' IIbllUl lu relUlll, took , , " or oquett.. , , O. heanu! ~ 1V"el hc~vclI! ule, [Of Lhe !lu" t. Lher, hllsltly pllddlcd baak frolll c.~s ; indeed. ~u J.lIInv similar cruce8 ful skutcll, willch no right feoliug l!Cr' In chtl~hood, In youlh) HI mnnlJoou . lh o plnco with mysilif wllen II lillio boy in . THli:lUi: IS ~II ElLStern tnlc of a Inslii. lin .. lbe' ln.,eoorSII I .. t~ Lhc s hore . " , , , • OOOUI'HI<I, thnt they fuiled to cx-cite son elln .,reBd unmuved l'Oltt YI~I~s to lhe "&rll"o "f ~orro\V ,' tllO wl l~ernC6ft o( Cannd". Wulvos ~re ~tlll!l who Ih~co\'c~ed. by. Ilill ' incR'lLa. ~In .... 11,0 cryslal w:t:~ ~~:I~OIllI";: Ih~rc, D;dc e,\;II$pCr(lt{)~ by th!!> 'ol'e,llr back ~hllt intcl'cst wblt.lll IVIl wonld nallJlnlly '. TB.E ·OLD ~WI'~'8 XISS bUt r~111" n.gain ell\Stlll w~Lh f(li~h bllo)' - or tllo tilZU o( the l.rgeKt dl)g, lind • e u(ten o:~he t~~: "lhe; pllllo~ph~r'lI ato~o Ja'y Ot.lhe IWrlfiod apir.1iI divinoly raer , Ollt, /\II ho \crl11ud It. ()f 11l ~ ' men .8holll- expoct. Dale, h9\\·ovcr. hll\'lng gllillO<l • , , • ~n IV , I lope. Dut hero \VIIS 110 bOIlIt- very nUIIlorOU8 alld dlnaeroud in 10 rUhR!Jlo I ~ a, ce~tall\ nver, bii[ WAIl \Vlio~e robH 8,. u whll ~ G' ~' cd t th(tlll ill n scul'Ilful tOIlU. 'to 1001< sbme inrorm'alioll us to het whercabollb -- ' " y. no poctry , no romanco. 1'Jle h.!nrl trici TI II I I IV ooo~. Ii 'tel 0 e ermIne 1I.$I000ality morl) de0, huvcn! aWuel hu"vu" ' IInl! /!Ce tl'or~ • brnvo m<ill do I,'hat ight deter.nined-RlId with him 'dctermitm' The (lluernl scrvices wore ended Bnd of, the old wifu ".. like the ,,"oory and n I ~ey h VI ~;dn~pall, lin the bloOd 'h~ 'b y'k ~j therefore. ~'trolled along , ' , " , iCOWl\l'd ~ ,Illld , l ;fun~ from;' nnd folJowed tion LVali uut IIlIothur MOle for nccom: I\lI the, voicc of., prayer cOA80d. .teRra 1I1¥1,,!mor who.e 81rengUI h01l often rBis. eft loot er w a~ta, auch III 'deer. ' ho Itn. w t I " , pi~e of iron, In which f eannot CI) to \"a, ..":III;(III.'n",1 hy AU,slllI IIIllI S?JI Ih, "rrr~ng. into ~he plishml;llt-to r08CUll her. $otting ou' wero hMmy \\Iipel! off froID wet chocks. lid lum abovo t~o slor'!'y wavus, but hmred,l Bud ro~,bltili and, "benevllr Ihey ell II, be iofhc'i d .ueee'.lYel, RJI the ;pebblett Vntll IH~ h~~r, ' i. ""'e.... ·". ~m ',cI.I ~ 1 ,c,ulIle, "Inch the flllthl~" ('(I)c~;~ I' aloll,. hi upi:rionee in trlliling /loon and 10Dg dl'awII8ighl:relicved !,ul'pr4!aa, now, exhnusled 8111~S amidst tho ~urgt!s . rub Imels , of Iheir ell'gt! end Ihelr )'oung. lroou U~d. A 'I one a~r aliotlltlr ther I cannill ')!III" '\1110 dlnl ltlurt'lIl~ uOInJ 1r1~"/": ' Lll o\l3 ht Ol'er: ~)'I~dhng tl~ 'It' bruught him "pon tht> hcelR of thll RaV. cd 8nd 6rok~n 80b~, as the mourners Why shollid the ?Id I?vc the old, 01' Gnd o.t Ihem. And in nOIV , 8etllplllent~ hun" ~d n.o oharge to tbe 1ll1l1.o\1. he Unlil I SIll jlilre Dlld AUOll. CllIIOu tli r(;Clb' lowal ds thlsl lI ' " ' " • . ... ,"'ill,lin" himliclf nellr thom wiLl nrepl\rod to takc leaye o( tho corpse ki.. the oold unmovlOg lIps? Ah I why the Inh~bitllllt~ .re oblilled to W'III:h .. : I" 0 IIem 1010 the IlrOl\m, At 1R8~ b. () hf)lIY.n· ~""Ol hCllven ' I It Iley !loon cummcllced the 'O,llloe " ...... v, '"I!iW_' - -- , I If 1 11 . ' shollhl th(lY not ? . D nA iii ' J , row k I . ' , II. on t 10 obJcllt of his RCAr I d 'I ,. , c c. Fi.. ht· his ()harnetcl'~llc COOIIlOIiS IJe l;'d"p d .: ::';:::'~" '" ,mKO tlll~t Jay thoro- rob- Id T n ",,8 (I ceLlolI 6 oell t Iclr sheep ncal' tll~lr ' huu eft in lite iron l>eollm II ' I ' C I. Rn 01. Dutu,. Dible loaohe. litO tho ;"0 u ~r~Jl ' 1'- 0 culubmlcd 1\1 AIoLballl1l ~rJt- ilL a fiprlllg to drink lind r~'frcsh 1;i1:;~:lf od lor tho ;;.;;;: - )loro ibm; lliroo &cIOrA OC Cl yeR::: Dnffcoti'OtD fuel t inliurmit Y d~y limo, and to Ihut 'them' u~ III lIigllt III 1I1H~ I he hu~ ~~C~,~:: N~ I~cchu'lntd" IdBttl t I uillOll, pr e' . . II.S ' work . While J"e nr8 IiIid W!lite ue d IJIOS<D ' • I be •. - .. nd whon lhe •• ,8tOb OIlS . II ~onced 'Iar ds, or tlcy I " ij orne Py which lIn., bewme • ' 'VI ' I' t t VIOUj! t0 bo~lnn\lI:r ...... 00 C0I grow (Ute dnn ' coldd vo ry IIlI1' urI! 8urr ' ll'.e ·~toll()h lind , go"Y ll1uv(>nujd~ II 0 I'fol" an1l1l00d. allcfpure It.I th ev .j, ICUlwilt lin ,IVell y, paec~ of tbe III- ~tc;mpillg lo uflllk. two of ,tho Ilnrty who 'furrowocl tbnt brow, and ,lDadO tlioae tile hnnd- "I <; d me: U\~:h n IY'lllIn to be kille;lIl alld' eaten I:P ~y Ihe 8tnr,VHI;, /1 Lllo rClil 6(011C WilY in,'oJuuu'''y ,'1 • lilt I ', ...,mns our leroos rose 111 thclr ollnoo Lo ,vcr . II .. I I st'llf I'lmbs f l'ti' ' d ~ laag own I . ,>. P A 11\ say I I ' .. ' l I ' II Ifown An..'. I rua) I IlIIir happy homo, I I • 11 Id 'd '" , II 1~!:III (jr 11In 110 t IOU .. It. sprung weafl. 0 1118 JourDey an that the hel\rt of tI e' old ' r, ' Wu V'18 , ' 1'hey o(ten ~lllch th o ~l1I1IU)' ItI Q ~ 10 rlVUI' tlftllr tho OLhel's And I t ' cO, h~l\Ien! .~O'I libavell! ' gl\·tl I I • 1\1\ opent~g rOil 81 u: ,but Ilpon hill), Wilholl~ attrlm[l~illg to rise ' all tho more WIlling to li~ dQWO Rnd ,I ,"I U wl\lJ, 1I0t GIlIl tllo culve. ailll CVOII lho 1111 til to him roro"el' 1 tllllk this " 08 0, homl! of Ihe bl~' 1 j UllfOl'lUnillt!I),', th" prllnin" of their gun~ hu cll uw hi~ hlliltin,' 'lillife 'an d with a~ rl/8t where weR'rinC88 is no Dlore sufftlr- R8loung as In tliOile cRrller Iln(1 brlght- 'f I ,, ' yu g ,qa "', 1111 I:(OriZCH th~ ~Itc I 01 t story ,11'011 J Inllg In I", IIi.!'r. an,1 hi: j:lor.uol 10 ~h~roJ. II'tIS wet. lind th?), ('Iilea' to firo, HIlll IIn'der sLruk(',killcu ~1It: uf' )Iis ,\.,sailltnLs' cd. ana inlirrniti~1\ are ,10 Ii onger a bUI - er whe~ he "oed Il\lId wOll1lier? ~ I ley "ro nol proloc~od by n very IlIgh I Situ 11/\8 Irled n:I<I ' di8CII ..~~d C~~llette, .And 10"" 011 Jelu. ' bre.dl, liCIt ~ho. sa me licenlent befldlcu the ?" e- thell "'hling suUflu nly. ho, threlY: th~ den , . , . IU temp eo f uf,th y hopo IR~ filII- OI,Ct', or" secure p "~e very IlIlIIr ' ,th/! hCHrI.3. tlulL ILL 101, !'tIl Hit C 0 many ·J.'h\laged havo bull~w 10 wet'p for cn. !"nd wh~t wlU,lIleN lef~ but for h,CI' hUUKO. Oh \Idrell ire Clrlc" CQrrt~d uft ~y th tigM one, f~oll\" UI'O ;o:~~~:·Il"~y :n),. tllo result ,01 tho elll\()(' light nllght other from him , IIlhl e're hd could rc .ain , \.;;;.::: been v 'ry <l1.~~rent, D;~11l now or- his c.'et, ,Ii p1ltehed )Iim. . g ~hem when thoy die. The mOlt of 1110.6 ~n:llt do,!n 1ft da-pon 1loncY,lIlnong I,ts Ihem and dllvoured, and II'ro wlI pccople oro l ' P~ habIt. ~ I... ~ ' ~I c~Clreli Gre 'nr l() btltls-t\ls hoat alollg. '1'ilt!. mudl accomplished, !til loo" who "ould JI1~VO mourned ~heir 108$, tle.y ,r;'tntl am,l ,weep "nd d.... !Jr, 11\ 8ullwtime8 lorn III picaci by Ihc60 I'llngry O""OIlEll,-WhclI old Bhloher • tte hopo. IIWlttL .Iw wild bpn811 , ' 'J'hey 10nrelilllCII go Iboul. Engiliud he WIUI iptived t ~t.u:C ~ Cit ~Icl<: of Lbo olher. lind holll them · lo· the lrail ot'tho oilLUr"-iolluwcd them h/I\'e gone to tho gmYII ')/If.,re them' I!I ,It ~f a I" ('J. jl~ 'Lh<,'r, 'J.'lIe IYlIr.:ior~.001l6dcnt uf 4liUlr IlIl1ny nlllcS--Cllllle IIpOIl ihem 1181110P- ' harps tllIlt would I~KYo 8igllle4 ••d IllIr~ d~,!mni 0" ano: ler, Ily, whell" IIllnd Ihe "'0048 nltd fteld, by lIigllt In !Iru~Cl8 hllve II doclor'" degrcv cOI~(er Xdo Lo _""",,,_..;:_~-,,--:;: trcngbh. and clIgllr to gl'1lppltlll with knif"d tl'fl!u' nf thulIl-ellL lhu Lholw~ of l monics. lire shl\tfered ~Jtd ,!forte. , .Ane! "~dne'b I,Iid ffat.'6~, It~i.clltI?rlltlb d1: SL, tO lli,." ' lIp Ihe moat 'di~mlll and triJ:htlui !lim, 'the tlorco dn.gOOD wa/:" ~POb GEN SAMUEr.' D' II} ' , L1l1 ull m ClI. lyho ,OJ &,,")IR w.lltld not firo, til , c,fJ'lil'u II'QIII ,\I1 , !lUU wll$lIbou~ 1-0 the few :w'lO remlliti I\~U 19I)J(in;:. cr~dh:- II n: ~I or ,Immor , lLy Ils rQ C~I cryln; /t1lI1 ho~lIl!g " amu&ecl'"a t1ell8'''t~d at tbe Ide. I ' , 1.4 , i l J\11 ' 1IlJowu.'1 .,thulr : bOllt' l? mo\,,, Joi/\lllrcly C(1I1I,nwllt.lO n tritlll1)1hll1\L mlltoh homb- ' wnru. I',nt lttlr tll1ll1 ;:r~Lve ' \vllrll-IO lifu'~ Wily'" . " , , " A b ollt lurl ' e8r~ II ' whe . 'wn ' houor."nd '/'ntruducin g "nother P":tlei· e cil Iltl b , HIS tUtBAT OANOE FIGXf, 1!lon,:r II Itll J h ,. curront,. AR thc lWO wllril ,,11(' 11 illlhlht'r wnrrinr.wIlOl>C 'posi- opcllil1~ rnthl'r ~hl\n to 'il.8 'J ..~ing kllllt; tl Ir~ the ~:t ~~I(I1} ~'St ~hllt y~ I~ r ~~. II :n I I a g(!noral. w 10 hlld lMlen :riah' J • __ ,' I l1lill ruI l .'HI,Ch-ot~l~r. th~ Ol,~cf lira II, I\lId thin buhilld /I 10J, hlld JiCI'(.'CIICcJ hiill IUllliOlllhl to KII,I I~Ying in iha gtmula- IU., 11111'. ,V,!r I 1 0 l;"ell.... ,0 t 10. W ?I\ " II I!Y, my CI Icr IVU n .8 ,roY nee. RlRn in bls oam "i 'n8 ob" , \Vlth i'1I1 ."J"cpllltlO\l ot UUhl\1I01) to ','Big frtllll "le w KP.r. tlIl or II IOU Ililll ~'I\k ~ioll ri ill" lUurt: Lli'lD Lllu :.e\lI~rIILion'll! of 11 hvht:r tlO thAtlilulU bind thol! ~[lll'-' 01 l!. nnll~O, IIIholl Iho, coul1~ry W. . now, ' bfoken Ell liail t() ~I !lv' ~ jfved In , ' lit 11~·•• ,when _ S'ullu~1 Dalu 1!,IS, y.ut I' 11111." * . IC"u!eu hi~ gun "' "Smllh's frlllll till) lo~s Cli', bioo\lllnu ill tl;.: dend i , frIIrlin;,:, .. ., " , r ' it~ ill tllllt better land, wllC;ll'o telll's III Il 1I~,d ~he w91v OI woro very nUlll8rOUI, My , "Sir, if I.!. a L1Qc;lor.~hi~Cis ~ 1~")lor. • boy, hl ~. hL\I\cr 1I1')\,~~ trom V'11'g'IIII1I, bl !!IISt; but before he c\lull! dr:nv trior- gr:l~Jl oi Ih~ S:l va ..c Dill" \I (mId 1\c1~ \' Oul h nnel be;'lIll' hll\'e mUIlY admY'. "lpUI~ .from ~If, Bll (8C4I&, nnti LIlt.! dal's (1I11,el' hull 1101.'111\11, now I"~, clelroj! up , clU'y." Bul Iii" rctornn mad Y' ttheRnd- m'Idu "lIuUlumullt nellr thu- ~fI or I gel', the IIll1er aimed, a blqw Rl hi1~, JlIlI'!) 6111cl; liy the 'jllL'lIlb 'of II lut: 11 hon\. ore while Ih'illg. l..iTt .... IIIIV mOllrnen ~Of lhem IIlP-"DlIng ~re endod. . ~omo of thb I,ild. ,ellel plaoled 110m" oo"n l hit titan thaI. b ofort) tho ,/ ..." ~ • Itcr til. pra,lmt ,t:llfo of Goreuns\)uro. GIL, ! ,yhleh WOI~!tl ,IHI\'C p~o,'pd (lIllll, Imd it I!~ 1\111\ e"cl' cOllqucrt!d. nOI whcn d~:in:;, Hllny Icl\rf......yea bend ' ••• , on the new ground which h.d JUIL Al fin (h'olling JIM'¥ Ili\·l:ron ":h~:: ' .ltlJ t a f~w ..t ,ly!t ~\l111. elllp~ \l~ WhCl,1 ~.hu no~ ,been a(trOiLly ~vouled, , , hblll'lIlud WO!"IIII 1Il1ll10hcll Up ;l tum". ?"er ~h"lr culRn. '!IIUIY ~d h""r18 MIGW l?lI,&PPoUltmeQt III "!,I'ria-re" cle.red, ~oll'e dllun"e from . lhe · ~IIIOIIIP~ olberl! re8CIuL,..... ellbject vf our "UiIlCb-:-"~ yultLI~ 01 SIX' ~ he CIUlOIIii cn~c to;?o1.hcr wlLh ~I In..~, hll II I.: 1\1111 p)lllt Lho rll,!i II II 'OJ skllil. '1'h<: In tl~u (lIIw rn \'tnun, Bu.L 1\",0 II.. rew L!:,ICII, 1,P"'1 Y.oo. to ~he IItorl~8 or 111,111., of tbe tlll14 a 11'18- quanUty of of wbom i~ " .. lIO~timea b'• , "'o~llm~",rl!--(ull~ld "an~ u!fJln orjlhllt!; , ,\' llIl)h thr~w Au~tlll :llIgh"y, ()~ III~ h\[- ":1.ull.\'ll dl:lil'()r h:lI'1h;: " ('xcl,augcJ dml~ers. fll'y nlourDcr~. .· , ~hCl \I~~IIPMtn~~ In DlRrII"gl):-c!ollool h.d lIeel1 • lit, Which m Cather wlntld peret\ tba~ ebe did not beloD to "Ill, In vlrtuo of bill S!:~hIU y, !J1J~Ii'IIJ al' 1111101':. and ero "o ,~ould regllll\ It, " Willi' Oollgrnlllllloions upon th oir ti)rtllllllw. Thl8 WIUI.un oltlmnn "'lId ellO circle} Itll theIr cllmplalhl.aj honr trlOlr muluRI d P i l I Y d' . pelanae lOClie~y. We ~ a~ thia m , of ~Y.'I b~LIItl'r" Rlld ,'lIslor~. ,?i ~foil ' ,dir~c i cd blow (I'ont IL \vllr.ol!'b 1)I'oSO'lIt- eafllJXl, WCI'O 51)On IR thQ mid., of d'lljr .,f mo.u',d Iflla II/UN', ~'IYO /l'lildn)fl rep"OfIOlults; upon what fl",,1 Ilillgo do r~wll ,to anot er "ac~, a ..t.nee .of "II malice, bilL on tIIi. e e 1 wu lnguf Lh"m 111 'hu hc:;t m,IIlIIl:!, I~' ~ IttruL· led him aCl'OSS Lhe lioaL: 11.: IlIllf <loz\ln r'Jlt!fing fri!:u~l!. Gl/nuIII Dille. in Ilf, \VII~ 1!,"~;lb('msCllvo~ p",!,cd' Lhe middle l "I~ g~lItct.~ P'!,~ 'u"1I1-Tlljly R~1l mill. more I!'.IJ. 'JuI,I., Qf ~ , mile. ' It 11'11 hllp ' D tb:t!hDg i~ did ed ,rctj()llrcd "ould IIl1tilv, I~u JOlIll'd II !PilIVUr(UI a)'nl8 w~re ' rnl~c.ltl to omplell' tel lif~' "fLUII slIieillllll hll h~tl ..I"'!II up of Itr.... alld whc).bnd clllldl"l'n (1( Lll(,ir talioll 1lI ,1110 penal!' Sumo dll'g llilo 10 11m ·mlddl., of ,b• • U"'''.', tile caul., ~VII i the & t.;lll _OOftIpaQ1 .'tf yululltet:rs. rll.i:l()il CuI' to 10' Ihll I!0rl(~; w llcli: tI, ~ l\lil~v,y rille (I( Dale I Jl 'hoi'e I>f Hfu ill thi .. : il'~~"O(). HIIlI '111'1\ to care. rilr, "I\d '0 00 ~.afed for by ~ILhor of 01' mind le "cen ~llrough were rUIlIIIII" !n lb. wood., end tile mon tiai~ hia°e: ,," If' pel 'he IIlVfl~IO.l!1.. or th<: ,Oro~~'i 111111 /c!!mc ~O,'YII \1(11111 the h",~,d o( ~b~ Chic.f. c(ll1l~ IIlIrtlly bclicll'o tllIl" tllU \\lJak th .. m. BU!lhl08 Ibcs~ ~I~a ~I fle,w frKm,d~ In the 8cuffie; 80m:' f"_,r orllll- .",ho WUR dr.win, th~ r.U, wllh the ollen pnrflo, thl dau"hte~e:;. h'~ c()mJnllnccd t!III' mtht.lll~ c, II' 'ur, J,w' ~h 1\ furc:lI t1111~ ~Ullit IL deep mto IllS 'omllj)lI1tull f.lIlull·. whosu cllplh c thOll'" who 111111 lIeun Imd . YlsI~d h_m whtlc th., onll wllloh WOIr Clnd .Ied oyer the le..es dlrongh the one of Ollr cauone l w"s ~be If . WIIlC!1 onlt cluti~d ,,'I,en Iha ulllicull!()!I . III,ull.. t;llIith Iltld ooon noL 1\lIjl\ ~oli!e, hll- hnd' jll~L cUl. c()ulcl .uu. hi~ d~ livcru~, i~k. "II~ "ho p~.ibl}' hIId known him "of ~ mlJek 111111 ' ltot mt' tu 'walch tI.o Ir.p or the fonce, wbich the shocking old Field1UI~.:!h~ ot Ii.. «lunl!')' ~Cl\sod, ~t: ~u IIOL III- \allu 1111> tI u ~ty bnrrel Imd rlLl,lon with ILlhll bio",r,IJlh et of O,'n. Jhlu. Juhn fur" (I'" YCAr", there ,!,erc lIon,e otltera • It I' ~ot tltl! kQllp the cattl. out of Ihe rowin eclrn, Ihl1ndllrcd (ur(h. with a roaring lau h fillil to fu)lol" I' up. W1tve,'cr I Ilc· fhku tllftlut 1Ij1011 lbe skull of I\noLhllr n. Io', CIollbdrnc uf Ui~:ti!lbiJ'pi cito!! tu Hhed A l~Kr exOVFt Ius ulel WIfe, I whom I hRvo tlcrvecl, Why While lhe 'min w. 'I I '- d 'Ilea/111M'. dllugh terl Oy Jove hh u B CJ.llAoillted whh Lha IliaLory of I ht: ltl.Jii\II ' 1\'/11 nor, I\qtl II,e hvo DOIY, felt.lhuir dcll\Lh the Il!lCI\'C illCiill!lI't lind ,'ouclll'll eM ilJl And or this Iml"~ wrap! 1. the old lUi tl.ou ~guiled me? " , f \I do 'b'o~o ':'~I I t 1111 01 80, "bQ looLs 11(1 veTY ,1ItI1 CAor$Id ~ .fbht W"n.-wi~1 the 11100dy bllLllcs'of Dill tiL LII I,oes in till! bott,om of Lho c,.noo,- 'rlllh, . '1'h\l talos' of Kui'~hL-E rruIILr)! IItlcmud t!tQ onl, hllar~ muulrllor,. n 18 I Il open, l(nC8L; give YOllrMelf. fol' 0 rI~. I ..' WIl .y llo 81 0 U a IIrl(8 charge WIIS Jlroullbly grupe • e CorD and 1I0ly Ground-Ihe lel'I'ilil,, ! Au til) IlIIu ill the menntime recovered, could h1lnlly equal it ill ;olllallcu lIud rollp<!clflll for fr~(lnd. to lie aad ror a "I"t you lire; eOllce~ll\ollllng. and If atum!' Oil tho eltip 01 the r q CIl IUlVnrcl ~ ......:..DltI8ACre of FurL Mims-the hlll.enlous III1U lLIidud bls 1IlA!ngth Lo the work of WiItlUCS8 of IIlh'enLUI'u' lin.! no Boill dll rtlW ml'ments, Lill the. 1\(lr 'il'c ' ill tMIIt! (,ilt weRponll Will uot du-better tho wu(tll., h had gtlL to be nblllll.Uto Mating Love to the Wrong Peri.on 4<zpedhions oC CI.ubil'r.n~, ltilll thu ~l!1I1i. l u esl ruotion. '£IM: bold (Jre~lIr hr ltl' lhe 'Gilbert of lhu Midell\lAgcl\ ill 'pILII 1JJ1ly forliled "II~ the hea{1IC il ';'~lt o( Ih~ conqulJr al. all, thlln t~ cOllqllet' for Ju/tltlle ..,r the anernlloll , nnd tile 11I1i 8ltOll\l A Oinoillllllli pnpcr is respon fbI r, .olo cllmpl\igll' ~( J ;I k~oll - knolv !l~II,Ui to~~.~h et with lin iron gt'nsp. anti cOllil'l"le,' cOultl !JOllst grl!l:ler tl'iulllphs It i~ VI ry proper for ch~lcln'lI who, Il ."y: wbeu,thc ' night 18.. \>IOU •. "will wUflloly 1I,!d beauUfully Into,llte KI ~'l" Ihe ~h(\ fllll\l"'III~: 8 e or eQou::~1 to "l'pruomtu lhe 11'01lI\Cf\'C, Il1\cl, 1\'ILh ~uc 100\ ill elloh dllt' h ' rllos l'IIughL, of hi. lallee. khllll e\lultl Q;Jflertll n.du Ill' out grown Lho (orvenoy Rlld -Aifcotlon" ever be ~!t{l ~I~e sIQrL,- Ana It clime IV 011 & whete 1 WDN siJLi llg. p""ly 111 Ihll A yUllQij gtlllLh' hll1Jl who ilad be darinlt intreJ.idity <If Glin, ]),119' W Il 'J.'II'O sllc~c's~ivo ~lilWS frul!I A:U~ lill'!; ritlll llis hltlllillg' ~IIi1c !~. youth lo shed teftrs' w11etl 81n ~cd PIU'. Lo I7HHI 0 tOld Il Wll8, 1111.1" , , 8hndo, 1 hlld 'Ie"riy (a lIell ~dl(JOI1. whon ' !ti' MI(1I'(jij5()s in ,P!fI]!rio p., lin I will onlY' lIo 4Ile " fow ,oJ' thoKlll\)\u,"kl1 - l di~pl\iclll: 'l two of the 1' llI'l11)"OIlU or ~\'fkl tlte LruaLY of Pt:IICU wilh -tb", ent snys "F!lrewell." nDd lies '(lowll to ' I ' tie 11?"rt ,beg,u llu8.llse,1f !II 11.& J thunght llleord '\lllll/Ihill/l' walklllg lIeur g IJltly ill thia city le(, a':" hie .cb~ll,tllre, wiLh whieb hill lilu ill 1I0 j' IVltom fell o"crhMrd: 'r,linkig to Ill llke Illt/lllnli. G"II, Dill .. scLllud ill Lun ler- I <lllict ~Iu,nbcr. Some regret. 8Omo reo IUlC~, a~ti ;mllglD1l1lon WIll gl\'~ oxcel- me III tho lellvCI" ha ",,,Ik IVn" not tl a I Rnd wont U\l1V1l the ri •• r o~ , ftI'Lt:le., , , " " sllre , of iliri fol! by: ,~l coolI~l st,ol'I!, diliu COtlIlIY. ill tho IIUI'd,(J1Il p'lrL of , ~o~luctluIIR of the. p~t. li?mlD • (raneittlry tluno ",. WI 0 I ~re JIUL thll.porLIVI,11I of o( cl,lthi, .breaklll tlte bru.'" untler tl::', , A correspondence w.. im. HII colebl'l\l.ed 'Clinoe Flght, ~ 11\ lh~ Ausul1 1·lIu...d 'furlVl rd lo si rake, wholl AI.llilllllll. 1\ lu.:rc hi~ olu 10" cllbill was gncf, nnd the pRng III oveJ', Not RI- u/lb Rtld blood. when Lho drulIlIl I~ O\'- I f b l I r I I IUcdllltclyopened between tbe ta.lllor Alabama rivllr. in which hu lIud lwo 01 , hu WIIS lignin pro~lr"hjll by Rn lndilill the ~WflL of 1111 ClttCII~IVU 1I\~d l!cnelou~ "'Rya Out ofwn Ilow little 'rllil. er IIn~ we a\Yake i~ the moruing it lIlRt- 100 d, u ~ t WCI~ a eo t, Claut 01/8. o,eep'~11l ad p"ir, lind I,fler eschBngin eeYera; ~il eo~p"ny, braillod: _ wit!1 cl,lIbu!!1) \Vlit'·club, 1'110 dulL\hg l!nI'lIge, Iluver hO' l'itllltly, IlJS6 hc ,,.1\S elccted to gu?uine Ilc.,rt:80rro~ the,,? i1l, , ~iI !rttle wl.'~ther It I~ lL\ljhulll~ Lullh _tep. 1 ImmedlMlel,llluullhtof lOme WIld 1~I,tur.fl. Ihe young Il&dy WIlt m~r&ified to r1111l., nllle lDAIum warnors, m faIr IIUU rOl'gt)~flll or II SCl\lp, I'IIlsud thtl }¥lIr· Lbu ~L/llc .J..cghIIllUlt!, ill wllicb hu 1I{IfI'J'be old "ICO Rrose with dIfficulty be ~he oUJt:c~ wh~L It lill. n.!I IL must buul. Clu~ "prnnl( upon my feet. OD tU~/I' lind that her lette... ' wore uDMlwered op"n OQlnb.t. u " kind of hou$chold j Ivltoup-s\l izcd hhl ,'iotim liy tho hllir- cd wit h lib ehurllctori.t.iu OI'ClIllCSlI 1I1Id rrom her 8elLt, and wont to 'he coffin to ~ ~Il "\I;l ,e"r~bly Side. I\L IUlIsL. of pur- iog JIlVleir rqund, to .00 what 1 oou:cI dll' lind conlequtllldy' .he oellMCl wri&ing' t:; word-1IiiEh our old sCulerll, ,'Evury old t 'he se~lp.kniiu I:ClfLtctcd ill the tlir. un indcp~uuulloc \)1' chlLl'1lct.cl'. An hiler. look-to Lllke her lu~ (Rrewell" 'fliro' rot~OI1.-II, ~a1L"'ll 8~lort oC . th~ work cover, I percei.od, a litllo moro tba.. Ott~ lbt) real aecreL or hor nl>& NOlin.; c:ron~ cl,' tho river could rolRtu to ~Ol.\., ~oLh,:r ,tintely, blow from Dnlu'5 ol~bbQ~ oKti~I" IIncc~I()I(; ,of !Iim i~ r()la~cd by Mr, Lho (I~L f!lIli1~g leurs 8tlC~ galled long,and :I"u~~~o", IV lOSt' eXIstence IS III the rod (rum IDe, • ver, large wulf clo.e JoLters. "" abc wt thaL an~th.r JCJ!lIIf, &he ,mculeoy o( thu bloody confhct; I'ltiO t1I\'l(lccl hI" skull. OIt\lbolllC, III III ~ blO'!Tllplllclll mU\1loir, (umll> ~.~W\I \li to that pRle; unconscIous J. I f d' sldo the log which had boon felled (roll) Ind)' of the lame uame, luPpoe.iqlC cb.,. while her ~gcd partner. whoso hUlld hlld f 'J.'I:fuli libll snys, thllL liO ~rcllt WIIS the Wu.gil'1l it Itl tho ~ttLhor'8 olVn hm- fllce, • "11ILt uhl 8he,~0 ther!:? Olh· n IIue l.c"801 Cjlllon. 1 t, not ;ho V!Jry IllImp wherc • was It811~ini were intended Cor bert took thl'm from ..hilen 'd, with ~llu growing impr.. ,·o· fOl'Qe or lIie ' !llo\y;o- tlw 8~Ull ' Wilt; ~plit gUII"c: '. er~ ~IIW "'alliin;; il~ thll rig'd (olltures Dllln ux~ lR~rn as I\CI b 008 111 1118- 1'1 II w If I kl dl tl I ~ the pOl& offiee nnd opened a COflftP'JIl' • iI"~ 1.8 IlL ,thou hnat, done unLo .JII':?" I ~ ~ Dum' of hi. Slft\e, would hobbll) dllwlI \1'om lhe clown to Iha " crlcurnl colulIln, ..tiomu ti'IIIU 1\"0 Gori, DIlIII \Vft8 h ,11.1 thnt furrow 'd , IIICI.'. Iii eVEIT)' silverod boo ni ~~c Y a me Clil deneil WiLli hlJr IJro:rr 1~"lIrl Some &wo • to LIla bank, Rlld point out tllC "CI'Y spot! [11 the' mClllltimc: SmiLh, Jll Lho othur i: lld in .X!obilc:. Its 1J1~lol':lt'I' upon "hOLo.-'-: hllir upOrl "lilt brolv ahe read the hiRto· --I~ ~ II! II" 'i'~' ll domgs. and hc hn~ .ey~ ent y ~PII WRlc on~ me. nn month8 (lall&ed R""Y. when tb., ,ouug in tite- brig"l ~lIter8 "heml llill tn .. (,I' thl' 111111011. "l'(Ippl"u with two lusty 'rhu dubt WIIS in the bands astrRuger. ry of YCllr:!. f'rom ,youLh 1.0 mRnhood. 1I0t ling ~ ,MY, III (:ml t Oil I!"t thu hllllt e~"orlltg to .pnng upun me) 0(0,. J cou man wounclllp by a direo~ propoul 'a nd canoe. mol' and it petd.nncc, LI,a l'CI~. Lvllninrll' HI) :.,," II powerful mlln; but. AccoDlp'lllilld by 110 officer ht songbt from mnohood Iq oll( "ge-t~tl joy and . roo uc locll!llreUOIl of h\ K OWI\ P" - dl.eovol him; but the aly fellow had in~l~ted on ali ,immediate anewer aur. du )1'" c;er m~u .t Lrip dOI\ n I ho I tht, llhUilllC!l wure \lIlW ngllinst him,- Lhu crcditor. aud found biOI' ill Lh" sorrow.~·[n sickness nnd in ht'Alth-it ~IOlld,- &'rru:'. &"',1WIII' quIto sucCeeded. 1 w•• nItarl, b,lf I ring at th. aRme time tll&t be 'h~bl river. on Lh~ eltJgant UOllt. whi'uh bCIIIS 1'11\1 ilUIl cll.llehcs of on" of III" 118 IIi· salOOD fir Culluln'¥ fllr -famed 'bowl.- was RII' Uwre; and whon Lbo" children (rolll home, .nd m~ o( the wm, tile tone or hClr ll!tten very dlfi,ftD' our hero'. nllm... , (Lha &111 Dalo,) htJ ' lnl1 L III'U IIpon !Jis throllt--llio lomalll""!.; 'Sir,' said Iho <roDertll, "I h .. ,'e no wl~o 1\I~tt " bulgr~wn the ~l tnr"thiea, A SnuRr A.OU.IH.-I bl'/!, leave lO throu,h Ihl woocll. Ind 'he miD flOm tbOle rect:iYed when be JinUer& llu doubtJeaa bad deli gRAted 10 him, by of Ihd olhlJr '1Iblll'C his h01\11 I HIl 8110:1 monU)' to pay tbill debt. The principI'I cllllQh~d ,!ore 106m" lYIng: In her boI, propose .. hGri, clu,.and .trong argument the rail. \Va; IIM,II U r.r 011'; J IUlew , , ' and up'braidlld her wr Ioye the oourlc:oulI'cap&llin. 'lie Lililo hUl1ol'~d hi. clllllg"I'; oue foot i~ onu c~noo, olle hilS plOptorty, muke him pity iL, or leL orn-tbe~ It was; "nd c"er einee lben to pro,. lite dltrl •• 'n.pitatlo" oftha841rlp all Dltempt lei rUIl would only bit an eyj. with "eonlteaoy, i'bi,lut Ilpi.c)e ..u olll Bcac:h whic!1 II!BrksLbu !lpO~II wdl in LlIC o.hur; witlt . " dC8jlurn!.e clfllrt ho mu go homu and work it Ollt," Til" -there" .was. To otllen 'II~ dull. lure.. The Bible mUit be ti,e Invelltlon denee of cowardloe to t~e el,atio;' pruw. loo mu~h (or ou~. romantio lneognitn, .. \he 111gb proJIlCLtng bunk "llIch hlLd !get.l b.,ih fcoL in 0110 CllUoe, and drllW8 Shyluck Itelitawd. 'Vtlry well.' Illid mllte monltora were "nlb~llIlgiblei to IIlther ol.,ootI mea or ane"II, b.d \\len or ler Ollti eoolcl DOt en_ble ml to.. I"d beIng l'OnllCltlnee Imrtten for lhe prnlc.ulry Ibeltcred the IIlIme· IIko of unu [Illlilitl n(lcr him. whilo ~he 81ld~un !he VeLorAD. in (Ohea IbllL Nmg indig- her the1 Wllre ttle alpbabetuC ahe haIR devlla. or o( God, It Clould not bD th8 I". I' d I f " ~ i ;~pe P'IrL .lte had been tiding. and (ully his boaL from tbe tire of Lhe llldillll ~. mu, cl\lclI~seperales the ond of Ih" bC1Jlt4 111\lItly througb th t, 8J1ILrt mCIIL, 'Vury - famillnr as Ilouse\!01d "01'1111. • I rOOd 'Ie mor erou. erue t, o . Ie Dm. I nr pur Ilu~dcd \1111& 80me othor lad)' Jit\d aile«' tllO bloody tnluegy of ForL IIl1d ICILI'UII the otbcril Iwhincl. to milo, 'fell. sir! LOok at nly !lcars I 1: Will And thon lhe flltDr~. Wha't will be •• e~ bon 0 Itl men or allgllll, for they w<llr: btlt fuund dlUyerallr,o lind lI"fetY.i1l been pining for thc mIll she wu w\)btng, lIiml, many of 'ho wbitus, urged by ! L!IO hlw Ilf thosll ",IIC) hnJ. '''r\);~ly come mnrllb lu jl\il, d01V1l AtUI"" streut.and DII COlpU or ~ft' What shall I.do 0 0 " ' - 11M t er "011 no~ could maku a boo~,"'.ld tho lollowln, ' eatrilordillary mnnner; A 81lUght ller OUl 1I~11 dlllivored up the the 4ef.ncele.. condition. Iho increlllllng within the riln!Co o( Dt\le'6 nnd Allstill'll Mobil" ¥hlill ",i~ness the tren!ment of 8he did 'DoL 811.y 110 _ .he dlid DO& say lell lie. III Ihe tl,?e tlley \Vere IVrltlllg It. (pw d.,. before, my luthdr had broullbt lettura to thejr ~gh\ful owner, Tho >, 1111 old I'ol..tier I' 'J.'hese simplu wurd full anything, but abe relL i&. Tlh!.,proapecL "rIng, "Tbu8 18l1h the [.ord," when It hume fur the ohil~rel1 two or thrlle .'"111 ILRllcr W/UI l\pee<l,t1y arrllllged, ~ al~e hOltlliliea of Lhe Indinns. took rufuge in rift!!s, ,Fon YMlillOn. As <ron, Oillibc;rllu \VIIS /Smith no\~ hnd hi,; enemy ill his power like olectnciLy upon th., III",h-toncl,l of the ofd wife i, coiacludcCl. T,IIe Lome lUI 'heir "wn in'ention. It could not be primers, ODe of which he g.ve 10 mil, It rUlll lo\ers 1m"., IDce b~()ome ujllkd In provcnu:u from Ml\rchillO< lo their ni.I.l>y nntl 0011 'di~patcIlJ him , 'fhe eontlil:t people, In l1ull au bOllr a c.lt.lleo of circle ia brokttu ne".r to..be reualted- Ihe lDnalioa oj bad men or devll~, for al,llllllioed an .ccouot or 0 llottCl lliot and s tbe baud. 0,( wetlIO\lJ.r. . Lhe hostile mo.vumuul'l" OJ! thu ClI' tuy now UOCODIU equul-thrl;e fo Ihree, '1'he tht! brightest ntlmU8 of Lhe city were tbe ,jpitoreof &he hearth-Itottle .... lIOal· lbey wwld nOI.l'-... a book. wbich com. hoo.ln whlcb the Rolte:ltot WII purMued Fe..ole 'De~,.. &boaL S\. Su:pbeD'iI.Cnpt Dule "nd CuI. j:lIWIIguS, reauceil from lIillU, 1.0 threo. upon Lh" bon<l; and before morniug Wit: &ercil forevcr. U~ 1.0 that. lb.u &here .11 d1M1.. forbid•• 11 till Iml cou - b)' Ihe hOIl until It was IIhrly UpUII him, ABOVi: oll((.'r (f'aturt!ll wloiob .den! the Canon, wore left i~ cOlllmllnd lhC I "?W ..ought lV,i lll Ihu unergy of dcsp"il'. debt WI\S paid and It full dlllt:hlU'~ 11''' II b'o!"c lo 1I'1ilch tile h' ln', alwa,. cleml t"elr tIOule,o h.llto ,II e;erniIY. I Th~ m811 perceived tho\ hiB eecllpe by few.le characler deliclc, "andl f.-.o.t Fori. AM lOOn as bll wou,nds. recell'cd , LIght lind Bctne. tlte~ K"olded !mll'y?f hIlDdlld'l,., ,be ~1\l1'lI1.' , '!I~ed WIth (cndneaL BII& ltba' m"lonc therefore d... " till. coneul.lon, llolt the nonnlu(f wal Impol.ible. ICJ hi turned and wHhln Ihe provl"ce of ~ , t •• II, Not .t Burnt Com, were aufficlelllll belllt'd. th u blons .. f tho WIIlW,9. Rnd , dllltl~ III 6en, 1)ale dted ill 104 •• M hllll'\;". tie all .1lndered. the key~ 1.0 that "'- 8'bl t h ~ D' ii' Dale d.termiued 10 ohange 1118 Iinc of relurn 8uch wull dite1;lod OI(OS. thllt donee. widl tbe fvrthudu of a lIolditlr. cred arab haa (aileD, and 1l0'~ .._ . il I e mill..... n rl"en IVlne hee the lon, antilihe bel.t turned lod llill delicaoy which if ~rpetualtl ID,.-t ~oaduet from de(eusivo 10 offcllsi\ u, thoy were begillllinb{ to 1.011 In lheir faVt·r. atld the [osigaation or a cbriltniD, Dowhere tbil .ide' of beat-n. Whal III.plratlon.....,.. JV_l.y. rail bsC!k. a.e __ benllir Ihl •• J 01 IOlDethlnlr to bo ,,"all\_ or, _ wblcb With ~"euty meu be' prqcceded sout.h· whun Dale. o'Lllin~ Lo Cre1ar 10 hold We know not hOly' bette, to 010111 "~R11 the old widow do now l' Go and • . . . that If J l ooked the wolf .te..tlly In Ihe .akn merit of 1~luab, lail allll,.,..t. the w..twardly &0 Br....ier·. IRntlin" 00 " he the boalS firmly together.8prnng on onc ~bia al'J.icle, ~han ' by quoLing from the lin wit~, her children' be '. peali~er • (T::r All uull... t rule (or IIVw" h.ppy C~., I .hould be .af., f ltoad, 1,..1 p1aced ralle eonlttacllon III own Inp....., ... AlabamL H~re they tlluudtw;eauOOli. M Lllo BcaLs aud denlt 1\ blow which weU.wriUeu biOt(rllJ'h,Y. whioh WI! upon ~heir ltindlleM' where ,.... m.y be In~let, Ie DeY~r to concern OlJe'd 1011 my hand8 OJlOll tboetump tNt wu put DpoD IlIIln_t l'elMikl \111...... ::..~ to. negro nlllJ.led Crell8r. ~Yho hivcred" club which hnd bo.:n dil't'CI- haye already usOO. lIIore or a b~ea Lbu a bJe;eejng'-.o Wllh the affalra or olben. unle.. IOOy de.ire me, and tlaed I 'Ieadr., pleroltl, raft upon 0\11 kInd II .. far remond f"* .... IIete , ~ tbat 'b~re w~rc 1o~luns 8<1 t~ mCl~~ It. 1Ul~ . hIVclt:d anQLher "In many _pec~. plll,rea! and al leAlt aile Ihlnb. Or .baJ1l Ibe ptb. It, Ullde, pre\Alnee of belnr ullClful. ~ the f1l1rce' lIa.hln, ey .. or m, IDt.,ol",t, .. from.-l ,"II..,. aDd . . . - . ... &bon there .n el\Oh aIde of 'he m cr, \Y\ll'nor. rho rcmaulIllg' two wore len. moral. be ruaembled hiS Mti.goDIII&08 or er up the ICAltered frasmenh of tLal plit often Ibow more curio.;" Iban klnd- and there we atnod, Th• •ulf.laow.nr, tb. hl ....miaded cleliCllle, ............ He.bo Ceudel'4!d tbem tho UIlO of tho to lUII'll del\rllction meted ()U~ to th~m the woode. He hlld. the ~u"'" fore· ~roI&ell temple Ind btlr ~briDlr• •t clown ne., IOOG 'prall, UPOD ""' Joe with III. Had III pure eDd Illl4lYiaLhIt .... .... ~oea.llftd proll'ered to ae~ AI thcir pilot, by tho viet.oriolU Dale: who, wlu!o beAd, tlUI bitlh clleelt· booN. com· iD her chill 8O\itude beaid. It. expiring , ------ . lowarel rae aIIY.IICII_. ..;...., . . ...", w_. u i.... Ie o.,~ Dale immediately 'placeQ LI,I~ I! Smitll and A~SLln leaned tlf:Un th~lr preucd~. aad! in ~t. Lbe pb,aiol- Ibel and-die! Wb~ Ihi&lI Ae do 07- If ..., .. NlcW Reuen," Hid Dr. but I rull/IIeU••OI! that It I did not tor~ -.!tiM ..riDlld· e&Doe. III obarr or lert:mllw .AuBIllI blood,); And bfJ'1D bcspI\lLered.ntlee, d ll· uODIY uf au lnd,••, rell8'Nd, 40wey.r, DOW' Wau~."J e.,.. 1.0 find tl".. Wllnden I II • .J Jd be...,..' .t tile ud -:~ aacl aiz . . . who were ~rdcred to kccp patched them "t Lwo Sllce(j8~lve blows, b,. Jige beDe1'uIeu~ Suoa eye, Lib TiJe.1 relllly crowded HI' &em tIMft. lit ... of lime tII.tl roDl ,Willi " cu ..... w ..... ,_w"~""" &Ilea ~ wilb &he part, ou IlIlld, During the wilole or tbill IIUlguinllry tbe red meu. too. 'Ilia JOo& fell ¥t1y q.. dead; tUld &he for~ 1IaII~& ~..-nee t4 'tIte etrun le . . . an Por ki_.... 01 .............. fl ~ at the mouth o( BRDtlon'S C(,lnllict Lhe 11eroe "ere encoW'llgOd bl uJlOll 'be goucl. ud &lamed DOil_ &0 ward with llle u.e ., 'to . . llour ... Blood r.. to r.c.. .. .,. to .,e, w..... ........ .. ~, tile etDoe P""'1 dileovered A tbo cOQ'~\led cheers or theb coaar.clea, &lIe "rial" !lOt leA. U. ••• baIJI&uIlt 11 Ie aU right uel. ... - - ..... 1 upec to ••• t wltla Ollis . . ., .Ia feet to ............ ......., wblelt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.. IndUUls. "ho, bo"ever, on eit.her b/Ulk, 01 the .ine warriOl'll, lAOiwIa: hie ... ~; .. 0CNne 1& . . . be III. 111.... ... ft. "...... woatler of.11 "'11Irtp& _ . . . II upeD _,.fa ita ............ w........... " . . . . .'811 J*lclled &0 eho$ and Bed, Smith killed t,." All4ull ~wo, and Dale AIIClIll low Ucl IeIcIoita • ............,.. Ii ...... will .. to ... ..,..u daerCJ." deall. . . . . . 011 die GIlt . . . . . . . 1M ............. I.Art ... I'!"'.1,ltMli.i&impoalible he, :.u.vifltrlaid '~~_~ILlow""~~ l~ed or .'-'1 ha"~ ~ .1I_nlln. . . . .rll. 4-. ... wl*'- ...................... ...... Ie _ ..... tbeV ...... _ IIOeOUIl& o(t llr. ~&ecl ~n ~ - ~aIiar to~_ fta OIlIer.... l IMIWIIk _ ........... ordered 1_ ~ 10 . . &u. iD&O '!- IlrilSbL auriIMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,71..... ..... willa ""......, -. ........ _ _ _ 1M __ ... proaeed w]IOIl .... 01 ,... AI.... tbelr ....." era-...' .. lite .............. tIe..a ~1'" .......... fer(I odten. ..............,.....IIl_ ., 1M 'WI1tAot, ...._ wereelieetill, & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,~, '-' .... ....,.. ............. _ t
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. , . Tlllt fllllrORu (tom Dllytou Xcma IS conlpletell lI.uJ. the ~" 4\1"~. !\nd
9"1I1'I'V .... )I""'FUT At'II/U EalJlllu od Dnd Elcptained or all )o.X ....llIull 'Df tho hlyululltar1r PI/wert a"d h ••tllleta III
tlud betlTeCD Me.~s rs lIun~ aile! Cr:\!Jc, al,triblllll! of "OIDJm'1I p "lure. Joll (If the lJou cuI Ilnpresc lltnln 0 s'row- I\dll1ellt no moru 1I,il00dl~ 10 d,,}. bul I.. cloth '1b ct. IU" oUl of Il dispute "lulu UIS\:USSIIIO mee~ With II1ullo8 UDii JR' rId I \Vcl TIIII._~. far tI,le~~t ,CXpoSlh "" otlttl1o ., " " l a c l l m II you relum 10 Jlmr 1\0 eal ... ~\nlliol l!I~tIOD. or .. p N~bl'i\ska Ulellsure home lind Ie ID ~ '1IDe, o( more dum pn •• ~e hay. Men IIdnt The .uthor doe8 DOt , .. - - I I _. Id I. I (alii '''IUI t~ IUbject~. nut dlmy tI", DlIIIII U- &s Lbe latOiL 'tIme h,ble o( Lbe UIUII trau ~ J10 ",lOll e"ance 0 n ($IUOIl 8 lnat _ta,dl 1o her old hllobit ~n (ul' a 1Il0meft, lIMa We apprvhCl .'..... anthapl al Id tlaeftad lnr ur Ii: A kind "oi'd In bwII would IN lQueh IoW,,_ OOrleOLIIIIZ llaa Ir.lI10IllIIWO IIH'DlI~.I,1IiU and "'I If,1I 'm'...... _flUio n. aMt aplrlw bu. lin, lUIl~I\'Ii··III.OOll.. liIl.., 10 40 .l.~ It-o "'''''''' , il. III &1M ellilaire •••" "~f'I_C :te4. l be ,,-
tho) wrel".k Ilf lhl allto!t .he IU. bIIInl WilE Ihete lue lIelll marllm, all. WIU
Wu.h\\I~oU ~hort iy
w.. ""bod,'.
wu bnr",t,lwt,..eMl Olllllt ."d "rne o'clock 1110 111l1li., lor aIie .11 1I000liiWrell a 'lila' writ-II 1'be olt. . . Ihul lind llNUud \laer~ wire 'Oil &he ....II,
Itcr.l.lt VC \Lt:n I N
:; I \ I E!'l Of nOo'f~ i\!\ 1) "l ItO!::!; II A I S oS; CA I'S. CARPE T DAC~.
.." o..e. ~
:Ie to.
lIj •
...::C ...... ~~ '::!
• .,:IIi
...:; , ~
..• !;
:at 0..
<> c
.•• C>
lit :It~:::
0.. D O, ~ ;a~ ... ~
DU .... I'f
CIilNA . Gl;A88 WAJUl ElC,
n • • A ....
• TJl~gT,
eIJfa"4 T1. 0
'] 1\lIl1k yOu madum NOlhlllg lurthe • your honor
'Squire. you r. reguler trump you aro UiI if fOU eyer aom. to L,an IOU 11 811d a ."',pln' pl108 with .." aad a roUtlu wei eoDie Bu., &quire,' and Jonathan rke
To17CHJlla Sou. -n.... J. a
Ing dellCffpUOD of a moollll,lIt Ice ne 'Aller ",lalrllo, ror 110mB time In lhe oe.laUe: msael of a delightful woltz Corne IIIl '1lntlJ mysclC Btopped OUI uDobbervcd on 10 Iho balcony. to entoy (l few moments 0' lolftude 110 precieus to lovora. lL WIlS II IIlorloUi D11l'e lilt wu cool and re 'fre.t lrig As J gozed on the beDut (ul bo nil' a~ /uV SIde T II ought J never u\\ hur Jook 80 lovely Ihe full round moon ellt 1 or fir ght rays over htr whole IUlr 111)/1 gv /Iii her n almost ling ftc appear line" nnd ImDnrt "II' 10 her curls 0 fl II ,01 1.11 hue Qno pf hllr 8 Ult fn r bnnds re tod In nl 110 ond cver lind Bllon she mCL my gnze vah 0 e of pure confidlOg l\,lvC Suddenly n chI! Igo clime ove r I or 80ft features l or (,11 red I p8 trembled 4S It Wltb auppro8sed ernol 011 a 19nr Irop r Cd ted on her loog droopl ngllul 08 the mu s c_.round ber raultleal moult became COllYUW..... IM,H lor breath-encl
n: £ II N S T,
J ACt) B
NO 112 BlAIN aT QmClqATI IIII III,;ON ,; I IH l H llCAt..,,1JII .. ""~ II Irlf '1Ha Ie
I (SF. ON ALG'EDJlA (Sd!tlO" ROBrNSON S ALGfJB1lA. Unlr",lI,
How TO KBKl' 811UOII H4••~-A wntllf In the Farmer 8 CompRUlon pub hahed n~ VoLrOH statel that he hlUl for many) cl1fspreserved hlslmms throug}1 the summllr III the most perfeot condl ho~ by pncklOg tl em In barrels WILh layers of com cobs botweon tIt em so thnt the hnms would not comelll contact WIth oacll oll (!r Thcy should be tn ken out lIud Tuhbed dry alice durmg the summer II c cask should be pi u;ed OIl 1\ bench or h usse tn a cool dry cel
.~ . . It. . "'- die Tall PLOW 8op.liltoElllln -The Eng .... .,., __, .. __ ::,:;:or'" hah papers of now machtne. th41 IT' RolRry Digger wblcb threatens to apeRk
...,. ..... .. r_ I. Iter S•• cambrIc .upere.de trIO plow U lin IDstrwncDt of ~" _ _ anD t .. culture EYen , .. tIl SLJ: or elghtborses, It .. IBId to be cbeaper and more ofree '1'8 Dtn'Oinrb"~fDl& -Not Jong "ve thRD the plow The macbme "tbo .IDee litera , ....ed In a ....11 YIU.,. of B- Ibvention of Mr Samue1sc)D of tho Bnt P 'pll8 nre Inmuclod Individually and nol 10 tb••tat. of POIIDqlvaall, I phlelmal talua 'Works Branbury. ~nd II very li'ma~":':J p:~!:J l~ '~:~~·I::r,~cl~~" 0' any 10 oW DulclaDlan, who w.. 'amoul 'or rna slm)?le ID It1 cnnltruc'IOD It CGDlllte of and aliidufly pllchy ItIA& IOOd cIder, and wu equally flmo"a a j'llmfale (ramobJ'llI DDlng Ob a couplo of or!':~~:'"~!im~~I~~7~~ ~~ poC"· THE abo......""""'... fOf keepln, It and u yel no pereon e:t W lee s resem IDg au ordinary field .. e . de II un(/frg I rigId IIntI ~h:o~ i.' I~n upl hlml.1 r .nd fam I h d b ro1\e r The weigbt ad attracUon CObI ,crr"lfAtio lIy tli. Pr nelpal (.... III~ by ft PrJlI era t.d ' I ~'Il ,",TIlllt b ned IlS the apparatua II &ravened 0 Commit H or..,. I ('II A""" ~!In .. and Bus 1111 lie r to tIIt.e ,be lOod Itutr At lut one tJ I d in o,. lit..) and IJlp 00." a..... rded 1<> Ifloe '1 bair or bit ftl!itbbo Id I ver Ie aD • C/lUIeI • senel of dlggmg wi 0 are aeen ed wonh" or Ihem • of prtnuna If ,. sa 18 wu bound til lULl! fork s or prongs 10 dig Into \be earth A cour.., completed In fro ail( 10 ten week . lD Ibe Accord,n!:ly ho went 10 Ill8 Dutch and thus WIth fi.e or III: hones l'ICeor Illhe rn~eIP'l laku ~I" aure In do nr evar)' man'l bonae II I (J e nlereci litO conver.. dmg to the lIod under Opel'1Ul~D, two !I\S~ II ~e 1·I~m"eih~::';ha:: ~:o:nIJl~7~ uoa "Ith blm concernln, the crape &c Dlen lire enabled to work down (0 .ome anUnlanll , a I h,. extenllve IC!IU.7nII.ce alllt by tit'''" I~ h m \0 speak of Ill. (: tiling 1111e Il or 10 IDchos oYer a wLd b :n~bl~'hl!ur~~~~u~~::'uuDnJ:;".~oll cn~, tI.r Ho) Ulen h.d or LJlres feel.-thorouahly poh-enl!ng • rout OrOblainlll, lINt,. r I UII""'lod 111U mill. very good i th~ 5011 to the exteD.& .Byo or IIlr to ro_'!IIlXlll·--;-! '''W. full eoUrM .1 1 _ . in ~!N~~ eepUltr I'LiIlol COtlunerl1al CaJaal. -===:....::;::::..:Fl:..:::=.:..............__--=~'-4.,. , c: ches It dig :::: com muc.. awe etc 140 a. 'plie" dae Dutchm.n Hall olio. III 1J0aua _TIle ,",Dlh. of the It 8 B ~ . , ~, ~ ••• prfa~ a IDul rull ' CQmmotJ «ledar. cut line, Ib4 mixed with D.... TIll. . ..... TIae Nip • -oatil be... 10 wator lood or bor~ ar,"itt to be IU"to I GR!A'T""::~ SUk ... IIIk \-.1.., , u... of. btll,lull or tilt Dutch nDied. f.)r u.. troulll-., aDd Y...-pre: ..... J.~ "==~Jr aleot diaeae calIetl--- " end Cell. . . etc.,JIII\ rece'MIl --."II.....) JlAUUI'
:b!; Jlhro'I')
=1. . . .
DI8110 ..JUCK' HIPf"....LLI.L. . .Kiln. POWDflB," ;\N' excellent. IbltllUletur l'eaet.ad Sat.n II. lenni" by
1 U HARIU8.Ce_
YQLUME 7:···NU1[BEll 19 1 l 'rIIOLE r\[JMnER m .
. -:: tllI ll jile ~I
WRI11'tX Jon lfhl ll
\ J:f!ron
I. lJE)i I!O )i,
l" 1J\\~1l, .\I'ynl hoUl'" ~ \\ e," 1"1111" nu",,,,'
Awloli. I d~rt 1111' 8l\Jrllly 1110'0, 1/1 arler yenrl, II IlIi h ~url yU\ trl\'I. <\ IDJY 1 vl~w Llty .C01I08 nlllllll
Ste,,\. u'~r .. .., IlUlIl 8Ud. "lUtI III" "ve
'I'houllI duhl". wins ,urroliDd IllY bu\(. ADII fOlhll' c1Dllcb 1110 hu.e"o dcrllrm~ r ,el tbilU h.~a( Irni!l1l18 d.~k A ,"oleo thai lriumpli. o~r II", alarm. Aud lllio,lc:cl wi\!! Lh.l YOlce .Ill'l.,a~ (Joked It. ,y"h ,IIGlilOry'" """r~'I ...h.JII, 'I'll"•••ccmce "I' ""me. lh ..t r. J11', ..., . 6IIaU br..aI~ tlaeu-lu611C111~ o'er-we rani"
y. roell' 1011111111 alld W1nd"I"uoll~e,
\v1.IIK ((""Ilnl'~ joy. my boy"094lu......
I ort ,ball II,"' 1"11 III my dr.", •• A04 wt.klu, bid )'ou all adieu. " 'llta roek~ nnd hili. and 1lt1llrul Gr(\ doar, hr &laey (.ave Ilaow" "'1 bo,1~lJ pmla. line r"ll I~ !IIOrD PI, tOOIAI,p' neDr. And MaN /J.y '0", ",.vtooulf ..
0111, ph, enor. d'ar. ihtlClO dear to l~e
An &It..... wbOso Ioye 11 rOllnd nl, Ihrown, WhoN ........ul bOI")!l otJo, 10) be
Wue en, c1 •• riotbed .. III)' 0,,"", 1\..,.. ll~ve [ n lbat clr.:l. d~.r ilfl"'...t.111 i'deDdahll" ••• "red I"' ... r.r. , \)I.tthl eo.... jlClr ,,1.18OId whh Ifulb 81nl!<lr\". Of Ctui'jlbcoU eIIar","" 1111 f¥ouillil bour,
O. ~\101l1J. ao,,,r hope ~I.II" 'rlc,"b II... r" .I",*re whh li.arlA lUor. \rUII, 1 you Will rOil Ih~ 'JlIJe, ~ • .,.. " ..11. ~\\~t liuuu, ! .",e"Ilivt.u.. adIOU'
"LBA:nII J'-BOK , , .Y
O/,m .blcn • • ;1 n,.t cJt Ii _.I t
DY ~' Jt&\·
0, 1 e~II lJrne Gl,t oeenn'~ tu,\!P, WIll'1I cheertd II)' lilllu.. you klll uly 1:1,°, 'fhe ealm, '" eClillfiuollce o~ 1ft)' hllllle,
,,'1lCI ...
'I' .. V (HiK&\'" L' R •
III)' ),0,'110 ~ )'0
hul 1IIl0W , The ""wer tlll1lbl..nJH lilY ."u l 10 you, Out dUly ~~II. alld I mull J:U, A"d lJl<l1~ !til • kJlIJ a,li.u.
Sj11l/l1'" 01
• ,
WIlli ,t' IO (lXlllllllIUtl bhllllleU the II\OIUII[\l1 alory, 11\ the sume ~ lIvnrrll .. h\ltl" 'IlY III Which It W~,B tvlcltl.l mr, hnl,ln~ lhat the fcar lu l r.:lriu\lI HI Il willult 1l\V"lta \lrlollllWCtI III tltI~ .\Cult! ,\\1\1 hllVIl" tendenoy to Ill nku HOIIIO p"u,e up. 011 tho brink u r tlrl' drlluUful "roclp,cii to wllieh j,!UIIt IV h U ~ thrm, ~nd Ir.om willeh I Lupple. thi1m hCIltlli,lllg' (J1'"r \V It!.
proludl'. t glvo Ihll dhc\UN' ~lory, In the ye~r 184-, • gou lI 1111111 liml ' h[; w,(q Jande.!, upon IiIQ Ir,'co, lit Nt!w Or. le!lnll, 1'h~y bud loft thu white ~I.II~ ul ;\.I'JIIiIl, tu s.:ck Ih!!ir (urlUlllld ill Iho Ne
i '
10 r.e nt,
". rl'''I'J II \ , ('''Ir.nur hns on~," dltO hu, .h ~ COli 1"I.e my pllr . e " 'J'bull ~o1a loqulz. eu th o rum 'II ... ppiJo nli ofl 'ns mnde in lb~ bJandeat IIIDlwer "I" ti l n&k my bUlblnd," WI. tlJe 'p ply Tilld IYIIS Tllthf'r II damper up" 011 Ihe hberttnt', bat her IIn.lVer WI. Ie. I urn pnmcd "lilt euch a glaue!! of pI .... ,at t he 1l1ll.,Y WGteh chnin ami apark. l.fI ~ IIluIIII,"1I b r~och thul I., "orc , that.u h~ IU, ne d n'" " I,\.' ";4r\uimoJ , ~ , .. \, n. h"r 1'1t'l, dl1'J10 Jeweld,'.cl.! old Sh . II}, alit! r ~huultl hke to ete thl! flrlt 1\ 010 1411 ( c u (l er 'l \\i'U wllh them,"
a LES:-;
A~I I~Q 110., th</UH""11 Ollt! QIlO nbrrn tivc. wilieh nrc luhlor .NelV OHe ," " , lhe \li ly or rOlllall ce, ,;11,1, III eurly IImod,ut eri ll.o, lIot olle excel. tit III ro luted to III uy 'UI "\talldlng phy Iclpll or the elt rlty ho~· pUul thore. 1111 JIIslltul lO" IIf lhu 11 ' 11111')( nlled klhd, 9ull ehhr(llll~rt~tla of tbe ~ II · IJghlolletl bt'ncvolcooo 1.1.1 IIII! Allli lII S nx· ull rll(,C, I" tJlnl hU\l81l lIl "rt (ug.·, tllr lit! 11811uII5,
II" , ' r.u rlll~h"d ro rna
Ihe IUt'lItld ~J~cUlution of tho rOIII. I I be lI n' ~yed his rolliN hOlldllOme perRon JIll .l Id II 'H I...n)( tidn y his Iccond appl!. ,'n \l' "I, tl,r " s ho In}' ,11111' bet! tltnt rdgbl. th e chllrlll~ or 11.0 blonde E ngll,hwotnlll rbell lip ' III hl~ Im ngirll'llon with uneon. Ie p \Vcr l1e 81\W ' ahe Wba 'Poor, all il h e kllOI,( lit41 uft II poverty wus Ihe U\I' l' ue lu t;1I 11 C, ullh's; rchlltun 18 In Ihe IWITt , Oll<1 cconque r {nl e It~Dlf. 4$ It""! \V Oit Ihe [lJII.h thlll uelong, td hll III'a. IIIOI\S vI '~~llo\ •• he l'rr: ft~lIleu IlIm.elf, with 'lIupcrb lIollqu"t In hlAhtltld, lor the Indy -~ 1.0 ln plllllclIllole f ll l od by lite trl.'l.' mo.' . IINa 1)( tha Froudl, Silt: re ceIVed .t with cil'ldellt ple.""e. lind Ih~lUgh ~he gave 4 m'C"!tv\> \0 hi. requesL to r. rpoml, Ihflre 11'h8 Q 'lurl.lngtle'lllII her e)e," tl.ut (In. Illll1rngccl his brlJt~1 pur~u l t, Auvl llor lIu/l. qu et \Yos p re. ~1l16t1 II rolY tiny. flllcrwnrd, lieil lIlle s,t 1I\"IIg'hlfu(ly (0 ,, <1 pllrdu" her IhOIJ j; h' I) 01 tI,e wlndu,,,, bUI III th\! cen. lor u( It g I~W llvd III rich l llllel he had IVurl) HI lilA tll e.1 .llIrt boa blll ' BUI wby JiW 011 'II rho old . 1I0d bOillCIl trllck of 0", ~lItf cpllle! Tho Irlrkhug rtll tllIll lYe ... luupllig ,punr,ully from II,e ,r ocky hIlla, ,
W \lrld, lr..pu, w08 1I0Qrly '- u I Iheir ~e l'uy Cllpltlll thuligII J um!'. ~hJIII::l)lIIeIY. thl.' ureo,". Ilul Ihnl 1\ I. lu become IUMI III tbe hUdllul1.l, hod .lr.,;11 dl'~p ,,\11,0 101l.l\u1Ll rl,.rlog ulltllurll ,t!lVlltere or 11,0 ~1i."I" Ill p!, YUt IV II I~; IIr\d neltl,er lJi tllll~ tbe luir ~'II<l I UII Ot;(' I\II!t1l1 error Itu. bUI UII. , l\1\ IHI~I. Ull~ Ih~I ~. dOlbn1il",-d, " l'he dCCOIVl·d 111111 ",jur~tI III1 ~ h.lld Cl(luld 11\, 1 IUIIII' ,0/11"[1/ 'l u bl,. afll l illli r (,"ce c.t J.f,., d,. I,v ,'ur. ","1 h~ . wl,I lIll 'li tI" ,, "aldur· • "llll ~ II I> hU llllu\ Olh Ilnl!. Lv \ . , UII\I \ I " " . (;1111·
DU.".·' 1l~lilhl/Or~ (thilt\)
ur .. IIIf.Uy
nu ~ d
::If'Ulli ri-
tlliid 111 N uIV Orl ~ ''' ... ) ~ ... ru Ir)lllgiu reo vlve hllr, "oJr l\u~ IJ~Itt1 wu 1)'IIl" ullud th" beu, 'lChilliLlllg lIt., c d llil l.'WM "I\~ ....II. t l" "'i.l d}, b 'IN Il II vi II t~ I1 C ~Ilg h.lcu '"h, \V., ~ r. ' "U U ~II Illlil lY lIIg lit" )11111'111 , G "IH Io' II I~" ; ' 611 ,tlIlO , \\ lit a ,IQcl.loll
Ii'ill I u r d lc~ Illy bloIJ.r, liu, ~lth llou " ' 611 IC. lll rt..ulIlI}. ' II II 1111 u.e, .1l\hlllilic 1 tllll grutolul ror your courleay: !
I",y" ' r"~ulvcu to d l~
'f And dlo he did. Illr Uttdnu<:h -plIlfIll \\ oulu not Ivor"; and 110 died urn l,1 ~hrll.'k .. th~1 wllllhi .. ImOl' hUYIl U'oIVII lo.~r. kO'1I1 Relllorle hlel l, A pR Ill !\11 Iru k led rno 10 !ruck the fu.
lu re cu ret' r IJ I Mr" l}1Ulllt;lI ulery. Ylllin,. 1t",111111(II 1 CV\l1l II . IlIlT ~" ul'.~ . olley, nnd
ll ,u l.u hi fi 11'11 lit or !\Iourlll"!!,, (ltut, pur,hu 'lJ ~1 dltu lI' Uti r~lI\urkubly Dllruc:tl vI: n ul Ih wurm tl.at dre ul nut vre)'eU Ul'ull her vlt,,'ldl "htl III Ii. \,,,111 lin. Ilellv\lr I.. qlll' llIlh the eteru.1 tire, .ltu o"al. II I1W II.
0 1. , ltV IV
w~tI lur~. til Ou~llt. of 1(111 11111.1 ullter 1Il1X-
01 ul,ohul. wilioh oilly 111 l.Iu lhe
jj,uno~ buru.h')ll~r. ulIIII her vcr" lIcelire w 11I0'lOUIl Wllh tit lhu .yellgl!l~ II Jlirll.
1"ro\1I hou.e I hvu"1' IIhll I VIII III IlPr rObtl of itlfll",) . fur ~be hud pa ne d Ihe Rub lcu n or virlue, Dlld there w ... 110 merci ful h.lld out·atrctchad 10 ."\\l her Irum thu I:ol t I~. III 1 hi"h .hr Wild 1r.~IClldi"lig, ,Luw"r IIlId lu " c r be"u", ,, her IIgOliid 0> \'IC ; lI11d CrUIII lit' 11 1.sl'l lI!! ,,"1,1 rol\l )! t tl 1 ,, 1l~1I 1I\11l~1 • •• ~ rUI )~ I \ ,.~ .' lIti.d aU III w.,""".! "Ith l ite 01111" ,. ' ~ III Oil Irq' lh,. IICo! klr lew!,"'1 II '..! I "uo II I)! .urllrtli l d, r"\I"III, a cli,l\ fnn I hruu gh liltS. Ifum lit.! t1.1 IU I u u! t o t
Jlet! her u
C\ t(paC
F ull r lul
\Vlll i
I he l,;Uh'IIUr
r. " ~r .
IIrO thu de J"loll. ,
TH~Y ARB TIIIIB) 811i1 :herll I. h 1II\l fil III thul "u.Il'<\ UU" c"dKVIlr~IU~ furlll IYl ug ,,,'
(,hul l'ul r~lIli Y"O. lI~r II .. ,u ill
Ihe ~dl:e
II. WIth hur.t1y r",. elluu!J1I tu ."v,'r IlI'r
lwtJv, \\ luJ(I " ti e 'fIllHI 1'0 J :t lh~ i llternul brtl1l e, ulI.1 th~ olliH .8 .tr~ tuIIl'J not IlilVI! uul ln h.'l pl" •• ""pot"".,. , It, dl.Y lIl" lu. t r. 1I 'f Y • ,iI ore id 0 IIIU rll t tIll'r : ulld f~y 11 011) uur hcnrl , fur It' rrlt,lv trUl.' IIrr Ih~ 1\ 0r,l.ul HUly Wt\I-1'!/('waj/ ojllalttrans. grtr.lIr ':/Iurd emuc1Iltt!t.1
" 111.<\ l,IICil.: , Novu r IU r 1:(:: II 11111 " DUll UUllCIP Ie \\ hell till' b lrrl~ D r~ Iho! lowler I. ' ut (ar awa y; es pecially III elty hkellow Orl~an., with u !lOMIIII: pop· 1I/ .. tioO or £n.e fi ny i hbU.K1HI everv mil·
TUt: ro \1uwlllll Itllll •• ,,' news Ir
Iru IlIdlCIII.. tlll.t ::IJlII\& UfO by 110 0100". brlllht.
AIIII.', prUlIpe.:t. Perhap. 11\ Vle\\01 .uch c1lsconrDtr'"l: evtlll_, ll.u uml.l\loue ler. ud II .01011 'IIIrtlli" or !I'N)I "plea', Ihtr~ll' r .fler Imperllli hUllor. I 'ILI.!!!!~QD nr,"DlU'ltWUlla, ure Ilulllerll,l''1 h ll l /", rllvu. Il.mt.lp".. end lite luell (il dlvur~uli hi. Am erica pickPocket., 'I'll." ge"erully .ra OUlh. rur thll ~ lIk .. U • IIniDI! IV"h IUllle a"d Clft> UII Ihe l<l<IIwu\ fllr YI'.:III1. tu 88 •..- 1111 Lvrd'. iJougltlft, , I t I. wurth 1 bUe IU "DOW lbllt Alum IJllhf! l r, ~nlllll pu I III TIJe "rUt Ii h~l~ 1,"0 uUI-m olluPulfed hili lOlIIa",'"1 I. tiller.~ Ihe \I'''qu l>!lIde ltalu I,ll nU! tile li'lIl all ""f',ed 1.1.. .,rre pulllf~II<lf'. alld cnl uff hi. dl1rd 11111111 Illce (I 11 \.' re ti u ' Ilt~rn. l t. .ltl'J,ltl'''. III rrl'C Ln.". ~ l".,. . " ' Il" !\I I)' tetlill UtO Aal ~rlCQIl aellouiJ) huve ." 11~'"'' ilflli.kll l~ 0111 III Il ll! 1;11>'"., Olld II .., lip. jlIIIII1 U"II,1 uf II lIew '·X.'(lIIIV" \1 •• dwell.' their .pPt:I"~., lind t/tll' prulI'I about» .~d VIlli 'II lhl.' ".plt.1 'rhr .1~1"m III of la, wI."'n lhry iDllY devO\Ir, A I'IITI I"a I, II", .,lcC.,.. III 110 1r00l....."I ~, IlWl A.,. ur Ihl8 ell ...... '.r. ill Ihl'diidlnl- ' pllll'<! ,. 011 b"hew. d, Ulld br lI.auy ".... rtI. 1'. . ~1 .. t i l ., .... "'., .1I.id purlll:'" "r .... u tuwn. eo- , tJ •• l.bn.. DllolI.
!"'!'-·"",itNllln••"allulD.,., 61"IIIC pet..I•• IAIIIIIIII,.' ..... ope.
J, •.
wlaalaw. The ......., eapc'MIH ... ,....,,.. ad4W • ull 10 1m .....W...,. . . . . . . .
"'" _n .a&.~.II""""I'11
....._,IIII1IUfJ1 OIl tIN ,.,.", b
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--.-- ---
CU E II' LIllIlT -For :\ number \ ~lIl's th~rc hAl \l bt~' cf\orls nuHi" m \ IrllJIIR qllllrtcrs to PlRIIUf ICLure I1ml bn,,!{ Illto II.. " hoht II If. should bl! c R(l r II RII C IIIdieR but tl e~\lllt'\lmpts. h \1" not Il til rro\Ined wllh SUCCOriS
:llu~m.ielvl!a; ~111l
1fonnlll or d..,slrcU
IIIIke of bl1nl~h: rlll.ti I.
,:r die gmunc Ilum (If comp"nlons IIlId What I:S fiL11I worilO:'&hey nevcr Bellm k1) thlllk or tlllnlf!' or to ID<\k f"r ft momellt at tholl Incltcasilble "lid abl!o:rbllfg IIdli hn('/I~ Hlmng ,h'I& fnlllkly Illllt trtiLhfll ll, !lac.ed the mIller, WIl hopo tlw I,dl,," will glfe 1111 ihclr 'liar wlnll! we • '" 1118 por n:few words of oouns<:l for lhclr
\'-11 ..llIlIt bIlCI"'~ we kilO" ,t to ,,~ thnt \ 011 have m In) IIlIlt grlc\{ uQ
trlll18 to coou hJ and mach lu try patlcncc, Dntl It IS Dot to be wonJcrcd at that} au do tiOlllcLimcs gil e w ) 10 fl'tltfulDell8 Iilut hR' 0 ,ou al. oJ ~ been as oltrofu\ M you Hhould hll\ e bcon to gll'tl no OIIUII4l )f cOmplltmt on tho lllUI of your hUllblllll(is ! Do J ou not oflen sny oml do llllnlfl'llllot a,;rcullblc to 111m lhll~ ) 011 ml.;hl JD t RI "ell 1101 SRY do T And IIrCl you IIhrny$ 8uru tl, \I ) au do not luk fUT 'things w(llch III~ lOoome Willuot JuctlCJ hf,n tn n ....curin lOr :rOil' It D1II bl: that he poeu Dllrr,! dlllfeuh!C!/ot wlncb ou lire 110 IIWII", lind that lis 1'Clllel.llllCtl 16 !lccede
111\\'8 ceMca to deal m mcmclllcs "II the Iti'ltclca 11\ tIllS hne formorl) kllpt b)' them mlH be had of Messrs II W '" E R. PrlUts, who h., 0 (Ilktlll ~ltclr enhruto ok i'IIO>4C mterestod Will pIcas\) rCI (1I11C, \TIIIC!t ) lelds n blgh per cent, tllke Dollcc o~ the change _ """-_ _ _ on tl c c Ipllnl 111\ esleel In thelT prouuc l_eml of lI.,n Hllndlolls of boqllcts (l1'C $OM "I B I U .. r or II I Qllr lUlIIIstcr to CenLra! lllllU III lit len ccnLs IIpl CC-sonlc~lmes Anum(' I III(s been getllllg IOto dlfticul II\, 1\ slIIg Ie 1) to the IDlOIIU~ of Ii, c LJ "Ith sonle (lC lhe IIlIthnrJllcK tbere, or ~'x tlvllife Pc plo geDer Illy "lve \lid 11 •• ~on /lrrc.ted 'I hla lnay hllld to yoor '1\ I'hea Mlo!!!! f'rum the ftoucrs- l"dIC8 e~pcel III) --lind whtn to a IICr,Ollti ru,pture betwcen thclll Ulld th"t he w,1I not be ablci 1.0 me t hi> Irllllhn g al11ld du.L lind hCRt, A be lULl our go, nunclI'obllgatloDS '1 ho .foreign new. WIll be found mt r: ful RIII1 fr lSI' IlIt boquCI 15 'err cheer Thc:re 1\T1l "1IIny" orJ mnny thllll:~ e~tlllg, llIuugh notillng new of 'vl~ connectct\ "Ilh the J1lan':\j,temehtor.bu illS' Illd If present rnll be had I £'1 el\L Import.llIIoo bas trllruoplrtnl nC~N of w 11101t yoa Clan .h,,~·e hue an 1m fhc", 11'' ' " If''Cal fnglti\ e sh" e ox perted kuo"ed :r /lnd J'Out bu~b md FINE STRAWDERRIES - Our cltoment 1ft BMton lhe other day mny be IlWglrl~lJ tlf r.:be e 111 All' B B II I) brou.;h I\S 1I01t118 of tbe Iln!;hllm Yotlll~ cltlies 1'1'01 elltPler ce em~en\ you ~ tinclt BLr IwbCl nes \110 othcr day we ,"'1et ii 1)'11 hh '"III rcm:\m gotu\,no r of on tllm ror lIIOlief 011 _hOlald rnA \) 111\\ C C' cr seen A ImnMlll we toqk Utah 1U !!pIle 01'1111 (he power. LitIS anile It "POint to ~a"lbt 1~llf:!ell With thelo \hlO o" ~IfDCr'r ~CI (0 1(11) IU1r the I)IIIII !> to ruc Isure In cmg,o{\ 3&- III of God Ajough ty .....,lIg CIre t;l':vnt e~p.anll>R when IL ehClllll clrclImf('rence, Alld tlt"y Wllro I!,rce fnllllilc l",OII were glHlII '!P Ilnot IIbsoIQ~hl! neee,sary toclo!lO AntI as luclous 118 Lie}. were 1111g'C Jf Imy m"1sow York on S1,tlU'cllY And '11"0"' ~ whllLC"rr you db; ~oa.., Mello 80011"0; of OUI cxehlllloes c \II boat tltl8 why, 80 kcn to lid and frotllllo" and mt1kID, vni!ne!f-II'OU CompromIses It 1\ C been mllf{l~ red III ,"'! 1 I d bl" Ill! do lhlll elM!! 0 INhes, ",llose to 4. '"' "', M cold blool by polrulllA 1\SS~1II5, "ho )losslbl) \ IILLlc Oler LlIRI. of ~'liroqb1"nd malk' Who e'lit-tal1tl~~a 8~l}~H-I'ta~. mod, pence froll1 Lbll ante'I.1C h61lfth hal c whetted tholr d .J,, ~ I S In the dal k ,ull Ilni.cr Lit hsts In compOli I~ lJ-o:' llon ' t"'redlD the I)i ncss of Ilighl. IIId SOUollL \\ I Lit IIlIocas lJlIl ".tbe commllncc _ __ ment of th" "'Ucla 'Ko,.gooil 'NT hill IIlJ "5 stdUlt} for I.he hour to come when E E Jom.• soN ,Svr .. moR TOOTU SoAP iKli: C::O.' LAJ.I _a WIEB M4n or tNr teiII. Ii ~OIU" ,colt/w!I, but d f III b d the dirk d It 0 CriOIC COil ~ bes' rhe pr I pllCtor of t III cdtbral c 1111 tI 1d lip bcen • It',t too bad I declllrc OLller ninny Randhou~I\0 iLl mGer. mllOr ,blcmade pcrpetMlLcd And nt)\~ th \I ord goes Ilghly I comm(;ud"d prnpnra b) llon (or \fornen can ha\lw hat they want bta~ I tncxcuaabl baItIt Then 11'11111. ~ rlh WIth 311 the force (unci,)' my lite leeth Alld gums~ has !Iud II epecl never can till InDI UI'I!U asking '(or It, ever t'~ you l~ (l , old 110 ).lORE OUMPROlUsnl fh e mOll on our table, Aud Clom UIO IItlie anti who waa,* 10 be! at"ay. 'beg;lII g uob compac ts lire elide I nnd acqUlUllLtuIClI 110 lun II hnen .ble tllal and ror "hat Iht>, bred aud ... " • l'P. ". tUII 1'1\ cltr~e IS Uulllg toll d IlS 1\ ellrly t.o UlIIKC of 11M propel'Ll cs,\YC ba,c oaght to baYe' l,do hello,. I ba\c .1.1 •. II 1 u.O.'~ I Su emu .. II ~be haYdnt Vtl r l'llll' gr Ive time to gel of any no doubL of H.~ bemg one of Ule body II mg I 1&'11 t'rulll1lduoog scOld to et :zoo, 'Ill mournful llmelllllllOU 1$ nOIV arlleles {or tht' use to whlcb I~ 18 oppb "n1lh~IIW~Dl or ..an~ done lill ~e Tm: NEW Yon hcol'd III our 1{\l\d ill It tho honol' ( If l'd thRt hrus e\ ell been oO'cred to the very liCe *"abDost"~ of mel I don't 1II..'e ~o;:.~:~::!. e:!.:l t. our proud n\\tll:m blUi dcpnr~u o~..'!rI!I~ N puWic his recomnlended by Ute beac wh,}' It 1& IJlaL I .boultl hne IO.~ world lir "\ten I'M" ,...,.P D '-"h I h 11 U IOllgn ILl a 3. In cr C UllclL dl:utl~IS 111 t] ..: ftlteu.• States '"\\. Il 10 e.... "'-I., "e Ile trouble I'm ,~relI'h1JeI &Ifothers h,.rd have eaoagh 10 oJ tVA. r, cblVt'll ft.wa1 from hOI lhrone, she !te\o II. I~ Lo be bad at l.h, ctrug stores ilion!: ~y . . . e&IIlJ, bat ,,'. r z.t.m··~~d b v IJelll her I'ace 10 sotro~ lind gOllc .lUe l.ttowta IleYtr nt a lhlag t Q tbe clul &en e>bacunty alld \110 \ R" See the advertis ement ohhe Dew ...... ... 11 I 4icIa'i lOt. . . l10ml III or bQlDble,,,,hJlc her child J _olry lure ID anoUaer co)lllDn We abou& It . . . . . . . 1O ~!,,~~~d;:!'d~I~::'::': an hilt pllt m1 U&!ltclolb aad mOllrn have 100" Deeded aD eslabU. Juucot III h ...... N: ad depuw re 60Iq the hip ~ the klDel m to n, anIl we hupe lIr BuL~ .:-.~ ~-=t!i tal 1ft . . . . . . . leneitl III meet WIlli liberal C8IIOV" ...:z-I IIIII~" ~~:~;;;; . . . .r......DClI ....... u.~ n ...... . · . . ." .,.... III': tD 011
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lIlruel ~Clweo I Vme I1I1U WIIIIII Ihl: 8jll1 (I I} IS roc Ins of wilier \\ II bo cotl~erled III 0 ulb cc8 for the PrIJ d dUllt 1 roa durcr, ~ecre
lBry &'c, of \1 IS I e ALII .. recolI\ .. e ~tllIg or 8\0' khot.len rl oft UorwlII of Leb""on \Val ro oll!cted I'r,Mllcll1 Mr Purdy \VII CllOlll1l Tn!ft!I
D' d L
O~trom 011111" CllV SlIcra
'3U8 nil IA lJW At', N t; \V \: uri ~Cilnu~81Ilg AlII IItS IV.III Cd,III CII!
rJ t:uUllly 111 all tile SlulCI!
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d. fcwt DIIL&er., •
Rrgs, l! dOl!
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I~i r.
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,anle, dq 7(jt~ Ac ~ew qrlll,.... , )'OIU8'1I1, II i"1 '1 0c GU, ~c-.. ~. l{ol""AeA, 11 &rill ltap'le IM...ee. 11 ifill 80 @87 p,pper. lilt!, JOc
•. 1." 8aJ~.., .tI.,~. ~
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1'1 \I~ I ALK -Rev Null ulll el \I ) Ie or II up III lion 3ln ~F wos rUinous ~ r t ilt IlIg I ILl gl ~Ul dlr el; lne ~s 01 "Ileeel I onl! of I ~ publ l~ " e J II . 00'1 sea tl e foll u ' illS pnsd.,," I C I \Vu~ utl,lroofs ed to 1"8 people \: uur h ,bu. ore ,0 lirm ly Ji~eJ II I J.o rero., Inll I 18 to 110 d ~ peilled durlllr my naHuatrl amI I Idoe I It woulc! require 1Il0ro lIoll1er III tho Deily lu
SURG EON DEN TISr, " r lIe .~ I " I', ,fIa ••
t r ... tI
Glo llnl I y olor
II "J I" I Sr. M I I Iy
W.lY~lb' IllLEF &lJl'D RY,
olJhct It tholl It I d to crl)l1le the 'orld fur
whe n he created the" orld Ire hud ollly to 8I1y Lot thore be light and th e re wus lI:;h l IE trekl no OPPO& 1011 DI t to brlug vou to "SDI "O or J Idl e und cq IIV he mU61 o ler co 110 yo IC pr vnlO per.( 01 Ll~ cI n e r t 10 your ell( posed worilly nteres t III I thul wuuld relluif 1I0ru lOUld f LI u I IIltl to err Ite Ihe 1\ orlJ ---------~- -
• •
" I61 tcro nce It ~ peek) bod bUM cas ISn d II II .!eocQII chaffing vI h UlIII O 801 you ra u r usc~ 1 ' Ta ko cure VCUI:OU PoulJouyJ take CArll eo ld II e I (urWul1t o shop \tpopor II havo rcrnn rkcd Ill) 0 II os n ru"cul Gusset- l ou vo 11010 n tl I orrlcll t vo \\ Ive., Ihlll ""e 8 fi n bllrglury e f r k nlll\ anyth ing Dbout tho Rcvlsod I_tools ' r wo \\ flW, .llfI~k, d the poor FreQch \II
BvElo .~A tI&!lsrElZf BoVUUE AI'I'
Hair a d ~ZiW rOr ought J kJlow &0 aLII onlr." 'II tl th o Deacon 'Now clear ulof my 18u8c 1:011\\ DV to the IUIlIon lrar on \ I BqltOIl t \\on't hllve lilly IhIM& to 110 I i t\) you
\V.-rMOULAIID 4&11111 •
VI EIIU. F willY Mornln:. !Ioy 6th
Ne),ra aka See.M ... "-.....eu I bo \'V Olllu,tOIl c:orresJlolUJent of t1 e . ) dUll t \Va, I Ii) I ellr ) 0\1 } e Ilrplul New York 1'1mu wrillJlg ou IIloy 14th It voa • follo.1I II' sketoh 01 I VIn" lin 111 111 II e tied the dt'ol'Oh ~toppl It I i, cars \1 II l'f'IIl It' of R epresen taUve, hi bll,d. , mllrry lliG l wo IV~II;1\ d lhell Yuu knuw lllDlllto H ouse GIIJoufll ed lUI
' But II aeon I ~Cl.r II
VlfI' RECE1VSl> .nd r.r ute at Ih. Ba k ". in \V .~n.. 'lIIe! It the .,,,...1 former If.~l1led !:'~T~·,~ ~theTOr..!' GROCE G ..nDALbyAD:!:: ........., ..... an lUES, ncb .. Tea. 0011'" 8",lr Mol _ _ Gil..., Pepper., K:>1ee. Clo... Salentlu .. S18reh Inti, /Co. Di'lM Beel Bolo,o. Herrllllt et-... To11__ • C~a... Powa.r • "I ShOI Soap, Can di es ale Ai.so acompl ••a ~~ tlultbtol confooll. "
ul 01 cr, d.
~rll'ti .,n
eltn hell
., I \YnOLI~ NUMBER m . • hollld fall
Art'.". 1I0M e O. ell.
Dr ,IJlOllltA}
Tim N Elm
o::r A l --~--~-lilely bOln~ lit ~rocery, II
IV. .
81,,:1\\ Ii eO /lUe goud honey
She told the &rrooe r thnl Ir lit! eo uld I, I her have a ht. till til trf, lind If oho hkp.LI II, Ibe woulo1 sOlid and got n belf D pound' ~ An exchange peper 8a.!'s 0 thc glill ill lomo pnrt or I'clIl1sylVlllla .re 10 hard lIJl ror husbonde, tn., 'hey 10111 lime. take "l' Ivl~h Illwycr. Dlld .pTlHICrI, 0
o::r °A &!'retll he," uya the poIII Cr.bb.
hie .. II 1111 !lor. 011 dr)' hUld, it ma, fret Gild 11111.1, ODd lIIalco fn,lnrul botbet. but It I)lollot hurt you You bn. GIll! to lie., stili, alld II Will die of u.." ..
" Id
"Swlllir lIot.t • NIIY, nlly \Vblljey, cauo not your lh. maJur, "un aueh 0.111'''' 'ilil. I ,,.ondtr 1I0t llin JOu llIould (uel hke .111,1111 I will at Q!I Juaponsllile lu the
1IO!'1!," a.ld
AbhDfleeb, ..... r
1111 " • f\lat·. JINt wh., f dou, r dota't ..... r .. t ALL, 1 only eu .... Ib, ."'001..... ' •
&lui at
::~~~~~:::~;~==~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r;~~~~~~~~~~::::::~~~~~~~~~ .~I~t~~~L~~':~~~;O~E~o~r:!F.~le~;L:q~~r:~~~"~JIIa~~V~.~.:;.:!G~~;";;'~~;:~ u ..1t
'===="",,".c;.___ -
't HL~r.
• .t • '1
I. M[ V(CO10 I'fO It
wl10 49 D.ot elrlRlc I<> I'~BII, DO QDO Onll tell how Iroll~ hI lovo • • tiuuome or hillY fllr h~ IIhle to rl ~I!lt Ihe crllHuf; of tI
.. ..... la r.nlllih Or.I.... r by Ouvlol elt.,..e a1 ....Il. .... • B T ~, A H '1IIId n f 1'~ od It. Naw Yo.x , tJIlUnJ~,. Iuoe I If Y"rk h Burpi & G~\ 11)' Iho "teamer mack Warrior -llieh W" nre IlId .. blod 10 the anthur ror II Drrli"ed al d.l~ POrle' W' ItlYe l'IOr .nd I d~'nl'lu'Cltd or Ihlll Wil.k aucI r,um Ihe hllily eJl..o IIIIOreil nl ..ew~ roan II. b leSC ::!I~ flll,[ij lvlllllh YOII Will IYO hnye "oon .. lil~ 10 ~IVO It tr;~: ~I·~tl~~~ hj:::J'~~IlJ::I: I~: l't~k rOlUldY 1I~IOlIL Il fol\1:nd, lUI 1111 uun- lito t1~l1ply II:IPJ::';'~~,'Y~lll I~~ M~ll're: ~;'I~XII 1111 8"Y" lh It Ihe banllerR or IiIPBIII ~h~ \0l(111\)le 700n.~uo"ce dlll~) 011 11111)1 bll o-\~:~~ l:e~lu, oll'r Iho ~~~'lIr \y1.leh \,/, 111 cOlllllllle 10 wavo nil lho I.hllld , al an ha, Il (l"llU.a,d nitW~r Ih"lI o O 1 0 11 ltll fer • Iii ", ~o~,e I 1I11 bo brlul lUI I cu 1I)or,uI..~ I 1 1rC1~ Allulher n It/fe •• III~a \leen 1.~ttI drullk ~ 1)llr~clf 1:11 rUIJlilcll. r IS .10 e III 1 II thll \\ ur ll b~luro 1I~ r\l~ IIOn l\ile III loto (,11 I~II Lhe lla 1111 Hdcr 1111 ~r() ~c '" IJII~hc I I VI!lh <:6~ ~e ur lerll S h ~18 10 be Inke,1 or III pel10D r'llonoh 111I1Ih: for UlIlll Iry tllI~ Ilitl COmllllllil as k IInu~i!l)r Ihe dll) bIn ~oll biy du 11 or wh. I ~ lion I uur I ( Ie It lllll! tilt' such lo bu prepare rOf .n elller,en I - Illllll:v\:ry Q1Ho r fIWIliJl tur. d I/~ CI ! ' Olll hi I I ov I " I II I III gr llllll.lICl1l c'j. • I "1 1 .. J liB I y Mltare /lta.t rCilJiOIl$dllll/Y rollt, 1/11/1 tl II 0 Go mll emu excl Il m~lIt was Ul'CO ~oll hu~ O ~I' r uno " II 1 Ud I II d I on tI 11"110eult by II repon til I .I~n, You C HlIlot !I I) th II ) un II'\: lIuL fie \ II bo lkd \\ Ill eh lilld " AlwllI. 1 J reul Y1111 ~y of A IlonCOII. IIIJ hlllllo.) at II alPl ' , I I f COlllltllblu tlf W IIh oL ICI S ( I) 1\ 11 r II I "h I \Y I) bc t II IV I I I" It Id U Pice CQlhJ~1 1 h VQfI, .. bolll Ia I<"ltul we. ahtlu\d p,~Lt~ m IIrltlr ) on CUI ) Oil be. t wor lur (g 1111 rd II I .lIrk ol I uf II nvnllll 'J'fl'OPS \\ ere! IIl1med'~lel) .tnt nt u lllll o rnHuri.J ( SO~IUL\ II III MI,) I ) I O lh e~ ,ll 11111.0 rOlorlw or,lde "10~~ lip tU op' UQ IU a1ld prC/~ltce s 1\ 1111 F fIl Il C!t 111111 E 'll "II Oil 11111 '0 Il\\ ly IIIlo 50 nil; ~vIl L~I) Illustr It~ J J lIrll I r, 111111': ~ xt~ el ucl V) du ll uCllIg).ltfi by the G(.Ive-rliluIBll4\rl w.re Uelll )I I g ) c elll\ buhultl ) 11111111\1 " jlca woeilly c .mll li,lIo~ I I C v • ..,Iu nO I" belo(lging I' lei \I 1.rc IlU cd I I L II J"y tdl I BH'Il ~ICdIW)llll 11111111 001 d e l ill!:l' " IIrflyAII'Hh:~I Irlllll TCuy W:~llt 11•• , flved. Lhcrll.tl ke ~ 01\1 I 1111 III( Ilel "I C urll It cull U8 hI II. reg Ilfly Ir"I .. IIICI \ Hnl I • Lul \I or" 1I0l ullow.d ~O 10 Oil\< III Iller b!!hlJ 1t/IOll/ lh It) UII III} Hn III II \I LI 118 rurell,;' nl I II til 1111~lrul" ~ 11111 , h, tl e ehy \Vull. IOU Will lItJure onlv ) o\lr~ii ll by the l rh:1I 01 re 111111/ IUIlL J he C Iplll II Gellor~1 j. r"pllrted 10 h.~. h lb\t, but 81) long II ) ou 1.n1 0 J our R rfll d Itof I~excellol ellitod b.y IIJull rill whe r\; oLhc.r~ &cc ) QU the glllil I~ ft gelltluOI"" luulf cilullectel AI Il IIlou Mid th II he hall III FlU~II~QI reputalioq Wllh lhe t il ,,1'1 '111 Ihllt lie IVDV dellrmlned 10 .. "rr-....."n. tlmL ;>lIrL I JlI H~ 1111 (liT liS ROAlulI pre~. 1\1It1 I'1I"lldJI P cI F. GI. 'Ill! n ucill eV6 IlInt ul Jed by emlluclpllllnll tbe illftucnc6 !,"WS..-of ..It lhu 1I.rlUlk "Hlo!' Il,3 00 Iler QIIIIIIIIIh'l Dr 'I~. rUf . IIV~d ~II ( IIbn CIIIlC.~ of lbe I ~lId lin l o( 1111 lho ml >l ~IX fnollUI~ Club. ollrn 8\lbol rll ~re lu.ell - - - - - - - -CI .' c\)lIseqltcl\L theNon I'\l ts lip II ) 011 Illh e r... lo of $;) od 1I111111m 11 .• I L tI Tile Bhl"k. Warri or AIIlaAr 8et~ All F I 00- ,... III ti e I,"ltl II"r QOI'>I IIl ltl I fll101e ."~r plen ~e Ae nu lid CAr IV U~ 10])1:0 Ullel you c/ulIwlltltal ~ U 'W lied rom l lid III1I11U r 7 (l~IJIIlfy IS) III tho pr"8l'1l1 M \VAdlll/tC T\t1( S.Iurell , I>J pIe AkOIl 01110 HII) WiaCI'C II bllKC' cooclusl on L1H:ro I~ no etiO"IlC 3 p Iy ~oILlit!rs ~ r '" 1.111": c Iril ~~~u re:.~~r~u r ilU11I a tlllil II Wild YOII \'vUlllfi \) , I1u~ thor or Ih" wurlliha ••)..unl~11I lJ11Ji)~y lIt.temp~ tttu recenlly mIld\! to I;tcl\11I IUU t cltht\r 111&\ 0 DO Influonco or 111\, f pm "Ie [If\.pcrt) I IIml 11 Cumnll~~I(1Il In the 1111010 01 l~,ft ~rn"jllit II I\CO II " beell reC4llv8\l IIy till' Europ:.~ ufivo dullartl 'zl'rrt ("r rC lIIlIldlll llI1(lII l l1l1l1ur lhll 'lrtie, of IIJcCord liuu I Ictod rrco uugro IIl1d carry hllil olr IIlto &1" IIlg It ;,u""U 8'l'cty ~he bcL\r u~ t c l' u U·"M.~ d 1\1 ~TI" Y (I!t Jlllo, IK till Ullr "~!Lbl'~le- l Wh'·~ 1i,"1011, nhl fr01ll1l \11I1~t1I1' Black ~9"c ur It, 1111 'I~ 10 \ nl lila 0 (,,·111' 01 fo .r Wo thell left hlUl u .d \ r r) I bit) r fi lll llllUl.! r clo¥l!s llio ti lrl.l lolr \Vurrllr u 'l~ JQ tllX(lS Il ~~cssud "lIon bnck 11110 s ill' rv nlld lh~ plOp j't,: 0 f t I10 WI'IIllU pon QlIl1ll1el"I, la~ 'umsu f n8 1101 U~lg X IIIQ .m Ulri h UII IVPY e _)f 0' 11 Cold.r B \1 urk Wherll" \\ hldl 1111. ulIJ1un\1lf IIlulc:.ub Y 6e II , 'II.. JIlIO 1'1 ur doe .1. ."' ••,,\dIlll( monc, fouo I (Ill Lh uH Norlh .foot thc bil ls I! All11no w LIII vdlv VlOW of ,jl\:IkI.gI'O~l ~rllt~K-trutllll be ell of ~he I I~he"l u.dor -[~I!!"e I) J tiN ~ CIlAI'AJAN Hlaj,lllji1l1tjwH uf lIIerll nnd \III Spill I Id 10 ply back !.be te,poo, '1Id _Mil lor rea~ tog dll! mconSld lin" 111" It bel'lo,ufchL :II 10 of lllllll.:lS I. Lo bo C~ eratlOn 0 111\ ' 1 1111 lu(1 J ou lurpolisll d III excelloll ~e ~hu CCOlltl IjtlZlarc W"I "'Il nl,l uti bv l BillIe to'llr~ . . .. llil.-rI!lf'lorll , "ne v ,.Iumo o~llke' Ihe purt B\lthorh". a\ Ha.... I 100\ erlook- we tlgl\ill lIsk U Halle cOlllmohCo8 ,VII" lhe ~Illy 1I\lmber whell I anti IIrOnIlHC$ lellll,,~ olor II\) t.hc, I IIl(1) of II,,: III l lll hOlllle ttl II bn k) nrd. I~ 110 II trO f r R".(lI~4'l1 1I~1 '" C Iyil IIIprlojOn "," cal"I Itt to take a dram" No I We !/IJU 811Y ncIY felllure I,i11 be tIltrodulled tho lu)r t oniilo llIeopa jIereforln 111 'rheh~ reopt. 11\ j hUl1ltlf. fur relldl". w"rl~'". 10 wr rec walll. 0 t II coltllnelct 1& b~ldl • and w~t~lllIk dow1I dllep iu lrftlla of the conlilbu le<1 tatos ' 'lhl) Umonl" .mcrell buL I Ilull(:d tl) I ~ uilcr 110 ,11,1 lors to Iho I~ urk _ of the Unlleil St.lea to C k from I·ouplt , f I I U o~n 80ul \' I ~ ~III oollie tbo respolls e rtiis will he n vel'; lllou~llll~ UIll\!ll Iut lie "ltl'\1cliV I" e "dllmbn 10 ilion pc 11.I 1- l lhe n pre I:n ~huu of Meo.ml, tIl ft h.e tie )IIoh 1 TIt"t • l'OlllllllltPo 0 l' e " 'Ib • •- .... l'r......JI........ II l If alii l1l~d"" 1ttu' M illl • hair, IlIn~ \\ br ho tlItJu~.n .. hull d" of -d1.&iDC~ Omphll8 la Nfl I ~~ Ic& Il& coni .. 1.10 !tCHr II r llili ur Llmll (Coull) ,,~~ II h ~Jr I) thld '.' -",..... r~:d:::~11I be plena• .! t • e lho .em "TUE fl. Kclella "orrea~nuuIII Afl, \ th ft" Il' V\rllio lI:e (!.,,"" lleel lu " 011 h lir Ihe ,D.,Uy .1 lind .re 011 .plooo\l b~re 'lIth dUlica to bl.nce oj tlJe fACII. ~ lIch 'III IIl[ \ m.)u~ ur Iho io ",ril.era lnfurtllilI Illte () f ~ plor Ililtl I wbo I f huv , e :t r ""',1mnI l1s Iid ~.'d~' that trouble Ibltt no on (II Lhlll' WIlS tlllk over IIC II 1'1 0 II"r IWU I, lu Ii ..ord h. fr Il u ' .. 8 I\n",.... n. fflend s ",v.l j pcrlOim A8 Ca.,I;4l11 I '!l1 l l'tlu (,Ip.r. \lC II~\V "" ,or I Ie o,lIn ,ntl III Il\e MarU" " ellll)rlllllcll Ihol8 1I\I<~lrt:Onu1.1y 1 III~ Id n un" 0 n. I ~ s 1I "Y 1n9Y ~1I1l '" III cu ",,"neC u llo fDe hau6 710 11uu,q1$ ,;hould prul' \I I J.,'Trc I.,.1) III~ t.1U \VU lllllglon duel 011 till! II'-U" Of'" ttl ill Illdthe ngM wlll!f till Jlmlll all!i Clr ~ nrrc~l~tI cum&Uin ceB 1111(1 ~ voroblo wholll IInUl to 8ub e(lrl~1l cause til bluk II,,, lIot \1 hllo the peo Nurth 19 )llY (lostllgo fa '" )'I'ftr to flo 1IIfO dJ orlollktlo:c'Umm!l We hll\O ~Ilh r~dllctlq .,.'1 fur Lllc lSIm "lind bOllllLi f')lor III ~200 CI eli r. lO clu}J. 0 PYIIIIIII\ &; the GrAn Uff prltll('nleft 4Ulbll Gourtlll'Q Sllbse ••••• 110 rl II/tl!lo pl'loillompllltlo lllO the wily Co M'IIJ b" tm:tld 11))011 "hit lhe y 01\0 Now h r b r I ns nmoUnllll", 1.0 ulIlh n:; I Cjll c lIll) McColIl I~ I S lukun Yurk 8 lr uo b I~~ g • of '1IIIIIClllll l~lI~ agRIIl 1f ll t 'helD, '~. HI SI t ", In lin \ ~Ihllk Ihl', nr III1.take ll J( p( dolllla 1111\,11111 )' lIIUllf III luhhlloll fur I)luruer, 1 Ie u Ivr ,lIr lIraon to oLlieI'll. WO Illno DO n~nt lo sut. 1\11 II I... Vall!! I and he nntl Lho ChnJllllln~ 111111 cO\lr.~ uf II Ie v ~1I"m"ll\ a -,lh" ftheri'_l ld It. IS IlncIJII. ltluhlJnnl to 1I1:t blink!! 011 tOll1l tIll oxp nill tllle cliftmplo bclfore oLhers wllch mny Ie "i MI\oJl & '\\0 mllst slIpPQrl !" he Ir~ng heruN II JU-lIcC 1\ Wc~'hlll ' LAO)" BoClK lur hili dl,ll'lIt1l'JI broulht I'~ ~ur jWlD II... UI\: pOllea I I them IIIt.o errornn d 10 destrucLion I Ho lunu chllcs Ih !)fUdOlil thclr d U It 1 the I Cl)P c. 1.0 ~vr I I III Irlll) to hull' them Yulurlle I1n~ lh" ulle lull Cllpl.hl' :John I... tllkll mre oC their ~It X.cnuI, wluch ru~ul Lcll In 11Il! ""111.1' who ~ by wmully temptm g allother OI\I\S \.rqprlol lire l: illig lu ,c)nJilllyur LU IlIukQ UUOrlltl'y r.., 'he SMe ••\4mmllM 1'1 tho JJrm-w le ~IULt IR \\ rOllg !tIlU no\ I J('I hIm 10 sLoaIIS" cqulllly gmlty RS Lhe II b elterP.a b~ lite COUll ~~l\ l)lu 1I00n r II c .,:"" Iholll Otl l lllJltl to b ul III 81000 !llltl Lhu rdl!lllIC IUllnl q.all over thft IIICo)wlll3: vulllllli! ~o order 8BlIlllo prfllOIll'f I lUI\) 'fh" ,be rol1\1lY~ t.lillOdy 1I1f 1:UtIO I~ cI ullllluni WII. 1.11101 nod If Ill' teaches Ilnolber to 8telll As II I~ lho o1\lv I lon I0 I\. P ~r l IUIII .1. "Imply Its "l'lllclIl , nlllCd' no uk In l lj a \Yc~1 1)1 lhe dhOfltf If) OO _"'tlt Ihe charlie. COli lell • Olll hiln~ l JlC I)ett r tI~I~Cltl II ~ liS II\I" of hIS nccompIIC s. ... · , (11 plnct'd 011 Md. Pl'lfo\lll lll.dlun ullci VI~11I I ~ L l ill 18p1llAI", "y. I So "I Lh lho fnlfllr hul( IIf COlllmun Iy \\111 \Iollbt I II lied IIIlhe Indlclme toJulld Iy 10runOv dilldu II or clnss I _ by cxulll'Je , U! IS g,~1 Ily l!~ pceL 10 1I l\~ 10 Pll) fUI Cllblt and )l were fI llfl uslld vII II 1\ nrfl\llL frunl n WI Iceneln Itle, 'eel BII Inlerel l III I~ we H lre ,,,,II lha Oourt room .1 the nl 11 __111\l AlllhullY Uumd III)W III IJfI~oi\ n~ll III \lnnklllg lid nfter Ih. Wh (I Lho SIIPfllll().. (J\Jurt of uJlr Ai~.tlCO nud Ib'c Lvrd, kilO"" Tbe onn thnt tempts ~nQc:eI8. 'l'hl} wurk ill rUrI Ifli ed nl 'I ..~Q Ii dldll,III1~ O wore IUlI\decl 1111 <I 1\1 Jlbll ~O lit CIlLllf\ III" IIntl WII IJc (In: dUllll~r or buill" IItllll u.t., l,;ul/'t, IV-_ 1111" . IDYury nl ~I posing thl! bq\lor fl)r il of tIl I I ullcon II l" t 111111 thu 1\ II YClIr Fur '6 11.0 pllblidhe r ,,"11 se nt! '111111' State deollill d llc 1.. It e~rllf'"lIy 11~lld rO\lr Ilf .~trd I lid IIHI II lllllt sota tho ex~mple51110 IUIlII I ) cI~c lor I Icm 1\111 t 1~lr 11_0 \\ 0 Il 011 L\ ~ull lqd Udul\l Ihe ;::r £1If\hhl Curll",IIlIl' "' .. for drmkllll;/ nrc Bill CUPlflS olle Y(' Dr, old II copy of !Ur u. palcnlT,/rl\!l1f III I Jill J 1>1 II ullr \ Il,n 1: 1111011 , Ih'lt GiI.1 1\,,1I1t1 tile JA)lIlf, £holl or thc ta~ 11\\ , II i IV) h tul>u cOIl61t1en:d r, '"elll rl)s onslblo fvr tbll COli cqul!nec~ !lnll BIl II Di'rbyl I, ,kat~ j M"~."" IOQked, .. If lei, 111 for Lllllt glllllC "'fiLler uf ~OI\IC dvu»~ hUll lho "crAun BllU illig 11\[ II 11l~ WB!! ,l:1~11I1t (,If t11~> aUi lIer II III hn 11I. lr('ol d'~lflhM und oldlWr lY~y \1114 he would all II hC»Iru \lotillu ' II om Lhcsc plIl,urS IIkc I I fil e lire 10 hlly thU:ic \\llfc be held IIcuouul nblc for 1111 'h" "llIb Ctllllllil iI 1\11\1 pi'!! 1I1111ho Ill)d 11\ lhe IlITo Ir A III !llnl H U lIJ,ijor~ ClUeill ulI.)cr t'IO burl" l! !! upon hlpI, Ie uf 'lit IlIln rrom 1118 p. rll .1 titre WOO8 wllloh folluw c 1l6UClUent " 01 'tlmt u"elllioll to" (lar IIe. for thorn \Vu \I lilt Ihe I>I.lIIuhL of llI ~ 1I Jr, _l.iil/ II Frul .. Il~., Mr Gyllll e~ 111101 D e nco II h"-IIIIII ~"M lellr. III d lilI~ ~he Judge Cook I. th o 1!I11111l 111111 II C II Id OUll I ,- ,!POIl ~Ke u ....._ rc'p"1I ,'I' 11101 pi rholl of COl f'llJllltJ , bflL now p~~e Ion «1 /i/yo} amQti If he'tbut dllutRra lltbllll,l !telllh'NWert 1111 ... lit Dllrnd' ~p.,,"al I'I!rlll!Jll ~ No IIJoru to rrill)l) fur ~J,I "1011 lo mcnu 'l\ 1\ CUlllllu .. ,' ... " r I... _I. .:..tit 'v d _rld Aluro ro-uf we k3 a'" 1 I. No.rly 1111 Ihlt ~Ie,,#yn 0" III J UI .... \, u .na ..... . .,'" \I e ly frtlU Gb"rJ- ' , " J~I 'I d I !llore t\ocm, lo uC 811 0 IF<or t III ItJ e lII r!,C I \ r) Oll(ill': II /I Inlll IY ttl I 1 JA r 1'11£ PAI1l.!,1l ~hGAZIl " u! for I ~I III Illd J k I~ 0 .. lhe I t .UIICII 1111 I III 1I1I1I"ull,," Wllh olhe 11118$111'; 6 uur 16 Ilttl I l,rillOllelll 'll'P" brullil I II "pec'" c ' Illn ~ 10 II( enel \ Uill 'If 0 ' \Ire pre,," I"" 'CUllr8C. III rll "r\l llelJ u Il dent" Wo rcm "kctl ,I, L fflCII II 1I}'1 nn excI{cnl t nt Oll the aU1J)CcL, 1'0 111 thd iltlrse I t ( IIU.I Rlld J o)lllI II P dIMr re diu draw, be C4U'j!8 ,nore to ~III III 11011'8 pnl'tllef~ 1Y0\ll0l 1II.1t. I lhelr Whlah ~I"'I"' Air II U Illy ~O~tl (,.,ulul au aL 111& reNt!, lice p"'hlll"l ucliem" l1 ~jtplle 111011 QII the JIlIn IJ.~ lh, bly wllh ~ho \t(lIV of xCIung lhe pCtt to 'he snl1rC uf lhc msltholl (:110 \11\ - - - .thid vorl- lllli III Y II~VI.I ~ ,,"rllll~ dc Ith mil, be IrllC\fd dlrcotly l ~ y"n~ -II" Slll~ Ivr II CUIJltnllWIICQ "I thl. ca.. 1111111 ~II! 1\",1IIsl. ~hosu H18tILu~H)R~ Now, ~l IlInll,hlo fncnel A$ If \ollllll\ e I\lr J BIIIII'IIII,Clld" )1111" tnuell mt;nl n , I Ihe lIexllerl \\' A 1'IIIZN l'ot:M - Wu ob.\lrv hI /.I11l I til thlJf III C()n~t nqlJ1UlO of P " ll l'JlllllpplllSllllou wal aubwhich I.l.'lit_L.'li)~.L ~n:\ ~( I)!II, " . T~lq'l' tIle 1UJ8n to go In there I I 1 N Y k tl nnd ttlkl! ) our ~lIglullsl f'lu~:I' fllllr , \U,lhl~,t"1ll :~ II~V H IIl1\Leli ~lIId " 'wc " pr l ''l''b ""Icc llo W 10 C elY "r (InpCI & \at rf K j Lto,>01 A lull \It uthtr \;11 ", I "'r" \\ ,lll luI OIj(UIIICIII ,Id tile J\III.. j ~I I" II 1 __ dra ... do' ", We have C illS.." 1rindlyl hu lun lllltrl\tlh hQ1II1l lind ,nv •• I y ° ery 8e I~ n nil ~~ t\I\"'" orlDiilCltc(1 JD llio Ilbs~nl Ilrllsllde M, MD. ltulIlOr 01 IIH o"~lIlerlll~ II 8I1ffi;'lIllllI, cOllllnuell Ille fqll ~t the trulh bIlf()re au 8nd ):011 11I\)1111~ o~ the lIIorellsllll: tho MIII)~crll'''u li hdl ~ CO.II I bllll" S f, \I IlfOOI\ ' 1I1It:' c. ~tld murdere r IllllUlhe 27~h dll'l II N IVI!Dlbdr IIUI, " blinks, d 11 u~ J L 4lbooae I I vour o~n l l\g1un~t I p!..b 0 1 10 wllik t and ~hlg r.t!IIU IL Iii no Dl(lru '" In I .. til 8 Illtelllilld fur II M kltALIII!vor~ 1 !he tir~\ .Iay "f Circuit Cllprt <J 011; lell Ig It 101l~ I III 111\ ,,1\ ur 0 LhllK KI10M III!; BAD HUll 'S rile defend ~hlH ' J lhQ "" \ (If k tJl\ sollie thllntlghltll\doll:;hLlOl\l\\\lbll~n li: lllcJ.lln .; lbrulllutor often Iu III. e It wtJr.e B., We pray YOli let 1& bu Ihllt or hon p"rlurthlll" f' III ~prB "I. liled Uf) appltClllioll lur lI"il lwltileaee. 1110 VII c\l.II11 ~ 10 ' \V>jS'1' "-ill' "100 fUr \ llilngre orlshll rd IJX ullllcd "II 1\.1 tltt'..\. wIII'IJly wealth -pjlctcd from ' \,loh IIlSlll1e emlduc t ou 1118 the beAt (lOcll\lI\l ()rlllcl~m ur,Ylrt uoand fpellcetolClClOty I".AII MIIITJII on III" \I ork (./IllY It "I 10\l.U W \ whell the bllllI'DI 101 M 10 Vlllelnd Wt IHlPt~n 10 IIl1vlV .,meLI" n 'of the \ ulilUl 1111111, } CIIl, we rnu~ul wh o \rc I. h( th~ /Jlad nntl bllnll l)uIHI"1 IIII! (Iho j'~,ghLholl ",) 110 d Wire t.haL, Review ' (I) IVI,h 'he new v"hlllle Cl'tn I f ' " C I r '" I pAr v KI8dPIIC, '8,OU() elich, •• 10 Capllhl "nterltl~ Lhe pll1"6 wh"ro Ihl) h 'I ~~I.o.U :f{ ....4f""IZ . Iurlller lI ~tur, 0 w () on, f II \l If\\ c J\l6t rlllg III Jill)' 'f q bo c()n~l tl nt '\vlth tlu.unsuIH:<'l writer. ""011111 tholoug hl) S:J l\ ycar ,l: 101 IIIl1l1tl l p<moll II 11)111 pllll~C l'lll ero you I'l CU Il'IIIIIII~, t6 000, Id to Ill" ulhe". 8b q le' 101. ",.-., U. UI h ..'\It-' tX 11111110 1111: 11I('l hellll IIlIHlIlfurmCII 118 to III~ ItlclI"t) , 11110 Ihu pl'1tClDc~ of lh.1 Jll lCO \~ licllcu 000 each None u ( Iho pl'"onera hi~ r lv ," /i01I\U or til sa t till t~ O\lJh\ ~o Jnlnp work Rlld g\\'c 1-111 I pIllion or II's II11Jrll'l \ lllld (rom lllll\ know\ed re bllH 1\0 heHI I\re lbe 11iSlleoJ bh I, dl tho Inte~l dute A. one of Ihe of deAlb nml "00 SI\ nt "III deel~lolI 1)( \hc hig\U)8t \flbul"" III versll tlte r rlldllc 1011 tfJ eOlllllll1 not lt~IC' L\\ d. n()lInCIll ... III;n 118 UIIO f)f thll II )Ollf- ("!If \lu .iMII. l C) ahuIY o.O,e v'v Ihe for" biflef 11\1""'11, h r ' l Inlr I IV A I .Hlldo.'~r~ _a'~D~~eO:( ~~~I~~~/lvl1l :"~I e l l mel o( Lbo hud i\>; It re \\ \ es tII 11\" • \I) u~. LIlUl t Ilull IIIIl!iI J I· Itall .1I0nld 11\11 bo h.flvy, J D. (\lKk l'eMOJl 'he 1I11A~teJ' willi) 01& umpe Iihl ll&l', WIt:Klidcd, ,1llju\lIe~ t 1II1l11 ubaHi ,"11 '" .. DI.I f"ur kuow IIn1 ~ 10 dreadCul Rg<.lll) lh~y" ore In "bout the 100pnr\11I1 J uLigol UI) 8 nil Jo ~ I\ cheap, e"nvelll ~_Iti elll,lupe ri If .lId adflpted Iliu 0 b C11l I> ronn t, Mid (II" IU IIle lower rcglolle or dnl..1n ,' KilO Y }CU'.... IIE', ItlV" been Itl. CCIII" ..1 N <! \I' be c \lull,1 dllllr ..... up)u .s I.JnC.rOIlS ul~e" Ill)ua to Ru:11 aud P.,.",I;r. o. til "oJlvrer N Cllon ~d /.a dual do Uptlf l Ihu pwcos IlUb tllIIl 61111 IJc IWI~O ~" rur I)ellel / th~1I .. ),e, r In ,hi. cue hi. IIIIS bel/II gllli r~ ) \)urlloJl( w1th Imth h MIl I I With lhe ...1 I Y , Fowlera ok WB II Ptlce, pOllOr 611 U I L n IV ordt r of lltmg't1 og'lIlIlsl IY Ie I 'lCY mltLe d, !'U'I t I Y wi Otldcllll II f()I tb" of aln~»It 11-1\ dIrty \\01 k-w b IIIr~np l lire r ~Xhnll3ltetlld' Wltl l Ih'lenl~pliqrl .111 1> I cenla MIIiIIlIl 8" III MaUl ed, nllmt.oU llI1l ~CQt. 111\",. I"" "1l~\YCI verc IIttll>od 11\ ho tlh~J W II clo nol kllu", •• we t.n Ill~tt 1\ bel 11 \\ lal ..... Wl" It I" mOlc purpose o( de 11.'lIlItlll~ lll~ Illell) cOin (lind "ll bcltl!Ye conVic ' . alii 0(1\1 I.e .or. tJl~ Deflllld dll' 10KilO ted) or lho\\; He VI'U' NU1 >uu nl!YIlr tljll lC IIlron!:) leI IlIe, oUhe Y C ,Ie. Ile-DU. lenor "lIIhcupe ul \111. work, linn hki!ly, 1\0WI! H!r tl,nt the 101 C of (,IILlt.or on \h(riinL dl\y 101 , IU C luellln~II worth ,s,ooo, Ih~1 Ire o~ .Augll:il, be \ 1lIt1rr1ed an IlInooont $lrl III KUlllllek~ :~~k"::'~:':~1~~:~~ 'II: d~~~k II:! : ,:~~h tl)06U cdll.or CUI t11u dOllf pcnnle 1111<1 lore I~ hleh lime 8.11 poelll b":::! li~~ldl:II::II~el~:!·~~' :.~:~ s CI.lItlpt:lIll1 hn~ III"; M tho sante limo " ~~~;Io!~ JUI ;.I:~:~~ ;~~ 1lI1.1:::~~d ilt~OI III Oel1lmrge N,,~ et IIICI,1. Iho _I' \I khhl> the lullior', ow" wurdll •• 10 the ob,oCI" colloulllT1lble cOlluccl;iU\l wl~h ~h Ir de for tho prIZu"lllU8&be ~ellL ID, rhe 1Il04t Illtelhi" "c, fr.tIIl ,he .Olll ot P ,hr.UI. ur ",,"r.lle ll UIf"olc M nlgomcT)' COUllt) III tllll! &.ttl, took wille fir,,& n\ln Cole IL thl COIIIilll "ri~ht III Iho cltli .llIIed a' 10 Ihe 1M,.. k. sire 10 ont br lI(l "0\1 bUloorud, which to the doctol nt Ille I h~ de.II" " 10 w.r II a rllllurell 1I:I~gr'nh do. p"II h at InencelRtlll uffiue., 61, Unlad hili s~cQ"a 1I1fu to 1115 (orlller how e lo thll e uf 1111. \,ul e 1\ lUI wurlh ,30:i rueuliL lim!) II" Oil" l"')t III Ul tI I 0 e to bi' Ilb(e to do by 61)onll1ng 'Yll~. N Y lIurft IS lin eX(\\lU" ~he "BuPC!k'i Os'lT or Ih~ 1~B'''tli "1l Purf. Iluat Re Vill Ull lhe IS Illlt:, hid bUll 000 htl~ been .llrCt~ ei!'e~I~\! "t clltlriOO I I I I f, ICY I P ' Cole an of p~ rllllultucl fruIU l ui u , d ::~\! l:!~err:f ~ft~i::'II;';; oJe;::~lnlCu:~, bomberJed. bllt no Illrllcuharla IUC I I ~ l' 10 Iltle Ill>! ncar 0 IV nc I Ie lit ormo J lIer 6f hili till' l\llho !l11U1Jler they lun:1l udoplc 1 ""y otl 4lr 1R~(11Itl11WII' Ule Ih lilt ~'ilJnjo paId UKIl 01 for !lOme cn ellll\ll Ill! wn (' 811;1 I ~ 0110 I.' .e;: II. _1, Vlllaide Ipltla, CI., HOUllet, 001 I"d ll.1I repurt I_ doul)ll'd furD)Cr mnrrttl~, IIn(1 ordllrod her to Illmula tm ftlud 4. /I drltl/l "-nIl ;( JIbe Oblo Staw Dem~r"L Ilill St"L~ S p94lket.a whh " bltlc of thu Illoouful pll near lC lin , I , ~ II Til C }Iu;ne thacl e . lale)! lhll E\n "per "1 ller d( 00 ror IllS eouilln, &breoL of UI~(\ 1.1:10';1 h,ue R'J~Iell; .ere. IIIC.... "",e .. 1 _ _ _ ~ __ _ _ al ~ prun<'r ~ccY ... ~::.:,I I~::W~' I:~~:!! nUIIl ~ll esc t\\o p~ers hlulng been ~~,' 8:a~'1L, po.ur b of au",l. hnC! • ~el.p.. of lua III rel,llIlud, t be u~ wj'tld nllw~.ollt !; ... , ,', • I 1!Il" ,. 0""8 ' The IlIhbbltft"~ 0(. ~t IInll~d In ol\e) 15 llxccQdllla1y wrolll)" III 'rHll ~DBAPPurG AliI') .11"· cnmg to kill her If al1\1 tllIl not OIlL tie. Ibuy ,ulllosc Idl \jlltlr eAl"~u, - - ns Clialpac:,,,e...a'" lilil1 arOclaf Po) Ie olher -cae,...n no_ 1Jnnuu I,",sburr weroob hgetl to ftllol qll~ rll)f'8rur 1 bne or. fe Ir IIho compltea unltl " fllvorllble llIel\acllle8, by bi!ln~ l.bi"~ loaDed th .... til ~ ClIlDaj-C d I ly &lIk\l1\ I\lI - , IIUl'erellt plao., tloe Author' . re.1 t.he trllOp. DBll OP BLl COOX IIlId Ill ... 1.11I1) \ II IV of the [ICt t11l\.(. the 8.1 Ing IllC~1I 000 (')o ... ck~ bad a polle, or IIIiIUf.oao IUr ",5011011 bo.\"~8 dallce. "11"ren , Oround ., Shrubb "r, 0pl'0rtullll) prellCDted when Ihe mndo i h Ily rLi Now he re III a we"~ t.rll~h on on" ~Ie bull uf \he M."lh. W..Wn,,"" , m e I,)f 11 6 CQnt!uc\orlllllt5 bl;cn brtlughL rrul~, .ml ,heir oullure, lluulll1' tltll .... 1 are,.;:! R:::,o~II!1l tl:Bt I :~a:ll:r\ d her ~(ll~ e~cllpc IIgf .. r.. ... .." V."OM ...Ill.tmept. 0_ It ; lIe~Nf M I ther nc lOflllll) of 111I1! aUIDlpo rtll", IlIbj('CI1., ",tllch h Q.OI8I anol Cburch .. ilp ISlandlll g , 60 sUllc1clIl), rind amollg llusL of our cILllcn8 bit, \J lear I?, Ilin II mlU'kod IllS career not.. of .., uuI~"10 JOIII thu Rdtll a~ Qro ••lrlid' k\lt! 'Nlpl." a ~Ieu IIf "al ea&,le, Willi 'IDP""e tile l"nIIL be1wOl1l1l yC)u which 1& ~COlIItf. 1111 , Llau :111/111JI.Bol,rd cI~ odu:r ,c y rabllid &lllng~ III their (1118 1Lbu nt.lcmpt to I..du"p 111111 1I~1'1I\1 • ~I::' ~I,II 1~: lVU" Iyl", Iwenly OYO'IIIII" . Iruln C;:rvlI~ Reo.\" River, k 0,," o~~ It. v:lue; Lbe Illurd~1 of wlllch 11111 (llie tb It on IlL to limk drlllkcr be .... M I\'till a. th" lI~t.llll1er, 10 Lllku ~::L la'~mll::en1v~ p~;n .I.d I I .1 o( ~h Coull praotl tadt to IlIlereep t lIlom, alo\tllle 10\ 0 lor "n' the prop 0, Its C Ih~t ~II en,,"go. _<lId Ullo or IWO w;a 10" 0 /:81 .. u l l O r t ! ' I~ nlndullt of ll11~ WlIll) nl .... 5onOlll nnd ,~ cnntlldc r'tloll' num lo thu IU\\\l~1 spot III perJltlfllI, I vt)l p ' ... ent "'u, IIlllly -.,,- ~' II rbe • cable (\~I ?clUe Of Insmullte the proprlet, ot ~IlJ) ,We copy Ibe 1 \Ie), . thel h.d elll!lredexpect I lhe ]1101111 tko, lllrlu~ for Ihe C IPIPIII Cum .. lnlf- II,brn :1JI ][0 t;Juhly forr.rl~yr~:, ~~:I~:~ ::::~ ... II ... , . . dUlIJ'lIwll' lU111 all h~\Vs Ilglunst colin :X~lua IOl'lllr Lighl foll )lHtag from tho I.. 1IIIIt 01 Shl~C C l&clitll p'ur.d or dO'lNyi bIlb ll, .11 (111) :!i R Il1010111 J po ~~~~'~. po I II:~ d t:::~I I I. ::~~lIl~u~~~ .~: r 'I'hll clrCUII..I.IICOI of lhe cade aro Q~ eser\ eS to T8~ Pa.lCrlCUL F6.' T DIlIIT'~T, A .ll.OI18011 ll,e VI,coo ... lnn .oar. l Ilny Icr(cltcrs [Query D0 the editors oC near al we 111\". Ill..." eble oonft'ml l bnults 0 IIlr.:AlIM:r'IIncu : If, Popul., Tr•• Ute oa die ~et". • ~ lI"tll!!r lhem rhe p081110n or AUdUoi" hmd bet.ome do Z • .... • • Its "III he III 11~)' one ~n\. olll~ ,"e WHnl 1 1 _ " .lId lllit colfeocLeti ml polic1 of InlUnDe., Itff lho 0 S n &; S WIsh the III)\, rope 11 from I IJIIIlI" "hu be-rollil ~lBcle.1 to IM!cure Clde.lly morB hONile lu ~U¥d'Jl. 1\ ,d . Ioe 1\ plac. or e 1\l8~IUIUn) Oli .Auaa,t DIlIORAC IlFUL \Vlulo I.tld tho b_ck of 81m'fttp tltl w~ rofteell\ ln, 1110 Good OI\n ~lb.',. rel!lIb ,hllc ile.lth aad ed tbllt thell may 1ulv\: 1\ hlUlu III eOUll folluw! 011 rhufllIl. y preeerntion AIIIO lhe had ral.eeI JOO 000 Illell I" cI.'IIell.1 I.ltr loIl."i lIflllrllUoJI.!Ue\,;onl N.. bfll ka lull" IIl1 beforc Ih<l U 8 Sen rrom wllrtlj I' 000, till: ~I~..w 0Ul tile uHi of II«III1I"IIt4. CI' Mild lhe lnurJerod IPUII \\ ore lIeell II'IKdlllll .. !'ioue erro,. end perlllol., ... pr.ellOe a frontlPre lit "r"".'11' -'018 frum lhe Oil "r c P;"l,.. 1 laYI~. II.'~" terf~lung'] I\lld repeal Ill, h\\98 bl: "hleh \11011, lbl fUIIllm R'da 11I1I1I. lind If, 1\5 ~ u 01111 dill'\! clcJlIJ I I" },.'OII.whleh prevalli a ,el.ul,ln 10 DIIUlol treat crofleh~.. nl of 11 U bug IIle Lhellillt tame, Mr C I ' cOll'lllmed rc ullll\!r lhe CUt VII ... I wn I III of dill ftonUho abu. Illd 11\1,,1 0 t lem, bunks CIID. eoJlcct dobts ~uL tho bosL 111, IIlql,irllljf lur .buhtlul lI. hlp Dlelll. wltb. ullely-u r ....ful ~II'I" rur ll, .lId Ahell Ihne qllllriu s of nn hour III a lund of ~ of ' J be 8pIIIII .. h difficulty wllh Ihe U Ilod 1-lflIIII ..,d .plll, kl\Ow ,Dr D",lil. . Ill' Ibe IIlI111e, we ..x:.n ~l H1mf' we emn do IS to let them llpellk UIOJ ~",B aeru.... rflUledl.leoDlpoulid., delll,(led rlN'dlee.ee. Bh.tt l wu exehlng lnllre•• IIY vllu acklluwl~dllejJ buf(oon er) ~lIecch which kept 1118 a~dl ed Dltjmtiull - :~aco, Ile ".,eled Willi lIle .., o ll~, lil baH: ~~q "rtg'" Iho .PI'elall to drll!" un, Mct;urd :r lIulum.d ol}h. lD~llI. t"1b aud plIU tu By Dr C W.r- A IlpOcl .l_n!re r lrum Hr &ble,c.1 1II for ~hllmsehos 'rhe) dellloll l l'lchl> eo.blu the cI~e"udeo! \\hUIll '} t11 .. P 8 A I.tor "".. '.1 allih. p!'" hiler, be .el re.elll ~nc:c an II shlle of I Uo"ltr must of lllM 'l1l~1I01 liD, Dell,r'l New Y."k Fowler•• p".sellgt!t III tlot Aflla. 1 1 m il} 11\.1\ a ~oq, ~" Yru Will .. Well. llclld lerrIe It ed 18 a IU!puye 81nc, 'v reach CMlla" TIIB Turk.. h"" gnilled. two IIddlllDtI,,1 on bavo glvell 0.11 ,nil .,. re .If 11 Ihllt pronUnCIIIUp.1l10 uf tho FeUeral l'rocl:ed lu;il lhll ''''y Uw.Y reached - time 'Vhlllf t ~llCULllcl o wns &hlltl- you to Ihank Ilpolt , Itb ~JIIl~ C\l1I Tlil. . . . boOk full ofloMtroclfon. Ilncl ,leJOrIet\oll tbl! DAollb" Ihe 0110 of the olde!!l ruen III th(l Solll~te Ilor C9url -«III'" nul oblllP" ~O the lu~t 118~ II11B re.ldeuce oJ Ille CliUPUII1,1 a BOI'toUIl lIa;'1O wben 1\ .. con.iaJeir 'b., DotIIII!' UD Wh"l 'O! k A "'lel'~p'l d\tlpalell to ~I! J.->ndou Y Oil-Rn d so .iUt,cu lry olher hu lII.ke IIII\lIod, for ~ed uf Siale sOVOrelll""'" ,I,d C Illrolr oull",w pl.co Ihoro 16-11"IIII" d Anlhllny Burp, ,.,.. b........t ie" 1M 1_ of ill Ihe 10.lllllullY 01 ~~cltlDg nllrLII when ft l"b~'CL \VI\II 'be ,"lb, ei Tlrelll. _lied a.lurd_ ,. jUl& a. tho .te C,i>urt lip Willi bc:IIlJ--! UlVU t IUl lIIa""ttQe 1',1 oelC lher II. rfll.ft\. b ably.or Illo Slllle of Ohio, wOllld It nut be \I ell Will \,;lInpmall glvell blll ~\v ~ " • • I,b, the lin mer 10.1\, tlftd dated Vlolloa iI.,l8I h, uy .IN'IIIIIIroom III haJ' '~'l tt. o'clecll fur 1llSClt8SII,)D lillich" IS dl~lrlloltl\g the L~. l!Iidll()l~ IIr'~ Otl' IrOIl!!d, "u\ 01oee11 .-_ fur Iho Govern, ,, 10 C<ln,ene th_ Q"ner.1l1 ;:Ibr ." d'f'C!C puttallce 01 \lIe l"bJlIel o! lliolr jtreeorvI \ WILl.fAM Ctunu,I I's J'£II'tI." lIr -011 'h.llha, u,ornll' lenl mell!enrrer hlt,1 ,p.nell cd Ir unel tllrllnlclIln tho Umon" tlOIi ; AII8111bly In exlrll Ie aloll III order Iilal Thur.d. y I.. t, lIolllllle Yuu 0jI~ ~1! I-d! laot lelld 11011 ~1IIe. .'lIl1cI ' The wQdl NrOrli u Galil ill 011 O,e I Ilil of 1\( 1'1. witlt rehll g DIft'1ftlI1I l'O' I~ .udl "!",edl.1 legi.llMt">II "I, be hlld.e 11;. a mllu ",1.1_ ••Iae It, abotit hI ct chlf;k olin y }' xcrillt Iho memoo e ur Ibe ~r .... ,.· ~!!' 'lnPt.a ... I. orubablYlhe IOUdI cu"'plete IIno 81' cd 1I11",tO lKlu, b~ ble \V IIIleiliJon <1:1 It eo C8 li11';'" IllIIl n Ihl' thinS' ,,111. 01 to Rl'l'ta telltl had purll'r~, ""'llO r~f'n w•••dmltled ..I'-II a 011 LaPlI It I. 11~ ~~ II " tr9l! fI~qm thllt e-r 08'~ ru4 0 I p ~hll eXlJ:ellCY or Lho CIlIM! ft>qll.rCll Mc\;ord. c1rllve lip, wi,h tI.e .. pular furm ~u II.e pubhc ItI,lUlh.rded Sevn to I fo1' luur d"1 R ",,,rlll "" qu.~ from Ihe nI.rfb~1 For 4!UlDp\e lho people of 01110 .flo bugl!y oppCIlllle Illy fillber'. dec~lII!d , III a 1 1101\ tllllt the 8ged s talelftnnn could "4(110" ' 'JHU 101i4.~ o...~ ~" and A k,llllvle J:e of wh.& II lCllche. ___. _1.1 gule woulll lUy I" deMpnlcL I 1 'rol" U b II IIC Illnol ,1"led, Mny l rit taxed to lIupport courlJl of J"SlICC rllr lrylng Iber re,ldee III RII•• 10WII. II d d 1 \oliN w. . .n ItmlleulM! orowi i_', I -;,"' ,' I If lllp •• buut I ~u Rlly I lin ub.trved lave the tl!uib lI .. d e merr I\IUIiI. y ex 01 cr 16ya 10 'hll 110 Brit." ate.",e' Ti::er 01 • "'1"011 ~III lhu)' It.", verr qulel I¥ 60 Oll~ II JrlJ'll: .C~OIIII f!.rc (.a ~ 10 "l e peblie for .knlal 0 11101\ \~ 110 cuulIlerfclL 1I 0 nol",,. 0 r Ihe..e or Ihree Inilea lUudl ertll!\lII. al t;I!IIlIU f,'lII b hmd I\1"IIlIltjl 01d8\) til OJo.. allli 1'lIe 11II1".....{ull H'm~ to bl a..olll ll" Jhllks Tln~ II a lI.clcn exr.ellt!llU~O, IIIquar~d ",l,elJaer Dlly lliohUoll ldta Mel urd cura \\lIIt JOU ~ L be lhe rllmlt' 'Vh It lin "r dnllkmg I , iiIIIIealllO II tll0J:C "I ••) , ur Quo \ ltd X 1111 to tlllrrellde 10 I r 0lth\lll~I, tW" If\h r il t"" IIIO_l reck Ie.,. IbBt .0 .ttemp' to You WIll , ,."" d.o nOl bulleT" In IIlId Ibe 11IIbhe IIIIerOJJIB clcmaod Ihnl II e ker. re.lded u/KIn Ih.1 .,rtft tuad lie lIlerA I~U WIIlIllu 1111 II r II "llllett k,HI bolllbll,.. P 11")11 ,,", hd, Illw I,un Slllllg counlcrfclllllg n .toa of Ihe ." ered lhal 1l0lle wero drunkcn nosli iftotie ""IR WI: do vo Till Puua lIAlI'. 11 UIS kilriWII u( Me ,Iold the RUMlall w~II" bllt wltb'''I~ ~u" "'The :.;.... ~b,!,"" lIehqut'ot BDnke be reponled - I he peoille Curd ,,0\ out of III" bU':ll1 dry well but IIwt ""'0 taOIO )OU nre M~II" Palace or tb .. Apphel uuu :rlll., ...., .... u IIml "oIOIe 10 '11iG 'VIIK IT CROP -"I:' b ...dl8.1 (; IIIi'U~Crl Ill, dlUd III wlif Ilrotec: Ilte1=IIJ ~~1' - The 'hmer 1:1' IIOW 115SJ Lang by are 81_0 lllnd 10 bllllpnrt Lhe .dmhll8lra the a"le neal' \\ IIlell O!'1.CIun1 or InRu"" e 6,...,,1 W.U eIleallml II) llao pUt'puofc.1111) ..hlle 100 ml I.lller Wll' _1.1It! lil1 Uh:d bc.yond Ill! dOllbt.. nod 1.1 MOlllh j ul RQnfo on the '~ Ih ull SlAtes' 01 }XI!IIIl!8t"'"*,,);eI'l,,,lIkl\ flt. 110 Y ! l~ tlOIl of IIw8 wluuh e ... blQ lhclII 10 collecl IIIg H" moorl -vill ,UII . ....re of Ille r..... 1 bllll,h"" Ciil"'~ D Irr\lll IlIlo Ihe , uti • _no! " ....cd l'rlce, ~ l'•• ld .... ltllh "' .. tllnalng tho p 11111 live 01 II tb olr dJ:bl.S 'J Ills b Bllulhe-r II ele-81 (Oxraell I"wulla Lbeealile \)Il III t w Ube I\blu to \" 0 R ' p"P'!r SO COlII~, cluth po r I L_I, bUillI', 1II,IIIdler fulluwlUl: - II'l ~\ n\ 110 I erc \T III be 8 \erJ IIf the w.r I" Ihu BoIIlIt "f poor ma, the rlY !r~ ~or clllUtO, ,lid I I \1,ede lIll"l of coni" D\III lI1el urd darecle-d the decc8leo II TIt prllCeodlli~ CC1.INII~ It .... lalt ur Iii WII ent Illt¥bll.'d w ,II I ,,"lhor 0111' oth lI{ld DltIOl't,er III ~J .Id~"" l III dm e "I' cror or whcllt llio comllig hnn CKl 'Ve modllnl le I'n~t olevIII. i> tll~k n,. eowa fIIUIII dt about llIah laxes It \I ould be ee .... oln'l lu \u the II"'I! nlld IIctllut 01 ) \I t I" Ihtl ud U.rrell, uC liJ'!rlilg VIIl1ey rur ... CO)I, Ihe bUillr ~lc Ilenr from /Ill p<Hnta of the B-1 ago8 of WlILlie 1\ .llroz It wu rum Ired IIt.L allI~ V Cilil I C '111 of. I~ II II<Ily cr"lIIcJttiI repel I Lhelle ulld.1I otiter 1111\8 "I&leh III C .,d outl deee ..ed Ullhllchl! ~ID' ,I w~ltA°l hl!l'$ lhe wurk wlllcb we hnve d ~rlt lhe horae ~ wllb prollll_o I tl wuull 11 ed b lort! tlilm prolecllon thnL tlt~ c"" 8Amtl, a de(l!o"e" protfllt4 'Y 1IJI pl..,ure. II i .. 1I CUlu/lrmkltul1 uf Ihe lhe Aualnan bo re!lle" ~ on 11 .., h ~~I" of I ·l\lr Elli~ (II' tI McCord 10111 Ihll dlluaul l 1010 Illtu lite 110 Y (1111 IlIle 1)cell l·rll~~IIIII . Id A 'Slo Erell II "gllhl~~ pro~cedllllf wllh tho eaee nssur y ome dlmo yqvr """ rho lflUh I• •L 1l ... I~ VlelVl uf Mr li'uwler III 111'1 H, JUle flit I1llial cc ..,.In boole Deceue d welllulW Ille Imellen forDlet'); lhut Illcy noL 111ne IDOIE' tho mocllll'd, the Xlr.ur..""" . lll,,_ "I lllllll" wb"" A.. n..n:Dr -'Ve hilI Il Ul'\\lr lx'en 1 \,ellt lo ~e .tuble \\ hell I returned dllnkel'>l thllt A I" Ilotleed alt"v!! ao ror u rel,"e-. III J \hao -onough for home -cOll8um phon IJlIIlTuuniit'd \hl';11 off molle all \JIll ~rd. III the IlInd for Ihe ulleliellCO ur d I I Id I IL wa. "ot rlllll_ad ... 111 ,.cCurd lone hold of ducel1lled liroulld ttle Ifrav!!l I:IIInl u~l"un F _, 1\' ,blc to Ilnder· tau "ly t Ie II 10& ,a\ 6 I~O back In lhe ~<lLTI"'~I't~ 31uy 1:1 (6t 10 proceM h'''' Ie-I" I Inn..",11 Ion acl uf lhrowIII" tllm down of ~5 ncre , ano kOme fCllr tlIC) Will Ir It "'a J'(Itluliiod to a 1I10ral cer\.l\\nty (ur the p\lrpus~1I IIf bUllthlllf .rc1lUn«rIlI!G allll ~P .. " IC ) he woo Ihat .... no 0111'1 II All C<I'Ikl ~Ibl I4irm tllO Iholllfh Ilr U~rrelt dlfr"re Irol'll 5uth IIU obstinot e )0\ (l ror long dres~ S Deee..ed'B hClici Vi lSI bludlng I d I 1111 c..-r(" '" l1r F ..,,' Sllllt. AlinA . "Iclurllll o"'r AlVllrr. woulil My lulher hnve t.o bll) Ihtilr own ftollr H~I"'::Ifl:;~B.I:':.h':' pNceetll1l1 ""l1l1I 8omt' h .blt of {oaiOAUq" ~Ulka wllh ler 1M ..._ a.Dpurla llll IlDfI!_ •• reJtard. !lODe kllQW boLle r Ihnn tlloy do Ilolr diS look buld orde-el'DIIN,lO ..... n weill 1 to MO(.;\lrd be Ib.l De he 8Ilcci!etlrd 'I ... k:n~ !Jle Pderlllld.1I1 JII Ibe ca ..... ~ld III'" tidd, In lhl8 10\\'0111111' look \"try ..ell o~t Iwcoml -. a ""k.~I'd:D abl 1 tl Ju . ~ L1lere IS UOL \.he manner uf COIl_tru cIIII, 110"'''' PI.ln hi. I ... \te~t fell .lId Alct;"rd whh lalln McCord ..." IIgree e Il II! to UI\ e M:,r "",nUll II I cBalll\d fro.- ACDtiicoed t~ ~~ cap II b8Ckl_ ., ,,_ tur'll!d decelllecl up-oo 1118 'ace, /11111 drew From Jlll.lchlgl kl J hl8trucU oll8 " .re. 11 .. 11 fur lhl' utlxture lll, IIhnOis of w1l101l1 W, COOIIO aad 1\ m8D IIw~, Woo ltrO'l . n&er apon orellV Ie m I. mv.. ~llks. e\U\U$ le ull flI.:I lIICd" Ilia tOORceo 11I~ h_lIds beillud him Dud ordered An offiolt'r rc In • He I~.~" tile ceru.llt, and llIe m.llner or pullin, It 111110111 Ia eln~ lIIe lu tlthol western Srutes he: report. arc fa elowllwa rd w.d The correMpunde .. ~ o( ti,e AI 11118.1" .'or,~ ,.-..1.... I proJUoe aad- OI<ber fil~b of ,he slrect. 1he tle him 1 tI.ud a .hppinc. no BII&, alae, Ovory bu· lip III walt. .nd When It I. kll... W" 11t.1 Nt'w Orlpon. p.pera du 1101 creehl d.e a:~vd ce'.IOIl III rr~ ... 000 ,,100 _ In" .Irllp "orablll glmlcr bel.... ba 0IIII driuk "nil qRtl tlict a..,IIor blllil hill OWII ~I'''''' whlesh .MeCurli Ilanded t. m6 Whll&t I buuae wllh the ebrn\llt'.olld~~Odnl The 'Je~lc"lI ~JI" Worceelt1' N Y llarrllr has'SUg geslod Ii IC~ wu ell,I!!" III m.klllgl w~. n bo pleMet, .nd he does DOl. IDIterl. I,lhou:b 'Dot co"ca" ,lq I t.q ..' hteCilW lie ahpplu, n !O~e, ~ 1II.lIIIn IIIN' the I9n eell ',IVI o:.u tn opers'" in I e up!"" IIl1lt AWake "\VOf'Cf'IIler (rom &bit h ap!!)' melllOu of r m .1\,lIlg tillS evil, McOurd IIruek deee ..eJ duro delUSion IIlItil II .. or I .alOlI' Ute cheaplle.. and cru' Ill\1 or ull 1114! head Ivitli lhe teml.",. W \t hloli "a"''1 '!'.I con CoUrt u.,. ."d Ih.Clab"~ iala AN 17&)1 -A~ lin dllllil\1lUOil of tllU too lalf-tbe t aw6d .,J'C'ild e-:'re itoitO..-4 IUId fOI; Ib bt-nefil of our fnlr reader!> .coh llold McCord DOL tll'-rlkli llreAted by ilyof tile l\ewI1 dl~_d 1II.lerl.1 Will IInoo, ;'"d llm wlUIII,e }tc 11I1I1l blue" ()f DCWS 8ub!!Cnbun oAon Qi8~ III tcmJl4of'1Uo 011' 0«fI~ use Illlving ae ~ It.CCIl~UI ~O. cOII,n"i !. 1MIt.w.. lot a I.." ~ ",I tJ I '. Cord ltaCD be took be It the once IhpPID, .rpretla led from T •• rae 11 VIIr re.d Iho to I "Ial :e~~~ :'!e.!n . 'II'I () ~L,oll vol~ 01 _nHl lna... «vitO "I rc(\ pe ~crbll"m .. I nud 6.-..11l .~ Ihe dece..""' . wrlll_, lIoclllJ' papcta Dlade •.. i,ble.' en wh" l1li1-. I!llpet:t to build, eltiler n_ up or from In IbU. dail_, r C\tIl1l' 1'1 1I1~1~ ...r ow To remedy tllla u tfll'l ml , llL be wh_ haDw. were beluud JIlin McCurd • !NIl .he IUlUre. WII Dlual helrul, nlconam"nd he ","'W .. "MIL . . r , A ocmaplraay"lUI beenlilaGlnlJltd III fOri wo cit the jullowlf t ICCC of an IWIII nIBa ~ All menJIA ... _tliO tune gt)\OfD Ihl. work T111\ D (rom tlie bo\WnI of frtllhfo"-ble 10111 me, _lie .. boldIn, __ .La ttl;ll'" We kno .. it. '"lkor, .uel eecorlll; lhe and Stan Ju.n • U loa, lbe ub,lllct or wulch .~ u~ tIa~" ""~'... I' IE P III men' or ~"dUlDd orcr lliem ehoa how 1111\ 10 be a al ~l eire nnd added to tbe lop • dec ...ed l.h.1 tleCOluetf w..~tllve ,Ine fn.lm oIle beulDg dat.e.,RH '.AeTlo n ... n_1III w.. \e ' ...\~n tIM! I'.'lio n or Ol!neral :talila ,he c=-r dGJ' p e what 011" II1II . a r e or ."...& ano,ber II .. VIew"' " worlhl WII d"a', hko to repeat the . laudtll' \bll Iher~ w.. a reward 0 ""'-' of rqard A... loe ~11O ~ lbere. ~ 1010' I " r ..u.r 1w ~fdt rut "II ar «If)lle tC Fnday week CIUln~, II atol 1O . . . 1a altd bfoMalIII t1aa ~ \lid fOIl ea nnk Joag d and iDleD'" lenlDllO hid reellnd murn-I bat be tnew b. 1Il..1er' ID1! or \.be book. IVlth :=Ion .. "E,,? anti one or t I.."n UI':! IIIt:a~. OlIo. Ib.'~-- I~" ar ItIIlIItMII r1ellllel Ioh'l. e ~~_~"l Icr I wouldlt ....-~!!.IId. lOh 18ke de- un dunng waD wlilb to look a& &he DoL beooIne "' .....n.anI (It )'OU Mil do l1li tOll11l ".. tell\ce f &It. OI'eM ~ au' 10) 1& doea 1\0& tiIcnr, b.)" ADJ means, Te IIda lIIII "1IV1 uch .. UftJ or ......." ........., ""'" lU hlVlr . . . WbIC ....el - - Lo laCtun.I , r ....... ba 1 .we r Frid.y ....,. wilt IDJure · aiiclr ~yCll "Denll~.'I1.~ W~r rr: 111 z\Vllc.~· uleMnl• .we ....f a P!:h~p CIID do 10 Bat your U I .~to. Tul ULLY II,.. B...,.. ,.,. ror II f gOllllp 10 IUDe ~::::..a~ ~:-.ord:.t~IDI; If lhe1doDoUuo& • ...\111 1cjI .... iIatIIItl laapreca.1i0lt ..... AlII ... ~. ~I~ rollOwed b1 Illln'a ; in . . . . tn......,. .ce.:.a 0I....... Ii IIJ Nflr York,J II..... IW. &Us .. Dp !lIDoIled PM' -11\ . .' lie. ~ &be OM OIl. 10 . . . ia riJrl..l. " ' ..ee ..., of ~d... 1 Ae... PftIIl ....... . .....".,.l1li DO t.nt.r ...._ IlL .~... lb, • \ .... .~ lul ~ \0. . . .
to _"'rve,
1" ' · '
g I.,.
11," ".
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-liD .........
'.,..t, "Ie Ur,-
'Whoa! t~, GOWIHllta.1 CltIlied (rtelld.,
.. _ 1110 mlli~ lI4Io"...r, ')'he ~rt
' !In'
111 \
Kr HaI1e1l,,"I.
Ky .1,. ~c 8ug.r~ ell 51e rur Common tu I'"me wrel. (hllln-.R1 e (Io~J DoItle, 03e, \Vhen
'10 Curl! ne lY 4~ M"laliilev-co <! 2Jc tlblTee-oq 111 11~t: Chc.cae-!! .. @o ~e8t1-0Iuve. 30
~elp order
Tho£ourt \Oltop
Ur Malleu, I rcqllt".t •
KaiJeu "ecllll!ld
d\lUlg ,u
f protesl nll'JUo ot 111110 1I1~oQ Il(lUIIWollU lhe t.;ulI,I
MI Ellis
~n(\e of j he CUllrt
ThlA I, my fIIlllto r WJU ill~e cnre of 111111
..;;~.a-,,"' _1IL;a-_.. -.:
I llea-Idll glvllljC
r.ullt..O OJ
Ule Olllll" .. 31 ope, cUllunrllch g. lin .ONU,"• .JUN~ I~o \r II' O'ClOCK ,II tile artllrllooll Ind /lotle' '"1sol( tit \t I will lib Ible to I:I~c lilt .r lC:lwo to 1111 whu 111111 {nor IIHI with their rn1rulllgt'
'I'he School wllo be I eld at II,. Ilreet &lit po I Jlou ..e
I hu.e
r JU rln
\V •• 11l
1.1 10
'''eDd will pMdle "lIply s~o n IhRT ~"np''''UIl W.,nelYllle, Jlloe 6 J8~4 ~
New DJd.....'blc: Fanon,.
...J.ae..... -A All'CIlclll
A,d'IIIlI Ilid IU Ihe
R..~dJ Pr8cMlber t " 1110 references
Nilure, Cll ...... I"'Mliliull a .. d'[ relll IIM',I\l-ul l)l;ellief oAicciden,. Iud (;1I_"ul
lillll 01 ve;, 1I111d. \V~'" I GIQ"'ry. "',bl'!le CIo\IIl.eIlIH. lAd (udell. tile wh.1e Iltlillrated Wllh Ile.,I' I hr~ Hlllldrtd
~ <>
E"er8"ltl,_ aQd
CIOlured Frollll_p!ece. Dy "jI~ tJH&W AI D Ont) I.r!!'e Vul WIle of &110 paae.. IIIb.llIuliMlly bound , .. Library 1l)'1e I·ubh.tll'tl by ~UWL
bu WI!P" 308 81011:1wI)" N_ _l"uric' l'U~ lrea' ,y01 Ie colitillli • . .I
, A".lTOMlC.lLf PUY"IIIL/IOU)" I. ,up "raDle D"Itf\:;'TIOliS. iIIudlr.t" ~ It II
fla~. ell~"lnlt. U TNI NA1'U~£ or D'lu".
giee"1 Ind f..thulolJiealil'. "rullaW.rt'd
~. . . iur lI_al,8lHut I~ the 8iCi'''''IR I It. D • • lI'rloli L1!, ftnQIM DI<I e.~ to wfNA the Bu"'u IIoaIJ ill lubJt!Ct "-.. :u.eabotlti of Prey... &l".. lIIel Cllre, l1li a,4 ror-thlC p.rIQclp~ I fVl M;.\t;,ollll1l'l of WGIlna o HelllOfo Y I'rnta.... , Dt.lUoalrd.... ~.Ide, hr.... IU OlltC:r '''''~GlI ca1•• 1dee ' 'J)a.trateot
V ida{ D/s£"''' 9f I'IlJ..,,", Willi Ad
.Iee Ind D,reclion. rUt ~llcernlnl
d,likllilrtb, .. 10,,1.
oomo ueliullclIl. I'ro",ullc),. Ule MII~In'illlleltt 01 111
111 uetr... UIIII,
TilE ltV;'T£n
n COlS P)I ~E"H!i Mly
illuatrated I ..d t'Xplaml'd, 'Iemperll(nrO 01 UetJ... a ..d lhe l'h,ltJeophy olll e A"lIOIi or W.ter upon lile lIu1I1IIn Syill '" VII 'fHK E,nCT. or A ~ Exncltll, aDd niet. willt ..peolll relereuco to tho UuO ...", ul ChruhlC Dloeil.ell VIU TRILI Dauli P."OT'eR CUlltr.Rlell w'lh lIy4lNPIllhiii "1141 l·"Yd.olujflcul I. rent 1II"llt
tloeil loOCllll"", "·ormatlull. .nd Right Kleh'lte ..tlll
Tlu: thw " ,pIlOt'.lTIU O F.um.v J>H~ ill the I.".t ellb..ratn alld eum piolo I"'PIII., wut'lt 011 tbe eultJ"ct Ewt"IY I.... 111 1,"",1. hallo a eoPy r,lce, delIVered Irc'. 01 with pudtagc prepald II, III.U. ullly ~~O 'file 1111011111
rvl, Ito
~lICIloaed In • lell~r.
Illd directed
FO\v();RS &. WELLS. 108 SaClA1)W'Al'. New York
~ID' • • 111: Ajl'eDta "'t..led, In Ife i ... 11 ule Slal"
:1 :;;, .... R c~
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fit;! "
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Nh r/\ E OUNAMEN iAL 1&1 ~~ A tree Id Ihe gr IIIdesl QUU IIDst beuull lui prq~\Il:uolI ur the Ilorlla-ro ukd QUu U1DlllltoiftWll/e "Ilil pnrt QI tI e ellrO, tacU
1 &
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a p
• Simply &liu. Qncr you are Mrd Ju111 fill'. you lIIult.4l!ve up tbOlle tricks )(ulli.~. cheekt Ire" red 411 cornlltl 0 1 mill, a~d .he II t her n11,I$ ti~rc:el y as ahe PJle&eDed , Romember II at my mother i. to I ve wlUl "'. Illd tbll.lI. expeclI me to brlllil bome I eapable. eDere-ehe lIIdu' lr,,,u, houwwlfo. and II'" I rOlOpiD&' .. eles. ba
.aid Hln' IOlomllly
!'Jr••parkled IU Mol he'd eyell as 810. a ~ from her ..at and Ifathered lVull her ,hort. ra, " .., UJ. hll41 buudle. of cotton doth around her n~IIi:J1 herlelf upon IIer ..... abe tlulled them (ullinto hur loy ... MCOD1.hH r.ce Illd .... Ith tho IIr of a ..........W from the ruom N.,t morn ... 1M IIIIt bl. • !lote relltiaa in thl.
tea , . . . IDOI'I fa. . aDd dl"
.....Ie em _; ... He IIna for Ute .. ~U1 . . p. to .... WOIIIIia"t ••rry
~ .ilDIPBlDiNT· JOll~At~. 'lOa· .,~, ,
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THE VOIC E OF THO UGH T __ TH·E TON GUE OF· ;'fHE pR.E sa. , . ' .. ','
\otttl& .' ~,.;.NUMnER .ill
Q. f.
•' >
- ---
W~XESDAY~ J~NE' 1.1, ' 18a4~
... ~ill
tcars 1\!ld 8~bs, Ellen gave the
r,;r 011' mUrtlp,lr of Ihe ~el\, rose
re· '
I" 1l0LE NUlillEl\, t!9, ,.
qll~~cd prl'lI,'lse. , ' .. l'1:c:ry ~illc-yCL ~".I! IIli~1 81umbcl Y vll \\'111 no.t forKuL, E!lulI, reo Kind hUIII'Lull IIlilldUll8 glJucu '\;u 011. a w.. allhy CUM nn ,uml wele relurllin , pelllcd YI'$, Dane carnl:stly.: "SOIl
at ' tlte .beules of Pillo Alto "alld . . .~~._ •• r~ 00tI. ri SLANG WORDS. I, Pahna, ~hll .Ioyoed ..-Ith " TIt.r~ la a fi04 'l'h!, borb.,uf lt"!' I'a\. _ _ '. __ ..I....., . Ihe .,m, ",,111 the filII of Muolern y lind \ I"y Ihe ,eed,r. u( .Iho mounlai _ Lhe hellv~. loolh, ~ ~, guitlifi" " lliou h'lll " ' .'1'0 •-101"'8.-"1 ' M L '118 " " • .' 0,, .'01- cheekil'" r I 'rbe foll~wlnl' . .( .• 0... ' ,,~qlll.iI.. lin"". -...ere writ.". upl.or",' Ct,_ or I.\. !lelng " .. , ,. ,1 I ./ .,q,UIlIl, . uut .. • unDule to alill ler IrU· -111,0 "'Ie"U eporl ,." hi ' ,beom., Lh.t!.i' rllp (I mOLiuli - "Lhli fOrm of him, ~ III I'pl (118 Ill E81..B, .. If 1 do sn mflv God ~~r."n' me 1'0 'r' one 0 If Ie most. gl i te .. I' II I t'f ~ Dl I ' •• :... . k ,1 b a v •.ile~r.le.nd rno.l .'IC.,II.. IIII.d, 10 htlr l"" ~ " • ~. III" • , • T ' 11I!' y' . . .bt lo,,,r, Iht! "".Irac"d he.,.' L\ . .. ~. ~!.~nI one o';lIr, way WOrl", or II"i 10.1 ~o. my llloit hour," , , I, '/ II "1080 qUlc "ye III> "10 CIICAPetI, ' I,' . eouI I U ' ~ t.~~ ~ Ihe It;1r.I,hnnl~ Inl\II!l~ 1l1I~ f"IJQM'ill1 If IUlwlv.:I· 0 our COIIDA 17' ,1 i,1I .,Ih~ r.i.I. ',."nS" IIrlt rt!turllo o EliCIt' '~nd. solemn. 'p IlIIslJd tllu !: I..ctllr'e 10 ',' er 8 X In thtollgh her nArrow· II Icy~' but ell"~, II~I I'-VII I f I It G I .I ~. lIulh'ulir and "auti.ill I,. ex l'rEl<.ad. • , IIIOUI ~u 0111 ly. 110 hi ~. ." tllIlI ,., e, ,",. .:too POI' i lilY; III e blrtld .Inl: hjlll ill Ihe loliu¥.. ; hll' ~ ,. Buhavo u ~ . IIhu hl!edtld them not. ,R ,.,p,";,io g tl'uolt aJr'!. . Hde 811"'0 \Va. ,vorl. I:lilill d ."l·ho r B\)ok.' r."''''' ,,·lIa. wa at. aura. rael wilh U., tloll II ··~41, (v, . VI~• . Crll"", S)!",a (IOml'r'l,\~d be Ihllutler procl.ian "G~ blElu you I my c1aurrhter," WM by hur strllDgtl ~~ition, ",ntl t~in~lng Ihe feMu,e ~ hint ~II Ihe hrnvoll., \Vu shull be ll'I"d ~ S<: . C h ~I' l<uicgesl l of ioD8 h\\ r ~1I.~I,le,"II~C4' wrre , II, •• rlU), \0 Curu GJJl)lo. pm!,. W,I p.~e.11I1 ,b......,hl • .&OIlCh ar liI~o h.. dimmed lh.. oul. UI~ flunt re"ponllO rof Alnt. f>,IDC; "you ~he still "um~rud, !Ie '''Jll>ro~ch{:t1· I, I~ UCAJan dO'c laru. 1\111 Inlllle,,~l ty-;:;I0"", 1II01'1l g41n\~!"I1J ,lift IIIlull he' ; IIII.r uII,d "r'.n·m ~lrlenl" ~~'f'" Jlllr ~)i~1 lol~ nt, IUJd wihl_ to. eV1:1I "m~ng' • .,., lillumall li. il h., 1101 l"miol.,,11 Ihu have mlldo my IMC' d Ih",t 1II11II01;1\\lJe 11.1l)e.· .)Plle 'bu .. III. "'l'lltl,n iOl' linG all.' 11l1l1e hour happy; the but the .eye so qu'ck t~ perceive IllS el"qll~lIl 1,lwrie c:()11~ldl'l'\.'if:lH uf Ihe '~hill'her cir· ly Qf. 1""I(e ~"lidi'n" , "lid .f· t,. lIr11in l hotbhal1 uf Ibo ob~ uf iler ,,';nub 01 !ba ""an .. h •• Ion it, Almil'hl .y . • iWlljulII.tllt,lIl tbe iMlie Ttl~: Ill.' tllf ill·,~t ' IIlId lIP reudy .w. Itjll . ,ounl' .nd 1."lal .0 III lhe ",u'"I"" prim. 01 lI.r IIluit.llearelt oj IIrsleo, lb. relaro- 1I1'nulif,,1 .,111 '1lI hI Tbil' dtll!p 1\11.0 ·the blddlillf mOY4ld .lIot. II; \1\1"1"'8 ' llilll · ' . ,,:i,," linys.t I . er, J,ft41 .,\ne1' life, 111. prol,ur 10, 1I,IlI \h.t 1110 II" •• were of Elien, ,lltd e..., by",", of Vera ' Crllz. to tin! al .,e .'11 _ .... 118 ,,11 the .-AmId bu ..r- ufl lb" d 'r \be bUldy 80und of hlbor, Llle "rille. _hla• DO IWII .I,.rt ";1\ 1\ lady ' t.v r Ilbu.. at j:»"lc~ "ndIl~"rful, E,lIl:n D ,mc turOl1d wild cillmor. of. .h"t. where Lo laltnli... ehe S , or "Illlel.ll o.. 11£ f"ullil h1m hnypj Ibo Itoi~y .. f tho .Year:' II ' Rod dll~t. I I . t U ' P'I'llclli"n.a .. " .. UI" o"rM!. inslead , K . .a",,~ , .II't''!l 18r n)p~I14lr 1I ,rl\V6:- no 011' n orlnce d1 ..... U~I" .. .Cff.fnre tom'l.rtf ' III ill,"( -11"'.a het apiri~ hl'd ~rokcll ' iLs ' 'el\J'th~y .,B. TAtI S.".. d - '11"rlllll" ..., ,Alltll'M)I,,' ',lItnI8,' ger a chlM, bat II womlln, wllh ,a wv- r~ g"ll' ~ " P'\IItI\10( , i ' jll~ • r : ' . . feLlllnt nnd 80tt'd np through the dllrk ' r ,... v on" "tI v . . ... ,, , gl'II ..~, '" nymg 0 a ru~u, . lite roopK-, u~al.lOrbod fat;. alllille I[lOII!:"t • oi8il~ ~ . "lInale~ Wilh num''!' Ilulies aod rcsponsi bililills restiug ,,"11 Rlld rollinl;\ drum. ..t~r.. 'It~ will ,out illto God's (ul falUlh~rlty, .. tlo"',',1a '~ , 1..11 bll(,~ of Ihe drc"!! i~ g uuill:;.o ltl,thal ll1l looks "bo' an ,.0 ch.n.eIl Rln ... fir.l We mil, Ilr~1 1.uIlS ,1 rI v.hoe" chl,r.C:~lOr he IlU\iIPlIH, fure_I' hUllry whh U~II her; bl&t uUReeWlLollled to strugglu pure air Ilnd bright .;unshillc ~ IInlll\'; , aUld. ill IJllud!"~ .to , liD A/llu8lng upl licq ... h,tejl wilb !!acb ulher ,ur fc..... 0.,. hnil ruilled al!i1 wlav.o Lou" GOLOEIC..ftOUJl& Ilav, rollatl alolle, d ~t d04\'y. lill .. of AU,I 111111; wlt~ the world, ",1"It could she do 1- ob child ,or cUrLhl. up f"'hcrli~II '\up! iIf_c e of Ihe ll ~lllllP ,; ),0,\ • • ,Qr 1\ :'''' I,lrllug Jnel~(mL, to SIIY hrouJ'h rur" w' " r ... ,,':h!'d III. Talllm.n la with III yel. lI~nll. lll~'y iI'~~ lu,'er, lid deHlrfl),od, Ii, "'ollbUr n 'UPPQllet\ will I".Vtl D 'ItoT unel'l'liu WhIthe r ~oul~ ahe direct bor steps' the dRrk eltl)cr bluOI-, lI of Ihtllllill',·r.e, . t be regIons of I,ll' be(ure lllai1tld fru'!lUIIlL \lllfl ~h.!'5 .• ·r~,m .. r~ lhat It IS rlilh . . All .!!IIlIlg' "ord! IIhI I,f 1101 00 brlllhl, ),el ilill I I' altalli. lihe h.d Irone ,the w!" of Ihbueen d., While ')' 011 ~'rlJ lc"'~lrlt,» 1I {1Io.her B llrothor ofl'e"!'li ,R hom\! 601te IIP"CIl, to tho thronll ol llall Eter· ried. }lull.Slll i whi;i, tlolestllbll! fronl thu li~):~ of I~Idies.. We DII Soto hud , made Ioi. Whll, [rum,tllnlr pO.lllulI IIi life, Ire bCllet ;pluIIJ:cd Il/Iilrr an IllS CaPl~ly. ,.but he didn t w,ant t.be nlll. Vilul I)f' Illp. wea "lth 1,lls 'fllhtr; b, (el,,111,,;. ·t~JHlIIl."ec, wilh tl,'n.rplllliohl. which so rryd to The'd dml b.tb c:blOllod ur .. ~.rle.t hue. 1\ ".OUllg lllliy boy Itt: hatl .... ilullo eDou.,h Iliolo who oIcunl .i,olhor UbHry", odllilf"" him "I~er;,ln~ " of 1118 own . '" II d , b 'l . I '". ad 1 • d n 8u e 0 'I' '\,'or .11 • liS ~p"lI"lIg/' d"'~len an no Y' I S Ie pe.r,orm e An .Irlpred.our "alh 01 urnal 110\\'0"" Anolhe r relal~ve, ." .tId Lh~ "':0 ll lu,nllie. hud . \11 . OllO'Olll , l'illll und cOlllemn IlIelll\ lII.ght nulwltl.a l"IIII,.- n.rom the lr<)ldOtI 1l1I'lIe I~ a dl$lIln~ SI1\le, h~r \·ow. \ " 1 Lo91 calt Ih. abn,br•• of tl,o 'E .t. ' •< 't )J\!~I\ .• propoS\.>d adoplin g her .brothor l'Ie lln'..q "1>'IIn',, C'IImng I' 1l tl'A fll I.' I. b-l" I 1 t I"" ~I' "\I 'I ~n'1'10~"l!'e \b .. t IU\" ' bUL HI. Gnwo and learnell doctors met r iiI I" U If 1 l' UI~'CJ" ' l,at riel III I~ 1'1''''' u .~e... And IJuile upon Ih. pI~~ing hOIlIl. I d I 0"".. ~ It) IlIIme.1 "1 trew 0 II I'r ,d'!Ut v U .. Jen de~Jined, ImDll'ing but t.oo wdl be 801l!mn conclav e nround v," • U C 110 ong "I: .~ w, I. IU~OIl .' I'll e Inw,. e \,18 I !bt " ..~the lifel , )'oulIg J't'upl« ~~"a ~be" wa), • .',1. Vlllleu anti ~onlfl~I.llh,trher IIl1ppilY.1\I)'" it ill f'"t going .U.u•• 'WAHl) LOn! Ih)' D, ..le ....11 . ftcduaer with II reo 01· "Iar ·wlllcl, .. Rlllk!ul '."l/lleeL,tld woi.ald . DO~ b6 ~. bim Ii ~ind protecto r, form, givillg iL 1\8 tboir RlmOll~ blolishe d from ~ho bu~ d,;libcrlltl!' IIII'm eevrr.1 tltnI'8,' (md like ull !lI'II'1f11r mur· VUr ill 01111 It.llt!. a 11.1, .., renuluo !ruth bath buulld {UI; blu a b~,..b and cruel M88Ler. Ihe Irtalrln,,>IIlal !\,.I- ill II!, all~d'l of t,I~. «!velliu8, r''lPpellr ion, ~b.~ 8~e . died of diileMl! or y l • '1.'0 ' he r'hollor leL it bu r/lmern· rlt,l! f.. lk. lh,,! .~~I?I!! ullil were,.rellll hnl~ ler ill lhC/. ulhllr, required We would no' Yor • 4Iladom. him Iq.\nntly II! Ih~ 811110 , ...tlllll i fr•• h .,,11 \alll"i~ Will herod Ellen had heard of a far off pll\Ce. - of many, ye!l1'8 It.I\lIdio g. , Quecn \(i~l.?tia hilS prohibit ed ; P1 FII' b"'"IIe: YlIllnll wile'•• "lce J Ea\:hua .lham.m orr ollhl: pUI. 1I"ke hil "here 'mllnyo f ber own sex h"d brain. Ih"L . Ihe dew \If 11111 \"urnill8 I A, Iverl tllll 1'°'11" Sleek, por~ly p.craoll Mga\'e rorlh Ib_.i r ell Ih"t har ilillueDcd wighl alll\09(1,hi presence. ' p ro'lI ; ,trullir II i. "buu~r lu bnr Ibo ill. wo liuve lI\11I 1IIIIulit \he glo,illu, o~p'· i' !I .I;,"ce {id,ill¥ HOI~ .ell an hllmLle but llotieat lev(lliho od, by IIOlemn nrdlct, lhllt ahe C~IJ n gCllt '01 ~Irl brl~g hc!"clf "dielL by the enu ulI h to ."bduo the. bulJ, retkle.. , Villi' Oy 10 Tru. we 8unny flY IIlber. lh.t 0118 k"nW 1I01 Of," he -reMI.lelldolll ntllol.ln.dIl7 ; thf' LlI 10 or banda, al)d shu fCsolved to vialtac.ion of God,I" 'lId fll i::olipeed u)' Stmnge word. I 11.11,,"11 .,)·l dl ur h.r h"iblllld . ! ':,t u • ooml III .tr, k t Sb ~ ' , .. ct.· Id " • ., h Il,l' BYlli,"1 bl.h a.. k 1 .u\iddL "ainad all Ib., brillh. d., ' tIle """illg u, Iho .e\". I • rUlhe, I)"r eellde- dec vie e en ,.«! ~ t.e wr~c of V.ull mockery I 'l'hi! was 1111 Lhey knew : r, \ '11lP<!-,,, 'C11ll.lt \0 ""r II R elld Nluo ,yellr. aller Ihe I'url.ld ,"II"dlod ,tll, balllll!r., ,Ihe ",.rchlnl e '1'hal knewl liD e"8II,' ")'ond Ih8 lamb, theIr properL y, (\nd ~.klO" of ~'U"IIj1n \ • a.lln'l lind thero COli !ill '611 I WlLh Iter her 0* the young, 10vi~lg'hcll"'l t~lat L~'CY lind til Irleeu pr~l'erly ." ~klnll, :'0'1'. lir\mu i .. 'WOl'll;)' • of till: dlll;ce, S·I,_ 1l1b r d• wer~ trl"" II; iJ\Ialun 1\11 Ihe "prldf-, \I,)mp, bnd llirculII. bro~her, way but ye"l'tI"'bf age,sbo been 810wly nrollklD l • hl theIr 111Id:" Lo.... n'.,' "'. Doi~I"" we ••.or tim,, _ 8 1.nae ot ~r norlb, or lou,h/ or we llt ,III 'Iho bent ber then ·fi'ir . t.o hlue the "Gi'IIni te . . Ii \ Sl41Al ' " five "cary y ,. e ' . )" , ·toll·r.{nc ' ·' 'ror YOlln-" I·· , MI ' . 'or pl;n,:l' In flllIlJPlg Ihe brllr " cr or H.th b..iiJ krll~' oa- Io Ibal.laor . !Is CIlII IItnrhlu~ ""u;," Iho .,,11'1111) Ncrvice II'n" r , ",,' 1 Ihlnu' ,(',IIiCed entering Ibe oOled Dlanuf" cturing to~ .. tic-II 10 oile ' b 1988 lIo::~il the hClIVY clod. lily rrolll S d""" cUllfiuln;f II!o crow 'lteIJw, Slid IlIl\'illg' iu 1'C(\lity ne ilher.. "it W...... Dlert.1 bla.. IMIconl.. diYi"e, r\!,,"~d which ",,1lI1l11l' lllulII '""" all<t. IIlfl!. Jlllilit froln '\'hcnce IheI KItIU ot _ _ _ . , thick upon ber g"n Llu bru~~L, tll"t oher IIriijll tho ye'.l'I...,..U~PI,ily of, D. y 81' np ful' ImLh, ·antl, bll\'ing'" th~ \\,1:'" "mila.U I. a", I-uod Cor.."or/hora, feolih~ ntij~J! Ihi. lonK j"ume, alolle~lIdu· furlh D1 Ullao .. Irlple lI,bl, Nri!) ,~ Thero, "iLh a strong. hopeful hearL, brother knew I1Il WUH • \I11l"rlt;h~ IIl0Ilk~.Lo. go .upon. .islcrle8W lUI well eue~ b~ II pnping ahlll; Ihe J1irulol, werll r"d, l" Ihe luil. ,,,lid priVAtlun. of II D"~III lihl . lIbllllnte , . ~'he Ilri~ll& though feeble b"lId, lI1ae \oiled day RoC· '" .flltberle8ll. .And · ... Ielldor I. per· though nil..,,, "'1.11 ball tlte joyful .I.ht he tIOrfOW' e~'~:p" l"lm-hel !i 1\11\1 IdnlP<:rI1n! nCC lllt" UII Ihod ' ur 'Arril1a k ft ' .IJI ill •. all enemy'" Wlllltry . wlthoul onlle Itt" itn(lR Ihll mV8t beaullfulOf LoulDltlur&:d in b.-vonl, !>ower.. ' _.I. I b' I Ler "y, 'l!ee ~ er WI!Il" r •Iiee I'ang vllr, • for II lIine 9U an .t !e , llLernlltl8.0C I" IlUpu,drul(fe:) RII Lry to eK' , . . ', I f II~ 10flrl, It W/Ui ~vlllh •• rler by III EI\l(lI~h ' clruiM1!r,.lId Ir!lylllll' W...... oa...,.rn.1 "a, of ' he, I"X" or wuYerl!li III her pur· an .. OR 0 tho IlOrpolullllDng,\lf 1,\ughlO" IIuJ"ILtrnct the, 'attontio n well repaId . plun, every pr ; not he hlJll .,"yed ;It .tllll IIgo or .cnllll OuotOll, iuullcp. lItTI " <> I Wh eil'hl of tlionl w".re I'''<e. ' 8111(0, tlt.t l.hIlO, laor 1I.lolhy t;lW1 bealll OR ..·, d ••'il"tIIl II."".,.. vlI\.lon, by die u)creAtl og ItrenKtl a \lnd I'4!dilltl4!a' l'uWl'r /JI (l,o\l.-C H.'{au. uI' ,mlUlhoo d fully r'o"hlcd _.....:._ _ _ Lhe ,0111'1 81X ',owner fIllfh, ,Irvullun III III" hl,. b'lUd, h •• bel''' n mAr· ,&110" I' I'd I . f1j, d ., d b _:; udal ., '1I' 011 , II ,t i '0) ' ..... (.. 11 • I do' • .... '1 ' 10 t\10.': ' II"111 ked f~lll\lte - . - ......-, " .... ear y. "VlDce unullua ante I- I! tIle . e t 0 L)'I\\ 1I1~I"r I" her ellQrllllfl'r. It I" of llin .,,,,, D y u\'QlIOn gt}t;lCO IIbd II- tbint for knowJed g:e, which that led ' .' ' I iii I I I I Wll''!{W i 6 t, I b~l'Oi" .tlllll'l' bei to.8"crif icu for him not on. c.,m,"'11 ~di,,,l. rl!"nt,J~ 110 s"crflll1e In u 811 C ~ <I 1\ Ilr ,oll-t I~ ' ~ II It " , • he dete~ined .hould be gratdlet l., • ,. Iy Ib'o apring UIIIC of her Y9 uth IIn~ tho ~.~e or lIlr "e.llel, \\'u re~I*t'I. I 1: ',:1 h~ elfi:rts III, Aooth,', Iu 'Ot or, IIIld to DY PDCllBIl OAR&r. A.yC: llr pl\,~t;lld sluwlY 'by, lind Ivulltl cbnllen of b~r nlfl:cLiun$, llut , h~r very !rull Ih&_RC\lllllllt ')( Ihl" lnal .. r the.c 1', ••hl~~. het eLiII Ivilill:; :NUL lI,'Ull Lhe ,'oice .uiftlanc e. , r.lt'''., b,1I Ihd '1I I'j""1 I:Jlci ~"d lJiut 11111" uf In Ihe IIlDniCCI"IIIliull)of tJII~ rlli~h, ho\\'· D'I .... ~tllI.lowl' drill", of roy ,80 dcu, &Q bcr "orn"u l • h(.'IIrt 'He became " mini"le1' ill Ihe church , Illy MtCllliulI. ' Aa II., /Iou"",,!' ni"h\ ...tiro,b,. . !IV"', -h ' \I 0'11 .lw~"llu"'ed by r,,,d\lnc e . cou.llI, I"ro. hl'r frl,m Lhllt lulvly pAth.'"- of God,lln d ·hu w~ ill~trlllll ~ntlll in win- tn I\u" IIIlInlh or Junl' 1836; i \~ IIM p~"". -Iho bllldllH_ . She had a.. ln .Inc'! Ihe Iigl.1 ..I aUII.at uf her cCln;IDel flf1'ere '\lC.~· A .lOlIlIly f{'ran ~o~g.hl ber IIide:, n mlllll)' nil'g m!UlY souls to . Ch ..i~t.' • Hilt' '11'1\11 illg 1l1~1I" Che.lllll t .tn'el, ,1'hll.4,,1111Il , 11141 IIU lI}o e¥ellilll l.k),,tllr i",ldlo\l . r~\luk .. , If 1I4'~1 nol ~O\r.c \fulI.'d he r,) 01. ,th".~gh her lov· the ~'I.tletI~ ,puIV.cr or luarlll\lg,- ....~llo when hrllfillll Illy lIunae clllI~tII, I lI,rnru .le.I' .., Ih" ~",PIlUI)' h.r forlllll" wdUld lUg hcnrt 1'1C!1Id struug IU hI! f""(lr, .h" "OJ1drO Tn. ar',r II)e hlid~"j "':.II:lI/'~. Illoquonlle . . Many IIp8 ' t '",' . ' --'-_.1 lll 11ft or \ .. ,.. ~d I ' bl :.-" l ' r B t '811' I So\V•" lhiml 151,,, wea" ~ bAI" r ~Wt'fI'C d nil . A. ' wa lUll', 1I~.r hor .. od. te ~.t tIIo. lIuy ' ... pnlll"'U, ,mM\Y ICI\r 8 ll"'" m 8.....,.. ,,~ , II , q • , "1 CJllihul IC"\'Q 1I~y" brlltllcf ," wu wbo ~bougM uf hor who~o toil.'1ADO ~ y' Jlta.ba. W"ClI' ~l!r 1\1,111 fruIII lit; ilri~oll f*lIar., eOli;'t rver louk ' 'priIhe d."II"~l mIlO 11111,. Ul'r ,ue~! her v firm , mply. , as he wllrm1y 1I~lfed hill vations laid the rouIlI,h,tKm of ' ' w•• leo.~ by abc ha,," 01" (;"". hilt lit • lly p., ... IIlId lh••111" ..te.lDed I·!r d"III"" "l tI,e .'10 n..)'~ \"d 'lIi" ,'Nur eM~ 1 OClIltept t.• brioll tQ rulne..' ' Who rememb f,.l'1lrl. tho lo.\y; tillllll,. Ilvcr II.. \'UIl811-1\".1I . ea monl."l rlK"~Q, pr"".~llo~; Ilal" iii' I,.mbled, my husband a doIable barlh-e rn!' mAiden who ".lured . wiLh !Mir t.et\1"$ tho ,.llu he nlll\8. , WII" Ibc Irliilllpl\ ~I~...dlllll IIoK wll. colDm,,"IA f.."el, "!'111l ll,.. .L&.,hIlClln Vllinlj' he argu"d &ltllt .he h"d done IC6d thAt broaghL fortb IIIcb a glOrious :... Cupla in---". he •• Id ". br"II".. ch A •• t. ",1,. ul' II•• .. r.lU!ll'r o( Ihu w I~.ne.ue, •. II i ..""urla', her duty by him; dIRt il W,UI not right hllno"t f ' . • • . E"II U" 1 "lid w'ltb a (rfllllllh, ·, 'lIji~v till "r 'l.i<\I·' "bi.,,, '.:U. , .. I",," II., "p r'CI'C!OIl19/,I , ror \t"r to ' I!Rcrific~ , h'1' llIlU!,h and. "TBII~ whRot nl1cd.(!<.t tI,()U of tho 'P rRise eftl,l"i" YOII ,Iu "ul rem!,,,,It,,,. J "''' l'ft~. re~ J>(lh.illle (ur try . hopo of bllpP'"e lls to III~ 1\(1"llnee· of man? oh gloraotpi IIctIl,ph' "rll!.llIlIr· I~If' , '1&cn' Iba IOC/k of rbplurc fnded. s'lUltlillg D SIO )'011' "1"~lIinr fr'nlll C"nrl(,'11.I1I (I"'"l1rr~ It, milD&' VRinly did hI' portray ill glo"- 1\mllPg thll *bitO robud Arkanilt •• , Tobe .bo\,e Anti Iha ti••utilul ....11... allud '.1111. mIL~Lyr "tha' eur· I': H " I " ... r .. ry I Jellfu ..ll ,frl)!p IIll" ur the ~L~o;ia"a iDg color., .the light of 4 hllppy hlime., round tho ilir(!nc of A. Iha' III ,Ollie con,· ~ ." ~icl\lr., the ' "Cruoif ied'" 0, !lYIIII"· .ell }~~ . ~,o~1 ' I ' . II I' I I II I .., Ihe der~nc!' "nd I pr","mo 118 lIu 110 ('" . W hilt . • I t IIU uomlort • , ,0., the taut ,I' 11.8 "11nll .. lilt. r l "It ,I W IIC I Ie WQU I'·, 1\ 811 I,,"1801 .,Ie ,.0 III II rU~1 u sur· CII':'"'t thou ,or lllo \'OI. ;,. I.... CIl 0 , e .I IT..I· . , , . f _. IIra!liv"o", IIU 9\1,iI'\)llon ("ft be mlld& 10 III roulld III,r: "liu ,,1\11 firm. . Iy IIdull\llO n' He who IIOC~ not Ill! mAn "pOJ' Illy "111111· 1 h~ nRlIle _u lite .1'I!~pI' llillionti oll" And ..a filii In lh.lo~a"I1"'" luldlll"hl, ''But YOllr '11I'1l1~h hI fRiling, Ellen." rewards , whrnte Rlrong Arm f!,b pJlortell led plrhlo Wdll Do 80'0, theill.ila wreek,er . p A, we ~aI b, 1)10 8110,111 de.d, • he lI~id, earm:aLly. . . . Your re~ble fl'llm'll ~Il in &hy wel\ry pilgrim nge beloW;, Itaa I,,'r hu.b'I\III ,-~ eUlend 111\.4. ca' Iver.lIl,oll Wbal a hllbt vIa 11111 pilI! IIl,lUII ......·oward. will o-:r.'T;;; ;(~-" ~ruld o ( We,1 sink u1I114,r ~uch 1Il1t(lmi tting toll.- ",.,villg Lhee "LbIiL JX'1IC1l llmt pl\!llle~h 1\11 ,,'hi, Itrr, I\II~ ,leRrlle,1 I'r9 m , hetr .°'1"' Ip~ IOn".1 ·~·h" 'I~I" u( Ihll .r"t,ICvU••heoi,e~ the flllluwltTg pii'rtillu ": (lU ~ilI cJiu, thl,ln whA\ "ill be:oome of kllOwled ge:: that "~rn"'" which (lIdt:d Iha elfurl~ Ihe. ~"" ~IIDd" 10, .,,,lIe her 1,,,.· e_cnl'e "f o.lIo,n lind - hIli COlllnl'MII"".·: \Vb~n we tlloulbl 1111", wltb feel un.lul,,11· him? . • . ' nut R'" "y. . """d'" lifp. Bit .. 111,.1 trneled (roUl NIl\V A .llght ftu$h plls8ed .. ·rl.... Itlld IIInde • ke, over ~Ier ,J?1l10 inl . ' a' Orl(llln.; ltl \J""iull in .PRrdl of rh" p!'/oOlla ~lIl (,.itn' Ihe, 1111" I r ""~ bCllmod IItnWI!!' ,hI", wllh Mtlch n pure tiI.a ",nClIO ,lie lOrdlll'. lid. , TOE •• 8.1.-1:'' 11 WIR, c beI e k,~ IIU Il' u'" ~ • d II Wllh ~. ) . to"1 '. utllocked Ihe l'"d.I/MlIe that hllid tHe .1 .. And, Id\nall.. baad of lb. SllV ior • . whum her lou"IIIIIII) h. nd ,.ved,p" l10 y II; I , lUI 8l Itl rl\l~e .' aero ICm .. , Ille II.mv· ....., ... or Ihe C!"Il.. A w60cien en, "Gael wi\ll,c,mpu'- Lho 'Willd to llall "Wit, did Iho love hi . F "d " D d wc.. ~ up"" l~c t,••yoIl11 .id. ! .... b • 'I ... , Curlou., oot: be (r(lIt1 ,!It,,,lh Ull d 1-" Ih~ . a~~1 ,. ret:_I. IIborn lamb" 8he murmllr ed. "The fa. . y n .• k"y lind /lep pr0r.nr~I' .Ire"tfll lln"" . . VN1I~lIItr In Iho ,,"pere, .he tUllnd tnI'll)' II)' iro n ri'Ol~, W lit whleh 'U,.r, IIl1lObked 'her or LII'.'r .. tll .. rl ..... 11"111 be 11' · 1"1, 111 " m. 11111~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ • I. ~ ilulllftn love' tho. IIrowlh of hUllllln • I II.' \ 0/ I.h_ 11(',.0"1' lind'. 'llCcllin" llie lorllo Ir the lIell while doorll.' t'18HR"lnS ~.1 . ,, Ili.lOit 'yIn· .Iu"c 'A. ~L."'~hU Iltl., locke . jll.' 1(ler 1 will noL fursllke ·1tim liS long 118 I live. II.rk. J"ilur Lalo In the }'ear 18126 l, ..ill.· liillg In p"lhie<l in II .. , ' bel~l&lfj they ee'rtiflt!d 11101 c;Ii7, ""UU ~""'" II ab.ellt,l he.·,prlay ller, enllt!d luI' wlter In the ~lfi!lbae8ll' of his soul h.e poke the harbor or eh.rlllet o", ,td"er\i~ J!I Lhe, "wed their. I iYfe 1.0 II,.. bUlbllJJd' -1111 a Kid !'l"l iaeil Ille fteen IIlId we'll II) , or bill owo ,blighte d ho~eB, reproac hing .. U 'or Hlvan.. The daf before .. nih,. IIrft¥"~y;.;..Cllrer,,",. ~1I11_1\1IJ' tho rnel lu .•. glf" it ki ll,e", '\'hell they all ",..\afl/l .her (0t: giving pnlll \0 " bt'~r~ I!O dnu: ". b.' l,diomrvoan,8p-ItI~_1 Cllml 01i boenll __ • . 1J _ led I Ih.t llefore I!C! threw tlu!.... ia I'I're, lIP hn,l 1'0.1 h~r ' n'4d ",.,Il? Jh~ir • ~ -.. Itt•• D. . . . They .&"_ D" . Gato ler, . ",d,'-~, ,,w "nil"" nnl!.I11III1'11. db wlI .lrU t Ibe, ' iirl41lalrodur.et1 lIi~.elf ulkiiJe , 4e 8';10; ~een "r ulllioo,1 "l arUe Imnllllli ur ey~r1 nin)' 'lMl. rll\i_" .. II. )'I1.\ae cll lI, nr!or IfI.,,! 'I'D" TOW S slronglYBmo~e .L II Ellen tOlln ..Iced me ' In "".lIon \ EII,:I.h , ~ • 'len I lantl ro~eu,'d. 11- eer, i&cu'.u Iou. ilte .toll Ivjlli 'Iilry pOlite lillie WU , --'!'Pl'tlnbgto le~~YIIII,' ,ulm~ I rm.!Idre~~ynou- _II' l~ ~i'l .Dd l! I OoIQW lake .aoue, ..he h.ft lelled 10 \V.ith IDIR er em.,.m sle lIa 'f •• ' W.llllln (lo., a"d •• ked C~ulI.l: " . , _t,IIA.r o-..cm aaJ.nu. G . I r ' Ii " 11&"0 a Blrong M~, a ple"""I~h'ome 'b d • NewAR", !'hy oS I , J854. ru~nger' ." vf (Oil . :J.ck"ull Ihe Iru ~ . l'f.1t~. all • TO ,lh" $hl'ti~. IJ\I,l ~lIt&,0f1Jl ,. _ _ many fril'n'lI. He hRB 'ollly me. 1 .. \ ... 11 10.lnorro,," or·Lickl,.g Glli ,lind can TllIl hurl 01 Ihe .Icrn 1/ d. chlen'" I . Wft8 l\fr C. W. " .<ber!!, S~I) 1:1 "llh, BeIlJII' ' >. '.,\1 I 1" d afl'telln'! "IIJ'no~ lUR,'e hint!" Ilnd:lo Lhcy par- "vo (lr three mure PI,",~18 0~'" J ",pli- IIloved thll wl1e'~ pr.,er, , TI~.....~ o. n.I ~o~cd"ng.~ u tt!d. JI~ 1111 ...'. Flu", rll "lid John M.r.h, ",lIllu...e . ed . ,!. tn. ,aI • 1I'"loOr. evo ..on .OCO rfl: I, Qvtlil"d hilll~olf u''''''e '0'.11 " lI'OIIl1d IIe 'I~ iIIcnpll b ·l·upod"i . I\IIIY ~~ (lite) 1II1~1Wd Ihe dlle ~. r L ' ' ' . I 'A I . '1 N. U"mpS UO . .I~e, , .....anll.acl unng ...wn I' v.. III . exc Illlll' ' u [tllink ............. c.pt.in Ii.! " he .. ld,.ller .• I .....G8I, IIIlrrl,odl lllln-lh .. ""1'1''''''''' ,.. r.l~ rtll' ~"I' d . ·1" -~'" IIY -u c-,......d" I d 1'"1-....• LI.-., . " . - h' ~ 0& .y) ~ .~~n: Y ye.n ago b was 1'\1- ed to IImllO r, , , . I, II, ~e WI'nIl' hul Iik. ll&l' 8\11' My "ut· o'ti~_'ll 'flU tllte p....p Itidclillg r_,.,wll willi I Clt",.,d lIy De RvlU \0 AIRItl'I~n cllil~I\' In du ~:':, :::'..LbOr b! &be brallier or ~'r~~' ltol,lrtIIlIU. :'.1 \' h, .... 1I1."y, rrielitl IrO ... rry 10 . tl I ' I hue betD i"wl, ill :colD ... Ild, of • F ur \I.. •• _.... .1;:'''' . • te .n lin neArl e~Ii' U'I\U Ie allen III eR'O ,\ho "lral" rl$=dtvc!.I . • (I.r· In .lIeh 0" _IIr,II'\ IIII"ner IIlId , h~ 8'r. ~\ol DC? "mmlS r I k 'd 4t ' thllt low w,,11 of "nglusl) , wrecker , aud b, 011." j lie, III (,ZCII" al Iht.'U -. Gi"e AMI' "Mlprlltl~ ad,jolamg.8tate, .1!.4-11 AI true ....fI'ee • bruw, . '~: . t.I I I. ' ' 'I . ' ._~ IiU;,U made dO\lbloo"a onouCh tD .u••~"w lin . . .' . _ .In· 1<1 tot a ling IJ",yor • III t, iIlld -I: ) ' 1 11' 0 ' Fellra nil' t In' ""nn.. III Ihe aftIce:, aed. . ', . 11 ~. " . daa.... '. eOn; b r to tito Gro"t Fauher, during Lire l ull lef', froUc la tlie H.nOR. h II not lIt\en H ' , ..... 'e.tIIll)l 10 1'8 ... c •• IDcl De :-31lt.u iii • ...,. !lefr ~_~L , e w" . ~ tbe onI '''~'!ldteolr or ...Lche, or ~lilU ni ..lrt, would II! bMVc! In bOlle.' ~r"eker c. W. OSBOR N, .0IMII1 01Ul.... mg mtlrc1••n , ...., .eell .illl .. wiDdr.,\ .' in clltall111hd 01 a 'leamboJjJ, ,(1l!"n "Il.~' 0 0 • 1__ eircle O(, lidJiairin . -D. . , r.a.oWR&::t i 6ieGd.. !.he dl'emed hd,r heal rlli:u? • "d ' J ked he added wilh a 1.",11. 'OUN S"I'rn l -,:eell th.1 purlllll d ..( IIIn.~. , ... roDJl f..t.ber, . ,l to ..Sere4 ML , AtM.t , , 1011.111 .;: Iy t Ie mo~t . nlli. eoonom , UA·nd I'rll, WhllL waa it, Seuod" I .. Ii· or hlit \VICt. ~,etI &he .iada of bea.,on 10 vi~t the .~rt!n ~R!"0d Ihe . r.UlQmlt 01 1'.8. -¥Oll nIH:' Dol t.k !dr ilibom. heir am III., ed" A;t h. clarlini Ion roagbl,. , rur he I. IIOl ,b• .an ·,411 .. ,nit. (l. \V.O, 11011, wl!lllh "R.8 rl,R~u hllr brother a~ "0/ r.ro good forlullc,'" he replicil 'l'he ... Iel... mllnul.ll lured arner), Como WbeD he liyed, lIIe lll'OtIl( ~':IIl pro- ~'lllIuulll:'~'I·r nueo,lg~~nil~ !~al!~;It .i,!"~~~ Il1'OIJIptl,. u I "' .. UDt .bout .ill ...... 11 ---w blt' lrindne. .. " ,'~ . ~ '" ' v. a. we h~,II"'t much' ml,,,rI.! lo , ,, .. w...,.. t tar ....... , Jlvm a :"""v, I blelllin Iurroull dctl hilll whil4!Vl:ry' comrltr' hl!r ug". whell d.eln willa, ""-t Ib y wtll \l1I''''"r tJ.emalle ""8 mUrllIP8,. • I.r • pur· . IUmMUllied her walb ne,., g .Iellde r meRna woultl ,,110" Dunyin g li lurm, I dl.coverl ,, ' • 'cl • •I"p on Ihe ree', In th.t ftareDW Io,e coUld de\'lte, or !'l~':" Ilt._AI{ t';'ery nu;mtuJ ndvllllia,re ~h" at. it mo.t d.lIgltro ll. l ·itUI\UUII. Hllr deck ~ L~" Lbe ,,1I.or· .~ , " . .Y pr'OClure. .... , , 1 CIa ~ , Io lC!I4S' hlln alitbe e.r "y ~oe 0 r Corded him c\'ery tilcilil~ fur 'Lull", CArc- w.. cruwded with '",eat..1Id I .IW at. fully cUllerifill1C (rota• !tim tJll,l JIllilund gl."elI , " Lh.1 Ihe ,"("... 1could notbold•, ..,etbthl~i>~ . aL &be time of hie dea&ll priVlltio lfllllwy CO!'qfer , e!"fode' boo ... , 1 taD under her .In.....d be' -,'-urn ' • The depnrtu re of her brother , II!A l»8"'e. bD'''lIlu Wilh tbe ,,'" , IU ID ........ .ca.v poo' \"rllLettes Iq EllIln . ~ '" , . . 1, J - - r . ".. tate... 1.0 be II~ n \\"~, ~v.III, ye 1I 10 ",Me UO.' luke- Ihtw,. 00'." ' ~:.~I 'mo~....~, I\nd ":nor -ying 1110110. lie."" ~,1\ 1'rldLh hllr'l ,!pon "il.de . b.rIlDln !" .. '1 • ·o·-IS-~. eJlclllme d wIth r\II' , 10!iKl s lrollg IlTID II I ' lit d c n ,r "nl'" lho dell'" illftiTt:ld by hll10Dg ~Dd eX- '-I Ilc c nlMit.., tru, oC chilJhO PJ. horror; "u\.de. ber,lIin _1 • L .1. IIl1Ye Ihe IIns I" 0 pen .. 'e IIClneu , ...",. ..III DCKhrn" • II . ' . " bal Wlwl .. Thl'L'e, nr Cout yl!Mll ~I .11,wl,. or ,uur. ,,, ~ mell ! "ba,., pluanoe left for &lIC WIdow ..nd round., yc~ "hu .Iill punoid ,,'(Or cour_ "'fo be 1nII'1I, wh, nuf 1" be Iter oIri~. . lbe I't'port, of Iter ,brol.ht<r'll ~pid pro. wltb • !'feltl_ Ihllgb, '" W . . I A_, lor hUlDan naJ.al'll1 There..~~ gre88 In IllS ~Iudkill. tho easdy UlI"n~ wrecker . It .... 111. tbe waJ or Ir.d. lew oIdae. 11111111 p!noa. wtIo t.~~ btl elhibll.e .I. flll ia,: her proud arouact &M. ill thelt P'WJI!rity, Wlum" whll juy, .lld ehet"nn g her p"~h urlaell~t The ,etIMl " •• from Nl'w Yurko 11M I 1011. ..,tel tlte li"I!O 'Qf \let' en" and ,.--IIOW 10 step Ionrud 10 their aa..tIitlllOe, And lhollgta ber pMIu brow !.'1"CW ptlll!r, ' n.l. round priw • bl"H. 80 • Sldd once • aDd, .ft.er ,tnafh !I' on for Ii rioh ...... r__.. IOIt. ber .CDrm!flO"' ,hl\4l\l"'1 In "', pocltet' tliallll\o d ma • tlU ~ prenm~c:!t·:aas&aia 11 .... 10 Ila proC:.::i~ 1IIUR~le~~el : wreclt.r '·' LIfe; hu 1 ....... .. It, IJId ..~" .... _ ....... ,..... , "'... ihi In . ' " iIad . . , " th.to pve. her liJII.- ....a nJil1ln , . ,..If "tWHII Ne. Or· ......., . . . .. '''0 IaIbedeII ebi1dm r to &he cold '_r- 'l'boagb her .omRD· fo ,ho ' hllnd ao8Il'a..t11 ...... a.d tWa ,1- .nce. XOW I'll... • . IIW,.., ,ret\), ace. . . ....,.... lleW "I or Itra~. ...j;'-" . ~ . faiW ht'f', het' parpc*l 1IC".' w.Vt'red, 10 B~..... , uk .,. .......... w-ial 110& d ...ni NID . , ..... .ltll .alGo, 1M, ,.-.c aigb& her deaLIt alee her ......, hdr\ n~n"r c-Itered ill -1 ' • _ I ....11 _.. .t tIM! 1"1111" . . . . e( ...der t.o - -: . OWe,.. .. ,.~ "" eWWlft to her __ plaking .Ai lite eIuee of a 100,' 1tI1~'1. ~al m .."III.... .. "- "law." Ute tia'1. ... ollwr _ in .... bud A-.pal , .eeried by &lie d.y • wal, ~II!, ahe All tNt .... ..w I• • • • • ".r. wltldt ..... ....... ",.... ..... 91 ....... ....... .......iUed lei. 10 ..,.led betMI( Itr &lie tiel Irota . . wi1lclo., .... nol ' - tllaa ... ...... ...... _ lIM ........ ........ ..... . . . . Let eare. liT,.. _ " , D . " ..... her 1Incl .... _ haad. ..ed ........ .. _ of . , . . . . . .1...... ..... JarIII .... .... Co ..... 10 ..... ...:;. .t.o... f ...... _IIaaII :IUIa"".....
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;\ N-U l'A'"t:H JlANGER, \'''''' '5' ,I.E OUIQ i\lnf ~~ Ih JtI~:l 17. If
IS unrn.led Ink. A larlle H AItIUSON a 111, j .1 r"".,l ved b,. ROBflRTS .. BRO R or EA.!;ION S cOllr,. lit Leeillrea •• D J .Ie I\n\l ,J{eallh We han jUIl r.... I.... • ""Ifnl d\>SCn II" abov. papular wo,k 01
willch .llOni I be tn thO blind •• r nor, pero." It II on. 'f Ihe • 10,1 ~"I.ndl e w"rlt:1 ,I I~ AiI"1 n "II( we wunld Ihe up to Ibe ... 1• • anol
1\11 H
r"11111 Btl O .O In ll 10 vu In 11,,8 for Ille preMf ,ado I 01 liultit 101 be aftJlctlc\ willi I W 01 I. n<:l 01 nud pnlnl ItO pr... I.", I I tbe Pf~" I "oy RUUEIl I I:! &. DRO
w. ",...
~, tr.Ua11
I reeftlYlid Ind ror .. Id al Ihe ~k.rl I ~pld .. d~d _11I.enl 01 I ... Irolll "'CIII• • t.W p~r Ib lind ",arranl~d In Itl~a •• Lialaeu•• or I"e muner will be reiund.d AAIlON JURltmAIl1
A o ClJtcl, clerg"):lUol • by tbe nome 01
\V ~ lty
"I. 110 u:tllI of ,rell Itll 011 one oce B Oil a YOUI II olllce, a<;oOold _1 the uloa thol It re'lu red IU luuch I 1\e II. It! st udy to wrlle It eermou I' mill I3ter-a prclcJld"d 01111 ulfcrell .. bet thl~ be I' uuM ~ril1ll'b 'half lin bUIJI <In .n1 pa .. Ullho Olt! TCdtn"lenl without IIny prepnil"" Mr JlI\lrrl8011 loule tlte bet, .utl g ve h In fur III cX~ 'Anti lite AlB opelled hl~ mouth 1Int! lIe spako • rllll plI"on WOII the waller, tho orncer ratl ar dl ! llIchned to emplllY hi. elo'luonce upon the text Ou ""other oec •• "n J1lorn80n entre.t ., I li n officer 10 pllrJ on " pour Au ,her for lome off0 1 eo hi' tilid CUtlllpl tLed 1 h. 0 licer "::reed 10 110 Ilu If he wO/lld 1\1 relurn II'rll .t bun tI.u fir l '"voe b. eb"l1l4 ~ Mr Murtls"u agreed to tht. ~ .Ill. a dlyor t 1\'1I tl amee!" dalllOndet! tha~ tD- ceremony 01 bapltllD ."uuld be performed 011 • l OUI /l PUPPI Tho cltr&1m'lll a_ted • d n "arf1 of 0I11u1,enllelllin ...ombled to It ilCU the II!)".I blptl... )1f Hur r Ion dCillrod Ibe olJiur '" holOl up the dOIr ao W tIS ctutomury III lhe bapll.m of chi! d,eu IIl1d .ald. O;\f r Inl I ",hll,trr.f th_ el urclt or Sc:utland.J 1Il",t prCH:Ht.l &Ceor. lin, t.Q tbe cer_omea"f tl.e church'
1 Ulltunuro "n '
CUJI,IHG HAMS IIr Jlme,-Cllapbell oYWeeton,N J /lnee tbe r"lIu"'luI prOce.. fur curilll halllll
rlt. be.L m.,hod J. baYI
nne hlllll'!II
"nCI fet: 011
s(U,r tllb AIIIIS hl~e bee~
let U era he 011' on a where tbeJ can "oye plent), of cool Sir, '0 tblt lbe IIlIIDII l"ltll.atit.l, out \If tbera before tflIIpt to put lhem dow Q Ih .ilt, then eerh tbem du.,.. for two or ibree da,l, Irl.er
,00 ...
winch drain off an)' blood1 Wlter whicb rul~ COllie Ollt, lad
lh.D "Ike lb. 10110,,,
'rake 91111 ull,3 os.
&lIUOpaICK'8 "11'U'ALLIDU . " .
Jot pl cll1. lolliereat to C'O,er them l
POWD..," ,\ ~ exeelle"1 Inbell 11111 tar ,...1.1Id hI." L If 04RI18 6 Ce
1111 lor ....., IoJ
\, •
, 1
" .. I
) WUObl~ NmiBEfi !30,
I~"ich midfurlul~c j\l~J jl(\!lL b";'(lllll LIley ' tldf ullllor"t anl ~ uf tho l;ul:tu~1) 1 'At 80"ell, t1ltlU, 1 ill f tarll.' 111111. Idl lha~ ~hu \\'1\8 of tliUcrullt clay Ilml .. nd M!ltlorn r<lad ill\Viml ncourilY men' .Inu Approbation . ~. ""V.) bllt nbo I'" Il ufllwitl·' II 11)11" Thli.u youlIg Julli"l! ,if '1'""111(111 wbo had sUlltlri" r IV "v rk I1III IIIIIlip' " Ali .( -reliuv ·d I .... ·1 · I' . ' is II. chilli ul" I'ery 11tIuuti'lr lUI'1I I' r -(" I y . d· . '.' .rolD t II! .,.: nlfN t \liClP 100 ")r ~ Ie mlu . 1 crou~'<ll.! ' < .' •••. 0 0 ~ y " I r I 'd r I~I .vr >ull pl'llllCut.~ 'r U .. 1 I • b I ' I I ' 1111' , ~=-:..:: ~.-...:-.c=....10 ,ti . I d (J . ». And 1 ""Il~ iL clwr I' I""Y" Lo . I" ,_.. , .. : I." I..... er.I~Il' WIll allllmaLe g~lIerulll' S~U y .. l'nl.~IIlC Ihn iJi"lo. IV ' ro b!l~ lulVed UpOIl . i~ I I , Q'J:I.cIl. C:lll~uLm. ' lurllo!d .IIU~ IDI)IlUI. Iur l,carce cqlloll WilOWIUl.tt:~. LILLY DALE. Iy .~rlll flJ~lIfllDen'?f fileHng ~ fruquunL- IItill.l!. the hl\ly talked "llttl~ Lhe prevllill , Iho llg 1I11lld tnlin • .,( l'Ollur III e,lUrl.· "'111 lIo"se tlf Lhoul:ht Iy IOI!"11 1." thu middle cll\liscs for ~hO!le ble l~u~sen8e. !l;~cu\aw~ IIlI.i~Lt)lJjgi. 1!l.'r fouLliwp8 UIIC:u ",UN *~jiril. Fr'u\~, nll ~1 feclillg Ivhieh l:wvcrn.s It~r for ~he rrb'" 1 Ii !II l' , . ' tQ lIaprllll" !Jr.t' ·i,,". hn .~. . Itlilies Il.ude very ·l/lItllln.gllillil , /' .' . 11 fIIoment,; nnd .l1u1ulI." but Wlilit ""IIS .' 1\ :,_ u.1I1 nll~f,'r~ulle 11:18 h.ull~b1ed, Lhey Grllc.e WILh. Il du,!p lII!u;'iO e .... ac 0 U;(O all I,UKlili h \ ,"11:' . 111I1I1I . iudccd-: ""'I'I ..yf"g a Quaker r I~J,q X6T. ~1~k!lUlVlutll;l:d Lhu 811j)etlOrity of hur ~u6c'\lllcl. JD ~I\u rUIl"lllll u~ be! UWII I Seve.n p'clvck . fqlil!ad Q,",OO'~, a:,,'lllli tit . 'II Jltlc~linrlty Wi) (Ol'~"tt, butllonle., Jlilitor ,.. .e, lor ,Imp"rt· Mr. L!VlIIg,lOI!" ,duor Th ldily ' '':I-~ tlllllg tlilit I" I rIVe PIIIII IollrgIlIIlS. . • . billokc.ne.l rain! I.!lIdvwm~IIt.s. ,~h? [".lIu\\'II'1I .In UII eXlrucl £ruill . 1'.' cqln!lIIl·nl\..IIll,1 tile clt!~l\nco of her mg Lho IIburlllllnll ulljar~ "A Wlwil 1100 IlIvo.ly M. ,izt< Wft~ lit ila ~ co"r40 Of ; Rt home. Imll. Ill" m~ ut mol'\: xli\! 1111.1 ~u Oraee 'T,,'~& A enllll, ~lIlIlIliF."I' ~lIti I,he m.o o" • !"Ie i 1I1l111111·r s. II~ IIllleh in povurLy fUllnd thllt thu MIsgC>i l llllll.~ .. 1l',lu ry U} ~"I!I."tI,'· by hUrl"H !1II0_I lui thoy CduulIt.iOIl eXPQcLud by AIr". G.;re for lier 1".,,~ u-here.1 di8111uI h~ighL th e ~illg ill flcr prollllUillll. TIII' limll. OUlillin:;ltalU \\'l'r", 1111 n :ry UlIco'lIIl11on • SI,oll"l ~uh o·~~ h. "';11 ~"Cj (lillt'" cUII"1 ha\'/: ,lullu illllur 'prl'fl,lu Oi"\(1I110. It r~ l"to. It) th ll hvr tllIll!. utrvc· hlm.elr will. hurso rn c~. iii 11'18 divtrli"g . dlllll'hw~s. .: tHIIYI!V" r. shu \y1~ O\)~ .~bjl,'C~a io th~ ·hiM'·I.!II. LJII/u;;h frUto their tho ypry pl_ Wh~f 8" •• I.~n" . 1r'~'~;I.' :~"~'. '''oJU ''; ~II~ . "."t! tr~lIw\1 'hur "ith a rflllpc10Lr fQrLun~. roIl/l1l1 flat iLips, c"lIllililtcd lIy J,ullra 11 1>11.1 hl~ Itl -I- wlwre ~/'II Li~It and con· "lloJlv ohl 'Iro you?" a~keJ lI;rs I.!tU'Clling Ili~~ '.~I,iciuIl8 j,I"!. wad IlXo!CUt d \VI I".~ 11tI~ .•; " .~:. 'I.) ."~ . • ld~"I'- • I tilderulltlll thlll., u.llder Lhu' I're~nt Q • Irltid, ~IIC'~ 110 m",II;'1 would hllve 8n"ll"lII0 cit'Q"re. .1 1 1111111, . Dvvw"Jl y '~ilh . ' 'Iho ulljuc i "f o" . lu ili . 'lfrcy~ h:d IIv '!.lIl III) 'p"ia,e~ ~ ill )h.. ~ 1'\:. I\'CI:I" It. 'rhllt Mrs. Ollunin,,\tall\ ...,1.1. L~I}. ~~I"" loll). ,1 •.• r.1..lt 1l1 .I' I ' u c. d' . '~II , '1I1U$11I1I1l~~~ few III Ih. w..,lIltlll"st clul· . "Nmot&\en, llli,J'ID \villi I' 'H"I\; ill 'f!!!1 lUll j 1 Inw: . l." un~lferud LIOI~ fur r3. ' h~' p(:w I 6"" ru •• ~ wnQ" ~~ ~,.~ ,':,' • ~ree" , ''''~ in ITl\ich . 110 .I S I o.n l. 11_" cI ,".e ill¥i'k>n 0 8!4t 'pllly. \ "oaann •. IIUU illo Ilh'Udrlln NomewlmL ~rl I!' Ift'l ..... Hh" \fas borll \,ollld GI'I6CC, i i'll ' liU I" \1 G \ UUll1 tlqlJ.l~II:. loR IVQ~ ill" clea ' c ' itli 1\ /:.<e\lI,lulli:,l Ilppllrcnlly ~~ilt rtlqllir.!(1 ImL h~tl~ ~~~lil Ult " ~U W ~h~ fl.u\\ rl~ C:UlI\pl~. 1\.<, rl:rhV~' McvtJc J IIl'r. obserl'lltj,)/I 1.0 . IU u t: v tiU\ll~\ e. , y It! tlV· '"fl\ll~ ' n 110 oy,,1 pnrtlt:ulu "Sou..,tI RSllld a.. Lh~t, I IIhl)ul~ im·I". II9 lUc J'uurl4 l\t'r ·lIllllivr. IICI'rc.: 9"sette . DIIIl "'lor!, VkOafMI ~'l"~ud r 011"'''' t!,seuI'i: white IIl1lhallG r. blll lhllu tI ollllll;'d. thure \\'II~ " '1\ 1.1t! "" \\'ishe~ to II r.... killdull ~ -I er"ul~ht \ I r.icli U wilh (ull,)" , . . , .T'~ J:0u 1' , 1 110 Idine." :M""llIlJ ... ,ioiu.·d ull, Ihc klllg he.!nl lh ".1 IhrullKIt drllllltellll~u Mr~. "fI' (1)f4~ • !luJ situ C(/~- hilt ~ Il"cli • M IIhfllllli ~, j cllre'l . Swel'l by "91/1" icy 11111... !lily" in Lhu Dlo.lhl.: r·~ lo" ti~ , lind lo\'c el'l'lI ~ellulht)lI. (unn .I~ut "'lock!:Jt J 1U1l',un,' auid ~Ie IIervlWt to ¥r., reo tined "Itb ~ded .everily . oC look and dhd lIIu.1 I,,· .lIltJ rugln:: Ito "'U K "~ry ill. hi. vdw"" I . . J' r 'Y ... u \Yi~" 0" he. colI~h 0/ enow, ill lier lIe.Uly brillhl, il silu,lli',n &" lNv,l.'tl le~~ill luJr . fully, 1111,1 •' Who ellll It b!l"~ LIlia. bqur , .. e~· vweo. "yon do 1&0\ look ILroOg. allho.ig li ~hc IlIi~ht .1It11 lII ... n,"b" III ':"g I"h hbl,a y. 'l'hll I""" lU~jr~ty r<:murhd II"" .I'ollte ••!leh /IIun b your .pt!llk French. of cntir.'!:, · lind; 'LiII vrc,>tmllly w,.ml.1OI·orl.IlX ~ I~'Y tleir •• weel Lily !-lalll! . ~llIimea )ffA. Gore. "itb ~urprilHl . ..ta ho~ILh good! . • " G~'lce'ri ~Ir ·/I··th 1 Pt'". ""'~. I".yntg bee!1 .U_"er.tl tl wilb cUIlIt! lI"t e u~ily' 110 fuuud fll Ellg. '. I'IUlititlllill" ' I~br g,lim ', ijulrl gully t.o lhC ll ""~ stlve·ruly.tty }U:lr PII~i~Ucu 0 , LIly. iw"..1 Lily! d..r L.ly D"I,,! ClII!. Il II IlIdy, or only a womaD. 8i&Kan!' .· tJle lerms j 'ioallllll~. outl Ih"lr 10lldllrd .I.llvlllg b.. ell It ",I, 1'he ,bftrpUOlls wILh wblob tbete qUIlII· ~\lh.l~UI"u, 'Ie propeI' .' . ,t • " h '1 d i.lvlUg lU~ch lIellrer LhOiitl GI",CU h:.d luken. UllulI'ould lI.iuk lhlll cUlltinuud shu itllpatieoUy. 'You do • 1(0, " D'O.. 8 ',"JIll wo·", pu~ wooid IM!OIIl '0 . haya in_ Iho illl~I"Cla. W" '\\'vl,l o'cr Ihe D Ilk ll" siJ(>$ ull Liti s, n rtJIlllr. ' shl'ri(l"ul LOll' Orlloo :'Ililluud. nrouud, ~ richly ''''Ulll\i to hl:rself Ihull ~ho Nil/II It " ''''-k • "'1' ••. I I . 1:- "-d ' i I ~ I d 1i t ( I ' ., ll ' t I h , Il d 1 1tC ~_ 1 ~ .... otrcl"JlI rhnl!:e .: ~ . 1 dO ' ....... Kill" Im"ht hUYIl boetr "tI\I.O~tI es. II w'UI " ....». ''','IIV vn ~, . I" • tat Q ell e uea l all p>q..,,,, ,urlll',C . Hill I ' e ll.. . I '1 tu' Ik h bc," 101_ I tll"1 . J Ible nyu:I,.."lIl. WIL. II\d ' " ' d we"'.., ". " \Vh""". kind "."tI.hal lid ,lIlIrturl I: .... i i IIcr IlJ' 1\[ r~ . n l wi I. all tllin (rllm , ' I J I I • •n"lIl ~u C urlll ~'" \\In" h"ltgrel,.•t ",vre, _1 ._ "'-_B_I $ 1\1 H II ) II.. . II a 0 C USCU 110 ' he h'~ luulIt! ul,oll Ihem IIlnUn" F I ' aa .itfr,~ y. mil; Rm •. . ., I lal eou~ .......:on wo"! ........ q"" ' uII,er 1 1 I e r II ' '" . ... uu 01" YOllr nOUf &IVc.tl LII 1> II .... " [o. ~ .. oaI relic. • I, omllm(:n t~~ 11.1\\1 Illr ~~·I.!d Ifl 1 II • oller. 1the I;'lrli • .. liecm~ Y,0)lllg Rnd dellcu;~ Ild Ul on. "lIt'icldng" " " uwn IllI'l$e. nl'l 'r Dn 1\bo millably .' . . lilllllillru , .Lllyl . 'IWl<'Il y a. ble lUI/llfl!!r_ , n e"l. u'QW I'" a;::ulI Kirk wl.u ru~lud • h~d 1;111 tho I I duho!!!t" o 111,,' Iiale u . I I I I d "'VII ~ ltnll loa1'o t1118 Illty. howflVVl'1ll Lily i) I ' 01 G . • I .... lal.! . . ~--" b' ••·'..:. ' . .1 br.,,,, I II\l" ~ 'I"uij"• 0 f l ' will. 111,,10: ' I ooll'U': l' IrllI .101' Iny hlf In • .hlrt!'1to '" eo. 1·I.... • (ays • ' • I r I. 0 "Umlller, " K:U . a o. C. ' J M .,rv,:u -Irn I1111 l II .t:"'I ur~. Ullu• IV I'UoO tie nlllllllll)l\. IV IItJ. " It .elV 'Weill 1Y1:1II' !nl:errupLed her mi.. . rllCtl 8 pa II"Tho .vr L dO· tl'll Rye U UU6 0 1'10'. III, evidence "ivell lonl{ 11 ;on told . 1mt. I bCllu(iful , (uIILul'clI \kJ~m\ld I~II ' 'un!li;;hllill, "Ulld 1 .h,,\Illo t lJe 1I~l 'l'b" 111,0011 wOlIl dOWIl 'IItaUa lh. ,.:,.... , b'OWlI, trll!lll, '1 Cdll ke no ooe .. e l(J t lilllr.-c"lltl.J v tl~~ Jldlll,lll ·I.' ,rk'd ~lIlhd,' aow. '1'.11 hu OIl my mothcr' s dine.., ~as cl"u·lcd 111\.1 unl9llollc\1 by, '"" Rllliisey. wliich thai ,ill.ill was oLli,td · Alld th" al"regrew .dh" . j,u l,aI-, eilli- ruuell'u you ulldt:r L\v.o .lIlo11lhe. Dy Lh" LeCtin." thoy bure II 1 ""l engage d.' . 1~1U1i 111,un Ihllir 11,,:,(. III conr,'ad \\"' ~ ~lro"lly OI'!I\"~u to tI,e 1Il0 6OlQcwhat. but con- munl. mol'll pNCJUlld lhl\lt LllIlt luspirccl lIti.l\lIu of &lpwul bl'f' Aud Ihe .It'lIh.o",lIe ... r.... ,Io-.l 11,8 willie, culll '1 thiuk, lDA·am. IIhe ,.anlM &0 Me lIijtlltiun is n"tuml l, lIt.rC1oJ. J ~Iml\ CliP ·et 1\> I u. Ihe clllbl~1II 0)( Chridl ianity-w crll cvl,lulirO .0 lialillivoll UII luc lriul ur Lord atid"l have UIU IlI !Ull~W or C:iln",v . W'IU...., ullil.l'd MClI yuu." o.O~I:~r !;":~'~:r'!.I~~,~~~i'IIJ' lJu/c! fll!.1i11i y.ou ~~O\lL ,,?lutlLlliog pl\~tieular,' con· \' IIIY ul 'heir lelder . RII~.~ I1. ~ev~! been. 'llriou.8ly ~dl" JIOIod ila. ~l n<ptcll fillud thll."pllrlflluut wilh · II tlin 'l'hi~ sommvlmt ,llis~lppolll.tccl Q"r.icc. '1'1 e IItrucilit·. Ctlllllllitletl Ly tlll'.c unu 11 thll \;Irl 118 s l ~e Itllgel"c!d at tbe hfe. , d~Aml .ult tllll \'~ry "01110 <lilY R ","rtll 'l , Lhu;~ 8C~rlltl pcrnllJ.l.uJ ONCC to hu'~r her :IS !l11l' c~H1IJ lIut Iiellr 'Tht \i,l" ".oV,,'II 1110111, hke i IUI"· .~,, ,IIOII'. door. IIIltll(hll ); ~\lng<) r I\IlIn. in hUIIIIIl1 llaolll! aro rllr IOU " "Wbat au1Rr.y would. you eXl"'CLr 4/11'11 ' · UI Cu. hunible \Villl/w nDlIIed fllizllulll h GII\lIII. \Vos lIurll. . un thu kllltlUUM of Mr. I\n,1 .Mfd. ~ f .lIlk· l" 1.011 rul... e" \o"re lSlI/l.w iIllt' tu dill wh"J'Jl loov II'nil. ... o , . . • 'Do. RS b ut.. 'ul.' ' 1 '6id YOIl -.I . ' ' repU'ed·' .1" \ wle 1Ud y' wu ... .1' " 1 ." 1 aex.mq t' ll!ry. d r I 1 ••. ''""'II~ ,_. 1 . . t l ' h III Clloollh ,,, 111'1 t·d alive III 'l'yhllrli f J . "I I ., A•• 10. 11111,..'8 ril<lllu. b Ilul" o'er II,,, 1.I,ill Impc!,lluvuly_ 'S"Y 1 !l1U 0nk.~d. vanta~ of tbe mumentar.r blllli~o" noLy. "):0" <ll'(hS lIur. KICOII" lIIue • III. I/It """)' II'.OU <l IIU L Ilellr u; \Vor • or 10 Ihal, lJu itloa IIiUdl rUIlIllls~ ly lIIurdllrinl:"lIti wrcloh. o ralKI"g lI .. r eyes \0 GrllC", wilo. Lloe cOlllrM)'. who 101"'80"" '0 , IIIVing id n Ie loreu " a or puor. d".iI LiI,. Dal,,! Ibrow You should Ilave slliu 110 at firat. YOIl or p'ur heroino ••he conuna ed. witll ilollrtOtllllhl slIrpJ.i" b' I II ' I ' t.I j IJ k' 'd 'Itt the' quct!Lio il. I: V8 cv eneo IIgll n~t "DuRr, dUlu Gmcc." S1iitl itLle lIc1uu. rub .11, L1010:"11 rulllllil II! O. Lily! 1I,l"tl<!t Lllyl dear Lily 11111", .Ie: know I lIever IK'O all! one before tWtllvo quiCk",... uid .decision. II} 1II~ III:: 1.01' . . Sl.e IO!IIL',1 1110 (1101 nrunnd Ioer willi "1011 mu t be iltllnullcr·d ,,-1 liht: ~ 1l811'Cru J., plltlin" hcr !lr,"s o'eIOllk,' /Uld Mr. Gore i'ellumed her ,I/'tlllltd l her ncok. "hull' Ih~II' \luy Ihear I:"rtlulla n\ Iho 1'."I;.a u ull hcr ONn hllllll ~ , ~u Ih~t till' . flume••ho"ld tbaL your youJ.h and intlx.p'ritl~~ ·N ... Ih'lll till. I du not think I IInl ."rry Y sh,,11 lJil IVh'~1I YOll "\.I Wb.,. Ihe /10""" bloo,n o'er h", 'lillY occupatiOII. whieh happene d to ·be coanI\lI'lIy tllllY p<>d._ed.cll,'I wu8 uliO 01 Kirk ~ lovor- rench her q.,it-Idy; 111111 ign,j)~~(lU of the harp an~ vilr~ ilkillful ill ~1Ii\L I'\l~p"c"i" •'NeD tI •• tre"l h. Ih. I.,at, valQ, u..lIly MllltI, \Vith '.er fl'Olll liS. Ah.1 then Inll\~\ gi~e up my ile UIIlU8CUI Cllt•• UB 1,0 uuJ llid Om,COrd .aal IOSI ~n'o~h, \hnl dl.hnd uU!'ye<l 'he IUcrllL S""e,l" II""peUa III I",.eft. wl,ilt III bri"hl ,ing lillr ailver ere Ihe 'reelace d it ill her Ou~ will be all .,bsta.cle in • l'hllL i~ ullfOl'llmKto. Dlt)'ou unller- lUudic tou. fl.r paplL ~up 1iIJ.Illltlll pantrics , beio, par' oL .lIff· of t'lie tlrinkilll: UIIUal routine fi&mil", &0 YOllr obtailJiug any .rler .Jillner. IIU" IUlldlin!: Ihe cunlm"ud 01 Gotl. IlIl:'ive rc(ulfo to · l\I"loylId.,uy d~r Lily Dale! [blrw. .illll. IItltn,. plllHiIl!; lind !tllling,IUltl whvrl.! do unl t",gil'l.! nlll i\ tuIU:hUf .lh• of 'her mornllig duLiei, ill whioh .... King. tv have bUlcI'UM uf IlriaUllerd hll higher than &hat of a Duner, BOvero· yotlt pltt'Cntll n:tliCle t' O. I,ily! 1.11" Lily! '001 Lily V.le! IIc. t ';ud lIut lu betrny lhe w~lIIdet. . . "[hllll- child." ~ ..id Orllco IIi sill;,:' 1"lr lOuld:llo tlte WiliduWd fut lho prided hcr~elf O}l newer aUowin¥ IUI)'IlUlllrnIlY·. /Ii , cr. YOIJI' friendlelll po.iLion. buw.lY «. • Orlleo Ill\d (Ulllllt !141m,. dillleuh y ill itlfculiull '.11 IY. ' ''1 do not UWIIII Lhin~ \0 illwrr.p L bur. to let verdillU oud that 1~1t~1l Iheir Icut qlllv~rtd . ' _ Intereeta IDe. ILDcl.laoultll unon-inqair,. AfLer '" nl/ Ihi~ h(\lll:i~j.!. lIur"I')I. beheld, b 'into •. hllr f.llllily ... ',.. hi"wr\' fi cl "Ilil up )"lUr nJll~ill. J eXflrt!1I Iy I'll lll~ ;'v'l~ulri l' UII' U( d"I.111 'I" Ude" .--- -'-1"_'.1 .. 10 aCr¥lUltc"m\! 1LIl .. prellell"1 WI.... I 1 n 100r -.I J corl'CCL (G race tu . I .. vy "!"" 0 UIIIIUlg. . I11l1l1 I "10. lowu~-er. h_ U'zt.r""t· Y" ·IJllluc,ma·l\ID. "hen "mllhe l'CI~ .. n" d""pl'y) ( .tory ~ v . . v WIt " I illg, mi'" boili"". t IIIL mif.ht 00 intlllCllt l to overlook ,; I'e' r '11 1 1118 1111 ' Ull h~va nlU.iu I' Llae wholu by diut ' ur nUulion ib". .. l·xpuBllig. robbillg. U\U\UI' L~ 11l1\'u tln:ry SaLm'dny Ufl4)l'lIooll I' . u. , I~ I d'e Ii" iI IIU walltll 10 ICU you ' auullL an a,.vor· y_1 be all·I \I IIC ..... II I~' CHHlCles t lilt ·1 mu~t . I II' _, U lillg, I 1 1"'"~ '1 I't! " rlillg, uud .cllillg 11110... I.,~,!rt • I a' " , lIIull IL C,\~c Y. Ulill ~ 'lIn.n t.u I lelr ".IICII'Il. Itllu Willi u . urullf I '" urUIII" IIf ' hls 1I1I1.IIP"y lis4emcnt! \',VII y,lUI' Iu5>;lIn. or ' , . l{fual elpen"o or rrOcuri~ II,e kin.. hOt , , of ..... e" pilltlllie •. ~ u' ·I,·i"cl tit.! Pllllt ," t ... lhl.! e;In"iJ. • ~ 1111<1 DUI"r. 1V\!\lt, glIO:! O.·,lce," CXllbill1 ' l III beut 11.,,1 I~,a l~UIII.''1Ld III 'Oh,' !i'lill Air.•. (}"ru; 'a ;;\)vcrno~lI, I COIlI'lle. ,b"n:for c · altould pIli)'. J he 1Il1l1l1lur 110\ ~lIy 'hi ·thunj!ht " ,llr \hllt lisl I. e t·uin;; could Illily du whit· \\"h~ Ihl, THB ORPHA N GIRL. W a.lrlN~~uj \li:arlil. l. j'lylully . Now Y()II ITIII~I t1el"II't,lIle KIllIo: IlIlurwud suppt):W. 'rull lIer ' ~ h\l l\1"y 1l~li ill gi,in" yoo OYClr 61ly d~ lIau U. 1111 .,\.• Ollor 100 lI'II\Ihl. ~"h" \Vellt on tu .1 ytlar,~Il ~. 'cr. eblnge .;. lIIu one "'. yOllr bUill, Ii!'« I 80llgd IIf· "nulI'l~JU"'III1!uI uf Iholllo tiCrl'illt.:d ii, ' .. Ubulll tWo hOUN.' "I~tlt:. . '" 11 COnl~mlU~ be yo~r fir"t QbjUc(,t lal\~ •. , .\il IIrllhnn, witholl~ . IIlut hu tho religion or II~c (lOutry with aU piMAIfricn.I:4. · ; . wim'L you? h'l'! au lung ~i lleo WII' "v~ry well ." Ii~liuil\\'nh hi .. . '1'he kind·hcarLel1scrvlult'gi.-1 )\,,'Lited ja au lI,W"b. I PNSUIIII.!, Ild YOQ prvec.,.!. IIh: ' pcuJ: cl#lIld e.t· Ila c.l:unllt:IIIJIII ; '·lli),ln., hi. ~'I·l!b...,ws yVG hll\'o SUIIl: fur 1I1l?" . IUt,lUI,:,nl. ll~ liltl.! lll\il~. ' .. !Ie *f"IU~. v~rr, ~L to ';'lce,h't'. " '. IIf r. );'. 11, . g . .." . -~--. , . - _._; ~- I h~\Y "rill': .H~ "o;ell, ~I. hu; '(111\ '111' . "Wb'l~ 1111 uX't"illile ,.~! 'c! .111'. Fl'lIhk- nllilha Kill::'8 UnJlI\ dllli"h~ Wll \11 lIcl.!d. Illld 'l.bollg'b'l~ you ace ber..- 1'11\.1 donlll1 a ,Mrl Poor th" Pro.p0 cl. of \VlU' ,vltli ·8p:&4D.Gmoo ;:ras- 1!!llIlllu III~ 'Il'l11l,1I1 L,~ !\Or'''''' '"<l lllU uod 1111, whu.1I \hlll f.Ood 111.11(1 YOII, mY}lQOr ehilol," ~lUd ingh,r:;' ~!lI\1 II yUIIIl:; r.Nc~edh'll" ul Jl!fFrllys. now II Ire~r. whu 'Yvu ~AI,' l"tlp4!fttud ji,",-. Gu~j i.n pod for bN.L~'. 't'l.e tve,',illg P"1l uf Jill' I~h 11&£ ~ thlll1 Lhu Yr.l"rtl llklin killdly to OrUC41 Wi/1l~r'II" !,e~.lIt uf a~t1I.eo, M all ~nf"rwr. o~ a hUllltlll aid.l.uol"' to wl~ w,,~~. h 'vlTI G'~ltltl'" Clilr. 10" Illldoed. '" quoor ~~nllllnlUu who h~IIJlClled to bu 'puro,hll' 1Y1l1I\ dulYu illlu Ihu .WOC\, wilh luur ulher lollll,'ra'p &11. ~Qr' h .lidl' .•loh 1"1'0111 \Villl~II •.gtbn which M\Alry. ,1l:H'1! .' . n t)\hhll{ I.a to •I db wIth ta.:r. b ad lie II' tuklDg auclt a' hooks 11\ thl! fr~mt IItOrtl.- ·u~'" Iu tr)' pt'rdUUII ltl;eu.e.! or huvillH "ftod. pray, ","t all urI' lUI Will )"0"," rv. ..-11 D'CnLaI cllltureofa.ftuDilrof1oun~ du 11,.t hli" h..r lout. .' Ilecl.t~. 1111 h.llulV~: ,,~o ·e. IJllSincltll bllv" hber'y; ~oo lAid , . Do .,-( J . "s.ub clwtll~t" perfect '" WWl ~l tu btl 11U11 • ...,..tcd filll"hed ~xel'll\.]J • ,Y uun III a IIOrruwlul CaW. 'IIII II cold COJnma,d you. inslaIl... _,11"\1". Mtll. Liv\lI;t' ton nl.. , . "-11" ,. K' 1. Mllllnry "\I\lu~v" .' MI~rell Ir. bel~" ., ,UlllillllC lbe ),oun" IOl\n. '",11 h.d IUlf .1I.f,\ IIIlh and Ihe girl . '00. 1lI_ &onal. which fuw .. rc"" IUU. ~ h." 1"11 h 'r c)'I1g11\,'I'; allll, tllr IJld Hht " b~n! wor~ fur .&~Ie y~dng an~ • \I, I'4SIII. dtsllpJM'..rell WiLh bcr ni~.ge. . 1,If)ftellll l'y Willed 'iliA ".hllfoy ulf"r 'd 1).~I you" •• iUII.' C:OIlLiIlU • 0' ·.,toll ill ~1I~lIt I}llliJuile III all "'.lIvlllli"d &bet Jaidr. IIhlVplf. uu d "u ,,(ull "lid tr,·lrU~ eli WI ~~"D d'lJihorn 1o IuoIt . tlu' il .. u;:hlcr is l1lkill" lUll' le~~oll.·' 'l'he l'o"I,le dUWII ill Lhl\\ pl1rt 01 tho • ''111 I\buut lwo hOllr•• ~ omid OrllCc ..J Il/tl . .min . . it. cnpgu CUUII' 01" , ruillta , yuu (uc .1.111 8 . r.c ~u whet ~fI&I,. f1iniolld It....]' I tJ"!! .U.OL 1111. . •. _ WiuLlI ....II. flulI~y. '''''.!fOOd otMII ••::,t q'uite IIUCIU', try reuIIO ... 4.r il 10 lI;i41111~r ad d.u Dlu\ldy lliU CIIII. an·ollth.! · . ~ . . . 2,!\1I 1!,8 yeft.. el~ \If w~r I.nd I,l,av~' • OJ eUllull,,1 1I.e Ll!IIr ~h.~ ,IHt Slt;ullru.I~sb:a. lie ~o; nuw 11l:C.ICl~t:.~ hl.!rl.! tweh' c o'clook.· and'J.be ~HljC qll".~U/l . ,in.1 8till. lidnL-inp ' of A ... ize. .slowly . Gmce hUtlt!\t.e tll'-i alto AnslVered. nI III;; dvwlI be.. cbCClk., w.h"'~ '. .~Ulillill lire ulldergalll':; n IIIulo"4l'ltllI!ll/lI(o WI~D ~iI'''~ m~ ~VI;:, \lao Kt·r\'llllt hulc Heoluu . . I. s •• AWII)' wl ;h .MIlIII"- It 1)('ll ali III Willcllesltr \~he'lJ II I"'''': \lUll. • frow ·Lhu dOOf. ·lU\oorLaill .wh"t direo~1l mllst my ·fril.!nd" firIlL•. OJad~Dl, ~~I'I; I.ho .\ ntl'rud ju.~.. IAltln. llill nol {~1 e~ 111' rep Ill . a;::ur glr 'ri~el to lI~ku. ,,,. Mr. F ..I\nklill lived .I~' ", 0/1 LhecllnioulL choll .... \~hich h~ luokcd Upotlllli U 1Il;U!' dour uld Indy, 1'1'1. "lIei'" Li~ll!. lhv wid. IUbjllOt. lIS lhu Ll)rm~ AI"c! mooh ,;crlll"e til 1..1l0\Y Lh" IIX Implu U, c~ IIlIl not fll.! .11l1li \Y 110. Iho' oppo iLl! extl"c!mity 3. AU vU"Nc l& .. I' II'lir uro do"futd II: her ~u- h:r-lho;C:u 111 hIUIloIO. . r ( tI 0 • tI f VI ' I Ih I"/tl. l"irilJi'l 41, <4h'lA k G I'IICo "_!.!In'.ill "lalth IlIn'e YOIl uud. ~"'. F~lkhn l\lloo~ tu lh"L in whicb M,s. GuNof the oily to leu thlUl ( h"ve bctIn lud to e.~ct." )Vhulhe 011 r 'by \ltl~I;;1I Qr Mehleu!. "llr. U\Y u """ U ru~idud. 111111 "Oliver asked for more," c"1l1d 'llar. hOft·l.!l·l' r. 'ynod-ul\luru l'eclllcil I J~ 11 0 '" : t:~ ! (~OuIl.n~1 IUId a1IeoLJOIi. ~ ~ , kltow II~~ t~e .Ii~llluce Lhereforll preclud IItr"y' Illlrri~uh \y1I~ IlUrc:ltll~ing ~01l\1J trillu ill (o',r." (who ha.1 \leull. ed her ,u. cell h ..ve oxciwd gri\,~t.cr ill.lignl\ don glillg, Ivia.)1 c:ul'i~il lfIurtlarll tlll\lru~d lIy t . All Idcn uf rc.lutli.lIg Ihe ""rv lU8 tOllr kiua .lIellr'. W~ld. 8U~1i'll."t. but be . luru~lIg ~hllr\l tu re~1'I\CtI her y ~ lIut t.lliu !'I,Ul. wl~ Lhll .Iore ~ "Wlil t~c ".l1mo .hour . the .u~nil U"~hll'~ wiLhin cbAn tho mode., an~wer of puur Grace. hatl cI\II.;I.t fhe U"~USH,"~) . I~·hu 11'1&5 chargeu Ihe Irq" I'ry,loy re,lueill!! "\111 ......,..,0 .~~IIIf· 1Y1."IIpc;r or III~ m;l.llle.r, ICV~ DIe. '~I vmg mil .In, Ler a,n d p."" Lhc Ilppc~illted lime .lDd to st(!P~ t:\"IIU~ug . mid h\ll.clllllll WILh deh!;lt~ Wllh 11Il\·~,~t: JlIV~1I u:pond Lhu "All you plcaae,. ' replied Mrs. Gore. '''llked b 10:" fr In tho ,lOOt. with III her hU,u.i e II> Iy rl)UUlIlIlIe'Hleti bi the .'redl.lell\ iu hl~ , ~"o':..tln~ , I~ gnn W thu ~"'UII moloJy limt h,IU ~o ell· lWO r"IlIllV\I. IruIII.11~hor oau PI'OClUrtl a tlIlUIlUOO. liulu uf .her row'l,illill'" lI'reu"Lb jn l:)Jdlleltlu haughlil y:, llr. 1 hr rl' . .. am sorry to al\~ by 'he • ~I!rrtnry tJf Lh!l1'rl!ll' 8Cle so tit ,." ~\;l\1l.!tI 10 cOII"t'y "" illt.io'MliOll Ib,t lriulc.11iilll tho nigh I. i1c f W erl:~.. . . ~111 carnll",ll Id ,. . _ wanderi ng up anti du:n 'he ~trcutll g'l'IlBping Ilnd av"ricioull ure. . \hll .. ~ lhe jury r~tll,cll ;" liutl Iocr I.riJilty , ury ill lIis t"rtl)rl-I~ gl~en you " dilposit ion ill .1\N:e a cou _ hp. altll"ugh ~'k"·ulll ul.!dlrl!. IIL. d ' J /U'ULg'l:anjf I ' f LIa Ule y Oil ~CIII. ,'ory f"II (1 IIf mUilCi Mr. 1I1111l J cn'r(!y~ Lulliell ~lId rrlghl.:no ~ t . . -.Iu by 1dra. oDe.o . r. Ib h IIflnl;' III mtcrva I oeeUPIt., . I~ .III YOllr lilt . '\1 d lhcHI tllo 811rl'Ilia in ulreurly IIcarly iJ"~b.. young. .. ' me!. • " U .'110 ..ost Sir IIn II I"·Pi,,v;' ' " II"itl lIr Fr IIIldin P rhllJI" ~ \' uU 'JI 111M. ~uu ~IU', or I t.! u u",:,. or," l , uu~ 0:1 O~ III . coullr.in " gllil\,er.ordlll'illg dinllor. ""iOtI would lMlglllel to IOOllfe thll -re. he hOld Ieu. . ,I: .• 1"lu lhul rdl~" verdict. . Whl!lI w ' 1I1\'I.c~! rtl»ullo r Alr... , I:i1lillg_LO\l'1I ill' yU'l ",mid Irktl to. ~u..JI 1~ILo d, Ihlun! ",orl~ 3et lillrt! Y 1lC..ldiug sena,,"", WI\II UI~ t)/lJy Illte,.. 5pcetllb Llil: ~:It)k ulorletl lt rrUIU II.eau.hll,.ud ;'"OUll lll)lIl1ll1, ilily And comfot'ta of allch WI no~ eny t e mello. L~ onll \I J10 lIaLi~e 6. Oal\lI! tllI(! Culib I·C~U;;:lI u.rtl hHI.uUll lu ~o 10 "rille · Or"CQ qlmrlld the luI\. bllr. room lIuI4 hCII\' my httle gIrl,. piny? bome RI tbiB. with asulllc iellcl-but In wilh 1\ clI,.hin g !I!!n;\) ...r If 1 hall bellll Olll! uf "UII. IIl1d .he hlld btell unck Uubll ur WRr. tl.ltl'bJll~IY.lItlck8 aI_IoPllUrLu~lty for i,!slll~ tlild 1'h ); will .Iv. .yl,"1 ill, I~' . f. "I ~hollid illdl:t'd. sir,': rt'I ·IIi~.l the Weary "lid faint, Grllce 'Vinthro p you pIUMC." ' J . 1I\l1! hl~u IIt'Vur drelUllo.l LI~/I and ,ndl;t'try and. U8 to th~ neg once mort! proeentl.!d henutC ftL Mfli. y<>llIlg 111:111 ullr~?I'ly, ~lll"'htud III 1111 my 0\1'11 IIIOlhllr. I lI"uu!d Graco role. "p.l. with beah"'~ llC1lrt ' havtl fOIPld hllr Iluircd ~ lltelil. Oull,U I~ 0 fbriou~ {]i1!t.aru. leo' .nd nllklltdn~ of 8trnllgllrll.lt ~lIn OOI'C'1I door. Itnd thill timll "l'llOnlll ll&yur IIllclIIg Lit .' m:kno\V/I ~on.g· goilty," 118 I dMe 811y I.u wvultl. lie 8~ ". lIite. 1I0~ ill "lIin, IIIld burning cllll()ks. to .k hlll 1"'''\'0 . ' J 1"",,,iun:l\u iH of "I..'fll ICQn:o add. 1 thlllk. to the !lor.ro", :; lin ruli"\" \1 "~ru"". ~ILh.)u~h ~ld~n'l! "Awlly wlLh. ICllut1 harlu bll lI"rlll AUVil SUI! u~I\lII'cd ' llllhtl parlor whel"tl Mrs. Oore. Ibn I v.:ry G_1'iulllf\.Jr,,11I Cllllgros. ny, Cuba Uf hur u,·Ltl··ehllr;r:(1 ht:ar& ....hc. ootl'llclld ~lulloll,chl.il)''' IVai! to Ix! till,! o~e 10 bereR\'c d RII I am,' lIo~d ijJao found lho ml,u\1811 of thu ~1UlIIion IIII.II,I LY. 11 art~ruu"I" "'bo ulurl.!Y o( IIJO cn.tbcul'1I1 wtlr ill 81.1 tnpnthk; "Shu hu &emper/J ~ IIl,C\lI.lJcr. or lh~ coLI· I,,,,r "Itlp" W Mr, Frrmltli u·. h~ whoro h · had ooun tiurpris,·11 atltctll'i ~ IInced.liadly aL thtl.dcop muurUlu~ , whQ IIdnuICL-d to moot her lUI llbe llaid: turlling 'to hur Jia&er. who n:; ~uch 1111,1 domo OIlier. III(er(tirct1 III lour IIvor net 8ny thld uUlllin!dl bappen ed to die ~o.tion 'i1: IrU\'u"t:\I' WII~IH ~nll. !lord!". wymli"'l wh~ hy'(I( htr l~hlli! mil i. i~ l~ld in 'm.elt :'OW n tl:;!,e~~ qUllrler , 1t.~l\V • \'011 \\'I~' lli'll the )'oull(C WOmRlI wlao oall- 00 in Lhe ruota. ill a ~,e of di.plearo tJlI!L : unu ~ho \1'00 "Dheu~t:d within" wcek. A: ho. uru htllllt.ltl • w tb II 0 . 1>(11 klllJ ftIL'II~. 00 • ItC .1 Ie • 'JlUlC mQre Cll' ere. :iu'1~rl~(: II 'Ighleu.utl III 6CI.!III:; Lhil (ill I' , " hllfh IIHlri. IIf hid l'l'l'rubltliun 110" k!lI, The&oaoofentbuaitWucaorrowi\nnounc.. ud Ihis nIO'lIin at ml\king the discove r. oCpoor GrllCO'l " ~ i 1111=•' 8i, down' !Iud ,'111:11hed her, -._._- · . , ' l'urlul'llI • er . ~ ber~lI. 'rho! U,ICOlllm Grllce tremb .eI, 1\ vn len'c.• J . IT Lu d CI . II I' .. .1 I '1';II~I"!l G AI. UUIl -'1'11& (.,I111l1'ill<l' Dl/ltI· . lag ..ch uUer d~80I.u.i.oll .u~ IIpiri:., Bnd fllltt:rcd aa ahe .....eted aad Iter voiCtl beinll Ill~ "Did you !IOU how .he 'I~upe eUlllcLh. wllh tit" .. "rnm·' ur; CUll' II Ut II Ie II • Hilt! IlIui" all.. u 1I11.IIIW 0 ( Gracu Wull IJ ' lUau\! ~ r""Dr Imncu &he colore.t. s.;,bll0 d0tts as ,betl4l" pe6ple Q~C4; r~1.! ,.. E 'J' Millg t.'U Lhe mur~ "i~b '~'It;w" h."I·U sll'uQk hlll'~ ""l1cdulo ' I~ r('llIlcJ ~'IIO 1UlD6:led WIth .~;uinc tru~t m the l'IlL t... ller by Mn. Gore, who lito E~rl of 110 ml~Ll.cr !n \\'h!l~ weill lO ore .eller. III Xt·ler.IO UU.". Dudley. IVI o80 '"ll'llla ua o( u . ud "W:cn,,&\. 1111.1 rv~thlll.tR. OIlU plllm,: clMe hll h"t!llJu ' ber, ~ol,ulDr, alit! ut~ all., .llOnfidenee III b()~~lf, .would cold gl"c!y cyill wild &h" moat ac:rulini have, tl ia trul), disgnllf ng,''' '. l '~II'" certllmly Liou lUll •.• u~ a- Tbu. ended Grace Wlllth!'OP's 6nt \~ult)e. , grelll lclluwle,l)!e or fur"lg l, al.uJ. ",te~\I," bave told c~en ~ . CIlrvl~ oti~~\,ilr nllu"in' d 1111 ",itJd. Ifn.. CII,lIninIC- ij~",iI lI .. ek Ililrlor ~II\.I ~lt~I' illg . cxprc~sioll ' IUld uDwiliklu'; gAle ~ 1'& uMekiDJ a "hol' 11 . 111 U"!U~II~IUlur. wholl .we reud ur I"." llu,"illo\\' ,hid.ucoti Kiai" mllCtl IIhe 1Iu.~le\l. wUlllti prol'lI , nry tilt! nol I"">I\!I, till.! IIII~'lUn uf (rllnL alall WIlI10UItg lU ~f.fcC~VIl. aud , «"<I(<I'e tile l"ou,rLh Il(lllll \1111 . poOr ,;irl'", ftwo • . : ~ .1 .. dOllll &ciual ~ .~c thal bUllu· Cllurll'uUII IlIJllalitJe alld barbllrily ur tillll o leaCh1 diIWh:oL . f".,11 It t1iLIId of Ute 1forl~ uud ,La lrla"'_ 0 Itt l\ ~ie. un LY.,Il,utl ulllg.wf t. . . would read eWlJry lioeAllllallli.in ~IO elt- GI'IWIO ll)'*I ' .h.laat . . • 1000111. lO klluw llout 110 ulle _Ir"dl hllll 10 ~e.lect Ioilll 01 SeOrllllU'Y or ~tllle l.ilniOild,&btl it wholl' hu hAd Itll'UlMly called. Orn~ .~ aD 'D~ependollcc,' rcpea~d Mr. f)Cctu~ioll It) npJlellr clulrlne. 1 wllh the ehlM ~ uead 011 IhajUillrlnellt acal. It \Vila enougll "orelgll am.lr.", wlthoul Iti. IIRvinl:' fur tinding faI..laood of IOmnr &0 iMi u.g. ...... . 1ob\1I ~mu. Dl.tr. furlllll"kI thlln shu evor FruklUf. mourpf ull,. RS 1Iu looked aC poaiLiOllJlloJlOllD8 ioar.&.Iue 0/1 ~alid .W!Ul.1I III ~Ll.tlr or COllr~e, nor wa rur lilly une 10 Lo IIcclI.od by III elielllY. III)clll 'II pruwliloill Illftn lit. he ....lf ....dilJ!•.w..lD ~. 1~1l III tllrper of Iwr P"il\'iollll rullt~cK. h.d. &be>..youthful nndelultdcatc crelltul"O whom 'You arc 1l1l -0rnllllD ,"no. ny" ahe reavud h~ 1lU1I~Iit:J IUlul .~IO hll~ I~elll'd "A WHy ue(ure Jell'reY/I, t" 1,0 'uuud .\:;,·lty uf high h~lIl~ or &b. ·11.... an&l '-1rieac18 ' I • ' I. d vr Ihlnkln~ Ollond. wlllch urton pJaCtltl :.:- • ~ ...- . '''''!ld ..,Ie .'~f a' 1l0II'I0 n....,.. nefer aeemc to , Wllb /live IIILeIl(~C holy ,Jtrul.! tilUel when L110 \ IIlIked in a,.uabioiOlill - . . iC dubi()Jli had made . I ..L:'" 0 I I' I', lfulllllc I tI II Iler."... ljte we lmp,y, ~ J .• I t 101111 ", very ullpld ..~tlut perdillllml/nt!l, QII dll . for Lbo crulll trials Cortune h"d lhrolfll of Lh~ fact .how ".1' to \rt'a5Un. ruetlntl la; 110 _ Inn". w~~ ad~littut \V IU II CD e nu !, ILL u It"r yet AI"c! loug aince VOUIOilL whon IIr. Frankli a had &alked ' lI~lllOW It \I'll ., IS ., '1 I d " ,. k iD her pa.... f , ......~I~ , ulle uccu810ll, boiujt"couglV i,\ Ille rli\l a • b u, I"·· . ~ _ ' , ilDJ 10_ K -. (jun- Wlnll,ro p'" tum to .illg." 011 • • ... hue whi~h Mr. gUllY. Ie .or oro tu u8 la un.ouI 0 ~'lurL \:tllliluilil your pllreD~ • -, 'ne~leot d .. -' bit. lil ulTiJrtlJ III loleu lIilll 11011111 ill hi. ... anclunk lD4neA of I 'Id .. deuCIII, Ie II rr'l my II v ehdd. I ' Ur d ID to thtl 8Q"'11111 ' d I .... 'r peL' I • I· . \llklll . . .... , the .. IMtna.t. ... 'or -.m. "'onitls a . Dlld hnll<led; Gild ll1l8 50 IJ 1.1 I, e l· • . IkCOIl · .. Ie ....-.olf • • ' ....... . .L:" .--.1rmy ... ,,0 -, . ." IlIA' ..... HI", . go, JU:iO enrrl0l.re: III pare 0Il, .who ••v. 10 r.ln ,t} 1Iw:.~ lIlI.1 ull Iheir j'lIIrnev the Elrl' ~ .... eakrctl MIl' WlOIr ~"iJl . LIon, . . . , Iwd ........ . .. mother ' .he .deled dr-win' " a .' ,errIBot "'.,.. ..... • III Ircllcral, tll~t ,',ey 'd I I' _.........&..=::1ir1 C11l MIIf4I&t . . . . IAir. ._. ' ~'rllnkhl B i I ." IJ \. ",hose . I' gmtlliod I I ' ,;" l auppolie I '. I .. tl . i\ull "dV8t1C11l1t ~ •1Due& I/the • 'pmoll!'rd d . ' . . ...elr claa'Iy .-' . rACe! • kindly J) ....... 1 , : 1(11 1,,,tUt-1I11 u." If. U Hau80 ~ltnllV "Oil DlIlw" • qlliok brCllth. flIU!i a.a ., • IlIg y la,'" 'DoL two montb ••iu08.· , 1110.1 y pleoo.;c guilty at OileD. .. . Lh" 'ra ..pi of her 'a !liet.i-. "I u r - , . ' ~ d I ' .. chcckin g IlimllCl(, 'lihould I ~cck Ib ·Mr". G.oru rrocl..w inwiL\ld b",r to e ...,I&te . ( d I'\:,U5U ' . ~e )ullng DlIIll.IlIY feCIUUSL Ill. ebeJILl'r III 1I'lIl1uur.o· 0 • I'IW ~y.. J a' tIIaU tu ulilUllr Wit. II me. .. ']'1 10 "relh'IelD.n ml. in a.tl ~arou OIInt. cOtlI~ Add hoChhlI:to the ~. , .. ~ow, J"llllur. dltrliftW. :' .tie lIaid, Iho pf(\IIo:ol ~l?nll'llt! wvult! dampeu Illo bopcs \bILL SUSlalII yvu. lunu ' . uurL"Uhll¥ cllri\J"i~y. Lu illqwn or hllr'P reaent eltUl\don. H.I(,," nllolV rey. h.h".:11 ..lglll)' people betldee whip .• 'lllng.by tl~e~,'IIJ or. him, whu knew Ih.~ I~rllllill~ ~ "linN fdlu ... IIOIDe four Onwo 10 q.IL ".~tI l"a..u. 1Ul~ 11'" FO~botUb~ o~I'y durkcn L~.e inLo our heroin', r.rllltluJ, ULIIMWJI, and 'OVIII'Cntlltlon WiLh IIrs. Goii thus LII'O ping. U'IIU.portlrl~. BUt! 8elllllg nl ftlllvC8. ~""I.lg . or ~1U1 L.ord,.t"p h"cl yu" ..~ o.d. :·... ~l·t pIll)' d~ for I A tel' h')llrB ~a!ilicd With n rllpfdl . uld .Ioud ••• I "hilll anLlClraLl\l~ OftUUOL ,hlJhLeIl t1.u pWl~ hilory. wl.a& lad huen ty !'Cllre.:!y grt.'lll huwber.. BD uel;ulud ill en two ~n\l~)II~,"11 Lof~ hl.!r tia!.bur·. he.r" very dillel'en lleuon, "n:1 Dlltlle~ should lIVe me .11 1~.1&C1II. wl"lu mlunlll~ Clll.t&re. aatd, ttlULlllued he. mort! chller- IIIUIIII IIl1d ItV1r her mOiJlur laUua" to anl of_ ,lie ~ry wcn: II~V . II c ",r. . hat! been 1IIIIItlrcd .lId /lr11 ur Ihree IJlludroti. ~ II ch•• --- ~o elll'Nll~ ot Iter • ri l ' " 11I\'lllIllon lu dlllUcr, I II a\lQ him 1""104 HI ... \Vrnthrup " " , < rhc mlefOIlL llr. l1'lrn un Io<:ucerOrLh /:JUM ~.1.: ~II nooyo 0 us no,l • • w ~_'II' 1'1 III maln~n~d! .Iliters~ned . WIth '1'" • • d (; ' . t. I J bu/ure ( will aeul,l it." 'l~.I. apeech ,rOOJat b ~ had enlered ~tle. k' J' L I.I 11 I" 1 'L u8 uecuhu ~WlY. C u. 011 me.lII.t ltn,. '" lOt'" '101 OlU11 P 1": lice h "Ir.a "1lI~n ... AI ho too ~n. I, u d ~~ II. F allloill lie WI 10 LhUlr 11II~ldIlUQtl'Dle. !ftuJ:r "C\. WIl5 • <1 UI lUI nel .. hbclfot .rld friend. o( tho Hillellee jeoted~ ahe Ie(\, .... be,," &h_ ~ ~ .."", ~t.9ng d, in ,e. lured I!,O Earl lu II CUr;l._9i.ou.lle.. qf thlot ~,crlllemcn~ of Mrs. Oo,N'S l' WI. IIll ro..J.1O eIes Itt tiUtP':'Sl Ilg •• AII. AUr. chill 110 unprovi ded t"n III. WI II I!I .bad &boa1rlt t allDOl& brok ·n. • Ui~ whul hI.! hnu utlor,'u. IIUtl I,e WOtf '''Illeu, OrtACQ. ~nJ Wao~ b1:~ ·YCI , sir ... b-Ilf.cl~b IsbuJl .. cull a~. 'here tho 1I1mplil" tbis lly III th" • YOII ~j)rld. hav\: I;'R\'O hUll ~lI lrty.'lx LUII'll. a~d vllJu,ge.. '] heir "ud· ttl \~ilillhe nu frio.d. •....n but 'bNe ollie" widi iatli-tdi Oll add hcr ·ellecb , • 1",'lIlIlor II ,.. d laatll nlOt, lh., • ~ "~o , 1:\ ~~Ii'''l m~.· lAld . . " ,,"h M, I,irth-dA D'" " frCle , Frllnklill" in "hOiU hO.... 1OA bappell · li'liW"'~ her ll~ iIOQMI I.u tb"t IILtle b.lt:k ~arlor. 1111 \VerI anaugletl, .tcepetl III c.lI1dron • B", I 1..__ •• " I ' l\CCeail I . be . I I.e m I or ' dOllbt' ( .... (If_D! ," GOQUU~ Oar 1Mrrome WAS not onJ an or han. ed to ~iU"d!' . I -, al'l'" I t- 8"t I U &10 d .• I pIIng II W IIC 1 w". 0 ·re. nuw tile gont IClllmll llu eo~I~:; Llle ... II lIInc It .., u ~ . ~uol,u~ irDporlloeaoe. pile I '"I Inr. alill ,ullg lip 'I t.ll , ·. • .i&b.~, as 'It" 00".. "~Iil" .hu~ framo work ~ \.114< p,·eLLIt:.L ronllluct ,. .• , t'l as.e havo ....tcd bu~ a !r.rRugt:rP in I. 'None lU ~b.. cIty. madam ; ball.. . l el·· ,oad .id~., in Ihe stroelll. over "Ho. cllurt:1lee weak. . tIC M. Sucru W.b lll 0/ E'''~''86y, IV t I; I w ••, lOW I am. ·:...d ..lao. , oa l' tlnua to &l.,.I.. t·.r woven by, youlh. beauty. Ilod IIlU· 'rile 'Iallte IIlnd. He~ fithl1r hlld btrcu permiL&uci &0 lder to .... B ,llIlal .nd lult!lI of he.tla autlli",l! s, erer. r"Iu ~~._ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... llr. Cl· t Gnoe &0 heraelf .u .W'Alk ed on with" mlln uf (RlDi". aud Cur&ulle lind . ~YClr ~.,... a".,athe alO. 1J •• who hR.'! koown - from ehihJhood. J'Il~dil,. her feeble d' . . Ihe Illgalllff .lId bllltbli"g dr Ihe inrl!rnal . / .1111111 lraaae wOld!!' ' WC!"l't!C. BUTT~fLI.£~ . - 'rloert! ft(e '''''(>U. III"da . 11Ib-!t.Iab·il.b J' .. d· colI ... Ilad been fC4Nd B ed. b ""bo,.t I paa:5II • IIIIJepell "lit In r~~hllle. e~l'llIsl~1 lacI c.utt!rUIlI. all" &.lIe rutiucmCIIL/I 1111 .0 DIlL ,1m , y W IOUl 1 W'" ell"· L~_ ... _. ••• L , "'~ • •- ....... " lit" le..1 IIl1d ttrror. 01 lit" ul BUll"r/lied III III '» .·I ..... fIlWN world ul .. IY lare ....... ell .... - RIl IIUU,• .......... IU Wmncr/LIII'n$ _r. E1lll'ntiO ll · lilt IlIld haxur)' of wl:"lllt Bllt mi.rortllllv Cllted. fur ... _ ..,, " 'tIv. IestimQl lill1s •. .. , to 1'1' ~quiJ ilo "'-"W 6Joiiafi.Io'" uu. WORa. U·.:;r;· ~, u _ -' peuple w.re drc:ftJltll 'eyolld dederl?· 1ft r· . "J¥ iii our oa.lylJl)y ,.Miu 'It ~... II.J ov\!r~kcn &b~m • "lid wbt't1 Ur. qU141I·ti • ~ '..... , • . . I- 'Id I to eoo~ '1e,.~I.11 own IIt:d·'UL. ~nn ll"I' • ' -,. ... 4 r ao.-.a __ CII\lIIII lUI' 01" IlllIOUIOn l IIr. Cwl IWl "1~" . llrupotHt I.l...... \Vh \'11 11'8 IVtI '" CuI re". W' Lhro ' ~q w a.e .... 10. ' I m c: ,.,. (0 .'" -)' III Il (:CI . lOll. . IV till.' . . ~~ .,. -1:' • . C od c.re lilo ' so.1 " ..... '(\lele . . ....... iddl t1ut»l!l:to . f ..z.c.llt I!L. 1100 Ii..... or b ot . ._ J d O"e rvalie who "'3. furced to "Itltp the -.-tIirIIt "'&WII~ OIIr ••., " . ~o wi: p di.:,d; .Il!~ dlr d was II:~. h On! , m o o ...,.,~mu'" 'Ur. C.• P.! I do not kaow bi~ I&nutp t ....1,' .hall . . h ....... III , . . I.,.,.. ·t~l. WII. II t nj; L ~ • UlYllr, w Ia",. Cl~ ...: aaad .I~ round 11113 bh..hin~ nlld 1.Itp,Jll' rt'nutluA In LIte bl~ck pO.l. ~':" a{htrwa" clover. ".11 .(lOfililIJ ". ur .ullahi" ., .... blllLl'il of him' n:pliuti 11,.. like Iter . . . ."1 W.I4 .,'''. ,l. !lol I;eked III tl." evcllill~ "'1)p4 ..... pl aner IiW. JPd, wh,- Grlloc hiad JDatle ea'~"l-rc ttl' tin, "'" • th~ ~=e' : : 1 : :tn~c~irnp!l~ Gore. !!twming mLlaur ~ mc/lloj will" callutl " 'J'vlII [kllhll'''' '' lhe 10"'11"1> I,,,...en illlu dUllb, the e.il$· Wh,: poor GI'IICIII' beeau.. yo. ' • ..., ,lMaer r-.&ud pig.t.ailtl, ~"lIrt8. ~t tti ..lJlltIli or ~a ;:\Ite " w.ek. T 0 or \Ilrec 'uau had Ittlllltl of BUch. an indh·id ul. 'Yoa leih ~ L'nlvtlnt.!d •.her mol fnl!'II~g that I1lrca"'y .It.. eftr .h.co bec" oallt!li ..d bIool•• bit 01 po"r hUIll .,... J " k Kelch, twenlY .. 01 ellue "u\terRi•• ....;. .,! Mue - " N.r ul aa\4lt'!.he MIlle formed ~Illa .II~ CUlllun;;hllUl, Ibt!': .. tI ) ,1, lb. Were educa&ed alII,., B'... Youepe ak M&IIre. a IiIo& tlt"LII,. ,..hv btlC.1I<I4! • Il'"~ u{ tIlI.1 bMllle wUlIl hAng· _.lill frock_ .lId blatk .. G.Jre, and odr· ~ ooIy "...,'!'I fl"Olll ,eacla ULhtlr w~ A 1181~.u)t!~ ra..LI~_ , IiLt.lc IIlclaned .w murro.ur ~nd fllr.all tilly 101lg. ill Ihe lrllit, ul J \v'h.Ulrop(· !<'feooh. of COIIM. aDd uDdeNlabtl tb" ers In heT .(nadon elfroy •. by lhe way aru lI.e lu,*l dUlIlCNYlIll.a1 . r- ~.... , rorg.t when ad- ... iach 01 - iD ~lJt, .1 . ,. LIII,,1t O~ ".IIl:" . I -•.• ~: " Ibdaeecl bor 10 ),iel'" lo lbe .uryont CD' plllno III "'cllaie&.... ao ~ wllo aolipro!crrll lg Il'Ir Yuu hClr mIlCh of Iho ~rc.I .'rt',,~JI ....1l1.... AL !hilt, w. tbUII. '" 14"-, a IiWu COII~·I:I'...._ U to all- own 1lappme.. to reM' cUuro!nlt:nc urua:oong call1t1 , R I I • \h;lItMe of Grace. Md IL't1k fur mnrll Y _.. ft: 'II 'L ~.... lin. !:': ta6r..r cc1' h "Yes ~LWtm," replied GrllCll, mod. i, &heir aid. ~--,,:,Mlplu,':.....a...LI (lillie a lov r.yU lit un. uulll •• '" 'trn' e , \Va. lliory • shlnty \lUI"• l" •• ~~:!~ ture ·rence.. Ihlt·. -· akillfai lMdica lliid ill one of llie largur estl}G!'II~ IirmlY I.b . I C ... • cd A~;jluri ~" :rire~~~ by Lilt' glly: jthele It 110 duubl; bUI Ikllol" or Iloll,lnj: 1110111; Cound ill w the lIid ',.1 ~r .. iIIll. ~ cities 'ban ~Id ~ IllI'uM"od LlIl.!'" in . .. .~ lUI j 1.1 larp. 1\I!I\.I..,.. wioIIa 1.0 I~ apoa yera. aad &M pl'OIrero u.. Grace ",ol'ile. dUlle IJ,. Ibe n..ddO!II~d "eol':" de 11 r It' !diD. II I'Ll - ,... ~ Mia Wia&hrop &lie Ir.IIIIII;_ crave yarda and ...... ,I~.,,... · their quiet ",t1rclllt:uL 'fht)' haul. n: .....benlll ••d &rell~d hor ellrly FRlltIe III ,lIet ."'(111 time, tl!" .. "l(eIlJU !r," 1UI."cn.'d Gro\Ce. . han by r • . I'Ilft T ~. r... dOlle 'frid.ttg ~I furl, :r~Wi ..'tiTra a.. Iur..."..... lb. eli ....... , lherelbf t, &alirn IodJingtl oyer n ~k. wilb &he ptilud e .od ruspeot by the bl,l_t judp h, £IlI1 "d. tvitll ";'{:}'''''rt''.Npe''I''~ ~t.e<:i:~IU': tile ;t~ wltll". ),CMIIW ~ 1, h~ &otpl ~)(t. Frankli n. ~h," 1I'ldl CCli~ i. dleir .000ti and genoro ......... . a!,d upr.-... ppronl uf .llee KI":: vi .&'acI~.d. ar "''-1.l1li1.... ~ ablo tIOIIld _, ., Uriai -a'. aaa..t ....... .. ....... ..... ~"'Z; ~ 1 . . Ia· ."41 all, Dever ~ to receive ",til I. ,I.......... .1, .uNa." r, II Iwd wi'. IOOQ bl:eame mtcna&ed ~ "~. 11ft u.er. 1IlCM& &0 her roW ... Iold abe w.. ~~ . . . . - . . . ao.. .. u.. ... "lhe wbiala and ~ "".11 d:zhl;e r. ;,.. 1 "~oi"",:; 0..- ia IIOW "'~1"""" wb.c:se Nar ... tItie ItU. Jel'te,. w.... foat1 '" home." . .. ~ .. 10& . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . , . . . o!... , . , . . . .It • •. . , r• ...-.... I'::~~r. i& ....... ... al· •• At.
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~bllll , UUII I- the lltate 01 dIlllu at Ih.. ~1Jn.~.JtlIC South I~ CIl"III) \ ~I'~p r a cd.,b'1031\ e the I' ('pIc ('If tht: (r(t ij Il~ II will not 00" the kl,lJu $tll~ mOle -ervtltl,. than tlYCF helel (VIIl. III till! d.JIyw of }hmf ~,ltnIC Alit! dlgrud It on",
flU U D AI.LEG~ 'I her,
~hll'Q I. ~lIlllhH, 1111 IInll
tl'Ollbl. . .
"1M.u.e ......r.....
U\;uUI Ultl Nebrulok" lnll. Fr.u... .. "I'UII II mcmbllr.ul tile ,JIoUie rl ~C II .lIver! Mttd.r. Ch.mpbell,
ul Uolh.r. baetr tile \ hurJu It "l'pl1nrd thnt Mr RIClt • ...,U ~Uilc,J 10 Ihe HO\I~. tlllIl bla ...b.lII11 t! \\'s Ihe 1::It'IIa1e btU I .. apl,. 1\ IlhVI)L the t:hl} lUll I'roYltlU, wheN." (UUI, he 11 ..1 \I . . . Iet! II 4,)l.uae pn."lclllI" 'h It IIV 1""0 " ... ulher .It"11 eii'~" Uilli t! ~I .1, ,, Rhltul,l ilUld .... ttillu Of ¥VI" .... 111 Ih~y hilt! .WOrl! Iu 6uppurt II•• pm ... c plud III .IIIS bIll, d l III .. u pruv~ed lur ij JllIII .' II~,I "Irllo lil~ I,"t I luc."" al/Il" ~ .lJl~ 11m IlIclllllel thtl let ul 18~., u<l luJtll" (rulll aClILlll1rraIOrlellalllurllrllll,.,. "II P~III1IL'n ul 1\ thuu.alld lIull..ar ,whhuut Q ""3l11'''~' (ruin Ute W.r Dep.rt_l. 11111111 11" thl! 111110 Ille, ahull NIaIIIII 11Id Ihulr rille of lI'livel 1110 11,1111111, l\luuu
, eol
And ~ to tbe Iud of bl II l ' vllle l (r.:l 11\ tlit! dlU'lrl'l'lllJtC "I)rk lunllm.; tl l)~ n fll",1 tlves 11\1 hun pile) Ihem Ii ,uk IlIlll lllil
a.lld dp\!pl} a~ l.lfblll' ullJl.!ct ~hn~ Ib nii~ ~DlIlIg (If lil.t mngllllll1Je In 1)10 lI!\hon -tJlllt uf C"a(huhcl~nl IIral Il/I
BoDT SII.TOIll.O JbTaAo",.r.I't:'rli~ ~ ill(ill P.llldiulD. b.. t... ;1'11. ltu.~,1ao. admit &hat IfIUal", C.1l Ic:oolIIll or .om. ''''Iaa wluo It ~lIperY1lJfI. III , .'ner tlce ex.ec:UIIM taItre noUie captureil (or " f~rtRlihl! It I~.et A:Jler aM • They lind lI11ohiP:te~ to (jl('ce tfl8 P.1I1 • of Plltrlek DltIto tlllaft (,If tlu, ~rtLiber 'It ~btell dllr"rellt f,i. body we. dl!ilvered t6 the H~~~' ,""rilt, but were re",tI.e4 dei' 11111 .olem .. lind' rif:~tM .~IIt..t 10 Autltntle .dVNlH "oln Atlte .., r~I'or' lile def•• l or I" EtrJplnll. 1'001'11" .. Wltl, ire It 10.., by tlae III.uc,.uw. Jl'OEiGl'( NEW.
but one
e~cnpl! ItllIl
hilI 18 a relUrn to tir e fir t JlIIII'lplc~ 1,11 go\ (coulent Ii om "llIc!. \1 ~ lUll I! SlJ
our fll~
'IM& 11
"'flU"' '
ctll'l!G ems-1\'
1101l; r;
- 1 wru
,\lI"PIC!', ~ ..
LqJr,e S!1.lt, 'i bbl. "fllt. Seoo , 1m KlllIllYh~ S"II
=lII"ulu -
o. !be 1'7lh tnl
C"IIett' J P Mr 10111 ...
,U) J (, I' (.;11111 'WITH all or Wuyne To" n
Dlt_lll Alpha, G,eell Co 0111 aloud." Silft. Illlh, 1854, KIJliI.b cuutort
~r I_pit SItW.U,ln the lurty IIr.. yeor ur
her ore
011 bo~rd abo 8teambr C.fedollln 01110 ,wer ..1011 tl.e lad. mit, or Cho cr. Ju
.t Lawrelleeburi, Jud OCT N"lun~1 Stoudmrd, Sulem, N
plea. c:up1
Tt!.~ .. 0.' IHi 08CIU.· TION,
• o::Tl • • :&DV.lfOI:, OM Cop!! do do
,u mcmth ..,
~~ CORIU o~ j'''al",
e 1 50 7" 6,50 12,00 ~OOO
~ da- - do, ~If ... p l . I. A ..... nc", I wu I)ul"IN ,oar, ...... "' .. O"lIars ........Ir••n.r 'lfe ,elar el(pIrOIi.~
I." .".... ~,
OM I~rt. o..... n.o"lh d~ Two mOlula 110 1'11,.. mOllth.
f •
SiS m611 tU.
On. ,."
QU'rI~f Ci/um. ~ mOlllh. do tlA mODtb.
iii. on'),ft, G_iIil. monllll, • """.~luIUIL U.tM
< iJt ~bre
DlDntll. ~. MOIItbot on. , •• r nr!'nth'y
~-~~~~=~_~~==~~==J~~==~==~==~~~~====~~~~~~ PI"lnll, '~lIuld "o"e -pa,. ",Itb II. ell ..... pall.lAId ., 1\It J. O. '011111, of TN. ON EAP«8T OO .... LLEf t£ A a..1.~I=\~~".~~!!?~~. or ;.u GIU::~P.~~r. !I~~k-:~glillk v
W/l.~ "'CJUIoIJ... h.,. .1.."
....t.,.. The .hew 10 not ~I"r Ia 110 .Iabtot. peWooaabt.,"" ..... tit elllera.hplWllraDCe. ItII • :-.=_ _ _- _ :.._ ~ - /'I!h,(/ Nl!vl'rdld R~*", .,.. . In bl, IlIell. RU'Nr 1".K1~ '"',"'"_ I". ,,,0 '1'1111 8 clll~LOR AN D 1'jlE 8A 81' / de"r' fbl,utl fII&. uwre Iollllnlll, 'bel·url.ce~4.f StNI ur S ..edItb 'roa (.... ,... ','llOr" •• n~_'I>II".t IIUIII' l'~C pl lhe ' l'llOlII II III .e.an:h -of .... 11 ill an r did dll\\u 'er pl'tl(lm'IId 011 pIY"menl.8) rfl*l .liher I hIlly" !)I()tliot, ~Ihl b~b,. aurl J lI.lty I,.d Ihe road fur • bonut\../WI curl I c;ulI'd , .,011 of (jl. he.a ..... ", ""''' to lb. 1". 1 "011< II> .. I~. P "hclI the l\uHllr r fell' I have IIQile4 luvlII,ly 011 tlte ,.n.at dllw. liN! "IIe•• stu Ihe _tlOt' In .1a.tiel'J for .b.
.....va&. & ItUU g: • IUn"', Uunu' Fin. I&uo~ IlUtil>hoe" ._011 Oren rrlulIlHIII'1 Ur,'. DUllllnl 13,1'*1 d' "-1 III' lJi»y. ' nil Cb Idr.A·. dl> ror .... 11111 he-ln.1 tI'..Jgl.jl' .RlI I_un •• "!· I~!~I A~ BIIillIItg.N. W._.IWl., .... 11_. ~':.;~II·A'tlkllfl'!1 I UAIlItIS', ' H,I\dOollom.elG."o'lrecah"'.1 , -... CIJlOIIIJU. t'I • • HI9. "!If JIr'~~ ~I\J 811(11'" Ihe tr~,1 tia"s ... p:llj·I9:31 nAIlRIR' . . ..... beoal'l>lI&''PID 1848 ------'-~ rrug.u.adon oj I,utlll I~ ,..pecllully D' a .........I1. - ,\ larll~ "Horllll~ll ~ "t Car called 10 the I.clllllllll .lfo"'OII .1 \J .. ,I., IlIr<lo 1,110 lilll" .." rllin .Ici "I •• 1111. it•• IIIII""" 10. "n.lilylllg ".,tlvlll".I. III. rlllllo I'alle.... till,o, . 1_lr •• " ,nl IHIII uil !5 I ....... ullh "rllCllCIold mOIl,",r ,or lilt C\lUOtll1, 10. J" ~I r,llI I.ell "lid lu, .n', I y u;, t. "..,., , rool&l,"d bualue. pU",UII" n\VI>t::1'l ,.... \I~o{,; Lt.I. '. \ I) D ",,,. "'01' 0 10 D -liar "'. TII .II>~- P,,;'~ "r:11 ' s" B~ DOl ~I l . ~ ....-,..~----. .J " " " .'. I ,.. 'tIlY - '\ 0:0", lele I" .ulic,1 C:OII'~" 01 111.",,0 G(.,VllofW A Ill!l.- Nnw 1;:"l1lbll,1 SntllI,duh ALS'r£~ I)~" II." I. 1lI •• ,1 fu alll." .. 1 k~efll"g. Icllllll" .1 1·lI t.. ltll'~ " I I IVh r dfll lf ul ftA"",are .. 1 <IV. r.. 0 [y l""lfile 110>014. III ,hu t111"'rln"I ~II." VArlelY I ,.. r ~du It y "A 1.I,UlItJlI. .A.h.ID1.peptltl P1U.. ",... t. ,I I rlld .. C.1I11, .. erc~ AII.I \llIIIIII\(\IMH_ N" Id l \I.It"1 elll '" ,"ull
ANU IIWI' ~"tio -,."...~
... Hr_.
.-co ..
"w 0 R LD. "
tI." .',,,,,rI' "
".\1 •.
~f\ ,W , .. I \M • I II no ""II r~~1 I~ CIlIIU,U. slbll "llIch . lle hut 3l'r \ha\ uH'r iI\\ elwredla .tIle c, e.I.1I\ 1,8 flu' \I.ere utlk .. u" II. dlllllal... Ihe (ore. ,.. 'r"ni1.c~ ttJ,~", ,u,o rur me III Ih u villn/:oI. Out \be femclllilc. Il ite ulh", veerlll CUIII tI .nd abruptnre. of u h co ..tu• ...,n Whell \Vh ll ull lalJUI/ ()tlOIl Ib luuch 'he ern~le II mudlll1)8, hu,1 .1) rani. """ "hen mllll lie.' 1 the .bue .a.rl".,. 011 rock or ,,! be, "UIW. 111' " Ill b by ,uk e gl,C i10Jl"rI U~, loavln" me " old ldUCM! t he ... llIIllllo p..t Ilia (e.. I1.." .. "11- - 111, lIe. . .f.'y h',nl.n "e ."..lpr.hell,HlIg ,h. ItI"''' I" " oe UII'OIl!; .. I .I r. ... I e 1"" l..ad .". ~ ,., IIIW. I t llll".,,1 • • lft hll.h " ellill '1I11"aNi III,h r l'\ill\l "lilly II ~\V 1I 1U1.I'>YUl~ lIi , IUld III 1",1 L,kl! tI,., al'Alr.......,.. Ilt'N 01. IIU", I. I 'I _n ~'_.J'. pre., II 1_ c.... ., Inll wla" 10.. Blly "I 'he r"UOwllllI ·.ynll' ,1"'1~JI, "r ",,'"e r~ "11I III "u.lllu~. whothdr , .• 1:_.' lItllu~IIII ....... rll_ l"elilliD, In I •• ell~ \.I''''~t 1t\t1lo<u.lh.n rhllto.a"e .. , . "'". d I \1 I I 0 11111 lil p~~1 hrllnuui~, IIIt O. 8\ato yf (olnl sa \\ n. Ic, I 1<1 II'Y """ realllurC'". Inu ..... QU .'Id ."III.tllne. "...., dl.el""W 0' llii fOIfl :r."r~~IIIJI.i litO 1,1\ 01 IhB o.v;eto ,_perou. or • ~lIr.. II .. J" re "'3 ' ft Th L L II ~ ..... II I .. .1I1.0f Inorell.n,hll<: al ,,,h,,l ed,,l ....,1 r.llln, 1 "'I ~l' roo uMoow e Ite wu • • ""y "po l .lre.d,. cullt"CI~.! 'I'ho tu~"" d no".r • 011 - ..... rll. 1 . 11' lIe:!lt • '" IIIt",r, 1II'....rdll rt 1lI,18II' .rUUIt0" th.lr 0\\11 aWlUIIII. L _.. - .... _.1 •• .~L .0--"1 0I .J t· Nll/llbuo-ll 101 Ual.lll '"' ) .'" Vef ll,U, 10 1\11""" I It~" or I'.... ' Vl th QUO) t' \l Oll wy Io Qu\( "",llho: ulh VII gil bulll 110 a p Irl'''IIe 011 6 .1,.I~P I. c..... I"e...... .. __ • or Ilu I.llIIb~ and olh"'part" un ~'1'''''''''IOII. 'If 011 JUIIIl 81"'"'0 IIII Iun III fl r 1,11\ th IVlIdi e. IIk ll 0 luI\I,M wa lell 111,1 ' ~hIJl'" dec k, a8 If 1,Iug 011 11.8 b~.m ""d" \,,,lf. """Ide. UI~killlf llle Ii"r.... l'tuch )l'lh IIllf II! It. ' I""" III, Irrlt,hllll,. 01 ...111111 ~ .. o)o;.UI ' lhll .. 11I ~I""k.~, ,.nl "~I"I ". elll • .. f 1 .. rI I d 1 It ,he Inyell~lIr'i ae IInnt or thll malle,. I r .",. h,i-stl. I IIobl lll v RClltJea "<14', \\ ItjI 'I~Mlll li ,adu\( ~Q"k 1I,.ur.nc;e rllilr.. n I I h.lllflu~ III lhe r~ lr\! ' (III11 (001 1\0 11 th . 1 II. n 1111 urn P""llI u. • Illc t .. "11,1 It ,. b.c1tl'd by lluUd conI8c.~a. _ ~.lIr~u,e I '''lI u or .11 I t:. II.u s l iulI. ~:~tl.:':.~".:.~~t~l:~ 41... uI, ."d ch:.netod •• ~u IIhuwld Iiuy" n nm.llm , bilL dill I) 11 ' 1\1 dUZ4'1I \I,,"P", bllt over it we lit .1f4In. II" 01&10 C ullivalor ~".II.OII"~. 1I~"''' clw th°I"""I,,, I O , IUI&n . .. 1 I;.U ';::II I ~"'IU ~. c "ll.rn co- e,c[\ >II , r II ,. II •.., ,. d •. I d ) ~lH", IIIC N .rv!l~I. " Jlh.tt.,... " •. I • I\lulr ullt fIJI . qll. 1I I hn.I 110 IIICD 0 I It» ua al \ ullu . ullle III tue 108 I _.. AD h,e ....... I. 10' Ille ~Ii"fll"d u ~rti"l1 " clY 0 I u.,,, lI" rlallllO~ hI ullo II C' ~ Ib 1'" •.. 1 "'-"'...... Icullur ...' W 10 h .. ,rl... -1- •• .. y, ,. I " VI" I ' "I'orallou < I,ei llll 'all ·dOl Ie IIrlllllo( 10 Ih" ln ll I lh e awfu l re d l K! II~ lllI j lly whll:h I hQd w- rUUl: II UI ~ . h""I'ltd tUIlI' a_ JIll bel· IN' ,n., •• It' . , 1'1 'L",~: .nl.UlI "I" .1Il! IlId •• 1 nalft'~' UI • lin 11I11Jrl..... ·nl• .tllhl. - I-:.. arll. I.0..COIIIII !:!qu. 4'~pet'j ..el.....1' . ~ ur, " 1011 UJI., ... lJ ol,l ~a 1111 1• • le III 110 }I"mh, I'"rlleu ll1 ,ly I I I!:. I ..II ',rr.l ur lu "'tI 1II1r11111 !1. ll~'~KA!~~~~1 ~:Rull t:l\""~~~~~:~ ~~':;hGll~rCII lill t! 11/1" 11 ",)""11, ur I s huulJ hllve shrunk IlIwII Ir,,~ the lire plaCf'. bilL 'laC'y were 110 lIC!e.lit vI ,umlw d,oppotl lflto tJal bill with rru Ul II 88 u cu i II". a ('U II' \\ gl ce 111 fuct . 1:0 • • ItLtoo,h 1 IlIIIk tlte tl'\$blo to blllw CIIC11Ulbotrll. Of ~ \tJmufll t el out, whlcl\, hll, Dil,rll<! •• , rein lind 80 11 ....1 w. ,.:lIt III Ih ". ..... mlroctnee,1 IIl1lhl • • lIblllOI ...... caloll I ,U1II~r lill . pee l Ih nll ft;ll In II (rIRIII, l lIlcm ill lb" 1.lui! but lot'. I.ce, E"e. Ih. 1"" , ~ thll ~elll!r nwoo. '''.III lI"p , off. ,\ ("::~r~r. ~ I ,.. uI :\IolII\>ry 1_1",1 h. 10"1" _ b'I~lIIu •• ltabll. \:olllline bl.ek u,u anu .lfl~d bull' III tUt" 111111\)1 ."'''111,10 01 corru8ftOmlou. " IIlt<llllha .. 11111 ,lewal;! .lIIbillu"~ tllDl \1&0 bub)! dhoilid o- I"i! htlht'~.brlllill Qlld lIul'lIIt'g Krll\er p,oved II II or I tI. we I t ' " ~ ' Mn," pI 1I11' 1 1t1~· 1 I II I "I 'flo atuliouh'o wull ... lulIllI la,. .." him Willi I I I I I II I b k ltd b III IV I I. U !tlll.elen Iro Ill( III "" ,~ , e I 'nil UI II ""nlDI.rei.1 loobDleahuc. all,1 phrllsool"JfY, pOll Ollt! CYCl. 011 Y O ll~ 1 . Il L Inlo! It Inve 11111 ~tlrllctlflll, "" ru • a IltIJICI " ul I .1. ~1I.cI. lill" .".1 Es' .... I". l>alillh" illdl1dhl, .11" tullM A lu,ulcc. '\""0"'" .a1e. Ih l! I'ICllliltro .. f ~1'tlll "If It ngo... Umvll' lUll hUIIPIIII IIb"uL hke • f'lII 9IL lill (uur.. "'It",IJlII!,~... tllI .... Uill.ol t; .. h."I/II, v iC I Jllt,r••' ., 1'1.,. It - , .,"n .. trccl, ry 1IIt1f!l, 1' 1I01V hlilu tlu \\ u kilO" I\ht ll II. hud IllIIId on In,. he.d, .od ,1"",11 the (tI' '!:.c~n"~"tOl. cIIICUnu,TI, 01110 P ....~'TNJIL PKlou"olllr - Ollll ll[lIlr 18 a...,,1 'I t)'~ A[ ..{.... IIllve ) "II I" I","cblnl( A "1. l clllalle lIyl. "f 1111.11"•• " e are .vQ~ 0 ,. y 11m,I I1I1111 was bIII 1l, eUUlt!lI uut q( Illy " poc"et, It ~"",u .\.\1 . . .~. "I"'~r 'P ~fnr • • 1. b, I n lOI". e. orYI. here Wrillna, clIlllhhuut: (reedom .. Ith a ,boruugh 100 ~?"n It) be c r~ \llillll, i had yell u 1" ,rIl I IlRd tlO elfcct. Kv.m a IUIDP or INgar < 'to. !:tf.~'~~:I:y"I~ :!I~:'I:1 CI~J",.1J".1 I'ro "le\I>' ...olllulilu" or h...11 ... 1 \I~" . ccurri ey nnoJ .101 by Lil or Ill! \ICrlC, lce h u w weary I~ Llle lUI \\ ould 1I0l tmue It to be gUI~" fu.... S ;.un mor Arl'nngolDOUI (or 18~ ,. pr:';'" '111 "f liIe Clo\crulI." J)r"f f~llt,' :".'1:' '::'~I;"gi ':J',~~I;tc~i~~II.crlucllc':l of UHlIG \Wllo- to,," ou bllIIlH ' "ry1nces II tbe ..Inut •• nd pileJkod ••". ~_. tur 3ale ~__... UOUMt'l'l! O~ Uo""UUUL I,l. w "~bl'(>LIT\"'L t A:O:{O)l r r \Vlllld~ r \\ hUlh Qr IIIr\llll ~ arc c,III Beioll» 'lIc ly lulll Ih. pllluw, turllvd tudl,llI.nll) ~ I!IU.€)I;:Il ANt) IIOOTI4. f).lly 1"""lrll" . rll ""V"" Oil th~~" l"'porl." 1 n~I'1 .} ,\lI:\ .\U NI) unfi l "OU$ &l ltV L.'"'I&,,01 t.cauLlIlII.uorlll\.PI ;jU_1 lo" I~ . . . "ou,,~cloli "hll lit • .vucalilln. 01 .III llo. lt Ic up u f Ilr e ir 1II0lher ~ I,jldeoe< , Iruill Ihe 1~l\'''''UI., .ncI, _qu.,.d ull .t tb. Xf: t \ klWt.tro"D ~ " .0,1 aller ",,,,, .. /lIl al ".\ltU4o:1 . thit me .... h.n' in ,U.. ClI,oroUillll' 01 aomlOlllrc.t, .11.1 "U"\I' lll UI n,l ,1nl!UrlUIIIII IllUI ornrctJ I rulil l .. pill lit ~ f) \ Y, 'lay dlb 'rlU .u will ~UII as r"I. OIeI.:!ll 19J and pnt",lc.1 wurkln,.ol lrade _lancing Ibe .. "' " ., lu,,,, ___ ..,..._ _ __ _-.:.~---'---:..... .ubj'" Of ...".,.,..llIp, l'rIoeipat .Rlt A..,nl, lur "!lllllln!:, Ip ' lh c l~tlllloo,, ' " I Fur III!.rl1 .. IUllrtll 11011'..,..:10 I~-\¥ • NOJlUllilble lualnlluvlIll. I:IeIDl\ D<tbll, Guar· ' 1'1 ,. I 1 I I,a tI ••• •• t u ........ ete l.t,O'" Ihe t.... hb. cur " 18 "Aby, over 1\I,osc 11 ~IIII )cr~ ulOI .. eJ1t In IlIta\8 0 fftll1!J. ;a1 hillr retlC!"li""l,n R(ltillll1e11 UCeld~e, credit bllCO". ,h in~ rd,"11 gell'u~-..h, how Ihe 'IItuoil 1111 elldd, dloJ b"re .lIvM,. etubliorll' lIfllt, iii proftl, lo ter...'. ",.,... \nlem.,Ion.ll,ad",elc Il led "Il~hcd IlIltJ Its IIUSO' - w.~ 1I0llild o .... l ly rnfll. ed to he dllwtl .Ioce dl~ trl.l. ~~ 'l! ar It _ loT!:. ..,::,::ei.·~llMt eowplele" III (row elgbl leW~1Dl bll l)\ ~"uld be wlleu I.... 'n~lh' hll d IUled much IlInller. IlIIiu..w ee,...1.. I, ... '" ~i ~ lIt~~ .. ~ lalr_iotl beln~ g lvlln Ind",tJu"n, .ppll ur t1ejllllled, bUL 110 IIIOiler bull II r .IIMd· 1 hllye hod. "g ntl hll.d upon IouII, lIbou1 1~ ~ ~':l 7'1':.:=1:::.;t\t::!"~l::ry ~ln"".ltbraucb. 01" r.d~rJ (rum qlu '''VIII thUII ¥YlllplOhld o( der." l'ur1!.JI!Il.t1iN&1t& b... ounll ii1f:lt ..... ea .. . 11 tilt ffiJlJlllI1I '1u.lll1callo". f' Ird L I 1 arllre Wilu. Ii _,' _ It ~... ~ 'rl bu.I"~'lICqulI.n .. of the Prhl Ipol \Va .,.l' uIIl e~ 1."C!Clll lu uPI,. ar I:IIUIC ,,/ III''''''''' fll".r •• 11 d II ... .. "I ; .., ...... IIII.bMe hl, .. IIIl'eader ... lll.nceluth,... ,,1811 u ~II:IrJ LII " a CflllCklc, Ih ul " \fa] ,td pl ulII "DIL'ti uf bah1 lelldlllC" Iur .11 eVU.ph - , ~ ~ ~ T 1II . 1II !~1 11I&.IOI.roeU"uItU.llon.ou&raI!u.,lng RlI . cllur kle ould ~BV.' N uw Ivr '''1U1l I'locN .. n 1Il1. *PIU.IO... Fortonalely ~;." "I oj ~ .. ~ ~". ,,~~~~.kDO be oblDUlCd itt tho ~-i'y • 1\11, . \I"~n o lle .... ) c upened tillJ bhllL. alod rur Ihe pllllll&: ..,.J, aud _ _ ,lIltll: .. L<O) . . . . . ~ ~,. 41 .... _~ ......: .. ,.!!~ ... IJipI_. Ill11ieraellllll8 aWllfIlutl .ho Jr." I hI'. bOlh hf)~Il" 1.,. I'r,,1' nbuul, lill lhe IIc!llur, 1 \VOl _PI'r~ .ucla a cllIlIIttupb. B'I~""'" 01 Irl. "WII".,.'!! II".cI'.,,,,. "··i~'nls-Fer fall cou"e, lu:nal lieclllcll !nehll clllu bub IIff thc Il\IIow I by 'he relurn or Iftc Uluthe r 1I00~. lOr "...... 1!IIi !1m for parpal_rle !tilil «-tit 1t1lNl1~ JJ.... '·uo .. 1m" j to IIIJ' dOH, I rllll or I" II Wuuld you lIelluYe It' bu, I 11111 lure you IDd :\hllufacullilIJiUto.."lMIkt.. all4l G 11'. 0 II Y , II IIr WO; Illlacl U 1\ III aoull 6~lllu ,ollr bud CAII't l Ille hid _ _ lou ..reel ... enur.I' r.rad. r. 'or tal •• , •• ,y I... prJ""l. 9r 'WIll EROIA.L WRrrING • 1M "' .... 10 allf 1,,»I\4ra 1Ie.t lretl ulil \yllrfiliubtl IIC". lIlUU: _tCr. " ly-ClaMl lillie piece IIr perver,IIJ W•••1 .aI1. I.cu.,.JI, DII~ I alhl lIul n ,bV \\II~ It"ulld lu qulel n l Ii 1IIIIb III • UlluDtot! \VhT.llie O.·.·.4;ERs 41). Dl.""KS, ..... (:Ie"'. CoIIAI, UjIMIll&<O; will 111..1')11' UI'lllI.lI... ~ buv ~ . pr)le 11 " ....., th~t ItI mulller ..u~ber w....~ d""lweti IUlt aile .ctuIII, "'lulIllI ""1.11.... ,. .... 1... 11. lI"y Imve e . er .....
"0. H
a,.· TI,e't.
~ I II" -I 1I ull 1" 1~I Ij- ' " I • Ilalllll vulore ;I ~ 6 .nd 7 ,I" 1I., \\lIh " 1,1\ .. r l,n,"M IllOlIlu I.. r , " \ ~ II t\GlI N I ~I C I ~ U :I I &111 01 , II~-,~
r- ..
- =-===
hIJ ,
V ...
0' "..
g 1 ,11 ::
! :
Jlit - I\(
11 A I J 'A I ) ,~ , Iho bull III USu
lou" if il l cur. II I" '111,1 1 ~_ '8 .11/l051.qual 1:,,101 , 1"" lIe II • ",,}II 1111 1.:J II gr_ IOcIKloer ,I.,.IlI1 " .... lur5,,'" Ji ",u\. wltOI.! •• 1, ' ,/11 rUln \l. by I U)Il~n' a .. iijlO W 'Y llt .. vl l JUII I 1 8~a
l'' ( LEc,ICi,INU1F.N1·.
100 l!tn I>l!d l evor 1118"'II.Clured (or dill iJy IW llb1l1 d "" ""0
S ----AIl>
' II
~U"~;:~o. !~;~'~~ b:l~:~·nU~:co~~~:~· 1 :::~~~~~ ~yl:. ~.::::.. ••m:t:u/l!.::a-:
If ,'Ie, J ......, I .....rv"" lbe .awe _!lUft'
II, plll...ej \I'llI', tip IVenla I"PIAP little loll', 1.lul
r did roc.•
Illot .er Ne" I'"llt u,.WII .".111 liIal cradle inui t bCJUlilully
IIMlld IIl1l
".Ip • •1Inllg wY4elf for tho \V~1 III wlll"h r lUll italO d I tiure lh., ,I1Y bab,. "'flUllI I,a"e !J0lle 10 IIleep .pln... onl, rllt comrhmclI\. IIlIkl.', bUl tllo blby
'}'I I •.,11 .1:." 1 c""" . u,oulIl Ie mum.llt t Ie ruok!n • It bllgln to clY TtllllC:,,·
"rit,:.ltUll .wI.
I ,"In.
lu~ I"'''nl,
"un ........
t 1..1... fr""1 ~Inr."w '" ! 3 " M.nd :; 1. 1' M I WP al 110'1"" 811l1\,,0. 0"""1,,1 " • ""lle~ 't<lt;Oiilluet..,.unly. ... • ' I·rolu. Irun. C.lullIlma A ~t .\allo...,.. but 'at Ihlll)l I n lnl 1~.ln Glum,"" II .. Ii 1\1 .dd :100 f M . IOp . 111 .... . 1.110l1li o • • 1_-' ., nOlice ... lA,,"I..: .... ..,\, ~n.et~ _ IMI_. Ar 1_e.and w.'11
",. ·Ii·
perep". llon (rlllll brad III fllol. J hIVe IIU doubt lh~1 '1I1, tuftl" II bll' DI ,C .. mle ht
be~11 I"ckt'd 11ft'
Illy furebead
I rllcked lot delr bre. b_II" boullced • , bllul lik" • bllil of lodl:a Rllbber 1 .Ollg 1111 till!' tull- thlll I coutd dUllk or. trblll
Ahhe.-I w
fe.lOO B .. lellel", COlI
V., ..........
",110 \Waf welllhlll:r gunpDlvder wltb . l lgh II b I ,. . Did , .... ever OIlDCOIUIN I P ,. nl1"I;e'111IIh • , . . : t .... cl.-r 'II III~ IRIIU'III I la- Fure".r t I II. .,IItId!llft" lito boller of. Mllllillflpililum. H,ar-lUtlt -A~cIIol1 rlllumed bolli, 1l1li upccl e\cry illomollt to be I.n J I I dlil (H' a.ree \lIbl h air a 111110 dl .talll 1_ "lIqUI ""' iIY. L Blue Vlulet-F"llbll'''''''' or I IHUll If lIot" fUll calluo\ c:ullct'ive Illy uorrur be 1O.... hltu be ~heu 1 hr.rd tho I cry r 11111 10 a CllliI •
ry '-i
...·11.011 •• 1 .... u
.1"",._,.. Wlllt
1 ~1I11 .nd I':r", "lid c-m.l Ohkt R"'"*",, '0 • .. 11 IroOl CI ... "I,....... 1'.1........ z...~.I1I...
WI_lIulI. elc Olll:luMa,. 1)1.. _ Uttll• ." run •• \~pl.1J mt .11 WNY .. Nd ...... Ill' .tuliet., 1....1"1 Colli..
iJu. at "A ~I. ~,,01 Ci8e!un.tI a~2:J\) I':U
t."II.,It..... VI'~"Il.t\ to J( ,II. ,,'" III11~ro"l:" ., 00 .:Iv du ,I.
·..."... " '1 " ICIOlu. 1:!ill'1I1111io1.l C1ewel ... "
00 do
.... nll 'II ... ~IIQ I'~I enMro 01I:)"j>.,ueul.., ..., llool,", tnlltlURor,. alii :it b lui 011 .Il1nal or nofJee 10 COij • • nd ~ olt r ~ rl!d _ . C"'''I.I .."
LANGUAGE: OJ' FLOWEU • a rU" IliU~~.aIl c~U ...... '" I)t:er, W ••ro IlldeblAl" lu Glle or OIar diI1an\ 1",ltI wish 1I1 . .... Ioi'LebaIl. . ."*"0 ...ltlt It "'. tilletbe 8ull1:1 or \11. (01. 01 a flO"" contam-Ie. r"II..-I- JMI- " [ I I " " W,I ... llI8lell. (flrele.II.. ui/ .....aler _.gUI ..c,lure to end III.n Nc"'oal,,n •• b-- , .......- r-- I•••• t l!'prl'!JlII'oI "'ilh"" ~ k q.I J.;. t;. . t.u"" 0 t e .IIJUII,- ... u.,....r.. It will ..'" lUI f'it-..rc DI. you "vor .tlllld 0, .. ' I DUlcnm.n ... L_ i nd ~ I I hi t with 1-1Ip"~eld II .... IUU IUO... tu I_e "'II n. II e'l"1\ Il.lIr.'" •. I I> III..... I .• .-~. _.. VI ..
J .. tie
'1ouI'r. " ....y ,~...t!l" j)I"'"
~.;~:N!d~r;t::'I'''' •
.=!i'!=.rr~-= ~".h .odtWn..... HaD
._... ro·..
~7..q tl."'r~~2.~ Itg~~,~ ~ ~t.lhe. .1,.....
Baby \vua iJC)UU tJaomucl.1y .rolUed ... lauc:hi., i. ,. . . . . w.r .... " . n Up \Vt.lll It. rllund, Clbubby .rm, bill. bad IIIJoyed ea.,enle. Didll'l'_ --" ..• u.. .II 1I('0n 8UIII \ IIat boc k to IInllt to be ca....M .IuN. wltb • be." ••
m.I~I\I. 1'I11'-~ICI1II ..... IkN A~'''''''''iI'I ~.. we 1I11a" 1,,.olilijr ...L • • II! I'~:~~~~~~~:l:::t[ In 1I. 1'.. ralll~ In ..soll.. lor our ~WII 1".IJlI' ,:rltlll* ",,1.'-'1, '"" .,.I!t.o IIn.bled .. ..,11 ." t If' ~" Motu ......r.II' purcJ...... I,., l'4e/u."I •• ec.lleJIQ.llldCet"'tr1 ~11W"h.., ... , IheluVi
p'y 011 It. O\Vlla eelllllil. DO.! tile Ii,.t prow· dle'n I reelllMepiah . I kUII" • dli!. ........, olltur, +; hlclr 11 relic hod 'r'. the OUR ul " ..... ' II .bal w•• !lulltt • la.b. w ••t the baby. upuu wilieh IL I.n~.&! (or re'r.. h ".lIlltt . . . . ..,.., It b. . . . ....... IIIflll. bUbIlI, fllOl t wlll.lnou~ly •• II did 'Vb,. II " .. , .." ....., """ III lIu "-.e.. 10.
'I GIl 17\; 1I 1" .lOU
3 QI)
. .. :JO
.IIeh ",",e,. on ~~l n_' r".~." ...I~ \OIr' .. ' flUl'f'!'IStJ • • tJl'(Nt.~ anti 1M'iJ)I~I"i "ny Pll"""" .'Ilihqrl 1101..,., -
- - '"---.,,--- - - - - D- II. K %1.' E S ~
..lrr.l,w.,. Pi)JA. -......"... ,
q ......., Q TlI()ij~ ~ltl!iaf ...........1 .nd '''rs1ea1 ' ....1. ~ Uln', wftl ~ at .. 11!fl1, hllrrtt I to "'"
.. • ••
o· B -.
tile ...... '"11..", "fII,lfl, .1,,1 "" _ ... r...... 10 tM" lIIet1l~ n. lrum 11._ '" .... ".IU",,_ I'" rATA"~ ~'A IIII.tI."" ", 1J J)~. T 18 .. r\0tJ8ian'.. uttl..............11,. ",."',. •• ,lIle, ........... Ie ""rtilmo ...r" • .,.1 r.llo,. _ no... ............ I. II Iher. I...... 'ol.I.t.;II.,II.UtlI ...... door .. ordl 01 1I ......n " M~· _.. In.""~~. " ' _ al_ 111 Iy 'hr*f ..... ut"" It) Ie OI""r Jhoi eIuo,l!!', Itl lin "id •• 811,...... '" ~Ied'.....' ru nll W.& v~""IVILL~ - V ! t - . " lIoner •••• ori ... IU 3CI!II1 froqrlelltl, III ,1ioI ....@ 1 ~ ... ......_h"...I_ CII~. AlID lu,..a tIM ,....1 '-dr~dl .~ ..."111.,.1... 01 JI.t..CWPfB SonPI ear~ perl"'lIleil nnot!he !lIKIa 1.... llni '"1~1. ft' 'rln~ 'mil.. r.I....... h.. lllllllu~Il.Hd 'he ea C<1lYffl "0111 Ill..., . wllo h ..,. looten IlIUi Io. t I" I tire III !i!rlll'l ut. Kelty . CrlailflO & u;.. ..II~ II' 'el!tnr.,01 "1111.1.1 .. " ... 11'..,\0,,1 " VI,I. 110" I.. i ll 11111 ftbor~ nDIII/!!! " . I.bll.ltll"' ..', _iii re 'allvln~.n. ha, DI"ftIIT. "'10" ..., ""11,"". ,1 _I • .-«ullr. ".Iorm th" pllhlle 11,,-, bo II -p.1'!Id ,. " I ....,,,,U R"'O"" to D." ~,tI"' .t.l 1<I1HtIOU .............. er •• 0,. >1111110 b .. llue wblim call ...1,1 .....,.,.".. "II..hlld b... I IlI- nCt' 01 bUlloe-. ,,",1 ,h. colll1Jill. t1 for_ Of II lor",,,,., _ h,m. IJTE". DGll'fa. ."'''',,.... it",'oriic:ol tlo... Otstn I ' t. wltb.1I the 110,. olld II" 1I"I"o. " "lenll, . nch ..., neyor fUll II) !lIve eOlllplel,... IIaI.cll on will 0...... lie ... od" 10 or/le. 11~ "rt""'11i 01 t~up"I' Fill. III c.;""lr.~. wlli ... n' ..... nll fillod ror tb. gra in, 1 h ..... 1'1,\ .11 W.. .a ~ ",.uulaellarlu!!. or !he Go.ru" eto..ol FLO ua IUld Ku, • wlI\I I laiCO 10)1 .1 "'II" (Grl"'l 111(0 . ~Dl:)~W StiLLS, wllllliler 0' S~.u. or Wa lOr uleb), • IJ &. ~"I, ler '·.oWtlr
a act .. o.
,ll..... 1.........,
Ware and Stovesl!
1'f£\v !....."fTAnl.l15DM1"'~
D i'11i ~ 1'0 d UU' '1 m: 'I 1111~ ;"~:)~i:~l~;h.nl'i!f: un ler. ,.,.o.I bu 0 llllllllll; .... .., 1111 .1111 , •• E8ll1blls hnlulil .llhe .. " S llIro IUIIU "" ~Iu l ll ~ ""111, lour dNlIl lIorlh ~t C III c .n Hull I wiler!! be 1I1'TtI... rfill' .110 1111 w nil bll1111048 III !II K II li d . wII" ' . 1II" 1M loU "" ~~"O I " .. lie,... II f II ... bee, CookhlJ
~I O ' ca IIOW in \l8e, . 1111),,1' willoh Ird, Th. Hllc~e1 e t;,nl e , .... 1....1. lu"k II. f....
('relll hllll al lit. OlIO" ~. 'e f ",.. r, "111 Kn' IlI ck I m "Il'~ I hI I ~ r :51"le." .1I1.r' nldhCll Itt Ih~ 00.. ''') Ie, ellll ~cu.; .. if '1"11.
"""re.l .........,...
QUllA r DlT'
1pI''tntl In IDI.e'1 d.~ Wh •• Ili1" 7 I. JtIIe.nlillc....' ...... N JOJfal. tlo... I'll""",,, 11u 'Cild Y Ii .... umher \I,lorlJlMioll ....I 1·lIwa.u~· 1Ir- II! '" !.itled tu., love IIGI,ply 10 I' \V l'i I Rt\ J)t;I{, U.'I.....1&getlt. ..CIUlla A~II'--Yvu 11........ c:allfe I/Oul,•• " coroor 01 Ilru ••lw.' ....d "NIII.... &1" 20.18:>. 191 "h_hlllil ~hllhi ..o•• Clo,nr Ullllora, .nd J IIR Crulv •• nd l' ,"kee Duodle, to Hu. ha· or 1I1'a_1i'l ,r ::111110", ~ a~l t r 'nl lI{efll l;I)ru SIll Ileta , 111'111 be mad.. UII Illort notice. I I I .• t .• b b I·L .. b dl_urajlu..,.t. W I CL~'!It:N I t! ..... rilII ..... IIhI' BV~ GLO~ 111:8 A.~D.n-r.. l firA I ~na] r~p.ut.. 'C at ,.... . . me d_ I1roltlptly ' b• by enor 1111.. a.e, U nl,-J claan ..e bUl III dllA\b t:)':l' h.o:on'l"'II, "III ......... ' ... ~.IbI.I.r l ra le ' ... rlll. '''' ,I"" ,ecehed Alld f.r IITOVE8, lIIelllCt\ lo 'hllt" 11.11 bOI". The I l I u d · fl esteedhl."'" dollar. In ....., 1111' ... I II 1I~ltaw. (A . . . . .1 Ih. 'If d""" ...t Im..t. oub.nd Alsu ~I.. r e l rim er I '.U". lhe louder It IIquallcd II \Vo~ Heart'" t: ..u--F"r,,"l QlII·lIul. Ie.. II........ 1"""lrtlOIII" Ihu tAnda_n en .1.,. (Jci.Q,r 61b. II - I nl llIl:0' >lId .11 killdit of 1'IN WA llt: AI.o. • LoeUl\--80rNw .Dd.tb ..... wlae" II 111101 Irl'l"hII"'W .llbe rue Of . , . .. all k,n"... 1 C<\dfLNu::\, usu.lly kopl ., baITlalld i tfUol\; lin d ''1tlllll beat 'j'he -t-Ior .. or, .l't(IIHI...1....bu." tII.I._.t hun Ir?,1t "'- I VDIUOLlc II UIS 0 r IIII •.""ot - ..alOe. L I c:rr petrilla "-came lite cry 1I1I1I""'1nt•• lId . Il'millf to 1N'.!..... ~ .. lJ II P .. '"\11 8 t1Il b.,td IIDIi ell/l Joe ,....... 10 order lhe e'] 1II~,,"n'l t !JOCOIRO the aqu,,11 1m· "II/u.- eu.vne ce.orroD 111'11 olle B. CON' S wh~.o y r II.mod IIII~ ."''''0.11111... ""rallve Blue boulo bUlltd wldl tie. IIf our 1I1l1ure'.... IIHlty. Wl·.r...... " ..iIlC nNd 01 .1I,III1I1J In u... er. ul I~n.un..,..'" ..... I.. 1"- tI Jo •. ~ IIlle.r IrW4\ "III find llte,a••I,.. (..11, r....ld 0, HllA L'fH - Ule",,"I"" hl:bl, .nd 'lotna:ed II IIllrll pipe On lbe "'III P yfu~- .....we WI .... re I, "e .... ~ ~ lor ,II. /r lfollble.It1.lvioQ lbe ... Wa1.ylll" PI,,"toinlrJr, Caallor _ liOII".I.OCiI... ItC) dow, wlllic lhe olock kepl up 8 '.Ul.h&I"1I J'eaela blulll_-Here i • •, chlee. d l\lecIiloe ~ ... r_ Irll11, u Wnlef.(JlI .... elc • r III II .,--~. an- ted-I' .. (cl t to "'.... lfo - , au II", I'r"","'ot IIaa ,h. be'l of workmeri. 1".11 ()a; S r&ND~I\O r.ITI! It~'tlJn .. .,..e IUIOI' An DS , 011 II "~\Jy' CI' It hwb~'" lIU..,e P" ne_ · cl..._ . 10 ro....... d.~ br.llchClf of tI .. "".ln_. III bl •• mplo,. and . 0rl"10/ll of: ,1 .. 1Mia1 woru kilO"" • .lllp •• L _. ~re t:lua.... lJamiktorcL'" •• Ih~ 11'--'-. c· .. 1'..... I' ,I. G III all uillucky mUWIIII\, I "fted UIII hI. •• - _ _ _ ' ....... e•• esc.II..• _.It-a ... w,I~.rlL -- , _u~... v _ CUTo.UO P LEe, " unl ' oollw nod vell .... b..1 _ . U • I I III ~ ,. - - _. ~ . .w; u ' " 'R 0 GIUSPEN l..eavOI ~ I!m \..oavUl (_OlIn, 1',..011 LII" Ilev P tie tmllpeal 011\ IIf lhe c.adlc Neyer. lie" 1-. .... DI._--.... . . " , e . 41 Nort"-tre,,'c.,aor.r III~Ut ••• W.I ........... I MI_tit w.raea.Ulo. Warroll C., 0, 1m .,,"" 01. O.c""lor, Dr.AII' Llf". ''-3 •• 10 .... ln er wllli CblllOlll 11)1)1, I thou,"III.. lmpru tlte eh.na , nlO()II T'f~. :-n<lr:::8~1I:J'~.* ..~~!!~Oh~!"''' ..rc••" ·)ludtI1I~ ........... ..::::!no;lt!' ..,....i... cltU"reA _ 161 ,,114 .Ie. ole. , KoIC'bud-Tho" ha" ftu'-. III' .... "'.'0 til _.... _ ... ,_ ........ .. 1 ............ ,__ Glrr Ooon \V" .l wNYs k oep. IUIlpiv dllllce Dgalll' Borurf I hd ''', I c u u l d - _. HI u.... lile "",1..Po N "" II.W 1"'"01'.... H.th. era • ..., .... _oIl' 1 _ : iJiiii"-:iirJ__ MLft h.nd 01 , Ite 1... 110 be loulld III Ih e IlImrk ~ 1 _ b I I I • TI h lI01l1 ,. ", t.CU!'1Prqt )Y.l.D~ """ ~ 1U1I.lf1K'II. JI.>& .... nllo 61. 1 qualit1. tN.I'" ~I n18'" ~. BIIII"" I "at.,nft nt. FlyUlu Duoko Se,,,, ave tn,I1 III\ng \VII , t Ie (lOCI,' 10 IV tie h. h.! fill. U" II, 8r ""' ~DI P ~IIT or a........;ei. ~~, .... 1. worlll.~JJr_.1I1 ...... Iltl. 0 . . . . . . . oU_. owalliraroua lite A II 01 wli l"b we .. II u or lI s ww UI,. equall rawea," bllt aftl'r>urd. tl,o J!crce.l Ro.emary-Ktep t!fI. lilt lDJ .. lie, I'll prflHi, lilt lilt ,*,,11I.. . ~h..III~1d ..1"-' "" . •• Ootda _ . UlWa "dotll j:!dltlOO. wit" Ii I·t;l ce. ~mt'lIIber 111p .......... """" ... e In ",altln, 'a e . •• 11 l"'J'Or........ c.u ......... 0 ...... ndNd B -' I h I Boo,~r:-.' 110 t In our blasl. " rDo . rellll lr.efllcd belclilng fronl that r~ r--.c 11M! _&. eon.--.I .~...Ie.... ~-.', I[OBEIt1'8 " IIItO'1'UEIl ...... 0 npl.. ,np, D:7 PUflIO II. WI ms or '" ...... I B If I tb b ...,.-, -.'-t .. 0\..... ud ••Uorm "-lJIIM!o t!!IO onl'!J"~1h I rolltlra uo, AT ", ,,, l \t ll e. t"r,,~ 41_Duul - e • nvc Iii y IIIIIU1 .., liD doh.,,,1 !l001ll.11I d", Unlled :4'al'" ~tI.n ••r \Ill Hura.n~'''IDlI. o.. r, .b.... we wilhltfty¥befl.PPl' ·'to lOrY. Our 1 111('11 II III nly DrillS. 1V0ddiud Il 10 Dnal 0.11-' bonor JIIU .11 cnJIer.I,.. pl.n Ildopt..cl la .......... II.OIlI....,.. ...IICI. .nd _Ill ........... I. . .ded. Tr.. IIN on 10 tI.ia or .u. w.Y, a.nll lurol. b 11101. 1i0 wtlh ''-r In~lead 0( ~ . . . . . 'Ite d ••tee_.... r_.... hWlllet ilia W".... , tlley de.lre II. OU ••p .. IbOl cuulU ,"uound lho rllolli. wueai II Up alld 1\.,\\11 Willie R oAe-A'rl h.. opolW lOa. VII,et..... Itserr. ..... I......kl. . ~ e,,1rieoo I~t_ 1__,,,,, !MODI•• « I~ _ . DUIICh_, IlIc..a", "'0,,111' ·• I d " Tlu"' I 'A I·tt.J ..1-_1 .. r dar. btettlt_. 1. ·,lnlf m."I.... It.· n OnEln'S '''''' ~. 3 O J U'·' I li n ml AI,ou uera Ie Ie . . . . dled It un nlJ .",- _ ..... III.,........ .....,., illu~ I - I n( bll.1ttl101 _ . . . . .... .....WILLlAM.. YOUNG. If D "'.I·
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001118 01 III uDI very h ...,lohIllP 01111 ,~, .101111.11 qu .I"p ."UIUII8b. lor .. Iil lty I;) "LORleli. Ill) '1u1n ~ l be, ~Ih a lill 51" CIIIOIU". ,1
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llUl- 1 ho "r""e., .IJ.,.lIlb.n., .n" I"UII ale. ''''YII' I" Ille worJct-" 1'~lh I.ppl, kepI C.. U. IMMly ou I.aud AI,o. Dr 1 nI~" \lallnr llcOlllulla AI.a, "OI~IU'tt. IIIlO.
VI &: ...aote.... re-II~---... aadI.., qlllkhl.I·''' .. l~1 U;t::~'r:'~=~!::~ ~~a15:r=~~=II~ ...,"'e"'..ip, ........ r. . . . . 11....... ,..;t. ~'G.i9!~: D D p._. . n.._. hnlln...\ -~~t'" ~ QU nUl AAft...... mlln ..I1\ ."'.mwe. OIl Caea laW; c:.omUllt tn IiIUII Cld~ -)Icrm.pll kelt pubbdIJ COlli,ow ofTil O ...... rll •• loOF ....... _ ....... I"IK to..,... n. "'_ leetll"", on tba .d~of . .... ..... .. L..t In 11.e pliDOn Dl a \ reIch ,mit! or eN' "l' r--r' P 1_ .r",en:hawtJt ••Ie ~ , .', I ,.&0 letta' &0 III ..w~u. 1M ,...s. cwne .... • I IJ t(J lUI •• allllll. • "WOIaId I. . . . . . . t. caD ,....... I. . . . . . ~ b" ....I. Iln~" w( • ...... _··· ....... 'CENT8 .DeIoeet1l •• I.IIW.MU n,,"'''' ot >tit. 9c101_d 10 .. He..... .... ... .~ ~ ..........~...... If flU . ._ ; . _ . ::"~:: :o.":~'u~·II, .r IlOple. ., ... u L II t _ ,IS - ... . , . c. W _ W ..... 'IIIiItI "liter -lilt •• l!e pIteeI!1 lll ,) DR W\I YOU~O. ;1~~;Fi~~=~~~=~-~;~~:1~ uti.,.... .en "" .... lDO\ber co...! '&1- wl~ ",.. Idt tIaer lie ..................... _111. ......... C 'aIL .,.11_.. UII.,rlbea. and tbe clock .".",erell, wldl moeklD, __ , _."..... _, ~ I L.__ dill ~. - - , fIf ~. NaiaIf.. ...... 18 WQ. I, • 1 Mpr_ .1 .I'lIU .....pId. 110\ J k. - IKJt .r....... ~ ~... lillY, .. - , not JIIt'nlu I.,....•• ,......, ..... ef~t ~ • • . . . .iiijiiir.;-j.illiii.iiliiii~i& ...... .... ~ wltlttudo•• Ddfu~adu&C!o lim.. '0 '-~...._ ... ~ • ...m-lpoiat ... oI •• w .u4 ....;w-W_"'.... c C..~PUa·T r. .~ ..., .. llt,door."O,IU, to Itle Ihe COIll II'" rell.r . , ...... - . 1 . . .- . . . • d..... ..., _il.~_"-t7..... TU&.boYl_Pl~__ """""""'" JUST R~V~.""_ ••1••1 thl! B. S .But IIU'I. ~.tntlle, ....1,. 1................. 1IifttI l8'P;._ , . I.... ~........... " . . . . , la olrer .. to ." Ita .I-rille. II. the 1I1.nd Iorlllol ~v ~ "--ldl u. hp..... IIId . . ~.~ ....III' •• I'~br.Il.,I.&.8ro1'"'r •• l'hef41 . .. a r_let upon the feure tlCo"e, ' .. la eo Ih.1 It....... ~ _ . . " ' .11 . . , ................ IM. U.U EkAL ~K I'Jll::i~1' OF GROCE Pllli hi, winp alld crowing like .troJ.... t....., lea I at *J ........U' r : : T... • ..,.e•• Glnp. r do Hlle•• II 'If" " " ' or , . . . . oa. ~ . , piKe " PItbI... ~.... _ W., ....... "-'a. Ie I. lite ~k • ..; Drt'~. Cloor'tiro. , .... &aPb, tmll _ '.1 "Y dper p lealt1 1 board••lI4Iaprln....." It Ute . . . . . vi !f!~'"I'" 1"r~' .. ,..... b 'ta.-", , . ~ ur':1~'-.I.n., Uarr\~.(.,......CI. Tu ( tb. au\ d• z• 1 ' 1 . ID ee"e up In • _r -.... _ _ • • PI8- ..._ .......... tit.. ...... ... _ I . . . . . . . . . . . - - . ....--, r.wder .ad 8.bol. pot pie WIlli the alft.oa, lift a ,...1. it Nt I. • tan . . . . . . . . lie ~. CUllrllll'tt ..... -.II Ia k will III . . . . . . . .... C.IHM) CO.''' ...., ...~ .... I ....,.."a....... "'-k*"""',ft1 -a~' _I'I.II".lKlm•• lol collfectlon • w. . ., . , . "•••1iWI'a ........1oI lhe"'~ • 1 _ ...., ... lJ6pI_ a ....... au .... of iniI .. _ ........, .. _ . . .. . , d_ rlpli.. n .aell •• call"lea GO Ute floOr cruucal.. . , IiI&e Ia cal,...1 ....r tJae .pot ~ III lite wbe . . tIeIIMd _lilt:." - ,,1- .. "'ill . . . . .r, ... u. _ _ ••11. raIII.~~ ZaUtH curr.llte, . ... •
Jlulter Cup-DtoI!'II. 01 ......... eo,t'fI--
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"'.tIr•• '."nt.
..kn• • , DOW .the "IhlOlll' , now ,h.. hrt bu\ 1101111111 would dll L,ke an eut,""IJ gale. ,It~ equ.l .. Dlultlphed .lIil aoemed to be CIllclTe.. J re't ... 11, .1.rlUld lerilled I .." "IMld or con UIIIIJO' .,Id such I Ike lila Iha l iur.nt· Oc_1o i. Io e lr 10" liat! I kellIn q cl ~ • Jim " U'I! lhlt • cru" d
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,on I:IInllOIlAilio g~I"nh.eI W..... I r~"e l. u,1 Olll~ .. .. w .ml btI.nllr,,1 ......, .111 tI',I .. lo r 1111 11 , '1"""g whl e r, llhi II.. Lal If"n.:~ .) 1 I ItI " . r . "'," ullfull, ,011.0 .", aM
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OU"1:I "Tcc,,".' Uill, , "" Keol, • • kl\1011 e lea OIl,,,I)la '\ I ~ o c~,d . , e ..d e .... tU"I,II!11e r no' e 01111 cn l' p" pef of nHy • 11" 8I Y ''' . lana~ ~ .. " pl n"i I!n""lo~. III e' wblch "" 1011I31l 1l u, Ihe 1o ' ra l r.ltllfOl.~'"
ItOIU.tt'l'!' . . .0.
UliJUOPltrCK'8 " t:,(Pl.LL1BLK Btl~I :til. '·U.vURlt," "ill eacc llclIl . ubllllUlc fur ~e"l.nd 1118 lor 8"1,, Ity I If II ~1t1Ul5
s,'"I' ,,0..
• LAX ~u:am '~~NTB'Hr. II I", cn hllr II""" , 'I~ "' ..... . "1,,,uUIl .1 I" ~ ,u n " II ," . ' 1.....IftI ••~ ..II .. ~ 111110 .. 1 W.YIII' n II Ie I t ,h. 01.. ,..1'" 'Ie. I~ 'M II \li /l • • n l 'I~i ..," I., " 1II.unl .. 1 I I 'K ::Ibn. I ... ", 101"'1 h. wlll.1 aU llrue . ,,~, I h~ 1" "It... r "' " rk" l l'rMe" e....
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&m il~DBi'ENDBNT ~OiTMAL, FOR ' ~i~ DiSSB.!NATlfj~ 'OF PUBI iJKTBBA~tllitE. t
= J. 'J'I, 'OBERTS,
7:·-NU~lBEn ~3, (
1 54.
NU~rnEl\ !31.
','0 'l'l,eds, I ' nl ~Ightel'n,) ou all) L\\ enl)' nl)l h ,lv u 81\1(1 It-t coulo1 nOI-1 ncvcr III! htihtnillg. ~hu let hel' da~g~r go and \ "Not Ililvsys," Jle leplied, her ~I , I.Cm exoltlllnod. "KnLy . I WIll bo 1\ bOtWl lllily nil tJIt'r.tln'S'1'5 which _I, l!lvl~heol n Lllified m o I l lS worn out, shOo I'" I'c ry IWIICII del:lll'u' will Ull d \l II!ICIICt! to tlo<l SCIIIOIILY,' CIUI fo ro'lll hlln 01 hcr DIl,lllIt A man clinched mc-hur grip 8. .. '''1 d oJ. 01I I .,... .. II 'q, 1U11II. ~ Jero. upon II ru ~ ~C IIL. she .111 lOll.!" At II\~ t dloo I,ll 011 lloe ")'J1PY sal ~ 10 gay gn trylllg to luol, g nwe. suull as my fathUI lIe\ r ollIJ~. He hYUII h.ld foullu ~y m llLch, ny*.. more, III cd lind o.lIIlIoL mlly.' 'pluful the hllmblu rmml wlHoh !lhll hllli "both ClIlllhullLC!j for m llLIlO)oIlY, 1 haYIl III In councll~ filII of wi Oom Ill! thuy strongth, Ilnd tilolL Uly skill IllS a boxer, l Then thtl l\()ctor wellt to 6pcak to tho pl()~"ru~ IYILll her 011'11 hllnd • 'Illlllllrtul "xpcd.cnt ul tOIl~ )!rIg hlon loltorR III tho no ldo/\f of l hving a hfu of slIIgle ule~~lId· weill • I10 d S Ile ' ro e to dcpRr&, bid· f"lIu\vIIIR 1IIl1l1l1cr: sho prucllre.1 a buw HO!lE, ' I ofb he'lrt; ill his ex lm~lil' ripe from and III"J ,1Imost uncquallud IIbility IIR" invahd: "Arll J' ou conSClUII'" S.IIIIII"- I.e 1,1d f11118 IIU!!IS . I you Ibvei both glOut! loukillg WI( e 0 servatlollllnd vario (!xporirncllt. lYre Il er nJll st SI\\C me. ' bellllmg tOlldllrly OVlII' hOI'. "that ),0111 dlll~ hlill b~ eillm Iliid I' ·sl"nut.! fOI ho nlld ~O ll IU nrt"" s , IInol lYlIIg 1\ leLler to II tu Ill18," m, II clowd, llOW tllll mu COlIstltUtlU..! IIniplu cxpCJrlmCnl, tOIl:!LI· I h,ltl ICllrnud plio"Iii m II clcvor lillie hilS nlmnsL C )In~ I. I 1l:;,l11ll1lco (I lilt .. Rhl! \~ollid Ihreoll, . 100 IoUlllic ~rrl)"', to) Which WAH c uou"h , _ v ~ 9.' ~lh.O. \IlLI I~ tie Br 1I0NTOOllltUY. IlIUluully If you Llullk lovo III Il ooLl.IIge tullll ~ tlmple cxpcrlcncc; III IllS prtnCl. Ellgh~h !.cllchel, lIlid I\t wresthng. to .. y e~ 1), , lind bu~ tor theso," 111110.1 bllll;;' II rriund to gu 011 Ill S bOlllld, I\lId o l\neh ~ d Iho ulher end of the Lhrelld, /liltl thtl glUulldwork hllppinuss, 0 1 if wu pies, 'VIIlCb welC IIbsolule. 1\8 I$rcnt mor· tlMl UIIY. 1111111 lIovur b()()11 throwlI - she. IlIylllg he l hllnd tenuolly II110n h~'r ~1l11 LlllIt t;he Ivould lulllill IIl1d luke lhe WllltI'l\\ of lh e prlAOIlor'd ce ll. III Ther. i. a .pol nl nrab ~u)Jralllely bloal. II1l\y btl IIl10llcd to judge, wh.lt uther III Lruthllllri', ill Ills way mlsl.llkus,wlllCh I knew Whllil I (ull. Lhe "rip tbllt I wa nllw bOlllli.lbo. "I'd we lcom\: deaLh IlS II hlll1 I,ome. And silt! lun 1111\1, II IIII ~ wily sho sent him 1'0118 . !Ilk, nlld pnper. A dur.r, .WMlIK lhall lit Iho real, rcqlllre moULsshould 1111 up Ihe mellsuro.' WCIIl folY lind 1I0L. "'10 III I, fHis do· d.lIllin:; \I Ith a IOn" IOCQIt 'LhAt my fll 111 sSllnger of rest; lillt how c In lleR\'e SLrtlll g' mlln. \lIth 11l~ h ellu dI OI'P lie Iholl. by 1100 d"",O UIQ!!1I10UI expedient, Where man, ere.llon I Iyranl, cn"!¥ "Ille ,. ACCOIlIIJlg LO your thool y we should s iro to ROI' me growlIIg ouL 0 11 feuhnl: Lhcr mid rnoLher were relying. on 1110 my hL~lu ones? Who Will huve p"t!"lIce 1Il~ UpOIl III~ hl".I~t, Il ~el Y '01\ IlIlI.IIIII. Ih. IWOrd and lcepml ; I)ollc.",r,. .nd l,rl,le fvllull III LIlt) loo/.~Lcps of ollr prcdeccs· tlmt he might ILL lmy bouqmss onwllrd,' and I:;I'CW slrollg, as I bufole IIllId. We \ulh my wlly\\ lIrJ Amy. or glllllll Lhu IIl1hwll bufuro Lhe wo.II.;'"lld tUlld~1 be Ollt Iuvo lti ller. I liN 'I'bu Ihe lIc p'r~tfll While III ht. lollCllotIl".,k benlgilly lJlol,,1 ~O l :l. My mother rnarrled fur love, r ,IJld to g ive me counscl. WIl:; nllLurlll. Lu,slud. ~nls pcll 1101111 let loOlliO, stru k pMslond of my 1I0bl,. \!:.Ill y 01 101'0 U1Y mg who prO~e ncu nlld ntl\ctlOlI Ililli I'llilbnllli u.III Wife "'''re e lillbled (u uurr~ 'I he .Ir•• the lon, thc bueball~. hllhcr. I(loud but nOL lIeoessllIY. Dllt his slightost alld V mlUd, ol.lIched nn<1 w rost1cd, till dill hng \Vllh,, ? NUllu b'u'L 11 1II0lhei slillu~ (he allJry I'I\~rllon of hlK ~olll- ""JlloI, lu CloCIl ~ cntlh Iltl,eI"s hope., alld 1/... woman reigns, Ihe mOlher. 01 IIU II Ii IIJr 1" I(c, suppOSe )'ulll S did tllO snIDe.' "1 don't kllOW, Luoy. hOIl Lhnt WIIS, Wis h IIII~ law to mo, nllri I sLllrll!d lOI nt vllrious II IL'l1Iplll "0 ~ ulld oUI~llIve8 1 Ir 1 could ,"I,oj ti,lS hu\t, mlilloiess nllgd '1'1'110 to the 1II~ 1I110t9 of Iocr 1.) l e IIlItI AuSltlln eneh llth r In theIr Il\laforlUl)C8. SII"" "hb (r"1t Bow,. " !lIC narrOw wny or hlo, liho jllLlld 0110 who h.Ld beon long nUnch· humo, LI utlglllg In all ulIlJlUken SIIOW lo whllt wrl!nlor~ call 'Hide hold! I 80ul .llong 'ru iL \VIIS Ru1lt011 by COIILIiCt proml O. ~ho u(11 retlllil Wi th all ' '1'1,," \Vila n\l 0.1 1,1 11 0 nt IlIghl·IHne, .. III!II tilt!' III \lIt clear h...von ur Iter deli!:l"fut c)'o, ed to.) hOI', III1U nlLhollgh pletty \lcli off path Bl!IHlo I roached our door, 1 g"t the 'IIntlllr MOl,' and hnud him, fur IVllh tho Il th, then r could go. Oh who wenl 01l11l8IJund for III~ "prell l dcrutllll:tll[' rVCH of lloe scolillci. romalnAD ..... IIII.rd of lovel anol grace. JI ~. III II. worldly point of VIew, yot could thought my body would lire out com· it " ·IIS 1\0 IOIl~ur n \\0011111-0' er Illy lllll'e pnll\'nce IllLlt n d) lng mutIHlI'~ IInoe IIUxl. murlllilg. 1111<1 II itlt hill h,\lld 011 III hllppy Igllorullco o( the modlum or" Areand her kn.eo dllm8lltac dUll8ll lIlool, have held no oomp'lrison WILli my Cather, ploLcly, bUl it did not. I IIccomplishell Ilip. threw 111) leg III'Ulllld hi~ Itnd tllrn "gOII)" It is 1I0t fOI lIIy :!cU 1'0.1 "'ll\y"- olasJl d ill Lhnt of III~ IUI'e1y wtle M h~ CO OlIllUlllClIlIoJll Aad Iir.. ld. p!';'.urot lambel at her f"OI l:lu uccsI I,n~inlllnsr,re" cd hlill HI! fdl 011 the t100r IIko l& ill';' "!J1l1l ,101!!1. rcmcmbul 'lLu \\ ho lOl\l lut! hlll\ Ilwn)' II J11'1II(elit IlIld, Ill' L11I 8L. Whore .ball thaI lind. dllt IPOI of elltLb bQ who. YOIl know·, at one time was can· II. ,,\.ur_ge,lhe ludy, with Ihe I\: HilLnllce or I alo my suppor,c1IRlted 1\\fMle with my 1 iutcildeu lo- b:ellk his 1J,/IIO:l. bUL he PUI; tllc" wi 110.1 Ie) the shill n llUnb' will II u ULt~r mllil '1'huro ,,' eru th081l who thl' urruw lind thr eno.l, nflcrwnrlls cOJivoyed Arl lbouaatan' IIpalriolf look arouod [tuundl sidorud IIDUlunscly rach • "WolI, Emma, nolY we nro coming to p"rellts, lind IIUlit to bed III myoid bed· ullhn'Jked hi:! elol\k-it IlI\d b 'come UII· lal,1.! CItt'C 01 them' 1,llIg hed. 11$ tllllt 1',1]0, m o~k wOlllun ()b,lhou .ball lind.b.","r UIY (o",elelluolm, ThaIland lby count"laml Lba' Ullollhy hOllle Lhe point. Was sbe I\S IHIPPY, thlllk room My father and mother I left sit· belLed ill tho IMlIl;;glll-1I1l11 he lenJ1IHl • 1 du LlY, bllt 1 sue LlllolI" h ~ u eh 1111 bOI\! of! hor ehing husblllld. bllt ~he II fill!- IV lhe elllllive. whll willch he. ~llellt. you. liS 1\ s ho had g,,'en 111m !In undlvld- t.mg in Iho kit()1Jon, grlLt16 ed at my artl· uJ1liku II Oil!.. HIS cloOll1 !lud hoo(1 ftll e.1I Lhly mediulll My h(H\Yc~ IJ F ,IL locl hc cdcII Lhem not, IIllU hel self sliclifi Iy filed thruugh 0110 ot Ihe bDte or hie •• cd hOn! L? WIIS tho IIcqulSltlon of fortune va!lIl1d ploud of me. ott LIl:,rethCl I stl uek hll\l bllforll he help Lllollll11110 1I111Jelocf ! OIl'1! 111 0 filllh 109 h UlIi t I.llew or OIl( II for IIQt.hlllg 11\ l'tI .OR•• nnll thulI' r" LOred It LO tllt tllDce. LIPE'S WAllING. enougb to ct)mp'eu~alo for the Blluse o( 1 fell asleep-awoke I\nd Look a. seat Wll~ bal'lIIced. sUlggorco.l him, gml'plcd III th(;o ' Its holy lind hl'lwon· bl)llI 11I5LIIIC\:I, but 011 Lho IIClOt I)VClltil!:, 1\'hOn llicll) \ aa •• 0 wrong she hoil done another, or tho between my lllther Rnd moLhol. They my left hllnd into III ~ LhrOilL IIIItI struck O,ulgo stool lioside tho bOII,Look til' lo I'ltltiCf\'O And !,IOLeOL hun whom h Inul/llhghl. II KlIl nt cur.'· W08 (uSI/lIlcoI til ar J'A1UIT !'ou8Tell oqtmge of Iter own affeotion ? looked surprised, nnd inqUired why I hlln ngalll-callcll on my mOLher to Lhin, culd 1\I~lId III his he rlli,lld hor lUI" d \ll th 1111 tho devoLlon of II \I lIu Iho thrcllIJ untl lrRII~ mill !'lllu (he prisoner. ",.to\lciwl..,I._.~..ct1ro.. oneoflh.,.n. ·'1 don't know bow that might be; had luCL lOY b4:ad. • llJlun the door, /Ulllll8 she uid, I l'u h- C)lS to hi~ {liCe, IltlJ in lUi In~LaIlL thu lind \VOIIUIII. 1 'l'he rOllO \V1\8 ilrUlly (IlMlencol 011 the 0110 1I• ....s ,Ut."all1llor..,' Ial..t poema. sbe was ploud !lud IlIgh s(lJrlwd, pas· ' SlIid I, 'ba8 nobody been here sillce I eu hllil lind kiekud 111m OIlt. lie swore 1\ hulll fULU IO WIIJi berol e hH. end to n looulil ill tho ' IInrrel 'ir Iho Indy M, iii. 11 wanlnl AlIllo hUI". arc d.ad, eiolllllely fond of dress and com pliny, weot to bJld't' h e would bo ~ho dellth 01 mo. I WId "Gllorgc." stuu shu. 'remelllio I Illy unil 11,0 'J~lollr cn~ lu th e bl\ra IIf the cell; 'No.' hlln to tllke himself out Qf the SLlll.O or chililrcn, u\ln'U 10L nIhil CI 1\1111 t1 CIlI Ill' Ii .~ The rlell, warm 1101" h.. I~ded frolll lilY lind. II1ml my fllthel'& fnihue', I hnve no thCll, ftUII1I1101l1nfr tlf! nil loiK COllt~~l', tho hearl, ren~on to duubt, wlUlsllpremcly Imppy , 'Hlis no one booll trylllg to II1juru 1 wuuhl put 1\ "henlf 011 III ~ Lrnek, I\nd illlilrely monl>poliz(l theil' pillco 111 your l)rl ~'l " c r ghued I1tollg the rOI1O. ~bo"e tho Tho U.bt. the JO,' of bo!lndlllg health h~vc "We ll, the reverse '1' yOIl, fl1ther? nils 110 one duollulded I') hULLIII" thl) door III hiS C'lCO, walked til h':"1 ~ SomoLllnos ilL hlll~t, lemlllllliol lIend~ u( 11,0 ~"lIullol" he crus6~oJ tile girt'el lied, ( I dOll't kno\v,Lucy, I was too YO'lng mouoy or you?' my ("LI~er. h~ I \I htl, ere ~he wall tWllnty·sewu 111111 fUll 11.1 101'11" II III lile urll1ti u( hid "Ire' And ,brond·llk. f.a" in Ihadowy awe up· at the LIme Lo ruwember much,my fnthel 'No' My SOli,S lid III' . '1,lIcel ufHvn,' 111\11 1 ) I' II S 1ll,I,Iuld uID IctiU!, hel hfe " \ IcLun Ilild ~ vd ltle 11,,1 crnt/I(, ur 1,,8 child. Sur-Ii .1U1, ~Iod soon after hl:i fllilul e; n11l do know, 'W ull roplicd I, ·there will 80mebody dill. and OI~ IIlllLhcr \\ .llI b) my 8ltle, hl l' lhellJ lind thue.' l1l" TIUi110NY AS )'1' I S. \11 I1dVOlllllr!' r" (ilprtlll the hero'&comak"! Ilcarinr lb•• unlilht fronl my flldln, day~ IS. my 1I10Lhor thlDks wealth po~itJvely como, and tllllL IS why 11uft my bed- lind my hmther. A boy ) OUllIgtlt thBn 't'<mrs filled the oJ os of IIIll slrong A yuullg 11\111\ lI1ee,.. D Ilroll, fDca ill th .. all" lhu lillIl \lIIUllhot'l I:lllllluli. und IIUIIO , My IIle-m)' hit. I, hulin, raal away lIecessBry te ensure hllppmcss. mRI ncd ilL le(~L I ba e droumed there would, my~cl(. \I ho IlIId I\w.lk'·nod IIl1d ort·pt I1MII. lind he uowed III~ helld lind \\ 1I1'L. bull· room. fulls III luv!, I Itl. II, auurl! It, I.olIl lllU~1l IV!IO IV tl ro pCr!\Oll ii rl) ih"lreat~.1 or single. and r IDlly lIS well oIVn it, 1 ~nd the dream is no IllUSIOn, bUL " (lilt IIIlo Llio kitchell, WIIS "lSI) thl/re.Al1d He Illlllulllbel hull' liu hud brought hel' llIurn~8 II, !rIlCS to hUlIsc kcoplllg \\ Ith II, III It CIIII cv ur Im~gln' 1100 feolmge whrch "l'ba ,eu La wanln'l mine i•• 1100.1 done, Rm of tho same 0llln tOIl NovormlDll, fillrco ronlity.' f"Lher prrl)ed Gud f"r 1118 blllssings,llnd .CIIICO clght yelll'~ before unLO 11111 'hume 011.1 !JURHt8 of htoVlllg a hl)lI\o nnol n "Ire IIIIIst huv e ftgllntctl ,heir hoorlHI Fr<loo T.....llier lurn "". 10 our 1,..1 r"poso, Luoy dcar,rlllslIlg lho vealwblch hroudll My father smiled liS if incredulou" Lhlll\l.ed hlill fOI ullr ImfCL}. nnu bleft~ed .,n.1 hOUi L,' II ghldSlItn<!, JO) ull~ glil-ll 10 grueo II 'I'loe CIIIIIIIlIlB nrll 111110 lo 1011 tlmo to 111110 ... hUll lhe IIIgbt' \Vol,lerk, W.hin, ahorner Bilrinj{ b,18hter "unIho /"'I'Ltud corti \Vuulol gll.lo Irum wln"ow the memOlY of your mothol. She mlll- yet as Lhough he asked 110 brllver doren· me jur my coolnc~· l\IId bl.lll'ury, 111101 !ll\utllutllloVII1' brilio lie Icll1clDbur· W.tliD" ab mao btmoatlo Ih.se Ollllllllg rwd for love IItlhe risk of offendmg her der tha!1 his boy. At. thiS mument. my WII all '" lit 10 bed. , tJ Lhllt liS ollr~ el 011 l onllll II r, hu he JIII8 lI('ill.cr lIor I' r \lILy fnce gotH 10 ,0 \I IlIdu\\l, 01111 1110 IIf! Oll,'r "'Indol pUll , .now.. ! Nnw, let your dUlllJlcr~ te l l me how 1 hllll ~l1Id\ltllly \VILhdrll\\ll the NJ'llIp'ltlIY bo nil old 61ory-o>r IJOCOIII!'8 fllde.l. or (ruill kll\lt III ~nu(, I\lId ellj\ly dehghllul 8100,. Ih.renopl l¥lng angel, ,,\00'0 soft wlllil p lllonts, l\uo.Ilf lll!llt.h bll"liteo.l hor pros· llIoLhcr. a vory 0 1IIL101lS WOIU"n, heard hUlirs ur CUllvcrAe 'YlLh her whum hI! lovctl M'r lieu me 110111 ... of lh.~ pronlls.J. prlllll' pC(l~ of hoppllless bcfQr; llIDO hud fully Il IIlp at the dool. IUld slepplng to It. as C,L11l1! 10 ~1'C Lhis Jmllttul ber.~rchnno.l- shu Sll milch lIeeucol. lillllllhc hlllll1e II (r"llklcll, or (rrllcJ- und 08 Ilu! fnee WaH " Qst 0 .. cnrlla proved the wisdom of her choic(;. It 1 Hupposed, to Inq}lhe ~vhu w.n tbere, 'L'llIs I'c ry hooll 'II , Ill\ci CIl)llllljjl1l1nll I cOIIII)~I"il 10 clu~h hllr gliufd Within hOI 11II11e \\RnIPII, 011 ho pnlil IIUeliliOIl r, /1\1 lYas what 110 Olle eOllhll?osSilily f,lrosce. llnd whaL \Vas wllnwd, IIISW Ilci , opened h,lIl ~e" 11 .llld hOllrd his Ihrulltli tQ my hlutL, 1.11 P' III' Lhem OUL IUIO tho .llll· of ho ~1I111('1 wllh, nil h'c !Jnrguillod (\lr, nil hI! ,,_!!!-~!!L~!!!!!~!=~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!...!!.!!'$$J YOIl&h,lienllty Alld Lille lltwcru 1111 Lhelrs, the dour, and ill CIUIlC Il ~rli~ le !:\IIlL filihel', hlld MIll ",led WILh him. lint! hor III1C')I\ oiouR b" hIl3 A fllarful1y ~lI'uro 10 Iuvl!,hollor, Dild pr"tect, I", geti. ~ t ~ ~ but It coulJ 1I0L Sllve hlln frolll till cnrly of wllld and 81101V ~ fur Lhe lught O(lIIqlll'll.Ill hlln ill~~) drMIlI, oofolo hu OOIlOC~ PllIIol llDIa uf Lho p".t 10,e be· HICh 01 hl8 lrodl), k'nulVft n duzl.!lI (nCIlI! \ uell/h, or her from u brokon hunrt ' • \VIIS Ilidcou~-nlld WIUI Lhcm Dlilrulitld 1\11110 III to Ih" hUlull •• l1l1lll1lil IlWII~ n· 101 (l III 1,Iun lili VI~I HI, alld "1puU ho IIllw wl"QIo he hkes beller, 11'1\1 Sill' titllylllg OL .' "Betlci' !W," smd Lucy, loulllllg up I~ woman. She ItIl\l,eti hllif wily [rom uol .IIIJ Iclt Illy b d to go ""11 se .. Ili Lu r lhll pille, p"Li clll. cure wUIII .wll ll.gllding hOlllO III evcul1lg con,ales 1I11111lei r '~IIIo ::;C===="'-=:=:=>"'i"==-=='==..c through hor Lcar·mOI:lLCIICt! ey 8, 'thllil tho doo) lo the lift... whon she dl~o.:ov· my fll~hI!I'~ Kafo~y. lind to conquer him 1I111 ~"I I!~~ly Ilroulld. lIi:;IH nftel 1II"ht, ~I CI"url IIYIIQr$ I poli~ 08 tI \ It Gell. 'J&Ulk Oil, "I""or 01 ," •• , PRIDE AND BEASQli· I h,LYe hV(Jel, perhl\lls, 1\ life of dlSllt> el od Ihe, lind I eVldlllllly !.oak her Ilbuck "!:ruin III Lhll kitcllfoll. A:II the l"",in fen . lIlillistOI tu the IVllllt, lit' \hb ~u htli" GilliS .. I I 'I ,Ill I ~\~ UII ~u 81~11. ~ .. .. pomLmonLor 1m tlry,lIs too many already by my presence. ISR\v tlUlt a OI\ glllQoe. till U ot thl' I,I'CII rOlloo • WI:{" mllao 1\ \Iv IHIt.! ~'ul to hUlfI\ Lh\lt lIIo~h r cOllld Oil I ti 101110 118 U vor) II qreul "oar< IIg rn 18::.'~~!~ t~'~,UJ~~k!:~:Mll'r"l • IlIlvc If my mOLjlor died of glid IL I saw Lhe CIOllture of my drellm. 1 kthJ\v II) 1m bef\lru Lhey tonk l,laoo, ul\d ~e trlod. OcullShllllly hll hlld ol'erhom d hI/lise. 110111, II \vlld (uIIIIlI II,UI ullprIIlUIIJI~lll\Jer. • 1 CAaOLDi& A. UAYDBN. -only plo\es 1111ll "'ul\ wullh} of fhe \V,IS destilled 10 sLrul;;clu. and I grew II) Ih' III\JlI"~'\\l1l th y mtLdu <6n 1I1e. on· II IVI.h. wrllng (rom hur bUdolll's mm,1st A ('"lIlIy or ohilo.lren gruw III' ijboul him. Co lt nry 1110'1 IlIn'Cle~ 'reut IIljll'1 \I Oil II 0 . . . 'Worth makee the mll.n, lho \mnt,of 8I1cl'llice,' " in strulIl:rLh I'" 1 lookcll lit my (II. "ble" me, 1 ,Iol\b\ nOlo Lv l\Il~e my f,"r- COllh (01 GIIU tl1',hL'S 1I1111' p1Is she hIlt! b"t nQiLhtjr ho 1I0r 1118 :'raCo ' kuo\V allY· llll!l(\\1 tt\\)~8 \ly IlIlftn' to thell.r.rdo~t It 'b~ fellow,'" .lld 1\ b."ghl ye~ gil l "But would iL not be Il.\WI\)'~ b ~tul' to thc!' Ilnd molher, Sh~ took a chair. cl\~ \II' Ii . 'J'I!I~ 1II0idenL tlhlJllr~ 111111 ijlup~ of yore. 8<:emlld II wi~ll RO 1IIIIIg DIJ"ut lraitllllll ~I ,R ,80 they Come al"u", '1'lIoy were tIIn~tJ drunk. and allin 100kinll up from ber sewUI.\rj '~I\ 0 my 8lrl\'O t.o secure boLb w"ulth 1111.1 lovo! turnod li.s. b.lok t.o tho. fire. lind soawd th~ 01 hC111/\ tlll~. thaL whllf I~$ c n· ch\lllp tlil1' 110 IlIId thought the Llollblo up hl>illlr.lkoltor-mndo toye 01 whell \)D. ClheDlc~, lIlollroilleil and wrunlleolln evcry c'DUJllluente to YO\lr nI\>Lbel, Enllllll,nl)11 if IVO lose 0110 the 6th'~ IIII1Y h"lp &(1 herself WIth hor (noe III ~he 81111<101"". JIll, 'Ul' v( III (til l! "IAII' IV"'" ('UMn"m to 8J1HII1; hilL UOI~ 110 knoll' filII WI.lJl tiltH IIICd dolld wh (m IIoya Bliol rr! I d d II 1V0y· 1'ho 0111 aOllernlll8\V tho I!',\lie tbDt ,. tell hill' I th"nk her for her friendlv oon 010 us' It \;ould me at Imy rate 1 kept my 8ullt, Rlld Ilppelll"lJd to give 110 tho ' oil,cr. h WIllIIlII I\Ot of I'N\/sion. Ie lI' rut d,esu loWu 'l/Imllll.ls~ el'<)I'ttluur vI..,; t I " r 8 , rll If a the rUI".~ellur8 IVllre pluyilifl UpOIl III. 're~ _.. •• I I h nrdJ y Lllln k ·dOIl't 1 ' I slluuld care how much . [ \l"U,II nhl k U .l mio L k a f ~u"J·I H 1111:1 • d ell t~ rnl~ CllleH "at 'I II.lr wrOI... It trw IYrcol. lU(l1I1: 11101, Illi women, all t1 .0 ,ldllI· Ill,IIJroJl" '1110.1 hlN 1110.1 I l aulDonltlon, " I'" ... oug} belil/\'o RUon (I on I0 Ilor. ~ d J' ,. Iii In lun I\,O& rOU4~ti'! tleed iL I lee notbing humlhu.LlIlg ill my hUllband negleotod 1110 1"0\ Ided he 'Wllo lire you?' inqlliled my lliLher In my Ilfu. 1>,,1010 him lIe fult Illllt~ h4) IlIld bel/II ~8 lOr. veler, 11111 ntot,1I qlllllL linl'py 11\ 11::1 ~1~~"·)ifC/'~~lgrc.,aM flRllod!l !lei.". ~rted to tbe ball by ~nly IL kept up IIppenrances I' s~ no other :'Vhat IS. thut to you?' 8!lId .he.. Let th ·ge ~lIffice!o !llisfy Lhe rcnol r, ,,1.lin L) II' rcfinemcllt of crlle!ty LJ11\~ I:~~; S IIUWII LIr.')lJg (uu tie whule huusu· 'J!;~a lilf;O::1 °t'l: 'ZI~~ me,:"hant a cl«;rll, as liS 1 CIllI JuJge, way to IILolIO for the misery /)Ooaslllileu E\erytillng. If yuu Me to tI~IY III my I\.~ I,ll Ila IIU ,:,-,sllInollY gf~N, oC tlle c\llllll.noL be expr()~cll-by -grlclH Ihl~t mU RL rl11loeul W()lilblto~y Il1w~ of tho prclIhe II a gtlDLlemau iD evory sen~u of LIIII.by dlSllppotntment lIeltlcet Rna the hou~o, nothing If you Ilro not. till th of thc po ILIIIII, Lhutptrwns.wlilist ~C Il~II1VO IIl1tures would fccl. 'hu hnd Allull,cr youllg mUll !.tecooo!). CIIRllloretl Ollt tllne Tho Ullhcll State. o/Jl'llcrll word, . .d qUIte .. wortlly oC Ie pect 1\5 other thousand III; whloh w'om,1I\ boo 'What if 1 Will not wll you?' III the h(.uy. Ilrc not IIlIv:ly9 511bj ct to III m Iltl ,,,th slIIglolICMM or pllrpo~1l lIt Ih u or'n "(mtlltle." He \VoiLa UpOIl II tllllor· wero i1lr ' clool to '!!lIS nlld d~(,ey \vlthOjll ~lIn be .....ee. • comea heir to. wben 8ho hnks hel "fhen you must 10aVII the house.' OJ.lto)"I,,1 lJo\U'I.)~ UI mOLtlc~, "I prompt. hlClaJ fullilllllellL 01 hel UlHIJ7iagc \ OW lln~ . tlllllced Ihp. 1'1 ,I~Pl with it. I'XI~lIlIlg08 Jlldil'll ur jury, ull Illtoxlcblllljl flqU.:rl IlIlr.... 'Lonve tbe bOU80?' exolllime«l .ho, '1 e l " til .IClI\ I~y~ Solf har! bl/ell furgoUun-huablllld IIl1d h~ IlIvo·lellora IV Ilh II, r l) I" the qU88tlllil II) duclhl !1I10 Ille IllulUlI cUlllllry. '!'be ,,11i. "YOII are quile eloquent in bis Olluse, dell.lOY to ol\e of crlllltlOl\'" lords _ LoCl~' Wlu\~ can sho do " should ljke to Bee IIny 0110 hore try to __ _ _ de one. her world-moru hnd becll expooL II !Tcta "ye." frlllil II t"k-s It tu tIle rllr ~elrl' (oIIIH , char!:,ed tllol r tlUL~ foerlo.ly 11101 " .L· I 'ftvvl • • & d r I ' 'I f I ' .. ,~ • ,iI I I U y.-Ihule \\Iho ,uH"rod by Iho 0...., o more 10 wan 10 any oL ler 6VV'A "Sbe should Ilava resources In lIer pu. 010 OU • ,..". III. Lllr U 0 lur, 1111\ I 8 Ie were a. sLrlllll,'tIr lOll, wed. II Cill14 It "wl(u .. cnrrlMlt home er.llion uf Ihe I e wi t b ...... I &nu~ Eaama.' own. mind, mdeptlDdant of I\ny one, 'What If I call my men llnd throw THE !lOTHER, H<'J I'cry 101'0 h<lcome n foulIl.lt.ln from ,cta lip 1\11 ;.II1"h4hn,0Ilt'with II httrodu~ tho)' bl1t1l1o redr~::, ~::r 1l0::"ti~~~i;llal:~; HGocJd .... I I don't think it jusL Emma Let her do Iter duty £ully nnd 'ou out, ncck And heol~.' "llIch \ XUCLlIIg tymnny bud drnwlI I (I d d ' bull Ju_lI e III tho hilI! were no"er clilled &lte\h~ for nch people to crowd Lhem. falth(uil y Never leL her brood over • ,You lune nuL gOL lilly men. Lhoy lire wlilio IIho hud I RlI1ly hopeu by toll; I: to 11$ rOil', nil 'Qy' (iloor rello\\') Ir. qllullon, Qxce~1 by tbuL \i1b1l1k:.agnaLed ' ,clftliM.IIIIBfMY; I ~budc! "11!0ther lUlr WNDS'>, be thoy few or mllny. ',rbe nllJ.?ne h o m o . ' , 111 ~II'. NIlEPllIlU: II. DUR. J"llIcllce. se lf.donin! Knl!. ~hu ,'i~lble IIC III.t Ia(l, IUD, I. IIlurduol, alld bR8 G b~ Lhc ctJuI,let- . , ~h," yonng .men hke hint, Without hoar' tilllL cal\ appreciate true worth ItOIY do you know'? clIJIl lllntiOIl of hcr Ir,fil mltlcs to alVnkclil hOllie. "No IIIlIlI c'c~ It illho hllll.O r tltaw 'I cnqulrlld M ~bo iI~L Imuse on the Orne "aclon were ill the J!lllrlol tli lk. ilL lelllIL hill sympllLhy. All of IllS troll IL Ie rnl.e' lie IS not lIl.med, lao hilS Witt. l:"~Ollrl1 1\ ..1 thu blOlley, and nil great prouaiN of pro· need never be lit I~ 10S3 whero to look for fel'lllea~, ough~ &o j keep raLher in tho happiness' 8he Will find it 111 the III "It- road Dolort! I oame boro. It IS S"tur· illJ III sllllpreliSll,d '()ICf;~. lIusb'lIId hlu hnd bee n hel' ; I~ wife IITltl m()~her'6 110 10 ollle-o 1101 luon lill,ls it out. IIIl r. l'IIe88 11\011 oIid not dllmand remuneratlun bllckground; &ime enougb for 'hem to wllyll of liro. Let her tlIke caru I~o\t" d~y nigllt-and 1 WIIS told your laboT<Jr8 \VILh IUll\~ 01 vs~ud buill nIl, and Lholl:;ht cllre b.sidclI; frllil trolD the firH~, Mhe ill t),o wroll!: bux, liut Ill. ItlO IA tO lu lI'"t (or Lim 1I1J1l~r. tDk II frOIll them In the India... IOIIIe fOlWaJd .hea lhe, areest.ablUlled she Ol'U8htlB Lhe humblest 1l0wer Bil. nil \~Cllt home &lLurdll), night-nlld that fnl. I)llrllllll~ Rcorru" ful oounlon.IlICO, bowod hor lu.:nd bene/lLh the hurLhun out u( It. Ill) III ltlh~ a8 11011 Iaullo to c •. JQDII~lry. 1,~lld Iuw .IJllictlulled by Gcw . d"· I d I ' I" d i d ll'lM i u 1 dI ' .ClOdO", all.,. ClIeOlllel under hll' order, 11. b ~ aD are WJought 1lOIllC- "eve me, Emma, it 18 genius and worth you Ive a one. \vu Jiu ,\ (I I mOIl:;lIl'C( nCIl bMk IInll un.: I I \lI~ I" III crus Ie l\J r cupe rrolll hi. cuffin YrllllldA cVlIgrlltlllDtc w •• JIIghly npr"IyCtlll' ~y Ihe ellliuhtencd " ~ Q{' ml\kcs Lhe man. noi weallh. Somo oC 1 f.lallcCd IlL my CaLher, he W~M pale. IOIIJI Butl.H~ tho ~ltLlIIg ro 1m fluor EI!eo, HIlI\I the mO Lllel· to tho hlllI. IIlid he h"lIto grin IInol bcur fl. 'l'hl'Y .l,"comQn. t~ IJch c/icient iuftuellcll8 "hdeed I .but lbemae\vei out from the woalthiost. IUld most influontlal III but liS coumgu obbed not 1\ will', H,II S) lIIp lwzing nell:rhbou Wtll'U hurrYing W~ I'lIIg NIIILcr, "bo 1\ nlolh{ I to Illy IIrlll~e the Io ... u~o, the furniture, 11,8 crllllle, Wtlru Ulllrkell III,iI ,cknulVledgerl au tllf th, enj6yme1lta of 100lai hfe, when It the land have, as YOI1 knolV, nsen from was. helpless-nOL ~ble to bret out of bls tu alld Iro, ulordulII; ill Lh~ir nnxioL~ 10 OllllllluII; pl'ny nuw for Lholllllllli, me ' n8 f kllOW, thl. IV"I the firu M.. 11I8 law cotta 6u:t ugle, and yaelda them the alma.L notlli~g. BuLter aDd aU tlltl more ohaIr, Illid he lurml!ICd .~rl1Dgtl occur· usNidt - colnlfJliclILllIg and Conrllslllg, Anll Ihu slsl.er olti red "I' Il fell cnl thu 1I0W Dlblll, tho new bully-ntl,1 Ihon elln~tod alld lilt 'culb III ll"tl cwllntrl' 'L'be , IIIIIfl IIDlOUnt of pfeaa~ it doe. the JOspecLod Cor being \'I'hat is ell\lcd self- renOQ8. Cor he had recelvod not 1018 wh ere they thought ttl help. A ]llllll , ""I'phcalloll to hel (l,ltl thnL hc 11 1)11111 bid tho' rortu"c," nlltl he whl' hu.bulld" liquor !lILon.lod lor 1110 JUtll/llIB wil • .."td wealLlliee&: and.U (or wbat? simply mlldo There nrc' not many now' who thl\n eighteon hundred do\larll tbAt very hUlirl sll l klll \Vllllll~n WIll! bendlllg 01"r ohlin 1I1u Lroubled waLl'1lI of h ' I ~isttlr'~ II, guvtllllnrnlng! As It ho hlld known u lI;'ld tkj1rytl/ I IIl!re la }hu I'I1"clp" ot ry becauIe DOW and &ben lOIDe purse.prouil bko l!'0 very fllr back III "onelllo"y wCtlk by hl8la~ wheaL &ales, I\lId lie Llw 111\ .[1111. ri(Jul, Rlld IVlIft Ilcr pe'locflllly illVny. good 1Il0~1I1l11f sl llcl' lie nlltl Ihul gil,I!!" °1 IlIrll II Hao uJ"'Hkll"~.V'" or 'II.I cow...... • of • . . . 9 ., 0 ' I t be~ I . 'rl' I 0 I" I I ' I "B tl I 'Id I I I I .• fl II 1011 Illi. lit: 8U II 1I0t 011 1 BPp50V'p~ arut.ocracl IJunks bim too aa· lest tllelr grllndC"tbor or grllat·grlllld. 8l\W W Il\ wal ore um.. !18 !,\g .. II, ::;.. tor II Ie alte rtllll~1 , RI1 the Illig Iu,e \I l'ul! 10/ u t lilt mlly Itl rtllilc \Vcr III 6uly lIuclorcil 1\1 bo ulle I col, \Jul rlUlo.Ily exocuI':.! the very luw whillb ~":' or lOme iIilJ, girl, like IDY fnend t1ttbor should prove t/) be A weavur or" WllS ellho~ a decoy or" mAn In dlSgullMl, ~l il!l yushud furth tim' would not btl ~cc Ih(:1\1 0111:(; morc; ~IlIJ th~ d) 1Il~ Tllko nnolllllr cue. A youl:g IVOnlftll Hu 11I11I1Y mill' rUli"t n. o"flro~81vo II IIJII", a W~ &l1mb h wotild be too button mllkcr. - I wll'S acquainted OIlOC whos~ obJect w~ rv bbe ?" I coufd see cOlILrulled,' hOIf oltn IVC span! you l' ~~" IIIIU1, 1\11 t he IlfllYCr IIUH hlll ~heu 1018111i\(01i wllh ~ pllir or wh i~ k or.. Curl. Dlld tyrnili col. Wllh hllll, It Will abtolute Ilightla come down iF .he IIh()QI~ btr wiLb a gonUomap. wIJo by energy and 1111 tlu~ w~ rapidly, p~'lQg througb I!'y "Ellen," cxcllllmed 11, feelile voice [h cloud of IIgony had gOIlC, Nho etI hn,r lIeVllr bltlore hilt! ,ueh churml prulllbl~lun; but lumpurnnce IIICO Illre~ tl) leeD ~clDl'in the aame set with 111m,' prcsov41rance, had aooqlDulaLocl a very {IlLher 8 nllnd, blltlt .dld not bow hl.m tl'prollclrfully, "~p)lrc yuur, tonr~-.Ir ~ 1I111.·J MWCOtly 118 S~Ul glll'e t!Jum !I f!,ro· Sho .,1111\ her cn rllr them' Ihe taktl Ihe 8~le of 'Ir"Clil splnll for meoll~llIal "TIUmk 'loa 1 &huk "'ou Lucy! you larae prollArLy In ashor' time bllt ",!lose tho ninth part of an lUch. So I I"'t sL11l raLher aRVU thcm for the lIving My Willi lul\.~ , anu willIe yet el(CIIllIlIll:t, '1'1 d II I ., ('II I k '.. Y fti Inl!cholllcni and arll~llc r ur poa9.-PIlIl. • ~ I I 'Iu 1I1II.U II,my c III II ' If ItOu IV I d er. inDue an U or> Ledger ' are •Indeed complimen&Rry' IIUPpose you pra e ovtr-keopmg p"ce wlth, Lhe rapid a8 If I lIuspec.., no Lb'mg b, Il a war f "11 I ren I Li",e hn. fuw "I'Ll .1 IIlr 1 Icave my mot IICI Ie 8 IILt u IOJ" , tty, if onl1 for ..anety·• .:ae, t.) p,iead strides of fOI'LUUO, gqvu him a plumee to words; the hag bad on .."n old qUII!--d jllyS, why should J \.I~h to livl!? blu OliOS with '1'hee," expired. ~ruO~rillli ~hCmaoll'OIl III OJUlhn,ng.. for olle In Lr A CRNTlJR \' IN DllO -BU'BII Pier. IDYCUe' if you cann6., l.h!il believe look bnck Ule past occo&llionally. He bood and I\n old bumbulU8 cloak,wlllch thCde hLLle Olles, 1101'1' they dlrl~w on Lhe ------- _ IIcarL. 1 he dellr J\lid8, uverCOlll8 wlllr '011. ul DrHlgI,nlllI'IoHI, LOllg Islond, died -lIM I 0111, &erore half II\uspeoLod, thai. had a SLiter wbose husbllnd was also CIUllO to her feet and wa. bolted I\houl heart·Htrllll;s! A1y ~pirit would Ilwny, h •• 1A.8, 1 .. /, R,p.~I"." InOtlllCUilllily, olutllla tI,U lIarllnlll, carrioll ~'etou/lfy 94th 'wl,cr .~v~u~y· econtly~ar tbe ~ _rohut'.olerk, or o'herwise prosperoUlJ bUl who he tbQu~ht would Lhe hody. bllt 111I:y pull me bacll to e:llr~h "{fAitl ' WOK '8 LOVE. hOllln Lho prlle, ahow" Il Lo pil alltl 1011. III1tI d,e I1rty·. cUllol or Il<n CluraorJmary plaiD:a.rry 8&edman, poB/lel8e8 a littlu In timo Cor:'eL ber own idenllt" , 80 he 'You arc a. woman!' lII.id ("ther. 'I'ht) olu family phy icum olo8ed th" A. SCllne .rom U .... I ....... colla herault engaged to II, thlilk. thore Cllilfill 1110111." 1'1\11 Will annuunced. ill •••, • • th a t J' 'or cure 0 •lI' !lm." . b & t d 0 yo ".. 1&11 k •'ha'• slLlml,; . I. hl· \"t" HIIW I" of Aprilofil4th tho dlllltb 01 Dlore .L ""all common. lo..,res. \II usedt to pllyl her a. 1'1 It every felY wtii"ks, roOm d oor ~o ft Iy vu lin d h'Im.nDl I ,llI. evclllog nn npL III Ir~ t I a - \VIIS nOl8r .uch 1\ pOlr of wlll.kolr. b,fure. Ihc IIno Obm ut thelocrc~cClllen\ II)" ..cllrth." lillie beal1 of yours. fur LhespecIl\1 pllrposo of rtllUlIldm-g her qllos tlon for IlW\JI! l.'1lZlIl~ upon tho husb.md. liull or thQ IIlTllcllon (If WOlllnll A pOOl and 11\ /I (e,y woeks they tiro marrlcol IJllr cuo WftS PQcul~r' Il is pru~lIble It "Jut .. you please, Emma, pro\'lded who she WIIS. I Lhollght I\L the tlmo It 'HIlve YOlla busbaod?' "Well Dr., \vhllt do) ou Lbmkof hel'?' IIwhrlnted wroLch had be II Lnlien to MarrIed' yo. Ihe "orld 1',,11. It 110 anol wo hSI no pnrnl1~1 For 1D0'rO! thall lIrt1,,,a,.. I.lw']"10U judge me cliArltably.' • was a. vory ludierous ide~,but I1I\V8 seen :Jvels< I h l' ." bo IISkcd. ... .' Lh· C IlIlh,ll15o. His conlluct III tho "ill. \Vhal 'I. th~ rcaultl A eho:lIlUncy- Aho ,1Ii1/\~l 8Ct Io or fout "11011 ti,e f100rl and "How 10" mnny nn lDat.aoeo slUoe,where t.he Icsson 10lC Cocs e Ive. "Sho Cllnllot hyo. ho roplted in a slll:IIL nnli !lfwr 1111 WM placed 11\ the all thut LilIiO dlllll"t Act UJlri~ht III bud."Why, it doee not alwnYI follow be· woulel have been 11 salutary ono. Good'In Truxton:' VOIOO trellluious wltb olllollOO. Cull,Wllli uhuch a violeo.t charncwr th4L 1110011, unol Iholl ~ho \lIIlul!~y IIlecotory One your of th"l tliliO W&ll epent at • 'Willi ~hen. If YOll have a hu ~b,1ll1, H<I bau kn'Jll n Iho sick "1111)0 tllO «lny it bcclUno lIeceilllUy to hnmlcu\f hlln thnt u·QY oro 88 nil lIke 118 Ilh..lk nnd chocu, noi.rhb()t'" hOlidO, Wllh which OJr<lefl UOD eaulIl IlICCepL haa IDvita~OIIloaball, &bM by, dfar Emma, don'L BLuy IlWRY from rl\her he or 1 are more mtorested \han tbo bl\l1 because Harry Swdllliln Will be why don t YOIl bv. at. home IlIlIltlad of of her birth; hlld beoll to her f&thor 'l'hu dcml)l1 ruru had POSsos.~lon uf IllS &lId nul to lou lII11do 0/10. thuugh all Iho 011 01 her travel. 1/1 fifty ycalll IV" (/'(1m one IlOIIUtIOft Oiyility warrants' lhere and don" ou~ my acqUI\II\t.allce gRdding about .uoh IlIgbte All thl", whaL DaVid W.l:; to JOllathall; hAd clOllld 1I(lul. !Iud he !tl\"\,e vent t I his r ll\' ingll in pncotK III Chn81enolo>cn prolloullce Ibell. ournor 01 Ioor rvum 101100 uiller, OU,",._ -'). 1 Id b 0 because • I happen to be hili pRrtJler. no I De - l\ mght fit on Iy Coor fi un. d to btl 'II) I eyes (lOl fbi l l id I. J . Q. J uKua. week, IIIWII8 Millulw'VII elror'c IIIftn'~ wllh .I'm. allll..,.C' II• . " Well ... OW~ t II"I. b' 0 IIl0U ler pl\run,I R, a'l an cur~C8 110 pro AnlJ &I to • IIOC .. ~ IIC tiUn- OU. ChllllgO .nonoled llIterwted,woald It be right to oocourage r member tbat poor beginingtlc often t~b,road?' , • ollly broLher; hl\.1 loved hcr ~ ".dAugh- ~0lI of hI. (ellow prisone.... one or whom. entire 10 . or vOloe. rrun~ willoh 11,0 011.1 JUIIl1' make good COdUlgB, and 'hA~ 'Worth Wh~ dO.n t you .e~ &he NurLh tll'~r ter In thl! hrlght dllY' of her glrlhllOlij III tho 1I11111e cell, 11& hili OWIl sohciL.lLlon, Lllmartlae', "Ioiller. nul rc covur ullcllaflor a nighl'" rl'p<IIHI,,[ h ...e no right to antioipaLc, bu~ ml\ko. thc trlan, the wauL or IL Lho jol on fire?: III.ld .hu loapmg (rum her clum IUlil lIoon her heort llole~ by degree. WRS phloud III a II4Ipllralc "Pill ImenL. A I r Wft~ the (818 ul tho r.tlocr of lAtnor- Thu be.. III oIl 11M I skIll • • lId all bc( l'lln· •• won.t llrg1Ie .bout one of whom wo LOlli' " nod spnngUlg towarda my f"ther, and I\W.IY, until she ~ured ~:. unbOught WOlllan IIpP'lIlrod 'lt Ih" grl\LlIIg, nnd In IIIUIIY lV~ru oXII lule,1 III VIlli olill "vqr. JIOI'eoaaII, DOW I!O liWe. Tlte ..orld, _ • • hillBilly though her lecLh,'l'1I teach you trOlUJurell furth for Onc, hAd given Iter har IlIlhus .ho had n rude trllY. IIpllll (0118. the 1.....:llt hvlllg ""Ilnch I",et .1U1 or· 10 ro~lor hwr h.lllllllo 'I'hc llprl,lot 1'0'" hud)'. n (lain ,ami narroW'-minded 1\8 iL $ why 1 am I\ero ' • I\\.&Y, the Imppy hrlde upon hor IDRrri- wilieh wero phu:cc1 80me ~hce of I)ICllld, alor, 10 he 1111.00 IIfl Wllh t'IO Ii,.t Jo', c llclo LUro nltvoy" II11J IIl1l/1eo.l,plcly "rudui:ed .10' ii, ~di' fur good ~ua.li",lI A SINGULAR TORY My mothllr 8~reamed "lid rllll, my "1;;0 eve; wlitchell ~o tr:ndilAI &ransror- froKh fro!,! t1:1S heArt.bstoo~, ,,1It1 ()Llil:r r,evululIOIl During tlll1t sturmy Iionorl !~~l~'r~~:~~e~~;g'ror~~r "~~:~tI~r !:~/iu~= "1IOIIgb to balance, jll my opilUon, the (,Ithur mllde nn luelfuc~al "Ltempt l.o m,ltlon from lover ~ wl~he •• l o"o~" an· h~t1o dc!lOlteleS for her errlllg hu"bl\ud lie, wilh a Irea, IIl1mber of 1118 curol,alri •• inoe ablllld .. nod. IV Y n-IMmf WIll' of wealt.b. Of t:be respeo~biJiLY Tho follOWing oUrlons I\lIrruLI\'c, Lulu get out of Ihu WilY, bllt an ulIlLly Ylc1d. WlIpal.!OIlS to tho fORrful de.orlDlty of She sLood At the bllr grulllg IlI tonLly ulAl, Immured ill pn. oll at &1110011. tlu Df hia OCIna• • 'here caD eb 09 qU~8' 1)8 bUlIIg sLriclly true. is from tho AiRreh od, resolyed to Lake wbal ""l\lw.llllln, mRrned rc,li~y. Lad seen L1l11ck eln'ell Into t.he gloom where hur IDlllla· wae lIot th.ro Ion!:. lIetoro III. Wife, With Mr Ohounc, Durr. in CWllnCc,llbll Iiollll; 10 Je\ 111 &alk or IOlDe\hing .. lee.' oUOllwr uf the. W Cdure Juurdnnl.bI \YBa °dll\ of m y qUick 1M COJDekedcrowdiog roulld. u:!1 ul In 'Itlin ehll'd clml COhlPI'UIIOIJ dwildly rM\'cd. HII t!dr her dlilol. lOllk illdt:"1Il1P oppoall. Lhe Will· "Then y08 cAaI find 110 nCUN aI. RII ll.fl mClllcnta WI II remm Ll10 rea cr f Ie ag, a1l as. lIe pa.-. ml. ou '10 I9CJ to find the anc lonog lI&.r I)n YOlce WAS ow An seCt, All sbu C.I c dow of tho cell which ellcllllltd the ropub. pftper.-"PIP n COIr llou PlIOllle"--cl.nnl for W"',08 &erm my Coolieb pri4e.' tbe 8coLLtsh second Bight, of which we ",ay t.(I gmbble my Cather, I Ib'uclt I!er w.bicb her IIOIlI bAd or~ repOled; bilL hi naml!, il. utterance Wl\" a8 piailillvil IiCln. ~II• •oon !IreII' illS luellUUII 10 ~"....unl~lt ror the eircliull or Oe •• ~. ".No Emm .. 110110 a' aJf.' hllvt) Sllell 80 III lily examples : with my 6 L "blow unller 'he c"r,~hloh dlllmill oJoulds neAr Bnd Ilr.'f,dilleper ana I\IIlhtl melody or .. fond Rlld cr\l h·d b I' " I hlld IIb I • I IV}' "Ii or . . if I ha\'e , .' t a. b' h M, . "--11 h d' I d L .··.. , b . erN r al ... 118 () ,W I C IlUlli·r1 hIt .air • ~hlUli 1M" y Dllrr III conllelltioa. wIth "licK'if . i& be my. n.are. 1 "'AS ilL so I\0< I Ii CIose 11.11,,(10 II ••~or , I10 r old e 0"-1 ""'" 1 f\0<\t1 , WOII II f wv- or uoa IlIC ose ; ' ....... aeOD amI( l .pmt. ~ lI_rtved OIl Buob pri~cipl611 ever young ambiLlou8 lad Ilf Iu:tcon, ijom • knocked htlr down; as iL slllgge.re<\ her 'bp "hlUld to ltaruJ" ILnlgglo wilb the The atrearnell fnlm her eyoll. "ulll IIUt 8~3k to I~er (ur rllar 0 I e pohtlcian. of all ,"riVea p"bla."... ""8 ul lahoe I !mew anything ,. wba~ hOlDa'pun, bUL strong III IlpngM· It gavo mo wille lo gc: C.he -Chair~ 011' caree of IiCo, the ellidence lof. true .nd there in the d.rk prPOll Iol)UII(I. Lh ecnlllle!, reconclleol 'una III ""lIle IIlt .. llre lb. mOAt1lbual .." papCl'II;otOprlllt d,..,hlllt "It i no& • tAuh ol Dalure, !Clllma. n01l8. and consolou of power My!Ie.\l' ,)( Lhe Wrt.y, an:l giuber my.'Jtllr for a woman', heart, ,1111& IO'l'et ou. ancllOTW .bode or 'he most wfClohed &lid rler~· LO 1)11 cepti wU 1, aael le_n:d Ih. bllrdell General Pierce and h'a AdnalnhltraUoll.~lid lUI to wlla! ),011 0&11 pr.~iph, / f"ther WIUI BIC\t, and grl\du"Uy. UIIII~r. 6ght. font-YlJr; t ....-4ovC){~. ~u h i" ", IIope••~he 60ne o~ her "oIco. round Lheir or hll.ou. "1\J1 mother. ..,a WfIIl 81M, .hoilllool!: apoo .. ~e W&llL of II. ' ~n:f tll:\L gr In I m I.olup~1eI1\lil' willch Sbe reco~cred. ....d ~d '" mo • bealth, , ... eYeD !ife 1~1r. ~ &bOte WIly Into .&hllt ..eled man a heart. and 'lIIe. "uttWd ....very da, ia hu. , Dau_-"-r.-.-Oft---th-•......;I-.--.-:-IL~. .. ..yOlt aN vcry ICITcre, Lno)'. blu tbe h11\1ow thil\k~1'!I e llled d\lIlLh. h mOIJlIlIIL, .....d ... if I. eobloquy, 'Ohl !orad OIKII whom no" It WJIUlP .... he knelL In ~w . .el i~ .. llnec befb~ the lltam't wlodow••ho........ to 1111 re... · _ of W... Taylor." . . ....I IRIpPoeet' '" the cipiDion of our p .U·CI"". A8 al.utmy IIwyllllLQuary. Lhe I\n()w ),Oll choose to 0I'0I;l111' ~,dO Y!.HI' hear& to leave. Vee. Lha& oW- ~ htl youill aad .I.jured WICe. whtl. hp If. p.I IDe -rt"_1 .. ror. hit. . . . 1....1......... rour Of ...liriua ......... lUlL 10 ~ K " h.d mllen 'wo fuet. deep. when I &tad- W\:11, mo If 1 dOll ,.e.UIe yoa. bew aU &ll1a.ud leI, • pla1-' hoart.IoIiDd reher Ia Ie.... _h u. 011' _ .trelcll oUt II, Ilttl. ba..... loW'" lnIlII III. It I ...... t.y.......... i& .. &laeir ialllicaabl.. cd fur rar borne. .i"l" mile. dtSl.lU1t.- pro"'1 qllial,' aQd ~1&I'lIIi'if her IaIlDCl cillll·. ~de lor Iter 1'1 • maa . . "!p. Though '!al aroa b , hie ...... ..... . . . ..., I I"Jli..... =:.,r.:~;~~= ,.... ..... i ...... "by _ . , ~ ber lead. wli &Ita&. he "au" ID 10 her.... ...... I ..,. woa1d "a..p," aid be 10.... IliJI bnHcllll.. ~ hIS h.... Ute en., . . . ' .. 14' .....- ''''' _..... . at ... cnnt· eel to I'"e me iaj iajllllOliola••I .... w 'he.... be .... widI &hItr "1. . I III .......... Ie • -. _~• •~.., III : .0& to IDf ... bUD ia &be IIW••, ,Ie • doae dee. can .... ~~ ap. ... tdI
~iisctlhtnCllltS .
t1US '
\ •
I."" ,.
~1~Lhm!!~'c~ ?e'lIt~~:::a:':~I~~:~=
...we.- ..
oIh wi'--
.... ,
1'8E MfA.lli
visITonf ~
"" '
tlllU l\11 WH~ ~ ~rl.t:(i \lndct" 191\1\1 lion ilf dUI il6~ Ill.: Bllt e\el>Y' Soulh"m .h~\ "OWn!;1 II III
would 1ft)'
hqOP"" In "
'It,, h"l"~tr."lL prompldn.;S
N,.,w ~o'k,
1 he .Ieollll'r Stll.r 01 Ihc \\Ceal, with all. VII'" Irolll IS"'I ,Fr IIHlI6CO tu lIr. leillllll..
IIrllveti lt~tu Ihlll ulLerlloulI I h" 61< l101< r Johu L Stephl:lI', I:Ile,. NUlutla III1t1 YUllk <I BI~lIu, 1• .1 bru'llllol. duwn tu 1'11111.11111 Ilud lSun Julin ~,il1J6, 000 III gol.1 ~ 1 ho r"lolUIi II III New Grenad. w¥ I.rugrtlil~illg" 1 bb coII.liIUlIUUII rotc... \Vuru routu.1 011 the fl4tll lIay, willi 'OIl. IIltl thlllr tnllUNI, }o'"icllda, ",.. llIlIed GI'II Q rl\l Faaillulu Wilt. r'II\II, rearullt III 1'1\111111111, IIlId WPIi' 10 1"11,,, UII UII ..,,' EIIH I I~h ijlUIl1ll8, rur Cartbllgall II 11\ .. tnal u{ DlllolI, '(IU Freuul" Cuul)IL ror t'ill \llolllllulI 01 tho IJtltllruflty la,,,,,, dllil III Ihe tltln~reulllelll ut t!lli J ry~ '\lhl!reupoll II lIut prueequl Iv. . ellt"""'" the d,"lflut attoru"1 '1 he procNlII' alla lII~t Ih.. Mt!:lic:an Cotlaul, 111111 ,.,.. I»uell ,IIecblltllluell The Granel J ur, fOlllld litre" blll~ .1(1111111 WIII\I~, /iIUo., ~ ond other leadera oC lite I,te Ql'sililtoll to
GooDE'll' hAD .. 8 BUll*' f"r July" 'IllInCII II \V vulu 110 alld lho ~I" ),c!,r ul Ito u.'Ci~'~ llue t( II I> .... UII lilt} IIbolll~hed \lIlt gtctll,,"tI " oot! Cllf,.r~YII,:~ rUdlllo,.
• Col II
1II1I0d, etc II IIns III. lilT IiRI I clJlllrihullr. \\ lIu.1I 11111" S I\lolle will al,el k lur the. 011 Ihut. or Ihe htllllhe" Gud", 1ft m ~ kllll! Ih e II ok' bell.".. wllh Alit! 83 Il l enr L.. J\. G....1"J, Pllllodr.l"hlll
1 he stelDler AlSpe, WI. wrec:ked It PUr' erlo Arells., od Ihe 96th of 11a1, Ihe MI .Ollturd were lIytla, but tbe bOil w.. l~t ~ Ibe ,VDe v.. luetl it t60 000.. &; belullJed Q RI"all Duff ,11l1d oUleN III Sin Jt~nul'ClI I 'l'be Irlll DI W' HI. ""'."er:y., 'or till DliI'" der 01 SUllln RII_I, UII boatel Lbe I'e"'"
arabi, hlr,,,r Ihan lhe ulher. lind III , Wla Ihe ullly vnll Illn MI.I PhArr Ilu.ying . oru .~d lu t.ke It Upun ,hi. laMI rllqutlMt .~t! IllOk
iI. and JD filt"'l.'n mlnOle. Ibu wu a
.lorll'e lIer dealh \Val ptVlloullced ht Ihll IlI!'Ie tli bn slhlilar 10 Ihat produced b,. alr)'oh ulne, lIut Ihere w.. 1111 ~U piclull of Iuul p•• y u\l1I1 Ibe I,dtea on,.rell In dren.,l!: 1'1" body discovered ~'inn ingllll, whloh \I ere lIIore titan I1Ullfirnuid by II .., IlIlh"r
ur •
d .~uVl.'r}' bux or e)'l/ut pIlla \Vhell the IUHplclonl allillned • public cI.or.Iller Jl1r ~ dOtnltlded IhDt tile b ,dy "lUll It! be d "IRterlld 1I11f1 examllled lJy a (Utlllllillu r phy";tlilln, lIaJlIed by I 1118 t!1i bl I wI .. ti e llulI\!1Il\t of 11\'8 parelll~ IIr Ihe ulllur I lIa\8 gIrl \VDP ubt-Iller! he rofll4ctl lu I ~ Iylh/IIJ wlllt II, alle"lug 1180 r"1I8ul th t I ~ d d nut Wllih lu wouqd- tho 1(" II I"d ~I the /Dmlly ---"~'-:-- ~--
!'Ifo...caa...... lII of FUUbu8ters Fr\!Ill uur l'xChallgt>M IIlItl uli ..,r tiuU eeH Ne learn II III Ibe Ilvatluble It Ily II 11111 r .1 ~w 01 E.:ubun lib!'fl, Ulllollllt 10 Illtio . 1urt or ODe mllliun 0/ dollor. 1\ IlIlu elj.!ht . 101 me ra and foor "1"Uug v" •• el. hove beeu rll c~ d It thl'ir dl.po •• 1 Mud co .. I>e 11111 Ie r .dy for IDlhl)1 at twellty Ioui' hUlir. 110 lice Ihe, .... e .lao II 1l0Bse881~ II of lJlllwreu
t ~hlr .nli nltlllly thuuI.ud .hnd of "rills I u.keta and rlftniutluIJ'lV8 11."y .Ivu h v.. I \\0 lire righlly illiornl~d ubI ut 111 ~Iy 6_\11 plecn Illclotlllli Clilnu I, Iw'Vltzer. aid mortau alld are pretty well Iuppliell \\ IIh amunltl'On anti IIde arms Thn'louroel bne bee'll placed III lhe ) .nd. or a con"'lttee, who lire tu huld It uilliithe lime let I . tile cDrryinllllllo ex ~ullu .. of thllr proJect The entire comlDllnd of th.. expadlll<m Will be veiled In _ eentleman or knuwlI ability I~ eklll r llld whoee IIll11e IIMs 41 reatly become. houlIIlhold word With the ~It lIeBl 01 Ihe Ulllted St_left, In CUllae quellCle of hi. brilliant .clllllVemenls !,I'It! luclle'.'ul mlneuv".. wh lie III commaud I a dlvl.lun of the Am.rlcsn army durillg' lhe late w.r between tbe Unl!ud Stalel and MllXlco.
I he lei!ond I~ , __ and Will III .11 pro Lublhty, be ." Nllnltoern I\I-illi w tit Buuth
• rn principle.," .lId who \vu alsu a wrn IIDud!'r 01 • brldlto In th .. aPlRo war alld \II" lanl .tnce held; Ihe office 01 Governor
Iud \Ii 11o 1/ "0 u Idlllk., 1111, .1,11 rqtulIIR n plunnuent cl.) 1 poalUoll lite IHIRlber.". lIIell thaI hllve ellrolled tI elr .. a,ll"& _'lei jlJ ..dlled tlllm hUllur to til ppurt thll e.,," O'lI'IIU!t be lIlueh 1088 11 AU Ii/I, thou,and an(\ the V lire mell who 8r~ delcrnlliled to avelllle the cilwilruly " . , llIllr8 or Crllla .. d.. n, Kltrr, Ind other. n "avilld 011 the ad of Augu~t 1861 The expedition WIll 11\ all rrobllbillty , Icne the .hure. ohhe U IIltnu Stille. about tho middle u/ I "'.llIIonlh. IIlId Will 1.11111 .. II e Vu.lto AblJI) cO/un try, IIl1d Ihence pro cdd 10 HI,"n. 'J"here \\11\ be perhaplI I t ll thoonud hletl Ihrown Inlu the l.lund II ~ IIr.t effort, and Imm i11>ttuly folll veu \'y r'lIn(orcemelllA olltll tll1~l)' or lurtv ,I" ",and <loldtera are there. s",1 wlch III,." I rca th.,.. Cllnnul be milch dullbt ail 10 wllClh pIII'IJ wllIlJe Ih" tidrcllbr II olle Jlremj.\l, Wfllg
oq- An
Imputunt tll ~ ( 11\ ury hu IHoly lieI'll mlldll by lhe "'IOOlllllll, ~I u 18 lIull IlIg It ... tll'u Il,e l\loVell ul culllle ore \)\l~I~r ll,a" tU. "rrlua..
WheAl, ' CUln
II 85 c
O~t8 1ll doz 08ut 1f1 lJu Flour 11 bbl... d. f e\V~ nuller 'ill m-
;p. dolt
J artl
LoOIO, ~
30r. 301
>1..i!r,r. 10 c
lO r.
(lu'at"".., , Ilu Applel, tl bu du Dried c111 cli em. til dOTII FUblher 1l 11>, Illo Colfee 11 11. N~\JI Orlllan .. "\Jg/lr ;J! MUllle, J() New Orleuns 'l\1,,)auea Sllgnr H u"~e l\iul'"Meft
OLAS"" Attf', ".J~
aa.ston and Tabl.
I ~
BItt'!' ANNIA \V'AI\E.':
• •~
Ko 1B1 NalD 8t b.t.WMa
l! I!" I
SO@ 7c
K '111\\ ha tidll ;ll " CJIl\C'~~
,,? II I
i'llaplc 1\Iuln"611, 1jI gill P I1per if! tt. A 11'11 Ice 1f1 h. J.,.k.. .ll;P bbl , " In)( Seed 1jl II
1 00 I 5,)c 40 1.0 6~ @ 7
ALDR4CH, Or CH IN <\, C ROe 1\ ED~, 0
\ . . If'AItaL! I III
Flul r-$i 00 l'ruvlIII "'8 - (1. II 81t1uH Mr.le Pork 319 ()O
lobncco-N o 1 \ Il tt.a :lac BII( 1\\ I~I <l c: S Ig~r-" <It 51c rur co nlll111 I J pr III e G rnl u-R.je \J()c Uirley 53" Whet $. 10 Curti 1I01Y 4h
------- - - DUTil uir IIIRIS. n. C
lUV5U/C -T1I"
filled /iId, oiled at lhll vlll.gll 01 ""tlllhul!>
I'iI Y J OIHM 'dl 'He~ ,III !lUi 37111 yeor 01
M.1 ~~ ilI)6-00 @ 22c Cu/Tho-oq
10 lI ;c
Cheo8e-8c @9 I::ftoed-Cluvtl 811 30
hef age Her. d a"a.. 'Me ct.llllUnll'llulI firm 1I", DU(llllroU~ (neild, WIll rt'llur wllit Lerd-8~ II eJlllcbuly tlltertllllll .1 U... Ilmt', 10 tho Jullo.lnt _ p (rom he .. pen O. lellllil die \" tKe country, whete I a4,lIlK1~ lin, hke a (eaf jlf tbe rorul un b(eded, w\j!Jl1'8 lliole who lo,!ed IIle '1eed "'1 mDek thlllr '1,lutLO 111M' (he oe..eleu \I ultltu"~, .ud .Iflve lu furl.l me. Bul\)'
Ihe eonblrr amid Ih~ pr.yer. 01 Ihe t'Ji. te." of Ihe 11I\'111/:, 1101 III Ih. dert, dlmp vlllJ I, aWIY r,mll lhe 1\ e.et aceb'ed .ir,t! uti ~~rul IUII'I"n~ bllt III Ih. IIpe 'el~. I.on'l tbe Guwere tlllit I VIOl In
• yea -Ad. cflerilheil wbll. Uflll8 -8..11"1 lory""" ,. I T,be w ....AlI ' " ....or of t"la belu. "rlll"fttr~ I, ."IPI w... r ..Haed Hllr 8pI.lt It. p. . . . .·to th.I boura. wbebCle no ba•• le" ,.'arn.~' while her frl.ada
lrJU Nell Gold Bal d Chiu
ha,• • _11 that 111118 mort. I or h"r ".IDO.' &b. 6u•• ra" lh'" ah. • 'uyed .nd ClheI'Ilh" wl\lI. IIvln,l' 'be bl..t uf ~1u1'8
aliDlher IUlWrin Iweep , .... Ciom their a18.
" I the nllw Drug Slore Waynesville R~ .. 4 IIlI! J'lrOCllfM one uflho celebrated POlliO! Air Prtlallure fX>d" foull taln.; hr II. prMIC 11m 01 pure Soda Wuter (III. nan" d.,hclous and b.allhy drink ror warm wODlltGr l ,,,. wm wan.UIU (0 Btllhf.ctiOn to all who III c1Uli. It wlll be prel!atecl wuh IIl& dunrUI
the til Inlt' b, J C COllett J p .. M. GIO&Gs,Houu,.. fClln toD Co> to .... a..c.u. Bo...., 01 \Vir
0<1. 1.... lid Il5t BJ J C Collett J P II. Wtl.'Lr&.lJl1.....'. to MI. M.uu· anllAwu. .u of W"lie town.hlp
thuummer 22'1-1'
",.111 P""L AViNO n....p.n.. or &roubl. to
proeur. the belli ", ...rlal Ind halllni bad n.af three!,." a.jlllri.III1'SJ.1 tbleil 1 can pili In the kin 01 CHAIN PuM~ the people want. PI.allft 111,. me a .rllli Add __ GOO M ZELL
do do T .. a White Jron91'"1G Wo .1 Do Id do do fehla CUller),> A'lIurtcail and IilDCII.Iu.~aucl l olld (,erman !ldvar Tn and 1'&ble 8iJoIo!to1lllj' Brilailia Watel 1 ta I(IeII MlPIl1IJr ItIllIi"1 Plated. allli Brltanl" C.,~r. Ot.aii<Su1. . . .( , do W Ira\
L~lOlal ill't rooclvw.lI\d lor ~.\9 f 0 ALDRIGII!
P 11.' C lJ IN'
t \LLEN. c:> theIr 8prlnc .nd
110 l!<\.dD~lIf 'D• • • W . . . . . 41(; o ~o
and .. u~u.1 Ihoy are .bl. u.I ••iln~ 1el1Dlr. them ..t aueb price' .. ,.. f..,. JIll c~ Our a ~4"" ,ao'lfl-do 1101 allow .. _ _a 111 0 nawaplIper 141 ~1J1I1 1.,.t''''''1'' JnU 0/ owr LUD!NO AIITIC"~ aDd _u.. ..,,~ aay !belr llIIOrlmtnt 1.
".t, ..DIIiIl"'-
pleta and nO"e nlled 1:0 .",.,.d"~i_
So 10 I erolofMe
' l YCV m-th'a:l II
Slen of th.. GOLDEN I:~.c.
, t Couna;, MDClUtne .AIID OrR,a bUJ 1111 In'Jllted 10 ull Mild eXllm Ille the lIellll .nd lleat lIlyle of packl.'d 1 e~ WI a.. plAUin, tip (or tbe COllllenlellca of ~ All T .... Itold. bJ ua a1;8 \Mllr
181 Main ~t bel 41b antl ~th. OIDelD~~_ N R Uood. Ie It ~o Railroad ~~.~. IJ"'I~ • nd Hotel. wllh .. u! ch~8' ~tf
HEAPEST h 111,.-.; 1
Medioine 'l"J.m
RLD. "
Do.>llar I
.." ... ... li::q
... 1 ....:;:t
~ ~ ~~
~ grtrultuu 11. S 'I.V~NG
GI.tA S~
TEA. TRA.Y8 &.lVAITBJIa VA I:. C,l0111>n /wid ~u.rll I .. Tra, • • • W.lleN I ~e" ol!l Ind ~ II' . ....,.._ '01l1f' of Ihem yer)' h.nd_,e .nd I..,. ulllllle.r qua'h~and ballh fur .A1e b, 0 ALDIUCII. 181 alp .~, bel. ,lit and- alb, Clncla ..ad
el.,. Well I ,etku I 110\" said tlie strul ger
cDII alll n wi 011 lOU COli !l to IIlIVI\ Oh Ilevu mhlll SPJ 8 Bob ~urrtl wIll 1111 or tlllC you cllultlul\:el herllwllhJl1 n -Uh.,.. Illy I lho . 'rollg~r Iryou II only brlog '''Hle II UVlljlll 01 d kindle II liro undtr 11111\ as J tIltl Aid Ihen Ie In\ ghed Dl;ulII Ilnd vhl'1 I Cl1tl1 IIwny they weft ,1 ..,II'g " gome to aee \~ ho &1 uuld Laktl en bOlh
A Goon E:tttl!I-Durt
Ihe ravolu t (HlI\ry war when dr 0llht8 vere nn Ie Ii'oID tlte mllitl" to recruit Ihe cUlltluelllul arm,. a c rlalll cnpiIJm Iln~ c liberty to the men draughtcd (ro n I! c()n (lnl y to lJIoko Lhelf obJfJctlon Ir IlleJ hod DIIf a ((alll.I/(o I If 11110 servII;e nccllrdllgly Oil" of them wi" hod a" n peel mout In II 6 IIpeeoh ('oUle fur \ ard nl d Ilodo 11111 bow What 18 yuur Il!JJcet" II Sllltl LI C CliP Ig'
MOnEOE&D'8 • \.GllfBTIC .,L.&~. TI!:~'1 h. .~rea~'b'a.r . ~'ln dlllruY., In Ibe world-. reeb ' : " epl cenlllnll, 00 band AI.. 'Dr T ..
ROBERTa .. 'SRf,)
SUIRTS GENTLEMEN t! tioe Llo'lI BIIlrt' ~I" I\I.r10. Fer ..I, b, I H. HARRIS &:. ce
til n
I ea ca caa l go It It .tulter I
(oualt al ,be Ball.". .. -nmenlol _ tr.t fOGIIJ .. II per Ib \lnd .an an led ':f.i.a ,aUalIl8ll,. or 1M Iqoa., will be rotuncl AAaON BARNHART reee{...hnil
11I18WC rQdtbe rn a
8&.f. 1'011. D i m LADIES AND GENTLI. IUI~..., down 10 10 lite Book aad ~
,Oil clftllol r.i1 10 p h l l i . . ~ recelvptI 801ll11l0w IIIId baaadral oul abl o (D' gift" • non/l W~!c. an tile LP 811 0 o( t lo"er. beIlUllfa~"I" ar'Tt: 0''''11 UlAn. ()If~rlul ~t • L{~I .. k. ole Alao en " e....... loe. Ie lor nole and CIIIp paptr .f , • ." .iIil ., d oly lo la, e, .n t n"lo~ .11 !If wllch WI "111 ..11.1 t elo".. ¥t;I%r~"" ROBER B 0
1 •• r"11I ..
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U "¥NDBPBND• .· " Otrall;t, I
1t8 thlly were twinlld arolilld his neck . quiok reply, 0" the river Ly"u" engrave'" 011 the or no ,imc lo exe rci~\l IlOlI did not bring Lhl' old duligh t. fl',,~h air. sh" I\lId ojfllrud III,r R "IlIlL. Sh e Bmiled' " Foul' thirly·fi ve," 61\id tho IIIa.l y, rocll •• re i... criptiun . comlllem "(" , E R ~T' ''" III .~JARya..UD .-11I II,e o'Atilig lho mll ~L .ltllll"n lo 'c.I!-> wi .llOU~ ' hum. "What ill th.· mllLLer wi . h YOll this mu~ingly .-Y \IS hera is jus . 8wI<utly MJ IllI .. lfu~leuly >11\\1 Lhl\nkink )'''.' 1660 , lilt' t "I!I_I"tu l 'luur thiny. IIe.hl. ur the Elr1Plial, mClJI"r~I", Alter re vi Mllrvlltlld ~llJ evenill" , del\l' ? lire YOli IIOl w..,11 '/' in· l i v e . . h~ r . 10 d>lllqillC{ lIo lu"ul to oulLi- ~hll gUIH,lcmnulw ho ur~\'ul Lhe 1.\I111~I·es ~ ell"r-Ied th c_o c.anll thO! AllllyraUllft, ,,"11 prepared . ,'lIlu \'ir~. ~Ild ·grace~. lIliU u I.... 10111"11:1'11 ,Ipll iul UI tile' G"dIlWNU MI'''. Lc:I'elin g, brelllrin g ill up' . "TI."u·s rlght-ye~ Lhnt:s . . .. Il' ~ !Icr b'"ll to SCI,I 10 '''I'. S I" S ""~ U 1~I'st:1 r WILli 1\ I rl~h~, '!lfr'·I.moo,h .ud.ce UII Ihe ruck. lille bV .iJe I~w partlll~ 10 cuhlv~ltl . 011 &be 'bvII<,hLttll movd of lun hu~bauJ, L"vllfln g tip"ka:, ~vmll hur mlloll~r~. pccul lir grlloc o( mKuner . .• whllt llojrvoU~ IY' 1 . I I .'~nll.',r ""Y ul tl,e' tlt ...e P'''''"~ 0' Ille d I I I II U be alt in unwonte d Kilenoe. Scrtl w hl!r dr"QII 11M ug lHly 1\$ p()~8111Iu "Thu ul'Liclll ~ CIlIOU lo dix doUllr. ,md W.'t I lie E::ypllnn recor II, Shu Im<l 011" of tho _o r'IOC~ R lph ll(') ,I'ri lllly pUIlI. I,(, ble , by I!"ulh VII W I C I IP.Y .unlulld Lhu wlli~t. allli lut i~ 'flill uti' ltau WIIS 'I'm l'arfllc ~ly 1'f1!1I.' he ruplil!d.rolls- 8ix~y f)vu cell lJl . I b"'iI:vu. 1I1wllyg p,lillting '-:ouoh ingly IIWullI repru"chfu llYurd .141.1 ul II", i uml IlIr. _ " ~culptu.e oi Bln.' ~, VI •• th"i r deel!. 1l18~" , III lIuu IUC8hvuluC I·~. Nc \' CI' illltiCl'i llu LIIlIoL the mo ,' xpn:t\.~lv u, Ing \tio18"lf li nd forcing a 80lile. . •. Y..s. yu:l; ,11Rt WII~ I.. · "Ill ~".y, tile wh l pJli ll~·p'VSl Slid iUlP'i-ced~ lolI th.~ Greek•• RlIlIIlIn~I. lulll Ba.aellll " ti uuIIIJel'H werll IIlU,lIlIlO IIllng ''' You look luber.' thu clulhA li' llu 'lfi er Lhis youl\~ h'!IIuty hl',1 ollnoellt. ul Ihe pll'u.ur.. uf Ibu lur" p . "Theil lhl'''11 dullars lind thirty·li ye cume, UlloJ did IIkewiu,. Ob,. pl~t pl_I' . ou~ COII.i_·home. ·vpri. . US 011, ur LbM Ihe fvnu W 'LlI mllue right. tllken 'Du I l' [AnOLher forced smile.] ": r 8UIlI. II I"IOI' WV~IIl"" ; lookin ; elura, . Thid del . muy b.. relld cenls will b" .m y right . ch"ngu, " d,"U Il, IlW ~lll III I~O Ill1coful .Irum; 'j'IIere I. 0118 · puriiculGr "yeal in Ihi. 11 n"odd mouldin ,i'u' lIlI II• . g 'Illd u'liinillg ":someL . h!ng ' inSleltd tro,+blu8 very ¥oll,~· tbm Rlld IlI .afl·llid.' VU I'Y pilI". Willa thaI care · le\llClh .nd ~readlh hi BllculI·• .Iaw., ~ .. d. tho IItJy ulllciug- 1\ t(maU gold \loin on c8mpnign wJlich i. teprell,m W,*, iii. ,.al.~.,Udo ,o'_r their roolly~ • led . 'O-rio; n'B ~I\ YOllr IIDagm>l tlon.' thu o,;un",l'. '''~Oll g~vll. me olle dol- allillo vlveduel l or pIGtnt'~1 10 us with of lWuuillg hilt w lhe Ilut Olf .he bu" f~r \VOl'll hIlI:Ir'Il'U IUllk, tlll.. L povcr,y , >lnd' I. otill h"urce Inlh<! Olahlel ul Cu l ~mbi;'. 1.111. ~.tI,Ibl'. ill "&llu'~1 drealll, illoillriliun. IUUOUII, wll. hUI: L" ~I,kll Ih\! wa p 101' dO I'l"",! ' I\IlJ, •Are you aick, plpa ,. 1101" 6>lkR a lar too much." . har,l, I" bvl' 1I1"1l\y" glv" •.• llhv'll!h fturogatpd in ~l,r land b Pvrlr.uyed uplln thl! wall. vran iuner CIIlIlU' h.'~r mvuel III (~'I'm 111It,l til. bright m~l\! lullo", cllunb'llr in" upoo bi.s A qul.l.po d ••ClU ...~lt.,. ~dm'l ' pI'OpOralOlI~.- cltme m. IShu mlgllL 1IIII'u lI"ulI ulle 'fbll CII~lom.er Lurned I1IVI,Y I\nd re · lIer ul Ihc .. Iuee i. "'uIIII IIJu I I u r tl C . . y. a y lull repre~~I1 011'0 h" knetj. r lill~~ lI~ht"~ Wben th~ ' loil. of ·I b. ~.y "a don.; . ' ~h.: C II U pO.'~ ILly Ihuse p our S""fltstl e~ es who wtlrk like lireu from Lho stOI'Il, Itll\vill~ Lhat UUIlIH P oJ v Ie II"W . . P .' u~~t~lI . r ' WUlIr. "lid "Why no, my Ion. i ' an not sillk.- .lsLill 011111e consoit:ncfl of Tor Ib.D wltb a brlchl Iud h.ppy elllilo. Mr, ,Lllvtlring. tllllPl1 III the .,.ge Ind Cllplure. ~ .,Clty. IJI'flVllllt ral~e them 011 11I:t:III, NU ,III LV dll\YVII IIn,l "1I.I'1'1l Cur thuir h.bor. Sial' HI1Iu.lf Ll Ii'B.-Wh en we lU:t out 00 Itlly thillg Why liku fl'oeuom vI' modUli, 1V1l~ lhilily I\II.J II\UIIIII.I' el lul. IIl1d tll'OIll ' th" a.lunll t. did YOII ~hillk so?' clberubed onl. .. 1'lIlbro w It i~to the IItreul," gahl lie h ' le "';~oIlelll! 10. atlelllpt j"lIy \'''Ylt1)'u uf lit'u Wh llL II brllye It dl!.crlpllon 01 Illi Lilli' i~ Ullill L .} ei lia.. III. "Becau .tt you dOlI:' play horse .with to Ilimdt!lf ililpatiilU ~ly. "ur "., 1eZII/'U i!(:I!. Shu I",J eVIl! 1\1.1)' I~" 11.,.... tll.:re i~ tlnJunJ gh·t) 'i, Ip Ulede rcher~ . Which IIlclull.,.1I tile pump u~, itS 1'1l-,,{chi llg No ~pl'adld manillin. raareol 00 hlah. 11' K hu COlllpllll me." ll of hCliu-l\C ho: ur "IXjJ UIIC,·s tu Lhrow IIIV IIY, I\lIll Cllm u IU VU I' Oall\' I1~~ IU lla e " the ~r"l belr!;>lI· .that com~1I IIlvllg... ....., _11..1 burllurity "f .0rlelll.1 _No _,1.1 pal.~ lu.rk, Ihe ,pul, Im:O-I ... Ill! ",,(,ip ",.rlaro . Al 1i\ ~.ilu,ll!; uII~e her WiLh ' inuJ('lillOl, til' Ihc ca r not lv S~II II~J 1m. ~o ru~1 whilu ~hap" "0 deRT I 11 til 1\ t the ground or Bu~ C<>II~CI""CoJ witillpur llulhal vr . Bri 'lo~ fiIShiulI," Pl'1I1101l" 8y· lh" dol: olle enol uf Lhe 8or:es, ill I'roill or the Iur· g-i vll Iwr II glllsli .llillmble, 10Ye·lil boan. ,u b.illlli. your .~u8picion?· . rtlplill()' thu (litb u~, Ilir "!'8'l't ~'1liLh~~ t~ of winu, UOII'I Lhink ~h(! Wa~ help'l1 0 11 III hu\' J,lUrlh'Y. Ie .ur de,"" uupr-"Ie'ooiini rbl . hrivl!' or to ,th~'" 111;':-. IIIU , 11l P""YIll,:-. ch"cl"iug ,'ach o,.h· llump. ia II,e lull, lell!t'l hpvrlra il vi I',r. II IIIU.ID II ~ thlL,t shu SUtflJl'S laughan g, ."Comll , We'IIS001l I C&Llut It. aWlly. 8uch .prvJ Jgllh frolll vi" , \V'lil .. sh .. \v .. 1II.,s<:kly ~L""III1~ fllr cr l~ tt.,'), p"s~. Wc Ii. Ly or 1I11pul~IVt: Ihe killg, dcu leol ill hid ehhi r \If lltole. III~ 10111110' Ilthe l' IIl1lu.ec.l Lhu h4.WlI ot helllth, GII'1l hll~ IlII thc II10llt'III, nolle "I' Lhe Lhc T ...... ar. r.lr.r hom •• on eart", ] know, to the wina • .' . bUlldY ul uc wu~ll1 olliH thll , uxpcII~e uf .bUYIl h'8 heud Ihe fvllolYill dettllemllll Ihall 111 "1'111 'u wh,,11 SOllie awkwlu ,l'eumg inscripliulI : IDlllly " !JIIIg-I~~ " I\~ shu CIUl cr~\VJ lIl,u And more 1.I.u'•• n'd .porth. bour.; . Abd Mr. Loverill g commen ced , A kIlO.h"I·; alld . ~II,~ couhlllv offllring to d "v. R l phll"l'~ IIlIgt!! ra,l" l:I"c~ righ t lI ~hol'e I'v r Yr'II\ ~ w.uuJ thu S '1I11~cher l b Ihe migllly ' l"lIlt- g ul Lh" Y""I·<I. vI schuol, ~ of HiRieber ~••• , ~d lOner,. balmier WIDd • . mll of Niop. with the' chilJNl1 . Bllt IURl\er,. klll IUII.. iu vi. cV\Il' ~'" wi ,h a\Vell l rO/pt o,·ill.", ':Y"~ . 10llkull y ll lu(ng" , . I Alol31 w 10111 tho: \'l')'u¥" ~ I 'f 'A I' '. , . • ' . , II . And .'¥.... and brillhler p~we ••; • I ILU<l Ul'lLWlllg " ImJ , 01 Ie Lihldlo ll" berON thu~ ,'rjjw w"ary . • ... M lo.:Il~ Lie ~ h .. cUIUllry 11 "UVlI.C II 0 lh "gayr u5d who II, ..,1I111( hlll , \ 1 ~o 011 offiuillu, "'rlll~ Ie ;\_y I 18 all squcJinnshnOllll, I IUll JUr. 'j" "ilc l'uu hcr well ~p" n L , 1'11\1 wo:. look 1i1l1,Ut II~. wil· . , ' , . . f J cJ ' • b 'r ' .. I ' il 'f IUlgUIIl:"S. • T .. . • ;;\le IIllty II<!VUI. nur • . did he,0 Crom the lIeuu Iht:llI, 1\ gllltL, .L\1I1 ·"'·"I11'1 '. h Id mvnll ginlllg. ell",r ~Yllnall& IIVII" of tll t'1R lI~tunll' t \Vvl'll Illarlller " lrYlu" lo Ilf.Ju", . "galuot cI Y II b IH' I Dul thou,b 'l!ei;'" Irri~nd ~ br"bi.r r,ar '11 til II IUl1\lllg :t, hvIY I " , 0 •U "me'lt e vre t le ' uf ur HIlCit·n, I l L . ' .' ' "'y ioto tbe apori w~th bi. ul u>lllt'8t., ' . IVI I . WII'S 1'1.- CO". lur lIecvmp I. 1- to) IIIOVU. 'Hlu J"~L ".~ cv,nvic~i~.~'lI,. Bllt it ~a~ of Ull aVllili- ~aa~:th-I give pllflnl "UII lur i~' lIlysdl Thl~l. ""lnler'aI,helo" or poet'_ dr"D!, h ul't..~ 'III'11 r" mliill ill "igh!, lIud I ... y. •• 1I11 • Ult'uLi. · "DOOlS YOllr head ache, pR!' IOqlllr· H~ CVII\'IC IUUII rcw'\lllled' , , .illg 10 !;i~e ~"e p"or Ng pIa.. 10 DIY Ii.,n I, bait .0 d•• r Illdy a ReM ••• hc hllw LQrll 110,1 wI4lILt:d; ',,"d; lik" ollr-" ~ CIIlIlC, auu tI!~. . ., . B,ehuld hor fin~,Md: ed the ohild who b~d ~.prerioll~ly 1I11¥· ~bukfug WI Il,vcr. ~hll, Imowil 1\~·U.•t: II UJ IIIS I ~!uJ ullvlI Ih... w~naun 1.1,- ... IV~ 5. olrug'fCli A. my ho~ by Ib, pearlilll 'trelm . ,,1' LQ . It,:,,,p, •• hmg III fhere I. on. ,n~ro ,lIIullratloR of ~crl!,l. ~VlllI~l!; of thll .01,10 1'. UII\It:~ liqknelll , ~, b., 01. hlfl.IIt., 1Il~ hia (alh.,f, . Tllc nllxt day WIUI &bbnth , and M:r, lire hi.lOry, of ~h- king her Sllllt. Co"... Hom., ·$UIlO. 1&4. pU .~ 'Ll • \.Itt: Ih~ fUl1i1 ~horc IlgKln~L a lull mure w,ollllerr ul chur: lUg 01 'Ihu vIllue 01 elLhol r L1Il1U (\I' nllllwy the .ftoor anJ lell\' bimlflU, wilh ~vt!I'ii1g WIlPI . to church, lL \Y>Il! ollly the work or h\l~ 1\ mo- which We " rll Illllinlllly dra Ctiug.a'l u~u,,1 oeler. WCU~ UII L"he hlUl ~Iwi\yll had ~IIl IIL~' of b':"I~i melll, IIIl I lhl\~ look of .ome gra~lLy of .mannc!,. on 1\ ~h~ir. . With h~ fll.mili. SeI\l"c"ly Ilfl\hlru l. slirprilll: I" S ott. .lalld ~Ie . tU~1I . ' :1111 ~ chamber Qr. pnt. age III Il,e _. u llih. Ivh :NOL )' lI houl. ~hlll J evcnlDg III1Il noi lIuli . my boy,' 'an llwQrtld "kaL 10 '11111 pew', WhUII, QJl" ral~l ", hi. weit It I~UIIIP~O.I'EII Ra,;' I1Dl£T&O,-Thtl New cvrnor o ( Ihi. el!lli.~e were rvulid .. uo l y"ur hlUl t. .811U 11I~1I in~ 11 lIu~, l~ I" lhl: olu "U,m an '!,>I'O: h~, IIltI .tho gl>ll!e': Air. Lo!verina. . ' , IIY"', ~hoy r,,"wJ un Lhe oOllolAooall!l'1l "cltlt.h, bll~ or IWllol pity the beIlU.\tlll I!:l rl b"II,Ol'" t II I b :'1· ahe I III lhu 11101"" IIIl t:ru".ulI~; III.r lueule- cll VII thc womall "' ... . .. W by don t .yo~ p.y Ionger. .t b o~,.' LIIIII I'~ u Y Iru~ W\lOIn I~\l I " shl.! )')l:IJuJ 'I \'1' y "rk , CUllrlc r ""J E 'Hlllir(.lr ellY' when lurge QUIIIIII!r 0 pier'e. vf 1'111 c uf; e~rIII" lill" impro','6iUII .. i .e~I., w.liich, 11, \,ro: II.' "pP." " I .10 yuur lI' O , -,0, ~a I' eJ:chumud alloth", olllld,' 'hll c,lolhu. Huw . q~lc . Ill" . " <>1 t ~ )( ". IV rl~ "'lll,,",.. I •. III~r lt w'Me ll cvndltlul! Y' $Udl, "'" tl I,IH!I ~ ~h' I~u,L 0011,,1,'1'1\,1(10111 . • "\ Hel\: I.~ OUI' yUllllg 1"~ly. W.hl\~ 1Ihl\II I.he ~~imdulo lpeRkin g from a iitdden thou!&h.l, 'yoo Ilu~bedl ~ow lIuutJle J "ly hl~ " ~h ... h1II'I1I11 ,ll ~. tJC\lam." Whll Wun : ""I1t'lIl'.1 111111 Ih~ r ..' ~hould b!llhrcl' IIth"r LnSII\Ul' ia ilu 1I01UI, ' I,KI! bO,,11 lixed, like lIIudem wu do Wllh h\:r A. DOLLAJL OB THB 00680 1I-Xwll cCll rVorla. don't know wbau ';, ~me \va had "L1choo.1 Ij" thll. blllUillM of hili h,,"n~ Ql'UIII.,~ tly PUl. to .hllmc, 1111 wen: to sl.lve S Ulle. 101'1111;'01 (111 1 of Ii .. r . terrltury , Uuloa}ipy vllidlll aeul., of wux, to dueume nl. wr.lt· J1BO•• ____ __ to·day, : ~ e ir'ruilidUibly int.cru. lill.y and ill truc· The Nllrlh will. 1I1· llII Mr. Lt,"lldn l;l Hil cOlild 1I0L m.u." ~II" I,:u UII I,:ulher p" llyru. lt uiuu IIr ,lie S ,ui'h • , or p •. rchlll"l~t . A. Den of Horrq rl. 'Ah 1 ~hRt '!U lhe ca~a,~ \' • lIye, .. Ud~al reli~Dllicl/.. lh~t day!. iu. ~r\'icll.» (', rl'pud hllll Ih'~ CUllllillulI; ~1I11 I\'e nllw tcll 'Fifty-fi;'. ,:eot:., . yard. X believe '0, VOu'U hllrdly beltllve I~, 'But and wbtl~ !.he ' c~ug~ il\~vll. JOlut'ol ; Such ~UCil~U"ut6; widl.ea l.,,-i u (; la1""ill K,rwIIII,' hI a rllcullt yolumu of Tl'IIvOil? uf t~leHe ~R.mt> bl'01Id21~~ 1t ·.w.,,!r- our S"11I/1P"1 brt'Lhrl'lIlll btt preplffiI f<lr . If! 1i1'.cb6J, huv" lIeen •.Ii~cuyel'ed '1Il' ElIy"l, tl~ iii EIlI'\IPIl, givlIlI loti taid ,.. The olP~mtsr 'tI'1i Op.,o cia", l'ol!owihJ:: , 110' Jon,. lltole a c.lollar rrQui.l(Il~~Y ,.he .lfelhng hJ:mu ut pral:ltl, RPP'll'jHltly uVl:rp,) wurcd WI I, cOlllu: til'" culI .... qu .. llr.e.. Th ey JI~Ye Old vOleu 11111 Ull}iber pune. 'p~CiIiIOI l' CI/llllllellue preeer, vlld ill Ih" , B~iti.h COIlII~ .of u le&\l lIti ch'lmlouJ' III Lbu ca.. , ' . 'I."'ft"."'" I! . WaliloL !rQI up "'0..1 1.. lt. tho: ' CI\I'~ IllId HIi- c ~ 'he "11 \1111,111; ~ 'Iljl laove .,,'IIIa;" lilllA{c.lIU thll glllluJ'1l1 Llu~ulu&t"0<'1l11 ' . l. I !rhe d" I\'ritinll. th'u ni.dv,," hn" LI.' of t" " du L . . exn"'. '"", O"~liR Gelate a yard " •• the price 1 I ., . ' C ku h of . Ba'ull 1 II \ ., B'r '''n, i ll ~hltl'! 'B li n ,;' ,I ~vuk III Vrioll.IIL 10Ill.-:-. !, a do 80\" ~ I!JI\CII aLe ... n ev· ¥IYIII". ~ .. rc" Y a wvr" tI I ~ uu w u.. . . .. ~ .. Le . I .. .1 ' U II u· beell c~ lI.utlled .by . the fire which dol.ltuyed. G';I'III1II1 D B ··_I . the pie vf , an d Iq air. r~llllIll .. tlal., .tllo' In,;.1 ".,cr"d ce.·III": ..6nng I .... eno". H"\I vOIce "lUI IIUSky, a ad b" qlla~lI'• •":"rlll U -·"011 .. , d , "1' d uarll IIXCIIII~ . ay ........ ~ V &wn .; ., ' . ,. rntol'lDtid lh' lady; Sbe ml.uo'd~r.'ood fllll, a c,?lc.I chin plUIsing the builoJillll ' ur h,,,1 "eri.hetl IrvlD ilec_,. ,•• HIlL Lhu ullullrgl"Obod IIp'.LrLrnent p elS, p.r.I8, ~lId u! lIidrOllCltrol ill\! Ih"ir 1t'lIIl1ra iy "lolI~r Illl'cry _UIOIlL~j,\c: aUllUL "(.Ii~buuli~t. tJll~lin!f ." 'him.llo lfever. · II III ths .l.'lIllr~ ~I~y .. 'lolYe~er.lOlIy .1111 ~tsSS rClI1'ful illLl'J'elil ' , ..} nerve. , . Widl li"htu~ ,. hu WWI WV do::"ply ulIg'IIg-<:d 10 Uldclf~II' "OI.ITIC.1oL PuWIA ur $LA.V&R"..-fI'iJe flllC·II""1f.'nl~; 'f'-'"- nllY.... .. _- La..enng and jll _' H~ cl'rl"li.lv ft d we . hI d "I' e.,lta,h e 8'-le All , 'he COwmU Wl'chll~ wu weilL dUIVIl iallo tho culllt!: '1,"~ qlla· WllullIllIloJ" (Dd .) A HflUlllic,lI1 II«I 110 .nuw wrltL' oJlldl , ,, crnuha' u·VU Wu~ "" a dollar \ 0 w'u n" • lnll I. "LII"I'vr l'IU,lIo,;b,Of,". b ... IItell o· thlt w. louie. rur · thOl ~ atrlllll' • tir fL Itr11" .. ' ill h. ,\au II ~ I i ' . tIe , I I NPlltali oo 0 ....mg a conc e"lauuI/ I'·' .dreG~ fill T' _I , Ihe ) p"h . ; Ih.mcil /tilL by rid lce n "plral of 'he illclin"a urllql" ull th" N '~rud'" hil:, which \llvle. ~Iew. I~v ... "'LI<lol~ Ll'ollbl"lIullitl .. 0" III .k II, loy which th,,'leul ",. e ,•• tell "'; .,' . I II "e ~ naI-' . .l1vhu' i. .. ' WI' 11 ' eVllr U~" l1igb millded man, He Iu,lel( Ih'At he ./ • ' . I . ' pi,Ule. WII wllm "u.OIVU. d OWIl, Ull n'l , by thu.: . 'Pllrh.p s he ",u ,,:r.ong-ly accused ," tJr~pping il. iul~ the ~61"1'IIJ ., (IIlU 11I I ' ~ U,null; IlUvIlU' ., U:IVU uOlt uL III ~"nl., I II.tllllce~ Ihe . ~ I." or ~he .• trHl!t Il UVUl' ut' I . nlllKu w.. &buaeatimated,lUld tell·com plncent . l\lgg'IL ed. Mr:t!. Leve. a uvu I~r· Olill htl" · fl "g. anu li tlAoJ to illl r lng. ~' L~t. vllr re .. II~'r. "",II ullh~ 1,.,lilill"llir~ rhurte.. r 'I! ulll Ie 1I 11111' ~ ' , ~h .. clo~II 01 'he m01'Ulu" lilll·VICe. to i1. ~. il .ul f relpaill. witll tile mark. ... W'I X pd til r,., b' '. : II' 'f,toroDrial"d lbe .good o,pjllion "" d 01 ':Ie fillller pl . c" witb reIQllrltlllll" \llt.\c~n .. .l ~. " " -,.- I ., ,, bf I . ' h '''Iii •... mma. 11011. law 1m d' 0 h, ' , ' i an (., en ... rhT' , n Ie " d \\'01'.... L 10: prua<: . IIr. , .. • lIIIIIIaU!'lh. ~I"Qt ut hlutea.. "11 .I"v" lerralurv. S,-,ulh lL' e : = ,I d II r I'n hI" pocke' 0 qll"" tl' 00' 'wno alO' O"'il" " ' cear 1 II. .u~. . '. ' cnturuu {\ »mllll uval rOI,II", 'ncrh"p A DUU'fIr OL htCID£KT.U 1 Ie q .a , A nnlll " .. . " t.iln " . . , . ". . . .... ~~ when . . It eame ·In.tautl y to tlle lip of Mr. ,Itj ' the " box .. " 'I'he gru,~lcr .p"r,t or lhee. ,•.e lll~ Ilfl! A,· fu~ t hi UiillOt Lj:r, "tid '1" r f lhu Cur ' lIlIu hu•• WIIIIOI p" pul,"rI""1 •"I ~'t',66'7, ~pr lI~III" al "'It III . u, I. 10 pl\le 1 a~tl \L ,made o.'e al- calnll rollild. ItlWIl OIlL 0 But ,, '. ~.I .t'III/ II I ~ I"rllI ' ·hi~. lht.. II UI~pO"LIOII .yrlllll.b ut \\'Itla tloem lire olher. bearanlf aoliJ ~ tefflrlllC to ..y, "Yea liny Ii II. " · T~lo moat lick to l111ar, him cry ruck. ~ '1'h" dour wt4a 11IUt b41hillJ , •• Iu'e p\lJlil",tlv U lI vi ali ••lIai'i ; ~1I1' Ii .. '"V. I;;II~ WIIM ~illill" II III ~ cul>i.'I li ...;r llilll. If hi. of ~~e. mOlillr, ,pI,?vlld ~l\ly a 104:mp;lfIll'! E:,:ypli"I , P:ltlI,"~i: , IbYeor rin w...trong in his mind;. I\Dd btllU"twou:ld br...k. iDll. " illl ' ,~'!\Ibll·ul ",.lU. 11 8 i : and we wore ~ uu.lur, Lbll. mOllllttlitll ell' rwpr\!~ " ""l~l·i.;;. VII .110. tluur ul Cul\~ lit! tlll"d hit nlurm .(.. r'the lult'11 Val ,' p"lhl\ttv." J:h\l l~ ' ,\lUi 8\111 ~ vrUll~\lHI ;"" 1 tv.r naCi, .to aocede to n .. " phil. for d I I ' 'rl 1 1 k A rlly uf lig)lt C.IOts frti m "buVIl allu 'Wh-, did thuy ~o witb him l' ltikcd "Ill hi.fe~ling"..-,; alill a wlit·igh ~t'I,w.f1i I.... , "'1 ulllOJluunh t on hId Ytl"" l w •• "".\ltprl"'~11 a\ hi. CUlllp.I'-urll • .,~ .c lurllu ' dec", Wt: could IVllk up IlS &Ii~()II':'h a n~rr~w '''"I1~bur 1)1 "liilll IlIhllblta • dd IDg uulll:' to 'd 9IIN. B U'I eN' In~ M~. '. b cooliclt: nce,tlmt '',:l'lidliall v b"uVWIl Illl»V- b ,8 all IU/flurto".er• . ~ , leE~~U'& ;e01ur 'rl Lu""rln g.r .. l. th.t. fIl .. ulla ulIII b" I cllltYptholl.loe "llried vut: d t 0 ' t 1 '( p .... ~rl'll·n , •• WI " .• O/I,·'IIIILV w'.",.' w• ." littered, a dl.(urb n~ "reo '1It: · ;.' L .' '~II"' uu'i .rlt r"IDo t ..... ~v" iUJp " ...... ' b' ' ''n"uIII I"lI' of C a 1'Ora, r 'I"Y .IIuL .or II 010,&I~r. ~II • II 10:1:, D I • I"e" " II' I " 0"" ' VJ , , - "" y n,_ ~ . . ~" vVl' rulln '. III WI&II ~.. WrU)III~.II... " .aware O . r : Ct:punn or aomethi og wroq~ rC8LJ:lillled wok him ho,IDo. W~Il" ' . , " " Y _,."V "My, 1.1." •• , IIrt' yuu IIII:al'r,ldl Hili\- i.·lt ,our{ lleL, llutl d .c.. Ii/"lIcgJ imUJllr . 1 1,wII~ lI~l OI,"'II.:h ,to ... urJ .. "'pr..llltlllal;V" 1' H dn:lidCIII .!' ~OIY ":1&11 !l~ '? 1:11: I.bill dvllllc ""lno)y,,tJ w'"~h, bUD.' ...... 1111'" yVU, ~rl' ~UClJIIIl III tfUl:h ."';"10 tf~ullgh hllp~rf<Jel, ret.llO. the Car· of light Uj!(111'wecoul " ';' ·It mil. ' , "".,e bl/llu ~~IlKd.flll (or' 11I8 ~I'om 101. COll~O "dllOlhi llg ou,;ront. ' who"c lu CUlliI'r~. .. 'lIulh"r wf!d~"lt tilt' Whl!",. H' " ,''''' IrQul hi. 'cloul , <.Irl'\ III. _",urd lllll<lU. H" cllulc.lIl\l~ ,~t:lld Couolo, wllh the UII~ e tlr tho k,Il!: ••O . . •b " ' rd at.! , C mOlll~r, All". L u\'af1olt vouLllrlld W IL bllCk mUI'IllUdll:fJl CIlillU La u~ fl~lm ,b4tnllaLh " . to Lhell\tl.)'I\IIU u:llhllc II,IU .whvle. III b<l. pertec,Iy legIble. .. I WiI t"eDt1 ya .,". ~ tlt~ cua- nnu 1 t S .J r--' - k ' It I. olle woll. • All UI'OUII IDmer. ~inl iL for. Ibu l'OOln I B wt.lrflIlUI h lt;8 aranteil tbl\t etl' ou~ of . blllg~ vl .llOt 1I . wo 1~le. W~/"tI r~prt!.e\l\u • aald pVlllle<l if at I ~. Qr<!UII I ,vI' hi remllf . . E I ': , .' 11'1111 , .. 110 Ii~' uxposurt: , ~ WI e, Ilv.. ll4tnt.a ,,-U 'he pri~ of Ille ' I . kll,)w C"r .. n JlII~ 10 wuuld"h' ~" plillil ",,~I!ll ' e.:)olarll three . sa rel,rt'.e u-. ur,llIllII lnor: 1.11111 of 01 'Bu( ~.ore drud(II I Cor. 111m, 8RIU wVllld not .only be hlllUllhu . ruck. AII.u what Wd~ the ~bj~oL ' lIllt. bll ~ .cCOlilil ·S"bacv the E th lupellll, of Ihe IlYen. Imu,~Il;' D Mr. Leverin g"AI .liIIllle nl, hl510l'Y of Ihu~ Rwflll room' . .I,cveriu g., ! \Vill .he ',:vtlr forgeL hurt!'ul to hl>l ~hllru~t"I" ~t 1:0\11'0. h'M!eull 'uf .eYIlII~ 11111 Ddlllw_re .~ ....~ yvu 1101 .rruiJ '" ,w~u"l ~u ty .lillh dYII IU'ty, 'On the UIII'1 pi~ce 01' l Ui hi,lOI'Y, as ",i\' bn U 1\'0 OOIDDllln~d prompl.l y tu IIllllUntre hili crIme "nJ c.llIgl'I\ct: 'l "!fIll ~hfl pI ",-. ~.""I;Ulg to ~v n~,(lb, m 8 by our guhle, wuuld .I~II relHilllhe .hllr l• repre.• l'lItllivll. 81,. in.tlnlly bll~w er~II';Nu. '~ tllu IUlllllll,u1l 111 11 clay i. h.llpres~ll d all A ,.,rillll aeul, Wilh a lind wiLhill the ·doocl.. . . iLi wlllls.irl bl'iI:lly I\~ follow ri: 0, I~, Ih".lree Il uurl;;, puplIllli.,1I vI lI11fU "C . Lb", dullltr un IU8 COll$IlICIlCU wrollg La hlIDdult, II" to n1'CIIII~"," rPj,,11I.,J 11. .. \\' jfP . ;'1 I\ ,I I e , I h IIUW ' i b 111 thll dllYIi of f"UU I,1 ch:~elloy anu N,,'lh ulIJero!llt ll.d tlllt qU~.IIVII . , I'lr',; ll7',-' ' k· cvvr bti 'rumov lld' Hll m 'r,llnM dearat l atpritfl..'rcmar . "y uuv"r 110 A~.hun Mr. LU\'llrlll!!1 who 1.l\\d' II. ' 'If~~' COl rek~~e8e lll II~ ~'lflraell i " d ' . b ,.,. ,wurrJ I. 111'1111' "dllll Vi ' lilY ' hU oI\t:' fltJ • 0" 'llIluI8lelr ull e- .I'llqu'·I"'·\ 'orl·,,1 pl" 'LY, .ho~tI su~p"ct'ed of "'~ II I d' II -I'llldl " 'ldoIlCC ur,'lltl 11I1t-pr.. u ~"y »ruy" ed ,be lady. . . Ik) W C.-II . an acl. agalo, U mo:m I~ Cllrl.t\lOll.'A1'1 "gllel, N Y k u. .~" ''1 P ,' . I • III a Y II .1 Il.) wll". lIIell ,1II ~\Y 'If · vr .:U.1I0" · IIlIlllutluYII!.lIle lull w,,/ltv hIlNIIIl'. Il~ '1 'bl-~' • no·,' .aid tIle IJor~-k-per. hi» wrulllI pvli LIC1l1 01' r""l&loIII IUI'UIl Y. IOcr" ,Ull' VNuhllu dwa C"lInoL btl "hvlly . il~olb.~cd hCI' ,,'doll\lr all • 11& ·' • ~ ~u lvl Ib~. \, ~ivlltlile u(,"ollllg Ivr Ihrt!.. un,uvY ..llVu~ly,. 03.111' o. 11~~re. "'1'10"11," ~II I~ hor "r~III~l!Illt'r 1 ,lIlluw III cul! be IIV dvublIwllut!!' d er 88 t .. 'l.bouIU , ~Ie CUll II"nl " RU'IZud I uud id cunlillll goodll (rom ~I\ich lllll r ilom" I or (he ' S fron;t ~il minU.' , II v. 1 .. I II . Liujf Lhln .i, \y~oi '~jJrtl ll11 r ... ltlllll. U ~; ¥e~. R ."IUH tillr\l III • W\aUhl [ 1J ~IiH" , II~ Jle W)lu hu hl. flul If-' Iak... luw-' II dCO ndj'Lcl!llL 011111. 'rhu liLLie room I\bov~ ~ Huw rubllkl." lf ly ("II '. 11 .~1I01\ll word~ Imll obLll.II\~d' It. fl'l) I1\' 1\1\1,'. ~II IL~.Lhc ",:lIel' tl~ ellLlty II lIe car ~ "C ." lfatt ." uIIJu.d\I.Y' . '11 If rolllllled. In E.:y pt Il~ Ihe eud < ,0 T. : ''1'If~lItli warda.a t fifty five Q AI I .. ~egllllllg,> " f UI.1 Cl'ib4:u WIU lltll rovlD of J'II,"'mull t, llVelauIlo1tI'" vUle'l~ wvrth !Duro thaln duublt' wllld. ill hi. ti~t 1&lIQ the IVYll'ri ill the hvl..' 1. 1 . I ' .1 .1 tin Lb.e •. • "al' LV 0 M.r. "",yertn ~ ,I. b I r lflUlll&Ol ei J .. lOIl ' I,' I . u t~ 1 III ,..1". II~. ulliU Ihll Ml'Veulh " I cellLUry U IIIUO I,' lloe b .lu.,lln " ure 11U'I.' Thll OUlt.omer IIr 01, lie RIIJ die J' ud olei Wcl'e let dUWli - IJ\· rn a· IIUIII"II' AI( whllt 11"" lu .... UI bi ~ lilI lI.1 i. Illy F.llher." ·' ~h"t ","uill. IU n.n Ll Ill'l aVII gl\' CD ~~ UIUI,IIl. I\n~ cu.u I".. nO t ~'Udl \lIl Ll j II,\: III.d uxuoL lillie bt which SenllQch e rib ~lIl11e . , . / _--,_ _.:....~....:..:.~_ elo!cL ' .<!Ve ll .re"/Ol~III1I ~~l ve...'" ber pune at .b. 'hUM 1I~k.e, and citll'Ut. h~ve Un: wU1gh~ of Ihl\t uulI ... IU chintly, Lllroll",h Lhc .openin" I' alaovl'. T Ie ~ r Ulllovild. m l~dc fl"SI llU LlOI,I., ' . A )'uuul! , . IIdy h~wlll" lI~k(cI II .uri""n , .1111: throlll c. -H ~ is pr. ub"bly Ihe SII'uDeu I\~o ll~ud wen; thell IIl1roJllc ctl, Iintl Ih " id the .UbI in gli'lAlriolr';CUM [tl ~r"lIiiur~ "WI .1\) "f1!a~ .~ alwud~ lO TIllie ' ,. eUJlLi ll utal " UII ill. Ahl ,"ilVI' Lh~ hu!ulh.\l •• ull why \~I~n WUlllftli o~ 8p lrr~. WMI lIIu<l" Irvlll the rIll uf' a ~)u~"" lQefllioll~1I In Ihe eec~nd buu,1I ur Killge Ioc;,,·y str,>lIl' .ilUt.lr WllS ~hud Allu IAI'I. 'Tha' i. rillh~. benov,, : I qd ilIIIlOOatil ·blm. ,1L WIUI all to villI! Lha~ IhOlI'C. II lI.illl "m,'ir. ch""¥~ ,h_ir ..."u\:1 ~vu~v In.n. hi "re"rell u<i by Mr. Lo:~,e"'~lg I~ Ihu~ aetLall); tv (XVII, 4) M h..vlng received ,c tl... p... •. _.. ' b'e II1nn,v '~"I\"". ' " ,r. bl! ,ri"d to hi: oheurilli. c. tv '"y 1111;,,1' bull•• bt lobll.du< lOl" hu t out from overy IlY" , IIIYIl VoJ liliU or take IIIl ill ' ,," I elL~O fol' "I~ COllblllUIICjJl 1 IVU ....._ . ,.. f ']JIll . ' "un the Iullvwilill "QUant IIl1ewer: H' ' • I kl " lA,eriti ll who, \ I 0 I I ' 'li' f l' I wiili a kind ou I ,. tlocir 1' of aa&omalic 1cr:e1l11D " J ' u 1"11-, :"1 ~hu~ C II w .. r" lired Irum wllol' nud 'tI';t,i UdOll, CUll pt\~dlllg III" ' 1i,IY tmln<,!u IIg Y"· U . , 'e ll. IV IU uy · Iyill" 11/ ,k. oJ. v II " I) ~ y . uJ II~ ttLtll'llsL IIC'UXpUll ., I 1:, . .. if ., .no~./i. . "~he WI.•,Il.t lIikt'1i IIhi..mIlQt , of bie b~. drew Corww iU'Ulind him: !tlt" inlloJUul I . • ItulII the hellll"le.", • l' It""..lard I ' I. E. " UUIUIIUU . '1 L pblulo: 01 lvuO'"t: ~ho <lolillf I'ClIlllllluc.I!" IllS• pV~:$- enlorillg I:ullty, LIe ItcCII ~l: d 1IIjl , . , , u . IUIO II &hI! clOla and dtupPOd it illl.o ~. t.lll. e~g"" "Ill IhOl gYjJ\lall~ 'were hilled lor fel\rc \l, 1I' IIieia mllde UOIl' WurJ hie obildren b ..tlloJt it~ wOII,uJ ch"l'In .ell.lull, Ihu laullvil:r Ulloaille • dl'~IIII"'fl"ll .1II ' 1". "duc~IVIIIII .1111, •• th. lillvulol rul. uvo:r 111111; lIur II.tI p~U~lIUI''', cl1l1ed tluwn Ih\] V""lrellilce ull!lbu/an ll llfloer J UllIlIlllioll frvlD hi. '&"Qd ilie blllldh!' La' No .. W ra .. lhall!;u ih, W lal'lI C III' 411<1 ,·y" r Iylll" .1I"It"e . JIIlU ~h..r" It:uml:d 1111 acclI~ing "xprea-' IItl ,i1I\1I c\luld entlUI'u iL r"OII, I~" h...hu";~' tr.. mple I!pull b~r; ' but IIU Ivnger. _ H .. w h~"e lrlliullrY he WII:I , whll:h etree&.'. taial' Lh. lady. "I'b. led 10 the ulflll"d Lhey wllrccOOllUllllded 1.0 ki •• Ilru .ion '" Ih~ eye of bi8 wif!', 11.~. ill the ffllt, 110' ~II,ly o.Ii"Prt\,c ~'1 l:)llf o~ Rl rY. -I'.,' ~~,,,aicli .ill ~eril1, i., 111 wa. tJk,-" Irullllai_ elole, thai .,.. ill ,laill U\~U. \:.yl:~, Ii t.1 cuplit lLY ul Iho people 41f S "lu"rill . in;ILg'u lDilCht lIOile .. lbe wl'Ded t'roaltM ~f Virgi~1 ill th .. aparlll,lt:n:; in ,tllll ... ·.pe.k .. 'V ~ 11I1"k-l" dOl II' we' pr,,'~" 111 ouncoru hili changed I\:IpUC~ hl\d occa- but hUOlllaa\IlU I\I. ~he pl dle!lc<:OJ hl~ ~hlllllllollet!4lr we klluw \v have bt:4j/l Ull t llll,l\'l;}llI Ud Irl~ _qu.I, 'roilll lIilJer hi. _rill, lfilll b. ~balf-MwlldClred .&O~r. lllt, tht:):, l.Ouchcu sprtnt!d.whJCIl MioUl:il, ' I\I~ , hltJkutJ ,l!~bl:i'Jl' Upvll h!m, wif" and chilJrcl~. 1'~"Urilt whlll Wd prllllliA~'Olyay ,ulllbL prulo:ct h,lf; 'lleur hi. he.rt Ihill It. NoJt tvr. wO,d.u.s, lonliloldi4lle pr.~de\!e" ur 01' 8 ulln4che rlb olld caullUd '&a1, madam: Lhel'e il ••1I rlt 1IIi,· 111111blu w' be"r a~l L11I8, Mr. ~I:I'Il~'nJ !aur to emtrrlloo: lht:m, lind in lhe \U be! \V1a"1 Wa w~u !1I oeelll ulll! ~IIJ :; \Vuu.IJ 1.lu la ,WIlli ullul"cd: Lhem tu Ivvll. Ill' ' r ir.kllllh Ih ~ E,rY I'tiMn KIIIIC, upp~ur Iv Illillhi cllt".h .nd Ivve her." • • . e, 1'--l'be, 'tI'onl~ Ife..., in .u,;• 'LeVII. r· WlluL uuL, [!IOloutlllng un.tI.ul\l wlao' wue de· Cl1lbr..lcu. \0 "leroel LhllUi thro ug h wilh ..... lur II un J Itl lalS hellrt . . ' ' , • , lIli' dido ..bll,and 01\ tllil ~ uf IPIR' and ' '''lllkOlol, -IC4l Itll! - - -- . by the A yrl' ' 'I~ .' lIe:tr L lohi, h 1Y <\d " 'Igge l's.. lbu sLr"o:lJI fvr I\n 1,.0111'. 'fhell U lrap wnll tiprulIg 1f I/e· Il lIilOple .a ct of rUS LlluLlon cOllld II "V 1 . h". 1lU;~. bilL he , II*' noL 'he Ou hi. N Lur.. thll cilililrcn \vcl'e in . I .cJ., I ."",'ce •• or . S 111'0 ; l Ja::ruadVN' rt"v1IED .-It ill 'houg-hL lIulILh theil' ("011, "hieh lut Ib"ir Lud it:~ l1tIJ • III",e illl Iuve, co\"tlr.:u t Ie "I!u.rt KII -;:-e Lbe I,i~CUIII" plUl~, hlll'py Ll 1 ' l Ilr enu wu ... Ii j,1 ~IaL'y IO: Imy.. IIIIIII~ g'l'\. lid " It . '1\ lI.: lV I:Jition 'VI' Lilli I' I,t~u., ' :. ..u." I. ' . f,lIl upvn a "lae"l, .tmud wi Lla kHiyc. , I"nilo: lI~n":U.l ' .1 W· . 'If COU\'1f6 10 "peak• . • bllCl ",llled a IrilllUll . .11\\'1l i I: /.or U BII ~. :luwlnl{ Wilh eUII.hili •• ul1 1)"l:llIl'a(lVII vI luJ,,1' ·I\JIoIIII.lU 11." Ulell~ ~Il, ·con· IL to i ",ull '~.IIIII •.\ _lll!ac!! ".-:, vlIIlI"eell utit;1I ~r. L CI'Urtlig . . WIl1""pL I. dol.., by &be k,abuouOIllMtyoQd 1ii8 d~ll, lrolw mtut r~g&ll~~" ' ilL lh" . ' 1".LlOO ' ,. ~ r E, I U" ' . u · 1 ~II II" W t "hIOI! lUll Wile W'L I a' le... dlslurb, Lhl~ w"" 1I0~ pO"~lb\;;. 'rhe ·· III a COlll LallL rev(J "'til u pUCI ' .. II)' n_ "" I"ulu" , 1 I'v r ' 1IltL IU '.", II ... ". ;J " . • ' " ' "'"ur. i ~~ • w d" .. t1 WKJo ,e~lIcluded 1I~"Yllell Ih." ;lypl.l~n .ud vile by Ii "lrOltm vt' Wlllllr; &lid alradl i& 'tI'.. lying hllavily on hit! lid aJi~"" , .... w m "' ''' •. ., b'y LilotiU klll~OIij bul Wllhuul Il, II " II b.~uk oJ~ ••trl C::UVtl'''U 1.•LilllJu: '!'t ,t: t:ll o.t:N~ io Lbll book"C billlif". ~ud u?lh. ,,'.thu A~A'rI~1I .1Q0U.oU·o."., :,rvbllbl y ~... 1',,1 uwill!; i~ . alu' to 110: 00IIIcie ... WiIllIl~1 wollid he b:ivU "'C), II.. Ihe IIl:ltt mocoiQg ..Kr. - ~hey wuru eu t in piucl:aJ, and .h tl mu.illl· ",iLh •• ,1... . Yllnng illg cOllltl tilliw., Lht: rl:co~u. Tlaul'~!! oh" )lu~\lImll 1.11" ruy.1 ioll" 'll!t~ vI Ihtl IWV k.'II§Cij I.tId fr"lfln':lIlJ1 Cell IOlo ,h.. U"gi U IIIII~ vI' Llac i ill:l I'II' 'I L.1\II mI0",I mil..., U"t\1.I."tI,1 &b.IO" U ....•. bat W iIIl abollt &0 dO' IO, III ... I. '. "',UI 'I ~- IICUl'ocu tl,lll Ilrll./lm. bclv~. ..:0 b tie I '1IIoI~p~lId~lIce u, 1111:0<1. Irl!!l<l,ul IruUl m,," L: . : Wlo ..c 10,," III'"i'I'CCIuUl I ' lIIg" .IUIL 0 .I,,:,'v , lll: •.1 I v \118 . "Ilh"~ bVI'1I A 1I11 .. . t IIU' IVllllu., 10K.1I IIltr 1·lIr" " t··· " t Ilul'e If" ,,"W .. i.1I CUll· the ftlliok....'IlIIIPaU ...e1I.... I oG Oa*f. Lhal in ... a pntllllUhI oti b... I~ I111.;8, " I1101I now an".1'f'Illn 1 al',cuml l ·1 ' UII'" UjlilllUli. rO:CIl IVIlI~ ~ II~ .loN'.'I.e ' II"o:[ Iv IiIOl lu."·, . vI .iul:r.. bl" lro:t:YvW lUlU ""JvIVed 1"1~11' 11i'0 a I~Ou SI.o:~p~ " lre"IY . which WWI d.. pllillted ill lIIUll1f th l! 8wa'u llI \lrr lltiv" IIl. ~hll .cko:.le cltrias io Lb. IMljlbe faict vc ry appRrll~I (: 1I1 ..' .101.0, II'Xl lu ", ru~II"" 01 '1".ArL, \YIII,II ' I'IlhCIl"bl" 1'1 1t1l ..., '"UUII", whiG (I ~.f.: I 1111' • • U'ltce ack '0 lhil~ull.IIlCky tld1y o~r Ihll PllJ&ll, I\od ili.. wml . J u,uhivllll ul Ihe killildum . W!llIe ~be duo· IYllllrts tho... ,,' rOQ~~I\~ . "i'. 1a_1l (' pAid' lve Gell" a ' .wo:re com~I~lcu .ur.. u'!. liuPaJ lIUIII • III lh" uvu<l,l<JI III IIn'ny Abuclt an hour af&4:r "omg W N)'''aled . Thullgh LbatdolllU' ItIUl 1111 Ill" ~~:;:'~~lIj ~~~~~j;"r. . IlIIIPnt It.ell wriltell UPO" p.rc~"II' VI' ill ~be lIalOO . IIIl1cb, be.t,lu ralWr io biB 1111 01 lito.", ¥ .r. LeVllriO~"" hhi Oll_t.o- NmO\'ll~ from his JUlItl~ll I\nel ",1161 • Io rll • COU!'CiIlI &ad ~..,beIn1 bia,"te mp' lO do i h'~ e"."nllicle ry peri,III~. ti,ia .ill~ with Lhe lUII~11:1 Iller or dl. dar prllvlolII en leI'. alia. QU" IItIlld".. of wrong, lOC, lind h41.... M t,to~lllI.lJj ':'11" thruuC{h )'tlL abel'\! .. 1 j... lril:~~ 011 uul'. 1111. Illl ··11 .... 1, IIl1lJ~l~ ,. l i b I" r II II' ·c. i" n' I I w·hich IJIU bUJl1il of ,hulr VIOUIO~ ltI'.:rv r RaulliJ .dty ;nay uoll r~re, bU il l eal.ltt AlulIO be IUip' liIelll. IIQd • 0;0-1 h ld move .. . ~, 0111 . I toWIU'.. ~u IIi' prOO U '4" P ~ If ere U_I" Illn l t't) preulln l til .., ' 'h I III ~ I_n v . v. uc IIII",· 11I. ll!rl!wt" ill II cI.l.rmiuu p,,,ee ;'1 p.r~ til neall: . . . L.. '._, - .. ~ 1.1111 lIeill~. be .I00I1 blsbind hia coun'-'r . Hill h4l1U'1. painfUl dieltOOlnelll. . '1';,,," . U"'1 luL "'""" dow,1I it. )Nurlli for 11111 "huu, 10 as W uc "". .. • . IIleeliOlg uf Ihl! t\llll ".IUII<lrcli' il .ull p,tI· yond ~h., ro.tch .tte a IlIddMa uf rocvllni l" nCtl \ For . 11" puWe, whv \le"I.. r I.. ~"oi aI 4riO!IIU. ur .ulld pr ... ~erty, , ' lIrl'IJI.eye<l ,' \ai tellill~,'t ' Il.Dd. and Lb. color ,. El4rn6'L_~l!raf~6~tJlil'tl'orlc.l·'brood!J1 ~t'rved timid Ihe r.nlilllia 01 tbcl 8 ,.t. p. Il /IIomulIL our blood rllll c.;hl. and WOl I_b..rcol Iu ... ail .. a f"'mll Ia ..""y. 10 bia ta.o.: An Ilcctuin g 'col\lICi- lake ""Mnin" 1)y Air. I.ts,·o:rin IltU. IIlrl. ul . ,Ivtf .Ullllile •• expo:r1"IIC., g. alld~· "e,.. 01 Ibc" A~.yr~ulI E ,npirl!; rurllilhi n, w~ru tillud whh horror! Oh I if ,jaO:lt> WlUI qllick' lO ' oonclullulUI W ,be "are hU1f, i: " mOIDOlll A. Iru.1 tu til" bu~, 11_11)111 111 W lh .. blu•• wlhl r"j'''''O:' ill Ifi ll nUIliB or w~a~ ulle or d,. lII~t .rlllllllrk~lJl. io.t.... ea. of Alice. I.. stOll" ~t:al:!, K lill ,bOlll ".IIM or 11011,1 110111, eYOIl .u~b i ••"II-IIII..r".. III Irl.II~- Lhe at· kllf iViIia. BII' be ~ ... iag. you' geL I dollilr on YOllr 1III,IIy i... ",.rvellt i irl whule horrur , ,.lory. " Idellce .. n rtculrd, wbOlh ..r ruck: CQIIIJ .p""k- II· 'he illjuncli IIl11t~ ot''tI'roo g dealing w~ ~Ile or ',,0.11'1'11. mu" folllo,,: vn. '111, ; Iur' Iluulillltl l';" " • . I.u, 01.,.11 wlt.r" I. rltl • • atld whu. ChllllCllljf UII vn. vf Ih • IL Wd. rto¥. r~ It .. verily.ln" tbtl lOurre c-luell tll,,1 scurt:., "Cftl . r.,mo.vva.l by olO.ll.buII.' II ~rlt!r III 11a" £:_\e. mind. Wblt a vlitlil&DL "' ..8 YOll--I. n &I1d lrOllble or O8I1","• . lll.: vI til" il' Le'rlltl,ol l'OII , uf .e.io,ture . h I,,"lt I.ilell all 111111. ill Ih~ cell.r,·w .Ii., • __ 1._" 1 .. _1. .. • r ili.... who IIph.e~.'lId 'he 10 f ' r . , ounIRm, .• h.. , Ibe _ _ &0 ..... ~t .poL 'tI'b~n .1t ross.•.Ao~ ~be I r at,-,r. 9 . r..... . .• all 'awrul ..."rraUft thlll \!fol\)o1 tc lVIl 0 I r UU \l~" rl'._ I"" I.Vut. u"ly Iru. Ihl ulu.l oll.Chiutlle 1,.u)pi oJ.. lliuJll u, CI4Irlaia "bicb abe ..ade ,beM ,eYlla I. that "llIqh "m08t LV 1M: T Thl. . "till. I" I.' •• .ttikln" I dill/lOVtl fl ., IC I .he ilCUne_ of Lntaehllry, bllL""c.I and "1I1I,,ruu.; MIIJ w II. pl,UII ptareblllMo .,.,illl ror tobtsm placed deplore d wll" fUU, ta.I".... IAdr', Book. _" lice .Ide/l' hi I crib, 10 IIIw Ibat, ,I •• t • "d I f .,a, .. '6 , ..... blood I1~~ ... at;n LheN ~bll fi:rlk'tr baud atell uf tbe "tilN. . ., _ _ _ __ _ ill ~he nllmu, .. re I~W wily . .ra ,-UII'UU ' lila' ar" truvallli lIul "JIIIC ubtl 10101 ill.id" il. ab. c.b. 8 •• lIy ... ,lIe tlklo ••n • Iu H ." ulld ~L ', l'An I , . r " IUI~IU"'J UIiCI.ed a keeJl"r. UV\I" no"!g,, "uur, r .print III: . A lew eVl'lIill,' 8.tI., ,I••, dllnl .Iuun" \la~ . ru ,,. .. . Tile »Ion. i l door Bwung open. and "" "'rla~ w.b~ lIball INs ofF my con· U..... ".ypt are thu •• 111,10"110 eul'lw ~teol lIIulllt'r IV . . . ul!lIdi"1C h.r 10 ' b.. d. '("ben w"rtl w 111111 Ib" ' Ufllllud '",ll'OIIlib &be da1he fcMaIwl J"'",u,a bur wlty through a Illbyrintb ~leJlce." taii lIT. Le'llrio to biDllllllf, IIlI Uti. ~.11 ..1 .u ll1u ... , dnw •• lIvvrll" ••h. . . "" lU. Id: .·lIthlUm •• .I" yllu kllu" hl'''' 1 ,. 1.. bt a .~ aba&reote4 ..' - ad OIl u be ~ tiMllllin l olll g,b. bel'!l anc.l pallllIjp " dark .t mi ll- ItulI.1 \I•• on,,01l••• ; lu .ucb .01,IUIl" obl\lI~e I. 114!" 1I'!111l bell quick'" " Nu." wa. Ih. repl)'. " , I'OlIIIn,. &benCroat. becuie ~- dlle 10 hili ollli;QGwr... aocl; ni"ht.in to Llle Optlll air. ' W., all br,,"lh · Itr lillOuu•• , allil ..... ".....11 chllr!'!. whl> \V.II," .. ill AI/t:8. III , ..... t ,Ic•• "1 III, • ~ lciou .. lUI.-n W' &hongb l" &haL i pte 118f one dollar m~ ~11.' II . lief eluai,,"', auu • ~ueling of f"ar Ifltvt: ....uOIIl! ...1""Jut . ... LbedoD atby'tl'h iob be wlltroab lecl'. UII.luvt vlt"r 'lhl! cMh, _1111 " Ihell • tl1 . ~~U_." n her'1 io lb.lranll llOli! - TI.. lady • ..ark .Me Distor lc:al "ay to (lUll or IeClln~y , We ","ru....o Ballc ~"dUUU;.u"loJ -1 &III ..,." 10011Ib.' uhI be.mea&ally, glanced ~er .".. ov:"r the mOdI, It~r 00 tb. rai~'tI'4y fvr FrlUlklo n-oa· ' &ad T~e aa... eC 1t1..,1 '. ..~ Cti . . . .' ...411 ·rtl l.',alld ac... IIlYok'l( r't'tlnl " If • be walkH boaae"a rd after clOIing M41m"chlllJbtl1Lewild t!le .At~in, duu.,l), ....ectlld by Lblt bt:AulF A oIOICI. lulI .... " .. lIl'lIr"" "F J "d".. '·a•• e~. theD,m acb ...... ,,'II',' C.II Delll thlll. "UO\ '. . . lis ..... for Lbe enaillt . • 'Ve" Ioolieh 10 llteiIWN .k..per'a .,,~ael, .b~ opened . and "IC~lIdl\!-,1I8 of B,w.m B;.d"Il,l hallk· fa ....,...... · ut III~ MMlOI~ :C.'Uti wI N"w UUI."-"'.'~~~~._·_· b II ~ OQ ~ ,OOlllribn tionl <If Bow to .ato a .o4em 'Y to WOlft! • ___ 11 aboa' a &riI.IIk. ' ~i.. ber _ne and Jropped lL &be.~~II. our (III ~"lI.t III dllY_ of }MlQnI ' tynt.IlY wllr" y.... 1r elll,ld l WOld. 'v, il\l pun ' . _ 1 RIItIOlI8c:leIlCll trtKl\ tile rul .. 0 ' Nlnenla "J' ... ... " til \'a""a..,.,aMUM cJ1'.a'C TQ.-Tl liaftl. -;"1 • b . . I" ... La4,. men.... aL aD lind, • pelt were o....p eDCKIlb aL Ifly· ...."'1 1ioHI ...... "uti Lr.""I~", -I.''''. tilth. "."',. lIl.'tUV"'1 Ii.. \teflt ......."1' AfP'Ilr _ e . _ II he " •• _ ., the allY . Lsouao W. Bacoa, of Nr" !uel "u ....... , ... D ejaculaU T.u. r-' oD 01 .... OIlr )(t. I ...... Lo, .. LW;<r, nDI. ,healL"r _... or noL .1. L ~l"" • ... .' ,111_ ~ we COD· be 'i.-HltJ UI UI~ 1_., J -V . .. ~Pw- ill &be 1adJ'. ~,. Huen. ·Co"" ........"'1' ftll~ beforfl . I""t · U)' D,', RJI"n. .. " •• 11.,. e vl .. i,,-I" • _ . of li"uil aoqaeql ll!Wi wr," p U w.U. ill Ietl Wilt ...... ...... . if the bad, ~ Ilia iantu' .• ... ,11,.1,,;111 1 IN "liT"" H ..... 4 Ou.-B r P411I11Ja.-:-Ue file "IHIIII D" \0 wh., ev ... li{wtM IH ..... . upllldo d wula a the Yuall' .eo'l Chrletl. " ' A_I. ~i.n o~bin" baL u,.t- ..... 11 ...~" loia," the neoII. .a1~· t.,a."t ., . . . ...... ..... 01 ,b.oOU'l werll all oocupll Ml- ,..,--1 ....,.., . 411 " " . . .lttr, ... 'tI' 01 NIle!: or _ 1'_11•• ud ~ed III .... Trillulle IU'Ih _reo &My are too If .. 1111''''' ,,,,,,,111 ...... ..:t. Vi cltltlNktr.. wlU ~ ...... ON'tI'dtd. 5 . . or GIll' ....n... 0l'I'l 110& do. Tbe dolIar.~ llIDT :e....;. . lUlled I froID &he 00.8I....' ~ II, til. J~. G,,14 dl_I.lr O\IUIttt mClIIIIW utI.,. or lhat ell,. _ Ind ..II_lu r hi"", mllll& bti lOtIiba8ed. SIa.L .... _ . ....... ... and ... ~, IA tar aIlIl Uti ...... wen .. " . lull. 100 0 1 _ &be ..ad ........ . ..,.... ....... ....... I"• ....., "_"~"' &be door. IDt....ai Dl elata. .DlI· " b-.s.n . or &lUI killd. ;.;..:.._~_. 1'01.... leL" ....p all ,be . "bee" '-_ a~(*1 .... • ...... whit • . - _ pra,aI' ....., =~=e:;'" wilt ...... . 0=1'""";-a-~. a ....... . ~ .... Not 1ri.... 10 clUIarb \boee wI10 ••u.. "'"10 ..... _r pa • ... lltt 1It1"', _ ....... .. ..- . . . . . . aelilrl~ ... ..... of . . . . . . . .plda., ......... fto J will ... ..... ..... 11lJI . : ODe ~ !IIIIIII1&Ua dtI ...... ....,..'......, to .....d ........ .... n _ .t _ . ..,. . . . . . ll,bl .... tar .. ..L1 ~ .lIreb _ I.... aa _ _at .. ,... !»ookl bntioallatt~ . ~ ...... .... .: bit . . . '11'1 tSCt'pI dte 01 C/tfoII...... . ...,;;~-;~.~:.t J.& Ito, iii Jat. Ie die I I . " IIIl :!! of 1lie .... Ie ....
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10 I.t Jon boqh·, . , bow 1 ...... .,.11 I " ' , aDi. 40ft ,'0,. ,.. U... .., 6nl - - Gvd" ,"BI_ID I W~, ~\ 9D~ ."', rI~ • " weal. 'in, \0 11i11I108'.rldb~ rua all Ibout ~r 'W'I~ Kill,.,. Oblla!' ~"'I~ 8 • tertel ~u.- ID, ~I"~ - . , deer. lI.r H.a~'-IIow 1ft1 poo 10 I ,. ~:,;a for ~n:":ft~r ,;e.~e ";';;:~ '1. ,11In!l eer I ....n aD, Q h. CU 41- from iii. pIll.. ~o~. O.~ B.nr'l. o aulD lIul andletl m.rn.... .lila 00 1II0te.t prelCnl, but rem.oe yer " J[;\T8aU ! Ax Tu.lIla.. 10,,1
11M! lIu
meatl tlr&t 0 ... , _d' ha beaome aD. of tile nt\Cea.. ,\JI 01 III nr blrrell of I eN' ,.",. I b{Ot I;~ IDto tile coadtl'J ,.od I9ld t· !Dta '~lInd. low, ,be..eel ~ .I . . .11)' I' Ind' ( hue rallied two crop.~ III ,a .111,1.....011, Inine ' the eeecI of the IIr.t lrowlb, lind cettini INC' e-- ~ : ~::,. " "' ..... ... . -c .• a.: :If"'" ond crop. oD l~' .. me Fouud. • Till. I '' Z • fro"): 1 ~ ~" ""'"'''' 1 J • • ~ · ~· did on • Imail acllle by way of ex .... ri ,::, ~. :. :~. received my Siock of Bprinll " r" 0"" Oood • • 1 am pr.pared to ac· '1, \ ,3 meot. · . ~ : o ~ ;;::a 11:;1 : : :1'; I: .. .. . old 'lluII\lme ri and .11 who may " H ' No" tI.4I e head .. a .. 1 lafle '" • la,"" 1.1 ;:;. ; ' l I j " and beavv-I D te .n'" . dullr paIN"'ae of m, , in a Qunner ...... .. t . ng in Ibu ' I ,1 whl~oallllOI hall 10 1'1 0... ~ IIJ . . . . , ~ . M~ Dullwhell a.k L ." 'd· 's . .ome teepeel.. \>eIemblllll mlUet-+. uo If hen vy i'QUI . omd .0 ...., ;;.: .. ~ t. · ...;' ~ 11 -":'2J'S·~ P. S.- · "' .rlDC b.uo • .I l .r~ I H~.d . ' cololl' k ' i <0"1: l ~.-. l · .... ,.$ r .._... it C> i .buuld , .. .. ........ , .. prov. !i."t:: · ~ rORE a l' COMP t lID lt VI ,I""" .or 1 '.[;,~n'u""A ••• u .. LE'""" .. ternl"'r.r J ~m BI...kl al rt...,.. • nOlI .......... aud a Kenuine ;:.sl- ~ 01 Memory. ......... ~ ..... f" .... ~ --:. ....... ' : - " eyt r belorol .ioce I b"ve UOCII doill" •buCJ· ... ,e .. tll of y.loaa aDO &11 d CIII_III'I' '''!'.'''''' upon the In.-ntl ....:I ' .~ • .- ~ 1 . , ~ live 10 .hl! fit.. him baUeIIl ( bel ie.. it would pray • • IIl1ir.. 'I'h.n tlrnpl "II' ••• ,.. • . . t',...,... to ''''' . •• • 61111 . . 10 Woxnel, Ul o. ar l'lI hiln wilh I-'ullo Ie.. f,oq uool bnd more looble ... ~ • 'Ju wilen ~ h•• a \'It,'' eumUlil l eant o'lover. - valuabl. crop thau Data. At. all, ,.te It al. Assol' B,118ClbllolllLntl Extremo tmcnt of Clot' 8 , I' k b If! would .ave. Ilfae .. I'rlncipGI Uepul ~ I !if muney that. woll .el e c~ . upplie. ol Burnet·., No. ll'd ~rweat'l He~..,.( e. UI '~·Ipe oU ' I...ow allllu.lly MOl oouot it EM I Fburlb Street, out of the country' to aD I yew uv me wont w•• p yuu i n· Cerman Broa~dol l •• , ur I OINOINNATI, OUIO. b l i n d prlre•• Cae.lmer. , .i J ' 1 Ie .d h"el~hln~. "11IOon""" .. yle of RUlln ... ?l . • b ...... · I I purcb .... at • bill rate, " .. • 1I0W IIlI.uj lIor won. OQ It DO -z 41 II '0 o:TFor enl. by Dr un i II ovurywhore. . . oJ . - .S' .. .,! . !' , • ~. Slore"by "IC.,OIIl. Wrlrln", ,,"mblnl nafreedo Rlwilha lboroull b ~:~ l.~~; ~:. •[l; .'ItIEND S.Aleo· plaill tlnd o:Tl'ric" '·l'w" n· ~·rIV" CXIfTI. w6 . t Daddy . . ..11 . . bow I mUlt..lt mar· ea.II, .nd cheapl, ral_d a' 1.3~ ! l S;~~:I Jun.hl .l869 . command of home. ha"d and pO ll, acc uracy ~untr anI! • .Ie· y VB. .... n~i l e.r8 - 1 - G. l UI/plied al Prop,l"o r', . ' . 41:::= 1 ~ ~ _ ' .... a ~ ---;.' ~--:--:---~---~-~ -Ohio Fa,m." r ... I, bee-UN I have prlce& hy run lllon, alre.d, an, of .ho t.:io(cinn. • .U Drugglil ,.' .... l. _ _ _~~'--____ ate of .Yl!ry deMCrlJlli oJI now in II". (rom Ihe F'or 3a\e by ~ , RUB tlo DO more " ,pr_nt . E;IWS • • QRO • . ' K. A. T. ColC lCEaCIAL LAW . lfol'ol.ITI U.LJ::cO".... V.Clovu for I. . .Idom e.timllii d At ~~i':trt~" dowu 10 the <'Omnaallot .nd cheal!' _~"Iif ~~ ... _~ __ • _.... ~... ... .. Ibll :.re 'or .. Ie bj · tb. Trade .. 1'111. --'--'''''OR'' .~PrJj BOOT8.~ 1).11, IlIOlur•• are ainn 00 .h~ P. S .-Part'l :haid. •• Importanl • 'I'rDinl nap on allf1lal 01 nOlice 10 Con. KIII~.. PIID P.nlce., H.U·I i... real .,.IUI, .ud the 1'181100 I. tbat it·i. IOpla. OF SUM~IER GOODS .... conneclcd with Ihe :l0oalin na 01 duclor l!:ItY 1ft r~ .nd uo.ull~ul msaurLmentdllat B....m. DU ..•• onl,... 111, pea i, b~d, my Jpck I. p.'e. dOl, Mo,. hoad'. MatOllC Pl .. ler•.Cb,laU"1 Ihe mClfclaanlllllh. np,eralion' reeeived al cured by the •• 11111 proc:6li to willett- othor 'h.v. a la,•• and v. fl ed . HARRIS '. commerce. t rrrain. fronr Morrow .t !I'll A. M, .:':?~~!~:" 1~,:~:;?;,; Galvanic ~: Cur.lin l. y • .,.~.la and •• practictll p28· Bit~ V!ll" 191l w"rkinae of. ' trade, d ' embracinr Ih. ~ 3& P. M. llOp at tholo IlatioA' on IllInal ID, lu., &0 ,ew ,.haUo • .,., '.141, ~ Linen. white Ind brown ' 1ft! IU b~ecte - tb roui table Pill., Liv.rwo ll alld Taf; lb. ~I 1; " .ubJecl or p.,inerehfp, PrinelpaJ ..nd Agonl. W', Ilill. Slllllmer C'oUla. noliilll io Conduolo r only for BenJy II m,o""n IN 1\1"; 1.llf1'aln u•• i Sarilpar lll.a, lie "I'J" DO·... ..... ~od .uDihin ., .lId conteqa e , II but Negol"b lllnllrul uunll, 8t1le•• D"b ll\ Gua,' . S.. lound tn all eala,llllilllneni .. I01ne. . .. ..... " anl.H . elc.; al. o on Ihe law. or wealth, cur· •• '1'1810. f,olll Columbul .. 4 bA. M: I.nd 1111. p!po. duck Iud tertel du,. ROBER TS. BRO. B NN~~1'S tte better th.D II) mueb pea.brua h. . h 82 •• cl" al. o a nico rene", rorllir" .ndIlOlne .lle eaoha",. ,•• credh, 20 1'. M. 8IoE allhoal llll lon- UI al READY MADE OLOTH ING. " I m.. PENS. PBl'f81 1 01 Slaw and1c~~r;t 1\~~fW t~8'"' proll&; Ihtero.l.. w.ge., inlarn.li onallt.d eoa... ~u more to d6 Ihe work richt, and 10 DO more a.. p,fteo t , A full and COnllllele alllltlmeni alwa,. on •• ale. t ~r:t~:I'tr~~neelC.;'umbua al 4 A by' nd ACK80N &. CO. 'S' celebrated ZllIC .. 4 • •• embraeln r eYer, Irllele ol _lIcnllemen'. !n' 1'ho con," can \ie.colllpioled In from elllht 320 P: M. "o~ K.A. ' J,'UJ)U. . wheolO duao,. the fodder it 'be 'Iff be.t l;and, 85:'. a' .h.,e .Ialion; on IllIn.1 or I'. 10 Iw.lv. week.. i'uTHU un, Ih. beal ia -. " all anIWl P. 8 .-Not, Beeoy- Muthun . ded, .nd th.t Olin be aiteD to an IIln'" of .tock.- weftr ordln.rily. called ,or. CollIS. P.nll, VeI'l8, -.:..:...-.:.:...- -- ....,..~~...:.-......,,-'---j Ihal doe&ftol corrode. InllrUellOn belnlll gIven tndfvldually and IlI!Ita . • mOil ~ apJl\i. Dolice In Con uClor un Iy. ~hl''''. Collarl. CraVllt, lock., Iialldker. ' 10 aold j 01 .. 110 ., II 9,,111. P&ltlIIl3 Ja'lll . oln ...ar-" , flnler al"any • tim". ohlel•• tlulllendera,Olove&, Wuol~n and Conor Tlmolb , .,;01 tbe r.... r. , Conn..,llon ....nllowl: At'La'u land wilb !IOOIi per tlo~.o, l)'Vo'or :1011. 1. Wbere ' ha, i. the main object, th, bHt 8o.:kl, A knowleel ... ollheord ln. ry Enall.l.brancb· -I'or •• 1 •• 1Iol"~ elo: .• ele. . elri ror HlIl.boroullb and ChUlicolh'oj al J>eerc hie and r. taU, b'/, 80 ,D more at pre.. DI from ,er luviD tim. '9r cuUlnlr cIa.,., I. when lbe mOil .. ROBER 8 . BRO• •• IIe qUI I Iit atI · l!eirl tor' wilbwlI'aliiif .t·.... 'or el Ie ailibe rl'ltull Lebanon l .tl. Mor, ' I have laken Rreul car. in .elecunll on.. Wayn ~1V III us• ,on. Cltelnit 'and .Dw l"hn __ Tiio bu. lne.llIcqu.lRlanc . .' e. IfJ'Ie I , I.... gl'Od o or ••••• Ihe Principa 11 n.y oltlthin" l . is WAalUNT !4T•• tnI " .. ED, f_.rd pew h",e turned brown. Lat n. ~ upeellu rumain In enablel him 10 te nder ... i.l.nce 10 Ih""e wllh. le~l .' Sp,h,.61 wllh tb. M. R. Ibll tllIce anrl I'fot- ....n' J-f fO.-t .to ••, a bow t... Dlllwlor he doue onl,.iD the runllloon. ECLEC TIC LIl'fIM ing 1<) procure UT. . lIlIalionl r. on .r.oIo.lI n,. ' and Sl'rlncllold, ..Mt.• V.tJW)!l 4\1(1111 10 .11 my CUtlOnldr.. 0; .... My work .. 10 be Ibe b.>.t ever manu'.c II"". fot I. Goud'board can be obllmed In Ih' cit, al It.nroed ' nil llI.dc ~n<ler my own UlrNlliuna &bat V .oro pn my, bl, tow UDt Iiurt •• It aod 001,10 la" 'l aiuonlfnn ~ hh lb. and ov.r· eal" .11 \>y t\O wtather . Al aboUt tob .11(111. Ml per week. ROBER T6 • aRO • • l wl'1l11 10 hlVft ~ fa ir Irlal, allli .....ndoll R.llroa'l~ alCo[u!ll " ... \0 .Id. 80 "on~ ..ore , . "Ir. ai o'clock CQllllllcn ., Dlplornu unolene.I'feawa rded Ihe grtld: land anrl Erie and 0i'1(fI1 hue f ee to 0ll'n tb••w'alhl I lee I .ur. of ~1!,lIl1bl. 10 plUM Ih". e Oblo R 'IJ88EL L'8 SHA.Y1KG en" •. ",110 , UGICIS. m~)' IIlve tne d.elr pllrona, .. anrl from Cillveltllld. Pilllburg . . I Ie to lite, OlInde t k.... lD. an fare little, and I., tlaell\ ..jl',unUI FltESIi auppiy OJ flo lh .\11110114 'l'ERM~F" full 0011 .... ; i '" I 0'· Clbihilli( br onlY rlclICrtl'\lon !UDt'lO() l\I)CA allll .,.... ,40' Wb.. ltng. etc. I Y ..... d o ' broal.l. jual teconed br, 196 9m. For .. mrli.1 "ouree Ioc:k. P M wheD Ih eh · lil II b .... , II", U.il ue... 2~ On ~"I ~1l1 qnllrain ,. "II. lI16PPlo, ' J ~De 01, Ih~ ~ hQ Il"II'OIlllble n'llico. III par.. c • '. '1 IIU a II I. ·r.3. ROB!lRT8' . BRO, . ~ I ".up nil ei.y .n!llle work 10 •• 11 cheap all WII)I .t.(lon. on no,lee, I,avlna COrllm, 11:. A. T. in .lIIall eOOk. alld .land tWCl.01 tllrtrd.v •. ariU rJI,,' al tuy .:".l<IInor GUND RY'. 1t4A.M .. .andCin 1\f(lRRJS oinned' COOK _ _ _ _ _ _~:--_ ISOOR. M. C' L V'IN DI'E COMMERCIAL WIU'l'I NG On tJie day before lb. bl1 II to be pul In . W "'YMa~llle . 0 .• fllrchl!>. I.... ,,, U1nclllnali 10 Xenia Iil~ 116n 21/1.. , ,• ~. alo THB WIFE'S NIGHT CAP. do HiII.boroll," ifE under,ill nerli. prepuod 1ft furnl.h the \ do 11!i tb. bam, tum lb. one" o.,.r whllle, 10 P.aAa ...-.. ...LAKQJ IL '" do CI.,llIcolh. an A l'f D P A. P a Ii: R H Weelern mlfk.1 willt ~ luperlor Wrtlln, A. I( M r _ . wbo clOttD" lin ..ore' tbID •• ~ i1ae bottom. . 10 do do Sprln,field 200 liD' ",.atller tlli .. Wnlfl:aY Iu,r. Oilo. Fluid-h i. own Invenlio n-and'whichlrlcolur. . do do Cleveland • •Ile ffiat the paR oIIce ID tb.. clt'l, lDel 1... 11 .be mllelDIR It n.ed.. .. 60U M.y 9~lh. 18". ,luI&billly and Huldily, il " ... rranled ' 17. If. 10 be UIIdo du Whe" put in Sholb, .urp.••eed. The color II al lirll a IIreonlltb - - ,·DOrtJMm ..Ia ..ltIr IOIItheiD pHil' the bam, do Dot f.1l10 .catter do du c;.,11\~bu. 300 . II(K. I Il'fP II blu ...... nainlflo .d.. ppermaueulbliicll I I"otll~y do do Z.nenll li .90 HARRI SON'S unrhl\,llIl 1uk,. A ...... olp lll8o'" iIIe j»tIaer '"""D" .... la e.t.~d~ .r of brltht at~VI betw All will be promprly _noDded 10 by do .." 1"411)' 8 or 10 . '16 ,uppl, JUIi r_heel ~y j·",t.ln,,,,"nR or callUla on 111m al I". olice III . iD, 10 tbnI t .. boepi&allti .. or th. Or..• lach" or prttHti II.,. do 1 16 . " ami .prln.18 the ROBER Ta. BRO.' ~lr~'ie! !r::i: ~..,l Cit" ,laltH lie • ..,.. priaclpa l Ia- wbole ",.U "J'th .. .. I ... Iocr oblained For Tick· It-., 8 or 4 qdllrl. to . GLEA80l'! c:O'~ or Lao! ......11 ' JOHN GUNDRY, IoonlD .'marbl a laaU.,' I..... bl.l~ IplrltuJ ....cb wlfOn·Jo ad. 'fbI .nd Heallh. W. ha.. jllli r~'" Jli'o,l.,eI,or tI..... wllLlbe orb .1 coll8OletJool u ....., jourDeJ'td, that thit lIIOINcurel1t ... of the abo,. ,.pul., work,' • ' OU'NlIlY' l Co~"'''OI I!L WItITJ"" FLUIO. · • Tho I.. Ib, hind. e' ewer, per_. merllll uf Ihl •• runl. l" recelll dllcovery ,..beo .• 11ft til... • at th.~ botel .t tb. will C1Q1n. OUI In tli winter. ,,".lhI 11111.11 .~olltio worli. er llii ' "y ,\ fr. GUIlUr, of Ibe Mele~nliloColiell•• )'" If ,w. mlltal," t lIour.... relt. cIeeicIIdlJ f.U, tbat t.ader ....... 11'101' f"I,ldlou wuuld 1101 gen.rally "nown. Wo bav. beon u.lna II II.. ur, 10 .... r"l .. 1M e .01 •• 1 Ipi. 1.ld down in lb. (or tbe ,,_,' an oyr CQUO"n. rnom ror 10m' w.. k., and tin· bo bad .. brl.ek in bl. ba'" cur, coDld dee."" ul h~.hil. w. w'!uld ;..; .lIIlqleCl willi 1>"": laIlIl1l11 pronounce It very ."I"'rlar. We line tried tbl. Ih••chOlud p.laleo, pfly.len l .. 1M ND., btl b.. '- wir., a.amilbi•• accoa. pl.D,lIo lh' wlth clorer?adll oth ... "'.... alld wuuld aliVIlO Iboe" whQ d..lre. 1(0"0.1 wri ur "uid 10 "I_ve it a Itlal.-Cl "r'"IIIICI." n. Oasell.. KOilcK1·S.L BRO • ,il.hed Ind belm.lral tad.y ••lio ,,"III blm rouad 1'10 .urk admlreb ,. .• .. . J'/f:\V W .. I'rI .... FLO'l), ... W.. wl.b 10 9~1L 1\1. !,. Tllfre r.89 th• )lOOT!! A.ND SHOES;; . deYoWcIl,. but lli.llIIi . 0.' rlul, whh blm In. colltr1bu&n .o.uch .. , .. ion \tI II new Ind . ap orlur artlolO'. IIre,,-ar· ~ S~len,iu _lock 1)1 L*dI8ll' tllao.. of all to 'I(OIHI luck' III ~ " lI, ~ror. Gll nclry . of Ihe Cunllueroilll 001· aid lhaa Ie. ble,too frequent kldd., Oenls' Fino Bool. ,ndShoe 'j •• nd to ,Ia. I'\tlnl ¥ Jbroup tbe wiute', .. IUlle Ut'Ci llclUnall. \'II .. h.... u.ed it .nil i",lv.. ..e~', and Clalldr.n" do., (or .ale. ~.,,,,,.!!,,rH cte ....re &Illite 'btl.' .... 10 be fouacI, la,llIIla (aocl properl, leedill' IJcll~r aa li"aclion linin .IIY IJlk or F.luw we !"Id lr.".t.TDOye' cus'l'. al OUt} pod • HARRIS ', hoyu 1 ..,I<)ro u""ll. h lI"w. lrcely Irom II,. JI41n After ..., .., hll frl.., .... I I t . - paM' IGPpilee ShRed f l ~\I(I " ..,kuo Q al'l'" a,.d WtlU deljllNi u\.. lill~ .- ~pr. 9..1" '!i. ilIJII' klad rudclllr: . Ind 219 , Illn o. I • .... eel a _ ! ; took lata Ittarinp . Inti ...,. thle iii .~~ It... t9 be takln, Caph, 1 ((ilY !o·WIlI. C"lunlbn•.. OQI~. r';.'AR Pft8. - ~ l.r~ the IIr.t ~aDd .. allOflln'e al of elf' .trapped I couree 00 the prlDoipl.....t _Oft IID\!Oftlll' \!./, pOUt \ti ~81 pl,e. fine Inll"ln, I,el, ot ,a· HCIl" .aclt I d•• I. II, . 0 a a, tloui plll.rn.. AI .... !I,lall calJll1ta.nIl oil GC)aUouli , ••1" meet, .Id. ull torlaoa•. ~rable mllllJ,,~91.,lo,J:~II'I'; ~. ...cif. hlh' for biUI, ll\tt rt.cw\'ed ~od)~t.~. byIn due coureI or tll.a tie aftrl,1d ~ . UA.l)OE N &. MecLEL~AND . . . . DOl " " 810Gb ..toahlbed, . . rather 8V1\G BO. DB.' Irs'l, a.na.. 'trip...... to ortb1 ..." lfUin« JII., r.fmen ·iI"fIIU niil"'.tM • Office, corneir 01 Mlin and0"'0 l'IIiII13lrcolI, op· up (or hi.. &be .1"1'.,. ..... • .. to . ."",t.nce of ftttla •.11":111 It ' po"ito lJuid I!!nn.· Olliell. ___ , 11)-1, It "ben be eaaae ID. Tllet al.a,. nflit \I_ apd cUrin,l lla ill. ~Ie"l W'" YNM V".ILE FOUN DBY, doe.: ' n.. Th.,. HtlII to tbln~ th• • lrW 'g raI . 'How are lOll. d.., Ili' .be aid, 'YiIU" and III hll, II prett), Delrl, alike iu , ,,,,.....,1 . Italdqut 1911t e"tl reared th.t ,au ba4 nlue,ln d Indeed tb. ara~ of hill $e.~,~' '"'" t.\.n atc'~ io 01U' oill.. too> curreacl 'HI_I. . .Ick, .. Ife;· boblit doll't1 0u to nch ophlloa. / b'l t~ '1!I1"IL:O llCrlmll1'~ think ~'m • ""11 t·U"'t!· lion IDIiSe 10 price 'A ""1 little, perbl,., m, cIea" bu~ Ih.t 'nd lba'~' i. notblD Hou bt.,. 10 ma", frlnd., U a)"'I,. be (ound YOUlI', IOU IDIIII join them ill a . _ once ...~Ie eepen io • _bile.' IIIAfllnce. ~ Wit.,you're too JOOd-tbe ~tb: II I W.... I" d'Nok" . eta let thlP" cut· IJe" ...' .. 'r'...·.u. ter 'Or ill ..... . , WOOldD. • __'1'. - - that 'a, .lta .nother ele.. tiP,.III oIItl'nl~ 'I'Ia" 'hlnk t -110ft h t 01 b) "tate• rmowfll""there I. }!fo......P!IM lOll 'ak. of ~tch • ria by' th. practice ; but It can ··prt,e".'. 1 .le with ..., ni,bt·ce p. IDJ daIt1" .1I,wo ID a mljorl&f of CIIIII thal til. Ioee ·You...e too irllld,' IDI dear. bl balf; I of nuttltloo . mluer b1 th. ri}tenlna 01 know l~m d·runk,. ' , the earll pater .\btlft tbe vitlue -0, 00. 001, • julep liIucb. 10ft, or lb. fIlu la ,...,,,·th of Ibtla" I.tie~. &\lat•• alUI' Ba:fIOII:!re to rllD an. .,.nlo,._'" ~Y.. J"'J"e,, ! lIdI..ten .,aIt••ocb too """1,d ".1r iJIe ar'" I, 'prtlllil • .. ur'taul" I I • rlpld to. 01 the IOlu"le .nd autrltlou • •Well. ta\e ••1....t an, flte; It aD' .'.lDen.....blc:li ibcMlld be .,0i4ecl -ore ",,,re.a " ,... du« 01 111 uny Dot liort dear. 1 w.n~ oae m,"\( .b.. oarelully \bla It" commo.. ', daDe b1 (a~. SIal'" fllre 1 mire,' . _ 8, the .... of I bor".nl ce. ( PI'I,II, nre In,,,u¢lrd individually ••nll nn' Tb. la.... "a.teD. a to 0-. til. IIottle ':':.. Ut"'D, too mueb , .. t1 ' \.:11..... ..z r.., 10 Ihal lIu~.nll ma), en.lef al a!,,, , Cl .. ~.. me. 'II"V' ,rOID i .. cine .....I.roeood III Ih. rail" olthear CIIpaclly .lId U ... p~"'wO'luwblera berore ber tbeiIe call1ea (!ID ,,, ueuall,,, oIdec1. Tou II,. on th••itltliovct..... put In' .o ne • "~ry dryin, IJI OIIr b~..uaol Glhll~te i. at. po",.,(u l em.tlo. PlW.,. tbe r lU• WIth .., InJurloot; hellce It Ie il1lporhDt th "tbay tlit fo.ml~ ale.....' ballded ~T aD• •boIald' be ,atbered Into w~oro,.. or CCKlk., 11'1111, ' be.. lccbfa,I IDH. 10 be, hUtblnd . .. lOOn at It ..III an •••r, fa hot ••unu), llqepicloa ..m! doudll, upoa bl.lDiod . . . .ther. It I. better 1111 hey laa tb'I ""- .",,u_._6~>nI!I~lAtd . . bad Dever ",rore bee~ IG ki~ "heo b.m 0; etadt·bet.w it to \a' tho,..,., tr drlecl Iae ... druok. He at tbe ,lu., of ill natural jui,,". thlll to rllt It. e.po. ...... it \0 Ial,UP!'I-tbeD laeaitlted. Mire to rllu. I. w Irb ca. . . . pridkUI I, ~1':hu.I~~~~,i~::. 'Dee,. woa't ou ,00 jiJal tute miDI, to of will preYlllt l• .,.,.nlllUGo. '-I~ pint ,c::.~~h~~a~\:rn~ ..... it 11'117 ..lei be. of waler In ....." alter It it wllted. will du ·Cfrtai n".lo.,. ,replied tbe l.d" ,*1110, more dameal ~ • ,allon COnti. al ItWtlDn. In 01 Dltl" "p, • ~thlUl, whleb lb. we. "ill')' cv.rolll o\ Inc( m..llld, Commerllial C.leu' ... i. IItterl) \111111 for .tUelk. ele. • • 140. to ...lIow. -OI\io CuUill/llor. a.s DACON ' "'plelo b ..."lebo••• Dd 'ao ditS th. ·.Ie. Prlncip.1 . -------~ -~ .... anti .U clown the th,uat or Ih. ul<o I -.... Bow TO 1& IlID OF r",a.- It on I J4.~5 • .J'rLlO~n , ~ IIr S"II L rqCl"qfG .', Joa. I &v...... ..... Ia_.... . After .pltUIII out th• •0bJlfCt o~.!,nber.1 o"fIIlt t~~ ~ !'Pe!ce ,APP L EG ATE &. ICO, ~ tile It.., 8oiehec lll. 'I .... bue _ . wrute. "1'-., e _mUll ......10 .tue ..,0' B()oksellers, Publis hers &, StaId ID De II.., to 1't\Ire 8b. Illltd a loot loIDoloct"1 Society tile caacooul of a . ' ..b of . .ter MtON all ~ . .y cbalr j . . If.be mod. _ploy - b, • rrien4 or bit tD Flqt. fllIA,J R ~'Otn latladed 10 llatblt belullra l IIttJ. reeL enee to relDOVI t.blI bave Un ft of lhe larie.( an~::~!!;..,I' Bot _It .. WeN thoee tHt there w .. tort of ••I.,enel. d,.,,1NI N te liIe OOID' ed tloo"," In .he We... Our 110011 em· , Tb •• . L t· tl , ~.cea th bell WMkt on Tlteolo cr, . . . .not .ater l i t . iu the tub 10 CD'Per them. e p .... 0 .... IIJ!IIU .... to elae. Law, .ec'a.le~, AI',l.,al •• ,.., Tb. IUlIba-" ..-.... to r..1 .Dd b. wanted pend. Det I8Ide oC1'0 Ii,bt oolOflll th""" \0 ut.IO~ Traw.'" , Tal.', .e.o'...." - ....- . LIi Ide I th . ' . ' lado tS -' t o.. h 10 retire. lic,\ and a comp elt! ."O"me 01 e aull 0 •• ~,aD .....0IIf .11 die JUST RECEIV EU .,.d 1\), . .I. •• dellrable MlstlEL LANEnlUS , 01' . • ",ry' m" .... " ..... aOlllIa, DOt only lO HOOKS mo ... r, ill Warn..,lIIa" III "," . I.U.! &h. lor mer· I.uuliahcd Our "Oc~ 'of S(;f{OOL Wait oal, • f. . .IDot... dev, . .... III IL DIt I bul ........ I]' oceall1M br. R.... 'I8 .. Btn,her, a 1 Ii.. Ith IIOOKBeDlbraCd all boo," 01 merit uMd In . • ~ kwiaa.poGIIe '. WIIIt 10 retit the ue". m 0 y. GENER AL ASSitORT:ltBNT 0)' OIOC,," .• U· Ihe WH I. Irom IlIe 8~lIln, Bool< ~o Ih. Leli. , peadt4 .1 ..... to pili dirvuP .L the .... e con. Our 1llt;81 Ilock of 81'ATIO .. We ...... .. Delta. I N Elty emIOret<. It la ~ fnIIp '_ .oeb .. '1'81, ~,ltu. .r. Mql'_ . .01..,.,• I. . 11-..1_ clrlacl .v.ry WIlrlely uf BI.'lk Boob ("'''' ,....,.. at.' "''''l'wDIoft. ~.,., Clow... 1J.I.r.~al. 811,.... hidl, pMetnorandum Book 10 lbe I"ee aUI",r.ro,'al acra.I Lb...... .ork...... Lodc'er,incl.~ .rery arliel. CO; nrae. ......BoI".a. Herttn". C_ _ •ToA _ ...... ...... ..... aM ~ ol.... In 1~I .. taD!Ia''tl . "'-"""'--1'- _........ . I baeoo,C '-an,.row d.r aad Sbot_ 80." C.ncouoliaa·roora. ..... 0 . . . . . 0... w. I~ .... _ - - , , - . I or- Wlh ... rorllt,C ollnlrJM erch.al. lullw.. elI..... I.. .L80.a ee-can «t",.at IlIOG" ""ton. ,,. -..... • tile _ke dtr for tIIit pial to ......, It It ....ti.1 rl.1! or Lellar. 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au on tho e mbol'';, ft lllDQS 'may ,purify conlll sllllko, It W!\.9 no si!l. to IlIv~ PIIIII '~'la o B,u'onno b lill bo\' n ~O ll\ \t Mt lhe IJubli c Buch I "cl ~ ill r" llllillu to the limes run !l lY oY, in th e lull, to escape abulle. but Lll'L uCluJun tlLli beflrt. Alld liD IlOW ; Lhe burri d love reVived , 'It hrlll limu 111 MillIlI, wlloh Ollll ,UIIY Gllllcml lJollditl un or tho III.wos, n8 Imve r"lIcn un- At one t im." ofter lin ubaence or some Floronoc ga ve hoI' h Illl (I not her hlll\rL to uevor dillJ , 111111 th\! darkness of de pair V--'s ehnllsolll' IIIII\UUllcel} II l~rllnc h 'tlor Illy own ohservnlioll. Thnl l 11111 mon lhs, he WIS nrres le" ond IJro"gl;~ bacll . LIIL\'cller; who desirod to sec Mlluumo somowhot IIcqnllint~tllVi lh alllvery will bo t.$ I~ cuslomary, 110 wos 6tripped,ll.e.i1 tQ Mr, Lillney. It was n grtllLt sf\crifice, WIIS sci thi ck wilh stars. I too gr,," t for a el\l'c n~ untI'lr Ilny circum· "P,mlwhy diJll', you pay moro at.. B-- nt Ollce, · Koo n, A8 1 lIarrate 80 'll O in citle lll~ In Illy " 1.% IIlld thu cOlVokin applied to h,a nil.w. lA, P ••,•• ...,ate... TRE PORTIONL , ESS BRIDE_ ,all\IICe"' - require of n. clu'ld. Sh.o bad t{)lItion to ld.\ Ooul'tn~Y Sbo i ~ d,e a<l, ill 'Ui" nllll101 saitl tb o ladv, ' .. d • " ~ w , 01\' 11 liro. heu' body till his mostor I 111 Un.Date LIFE'S B,IKILB,S. 'H e willlloL give i~.' . not hoard froll1 Puul; he might be dend; love with you," SlIid ullo one cvonlllg al1l8 I she felt he tllal delLd to her.- to hoI' hrother, as n'bcautiful and ele· 'ThOll we will not Ildmi~ llim,' slIjd "~{y partlnlS wero Ila ve.hoMers, nml Then n lorge Iygchuln WAS (08 el1!!d arllu,lld Wllrl"rul'l l'OIl TilE MUIIII VI8lTOa I I . m" vetl frum Vlrgl uin ,IO 111""180 11 counly. nne IIncl!!, pnued IIp thiM back, O\'er Ilis .r E, !I~ 8 . nouss. ar N , LOUISA OHITWOOD, Years Ilgllin cllme and Q;1l. • glint1y (I'U$ u,II 1\1 Iy d lio,ve ( rom II Ie 1:.nil' II1(1 Gellern, , ____ dOli mlluHioll. Why iJo yOI1 IloL eho e 'Oh let us sec hitn'l' el\id the BlllOn· Alubumn, Ilurlng my Infnn cy . ;\J)' m tl)· aholders,lhcn Bcross h a br~ aat, tlnd footenl'lf~ .b, whel Ie III IlIu.he alld brilelll: I I • tnllc her for n wiCe. " , nc, 'Pel'llILpa i~ is some fl'i 11(1 of· minI! ,,1(80011 10\11\ victim lu tho cllillute, [ldng olilluder his IIrm. In thl~ condition ho An ",,,,,1'. brl..1 yieh III h•• I" "I' 1i¥IIlT I' "Y?,tl Sll~lllllnLe,vClt' WOUI Flo'~·\II~cel Wunids- L H" was n. ~ptem~~f ber!lel:~:ll~y' 'Ixllu 'B ecl\lIse llltn 1I1rollUY 1I1lll'ticd, , qni. who is ill di u ess.' the 1011n~e8l of tho chlhlrou, I wn~ III II ill \VIIS fJr ced 10 perfo rm hiBdaily task, Add "'- 1IQ II uU ·' 6110 i I, Oll~I 1\ h111 RIlly II"" ''_, lam s.I' I IlU IIII( nnuon I I ~I nIISI"llr,"1 'As YOLI ,,'III,' sn'l u " t"e f ·' .1 I t II' I I ' .I I . ht d Alii :who. I 011 I c IlSptl~ "'I liS IIn ' dmansion ' P I W.... 'I • . , ~ P"..lll. u Gellel'l\I, \I 10 CltHe u my ,ugcu grpnull\llllr . whu IIC ~' \) U8 Ie \V Ol i! IIlllle \l~c I rIll{ ,an A lI"hl dallcinll .h. llu l' olllh.,e'. Silver ;jnt 'Convu ~Ive y as Ie l4jaru. Ie sel\,...noo IUlImtll , lor nu W,IS COIIIIl 10m , • Ie 'In ){UI\\,01l'8 IIl1mo, tell me to 1VII01l1,' And OoutiL Lophauo elllo\'l'd tho ch am. er helll II sll\\'o, lhuugh hl~ 8lJn ~ II W IlOU IVas compelled to chop wood olvory SubblUh, A Ruotl 01 warm .ulI.hllle .hed dowu frulIl on fl'Onl his proud lilthl'e's lips, I\nd deud \VIIS living, the It»L (OUI\\1 . .Bulle ~uspc(1 mothe.. lind 411ughter in OIl U lIt.'I', [lotI.kyl the rooll1 bnei and', Corl~ 118 one IVIlB tll\~ wife of 1\ ,vealthy 1ll\(l,tllerefol'6, relltll, rr MadalUo B--lIuu utterod the frllm 90 10 JuO during th l! lill.e I ril~lu;l\1 Lo m~lto lip 10bt tlmo. Arter being thul 111' 111,1 f 1 , tIl onts IV tol d ~ which ~r 'mblod 011 her lips, th o ilh him. Aa aoon os I Qo uld enrry II mUIlIII;lcd A qlOoI.b.!ftlU'. luf, SIIl\V' fromll Ilar·'o.. allg· a ,rollsoll. I e~ervll)g man, Bn lor l"u ,1\ Ie ''1'0 Florence \Vil\i nl\1 ~, \V\I~ \,1\8 ll~d na mo , (or aO llle montl,s, lie WII8 re].,lIaA lIIelllllr'811lare In lila .llIrkllCftlllr lIiglll, '.'Do not sny U\l\t (Iltl!er; at !~l\8t her grnoef~1 form ,,:ith emotions of prido is ~he ollly \yolllnu I oVllr lovotI or OVel CUlIllt's flltt; would hnvc 800 11 b?lln d e- hoe, my ullcle by the nnme lIf Neely" pur· ell- but his sl,!rit Wnd unsubdued. BOOll Orlia hu ,II1,'lqllluldluh,ovlllle8GOIII&'h.ti llhl' lellme why' you PUI:SU? Lhls ~ourse I~o blenued.wltllllifct,}tll)l.l, Pau l"wl\s shllll' WIIS L~ (l COli oh:11l!:f nlls\Yt\ r. ohllltl, unt lor 0110 ' thno0itueLLo sl'U1l1ly 8UudOtllllY ' gru lld(ulhor IllIIt • sl!Ou hJ lifter, hi~ m~1 r, 11111 paroxysm or rJlge. ' All '''KI~'•• lrOIlIP.illll, d~lIhllllr quio,kl~ ."·IIY, (1IItered, l\8,lle lookl'd mlo IllS parenL s homll ~ ~l)rk. sunburnt mnll, luI. bad W'lton P aullelfL in nil hllllr afLllrwl\l'(l:;. wil Rt:1ved !J l' in ~~o d clluae. ' pl Ace,1 i ll hlij hunds ~nd brollght III) ill foil III' 11 !tUn, wore out hie Itu1J1l1~on his Or ...arilllllll.. r. pruudly III quell "I hll Ilreyf (nce titell~hly. ·, gamod \Vol\lth, by yc!'ra of toil alld ul'- his ('lthoJ' WIIS ~lgl\iug I~ 'lIl~~ will 1I11tl 'AlII m{ dOllr jlOIl ih,' 01 it\d ijho, hllbl1<1 of intlustry, ' I IVIlII accim\illgly h'e'nd, 101ldtld hilll ugo ln ~vilh chai.18, und /l1lJ1~lIhallb·.Y rI"" 10 lh lhulltlar.bolr'sberth, "}taUler 81lSWpr 1M why you "nve Liripg indull~r)l. • I ," ~ W~I.IlI~luIlL' di sinhutiLIll.\r him,and mllthul' '\tow g ll\d atlltll soC! y ul 'No d Ubt rl\l\led und ~r hi~ lultlulI, (Ior\ Ihe domoH. artllr b moMh, ~old him farther BOUlb , Or a.. ,k anti dlnol'ytl in Ihe ItOlJ' ot ihe ;,arLI,T punuod such a </u\J.rso, Hllve I tol,1ed "rull me,' hll 9I1i(l, 'CO~ GOd!)S and tli~~e\' wero sluwly rooovering frulll you' lIlwe tllkl)JI 1l10 ·o.t Illy \V()I'(l , (llld tic circlosl little drollming o( thl! ho "l\nQ(her IUV(I, by the nume Of ) \lioca, 9, lell U', yo .il(~O, .,.!Iall o h,':"'who k"o~ 1 1I11d oduolded YU!l, h~ve I givcn you all tol~ ';lie \V,hl\t hl\S llecomo , of Florence violont his tCl,tc's . ' . )'1111 (Ife 001110 to Qscort mel Il~ hOlllu lbiIL oWlliled mu, ,1\ly IIII/\hCI'dOlyn brOlher \IIho , lYtle 0 1I'lIm ' or grolll -Iropgtb, pur}"Olll .. ltullr., 1.11..,0111 1I1,lIlIti .. bilhol it lIu04 the Rdv~nb,Lges iliat w6/l\theould ptoeure Wllhams. IIWlin, 11:1111111 0 0 reatly in I~ row dnyA, Look me 'to lite cOLton.lield, ~h()rll Lu leurn Itlh\ed 80me,buC'o n dn II ChrislllIa, evo.It rolnbow, ma, luro, /111\t you m!gl,lt 0. fiL c?lDpanioll for a • ye rs ngo' WI\8' Allow "I ll to introullce yOll my liMIt), o( lIIilu8try, untllu be bUllcfiLod by It w"" . in II.e morning, and be lieWltb tillta olllUO b!lftHlifullong 10 endurel begg'lr? ~o Sir, !tndl tell you olloe IllUghlllg nhswer, yo'\1 u$e~ to lovll her, ~tlct,tc~ '~I~,t>tl". g'tt!.. D ~nl' ulIcl\) , Ihi~ is OU ij ofmy IIlI bo.l)tl's d It d"w,o .. ftnilled morn ..... fall' 8ummer Rower, ·agai~,. though she bel be"l1 t.i(ul \:III an by tbe 1V~Y' I ~ues9 yo~ 1Vi1I1augh ovor ~.u (3:)} ~ \. ;J r.\luily w110m you neVQ\' mot b (ore.' hia cuun~c le, Ing "b~ nt, \Vus uf cour¥o 8uapeate. On: WI... G"lorlu ... niellanll·fade III all hOllr' houri, umluhlu as an ang~e, pure 1\8 ,8 your Coohijh fancy now., 'l'hu All. trilln SCllcrnl hehl ollL hi~ ")Jul the 8~lJul!II.~ovo d, lllUt l \\'118 th 0r'\ relurning hom!!. my unclu r.omrnllnd bl1ft ' A xel'hyr-.,~ml".l-. torr"lIt- 1. pooll dtlw t\rol' iL ",oulll ho l\OUIIlIg; my soli s EVtlT,V word was n poisoned arrow, hllnd III the Oourt,nm! "lUlu him a COliI'. lu fee l In \IIY own IHlrson, Ulld Ivi lll1!811IJy to co me til hilll, bill bo rOfUded. ' The I!o qUlel - a lumuh-a le.'Oll - a ochooll wif" IUU"~ bo wenlth.y,' finding il.s way iuto,Lhe vory contre of LIFE OF A. '()U'lllET 1.'£. wong welcolUo. OI)Ullt St..,lphnno eOllitl eX p0rltl llle. i111l1lY 0( the horrllfd uf sl"vu- ",usler aU'ove III vuill to Iny hie· "Ilnd. Oil Ii 1100liJI, roroballo,,~ a .hlllinl eeello' Pnul Lurnoa I\nd leeL the roo~, he tl,,,t true and dovoted hear~, Of whut slmrccly ruprolls n s'milc Ilt bi i!Ll'l\ngo ry, I"sl(lut! of killd uJrnolliliu lI, (IVIIII hllOl in vnln ho ordured .hi. ",I (tvea 10 lelp A IIIYllification- allti whal dOCll11 moallT could nQI heir e~en his own father il4lk Ilvllil WI\S wealth I of wbat tbo 10ng,Iong , B ' Jl ~iLioll, Ilhhou~h he fult tllllt hu stood tl) clulurp. lhi! frownw of \1110 whoso BY ln. bhl\-lboy \I~re(\ 1I0t, At leu:;lh ,tlto A 1·lo'ouro O&qlll.h~1I 1IIe1,11.. Y-··pllIu...., 10, 'Whon I um 'Of age,'hc murqlurod, years or toil Bud exile 'l Florenoo wa 'fhe bl.'f\IILlful ,B.lrOllll o - - \ II Il in a pel'Hun,,' &IlUJILion; und LlII; tlllly nlllhill~ CUII,\i) lI ellhur bo rlllllllell by thu nla~LcT hurlod II ~lOllC ilL 10111 hMtI H~~Clell\ , 0, lay ,ou. wh.ll. 11'-1 pr!!y you eXI,I.lri, lind lh\)n tho sentence . waa tini~hod in a lost ,to hini; 'ho future WI\8 nothing, Qoquolto und'" WIUOI'(, 1lllllwM to pl'(r ud elltl:'r"ll llll 'h" I~QI'I'AI'S oC inton .... nnx-. l" I r II I b II k bUl h ddt 1'" 'Iqts, 01' hl~\l pl'\lCI~U. rnlcuom ,I ~ • iml ~ el feoL'" V '< nr IOV" Ie A.I cc n ' U loc Ie I · no \' e dl.l h.,." ktillll'd.of It, .!len~, '",ortl lO, whispor, ' t His mQI1Ler tm d aillter were 'ruo I;Jrou:n ·cui'I,.sP\ltk~in% '1Vlt I'I VI? 0( \~oInel,Ill()O •I "ieL)',• 11111\' bUL vui Iud \)cl\u.lth " 1Iycrs uud Ilfl oa of hid shlveB " nor by 10 I ,I' "'I ' ' d .11, momoll t OV r 'I Ie sum I. I ug t 0 WI II to . ri llu."it a ~PCllllJ " nnd 8U(l'Orill .."d 01 II al~ lcr'" lIJllu .1,I .. till I I h,... OU tlllt, &, leIUI., , ,0 kII ' \ ' SClLte d all" ~IIO vQran d &, , WI\S potse ," . , tuiJU III ~h 1a01 IIsIml g;~y l\n\1 oal'ele s ,\il', Fu. til" ou[r"uIlCIJ '< II ..,.1U1 1118 I ~II my allnl .prong I " lIlorlal~i'l, a ...)' ; u .1..l1l,1o.r. "Wby lite yllu ~o pILle,has fl'tber been grille. 8i1~iell ltoluh of w_ 'dloc~. ~ IIlr~1\l:~h- Ih~ lit ~t ~i'1l1o in h~ I' life, 0\\1' cl)qt1oLlo slJn. ' Le, lhuso wh o \lu II 81 fOrII'll I'I , Ilill prOt l'lI1 Ill!' II gun ~o ID}: UI\C e, loc~urillg you aQOul U,IlLt lleggl\r yo~ ~re " I cann,ot ):Iul'n them; ~lt~y I}re all hc.r wOllk WOIllIIn S he~rt, wllb th u fdL tlaliL lihe ,llllJ to fllpll b ' fol 0 Gild kind, hU9pillllil e, find hUllluni! , l\j~rll tho c-xohllll cd. "Rhu I himl , ahoot hiltl!' He Liro', • joy "lid lifo'a a \.~r: Qlilckly "tlr, or wilJC!I.a.. ay.~ In lo\'e "ito ,II " ~bll~ J:(:~flIOS or 1\ I!-,,'e 'hnt III pnsV he , 01 UI\IVUI'~II! <ltlqUllhJ" l!lllO b~d() 11Il tl1l1l111 fol' the life wlncb hel' loVily ouur8e the lIln~o. h<>IJ~r pllrdu68 with ull Illn"" tho I1ltempt, 11l1t lhe gun miSled fire" Swli i, o1011ed iu Ir'.lale.. , day, . 'GO: IlW"y, Belle,' BIUd th" b.-othol', wlll!lpered lind ~gam they ,ll\y upon '1\ dcliollell 10 the Rlg11 ' nIl VOW!! \flth 1",,1 \,Ia ooll in jooplII'dy, She pliS d uoru froc; whua!) "lIeCBtor! fought IIlId uutl ' Millou It ·d, fle \vOM takep eillbl or Life I. Sealing; (luHhing her from lliln, and Ihon seoing bonrt whose every throb kl~!led thlllll.' which shu \\.,~~ 11Ltnck\ld., ~he hlll;yllI.!<l Lh\llllghL in paoing' ,her cl!lIlub r" ill IJled lor Ilberly; uutllhllll ~lIy, II' \hey cn , te ll 1I1 01l lh afler th"t. while cr08lillil tllo Llf.l.lree· Lhe tears on ber cheek he added: '1 --at Lhe cretluhLY of hor "Ichmn, llll du- II'COpll\~ biller Will'!!, III }Jrllyel'i\ wlltoh without II ulu~h uf hillno, Ihilt ho who QIlIQ. ~Vlloll brougb~ back, th. IDIIIlter, 1M.'. a .".lIop ~n IhIl6·••ca. did not expect this from YQu.' , 'WILa~ boautirul child wns th"t,Bollc1' Rpi 'e\1 tho,m Lhllt thc~ could, SUlo ,8') 1~llg rrum the hell"~, III\d \tot Lho Iills,- b I I I I 0/ II I Ij 10 )".d u~orlleer bll nllothcr plolltatlon; took 'Promise me,' sRiel tho motlter, 'thllt said PILU} Landau, M 1\ " 0 /rirl 10ft nlc and So Itlllllly; hllt III. ~UCII' (\,Iumph At (1/1 1'1y di\\vlI nex~ day ~h gOll ul'ld cn. ru t ~~ d· u I' ,t~ o. \'1 v~~:;' ".v I . CIII. r; him lu the mOllnt~ II\, and punl'lIed hlhHO 1.lre·. • .bldow, Lifo I. brilh~ you will "isconLillue your visil.s to the 100m, , " 0 she 10_'1.. tho buttlJl'IILlnbu~e' of the 1\'0, "-1,,,,1 II"r "1\\ 'IIl'U~I" Sho WI~ , ,\II'oady Iru y II 1111 I "I· U • I I I f I' I f. hi h h '4 , vU " ... , ' ''II.''M."il"'1 lI,~eor ; \I ,er w e LII.'. • halo,' count Mrl.' ' , , .' , "'1'ho' Qllu~hter ' of our scamstross.' 111 1,1It , ...,bl10 WIl$ IL ,1'1.1 U IIIDhI, 1\ II' 0 I' Id "..,I'CS 'cd', !ilie hl\\1" n t Illiil dow lI (.\ul'i '" 'illl • o ul ter r wos pill UpOII t. 1l r sol 8 tIaCI (I, D, IU l id • oII LI r. i.. I II( I1\: .' I.un(JJ'~, .RII ' I LI 1\1 I, " An 80I:I~from day to d lIy was tI Ie son an!lwureli Bolo; 'l!tlL I did not crClllve ul'iOl'iI 'pral\~, ir0 Ql tl •0 ulhe nlglH; hu\' fllou I\' IIS 1)1\1 , h(w llY,(lH II.e ..nllllilutioll. tll0rtl\vlI8 but lillie diU"r- waaI luotlo II It I e 10 ull UII 8dn. to I . Or &be wOI\1thy man rupl'OI\Ol,led b~lInu8e auy wonderful bllll~ty "bout' d,e p~h of , hur . 01 II, he{,~" lll\l~ II1.Hl- wu!'e {ull .of tOll rs, H OI" unolo Ri.I,l~ltl 10 1' onoo I)etwuoll mil Dllt! lho liluV8i1, excopt, 1~8 1. p " ).Iffi • 8unliolanl from 011 hl,h,'l~lItlalo\ III .... rry .~J~ ho loved a pure Rnd deservmg girl, "WcU I 4id" continued P ,drtlw- 11g' nll ,lIer , I) nil l! gil" - .hm bUILII- II mOil\(j\l~. lInd loo\{o(} IIP'III ho), 8l01'llly n"",,,IUl, [ ,litO ~llhe ru~stor'~ l~blo,-- "I have span,t nea\'ly nIL '!" lif. In tbe '; U ..••• m~leor or Ih~ 1II11!,ll " ecaulilin I:voryilling except woulth. ing on 'his ' gloves, 'My sleig is at tho Iy , IIel' )'vlt~h III hOI' wIL-;iIH~ t,J'llIll ' 11II(1 slid I; . ' 'fhu ~luv;8 werD my eumpQnlulIs III IIIlse~1 J midBl \If allworY, Prom ' belllg the Ion of 1.I~a i.lIll ltt"lnl· q~.uk .1I~d b,dlrht ; . 1 lloor and I ishalll.llko hllr home, 'Why 1~lc,11 LhuUl 1111' r ,her foot. U~ ~1r?I'lLty ufo ' Cllmillll;' Bllid h at IcngLh, I hnv u anti I lyeU Jellrllcd lheir CUUUilloll, bolh In H,81avchuh.lcr'dl ~~8conded to tbe conl~lllon LIM'. ,all ~o&le, ~w.h'. WIII~' , "I clmn~t 10n rr.er enduro it, Florence, hor shoos do not protoot her feet I\'-all.' filmy Lo 0\\11\ p"lue uf ~nul. rile 01\· hnd n () W$ {,)t' YOIl, lhis cousin or YOIII'S ll~e hOUdO aud fl~I~. 'l'helr dwellinll8 .ro of a sl~ve; 011 from' l~llt condltloD fOtle 1,lf':'. br.'c(- _ ~an8'~lIllh IIgj 1:1 f, 'Belle' 11'u bed; it WBli Ii tltougLless. I " )Uf ,\viJuw kcp.t 'or Intlt· 15 110 r.-1'\l llchml) l1. He is an {lnlillll no· Of YOIl pleuo 10 oalllt .u,) to Ibe 111110&1 1.1r••• PII.t, lle.l~lI~ h ••o~r, I will go away, I will ~ek my orLun.e mackin'g, fau~h, and her brotbjlr's hel\l't Wit,. Llu~t It. Im.l furttt sh\!d hel' lIle, COll,IOI1I1\ ,d by the J'u Lico 01 mv lug huLS, fruln lOll tu twolve fcot, qullro of .. dl'l\l/:r.' I hltve lived In Alabarnl, Or lO .hlll> 1.1111 rl.. no Illllre, 'n distant IIIUds; only be trUQ to mc; It .., .. h 'd' • " ly' , II In l'UI""lle Her 1111SI I ' f ~ ultun wl\hout wllIdoWd" dooni or Iluo>u.Lllo'. Ar.II'.',-':' I' 'IS "II I; Gdk,' ",. " haruenod 1\8 be, oar, tit.: d"I ' JI:~II: ~I ~ 1.1 t ' " . d ' 11- "I' mAsLur, Lhe E,mpCI'or, to I CI\~,I, I avOl' I I I "1 I• .I 'rOllnllssco, ar,d Kuuluaky i and 1 /mow Ille , me, 0 Paul! ,Let all tho t b 0 8e4)~ on u I\ II \ II uU,,1\ Cu Il" 1I urll 1\11 I 11\I "x 1111 sets foo~ \1\ I I~ Iy, H e IS I 1\ Iove '.1'lu~y \lIVe lIoililllr OIU ra, lau 08 or Ul' ~ dew ""." , . . . "FOflOct "You cerloaml y i w lno ••11'0b • 1011 of Ihe ~IDvea IU btl that of un- • , I ,. . . : I ' "' , , b k the atrue\ wil" \hat child' IIlIe' said bll:; ~l\~ U)e rntc$ dccrecel tlllltS lOS IOU with you you hnvc IVlIlli()nly Ll'iflod sieilt!s, ,'1'hc811 hUIII Ue oecllpi"" Y I II I d ~ i ~I(. la~,~ 1I11~ 0 oVt~, I U: III pns~ bu blot&.qd (rllm memory 8 00, drawing her 1011'" billcli: . cur~ ~llOn be lul"'US«J (I'Ilm him, alld sl\e lYi~h him' I\n\[ I~e hna b()"u 11l1 1Q, enough e1gbt, lon, or lI~ulvtl pDrdbue (l~clJ. '1'h oir julxet\ wrotc Ie ncss IIU\ ~lIra \It Oll.droa 1 ,........ M""1' I ', \,0,' II .1-' Io)vo one mON wor~4y; you and 1 _ ' ller uno"'y ' 0 W,\ll l ef~ bloomin'g Bml. bel,\~ltirul, ~ho , .. ~\'II"I" ')'OU borc But you nood lIuL dtl\ ' \I I lot f t" 0 14 And on t.he purt ul al.ve.bolders, therf!. I, Joel.'•• Iunlll t, ,..I" •••U I ul ~he 'poor_Kirl could Dot fini'slt ' ~he aena " i ' 0 '0 of vcr" I!l\lIe-I\IpOf1"'~!I th o "" ,", ": , , • bo .\gll gener u y funa 01 0 ,0 'I t',rueltv ttruolJ. 'rbe Illbol of~be .•l."e I.<'M'a • aiphyr 'r LIJe·.la rt.;",.r: 1.61100. Wh~t wolll 16 future be " no my 8 Ijtcr, no C)'11 III, ~ ~ ClJ ./? I 0 ' 'j. dread IllS IIIl11UYIIIJ' YO\\ 11IIy moru; )'UII bl~nk\lL', liltlny of ~hellllle\ll' nIght tlrter Il p ' LlIoIII.1""a"l.h In an "Ollr, , ' p 1L d ' "n~ \lcorn Itpc ot- Dl OO, be It liD or t o'/1 I Ilj I WIlli ,VIII lIuVll r suo 'hun IIgllill,' IIlght sfllillg ,UI'OIl tlldlr Illollk" or e\OO~8; 18 cone I\ot \(1), wn1Pg u~l by re~r. Their 11l(..' •• lorr lit, Lile'•• paul; out au an on. l 1 " UJld the flner r~q'inIre IlOt 110 "'h~lIy her p wn /~~. L t II~' EI .0" ',NUI'O" lice Ililb oAr/liltl" g ill!pllli UIO olher•• 11 jll tho OpOIJ olr. O,ur luk fi lid 18 sc~II~Y' lind t~kclnvllbout colII(ort. '00 ' '. al. f<lo I,do'...c'loqlj "Donit Ipllak to mo Ilus~ we ~l'e YQuJl . l' ejllol.lhHod P,ml, such 11 t.I"i:ll)O~, ~ Iil:~ blight ,oyo ~I~I Q Blll'I>pne, ollLspipg' her bllo<1l'; 'lilf,1II 11m " I'be,': ()11J1"e~ un811'Ilr Ihe purpole. neittler Life'....lnp ~I, ~ (,i(o'., oalOl; bo~h :young and life may bnve l DI.~lIy then 'with 110 bi~ter IIm!lu h~ left tho r~0I1!' t\) .l.tl~, cruwd, o~ fo\lulV ur . Sh~ I in,le,uJ }H\niij \tcd by njllst h avoul' WQ8I1I'I'ointed, IlIld (rom drawn 11/1 dark (l r corafbrt ,nor decency, 'hey . are not Lifo'. a ble.. inc ," Llre1•• b.llIl; OOI\utlful houre in,storo for us Yi , 0, '\Von't YOI1 be sl1l1wd III my sllllg-h. rc~vlll'dcd \vILh IL 'IOlllll. ~'() could pUll 'l'ho Boli'M Illwo Ltllckod hlrn 1.0 Illy till mun bon~ 10 IlIelr work, 'Thqj~ m'Il'H '~lIowed to ,,,nl[ "r \vrito, Whelhet tI.IIY Lit- ... dralil. • Ll1e'R I ~.IS,. ~'Iorcllce, we bave, beell I.OgttL 10; ~o my dear' said Puul, dl'awing up thll i~h wi~h 1\ Hingle ~vor " C~:LCI'lDlIIl\lC; lit,Jugo, [ Illwe my&elf mqLmincd him,JlhU wero 0'1\11)1\ wlthoUJ kniCo o~ pllltD, lIish,!)r may worshIp God or nOI, ;Jl'p(ll.d. 01'\ tho life Ii ... ;fUn,: Lifo i.lean; , mucb, W6 have I\lway~ spoken 0 t 10 • steed8 and reMllling hi. hand \Vi~h ~U1 "pig'ram, eXllud wl(h II, IOilk.- hOll rd th\! w~\olo hi Iopry of your wrongs 11'001\, 'l'heir (00(1 IVa. COrti pOI~, IIrIlPPr' LUis' •• IifClllb, kindly to the wondering chil,,!. ·It l"d SI", lelt he,' IInu Il&ell ILi d MUll \,()\Vlll'ds {,illI. !{y. forces me tll bo ud ill tho comOBt III"UIIOr, wllh \1'8111811 , And tbc olld 01 lifo;j. ;I._~I. not remain a~ \i,)me, lCl>rollCbed ovon been tl . long, 101l~ time sillce gentle (~lLr~d h r W,I, \VIIlIR~ theW' 'r~ l: Heal'j II lul'll I\OU unflinohlng, Illln 'bound t.o lI\1owlIlice IH 111010 1. The 1il'lld8 in tllEl -., Such I. hIe'. 1.lti.ury- .\lOn I' II o:er:b' d I words 1\I,d bdC~ sDll.lum by strnn!:Cor' lIVlJ by -h OI' b (,a~Ly. oltlen. IllU\ vioitLl1: the BlllIOtily 01' my OITn rc)o( nnd fiold worll tuk II fton. lite !tHuds of th th l} Wurlll WI'1I1her, I cl'uld epelld mOll.1I18 I:IoI.o.llo_ i .. 11I,.ier,I-oCOIIII·d I. 11M lore, by my siSLer. I cannot 0 <lepen en Ii ~ to the dCS91"le" th\la one, "lid hcr, bUI I),mld no~ IlcLeot II ~.lIY In Iho IIITO!!L him <lVOIl \lore. At tbis momooL currIer, wholl Vl,lr \IQ fuunt! lh~III, IV illt P(l In dou-lling lhu 'lltrlltlng8,~e""dll\lon, Gild • • • • • •'• upon ~y ~~~~,," ' W~CII be calls me ,by Ii\s t.rembled and llcr eyes fillet! Ivith SIIOIV \)f her ohlll'l\ctur ors" IlulII thllL htl ou /-ht to lJe dead. " oruolly Int1illlel) UIIOII .luveRI but my 10111 I. W.II .... wllol. o( II, every \l~rrul\ll'lnlC Lt~lo, F,loro!lce, give ~ . fO/1\ moment she 1.'1lzed into tl.e wi\! n coltlhollflOd COqthl\.tc, ~\. ;un boomod ill the distano , and IfIOre caromollY tltoh In ~Iie feedi ng 8tc~en' bt ~tr!' ~onlem~rllnce of the•• i!:yen ,"on, mt! a dlU'l of y'0ur ~r~wn Iu\"r, wfe~~~ atBiltllt ben~ over ,her 60 tonderly,und 'l'bo~1J \VIIS, IHIW(l\'e~: Ollll.· IIm()lIgst Lhe Ullhll)lPX Oal~lilh\ t;Llliwd. Whun IIwllie. My \"It:IIlIVQ~ Ilid ulvn over.cor, '. , 1J<>\l, alld ~ul 01 it (hreo or (\Jur vlolet.l 111 It,olllb em 0 ~ in thnt one m'omcnt ahe rclU\ love and II?\' tm~1I of "~OI'\j\::1 Ivho hllu V~IV d 10 :I'fOrooO I'ul'utI her ~onsciollsnl!~¥ tlhe ~I"V Fur plllli~hl,n ll l h tho tiel!1 hl! pte(erro~ h , GOIIII alld 11011".' yen~1I '1I1\t mtl,st pl\SS b~fore we meQ , arid 80 ber thin OQltI hl\Uu clillijp- bUll, cli, Lo \VIII dllll ladr.,lInd he throw the OuunL ktluolin!; by lier sidCl and uhnf- Inrgo hickory dti ck; II'I~ Wu to hIm whoae Bunmn ALIVC', - A *houklntr IOlltnro I\'ol.dtn bupt! 1lI •• IIII,! Ilg/Un, Ilnd ~vbry 1ull~ I Will remove Ol\e, od of ,lhe IIlrnngl\r And clo!ltlly , helu't fln~ SOli , ~t lll}<l CIc)(1.1l0~. tin!: Mr 11I1I111l1. • work WIIS \lut dUIiO tu 1/1 II~O hllol, fur Iho of burl.1 III ' reluted , MOilOil! horrible l"orue! anu when'ilolle rumlllofl ,then I w\I1 ci:~: the 1I11ivoring forlt he wompl1ed t~6 Icc's fc\!~, s ure thtlt ~hll HlIlht~ · o,! ,hili ',AIa, wco'p ,' uill hI,) in f\ ~Clldor vOice hiok(Jry' ~118 uaed UpUI' pur heud. 08 re· 10 nnl. rC~I~:~~~'dldl":J ~n 1!'l~~~I;r b Iii. "... rl .. IlIII: bllok 111\11 Wll slll\~1 be 80 happy, '11 d ~I' k robu or fur 'l'/le b vo lIrove on In I Culllpl':S must ,comllter Itho rp\ QI. _, IV eep for your eru hy hILS Illmo~t had rnorse le5s/y 116 if ,v e hmt! ,b 01l 1l mod dugft MOlldllv in bed, wei duly buried,A ilillcif,,'ureAIII , me jll~t Ol\ee, Flor~lIco, ~o uue WI "sil~llnce for some time,the ohild bewilder- ou'$ OIII)riol) oC hu~ olml'~Ul.l:~.. H~, l iw vi\lti~. BUL I forg ive YUII"Ollnlillll; ( IVU or~C:1l Ihe ol;eci \If his (IIry, anll Tho o~rQ of tlie puri~h, w\illlle "OUlle WDII y h Iher. 110 hop" for ".., eo ..g8111 f,Jr lieo';\1'8Li ' tl r I t ( 'he ud Q.8 i~ were to 61ld bcrllOIr glitlin~ over all bOlLrl [\lId fuulmg. 'dLQ \ 0 S gr,I!ILt-t18 IV() IIhvILy forgive lhose wd 10 1'<1 .' I II bOQr tho mark of It on my body 1111 e <11'0 tu tho llelDe~ery. IICterwartl. helirillit Morelllli 6"" ! And so hell. I III Ig.1 ,0 1 sLtining snow t\> Lhe music of IIllvory i~ to IIlny cOlllHlLry,' 8"1 our un ortulI'U' p up my children cr.iud ~he AIIll' H IU , dd l\1oall~ rrom thol piOclO, clllled II lne.dlc_" DIIl.I"u. OCOl'e fur ut" quiot IIlars, in ,be lj\VeetA~nll.il1le,. the ~~1l8' the mtlO Wfl\ ptld ull in his own IlLC' lover \yht n j.e luft the ,alo'/1I whuro tritlll ~Imo:'hl 'uuou " h '~f l\1ok9, aighfl (.110. Su ch waR my 8uWllfln(l all tlgrll' m,JI find rU11 to the oeruotrv, but it 1V~. 100 VI. Iltf illd T two were 0(\111 &9UI~llor, wl~h plArloin~ tlloa' ht. fur th~ ~Ltl\l girl looked 110 his misLre8!l reiyncd ,upre,m.e , Dut Ltl IlUll t~lr. MI.I\(u lo~o gO flU' ILWllY from , duli II, thut Dt tha ell of ,live yt!ur8" J laLP, 'fhe un(urlllll"~O woman \Val fuu.1I1 'slich lUI pre~s the hCo from out young }g I"~ Flo ence ..nil yet · unlike' M/Ltiamc A - a secret VOIt'I, murmur· MilllIl IlS posiblu 1 luwQ ri kot! my It.nlly dnrllil to Hny 1 \V~fI I r/lll, Wbl n lurned on ber side tn the p.. m,., weltering' 1 lbere nOI ...... oo for UI I' " • muc l I",e r "' ,, 't ' I' I ,., f ' 0 ig ,WLtf\t hllp" . ' ll • our ill hlJr bloaU, bllt ~tnl wllrm. Hllr real .-:.,II',lhat ut i~~e!' lentl8. ' • .' FloreliUe bad riclt, brown curls, wit! e o~ III I IU wllUS 0 mJ 1(\ lid ~ , head, sir, IQ SI~VCl YOUI'8; YOll 5111111 thn.~k thlllnlng cotton, \Ve were mils y 011 den~h nppeDrpd to hllvo bjloll preceeded by . lfUllgll!, 118 Iho cpffill hili beon R9OfO for 11_, piliDII (ot u. ,. .~ ," ----:-. Alice , (for sbe h!W. told hi:m her namo) pille s to 'ovu no 01,10 an .to. 8~e OM Il mll fVI' it whcn yOIl arc tlrll ltJ\ck IIgllln kilO"" Ono tillY , \Vh l!e thUd ('l1l1 l1 ged, W.iIII4~ above, Ligll~ly through Ills {at\ler S had pare go14en one,,; Floren'ee's eyes edt bolol'lld IJJ: 11111 tI I I iill'l'IIllce. Be oil' ,M oneil, 1l11d lIuilV- Iny llIu)le found 'Ill)' row bchilld; Ind by Il))o'n , nnd tho wumen had tor .101' n'''lIIlion ,Iwpped Paul ~ndou. . were _b~wn"tbo ohil~'11 blue as pure • But wh:d ~llISCI'Y W, ,I~.. ,ClVllr a s~ un jJl'osper you!' woy Ilf o~m llililluli, gave 1110 U .felY blo\V~ hblr froUl her' hond, She cohlii DOt hu. Ara Ih~ra not ",'11.10.1. WQ.8 lIilcut 'Wllllout. Tbe I\ngel of h "llio8 but the oxpresaiona wa.s t~o ~ame, hili wO\'8hli'~CU one ~llllh~9u"IP~~ tlll, 11,11 •Ah. my dci1th · WIITrlIlI~?' snid the with lho blc kory lho murk ur wh ich) beell dODd llIany /1linutea 4efure lllB perPrepped lor IhlljUSI' nigfll bad .prcad hill'o'bon "ingloyer L c . -Wbere do you Iive,liU\e OUu.?' SlImc buulll1ng 811lllJ I Ii , Iy .Jen - C UIII, I tl week, ' Often r (ulluwed the :i!OI\8 nrrlve1. 'l'hlll IJubjc\lt o( pl:elllalure 00( of .. iulioll! 'wtirlil. 0,,0 ' by ,one lIis clothes andd Paul. and Lhe child directed him to & fr '!lll CQ ' 'I must reg.ret thAt I, rccc i ved iL too Lho ',ugltive IIluVil8. ' on.1 be. hurlills brlhue I. Ollr ,\rllod othllr liLLi, arl.itllolJ W;uNl loTded up, an 10lloly ,tree' ' whero eyory guant Ltu, 1I~IIICl ~a 109, lOur. , IILc-olln do II mOI'O.' eXII '0 hi ' h U bod' ,.".11_,11 died for no~ All WQ.8 re~dy. His father was 1\ ~lll\t 8tared ~ Uiem from 'Window and ill wll10h I~ve brlU~, Je:1l1 II Iy I~ 'Anel to you my child RAid tho gcnol" touk mYleli to tbo mOlllltnlnSI ut ~1I11g er ~r"lbtilh por!~I~·:~Y ~e"~:'~ :oUI ~:~ iI. halb ,be,IJOwell I~rn 'loVIlICll8 ,D1.m, aver), trrll ~ 'Of. told a tale of po"erLy and hun- the I)ue for "hlcb womaa hIllS 'h o Ie" ~ Il" lUI hCl jll'e:;lied thu rllponL!U1t CQqocttu und rUllr drove mo Dock, tu aharo w.th the commence8, al th\lt fll ' now lIe,II.. 1I deci&le lur U. bit b~\l88bold, hit mother a vlI~n;sclfitih g:~~ "Here lir,'! "billpel'()~ Allee. sym~athr- ~ud ~o ~I!" OOUIII~ S~'P.III~' ill'II1i. Rfms, 'l you I 1VoulU suy , th,,' wretr.he~ loil ulld elrlpc8, Bul I hllv<Y\tll~ ullivenally allo\\'ea tt) bp tho ollly sure ev, ,10'111. dark 1i000r. "oman; hi' sister, to wh)m llls h08rt g P"Ul apl'l\ng from tile sleigb, and no bl<,i 1118' l\1~rl 11\ 8~ht, • IAbs~lIr 0 l~ Ihu WOIU.1n wllo ill a QOqUlltill ~lc~ rvo old elluu"h nbo\ll ,"y OWII bOlld/tge ; [ \VIII hlu.uco of de.th, Bimilar hO\l.888 hllVe long Our ca.... IIIl W.l:aa&'n. would A»IIIWly ~ for lovil l\lId 8ym- reaohed hili arma ~ the liule girl the lomb of sltg I~ p:'SS~?1l !, ))at I~ llll, n hIler p'etLCO in Chis worlclnllr JOY hero· ,lOW folnle, Il fow fliCta, sholVing Iho con, ftlnc41 lIcell ealllbll.hed in maDI p.l rl. of Sh 1I1..... our.loom! ~1' Wu a ' Involou", fa8hion~b\(j .. , alie leaned toward ,;hlm the 1101'spnrk8 of 1'01\" Ill: bJ\m~ I\twr . .she 1\1\.11 BllP"f.IIW~ hOl'~lllf [.. m 4irlon of Iho 81avos gent /'aUg, Germony . .ADd ~ III., erl"lloI, ' ClIIi1 ",01 abe woi'ld; itud wbo lell gnve "slIdden sloan aDd p~r Alice Lhoroforo, a~~kll~~~tul:n~I: ~~d luiu 1I111~umtUl8ymp"Ll1I<!,1; Iml (l limu m~ t "I\Jy unolo wi"ltin lllO purchawe wh l,t it. 'r,ERR;"U-]IL -=e-al:-::U-::~=-=D-:E::R~S:::-:O:-;F=- SIX. Will rlee froll1 Ill. mb, obltla JI!IU " .. loving Florence. the st"nned upon the P!\VOIII(jIl~. Paul II() t;h~ul~, as qU} I ~' ~ I come whell tH080 \Vho ftllt Lor nolV will called UItuod 'houie welll1h' n tr/Jder In CHILDREN BY. t. MOTH ED.. to.. girl, "liOlMl 0""1"1 ho"rt·beat WI\S 1\ oRmed hllr &0 lhe narrow door, rapped. his' IIUocL1UllS onco more II , ' I,c r ce , - 101'1II0 her (Qr II ),oungor iJol, nnel 1111111 n I' tlucod ~ IYC\1I1nn roo AMra, Bruugl,. or ~urry, lIeer LuDd"n. p8~lm uf t6ve, But ic WM home, and upon it with hit! whip, ""d in a mQmant COUllt Sl.<Jphalli' \V I:IS dot 1)01" t,(j bo ~(). Kho fiois hos )Jur \~0rt.hlc8s lifo 1\8 she be- hUffinn f1;,ah s~o II IU' I ' "e r II ~( k on tho l6th, Irlurderi!d her .ill cllil~rclI. "Ilfll ,h.1I hf~" bl.,ory NaY.., bella o'.r. Pllul wep' ovor old, familiar ~celllll. it was gontly opened: ' nied. she' had I telle loo ,eng) II Ie gllll it.- be will die as !lha IIiIS liv\!d- eommen Hilt lilt us 1Il: "y II !C J • while lIIulllcularlly 1116I1ne, S!le relatetl ..Reeohifli ly lDy... ry Softly be ~lItered' ~h room where his "M~ I hllve brought yl1l1r liule hi\d gOlle t..1c) f;lr L ~ccl!lle~shu II lOu"l , I .1' ' Y IIi" JI hur,ae. Sho Will purch~~ed , bl~l Ihe eirr.lIf1lstallllca to all officer .8 folloW8~ •• la.· .. ',. lIm.:r1ay Sleeping, A smile,w!",on her ' rl fell from my sleigoll him, .h:. pcrsovl!' ,L °n:t .18 I ,!Jlld 110 "ish for !Such trial wns (builtl ,wnnling in the 011 Friduy Inl t I ' .vII b!ltl all da}'; 1 Thea lir. it • ble..la,lipe; ber j.,~tl curls [el.1 dnl\lDg o\'or not aeriollllly'injnred," ,aiu Puul ,!,dt:- n,ug,l\ddrcllS, ,~III one /IlornlQ,f, litO " solit.ury fKtu, IIbe did 1~Cllnl\n(l6 (or he r dile quulificlitlOlls, Sho then fOrr il V~U~lIIt wuntod to lice Air, b od, aUlI waltfOld all ~.y, tlie pillow, abd her Jewelled band. Ollt UiLing bi8 tiyea rrom lite pll.\o f(lCi! Inm t1l1l1leLlel.dr' d f'1U1L"! IIlId rolliee by lllluug upon her~clr lO lhedi~al'ptlilllOd roge of illY un cle; 11111 0' IJII\v,ullnol~~!~~l~glO'~~:~IlI:d II::~' :dd~C;t~~: A 1Ioon rIorn tbow_ Y lIllO, eltH~_,rlltln - '110 vows of obedience, lind shining C.II' or "IIIIIY . he 8uITerotl orrolllly Irolll werb cwned above, hor,fair 'h'" --ted IIpon his brel\8t. • Your lo\'e• IIlIno • )lut tho chilllrcn tl> be.... .1 · nd W;ln \ed A ...;" th e..la, F.. I brow. n.;. .1 __ .I . . . . . " . • r I mua """ you • , ~. .. ' 0 wnrds l1 U .... wur ,""" j 'Beau&ilul,ob,my aiaJef UV\& "'" "Alice, 011 my dllrling, ~re YObu h~rdt (or to, In ~PI~u~y ~rigl.lina III(!, I hllv; h 'ncuforlV~d M Il dlt~co\l~ anLl lovll1g hi. rury, Ho u!od to tio hur 10 II pennI! to go III . 10 pill. t l'lllr, Abou\ 90 ol'tklt A toke. -of \0,.. , L\lee,' was &!,lEi brodier8 p~ayer •• ~ fl ~o- muchf' laid the womlln In a urnc: lUll d yrour Jllllk fu"" in Dill,lIL .. nd '\>y' IVlrO. troe In tire y"rd . 1lll11whlp hdr ull lhero Oourll'Y(moAuillf,t GCl,lrgiallft) kept c-.l~t~ Wbolo -.a teth I men' longer he a&Ood' Lben ... l, yUlg tone ThaI voice when hl\l1 It ~ ICnllOrC, 1.1\ en ro 0 .., ' I I k mo 10 COUle 10 bod, J ClIlre up to bed;..~ t, from bluer lIIomory, he 'limed, opened ~iled ~ tbrill Lho h~llrt of I)llul Iho Limo yuu rocciye ~his ~ 1I1~!l1l be fill' '. . ,,... ,A.,.". " .... WII' 110 aouhd pltloo to ay .. nuller ~Iro e, tept cuJUllif 1110 Ij! ~rllll( Ihlllll ttQltIQ b!lrb~ IIftr; , 'be window IU1d left an, all (or long, He looked 11 tlt'oir tl )',CII llIuL, Qn my W:ly 1.0 "Iallli wluLher you dll N'orratlve'" W6IJI". Lethvlch, AU.! rol.O bt It 110 oltoll .tllIll Iod~ b~"k wu" Icy-Iv.t~r, 81111 k\' J11 Cllli~ Iillncor J.i ~'_ Who.'er ~tlllt drellr yclU'll, How "will tho world roo and"O FlorenllO OM ~ illdccd hu you? IIOt fu!luw me" Ml: uncle coallmlUldll an blr, lAllwlcb i. "r'lItl~DII or Gen , kCll,t cunlill')8lJy vut. - WllIpIIIlIg I,he cluck, I l.ud OIU) CAlltlle'llt on IhJl, otr•• r-, Spurn.tli th. Gi,er. pay I~' ~, How will wORld1 aud d eet tJ us1' bur!!t from Lbe strong Au t.ru\n SllrrtilOI~ m aUld 1 IIItll.lll JMb ~ Leftw ich, wbo w_a for lIl~ny y ftr. h'lIIol"• • roufJd the log., \V1i.a a f~~orIIH IWl!lIt and I!ollllluthor, bUl could \lot tee; Take It wltb ptilllde; f..ruo (Ii" wooing'" forgelt.inl;; to juiu him ILL membllr o( COJI,re.1I (rOIll V., Th ollgh Inodu .0J' pUlll.I.. I1i!IIL wllh h:lO. J.'/Ii? Oller" it,"re rur 't~ Let us paa ova yeafs of chnngo, but Lila olden love and olden \'uWo!, tbu ~h\lse daY, lo ,mco Y I ~ C . k I' hurn ill Vifgllll., he Ii.s rll~ld~t! fll dt of 1l108l lltlilid II ntl hold 1ll,Iliei r c uthC>J IV I, d lind "U~ my own tI.roMt, but coUld ool .ee. e,........· _tit"" , lind bope, IUld rear. litem, Inlnbarnt man ' wopl like II. chi~u, whan ,you shit!1 ha~o d/l:!'I~ 0 ;~() ~: lail lift! in AlalMml. HII 1I0W lived III ho plied the bickory. Ho .Jid 1101, hkl.l I gfoll~11 abeut ill mI8ter'. room ~ol'. ~..' 3 "One word Florenco~ artS y u 1\ Wid· lover m L!lO rnond'blWl d C1I\od t po . 8UIIIO of hi. Jl olllhburl, kCIl I' a pllck zor. I ,'Quld flul filld olie" At Iutl rOUll<i You mUllC prepare lor it, ' . b ' d 'A_ ~_ no lilI ' ftlr lind you" rcuon- e lUI ID " II gon- Dullti,II' lIIihull cuuoly,Ohi<l, II Ollr 01 11H but I'IA koy •• nd Ihl ll fuulld I..a ruu , r. I W.lll 'My dllubgter coo idor Wllll.Mr, Licte 8&l , I\,..,r a ... w mUI 1 'hisLiomllo lo,Lead of "wild; p iouillc hour,dIt rur IIUHliuc: fUIlIlIV <lY lIogr()O ; to ' -" oor"y ,It,d cuL her IIr..t; I did lIotloolL W~.lt not JWI' eDe'li"', Dey ill wcll worLhy.or YO,U. I rllol !lure thc~t b~ack drces 800mlltl l<l w ItaliAn lover, who ollrus 1]101 to un· cin;:I~u IlIlrocluctiun tu hi. Iblte;, the I\~ kopt , one dUI{ tur IIl1\t puq/u~c, al;~ at her, i Iholl cam\) to C....r'. iliad cut bert Toijl!ll rllr .mlOon: ., po~, 0 ~ . I " Ihe 0 prioos of j~ woman's rend r i fUflli hilt! Wilh ,he followlllg t ,. whon a.e IlIUl1e Up willI. r\"I~lVlIy, It ,you then to lI l'flry. He ';l'Iid. ,,~,,'t mO\b6r." bo will Lreal YOIl \mdly, , .... Ie tit.. itIol "Bllt,mo,ller.l cannot love lUlU, " ~ !1m, WIlS ~,Ie ~n we,rl'l ~ (tuv hllvo . bOil II d~nlh tu "\ll:llIlllto lI,v, hllJ "ill'llIJl1\,r,' nd ,dld ~u' 111.. Thn 1 A. Jupiter AlDlDon. "Tllrow not the (utllre away ~hu:!, , fhunk GoIll "'hll~ P"':I k I eft v~Sho IIh n n t c calle nlO ,10,"0.11111 tu hi. olllr.c:cr, IroUl I e , II wlta lI o .. rly 8u to &llU.d, ~0.n\l~imp3j wcnl 10 Lilli, He "' .. fut. ..leep'l ..!~ t.l.l r.ing' It was A Irn....JI) ' mg 1.0 • mn I 1 t~ ,Lt \I U /I/t.\CE Bta HIlBLL. paslllr 01 tI. Pro_by. , J ..,., ' Ih ., nod hiro o"or, lilt never wou, Itr.Are lOU In tl!raUdomT Wo A"I poor. , 'd Floe 'I will en fur' but tlte prayer wlli inOCNl. F.,r lIl'id;-'~ I coel u \l ~ ~ totlan CIIU, reh in Dolhl. Or, Bu.\uloll IIlhcu my ul1~lo 1Il~(!~IPIOI lo Ill' d hlw tho IIIIIICc I nNrl, \-"Iea iqto tllle You mUllt come oul or It. 'Sa,. uo moro P I d I~rt~, , tbree il01U'4 Lite iQlpalien~ stood9 pl\wed ill kI deal witll m Oil 01 . Idve.\ the dog IV ult! rll8h \lpon them an. rtictm, Th& 'two children !lfte, ...rtiet l work (or you (l."y Illl II Nl n'ot 1r P QlI the !lM\f And (or throtJ hour ~hll pat;t- f, !lOIY her.' 'b I l' nllovo Lt.Ofll of their ro~'" if DOl or tb?l, and Georp, ere IIWlke. Thor !a"" no Tb,t we m 1011 COlD', "Btl Ie tlllt,lUQC iI'I ,I, 11 ~\' 8; t.~ud 0, \11 1)11 Ilnd i lilt 1" l' 1 \\,,1\'; pr M'l Il(, II ,. t II ,,!licrt "r mv IIJlrI,"~ "I'r la I f'! .,,1'1' 1111, H_rrillt It "I""~ TIler" I. lIO !loubt of I : La It n~ my ,1\ eh'c [, til} ,0 0 Y, F' drllnk:ll. \'''' I ,unl II (. II ,~I~tl, ~I\'I tlrle I I ' '1 ( • 'j I ,.. . 1 V","d 1'lr'l II I~ JI , k,1. 1110" 11110 , I ' 1 Ll .m,U'Ill'r' Inrcne , q " ' t L · · 1,1 .~ , . . I I 'I I II ,,,.1 qr Nu IIg mIt ctory -CJlnUnUlll 10 : n ' , fe l ' 1\I1,,~i 0 c:.f mi r)' /111,1 I vIr. ~r , --;- ,I' IIII' ,01' , I i ., • 11 II lilt c It II , n ", 1\,1. '11' • I ' • [f '1 \VII! '~tJ I '1', 'I. ' e '" h h' 'I d ffi'reu all i film I '0 I .t - m' 11.: If !IIIII 1 , I, )\•• 11 h \ II Crllli1lc. tire rond~-xl Imy Lhef. 1< lor ~wf~r' 0> t.h ~·:r. (.:. ~Iil u II 'r ~ 'I' 0.1 I & n I I VJ·<t, h' I II II ~ • . PAl nn I ktory, mnrtYI' I m OIl' 0 .: wcp I ' I' l J I Childr f Gil'll -0 tC[lr"~ I' fill" 'l'\ • 1'9 , •• , " J . f<1 II d 0. u., coLI . l~ HlIgb~tht.rel ~1Kc ' . Ill)" ... .. • ~ ~ of luYr, CHI &1M oua ' God ne1'1II' MI"._~
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ORBRf;r\D'I ltI,\OlfETIC l"L.U· TBR-The IIr•• I"" atrenalbea,' t04 pI\n dOltroyer In tbe world ... a rreih nppir lte\>1 ODn.llnll, on band AI.. Dr Tn.t. MllinolicOintmellt at ROBERTS. Bll~
Stalel nc1udlnl...eperlle "Ipa of Ohio i d IDa '"inOI...till "L Tbese M.p. Ir. JU. ' fro I tho prell coolaln all Ihe Railroad, that .ro built and ttbf!IMIln COli'" .f Clln'lruc .1011 We will ..U .... abo"o Mapa "ory low ROBERTS &. BR01 HER
bo,l'-baIIHIII" ct.arlea lookeo.l and law lOme h.J( • UI~ APr W An 4 B roulflroaD d_ huae urchlna gODJbollD~ In Dud.ty ':'1 ~ I( ~ .. ft R JOBlf 0 a)'u BUY JlBAD1! _ADB CLOTWMG lacl UDlleucellecl delight aloni thuanda APPLEGATE &. CO AT HARRIS' and tbll8 rebuked bla cOlllpanlon Booltsellers, Publisbers &. SLaHFlRE Ihey h..eJUII recet,,:J aaplcDdld B b IKIJII Ihoee are, girl. madam are tlOners, BlOck 01 Coa .. Pan .. and Vu. Shlrll Colln,,-, ele of .. I dtlOrlpuon_ a'C 1Ic1l1ne i tho, nbtl' 'Wlly lIr La.nb. Ro-£ ... 43 MAm 8'l'1U11n' CiDoII1D.tt pnctlll aurey!Ju ,he" Ire boye" Are theyl All WElnooIDollhelnr.cSlnndbe.tlUllor\ I cd lIocklln .ho WI)lII 0 tr .,ock om 80110 at well e~ m,e, 81ld'9) It thle dletaDce J urnCC8 10'-1 vork~ on Tbeoloc" Me.l- Sep' lIS UW tl d don I how lbe ddrereaLaw. Meo"nalc~, .,..rloll"ore, .... • SoKE yell'll Imco t h e E IDperur Nlcholus cluc. Ilblorr Trove IS, ratell, Memoln, Pill"-r he I aClltlg himlelf •• c CO rone conducledan h)llopbr. &c \ Ind II cOn]plele ...onment 01 ~. a lYe InqUired a IIUle boy as Jiloghlh Adm ral ovcrr the fortification of _II the moll t108lfabll' MlSCELLANE US be lued Oil a turce elr.wl Of ID front of I Cr.onetadt when tbe (oliowlO, cooyerall nOOKS publiehed Our I,ocll of SCKoOL rllt_urant ,'-a took ~I.n BOOK::! IIwbrllC<1tl 1111 book. 01 " crit U8~ I il JU tho Welt Ir( m lbe ~lling Book to U II LoS! AllYl' excilimed. rat lrefl~lem.n wbo You 111'11 Idmlt AdmIral that thll con Our •• ock of STATIONERY orubrlces WII 1001I1n,&t the t Ib I I. a mlpl6ceDt rortre.. aud as Impra,na ... Y vllliety or 81a III Boob from Ibe sn,all moal er III' t ntenee ble al Glbr,her }Icn o. III • noo~ 10 th. large IUllIII'royal l lnte""" I lftllo\, . .ttall11 boy He 'Ob .Ire DO fort but G.braltar II lID l>edg.r nclu ling evory .ruclo uaud lU tbe .cta Uk. a II" turU • dllD t h.1 pregnabl.e .. COW!'I:~.~r:; tile Oountry Merchanl a lull 'f1l ·Whl. he acta Uke Olll' Illsworod 'What Ibeo, 1810ur 0pullon of Cron rtelY of Letter Cap Ind NOlO Pape'r I!:n"lIl &be little querlel but I tho , t I atadt I • opee Wr.ppill. Pllper iJuUI "I &lanll Jnk , iii I per lap. It •• a JrOOd (orlte... and ono dim It etc be " ... urw· aw&v£ to I k • eu Oua ow~ Pu.r.lOATIO~S "'e too "..11 known l e u worb oj .... blah •• mWII to nIIal,. Iftore Yea doubLleaa, dlmcu!t Ibon l1li eb __ ralfoa of the 111011 prollllaeot It cl/uld noC be dune wllh afleen which are CIa". Co_e.tarr. Dr. Ibip I t Dick'. c......e "o~ Rolli.'. A.Could It be done with hr.n ll al_' r', ".tuelL'. Ur• ., .,... "Not ...Uy • ................, ate., ele. W. my'.. all " "WI·L. -"'01 l' "1Io . . . lair ..... _INO ... 101.1•• u ...II. ... ........ " e are eoeIIiIent we ... 011« IbeIa l1li111110 "'t woul. hlr. • tonalfllt " .halille ...IUIU, bnetIabI -;~-;;;;=-;=ir:-:=::,,:,,-=~~~~
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BI8HOPR.CKtS "llfl'.A.LLlBLK ..... KUru POWDBII," N 8lIeellenttuballlute IiIr .Ielll.aJld 811,,1 tUl lorulo b, L H BAIUUS.~
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WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 185(. ,.
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.JWHOLE ,NUlB .. EI 114. '
Ohio ago Flooded WIth Gtabl 'be 8~ ~
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Slimmer Arrangnment fOl'1854
I1' II MMMI AND ... L lcEN1<\ RA!ILIlO D - n &lid aller MOt'! DA Y !lta,8Ib lralQ. \11'11 rUQ .. rul (oj
lACY aTUMP SPEEOH Tile 1U1l101..... ,10001I,al ",and, 101\, .tFlIrt. W.I ,....11' lD_dl " • fNIItllliD, r,alUi Wbo hatluu IIlInced IIh.~lr .. a ao.oIlda,. lor COUlCriU Prleltel. and :i.1l1r eld,• .,1, of Ihl. ~on IIttlOlll CUl'IlDlIl1lt,. 1'.. lip to ,Iv. JOu w.,.lo aael .alle • ,II"cl\ ."d wilit 1 III pill( 10 lpellt all <Jut III al\lId. to Now t. lib '0 . . . . you p'IlJ plrtlculn atten llun. at ,II. ",.ach.r •• y. when Ihe boy. Ia phollin b•• na at II. UOlI. I "y • en b.. a"I.ld, w1leet. of ,overn Mut I•
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• topped lb. m,eblnery need. 1:l'04ll1 I Ihe rllddor'l uOlhlpped the bu.t.r biled .nd b_'1! a~loI.t .ud the rlwer rll n Our ,I.,. rlliua .hlp of .tl,e Ihll ,lice Il bubllliled r lld.r Ia 1!0I1ed down Ibe r-..cellli cur ,..nt o( tllII', hill h.d It. hArlllouy ill.lurb eel, .nd i. ilrlfilnK with fearful rllpltl ty to ,-,rJ. llie .holl, alld qulcilulldll of dlslln \00, tbreal.uln, Ie dllih ever,thlni Into "d pic" itaalr up in the end • • q,\lt COIIIII lhrbn no lun,.r wor , .., aenlleO' Dr HOI Hole Terrapin Neele IU~ adJlc.nt r"lo"I, to lb"t alrrn 'OICI wbll,.,. In your too ereduluul I"" the lOll d.hlll"e .ound pnce "ll<Ie fur p..ce bu don••Iopr.! Illld Otlwed to tie I..,d~ or dl" to the depth o( tb, m ;lilJ eI"'1!. or In Ih' lIIor8 omphllt c IIlnll/q2e or Tocu Alerum 20ne II clter n threw frill:' tlth.r cllm". to ad. tlr. IRller ,., Mtcherl hi. dlmll. Or l)1 the £rtllt A lexander It ,h. bll~l. or Huuller. B II who in the •• on, u, (ranticlllly .hr eke.£.'O t:r. 'JI pelC4t till con. 1I1l. Illy ,cirulabuy eI.,. Ind I oIon t cue I dar,,' J{. WII • w/lol. b ,r., Ind a team .ure F.II.r elll~nl Ind ,II. tOO-In olir bll .. uf: learlilltlire COllfllilun run. riot and allareby rllnl IupRme lip the, Hh porker. In I tllter patch .nd ,b. de. dru,. of,.r hUlltllllhlrle .nellllll GR~n OULTUIII! -Ml1llEW -At a Into rano IUliod the tOClln! be.t th mel'tlll" uf 1I It WIIIII Gruwor. A.iIuri, .flllII' .nel blow Ule 1111 hornl till tho taUII .1 Cure rnllli the pllit "eek lilt! n"ulber' lallerchanged 01' I nN reKpecd Il 'I&rtl,,1l .'b.... re",rbe"tln from hill 10 lhA proloen' illule "I (rape crop 1 hr mil bill top and from &ophlr hili to Inl'her dew w •• out . uch •• 10 CftURe very lIer Ud IIlh, •• te th. adlnalntlne bill. or N ~w hl'prelle. alii,,. 01 'Jury rrorn Ita • lourc!! Ea,~ ...II. tbe (erullno". dlilpolltioa of A lu"ey 4.!( the villeyurdil presel ted 1111 e IIppeara t 111..0&1" ••ad the au,i("rou. plrtlcl .. 0 Alr Werk.1 01 all h .. clo.oly plllnlcd C.Uforar to prlell up tlrelr e.re and I VI re. bad lou 01. .1 Ilf to throtll (ourtb. 01 wbllpertrl I~en"••nqulr. of tllelr ""Ir i"apr.. by mlldew--old campOli IIl1d ...... 'wblL • Ibe ...tterr' -buI wb"te I". InfM!1 ara "I" led 20 Ily rall.r cltavna lod the wlmnaln-l re ~~~::. Ind Irailled "llIh, them' Willi II" It, to ,our poI.l, froUl tlae tip top &lr Bluth blld .:\II'lund tha' where hp lI"lt pHk hi tbe O.IIfIt II unt. Ae Iml hlui lUI k driliri. there Will 110 miltlewL.ltl "&In,.. to tlla Hlill elftb b, nolle!'11 rl II "'01. cuur rmed by Itlr Poll col ~ .. ,tllere who bid ~lfn lar drftl Id It whoae .f",d II lucb thUD I., n tOlte8 MtDr8d th~t • p." of K, H Ili. VI ,hit. qlllutll'ltb &.error \he, II fori'" wha un upland n l wUfle 'han IIII,t III tl .. tilil al'lle,.. \I DOli rOllr dll.t, re~llII&n'.\a tum t\ Id w... uplal led by thll p{ln 1 ~ le - a . tli. loella (If yuur fUnl .nd 1111 u lit IIrallaale, '" tI e boltonl Ibllilld II ul1lr . - f 10 d wllh t:nvol anti ~he up"" d by' cl,y ,.. .. alate. " tad ,tour old Ie} ,he .. Ind Mr Hudlill had bUAerv.d wer, IIltle /U I ...Ite IICIfda out OD "m mOllnt ,uur 1.0. d.w .nd onl, In flat plllce~ wbert! Ihe _ IDd .." ,our nallon or liu.' ,er I:.tl. Waler WII [011111 l'd Hr 811chonnn oL The lilli' II crl~ioa' blood. lOin to bl! aened It 0 I 1I e lalh ur Jun~ .flr,. fUll I It ,..tlld only. lillY Mr Retrru. tUUI II poll'" 0111 ~p outon , WII '1 It c1h lhe I'dl ,lao 11!Judy wellher '.", Ind ey." .... Ihat" lOt • IOU I III Ihe ell:pt!nllllcCI of bu,h tlele "ill'''''ru,' •.. III, •• lIl. "bite er.. al"er. fl1e 1/ 1~"Ed flul, 1\ d~J', w"en tbe WI"her NOcly to lI,hl blHd auel IIle (Ii' 'II. coun ne III e )Jr B with IIOlIth.. al~tI .... l II expo.urd, WIll luMt one Inurth•• Id I> .Iy j h U trJ' T •• 111 • I II ml"-yoll ",au lIIe/l lone t,lAlh un Iha 10llth welltflrn f/l, couDcll. of lhi Dillion. ih ,011 call "here Ihe wlud cauled. IILlld .peud \III-ihat • III. Elect lMe '0 Con tlun II Will 'lr"eed t"lot llae wa• ..... lael I'll It," to throllp thick, alld WOrN \hll ,itllr .n~ ./fllcled Ihe 2r. pe .1 Ik ~I k t II' more rap dly th." u.~al-elipecllllI, ot ..liQ I • I ...n t c to a n l!ref' II n - [alcln 1M 'hi 'Dllller Ir.p~a Iud till!- weak I III lICIt '~'DI to mike an .Iectiuneerlnlt ar ,hoote ...HIt IeOrn Us. Ict You \tnow 'Jlhe re.ult or tb. cllrlcllUlon wu I _,I' .. been (otcbed up Imonl,e, al c"relun. that abOllW a.lnct 'ji'V.II~il read1 o. til. wlnp 01 a topollt c.llm.,1 IIIu.hem., hill top'- ..,.01&1Iy tho "round Iilluuld b. thoroqlal, d,uined, deep •• tlon, J faaoy I ... 'OU marchlD up IDly du,. IlIeI planted at,.l" di.tnDcee 'hi polla III a IObei ,h.lan. od wltb. ('''' .Ie o.u Ar.u J .tw.t tha, lIIalt.. lb, IIrt" \nmbl., CUIlI.... Timber nb far JII!I ••I,b,' ••a OIIm. do"n on my BUaTu. April 16 oppoa•• t Ilk.. &II_Del of brick on I rallllO Bao\u _I Iliv. ",.d Ihe rotWtr p-u\lltla c,.. Iu your pa~,. UPUD t~e pru~lr 10 CU, Umb.r. Dnd the conclb:flC)n. uf Co,lllf1:D -'A trIWel"" fatl(Ued dllfljrftllt peraun. do not .eem lB "i ree "Ith the moaotoD, o( • Ion, rid. ~I rOlli' tltlllk trum the uperlallee wbltll I a .p..... Willed aeetlon of the collnlry had thot ('ullina tllllber at d "etell' rud. up to ••mlll I.d who WII 'n,rileel II •• chlJ'.r~nl elficlAI UPOIl h. c:.p.bllny lu Itlf d the we.lher Ji:WQI')' o. e \tlllol'" In trlalllDln, out a ,telil, lookl 'Ir Ileld •• d thaI l"l' .ap ""ooel, "hi h I. r'<lm ... ,.1I.nd the eppre... lon of bll .plrll' thua \ weDly lila rl , I oUllnde till heart wwd ,IIIln, rrtlad. It tNIIIl to ml ,our lIuke. II. moal durlllie tiD ber It .houM com Ie nthfit' lnalll • 111"'''1 1 be CUI !n Ille lau.r plrt 01 F"bruD ry Illd AUlo.t .1 at thllt time It Will 'YII,llr dacld, plaat.d tbl .msn k1l d 1.lthe, rlil ur be worm .... llten IIr AUlCu.t 'Ah but It .ppeen to loolt rllhl' yel the III. dl blrrk uod t .nb~r fnr Ill: helvee loll', too.. caD bl Cllt, alld tetland black fur 'Y_. mr, tladdJ pl.aterl the ,aller kind a the '1lIIbar wllI •• ttle dow" alld ue 'rrani .p.....ranee. III' lad you won' t ,more IOlId Ihoo at .ny uthRr lime HI the ••, ... ny cut thear LimbH whlln It i. mo", than ball. crop • molt con~ ... r • It, Illd It ucculun. • rrt'ut bllf. crop.lllln'It, dodd, plan 1_ to 'hew "' tl err lellclI rlit In a "'(lr,. ... it on ha'", • _hurt tim. Blick .. " cut In Ipnn, III T!t. ho,...,..n -~edecl h .oon Ilrub eaten but If cut III AUlu.t will \ ,.... ~ on.. wa, 1..1 for y..atl It I. Ih. .lln. with ba~e abo hat not Men kaow. to .pealt to a boy and I \I wlicld In (unner.IICI{' re .Iuee H.oo""ldel'll thlra bor.. liruber i. , .. ry coati, Ihey I,ll II h, Feb L' ~~ -"~'~-'" Cj)jI~1! 1 11I1kl rliar,. .14 I.t It he 1\II111n II '0 be ueed I TI h h 14 po.er I •• 'n eu'. A 10\1n,cle"cal ",IId'lDlD rel~te. the 01 f fI I• D .tl! I 11M t P Inoll rll eroO Inm)' I onl Ilorau"h .nd •...• nm~1 .h&<\ II I o •• "1·nllC ole u one 0 II U u ulch w Ih t"""timber Willi. III" CUI II JUII'" &OOOllnl"n" ."d hi••;I-; Ive . "" c", n ltlln~ "brethren Th.olel rellew wal aboll' cOin 01 b ,. ." " .. , hi .. I....d an ,I...y. ut '''y otber wood .. wi I ... hu"n_ cum n n , will g~n ,ally _ 0 ... a Iplrllu.l ..ere-i ... on. e.... ull I Yet)' 11,,11 Wh"n It " nqu red to do Mahle 11111 10 prlolOllr. IIhua tinA lor tti..'lIe de "bell \At hll belnr • ll1tl. near .I"hted Iway with tl • Itumpe the t lII~r tad be t 11.,0 II ofub ftl In. Ih~, I I:! hue JUIl r_l.ed • 'f"W .UIIP" 01 . . . a4ded ,lit dim lIaht of a coun ry b Ii J r r I.e h d • Tn,.. -For a full C'lur••• 1 I""... nll Iyor &. ec•• t'ucllet ~t."" 01 Wetlern cbardl An., clea"hl, hll thro.Uud.d cu n In., °d halte a:! ,Dllllple rol Book Keep'"l1 W'Liling Co IIIlI.relll Caleula ::I~"'.II lUc!lIdlna seperate map. of Obi, Ind • ..·.dn' bit lea L. d I'" • lime ,e.r an W • 0 • • w rot 011 llun. cumru.fcall aw e c -'0 a 1& 11 hnlil~ Ino{ rb..,.. M'pa ar. jUi l I· ,.....,. C , ... co.. m.nce ,.. ICCIOuat or the ... " It S B ACON Irnm Ih" pre .. aDd oontaln ,II tile k"lrolll/oI til• • j • • • prtfeeln, It Willi Ib, I Ship timber Ie o~ en ('ut n thi• •lIeon Prln~I".1 tI "I lire I)ul/I ./ld th"in COUNe &l CO".'ruo Ihd prli ..1 very un ..rwiCllbl. Rud u.Jr J U( IIIIU We w~1I lell ,lie abu ... 'I .... • "q I". Tbe britt lela bad mlDe I. d I'll ahoold b. t:llt In lIa, or June Ch.. ~,. :r~,:,!!~! ~ ,,:u:::c:. Rr08EI' fd ok 'OllO I Hto.:lt I _ c e CIIQ , . . to ...,d dl. b,01D I u, cUlln Ju. e do. . Wllry wlIlIl&lr IrHa. it APPL EG \ rE &, CO TlltoJe,IeIUPflOti n, It WII lh. Ire d_"uter cll,butltlllllk..... rypoo'fenM B I II P bl ...... of the h,mn, llnacll up to the tun. tlmllf'r II It lOIin wure out. Buob \1" ber 0 ,se era, .. IShers &. Stu • • r a OIIGa",on mlr... The olrl relluw ta Gll n be kept cleDr If cut a AUJq.1 It 11.. _ b a t lba4 b, 'bll t h o( .rllr. bellt to trim rnait Ire•• III blOliom . . I"'y cue""" &1M b, ..,10, IInl over verY quick "en, rill ott tou I 10 till, II'••yrna OIur:h I.. prunlo, JUIL T tlul".... I on _ a t .In. el" I. dll'll rat/IT TaUi -No rault II more Tha oIerll .ull rhll.lthl, ., • colllbina. COIIIWUII WIU. larmere tbla W 1III"I'cI I ~ot\ Ofu.. _pl.t,iulilbed I. dI. preee YIiUI" tnall tr... dlll1n, the eerl, parl ~ .ri·IP.b~~!G ct;lf~bl,O':e)''!J/!~~~..!'~~C'~I~~!I!! .., ,,"I. IIIIm IVuWIII. and 1114ee4 wo hlV, ..en lioolS pnlljalJed il r .I'CIC ·""<"o'f~"!,<'~-~'~I~~I." _,~_~~tI IUD.t l"lt weaed .. roth, aad pearl p UW'. and otUe' I..... , liter bell i BOOKS el01lra_ all boolis 01 mt!rlt - - "dMt top of bl, "olee CIIIWrIlU, PUI ou" to be appII'IID'1J for loll lb. W_ from llle "llell I r 800k 101111 ,.,-. tIM .1111.. In yoa III t,u bl the., ow .." IIIC'"III1C tbe e!.I, """ Ou~. ""~ I~"IONI'JIlY emit,.""" 110 ~t pnaDinc cleln"".: ot lb. IUrleOll. car.,. \f:ZO;:~d'::::' \<) ,t:lli.~~~n~:::, ~:',~: 1_.A I.j ......., ul ilIKII4c. and Indled 1.ll L<odpr InollldiQI e.~r, Iln 01. Uled III tile ... ~:- II&rr_. in hulllbl. IIQP""aded Ir"OIII tittle iD (.U alld WILII.r eou IIlnc room 1 .lan~lar(/ . . . . . . D. . wiJa'a - i a w ... Iu 10 th.t4uriotr dI.. "1IIIi1l., wb.o eeltl~ w, hUI farlh.Coant,,, M.rol••lllllull .. \lie to PI,J lllelD I tml-nry are (oAll IIf brow_iuC. the l oun, Ir... riel, L.rr.r ClP Ind SUIe I'!JJlctr ........1 • • &u~ olb_..... III UItIDIda, pan/1 deDUded 0( lI.r" ,nun .. 11111'" ~~~'" 0,.. rapplna Bootlet Dolrill lak of die .~.. .. til ete. ere. . . tile .1.. .,'.......... . . ' or-. .. to be readerecl oom"arau".'1 Wurlb Ova ..... .f'!!l'~C: lplillf. , .......... I ..., . _ bow leu aIrer lite W .... (rulr tI'Iea lTe U -.IIU~"'IQ,,!~I~oa ... eo ,.., ..... 00'. . . , wtll ,., well fur ...c:I ~ ;:~~':;:~~I1.~I-==::.!::;:=.;:.2;~====---~,!:::::"'6 . . .1Id ." Pf'QPar P"Idiet ....... f ." tN IUd. w.
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FAliBY FORESTER·S ' BIRD. Erellut ,oar'. moon had te£llho eky, A. blrdlll1K ,puJlht my'1ndl'" n8$1, Aael lQI~ed- oh, .0 10V,"lIlylie r lillY whig. UI)UI~ III)' breall. • •
From "lOrn ~UI ,,1elllll/:'. I.urplo 111111" In wlnaulllu lIoI]ll018110U .11" 11118. 1'''0 ro.~.I"IIY"., "lth • • lIkell (,Inle, SIII\' ."my ou her i tarry eyC" , • I 'fb.r.'. nOlln Tnd a loyeh er htrlLi Droad ... rth tJWIl41101 a .l'~I.~\er n"~lOh GOd, lliou hUl, flluIIC"n Illrrolt I Who." WltQl'll ne~.r more shGlI r,,"l'
"PIl'y, frtend \V'I~III1\,!;lOU, Dlay eR/CWOln, wuulu ~carcoly h,,,,e boeu rll· thc ElDpcr~lr had dUlinnlllnte.d, iu'td W~8 A • 11 01" qut\rler masler of the dHlgoQns, .Lrange lOan ro'~reilt.ed ~w tnds lbo nQXL II .. latlo, Ilf r"ftlgllDlJu/I, cOllllt~I"'~lt. tl,o bll D1IIUU aCIIUtlll\llld with tho O,IUSu of cO"lIlzl!d. your O\lllueH~ 1 \t'lie/u j,; SOlDO letlsun Andre was 1,Iken anu e IIlioOl'> .1 '0 ptlrHOtlll I)' dlrlloLmg" tOI'mi ablll bliLLery previllusly wounded, peroelvtld the Em- roonh-"What 18 your palllo'" ' A.Me>cletion uti f,o/r prospectti , ~ I ' \.l, pOlllled t.() ~he l·fL ,ving of tbe RU$sluu p'Jror plls~i\lg I\~ tIO Cow paces ulSl.I\nt."'AI I" I I' I t u) or I ,un t lilt len~on· 108 with u~. '1'011 ILIIU ""liile ulI,lul.' Goneml Wuo I ,mny 'Ere instantly lellped 011 IllS "T I' Y nllme Ie rep I d with n smile '" committee Wit. appoi/llbd 10 "b\8 'fl IL , ' Ii' S cI\llrl:e, VI ""d ... 1'. Rob 11\80U I\U d gllll(lppod qff with the raplt.llty .u I'D1 YO"ur o,ly, tlulIl J·oy 'It I'""· the ~ervlC:ea <>1 all t'fficlellt Sllperfht.,Jldilm , I"" bY ... d etla t liS WI\Y" [plelWe b Ii ytllll r'hllt hRd more )1\""1."'" vu " ' " • III VllIp the Culonel 1I1g-lIed that thu c~Jlllcll\y of a speoles of COIIIIlJIS- ltgh~niDo"" Bnu, tblOwh1g hi01Hulf rn~ ~nJ~s y, elll Ie ml\lI.' «I eye 1 cOllvul~h'e 4!xprll alOIl - "DIy IIlllne is fur lhe aei.."u. &1111 It w~~ r~.olvetl tl/ Iin.l. 1y elo.1I lila cxllibltlUB 011 Ule Slat of OCIV' nothing liad .0oeutreU to vux hilll-tlmL lunOI' whioh protoc!.ctl IJI~ penoll, Wunt Lho midst of tho b~Ji'ms. willoh were l/lve gol my deil&h-wound, aud eha(\ }Jtl\lcdlct Arnold" b.r IIrJ/t. I he wns nOl IU wauL of /\uy futh er in- \VWl tho /l U'I.1I )80 of Washington, a fll'" 11lI1lI" to "Ive wn.v "WI;B'," he ox. Svoli bo' in th~ ot.her ,world, B,I~t ' no. 1-1011118 i.rolloi • 'l'lIl1l1yl'nnd ha.. SUlik It w..' lurtl",r r£1oulv"J II? ul'llolllt a c~m. tlllccm()n~ to. presenLQI' flltulelI.IPPlllC88. , d,~ys lio,fQlo UIC Lime of Lhe IlXCOlltJ(,I\. '!'I\ JIDlldful""o'C l'ul\Dluns CSCII e maLter for that VlVC 1 EmptifllUrl In~ a oltnu' gfl~ping the WOIU~· IlIlttee iVlth Jlll\\'l'r to di.polc of tite b ry w. I s L Iu n .. ~" p "Let ~lIls poor fellow be immediate· .. Arnold Ihll 1I111toll" ' II en ~tLalfielll. wou nc)~ IC!?,IlI'U, hiS L\I l'uculvo a Itluur from 1119 old flll.ll\d II Oln Lhe" ohlll'Oll1 l<"Ol'w~rd wtth the I d h b I • lI.'r ' till P ~II."e Ulld all uther p-rop rty uf Ihe words, but OOnLIIIJ,leU thclr Po.fklllllCIOlIll Illul ,'nLertnlllllJ',rtllerllng' to Jl IUlL eVC(lts, ,trLilIcryl We must h&\'e ~he churoh y cl?nvey~, to, t 6 ~m u alice," BIUd .. '1'lIu$ you acu he' wnlldel "d- ovor tilt. AliBocl~tlal), drllveruhlo ('n or after the ht ulldull' IS ~ soh'u 'he Il'1Ylltel'Y' At d chl(lI1lng,(lu II Scole (If I.mllniscence, my I"ddl we must h"vli HI" • poleon &UIO hIm up, and llommcnd earlh IInother ClliD whh 1\ wall~(,t d.y or N uvel11bcr Blixt. lellg~1 • wealled by IlnpOlLulllty, Wli h- II d\lll/e~ 01 JIl iml!' IIlLCt'VIUW. 'rh., ollllm '1'hI8 ~dtll"'88 VII~ Jlns".red, "Vivo'l bun to the ollre oC Larry." Large 6r'8 fIlMrk upon . his bl OIT. !l:\t:n IIIgtQII,Lhen LWCIlLy r:efll5 beloN bls grullt IV ~ IIllknu\vllld ..tI'ed, and, IUlo a~ mgll1,' Emperorl Forward. "e mnlt Imvtl -h(l LcItl'II rolled down the oheek.! of 'lie dra- ill that eeoluded room, It lhe Inn 111 lie 8 IcllU d 0 ~ Ll bl I l i M It l. T • goon when he hellrd tIlt! Emperor utter IllS OrlmliS fo'Und hlln QUI Ulltl s, e Vtll e 1 1:1, P lIyut WH I r OuIll8()11, IlCQomp,lI\!ud by fl ti trill " churQhl" IIlld they nl~ Illshed {OIlVRI'd tl e d' I I I" 'd I ' III gh\~s, atLempttl\l to look UlIl:OnCUl U· lIluftlotl 111 l\ UIOIlI!, WileS IIdmillod rallyltl.., 11\ rrooo 01 dt/r. "I se WOI ,II ' 011 Y Wts ~ Bal Ill, (oroei:! hiin to ~II his nl10111 thll lynvlIed, lind wluspuled lO MI . R,lJulnson ~he LO the Q-IlIllrul's ftpnrLtl1l!lIt. 'FOI'tll)'OA l(j~v p~ee~ [10m liS • wO esple,1 1111 tlll;l l I hail a lhousand hves to lay ym of infAu~y. I d I'M .. ' dowu fOl your majesty," , 'fhelast l'l'enly yellrs of \Iili IIf'" !l r!! ---=;:-,-..... SllIff e \Y~!, llty, " men~ the~o Lwo nttln-thell posllions l,I old gronllllitlr; Ilts f'lcu wall bl""klll\cd by Ntl!lr ,'" baLM'1f whiob hfld beellt\blm. oove~M wiLh I) olJ.ud, ( .... In wllos'e elllr"1tIIiBIU;.& , Yus - . rt'spondlld )II',. R. IUwn'oWI· dlfferent-guzed at tlllch' Olhlll " 'powdel', IIlId Lllu bloud WI:IS at\ell/II' J d b I I V'V 0. OJ;' INDI.11\'S. ~I\'ely,1\811 unnblll to c(lmpullulIId WI\~h- III SIlence. lWcollllOLIOItS of dllYS fjOllb down III 010lh05 lilS lot' ami hlld ,()n.., y, tie <lltemy, we be leld a IIl1klJ buL II felY gleurus of light IhuhIJd 'Fhe 101l0w~llg accOulit tile btut.1 tn~~(JU'S mellnlll!r. . by-of ha.ppy dllya ulicol'roded uy can. cat'I'led !I'WAY by a bomillibell,- 8111~u!ar ploture, and of Wh,lOh " de- out upon tho page of hilt ".r. uf tlr Q bbdy 01 III,U.uI, WUllle/r alld hurry'I\" I ~ ti·.III·nll) '\'0 sor/pUon CAn convoy but a flllllt Iue/\ 'l'hll manlter M Itill dlillth l8 no~ 'ex- cluldrou, wa tu k'e frvlh tire Oh,elUlluli , I~ sit" ..w, ell? Does she still a.bld~ kerrng cllre-pltlVallcd,aud tltllY IIbrupt- 'l'be IUIIU WI'" I 0 IV IU .", About oue hundred ,Rud fifty ' or Lwo IIc~I~" kuo\Vr. But I canoot doubt lha' Iy embrllotld, Waliblllgton WIlS the tit'st r(lUks. · h d'lld F h d • 'l'ltlle.. It ie alt ~.rk It' tI 'd or CCII.II" M. Ifl II I Yf u .' , 'Sh,e docs, rephlld tbe 11Idv of LI,o 10 re,covel h,ls solf-po"sl!~slaun. Sudden "Stn)!, SLA,I. my goO.1 'ellow," ufll'd UII I Illno grellll len wel't' 8\1r· he led frilindloslI-limt romorah . ~ I d I " ,"J ~ " ~oul\ded by a <lu~druple !'lIuk of Russ· Lho grll\le, Whl ~PIlI'i llg lOlly qver perj,euultJd lIy the tiuvute~ 11I\l-/um \ 1$ 0 II I n . , y lscngng! "g lImselC. bo stood ureat the .l£mpe(OI, "go 1\IIUget your ,,"ouudll IIIllS. Uoth p.~tU)1I ~ero Wtlilurlllg In tn his ellr, Rnd th"t 'he .elvo .. : , rl~h~"gLoln ~ Ilgl\ln I~~came npl"theLto '"lld CIOlltlc~ llli tbll~ uuequl\~!\ltl dignity, l'os3ed-1:0 to the 81t1llUlllnce." II VOl' Qf blooll., I1l1wlllt rtlmel1La of Ius oUl'8e of glory I!nalvud ' i II thtl wlntor' of 1'82 4, aUUllu lillie :~n C 11 ump a IVII. IV 11 e ScJVUfIl SI/:flU- IV lie I WU!I illS Iltlribuw, l\nll slIid"IwiH," l~plllld Lhe .""Icn,n.ller, "Ivhen ollnnon mu.'·e's BWO ds k "'I l,rb.clieJ,n llulIIui;r c) Ir lell" l" Itld''' II' .'/1tiuilut ulanc II b ' th .I 'N \lW, lllr, your b U~lIle811.' ,. 00.. , r, a. 'rlley a 01\0 QI'at llilheart mUrrnUII11~r. r " , ., Il ol'lVe~n e geu· we bR"e tl,holl thec)llIrchl," and wo lin· IUld d LIII f, ht ~h U d,; w ()tlnpllcthr lIfll ne.ghLorhu J ur f'elldllllvlI, tlbl)I.KnKndl fiValnlllUleS 'Is,' rllpheLi ll-blnaoo,I'n a CllOkl'og medlu "'ly los' 8l,rll'oflllW . ... PUICht" 'ell on J oug ITI Iu m08t o· evel'- ""rue' to your country whllt luI wi e-e U 1 1 "1 I ~w ~W ' ." ~ ~ ~ LormlOed fury, Cor avery corp~ exhjJ;lIt- mh,bt ,·ou have beOIl, 0 AUlo)d the ' '. I, .erft \Vtle R reN( Y • ~plll"e \. lIC I WllS VOICe, 'to pluad for Andre.' ed Lhu 1tl&I'a glittt:l'jng III Lhe Em/lllltlr'a ed llUl11llrouill\lld borrjblfl'woullda. Lru'i'lor.~' ' . wblle d!lllh'melll, 1,1 \/1 Il. VI~W of llI~k(n", eXIt of MIS, R 'You have already boen advised of eyes, UIIU 110 turll~U IJstdu to coo,(t:f11 At bl ('Y' 1'E I .u~'It, Ml,d p ~rt.tlr8 trud: ,llf W.lh ,I, .. Melfrom the 1l1)llrtmollL, She IIpp.lldily re- Iny fiual dt:lermioallon,' lepll'ud W,u.jj. tilo"'. • "e 0 0 .. Ive mpercur " tl~r. SU~~ ha.! bell " th" oll~N.rn 011 th .. Ll Ined ) i d b b fl · " -t' ~ ',as hoard to emilnlltd frQm lhlS moun---rrull er. ~Yj'r Ihlce the ,)~.ce o f lf796, eo\! I 'I :;C;OUllpau C 't a 1l/l.IHIU 109-ton, IlLernly. At Leu O'clock tlm~ nighL tho church Lllin of the de"d, lind 1111 !lye. were ~ I recullecl wht:1I ~uoh VI8/1GIIUlh friJiII III, youllg U y, wholll. WnslllngLoh. With " 'Wllll1ov~ing avail?' 8skud Robinson. WII8 OUI'II. 'rhe Emp"rol , who WII3 turned to ~bo apot Wh£'MO thll YoiCII 6{"j: dlOIl$ lV,tlrll Outl\IIIUIi lIut IIlQuy !UHf ' fr"ln 001\111611.allce vCUIIlIDg Joyfully, IIrOse ill smotht:I'ing aoeents. thoroughly uhflustoU tottered lVI~b fll- ploceedod. B~IC cpnoell]ud benoath II "'.l,,~~ VlllclulIlI,.i. ~(Jl'l, ,/IIlIlIltull ~"Y lflat IIUIII gr~~t w~th beoomlOg rlltreut • Htl or- ~uLtol'Cd tllIg I"y a Y()lIn~ OmOllr, ,vhostl I,"II/ti •• O\e'\,lyolnell .ud C'11I \prAlII ee • '.Fotillng I Wllre hll my OWII son. he tig.l1e Q,8 he ~lIt 011 h\ll·hor~e. :the )oung lady .was 8ry Phllhpse, ijhOUIUlll.Y the r onally dlle 10 ius oC- ~"Ietl Lhe tiling tU, cellliCJ, IlIld Lho llrJllY hrl!U~L I"~II ,du(loratcd wlLh nil ord-:r.tlIuttltlrtltl 011 Il1i, l.IcCHIII10II, ~ly ra~\lltec. slslMr of Mr-t, ltouH\~t)n, nnu iltlu~htel fllce Itll0W III '11!a~ you Will YllY; Y(ju rep\>st:u. IUIJ(JIIIlUed by the ellullly'~ 'l'hougll piclcud With lIumcl'pus'wbunds. C"- 'rlto edllor of the PhihulelJlliiil tlUIi Ii tllol tho\o WI1f" $!JC\jlll\I, bUI lit th Iii of til" oWller of tho 1.4t1hpllo e~tlILII w,U IIponk of his VlrLutl8-hl8 sllIt«lrl!- IJlvoUl\uks, Our hoad q\l,Irtel~ wllr8 lie 5ucceecled in nising blmKelr lip 80 'O,~nebr. says: " ,1I~1~lIntl 01 tlltle all.) wlthvul uliy IIIltm It WIIS, perlllLp~1 sllIg'ult, r, but thu I\is rank, /lnd of extclluMiuIT clloum- "~tlJbnsh6d ou the rltllC8tl bllhtnll tIS 10 rebt up" n 11·11 elbow, H'll 111I11d. W tie lIt lhe BurDlng SpIIlIg, neal randJu.m UI tefre,,11 lily DI"mon', I will ifil L II1no of IIU't tll)PC III I\IIC I,' llrt,U.• LIlo pt!l1/j J S!JIUCtlS; pt;lI JIIIIlS ClI(Iell\'OI' to0 con"IIICC Iall, ill tile undat 0 Lho itlluutry ' ~ u ~ .1 uy \JI'I J Ilhl18LOII 1- ~rul1g. Hit "t"" of 80(lIb COUI\'-II"nc" WI\8 'Averap."j,d Wl'tll II UI\' ..ay ...go, we \fl!lll re- bl "'" " .. ~"I" of tI Ol'ell nV I I I III I r , ., ..,,..... .. <v. U tud ~ I.e I f .'1 ,,,,Pt n JUllrllal, w"l I, I hope U)qy at l ~III U lLS li t g 011 ~ cOL '1 I ~y, lOll 0 ,liS lnnOCvllcu! ~u ro, 11 hvid buo of alll. Ho recognised q ~I en. ~ ,t Ie na!!lel Q our P!~I - dUIiIO dl~ llIht d~)', tlflt'l 1.ls lI~t'eA'I!, u\le II ' \VIlli 1!ltlllllCal Stl'lll~!::,\1 nil JL \VIIS. Wtt, &blU~OI~ IILIU !l'gltld IVl lh I\is c!l1otions " ~Il l~ going on ~l\lmit'l\bly," !lllid the !l:mpllror, a In a feeble, (nltering ty III the Vlsilor 8 RelPsler, 81lti ,,"!Iu Ill:ht, 'L'''utv \Vert! 11" ~ men ~"'i" ' " IIlIUIllt;'ItL C,1Ulld ~llIs ) ou n.j Indy 1I11t1 thl! j~ le,lv SC\lUIIJ~i btl, ",III1I,1Ju to rlfl,rll ~~ lli Ew pel 01 10 mo II~ he onlered hie t nL, voice etoillimed-"Ood ble" your MilWtl oblel v,,~ Lhat ~he I Clgllj- twu ol)I",.-aU/(hu r' t, \·, I.c. Iter v,le I VlI'gtllltL COI~~IVlllllll~e, 'Llirl III doep COli' ~!:eJIIl';8, h!! lIlJOhll b\l~ I~ 8111<1"b Iyurd. "'1'1.0 II mUll iIIIV6 (ought bhl!{olyl" and now (IIruI~~U-farcWIlJl-Ohl ~r.r IIU1lPOlldtli,l a~ about t",o- rillfluell, wCre 110m. n nUll ~h iltlr"n, f" VUI'~tll>l~, lbe cUIIJu~1I1 LIVI\(11 who h/ul WtLh duch IL thrllllllH nOcel1t thhl he Withtlllt untllus.ing, he throw IlInm:IC He turned a su Itcalill' tlllrd8 ~OWI1 Oil the luft blll~d pl\~re, lind l~tl1)r ''rQIR \WII to siJ.IU "I yon. "I' Gl! U, kllpL lllt:/l' uOlnpnny III ~hll cl~tly plll'ty dLil) Lc~, flt the II~~ of htll UII n \'Olcu. on Ilis -1>11(1, t\ud III lIifolV ntomllnts WII:S at the Emporor, lind tl~!u IJtte~ thon cOI!lmeocod aL Lhe top o(lh., t'll'hl. or lil lilli'\!. tltu 1I1 {II! ~r of 1\ ~ .... r Iif'Lhll el·onllll:l hilli I'ultl"l Iu thclI' bud· 'l'llIlt woru Willi 8oun(III~ltJcp ad the \VOids ,/1'0 dear Fl'lIncu m" 011 suek'lIIg Lhl! 01lU88, 'refound Lhu l u t 1111111 In tiiO trllJe,~ lw rtoiu .. J l 'l\'U"'&II' chlln~bcl' All IC .1'l;U\!lrkllblu ' LIIII11 nil, '(}ollel'nl WI\~IIlI1Q" ~Oll, Culuh.el RIIIIIII' At. fO\l1 III the 0101'111111"', the Etnpe. I I ' I I" I : II "Dt d Id J 011\1Y liS foll\lll'e: Ilvli~ Intero~t1I1" t(llQt l all, b,ll ·'<i_au.. ·11 tIC d 11I 1 Lr, u tJ I II I • as~ ilg I le.o HLlu I\n ~o , " ,I r. u-.F. Wc --' B ,1. , _ '" IlG' lIrul\dq".Ilh ~"w hlC1h I~" .blv otli l~ e , ,"Y 16' I 'lUll li s COliI' U ~it W~tiL It:r ~C)II,' ItlSf.' Olltlc.:U tI", ~ (ul\L pllLIIlll,llIY lllg rOI "'I~ ' 1\ 'a'lI 1)11 hiR hOI'6e, He 8tU' N'1\lI 0I<.'QII $ellill 'd I iVlled to the allot ""'~ . ~...., ro<,..,-' an... 1 ..,,,. ~.)Iy II111UCllrTIt [It lor \h\l IllIII \I~r. 1'h~1 ~ lite ouudl'lI \Vuru bUlllliU duwn to Ihe ;;r"jlL Hllesil 011 ,,"ch 1nlllllll'y IItlo, vtwud thu ,/rl\1I1111 hil whllllJ "'118 wallered \Yuh the blood' "-Of counll, that nt\UlU lultl CIISI were .u.nc f tl-W .IHIl~, bot Ilul.@ of ",11 11 $OUkeL.i 01 thOI11;liuks, IIlId ~!Jc tlrupl lLce. .. .Enou;;h," saili Lito 11thiii' "J h,wc Jl') Itld ' \h\~ 11l1 dl ~ 1 y, theRe heroes. "Bmvtl mUll" said hI! a blight upon tbe p"g~ forevtlt; no bon- vnlue, In tho I' O.\!II~I'III \If thl~ lillie blntl. l1I~tellci qf e.tilubILIUl: 1\ qhellrlul blllze, Qlle m 11'0 l\I'l!'UI1l¢IIt.--It' Limb fllils 1'10, r II UU)lS, unu rodo Jllldt ~ho fl'on mok "b A ·1 r,. II r' ' '1 esL fIllllI would have bls namtll bt:nel\lb Al"l I\>ne Inr,l by 0110 SteRben "it,vItI\I'vlll ,. C!,I _ .I I I d f I .. ruvetlti.,ulom &1:0" 61H YO\lnlr ml\ll) 11' 0\1 Y II gtg,llIllO lUll IJ !Is IuS hr\vtl dune. BI lIVid my rl ill ntil " ullt' h 1l'''"\l1.mt, At QI~y brake' he !:IqVIJ Al\tJj1 ill a fri r.~ful 'sCene T " 'IIU • v rl.ln v... iu! ......... ..... lAvd fug'll'lve bu'• Vl't~.--lhrpor, J IlIII~¥ I (",I_p ll,I .' JO)I'Illln.1 lIud It, luw ll)' lIIlf elilUul ~,) \VJIIl~ could ' . ¥vur IIIUIld.! Who I" he? "bitt orilurs i1I/IL Lhe ILLMk lihllulJ oomqaeucu endo~ment ehllU ~ to liia m~thcr ~ undorneath WRll wti~ten, .. by the 1111111\ 1·11'·'".'.... lu kilt 'ho rlllll ~n. ~n" pOPU • hllvo yt ..Iongurl tlll~~ l1t~el ,'lOW. ~'II hl~ IlIfOIl:?" ,nmlllillil '''U$ 011 1\11 poiJliil. About \llev. order be p"re&unted for my aig. of ~ol1)e rllool'dl'Ig Rn~el, 01 on me pur· Ihell\~(\ 'VClf or 111·11 go"dol. S.wY"lr \fa. mllLu.1 101'0, ror ~hu IltIl'l\llll pre III "UUI\ OUIl obhur ~tIl ,Ie ""01 <l WIIS Rpok<>n lIS 6n v'\lluel. Llle MIIOW, '~hic\I nad fal\"l1 IHlLure, WI 8001' po 8Iblu." "'11"11 IUUIIIg' Nelllell18- , ~ el,fl. lenll!!r .,f It , chllr~h III the lIoill~' '''Vi .1 <>II"t.l, 11111 'IIICCil~ll\llly ,hUII\j; ~he wl.ole tUQ~lIIg. lUrlllTlg to Dr, IrVlII, • L ~ -" ~urh\llld. UII Ille 1I1"nommlUPI lti of tlte• Ctlhl... IIUllti \.lIt! I t I1& "yOUlig ~ IIII I10111 Y O"• ," k III W I)10I \ thu IJlY luN' who ~omplUlitltl "TIU\ .U ..Duwa." m"rt\l"" ~'ld wht;1ILlluU\th tIll) IIIUl'd r Wi» lady tlvillced 1\ bllur.eur lh \~ c~uld ue Oll II IUIIJ Willi ()hLlItl.tl, rull to Lhll fi~iltt, III 10, ,i Wtlh ' llub viQI t l\ltt We ~Im, h«llJlli4. JEummo 'Po~r AnIOlll'S A SUPINCISD Ouraaul,-"'lle Nalolll- Ih"re lu b fnQuIllIg. ut hlllllutl1e, they 1Il(lIchoKl only ~y hcor co,upaDlolIlII afwr lind I!:cpo~eli the IlltUUte fig-4,t! I'{ M" !folllc 'ly tl"Ceiye jill objoo& .t woullds, IIl1d eee 1£ un ·thin cun lJe ' file"II,"1 SUllrJIIy IIl/mllll l! to 1.,£;IIIS. .And yu~ tbu ~I u~~ 1Illl'll' bu 1\11<1 . A(ol ~I~, Aml LIt .. t WOI tI. l\~t.uI..,t1 With. a til" d Hilllllcu 0 tioJl pIlC.... After tit .. dOllu for 111111. Tbl. Ii ultl~ed /,crll- !~;~~I (1:.9 .) C/lroulclo of ~/Je !)/Hb ull., the 1IIIIIlrlilQ.' "e~d A bOul elll"t :rh~I'e "IUllu l'e Otl one' ~luQ; tllll 00!Ollul, sWi.rL uy WII,sIHII\ftOIl, \V.I~ .Millyl '1'he hlpso Qf somo htt( Limo, til RUHSIl\Il col- ole." I~tlr the I,.t rloW we 11'- there IlIti L ~,, " the m')rt/llill 1/16y wellt to thll Sntlttell by tho gillOttS, allli rIll'\! lIoorm· ~U5plinse WII" plllllfnl ~ut IJ/ler. IIthlt.9IllQII1I Iing' to bet\Ve~Q fh'u 1U1I1 It IIIcrllullfIlr( exultemll/\lalll0llr 1ho pl",I. ln'liall llnlrlp-I'r'lle.lldlllg tIllY l'Iur(' hUM . ph'sI,Dlul\lg of 1\ Illdy a~ bHR~lHlul liS "811," s'~ld \V1l~hill'rLU I1 tIl,tA.ntly ~ix Lho\1srultl mOil. Wll~ dJilce1'ticd; du tcr~ alld Illlizerul JII LhA UQlihburltllU,] ul I'W )I\lr.d¥ Willcli 111111 I/Irlty"d frum Ifl~w. nfll\l.ro'ij fIIrl:st wOlk~, \VIIS Clldoll,vorillg recC/vellug,"Ll1IS tl'l alll~ IS 1.1";1 ',ILh YOUI illig iho mg'hL LIIl>l oolullll1\ had J"tiell'I 1)a.Ueyra.n4 and Arnold ~umplo and Urn(),." Bluff, ou/slng fru nl If)' nf ~1I1!t'luu"t, th"y ItlllClupJ LI/Illn tl) to \VIII hor bou l't I1ll:Xuhllugc [01 hiS Own ~'LtIUI1 nnu my dlglllLy, I leg-rtlt IhM! tiu olduis to joip thll main boLly of tllu 'I.'helo w,ill 1\ dn.y \\ hCIl 'l'all"yrahd rumured rill' tIll olln.ubclrdllllttiutl .h,1 ill, !N wltll on pllrl ""tI tho other II rQ\VU litH~ Illudu hiS oouiclillJOII JIISL lIS tho culJ YVI, 11111 L 1'0 ',onc Lo Sir H"nry Ohllion IIrmv, and bnd misscd the wily The IIltJ\'ud at l:Ij1Vrll. ou fOUL Irqm )?llrla.- lc!lllh' d Ilulur, nit '1111 u/{ Ih,, "luv"I·. '/.'hc(t' .111111 1~ 1 1i1 ILIl"lh~. pur v (II' ~lIcm ' 0 ftll I t" q J' I Frtllloh UI'll II' I' .'I'I . j "V III.'I II III ', III II'I ' III ' .. (nr, IIiii' I ~~l' 'Ul1'iud, 'rllu tl.II lrJ gleJ 1.1 fl~ l~ UlI\IU , 0 f UIOl llllIg .. ..,10 k\l Ull With ~ho lt1tulligll~oe ~hl\t )'lJ UI bust. in, truops who WIII'1l IUlIlChtnu (or.ylll'd hes, I t WI\lI ill Lht' Ul\rkelit hour ofLu\I I llr ~" 'hu~ thll dllr!. eil,lull 11\ the ellst He COIlIOli- till oe SIIIlI llllS flllluU /:l'u ~hese par- tlrttiu lrlYI Il.nn lytthou'leo~' Lli, Ilud .trIlY. Rcvolulton. Puriluud by tbe blood- vI Ih~ CILIllull. Ihlll L1,C!rll I'" ")jll~ t Illh III I'It/[nll III II ",,,,, 11\1 t h. cu mp. but, .. IL "'" tile I'II"'U¥ " • ~ ~ of Ollf bounusj of Lhe 1\e1t!1l of '''llr;'~I. strip- tho rl'''url'' bill nil ve l we 0 I II"L., • I aU1lI1Y Itld !l11/t~~rt: d, Wft~ 0111 hlllldll" . A• seUl1l CUUllOllS d'llIl nlutlslllt:il Wrtlls,lt IS 5"v 11 1\10 corlduc(Ull ',u"O/ld .. 1 h I> ,.,llII III IDIlsket eho' ~~" til I1 1U4a ,IAIMm.MI TIl.y v • • Illy IIIe rn~I~II' took Ihe I~u,/, .11111 won! "i'mellL v IJ~J .v~ In ,vIA.... ~ • .. ..." til I"11 pu~il1vt! h"v' !rue, llltl ~~ut of III:> VKII,;tOIl, nnd "fOLY," c\)uli(1uI'd ho, thrQIVlng opel\ Clltl1p The Emperol', IIt"lnding erect, pell of every IVrollk of property or pew- lukell I,rectlu lllllll\r.y lII "u~ ure., appolnloll 011 loOlrill1: clo"ely IQr track". a•• aret!ll IL\owod \\h:J.~ It WliS III~ eUIIIWL hOt'1! Iltu uoor O[th6 rtp ll l·LI1l~l1 l,a nj .dal(:s~- wl Lh Ius IdeL III hia stitr~tpll, and his .1, 'l'IIII<;yrlllld .lIecured 1\ pussage to committees " , V'JIl,"\"), u'ld,r"~l\lltItl aC r "P Clf1, al n cill veli le llt mom"nt. H,III(O'UII, , "oulu bll tUt: tUlsull, ~lll\t waH LO '!,(llill IIlg 0110 of hiS \,IUS. ,dll~" to h i~ tlJC,IV"" the lirln to percuivtI Amelloll In 4\ ship I\bQut u> ~/111. He (IYII plOtrols W\IIH. '"t!ll ",e Implicated whu IIITlh ",~all,toc>k hi. rifle from 1111 hl\1 lUluu. Thll 1',"ly hbtLlIlud W<IS ~lflt till! billok ~ h l\doll'$.\Yho "cre slo\\,- \VIIS 1\ be;:gl\r and it wlllldclur to /\ a. Ihr III.dllr" ul tlto "hluk~; but.u rar, II~ tier and ehot the IlIllllr · thlollOl h th". it Ihe IDvdelll y or the.lllaIU<l1l wllo d lll~" Iy uuh 1111" LIII ough tilll V611 of IIIIOW, sLl Ilngo IIIIIU to ollrn his dllily I.Irelld by ovorl IICI CUllllll iu~d I,y Ihem h81 b"1l1i ullnlng ~l tho heftr~, Lutton "Ve U\II ~o lru, t her Ill> \l'l th 11\11 cunfu ~IOI1 "'Uefol e Sir I ml r)'. Obuton, 01 lilly IjlllS~ bl.1 Ilg to Lhll RlIlIslitn {Waol ve. dally Illbor. dl~cuvered . VII.lerdMY a IK'1l1I party ut IIl1l;b\y bllUlld snd lell d,ea.t. 'Phucraok of ..llcuLlun . IL ~~ hur "cl\l'~'s uO kllO: to 1)~I,uI knpv ot' AlllolIl' d ·fi'r.He IIISl;lIH ll' tlllcoLod towllIds tllilni "1.. ~here I\ny "'cnUemllll 81.!lYUlIr lit lhe citizen. prueeedl!d to lite ballk of tllU Hl\olwlIlI'. rtll'u wn, the wlWlllll for the ? I B\1 vtllly, n.ilb, J h ell & 10 d dO d rlVllr IVfloro tho St.le 'ID'ld. woro at wurk pltrly. \V III itnJllcdiMely 11101 Ih(llr mll!.u, :No Shel"~plltl ~tld, 1ll111OIIgi 11I"1lI vf "II the fllcts LIlli lr.ILI.1l1101l~ of tho gronl,dler~ of the youl OUIIIII Ito liS II of Lho hili lor IIlId arreBled SlxtOClU C/( &lIl1ln' '"111.,. nl!rcotlUI,oll, rellllirJ!d til llio IIhe llitl 1I0L lovu h<ll' lIl Wl'illUII luI, IIIIU A i fl · I !:{U,1I11. oollllll,IIlUCld by Gell. Durslili llo. of Lho howl. "I nOI bc>ulIlI to cross conducted l.t) NuchllOllho. lad p ro tlley c.llImouc~tI 811 rll~'" slle Ie IL dlOi hml. III IUllklllg k'nolVlI Lll !:d·r~1I I -St)1I j) ~IS prl)cl\uo~ u.w, Willi t Lht! '" cllUiliers I\d,anced ill Sl' lhe \\ liter and would hke II. Illlter to Il Ihere I, yel 110 charlie ttI.de te " •• IIlI.ler bI oltl .lId ):11111\", be.lIlIru t IIII tl Uu st.lI,C 0f hel tccl 'IU~S .... .<. or lu , not 0110" a.~ • ill lhl~ oi . v " n' N 0 w W or" td 'brRIII8 ' >t ,t Btl h.ul bm' ll -1111 lUll of GI .IIldtltlk, 1.1100, thu 'Itj 1,11111 IOn on dlllly Mill tho pel'Sol) IJ C •lOuU\lIlCII III the ; Ih!'y aro su.peated• or oomJlIt IIIIl IIIt dIII I"ur"II" VII iltlll.. ' lhe \lIilt euntiup lllumplteu o\'el Jdwuc) ,lIl1d ElIllJl:rur tunll:d thu oolu In, IILtllCkcd Thu IlmdlOld he~l~ated II nlomelt~ aud the cchlfUlllllted ollL~rCllk, . l'hey trlfl'. she 1lI1unu"d W.\:;lllll;SI OIl, UI L u n d hlltl b,.I'" tIlt:.. C'ln l/MllIl,IlI ill .IIIllS ILIt! thQ lual', .11101 dlove it C\lrwnrd 1)11 tht'lIl"pliud: proba"ly be exumlQed lit the cour• ., J\I*t IS Ihe 1Il1l5lnare ellll~i the I"dian thllt IIhu IlIvcd anoth I! ::;h..: '" GUllc1il1 \VII Idl1~tou, (lUI' Ifl unuth '5, who rllCleind IL wi~h "1'hurll is lin A!fIerjcan up ~lllirs, r.w d"l.. ho hftd beCI\ hUllynl came lie., Ihe a.'op .. aellillll' ,~ h"1 lI'u. golllg on, IIttd, I/Ie hill! I 'l'h!! gl(:lIl.cs~ 1/.1 II~VJU1'll 6xtJ.( btlyonul$ '1'I\e sbool, was ~l1l : eilll'r from Amurica 01' Brhliin, but VlaullIlA,- It. lell r Frum A 1'J'".ucl,u, urdere,. fitln" tH hUll, but rill lUll III Will; vllnqlll huLl, 1I1I.llly II \V011l,1II 1 Hu ble to Lhu RI\~~I'lniJ, HI1~ 80011 compllr· whtl~hcr lin AIIIClIoan OJ' Enghshmlln, I Moll 'urlll~r 10 the editor or Lhe Pltt.field .uoll A zllf zlir Ilrio thllL hC! eacMr' u,r. 1'IIe \VIIS "PcJ".:Il(tlSS lind p01Vcllb .' IIg d,elr ll oop" to thOHI opp,)scd tt, CIIUllot Loll." SUIl, 8ay~: Id1:l'd al the cdmp wttre ull IhrOWl1 illio II , "'l'rumb.HIIg. w~Lh complullsed lips lind • 1"0111, Lho flffiotlS drew their awortls, He poilllcjl.the way, and TllJleyrl\ud 'Old VlrgllllA bill. fair to bo one elf I.rgo ~l\.Puvutloll mndo by Ihe (.WIIII of" II OOUIHullllllUil nlllly pllio. hu CI'llpt front r&lIll:1d Lhcu mell; lind ,111 dllfendtJd -who in his lafo was Bi hop. Prinell firn Bt~tejj With Nvfllu'rll trlie- whv"" ro~" hutl curri.d much urth Lbll pltlC~ JUs~ ali Lho old lle/,;1'1l8S of tit" tholD~"'ve!i Wllit gl'CIlL c~,arage, At 1I11c1 Prim\l14lll\~Wr, IlSceudcd A mIs- 'I'llfoe ycar. ugo itlth~ plDCO wherll L nolV Iv.JlII tl, ~tn , 'lhl~ holtl \Val f,,11 Ilf waLer. boudcholU c.lI1Wlt;la ttl ntaku prtlp"mtlt)n" onu lUomunL our I:f nadlll'" appellrecl elllbib ~ llppllan~, be .top(lt!d beforu the re.IJII, UlllrC \Vile bUI olle Northern RlIIII: IIlIt nOI Iftrgll 0110"11'10 to cover Ihe mur' for the bl!Ullkfll~t, He ijOllg~IL bis ruolU, lo ft,I\:. wh 'n II young ofllcn dllrLod ~LrIIlIger'/1 door, he . kuouked and lIulQr- IIUW llieru ore (orty.elrM Nurthorn f.ml - dereJ 111.11,,"e Sn .. ",.1 bl'dloo ",erll JlArlly ~brtJw hllll"elt' UptlU Ilts couoh, dro. suJ The Antcriclln reilder,devourll everr, flOm Lhe tlinks, cxc\lllmiu", III II loud cd. . 1111. within Ihrle lillie. oll11Y firm. LInd t uf the IVdor 'rh .. bro.d dUth., (bra, I ' .. I hOI ~llIce rilltlll rroRl two Lo ,wellty·l!ve & e., weru nnorward. r~m ove il to the loll (\~ hll '~1\S' , 1l1lC IRilseulI~IO ~ troubleu lhing III rda~lolI to Napol"oll. !I'I,oug I ~0I01l, "Cout'l}ge, mv b~8'r. eomrlltl8l n tile f,u Ct'mer of a dimly 11gb dollk{1 per .. cre. I'am .evlln pille. frolU 01 S~lYyer'e cublu,where tllev w.lt" luuu~ ..l,cep. Fue ollly \"Iutoln uveu wOn lit IIllllUoira and hJstol'illr bavt. multipli ed, jollul' Ill !.\, llnd Lhe BU6l!181l COIOl'ti Mil room, IIlll a mlln or some fif~y the PIJ\OIIlILC nv.r, Iwenty.Ove IPIl•• ' Irom 011 l'uc8.lof lIlornloj{ Mlcr. eqme p nOli. 1118 uxpun~c poneLltIled Jllm t.J the soul Lltere ,coma to be no cesslltion llf OUId." He rushlld fol "111'IB, word In "rm8 fok\c!:d nnd heiW. bowlld upon tl •• Blue Ritlatl, 'wenty .outh u( AI. tho lIo1l1hburhuud p~ .111/: 1I<,," ' tIl8 ell' .H:tl Wllil ullhll.ppy-suprllmuly wl'j,toh\ldl pubhc eurlo~ity. The PUbUIll\tlou oC olle hlllld, follo\Ved by qle oo~opally, and breaat, From a ..,.Indow tllfucLly oppo- drla, IW6nt,,-/l'1I rrulJf WltIhh!If'OII, alltl onlilpmelll rOUIII! tile) litl \If d(,(,jJ blldlt:M '!'lte fulure couqullrvr oC tbou811Dde book morell8ila ~be demllnd for anothor. PIHlllll'llwd ~h. compaet o""tril oC th6 ~Ite, u flood q( light pourcll ov~rhi~ tlurtr froUl Frederlcllebllr,.' ~Ild III olle~lhe YIIIII'I'" 8q\l~W lIIeNtion.d braY!) men sulfered btlcQnsll he uali been We bave recf>Dtly been reading R«I5~illn columD, '1'1111 unelE~Cl.Ou U 8- fotuhead, !lie eyeelooked (rom blllletlih Ilbuve- Iherlt were 11111 81/t1l. til li fe, reJec~od b, t\ (emilie. ThiS WIIS hJa fil'8t, tho memoirs of OllulRlIlcOurt, D uH blo);" lholt fllllk8, And our grcliA. blKdowncWlt browe, gued on '1'lIl1ey- III~.,'~~~;:"~~~~~~'~~"<l~~:~~t~k~' 't.~~ 11~~~I~htl~:~r~do~vlll:rl I~:, ~~~l& w'~~~~1 t~~~ buL noL IllS hlSt wooing of ViecolI~lI, N"po!llvl1'l Secl'llllIry 0 dlen 1'0 olntllly onlercd I.be pf\.II.l\lle rtllld's (MO "itb apec~hllr IlIld 8UllfCh .. renla wb" ,olld their cblldren out in Clrl g've!I, nll~ II IlIU~PIOIc;U8 of "wy~r. tha Yl/llraJ 10lleU on upon thu mighLy tide SLaLe, lilld who aooompl&nicd him 111 "II P 'neU to Lhcm by iho brllve AUIUIII III/: I:xprc88lon. His fllce ITtIS atrtlulIg of d\llll ,uc., Olllilot be to~ oltelulllI ad. \fIr! wu ~utrled t() h'K huu II, d. tbe 1I.~r. or ~lUIe , Qeolge Wt~hll1Sl.ou "lIS trfu bis cllmplli~n., and &bercCure poLl ay:J "'fhills ouU Q.f UIU mo~t ~flof1oll. ach· III outhneSI the JQoulli and cillO indicl}- mOlilahlug thelll 10 keep In the .h ..do.- •• 1. prnbttloly lo he reSWICllKI tI, If pu. I. Conlul.llIdel-III-Chltlf of Lhe Amt'lrIoau Lhe tnnor Ide of Nnp'oleon lel'lImllllL3 ul LhrN In'c Dlornbf,~ day," ."itl LIVO of 1\11 trOll will. lii fOI m was "Ig- Whell llie "Ill"" are' IIU' IIIi.datt, I" oOlb- hie. SII .vy"r prntPntjc.' Ilre'l 6)lmpll4r, loroCl! oppo~uu to ~hll HOYltl GOI'urnmclJ The bultlo of Eyillu has been deacli- Ibe J,!;l1lperor, who bl\d bellll lUl e/e OIOU ,IIVOII wiLh (be enVlV1 uCn(Ly \VIII- rella ,hu .. 1<1 "&Clrrlad. ftpproprlntPod u!Jed In 0).0 of hI, oallill 'l'htl frienu of hiM early Wflllhvod, Bel'- bed by A\Jison~ III hlB mOst 1It18S to the herOIC conduc' of AIdOIIl . ur8, ho "'M chui in a dill I., bu~ rioh Amotll the chul~ra can. repllrtetl .psrtlllellt~ hi lho hnl d".d ~'lll.W; lh .. erly Robinson; WAS ,lbu O"I~llor of tbu !!t;vltO, but the followiag de~orll'tion I:le sumlOuned IlIrn ttl hill pr~Hnce, olld sutl dUl~iD:,.rtlitihud co.tume, New Yurll, 011 Saturd.,. w.. All .Id laily, "ellt hboril wolchell h r. trcllt .. J hClr Clr.· LoylU. AlIlel'loalhllgllnen~ rlll8ed til New the 88me bK(.tle from CIIUhUllcourt'8 thus !Wilr 8sed huu ; "Capulin AUIOlll, 'l'.tlloyrlllld Rd"anced_tntl!do that htl tO~'ye.1'II old . fnlly, l1ud 10 ttllltllp ~nrll 'lcus ~lle '\'~I R~tYork, Nul IU8 ,00 " 'lUI thu Llullr.ellllnt wemuin, exceed. aDlthin " yeL "IVOII Lo I'OU "ull de "rve ~he hOllu~urooonnlmd- was II fttgltive_nd UlJdllf the imprellllIhe Po Loa i..Rc p~blbIG.n .·~.dtllalt ttWI O liug well, wht'u one evelllll( while Il h: I Col I 1'1 I b 10 •. bl' ..... t . t v I LI tI I ,,<or b pcr",,,. were ... u.... , a lOa. 0, n Ie neighbor. who CIl'fIU'0 lvat ~h , wore 0 O!le, 10, louse we . live apo ,:U &ulI pu 10. Ing lilY' vo eran MUSTAOUU. , &.ou lave Ion lat .16 gent e!D an "".ore ."D WWl viliall'e of plea.. nt Valley. 1'he do, WII' !lilt \0 ~up)ler III another roilUJ, .he tiled, was In possesslotl uf ~ho "rob«lls, nnu "On ~lte day of tIto balLlo (.11e weath· most nobly dlspng'l1shod yourit!J(. ¥Il\! an Amenoan, eoliol~d btl .kind and IIl11ed oalr Poloei b, a miuer witll hll 'rhtt wltel,.,. r.lIlrell, Ii d lin th llir \,a, WJ\ll occupilld I.y Aruo)d, the trai tor er was dr41adCul. Thtl anow. ,.. hich fdl have WUI\ an olJicer'M or(l" IUld an on. reehog offiee.. 1 III' !toln. b Il~n 10 reoall on" and anuther 'olt'. It was a!Len,,(rds the tempOfl\ry resi- duokly III fintl hiles, fl'Oa<l 11K i& reAoh· dO'l'mCnL of LWO thoW\aod (raIOCI- He poured forth hilt bil~ry io elo- pc. cllmala .. .,., """ pulling tllcm .11 t~.ther, donce of WlIShington.· A.t ' 'be clime ed the 8urfllce of the oanh. Our clOLheli. You wtlre made a capUlin a~ Lbe oom- qacul Frencb and brokIl.\E0!fli81,. Ho ....LIt -A drunken fellow, who It.. ,Ioe,f Clll11l' lu lhl' otlncl\llIlol\f, ti,.", be ,lrl tllllll the hushlllld ,of MlSll Mllry Pbll· b~llIg OOVCIt.',u, With thiS ~VI L,of hvlll ']le/l(\('!nC!uL of 'hu olLmp~lgn,!,nd I bope "111m a wandererulle .. 111m rlfdldetl ne., thl! corner of Froul .nd PI'" had ~S 'Irlto{:led wlu:e they :~ro It bUP' lip 0, ltoHur 111011\$. IYIIS 1\ prOmllleliL £ro8~, were sltll lUlU heavy. 'I he lior· YOII WIll rata,n to Pllrta ,"(I&h a "tin foreed to 8y to the Ne,. World. WI~hOllt elr.oU, h.,lnl bef'n for ... erll dl,_ ~bplI!UIO~W~:~ ~~~ ~I~:d~:e~:, 10 at ott tory, LInd (\ Dlllrubel' of the cu.llnoil ses ollulrl nOl keep their fooliug 'L'h\! higher rank. A mlln who tAl'IIl a friond ur horull. You are lin ADlor- 'ellt rr~'11 \'010,8 lib '! .pnt ,141ft III, WI(.. PruJenl m \lr~.v ro Lit "0 to .~c '0 k ~ bed. 10 LII~flhCl ~he colou1· t }i'uw of ~hu pllr~lU. woro aanJ;,rtlillRry con8lc' bat! been nJlIlIltaiu· hODors on Lite ~eld of b&Uile e&ADos ioan, GIVt! me thelll, 1 beJie~ch you, a w~~ b.r· tilt WII 10 Ih'e, bul » '''1'.1 U 1'1' , l!lt occupied by nnJ rdl...u9nll of 1m llIuor- et.lllnce 'morning, and whull IlIght lIi!t vury high 10 my OiLlIDllIion. preeent I.. Lltit o( youn. eo thaL 1 mllf!Hi LlUle 10 n ~I ~I u~ ::.:u~ ~ I the ••creted hlrlltl8/f a.m nt r... i .. I'" • 'Q B\lll~f OUS nIllUI'tl. '!lime i~ ~La proj(TUU bad in III! Willi yll~ undeoided. Thtl Empe- ten CI'OIHII lo your compllD\r ,~' ~am fIly bread. 1l:'1li willmg :~d r:~nd I: ~ bud, counly, Ohio, •• "' ... aHenv.rd. dloco •• red wOl'k"d mullin/IUS willob bad sevettiu lOr. 10 a stllte of Lbe UUDOIIL lIuXb!ty IIlId dlld. ~urnlog &oward_ the eo(ultn, ID lUI)' mlUUlor - ~b. eoeoel of WI. alread, In .P adnqced ltete or pulre- ,"d eompl.lned loudly "r per"""tI!lop, oa tbe close8~ lIOS, both of (ri\lnd hip ~nd impaLionce, pJlope~ up and down Lhe Bntbuttiut.ao abouta rene 'he air, bayo filled DIe .I&h IUGb ltorrQ!. (."t1oll, ft l.avJir-d .b. IbUl& bare bHa aOCOUllt o(aururplhli to puq!.h him all. COil ngunity. l'hIJSe 1I'lto wen: m6SL ji,,(d oC OO",e, braYlDg tbe grApe IIhOL tbe lIUIIe 1Ijl8l1 advanced to meeL tho a bf" of labor wOIl1d be a P&raiIIIO La lor _ e dlpCl.-~. ~,h':.lklil:~·a(~~::::':~:!~ ~ luiiml\te prevJ()~ to (bo commencement which Will .howeriog in Ilvery direc· eoeIDY·. a", with a d~ 11)f ~nwe career of hUllry la r........ You will hila (rielld, lull, .y'I'Il\lalhhled with IIIID Inti of the WIU' wore 110" 8LUdlllLl strlmgcrs. tion. Ht, was II1Wll1 t.o be seun on (b~ IUld ellLhaUum wblch tL ia impoMible gin me" letter 10 OM of 1O\U lriende." Aboul lhlrty y..... 110· GeA, 0 . . O\llq- aided hllD In ''''1 wly \0 bla parwi~ c1rll';u s\vvlde at .eaob Ot!:OI', poinl.:i tbrcAt.ened wILli tho b'l'ca!.csl dan- Lo d08Onbe. 11wo houri "tkl ' Lbe "ie. l'be atrange geh&lem&D rOM. Wllh a eel ~ rat': ~ ~hlll i. :::'\Ii""lI'"P~! h.. 11IfIra. • brtmSta. Evun 8011 lind f~tJI~flI were ger, knowing thaL hill L':.80ncu would lory WM oara. 'l'It" enUlllll.'. I'or_ look ,haL TRUeJnad ntlvtlr "r".n. h. :~: I.... ~.,. ;!.:~~ .~dl'" TIM vlh"r rOOf murda" er. LrfIIIo ,alfl\l1ged and arrA) cd III oppo&it.e rlluks I,l~lltl work mlraoltJs. nwbllll, the louled and dil'lperalld, re~rllall..d in Ute relreatOO towara. ..... door of tbe nelU I.d at tbue UllJllunl of II.,!I......' f01l'1I1 au1ltr uti hUlll. _"ell tlw child o( thR& 1\111 LrlOIlfl ec.....mg of ~ltu tire 011 aomePOIIIW Illdi· uL_~ dilJurJur, Rb ndon'og 'beir oJuUllber, hie ".Iooled &lUi (rom bu· ." .. 1 r..... G-ro eaId Dr. stalelmaa Dr l\'l'I\ukltn waa ... blL""r LhaC &1lII eMIIlf "u CAJun.; bl\oA, wonnded, UIUir baggajp,ud I !lit pub Death a darbMCI brow. U. l{'OkiI .. ALL AT O.ca.-III.... ted I~ CUI lia"'. "Ith 00Ml0tI at \Wd IIQNI~:UI'Ing10rY' n .-uaL ootbe A:L eighl o'cloell Napoleoa " . lP(onu· artille..,. be re&iia&ld . . . .uU; his t'UIOO w.. JI.i"blrtIJI, of \he 01&, of .... 81h beillf ...Ioa. wbttfltr r.. .. tIlP)JOI!Kl ,hal Lbe lUI ali" ·frieoels of Ibe tel ,hal ,h. im~' poailioc\ 01 the B., &ha claI'~- ... fall of ~. alliethro CoIODeI ~ WaabiJq(too. .hared wblch"" ..... Obatiu&e1, di.- dec!.'" &be ..,...... "1 am . . . . ., . . borD io &be I;" .be ~::2iC;:;;-;~ AD1 1M. II) tar u &h. acq.uio· ..~, ... ~ he ........ &1M 1aaaIl w God aIM ,-:~!.~oI~lIM~ w....... el bia oou~ .. L b e " ..... tile ~. DOl .1rW__ 11M &
!J'hl' ""BIll If..1I IIIfAleriou. Ihlllg. 'I'hls • ..,1111111( .,.It.nl 'rlllll Hoaven, '!'I". bird with Ihe hlllllo~ .. 1 Wlnll, 'J'o '"~- Io 1110, ·tl.)' baud h • • 1:I,l)n.
lJ'll. pull" liral oaullhl It» Ii Of elruk". c.rhll8011 ',ue frolll 111100,'l'he Mood 1·hl. lito wliloh I hllYe .toroid hlVdkej Uencerortli Ie lIarllllel willi Ibl"o, It .U~nl IIwe t; Ip IUY rOQm1 lrlliubl., wllb dtlheluu. (".r, '1'1.. IOtlur... lilt ha IIalll and glOOtli ,'fitu" Iud J:ll"mil), ru hON, Doullta-lIu""l, hI 8~,er tumu" n se, liur. all III)' $W I 11116 ".rnw, I"a yer:Ro.IlD (0 01. blrtlill rar.I •• , Ami.. • Iler all~81 pIOIlIlI". Ih.... !
' b tft rre
• [ We kno~ot how nmch tl·ulh tllere 11'11'1 be in tbe (ollo'\Vir~, I'fbich we'collY from the Jeraay Oity 'hliigrnph; but as ,e, "ry~billlJ that ruhllllll to \V~ll1ltgtoo is iuton:"lIIg,wis have cOllcluut.ld I~ lily , h bt:folll our rUI~e l'l!n 10 1750-tw~nl) )'ellrs befole ~he (, h' I IIl1l1lJlI I' I·k . b uri II·' IIU.. ora Willi I II 1\ rill a!lm IR Ille Ilngee of thc.l ,,'\>r1d'ti 11IstOl'Y .....3lf';'1I11-:101111 lI~m..,d n"vt:lly H.obinsvu eocllrlud ~ dwulhug (~'tuawd ill NIl~ YU \ u CII, a LLh Ii. i.iUl.! , \VIii! CVII I lun. a'iuoUtil o~ el"gll~C! auu COltllorl, *lLhougl~, accOrdiug Ie) tlltl prevlllhng' 0', lhe prclllllU dllY, I~ InUi 1I0lllllll: of dte kmd • .b 'Wll\lllumumg,very h'tlo &I!.crud floin It:! Ql'igtrtlll OOlltliLlulI, ~I y~1U'fI a b"", Oil thi~ tilde of Lt.u Ht1usvlI Ri,vllr, ,wiLhjU' ~\Vo or Ll,illle !n'l~ .. of Wual PulOt. Mr. RobuI~on ellJ"yoJ ~Il t1~u luxul'ju" kl\owu ,tt'Hlttl oolullY, I\nd I, C,o IOlll~ ts I ot\Jur eOlue bu.n d 1111, WI\Ie I1 llu 41id 1I0t knuw-(or inSIBlIOll,. n .,..ch, IInu .... UAMj ..' vU IIlv"r ... 'UJ\ urn, ~aIJ, b)' the ~lt\Ie."n·1 tN~MudIlUts, to bu ~hll ~I~L Ih'ltcle uf 'be kmti, ~ti fo\' a IOllg \unO th~' ouly OD"', Ulltlt.! III Lhi~ coullLry. 1tt lIi. dwullill!(, 10 muoh adullruu, Lhu tpllCCl btltwct!R thu tlool'll, aud cllilin~ \fIlS excoudingly lind III ullmy ol ~hc ,oonl" ull', IIbuUlllI;' tir"·,,llIIlOH, by " r pull~lll:d tllllll,) ,ltu mClAIn WUI'II IUIIolIIiI\c IlIId U\ICOVUh:LI, !llld 1111 ~hJ\lgs I:Il~o LU ,htl.iructure 1101" tlxCCl!dlllg:y • Utili hOIl~u Ifllrll ..uulll . or 101l11lti III brood or t.llu muliL IJroluulllll~ 111111 veLerate foo's to .h" pll~rtO!.ll 01 American (Wvolution,' "llu tbll ob'uct J that' .trugglll, ~~Iat 11111 lory 'l1lullLlOU. '~uerlluunlJ'Uf Lho Robl\l!OU Cllllllly ~ IIrDll 'tDIi ht:ld office ill. tile IIrmlllli of &be HDl\itlh K:inll', Mnll fou"hL deLilrmiDecllr. ~alnML our illn:a alld Itt'''nd~lrtltl Wei, iu ~hw IJoUBe,wbich \,~IJ nlrclldy IIRVe atiacbed itaulr to ~lttl mt(:rllilL v/ til. nlader:-.-tlie ouly vic~ry thllt \\IU: a"ur ...lu"d I)v~r Georutl \Vl.I:!hln"tOJI v.' .~ ~ u t;JI'" took pl!,ce. ' ln 1766.Coloucl Gcorg~ W'I'shtnglon, or Virgini-, a Il&f~~ atalwart, II por1iODed senU4I1IHUl <If Ute IDI)IIt 4:d Clepor&mell\ Uld oareful u:tenor; a IslUldaome, impMiRg: oeremouio.,. and trRv. pehOn~-vi8ited' hie firm and lDucbOilwomOdlriend, Bo,:" r11 Robtnson, and, announced hill iUl4!nuon of reluliiniag lli gue:at Cur many wlJokil.· A grm· niDg 1l0P attuudU~, ~Jli!d' Zupb, was ordered w brillg in h~s maslul'tI portmanl4! u addllional fut:! waa el\8t illto Ule bro~ apd cheerful lilepl~cc, un elt.r& boule of prime old Madotra. wws I~""'d "POD Lho !.able. -hOllU griffin (cu~ ........ , ··d' 1.0 ",' leemed alma.. to "PlIO ~"Ice ... ~Il 0risto al lis. at Lbe prulp"cL of an toCrt... or IOClal bil,,"~y, and Colonel W..bi &ob.U duly ill.talled a cboiee ~laimaat of old Cuhioiulu and IIDl'elltraiuod boepitality. SMted .iLb Yr. and Mra. Robinson overwbelmed with aWlntlon aItd. po.eaion 01 efery 'he etillcecl uaquiei and Everr IOIIlld or aD opening or aoor IU'OIded him &om apallty into wbich b. reillpeccl .bea, i& f t I :Weerlaioed Lha& DO ODe .... about toilD!Alr Ule apa!'&meG" Hi. uue8aiDeas WIIS 110 ap &rent !.bid hiB b~t ilL I",L uode&vor· tdP 10 him bilL wiLh04l~ el'tlCL. lI.... BobiPDa.a'U» CIUIle to tile ....dCUI! &ad addl'elMCl Lhe u,lollol in LbIlM '
r2 ,. ,
J'rSi.o:rltR .(
we: '!t
w. tI.'!...
daII& ~ Bit oIa . . .
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_ ...........
I RV. beun lVlth~rlllVlUg frulll Alatlilnor,. Jllul 110 v Bcn rculy II mon cnll he .een I l he titrc~t. 1 hilY ur. ~ QUe red abuUL ~ lids side ul tl 0 nvur m auell a mallner :' 1I0t ~u vlulule the le(ter of the rlW, bULetlij villi orllu zed Gellerlll Woll hllllOlu Rvo h, Illred meo nnd a few piece. I 1I0ry Gud ,f hid troop. remalll \rUt I._ w II put IluIOn "II !'PPt'81t1U ll But lbell 8 cUlIsideruble doubt 011 thle POIn ,~tbe hllv~ boell tnmpered with nlld It I. \UI~ r k 'ow II IIlu\ Liley Ilr~ 1I0t hhiorruP llble_ 1\11 Lt.'! t uups ut Cnmnrg u hnve beln 01 der.ed do V,U utili It • 8Vldllllt that Gell',,1 Woll Intullds to llIuke II .tubborll light of It J pity nlly "ollr deVil who mly rlUIL to 11 s hOI de for he will hallg h 1\ hk'i dOIf He ,. noted for hiB dl.re"llrd of He hIls JU~' laBued a deuree, tUat eny min who IOllves Mutlll1lorft8 wllh"ut hi. perml.. 111011 for firtOll1l dayB aboll hav" II.. propeny confiscated He w III Dot aUow 8011 Iu Ci'')8B Lhe river without I P-pott Dud oyeu eoe8 ao Jar 01 ll.o reqUlr, tb ... of the Ame[ICIUI o$cere stllllun" d 4'fO, I mUlt ulluou"l Iloun;e I t1ftnk It Il fix .... faot that Ballta Alna muaL IIIII-~.L beelule of bad /iI'Q'~" r letlt but beclluftft tilli ~exlc,u p~ple 01 nnot remlllll quiet Nu n,.tter how,oud .'Gover llment Mexlcu may have, All, can nol IUBloUl It 1 he 0 LI II,. IIlwayt It .Ir With tho 1111, Ihe '1m!! .. with Dur OW\I PIII'lItil 1nl-wlll t 161i1 dlfferen c., ho""" , thllt thlly lettl. tl16 alfalr with lhe blyon ot whIle we refer our dlfficultle. W lilt bullot bux
Tar. LILY 18 Btlil to be puhl shed at 1\11 Vernon Ud It hoI! no connect ion wllh tl e Home VUllor from which lIIr Dloome r I UI ret ftld UI'l! II has exol 18 ve COl trol of the Lily, and t I~ a m08t exc811ell~ little paper, SOIllI MOllt hly 60 n yOHr 1I1re ¢omeha BloODIer 11ft Vernon 0
~!t,. 61 \I uth~ r d ')' ~II ~(I LoICIl for IIlUIlI 83 O~O
OCIlIlrI cd III lAlrn/).o ll
thl 1I11l bUllulJIg OQOUPIIIU b)
IUlIllllfl\eLulIlIg III~ Lilli lyorLh of which he had, 011 lHlnu lI:!1ld \ f,w m llrkut p Iflly Insllred
OU~T HI. '10 -A lady.ut !ldin, on. of the obl!rClle. tlu Suud., 1.11., uuillten tlollully ol!tered a reu~ed PflY Tile au: tIll Illvited her to let out or Iher. anol hunt 'IP II le"L hi lome IItbel\ par~ of the ruolll" She got up to ,i~t !lut'" but tbe lutbn not being pleaMd wltll lbe apte4. 'ho was makhlg oaught her by the Ifnr lUll hurrleil htlr out of the pew 011 Wednes day j~IIHIl! wU .tr.lt4!l hnl! t. kell bolore Squlle D.'I., and fined '10 \llld COWII I hi. brief .aperlen llll will ~ench hlln I~d a,drnolll+h uther. Ihlt III Juwl u alII np '10 trelL the IIIII~I with 01 vlhty Ii leftlt tl trllut til " rillcly_ Q,ul\lCey Horllid
-"-'' '-..-.,,- -- "(
Powde l' Mill Ex.a.O SI_.
About throl! elollii feeterdlY .rlllrn~n, II u l'r f~1I BUUle or Brayton , W .Iwort~ &- Cu d Po\Y~er Mill, loo't\1ed a' tIle fl, .. lillie luck, e~I""rd kIllin, one mill lad blOWing lhe 6ulldlns tlJ fragmeu bl On. of til\! Uyln~ u",benl etrud: a bUrie OJlIt-/(ll!:S HAND:! - On tl \I fir t of th e n\l~r \iy alld lillltd It lWT Wl:1ATn !8 _ll,t~ Il~O hl! IL 11IIR COlUlIIg mOI\lh Illu 10\\ 01 nil lis pISS [101ll o~"lIe (t'le explollion i. unkno~ 11 rcy_lIOd r I \0 I U a puIs 0 IIC IIIt U( lI!r J 1 MuKay to 1rI r 0 J '''r c']I' P F4 rAL )\OCID.EN I 1I.llds allo~t the Pre.~ Huu.e had 'lurr I ' 0 ' " 0 work abollt II o'oloql( D0810 I J u IV 11 -,.1 Slates dunn,; 11 0 llUJiL JX w~uks -SliD I \ly virtue O)f II ohulloo J h .. held p~. nver~ tw" J 111 o\lllel~I"1l Q"Th e Ihdlllll E Il.orlllUlltlCII& atl Vf)UIl lad ep daugh\cr d of,FroUe i d , ILli I1I1~ t1111 tll •... II rick Ho v IUIlII UIIII N0 ILIl w.. _n tu eo'.r .hert~ muu/! \ &Ken IIIIWIlII! t',lie \VU bdl \!vO MI Vf llllulIJli cs of BostOIl wore nttempt II, to "rOss lhe Iy liner. and Ina b~ of IIpece the Lo Ie' thc \Crll~l!d ,II allother colulUn iii IIld 1.0 bo uplGIIoD .. Dlemory of ~hc olcicst Iilhallit lilt' AI ~allrllnd I I n wllgon, when Ihe 1I11,\'Iolle,lller1 followed . Three wu about 600 lb. lour lIull go dOWll'/Ui 10 opcnull m JL velY elllerLII llllnj 1I11<l ., tnstlllC\ lI e d [he I .I I .1 'd I b I r d U $ I, Dl der III &11& mill at tlie lIllie Tbl! b,,11 lnaa The.H .uo\v Nothll llS UlljlNC\ljOClhC lIum \lr 0 IraUl 181e 011 I d u wagun to p ecel, nstant noet but hllle, Ii))!; /1\11/1)' 5 UuCll III lIio IV Iy Ilf tho up I IIdl \1\15 conee q ui;!1L,.fhe pacuu.." II OJlt i llls IRllnUS of tnl~ " " 'Va find thll fullowln l"ollllllu l Cllt 011111 Iy k II III' 0110tie ' of Ihe 1I1t18 Dnd • malll!' aU I slroII C IIRB bcen tl III COUS91111Clle 10iral I 1ft y ,1_ C> ling lbe other that p\lr QlIlllll 111011" \(or st3JO~ nnd hOllce mOlley to educllLe .. he enllnot sur,i~e the Wutern 8 r Ing CArn/4' ... ",,, n dl'OCGle willch mRy thClU5<: h es, we I1rl! III till, placi) the me l'c ur) IIns b Ulln IIJI II CIlU III ~h }' II;t ()f 501110 I\e of olilrvlcel ll d"abuel ng' Ihe public Inllld Ii FFA[R S fN KANSA S c )lIlul)lIO I lll.J UODdl ll'JU-... GeD...... ........ tu IOi ~ III the ~IIII\I" uurlllo the P! S II ill h the IlfCscllt .a to the obJeot of tho myetill ordtlr. We copy from Ihe N Y Herald the IDlpor &aD' MI..... Rnallf.' UIIlCm WIll _ _ _ ... _ _ _ - O,,"-h lNI o and placlIIg II correot earrmlte upOn Ihe fuilowlIIg confirmation w~ck H~~ IDlpUS~ Ibll: LO lecl CODlfOlll\ ubvi Ie 111 llie iutul c of ol,lr abund4n t lid m I eo callcd )Ioed ADae~ • .,.., hi plltfo(m as ""ell by the papera ,lBrSc e U C 0(111 of ( II Uu tiS & ~.t' egrllp I bie luch hOL wenthllr Ill} \ h(te lIulwe e • .,ate h.. ,rom n U nflOlJ, gRno ... lIy. - - __ _ _ vl~ea from Kana.. iq order to meel the relatiYe Cu lor \VI eat II) fbe 1lI1d1I~J1 ot DoD lOBe Bar, - - - - -_ _ t:: \:Irl,und Illcl nut \\I~h II.. 4, bUrlol~ I 80e by your laat poper tblltyou profes8 CUll thnlthe cry Of Mlnery UN STRUOK - .A I UJC pOilly 2,()rIi6r ., In Xlnua l. rundla.frdlll Jlondur u 10 the UulCed SUlI', ,'I[" to give UB (rom authority tbe ·plaUorllI (.f 110 Aboli tion I r Anti tlverv body &UCnJS dl!lposil il 1",ldo 1115 appeara noe 011 at"n Nebr.sk l ahow Lh.t Gen BI\'I'UDdI... Ch= fI'OIIJo struet I..... ' .t, rr 'T 1\, to mllko Q "rLuc of nocessll. y nnd p tlllL :SuIILlI) VOl v e\luollil but nsobor truth y la IJorlllg under V, TI e Herald'. corree I ~ 'IV ~'~r:t cl ~ 1\. IIlonl' on the tllp of the oarth Ul LI c bUi thu \Votoht of 1\1\ me to Illy as olle who k7wurI Ibat Ihe pa pond.nu ays 0\ er alJunull ucc or .. althe caillal or tbe S~te. COII., ap, P ~.l_ U. ~ per from wInch you quote,an d Ibe p"Itform WIIILehead (I"'n .... Territor wl~y theyenl l &T vltb nOI1iln. 1l1li thin tIM mo... ...... on 8 ..~O.\:zlllll for nogu!t .. " Ii of "rlllciplo y) Jnl., 1 '64 t ,vlmuth Aftm p(Jr'fOllllltl~ 1\ lelv fo Its ! pulJUlhe d hili o(oae 110 aUlhorltv I hne couclluded Lo ~elld you a line from propo.llI FLIRT ING lopafJur number uf thl' bl!ltUliful and ele beyond the IRd,vldll .1 ",dltora. who Ilw'n thl. rllr dl.tallt region to let y.our reRdere ueXltlonon or Im~i.t•• ud .beolllie u· I\ot COOOll101l Lo I10JIIIo"Y, IIe IV r~u :llll~ j{aJlt pulll C.lhlll for Ihe Ildle. 'Pe,erlO I BlI~uu 8 -11 of the Uulted Btltel 0' th.I •• .. Ilf ~ ervodlv p )pulftr whereve r rel,l _liS alld print the Know Nothing p.per know how matter 10 t I y.J • No I i"': d • p gre.. l n our enure pen dent 8 ~lf 01 w hi0 b h kllOIV leston (5 C) Mdl<ury 16 dOI\ II on th e Il'n) 0 OPJ)OSILO ~ III l'A 11ll1l1O II IIul\~e I I . I, .. • "p platform ..... OUIl::>. mnn .., of prlnclple I)} ou l hili eVtlr "hflt or IItOr 118 are 1l1l1l'lIent - hi wntonta varlod ever be published J flew country tutIYe H. co_ to JIIlk. the .,OI01llUY by authority of Can tho The amoullt of Immlgrlltlon In thl! lV'y oftr. I"w of Conlllcl icul recentlY }}lIssed to when Irish Jolnl roll "eU 11'11 of tl\o } \)I~ Mil dOIll~ ? "wltbou -II. ( montY t mlielJlllr IN mollte wltbcnlt ot a ,n",10 bllb!ord er '1: III quesllon \VIIS nsked III II kllld tone rnor.I .1111 .reAned ~ a yelr 1111 organ :thUon, uhle. a rmliml Chan;. 18 or mAn and callie, 1. lurprl81Dr 'fhou of IIDother commota"wealth. If'Il ID"" pre rent tIle uulllwfu l II II11rO or e1.l101(~d ItlO$L PO,,!!! fll] S) Illploms o f (hsLross b) C mude 10 It. IIature .nd mode of o.perlltlollS .and8 Ind ten8 of thou.oncla are pOU'llJg aoureMI ea1Jlma adln, In CI. com. . . for tho 'OU III 1 l)de'.oll,IPJII!a~pbll._ II IItLlo h) Ilrup Itltlc trcntm nt.---:/\ 10 \\ lJllt rltlpi'/J\ !.Ill: ml!lnnel _ .. ~noh b) 8ln~o ellle! era und bccome . It II eIHglia llv . . .ore" order, and itl III from &J1.porllon. of J ., .. • ge llt "mllll to I~ 101U It was addrella the Ullion but IJIOnI ......ilion, to Jc ed ' .......lIcea' .MeIJ a_ I II ' . lIJ I purpose bllckclS . ftnd of aim., "ltel r-toptbor III thil IIh IpC of adou II III co.mljllt ted a grll\e ~IUIL 10 the q1uto WJ)lglllwL Q\ c.r the maller u(:cau@c, Wllh U 118 .proc flspec I y .tum 1.lonr, Kentllck y And 011 of o.r federe! Dlon G on£Y'8 Lf,DY" Dooll: rqr Aug\lltl~ 1.\11 tlcill worklllg e eln n."r he lIuthorltllllve Pellnoeeee II I~ seeml to be a purpose lIDlong C)lrUlr rellSOllS, nlc duly to sur cli.~ U Ij.h g lYO /,;1 C \t rehof, r} SI)codll y tunfllllll\ of ~he mOle agod quoKtlo ner Wllh 1i18 prodll.i! t The -:--'-.....,:.-~....number I. finely Iy known but by those who ate Ictual mem prepenle IiHun the cVlu~nt RlI1l-f1l.cllOIl uf Mr 0 aTe It a .llIve Bl.te Wh)) jl8J I reokon I dn Tbere deP~f ::"!':'I'=:h~~: ':~:.::: wa' thp embellished DlId fllled'W lth.1I ample IUP bers of It Ir"dtJr fugltn e from SCI'Vlec 18 olle 01 U k l'here UI may be tJJQIf' who Will 1ft astor" ubroo.1 th"t at 011 the f cllr4le~1I leply • Igl'lIera lJy know whaL ply of good Ib,.p In tbe hterary WIIF ferri.e 0- lIun, tbe Stewlrd or tb. Cincinn ati llaapl,IIi! SIJIll ICilnl grunts ot I 01 nbollL,J tlill {tl~"'CJlIt reqlllrcD lell18 of OIC con ~ 01 H lUI preteud to glvllan expuse of lte I'rlllc!ples ,edr Ih~ IUOUf! RIYer III thl. day of ••Snem.o t, ec!uOIiUon Ind .nd the, hlvo a cow \1 tal,and whlcb "lIIed hh... nil be. wll.,. II. ahD' .... "PJlTOI ID clPe III of we Free sliolild Muunry say I~o IV~ 1\ Cpll e , an .. a committ ee to watch all Imm! 1 felll noL, aL least IhaL you do nol gt>neral lntelli,., aoe I ~mUl that doet "ll~tavn III 110 pIal lilT lIoL a n 1111, not or Odd Fellow. blp hUlII'lo r any r..zi.u,t. gnnll h The iCO~mltl IllrL to Lhu \Vltter CIII" II" Itillont II d fle Ilk each IInml beeu c.urbt, It I. reponld In l h t.ke • good th..,. ')11" QLhcr pto"~\lJII DC tho 811me I1l*luln e """'Illd the Ume. or alil4mlle ,"format ion or nny aUlhorl1i i rlllll w at nn ma thlt " " lYe eOIlSI cr L e con6"qucn~ of YOllr -lIlIeh a wor~ ill • wel1 Itt If he .IVB a .. pr Tfi, Cbic" lowuI ..... ... r of taale's Ilve.dltH: in lOI!ute CnA)j(J by the order uelf, lhe world \;i01V ~II well-he 11081 ;;';;j~;=Mr J H BIITII 1I0LIons You flirt WIth LhlS lady and well •• 1I\II11ufl\ont willch dool Lrll..l tl) Lt Oll izens o,.r But if he folluwl na,.' call',on'~ peojIJe a fOUQtaln of kllo"'le ll" And Ite ", .. I look In vain fout Whatev e lIml, er there pl\\ IU,l\rked IUl r. attenl.\o KeolV ns to Olll! 8ud bpnill'n IIlftllllnce unltnow n till ffllt lind ~'re 'I~~ey turn him b'tlk of OM St~te al,_11 be e lltltl~ 4 tj) th e IUlIt hI ubarry to put tlle(r Me'" 111 tW 1(1u may ~ee III tbe 80 ~Dlleil Know liM ehnngcd III ~ lllllrkct morlllllg li lire so po lltcd III lour uddrcs!le t ,e Citizens l10" a lar,le aud J UBI ll ~ I an Ullme .. lr ,ble whe" e.perl41 nced I nvlleg.. GIIIl iQlql&llll ll,' or CItizens of frolll Wedue LlIl) s nlHl Salurda ) s No 0 Notlllllg paper, I1riu~od III Bu.lo , 1r III 1 ~ne~ I ~J hero 011 Ule l"lh of to oLhel Lhat bOlh bchevu yfm ale s nOU8 flmlly ahoul~ bll One of our cillan, WI' .,tllchl ' wit. wltbout at len It olle _ any other paper an the VnlO nil the States, and yc~ 'he 4)len}ory IS 'I Ut:.~dlly8 1111.1 .F ndl\Ys wlJloh will CIIIl nUILiler k"owlllH of ) our condllcL purporl ng 0 W B d te I~, \\>4B rreBldel lt, lind choler.o to rhe nook II rl 8ntllrd ay,. 1 ...,..•• 0'.... a ,enr} L A Gudy tu be our • plalform of princlp 88 S wllrtls Lhe othcl wille you C u , Crelll ID Lho mmda of nil wh en South hi ompBon. Oll.irIDan of Ill) Ihlt Itlernoo Jl ".elUp~ to w .... ou, cl"z~ns to hl\\ e the" 1110 I~ rru II oherly or th~ mnUur aLYOll uo \lot thmk Philadelplllll moy re ly lipan It. It Ie end 10 Ille noture odin Ite ..'Oft on esolutrOne Bolh oltnem N,,_bro od WII prepered .od nil Now, 18 IUOhnll wlUllon ly "anti m 'lhY'nl\'l tly r, IIr d"l'lf out of Ihe olen-a ver" do lhat right? of tMlIlls will be apocrvph al I vIII un 108 t' e oquenlwpp.eches r tend IOU • p'loetel upon bUll The Ilona lI~f)IJt 1 l1li ..... . , - . Iyadd Ihllt nny OliO \Vho dealrca to knl)/O CyUI'Y of tile prOCl!ei J Jrlll11plcd th" parlor lhe cODslll qhon 0 1 Iinpfor ~t;lRD!I DSrEC1fOR AID BAaX Note J(.e what (Ire Ihe object and AIQlsort publ,cat lon the window l of Ihe modi wheM he .leWI 81r1\bJ e ClInlt:Dlf;moe 1111 hot wellLher III he 'Know " never ollbw, gil e ijl,d II lady olle cnuse right .tron, to t;X relOluti. !.'ORTER ,n ware open, tbe eold alr,ohlr pd \'ltb elteJuly Iflth, I. on our tllble 'UIU we Nothln i' orgD.llflifttio n let IIIIn flillder roo' and dc6antl r set hcr (lice AIr Q Who ~cups evuryth W. a 1(NliA 011 n OlliUlliSIn m r /I bUill geet .lIyUlln g morc th an COII\IllUU SOC I \ IVl!lcu, trlcUy, came Nlhln, In, .ad 't tw euPf'<!,ad e with pluuur. to ollr e ..«-/rullge to the nurelt /I Cll!tV Ind f,Qr .. \'101 cut d etclI.8C of Iler trelison 111m In Iil8b rale ord r, WIll u,",llllr bc L he 1111 III ted A. ' fit there have bee no eonfllcte ota dead maD ""'Ind, ••d"fIIe to lire He it IhliYBUa.ll~dfrjencynd.sl'I~Pt l'nIP]all llnll) IL I ~ IIlltllll beal, ufl1~tatll)'" \d~e IIbva bee" .ud Iben,l 0..., .. d noll.llt • ,. he". 6ol'urc Lllr,owtDg l\nolltel IIL(lJ\c I'ill tim ""II he get the tl Dt'lue·dtlon but a day or two IIiO two 111"1 'bl. lam 'fir W'II It ron .1e,",II1 I .11 III all ee de.lred Lnformlltlon eJ\dll'~ rs 10 I\QCO'IHl\U~lItll nil Ius ew; lIllpoM.IIltJDr loa to devule ~ lIIonhl. u41 A l'RU.& K"ow per.a1l8 "puted will reaboUl' CIIIID, wben tbe, oover nlly Urullto teem It the mQ8\. hlettl1 or a"y 1V0rk 01 NOTHIII lI.r UIY hl&~~ t~e ,,'OO1l sense to get OUL tomurs 'l'ry hi'" .. I"VV O" rll8hed UpOIl e.cb other with -xee o..e II l"l)'lIotai,U' lady, lUIlt IIJ)t gil e he r It I el. " wllb I\hlob we lire P B 'VIII Ie I the paper culled "the eleavlnll \he Ikull olth, "f t' ,I 1i,.8& , nalllello y WliSL CAuse to IUPPQ80 Llu\t II~ leI t Lhere I a It II I'"neu .04 reliable ICqlln nlod otber, and lbe 1Luao1f. 1.11. "!U 8em ftlonll'y Know NULhlll1l 1$ prluted by p'lv"e md. olhel' lIcntlnl r hla neel( ;Jeerly 'rom hi. Imbabil lty ,ba~ you e lllertillD senolUf t:J and MOhthl y,l,J& ))I'u Dolla W.b.ter . coDflolil ID j,,,1 IJI " " I I-bh net \Vha. !leUDCl , ·Y8llf r W Lord. Vidual!, lind for their OWn peeu, .lIrYld [ body thl. cit" .~ of . .lllln, 1118 81)Ib fell d.all vllntqe .1t I. well worth~ of. wide elr Inteullo o, SOlnetl 18 80 constitu ted 1'.l/e next dlY Clpt W.lker or Andrew .1..,.. to w....tea out OD ..... culaUon , beoau .. of It true t\lII'eriuD Lhat gCllllem e have 111Ithl) dU'cel lid u Co who h.d • parly o'or on th. be.. eorpu., ~ TlJe eo.t ..... ~ p uod obllr.cte f WlY, mlldll, el.IID., WII. Interrup ted b, DO ...fBElJnl crblle .peae vancoll to maD, " " lhe vcry t..ct ItleU uf Ibll be'"11111 attempt ... bI • ..p that a genllem an \Uta upon" lady I HI"tory, AnaW"Y I PIlYIioio to pm"e from anotb.r parI, who ",ltendP d to b""", mil'" Ilion Qf lit. QonrDo r or ..... iii.·. . gy ud Ubl"a New \'ork , July 10 Ind IDllrk.d ,b. ...... ohum., when". ren cbar..d tallr rrUIII cue&odJ. pre UDlJIUve '''Ideoc e th'" be h.. In- I,try the orl,loll. K'''''',.Dd De" Dl Thj 11~..t frulO III P"nklln er.1 JllJht lealudld Plltol"" I1". all4l mood.l" ;" "or M n I. derl' tbo V~plllbl. ..t • Y .\(l'oun" .nd will were ~ ,.n leD mlltl were .llIin.knl.,.. ...... C.pl tb Nota aatl JII'(,II.bI1 be 1011 Hpr COIf"" I. 'IIh ..... at W,'kPl'I tbe number W. 111•• 11 II D Fow "\Dill " .ad • halt or dolt.l'IIo lllal II, ,e b. IIII"II, me rilll.1 ..pri,htlll1 D1e. btl"te PrI.. III cI.,lII, Oena_n fOOda, whit:. . . f11lIl thf'1Ip IN ttl", cia \I
-- -
hclleK~h I~,
(~Il n~ ~h\ "Jr:t u-
e-iteht ~'Y ~ ofi ce~.
:dltl;~!~:~' N~:~~~g~OWIl ~~I~e :~~trl\f~ll~
~I:eJ:~~~~~\~U~~:I~' ~c!: ,..~=
Tr C
1.' I.
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,Vo aro. aulhorl"ed to nnDouneo ".me. 01 the lollowlng gel l le mon BS on Ihillles ror eleotlon to lho rOdptlct ve eel """Iell .nljol\\ 10 Ihe dae ldl on or I WIII( N uminlit ng Ele ctlull PROBAT I
\V. D,
11 11
CLER/[ OP Tllft CuunT SlIIt'l'8
TODD of Franklin 10lvnail lp AUDITuR
1.... 00B KOOliL£
ra elec llun To Ibe VotClfl 01 Warren Conn \ Thlt underel~ned annollnc e. hlmselr /Ii • candld.t e for Olerk of tho Cuurt or Com mOil Plata at the ellRulng 0 0\ .bflr el,o\lolI Indfpend ellt or por y 1I0mlllftllon, lUll re Ipcotful ly .oholte your ~uflrlll'''" GSOIIGt. W FROIIT • Lebanol l ]lIly 10 1811-l
350 • 30n 35 0 o OO r. ",OOe
til d,n:
1P un
I unJ LUUS8, 11 II> PIHntoo. 111 bu
60e AI·ples 11 bu 1I0e du Dr ied 1.00 CI lallell8 " 107. 1,50e F e .the r8 , Itt, 40 RIO Coffee 11 Ib 15c New Orl08118 Sugar 'f I. 4I! @J 7c lU'lpJe IIQ 10e New OrlelillB M.laBle I, " gal 400
Ho IS8 Moltl8seR
lIhple 1Ilolu..e8, " gal
125 e
110 Ir ~ IJul de 11> C\\ t Dulll1r tl 1b Eggs, ~ dOl
CTl1B -or Tna..,... "
It N
O ~ II
F S V~ !( H.utlitIlClIII for r~ el"dlon
Wh e~t
Co rn
".LE ltIUlK F. IS
con n eCTRO EVE RY IVI ~ Jr
SU Il nlFF
I ul(ul
;=Z"'F' WlY~E.n
Foa numero u! reMonll, Illoro Inter.t-
to mn elf ~III," tq ~lle publio I hBve wlthdrtnrn ftvm 'I'lu (jIfnitU of tM w••t ,lid F()1'UIW leRTmg Illy p'nrlucf ...
P e pper,
1P t.. , 1P ..
~,Ii. Snit" bbl, Flax Seed" bu • K IIl1lwha ~Illt ~ b.
80(!t87e 19c 19('
.,00 I,Slie 6'e
Monotch. or.lI Ihoy lurny ,
Fl,ur- a" 00 Provl.\u lI. -
1\ ('In 0I.,ly1l4 ~tlnon lid". Itetn IS
Pia, NIU W,II,"" the Grst number Men Pork t12 00 Qf willoh "Ill be \!l8 cd In nbc.ut two Tullacc o-No IV. 1I>.21io, loS8 Cellll Ky six tWIli1 ~ II weekll, ",ll be armll"" to PM GelJlu, 1M Wid· ill . i.e "'rtlUgement, Rl'\ce 8l1gur-o i dJ lila (or common to prime apPelll'1\iiCe, contnnllllg 31 double e.1 Grll ill-Itye 50". n.rley 1i3e, Whee UlRn (lRges of mRLler, WIlli A Btcol en 81 00 Dorll new 4JI iraY'I'1; In "Bch number Rnd ()()C;1 ~tonlll Moluee .-OO ct 220 jllUceS of mU81c--a1\ Qrlb'lnat plqu/lnL, CotleeJIll 11 to rnllepentlemt. rMNIl l"ernry mllgl\lIDo O 'lee~e-8c (!t9 _ ,plrhed *or~ for young lJelltlemen SOied-C luve" 16 30 and 11,,1101 lUlil A bi\ppy chllrnote~ for tho fl&Dllly If or,er. tllfee 1caTS exp~ firm rtct\oe ill worth anythmg. we IIhAIi bo J.llrd-8 t Ilkllly to mllke TAl .V'i11 Wdtel'lt 1\ IU j>eflor .PJlbhoat.ioQ In wlL\tdr 1I,..,lg ftoIU t1mifU til fhl Wt&l,. cbUfae "hloh dUly pnlmpl",d 'Wit hnve SIICI tlla .11 Lhe I~bor of milt') 1\ wlmry 1111), bu~ ,,",111'''8 (/lIth olloll!;h 10 thoS«J who III~o .ncoIll'tIged u~ 80 nobly "Itlllll Lhe IML L!,re41 ye&l'l to buhuvu thAt Lhny Will R9t f\lrilllie ~tt' HnvlOg llllicn" !lepIU'lIto bnx III tho post, offico we .h ,II III future glYO our .lnolL 1)('r801l1l1 RLUmlion 10 IOI~rlllOllt to UfI, Rntl it would II. pteMU" , to heRr from Qur frlen II M
100ft •• IS COli W'cIIIIJIIL
r opl c
ohhl! lka" 1.1\ lent of 0111 0 UIltry will be (onui! in T/tl ,NeIll ",' If/ern Tt:RM!J - 1N "IH AlYea.:
1 copy one ytllU/ - _ . - - " 6 coplel one TCar Rnd to "g'L free
1 00(11
IIIX mooth", - • • - - -
.. oOlhel 11% monLhs and one to Rgent _\:1 mt>nUIII, - - - - 300 ~II urJll'" for .. PI.. N'liJ Wuurll 10111 aL Ollr flllk I( addrt teed HOWARD DURHAM elDCU11I
"llablill 10.111 Wilt 1M T III~ by ul,ward. ol
.1.lted II 18~.
SO,OOO Peo ple ! ~ J e YOU NG LIO" "kIRK.
,tI, P.
PlU1M1UJt1. To ~hc purdon . undlllg UI Um .ubacrl bers !llld 11m duU1\rs, 1ft tdthllon to 'I'lu
W.w" • •.ville~1
W'ut.nI frue Cor one year. W«l Mild by reL~rn of 11)1\11, {lo Lopald, acoVY or It Fern ti!"vea," (Illicond lerle3') by IftIlUltRblo "uthoress. Fanny reI D
I Ilion nal' .b.k.. .,.. 110. d.hl< dro". frolll Iii. lndn• • I ~Illvo, a re~ ~ ,Iar "III 'al illoned ..
R 0 A R. ..
~ '12
""RR IS. co. h., It, I.re••II.11••...11111& tll.colllh ,u. ,h.it !'re'.n,
olr '''ear ellUr. ..took A'1' 008'1 '.
rer.OIlI ,... hln, 1I~.cJ"N' .... 11' I,lu •• taka c.;.rn.r ::lIor. lSllI" ul Ihe 21-,f Jt~. O J::L.AGS WnYlleBY,lII. l\larch 20 18a'
no lice
W lSIl ,brol\ll"\ ,h..
It _"iltn. II) Inlow, nlY nld palrnn. a" Ih ~ clll",,", 01 WaVlleavlJle an.t vlclnily II ftl I lUi . tlll 81 t\ .. old eland II I tobl" .lrllll re~dl III '"pply Iloir
,,!til erer, deMtlr ptlo. of O"ot.. 8110e., of t .... Io"ea' .1,1••• nd or .~~l ...'erl.1 die WIIII,e" . mllr"•• rord. A U"r "'Y ....ork r. manuraclI/rCld oar. IlIldar my 'w" Bupan •• lun ....ry lIIod. bl' me I. w..... :not o All ord.r.
r •.~: ,!lIlb!1nH be HIIM 011 ,'" .J,on•• t poQIM. ,,""ce 1 b.nklul l.r " .. , 'evorl 1 hope U, 1Ir1c< .ttemlun 10 bu.I",••• ,. mer"a I\b.,.~• • It.re
"I public I & ..Oll.g.
W~1l1elYl!le ~l4rclt
R'PQ 180N INCl ,...
1 buu.. "Il, III ",II' UN Ve""UU,e C• • lUr'lll CRlemel "': !,,, .re 1101
&" dur~bl~
w, ..
.. ,h.
To pr .. ve lit ••11 ..111.,. or Ihe CASII SYS ,v.t aU olhara n. 11I,lhy ,.l. , mull he ,PPOfut to Ill. mOlt «IUu.1 obHr wer ,h .. wblllllle l.. et... ~_der Irlm lb. rulno•• 1•• _ 0(1011 .t......1 liD ch. credH .,aelm h pro""''' ,... ~"'... r from II•• "'luaU, tqioollll I!rofha duaude d b, Mar eli.n,. II eoft. biiat olein. _ted by .. 10m of \011& cndt.. , II &b"', lh.r.lOre wllo
i i'.. 1",,:aU-
IIck" W"m Srrup .nd LI"., 'II.. and lib OiI"e \til" neb bu \be allin, lore or eh. )if0 prl~or 1 ,.. HOll~I:IACK., .. !lOote .IM
lll h..lnc r"".llll, fhlA!d op • $,,11 0" I W."I U'U""1! ~r TII.un,r or CAlOr.u.w DrllC ~!or. 01\ M.ln .lra.1 W.yn_ aD by fLATTau' until fit •• lly 1 h... 1.1d Ie.. ville Qhlo now uner Ih" J>,!Ibilc •• ".llweI 01 rOil I • 10llnl1&IIoD .lon. III 1..1l,,, ana I, alllr ,Ioek o'r P(fItE UI'1I&M ••• ".ed-
J E 1I.r-;'a S
NEW Dl\UG srOK E Jl( W.A~NEH\!ILL~ o. ilE u~d'tlli"u
' ... re Ib.l while they Ippe.r III uenefil vallenl., ,~e1 art .01\1111, la,hl ll ill e fOtlndfl Ilonl fer & of d~lI_ 'IIuch • • • alivll Ion 'II.. of ai/iht, weak" cNI lltnh. el4 In autch~f cotttmn will ... fOund che .dvftf I .., "ftllt orl(qben .lol!. I l\(edl~I. M to wlloh lI. I~"l~lioilllfall dl rtlClLly tnl.reetailin lbelr .owa .. ",ell a"hlli, children . h"hb In LI ..r CCIlIlf1;ala'••",L.n dilOnI., . Id.. ". IrOM 1Ia_ 'I' Ii' bUII.~ Irpe ilaollld DI ... . ~ ,.n"lI\e ,.edlot••, lIolM....k • rich deee...ecI,· bill • • It mf BOOen
'II l8~.
can COIDIlI.tttI
, 1 lh. ne .. brill( Sin", W.ynenill ~ Ma.
1l. laK procl1red _ tof lIIe ",,'eI/r.ce d P~'"," Air t'r_ lue Sod. Follala!nta mr Iha PI'OIIIIC 110n 01 pure ilClda W ••• (\be mfMt dellciou. .u,1 h.. hh" IIrhlk b w _ _ 11ier I"" w\ll .... ,.."1 It 10 KI" .u..r'.clio e &0 all _Ito In dllip 11 will be pr....nd dllnlll U... llmmer J .. W IL CA.KMAJ'f lI'17.... t
"'1" .rol
lclne.. ",htcaed "'nit 1n..,..1 0II 1 car. . . 10 Ihelr "urh, • Id &..Inl •• qu lt lhy\ malt, 01 lbem bavl ul .... n.~laeto!d ••Mt Ttl 'nelr crude " .It I po"'lIoted lit Clnch".a ll QDder Ollr
care SQ Ihal Ph,.'eI.n .
WI kllOW
what ~""
ollOr iaduL"", ,'u .. Wlih;b will no' '.1110 IIcur. Ihelr liberal ".tron~ (" lair .h.,. of .hleb WII 'N now r~l.. hlC I
W. k~ all '!lillli .. nerally d..II In ' 'b, Dr~IlI.-..~r~nlllrl'..lIl1i OU. »1and Ulu.~ Wlu.. enol Llllllora GIllie qll.lhl.. ror.e,Uel~~lP'n ..... _a,.
OROO ItRl]l ;sU
THE a~ADY CASH A ,,,,_I .....nlll.ltl 01 "" betl qU.llty Ibw ..1Ib11.........l ~ die Itr.lII_ i Induce a_ _ will be k...... t .... row..1 prleee .ud.1I U- who 7yh m.ror ..... oar 111. .1 . ' 0 _ u-ka 10 lbe cit GOODS; .....I ,,*IIyl1 , Ian aa .. IlIae ofdar W.y_, III, atld 'IIrroan _It DI" OD .... f)' doll.. l.ll II . , ooua for ~ 11*'1 Gf P.""~ c." .a.~tfill~ ",..dr ,I,en u It!! 3aI UOK b L. HoLCoMB 111,. J " W " CAR~AN
'.r w.....
...... ... ;;I f:.liI
.....,... i..
1 :::
lI! :IIJ'lIt
... ~ ...
.. ... l;:!
:I: lit Iii
lIUlDIC JNE8. E KEEl Ibe be_I or ,L, d W II AI :.rc lon ni e Iiy Ihf! I rad. ..:f. Killor Poln PlnQc~, Han l• »alill1il O.n ~ M~dJohJC'
PV&'l'IUL..-A Jl."lIul Joong lentle~ !MOl wblle &lOQe 10 a .III~ church. &he ut'IIit aadtir &h• • InGuence of hi,"I, de.OliOD" (te1Io,. dell,.red hllllMlf 01 tlill 'pllot_JD, _lIbU... ..hleb '*"1 ~ .DiUl .ad wl\. lb.a .,mp.th , rol' IIIII' ralJeII roce Iltand 'pin, Oh ! ..criid f.nl. Deneatb thy tOmlt bilb.
11</ J\1ortl hcn 1. Ma,"e'lc RIIII.r, Chrli,~, Oolvan! Curalwe , )Y'~III'l. Dillen Vtlo t"Me PIll. LI verwoft IUld Tan Ibo bei' hll( I III JljTa III UIO SIulDp.r illa. iue RODE. R'lS. BRO PENS f PENS r r IT ACK~N &. CO S oelebr.Utlt ZU'Q ud J PLA1fUt. J'K~d Iho be'l 10 Ole In arUel. 'hI' Obee 110\ eurro!lll aDd 1•• 11 al" 01' eq~.1 10 lIold ~IDlll (), ••• '111111 P' I"~ '3 •• r".. ~O cle I er lio~ell two lor!\ ell Fo,..I, wnole 8. 1 ~ ftnd t Qln!1 "1 RObER' ) S • (lItO \VaYItOHVi ll e Juno I 1863
Conac:lou. lbat all,
E Ct.E(jT i c LINUlE NT.
SAlg by sl110
to Iio Ih e lIell evor 'Man If.olur~d
ItOBER1 i3 ..
S. . . . . ft& NIWI...-cuft' had been _ wl\ll the An and .'D. ud ,.turalDK ..... Iila .....r eaked h~1Il wUet w..
'Wb" ......., a. wbeol "tllll••' 'fIt.tlMtan. CuI[ ~ 'No, ....., d. toqll' broke too.' ',v...tt .... &hI ol~n ruD •••", '.J'.., ••-~ aad IIHl dli nl,h 0& • 'Ialt poeai!illt. CdI'
'Ad", 01' 4
\oO.ID.... I
''Iou bI.ck rUllOI, JOU ba.. mad, I par Up, ,..41 thlt il the nucm wh, 10U 'CUll!' baCk, wb, didn't YUli l"~ lila ~~
m....• 1.ld Cd. IOntulllal wool, 'I 'apoll d.t on. w""l broke
IIclhJ vf lteelr Iqdl.ldool,. "Ithout PfO uri aDd oaum.'
.....iq ioto d. _tin .lDIo t
SUlLID B.uru PuDD'ftG
A.1II'I.ut W'o.u......... iIri lti'ald. Fr'ed. mll~, PQ& .11
fie." .. .th.,
"-1'0 /I '1uan
11,1It far,. "pIIIJlllul.
141 II... Smith to ber buali.nd. /tOllr, aDd 'e" l poullrul oJ nit. bl)ll," hour DeYet II dl.ho"I ' • and a hair 'Ab' wll&. . .II.. 10 a tblllk .1' Tlil'II,, 1 'Wb,......- hlr ,"ID Ipple. lu pra to bl lI"eel pa.. ror a puddlna--DcI will IOU It,! O4IUOted 0 . .1' \be quart.ra••ad oiIl,
~tweat''''''Dj' "AN lod rAn 'OU .1UIu.! rlrbU' 'Y... for L OODIl&ld thlm o..r li.... carefull, onl, ~lII1WI wile.. that odaer q..-rt,er ill I"nl. Tli. WOItIt lalall or lnl",••" I '
B• ..., w.. wllbovt • • Ob" .eltter. AKIIow NcrrBl .O,-'L.t J • JIiIow !M&hla-!
'Wllen t
·WhY.OD the XtNeum liep' ' !clot Jib" -Wb,. hi I~ked hke a 111.01' No, bat .bat did~e haYl 0111' ~1Ia... ~ IWbll did
'Don'& be • roo1-t.ell m. bow IOU
&baa be "".. a Knqw Nothiul • ·Wh'......id. • '.Did IOU uk II1ID to '111,0111 'w.,. lnat t.uk.t4 blm wbether 1M dn" l .Ispeuc a.,.... h.
~ COllI
nothilla '
Ji IlianaL ~c -Tlie }kat .specl mIn of onganaJ CritiC11ID we ~ver heard
ORIIlHB A.D'S ."GlfB TIC PUJ~ TEa-a 'hf ar....., .araQI'....., Plin dilllro,. r Ip Ibe ",orld- , fr.h •••1, kepI COD"IQII, on bind Al...1. Dr Traill. MI,netlc OUlt_Q I II ROBEa-I '8. 8RO
'UI&'I' II
Uo.nlffl lltu, ..... GEN1 L~N 8 doeMViae • Fo r .. I. b,
l H aAItRI 8" oe
I&W, aoo
:=or" bat
ncK )
b. . -1M Dlluo r",rex ,. "ltIrPA LLIlI.... pKING POWD~" N IIlIca Jl.III ..... UIU.. fot ~ uti 1111",," cu, '0' .... b, I H BURl S. Ge:
t'L~X IRHD ~... II ~ ,ulHiorlber b'ln. to dIe.1mil,"uI80Ia." of LI •• _tad It!!
qo 011. ,(lUll! Dr W'raen ille I' die ... .... 1':..0. .11. enll d..a,.. III .......... III
'nlUtlnlo f • ,.AX SI.o, far .Il)llb ... will .. ..,
lfIIeat. al.'JII. 11",_ Un /I'll' ••• III. "h'.~ _rtt:et '• •• ."1,, I D DAUI
1M ••.• ri~l .
'VOLUME ' 81~NUMB~otl
j~HOL~"'" N1H1BBl\'
. I 'blush now to reu1\!lIlber. I whispel't:d ;rhe n('x~ d.IY 1 relurned to col\egll. ere"Lurell of amiles Rnd blushQs. sofL II peck. mllMur e over Lhem. so ihat the as~ia\llni in laer cllr: expectin<r to complet e my studies in tones Imd mt>lting glances . bUL their cow could noLeat them. "My so~." sRia t)la duke was 'person, of l.\le Utlke.Rnd landlord was ·ur~ '.mt lind hi~~l)rabl~toYou nre very proll)' I' anoLlu;r year. Ayearl how long 1\ Liroe beauty made no fUlSting 80 delighte d with ihll ster· $ho PII'wnb(f 6rst nne dre8i-s hell an. .m~res~ ion on !.~r. L .• wben be reLumed • . "did yol,l ling worth. n~d Nevor wns lillOI'll sruprise d than when t" bo ab~cnt from the boloved Iloneaty $lfLhe boy. LIIl\t otller- tben ' anc:iLht'r. to meet hl"dA.. blling my hearL. Mine was an !utellcCLual give the potatoes she to cl. the cow," "Yes h~ OI·der-ed. 111m to ,be .~nt t,o ~llo()!. ml\nd; llmly ~'eplied: ' wb\) WI~ to me. I felL benceforLh and love-ye llming at'l.43r ~ometh A PUtt Y FOOt. l'etuI'lling each eveDing 'foot mg illvisi· sir" .be replied. Lu.' tho merry "l 'know IL 1' . , and kept 111m t\~ere. p~~vldC)d f~.r I\~I hll! ~oary $nd hel~n lIick C):om fore,·er. whether she returned my lonl blo and holy-so metlnn her u~aY.i1g above the or· of Ius Aye I lod Wl\8 hll llulolu~ C~~hilr ly 10 started. I QWJl bnd expenfi(! exor not. the nucleull around wbich all roy dilllny standar d of h.!lDlan . • Th.,..'. millie In .a preu)' f"OI, m:; elforLl to lind employ in"nt Thelt desire. set somethi ng wrong, pooled and a he !!ilunt; v~ry eOllscioU>! blush-: tn ill· Lhoughts would revolve. I need not SOOIl r And w,lllhe ladl,. know 11Lh~ , te',!",pt!!r mel her;' wh"I." Deed aparL and sIIIlcti6ed 1\8 iL were by Lho went to the blll'n himself. to' di~DI\nt glllnce-f\~y thmg. rather thl\n 9ny ho~ ot'ten ber sLrange and unsntis· Artlll~r was And .h~ wbo hia. I prell)' ono .. toil' .bll. 10 young Rnd 'fairt' She hli't!. mysl.erio s of Lhe mind. lhls frighten cool ed "I, when know he IL I' saw him go . out, for fltct<~ry nnswer tormellLtHl me. 1 PCI" ~'r , 11 p~u" lur. io ollf~w J11 , .on~. ed ahu~d~l'illg away':"'l\od parted with MlUe WIIS no~ a love 10 be revealed expecle d a Whipping. ' But no 110I WIlS pUlled . but I hnd plenty of ceived her repetitio ~"olIJ"'" AI tbnea )'ou, too. Ire nlulyred by n of the Slime words, ill Lhe t~lronged circle of gllyety ILUd he ~ the n:mallld er of her "ardrob e in\lluLice WII9 tAken time of to ~uru Lhe 'm'n tter'in my mind. for her remcnlb eranoe .the joke as he,cllllud ·1111 'nl,,"llil lle ankfe, the timll she lUllt fashion. it W/IS Iwo\fed undernenLh Lhe it. ding her un~ercloihes. until ' 'i1le ' hn.1 in 1\ fOlY dllYs I returned to collcgA. I USlld Lhem before; lIud T.ha~ Ihoo\ll Dn arrow I!lfOUglo the "yeo, this then \VI~ Lhe bending heaven; ",:I.l en thll perrect stilTS Iitera)lY' nothing but hilr ouUliUe dru ~. Soon tln;re clln clime .truly II1'Y II sno,,·st it was orm, Lile ' and one problem punishm Ellt for my inlolenell. I tortur- were alone gazing "AI. .II lU~l'rte4 100 Earl,.;:. 10£\ Cor ,b er \llly .. riilg; thll8 _fiabtlng ~Wl~11I )lGUr -''''.rLlo ,rankle. u~n U'l. h was re- when it pasRed ,nwI,Ly.\ho snow Iny plied oft'~ ","illh, thruugh out the term. gave me cd myself by bringing the whole Bcene wl~h \\le enllrgy of diapall", tlie moil .. ; but oot in &<:orn. in pride. nor Of ~ufle YOIl lurn ),our go~c IISld~. in deep drin.s 011 both sides of tbe road. most trouble to §olve, nnd cost me most Rgaill IUld "gain to memor I Jj~ , al1&~. I" y-my pas· anger. by that hi!11~ thou~htcd girl.- ~rLh~rs~lIrtcf~ " .Curs u nn 'he unmllnly,,!iend; _ A'u).11 ynur lIIultoea.• line, lhougllt . for scb~lthe next morn- . UAlul HioutlLe dccllll'lltion of love and hel' pro· Sho would a.qk ~y (ncnds of bclp~Qg ..IUle Caiut a.lI~ lup-my ·Y.m - Ill&, 1118 httle 81ster on 1118 s~ed;. but when nelamll tlon l\I*r( ed '00 ~., 11 \..Nhe l"or w~1l )'ou knQ" .ho·. nfll aWArD AlloUJOr year eillpsell rre I roturlioll yoking reply. 'I know it.' .of ~ne 0(, Eve - f.IN'lt dll~"h'Thu duucc pfIL!.tyl bui she bosougl lt me-lly e WILh he Mmo IICllr Ollt;! to light , the 1,nl',J Her .kltlli are rai'. cd 'a Ililhi, ' tho deep dnftS. suddenl y tera ,Ill 'h~ reehne~ upuu a ,couch weI, with hotnOll llllagl\in Slit in the village church . you dol' thought 1 sometim es. 1 would tellrs she besough t me - Lo spenk no t!le s!ud overLul'I pilnls hor struggli ng bl\l'\( Dui aholiid YOII 111i1l~.be mllllu, porch.n"", My liersona lllppoarimce 1ed, Imd Elizl\ \Vas bu,· \on~. : .She wu but 18. thOlljlh Irolll her w~ meanwh ile tlULt I had possesse d the ~it to bave left more through the grlthel'ing' arluom. lIJ)qn tbe . lIavo liD I lOOI.ned .eher, of love. I obuyed ~ulr. 1 fled Tllld 111 Llle Nnow. Asthur somewh at III~red. sprang to cl1re·won'l ,coumenance ~'Ie ",h(l woulil rock of ~c,8pl\ir I stIli 1V0re ~y II llttle more uncortal D.' . , Yuurlill'~" ilCll iG JIl!I)' Ih.. \.art from , .llIlr presenc _ e.. ' I mlllg:lcd once Lllke h!lr up I\lId very ic~dorly hid her thhlk her at leut twenly.f m'1u~tac)le.. it I!' ~rue. but coaL·tulls . I often ',Von.dor that I was . abl.e to roor~ ~n Lhe ive. ·Het 1180111 • WIII,I; , I~ IS ~be old , alory.. The -pOor' ..;. Of i1lIlIeoJllad),'. wall,r. busy Llde of bellll?' lind back Lo ~he house. But bl8 father 8too~ were pot. or ~d noL seem qUite so long. atudy al\ tl1l8 tllne. for "~ WI18 Lilly D,,&l1e; .he · wa. of a rl!.pecllI. ~Irl Grace. oo:\lluful. Ilmb,tlon entered my soul. up at ll18t-so ld soul and. body' Wenlth I\t ~he wln.d~w .and sa'," Ibe "hole tra\l. - bla and ",elllthy IUId.l hl\d left olf my SPUl's. 1'jluullb lanl.liud till be II cr~ae<l rami"', and lille muat oLh lor gracefu l GrMe, was never absent from oame ufon me unexpec Unrtortun~~. "RlU'~ It ?-.:. tedly; and the uctlOn. My mother and I were. seated in our my thou"hi 8 - sho had ~Iark lliiod wilh wild'"II .. nelnl, early billet bya eruwd 0)1 become the voice 0 nraise beoame a fl\mililU' sound, plellSl\ntlv.Next morDln g Mr. L •• s,".d er fair one. • at Bome pioua per.on • · · "I'll o pew I\nd I ImpatIe dmw . 1'''al wh~hiull £901 Ilonl hi. brnln yo~ to sohool b' tl1l8 f ntly · II d .1 1 I 'returne~d at 1"8 t ., t l ' awaIted the dream of my bfe-Lh e 0 ~ect 0 a tIe 'I ' A I r ,~ at Ihis Ilri8i~. wi,,, onll haud t~" h • . ~f ' I'k" A -'l '''It I Ie Impres 8 0 r mornlllg d" d mlr"1 IU arri;al of my lov~iy ~uigm~. I tried to 101'1. .& IbollO.llti ",ah_ tlallolUIf. mon, I , you, tl~ I moat avure. r.lllr WIIS ,,- d r ' pu.~e-et sollnel.8. whi.c h h~d till no~ been manho.od on my brow.an d sought " "nllgs. . ." . Il1~lr ofttlt~ < I Rgain Iightc(~. ~e t1\ough~ hia fl\th01: "1\8 e 0 tllese WD$..Ii enry D 'I'be wblle il merol, 'Ii,bll), ',,010. prepare myself for: , dI8.p~01ntment. ' on vanoua I;lval beauties . 1 the bt>lng of my .dream s.. eane• .• gay yoUll1 fl . very kllld mduel!' But ",.hen they clime min. ra~h elld IInpetuuu.l. Ao illuu.Mr.... It,eina, ,nove 'lt"rhave ,!>een &1linking nnll drc,aming' study. howeve r.and 8tudy bard, !'u'd One by olle . She WI\8 dyillg-: -Consum ptl.on-p ille, to the dl'ift,Muddenly th~ 81~d 'Ne mod., wiln '!"ould dar. Ib drOliUl about an Idoal.'· I Il\id to , mysllJi; at the eml or the term WI\S over- hilI' ndm.irel'll • .meetlu, WUh. nilIl1lI'OUrDj!epassed .. A Clint>' 'J.'tln~B 1'>"8 l~ TIJE 'W f)" llit, t:XJ\mlD a· gbastly Consum ption was laklDg ? 'Jiore Is I I~g abo,. 11. IIWIlY tUl'llcd. a.nd he , do~btle88. when &1le young lady heraolf tion "ith hi~h honorc' buned m Lh\! snow. 'lie III , diallonllllued Ihelr vl.hsl QII~ 8.e\'I'Y -A muoh to my doar her hold on \lXistell'ce. 'l'Lte ~cfl!rmcd /lh·l. len y.ellr" vltl, Ill- t her W I"), il "Yo';1 must. lellrn to ho!d 011 buu .. r beca!lle her ollly .\lltur. , "PPC"" , all my fine imagir.i ngs will mptber' s pnde and joy. 'fhe courl~hlp orolllln" • 11' (J(Ki..iu., Warwic k. Oral\~'" BUI Whlll h Jrl,.. aor_ ilIe Ilree" . and un6Ltin g tenemen t was Yleldmg to thull ~ll1s." SRld VIl!lish"& Mr. .beru oan be no donbt my fancy . .I dot"irmi ned to be wiser when L. " I[ YII\l ~ c :\n had proceeded fOf one Jur, when Hllrry , clluntry I Now Throlil" ",Ind., ond mud altd .apor. I saw tbe impullW of the lIOU\. York/li nd was !tunol IIn 'I' 1 sllllll draw you:' And . he qulOUy lIIet a friend who had Iitely hlill bee~ playip" trick. willI ' me. inYe,t· Grnce again- to discove Jj, .beer•• , accld.nt you ,"ce been nmrll.'l1- three day' ••er\roh. 'J.1111~ ~illtll"lo"l1 r beyond doubt . J (lIMpin g her wI.sted haud. I ' rolul'l1ed to the ing bouse, a rpeN IlIavl1Ig couu~rY A.r~bur mlUden with trlUls- if I were indlled beloved . IJefore I com- over &lId \¥~ "1\11 d.. lail their "oll~"l'iIati~ D. lIew balll 11£111 lboy la"er; , Whig' says: Althoug h ~eepilrin". tlill her in speechl ess agony. She to geL lJut I~S he COUld; cendenL grllces and charmll. . . IIIId .. it .taptl upon (\Ie walk, "Well Jam'ill 10 yo~'ve been ,eninll miLled myself as I had done bY .IOolish raised her eyes to mine. . h w'" continu ed by ' ·bundre d. on and III those "Oh While 1 "as reasonin g t,hUB with my- speeche s. I olucken fot' dlllned elllcl,en COl d ,I. Amon,l be lII'",wd !O 10101110, ' . ' " mnrning. 8n~1 soon ' tra~1 of cmblem s or Ihe aoul. ' I r"Rd dinu~"'" shout.ed A.uthllr liS he aelf Lhe young lady apptllU'ed. leadiDg reLurn· manl" '. : Two !'ORul,l, .,eo l..ok up .,,01 ••y_. In order to "tiefy myeeIr on thia tbe Iiollred ~ffection of y'clln- the , . the liLtlo wlloourer "'eu fouod; wilh ra. long ed froro schOoI. finding her his fnvorite qld ~1~Live di8h wit~ ktndo~ care. , ·'Yel. and !f you would do wllely, do newed "igor ' ~hoy pt~ec~t P?int. and perhaps ..\so to gratify . ali~tlc amother ed'llmotion. ~r a ". wII/I4IIr 1M •• ~hl". !" ed Lb~il' wiLhered hearL: on the Lable. 'rhey were 800n lIel\ted. the Mme Wonlnp l'.l8 an "deal, ·. mdeed.1 my plqu~. whlln I returne d I ." ". did noL gO,lmand ",bout OOl)n, a joy Cal abollt "Henry ." ahe. saId. lJu·i,. wuuld (1 bent lowur io I\nd MI'. L . helped Artb~l' to a . largo nil lady l\!lnlt mo.t clllltmlDg rememb erance . did not melhat.ely to Me Grace. .. Bllt 1m I nOI tOO JoulI"l/1 1,111 Hen'as my (celanl8 catch Lhe fallermg 1I.one8 of bel' sweut platefull tlll\~ 'he IQ)iL o~l~ w¥ fOIl~d. I rlbC)' ber • Hb'DI~I'. . BUL Just~, he waa takl1lg up ry. gin to do jUdLice to ~be beautifu l reali- dictllted but wait.!d till. at Illy motber ', voice.) "I have lovod long and fervent- hili lmifll found her ruchnlDS' bet"41cll AIl\I bcic ~r III rtrnelll"" that and fork. b,s father took. up 1\ , "~ok a' me.~· 1~,ld hi. friend, ty. A, 80ul full of tendcrn e81 and sen- lIummo~s, she spt'nL an cvening 1'1 IIll with UI. Iy:-( fllel that. I am dyi~g. . I rejoice large howt that "i~h her IleRd' relting . tbe poel Is a dro.6D1"'1 slbili~y seemed to lanve (oun~ Il 6tting Kven then .. though my '1 8t~d ~~ h. i s pll\te.' aud your.junlor byellle year. ~nd, 1m a hippY' . heart was full of at It. Earth wall covor LllIlI ,w~ted lind turlled lI. _ whal "Iber. II.. qUI _, in which placu ,Ihe had .ritpt:ilU OVE:r -";rthu\' a . dllll\or . -";t first !!lBn." home in 1\ perlloQ and fnee 'of !ovoline8s tenderne88 for her. I " IlIjfht. She w~ awake Qut ,erJ "~k, affuctf'd cooln';1I8. uns~emly lo~m. hUL the 80ul WIll r Ollll'/l h~ look~d ADd_i t. fllr bJdlilm b;iaUIYILnd glile6. up In 8urp~'18jl , but he IQlme- 'Jamoll e.corted Harry to hjll hOlile. I had made up my mind to pll\y a pRlt to thnt promIse d unti beUer which She gave a bnd allll;Ount of her. "anNo "nlll)' i_UD IUN him Irom laud.wh erll dHlLely undllrst ood It. lI e wus "ery . She blushed . whell. looking around and suITer As I migh~. I would 'k ~ I bf . 1 IlCL it out. , .d~rlnga. 'rhe fil'll~ Dlgbt ahe Ilept in a DO change or circums Lllnce cnn mnr hunlfry, but ho did, IIOL dllru to remove or ..o~l tlulr. lahe"chanced to see me, "lid a~l\in ~Inl . There 11'1\.9 a youuq- lady wns .11 pllrlec m \I ', ne~\.ne~,. 8tllying '{iLl! tllll commun i cation I~C ..SJliri~; ObI He~l- thu buwl. bllnch of Illurel,,; the n(fXI un\lvr Il rock. 'rho 1'08i, of Lhe. rrlroily be· HllrrY'a. impeluu.ua ~i'PQIIlltoh wou phil ot UX[u'" sit;ln on Iter (e~tures. my mother at Lhi~ LIme Ij ~~: who dlllLrly lov- ry. had iL been pelrmlttlldl but I ,,:,11 gan to Rbe bad no~hil1g, lOeat duriag', tllt ili",o \ !'lIt. but he ~a~ looking vel'y r.ed ij~iolV hll~ tu Wllll; tr.lul 'very nllll~t willch JalAli 110 iqterllst.ed roo formerly . , ed LO dirL; I ITIUI ql,ite he lIftl and , a hl\lf dayl, bu~ "'~ 'liar-P Ille. ready to conLri· noL murmu r . You were createel With lind unllllPPY charme d .me. . A~ lenJLh h .. burloL IU' 1118 ""P~ lowartl . the houee uf 1\11 beloved 1UIt1 two bule to hel' lunll.wmuIlL. I devoted my- morll tlmn mlllihood '" beauty. ~~wb6rrll!" She i'ald Ibe an,d I d.e~ to lelll'~. ' . , ,i'he .more'I stuuied her Cnco the more vclf tQ hd the whole evoning . Lilly und Kllkell her hand. He WII Iceep· WI" ~o~ frl~"toned but . '"I.HI flliL f'lrmcd-,vI·~tohecla8 I Rm.I bave dared once, alld h~~ "1:'"lIthe r." SRld' III.'. I s :emcd ~o lICe into Lhe ,PU[1l depth "1 never, wll.I p'ut tell,a'lId lho matrl~le bed to talle plll~e Wftl at a large 1I01\k~ the s'wccte9L p'Iin 1 ever Ilxpllrlclleed to 101'0 you, th .., fta"e~d biB.; , the .peck ml\~~ure er soul. I could l'IIVO sW\kud Iny life over the ?OW ~ dUlIIQr in three week.. Harty Wtl'It home .1· 1 811W Grace's dellr. cluUllling. lu~ad WIUlU .11" Sl\W It I knllit down nnd kissed. the pale "glllll, an~ 1.11 n~vllr Lurn . " ~ ./11.,••1.., " , upon hel' no~le purity or thoughL 81,!J8r m~ L1~0 moal b...ide i)lm8elfwltll JOT. ..Pl1llier ...•. nud Cnee. thllt wus deeply pili lied brOw .>f the ~Illrel·er. A smtle of . "J JtIOW Ity more 8~OW nglun •. If you will deed. leL I~e alit my Illld be. ". am ro in , to ,et marr!iId," ' , wounde d. .' : A:l10 .8. . 'h'lI\ earl.hly tendern ess ato.le over her dl~~ler . . . As \Ve .Ilturnc d bome I describe il my .. . Slo'~iy arid deliberltely t!HI old man rOle, When ~hi. foolery 1111'\ bt,:en earned rel,Lllres, 111111 fixed thore - . ,. t · • ' \' ---.. ""' hklll\n .. omen Very ti\lf nUll! lbOr -.nLl 1 alIlled . well. . my Ron. ' sala G Mr my . . L dd moLher .. I 1\ I to Its IlIght 1 pero6lv ed racellu ell Y 0 Ct\"' IIPIf1~ •• "1 . el. SII "WILlI d e,-...~ _ -ftD "llie .ofpelt' '-U'l o o ... .::ft D'Pn-1 on t" DT S. W. DIW&e. . lg tlle b ow, ~ IIlpplI)e \. "vou . find pr6A 'lc u \ allti x nl' I'loB .... een IfeY eyes on bll who ahc WII8 • remo>vlI ,',. ~ ise 1I0d st~p ' Lhrougli'the>OntIm. window And Lhoy bUI·i~11. , 10\1..~ he '. ,u8 . "\Ill. on thf!' -p~ which jukel aro DO~ tier)' 1>leu~fJ'" who)ll ~. ~ . _ ~ all .~.."" Q'- '" ' " . -RolF -"~e" Mill my mOt plllY- .ald."Y lIul ~ '\loy of i() ' ••,........et mar· h r ' i rout 0". the piau.. In A fe~;-~inut.e8 I lIhe her.ielf 1111(:\ , II!, f 1 111' • Ii ,. .... • I' selecie , r d-a . delightf . • ul A~ M"l\!n~~ yem of age. . J (ld upon ., ,-ourdelf . ,-. Alw'l.J's . , rememb er rlel!t Beware -l have lived 1011' elloullh tl .' ...S LIe ' GI'I\OC Denny: and she i. 'hu lovoheR t- foll o wed her; she . I fib ,j b I (. I'" be ') . e"~ W lel,ll 0 a cnrtiage re/Jrcd to A huJe d """ P Roe tJ .s uln ur, ourtlune • tf 'IUI t1 an II ave evE'!' ~ y gru!>ln ~ lilt ,I you 1ft • ,,,omel ~mlltt th most Rupcrior "oun'" womlln I hal' O "iNtRllce fl'OIll the hA~ 1 wou .. In ovu nn reMPiJ~ . . IU loe ma"y. v Ict Im to • .,J1 m.rr IIgil. _ore 0 a ~ "mllow I I and young Tlle,m1lO who!'lot. wlllow~ " .-I holdll tile ladder at hllve J' . ,,\.\)Od . tlacro ~lIee ' 1 "ore ' a .ong lailtid cbnt . 'he II od . • . .)011 /Dust do by oLlierd . 1\8 you .' c\'cr. jn my whole hCe. Imlt wl lh. ft I ,~lth he r head l""llln$ IVI~b h Mark '1 tl my wortIe, d f you . ' Will repent i t rooolilicr ere mDny ht IUlll ntl e . rs " to do IIg14111St t Il ~I - 1U~S~1I Im(!~ III qll II. by ., )'ou r .. . Jt 1': . Ind.· boola' to which aa Ilppllr~lIalll!~ of .' d' o· I I d" lioon 10 think of ~ucl. thillgs y to' ing weeping . Stel\hng 80fLly 18 ... .requen "'1 0 more mOIHh. I8M'tIle h«ve paeae over yuur lea. Lltnn behmd r!ln?lcd that ~ ·hellr,[ an eve ry breezo "ho i.,lItatiur.ed 8t tb, top' of 't lpan' was ge~e~ly addl:d. A moulli.aclle continu ed; ~miling, 'liut Ilfler • her. II.lIIssed my IIrm llroulld • • • •• Conlent ment ia &0' the mi"cl wll., I~ and wl!,spered among I,he branu~Ie.. the ....,. :;:il.e viflible on m1 uppe.r lipI , •• , It would mllke me h~pl'Y ~ see wIii p~rl!.l.. 'Ah. dOllrllst Grnce.her • Tiley were married, end !tr. and Mr •. frillno is to n ouelllliber..... e k~ do not vOlcDt! uftJlIJl U; lind of ihd b~lol!yedl slubmbur~ conIC rl.l IDea ... npi! m"Lurl~J nvY~r . '. JU .. . 91• 9uel l " The v mi' 1I0nei 1 t " Bo· my ROO 'mamed .... , .. ' I v Dllune made their enlra..oe Into the matrl· lilUn,. it,' el4:11 from a dUD-hili , I ,,1,1) f n, ( eny h; you II 1\ m \\ I' tlvote glr d t Iy e~ u II U SplTl ' g my .ind. I 11''' .~udying for Ihe legtll D d B ' I SowBtim -Not quittl Ii(\ fa.,L • .mIlLher.' e ago the ulr.e of ucu~eug i monial world. "' co turtle . 1, b ~rh"I''' IVI\lI 1\ IiLtiu pause; tlt~1l11l"gh- hath .never I\I>I~ o~o meJIl my ~en? :':lte tough' brough t • 1ft 11>1 !.l)e pro_~)!I, but ~~ ~II' time of' which We la~ghili!f a gOlld deal fLO hi~le 68flid in ouo of his w~lk~. purchas cd a co; 'l'he hUlley moon pUled agreeab l, aDd ,.IitLII! i"~. yeL still llltl.r cry~ng, Grace Lur:ued gate take., the belad of tbe tabl., :I;!:~h to W~~~;I o~~r m~~:~"fll~ from ~ person in Lhe I\llighborho~ \he wrile "as lpendln g m18um mer YllelUioll buy ellllilll'r assment . willeh , 1 11'1'11 1I~lde her head lind II111dyoun, COI~P!O ~l\tdl)t1 thernlelv.1 III my father', bUUll4l111 Lhe COUIlIfY. ' mo'~I""anxiou D.lltter.b ' 1 c tbe dat ill a 1111i1an'hrO~i~t'" 1 q I 'Ii t ~I l ) I g Dalktllth alltlleft orders to 80nd It (Q C<ulcca\. . , , "Alu! I know it.' I IIf . 1'1 I b~ . I k 'll uf 8J.lU fnmjiy tlllln n lnutton I'i~ at" itllg" pi 'l.W-to e I~er ml s Ie raa s o u · his plllc~ Tbo",', 80 m'~'y. "b,nqtlt IlCIhlier·like the (olllm'il 1 fllUlld :hM GI1f\ce hlld. bllcome a li morning . 'AcII , e. Uri): \ II C er II P ' - - . -,- . bnnqull t. man~tY-~1 mlDg~e tby ~eavenly symti curding U) nsreem ent Lhe cow was as I r&nCied, in my appvara nco. my ill- oonlltllm visitor a~ my . , senL. dollarl per 11111111111,-W\llcb he beli~~~d mother· s. and -I THB DBFORllIED Gmt. 'rhe learned Pill' did lIot JelU'D Ita Jet. Pl\L!IIC8 Wit I roY,Joys her .... b'lllo illuall. lUI .U!rn lUI ~rrow. 1m alld tbe duke, m~ happel\ iUcl ing to be in dis- wuuld 10011 be II~Y~lIced to IlOOO. filii to impr",-c lhe O! · portunit y . le tIll"l in a dl\r. ' . to mllke. thy ndllld reprovm gs kllfo WU hr\bi1\e and wallr.ill'" · .. · o~ter mab. 1 loved my mo~ I . ' I,er " iD the avenue hed alway. belure .pent his muney lu filiI' "u I of btlCOlllllltf bIIl -' ... ·1 aclJ.~I"lnt~ WI'L1 I I,er. "lid follL In Lhe IIr ker momenl~ 0 OX- . _ TrlJl! ,merit like ·,ule pearl , inaia. an . or . I-h cbildi.h &endtlrnetl.lUld IOODor than I .. ' . . I • f I I ' d ( 1 I ' iii She '·1 espied Wll llltieed 1\ little a glued creaLure. fellow Ineffectually at- cot lei an D8 1I011l1 .. 0 eroulemen t8•• tid .IS ~ MBKORV m l lle"0US mem H Y ve % ISILtlI:~. in t 10 to 1D~,est °EPIl8SI • .. . . L, • -. I ,. oy~ter. d ., tontent to rema!Jl ' b O t' qUiet unl~l I. SI . tcnJ:tin lind ~Ie;;se g f d her plOUI hllart, 1 uo?,urm urlng y to drive the Ilnimlll forwai-d tv lit the elld o' the Year lIever bad d as a rt'llm 0 Illt n. t Ie ulLLtlrness 0 f . erul1le. u ,) We WIL I... nllLUrtl I ."~' Villi a no'" dullar In • iL and, . Ie . an . the openin • ure t, ill s irit -haunt er . lind . . lI\lcuser , the lilY ful calm whicb precede s the lasL Its estUlatlo < ~Jiaoied'b"r ev~ry ~OdRy 10 ibe , T . ulI.g. ~he. !illnced, n. , The ' boy. nut kpowlll lelt; a..d the foolllb' lellow had nnt . ' COli \ tlrsed WIth p uiIL unelle", cable rtlllCnCt!1 chan',\: in m beill' , he top Itraw m~' lire eal.en in ~he f~utcb W h_!'I'n t.u IOI~g IICrm1>1l8. I\n lIuh. IlI'Ib.I" h"1'H.CCshe Lbe eold shl\ll. thA duke; bl\wled out lp In~: peculllr to hel'llelC~ ~~nu~erillg, th~ou"h eve~ viei"lI~ude.and ow eel I thought vn how he w.. II) bea~ ~ .. 6rst. 11"1 ieh no"v,. Alre~~bell, from the grllvo . 'Fli~um. eome here all' gle us a _ w~:ob 1 ~ul~ nOL~lr~1 a w':{d,~o~ ~he han' incrvaeed upeu.ea . The bOUle "'.. 'nt· IgvlII: :t: IIL~~~U~~~~u~!\sn: ::rn callfll u~ back ~o Lhe vast-bl lck HI! ,,110 Ilmv~1 ~ar1l ihe belt hat.· to Lhe to the Iprrsonc c of the living.1 foef thou IVI·T~hlldbeukllllt.' tnlm1U01l1 ~~d'~,a 9 .~~e ~I.I,I~~ .il~ f ' lt I . 'Ilr, k. u Cor d d ie IIlehetineatly and economically, AbvUL Il undo Ilur strok.es of dim lind .epulch aral imattes of de~I'rt. " bo OINtc1 uo... ..WI llel'\l'l...,. wens "" .lIIn. 0 Pl'lde ~'feeRl I~ a gill jd crown""';OOn· Rrt oCllr meq 1m. ' . ~~ , c' 8~~ t Ie !Dlksta ~:hanLI el."r • lWu week aller the buney-m II 10 be inalldib le wlll,re we lat.- playful q d • , . . oon Lilly drollury chl\rme d :,11 lho more tl~ lI'!1 e-opeom g. an~ the .. Id mmeu ~ " co ton n g It oap. 011 b ~vmg l a 10 e WI. 10 I .. eep..,oun. . "'1 hl'·~tI a pun. !lnll ninled.onc... 'I'h--b illoi&ed b" 10Ye and .duty tollllb- (4'0111 beillOl ullexpecned. I " fellow; I'Cllendin • thereCore. not to un-e tu Harry .. Ilfl ,Bdl more ai- tam of olllry ll~lOn Lbe ~hrllhng as IVa, abOul g ,0 01 ;':."'"we" 10 ' The New \Valclung York Tim.' .. a: Ihol"oool and frllil ot ttmh. ;: LO ...me 1 ' JeC' .)'.elf &0 LIllI weekI), p"ollnce we II lurlllg d rstAnS him he wMlkod on slowly the bllaine... "Harry. r wa,:,t ' r18 an d WhIled the Pf\ls, t Ian I/C,, , gl ~ couple of /lew _ ~att War4 ~he murdf'~r of Proaccom- pir·'tion , . s orafter . J"earlll - I e . 1 f .' . . \1IiIOrY" .... mj weekly sins. ' ., boy stili cravlIIg IllS assistan ce. AL last ure.8eS.IO you hD db e tt e leatie co~· pli~hnllll me l~s all'· . Willi Lhe IIhritlking lIenllibiliLy IIl1t 18 d ar k Wld,hbll . • . r. n;uls I. ball rL Ie " ~oq . • CClIOr BuLler hM len &he, ArWlI\ 1 ' ~ ~ " d . .' 1 .lCience 'lel dl no~ pl'\l~en~ be cded in a Lone of app~rent disLreS!l : tie money." "Lilly," Inlwerll me .rol1l \'PIOI~u I?n ~V'er,y ~M I.ure 0 f i r 11' L lure I 1ad "n.lct· d \i'. , ··H HoL 8pnng8.~ftera I'd enc k Ybno lIun pcll owf 0 W qf few ,,"Ila, "bilmla way &.be Uaie by 11lIch amUI\O· 1Ilc&. , I soon· found mY5(:JC • III S ee 'Come here, mun. an' help us. an d~l'ply:'" It'.ort K, .• Willi are lIoln, to be.o clura.."nt, 1.0U an d h' as Nne h\!!l. a-ran b ~nvII e ~bY \8" 0 f po t~u~d • l!Ieni u .~ bllOd-Ul..Lt, namely. painCully in&.e~led il.l, ber. I say p,un • lure as anythin g I'U give l'oU bllif 1 will ruin me,. 100t '10 "card, lllt nleht' levural membel'll or . e ore me e c 18 n van ~b ir of obee"~Lioo and pecuLILion ' Oil the fully. (or OJ1l~ , rec~l\1e hi, l'a~her'l family. ~et.' Ind will liCIt 'be .ble \u .give YOI1 mouey On his eria' for murtle~ ~ c:ounWrDaoea If mI ' nelgbbor~ an' GeCU- atLenLio n with II perfoe l 4 my l\s~ldlloUS IIou,:" le& me fate once more on he a~Pe'aftd in This last silicitntion hlld lhe desired till IIII.' month i. out" "Harry c"oIHcs~ HOti 1I1l· sunhlh~ and II ado.... . I II Ihe an. COUI·t with the cruiche f PAtiOll ~_"biGb was fond, ' THE PIU.CT IOAL l;Heml~1Jf1 muoh IOltER . · effect concern "bi.ih g~vt!'mi! !frlll\t uIIIl"~illtlll8. 'l'be duke went and lent a helpI am an old I mM; the fnenl sOb my . • I'lIfcebled buL III tbe Hot SpriDjp .by __ . The .. hwi ........omv ... hicbinte rflillJd ing 1;~l1d. Somlllimes-l wough' .lIbu I'\lmtllllbllred youtb hllve gone £rome'1D awere:!. ""'hkb I the mOlt e~trlV.,a .. h (lme curi~us metamorphOliil r 01"-:-"7 . J e. 80me ave Artllur M--wI '" like Lbl\t \!I . a brit,lIt ' . more Ulan litlle d boy &)1 oLhun d' • And "$I &ltalo of, a now' . I eel aaid on d Lhe the duke 1\8 they to Ismble .w.lY In I '&./n,le ,nl,hl ,10. ...... at eep' o~lera m'l early , lm~erLIIl.sl1ce. all ",1\.'1 . 18rOS- ,pens I 0 Intbe old French bantomi me.tbe c"atehe'if' ~ lI d onf of wn yeurs I\nd his pleasan ' girl who Aat Dot • d uee I II \h t fllce and trudged I\loog, ,from iii eel t,o ~uniah IS. Bu~ there WM a, rlVlIl. the bat\.le field. darlZ 0 t r 'bow. ' much do you Ilunk [ .pen u y e.. e ,11\.0un o. monll) es became \lselellS and were &browl' 111 III ~n 0 cheerful spirit seemed like R ray of hOILv- yu'H .geL 11'&1 . by lUI for Lhi, job Y' . 1UI a COUSin or Grace·a . who allrar s 8.tood 8Lr"ntrs • - an for articles whlcb wllll .. t a yelrl" "Mid· asiue-a nd accordin g \() 1 tht! Lolli.• vlllu cn', own ble8lled sunligh t in hi' moth'Oil. I dinna kin,' aaid the boy. • in my waT,' from whom Grace received , h.ave e:JR~ere qu::u am." he ' returned. "1 am maIler 01 my Courier . he miDltl/.'~ Creclly y.U er's oLherwise so\itnry dwellin g. But 1 I'm SIIrll ot' somethi ng. ber in tbe ,giddy care. -. as" m~'t.e, of course. numberles!I little churob- y I ~ oar 1n for the fulk s up mOIlf'Y and will not alway. be tied dow .. IDllzes of the COtlHi9U IIncf ve VI a I\m sorry to slIY 1\l.Illta. Arthur allpa· was I\IocQ die not 10ve,1 eli~tlng,air ilL the house lU'e good ~I- "ueQljp na ~hich I..dare4 not. eve$, olfer, They IIIl~e e L';" (~je;t;!~t LO j<' bo(liYd.' ftt ho.;,e to TeDl'I CIIIII !! 11110 Lilly'~ y~. r(llltl, in lIigb lIplrilll' YeritlLble ~ th: by his compnnions. . Htl Wl\!\ a prllc'i- As they arproac h .. d the ra&ioa, ~ailll AbIOib8d my. ,bola ~ ~al.ed &lUI IDIID; I. was IDali r..wly :lUIt sun-Ivo r ~t!' hOllse lU" ,lI,oI . ql;. rrel elllued. (or both were .. l £ acle wOl'kcrd thosu IIot 5pring . mir. ; _tlOII. It w.. "I'f beautlrulj~lh Jealo"!'; buL seemed elt~er. pllr(ecLl1 un- 10~y repnlThn II,:e 0 deparle d gen. cal joker. nud his liLLie friend. were in duko dlU'ted trom lh~ b\.y lim! I;lI lul'CU qlli k tli bllto. lliun. aud !hrry I t't the hoUl'! " h' h bollDd me eOllstunt f~1U' when in lIi~ compan y. of by a differen rl'OlD,UarJ i, poueaae d the patell , COl\IICloua or ~l'fe~d1 IU~llfllren.~ LO ~he eratl,?nA . t "ay. e c \lunl" IC 8 eli rice IhillOOn became -A b' _ hllvill" !lOme unpleas llnt trick played He culled a .ervant C.VILIT~ 1!!I..lI"OBTtJ'~~. . tible in&ere. for me. Never had I , nnd IlUI a ~oVllruign til .. r.,o . by· play of, RDlmOsit"t wblch was eamed t~ eXI~en~ hp~d~:ve~r:.~c cen I rbat :'~. upon °them. If they went to gather into his bllUd, layrng: 'Give _ a CIOIIDteauoe ..hiG~ denoled .~ mucb on ootwc:c n us. Lhl\L LO Ireque'lL. HI'ry ·l"'lnl~ IIIt~t' hi. ":too < . . '. . LIon •• Vl\nce n the intolera ble tbil'lll nutll or berries be would Ci,.11111 I. a !urtune in 1uell, (or I court. IIIlIibil it-. each moLioll or bor mlud "M lo,-e to kill R tlte boy that Groce. brough lLhe cow.' The ey In Lho .. Iueml. WI. sweet Grace, WIth ber ehtld· kes mto ~Bwerl J • Y mope . al IOU. rn ... Ilwaya IUcUedl In life, In. ,II •• '0 ' b". . k 1''. l ' 't' womaD'1 of mind boY'$ cluke returne d to the eve nUll. and WI&II home. II child plabalJ wn&all upon . !" ut t lere are some ml'Ider snake lind throw it around lOme 1 I.. qUle lae lImp ICI y lUI d /l~n8'1'lve 11''' at I . '1 lenlltb " burn. but I b I ' I . e bri Wer ~el in neck. ju.t for tbe fUIli oC beanos 'hem ehaDge t; 1l0thlng ,,~ wanted liclZh "h,o coald . re'I,n ber. . , I' d e,.III' 18n penon I of ~blill" . cou. d tb 001. Its-Ifm . ' this wal a new Iml.orl be'ng y! 1ivmS at. ~cream. When they went to btltho. .0011 reJollled by the ~y. un~-an netell' rill. I\'The hi the ~,. or a O9JTII8ponding, rarn.11lI Dullc or "lIJulbor oll,h not-my whole.1OlIl was ber.. ·Well. bow much did you i et ' stUd expen8e. Lilly, t~ young n "",n t , re1lm. o m,. I I to !Ie oppr~e&hey I onen found ' . a I' frol~ or --bin~r..::;:e beliolde r; in It tbeir 111'11 ilad pockets otlallD . 111 duke. had I 1&r1ll8 .'ecl-ia v~o ~a:adl fled tltd foun~~ of l4elD:nr ed whh the cne. or children • .,.dua)I J • a nale III po II • r;:tll~::edts·t;': or their sb008 wou!d !be filled with au· Lhe • her _ _; ~ .,.1, \ika aa open Up~1l my "lUlIL)" of wblcb "A .billinf.... laid &he boy .an· there's pined away: Hany contrael p e~ty an anae Ie fd C?~m a habit I to' one the contemp ParadillO gle W(lrDi8. And he was sometim es so half of it 'ye." orary, ~Qllall a~~I' (=~, book, I'or bova 1 ~ aad,pe c"at- to m,oke, to~" . fiom tbe morLlti· drInk In and Ibe loyel1 eoapll ' a..d their nere ollen r:outetle an 1041111 thoWl&ltd auocialiiOli1 cruel lUI to tllke IIway a beYI din· 14 OD ~ lair fMe-1 &botairh& Iaow sad caL,ion of 10,nng m~ 1 n a . "Bll~ you lurely .gQt moce than • wlLiloat reLum.. 1 of love. r '~me lOOn bees ye tII....nr. and. by IUIOLhe,r. thlt It w.. more pleu-, of eDI. nor. '&IIt! fill bis bASkeL wiLlI lionel. woalcl be t.b.Io& of lOaeDSi.Ll'e a IM.inj(. coUld lIot ilem or GOD.trol, ,billing ." said 'be d~e. _ t~. hippy ",aaal~na :~.bere was. on~ a creature Lhou htAl 'fhese thinl>'IIlI'\lre 11Illloying. '1 DM! ry' lI til be deRi~d a!ld ravllf. la, bla Gnu, 1boIa1d aad at '&0 0II8.... bo "ould wh~b. ~bg as a whlflwl nd, had sell- led 'ntel1f~t "No." said the boy "itb the Umleat It WII Ind~d,. ltd chllllp -Lt .1 -,.: ~lDg "h~ft "'l'IIgup . leog~h Ardlur WILS left to play alone, thin w recel"l one !tom ~h.r ...a. 'l'h. 11M bow bow to reacl arigbt what was ed me. elllliJstness. "1UI8ure delLtl. LbaL', a' .nd Hlrty,fr om whoae b~a.t ~"ry lI'!d ,ric Iou. . . 1'1 "e~ e t e,lnil.nee °Ll ~;. ;ere 110 or IlO home to hil lrIann~re or Cha,'" 'J. . . " . IOcielioalell wriUea-&o ,.bf/m we n.ry· liLlIe ,i.~r. Dl:llr I ~ot, an' d'ye not ' \hink iL'S Il t ODe eV~D1llg 1 tal bl Ule pl.J.U10 11' ".Ii 011 _ illl!' II( lo,e ".d /lot b.en ~x,e'~ln. I na ura a w~b~ n,n rOlld \ittle Elia,,' was just bcginni g p",""fd blarfrom pa1'100ai -1I1,HIr.; efta . . ...,....... ,o f ~haL I"eet GO\Ulte· (hac;e tang ~ ma. Tb~ to go to ty '" Il0011 folluwed her-be dl.,d 1" ramor;H a. 1Ir-~ time eousl~ WIUlIlOL u~l~e to.~arLhw:~t'l b' ,httlL c~~i- scbool. ,alld Arthur loved ba ••1 polllllllll, the -.ott llAOe ...... be bu.~-.ho hor Yery "I do not," said Lbe duke; "were I broken heart-O R thew there, and ~01l4' Grace a VIlrylug 0 ler gl. IL .rawe-ato DM uJlpopular m•• la . tile Jrl..... . Ie !I\ thore was mIlCh. BuL his lo\'e or "fun." M he mua&. be lOme ~atake. and. lUI 1 be a " to . . it 0111,: ill j",iIOal Iet pan iDd glisteDlng ' ~le IIl!tir!"~d ,... n IUD '/w¥11l be inlcrlt. .dreet ly or unboun~"tl 'P:~~a'a meet- called it. w 80 stronl". Lhat)e wOllld acqaain ted wiLla r our own c:oual.rJ 111..11 of ..... -beawt.J 01 'there ..... 110 hOpeti ~ my \'l1li1')'. l- ClUacled alO ~e duke. aad IIA~ if oj()roe~ lIag "y!ct .moru hllo ~ 10 all 11' Earl, M.rrl... ... I! n eveD overloW"ll hill lied,. and throw tbe reLUrD. I LbiDIt I'U flId io \lie n..r..'i nlowb ich lbose I"ilt loye io tho!MI brigh' de~e, obtlllll4 '" ...111&" TIle iJe' y( U more." eyel, and on nCllll m. beroft.\em~~?~. III' was It t: c:,r: ."eet litt": ___ ' P " 0 III ~ W"" W lirl into lhu eno,.-. II thOle IOC, mueic·b nsatlllnt r P" The boy ooolllll led-bac k Lhey deeenilion went; Hrapl'l nte eclu e ..,.rlenjj ...". _0 ftltD . , tb d It .. III tb bell aDd ordured aU MrlTAUW CB"'~.-F1UUl1 Pera, Iabu' ret;a
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Ilil ed.ea- "poinbLilme tbe penon Utat gavl: you the UILI or .11 ' H pertoII bad'lto ~ Hi. , Olnl (aLber died ...hen ha tbe I UIll· ~ a blisltf~ . h th i.~~~!ny :~o:er IU'd F th belieS' of It ~&I ' 00' 11'.... babe. and &be IA&&er to a ~~;;~~~;~iii course iBle b.d nev"lL ~... ~ elll:& t~~~er~11 &1 ~ • 0 1 A.""b' her band Itnd lik the brigh~ Nali~a 01 e :::.., . he ~r te!elbe '6111911'1. -:. ~tng-tlHI er known a lather to"e. .aYe - plaDO. w,ng al be WIUI ap~,~ .. poIli 11 tie ~ 1ti.ob· feU annll with a mQral:" · I PI .ued . ,hen a~. ~ ........e nqlleNo 5 Y
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\'ell&lJ 01- lie G wasDiLl." '. 0lIl, .'" all my "«omata. defol1 __ II billl '. ,_.L er. b1 ...... ..... , bor.•~'DI~ .....:; .Ul' noo-'" of a ~. iQal-liIIe o.e lIICIIIlbIi, a I'e,J da,. . . . lin. clotin --- 10ft 1 _ &lid e;r! I I - .... ..irried Mr. L' t Arshar She IiW . '• iIe Ye&. ~ .. is -:eiao 1 .... to "UGaI e aaiIl ...... _ III OOW.
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hOl11!d thllt dl .....ccful RUlIIl .. tOil 6r~ Gie'ytu,,"II. Jhclu,lh~1 011 u, 'lh, Frlnc~ I II Ihe dll.4I will be .1I.1I4Il/lled bl' I~. 'J \Irk. MLivII, IUl(ell"" willi • r.,w £l1l1l1lh • ", Ivllett dl ey COIliI! tu oct III CllllUllrt Willa the A'IIerlcan., len the pllUMl dur,n, the 01:'1 ulheIl 1 Il11lliul(, lIIorp,tlver, i~d rellt villia .nll II10rllhl IJ pnieeded Ie. delLruetJon":' 1100'0' 8 "11e'e,1I1 Orman rJ'VID tlfe Sultan 'PIt~ ell-..oe..,... .......... Olt" til. III JlI \lte t.) the. '''urkl"h IlJldlera I mu.l In ihe wllild •• buut • mile dl.lIlI.t Nolin .\~Ie lh i.. brUIllhly WAil eQufilied chidy to lICIPlthl1 the "Ill..., 4I.mQl1l1un or the tow' I Ir. IlJld tow,,"pellpl./ '" Iro ..eUl by bomb "Jlell_, IIlId turcl,". they took bu~ II '11l11 age doll"h III dl~dJl'l'i'~ hlile M their etrllcta with dleln. All Ih, tli~ led tIf tlfUse willi II h01l1 the IIIUer prope,ty JelL wu de.troyed Con~equelll 111I~ Ilot evtlr I" 1'1 ' ellgll.!l'd, Iy the 1101110111.1 luliebiLllnll were lu arc.: (Je ll orul :;lnluldcrd h" d ,he~ frl) RI tht> ef ,)ulfcrllli fur tho "'Ullt or f\)(ld.and 01 clod ~ fdeL 01 Ih u UU'PUIUIIQII 01 hi_ Ir If 'rho 11111 Hllil proteclltJtI rrUIQ lh, we"Ui.r willi luu. of Ih l hlllil h. ~ b.ell foll"w"J by Ihe ollr ItlrOrtnllllta ' lo'rr Win". ~ha C.hc~ 'I'~~ III "'e. I ut the .,:rclltt'st lOla 10 the I Wnll cOllo\lQIlIlIIt .. note was tilClelY~4 b nrmy HI 100IIfft!" II to tllIlt uf hld dl8trnguldh Capt lIolllllM frolllth, OapII11I 01 Brlli.t ed h,lolII I~ Ilr u tl e~trucll oll 01 thut "llftrm schuoller UerlllUllu, atllllllll' that he regret ~ ,J Illu thu L I, ~ 1'"118.11 u. \V eh Ita Ill. Ihell, I d till' ho had 1I0t II B(iltlal, VlI,.el Of~; hehevcrl I ,,"ijell Iu lIeur Ht' WM a mull thore of the Idzo .f the 0Yllne-:.-;h. Would IIIII Ull auulctcll tu '"!l tn dl,C 1I0llolld o( the IlIlInllOI 1110\ to doallt Capt HolI"'l, III IlIv l.l bl s wurlo 111111 \Vllo cU/lvorsl'\J hluch roply to tha 1I01e rogreued tllllt Cllpt 1I0f..; w Ilh 81' 1r l t~ I Into UIIU grllY," conslllted Iy bad 1I0t two JUilt auch, II. h, b~IIIYed OWIlII Duy\o IVlla fU" ' lmlttll~ (o r IfllIl In tllU ·11.Vllugruph ' ulld had at luugth met thllt the 1.1 S ooulll "et ~"IOIJI of il~ dCllth Irom tu ~ greut cunfluence hem 011 ilie Illmo iermll, I. LIItY iot th. New O t lCUII8 rur IlI\lrd~rllI/,Ihl" II III! (YOIIO III the snmo " Illy II 1111111 lI t/ mcil 0 N ~ II Irld 11 1(' \\ II ~ bOlllhprollf A dr ,,,d'ul uHrllY took plnee ilL JClluleh I\UIII: hnude lr bocullwc one 01 hId \VII r:~ A treaty hua JlIlt been conclud~d by Afr ( he ·"av lnll JlltiL IIIIell Ilber"teu (rum rlfl". 011 tho 161h, be tw ee n 11 party or 88110r. 011 ror blglllllV) wlls kIlled liy the Clurs, nllli lIelllnglll!: tu one III thll trullstlUrtll 8 1111 II Mllr"y With the RlIlI8la~ Chllfi" Ilore by few tlruUary ruell !Sevorul heDd~ wero uto. \\'hlllh U\l~81u lind lbe Uillted Btlllel ~u. the otlier rlill QlVtiy olld Itlft hllh I Also III Ih e dtllll \, Cltv 011 Ih e a"lue doy. IIOll,lIlId Dlore Ihl1l1 0110 fllllolV Wft~ brllllllld, h!Rlly bind tholillielv8s til perfect neutr41, It III ulldttr, IOOd II lady t:O\Vlmle~ her bUdUUIIU III th l;j ' treeL bllt ~1I (\lrtuuut"ly u purly of 'l'llrk"h 1101. Ity III l\l e pro ~u llt "'"r dlurs cllmo lip to aeparll~e the cumblltllntll to ao .tllI Iurth or, ~"Id to concede IIl1d 11'_ -11 d ~ffiulllty. eXI. tlllg yet weI,' ll them prout fenrs lire olloorW \IIC.! by ~ho plnll Dlltl Lhe hitLer. mlNtukltlg tho IlIlellhon: Iubllsh tiS a prll)Qlp'e of nllllooalll'Y. Ih" I,hpo\led the poor lllrit a. Itilled !! 8ergOlllll, doctrlllA that (rile ~"hlp. DII~k~ rr"e liklcIa, IlIlellUb d 1II.(Ir. lIud severely wOllllllell severnl privatel .nd that the propel ty or lIeutral1!. un'etil contr .. band 01 IVI". Mhal! be ledpected,eYlIi rec!lollllUluug the alllvod ,slx lUOII of wholll rho ulflrm.gun wns fired IIhllll Illlenlles \Vould Iill\e bl.'ell ' llIoat when on board an elleIllY·" ¥lt8801 Tiie lire III Jull hilt lor the II1terler~u()o of 'ho treaty WIll bo .eot to ~lIe Senate,luiI till,'1'he Ohl()~go pllJ1er8 dClly Ihftt the \I ho ru, hed (orWatd \vlt la grellt eli.,lIl, llied immedilltely It will be IIIell tb41 erll boll been rOlllug III that cl ly Iii lIuil Im~vo lIUJd tllft Turkil frulU tllklUIl veil a.ueslll bas lakeo I' lona elep III adnne, IV UB re ported. of her nelghbor8, £11111.nd Jfld Frane" On Lhe mom Ilia aucceedlllg 1118 ntar· gCftllce 1'ho Court or A~Izil. at IIlInlch who have refultid ally permllment recOfrDI> rlage, lit W Illuut Hllbt, 01l101U1l1l41, 1\11 11011 or Lltll t!ortthle .a • j"lt p!'iJI~. lahmau on 11'lIkenlJlg fO\lnd hll Wife in clllldellllletl a \\ omall to dellth for b. ber pie. althoush ~Ie, he.. 'I,hllled their 10> very lrupro}ler .Itllllllc.., 'I \\h luotner to cunJulIctlon w lentlon uf reoOfnlllll, III .oblel'nnce II upon wbum he fell alld .tIibbeJ 1II0r. twll blld men to 100d pulrcy durlnl the peadlna ",.r 11.1 ,,(tar wblob he and gave bnu whom ehe had monLh., il nil Marcy c.rU. hlly b"l nu~ bee~ Idle IInc;e; to the authol'IliEtel Tile men he D.~ume tb. Seoretary " portfollu. lYurklug 10 AWFUL S'rA'I'E OF AFFAIRS AT' IlIlhllg hnll AGAR.\ fired UL hllll New 1':ork. J\lI,. 18 medn, ,,?d We 10.,11 rroUl the 1II0.t rell.ble lO\lrce fl\ is tb8t tbe ravllll.,,' or chol.ra IL NllII,ra, ill y, ~n lu'J th. ,1I;1I11ty of the .UlpeUllCm bridie, 011 Lit Ola tow hili OWII the Call ...la BIde. hllVe Deell I., worae.tjll" for lIelp. b'U! lht>~ pure ed \lnU il reprellellLtd Ollr inrormant vllited the rhe wonuin Inul,e locollty YOlllordllY. lIud (eulld e¥f'f, P!',.o,1 to de"th IVILllel8ed I~e IY~O}~ of thl. cnpuble of nWV!II~r ~fld lillier led the vloll!' ffom til. h ... \Aile 11&e fltlllr, ity, I1nd (ound .evefal dead bodlCII uuburj. tire IIVO 11181\ erll 018., wndl:/I\ued to ed. Jo 0110 shollly" \I omao Wa. foulld delltb ,., the Illst .tapll thli di8elle~ Ind tile In tbe ~onLhol lUlle thore wore 9ashl.!'. body of hI»' olllld, bllout .. veil yeara wrecked rlae recllr~' for .\Pfll alld Ma, old, IYlllg b)' her IIlde. In .0 .dvaueed colltalo tI II Ust, uf 1100 8hIP~, maklllg a aLnge 01 decolllJ.lOIIUoll. tulal 01 298 lo~.Bk In, the thrlle rmol t~la III Inulher Iiouse two meo wire (ollnd. ""A'IEH one or t!teln delld. and tha other ~Y)I'J. 80m. m~re 'blnle' belIVeii n Ibe ~tI'. WlthoUL lillY l"lltllllc.. In aQolher lli.II' COIIlDI,ot"'I 6111UI lIud 1 urka 011 the DIIIIUbll, but otll were ruull41 three uoburi.d bodiol, '~ erw!.e .lfalr. w,era ullohallie'il I much decayed. Ib.\ no o~ could ....Wr. 1 he Splllleia IrtBurllell1ll .III~ malutalo. to d"llIr~ Lhem. aDd the Ih.ll1y w...., e4 \(lImllelve.. .lire to ao,l con.umed Ibem. Our lnrornl> It II rtlJly confirlll~d thllt tl e ant alao ,lat'l Ihl' ....re bOdl", cml furceR 011 tllu D"~ube hAY\, receIVe partlllily CnQ8l1med, b.v. bee. roo~ ~ Lor urtlere, bllll will lIul '1"lt W II out ul tho "Ibe" IIlId .... 11 .by "lIP II a"iI AIl.H·11 hal 'ur tire pre. nt elatfr!!ly relil\qui/lhell \he )lrirlclpalillH ' Ther" la IIW OaLItA ••, lu 1. 16 1I0tllllli nllw IiI "'I:tartl til Lh' ~u.tro-Pru Hy I' ll ... nvill fro", CllrpU8 Chrilll, we 61811 n.gu ulllllun. It is belilll/ell 1111 Ih. hllve III ~f. +-.tPIl r~ Tex¥'. t IlIJllllel (JerllllUl alII til. I~III ndltete to Au. Capl. '\l.I.. 811len,..",uh \I pert 0 ,wirve Irl~ alld PIU.SIII, u/l~ the f(lcJiull III Elig. lIuldlert, 10llowI'd a party uf twenty Ii" 1~lId 1,1 reg~rd \lp we.e flew t;tImpHc.lloU' C.m_uch,• • dIlLIIIC8 IIf th ...e hundl'tlt' deuluedly Ull(lIvufllbh: IIml IIn~l\tl"fuc\~ nnllt", Iud .It.c~ed IIlld IItreated them ry IlIlIed eeveral Clip" V... JJuren wu.lroi There htll been more 8evere lightlllC 011 thruugb tho bOdfl bUI the wouud WI. 11111 the ])auube 1'bll' Turke, uncler 0.",." dlfm4)d f"III' P ..Ia., .I'er """'" a"hltnK. h.ve c.ptur. 8y the .rrlVlll ur the .ttlll,llor Onubl. eUllte lalandd Oil t'lf~ Daaube, .nd tbo Cll)' Wt'l have dot.. rrJol VII,. trua t~ Ihe lIarl of GUlreevo, whIch &hey 'now oocllPY t I inlt. 'lIIi lruua &he City of Mexico lIIlh. i. clea... th. Turte Iran ... umtd !h. u6". I'Hb IUBI re'l'ohuaun .LI/I c..ntlllllld Sl~e, .lId wilh tbe tllMlne of the Alhed 0 0'" wIIlCerte. lind tb., oity of Tub'.1» the lir~l dl~I.,oll or W.hIoII oow wu BakUI&:' pllrtubt81un to hlll'lIrl Ourll free at , they w\1I probllb1y rlak .. of duty pitched blittle-(:jurlchll~lIcr. with 30000 It wO reponed Ihllt a COnapll1lllll;:.JlIId torda Wit IIdV.III:11li Y (oFoed mltch .., beeu !hscov.red al 'Vlira Call ' to rlltak" Glllrge'l'o Thera II nolbtlll ,.Id 4bclut the de.tlt" 1'he Bt.ale Se ... Reet IlIel .. en uf AI.. rea ' ~n eUill\:tlunent b4!twHII IIIK' ~ rulll Olle.1I1I to\varil. tlev the l .... urgenll ,"41 ,be (lonllUleUI ~r\klp. The Chllillra hod broken Ollt un 1. repOrted, 10 wbl II &he lurmer ~.n< .... Naplera ftfllt, .lId u. ~d !,:ooe to 111I8£'Or rUllled. , J
ill H OIl er~,,"d b~y,.
l\edlcbld Pusha hIlA rl'lIOlllutlllJe .. mee M'1 Idler of lotelll" ~fI'alr. III the Turk !>y .... ;,'I. I!> ••
of Oreoce havo bf!cn Ith IPPfoprlUtinl( thf' the ate IUaurre!)
THE H4ltDII CO!7I1'r~ :l'O.tWltJ." IOlormeol, uJlOIi ~hll& may"" cG ... tdered autilOrh" thl' th. GAlId/ Jur, of Hudln ~Ly b .. IDdIIlWli'~ ur ~hlt nu(unV ..I ~ . .r toni wllo _poMdI th, Ward Juri 011" ·b.~ of P'M'jl&tJ~.... Tile Ullfllia 01 oply ~vro wuld ~ ucer. t"llled. 1atld t~1I were "\lW~trf~ ~d Eidaull It I. to b, 1h)~clthl. (ii.l l tlce wilt be dOll" tbem Anotb.l' UIII! lif thll juron. I I~'''[Dt G,elm.~~ij'l.ker, reaidilli on a.lt JUter, near ",lit ~n&;lin order te .flllet daIt reculleeu_ of bit InCaIDY. hi. tak •• to .troog drlo~ . 1 ~f be dMlrea til 'peed, wor~~111a .bhn"lf'j .1 MIII~" ",blUy IlIIq..I&e to ..Mldd a~wo "'..... FATB
-w•• ,.
~ubhllli~oIlOY til tlon ~ ;LoUIS Nllpoleon " al Boulogne .nd O.lala. wl\II""¥It,,, lh, fln,barkaUoI, of the French troopa for th" Baltic. ~'be nowl Irom Spain • vel y thc [1I.urglllftl, bo ever, seelll muill tOIll thtlllle,vel, nnder Oeller.l. Larello, O'Dunllell, '\J1I1 Dulce, the)' "uoiller a. boul6 ()OO, wl!re going to Andalu"a Bollle U10YeAII'III. fUOlhl, LIa.m h.d 0CJ0 currellin Valelltl. ; A d!l!,atola dated VIII/ilia, :rlae \Itllr" ~cki, '8rJ elllCGelolll~rJl: eveullli ••y. IL 18 r.ert'ln Lhlt 18,000 Plall uslni II~ p"'~le. luatanco the c... 01 DIlIOQ"I oC the Anglo-French for~ ~ ..dcJ~llI,tI 0 "cer~"n bldl, du.1 of lDar~ , 10 till. e~I'_ mer P.lha .t Rllc:bucl., wl.lo uU tbl ~.y. (Lou Courier] ; ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!JI or 0.0 7th Ind 8lh IDet •• deleatei1 the RUI' CXOLIU ,. L-ro•• '0 -A Olllllbe, or Ila.... wllh "eat 10811. .t II ('lIi 0 _ oeouned in diat .~ ~.D' waa before .lIll'd It I. bell.,eit, allo, d.~ Amoo. th. nllmNr W" the 8,111 ) .-==::;:=====:*===;:?===:;===.I tlliit the rurh Iiue enlI~ the D.oube lAt.b, fonu.rl! idllUr br tile J!ll~o R',~ Ilt Oltenltu l ter, end David . Whltm.,,.·, .f WIDeII"'l'r PCl.Bd~~~, ~~W8. ' Gre,-1owD Des...., . . 1tJ: aD .6,- 111 that Coual' A I.tn "Y' IANh. Th••d'l'IC:....ln relard , m e r l. . . }!:I"••'W.~. \' ~ tlln no\1I1l1jl dec,.I,. or rh. t1, 8 ••lill' C'1'De/.C'~~hl Hoi UlI00.ITlT~ ... " ... r;.-I:JM-,JUltlll8 Wblb..tLl. lied &aken 1101. comlni..loaed &0 ..ttle Cier\ain ' 411111. &oB. of tile $urP~... of W~A Lhe fllltilJtld Ii"n aultl. betWteo American oihzeot the h.. COb&lDed the deof.l~or 1 .......,lIaIltli. froRi Oron".dl td': Baro 100II1 auLhoritl., 11110 to d'.IDd I tIIlt 'the 'ii.IUre ~I,,, ";:io..t1w. Pru"" h....ni. 'peellal en,o}' to IIIliIf.ctor! (ot.n Ifllult ai'l'eo. tlOl1.1 ' The coun I.. Llti.,\/!f!w 'rIa. orgillI' 1)1, I.ller &0 refrain Iruu, !.Ilk· abort lime alOCi to lb. aon.u~blo Huluo th.c... "II thl' frPO\\AcI.lIiIIt I •• t"-it'the lu, atl.Y (urlll,r .tepl III tl,o WIU 'IU08110,1 ~orlantl. opr MIAIItef tn Oelltral A II!judic.t1on o( fuglt v. to I ..,1.. In OOlleert with F,llnoe autl Enlilloo. bul The Il lltborlLleI .re rell.d.nlt of llae trAlt p l 110 10•• Co_iIIio•• rorellllii ber to I pili wltb ihe fllrmer ppwer re(l\&4Id tu quke Ihe 1",llte.t apoloe At. ar. aQd 1110 becatJif It th. ttill by in fre.h o'lI'0eiatlona fot peaoe ter ilvlni ample time, end no reply lIel'll lulT lyd,l' Wlal&oa III.c...... th.~bSoaplilion. uf Au~trtll'. good fa "II to receIved, Oaptllln HolIIlI., on the Jlth lo'r. Wltb Ireet acutePUII !!Q~ ~I,"I"l lad tha alllll wife becoming "trung.t LOn· 1"lIed a'jl rocllJiJIUO>lIlo the lutJaor{tiea la4 0., poillt. III • •t.le UIUlIIIII! dlln .Ill! Pari., inllm ell'" A.lfllI hid r.,dllnll,lhlt unle.. In epology "'" ••cte ola., ClO)iClae. t wunJanDlnUI/d the advance 01 be, army II, a AM, on tbe 11th. he ilh/luld, wlt/l. IUtO W.II.cllla, !Lod tile Ru .. lln. were out futber notice. proceed ~~ bumbared rh. TI.. OWo Llqoor t •• bel aol ..... Dot hurrYlIIg to evacua", tile pflucipoli. towo. Nu .pu~mel Ife to tb. . . . u. dlloldtd uco".lItutioaal. ty. t,me. &ollk "". . . .un o( the "l'reqelL Co '. Jo the CZar'. letter to tbe Emperor ate'lDlra Illd IIOlIt thelD to lb. town, 011'. Auatrl.. he "YI Ile In'lIl11 00 hol~trIg erul, p,rutectJon &0 III peno.... Moldavl. ror dlaplomatic tell,olll JII to accept. a"d within oue Ihurt, Uti wholl! qUII.tIOlI ill -,"Ill '"~el. tinle de111l1lllted by DIIIB,."n oped IR. dipluUlatlo /oi' IOU It I. "liP' diD, commlllJced.and .Ith We '1I,lIorlaecl &0 .noaa.... ... pVeed thllt rlllJy two weeke mure Will intervall 10 8 P.)I DUrio, .... or 0\. 10110"'.... patlimn it ..... ellpl\l before aI11t!JlUll l. kno>wu IU relunl val. rio d.i'!NlitIO. '*'lIItlf"ted Idlol··... Ior.-mto wb.t la i OUl , un. lJeyond the part of Ih. 11J~.bl&aoll to eome to WflllII' , , - . .med. ~.t eo tile 4. . . . . . "'" tb. lJewa by &be .'ealDer po.aa....
Cou,l ra .. I.
""l1li c:-. "tide.II,1I/I ...
,-tie,.....lft ..
.. E..... "P. WIai, N_IMaI PIIAB.ln J.... 1. C SAil.
J. O.
l.cnru Jona W. B••.....,..... B T. BaolU. ". T. 'VIIIW. D...ytb P 1!I&8ltT. Cr.ua ". ftIII c.U. ,. H. V.... Il.uw{. . . . . It eI ••IIIIII· C~.
J. 8.
n.. 01 JlreUlilt trlllIIIIIJlJ( A.....
1~ ....r.1I
OOI1."al' M£nC;UAIfTS UI> OrIlE¥ buy hll' , .... afe i IvJlltetJ to elll and, .It lh. new Ind nIIet .tyl. 01 p.ck~d 1 •• ".-.,e pUllinlC up lor ilie convon/Iluce ,ell/l8", All Te.. .old by UI lire WIIf i.oted pure a,\dour .lOck b IIIg three limn llle ~r9'6t In ~Ie elly we aro prepared to oll'er "",'8a\ In~"eBmlmt~ 10 purcha.erll
1100.£,. GII~.lR
Storet oorller o( Seventli and Shrlh .n~ W •• tern Row •• n~ No
or Motktll Ita
1'BRlfl 0 F
o::rZ. 0", ~opy Ohf Yllqt do rW, n&OlItli., ,jill
F'iv. Goptu Till
5 ~ar
f,VI:AY WIl£I\'
ltisttllantOltS. ~a.lu.
ROl'lE .
Tltl ct.t.. Clluu~y AIrI~uljura' SClcl' Til F.d tor uf the Hol1lo~lturl.t ell' of IDwl. II", mealr.t ed It; InlenUuu Ihat '~lIr ~,.r."le 'J.'lm o( cookery Ie.
.&ifti£i COttRGI.
The J.l8J 01 Dabo.." par..... prolll".. to hi. re.!deDce. ud OnIllllle Oil the blttleme nlt of hi. pille... with th. • lIull. of bl, .1011111'1 _ud die .,lIll'et lobe It B.dl"" . h.. Itl wlde"pr ead
Y '.
ApeIbJ lI",iltlI",. No l\'. ear.
6'" ct W.'".u.
blIfOH ,jf4Tf. IUJI • iMuoIlI'OU1"o 1848. ..-lllillllentlOrf 01 Ihe pullH,· II r"lI'Cdlr~lI)' caJlO!Ilo Ih. '1Illerlor lac.huoo . j f•.r~ II< .1 lit I. 1I•• III\1l1on far (liIa\ll,lo . HICIl~ldll"I.ln • IIt.roll,h praell c;ed .... aOlltr 'nr Ihll cOUIIIln, '80111 ftlld Inl.ln .... l.utIU"1 • Ixnllu(lT18H~BolIl lnilll!fQ 0' DOUBt !: . S ' 'I'IlV -A: (loIQplel.I'\"CII.,.~eo\ln"ol In otr". Ilellli "iven In 1100 nrllli kqell\og 8UJollllllcui Iy Oou"l. 1!!11\f)' Book. III III. dlfr~ru 'u ,1.IIJArl "'OII,IJO 01 '1 rede Colllniuf~' .n,1 i\101l1l nelur". cOlllprehe"dlolll tli. lorlll~ III lI ~e 11.1101111 the Ill .. ' ellllll.1I1 ealnt/HehmelllS ellgnlleil m(h vl(]lllltl~ or P'!flltershlp III 111'0111 •• ' , "r"perou a or .lIverlle. In Ihe Rutchawh.lher __ ami ..\. of merchand llfl al wbule... !. ftl111 telall Impo~tlnl( and eX(lortlIlJt<JII Iholf blVlI aCCDUII~, on 8Omn)1l1lol,l, or lin jol!!1 I[>,,,ul,ulo ... In· 0\4dllll _peculall oll. ill. Ilock •• 1'001 ealql~. elc , \Yr.h ... "-mhoall n,, b".. " IIl.uran( ., r~ilr()llll amllioo" , 01 JOllllllo ek e ..d clll.rlerou 018" 0111101'18 lonunll. ll ' Co.lIInCI.LCAII\IlIII"~IO". omb,."" evory VII rlotv 01 conll'ol(l1lona l.erlaIOIoI" to 1I00Ine •• operallon a Ii10IIlK laoillit accordin g IIIIIlIunn 81 Improved mclhOilI -fnleNlII , Dhcoul.l . I\lqua \tona, "rbl~lillIl 01 Each.",••• elo i\(ncA If'l'rLII Oollua,o lfOSlfol- tluch ex erel a 011 are inlrOllucod on Ihl •• ubJoct ai are ealeu10100 10 lfIlpro.. bUllons 11,61 .. II lid '11I1I1u l n • buslnou81y,le 01 eorro8{'Ondenc. utJon II .., nllnd of 110. Iludenl, as \voll a.loO\III/lrl%1I bUll with commercial lechnlca hllee anu phr ... ol,,!!!, IOcludln g r~o foaNA luvolcOI. Ao;coun tl"le •• Billa of Exchan, •• ole P."L'TIU." P.".AIf8I 11t - pne hour Ie dovel ed In ".cblne I .y.lem.1 I0 .lyle of ~1l81Ile.a Wrltln,. cunlbmin ll freedom whit 1\ thorough commend of band .n~ 'pun, IIcour",,)' Gnd .10ganee with eDiG I\lId rapllhiy .nd perfQet legl bUll)' w~th bo.lIl)' 01 GOII.lruellon CO.NIIICIAL IJAW Al'!DfoLITlcALI!:oo1<Om .... Dall, I"oluma are gh~n 00 tltde lIuPl'r""1 loplce, M conllecled willi Ibe a.ocall')I11 01 Ihe maroh.n un Ihe aper.llon e of commore , andprael loalworl tlnla 01 trade, embrac ,""he aubJeot of JI.,lner, hlp, Prlnelp. l .nd AFenl. N.,.oll,b i. 10~\rllm .. n". ael ... Debll, Guar antee• •10.11'.001.1 tbe lawl 01 wealth . CII" reno!,:, 'ror~lin anildom.. lic "Oh'Ji~I) cr,~dll. prail. Inte'ell, w...,., IDlemaU on trAIl" "Ie Th~ cour.. c.n be compleleil I III l,ill 10 Iwelv. weeka (nil ruction boin. ,Iv8n Ind "Idlltt I) appll .)8'11' ean 8111er al any tI",e knowledgeo! Ih6 ordl nary Eng h $/l htaool.
S' mOier Arrang4ment for L854.
REA ,}' nr ,,!If Bilk MIl 81lk' VII "I G u..n ~....nlia"l nr-Ikll o... 8... e ..d J I~nel ~lJi
.. 1lD!i .laaeru.... ~. Ired Coli.,.. .10 ,JUI n.lled It .ep28~I9i,]
t. P" a "reml."1 ora OKt 4r 111,8 fo' tb. beat looldA' b,bJ It tlrelr nut r,lr. A mat be •• peotecl, the parellt; of mlnJ "..pqn., bllitlill are .Ire.dy eaul. II- whir lb. hope that their 0",1;1 4.rhll, -,-I" rul l l I' The
ClUle I.. dln, to a rapttl deterJo,ollon "'Miurcllar. lidurltalre lhe "'eeI" Much or trutU lit h. Nu' a mlh. "are bere no ,In.. " be tl .ppenr lO tbl"k that • rew blW;·of =e and cunfoctl on." com. Gonrn y\>U r though~ "lIen aloDc I ftn. ~ba I tl~1 W. nnd YOltr lougue "heD In com)lany pell,ull" ,or, II 0 11I er deftCiell • will be l IU,,",' com"e I 0 eenillr. to lia, tflat more loor loolll,b utJ ~'" (roo.. Potl, AaD Smaotl eJtpre.. IODa 104 r" linl' 01 IlIdlft'ore{le8 loath. CII)LUl Coullty H.rald w·llatVl uur abuut home' 1'0\' U'Jt of 10110' pol.to••• 5]>_ .. _ _ - - Id- (If the uclteme nL cr.· • rwwvwno ...., - n ' ... ' eOllr br~ld IlIonl tintl.". ha 011, CI00 keu_, ,t.1I hI ,"llOtl et,'. ullet~ , m.lt In.s;'1W "'llIgs 100'''', di.n ,n oth. l.ella' Turke l' Blver. er c!~u~. eomblar.d. . u ••1Wf1 . .041.... A t:u.rHIT OR FOR Re.l dlfficl1ltiea can be cbeerrul ly lur• Tnl "'NO" " aluunled. but nothtng Ie 10 VexltlOU ' U • T.rtul Du, 80Ium.1 'urk, RI,er. Sune OJ. COllltan t "curren ce ur dl.. ppulnlUltIDl In .l.~r Edltur. Eftr .. nM I reel ,r.r lhose mltte,. of .dIUy ",""ll)' 1 the full peper .bout ~I' 1....llu1,e,.1 _let, Ind enJuy,ment or wh;ch nn.lllu lll till eggre.I .L/ul.u, .:.n 'til. 'pUII., l'y. beea • Jeutn SlDuoII of bodily comrnrt Th8 cynlll m.y ,~li,··W;~~;;.;;iiie: to 1" IIIIlI brill Iblnp for 'he bib" an4 to fmlle '~Ilh Indlft'"re no. at the trlIe, ... tille aUf Unle Samm1 up to the a,· which Jie 111 the path of "fe, but he l cclIl.it818.1U ..\Illite'" f.lrj and would 1 0U brlieY. I loan DBI/er rehevel llmielf or olberlo { b. ltuek oul' ror alon. 'Im.w tfled 10 "wj.b It 19.1'1 belter" ",hell he rrlurn. beat m. down, tbat S.mmy ""m't notbln the f.t!8'ue or tbl da,'. I.bur_ to Ihe Iweet laor'n • eoIII"'OD htibJ ••nd UJ,t Sallr aollce of bume." Ind fioda die til, which • mlth·1 Bb,. Unte TlklJ Inn. _ooldal aad milch fOod mone" Infu."l 1\ a bel~r 0111_ for th•• puoeii thin S.IIl· qUlntlty of 1..,011, lind tepId my. Well 1 d.clanl, It', eo profoilin butter. whlcb, 'reall (rom the hande h•• r h~. aum. people will tllk. Ibe lIely market womon, looked 10 eool Ind Now I don't like lu ..y notbltl IlJfn oth· temptin, III i.. Ibow, prlnti, WII (orptc. n It bul wben 0111 allf the "car",t _,ood lor-nothlnr IIr9lnll . d~ore bone lied II 8IJIltlt', door (10 the housekeeJ1lr.) Ind tb. d., for the Iu\ two month, I ttiillla It laltchen p.ptr" preaenlln, 'n IJepllD ole.,ino ua tllH tbl 'I'e ia)\ere' _let, Ibould kno. qlllt8 ID hlrrilollY with ,'', it; _Idea ule ml~. Brown - Ih.re la .lIther . What ..lee dried br.1! ,et .liDIt~l", ronl.bo u\ /:1mtlh'l 'rlJdy 'I\n, becall.. the knlr, .. nenr Ihap, tblck olJlp. ee l .11 iho rpqu~he quahfi~.lioll s .1Id mIM Smith aiH'nt den, It, neltfter In pl.ce of fli" HIVInI ' loo"D ;your eJe bu.ln ..... acqullllta ulW III Lh. rill clJ>to l I declare It _\ladl 10 luI, to 1oe.r IlIIu leeth, P A, r.lrfJIUI R.; lenablel blm 10 rellder ••• I.lllIce 10 du~.. wish Inllo procure .lmalioD' on g,,duall" 1f I Smltb t.lk lboiI' b... babJ; for "Tlnl waler I. 10 war",! Wher" I. III, GOod bqard 0110 ba .blllned III ,ha 0 Iy at f t "IUall J 'llIln how ,mm It Ia 8111lirt Ice, mJ dear1" .Il.'IID"fi:r:.,~.w~eek. undeuea ! .rl • wl\rded Iho IIrid. t__ 1 I do wlah Jou coold aee our Sam· "Oh. the ~n.., rorfOt to I wllh '~~/A~·~~:,~,:~'~~~u~r~ r ..,t die poor little I.lln .. JIll lore IDUnth the 'I'" dnlt.1O It _II mel~ 'vraJ'" frldl, ..,d I deGII,. to ",.clalll b. " .. ,,, b( the bru.h Inddrlv _way theae .... ltalld III alonol and U!.en " • • •111. to ftl ..,lhe, ar.,.ttl nc 110 thick, to be y.-:er_~y, '1..-='::2..::::;;':::==-==--::::;'-;:;;-;;:;:;;-'- 11~1!!.1~~~~t;n: _r~ eterytbl ll.1 JII\mIa J ole ml.. uoublelO lbe. • wll" thellrlU would Broaro cu. 0"' 10 aur bOOM 10 lit _ . to olllle Lhe blln~. Ind keep tbe loom cl.llrk. la&aeed tq ••lIe a polUoe '0 put on tit" but .b. will n.yer do II .he oo,ht." atumlc of Ih.... hired lIIan, wbo·. been Do JOU wo ;Jer.N ' reader, Jr tbe 'Ired doWD I raR.... lIetchrd lite lover .lad gao mllllb.nlc IhauloI, .rc.r auch In ,,,,.rlli n • . ."Incl J lolc"..r thl' 11.81)' could ment put qUI.,tl, hll hilt .nd ...ek that .1_••ml lb. IIliI .be wou/dll', bellen I '.Ieewh ere, wluch Ihe ..crell name worll of It; .ad 10 I mad. 11.0 .pflaJIl. IJf home deolel him • ....e pow", " ob&lIc on th. mlddll 01 th. Apl,ll ••••re bold III .yloJ tIt,t no lour. Ind Illood tbo poor obild oa I&, .lId wIn "ru.ual•• milD or tteC.D ... 1. .Ioa.,t a~l" aDei len.lblli tlel, wbo relurn. perlodlc.lI), to the .,.. .. 1_ borD.tt>, cJalldlllk ahree re/l ..eml!ntl uf I well ~epl hou.., PUy• • l1li _lIMe BrowD we it la I IIIla!'" I tlh. ma, reign Ih.re,lau t inlluI'r, .nd neat.I 'li'rcau!i)'r.'IIIr<MI, tu' ol'b" II}leclaclea and pot th.m II ber net•• lnd ,ood tAlte. lmp.rt a heav.nl , .atchet. lbel after 'I..lnl:' pilleh of to the wild ~npretendinr ere.tu,e HI , ~~.:eoll!el'·~~~~:'::;;~:::::::-::;-~~'-:':'_ .....be...mt..e. 8moo\t, t diltretll! A buuc" of Ouware,craah Ilud all. )'" fur the worN: I'n Ieed "arelt llI. n)' 1, arr....ed on l1)e Ulllller mort ..tbtaINeiI ia III, time. IDd le' 81. tell ,ua ~JI., &hln I dia" of 1Iid IIble,ll lOUp. Illnow , 1 00 'd better prepare l:l1IIOO.... ml... ror the with a 'lfI'J /J1Il11t bot nice wllnt. ro. I"" fOU DO., that chllJ caD'1 tbe huablud blllk to hli work. tilled IIn..ltd thea abe tll!c Lh. tl~d OR THE CB.UN~ .OTIIIweet rOl\llllqcUon,. ,.,bea ~ 1.r,e E Li.8~, Jo;IL • IlIrlllhl,. nlrrall" 01 SI,.. Lil. io hODle wltlki\lllll1 0' anotller word. I JI'IlIIJ dl.h upon a 'p,ead, lulltle.. KI!III~ck7" ror 1~le by ROBU TIS. litO woaoderftal dilue"' 4 till Slnoo~ cam. Hydropa tblc lendeDcl~ will c mpel the lIf~~:~~!E~::S:~ • wilen I lold him all ,bqut It. and.1I moody provIder , to 'b'nlr. u h. rvU.'UI.""~I'" iald Will "IId,Ueatlc".'·· and MIred 110. 01ler III. hall coo~ed 1II'1I1 ... Willi, -:f;f~~~Wr"iMER. .uJlptr' ... SlIIooti l. nltll"I I,. 110 r.II,loo. In dlrl." Itndl!rlll(n~ hu opeaetl, . nl .. TI. klad lae.rutd m.n. bOlli. b.. Iftch 10 aa· o.:.;,ti8To'ii8.;::::;~;;d'i"Uoiti';iiJPi;fu--;fud IfB _ _ _ _ _ __ W.r. all" SIO\lo £ellbUlhll!llUl ot \be 41~ I Elloy4lSIore Stand oll~do 8lreel. ItlDr fMlID' WI, with him. doo'" Lan, ......~ 00•• Cout of Africa . nClrlh of Conllefl H.,I. ",\Jere ho I, pre,..,... WN~.Il;.w Eibter. • w.l\t ,ou Ie .., all81111to all bu.mo .. ~n bll hnll. "'bere ..., The Reverend II. Beeohl ", • member he found I tYerol ",~II.fn. 01 thll ,",I Cookl",' down }lur Hamill, for tbe 'PUIl"i ,ood•• f tb. 'Loo n W.lley tn 1I1.lion.' r~'. t:!1O.1!~ now in "Ie "WO,IC .,biel! 'are. t ..- (IRCIt.. . tholllb. If be Ihoold lit IJ r.turned rrolll' ,,1.1& ""The Buokeye S,.'e" wlUeh luok Ih. 11,.\ t.o .\frlOl, .ud 10 tremlum .llh" 01,10 til"" Fa" I .. l·h. Kea. th.1R1 1110 belleYe mlaIlJ~ltb would,. , the couree of • lkatc"0 1 the motal tue)Uall, " ft,,,1 '1 Th. I 'u"l.r~l..e ... all fur' rariD-dIat.ncIIlll, ,h,'d be eo mad' Ibout III tn lit" boat Ilf't, lad OKUI' ,AI TU cOIIdltloQ or the ...... 1I111 aOilIDIII at_rUT' Well. J dH'l c-.. GIll III muk eaLb. Go1" COIIL 11kI_ ...... '\ I.S(I • h.. y ell hilld, • IllMral ,uppl, no /IUIla_tu be forty" ,.Ikln' abcilube r II I &rulf awlll ,"WN. " • he rU"lilh~1 of ' l" ~ WAlla M l. ho,,,.,,le .nd rel.'I. HOIIM I'hul p;r.,;u;ftnlll •.i"""..t.,n>dlfl!lI~''I1!lll~li,i.lIl..tll.! I', ( . I,ll ltJ,lt lttllog 1\1 " .. Iur.ed prl ..... 'rlld, enD. 'Whe. 1Y"1 bud,lIn ow. It ,lot .. SOIrt.I J ........ o' tLelr b'l~b.lroa t I, lug/1M I I rje.t II ill. fo r .Id Qulla.I, aop. ..1 itlonlCCO'UIlI'!liu ....'UI)' It ' " tnldI II1\II\ be \old. I dar. ~d bloodf 0CYI0tu I> r Dt(l-8 Ilnll "laJ UIQ \V~r~ beeD obaadoufd, J IIJ Jndre - .U .aperien cecJl .nd the IIrliolt period or wbicb WaYI,e .. '"k, ~ 1. ((· I' 15 h bh" DlteraIJ,OOIIIpe&n&, aocl Gan tell a bibJ knowa of them. Tltey Itill pue thll - - ".4. T.U y ' W~ft8 uall'i.lOIIIalbla.'lbe momrnt tbeir OOtIrt ,ard•• pat.cu. I ..d Mua til. V" I. 001",,1111. Bll d :sq~.r" '1 ~. "ray, .lId Waliera In Hellol 9, 4,"(1:. .r I.parale"" ~ It. or awket pl__ o' th,'r ,lilac" lod ~!~~~~~~:~ 10m" or IlIftlll yory hallllioill " oud 01 noell•• t Yount. PqLL1' 'JIll SIrooiT. lOWOI, Wltla tb. Ikulla of t~OII ""t,cbtred , ~ qualill_a nd b"i.h fo, ••1. bY' J\ LOftlell . abulll~lll\l .1 181 M!\.In II • b!1~tlund &rD,qloc P. 8. Dop', Itt tb .....k.ltlrela oc:l.ly ID WIr••• t f...... f....nll-,or u , lIcrlllce lQnall l pllt Sa_J'1 81"D. on the 'pua", till YOD to "no.tlll D" SI11I thelr whea DUt DUt l ~o~ (;ST r-'y~ and for .. I, 'f 11M S ...." ,; he. hal me. bec:l1III we're rl"llo h"e Ire burtrd ,UYI wltb lb• .1-4 hUlIDIlI~a, .pldndlll ulOruae nl 01 Ta•• IrOfttc4illc~ Ie Ill. OII"'ned .. IOOD . . Sjaoot8 Of' muter. .11.00 ptJr Ib and .. a,r.llled aD D,e a.l.Ul~tlOtt When Adlhlu "n dlt!d, two or Ihe m .. ney will lie reluod~ bit" trot. Elk..... Her. poe "wn '0 bUlldreoci IDd el,htv of bl. wi, A AitON BAIUU fAih wll Mr. TOIDtJIn b.. macIe bl. ene" will, butch.re d .for. tbe arri,,1 uf hll.. WIVtl laccea. Ind If... alll\,1 'ell -smOOIl we auDld'", aur. wbir.b pat I ItfOlP R()'B~ NsON'8 CLASS iOOK& 10 II olily to 10ef.... do no bel,.r th.D to put Iii ... In tur' l\lld. WaLI••U ..... 1I0w 01 blood Ind tb. IIU1Dber,or J AC. 8 ERN ST', die . . . . uthor wa,l. Til. rem'mi al 112 IIAIlI' . . . aoreDlJl.a.~ were 'bUried .\In! .mldl' OIiIlCln., J I( I ~ 1l00It& tICALU dPIlAC of lba Canton n-,. lIt! and , • \ ~ I I I \tE;TIC, be.lllln " tbe nOIl8 Of rTl h ie ROBIf( SON S KEY TO AIl.,.• •E. crtJl', &lObon,.. h a.mero~~ ~~u· druID. bluakell. f.UI, Il'OIIIa••lId Kree. b. taDOII,- ...... opor 0 C ....lOg .......,r RIlBIN . N'S ELIUII NT.AR V TUA· tDUiute wi~ .. se&le. . . JlllCently Crom tnp: ahe wODltfl. lI}.rcb I b h adJ '1'(8E ON ALGEBR~. 0, 1 e (Bdl~. Fre1l6e wbQ I. endea\!Ori~. to.bHome WAll, bedl'Ubed tbem" ROB{l'4 S0N'S AL$gB a&) If''l....lJ wlLh .lflb .eq,~tea with all lbe d.tails oC dJe tnd blOod. TIl.lr ,Iedm. ',,. ROBl~SON'8 KEY TO ALa.B aA, wrni' marched ROB'm JON'S NATU&AL PH.L08C}J' km,riOlll.yt!&em Go"ern ment. The 1100, wilh Ia".. kill,,, . peued throlllh ~rj;"i>ri!i:Ctp''i:;i'l ROBINSON'S GEOIllE TJlY olbe, d"y he did to K rpBt,. WlIecu~on,,. ROBIN SON', 8U&V& YINO AND "z. lio"'" bill. he'". puaed 10 lor tbe bloodJ 'IIbe o1llce. whll. tb • .,vi.,lInJl.1,and NAVIG ATION . 1111 b~. . . f'l'l ~~him.' look DII .l1li epdure ItP apatll'. Let no (.Iber be •• h.m.... tu pr.... nt. cop)' were VO.£R B.\.D'I I MYNB 'l'IC P ....... ot Ibe~ULAPIUSI.h'" chilli II ma), ~we D"~ go to &I Nt'. too ramlli.r with> tbe horrid • __Oflllce JI1 TIlR-l 'M ,,.ate'l ttraall/H ia.r ... .ne blm from .11 e.rl;.:, "" Lal no )'OUO. break'" ~ be. ... pain .... tro'e' In Iile world- . fr_1t .... Ihow terror,or tOJmac:i.ne th.t.n .... man or woman enl.er loto Iho ....,rel obligakepi oonll_t l, on band. kI ....&. Dr Tnilk. lion. 01 m.rn~ Ufe ","hoQI readlnt(' ilia "The Jelld~ of tbe bill til tbe North, It Ihoolal1Je. 'J!M\rI'ltlnda were Macoeli cOmlm, nl. II "OKa- J-S. 8AO. filIt S8CUL. 4.flUS. Lei he 01\" lulr.rJD, f~.m ..y i' wiD not ~ there' peel oI'.lnd \11111 Ihelr be. . . .wed 011'10 • hlcltllied Coulb. I'ala In the Side. ro.tlel. I 'aa& .. 8\.a".,U)' may ,0 Ian If he prolon, (he .lAutem."I. . nl.h.., ne,.ou. ''''In..-. aDd Ib, wbole It.m .ella"'a Ev.n 10111. who EN tLmtEN 'l:I 6", (.i . . . 8b1r_••Iie'. 01 D,lpepti c ... n ..tlonl, .ad linn up by th.lr Jlke • • a..lwd 10 litf lb. ,"v, w... h..tted pb,.lclln.J,be tb!olber momeqt wltboU.1 COII'"~ ,~ ·Y.a. btat we ue doubr.fw 01 Ita gotug eIlYA. III order' to .dd to tbe .port or ..lam. '''EII'rPL&oATII F.r ••1. b, I It. 1:f4R'.l Ilt. ceo tin. th. Jl!i8CIlr.urll.. H.... lbe married, or thOle abellt I. b .. married .ny tbere ' Impe.U"",nl. .. , D l t y or tb. ,ceoe. U'pUII thl deeth 01 a reId tltl. lruly alefut boo~, u n hu been I~' BVY R~Y M... 011: CLOTW IfG "Bllt .. ,law I~ be mal go I~. Ze kin," brotber, rour thou.. nd elotlllli lIle .... of _YID. Ihollaand e of unfOrlun .te were A'l\ BA.l\R1S', bur " 1 . a,e light to pure t erealu.. from Ibl J.wa of dealh tbUII ..cnllced. Tb," cereJl\OflIee. Ire .".--."'," ---;.... ',y..: 1......,." .. ",'0 1IuI' h'YI!JlIl ' reOei.,fd . .plendld ADL _. peraon 8IIadJ1', TWENT Y ·FIVE nl ...rh .... , 01 C9a", raa ... nd 'ADd if be nre, z:e 1.. .Ill pro- oflea '.peaLed. I bundre' " ~1"laht,"al I:IlIlr .. , CENTS .nel<!sed ia a leiter, receiYe olle ,~ of.U dM«Ipd...... atCloeJn o.11 cop, of till. work b, ro.ll •• r will C::~~i~~t:.~~~~~~[ Iivl cop teet Itllf!' eh •• will at .,ery rehearel l. Upoa Ihe d ..tb of I be aont for One I>ollar. -'--r"-.,... "Yea.' Add.....,(pollp.i d,) DR or AlblnlH....alrlllll _creta ke, YOUNG, 115.1, No. Ulll!pruc:e at • Philadelphia. ·'A.atl .. man ••t mue. U bIll. say pllc•• ln wblcl..'liJere caa. be no COlllplltl _
M"" "b,..
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tion of the .10'1 .... A:t Ihetr "Y... CuatOIll.·' Dr .&I.dltc h "Itn• ....t .pecltel.. u( Ibe mOlt Ip.,JJrn, Idad. Eeel'J C. or aoble, eecri6ced
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flcllieh' 8appoee IDA", OM TCtIIIaI. 10II b" .....L_;;' t eM~.... , . . "ill_g - - , YeD h _.. b H _.. _ ,.... ... rich' to beio, 10Yoa WID .nta-. .t t • ptl. . - M..,",olraftllulll IIUft1 ODe . . . .. - DO& liq "" her! .na ...o. Jonped the 81'1118111\11 4f tII"r Vd for :TOIl ail ...... lID; ell ,. po_1 0M.. .... .... 11111,: elld I co!l_~II!ir.rll!"" tbe t ...ml"l blood ef tbe '1$1I1D1 . . . GooD H,?**--G004 bumor .. • mlll,led 10 a e..t br... paD, wi tb '.rIOUI etc., ele. ....., oeIor UI&be we.b or \lie; U~ .eptabl es .nd IllilDll •• Oua
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II !tl{i~el~~~\'nsl dl'scrt.cd II!C, l,I • • Im ,
mIlO di'crof doclri{10, bim; ,olld by selr-edUca.
Av...... on. • But
be dCtIV.cd, ....~~neea. and 'Ot , .OI\lI}CU fOlllld
he'lo~ked into ~~r
of. til_I briUll\nt ulllrllltr world, whicb 10' •. -, A,II lit once he iltarted IntI) (he Ptl~8' \VIIS II) du~el tlIJ4 cOI\<)uor.of somothi ng like 860,C/OO ,s yeti' 1 :'?iM~eli~~: kslli4 ,h_~, '"!h1M nlellql O~her .ylplHlk e lorma' tllll~1J ~v8re. and During liolveral v8ara hi. IncorDe .0Vl:n t II ls ,your cne~ s are I\S pi' e Oll your brlgu\ rIlC~1 t1:DllOa d'e B\lIlligbl In hD\1PY oqlllloil to ·· SIOO,OOO, IIld. he miglJ~ hove wc dd109 go\Y,I'\. '" ' " "b .I , flmllBletl neer\y a llIiJ 1I\l1l8 i.n ")I. Du! ~" "'I'hl) bride utte~ . a frnnLic ftllriuk . 10t1!eB, ,'~t t B ,peer eBI d'f' e~\.It <)ueuClhcd comllltiely did he rCCllize Ih old IIl orl uf I; IMy "e~di~~ s:owill~ exo"linuld she Ihllir. b.BOln S 01.1 thnt, hoppy birlh.nig h~: t ':beggar Oft . h~ri~ baek,:' ~h~t lie IV09 "bU. 'no-no. \.lilt is my.'ai.&4Il··.· shroudl The The rlther I,ooklld on exullinlt ty. ~:d til fir . 10 ~!c:a(le \llljlTI80nm('l;lt fOf.11 hour-o( confession basorri yed' it is God " 'a druln''' ' echoed from olle l Ilry.wlH.O ,bllt, Ue Irn. ft~WO re o!'ntly • I. 'r'· . d f II ' Lill\' Impels mo to l!p8a~. mmltlMv I,e I H~crt)t1ill\e nl0n1l1l 01l. f 0 ~nl\' YOll eh 0 t e ,. DIoon ~o the ' other,' ,H.! • .:Cye co lost mv 801I,1-:;-YC8: j"cs, 1 !l1~ 1\ 101l~Wlld her, Dllted e\>erYlllnllo. "f admi- .~l1Il1a ono of his ehlldrci lto lIHu I1llfdeit .. '0 ~nliqllat~cI lYell)\hy In,: \'. l" 1 Mar>:. tho lun Iilst;,.r ,nnd rllliun. lind thell ho IIIld to Ill1naelf, "1'ho Coutb smIled UPOI\ '\ne In \110 itl,ql iN .mine," Sill' you ao, (u'ud ' (lIlhtr' wl!um ,110' made an " nrJlClhl for IIIbnf!'y . roll •• COUltl ruru~o,1 til ..colupl), a !lecon,1 . of ber young ,hea.r~~ SHe. tlO~ head drOll PI JleOlvil -he'r limb~ ~.Ime for 1:1" rcqU~U! . lillt ,ahe ·olf.. rl)~1 "0' ber Lllc (IlLI\I dl'\lgl AI1"\I\I<\o I I II ~ . ~I ' " I br\t.lg up one 01 1111 d!\lIgh\era\ . ' . . her ,,,hit.c "'1lllll\~out my' neck, re ox..,.... Ie u . .1111 I~ (II , .. • IlY tilll,er THE CALIFOR ' . . I adnWnii , ., ,
I;hles~"oods in all hl9 lore liteflll'4~ . biStpl')'. linirou'lded one /)yo e w , ' ~y OOthe ' ite"';d .... tll q p'oisicml 'take roupd I ' IIIl .ro' N,ltl TRAGEDY. ' 1i~r-tt.I 'd ' I her " pDle . ' luett DlId . TI 10 ',0Iow . ' ..bc , lohLiifY..-;:110. partlculora.,r lhe La'flftt nl'/n~ 1 1 I hl\ye lollt my sQw ,till' la~ II; tIe," IlIlly . bonr hor to recell', rOOODUllter belween two ecllt tll& <rId-mM dietl. I nnd mille you must bt)I'~ . '., drI'Bs!llg'-roulII : 1I1I1I '!he lieM ~Il Ihlll Sloc"tRD. Cllllror nIA:' .' , or'l II "storm cODvulse(l the spre(\d her long . Wllit.e. ,nnns," , . Iike.lom o mio piece or Juaeph ~f~npllold olie of Ibe pU,bliarl.~ the , ~ Ind howled ~hQ 5CXtO!" rising in the ~xcl t.c ml)nt lure, ; dl$perae j tbo of tht Joaquin Re Jl~~lIean, WI. 'h\ll fn lb• • 1"ltl~lreU d.\\'l!lh.ng, an'l\ tho InOmClll, and lUIsuming Lll'e ' IIUi- IIroop' dorknellol ana '.lIenee rOlgn Oll,""~ mo~n.~, of,the ~~ud· or June. ligliltenllliuplayed IIbove , th.e ~r; lind 110 derJiti~d;;"I\~d LI~~Il, .. conliu• feel \trlpv ed Illlhtly. 'fhe plly.i~ ~~u~~t~ ~t~.O~~~,":fi~rol ~~HttrNb ~~o::~t: went to hoaven 'ID :IU~d ~lld~,. in a'hRJlp~ dO,~C&, da,Llhfl~ Dll" I.e by the brd.ide-llf III. rtlr pll'\o"t. ,ueel,lIfl&rmed j' tew words 'palled when an lal Ie cnmll,~hc tlaun ,Ct!")\d I IC I,\S I, • nall\ikel\ . killdlle... h. ,•• j. to 'I'."or drew ,e, pi_to I and ..hut, Ibe b.lIatri . gllitty "OIUN) [II J aad on lhe , " . . kltl~ NDillfieid abuut IWII Illcheetbove the elcme nt.s:," .. ' .1 • • ,I· ' Ihe frenlre paren'" "8he will ,be euJ/!; lef\ nipple. The WOUQd 'w8I 1II0rtl:1. Ta. paint to you 'g rief of tIle 'lllio coar/tenance ot tIle narralor ex- ,oulI-~lle will bl' fr~e · f.om poln to·lJlo,~ ~or wa! 1",11181/.Iot.'1 arrested lod Jollied • . , ~IlVemcnt. He,," (or' l~ prassed all.tlle hO,I'ror that lIo £cl~. , and th""J~eleAve. hor wl,th tIle III .lhe CI\Y pri,on •• ~rO"It'J:lliteDI!,"l pre. dl'1rn~~d •. H~ lou~h' ~O "And Lho,I,Jriuilgroom," asked. I, "l.he r/)\VI" loua ~vll~e.llerl" " '" Vlllled, ",lId • di111U81110P bJ the cl'LZ~n. to ~~r ~n tm Lln~dt lOr rtl~e.- \~usbl\Dd of. 'l~e' desLroy~r ~~d' tlte VIC- :&Iornhllr , dlL\Vlle~. ,Yoo\ coile ~vils ~!d~\t dOlYn L1.~erri.o~ d\lou Will mani(o&Lhitat Was gnt,llfictlf he bogan ~m-\Yba~ b\lc~o .or lnm. :, ~ h~e~ler "-'Q her r.Lhl!r illildj 'and .1,e lIfr. U,n,nolcl the compnmoillililp of-some iii .all,e.ol Boato\t "He SUlflds before you! "'1\9 the and put her ralr armil "boul',I , . llild", .. 119 ,ClrlI of .ge. · · of 'he oLher tll!~, tb sbnre thl'iIIinrr nlltllTor.. , < II • '' 'I " 'b bad 'won-t o \v:11isper CQIt,. j) ' 0 , • I I , eft 0'1 !' m er own . 8D~ {alper,. DU~II F{lOl! GlJlEF.-lI~I ..\Eleri ~ nr in Inomonta of 'de.. he smiled tbrough hili, lear., ILlld part- d'lUgtltcr of . Plckerin&: DI/d,e IP()ridlebdelBC)f, Wlupply the void "bich • .E'q, w.. cd tile brgM dorbp ' Iookl (rom Ilor.brow, foulltl dea~ in he,r bc!l8t SII,m; dont11 bift old Cather had ocCasIon~ ..... .<!h · " .. ~ • I.,d "Ih, Ihouli! blve al!\lthJ!r ball, Tbursd"J morlltnlr,l.lvinll·l'f'Ureel In h'r lIau Ho- wou\d piCl~ure to 1Ir,,1I01(> Lhe .... Ti. '" g} I•.aln m'd1ady hUid"',dll . _ ~ hter. gayer Ihal, the la.t, .anll loo~ lov!he'r tllIllI ~e'~:lll!~, b~l~~~t~,\~d~~:r\:!.o~~!..'!!! r 1" ltv d 'ID . tell8C_.... '..... 1 an. d "HIlRven !!eOln't .e be Ie "i. q f ,. "rc fiti'C. praia. I" la 'Ie vIlCOh" 'l;; , I •. I'IIId A b1111d.~u . ' ~tio it .. "Now ever, .. 1111 d t I'len. Jler Qlotu!!r" " .I. ,-" -~"~''' boautifurwoman, find 88 ho bll\~ chosen l.ulltlet! " (~th8r b,er,lDl1 her. dt;ath .ttrlbule d to. •' 01 .Ix ~."ru y , y. . of pe.urla IIC~081 I,er 1'1110 foroh ad, lind l or t~e aft'ectfena.' 8h~1I have. 8p~letbllla ·.gelltle to Jo,e. enid. "(huy become her palling' w~'I :":":" ,. , Smill c:o'mtufL to ",e,' tb,qao boylli, MIl.e Cocile ~milea fainlly when.'.h e ~()pJI"ed 11111'OatuT TO Bal1'llu. sUbll:C TI.-Tlte , 01 I witll I hi '" II r N , !!IV York . un.o I~.... octHved informllturvy rOln moru~ll: I.. Il " thelll in their '8nd Ihen fler mOlhor llo"n trom I ', Trlb reliable lource •.lh.~ in aceor. their l:uu~.~~lllnll·l~ckJe, P\lllJler•• I,~u'r~. oallle , bo('k ogll" 10 1,le beU.lde. Ah l (1lIne\l wlth lilie opinion or the lal" offictr. clln for: ot Lbo ~auty h~U~tlR'! ~IIII:IUJ., alld IVhCll ."ot. rom ." whut foIIrfuI sh"du\" III thDt moment ary lif Ille CrO\\'Il 01' 'Gres, Drit.jn, ·Ule IOV-I J g .. , _ bll.s r~rt""t11 rllll~ou.-liorl'I, Intonal load .rept over that S r !to lUar,1 .. IlS tJ. 1"" colleGe aweal raee' e~lIl1l.lIt of ,I' lit eOUlltl'y \"ill cou.idor IllY • , d ' n II II 1 ' • 'I ' II: fllirer bSlI'Od. lUore WIlle, an aegQr. ~I ~.mpe un .ubjeot, wllo'tevur'~e Ihe pllco.of ' or t Ie g,,~. "Ceollo! Ceo(lol" .DI~ the ~e"'II'd,e.red w."" l1rltl8h hi. c1omlcllft, \yho .hnula ,eoritrlbule to \hll' novl,lr 'dnnced ~pon" eral hl!nd uf \1\ celera., I , Imderala ntl It e I mal'i'; '"alliveri nlf w Ih... D'ln~enn~ble terror;. projected RUBliiaO 1001\. 08 KIlII.tJ 01 t1to .n... ",u... " was a tll\'7 ye~1"lI olll- -oi, my ~urae ~Qe!IIIDuhlhl~ . !ltLJ" glr) ".pellk 10 hlp. Cecile! whitt"IL 1" crime of hll\h trc.~ tlll- "3d nlble ,0 tho aark haired and penslve l but ....,.chmlllg up ~ykDee. inaking mu.le· lll1d plln~lly : 01 h1K ~Im. . . •. . Madeline.Ulo aalde.t, p081ifire. spirit, ctlltivation jQtelltecL'llrui.ty.· 'fheir,l'a~laor a edttc,",on,l> Rlid bci~ tho,
.... '." !
TQ COB.a}'';l'ONDBNT~. lV. c(: 'J. 7'. :ll6Ve4l/~1 aml.papm
.Ail "i!l~l.
W. iI. 11
i, good. o.nll wIl? "111>00,. IE. Jt:
(J 1
Til E LlrTtl PtcO.IIII Tllr ·' \I'III.t Id •
good numbnr uftll." biNII ur }'oullI" p npera,. wlnrh 18 I\ecomilllJ celebrated ulltler the
f'ditur.at d.a'IOtU f Graco Greenl.uud J I i. an exc...,Uellt pubhcCltiii'II, " t60 cOllte b year PluI8d~lplii •. :...-.L.-J..
., ,
W, B, B~4CnU II. F T. nUMJ)T.
FuItI'Y -An 014 "fliP ,,110 mlabl be cl....d .. 01 the a-diul "8¢IIIIW_"." who W,. too In1 to work , but picked up I II,· '-;;!===.======:=::::= lllg by peltilORiDI. Iud oUier moan, /I. HAIRY SHQPKEEPER or Ie.. Illluivocal, \Yilt caugbt"bt, Il nellll· Upon the lIank_ of the Mlalikslpl, II) tho bor \V1lb a rail 01) br. back, wblcb lao bod Sut. of TOIllleaall; Illora oneo dwell In lu,t apptoJlrlalCd from ,lld ne'lll~bor'. \lId man by tho IIlmo or Yadgo-'I om rellco rO{ firaw~ H!1l101 you old scoun Yn~r Nuw Tllln h_d Isfan all hOl)ost, drelhp(hot are ,OU Ilf.lln, my (,lice lor" all II, hre but be. had W.I tbe soluladon he tellelred fro'll the I owner Tho old (el/ol\' lurn\ld round, '"" hard IVotk'"i man nOffJ' ownaU,. lo4111al-buL 011 Tum 1{1'0W tl'd one ond pf tll1l r,U on tho ground, and old Ill, wOllltll ... Id IJllportance increased, Rud'rephed l Wlltlout tbo leut Ilmharraa. cure", patent Illd ",itb lt I d091ro lo~ II Ilog II~ID ao be JllQllt J 1111 t 8UCl\ & nllc!h~y light oldor '110 day pal'k~d up I clean IIhlrt, :tulfcd Ii than YQu lre , yuu Illoddlfng old fooll'., d d(\ II Uti Int ..u II. ""I I d Then delibeuI.ly .houlderlng the rllJl,he hlu,uro l WIU ot, 8 appo cmrrlcd.t hOme 1J. U t"'" upq" II .Iello~boot, nnd awlly ))0 .tprtM =~~~!e!;!e~~~=~~=~= down thQ riYe, for Now Orlean. to buy bun. alldte Now tina W08 tile firat trIp rom eve, mado r he had lived 1\.11 his lIro where he waa born, Ind nevor heard Iny otber language than thot DC bill moth • • ,', tougue III tba toutle qr a rew da,8 !l h. lilto Col PloltenDg.m lUI addroia b, IIRlled UpOIl tho loveD lit Now Or10ao& berolo tho EsSC% C9p.ntr Agrlculturru Pllor 'I'om, 1I1110 ~1I1 bl know wlia' be, $OOICt,l, onoo Sl\l~ Mil 1'0 eneounter ~ TI,e l"renllhOlon Will "Evory farmer Imc»vs ilb\T oal'''OlY thero. the rtlUan Will lhere~ tho ~pnlllllrd cattle devour tbo enure plant of tbo lU Will th':fB-'- dUln corn In 1108 gl'Ccn 8t.'l.te, lind lrud In
SWDJ1l0r ArrangeJficnt,for-(
. ",,-. - :1-. _ . -
ITTI,\o; ~ffAMl AND OOLU~IUl:l &. XENIA ItAILROAD - 011 and liner OAl' \ MIIY 8lb, l\:alo. w-lll (1\11 as "I
!1'I·:\t.".t'i·,c:et""otCl. t-J hl""'r t-J
• '.J
'T HE; VOIC E. O,F- ··t, HO~GH.1: ,-T:~E ·'T O.N.G UE ,Of. THE PRE~S . ~ •
,!,~Y NESVItLE) .
:'.t' t ' :,',.J)".lJ r~t~ , ~ ~ _.
t;;:i. I...
t,tiles. I ' . ,'. ~nly B
. "
QBiO~ ,
W.4RREN COUNTY, . . ;'
,WEDNESDAY, A1J,GUST 16, 185~, '.".
" I
WIl9 0110 blliok CUI'~:li ll, ,. ' 111$8 'TOD~ lit. D. ' Im'nt lIe~er " ,ndllllll obody horo'" kiud as to tell me hu;" I ' by L1rll fllinl1jgl~t wl\ich .' "Slit!" said I to mys~lf; '·.dlo· ~oy wife llre to ~ dll~igl\al/liJ~ I\ Ii.\~rl- r I \l'M' lo mark, our dcilivorallco, or SLand: 1\ uR'. ' A ' .JiiniAS E_ ~" . T~r&' U ·E UlT. j~t. ~~ witloill lllll rellel. of hip pONorl He would am'oly ha~ W'~I\lb blo~~ III IllS ':0108; "MI'. nnd Dr, HubbsY" mobum ontof our dest.tuLioll'. ' '1'h" \yjnil '1M , .1 8url'ly be A curse t.(\ Ihe w~rlti; OliO rAlber" ' ' " . ,l\twaya ,hi tl\'OI'ylhm~'" llir '" /IIi";" Yo.II ••, rtn' ."0\'0 -I' 'j' to<', A TH . I\I\d Mr~ Hubbs ,t... , RIL',Ll~G ,,"uA S"O;D'Y ,,M'Ol /lllts, Por'l'ulio of II 1'.u1I9 Lawy,G". Lhey I"or . . .. , tIl' "}n,.. ..", lhan luule. UpOIl lh ~ prosp ot IIl!lo[c him, ~ ' nU '.~ '1'1 liS. , b 111 ' -1, ' elUllO t ' In d " , a... '/1 .,'11. rollowlnlJ , II' 0 4 "" . lire ' "~oilig linea wcro publl»hod ill Ihe . ,.... tI &fl u . Ie oy soon re U!,ne " SII) lUg,. 'Ie dies 1 tI 10 WII\'OS,lI __ I u ' D a}leRd .111 , " onol ~o Qr ~lISas t ' .IeI .~ , she wishcd ~hc could I,ovo laid him in tIJr 'VWJ 't, t1> 1 nd milO . b I I " " hla· "CinrJlflllllt C4inme~ el*t" Illuw 'Yll~i' 8In.:e. ' .. • QO , III .Iuse ' .•Iome, 1111', , ut •I • liT • ~ "P." 'lTw&88 . ' ' crt UU)·Q o( om "I"" Ri~llls • oUI~l0Ii:l oue L p.' ftil:I~II4I. k grnve, iieUle Illl il'lloccR to hd~r t bl).l\fing cllild, De~ido s, t>u, :Wo·rea.d 'l'ho hla broth. dn}lS li,"I\lIgl or my edtiy olerkshi p WdO end: '), . unruo 1 Ih"llrinlOr. 1·h. on An " . A . tho, slnll!., " U I WIIIl evol1 into tltill lesacr insi~lIli IInil '~1:~1I nr; ahe coJid ulIRost p~fty (hBl he 11\1," 1' be k'' n 't1101I Qllboar t*,'ln.'.n n In ha ,IlIUlit (lied r'lrlll, h~. blull . . seemuu to cd.; Illy e.xnmiuRtio.n .wMO\·or.;I 'l' ~hu 1I0urso of t.he I\Clel'Jloon, II, I. we bo, "Dr. 'I'oll fInd clI~\cc: B1~ IIJ· \ I . crao I g lilt<> pleoeal •AL ' I . 'I" 01' "I 0 now, lIi>fore he W0 8 n1) wo~·e, Ul"ch .llll\lrctl. olld .1 1M r~'1UV81 of D'nllln. g~~lltll"I,q I! IT was lit the 010 e of a etorqty dllY ,ment the ol\l'pen~1' ' ,eporl.ml Lus mo- miLLod: Ivrote ntycilH·INehemlnll · ubus, I\y upon &be SOfil, With my haud pressdiaD' I drop UII' IIl1lne or Huhbs' ·It 'U · ~bat t ho ~tttll'n()Y "'. 1'\lt np :new;. ~riif.ht li~t1e e~ up~n my head,' ~ . IItr .or naUt\'ll, wo iuserl II luthe VIl ITun lrum in 1.110, "cat. 1835 wheD Ul0 ~ , $till ila , irregula r gother, "fll\nllt 1\111,\, fribellOll\o .IeU boLh rreeled 1\ Tod or the wenther fore-shroucl SI!;II!\" IU\~ 11\ lily IUltl'f". YI!lUll:,<e bel;nll pulal\l.loll(l, lhero ,lVa. 1\ son 1.1111 QbJlY ; '. . tool no.. hen ,,"ol~ n :nll~1 u. slio fell lb., J. IS co ' .. '" • I lid draw at my " the bOd~ C(lmllllln pl. lise to Lull Ole I 0\ : , IA II d " " nl,\l illlwer. II. , .,.,. . ' , \ t bl', eonunlllllg n Le hMd Itt. . ',e01110 11\ ,. pl'o,esslo ' II r LUrBS. 11.l!u, ,I J,.'O 1'.u'd 1 lIot aoor. . , ¥ , o 111\" out; t> my ellr s tlllgmviH gun .'Get on dIe ,luff... IIlId fit thom 011 nil ' I! It is aI pOinnhl1 L 0111\lse I i I ,11m 'nli.Lllko ~i I.uIJ.~lIIled to pur- 8\!rpl'i~e~ in clime L1~e 011, t · . 'JO()IfE W~tC) WILL UI'DllltIl TAND. " " 1I~~t.es', bright.cB~. t~ bo sutlled. '1'he It\dit:1I arc f\1 ..hrn~' Dul ~he Vfoathc\,I, ,,hroud$ , . Kellp her at ~U\l 1,1t~ honOl'l\b!e .prnouoo of :tllO OIl)Y. Qlle louKI)...J inlo 111.11 1I1eedlnj!.hoble mo.t oheerful . I?Oklllg hUll:, "Oqll1l, l~ 10 'he pulpit" nlld evell r--'I . " 8ma~1 llolm, .q~artqr-tnll.stor. IInu ,eIlSU p!·ofe..!Slun· tf,) 1V11l?h' I. hlL~ lo tho '1)1\1': to hell~t, Qllt! It \\'08 " kinder eyc than ,Leon. , oilY ,nUl'll maUT. her I~ ~ho ,~e8, we,re 'he orden! of till} ~~lelll' nn4J~nrRl ng I~ the,d,e41~tIld my IIII~"e\',er,\pe.n mX .lot Lo meet: ., , " many \lr UIC~ 1I1'U IIh'cn<ly in llie lI.d d • . ~lMt' or 111Y y~u ~ent fQ~ ~10, .' 1 beho,Yo , sir I cuI l).rol~s$iGnl and till a mllll llll¥ c/IR!-"m. '. . , She compl~Il\~d IlQ mqre,nor dill h\l"; ', ~trLt., but n.ovllr "'WI truer 1 I.. ~)'! 10 \IID";, I\IY 1I"1l11t'.·trllllorut heart. 1 ,?riI pelII . sh~, ~f\(d m II qtll.ck, 1'Ieasa~t · wa~. up Jus J111,!d whut Ih~ luffs wei? SO.OIl put "pOll tho thun 'the lime . hOllore~ iJ~rCtvorh P l!iliQ'~ III: iii LO tnktl come , mllr\l, kit,,]. .Y I'l overy rOllllh, unIe bllt W lo~Ci 1IIlruo\-QIiIo1l", fnlt... " "A . 11 ~o mnd:l,mi-Y0u are lab,:nng uu- ,,1'01'1 ho 111\8 II mlsisUn' \yoAther shroud! !,,, Illoh I)f conrse roo prophet lath no ,111"'01' 111 .,1118 , 01' A Illw ~'er, reflllllt: word WU8 U dro" or 81uI; ,0i••1\1 t~ 11111., Ioe.rlill'v. kllOwlI, I'tl~II"I;' aa ",.rm Qwn O O IlU' 1\ mlstn'ke . .., . , hoyed the ~h8111s alld ohimllels; but iry," I beHe,ve if I, h"tl . or I' ,dootor' hill wifu I·t 'I . l/ ' c1 I • J I r , " , radu I lRlh remnlll,!c,lln Many ~~I:;:I'b;u~M"I :l'llrls ,::ollid .oou~r . "Aht I peg'bardo~." 6IIid tllo Jit~Jo \Voll hie llO~rtforRlld II)}O\'~ ~II I;:\II~~"~~' Ilcr, nil a ler 1001IIl1II' many an ~'~X1ouSoyU \Villi 'urued to\fI\f'il~ the vilingo of Greon Briar or i ,' p 8. 1lIond d,oir w.rllllh-"nlllily Ic.a t."en"" Ih'\I , t ill my helll! \VonVln "I fou.nd Oil mY,iilnt e the nllm, W'n or any 'other Lhe rilmluDl~g boIlS, for upon Lhem .do· WtlS wlli~; pley wouhl h"Yla '. 1.. tlulUght oC of ~~. , ~Ub~~jlll,u.nbllr f~urLllen, M~8.' bow~e how ho i, disel~8ed II,IL I in vllh II dl~l!?sO ror wlifelt Ir,O pr"efera/l.' employ~ .a ~' l:\t1y , ro~ ~ coul,d find nQ name, Bho ' drbpped Inlo Iterpelldell tho PlIUt.s, . II!1~ upon tb~ rn:\sw 1110 III' notl,mg but a ' boy, llul f1evor'1l1l0'Y J oi.o ,,:hooo Ieml.r el'o..u .' .and \~Qnhl Grey~, b,onrdmg bOIUe, \ylt~ "rcque lt ., ' depended tho satety of tho slup-':'for, havo (earod to ~rust me. ~ra\o. , ~ q",cltii 1II0VoU ly .YIIII,athy l..otl WIIC~. . al'l.er that I ,y~uld c,&1l. ~~d'lco , 111m," . \~th .0110 Coot.of fltnvlUIs Jess she eOllid my lign wuli put ,up, uobody,Even ~1t6 dl.l~ 80.10'\:,1, IJontJ\'II1C c.oed I.' m~lfcWr.· Onre', willi unlll'Jlalolllll';Vord.; l ,toucbeU 'ti,,,,. oalled me .' ·'You,. sl ...L,e, m.adllml:: I exolmii\O'd, \lot hYII fi~een mlllu\.Ca. Y~l, III reohLl It 1V~8. ' Bill' 4,ICd' 0( " Mr. Hubbs; I 'lvass still "1'1'." wilola old my I\st(lI\lIhDlCnl \RoreaslUg eLord.. , evory 1110' ~ ' liTh . Onward plulll,tOd the oYt;r·lad,llne~ 'Ind young',' anil' ''NII'' 'ut ' wounds tn the boart r illlllclOd by Ibe hOQ& lou ti..,.\l11 I"DI\'~mhl 1'lIrli Ol. ~.rly ";111' I \Vo'llIil hl1vt rc- ment.. "Y?~ surult I1~O not 'llJ Crtgnto, find at .ovory . Rurge elle~e~mell ,m ~ip9d to ~bis dAY, lulIl, I It 01 hQr own 8Qn. .' . Itoa"lI~olly t" lloy .. ,l1d &"d."lle..eJ eye. tIImain"lJ. in "'PI~yslillnnl leI lllri" ,.be .n~t.vrfupt~ bent .upon mnkl~~ the de~p' Lho .slIllor's ?relln lIrillr. , ~.. HO' ditlnut tili li " of It; lI'hen he ~ \lowell ~lullfellltJlc.1 011 11.0 .nl..", ID.t. awhilt;. .:. '. ' ,~~ q~lokly ,.. nm a ?1~y8ICIl \n; Dr. __ nnd her Il\e oak slaes hIli coffiJ1 her rl!mrtitu 10 lhcjP lost relillng.plaee: Only one ,oaM! cl,uJllclbmf'IHteullll.1 'J'lICU'..... II 1I\\I!l~ly".ay..,I'•• t\oll"rul~ i....l,l., , Jr•• "'rtAow·. D.... a ...IIi, t &he had been fit~ed OllL ...e Ihll'ing" the Lb eo montlitt or "my pl,"en~ 1\!1l. . tmo Ao .... UIIII,oril.lUlo\lC tby,.,irit'.II.ep 110), IIII' >'ep[ Kilti' I'ullciad' b.. had' IlNod ' , "E:i: l'ilinary 'YU alii could .aY,T IIP. yotiK'o MATK )().DE . ",hen ~he ,thcrmollleLor "I~ bu' .AM ullowed ICjye of lOul-unllllll:,' . in Groen Briar" IIl\Cr bein/: COl' tbQUg!l ~ hlld l'! I" tJ . l It. Jlcard at A 'di~llInQo low zero' Her 8hrouds of course W ' Lo the bllr and Llall~ "a, th41 uC sucb boin~s, \18 mil :Ier • onT 3: I!.I~ .)'lItp"~" .' ' . '. , ... tbis was tho fil'l!t inLro, hy lllke .uch. tbom~' Why d~.crlbb tb~re~or ~ 81ac , 4!OI!d a everY81raill;'And CIUO ~f 4n unjustly Impound'c d Dut.ll0 know;' It now. 1 cllnnot lel l pig; l 'fo . (~uqtioj'\ .J.o a tomlllo IIraelaLioner 'of thu aucll a oharuolert . Ali!' I...J" frulll .i.., ""It , . Do we "ot aUlltlkllOIYI- ' her unwleldy .ml\Sl~'.-for .bo hlld tlloSCI 10niouIIIY',abstrnctcd. your ttle ,knuwlcdge c".me 10 him, bllt' any J lidl ~ ".!S'a ).lnd,.¥' ,"llna io ' r ~lol\\U', from Lbe !rag&te <?ulUberl"nd, a tl~~, smaU but /,\ecurc spot in ' 1\'~liql\ my 1!l5eU~rtp,Hlllllrt. h )Vila rutber awk\V~rd, ecl~e tbat,th. ,ouna become deJlr.v~U OliO 11'\'0 looke u,pon hll fnce, promalurely 1'1T_~aliil ¥II\£. llOIIC\Mld .... ~ch~"hallin' bu~ SlilCu 0;1111 h"d ?~me, I .~ele~,mod 1011111111 Itorloa o( l:r~me ."d llrhntnnlal \Vrlllkle~1 lar~r .hlp-~emed ,r eady to cllo'.'t.\ll\d tru~tingly I[uposit.cd .hi~ ami .to and hnggord, II be lelill. II... " Ap(a it _ed • tear-•• I'ln I tali , mako .tho ~()st or It: I~nd ILcqUIl\~lt Lbo I~ nut tbe nllrrltlv o~\.of be!, e \If tit" /irat murder, IhM while, IlOilO ,JIIo \ll~. IfI'"vc·1ardr ""', . ' . mnhCloual,r urlven 1.0 the" pl~b1\O Inol\,- IntI, doctor ,Ylth my II ~Wi8.lo il'l be~" •• u(lIbo}l,. ,&h.tben , OilBC. ' rellted 'a t~o Scrl,~,tI'c. wllh a.,low word. read 1II.~ re tho collijcioU8,neea o( Aud no",wllIl~ ,all WI&8 a.,prejte.nSlon, aure callet! a pound. for tbo ,nlo II laGunti0ll Wl'lIlllllm y own! LllllewllJlU"od purpose She Cult. of my pulle, IUIkotl n!'JUor· II po.. lblol 11110lher .boll drtlw-ll I~d tben crimI) thllt \ylll I!lvo hini uo (loa~, anothc rdoub,le sl of qompelllug my client in bia OUI q.u:oltlunf! ~ to ~y .ymplom 8, &II ~ bad mad. OtIt..,Un,. III,e • . AaU Ihen, ~n~ It I. true lh.t tho ,deloU, of evil d~cll. Pudr l,oonard~ 'fhj. i•• funely n.t laIi' our wli,)lo stll)' \flU plfleell po\'eHy I\nd dusl,itution to Boar 1It1, baol DO dolltl ot' ,",.\81')' 1 wo~M pay tbe Lhen \II hor 'lUIck, brljlh' way exr.llllm. a ainglo bol~ Ie.. ,thll\l "man'~ bever be dlvelt. up j MAIN ¥'.r niT "path of Ufo" ila dlrll«uil.OI C. _I'at h 'be a I II .t I ' d lid' 'I ~I b I ,maL ig ' ciroum~o 0', reue.l. nor Still ' thq 11'011 U 11lI. ·YC U ways IBunleu orde: 10"!xtHI~.:c. " .•J.d., I t { · · " . , Ne~\'0U81 lIenoll,t. that" "II, defend ' to b, brooll.lt to IiC ht o~t!ept be glioll. ,11 is. n~(}thcr i& nt reet';y ol\e '" • cluug ~o . thll whd wood. and bore us un olt~ ledllnt .h.1& posUioll aOlI M"I6\11 '!fu"ld b. 0 !lone rorlb in loV. 10Ih... ILl exouso me Blr, but tbu air cured ~r aruel.edl but thero I. re .. on, ~o he ever rtat ngol).' nl~ngflltJo tbe .br~likel'll,though ill.~ m~t " v.... lady, in iI.llt 1i0ur- U..~ .. crQd hour. . to ~te bosonl Or \.lis f,\m ' rboa;n-I .pro,ulilO.Y0U are mueh le~r th.t tbl~ crim. '0 tOo common nol to f~,"h.tfu~ . proXlUll &Y Iq Llaem, .:l'his thril. ily'!" 1:10 hns ".v('lIed "hru"~ll ~lIny, Illlld., &01 , Wilen IlIrDb lo·th~". o'-r ..rovlne 1.111. . belll.ll vou I.Q Imo~lIIg." , . hovo eume Illrondy under ' the ollaorVlltloll Remorso, wllh hor whip ef acorpion., Il~ lnaldlln& haa IIllver, I beheve. beo,1 By ",is '( milan th6 I, 'Ielt. ttillolrrd' (HI!II11 in nly fluur4 'ct ' olillnt's ,fllmily, 1 plond glully. ..I m_ny. 1Iore ~llIln one child h.. ~oeu IIlwnys lit hi•• Idu. Whll. notlood 'i~ rubli~ but it , i. tho .[lit.cfll! ~ pig having' nono of, his she lI"d b. Wllleh told ~ .al aoUId ~~ .OIlO DC'jQrd ' 1.111 nl.l. \)\Yn, ' ito \Y1\!l "AIlIl h~\~' lUl'Ily c..iNIIJ'!! do you lh .. murdere t of bhl mother, \Vho fact-wi liol 1 m~e lIut the !lhghtu~ l ," figuI'C of IIpovab Uildollbt Iloed.lcn l}, I~uded lIer wilh ~orrow, 'bU. .ucily~ the ally amo~ll , III Ii da,r '1 '1"'1 diillll)' Iltrli s. k urrell 'l"lIh tht~u. . bol"d "a m...u-ol-\yllr. 'whmt ho wei ~olnlf unll1. bo IlttoRlP~ now. ,ho bealS n henvler 1011d. Hlall. to embulli~ h. . f'lmily hot inhllbiLi ng .lin .ri~1I ollbitl. '1'lu!'1 ""0111111111 Il... ti li.vo Italll I:oi118 I<lrf'" to "l'.cnl)lll'(.., ~\lIl, 1 " ?Vlll' .counleu; nl '~I hl'JI~81"II,ercl\lI1cd ~l\O bOl\tJJWllill'e A, 1U, 11I(.I.ped C!~ -r,,~ I , .:1 IlOm· bllt 11I,'r Ifne• . And If 'o!lO ud tqle harilla.le, Blld he wO'1 nd tlot Ill\ve d.lervet 0 it rl>tlnlll!t t' l uff. the pc:rioll, ~~I\d ~o 1\ .~ Lh~~w '1\1\'''1 11,. I Look am~th- c.,n pOI,lbly .r~el lueh 'n,<IlUd 1/1 hla ch,- it. if lui Jrllll olll!) \lIId I:I'C &bu In..t .col\o died IIIV.IY pare our t'e>lsel .1cIl1'1lIt; 1.0 nd.llIllg " ' I. ,. d lYell,. lO lI\,il,. 111.1 rUl.'unted over ur, usually . . , Ihu\t lit. ' -tllo rooj - , Y')"mud u .. ry Illl.t' r clso . It cI\,~'1I Ity tbln., . DII~ OOd WI\.. IIh UI thiln, II Il bqt t I'III SICL ' d , I I d \Yoro I bl\ updll d "<lul'nl C·I",I'.r I'U "our . moutll nro'ty 0, I IUb, I It career·· n d, IIlYe . '.. ... Ill. Srl!'ll ",hlat"m.• 1gUlllly.l(lftIY 10,,1: . Y ' !/ . Il~l . o\·tlr a::£olln, hly mal Oil t1p,1leeh. )la ' Qf '1'ho tihi ~ ILIIggl: !l' I;qugll him flom II, IV I10. I,vayc llUle, T a DIli'k 'llA WII5 the night, t~ '~ ltite Iv'un ell~'S .. • 1!"M.t J The atetl . .,. I r I UJlIIIIIl, dVIVI.1 '!Ie 'floor ,of ~Y little lDueh: "ForlC"t thee ..OIl! (t..,IIltllllbcr III Lily Itnart! htl\l\'Y lI'tufi r"CIIIliliil.B"1r1u thtl 11114111 Ill. ~.' n\l thc timo, oh'! I tt.. "C\a61Y to<'!' L 10 YOI.,.? II Uer Ingul.h that nlll.lt,rol. bOl\Y. ' SiMay; Lhu aC~II'I!ld 11",\1114 th~ir, ~I'toli: III helld", as ijHI\~ plvrce. on y while oillet'. ' In thIS, lPY .brat 01150; r ~YI\SlIUC. And, ",hll.1 I"ou ni.y, cnll io; Ihy dIOu'lIh~". g1 , which h~ be"" "towing Aghin ,,' .reluotllnt o<)nf".lio~ "I\li III\Y, '','Il)' llnlll be to11l1 80\'01'11 'I~II lip ray., f~lI orer UII, I\ml UI4~ t!Iuudcr , 11u "But lor Iiltl oUIlI - olt Ireillt.) .. Mild be,..1ire ocs~ful 80. (j,r ai 19 rescoo Lhe impolllld- !of ~ug from • l .uoJ me. d"yt!, . luLU illcr'r'nselj. 1.0 11. , .u,voriLy' t'I"~1 01 the .IlM11I1I~ lurgullOtlnduu h~" ' . b I. iI ahort Itory" tl&"t or" brokell 1'l/ lliy ruUe h","I. UU_II GuJ ·!I,lIly',erIMlloer.' ~he filth'n:11 nnd SIIYlI- nl, cli,ant fr.oln To r..liJlg~ 'be)'o Ilill;' "0, \lOW Ihe litlo. ,VtIIl nl>~ to "btL In"d,, ' light .J, prQ'u~~ YOIl III,t up lal.o, 'Imokll!l n~t dealh~, beDrt-br · or. '.J.·btl 11 \V flljlul~1I 'fint the ooUlln "M"III\"1II1; eaklllll,le thq J ...... truI'"er ,row'!. it ru.h...... . , 01 Oil, p'U " . mt:"L 9C Iltl UItJllit tl1)IU 11\.1;' but all UIO Limo?, brellkl!rll, "hero ' O)oudell1y ' . " " "tlln(~l o( Ilny linlt.rltl , d,8Ilth i l\!IL noll , for U", "IOtliit. It, \'I'~ • •gur ~ ,ngl;'\pt" roug"~ lio ' "n"er 't'lltQ my 'i·.mltlnr... uU 10 p.ill...... lld Wlllllltlod Ioo.rla. ~::";oa. ~ am,emo "ere dUltroye" in ~he 'dng ~adlUg . 10 . ",/beo Ai. ICllglb the .IlgA, ,boro upon uur .\1I.1I atl"l1\ aud lovel }·etelIa~"" ba.-l u'IIr lhy . 'UlI), '1 tot:kl.,.. '0 my 8Urprt~ 4W1 iI! ""m t.o ~'\al L,,~I "~I) delu~" o[ ~~e hUIlTlo dIll ' ..ad tba\luff"" I.clMadfll' Anlla SIII)g 'b"i~ flUllg' 'uf lUI~rter, "nd the ALlllutio l'ol!ud. ils liripg hOllOr " cour~~. blow ' co my n~ml!'Jr: d 1'iib l,) 0/0. 1M' ~ ... I~ sir; L d nothm~ ,. 'but'tob wlnto CApS belurcl U.,. 1!.II....ljlW till'll ~mt: qllollce 6(, lily speecil did nOll tor'm ~e~o;, lt:)~ mako Leollard 'Dond IV.. "Lhe I I ".0 AlIIII. . . ill nill! 'r'I' 1m 10 e," ,l'ou rnDCY' IW. a e (1) RnyLlub Jl: h'lf ilnve, were. lilenL, oll()h ' ofJl!er "lid 10U Ollly . 0 I, Lhem!'!, aa r hall fllnd ly l;opod"iL IVollld, I( yliu dtiu't LI\kc. C1,"I'V . ~ow: n II I,. " 1 hilUfil tllC> .. ilI voice. you lIIol/,er, !'I.a W••_1l Wld~w," ' One Ot'l' . lVasal his post, nnd .h,. bearing and of 1I1\rI\<:raph!! ill' " u" ..1". '''''I,u ~'lil. ,," ',nr".... "011 • .••1 ond pupm. or • to my AdVIce b , . ' .. U d 01' OT ,boyehe h/ld, but ·' je U • oountcnnucc or tho C:lptnlll scemed to <If diSCUSSion '" tbe T _ U • " u U .. I" lie, ntLum}" to lfU 1\ ou. IYlUI • Iflll'e UIOQ c9~ruCcorller:! I of 'IOL? tf 1I0D 1 ",III take Illy rOllvo Imme. mt'mory • • , every 0 " •' ' .' •' . . cnlbr)ne" .1 ' an Ingul, (or . Illy thl!' d' rngemcnt . to 'nI y. .. p~ CAW.4IT0 1·,l. JJ Y Wed" •• day' Jul'; Of! . neIther " T" i-i"".en~ "nit ij ... r.einl. .1\1,' I\lul wu bO~;I' 6 ' I' dla I It I bnn'\t d . I to kl ,I 0 tl " It''''' " ' . 7 , . 86 '" ~ .., , I' · ' • Ie II 011 Y nIl IVllr IIInu luvlRg BelloUll' Il'l I ~.., WiLIt ~UL a b;lrl.! IIO!SSibl' lico tho ;"s1l of clicilta for '''hich ollch I .., , '-;hll ' • ,T , • 1'" III rS.l ,t 11Il;; ~ \aoCoCU, 'd • 10 ~yo .'1 I promisod, lIubmiM»ivo ~ ~ll1mb. .aTill" \ho ' ship "nd LI'tlll 011 ,l"y 1 v~l;ly Ill&\le relldy lIt W1$ to rememh r 'of hfm'. , Our eOli(erc ence hilw jUlit cloHed pltlill III ''In lhe first-placo, 'Lhcn, throw IIwa)' 'l'h. .W. . lcA ..... U of Ipllutl'.hill ..,fily tJountl B~",Leqllllrilll'reW up slllieh Ind 11180110 alolool Corlitlntlville, n,t w!lioh w.r~pa.I' be he rct>liod all hill ,Ie,cr riso' Lo \I. bol108\ cll,r'lI Irvu,rthuy IHI.dllaloean. {:'lJu th-roulthoUL ~h. C\'Ollln "-lho bl\\thl1" I\OU proUldieHt. . ¥lIned the e 'Ul'l1ge. lind by curr)'1II1l tho ntl\U III Groen BrIar, nil .80 I cilme opininll I 11th I.... lell.ter IIl1m "ClltI}> inDY". u otwbio h, CUnlontry LO the' ha.!lL orJe~ I Y . I ' . ,_ ' 1 ~ olhel'll •• utI *<I .Pcl'enroti \VI! I ohollgh .w.y Allasourl CUlllprr) lIllsu tl'" r,K,ltf;e \\'bic~ in II!'Y other 8i\';lI~tiol~ \Y1)1I111 NIIIldun dUltlrmill"lion Lo-relinGV~ 1.0 'hu. . •\'T. 'I'hlendn,'a 1",111ft, lJ;i\l I"'oc~ rullUl\. Iiko' ,a tI~I~ lio Imd givo on le~Yillg I~w' Ind 'It I l' ~!~ I given .... ,my 80 e ,,?IUIO' ,rurn hOIDe; lud.:(:,I', till ' \VII ;na~t.1I1 Lhll deck, been COllllldlrud, a 'UICIWl} ~ol., I,!. thRL pl~aaallt 8pO~, I1ntl eutMI.! tit\' port'l!t o( ,hem "il-Sl;~.iy: ' .,""1111 " , " II' I;(lme I.L~I, l.1 ~ ns 1 sal U 1 til INt1ld ' . I' dn ns ~ ~hil \I If dlrt'c&~ I ,III,elli," l1lanU ",.".," '//.Ort, and ,ailed tI.. grellt CILI where nobody knew 01' ol'er 1I11i'~I. Mil ,"I; t 110 s. a' tI Anlong allier•• n rca"luliun 'hmodue Of ,klatlne.. , thrC)u~ llIy ".bult Frlulf'" It\~ cnWi!; ." u, \IP 'f .\ :~I . t~ ue- CoII,tituliolil ed 01".. I I d \ d ' , fU)llr of )Jim'. Whllll above a1\ lhero , ~ " I \iy the Jtu~\ D, l;1olmonnd ..tutti I' n.elllobo, ' M'11I1' morc; di~oc"'ions fillt! gllvo me '~ ',J'.0 'Iearll~ two VOllll5, lint! 11... ,1 J~hU. ~ed he~ '£hu mllillsl"1 WIUI nOIf hauled up tli ~liat \hl',yoke ill youth,' rl'" no~ , " deleiftlte ' 1 10 .oulld I~ulll 01&11 I. I our n-.c ' "Ne I iHIiIy .. tu A " ..Yell wou "" ou lie ."eel and . I..t liS 1.0 tllllt" Cx/:rCIIC.', early hO\1I'8. &0., might pOlillion on' 1\ .'ee 1. 'li lore , hnvo 111.11.10 • u~lu. ' Dud bappy Ge ill'r~1 Conference, 'pro UI.~ tu the . ' Ul'l)tI. . hgh' hettrUi "lid IItrong " thll " .' " " bon~ 'l'hore I 'IYI\" lIl\>re 1lIk.,lhe ' SUC(l4lSs .' ru.l .nl,,1 pc~ IHLP" 8I10 81\IY,~... .1 Ia~ 0Ileer fu1 cQrn·' m I II 8troll~ J;1~lof \\,I~ blo."lng her, III tllIIl Ipllllker tl,ltlln in IIl1dhlUlds " .. • G I . e \ ("on1 . ' 'tho , 1oon.bn d lhe QP.liOrLun.i. of forrnin .. 1& pllllio!l~hip w~ ontl t.hing neXL ellem ull,llrllnC . .111 e tu, prolublt '[he .... t, lle, ,"I'lucL heJ4 our I!i~llt..a loul.. y lIeedcd;and the ch"~~11 0.' sal lILy He belllln by dllOheyillg' hit mother In rnureMI~o"uld~'rl, boaolRln 'Scilly tltt: g ... llant 'vclI8cl uu~tlr " , 'vi:ry ~dvllnl,,""coull pprtner.ltlp; b,ui:~ss ;;0 ~he rClUl\inoil awlaile e melllbe ,..t ,', ', W UWII~ ' ne,YCIi ,,!nu:lt r d , ' ·1 talking d'· wiLh IInlll tllll\ll, .ncl whau be IIlIV 'ber "rief .be i ' .... CII~fllh,. ·'·1 I ~no .. nOI. lad, • .,lIallllou '~It"inltt or lIIel . '1'1 tit eu\u oh Inoe cOli>lillLCd. . ' d , 0 •• , ' ' · , l c I · 1\1,1 It pa ..ed 1!1 IIID~' "bOil' matters alld recle ' I.oP5111 II .nil Jl)alO trYIIIII. ~, Ptreh.rio. Iholl will o,';'r or ).1'.1' o'er ' . , ; money bOgRn: !O como 11' slow- !; . " • I., I"jrit· .' UII\III Dl,!U~ aCCrll!lInllo". ~ . .! LI I ~l Q .. '. Ilcr deparulrll; al\!,l u"lI~d merrll:y OYer' In~reMC '. . . ' a~ hllt'eolltlUPl',.h• Iy ut first, but after a tllno ' ~oro " rleved '00. . Dut . M., .. , , drill'; In.' l'-.Ittlritftl". Iltlil;u &:\110 ~II:~ ~ el~:lf I . ' 't\tIl~8 In gelloral , MId pro'!lI'lI1¥ to DRI! u he ,rew Ipfl' . ' 'Ind 8Iron, be imbibe!! FORT lIJoH&Nn.~PANDIMON tlau deop ~),ard.a ~hc Unitct.l S.~atc., ~ully, 1UIII'nd nil t.1li.II:JS 8ee~lld prq'pero qs 1\111 ~ce mol ~h~ jf,txt morillD~ ,a Life 1I, ..... llild wond'nlltlliy IlIlI'Utl.IlCO. I y.' . W he Mt tbeid •• tbDl IL \Y~ llet lli.nl~ to be 'Pi~ dow",' IllUd the anpt..m. to the In myoutwurd clroUm.t8Da.... BIU nlll,li! ry U!I' na."l ..l11 n011l11n,k Il Ihllil 'Ua '",ruIlC ouler 1~~1~"1 'l'1:I1l 1tE1~:H~ i':~J1L'1'\, ANP • \I~ve 110 1I~1 \ ' l e".O w.c. first !lcut!o'I,Ulllt, '811d splicu tho Ull\ille 8S ,wu ani oClJll\ told, poetia.t II Il ~rcAI. ~ ""To lIar11or.'U ....o ~pof Ih...'., III cu"hl' thu enu u' 'IC bl'tl b I' U 1, I I · l,r. ' tllCtre is .lVblle,lIIdell~ l Itl\YO ~ot !,,,ven ~y . , /Ill 0.1 liear' brnnco.' t ~~",t'l " e~eo to 0 ey IlllII~t1l~ 110 r.. e"oet bl!,der without ill bitter n<a roso witlj - 1\ t1lougM BmCU ~be IIttl, hll~tl , lillIe O,lInno 'Aad I reluelll""r re I.eInd 1»'1';'1\ womall enLor- . Ie.." t '"II Ie •• rll~ 10 the street, pu {> I~QII. lllli 1IC01'1lto(1 by . d(\IYIII' "lQ~", 1 lut • men III Ule •.MIDe ecboed IrllL lieu&en- 01\1 il,l thorn; :lnd or d,..... kInd war.......\lich 11111 U'k''' , to lilt! Irom d.e ill· ... r , '. '1' room. ' . ' I ' I to .lIle bol\l~WAin ... bed bDl· with \\Ihom he . ' . in tho ahalleo f diaeA!IO in,I'd'IOIIII . . M; ..... lIk• .n.\e IrlUl :£1»1, ... ~hu next Dl01'lllog i foulld myself lome,rme~ IlIlter" 'W i:l tI,e, m'!lIId8~: .. up, ,.'~ le!1 dO~1I lrouud 'evell.i!lgs, con· jllllilli- "eod sliav"d 1l1'(e'r Ule nlll 'a'" '-r' , I' wl,~l1,od tile. . ' . , .... r ,111"'8101V 'in ' ih nppro""O YIHIMIt "h o"t' erie ... u CIII'HUU In a }, 'Pi"" bc~ tat r tar, '1 will r.III.Iu 6nr_ ' lOll" Wlllchil) g iinp"tie nll~ todho arriv,,1 of . ' , •" WI,II. to her earilest request. . 100 th~r~ • luspecte crew, IUld 'pipe . d, but a&: ponul ~unvie~, W'~8 nixed up· anJlre-:.io, do!,n' -' " 'J' I feared d ' aod I'U 11811,,", 11!" ' S ' b ' h lenglh d ' bll, my au coc\or , "'cm~nd.()us VOltle e:"Oame ng t 1'1.1 1 ed. ,1 bo . rhen •. to her repI'Cmfl"he return.d ta , . Inerrated .' Ro.,.. pe~ &110 , rooks. did . w. go?' trAying itself 80 pl"inly, ~lI\t " Ilod , ,toreed finy 'alhel, which 1 I woult! c;hel:r,rul 118 CliO dl\)' heror... wbl\~ II per· 'F,!Idlu,g Lh~~.' 0 pile I , Ie,r w_ !laId I, to ouo of 'ho Dlaawr' word. .·· 'V,,,n~" ~M not s IUlUes,the bilnd mYlOlf no longer to UIC trtttll. flesh r~lIm 'hi~ lIi/ck. , un~i1 All! 'all" .. WII,IW.nI~ '~k IL ,II', .ualdc~ l:0ur tbe blOOdv f\l,ct hL~lo .un~lI m .11. asl I eould , 1I~)tt momlolI' ,110 .I,ul,lld' du III 110 '. .Inewa qu\V~f~" for lock oj coved"l(. .. YetI 1 viaS withQot doub~ a '"ieth" noL Itolll.l:rowmg bolter uuiler W_ _r ",,y' Ihia ~'Y.II~r MaU," m,.lho'U lit, that ,!.htl omc~t: '0(. .bor !,'1re, • ~dU?k ed." , He . mad. . ~o roIllv . Wilt .... !lwell.ullOlI .,ho........ ij"l:,word ••' , bitt taking Jl;ven. ,th". 8ev~re IIUallh\1l'''lt, 10 rar to di,e...e or dill heRI't Dot -el.R:r' hor. lind lIur Inftlillnoo of ber cheerlllg pre," CIUfY IIlUI AC!cordmg fA) blM II- 1\ i rt I Attd lUm t1t thee willi Cte.p•• 11111)1\11111.,,,. , " . l" . ~I d · . rut ,,' 11 , "" , fro/ll IlIulirylng.lhc !tuI,r,ane Illla lI'8 all•• Ii' roo Lhe liOlltenant in aDm- c 18 ,lIlo",ed ,md• • a penci'I IiIDe ' .lOll n.nll' yet I malll\ge d , ' to conlrivll ,"VIa.l wordl rtllm 'n£rillinii tlinl111h' dio J IIer •• lei'lli, "," •• on to Jil. rnoth4!~! III-Illy cunllnia.lunuoJ umeard, who ,Io.ted eart rv cr. or eYI~r ha ere :1"4 I;CP ' It .' - !. ' d .~ ..., tlV,en the oULs!de. IbOl'l aad t.h. LighL 'Organy, Ixlat . Slill, the ,dllreaJ!:l'Cllhllwn to bellOlr did ov!)r Of"'T hr.n. 'I llI IlDiiorpt TIIKC.1ady. ~' m'!'l. ij \ Ihe I.,rlur~ olt~e I~Kh Wd u& Jniorwith a quiokor pttl",Uon \lL SOI\l~ n~ 0 or P"I~ lo,.e", J \I'I\.S LIte , ay, ~!\~ i~uol'troub Houae le LI!,lId, ber ~;'ueb wh~oh II. ,mllst tlfo 10wl1d'~ havo hoen a tbo approllo hor mortal w~an;.JI/) flar euse fo~ tbe ooutinu AI dew, IItbrn ·.nd Iluin, Iloon f'lI '1t\lIk '. med thllt lh8Y Ilod plpeed u~der \\rr..&\ lb. Ho~ye , LIIO , Q"" . , auoe of . b,:r VIS .101111 ti. Itnught fl!r a Iislaerni., Ru 1.0 ~ his M thetgontlo 10.1 wa., aq,lIoel'llod.l wall" , two bugler. Who pe,r..,rmool lho fioRln, . 01. JI"';'" "'!!em ~1I1Mi Idmr-t~'I" bow: " ~t longth 1 found L~at my heart, feeling .ad com manl1 .. to ,the rulUlJ.Or • III to. , smaok th~iagh In gOod weatllor b1 dllY- ~ri'eo" ,Loic' bu& th"rabo '1'0 wlil....r""lcIIID wonluf pr.,er allli IlrallO ... ,lru organ~ wluob h~ I"ug ~n ,ql;llOt Roli appa· dearly.lovodprinCltple tI",liidl cated, III het and tllrl'alened thom with eevere punlahThe log .. lUI thrown .. . . , " , boy. Iigbt. . Put abe 'iinolY t 0 Dlont beeause thd)' coul~ Dol, tbruua1J lick , .. "' diaea,c Rbou, lily bean, lie",", I~I areal 1,,.111, ."d allb,,'CI&.te \loL ret')t1y Cree (ro~ dileNkj, begAD ~ flul- welltlla~ j:onl,wpt for 'womB" 'How CuL liQ81 Iho ~ '. , For whllt i lllo noblQ an.l dear old doubt.a ndi! cverlbc'ymplOllleonId lidlecl.lS ,..b.nalltl, eYe .hcd~ """Ii\To'"r C!d tur " and pl\l~ ..te tlga{~J but lob· .lgD, or' ~ d.wnward lonll.eacy II Ule sure or I\,u.rul~r .trellgtb, ell' atlll .. "~ I.to , :JI'1YO "!lote 1l'I~. hk f, ~ri frigate 11I'.YO\lIIl. the '1U1VI!~III'f fio.h .ane!, ael.!II, bq,I I" 'Of reaervod I . ' ,hemlCl y"" unmilta '\h~_I", r1l,....~llC ,wR~ld, Itlid ~lVlh...i kabl" ~Y dH , 10 8erT~d it \y1" .only wilen 1 beard She hed ,Bou:cl. 1be m~n taq .~, III.~. 8a' ' looked forward to her OLYn old puor I dtrlck. 1I0dY· I1J'eol upoo deck; Lh. "a wa. OAhu, in mr 01\80: Tllere W1\" Wl&b 1I01\.uWlliua IIlUcb. palnp.U " I ."t.teril lg~ aky 1ftSbo ~I~ n:t tar ~,III , tbo ht~lo "onll111' ~p at my d?or, or ap, wh .. b_he ;'ould be II mil" . both ill a geollo bree,,~ "lUI Iwelling our can, ... plll,i~tloll, irrwgull\r 8C&ida, . A nAD CuuaR .-The J:11illah ,ul, II! liII"« beanal, l09.1i1M.., .lhoo:" , ADd at felt ller IOr~ finget' on my 0 C:L~ 0 , ~. Itl tl III d .",1 d ientle, U (rom ' .. our PI.nlino.. Il."vaya III, Clld lIlem.elye,·to circu,n.tllllcea with remark· l to royal, the i~ oClen~h paiD' 1 could Dot wofl"li fe had Ibor&, V., "-0.1'11 U.I." k .r ~e, etld 00 'he wina' •~ th" malll tac ~ lU~ e,re ~~ 8cilly hadmain,ai she hadd.'i' ''ell ~be, diacRSe out ~unk in tho' eM~1'i1 waters, JOlt ttl! SOJIL; Jbo relli .o( 8Qdd~n death of mI.lUIbear~ "bl" ene. The Directura or tile Cryltal 0{ IOn.. ~llId aolll l,rl!l8 abe; .. 10 Uitu ('.ap'.ni, keep her filII and b) li,quArt4l~ andl.iJe ,dYJiI" ~torm wet;'e. th~ u&de woman woul~ .biel{1 her {'."DI. . tile' .tarm. 01 tho PIII.eo :rqUing olf 11\ w,M evor "'l~ ~e. I eould ~ll!jOJ:"O~ ht«l wlllked anto II~ SY'!lInhlllD orecled • ahurob Jar , 8cnthp' a pr.,"t l~ beItaIf.. ' m8lwr I' , . It. J ClOuld, no : . broken ml\l8e8 &0 ,bo nort\lw w ' and in. If t had an thin world wblah lite h.d bumlled ,for him in tlto use of lhe wor"men, lOme t.o "1l000 I. or ",),IOU r.• rchlll)Ce. or tb!l1ito~; ana wheo •Are, 8ye, .ir l' ' ~ bilcblldlaood. 'But ,b, CouJd look . on.ly number. bUt filldh.it th.t • I *ck ' COli"",&W!I be d d bwos&""rd, like UIO tlying .C(llumlll or ,,-:y bolIy' to lcav4I' 'W Ibould , h . e ono d!'y AI !l11\\ a..... \to\lr, Ibou 1~.'\\·i1i d ti,e •• me Lold. mo that. I W81 011' th. lor .ruilanl•• ID.,eed · qr man!;n ..., from CUI ' I,e , 1t'U ar 0 • , rt .d t ' told nlll b~ ob\thullledl, lhor COlt11.rted ~t e"ten army. I.._ ' .J_ Id 1_' • mlWo my will for I ,WI\8 .. .'r"'~hrol\..1,rile:.' boiw clo~'l\~nlllilll.GCIII T'Ul\ul nre now II, an ou ur b"r IUlD ,,!t. the I}lain .~hoet 1'1 8!IOUt.cd ... , o•..rmln· ou~ woo ""II ..etanalo eel JO be ", Imw UD. IIDllp~co,or e ... e 0 Iron, dr l" •• I lillY. !;IeItn in many a ga.o Qf wind, Lha' , Ibould eitberdl'op quito . , 'I;h, p",'e 01 r.hb. Ob, _y IIIICI. tlt."Cbt 01 the t:IIPWD; "nd iome dAllilooi ~d tb"t ab.o ,ehould' DO~ 10'eaaily ge' OU, \0 hlm..II" an It "en.,· hludhc Rnd ba)le PII8I4!d lhrou/:C &COnet of III all thln,l; wbu \yould nOI A F AIIL F.UGIT1Yll . .- '1'he. ~Itor of .,.., .1 , hll1l lees in 'the Itreo," or 'bat ,litl Dlomiag or mine. spreading of a Ie'" bird'. w.ing, giving "!Ulger, Lut never be coutrulJ.d, n.it4,r bl doty nor by V.rmol~ on .buM gl ve. ~ berore nor would lOOn come when lite power . So 1 wId hor thM as abo WII9 poll. di... ItlUnui.linOl he III Ill, h.. rt- til, hugu sail' to &111' gale. Ihr!I"n, 1 _ ' had nolY • havu 1 ell"'" nced an ,hour ao .. uta ('!"h .. o slllvv IV/IO hI jUitlieeo p8!II. h Lo I I riso from b I my ' Led I. woatil b ba". I... lIell"',. p\'IIre'" Ob.wh.uhrllllnllpl... are I.'•• I~' .. _I. giyen 4iue Lo mI ,Jaeat in ono J'c r"""t, 10ge~, ~ 0 I 'I,ve cr t Ie ~ ' . Il m w\>!-'u ,_ e ~ LUJ\~ wuen G OJ ed lhrough Vermont to CB~'. Ue ·1 &I~e .,n ti'ulion was abor ...1 . ".I d -' At II.t. tor I ,jlilh& reprooF. bll one Sprin.. tfotnoullbec:.... rlu •• I"'.I\I..,Il. hope. gocs 1010 lltt' ~a . • ...~ lIlullt ao. oa,o-.e lUI I cnod. ,. 1.\0 b_ one .capWu. 109, 1"1~b the hrea or . 6ve hundred mcn me_ \. _ I remlinocl .• , my boaroiJ~g III :10 veara of ege, llllll, well.r. ~ n,,~tleIrtri.ol.witltlllallol 'n,a. wben, 'Aye, lye, IiU'I tho hll ,~,t1!e grow,led YO ID anotlter , or 1 .hou¥ be worle .ilenGed Iter .I'Oo,biy, aad In hangtn , 00. a IUI,I. s~aU iron bolt. to lind rouad no co.(otl io Iler the he or f~r lIIo'rll ll,an urulnory . II InleIll J_, faUb • " ~1\bi., •. , \hID I WII before out the ~ld ,16A·d~ at l.b. bInnacle, , ~ , tv ber lloe. weI\ther &1 ilL on the Dlgl.t or tbl! 1 nh WI clp, ud Diy dread diIt:uo /.. 111,10 tv. 're~d Ruo,illy , II ",,,mbe,, ot til. al' Ih,' pr.,._:; on rh,lon• .Jron g and The liwe woman o looked w 'I.Ugh\ Jour helm 1 ~eep ber full JIOrplex cd. TIlea tho eOle~ed ,.llIt hor or 11"1: ,,835. M'ethotl'dL Church, IlIIII Ih. 4••hter III her ' ., .. ,. . ' "one AIId I"one. ~ , _t ,ei I 1I.a 00II' 'lh,o lilaJ4klJllY~, aut! explain- She could tlotiton . bye I' . . .D11I1I1, &i10 8l'Je~ Mre. Llyingston ilulted DO philicilUl. .At lpealt, ,. he could'oDly Illok IIASTJl nI 1cI , ahn wu. ruunln~ Piml)'. l 1lI1iak.trom (fOlD m1 8ytnptODli • eeooad t.imo tho", .t tier eon wlth .IU ..1 en..."". IAye, .,.c, tir, full Rnd bye abe ia,' !aquirod of Ibo Bul he h.er uwI\ flliler, Rujhq GI~r t if ... t· AI blviol mT. ',a\Jp~ Imt ~e:. lIer the dlilnaee cl elate wu 'tDe prompt !'DlW.rll'OIIl tbo beJm. 10 f\'O&& ~r' t.o wb~h bo di.. ..,'·mee" .nd If he h.d , i' repl,~ea, ~ O?nllrmdd; ,b'u II leal by lIIty".iDdow Thl: ••• 0,,", Yen •••, to t a.r .,Howl.., .he aLm, oouItl Ibo go ,. CIIII'fIl&. Tho for- i. poee1bl, that III. ""~ ~ec! "COIlt!' IOOIl .. we b_ ~' ociill' 'You aro one daI iaa01dug II vlgeto toW bilOwu dHlllnd blood for.tIll .... M~ ' "Ara{:!.lM:~ • •..-1 ~II "eal pr.,.r 'Nibe ~ota And ~ haU, air.' tullu .Y8l' dl.leaM all. had JelDl?Yld by an oc· to be .eltad bIll. All JOU w~old be in the ai.19 o( Jl I'... h, aDd bUl'(orblad.u.bt"r·.~. . . abiI&rao& _. • •• lI tIC.".. th •• t.ree&, ..., . • ," , ylait, th. I.r could be cued Coultl :It b.'.... ~ lila .. ollt,,'. h.iI~ 'How bem lhe I~h'" ch.m:h. '. • .nd hew 16m \Would not hno ~II! . . . . . . " .. ~ ~1 a , ~"'li," bI ller proln.~ &0 oome and . &ak~ TItoDp !II; pIl. powl 111'1. INa arl I . beam, 1111'1' ap wl.en .b, lel\ him, to be aloae .Ilb ber the price or bluod. Ch~rwu 1& .. 1II0guiar thal 1he frigliW BUllIOn. "- lign uJlOllan oppotllto ~, ..... ~1" 1'1_1.. !h-lIhP; ~ 1It1~ • '!teep, bhlld- "0, her abode wlLb me .. ,.,"'~, ."" ~ ber .w">' lullf • polnL. J O.~ !a'cNeal, aOOuL &b~ cl~ of &b. L. TOIl, II. D.-' W'biM &binlI~. . '. .all. She undera&ooll . . DOW, ,.a 'Way, lay ••cl,t.4 II.t w~ ti.pa-IO hII.,. ud bI IHt>w tile ,.d ;:r':,w! SO T' ~ c8rta1nl , m... ' h." I•• n oJ')"~' ~ ulld • ~'I'i' 'Pl~~==~": a daoger c:.r lICK it .1{: • • ~ Ute In _ _" tte w"Y ,be ~'Nr .. boll, tir.J b ... lWa4l on her owo . • w\1I10 c'f!t! :: 10 ~!"l.ng 0Il& t.o ~ (If a 1'b";"Il Il'. b'-Ibe bill t ad ~lid ~ha.., .. till ~ t:: • Qa::.."WI .... "" Aill. ," ...... li&&1e 8uttonD8 ~, .... ~ ~.n t. '&ead, 10 I' re1urat'd th. capl.tlin. ... IL ror 1 France. nor Li~ WIP • ,. rell'- ~ . . . 't eboIIJ~ "."ol'e lllm In truUh. .. _.........r ,decided ' ouiula .:a tbedewrt ,....... , . 1 UaoafhL tb_ ....... ....11 con~; .... 10. .... flm 4utl ..... of her wridow· '8&ead, anawered lb. belmlll l¥. Ii,.ot Btlnnl '.. abO MiniaLor w 1roiaIdamui lor Dr. To4....... . rul jll WI Pii!....ii: &H alafllI. '-" UUU l&1r... So all HW ..... we in' 1IuoII. II to the 0011 of &be I.ther....l The &h. .poIl &be 00.ad.0I B&. lIa.-. a tlftl' _ . .I fer ... lb. erowdecl deck, ....p' pY. . ill. bowflllg bad.. ..iIt oa o&her, ud w...... W ' - " IIrIPlft to-btr w_a 1M aut __ .. aN boIIa ·to .appl, ,..,.. ....... .. ill a to. •• u.,ttt ......,.., . . her clJlld trOW of Liae chat the J wt. ~ .... bet.... ¥ UJI to eMq . . . . . . . .. ....... &0 lira. 0111. . ...
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'Mumed drums were bentll II ! uuorlllillarchos to lie srul < II!,I lathe leller "., Dellr Huebnl d -As il 16 1101110 tim. a nce you loft UII (or Cah(orl n I IIUppOlMl )OU ",oul~ be alild to uoor how we ore pUlnl: along In YOllr :>1l8oncc 1 om IUIlI upon your b050 I 1I0W H!SlS upon a The hllnda LhaL 11\ 118 'Ia py to eay that "" are IIIl ellJ ,ying ~ ory plllolV o( cloy gocid bealth .on tbe Whole Just al prell toret! so ulltirll1gly ore foilled \\ It Le unci The OD' two of tb, boy~ IIllvo gOL tllo eln311 colt! be uloth the gloomy 110 L.la hoart II hose every bont lIIooftUrcd 011 oter pn, Amlnda J Dno bas got II e typhull fo Alld ~r, )Jel4eJ' I. aown wl\h tho Olella 108 lIilyof lovo, Itt's ullder your fect 18 no white orlO over your shoulder th"ro a.muel 1r01 booked by a cow Ihe othor nolV 00 8penkIPg fucc to look up 1 lila day, alia IIlile Petor bl\8 Jllit chopped aeYeb of bl. bgera wll" tbe healcliel h 8 l'yo 01 love no trembling hps to urmur It IS 100 soul a ..ere, thl' he didn t cbQp them all off Willa thfte trllli ng exccpllOns. ~\ 0 are all Thoro 18 so eLrnngc 0 I usl III every room I well and pltillg 810llg finelv You ueed No smile to greet you nl night fllll-ond lhe clock Licks 0111 strikes IIlId ticks-it lI't be ot In .nxipua about UI I Talmo., rorgol to lay that Soroh ~btll IVo8 eweet musIc when ~he could heor IL dll eloped IIl.t we"k with 8 Itn peddlar..,. now II seems to kllOli only the bour8 through Poor girl' .he'a been \Vallinl{ for the lllst willch you wUlchod tlo ehlldo\Y8 0 f dellth toll Jeera for a chllnce Clnd 1 m Killd IIbe II gather nit IIpO 1 ber 8 veot C<lCO nut mu gilt married at Illit She nelldo'lllllve ta ny n IDle It Lollelh of JUyl! I'll8bod "orrows !left lbe troubl. to ulopo. for (m lure ) ehur~d 01 II l!euulJful \\ ords oJ}d deed s Will ,1!Id .no\l,h to hive her go She \VII" registered Qbove You leelthal tbo grQve a gr....ater, and [ find tho bnkod beanll cannot kocJ' her Vou know lhAt ohe 1'8 dOD" 'IW olf DOlr eo fast now II Ihoy did In Il lopp) r world. but focI thot aho IS of TIl•• a, lblt en I would dip illtO' pork aud ten by your ~idcl. ClII angel preRencebelP WI. I Cll~(lon 10 the t\!lt 01 tho foni Cherish these emololl8-tboy \Viii mllko aly yOU hn pIer Let her holy praence be 11'Ii, ~ lIJOk It Into ber hulld yeeter ae Cl charm to kllep you from ov11 (II 011 d~ to na aVlIY wblch Wat ycry lorlun new lind plelldllut connllcLlon •• !live her CI ate, 1'111 aure. fQf' tlte barn c.ught firo 1011 place III yo Ir huort Never forget wbat .I"'land wu ~1\llIlIIed, I w.a)1I hopes abe h48 boon to you-th.t sho hoa loyetl tbat til. ""'" woulll ,o-too (or i~ a ou Be lCII(Jer o( hor me brT IDCODYel\i.nt, but ,be wind waa Itlo wrollll CQt.1JIlIH1S -A correspondent writ IIg eo It dldb', recol.,. much Injury (rQ", tbo soulh of SpDIII llivesaome details 'SqGi ~p broke 1010 the orola.rd the 118 to one o( the mo.~ interest,"g Iionu otb.r diY, and &trlppeil aUlIlo (rllll IrOOI lDentl conlloclod with lJ\(1 story o( CylulU I .... ,lad of It. for If they ....do·l 1 bu. ~m. the childron wouid b490 made You know thot Plilo. Is tbe lIule porI \hiiuiJ....lcIt lIy e&llnl tou much fruit \\ hlcb Colun.bilJl aalled 00 hi. IQCWO~ fHopfJIl'lbat TuD enJoy" ourlHllflh CIIII loru.... well u we do at home, I remluD l,de...r'lod JOW: drecOonate WIf, ~
ltlAKE A
FIRE CaD .100 lII.ke I fir", 'pIILl a,lulI) Il gen t"lIIll1 ot. Dewl hllportod lOll of Erw Jlicleed I Clao. 81r. Ind I JeJlrncd 10 do tb.~ .. me yar honor, to my coat. eure
WHO CAlf DEAl'IT -A young womon AT"Tn_Ono of Ihe lenlll oC Cote coullty IIhnols rlfeentJy prt'8olltfld ,. .. liar "u,bllnd With four ch.hlren It ono tr.18rlU~ of L'1I1 cl'y I.. t ovonmg ID the Ii ttl" TIllS 18 Iler first elfort 10 t',e line €ourl of aOIll\oll', C.Uih' /I. T.rtar,'""ln tho nuu there 18 no tolbng therefore whllt she meat apprOJod m.oner 110 II coulllel (or lOfty Ilot \'0 .ble to do bercllCtflr lbo defense In tllO IUCOst cue and had an Dj I I IriIb WOmlD on tbe atallt. He IlIked bill 011"' P IT :~ I!ll~ itLbl! ,ouug w,..n migbt not hove half /I TJ o N e IV Vor \; dozeD men collie to 11811 hfr, Clnd ebe (the wllll_) 'ot know o( It, Tho wlLne.. re I Itreet prUDe ler pIlid th at.he dI d not k now. be t1 Id ~n el Glib lei IIIf,U it her l1U1hlul 10 look after Lilli r '.o:lIe true 0W1 mell 1 1. • oocLabe would u'" if he ~tbe b Ringullw!~,;fjlfIJ'li COUD.. !) made It Ilia. buailll/81 to, look 'III 08e v, ter Uie )'OIIDa womlD Dy .. lollkT c:our!O 01 slu Iy an I I roel cot ex , j cognomell r,0rlU ce 01 IlTlhnlJlod ox\ ~nl Drs H nnd \V 'That U do. repheq lite lIuunsel, an I Qve Ill! g oL IicclI 0, or I rese II II; II 0 nrur l!aI\"', ,1a oeClzlmiDIUOIII'W:U I!ursued 110 SWldh thollgh lie II aometlmcs clllled I n n lo "hi r()ln~iC8 Ihcu 1nve never r. cd '0 ".L Alb .__ On or HOlln. in the public poper. HI. c ro tI e "'oIL at.rlOlOl{ CCI!oa 01 UONOlt .ur..er...... , A h... Itlll!)A n Id SY!'1lli>LII3 father belonged to the (lInn Gordun Intl U Il ur lhdlr IreMllel t nil 110 horrors 01 Vo To ED)Toa -A man WI8 promenadmg wee. 10 oa~ly !Lfo, 0 IIOU80 SOl"l'uuL I norent Jhl!OasC8 IlIIpuro Dlood Ul.,.,r. Impo .....,I le ll ey l'uI08 in II 0 Ilacil • ,d 0nlnns ot Uona WI... _ &on ODe day, WhOD thtllittle fel Lbo emp oy of tho .Marq,uI8 or 80nlle)' rnl u, In"A",~1 01 blll,e OIBdll or1)p~ K ~noY8 low crJed out,'Ob. PIlJotbere goel an edi !Ie morried a femoie domestic In Lhe 8QUlO lIy~roelo A18oo~.C8 D/..,,,,. oaol tbo L vcr.ad N 'H-,-L , r 1:" Dropsy Sero!1 I. J II lor. Ep lopl c tor, __ , myelin Mid the ralber, estabhshment by t118 nome of Soullders b . D'8oll8u801 Iheoorvo 'UlS101l1lo oru\ly '~I1't make aport or the peor mao-God and eOllgroted with his youllg wife to the OIQrrhooll, OYll<11110.y Plio, fistula Rupluro8 L_ b I I f Sk ole orc perm.nently cnred on I1 ....ow. w at you may come to yell 6 0 0 yet In Which ploce Iho Angel PerlC)(hcol con 1'101 .18 of ro nlllos "."o,or 08 he Is 1I01Y called, WOI born. on tho 3d cated orDppalb III hlaO ftl~oll cr dlloD8 c\I • lIole), a abort U)nle sIBee II girl III S te b J809 b h •. _ hi It. famDIOlI c trod and overy lunollou i d til t1 I' tbo Lable If II ep 11\ er. \V Ie ma...... m 46 to lIS nalurallone nod vigor n em qu re a I a of age He WIIS el.r atened by Aguellnd.Feyorcurodln2~ I OUI'4 wnrranLccl CII, ... oat. I S ti M IIAI WUIf~&SII-l)tI " oml \V dovole i8 mother 8 nDme of Sounder., IIlId w.. 0 g 0 11 I nrl of tIIelr II no 10 110 Irdillmonl 'N'.' u~ bo, 'but my colTee II I _.• b111 nllvllY' coiled SQIldy AlcliiJIvl." wbile ho I u • • cns"" C<lUlI"" and 'I'ha poor alr1 waa coollderllbly cODfus ..". II .hleh ru ". Iha body nnd -..,.. rem.lllcd III hll lIuu"e to\~ n II I>lInlortonCllntlhl(lunlIIIr ed, bllt de"rmlned III p.y Wm In hi. OWII TI onel. 'I Somo of II c s~cl ociIo • Ie present writer, who knew him well feCI. by early h W~Ue at diDDer the stage drove up Md Ind IIttended IlIB 18mo par.h Icbool With ~en bock ...... CIIIDItJa,: j., the Keml.man uked !.1m, kept b, tl e mlDl8ter 01 the plaet. tho I> l~i~OI;;~I;~:;!~;~~!~~~::~~!~! '»eel ......... !IlDe berel Rev Archlbllld Cllmeron bll80Cten baeD 01 l'"o.o1r.' exolalDietl tIIo gill, In II Borcu on a blnl'l nelUng ex~dillon wilb him Ue toee, 'lint, • puae..,.ra do ' and once reacuell blm rrom df("~nlng. whet! be fell from. blrb ohfl'lnto Cl 1I1110 bl.cil All UMdole " nlalld or ... old Jady pool calle" the De"'" Loch Sandy IVai wile. eDlertalDeiJ trlYelor, Oarore her a vory dull boy ••nd ,,,•• olten flep fUf . . . . CIOIIImenced a mral it IVU taer CUI not knowlOa hla le,aon, D!ld the Rey Mr '0111 \0 uk, bl\IUID, Bhe .lw.YI delly Cameron Ir he wero ala" no" would ... ....U ta tb.. wi.. Lord, mike hold up IllS handl 10 ulter amDzement to .a ...., Uaaakflll for tba fOod belore u. _ th" lUll uDpromlaing pupill I.d be. . ." ...114 ruuad Oi. cern brlt,,1 flrlt collie a r.moua 8 ",act pre.cber In thl! great ... ~ the IlIacqltl anarWlnIa Amen' cily 01 New York, ud waa lucklUJr up. trellleodoul raw under tho IIIlmo uf lba OM Ul a"Ulna o( two Angel O.blrel SandJ Wlla bouud .0 ~p AW .. " " " " " ' " _lao laall pnl WHt. proDtice to o wearer allhe.,eol tbfrl"" ftIW . . . . . . . . "Denn, aIllC:k. but hi. mother b•• lnr beeolDe a widow· • .... the . . . Iaklile and mimed 'D \tiberant DrpUat prelch.; •• "'... two . . . "ID.. amle- n.-a~n .be _a laft lb. lale of SQ' • .... • ...... a.,.tudu hb'~ au. hWlbud telal ... Sandy willi ~~s.:-~~~~~~I!!t~~~ ", Je bet••ho. for IItIIIftlllence ..... or to .... t .... b. .Itle arItlD ...... ....
n t r
th d
(I d
:. w.
.., "" \, '
of "'" .tepralha-
hll 1Jeca. o'--h-"~ " "-
1 II g
hundreit. ef Cle"Ua..&o. CII "'. bl.tu••dIllQIIlai. re ba .. -beell .fIIleted aad i~~:~ 01"... III., lIlcien Jd..... of Ui be... Ilripped l~nlP and r.nll.red 'UblD_IYe. oDt, 1>0 ICCOnlpll.\aIld b, anoe OOIlJltUWl foro. or • JIIOJIOf modlca
0et1"1,. •
VOLUME ' 8:.·,~UMBEn · 0, I
IUp: .WE:pNESDAJ, AVGtJST .23, 1,5.t, , ' ~
" "Wlly mothor hns burlcd the,n I' Lbo old co~t.ugc-;-'I ~ JUounlllin s lillness a.~ she ~nlV lilem I\onrtlnc ' l\. 8ho EI tZIl. !Iotc n lli n. LI t I k f . d i t tl d K " '" HI BpO 0 l/ Ilnt I no SOI'I'OW. onlj et'll seCLlon Q 10 CILy. eel to do Lll(i 1110 t ... r,-it" Ie, 1I0o,.iug nevor nllitlill o" h('f mellin, "Bllricd 'Lhem I th ilL'S qui~ a jllko, hll~L.ly ill Lho door ht. Wll~ l\dmiLt d II,. to 1110 hl51,nllil lit-. t~. Bo.e' N •• ~""'.' Long bl.lfore tbe hour of ten luriveli, . ., ':Stl1,ill b'lck'" she n exoluim llJ, i ,[ ... < will 1\\1 clderly sOI'YUIIL whh n sad~ lied fne J, ~II,I:IY 119~1. IL \VIIS hili hn I you don't metln it?.' said (the timll thllL Adam was bthlmvis e ~~Cree", hll rl ADVIO E to Como rro 'rllosJ brlek,) shoot WHO the Ih's t that c mes \)0.11':' Edith, f\ Id Inughul upon greOLh\~t f until T the Lho plu'eula loins IIAN'S stnl'teU l)lizn lind Edith ",o'r e plnnnill J' how Lhoy of Lhe III' J,OVE. '''''01 rI I . I b I I 'r bl uo cyes, HilI' oouI'n"''' .\[ldlh.teI'OIilHll l\11l 111~llc , ~EE'D IT" . Ill' I. '1 ' 'I ~ <> "' 1'1' 4:nULI u 'I b I . b 0 ' . 0 rIlI"n ' u ~" '"U O ' ovo" , , C II I HlSLgot aWl~y lind II,f<>rlll him of Ihe .. " ,UHr Vh y T'P Y 1fIIS ,Ie I _____ l'Olien so , S two mu ru/liana I lie i li I:lhl'i I n~ 10't' A' ll mum nt I\Ild tenrful cxoluma tions of ht'!ll\'l.fult do melin it; I\nd "hilt's mOl'c,1 Lhe d ,lllgel' til t-al'lIlte d 111111 'Vhen WOman'. /)VO\lrOW8 duil" , ~ II Ie 1 ~I'IJy ra uCllo nsofl1 Rnereli if be liP- Wilh filIII'. "Jlll'n.1 your a"''' hl;.II\~u, .. gtief. Upon molionil)g' hlmfot'lvnl'ti h UIII) 8 0 le.ulllioly 1~1I11 Alill bor rhell": poltlh; melln Ihat no Qnc ,will ~now,'~h.re thoy )lr~;lcltcd th~' I~use.. 1I\llIlorly fultill\Vl>L1., Whlll if DI·. h!l)li)C'ldau"hte'1'lI . ", " he'i vnly 1\ \y otuntl, Hill," ~lIid ~lll1ow.cd them to 11\1 upPClr nre bul ourselve s, rl:p)lI~d Ehz.l. When fD~c8 the IIl:lIUlllul, "pnrtnloIlL, eu. Afull1l\1h Ellz'I, 81l1d l~dlLh, "qi!t I.l'ut IlltiJQ bonnets , lind did w.~ III wllluh. by the subUlle~ light thnt en'l'byu 1111''''8 IU\lo lu.lullq "I think myself It'8 II f'I~01l9 iden,' WI) hllrl buttor les ume Oll.l' old pI th,llk tho 1IIIIest IItll'"II/;II\'" AJI~,I II ou rly UrI', It"d som or I. cr futhe,', 11111 1i1'1l~ IIi hup sl\tcvcs 'ition 'IBUl ,-i" 11 nOlle. of she hl\~ th:V ' IY 11'\'11 ill h er Lel'!!cl blll.wuu the closed shu LLcl'S, he tllstaij;~ 1I~ .~~ UQI bOlide her uh~lr, . snid }.[l's. ,\Vn~rclI , 'People bllrY,m? lley; ·and gUild hiin £l'om their hc I<lY d~ the SU II. ,\JIl\1 Joligl.lcllllI atlacks lIS lIc.\'L ye , 1I01V, 1 tClll ye," bu ~ill "'N •. You lle.cun·L 1'unt your . 'Iaepa 1101 hor lillgo,a, ~II\V t110 pnle, still object of hill ,,!fee. th e wllil "1:'1I11\\UII uf the 'WlIl~r>I' Ulld why cannol we bury our hilLs? Ive Clll~. If we IIttcmpL to eSCllpo CI'OIll by telhllg llOw P(;I(o:otly bOITid "Yoll a I''' lIut llfmhl r hope Ilrc yon? L!ll lls, del'i)id of life, 'I'will'" Jlj>llh. dq'llp' hair "N.III·]( I' exclaim ed Elizll, H nud a~Ul'llcl the ih house WII~ . nlso a feurlo"~J nlld lUll en eri :,g l'1I\1n~. w(J,ocrll.tinly shnll. be dc,:Luot· 'omo Oil, " Iou\(, JURL [icc'lule YllU tHdn'L hap. d U , III J I 'J'luIL o'er /ler brow III1(1or •. white, CXICIIlle " 01\ '110 ~oolln" "01'1',1, I It 11ICllru· 1 a sl,urulIg II I c, Jell a . lope IS IIJ L0 r I11m.' r .• U 1) '1\ LQ WUIII' ~11l'1U jil'llt.lIo r uooln your~' 1' up,' • '. dt I(lUK v ' 0 u. j~dith'$ mind \VIIS 111 (111" Il"-she /i red I\wuillll fllllr IllSt~p 1r11I1I- • ~ , ohl;! I.y IIntl tlllHil. , , ' J. strides hy Ih ~ . I IlUu.'lr t Hl. ' osc io the "offill.llllci d I WlII DIY . c . r . !Ill IlI:U rl~. I~. y~)u nr~ I'I~ II " I,~LC\,' -alld h\: full with llo come. h,, ~~ mo~ief\1 in, \i C.U uto 1II1ltilin uf the AII II IILk, 1I'l'IC IIIUt~ I$c1£ til wear II. "cd l\l\t, bernuslI yttiftn a terl'ib I I!lld M &ho dill' , 8ilt,~t l mb, Enlly Ihut l.ltlUledlutely all was siiont as death. rc~he~ EI,,:a, ~llUglUg I ,~ , morn. , fon Ity aroulld his ooml'lld e's feeL. 'l'hO)Ullb her eyo ligillell; Wll , weIll wltit. 011011. Lln ' lhllDa _ mg shp. barl breathe d hoI' lilst, nfler a 110011 equuhul by /it)r.' Uilli Edith dropped ,her wo1'1I and MrS'. War- Edith s neek, 'IDI\~ God ri llg (Juurbtl ; blld .'l'houllb hot chooK, Ilulo DudJhin, bq, bl68s ),011 for II &w Oltllt your hilt "YolI' is 1\ hnl'e bl ot!l· killed him buL not IIIcl" Seye l'll struggle: with ~he dlcad dC<lI'OY c ~V:'I folloWIl~ her, example. :l'her were ,kind lind noble ' she felt Ihe 411mc- ellhilllru \ ,ulI o( ~Jlirit tiS ono; bo sUle time you ,,' ,.' overi.hly brilll"on., .' ~ho~uled U;u fellow, JIII:l,ping fOl'ly,"d cl,wllO lieized hQr 118 hi~ own lik~ Y9..ur ~ sull liS possible for ,a t least ten mlnuleS, thl' II11Y5 he d.d wheu he luid hid )1I1IIll IIJlUIoI ti l 81l!Cl'cS'"lInd H',\rkl ~VhUL Rounds Approach • • 'fJ a'ld gL~LSphw hoI' h tulIl. JI ~ /1 10), 8 bUI " IIIQIIICIlI IIcDr, your o\YIl dr\ess, and your "1' 11111'0 1111 lIfter his lI[lpr o 'lAlb , Be~idll hel oold reo mUlfIl ' elf uoeull, but not a sOllnd IVI\.S ljeard. or gllVIl Iho rl1in 10 Ill s ,o wn nC~I O I.II1,lIl1dlllt otb\$t; I?cople's a!0ne, Wholl 111 .. 1 llu:h f.""1 h, Lbe h ampllllg of horses' hoofs, A lilli ' Y(lUI " Qlu lITey lire ' btlLli . down lltni ,s lI\llil1 ~, L herc eQuid ".Oh, be l.~haw I sl!c's ~I'ying I? {ri~hlen ment 'IIM "DllICk .Bess" Lurn I Lhe. 1" .1seen the I ioh bro. IlQeu 011 tho .,,".Iy l,lIldu; bUI . Uhl b! h" t1ol1 "l'houglllrue .1f~calOIl'8 loar Slll'po~,"g pl'OLty NellIe Leo dldn'~ lind )~lI' hnve got to {(,llow them Illlt cnded IVl!tldlng I"IOOS, IUId her ohillud (rom ' hl4 own Lhol\ght~ ~~ 1 exollllUled Edlth,tl red wltn hslel)' gl~,?~ the rOllil W'LII~ler 1:r1\1!ant ~ nor 1011 Oyto ~ ljd eh.dul!i. . Adu boullded .IL· 1m. druss tQ bll ntarriell in, or & 'Idl'!" .. tj)p-if y-01\ SIIY YOIl will bllcon'le my but ullrufll"il brow , ' 109. , .. Willi IItiU fldorncl! .hlllll (ull .. f JlIY anti gll)'ely 01 hO II{; en. WIU U ' . ' ,1!l1 l:0'W &hoso. dead tiodlCs 1h Lhtl wire YQu; shnll 'l!v(/, l R.LlIn, hrfl~:,1~8 u~! lJllJe~ ~ride8 yo~ -1' like YOlll' ; fIICI), with Lhe "ihilll wre.\thl Jf roses inIOI1<1I:d II .. 119"" kOHl hq, chamber l'IfIlIK!1l "Or else It 18 Lhe ~Ind she .b~lIrd,. It I N:ed; qUick, Or ' Ul0 old · chnp 1\lItiJ think ve CQl~U nl& llle pl:olLy I lellli 0 u'ui lin.. uppo lUg Frail . ,~' OVUI' JI1IO liIe,. jUltle, well. ("I .. hel . wcdding 81\1d 1otrjl. Wflrr~n. looki'lg sUSpicIously 19',11 be Cl'OWJ1, ~he is nllw • Ig 110 PUSIIIII S ~O~ 118, own 8ukll' here be foro you. . Dend men Which do yOIl pleft!l'-- wlltlL • uiu'~ hllJlpen to siL whh ·her Ule fint ' Uo o1eolll .u I\le vory gnl~" lIy you? d cp bOl1en~h over her specks : Lho enrth, in ~ho ' r.old,. 8i. I'llero wos tell ijol1\clhl no tRIos, but lhey bad bGt~r be out speak quiek'l" 11 haVll no deluy.'· l'~ 1III,ler co. . Bu.llleM ond bUI.I •. . lent I:rHlye, her once bCIIU(COU5 fllce), ill- nlll\~ugh shu utore rlllUllIblc u,,~c nul\ e, • IlbbMh; .\11d ~uPp()"ill!{he wou~ 1.0 work " lllt? positive it ~ a bumnn voiceI' of ,~fglll." d her mother III hia IIlio}J t~e dny !Liter Ih. \ged,din , , ' . ,, ~ 111\ Ih'1\lu no. pi Iler wlt hln, "Sooller .~hf\l\ wcd 'f\ wl'oLell Ilko,)~ou 1 SLl'lIu of ml\nLliI\!r' \Yi~h II blush,o f COil ' "hiel. rooallcil her Itllhcr'8 cxprcsslon nt illstelld sidli E!tzll;. , . It shall be. done .oaplmg , siud n would profei" '0 die upon ~ho SlleJIIly I I ~ hllIg, ()r 6runlng oil to ~e~ Yo\,k, O~ l'Oeil," tllld witty wc(}ding WOrd ,lin\~s. ThQ btllli,lllllY or eye nllu tlnslllllg ,, "O,b, ' nol!sens e I you lire getLtnt nero shol't cbubby Imle fellolY, Jlu furgela III 1I1ul uol~y ~I\I the FIIII~; ill it u\,Y . .of yOlll' b\lwino u? who w~lkeCl teplied the 1I0bl'; Er.li~h; in n Cl\lm .;10111 e"usted, m,Lh tlio YOUS, greekl ruphed !'I\nll 1\10itld glance; \.. hidl gllvo nlllm~liulilO hur Mrs! Warren ag-nm n· from the stoop 100 e~ccute the prr.l4:r. Thai she I. dylhg ! WhCII,YOIl /Jilt. marrl~il, you can do, " y'oie "you nr anslI'ere d "C!W' do with <If corrunti on nnd decny! l • hor w~)rlt _ (Bnltllnofl! IV ere hisrllild \I momoillary glll)lI~rily mill" YOII plefl~I!. . . • • BI~Clk Bess witb her rider. SOOll lip. me ~ you like.!" ' You 01\\1 spelld In Urea, , Argus, Jul ell, I mlgbt have been Mistake n; proaohe d tho house. On secll11:: . y 10. J\ ",I I\'h.1\ Ihe VOlillil heart Iii 8rtll ~ be pncul<IIl nlly tle\~clt'tl 111 '1110' I,IIIY of \rh~t y4~ 9 u ghL. to silve Lhrell. f ''¥Ol.l bad beLler t\,illl( 1\ mOllloll1 ' I. ',. SOUl) dCd very muo l~ get ne~l· b . I l'k b ' Ib . .... to d I J u.t e VOICIl men III ... 8 sop, I'esse d as IIe~SIIIIUI, ' ' . W'JlU Ilit/llah h~ JIIOII'"OI. , , . 811l'ICS WI~ll, Ilnd In \I ,vell.,J,IIl l • tOllr, ~h. ' hll~er my blossom :0: ." . , ~ or ,Il !D"n.'. . , har fl)atllrers I',"r 1I~!'lle, rolllled 1Il~,!I n "OIl 111·lf.ll\ '-ellel' ~Inpl~y . SOu,,· rOIll hi•• 0rrCll"·chill, neu ' Adllm bell'lU to suspec~ th~L .1\11 W.IS not t' I Jll 1 _ I'll dArn" J ':¥ou hayc my nnSl1rOl .. 0 " T " ." J\),~Mt ~ . Hl~~ 9~ld >:ou hoar Lha~&he rep<lr' , W.~ri~d he luttleiIJ. , ~ C!.ru Icr lIIuther e, ns woll u. mltch 11\ he! illg )'0111 OIVII I)tookin b\l~ sooner tbl\lI exhibit the lellsl "Well. sil\lleiYou (j1'O 80nll'lllldy g';-yes lllld ),Oll ugll' llbollt of ," rdlo. s.rud ~d,U~ . ",u.l"lJ Sooll o'er lila burlutl l,oad • . . t l~a , . . , personul arp08t~I)Ce, of f~lu! be rode up tl) the old it: YllU ...hllli b() graL.lied. YOIl may, jf YOII like; e/llls!: sludl 'lou nre 'Oorlolllty nglll tillS time, walnut Ir~o In front of if !II mui)," 111.101 DCIIO II Shu CftIuhlnol bo IIO~" witholl~ oxclting be t·~ i~.cd, all OM (lIlU of a lllllt(otm Lo the ~oor and die by tlie sille r 11J0~e down' stni!·s.· 0 ~IIQ ehul'oh, lor said .p(rs. W4I're,n!, '1 how a ,oice lUI~ cllpmol1.nteil. 'fhe o.~d And 'h. 1t~.lJtiar~ lieu . illtere'l. lIoll hor . cOllvorautloll.1I oro. IrellS- yOIl, 1l11d YOIII' 11iloraIJl ml\n WIUl wlL(t· come nl~mo"'lIIy hlll~sbIY11' Illld ho olluifhl " e lo rbol'L AugWl' ,~) fid 'J hU1wan fOr"GUelh! . ' ,L .. ~ t'· , a IOOlJltIlP . too" , ured in lh. I1Ill1l1l1 uf IIIlny whu .ca.8I1ally, t}lS 19 ~iL , uPQIl: after. R a pl8w , a BeelDg ""at ul'ell men her in ,his IIrrori t' nud polluled her lipS li'rtJffr~e.tl.,.. A'a'tJ.ti.,~ ll4:iug' £\lblicw",in. "Hark I \:Iol~·t whisper I' COlJl'V 'I'ES8 O~ LOVEL ,I 1.1 AoCC. nlct hel',. '- r \Yell provide d with firearms he with a kiss. '" Perllnp~ . illYU I\... rly• the 1!lIIL LI'Ol1~ICO~ to l III ~\lulI:n ' C R~e_ walking on the piano, ounelud ed tu tr.f3at thom frie,~dly, Rnd He li ... e ehe ol\pllnr\!~ III nn OVllllillg p"rty: I}O rtg bl to m l\llu !IlnatQl ce,- u~ you ve bad '.d hnrdly re~Hrke done SQ, hOIYe,or,bcIII' (ADoL UBO", ) VI!; • , _ ' Ihe' wriLcr of 11,18 brl~ r recollecllon aOl,i ClIUSO everr body d01)'.L to ,~~ ns unco!lce rned, as eos"}ble . (ore Ii. well diroc(~d blow' h'om behind .do ,fie ume., , t tis R eoropnn y of Ada Byroll ! ' Fme mormng , major, 8RUI tho 0110 Rent him jleolin'" to Olle I b ' I DOII'L vork YOllillclt II\to n &~ of all COL ncr of .the "Th. ~blhl 01 lavG, Ulo\l"h \Jo,n III \JiIlOrllll 8., ler, "~ . ' lJIlitl MrS, ~llJ'r~a, in ~ II \J() Ico\lin I lou$e 111 tho oouillry, oYorishlless 'lie nenl'cst to tlle ddOl'1 as 40 OII\I1C lip room~ In 1111 1~8tnnL beCiluso tho <wli&lug . . .rer' E:dith hnd rec6v, AuClIIIIIIIl<C( in "OI\\,U I101 Oil. O~ Ihy 0 1U) vOloe. "The dQOrs and wIIII1ow8 1Vl,lere)i er Iljlpeurl nce tbe sLoop. WIIS somewh at U"8CO\ He\ty Linwoo d, por pH)I creu herllel( IlI\U lool,in " lip ~ho exclaim . Th.~e wer~ tI.I> cleUlu.\UI.1' well-bol ted and biured !loWD looked fvr, shu hlld COIllC frum h r uw 'IA very fine' morning illdCled." suid cd: Ivhen hll mlA~rie. that arLfui <, Tho! Ill·slo red· 'nthori wh9se \v~il 01 letuslo l)k after the 'r ift611in &heg"rr eL! Adam, countryl loule lIy railroad to pay 100r. lnot~l- drclilul'O, lI1..n.y ~e ~ho didn ~t ,.t lUI': ' ',$Il'::ed 'l SIiVllcl! snrcdl "I\u<)-s ~ llo Cdl 1lI0rsI'ful surrOW, 1V1l8 thul ~ttcre,1 ill bum· or a morning .fl.!t, I\. momen t ~ho mother and h~r when I',e lotl\ 1I11"dcd 11101'0 trnp cfllln you did, Pl"tiJl\llI he "We h llve traveled eonsiderabl4: \lrO.!llrn[e at tlte ftllll of II A TAl.ll': OF ·J·t.... U I~'VI.)I:,U·I'JON. , oIli\d\lln JI YOIIII" AIIl~" illg verse IllIIt o(lho. tl)ell o"d SiIlCO, III tu, hOd nn mb'\rl%o 0)1 her dopllrlura, and (Ii ifill , 118ctl ll,d4ld . the llAits ,Ilnd 8ince ~uy brul\k ,.ILnd, IlIl\'e taken th~ Ilcd IVIlS. 1I1I in tl,e bai~. ' DOIl't lib,. IC:ln offit1er. . .. 0 • InIllly 1\ he'art, W\l8, 08 luch 11 poet RI;ould lnsl.lrd II~ot l/ho .bolllll . wertllll thQ gllrret, 01' 1Io81t ,,1\11 te l'UloIl crLy to resL Mrllll4: 01.1 moke 1111 'of hi. 11'11 16 YOlll' bl'o.~lh· trying to make ~t.' y~ur 8~~0I1-.s IlP· ., "SeOU1'e th.lt 11\:\n: iimi\l Ih! to Ibe be, II Ilrtll.hct when be IId,It>d: , . , , by·,Adlim. thl) GUll Roow, rll . . lho evening.' 'l1h~rulmmodidte. ~bl!)'.'1'1l .g9 1\}g to bo mi~~rl\b • you III\\'e 110 ObJIlQ~tOllS? solrliers n.t ADO!1~ I~ ~1I111 Ler of 1\ mile (I'Olll Collyle, bllt let IlHIlIIIItI \ "Bnd "Four .I·!~OS " 11111- Ihy liro. dtld and . ,, "N~nc a~ 1111, S'~lItlc~tD; Of lio \'''plied, sll'dl he mrlt1.1lhis10 eo r ro en comic l]jilres4 nl to her aOllurn<: )'111 t "'ItA! to IV I'k to bark Pvill~. 01\ ii bOIlUL:\tulliLlill knoll of IImlI/UIIIIlOII, w,:Uloa pill' dlllllly tncre~t. 70U I' '(or : h""hl \'0 \I1'oro .o,t(j'lerctl; . 1I1I.11h)' hOlio tllr gIrls, sO we clIn WOII' vou ,walk m ' wltll m~ I\nll nlke j mlJrnil""~ work, '\V.., . ' . ' 0111u mI:· 'flfiit ano\lI" 10l:~ of lV~re rl t;\wrl in ~hll'timo or , Lbe l'Wvolu~ion r h,sher." ~hem 8S , go~(} {IS thoy' selld,' sa!tl ~ ali? ,lIlls '" hor lfDvcl\llg altlre,lIl1 ubJoc- O'~)I so~:e re~l'ctlllIr,ellt?" ;, hili!- ill~O lohu"l:erttla;. put another ' rin, . . S(\SPl:;ctf,lg Ihal somc fOld work , II'I\S O 110'1£ anu prcLty (jur ~hoso' ully" I~ WIIa . Alia :j'8oll,lIl cu him "111y c1osl!lg t~e ' room. door. ' . in genills. !\lltl 1I?11, 1\I,0rc howev r overrulo " A-IIls ,now 1,l)sL\ ~XC~BIIl~ Cll: Ebz,), \ItIg' by dlnl 01\ the hiilld t1l1l1 nOl'/Il' W'e~I" B "I,~e.. htll'e!" vury P"c,:±>' ) 1II"l'iO;l1\ flll'ID house, , ill thnlllClleroalty aounubloll.e.tlof £e"lillll 01 a le\v bllwft of rl\)\ion VIIUd; aaald ,"ThnL we 01111 I ~x~lllllned tho glrll; as slle hcard her father 1II011k loee - tie on 1\ few I lore riubons . 'n:linu} 'our 8 IIlnUILI' l\I to Edilh fQ\lbweil Lhe young officer which ' shone out (rom tho! whlol) wa~ Illhl\biLo:d by 1\11 olt! IIl1live and llileh 0110 lOok a. rifle mltlat "uf nil veil, her oppenrdlloe wae mllde 08 lIuitablu 0\1'11 llus from thll corner. tll~~ to enl~~.. . i(U)SS ,' lind }ry IISl\in. . oown sinirs, lind wits ~ul'pri~ed 'CO finc\ mao.llleea." of her [atlter's wlront ""0 shall CILII AJllm WIII'Jim, 11 , "UILrk I did you bear thut' 'h~y are mind, lind III Ihe case Ildinlttad. N'Otlet , rephcd E\~llb. rUIH,IIIll{ til tll1,t Eli,.1\ ),.l'. rec"ycr"'~ (rom \l\l)\~ft'<.?~ hi. "raults," , '\Mi\tter moiC1J;" anu tWr;! IOl'cly ~ Amt" HVlodJlII, to w lorco ,Ioh tbe the door world , opon,' ",a"" \Yhlllno~ Anlolli~ · '11,,1 heR t b tlall Grow ,} of .p\on~\dly doul. \lC ~be ataiu w,~ll the nl\ll~.- vf till: hlow lint! 1m but bv Lhl.l Sldt; 'to II ~. J U" .1' umgln ~. I .. d . I ,I '-I Ie I' .N · 81' I ' .' , 84 11l41ei LlIIl\ crowded J:,,,rd - - ' e rooma, !" IUO nuwequ A. II y nlll"" .., . ' (II ve of , he r -Jylll" It' rom the pik&la U Ie IU IBrileu II' f'll IIcr. Il 1111 m"!LIIIII 11 oW 10 dc.nolV eu".:· -" Open L110 "'/QdoIY Olluliqa ely, ElizlI,' • , AtllI'. bltlbk robll WIIS: Ihe Illost 8trikln, : and IYO sllllll IIPon tduIllJ,I .... J·;tlhl, II:"~ Lh ~o 1I1~0. 1'11\,1 ),o'UJ" l'ounuin g~.elllll,lr\' IV 01H - ""yer IVp. IIfaJld Illd s,Lid .... "re. Warren • • 'an I we It'i11 give J ",( hllvo ~ ~orl'ible Cornbodin ".," ., CQI olTu.I.!U Ills a:; i'l.llllee blt L it W""UI of alltl ev,, 11 ,,"vy i""elfj[Ilod ill his cilur4c:le ulld lhe writer wns illlllletjiulcly: )otl ~o oil, blhj4:~Litl nuuSOI1. , I o . o."r.oC a IAste of oill' nualit..., I' but 00.1(",.. ", .. I ' , ' . . ''1-1118111 hush yOIl lUll n c l'\'OU Ihlll 110 Itvllil, 'fLo l)iriL I . I doorWII¥ lor n." 0"8 0 ( t IUl 'lIii. I pletu .. 'J of Ihe old ",11Il wItS UIII', hkc lie • , ~ III . I l ".rohnn gel rUined,'.' lie could II!lV, de,.e ,, words ,vere 8O.rctlJy > "I "1 " ' ou~ of hcr lIIorulllg. Tb ey arc ID ' I . t Ie louse IIOW . ~Qnll' LO .elllm lei the Olod who '!'1I\'C it. r r dlVCdt .•. . tu.ll, trees l\'ILh thtit 01111 rernur IOu Il rereo".Ul!a 116,e. tllllll hlillsel orne"! f or tbo ulvlhe porI <>1 h -lokI. crllkl I"ent Hllrkl some one kllocks at the >llAi l'lVlly IW',Lll •• I t ' " ".. "I r 'I J n gl.'n nt e"" ' rt he ,"n5' I'lIioi~1 pllrL. n.r U D ' UMENT , " d alltlUIl ~I 1moa. 'IIC, ' 11.1 mgt 'rl' Ilulure "~hicll "tOI"oo.lll'II·'8 uody,"g lII,n)- IDl ne.r II .onvy CurtA i ffi b I Lh'~lI' l'i.l'\05. ' /'"':. uv , "• d 1.1 0 ri ll I I ral'cry ,; I.' oor, , . lOfe IS n scu. , e ~ \lW-IIlIj. ,Y - i ly lip .. . A. " ". Icrd are I tl lln(1 ~JOIICe of lJ,Ju good 01~1 f,II'ml!rlI Ilbtlv .. ." .• her by hUll, Ill" (/w\) (I Cl18sll)al reqll(\s. ly . .hoped 1111 lump tIlI\Ul " bera Hal uur when rtlnl hR t Ihe shoul.ed subject '. the he Q~ure Lhal .. leador cho,e WU8 . worthy uu~. d. be they a)'e mllrdurllHl' hUll - harlc I l1Oh.l 'of Lhe hlllill 01' . . ' U.l rl)6y ~J/,I,'oll ~JI\ r'I". ollloia . " no~ IIl1urllu III Ibvsu IIill'S b1 j, IIe noise plll'ty bclow,' ~'I!i"11 llhd l ' po~il;lIll KdiLh , h~ t •• I' k" I' I'i' 11 j I d I I'k I II IlIIve j II I whOle 11111 hght fell UpoQ hl'r IU Cl' ; alill 81)fIicielli ubj\>Il~IOJ ulI'l\1Il thn knoe ; LIS, III, nil , 1.U I lem, er IIlUI, Ie HIS \ faillLlv IIniCIII~ 'c d "BI~ I t' I a, W&8 \I 0 l to hIs' tn.kln'" (I I st~'\Imuvll\ll I • t· ~"'If '<lsin .. c:h "s 1111 d ,HI . U1 • I let ' ' " rIver ol'a rt; 'l'hrou fuir\ fl\ec~. ormy ,0 I' d . 0 pco 'l I • I . ~ I k N . b f {~I' I I II) I,. • J L IInproael r eSMpo on ' waft . ' 1I1l1t ahe 1V1l~ hilllll- bill ore ll~ 'ui" e ruskullCiI Who a.~em· 1 aUle ~OpUll1t ~ Izn. Thc lAst WI'I'ds 1111i,1 lIlVll" .0 • ., " l'll "'1 Y'lll'G\ II I10IY el' IIII Jlefol\U t.1 0 \I. III hid ~"r(lill .1 lIr.' 1IIuliI " W UroUIII I 1111 d SolUelh illg mote ~hllil we I Iy ,vr II(Iller., 'oO I . I mpalloll ' t I tl' "Ied Ii'. ·"f . " ,. .. i . s"cl l I"~A \ IV"~e, 8b \11 0 6nu k ''II WIi'e h h Jooklllil. IV I1\ Ie 1 8 ... • .J y lore W)I Iall I II~ lIuu. II 'I1 III . t Ol"ell l " IU I I II I. " " ' ell u~ovu u aud '" Jove he !Ill ~1I11k !JI\c,," . \) Views, nllu 11\ II llIt,UU~ n' 'my ltd1~h' open lu $ 11 1111 Iloa<11 n I . r '1'1 0 .. d WI",I ns' I wu but · I must .l"[n 11"'ar "l work " Il'lt,1 ··II,lla.," t() 'Ipol gill! I"r of I Ialll'd c~ 1\.\ ll.o • m')llIl1ut wirQh .. Ie Hhu oor \Yq8 ope. ,III,. ub. , U v ~u '" II I hbeml 1II11'1I11e ll. ~., " • , y I"'r 6 J 0\\ II . I"" . 1II08S ~ a"d " " ' . I ' 'I'he r'opo~' v I r '" I 0" . allotl,DI' • Il'ne 118tIfy "'I'· I .Ih() r" p 'utI 'III eerlleu 0>1 cr ~he it sho IS tho. J)li ••ourl Comnlo .· . '. . . . WUH /lo llver..lll" w.lh J\J .. ti ~ r present elll e l' . 81 1. 1 • .. ·'1 ~ v .. ~ 0 . t Ie I.., . 'F' C nl\lIIllI !; r10111 ' ., utllurotl . lilit 1 d ill' A ' r Cia" by 1110 kHellcn ,door of Llt () instlmt Ilellrd, IInll &ho g'IIIUIll .. Ie Illu. Wit, ,t'llu Ih,KS. lUlu.• rftllllrloe, I I "~1lI1 ,lu'u III I'lOlt lI)lon 1I1I"lrlle Dom'" leader bit coullte~f'lIt Hes~!!Ln8 ~~cssOd, III hIS; IIud II'Eng-Innl .. t 10 IImetitcu., h,! II Iu. III " l loIJI' UII~U," III• u:, crill" th e Iudilly ., f"rm houso WI'" Il 11'!lIl, said to bi! OYut· l \\l UI'U 01 II~ KUKlllil1i pOllef" llr alld ro",atll, IlUt! one 11110.1 her rul .ler \~Il., III the d,rer-tlOn It look. $uid IIppropo dust. , olothts. s 6( dullIC r~lIlllrk til lit hut! iall( tllo perlllHrlllo," ~n II m. roent Ehu dl80uve r· yelll' from ~h'll Ir" duh ~\"lIl1 oJn 'T~~ II lIulldl't'd l'I.'tlt dee~; Itt the bOltom Ihat uutrllfe. ' lhc mure "Quick 1 qllick prone tOlVnrda tho!e EdiLh tetnnrhb P u;c\(lim lc nc· cd eel llH\\she hnd beon dlleoivcd,lInd stnrl. htlllp" wife b ~ 1 II I I 'l'\ll(lvO \ho readur.u lIle ide. ufl"e oon· ' IiI! lI'CIVtII I ' .1- I M W i d I ' n B:I \\' 111 J "Li~ll\l tilO "n\. IJUIrCIDalll8 IYhlell lIi~tlll&tuI81Ied the m.lld I • I ~ 1.1ugoSS'P WIIIl)Q y IIl1teu~ItIL 1'5. II\'IO n, 'Ull t,lln elor LIiley WI' 11 Ild Lnck g~II~. e °lrl!!I' illig., lilli' II!UI }," 11" ", tOil \) lilit dl~WIICY IInu r.hrcerilY lIlId l"lflol\l' Q~ed ' J . with a bound ' o( II Judll_ ul the 0 f II t' 'I liulLYIJU lIg I offic'>r. mill" IIIlI(>( 111111" of Iler Inl; tllar. 'Iota of I'0hL' was buried to pl'e"cuL its be loo milch fur ua.' ullel I r lit ,ar Il, '1'le po wor 0, melody nllg', Vllurt vi Iha "'IIlIO nf Oblo j\ "Oh welife 111\'0 o(ter Yl/ulb Is rll~1 181'1 . lo ~t;~I~I;en~P ~ito I:OS ~~~~:YII~; . l'ett !'iud, bitt Iii ell wilh \ Ii> gdtlng IQ tllc IlllDdll of the BI'itish Rnd f ~ hell ' 8is~cr to tho "'hlch dwelt wlthill Ii~r I()ulld for itself 0 .odu'lv~ler :vholl "You Ilrc I\lmos~ exllausL ed, mOlher ,' I L I!l..l d lltl' elrory~.cil"CO_ ;I~: e t >[P'I () ~ day vf hCI Il cllt\l. WllIrle OIlCIl ~lvod tl unort~l~n Hu~ill1\ll. Ad~," W tlrrell'·. houses was replied l!ltIi~h banding JU!~bJ~! ~feJ~~e~ ;r::~nk~ ;. yoil;e ui c ill mUSIC, rather thilll III hllr verde, n IcmUed nud, riBe, oOb l?D b 7" e Ie n c n~roo II ,,,. the ol~ ClI.ml hou Il of tIVO stuice high, very-lArge Bnd oom· Itt mo tllito 'your plaOli half, ~hen n D"mocn tio \IIomber o( 0\10" 1\.<111111. W(\rroll. Ilkc hor r~ther, wholcve r 1100 did WaR granu 86"01'00 at tlie ",indow .' yips . c lore yo~ g~, • U I" ~ t/aCI'U IS milV cl'I' c~cd II large ." modiolll, ",W, plenty 01 room fQr hiH ra.'s rrplII tile Rlchlnnd Di.'rilll~ I. U .• nnd "Ic"ant "No, no; keep out of dl&nger, . . , H I I to ¥ tll/' ollie, vod ulle of lh" grdlll; lion dono COll8!domblll l!lIscllI~rl . fllIl~' yor mllnsion,o\Vned by 1\ pllllllll 11.01. Rnd i\: family, and \!lore LO lIpnre Cor comrlln y. 111m prup&l'cd t9r-' 1Y\!Ii\It11Y u\CI'ChUIlL hud pcrfe?l II~ Its IlIlId. cfr. ,~!IL lellll.l · hor, tuking Up tho idou. :'nOt IIltO' "I,nnl' mUlL I!OW m ~ mellBure replly us alll l\lun,nel d, Ololo,l .n , i~ 1841, New York In Lho~e ~ay" Iltlintel'll nud e~rpont.ur8 Oily. eo I IIt\OIIIIllCllle .... ere 0 tIe Oh, Gud I thllL I!liriek, bow tOl'rible, so IlIymg Ihe ruffil\lI ellugh~ pOII"e, fur I"hlll ie lolL 01 fhlll hll' aL, un Lbe lell' Dear ~ir;- r uiscover thol great eiror(. wuro I)ot.so ple;n~ liS t~ey are ~ow,yo~ 1111 it \Jurat fronl '&btllipH .-.. ._.. _~ "ru~r,-n ll uccllmp! i8l,molll willch the Ivil. lume apirit." pf the 10l'uilY der fOTIIl or Lhb young girl ill his are mlikillg 1/1 Cungre•• to place two or . probAbly know. o"llIlLle ftlatlcr,a nu "hUn!' /JII'II Wl'ICII tbu ncxt roomen ful poel, in hla e'lary muodd, cOllllalllH III A IIiLigh folluwed. 'tlll~ Bully, and Mn Illrllo oliHiuli1 or dollars ,In s WlllJ t lll~r mo~hur !lnd ~vould h:\V e polluLe,d llGr til. hindI 01 ' fore AUIIUI Wllrrub. wa~ pre,'o"t ed from \VIIS st\'tllochud a corpse AN EPISO DE OF REAL LIFE. R IVoman. but which he "'\'o\l1o.l1Ilmlly IUlve wei.1 a& Iter fe.e~. A a touch of Ius, hllod she noL WIt I a su o UII IU ' ~pe.k o( )'Olllil Gilil its elljuy. ~l~t~~:~dl~~~: " of hi8 11."In<7 \1.", tF:t:~: "Wl! ~c"'" appear° ftce , ~:~~~. I : I\'ldhed lr " '0 " I'inu *00 " h reprcsde ball II bnd r d """etri\L h.d "" Ii he • livod ed ," her fnrehl:a d, per IUmllll 4:uor. "".e el'se ~1'01ll 1 m. to be v ... 'c"'" ,-' 'll 'fli (I ' " . TltQTII 8.."'It A NOI I I houee looiling just 118 )ItI, "ILnted ;.r:, .... '. 8 , • AN VICTI ='I, melill .• b k I fi d it-for I.lld !junk deep... ~into bcr SlIllll. ~ "'''1 d 0 I tl Ie . no c,roum.IO llce •• latever . eul" J ~I. d ," prou Lllnu nc , you ell I V"'I P "1 Ite "Il!< R mltn of ,e~y · great.UI8t<~, and "I' lill ,.1 mOL ro.801 If IOU Ulern tl" ,." j'Lol'. holduut noloug er,' said Ehza, words ,,01'0 sCllrcilly out , - - - ~ ,e " In yout!I," _loll ilo u,.nued "0110 hll8 8Uel) Is l1urllbaa~d now, IU,.. of Jler mOllth .A. most mlil.lDeh (Jly circums lance "010 d~llJ:hl t of 1111 hou,. 011,1 honn" rRlhu upper It'n LbOllSlUld in his II tb,e UDI., .nd 1\8 Bhe bent wceping OV4:r het dellCi mo· b"fore 'ulhu.lRs m rur ~l,l,.~. 'lI'hlclt ~ppollr so lhe r.ly EP.,JlCTU "f. tlmll, to ••y a bllll froDi Lhe rifle ill 1!:dieLh's ~~)IIc11 I'ect!Jltl~ oceut'!lIl in ".~'n1r -t' 'boo el"'- 01 lbe Il\8l the ellslCl'\I of wit om l,e Illude an iolul III hift ~e.o loL(' worth los•• I •, w·· LI'er, hnllds had l'lJtllrud his braill,lll ld he rull IlCLion ofthc cily,l\{fu "') v '1",1 lit h.tter li re lIud eVAry or nOL 8LAVEIII '. '11m .warl Ih.'lOm n .... "'"" llls fllloLher . ,ummer of mUll ' · heul. 1783, thn( Our sL~ry COlD Lhcridhi ng the ' purl.ltA scnl ' til "'rlaere is 110 use; a!ld now ,flhe is sensc IellS nL I him II Cui 1'llu8LI'll I t,'on C)\ tllc illr"I",ds of 11"lltl, I I \V." of our DUlllpcl' llie frlenlll ler .eet. tba' Uta. menCtlS. XL bad been It lq\<ely day, and doad, whaL IlIlVe 'we to I trJ IIIII' I evelll , ij ttlllil 1111 cr,lo I will us. frum limo 10 a ll~ne, I the IjHlo f live fOl! T' I lock or t: U"sy I.. uk bnck wi ~ 11 wort,ler ' 011 our furmor quelll 011 h A.~ the rllport or~ho riDe We old Dl/'ln am\lng ~bc flllr" YO!!"!;, <"lid bOIlIlL.fl ... .. 0 I ner)' ou:: tnot to ". q,.wn the Idepartin g: ray. of . tile .un 1I1IUd a ll, hnir, anu' whatover loken$ hu( uuhnppy IMe .1 Couraso , aister, o()nrl~go I' replied . burst !LlVl\y frOID tho hold of tho the eycn upon the Lbt'o$ho . , Inlo thl •. mmtler. l.an II,l"}' , Iber·" ld of life's III rieh h,JII~1!r 011 the IIll~o~q.diog scenery , EdiLh, t.akmg. up ~hll' ~ co()ld ?el Illl\)w him. fcolln".. .. rille use<l by Iier two nunans for they had clldelw()n<d ~~i;t,::nb;:I~:~~!.t1le e"t~Il\' d..ll'Il.r 1lI0U1Ullts of Illvo hope nllcl.rQ~y w"icb ..mn,l. itmore pieturolU1ue (\lid plltentj Ilnd. F\Ishin~ once . "~I1 .I),I • .oftal" illillltttur u;" .' " h .Iruek 1118 thst thl' IQlll,nce wn.liko I II Ie limll-hiQ:h lime , ,-,~,. pos&in the . more &0 tll1lI to ,. bind . himI •to , aI '11 bellutifU .lhllt nOl'tLerQ l . , ilIA ~ver, Adam -, had just window , _'This aha I avellb'C tl' '1'1 herdelU b' Bllu. seemg UI 0 III b d re_din!! a pnTl£np h 010111' ur h~r "u 1i.1 but Ilhlfl, th ("ore ere 'vented Dnd 'Uo"tern .tom ..cr.III ·.llou lda .......... - ~.i. 11m .ome finisbed hill IlUpp~r, when the ntlW8 IIr. tenderl nu's judi· ay C\'ell W... ltCu 1I[l1l11 " Be nlcrry. l)oys, be mllrry! ' IIhaut.- nlshed t{)\VarJs her; blllhcfo re he •• • • v laDlIII.r ... lettorl. , All 'hll .. Id .... a~ re ch· for lho mllrtil\~e liles bctween n youLh, do us friellu to le wlnkeiJ by .putl,em pOI~licl.n. ,Inclaout riyeli ~bllt all io,jro.1.e Crielld uf .hls had cd the pr.ellllnt IUIlJer J,Iltlp lietween MOl lind h. 8 'lUd nlllur.I, but thera WYS thoi.gill Bimp of the party; ''Ye ed &lae stairs 1\ blow (rom bohind made ful ill ev- erll lrcorllery. 'NII mal. of c:otmIIon ... couple ill,b:[\Iit Baltin1ore. A warm An::cr, leu by Holitudll .nd fellen (rom a tree, broke bo&h his iI/we settled the lI~unt of Qne of the'tn, him "'61 Rnd 8Ln$'!?tlr IIClr·acll u."llolI, ery word: She had requesle tl thllt to the floor. ,,~e Il.clty, Ivhoae lells~1 lite .. ot ilellll,d. cen IIffllCLioli hlld 10llU existed bOLweoli the a" well 118 by illlllgine and Wll8 noi. to lIu.. viv~. IlIId the' 'oLbors oan't Btand it much d wrollga. If he uUlhor uf • recollt 1I0vii ,hu'd be p eee}". have 'They ban killed hilll", exclaim ed two par~ies-e\'cn three any. dOllbt .1I0uI Ute DIIIIO" lDeI the was a aiat-oce' 'of ' over ten mile1s; yoars lon~r.' n.go hnd lived .... 1111 ... All. " had been old enou!lh Blisa, ..he saw bet faLher fall. 10 ed to her, Dfid Ihe ' cncourn ";nll mnnller ill \" baa ~ • arrango ments hnd 'pllrtly bCen mndo fur II11UCf8tnuiJ tl,o enot .ole DE8lG " of 80uthetn ro>litltl'M. If J tholial. Adalll beed hard aL ",ork I" Halt,'on '-I of hor Uti• ' he I'oport or Il r,iOe \V1\II bot\fd f\'Om Lt b . ltInrllllg .. . ".I b"u \ Ll ' t;r: .. ~ 8..,., ate now.my were in CVl1l1res8, 1 would aee tile polIti, ~" ~re y oau t y," "ulell' '" Ie llilll C I was b ro o fnrtundte parentl, lbewoul dRy 10 tbe ·field, be .rellOh·c:u to ~ot In cal' .. It-ineull ennnble Inlo di..oluiIoD. be· Lhe window lind another Hesaian b'11 lat'd one 0.• LI Ie ru filMS AS I e ll doublle.~,~IYII which ehe ' expre8sed h r plell$ure gl t It If I ~'1 oun" lady'll ~ p r ts • I , 1.1 b i d b I OIlU I en 0 llrou I. Je y , imnledl awly, ACi.er eeeing lhl'~ every thtl dliilt. I:{lIrk I thero b , llOok eVidently well' 'lome '0 his .f eeling,; 10tll 0 II en beeu the .",e10r peace thai milLhl . huv~ u 0 overrolc ,e goeB ati'Otber. It f , o t tbe etll l~osom , \ °I her dress ana trP-lIoherwou tl';'lg BU ...fa and secure 10 Lbe houllti, lind another , and enother wbosfl ouly a ~ection, I ]r~I'fel:l:r, /oltl!c preacrvelilhelll 'ro .. tho y, J lIoe l1li111. IiIlJc"p,I,II'lOUI reaolu! el'cir ODe it opeD, • ,. t.s I.c!O lite' now .......you h I\ve PlJptjal8, •• "yelrd of win. and ho mu.t havo been illtillilely gratlfiell &10111 ... ,. 'Was odoplo,l lbe for AdAm Warrell 'was prelty well youll 'by \V.UIOO u' "ge .hlnrlun 0 ~ It,r , d and . ellrriel de 11th with it, .• d to hoar li.r Ivilh rend)' memory, dwellluJr SlIl1"Ia or hie mlnlou l.l ' , 8110rt'1IY RII~'n ono enougI1 •InjUry, an db y' my ~oo.. ler" which bOlh b.~ to "ndur.. aug)Ite,·. 8t. CJ.I .. ,Ul.. 0o ia t~ world,) be "lUi ~ll\ck B \lSI .... rwa rei B 'b • 0 -.. e wl' ll . m IIk"~ ~'Oll rny <"r I" ,,--t" A boutEa' upon cerlaln chl'ltcl0r~, .. ,d puillllllll' out hiu, l..tely lOt up ao. dOllbt, one . o f ., hie Bes. nnme, tl An Ar :> "~I'rted r J "'e Far ." ~!Ilecl fOl' ~be ride. He bad freque nt·· , No •• one young w1io on lOme gen prom· elll" IcquDinl l W od . wilh • I. the ~. I" , 'd I ~ I" I Hllsn't I he .r08Y lips, Bill I'll ~!lke her, Well&, and S()OD · I\ ler r pDrla which aho Ihoughl lIIuSI amu. I10 .rolll \er 0 ( 1"0tbe', .~ . _ .• L ~" lfI8 1I0n8, !juftr hUI l 1111 tUI'I",1 \I p"",,,ng he ...., o.laughter tllU' y .or.. lot c d and the wire or the Irl'al poet, . 1y ~one 1\"1IY IIlId lell I\ls ClUIlily 11101\0 booty-s even k;fll.!Q 11011 ' I LI 0 o~ber U!l st.ail'8· dO llec willi the ob' t ~llo.o 10rrOlVI ."d' wll~-' r."ltl • world ia that 1'0llHcd uhltltl. 1"_ 00 . ' f/W. nOLhing tgained lin you IIlVe J 0; nl,Lo"J!" . IP.llb,O " ';rll'ru .d lm· • emg. be "-,'" I\COrrCBpnn Caroe', ·boy., lot's Gno 'I r _ .. Clln't but you Can ~ec .. oCI;!l¥ion I" lIeltl1 -~ u WI ,.~' _ ~ U .... lato u.. \til) 81' . hl\ye to figbt alDazlIlg hard The unft/Tecled ao04 !lUlure wHich ha,1 mllr ~ '" his affeclion ~~ s, . . v \Vhicll DrlnS ulili. Tyler jllt'Y.lois (ri g'rou. timce ~o ~n 80; ' yet, \t aCte b rwards tleplorl'. '1'''- u,.... , t.ut mUlt reel certain that Ihll II r... al (hey g!" Ii~LJ& rClt, 'l'he olb~r JlArLy will . b . II ',.b u·:' ~ cr. III IS 1\ per.ec ...,v,'1 ·In k'ept "p f .. I W.all 1,,·lucoli nt:'~ hl\a ~n. n,~'~I~~U!d ; 'bey \lCtlU' be A.Jong in tile monlin'~ "'on .. her et'l'con to appear lem \flo It Ihl, 9cry pnr.y, 1011. 0 IlPUIIOlIgot uf a .. rlDg rolt· no b.. eleu 91110n; ror Lhelr exl.led in , and thun we In.., .· the Y. , ' The IYI~ ahu poppell over ularity. •A fe w Olonthl Ago, tq .. hlLlUlIIlO lIoIllI.. IC. . would IUlLlla ,fA I II ' o t · 1one J lit. d the helrt of Adll ., '0 de.p I bl touQt.ln of pod- "Wollhout I brtdal garmell t. \VAI commod ore Will "Olln ~ l on fill all great joy of ~IJC lovera, Lhe e pn,..~~.! WI mg. Polk.1I lellglb. -lI.ut. ,,·hen h COIII_ to , AU ~ pllrente of have theT without any trou II. h' lb' b shnrk., 1 tell ye; "ood Ihough. nnd Ihe lady eonsent ward. commen ted on In another ... llur>lcJd _~ I,ell ' 0008 tir y to go n.e; and fhe ed ,nurohb8 to her Iltll\rriage with lieu. lhat BUC a Dalll on, e of iUexlr.lln lorrltol1 to"". 'Agreed ' elllmed .the otllel' tlfl); and "lYorl,h tho j,'C'ting het: (IIr.off 8uitor who tlnen urged for licable, woulll not bu. Id It een prac- her eomuwhat bil4r... colluR.O altribute&! ill'" rIlle .(Jolon, il canftOl be "'4100 .... him oft',, ' ~~8 tr,o look ~I!P' tbelr qusrliin for 'he He had hardly ." l beeD unful/llle d to Il desife to .uract altellliLlIII_~OP' Ihilt Ipoken ~hc words Il i~ 110\ the object or dftfp . . . . be. an early period 10 be mifAed fdt ~ho by her, h would "M(Jill. Mit Lhl!, ~~ tt,e houae well D1ght ull the plIlIUb. out or pluce at .uoh Ihe old Olall JIM .1'eco\'er ed (rnm coremon y . All the a.rran.ge only trul), (ree 1'0f8rlHllent In III. wod. tu (",lee... ,' :A.aaui ~ wifQ, if' he Eliu ,And Edith ~l'erhelU'd dt~ir con· {oreelreet meuu wbre • momenl to exprep Ilinher cOIl.ictlun ul·r i~ mierepr Hcntallo n, and.O tit are Uland Lho dOln.in or 11.,,1'7, .uGh • of the bloll', Will on hiil (ect, finally ntJ\de, nnd lhe bAppy mOllaticll'us .b~no. ._} hue Ille -ri1l,~s venatio n fr!l"~ window • day Ihe mUlier In which .ueh miniatry wouM people w ,ive Cledil ia . ad finding and hAd Ilia band grllBped liu11Lly around 'fixed upon ,I,I right pl~ce.- h.,a lu be llie a~erlt lullo.. 01 .at' ~Io 10 COOle off on Tbunda ,. h~,o been "eloome d by her who wa. well to.wtecl anlbe garre~ and you Will that they wl\Te 1\0& to be di8lllrbe lbe I lrln,e,.., d for ~be rulDan'/ lneck. 1110110, Ilo~e"cr. could at- peopht, deDlocr...... well .. whip. the dny previou s to whioh ~he ,tctom of '. liud platy: , 01 ~er IIlId 81~,;»t thc, ~lgh~ closed lhe window , IDlIIjf.IQC tribute to Jht! .miuble I?~ lingiefictD1rtcu "Let go your hold, old mall, or I'll fa h"~~l::;f=... had decided IrOll . . . . 1f 011 ~ arri'e Gollid WMt n. 1 in "Tile (oQd rlge thclr feehnga-allel' tl,e heat od ezclle- sl.rike you hllrd, I tell "DllglI~r of Byron "" m(ltlv~ but lo!e you." (8illled l , T. W ••UTLB Y. , Tbe lut letter WlllCll thllo,. be back bJ lell to·lIlOr tO,,-Go oll ~ye.I' ment of, the preol'cd in, 1I00n over, Which bllghlnd Ihelr lire'. hloolll ." which .rOlle (rom cki.ire to letlery oth· -!!Ilate 1'hll.I' on AI bo 8poke the oLber ruffi l\n rai ' d Ilr vod from bis illlelllle d,brelUh ing ~"d. ,. he Ii\Jd thil., be dashed bll beholdi ng the corpso 0 her who ! .. aU the bu&t of 11 I. t~ I.le!~tbe "aye ba. clo.ttl onr en alld atruttl ',rllifYOlltiun to.1I _ruun.) his rifle in ~ho air. alld (ond ho.,es and IIffection"Le "piralio ns, Ihe errioll. lhor Ind werm.he .. .pl1ni~ the hone'", _idea and Lhoy held dear on .rlll! daugh. her. O~ gAlin, on next momenL tllll blood spirled from ' IOoD ~t 0( i;;h~:I \Y1II.rec ~:I~~ ~ane into ~~::;:. ei"ed 'be two road, days -:: bcC"re Ilnr' ~~ h cold .. departel&lllmy lUI '..,-'... i tremor broad wound in tbe Old m"n '. fi rehend, Ul II 10 fulfil tho ruWoue lr I \0 81,1 I.·wod mu"l, in ""lhlrul nt, occupied maLL. 00 ."coum 0' the -.L wi. q&l ~,bteQJ .atched Drm wiahea for ler, Ind lba clood dee'lnert to O'C1'8 II dCiW ., ., I'IU1 U,reugh ~lte or Eli.", "nd abe and he Iell bAck.a ni &0 . . , . r cbo . L RlIOr. ..... --.I .... ellgagem ent, and throllgh.~u~ hia jOllJ'- tbe life 01 ODe Q . . . . IDClt lojll ....... I ble in I,er ~.*orlle -tndle.·, Ind ber frieudl ,od 11..e ~ ~ b..... ~t of I ..... rorc bltll .t t1w,llblt - ........ Bank back io the m• ' . her lips colorleSs ".AQcly ou lAke &hAl,~' ....d he ~Lrlking ney, • II the '"" . whicb luted somct/J iag OYer a and p.lleRII , ..l'I!rtna or ber 'h• • • ot &hI borst'. hoof. • alld ber oheeks . . . aaDO' 'c:q","t anc.. IvhU'e.1I c:IIOHA and p Ie u Blisa" blow .illl hi. Ii~, "anti ICC week, lIe indol~d, dOQbtle.., ID tbe dilpene , 'lte ,looaaClUllol b. e.....d 11"'111 '.al, marbl., 'Edjlh hloat IccompUlhed .nd IIb.,111II1 a momeo ' if you caa·t keep loar jaw &ight for ,of a.-tau WiD haM 10 be pre~t1 epeeobl Uli bill W ea. ror thou,h ,lie . . . . hu Ipenl I~,..", TOil! or lb_ benelf, Ibe a.bil .'~ Ih. . . daar lind Vllu.bl I cute to 1se 0Gl: 1l4.... " . lbil &ilM. rMl ap to Hr, ,!luk, aolooa .letarh d clll olltr . . aDd II lIIet.nohul, ",i<l llilow kneet. IUId Tbe fair 1~ gitl reeled and lell len, lor \flAlm u.naleD t.... Jln. Warn. . . aha or ....,r.cloa. ,. tba IOCllly which her rrte....lp IDeI 1Ipo1l her Ia&IiU wkJaoU aueria , a For ao., ......, ..... 'M .""",,,,,,~p""r" Jbe1 cbe.ldelll1l111 ,19i8td .od adora'" ~ eel AI e1te 1M, Uered .. diep )
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